UC-NRLF $B Mb '^Bb ICrown Copyright Reserved.} '''TUALS OF EMERGENCY LT^GISLATION, SUPPLFMLNT DATED December 31st, 1918 TO THE FOOB SOPPLY mUL PFRl.ISHED BY AUi.;jKITY H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE. LONDON : PUBLISHEi. li HIS MUESTY'S STATIONERY OFFIOB. December, 1918. Frice 3s. Net. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.o^g/details/emergenmanualsofOOgrearich ICrown Copyright Beserved.] MANUALS OF EMERGENCY LEGISLATION. SUPPLEMENT DATED December 31st, 1918, TO THE FOOD SUPPLY lUUAL av- n PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJE3TYS STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses: Imperial House, Kinqsway, London, W.0.2, and 26, Abingdon Street, London, S.VV.i; 37, Peter street, Manchester ; 1, ST. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff ; 23, Forth street, Edinburgh ; or from E. PONSONBY, LTD., 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN December, 1918. Price 38. Net. DOCUMENTS dept. CONTENTS. PAGE. 1. Introductory Note iii 2. Chronological Table of the Food Controller's Orders ... ... v-xi 3. Statement shewing the variations in the Orders published in the Food Supply Manual, dated July 31st, 1918 xii-xviii 4. Classified List of the Food Controller's Orders xix-xxv 5. Text of the Food Controller's Orders 1-308 6. Text of Ordeis made by the Local Government Board ... ... 309-314 7. Text of Orders made by the Secretary for Scotland 314-318 8. Appendix. {List of Orders which have been v)holly revoked during the period January \st, 1919, till the date of going to press) ... 319 HI INTRODUOTORY NOTE. This Supplement to the July, 1918, Edition of the Food Supply Manual contains all the Orders of the Food Controller and those of the Local Government Board and of the Secretary for Scotland ancillary thereto which have been made during the period August 1st to December 31st, and which are now (December 31st, 1918), or are about to be, in force. The Orders of the Food Controller appear at pages 1 to 308 and are printed in the sequence in which they were issued as Statutory Rules and Orders, which sequence has also been followed in the case of the Orders of the Local Government Board and of the Secretary for Scotland appearing at pages 309 to 318. In each case the full text of the Orders in force is printed, with the exception that where an amending Order provides for the incorporation of the amend- ments in any reprint of the principal Order, the principal Order is here reproduced as so amended and the amending Order is omitted. The Supplement further contains a Chronological Table of the Food Controller's Orders (pages v to xi) issued during the period covered by this volume, arranged on the same plan as that adopted for the Food Supply Manual. This Table shows which of the Orders have been revoked or amended, and by what Orders. The title of each Order which has been wholly revoked is, printed in italics. The number which follows the title of each Order is that under which it has been numbered as a Statutory Rule and Order. At pages xii to xviii there appears a statement showing how the Orders printed in the Food Supply Manual have been amended or revoked by the Orders in this Supplement, and a reference to this statement will readily furnish any information which may be required regarding the variations which have been made to December 31st in the Orders included in the Manual. A Classified List of the Orders is also included at pages xix to XXV. The Orders are classified in groups on the same plan as that adopted in the similar list which appeared in the Food Supply Manual. The Powers of the Food Controller have not been reproduced herein. Such powers remain as stated in the Food Supply Manual save that it is provided by Order in Council dated IN'ovember 25th, 1918, that no further authorities or requirements shall be given or issued under Regulations 8c and 8cc, which Regulations gave power (1) to authorise the use of registered designs and (2) to require particulars of inventions or processes. This volume is printed " Under the Authority of H.M. Stationery Office," and accordingly the Orders printed therein may be produced as evidence of the making of the Orders. H.M. Stationery Office, Westminster, S.W.I. December 31st, 1918. (6540—15.) Wt. 33059— 572. 4000. 2/19. D & S. G. 10. «2 A -4 rV O ^ W Chronological Table of Food Controller's Orders, August to December, 1918. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF THE ORDERS MADE BY THE FOOD CONTROLLER DURING THE PERIOD AUGUST 1st TO DECEMBER 31st, 1918. Short Title. Page. Notice under Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 977.) Potatoes Order, 1918. (1918, No. 979} ... General Licence under Sale of SweetmBats (Restriction) Order, 1918, and Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) (Ire- land) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1003.) Direction under Rationing Order, 1918, regarding sale of poultry. (1918, No. 1006.) Spirits (Prices and Description) No. 2 Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1005.) Order amending Bacon, Ham and Lard (Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1007.) (Supers, by Amending Order of Oct. 31, 1918, printed p. 170.) Milk Products (Returns) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1008.) Small Apple (Temporary Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1021.) (Rev. by Apples and Perry Pears (Sales) Order, 1918, which was itself rev. by Ajjples (Prices) Order, 1918, printed p. 252.) Cereals (Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1029) Wild Rabbits (Prices;; Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1028) ... Shredded Suet (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1030.) Voluntary Kitchens (Licensing) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1052.) (Printed as am. by amtuding Order of Nov. 5. 1918.) Calves (Sales) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1036) Margarine Cheese (Returns) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1037) Order amending Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918, and the Home Melt Tallows and Greases (Requisition) Order, 1918. (1918, No 1038.) Getieral Licence under Potatoes (Registration of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1039.) (Expired Nov. 1, 1918.) Maize Products (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1040.) Directions for Catering Establishments and Institutions, under Rationing Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1041.) (Rev. by Directions, dated Oct. 18, 1918, printed p. 158.) Directions for Retailers and their Customers under Rationing Order, 1918, (1918, No. 1042.) Notice under Meat (Retail Prices) Order (No. 2), 1918, and Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918, relating to price of veal. (1918, No. 1043.) Potatoes (1918 Crop) (Restriction) Order. 1918. (1918, No. 1044.) (Rev, by Order, dated Oct. 31, 1918. 1918, No. 1590.) Blackberries Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1053) Damson (Sales) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1054) Order amending Jam (Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1070.) (Printed as am. by further amendirig Order of SejH. 13, 1918.) 10 3 11 15 12 17 28 19 22 23 24 24 25 27 29 31 31 Yl Chronohgical Table of Food Controller's Orders^ August to December, 1918. Date. Short Title. 1918. Aug. 28 Aug. 30 Aug. 31 v )> Sept. 2 Sept. 4 n Sept. 6 Sept. 10 jj Sept: 13 Sept. 16 Sept. 17 Sept. 18 Sept. 20 Sept. 21 Sept. 23 Rats Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1071) Beans, Peas and Pulse (Requisition) (Amendment) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1083.) Order amending Poultry and Game (Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1084.) {Printed as am. hy further amending Order of Oct. 29, 1918.) Vegetable Marrow Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1082) Grocery Syrup (Distribution to Manufacturers) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1089.) Grain (Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1090.) (Am. hy Grain (Prices) Amendment Order^ 1918, printed p. 226.) Canned Meats (Requisition) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1094.) Canned Salmon (Requisition) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1093.) Food for Mothers and Children (Scotland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1095.) Small and Additional Acreage Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1099.) Order ameiiding the Baco7i, Ham and Lard (Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1104.) (Supers, by amending Order of Oct. 31, 1918, printed p. 170.) Tallow and Dripping (Restriction of Export and Import) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1118.) Tea (Licensing of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1119.) Eggs (Licensing of Wholesale Dealers and Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1140.) Order amending Jam (Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1146.) (Incojpo '•ated with amending Order of Aug. 26, 1918, as printed p. 31.) Notice under Butter Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1164.) (Supers. hy amending Order, dated Oct. 18, printed p. 167.) Oats (Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1147.) (Printed as am. hy amending Order of Nov. 28, 1918.) Milk (Winter Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1165.) (Printed as am. hy ametiding Order of Sept. 30, 1918.) (Suh-clauses (i) and (ii) of Clause 14 (a) rev. by Milk (Local Distrihution) Order, 1918, prin'ed p. 292.) Jam Manufacturers (Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1166.) Order amending Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1187.) (Rev. hy Order of Dec. 20, 1918, printed p. 299 ) Notice under Meat Retail Prices (England and Wales) Order (No. 2), 1918, and Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918, amending schedules of prices. (1918, No. 1188.) (Amended as regards price of pork hy Notice of Dec. 20, 1918, printed p. 300.) Order amending Edible Offals (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, substituting new schedules of prices. (1918, No. 1189.) (Am. hy Order of Dec. 20, 1918, printed p. 297.) Public Meals (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1211) ... Bone Products (Requisition) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1195.) Bones (Licensing of Purchasers) Order,, 1918. (1918, No. 1198.) (Printed as am. by amending Order of Nov. 19, 1918.) Chronological Table of Food Controller^ s Orders, August to December, 1918. Date. Short Title. Page. 1918. Sept. 23 Bones (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1199). Apples and Perry Pears (Sales) Order, 1918. {1918, No. 1200.) (Met), hy Apples {Prices) Order, 1918, prhited \ p. 252.) Sept. 24 Directions as to Equivalent Weights of Meat under Rationing Order, 1918. {1918, No. 1201.) {Rev. hy Directions, dated December 31, 1918, printed p. 243 ) Horseflesh (Sales) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1202) Sept. 25 Fish (Prices) No. 3 Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1203.) {Printed as am. hy amending Order of Oct. 19, 1918.) Imported Onions Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1210.) {Printed as am. by amending Order of Dec. 20, T918.) Sept. 2o i General Licence under Apples and Perry Pears {Sales) ! Order, 1918. {1918, No. 1212.) {Spent. Related t) sales on or hefore Oct. 3, 1918.) Jam and Syrup (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1213.) Directions relating to Dealiags in and Stocks of Rationed Food under Rationing Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1214.) Sept. 27 Margarine (Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1217.) {Am. hy Notice of Nov. 7, 1918, printed p. 193.) Potatoes (Export from Ireland) Order (No. 2), 1918. (1918, No. 1218.) (Jeneral Licence under Potatoes Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1222.) Pigs {Sales) Order, 1918. {1918, No. 1223.) {Rev. hy Order, dated Dec. 19, 1918. 1918, No. 1692.) Sept. 28 British made Butter (Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1228.) Sept. 30 Order amending Milk (Winter Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1232.) {Incorporated with the principal Order as printed iJ. 62.) Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) (Ireland) i Order, 1918.) (1918, No. 1235.) Oct. 1 I British Onions Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1236) Oi;t. 2 I Directions relating to Catering Establishments under Rationing Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1241.) Oct. 5 Order amending Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, and Joint Food Control Committees (Con- stitution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1244.) Wholesale Milk Dealers (Control) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1215.) „ Milk (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918. No. 1246) Oct. 7 Barley (Registration of Wholesale Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1248.) Oct. 9 Notice under Greek Curranfs {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, suhstituting fiew schedule of prices. {1918, No. 1291.) {Superseded hy Notice of Dec. 19, 1918, jJrinted p. 305.) Oct. 10 Swansea Food Control Committee (Added Areas) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1293.) Cocoa Powder (No. 2) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1302) ... Onions Order, 1918. General Licence under Imported (1918, No. 1303.) General Licence under British Onions Order, 1918 No. 1304.) (1918, 8J 82 86 95 106 109 110 113 113 114 116 119 125 126 130 131 132 134 135 140 141 Chronological Table of Food Controller s Orders^ August to December, 1918. Date. Short Title. I9ie. Oct. 11 Oct. 14 Oct. 16 » Oct. 16 Oct. 17 )) Oct. 18 J) Oct. 19 Oct. 21 Oct. 24 Oct. 28 Oct. 29 Oct. 31 » Nov. 1 M » Nov. 4 General Licence under British made Butter (Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1305.) Milk (Registration of Dealers) Amendment Order, 1918, (1918, No. 1306.) Vegetarian Butter and Vegetarian Lard (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1307.) Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1308.) Order amending Dredge Corn Order, 1917. (1918, No. 1309.) Notice under Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918, relating to grant of Licences. (1918, No. 1310.) Notice amendiug the Importers (Returns) Order, 1918, bv additions to the Schedule. (1918, No. 1317.) Order amending the Rationing Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1318.) Order amending Oats (Scotland and Ireland Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1320.) Sale of Sweetmeats in Theatres (Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1321.) Horses (Rationing) No. 2 Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1331.) Directions for Catering Establishments and Institutions under Rationing Order, 1918. (1918,No. 1332.) {Printed as am. by Order, dated Dec. 6, 1918.) Butter (Ireland) No. 2 Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1333) ... Order amending Butter Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1334) ... Order amending Fish (Prices) No. 3 Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1335.) {Incorporated v:ith Principal Order, as printed p. 86.) Directions under British made Butter (Restriction) Order, 1918, Butter (Distribution) Order, 1917, and Rationing Order, 1918. (191H, No. 1342.) General Licence under Imported Onions Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1355.) General Licence under Rationing Order, 1918. (19"18, No. 1365.) Cocoa B^an Shell (Requisition) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1400.) Order amending Poultry and Game (Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1402.) {Incorporated with amending Order of Aug. 30, 1918, as printed p. 42.) Licence under Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 1403.) Order amending the Bacon, Ham and Lard ( Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1405.) {Printed as am. by further Amending Order of Dec. 12, 1918.) Order revoking Potatoes {1918 Crop) {Restriction) Order, 1918. {1918, No. 1590.) {Spent.) Damaged Foodstuffs Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1411) Barley (Rtstriction) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (918, No. 1412.) Order amending Inve Stock (Sales) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1413.) Irish Returns Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1414) Chronological Table of Food Controller's Orders, August to December^ 1918. IX Short Title. Page. Notice under Meat Retail Prices (England and Wales) Order (No. 2), 1918, and Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1422.) Cheese (Export" from Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1423.) Milk (Prohibition of Export) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1424.) Order amending Voluntary Kitchens (Licensing) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1425.) {Incorporated with Principal Order as printed p. 28.) Potatoes {Consolidation) Order, 1918. {1918, No. 1428.) {Rev. hy Potatoes {Co7isolidation) Order, No. 2, 1918, printed p. 270.) Potatoes (Scottish Central Allocation Authority) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1437.) Potato Committees Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1438) Notice wider Pig {Sales) Order, 1918. {1918, No. 1441.) {Spent, the Pig {Sales) Order having been revoked.) General Licence under Pig {Sales) Order, 1918. {1918, No. 1442.) {Spent, the Pig {Sales) Order having been revoked.) Eggs (Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1429.) {Printed as am. by Amending Order of Nov. 18, 1918.) Notice under Margarine (Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1430.) Directions to Wholesalers under Margarine (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1431.) Notice under Margarine (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1432.) Jam (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1433) Jam (Export from Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918. No. 1434.) (1918, No. 1459) ... Order, 1918. (1918, Citrous Fruit (Prices) Order, 1918. Notice under Fish (Distribution) No. 1476.) Potatoes (Scotland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1460> General Licence under Sugar (Confectionery) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 1467.) Licence under Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1468.) Grain (Prices) Amendment Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1484.) Order amending Eggs (Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1486.) {Incorporated with the Principal Order as printed p. 189.) RevocatioH of Authorisation dated May 17, 1918, under Food Hoarding Order, 1917. (1918, No. 1493.) Syrup, Liquid Glucose and Molasses Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1494.) {Printed as am. by amendnui Ordc" of Dec. 16, 1918) Live Stock (Restriction on Shipment to Channel Islands) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1495.) Order amendicg Bones (Licensing of Purchasers) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1503.) {Incorpora'.ed with the Principal Order as printed p. 79.) Genercd Licence under Potatoes {Consolidation) der,1918. {1918, No. 1499.) {Superseded by Potatoes {Consolidation) Order {No. 2), 1918, printed p. 270.^ 188 188 189 197 200 189 193 194 195 195 196 205 225 212 224 225 226 226 227 230 Chronological Table of Food Controller's Orders^ August to December, 1918. Date. Short Title. 1918. Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 24 Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Nov. 28 Nov. 30 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 6 Dec. 7 Dec. 9 Dec. 12 Canned Condensed Milk (Maximum Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1500.) {Date of operation postponed by Order, dated Dec. 7, 1918, printed p. 262.) General Licence under Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918. No. 1501.) Notice under Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1502.) Raw Coffee (Returns) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1504) ... Butter (Cold Storage) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1505.) General Licence under Dredge Corn Order, 1917. (1918, No. 1592.) General Licence under Rationing Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1537.) General Licence under Bread Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1548.) Directions as to Imported Flour under the Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2), 1917. (1918, No..l541.) Order amending Oats (Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1546.) (Incorporated with principal Order as printed p. 58.) Milk (Restriction in Establishments) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1574.) Directions under Edible Oils and Fata and Oil and Fat Compounds (Distribution) Order, 1918, and Margarine (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1577.) Notice under Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1578.) Horseflesh (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1584.) Apples (Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1591) Canned Fish (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1603.) Seed Potatoes Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1604) Order amending Directions, dated Oct. 18, 1918, for Catering Establishments and Institutions under Rationing Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1610.) {Incorporated with the Directions as printed p. 158.) Order revoking Cake and Pastry Order, 1917, and Clause 2 of Sugar (Confectionery) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 1611.) Order postponing date of operation of Canned Condensed Milk (Maximum Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1617.) Directions for Catering Establishments under Rationing Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1616.) Order amending Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 1635.) Order amending Bacon, Ham and Lard (Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1636.) {Incorporated with ameiiding Order of Oct. SI, 1918, as prijited p. 170.) Order amending Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, Amendment Order, 1 918. (1918, No. 1637.) Meat (Dealer's Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1638.) General Licence under Horses (Rationing) No. 2 Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1639.) Chronological Table of Food Controller's Orders^ August to December, 1918, Date. Short Title. Page. 1918. Dec. 12 Dec. 13 Dec. 16 Dec. 18 ?) Dec. 19 Dec. 20 Dec. 21 Dec. 30 Dec. 31 General Licence under Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Requisition) Order, 1918, and Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1640.) Potatoes (Consolidation) Order (No. 2), 1918. (1918, No. 1645.) Canned Meats (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1643.) Cream Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1659) Directions under Rationing Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1660.) Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1661.) Order anaending Syrup, Liquid Glucose and Molasses (Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1662.) {Incorporated with the principal Order as printed p. 221. ) General Licence under Rationing Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1666.) Revocation of various Orders. (1918, No. 1667) ... General Licence under Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1671.) Milk (Local Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1672.) Revocation of Pig (Sales) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1692) ... Notice amending Greek Currants (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1707.) Directions to Manufacturers and Importers of and Whole- sale Dealers in Canned Condensed Milk under Condensed Milk (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1691.) Order amending Edible Offals (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1693.) Order amending Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 1694.) Notice under Meat Retail Prices (England and Wales) Order (No. 2), 1918, and Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918, amending maximum prices of Pork (1918, No. 1702.) Pigs (Prices) Order (No. 2), 1918; (1918, No. 1704) ... Order amending Imported Onions Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1705.) (Incorporated with the principal Order as printed 2^. 95.) General Licence under Citrous Fruit (Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1706.) Notice as to Egyptian Dates under Dried Fruits (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1708.) General Licence under Potato (Consolidation) Order, No. 2, 1918. (1918, No. 1703.) Revocation of Malt (Restriction on Shipping) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 1755.) Directions relating to the amount of Rationed Food, under Rationing Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1579.) Directions for General Butchers and their Customers, under Rationing Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1580.) Directions for Retailers of Sugar, and Butter and Margarine, and their Customers, under Rationing Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1583.) Authorization under Sugar Order, 1917, and Rationing Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1762.) Authorization under Sugar Order, 1917. (1918, No. 1763.) Directions for Retailers of Bacon and Ham, and Lard, and their Customers, under Rationing Order, 1918. (1918, No. 1795.) 268 270 269 286 288 288 289 290 291 292 305 295 297 299 300 303 305 306 302 306 243 245 248 307 307 308 STATEMENT SHOWING HOW THE OKDERS, ETC., MADE BY THE FOOD CONTROLLER, PUB- LISHED IN THE "FOOD SUPPLY MANUAL, REVISED TO JULY 31st, 1918," HAVE BEEN AMENDED OR REVOKED BY THE ORDERS MADE BY HIM DURING THE PERIOD 1st AUGUST TO 31st DECEMBER, 1918. In this Statement the classification of the Orders into g^roups follows the same plan as that adopted in the Food Supply Manual (see pages 40-49 of that Volume), the references M. and S. indicating the pages at which the relative Orders appear in the Manual and this Supplement respectively. Such Orders as have been wholly revoked are printed in italics. Short Title of Order. How affected and by what Order. 1. BACON, HAM AND LARD. Bacon, Ham and Lard (Prices) Order. 1918. (M. 69.) Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. (M. 51.) Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, Amendment Order, 1918. (M. 67.) 2. BEANS, PEAS AND PULSE. Beans, Peas and Pulse (Requisition) Order, 1917. (M. 81.) 3. BREAD, FLOUR AND CEREALS. Barley (Restriction) Order, 1917. (M. 108.) Bread Order, 1918. (M. 168) CaJce and Pastry Order, 1917. (M. 94.) Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (M. 143.) Cattle Feeding Stuffs {Priority Supply) Order, 1918. (M. 128.) Dredge Corn Order, 1917. (M. 119.) Second and Third Schedules amended by Order, Oct. 31, 1918. (S. 170.) Maximum prices varied by Notice, Aug. 1, 1918. (S. 1.) First Schedule amended by Order, Dec. 12, 1918. (S. 264.) Amended by Beans, Peas and Pulse (Requisition) (Amendment) Order, 1918. (S. 41.) Further provisions made in Cereals (Re- striction) Order, 1918 (S. 15), and Barley (Restriction) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (S. 180.) Temporary permission for sale of new bread granted in General Licence, Nov. 26, 1918. (S. 238.) Revoked by Order, dated Dec. 7, 1918. (S. 261.) Clause 8 in its application to Ireland previously revoked by Public Meals (Ireland) Order, 1918. (S. 100.) Maximum price of Flour Millers' Offals, amended by Notice, Nov. 30, 1918. (S. 243.) Revoked by Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Dis- tribution) Order, 1918. (S. 146.) Amended by Order, Oct. 14, 1918. (S. 149.) Further provisions made in Cereals (Restriction) Order, 1918 (S. 15), and in General Licence, Nov. 24, 1918. (S. 256.) Short Title of Order. How affected and by what Order. 3. BREAD, FLOUR AND CEREALS— coAi'. Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1918. (M. 109.) Ditto. Licence dated July 17, 1918, under. (M. 172.) Horses {Rationing) Order, 1918. (M. 164.) Maize, Barley and Oats (Restriction) Order, 1917. (M. 99.) Manufacture of Flour and Bread Orders (Nos. 2 and 3), 191 7. (M. 89 and 92.) Directions under No. 2 Order as to Imported Flour. (M. 120.) Oats and Maize Products {Retail Prices) Order, 1917. (M. 100.) Oats and Maize Products {Retail Prices) Order {No. 2), 1917. M. 103.) Oats (Scotland and Ireland Restric- tion) Order, 1918. (M. 133.) Wheat, Rye and Rice (Restriction) Order, 1917. (M. 97.) 4. BREWING, MALTING AND INTOXICATING LIQUORS. Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Orders, 1917 and 1918. (M. 174, 182, 191.) Malt {Restriction on Shipping) Order, 1917. (M. 173.) Spirits. {Prices and Description) Order, 1918. (M. 193.) 4aa. CANTEENS AND HOSTELS. Canteens and Order, 1918. Hostels {Licensing) CM. 202.) 6. DRIED FRUITS. Dried Fruits (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. (M. 210.) Greek Currants (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (M. 2^9.) 7. FISH. Fish (Distribution) (M. 246.) Fish {Prices) Order, (M. 230.) Order, 1918. No. 2, 1918 Amended by Order, Dec. 12, 1918. (S. 263.) Revoked and new licence substituted, Oct. 29, 1918. (S. 170.) Revoked by Horses (Rationing) No. 2 Order, 1918. (8. 154.) Revoked, except in so far as the manu- facture of glucose is prohibited, by Order, Dec. 18, 1918. (S. 290.) Revoked by Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order, 1918. (S. 288.) Restrictions withdrawn by Directions, Nov. 28, 1918. (S. 238.) 1 [Revoked by Maize Products (Retail ^ Prices) Order, 1918. (S. 24.) J Amended by Order, Oct. 16, 1918. (S. 152.) Further provisions made in Cereals (Re- striction) Order, 1918. (S. 15.) Re- voked to the extent to which it applies to rye and tailings, etc., of rye, by Order, Dec. 18, 1918. (S. 290.) Further provisions with regard to Ireland made in Intoxicatiog Liquor (Output and Delivery) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (S. 116.) ' Revoked by Order, Dec. 30, 1918. (S. 306.) Revoked by Spirits (Prices and Descrip- tion) No. 2 Order, 1918. (S. 3.) Revoked by Voluntary Kitchens (Licens- ing) Order, 1918. (S 28.) The provisions of this Order were applied to Egyptian Dates by Notice, Dec. 20, 1918. (S. 306.) Schedule of prices amended by Notice, Oct. 9, 1918. (S. 133.) Further amended by Notice, Dec. 19, 1918. (S. 305.) Lowestoft added to list of prescribed ports by Notice, Nov. 8, 1918. (S. 225.) Revoked by Fish (Prices) No. 3 Order, 1918. (S. 86.) xiy Short Title of Order. How affected and by what Order. 8. HOARDING OF FOOD. Authorization relating to Farmer's Butter for home preservatio7i. (M. 254.) 8a. IMPORTERS' RETURNS. Importers (Returns) Order, 1918. (M. 255.) 9. JAM AND FRESH FRUIT. Apricot Pulp and Bitter Oranges Order, 1917. (M. 256.) Jam (Prices), No. 2 Order, 1918. (M. 266.) Plum (Sales) Order, 1918. (M. 273.) Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918. (M. 2G0.) 10. MEAT AND CATTLE AND EGGS. Edible Offals (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (M. 311.) Live Stock (Sales) Order, 1918. (M. 339.) Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. (M. 300.) Meat Retail Prices (England and Wales) Order, No. 2, 1918. (M. 330.) Ditto, General Licence thereunder (Price of Sausages). (M. 358.) Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918. (M. 349.) Revoked as from Nov. 25, 1918. (S, 226.) Schedule amended by Notice, Oct. 15, 1918. (S. 150.) Revoked so far as it relates to apricot pulp by Order, Dec. 18, 1918. (S. 290.) Clause 4 and Schedules amended by Orders, Aug. 26, 1918, and Sept. 13, 1918. (S. 31.) Provisions of this Order applied to sales of Damsons by Damson (Sales) Order, 1918. (S. 31.) Licensed Jam Manufacturers within the meaning of this Order included in the provisions of the Jam Manufacturers (Restriction) Order, 1918. (S. 67.) Schedules of Prices amended by Orders, Sept. 20, 1918 (S. 75), and Dec. 20, 1918 (S. 297). Part of Clause 1 (a) and the whole of Clauses 1 (6), 1 (c), 1 (d) and 2, relating to the sale of calves and veal, revoked by Calves (Sales) Order, 1918. (S. 19.) Further Clauses and Schedules amended by Order, Nov. 1, 1918. (S. 181.) Schedule of Prices amended by Order, Sept. 20, 1918, which Order was sub- sequently superseded by Order, Dec. 20, 1918. (S. 2'j9.) Price of Veal fixed by Order, Aug. 22, 1918. (S. 27.) Schedules of Prices amended by Order, Sept. 20, 1918. (S. 67.) Price for Blood Sausages and Black Puddings fixed at Is. per lb. by Notice, Nov. 4, 1918. (S. 188.) The Schedules of Prices so far as they relate to Pork were further amended by Notice of Dec. 20, 1918. (S. 300.) This General Licence to take effect under the Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918, by Direction, Nov. 13, 1918. (S. 225.) Price of Yeal fixed by Order, Aug. 22, 1918. (S. 27.) Schedule of Prices amended by Order, Sept. 20, 1918. (S. 67.) Price for Blood Sausages and Black Puddings fixed at Is. per lb. by Notice, Nov. 4, 1918. (S. 188.) The Schedules of Prices so far as they relate to Pork were further amended by Notice of Dec. 20, 1918. (S. 300.) Short Title of Order. How aifected and by what Order. XV to. MEAT AND CATTLE AND EGGS—co)it Meat {Retailers' Restriction) Order, 1918. (M. 315.) Pigs (Prices) Order, 1918. (M.336.) Poultry and Game {Cold S'orage) Order, 1918. (M. 316.) Poultry and Game (Prices) Order, 1918. (M. 352.) Rabbits {Prices) Order 1918. (M. 309.) 11. MILK, BUTTER JiND CHEESE. Butter Order, 1918. (M. 439) ... Butter (Distribution) Order, 1917. (M. 382.) Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917 (M. 363), and Butter ^Maxi- mum Prices) (Amendment) Order, 1917. (M. 376.) Condensed Milk (Distribution) Order, 1918. (M. 400.) Cream Order, 1917. (M. 385) Margarine (Distribution) Order, 1918. (M. 417.) Margarine (Maximum Prices) Order, ■ 1917 (M. 381), and General Licence thereunder. (M. 420.) Margarine (Retail Prices) Order, 1918 (M. 416), and Notice there under. (M. 436.) Milk (RegistratioQ of Dealers) Order, 1918. (M. 394.) Milk {Summer Prices) Order, 1918 (M. 406), General Licence there- under {M.A3>\), and Milk {Sumjuer Prices) Amendment Order, 1918. (M. 429.) 11 A. NATIONAL KITCHENS. The Local Authorities (Food Con- trol) Orders (No. 2) and (No. 3), 1918, made by the Local Govern- ment Board. (M. 444 and 446.) Revoked by Meat (Dealers' Restriction) Order, 1918. (S. 265 ) Revoked as regards England and Wales and Scotland by Pig (Sales) Order, which Order was also subsequently revoked. Revoked as regards Ireland by Pig (Prices) Order (No. 2), 1918. (S. 3(^3.) Revoked by Order, Dec. 18, 1918. (S. 290.) Amended by Orders, Aug. 30, 1918, and Oct. 29, 1918. (S. 42.) Revoked by Wild Rabbits (Prices) Order, 1918. (S. 12.) Prices amended by Notice, Sept. 16, 1918, and by Order, Oct. 18, 1918. (S. 167.) The amount of butter to be obtained under any permit to be reduced to one half o^' the amount stated in . such permit. Directions, Oct. 21, 1918. (S. 168.) Revoked as to Ireland by Butter (Ireland) No. 2 Order, 1918. (S. 166.) Directions to Manuf^^.cturers, Importers and Wholesale Dealers, Dec. 20, 1918. (S. 295.) Revoked by Cream Order, 1918. (S. 286.) Directions as to supply and wholesale prices in Great Britain, Nov. 7, 1918. (S. 194.) Further directions, Nov. 30, 1918. (S. 241.) Partially revoked, so far as they apply to Ireland, by Margarine (Prices) (Ire- land) Order, 1918. (S. HO.) Prices amended by Notice, Nov. 7, 1918. (S. 195.) The provisions of Regn. 2gg of the Defence of the Realm Regns. (M. 10) applied to all premises used by persons licensed for wholesale dealings in milk under this Order. (S. 130.) Clause 13 revoked and a new clause substituted by Milk (Registration of Dealers) Amend- ment Order, 1918. (S. 142.) Revoked by Milk (Winter Prices) Order, 1918. (S. 62.) "Further provisions as to loans made in Order (No. 4), 1918, made by the Local Government Board. (S. 310.) XVI Short Title. 11 A. NATIONAL KITCHENS— cont. The Local Authorities (National Kitchens) (Scotland) Order, 1918, made by the Secretary for Scot- land. (M. 445.) 12. OILS AND FATS. Edible Oils and Fats and Oil and Fat Compounds (Distribution) Order, 1918. (M. 458.) Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (M. 462.) Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Requisition) Order, 1918. (M. 465.) Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918. (M. 461.) Ditto, General Licence thereunder, (M. 467.) 13. POTATOES AND OTHER YEGETABLES AND ROOTS. British Onions Order, iPi 7. (M. 500.) Potatoes Order, 1917. (M. 472) ... Potatoes (Distribution) Orders (Nos. 1 and 2), 1918. (M. 504 and 512.) Potatoes (Export from Ireland) Order, 1918. (M. 503.) Potato (Restriction) Order, 1918. (M. 507.) Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917. (M. 486.) Potato Bags Order, 1918. (M. 502.) Potatoes (Protection) Order, 1918. (M. 506.) Potatoes (Registration of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918. (M. 511.) and Potatoes (Restriction) Order, 1918. (M. 507.) 14. PUBLIC MEALS. Pullic Meals Order, 1918. (M. 513.) How affected and by what Order. Further provisions as to Loans made in Local Authorities (National Kitchens) (Loans) (Scotland) Order, 1918, made by the Secretary for Scotland. (S. 317.; Directions as to supply and prices, Nov 30,1918. (S. 241.) The provisions of this Order applied to any shredded suet which does not comply with the requirements of the Shredded Suet (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (S. 17.) Amended in its application to Ireland by Order, Aug. 21, 1918. (S. 23.) General Licence authorising retail butchers to treat fats acquired in course of trade and to sell products obtained therefrom, Dec. 12, 1918. (S. 268.) Amended in its application to Ireland by Order, Aug. 21, 1918. (S. 23.) Provisions with regard to grant, etc., of Licences, made in Notice, Oct. 14, 1918. (S. 150.) General Licence authorising retail butchers to treat fats acquired in course of trade and to sell products obtained therefrom, Dec. 12, 1918 (S. 268.) Revoked by Notice, Oct. 14, 1918. (S. 150.) Revoked by British Onions Order, 1918. (S. 119.) Partially revoked by Potatoes Order, 1918. (S. 2.) Revoked by Potatoes Order, 1918. (S. 2.) For 1918 crop, provisions made in Potatoes (Export from Ireland) Order (No. 2), 1918. (S. 113.) Partially revoked by Order, Dec. 18, 1918. (S. 290.) Revoked by Potatoes Order, 1918. (S. 2.) Yirtually superseded as regards England and Wales by Potatoes (Consolidation) Order No. 2, 1918 (S. 270), and as re- gards Scotland by Potatoes (Scotland) Order, 1918. (S. 212.) Revoked as to Ireland by Public Meals (Ire and) Order, 1918. (S. 100.) Short Title. xvu How affected and by what Order. 14a. rationing schemes. Rationing Order, 1918. (M. 522)... Ditto. Directions with regard to Amount of Rationed Food. (M. 546.) Directions for General Butchers and their Customers. (M. 544.) Directions for Pork Butchers and Retailers of Miscellaneous Meat and their Customers. (M. 541.) Directions for Retailers of Bacon and Ham and their Customers. (M. 540.) Directions for Retailers of Sugar, Butter and Margarine and Lard and their Customers. (M. 542.) The provisions of Clauses 20 and 21 applied to every catering establishment which does not serve meals to the general public, by Directions, Oct. 2, 1918. (S. 125.) Amended^ Order, Oct 15, 1918. (S. 151). Clause 35 as amended revoked by Milk (Restriction in Establishments) Order, 1918. (S. 239.) Scale set out in Clause 20 amended by Directions, Dec. 16, 1918. (S. 288.) Authorisation for increased supply of sugar to catering establishments, etc., Dec. 31, 1918. (S. 307.) Revoked by Directions, Dec. 31, 1918. (S. 243.) Revoked by Directions of Dec. 31, 1918. (S. 245.) Revoked by Directions of Dec. 31, 1918. (S. 243.) Revoked by Directions of Dec. 31, 1918. (S. 308.) Revoked by Directions of Dec. 31, 1918. (S. 248.) The following further Directions have been issued : — (1) Retailers and their Customers relating to Registration, Aug. 22, 1918. (S. 25.) (2) Dealings in and Stocks of Rationed Food, Sept. 26, 1918. (S. 109.) (3) Reduction in amount of Butter obtainable on any permit, Oct. 21, 1918. (S. 168.) (4) Catering Establishments and Institutions, Oct. 18, 19 J 8, and Dec. 6, 1918. (S. 158.) (5) Catering Establishments, Dec. 9, 1918. (S. 261.) (6) No coupon required for poultry sold at a price not exceeding Is. id. per pound, Aug. 10, 1918. (S. 10.) The following General Licences have been issued : — ( 1 ) Beef Sausages, Saveloys, Polonies, etc., containing no meat other than Beef, free of coupon, Oct. 28, 1918. (S. 169.) (2) Jam to Catering Establishments and Institutions, Nov. 25, 1918. (S. 237.) (3) Increased rations for Christmas period, Dec. 18, 1918. (S. 289.) 6640 Short Title of Order. How affected and by what Order. 17. SUGAR. Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) Order, 1918. (M. 592.) Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) (Ire- land) Order, 1918. (M. 598.) Sugar Order, l'.n7. (M. 568) Sugar (Confectionery) Order, 1917. (M. 564.) Sugar {Rationing) Order, 1918, Order of Local Government Board under, prescribing Form of Requisitio7i for copy Certificate of Birth. (M. 588.) 18. TEA, COFFEE AND COCOA. Cocoa Powder Order, 1918. (M. 610.) General Licence authorising sale of choco- late powder and unsweetened chocolate, Aug. 10, 1918. (S. 3.) Authorities for increased supplies. (1) To Catering Establishments, etc., Dec. 31,1918. (S.307.) (2) Manufacturers, Dec. 31, 1918. (S. 307.) General Licence revising maximum price (retail) of Crystallised and Glace Fruits, Nov. 13, 1918. (S. 224.) Clause 2 re- voked, Dec. 7, 1918. (S. 261.) Superseded by Order of the Local Govern- ment Board, Aug. 9, 1918, under Rationing Order, 1918. (S. 309.) Revoked by Cocoa Powder (No. 2) Order, 1918. (S. 135.) FOOD SUPPLY MA.NUAL— PAET III. Short Title of Order. How affected and by what Order. Food Control Committees (Consti- tution) Order, 1917 (M. 621), and Joint Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1918. (M. 634.) Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 2), 1917, made by the Local Government Board. (M. 625.) Local Authorities (Food Control) (Scotland) (No. 2) Order, 1917, made by the Secretary for Scot- land. (M. 643.) Amended by Order of Oct. 5, 1918 (S. 126.) Amended by Order of the Local Govern ment Board, Oct. 29, 1918. (S. 313.) Amended by Order of the Secretary for Scotland, Dec. 1, 1918. (S. 317.) XIX CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE OEDERS OF THE FOOD CONTROLLER WHICH ARE INCLUDED IN THIS SUPPLEMENT AND WHICH ARE NOW, DECEMBER SIst, 1918, IN FORCE OR COMING INTO FORCE. The arrangement of this List and the classification of the Orders therein follow the same plan as that adopted in the Food Supply Manual (see pages 40-49 of that Volume). 1. BACON, HAM, AND LARD. (See also Rationing Schemes.) Bacon, Ham, and Lard (Prices) Order, 1918, Order amending (1918, No. 1405 as amended by 1636), p. 170. Bacon, Ham, and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, Notice thereunder (Maximum first-hand prices). (1918, No. 977),/?. 1. Bacon, Ham, and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, Amendment Order, 1918, Order amending (1918, No. 1637), p. 264. 2. BEANS, PEAS, AND PULSE. Beans, Peas, and Pulse (Requisition) (Amendment) Order (1918, No. 1083), p. 41. 3. BREAD, FLOUR, AND CEREALS. Barley (Registration of Wholesale Dealers) (Ireland) Order (1918, No. 1248), p. 132. Barley (Restriction) (Ireland) Order (1918, No. 1412), p. 180. Bread Order, 1918, General Licence under (Christmas Season). (1918, No. 1548),/?. 238. Cake and Pastry Order, 1917, Order revoking (1918, No. 1611), p. 261. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Distribution) Order (1918, No. 1308), />. 146. General Licence thereunder (Feeding of Horses). (1918, No. 1501),/;. 233. General Licence thereunder (Disposal of any residues of supplies of Cattle Feeding StufPs). (1918, No. 1671), p. 291. Notice thereunder (Increased supply of Millers' Offals). (1918, No. 1502),/?. 233. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, Notice under (Maximum price of Flonr Millers' Ofeals). (1918, No. 1578),/?. 243. Cereals (Restriction) Order (1918, No. 1029), p, 15. Revocation Order (Affecting Certain Cereals) (1918, No. 1667), p. 290. Damaged Foodstuffs Order (1918, No. 1411), p. 177. Classified List of Food Controller's Orders, August to December, 1918. 3. BEEAD, FLOUR, AND CFMIlAhS— continued. Dredge Corn Order, 1917, Order amending (1918, No. 1309), p. 149. Dredge Corn Order, 1917, General Licence under (1918, No. 1592), p. 256. Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1917, Order amending (1918, No. 1635), p. 263. Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1917, Licence under (Sale of Bread in Dublin Metropolitan Police District). (1918, No. 1403), p. 170. Grain (Prices) Order (1918, No. 1090), p. 45. Grain (Prices) Amendment Order (1918, No. 1484), p. 226. Horses (Rationing), No. 2, Order (1918, No. 1331), p. 154. General Licenoe thereunder (1918, No. 1639), p. 268. Maize Products (Retail Prices) Order (1918, No. 1040), p. 24. Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (1918, No. 1661), p. 288. Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2) 1917, Directions under (Sale and Use of Imported Flour). (1918 No. 1541), p. 238. Oats (Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, (1918, No. 1147, as amended by 1546), p. 58. Oats (Scotland and Ireland Restriction) Order, 1918, Order amending (1918, No. 1320), p. 152. Small and Additional Acreage Order (1918, No. 1099), p. 52. 4. BREWING, MALTING, AND INTOXICATING LIQUORS. Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) (Ireland) Order (1918, No. 1235), p. 116. Malt (Restriction on Shipping) Order, 1917, Order revoking (1918, No. 1755), 2?. 306.^ Spirits (Prices and Description), No. 2 Order (1918, No. 1005), p. 3. 6. DRIED FRUITS. Dried Fruits (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, Notice as to Egyptian Dates (1918, No. 1708), p. 306. Greek Currants (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, Notice under (1918, No. 1707), p. 305. 7. FISH. Canned Fish (Retail Prices and Distribution) Order (1918, No. 1603), p. 256. Canned Salmon (Requisition) Order (1918, No. 1093), p. 49. Fish (Distribution) Order, 1918, Notice under (Lowestoft to be a prescribed port). (1918, No. 1476), p. 225. Fish (Prices), No. 3, Order (1918, No. 1203, as amended by 1335), p. 86. 8. HOARDING OF FOOD. Revocation of Authority under Food Hoarding Order, 1917 (1918, No. 1493), p. 226, Classified List of Food Controller's Orders, August to December, xxi 1918. 8a. IMPOETEES' EETUENS. Notice under Importers' (Eeturns) Order (1918, No. 1317), p. 150. 8.4A. lEISH EETUENS. Irish Eeturns Order (1918, No. 1414), p. 184. 9. JAM AND FEESH FEUIT. Apples (Prices) Order (1918, No. 1591), p, 252. Apricot Pulp and Bitter Oranges Order, 1917, Eevocation, so far as the Order relates to Apricot Pulp (1918, No. 1667), p. 290. Blackberries Order (1918, No. 1053), p. 29. Citrous Fruit (Prices) Order (1918, No. 1459), p. 205. General Licence thereunder (Restrictions removed until further notice). (1918, No. 1706), p. 305. Damson (Sales) Order (1918, No. 1054), p. 31. Grocery Syrup (Distribution to Manufacturers) Order (1918, No. 1089), p. 43. Jam (Distribution) Order (1918 No. 1433), p. 195. Jam (Export from Ireland) Order (1918, No. 1434), p. 196. Jam Manufacturers (Eestriiction) Order (1918, No. 1166), p. 67. Jam (Prices), No. 2 Order, 1918, Amending Order (1918, No. 1070, as amended by No. 1146), p. 31. Jam and Svrup (Eegistration of Dealers) Order (1918, No. 1213), p. 106. Syrup, Liquid Glucose and Molasses (Prices) Order (1918, No. 1494, as amended by 1662), p. 227. 9a. local DISTEIBUTION. Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, and the Joint Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1918, Order amending (1918, No. 1244), p. 126. Swansea Food Control Committees (Added x\reas) Order (1918, No. 1293), p. 134. 10. MEAT, CATTLE AND EGGS. (See also Rationing Schemes.) Bones (Licensing of Purchasers) Order (1918, No. 1198, as amended by 1503), p. 79. Bones (Maximum Prices) Order (1918, No. 1199), p. 80. Bone Products (Eequisition) Order (1918, No. 1195), p. 78. Calves (Sales) Order (1918, No. 1036), p. 19. Canned Meats (Distribution) Order (1918, No. 1643), p. 269. Canned Meats (Eequisition) Order (1918, No. 1094), p. 50. Edible Offals (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. Orders amend- ing (1918, No. 1189) and (1918, No. 1693), pp. 75 and 297. Eggs (Licensing of Wholesale Dealers and Distribution) Order (1918, No. 1140), :p. 56. Egg (Prices) Order (1918, No. 1429, as amended by No. 1486), p. 189. xxii Classified List of Food Controller's Orders, August to December^ 1918. 10. MEAT, CATTLE AND ^(^Q^^— continued . Horseflesii (Maximum Prices) Order (1918, No. 1584), V. 249. Horseflesh (Sales) Order (1918, No. 1202), p. 82. Live Stock (Restriction on Shipment to Channel Islands) Order (1918, No. 1495), p. 230. Live Stock (Sales) Order, 1918, Order amending (1918, No. 1413), V. 181. Meat (Dealers' Restriction) Order (1918, No. 1638), p. 265. Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, Order amending (1918, No. 1694), p. 299, Meat Retail Prices (England and Wales) Order (No. 2) 1918, and Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918, Licence thereunder (1918, No. 1468), p. 225. Notice thereunder CPrice of Veal). (1918, No. 1043), p. 27. Notice thereunder (Maximum Prices). (1918, No. 1188),jo. 67. Notice thereunder (Prices of Blood Sausages and Black Puddings). (1918, No. 1422),;?. 188. Notice thereunder (Price of Pork). (1918, No. 1702), jt?. 300. Pigs (Prices) Order (No. 2) (1918, No. 1704), p, 303. Poultrv and Game (Cold Storage) Order, 1918, Order revoking (1918, No. 1667), p. 290. Poultry and Game (Prices) Order, 1918, Order amending (1918, No. 1084, as amended bv 1402), p. 42. Wild Rabbits (Prices) Order (1918, No. 1028), p. 12. 11. MILK, BUTTER, AND CHEESE. {See also Rationing Schemes.) British made Butter (Restriction) Order (1918, No. 1228), p. 114. General Licence thereunder (1918, No. 1305), p. 141. British-made Butter (Restriction) Order, 1918, Butter (Dis- tribution) Order, 1917, and Rationing Order, 1918, Directions under (1918 No. 1342), p. 168. Butter Order, 1918, Order amending (1918, No. 1334), p. 167. Butter (Cold Storage) (Ireland) Order (1918, No. 1505), p. 236. Butter (Ireland) (No. 2) Order (1918, No. 1333), p. 166. Canned Condensed Milk (Maximum Prices) (Ireland) Order (1918, No. 1500), 2?. 231. Canned Condensed Milk (Maximum Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918, Order postponing (1918. No. 1617), >. 262. Cheese (Export from Ireland) Order (1918, No. 1423), /?. 188. Condensed Milk (Distribution) Order, 1918. Directions to Manufacturers and Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Canned Condensed Milk (1918, No. 1691), p. 295. Cream Order (1918, No. 1659), p. 286. Food for Mothers and Children (Scotland) Order (1918, No. 1095), p. 52. Margarine (Distribution) Order, 1918, Directions to Whole- salers under (1918, No. 1431), p. 194. Further directions thereunder (1918, No. 1577), p, 241. Classified List of Food Controller's Orders, August to December, xxiii 1918. 11. MILK, BUTTEE, AND CliEESE—continued, Margarine (Prices) (Ireland) Order (1918, No. 1217), p. 110. Notice thereunder (1918, No.. 1430), p. 193. Margarine (Eetail Prices) Order, 1918, Notice under (1918, No. 1432), p. 195. Margarine Ckeese (Eeturns) Order (1918, No. 1037), p. 22. Milk (Distribution) Order (1918, No. 124G), p. 131. Milk (Local Distribution) Order (1918, No. 1672), p. 292. Milk Products (Returns) Order (1918, No. 1008), p. 11. Milk (Prohibition of Export) (Ireland) Order (1918, No. 1424), p. 189. Milk (Registration of Dealers) Amendment Order (1918, No. 1306), p. 142. Milk (Restriction in Establishments) Order (1918, No. 1574), p. 239. Milk (Winter Prices) Order (1918, No. 1165, as amended by 1232), p. 62. Vegetarian Butter and Vegetarian Lard (Maxianum Prices) Order (1918, No. 1307), p. 143. Wholesale Milk Dealers (Control) Order (1918, No. 1245), p, 130. 12. OILS AND FATS. Edible Oils and Eats and Oil and Eat Compounds (Distri- bution) Order, 1918, and Margarine (Distribution) Order, 1918, Directions under (1918, No. 1577), p. 241. Home Melt TalloAv and Grease (Requisition) Order, 1918, and the Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Eat (Licensing of Pur- chases) Order, 1918, General Licence under (1918, No. J640), jo.268. Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Eat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918, and the Home Melt Tallows and Greases (Requisition) Order, 1918, Order amending (1918, No. 1038), p. 23. Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Eat (Licensing of Purcha;ses) Order, 1918, Notice under (1918, No. 1310), p. 150. Sh/edded Suet (Maximum Prices) Order (1918, No. 1030), p. 17. Tallow and Dripping (Restriction of Exix>rt and Import) Order (1918, No. 1118), p. 54. 13. POTATOES AND OTHER VEGETABLES. British Onions Order (1918, No. 1236), p. 119. General Licence thereunder (1918, No. 1304), p. 141. Imported Onions Order (1918, No. 1210, as amended by- No. 1705), p. 95. General Licence thereunder (1918, No. 1303), p. 140. Ditto (1918, No. 1355), p. 168. Potatoes Order (1918, No. 979), p. 2. General Licence thereunder (1918, No. 1222), p. 113. Potato Committees Order .(1918, No. 1438), p. 200. Potatoes (Consolidation) Order No. 2 (1918, No. 1645), p. 270. General Licence thereunder (1918, No. 1703), p. 302. xxiv Classified List of Food Controller's Orders, August to December, 1918. 13. POTATOES AND OTHER YEGcETA}^LES— continued. Potatoes (Export from Ireland) Order (No. 2) (1918, No. 1218), p. 113. Potatoes (Registration of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918, General Licence under (1918, No. 1039), p. 24. Potatoes (Restriction) Order, 1918, Order in part revoca- tion of (1918, No. 1667), p. 290. Potatoes (Scotland) Order (1918, No. 1460), p. 212. Potatoes (Scottish Central Allocation Authority) Order (1918, No. 1437), p. 197. Seed Potatoes Order (1918, No. 1604), ^\ 260. Vegetable Marrow Order (1918, No. 1082), p. 39. 14. PUBLIC MEALS. Public Meals (Ireland) Order (1918, No. 1211), p. 100. 14a. rationing SCHEMES. Rationing Order, 1918, Order amending (1918, No. 1318), p. 151. Authorization thereunder (Increase in Sugar Ration). (1918, No. 1762),/). 307. Directions thereunder: — Amount of Rationed Food (1918, No. 1679), p. 243. Butter (1918, No. 1342), p. 168. Catering Establishments and Institutions (General Directions) (1918, No. 1332, as amended by 1610), p. 158. Catering Establishments (Coupons) (1918, No. 1616), p. 261. Catering Establishments (Application of Clauses 20 and 21 of Rationing Order, 1918) (1918, No. 1241), p. 125. Dealings in and Stocks of Rationed Food (1918, No. 1214), p. 109. General Butchers and their Customers (1918, No. 1580), p. 246. Poultry (1918, No. 1006), p. 10. Retailers and their Customers (Registration) (1918, No. 1042), p. 25. Retailers of Bacon and Ham and Lard and their Customers (1918, No. 1795), p. 308. Retailers of Sugar and Butter and Margarine and their Customers (1918, No. 1583), p. 248. Sugar (Amendment of Clause 20 of Rationing Order) (1918, No. 1660), p. 288. General Licences thereunder : — Beef Sausages, Polonies, &c., coupon free (1918, No. 1366), p. 169. Increase of Rationed Amounts for Christmas Season (1918, No. 1666), p. 289. Jam in Excess of Vouchers (1918, No. 1537), p. 237. 14aa. eats. Eats Order (1918, No. 1071), p. 37. 17. SUGAE. (See also Rationing Schemes.) Grocery Syrup (Distribution to Manufacturers) Order (1918, No. 1089), p. 43. Jam and Syrup (Eegistration of Dealers) Order (1918, No. 1213), p. 106. Sale of Sweetmeats in Theatres (Eestriction) Order (1918, No. 1321), p. 153. Classified List of Food Controller's Orders, August to Decemher, 1918. 17. SUG-AR — continued. Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) Order, 1918, Sale of Sweet- meats (Restriction) (Ireland) Order, 1918, General Licence under (1918, No. 1003), p. 3. Sugar Order; 1917, Authorisation under (Increased Supplies to Catering Establishments, etc.). (1^18, No. 1762),;?. 307.1 Ditto. (Increased Supplies to Manufacturers). (1918, No. 1763), /?. 307. Sugar (Confectionery) Order, 1917, General Licence under (1918, No. 1467), p. 224. Sugar (Confectionery) Order, 1917, Order revoking Clause 2 of (1918, No. 1611), p. 261. Syrup, Liquid Glucose and Molasses (Prices) Order (1918, No. 1494, as amended by No. 1662), p. 227. 18. TEA, COFFEE AND COCOA. Cocoa Bean Shell (Requisition) Order (1918, No. 1400), p. 169. Cocoa Powder (No. 2) Order (1918, No. 1302), p. 135. Raw Coffee (Returns) Order (1918, No. 1504), p. 234. Tea (Licensing of Wholesale Dealers) Order (1918, No. 1119), p. 55. 19. VOLUNTARY KITCHENS. Voluntary Kitchens (Licensing) Order (1918, No. 1052, as amended by No. 1426), p. 28. H64G Notice Aer the Bacon, Ham and Lard-ifii(i1)inon4.l»^-fiis;f^iS) Order, 1917. ^ ^ \ ;'^^ Notice, dated x\ugust 1, 1918, under the Bacon, Ham Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. 1918. No. 977. and In exercise of the powers reserved to him by Clause 1 of the ^l^- ^ ^ above Order and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby prescribes that until further notice the maximum first-hand prices for all imported bacon and ham shall be prices at the rates specified in the Schedule and that such prices shall include the cost of packing and packages and of delivery to buyer's premises. No. 1180 of 1917. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. -Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 1st August, 1918. The Schedule. Wiltshires Cumberlands, Dublins and Long Ribs Long Clears, Short Clear Backs, and Rolling Middles ... , ... ... , Bellies, Rib in Backs, Short Ribs and Short Clears Square Shoulders New York Shoulders ... Picnics ... Hams (except Skinless or Fatless Hams) Hams (Skinless or Fatless) ... per ( 3Wt s. d. 176 6 174 8" 189 200 143 6 140 119 170 167 Note. — The above Order is now in force only as regards Ireland. 6540 Dealings in King Edwards of the 19 18 crop prohibited. Potatoes to be sold by weight. . Exception. Prices to be displayed by retailer. Interpreta- tion. Penalty. Revocation. Title. . ScsV ' Poictoes Order, 1918. The Potatoes Order, 1918. Dated the 2nd August, 1918. 1918. No. 979. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the E/ealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Conti^oller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all perso* . concerned : — 1. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence granted by the Food Controller a person shall not on or after the 8th August, 1918, until further notice either on his own behalf or on behalf of any other person buy, sell or deal in or offer to buy, sell or deal in any potatoes of the variety '* King Edward " of the 1918 crop grown in England or Wales. (a) 2. A person shall not on or after the 8th August, 1918, sell or offer or expose for sale, or buy or offer to buy potatoes otherwise than by weight." 3. Clauses 1 and 2 of this Ordej shall not apply to sales of potatoes in the ground. 4. Every person selling potatoes by retail shall on and after the 8th August, 1918, keep posted on his premises in a con- spicuous position so as to be easily readable by his customers throughout the whole time during which potatoes are being sold or exposed for sale a notice stating in plain words or figures the actual price at which such potatoes are at that time being sold by him. . 5. For the purposes of this Order : — j " Premises '* shall include a cart, stall or barrow. '* Potatoes " shall not include cooked, dried or evaporatefd potatoes. 6. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 7. The Orders mentioned in the first column of the Schedule hereto are hereby revoked to the extent specified in the second column of the Schedule, and as at the dates mentioned in the third column of the Schedule, but so that such revocation shall be without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. 8. This Order may be cited as the Potatoes Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 2nd August, 1918. (For Schedule see next page.) 'v^a) See G-eneral Licence of Sept 27, 1918 printed p. 113. General Licence under the Sale of SweetTueats (Restriction) Order, 1918, and the Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) (Ireland) Order, 1918; Spirits (Prices and Description) No. 2 Order, 1918. The Schedule. Order revoked. Extent to which revoked. V Date at which revoked. The Potatoes Order, 1917, as Part 1 except Clauses 1, 8th August, 1918. amended. (S.R. & 0. Ncs. 949 2, 4, 5 and 6. and 998 of 1917 and Nos. 445 Part III, the whole. and 639 of 1918.) Part IV, the whole. The 1st and 2nd Sche- dules. The Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) The whole Order. 8th August, 1918. Ord^r , 1 9 1 7, as amended. (S.R. • &0. Nos. 1155 of 1917 and 138 of 1918.) The Potatoes (Distribution) The whole Order. 2nd August, 1918. Order, 1918. (S.R. & 0. Nos. ^ 94 and 204 of 1918) The Potatoes (Distribution) The whole Order. Order, No. 2, 1918. (S.R. & 0. 2nd August, 1918. No. 617 of 1918.) General Licence, dated August 10, 1918, under the Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) Order, 1918, and the Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) (Ireland) Order, 19i8. 1918. No. 1003. The Food Controller hereby authorises until further notice the S.R. & O., sale of chocolate powder and unsweetened chocolate free from any Nos. 418 and restrictions contained in the above Orders. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 10th August, 1918. 590 of 1918. The Spirits (Prices and Description) No. 2 Order, 1918. Dated the 13th August, 1918. 1918. No. 1005. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Rej?ulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except 6540 A 2 Spirits (Prices and Description) No. 2 Order, 1918. Application of Order. Spirits to be sold in licensed premises by certain measures. Restriction on certain sales in licensed premises. Maximum price on retail sales. Maximum price on wholesale Bights of a licensed trader. under tlie authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed b.y all persons concerned : — 1. This Order shall apply only to spirits of the kinds men- tioned in the first column of the first schedule to this Order. 2. A person shall not sell or offer to sell in any part of any licensed premises any spirits otherwise than by reputed quart bottles or by reputed pint bottles or by imperial measure, or by one-half, or one-third, or one quarter, or one-fifth, or one- sixth part of a gill, quartern or noggin. 3. (a) A person shall not sell or offer to sell in any part of any licensed premises having a publia bar any spirits of a kind mentioned in the first column of the first schedule unless spirits of a kind and (where mentioned) of a strength set opposite to such spirits in the second column of that schedule are on sale by measure in the public bar of such premises. . (b) Nothing in this clause shall apx^ly to sales in premises licensed only for sale for consumption off the premises. 4. On the occasion of a sale by retail of any spirits the maximum price shall be : — (a) On a sale in a public bar the price applicable according to Part I. of the secrnd schedule; and (b) On a sale in licensed premises elsewhere than in a public bar, for consumption off the premises, the price applicable according to Part I. (a) and (b) of the second schedule; and (c) Oij a sale in licensed premises elsewhere than in a public bar, for consumption on the premises, the price appli- cable according to Part II. of the second schedule ; and (d) On a sale elsewhere than in licensed premises: — (i) when the sale is to a licensed trader, the price applicable according to Part III. of the second schedule; and (ii) where the sale is to a person other than a licensed trader, the price applicable accord- ing to Part I. (a) and (b) of the second schedule. 5. On the occasion of a sale by wholesale of any spirits the maximum price shall be : — (a) On a sale to a licensed trader, the price applicable according to the third schedule; (b) On a sale to a person other than a licensed trader, the price applicable according to Part I. (a) and (b) of the second schedule. 6. — (a) On the occasion of any sale of spirit by wholesale to a licensed trader the following provisions shall have effect : — (i^ On a sale at one time of 50 gallons or more of spirits which are in bond, the buyer shall be entitled to pur- chase such spirit at the price applicable under this Order on a sale of spirits ** in bond " ; and Spirits (Prices and Description) No. 2 Order, 1918. 5 (ii) On any sale of spirits, the buyer shall be entitled to purchase spirits in bulk or in bottle in the like propor- tion to his purchases from the same seller during the year 1916. Provided that the buyer may at the time of purchase waive his rights under this clause either wholly or to such extent as he shall think fit. (&) Any question that may arise as to the rights of any licensed trader under this clause shall be referred to the Food Controller or to any person or persons appointed by him for determination, and his or their decision shall be final. 7. (a) On a sale (other than a sale in bond) of any spirits on or Provisions after the 1st of September, 1918, in a public bar of licensed l^^^^"^^ premises, the maximum price at which the spirits may be sold in a public bar, and the strength or where the maximum price is fixed in respect of a range of strength, the range of strength, shall be legibly marked : — (i) where such sale is by bottle, on the bottle ; and (ii) where such sale is otherwise than by bottle, on the receptacle or tap from which such spirits are drawn^ in such manner as to be visible to the purchaser. Provided that where all the spirits of one kind on sale in such bar are of one strength, or are of one range of strength,, it shall be a sufficient compliance with this clause, as respects spirits of that kind, to state that fact together with the strength or range of strength and the maximum price therefor on a placard in figures and letters of not less than 2 inches in length displayed in a pro- minent position in the bar. (b) On a sale other than a sale in bond of any spirits on or after the 1st of September, 1918, elsewhere than in a public bar of licensed premises, the strength of the spirits shall be legibly marked where such sale is by bottle on a label attached to the bottle, and where such spirits are sold otherwise than by bottle on a label attached to the receptacle in which such spirits are delivered or from which such spirits are drawn. Provided that where all the spirits of one kind on sale elsewhere than in the public bar are of one strength, it shall be a sufficient compliance with this clause as respects spirits of that kind to state that fact together with the strength and the maximum price therefor on a placard in letters and figures of the size mentioned displayed in a prominent position. 8. A person authorised in that behalf by the Food Controller or Samples of a Food Committee to procure for analysis samples of spirits on -Analysis, sale in any licensed premises shall have all powers of procuring samples conferred by the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts, and a person selling spirits by retail shall on tender of the price for the quantity which he shall reasonably require for the purpose of analysis sell the same to him accordingly. 9. In any proceedings in respect of an infringement of this Certificate of Order, the production of the certificate of the Principa*! Chemist Analyst. of the Government Laboratories or of an Analyst appointed under the sale of Food and Drugs- Acts shall be sufficient evidence of the facts therein stated unless the defendant require that the person 6540 A 3 Spirits (Prices cmd Description) No. 2 Order , 1918. Defence. Clearance rights not to be bought or sold. Offers. Ascertain ment of price. Interpreta- tion. S. R. & 0., No. 1058 of 1917. who made the analysis be called as a witness. The certificate of the Principal Chemist or of the Analyst shall so far as circum- stances permit, be in the form required by the sale of Food and Drugs Act. 10. If in any proceedings against a licensed trader for charging a price in excess of any maximum price applicable under this Order it is proved that an offence has been committed, but the defendant proves : (a) That he purchased the spirits in question from a person who sold it as spirits of a kind or strength which justi- fied the price charged by the defendant; and (b) That he had no reason to believe at the time of sale by him that the kind or strength of the spirits was such as prevented their being sold at the price charged ; and (c) That he has given due notice to the prosecutor of his intention to rely on the provisions of this clause ; the defendant shall be entitled to be discharged from the prosecu- tion. 11. A person shall not sell or buy or offer to sell or buy an authority for the delivery of spirits from bond granted or to be granted by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise. 12. A person shall not on any invoice or other document make or knowingly connive at the making of any false statements as to the strength of spirits. 13. A person shall not sell or buy or ofter to sell or buy any spirits at a price exceeding the maximum price applicable under this Order, or in connection with a sale or disposal or proposed sale or disposal of spirits enter or offer to enter into any artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 14. Where by this Order a maximum price is prescribed for spirits of a strength of 30 degrees under proof and spirits of a different strength are being sold, the maximum price of the spirits of a strength of 30 degrees under proof shall be increased or reduced proportionately to the increased or reduced percentage of proof spirits in the spirits which are being sold. 15. In this Order: — The expression " Food Committee " means a Food Control Committee established under the authority of the Food Controller. The expression ** public bar " means: — (a) Any bar on licensed premises, except such bar or bars in which, prior to 1st April, 1918, beer was not sold at (or at less than) the prices set out in the Beer (Prices and Description) Order, 1917. (b) Any place where spirits are sold under a retail off licence. The expression " sale by wholesale " in respect of the sale of spirits shall mean sale at any one time to one person of a quantity of more than 2 gallons or more than one dozen reputed quart bottles, or more than two dozen reputed pint bottles. The expression *' sale by retail '* in respect of the sale of spirits shall mean any sale other than by wholesale. Spirits (Prices and Description) No. 2 Order, 1918. sell shall as regards a registered club the word '* supply." sold in bulk " means sold for delivery in as means 12 reputed quart bottles, or The expression have the sa The expression vat, cask or jar. The expression '* case 24 reputed pint bottles. The expression *' licensed trader " means any person holding a licence to deal in intoxicating liquors, whether by wholesale or retail, and shall include a person buying on behalf of the Navy and Army Canteen Board or of a registered club, and in the application of this Order to Scotland, a person holding a certificate (as defined in Part VII. of the Licensing (Scotlaoid) Act, 1903), granted by the Licensing Court. The expression '* British' Brandy " means any brandy other than imported brandy derived exclusively from the grape. The expression '' British Gin " means any gin other than imported gin. *' Whiskey of a proprietary brand " means whiskey law- fully sold under a distinctive name and label, provided that such name and label were in use on sales of whiskey before the 30th November, 1917. The expression '' licensed premises " means premises in respect of which a justice's licence has been granted and is in force, but shall include theatres, music halls, railway restaurant cars, registered clubs, and, in the application of this Order to Scotland, the premises of a person holding a certificate (as defined in Part VII. of the Licensing (Scotland) Act, 1903) granted by the Licensing Court. 16. Nothing in this Order shall apply to — (i) the sale of spirits on passenger vessels; (ii) the sale of spirits for export, provided such spirits so sold are not invoiced or paid for before removal under an export bond; the sale of spirits in Ireland for delivery in Ireland. 17. The Spirits (Prices and Description) Order, 1918, is hereby revoked as on the 26th August, 1918, without prejudice to any proceedings in respect to any contravention thereof 18. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 19. — (a) This Order may be cited as the Spirits (Prices and Description) No. 2 Order, 1918. (b) This Order shall, except where otherwise stated, come into force on the 26th August, 1918. (iii) J. R. Clynes, Food Controller. Exceptions. Infringe- ments. Title and commence- ment of • Order. 13th August, 1918. 6510 A 4 Sjyirits (Prices and Descrij^tion) No. 2 Order, 1918. FIRST SCHEDULE. 1st Column. Whiskey of a proprietary brand Whiskey (other than Whiskey of a proprietary brand) British Gin E/um British Brandy 2nd Column. Whiskey. Whiskey of a similar strength. British Gin of a similar strength. Rum of a similar strength. British Brandy of a similar strength . SECOND SCHEDULE. Part I. Column /. Column 11. Kind and Strength of Spirits. Maximum Prices at the rate of («) sold per bottle {h) sold in bulk Spirits 30° under proof Spirits 30° under proof . 9^. per reputed quart bottle, 50^. per gallon. (c) Sales of less than a reputed quart. (i) Whiskey of a proprietary brand 30° under proof. (ii) Spirits (other than Whis- key of a proprietary brand) not weaker than 35° under proof. The like spirits weaker than 35° under proof but not weaker than 43° under proof. The like spirits weaker than 43° under proof. 2s. 6d. per gill, quartern or noggin. 2s. Id. per gill, quartern or noggin. Is. lO^d. per gill, quart- ern or noggin. Is. Sd. per gill, quartern or noggin. Note. — (i) Part I. refers to retail sales in a public bar of licensed premises, (a) and (6) refer also to retail sales in licensed premises for off-con- sumption and to sales whether by wholesale or retail to private customers, (ii) When the spirits are delivered to the premises of the buyer a charge may be made for delivery not exceeding a reasonable and customary charge, (iii) When the spirits are delivered in hinged or bin cases a charge may be made for such cases not exceed- ing the reasonable value thereof; provided that such sum shall be repaid on return of such cases in srood condition. Spints (Prices and Description) No. 2 Order, 19.18. Sales by bottle. Sales otherwise than by bottle. Part II. Column I. Kind and Strength of Spirits.' Spirits 30° under proof Column II, Maximum Price at the rate of 135. per reputed quart bottle. 4s. per gill, quartern or noggin. Note. — Part II. refers to retail sales in licensed premises (elsewhere than in a piiblic bar) for consumption on the premises. Part III. Coin in 71 I. Column 12. Maximum Prices at the rate of Sold by bottle. Spirits 30° under proof lOOs. per case. Sold in bulk. 5i ?? 475. 6d. per gallon. Note. — (i) Part III. refers to retail sales to licensed traders, (ii) The maximum prices include cost of delivery and as regards spirits sold in bottle the cost of pack- ing and packages ; except that where the spirits are delivered in hinged or bin cases a charge may be made for such cases not exceeding the reasonable value thereof; provided that such sum shall be repaid on return of such cases in good condition. THIRD SCHEDULE. Part I. Spirits Sold in Bulk. Coluvm I. Column II. Kind of Spirits. Maximum Price at the Rate of Any spirits If sold " in bond " 205. per regauge proof gallon, less a discount of a minimum of 16 per cent. If sold '' duty paid '' 425. per gallon 30 degrees under proof, less a discount of a minimum of 12J per cent. 10 Direction under the Rationing Order^ 1918. Part II. Spirits Sold in Bottle. Column I, Kind and Strengtli of Spirits. Spirits 30^ under proof Column 11. Maximum Prices at the Rate of If sold '* in bond " a sum not exceeding 45^. per case, less a discount of a minimum of 65. per case. This price includes cost of delivery to buyers' bond and any charges that may be in- curred for packing and packages. If sold *' duty paid "a sum not ' exceeding Sis. %d. per case, less a discount of a minimum of 65. per case. This price includes (i) cost of delivery »* to buyers' premises when delivery is by road, and to buyers' nearest railway station when delivery is by rail; and (ii) any charges that may be incurred for packing or packages ; except that where the spirits are de- livered in hinged or bin cases a charge may be made for , '^ such cases not exceeding the reasonable value thereof; provided that such sum shall be repaid on return of such cases in good condition. The maximum prices in Parts I. and II. of the Third Schedule shall be subject to discount only where the sale is to a person buying for resale to a licensed trader. Direction, dated August 10, 1918, under the Rationing. Order, 1918. 1918. ^0. 1006. 1. Where the price charged for poultry sold by a retailer does not exceed the sum of one shilling and fourpence per pound, no coupon need be required therefor. 2. The General Licence dated the 5th July, 1918 (S.R. & 0., No. 806 of 1918), is hereby revoked. Millz Products (Returns) Order, 1918. « 3. This Direction shall come into force on the 12th August, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. iOth August, 1918. The Milk Products (Returns) Order, 1918. Dated the 14th August, 1918. 1918. No. 1008. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. Every person who at any time between the 1st January, 1917, and the 31st July, 1918, was an importer into Great Britain of Condensed Milk (other than Canned Condensed Milk) Dried Milk or Sugar of Milk, shall furnish a return showing: — (i) the total quantities' of such articles imported by him into Great Britain which arrived during (a) the year 1917 and (h) the period between the 1st January and 31st July, 1918, and showing in each case the country from which the same was imported, and where im- ported from more than one country, the amount imported from each country; and. (ii) th6 quantities of such articles at the close of business on the 24th August, 1918— (d) which he had in stock in Great Britain; and (b) which he had purchased abroad and which were in transit or awaiting shipment. 2. The return shall be made on a form to be obtained from the Secretary, Ministry of Food (Milk Section), New County Hall, London, 3-E.l, and shall be completed and returned to him before the 7th September, 1918. 3. The expression " importer " shall mean any person to whom the article was originally consigned and any other person whom the Food Controller may designate as the importer. 4. Failure to make a return or the making of a false return is a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regula- tions. 5. Ill is Order may be cited" as the Milk Products (Returns) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 14th August, igiS. 12 Wild Rabbits (Prices) Order, 1918. The Wild Rabbits (Prices) Order, 1918. Dated the 16th August, 1918. 1918. IS'o. 1028. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except •under the authority of the Food Controller the following regu- lations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. (a) A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or offer to buy any wild rabbits or any part thereof at a price exceeding the maximum price for the time being applicable under this Order. (b) Until further notice the maximum price for wild rabbits shall be at the rate apj^licable according to the Schedule and the subsequent provisions of this Order. (c) The Food Controller may at any time by notice under this Order prescribe other prices for wild rabbits. 2. On the occasion of a sale (other than a sale by retail) of any wild rabbits the maximum price shall be : — (i) On a sale to a collector buying in the ordinary course of his business at the rate applicable according to Part 1 of the Schedule, (ii) On any other sale at the rate applicable according to Part 2 of the Schedule. 3. The maximum price applicable under Clause 2 (ii) is fixed on the basis of the following terms and conditions being applic- able to the transaction : — (i) Payment to be net cash within 7 days of completion of delivery and moneys then unpaid thereafter to carry interest not exceeding the rate of £5 per centum per annum or Bank Rate, whichever shall be the higher, (ii) Delivery to be at the seller's expense to the buyer's nearest Railway Station or at the option of the seller to the b-uyef's premises, (iii) All cost of packing, packages and charges incidental thereto to be borne by the seller; except that the seller may make an additional charge for the cost of the packages in which the wild rabbits are packed ; provided that such sum shall be repaid by the seller to the buyer on return of such packages in good condi- tion to the seller's nearest railway station. Where the contract is made on terms and conditions other than the above, a corresponding adjustment shall be made in the maximum price. In particular where any wild rabbits are sold carriage forward, the maximum price shall be decreased by a sum equal to the cost of such carriage. 4. (a) On the occasion of a sale by retail of any wild rabbit or part thereof the maximum price shall be the price applicable according to Part 3 of the Schedule. (h) The maximum price shall include all cost of skinning, packing and packages and no charge may be made therefor or for giving nredit. Wild Rabbits (Prices) Order, 1918. 13 Provisions as to sale. Powers of a Food Committee. (c) Where any wild rabbits are delivered at the request of the buyer otherwise than at the seller's premises, an additional charge may be made in respect of such delivery not exceeding a sum at the rate of ^d. per lb. or any larger sum properly and actually paid by the seller for carriage. 5. For the purposes of this Order the following provisions shall have effect : — (a) In ascertaining the weight of any wild rabbit or part thereof no olfal other than edible offal shall be in- cluded in the weight. The weight of the skin may be included in the weight, if the skin is included in the sale. (b) Wild rabbits may be sold otherwise than by weight provided that the maximum price is not exceeded and provided that the seller weigh the rabbits if so required by the buyer. (c) In estimating the maximum price any broken halfpenny shall count as a* halfpenny. 6. (a) A. Food Committee may from time to time by resolution vary the rate per lb. applicable on sales of wild rabbits by retail within their area or any part of their area, but — (a) Every such resolution shall be reported to the Food Con- troller within 5 days and shall not take effect until 3 days after the same has been sanctioned by the Food Controller; and (h) Every resolution by a Food Committee under this clause shall be subject at any time to review by the Food Controller, and shall be withdrawn or varied as he may direct. 7. (a) Where wild rabbits are sold by wholesale to a person carrying on business in an area in which the rate per lb. appli- cable on a sale of wild rabbits by retail has been increased by the Food Committee for that area, the seller may add to the maximum price otherwise applicable under this Order ; (i) Where such purchaser declares in writing that he is buy- ing for the purpose of resale by wholesale, a sum at a rate not exceeding ^d. less than the increase in the rate; and (ii) in any other case, a sum at a rate not exceeding the increase in the rate. 8. Every person selling wild rabbits by retail shall keep posted Notice. in a conspicuous position so as to be easily readable by all cus- tomers throughout the whole time during which wild rabbits are being sold or exposed for sale, a notice showing in plain words and figures the maximum price for wild rabbits for the time being in force under this Order and also the actual price at which wild rabbits are being sold by him for the time being. 9. Where the Food Controller is of opinion that under any con- Contracts, tract for the sale of wild rabbits subsisting on the 2nd September, 1918, the wild rabbits canifot be resold at a reasonable profit by reason of the maximum prices fixed by this Order, the Food Controller may, if he thinks fit, cancel such contract or modify the terms thereof in such manner as he shall think fit. Increased wholesale prices in certain cases. 14 Wild Rabbits (Prices) Order, 1918. Fictitious transaction. Definitions. Application to Ireland. Exception. Revocation, S.R. 6: 0., No. 9 of 1918. Title and commence- ment of Order. 10. A person shall not in connection with the sale or proposed sale of any wild rabbits enter or offer to enter into any artificial or fictitious transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 11. For the jDurpose of this Order: — The expression ** Collector " shall mean a person whose business it is, partly or wholly, to call for and collect wild rabbits from the first owner or representative of the first owner of the dead carcase. TTie expression ** Food Committee" shall mean a Food Control Committee constituted in any part of the United Kingdom under the authority of the Food Controller. " Wild Eabbits " shall mean all rabbits, whether imported or not, except rabbits proved to have been bred in captivity. 12. In the application of this Order to Ireland the powers conferred on a Food Committee under Clause 6 may be exercised by the Food Control Committee for Ireland as regards any part of Ireland; and the expression ** area " in Clauses 6 and 7 shall mean any part of Ireland in respect of which such powers shall have been so exercised. 13. Nothing in this Order shall apply to: — (a) a sale of live rabbits ; (6) a sale of canned wild rabbits ; or (c) a sale of cooked wild rabbits by a caterer in the ordinary course of his catering Business. 14. The Rabbits "(Prices) Order, 1918, is hereby revoked as at the 2nd September, 1918, without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. 15. (a) This Order may be cited as the Wild Rabbits (Prices) Order, 1918. (b) This Order shall come into force on the 2nd September, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 16th August, 1918. The Schedule. Maximum prices at the rate per lb. of Parti 6^. Part 2 ' 8^. Part 3 • ... 9iflf. . Cereals {Restriction) Order, 1918. 15 The Cekeals (Restriction) Order, 1918. Dated the 15th August, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 1029. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula-. tions shall be observed by all persons concerned. 1. This Order shall apply to the following articles, namely, Application. Wheat, Rye, Barley, Dredge Corn, and to tailings, dressings and of Order, screenings of Wheat, Rye, Barley and Dredge Corn. 2. (a) A person shall not on or after the 1st September, 1918, Restrictioiy sell or offer to sell any article of a kind, to which this Order in Sales, applies, to any person other than: — (i) A Miller buying for the purposes of a controlled flour mill; or (ii) A recognised dealer in grain; or (iii) A person requiring and holding a licence granted by or under the authority of the Food Controller for tho purpose of entitling him to use the article for a manu- facturing business carried on by him ; or Ciy) In the case of grain which is suitable for seed, a person buying grain specifically for the purpose of seed. (h) This clause shall not apply to any article in respect of which it is proved that at the time of sale it was unfit for use in the manufacture of human food. 3. {a) A person shall not on or after 1st September, 1918, sell or gales of offer to sell any article to which this Order applies which is unfit quantities for use in the manufacture of human food in a quantity of 10 cwts. of 10 cwt3 or less, unless a certificate has been granted by or under the °^ ^®®' authority of the Food Controller to the effect that such article is unfit for use in the manufacture of human food. (b) Where any certificate is granted to any person in respect of any such article, conditions may be attached to such certificate relating to the keeping of records and the making of returns by that person, and as to the persons to whom such article may be sold, and as to the use to which such article may be put. It shall be the duty of all persons concerned to comply with such conditions. 4. (a) Notwithstanding any provisions contained in the Orders mentioned in the Schedule to this Order, a person shall not, on (a) This Order, in so far as it relates to wheat and rye and to tailings, • dressings and screenings of these articles, was revoked by Order, dated Dec- ember 18, 1918, printed p. 290. 16 Cereals {Restriction) Order, 1918. or after the 1st September, 1918, except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence in writing granted to him by or under the authority of the Food Controller ; (i) Use or permit to be used any tailings, dressings or screen- ings of Wheat, Rye, I3arley, or Dredge Corn for animal food or for the manufacture of animal food ; or (ii) Use or treat or permit to be used or treated any Wheat, E-ye, Barley, or Dredge Corn for any purpose other than . the purpose permitted by the said Orders for sound articles of the like kind. (b) Nothing in this clause shall apply to the use or treat- ment of any article by or on behalf of a person who has bought such article in a quantity of 10 cwts. or less, sold in accordance with Clause 3 of this Order. (c) Any licence granted under this Order may be granted subject to such terms and conditions as the Food Controller shall think fit. Entry and 5. A person authorised by or under the authority of the Food Inspection. Controller may : — (a) Enter any premises or upon any land in or upon which he suspects any article to which this Order applies to be; {h) Inspect and take samples of any such article; or (c) Demand from any person in possession of or having con- trol of any such article, production of any certificate or licence granted under this Order, or of any document referred to in any such licence. False 6. A person shall not: — statements, (a) Knowingly make or connive at the making of any false statement in any application for any licence or certi- ficate under this Order. (h) Forge or alter any licence, or certificate, or any term or condition therein, or authority or other document issued in connection with or for the purpt)^ of this Order; or (c) Personate or falsely represent himself to be a person .^ to whom such a licence, certificate, authority, or other document has been issued or applies. {d) Obtain or attempt to obtain any licence or certificate upon any false application or upon any application containing any false statement in some material particular, or upon any application where he has reason to believe that any' statement in such applica- tion is false in any material particular. Interpreta- . "• For the purpose of this Order — tion. The expression ** Recognised Dealer " shall mean a person who in the ordinary way of his business deals in grain for the purpo^ of his livelihood. lie expression ^* unfit for use in the manufacture of human food," in connection with any article to which this Order applies, shall mean, so damaged or so inferior in quality that any flour or meal which could be milled from such article would be unfit for use in human food. Shredded Suet {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. 17 8. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalities, the Defence of the Eealm Regulations. 9 {a) This Order may be cited as the Cereals (Eestriction) Title and Order, 1918. ^'^*^°*- (b) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second! Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 15th August, 1918. The Schedule. The Wheat, Rye and Rice (Restriction) Order, 1917. S.R. & o., The Barley (Restriction) Order, 1917. 1917^ The Dredge Corn Order, 1917. fg^lV^^^ ""* No. 1182 of 1917. The Shredded Suet (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. Dated THE 19th August, 1918. 1918. ]So. 1030. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. A person shall not on or after the 1st September, 1918, sell Maximum or offer or expose for sale, or buy or offer to buy any Shredded prices. Suet at a price exceeding the maximum price for the time being applicable under this Order. 2. On and after the 1st September, 1918, until further notice, Manu- the maximum price applicable on a sale (other than a sale by facturers' retail) of any Shredded Suet by or on behalf of the manufacturer prices, thereof, shall — (a) where the sale is to a person who declares in writing that he is buying as a wholesale dealer in the article sold, be at the rate of Is. Sc?. per lb.; and (h) in any other case be at the rate of Is. 4:d. per lb. Shredded Suet {Mai-imum F rices) Order, 1918. Terms of 3. (a) The maximum price fixed under clause 2 {a) is fixed on sale. the basis that the goods are sold ex Works, all transport charges thereafter being for the buyer's account, and that the goods are packed in boxes containing 28 lbs. or 56 lbs. nett weight of Shredded Suet in 1 lb. or J lb. cartons or packets provided by the seller free of cost to the buyer. (6) The maximum price fixed under clause 2 (6) is fixed on the basis that the goods are to be delivered to the buyer at the seller's expense and are packed in boxes containing 28 lbs. or 56 lb. nett weight of Shredded Suet in 1 lb. or ^ lb. cartons or packets and provided by the seller free of cost to the buyer. Wholesale 4. {a) On and after the 1st September, 1918, until further price. notice the maximum price applicable upon the sale of any Shredded Suet (other than a sale by the manufacturer or a sale by retail) shall be at the rate of 1^. 4^. per lb. {h) The maximum price fixed by this clause is fixed on the basis: — (i) that the goods are to be delivered to the buyer at the seller's expense ; and (ii) that the goods are packed in boxes containing 28 lbs. or 56 lbs. nett weight of Shredded Suet in 1 lb. or \ lb. cartons or packets, and provided free of cost to the buyer. Retail price. 5. (a) On and after the 1st September, 1918, until further notice the maximum price applicable upon the sale of any Shredded Suet by retail shall be a price at the rate of Is. Qd. per lb. inclusive of all costs of packing, packages or giving credit. (b) Where on a retail sale the Shredded Suet is delivered at the request of the buyer otherwise than at the seller's premises, an additional charge may be made in respect of such delivery not exceeding a sum at the rate of \d. per lb. or any larger sum actually and properly paid by the seller for carriage. Contracts on 6. No sale of Shredded Suet shall, except under a licence granted by the Food Controller, be made upon terms other than the terms on the basis of which the maximum price therefor is expressed to be fixed by this Order. 7. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or know- ingly buy or offer to buy as Shredded Suet any Suet which does not comply with the following requirements : — (a) it shall have been manufactured in the United Kingdom ; (Jb) it shall contain not less than 80 per cent, of Beef Premier Jus or Beef Stearine, or of both; (c) it shall not contain more than 1^ per cent, of moisture ; {d) the remaining ingredients shall consist of Rice Flour or some other cereal or cereal product. Any Shredded Suet not complying with these requirements shall be deemed to be technical tallow, and its maximum price shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of the Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. other terms prohibited Limitation on s'iles of articles as Shredded Suet. i I S.R. &0., No. 636 of 1918. Calves (Sales) Order, 1918. 19 Warranty and certificate. 8. In any proceedings for an infringement of this Order: — (i) a buyer shall be entitled to rely upon any written warranty as to the matt-ers referred to in Clause 7 which was given to him by the person from whom he bought the article, if he satisfies the Court that he had no reason to suspect that such warranty was untrue and has given due notice to the prosecutor of his intention to rely on such warranty; (ii) the production of the Certificate of the Principal Chemist of the Government Laboratories or of any analyst appointed under the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts shall be sufliicient evidence of the facts therein stated unless the Defendant shall require that the person who made the analysis shall be called as a witness. Such certifi- cate shall be, so far as circumstances permit, in the form required by the Sale of Food and Drugs Act. 9. A person shall not on a sale of Shredded Suet enter or Fictitious offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make transactions, or demand any unreasonable charge. 10. For the purposes of this Order: — Interpre- The expression " sale by retail " shall not include any sale tation. where the total amount of Shredded Suet sold by the same seller to the same buyer in anv one calendar week exceeds 14 lbs. 11. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 12. This Order may be cited as the Shredded Suet (Maximum Title. Prices) Order, 1918. ^ By Order of the Food Controller, U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 19th August, 1918. The Calves (Sales) Oeder, 1918. Dated the 21st August, 1918. 1918. No. 1036. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. (a) No calf shall be slaughtered except at a Government Restriction slaughterhouse. on slaughter of calves. •20 Calves (Sales) Order, 1918. Restriction on sales of dead calves. Maximum prices on sales to Grovernment buyers. (6) The restriction on slaughter imposed by this clause shall not apply to : — (i) slaughter of a calf upon premises other than a Govern- ment slaughterhouse where such slaughter is author- ised by the Food Controller ; or (ii) slaughter of a calf under the powers conferred by the Diseases of Animals Acts 1894 to 1914, or any Order made thereunder; or (iii) slaughter of a calf where such slaughter is immediately necessary or desirable on account of accidental injury to the animal or its illness, or for any other excep- tional reason or purpose; or (iv) slaughter by a farmer for consumption in his own house hold of a calf bred and owned by him ; Provided that notice of such slaughter and such other particulars as may from time to time be required shall be given within 7 days thereafter to the Food Control Committee for the district in which the calf is slaughtered. 2. (a) Where a calf has not been purchased by a Government buyer before slaughter, the owner of such calf at the time of slaughter shall not sell the carcase or any part thereof to a person other than a Government buyer. (6) Nothing in this clause shall apply to the sale of a carcase or part of a carcase which has been condemned by a com- petent authority as unfit for human food. 3. (a) Upon the occasion of a sale of a calf to a Government buyer, the maximum price applicable shall be such price as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe by notice under this Order, and shall until further notice be as follows: — (i) Where the calf is sold alive by dead weight, the maxi- mum price for the calf (including the offals) shall be at' the rate of Is. per lb. of the weight of the dressed carcase. Where the calf is sold alive otherwise than by dead weight, the maximum price shall be 205. per calf. Where the calf is sold dead the maximum price shall, be at the rate of M. per lb. of the weight of the carcase which shall include the head, skin, feet and pluck. Such price shall include the value of the offals except the paunch and intestines. The prices fixed by this clause are fixed on the basis that the calf is delivered in good condition and free of cost to the buyer. Such delivery shall be made, on the occasion of a sale of a live calf, at a Government slaughterhouse or market, and on the occasion of the sale of a dead calf at a Government slaughterhouse or such other place as the Live Stock Commissioner may direct. (c) Where in the opinion of the Government buyer any of the provisions of sub-clause (6) are not complied with, such corresponding variation shall be made in the price as such buyer may determine. (ii) (iii) (6) Calves (Sales) Order, 1918. 21 4. The Live Stock (Sales) Order, 1918, is hereby revoked as on the 26th August, 1918, to the extent mentioned in the schedule hereto. Revocation. S.R. &.O., No. 517 of 1918. Interpreta- tion, 5. All persons concerned shall comply with any directions Directions, which may be given for the purpose of this Order by a Govern- ment buyer or other person authorised in that behalf by the Food Controller as to the weighing of any calf or the carcase of any calf, and as to any other matter relating to the price payable for any calf or any carcase of a calf. 6. ''Government slaughterhouse" means premises kept or occupied for use as a slaughterhouse for cattle by or on behalf of or in pursuance of an agreement with the Food Controller. " Government buyer " means a Government slaughterhouse agent, livestock auctioneer, or other person authorised by the Food Controller to buy or sell cah^es alive or dead on his behalf. " Live Stock Commissioner " means in England and Wales the Live Stock Commissioner appointed by the Food Controller, and in Scotland the Deputy Live Stock Commissioner. '' Calf " means a bovine animal in which the first or permanent molar or grinder tooth is not cut or visible. " Dressed carcase " means the carcase dressed in usual manner, excluding all the offals, but including the kidneys; the feet and shanks of the hind and fore legs shall be cut off at the hocks and knees respectively. ''Offals" shall include the skin, head, pluck, paunch, intes- tines, loose fat, feet and shanks. 7. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of {he Realm Regulations. 8. (a) This Order mav be cited as the Calves (Sales) Order, 1918. (h) This Order shall not apply to Ireland, (c) This Order shall come into force on the 26th August, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, Title and extent and commence- ment of Order. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st August, 1918. The Schedule. Live Stock Sales Order, 1918. Number of Clause. Clause 1 (a) ... (6) ... (c) ... (d) ... Extent of revocation. From the word "heifer" in line 5 to the end of sub-clause. The whole sub-clause. The whole clause. 22 Margarine Cheese {Returns) Order, 1918. The Margarine Cheese (Returns) Order, 1918. 21sT August, 1918. Dated the 1918. Xo. 103T. Returns. Form of Returns. Penalty. Interpreta- tion 62 and 63 Vict. c. 51. Title. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. The occupier of every factory or workshop engaged wholly or partly in the manufacture or production of margarine cheese shall from time to time as and when required by the Food Con- troller forward to the Secretary, Ministry of Food (Edible Fats Distribution Branch), New County Hall, London, S.E.I, a return showing: — {a) the quantity of margarine cheese manufactured or pro- duced at- the factory or workshop during such period or periods as may be specified by the Food Controller ; (b) the persons to whom margarine cheese manufactured or produced at such factory or workshop during any such period or periods was consigned and the terms and conditions on which any such margarine cheese was sold ; (c) the quantity of margarine cheese which he has in stock at such date or dates as may be specified by the Food Controller ; and , (d) the cost of the manufacture or production of margarine cheese at such factory or workshop during such period or periods as may be specified by the Food Controller. 2. Any returns required under this Order shall be made in such form and within such time and verified in such manner as the Food Controller may direct. 3. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. In this Order the expression ** margarine cheese " has the same meaning as in the Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1899. 5. This Order may be cited as the Margarine Cheese (Returns) Order, 1918. ♦ By Order of the Food Controller, ^ U, F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st August, 1918. Order amending the Raw Beef and Rate Mutton Fat {Licensing 23 of Purchases) Order ^ 1918, and the Home Melt Tallows and Greases (Requisition) Order, 1918. Ordeu dated the 21st August, 1918, amending the Raw Beep AND Raw Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918, AND the Home Melt "Tallows and Greases (Requisi- ' • tion) Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1038. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of ail other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. In the application of the Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918 (hereinafter called the First Principal Order) and the Home Melt Tallows and Greases (Requisition) Order, 1918 (hereinafter called the Second Principal Order) to Ireland, the following provisions shall have efiPect and the Principal Orders shall be read as varied accord- ingly : — {a) Applications for Licences under Clause 3 of the First Principal Order to buy, or acquire, render, melt or g^ ^ ^ 0. treat any fat in Ireland shall be made on forms to be No. 635 of obtained from and returned to the Secretary, the 1918. Food Control Committee for Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin. (b) The Returns prescribed to be made under Clause 2 of the Second Principal Order shall, where made on s. R. & O. behalf of a factory or workshop in Ireland, be for- No. 637 of warded to the Secretary, the Food Control Committee 19^8. for Ireland, K'ldare Street, Dublin, at such times and in respect of such periods and in such forms as the said Committee may from time to time prescribe. By Order of the Food Controller, U. F, Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st August, 1918. 24 General Licence under the Potatoes {Registration of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918, as amended; Maize Products {Retail Prices) Order, 1918. General Licence, dated August 21, 1918, under tpie Potatoes (Registration of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918, as AMENDED. 1918. ^"6. 1039.' S. R. & 0., Notwithstanding- anything contained in the Potatoes (E-egistra- Nos. 555 and tion of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918, the Food Controller 623 of 1918. hereby authorises every person holding a certificate of registration S. R. & 0. ^^ ^ wholesale dealer in Seed Potatoes under the Potatoes Order, No. 949 of' 1917, to sell such potatoes by wholesale in accordance with the 1917. terms of such certificate until the 1st November, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st August, 1918. The Maize Products (Eetail Prices) Order, 1918. Dated the 21st August, 1918. 1918. No. 1040. Maximum Prices for maize flour, etc. Charges for delivery and "dug. Fictitious transactions. Proprietary brands. In exercise of the powel^s conferred upon him. by the Defence of the E-ealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. A person shall not on or after the 2nd September, 1918, sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or offer to buy by retail any maize flour, maize flake, maize semolina, hominy, ceraline or maize meal at a price exceeding a price at the rate of 4td. per lb. 2. — (a) Where any article of a kind mentioned in Clause 1 of this Order is delivered at the buyer's request otherwise than at the seller's premises, an additional charge may be made in respect of such delivery at a rate not exceeding the rate of ^d. per lb. or any larger sum actually and properly paid by the seller for carriage. (b) 'No charge may be made for packing or packages or for giving credit. 3. A person shall not on a sale by retail of any article of a kind mentioned in Clause 1 of this Order enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 4. Except in such cases as the Food Controller may otherwise determine this Order shall apply to proprietary brands of the articles mentioned in Clause 1 of this Order. Directions for Retailers and their Customers relating to Registra- 25 tion under the Rationing Order, 1918. 5. The Oats and Maize Products (Retail Prices) Order, 1917, Revocation and the Oats and Maize Products (Eetail Prices) Order (No. 2), ^^^- ^gg and 1917, are hereby revoked as at the ;<;nd September, 1918, but 432 of 1917. without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contra- vention thereof. 6. Licences relating to maize products granted under the Saying of Orders mentioned in Clause 5 shall on and after the 2nd Septem- ^^^^^^ ber, 1918, take effect as if they had been granted under this Order. 7. This Order may be cited as the Maize Products (Retail ^^^^®- Prices) Order, 1918. ^ By Order of the Food Controller, U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st August, 1918. Directions for Retailers and their Customers relating to Registration, dated the 22kd August, 1918, under the Rationing Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1042. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Order and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders and directs that the following directions relating to the registration of customers with retailers shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. In these directions '* Retailer " means with respect to any rationed food a retailer of such food. '^ Appropriate Counterfoil " means with respect to lard the counterfoil marked *' Spare Counterfoil I." in the Ration Book A, and the counterfoil marked '' Spare Counterfoil III." in the Ration Book B, and with respect to any other rationed food the counterfoil of the Ration Book A or B which relates to such food. 2. A person may be registered with a retailer for the supply of a rationed food only in the following manner: — (a) He must first write his name and address and the date of signing on the appropriate counterfoil of his ration book. (b) The retailer must enter his own name and address in the appropriate space on the inside of the front cover of the ration book and on the back of the appropriate counterfoil ; he must enter the serial number of the ration book in the space headed '* Leave Blank " on such counterfoil and must detach and keep and when required by his Food Committee produce and surrender the counterfoil. 26 Directions for Retailers and their Customers relating to Registra- tion under the Rationing Order, 1918. The appropriate space for lard is the space num- ?! bered 5 on the inside of the front cover of the Ration Book A or B. 3. A customer wishing to transfer his registration on leaving the district, should recover his counterfoil from the retailer (or from the Food Committee, if in their possession) and the leaf of the ration book if deposited, and take the counterfoil and leaf with his ration book to the Food Committee of his new district. 4. A customer wishing to transfer his registration for any other reason should apply for directions to the Food Committee of the district in which he resides. ^ 5. Except where leaving the district, a customer may not be transferred from one retailer to another without the consent of the Food Committee of the district in which he resides. A retailer must not without instructions from a Food Committee accept for registration a customer who is registered with another retailer, unless the customer produces with the ration book the blank appropriate counterfoil N.13a, N.13b, or ]N'.13c, and the form ^,13 (Removals) containing the appropriate blank space. 6. The retailer may refuse to sell except for cash. 7. A retailer is bound to' accept for registration any customer assigned to him by the Food Committee. 8. Where the customer is leaving the district or is authorised by the Food Committee to transfer his registration the retailer must forthwith surrender- the counterfoil to the customer. 9. The retailer must keep all counterfoils in alphabetical order, and where he supplies more than one rationed food, he must keep the counterfoils relating to each rationed food separately. 10. A person residing ill a Catering Establishment, Institu- tion, or Residential Establishment, and lawfully holding a special Fats Leaf or Invalids Leaf may, with the consent of the Food Committee, register the same with a retailer. Except to this extent, registration is not applicable in the case of a person residing in a Catering Establishment, Institution, or Residential Establishment, and a retailer must not accept for registration any person who is residing in any such establishment. 11. A person entering an Establishment need not recover the counterfoil from the retailer. A person leaving the Establishment, and becoming a member of a household in a district other than the district in which he is registered, should recover the counterfoil from the retailer if he wishes to transfer his registration. By Order of the Food Controller, U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 22nd August, 1918. Notice under the Meat {Retail Prices) Order {No. 2), 1918, and the Meat Retail Prices {Scotland) Order, 1918. 27 XoTicE, DATim August 22, 1918, under the Meat (Retail Prices) Order (No. 2), 1918, and the Meat Eetail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1043. 1. In exercise of tlie powers reserved to him by the above S. R. & 0., Order and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the ^os. 372 & Food Controller hereby gives notice that the maximum prices ^ ^ iyl9. for veal sold by retail in Great Britain shall as from 26th August, 1918, until further notice, be at the rates mentioned in the Schedule hereto. 2. " Veal " means any uncooked meat (excluding oftal) derived from a calf; " Calf " means a bovine animal in which the first or permanent molar or grinder tooth is not cut or visible. By Order of the Food Controller, U.»F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 22nd August, 1918. Joint. Legs Loins Shoulders ... Necks Breasts Leg Cut, Fillet Knuckles Loins Cut, Best Ends Chump End Shoulder Cut, Oyster or Blade ... Neck, Best End Middle Neck, from under Shoulder Neck End Veal Cutlets ice per lb s. d. 1 5 1 5 1 3 1 11 1 8 7 1 6 1 4 1 6 1 5 1 9 1 10 :28 Voluntai-jj Kitchens {Licensing) Order, 1918. The Voluntary Kitchens (Licensing) Order, 1918, dated THE 19th August, 1918, as amei^ded ijy Amending Order, DATED November 5, 19 18. (a) 1918. No. 1052 as amended by 1425. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a Licence granted by or under the authority of the Food Controller, a jjerson shall not on and after the 1st January, 1919, serve or supply or permit to be served or supplied any article of food in or from any Voluntary Kitchen. 2. Applications for licences are to be made in writing to the Secretary, Ministry of Food (National Kitchens Division), 4, St. Paul's Churchyard, E.C.4, on forms to be obtained from him upon application. 3. A person shall not make any false or misleading statement in any application under this Order. 4. The grant of a licence under this Order shall not exempt any person from the necessity of obtaining a licence or certificate of registration under any Rationing or other Order of the Food Controller for the time being in force. 5. '^Voluntary Kitchen" shall mean any premises in which the main business carried on is the sale or supply of food where such sale or supply is not made primarily for the purpose of gain, but shall not include : — (a) huts, hostels, canteens and buffets in or from which food "is solely or mainly supplied to members of His Majesty's Forces or of the Forces of His Majesty's Allies or Co-Belligerents or to persons employed in the production of Munitions of War; (h) huts, hostels, canteens and buffets established by or with the assistance of a Government Department tor its own servants or provided by an employer of labour for his own employees ; (c) any National Kitchen carried on pursuant to the National Kitchens Order, 1918; (d) any place where food is supplied by any Local Authority under Statutory powers ; and (e) such other establishments as the Food Controller may from time to time determine. S. R. &0., 6. The Canteens and Hostels (Licensing) Order, 1918, is 'ini^^ ^* hereby revoked. 7. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. (a) The amending Order of iVov. 5, 1918, substituted the date 1st January. 1919, for 16th September, 1918, in Clause 1. Blackherries Order, 1918, 29 8. (a) This Order may be cited as the Voluntary Kitchens (Licensing) Order, 1918. (b) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 19th August, 1918. The Blackberries Order, 1918. 1918. Dated the 23rd August, 1918. No. 1053. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. No Blackberries or pulp made from Blackberries shall be used for any purpose other than as an article of food or in the manufacture of an article of food. 2. A person who for the purpose of sale, manufactures jam, or bottles, or otherwise in any form preserves Blackberries (herein- after called a Jam manufacturer), shall not by himself or his agent buy or agree to buy for the purposes of such manufacture or preserving any Blackberries at a price exceeding £42 per ton, or pay to the seller or his agent in respect of such fruit any charges other than those permitted under this Order. The maxi- mum price under this Clause includes all charges for picking and packing. 3. The additional charges permitted on a purchase to which Clause 2 applies are : — (a) Where fruit is delivered to the buyer's premises or for sale in a market the customary charges for such delivery, not exceeding in any case an amount equal to the cost of transport to the buyer's premises or the market in which the fruit is sold from a railway station, port or wharf, near the place wh^re the fruit was grown ; (h) Where packages are provided by some person other than the Jam manufacturer, (i) A charge not exceeding the rate of 40^. per ton of fruit for the use of pecks, strikes and half-sieves; and 25^. per ton of fruit for the Blackberries and pulp to be used only for food. Maximum prices by jam manu- facturers. Permitted additional charges. 30 Blachhevries Order, 1918. Maximum price on retail sales. Presump- tion. Artificial transactions. Exception. Penalty. Title. use of baskets or other -asual packages (other than chip baskets and punnets) all pecks, strikes, half -sieves, baskets, or other packages to be returned carriage paid, (ii) A charge not exceeding 405. per ton of fruit delivered in chip baskets or punnets, the chip baskets and punnets to be non- returnable. 4. (a) A person shall not sell by retail or offer or expose for retail sale or buy or offer to buy by retail any Blackberries at a price exceeding 4 11 1 8i 2 6 5 10 9 Strawberry and Plum ... ... J Damson ... ... ... ...^ \ Greengage | Plum ! Red Currant | 101 1 8 2 5i 5 9 9 Raspberry and Red Currant ... | Whinberry j Apricot and Apple ... ... . . . ^ >► Blackberry and Apple Black Currant and Apple Red Currant and Apple ... Loganberry and Apple ! lOi 1 73 2 5i 5 8 8| Raspberry and Apple 4 Strawberry and Apple Black Currant and Gooseberry ... Raspberry and Gooseberry Strawberry and Gooseberry ... , Order amending the Jam {Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918. 35 Description of Jam or Jelly. Maximum Prices. Where Container holds : — lib. 2 1b. 3 1b. 7 1b. Over 7 1b. per lb. Marmalade ... Damson and Apple Gooseberry ... Gooseberry and Red Currant Plum and Apple Marrow ... Marrow and Lemon Marrow and Ginger Marrow and Raspberry Marrow and Strawberry ... Marrow and Redcurrant ... Marrow and Blackberry . . . Marrow and Elderberry ... Rhubarb and Raspberry ..-. Rhubarb and Strawberry ... Gooseberry and Apple Rhubarb and Apple Rhubarb and Blackberry Rhubarb and Damson Rhubarb and Ginger Rhubarb and Gooseberry Rhubarb and Lemon ... Rhubarb and Plum Rhubarb Jam of any other description ...J s. d. 10^ 10 91 9^ 9 s. d. 1 7i 1 7 1 6 1 5i 1 4i s. d. 2 4i 2 4 2 21 2 2 2 Oi s. d. 5 6i 5 5 5 2 5 1 4 9i 8. d. 8i 8i 8 7i 7 Note. — (1) If jam or jelly is sold in a quantity of less than 7 lbs. in a container holding a quantity not specified above, the maximum price is to be at the rate per lb. applicable to sales in a container holding the next higher quantity specified. (2) Where the jam or jely is contained in a 7 lb. returnable con- tainer, the buyer shall be entitled to recover from the seller the sum of 6d. for each jar or container returned by him to the seller in good condition. (3) Where the jam or jelly is contained in a 7 lb. non-returnable container the maximum price shall be decreased by bd. in respect of each such container. (4) Jam or jelly made from rhubarb and lemon, ginger, or apple, may be dsscribed as " Rhubarb and Lemon," " Rhubarb and Ginger," " Rhubarb and Apple," as the case may be, notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 4 (c) of the Order. Jam or jelly made from Marrow and Lemon, Ginger, Raspberry, Strawberry,. Redcurrant, Blackberry or Elderberry may be described as " Marrow and Lemon," " Marrow and Ginger," " Marrow and Raspberry," " Marrow and Strawberry," "Marrow and Redcurrant,' "Marrow and Blackberry" or " Marrow and Elderberry " as the case may be notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 4 (c) of the Order. 6510 R 34 Order amending the Jam (Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918. The Second Schedule. Sale by Retail. Desciiption of Jam or Jelly. Maximum Prices. Where Container holds : 1 lb. 2 lb. I 3 lb. 7 lb Cherry Strawberry Apricot Melon and Apricot Melon and Ginger Melon and Lemon Melon and Pineapple Peach Pineapple Pineapple and Apricot Quince Black Currant ... Loganberry Raspberry... ..* Blackberry Raspberry and Plum Strawberry and Plum Damson ... Greengage Plum Red Currant Raspberry and Red Currant Whinberry Apricot and Apple Blackberry and Apple .. Black Currant and Apple Red Currant and Apple.. Loganberry and Apple .. Raspberry and Apple .. Strawberry and Apple .. Black Currant and Gooseberry Raspberry and Gooseberry Strawberry and Gooseberry Marmalade Damson and Apple Gooseberry Gooseberry and Red Currant Plum and Apple Marrow ... Marrow and Lemon Marrow and Ginger Marrow and Raspberry ... Marrow and Strawberry Marrow and Redcurrant Marrow and Blackberry Marrow and Elderberry... s. d. 1 2 1 U 1 U 1 Oi 1 1 \- Hi 2 2i 2 1 2 1 1 11 1 lOi 1 lOi 1 10 8. d. 3 4 3 U 3 U 2 10^ 2 10 2 9 2 U Order amending the Jam (Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918. 35 Maximum Prices. Description of Jam or Jelly. Where Container holds : lib. 2 1b. 3 1b. 7 1b. Rhubarb and Raspberry Rhubarb and Strawberry Gooseberry and Apple ... Rhubarb and Apple Rhubarb and Blackberry Rhubarb and Damson ... Rhubarb and Ginger Rhubarb and Gooseberry Rhubarb and Lemon Rhubarb and Plum Rhubarb Jam of any other description .. 1 ... 1 I 8. d. ' 11 lOi 8. d. 1 9 1 7i 8. d. 2 7 2 5 s. d. 6 5 8 Note. — (1) If sold in a container holding a quantity not specified above, the maximum price is to be at the rate per lb. applicable to sales in a container holding the next higher quantity specified, and if the sale is of more than 7 lbs. at the rate per lb. applicable in a sale of 7 lbs. (2) Where the jam or jelly is contained in a 7 lb. returnable container, the buyer shall be entitled to recover from the seller the sum of (id. for each such jar or container returned by him to the seller in good condition. (3) Where the jam or jelly is contained in a 7 lb. non-returnable con- tainer, the maximum price shall be decreased by M. in respect of each such container. (4) Jam or jelly made from rhubarb and lemon, ginger or apple may be described as " Rhubarb and Lemon," " Rhubarb and Ginger," " Rhubarb and Apple," as the case may be, notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 4 (c) of the Order. Jam or jelly made from Marrow and Lemon, Ginger, Raspberry, Strawberry^ Redcurrant, Blackberry or Elderberry may be described as " Marrow and Lemon," " Marrow and Ginger," " Marrow and Raspberry," " Marrow and Strawberry," " Marrow and Redcurrant," " Marrow and Blackberry " or " Marrow and Elderberry " as the case may be notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 4 (c) of the Order. 6540 B 2; 36 Order amending the Jam (Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918. 7716 Third !Schedule, Sale by Retail without a Container subject to Conditions mentioned below. Description of Jam or Jelly. Maximum Prices. lib. fib. ilb. Cherry Strawberry Apricot Melon and Apricot Melon and Ginger Melon and Lemon Melon and Pineapple Peach Pineapple... ^ ... Pineapple and Apricot Quince Black Currant Loganberry Raspberry Blackberry B,aspberry and Plum Strawberry and Plum Damson Oreengage Plum Red Currant Raspberry and Red Currant Whinberry Apricot and Apple Blackberry and Apple Black Currant and Apple Red Currant and Apple.. Loganberry and Apple .. Raspberry and Apple .. Strawberry and Apple .. Black Currant and Gooseberry Raspberry and Gooseberry Strawberry and Gooseberry Marmalade Damson and Apple Gooseberry Gooseberry and Red Currant Plum and Apple ... Marrow ... Marrow and Lemon TMarrow and Ginger Marrow and Raspberry... Marrow and Strawberry Marrow and Redcurrant Marrow and Blackberry Marrow and Elderberry... :::} 1 1 1 Oh lU 11 lOi s. d. lOi 10 9i 9 8i d. s. d. 7 3i 7 6H 3^ 6 6 Rats Order, 1918. 37 i„ Maximum Prices. lib. fib. ilb. \\h. Rhubarb and Raspberry Rhubarb and Strawberry Gooseberry and Apple ... Rhubarb and Apple Rhubarb and Blackberry Rhubarb and Damson ... Rhubarb and Ginger Rhubarb and Gooseberry Rhubarb and Lemon Rhubarb and Plum Rhubarb Jam of any other description . , ^ , s. d. 10 9i s. d. 8 8 s. d. 6i 5i s. d. 3 3 This Schedule does not apply to : — (a) any sale of jam or jelly except jam or jelly sold without a container ; or, (6) any sale of loose jam or jelly, unless the seller is able and willing, if so required, to sell 1 lb. in a container of the like jam or jelly (as the case may be) to the customer at the price applicable under this Order. Where the quantity sold is not an even \ lb., \ lb. or | lb., the price is to be at the rate provided on the sale of f lb. Jam or jelly made from rhubarb and lemon, ginger or apple may be described as " Rhubarb and Lemon," " Rhubarb and Ginger," " Rhubarb and Apple," as the case may be, notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 4 (c) of the Order. Jam or jelly made from Marrow and Lemon, Ginger, Raspberry, btrawberry, Redcurrant, Blackberry or Elderberry may be described as " Marrow and Lemon," " Marrow and Ginger," " Marrow and Raspberry," " Marrow and Strawberry," " Marrow and Redcurrant," " Marrow and Blackberry " or " Marrow and Elderberry " as the case may be notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 4 (c) of the Order. The Rats Order, 1918. Dated the 28th August, 1918. 1918. No. 1071. In exercise of the powers conferred upon liim by tlie Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. Where a local authority are of opinion that rate are causing preventable damage or destruction to foodstuffs within their district they may take such measures as they shall think proper for the destruction of such rats. Measures for the destruc- tion of rats. 6540 B 3 38 Rats Order, 1918. Directions by a local authority. Recommend- ations to a local authority. Power to prosecute. Penalty. Interpreta- tion. Title and extent of Order. 2. (a) Where a local authority are of opinion that the owner or occupier of any land or building has neglected to take reason- able and proper precautions to prevent such land or building becoming infested by rats or has neglected to remove from such land or building any rubbish or other materials likely to attract rats, they may give to such owner or occupier directions requiring him to take such steps as in the opinion of the local authority are reasonable and proper for the purpose of preventing such land or building from being infested by rats or requiring him to remove or destroy such rubbish or other materials. (6) It shall be the duty of such owner or occupier to comply with all such directions, and where in the opinion of a local authority the owner or occupier of any land or building has failed to comply with any such directions within seven daj'S of the same being given or such later period as may be specified by the local authority, they may enter on such land or building, and take such measures as are enjoined by such directions and may recover from such owner or occupier any expenses incurred by them so far as such expenses are directly attributabJe to the failure of such owner or occupier to carry out his obligations under those directions. 3. A Local Authority in the exercise of the powers conferred by this Order shall have regard to any recommendations which may be made to them in England and Wales by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries or a War Agricultural Executive Committee in the area of the Local Authority, and in Scotland by the Board of Agriculture for Scotland or a District Agricultural Executive Committee acting in the area of the Local Authority. 4. A Local Authority in England or Wales and any person authorised by them are hereby authorised to prosecute any offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations occasioned by a breach of this Order. 6. Failure to comply with this Order or a'ny direction given thereunder is a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 6. For the purposes of this Order, the expression *' Foodstuffs" shall include growing crops, but this shall not be construed so as to limit the general interpretation of that expression. The expression ** Local Authority" shall mean as regards England and Wales, a County Council or the Council of a County Borough; and, as regards Scotland, a County Council or a Town Council. 7. (a) This Order may be cited as the Rats Order, 1918. (6) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 28th August, 1918. Vegetable Marroio Order, 1918. 39 The Vegetable Marrow Order, 1918. Dated the 31st August, 1918. 1918. No. 1082. In exercise of the powers conferrecl upon him by the Defence of the Realm Eegnlations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or General offer to buy any vegetable marrows at prices exceeding the restriction, maximum prices applicable under this Order. 2. On the occasion of a sale (other than a sale by retail) of Maximum vegetable marrows by the grower of the marrows sold, the prices on maximum price shall- ^^^^f (a) Where the sale is made to a licensed jam manufacturer, growers. be at the rate of £6 per ton free on rail, ship or barge at the grower's station, port or wharf. (h) Where the sale is made to a person who declares in writing that he is buying for the purpose of sale by retail, be at the rate ►of £6 IO5. per ton ex market or (at the seller's option) delivered to the buyer's premises, (c) Where the sale is made to any other person, be at the rate of £5 IO5. per ton free on rail, ship or barge at the grower's station, port or wharf. 3. On the occasion of a sale (other than a sale by retail) of Maximum vegetable marrows by any person other than the grower of the price on sales marrows sold^ the maximum price shall be at the rate of £6 10s. by/^^l^ojesale per ton ex market or (at the seller's option) delivered to the buyer's ^„ growers, premises. 4. Where any sale to which Clause 2 or Clause 3 applies is made Terms of on any terms as to delivery other than the terms stated, a sale, corresponding variation shall be made in the maximum price. 5. (a) On the occasion of a sale by retail of any vegetable Maximum marrow or any part of a vegetable marrow the maximum price price on sales shall be at the rate of Id. per lb. but not exceeding 7d. for any ^ ^ ' one marrow. A broken Id. shall be computed as Id. (b) On the occasion of a sale by retail no charge may be made for packing, packages, giving credit or making delivery. 6. (a) Where a licensed jam manufacturer or his authorised Priority of agent makes a declaration in writing to the grower or dealer that purchases he is desirous of buying any vegetable marrows in the possession °^ •'^™' of such grower or dealer for the purpose of manufacturing jam for salei, isuch manufacturer or agent shall be entitled to have delivery of such vegetable marrows on tendering payment in cash of the maximum price therefor (which, where the marrows are at the time of the declaration in a market, shall be deemed to be 6540 B 4 40 Vegetable Marrow Order ^ 1918. Avoidance of certain contracts. Artificial transactions. Interpreta- tion. Exception. £6 IO5. per ton ex market), and such grower or dealer shall make delivery to him accordingly. For the purposes of this clause a licensed jam manufacturer may weigh or require the grower or dealer to weigh any vegetable marrows in the possession of a grower or dealer. {h) Where a person to whom payment is made is not by virtue of his ownership or otherwise entitled to retain for his own use the money paid, he shall forthwith account for the same to the person lawfully entitled' thereto. (c) Nothing in the foregoing part of this Clause shall apply to vegetable marrows which, when the declaration is made, are in the jwssession of a jam manufacturer or a dealer for the purpose of retail sale, or which have been agreed to be sold to any other person under a contract not avoided by this order. {d) A person shall not make or knowingly connive at the making of any false statement in any such declaration or use any vegetable marrows supplied thereunder except for the purpose mentioned in his declaration. 7. Where any contract subsisting on the 4th September, 1918, for the sale of any vegetable marrows provides for the payment of a price in excess of the permit,ted maximum price, the contract shall stand so far as concerns vegetable marrows delivered before the 4th September, 1918, but shall, unless the Food Controller otherwise directs, be avoided so far as concerns vegetable marrows agreed to be sold above the permitted price which have not been so delivered. 8. A person shall not in connection with any sale or disposition of vegetable marrows enter or offer to enter into any artificial or fictitious transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 9. For the purposes of this Order : — The expression *^ vegetable marrows " shall not include the variety known as '* Custard Marrows.'' The expression " Licensed jam manufacturer " shall mean a person holding a licence from the Food Controller authorising him to purchase soft fruit for the manu- facture of jam for sale. The expression '* Grower " as respects any vegetable marrows shall include a person who has become the purchaser thereof under " a sale on the ground." 10. Nothing in this Order shall apply to: — (i) The sale of vegetable marrows which is a ** sale on the ground " ; (ii) The sale of canned, bottled or preserved vegetable marrows, or of cooked vegetable marrows by a caterer in the ordinary course of his business ; (iii) The sale of vegetable marrows in Ireland for delivery in Ireland. Beans, Peas and False {Requisition) {Amendment) Order, 1918. 41 11. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Infrjnge- tlie Defence of the Realm Regulations. ^^^ ^' 12. {a) This Order may be cited as the Vegetable Marrow Title and Order, 1918. ' - commence (6) This Order shall come into force on the 4th September, Order^ By Order of the Food Controller, IF. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. • 31st August, 1918. The Beans, Peas and Pulse (Requisition) (Amendment) Order, 1918. Dated the 30th August, 1918. 1918. No. 1083. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows: — 1. The Beans, Peas and Pulse (Requisition) Order, 1917, shall s,r. & o not until further notice apply to beans or peas imported into the No. 457 of United Kingdom for the purpose of seed where — 1917. {a) the importer furnishes to the Food Controller on or before the arrival of such beans or peas in the United Kingdom a statement showing the variety, quantity, country of origin and any other particulars which may be required by him, together with a declaration that the beans or peas have been bought for the purpose of seed and will be duly sold for use in the United Kingdom for that purpose; and {h) in the opinion of the Food Controller such beans or peas are suitable for use as seed and are of a kind custom- arily used for the production of beans or peas in the United Kingdom. 2. This Order may be cited as the Beans, Peas and Pulse (Requisition) (Amendment) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W . 11. Beveridge^ Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 30th August, 1918. 42 Order amending the Poultry and Game (Prices) Order, 1918. Order amending the Poultry and Game (Prices) Order, 1918, DATED the 30th AuGUST, 1918, AS AMENDED BY FURTHER Amending Order dated the 29th October, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 1084 as amended by 1402. In exercise of tlie powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that the Poultry and Game (Prices) Order, 1918 (hereinafter called the Principal Order), shall be amended as follows: — 1. The Schedule to this Order shall on and after the 30th August, 1918, until further notice be substituted for the Schedule to the Principal Order. S. R. & O. 2- After sub-clause (iv) of Clause 4 of the Principal Order No. 886 of there shall be inserted the following sub-clause : — *' (v) A person may sell poultry or game otherwise than by weight provided that the maximum price is not ex- ceeded, and provided he weighs the poultry or game at the time of sale if so required by the buyer." 3. After Clause 11 of the Principal Order there shall be inserted the following clause : — *' 11a. Nothing in this Order shall apply to sales of cooked poultry or game by a caterer in the ordinary course of his catering business.'' 4. Copies of the Principal Order hereafter to be printed under the authority of His Majesty's Stationery Ofl&ce shall be printed with the substitution and insertions provided for by this Order, and the Principal Order shall on and after the 30th August, 1918, be read and take effect as if it had been made with such substitu- tion and insertions. By Order of the^Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 30th August, 1918. (a) The Amending Order of Oct. 29, 1918, added the first item to the Schedule as from 11th Sfovember, 1918. Grocery Syrup {Distribution to Manufacturers) Order, 1918. 43 The Schedule. Maximum Prices for Poultry and G-ame. First Column. Second Column. — Price at the Price for Price at the Price for rate per lb. the bird. rate per lb. the bird. Cockersl weighing not less than S. d. s. d. S. d. S. d. 6 ozs. and not more than 1 lb. _ 2 2 — 2 8 Any other Cockerel and any- Pullet, Cock or Hen — • Weighing 6 lbs. or Jess, per lb. 2 2 — 2 8 — Weighing more than 6 lbs. , , — 13 — 16 Domestic Duck — ' Weighing 6 lbs. or less, per lb. 1 10 2 3 — Weighing more than 6 lbs. per bird — 11 13 6 Turkey per lb. 2 2 — 2 8 — Goose „ 1 4 — 1 8 — Guinea Fowl ... per bird — 5 6 — 7 Grouse and Black Game, young birds (hatched in the year 1918, and sold prior to the Ist November, 1918) per bird — 4 3 — 5 6 All other Grouse and Black Game per bird — 2 6 — 3 3 Partridges, young birds (hatched in the year 1918, and sold prior to the 1st Jan., 1919) per bird — 3 3 — 4 All other Partridges ... „ — 1 9 — 2 3 Pheasants (Cocks) ... „ — 5 6 — 7 „ (Hens) ... „ — 5 — 6 6 ) The Grocery Syrup (Distribution to Manufacturers) Order, 1918. Dated the 31st August, 1918. 1918. No. 1089. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. A person shall not after the 6th October, 1918, purchase or Restriction take delivery of any Grocery Syrup or refined Treacle (herein- on obtain- after called syrup) for the purposes of any manufacturing business ^^^ syjup for except under and in accordance with a valid official authority turin^ purposes. 44 Grocery Syrup (Distribution to Manufacturers) Order, 1918. Restrictions on use of syrup for manufac- turing purposes. Authorities. Amounts and records. Revocation of authority. issued under the authority of the Food Controller, and a person having the disposal of syrup shall not after the same date know- ingly deliver syrup for any of the purposes aforesaid except against a voucher issued under the authority of the Food Con- troller authorising such delivery. 2. A person shall not use any syrup obtained by virtue of any authority under this Order except for the purposes and in the manner permitted by such authority and otherwise in -accord- ance with any directions of the Food Controller or instructions of a Food Committee. 3. Authorities shall be issued in such manner and for 'such quantities of syrup for such period of time and subject to such conditions as may from time to time be directed by or on behalf of the Food Controller, whether generally or in a particular case. 4. Every manufacturer shall keep such accounts and records showing the disposition of all syrup obtained by him for the purposes of or used by him in the course of his business as may from time to time be directed by the Food Controller, and shall produce such accounts and all relevant documents on demand and shall permit the stocks of syrup in his possession to be inspected on demand by any person authorised by the Food Controller or a Food Committee. 5. Any authority, voucher, or other like document issued pursuant to or for the purposes of this Order may at any time be revoked bv the Food Controller or a Food Committee. Authority non-trans- ferable. Completion of docu- ments. Offences. 6. An authority or voucher issued for the purposes of this Order shall not be transferable. 7. A person shall in making and completing any application or return or other document issued or used in connection with or for the purposes of this Order, accurately complete the same in accordance with the relative directions or instructions of the Food Controller or the Food Committee. 8. A person shall not: — (a) make or knowingly connive at the making of any false or misleading statement in any application or other document used for the purposes of this Order, or obtain or attempt to obtain syrup by means of any such state- ment ; {h) Forge, alter or without lawful authority deface any document issued or used in connection with or for the purposes of this Order; (c) personate or falsely represent himself to be a person to whom any such document applies or personate or falsely represent himself to be another person for the purpose of obtaining syrup. Grain (Prices) Order ^ 1918. 45 (d) make or take delivery of any syrup under or in accord- ance with any such document where he has any reason to believe that any statement in such document is false in any material particular. 9. Nothing in this Order shall apply to the delivery or use of Ireland, syrup in Ireland or the consignment of syrup to Ireland. 10. In this Order and in all authorities and other documents Interpreta- issued under or for the purposes of this Order the following words tion. and expressions shall have the following meanings: — '* Food Committee" shall mean in respect of any district the Food Control Committee constituted for such district. " Syrup " shall mean any syrup containing sugar, but shall not include molasses from Raw Sugar Factories or residual molasses from Sugar Refineries unless the same shall have been refined by subjection to some process of filtration rendering the molasses fit for human consump/- tion ; nor shall it include glucose. '* Manufacturing Business " shall bear the same meaning as under the Sugar Order, 1917, and shall include combined businesses dealt with under clause 16 (a) of that Order. 11. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalties, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 12. This Order may be cited as the Grocery Syrup (Distribution Title, to Manufacturers) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 31st August, 1918. The Graijs^ (Prices) Order, 1918. Dated the 31st August, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 1090. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence- of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. No Wheat, Rye, Oats or Barley harvested in the United* Maximum Kingdom in the year 1918, or tailings, dressings or screenings of prices, any such grain may be sold at prices exceeding the maximum prices applicable according to the provisions of this Order. (a) This Order was amended as to Barley by the Grain (Prices) Amendment Order, 1918, printed p. 226. 46 Grain (Prices) Order, 1918. Table of maximum prices. 2. (a) (i) The maximum price applicable on any transaction shall, subject as hereinafter provided, be a price at the rate specified in the following table : — Date of sale of Grrain sold. Wheat and Rye Rate per Qr. of 504 lbs. Where sale is made before the Ist s. d. October, 1918, the price shall not exceed ... 75 6 Where sale is made in the month of October, 1918, the price shall not exceed 75 6 Where sale is made in the month of November, 1918, the price, shall not exceed 75 6 Where sale is made in the month of December, li^l8, the price shall not exceed 75 6 Where sale is made in the month of January, 1919, the price shall not exceed 76 Where sale is made in the month of February, 1919, the price shall not I exceed i 76 Where sale is made in the month of March, 1919, the price shall not exceed 76 Where sale is made in the month of April, 1919, the price shall not exceed 76 6 Where sale is made in the month of May, 1919, the price shall not exceed ... ... ... ... 76 6 Where sale is made on or after the 1st June 1919, the price shall not exceed ... ... ... ... 76 6 Barley Rate per Qr. of 44H lbs. Oats Hate per Qr. of 336 lbs. 8. d. 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 s. d. 47 6 48 48 6 49 49 6 50 50 6 51 51 6 52 (ii) Where any grain is carried without railway transport direct from producer's premises to mill or miller's store near such mill, or to factory or manufacturer's store near such factory, for the purpose of manufacture in such mill or factory, the rat-e specified in the foregoing- table shall be increased by Is. per quarter. For the purpose of this sub-clause no mechanical processej* of a kind referred to in Clause 7 of this Order (except the drying of barley by kiln-drying or other mechanical process) shall be deemed to be manufacture. (b) The rate per quarter during any period according to sub- clause (a) of this clause, is hereinafter called '' the standard rate." Maximum 3. Where Oats suitable for the manufacture of Oatmeal, Rolled Price^f or oats Qats, Flaked Oats, Outflour or other Oats products for human con- sumption are bought by an oatmeal miller, or other manufac- turer, specifically for the purpose of such manufacture, or by sold for oatmeal, etc Grain (Prices) Order, 1918. 47 a recognised dealer buying for the purpose of filling a specific order given in writing by such a miller or such a manufacturer, the maximum price shall be ascertained by adding 35. per quarter to the standard rate. 4. {a) In the case of Wheat, Eye and Barley so damaged as to Maximum be unfit for use in the manufacture of human food and Wheat, price for Rye and Barley tailings, dressings and screenings which are unfit damaged for use in the manufacture of human food, the maximum price S^^^°- shall be ascertained by deducting 75. per quarter from the standard rate. (6) In the case of Oats improperly cleaned or containing an undue quantity of soil, and in the case of Outs tailings, dressings, and screenings, the maximum price shall be ascertained by deducting 55. per quarter from the standard rate. 5. On the occasion of the purchase of any of the grain men- Permissible- tioned from any person who is a recognised dealer in grain and additions oiv who is not the producer of the grain sold, the maximum price purchases shall be ascertained by adding I5. per quarter to the price other- nig^^^alSs wise applicable according to the foregoing provisions of this Order; provided that where the total quantity of the kind of grain purchased by one buyer from one seller does not, in any period of seven consecutive days, including the day of sale exceed 7J quarters, the maximum price in respect of each quarter so purchased shall be ascertained by adding 55. per quarter to the price otherwise applicable according to the fore- going provisions of this Order, and where such total quantity does not in that period amount to half a quarter the maximum price in respect of such sales shall be ascertained by adding 95. per quarter to the price otherwise applicable according to the foregoing provisions of this Order. 6. (a) The maximum prices under this Order are fixed on the Terms of basis of the following terms and conditions being applicable to trading, the transaction : — (i) Payment to be net cash within seven days of completion of delivery, and monies then unpaid thereafter to carry interest not exceeding the rate of 5 per cent, per annum or Bank Bate, whichever shall be the higher ; (ii) The grain to be delivered by the producer free on rail or barge, or to mill, or store in accordance with the usual custom of the district ; (iii) Any freight, haulage, porterage and cartage incurred after delivery in accordance with sub-clause (ii) of this clause to be for buyer's account. (iv) All sack hire up to and including the time of delivery to rail, barge, mill or store by the producer to be for the producer's account, and all charges for sacks sub- sequent thereto to be for the buyer's account. 48 Grain {Prices) Order, 1918. Treatment of grain. Offers and artificial transactions. Orain suit- able for and sold specifi- cally for the purpose of S. R. & O., No. 6J8 of 1918. Sales to be by weight. Grain not to be torrefied or bleached. Interpreta- tion. (6) Where the grain is sold on terms and conditions other than the terms and conditions stated in the foregoing part of this Clause, a corresponding adjustment shall be made in the maxi- mum price. In particular : — (i) Where grain is delivered by the producer to a distance greater than the distance corresponding with the usual custom of the district, a sum at the rate of 9 14's. 6's. 4's. 2's. 1'^ C. C. Mutton) Roast „ y 14's. 6's. 4's. 2's. I's. Boiled „ j 52 Supply of food and milk. Combination of Local Authorities. Expenses. Title. Extent. Food for Mothers and Children {Scotland) Orders 1918 ; Small and Additional Acreage Order, 1918. The Food for Mothers and Children (Scotland) Order, 1918. Dated the 4th September, 1918. 1918. No. 1095. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. Any local authority within the meaning of the Notification of Births Act, 190T, may, and when required in terms of the Local Authorities (Food for Mothers and Children) (Scotland) Order, 1918, made by the Secretary for Scotland, shall arrange for the supply of food and milk for exi^ectant mothers and nursing mothers and for children under 5 years of age, subject to conditions and under arrangements approved by the Local Government Board for Scotland. 2. A local authority maj', and when required in terms of the Local Authorities (Food for Mothers and Children) (Scotland) Order, 1918, shall for the purpose of the exercise of the powers conferred by this Order combine witli any other local authority or local authorities. 3. Any expenses incurred by a local authority in the exercise of the powers conferred by this Order shall be defrayed in the manner in which the expenses of a local authoritv are defrayed under the Notification of Births Act, 1907. 4. This Order may be cited as the Food for Mothers and Children (Scotland) Order, 1918. 5. This Order shall extend to Scotland only. By Order of the Food Controller, IF. H Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 4th September, 1918. The Small and Additional Acreage Order, 1918. 4th September, 1918. Dated the 1918. No. 1099. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under Small and Additional Acreage Ordei', 1918. 53 the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. ^Notwithstanding the terms of any Order to the contrary Exception, it shall be lawful for — (a) a person whose total acreage under cultivation in the year 1918 does not exceed, in England or Wales 1 acre, in Scotland 5 acres, or in Ireland 10 acres, to use the cereal crop (other than wheat) harvested on such land in the year 1918 for the purpose of feeding any livestock belonging to him ; (b) a person who in England or Wales has ploughed permanent grass land in excess of any amount of such land directed to be ploughed for cultivation in the year 1918 by any directions of the Executive Com- mittee given prior to 9th March, 1918 (hereinafter called Excess Land), to use for the purpose of feeding any livestock belonging to him such part of his total cereal crop (other than wheat) harvested in the year 1918 as shall be certified by the Food Controller to be equal in amount to the cereal crop (other than wheat) harvested on his excess land in the year 1918, provided that : (i) such person before ploughing such excess land shall have given particulars of the excess land to the Executive Committee; and (ii) such person before ploughing excess land shall have obtained a Cultivation Order from the Executive Committee. 2. Every application for a certificate of the Food Controller Applications under Clause 1 (b) of this Order shall be made on such form as f^f certifi- shall be prescribed. 3. The Food Controller may from time to time give any directions that he may think proper for securing that no cereals not authorised by this Order shall be used for feeding livestock in contravention of any other Order made by the Food Controller, and every person using cereals for feeding livestock by virtue of this Order shall duly comply with any such directions and every such person shall give to the Food Controller all such information as he may from time to time require as to the disposal of the residue of his crop of cereals. - 4. Nothing in this Order contained shall authorise the feeding of any livestock in contravention of the Horses (Rationing) Order, 1918. 5. For the purposes of this Order: — The expression ** Executive Committee" in connection with any land shall mean the Executive Committee exer- cising any of the powers of the- Board of Agriculture and Fisheries under Regulation 2m of the Defence of the Realm Regulations for the County or Coimty Borough in which such land is situated. cates. Directions to be observed and informa- tion to be given. Saving. S.R. & 0., No. 410 of 1918. Interpreta- tion. 54 Talloiv and Dripping (Restriction of Export and Import) Order, 1918. The expression *' iDermanent grass land *' shall mean such land as has been grass land during the whole of the five years immediately preceding the date of this Order. Title 6. This Order may be cited as the Small and Additional Acreage Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 4th September, 1918. riestriction on Export from Ireland. Restriction on Import into Ireland. Infringe- ments. Title of Order. The Tallow and Dripping (Eestriction of Export and Import) Order, 1918. Dated the IOth September, 1918. 1918. No. 1118. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. After the 1st October, 1918, until further notice no person other than a person licensed by the Food Controller shall con- sign or move or cause to be consigned or moved any dripping or tallow from Ireland to any destination outside Ireland and no person shall buy or agree to buy or take or agree to take delivery outside Ireland of any dripi)ing or tallow for the time being in Ireland except from a person so licensed. 2. After the 1st October, 1918, until further notice no person other than a person licensed by the Food Controller shall consign or move or cause to be consigned or moved any dripping or tallow from Great Britain to any destination in Ireland, and no person shall buy or agree to buy or take or agree to take delivery in Ireland of any dripping or tallow for the time being in Great Britain except from a person so licensed. 3. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. This Order may be cited as the Tallow and Dripping (Restriction of Export and Import) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. J 0th September, 1918. Tea {Licensing of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918. 55 The Tea (Licensing of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918. Dated the 10th September, 1918. 1918. No. 1119. In exercise of the powers conferrec? upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Eegulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. A person shall not deal in tea by wholesale either on his Licensing of own account or on the account of any other person : — wholesale (a) after the 30th September, 1918, unless he has applied for dealers. a licence as a wholesale dealer in tea; or (6) after the 21st October, 1918, unless he is the holder of a licence for the time being in force granted by the Food Controller authorising him to deal in tea by wholesale. 2. Every application for a licence shall be made to the jgg^g ^^^ Secretary, Ministry of Food, Tea Supplies Branch, Palace revocation Chambers, Westminster, S.W.I, on a form to be prescribed by of licences, the Food Controller, and every applicant shall furnish on such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing the form, which statement shall be signed by the applicant or his duly authorised agent. 3. A licence shall be granted under this Order to such persons and subject to such conditions as the Food Controller may from time to time determine and any such licence may at any time be revoked by the Food Controller. 4. The holder of any licence issued under this Order shall keep or cause to be kept at some convenient place accurate records as to his dealings in tea by wholesale, together with all relevant books, documents and accounts, and shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority of the Food Controller as to the form and contents of such records and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controllei to inspect all such records, books, documents and accounts. The holder shall also observe such directions as to his dealings in tea as may be applicable to him and as are from time to time given by or under the authority of the Food Controller and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars as to his dealings in tea as may from time to time be required by the Food Controller. 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Xnfringe- the Defence of the Eealm Eegulations. ments. 6. This Order may be cited as the Tea (Licensing of Wholesale rp-^j^ ^^ Dealers) Order, 1918. Order. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. Terms of licence. Information and inspection. 10th September, 1918. 56 Eggs (Licensing of Wholesale Dealers and Distribution) Order, 1918. The Eggs (Licensing of Wholesale Dealers and Distribution; Order, 1918. Dated the 13th September, 1918. 1918. No. 1140. Licensing of wholesale dealers. Mode of application for a licence. Issue and revocation of licences. Records and inspection. Forms of application, etc., may be prescribed. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regu- lations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. A person shall not deal in eggs by wholesale either on his own account or as agent on commission : — {a) After the 28th September, 1918, unless he has applied for a licence as a wholesale dealer in eggs ; or (b) after the 2nd November, 1918, unless he is the holder of a liiience for the time being in force granted by the Food Controller authorising him to deal in eggs by wholesale. 2. Every application for a licence shall be made to the Secre- tary, Ministry of Food (Eggs Supplies Branch), 100, Cromwell Road, S.W.7, on the form appropriate to such application to be prescribed under the authority of the Food Controller, and every applicant shall furnish on such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing such form, which state- ment shall be signed by the applicant or by his duly authorised agent. 3. Every licence granted under this Order shall be subject to such conditions as may be stated in such licence, and to such directions, whether of general or of local or individual applica- tion, as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe, and may at any time be revoked by the Food Controller. 4. The holder of any licence issued under this Order shall keep or cause to be kept at some convenient place accurate records relating to his trade or business in eggs and to such other matters as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe, and shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority of the Food Controller as to the form and contents of such records, and shall make such returns as to his dealings in eggs as the Food Controller may from time to time require. Every such person shall also permit any person authorised by or under the authority of the Food Controller to enter any premises where eggs are stored or dealt in, and to inspect such premises and any stocks of eggs therein and all such records kept by him and all relevant books, documents and accounts relating to his trade or business in eggs. 5. The Food Controller may from time to time prescribe forms of application and other documents to be used for the purpose of obtaining, or for any other purpose connected with eggs pro- posed to be distributed or for the time being in the course of distribution by or under the authority of the Food Controller. Eggs {Licensing of WJiolesale Dealers and Distribution) Order, 1918. 57 Any such form or document may contain instructions to be observed as to the completion of the form or document or any other matter. 6. All persons concerned shall in the completion of any such Completion form or document and in the distribution, disposal, sale or use ^^ forms of of eggs comply with the instructions and directions relative for ^PP ication, the time being in force. 7. A (h) (c) (d) person shall not : — Knowingly make or connive at the making of any false or misleading statement in any application or other document prescribed pursuant to this Order or used for the purpose of obtaining, or in connection with the purchase or sale of or for any other purpose connected with eggs ; Forge, alter or tamper with any such aiDplication or other document ; Personate or falsely represent himself to be a person to whom any such application or other document applies ; or False state- ments, etc. Obtain eggs where any statement made on the relative applications is false in any material particular, or deliver eggs under any such application where he has reason to believe that any statement in such applica- tion is false in any material particular. 8. Any form of application, direction, or other document pur- porting to be prescribed pursuant to this Order or headed Eggs (Licensing of Wholesale Dealers and Distribution) Order, 1918. and any form of application, direction, or other document headed ** Eggs Distribution Scheme " or otherwise issued under the authority of the Food Controller and relating to the distribution of eggs shall unless the contrary be proved, be deemed to be pre- cribed pursuant to this Order. 9. For the purpoaes of this Order the expression ** Eggs " shall Definition, mean eggs laid by any bird. 10. Nothing in this Order shall apply to — Exception. (a) A person selling eggs laid by his own birds ; (b) Eggs for breeding purposes; or (c) Canned, dried or desiccated eggs or egg products. 11. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Pealm Regulations. 12. (a) This Order may be cited as the Eggs (Licensing of I'itle and Wholesale Dealers and Distribution) Order, 1918. extent. (b) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, W, H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 13th September, 1918. 58 Oats {Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918 The Oats (Kegistration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918. Dated the 17th September, 1918, as amended by Amending Order dated 28th November, 1918. (») 1918. No. 1147 as amended hy 1546. • In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned: — Licensing of wholesale dealers. Mode of application for a licence. Issue and revocation of licence. Records inf:>rmation and inspection. Part I. Licensing of Wholesale Dealers in Oats. 1. A person shall not deal in oats in Ireland by wholesale, either on his own account or on the account of any other person — {a) after the 30th September, 1918, unless he has applied for a licence as a wholesale dealer in oats; or (6) after the 15th October, 1918, unless he is the holder of a licence for the time being in force granted by the Committee authorising him to deal in oats by whole- sale. 2. Every application for a licence shall be made to the Secre- tary (Oats Section), Food Control Committee for Ireland, Kilworth House, Kildare Street, Dublin, on a form to be pre- scribed by the Committee, and every applicant shall furnish, on such form a true statement of the particulars required for com- pleting the same, which statement shall be signed by the applicant or by his duly authorised agent where the signature of the applicant by such duly authorised agent is permitted by the Committee. 3. A licence shall be granted under this part of this Order to such persons and subject to such conditions as the Committee may determine, and any such licence may at any time be revoked by the Food Controller or by the Committee. 4. The holder of any licence under this Part of this Order shall keep or cause to be kept at some convenient place accurate records as to his dealings in oats together with all relevant books, certi- ficates, vouchers, documents and accounts, and shall comply with any direction given by or under the authority of the Food Con- troller or the Committee as to the form and contents of such records and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee to inspect all such records, books, certificates, vouchers, documents and accounts. The holder of such licence shall also observe all such directions as to his dealings m oats as may be given to him by or under the authority of the •Food Controller, or the Committee, and shall make such returns ^nd furnish such particulars as to his dealings in oats as may from time to time be required by the Food Controller or the Committee. ClluseTsi^ Amending Order of Nov. 28, 1918, added the last two paragraphs to Oats {Registration of Dealers) {Ireland) Order, 1918. 59 5. Every licence issued under this part of this Order shall be Production produced by the holder upon the demand of any officer or con- ^f licence, stable of police or any person authorised by the Food Controller or by the Committee. Part II. Registration of Retail Dealers in Oats. 6. A person shall not at any time after the 15th October, 1918, deal in oats by retail in Ireland except in or about or in con- nection with premises in respect of which he is the holder of a certificate of registration as a retail dealer in oats for the time being in force granted by the Committee. 7. Every application for a certificate of registration shall be made to the Secretary (Oats Section), Food Control Committee for Ireland, Kilworth House, Kildare Street, Dublin, on a form to be prescribed by the Committee, and every applicant shall furnish on such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing the same, which statement shall be signed by the applicant, or by hrs duly authorised agent where the signature of the applicant by such duly authorised agent is permitted by the Committee. 8. (a) A person who or whose predecessor in business was at the date of this Order carrying on business as a retail dealer in oats shall on making application before 1st October, 1918, be entitled to receive a certificate of registration in respect of th€ premises in or about or in connection with which such business was being carried on. (?>) A person who carries on his business at more than one shop or place shall be entitled on making the proper applica- tion to receive a separate certificate of registration in respect of each such shop or place. 9. The Committee shall not refuse a certificate of registration duly applied for by a person entitled to receive the same under the preceding clause of this Order, except in circumstances in which the Committee might have revoked the certificate if it had been already granted. Upon the refusal of a certificate the applicant's title (if any) shall cease. 10. The Committee may, in any case in which in their opinion it is desirable so to do, grant to any other person a certificate of registration as a retail dealer in oats in respect of any pre- mises in Ireland. 11. Every certificate of registration shall be in the form pre- scribed by the Committee, and shall be granted and held subject to such conditions as the Committee may from time to time determine. 12. The Committee may revoke any certificate of registration issued by them under the provisions of this part of this Order if they are satisfied that the provisions of this Order or any regula- tion or direction made or given by or under the authority of the Food Controller or of the Committee relating to the trade or business of the holder of such certificate has not been observed by him or by any of his servants or agents, and shall revoke such certificate if required so to do by the Food Controller. Registration of retail dealers. Mode of application. Persons entitled to receive certificates. Grounds for refusal. Power to grant new certificates. Form of certificate. Revocation of certificate. 60 Oats (Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918. Register of holders of certificates. Transfer of business. Records, information and inspection. Custody and production of certificate. 13. The Committee shall keep a register of the persons to whom certificates of registration have been granted under this part of this Order. 14. In the event of the transfer of the business in connection with which a certificate of registration is held, or in the event of the death of the holder of a certificate of registration, it shall be lawful for the transferee or other person claiming under the holder of such certificate, on making an application for a certi- ficate of registration, to deal in oats by retail from the date of such application until the decision thereon is intimated by the Committee in the manner and subject to the conditions in and subject to which the holdei of such certificate was entitled so to deal iu Oats by virtue thereof. 15. The holder of a certificate of registration shall keep or cause to be kept at the premises in respect of which he is regis- tered accurate records as to oats dealt in by him, the prices paid for such oats and from whom the said oats were purchased and such other particulars as are necessary to show whether or not the provisions of this Order and of every other Order regu- lating the purchase and sale of oats made by the Food Controller are being complied with and also as to such other matters as the Food Controller or the Committee may from time to time prescribe, together with all relevant books, certificates, vouchers, documents and accounts, and shall comply with any directions gfiven by or under the authority of the Food Controller or the (jommittee as to the form and contents of such records, and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee to inspect his premises and the records to be kept under this clause and all relevant books, certificates, vouchers, documents and accounts. The holder shall also observe such directions as to his dealings in oats as may be given to him from time to time by or under the authority of the Food Controller or the Committee and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars relating to such trade or business as the Food Con- troller or the Committee may from time to time require. 16. Every certificate of registration shall be kept at the premises or some one of the premises to which it relates, and every holder of a certificate of registration shall produce the same for inspection upon the demand of any officer or constable of police or any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee. Power to hold both licences and certificates. Exception. Interpreta- tion. Part III. General. 17. A person may be licensed as a wholesale dealer in oat« under Part I of this Order and registered as a dealer in oats by retail under Part II of this Order. 18. This Order shall not apply to a grower so far as dealings in his own oats are concerned. 19. For the purposes of this Order: — The expression " Committee " means the Food Control Com- mittee for Ireland. Oats {Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918. 61 The expression *' Grower '* means the person who on the 1st September, 1918, was the occupier of the land on which the oats dealt in by him were grown, or such person as may ♦ be determined by or under the authority of the Food Control Committee for Ireland to be the grower of such oats for the purposes of this Order. The expression '* his own oats" with reference to a grower means oats grown on the land of which he was the occupier on the 1st September, 1918, or such oats as may be deter- mined by or under the authority of the Food Control Com- mittee for Ireland. The expression ^' Occupier " includes a person entitled under a conacre agreement to the use of the land. (a)The expression ** Wholesale Dealer " includes any person buying oats for mechanical treatment and sale provided that his aggregate purchases of oats in any seven con- secutive days since 1st November, 1918, exceeds seven and one half quarters of 336 lbs. per quarter, and the ex- pression ** deal by wholesale" has a corresponding mean- ing. The expression *' mechanical treatment and sale" means mechanical treatment by grinding, gristing, crush- ing, bruising, kibbling, splitting, or any mechanical pro- cess by which oats are manufactured into human or animal food where the resulting product is sold with or without the addition of any other ingredient. (a')In any proceedings in respect of any infringement of this Order, it shall be presumed until the contrary be proved that the resulting product, mentioned in the next preced- ing paragraph, was sold. 20. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalties, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 21. {a) This Order may be cited as the Oats (Registration of Title and Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918. extent of order {h) This Order shall apply only to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridgey Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 17th September, 1918. (a) The last two paragraphs of Clause 19 were added to the principal Order by the Amending Order dated N'ov. 28, 1918, subject to the following provisions, viz.: That the Principal Order should apply to the persons included in the expression " wholesale dealer " with the substitution of the date " 6th December, 1918 "for the date "30th September, 1918" in clause 1 («) of the Principal Order and of the date "20th December, 1918" for the date "15th October, 1918 " in clause 1 (6) of the Principal Order. Milk (Winter Prices) Order, 1918. The Milk (Winter Prices) Order, 1918, daied the 17th September, 1918, as amended by Amending Order, dated THE 30rH September, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 1165 as^ amended hy 1232. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Eegulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. No person shall directly or indirectly sell or offer for sale or buy or offer to buy any milk at prices exceeding the maximum prices provided by or in pursuance of this Order. 2. Until otherwise determined pursuant to this Order the maximum price applicable on the occasion of a retail sale of milk shall be : — (a) For milk delivered on and after the 1st October up to and including the 21st November, 1918, at the rate of 3o\ per imperial gallon for milk delivered on and after the 22nd November, 1918, up to and including the 30th April, 1919, at the rate of 35. ^d. per imperial gallon. (6) Where at the request of the buyer the milk is required to be delivered in bottles and is so delivered to the buyer's premises an addition may be made to the fore- going prices at the rate of Id. per quart provided the milk is bottled under proper sanitary conditions at or before reaching the seller's premises. (c) The foregoing prices shall include all charges for de livery, but it shall be permissible for a Food Com- mittee for any area, from time to time subject to the provisions of this Order, by resolution to fix for all or any of the milk sold within their area and not de- livered to the purchaser's premises, a rate different from the rate for the time being applicable to milk which is so delivered, provided that no such resolution shall have effect until sanctioned by the Food Con- troller. 3. {a) Where milk is sold wholesale by or on behalf of the producer the maximum price chargeable for milk delivered on and after the 1st October, 1918, up to and including the 30th April, 1919, shall be at the rate of 2^. SrZ. per imperial gallon, together with a sum equal to the net amount of the charges for railway transport actually incurred by the seller. (6) The rate applicable under sub-clause {a) of this clause is fixed on the basis that the milk is delivered at the seller's expense to the buyer's premises or (at the option of the seller) to the buyer's railway station and that in the latter case all charges (a) The Amending Order of Sept. 30, 1918, substituted the sub-clause 4 (h) (ii) as herein printed for the former sub-clause. Milk {Winter Prices) Order, 1918. * 63 for transport beyond the buyer's railway station are borne by the buyer. Where milk is not sold on this basis a corresponding adjustment shall be made in the rate, and for this purpose the cost of delivery to the buyer's premises or carriage to the seller's railway station shall be reckoned at a sum not less than \d. per gallon. (c) No additional charges may be made for the provision of churns or other vessels. 4. Where milk is sold wholesale by or on behalf of any Wholesale person other than the producer the maximiim prices chargeable '^^^^^ by shall until otherwise determined pursuant to this Order be as "fP^^^l „ follows : — producers. (a) In the case of milk delivered by the producer to or for the account of the buyer in accordance with the direc- tions of the seller the rate shall until the end of April, 1919, be \d. per imperial gallon higher than the price chargeable to the seller by the producer. (6) In the case of milk not so delivered, the rate shall be — (i) When delivery is made by the seller to the buyer's railway station 2s. bd. per imperial gallon together with the railway charges paid by the seller for carriage from the seller's station to the buyer's station. (ii) Where delivery is made by the seller to the buyer's premises a rate in accordance with the following table : — Period of Delivery. Kate per Iijiperial Gallon. s, d. After the 30th September, 1918, and before the 8th October, 1918 2 7i After the 7th October, 1918, and before the 22nd November, 1918 2 6 After the 21st November, 1918, and before the 17th December, 1918... 2 7i After the 16th December, 1918, and before the 1st May, 1919 2 8 (c) The rates mentioned in sub-clause (h) are fixed upon the basis that the cost of providing churns or other vessels is borne by the seller ; and where milk is not sold on this basis, then the rate shall be ascertained by deduct- ing from the rate applicable under such sub-clause the sum of \d. per imperial gallon. {d) Except in tihe cases to which sub-clause {a) of tliis clause applies no milk shall be sold wholesale by or on behalf of a person other than the producer of the milk sold except upon the terms that i|he milk is to be delivered by or at the expense of the seller to the buyer's premises or the buyer's railway station. 64 Power to vary maximum price. Price to establish- ments. ^mall whole- sale sales. - Milk {Winter Prices) Order, 1918. 5. A Food Committee may, from time to time by resolutioii passed at any time after the date of this Order, vary the maxi- mum price applicable on a retail sale for milk delivered within their area or any part of such area but : — (a) Every such resolution shall be reported to the Food Con- troller within five days and shall not take effect until three days after the same has been sanctioned by the Food Controller, and (b) Every resolution of a Food Committee under this clause shall be subject at any time to review by the Food Controller and shall be withdrawn or varied as he may direct. 6. {a) Where milk is sold to an establishment as herein defined bj^ any person (whether he be the producer of the milk sold or not) in a quantity of not less than 17 imperial gallons to be delivered in any one day the maximum price (including charges for delivery to the buyer's premises) shall be, whichever shall be the lower of the following prices, namely: — (i) 2d. per imperial gallon higher than the maximum price chargeable in the district in which the establishment is situate for milk delivered to the buyer's premises on a sale by wholesale by a person other than a producer; or (ii) the maximum retail price for the time being in force in such district. (6) Any other sale to an establishment shall for the purposes of this Order be deemed to be a retail sale, and the maximum price shall be determined accordingly. (c) ** An establishment" for the purposes of this Order shall mean a public or private hospital, sanatorium, convalescent or .nursing home, workhouse, infirmary, asylum, corporation or company not established for purposes of trading or profit, a religious or charitable community, a residential school or college, and a canteen. {d) A Food Committee shall have power with the consent of the Food Controller: — (i) to apply the provisions of this Clause, whether with or without modifications, to a sale of milk to any body of persons which, in the opinion of the Committee, should be treated as an establishment; (ii) to vary the provisions of this Clause in its application to any establishment. 7. Where a person who sells milk from a retail shop sells from such shop milk to a person buying for re-sale, the maximum price shall as to the milk sold on any day be 2d. per gallon less than the maximum price applicable to sales of milk by retail m the area in which such shop is situate, if the quantity sold on that flay to such person does not exceed 8 imperial gallons. Milk' (Winter Prices) Order, 1918. 65 8. No milk sliall be sold or offered for sale by retail otherwise than by imperial measure, except that nothing in this Clause shall prevent : — {a) Sales of milk by the pennyworth or two pennyworth ; or (h) Sales of any fraction of a gill, pint, quart, or gallon of milk ; Provided that the maximum price is not exceeded. 9. No colouring matter shall be added to milk or cream intended for sale, and no milk or cream to which any colouring matter has been added shall knowingly be sold, or offered or exposed for sale. 10. No water shall be added to milk intended for sale, and no milk to which any water has been added shall knowingly be sold, or offered or exposed for sale. 11. No person may use for the purpose of his trade or business any milk can, milk churn or milk bottle which bears the name or trade name or the trade mark or trade device of some person other than himself or his employer, except with the consent of such person. 12. No person shall, in connection with the sale or disposition or proposed sale or disposition of any milk, enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 13. A Food Committee may subject to the consent of the Food Controller — {a) buy milk from any person and sell milk so bought at a price estimated to cover at least the cost of purchasing and distributing such milk; and (6) make arrangements as to the distribution of milk in their area. 14. (a) A Food Committee may — (a) (i) direct any person delivering jn/ilk by retail in their area to deliver such milk to any consumer or class of con- sumers in, priority to any other person in their area; and (ii) direct any person selling milk by retail within their area to deliver iii that area only within such parts thereof as the Committee may prescribe; and (iii) with the consent of the Food Controller give directions in their area for securing the parity, cleanliness and wholesomeness of milk, provided that any directions so given shall not relieve Local Authorities of their powers and duties under existing statutory provisions in regard to milk or relieve cowkeepers, dairymen, purveyors of milk or occupiers of milk shops from their obligations under any such provisions. (6) Every person to whom any direction is given under the powers conferred by this clause shall comply with such directions. (a) Sub-clauses (i) and (ii) of Clause 14 (a) were revoked by Milk (Local Distribution) Order, 1918, printed p. 292. Milk to be sold retail by measure. Additions of colouring matter prohibited. Addition of water prohibited. Cans and bottles. Artificial transaction. Powers of Food Com- mittees. 6540 m Milk (Winter Prices) Order, 1918, Consent of Local Authority when required. Contracts. I Interpreta- * tion. Revocation, S. R. & 0, Nos, 296, 622 and 735 of 1918. Penalties, Title and commence- ment and extent of Order. (c) A Food Committee may, with tlie consent of the Food Controller, exercise the powers conferred by Sub-clause (a) (i) of this Clause in respect of Condensed Milk, Dried Milk and Milk Preparations. 15. A Food Committee shall not, without the consent of the Local Authority or Authorities by whom they were appointed, exercise the powers conferred upon them by the two immediately preceding clauses in such manner as may involve an expense which is ultimately to be borne by such Authority or Authorities ; provided that the validity of any. direction given by a Food Com- mittee under any such powers shall not be questionable on the ground that such consent has not been obtained. 16. Where any contract subsisting on the 1st October, 1918, for the sale of milk provides for the payment of a price in excess of the maximum price fixed by this Order applicable on the occasion of such a sale, the contract, unless otherwise determined by the Food Controller, shall be avoided so far as concerns milk which is to be delivered on or after that date. 17. (a) The provisions of this Order relating to prices shall not apply to milk sold for consumption on the premises of the seller; (b) except as provided by Clause 14, nothing in this Order shall apply to Condensed Milk, Dried Milk or Milk Preparations. 18. For the purpose of this Order: — ** Food Committee " shall mean a Committee appointed in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 191T. ** Buyer's Premises " shall not include any roadside collecting place for milk or any other premises which the Food Controller shall in any particular case determine not to be buyer's premises for the purposes of this Order. '' Buyer's Railway Station " shall mean the railway station to which in the ordinary course of business the milk would be consigned bj^ the seller to the buyer or, in cases to which Clause 4 (a) applies to the buyer's purchaser. 19. The Milk (Summer Prices) Order, 1918, and the general licence granted thereunder and the Milk (Summer Prices) Amend- ment Order, 1918, are hereby revoked as on the date when this Order comes into force, but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any previous contravention thereof. 20. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Pealm Regulations. 21. (a) This Order may be cited as the Milk (Winter Prices) Order, 1918. (h) This Order shall come into force on the 1st October, 1918. (c) This Order shall not extend to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 17th September, 1918. Jam Manufacturers {Restriction) Order, .1918; Notice under the Meat Retail Prices {England and Wales) Order {No. 2) 1918, and the Meat Retail Prices {Scotland) Order, 1918. The Jam Manufacturers (Eestriction) Order, 1918. THE 18th September, 1918. Dated 67 Creneral Restriction. S.R. & 0., No. 641 of 1918. 1918. No. 1166. In exercise of tlie powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. — {a) A iDerson who manufactures jam for sale (whether he is a licensed jam manufacturer within the meaning of the Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918, or not) shall not in the period begin- ning on the 20th September, 1918, and ending on the 31st October, 1918, sell or offer to sell or make delivery of, or consign to any agent for sale any jam exceeding in the aggregate one ton except under and in accordance with a licence issued by the Food Controller. (6) Any licence issued under this Order shall be subject to such terms and conditions a? the Food Controller shall think fit and may be revoked at any time by the Food Controller. 2. For the purposes of this Order the expression ** Jam " shall include jelly, conserve and marmalade, 3. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. This Order mav be cited as the Jam Manufacturers (Restriction) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridfje, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 18th September, 1918. Interpreta- tion. Title. INoTiCE, DATED September 20, 1918, under the Meat Retail Prices (England and Wales) Order (No. 2), 1918,: and the Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 1188. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Orders g. r, & o., and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Nos. 372 and Controller hereby gives notice that on and after the 22nd Septem- 862 of 1918. ber, 1918, as regards meat other than pork, and on and after the (a) The Schedules of Prices were amended by Notices of Nov. 4, 1918, and Dec. 20, 1918, printed pp. 188 and 300. 6540 [O 2 63 Notice under the Meat Retail Prices {England and Wales) Order {No. 2), 1918, and the Meat Retail Prices {Scotland) Order^ 1918. 6th October, 1918, as regards pork, the maximum prices on sales by retail in the area comprised in the Administrative County of London and the Counties of Essex, Hertfordshire, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Wiltshire, Hampshire, and the Isle of Wight, shall be at the rates mentioned in the First Schedule hereto, and the maximum prices on sales by retail in any other part of England or in Wales shall be at the rates mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto, and the maximum prices on sales by retail in Scotland shall be at the rates mentioned in the Third Schedule hereto. By Order of the Food Controller, , TF. R. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the MiDistry of Food. 20th September, 1918. THE FIRST SCHEDULE. London and Home Counties. Beef. Joint, Price per lb s. d. 1 10 Topside, lound ,, best cut, boneless 2 Silverside, with bone 1 8 ,, boneless 1 11 Thick flank 1 9 ,, best cut 1 10 ,, knuckle end 1 8 Aitch bone 1 2 ,, boneless 1 7 Sirloin 1 9 ,, cuts 1 lOi ,, rolled, boneless 2 1 Thin flank 1 2 ,, rolled, boneless 1 6 Leg and shin, whole 10 ,, boneless 1 6 Suet 1 8 Fore ribs 18 ,, boneless 1 11 Wing ribs, four bones 1 10 Long ribs ... 1 6 ,, rolled, boneless 1 11 Back ribs 1 5 ,, boneless 1 9 Top ribs ... 1 5 ,, boneless ... 1 9 Notice under the Meat Retail Prices {England and Wales) Order 69 (No. 2), 1918, and the Meat Retail Prices {Scotland) Order, 1918. Beef — continued. Joint. Brisket ,, boneless Clod and sticking, witb bone ,, boneless Eump ,, steak, boneless Fillet steak Buttock boneless steak Thick flank steak ... Chuck steak Gravy beef ... Minced beef Sausage, to contain not less than 50 per cent, of meat Sausage meat, to contain not less than 50 per cent, of meat Sausage, to contain not less than 67 per cient. of meat Sausage meat, to contain not less than 67 per cent, of meat Bones Mutton and Lamb. Leg, whole ... ... ... ... ,, cut, fillet ,, shank ,, middle Loin, whole ,, best end ,, chump end ... Loin chops, not to be trimmed ... Saddles Shoulders, whole ,, cut knuckle end ,, blade side ... ,, cut middle ... ... Neck, whole ,, best end ,, middle „ scrag Best neck chops Breasts, whole ,, cut, best end ,, ,, fat end ,, ,, sliced Suet 6540 3 Price per lb. d. 2 6 2 6 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 1 10 1 6 1 8 1 4 1 2 1 7 1 5 2 9 9i 9i 7 10 7 2 7 7 7 7 8 4 8 4 1 10 1 2 4 4 70 Notice under the Meat Retail Prices (England and Wales) Order (No. 2), 1918, and the Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918. Pork, (a) Joint. Price per lb Legs, whole s. 1 10 ,, cut, knuckle end 1 8 „ middle ., 2 1 „ fillet .. 2 Hind loin, whole .. 2 „ chump end 1 11 ,, best end 2 1 Fore loin or griskin or spare rib without blade bone ... ., ! 2 Hand with foot .. 1 6 Loin ex back fats 2 ,, best end 2 1 Neck end 1 10 Shoulder without hock 1 9 Blade bone i 9 Belly 1 10 ,, best or rib end 1 11 ,, in slices 1 11 ,, thin end 1 9 Mare or leaf 1 7 Back fat • 1 4 Chops or steaks 2 2 Heads, including tongues 1 1 ,, ex tongue 1 Tongues 1 8 Eye piece or face ... 7 Chaps 1 6 Hocks 1 Feet ^ ... 7 Tenderloin without bone 2 2 Pork bones, excluding factory bone 6 Sausage to contain not less than 50 per cent of pork 1 8 Sausage meat to contain not less than 50 pel cent, pork 1 6 Blood sausage and black pudding .. 9(b) For sausages arid sausage meat containing less than 50 per cent, of meat (including pork) the price is not to exceed lOd. per lb. Pickled pork can be sold at Id. per lb. above fresh pork prices but must not be sold as bacon. (a) This Schedule was amended by Notice dated Dec. 20, 1918, printed p. 300. ^ t)WM (b) This price was increased to Is. by Notice of Nov. 4, 1918, printed p. 188. JVotice under the Meat Retail Prices (England and Wales) Order (No. 2), 1918, and the Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918. THE SECOND SCHEDULE. England and Wales (excluding London and the Home Counties). Beef. Joint. Round of beef, wliole Topside of round, boneless Topside of round, best cut, boneless Silverside of round with marrowbone , , boneless Thick flank, first cutting, bedpiece or brail .. ,, ,, bedpiece or brail best cut Thick flank, first cutting, bedpiece or brail knuckle end .. Tail end of rump ,, boneless Middle rump ,, boneless Shell bone, whole ,, boneless ,, best end ,, ,, boneless ,, other end Sirloin ., ... ... ,, cuts ,, boneless Thin flank ,, rolled boneless Leg or shin, whole ,, boneless Suet ^ Standing ribs, fore ribs, crop or best chine ,, ,, ,, boneless Wing ribs ,, boneless Chuck, back ribs or shoulder piece with blade bone Chuck, back ribs or shoulder piece without blade bone ... ... ... Chuck, back ribs or shoulder piece, boneless Neck of beef, boneless Top ribs, leg-of-mutton cut, thick flat ribs, score or middle rand ... Top ribs, leg-of-mutton cut, thick flat ribs, score or middle rand, best cut Top ribs, leg-of-mutton cut, thick flat ribs, score or middle rand, boneless Point end of brisket, 5 bones ,, ,, ,, boneless Best end of brisket ,, ,, ,, boneless 6540 Price per lb. s. d. 1 9 1 10 2 1 8 1 11 1 8 1 10 5 8 10 7 10 7 10 10 11 6 9 10 1 3 5 9 6 6 8 11 9 1 5 6 9 6 7 9 9 2 6 4 7 C 4 72 Notice under the Meat Retail Prices {England and Wales) Order (No. 2), 1918, and' the Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918. Beef — con tinned . Joint. Price per lb. 5. d. Thin flat ribs ,, ,, boneless ... Clod or shift or knee bone and sticking, with bone Clod or shift or knee bone and sticking, boneless Rump or hip or pin bone steak, boneless Fillet steak Round or buttock steak ... Chuck, blade bone or shoulder steak ... Minced beef Sausage to contain not less than 50 per cent, of meat Sausage meat to contain not less than 50 per cent, of meat Sausage to contain not less than 67 per cent, of meat Sausage meat to contain not less than 67 per cent, of meat Bones ... ... ... ... ... ... Mutton and Lamb. Leg, whole ... ... ... Leg cut, fillet ,, shank ... ... ,, middle Loin, whole ,, best end ,, chump end Loin chops not to be trimmed ... Saddles Shoulders, whole ,, cut knuckle end ,, blade side ... ,, cut middle ... Neck, whole ,, best end ,, middle „ scrag Best neck chops ... Breasts, whole „ cut, best end ,, ,, fat end ,, ,, sliced Suet Legs, whole... do. cut, knuckle end do. do. middle ... do. do. fillet ... Pork, (a) 1 3 1 7 1 2 1 6 2 2 2 2 2 1 10 1 8 1 4 1 2 1 7 1 5 2 1 9 1 ^ 1 H 2 1 7 1 10 1 7 2 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 8 1 4 1 8 1 4 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 4 1 10 1 8 2 1 2 (a) This Schedule was amended by Notice of Dec. 20, 1918, printed p. 300. Notice under the Meat Retail Prices {England and Wales) Order {No. 2), 1918, and the Meat Retail Prices {Scotland) Order, 1918. Pork — continued. Joint, Price per lb. s. d. Hind loin, whole ... do. chump end do. ^ best end Fore loin or griskin or spare rib without blade bone Hand with foot ... Loin, ex back fats ... do. best end ... Neck end ... Shoulder without hock ... Blade bone ... Belly ... best or rib end in slices thin end leaf or do. do. do. Flare Back fat Chops or steaks Heads, including tongues do. ex tongue ... Tongues Eye piece or face .. . Chaps Hocks ... ... ... Feet Tenderloin without bone ... Pork bones excluding factory bones Sausage to contain not less than 50 per cent. pork Sausage meat to contain not less than 50 per cent, pork Piclded pork can be sold at Id. per lb. above fresh pork prices, but must not be sold as bacon. Blood sausage and black pudding For saus-*39s. Od. per case. *26s. 2d. per | case. *26s, lOd. „ 35s. Od. per cwt. * In these cases the maximum price includes the package. Maximum prices on sales of any variety of imported onions by a retail dealer. On sales of 1 cwt. or more ... ... ... 42^. Od, per cwt. On sales of 1 stone or more but less than 1 cwt. 5s. Qd, per stone. On sales of less than 1 stone ... ... ... 5\d, per lb. (a) The prices as here stated were authorised by Amending Order of Dec. 20, 1918. 6540 D 2 100 Puhlic Meuls {Ireland) Order, 1918. fuE Public Meals (Ikeland) Order, 1918. Dated the 21st September, 1918. 1918. No. 1211. Public eating place. Meat, poultry or game. Milk. Medical exceptions. Sugar. Supply of i^ugar to hotel residents. Ifi exercise of tlie powers conferred upou liim by tLe Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned: — 1. The provisions of this Order shall appJy to every inn, hotel, restaurant, refreshment house, club, boarding house and every plac« of refreshment open to the general public (hereinafter referred to as a public eating place). 2. {a) No meat, poultry or game may be served or consumed in any public eating place — (i) between the hours of 5 a.m. and 10.30 a.m. on any day, unless under and in accordance with the terms of a licence granted by the Committee; or (ii) at any time on the days prescribed as meatless days. (6) The prescribed days shall be such days as the Committee may from time to time appoint either generally or as respects any particular area. Until further notice the prescribed days shall be Wednesday and Friday in every week. 3. (a) No milk may be served or consumed in a public eating place as or as part of a beverage except with tea, coffee, cocoa or chocolate as usually served. (6) This provision shall not apply to milk supplied to any person residing in the public eating place, or to milk supplied to children under 10 years of age. 4. Notwithstanding Clause 2 or Clause 3 meat, poultry, game or milk may be served to and consumed by a person in a public eating place during the period mentioned on a certificate of a duly qualified medical practitioner which states that such person for such period needs the article served in the interests of hi si health. 5. No sugar may be used, supplied or consumed in a public eating place except that : — (a) sugar may be used for cooking purposes ; (6) a person may consume in a public eating place sugar provided by himself or supplied to him under the provisions of the next succeeding clause. 6. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Order and of the Sugar (Registration of Retailers) (Ireland) Order, 1917, sugar shall be supplied by any inn, hotel, club or boarding house to any person residing therein for the major portion of any week up to an amount not exceeding 1 oz. for every complete day of his residence, provided that: — (a) The total amount so supplied to any person in any week shall not exceed 6 ozs. : Puhlic Meals {Ireland) Order.; i4lft, 101 (6) The person having charge of the inn. hotel, club or boarding house is reasonably satisfied that no sugar ration for that week has been obtained in respect of such person; (c) The total of the amounts so supplied to all such persons shall be accurately entered in the Register hereinafter referred to in the column provided for that purpose; and (d) An accurat-e record is kept of the full names and perma- nent addresses of all persons to whom sugar is so supplied. 7. No person shall be served with or consume at any meal what- Meals soever which begins between the hours of 3 p.m. and 5.30 p.m between more than 2 biscuit. ozs. in the whole of bread, cake, bun, scone and '^ V-^- ^^^ 5.30 p.m. 8. The total quantities of meat, flour, bread and sugar (except Rationint^ sugar consumed or supplied pursuant to Clauses 5 and 6 of this in bulk. Order) and of butter, margarine, lard and edible fats consumed or otherwise used in or by any public eating place in any week shall not exceed the gross quantities allowed for the meals served during the week ascertained in accordance with the scale of average quantities per meal set out in the following scale, or such other scale or scales as may for the time being be prescribed by the Committee. Meat. Sugar. Bread. Flour. Butter and Mar- garine. Lard and Edible Fats. Breakfast Nil Nil 3 ozs. Nil i oz. \ oz Luncheon, including middle day dinner. 3 ozs. j \ oz. 2ozg. 1 oz. *oz. i oz. Dinner, including supper and meat tea. Tea 3 ozs. 1 Nil : ^oz. Nil 2h ozs. 2 ozs. 1 oz. Nil soz. z oz. i oz. Nil In addition to the edible fats allowed under the foregoing scale, salad oil may be served at table at any meal. Of the lard and edible fats authorised, not more than one-third may consist of lard. For the purposes of the scale contained in or prescribed under this clause sugar shall include glucose and all sweetening matter except honey, jam, treacle, syrup, saccharine or sweetened beverage. 9. Tlie following provisions shall have effect: — MEAT, POULTRY AND GAME. (a) 2 J ozs. of poultry or game are to be reckoned as 1 oz. of meat. Ascertaining weight, &c. <;54(t D 3 102 (plJ^u^l^S^^eals (Ireland) Order, 1918. Exclusion of certain meals from computation. Records. I'owers of the Committee. (6) The weight of meat is to be uncooked weight, including bone as usually delivered by the butcher, and the^ weight of poultry and game is to be uncooked weight as usually delivered by the poulterer without feathers or without skin, as the case may be, but including offal. (c) 25 per cent, is to be added to the weight of meat delivered cooked into the public eating place and 50 per cent, when delivered cooked and without bone. SUGAR, BREAD, FLOUR AND FATS. (d) 4 ozs. of bread are to be reckoned as 3 ozs. of flour. (e) Where the flour or sugar or fat used in any articles is not otherwise brought into account, cakes and buns are to be reckoned as containing 40 per cent, of flour; soones and biscuits as containing TO per cent. ; macaroni and other like articles as containing 90 per cent. ; cakes and buns are to be reckoned as containing 10 per cent, of sugar and 10 per cent, of fat, and biscuits as containing 5 per cent, of sugar and 10 per cent, of fat. 10. In reckoning the quantities of meat, sugar, bread, flour, butter, margarine and other fats that may be used in any week, no credit shall be taken for any meal which begins before 5 a.m. or after 9.30 p.m. unless such meal is served to a person occupy- ing a bedroom for the night in the inn, hotel, club, or boarding house; and in reckoning the quantity of meat, poultry or game that may be used in any week no credit shall be taken for any meal served on any day prescribed as a meatless day under this Order excei)t meals containing meat, poultry or game served to a person pursuant to clause 4 of this Order. 11. The person or persons having the control or management of any public eating place shall be responsible for securing that the total quantities permitted to be used therein in any week are not exceeded and shall, for the purpose of this Order, keep on the premises a register containing an authentic record of meals and quantities in the form contained in the Schedule to this Order, or such other form as may be prescribed from time to time by the Committee, and shall produce such register and every other record required to be kept under this Order to any person authorised by or on behalf of the Food Controller or the Committee to inspect the same, together with all such invoices, vouchers and other documents as may be necessary or proper for checking the entries in the register. 12. The Committee may give directions : — (a) Yarying the total quantities of meat, flour, bread, sugar, butter, margarine or other fats which may under this Order be used in or by any public eating place or class of public eating places; or (b) Limiting 'the quantity of any foodstuffs which may be supplied to or be used in or acquired by any public eating place or class of public eating places. Public Meals {Ireland) Orders 1918. 103 Railway buffets. Further exceptions. i •pasuoii'^nB ^% -Ti^u'Knb ranintX'Bj^ CO •pasn •9 asuBio ui oc^ P8JJ8J9.T pat^ddns SUOpBJ jBgns .t{i^P IBio'ads JO joqrau^ •pasuoq'^n'B k^ -laiiBub mnTnixBj^ CO •pasn .{;i!^uenb x^^oj, iu -Ic^uBn"b ranraixBj^ - 1 •pas a iC^^II^U'EUb I'B^ox o| •posuoqf^nB R.'\ -if^u-Bub nraraix'Bi\r ci SIB8M •paA.I9S It? JO laquinu lBc^OJ^ 00 •pa A. 9S SBaj;, JO .laqirmx: t>: Number of Dinners, Meat Teas, or Suppers served. II to" »cJ Number of Luncheons or Mid-day Dinners served. 1% OQ '^ 11 CO s;s«j3[ie •p9AJ9S aag JO jaqnm^ c^* 'y\« t-i Irs © . -+= -►^ o ^ -t-3 _d .^ 3 ciD d r® Cl>.2 '=^ o d ^ ^ • 0-3 d d id be >-. d C3 2 1 O . bD c3 -14 d O ^ d T: bOoD IIS- §S d ^ o 0) m «*-i >• "t^ «H O =* O ^ d I ^ ^ d © ^^ 5-^ „ n3 -+3 c« d d bCrtpq Cd ••-fs -2(N d d OQ Mo 2 ® d a, © 0) OB -^ ^ -t? so -+= -^3 « CU d 43 "S ® O g ^ ^ o S a^ d sill d >id 03^ ?3 3 o> H^ d o ^ O)- O n3 d '2 T^ OQ n d ^ d rt U2 DC 03 o o^ d H"' § I >? ^ & O '— • ;iS t-i § ^ a ^'^ P3 05 *;^ rd aJ fcX) •S^a ;S d d d a© r2 « _(j OQ o> r^ dec o-d 03 C^ « d .3«i l-:1 — 00 •Sd-^ I I .2 P5 . bo -^ 03 ja 0) "o *d "o o H'iofso a s a a §§ !=^-i:r '^ 2 3-^ g ^ P at- o §j2 re o •'^ 03 «+:; ^ "'^'^ "^ ^(N o d o -tf . ^ 0(M d p>>-M ^ ^ ore g 2 "" S ^ OfS § q-i iO c3 d f-i d •- > 'tt ss HM'bk).2 ^ o" ^ r;: -*^ N ©^^ d ° ,^ ^^ t^ o S^ drS 03 o8l§^ -+^^ ^ rO T-* ^ ce o^-^c:? o^ 106 Jam and Syrup {Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918. The Jam and Syrup (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918. Dated the 26th September, 1918. 1918. No. 1213. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders, that except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Licensing of wholesale dealers. Mode of application for a licence. Information and inspection. Part I. — Licensing of Wholesale Dealers in Jam and Syrup. 1. A person shall not deal in jam by wholesale either on his own account or for the account of any other persons after th& 31st October, 1918, unless he is the holder of a licence for the time being in force, granted by the Food Controller authorising him to deal in jam by wholesale. 2. A person shall not deal in syrup by wholesale either on his own account or for the account of any other person after the 31st October, 1918, unless he is the holder of a licence for the time being in force, granted by or under the authority of the Food Controller authorising him to deal in syrup by wholesale. 3. Every application for a licence shall be made on a form, to be prescribed by the Food Controller and shall be addressed, in the case of applications for licences to deal wholesale in jam, to the Secretary, Ministry of Food (Jam Section), 100, Cromwell Road, S.W.7, and in the case of applications for licences to deal wholesale in syrup to the Secretary, the Ministry of Food (Sugar Branch), Great Smith Street, "Westminster, S.W.I. Every appli- cant shall furnish on such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing the form, which statement shall be signed by the applicant or his duly authorised agent. 4. A person who or whose predecessor in business was from the 1st January, 1916, and until the date of this Order carrying on business as a wholesale dealer in jam shall on making application before the 12th October, 1918, be entitled to receive a licence as a wholesale dealer in jam and a person who or whose pre- decessor in business was from the 1st January, 1916, and until the date of this Order carrying on business as a wholesale dealer in syrup shall on making application before the 12th October, 1918, be entitled to receive a licence as a wholesale dealer in syrup. Any such licence shall be subject to such conditions as the Food Controller may determine and may be revoked by the- Food Controller at any time. 5. The holder of any licence under this part of this Order shall keep or cause to be kept at some convenient place accurate records as to his dealings in jam or syrup, together with all relevaiit books, documents and accounts, and shall comply with any directions given by or under authority of the Food Controller as to the form and contents of such records and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller or by a Food Committee to inspect all such records, books, documents, and: Jam and Syrup {Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918. 107 accounts. The holder shall also observe such directions as to his dealings in jam or syrup as may be given to him from time to time by or under the authority of the Food Controller, and shall make such returns and furnish such j)articulars as to his dealings in jam or syrup as may from time to time be required. 6. Every licence issued under this part of this Order shall be Production produced by the holder upon the demand of any person authorised of licence, by the Food Controller or by a Food Committee. 7. This part of this Order shall not apply to a person who Exception, deals only in jam or syrup made by himself. Pakt II. — Registration of Retail Dealers in Jam and Syrtjp. 8. A person shall not at any time after the 3rd November, 1918, deal in jam or syrup by retail, except in about or in connection with premises in respect of which he is a holder of a certificate of registration as a retail dealer in jam or syrup, as the case may be, for the time being in force granted by the Food Committee for the district in which the premises are situate ; but this shall not l^revent a retail dealer duly registered from selling from his cart in the ordinary course of business. 9. Every application for a certificate of registration shall be made on a form to be prescribed by the Food Controller and every applicant shall furnish on such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing the same, which statement shall be signed by the applicant or by his duly authorised agent. 10. Every application for a certificate of registration shall be made to the Food Committee for the district in which the premises of the applicant in respect of which a certificate of registration is sought are situate, and when a person is applying for registration in respect of separate premises, whether such premises are situated in the same district or not, separate applica- tion shall be made in respect of the separate premises. 11. A person who or whose predecessor in business was from the 1st of January, 1917, and until the date of this Order carry- ing on business as a retail dealer in jam or syrup shall on making application before the 15th October, 1918, be entitled to receive a certificate of registration as a retail dealer in jam or syrup as the case may be in respect of the premises in about or in connection with which such business was being carried on. 12. A Food Committee shall not refuse a certificate of regis- tration duly applied for by a person entitled to receive the same under the preceding Clause of this Order except with the consent of the Food Controller and in circumstances in which the Food Committee might have revoked the certificate if it had already been oppanted. Upon the refusal of a certificate the applicant's title, if any shall cease. 13. Subject always to the provisions of the Retail Businesses Licensing Order, 1918, a Food Committee may, in any case in which in their opinion it is desirable to do so in the interests of the public within their district, with the consent of the Food Controller, grant to any other person a certificate of Registration of retail " dealers in Jam and Syrup. Form of application for a certifi- cate of registration. Application to be addressed to Food Committee for the appropriate Persons entitled to receive a certificate of registration. Grounds foi refusing a certificate of registration. Power to Food Committees to grant ne\' certificates- lOS Jam and Syrup {Registration of Dealers) Order ^ 1918. Form of certificate. Revocation of certifi- cates. Register of holder of certificates. Transfer of a business. Inspection and information. registration as a retail dealer in jam or syrup in respect of any premises within their area; and unless they see any good reason to the contraiy they shall, with- out any such consent grant a certificate of registration to every applicant who has served during the present war in the forces of the Crown, and who before so serving was carrying on busi- ness as a retail dealer in jam or syrup within the district of the Committee. 14. Every certificate of registration shall be in the form pre- scribed by the Food Controller and shall be granted and held subject to such conditions as the Food Controller may from time io time determine. 15. A Food Committee may, with the consent of the Food Controller, revoke any certificate of registration issued by them under the provisions of this part of this Order if they are satisfied that any of the provisions of this Order or any regulations or directions made or given by or under the authority of the Food Controller relating to the trade or business of the holder of such certificate has not been observed by him or by any of his servant> or agents; and shall revoke such certificate if required so to do by the Food Controller. 16. A Food Committee shall keep in a form prescribed by the Food Controller a register of the persons to whom and the premises in respect of which certificates of registration have been granted under this part of this Order. IT. In the event of the transfer of the business in connection with which a certificate of registration is held, or in the event of the death of the holder of a certificate of registration, it shall be lawful for the transferee or other person claiming under the holder of such certificate, on making an application for a certifi- cate of registration, to deal in jam or syrup, as the case may be. by retail from the date of such application until the decision thereon is intimated by the Food Committee in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as the holder of such certificate was entitled by virtue thereof. 18. The holder of a certificate of registration shall keejj or cause to be kept, at the premises in respect of which he is registered, accurate records as to jam and syrup dealt in and such other matters as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe, together with all relevant books, documents and accounts, and shall comply with any directions given by or under the autho- rity, of the Food Controller as to the form and contents of such records, and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee to inspect his premises and the records to be kept under this Clause and all relevant books, documents and accounts. The holder shall also observe such directions, as to his trade and as to his dealings in jam and syrup and the disposal thereof, as may be given to him from time to time by the Food Controller or the Food Committee, and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars relating thereto as the Food Controller or the Committee may from time to time require. Directions relating to Dealings in and Stocks of Rationed Food under the Rationing Order, 1918. 109 19. Eveiy certificate of registration shall be kept at the premises to which it relates; and every holder of a certificate of registration shall produce the same for inspection upon the demand of any person authorised by the Food Controller or a Food Committee. Part III. — General. 20. For the purposes of this Order : — • '^ Food Committee " shall mean a Food Control Committee established in pursuance of the Food Conttol Com- mittees (Constitution) Order, 1917. '^ Jam " shall include jelly, conserve and marmalade. '^ Syrup " shall include treacle and refined molasses. ^' Premises " shall include a van, stand, cart or other "^^ vehicle. 21. Any form of application or other document issued by or with the authority of the Food Controller and purporting to be prescribed under this Order or headed Jam and Syrup (Regis- tration of Dealers) Order shall be deemed, unless the contrary be proved, to have been prescribed pursuant to this Order. 22. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 23. (a) The provisions of Part I. of this Order shall not apply to a person in respect of wholesale sales in Ireland of jam or syrup for consumption in Ireland. (6) Pal-t II. of this Order shall not apply to Ireland. 24. This Order may be cited as the Jam and Syrup (Registra- tion of Dealers) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, TF. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 26th September, 1918. Custody aud production of certifi- cates. Interpre- tation. Forms. Penalty. Extent of Order. Title of Order. Directions, dated September 26, 1918, relating to Dealings IN AND Stocks of Rationed Food, under the Rationing Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1214. In exercise of the powers reserved by him by Clause 57 of the g. r. ^ O. above Order and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf. No. 894. the Food Controller hereby orders that the following directions 1918. shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1 . Every retailer, caterer, and person having control or manage- ment of any institution, shall until further notice make accurate returns of his dealings in and stocks of rationed food on the official form or forms N 47, N 48, M 60, M 62,. M 63 appropriate to such rationed food or on such other form or forms as the 110 Margarine (Prices) {Ireland) Order ^ 1918. Food Controller may from time to time prescribe, and shall comply with and observe all tbe instructions printed on the back of sucb form or forms. 2. Tbe first of such, returns shall be made, in the case of the rationed foods to which forms M 60, M 62 and M 63 apply, in respect of the fortnight beginning at midnight of the 21st September, 1918, and in the case of the rationed foods to which forms N 47 and N 48> apply, in respect of the four-weekly period beginning at midnight of the 5th October, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 26th September, 1918. The Margarine (Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918. 27th September, 1918. 1918. No. 1217. Dated the Prices not to exceed maximum prices. Amount of maximum prices. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. On and after the 27th September, 1918, a person shall "Hot in Ireland sell or offer or expose for sale, or buy or offer to buy, any margarine at prices exceeding the maximum prices for the time being prescribed by this Order or by notice given thereunder. 2. Until further notice the maximum prices for the purpose of tliis Order shall be the following(a) : — (a) On the occasion of a sale to a person buying for the purpose of re-sale by wholesale, a sum at the rate of 105^. 6^. per cwt. (h) On the occasion of a sale to a jDcrson buying for the purpose of re-sale by retail a sum at the rate of Is. per lb. (() On the occasion of a sale by retail, a sum at the rate of l.s'. 2d. per lb., except that — (i) Where margarine is sold by retail to any person at one sale in a quantity of not less thar_ 28 lbs. to be delivered in any one week end- ing on a Saturday, the maximum price shall be at the rate of Is. Id. per lb. ; and (ii) In estimating the maximum price any broken halfpenny shall count as a halfpenny : (a) The prices stated herein were amended, as from the 17th Nov. 1918, by Notice of the 7th Nov. 1918, printed p. 193. Margarine (Prices) {Ireland) Order, 1918. Ill provided that every sale sliall be deemed to be a sale by retail UDless the purchaser is buying for re-sale; and for this purpose a caterer or other person buying for consumption on his own premises shall not be deemed to buy for re- sale. 3. The maximum prices prescribed by Clause 2 hereof are fixed Delivery and on the following basis : — *^^°^' ^^ , payment. (a) In the case of a sale to which paragraph {a) of Clause 2 applies : — (i) The maximum price shall include all charges for packages and (in all cases in which in the ordinary course of business the goods would be delivered by rail or water) all charges for transport and handling incident to delivery to the buyer's railway station, quay or wharf. (ii) Payments shall be made within 14 days of tho date of the invoice. (6) In the case of a sale to which paragraph (b) of Clause 2 applies : — The maximum price shall include all charges for packages and for transport and handling incident to delivery to the buyer's premises. (c) In the case of a sale to which paragraph (c) of Clause 2 applies : — (i) No charge may be made for packing, packages or wrappers or for giving credit.- (ii) Where delivery is made at the request of the buyer otherwise than at the seller's premises an additional charge may be made in respect of such delivery not exceeding a \d. per lb., or any larger sum actually and properly paid by the seller for such delivery. {d) '^0 sale to which Clause 2 of this Order applies shall be made on any basis other than the basis applicable thereto under the foregoing provisions of this clause. 4. {a) This Order shall not bef(«re the 15th October, 1918, Exception?, apply to a sale of margarine which is proved to have been bought by the seller before the 28th September, 1918, and is sold at a price not exceeding the price permitted on such sale under the provisions of the Margarine (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, or any licence thereunder applicable to such. sale. (h) This Order shall not apply tn a sale of margarine supplied on special terms and condition^ authorised by the Food Controller. (c) This Order shall not apply to a sale of margarine by a caterer for consumption as part of any meal provided by him in tbe ordinary course of bis business as a caterer. 5. (a) On the occasion of any sale of margarine sold for Special • special purposes and packed in tins or otherwise specially packed consigu- tlie seller may, if authorised so to do by licence granted by the ments. 112 Margarine {Prices) (Irelayid) Order, 1918. Accounts. Food Controller, charge, in addition to the maximum prices prescribed by this Order for such margarine, such additional sum as may be allowed by the Food Controller. (b) Any additional sum charged under this clause shall be shown as a separate item on the invoice relating to the sale. Restrictions. 6. Except by licence of the Food Controller or of the Food Control Committee for Ireland — (a) a person. shall not dispose of any margarine bought by him for re-sale by wholesale except by selling the same by wholesale ; (b) a person shall not dispose of any margarine bought by him for re-sale by retail except b^ selling the same by retail. 7. Every person buying partly for the j^jurpose of re-sale by wholesale and partly for any other purpose shall keep accounts showing the margarine bought for each purpose and containing particulars of all re-sales by wholesale made by him and shall produce such accounts when required by or on behalf of the Food Controller or the Food Control Committee for Ireland. 8. A person shall not, on a sale of margarine to which this Order applies, enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or arti- ficial transaction, or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 9. The Margarine (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, and all licences granted thereunder are hereby revoked as at the 27th September, 1918, so far as they apply to Ireland, except so far as such Order and licences relate to margarine excluded from the operation of this Order by Clause 4 (a) hereof but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention of such Order. 10. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 11. This Order may be cited as the Margarine (Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918, and shall apply only to Ireland. Fictitious transactions. Revocation. Penalty. Title and extent. By Order of the Food Controller, W, H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. i^7ih September, 1918. rotatoes (ExpoH from Ireland) Order (No. 2), 1918; General m Licence binder the Potatoes Order, 1918. The Potatoes (Export from Ireland) Order (No. 2), 1918. Dated the 27th September, 1918. 1918, Xo. 1218. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. After the 1st October, 1918, until further notice no person Restriction other than a person licensed by the Food Controller shall consign on Export. or ship or cause to be consigned or shipped any potatoes of the 1918 crop from Ireland to any destination outside Ireland, and no person shall buy or agree to buy or take delivery of any potatoes of the 1918 crop to be consigned or shipped f roni Ireland to any destination outside Ireland except from a person so licensed. 2. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 3. This Order may be cited as the Potatoes (Export from Title. Ireland) Order (No. 2), 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 27th September, 1918. General Licence, dated September 27, 1918, under the Potatoes Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1222. The Food Controller hereby authorises, notwithstanding the provisions of the Potatoes Order, 1918, sales of and dealings in potatoes of the 1918 crop of the variety " King Edward " grown in that part of the Petty Sessional Division of Lower Barkston Ash in the West Riding of the County of York, which is bounded by the River Ouse, River Aire and the Selby Canal. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 27th September, 1918. 114 Restriction OQ purchast of Bi itish ma:le butter. Kestriction on sales of British made butter. Applications for permits or licences. British made Butter (RestHction) Order, 1918. The British made Butter (Restriction) Order, 1918. Dated THE 28Tn September, 1918. 1918. No. 1228. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following Regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. (a) A person shall not on or after the 14th October, 1918, buy or agree to buy any British made butter except in accordance with the terms of and to an amount not exceeding the amount specified in a permit issued to him by a Food Control Com- mittee, (a) (6) Nothing in this clause shall apply to the purchase of British made butter by — (i) a person or residential establishment buying such butter as part of a ration in accordance with the provisions of the Rationing Order, 1918, or any directions given or to be given thereunder ; or (ii) an Institution or Catering Establishment buying such butter by retail from a registered retailer (other than the producer of the butter) in accordance with the provisions of the Rationing Order, 1918, or any direc- tions given thereunder; or (iii) a person who holds a licence for the time being in force- under the Butter (Distribution) Order, 1917, as a blender of butter ; or (iv) a person who holds a licence for the time being in force under this Order as a blendfer of British made butter or as a wholesale dealer in British made butter. Provided that the exemption conferred by sub-clause 1 (b) (iii) and 1 (b) (iv) of this clause upon blenders and wholesale dealers . shall not extend to butter obtained by them for resale by retail and a blender or wholesale dealer shall not sell by retail any British made butter unless it has been obtained by him by virtue of a permit issued under this Order. 2. Where a person is prohibited by clause 1 of this Order from buying British made butter without a permit, it shall not be lawful to sell such butter to him unless ; (i) the sale is made pursuant to an Order made out by or on behalf of the buyer on a leaf of the official Order Book (N. Fats 9), or on such other form as may from time to time be prescribed by the Food Controller ; and (ii) the amount sold does not exceed the amount authorised by the permit issued to the buyer. 3. (a) Applications for permits to buy British made butter shall be made to the Food Control Committee for the district in which the applicant resides. Such Committee may in their dis- cretion issue or refuse to issue such permit, and may revoke or vary the same at any time. ^^^^ (a) General Licence, dated Oct. 11, 1918, printed p. 141, authorises the pur- chase and sale of an amount of butter exceeding, by not more than 5 per cent., the amount named in a permit. The amount obtainable on a permit was subsequently reduced to one half of the amount stated thereon by Directions of Oct. 21, 1918, printed p. 168. British made Butter {Restriction) Order, 1918. 115 {h) Applications for licences under this Order as blenders of British made butter or as wholesale dealers in British made butter are to be made on or before the 12th October, 1918, to the Secretary, Ministry of Food (Butter Section), New County Hall, London, S.E.I, from whom forms of application may be obtained. 4. In the disposal of any British made butter purchased by Licences to him after the date of this Order, or of any blended butter con- comply with taining any butter so purchased, every blender of British made directions butter or wholesale dealer in British made butter for the time ^jtions of being holding a licence under this Order, shall duly observe and licences, comply with all conditions that may be inserted upon such licence and all directions that may from time to time be given to him in writing by the Food Controller. 6. A person shall not make or knowingly connive at making False any false or misleading statement for the purpose of obtaining statements. British made butter or a licence or permit to buy or deal in such butter. 6. (a) Butter shall not be '* Government Butter " within the Definitions, meaning of the Butter Order, 1918, merely by reason that it is made, collected or blended by a blender of British made butter holding a licence as such under this Order. (6) Subject to sub-clause (a) of this clause the expression " British made butter " means in this Order British made butter as defined in the Butter Order, 1918, and the expressions " Residential Establishment," ** Catering Establishment " and '* Institution '' shall severally mean in this Order the establish- ments registered or deemed to be registered by a Food Committee as such for the purposes of the Rationing Order, 1918. 7. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 8. {a) This Order may be cited as the British made Butter (Restriction) Order, 1918. (6) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 28th September, 1918. S. R. & O., No. 976 of 1918. S. R. & O., No. 894 of 1918. Penalties. Extent and short title. 116 Intoxicating Liquor {Output and Delivery) (Ireland) Order, 1918. The Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) (Ireland) Order, 1918. Dated the 30th September, 1918. 1918. Xo. 1235. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by tlie Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1 . For the purposes of this Order : — Interpreta- '^Licence holder,*' *^ brewer," '* beer,'* ^^ standard barrel " and ^' quarter " have respectively the same meaning as is attached to these expressions by the Output of Beer (Restriction) Acts, 1916, and ** licence holder " includes any person having the same rights as a licence holder under Section 5 of the Output of Beer (Restriction) Act, 1916, as amended by any subsequent Act. ** Committee" means the Food Control Committee for Ireland. "Wholesaler*' means any person (other than a brewer selling beer brewed by himself or a brewer's recognised agent selling beer brewed by the brewer) supplying beer to another person for the purpose of resale. '* Supplying," in relation to a wholesaler, includes transferring. *' Datum supply " means the quantity of beer of every description, whether in cask or iiL bottle, supplied in each quarter of the year ended 31st March, 1916, by a wholesaler to a licence holder. *' Proper quota," in relation to a licence holder, means, as respects any quarter, an amount equivalent to the total number of standard barrels of beer represented by his datum supply for the corresponding quarter after deducting from such datum supply 66f per cent, or other the amount per cent, prescribed by any Statute or any Order of the Food Controller to be deducted in ascertaining the standard barrelage of the brewer by whom the beer was brewed. Beer brewed or supplied by predecessors in business of a brewer or wholesaler shall be deemed to have been brewed or supplied, as the case may be, by the brewer or wholesaler, and beer supplied to the predecessor in business of the licence holder shall be deemed to have been supplied to the licence holder. In relation to the beer supplied by a wholesaler to a licence holder, beers brewed by different brewers shall be treated as separate supplies, and the provisions of this Order shall apply to each supply separately. I ntori eating Liquor {Out put atul DeJire)}/) {Ireland) Order, 1018. 117 2. (a) Subject to the conditions mentioned in sub-clause (/>) of P'^^ticulars this clause, any licence holder in Ireland who was ot any time certificate to during the year ended 31st March, 1916, supplied with beer be given by by any wholesaler in Ireland shall be entitled, on giving not less wholesaler, than fourteen days notice in writing to the wholesaler, to obtain from the wholesaler — (i) particulars of the quantity' of each description of beer supplied to him by the wholesaler, whether in cask or in bottle, during each quarter of the year ended 31st March, 1916, or such shorter period as the supply continued, and the name of the brewer of each description of beer so supplied, and such particulars shall be so framed as to show separately, as regards each brewer therein named, the quantity of each description of beer so supplied brewed by each such brewer; and (ii) a certificate in respect of the beer brewed by each such brewer and so supplied b}" the wholesaler, on which certificate the wholesaler shall state — (a) the name of the brewer to whose beer the certificate relates; and (b) the total number of standard barrels repre- sented by the beer brewed by the brewer and so supplied by the wholesaler during each quarter of the year ended 31st March, 1916, or such shorter period as the supply continued ; and (e) any other matter directed by tlie Committee to be stated on the certificate. {h) The right of the licence holder to obtain and the liability of the wholesaler to give particulars and a certificate in relation to any supply of beer shall only arise where the wholesaler ii either unable or unwilling to supply the licence holder at a reasonable price during any quarter with his proper quota of beer. (c) Any question that may arise as to : — (i) the right of the licence holder to obtain and the liability of the wholesaler to give particulars and a certificate, (li) the number of barrels or any other matters that should be stated in the particulars or in the certificate, (iii) the price to be charged by the wholesaler to the licence holder and the time within which any certificate shall be given, shall be referred for determination to the Committee or to a person or persons appointed in that behalf by the Committee, and the decision of the Committee or of the person or persons so appointed by the Committee shall be final. (d) Any wholesaler liable to give particulars and a certificate shall give such particulars and certificate, and in the event of his refusal particulars and a certificate may be granted by the Committee. 118 Intoxicating Liquor {Output and Delivery) (Ireland) Order, 1918. Transfer of wholesaler's ttestriction on supply of beer to wholesaler. Copy of certificates to be furnished. Records information and inspection. Committee may give directions. 3. A licence holder obtaining a certificate under this Order in relation to any beer, shall be entitled to obtain during any quarter, his proper quota of beer from any substituted wholesaler who may be willing to supply him therewith, or from the brewer named in the certificate if such brewer is willing to supply him therewith, and in every such case the provisions of Section 5 of the Output of Beer (Eestriction) Act, 1916, as amended by any subsequent Act and by any Order of the Food Controller (which section relates to the giving of certificates by brewers and to transfer of barre-lage), shall apply as if the corresponding datum supply had been obtained by the licence holder from the substi- tuted wholesaler or direct from the brewer, as the case may be, and as if the beer supplied by the brewer to the wholesaler and to the substituted wholesaler (if any) in each quarter of the year ended 31st March, 1916, Kad been reduced or increased, as the case may be, accordingly. 4. Where a wholesaler who at any time during the year ended 31st March, 1916, supplied any licence holder with beer, is unable or unwilling to supply the licence holder during any quarter to which the Output of Beer (Restriction) Acts, 1916, apply with his proper quota of beer, the wholesaler shall not, except under the authority of the Committee, obtain or attempt to obtain, in pursuance of the provisions of the Output of Beer (Restriction) Acts, 1916, or of any Order of the Food Controller, beer from a brewer in respect of the amount which he is so unable or unwilling to supply. 5. A wholesaler shall give to a licence holder a copy of any certificate which has been obtained from him for the purposes of this Order, within 14 days after a request in writing for the copy is made to him by the licence holder, showing that the certificate originally obtained is either lost; or for some other reason not available for use by the licence holder. 6. Every wholesaler shall keep or cause to be kept at his prin- cipal office or place of business accurate records showing such particulars as are necessary to show whether or not the provisions of this Order are being complied with, together with all relevant books, vouchers, documents and accounts, and shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority of the Food Controller or the Committee as to the form and contents of such records. Every wholesaler shall make such returns and furnish such particulars relating to his trade or business in beer as the Food Controller or the Committee may from time to time require, and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee to inspect the records to be kept under this clause and all relevant books, documents and accounts. 7. {a) The Committee may from time to time issue directions, either generally or in any particular case, for the purpose of giving effect to any provision of this Order or any matter con- nected therewith, including any matter which they may deem necessary to be stated on a certificate, and all persons concerned shall comply with any such directions. British Onions Order, 1918. 119 (6) Any directions given nnder this clause shall be in accord- ance with any Order or general directions made or given by the Food Controller, and shall be subject to review by the Food Con- troller, and shall be withdrawn or modified as he may direct. 8. A person shall not — False (a) make or knowingly connive at the making of any false statements. or misleading statement in any application, particulars, certificate, return or any other document made in connection with or for any of the purposes of this Order; or (b) forge, fraudulently alter or tamper with any entry on any particulars or certificate; or {c) obtain beer under or in accordance with any certificate where he has any reason to believe that any statement in such certificate is false in any material particular. 9. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 10. (a) This Order may be cited as the Intoxicating Liquor Title and (Output and Delivery) (Ireland) Order, 1918. commence- (6) This Order shall apply only to Ireland. ment and (c) This Order shall come into force on the 1st October, ^^*^°^- 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 30th September, 1918. The British Onions Order, 1918. Dated 1st October, 1918. 1918. No. 1236. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regu- lations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Part I. Definitions and Restrictions. 1. (a) In this Order:— Definitions, " Eating Onions " means onions in their natural state grown in the year 1918 within the United Kingdom and which will not pass through a riddle having a IJ-inch mesh. 120 British Onions Order, 1918. " Pickling Onions " means onions in their natural state grown 'n the year 1918 within the United Kingdom and which will pass through a riddle having a l|-inch mesh. The expression " British onions " includes " eating onions " and " pickling onions." ** A grower," in relation to any onions, includes the owner of them on the occasion of the first sale thereof after lifting. " A wholesale dealer '* means a person who at the date of this Order is carrying on business, in the ordinary course of which he buys and sells onions by wholesale in their natural state, and the successors in business of any such person. *' A manufacturer '* means: : — (i) a person who at the date of this Order is carrying on a business in the ordinary course of which he manufactures pickles for sale, and the successors in business of any such person, or (ii) a person licensed by the Food Controller to use onions for the purpose of any manufacture. '* A retail dealer" means a person who is for the time being registered or licensed as a retail dealer in eating potatoes under the Potatoes Order, 1917, or any other Order of the Food Controller for the time being in force, or in Ireland a person licensed by the Food Control Committee for Ireland as a retail dealer in potatoes. *' Sale by wholesale " means a sale to a wholesale dealer or retail dealer or a manufacturer, and '* sell by wholesale " bears a corresponding meaning. '* Sale by retail " means any sale other than a sale by wholesale or in the ground, and '* sell by retail " bears a corresponding meaning. (b) A sale of onions by an outgoing owner or tenant of the land in which the onions are growing or have been grown to an incoming owner or tenant of the same land shall not be deemed a sale for the purposes of this Order. Restrictions 2. (a) Except under and in accordance with the terms of a on sales licence granted by the Food Controller or as provided bv sub- cha^rra) '^^''*"^^. ^^^ ^* ^^^^ clause— ^^ (i) A grower shall not sell British onions in the ground except to a wholesale dealer, or onions as grown or eating onions except to a wholesale or retail dealer, or pickling onions except to a wholesale or retail dealer or manufacturer; provided that this restriction shall not prevent a grower who is also a retail dealer from selling his onions by retail in the ordinary course of his retail business, (ii) A wholesale dealer shall not sell British onions as grown or eating onions except to a wholesale or retail dealer, (a) See General Licence of Oct. 10. 191«. printed p. 141. British Oiiion.^ Order, 1918 or pickling onions except to a manufacturer or whole- sale or retail dealer; provided that this restriction shall not prevent a wholesale dealer who is also a retail dealer from selling British onions by retail in the ordinary course of his retail business. (6) Where on any farm or holding the whole crop of British onions does not exceed 10 cwt. the grower may sell the onions free from the restrictions imposed by sub-clause (a) of this clause. 3. (a) A pickle maker shall not use eating onions for making pickles. (b) A person shall not sell or offer for sale British onions mixed with any other vegetable or with imported onions. 4. A person shall not misdescribe or falsely represent for the purposes of sale any onions which are not British onions as British onions, or any British onions as any imported foreign or other variety of onions. 5. Except where a grower is selling British onions in the ground, no person shall sell or buy British onions otherwise than by weight, and the weight shall not include the weight of the tops. Eatiug onions not to be pickled and onions not to be mixed. Misdescrip- tion of Sales to buyers by weight. Part II. Prices. 6. A person shall not on or after the 14th October, 1918, Maximum sell or offer or expose for sale, or buy or offer to buy any British price to be onions at prices exceeding the maximum prices for the time <^oserved. being applicable under this Order. 7. (a) Except in the case of sales by retail (where such sales Grower's are permissible under this Order) the maximum price on the maximum occasion of any sale of eating onions by the grower for delivery P""^®®- during the periods mentioned in Column I of the First Schedule hereto, shall be at the rate per ton set opposite the same in Column II of the same Schedule ; and the maximum price on the occasion of a sale of pickling onions by the grower thereof shall be at the rate per ton mentioned in Column II of the Second Schedule to this Order ; and the maximum price on the occasion of a sale of British onions by the grower without separation of the eating onions from the pickling onions shall be at the rate for the time being applicable to sales of eating onions by the grower if for delivery on or before the 31st December, 1918, or at the rate applicable to sales of pickling onions by the grower if for delivery after the 31st December, 1918. (6) The foregoing maximum prices are on the basis: — (i) That the onions are either loaded by the seller into trucks at the seller's railway station (or at the buyer's option) into a ship or barge not less convenient to the seller ; (ii) That bags (if required) are supplied by the buyer; (iii) That no commission is paid by the grower. 122 British Onions Order, 1918. Agency Oommissioi]. Wholesale maximum prices. Grower selling as wholesale dealer. Retail maximum prices. (c) If British onions are sold on terms other than those mentioned in suh-clause (6) of this clause, a corresponding varia- tion shall be made in the maximum price, and in particular if bags are provided by the seller the price per ton may be increased by a sum not exceeding lO^., whether the bags are returnable or not; and if any such commission is paid as is authorised by Clause 8 of this Order, the maximum price and terms of sale shall be varied as mentioned in that clause. 8. Where a grower sells British onions grown by him through the agency of a wholesale dealer at a commission, he may add the amount of the commission to the price authorised by Clause 7 of this Order provided that such commission shall not be at a rate exceeding 35^. per ton. 9. (a) The maximum price on the occasion of any sale of British onions by wholesale (not being a sale by the grower) shall be an amount made up of the following items, and no more : — (i) The actual price paid to the grower for the onions, including the authorised charge for bags where the price includes bagging, but not including any com- mission added by the grower under the provisions of Clause 8. (ii) Where the price paid to the grower does not include bagging, and bags are supplied by the seller, a sum at a rate not exceeding 10^. per ton, whether the bags are returnable or not. (iii) An amount at a rate not exceeding 355. per ton. (iv) Any reasonable cost of transportation or cartage in- curred by the wholesale dealer in respect of the onions. (v) Any market charges or port dues paid or payable by the wholesale dealer in respect of the onions. (h) For the purposes of this clause the sum of the items (iii), (iv) and (v) mentioned in sub-clause (a) of this clause shall in no case exceed an amount at a rate per ton of 70^. 10. A grower of British onions who also carries on a separate business as a wholesale dealer may, if licensed so to do by the Food Controller, but not otherwise, sell his own British onions as wholesale dealer and not as grower, and in tha't case he shall be deemed to have purchased the onions from the grower free on rail or on board at the maximum grower's price for delivery imme- diately before the sale by him, and the maximum price which may be charged on the occasion of the sale by him shall be regulated accordingly. 11. (a) The maximum price which may be charged on the occasion of any sale of eating onions by retail during the periods mentioned in Column I of the First Schedule hereto shall be at the rate per cwt., stone or lb. set opposite thereto in Column III of the same Schedule; and on the occasion of any sale of pickling onions by retail shall be at the rate per cwt., stone or lb. men- tioned in Column III of the Second Schedule of this Order ; and British Onions Order, 1918. 123 on the occasion of a sale of British. Onions by retail without separation of the eating onions from the pickling onions shall be at the rate for the time being applicable to sales of eating onions if the sale is before the 1st November, 1918, and at the rate for the time being applicable to sales of pickling onions if the sale is on or after the 1st November, 1918. (6) No additional charges shall be made by a retail dealer for packages or for giving credit. (c) AVhen British Onions are at the request of the buyer delivered by a retail dealer otherwise than at the seller's premises, an additional charge may be made m respect of such delivery not exceeding a sum at the rate of \d. per lb., with a maximum of 2d.i or any larger sum properly and actually paid by the seller in respect of such delivery. 12. Except as authorised by Clause 8 of this Order and except Purchaser's a wholesale dealer employing a buying agent in the ordinary Commission, course of business, a person shall not in relation to any purchase or proposed or contemplated purchase or sale of British Onions, pay or agree to pay or offer any commission, or give or agree to give or offer any valuable consideration whatsoever, either to the seller or to any other person whomsoever, over and above the raaximum price permissible upon such purchase under this Order, or demand any such commission or gift. 13. Every grower, not being a grower to whom Clause 2 (h) applies, and every wholesale dealer, shall keep a regular and punctual account, showing the particulars of all British Onions sold by wholesale or bought by him, including the names and addresses of the purchasers or sellers, as the case may be, and the amount purchased or sold and the price charged, and shall produce such account and all relevant documents on lawful demand, and every retail dealer shall keep regular and punctual accounts of his purchases of British Onions and on lawful demand shall furnish any information in his power in relation to such purchases, and produce for inspection any accounts, invoices, receipts or other documents relating thereto. 14. Every retail dealer shall keep posted on his premises (or, Prices to be in the case of sales from a barrow, cart or stall, on such barrow, exhibited, cart or stall), in a conspicuous position so as to be easily read- able by his customers throughout the whole time during which eating onions are being sold or exposed for sale by him, a notice describing the same as British Onions, and stating in plain words or figures the maximum price for such onions for the time being in force under this Order, and also the actual price at which the same are at such times being sold by him. 15. The Food Controller may from time to time by notice Variation of under this Order prescribe further or other prices for British maximum Onions and may at any time vary the prices prescribed in tiie P^^^®^- First and Second Schedules of this Order. 124 Britis], Onions Onler. 1918. {Sales ill the ground. Exceptions <'\>ii tracts. Lawful demand. Revocation of Registra- tions. Artificial transactions. Penalties. S. R, & O., No. 1331 of 1917. Short title. Part III. General. 16. Part 2 of this Order shall not apply to sales of British onions in the ground. 17. This Order shall not apply to pickled or preserved onions or to cooked onions sold by a caterer in the ordinary course of his catering business, or to shallots, potato onions, or to '* onioii sets " sold for planting. 18. Any contract subsisting on the 7th October, 1918, for the sale of any British onions shall be avoided in respect of any British onions not delivered before the 7th October, 1918, but shall stand so far as concerns British onions which have been so delivered. 19. Whenever in this Order any person is required to produce any documents or give any information on lawful demand, he shall produce or give the same at all reasonable times and places on the demand of any officer or constable of police, or any person authorised by the Food Controller to make such demand either particularly or as holding any office or position, and either generally or in the particular case. 20. A Food Control Committee in Great Britain or the Food Control Committee for Ireland may, with the consent of the Food Controller, revoke any certificate of registration granted to a retail dealer in eating potatoes under the Potatoes Order, 1917, or any other Order of the Food Controller for the time being in force, or any licence issued in Ireland to a retail dealer in potatoes if satisfied that any provisions of this Order have not been observed by the holder of such certificate or licence or any of his servants or agents. 21. No person shall in connection with the sale or disposal or proposed sale or disposal of any British Onions enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction, or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 22. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 23. The British Onions Order, 1917, is liereby revoked, but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contra- vention thereof. 24. This Order shall come into force on the 14th October, 1918. 25. This Order may be cited as the British Onions Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretarv to the Ministry of Food. 1st October, 1918. Directions under the Rationing Order, 1918. First Schedule. Eating Onfons. 126 Time of Delivery. II. Grower's Maximum Price, f.o.r. or f.o.b. III. Retail Prices. 1. Sales of 1 cwt. or more. 2. Sales of 1 stone or more, but less thau 1 cwt. 3. Sales of less than 1 stone. Per ton. Per cwt. Per stone. Per lb. £ s. 8. d. d. Before and on the 31st October 28 34 4 5 4i 1st November to 30th November 29 35 4 6 4J 1st December to 31st December 30 36 4 8 4i 1919. 1st January to 31st January ... 32 38 4 11 5 1st February to 28th February 34 40 5 2 H Ist March to 31st March 36 42 5 5 5i 1 st April and after 38 44 5 8 5i Second Schedule. Pickling Onions. I. II. Grower's Maximum Price, f.o.r. or f.o.b. III. Retail Prices. Time of Delivery. 1. ': 2. i Sales of Sales of 1 stone or 1 cwt. j more, but or more. \ less than 1 1 cwt. 1 3. Sales of less than 1 stone. Any time Per ton. £ 30 Per cwt. s. 36 Per stone. Per lb. s. d. d. 4 8 41 Directions, dated October 2, 1918, rxDEii the Rationing Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1241. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by Clause 22 of the S. R. & O., above Order and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, ^^- ^^^ ^^ the Food Controller hereby directs that on and after the 6th 1918. Order amending the Food Control CoviTuittees' (Constitution) Order, 1917, and the Joint Food Confrol Commiittees {Con- stitution) Order, 1918. October, 1918, and until further notice, notwithstanding any- thing contained in Clause 22 of the above Order, the provisions of Clauses 20 and 21 of the above Order shall apply to every catering establishment which does not serve meals to the general public. The prescribed form under Clause 21 shall, until further notice, be the Form '' IS". 61 " and the prescribed period shall be a weekly period beginning with the week ending at midnight on Saturday, the 12th October, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 2nd October, 1918. Order amending the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, and the Joint Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1918. Dated the 5th October, 1918. 1918. No. 1244. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917 (hereinafter called the " First Principal Order "), and the Joint Ftx)d Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1918 (hereinafter called the ** Second Principal Order "), shall be amended as follows : — 1. The last sentence in Clause 1 of the First Principal Order shall be deleted and the following paragraphs added to such Clause : — '* At least 2 members of every Committee shall be women. Where the number of members is less than 12 at least 2 other members, and in every other case at least 3 other members, shall be representatives of labour. A person shall not without the consent of the Food Con- troller be eligible for appointment as a member of a Food Control Committee or of any sub-Committee of a Food Control Committee if he has been convicted of a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations by reason of any contravention of any Order of the Food Con- troller, or by reason of any act done by him in connexion with any act prohibited by any such Order." 2. The following Clause shall be substituted for Clause 2 of the First Principal Order : — ** 2. The Food Control Committee shall consist of such number of persons, not being more than 16 where the popu- lation of the district for which such Committee is appointed Order amending the Food Control Committees {Constitution) 127 Order, 191T, and the Joint Food Control Committees {Con- stitution) Order, 1918. exceeded 20,000 according to the 1911 Census, and not being more than 12 in any other case, as the Appointing Authority shall determine ; provided that every Committee shall consist of at least 8 persons." 3. The following Clause shall be substituted for Clause 3 of the First Principal Order : — ''3. The Clerk of the Appointing Authority shall upon appointment of any person to be a member of the Food Control Committee forthwith notify to the Food Controller or a person nominated by him the name, address, occupation and description of the person so appointed." 4. The following Clause shall be substituted for Clause 4 of the First Principal Order: — *' 4. The Appointing Authority shall in each year between such dates as the Food Controller may prescribe appoint persons to enter into office as members of the Food Control Committee on the 18th November in that year. The pre- scribed dates for the year 1918 shall be the 5th October and the 12th November. The term of office of the persons so appointed shall be one year, provided that : {a) If a person so appointed is at the time of his appoint- ment a member of the Appointing Authority he shall if he ceases to be a member of that Authority forthwith cease to be a member of the Committee. (6) A member of a Committee may resign by sending to the Clerk of the Appointing Authority notice of his desire so to do. (c) If a member of the Committee is absent from the meetings of the Committee for three consecutive months, he shall cease to be a member of the Com- mittee at the close of the meeting of the Committee next succeeding the expiration of such three months, unless the Committee shall at such meeting have othei-wise determined. Id) If a member of the Committee shall be convicted of a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations by reason of any contravention of any Order of the Food Controller or by reason of any act done by him in connection with any act pro- hibited by any such order, he shall immediately upon such conviction cease to be a member of the Committee. ^ {e) The Appointing Authority may, if they think fit, and shall, if so requested by the Food Controller, remove any member of the Committee and appoint some other person to be a member of the Committee in his place. Any person on ceasing to be a member of a Committee may be re-appointed except that a person ceasing to be a member under sub-clause {d) or sub-clause (e) may not be re-appointed without the consent of the Food Controller." 12s Onler ainendiug tJie Food Control Coinniittce.-> {Constitution} Order, 19.17, and the Joint Food Control Committees (Con- stitution) Order, 1918. 5. The following clause sliall be substituted for Clause 5 of tke First Principal Order : — '^ 5. If any casual vacancy occurs in a Committee by reason of death, resignation or otherwise, the Appointing^ Authority shall as soon as possible fill ujj the vacancy. The term of office of a person appointed to fill a casual vacancy shall be until the 18th Noveinber following the date of appointment unless sooner determined under the pro- visions of Clause 4 {a), (h), (c), (d) or (e), which provisions shall apply to such person in like manner as they apply to a person appointed under that clause." 6. The following paragraph shall be added at the end of Clause 13 of the First Principal Order: — "A Food Control Committee may at any time revoke the appointment of any sub-committee or vary the powers or duties of any sub-committee or remove any person therefrom or appoint any additional member thereto. Subject thereto a member of a sub-committee shall hold office until the 18th November next followdng his appointment or until prior resignation. Provided that if a member of a sub-committee shall be convicted of a summary offence against the Defenct^ of the Realm Regulations by reason of any contravention of any order of the Food Controller or by reason of any act done by him in connection with any act prohibited by any such order he shall immediately upon such conviction cease to be a member of the sub-committee." T. The following sub-clause shall be substituted for sub-clause (o) of clause 14 of the First Principal Order : — " (a) The Committee shall observe any direction whether of general or special application which may be given by the Food Controller as to the membership or powers or duties of a sub-committee." 8. The following paragraph shall be added at the end of clause 16 of the First Principal Order : — '^ The Food Controller may from time to time vary the provisions of this Order in its application to the constitution, powers, duties, or proceedings of any Committee, and may at any time direct that any part of the district of a Food Control Committee shall be transferred to the district of any other Food Control Committee and give all necessary and consequential directions." 9. The following clause shall be substituted for clause 20 of ♦ the First Principal Order: — *' 20. A Food Control Committee shall expend only such moneys as are authorised generally or specially by the Food Controller, and such further moneys as may be authorised by the appointing authority or authorities. For the purpose of enabling a Food Control Committee to make any payments which the Committee are from time to time authorised to make, the appointing authority or authorities shall advance to the Committee such sum or sums as mav be necessary." Order amending the Food Control Committees {Constitution) 129 Order, 1917, and the Joint Food Control Committees {Con- stitution) Order, 1918. 10. The words ** as amended/' shall be inserted immediately after the words "Order 1917 " in clause 3 of the Second Principal Order, and immediately after the word "Order" in the first line of clause 4 and in the second line of clause 8 of the Second Principal Order and the words '^ appointed jDursuant to the Prin- cipal Order " and " appointed under the Principal Order'' shall be deleted in clauses 4, 7, 8, 9 (a), 10 {c) and 12 of the Second Principal Order. 11. Clause 4 of the Second Principal Order shall be deleted and the following clause substituted : — "4. The provisions of clauses 6 to 14 (inclusive) of the Principal Order as amended shall apply to a Joint Committee and a Sub-Committee of a Joint Committee in the same way as they apply to a Food Control Committee and a Sub-Com- mittee of a Food Control Committee." 12. The following clause shall be substituted for clause 5 of ' the Second Principal Order: — "5. A Joint Food Control Committee shall expend only , such moneys as are authorised either generally or specially by the Food Controller and such further moneys as may be authorised by the constituent authorities. For the pur- pose of enabling a Joint Food Control Committee to make any payments which the Committee are from time to time authorised to make the constituent authorities shall advance to the Committee such sum or sums as may be necessary." 13. The following paragraph shall be added at the end of clause 6 of the Second Principal Order: — "The Food Controller may from time to time vary the provisions of this Order in its application to the constitution, powers, duties or proceedings of any Committee, and may at any time direct that any part of the district of a Joint Com- mittee shall be transferred to the district of any other Committee and give all necessary and consequential directions." 14. The following sub-clause shall be added to clause 10 of the Second Principal Order : — - " {d) The provisions of clauses 1 and 2 of the Principal Order, as amended, so far as they relate to the number of members and the representation of women and labour, shall apply to a Joint Committee to which this clause applies." 15. Clause 12 of the Second Principal Order shall be deleted and the following clause substituted: — " 12. The provisions of clause 1 of the Principal Order as amended, relating to disqualification for membership of a Food Control Committee or a sub-Committee of a Food Control Committee, shall apply in relation to a Joint Com- mittee or a sub-Committee of a Joint Committee." 16. The term of office of any member of a Food Control Com- mittee or a Joint Food Control Committee which would, under The Food Control Committees (Term of Office) Amendment Order, 6540 E 130 Wholesale Milk Dealers (Control) Order, 1918. 1918, expire on the 9tli November, 1918, shall be extended to the 18th November, 1918. Nothing in this Order shall affect the constitution, powers or duties of any Food Control Committee or Joint Food Control Committee until after that date. 17. Copies of the Principal Orders hereafter to be printed under the authority of H.M. Stationery Office shall be printed with the amendments provided for by this Order, except clause 16, and the Principal Orders shall hereafter take effect as hereby amended. By Order of the Food Controller. TF. II. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 5th October, 1918. The Wholesale Milk Dealehs (Control) Order, 1918. Dated THE Sth October, 1918. 1918. No. 1245. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — S. R. & O., 1. The provisions of Regulation 2 g.g. of the Defence of the No. 24 of Realm Regulations are hereby applied as from the Tth October, 1918. 1918, to all premises in Great Britain used at the date of this Order by a person licensed as a wholesale dealer in milk under the Milk (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918, for the purpose of wholesale dealings in liquid milk or for the purpose of the manufacture of milk products. 2. For the purposes of this Order *' milk products '' shall mean butter, milk, cheese, condensed milk and dried milk. 3. This Order may be cited as the Wholesale Milk Dealers (Control) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 5th October, 1918. Milk (Distribution) Order, 1918. . 131 Lhe Milk (Distribution) Order, 1918. Dated the Sth October, 1918. 1918. No. 1246. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence if the Realm Eej> illations and of all other powers enabling him n that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except aider the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- ions shall be observed by ail persons concerned : — 1. (a) The Food Controller or any person authorised by him Directions n that behalf may from time to time issue directions relating to relating to he collection, allocation, distribution or treatment of milk, and ™^^^- n particular may: — (i) fix the proportion or amount of milk which may be retained by a producer for the purpose of his whole- sale or retail trade or for any other purpose; (ii) fix the maximum quantity of milk which may be acquired by any person in any period and the persons from whom milk may be acquired by him; (iii) direct that any producer or dealer in milk shall sell or deliver the whole or any part of his milk to any person or place ; (iv) restrict or regulate the sale or delivery of milk by any person to any other person or to any place ; and (v) fix the maximum amount of liquid milk which any person may use in any period for any manufacturing purpose. (h) Directions given under this clause may be given so as to pply generally or so as to apply to any special locality, or so as o apply to any special producer, dealer or person or class of )roducers, dealers or persons, and shall have effect notwithstand- ng any contract entered into by the person to whom the [irections are given. Where any such directions have been given t shall be the duty of all persons concerned to comply therewith, nd a person shall not sell, use or dispose of any milk to which uch directions apply except in accordance with such directions. 2. For the purposes of this Order " Milk " shall include con- Interpreta- ^ensed milk, dried milk, milk preparations and butter-milk. *^^'^' 3. Infringements of this Order or of any directions given there- Penalty, mder are summary offences against th« Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. (a) This Order mav be cited as the Milk (Distribution) Title and )rder, 1918. ^ ^^^l^^ ^^ (6) This Order does not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge^ Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 5th October, 1918. 6540 E 2 132 Barley (Registration of Wholesale Dealers) {Ireland) Order y 1918. Licensing of wholesale dealers. Mode of application . lor a licence. Issue and revocation of licence. Records, information and inspec- tion. Production of licence. Exception. Interpreta- tion. The Barley (Eegistration of Wholesale Dealers) (Irelanu) Order, 1918. Dated the 7th October, 1918. 1918. Xo. 1248. In exercise of the ]X)wers conferred upon hini by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controlkr the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. A person shall not deal in Barley in Ireland by wholesale, either on his own account or on the account of any other person— (a) after. the 12th October, 1918, unless he has applied for a licence as a wholesale dealer in Barley; or i (6), after the 17th October, 1918, unless he is the holder of a licence for the time being in force granted by the Committee authorising him to deal in Barley by wholesale. 2. Every application for a licence shall be made to the Secre- tary (Barley Section) Food Control Committee for Ireland, Kil- worth House, Kildare Street, Dublin, on a form to be prescribed by the Committee, and every applicant shall furnish on such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing the same, which statement shall be signed by the applicant or by his duly authorised agent where the signature of the applicant by such duly authorised agent is permitted by the Committee. 3. A licence shall be granted to such persons and subject to such conditions as the Committee may determine, and any such licence may at any time be revoked by the Food Controller or by the Committee. 4. The holder of any licence shall keep or cause to be kept at some convenient place accurate records as to his dealings in barley together with all relevant books, certificates, vouchers, documents and accounts, and shall comply with any direction given by or under the authority, of the Food Controller or the Committee as to the form and contents of such records, and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Com- mittee to inspect all such records, books, certificates, vouchers, documents and accounts. The holder of such licence shall also observe all such directions as to his dealings in barley as may be given to him by or under the authoiity of the Food Controller or the Committee, and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars as to his dealings in barley as may from time to time be required by the Food Controller or the Committee. 5. Every licence issued under this Order shall be produced by the holder upon the demand of any ofl&cer or constable of police, or any person authorised by the Food Controller or by the Com- mittee. 6. This Order shall not apply to a grower so far as dealings in his own barley are concerned. 7. For the purposes of this Order: — The expression '* Committee " means the Food Control Committee for Ireland. Notice under the Greek Currants {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. 133 The expression '* Grower " means the person who on the 1st September, 1918, was tlie occupier of the land on which the barley dealt in- by him was grown, or such person as may be determined by or under the authority of the Food . Control Committee for Ireland to be the grower of such barley for the purposes of this Order. The expression '' his own barley " with reference to a grower means barley grown on the land of which he was the occupier on the 1st September, 1918, or such barley as may be determined by or under the authority of the Food Control Committee for Ireland. The expression ^^ Occupier*' includes a person entitled ' under a conacre agreement to the use of the land. The expression '^barley" does not include pearl barley. The expression * ' wholesale dealer ' ' means any person ' whose aggregate sales in any seven consecutive days exceed 5 quarters of 448 lbs. each_, and the expression '* dealer by wholesale" has a corresponding meaning. 8. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against P^^^lties. the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 9. {a) This Order mav be cited as the Barlev (Registration of Title and Wholesale Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918. '^ O^^^er. (6) This Order shall apply only to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 7th October. 1918. Notice, dated October 9th, 1918, under the Greek; Currants (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918.(a) 1918. No. 1291. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by Clause 2 of the s. R. & 0,, above Order and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, No. 491 the Food Controller hereby prescribes that the Schedule to this ^^ ^^^^• Notice shall on and after the 10th October, 1918, and till further notice be substituted for the Schedule to the above Order. By Order of the Food Controller, W, H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 9th October, 1918. : (a) The Schedule to this Notice is superseded as from Dec. 19, 1918, by Schedule to Notice of Dec. 19, 1918, printed p. 305. 6540 E 3 134 Sivan.sea Food Conti-ol Commitiee {Added Areas) Order, 1918. Schedule. Currants Produced ix Greece. Gulf and Vostizza ... Patras and Zante ... Amalias Not otherwise specified A. Currants of 1917 crop shipped before 1st Nov., 1918, and Currants of 1918 crop. per cwt. 808. duty paid 74... 72.9. B. Currants other than those mentioned in Column A. per cwt. 75.S. duty paid 72.S. 698. 67.S. The Savansea Food Control Committee (Added Areas) Order^ 1918. Dated the IOtii October, 1918. 1918. Xo. 1293. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm E-eg-ulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. On and from the 9th November, 1918, or such later date as the Food Controller may direct: — (a) The Food Control Committee appointed by the Council of the Urban District of Oyst«rmouth shall, without prejudice to any proceedings theretofore commenced by the Committee, cease to be the Food Control Com- mittee for the said district excei)t so far as is necessary for the recovery of moneys due to them, the di.^charge of their liabilities and the audit of their accounts, and shall be dissolved so soon as such moneys have been recovered, liabilities discharged and accounts audited. (6) The Food Control Committee appointed by tlie Council of the Swansea Rural District shall cease to be the Food Control Committee for the parishes of Cockett and Llansamlet and such parts of the parishes of Clase Rural and Penderry as are transferred to the Borough of Swansea under the provisions of the Swansea (Extension) Order, 1918, and the Local Government Provisional Order (No. 6) Act, 1918, and the powers and duties of such last-mentioned Committee shall be exerciseable and operate onlj* within and in relation to the remainder of the Swansea Rural District, (c) The Food Control Committee appointed by the Council of the Gower Rural District shall cease to be the Committee for the Parish of Brynau, and the powers and duties of such last mentioned Committee shall be exerciseable and operate only within and in relation TO the remainder of the Gower Rural District. Cocoa Poxrder (No. 2) Order, 1918. 135 2. On and from the 9tli November, 1918, or such later date as the Food Controller may direct : — ' The said Urban District of Oystermouth, the transferred parts of the Swansea Rural District and the transferred part of the Gower Rural District (which are together hereinafter called "the Added Areas ") shall be added to and form part of the District of the Sw^ansea Food Control Committee, and the powers and duties of the Swansea Food Control Com- mittee shall be exerciseable and operate within and in rela- tion to the added areas as they are exerciseable and operate within and in relation to the district for which the said Committee was originally appointed. All acts done and directions given by the Oystermouth, Swansea Rural, and Gower Food Control Committees shall continue and have effect within the said Urban District, the transferred parts of the Swansea Rural District and the transferred part of the Gower Rural District respectively until the Swansea Food Committee otherwise directs. 3. This Order may be cited as the Swansea Food Control Committee (Added Areas) Order, 1918. Bv Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. lOth October, 1918. The Cocoa Powder (No. 2) Order, 1918. Dated tpie 10th October, 1918. 1918. No. 1302. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Part I. — Manufacture and Sale of Cocoa Powder. 1. A person shall not manufacture cocoa powder except such Specifica- cocoa powder as contains: — tion of (a) not more than 5 per cent, of cocoa bean shell ; and ^°^®^ ^ (b) not less than 22J per cent, and not more than 30 per cent. ^^^ of cocoa butter. 2. Except as provided by Clause 3 of this Order, a manufac- Sales by turer shall not sell any such cocoa powder save as Grade B cocoa manufac- powder and in accordance with the following provisions: — (a) The cocoa powder shall be invoiced as Grade B cocoa powder; and 6510 E 4 turer. 136 Cocoa Poivder (No. 2) Order, 1918. Grade A cocoa powder, Records and returns. Maximum prices. (b) The cocoa powder shall be packed in barrels or cases and each such barrel or case shall be legibly marked in letters not less than 1 inch in length with the words . ** Grade B Cocoa Powder " ; Provided that the manu- facturer may at the request of the buyer pack the cocoa powder in cartons. 3. A manufacturer may sell as Grade A cocoa powder any cocoa powder which contains not more than 2 per cent, of cocoa bean shell, subject to compliance with the following con- ditions : — (a) Not more than 60 per cent, of the cocoa powder sold by him in any month may be sold as Grade A cocoa powder; and (6) Cocoa powder sold by him as Grade A cocoa powder shall when sold be either: — (i) packed in cartons legibly marked with the words ''Grade A Cocoa Powder " and sold under the manufacturer's name or trade mark; or (ii) sold to a person duly authorised by the Food Controller to purchase Grade A cocoa pow- der not packed in cartons, and so that any such authority shall be subject to any con- ditions which the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe either generally or specially. 4. (a) Every manufacturer of cocoa powder and every dealer in cocoa powder (other than a dealer in respect of his retail sales) shall keep accurate records containing such particulars as are necessary to show whether or not he is complying with the pro- visions of this Order and shall make such returns as to his manu- facture of and dealings in cocoa powder as the Food Controller may from time to time require. (h) Until further notice every manufacturer of cocoa powder shall within 7 days of the end of each month forward to the Secretary, Ministry of Food, Palace Chambers, Westminster, London, S.W.I, a return showing as respects the preceding month : — (i) the total amount of cocoa powder manufactured ; and (ii) the amount of cocoa powder sold as Grade B cocoa pow- der, and the amount sold as Grade A cocoa powder. Part II. — Maximum Prices. 5. (a) A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or offer to buy any article to which this order applies at a price exceeding the maximum price applicable to such article under this Order. (6) A person who on the purchase of any cocoa powder has made a declaration that such purchase is for a particular purpose, shall not sell such, cocoa powder except in accordance with the terms of sucli declaration. Cocoa Powder (No. 2) Order, 1918. 187 6. On the occasion of the sale of Grade B cocoa powder Sales by (other than a sale by retail) the maximum price shall be: — wholesale of Grade B (a) On a sale by or on behalf of a manufacturer to a person cocoa who declares in writing that he is buying such cocoa Po^der. powder for the purpose of resale by wholesale, at the rate of 186^. per cwt. ; and (b) On any other sale, at the rate of 196^. per cwt. 7. llie maximum price on the occasion of a sale to which Terms of Clause 6 of this Order refers, is fixed on the basis of the following trading, terms and conditions being applicable to the transaction : — (a) Delivery is to be made at the seller's expense to the buyer's premises; (b) The cocoa powder is to be packed free of charge in non- returnable cases or barrels provided by the seller; (c) Payment is to be made within 28 days of the date of invoice, and moneys then unpaid are to bear interest at the rate of 5 per centum per annum. Where the cocoa powder is sold on terms or conditions other than the terms and conditions stated in the foregoing part of this clause, a corresponding adjustment shall be made in the maximum price; and, in particular, the seller may add to the maximum price permitted by this clause a further sum at a rate not exceeding 37^. Ad. per cwt., if at the request of the buyer he packs the Cocoa Powder in Cartons, and at a rate not ex- ceeding ISs. 8d. per cwt., if at the request of the buyer he packs the Cocoa Powder in paper containers. 8. On the occasion of any sale of Grade A Cocoa Powder Sales by (other than a sale by retail) the maximum jDrice .shall be: — wholesale of Grade A (a) On a sale by or on behalf of a, manufacturer to a person cocoa who declares in writing that he is buying such cocoa powder, powder for the purpose of re-sale by wholesale, at the rate of 2s. 6d. per lb. ; and (b) On any other sale, at the rate of 25. 8^. per lb. 9. The maximum price on the occasion of a sale to which Terms of Clause 8 of this Order refers, is fixed on the basis of the following tradmg. terms and conditions being applicable to the transaction : — (a) Delivery is to be made at the seller's expense to the buyer's premises; (b) The Cocoa Powder is to be packed free of charge in non- returnable cartons provided by the seller; (c) Payment is to be made within 28 days of the date of invoice, and moneys then unpaid are to bear interest at the rate of 5 per centum per annum. Where the Cocoa Powder is sold on terms and conditions other than the terms and conditions stated in the foregoing part of this clause, a corresponding adjustment shall be made in the maximum price. Cocoa Powder (No. 2) Order ^ 1918. 10. On tlie occasion of a sale by retail of Grade B Cocoa Powder the maximum price shall be : — (a) Where such cocoa powder is sold packed in a carton, at the rate of 2^. Qd. per lb. ; (6) where such cocoa powder is sold packed in a paper container, at the rate of 2^. 4^. per lb. ; and (c) where such cocoa powder is sold othei-wise than packed in a carton or paper container, at the rate of 2.?. 2d. per lb. 11. On the occasion of a sale by retail of Grade A Cocoa Powder, the maximum price shall be at the rate of ?>s. 2d. per lb. 12. Where the purchaser on the occasion of a sale by retail requires cocoa powder to be delivered to his premises, an addi- tional charge may be made for such delivery at a rate not ex- ceeding JrZ. per lb. or any larger sum actually and properly paid by the seller for carriage. No charge may be made for packing or packages or for giving credit. 13. A person shall" not sell or offer or expose for sale any Grade B Cocoa Powder packed in a carton or paper container unless such carton or paper container bears a label to the effect that the cocoa powder contained therein is Grade B Cocoa Powder, and that the retail price must not exceed 2^. 6^. or 2*. 4^7. per lb", as the case may be. 14. Except as provided by Clause 3 (6), (ii) hereof, a person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale Grade A Cocoa Powder except in accordance with the following provisions : — {a) The Cocoa Powder shall be packed in a carton. (6) To each carton shall be attached a label to the effect that the Cocoa Powder contained therein is Grade A Cocoa Powder. 15. If in any proceedings against a person, other than a manu- facturer of the cocoa powder in question, for an infringement of* the provisions of this Order as regards maximum price it is proved that an offence has been committed, but the defendant proves : — {a) that he bought the cocoa powder as being of a grade that justified the charge made by him therefor; and (6) that he had no reason to believe that the powder was not of that grade; and (c) where he bought the cocoa powder in a carton or paper container, that he sold such powder in the same carton or paper container; and {d) that he has given due notice to the prosecutor of his- intentiou to rely on the provisions of this clause he shall De entitled to be discharged from the prosecution. 16. On the occasion of a sale by retail of any cocoa powder other than Grade A cocoa powder the maximum price shall be at the same rate as that applicable to Grade B cocoa powder. Cocoa Powder {No. 2) Order^ 1918. 139 17. On the occasion of a sale of cocoa bean shell by or on Sales of behalf of a manufacturer the maximum price shall be at the cocoa bean rate of 125. per cwt. manufac- turer. 18. The maximum price fixed by Clause 17 is fixed on the Terms of basis of the following terms and conditions being applicable to trading, the transaction. (a) Delivery is to be ex factory. (6) All charges for packing, packages and delivery are to be for buyer's account; (c) Payment is to be net cash within 28 days of the date of invoice, and moneys then unpaid are thereafter to bear interest at the rate of 5 per centum per annum. Where the contract is naade on terms and conditions other than the terms and conditions stated in the foregoing part of this Clause, a corresponding adjustment shall be made in the maximum price. 19. (a) On the occasion of any sale of cocoa bean shell, or ►'^ales of any mixture (other than chocolate) containing more than 5 per cocoa bean cent, of cocoa bean shell by any person other than the manu- Lrson^ther facturer, the maximum price shall be at the rate of 66?. per lb. than the (fe) Where the purchaser on the occasion of such a sale ™^^"*'^^" requires cocoa bean shell to be delivered to his premises, an additional charge may be made for such delivery not exceeding Id. per lb. or any larger sum actually and properly paid by the seller for carriage. ISTo charge may be made for packing or pflckages or for giving credit. turer. Part III. — General. 20. A person shall not in connection with a sale or disposition Fictitious or proposed sale or disposition of any cocoa powder or other transactions, articles to which this Order applies, enter or offer to enter into any fictitious transaction or make or demand any unreasonable ■charge. 21. Where the Food Controller is of opinion that having regard Contracts, to the provisions of this Order, any contract subsisting at the date of this Order for the sale of any article to which this Order applies, ought to be cancelled or modified, he may, if he thinks fit, cancel such contract or may modify the same in -such manner as he shall think just. 22. For the purposes of this Order: — The expression '*date of invoice'' shall mean the date of despatch of the goods to the buyer or the date borne by the invoice whichever shall be latter, excepting iii cases where the goods are detained pending buyer's instructions, in which case it shall mean the date when the goods were ready for despatch to the buyer. The expression *' carton " shall mean a canister of metal or cardboard, or partly of metal and partly of cardboard, containing not more than 1 lb. of cocoa powder. Interpreta- tion. Revocation, S.R. & 0. No. 341 of 1918. Penalties. General Licence under the Imported Onions Order, 1918. The expression ** paper container" shall mean a closed paper bag enclosing* a paper containing an amount of Cocoa Powder not exceeding 1 lb. 23. The Cocoa Powder Order, 1918, is hereby revoked as at the 1st November, 1918, without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any previous contravention thereof. 24. Infringements of this Order or the making of a false return or a false declaration thereunder are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 25. (a) This Order may be cited as the Cocoa Powder (No. 2) Order, 1918. (b) This Order shall come into force on the 1st November, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge. Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 10th October, 1918 General Licence, dated October 10, 1918, Onions Order, 1918. under the Imported 1918. No. 1303. &0., In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Order and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby directs and authorises as follows : — 1. The date on or before which an application for a certificate shall be made under Clause 2 (h) of the above Order shall be postponed until the 1st November, 1918. 2. Any person who on the 1st October, 1918, was carrying on business as a broker, or as a retailer of imported onions is hereby authorised to continue so to do, in the cas€ of a broker, until the 15th November, 1918, and in the case of a retailer, until further notice, subject to the provisions of the above Order, as if he were a licensed broker or a retail dealer (as the case may be) within the meaning of the above Order. 3. Any person who on the 1st October, 1918, was carrying on a business in the ordinary course of which he bought imported onions on a broker's sale, is hereby authorised until further notice to continue so to do, subject to the provisions of the above Order, as if he held a licence of the Food Controller in that behalf. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. . 10th October, 1918. General Licence under the British Onions Order, 1918; General 141 Licence under the British made Butter Restriction Order, 1918. General Licence, dated October 10, 1918, under the British Onions Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1304. m exercise of tlie powers reserved to liim by the above Order g r^ & o., and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food No. 1236 of Controller hereby authorises as follows : — 1918. 1. Any person who on the 1st October, 1918, was carrying on business as a retailer of British Onions is hereby authorised to continue so to do until further notice, subject to the provisions of the above Order, as if he were a retail dealer within the meaning of the above Order. 2. Any grower of British Onions who on the 1st October, 1918, carried on a separate business as a wholesale dealer is hereby authorised until the 15th November, 1918, to sell his own British onions as wholesale dealer and not as grower, subject to the pro- visions of the above Order, as if he held a licence granted by the Food Controller in that behalf. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food 10th October. 1918. General Licence, dated October 11, 1918, under the British Made Butter Restriction Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1305. Until further notice all retailers of British made Butter who S.R. & 0., hold a permit to buy such butter issued under the above Order No. 1228 of are hereby authorised to buy, and all persons concerned to sell l^^^* such butter to an amount exceeding the amount named in such permit by not more than 5 per cent., provided that the actual amount purchased is duly entered on the Official Order Book prescribed under Clause 2 of the above Order. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 11th October, 1918. 142 Milk {Registration of Dealers) Amendment Order, 1918. Milk (Registratiox of Dealers) Amendment Order, 1918. Dated the 14th October, 1918. 1918. No. 1306. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by tlie Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that the Milk (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918 (hereinafter called the Principal Order), shall be amended as follows: — S.E. & O., 1. Clause 13 of the Principal Order is hereby revoked and the JJi^o^^ ^^ following clause shall be substituted therefor : — **13. (a) A Food Committee may with the consent of the Food Controller revoke any certificate of registration issued by them under the provisions of this part of this Order if they are satisfied that any of the pro- visions of this Order or any regulation or direction made or given by or under the authority of the Food Controller relating to the trade or business of the holder of such certificate has not been observed by him or by any of his servants or agents; (6) A Food Committee in England or Wales may with the consent of the Food Controller revoke any such certi- ficate of registration if they are satisfied : — (i) that the premises to which the certificate relates are unsuitable for the sale of milk ; or (ii) that the manner in which milk is kept or supplied at such premises is insanitary; (iii) that the holder of the certificate or any of his servants or agents — (a) has infringed as respects such premises any sanitary regulations issued in exercise of statutory powers by any Local Authority within whose dis- trict the premises to which the certi- ficate relates are situate; or (h) has failed to take all proper steps to prevent the spreading of disease by means of the milk sold at the premises ; or (c) has failed to take all proper steps to prevent waste or deterioration of or damage to milk in his possession or control; or (d) has failed to adopt all reasonable means for the economical handling of the milk deolt with at the premises. Vegetarian Butter and Vegetarian Lard {Maximum Prices) 143 Order, 1918. Provided that a certificate sliall not be revoked by a Food Committee on any of tbe grounds set out in sub- clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) (a) and (iii) (b) of this clause except with the consent of the local authority as defined by the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, s.R. & 0., 1917, for the district within which the premises to which No. 869 of the certificate relates are situate ; and ^^^^• (c) A Food Committee shall revoke any such certificate if required so to do by the Food Controller. 2. Copies of the Principal Order hereafter to be printed under the authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office shall be printed with the substitution provided for by this Order and the Principal Order shall as from the date of this Order take effect as if it had originally been made with such substitution. 3. This Order may be cited as the Milk (Registration of Dealei-s) Amendment Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, IF. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 14th October, 1918. The Vegetarian Butter and Vegetarian Lard (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. Dated the 14th October, 1918. 1918. Xo. 130T. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned: — 1. A person shall not on or after the 1st November, 1918, sell Maximum or offer or expose for sale, or buy or offer to buy any vegetariaji prices, butter or vegetarian lard at a price exceeding the maximum price for the time being applicable under this Order. 2. On and after the 1st November, 1918, until further notice Mannfac the maximum price applicable on a sale, other than a sale ^>y turer's retail, of any vegetarian butter or vegetarian lard shall : — prices. (a) Where the sale is made by or on behalf of the manu- facturer to a person who declares in writing that he is buying for re-sale by wholesale, be at the rate of 1*. dd. per lb. for vegetarian butter and 1.^. 3^. per lb. for vegetarian lard. 144 Terms of sale Vegetarian Butter and Vegetarian. Lard {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (b) In any other case, be at the rate of 1^. 6^. per lb. for vegetarian butter and Is. 4:d. for vegetarian lard. 3. (a) Th« maximum prices fixed under Clause 2 (a) are fixed on the basis that the goods are sold ex works, all transport charges thereafter being for the buyer's account, and that the goods are sold in boxes containing 28 lb. or 56 lb. net weight of vegetarian butter or lard, as the case may be, packed in 1 lb. cartons or packets, the boxes and cartons or packets being provided by the seller free of cost to the buyer. (b) The maximum prices fixed under Clause 2 (b) aro fixed on the basis that the goods are to be delivered to the buyer's premises at the seller's expense, in boxes containing 28 ib. or 66 lb. net weight of vegetarian butter or lard, as the case may be, packed in 1 lb. cartons or packets, the boxes and cartons or packets being provided by the seller free of cost to the buyer. Retail price. 4. (a) On and after the 1st November, 1918, until further notice the maximum price applicable upon the sale of any vege- tarian butter by retail shall be a price at the rate of I5. 8d. per lb. and upon the sale of any vegetarian lard by retail shall be at the rate of Is. 6d. per lb., in both cases inclusive of all costs of packing, packages or giving credit. (6) Where on a retail sale the vegetarian butter or lard is delivered at the request of the buyer otherwise than at the seller'? premises, an additional charge may be made in respect of such delivery not exceeding a sum at the rate of ^d. per lb. or any larger sum actually and properly paid by the seller for carriage. 5. No sale of vegetarian butter or vegetarian lard shall, except under a licence granted by the Food Controller, be made upon terms other than the terms on the basis of which the maximum price therefor is expressed to be fixed by this Order, 6. Except under licence granted by the Food Controller no person shall sell or offer or expose for sale any vegetaTian butter or vegetarian lard which does not comply with the following requirements : — (a) It shall have been manufactured in the United Kingdom. (b) It shall contain such ingredients in such proportions as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe, and until further notice : (i) in the case of vegetarian butter, there shall have been used in the manufacture thereof 37 J per cent, cocoanutoil, 37 J per cent, palm kernel oil and 25 per cent, nut cream manu- factured from hazel nuts, and no other ingredients; and (ii) in the case of vegetarian lard, there shall have been used in the manufacture thereof 50 per cent, cocoanut oil, 20 per cent, ground nut oil and 30 per cent, palm kernel oil and no other ingredients. Contracts on other terms prohibited. Limitation on sales of articles as vegetarian butter and vegetarian lard. Vegetar-ian Butter and Vegetarian Lard {Maximiim Prices) 145 Order, 1918. (c) For the purposes of Sub-clause (h) of this Clause the proportions of the ingredients shall in every case be calculated by weight. id) At the time of sale or of the offer or exposure for sale the percentage of moisture shall not in the case of vegetarian butter exceed 1*5 per cent, calculated by weight and in the case of vegetarian lard '25 per cent, calculated by weight. 7. In any proceedings for an infringement of this Order: — Warranty (i) A buyer shall be entitled to rely upon any written ^"^ . warranty as to the matters referred to in Clause 6 which was given to him by the person from whom he bought the article if he satisfies the Court that he had no reason to suspect that such warranty was untrue and has given due notice to the prosecutor of his intention to rely on such warranty ; (ii) The production of the Certificate of the Principal Chemist of the Government Laboratories or of any Analyst appointed under the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts shall be sufficient evidence of the facts therein stated, unless the Defendant requires that the person who made the analysis be called as a witness. Such Certificate shall be. so far as circumstances permit, in the form required by the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts. 8. A person who has bought any article as vegetarian butter jjq altera- or as vegetarian lard shall not sell or offer or ex]30se for sale tion to be such article otherwise than as vegetaxian butter or vegetarian made in title lard or with any alteration of substance. ^^ substance. 9. A person shall not on a sale of vegetarian butter or vege- Fictitious tarian lard enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transactions, transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 10. For tlie purposes of this Order the expression — Interpre- "Sale by Retail " shall not include any sale where the tation. total amount of vegetarian butter or vegetaxian lard sold by the same seller to the same buyer in any one calendar week exceeds 14 lbs., and any such sale shall be deemed to be a sale by wholesale. 11. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 12. This Order may be cited as the Vegetarian Butter and Title. Vegetarian Lard (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridgey Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 14th October, 1918. 146 Cattle Feeding Stuffs {Distribution) Order, 1918. riL'Striction on supply- ing or obtaining Cattle Feed- ing Stuffs. Power to sell to holders of certificates. Power to holders of certificates to buy. Cattle Feed- ing Stuffs to be used in accordance with certifi- cate. Producers, makers or dealers not to use Cattle Feeding Stuffs to Feed to Live Stock. Power to Food Con- troller to grant certifi- cates. The Cattle Feeding Stupes (Distribution) Order, 1918. Dated the 14th OcTOiiER, 1918. 1918. No. 1308. In exercise of tke powers conferred upon liim by the Defence of tlie Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned: — 1. A person shall not on or after the ITth November, 1918, obtain or attempt to obtain Cattle Feeding Stuffs from any person or supply or attempt to supply any Cattle Feeding Stuffs to any person except under and in accordance with the provisions of this Order. 2. A person named as a supplier, in a certificate granted under this Order, may supply to the person therein named or referred to as the buyer, Cattle Feeding Stuffs of the class or classes and up to the quantity and subject to the conditions mentioned in, or applicable under such certificate. 3. A person named or referred to as a buyer in a certificate granted under this Order may obtain from the person named therein as the supplier. Cattle Feeding Stuffs of the class or classes and up to the quantity and subject to the conditions mentioned in or applicable under such certificate. 4. A person shall not use or permit to be used any Cattle Feeding Stuffs obtained under a certificate granted under this Order except in accordance with the terms and conditions men- tioned in or iipplicabk' under such certificate.^a) 5. {a) A producer or maker of or a dealer in Cattle Feeding Stuffs shall not on or after the 17th jSTovember, 1918 (except under and in accordance with the provisions of this Order or of any directions given thereunder), use any Cattle Feeding Stuffs produced, acquired or obtained by him In the course of his occupation, trade or business for the purpose of feeding his live stock.(b) (b) Nothing in this Clause shall prevent: — (i) a person who has made an application for a certificate under this Order from using for the purpose of feeding to his live stock any Cattle Feeding Stuffs mentioned in such application as being in hand at the date thereof; or (ii) a person from using for the purpose of feeding his live stock any Cattle Feeding Stuffs which he might law- fully have obtained and fed to such live stock other- wise than under a certificate. 6. The Food Controller or any person authorised by him may grant certificates under this Order on such terms and conditions as he may from time to time determine and may revoke any certificate, and may from time to time by general or special notice vary the quantity or class of Cattle Feeding Stuffs obtain- able under any cei-tificate or any class of certificate. (c) (a) See General Licence of Dec. 18, 1918, printed p. 291. (b) See General Licence of Nov. 20, 1918, printed p. 233. (c) See Notice of Nov. 20, 1918, printed p. 233. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Distribution) Order, 1918. 14" 7. (a) Certificates t^ranted under this Order may be graded by Grading of or under the authority of the Food Controller so as to give certificates, priority to any class of live stock over any other class of live stock, and for this purpose any class of live stock may be sub- divided. (b) Where certificates have been graded, a person shall in the disposition of any Cattle Feeding Stuffs held by him have regard to the grades of the certificates upon which he is named as supplier and shall not dispose of any Cattle Feeding Stuffs to ihe holder of a certificate of a lower grade, until all orders for Cattle Feeding Stuffs properly demanded upon a certificate " of a higher grade have been filled by him. 8. Every application for a certificate shall be made in such Application a manner or on such form as may from time to time be pre- ^^f^^^*^^" scribed by or under the authoiity of the Food Controller. 9. (a) Directions may from time to time be given by or under the authority of the Food Controller relating to : — (i) Eecords to be kept and returns to be made by any person who deals in Cattle Feeding Stuffs or who has obtained any Cattle Feeding Stuffs upon a certificate granted under this Order, (ii) The endorsement on certificates of particulars of the class and quantity of Cattle Feeding Stuffs supplied thereon, and (iii) any other matter in connection with *the trade or busi- ness of any person dealing in Cattle Feeding Stuffs. (b) All persons concerned shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority of the Food Controller, and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller to inspect any records directed to be kept under this clause. cates. Power to Food Con- troller to give direc- tions. 10. (a) Nothing in this Order shall prevent the sale and pur- chase without a certificate of maize or maize products (other than gluten feed, paisley meal, maize germ meal and hominy chop) or of any horse mixture where the purchaser declares that he is buying for the purpose of feeding the same to any stallion used exclusively for stud purposes or to any horse to which the Horses (Rationing) Order, 1918, or any other Order made by the Food Controller restricting the amount of cereal foodstuffs to be fed to horses applies; provided that the purchaser shall use the same for the purpose of feeding a horse or horses of the classes speci- fied above. (6) Nothing in this Order shall prevent the sale and pur- chase without a certificate of any Poultry Mixture where the purchaser declares that he is buying for the purpose of feeding the same to any poultry, provided that the purchaser shall use the same for the purpose of feeding poultry. (c) The Food Controller may at any time by notice under this Order direct that any declaration to be made for the purpose of either of the foregoing sub-clauses of this clause shall be made in writing. SavingClause in case of Maize, Maize Products and Poultry Mixtures. S.R. & 0., No. 410 of 1918. 148 Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Distribwtion) Order, 1918.. ProTisions of Horses (Rationing) Order, 1918, to be observed. False statements. Interpreta- tion. Exceptioo. 11. Nothing in this Order shall be taken to authorise any cereal foodstuffs to be fed to horses in contravention of the pro- visions of the Horses (Rationing) Order, 1918, or any other Order of the Food Controller restricting the amount of cereal foodstuffs to be fed to horses. 12. A person shall not — (a) make or connive at the making of any false statement on any application or return made in connection with or for any of the purposes of this Order, or make or connive at the making of any false statement for the purpose of obtaining any Cattle Feeding Stuffs, or obtain or attempt to obtain any Cattle Feeding Stuffs, where any false statement has been made on the rela- tive application; or (b) without lawful authority alter or attempt to alter or forge any entry upon a certificate ; or (c) make or connive at the making of any false entry or endorsement on a certificate; or (d) fail, neglect or connive at any failure or neglect to make any entry or endorsement on any certificate in manner directed thereon or required under this Order; or (e) assign or attempt to assign any certificate or any Cattle Feeding Stuffs obtained thereunder; or (/) falsely represent himself to be a person to whom any such certificate applies or has been issued. 13. For the purposes of this Order: — The expression " Horse " shall include mare, gelding, filly, pony, ass and mule. The expression *' Cattle Feeding Stuffs '' shall mean oil cakes and meals and other cattle feeding cakes and cattle feeding meals of every variety, millers' offals, millerp' screenings, barley offals, oat offals, malt culms, brewers' grains, distillers' grains, maize, gluten feed, paisley meal, maize germ meal, hominy chop and other maize products, molassed foods and mixtures containing any of the foregoing articles, but does not include dog biscuits or any of the foregoing articles which are suit- able for human food. 14. This Order shall not apply to: — (a) the making or obtaining of a supply of Cattle Feeding Stuffs proved to have been made to a person buying for the purpose of resale pursuant to this Order ; or (6) the making or obtaining of a supply of Cattle Feeding Stuffs for the purpose of being fed to any horse owned by the Admiralty, Army Council or Air Council. (c) Sales of Cattle Feeding Stuffs in quantities not exceed- ing 7 lbs. in one week to or for the benefit of any person, except in so far as the Food Controller may direct that it shall apply ; or (d) Dealings in Cattle Feeding Stuffs in Ireland for delivery in Ireland. Order amending the Dredge Corn Order, 1917. 149 15. The Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Priority Supply) Order, 1918, Revocation, is hereby revoked as at the 17th November, 1918, without preju- S. R. & O. dice to any proceedings in respect of any infringement thereof. No.7of 1918. 16. Infringements of this Order or of any directions given Penalty, thereunder are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 17. This Order may be cited as the Cattle Feeding Stuffs Title and commence- ment. (Distribution) Order, 1918 By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 14th October, 1918. Order, dated the 14th October, 1918, amending the Dredge Corn Order, 1917. 1918. No. 1309. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that the Dredge Corn Order, 1917 (hereinafter called the Principal Order), shall be amended as follows : — 1. In Clause 2 (a) of the Principal Order, the words '' the S.R. & 0., Grain ^Prices) Order, 1918," shall be substituted for the words ^^\l]f^ :*the Grain (Prices) Order, 1917." 2. Copies of the Principal Order hereinafter to be printed under the authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office shall be printed with the substitution provided for by Clause 1 of this Order, and the Principal Order shall on and after the date of this Order take effect as if it had been made with such substitution. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 14th October, 1918. «^18. 150 Notice under the Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Fat {Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918 ; Notice amending the Importers (Returns) Order, 1918. ;XOTICE, DATED OcTOBER 14, 1918, UNDER THE RaW BeEF AND EaW Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918. 1918. Xo. 1310. In exercise of tlie powers reserved to him by the above Order and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby authorises as follows : — S.R. & u., 1. On and after the 14th October, 1918, the authority to grant ^o.^635 of tiie licence referred to in Clause 1 of the above Order shall, as regards any retail butcher, be the Food Control Committee for the district in which the premises of such retail butcher are situate. 2. A retail butcher shall be entitled to receive a licence, who in the ordinary course of his trade during the six months ending the 30th June, 1914, rendered, melted or treated raw beef and mutton fat. 3. A Food Control Committee may, with the consent of the Food Controller, grant a licence to any other retail butcher. 4. Licences under this Notice shall be in a form to be approved by the Food Controller and shall be subject to the terms and conditions set out in the licence and to any directions which may from time to time be given by the Food Controller or the Committee. S.R. &0., 5. The General Licence granted under the above Order is No. 031 of revoked as at the 14th November, 1918, without prejudice to any Act performed under such Licence! in accordance with the terms thereof. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Bev Bridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 14th October, 1918. XoTicE, dated October 15, 1918, amending the Importers . (Returns) Order, 1918. 1918. No. 131T. N 4^«^f ^^^ exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Order 291*}^ and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food - Controller hereby directs as follows: — 1. As from the 15th October, 1918, the Schedule to the Order shall be amended by the addition of the following words: — ^Mam." '' Honey." ''Cocoa-nuts, Barcelona nuts, AValnuts, Brazil nuts, Almonds and Chestnuts.'' Order Amending the Rationing Order, 1918. 151 2. Copies of tlie Order hereafter to be printed under the authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office shall be printed with the addition provided for by this notice and the Order shall on and after the 15th October, 1918, take effect as if it had been made with such addition. By Order of tlie Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 15th October, 1918. Order Amending the Rationing Order, 1918. Dated the 15th October, 1918. 1918. No. 1318. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that the g r <§. o.. Rationing Order, 1918 (hereinafter called the Principal Order), No. 894 of shall be amended as follows : — 191^« 1. In Clause 19 of the Principal Order the words '' where a* person resides in a Catering Establishment for more than one night in any week " shall be deleted and the words " where a person has resided in a Catering Establishment for one night in any week'' shall be substituted therefor; and the words ** in respect of that week " shall be inserted between the words " supply to him " and the words " 6 ozs." 2. In Clauses 20 and 27 of the Principal Order the words " or other prescribed period " shall be added after the word '' week " wherever the word " week " occurs. 3. In Clause 20 of the Principal Order the words ^' and other Rationed Foods (except meat) " shall be inserted between the words " lard and edible fats " and the words " used in or by any Catering Establishment;" and for the words ''set out in the following scale or such other scale as may for the time being be prescribed by the Food Controller " there shall be substi- tuted the words " set out in the scale for the time being pre- scribed by the Food • Controller. " Until the Food Controller otherwise directs, the following shall be the scale : — " . 4. In Clause 22 of the Principal Order the figures " Is. id/' shall be substituted for the fic^nres " Is. 2d." Order amending the Oats {Scotland and Ireland Restriction) Order, 1918. 5.(a') The following clause shall he substituted for Clause 35 in the Principal Order ;— , (a) " TVo milk shall be served in any catering or residential establishment or served for consumption on the pre- mises in or at any milk shop, dairy shop, stall or similar place, or consumed in any such establishment , shop, stall or place, as or as jyart of a beverage except in tea, coffee, cocoa or chocolate as usually served.'^ (b) *' This provision shall not apply to vhilk supplied to any person residing in the Establishment or at any such shop or other place, or to milk supplied at any school to any person under 18 years of age, tvhether residing at the school or not, or to milk supplied to children under 1^ year's of age." 6. In Clause 36 of tlie Principal Order the word " bun " shall be inserted after the word '' cake." 7. In the first column of the Schedule to the Principal Order the words "The Sugar (Eationing) Order, 1917," shall be deleted and the words "The Sugar (Rationing) Order, 1918," shall be substituted. 8. Copies of the Principal Order hereafter to be printed under the authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office shall be printed as amended by this Order, and the Principal Order shall on and after the 16th October, 1918, as to the amendment made by Clause 2 hereof, and on and after the 20th October, 1918, as to the remainder of this Order have effect as so amended. By Order of the Food Controller 15th October, 1918. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. Okder, dated October 16, 1918, AMBNDiNia the Oats (Scotland AND Ireland Restriction) Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1320. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that the Oats (Scotland and Ireland Restriction) Order (hereinafter called the i?rincipal Order) shall be amended as from the 14th October, 1918, as follows: — 1. Sub-clauses (a) and (6) of Clause 2 of the Principal Order shall be deleted and the following sub-clause substituted : " (a) by the Board of Agriculture for Scotland as respects oats consigned from Scotland to any destination outside Scotland." (a) Clause 35 of the Principal Order as amended by this clause was revoked by the Milk (Restriction in Establishments) Order, 1918, printed p. 239, Sale of Sweetmeats in Theatres (Restriction) Order, 1918. 153 2. Tlie following words shall be added to Clause 4 of tLe Principal Order : '^ or to oats consigned to any destination from Scotland which are suitable for use as seed and are sold specifically for seed." 3. Copies of the Principal Order hereafter to be printed under the authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office shall be printed with the amendments provided by this Order and the Principal Order shall hereafter take effect as hereby amended. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 16th October, 1918. The Sale of Sweetmeats in Theatres (EESTaicxioN) Order, 1918. Dated the 17th Octobee, 1918. 1918. No. 1321. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations aftid of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regu- lations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. A person shall not on or after the 1st November, 1918, sell or offer or expose for sale, or buy or offer to buy any sweet- meats in any place of public entertainment. 2. For the purposes of this Order the expression " place of public entertainment " shall mean any theatre, music hall, concert hall, public exhibition room or building ordinarily used for the exhibition of cinematograph pictures, and any premises used primarily or mainly in connection with such theatre, hall, room or building. The expression '* sweetmeats " shall include chocolate and sugar confectionery. 3. Infringements of this Order are summary ^offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. This Order may be cited as the Sale of Sweetmeats in Theatres (Restriction) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 17th October, 1918. 154 Hovses {Rationing) No. 2 Order, 1918. The Horses (Eationixg) ^N^o. 2 Order, October, 1918. 1918. :so. 1331. 1918. Date]) ITtii General prohibition against feed- ing cereal foodstuffs to horses. Horses ex- cluded from the operation of this Order. Limited rations to certain horses. Equivalent value of cereals other than oaU. Prohibition as regards certain horses. Records. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. No person shall feed any horse or permit any horse to be fed with cereal foodstuffs except as provided in this Order, or under the authority of the Food Controller. 2. This Order shall not apply to horses falling within the classes mentioned in the First Schedule. 3. Horses falling within the classes mentioned in the Second and Third Schedules may not on any day be fed with more than the quantity of cereal foodstuffs prescribed for such horses in the Schedules, or in such other Schedules as may from time to time be prescribed by the Food Controller for the purposes of this Order. 4. The maximum quantity of ce*eal foodstuff's which may be fed on any one day is prescribed in the Schedules in terms of oats, but other cereal foodstuffs may be used in lieu of oats, and if so used they shall be deemed for the purpose of this Order to be the equivalent of oats in the following proportions : — 7 J lbs. maize = 10 lbs. oats. 9 ,, beans = 10 lbs oats. 9 ,, peas = 10 lbs. oats. 12 ,, brewer's grains = 10 lbs. oats. 13 ,, bran or other miller's offals = 10 lbs. oats. 12 ,, any horse mixture not containing hay or straw chaff = 10 lbs. oats. 10 ,, any other cereal foodstuffs which may lawfully be fed to a horse = 10 lbs. oats. The allowance for brewer's grains is for dry grains — 4 lbs. of brewer's grains obtained wet may be used in lieu of 1 lb. of dry brewer's grains. 5. Horses falling within the classes mentioned in the Fourth Schedule may not be fed with any cereal foodstuffs. 6. Any person or persons in possession of a horse or horses to which this Order applies shall keep a record in writing in suffi- cient detail to show (1) the number of horses kept by him in each class referred to in Schedules II and III, (2) the total maximum rations authorised by this Order, (3) the description and quanti- ties of the cereal foodstuffs fed to such horses per week, and (4) the description and quantities of all cereal foodstuffs pur- chased and the dote of such purchase ; such records shall at all Horses {Rationing) No. 2 Order, 19l8. 155 reasonable times be open to inspection by an officer or constable of police or any person authorised by tbe Food Controller, or the Controller of Horse Transport. 7. For the purpose of tjiis Order: — Interpreta- *' Horse " shall include mare, gelding, colt, filly, pony, mule and ass. " Cereal foodstuffs " shall include all grains, and beans and peas, and products thereof, and mixtures containing any such articles. 8. The Horses (Rationing) Order, 1918, is hereby revoked as Revocation at the 21st October, 1918, without prejudice to any proceedings S^^'.fp.^'; in respect of any contravention thereof or to any exemptions ^^^^ ^ granted thereunder. 9. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 10. (a) This Order may be cited as the Horses (Rationing) Title and No. 2 Order, 1918. "^ commence- (b) This Order shall come into force on the 21st October, ^®f ^^ 1918. ^''*^'- By Order of the Food Controller, IF. H. Bev Bridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. nth October, 1918. Note. — The amount of hay which may be fed to horses in Great Britain is restricted by an Order of the Board of Trade called the Hay and Straw Order No. 3, 1918 (S.R. & 0. No. 1216 of 1918). No restriction is placed by this Order or by the Board of Trade Order on the use for feeding purposes of straw or roots. Schedule I. Horses excluded from the operation of this Order : — (a) Horses owned by the Admiralty, the Army Council or the Air Council. (6) Horses maintained and used exclusively for agricultural purposes, (c) Stallions used exclusively for stud purposes. 1-56 Horses {Rationing) No. 2 Order, 1918. Schedule II. Horses solely or mainly used for trade or business purposes to be rationed : — Maximum Daily Ration in terms of Oats. Class of horse. When in hard When not in hard and continuous work. and continupuis work. lbs. lbs. (a) Heavy dray and cart horses 16 12 and heavy trotting vanners. (b) Light dray and cart horses 14 10 and light trotting vanners. (c) Other ight horses and cobs 12 9 Id) Ponies 14 hands and under... 7 5 Notes. (1) The jobbing out bf horses is not in itself a trade or busi- ness purpose within the meaning of this Order. (2) Pit ponies, working in the pits or at the pit mouth, may be given 4 lbs. extra per day. (3) Pit horses, working in the pits or at the pit mouth, may be given 2 lbs. extra per day. (4) Horses regularly engaged in work at a slow pace, not involving heavy loads and allowing of frequent intervals oX standing, should be regarded as not in hard and continuous work. Schedule III, Horses not used for trade or business purposes to be rationed : - MaximuTn daily ration in terms of Oats. Class of Horse, (a) Brood Mares ... ... (h) Weaned Foals (c) Yearlings; — 1st Jan. to 31st May ... ... 1st June to 31st Aug. ... ... 1st Sept. to 31st Dec. (d) Two and three year olds : — 1st Jan. to 30th April ... ... 1st May to 31st Oct. 1st Nov. to 31st Dec. (e) Entire thoroughbreds, two years old and upwards, not used for stud purposes ... Tibs. 6 if 3 i> 6 31 7 ii 3 if < 91 Horses {Rationing) No. 2 Order, 1918. 167 Schedule III. — cont. Maximum daily ration in terms of Class of Horse. Oats, • (f) nunters, not less than 14.3 hands, between the ages of 4 and 12 years (both in- clusive), regularly hunted, sound, and suitable for military service as {a) officers' chargers, (6) cavalry troop horses, or (c) artillery riding horses; such horses being the property of 6 lbs. (1) the Master or Committee of a from 1st Oct. recognised pack of hounds, or ocf to 31st Oct. (2) recognised followers living within > 10 lbs. the limits of the Hunt. The horses from 1st Nov. to be registered by the Master or his till authorised deputy, who shall notify the end of season, owners of the horses and the Controller of Horse Transport, 7, Whitehall Gardens, S.W.I, of such registration. Horses so registered are liable to be called up by the Army Remount Department at any moment. {g) Racehorses registered with the Controller of Horse Transport, 7, Whitehall Gardens, S, W.l, for the purposes of the limited racing scheme ... ... ... 13 lbs. Note. — The age of a horse is to be reckoned as beginning on the 1st January of the year in which the horse was foaled. Schedule 7F.(a) Horses not to receive any cereal foodstuffs : — Horses not falling within any of the classes mentioned in Schedules I., II., III., including: — (a) Racehorses, hunters and thoroughbreds other than those specified in Schedules I. and III. (6) Carriage horses, hacks, char-a-banc horses, polo ponies, including all horses let out on hire for these purposes, and horses used in entertainments, (c) Horses mainly used for other than business or trade purposes including all horses let out on hire for other than these purposes. Note. — Correspondence with respect to this Order should be addressed to : — The Controller of Horse Transport, 7, Whitehall Gardens, S.W.I. (a) See General Licence of Dec. 12, 1918, printed p. 268. Directions for Catering Estahlishments and Institutions under the Rationing Order, 1918. Directions, dated October 18, 1918, for Catering Estaulisii- MENTS and iNSTITrTIONS, AS AMENDED UY x\.MEN-DING OrDER, iuted December 6, 1918,(a) tnder the Rationing Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1332 as amended by 1610. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Order and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders and directs that the folloAving directions relating to Catering Establishments and Institutions, and to the supply of meat meals in Catering Establishments and to non- residents in Institutions, shall be observed by all persons con- cerned : — Part I, — Supply and Accoxntability. 1. Notwithstanding the restrictions imposed by Clause 14 {b) and (c), and Clause 24 {b) and (c) of the above Order, edible fats (including dripping) other than Oil and Fat Compound, may be obtained for the pu];poses of a Catering Establishment or an Institution from any dealer. 2. The prescribed period for the purposes of Clause 20^ and Clause 21 of the above Order is a week. The first week is the week ending at midnight on the 19th October, 1918, and the sub- sequent weeks shall be the subsequent periods of 7 days. The prescribed period for the purposes of Clauses 2T and 29 (as amended) shall be a fortnight. The first fortnight shall be the fortnight ending at midnight on the 2nd November, 1918, the subsequent fortnights shall be the subsequent periods of 14 days. 3. The Register required to be kept in a Catering Establish- ment (Clause 21) shall, as regards meals supplied, and rationed foods (other than meat) and edible fats obtained and u^sed, be in the form set out in the first schedule, and the Register required to be kept in an Institution (Clause 29) shall be in the form set out in the second Scihedule. The instructions for the time being in force relating to the keeping of such Registers shall be observed. Until further notice, the instructions shall be those printed in the official documents N. 51 (Revised) and N.R. 22 and paragrapjh 25 of the official document N.R. Jam : 1. 4. Until further notice, the person having the control or management of a Catering Establishment shall account for the total purchases of meat in accordance with tlie Caterer's Official Schedule of Equivalent Weights of Meat set out in tHie third Schedule, or other the Caterer's Official Schedule for the time being in force. 5. The official scales, lettered A to N (both inclusive), speci- fied in the official document headed " Scales of Rations for Insti- tutions, N.R. 6," with such modifications or additions (if any) as may from time to time be made by the Food Controller, shall api^ly to Institutions according to the tenor thereof and shall be the prescribed scales for the purposes of Clause 27 of the above Order. (a) These Directions were also temporarily varied by General Licence of December 18, 1918, printed p. 289. Directions for- Catering Estahlishrnents and Institutions under 159 the Rationing Order, 1918. Until further notice, the person having the control or manage- ment of an Institution shall account for the total purchases of meat in accordance with the Institutions' Official Schedule of Equivalent Weights of Meat set out in the Fourth Schedule or other the Institutions' Official Schedule for the time being in force. • Pabt II. — Meat Meals served in Catering Establishments AND to Non-residents in Institutions. 6. For the purposes of these directions, a meat meal shall not include any meal where the only meat or meat article served is of a class for the time being authorised by the Food Controller to be supplied as part of a meat meal without surrender of a coupon. 7. A meat meal may be served only — (a) to a j)erson lawfully holding and presenting a Ration Book or current meat leaf or other Ration Document, and against the surrender by him of the appropriate coupon, half coupon, overtime meal ticket or declara- tion ; or (b) to a person presenting some other lawful authority and on compliance with the provisions stated on such authority. 8. The number on each coupon corresponds with a particular week in accordance with the statement in the Ration Book, and the coupon is valid only in the period from the Sunday of that week up to and including the Wednesday in the week following . 9. Whenever any Ration Book or other authority i)roduced bears instructions that the book or authority is valid only between particular dates, a meat meal shall be supplied against such authority only between these dates. 10. Where a caterer serves a meat meal to any person, he may issue tokens in exchange or part exchange for the coupon or half coupon delivered in respect of that meal, and the customer may bj^ means of such token obtain a meat meal from the caterer, pro- vided that any such token shall be available and shall be marked as available, only up to the date specified thereon, not being a date later than the date for which the coupon or half coupon is available. Part III. — General. 11. Failure to comply with any of the above directions is a summary offence under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 12. The Directions to Catering Establishments and Institu- tions, dated 22nd August, 1918 (S. R. & 0. No. 1041 of 1918), are revoked, but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministiy of Food. 18th October, 1918. 160 Directions for Catering Establishments and Institutions under the Rationing Order, 1918. a o o ^ Ph »o pa J25 • H ;» ^ M H a H tN O S5 H Ph cq jz; Is) fl pEl H • IH ^ OQ -fJ DO [2? ^ icj PQ < < ■ z H o CO o ^ P^ 52; N* ^ V* ^ "C tf 1^ C^ 2r? < 153 O P. o a P3 o H iJ ^ ^ fw C -M pa c< W J25 be oq o ^ o o Oi C H a O o a) M H P4 g p OQ $2; o Q fo o a; H H OQ ^ri O » 25 • pasn iC^T:>ui8nb i'b^oj^ ^ •pasuoq^^uB oo •pasn X^jtcju'Bnb YS%oj^ ^ •paguoqi^ii'B iC()i^uBnb niiiuiix'Bj\[ 2 •pasn if^t^uBtib I'b^^o j, ^ •paBuoqcjue ^ X^^T^^UBub ranmtxBjf ^ aantity d. •Sui3[000 .loj |>asn ec ' ■i Total qi ust •s:^uapisaa o:^ pajaAijap ^ iC^i^u-Bnb I'BiOji Maximum quan- tity authorised. •Snx3[ooo .loj pasuoqcjn'B R.'\\% ^; -uBiib umunx'Bjif •s!^uapisa.x iCq pajapuajjus sued ^ -noo JO .laquinj^j S Q a- o 1 •s^^j 9iqipa <3s •pjBrj 00 ■ •pasTJoqi^n'B §3. •pasn iC^i'^u'Bnb iB^ojr, -^ •pasi.ioqt^n'B X^T'^U'Bnb ranraix'Bi\[ "^ •paAias s-BQ!^ qsg ao s'eaij tj'Bgra U'Bq^ J3q!^o S'Ba:^ jo jaquin^ "* •paAias saaddus ao sbq!^ qsi; •SBa^ (^'Bara 'saauutp 'siauuxp iCcp ec axpptra 'suoaqourn jo laqumjj •paAjas s^s'Bjsi'Bajq jo aaqran^ cn •3[aaM. JO iCBp ;3«l JO a^^d ^ Directions for Catering Establishments and Institutions under the Rationing Order, 1918. 161 o 1 ! 1 Maximum quantities authorises for the total number of meals served non-residents. S i 1 u3 M^Sns Z •a-^^ aiqipa pat? pjBT §s •9uijbSjbj^ put*, .laijqna g^ n^3H s Basis of quantities authorised for non-residents. •S'Ba:^ qsij lo sug-^ o !^B9ni \v&\{% iQ\\'\o si!0(^ JO .igqinufsj; <^ •SJ9ddns puT? 's'sa^ qsij 'sBg-^ !;B9ta g^ 'sjauuip "snogqouni jo jaqiunj^j '"' •S(^SBj3iB9jq JO jaqran^ ^ % •SqU9pi89J-U0U iCq p9I9p (^ -uauns sucdnob •\'&^xa. jo jgqrauM '^ Where meals are served to non- residents the following additional particulars (col. 17 and following) should also be given. 1 1 Maximum quantities authorised for the total number of residents on each scale. j o 1 ! o 1 1 -2 MBSng ;* 1 1 1 1 •s^B>J 9iqipa pu« pj-Bfj $2 •guT.i'BS.iBivr puB .TOfj^vng; 2 o OQ •^^9K ;:: Basis of quanti- ties authorised for residents (a separ- ate line to be used for each scale). •(^uepisa.T suos.iad jo iiaaAv o aq!^ Suunp jgqmnu ^ye^ 8°b.t3ay ^ 1 o 0) '9iq^ oi -ondd'B a^BOs uoii^'Bi jo ja^i^aj opoQ 1 00 1 t- UBSng ?c ] ^iHTPa pUB p-i^q •s^'BJ aiqipitl o ^ •p.IBri ^ i •anTJBSa'Bj\[ puB aaij^jng cc •c^ojaj^I c* 1 i •Jl£ aAV JO iC^p ^jsre^ jo a'^'BQ i-i 162 Directions for Catering Establishments and Institutions under the Rationing Order ^ 1918. Schedule III. Caterers' Official Schedule of Equivalent Weights of Meat. 1. The following Schedule of Equivalent Weights of different kinds of meat is to be followed by catering establishments in calculating the amount of meat represented by coupons detached from the ration books of customers, or declarations signed by persons just arrived in Great Britain. The head of the establish- ment is required to account for his total purchases of meat by the production of such coupons or declarations, but is not obliged to serve any individual customer with the exact amount of meat which is equivalent for this i)urpose to the coupon or declaration which he obtains from the customer. 2. Dripping is excluded from the ineat ration. Caterers will have to account under edible fats for dripping not bought as part of the meat. 3. No coupon from a Supplementary Ration Book (C, D, E and E) is now available for obtaining a meat meal. All other meat coupons are of the value shown below. Kinds of Meat. Equivalent Weights per coupon. 1. Uncooked butcher's meat, including beef, veal, mutton, lamb, loose fat, pork, suet, tongue, kidneys, and ox-skirt Four ozs. 2. Uncooked edible offal, other than tongues, kidneys and ox-skirt (e) Two lbs. 3. Horseflesh (c) Two lbs. 4. Poultry and feathered game (m) Two lbs. 5. Rabbits and hares One and a half lbs 6. Cooked butcher's meat Three ozs. 7. Sausages (/) (^) (;^) One lb. 8. ■ Canned or potted goods (not being of a kind released from coupon) containing no meat except edible offal, other than tongues, kidneys and ox-skirt ; any kind of brawn not obtainable without coupons, prepared in the usual trade manner ; pickled pigs' heads or haggis (/) Two lbs. 9. Canned or preserved meat and all meat pastes containing more than 33^^ per cent, of meat according to the weight of the actual meat without the container (/) Three ozs. 10. Weight of meat in meat pies and other similar articles (Z) Two and a half ozs. 11. Bones Four lbs. The letters in italics refer to items in the list of coupon-free meat and meat articles shown below. Coupon-free Articles. The following kinds of meat or meat articles may be served without the surrender of coupons. Except where otherwise stated this revised list comes into force as from September 22nd. (a) Bacon and Ham. (6) Venison. Directions for CateHng Establishments and Institutions under 163 the Rationing Order, 1918. (c) Horseflesh : — Thin flank and forequarters (except fore- ribs) . {d) Meat of goats and kids. (e) Tripe, chitterlings, lights; sheep's heads, calves* heads, eye-pieces from pigs' heads; ox heels, cow heels, calves' feet, pigs' trotters, sheep's trotters. (/) The following articles, if containing no meat except edible offal of the kinds mentioned in (e) : sausages, polonies, brawn, canned or potted goods. {g) Beef sausages. {h) Blood sausages, black puddings or white puddings, pro- vided they are meat articles usually so called, pre- pared in the usual trade manner, and containing no meat except blood, fat and edible offal, other than tongues, kidneys or ox-skirt. (z) Faggots or savoury ducks, provided they are meat articles usually so called, prepared in the usual trade manner, and containing no meat except edible offal, other than tongues, kidneys or ox-skirt, and are served at a price not exceeding \d. per ounce. 0') Meat pastes containing not more than 33J per cent, of meat; meat extract, meat essence, soup cubes, tinned soups, and canned goods containing less than 5 per cent, of meat. {k) Rissoles made from the waste trimmings of beef, pro- vided : — (a) The quantity of rissoles served without - coupons in any week shall not exceed 2 per cent, of the total value of meat or meat articles served in the establishment during that week. (6) This exemption shall only apply to such ris- soles as are served at a price not exceeding \d. per ounce. (Z) With the authority of the Food Control Committee, meat pies not exceeding 6 ozs. in weight (cooked) of a kind usually sold in the district, may be served without coupons provided that the total weight of cooked meat in the pie does not exceed 20 per cent, of the whole weight .of the pie, and that such authority is confined to establishments which have customarily served meat pies of the class described. Meat pies containing canned meat must not be sold under this exemption, but at tho rate of 2J ozs. under item (10) of this Schedule. (m) Wood pigeons and rooks, and all birds other than poultry, pheasants, wild duck, guinea-fowl, caper- cailzie, grouse, partridges, black game, widgeon, teal, ptarmigan, woodcock, plover, pigeon, quail and snipe. 6540 F 2 Directions for Catering Establishments and Institutions under the Rationing Order, 1918. Schedule IV, Institutions' Official Schedule of Equivalent Weights of Meat. 1. The following Schedule of Equivalent Weights of different kinds of meat is to be followed by institutions in calculating the amount of meat to be supplied to residents and non-residents, unless receiving a special scale which contains conditions to the contrary. 2. Except in so far as items (6) and {d) are affected by some special scale of rations the following scale will apply, subject to any regulations as to the maximum proportion of meat that may be taken out in the form of butcher's meat : {a) Each meat coupon from the ration book of a non-resident represents an amount equal to (h) The weekly ration of meat of each adult I the weignt of resident is equal to four times ... meat set out (c) Each half -coupon represents one-half ... below. {d) The weekly ration of meat of each resi dent under 6 is equal to twice 3. Dripping is excluded from the meat ration. Institutions will have to account under edible fats for dripping not bought as part of the meat. Kinds of Meat. Equivalent Weights. 1 Uncooked butcher's meat, including beef, veal, mutton, lamb, loose fat, pork, suet, tongue, kidneys and ox-skirt. 2. Uncooked edible offal, other than tongues, kidneys and ox- skirt, (e). 3. Horseflesh (c) 4. Poultry and feathered game(/?i) 5. Rabbits and hares 6. Cooked butcher's meat ... 7. Sausages (/) {g) {j) 8. Canned or potted goods (not being of a kind that may be served ration free), containing no meat except edible offal, other than tongues, kidneys and ox-skirt ; any kind of brawn not ration free, prepared in the usual trade manner ; pickled pigs' heads or haggis (/). 9. Canned or preserved meats and all meat pastes containing more than 33^ per cent, of meat according to the weight of the actual meat without the container (/). 10. Weight of meat in meat pies and other similar articles (A;) ... 11. Bones 4 ozs 32 ozs. 32 ozs. 32 ozs. 24 ozs. 3 ozs. 16 ozs. 32 ozs. 3 ozs. 2i ozs. 64 ozs. The letters in italics refer to items in the list of ration-free meat and meat articles shown below. Ration Free Meat. The following kinds of meats or meat articles need not be accounted for in the Eegister, and may be served to non-residents without the surrender of coupons: (a) Bacon and ham. (h) Venison. Directions for Catering Establishments and Institutions under 166 the Rationing Order, 1918. (c) Horseflesli : — Thin flank and f orequarters (except fore- ribs). (d) Meat of goats and kids. (e) Tripe, chitterlings, lights; sheep's heads, calves' heads, eye-pieces from pigs' heads; ox-heels, cow-heels, calves' feet, pigs' trotters, sheep's trotters. (/) The following articles, if containin g no meat except edible of^al of the kinds mentio ned in (e) : — Sausages, polonies, brawn, canned or potted goods. (g) Blood sausages, black puddings or white puddings, pro- vided they are meat articles usually so called, pre- pared in the usual trade manner, and containing no meat except blood, fat, and edible offal, other than tongues, kidneys, or ox skirt. (h) Faggots or savoury ducks, provided they are meat arti- cles usually so called, prepared in the usual trade manner, and containing no meat except edible offal, other than tongues, kidneys, or ox skirt, and are such as are usually served at a price not exceeding ^d. per ounce. (i) Meat pastes containing not more than 33 J per cent, of meat; meat extract, meat essence, soup cubes, tinned soups, and canned goods containing less than 5 per cent, of meat. (;) Beef sausages. (k) Rissoles made from the waste trimmings of beef, pro- vided ; — (a) The quantity of rissoles served ration free in any week shall not exceed 2 per cent, of the total value of meat or meat articles served in the establishment during that week. (&) This exemption shall only apply to such ris- soles as are usually served at a price not exceeding Id. per ounce. (I) With the authority of the Food Control Committee, meat pies not exceeding 6oz. in weight (cooked) of a kind usually sold in the district, may be served ration free, provided that the total weight of cooked meat in the pie does not exceed 20 per cent, of the whole weight of the pie, and that such authority is confined to establishments which have customarily served meat pies of the class described. Meat pies containing canned meat must not be served under this exemp- tion, but at the rate of 2 J ozs. under item (10) of this Schedule. (m) Wood pigeons and rooks, and all birds other than poultry, pheasants, wild duck, guinea-fowl, caper- caikie, grouse, partridges, black game, widgeon, teal, ptarmigan, woodcock, plover, pigeon, quail and snipe. 6540 F 3 166 Butter (Ireland) No. 2 Order, 1918. The Butter (Ireland) No. 2 Order, 1918. Dated the 18th October, 1918. 1918. No. 1833. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Maximum 1. A person shall not directly or indirectly sell or offer or prices. expose for sale or buy or offer to buy any butter at prices exceed- ing the maximum prices prescribed by or in pursuance of this Order. 2. (a) On and after the date of this Order the Food Control ' Committee for Ireland (hereinafter called the Committee) may from time to time prescribe a scale or scales of maximum prices applicable to any sale or sales of butter or of any class of butter in Ireland or any part thereof, and may from time to time vary any scale or scales of prices so prescribed. (b) Any scale of prices prescribed under this clause shall be subject to review by the Food Controller and shall be withdrawn or modified as he may direct. Artificial ^- ^ person shall not in connection with the sale or disposition transactions, or proposed sale or disposition of any butter enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. Power of Committee to fix maximum prices for butter. Records, information and ^■,'v■)JeA^ inspection.^' Exceptions. Revocation. S. R. & 0., Nos. 913 and 1110 of 1917, 4. Every person dealing in butter in respect of which a maxi- mum price is for the time being prescribed by or in pursuance of this Order shall keep or cause to be kept at some convenient place accurate records as to his dealings in butter containing such particulars as are necessary to show whether or not he is com- plying with the provisions of this Order as far as they relate to him or his trade, and shall make such returns as to his trade in butter as may from time to time be required by the Food Con- troller or the Committee. All such records and relevant docu- ments shall be open to the inspection of any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee and every such dealer shall on reasonable demand give to any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee all such information as may be necessary for showing which of such records and docu- ments relate to the butter which he has for the time being on sale. 5. This Order shall not apply to the sale of butter as part of a meal by a caterer in the ordinary course of his business unless the Committee by express notice under this Order otherwise prescribe. 6. The Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, and the Butter (Maximum Prices) (Amendment) Order, 1917, are hereby revoked but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any con- travention thereof. Order amending the Butter Order, 1918. 16^ 7. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Eealm Eegulations. 8 {a) This Order may be cited as the Butter (Ireland) No. 2 Title and Order, 1918. '^*^''^- (6) This Order shall apply only to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 18th October, 1918. Ordeii dated the 18th Octobee, 1918, amending the Butter Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1334. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that as from the 20th October, 1918, the Butter Order, 1918 (hereinafter called the Principal Order) shall be amended as follows : — 1. {a) In clauses 3 and 4 of the Principal Order the words S.R. & O., "25. 3JcZ. per lb." shall be substituted for the words "2s. l^d. No. 976 of per lb." and the words ''2s. 3d. per lb." shall be substituted ^^^^• for the words *' 2s. Id. per lb." (6) In clause 6 of the Principal Order the words " 2s. Qd. per lb." shall be substituted for the words *' 25. 4:d. per lb." 2. The Notice dated 16th September, 1918, prescribing certain S.R. & O., prices for Government Butter shall cease to have effect as from No. 1164 of the 20th October, 1918. ^^^^• 3. Copies of the Principal Order hereafter to be printed under the authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office shall be printed with the amendments provided by Clause 1 of this Order, and the Principal Order shall as from the 20th October, 1918, take, effect as hereby amended. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 18th October, 1918. 65i0 jP 4 168 Directions under the British made Butter {Restriction) Order, 1918, the Butter {Distribution) Ord-er, 191T, and the Ration- ing Order, 1918 ; General Licence under the Imported Onions Order, 1918. Directions, dated October 21, 1918, under the British made Butter (Restriction) Order, 1918, the Butter (Distribu- tion) Order, 1917, and the Rationing Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1342. S. R. & 0., I^ exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Orders No. 1163 of and of all other powers enabling him in that behali the Food 1917, and Controller hereby orders and directs that as from the 21st 1228 f 1918 October, 1918, until further notice and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the above Orders and in the General Licence of the 11th October, 1918 (S.R. & 0. No. 1305 of 1918), the amount of butter which may lawfully be obtained and supplied upon any permit issued or hereafter to be issued on Form N., Fats 5, under the provisions of the above-named Orders shall be one half of the amount stated in such permit, with an addition, in the case of purchases of butter obtained and supplied for sale by retail, of 5 per cent, of such half. By Order of the Food Controller, W, H. Beveridge. Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st October, 1918. General Licence, dated October 24, 1918, under the Imported Onions Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1355. S. E. & 0., In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Order No. 1210 of and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food 1918. Controller hereby directs that, notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 6 of the above Order, Imported Onions may be sold Wholesale by the case or package provided that : — {a) the seller shall weigh the onions if so desired by the buyer; and (6) the price shall not exceed the maximum price for the time being applicable under the above Order. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 24th October, 1918. General Service under the Rationing Order, 1918; Cocoa Bean 169 Shell (Requisition) Order, 1918. Gen:eral Licence, dated October 28, 1918, under the Ration- ing Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1365. Notwithstanding tli^ restrictions imposed by or under the s. r. & o. above Order, Beef Sausages, Saveloys, Polonies and otber similar No, 894 of articles (whether cooked or not) may without a coupon being l^l^ required be supplied by a retailer or as part of a meal by a caterer, provided the article supplied contains no meat other than beef. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 28th October, 1918. The Cocoa Bean Shell (Requisition) Order, 1918. Dated the 29th October, 1918. 1918. No. 1400. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 7 01 the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all oth'er powers , enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. The occupier of every factory or workshop in which raw Cocoa Beans are used in connection with the manufacture carried on therein shall place at the disposal of the Food Controller the whole of the output of Cocoa Bean Shell which he has in stock at the close of business on the 2nd November, 1918, or which is produced after that day at such factory or workshop, and shall deliver the same to the Food Controller or to his Order. 2. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 3. This Order may be cited as the Cocoa Bean Shell (Requisition) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 29th October, 1918. 170 Licence^ under the Flour and Bread {Prices) Order, 1917; Order amending the Bacon, Ham and Lard {Prices) Order, 1918. Licence, dated October 29, 1918, under the Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 191T. 1918. No. 1403. The Food Controller hereby gives the following licence, ap- plicable only on a sale by retail in the Dublir, Metropolitan Police District of loaves of bread by any person (other than a manufacturer or a baker of Bread) : — 1. A 4-lb. loaf may be sold for %\d. and a 2-lb. loaf for 4ffZ. 2. A 1-lb. loaf may be sold for 2\d., free from the restric- S. R..& 0., tions imposed by Clause 6 {a) (i) of the above Order; No. 937 of \yy^i {yl no event may it be sold at a higher price. ^^'^'^' . The licence of the Food Controller, dated the 17th July, 1918, No 9^ f issued under the Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1917, granting 1918. ~ ^ similar licence in respect of the City of Dublin is hei'«by revoked. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 29th October, 1918. Order, dated the 31st October, 1918, amending the Bacon, Ham -and Lard (Prices) Order, 1918, as amended by further Amending Order, dated December 12, 1918. 1918. No. 1405 as amended by 1636. S.R. & O -^^ exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence No. 766 of of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him 1918, as in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that the Bacon, NT?007^^d "^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ (Prices) Order, 1918, as amended (hereinafter 1104 of 1918 ^^1^®^ ^* ^^® Principal Order ") shall be amended as follows : — / 1. On and after the 6th Noy ember, 1918, the First Table to this Order shall be substituted for the Second Schedule to the Principal Order, and the Second Table to this Order shall be substituted for the Third Schedule to the Principal Order. 2. Copies of the Principal Order hereafter to be printed under the authority of His Majesty's Stationery Ofl&ce shall be printed with the insertions and deletions provided for by this Order, and the Principal Order shall on and after the 6th November, 1918, take effect as if it had been made with such insertions and deletions. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 31st October, 1918. Order amending the Bacon, Ham and Lard {Prices) Order, 1918. First Table, Second Schedule. Maximum prices to be charged on a sale of any Bacon, Ham or Lard wliicli is not a sale by retail and also is not a sale of Imported Bacon, Ham or Lard by an Appointed Importer: — A. — With Skin. Wiltsbires : — Bone in; Imported; Green ... Bone in; Home Cured; Green Bone in; Pale Dried or Smoked ... Boneless ; Rolled Long ; Green Boneless; Eolled Long; Pale Dried or Smoked €umberlands, Dublins, Long Ribs and Gammonless Wiltshire Sides : — Bone in ; Imported ; Green ... Bone in ; Home Cured ; Green Bone in ; Pale Dried or Smoked . . . Boneless ; Rolled ; Green Boneless; Rolled; Pale Dried or Smoked ''Dried Irish Roll's (Manufactured in Ireland) ; Pale Dried or Smoked ... Short Clear Backs purchased at a price not exceeding 1505. per cwt. : — Green Pale Dried or Smoked Short Clear Backs (other than above). Long Clears, Long Clear Middles and Rolling Middles: — Rolled or otherwise ; Green Rolled or otherwise; Pale Dried or Smoked Bellies purchased at a price not exceeding 150^. per cwt. : — Green ... ... ... ... Pale Dried or Smoked .Bellies (other than above), Rib in Backs, Short Ribs and Short Clears : — Green Pale Dried or Smoked Country Cut Sides : — Green ... ... ... .... Pale Dried or Smoked Special Sides, Birmingham Style : — Green ... Pale Dried or Smoked Square Shoulders : — Bone in; Green Bone in ; Pale Dried or Smoked Shank Bone in ; Rolled ; Green Shank Bone in ; Rolled ; Pale Dried or Smoked Boneless; Rolled; Green ... Boneless; Rolled; Pale Dried or Smoked Per civt s. d 185 189 199 202 216 182 187 197 202 216 222 6 157 6 171 198 214 157 6 171 209 6 228 184 6 194 6 214 6 222 6 150 6 163 163 174 6 167 179 6 Order amending the Bacon, Haw, and Lard {Prices) Order, 1918, New York Shoulders : — Bone in; Green Bone in ; Pale Dried or Smoked ... Shank Bone in; Rolled; Green ... Shank Bone in ; Rolled ; Pale Dried or Smoked Boneless; Rolled; Green Boneless; Rolled; Pale Dried or Smoked Picnics : — Bone in; Green Bone in; Pale Dried or Smoked ... Boneless; Green Boneless; Pale Dried or Smoked ... Bath Chaps : — Green ... Pale Dried or Smoked Sheet Ribs : — Green ... ... Pale Dried or Smoked Hams and Gammons (except Skinless or Fatless Hams) : — Bone in ; Imported ; Green ... Bone in; Home Cured; Green Bone in; Pale Dried or Smoked ... Shank Bone in; Rolled; Green ... Shank Bone in ; Rolled ; Pale Dried or Smoked Boneless; Rolled; Green ... Boneless ; Rolled ; Pale Dried or Smoked Shanks : — Green ... Pale Dried or Smoked ^er civt. s. d. 147 160 161 6 173 165 6 179 6 125 6 140 Q 139 155 173 196 41 6 46 6 178 6 187 & 194 6 197 6 213 6 203 (f 220 6 41 6 46 6 B. — Without Skin. Wiltshires (Whole or Half) : — Boneless ; Shanks off ; Rolled ; Green Cumberlands : — Boneless ; Shanks off ; Rolled ; Green Long Clears: — Boneless; Rolled; Green ... Bellies (purchased at 1935. per cwt. or above 1935. per cwt.) : — Rolled; Green Bellies (other than the above) : — Rolled; Green 221 a 221 22) () 230 175 Order amending the Bacon, Ham and Lard {Prices) Order, 1918. Ayrshire Rolls Hams (skinned in the United Kingdom) : — Boneless; Rolled; Green Hams, Skinless or Fatless (other than the above) : — Bone in; Green Bone in; Pale Dried or Smoked ... Shank Bone in; Rolled; Green Shank Bone in; Rolled; Pale Dried or Smoked Boneless; Rolled; Green ... Boneless ; Rolled ; Pale Dried or Smoked . . . Shanks and Breast Bones : — Green ... Pale Dried or Smoked Per civt. s. d. 222 6 212 175 191 198 6 215 204 6 222 41 6 46 6 C. — Cooked Bacon and Hams. Shoulders : — Bone in Shank Bone in; Rolled Boneless; Rolled ... "Pfcnics : — Bone in Hams and other Bacon (except Shoulders and Picnics) with Skin on : — Bone in Shank Bone in ; Rolled Boneless; Rolled Hams and other Bacon (except Shoulders and Picnics) Skinless : — Bone in Shank Bone in; Rolled Boneless; Rolled 198 215 221 165 236 262 2T0 242 2T1 280 163 6 161 J).— Lard. Refined or Home-rendered ... Unrefined, Imported A charge at the rate of Is. dd. per cwt. may be made by the seller when Green Bacon or Ham is washed and drained by the seller at the request of the buyer. Order amending the Bacon, Ham and Lard {Prices) Order, 1918. Second Table, Third Schedule. Part I. — Sales in England or Wales. (a) On a sale by retail of Pale Dried or Smoked Bacon or Ham in slices or pieces (other than those specified in (6) and {d) ) : — Per lb. s. d. lA 11. Ill y2 4 2 Back, Streak or any part of Middle with usual Bone, but excepting Flank Rolled Bacon or Ham except Shoulder meat and Collar and except Trimmings and Shanks Boneless Bacon or Ham, or Bacon or Ham from which the Bone has been removed, except Shoulder meat and Collar, and except Flank, Trimmings and Shanks ... Best cut of Ham or Gammon with the Bone therein ' Shoulder meat and Collar, without the Bone, but ( excepting Trimmings and Shanks ("Shoulder meat with Bone, excepting Hock and ) ^ Shank VI (^ Gammon Hock or Ham Hock without Shank . . . ) ( Flank IV.^ Fore Hock with Shank >! (^ Gammon Hock or Ham Hock with Shank Y f Trimmings without Bone ... ' \ Hocks cut close ^j /Shanks with or without Bone ... ... ••• t n q ^^'l Sheet Ribs " ^" ^ VII. Bones 2 The expression ** Shoulder meat *' shall include Picnics. The expression *' Shank " shall mean the small piece at the extreme end of the Shoulder or Ham or Gammon. (b) On a sale by retail of cuts of Pale Dried or Smoked Bacon :::}■ or Ham sold whole with usual Bone, if any: r Middle with Flank J J Long Clear, Long 11.^ IIL IV. Clear Middle, Ayrshire Roll \ and Dried Irish Roll (^ Special Side, Birmingham Style Ham... Gammon Wiltshire Side Country Cut Side . Cumberland Side . DubHn Side ... Long Rib ... Bath Chaps ... 'Fore ... Square Shoulder . New York Shoulder Picnics Per lb. s. d. 2 3 y2 1 8 1 6 Order aifnending the Bacon, Ham and Lard {Prices) Order, 1918. (c) On a sale by retail of Green Bacon or Ham the prices in {a) and (h) above to be reduced by l\d. per lb. except No. YII of (a). (d) Back or Belly, or Elank forming a portion of tbe Belly, sold to a retailer at a price not exceeding 1575. Qd. per cwt. Green, exclusive of any charge for washing and draining; or not exceeding 171^. per cwt. Pale Dried or Smoked; including in each case charges for carriage to his premises, but excluding any charges for wrappers or other packing materials, and sold by a retailer either whole or in pieces : — Per lb. s. d. Pale Dried or Smoked ... ... 1 10 Green 1 8 (e) On a sale by retail of Eefined or Home-rendered Lard 1 8 Part II. — Sales in Scotland. (a) On a sale by retail of Bacon or Ham in slices or pieces other than those specified in (6) : — I. Pieces or Slices cut from Bacon which is Skinned Boned and Rolled — including Ayrshire Rolls and Hams other than Pale Dried or Smoked Hams, but excepting Bacon included in Item lY below, and excepting Square Shoulders and New York Shoulders, and Trim- mings, End Pieces and Shanks 2 4 II. Smoked Bacon and Hams (including Irish Hams) sold without Bone and without Skin — excepting Bacon included in Item lY below, and excepting Trimmings and Shanks — Pieces or Slices cut from Ham or Gammon 2 6 Pieces or Slices cut from Back or Streak 2 6 Pieces or Slices cut from Fore ... ... 2 III. Bacon and Hams (including Irish Hams) sold with Skin, either in the whole cuts described below, or in pieces comprised in such cuts — excepting Bacon included in Item lY below, and excepting Shanks sold separately, and Trimmings — (a) Pale Dried or Smoked — Back Streak Gammon or Ham — Corner Half Do. Hock Half, with Bone. . . Do. Do. without Bone 2 6 2 2 6 1 8 2 4 176 Order amending the Bacon ^ Ham and Lard (Prices) Order, 1918. s. d. Fore or Square Shoulder or New York Shoulder— Collar Half , with Bone ... 1 8 Fore or Square Shoulder or New York Shoulder— Hock Half, with Bone ... 1 4 Fore or Square Shoulder or New York Shoulder— Collar Half or Hock Half, without Bone ... ... ... ... 1 10 Flank 1 4 (b) Other than Pale Dried or Smoked : — Back 2 ^ Streak 1 lOJ Gammon or Ham — Comer Half ... ... 2 4J Do. Hock Half, with Bone... 1 6| Do. Do. without Bone 2 2| Fore or Square Shoulder or New York Shoulder — Collar Half, with Bone ... 1 6 J Fore or Square Shoulder or New York Shoulder— Hock Half, with Bone ... 1 2 J Fore or Square Shoulder or New York Shoulder— Collar Half or Hock Half, without Bone ... ... ... ... 1 8| Flank 1 2i IV. Back or Belly, or Flank forming a portion of the Belly, sold to a retailer at a price not exceed- ing 157^. Qd. per cwt. Green, exclusive of any charge for washing and draining; or not exceeding 171^. per cwt. Pale Dried or Smoked; or not exceeding 1755., per cwt. without Skin, Rolled, Green; including in every case charges for carriage to his premises, but excluding any charges for wrappers or other packing materials, and sold by retail either whole or in pieces : — With Skin, Pale Dried or Smoked 1 10 With Skin; other than Pale Dried or Smoked 1 8 Without Skin; Boned; Rolled 1 10 Y. pieces or Slices cut from Boned, Rolled Square Shoulders or New York Shoulders with Skin, excepting Trimmings and Shanks : — Pale Dried or Smoked ... ... ... 2 Other than Pale Dried or Smoked ... ... 1 10 J VI. Pieces or Slices cut from Picnics with Bone and with Skin : — Pale Dried or Smoked 1 6 Other than Pale Dried or Smoked 1 4J VII. Shanks sold separately; — From Gammons or Hams ... ... ... 1 From Fores, Square Shoulders or New York Shoulders 8 Damaged Foodstuffs Order, 1918. 177 Ver lb. s. d. 11.^ Ill (Fc yill. Trimmings and End Pieces ... ... ... J IX. Sheet Eibs X. Bones ... ... ... ... ... (h) On a sale by retail of cuts of Pale Dried or Smoked Bacon or Ham sold whole with usual Bone, if any : — {Middle with Flank Long Clear, Long Clear Middle, Ayrshire KoU , ^ and Dried Irish Eoll ^^ Special Side, Birmingham Style ... Ham Gammon Wiltshire Side Country Cut Side ... Cumberland Side ... Dublin Side Long Rib ... Bath Chaps ... Fore Square Shoulder ... ... ... ... ... VI ~'ew York Shoulder j IV. Picnics 1 6 (c) On a sale by retail of Green Bacon or Ham sold whole with usual Bone, if any, the prices in (6) above to be reduced by l^d. per lb. (d) On a sale by retail of Refined or Home-rendered Lard per lb. Is. 8d. )'2 8 The Damaged Foodstuffs Order, 1918. t^ovember, 1918. Dated the 1st 1918. No. 1411. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. Subject to the provisions of this Order a person having possession, custody or control of any article to which this Order applies shall not, after the 30th day of November, 1918, know- ingly destroy such article or give, sell, offer to sell or dispose of it to any person other than the Local Authority or a duly authorised official of the Authority or to a person duly licensed by or under the authority of the Food Controller as provided in clause 2 hereof ; provided that nothing in this clause shall affect the power of the Justices or a Sanitary Authority or duly autho- rised official of the Sanitary Authority under any public or local Act to order the destruction of any article. Prohibition on sales. 178 Damaged Foodstuffs Order, 1918. Prohibition on purchase. S.R & 0., Nos. 635 and 1198 of 1918. Licences. Power to give direc- tions. Returns. 2. Except under and in accordance witli the terms of a licence granted by or under the authority of the Food Controller, no person other than a Sanitary Authority or a duly authorised oflSicial of a Sanitary Authority shall after the 30th day of November, 1918, receive, buy or offer to buy any article to which this Order applies : Provided always that a person who holds a licence issued by the Food Controller either before or after the date of this Order under the Eaw Beef and Mutton (Licensing of Purchasers) Order, 1918, or the Bones (Licensing of Purchasers) Order, 1918, or any Order made or hereafter to be made by the Food Controller relating to the manufactui-e of Feeding Stuffs for animals shall be deemed from the date of the issue of such licence and so long as the same remains in force to be duly licensed under this Order. 3. Application for licences under this Order shall be made to the National Salvage Council, Caxton House, Tothill Street, Westminster, S.W.I, who shall act on behalf of the Food Con- troller in the matter. Any licence issued under this Order may be made subject to such conditions as the National Salvage Council with the concurrence of the Local Government Board may determine, and may at any time be revoked by them pro- vided that an application shall not be refused if the applicant complies with the reasonable conditions imposed by the National Salvage Council. 4. The National Salvage Council, acting on behalf of the Food Controller, may at any time by notice under this Order, whether of general application or otherwise, and with the con- currence of the Local Government Board, give directions or authorise any person or body to give directions on his behalf with regard to the sale, disposal, treatment or destruction of any article to which this Order applies, and all persons concerned shall obey such directions. 5. Every person dealing in or using for the purpose of his trade or business any article to which this Order applies, shall, if required by the National Salvage Council, keep ol- cause to be kept at some convenient place, accurate records relating to such trade or business or such parts thereof as may be specified by the National Salvage Council and showing the purposes for which such articles are used by him, and such other matters as the National Salvage Council may from time to time prescribe, and shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority of the National Salvage Council, as to the form and contents of such records and shall from time to time make such returns as the National Salvage Council may from time to time require. Every such person shall also permit any person authorised by or under the authority of the National Salvage Council to enter any of his premises where any article to which this Order applies is stored, dealt in, or used, and to inspect such premises and any such articles therein, and any records kept by him, and all rele- vant books, documents and accounts relating thereto in his trade or business. Damaged Foodstuffs Order, 1918. 179 6. {a) This Order shall, until further notice, apply to the Articles to articles mentioned in the Schedule hereto, except that it shall not which Order apply in any case where the total quantity of any such article applies, in the possession of a person at any one time does not exceed 28 lbs. (h) The Food Controller may at any time, by notice under this Order, vary or add to the articles mentioned in the Schedule hereto. ^ T. When any imported goods liable to Customs duty are c5n- Condemned demned as unfit for human food, such goods may, on payment imported of the duty, and with the consent of the proper Sanitary fo Custom^ Authority, in lieu of being destroyed be disposed of for such ^uty. purpose other than human food as may be approved by the National Salvage Council. The importer or owner of any goods aforesaid may, with the consent of the Commissioners of Customs and Excise, in lieu of paying the duty thereon, abandon the goodg to Ihe National Salvage Council. 8. Infringements of this Order or of any direction given there- Penalties, under, or the failure to make a return or the making of a false return thereunder, are summary ofPences against the Defence of » the Realm Regulations. 9. In the application of this Order to Scotland *' Local Sani- Scotland tary Authority " shall mean a Local Authority under the Public Health (Scotland) Act, 1897. *' Local Government Board '' shall mean the Local Government Board for Scotland and the following shall be substituted for the proviso to Clause 1, namely, " provided that nothing in this clause shall affect the power of a Sheriff, Magistrate, or Justice under the Public Health (Scot- land) Act, 1897, or under any Local Act, to order the destruction of any article." 10. This Order shall not apply to the Admiralty or to the Saving Army Council or the Air Council. clause. 11. (a) This Order may be cited as the Damaged Foodstuffs Title and Order, 1918. extent. (6) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, W , H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 1st November, 1918. The Schedule. Any of the following articles which have been surrendered or •condemned or are unfit for human consumption : — (a) Meat of any animal, including Bones. (b) Non-edible slaughterhouse waste. (c) Fish, including Fish Offal or Fish Waste. (d) Tinned Foodstuffs. (e) Imported Foods liable to Customs duty. 180 Barley {Restriction) (Ireland) Order, 1918. The Barley. (Restriction) (Ireland) Order, 1918. Dated 1st November, 1918. 1918. No. 1412. Restriction on move- ment of barley. Restriction of treat- ment of barley. Exception of flour mills. S. R. & O., Nos 377 and 774 of 1917. Government Department. Interpreta- tion. Penalty. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in tliat behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence granted by or under the authority of the Food Control Committee for Ireland, (a) a person shall not move, consign or ship, or cause to be moved, consigned or shipped, by rail, boat, barge, or by motor or steam transport, any barley from any part of Ireland to any other part thereof. (6) Any licence granted under this clause shall be issued in duplicate. (c) Where any barley is delivered to a railway company, shipping company or other carrier for conveyance by rail, boat, barge, or motor or steam transport, such railway company, shipping company or other carrier shall, before forwarding the barley, require the dupli- cate of the necessary licence to be lodged with them, and shall retain such duplicate, and otherwise produce and deal therewith as may be directed by the Food Control Committee for Ireland. 2. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence granted by or under the authority of the Food Control Committee for Ireland. (i) A person shall not grind, grist, crush, bruise, kibble, split or otherwise treat, or cause to be ground, gristed, crushed, bruised, kibbled, split or otherwise treated any barley in any mill in Ireland. (ii) A person shall not move or cause to be moved any barley to any mill in Ireland. 3. The restrictions imposed by clause 2 shall not apply to barley ground or caused to be ground in any flour mill to which Regula- tion 2gg of the Defence of the Realm Regulations has been applied by the Flour Mills Order, 1917, or the Flour Mills Order No. 2, 1917, or to the movement of barley to any such mill. 4. This Order shall not apply to barley moved, consigned or shipped to the Order of any Government Department. 5. In this Order the expression " Barley " shall include all barley, whether mechanically treated or not, except pearl barley. 6. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Order amending the Live Stock (Sales) Order, 1918. 181 7. {a) This Order mav be cited as the Barley (Restriction) Title and (Ireland) Order, 1918. ^ '^*^"*- (6) This Order shall apply only to Ireland. (c) This Order shall come into force on the 1st Novenrber, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. /st November, 1918. Order dated the 1st November, 1918, amending the Live Stock (Sales) Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1413. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that the Live Stock (Sales) Order, 1918 (hereinafter called the Principal Order) shall as from the 1st November, 1918, be amended as follows: — 1. As on and from the 1st November, 1918, the First Schedule to this Order shall be substituted for the Schedule to the Principal Order and the Second Schedule to this Order shall be added to the Principal Order. 2. In Clause 5 (c) of the Principal Order the word '* Schjedule '' shall be deleted, and the words ''Part 1 of the First Schedule " shall be substituted therefor. 3. In Clause 7 of the Principal Order there shall be inserted between the word ** estimated " where the same last occurs and the words '^ less the sum of 1^. 6rZ.'' the following words *' and a sum ascertained in accordance with the provisions of Part 1 of the Second Schedule.'* 4. Clause 10 of the Principal Order shall be amended as follows : — (a) Sub-Clause (i) shall be deleted from the word " exceed " to the end of the sub-clause and the following words shall be substituted : '* the sum applicable according to Part II. of the First Schedule." ; - (6) In Sub-Clause (ii) the words " the sum of Is. 2^d. per lb. of the certified weight of the dressed carcase '* shall be deleted, and the following words substituted therefor: "the sum applicable according to Part II. of the Second Schedule/' 182 Order amending the Live Stock (Sales) Order, 1918. 5. Copies of the Principal Order hereafter to be printed nnder the authority of H.M. Stationery Office shall be printed with the substitutions and addition provided by this Order, and the Principal Order shall as on and from the 1st November, 1918, take effect as hereby amended. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministi^ of Food. 1st November, 1918. First Schedule. SCHEDULE OF MAXIMUM PEICES FOR CATTLE. Part I. Live Weight Prices. ♦ i Price per cwt Where the Where the Where the Grading. , sale is sale is sale is made in made in made in November, December, January, 1 1918. 1918. 1919. Bonae Bulls, Bullocks and Heifers. s. s. s. 1st Grade 56 per cent, and over 75 77 78 2nd Grade 52 per cent, to 56 per cent. ... 70 72 73 3rd Grade 48 per cent, to 52 per cent. 65 67 68 4th Grade under 48 per cent 55 55 55 SfiUOa Cows. 1st Grade 52 per cent, and over .,. 70 72 73 2nd Grade 46 per cent, to 52 per cent. 62 64 65 3rd Grade 42 per cent, to 46 per cent. 53 55 56 4th Grade under 42 per cent. 45 45 45 All inferior cattle will be placed in tbe 4tli Grade and be sold by auction at prices not exceeding the maximnm price for that Grade in force for the time being or may be sold on the dead weight basis. No cattle in the 4th Grade will be covered by the Central Live Stock Insurance Scheme. If, in the opinion of the person grading a beast, it is likely to yield an unusually small or large proportion of bone, the above prices may (except in the case of 4th Grade Cattle) be varied by Is., 2s. or 35., more or less, but in no case shall the price for the 1st Grades, whether bulls, bullocks, heifers or cows, be more than Is. per cwt. in excess of the maximum prices in force for the time beins". Order amending the Live Stock (Sales) Order, 1918. Part II. Dead Weight Prices. (The price in eacli case is per lb. of the certified weight of the Dressed Carcase.) 183 Where the sale is made in November, 1918. Where the sale is made in December, 1918. Beasts other than beasts fit only for boning Beasts fit only for boning Where the sale is made in January, 1919. s. d. 1 3 11 The determination of the person authorised in that behalf by the Food Controller shall be conclusive upon the question whether a beast is fit only for boning. 1 Second Schedule. MAXIMUM PEICES EOE SHEEP. Part I. Live Weight Prices. Where the rate of Is. 2\d. per.lb. on the estimated weight,pf ' the dressed carcase of the sheep is : Increases payable to seller. (The sum is per head in each case.) Where sale is made in November, 1918. Where sale is made in December, 1918. Where sale is made in January, 1919. Under 40s Under 50s. but not under 40s. Under 60s. but not under 50s. Under 70s. but not under 60s. Under 80s. but not under 70s. Under 90s. but not under 80s. Under 100s. but not under 90s. 100s. and over S. d. 6 8 10 1 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 8. d. 1 1 4 1 8 2 2 4 2 8 3 3 4 s. d. 1 6 2 2 6 3 3 6 4 4 6 5 Irish Returns Order, 1918. Part II. Dead Weight Phices. (The price in each case is per lb. of the certified weight of the Dressed Carcase.) Where the sale is made 1 Where the sale is made in November, 1918. \ in December, 1918. Where the sale is made in January, 1919. s. d. 1 2i s. d. 1 21 s. d. 1 3 The Irish Returns Order, 1918. 1918. Dated the 4th November, 1918. No. 1414. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. (a) The owner of any vessel arriving at any Port in Ireland shall, within 48 hours of arrival, furnish the Port Authority at that Port with a return in the form set out in Form 1 in the Schedule to this Order and containing the particulars required thereby of any article to which this Clause applies unloaded from such vessel at such Port. Provided that no article shall be included in such return which has been loaded at any other Port in Ireland or at any Port outside both Great Britain and the Isle of Man. (b) Until further notice this Clause shall apply only to articles of a kind mentioned in Form 1 in the Schedule. (c) The Food Controller may at any time by notice under this Order apply the provisions of this Clause to articles of a kind other than those mentioned in Form 1 or substitute a different form for Form 1. 2. (a) The owner of any vessel departing from any Port in Ireland shall, within 48 hours of such departure, furnish the Port Authority at that Port with a return in the form set out in Form 2 in the Schedule to this Order containing the par- ticulars required thereby of any article to which this Clause applies loaded on such vessel at such Port. Provided that no article shall be included in such return which is shipped to any other Port in Ireland or to a Port which is outside both Great Britain and the Isle of Man. (b) Until further notice this Clause shall apply only to articles of a kind mentioned m Form 2 in the Schedule. (c) The Food Controller may at any time by notice under this Order apply the provisions of this Clause to articles of a kind other than those mentioned in Form 2 or substitute a different form for Form 2. Irish Returns Order, 1918. 185 3. A person required to make a return under Clauses 1 or 2 Documents shall, if required, produce for the inspection of the Port to be pro- Authority all manifests, bills of lading or other documents in ^^^^^ '^ his possession relating to any article in respect of which a return ^^^'"^® • is required to be made. 4. A Port Authority shall: — Port {a) Within 48 hours of the receipt by them of any return to Authority which Clause 1 or 2 applies or within such other period ^^ ^®®P as the Department of Agriculture and Technical In- ^^^^^<^s» ^^^• struction for Ireland (hereinafter called *' The Depart- ment "), acting on behalf of the Food Controller may require, complete such particulars as are required to be completed by a Port Authority and despatch such return to the Department; and (b) Keep or cause to be kept accurate records as to articles of which a return is required to be made under Clauses 1 or 2, and shall comply with any directions from time to time given by or under the authority of the Department as to the form and contents of such records, and shall permit any person authorised by the Department to inspect such records. (c) Make such returns and furnish such information as the Department shall from time to time require. (d) Comply generally with such directions as may be given by the Department with a view to the effective administration of this Order. 5. Nothing in this Order shall authorise a person to open or No power of examine articles of which a return is required to be made. opening or /» -n ,1 P .1 • /^ 1 examination. 6. 1^ or the purposes of this Order : — iff The expression " owner " as regards any vessel shall include tion^^^^ * the registered owner, managing owner, manager or charterer. The expression " port " shall include any harbour, pier, quay or creek or other place at which any vessel is loaded or unloaded. The expression "port authority'' shall include any Com- missioners, Trustees, Councils, Joint Stock Companies or private persons who exercise control over any port, harbour, pier, quay, creek or other place at which any vessel is loaded or unloaded or any person appointed by the Department. 7. Infringements of this Order, or of any direction given there- Penalty, under or the failure to make a return or the making of a false return, are summary offences against the Defence pf the Realm Regulations. 8. (a) This Order may be cited as the Irish Returns Order, Title and 1918. Commence- (h) This Order shall come into force on the 18th November, men* of 1918. O^der. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 4th November, 1918. Irish Returns Order, 1918. Form 1. IMPORTS INTO IRELAND* FROM Great Britain and the Isle of Man. The following were the total quantities (in gross weight t) of the undermentioned goods imported per the on (name of vessel) (date of arrival) from. . and unloaded at (Port in Great Britain or the Isle of Man) (Port in Ireland) Note. — In case any of the undermentioned commodities were imported on the above vessel from more than one port outside Ireland a separate return should be furnished for each of the latter ports. Gross Weight.f Gross Weight.f Commodity. Commodity. Tons. Cwts. Qrs. Tons. Cwts. Qrs. Bacon and Hams Oatmeal Margarine Bran, Pollard and Cheese other Grain Lard Offals. Condensed Milk Feeding Cakes Wheat and Meals for Maize Live Stock 4 Barley Fruit Rye jJams Wheat Flour ... Onions G.R. Flour ... Fish, Fresh Flour admixtures Fish, Cured (not elsewhere Fish, Canned ... specified). * Imports into an Irish Port, shipped at another Irish Port, are not to be included. t i.e., Weights of packages to be included in all cases. X Including Oilseed Cakes, Oilseed Meals and Oilseed Cake Meals, and all other simple and compound cakes and meals for feeding Live Stock. Signatnre of owjier of vessel \ (or his agent) ) ~~ Postal Address__ Date^ Received hy Port ) Authority (Date)) Up to the present we have received no informa- tion which throws any doubt on the accuracy or completeness of this return. Signature of Pert Authority \ (or his agent) j Postal Address Date_ Received hy Department ) of Agriculture, etc, (Date) J Irish Returns Order, 1918. 187 Form 2. EXPOETS FROM IRELAND* TO Great Britain and the Isle of Man. The following were the total quantities (in gross weight t) of the undermentioned goods exported per the on . (name of vessel) (date of departure) to and shipped at (Port in Ireland) (Port in Great Britain or the Isle of Man) Note. — In case any of the undermentioned commodities were exported on the above vessel to more than one port outside Ireland a separate return should be furnished for each of the latter ports. 1 Gross Weight.! Gross Weight.f Commodity. Commodity. Tons. Cwts. Qrs. Tons. Cwts. Qrs. Bacon and Ham Cheese ... Pork Lard Other Pig Meat Condensed Milk Beef .., Oats Mutton Oatmeal Poultry (Dead) Grain 0£eals| ... Poultry (Alive) Potatoes Eggs Hay Butter Fish, Fresh ... Margarine Fish, Cured ... * Exports from an Irish Port to be unloaded at another Irish Port are not to be included, t i.e., Weights of packages to be included in all cases. % Including Brewer's and Distiller's Grains. . Signature of owner of vessel \ {or his agent^ ) ~~ Postal Address Date Received by Fort \ Authority {Date) J Up to the present we have received no informa- tion which throws any doubt on the accuracy or completeness of this return. Signature of Port Authority \ {or his agent) j Postal Address Date_ Received by Department \ of Agriculture, etc, {Date) ) 188 Notice under the Meat Retail Prices {England and Wales) Order (No. 2), 1918, and the Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918; Cheese (Export from Ireland) Order, 1918. Notice, dated November 4, 1918, under the Meat Retail Prices (England and Wales) Order (No. 2), 1918, and the Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1422. S. R. & 0., In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Orders Nos. 372 and and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food 862 of 1918. (Jontroller hereby gives notice that on and after the 8th November, 1918, the maximum price for Blood Sausages and Black Puddings (whether containing any pig products or not) on sales by retail in England and Wales and Scotland shall be at the rate of Is. per lb. By Order of the Food Controller, W, H. Beveridge, Second Secretary, to the Ministry of Food. 4th November, 1918. The Cheese (Export from Ireland) Order, 1918. Dated the 5th November, 1918. 1918. No. 1423. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. After the 8th November, 1918, until further notice no person other than a person licensed by the Food Controller under this Order shall send, consign or ship any cheese from Ireland to any destination outside Ireland, and no person shall buy or agree to buy or take delivery of any cheese to be sent or consigned from Ireland to any destination outside Ireland, except from a person so licensed. 2. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 3. This Order may be cited as the Cheese (Export from Ireland) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 5th November, 1918. Milk (Prohibition of Ecsport) (Ireland) Order, 1918; Egg (Prices) 189 Order, 1918. The Milk (Prohibition of Export) (Ireland) Order, 1918. Dated the 5th day of November, 1918. 1918. No. 1424. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. Until further notice, except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence granted to him by or under the authority of the Food Control Committee for Ireland, a person shall not on or after the 8th November, 1918, send, consign, or ship any milk from Ireland to any destination outside Ireland, and a person shall not buy or agree to buy or take delivery of any milk to be sent or consigned from Ireland to any destination outside Ireland, except from a person so licenced. 2. For the purposes of this Order the expression '* Milk " shall include cream, buttermilk, separated milk and skimmed milk. 3. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. This Order may be cited as the Milk (Prohibition of Export) {Ireland) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 6th November, 1918. The Egg (Prices) Order, 1918. Dated the Tth November, 1918, AS amended by an Order dated the 18th November, 1918. 1918. No. U29 m amended by No. 1486. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regu- lations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. For the purposes of this Order : — . Definitions The expression ^' eggs " shall include the eggs of any bird, except plovers' eggs and gulls' eggs. The expression " fresh eggs " shall mean eggs produced in the United Kingdom, each weighing IJ ounces or more, and not having been preserved either by pickling or by being held in cold store, or otherwise. Egg {Prices) Order, 1918. The expression " imported fresh eggs " shall mean eggs imported into the United Kingdom each weighing IJ ounces or more and not having been preserved either by pickling or being held in cold store or otherwise. The expression "preserved eggs'' shall mean eggs each weighing IJ ounces or more, which have been preserved either by pickling or by being held in cold store or otherwise. The expression '* small eggs " shall mean all eggs weigh- ing less than IJ ounces. The expression "Food Committee" shall mean a Food Control Committee constituted in any part of the United Kingdom under the authority of the Food Controller. 2. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale, or buy or offer to buy any eggs at prices exceeding the maximum prices for the time being applicable under this Order. 3. (a) Until further notice on the occasion of a sale, other than a sale by retail, of any eggs of a description mentioned in the Schedule to this Order, the maximum price shall be the price applicable according to the First Column of such Schedule. (6) The foregoing maximum price is fixed on the basis of the following terms and conditions being applicable to the transactions : — (i) Payment to be nett cash within 7 days of delivery and moneys then unpaid thereafter to carry interest not exceeding a rate of 5 per cent, per annum or bank rate whichever shall be the higher. (ii) Delivery to be at the seller's railway station or at the seller's warehouse at the option of the buyer, and the buyer to assume liability for breakages occurring after such delivery. (iii) Where any eggs are sold by wholesale in less quantities than full trade packages, the seller to be entitled to make an additional charge for counting out such less quantities, not exceeding a sum at the rate of ^d. per long hundred of 120 eggs in respect of the eggs so counted out. (It) No charge to be made for packing, packages or any service incidental thereto; except that the seller may where the package contains proper internal sub- divisions for separating the eggs therein contained, make a charge not exceeding the usual trade charge for the cost of such a package, provided that the sum charged shall be repaid by the seller to the buyer on return of such package to the seller's railway station, in such condition as is reasonable having regard to its condition when supplied and to ordinary wear and tear. Where the contract is made on terms and conditions other than the above, a corresponding adjustment shall be made in the maximum price. Egg {Prices) Order, 1918. 191 4. (a) Until further notice, on the occasion of a sale by retail Maximum of any eggs of a description mentioned in the Schedule to this prices on Order, the maximum price shall be the price applicable according s^J^s hy to the Second Column of such Schedule. ''®*^'^- (6) No additional charge shall be made for making delivery or for packing, packages or giving credit except that : — (i) The seller may, where the package contains proper in- ternal sub-divisions for sej)arating the eggs therein contained, make a charge not exceeding the usual trade charge for such a package provided that the sum charged shall be repaid by the seller to the buyer on return of such package to the seller in such condition as is reasonable having regard to its condition when supplied and ordinary wear and tear; and (ii) wheic any eggs are delivered at the request of the buyer otherwise than at the seller's premises, an additional charge may be made in respect of such delivery, not exceeding a sum at the rate of \d. per half-dozen, or any larger sum properly and actually paid by the seller for carriage. 5. A person selling eggs by retail shall not': — Provisions as {a) sell any eggs by retail except specifically under the *o sales and description of 'Afresh eggs,'' *' imported fresh eggs," iiotices. ** preserved eggs " or *' small eggs " (as the case may be), with such further description (if any) as may be desired by the seller; or (6) expose for sale eggs of any description mixed with eggs of any other description; y (c) falsely represent or misdescriBe for the purpose of sale, eggs of one description as eggs of any other descrip- tion. 6. (a) A person selling eggs by retail shall, so long as he shall have any eggs on sale, display in a conspicuous position at his shop (or other place of sale) a notice or notices showing in plain words or figures the maximum price for eggs for the time being in force under this Order, and the notice or notices shall be so displayed as to indicate clearly in respect of any eggs exposed for sale, their description and maximum price. (b) A person who sells otherwise than at a shop or stall eggs laid by his own birds and whose total stock of live poultry does not for the time being exceed 100 head, shall not be required to display any notice under the provisions of this clause in respect of such eggs, at the place at which he sells the same by retail. 7. The Food Controller may from time to time by notice under this Order prescribe further or other prices for eggs. 8. A Food Committee may from time to time -by resolution vary the maximum price applicable on a sale of eggs by retail within their area or any part of their area, but {a) every such resolution shall l>e repoiied to the Food Con- troller within 5 days, and in the case of a resolution Variation of price by Food Con- troller by notice. Variation of price by Food Committees. 192 Egg (PHces) Order, 1918. increasing the maximum price, sliall not take effect until the same has been sanctioned by the Food Con- troller, and until such resolution has been published by the Food Committee ; and (<6) every resolution by a Food Committee under this Clause shall be subject at any time to review by the Food Controller and shall be withdrawn or varied as he may direct. Contracts. 9. Where the Food Controller is of opinion that having regard to the provisions of this Order any contract subsisting at the ' date of this Order for the sale of any eggs, ought to be cancelled or modified, he may, if he thinks fit, cancel such contract or may modify the same in such manner as he shall think just. 10. A person shall not, in connection with the sale or pro- posed sale or disposition of any eggs, enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. - 11. Nothing in this order shall apply to — (a) the sale or purchase of canned, dried or desiccated eggs ; (6) the sale or purchase of eggs cooked or otherwise prepared for sale as part of a meal by a caterer in the ordinary course of his catering business; or (c) the sale and purchase of any eggs for breeding purposes, provided that: — (i) the purchaser declares in writing that the purchase is made for such purpose, and, unless a Food Committee gives permission to the contrary', uses eggs for that purpose ; and (ii) in any proceedings against a person for selling or purchasing any eggs at a price exceeding the maximum price permitted by this Order, the burden of proving that such eggs were sold and purchased for breeding purposes shall be on the person charged. Penalty. 12. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Title and 13. (a) This Order may be cited as the Eggs (Prices) Order, commence- 1918 ™®^ ■ (6) This Order shall oome into force on the 2nd December,. 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 7th November, 1918. Notice under the Margarine {Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918. 198 The Schedule. Maximum Prices for Eggs. First Column. Second Column. Description of Eggs. At a rate of per doz. At a rate of per doz. .9. d. s. d. Fresh Eggs 5 5 6 Imported Fresh Eggs ... 6 5 6 Preserved Eggs ... 4 4 6 Small Eggs 2 8 3 XOTICE, DATED NOVEMBER T, 1918, UNDER THE MaRGARINE (Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918. 1918. ■S'o. 1430. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by clause 1 of the S.R. & O., above Order and of all other powers enabling* him in that behalf, No. 1217 of the Food Controller hereby prescribes that on and after the 17th ■^^^°' November, 1918, and until further notice the maximum prices on the occasion of a sale of margarine in Ireland shall be as follows: — (a) On the occasion of a sale to a person buying for the purpose of re-sale by wholesale, a sum at the rate of 865. 10» 4 ... ... ... ,, ,, ,,75%. 5 , ,, „ 50%. 210 Citrous Fruit (Prices) Orders 1918. § g r^j O O O O C OOO •^ '-^ o ^1 ^ .coou::)0 as CO vo 00 g ^COt^-^O T-i ca 6 8 Ph ^ o S -TS o o o o oooo ^00 .J=l -iS o -1 g--^8S^ OS ^ CO ^ -CX)05 CO -^ "^ o a n o S-^oooo oooo P3 (5^ g w CO t^ OO 05 «o CO 00 (>q *3 CO':J< ^ O od o pL| ^ o on. S '!S <=><=> o o oooo -s:-^ T-i cs eo c^ ■— • -^ f whic Bight which tra, exi W.S2.2 « -♦^^ fe^ « fS ight of which is et weight of wh et weight of wh weight of which i Boxes or he net weight 360, the net ^ e net weight < d 360 extra, e ^-B-S a» a PI {? ^ o (M O O O he net Tge, th Tge, th the ne O iO '?o ^ '^ «4-l «^-l ■:«« o o cases ase case case s. ■^s^^: of 420 of 420 of 714 of 1,06 ^ o^-,^ i^iis W « M 3d SSSSg « o o o H XI H X -^ c o o o -*=• -^-HK^ pqpqpQp:! a o m u 7\ •> u 03 Ph , ^* -^*'^* «o • HiN Oi (M 00 I— ( »o -2^ 5S -« f*,^ • ^ 02 •po 53 • . • "cc «S "?^ ^ CO 03 O) • • » ^ eg • • • P •^ S o ce S^ o P. * ; J >► 03 5^ • • ^^ O c« 'o S^ i .s HH : •tf • 02 .1 1— 1 H . l-H p : o c8 PU| ^ c3 Ph b « •+3 •F-l -§ 'S^ : 03 02 . 9 (13 -§ -UJ H 5S J a> 1 05 t u ;^' S a " o s s| S ^ s S 'h ^ 02 02 O CQ 1+-I 03 •\ IN. o 1 >-. P ~»-3 .2 *t^ c3 k ' >-. a ce "4-1 O OO 03 li Oi Citrous Fruit (Prices) Order, 1918. 211 o CD I O W. ^1 O o 8 o o a .2 8 H 0^ bo 03 M -TS O O O O o tH • GO CO O t- a» '*' eo (M CO CO o o o o o o •T3 O O O O oo oo oo -^ o o oo Ph o o o o o o O O CO O C^ 'O lO 'O CO to O CO oo 'w O O O O 1-, (^ (M CO r^ o p. o o o o o o '^ o o o o o oooo o oo -^ oo CO 03 oQ 2 .2 -^^ oo fl •-' o O rP rfl •'-' C.2 ^^ 03^^ .2 O (D _^ to H^ ^ 03 "CU fn-^ ^ ^ a^-co-^ o^oo o (M "M O "^ •<*• ^ CO ^ tH ew e+H SH o o o o O CD 0) O oo c/j oo oo CvS c3 cS c3 oooo <| s ^ o bfl-^3 i> CO "TJ 0) f-i t> (D O W TO (D f^ 5^ •^ ;^^^ .. ° "" ^. oT o g 03 Yr-t^ " o3 . _ -^ 03 -^ ^ rt 02 HcococH I ^o P3m^^PQP5 O rH ^ (M ^ (M 03 qo "4-1 ^^ Is? a^ ^1 ® a s s c« jc f-i t^ c3 H« M ® _ Oh tj 02 O P2 c^pqa ;h •"^ ^ ^ S- C o 1— 1 i-H i-H • $i i—t o « !>. ^ "e . , a • * o • • • •K> lU 5^ C3 r^ S • J I (D ?^ • • • ^ '<> a 5 c« o c3 CO a o a CD o »-^ V .^ o « r-H §§ O ,M o -^ c8 QQ a O 212 Potatoes (Scotland) Order, 1918. The Potatoes (Scotland) Order, 1918. Dated the 9tii November, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 1460. Power to give directions. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following Re- gulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Part I.— General Provisions. (a) The Food Controller or any person authorised by him in that behalf may from time to time issue directions relating to the sale, delivery, distribution, use, or allocation of any potatoes, and in particular may : — (i) Give directions to any person relating to his use of or dealings in potatoes or use of or dealings in potato bags, (ii) Require any person to sell or deliver an 5^ potatoes to any person or place, or require any wholesale dealer to buy or take delivery of potatoes from any grower. (iii) Prohibit or regulate the sale, delivery, or transport of any potatoes or class of potatoes by any person to any person or to any place. (iv) Fix the maximum amount of potatoes which may he acquired by any person in any period, and the persons from whom potatoes may be acquired by him or which may be sold or delivered by any person in any period, (v) Require any person to keep books, accounts, and records relating to his dealings in potatoes, or any matter con- nected therewith, and to produce the same, and to afford facilities for the inspection thereof, and of his premises and stocks of potatoes and potato bags. (vi) Give directions prescribing the matters to be prescribed for the purpose of this Order. (b) Directions given under this clause may be given so as to «PPly generally, or so as to apply to any special locality, or so as to apply to any special grower, dealer or person, or class of grower, dealer or person, or so as to apply to all or any potatoes or any special variety, kind or selection of potatoes, and shall bave effect notwithstanding any contract entered into by the person to whom the directions were given. (c) Where any such directions have been given it shall be the duty of all persons concerned to comply therewith, and the person shall not sell, use, deliver, or otherwise dispose of any potatoes or potato bags to which such directions apply, except in accord- ance with the directions. 9Qn ^^^^ ^'^^^^ ^^® partially revoked by Order dated Dec. 18, 1918, printed p. i-V/U. Potatoes (Scotland) Order, 1918. 213 (d) Where a person is required to sell or deliver any ware potatoes or any damaged or undersized potatoes, such potatoes shall be sold or delivered at prices not exceeding- the maximum prices applicable under this Order, except that the price payable tor damaged or undersized potatoes ordered to be sold or delivered by the grower thereof shall be at the rate of £3 per ton f .o.r. or f.o.b. (e) The subsequent provisions of this Order shall have effect subject to any such directions. 2. (a) Except under a licence granted by or under the authority Restriction of the Food Controller, a person shall not move or consign or agree on move- to move or consign any potatoes from Scotland to any place ™®^''- outside Scotland, and a person shall not buy or take delivery or agree to buy or take delivery of any potatoes to be so moved or consigned except from a person so licensed. (6) Where any potatoes are delivered to a railway company or shipping company for carriage, such company and their servants and agents shall be entitled to assume, until otherwise instructed under the authority of the Food Controller, that any necessary licence has been granted. (c) Nothing in this clause shall apply to seed potatoes sold as or for seed, or to potatoes of the varieties mentioned in the Third Schedule sold as or for seed. 3. (a) Except under a licence granted by or under the authority Use of of the Food Controller, a person shall not use or treat any potatoes potatoes and or any product obtained from potatoes or any article containing potato potatoes or containing any such product except for the purposes P^o^"*^*^- permitted by this clause, or sell or buy or offer to sell or buy any potatoes except for such purposes. (b) The permitted purposes, in the case of ware potatoes which are fit for human food, are seed or human food, and in all other cases are seed, human or animal food, and the manu- facture of articles of human and animal food, but do not include the manufacture of spirits. (c) Nothing in this clause shall prevent the use or treat- ment for any purpose of potatoes or products of potatoes or articles containing potatoes or containing any such product which are unfit to be used for any of the permitted purposes. (d) Any person authorised by the Food Controller may, if he suspects that any article is being dealt with in contravention of this Order — (i) enter any premises on which he suspects such article to be; (ii) inspect and take supplies of such article; (iii) demand from any person in possession or control of such article production of any licence granted under this Order. 214 Potatoes to be sold by weight aad to be reasonably clean. Protection of potatoes. Ministry of Food bag?. Monthly returns as to potatoes. Separation of ware potatoes. Sales in the ground. Potatoes (Scotland) Order, 1918. 4. Except where a grower is selling potatoes in tlie ground, a person shall not sell or buy or offer to sell or buy potatoes other- wise than by weight or otherwise than in a reasonably clean condition. 5. (a) Every person who is the owner of potatoes or has potatoes in his possession or control or under the control of his employees or servants shall at all times take or cause to be taken reasonable precautions to protect such potatoes from frost, damp or other damage, whether such potatoes are growing or in transit or in store or otherwise. (b) In particular any person who consigns potatoes for transport by rail in open trucks, either on his own behalf or on behalf of any other person at any time during the months of December, January, February, March and April, shall take or cause to 6e taken all necessary steps whether by strawing the trucks into which such potatoes are loaded or otherwise to protect such potatoes from frost, damp or other damage. 6. (a) No bag which is or has been sold or supplied by or on behalf of the Food Controller for use as a potato bag shall be sold or otherwise disposed of by any person at a price exceeding 6^. (h) In any proceedings it shall be presumed until the con- trary is proved that a bag marked '^ M.F. " is a bag which has been sold or supplied by or on behalf of the Food Controller for use as a potato bag. 7. (a) All growers of potatoes shall, until further notice, furnish within eight days from the first day of each month, beginning with the month of December, 1918, monthly returns of : — (i) Estimated quantity of potatoes in his possession on the first day of the month in which the return falls to be made; (ii) Quantity of potatoes consumed or delivered in the pre- ceding month ; and (iii) Such other particulars as may be necessary to complete the prescribed forms of return. (b) The returns shall be made on the forms prescribed by the Food Controller and in accordance with the directions stated on such forms. The forms of return when completed are to be returned in accordance with the directions stated on such forms. (c) A grower shall not be required to make a return under this Order if his total acreage under potatoes in Scotland in the year 1918 was less than 1 acre. 8. As respects every crop of potatoes, the grower shall cause the sound ware potatoes to be dressed out so that they may be sold separately. Provided that nothing in this clause shall prevent the grower from dressing out seed potatoes. 9. A grower may sell his potatoes in the ground by auction or otherwise, but in every such case the buyer of the potatoes so sold shall be deemed for all the purposes of this Order to be the grower thereof. Potatoes (Scotland) Order, 1918. 2i5 Part II. — Eegistration of Dealers. 10. (a) Except a grower selling his own potatoes, a person shall not sell potatoes wholesale, either on his own account or as agent on commission, unless he holds a certificate of registration as a wholesale dealer for the time being in force granted by or under the authority of the Food Controller, or sell potatoes by retail unless he holds a certificate of registration as a retail dealer for the time being in force granted by a Food Committee. Provided that this clause shall not prevent a wholesale dealer from selling direct to consumers in quantities of not less than 1 cwt. (b) Except a grower selling his own potatoes, a person shall not sell potatoes as or for seed unless he holds a certificate of registration as a dealer in seed potatoes. 11. A person registered as a wholesale dealer or a retail dealer shall not sell any potatoes in contravention, of the conditions, if any, endorsed on his certificate. 12 (a) A retail dealer (unless registered as a hawker or coster- monger) shall not sell potatoes by retail except at a place in respect of which he holds a certificate of registration as a retail dealer, but this shall not prevent a retail dealer from selling from hi> cart in the ordinary course of his business. A retail dealer registered as a hawker or costermonger shall sell only from his cart, stall or barrow and at such other place, if any, as n:ay be named in his certificate. (6) A retail dealer who carries on his business (including the selling of potatoes by retail) at more than one shop or place may receive a separate certificate of registration in respect of each such shop or place. (c) A hawker or costermonger shall be so described in his certificate. 13. Applications for certificate of registration as a wholesale dealer are to be miade to the Food Controller, and may be granted and revoked in such circumstances as he shall think fit. 14. Applications for certificate of registration as a retail dealer are to be made, in the case of a retail dealer (other than a hawker or costermonger), to the Food Committee for the area in which his premises are situated (in cases where the retail dealer is applying in respect of premises situated in more than one area separate applications being made in each area in respect of the premises situated therein), and in the case of a hawker or coster- monger to the Food Committee for the area in which he resides at the time of such application. 15. A Food Committee may in any case in which in their opinion it is desirable so to do in the interest of the public within their area, with the consent of the Food Controller, grant to any person a certificate of registration as a retail dealer in respect of any premises within their area or as a costermonger or hawker, and unless they see any good reason to the contrary they shall witfiout any such consent grant an appropriate certificate Necessity for dealer to be registered. Dealings to be in accord- ance with conditions. Retail dealer to sell only at registered] I)remises. Application for registra- tion as a wholesale dealer. Application for registra- tion as a retail dealer. Power to grant new certificates. 216 Potatoes {Scotland) Order, 1918. Manner of application for certificate. Form of certificHte. Revocation of certificates. Register of certificates. Transfer of business. Information and inspec- tion. Preservation and produc- tion of certificates. Existing certificates. to every applicant who liaa served in tke Forces of the Crowu during the present war and before so serving was carrying on business as a retail potato dealer within their area. 16. Every application for a certificate of registration shall be made on a form to be prescribed by the Food Controller, and every applicant shall furnish upon such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing the form, which state- ment shall be signed by the applicant or his duly authorised agent. 17. Every certificate of registration shall be in the form pre- scribed by the Food Controller. 18. (a) The Food Committee may, with the consent of the Food Controller, revoke any certificate of registration granted by them if they are satisfied that any of the provisions of an Order or regulation or direction made or given by or under the authority of the Food Controller relating to potatoes, or to any other article which the holder is entitled to sell by reason of his being the holder of the certificate, has not been observed by the holder of such certificate or any of his servants or agents, and shall revoke such certificate if required so to do by the Food Controller. (b) The Food Controller may revoke any such certificate in such circumstances as he shall think fit. 19. The Food Committee shall keep a register of the persons to whom, and the premises in respect of which certificates of registration have been granted by them under this Order. 20. In the event of the transfer of any business in connection with which a certificate of registration is held, or in the event of the death of the holder of a certificate of registration, it shall be lawful for the transferee or other person claiming in right of the holder of such certificate, on making an application for a certi- ficate of registration, to sell and deal in potatoes from the date of such application until the decision thereon is intimated by the Food Controller, in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as the holder of such certificate was entitled to deal by virtue thereof. 21. The holder of any certificate of registration, his servants and agents, shall give to the Food Committee such information, reports and returns relating to his stocks of potatoes and dealings in potatoes as the Food Controller or Food Committee may from time to time require, and shall produce all books, documents and accounts relating thereto for inspection on lawful demand. 22. Every certificate of registration as a wholesale dealer shall be kept by the holder at his only or principal place of business, and every certificate of registration of a retail dealer shall be kept at the premises to which the same relates, or in the case of a hawker or costermonger shall be carried with him wherever engaged in selling potatoes, and every certificate shall be produced by the holder on lawful demand. 23. Retail certificates granted under the Potatoes Order, 1917, and wholesale certificates granted under the Potatoes (Eegisfcra- tion of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918, and now in force shall be deemed to have been granted under this Order. Potatoes (Scotland) Order, 1918. 21 Vaut III. — Provisions applicable to Methods of Sale and Prices. 24. No potatoes shall pass through the hands of more than two wholesale dealers, between the grower and the retail dealer, and all persons concerned shall observe the rules in relation to whole- sale dealings contained in the First Schedule. 25. The maximum price at which potatoes of the 1918 crop, other than seed potatoes, may be sold by the grower thereof shall be the prescribed grower's price. Except that a grower of potatoes may sell quantities of less than 1 cwt. to con- sumers at a price not exceeding Id. per lb. Until further notice the prescribed grower's price shall be at the rate of £6 155. per ton. 26. The prescribed grower's price is lixed on the basis : — (i) that the potatoes are either loaded by the seller into trucks at the seller's railway station, or (at the buyer's option) into a ship or Oarge not less convenient to the seller than the seller's railway station; (ii) that ba^rs (if required) are supplied by the buyer; and (iii) that no commission is paid. If the potatoes are delivered otherwise than as above, a corre- sponding variation shall be made in tlie prescribed grower's price and in particular if bags are supplied by the grower, the maxi- mum price shall be increased by a sum of IO5., whether the bags are returnable or not, and if any commission is paid by the grower to a wholesale dealer not exceeding the rate authorised under clause (29 (b) ) the maximum price shall be increased by the amount of the commission. 27. Upon a sale of his own potatoes by a grower, it may be made a condition of the sale that the buyer supplies any labour required for lifting or otherwise handling the potatoes, or under- taking the carriage of the potatoes from the seller's premises to station, ship, barge or other place of delivery. Provided that by the contract of sale a fair value is based upon the services so agreed to be rendered by the buyer, and in any such case the value so agreed shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Order, to form part of the price paid by the buyer for the potatoes. 28. The foregoing provisions in relation to sales by a grower are subject to the special provisions contained in the First Schedule hereto in cases where the grower is also a wholesale dealer, and such provisions shall be observed by all persons con- cerned accordingly. 29. {a) No wholesale dealer shall, in the four weekly period ending the 30th November, 1918, or in any succeeding four weekly period, sell — (i) potatoes acquired by him- from a grower, and sold to another wholesale dealer, except at such prices as secure that the aggregate of the prices charged for Dotatoes so sold during the fciir weekly period in Maximum prices for growers. Basis of prices and adjustments where the basis is varied. Purchaser may supply labour or -transport. Special pro- visions where grower is also dealer. Limitation on wholesale dealers' prices. 218 Potatoes {Scotland) Order, 1918. Beckoning of cost to a wholesale dealer. Retailer to observe maximum prices accord- ing to schedule. Reckoning of retailer's cost prices. Retailer's charge for delivery. question does not exceed the cost to him of sucli potatoes by more than an amount representing Zs. 6cZ. for every ton of potatoes so sold ; or (ii) potatoes acquired by him from a grower or another wholesale dealer and sold to a retail dealer or con- sumer, except at such prices as secure that such aggregate does not exceed such cost by more than an amount representing 7^. ^d. for every ton of potatoes so sold. (h) No wholesale dealer shall sell potatoes as agent on commission at a commission exceeding, where the sale is to a wholesale dealer, 35. 6cZ. per ton, or where the sale is to a retail dealer or consumer 7^. Qd. per ton. 30. The cost of potatoes to a wholesale dealer for the purpose of the preceding clause shall be reckoned as including the follow- ing items and no more, viz. : — {a) The price actually paid or payable or, by virtue of clause 27, deemed to have been paid by him for the potatoes, including the authorised charge for bags where the potatoes are bought by him already bagged. (6) A sum not exceeding 10^. per ton for bags where the potatoes are bought by him unbagged and bags (whether returnable or not) are supplied by him ; (c) Any reasonable costs of transportation (including marine insurance) or cartage borne by him in respect of the potatoes; and (d) Any market charges or port dues paid or payable by him in respect of the potatoes. 31. The maximum prices which may be charged by a retail dealer on a sale of potatoes shall vary according to the prices actually paid for the potatoes by the retail dealer and shall be in accordance with the scale set out in the Second Schedule. 32. The cost of potatoes to a retail dealer for the purpose of the preceding clause shall be reckoned as including the following items and no more, viz. : — (a) The actual price paid for the potatoes by the retail dealer; {h) any sums actually paid or payable for the carriage of the potatoes by the retail dealer except the carriage of the potatoes from the place at which in the ordinary course of business potatoes would be delivered to him. 33. A retail dealer if he is ready and willing to sell potatoes over the counter at prices not exceeding the maximum prices applicable under this Order may in addition to the foregoing prices make such charges as may be agreed between him and the purchaser, for the delivery of potatoes ordered for delivery at the purchaser's premises, not exceeding 2d. for any quantity not exceeding one stone with a further penny for each further half stone or part of a half stone so delivered. No charge may be made for packing, packages or giving credit. Potatoes {Scotland) Order, 1918. 219 34. Where potatoes of which the cost to the retailer is dif- Maximum f erent are mixed for sale the scale of maximum prices for the P^^,^^,^ where mixture shall be the scale applicable to the potatoes the cost of ^i^ed. which is lowest. Undersized and damaged potatoes. Part IY. — Undersized and Damaged Potatoes. 35. The following provisions shall apply to all undersized potatoes and to all potatoes sold as damaged potatoes: — {a) The maximum prices at which such potatoes may be sold by any person shall be at the rate of £3 IO5. per ton, delivered free on rail, ship or barge, and such charges may be made in respect of bags, if supplied by the seller, as are under the order applicable in the case of a sale of ware potatoes : Provided that a retail dealer may sell any such potatoes in lots not exceeding 14 lbs. at a rate not exceeding \d. per lb. {h) The potatoes shall be expressly sold and invoiced as '' undersized potatoes " or as '' damaged potatoes " or as ''undersized and damaged potatoes'' with the addition (if the parties think proper) of any further particulars of the damage, and any such potatoes shall not be sold either by a wholesale dealer or by a retail dealer except under the same description with or without any such addition as aforesaid, and any retail dealer who exposes any such potatoes for sale shall show by a notice prominently displayed in con- nection with such potatoes the description of such potatoes as above. (c) No such potatoes shall be mixed for purposes of sale with any other potatoes. Part V. — Subsidiary and Miscellaneous. 36. Every wholesale dealer shall keep accurate records con- Records, taining such particulars as may be necessary for showing whether or not he is complying with the foregoing provisions of this Order and shall make such returns as to his wholesale trade in potatoes as may from time to time be required by the Food Controller or by the Food Committee for any area in which he has a place of business. All such records and relevant documents shall be produced by the dealer on lawful demand. 37. Every retail dealer shall so long as he shall have any potatoes on sale display prominently at the shop or other place of sale (including his cart, stall or barrow if he is a hawker or coster- monger) a statement or statements showing the .prices at which he is selling the potatoes at such shop or place, and when he is selling different potatoes at different prices the statement or statements shall be in such a form or shall be so displayed as to show clearly which are the prices for each lot. 38. Every retail dealer shall keep an account in which he shall regularly and punctually and at the earliest practicable time enter the particulars of all his purchases of potatoes showing Prices to be displayed by retailer. Retail dealer to keep records. 220 Potatoes {Scotland) Order, 1918. Deposit on bags Accommo- dation sales Invoices. Fictitious transactions. Meaning of " Lawful demand." tke description of potatoes purchased, the quantit}' purchased, the price paid or payable for the potatoes, and all sums (if any) paid or payable for the carriage of the potatoes, and he shall in the same account enter the prices per stone, per half stone, and per lb. at which he has sold the potatoes or is offering them for sale, and he shall preserve for not less than three months all invoices, bills, receipts, and other documents relating to his purchases of potatoes, and he shall on lawful demand produce such account and all such invoices, bills, receipts, and other documents for inspection, and point out which entries in his account and which of the invoices, bills, receipts, or other documents relate to the potatoes wKich he has on sale at the time of the demand, and give such other information as to his dealings in potatoes as the person making such demand shall reasonably require. 39. Wherever upon any sale of potatoes the seller supplies and is entitled to charge for bags, he may require a deposit to be paid by the buyer of not exceeding 1^. for each bag, in addition to the sum charged for the use of the bag, which deposit shall be refunded upon the return of the bag in such condition as is reason- able having regard to its condition when supplied and to ordinary wear and tear in use. Where a buyer is a wholesale dealer he may on re-sale of the potatoes require the amount, if any, of the deposit paid in relation thereto to be re-imbursed to him by the buyer of the potatoes, who shall in that event have the like right as his vendor would have had to repayment of the deposit upon a return of the bags. 40. Nothing contained in this Order shall prevent accommoda- tion sales from one retail dealer to another retail dealer but the purchasing dealer shall not sell potatoes so purchased by him at prices higher than those at which the selling dealer might have sold them and the purchasing dealer shall upon every such accom- modation sale take from the selling dealer a note of the trans- action showing the scale of highest prices at which the selling dealer might have sold. 41. On every sale of potatoes except to consumers the seller shall furnish the buyer with documents, invoices and receipts giving full particulars of the quantities sold and the prices paid or payable. 42. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or offer to buy any potatoes at prices exceeding the prices applicable under this Order or in connection with the sale or disposal of any potatoes enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction. 43. Whenever in this Order or any tSciiedule hereto any person is required to produce any documents ur class of documents, or give any information on lawful demand, he shall produce or give the same at all reasonable times and places on demand of any officer or constable of police, or any person authorised by the Food Controller or Food Committee to make siich demand either particularly or as holding any office or position, and either gene- rally or in the particular case. Potatoes {Scotland) Order, 1918. 221 44. For the purpose of this Order Interpreta- " A wholesale dealer " means a person who is the holder tion. of a certificate of registration as a wholesale dealer in potatoes for the time being in force granted under the authority of the Food Controller. '* A retail dealer " means a person who is the holder of a certificate of registration as a retail dealer in potatoes for the time being in force granted under the authority of the Food Controller. " A Food Committee " means a Food Control Committee constituted by or under the authority of the Food Controller. *' Ware potatoes " means potatoes which will not pass through a riddle having If-inch mesh, or such other mesh as may in any particular case be determined under the authority of the Food Controller. ^' Undersized potatoes " means any potatoes other than *' ware potatoes." His own potatoes " with reference to a grower of potatoes mean the potatoes, grown by such grower. 45. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalties, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 46. This Order shall not (except clause 3 hereof) apply to Cooked cooked, dried or evaporated potatoes. or dried pouatoes. 47. Parts I and II of this Order shall apply to- all potatoes, but Exception of otherwise this Order shall not apply to — ^®®^- {a) potatoes of the varieties mentioned in the Third Schedule sold as or for seed ; or (6) seed potatoes sold as or for seed. 48. {a) This Order mav be cited as the Potatoes (Scotland) Title and Order, 1918. ^ ^^^^°t- (6) This Order shall apply only to Scotland. By Order of the Food Controller, W , H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 9th November, 1918. First Schedule. Rules for restricting wholesale dealings and adjusting the terms of the Order to the case of wholesale dealers who are alsc growers or retail dealers. 1. In this Schedule: — Definitions. *^ Grower-dealer " means a grower of potatoes who is also a wholesale dealer. ** Wholesale and Retail Dealer" means a person who is a wholesale dealer and also a retail dealer. 222 Potatoes {Scotland) Order, 1918. No sale to a third whole- sale dealer. Dealers to keep separate the potatoes which they may not re- sell to whole- Bale dealers. Wholesale and retail dealer's purchases for retail account. Wholesale and retail dealer may sell from wholesale to retail department. Sales as grower. Sales by i grower- dealer as dealer. 2. A wholesale dealer shall not re-sell to or through the agency of another wholesale dealer (whether or not such other dealer is also a retail dealer) any potatoes which he has himself bought or agreed to buy from a wholesale dealer or from a grower-dealer selling either as a wholesale dealer or through a wholesale dealer on commission. 3. Every wholesale dealer shall keep the potatoes which he is at liberty to re-sell to a wholesale dealer separate from tJiose which he is not at liberty so to re-sell, and shall keep separate accounts in relation to the two classes of potatoes and also in relation to the potatoes in respect of which his maximum profit is to be calculated at the rate of 75. Qd. per ton from those in respect of which his maximum profit is to bo calculated at the rate of 35, 6^^. per ton, and shall cause his accounts to be kept in such a form as to show clearly from which class the potatoes delivered upon each sale made by him have been taken. 4. A wholesale and retail dealer may as respects any potatoes bought by him treat the purchase (and enter the same in his books) as made by him for the account of his retail trade, or transfer any part of a purchase at cost price to the account of his retail trade. In every such case the potatoes so dealt with shall be disregarded in applying the provisions of clause 29 of this Order, and the transaction shall be dealt with in the account relating to the d^^ler's retail trade as if he had not been also a wholesale dealer. 5. A wholesale and retail dealer may also and in the alterna- tive treat any potatoes as sold by his wholesale business or department to his retail business or department at any price and on any terms which would have been permissible under this Order as between him and a retail dealer buying such potatoes from him and in that case : — {a) In the application of clauses 29 and 36 of this Order the potatoes shall be treated as having been sold by the dealer at that price and on those terms in the course of his wholesale btlsiness ; and (6) in determining the maximum prices that may be charged for the potatoes on the sale thereof by retail such potatoes shall be treated as having been purchased by the dealer at that price and on those terms in the course of his retail business. 6. Where a grower-dealer sells his own potatoes as grower the sale shall be subject to the provisions applicable under this Order to a sale by a grower. 7. Where a grower-dealer sells his own potatoes as a whole- sale dealer the sale shall be subject as respects price and condi- tions of sale to the provisions applicable under this Order to a sale by a grower except that the maximum price shall be increased by the sum of 75. 6^. per ton in the case of a sale to a retail dealer or consumer and 35. M. per ton in the case of a sale to a wholesale dealer, with tlie addition in either case of any reasonable costs of transportation (including marine insurance) or Potatoes {Scotland) Order, 1918. 223 cartage, and the amount of the market charges and port dues (if any) incurred by the vendor in relation to the potatoes sold over and above the charges which would have been included in the maximum prices applicable if the sale had been made by bim as grower. 8. Sales of his own potatoes made by a grower-dealer as a wholesale dealer shall in his account be kept separate from any other sales made by him, and shall not be taken into account for the purpose of clause 29 of this Order. 9. For the purpose of this Schedule every sale of potatoes in excess of one ton to a single purchaser not being a public institu- tion or body or otherwise known to be a large consumer shall be deemed to be a sale to a wholesale dealer unless it is proved that in fact — (a) the purchaser is not a wholesale dealer; and '(b) the purchaser is either a retail dealer or purchases the potatoes for his own consumption. Grower- dealer to keep separate accounts of dealings in his own potatoes. Onus of proof in the case of large sales. Second Schedule. Scale of Maximum Eetail Prices. Highest authorised retail fielling price wt. for over the counter. Retailer's buying price per c Rate per stone for potatoes deliverfd at the place at which he ordinarily takes Rate per Rate per Rate per delivery. cwt. for quantities of 7 lbs. for lb. for quantities 14 lbs. or lots 7 lbs, or lots of of 1 cwt. more, but more, but less less than or more. less than \ cwt. than 14 lbs. 7 lbs. s. d. s. d. s. d. d. d. Any price up to and in- cluding C 7 7 6 1 6 1 Exceeding 6.s. Id. but not exceeding 7 2 8 1 1 6i 1 Exceeding 7s. 2d. but not exceeding 7 6 8 6 1 2 7 1 s. d. s. d. s. d. d. d. Exceeding 7s. 6rf. but not exceeding 8 2 9 1 1 3 7i U Exceeding 8s. 2d. but not •^ 4 exceeding 8 10 9 8 1 4 8 u Any price exceeding ... 8 10 10 3 1 5 8i u Note.— On sales of 1 cwt. and upwards tne deposit of Is. per bag supplied is returnable on return of the bag. 224 General Licence under the Sugar (Confectionery) Order, 1917. Third Schedule. of 1917. Yariety. Myatt's AsMeaf Kidney. Sharp's Victor. Ringleader. Snowdrop. Early Puritan. Duke of York or Midlothian Early. Sharp's Express. May Queen. Ninetyfold. Eclipse or Sir John Llewelyn. Beauty of Hebron. Dunnotar Castle. Harbinger. Early Rose. Epicure. Any other variety which may be determined to be a first early variety by the Board of Agriculture for Scotland. General Licence, dated IN'ovember 13, 1918, under the Sugar (Confectionery) Order, 1917. 1918. No. 1467. Notwithstanding anything to the cx)ntrary contained in the S. R. & 0. above Order, the Food Controller hereby authorises all person s^ ^O; 6p^ concerned, on and after the 15th November, 1918, until further notice, to buy and sell Crystallised and Glace Emits by retail at a price (including the charge for the box, package or otbor covering) not exceeding the rate of 3^d. per oz. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 13th November, 1918. Licence under the Meat Retail Prices {Scotland) Order, 1918; 225 Notice under the Fish {Distriibution) Order, 1918. Licence, dated November 13, 1918, under the Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1468. The Food Controller hereby directs that the licence dated 18th S. R. & 0., July, 1918, shall take effect under the Meat Retail Prices (Scot- ^^{^'^^ °^ land) Order, 1918, as well as under the Meat Retail Prices g ^ ^ q (England and Wales) No. 2 Order, 1918. No. 862 of' 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, |- \t^'.' W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Foci.. 13th November, 1918. No. 372 of 1918. Notice, dated November 8, 1918, under the Fish (Distribu- tion) Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1476. Pursuant to the above Order the Food Controller gives' notice as g, r. ^ o, follows : — No. 879 of 1. Lowestoft shall be a prescribed port for the purpose of the above Order, and the prescribed market therefor shall be the Lowestoft Wholesale Fish Market. The specified fish in respect of Lowestoft shall be the following fish, namely — all fish except Herrings, Pilchards, Mackerel, Sprats, Salmon, Grilse, Trout, Freshwater fish (including Fresh- water Eels), Crustacea and Shell fish of all kinds. 2. This Order shall come into force on the 18th November, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge^ Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 8tli November, 1918. 6540 226 S.B. & O., No. 1090 of 1918. Maximum prices for Barley sold to a manu- facturer. Seed. Penalty. Title and Commence. ment. Grain (Prices) AmendTnent Order, 1918; Revocation of Authority zmder the Food Hoarding Order, 1917. Dated the 14th The Grain (Prices) Amendment Order, 1918. November, 1918. 1918. No. 1484. In exercise of the powers conierred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that the Grain (Prices) Order, 1918 (hereinafter called the ** Principal Order ") shall be amended as follows : — 1. Where Barley is bought by a person requiring and holding a licence granted by or under the authority of the Food Con- troller to purchase Barley for a manufacturing business carried on by him, or by a Recognised Dealer buying for the purpose of filling a specific order given in writing by such a manufacturer, the maximum price shall be ascertained by adding 3,?. per quarter to the Standard Rate. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 9 of the Principal Order a person shall not until the 1st January, 1919, buy or sell or offer to buy or sell any Barley for the purpose of seed at a price exceeding the maximum price for Barley applicable under the Principal Order. 3. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. (a) This Order may be cited as the Grain (Prices) Amend- ment Order, 1918, and shall be read as one with the Principal Order. 1918. (b) This Order shall come into force on the 14th November, By order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 14th November, 1918. Revocation as from November 25, 1918, or Authority, dated May 17, 1918, under the Food Hoarding Order, 1917. 1918. No. 1493. 1. On a.id from the 25th November, 1918, the Authorisation relating to Farmer's Butter for home preservation, dated 17th May, 1918 (S.R. & 0., No. 524 of 1918), shall cease to have effect except with respect to Butter acquired or supplied before the 18th November, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 18th November, 1918. Syrup, Liquid Glucose and Molasses {Prices) Order, 1918. The Syrup, Liquid Glucose and Molasses (Prices) Order, DATED the 18th NOVEMBER, 1918, AS AMENDED BY AMENDING Order dated the 16th December, 1918. 1918. No. 1494 as amended by 1662. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. A person shall not sell, or offer or expose for sale, or buy or offer to buy any syrup, liquid glucose or molasses at prices exceed- ing the maximum prices applicable under this Order. 2. On the occasion of a sale (other than a sale by retail) of any syrup, liquid glucose or molasses by or on behalf of the manu- facturer or refiner : — (a) The syrup, liquid glucose or molasses shall be sold either (i) in puncheons, three-quarter, half or quarter puncheons of the respective capacities men- tioned in the first column of the First Schedule (hereinafter called ^* by pun- cheon ") ; or (ii) in tins or other usual containers packed in cases. (b) The maximum price shall be at the rate applicable according to the second column of the First Schedule. (c) The maximum price is fixed on the basis of the following terms and conditions being applicable to the trans- action : — (i) Payment to be made within 14 days of the date of invoice, (ii) Delivery to be ex factory, depot or refinery, (iii) The puncheons, three-quarter, half or quarter puncheons, cases, tins or other containers in which the syrup, liquid glucose or molasses is sold to be provided by the seller free of cost to the buyer and not to be returnable. (d) Where the contract is made on terms and conditions other than those mentioned in sub-clause (c) of this clause, a corresponding variation shall be made in the maximum price. •3. On the occasion of a sale of any syrup, liquid glucose or molasses (other than a sale by retail) ijot being a sale to which Clause 2 applies : — {a) The syrup, liquid glucose or molasses shall be sold either 227 (i) (ii) (iii) by puncheon; or in drums containing not less than 14 lbs. and not more than 112 lbs. ; or tins or other usual containers m packed m cases. (6) The maximum price shall be : — 6540 (i) On a sale by or on behalf of a person who has bought from a person other than a manu- facturer or refiner, at the rate applicable according to the second column of the Second H 2 General restriction. Sale by a manu- facturer or refiner. Sales by a wholesaler 228 Syrup, Liquid Glucose and Molasses (Prices) Order, 1918. Scliedule, togetlier with a sum per cent, at the rate, if any, applicable according to the third column; and (ii) In all other cases at the rate applicable accord- ing to the second column of the Second Schedule. (c) The maximum price is fixed on the basis of the following terms and conditions being applicable to the trans- action : — (i) Payment to be made within 14 days of the date of invoice, (ii) Delivery to be, on a sale to which sub-clause (a) (i) applies,* ex factory, depot or refinery ; on a sale to which sub-clause (a) (ii) applies, at the seller's premises; and on a sale to which sub-clause {a) (iii) applies, free on rail at the seller's station, or delivered by road to the buyer's premises at the seller's option, (iii) The puncheons, three-quarter, half or quarter puncheons, cases, tins or other containers in which the syrup, glucose or molasses is sold to be provided by the seller free of cost to the buyer, and not to be returnable, but any drums in which syrup, glucose or molasses is sold to be returnable at the buyer's expense to the seller's nearest railway station. {d) Where the contract is made on terms and conditions other than those mentioned in sub-clause (c), a corre- sponding variation shall be made in the maximum price. Maximum 4. {a) On the occasion of a sale by retail of syrup or liquid price on sales glucose the maximum price shall be : — by retail. ^-^ q^ ^ ^^^q in a package supplied by the customer at the rate of IM. per lb. (ii) On any other sale at the rate of IQf^d. per lb. (6) The maximum price shall include all cost of packing, packages and delivery, and no charge may be made therefor or for giving credit. Artificial 5. A person shall not in connection with any sale or disposition transactions, of any syrup, liquid glucose or molasses enter or offer to enter into any artificial or fictitious transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. Exception. 6. Nothing in this Order shall apply to molasses sold for the purpose of being used for feeding cattle. Penalties. 7. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Title, com- 8. (a) This Order may be cited as the Syrup, Liquid Glucose mencement and Molasses Order, 19i8. and extent. ^ j) rj^j^.^ q^.^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ .^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ December, 1918. (c) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, , Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 18th November, 1918. Syrup, Liquid Glucose and Molasses {Prices) Orders 1918. The First Schedule. Sales (other than Sales by retail) by or on behalf of a Manufacturer or Refiner. First Column. Second Column. Maximum Price at a rate per nett. cwt. (a) Syrup and Liquid Glucose. (b) Molasses. Puncheon of a capacity of 11 cwt. or more, but not more than i4 cwt f Puncheon of a capacity of 7i cwt. or more, but less than 11 cwt i Puncheon of a capacity of 4i cwt. or more, but less than 7i cwt i Puncheon of a capacity of 3 cwt. or more, but less than 4J cwt Drums of a capacity of 14 lbs. or more, but not more than 112 lbs Tins or other usual containers packed in cases 58s. less 3 per cent. 59«. „ „ „ 608. „ „ „ ' 62s. „ „ „ 65s. „ „ \, 80s. „ 5 45s. 45s. 45s. 45s. 45s. 45s. The Second Schedule. Maximum price on sales (other than by retail) not being SALES BY or ON BEHALF OF THE MANUFACTURERS OR ReFINERS. First Column. Second Column. Third Column. Amount per cent, to be added to the maximum Maximum price at a rate price on sales by a person Method of Packing. per nett cwt. not exceed- who has bought from a ing. person other than a manu- facturer or refiner. {a) (&) (a) (&) Syrup and Syrup and Liquid Molasses. Liquid Molasses. Glucose. Glucose. Puncheons of a capacity of 11 cwt. or more, but not more than 14 cwt. ... 58s. 45s. 3 per cent. 3 per cent f Puncheons of a capacity of 7^ cwt. or more, but less than 11 cwt 59s. 45s. )j jj i Puncheons of a capacity of 4^ . cwt. or more, but less than 7i cwt 60s. 45s. )> j» i Puncheons of a capacity of 3 cwt. or more, but less than 4i cwt 62s. 45s. 5) )! Drums of a capacity of 14 lbs. or more, but less than 113 lbs. 65s. 45s. )J )) Tins or other usual containers packed in cases* 80s. 45s. 5 per cent. >» * Where, before sale, bulk is broken, and the contents of a case sold in smaller lots, the price charged may exceed the rate of 80s. per cwt. by an amount not exceeding Is. per dozen containers, whatever their content. 6540 H 3 230 Live Stock (Restriction on Shipment to Channel Islands) Order, 1918. PermitH for export of cattle to Channel Islands. Application for permits. Conditions. Diseases of Animals Acts. Interpre- tation. Penalties. Live Stock (Restriction on Shipment to Channel Islands) Order, 1918. Dated November 19, 1918. 1918. No. 1495. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following Regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned ; — 1. A person shall not after the 1st December, 1918, send, take, consign or ship any cattle from Great Britain to any part of the Channel Islands except under and in accordance with the terms of a permit granted by or under the authority of the Food Controller. 2. Every application for a permit under this Order shall be made to the Live Stock Commissioner having jurisdiction in the area from which it is proposed to send or take such cattle. 3. Permits issued under this Order may be made subject to such conditions as may be inscribed thereon or as may otherwise be prescribed by the Food Controller. The holder of any permit shall duly observe the conditions thereof and shall produce such permit upon the demand of any person duly authorised in that behalf by the Food Controller. 4. Permits issued under this Order shall not authorise or be deemed to authorise any movement of cattle in contravention of any Order of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries made under the Diseases of Animals Acts, 1894 to 1914, or any regulation made thereunder. 5. For the purposes of this Order — "Cattle" shall include, in addition to cattle usually so called, ram, ewe, wether, lamb, goat and swine. "Live Stock Commissioner" means a live stock com- missioner appointed by the Food Controller. 6. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 7. This Order may be cited as the Live Stock (Restriction on Shipment to Channel Islands) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 19th November, 1918. Canned Condensed Milk (Maximum Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918. 231 The Canned Condensed Milk (Maximum Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918. Dated the 20th November, 1918. 1918. No. 1500. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regu- lations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. (a) A person shall not on or after the 9th December, 1918, (a) sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or offer to buy any Canned Condensed Milk in Ireland at prices exceeding the maximum prices for the timo being applicable under this Order. (h) The maximum prices applicable under this Order shall be such prices as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe by notice under this Order, and shall until further notice be the prices hereinafter provided. 2.. (i) On the occasion of a sale of Canned Condensed Milk by or on behalf of the manufacturer thereof (other than a sale by retail) the maximum price shall be : — (a) Where the buyer declares in writing that he is buying for resale by wholesale, at the rate set out in column 1 of the First Schedule ; (i) In any other case, at the rate set out in column 2 of th© First Schedule, (ii) Except by licence of the Food Control Committee for Ireland, a person shall not dispose of any Canned Condensed Milk bought by him for resale by wholesale except by selling the same by wholesale. 3. On the occasion of a sale of Canned Condensed Milk, not being a sale by retail or a sale to which Clause 2 applies, the maximum price shall be at the rate set out in column 2 of the First Schedule. 4. The maximum prices fixed upon the occasion of a sale to which Clause 2 or Clause 3 applies are fixed on the basis that the milk is delivered to the railway station nearest to the buyer's premises free of cost to the buyer, and that no charge is made for packing or packages, except that where at the request of the buyer milk is delivered in lots of one case or less an addi- tional charge of Ihd. per dozen tins may be made by the seller. 5. On the occasion of a sale of Canned Condensed Milk by retail the maximum price shall be at the rate set out in the Second Schedule. 6. On the occasion of a sale to which Clause 5 applies: — (a) no charge shall be made for packing, packages or :^or giving credit ; (h) where delivery is made at the request of the buyer other- wise than at the seller's premises, an additional charge may be made in respect of such delivery not exceeding the rate of ^d. per tin or any larger sum actually and properly paid by the seller for carriage. (a) Under Order dated Dec. 7, 1918, the date of operation was postponed until 14th January, 1919. General restriction. Maximum prices for manu- facturers. Maximum priceH for wholesalers. Terms of sale by manu- facturers and whole- salers. Retail prices. Terms on retail sales. 6540 H 4 232 Canned Condensed Milk {Maximum Prices) {Ireland) Order, 1918. Variation. Artificial transactions. Penalty. Title, extent and com- mencement. 7. Where any Canned Condensed Milk is sold on terms or in packages other than those in respect of which the maximum price applicable under this Order is fixed, a corresponding varia- tion shall be made in the price. 8. A person shall not in connection with any sale or disposition or proposed sale or disposition of Canned Condensed Milk enter or offer to enter into any artificial or fictitious transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 9. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 10. (a) This Order may be cited as the Canned Condensed Milk (Maximum Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (6) This Order shall apply only to Ireland, (c) This Order shall come into force on the 9th December,. 1918.(a) By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 20th November, 1918. The First Schedule. Kind of Milk. Column 1. A price at the rate of Column 2. A price at the rate of 1. Full Cream, Sweetened ... 2. Full Cream, Evaporated... 3. Full Cream, Unsweetened 4. Machine Skimmed 52s. per case. Per case of 48 tins con- taining 14 oz. net. 38s. per case. Per case of 48 tins con- taining 16 oz. net. 38s. per case. Per case of 48 tins con- taining 12 oz. net. 44s. per case. Per case of 48 tins con- taining 16 oz. gross. 54s. per case. Per case of 48 tins con- taining 14 oz. net. 40s. per case. Per case of 48 tins con- taining 16 oz. net. 40s. per case. Per case of 48 tins con- taining 12 oz. net. 46s. per case. Per case of 48 tins con- taining 16 oz. gross. The Second Schedule. Full Cream, Sweetened Full Cream, Unsweetened Full Cream, Evaporated Machine Skimmed A price at the rate of . d. 3 per tin of 14 oz. llj per tin of 12 oz. 11 J per tin of 16 oz. 1 per tin of 16 oz. net. net. net. . gross. (a) Under Order dated Dec. 7, 1918, the date of operation was postponed until 14th January, 1919. General Licence under the Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Distribution) 233 Order, 1918; Notice under the Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Dis- tribution) Order, 1918. General Licence, dated JSTovember 20, 1918, under the Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Distribution) Ordeh, 1918. 1918. N'o. 1501. 1. Notwitlistandiiig tlie provisions of Clause 5 of the above- ?;^'^p-9''« named Order, the Food Controller hereby authorises on and jS'o aft^r the ITth IN'ovember, 1918, until further notice a producer or maker of Cattle Feeding Stuffs to use, for~ the purpose of feeding horses solely used by him for his trade or business, any Cattle Feeding Stu&s produced by him, provided that nothing contained herein shall be taken to authorise any cereal foodstuffs to be fed to horses in contravention of the Horses (Rationing) ISTo. 2 Order, 1918, or any other Order of the Food Controller S.R. & (X, restricting the amount of cereal foodstuffs to be fed to horses. No. 1331 of 2. For the purposes of this licecne the expressions '* Horse" and ^' Cattle Feeding Stuffs " shall have the same meaning as in the above-named Order. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 20th November, 1918. Notice, dated November 20, 1918, under the Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Distribution) Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1502. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by Clause 6 of the S.R. & 0., above named Order, the Food Controller hereby gives notice that No. 1308 of a person named as a supplier in any certificate granted under the l^^^* above named Order in respect of an application made on the prescribed forms L.F.S. 3 (Pig Clubs) and L.F.S. 4 (Small Owners of Pigs) may supply to the person named or referred to as a buyer in such certificate, and a person named or referred to as a buyer in such certificate may obtain from the person named therein as a supplier, Millers' Offals to an amount exceeding by 60 per centum the amount stated in such certificate. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. BeveridgCy Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 20th November, 1918. 234 Raw Coffee {Returns) Order, 1918. Return of raw coffee. Prescribed forms. Raw coffee sold but not delivered. Exception. Penalty. Title. The Raw Coffee (Returns) Order, 1918. Dated the 20th November, 1918. 1918. No. 1504. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. {a) Every person having raw coffee in his possession or under his control or holding raw coffee for value or in trust, whether as a banker or otherwise, shall on or before the 12th December, 1918, furnish to the Food Controller a Return giving particulars of all raw coffee in the United Kingdom, whether in bond or not, held by him at the close of business on the 30th November, 1918, and such further particulars as may be required to complete the prescribed return. (6) Persons resident in the United Kingdom, who have obtained advances on the deposit of their coffee warrants as collateral security, shall include such coffee in their returns, and the persons who have made the advances shall not make a return of such coffee. Bankers and others holding coffee warrants or other documents on account of persons residing outside the United Kingdom shall make a return of the coffee to which such warrants or other documents relate. 2. The return shall be made on forms prescribed by the Food Controller, to be obtained from, and when completed to be returned to, the Secretary of the Ministry of Food (Statistical Branch), Palace Chambers, Whitehall, S.W.I. 3. All raw coffee sold or agreed to be sold but not delivered shall be included by sellers in their returns, and shall not be included in the returns of the buyers. 4. A person who holds at the close of business on the 30th November, 1918, less than 50 original bags of raw coffee in all, whether in bond or not, or who holds raw coffee merely as a warehouseman or storekeeper, shall not be required to make any returns under the Order. 6. Failure to make a return or the making of a false return is a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regula- tions. 6. This Order may be cited as the Raw Coffee (Returns) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 20th November, 1918. Raiv Coffee {Returns) Order ^ 1918. Form M.F. 61. 235 Ref. No. Raw Coffee (Returns) Order, 1918. The Food Controller i-equires all persons possessing or holding 60 original hags of raw coffee or more (or holding coffee warrants on account of persons residing outside the United Kingdom) to furnish the particulars asked for on this form which when com- pleted should be folded and returned to the Secretary, Ministry of Food, Statistical Branch, Palace Chambers, Westminster, S.W.I, on or before the 12th December, 1918. N.B. — A person who holds raw coffee merely as a storekeeper for other persons is not required to make the return. Raw Coffee Stocks. Name Designation (whether Importer, Exporter, Wholesaler, Retailer or Holder for value) Address _. Stocks of Raio Coffee on ^Oth November, 1918. Where lying or ware- housed. Stock of Raw Coffee. If held for any person resident Description of CoflEee (see footnote (a)). In Bond. Duty Paid. outside the United Kingdom, name and Quantity. Net Weight(6). Quantity. Net Weight(6). address of such person. Bags. Cwts. Bags. Cwts. Total ... Footnote (a). — The kinds to be specified separately are : — 1. East India, 2. Costa Rica, 3. Other Central American, 4. West India, 5. West Africa, 6. East Africa, 7. Santos, 8. Rio, 9. Bahia, 10. All other kinds. Footnote (6). — An original bag may be taken as weighing Ij cwt. on the average. Certificate. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above is a true and correct statement of the whole of my stock of Raw Coffee on the 30th November, 1918. Date Signature. November, 1918. Delivery of butter out of cold store to be under licence. Records, information and inspection. Butter {Cold Storage) (Ireland) Order, 1918. The Butter (Cold Storage) (Irelaxd) Order, 1918. THE 21ST ]N"0VEMBER, 1918. 1918. No. 1505. The Com- mittee to act under direction of the Food Controller. Exception. S.R. & b., No. 483 of 1918. Dated In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. {a) A person shall not after the date of this Order deliver or permit to be delivered or take delivery of any butter out of any cold store in Ireland except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence granted by or under the authority of the Food Control Committee for Ireland (hereinafter called the Committee). (6) Any licence granted for the purposes of this clause may be issued subject to such conditions as the Committee may deter- mine, and in particular to such conditions as the Committee may think fit to impose for ensuring the proper distribution of the butter authorised to be delivered out of the cold store. (c) All persons concerned shall comply with the terms and conditions in accordance with and subject to which a licence is granted for the purposes of this clause, and such conditions shall have effect notwithstanding any contract entered into by the person on whom the conditions are imposed. {d) A person shall not make, or connive at the making of, any false or misleading statement for the purpose of obtaining a licence for the purposes of this clause. 2. The owner of a cold store out of which any butter is delivered shall keep, or cause to be kept, at some convenient place accurate records as to the deliveries of butter out of the cold store and in particular as to the quantity of butter delivered, the person on whose order the butter is released, the date of release, the person to whom delivery is made, and such other matters as the Food Controller or the Committee may from time to time prescribe, together with all relevant books, vouchers and docu- ments, and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Con- troller or the Committee to inspect his cold store and the records to be kept under this clause, and all relevant books, vouchers and documents, and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars relating to the butter stored in and the deliveries of butter out of his cold store as the Food Controller or the Com- mittee may from time to time require. 3. The Committee shall in the exercise of the powers conferred on them by this Order comply with such directions as may from time to time be given to them by the Food Controller. But the validity of the exercise of any such powers shall not be question- able on the ground that such exercise is not in compliance with such directions. 4. Nothing in this Order shall prevent the delivery of any butter out of any cold store, where notice in that behalf is given by the Food Controller under the Cold Store (Restriction) Order, 1918. General Licence under the Rationing Order, 1918. 237 5. For the purposes of this Order: — Interpreta- (a) The expression ''cold store " shall not include: — (i) any cold store where tho total refrigerated space does not exceed 400 cubic feet ; or (ii) any refrigerated transit shed. (6) In any proceedings under this Order the burden of proving the amount of the total refrigerated space shall lie upon the person charged. 6. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Eealm Eegulations. T. (a) This Order may be cited as the Butter (Cold Storage) Title and (Ireland) Order, 1918. ■" ®^*^^*' (b) This Order shall apply only to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, W, H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st November, 1918. General Licence, dated November 25, 1918, under the Rationing Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1537. The Food Controller hereby authorises all manufacturers of jam to deliver against any voucher issued under the above Order to a catering establishment or an institution jam beyond the amount specified in the voucher, to such extent as may be necessary to enable delivery to be made in a usual complete package : provided that the excess amount shall be deducted on the occasion of the next delivery. The Food Controller further hereby authorises all persons con- c^erned to take delivery of jam pursuant to the terms of this licence. . By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 25th November, 1918. 238 Directions as to Imported Flour under the Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order {No. 2), 1917; General Licence under the Bread Order, 1918. Directions as to Imported Flour, dated November 28, 1918, UNDER THE MANUFACTURE OF FlOUR AND BrEAD OrDER (No. 2), 1917. 1918. No. 1541. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him iu that behalf, the Food Controller hereby directs that the restric- tions on the use of Imported Flour imposed by the Directions S. R. & 0., dated the 27th November, 1917, shall henceforth cease to have 3fo. 1219 of effect but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any 1917. previous contravention thereof, and that accordingly until further notice Imported Flour may be used and sold notwithstanding that it is not mixed with flour milled in the United Kingdom. Nothing in these Directions authorises the us-e of Imported Flour for any purpose which is a precluded purpose under the B. R. & 0., Flour and Bread Prices Order, 1917. No. 937 of ^^^'^' By Order of the Food Controller, W . H, Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 28th November, 1918. General Licence, dated November 26, 1918, under the Bread Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1548. S.R. &0., Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the 1918^^^ °* above Order the Food Controller hereby permits bread which has been made less than twelve hours to be sold and offered and exposed for sale and delivered under a contract of sale : — (a) in England, Wales and Ireland between the 23rd December and the 28th December, 1918, both dates inclusive, and (h) in Scotland between the 30th December, 1918, and the 3rd January, 1919, both dates inclusive. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 26th November, 1918. Milk {Restriction in Establishmefits) Order, 1918. 239 The Milk (Restriction in Establishments) Order, 1918. Dated the 30th I^ovember, 1918. 1918. No. 1574. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. (a) 'No milk shall be served in any catering or residential establishment or served for consumption on the premises in or at any milk shop, dairy shop, stall or similar place, or consumed in any such establishment, shop, stall or place, as or as part of a beverage except with tea, coffee, cocoa, or chocolate as usually served. (6) This provision shall not apply to :• — (i) Milk supplied by the caterer to any person residing in the catering establishment, or supplied to any person residing in the residential establishment, during the period and up to the amount mentioned on a certificate of a duly qualified medical practitioner which stat-es that the person residing in iJie catering or residential establishment needs the milk for such period in the interest of his health, (ii) Milk supplied at any school to any person under 18 years of age, whether residing at the school or not ; or (iii) milk supplied to children under 10 years of age. Provided that nothing in this clause shall prevent the consump- tion of milk at any establishment, dairy, shop, or similar place by the person carrying on the same, if residing therein, or any resident member of his household. 2. The total quantity of milk used in or by any catering estab- lishment in any week or other prescribed period shall not exceed the gross quantity allowed for the meals served during such week or other period ascertained in accordance with the average quantity per meal set out in the scale for the time being prescribed by the Food Controller. Until the Food Controller otherwise directs the following shall be the scale. Meal Quantity. Breakfast 1/7 pint. Luncheon, including middle day dinner 1/14 ,, Dinner, including supper and meat tea or fish tea ... ... ... 1/14 ,, Tea 1/14 „ In computing the quantity of milk allowed to be consumed in a catering establishment, no account shall be taken of any milk consumed therein under the provisions of Clause 1 (h) if there be attached to the register lo be kept under the provisions of Clause 3 the names and permanent addresses of the persons supplied with such milk, and the amount supplied to each such person. » 240 Milk {Restriction in Establishments) Orders 1918. 3. (a) The person having the control or management of any catering establishment shall be responsible for securing that the total quantity of milk permitted to be used therein in any week or other prescribed period, is not exceeded, and shall for the purposes of this Order keep on the premises a register containing an accurate record of meals supplied and the quantity of milk obtained and used, and after any form for keeping such register has been prescribed, shall keep the register on the form so pre- scribed, and shall produce such register and every other record required to be kept under this Order to any person authorised by or on behalf of the Food Controller or any Food Committee to inspect the same, together with all such invoices, vouchers, permits and other documents as may be necessary or proper for checking the entries in the register. For the purposes of this clause the register shall with respect to any establishment to which Clause 21 of the Rationing Order, 1918, for the time being applies be the register kept under that clause, and the columns to be used shall be those numbered 16 and 17. (b) Until the Food Controller otherwise directs so much of this clause as relates to keeping a record of meals supplied shall not apply to any catering establishment for the time being exempted under the Rationing Order, 1918, from the obligation to keep the register prescribed by Clause 21 of that Order. 4. (a) Clauses 2 and 3 of this Order shall not apply to any catering establishment which is for the time being exempted from this Order by or under the authority of the Food Controller. (b) Until further notice. Clauses 2 and 3 shall not apply to any school. 5. For the purposes of this Order the expressions " Catering Establishment," ** Residential Establishment*' and ''week*' shall severally have the same meanings as they have in the Rationing Order, 1918. Milk shall include in addition to milk ordinarily so called, butter milk, separated milk and skimmed milk, but shall not include condensed milk, dried milk or milk preparations. 6. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. S. R. & 0., 7. Clause 35 of the Rationing Order, 1918, as amended by {^.7-894 and Clause 5 of the Order amending the same, dated the 15th October, idibof 1918. 1913^ -g revoked as at the 8th December, 1918, but without pre- judice to any proceedings in lespect of any contravention thereof. 8. (a) This Order shall be cited as the Milk (Restriction in Establishments) Order, 1918. (b) This Order shall come into force on the 8th December, 1918. (c) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, W, H. Beveridge. Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 30th November, 1918. Directions undkr the Edible Oils and Fats and Oil and Fat 241 Compounds {Distribution) Order, 1918, and the Margarine {Distribution) Order , 1918. Directions, dated November 30, 1918, under the Edible Oils AND Fats and Oil and Fat Compounds (Distribution) Order, 1918, and the Margarine (Distribution) Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1577. In exercise of the powers reserved to liim by tlie above Orders S.R. & O., and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Nos. ^60 and Controller hereby directs as follows : — o . 1. A person shall not deal in any Oil and Fat Compound Restriction, either on his own account or on the account of any other person unless he is the holder of a Wholesale Dealer's licence for the time being in force. 2. {a) Every application for a Wholesale Dealer's licence shall Licences, be made to the Secretary, Edible Fats Distribution Branch, Ministry of Food, New County Hall, London, S.E.I, and every applicant shall furnish such particulars as may be required from him. {b) A Wholesale Dealer's licence may be granted to such persons and subject to such conditions as the Food Controller may determine and may at any time be revoked by the Food Controller. 3. The holder of a Wholesale Dealer's licence shall not : — Wholesalers. {a) Use or dispose of Oil and Fat Compound in any way except by selling the same by Wholesale to a person duly authorised by permit or other document issued by or on behalf of the Food Controller and for the time being in force, to purchase Oil and Fat Compound from such holder; provided that this provision shall not apply to Oil and Fat Compound lawfully bought by the holder of a Wholesale Dealer's licence for the purpose of any manufacturing business carried on by him, and used for that purpose. (6) Sell Oil and Fat Compound to any person in excess of such weekly or other amount as may be specified in such permit or other document as aforesaid or such less amount as may be notified to the holder of the licence from time to time by or on behalf of the Food Controller, nor in the case of a sale to a Catering Establishment or Institution as defined in the Ration- ing Order, 1918, unless such sale is made pursuant to an Order made out by or on behalf of the buyer on a leaf of the official Order Form N. Fats 9 or other form for the time being prescribed by the Food Con- troller. (c) Sell any Oil and Fat Compound, except on the terms that all charges for packing, packages, transport and delivery to the buyer's premises are borne by the seller and are included in the price. {d) Sell any Oil and Fat Compound at a price exceeding : — (i) In the case of a sale of Oil and Fat Compound (other than Margarine) to a person pur- chasing less than 26 tons in any year ending on the 16th November a price at the rate of £140 per ton ; 242 Directions under the Edible Oils and Fats and Oil and Fat Compounds (Distribution) Order ^ 1918, and the Margarine (Distribution) Order, 1918. (ii) in the case of any other sale of Oil and Fat Compound (other than margarine) a price at the rate of £138 IO5. per ton ; and (iii) in the case of a sale of Margarine for manufacturing purposes a price at the rate of 1^. per lb. or such other price as may for the time being be lawfully charged on the sale of Margarine by retail to persons taking less than 28 lbs. per week. ConRiimers. 4. Except under the authority of the Food Controller a person shall not: — (a) buy any Oil and Fat Compound except on a permit or other document granted by or under the authority of the Food Controller and authorising the holder to purchase such Oil and Fat Compounds, or except from a Wholesale Dealer for the time being authorised by the Food Controller to sell Oil and Fat Compound to that person; or (b) buy any Oil and Fat Compound in excess of such weekly or other amount as may be specified in such permit or other document, or of the amount which such Whole- sale Dealer is authorised to supply ; or (c) sell any Oil and Fat Compound to any other person ; or (d) use the same except for the purposes stated on such permit or other document, or any form of application therefor. Provided that this provision shall not apply to Oil and Fat Com- pound lawfully bought by a person, who is the holder of a Whole- sale Dealer's licence, and sold by him in accordance with Clause 3 of these directions. Definitions. 5. In these directions — '' Oil and Fat Compound " shall mean any mixture or compound manufactured wholly or partly from any two or more of the oils and fats mentioned in the Schedule to the Edible Oils and Fats and Oil and Fat Compound (Distribu- tion) Order, 1918, whether hardened or not, which are suit- able or intended for use in connection with the manufacture or treatment of human food, except Margarine used or intended to be used for other than manufacturing purposes, and except Vegetarian Butter and Vegetarian Lard. " A Wholesale Dealer's licence " shall mean a licence issued under the last mentioned Order by or under the authority of the Food Controller and authorising the holder thereof to be a Wholesale Dealer in Oil and Fat Compound. Duration. 7. These directions shall continue in force until further notice. By Order of the Food Controller, W, H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 30th November, 1918. Note. — Failure to comply with these directions is a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 243 Notice under the Cattle Feeding Stuffs {Maximuin /^^.c^^) j^^^^^' 1918; Directions relating to the amount of Rationed t ood under the Rationing Order, 1918. Notice, dated November 30, 1918, under the CAttle Feeding Stuffs (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1578. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by Clause 1 (a) of the above Order and of all other powers enabling him in that S.R. & 0., behalf, the Food Controller hereby prescribes that as from the ^o. 173 of 3rd December, 1918, until further notice the maximum price on ^y^«- a sale of Flour Millers' Offals of all kinds shall be £14 10^. per ton in place of £13. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 30th November, 1918. Directions relating to the amount of Eationed Food under THE Rationing Order, 1918. Dated the 31st Deoember, 1918. 1918. No. 1579. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Order and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders ^nd directs that the following directions relating to the amount of rationed food shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. The appropriate leaves and coupons of the Ration Books (A) and (B) and the Travellers Ration Books shall be — For meat, the leaves numbered 1, Ix, ly, and Iz and the coupons thereon. For butter and margarine, the leaf numbered 3 and the coupons thereon. For sugar, the leaf numbered 4, and the coupons thereon. 2. A coupon numbered 1 on a leaf relates to the week beginning Sunday the 3rd November, 1918, and the other coupons relate to the subsequent weeks in due numerical order. 3. A butter and margarine coupon is available for use only during the week to which such coupon relates. Each meat coupon is available for use during that week and also the subsequent four days. 24.4 Directions relating to the amount of Rationed Food under the Rationing Order, 1918. A sugar coupon is available for use during the week to which it relates and the 3 succeeding weeks. 4. Until further notice the weekly ration of butter and mar- garine shall be 5 ozs. until the 11th January and 6 ozs. there- after; of sugar, 8 ozs. until the 25th January and 12 ozs. there- after, and not more than the prescribed amount may be obtained or supplied on the coupon. 5. Until further notice the amount of meat which may be obtained on any meat coupon shall be the amount in weight or worth of meat prescribed as the value of a coupon according to the Table of Equivalent Weights for the time being in force. Where worth of meat is prescribed, such worth shall be ascer- tained at the maximum retail price therefor for the time being applicable under the Orders of the Food Controller. Until further notice such Table shall be the Table set forth in the Schedule hereto. 6. Until further notice any meat coupon may be used for obtaining any kind of meat or for obtaining a meat meal from a catering establishment, or in the case mentioned in the Rationing Order, 1918, for obtaining a meat meal from an institution. 7. Coupons on Leave or Duty Ration Books, Demobilization Ration Books and Emergency Ration Cards and Invalids' leaves may be used as shown thereon. 8. Until further notice no coupon on a Supplementary Ration Book (C, D, E and F) shall be available for use. 9. Where under any directions of the Food Controller or instructions of a Food Committee or under the Table of Equiva- lent Weights for the time being in force any kind of rationed food may be obtained without coupons, such rationed food may, unless otherwise directed, be obtained from any retailer whether he is the retailer with whom the customer is registered or not. 10. In these Directions the Ration Books (A) and (B) and Travellers Ration Books shall be the books so described and marked N 1 (Nov.) ; N 2 (Nov.) or N 2 J (Nov.) ; and N 11 (Nov.), issued by or under the authority of the Food Controller. 11. The Directions relating to the amount of Rationed Food, dated the 29th July, 1918 (S.R. & 0. No. 961, of 1918), the Directions for Pork Butchers and for Retailers of Miscellaneous Meat and their Customers, dated the 29th July, 1918 (S.R. & 0. No. 958, of 1918), and the Directions as to Equivalent Weights of Meat, dated the 24th September, 1918 (S.R. & 0. No. 1201, of 1918) are hereby revoked, but without prejudice to any proceed- ings in respect of any contravention thereof. By Order of the Food Controller, J. Field Beale, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 31st December, 1918. Directions for General Butchers and their Customers, under the Rationing Order, 1918. Schedule. Table of Equivalent Weights of Meat. There may be obtained upon one meat coupon tbe amounts specified below. All meat coupons are of the same value. Note. — This table does not apply to meals purchased from or supplied by caterers. In the case of such meals, caterers are required to account for their total consumption of meat by coupons collected from their customers in accordance with the directions in N.R. 12 (amended). 245 Uncooked. Cooked. With or with- out the usual bone. With the usual bone. Without bone. 1. Butcher's meat (including beef, veal, mutton and lamb) 2. Meat pies, sandwiches and similar articles according to the weight of the butcher's meat of the above kinds con- tained therein bd. worth. 4 0Z3. 3 ozs. 3 ozs. Note. — Pork, import^ed tender loins from cattle, stripped bones of any meat, and all classes of meat other than those included in item 1 and 2 above may be obtained without coupons. With the authority of the Food Control Committee, meat pies containing butcher's meat of the above kinds not exceeding 6 ozs. in weight (cooked) of a kind usually sold in the district, may be sold without coupons, provided that the total weight of such cooked butcher's meat in the pie does not exceed 20 per cent, of the whole weight of the pie, and that such authority is con- fined to retailers who have customarily sold meat pies of the class described. Any meat pies containing only canned meat, pre- served meat or pork may be sold without coupons. Directions for General Butchers and their Customers under THE Rationing Order, 1918. Dated the 31st December, 1918. 1918. No. 1580. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Order, and all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders and directs that the following directions relating to the supply of meat by a general butcher shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. For the purposes of these directions *' general butcher" means a butcher who sells butcher's meat other than pork, whether or not he also sells pork and offal. 246 Directions for General Butchers and their Customers, under the Rationing Order, 1918. ** Emergency customer " means a person lawfully holding and using a soldier's or sailor's leave or duty ration book, demobiliza- tion ration book, traveller's ration book or an emergency ration card which is not marked with the name of another general butcher. A person in respect of whom a visitor's declaration form has been handed to and lawfully accepted by a general butcher is deemed to be registered with that butcher during the period for which the form is valid. 2. A general butcher may supply butcher's meat (other than pork) only — {a) to his registered customers ; or (b) to emergency customers without registration (if he has more than sufficient supplies for his registered customers). 3. (a) A person may obtain butcher's meat (other than pork) from a general butcher only if he is registered with him for the purpose. This restriction does not apply to an emergency customer. (6) Pork may be supplied by a general butcher to and obtained by any person without the surrender of any coupon. 4. Butcher's meat (other than pork) may be obtained or sup- plied against the coupons marked ** meat", ** butcher's or other meat " or *' other meat only ". 5. The customer may in accordance with the instructions on the ration book deposit with the butcher with whom he is regis- tered the current meat leaf of a ration book (A) or (B). Unless the current meat leaf is for the time being deposited with the butcher, the customer must on the occasion of each purchase pro- duce his ration book or the leaf. 6. Whenever a general butcher supplies any butcher's meat (other than pork), he must detach the proper number of coupons for the amount supplied from his customer's ration book, leaf or card. 7. A general butcher may supply to any person without detach- ing coupons — {a) such meat or meat articles as are from time to time declared by the Food Controller to be obtainable from a general butcher without coupons; and (6) any perishable stocks in respect of which a licence has been issued to him by his Food Committee. 8. Each coupon represents the worth or weight of meat set out in the official Table of Equivalent Weights of Meat for the time being in force, and not more than that amount may be supplied or obtained on it. Where the worth of meat is set out, such worth shall be ascertained at the maximum retail price therefor for the time being applicable under the Orders of the Food Controller. Directions for General Butchers and their Customers j under the 247 Rationing Order, 1918. 9. A half coupon may be used for supplying and obtaining meat. Tbe provisions of these directions shall apply to a half coupon in the same way as they apply to a coupon; but the amount of meat to be supplied against a half coupon shall only be half the amount which may be supplied against a whole coupon. 10. The number on each coupon corresponds with a particular week in accordance with the statement in the ration book, and the coupon can only be used for supplies made in the period from the Sunday of that week up to and including the Wednesday in the week following. 11. Whenever the ration book or card produced bears instruc- tions that the book or card is valid only between particular dates, a general butcher shall supply only in accordance with such instructions. 12. Coupons which have not been used in the proper coupon period cannot be used later without permission of the Food Com- mittee, even though the butcher has been unable to supply the full ration in the proper coupon period. 13. A general butcher must divide his supplies as fairly as possible between his registered customers. He is not bound to supply the full ration to first-comers unless he is certain of having enough to give full rations to all. 14. These directions do not affect sales to Eesidential Estab- lishments, Catering Establishments or Institutions in accordance with special directions issued to such establishments, or sales on a seaman's meat card in accordance with any directions issued for such sales. 15. A general butcher must keep prominently displayed in his shop a copy of such parts of the official Table of Equivalent Weights of Meat for the time being in force as relate to all kinds of meat sold by him. 16. Failure to comply with any of these directions is a sum- mary offence against the Defence of the Eealm Regulations. 17. The Directions for General Butchers and their Customers, dated 29th July, 1918 (S.R. & 0. No. 960 of 1918), are hereby revoked, without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. By Order of the Food Controller, J. Field Beale, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 31st December, 1918. 248 Directions for Retailers of Sugar, and Butter and Margarine, and their Customers, under the Rationing Order, 1918. Dihections for Retailers of Sugar, and Butter and Mar- garine, AND THEIR CUSTOMERS, UNDER THE RATIONING Order, 1918. Dated the 31st December, 1918. 1918. No. 1583. In exercise of tlie powers reserved to him by the above Order, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders and directs that the following directions relating to the supply of sugar, and butter and margarine, by retailers shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. These directions apply to sugar, and butter and margarine. 2. In these directions '^ leaf *' means with respect to any of these foods, the appropriate leaf of the ration book for such food, or other appropriate leaf for such food. *' Retailer " means with respect to any of these foods, a retailer thereof. ** Emergency customer " means a person lawfully holding and using a soldier's or sailor's leave or duty ration book, a demobi- lization ration book, traveller's ration book or an emergency ration card which is not marked with the name of another retailer. A person in respect of whom a visitor's declaration form has been handed to and lawfully accepted by a retailer is deemed to be registered with that retailer during the period for which the form is valid. 3. A retailer may supply sugar, and butter and margarine, only — (a) to his registered customers ; or (h) to emergency customers without registration (if he has more than sufficient supplies for his registered cus- tomers). 4. A person may obtain sugar, and butter and margarine, only from the retailer with whom he is registered for the purpose. This restriction does not apply to an emergency customer. 5. The customer may deposit with the retailer with whom he is registered for any food, the appropriate leaf in accordance with the instructions on the ration book. Unless the leaf is for the time being deposited with the retailer, the customer must, on the occasion of each purchase, produce his ration book or the leaf. 6. Each coupon on the leaf represents the amount of the weekly ration and not more than that amount may be obtained or supplied upon it, and the retailer must, on supplying, detach the proper number of coupons for the amount supplied. 7. A retailer may supply to any person without detaching coupons any perishable stocks in respect of which a licence has been issued to him by his Food Committee. 8. The number on each coupon corresponds with a particular week in accordance with the statement in the ration book. The Horseflesh {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. 249 A butter and margarine coupon may only be used for supplies made in the week to whicli it corresponds. A sugar coupon may only be used for supplies made in the week to which it corresponds and the 3 succeeding weeks. 9 . A retailer shall so deal with his supplies of butter (so far as the same pei*mit) as to supply, when so required, to each customer at least 1 oz. of butter per week or such other amount as may from time to time be prescribed by the Food Controller. 10. Whenever the book or card produced bears instructions that the book or card is valid only between particular dates, a retailer shall supply only in accordance with such instructions. 11. The retailer must divide what supplies he has as fairly as possible between his registered customers. 12. Coupons which have not been used within the period pre- scribed in clause 8 cannot be used later without the permission of the Food Committee, even though the retailer has been unable to supply the full ration within the prescribed period. 13. These directions do not affect sales to residential establish- ments, catering establishments or institutions in accordance with any special directions issued for such establishments or sales on a* seaman's card in accordance with any directions issued for such sales. 14. Failure to comply with any of these directions is a sum- mary offence under the Defence of the Eealm Regulations. 15. The directions for rationing sugar, butter and mar- garine and lard, and their customers, dated the 29th July, 1918 (S.E. & 0. No. 959 of 1918), are hereby revoked, without pre- judice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. By Order of the Food Controller, J , Field Beale, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 81st December, 1918. The Horseflesh (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. Dated the 30th November, 1918. 1918. No. 1584. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned ; — 1. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or General offer to buy any horseflesh at prices exceeding the maximum Prohibition, prices for the time being applicable under this Order. 250 The Horseflesh {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. Maximum Prices on Wholesale Sales. Maximum Prices on Retail Sales Notices. Artificial transactions. Interpre- tation. Exceptions. 2. {a) Until further notice the maximum price applicable on the occasion of a sale by wholesale of horseflesh shall be at the rate applicable according to Part 1 of the Schedule. (6) The maximum price is fixed on the basis of the follow- ing terms and conditions being applicable to the transaction : — (i) Payment to be nett cash on delivery and moneys then unpaid to carry interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum or Bank Rate, whichever shall he the higher, (ii) Delivery to be at the place at which the horseflesh is lying at the time of sale, (iii) No charge to be made for packing, packages or any matter incidental thereto, (c) Where the contract is made on terms and conditions other than the above a corresponding variation shall be made in the maximum price. 3. (a) Until further notice the maximum price applicable on the occasion of a sale by retail of horseflesh shall be at the rate applicable according to Part 2 of the Schedule. (6) No charge may be made for packing packages or for giving credit, except that where horseflesh is delivered at the buyer's request elsewhere than at the seller's premises an addi- tional charge may be made in respect of such delivery not exceed- ing a sum at the rate of \d. per lb. or any larger sum actually and properly paid by the seller for carriage. (c) In calculating the maximum price applicable on a sale by retail of horseflesh a broken halfpenny shall count as a half- penny. 4. A person selling horseflesh by retail shall keep posted in a conspicuous position so as to be easily readable by all customers throughout the whole time during which horseflesh is being sold or exposed for sale, a notice showing in plain words and figures the maximum price for horseflesh applicable under this Order on a sale by retail. 5. A person shall not in connection with any sale or proposed sale or disposition of horseflesh enter or offer to enter into any artificial or fictitious transaction or make or demand any un- reasonable charge. 6. For the purposes of this Order the expression '* Horseflesh " shall mean such meat (including edible offal) of any horse, mare, stallion, gelding, foal, pony, ass or mule, as is suitable for human consumption. The expression ''edible offal " shall mean heart, liver, and head-meat including tongue. The expression ** sale by wholesale " shall mean a sale of a whole carcase or of a whole side, or of hindquarters with flank, or of forequarters. The expression *' sale by retail " shall mean any sale other than a sale by wholesale. 7. This Order shall not apply to: — (a) Sales of horseflesh by a caterer as part of .a meal in the ordinary course of his catering business; or (6) Sales of horseflesh in Ireland for delivery in Ireland. The Horseflesh {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. 251 .8. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the R-ealm Regulations. 9. (a) This Order may be cited as the Horseflesh (Maximum Title and Prices) Order, 1918. , commence- ment of (6) This Order shall come into force on the 16th December, Order. 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beiieridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 30th November, 1918. The Schedule. Part I. Whole carcase or whole side Hindquarter with flank Forequarter Edible offal MaximuTn Price per lb. at the rate of — ed. 8^. 4d. 4K Part II. Cuts. Maximum Price per lb. at the rate of — With Bone. Without Bone. Round (i.e., top ex leg) Rump steak and long fillets Sirloin (including fillets) ... Fore rib Chuck and mid rib ... Clod and sticking, brisket and flank, shin and leg Edible Offals. Heart Head meat ... Liver Tongue (fresh, smoked or pickled) 11^. Is. M 11^. Is. U Ud. Is. dd lOd. Is. 2d Id. lOd 4d. Sd. Sd, Sd. 252 The Ajyples {Prices) Order, 1918. The Apples (Prices) Order, 1918. Dated the 4th December, 1918. 1918. No. 1591. Interpreta- tion. Sales to be in authorised packages and by weight. Maximum prices not to be exceeded. Grower's price for home grown apples. First owner's price for im- ported apples. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in. that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regu- lations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. For the purposes of this Order: — The expression *' Home-grown Apples'' means apples grown in the United Kingdom. The expression ''Imported Apples''- means apples imported into the United Kingdom. The expression ''First Own6r " means in the case of Home-grown Apples, the grower or the owner upon the occasion of the first sale thereof after severance from the tree ; and in the case of Imported Apples, the importer. The expression "importer" includes the person sighting the shipper's draft, but this shall not be construed as limit- ing the general interpretation of that expression. 2. Except where apples are sold in eucli packages as are specifically mentioned in the Schedule to this Order and except as hereinafter provided, apples sliall not be sold or bought other- wise than by weight. 3. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale, or buy or offer to buy any apples at prices exceeding the maximum prices for the time being applicable under this Order. 4. {a) Until further notice, on the occasion of a sale of Home- grown Apples by the first owner (not being a sale by retail) the maximum price shall be at the rate applicable under Part I of the Schedule to this Order : Provided that if a commission agent is employed by the first owner in the sale of the apples such rate shall be increased by 10 per cent. (6) The maximum price prescribed by this clause is fixed on the basis that the apples are delivered at the seller's premises. (c) Where packages are provided by the seller a sum may be added to the maximum price otherwise applicable at the rate of 405. per ton for the use of pecks, strikes, half-sieves and bushels; or of IO5. per ton for the use of bags; or of 25^. per ton for the use of other usual packages; all such packages to be returned, carriage paid, to the seller or the seller's railway station in such condition as is reasonable, having regard to the condition of the packages when supplied and to ordinary wear and tear in use. {d) If the apples are sold upon any other terms, a corre- sponding variation shall be made in the maximum price. 5. (a) Until further notice, on the occasion of a sale of imported Apples by the first owner the maximum price shall be a price at the rate applicable under Part II of the Schedule to this Order. The Apples {Prices) Order, 1918. 253 (6) When railway, canal or cartage charges in tho United' Kingdom have been incurred by the first owner, the maximum price authorised by or pursuant to this clause may be varied by the addition of such charges. (c) The maximum price on a sale by the first owner is fixed on the basis that the apples are delivered at the place where they are lying at the time of sale. {d) No additional charges shall be maide for packing or packages. (e) Nothing in this clause shall prevent the first owner from making the customary delivery charges. 6. (a) Until further notice, on the occasion of a sale by whole- Maximum sale of Home-grown or Imported Apples by a person other than W^^ ^^ the first owner, the maximum price shall be a price equivalent ^^j^g ^ to the aggregate of the following items and no more, viz. : — persons other (i) A sum equal to the maximum price permitted by this than the first Order on the occasion of a sale by the first owner, owner, including any increase applicable where the first owner has employed a commission agent. (ii) A sum at the rate of 65. per scheduled barrel or 25. per scheduled case or where apples are sold otherwise than in one of such packages, 10 per cent, on the maximum price, applicable on a sale by the first owner according to the first schedule, and so that in calculating such 10 per cent, no regard shall be paid to any sums added to such maximum price for packages, agent's commission, transport or otherwise. (iii) Any railway, canal or cartage charges incurred in the United Kingdom in relation to the apples, except in so far as the same are included in the price paid to the first owner. (iv) Any tolls, market or delivery charges incurred in the United Kingdom in respect of the apples sold. "* (v) In the cas© of Home-grown Apples where packages h'ave not been provided by the first owner and are provided by the seller a sum in respect of packages in which such apples are sold at the rate authorised by Clause 4 (c) of this Order. (6) The maximum prices prescribed by this clause are fixed on the basis that the apples are delivered ex market or ex ware- house. If the apples are delivered otherwise than ex market or ex warehouse, a corresponding variation shall be made in the maximum price. 7. All the foregoing maximum prices are fixed on the basis Terms of that payment is to be Net Cash within 7 days of delivery, and payment, that moneys then unpaid shall carry interest at a rate not exceed- ing 5 per cent, per annum or Bank rate, whichever should be the higher. 8. {a) Until further notice on the occasion of a sale by retail Retail prices, of any apples the maximum price shall be at the rate applicable under Part 3 of the Schedule to this Order. 254 The Apples (Pfices) Order, 1918. Extension or variation of Order by notice. Prices to be exhibited. Invoice. Artificial transactions. Exception. Penalty. Revocation S.R.&O.,. No. 1200 of 1918. Title and commence- ment. (6) No charge shall be made for packing packages or giving credit or making delivery, except that if apples are delivered at the buyer's request otherwise than at the seller's premises, an additional charge may be made for delivery not exceeding a sum at the rate of id. per lb. or any larger sum actually and properly paid by the seller for such delivery. (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Order apples may be sold by retail otherwise than by weight, provided that the maximum price is not exceeded and provided that the seller weighs the apples if so required by the buyer. (d) In calculating the price on a sale under this clause any broken ^d. shall count as a ^d. 9. The Food Controller may from time to time by notice under this Order vary the prices mentioned in the Schedule to this Order. 10. Every person selling apples by retail shall keep prominently displayed in his premises, or in the case of sales from a cart, stall or barrow (on the cart, stall or barrow) in a conspicuous position so as to be easily readable by his customers throughout the whole time during which apples are being sold or exposed for sale a notice showing in plain words or figures the maximum retail price of apples for the time being in force under this Order. 11. Upon any sale of apples by or through the agency of a first owner or other person selling apples by wholesale where the price includes any sum added by virtue of sub-clause (c) of Clause 4 and sub-clauses (b) and (c) of Clause 5 and sub-clause (a) of Clause 6 of this Order, the seller shall, if required by the buyer, deliver to the buyer an invoice showing the sum or sums so added. 12. A person shall not, in connection with the sale or disposal or proposed sale or disposal of any apples, enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 13. This Order shall not apply to : — (a) The sale or purchase of canned, bottled or preserved apples. (b) The sale of apples by a caterer in the ordinary course of his catering business for consumption on the premises. 14. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 15. The Apples and Perry Pears (Sales) Order, 1918, is hereby revoked as on the 16th December, 1918, without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. 16. (a) This Order may be cited as the Apples (Prices) Order, 1918. (b) This Order shall come into force on the 16th December, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 4th December, 1918. The Apples {Prices) Order, 1918. 255 The Schedule. Part I. - Home-grown Apples — First Owner's Price, 585. 4dZ. per cwt. . Note. — Packages may be charged as providedl by tbe Order. Part II Imported Apples. First Owner* s Prices. When sold in packages. Maximum price at the rate of 1. Nova Scotian Apples sold in barrels con- taining not less than 112 lbs 2. Canadian and Maine Apples sold in barrels containing not less than 130 lbs. ... 3. Virginian and Western States Apples sold in barrels containing not less than 130 lbs. 4. British Columbian Apples sold in a case containing not less than 38 lbs 5. Washington Apples sold in a case containing not less than 38 lbs. 6. Californian Apples sold in a case containing not less than 38 lbs. 7. Oregon Apples sold in a case containing not less than 38 lbs 8. Any variety of Imported Apples sold other- wise than in the packages mentioned above. s. d. 58 4 per barrel. 67 8 per barrel. 67 8 per barrel. 19 9 per case 19 9 per case 19 9 per case] 19 9 per case 56 per cwt. Note. — No additional charge may be made for any package. Part III. Retail Price, 9d. per lb. General Licence under the Dredge Com Order, 1917 ; the Canned Fish {Retail Prices and Distribution) Order, 1918. General Licence, dated November 24, 1918, under the Dredge Corn Order, 1917. 1918. No. 1692. S.B. & O. Notwithstanding the provisions of the above named Order the No. 1182 of Food Controller hereby authorises as from the 1st December, 1917, as 1918, until further notice every producer of such Dredge Corn as ?r^^309of consists of a mixture of cereals grown* together containing more 1918. than one cereal as a main constituent, to use such Dredge Corn for the purpose of feeding his live stock. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 24th November, 1918. The Canned Fish (Retail Prices and Distribution) Order, 1918. Dated the 5th December, 1918. 1918. No. 1603. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Part I. — Prices. Maximum !• («) A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy prices on a or offer to buy any canned fish at prices exceeding the maximum retail sale. prices applicable under this Order. (6) Until the 31st December, 1918, the maximum price applicable on a sale by retail of any canned fish of a class men- tioned in the first column of the Schedule in a container of the kind set opposite such class in the second column shall be at the rate set opposite such class in the third column. (c) After the 31st December, 1918, until further notice, the maximum price applicable on a sale by retail of any canned fish of a class mentioned in the first column of the Schedule in a con- tainer of the kind set opposite such class in the second column shall be at the rate set opposite such class in the fourth column. (d) The Food Controller may from time to time by notice under this Order prescribe other prices for canned fish, whether or not of the classes mentioned in the Schedule, whether on a sale by retail or otherwise and make such provisions as to the labelling thereof as he may deem expedient. The Canned Fish {Retail Prices and Distribution) Order, 1918. 257 2. On a sale by retail of canned fish, no charge may be made Terms of for containers, or for any cases or packages or for giving credit ^^^' or for delivery; except that where at the request of the buyer canned fish is delivered elsewhere than at the seller's premises, a charge may be made for such delivery not exceeding a sum at the rate of J J. per lb., or any larger sum properly and actually paid by the seller for such delivery. 3. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy Canned fish or offer to buy any article as and for canned fish of a class men- }^y^fi , tioned in the first column of the Schedule, unless a label is ^ ^ ® • attached to the container, in which such article is contained ^ bearing such of the words set opposite such class of canned fish in the fifth column as correctly describe the article sold. 4. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence Canned FisK granted by or under the authority of the Food Controller a ®°j^J-^ ^® person shall not sell or offer to expose for sale or buy or offer to certain buy canned fish of a class mentioned in the first column of the containers. Schedule in a container of a kind other than that set opposite such class in the second colunan. 5. Every person selling canned fish by retail shall keep posted Notices, on his premises in a conspicuous position, so as to be clearly visible to all customers throughout the whole time during which canned fish is being sold or exposed for sale, a notice stating in plain words or figures the maximum prices applicable under this Order on a sale of canned fish by retail. Part II. — Distribution. 6. The Food Controller may from time to time prescribe forms Forms of of application and other documents to be used for the purpose of application, obtaining or tor any other purpose connected with any canned ^*c-' ^^7 be fish proposed to be distributed or for the time being in the course Prescribed, of distribution by or under the authority of the Food Con- troller (whether or not such canned fish is of a class men- tioned in the Schedule). Any such form or document may contain instructions to be observed as to the completion of the form or document or any other matter. 7. All persons concerned shall in the completion of any such Completion form or document and in the distribution, disposal, sale or use of ®f forms of canned fish comply with the instructions and directions relative application, thereto for the time being in force. e c. 8. A person shall not : — FsA&e (a) Knowingly make or connive at the making of any false statements, or misleading statement in any application or other document prescribed pursuant to this Order or used for the purpose of obtaining, or in connection with the purchase or sale of or for any other purpose connected with canned fish ; or (6) Forge or alter any such application or other document; or (c) Personate or falsely represent himself to be a person to whom any such application or other document applies ; or 6540 I 258 The Canned Fish {Retail Prices and Distribution) Order, 1918. (d) Obtain canned fish where any statement made on the relative application is false in any material particu- lar, or deliver canned fish under any such application, where he has reason to believe that any statement in such application is false in any material particular. Forms. 9. Any form of application, direction or other document pur- porting to be prescribed pursuant to this Order or headed Canned Fish (Eetail Prices and Distribution) Order, 1918, and any form of application, direction or other document headed ^' Canned Fish Distribution Scheme'* shall, unless the contrary be proved, be deemed to be prescribed pursuant to this Order. Artificial transactions. Interpreta- tion. Exception. Penalty. Title and extent of order. Part III. — General. 10. A person shall not in connection with the sale or disposal or proposed sale or disposal of any canned fish enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 11. For the piirposes of this Order: — The expression '* Canned Fish " shall include such fish or fish products, which are of a kind mentioned in the Schedule or to which this Order for the time being applies, as are packed in a tin, glass or jar. 12. This Order shall not apply to sales of canned fish by a caterer in the ordinary course of his catering business as part of a meal. 13. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 14. (a) This Order may be cited as the Canned Fish (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. 1918. (b) This Order shall come into force on the 16th December, By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 5th December, 1918. The Canned Fish {Retail Prices and Distribution) Order, 1918. 259 TJ Ji " 5- -^ g s :; ^ d 2 i o a 3 .3 to 2 o d o g 1 o d o O o s 1 o o ^-—A— -^ -* w^V-i*^ \ ^ —^ /— ^-A.-—^ .s fl -4-3 ^ .^ i~ ^ ^ a ^4 " " " :; s *''■'" !3 (U P^ "o (D O .2 . HM-4N -fc« 'E^ ■^ ->* t- o -^ t- o CO CO Oi CO CO O-H^ Pm T—i T-H T— ^ s «^00 T-( o o o ce > — -; -4^ -M n:3 '&b'« "Sd^ ■il qn o cc o -2 q=l 03 a 'o d H^ d z3 aa X X X an CO cc CO S^ Q^ 'C CC d 3 «^§ «i§ p a ^ V— V-iw .d 0.^ 03 ro 5 : ^ 8 °"^pq o cS S! SR o > g d d g 3 .s s 1 i O a -^ Ph authority of the Food Controller, or sell potatoes by retail unless he holds a certificate of registration as a retail dealer for the time being in force granted by a Food Committee. Provided that this clause shall not prevent a wholesale dealer from selling direct to consumers in quantities of not less thpn 1 ewt. (b) Except a grower selling his own potatoes a person shall not sell potatoes as or for seed unless he hold a certificate of registration as a dealer in seed potatoes. 11. A person registered as a wholesale dealer or a retail dealer Dealings to shall not sell any potatoes in contravention of the conditions, if °® ^^ accord- 1 i 1 • i-n . ance with any, endorsed on his certificate. conditions. 12. (a) A retail dealer (unless registered as a hawker or coster- Retail dealer monger) shall not sell potatoes by retail except at a place in to sell only respect of which he holds a certificate of registration as a retail premfses^^^ dealer, but this shall not prevent a retail dealer from selling from 274 The Potatoes {Consolidation) Order No. 2, 1918. Application for registra- tion as a wholesale dealer. Application for registra- tion as a retail dealer. Power to grant new certificates. Manner of application for certificate. Form of certificate. Revocation of certificates. his cart in the ordinary course of his business. A retail dealer registered as a hawker or costermonger shall sell only from his- cart, stall or barrow and at such other place, if any, as may h& named in his certificate. (b) A retail dealer who carries on his business (including the selling of potatoes by retail) at more than one shop or place may receive a separate certificate of registration in respect of each such shop' or place. (c) A hawker or costermonger shall be so described in h.is certificate. 13. Applications for a certificate of registration as a wholesale dealer are to be made to the Food Controller, and may be granted and revoked in such circumstances as he shall think fit. 14. Applications for a certificate of registration as a retail dealer are to be made, in the case of a retail dealer other than a hawker or costermonger, to the Food Committee tor the area in which his premises are situated (in cases where the retail dealer is applying in respect of premises situated in more than one area,. separate applications being made in each area in respect of the premises situated therein), and in the case of a hawker or coster- monger, to the Food Committee for the area in which he resides at the time of such application. 15. A Food Committee may in any case in which in their opinion it is desirable so to do in the interest of the public within their area, with the consent of the Food Controller, grant to any person a certificate of registration as a retail dealer in respect of any premises within their area, or as a costermonger or hawker, and unless they see any good reason to the contrary they shall without any such consent grant an appropriate certificate to every applicant who has served in the Forces of the Crown during the present war and before so serving was carrying on business as a retail potato dealer within their area. 16. Every application for a certificate of registration shall be made on a form to be prescribed by the Food Controller, and every applicant shall furnish upon such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing the form, which state- ment shall be signed by the applicant or his duly authorised agent. 17. Every certificate of registration shall be in the form pre- scribed by the Food Controller. 18. (a) The Food Committee may, witli the consent of the Food Controller, revoke any certificate of registration granted by them if they are satisfied that any of the provisions of an Order or regulation or direction made or given by or under the authority of the Food Controller relating to potatoes, or to any other article which the holder is entitled to sell by reason of his being the holder of the certificate, has not been observed by the holder of such certificate or any of his servants or agents, and shall revoke such certificate if required so to do by the Food Controller. (b) The Food Controller may revoke any such certificate in such circumstances as he shall think fit. The Potatoes {Consolidation) Order No. 2, 1918. . 275 19. The Food Committee shall keep a register of the persons Register of to whom, and the premises in respect of which certificates of certificates, registration have been granted by them under this Order. 20. In the event of the transfer of any business in connection Transfer of with which a certificate of registration is held, or in the event business. of the death of the holder of a certificate of registration, it shall be lawful for the transferee or other person claiming under the holder of such certificate, on making an application for a certificate of registration, to sell and deal in potatoes from the date of such application until the decision thereon is intimated by the Food Controller, in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as the holder of such certificate was entitled to deal by virtue thereof. 21. The holder of any certificate of registration, his servants Information and agents, shall give to the Food Committee such information, ?". ^^^P^^- reports and returns relating to his stocks of potatoes and dealings in potatoes as the Food Controller or Food Committee may from time to time require, and shall produce all books, documents and accounts relating thereto for inspection on lawful demand. 22. Every certificate of registration as a wholesale dealer shall Preservation be kept by the holder at his only or principal place of business, *"^ produc- and every certificate of registration of a retail dealer shall be ce^tiucates kept at the premises to which the same relates, or in the case of a hawker or costermonger shall be carried with him wherever •engaged in selling potatoes, and every certificate shall be produced by the holder on lawful demand. 23. Certificates granted under the Potatoes Order, 191T, and ^^rtSes the Potatoes (Registration of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918, g n ^ q and now in force shall be deemed to have been granted under No. 949 of this Order. 1917, and Part III. — Provisions applicable to Methods of Sale and Prices. No. 555 of 1918. Maximum 24. No potatoes shall pass through the hands of more than two •wholesale dealers, between the grower and the retail dealer, and -all persons concerned shall observe the rules in relation to whole- sale dealings contained in the First Schedule. 25. The maximum price at which ware potatoes of the 1918 orf^g^f"^ crop, other than potatoes sold as or for seed, may be sold by mowers, the grower thereof shall be the prescribed grower's pric6„ Except that a grower of potatoes may sell quantities of less than 1 cwt. to consumers at a price not exceeding Id. per lb. The prescribed grower's price shall be the price applicable ac- cording to the provisions of the Third Schedule, provided that where the potatoes sold are a mixture of potatoes in respect of which there are according to the Third Schedule different pre- scribed grower's prices, the prescribed grower's price for the mixture shall be the lowest of such prices. Where a grower is unable to sell his sound ware potatoes at the prescribed grower's price he may give notice thereof to the Potato Oontrol Committee or Zonal Committee, and such Committee may make arrangements for the purchase thereof by or on behalf of the Food Controller at the prescribed grower's price. 276 The Potatoes {Consolidation) Order No. 2, 1918. Basis of prices and adjustments where the basis is varied. Purchaser may supply labour or transport. Limitation on wholesale dealer's prices. Reckoning of cost to a wholesale dealer. 26. The prescribed grower's price is fixed on the basis : — (i) that the potatoes are either loaded by the seller into trucks at the seller's railway station, or (at the buyer's option) into a ship or barge not less convenient to the seller than the seller's railway station; (ii) that bags (if required) are supplied by the buyer; and (iii) that no commission is paid. If the potatoes are delivered otherwise than as above, a corre- sponding variation shall be made in the prescribed grower's price and in particular if bags are supplied by the grower, the maxi- mum price shall be increased by a sum of IO5., whether the bags are returnable or not, and if any commission is paid by the grower to a wholesale dealer not exceeding the rate authorised under clause 28 (6) the maximum price shall be increased by the amount of the commission. 27. Upon a sale of his own potatoes by a grower, it may be made a condition of the sale that the buyer supplies any labour required for lifting or otherwise handling the potatoes, or under- taking the carriage of the potatoes from the seller's premises to station, ship, barge or other place of delivery. Provided that by the contract of sale a fair value is based upon the services so agreed to be rendered by the buyer, and in any such case the value so agreed shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Order, to form part of the price paid by the buyer for the potatoes. 28. (a) No wholesale dealer shall, in the four-weekly period ending the 11th January, 1919, or in any succeeding four-weekly period — (i) sell potatoes to another wholesale dealer, except at such prices as secure that the aggregate of the prices charged for potatoes so sold during the four-weekly period in question does not exceed the cost to him of such potatoes by more than an amount representing 45. for every ton of potatoes so sold ; or (ii) sell potatoes to a retail dealer or consumer, except at such prices as secure that such aggregate does not exceed such cost by more than an amount representing IQs. for every ton of potatoes so sold. (&) No wholesale dealer shall sell potatoes as agent on commission at a commission exceeding, in the case of a sale to a wholesale dealer, 45. per ton, or in the case of a sale to a retail dealer or consumer IO5. per ton. 29. The cost of potatoes to a wholesale dealer for tne purpose of the preceding clause shall be reckoned as including the follow- ing items and no more, viz. : — (a) The price actually paid or payable or, by virtue of clause 27, deemed to have been paid by him for the potatoes, including the authorised charge for bags where the potatoes are bought by him already bagged. (6) A sum not exceeding IO5. per ton for bags where the potatoes are bought by him unbagged and bags (whether returnable or not) are supplied by him ; The Potatoes {Consolidation) Order No. 2, 1918. 277 (c) Any reasonable costs of transportation (including marine insurance) or cartage borne by bim in respect of tbe potatoes ; and (d) Any market cbarges or port dues paid or payable by bim in respect of tbe potatoes. 30. Tbe maximum prices wbicb may be cbarged by a retail dealer on a sale of potatoes sball vary according to tbe prices actually paid for tbe potatoes by tbe retail dealer and sball be in accordance witb tbe scale set out in tbe Fourtb Schedule. Where tbe price so paid by tbe retail dealer includes bags tbe sum of Qd. per cwt. sball be deducted from tbe price so paid in ascertaining tbe retailer's buying price for tbe purposes of tbe Fourth Schedule. 31. Tbe cost of potatoes to a retail dealer for the purpose of the preceding clause shall be reckoned as including the following items and no more, viz. : — (a) The actual price paid for tbe potatoes by the retail dealer ; (6) any sums actually paid or payable by the retail dealer for the carriage of the potatoes, (c) Where the potatoes are carted by tbe retail dealer to his premises a reasonable sum, not exceeding 55. per ton, in respect of such cartage. 32. A retail dealer, if be is ready and willing to sell potatoes over the counter at prices not exceeding the maximum prices applicable under this Order, may in addition to the foregoing prices make such charges as may be agreed between him and the purchaser for the delivery of potatoes ordered for delivery at the purchaser's premises, not exceeding 2d. for any quantity not exceeding one stone with a further penny for each further half stone or part of a half stone so delivered. No charge may be made for packing, packages or giving credit. 33. Where potatoes of which tbe cost to the retailer is dif- ferent are mixed for sale, the scale of maximum prices for the mixture shall be the scale applicable to the potatoes the cost of wbicb is lowest. 34. The provisions of this Part are subject to tbe special pro- visions contained in the First Schedule in cases where tbe grower is also a wholesale dealer or a retail dealer, or where a wholesale dealer is also a retail dealer. Part IV. — Undersized and Damaged Potatoes. 35. The following provisions shall apply to all undersized potatoes and to all potatoes sold as damaged potatoes : — (a) The maximum prices at which such potatoes may be sold by any person shall be at the rate of £3 10s. per ton, delivered free on rail, ship or barge, and such cbarges may be made in respect of bags, if supplied by the seller, as are under this Order applicable in the case of a sale of ware potatoes : Provided that a retail dealer may sell any such potatoes in lots not exceeding 14 lbs. at a rate not exceeding ^d. per lb. Retailer to observe maximum prices according to Schedule. Reckoning of retailer's cost prices. Retailer's charge for delivery. Maximum prices where potatoes are mixed. Undersized and damaged potatoes. 278 The Potatoes {Consolidation) Order No. 2, 1918. (6) No such potatoes shall he mixed for purposes of .sale with any other potatoes. (c) Such potatoes shall be expressly sold and invoiced as ** undersized potatoes '' or as *' damaged potatoes " or as ** undersized and damaged potatoes'' with the addition (if the parties think proper) of any further particulars of the damage, and any such potatoes shall not be sold either by a wholesale dealer or by a retail dealer except under the same description, with or without any such addition as aforesaid, and any retail dealer who exposes any such potatoes for sale shall show by a notice prominently displayed in con- nection with such potatoes the description of such potatoes as above. Part V. — Miscellaneous. Exceptional 36. (a) The grower's prices specified in the Third Schedule loss through cover compensation to the grower for wastage and loss, and for damage other deferred delivery. Price, weight and condition are to be deter- wastage niined as at the date when delivery is taken. No grower is entitled to claim further compensation for any losses save those which are quite exceptional in character. (b) No claim for compensation in respect of exceptional loss will be allowed unless the grower satisfies the Food Controller : — (i) that the situation of the clamp was properly chosen ; (ii) that the potatoes were in sound condition when clamped ; and (iii) that due care was exercised in constructing the clamp and in examining the condition of their contents from time to time; and, save in such cases as the Food Controller may otherwise determine, no such claim will be allowed if (1) the grower shall on or after the 1st November, 1918, have contravened the provisions of this Order or of any other Order of the Food Controller for the time being in force relating to potatoes ; or failed to comply with any direction given under this Order or any such Order; or (2) the grower fails to give the earliest possible notice to the Food Controller of apprehended damage (other than normal wastage) or of the occurrence of any such damage or fails to afford all reasonable facilities for inspection. (c) Claims for payment shall be lodged within such time and in such manner and shall be proved by such evidence and shall be made to and determined by such persons and bodies as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe. The decision of any person or body appointed by the Food Controller to act for the purposes of this Order shall be final and conclusive for all purposes, and payments will be made on the basis of such decision accordingly : except that any decision made by any such person or body may at any time be reviewed and, if The Potatoes (Consolidation) Order No. 2, 1918. 279 thought fit, modified or set aside by the Food Controller, not- withstanding that any moneys shall have been paid thereunder. (d) For the purposes of this clause : — The expression " Grower '' means such person as may be determined by or under the authority of the Food Controller to be the grower of the potatoes for the purposes of this clause and subject to any such determination means the person who was on the 1st November, 1918, the occupier of the land on which such potatoes were grown or, if such potatoes have been or shall be sold in the ground, the person to whom such potatoes have been or may be so sold. 3T. For the purpose of ascertaining the time of delivery, potatoes shall be deemed to be delivered when they are first put on rail, barge or ship, or, if not put on rail, barge or ship, when they are removed from the grower's farm in the course of distribution. 38. Every wholesale dealer shall keep accurate records con- taining such particulars as may be necessary for showing whether or not he is complying with the foregoing provisions of this Order and shall make such returns as to his wholesale trade in potatoes as may from time to time be required by the Food Controller or by the Food Committee for any area in which he has a place of business. All such records and relevant documents shall be produced by the dealer on lawful demand. 39. Every retail dealer shall, so long as he shall have any potatoes on sale, display prominently at the shop or otlier place of sale (including his cart, stall or barrow if he is a hawker or coster- monger) a statement or statements showing the prices at which he is selling the potatoes at such shop or place, and when he is selling different potatoes at different prices the statement or statements shall be in such a form or shall be so displayed as to show clearly which are the prices for each lot. 40. Every retail dealer shall keep an account in which he shall regularly and punctually and at the earliest practicable time enter the particulars of all his purchases of potatoes, showing the description of potatoes purchased, the quantity purchased, the price paid or payable for the potatoes, and all sums (if any) paid or payable for the carriage of the potatoes, and he shall in the same account enter the prices per stone, per half stone, and per lb. at which he has sold the potatoes or is offering them for salcr and he shall preserve for not less than three months all invoices^ bills, receipts, and other documents relating to his purchases of potatoes, and he shall on lawful demand produce such account and all such invoices, bills, receipts, and other documents for inspection, and point out which entries in his account and which of the invoices, bills, receipts, or other decuments relate to the potatoes which he has on sale at the time of the demand, and give such other information as to his dealings in potatoes as the person making such demand shall reasonably require. 41. Wherever upon any sale of potatoes the seller supplies and is entitled to charge for bags, he may require a deposit to be paid by the buyer of not exceeding 1^. for each bag, in addition to the sum charged for the use of the bag, which deposit shall be Date of delivery. Records. Prices to be displayed by retailer. Retail dealer to keep records. Deposit on bags. 280 TJie Potatoes {Consolidation) Order No. 2, 1918. Accommo- dation sale?. Invoices. Fictitious transactions. Meaning of " Lawful demand." Interpreta- tion. refunded upon the return of the hag in such condition as is reason- able having regard to its condition when supplied and to ordinary wear and tear in use. Where a buyer is a wholesale dealer he may on re-sale of the potatoes require the amount, if any, of the deposit paid in relation thereto to be re-imbursed to him by the buyer of the potatoes, who shall in that event have the like right as his vendor would have had to repayment of the deposit upon a return of the bags. 42. Nothing contained in this Order shall prevent accommoda- tion sales from one retail dealer to another retail dealer, but the purchasing dealer shall not sell potatoes so purchased by him at prices higher than those at which the selling dealer might have sold them and the purchasing dealer shall upon every such accom- modation sale take from the selling dealer a note of the trans- action showing the scale of highest prices at which the selling dealer might have sold. 43. On every sale of potatoes except to consumers, the seller shall furnish the buyer with documents, invoices and receipts giving full particulars of the variety or varieties and of the quantities sold and the prices paid or payable. 44. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or offer to buy any potatoes at prices exceeding the prices applicable under this Order, or in connection with the sale or disposal of any potatoes enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make any false representation as to the variety to which any ware potatoes belong. 45. Whenever in this Order or any Schedule hereto any person is required to produce any documents or class of documents, or give any information on lawful demand, he shall produce or give the same at all reasonable times and places on demand of any officer or constable of police, or any person authorised by the Food Controller or Food Committee to make such demand either particularly or as holding any office or position, and either generally or in the particular case. 46. For the purpose of this Order ^* A wholesale dealer" means a person who is the holder of a certificate of registration as a wholesale dealer in potatoes for the time being in force granted under the authority of the Food Controller. ** A retail dealer " means a person who is the holder of a certificate of registration as a retail dealer in potatoes for the time being in force granted under the authority of the Food Controller. "A Food Committee" means a Food Control Committee constituted by or under the authority of the Food Controller. " Ware potatoes " means (i) as regards potatoes grown in any district mentioned in the Second Schedule, potatoes which will not pass through a riddle having the mesh specified in the Schedule as applicable to the district or such other mesh as may by notice be determined by the Food Controller. The Potatoes {Consolidation) Order No. 2, 1918. 281 (ii) as regards potatoes grown in Scotland or Ireland potatoes which, will not pass through a riddle having a If inch mesh. ^' Undersized potatoes " means any potatoes other than ware potatoes. *' His own potatoes," with reference to a grower of potatoes, means the potatoes grown by such grower. 49. Infringements of this Order are summary oSences against Penalty. the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 50. This Order shall not (except clause 3 hereof) apply to Cooked cooked, dried or evaporated potatoes. or dried potatoes. 51. Parts I and II of this Order shall apply to all potatoes, but Exception of otherwise this Order shall not apply to potatoes sold as or for s®®<^- 52. The Potatoes (Consolidation) Order, 1918, is hereby t?®^''^^" „ revoked, but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of o° n'o 1428 any contravention thereof. of' 1918. 53. (a) This Order may be cited as the Potatoes (Consolidation) Title and Order (No. 2), 1918. ®^*ent. (h) This Order shall apply only to England and Wales. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 12th December, 1918. Schedule I. Rules for restricting wholesale dealings and adjusting the terms of the Order to the case of wholesale dealers who are also growers or retail dealers. 1. In this Schedule: — Definitions. *' Grower-dealer " means a grower of potatoes who is also a wholesale dealer. '* Wholesale and Retail Dealer " means a person who is a wholesale dealer and also a retail dealer. 2. A wholesale dealer shall not re-sell to or through the agency j^-q sale to a of another wholesale dealer (whether or not such other dealer is third whole- also a retail dealer) any potatoes which he has himself bought sale dealer. or agreed to buy from a Potato Control Committee or from a wholesale dealer or from a grower-dealer selling either as a wholesale dealer or through a wholesale dealer on commission. 282 The Potatoes {Consolidation) Order No. 2, 1918. Dealers to keep separate the potatoes which they may not re- sell to whole- sale dealers. Wholesale and retail dealer's purchases for retail account. Wholesale and retail dealer may sell from wholesale to retail department. Sales as grower. Sales by a grower- dealer as dealer. 3. Every wholesale dealer shall keep the potatoes which he is at liberty to re-sell to a wholesale dealer separate from those which he is not at liberty so to re-sell, and shall keep separate accounts in relation to the two classes of potatoes and also in relation to the potatoes in respect of which his maximum profit is to be calculated at the rate of 10s. per ton from those in respect of which his maximum profit is to be calculated at the rate of 45. per ton, and shall cause his accounts to be kept in such a form as to show clearly from which class the potatoes delivered upon each sale made by him have been taken. 4. A wholesale and retail dealer may as respects any potatoes bought by him treat the purchase (and enter the same in his books) as made by him for the account of his retail trade, or transfer any part of a purchase at cost price to the account of his retail trade. In every such case the potatoes so dealt with shall be disregarded in applying the provisions of clause 28 of this Order, and the transaction shall be dealt with in the account relating to the dealer's retail trade as if he had not been also a wholesale dealer. 5. A wholesale and retail dealer may also and in the alterna- tive treat any potatoes as sold by his wholesale business or department to his retail business or department at any price and on any terms which would have been permissible under this Order as between him and a retail dealer buying such potatoes from him and in that case: — (a) In the application of clauses 28 and 38 of this Order the potatoes shall be treated as having been sold by the dealer at that price and on those terms in the course of his wholesale business; and (b) in determining the maximum prices that may be charged for the potatoes on the sale thereof by retail such potatoes shall be treated as having been purchased by the dealer at that price and on those terms in the course of his retail business. 6. Where a grower-dealer sells his own potatoes as grower the sale shall be subject to the provisions applicable under this Order to a sale by a grower. 7. Where a grower-dealer sells his own potatoes as a whole- sale dealer the sale shall be subject as respects price and condi- tions of sale to the provisions applicable under this Order to a sale by a grower, except that the maximum price shall be increased by the sum of IQs. per ton in the case of a sale to a retail dealer or consumer and 4^. per ton in the case of a sale to a wholesale dealer, with the addition in either case of any reasonable costs of transportation (including marine insurance) or cartage, and the amount of the market charges and port dues (if any) incurred by the vendor in relation to the potatoes sold, over and above the charges which would have been included in the maximum prices applicable if the sale had been made by him as grower. The Potatoes {Consolidation) Order No. 2, 1918. 283 8. Sales of his own potatoes made by a grower- dealer as a Grower- wholesale dealer shall in his account be kept separate from any dealer to other sales made by him, and shall not be taken into account for a^ountT^f the purpose of clause 28 of this Order. dealings in 9. Where a grower is a retail dealer and is not also a whole- potatoes, sale dealer potatoes appropriated to his retail trade shall be treated as having been purchased by him in the course of his * retail business at the maximum price permissible for such potatoes on a sale to him by the grower. 10. For the purpose of this Schedule every sale of potatoes in Onus of excess of one ton to a single purchaser not being a public institu- P^oof m the tion or body or otherwise known to be a large consumer shall be J^arge^sales deemed to be a sale to a wholesale dealer unless it is proved that in fact — (a) the purchaser is not a wholesale dealer; and (b) the purchaser is either a retail dealer or purchases the potatoes for his own consumption. Schedule II. Zonal Area. Reference Number. Description of Area. P.O. 1 Northumberjand, Durham. P.O. 2 Yorkshire (West Riding). PC. 3 Cumbei land, Westmorland, Cheshire, Lancashire. P.O. 4 Notts, Northants, Rutland, Derby, Leicester. P.O. 5 Hereford, Worcester, Salop, Warwick, Stafford. P.O. 6 London (Postal Area). P.O. 7 Herts, Essex (outside London Postal Area), Middlesex (outside London Postal Area), Bedford. P.O. 8 Surrey (outside London Postal Area), Sussex. P.C. 9 ... Oxford, Wilts, Berks, Hants, Isle of Wight, Bucks. P.O. 10 Devon, Cornwall, Dorset, Gloucester, Somerset. P.C. u Carmarthen, Cardigan, Brecon, Glamorgan, Monmouth, Pembroke, Radnor. Z. 1 Yorkshire (E. Riding). Z. 2 Yorkshire (N. Riding). . Z. 3 Lincoln (Holland). Z. 4 Lincoln (Kesteven) and Soke of Peterboro'. Z. 5 Lincoln (Lindsey). Z. 6 Cambridge and Isle of Ely. Z. 7 Huntingdon. Z. 8 Norfolk and Suffolk. Z. 9 Kent (outside London Postal Area). Z. 10 Anglesey, Flint, Carnarvon, Denbigh, Montgomery, Merioneth. 284 The Potatoes {Consolidation) Order No. 2, 1918. Schedule III. Grower's Price. Part I. Pr'ces for sound ware potatoes of the varieties " King Edward," "Golden Wonder," " Langwoi thy," "What's Wanted," " Maincrop," dressed over the riddles specified below and delivered f.o.r. or f.o.b. in the periods given below. District. Nov. January and February. March. April. May and onwards. Over riddle. Per ton. Per ton. Per ton. Per ton Per ton. Inches. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ «. d. Kent 7 7 10 8 8 10 9 n Surrey 7 7 10 8 8 10 9 n Sussex 8 8 10 9 9 10 10 n Wilts, .Hants, Berks, Bucks and Oxford ... 7 10 8 8 10 9 9 10 u Essex, Herts, Beds and Middlesex 7 7 10 8 8 10 9 u Dorset, Somerset, G-los., Devon and Cornwall... 7 7 10 8 8 10 9 u S. Wales, including Car- marthen, Cardigan, Brecon, Glamorgan, Pembroke, Radnor, and Monmouth 7 7 10 8 8 10 9 li Hereford, Worcester, Warwick, Shropshire and Stafford 6 15 7 5 7 15 8 5 8 15 n Derby, Leicester, Northants, Rutland ... 6 15 7 5 7 15 8 5 8 15 n Nottingham 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 u Soke of Peterboi'o' — From best land 7 7 30 8 8 10 9 If From other land 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 i| Yorkshire — o From best land 7 7 10 8 8 10 9 If From other land 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 ^ Lincolnshire— o From best land 7 7 10 8 8 10 9 ll From other land 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 u Norfolk- o From best land 7 7 10 8 8 10 9 If From other land 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 If Suffolk 7 7 10 8 8 10 9 if Cambridge and Hunts— 2 From best land 7 7 10 3 8 8 10 9 1| From other land 6 5 6 15 7 5 7 15 8 5 l| N, Wales, including An- a glesey, Flint, Carnar- von, Denbigh, Mont- gomery and Merioneth 7 7 10 0| 8 8 10 9 u Lancashire and Cheshire 7 7 10 8 8 10 9 u Northumberland, Dur- ham, Cumberland and i Westmorland 6 15 7 5 0. 7 15 8 5 8 15 n N.B.-" Best land " n leans s ilt. wai •D. limestone and hiffh land clav. The Potatoes {Consolidation) Order No. 2, 1918. Part II. 285 District. Prines for sound ware potf^toes o£ varieties other than "■ King Edward," " Golden Wonder," " Langworthy," " Whats Wanted " " Maincrop " dressed over the riddles specified oelow and delivered f.o.r. or f.o.b. in the periods given below. January May Over riddle. 1 Nov. 1 1 and February. March. April. and onwards. Per ton. Per ton. Per ton. Per ton. Per ton. Inches. £ d. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d £ s. d. Kent 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 li Surrey ... 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 li Sussex ... 7 10 8 8 10 9 9 10 li Wilts, Hants, Berks, Bucks and Oxford ... 7 7 10 8 8 10 9 U Essex, Herts, Beds and Middlesex 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 ^ Dorset, Somerset, Glos., Devon and Cornwall... 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 U S. Wales, including Car- marthen, Cardigan, Brecon, Glamorgan Pembroke, Radnor, and Moumouth ..., 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 U Hereford, Worcester, Warwick, Shropshire and Stafford 6 5 6 15 7 5 7 15 8 5 li Derby, Leicester, North - ants, Rutland | 6 5 6 15 7 5 7 15 8 5 U Nottmgham 6 6 10 7 7 10 8 U Soke of Peterboro'— From best land 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 If From other land 6 6 10 7 7 10 8 If Yorkshire — From best land 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 If From other land 6 6 10 7 7 10 8 If Lincolnshire — From best land 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 If From other land 6 6 10 7 7 10 8 If JMOriOlK — From best land 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 If From other land 6 6 10 7 7 10 8 If Suffolk 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 U Cambridge and Hunts — From best land 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 If From other land 5 15 6 5 6 15 7 5 7 15 1* N. Wales, including An- glesey, Flint, Carnar- vor, Denbigh, Mont- gomery and Merioneth 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 n Lancashire and Cheshire 6 10 7 7 10 8 8 10 u Northumberland, Dur- ham, Cumberland and Westmorland 6 5 6 15 7 5 7 15 8 5 i| If the mesh for ware in any district for which a mesh of li inches is specified be changed to If inches the prices in all cases will be raised by 10/- a ton. N.B. — " Best land " means silt, warp, limestone and highland clay. 286 The Cream. Order, 1918. Schedule IV. Scale of Maximum Retail Prices i Highest authorised retail selling price cost per cwt. {see below). footnote 1 over the counter. RetaUers' Rate per Rate per stone for lots Rate per half-stone Rate per lb. cwt. for lots of 14 lbs. or for lots for lot& of 1 cwt. or more, but of 7 lbs. and of less more. less than 1 cwt. ■ morejbutless than 14 lbs than Tibs. .§. d. s. d. S. d. d. d. 1. Any price up to 8. d. 2. Exceeding 6 3 ... 6 3 7 2 1 6 -^ but QOt exceeding 6 7 7 6 1 on 1 1 1 1 1 3. 6 7 6 11 7 10 4. 6 11 7 2 8 1 1 ui 1 2 } 7 J 5. 7 2 7 6 8 5 6. „ 7 6 7 10 8 9 1 n) 1 3 [ 8 ^ 1 7. 7 10 8 1 9 8. 9. 8 1 8 5 8 6 8 8 9 4 9 7 1 H\ 1 4 \ 11 10. „ 8 8 9 9 11 1 4n 1 5 j 1 8i J 11. „ 9 9 4 10 3 12. 9 4 9 8 10 7 1 5n 1 6 1 9 ^ 13. 9 8 10 10 11 14. 10 10 3 11 3 1 en 1 7 j 9i 10 16. 10 3 10 7 11 6 U 16. 10 7 10 11 11 10 1 7n 1 8 s 17. 10 11 11 2 12 1 1«- 19. 11 2 11 6 . •• 11 6 12 5 12 9 1 H\ 1 9 } 10^ J NoTES.—l. The cost to the retailer for the purpose of the above Schedule includes the following items and no more : — (a) The actual price paid for the potatoes by the retail dealer ; {b) any sums actually paid or payable by the retail dealer for the carriage of the potatoes ; (c) where the potatoes are carted by the retail dealer to his premises, a reasonable sum, not exceeding 5s. per ton, in res^pect of such cartage. 2, In cases where potatoes are bought by the retailer, bags included, a sum of 6fZ. per cwt. must be deducted from the actual cost, in order to arrive at the cost for the purposes of the Schedule. For example, if the cost to the retailer of potatoes is 9s. 8f/. per cwt., bags included, the selling price is determined by Ime 11 of the Schedule and not line 12. \ 3. Where potatoes are sold in lots of 1 cwt. or more, the retailer may charge a deposit af Is. per bag in addition to the scheduled price. The Cream Order, 1918. Dated the 16th December, 1918 1918. No. 1659. In exercise of tlie powers conferred npon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all. other powers enabliiig him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except The Cream Order, 1918. 287 Use and sale of cream. under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned. 1. A person shall not use any cream except for the purpose of making butter or for such other purposes as the Food Controller may from time to time authorise; and a person shall not sell, supply or acquire or offer to sell or supply or attempt to acquire ^ny cream except for such purposes. 2. Clause 1 of this Order shall not affect the consumption of Exceptiou fresh cream up to half a pint weekly by children under the age cf five years, or the consumption of fresh cream by invalids or other persons needing cream in the interests of their health, or the sale, supply or acquisition of cream for the purpose of such consump- tion, or with a view to its sale or supply for such consumption; provided that where the cream is to be sold, supplied or acquired for the purpose of such consumption it shall be sold or supplied or acquired only under, and up to the amount specified, and by and to the person named in an authority issued for the purpose by a Food Control Committee, and deposited with the person supplying the cream. 3. All such authorities shall be retained by the person supply- ing cream thereunder, and shall be produced and dealt with by him as directed by any person authorised in that behalf by be required and given. False statements. Revocation. S.R. & 0., No. 1192 of 1917. Title and commence- ment of Order. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridgey Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food, 16th December, 1918. 288 * Directions under the Rationing Order, 1918 ; The Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order, 1918. Directions, dated December 16, 1918, under The Kationing Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1660. S. R. & 0. Ill exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Order No. 894 of and of all other powers enabling- him in that behalf, the Food 1918. Controller hereby prescribes that the scale set out in Clause 20 of the above Order shall as from the 15th December, 1918, be amended so far as regards sugar by the substitution of the words **3/14 oz." for the words *^ 1/7 oz." wherever the last-named words occur. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 16th December, 1918. The Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order, 1918. Dated THE 16th December, 1918. 1918. No. 1661. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued by the Food Controller or Flour Mills Control Committee appointed by the Food Controller, a person shall not manu- facture any wheaten flour other than a straight run flour. 2. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued by or on behalf of the Food Controller, a person shall not mill any wheat, or any article for the time required under this Order to be mixed by a flour miller with wheaten flour, so that the percentage of the extraction of flour obtained from cleaned wheat, ground in his mill, and any such other article ground and mixed during any month or other period is less than the percentage (hereinafter called the prescribed percentage) ascer- tained on the basis of the percentage for the time being appli- cable by any direction given by or under the authority of the Food Controller or the Flour Mills Control Committee appointed by the Food Controller. General Licence under the Rationing Order, 1918. 289 2. {a) The Food Controller or the Flour Mills Control Com- mittee may from time to time issue directions — (i) relating to the mixture in wheaten flour of any other article and the method, time and proportion of such mixture ; (ii) regulating or restricting the use of, sale of, or dealings in imported flour. (6) All such directions shall be obeyed by all persons concerned. 3. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or manu- facture any bread or any other article of food in the manufacture of which any wheaten flour is used unless the wheaten flour used therein is flour which has been manufactured or otherwise dealt with in accordance with the directions of the Food Controller ii) force when such flour was so manufactured or dealt with. 4. For the purposes of any Statute, wheaten flour which hai been mixed with any ingredient in manner authorised by the Food Controller, or Flour Mills Control Committee, and which does not contain any other ingredient, shall be deemed to be exclusively composed of wheaten flour. 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 6. The Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order, 1917, and the S.R. & 0., Manufacture of Flour and Bread Orders (Nos. 2 and 3), 1917, are ^^,%^^' ^f hereby revoked as at the date when this Order comes into force, joiy but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any pre- vious contravention thereof, but so that any licences or directions relating to the manufacture of flour which are in force at the date of this Order shall remain in force and shall have effect as if they had been given under this Order. 7 (a) This Order may be cited as the Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order, 1918. (b) This Order shall come into force on the 23rd December, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 16th December, 1918. General Licence, dated December 18, 1918, under The Rationing Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1666. Notwithstanding the provisions of the above Order and the Directions thereunder : — 1. During the period from the 16th December, 1918, to the 4th January, 1919, inclusive, poultry and game (including rabbits and hares) may lawfully be supplied by a retailer, or as part of a meal by a caterer, without any coupon being required therefor. 6540 K 1918. 290 Order revoking various Orders, 2. Any coupon numbered 8 in the current ration books (other than a meat coupon) shall be available in England and Wales at any time during the week commencing on the 15th December, 1918, as well as during the periods for which such coupon may otherwise be available. 3. In England and Wales any meat coupon numbered 7, and in Scotland any meat coupon numbered 8, shall be valid for double the amount of the value or weight pf butcher's meat, which but for this licence could lawfully have been obtained thereon. 4. For the purposes of the account to be made under Clause 4 of the Directions for Catering Establishments and Institutions dated the 18th October, 1918, for the week ending 22nd December, S.R. & O., 1918, in England and Wales, and the 29th December, 1918, in No.^1332 of Scotland, the Caterer's Official Schedule of Equivalent Weights of Meat shall have effect, as if the amounts in weight set opposite the items numbered 1 and 6 were doubled. 5. For the purposes of the account to be made under Clause 5 of the Directions for Catering Establishments and Institutions for the fortnightly period ending on the 28th December, 1918, in England and Wales, and on the 11th January, 1919, in Scotland, the Institutions Official Schedule of Equivalent Weight® of Meat shall have effect as if the amounts in weight set opposite the items numbered 1 and 6 were increased by one-half. 6. The exemption from Clauses 20 and 21 of the above Order which is contained in Clause 22 thereof as amended shall, during the period between the 16th December, 1918, and the 4th January, 1919, be extended to any catering establishment where no meat meal is served at a 'price exceeding 2s. (excluding the usual charge for beverages). By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 18th December, 1918. Order, dated December 18, 1918, revoking various Orders. 1918. IN-o. 1667. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby revokes the Orders mentioned in the First Column of the Schedule to the extent specified in the Second Column of the Schedule, but so that such revocation shall be without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. By Order of the Food Controller, W. II. Bev Bridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 18th December, 1918. General Licence under the Cattle Feeding Stuffs {Distribution } Order, 1918. The Schedule. Order revoked. Extent to which revoked. S. R. & O., No. 376 of 1917. The Wheat, Rye and Rice (Restriction) Order, 1917, S. R. & O., No. 1029 of 1918. Cereals (Re- striction) Order, 1918. S. R. & O., No. 404 of 1917. Maize, Barley and Oats (Restriction) Order, 1917. S.R. & O., No. 411 of 1918. The Potato (Restriction) Order,, 1918. S. R. & 0., No. 1460 of 1918. The Potatoes (Scotland) Order, 1918 (Clause 3). S. R. & 0., No. 1645 of 1918. The Potatoes (Consolidation) Order, No. 2, 1918. S. R. & O., No. 868 of 1917. The Apricot Pulp and Bitter Oranges Order, 1917. S. R. & O., No. 155 of 1918. The Poultry and Game (Cold Storage) Order, 1918. Only to the extent to which the Order relates to rye and to tailings, dressings and screenings of rye. Only to the extent to which the Order relates to wheat and rye and tailings dress- ings and screenings of these articles. I The whole, except in so far as ■ the manufacture of glucose is I prohibited. j ] So far as concerns the re- strictions on the use of potatoes, other than sound ware potatoes, except the I prohibition on use in the J manufacture of spirits. Only so far as the Order re- lates to apricot pulp. The whole General Licence, dated December 18, 1918, under The Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Distribution) Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1671. Where a person who is named as a supplier in any certificate or certificates granted under the above named Order has supplied or has made provision for the supply of such quantities of the Cattle Feeding Stuffs set out in the Schedule hereto as are men- tioned in every such certificate, he may, without regard to the restrictions iraposed by the above named Order, dispose in such manner as he shall think fit of the residue of such Cattle Feeding Stuffs remaining in his hands, and such Cattle Feeding Stuffs may be acquired by any other person accordingly. By Order of the Food Controller, S.R. & O., No. 1308 of 1918. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 18th December, 1918. 6540 K2 292 The Milk {Local Distribution) Order, 1918. The Schedule, Flour Millers' Offals and Maize Germ Meal. Screenings. Hominy Chop. Barley Millers' Offals. Flaked Maize. Oatmeal Millers' Offals. Brewers' Grains. Grist Meals. Distillers' Grains. Molassed Feeds. Malt Culms. The Milk (Local Distribution) Order, 1918. Dated the 19th December, 1918. 1918. no. 16T2. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Part I. 1. (a) A Food Committee or any person authorised by them may:— - (i) direct any person who in the ordinary course of his busi- ness has been in the habit of supplying or delivering milk by retail in their district from premises within their district, to supply or deliver milk to any con- sumer or class of consumers in priority to any other person; and (ii) where any person has in the course of his business regularly supplied or delivered milk by retail to a consumer in the district from premises outside the district, direct such person to supply or deliver milk to such consumer in priority to any other customer, unless such customer is a person holding a priority certificate for milk issued by or under the authority of a Food Committee ; and (iii) direct any person selling milk by retail within their district to deliver in that district only within such parts thereof as the Committee may from time to time prescribe. (b) Directions given under this clause may be in respect of a class of persons as well as of individual persons, and may prescribe the amount to be supplied under this clause to any person or class of persons. (c) Every person to whom any direction is given under the powers conferred by this clause shall comply with such direction. The Milk {Local Distribution) Order, 1918. 29^ (d) The power conferred by sub-clause (a) (i) may also be exercised in respect of Condensed Milk, Dried Milk and Milk Preparations, but only with, the consent of the Divisional Food Commissioner for the division within which, the district is situate. (e) In exercising the powers contained in this clause a Food Committee shall observe any instructions from time to time given by the Food Controller or by the Divisional Food Commissioner, but the validity of any such direction shall not be questionable on the ground that such instructions have not been complied with. (/) Sub-clauses (i) and (ii) of Clause 14 (a) of the Milk S.R. & 0.. (Winter Prices) Order, 1918, are herebj^ revoked, without ^pre- J^^Vo^''^^ *^^ judice to any proceedings in respect of any previous contraven- tions thereof, and so that all directions given thereunder shall continue in force and have effect as if given under this clause. Part II. 2. Where a Food Control Committee resolves, with the pre- vious consent in writing of the Divisional Food Commissioner for the Division within which the district is situate, to apply this part of this Order in their district, the following provisions of this part of this Order shall have effect : — (a) A person residing in the district shall not obtain or attempt to obtain any milk for household consumption except — (i) From the retailer with whom he is registered for the purpose in accordance with any instructions of the Cominittee ; and (ii) In compliance with any instructions that may be given by the Committee. (h) A retailer shall not supply or offer to sujDj^ly any milk for household consumption to any person residing within the district except to a j^erson who is so regis^ tered with him, and in compliance with any such instructions. (c) A retailer shall not supply or offer to supply from any premises situate in the district, or from any cart or barix)w used for the purposes of delivering- milk from those jj remises, any milk for household consump- tion to any person residing outside the district except to a person who is so registered with him and in compliance with any such instructions. 3. Where a Food Committee have prescribed a maximum amount of milk which nmj be obtained hj any person for house- hold consumption in any specified period, not more than such * amount may in the period so specified be supplied by the dealers affected by Clause 2 to any of the customers for the time being registered for the purposes of that claiise. 4. No retailer shall in any specified period supply or offer to supply to any customer within or without the district more than the specified amount, if any. 6 -.40 U 8 294 The Milk {Local Distribution) Order, 1918. 6. Tlie specified amount and specified period shall be tlie amount and period, if any, specified by tbe Committee, but so that the amount so specified shall not exceed such amount as may from time to time be fixed by the Divisional Food Com- missioner for the purpose. 6. Until the contrary be proved, it shall be presumed that milk supplied or offered or attempted to be supplied or obtained is supplied, obtained or offered or attempted to be supplied or obtained for household consumption. 7. The Committee may, with the consent of the Divisional Food Commissioner, cause to be used for the purposes of this Oilier in accordance with any instructions of the Committee any Ration Book or other Ration document issued under the Ration- ing Order, 1918. 8. Milk may be obtained for the purposes of a Catering Establishment, Institution or Residential Establishment within the district only : — (a) From the retailer or other dealer with whom the Cater- ing Establishment or Institution is registered for the purpose under this Order and in accordance with any directions of the Committee; and (b) Where an authority is issued hj the Committee for the purpose of this clause, only under and in accordance with such authority. 9. A person shall not make or knowingly connive at the mak- ing of any false statement in any application, return, or other document made in connection with or for any of the purposes of this Order, or make or knowingly connive at the making of any false statement for the purpose of obtaining any milk or obtain or attempt to obtain any milk where any such false state- ment on the relative application or return has been made. 10. The Committee may by instructions require any person who sells or delivers milk by retail within their area, and who is S.R. & O. not registered pursuant to the Milk (Registration of Dealers) ^^o-24of Order, 1918, with that Committee, to be registered with them amend^ by ^^ ^^^^ manner as they may think fit, and all such instructions No. 1306 of shall be complied with. 11. Eveiy retailer with whom persons in the district of a Com- mittee are registered for the supply of milk shall, as and when required by a Food Committee, furnish such particulars relating to his registered customers and his dealings in, and stocks of, milk, as may be required, 12. For the purposes of this part of this Order : — '* Retailer " shall include any person supplying milk by retail. '* Milk " shall include, in addition to milk ordinarily so called, butter milk, separated milk and skimmed milk, but does not include condensed milk, dried milk, or milk pre* parations. 1918. Directions to Manufacturers and Iraporters of and Wholesale 295 Dealers in Canned Condensed Milk, under the Condensed Milk (Distribution) Order, 1918. '* Catering Establishment," '' Institution " and " Residential Establishment" shall severally have the same meanings as they have in the Rationing Order, 1918. Part III. 13. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 14. (a) This Order may be cited as the Milk (Local Distribu- tion) Order, 1918, and shall come into force on the 1st January, 1919. (6) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 19th December, 1918. Directions, dated December 20, 1918, to Manufacturers and Importers of and "Wholesale Dealers in Canned Con- densed Milk, under The Condensed Milk (Distribution) Order, 1918. 1918. No. 1691. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Order s.R. & O., and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food No. 174 of Controller hereby orders and directs that the following directions 1^^^- as to the disposal of Canned Condensed Milk, hereinafter called Condensed Milk, shall be obeyed by all persons concerned : — 1. Except as provided by clause 6 of these directions a Manu- facturer or Importer of Condensed Milk shall not dispose of any Condensed Milk entrusted to him for distribution by or on behalf of the Food Controller except to those wholesale dealers or retailers who habitually obtained supplies of Condensed Milk from him during the year 1917, and who have duly nominated him in an official application form as the source or partial source of their supplies. 2. A Manufacturer or Importer of Condensed Milk shall dispose of such milk to the wholesaler or retailer on the terms that payment is to be made within one month in nett cash. The price shall be a price of 65. per case less than the maximum price 6540 K 4 Directions to Manufacturers and iTnporters of and Wholesale Dealers in Canmed Condensed Mill', under the Condensed Milk (Distribution) Order, 19.18. for the time being applicable to sales of like Condensed Milk by retail, with, where appropriate, the following reductions: — (a) Where delivery is made by the manufacturer or importer carriage paid to the wholesale dealer's premises for redistribution to retailers in not less than 10 case lots, the price shall be reduced by the sum of 25. a case. (6) Where delivery is made by the manufacturer or importer carriage paid upon the wholesaler's instructions to the wholesaler's customer the price shall be reduced by Is. 4d. a case. (c) Where tho manufacturer or importer issues a Delivery Order at store or landing wharf : — (i) to a wholesaler the price shall be reduced by 25. 4:d. a case; (ii) to a retailer the price shall be reduced by id. per case. 3. A manufacturer or importer shall pay to the Ministry of Food in respect of Condensed Milk distributed by him to whole- salers or retailers, in accordance with Clause 2 hereof, the price at which he is to sell the same to such wholesalers and retailers, less an allowance in the case of manufacturers of 55. per case and, in the case of importers of 45. per case. Such allowance is to cover any credit given and any allowances made under sub-clauses (a), (b) and (c) of Clause 2. Payment is to be made to the Ministry of Food as follows : — 90 per cent, against Delivery Order and the balance one month after the date of the Delivery Order. 4. The Manufacturer or Importer shall take all risks (including Insurance risks) pertaining to the Condensed Milk from the date of receipt of Delivery Order. 5. In no case is the storage rent payable by the Ministry of Food to exceed 7 days from the date of the issue of the Delivery Order. 6. A Manufacturer or Importer who is also a wholesaler, and who has a retail business and has been accustomed to sell Con- densed milk both wholesale and retail, may continue to do so, but upon Condensed Milk sold by him in his own retail shop he will be entitled only to the retailer's profit of 65. per case. Id such cases application for all the Condensed Milk required should be made on the Manufacturer's or Importer's Form (Green), and the wholesale and retail quantities shown separately. A separate application must also be made on the Retailer's (Buff) Form for the quantity required for applicant's retail trade. Both these application Forms should be securely attached to each other. 7. The Manufacturer or Importer shall take delivery of such Condensed Milk as may be allotted to him at the place most con- venient to the Ministrv of Food. Order amending the Edible Offals {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. 297 8. Except as provided by clause 10 of these directions, a whole- sale dealer shall not sell Condensed Milk received by him from manufacturers or importers except to retailers who have nominated him on an official application form as the source or partial source of their supplies. 9. Such sales shall be made on the terms that payment is made in net cash within one month, and that delivery is made to the retailer's premises free of cost to the retailer. The price shall be a price of 65. per case less than the maximum price for the time being applicable to retail sales of Condensed Milk, except that where delivery is made in a quantity of one case or under an addition of \\d. per dozen tins may be made to such price. 10. A Wholesaler, who has also a retail business and has been accustomed to sell Condensed Milk both wholesale and retail, may continue to do so. On Condensed Milk sold by him wholesale he will receive only the Wholesaler's allowance; on Condensed Milk sold by retail in his own shops he shall be entitled only to a profit of Ihd. per tin. 11. These directions shall come into force on the 1st January, 1919, and shall as from that date supersede all previous direc- tions as to the disposal and use of Canned Condensed Milk. 12. Failure to comply with these directions is a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. By Order of the Food Controller, W , H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. . 20th December, 1918. Note. — Apart from any penalties incurred under the Defence of the Realm Regulations by reason of infringements of these Directions, offenders are liable to have their supplies of Condensed Milk suspended. Order amexdixg the Edible Offals (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. Dated the 20th December, 1918. 1918. jS'o. 1693. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that the Edible Offals (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918 (hereinafter called the 298 Order amending the Edible Offals {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. Principal Order), as subsequently amended shall be amended a5 follows : — 8.R. & O., 1. The existing First and Second Schedules to the Principal ^^^k'^lfat Order shall, as from the 29th December, 1918, be amended a^ follows : — {a) There shall be substituted in each of the said Schedules for the maximum prices of tripe, as specified in the Schedules, the following maximum prices : — Tripe, Reed and Roll, or either of them, raw, cleaned and scraped and ready for boiling. Tripe, Reed and Roll, or either of them, cooked ... All other Tripe, Reed and Roll Maximum Wholesale Price. Maximum Retail Price. Per lb. «. d. 1 2 1 2 1 2 (b) There shall be inserted in each of the said Schedules a& the maximum prices for Thin Skirts : — Maximum Wholesale Price. Maximum Retail Price. Thin Skirts Per lb. s. d. 1 4 By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food, 20th December, 1918. Order amending the Meat {MaximuTn Prices) Order, 1917. 29i Order amending the Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. Dated the 20th day of December, 1918. 1918. No, 1694. In exercise of tlie powers conferred upon him by tlie Defence of tlie Realm Eegulations and of all other powers enabling bim in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that the Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917 (hereinafter called the Principal Order), as subsequently amended shall be amended as follows: — 1. The Schedule to this Order shall as from the 29th December, 1918, be substituted for the Schedule to the Principal Order. s R & O 2. The Order, dated the 20th September, 1918, amending the Nos'. 903, 94.- Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, is hereby revoked, but of 1917. without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contra- S.R. & O., vention thereof. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 20th December, 1918. Schedule of Maximum Wholesale Meat Prices. The price in each case is per stone of 8 lbs. Beef. Yeal. Mutton and Lamb. Pork. Home- killed. Imported. Home-killed and imported. Home-killed and imported. Home-killed and imported. Carcase. 8. d. 9 6 Hind Quarters. s. d. 10 7 i Fore Quarters. ; Carcase. s. d. s. d. 8 5 8 Carcase. 8. d. 10 Carcase. s. d. 10 8 Note. — In ascertaining weights, the offals are to be excluded. In the case of pork, other than imported pork, the maximum rate of lOs. 8 d q rising the supply of sugar to a person for the purpose of a manu- -^^ '2.049 of facturing business, shall be valid for double the amount stated 1917, upon the face of such voucher; and all persons concerned are hereby authorised to make and take delivery of and to use such s.R. & 0., a mount of sugar accordingly, notwithstanding anything to the No. 528 of contrary contained in the Sugar (Eestriction) Order, 1918. ^^^^• By Order of the Food Controller, /. Field Beale, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 31st December, 1918. Directions for Retailers of Bacon and Ham, and Lard, and their Customers, viider the Rationing Order, 1918. Directions for Retailers of Bacon and Ham, and Lard, AND THEIR CUSTOMERS, UXDER THE RATIONING OrDER, 1918. Dated the 31st December, 1918. 1918. No. 1795. In exercise of the powei s reserved to him by the above Order* and all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Con- troller hereby orders and directs that the following directions relating to the supply of uncooked bacon and ham and lard by retailers shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. For the purposes of these directions : — "Retailer" means with respect to any of the above foods, a retailer thereof. " Bacon and ham " means uncooked bacon and ham. " Emergency Customer " means a person hold'ng and producing at the time of purchase a soldier's or sailor's leave or duty ration book, a demobilization ration book, a traveller's ration book or an emergency ration cafd which is not marked with the name of another retailer of bacon and ham. A person in respect of whom a visitor's declaration form ha& been handed to and lawfully accepted by a retailer is deemed to be registered with that retailer during the period for which the form is valid. 2. A retailer may supply bacon and ham, and lard, only — (a) to his registered customers ; or (b) to emergency customers without registration (if he has more than sufficient supplies for his registered cus- tomers). 3. A person may obtain bacon and ham and lard only from the retailer with whom he is registered for the purpose. This restriction does not apply to an emergency customer. 4. Bacon and ham and lard may be supplied without the surrender of any coupon. 5. A retailer shall so deal with his supplies (so far as the same permit) as to supply, when so required, to each customer at least 2 ozs. of lard per week, or such other amount as may from time to time be prescribed by the Food Controller. 6. These directions do not affect sales to Residential Establish- ments, Catering Establishments or Institutions in accordance with the special directions for such establishments, or sales on a seaman'& card in accordance with any directions issued for such sales. 7. Failure to comply with any of these directions is a summary offence under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 8. The Directions for Retailers of Bacon and Ham, dated the 29th July, 1918 (S.R. & O., No. 957 of 1918), are hereby revoked without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contraveiition thereof. By Order of the Food Controller, J. Field Beale, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 31st December, 1918. 309 ORDERS MADE BY THE LOCAL GOVERN- MENT BOARD AND BY THE SECRE- TARY FOR SCOTLAND ANCILLARY TO THOSE OF THE FOOD CONTROLLER. ORDERS MADE BY THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD. Order of the Local Government Board, dated August 9, 1918, UNDER Article 59 of the Rationing Order, 1918 prescribing Form of Requisition for Copy Certificate of Birth. 1918. No. 102T. 65,021 To all Superintendent Reg-istrars and Registrars of Births and Deaths in England and Wales : — And to all others whom it may concern. Whereas by virtue of Article 59 of the Rationing Order, 1918, made by the Food Controller under the Defence of the Realm Regulations, We, the Local Government Board, are empowered to prescribe, as regards England and Wales, the form of written requisition which shall entitle a person to obtain, on payment of a fee of sixpence, a certified copy of the entry of the birth of an individual in the birth register : Now therefore. We, in pursuance of Our powers in that behalf, hereby Order and Prescribe that the requisition to be made to entitle any person to obtain a certified extract from an entry of a registry of birth under Article 59 of the Rationing Order, 1918, shall be in the Form set forth in the Schedule to this Order. Schedule. Ministry of Food. To the Superintendent Registrar or the Registrar of Births and Deaths : — I hereby apply for an Extract from the Entry of the Birth of the person named below : — Surname Maiden Surname (in case of married woman) Christian Names {in full) Date of Birth (Month) (Day of Month) (Year) Place of Birth Name of Father Orders made by the Local Government Board. Name of Mother Maiden Surname of Mother Applicant's Signature Applicant's Address to which Extract should be sent. Date Given under the Seal of Office of the Local Government Board, this Ninth day of August, in the year One thousand nine hundred and eighteen. L.s. W . Hayes Fisher, President. Walter T. J erred, Assistant Secretary. The Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 4), 1918, MADE BT the LoCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD. 1918. No. 1137. 65,027 To the County Councils of the several Administrative Counties in England and Wales ; — To the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common Council assembled; — To the Councils of the several Metropolitan Boroughs, Muni- cipal Boroughs, and other Urban Districts in England and Wales; — To the Councils of the several Rural Districts in England and Wales; — To the Council of the Isles of Scilly ; — And to all others whom it may concern. Whereas by Regulation numbered 2j of the Defence of the Realm Regulations it is among other things provided that We, the Local Government Board, may, by arrangement with the Food Controller, confer and impose on any local authorities and their officers any powers and duties in connection with the enforcement of certain of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and any powers and duties necessary to provide for the due dis- charge of any functions assigned to local authorities by any Order made by the Food Controller under the said Regulations; Orders made by the Local Government Board, And whereas by the Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (JSo. 2), 1918, and by the Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (^o. 3), 1918 (herein-after together referred to as " the Prin- cipal Orders"), made in pursuance of Regulation numbered 2j of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, We conferred and imposed upon every Local Authority to whom the Principal Orders or either of them applied, and upon such of their officers as they might designate or appoint for the purpose, the powers and duties necessary to provide for the due discharge within their District, in conformity with the Defence of the Realm Regulations, of the functions assigned to those Local Authorities by the National Kitchens Order, 1918, as amended by an Order made by the Food Controller, and dated the 16th day of July, 1918 : Now therefore, in pursuance of Our powers in that behalf, and by arrangement with the Food Controller, We hereby Order as follows : — Article 1. — (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Principal Orders or either of them, any Local Authority to whom the Principal Orders or either of them applies may, without Our further sanction in the matter, enter into arrangements with the Food Controller (1) for the advance by the Food Controller to the Local Authority of any sum or sums of money for the purpose of defraying any expenses incurred or to be incurred by the Local Authority for any of the purposes authorised by the Principal Orders and by the National Kitchens Order, 1918, as amended as aforesaid, which the Food Controller may determine to be i^roperly chargeable to capital, and (ii) for the repayment by the Local Authority of any such advance by such instalments and within such period as may be agreed. (2) For the purpose of securing the repayment of any sum so advanced, the Local Authority may mortgage any fund or all or any rates or rate out of which the expenses are payable, and Sections 236 and 237 of the Public Health Act, 1875, shall, with the modifications necessary to make them applicable to the circumstances of this Order, apply to any moneys raised on mort- gage uiuler this Order and those sections, modified as aforesaid, shall be re^id as if they were included in and formed part of this Order. Article II. — This Order may be cited as '' The Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 4), 1918.'' Given under the Seal of Office of the Local Government Board, this Seventh day of September, in the year One thousand nine hundred and eighteen. (l.s.) W. Hayes Fisher, President, H. C. Monro, Secretary. Orders made by the Local Government Board, The Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 5), 1918, DATED August 28, 1918, made by the Local Government Board. 1918. No. 1221. 65,029. To the Councils of the several Administrative Counties in England and Wales; — To the Councils of the several County Boroughs in England and Wales; — And to all others whom it may concern. Whereas by Regulation numbered 2j of the Defence of the Realm Regulations it is among other things provided that We, the Local Government Board, may, by arrangement with the Food Controller, confer and impose on any local authorities and their officers any powers and duties in connection with the enforcement of certain of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and any powers and duties necessary to provide for the due discharge of any functions assigned to local authorities by any Order made by the Food Controller under the said Regulations ; And whereas the Food Controller has, in pursuance of the said Regulations, made the Rats Order, 1918 : Now therefore, in pursuance of Our powers in that behalf, and by arrangement with the Food Controller, We hereby Order as follows : — Article I. — In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears : {a) The expression " Local Authority " means, as the case may be, the Council of an Administrative County or the Council of a County Borough ; (/>) The expression "District" means, in relation to a County Council, the area of the Administrative County, and, in relation to the Council of a County Borough, the area of the County Borough. Article II. — We hereby confer and impose upon the Local Authority, and upon such of their Officers as they may designate or appoint for the purpose, (1) the powers and duties necessary to provide for the due discharge within their District, in con- formity with the Defence of ihe Realm Regulations, of the functions assigned to Local Authorities by the Rats Order, 1918, and (2) the power of enforcing that Order within their District, in conformity with the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Article III. — Any expenses incurred by a Local Authority in the execution of this Order shall (1) in the case of a County Council, be defrayed as expenses for general county purposes, or as expenses for special county purposes, as the case requires, and (2) in the case of the Council of a County Borough, be defrayed m like manner as if the expenses had been incurred in the execution of the Public Health Act, 18T5. Orders made by the Local Goxernment Board, 31.^ Article IV. — This Order may be cited as *' The Local Authori- ties (Food Con-trol) Order (No/o), 1918." Given under the Seal of Ofl&ce of the Local Government Board, this Twenty-eighth day of August, in the year One thousand nine hundred and eighteen. (l.s.) W. Hayes Fisher, President. H. C. Monro, Secretary. The Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 2), 191T, Amendment Order, 1918, dated October 29, 1918, made BY the Local Government Board. 1918. IN^o. 1426. 64,976 To the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common Council asembled; — To the Councils of the several Metropolitan Boroughs, Municipal Boroughs and other Urban Districts in England and Wales; — To the Councils of the seA^eral Eural Districts in England and Wales; — To the Council of the Isles of Scilly ; — And to all others whom it may concern. Whereas by the Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 2), 191T (herein-after referred to as '^ the Principal Order "), made in pursuance of Regulation numbered 2j of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, We, the Local Government Board, con- ferred and imposed upon every Local Authority as therein defined, and upon such of their officers as they might designate or appoint for the purpose, the powers and duties necessary to provide for the due discharge within their District, in conformity with the Defence of the Realm Regulations, of the functions assigned to Local Authorities by the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, made by the Food Controller; And whereas the Food Controller has, in pursuance of the said Regulations, made the Joint Food Control Committees (Constitu- tion) Order, 1918, amending the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, and an Order, dated the 5th day of October, 1918, amending the Food Control Committees (Con- stitution) Order, 1917, and the Joint Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1918: Orders m be sent. ) Date. (l.S.) Robert Mnnro, His Majesty's Secretary for Scotland. Scottish Office, Whitehall. 8th September, 1918. The Local Authorities (Food foe, Mothers and Children) (Scotland) Order, 1918, dated September 4, 1918, made BY THE Secretary for Scotland. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon me by Regulation 2j of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and by arrangement with the Food Controller, I hereby order as follows : — 1. It shall be the duty of every local authority in Scotland within the meaning of the Notification of Births Act, 1907, when required by the Local Government Board for Scotland so to do, to discharge the functions assigned to such local authorities by the Food for Mothers and Children (Scotland) Order, 1918, and for such purpose to combine, if required by the Local Govern- ment Board for Scotland so to do, with any other local authority or local authorities, and I hereby confer and impose upon such local authorities all the powers and duties necessary to the due discharge of the functions as aforesaid. 2. This Order may be cited as the Local Authorities (Food for Mothers and Children) (Scotland) Order, 1918, and shall apply to Scotland only. (l.S.) Robert Munro, His Majesty's Secretary for Scotland Scottish Office, Whitehall. 4th September, 1918. Orders made by the Secretary for Scotland. 317 The Local Authorities (Food Control) (Scotland) Amend- ment Order, 1918, made by the Secretary for Scotland ON THE 1st December, 1918. 1918. No. l^i^. S. 73 In pursuance of the powers conferred on me by Regulation 2j of the Defence of the Eealm Regulations, and by arrangement with the Food Controller, I hereby order as follows : — The Local Authorities (Food Control) (Scotland) (No. 2) Order, 1917 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Order), shall be read and have effect as if : — (1) to paragraph (b) of Article 1 of the .Principal Order there were added, the words " or a Joint Food Control Committee appointed pursuant to the Joint Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1918 " ; and (2) in Article 2 of the Principal Order there were substi- tuted for th-e reference to the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, a reference to the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, as amended by the Joint Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1918, and by the amending Order made by the Food Controller on the 5th October, 1918. This Order may be cited as the Local Authorities (Food Con- trol) (Scotland) Amendment Order, 1918. (l.s.) Robert MunrOi His Majesty's Secretary {or Scotland. Scottish Office, Whitehall. 1st December, 1918. The Local Authorities (National Kitchens) (Loan^^ ^Scot- land) Order, 1918, dated December 23, 1918, made by the Secretary for Scotland. 1918. Ko.11^. In pursuance of the powers conferred on me by Regulation 2j of the Defence of the Realm Regulations and by arrangement with the Food Controller I hereby order as follows : — (1) In this Order— the expression '* Local Authority" shall mean in a County (exclusive of any Burgh comprised therein), the County Council and in a Royal Parliamentary or Police Burgh the Town Council. 318 Orders made by the Secretary for Scotland. (2) A local authority may enter into arrangements with the Food Controller (i) for the advance by the Eood Controller to the local authority of any sum or sums of money for the purpose of defraying any expenses incurred or to be incurred by the Local Authority for any of the purposes authorised by the National Kitchens Orders, 1918, which the Food Controller may determine to be properly chargeable to capital, and (ii) for the repayment by the local authority of any such advance by such instalments and within such period as may be agreed. (3) The instalments repayable as aforesaid shall be expenses incurred by a local authority in the execution of the Local Authorities (National Kitchens) (Scotland) Order, 1918, and the public health general assessment may be assigned in security of such repayment as if the sums advanced had been borrowed by the local authority under and for* the purposes of the Public Health (Scotland) Act, 1897. * (4) This Order may be cited as the Local Authorities (National Kitchens) (Loans) (Scotland) Order, 1918. (L.s.) Robert Munro, His Majesty's Secretary for Scotland. Scottish Office, Whitehall, 23rd December, 1918. LIST OF ORDERS WHICH HAVE BEEN WHOLLY REVOKED SINCE 1st JANUARY, 1919, UP TO DATE OF GOING TO PRESS. Date of Order effect- ing Revocation. S. page No. M. page No. 16tb Jan. 1919 (Order, 1919, No. 29.) 24th'Jan. 1919 (Order, 1919, No. 54.) ^24th Jan. 1919 (Order, 1919, No. 56.) 29th Jan. 1919 (Order, 1919, No. 90.) 29th Jan. 1919 (Order, 1919, No. 91.) 5th Feb. 1919 (Order, 1919, No. 103.) 5th Feb. 1919 (Order, 1919, No. 104.) 5th Feb. 1919 (Order, 1919, No. 111.) Gooseberries (Sales) (England and Wales) Order, 1918, No. 593. Order amending Gooseberries (Sales) (England and Wales) Order, 1918, No. H21. Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918, No. 641 Soft Fruit (Sales) (Amendment) Order, 1918, No. 813. (The General Licences, Orders Nos. 732, 805, 882 of 1918, under Soft Fruit Sales Order, lapse.) Strawberries (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, No. 733. Plums (Sales) Order, 1918, No. 936 Blackberries Order, 1918, No. 1053 Damsons (Sales) Order, 1918, No. 1054... Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918, as amended Nos. 635 and 1038. Home Melt Tallows and Greases (Re- quisition) Order, 1918, as amended, Nos. 637 and 1038. Tallow and Dripping (Restriction of Export and Import) Order, 1918, No. 1118. Bone Products (Requisition) Order, 1918, No. 1195. Bones (Licensing of Purchasers) Order, 1918, as amended, Nos. 1198 and 1503. (The General Licences, Orders, Nos. 785, and 1640 of 1918, and the Notice, Order No. 1310 of 1918 are spent.) Beehive Section (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, No. 521. Feeding of Game Order, 1917, No. 66 ... Oatmeal (Restriction) Order, 1918, No. 166. Beer (Prices and Description) Order, 1918, No. 343 (New Order substituted.) Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, 1918, No. 339 (new Order substituted.) Grocery Syrup (Distribution to Manu- facturers) Order, 1918, No. 1089. And to the extent to which the Order relates to Syrup. — Thr, Jam and Syrup (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918, No. 1213. M. p. 258. M. p. 258. M. p. 260. M.^. 265. M. p. 263, 264, 265. M. p. 264. M. p. 273. S. p. 29. S. p. 31. M. p. 461. S. p. 23. M. jp. 465. S. p. 23. S. . 54. S. p. 78. S. p. 79. M. p. 466. S. p. 268. S. p. 150. M. p. 85. M. p. 88. M.p. 141. M.^. 188. M.JO. 191. S. p. 43. S. p. 106. :v20 Date of Order effect- ing Revocation. Order. S. page No. M. page No. nth Feb. 1919 (Order, 1919, No. 14G.) 14ih Feb. 1919 (Order, 1919, No. 165.) 14th Feb. 1919 (Order, 1919, No. 166.) 19th Feb. 1919 (Order, 1919, No. 184.) *The Persian Dates (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, No. 356 (as from 17th February, 1919.) *The Dried Fruits (Retail Prices) Older, 1918, Notice as to Egyptian Dates (1918, No. 1708) (as from 17th February, 1919.) * (Dates (all varieties) are now schediiled in the Order, amending the Dried Fruits (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, Order. 1919, No. 146, to take effect from 17th Februaiy, 1919, except that the maxi- mum price for Egyptian Dates remains unchanged until the 3rd March, 1919.) The Vegetable Marrow Order, 1918, No. 1082. Dealings in Sugar (Restriction) Order, 1917, No. 131 (as from 1st March, 1919.) Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) Order, 1918, No. 418 (as from 1st March, 1919.) Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) (Ireland) Order, 1918, No. 590 (as from 1st March, 1919.) Sale of Sweetmeats in Theatres (Re- striction) Order, 1918, No. 1321 (as from 1st March, 1919.) (The General Licences, Orders, Nos. 520, 576, and 1003 of 1918, lapse.) The Margarine (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1917, to the extent only of Part I of the Order (Licensing of Whole- sale Dealers) Order, 1917, No. 1315. The Margarine (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, No. 359, as amended. (And the Notices thereunder. Orders Nos. 416, 899 and 1432 of 1918.) The Margarine (Distribution) Order, 1918, No. 360. ' (And the Notices thereunder. Orders No. 1431 of 1918, and No. 30 of 1919.) The Margarine Prices (Ireland) Order, 1918, No. 1217. (And the Authorisation thereunder. No. 1430 of 1918.) M,p. 218. S. p. 306. S. p. 39. M. ;?. 566. M. p. 592. M. /;. 598. S. p- 153. M.^;. 594. M. p. 597. S. p. 3. M. p. 390. M.p. 416. 'M.^j. 420. M. p. 436. ( S. p. 195, M.^;. 417. { S. 7). 194. S. p. 110. S. p. 193. Printed under the Authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office By Darling & Son, Ltd., Bacon Street, E.2. 1919. RETURN TO: CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 198 Main Stacks LOAN PERIOD 1 Home Use 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS. Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW. DEC 3 2000 FORM NO. DD6 50M UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Berkeley, California 94720-6000 YC 35186 411 9317 HI) zoii , 6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY LIQUOR CONTROL REGULATIONS, 1915. Fourth Report of the Central Control Board (Liquor Traffic) a p-j pointed under the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) (No 3) Act 1915,. bevelopment of the General Work of the Board ; Effects of the Restriction Orders J Industrial Canteens ; Direct Control ; Compensation and J? ii^ance^ Appendices:— Tables of Convictions for Drunkenness; Cases f .>>eiirm|. Tremens truited in Poor Law Infirmaries, and Deaths fronr "ce^^-vm Drinkmg, in Liverpool, 1913-17: Deaths certified as due to ct .-uk- with Alcoholism (excluding Cirrhosis of the Liver), Deaths certifijc. as due Cirrhosis of the Liver, Ca^cs of Attempted Suicide, and ^ Deaths froj Suffocation of Infants under 1 year, in England and Wales in each of t¥ yearp lylS-'?. With Charts, -rid a Sketch Map showing Distribution Lice^ised Premises in Carlisle. [Cd. 9055] of Session 1918. Price 3r/. (4K) STATE PURCHASE AND CONTROL OF LIQUOR TRADE. llErouT of the Advisory Committee. Terms of Transfer; Nature ol Government Security; Other Interests; Prohibition of Spirits; Financial Aspects. [Cd. 8283] of Session 1916. Price 1^. {Ad.) Reports of English, Scotch and Irish ( -.imit^^^ ^,. Comparison ol Reports; Abstracts of Reports: Reports; '.' ..bui^,. Comparison .f Jteports, [Cd. 9042] of Session 1918. Price Od, (ili^.) GAS -aN.OERTAKINGS (STATUTORY PRICES). Repokt from the Select Committer appointed, ^ 22, 1918, by th( House of Commons, to consi'ler and re -rt whether : xpedient that 8om( provision should be made for the temro*}*' modification ui statutiry require- ments with regard to Price and Di ' the case of Gas Undertakings whose circumstances have been inju .vlfccted by causes arising out of] the War, and, if ?o, on what tei-ms and c; iitions, and whether by Private] Bill or General Legislatio!i. n.C. 74 of Session 1918. Price 1^. (1^) Do., with Proceedings, Minates of Eviuence, and Appendices. H.C. 74 of Session i018. Price Is. (irf. (Is. lOK) Index and Digest of Evidence. H.C. 74— Ind. of Session 1918. Pri o W. (5id.) TRAMWAYS (STATUTORY R:I?QUIREMENTS). Report from li).? Select Conimivtee {similar to that on Gas above\ H.C. 72 of Scv^ion 1918. Price 1^. (\hl^ LUXURY DUTY, f— -rji ^^^ ^,-^ i.iAURiEs. Explanatory Statement. on the. ILC. 57 ot Session 1918. Price Id, {2d.) LuxLRY Duty. Report from the Select Committee; with Proceeding and Appendices. ° H.C. 101 of Session 1918. Price 6d. {8d.) _ ^ PRIZE DROITS. Droits of the Crown and of Admiralty in Time op War A Report to H.M. Treasury by H. C. Rothery, C.B., Registrar of *th 1 «o.o ""r o^''!'''' 1914-16. Price Zd. {A\d.) M. 8233 of Session 1916. Price 2K (■i'^.) [C d. 8234] of Session 1916. Price M. (4K)