UC-NRLF 13 fiDl P A 4007 Z5 F54 1917 MAIN EXCHANGE EXCHANGE MAY 17 1917 The Supplementary Participle in Herodotus by EDWARD JOSEPH FILBEY A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy University of Wisconsin, 1908 \ URBANA, ILLINOIS 1917 The Supplementary Participle in Herodotus by EDWARD JOSEPH FILBEY A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy University of Wisconsin, 1908 URBANA, ILLINOIS 1917 fftt-oo 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Bibliography 3 Chapter I. Introduction 5 Chapter II. Herodotus' Use of the Supplementary Parti- ciple 8 Chapter III. Summary-Tables and Conclusion .... 55 Appendix. List of Abbreviations Employed 71 BIBLIOGRAPHY I. EDITIONS OF HERODOTUS. Text H. Kallenberg, Leipzic, 1901. Annotated edition Heinrich Stein, Berlin, 1889-'93-'94- '96-1901-'02. Translation H. F. Gary, London. II. GRAMMARS. W. W. Goodwin: Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb, Boston, 1893. R. Kiihner: Ausfuhrliche Grammatik der Griechischen Sprache, besorgt von B. Gerth, Hannover und Leip- zig, 1904. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION In the treatment of the supplementary participle for Attic Greek by various grammarians the statements made relative to the use of this construction by Herodotus convey the impression that Herodotus uses the supplementary participle with consider- ably greater frequency and with more freedom than it is employed by Attic writers. The student of Herodotus also is likely to note the occasional occurrence of this construction after verbs usually followed by the infinitive in Attic Greek. He may observe, further, that in the construction of indirect discourse after cer- tain verbs Herodotus seems to use either the participle or the infinitive, indifferently. The question quite naturally arises, therefore, To what extent does Herodotus' use of the supple- mentary-participle differ from Attic usage? If Attic writers felt that a verb when followed by an infinitive had not the same mean- ing as when followed by a supplementary participle, did Herodo- tus fail to discriminate in his use of the two constructions? To answer this general question, the investigation was begun, the results of which arc recorded in the pages following. It was first necessary to ascertain with what verbs Herodo- tus uses the supplementary participle. All passages were then collected in which these verbs are followed by either the supple- mentary participle, the infinitive, or a clause introduced by OKCOS, on, or cbs. From a study of these passages the meaning of each verb with the different constructions was determined. For the principles underlying the distinctions of Attic usage the statements of Goodwin in his Greek Moods and Tenses, and of Kuhner in his Ausfuhrliche Griechische Grammatik, were relied upon. A comparison of the results obtained from the study of the passages in Herodotus, with the principles of Attic usage as stated by Goodwin and by Kuhner, has furnished the answer here presented to the question proposed. 5 6 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS It will be recalled that the distinction between the three classes of participles, attributive, circumstantial, and supple- mentary, is not so clearly marked that a participle can always be placed definitely in one of three classes. The participles con- cerning which a record is presented in the pages following are those which, after some deliberation, are thought properly to be classed as supplementary. It may easily be that certain of these would better be classed as circumstantial. The inclusion of such will not however invalidate in any way the facts presented con- cerning the use of those participles which are plainly supplemen- tary. A problem that presented much difficulty was the determina- tion of the exact meaning of the verb in each passage. Upon the accuracy with which this has been done depends in large measure the value of the whole investigation. The interpretation placed upon the various passages is in each case that which, from a study of the context, has seemed the most reasonable; but it is not asserted that this is in every instance correct. In the case of each verb included in the discussion the fol- lowing data are presented: The number of times the verb is followed by each of the three constructions supplementary par- ticiple, infinitive, and finite clause in Herodotus; a division of these constructions, into those of indirect discourse and those not in indirect discourse; the list of all passages in which the verb occurs with any of the three constructions; the reference to Goodwin and to Kuhner for the verb or for the general class in which the verb belongs; any facts of importance regarding the use of the verb by Herodotus; and, if his use of the word is at variance with Attic usage, a full statement of the principles under- lying the latter, and of the particulars in which Herodotus' use of the verb differs from that of the Attic writers. It will be noted that much of this information is statistical. For this reason, figures have regularly been employed instead of words, to represent numbers. Also, such abbreviations have been em- ployed as 'are used by Goodwin, Kuhner, Brugmann, and other grammarians, in lieu of writing out certain \vords which recur from five to fifteen times on a single page. A list of the abbre- viations employed is appended. SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 7 Footnotes have been almost entirely dispensed with. If the information has been considered of sufficient value to warrant its inclusion in the discussion it has been inserted in its proper place in the text. It is believed that the continuity of thought is less interrupted by a parenthesis than by a reference to a distant portion of the page. The Attic forms of the verbs have been used except in quo- tations instead of the Ionic forms employed by Herodotus, chiefly for the reason that the verbs are then, when catalogued alphabetically, in the order in which they occur in Liddell & Scott and other lexicons. References to the passages are by book, chapter, and line. The lines are numbered as they are found in the text of Kallen- berg. It will be found that the numbering holds also, with but slight variation, for Stein's annotated edition. The large number of verbs dealt with one hundred twenty- one has restricted the quotation of illustrative passages to a greater extent than could be desired. Passages of particular importance are however cited in full. CHAPTER II HERODOTUS' USE OF THE SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE ojuai with the genitive of a ptc. means "per- ceive directly with one's senses"; w. the accusative of a ptc., "note mentally as a fact"; and with an inf., "believe or think." Hdt. uses alaBapo^at in 7.220.5 with the ace. of the s. p., with the meaning "note as a fact." This is therefore in accord with Kuhner 's statement. alaxvvoiJiaL: With infinitive in 1 passage. The inf. is not in indirect discourse. SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 9 With inf., 1.82.40. G M T., 881; 903.1. K., 482.3; 484.21; 550. Both Goodwin (903.1) and Kuhner state that alvxvvoiJiai with a s. p. means "be ashamed of doing (what one does)"; and with an inf., "be ashamed to do (something not yet done)". The statement holds true for the one passage in which Hdt. uses this verb: Othryades was ashamed to return to Sparta, and did not return. CLKOVU: With a s. p., 12 times; with an inf., 12; with a OKUS or 10-777^1 in the sense of "cease," With s. p., 12; with inf., 6; with cos clause, 2. The ptcs. are in ind. disc., as also are the cos clauses and one of the infinitives. Five infinitives are after airodeiKw/jLL meaning "appoint." With s. p., 2.15.10; 2.16,4; 2.133.22; 2.142.2; 2.143.9; 2.143.17; 2.144.2; 3.130.11; 5.94.13; 7. 8.7.6; 7.17.2; 7.118.7; (total 12.) With inf. in ind. disc., 2.14-4.2. W T ith inf. not in ind. disc., 5.25.4; 5.29.10; 5.97.18; 5.99.11; 7.154.9. With cbs clause, 5.22.4; 5.22.10. G M T. 904; 912; 915. K. 482.2; 4.84.15; 550. G. says (915.4) that btlnvvni and other verbs signifying "to show," besides the s. p. of ind. disc., may take an object inf. in the sense of "to show how." K. says (484.15) that 5eiKw/j.L, d7roco, 677X600, followed by a s. p. mean "demonstrate a fact"; with an inf., "express an opinion, say, indicate, advise." In 2.15.10; 2.16.4; 2.133.22, however, Hdt. uses a-n-odeiKw^L with a s. p. to indicate the proving of what should rather be regarded as a hypothesis than as a fact. For example, 2.15.10, a TOUTCO rco Xo7

TrioiviJ.L in Hdt. The one inf. of ind. disc., however, that Hdt. uses, is employed in the expression of a fact. But the inf. can hardly be considered as dependent directly upon SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 13 There is a series of related sentences, in the first part of which dTroSei/^u^u is- followed by a s. p. As the thought proceeds, the construction lapses into the infinitive, (2.144.1 to 9.) Neither G. nor K. suggests the meaning "appoint" for airodelKw^L with an inf. (It is probable that other instances of this use occur in Hdt., in addition to the 5 passages cited; for the meaning is sufficiently different from that of anode LKVVHI with the s. p. to have made the overlooking of examples of this construc- tion possible.) aTTOKplvu: With s. p. in 1 passage. The s. p. is in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.60.13. G M T. 904. K. 482.1 and 2. The verb is used in the passive with the meaning "be dis- tinguished (as being)." Although this verb is not in the list of cither G. or K., the close connection between the idea expressed by the verb and that expressed by the participle seems to war- rant the classification of the ptc. as supplementary. aTOKpovo)'. With s. p. in 1 passage. The ptc. is not in ind. disc. With s. p., 8.61.11. G M T. 880. K. 482.5. The verb is used in the sense of "withstand", or "repel". After this verb, as after jue*>co (II. 13.38), the ptc. can properly be classed as supplementary. 8.61.11, (Ge/uoroKXeys . . . e\eye . . . ) ovda/jiovs yap 'E\\rjvuv avrovs kiriovras aTTOKpovatcBai'. "None of the Greeks would be able to repel the attack of the Athenians." The verb is not mentioned by G. or K. as followed by a s. p. dTroXetTrco: With s. p., 2 times. With inf., 1. The construc- tions are not those of ind. disc. With s. p., 2.22.16; 5.92.r;.4. With inf., 7.9.a.8. G M T. 879. K. 482.6. With the s. p. aTroXeiTrco means "cease" in 2.22.16, and "fail to" in With the inf. the meaning is "fall short of." In 5.92.r?.4 the ptc. might be taken as circumstantial, but should rather be considered as supplementary: 6aa yap Ku^eXos ctTreXiTre KTtivuv re /cat <5ia>Kcoj>, Hepiavdpos aea aTrereXee: "What Cyp- selus failed to kill and banish i. e., what remained when Cyp- selus stopped killing and banishing, Periandrus killed and ban- ished." G. does not mention dTroXetTrco as being followed by a s. p. K. gives the verb as meaning "cease," when followed by the 14 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS s. p. But he does not mention the use of the inf. construction with this verb. aTro(t>aivu: With s. p., 5 times. With cos clause, 1. The con- structions are those of ind. disc. With s. p., 1.82.29; 1.129.10; 2.28.20; 6.65.19; 7.99.15. With cbs clause, 5.84.4. G M T. 904; 911; 912; 915.4. K. 482.2; 484.15; 550. For statements of G. and K. regarding constructions with this verb see under a.irobe'iKvviJ.L. With the s. p. a7rocui>co means "say" or "declare" in 3 passages, 1.82.29; 6.65.19; 7.99.15. Ac- cording to K. (484.15), when airo(j>alvu has this meaning the inf. is the usual construction. In 1.129.10 and 2.28.20, aTro^alvu with the s. p. means "demonstrate a fact." This is in accord with K.'s distinction. In 5.84.4 d7roco is used with a cbs clause fol- lowing. The meaning is "declare." In 1.91.21, ov av\\a(3ui> de TO pr)6ei> ovd' tTraveipofjievos euvrov alnov airorfxiLveTU '. "Since he did not even make a second inquiry when he did not understand the oracle, let him consider himself responsible," either a s. p. kovro. or an inf. dvaa is to be understood with airo^aLverco. Since it is the expression (or the holding) of an opinion that is indi- cated, the inf. would according to K. be the construction to be expected. But from Hdt.'s use of d7rocui>co elsewhere, and from the frequency with which the s. p. &v is omitted (G. 911; K. 483), it is probable that Hdt. would here have written eovra. No instance of the inf. after airocfxiLvu is found in Hdt. dTToxpdco: With s. p. 3 times. With inf. 7. The construc- tions are not those of ind. disc. With s. p., 7.43.4; 7.148.25; 7.196.10. With inf., in personal construction, 3.138.10; 5.31.15. With inf., in impersonal con- struction, 1.66.5; 1.102.4; 8.14.4; 8.130.16; 9.79.9; (total, 5). GMT. 879; 899; cf. 901; cf. 903.7. K. 482.4; 482.5; cf. 484.22. Neither G. nor K. makes specific mention of this verb as ever used with the s. p. Its use, however, is closely akin to that of dp/ apxerat dcaKLveo- And in 3 passages, 1.4.3; 1.95.9; 2.93.23, apxco meaning 16 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS "be first in doing something" is followed by the inf. The gen- eral principles suggested by G. and K. do not apply therefore in the case of these 4 passages. From an examination of all the passages in which Hdt. uses this verb it appears that when apxu is followed by a s. p., the verb apxw is emphatic; and when it is followed by an inf., the infinitive has the emphasis. do-xdXXco: With s. p. in 2 passages. The participles are not in ind. disc. With s. p., 3.152.2; 9.117.2. G M T., 881; (cf. 823; 838; 882). K. 482.3. In each passage do-xdXXco means "be vexed," the ptc. denoting the cause of the vexation. As G. states (882), the ptcs. with this verb could be considered as circumstantial. a4>LKveo/jLaL: With s. p., 2 times. The ptc. is not in ind. disc. With s. p., 6.30.7; 9.55.6. [With circumstantial ptc., 4.91.6; 5.30.4; 8.117.3; 8.118.2; 8.140.2; 9.27.11; 9.52.9; 9.107.24; (total, 8)]. G M T. 895. K. 482.10. G. does not include this verb (in 895) along with olxonai, T/KCO, and others of similar meaning. K. mentions the use of a s. p. with a^LKveofjiCLL as poetical (482.10). But in 6.30.7 and 9.55.6 the ptc. seems definitely to "contain the leading idea of the expres- sion," (G. 895) and properly to be classed as supplementary, therefore. Of the 8 circumstantial ptcs. above referred to, those in 4.91.6; 9.27.11; and 9.52.9 nearly approach supplementary participles in sense. d(/>opdco: With s. p. in 1 passage. The ptc. is not in ind. disc. With s. p., 9.69.11. G M T. 884. K. 482.1. The verb means simply "see" in the passage mentioned. ax#oAuu: With s. p. in 1 passage. The ptc. is not in ind. disc. With s. p., 9.98.2. G M T. 881; 882. K. 482.3. In 9.98.2, fixQovTo cos eKirefavyoruv, "They were vexed at the escape (of the barbarians)," the ptc. is classed by K. (482.3) as sup. But, as he suggests, the ptc. may be considered as in the gen. abs. construction. 7i7i>cocr/cw: With s. p., 8 times. With inf. 8. With on or cos clause, 9. All constructions are those of ind. disc, except the infinitives in 4 passages. SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 17 With s. p., 1.97.3; 4.25.8; 4.45.3; 4.53.16; 4.111.7; 7.15.7; 8.4.6; 9.33.25; (total 8). With inf., 1.74.19; 1.78.11; 1.157.13; 4.110.9; 5.22.5; 6.85.4; 7.143.14; 9.71.13; (total 8). With on or ws clause, 1.207.9; 4.136.1; 5.24.17; 6.69.28; 7.3.16; 7.194.12; 8.3.6; 9.47.7; 9.89.6; (total 9). [With ind. quest., 2.121./3.12; 4.45.1; 4.45.18; 4.127.12; (total 4).] G M T. 904, 912; 915.3. K. 482.1; 484.5; 550. G. states (915.3) that yiyvuaKu with the inf. means (1) "decide or judge," the inf. being in ind. discourse; or (2) "determine or resolve," (with the object inf.); or (3) "learn to," (with the object inf.). K. states (484.5) that yiyvuaKu means "perceive" or "know," with the s. p.; and "judge or determine," with the inf. With the s. p., 7t7J>co<7Kco in 7.15.7 means "perceive," in the sense of "conclude." In 4 passages, 1.97.3; 4.111.7; 8.4.6; 9.33.25, it means "perceive" by an action of the senses. In 3 passages, 4.25.8; 4.45.3; 4.53.16, the meaning is "learn" or "know," the knowledge having been imparted by some person or obtained from an unspecified source. With the inf., ^WVUVK.U in 1.74.19 and 1.157.13 means "determine" (to do something, or that something be done), the infinitive being here the "object infinitive." In 5 passages, 1.78.11; 5.22.5; 6.85.4; 7.143.14; 9.71.13, yt,yi>us clause those ideas which he expresses with the s. p., but not those which he expresses by the use of the inf. Whether a s. p. or a clause should follow To^oxr/ao seems to have been only a matter of choice. It may be noted however that the present ptc. is used after yLjvuaKu in 7 of the 8 passages in which the s. p. is employed. Whereas a present tense of the 18 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS optative or the indicative is found in only 3 of the 9 passages in which these moods follow yiyvuvKu. It may also be noted that a ptc. of 7i7*>cb<7Kco is followed by a s. p. in only 3 of the 8 passages in which the s. p. occurs. But in 7 of the 9 passages in which cm or cos with a finite mood occurs it is a ptc. of 717^600-^00 that is followed by this "construction. A desire to obtain variety and to prevent possible ambiguity may therefore have determined to some extent the choice of the author. 7pdpa ptvoitv voarrjaovTa avaKTCL. Hdt. 9.25.2, ot de "EXXi^es cos ri]V ITTTVOV ede^avro 7rpoa(3a\\ov(ra.v, "When the Greeks had withstood the attack of the cavalry." Similarly in 8.28.7, edeKovro rous QeaaaXovs ecr/3dX- \OVTCLS. dr)\6s (ct/xt etc.): With s. p. in 1 passage. With cm or cos clause in 8. The constructions are those of ind. disc. With s. p., dfi\ov . .Troieo), 6.21.8. With on or cos clause: 677X01 eun, 2.61.8; drj\a yiyverai, 2.146.13; drjXov (eon), 7.137.14; 6r}Xd tan, 1.4.9; 1.207.17; 3.38.2; 3.83.5; ^Xa Troteco, 2.102.19. G M T. 907; 912. K. 482.2; 550. There is no apparent difference of meaning dependent upon the difference in the constructions in 2.102.19, 5ij\a jSouX6//e^os cos elrjaav ava\KLdes, and 6.21.8, 'Adrjvaloi juei> yap drj\ov SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 19 iroir](Tai> VTrepaxdeadevres rr\ MtX^rou dXcocri rrj re a\\rj . . . ,' the sense in each case being "make clear that." <5r7X6to: With s. p. 4 times. With on or cbs clause, 10. The constructions arc those of ind. disc. With s. p. 2.4.15; 2.5.11; 2.44:19; 4.42.5. With on or cbs clause, 1.57.17; 2.9.8; 2.116.5; 2.116.24; 2.117.2; 2.149.9; 3.82.23; 4.118.21; 5.78.1; 5.78.6; (total 10). G M T. 904; 912; 915.5. K. 482.2; 484.15; 550. K. states (484.15,) while distinguishing between the use of 677X60; with a s. p. and with the inf., that 677X60; with the s. p. means ".to demonstrate as a fact"; and with the inf., "to express as an opinion, to say, or to indicate." Hdt. does not use an inf. with 677X60?. But K.'s statement holds for each of the 4 pas- sages in which a s. p. follows this verb, a fact being stated in each instance. Of the 10 passages in which a on or cbs clause occurs with 677X60), a statement of a fact is found in all except 3. In 2.117.2; 3.82.23; 5.78.1, the clause may be regarded as containing the expression of an opinion. As in the case of other verbs, therefore, a on or cos clause after 677X60) may express the same idea as either the s. p. or the inf. of ind. disc. 610170): With s. p. in one passage. The s. p. is not in ind. disc. With s. p. 1.94.12. G M T. 879. K. 482.15. K. (482. 15. c) mentions this verb as sometimes followed by a s. p. In 1.94.12 the ptc. could be taken as circumstantial, with either (3iov or (nTob^v understood as the object of biayeiv. But it is better taken as sup., biayew then having the meaning "con- tinue." 1.94.12, /cat rous Au6oi>s recos jj,tv diayeuv XiTrapeo^ras . . . , "continued to hold out." diadeiKw/jLi: With s. p. 2 times. With cbs clause 2. The constructions are those of ind. disc. With s. p., 3.72.27; 8.118.15. With cbs clause, 1.31.17; 9.58.10. G M T. 904; 912; 915.4. K. 482.4; 484.15; 550. In both passages in which a s. p. is used, a fact is demon- strated. This is in accord with K.'s statement, (484.15; see under d7ro6ei/o>u/u). In those passages in which a clause follows 6ia6e LKW/JLL the clause likewise contains what may be considered as the expression of a fact. In all instances the meaning of the verb is "show." In 3.82.15 an ind. quest, follows 6ia6eucz>u/u. 20 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS <5tareXeco: With s. p. 15 times; not in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.32.47; 1.196.30; 2.19.12; 2.22.12; 2.113.12; 3.83.14; 4.28.9; 4.162.2; 5.86.16; 6.42.10; 6.117.9; 7.111.3; 7.153.9; 7.26.28; 9.73.14; (total 15). G M T. 879. K. 482.15. The meaning of StareXeco is "continue" in each of the pas- sages. In 11, the s. p. is the present ptc. of ei^u; and in the re- maining 4, the present ptc. of ex<^. <5teet,tu: With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.116.21. G M T. 879; cf. 845. K. 482.15. This verb is not mentioned by either G. or K. as followed by a s. p. But in 1.116.21; apxbiJievos 5e air' apx^s die^rjie rfi aXrjdelrj Xpco/zez>os , if xptupwos be taken closely with Ste^te in the sense "he held consistently to the truth," the ptc. is to be re- garded as sup. This is evidently the meaning of the passage. ' If however TOV \6yov be understood as object of 5te^te, the ptc. must be considered as circumstantial. (But see on 6teepxo;uai, following.) 6teepxoMcu : With s. p. 5 times, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.196.16; 4.172.13;; 7.18.5; 8.98.11; (total 5). (With s. p. understood, 3.11.10.) G M T., 879; cf. 843 and 845. K. 482.6; 482.15. Neither G. nor K. mentions the use of a s. p. with Sieepxo,ucu. Apparently, however, the ptcs. as used by Hdt. with this verb are to be classed as sup. With a ptc. following, 6teepxojucu means either (1) "go through with (some action)," i. e., "finish (doing something)"; or (2) "do (something a number of times) in suc- cession." The first meaning occurs in 1.196.16; 3.11.10; and 7.18.5. Thus, e. g., 1.196.16, cos yap 5r) <5teeX0ot 6 Krjpvt; ras eueiSeorrdras . . . , "when the herald has finished selling In 3.11.10 a ptc. cr^d^res is to be understood with (so Stein, loc. cit.) and the meaning is, "having finished slaying." The second meaning is found in 4.172.13;; and 8.98.11. Thus, in 8.98.11, TO 6e evOevrev 77677 /car' aXXoy 5ieepxercu 7rapa5i<56p;ej'a 1 the sense is, "The message is given successively from each courier to the next." In each of the 6 passages cited, the ptc. distinctly "completes the idea expressed by the verb" (G M T. 877), rather than "defines the circumstances under which the action takes place" (G M T. 832), and may properly therefore be classed as supplementary. SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 21 etyiu: With s. p. in 4 passages, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.122.11; 4.82.8; 5.62.4; 9.34.9. G M T. 895. K. 482.10. The imperfect of eZ/u is followed by the present ptc. in 1.122.11, and in the other passages by the future ptc. In each instance the ptc. contains the leading idea of the expression. eK/jiavdavu: With s. p. in 1 passage. With on or cos clause in 3. The constructions are those of ind. disc. With s. p., 5.91.2. With on or cos clause, 3.119.6; 3.134.8; G M T. 904; 912. K. 482.1; 484.9; 550. In each passage the meaning of eK/jLavOavu is "to learn (a fact) . ' ' There appears to be no difference of meaning correspond- ing to the difference between the two constructions. In the on clause is explanatory of ^povrjua, and could not have been replaced by a ptc.: entire e^e/jLadrjre TO fj/JLerepov p6^yua (7aecos, on ov8afj,a irpodwaopev rrfv 'EXXdda, .... K0a'co: With a s. p. in 1 passage, in ind. disc. With s. p., 3.71.11. G M T. 904. K. 482.2. In the passage cited, eK^aLvco has the usual meaning "show forth," and is followed by the reflexive, eXu>uco: With s. p. in 1 passage, possibly 2; not in ind. disc. With s. p., 8.71.15. G M T. 879. K. 482.6. Hdt. uses eXu/uco in 8.71.15 in the sense of Trauo/zcu: /cat e\lwov ovbeva. xpovov oi (Soydrjo-avres epya^o^evoi, "Did not cease from the work." In Hdt. 1.67.27, eXiz/uco occurs in conjunction with the ptc. bio.TreiJ.Tro^evovs, but the ptc. is there probably to be taken as circum- stantial rather than as sup., although K. (482.6) evidently con- siders it as sup. evopau: With s. p. in 4 passages, in ind. disc. W^ith s. p., 1.123.4; 1.170.10; 5.36.12; G M T. 904. K. 482.1. In each of the 4 passages the s. p. is the future of the verb t/u. In these passages evopaco seems to be equivalent to the simple verb opdco in meaning. The ace. of the s. p. follows evopaw in the first three instances; but in the effect of the preposition in composition with the verb is seen in the use of the dative of the S. p. :, evopeu jap v/jilv OVK o'toicri re rbv Travra xpovov iro\e^'eeLV Eep^r/. 22 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS tvrvyxa.vu: With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 4.140.15. G M T. 883. K. 482.1. Neither G. nor K. mentions this verb as followed by a s. p. But in the passage referred to the ptc. is clearly sup.: 4.140.15, XeXujuei^s rrjs ye(f>vpr]s evTvxbvres, "Finding the bridge broken away." ea77eXXco: With inf. in 1 passage. W T ith on clause in 1. The constructions are those of ind. disc. With inf., 5.105.2. With on clause, 5.33.13. G M T. 904; 912; 914.3. K. 482.2; 484.17; 550. In 5.105.2, Aapetco cos e%ayye\dr] 2dp<5is dXoixras e/jLireirpriaOai, "When it was announced to Darius that Sardis had been taken and burned," the announcement seems to have come as a rumor. The principle stated by K. (see under d77eXXco) applies therefore to this use of the inf. The announcement recorded in 5.33.13 was stated directly as a -fact. (In 5.92./3.15, TCLVTCL xp^Qkvra.. . ea77eXXerat, "This response, after having been given to Ection, was reported to. . .," the ptc. is to be taken as circumstantial.) ee7ru7rajuai: With s. p. in 1 passage. With inf. in 1. With ws clause in 3. With the exception of the inf. the constructions are those of ind. disc. With s. p., 1.190.8. With inf., 7.211.10. With-cbs clause, 3.146.8; 6.86.a.24; 7.39.7. G M T. 904; 912; 915. 2.a. K. 482.1; 484.7; 550. With the s. p. in 1.190.8 and with the cos clauses ee7rioraju: With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 5.15.5. G M T., 880. K. 482.5. The verb is used, like ctTro/cpoixo, in the sense of "check, or repel (the attack of)." The ptc: used with this verb appears to admit of classification as sup.: 5.15.5, oi ntv 8r) HaLoves r^aav ZTOL/JLOL rov Meyafia^ov arparov eiribvra. epvKeiv, "Were ready to 26 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS check the onset of the army." (Cf. the use of the ptc. after in II. 13.38, quoted under dexo/j-aL, and classed as sup. by G.. 880.) epxoMcu: With s. p. in 13 passages, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.5.11; 1.194.2; 2.11.3; 2.11.11; 2.35.1; 2.40.5; 2.99.3; 3.6.2; 3.80.25; 4.99.5; 6.109.20; 7.49.13; 7.102.10; (total 13). GMT. 895. K. 482.10. In each of the 13 passages above mentioned the s. p. with epxojucu ''contains the leading idea of the expression." In 4 passages, 1.159.3; 5.98.20; 8.135.2;, a circ. ptc. is used with this verb, in a sense somewhat similar to that in which the s. p. is used. In each of the 4 passages, however, the emphasis is upon the verb rather than upon the ptc. ; the action expressed by the verb is, or would be, complete without the ptc. ; and the verb epxojuat is used in a literal, local sense. With the s. p., on the other hand, epxo/iat has the meaning "I am going to." i. e., "am about to." It may be noticed further that the s. p. with this verb is in the future tense in each instance, whereas the circ. ptcs. are all present. But this distinction of tense is not vital. eupttmo: With s. p., 45. With inf., 5. Of these construc- tions, 23 ptcs. and 4 infs. are in ind. disc., 22 ptcs. and 1 inf. not. Withs. p. in ind. disc., 1.5.2; 1.46.17; 1.56.6; 1.68.18; 1.107.11; 1.137.6; 1.137.10; 1.139.6; 1.157.7; 2.2.26; 2.31.3; 2.44.9; 2.50.4; 3.40.14; 3.95.5; 5.102.7; 6.125.14; 7.8.a.l4;; 7.15.15; 7.28.8; 7.46.20; 7.194.10; (total 23). With s. p. not in ind. disc., 1.124.2; 2.69.9; 3.15.2; 3.35.11; 3.42.14; 3.62.3; 3.112.4; 3.137.3; 4.1.13; 4.76.7; 4.113.13; 4.122.2; 5.29.11; 7.114.4; 8.40.8; 8.40.10; 8.51.7; 8.117.5; 9.48.16; 9,106.26; 9.114.4; 9.114.5; (total 22). With inf., ind. disc., 1.79.4; 1.125.3; 5.24.5; 7.12.3; (total, 4). With inf., hot in ind. disc., 9.28.15. G M T. 883; 904; 915.6. K. 482.1; 484.16. G. makes no distinction of meaning between the use of the s. p. and that of the inf. of ind. disc, after cupicr/ao. He mentions the use of the object inf. after the middle of eupi<7/cco in the sense of "discover how (to do something)." Further he states that cupuTKo/zcu in the sense "procure by asking" may be followed by the object inf., (915.6). K. states (484.16) that evplaKu with the ptc. means ' ' find' ' ; with the inf. , ' ' find, = judge. ' ' He mentions also the use of evp to-Ko/zcu with the inf. in the sense of ' ' obtain (a request) . ' ' SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 27 In Hdt., eupicr/oo with the s. ps. not in ind. disc., and with all except 7 of those in ind. disc., means "find," simply. With the inf. in 9.28.15, eiipio-Ko/zcu means "obtain (by asking)." With the 4 infs. in ind. disc. evpivKu means "conclude," or "judge." It has this meaning also with 7 of the s. ps. in ind. disc., 1.5.2; 1.68.18; 1.137.6; 3.40.14; 7.8.a.l4; 7.15.15; 7.194.10. It is evi- dent that in general the principles stated by G. and by K. hold for Hdt.'s use of evpiaKu. But although G. does not distinguish between the inf. and the s. p. of ind. disc., there appears to be usually a difference of meaning such as K. suggests. On the other hand, the distinction suggested by K., while holding for the infs., does not hold for the s. ps. in 7 of the passages in which this construction occurs. Hdt. does not use eupumo meaning "find" in the simplest sense with the inf. of ind. disc. But after evpiaKu meaning "come to a conclusion" he seems to use either the s. p. or the inf. indifferently. It will be observed that the classification of ptcs. after eupipi07oo is modified by a ptc. that is to be taken as attributive.) e6vpL(7Ku: With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 9.109.14. G M T. 883. K: 482.1. In the passage mentioned tfavpLcrKu with the ptc. means "find" or "detect." This is in accord with the statements of both G. and K. e^opdco: With s. p. in 2 passages, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.10.8; 1.110.18. G M T. 884. K. 482.1. The verb means "catch sight of" in 1.10.8, and "look upon" in 1.110.18. ex& ad^v: With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 9.39.13. G M T. 881. K. 482.4. In 9.39.13 this phrase is used with a s. p. in the sense of "be satisfied with," or "have enough of": cos 5e adrjv elxov KreLvovres, "When they had enough of slaughter." SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS : With s. p. 8 times, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.56.2; 2.68.26; 3.21.6; 3.32.8; 3.34.23; 8.10.13; 9.42.19; 9.46.20; (total 8). G M T. 881; 900. K. 482.3; 423.18.g; 550. In all the passages except 8.10.13 and 9.46.20 the participle completes the idea expressed by ^bo^ai by denoting the cause of the pleasure felt. In the two passages referred to, the ptc. is in agreement with a dative dependent upon ei/u and ylyvo^ai re- spectively: 8.10.13, oaoLaL 5e Kal fjdo/JievoLai, f/v TO yivb{j.evov, "As many as were pleased by what was taking place." 9.46.20, KCU ydo/jLevoiaL rjiJilv ol \6yoL jeyovaac, "We are pleased with the pro- posal." In these passages the cause of the pleasure is denoted by the subject of the sentence. riKu: With s. p. 4 times, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 6.23.15; 6.108.35; 7.141.9; 8.80.7. G M T. 895. K. 482.10. In the 4 passages mentioned the ptc. may be taken to "con- tain the leading idea of the expression," (G M T. 895). But the exact relative importance of the ptc. and the verb is impossible to determine, and the classification of the ptcs. in these passages as sup. is far from final. Of the 4 participles, those in 7.141.9 and 8.80.7 may quite certainly be taken as sup., owing to the importance -of the idea expressed by the ptc. : 7. 141.9, aldeadels rds iKtrripLas raade rets rot riKo^ev (frepovres, "Respect the supplicatory branches which we 'have brought with us'." 8.80.7, av 8e ewel irep iJKeLs XPWTO- cnrayyeXXwv, "Since you have brought good news." In 2 other passages, 7.57.6; 8.140.4, T/KW is followed by a ptc. But in each case the ptc. is clearly circumstantial. 0au/zd^co: With s. p. in 2 passages. Not in ind. disc. With s. p.,; 9.53.11. G M T. 881. K. 482.2. In 5.92.r/.29 the s. p. agrees with the object of flaujudfto; in 9.53.11, with the subject. In each instance the s. p. denotes the cause of the surprise felt. In 1.155.10, 6avjjia.u is followed by an d clause which con- tains not a true supposition but a statement of fact, and is there- fore equivalent to a clause introduced by on. The thought could have equally well been expressed by the use of a s. p.: 1.155.10, dufjLcifa el /-tot dTreo-rdcrt, "I am surprised at their re- volting." SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 29 Hdt. does not use the inf. with this verb, although an inf. is sometimes found in Attic Greek. fledojucu: With s. p. 4 times, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 1. 10.5 ; 1.68.4; 7.56. 1 ; 8.69. 13. G M T. 884. K. 482. 1. In each of the 4 passages 0edotat is used with a s. p. in the sense of "look upon, watch." In 1.8.13 and 1.8.15 the s. p. eovaav is to be understood. IKO.VOS ei/u: With s. p. in 1 passage. With inf. in 1 (prob- ably more). The constructions are not those of ind. disc. With s. p., 7.161.9. With inf., 3.45.14. G M T. 889. K. 482.4; 484.22. With a s. p. LKCLVOS means "sufficient"; with an inf., "able." The use of this word with a ptc. is not a common construction. Hdt., 7.161.9, tTU(TTa(jievoL(TL cos 6 AO.KUV LKCLVOS TOL e/ueXXe taeudai /ecu virep djuorepa;f> cnroKoyevfJievos, "Would be sufficient to speak in behalf of us both." The construction with an infinitive is a common one, and it is probable that other instances exist of its occurrence in Hdt. besides in the passage mentioned. KaOriyeo/jia.!,: With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 7.8. a.2. G M T. 879. K. 482.6. In Hdt. 7. 8. a. 2, Kadrjyeo/jiaL with the s. p. is used in the sense "be first (to do something)": our' auros KaT?77?7<70jU(u vb^ov rovde kv VIJLLV rifleis, "I shall not be the first to introduce this custom among you." In 7.183.14, ro 5e ep/jia. cr(f>L KCLTrjyrjaaTO ebv tv iropco judXiora IldjUjUGoi' 2/cupios, the ptc. ebv is probably to be taken as circum- stantial, and the sentence to be translated, "Pammon the Scyrian pointed out the rock to them, which was almost in their course." If, however, KaO^ykoiJLa.1 may be followed by a ptc. in ind. disc., the ptc. in this passage may be considered as sup., and the sen- tence be taken to mean: "Pammon pointed out to them 'that the rock was' almost in their course." The earlier meaning seems however to be the correct one. Kadopau: With s. p. in 2 passages, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 7,8.7-7; 9.59.5. G M T. 884. K. 482.1. Hdt. uses Kadopaco with a s. p. in in the sense "look down upon"; in 9.59.5, in the sense "catch sight of," "see," (= opdw, nearly). 30 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS KO.IJIVU: With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 3.16.8. G M T. 881. K. 482.5. The verb KCL^VCO is not used with an inf. as is airoKa/ju>u occa- sionally. With the s. p. KO.JJLVCO means "be weary (of doing some- thing)." Thus, in 3.16.8, ravra eKa/mov TroLevvres, "They were weary of doing this." KCLTapaivu: With s. p. in 4 passages, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.90.15; 1.116.22; 1.118.5; 9.94.5. G M T. 879; 895. K. 482.6; 482.10. Neither G. nor K. mentions this verb as one followed by a s. p. Nor is there, in the classification made by either, a division in which a verb with the meaning of KaTa(3aLvu definitely belongs. Yet in the 4 passages mentioned the ptc. after Kara^aLvco is clearly sup. With the s. p. Karafiaivu means "come to do," or "end by doing." In each passage the s. p. is a verb of "saying." E. g., 1.118.5, KaTefiaive \eyuv ws TrepLeari re 6 irals, "He ended by say- ing that the child was alive." KaradelKvu/jiL: With s. p. in 1 passage, in ind. disc. With inf. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc.- With s. p., 7.215.9. With inf., 1.171.14. G M T. 904; 915.4. K. 482.2; 484.15. With the s. p. in 7.215.9, KaraSet/o'u/u means "prove (a fact)," (cf. L. & S.): KarededeKTo eovaa ovdev XP^O""?, "It had been proved to be of no value." With the inf. in 1.171.14 the verb means "show how (to do something) . ' ' Both usages are in accord with the statements of G. and of K., (I.e. supra; cf. also under cnrodeiKvviJLL). In 4.42.8, a s. p. is to be understood with Karabk^avros. KaraAa;u/3dKo : With s. p. in 9 passages. With inf. in 16. The constructions are not those of ind. disc. With s. p., 1.46.7; 3.10.3; 3.128.3; 7.146.10; 7.146.11; 7.230.4; 8.6.9; 8.114.7; 9.56.2; (total 9). With inf., 2.152.7; 2.152.16; 2.162.3; 3.65.3; 3.75.11; 3.118.2; 3.149. 4; 4.33.20; 4.105.3; 6.38.8; 6.103.4; 6.103.12; 7.155.3; 8.55.6; 9.75.5; 9.105.4; (total 16).- G M T. 879; 883. K. 482.1; 473.4. Neither G. nor K. specifically mentions this verb as followed by both the s. p. and the inf., nor makes a distinction between SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 31 the meaning of the two constructions. (Each construction is, however, mentioned, though separately.) In Hdt., with the s. p. in 1.46.7 and 3.128.3, KaTaXanpavu means "check," or "stop." It is not mentioned as ever having this meaning with the s. p., by G. or K. In 3. 10.3; 7.146.10; 7.146.11; and 7.230.4, with the s. p., it means "find." In 8.6.9; 8.114.7; and 9.56.2, with the s. p., the meaning is again "find," but rather in the sense of "come upon"; so that the ptc. here approaches the circ. ptc. in use, though it may still be classed as sup. (In 4.11.19; 6.29.9; 9.119.5, and perhaps in a few other -passages, the ptc. is clearly circ.) With the inf. in 2.162.3, /caraXa^d^co means "prevent." The difference of meaning between its use with the inf. in this passage, and its use with the s. p. in 1.46.7 and 3.128.3 (cf. supra), is therefore similar to that suggested by G. (903.5) aid K. (484.28) for TTCIIKO with the inf. and the ptc. respectively. In 12 passages, KaraXa/jL^ava) with the inf. is used impersonally with the meaning "it happened (that)," or "it befell (someone to)": 2.152.7; 2.152.16; 3.118.2; 4.33.20; 4.105.3; 6.38.8; 6.103.4; 6.103.12; 7.155.3; 8.55.6; 9.75.5; 9.105.4. (In six of these pas- sages the infinitive is a7ro6avelv.) In 3.65.3 and 3.75. 11 KaraXajjipavu with the inf. practically means "force." In both passages, how- ever, the verb is used in a sense differing but little from that which it has in the 13 passages above mentioned; 3.149.4 is note- worthy. It has a personal subject, explained by an infinitive: vovaov 77 /JLLV Kare\a(3e voarjaaL. "befell." Kara/jiavdavu: With s. p. in 1 passage, in ind. disc. With s. p., 4.164.21. G M T. 904; 912. K. 482.1; 484.9; 550. In 4.164.21 the verb is used in the sense "discover (that)," according to L. & S.: KCU /JLLV Bap/catoi re avdpes . . . KaTa.fj.a66v res ayopa^ovra KTeivowi, "And some Barcaeans, having discovered that he frequented the market, slew him." The verb could how- ever be taken to mean "perceive," with the ptc. not in ind. disc.: "Perceiving him in the market-place." KarapKeu : With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p. in 1.32.42. G M T. 899. K. 482.4; 484.22. 'G. says (899) that dp/ceco, "to be sufficient," is sometimes used in a personal construction with the ptc. where an impersonal con- struction with the inf. might be expected. K. also (cf. 484.22) 32 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS apparently sees little difference of meaning between the two constructions, and translates dp/ceco with the ptc., "It is enough (that I do)"; and with the infinitive used impersonally, "It suf- fices (to do something)." But in 1.32.42 Karap/ceco is used in the personal construction with a s. p. in a sense distinctly different from that expressed by the impersonal^ infinitive: uawep x^P'n ou6e/ua KarapKeei iravra ecouT?? Traptxovcra, "Just as no land suffices (i. e., has sufficient natural resources) to produce everything for itself." This mean- ing could not have been expressed by means of the inf. used im- personally. The statements of both G. and K. are therefore inadequate. /caracuj>co : With inf. in 4 passages, in ind. discourse. With inf., 1.58.2; 3.53.6; 3.130.4; 6.13.7. G M T. 904; 914.5. K. 482.2; 484.13. Both G. and K. suggest the general distinction between the use of the s. p. and the inf. after $cuwjucu, that with the s. p. the verb means "clearly (be or do)"; and with the inf., "seem (to be or do)." The distinction holds for 3 of the 4 passages in which Hdt. uses the inf. with /cara^cuwjucu. But in 6.13.7, a^a 5e Kare- 4>alveTO (KpL elvciL abbvara TO. jSacnXeos irp^y^ara vTrep(3d\eadai, the meaning seems to be, "Then too it was clearly impossible for them to overcome the power of the king." If this is the mean- ing of the passage, the ptc. would have been the more usual con- struction. But the meaning may be "seem" in this instance as well as in the 3 other passages. /carci(/>pdf co : With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p. in 4.76.17. G M T. 884. K. 482.1. The verb means "perceive" in the passage mentioned. 4.76.17, KaTapaa6els OLVTOV ravra iroLevvra, "Having perceived him doing this." KdTTjXoTeco : With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p. in 1.84.16. G M T. 919. K. 482.1; 488.1. a.5. In 1.84.16 the ptc., preceded by cos, seems to be sup., although its construction approaches very near the use of the circ. ptc.: Kar^Xoyrjae TOVTO cos kbv a/jLaxov re /ecu CLTTOTO^LOV, "He took no account of this, as being unassailable and precipitous." The meaning is almost, "thought of as being," or "thought . . to be," a meaning usually expressed by means of a sup. ptc. (or an inf.). SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 33 \a./j,@avu: With s. p. in 7 passages, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.27.14; 2.89.7; 3.29.10; 6.52.35; 6.137.25; 7.233.14; 9.99.9. G M T. 883. K. 482.1. This verb, with the meaning "find" or "detect" may be fol- lowed by the S. p. Thus, 3.29.10, rov av Xd/3co<7t bpra^ovra. KTeivtLV, "To kill whomsoever they should find keeping festival." In 9.39.9; 9.119.1 and 9.119.7 the ptc. is circ., although the use of the ptc. in these passages is quite similar to that in the 7 pas- sages above mentioned. But in these 3 passages the meaning of Xa/^dKo is "seize," and after the verb with this meaning the ptc. is clearly to be considered as circ. E. g., 9.119.1, Ol6@aov. . tKTa . . Xaftovres Wvvav nXeiorobpw, "They seized Oeobazus after he had fled and sacrificed him to Plistorus." In 1.27.17 and 7.239.12 a s. p. is to be understood. Likewise in 4.11.26 a circ. ptc. is omitted. \avOavu: With s. p. in 11 passages. With reversed con- struction in 5. With relative clause following, in 1. The con- structions are not those of ind. disc. With s. p., 1.44.8; 2.173.19; 3.40.1; 3.150.5; 5.86.22; 6.79.8; 7.218.2; 8.5.14; 8.25.7; 9.22.15; 9.93.14; (total 11). With re- versed construction, 5.15.8; 8:22.17; 8.75.3; 8.81.2; 9.98.21; (to- tal 5). With rel. clause, 8.106.17. G M T. 887; 893. K. 482.15; 482. note 14. Neither G. nor K. suggests a difference of meaning between the two constructions in which \av6avu occurs. But an exam- ination of the passages in which the verb is found in Hdt. indi- cates that when \av6ava) is followed by the ptc., it is the action that escapes notice; and that when the construction is reversed and the ptc. of \av6avw is used with a finite verb, the person (or thing) represented by the subject of the verb escapes the notice of someone, and is in consequence able to perform a certain action. E. g., 5.15.8, (ot Hepaai) exofres riyefjiovas rrjv aw odov TpaTTOvraL, \adovres de rovs Hato^as effiriTTTOVcri es TOLS TroXias avrHov, kovaas avdpuv eprj/jLovs. The Paeones are guarding one road, and the Persians pass by them without detection and are therefore able to fall upon the cities of the former when few defenders are in the cities. The ptc. of \avBavw is similarly used in 8.22.17; 8.81.2 and 9.98.21. But 8.75.3 is apparently an exception, the reversed construction not involving a difference in meaning. 34 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS In 8.106.17, in which a relative clause follows \avOa.vu, the sense is the same as with the normal construction. AiTrapeco: With s. p. in 3 passages, not in ind. disc. With s. p. in 3.51.7; 8.144.24; 9.45.16. G M T. 879. K. 482.5. In each passage AiTrapeco with the s. p. has the meaning "per- severe" or "persist" (in doing something). Ao7^"ojucu: With s. p. in 1 passage. With inf. in 5 or more. All are in ind. disc. With s. p., 3.65.22. With inf., 1.38.10; 2.46.3; 2.145.10; 7.176.31; 8.136.17; (total 5). G M T. 910. K. 482.1; 484.12; 550. G. suggests no difference of meaning between the two con- structions that may follow this verb. K. states (484.12) that \oylofjLaL meaning "reflect, consider, hold as one's opinion, or judge" takes the inf.; and that in Hdt. 3.65.22, ^L^kpbLv rov Kvpov MKeTt, v^lv eovTd \oyl{(rde, the verb approaches the meaning of Iff re, "know." He translates, "Know that you no longer have Smerdis, (or, Think of him as no longer living)." In all but one passage, Atrytfojucu with the inf. means "con- sider." In 7.176.31, tiriffLTLeladaL e\oyioi>To, the meaning is "expect." It is probable that other instances of the use of \oylo/j.ai with the inf. occur in Hdt. besides the 5 mentioned. jjiavdavu: With s. p. in 36 passages. With inf. in 3 passages. With on or cos clause in 19. With the exception of the infini- tives and one of the participles, all the constructions are those of ind. disc. With s. p., 1.5.7; 1.9.7; 1.68.6; 1.160.8; 1.191.29; 2.152.22; 3.1.24; 3.14.21; 3.69.9; 3.69.25; 3.122.13; 3.123.8; 3.157.10; 3.158.10; 4.112.2; 4.136.12; 4.164.12; 4.165.5; 4.166.11; 5.20.19; 5.115.3; 6.13.1; 6.17.2; 6.75.1; 6.78.1; 6.88.6; 7.188.12; 7.189.8; 7.218.1; 8.38.2; 8.88.5; 9.19.11; 9.33.13; 9.39.4; 9.47.6; 9.76.3; (total 36). With inf., 4.189.14; 9.111.26; 9.116.13. With on or cbs clause, 1.79.2; 1.87.11; 1.167.16; 3.21.7; 3.32.12; 3.43.3; 3.52.25; 3.64.5; 3.148.12; 4.3.18; 6.69.13; 7.9. 7 .6; 7.49.11; 7.148.7; 8.65.34; 8.93.6; 8.107.12; 8.109.1; 9.77.3; (total 19). G M T. 884; 904; 912; 915.1. K. 482.1; 484.9; 550. G. and K. agree in stating that with the s. p. or a or L or cos clause navdavu means "learn" or "comprehend" (that something SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 35 is true); and that with the inf. it means " learn" (to do some- thing). These statements hold for the usage of Hdt., the only possible exception occurring in 8.88.5, where the verb means ''perceive" and the s. p. is not in ind. disc.: X^ercu yap ftaviXea dyeviJLevov /jiadelv TTJV vea e/jifiaXovaav, "It is said that the king, looking on, perceived the ship making the attack." No difference of meaning between the use of ij.av6a.vw with a s. p. and with a finite clause is discernable. /jLevu: With s. p. in 1 passage. With inf. in 1 or more. The constructions are not those of ind. disc. With s. p. in 7.141.20. With inf., 8.56.4. G M T. 880. K. 482.5. The passage in which the s. p. occurs is a part of the response of an oracle and is in verse: Mrjde av 7' LTnroavvrjv re y.kvtiv Kal ire^ov lovra, "Do not await the advance of the cavalry and in- fantry." .Elsewhere in poetry nevu is sometimes followed by a s. p., e.g. in II. 13.38, (quoted under dexonai). Hdt. does not him- self use 'a s. p. with this verb. The usual construction after /zewo in Hdt. as in other writers is the inf., one example of the use of which occurs in 8.56.4, ovde Kvpudrjpai efjievov TO irpoKei(j,evov 7rp777//a, "They did not even wait for the matter in hand to be settled." It is probable that other instances of the use of the inf. occur in Hdt. juera/ieXoAtcu : With s. p. in 5 passages, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.130.6; 3.140.24; 4.203.10; 7.54.13; 9.89.18.- G M T. 881. K. 482.3. In each of the 5 passages ^ra^eKo/jLaL is used impersonally, and the ptc. is in the dative in agreement with the person who "repented." The personal construction is not used in the case of this verb by Hdt. fjuivvu : With s. p. in 1 passage, in ind. disc. With s. p., G M T. 904. K. 482.2. The verb is used in the sense of "report," or "inform." Hdt. does not use the inf. with MVVU, altho this construction is found elsewhere as well as that with the s. p. vonifa: With s. p. in one passage, not in ind. disc. With inf. in 66 passages, usually in ind. disc. Withs. p., 2.1.7. With inf., 1.4.5; 1.8.3; 1.34.2; 1.48.7; 1.49.6; 1.53.7; 1.71.5; 1.131.5; 1.131.6; 1.133.2; 1.135.2; 1.142.8; 1.146.12; 36 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 1.171.25; 1.215.4; 2.2.2; 2.2.5; 2.3.10; 2.25.26; 2.37.23; 2.38.4; 2.46.8; 2.52.11; 2.64.6; 2.72.2;2.77.7; 2.104.5; 2.121.e.24; 2.122.3; 2.145.1; 2.167.8; 3.16.11; 3.22.9; 3.34.7; 3.38.7; 3.69.11; 3.100.3; 3.129.6; 4.3.16; 4.20.4; 4.59.4; 4.59.13; 4.94.2; 4.127.16; 4.191.2; 5.82.11; 6.24.4; 6.63.12; 6.84.15; 6.86.8; 6.138.25;;; 7.107.2; 7.120.8; 7.129.26; 7.150.6; 7.151.10; 7.153.20; 7.156.20; 8.79.3; 8.87.20; 8.94.22; 8.128.19; 9.53.5; 9.116.18; (total 66).- GMT. 919. K. 482.1; 484.8. In 2.1.7 yopt^co followed by cos and a ptc. has the meaning "think of (as)," or "consider (as)": "Ico^as pev KO.L AtoXeas cbs <5o6Xous Trarpcoious eovras kv6fj.ie, "He considered the lonians and the Aeolians as hereditary slaves." K. states (484.8) that vonlfa usually means "know" in the few instances in which it is fol- lowed by the s. p., but this can not be the meaning in the passage cited above. In Hdt. as elsewhere w/ufw usually means "think," or "hold as one's opinion," and is regularly followed by the inf. In a few of the 66 passages above mentioned (e.g. in 4.191.2 and 7.120.8) vofjiifa with the inf. has the meaning "be accustomed to"; and the inf. is then not in ind. disc. In 1.171.25 a ptc. fol- lows ?o/u{"a>, but it is to be considered as a predicate nominative after elvcu, and not as a s. p.: von'i^ovvi. . . ecourous elvai avrox- dovas ^Treipcoras KCU. . .^taxpccoyuewus. KOjudco: With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 4.128.8. G M T. 884. K. 482.1. The verb usually has the meaning "distribute," and is very rarely used as in the passage cited with the meaning "see" or "observe," and followed by a s. p.: 4.128.8, pw/iwj/res co^ alra avaipeontvovs, "Observing them in the act of foraging." olda: With s. p. in 29 passages. With inf. in 2. With on or cos clause in 7. With s. p., 1.5.12; 1.131.1; 1.40.5; 2.12.12; 2.17.5; 2.23.3; 2.122.8; 2.150.8; 3.61.7; 3.72.6; 3.72.12; 3.115.8; 3.146.10; 4.15.2; 4.33.25; 4.34.1; 4.46.5; 4.76.19; 5.92.r/.28; 5.92.r?.33; 7.26.9; 7.50.19; 7.159.7; 7.175.8; 7.214.9; 9.21.11; 9.43.3; 9.43.11; 9.84.4; (total 29). W. inf., 4.25.2; 5.106.18. With on or cos clause, 1.193.42; 3.69.15; 3.71.22; 4.155.11; 5.105.7; 6.17.4; 8.78.2; (total 7). G M T. 904; 912; 915.2. K. 482.1; 484.7; 550. G. says (915.2) that olda regularly has the s. p. in ind. disc., but takes the inf. in the sense of "know how" (to do anything); SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 37 also that in the sense of "know" or "believe" olda sometimes takes the inf. in ind. disc. K.'s statement is substantially the same (484.7). In Hdt. olda means "know" in each passage in which the s. p. or a finite clause follows the verb. In 4.25.2, olda with the inf. means "know how (to)." In 1.20.1 the inf. could be con- strued with olda, and is so taken by Stein, (cf . his note on 5. 106. 18) . But from the infrequency with which this construction occurs, the inf. can better be taken with aKovaas in this passage: 1.20.1, Ae\4>uv olda 700 ourco aKovaas yeve&dai, "I have this informa- tion, having heard from the Delphians that it happened thus." In 5.106.18 the inf. (if it is not to be bracketed as Stein thinks) is in ind. disc, after laBi. (Moore- Allen on Eurip. Med. 593, says that the inf. of ind. disc, is used only after this form of olda.) 5.106.1cS, IffOi avrov 7r' etouroD fiaXofjievov ireiroL-riKtvaL: "Be as- sured that he has done this on his own initiative." The princi- ples stated by G. and by K. apparently hold for all the passages in which Hdt. uses this verb. It is evident that all the constructions after olda except one of the infs. are in ind. disc. olxo/daL'. With s. p. 37 times, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.1.20; 1.48.2; 1.68.29; 1.111.18; 1.157.4; 1.168.3; 1.189.9; 2.29.7; 2.115.20; 2.119.12;; 2.137.5; 2.139.3; 3.48.22; 3.131.3; 4.10.12; 4.145.7; 4.155.23; 4.160.10; 4.165.6; 5.47.4; 5.75.17; 6.96.4; 6.97.2; 6.97.7; 7.164.14; 7.170.9; 7.197.13; 7.218.14; 7.222.2; 7.228.3; 7.229.12; 8.94.4; 8.126.12; 8.135.17; 9.118.4; 9.122.18; (total 37). G M T. 895. K. 482. 15.e. In the 37 passages mentioned the ptc. with oi'xoAtcu contains the leading idea of the expression. In 4 other passages, 2.118.10; 4.11.4; 6.33.9 and 7.15.11 the idea expressed by olxov-ai appears to be equal in importance to that expressed by the ptc., and the ptc. can therefore better be classed as circ. E. g., 4.11.4, oi'xeo-flcu diafiavras irora^ov 'Apdea eirl yrjv ri]V KtjUjuepo?*', "Having crossed the river Araxes, they entered the territory of the Cimmerians." opdco: With s. p. in 174 passages. With on or cos clause in 5. Of the s. p.'s, 139 are not in ind. disc., and 35 are in ind. disc. Of the clauses, onlv 1 is clearly in ind. disc. SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS With s. p., in ind. disc., (35) : 1. 11.3 3. 12.18 4. 9.20 6. 13.5 7.209.9 1. 11.17 3. 35.6 4.166.4 6. 13.11 7.236.4 1.112.3 3. 72.2 5. 20.6 6. 61.16 8. 10.6 1.185.5 3.128.14 5. 29.3 6. 61.28 9. 33.17 1.190.9 3.128.18 5. 40.3 6. 62.7 9. 34.10 1.191.6 3.139.14 5. 75.14 7. 47.13 9. 58.9 2.167.3 3.147.1 6. 1.8 7.116.3 9.103.8. With s. p., not in ind. disc., (139): 1. 9.15 2.106.4 4. 31.7 6.137.9 8. 94.5 1. 22.2 4. 36.5 7. 8.0.4 8. 97.10 1. 30.21 4. 76.11 7. 18.8 8.100.3 1. 74.13 4. 76.19 7. 44.7 8.108.1 1. 80.7 2.150.5 4. 78.23 7. 45:1 8.129.3 1. 82.15 2.152.20 4. 79.22 7. 54.3 9. 18.8 1. 84.18 2.156.6 4. 98.5 7.128.1 9. 19.4 1. 85.14 2.162.22 4.122.6 7.139.17 9. 22.17 1. 85.16 2.162.27 4.125.13 7.147.11 9. 23.1 1. 87.3 3. 13.5 4.130.2 7.160.1 9. 37.20 1. 88.5 3. 14.11 4.134.16 7.167.1 9. 45.9 1.111.15 3. 14.20 4.195.9 7.194.17 9. 46.16 1.111.23 3. 14.36 5. 29.6 7.208.12 9. 48.10 .112.11 3. 27.5 5. 59.1 7.211.12 9. 51.15 .117.7 3. 32.10 5. 91.3 7.218.7 9. 53.2 .123.5 3. 35.15 5. 91.77.28 7.233.4 9. 55.2 .141.9 3. 52.8 6. 14.14 8. 4.2 9. 58.8 .155.25 3. 66.2 6. 15.7 8. 6.8 9. 59.6 .197.6 3. 78.3 6. 16.9 8. 10.1 9. 66.13 1.197.8 3. 78.31 6. 35.8 8. 10.10 9. 66.15 1.206.6 3.145.6 6. 69.8 8. 37.4 9. 76.8 1.207.5 3.145.15 6. 69.12 8. 53.10 9. 82.4 1.209.3 3.155.1 6. 75.9 8. 55.9 9. 82.10 1.209.18 3.157.1 6. 86.a.22 8. 65.6 9. 98.9 2. 12.2 4. 3.16 6.112.5 8. 75.19 9. 99.4 2. 38.3 4. 3.17 6.112.8 8. 78.4 9.103.11 2. 44.4 4. 9.7 6.119.6 8. 87.20 9.113.3. 2. 64.7 4. 9.21 6.129.20 8. 90.14 With on or cos clause, (5) : 2 131.11; 7. lO.e.l; 7.10.e.3; 7.135.9; 8.88.6. G M T , 884; 904; 912. K. 482 1; 484.2; 550, SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 39 Of the 35 s. p.'s classed as in ind. disc., 19 are certainly in ind. disc. ; but the remaining 16 are not necessarily to be so con- sidered. The 16 are in 1.112.3; 1.185.5; 1.190.9; 1.191.6; 2.167.3; 3.12.18; 3.128.14; 3.128.18; 3.139.14; 4.166.4; 5.75.14; 7.236.4; 8.10.6; 9.33.17; 9.34.10; 9.103.8. With 20 of the 35 s. p.'s that may be considered as in ind. disc., opdco means ''see." With the other 15 it means "realize," "recognize," or "know"; for the perception is distinctly mental, rather than visual. It is to be observed however that in those passages in which opdco with the s. p. of ind. disc, apparently means simply "see," it may be con- sidered as meaning "know, or become aware, (from seeing)." For a construction in ind. disc, contains the expression of a fact; and a fact is grasped by the mind, even though the eye or some other sense organ has been instrumental in the acquirement of the knowledge. The 15 passages in which opdco with the s. p. means definitely "realize" or "know" are: 1.11.3; 1.11.17; 1.185.5; 1.190.9; 2.167.3; 3.12.18; 3.35.16; 3.72.2; 3.128.14; 3.128.18; 3.139.14; 3.147.1; 7.209.9; 9.33.17; 9.34.10. Only 1 or i clause was found after opdco in 2.131.11. It is in ind. disc. Four clauses are introduced by cos, all of which are in ind. disc. It is evident that Hdt. uses almost exclusively the s. p. after 6pdco to express ind. disc. The s. p. coi> is omitted in 4 passages, not already mentioned, namely, 2.121:0.3; 3.12.19; 5.18.9; 9.68.3. TTdVTolos ylyvo/jLaL'. With s. p. in 2 passages. With inf. in 1. The constructions are not those of ind. disc. With s. p., 7.10.7-5; 9.109.11. With inf., 3.124.6. G M T. 896. K. 482.8; 484.30. G. states (896) that this phrase in the sense of "be urgent" is followed by the s. p. K. suggests (484.30) that the phrase when followed by the s. p. means "exert one's self to the utmost in the accomplishment of something"; and that with the inf. the meaning is "exert one's self to the utmost in order that some- thing may take place." The principle as thus stated holds for Hdt., upon whose use of the phrase K.'s distinction is probably based, inasmuch as the phrase is seldom if ever found elsewhere with a s. p. However, it may be urged that some ptc. such as deo/jievr] is to be supplied in 3.124.6, where the inf. occurs after this phrase: TravroLrj eyivero JUT) aTrodrj/JiTJffqi TOP HoXvKparea. The 40 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS meaning of the passage would then be, "She was urgent in en- treating Polycrates not to go away"; whereas, if no ptc. be sup- plied, the meaning is "She used every means to prevent Polycrates from going away." L. & S. favor supplying the ptc., but it appears to be hardly necessary. Traixo: With s. p. in 17 passages. With inf. in 2. No s. p. or inf. is- in ind. disc. With s. p. in 1.133.9; 1.133.11; 1.141.10; 1.155.4; 1.206.2; 2.158.24; 3.53.14; 4.42.9; 5.23.16; 5.92.^.32;; 7.107.4; 8.112.1; 8.125.7; 8.142.1; 9.87.2; 9.93.25; (total 17). With inf., 5.67.4; 7.54.7. G M T. 879; 903.5. K. 482.6; 484.28. G. vStates that Trauco with the ptc. means to "stop (what is going on)"; and with the inf., to "prevent (a future act)." K. similarly gives the respective meanings as "stop" and "prevent." With all but one of the s. ps. the middle of -rraixo is used, with the meaning "cease." In 5.23.16 the active of Trauco is used, with the transitive meaning "stop (something being done)." In 5.67.4, KXtLadevrjs yap 'Ap7toin ayuv'tfeadai ruv 'O/jnjpeicov tir'euv e'iveKa, iravco with the inf. seems to mean "stop" rather than "prevent," although the latter interpretation is placed upon the passage by G. (903.5) and K. (484.28). From the context it must be in- ferred that the contests referred to were being regularly carried on. The effect of the action of Cleisthenes was then to "put a 'stop to" the practice. This however involved the "preventing" of the recurrence of the contests in the future. Evidently Cleis- thenes did not stop an act in the midst of its occurrence. He stopped a series of acts, thereby preventing a recurrence of the individual acts. Again in 7.54.7, TTCUXO is followed by an inf.: He ^ ffvvrvx'i-a-v roiavrriv yevecrdaL, 77 IJLLV rrjv ^vpwwrjv irporepov tf eirl Tepfjiaai, rolcn eKeivrjs yevrjTai. G. (576) and K. (484.28) each refer to this passage as an instance of the use of the inf. after -rrauco meaning "prevent." But Trauco may mean here either "stop" or "prevent." The question of chief importance is, after what verb is the clause following irporepov ij to be taken? It cannot of course follow KaTaaTptyaadai, and must therefore depend upon either yevkaOai or Trauo-et. Kallen- berg and Stein each place a comma after yevtadai and none after SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 41 which would seem to indicate that both consider the clause after irpbrepov i) as following -rravaeL. Furthermore, Stein's note on the syntax of yevrjTai shows clearly that he construes the clause thus. If this construction be assumed as correct, the sentence seems to mean: "Xerxes prayed that no such mis- fortune might befall him, as would interrupt (i. e., stop) his re- duction of Europe before he should arrive at its farthest bounds.'' It can hardly mean, as G. and K. each imply (1. c.) : "Xerxes prayed that no such accident might befall him as would pre- vent him from subduing Europe, until he had reached its- utmost limits." For the fact that the clause after irpbrepov ij is used at all implies that Xerxes had no fear of being checked before he had subdued at least a part of Europe. Rather is he anxious lest while in the act of bringing Europe under his control he may be interrupted and hence stopped in his career of conquest before he ha? arrived at the limits of the continent. But if, after sub- duing a part of the continent, he should then be effectually checked, he would be stopped in the act of carrying out his plan, and not prevented from executing at least a part of it. The acci- dent would prevent the completion of his plan; but to stop any action effectively is to prevent its continuance. On the other hand, an explanation is possible in support of the meaning "prevent." If the clause after irpbrtpov r) be taken closely with wdefjiiav avvrvxi-^ yeveadac, the thought of Xerxes' prayer may then be, "That no misfortune might befall him before he should get to the. farthest limits of Europe, that would pre- vent the accomplishment of his plan, namely, the subjugation of (all) Europe." The subjunctive after irporepov r/, with which Stein finds difficulty, would then be satisfactorily accounted for by the negative idea contained in ^be^lav awrvxiyv. The aorist infinitive Ko.raarp'&l/oiffdo,i would then have its proper force, ex- pressing a single definite act, if the "subjugation of all Europe" be thought of as Xerxes' purpose. (Cf. 7.8.7.) Of the two explanations, the latter seems to be better supported by the Greek. Xerxes, looking forward to the time when his purpose should be achieved, prays, "May nothing happen ai any moment before I get to the farthest bounds of the continent that shall defeat my aim." For him, in this instance, to fail at all was to fail alto- gether to be wholly "prevented" from accomplishing his design. 42 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS The principles stated by G. and by K. relative to the use of the ptc. and the inf. with vrauw apparently hold for Hdt.'s usage, with the possible exception of one passage, 5.67.4. The use of the inf. may there be explained by the fact that if the ptc. had been used the sentence might have seemed to mean that Cleis- thenes interrupted contests that were actually in progress rather than that he interrupted the series. (So Stein.) "Of 7 examples of Tra.veii> (airo-jraveLv) with infin., 5 (including Hdt. 5.67) refer to the stoppage of repeated acts; not in the actual performance (which would require the ptc., probably), iraveiv thus differs from /ccoXuco in that it means stop something that has been previously done and is to be prevented in its repetition. KtoXuco would imply nothing as to previous action. The other two passages are Hdt. 7.54 and Plato Rep. 416c. In the latter, Traiw with elvaL is used of checking a condition that has existed, and preventing its being so in the future. I should not venture to differentiate from the participle. In Hdt. 7.54 we have the pre- vention of the completion (there may be emphasis on the Kara- of KaTavTp&I/aa6cLL) of an act that takes a long time. It is perhaps the special meaning of Karaarpe^aadai that would make the use of the present ptc. here peculiar. The ptc. would perhaps mean: 'check him as he was getting all Europe subdued'." A. G. Laird. Treipdco: With s. p. in 15 passages. With inf. in 32. No inf. or ptc. is in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.77.4; 1.84.6;* 2.73.13; 4.125.16; 5.91.24; 5.92.^.32; 6.5.8; 6.9.17; 6.50.4; 7.9.a.5; 7.139.8; 7.148.7; 7.172.18; 9.26.9; 9.53.18; (total 15). With inf., 1.76.13; 1.189.6; 1.189.8; 1.193.34; 1.207.26; 4.3.7; 4.119.16; 4.127.12; 4.139.6; 4.203.11; 5.16.4; 5.20.24; 5.36.22; 5.62.10; 5.71.5; 5.72.6; 5.85.5; 6.62.12; 6.84.9; 6.138.19; 7.176.22; 8.57.11; 8.77.2; 8.89.11; 8.97.7; 8.100.17; 8.107.3; 8.108.15; 8.143.7; 9.27.37; 9.33.15; 9.47.5; (total 32).- G M T. 896. K. 482.8; 484.30. G. suggests no distinction of meaning for the use of this verb with the s. p. and with the inf. K. states (484.30) that with the s. p. Tretpdo/zat means "try one's skill at something"; and with the inf., "attempt to do something." An examination of the passages in which Hdt. uses this verb shows that there is no definitely retained distinction between the SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 43 use of the s. p. and that of the inf. Some passages about half of the total number would seem to indicate that in Hdt. Tretpdojueu with the s. p. means "try doing something," i. e., actually begin the action which it is desired to accomplish; and that with the inf. Tretpdojuai means "strive toward" a certain end an end which will either be fully attained, or not be attained; i. e., it will not be partly reached. This distinction, in the main, corresponds with that suggested by K. Thus, with the ptc., in 1.84.6, avrjp. . . e/reipdra irpofffiaivuv, the meaning is that the person attempted to ascend the rock, and began the ascent. In 1.76.13 the inf. is used: Trends KrjpvKas es rovs "Icoz'as, eTretpdro a(f>eas CLTTO Kpotcrou air KIT avai'. Cyrus attempted to "bring about the revolt" of the lonians from Croesus, but there is no indication that any part of his purpose was attained. The distinction does not however depend upon whether the action as a whole is successful . Thus ill 5.36.22, tdoKte av\\aiJL@aveiv ireLpdaOaL rovs . . . aTparrjjovs, al- though the inf. is used the generals were seized as had been plan- ned. In 6.5.8. |8tr; eTretpdro KCLTLWV 6 'loTicuos, the action was unsuccessful as a whole, although the ptc. is used. The distinc- tion suggested may be said to hold for 6 of the 15 passages in which the s. p. occurs: 1.77.4; 1.84.6; 2.73.13; 6.50.4; 7.9.a.5; 7.139.8. In the other 9, the distinction could still be made, but cannot be insisted upon. Of the 32 passages in which the inf. is found, the distinction holds for 18. In 6 of the remaining 14 the distinction is doubtful: 1.189.6; 1.189.8; 6.62.12; 8.89.11; 8.97.7; 8.100.17. For the remaining 8 passages the distinction does not hold: 1.207.26; 4.139.6; 5.20.24; 5.36.22; 8.57.11; 8.77.2; 8.108.15; 9.47.5 It will be noticed that the distinction suggested holds definitely for only 24 of the 47 passages in which Hdt. uses Tretpdco. Hdt. employs the deponent forms of this verb in all passages but 1, in 6.84.9. It is there followed by an inf. In 4.139.6 a circ. ptc. intervenes between Tretpdco and the inf. Trevdeu : With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 7.220.19, G M T. 881. K. 482.3. The s. p. with this verb occurs in an oracular response quoted by Hdt.: 7.220.19, TrevOrjaei (3acri\rj ^Bl^evov, "Will mourn the death of a king." TrepojjueKreco : With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 8.109.3. G M T. 881. K. 482.3; 485. note 3. 44 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS In 8.109.3, OVTOL. . . tKTrcfavyoTuv TrepiT^e/creoj', "They were aggrieved at the escape (of the Persians)," the ptc. may be classed as sup. But K. (482.3) suggests that it may also be considered as a genitive absolute with an omitted noun. The construction is however sufficiently similar to that of s. ps. with such verbs as axOo/jLCLL etc. (cf. 9.98.2) to warrant its classification as sup. Treptopdw: With s. p. in 10 passages. With inf. in 6. None is in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.89.7; 2.110.7; 3.65.32; 4.118.9; 6.106.6; 7.168.6; 8.75.17; 9.6.9;; 9.41.23; (total 10). With inf., 1.24.16; 1.191.20; 2.63.25; 3.48.13; 4.113.6; 7.16.a.6; (total 6). G M T. 885; 903.6. K.482.5; 484.24. G. states (903.6) that Treptopdo; with the s. p. means "see an act done without interfering to stop it"; and "with the less fre- quent inf., 'permit an act to be done without interfering to pre- vent it V He adds that sometimes the same sense is expressed by both the s. p. and the inf. K. makes a statement equivalent to the above, regarding the difference of meaning of the two constructions. The distinction suggested by G. and by K. holds for 4 of the 10 passages in which the s. p. occurs, and for all the passages in which the inf. is used. But in 6 passages Treptopdco with the s. p. means "permit an act without preventing it": 4.118.9; 6.106.6; 7.168.6; 8.75.17; 9.6.9; irXrjprjs et/xt: With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 7.146.15. G M T. 881; (cf. 896;'899.) K. 482.4. In 7.146.15 the phrase is used in the sense "be satisfied with" (seeing) : tirtav 5e ravra drjev/j-evoi earn 7rXi7pees. G. does not mention this phrase. TroXus eT/ceiAicu: With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 7.158.2. G M T. 896. K. 482.8, note. This phrase appears to be used in 7.158.2 with a s. p. in. the sense of "be urgent" (in doing something): 7.158.2, FeXco^ 5e TroXXos eveKeLTo \tyuv TOLa.de. G. takes \eyuv as a. s. p., but K. considers it as circ., expressing manner, and translates, "G. drang heftig auf sie ein, indem er folgendes sprach." TroXus ei/u: With s. p. in 2 passages, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.98.2; 9.91.1. G M T. 896. K. 482.8. The general meaning of this phrase with a s. p. is " (do) em- phatically," or "be earnest (in doing something)." SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 45 The phrase is used in a somewhat similar manner in another passage, 8.59.4: TroXXos fjv 6 G^io-ro/cXe^s h rots Xoyoiai ola Kapra deonwos. But in this instance the ptc. does not bear a suffi- ciently close relation to ?roXX6s -r\v to warrant its classification as sup. irpoj3aivu: With a s. p. in 2 passages, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.134.18; 5.51.11. G M T. 895; (cf. 879). K. 482.6; 482.10. The ptc. contains the leading idea of the expression in 1.134.18 and 5.51.11. In these passages irpo(3aivu means "proceed to."- It has the same meaning in 1.5.13 and 6.75.15, but the ptcs. in these passages are to be considered as circ. For the meaning of the verb is there completed by adverbial phrases, not by the ptcs. : e. g., 6.75.15, tirira.iJ.vt6s eari., "You are to ex- pect Mardonius and his army following close on my heels. "- The ptc. t\a.vvwv is probably sup., but could be considered as circ. irvvd avowal.: With s. p. in 40 passages. With inf. in 40. With on or cos clause in 15. All the constructions except 5 of the s. ps. are in ind. disc. 46 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS With vS. p., in ind. dis c., (35): 1. 27.16 2. 54.5 5. 9.4 7.172.3 8.141.10 1. 32.25 3. 40.5 5. 15.5 7.173.23 9. 12.2 1. 59.1 3. 53.22 5. 15.10 7.177.5 9. 58.1 1. 65.2 4. 43.32 6. 23.12 7.206.4 9. 77.5 1.100.7 4.134.7 6.100.1 8. 26.12 9. 98.1 1.127.3 4.144.3 7. 28.6 . 8. 40.10 9.110.1 1.214.6 4.166.4 7.163.8 8.108.5 9.113.11. With s. p., not in ind. disc., (5,) 1.54. 1; 2. 160.9; 4 120.1; 5. 79.7; 6.85.1. With inf., (40,): 1. 62.2 2. 44.3 5.104.8 7.114.5 7.225.6 . 69.7 2.133.20 5.106.3 7.114.9 8. 6.3 . 70.13 3.122.15 5.111.5 7.121.6 8. 40.10 . 86.10 3.127.7 5.122.4 7.128.4 8. 71.5 . 97.2 4.133.7 6. 41.1 7.128.9 8.141.1 .157.3 5. 15.1 6.117.15 7.147.14 9. 3.7 .170.2 5. 15.5 6.125.7 7.159.3 9. 31.3 1.196.2 5. 30.18 7. 8.7.10 7.166.30 9. 96.5. With on or cos clause (15), 1. 96.15 5.121.2 7.157.6 7.226.4 8.112.8 3.141.4 6. 41.13 7.191.20 8. 50.9 8.136.9 5. 86.18 6.135.5 7.196.7 8. 57.3 8.144.28. G M T., 884; 886; 904; 914.1. K., 482.1; 484.3; 550. G. states that Trwdavo^aL is followed by a s. p. not in ind. disc., and also by a s. p. in ind. disc.; that the former ptc. denotes the act perceived or heard of, whereas the latter denotes the fact that the act occurs (884). He states further (886) that irwBdvonai in Attic Greek regularly takes the genitive of the ptc. not in ind. disc., and the accusative of the ptc. of ind. disc. He suggests no distinction of meaning in the use of the different construc- tions of ind. disc. K. (484.3) states that irvvdavo/jiai with the s. p. means to learn or hear as a fact; and with the inf., to learn as rumor or hearsay. Of the 5 s. ps. not in ind. disc., those in 2.160.9 and 5.79.7 'are in the genitive after irvvOavo^aL, and denote, with their noun, the source of the information gained. In 6.85.1, where the geni- tive is again used, the ptc. denotes something "heard of." But SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 47 in 1.54.1 and 4.120.1 the accusative with a ptc. is used, denoting the thing heard in each case a reply reported. The usage in these 2 passages is therefore not in accord with the principle stated by G. (886). Of the 35 s.ps. in ind. disc, after TrwdavofjLaL there is none for which the distinction of meaning suggested by K. (484.3) can be said definitely not to hold. The information was, or may have been, in each instance learned "as a fact." In over four-fifths of the passages it is impossible to ascertain how definite or reli- able the information acquired was. But in the case of those passages in which the inf. is used, the distinction of meaning seems to hold for only half 20. For 9 of these it quite cer- tainly does not hold, as far as may be judged from the context: 5.15.5; 6.125.7; 7.114.5; 7.225.6; 8.40.10; 8.141.1; 9.3.7; 9.31.3; 9.96.5. In two of these passages both a ptc. and an inf. follow irvvdavonai, 5.15.5 and 8.40.10. The eleven other passages for which the distinction apparently does not hold are: 1.62.10; 1.170.2; 4.133.7;; 7.121.6; 6.117.15; 7.128.4; 7.128.9; 7.147.14; 8.6.3; 8.71.5. In two of the passages in which a clause follows irvvBavonai, 1.96.15 and 7.191.10, the information ap- pears to have been received as rumor or tradition, but in the 13 other passages there is nothing to indicate that the information was not considered reliable. crvyyiyvuaKu : With s. p. in 1 passage. With inf. in 10. All are in ind. disc. With s. p., 5.91.13. With inf., 1.41.18; 1.89.15; 1.91.30; 3.53.2; 4.43.28; 4.126.7; 5.86.7; 6.61.8; 6.92.12; 6.140.9; (total 10). G M T. 904; 908. K. 482.1; 484.6. G. offers no distinction of meaning in the use of the s. p. and of the inf. after this verb. K. states (484.6) that with the s. p. it means "be conscious or aware"; and with the inf., "confess, admit, or become conscious." With the s. p. in 5.91.13, avyyiyvuvKu means "be conscious." With the inf. it means "become conscious" in 1.89.15 and 3.53.2; and "admit" in 1.91.30; 4.43.28; 6.61.8; 6.92.12; 6.140.9. K.'s statement holds therefore for these 8 passages. But in 1.45.18; 4.126.7; 5.86.7 the meaning of crvyyiyvuiaKu with the inf. seems to be "be conscious," and the ptc. might therefore have been expected in these passages. 48 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS The inf. is evidently the usual constructon with this verb in Hdt., as in Attic Greek. avjKvpeu: With s. p. in 1 passage. With inf. in 1. Neither is in ind. disc. With s. p., 8.87.16. With inf. 9.90.3. G M T. 889. K. 482.15.a-. Neither G. nor K. suggests any difference of meaning between the two constructions after this verb, nor is any perceptible in the 2 passages mentioned. In each instance avjKvpeu means "happen." In 8.92.1, two circ. ptcs. are used with the subject of this verb. <7i7-t/3au>co: With s. p. in 1 passage. With inf. in 5. These are not in ind. disc. With s. p., 9.101.7. With inf., 3.50.3; 6.103.6; 7.166.1; 8.88.3; 9.101.10; (total 5). G M T. 890. K. 482.9; 477.C. The verb means "happen," whether followed by the inf. or the s. p. In 1.32.15 the ptc. is circ. O-UJUTTITTTCO: With s. p. in 3 passages. With inf. in 5. None is in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.82.4; 5.36.2; 9.101.1. With inf., 1.131.2; 5.35.6; 8.15.5; 8.132.16; 8.141.7; (total 5) G M T. 890. K. 482.9; 473.4. There is no apparent difference of meaning between the dif- ferent constructions. The last 3 mentioned of the 5 infinitives are introduced by wore. Although Hdt. is the only author who uses the s. p. to any extent with this verb, he, too, evidently prefers the inf. construction. In each instance the meaning is "happen." s ei'prjrcu, avrfi ffvvrjvtiKe evrvx^ yev6/j.eva, /cat TO TUV e/c rrjs KaAi'f 61/075 vtos fjirjdeva aTroauOevTa KaT'fjyopov yeveadcu,, "The other events SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 49 'chanced to turn out' fortunately for her...." In 8.87.10, TO KCLI (rvvrivtiKe iroirjaao-rj, "Which event turned out to her advan- tage, when she had done it," the ptc. is to be taken as circ., altho it could be considered as sup. avvaxQo/jiaL: With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 8.142.15. G M T. 881. K. 482.3. In 8.142.15 the verb is followed by a s. p. in the dative, in the sense of "be grieved along with" (someone), i. e., "sym- pathize with (someone) in his grief." avveKTT ITTTCO : With s. p. in 1 passage. With inf. in 1. Neither is in ind. disc. With s. p. 8.123.8. With inf. 8.49.7. Cf. GMT. 890 K. 482.15. The sense is in each instance "happened to agree" (in), or (that. . .). avvir)jju,: With s. p. in 2 passages. With on clause in 1. All are in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.205.4; With &TI clause, 5.19.9. In each of the passages the meaning of avvl^nL is "compre- hend." avvoida: With s. p. in 3 passages, in ind. disc. With s. p., 7.164.9; 8.113.16; 9.60.16. G M T. 904; 908; 912. K. 482.1. In 7.164.9 and 8.113.16 avvouda means "know," simply, (=olda). In 9.60.16 the meaning is more nearly "be conscious that." reXeirrdaj: With s. p. in 2 passages, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 2.33.15; 7.123.14. GMT. 879. K. 482.6. The verb is used in each passage in the sense of "cease (doing something)," or "finish (doing something)." rXdco: With s. p. in 1 passage. With inf. in 1. Neither is in ind. disc. With s. p., 5.56.5. With inf., 9.228.14. G M T. 880; 903.2. K. 482.5; 484.23. G. states that .rXdco with the ptc. means to "endure (some- thing now going on or already done)"; and with the inf., to "have the courage, or venture, (to do something not yet done)." K. makes a distinction equivalent to that of G. The distinction holds for the 2 passages in which the verb is found in Hdt., 50 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS except that the action that is to be endured (in 5.56.5, where the s. p. is used) is neither "going on or already done." But this is due chiefly to the fact that the whole action is in the future, the main verb being an imperative: 5.56.5, TX^t Aoof arXr/ra jraduv TT\r]OTL dvnu, "Endure as a lion to bear unendurable woe with enduring heart." Neither passage is part of Hdt.'s direct history, but each is part of an oracle quoted. rpoxafa- With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 9.66.16. G M T. 895. K. 482.10. This verb is not mentioned by G. or by K. as one followed by t s. p. But in the passage cited the ptc. may be considered as containing "the leading idea of the expression," like the s. p. with olxofJidL. 9.66.16, dAAd rrjv Tax'^Trjv erpoxafc favywv ovre ks TO %i)\ivov Ttlxos ovre es TO Qr/fiaiuv retxos dAA' es $co/ceas: He fled, running as fast as he could. . Tvyxa.vu\ With s. p. in 91 passages, not in ind. disc. With s. p., (91), 1. 8.11 2.159.8 5. 22.3 7. 38.10 8.102.3 1. 29.5 2.162.14 5. 30.5 7. 58.12 8.114.13 1. 35.16 2.168.5 5. 30.9 7. 61.16 8.137.25 1. 38.8 3. 14.45 5. 30.21 7.102.17 8.142.24 47.5 3. 35.6 5. 33.8 7.104.6 8.144.18 59.11 3. 69.14 5. 44.5 7.109.12 9. 12.10 59.12 3. 78.1 5. 51.7 7.151.3 9. 21.1 68.9 3. 84.12 5. 86.4 7.167.8 9. 42.18 88.7 3.118.7 6. 9.12 7.194.1 9. 49.13 142.3 3.121.4 6. 28.10 7.205.11 9. 63.1 149.7 3.121.9 6. 41.9 7.208.11 9. 64.7 1.176.13 3.122.24 6. 61.12 7.224.2 9. 76.18 1.191.29 4. 41.7 6. 65.21 7.225.14 9. 76.20 1.202.27 4. 61.5 6. 74.13 8. 65.5 9. 98.14 2. 57.11 4. 76.14 6. 89.1 8. 68.a.5 9. 98.20 2.121./3.2 4.127.10 7. 3.2 8. 75.12 9.106.22 2.135.14 4.144.5 7. 26.13 8. 87.9 9.107.22 2.151.9 4.181.14 7. 38.5 8. 96.3 9.111.16 2.155.10 GM T. 887. K. 482.15. SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 51 In each passage Tvy\a.w has its regular meaning with the s. p., "happen (to do something)." vTrapx^: With s. p. in 6 passages, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.192.22; 5.103.5; 6.133.3;; 7.144.13; 9.78.10; (total 6). G M T. 879. K. 482.6. In 4 passages virapxu with the s. p. means "be first (to do something)": 5.103.5; 6.133.3;; 9.78.10. In 1.192.22 it means only "happen" (to be), and in 7.144.13 is equivalent to el^l. virojjLevu: With s. p. in 5 passages, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 6.33.8; 6.40.7; 7.101.8; 7.101.12; 7.L20.10. G M T. 879; 880; 903.2. K. 482.5; 484.23. G. and K. offer the same distinction of meaning for virotikvw with the s. p. and with the inf. as for rXdco (q. v.). With 4 of the 5 s. ps., viropevw means "await" or "withstand" (an attack about to be made). This meaning is somewhat different from that suggested by G., inasmuch as the action endured is in the immediate future rather than in the present. In 7.101.8 the meaning of viro/dtvu with the s. p. seems to be "venture to," a meaning which usually requires the use of the infinitive: vvv ooi> jjioi robe (frpavov, el "EXX^es viro/jLevovaL x^pas /-ioi avraeLpo/jLevoL, "Will venture to lift their hands against me." A slight variation of the same idea occurs in 7.209. 17, where the ptc. is circumstantial : ovdev aXXo Wvos av6 pooirojv TO ere, (3aaiv(a: With s. p. in 58 passages. With inf. in 26. The in- finitives and all except 11 of the ptcs. are in ind. disc. With s. p., (58): 1. 60.22 2.131.12 4. 68.10 7.154.13 8.120.2 1. 93.11 2.148.7 4. 97.10 7.166.8 8.134.1 2. 58.4 3. 35.6 5. 9.4 7.171.7 8.142.14 2. 79.9 3. 69.10 6. 9.15 7.173.21 9. 18.14 2. 90.3 3. 82.22 6. 52.29 7.174.6 9. 25.8 2. 93.15 3.116.2 6. 53.13 7.175.5 9. 65.6 2. 97.2 3.134.7 6. 69.14 8. 25.9 9. 80.8 2.103.5 3.137.23 6.121.5 8. 37.11 9. 85.13 2.104.1 4. 12.4 6.137.22 8. 94.8 9. 89.17 2.104.17 4. 45.23 7. 14.3 8. 94.17 9. 98.9 2.104.20 4. 50.19 7. 18.23 8.101.6 9.100.4. 2.106.3 4. 53.18 7. 97.9 1. 24.17 1.155.6 4.119.10 7. 48.5 1. 32.23 1.174.17 4.134.10 7. 48.7 1. 51.12 2. 10.4 4.196.10 7.104.24 1.120.12 2.134.7 5. 10.5 7.129.30 1.142.12 4. 42.5 5.106.9 7.137.7 52 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS With inf. (26), 7.177.1 7.209.3 7.209.20 7.210.5 8. 65.9 9.106.10. G M T. 904; 914.5; 884. K. 482.2; 484.13. G. states (914.5) that the s. p. is the usual construction after ^cupojucu, but that the inf. is sometimes used; that although in some cases the two constructions cannot be distinguished in sense, the distinction usually holds that ercu with the s. p. means "he is manifestly (doing something)," and with the inf. "he seems (to be doing something)." K. (484.13) suggests a distinction equivalent to this. With the 11 s. ps. not in ind. disc., namely, 2.97.2; 2.106.3; 2.131.12; 4.97.10; 7.166.8; 8.25.9; 8.37.11; 9.80.8; 9.85.13; 9.98.9; 9.100.4, 4>alvoiJLai means "be seen (doing or being)." With the s. p. in ind. disc, in 1 passage, 4.68.10, it means "be shown (to have done)." In these 12 passages the sense of -^aiw/zat with the s. p. is slightly different from any of the meanings suggested by G. or K. In all but 2 of the remaining 46 passages the meaning seems to be "plainly (be or do)." But in 8 of the 44 passages the verb may mean "seem": 2.58.4; 4.12.4; 4.45.23; 4.53.18; 5.9.4; 7.173.21; 8.94.8; 9.25.8. In 2 other passages the meaning seems clearly to be "seem": 2.79.9; 3.137.23. With 17 of the 26 infs., 0aiw>/*at means "seem." With 6 it appears to mean "plainly (be or do)": 1.27.14; 1.32.23; 1.174.17; 4.42.5; 5.10.5; 9.106.10. With 3 of the infs. either meaning is possible in 1.51.12; 4.119.10; 4.134.10. A point worthy of notice is that in all except 2 passages of those in which the inf. occurs with 4>alvo^aL a dative also is used with the verb, representing the person to whom the action "seems" to be in progress. On the other hand, the dative is not once used with ojucu when the s. p. follows. This differ- ence makes it probable that Hdt. had greater regard for the general difference in meaning of the two constructions than would seem to be the case from an examination of the sense of the context in each instance, upon which the statistics already given were based. SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 53 avep6s et/u, 3.26.4; 4.12.6; 4.45.1; 5.56.7; 7.18.24; 7.221.6; (total 6). G M T. 907. K. 482.2. The personal construction occurs in each of the 7 passages. 4>avep6s yiyvona.1 with the s. p. means "it becomes evident that. .'." The meaning of avepos et/u with the s. p. is "it is evident that. .." 0epw jSapecos: With s. p. in 1 passage, not in ind. disc. With s. p., 3.155.1. G M T. 881. K. 482.3. The phrase is used in the sense of "be greatly grieved" (at seeing, Id&v). (frdavu: With s. p. in 12 passages. With reversed construc- tion in 3. The ptcs. are not in ind. disc. With s. p., 3.78.6; 4.136.11; 6.65.9; 6.70.6; 6.91.5; 6.108.12; 6.115.5; 6.116.3; 7.162.4; 7.188.13; 9.70.3; 9.113.8; (total 12). With reversed construction, 3.71.23; 7.161.1; 9.46.18. G M T. 887; 893; 894. K. 482.15.d and note 12. There is apparently no difference in meaning between the regular and the reversed construction with fflavw in Hdt. The meaning in all passages except one is "anticipate" (someone in doing something). In 7. 162 .4 the meaning is (with OVK &v), "You would not act too soon" (in doing something). 0omo: With s. p. in 2 passages. With inf. in 1. With articular inf. in 1. None of the constructions is in ind. disc. With s. p., 7.236.5; 7.237.7. With inf., 8.109.13. With ar- ticular inf., 7.237.7. G M T. 881. K. 482.3; 475.note 2. Neither G. nor K. mentions this verb specifically as followed by the s. p., and neither suggests any distinction of meaning, therefore, between its use with the s. p. and with the inf. In Hdt., (f>6oveu with a s. p. in the dative means "envy." With the simple inf. it means "refuse to allow, through envy." With the genitive of the articular infinitive (as with a noun in the geni- tive) the meaning is "envy," and the genitive denotes the ground of the envy felt, as does the s. p. in agreement with the dative when this construction is used. - Between the use of the simple inf. and that of the s. p. with (frdoveu there is also this difference, that the inf. denotes an act not yet begun, whereas the s. p. de- notes an act already in progress (or a state actually existing). 54 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS : With s. p. in 2 passages. With inf. in 2. Of these, one of the infs. is in ind. disc. With s. p., 7.46.4; 9.107.13. W. inf., 3.154.7; 4.113.8. G M T. 884. K. 484.note 2; 475.note 2. With the s. p. 0pdfco (middle or passive) means " observe." With the inf. the meaning is "believe" in 3.154.7, and the inf. is in ind. disc. In 4.113.8 the verb means "bid" and is followed by the object inf. The active of 0pd^"w is used in this passage. In 3.154.7 the middle is used, as with the s. ps. The difference between the meaning of the two constructions is not specifically mentioned by G. or by K. in the case of this verb. uXdrrco: With s. p. 6 times. With inf. 3. These are not in ind. disc. With s. p., 1.150.3; 5.12.7; 5.41.10; 5.104.9; 8.9.7; 9.110.5.- G M T. 884. K. 514.note 7; 553.g.; (cf. 482.1 and 482.5). Neither G. nor K. mentions this verb as one sometimes fol- lowed by a s. p., nor does either mention a class of verbs in which this would properly belong. But the ptc. with this verb seems quite clearly sup. With the s. p. uXdrraj means "watch for (an event to hap- pen)." With the inf. the meaning is "take care (to do or not to do something)." E. g., 5.104.9, IJLLV uXdas eeX06j>ra, "Having watched for him to come forth." With the inf., 1.108.19, 4>v\- aaodco i 1 1 see i 1 1 be vexed yiyvcoffKO) 8 8 4 4 8 9 5 perceive; judge; determine y po.(f)Ci} i 1 1 represent dkxo^o-i 2 2 .... 2 await, withstand 677X6* (eljjii etc.) . . 1 1 8 9 (be) clear (that), etc. 677X600 4 4 10 4 demonstrate 6 ' 1 1 1 continue 6i.ct.6c IKWIJLL .... 2 2 2 4 show SictreXeco .... 15 15 15 continue 6teei/ii 1 1 1 go through, continue 6ieepxoM at 5 5 5 go through with; do in succession c ^ t 4 4 4 go, come, be about to eK/j.a.i>6a.vu 1 1 3 4 learn eKalvu 1 1 1 show forth tXivvii) 1 1 1 cease e^opdco 4 4 4 see ci'Tiryxdz'to 1 1 1 find ea77eXXoo 1 1 1 2 announce e&irlo'Ta/ia.i 1 1 l' 1 3 5 know; know how 7ra77eXXco 3 3 3 announce 7rdi.Vros ylyvo/JLcn, 3 3 3 become known eTraLO-xvvopai . . 1 1 ...... 1 be ashamed tTrelyw. . 2 2 1 i 3 hasten 7Tt6eUWMt 1 1 1 demonstrate eTTtX^TTTOS eijUl. . . 1 1 1 be detected eTTurraMCH 10 10 15 8 23 22 55 know; believe; know how eTTtrpeTrreo^ effri. 1 1 1 permit eTUTirYYdj'a; 2 2 2 happen ep^co. 1 1 1 repel epxowat 13 13 13 be about to Up t(7/C60 23 22 45 4 1 5 50 find; learn how; judge; obtain (f)V p Iff KtiO 1 1 1 detect 2 2 2 see, look upon exw aST?*' 1 1 1 be satisfied ^5o/zat 8 8 8 be pleased 77KCO. 4 4 4 arrive SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS TABLE I. Continued 57 1 With s. p. i iVith inf. VERB. T3 a T3 C 1 15 1 TJ a d a o 1 With clause. I MEANING. 6av/Jta(jo 66CLOjy.CU 2 4 2 4 2 4 be surprised look upon LKCLVOS eijUL K.a.d'riykojJ.a.L 1 ] 1 1 1 1 2 1 be sufficient; be able be first KaQopau . Ka.jJ.VU3 Ka.Ta.(3aLV(j} KarabelliVVlU KaraXafJifSclvoj Ka.Ta/J.av6avpa.fco 1 1 4 4 4 1 (mid.) seem perceive KarrjXoYeco \a.^t(3a.v(ji} 1 7 1 7 1 7 neglect find \avdavo} \L7rapka) \oyl^ofJia.i fiavdavu {Jikvu fjLTa/J.e\o^aL {trjvvu von ^ w j>co dco . . . . 1 35 1 11 3 1 1 5 1 1 11 3 1 36 1 5 1 1 1 5 64 3 1 2 5 3 1 66 19 11 3 6 58 2 5 1 67 1 escape notice persist consider learn; learn how; perceive await; wait for repent report consider; think; be accustomed see oLda oZxo/*cu opdco .... 29 IS 37 139 29 37 174 1 1 2 7 S 38 37 179 know; know how go see realize iravTolos y iyvopiai . Trauco . . 2 17 2 17 1 ? 1 7 3 19 exert one's self stop prevent Treipdco TrevOktd 15 1 15 1 32 32 47 1 try mourn 7repi77//eKra> Treptopdco 1 10 1 10 6 6' 1 16 be aggrieved permit 7r\rjpr]s el/jii TroXus eyKLpLa.L .... TroXus et/it TTDOQaLVU . . 1 1 2 2 1 I 2 2 1 1 2 2 be satisfied be urgent be earnest proceed to 58 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS TABLE I. Continued With With s. p. inf. VERB. ,. d 1 MEANING. a c a ^c j3 "o . '^ "B _^ *5 ^ 3 o g ^ ^ H & H ^ TTpOTTVvda.VOfJ.aL .... 1 i i hear irpO(jbkxofJLo.i 1 i 5 5 1 7 expect TTpOadoKL/Jlbs LfJLL . . 1 i 1 be expected TTvvddvofJtaL 35 5 40 40 40 15 95 hear; hear of; learn <7vyjLyvulpco /Saplcoi 1 I 1 be greatly grieved #*' CO 12 12 12 anticipate 6ovtu 2 2 2 2 4 envy; begrudge (/>pa'f co 2 2 1 1 2 4 observe; believe; bid ^ XaVrw 6 6 3 3 9 watch for; take care to Total, 121 verbs . 289 584 873 195 147342 116 1331 From Table I it is seen that with a total of 121 verbs Herod- otus uses the supplementary participle 873 times; the infinitive, 342; a finite clause, 116. Of the participles, 289 are, and 584 are not, in indirect discourse; the proportion being therefore about as 1:2. Of the infinitives, 195 are, and 147 are not, in indirect discourse. The proportion is therefore about as 4:3. SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 59 To express indirect discourse the participle is used about one and one-half times as often as the infinitive after these 121 verbs, namely 289 times, to 195 for the infinitive. The participle not in indirect discourse is used nearly four times as frequently as the object infinitive 584 to 147. The arithmetical results obtained by such a summary as that presented in Table I are however of much less importance than the facts obtained regarding the usage of each individual verb, recorded in Chapter II. The infinitive of indirect discourse, for example, is used by Herodotus after many verbs not included in Table I. The ratio mentioned above as existing between the use of the participle and that of the infinitive to express indirect dis- course after the 121 verbs of Table I, affords no indication of the relative frequency of occurrence of the various constructions of indirect discourse with all verbs used by Herodotus. For the 121 verbs given, however, the totals are of some value. And the general conclusion is apparent, that after those verbs with which the supplementary participle is used at all, this is the construc- tion employed in nearly two-thirds of all the passages in which the verbs are followed by any one of the three constructions participle, infinitive, or finite clause. The six following tables present a recapitulation by classes of the verbs included in Table I. The classification follows in part that made by Kuhner, 482; is to some extent based upon that of Goodwin, GMT. 878-919; and in part is the result of combining classes or portions of classes suggested by one or the other of these grammarians. The classification is based pri- marily upon the meaning of the verbs. But it will be observed that certain classes contain verbs of quite different although usually of related meaning (e. g. Class 4, Table 5; cf. G M T. 879) ; while certain verbs which are placed in a particular division differ but little in meaning from other verbs that are otherwise classified. This is due chiefly to the difficulty of making a sharp distinction between verbs of similar meaning ; but in part also to the fact that certain verbs are used with two or more different meanings by Herodotus, and could therefore be placed in either of two classes. It is believed however that the classification offered is sufficiently definite tc exhibit the extent to which each of the different con- structions is employed by Herodotus after verbs of like signification. 60 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS In the case of each class, reference is made to the correspond- ing classes of Goodwin and of Kiihner. Class 1, Table II: Chiefly verbs denoting a mental or sense perception: namely, verbs meaning "hear, see, be seen, watch for, find, detect, learn, comprehend, consider, realize, know."- G M T. 883; 884; 904; 907; 910; 919. K. 482.1. TABLE II. Class 1 i Vith i Vith s. p. inf. VERB. -d T3 i MEANING. d g d c "u d & I 's "B fi +> s 1 aivddvojJ.a.1 1 1 1 perceive CLKOVU 2 10 12 12 12 3 27 hear a\LffKOfJL(U 11 11 11 be detected CLVCVp 10"KCO 2 2 2 find out 1 1 1 see 'Yiyv&ffKW 8 8 4 4 8 9 25 perceive; judge; determine tKfJLavddvu 1 1 3 4 learn tvopdv 4 4 4 see tvTvvydvu 1 1 1 find t&TriffTafJLai 1 1 1 1 3 5 know; know how Trdi(TTOs yiyvouaL. 3 3 3 become known 7rtX777rr6s ettu . 1 1 1 be detected eiTLO'TQ.fJt.OLL 10 10 15 8 23 22 55 know; believe; know how VpicTKO/j(l^CO 1 1 64 2 66 67 consider; think; be accustomed KO/WZCO 1 1 1 see olda 29 29 1 1 2 7 38 know; know how opaco 35 !l39 174 5 179 see; realize SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS TABLE II. Continued 61 With With s. p. inf. 1 VERB. d 13 I MEANING. -d c d 'g ^5 .j 13 'cS c rt O o o & H P .H ^ H TTpOTTVvOdvOlJUU 1 1 1 hear Trpoadexo^ai 1 1 5 5 i 7 expect irpoadoKL/J.6s eort . . 1 1 1 be expected irwddvoucLL 35 5 40 40 40 15 95 hear; hear of; learn (njyyiyv&o'KLK) 1 1 10 10 11 be aware; become aware; admit pe^co 2 2 1 1 2 4 observe; rjelieve; bid 0uXarrco 6 6 3 3 9 watch for; take care to Total, 38 verbs . . 200 2281428 161 40 201 88 717 It is evident from Table II that the verbs of Class 1 are fol- lowed by the supplementary participle in more than twice as many passages as by the infinitive 428 to 201. Of the parti- ciples, somewhat less than half are in indirect discourse, 200 to 228, and of the infinitives four-fifths are in indirect discourse. More participles than infinitives, however, are used to express indirect discourse 200 to .161. Herodotus uses 38 verbs of this class. 62 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS Class 2, Table III. Verbs having the general signification "to impart information": namely, verbs meaning "announce, declare, represent, show, seem, clearly be." G M T. 883; 904; 907; 912; 914. K. 482.2. TABLE III. Class 2 Wit? Witt L s. p. inf. VERB. 'O tr lause. MEANING. v c .S ^_- d c ^_- o ^: s: "o o H c "o "o h 1 1 d77lXXco 77 2 2 1 1 2 5 announce o.7ra77lXXco 1 1 1 1 2 4 announce dirodeLKW/ii 12 12 1 5 6 2 20 show; show how; appoint airoKp ivo) 1 1 1 (mi'd.) be distinguished a.TTOc/xui'co 5 5 1 6 declare; demonstrate 7pa'0to 1 1 1 represent 77X65 (ei/u, etc.) . . 1 1 8 9 (be) clear (that), etc. 677X60? 4 4 10 14 demonstrate bia.belKW(J.i 2 2 2 4 show eKaivco. 1 1 1 show forth e^ayyk\\(jo 1 1 1 2 announce 7ra77XXco 3 3 3 announce eTTiSe iKvvfJ.i 1 1 1 demonstrate KCLTddeiKW/JLl 1 1 1 1 2 prove; show how KCLTO.cbo.ivii} 4 4 4 (mid.) seem (LYIVVCti 1 1 1 report 47 11 58 26 26 84 (mid.) clearly (do); seem chavtpos yiyvofiai, ei/u. . 7 7 7 become or be evident Total, 18 verbs . . 89 12 101 34; 6 40 28 169 From Table III it is seen that after the 18 verbs of Class 2 the participle is used in 101 passages and the infinitive in 40. Nearly nine-tenths of the participles and seven-eighths of the infinitives are in indirect discourse. The ratio of participles in indirect discourse to infinitives in indirect discourse is about 8:3. SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS Class 3, Table IV. Verbs denoting a state of the feelings: namely, verbs signifying "be ashamed, vexed, satisfied, pleased, surprised, weary, grieved; repent, mourn, envy." G M T. 881; 900. K. 482.3; 482.4. TABLE IV. Class 3 63 With With ; s. p. inf. VERB. -d d i MEANING. d e _. d _c __; 73 ^j a s fl "o 1 $ i , , 1 1 1 be ashamed d aXAoo ? 2 be vexed avdoua.L 1 ^ 1 be vexed tirCLLffXVVO/JLCLL 1 1 i be ashamed ex^ o.drjv 1 1 i be satisfied ij5o!ji.a.L 8 8 8 be pleased davj^dfa 2 2 2 be surprised KatJLVU 1 1 1 be weary fjLCTCL/J.k\OlJ.a.L 5 5 5 repent Tre^cco 1 1 1 mourn 7Tepl77^KTCO . . 1 1 1 be aggrieved TrA^pr/s eL/Jil 1 1 1 be satisfied (TVVCl')(dotJ.O.i 1 1 1 sympathize with 0pw /3aplcos 1 1 1 be greatly grieved * 6ovk " 2 2 2 2 4 envy; begrudge Total, 15 verbs. . 28 28 3 3 31 It is evident from Table IV that of the 15 verbs of Class 3 only 2 are followed by the infinitive. None of the constructions is in indirect discourse. Class 4, Table V. Verbs meaning ''begin, continue, endure, suffice, venture, persist, be earnest, hasten, try, cease, stop, repel, await, permit." G M T. 879; 880; 885; 896; 899. K. 482.4; 482.5; 482.6; 482.8. It will be noticed that although the verbs of this, class are apparently of various signification, all have to do with one's interest or part in some action, i. e., in general, with beginning an action, continuing or interfering with it, etc. 64 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS TABLE V. Class 4 With With s. p. inf. VERB. TJ d i MEANING. d 'g -d _c 'o . - O 1 - $ 1 5 15 Q c ^ Z H ^ h (XI/cYCO 7 7 1 1 8 endure; venture GLVLTIttl 3 3 3 3 6 cease ; permit 4 4 4 hold out GLVTLY 0GC60 1 1 1 hold out 1 1 1 cease CLTTOKpOVCO 1 1 1 repel CLTToXe 17TCO 2 2 1 1 3 cease; fail to; fall short of CLTTOYpCUO 3 3 7 7 10 be sufficient; be content 7 7 8 8 15 be first ; begin bkxojJ-at. 2 2 2 await; withstand didyu 1 1 1 continue 5tareXlco 15 15 15 continue ?'/;.. 1 1 1 go through; continue 5iecpxo/*at 5 5 5 go through with; do in succession e\LVV(j} 1 1 1 cease eTreryco 2 2 1 1 3 hasten TTLTpTTTOV CO"T I . . 1 1 1 permit CpUKCO 1 1 1 repel LKCLVOS LfJ.L 1 .1 1 1 2 be sufficient; be able KadrryeofJiai 1 1 1 be first /carap/csco 1 1 1 suffice XtTrapIco 3 3 3 persist ..i. 1 1 1 1 2 await; wait for iravTolos yiyvojutai. 2 2 1 1 3 exert one's self Trauco . . 17 17 2 2 19 stop; prevent 15 15 32 32 47 try Treptopotco 10 10 6 6 16 permit TroXus eyKeijUciL .... 1 1 1 be urgent TroXus ei/i 2 2 2 be earnest reXeiirdco 2 2 2 cease; finish rXaco 1 1 1 1 2 endure; venture uwdpxu 6 6 6 be first; happen; be VTTOtlcVtt) 5 5 5 withstand; venture Total, 33 verbs. . 126 126 65 65 191 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS According to Table V, none of the constructions after the verbs of Class 4 is in indirect discourse. The supplementary participle is used by Herodotus in nearly twice as many passages as the infinitive after these verbs 126 to 65. Class 5, Table VI. Verbs meaning "happen, anticipate, es- cape notice." The participle with these verbs usually but not always contains the leading idea of the expression. G M T. 887; 889; 890; 893; 894. K. 482.9; 482.15. TABLE VI. Class 5 With With s. p. inf. VERB. d -d ause. ME. d _'c d c \ a ,0 rt P c o H 'i 1 kiriTWyx^oivfj} 2 2 2 happen \avQdv(j} 11 11 11 escape notice avyKvpsm 1 1 1 1 2 happen' av/ifSo. ivoo 1 1 5 5 6 happen criy/TTiTTTCO 3 3 5 5 8 happen avtxfrepu 1 1 21 21 22 happen aVVeKTTiTTTIjO 1 1 1 1 2 happen to agree rvyxdvu 91 91 91 happen $ ddvw 12 12 12 anticipate Total, 9 verbs. . . 123 123 33 33 156 It is apparent from Table VI that the constructions after verbs of Class 5 are not in indirect discourse; also that the parti- ciple is the favorite construction after verbs of this class, the ratio of participles to infinitives standing about 4 to 1. It should be noted, however, that the ratio does not hold for individual verbs. Three verbs, crvfiflalva), avfnrlTTToo, and cru/^lpoo, are used more frequently by Herodotus with the infinitive than with .the participle. 66 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS Class 6, Table VII. Verbs meaning "come, go, proceed to." G M T. 895. K. 482.10. The participle contains the leading idea of the expression. TABLE VII. Class 6 With s. p. With inf. VERB. a c n d .a i 1 t3 c "d .S 8 "c5 1 With clause. 3 MEANING. a.(j)LKvko/JiaL elfJLt, epxoftai 2 4 n 2 4 n 2 4 13 arrive be about to T/KCO KaTaflalvb} oi'xojKat 4 4 37 4 4 37 4 4 37 have come come to do; end by doirg irpo(3aivo} 9 9 9 & U rpoxdfa. . 1 1 1 Total, 8 verbs. . 67 67 67 After verbs of the general meaning "come" and "go," the participle only is used by Herodotus, according to Table VII. The participle, not in indirect discourse, occurs in 67 passages after verbs of this class. Conclusion. As has already been suggested (p. 59), the facts derivable from the summary tables are inferior in value to the information recorded in Chapter II regarding the use of each of the verbs. It will have been noticed that of the 121 verbs in- cluded in Chapter II, a large majority are followed by the same constructions in Herodotus as in Attic Greek. In the case of 22 verbs, however, the usage of Herodotus appears to differ in some degree from the Attic usage as stated by Goodwin or by Kuhner. Such verbs are: ayysXKw, d/couco, d^tr///t, aTrcryYiAAco, aTrodeiKvvjU.1, oLTroXetTroo. a.Tro(f)a.Lvco f apxco, a0itft>o//cu, Ste^lpxo/iat, eireiyoo, kirlara- fJ.a.i, eupumo, /cara/3at^co, /carap/clco, \avddvu, Trauco, 7reipao//cu, irwddvofJiaL, avyyiyvtcaKu, v\drTO}. A detailed state- ment of the use of each of these verbs by Herodotus has been given SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 67 in Chapter II. The main points in which the usage of Herodotus is not in conformity with the principles of Attic Greek may here be briefly summarized. The distinction of meaning existing for Attic Greek, according to Kiihner, between the use of the participle and that of the in- finitive after does not hold for the one passage in which Herodotus uses the infinitive after this verb. As far as can be determined from the one passage, he apparently employs the two constructions without difference of meaning. After CLKOVCO the accusative of the supplementary participle not in indirect discourse is used of a direct, certain perception in 7 passages. According to both Goodwin and Kiihner the geni- tive of the participle would have been used in Attic Greek. In 2 other passages the participle is used where the infinitive would, according to K., have been regular. The verb av irj/u is followed in Hdt. by either the ptc. or the inf., but with distinctly different meanings. Neither G. nor K. mentions this fact for Attic Greek, or suggests any difference of meaning in the two constructions. 'A7ra77\Xco is used once with a participle and once with an infinitive without apparent difference of meaning contrary to the principle stated by K. After airodelKwfjLL the participle is used in 4 passages in which the infinitive would be expected, and one infinitive is used where according to K. the regular construction would have been a participle. 'ATroXeiTrco is used by Hdt. with either a participle or an infini- tive. Neither G. nor K. mentions this fact for Attic Greek. 'A7rocuj>co is used 3 times with a participle in a sense for which the infinitive would regularly be employed, according to K. Hdt. uses the participle irregularly for the infinitive after apx^ in one passage, and the infinitive 3 times instead of the participle, according to K. ' ' AfaKveofJiai is twice followed by a supplementary participle. K. mentions this only as a poetical usage. Aielpxo/*eu is followed by a supplementary participle in 5 passages. Neither G. nor K. has a class in which this verb ex- actly belongs. The construction may therefore not be found in Attic Greek. 68 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS Hdt. uses the participle and the infinitive after eireiya) ap- parently without difference of meaning. K. makes a distinction for Attic Greek usage. After e7rt(7Ta//.cu the participle is used irregularly 5 times, and the infinitive 11 times, according to K.'s statement of Attic usage. Seven of the participles after evpiaKu are used in passages in which the infinitive would have been regular according to K. The verb KarajScuwo is used 4 times with a participle. No men- tion of this construction as an Attic usage is made by G. or by K. Hdt. uses KCLTCLPKSU in a sense different from that mentioned by G. and by K. for Attic Greek. There is apparently a difference of meaning between the regu- lar and the reversed construction of the verb \avddvtc in Hdt., altho none is mentioned by G. or K. In one, possibly two, passages, Hdt. uses Travon with the infini- tive with the meaning "stop" rather than "prevent," the latter being the regular meaning with the infinitive, according to both G. and K. But see Chapter II, Trauco. In 8 of the 32 passages in which the infinitive occurs after Treipaco the distinction given by K. for Attic Greek docs not apply. Uw6dvo/j.aL is twice used with the accusative of the participle of indirect discourse. This construction would be irregular in Attic, according to G. In 9 passages the infinitive is used irregu- larly instead of the participle according to K.'s statement of the distinction in Attic Greek. With avyyLyvuaKw the infinitive is used three times where the participle would be regular according to K. No mention is made by G. or by K. of the use of the infini- tive and the participle after 4>dovku, but each construction is found in Hdt. In the classification of supplementary participles according to the signification of the governing verb, as made by G. or by K., there is no class in which the participle after ^uXdrrco exactly belongs. The participle after verbs of this meaning is appar- ently a poetic rather than an Attic usage. It will be noticed that in the case of a considerable number of the verbs just mentioned the apparent difference between Herod- otus' usage and that of Attic Greek is due rather to an inexact Sl'PPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS 69 or more properly, an over-exact statement of Goodwin or Kuhner of the conditions under which the participle or the in- finitive is used by Attic writers, than to a real peculiarity of the style of Herodotus. It is possible that in several instances a distinction in the use of the two constructions suggested by G. or by K. is meant only as a general one and that it is not in- tended that the distinction be understood to apply rigidly to the usage of Attic writers in every instance in which a verb is used. If this be true, it will be seen that Herodotus' use of the various constructions differs very little from the usage of Attic Greek. In connection with the differences mentioned in the case of the 22 verbs just summarized it may be noted that Goodwin's statement regarding Herodotus' use of certain verbs, in G M T. 896, is somewhat misleading. He says: "H. uses the parti- ciple with Tretpo^Mcu, to try, and with TroXXos et/u or yivonaL, TroXXos eyKeL/iat., and TTUVTOLOS yivoiion,, to be urgent; rarely with e to press on." In 897 he says: "The participle with TroXus eyKei/tai, and eyicei t uai alone, occurs occasionally in Attic Greek." The use of the words "rarely" in 896 and "occasion- ally" in 897 would seem to indicate that the supplementary par- ticiple is the regular construction in Herodotus after the verbs and phrases mentioned in 896; and that this construction, except with eireiyo/iai, is of frequent occurrence. As has been shown in Chapter II, (and in Table I of this chapter,) Treipao/mi is followed only 15 times by the participle, but 32 times by the infinitive. The infinitive is therefore the more usual construction in Hdt. as in other Greek. IIoXus elfu occurs only twice with the parti- ! ciple; TroXus ylyvonai apparently does not occur at all in Hdt. with a supplementary participle; TroXus eyKeipai occurs once only with this construction; Travrolos -yiyvofiai occurs twice with the supplementary participle and once with the infinitive; eireiyo/JLcu,, twice with the participle and once with the infinitive. Finally, it should be noted that the somewhat general impres- sion that Herodotus uses the supplementary participle much more frequently than do the Attic writers, is not well-founded. An examination of his usage with the 22 verbs lately mentioned shows that he employs the infinitive instead of the participle 39 times, and the participle for the infinitive only 22 times. His use of the participle with 7reipao/u and a few other verbs not fre- 70 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTICIPLE IN HERODOTUS quently followed by the participle in Attic Greek would bring the latter total up to about 40 or 45. But against his use of the participle with these verbs must be placed his somewhat excep- tional use of the infinitive after e7rurra/*cu (cf. GMT. 915.2.b). The conclusion must follow, therefore, that although Herodotus uses the supplementary participle somewhat more freely than Attic writers, not always preserving the distinction in the use of the participle and of the infinitive, his variation from Attic usage favors the infinitive nearly or quite as often as the supplemen- tary participle. APPENDIX LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EMPLOYED circ. circumstantial G. Goodwin GMT. Goodwin's Greek Moods and Tenses i. d. (only in tables) indirect discourse ind. disc, indirect discourse inf(s). infinitive(s) K. Kuhner; also Kuhner's Ausfuhrliche Grammatik Kail. Kallenberg ptc(s). participle(s) s. p(s). supplementary participle(s) sup. supplementary 71 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED * F S^ *"* below, or on the date to which renewed. iewed books are subject to immediate recall. ~8Sep'57FTl LD 21-100m-6,'56 (B9311slO)476 General Library University of California Berkeley ILLINOIS PRINTING COMPANY DANVILLE, ILLINOIS Caylord Bros. 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