EASY SELECTIONS ADAPTED FROM XENOPHON VOCABULABY NOTES AND MAP BY J. SURTEES PHILLPOTTS, B.C.L. Head Af aster of Bedford Schoel Editor qf ' Selections Adapted from Xenofhon ' C. S. JERRAM, M.A. Late Scholar of Trinity College, Oxford faint Editor of the 'London Series of English Classics' PRELIMINARY PART SCENES FROM THE ANABASIS OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS Oxford University Press London Edinburgh Glasgow Copenhagen New York Toronto Melbourne Cape Town Bombay Calcutta Madras Shanghai Humphrey Milford Publisher to the UNIVERSITY Printed in England PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. THE object of such adapted Selections as these has some- times been misunderstood. It has been supposed that the aim is to save boys' thought ; the real aim is the reverse. It is to get boys to think and to use their minds on the language at a stage when otherwise they would either have had their attention confined to Grammar or Delectus- work, or have had to struggle at translating authors whose style is really beyond them. Such a struggle does not, I believe, educate the boy or make him think. He is simply baffled and bewildered by having too many difficulties thrust on him at once, and either buys a word for word translation, or simply looks out the words without trying to connect them and discover a meaning. The essence of good teaching seems to me to lie in presenting to boys an infinite succession of problems carefully graduated according to the exact stage of their progress. Power is what we-'want ; and the feeling of getting on, the feeling of doing something with one's knowledge, the pleasure of following a connected story all this awakens interest, makes brain and heart work with eye and ear, in- telligence with memory, and gives in fact that sense of power which is one of the chief sources of power itself. These ' Easy Selections ' are adapted for boys who are only just beginning Greek. They are somewhat graduated, so that the beginning is made still easier than the rest ; in the first hundred lines there are no augmented tenses, in the first three hundred none which are not specially explained in the notes. All through, the words are, as far as possible, put in the order in which they should be taken ; the sentences are very short, and there is a Vocabulary containing not only all the words, but all the more difficult forms of words used. The whole is intended as a Preliminary Part to ' Selections iv PREFACE. Adapted from Xenophon 1 ,' which has now reached a third edition. Since those ' Selections ' were published I have been so much engaged with other work that I should never have been able to complete this Preliminary Part without the welcome assistance of Mr. Jerram, who I found had already prepared an edition of the Anabasis on his own account. At my suggestion he kindly gave up this for an ' Adapted ' edition, to act as a First Greek Construing-book. Besides his knowledge of the Anabasis, he brought to the work the freshest acquaintance with the actual wants of boys beginning Greek, from his experience in directing the classical teaching of a large preparatory school. Though I am responsible for the plan of the book, the main burden of the work has fallen on his shoulders, and if these ' Easy Selections ' should in any way meet the wants of teachers, I hope the credit will be given where it is due. We owe thanks to Mr. Beuttler for preparing the first draught of the Vocabulary. J. S. PHILLPOTTS. Jan. 1877. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. THE principal change in the Second Edition is that the First Chapter has been made still easier than before. This improvement has been effected, not by altering the text (which might have caused inconvenience in schools where the former Edition was already in use), but by additions to the notes. The verb-forms are the great stumbling- block to beginners, and throughout the first 300 lines every such form likely to cause any difficulty has been 'parsed.' The aim of these Easy Selections is to enable a boy to 1 If variety is desired, the 'Stories of Rhampsinitus and Marathon' (Rivington, 2nd ed. 1877) may be used as a bridge between the two. PREFACE. V begin construing at once, without the intervention of any Greek Reader or Delectus. At the request of the boys themselves the book was introduced into a form, where many had begun their Greek Grammar but two or three weeks previously ; and the experiment was found thoroughly suc- cessful. Should it^be thought that a reading-book is out of place at so early a stage, it must be remembered that by the time boys begin Greek, the chief difficulties of trans- lation from a foreign language have been already mastered in Latin, if not in French as well. With Grammar and Vocabulary a boy can begin construing almost as soon as he knows the alphabet. The need of constant reference to the Accidence to help him in this task makes an intelligent boy look upon his Grammar as a friend rather than as a foe ; whereas, if he learns paradigms alone for several weeks or months, he soon loses the interest of novelty in disgust at the dryness of the method. The standard of accuracy need not be lowered, but the required amount of accuracy may be achieved as completely with a more ready coopera- tion on the part of the learner. After all, we educate non scholae sect vitae; and if, as we profess, our chief aim is to develope intelligence, we cannot afford to dispense with the exercise of it at any stage. The First Edition was not stereotyped, on purpose to leave room for alterations. Several minor additions are now intro- duced, and the whole has been most carefully revised and corrected. Should any errata still have escaped detection, the Editors will be greatly obliged to any one who will send a line to either of them. J. S. PHILLPOTTS, GRAMMAR SCHOOL, BEDFORD. C. S. J ERR AM, WINDLESHAM, SURREY. July, 1878. CONTENTS. PAGE SECT. I. The March towards Babylon .... i Notes 107 II. The Battle of Cunaxa and its Results . . 14 Notes 118 ,. III. Beginning of the Retreat 20 Notes 121 IV. The March to Kurdistan 29 Notes 126 V. The March through Armenia 44 Notes . .' 136 VI. Trapezus and Sinope 57 Notes 145 VII. Sinope to Chrysopolis 7> Notes 155 VIII. Concluding Scenes of the Retreat ... 84 Notes 164 Vocabulary 179 Grammatical Register . c ajj Map shewing the route of the Greeks. DATES OF GREEK AND PERSIAN HISTORY. B.C. Cyrus the Great founds the Persian Empire . . . 559 Subdues Croesus and Asiatic Greeks, and takes Babylon 546-538 Cambyses his son succeeds . . . . . . . 529 Darius I (Hystaspes) . . . . . . . 521 Ionian towns revolt from Persia ..... 500 Sardis burnt by the Athenians 499 First Persian Invasion of Greece. Marathon . . . 490 Xerxes succeeds to the throne 485 Second Persian Invasion. Salamis 480 [Athenian Ascendancy 480-430] Artaxerxes I succeeds ....... 465 Peloponnesian "War begins 431 Darius II (Nothus) succeeds . . . . . 424 Tissaphernes made Satrap of Asia Minor . . . 413 Tissaphernes makes treaty with Sparta . . . . 411 Cyrus the Younger, son of Darius, supersedes Tissaphernes 407 Artaxerxes II (Mnemon) succeeds to the throne . . 405 Peloponnesian "War ends. Athens taken by Lysander . 404 Cyrus rebels against his brother Artaxerxes . 401 EXPEDITION OF CYRUS. Departure from Sardis .... March 6th 401 Arrival at the Maeander .... ,, 9th ,. Celaenae 2oth Caystri Pedion .... May ist Tyriaeum 8th ,, Tarsus June 6th Issus ...... 28th Myriandrus .... July 6th Through the Arabian Desert . . . Aug. 8th I3th Butt] ft of Cunaxa ..... Sept. 7th viii DATES OF GREEK AND PERSIAN HISTORY. THE RETREAT. B.C. The Greeks begin their Retreat . . Sept. 8th 401 Truce made with the king .... loth Arrival at Sittace Oct. nth Murder of the five generals .... 29th They cross the mountains into Kurdistan . Nov. 2oth Enter Armenia 29th First fall of snow Dec. 6th In the Armenian villages .... ,, i8th 2ist Arrive at the Harpasus .... Jan. I9th 400 First view of the sea Feb. ist Arrive at Trapezus ..... 1 3th ,, Cotyora April I3th Sinope June 24th Ileraclea July ist Chrysopolis Aug. Jth The Greeks take service with Seuthes . . Dec. 5th They join Thibron,. the Spartan geueral March 5th 309 SUCCEEDING HISTORY. A gesilaus is made king of Sparta ..... 898 He defeats Tissaphemes at Sardis ..... 395 Battle of Coronea 394 Peace of A utalcidas 387 Philip becomes King of Macedon 359 Philip prepares Greek expedition against Darius III (Codomannus) King of Persia, but dies. Alexander succeeds Philip 330 Battle of the Granlcus 334 Defeat of Darius at Issus 833 Final defeat at Arbela. Alexander takes Babylon . . 88O Death of Darius 331 Persian Empire completely subjugated . . . 828 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS HOPLITES ARMING (from an Attic Vase Painting) frontispiece ITTTTCIS AND To^o-n/s (from an Attic Vase Painting) p. x THE BATTLE OF Issus (from a Mosaic at Pompeii) to face p. 14 NIKE OF BRESCIA 16 CHARIOT AND SATRAP (from a Sidon Sarco- phagus) ,,35 COINS WITH Zeus SwT^p (Agrigentum). COINS WITH 2^>v8ov^r^s (Aspendus) ... ,,41 poi (from the Parthenon Frieze) . ,, 48 (from the Parthenon Frieze) . . 59 a (from a Sidon Sarcophagus) . ,,72 PERSIANS IN BATTLE (from a Sidon Sarco- phagus) go E. s. !,- AND Toon/J (FROM AN ATTIC VASE PAINUWO') SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. CHAPTER I. THE MARCH TOWARDS BABYLON. The two brothers. Their father dies. Artaxerxes succeeds. Aapet'ou KOI napwanbos ylyvovrai TraiSes bvo, KO! Trpeo-pvTfpos \iiv eoriv 'ApTaepq?, vcvrfpos bf Kupos. Aapeu)? 6e dcrfleixSy, KCU ijbr] jueAXcoy davetv, /SovAerai ap.(j)OTep(a rw TrcuSf Trap-eii/at. 6 fxey oSy Ttpefffivrepos i. Aapeios 6e KeAevct rov Kvpoi> ava-fiaii'tiv 5 ? ^ (7T ' o-aT-paTTJ]?. o 6' ovv Kvpos rpiaKOcriovs OTrAtVas raiy ' ei Tiffaafytpvriv crvv 0i'Aoy. dra-jSas 6 KCpos In eortv ey rots ore 6 fxev Aapeios reAeura 'Apra^f'p^s 8e yiyrerai 10 M disgraced. He courts popularity, intending revolt. uTo-a^e'pyrjs 8ia-j3aAAet TOV Kvpor, (pavKatv rc5 'Apraep|r; on o Kvpos e7Tt-j3ovAevi avr apx^y. o ^e Kvpos OTT- e'pxfrai, KOI "fir] fjMTfl TOV abeXfyov, KOL /3of/\ewerai OTTO)? (3acrL\fv(Tfi. avr' e/cetVou. KCU Ilapvfrarts re ?; M^rrjp $tAet roy KCpoy /xaA\oi> f; TOV (3atAoi 17 /3a ra XPW aTa cruA-Ae'yei arpdrev/ua, xat cruA-Ae'^as 3 TToAe/jtei TO?? 0pat ftoi]6u>v TCUS Tro'Aecri rwy 'EAA^&jy. avrat oe at Tro'Aeis itap-txovaiv aijra) ^pr/nara i? r?/y rpo- <^T)V TWi' OTpari(rc5y. TOUTO 6e TO crrpdrei/ia rpe'0erai T(S Kvpw \dOpa. eTretra 6 KCpos iceAeyei rTpo'^evov TOV Botwrioj; KOI dAAovs dvA-Ae'yeti' orpartcora?, (pdcrK-iKvovvT 8rj, Trapa Tio-cra^epz'ous on 6 Kupo? afa-/3au>ei, xat d^rt-7rapa-o-/cei;a^e7ai. Kw/aos 8e e^wy roCro ro 45 va-fiaivei. airb 2dp^ewf, /cat AvSt'a? em ro^ Matavbpov -n Menon and Clearchus join. A halt. A review. TOVTOV 8e TOV Trorajiou TO fvpos eari fivo itXiQpa.' 6e 7r-eo-rt rw TTOTOJUO) eTn-Keijuanj TrAotots 7rra. Kat 8ia- /3as roi' Tiorajuof e^-eAawei 8ta $>pvyas ets KoAo oTiAtras x^ 1 ' 01 * 5 xat TreAraoras Kat roo'ray. /cat kvravOa KCpo? Troiet l^ratrtv xat apidnov rS>v 'EAArjywy ei/ rai 7rapa8etas dc/)-tKrerrai Trapa 65 KCpof Kat 8t8co(Tt Kvpco \pr]fj.aTa TroAAd. cvrfvOfv f- \avvfi eis Tuptatoy. Kat e^TaiJ^a 77 Kt'Atcro-a Setrai B 2 4 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. Kvpov e7ri-8etai TO or/sdrev/xa ayri)' 6 8e audis troieirai r /cat TO 70 AfXewei Se rovs "EXXj/yas ra^^rai ourcoj, a>? flu>da.(ri Ta,TT(r6ai. as nid^jjy. rdrro^rai ovv em TfTTapW KCU TO b(iov Ke'pas, KXe'ap^os 5e TO evwry- ', ot 5' aAXoi orparTjyot exoutri TO Review. Manoeuvres, Orders to charge. 'O 5e KSpos fleoopet -np&Tov ^(v TOUS fiapfidpovs' ol 75 Se Trap-eXawovo-i TCTayp.e'roi *caTa Tacts' eiTa 8e 6(a>pti TOWS "EXXTjras, avToy irap-eXayz^cov f<^> ap/xaTO?, /cat ?/ KiXtaaa e^)' ap/xa/ia;s. -Trd^Tes 5e ex oucrt ifpavf) \a\Ka /cat 17 "^^^? coti'iKious /cat K^jutSas Kat TOS ao-Trt'Sa? e/c- 80 TO ap/xa irpo T^S ^)dXayyos, we/jiTrci TOI> eppirjve'a irapa Toi;y cTTpaTT^you? Ttoy ( EA\i}l>a>l>. Kat /ceXcuet aurov? Trpo- /3aX(T0at ra o~Xa /cat oXrjy T?)I> <^aXayya e^-teVat. ol 8e Xe'youat Tawa TOI? o'/3os TOIS /3ap/3dpois. KOI 17 Te KtXio-evyov ye'Xwrt ep^ovTat e::! TOS a/cr/pas. 90 ?; 8c Ki'Xtoro-a t5ouith bis men. ol orpanamH OVK (6t\ov dAA' ew v/ias. xat Trpwroi' roi/j 0pae'Aouj> TOVS "EAAr/vas fTTfibi] 8e Kupos CKaAet /-te, ro're Aa/3a>y v/xa? tya &(f)f\oir)V avrbv dirt ra)y Trpos 8e v/xeis viJy ov fiovXfaOf (rvfj.-nop(v((r6ai fjiot, avaynr] p.oi no eoriv 17 7rpo-8oVn vjuas \pijcrOai. ry Kvpov tAt'a, f; 8oVri avrov aTT-uVat /xe^' VfJi&v. " ii. ' / choose the former alternative! u Et /Liey 87^ 8t/caia Trouycroo, OWK ol8a* OVTWV, atp77 ei^at rtjuios, OTTOU SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. av u/ ai'fv bf vp-wv OVK av bvvai^v ovre wfrcXfjaai iAot>, ovTf a\eacr6ai f^Opov. tore ovv e/ue toVra, OTTOI av /cat 20 j'/ms t?/r." raura et7;ei>' ol bf orpanamu aKovcr eTT-7/recray amov' irapa 6e "Etviov Kal 7) 8ts-xt'Atot A.a/3oWes ra o?rAa Trapa Clearcbus pretends to break with Cyrus. Second address to the soldiers. \. ' Cyrus is justly angry with us a/L' 'Eii'Tavda Kvpos /ler-eW/xTrero TOV KAe'a^xo^' <^ Se OJ/K 125 f]0e\(v Uvai, TTffj.T[u>v 8e ai/rw ayyeAov eAeye 0appt.lv tifpl TOVTMV' fKt\(ve 8e roy KCpoy |ueTa-7T/^77e, ar8pes (Trpartwrat, oi!re 130 etr/uey o-rpartwrat row KV/JOU, OUTC e/cetvos en c ^/xiy. ou 8e vopifa tavrov abiKflrrOat i>if) fjf olio.' wore oufc e^eAco eA^e?^ Trap' avrbv, Kaiitfp TTffj.Ti6iJ.fv6v jue. al(T^vvo\j.aL re yap ort ex/feuoyxai avrbv, KOI bfbotKO. fJLT] blO. TOVTO flTl-Ofl fXOt biK1]V, On VOjJ.lfl '35 r}8iK7](r^ai tiir' e'/ ii. ' /ff a therefore in an awkward position. What is to be done?' 'E/jtol ouj; OOK? OVK tT^ai Katpbv i][j.lv KaO-fvbav, aAAa (3ov\fVf''Aos row- I. THE MARCH TOWARDS BABYLON. rots, ot ay (ptAos 77, bs 17' e^ei yap bvvafj.i.v Kal 7re?/i> Kai iTTTTi/c^f KOI 7/y mures r^els opw/LttV re /cat eTriarap-ffla' M5 ware Kaipo's cart Ae'yeti' o TI rts rop.<'ei apicnov elvai.' The army send to Cyrus to ask his intentions. His answer. Mera ravra avfj.-flov\fV(TdiJ.fVoi Tifp-irovaiv avbpas arvv w, ot ?}pajrcoy Kvpov o TI ^SowAoiro Troteii'. 6 6e " 'Axovco 'A/3poKo'/uat', fyOpbv ai'bpa, eti'at iorafiu)- /3ovA8juai ovv eA0eu> Trpos 150 y 77 eKi, rt/jtcop?j(rofi6^a avrbv, Zav 8e vXfvcro^Oa ri XP'J iroieiy e* roi/rcor." (cat 06 /^tev TrfjijUpfleVres af-ayyeAAoucri zawra TOIS arpa- rtaJracs' ot 8e VTr-wTTrevoi 1 ju,ef on 6 KCpos ayot ai)roi;s ^SatrtAe'a, o/xcos 8e eSo'xet tirea^at avrw. dAA ov8e 155 6 Kvpos ^arepws etTTty on ayot TO March into Cilicia. Cbeirisophus joins. Two captains desert. 'EvrevOev e-eAawei ts "lo-crovs ea-^aTJ/f TTO'AIJ; TTJS KiAtKtas' xat evravda e&jKovTa vfjes ex IleXoTrorwjCTOU Tiap-T/aai; Kvpw. Tiap-ijv 5e xat Xetptao^os AaKcSat/xoVtov 160 CTU TCOV yewi', e^coi; eTjrafcoai'ovs OTrAtVas. at 8e r?;es ajp/xow Trapa TTJ^ Kupou (rnr]in]v. 'A/3poKo'|uas 8e, CTTCI ijKovaf Kvpov WTO. ey KtAt/cia, d^a-o-Tpex/^aj CK c&ou'tfcqs a7r-?/Aawe Trapd /Sao-tAe'a' eT^e 8e, ws eAe'yero, rpiaKovra //vptd8as. er- Kfpo? e^-eAawet 8ta 2uptas ets Mnpta^Spoy, Tio'Ati; 165 vub QoiviKtov fTil rfj 0aAarr?/' xat evravda 6 'Apxas, (7Tpar?jyos, xat Flaatcoy 6 Meyapevs ets TrAotov a SELECTIONS FROM X EN OP HON. Generosity of Cyrus. (pxovro, Trdvres eAeyov 7;/uas. dA.X' OVK atro-btbpa.Ka TO irAotoj'). aAA' oi>/c eycoye Stw^w avrovs, ov8e 175 KCIKWS TTonyaca TOVJ (^lAouj, o*t ay ^ovAwyrai aAA a tr&xrav ol avOp^not, etSo'res ort KO.KIOVS ciat ?//^a?, ^ ^e?9 ety Kvpos ravra* ol 8e < 'EAA?/^es, aKOvoi^res r^y Kvpou a o-vy-C7ropevoi'ro avrw TrpoOvpoTtpov CK rovrov. Cyrus declares the real object of the expedition. 180 Ma' Kat efce'Aevo'ei' avrovs Aeycty ravra rots orpartwrais, icai -neidftv avrovs CTrccr^ai. ol e 85 orpanwrai f\a\f-rraivov rois orparTjyois Kai OVK ?/0eAoi> Ze't-ai, ei /UT) Kvpos 80117 avroty TrAetco x/ 3T /l uaTa - & 8e arparryyot aTT-r/yyeAAoy ravra Kvpa>' 6 8' V7r-e Sovvai. 01 p.ev 8^ TrAeroroi raif 'EAATjpcoy ovrcos CT cross the Euphrates, and enter Arabia. Description of the desert. Hunting wild animals. 190 Aia-/3dz>res 8e TOV Ev0pdr;i/ irora/xof iropfvovrai 8ia rovrw 8e ra5 roTrw 8e I. THE MARCH TOWARDS BABYLON. et> ovoi ayptot, iroAAot 8e arpovOol oi //eydAof Tycraz; 5e Kat a>Tt'8es KOI 8op/caSes. ot 8e iTTTreT? fbiu>Kov TO.VTO. TO. 6r]pia. KCU oi /xev ot'ot, ewei 195 8iw/cot avrovs, 77po-8pa/>ioWes eoratrav* erpe^or yap TU)V LTTTTCDV' KOL TTaXu>, TTfl ol 17T7TOI TT\r)rnd- vTov' KO.I ov pqbiov i]V Xofiflv TOVS orovs* ra 6e Kpea rwy O.\LUKO^VWV ovuv o'/xcua ?}y TOIS Kpe'acrt, cbraAwrepa 8e. 2 Ostriches. Bustards. Scarcity of food. ot oi yap vrpovdol e-e'owi ^evyovaai. ra 8e Kpe'a 7j8tora f/y. *cai ey ravrr/ r^ fp^jjuw iroAAa Twy aTT-wAero WTTO Ai/xov' ov yap TJI> x '/ 97 " 05 ' Ka ' o o-tros 7r-e'Ai7rez; avro TO (TTpaTef/jta, Kat ov/c eSv^afTo npiacrdai. 2l Forced marches. Energy of Cyrus 1 staff. FIoAAaKtj 8e 6 Kvpos 7/Aavi-e Tois a-radfj-ovs Tfdvv /xa- /cpous, oTTOTe /SovAotTo aty-LKtaOat. rj 7rp6s vStop rj irpos xtAoy. al a/xa^at OVK eSvt'ayTo 77po-j((opeti' 8ta T^y TC at T0i irri\ov. 6 ovv KCpos e7rt-o-Tas fri/f TO?S wept avrov dptcrTot? eKc'Aeuae TOWS lauTov (TTpaTtcoTas 215 0uv-fK-(BLf3detv TO.S a/xa^as. eTrct 8e e8o'KOiy OVTO) o"X" Aai'co? Troterf TOUTO, eKe'Aev(re TOI;? KpaTtrrrovs TW^ Ilepacliy o-w-tTri-oTrewai TOS ctjua^as. eV^a 8^ tSoi av Tt? /ue'pos Tt TT/S evTa^ta? avTcof piv^a^Tes yap TOS TropQvpas x^ a * IO SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. p.u'5as Zcmevbov Spa/xoyres Kara TOV Xorpov, ov ZTV\OV tan/Ko'res. el)(ov 8e ccat TroAvrcAets x iT <*> t>as Ka ' TOlKlXos draupt'8as" eytoi 8e axoy xat orpeTrrovs Trept rots rpa- X>/Aois KOI \j/\ia jrept rats \epaiv' o/iws 8e criy rowrois s ts roy TTI\OI> c-fKOfj.iaai> ras Traces of the king's troops, treachery of Orontes. Tioptvop.troi'i avTos at KOTrpoy 6 5e art/Sos eiKa^ero elrat i'7r7ra)f. ovroi TTpo-iorres eKaiof KOI \iAoj; Kat ra aAAa V rf; x^/'? XP 7 / flrl M a ' 'OpoVr7S 8e a/'j;p Oepa-jj?, orvyycvqs coy /SamAe?, ewi-/3ovAtuct Kwpw* ouros 5e etTrey on, fi 30 Kvpos doi'fj atrip iTTTrt'as )(tAtot;9j KwAyo-fiev ay roj>> rwy TioAe/xuoy iTTTitas row Kaiew roy x 1 ^ ' 17 - TaOra 8e e5oKi rai Kupa) eti'ai a)(/)A(jua, at eKtAevaey avroy Aa/m/3ayty Trap' tKaorou ra)y ?;y/xo'rcoy. 6 5e 'Opo'yrr;s ypa(/>ei irapa /3as Tpis-x'Ai'ofy oTrAtra?. Trap-CKaAetre 8e Kal KAe'apxoy (rv^ovAoy' 6 0y, c-r/yyfiAf rots ; 8 7. THE MARCH TOWARDS BABYLON. II Cyrus conducts the trial. 'Twice already has O routes turned traitor to me.' (< flap-eKaAeo-a tyzas, avbpes 0t'Aot, OTTCOS criiv VIJ.LV 7rpda) o TL 5i/caioV eon Trept 'OpoWov TOUTOIH. ikv yap 6 e/xos irarrip eSco/ce roCroy inrrjuoov flvai fTiel 6e KeAeua0is ^TTO TOV ffj.ov dSeA^ou ovros 250 e/ioi, eya> Trpos-TroAe/xaiy avrw eTrotJjaa Traw- cracrOai TOV -TroAf^iou, KCU e\af3ov beiav Kal e8a>Ka." " Mera rarra/ 3 ec/)r;, " 3> 'OpoWa, ri 7}5u?jad ae ; " 6 8e a7r-K/jt;'aro on Kvpos o^Sey r/5ur](re. TraAt^ 5e 6 KCpos ?}/KoTa, " Ot'/coCi> vcrrepov dTro-oras eis Muaoi/s KOKWS 255 CTroiets r?jy e/urji 1 \topav;" f(f)r) 6 'OpoWrjs TreTrou/KtWi ruura. " OVKOVI;," e^r; 6 KW/JOS, f ' varepov e\0(>)V eifl TOV TIJS 'Apre'/xt8os (3(t)fj.ov TraAty ca>Kas /uoi Tiicrra, Kat Aa/3es raura Trap' e/xou ; " 6 8e 'O/'o^r?;s a>/xoAoyei cat rouro. 260 1 This is now the third time. What shall we do with him ? ' "*Ap* ovi>" f(f)r] 6 KCpos, " d8iKTj^eis UJT' ejuou yOi/ TO ri-^3oi;Acveis e/xot;" 6 8e 'OpoVrrjs etTrev ort ov8e^ j)8iKr/^. itrai>0a o KCpoy ^/wr^ f/ey ejuuS d8fA(/)ai TioAe'f/tos, e//oi.8e ^>(Aos at TTIOTOS j" 6 8e aTT-e/cptVaro, " O^8e ei ye^ot/XTjy di'?;p A'yet rotaOra 1 ail 5e JT/WTOSj w KAt'ap^e, a7ro-07]i;at ryl> (reauroi) yvu>[j.j]i> 270 rrept TOUTOV." 12 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. Orontes disappears from the scene. KAf'apxoj 5e et^e rd6V "'Eya> TOVTOV rov ai'&pa &>s ra^tora, u rorroz', dAA ua o~xoA?/ j) I]\JA 275 ol 5e aAAot eAeyoj; raurd. /xera ravra a^airrey dra- (TrotTCs eAa,;3or TT)J C ( ^' 1? ?^ ro ^ Opovrov CTTI ^ardra)' *ra ol Trpos ToCro reray/^teVoi (^-fr/ov avrov. fTrei 5e 6 -rjre'x^'7 as TJ;V 'ApraTrdrov o-xrji'j/r, rou oii' KV/JOU o r KTj7iroyx a) f> /^cra rcara ovSeis 280 TrwTTOTe ftSey amov ovTf (s>iTa ovre Te^rr/Ko'ra' rci^os 6e oidec? avrov etpani mar, ore. Nes a7r-7/yyeAAov Kt}pa> Trepi TJJS 285 j3a(riAe'a)S CTTparias. Kv/ios 5e o-vy-KoAe'tras roi/s arpa- TT/yov? >cai Ao^ayovs rcSi' EAA7jva)i/ (Odpo-vvev CLVTOVS, Aeycov Totd5e. <i', aAA' on vop.C(i) v/uas etrai dpctfOfas TroAAaii' fiapfidptav. yivtqfle ovv 290 dr5ps d^ioi T>/S eAevflcpi'as 7/5 ex er6> c ^ VP tare, on /cat a?)r6s eAoi'ju 7 ?^ " T ^V' c^fvdfpiav aiTi Tidi'Twv 3>v v/xds. ol f*ey yap iroAf/xioi laoiTai TroAAot, icat cn-iWt TroAAf/ Kpavyfi' cav 5e dfd-(rx';o-^e raCra, ovSef dAAo i> a>s 5ei/\oi uVir ot V TT} X */ 5 ? av0piioi. eav Se V/LICIS dvSpes ytv^rrOf KO.I tvroA/jtoi, eyw iroiTjaw TOVJ fzei/ /3ovAo/Vous d7r- I. THE MARCH TOWARDS BABYLON. 13 ou dire TW Kup&>* " Km JLUJV, 300 a> Kpe, Ae'youcri rivey on ^i;y VTr-ta Tra/3-oVra lih&wov' eav 6e ri u yeVijrat, ov ae (f)a(nv' ertot 8e Aeyovcrty ort oS' ei (3ov\oto, bvvaio av a7ro-8om'ai oaa iw-lrj(l.'i. o 6e Kvpos ati-iKpivaro' tori fxt^ iVf^, 2> ai-Spe?, ?; ap^'/ *; Trarpwa, Trpos 305 iav /xe'xpt ov 5ta xaCjua avOpooiroi ov bvuavrat ot/cea', wpos Se apuTov ^e'xpt oS 5ta ^ifj.&va ov bvvavrai OLKefv' ol 8e TOU e/^iov d8eA<^oi/ <^i'Aoi ap^ovcri Tracrjjs r^s cf jueVa) \atpas. fav 8e yiKTjo-w^e/^ Sei ^as jroi^a'ai rows ?;/xTpovs 0iAov5 ap^ovras TOVTMV. SWTCO 8e Kat 310 TU>V 'EAArj^cov (TTf(f>ai'ov rai/ra avroi re ?)o-av jroAv v rai5ra rots aAAois. Doubt (whether the king ivill fght. Numbers on both sides. 'EvTavda KA'apx? 7 )pf'0 ror KCpov " Otei, ai Kvpe, Toy d8eA(|)oy fjia^flndaC trot; "Nat, l^)?/ 6 Kvpos, 315 " etTrep ye epio'? eorty dSeA^o?, OVK arev /A^X'? 5 ^X'' 1 A?j^o//,at Tavrrjv Trjv ap^rfv." evravOa o?) dpi^/xos eyeWro, raiy /iey 'EAAjjvcov o'TrATrai fjivpioi Kal rerpa- //era Kvpov /3ap/3up&>y 5eKa /xuptd8es eye'rot'ro. TaJy oe 320 TToAe/ziW eAtyo^ro etrai e/caroj; KOI eticoa Ttavrl 14 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. raj orpareiJ/ian vvi -reray/^tVa)' a>ero yap /3a(riXea 325 fjia^flaOaL raur?/ r?) iy/jiepa. CTret 8e /SaaiXevs OVK e/xuxero Sia 7roXAa>i> jy/uiepwy, oi "EAArjrcs (oofro avrbv OVK fOtXeiv fjid^faOaC uxrre TTJ vvrfpaia Kupov CTTO- pewero CHAPTER II. BATTLE OF CUNAXA AND ITS RESULTS. T>{v ^/'w^ coming ! Preparations for the battle. Tf; Se rpt'rT; ?;//f'pa 6 Kupoj f-nopfVfTO *ca 8^ 7ro\i/s rdpaxoy eyerero. Kvpos 8e *rara- OTTO roC apfiaros ef-t'8v roi> dtopana, KOI dra-/3as CTTI roi> iTTTroy eAo/3e ra TraXra eis ras x e ^P as ' 7retTa 5e 10 eKcXeuo-e xal TOUS aXXovs e-07rXievvfj.ov jfepas ra>y V^XX^wj;. KCpos 8e co"xe ro ptaov 15 KOI unreis 7j(raf (ryy avrw eaKoVioi, (LirXKr/xefoi 0/8?7 re i\v /xe' ?/ju,epas, Kal ot TtoAe/xtot OVTTO) 7/rt/ca 8e oei'Ajj eyiyyero, tfyavr] Kortopros Vlht]' vaTfpov oe coaTiep /ue'Aatfd Tts tfya.ivc.TO eV ra> ireSt'a) Trpo'crco. ore 8e 01 iroAe/xtoi 20 eyy^repoi", ra^a 8^ /ecu )(aAKo's ns eAa/XTre, KOI at Ao'y)(at *cai at ra^ets Kar-e^atVotro. Kat 170-01; iTTTTeT? fxey \evKo-6u>pa.Kcs em roC eucow/xov raiy TroAejuiW, 8e rowrwi' yeppo^o'pof e^o'/jtei'ot 8e Tjtray oTrAtrat cnriGLv. irpo 8e a^r raCra 8e ra ap/xara eTx.^ Spe'iraya K T d^o'f cor, ajare 8ta-/co7ireiv rds raets Tactics of Cyrus frustrated by Clearchus. Ot 8e /3dp/3apot Trpos-^ecraz; aty^ xat /3pa8e'a)?. /cat ey vro) Ki/pos, Tjap-iXavvwv , 6Vt /SacrtAevs etj e/ce? "'Edy yap roCro," e^>?j, " f tKco/xey, Tiavro. TreTTOtrjKa/jier." 6 8e KAe'cp^os OVK ijOeXev cnro-a-ndaai TO beiov Ke'pas aTio roi; TTOTOJUOU, v Kar-e^earo TO o-TpaTeu/xa, 0770- ets TC TOVS TroAe/xtous Kat et's TOVS First appearance of Xenophon. Prosperous omens. Zfvoty&v 8e 'A^fji'aros, t8a>y avTov OLTTO TOV 'EXXrjinKov 40 o-Tparei;/xaros KOI 7rpo$-eA0u>r airw, ?/peTo ei Tt Trap- 1 6 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPFION. ayye'AAoi. 6 Sc KCpo? (KeXevcrev avrov Xeyeiv Ttaanv on TO, lepa /caAa tJ/. Aeycoy be ravra, fjKovfft dopvftov toi'Tos Sta T rae&>f, /cat 7/pero ri's o dopv(3o<} etrj. 6 5e 45 zevov eiTTev on , dAAa eirfcrdai fv Ta^et. ra 8e ap/xara 55 17877 r^v Kera rjvio^(av, KCU ol ITTTTOI (fapov CLVTO. bid re TU>V TroXe/xicof KOI 8ia TW^ 'EAA^ycoi'. ot 8e "EAAryyes, C7r irpo-t'Soiey Ta ap^ara, 8i-i0Tafro. dAiyot 8e /cat Ka.T-tKr\fydr)(iav e/c-TrAayeVrfS* dAAa ov8e OUTOI HiraOov ovbfv, ovbe aAAos oiSeis ru>v ' E,\\r)i'a)v (TraOfv ovbei' ti> 60 ravTTj rr\ p.d^r)' eAe'yero 8e TIS Cyrus defeats the king's guard of six thousand. Kupo? b% 6pS>v TOVS into r>v ap-tyl avrbv, o/xco? owe auros ovi;- 65 fdMMCCy" dAAa eyj&v TOU? cat 8r/ TOTe, e^ajv TO nicruv TT}S lauTou (TToaTias, o/ia)9 NIKE OF BRESCIA 77. BATTLE OF CUNAXA AND ITS RESULTS. I? tyevcro TOV ciHavvpov Keparos TOV Kvpov. eVet b* ovo'eis TUIV 'EAAr/z'ooy e/xa^TO avrw, fn-fKajj-TTTCV a>s 70 v TOWS "EAA7;z>as. eVfla 8?) KCpos eXavvei cu'rioy, Kai jn/ca rows (^aKLS-^iXiovs rovs ^po /SatriXe'cos reTay- (j.4vovs' KOI &ir-fKTivfV 'AprayepcrT/j; ror up^ovra ain&v TJ] (O.VTOV Cyrus pays the penalty o/ rashness. rowra) ot Kvpov eaKoViot, opiJ.i]i>, 01 ," eAawet em CLVTOV, KOL Traiet Kara TO crrepvov, Kttl TLTptoCfK.fi 8ta TOU 6ti>pO.KOS. (V bf TOUT(i) CLKOVT^fi TtS 80 rw WTTO TOI> 6(f>OaXfj.6v' KOL K?pos re avros ,. KCU o/crw ot apto-roi rwv Trepi avTov eiceu'TO CTT' 6 /Liev ouy KOpos ovrtos creAevTTjtre^' ot 8e /3ap/3apoi aTT-erajuot 1 njy KetyaXyv avrov KOL r?)y X e *P a ^J" beidv. 85 Artaxerxes plunders the camp of Cyrus. He returns to the attack, and is defeated. BcunAei/s 8e *at ot avy avrw 8t /^era 'Aptatou, TOU Kwpou VTrdpxov, TOi;s. ol 8e /3ap/3apot ecpevyov* Kat ol "EAAjjres K& ''M 7 7 S TU>OS. eiraC^a 6e ol "EA- yap r^ too ol /3aatA(os li The Greeks, ignorant of the fate of Cyrus, return to their camp. e ol v EAAj7i>es h'TavOa f.\(apovv, ol iTTTrets Aa- Toy Ao'v bi-rjpiracriJLtva' KOI ct Tt airiov i] TIOTOV ill', TOVTO ol aw /SacrtAer 8t-7/p7rao-ay. wore ol Tr TWf 'EAA?^^^ aSetTrrot T/crav Tyrrav 8e Kat dya 7Tpu> yap TO aTpciTi///a Greets learn the death of Cyrus, and offer to make Ariaeus king. o H50TI KCpo? OI/TTCO fyaivoiTO' avrbv /3ao-iXea." TO.VTO. etTrc jj.lv TOWS dyye'Xouy, CLVTUS Se Jlrtaxerxes calls upon the Greeks to surrender their arms They refuse. Mera ravra KijpVKis ep^ovrai Ttapa ^aatAews' ?]z/ oe avT&v aXu;os 'EXX^y. oSrot 8e irpoj-eA^o^rfs on /SatfiAfi/s KeAewei TOVS EAAi/^a? Trapa-SiSoVat 125 ra oTrAa. 01 8e "EAArjfes /5apf'cus juei u/zco? Se, KeAewrraj'ros rou o n 8tot ano-Kpivacrdai /3ao-tXet. o 8e ctTrey u Ei /xej' /xt'a rts ( avii-fiovXcva) i/jias /^ir; Trapa-bibovat TO. i, OTTTJ JJLOVOI' bvvarov eort." KXeap^os 6c traro' " 'A77-dyye\Xe Trap' ijfj.u>v raSe' ort, eaj> xer 8e'rj 7//xay cptXovs eiVai /3ao-iXei, TrXet'oi'os a^toi etro- 135 ra oTrXa, 77 napa-8ot.'Tes tiXXw* eay 8e 807 oXep:?/rTO/xey ex oz;Tes T " oiXa, ?} aXAa> 7ra/)a-8o'rres. ' Shall it be fence or it-nr ?' Clear chus gives a guarded ansiuer. '() 8e ( I>aXu'os et/ie" " Tafira /jtey 8?) a7r-ayyeXoi5/xi'' dAAu ^3amAevs tK(\fVcrev ?//jias etTrerv v/xt^ Kat rd8e' on, i^o ta^ fiet' p.(v>]T (vQdfe, ff-novbal HcrovTat, fav 8e cnr-ujre r} Trpo-tTjre, 77oAfp.os IcTTat. curare ovr Kat ?rept TOVTOV avep vpilv 8oKt." KAe'apxos 8e eAe^cf " 'ATT-dyyeAAe TOIVVV on TO.VTU 8oKi 7)p.ti>, aTiep KOI /3aa.TO' " Sirovbal fjifv fjiu cnr-ioOtriiJ ?; TT/JO-iioCcrti;." o ri o irou/aoi Ar metis advises the Greeks to retreat, and offers to conduct them. (v / Kai ot avv avrut M^OVTO. na 01 TTf^^e'i'Tej Trpos ' Apiatov Tia\iv iJKoV IWTOI Se V ai > , aiiros - IKVOVVTO napa 'ApLcuov afj. ij-yrjcrfaOm TOIS CHAPTER III. BEGINNING OF THE RETREAT. Greets approach the king's troops, KW//CIS ou TTp6(ru>. rfi 8e vrrrepaLq ovrf virofuytoi; oi/6e^, oure KnTTr'os, ovre crrparoTreSoz' (j>avr]. jSaatAevs- 8e, w w5 eoixe, ( TOV o-Tparewjuaros' eSy/Aaxre 6e TOTO 10 TJ/ v(TT(paiq f a/j,a yap Try r;/xepa e7re/x\//e KT/ T/Sr >f/g- proposes a truce, and offers guides to help them to get pro-visions. 'Ihe Greeks accept both. *O 8e KAe'apxos dou(ras T " 'ATr-ayye'AAere /Sao-tAet OT6 5 ov yap e^o/xey apiarov' oi5e ToA/xrycret rts Ae'yeiv rots 15 "EAArjcri Trept o-TTo^Swy, ay /XT) irp&Tov TropiV?] airors apurrov" ol 8e ayyeAoi a7r-?/Aauj'oi', /cat TraAiy f//coi> v. eAeyoi' 8e ort iJKOifV <-\OVTC$ ^yejuoVa?, ot O.VTOVS eKeicre, o^ey Aa/3otev ra einri/Seta. 6 5e &WffCV avrov? ?/yet(r^at Trpos rd 7rtTr^8eta. 20 i ol /uer r/yoCi/ro* KAe'apxos 8e ewopevero, ex(rre TrdWas at ol re&jtepot erd^Orf^av npbs TOVTO TO ZpyoV fird be TOV KXeap^ov crKovba^ovTa, /ecu ol a^(/3ayoi'. Tropero'/xet'ot 6e afp-inovTO els Kw/ ey at? TrtfXvs (Ttros -?/y /cai otros (ftoii'iKW ouros 8e ?/f 35 ?/6us jj.ev Triveiv, Ke0aAa\y?/s 6e. evTavda ol orpari&irai npwrov e roi) (ftoiviKOS' cai oi i eOavfj.aie'pas rpeis' xai TKracupepvrjs T]K.U>V 40 Trapa picyaAou /Sao-iAe'oos lAfye roiaSf, " 'Ey^ S arSpcj "EAA?;fes, yeiVcof oiKcai <77Ci ciSoj; v/uas etj TroAAa Kaxa 7re7;ra)foras, T/TOU/ITJV /SacrtAe'a SoCrai c/ziu aTro-awfrai v/xas ei? T7/y EAAa6a, oiop-ai yap ai i'/xas xai 77Ao/i0a /ca*cws Troiciv n/y /SauiAtais x oixaSe, an- ayyfAw (3a." 'O 8' ovv wx ero ' T f/ ^ T pti">l W*Ptoi aa>eu; i>juas ei? T^y 'EAAaSa* t^as 8' a3 8e?j(ret djuoVai fffuv, T) p/y iro- 60 pevecrOai w? 8ta (/)tAtaj x^P a? ) Aa/xjSayoyraj o-ira Kat Trora, oTiorav JMJJ Trap-e'xw/xey ayopdv fav 8e ayopav ^ wreicT^at ra e7rtT?/8eta." TaCra I6ofe rots xat Ttcraa^epy//? w/xoo-e re cai 8eftay !&) rots rajy c EAA?/i'(oi' orpanjyot? KCU Ao^ayots. fxera oe 65 etTre' " Nw ju,ei> 8r) aTT-ei/^t Trpo? Aty, Kat aTT-a^co v^ias ets r^y 'EAAaSa." 'f Greeks begin to mistrust Tissaphernes and Ariaeus. Advice of ClearchuSy ' !./ KJ wa^f /^ Af <2/" or situation.' Mera raura ot re EAA?jyes Kat 'Aptatos irfpt.-eiJ.tvov pj>/7i' j;^te'pas TrAetous ^ etKo], Trpos-rfecray rw KAetip^w, Kat i}iovi> aTT-teyat v^vs. 6 8e a-n-eKpCvaro avrots rotaSe, " 'Ey&> ey-^u/xoC/xai jixey raCra Trdyra' eay 8f y{)y OTT- t'co/jiey, 8o'o/jiey Trotety -Trapa raj o-7roi-8a?. eirttra ovSets 75 7;ap-e'^et 7;/xty ayopav, o^Se ^yTJcrerat ?//xty; Kai 'Aptatos eii^ii? a7ro-^3?j(rerai, wore owSets (pi'Aos AeAft\/A6rai r//Ary. Kat et juey rts KOI aAAos Trora/xos 8ta-/3are'os eorty, OVK ot8a* ta/uey 8e ort d8vi'aro'y eart 8ta-/3^yat roy Ev^pcirrjy, 77oAe/^.ta)y KcoAuo'yrwy. Kai ?)jUfrs /xey o^x \o^.cv tTTTrea?, 80 rots 8e iroAejutots iTniets etcn TfAeto-rof aiare I'tK&iyres /xey 24 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. ovbtva o.v a-no-K.Te[va,i[j.ev, vuuapevoL be a. el fj.ev ovv /3atpi>ris 6 8e ?;yetro ro?? *EAA)/( ayopaz>. eTropewero 8e KOI Apiatos (rvi> roTreSevero crw air<3. ot 8e rourovj, x^P' 5 Iwo/jevoiTO* a.[j.(f)6Tfpoi be etyvX&TTovTo dAA?/Aous c3 ) Tipo? i^ Sxritep TO Trpo&Oev. eboev ovt? T(J) K\cdpx<) Tiaaafyepvet. rj\6ov, 6 KAcap^os Ae'yet rd8e, "'Eya>, 105 oZ8a fity opKovs ijp.lv yt yevrmtvovs, (J.TI abiKrjcreiv dAAr/Aous. ///. BEGINNING OF THE RETREAT. 25 e 6p<3 (re (puAarro'/xeyoy 7/p.as a>s upcoyre? raura dyri-uAaTTo'//e0a. /3ovAo'ju.eyos ovt> ras rotavra? i>7ro\|uas, TJ'KW 8t5aa>y ere ws OVK 7//ny. ol juey yap 6tG>v op/cot KcoAvofcrty TU>V 8e av6Tru'u>v no ae eyw i>o^ia> /xeytcrroy ez/ai ey T< irap-wn, yap aot Tratra juef 65os t^Tropo's eort, Tras 5e 8ta-^aro's' arev Se aoi) Tratra fxev ?; 65os 6ta ay yeVotro, was 8e Tiorajuos 8va7ropos, Tras 8e ox^^ 0o/3epo'j. c/)o/3epcorarrj 5' ay et'/ ep^/xta" ep)?/xoi 115 yap oVres ey TroAAfj diropta ajua etro'/xe^a. y or ^o^f J /5?{\ov /xcu yeveffQat, vopifav avrov eiv ?yp.as' au e wy fX ety T7 7 1 ' re I2 Kupou bvvafj.iv Kat rr)y o-eaurcw apyj]v a/x,a* r) 8e /3acriAe'cos 8'Jraf>ii9 ; r^ TroAejata r]y ra> Ki^pw, (rot yeyeV?]rat (Tvmj.a\os. rts oSy OI/K ay ^3ovAotro <^i'Aos eiyat (rot; e^co 8e /cat TroAAas eAvriSas feat ae /3ouA7;i'Aoz; eu-at 7^/xty. aKoww yap jcat Mycrous (cat aAAa e$y?7 iroAAa ey-o^Aely 125 det, oi/s pa8tco? ay Ttjucopr/cratcr^e, )(pwp.eyot rf; ?/p.erepa -rjperrj(rojue'y crot, ov /xo'roy TOJ , aAAa Kat TT/S )(aptroSj ?/y (rw^e'yres WTTO (rou ay (rot 8tKaicov." KAe'apxos juey ow e?7ie 8e w8e aTreKptyaro* 130 26 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. Reply of Tusapbernej. ' We could destroy you if ive chose, and yet ive refrain. Why then should you distrust us ? ' " AAA ?'/'8o/jtat fj.v ovrco <|>pozn'/>co0s Aeyoyrt* eya> 8e' ere 8t8doo, on ov8' vjuei? SiKaiws az> aTrtoTotTjre ovre /3acriAer, ovre e/xot. et yap ffiovXonfOa a.7i-oAeVcu v/xa?, f^ofj-fv TroAAovs /zey biTre'aj, Kat TTf^oi;?, 135 Kat oTiAtVa?, ots bwdtfteQa av vp.as fSXcnrTfiv. TroAAa 8e Xcopt'a eortv eVtr/joeta, o^ey ~i-Ti9u>[j.da. vfj.iv. roaavra lLf.v yap 7re'8ta eany 7/^ty y VT;- IILUV, aAAa TO ye irup Kpfirrov ecrn roO Kapirov, ov KaTa-Kavo-arres bvvaifj-tda av ra> e Atjuw, ov8' ei Trd/'f dya^oi 145 drrt-OTj'/rai. exoyres ouy rocroi;rous 7rpou9 Trpos ro TroAf/Lteii' vpiry, TTois ToCroy TW rponov av e^-eAoi^e^a, os /uo'ros do-e^Sj/s ecrn /cat aiaxpos ; ?//xe iy, Tj9 TrdAiy elTrei;' " Ei /3ouAe0-0e 01 Tf arpan/- yol *ai cl Aox^yoi eA^ety fioi ei? Tf\v 8e," e^>?j 6 KAe'apxos, " a^ci) TrdtTa?/' TT/ 8' vorepai'a TjA^e rapa Tio-aa^e'ptTjy 155 ayoop ireWe o-rparr/yous *cai euoo-i \o\ayovy. CTTCI 8e ///. BEGINNING OF THE RETREAT. 2J eTTt ral? Oupcus rats Ttoi;s, ot /uet> arparrjyot Tiap-fK\i]0^irav eicrco, ot 8e Aox^y ' ipfvov firl rats (Wpats. ov TToAAw 8e vcrrepoy ot re e^Sor o-w-eAap./3di>oz>ro Kal ol efa> KaT-Ko4pvr McVwy, on Kar-?;yyetAai' r^y fTTifiovXr)i> avroi 1 , f rijur; fltriv," enl rot/rots ztvotp&v dire' " ct eAve ras erTrot'Sa?, e^ft r^v biKr]V evret 5e rjpo'ez;os KOI 170 MeVcoy eto-ty vp-irepoi /uey ei'epyerat, ^ere/sot 8e yot, irefj.\l/aT avrovs bevpo' rots 28 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. iois wpos rovs 'Aflrjyatovs, VTr-riperei rTj eaurou Trarpi'Sf eVei 8e flpijvrj eye'yero, Tretcra? rovs Aa*ce8at- (jioi'iovs a>9 ot paKes dSticoref rovs "EAAt^as, e^-e'-T oj? 7roAeju7/fT6oi' rots 0paiV. eVet Se 01 e(/>opot 185 a-o-crTp(f)(ii> avrbv f 'Io-0/xou, h'Tavda OVKCT a^roi?, aAV aTT-cTiAet ets 'EAX^o-Troi/roy KOI e* TOI/TOV VTTO r STraprr; apxcVraiy. T/fir; 5e cpvya? Kvpo^, 6 8e Kvpos 8t8w raSra Kal (ruA-Ae'^as 190 (rrparev/xa, eTroAe/aet TO?S 0pa^t, /xe'xP 1 K?"pos e8e?/^rj roi; (rrparfvjuaro?' Tore 8e a7r-?/A5e ffi/y eKett'w. ourco /jiei' ow 6 KAeap^os (ptAoTro'Ae/xos 77^. severity of bis discipline secures the obedience ; but not the attachment of his soldiers. Et? 8e ro ap\eiv rwr ai'0pu>Ti(i)v Uavo? /xey j)y napa- rrj orparta ra 67Ttrr;8eta, uavos 8e KOI e/x- 195 7rot?j(Tat rr)i yvw^riv roi? crrpartwrai?, a>? ireUTTfuV fir] roi;ro 8' CTrotei ex row eu>ai aAeTro's* cat yap orvyuoj ry opa^ >cat rpa^vs TT (wv' eKoae re et i ez'tore opyT/* T^yerro* yap ov8ei> o^eAos elf ai orparevjuaros. dAAa KOI eAeyey v\dciv 0iAKas, 7^ ^appaAe'cos teVai Trpos roi/s TroAe/^ioi;?. ei; /uei> vi; TOIS Kir'8wois ot orpanan-ai 7;^eAov TieiOeo-Oai. avra), KOI OT}K aAAov fjpovvro (TTparriyov' ore 8e ye'roifro ev dorcpaAe?, xai e-euj avrois ^05 aTT-ie'i'ai Trpos aAAovs apxot^ras, TroAAol aTr-e'AetTroi' avro'y ou yap txev 7/8i/v rov TpoTrov, dAA' del x a Ae?7os 7]j; /cat coco's* cuo-r ol (rrpariairai St-e'/ceuro Trpos airo// IV. THE MARCH TO KURDISTAN. 2Q s, a.vovTO 8 OTTOU e/caoros erwy^ai'ef a>y, ov Sura/^ei^ot 5 o?, ^e'vos wj; dpxaws, /xer- cnt(j.\l/a.To UVTOV olnodcv vTT-ta-^v^TO 8e aura), et Trotr/aeiv avrov TW Kvpw. 6 8e Hevo^aJy d raura cri;|u,-^3ouAej;rat 2a)Kpdri TW 'A^/j^ata) irept 30 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. 15 770pftaj. Kat 6 2a)Kp \6 f-n-ijptro rov ' $i'ot KOI ei/^oiTo, wore K oSur Kat KaAwj Trpd^at. Kat 6 'A77o'AAa)# (n']fj.r]vev avrut 20 (?eoi)?, ol? eSet Qvf.iv. e/rei 8e TraAtv ^A^cy, lAf^c rj/y iav ra> 2coxparei. 6 6e 7/riaro avrov, on ov ir TTorepov etrj afj.fi.vov ai/rai Tropeverr^at T) aAA' ort avros (nL-9v^(ra Sr/ Hei'cx/xSy, ^(rd/jieyos roi^rots rots 0eot? ot? o eAevrrf dufiv, 1^-eirAet r?ys 'EAAd^o?, Kat Kar- i> SdpSe^i ripo'^roy Kai Kupo^ jUc'AAovras j/^rj at avv-eTayOi] KW/JO)' 6 8e Kpos (KeXev(T(i> 30 avjov [j-flvai Trap'' eai'ra). elTre 5e ort, eirel Ta^icrTa 57 arpareta A?/^etey, a7ro-7re'p:v|/oi avrov otKaSe' 6 6e oroAos cu'at ctv Dta-t'oas. 6 |uei> 8?j "Eevo^wv fcrrpa- vfTo o{5rto9 f^-a7rarr;^ets, ov^ i* 710 ITpof&ov* ovSets yap 3? /3amAea ftz'at. CTTCI Se yXOov fls KtAtKtav, aatfifs 7/0"?? f8o/cei elyat Traa-tr, on o oro'Aos cu; eiri ^3ao/3ou- fJifVOt bf T1]V OOOV K0.i CLKOVTfS, O/XWS Ol TToAAot Toif CTrpaTicoraij;, at- rjKo\ovdi](rav avraj* wv cts Kat "E(vo rois aAAois, cat ov* IV. THE MARCH TO KURDISTAN. 31 vaTfpov Se Xayjuv VTTVOV el$ti> oi-ap. Zbo^ev avrw /3poi>riii> [j.V yfVfadai, (TK^TtTov 8e TTfrrf'iv eis TT)V Trarpwai 1 OLKiar, Kai K TOVTOV Tiavav Aa/.'.7Tca-$ai. (f)Oj3oviJ.evo KtrSwots coy fboev tSeif tK Aio's' o/xcos 8e tyofielTO, p.rj ov bvvairo ex r?]s x^pa? T^S /3aa-i\ecos, ort TO orap UTTO Atos /^acrtAeais, TO 8e TTvp e8oK6t Xa /w reflections. Meeting of the officers. Five new commanders chosen. "ETrao^; 8e ai'-rjyepOr], irp&rov (j.h< tvvoia e/x-TTtirrft 50 VTTO /3cunAe'cos, 8et ?//jias TtaQovras iravra TO. beivdrara Kal ' aAAa Kara-Ket//e^a ev^aSe, wa-jrep e^-oy 55 f]crv\iav ayfiv." fK TOVTOV ai'-urTaTai feat o-yy- TU eKaAov^ rows aAAoi>9 Aoxayois (cat Trai'Tes avv-iiKOov, fnaO^ovro' Kal ol avv-tX6uvT( rovs cTTpaTttoras. eirei 8e oi i> bf fiTiui'Tw, Eero^au; uriararat, /cat tAttf* 1 ' ^ 6 ' fl T'/r /yer r<2i; fiapfidpwv iiuopniav T6 *at aTrurriav t^ets, ot/jiai, e77t(rra eari rouj Ofovs rols (JLCV TroXe/it'oiy cirai eravri'ovs, ?/ oe ii. ' Let uj emulate the valour of our fathers and maintain our own.' bf ava-p-vijcra) v/xa? ray T&V itpoyovtav ra>j> go f)fj.(Ttp(av dperas, tra t5fjre wj irpos-T]K(i vp.lv etrai aya&ns. IXQowriav yap Hfpcruv 7ra/x7rX7j0ei oro'Xa> 7rl ray 'A^/Jt'ay, ol 'A0?jt>aun irp&Tov TO\p.r)cravT($ (I'lKr/aav avrovs. l-Treira, ore He'p^r/y Zarepov i]\6ev 6m r^y 'EXXd8a, xat rare ol T/ju'repot Tipoyovoi (vtKutv TOVS 85 rowrajv Trpoydrou? KOI Kara yijv Kal Kara ovrw bf KOI v/i6is avTL-Tadp.fvoi apri rot? c/cydrois 6ftKare avrous auv rois ^6ois. xat rdr6 [Mfv vpou /3av adv[j.l on yiuv peit OVK flcrlv rolf 8e 7roAep.iois TroAAot iimris Trdp-etortv, fv- on ot fj.vptoi tTnrets ov8y aAAo eta-tv rj pvpioi ol yap avbpes elvlv ol TioiovvTfs o n av yiyvr]Tai tv TCUS Wets S' fr/^iey CTT' dcr^aXea-repon ox^aros rcov 95 ot /xev yap /cpejixatrai a^)' tTnrwy, (j)0^ovfj.fvoi ?;/jias /ao'i'Of, aAAa fiv aat aTro'povs, (TKt\l/a, ov Se^ jy/xas adv^M 8ta TOUTO. ot re yap Mucrot Kat aAAa C^^TJ, /3as a/coiros otKoSfrtv ei> rrj /3ao-iAe'a>? X^P a Tro^^a? re Ka i e8aijuoi>as Tro'Aets. oiJrco 8e Kal T^mas, ws e/xotye 8o/cet, XP^ Kara- cr/ceua^Ecr^at &>s ot/c^o'oi'Tas e^^dSe. ot8a yap on ^SacnAei/s no 8067 av iroAAovs ^ye/xoyas rots MIKTOIS, /cat ort 770t7J Ka ' ye rpt$-d(r/jiei'09 erroiet av raSra, et twpa ^as Trapa- Kara-fxeVeti'. rovro 8e /cat 8e'8ot/ca, /uuj a TTJS ot/ca8e 68oC, ecu> pdOtofjifv rjv dpyoi, 1 15 D 34 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. KOI pLOTfvttv fv afydoviq. coxa oiiv /jot Succuoy etvcu tipaaOai. a^-LKi'dcrOai. ets r?)i> *EXXd8a, *ai (iri- TOLS "EXA?j tvTaKTOTfpovs eu'at jnSi; f/ Trpoodtv. fav Se nj aTretO?), 8e?}(rci TOJ; dci v/^aii' ey-Tuyxavovra KoXd^ei^ avTov avv TO) ap^ovn. aXX' ?/5^ a>/ja eon Vfpalvov TOV \6yov i<7a)s ya/> ot TroXe/iioi airiKa irap-fcrovrai, 6Ya> 130 oyj' raOra 00x6? Order of march. The Greeks cross the Zab and are harassed by Mitbridates. TOUTOV oj aTra^rcs av~fT(ii'av TO? eTropcvoiro TroiTjcrapiti-oi vhafffWV (K T&V OTT- j', lx oj;r$ T ^ V770^uyia xat Toy o^Xoi; ev /xeVw. icai ju,f yyeiTO, bvo 8c roSv Trpffr/SuraTwy aTpcm;- '35 y^ v eV-e/ifXouyTo TWV TrXeupaif cKaTepcur, s,fvo$>u>v be Kal Tijutaauoz/ &)7ri>VTi. Sico/creou u>ai roi/s TTO- Ae/ztous' SiwKOjres Se /car-eAd|u/3arot> oiibeva' ovre -yap rots "EAXrjo-ij;, ovre ol we^ot eSv^afTo xara- TOV? K(Li'a)i> Tre^byj. cv^a 8?) TidAiy adv^ia 145 6e rots or/aaTTjyois ? rd)(t(TTa. axowaiTes 8e PoStovs TO) orparcv/xan emorajueVous o^cvfiovSv, TOVTOVS TC f-eXtavTO Ko.1 aXAouy, oinres IdAotCV rdrreo-^ai irpos rouro TO Ipyor, is 8ta*coo-iovs. /car-eo-/cevacray 8e c^s 150 Imre'as ITTTTOVS (TKvoopovvTa i i ws jrevrTjKoirra* /cat IJT- 7r-ecrTQ^(7 avrot? AUKIOS ' Tusaphernes attacks the Greeks, but is forced to retreat. Mera raCra a$-iK.QVTo eiri roy Tiypjjra TroTap.6v. z-/3aAeu> /^ev OVK eroA/iTjo-ez;, o-^trSoj-'Si 1 8e Trap-^yyeiAe TOUS eavrou /cat roeueu>. CTret 8e 01 'Po'Stoi e(T(pevbovr)aav on TrAaunoy laoi Trovrjpa rais dr] TOIS into TroAe/xitof SicoKojua'ois' di'dy/o; yap eon TOI/S oTiAiras e/c-0At/3ea0ai /cat Tropevecrdai , eay ra Ke'para TOV TrAatcriou (rvy-KVTTTp, 77 68ou ovarj?, 17 ope'cov dj'ayKa^oyTa)!; 17 ye^i/pas* wcrrc 1 70 8ua (KCLTOV df8pa9, cat avrots, Kal aAAous TievriiKovTijpas Kal aAAous e 180 dp^as. ovYft) 8e Tropeuo'/iffoi, OTTOTC y^icy ra Kf'para (Tvy-KVTtrot, ol Ao^ayot -v-n-iptvov vcrrtpov, cuore Ta /cepara /UT) Tapdrrea-^ai* Tore 8 Tiap-riyov e(D0v T&V Kfpdrtav. OTT oVe 8e ai TrAevpat rou TrAato-iow 8id-crxoifv, ourot dz'-f^-eTTi/UTrAaaav TO ^e'tro^, (T0(/>e, ^/xiv lea^ai ws rdxiora TH ro axpov' cay yap 195 roi/To Aa/3co/xey, ol vvrep T^S 68o{! TroAe'juioi ov 8uf?y(royrai IMtveiv. av be, ei /3ovAci, /xeW CTTI rw orpaTev/xan, eyw 8' efc'Aco Tropevea^at." KOI 6 Xetpioxxpo?, tT Tre/xTrei TOUS Trap* taimo oiras KOI aAAov9 rpiaKOJious (rw-sW(T0ot l o$s aoo 7TtAe'(crovs avbpas. Race for the summit. f-rropevovTo ws ifivvavro ra^iora. 01 SC'CTTI rou \6(pov TToAe/xioi, ws eVo'rjcray avrovs TropevojueVous CTTI TO axpov, fvOvs Kal avrol u>pfj,r]o-av firl TO a/cpoy. /cat ^ juey Kpav/i] r\v T>V 'EAA^cor 8ia- 205 TOIS 4avT(Sy, TroAA^ 8e Kpauy^ T ap,i urwy 8ia-KeAei/op.e'i>a>i>. sfvo(f)Sn> 8e TOU ITTTTOU Tiap-eKcAeweTo 1 ""At'8pcs, t-Oy Tt T^y 'EAAaSa ajuiAAao-^e, rw TTpos TOUS TraiSay xai Tas aiKas" fuy o\iyov iro^o-ayrej d/viaxet Tropevo-oVe&i T^y aio ITTJJI; 68o'y. n 38 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. A grumbler silenced, Ihe Greeks Eero (crjj.fi'' crv /xei> yap GX ' * nnrov, eya> 5e j(aA tapi'd) (ptpwv ri]V acnriba." 6 5e "Eevou d*ovcras recur a, Kara-TT^Sf/cras OTTO rot) ITTTTOV, co^eirat roy 2o)rjjpi8?;j; CK e /cat du>paKa rov iirTriKoV cuore eTru^ero. at Tra rots /xey (fj.TTpo(r6(v V7i-ayeir, rot's 5e oiricrdev Tiap-t4vai. no ol 5' aAAot arpartwrat iTratoy feat eAoi8o'pouy rov ^wr?;- e ra x^p' a ^o-ffifjLa raJ tTTTTw, ?)yfy 7rt rov ITTTIOU' CTTCI 8e a/Sara ryr, roz; l-mrov to-7ri5e Tre^T/. *at ol rovs TroAe/^tous ytro'juei'oi CTTI r<5 aK/>a>. ^ serious dilemma. Proposal of a Rhodian soldier. 'Evda bi] ol juey fidpfiapoi T!fp-v\lfi]\a, evOev 8e Trora/jios ou 8ta-^3aro's. *cat cv 230 rovrw drr/p rts'Po'Sto? 7r/)os-eA^a>i' (lircv " 'Eya) de\ 5e TroAAa "npoftara Kat 35 atyas KOI /3ous, &v ra 8e'/)/xara (f)vo-r]d(vra paStws av 7ra/>- e'xoi T)V 5ta^3aoii;. 8er/v, ots \j)ijcrOf Tiepi, ra vTro^vyta' rourots ^y^as roi/s IV. THE MARCH TO KURDISTAN. 39 Trpos dAA;/Aovs, /cat op/xiVas fKacrrov At0ots, uxrirep dy/cupats, bi] rou TrorajMOU' /cat e7ri-/3aAa> i'Ar/i' rot? dolors, /cat yjjv e?ri TTJ vAi/. 240 TOVTOIS 8e eTrt-^dzres ov /caTa-ouo-eo-fc- TTO? yap ot(Tfi bvo avbpas' fj 5e v'A?j Kai f) yrj KcoAvcroucri They decide to march over the mountains into Kurdistan. Tois 8e orpOTJ/yois aKowatri rai;ra TO [j.tv ei'^y^jua \apUv ttvcu, TO b 3 epyoy ddwaroV i](rav yap ntpav 245 rou -norafj-ov TroAAoi tTTTrers rwy TroAe/xtajy, 01 OVK ay eir- tTptTTOv rot's r 'EA\T7 j;yiTo TOU (TTpaTeup-aTos, s,d'0()> Kap8oyxwi'. a-^a 8^ ot /uep Kap5oi>xot e^-eAtTTOf Tas ot/ctas, /cat ep.u>i'. eTret 8e ot TC- AeuTaibi TW^ 'EAA?/z'a)i' Kar-fflaii'ov ets Tas /cw/zas, ToVe 5^ (Ti/A-AeyeVrcs rt^ey Toiy Kap8ovx a) y (ir-fTi0evTo aiirols' 40 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. KGLI aTT-fKTfLvdv rivets Koi aAAovs cTpcocrav. KOI 265 fjifv TT]v iWKTd j]v\L(rdr]crav tv rats KWJUCUS' a/jia 8e rfj J/jue' Forced rapidity of march. * Is there no other road? 1 Kai TO.VTIJV pev rqv 7//xe'pay ourcos Ttopev6i]v (\0(i)V iipbs TOV Xtipiaotyov Tjrtaro avrov on o^x VTT-(}J.IVV' 6 8e ct7ro-fcpti/o'/*evo9, *' BXe^roi'," ^T;, " Trpo? ra opr/, KOI 275 i5e is Tiavra eort a/3ara' jut'a 8e avrrj eoriy 080?, 771* opqs, opQia' KOI eiri ravTrj avOparnoi KaO-ijvTai TroAAot, TJ^ (.Kfiaaw ol 8' r/ye]uoVes, ovs exo/xey, ou tlvai a\\rjv 68oy." 6 8e Sfi'ocp&v ttuzv U 'AAA' 8vo avbpas, ovs eAa/3oy 280 r/pirr TT^S 68o!." refractory prisoner. Another road discovered, Volunteer party formed. K.al evOvs dyayo'fres rows avOpu>Ttovs riputTuv awroi/j ct aAAr;^ 6801;, 17 r^y fyavtpav. 6 /uey oSy erpo? aAAr/y riva eiSeVai' eTret. 8e eAeyev ov8ey opwfTos ToC (Tfpov Kar-6(T0ayjj. 6 8e AOITTOS 185 lAe^ey on ovros ov 0atr; ei8eWt, on eir/ avrw Ovydrrjp e/cei (K-b(bofj.fVri Trap avbpi' airo? 8' l(/>r/ fiyfoevdai TW cpcorco/iei/os 8e et CIT/ ri cy rr^ 68ai 8us- fay, y-KaAeaayTes Aoxayovs rS>v re TreATacrrcSy 29 Kat T<5y oTrAtrwy, i7pwTcoy atiTovs ei us etr?, ocms efle'Aoi ay yeyeV$at dyr/p ayaOos, Kat ^Tro- cat vrai 8?) ws S Preconcerted arrangement. The start. Kat ^y /t>iev 8etA?; 7/8;, ot 8e orpar/jyoi fKfXfvov TOWS e^eAoyras -nopevfcrOai. /cat 8?jrraj/Tes Toy ^ye//,o'ra irapa- 295 6l8odcrtV avrors. cat avv-TiOtVTai rrjv fjitv VVKTO. TO \u>piov, tav \a[3. CTTCI 8e CTKOTOS eye'yeTO, Kat WOPTO 310 A?7(reiy TOVS TroAe/itovs a77-to'yTe?, TOTC a-n-ij\6ov CTTI TO ot 8e 7roAe'jw,tot ovSey CTrava-ayTO 81' oATjs TT^S rovs At^ous. ot 8e lx o ' ;TC? rot> (pvh.aK.as 42 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. 315 T&V TToAe/xtooi' d/jic/H -nvp KaO-rjfjLfVovs' Kal TOWS fJLfV Kara- KTfivavTfs, TOJJS Se naTa-biw^avrfs aiirol t^tvov tvravOa, o)i Kar-e^o^re? TO aKpov. ol 8e ou Kar-eixo;-' avTo, aAAa Aocpos ?}y VTrep avTwy, Trap' oz> 7/y ?; crTey^ avrrf obbs, e(/>' 7^ ol (^jJActKes tK.aOi}VTo. ew7royj. ol 8e ovx e^e aAAa AtTrorTey T/y oooi' !$evyW oAtyot 8' aTT-t (ijfavoi yap T/aay. ol 5' aync/H Xeipunxjbov, aKovr TJ/S aaATriyyos, ev^i/s U'fTo arco /caTa T^y . ol 8e /3ap/3apot tro^tvov /cat e/3aAAov, eyyv? 8' ou Trpos-te^To, aAAa vyf/ eAet-nroi; ro \or, opuxnv cTepov \6os 77^ iroAi; opfltcoraros' eVet Se ol "EAAqyes eyyvs tytvovro, ol fidp- fiapoi eAemw TOVTOV djua^et'. Kai Zfvo(f)>v fJ-ev wv TOIS I'ecorarots av-tfiaivev km TO OLKQOV, rovs be aAAovs cr^ai )3pa8e'&>?. /cat ey rovrw ayycAos JjA^c 345 wy, KOI eAe^ev 009 ol / r<5 Trpcorw Ao'0a) XtifyOtv- res aii-rjh.dOrja'av, nai on TroAAot air-tdavov. A tract concluded. Treachery~of the Kurds. Final success of the Greeks. by ol /3dp/3apot, rj\0ov CTTI Ivai'Tiov TWO. 6 Hcyo0ao-ay a7ro-8a)(reiy CTTI 35 rovrw OJOTC ;u^ dStKC^ ras K&jjixas* Kai 6 Zfvo^otv o~vv- renrra. er w 5e 8t-eAeyoyro rara, Tiai'res 01 K TOI^TOI; TOU TO'TTOJ; (rur-T/A^o/'. et'Taw^a ol t'orarro* xat eTre: ol afj.ov Trpos roi)s aAAov9, ItVro 8?j 355 ol TroAe/xiot 77oAA(j) TrA^et Kat 0opv/3(p. feat 7it eyeVoiro tTTi T^S Kopvfyrjs TOV \6(f)ov } d^)' ov Etvoc/xSi' KaT-e(3aivev, Trerpas' Kat 4ro? /jtey Kar-e'a^ay ro a/ceAos, 8e 6 VTrao-Trior^s 8e oTrAi'rrj? irpos-e.bpaiJiev avraJ, *cai y lavrov do-7rt'8a Trpo a^olv e^wptc /cai ol aAAot (Tvv-^i^av rots ?/8r; aw- Rest in good quarters. The Greeks reach the borders of Armenia. E/c 8e TOWTOU Tray TO 'EAA7jj;tKoy 6/^ou eyeWro, /cai tv TroAAats KOI KaAais OIKUHS Kai 44 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. eTrmjSeuoi;' KOI yap euros woAvs 171', bv tl\ov ev AOKKOIS Koriarois. sZtvoty&v 8e KCU Xeipuroc^os Aa/3jVres TOWS TOI> ?/ye/zoVa, KCU e~oh](rav TOIS ciTro- TO vo^.i^ofjifi'a, a>s eSyravro. T^ 8e varepata eTropevorro areu ijyfuovos' KOI a0-iKo/ieroi CTTI 37 roy Ke^TptTTji; Trora/xor, os 6pi' TJ/V 'Ap/^efiav *cai TT/V TWI; Kap8ovx wi; X ( ^P av i fvravda av-fifavcravTo ev ry OUTCOS d~-/jAA.a/^e'i'oi navratv rol ' CHAPTER V. THE MARCH THROUGH ARMENIA. Stoppage at the Centritet, Xenopbon's dream. TT; 8' varepata 01 "EAXr/ves opSxriv iTTTrc'as rcSv -Trepan roi; irora/noO c^-wrrAioTuVou?, coy aurovs 8ia-/3atVeif 6/ fitVof? CTTI raty o^ai? ava) TOW iTnre'coy. 7rci 8e twpcov 5 Toy ^v TTOTO.IJ.OV bvo~TtOpov ozTa, Tovj 8e Kap8ovj(ovs ev TOIS 077X015, a>s CTri-KfiffO/xeVovs avrois 8^ TroAA^ T/I> aOv[j.ia rots "EAArjcri. TJ; t'iKri Hci'o^wi; eiSev oi>ap' 8o^f ei WSat? i, at/rai 8e (boav avro'/xarai avru) TTfpi-ppwjvai, 10 toore Ai/0^rai avroy KCU bia-Baivfiv OTTOV /3ovAero. eiret 5e opOpos ^i', Ipxerai wpos rov Xipt(ros Ta^iora Tiavres ol l IQvovro' Kal rd lepd caAd 77 y. yf ford discovered. Kal d^-iwres d~o T&V lepSiv ol oTpaTtjyol KOI Ao^a- 15 yot ira/>-?;yyeAAoy TT] orpana dpio-TOTroteio-^ai. *cai dpt- T(S ZfVO(f)ti>VTI. blJO VfaVltTKW TTf)0$-Tp(XOV KOI roidSe, " 'Ervxo/^ey (rvA-Aeyoires typvyava, KOL fv ra) Ttlpav TOU -jrora/jou yipovTa re V TroAe/itcoi' urTre'a? OVK , cos i pe^at. TOVS fxrjpovs* xai 8ta-/3dfTes Kai Aa/3o'ires 25 ra The first detachment under Cbeirisophus crosses the river. 'A/cowras rai/ra 6 Eefoooi> eenreySf, KOI eKcAeue TOVS oT/jarioijras evx co "^ ai T0 ^ ^eo?s. orTreiVas 8' v0us ?jye rois veai'WKOVs' napa. TOV XeipiTa0a 8?) fTiopevovTO' ol 8e vtavlaKOi yyovvTo 35 f\ovTfs TOV TfOTanbv tv apio-Tepq. Kal Xcipicro^os /xev TiputTov ev-efiaivcv eis TOV TTorajuov xat ol oa/v avTw* ol 8e TroAe'/xtoi bp&VTes awovs 8ia-/3aiVovras favyovcriv ava icpaTOS Trpos ro opos. 46 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. The Carduchi advance to attack the rear. Xenophon prepare! to receive them. 40 AVKIOS 8e (% tTTTre'as OVK lotwKfV, (vOvs 8e f-f(3(uvfv cm TOVS TroXe/xtovs TOU? ey rots aKpois reray/zeVous. ol 8e opaj^res raSra eK-AenroiKri ra a/cpa. Hefoc^cov 8e, 45 eTret ecapa row? d/x0i Xet/no-ocjW Tttpav 7/8/7 aTT-ex^P t <*>? r()(tgTO irpos TO viJ^ 8ta-/3au>oi> xat yap 01 Kap8o{i)(oi cpavepol 7/8r; et? TO TreSior, w^ fi:i-dr]cr6pLfi'oi rots TfAeuratots. /cat Xetpt(ro0o? /xey Kar-e?xf r tt axpa, ATJKIOS 8e o-iy dAtyots 50 e7ri-8i(oas rows TroAejutovs eAa/3e ra vTro-AetTro'juefa r&iy (TKCvo(p6pu>v t Kat juera rovrcoy ecr^r^ra re KaA^ xat fK- TTw/xara. Kat ez> rovra) ra jue^ s 8ta- V. THE MARCH THROUGH ARMENIA. 47 8e TOT; TioTa\j.ov /JTJ Trpo-fiaivciv. rots 6"e Trap' eaimji Trap-T/yyaAey, e7rei8^ crfpevbovr) f-iKVolro irpos avrovs Kal awls \^o0(u, 6f.lv eis TOVS TroAejiuovs' fTTfl 8e ol -noXf/JLLOL ava-arptyfiav, KCU 6 craAmy/cr?)s TO iroAejuiKov K TOW irora/iou, Tore -navTas 7 /cat bia-jBaLVfiv a>s Ta^tcrTa, 7y e(caoro9 et^c TT/V Ta^tf lAeye 8e OTI ovros etrotTO O/JKTTOS, ocrrts 7r/)wros ei> TO) irepav y4voi.ro. The ruse succeeds. All cross safely. Ot 8e Kap5oi)xotj opwi/TCS roi/s Aonrovs oXtyou? 7/rj 8?j eTT-exetfTO ^pacrews /cat rip\ovro atyev- 75 ot 8e "EAATjz'es Trata^tcrai/res u>pfj.i](rav ot 8e OVK (beavTO. ev TOUTW 6 o-a\- Kal ol fj^v TroAe/xioi Ufavyov iroXv ITI OO.TTOV' ol 8e "EAAryyes ava-(TTpe\(/avTfs eeuyoy 8ia ToO cos Ta^iora. TcSy 8e TroAe/uiajy ot /xey Ttves 80 ravra TtdXiv fbpajj.ov eirl TOV irorafJibv Kal rofv- OVT(S Irpoocrai; oAtyov? T&U 'EAA^ycoy ot 8e TroAAot avr&v ert (pavepol tfcrav (pevyovres' ol 8e ^TTO Xftptao'- (/>ou Tjporepov Tre/x^^efTes uapa zevofp&VTa TTpo-ijtcrav cts TOI> 7roTa/i6j TrpocrajTe'po) 17 eSet, Kat vcrrepov r&v juera 85 Het'o(/jcoi>Tos 8t-e^3rjffay TraAtv TOVT&V 8e Greeks enter Armenia. Great fall of snow. fTropfvOrjaav 8ta TTys 'Ap/uertas CTTI Toy T?j- Xffioav TrorajUoV. 7rapxos 8' ?/v TawTijs T^9 x^P a ? Ttpt- ^a^oj, os Kat fiaaiXcl ^)t'Aos eyeVeTO. OVTOS elTrey on 90 a"ntii> (V T?) x (< V )( ? y'^yv^.ro.1 rr)s VVKTOS \t<>>v TroXX?/, wore aTT- fKpv\l/t /cat ra oVXa KOI TOVS avdpwirovs Kara-K^ip-fVovs' 95 KCU ?/ x 1 ^' cn;y-e7ro8io-e ra v-notyyia. KOI 7roXi/s ocro9 ^v av-iffraaOai.' eTret 8e He^o^wv eroA/i7](r6v av-LaTaadai KOI cr^i^iv v\a, ra^a u^a-oras ns xat aXXos d^-cXoVfi'os (KCLVOV TO. u\a (T)(l(V. fK TOWTOU KOI 01 aXXoi cwa-orapres TrS March continued. Effects of long fasting. Mera raCra eSoxei Sia-crKr/j/fJo-ai ets ore'yas Kara ras 8r) ol crrpartaiTai (rly TroXX^ jfiovfj fifaav errt ras areyas KOI ra e7riT?;8eta' Kai evravOa 8i-rjyayoi> T?/J; rwKra. T^ 8' wrepcua eTroptvovro 8ia x t( >ros TroXX^j eiri rof E,voj> awrov* al 8^ 105 TTTjyai avrov eXtyotro ov Trpocrw elzxu. evrei^^cy Se fjfjiepav oXrjv 8ta ^'o^os, cai TroXXoi raw /3ovXtfitairav. Hero^wy 8e 7/yyo'ei o rt TO t?j. etTre 8e ris avrw art ol avQpw-noi. fiov\i[J.iev, KOI OTI (^ayorres ri dya-or^a-otfro. 6 8e "Eevo^wv no aKovcras ravra Ticpi-i]t<. -nepl TO. VTro^vyia, KOI ei TTOU TI rois They reach an Armenian village, but some are left behind. cai 115 Ko'pas vbpofpopovffas irpos T t ^ Kp?']Vfl epTrpoffOev TOV e/w/xaros. aur.ai iJpcoTcoy avrou? rtVes fief. 6 8^ (pp.r)iVKTepev(rav datrot Kat d^w Trypo's' Kai eyrai raiy aTpartcoraJy aTT-wAoiro. ' 2 5 Sufferings in the snow. 'EAenroi>ro 8e Kat ru'es, ot /^f bi-ttpOapplvot rovs {TTTO TOV \|/v^ous. ?jy 8e rots (Jitv d(j)da\}j.OLS eniKOupiip.a rrjy ^LOVOS, et TIS /xt'Aay rt Ix* ^ Trpo TU>I> d(p0a\iJ. Tropevotro, rots 8e iroa-iy, el rts Ktvorro 130 /cat /i?]8e77OTe e^ot riwyJLav, Kat et ^Tro-Avotro ra ^TroSr;- /xara rr)y rv/cra. t 8e rt^es fKOip.S>vTo vTro-bebe^vot, ol ets-ewoi>ro ets rous TroSas, Kat TO inrobrJuaTa ' Kat yap, C7rei8r) ra dp^ata V7ro8^juara eTT- airois, e?Totrjcray Kap/3artVas c/c rwy fco8apTajv 135 &0j/rai. fvravda to"oe Kparicnov 145 eu-at (po/3?}(rat roi>$ e-ofteVous iroA.tyiiov?, t-a>s /xi) eir- toiei.' rots na[j.i'ovcn. nal fjv fj.(v CTKOTOS J/5/;, 01 8e 7?o\([j.toi. 7Tpos-j](Tav roAAai Oopvftto. Zvda 6?; 01 OTTKT^O- -araorarre? (bpa.fj.ov ets TOVS T7oAe/itovs' ol 8e di'a-KpayoVrcs ocrov 8yratTO, Unpovvav ras 150 aa-TTi'Saj 77/)os TO So'para. ol Se 77oAe'/iiot SeiVaiTe? 7/ai' eauroi/s Kara TJ/f x to ' ros ^ s T n v vditiji', nal ovSets trt Cbeirisopbus conducts the sick to the villages. All Jind quarters. Kat Heroy \ikv /cat ol avv aur firopfvovro' rrj 8 155 roi/s vaTa.Tovs eiceAeuev drayfcd^ti' avroi/5 Trpo-icVai, Xipt(To0os 8e TtffjLTTfi rifds e/c TJJ? KW/IJJS (rut^oiitvovi TTWJ ol rtAeurauK looter, ol 8c wap-& dA\7/Aois ray KW/IUJ, c)(oyTf5 row? cairraJv arfipas. Armenian bouses. Barley-' fi> ots /cat airat at ttpiQai (V-ijaav. Kai KaAa/u.ot Iv-tRflVTQ aurors, ol juev fjLfi^ovS) ol 8e fXarrovs* TOVTOUS 8e \ ets TO trTOfj.a fj.v^ov } Kai o olvos ?]v navv UKparos, ct rts 7ri-)(eoi iJScop' CTTCI 8e TIS avv-fdicrOeir) avra), Arrival at the Phash. Ihe enemy occupy the heights. 'EvTavOa f-fjLeivav ?;/^/?as iroAAas* fiera 8e TOUTO CTTO- 175 piiO^(Tav Ttapa TOV ( I ) acrii' Trora/^oy. cm 8e rrj eis TO TreStoy virepftoXT] uTT-rjvTriaav avroT? XaAv^es xat Taoj(oi Kai tycunavoL XetptVo^os 8t, CTTCI Kar-et8e TOVS iroAe- pitovs em TT; vnpj3o\f}, (irava-aTo Tropeuo/nei-os* Kat Toiero-^at, r/p.aj 8e flovXtvfcrdai fire TT;- fj.(poi> ctre avpiov 8oKe? vir(p-(3d\\iv TO opos." " 'E/iot 8e ye," e T?ji;8e TTJV i)[j.epai>, 01 TC rCv ?/p.as opwvres iroAe'/xtoi Hvovrai ^appaAecoTepoi, Kat aAAot TrAetous TOUTWJ; ' Z,rf KJ j/ra/ a u'^ry o-v^r //>f mountain.' MeTa Toi^TOi; Hevo^xSj; etTrey " 'Eyw 8e OVTCO yt- ywocr/ca>. ct /xey dyayjcij eori fj-dxeaOai, Set Toi)ro irapa- 190 ff/ceuao-ao-flai, OTTCOS ws KpaTurra ^a\ov^6a' ft 8e /3ou- \6fJLfOa ws p'aora VTrep-^aAAeiv TO opoy, TOUTO Set E 2 ,52 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. TIO\V ovv KpeiTTov P.OL boKel TTfipcuTOai. KAo/rat n TOV '95 (pr/fJiov opovs Aa0oWay, rj fj.d^fffOai. npbs to^vpa x&)pi'a Kal avbpas TTap-fov$. /cat K\e\l/ai 5e OVK abv- VQ.TQV fjioi, 8oKi elvai, evret l^-eorti' i^uv Uvai VVKTOS, /JIT; upatrOai. V Mutual banter between Cheirisopbus and Xenophon. " 'Ara/3 rt eya> a-v/A-/3aAAo/xat Aoyovs TTfpl K\OTTT]S ; 200 eycoyf yap, a> Xe(ptTO(/)e, OKOVCO v/xas rovs Aa/ce5at//ojn'ois ev^i;? /c TratScoy /jteAcrai' /cAeTrret^ fuv } dAAa KaAoy /cAe'7rreu> oaa v6y.o<$ /x?/ KcoAvei. ws Kpartora /cAeTTTTjrf, yo'jixi/xof toriy v/^ juaort- , eav A^^^f/rc KAeTrrovrfj. fi;y ouy Katpo? (rot 205 eorty eTrt-Set^arr^at rr/v TratSetay, *cat (f)V\aa?, " /cat eyw u/xas rovs 'A^^atous 8eivoi>s etyat (cAeTrreiy ra 8/j/xo- ui> 215 tO(\ov-eTraiWro. ajua 5e Tfl fintpq Xeipicro(/>os /^a> 7/ye Kara Trji 68oy, ol 8e KaTa-\a/36i'Tts TO opos eir-ifievav Kara Ta aicpa. *cal ovrot (TviJi-fjuyvvacn /ue'pet raiy 7roXe/xi&)^, KOI 01 "EAX^^es 335 avroi/s. ei> rovru) ol p,tv TreATaarai e/c TOU ire8tou Trpos TOU? 7ra/)a-rTay- 6e e(/)-ei7rTO aw rois OTrAtrats, 01 5e oy, e7ret8r; kwpmv rovrovs j/rrca/xeVovs, 01 5e r 'EAA]i>e5, Qixravrt.* KOA. aTi](ra^voi Tpo- 230 , Kar-f^rjcrav naKiv ets TO TifSiof, Kat i\\dov ets /^cecrras TroAAwy & Mountain fortresses of the Taochi. cs r?)8eta eTT-e'AtTTfi'* ol yap Taoxoi &KOVV yu>pia is a dy-eKo/xiVairo Tiavra ra e7rtr?y5eta. ciret 8e a xat ar5pes ^auces >cat iroAAa, XetpiVo^os Ae'yet rw Hero^w^n' " Touro ro \u>piov alpereoy eorti' 57/^1^* TT) yap orparta OVK eart ra e7TiT?/8eta, et /m^ \r;\|/o'//^a TO \o<, " TO yjapiov, 6 8ei r/juas &)(tbbv rpia T/jouVAeflpd tori' TOVTOV 8e oaov 8aav eari TiLrvvi //eyciAai?, v als lorrjjcores 8ej> ay 7rdcrxoiez> VTTO T>V KV\ivbovjj,fi'(t)V \i6u>v. 350 TO 8e AoiTroy -^capiov yiyvtrai a>s ij^Lir^fOpov, 6 5ei Ttapa- bpa.iJ.elit, orav ol TroAe'^iot A7/y(oo^t /3aAAoi>Tes TOWS At^ou?. ouy fVTavOa, <-v0ei> 8e^o- ?;ju?j; ita.pa-bpaiJ.tlv ov TI, fcal pabiov ecTTai aTr-eA^eu', ear /3ouAw;u^a." ciropevovTo Xetpt(TOcoirra, ov aOpoot, dAAa Ka^' t'a, Stratagem of Callimachus. The fort taken. A dreadful scene. "Evda 8r) KaXAi/zaxos fii}X' a> OVTOS ^v' e7rei87j 8e 260 ot Ai^oi v nva rS>v TroAe/xtwy naTa-pptyovra ov, o-ToAy/v f^ovra KoA;r, eTK-Aa/u/Sa^erai avT^j* 6 V. THE MARCH THROUGH ARMENIA. 55 e fTn-airarai TOV Xo^ayov' Kal d/ixcpoYepoi co^orro Kara TMV ii(TpS>i> (pfpop.fi'oi, Kal aTt-eOavov. evrevdev avQpowoi fjifi' ndvv oAtyoi tXr\fydi](Tav, /So'es 8e Kai ovoi TroAAoi Kai a. 375 Arrival at Gymntas. 'The sen, the sea!' zv9r)(rav 8ta Xa\v/3a)/', Kal acp erri "Apiraaov -nora^ov' evrtvOtv 8e i]\6ov Trpos //yaAr;t', ?'} eKaAeiro Ff/xz/ta?. e/c TavrTys T?}S Tro'Af cos o rjjs ^copas ap^(ai> 7if{j.~fi T/ye/xoVa rois EIAX^criv* e\0tav 8e exei'i'os elTrey ort atu avroi/s TreWe i](j,fpS>v ets yjupiov 280 o^ey o\\roivro OaXa.TT<3.v. 6 8e rjyelTO avrois' KOI dc/>- tKi'ouvrai eTTt ro tTpos TI) Tre/xTTTTj rji^fpa' ofo/xa 8e r<5 opei ?]y 0?/)(f/?. eirei 8e ol Trpwroi eyeVorro ewi TOV opovs Kai Kar-eI8oy rrjy tfaAarrav, Kpavyrj -noXXr] cyeVcro. 6 8e "Ed'cxp&v Kal ol oTrtcr^o^vAaKes aKOvcraires wr/OrifTav 285 a6ai. rois e/XTrpocr^ey. e7rc(8f/ 8e /3o?/ , xat ol det CTT-tbVres e^eoy Spo'/ixw ewl rois del (3oG>i>Tas, eSoVet 8?) TW Eero0<3iTi juei^of rt t ava-@as eid\r]v dpyvpav Kal 07cevi)i> HepaiKrjv Kal xp?;//ara' 300 6 8e 8eias avror$ Kcop.qi', oil e8ei crK.rjvf'iv, Kal TIJV obov rjv TiopevaoivTo fts Md/cpcoyas, w^ero TT Colchians bar the ivciy. A pithy address to the soldiers. ol "EAX?;i'es eTiopevoiTo 6ta MaKpvvW oi 8e McLKpwvts Ttap-riyayov avrovs ev Tpunv 7//bte'pais f-nl TO. K.6\\v opia. (.vravOa r\v opocus, cai dp^tovs TOUS Ao^ovs, ol orpaTT/yoi 7ra/)-j;yyeiAay rots Otols. evdfj.evoi 5e KCU Tiaiavifravrfs (vo- 315 pfvovro. ol 8e TroAe'juiot, ws ciSoi' avrovs Spo/xw Oeovras, Zfavyov. ol 8e "EAA^res virep-fldvTes TO opos earpaTo- s TroAAais KCU /xeorai? tTH.Trjbfiv (TTpaTitoTwv Kr/picav, TrdfTcs tyiyvovro a^pore?, xai ow8ets 320 e'8v^aTo to-Tarr^ai opdos. o{/rw 8e TroAAot yeyeznj/xeVrj?, *cat iroAAry TJV adv^ia' Trj /^er atr-tOavc, d/x(pt 8e TT/V avT//f a>paf av-e(f>p6vovv' Tpinj 8e xai TtTdpTy T//W.CP? av-iaravTo, uxrirtp s 6 Ad(^o? KaA- 330 Ataros eorat rw dywrt. " FIcos oSi'," tc/jafraf, " 5ur?j- TtaXaUiv V \(opa oi'rco crKATypa Kat bacreiq ;" 6 8e ^, " 'O Kara-7T(r&)y /uaAAov ri di-'tao-erat." KCU TratSe? vroAAot rwi' cuxjuaAcdrajy Tjywyt^bi'ro, Kp?JTe? 8e 17 t^i/Koi'ra tQtov TraAr/ 8e TJV KOI wvyp,^ Kat 335 e^eoy 8e Kai tTTTrof KCU e8et avrovs eAa- crairas Kara TOU Ao'^ov ava-arptyai. (V ^r^ OaXdrrrf KOL ~a\iv avut f\0iv Trpos Toy /3oj/xdr. /cat ot p.ey 7ioA\oi eKvAtySoOyro Karw, ol 8e LTTKOI jixo'Ats enopevovTo Trpos TO opQiov' cv6a TroAA^ jcpawy?) Kat ye'Acos Kat TrapaKt'Aeuats 340 CHAPTER VI. TRAPEZUS AND Si NOPE. TAf Greeks vote for going home by sea. Cheirisophus goes to Byzantium for ships. MeTa TaiiTa ot"EAATjres (fiovXevovro nepl TTJS * ' - KOI 58 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. ' "Eycoye, oo avbpes, a-no-KafjiVd) r/5q fiabifav KCU rpi Kal (pfpwv TO. oVAa KOI (pv\aTT daXarrav, e77t-$i;//,<3 7rAeu> TO Xonrov T?]? TTopcias, Kal oiirco? d(/)-t/cecr^ai ets T?/V 'EAAaSa." ol 5e crrparuorat aKowarres raCra av-edopvfirjfrav ws ev Aeyoi, (cat Traires 01 irap-o^res eAtyof ravra. eTretra 5 Xi/it(ro(/)os dw-OTJ] KOI eiTrey wc* " 4>tAo? 10 avbpts, 'Ara^toy 6 ei> ear' af eyw \6u>." aKovcravrfs raura 01 ijcrOrjrrav re /cat (^(pivavTo avrbv TrAety ws Foraging. Attack on a fortress of the Drilae. 15 'Ey 5e av-fyfvov rbv XetptVo^o^, ot "EAAr/^e? e^- CTTI AetW* Sero^wf 8e, Aa/3wy ^yt/ixovas TOW bufTtcoi;, f^-7Jye ro rj^iav TOV frrparev/xaros ets A/)tAas, ro 8e TJ'jutrru Kar-e'AiTre <|)uAarrety TO or/mTo'Tre- 8oy. e?ret 8c ot "EAA?7j;es ^(ray e^ rr] az'a> \(opa, ol ApiAat 20 f/J-TTLirpavTcs TToAAa Twy %u>pMV aTT-ytcrav. $v Se 7/y fjLrjTpoTToXis avrStv' ets TOVTO Tra^Tes piov. ot 5e TreATaorai 5ta- fidi'TCs Ti]V \apdbpav Trpoj-e^aAAoy irpos TO yjupiov' 25 TroAAot 5e xat bopv(f>dpoi avv-fiirovTo avTots, (So-T ol 8ta- awkward predicament. Xenophon to the rescue t Aa/3eif TO VI. TRAPEZUS AND SI NOPE. 59 irpbs KevcHp&vra' 6 8e ?/yeiro TOIS KOI 6 Eeyo(p xapaSpay, eWAeutrer avrovs dtaQai ra oVAa' airos 5e 8ta-/3as o-vz; TOIS Aoxayois ecrKOTmro ro ^(apiov. KOI TOVS fj.fi> Aoxayous eTre/^Tre TraAtf, OTTCOS 8ia-/3i/3acmay rouj OTrAtras' avros 5e e/xevty at-a-)(wpta-as awa^ras TOVS TreAraaras, KCU ov/c eta auroyy aKpo(3o\Cf(T9ai. CTTCI 5e 35 ot oTrAtrat ^KOIJ, eKe'Aeucrei' eKaorof rwf Ao^aywi; TrotTjcrai Vigorous assault. Temporary repulse of the enemy. Kat ol fj.lv faoiavv raura' 6 8e Sc^o^w rous TreAracrras uWt Si-^yxvAco/xeyous, Kat TOUJ teWi eTn-^e/SA^/zeVous em rai? vevpcur eKe'Aeucre 8e KOI 40 TOVS yv^vrJTas ^X lv Tas ^i-^fpas pteo-Tas XiQ&v. eTrel 5e navra Trap-eo-xevaoTo, *cat 17 o-aA7riy e(/>#e'yaTO, ol oTrAtrai Traiafio-avTes e^eoy Spo'^w' Kal Ta /ye'A?/ 6/zoS eiAo'feros, KaTa-^e'^efOt Ta OTrAa, ey x 1 1 ' 1 IJ-ovov df-e'ySrjaai', Kai aAAoi jxeTa TOVTOVS* Kat TO yapiov fjXwKfi, ws e8o'a. 7/&e Greeks begin to plunder, but are forced to beat a retreat. Kat ol /nev TreATaoral Kat ol \/uAoi eis-SpajuoVre? 50 rjpira^ov o TI exaaros e8waTO* 6 8e ztvofpwv crras KOTO Tas Trv'Aas KaT-eKwAvae TOVS OTrAtVas e^w TroAe'/xtoi yap aAAot ( &>0ioyios dfi(/H TO Ovperpa. Kal ol ex- eAyor on a*pd re etr; eV8or, *ai TroAAoi Tr tTTj, 01 e/c-8eSpap.r;Ko'rfs Traioief rows Attack upon the inner fort, at first unsuccessful. E,vravOa eKeAeuo'c roi/ K?/puKa d^-ciTrerr, TOUJ / 60 rovs TI Aa/M/3areu> teVat eio-co. al TroAAot et5-/ecray, ai Kar-exAeKTay TOV? TroAf/iiovs 77aAiy cty r?/y attpav. xai ra /lei; e^co TT)S aKpas Trarra bi-rjpirdaOri, KOI ot'EAAr/res f-KOfj.L Xelav' ol 8e OTrAirat l^erro ra oTrAa, ot /uey a/z(/>i rd oraupw/xara, ol 5e Kara rrji' 656y TT/V 65 tpoveti' i \u>povvT(av 8' avT&v TroAAot rwv 70 ai'-t{3aivoir em ras oiKi'as, xai eif-eppntTov v\a aviaQev, ajore xaAfTroj; Jjv tat pfveiv Kal a Greeks set fire to the bouses. Tlx fortress taken. j 8e 6 Hero^oiy efjiade roCro, ev-aTrreii; xai ray er apivrepq oiKia?, at ^crar eoore cot Ta\u CKaioiTo. ol 8' oyv 770\e'^iioi efyevyov Kal aito rovTOiv T&V OLKMV. evravOa eKe\evv TroAe/iiwi'. CTTCI be v\a 80 txard TJI/, fv-fi^rav Kal oi/ra) /xdAi; a7j-j/A0oi> aTro rou VI. TRAPEZUS AND SINOPE. 6 1 XO>/HOI>, iroirja^fvoi Tfp tv /xtu) OVTV Ka TV 7:oAe/xiW. Kal Ttacra 57 TroAts KaT-eKavOrj, Kal al OIKUU Kal al rvpfftis Kal TO. (TTavptouara KOI TO. dAAa "n Ka,T-f.Kavdr)(rav t TrA?)*.' ai'rijs r?)s ctKpas. No neos ?^ey, ovr , ovre Irt ?jy Aa/x/Sdyfiv Ta C7rir?j8eta, e8o airotj aTT-treoy dlvai TTJS TpaTre^oi/i'roj. Kai eis /xey ra TrAota cv-fftL/BacTaif TOVS re aatfevowras Kat roi/? v;rep rcrrapd/coyra erTj, Kai TraiSas /cat ywauca9, Kat rSi' 9 or/ccuaiy ocra pi] avaynr] rjv f\iv' ol 8e aAAot (TTOpevovro Kara yrjv. Kal a(p-iKVovi>To Tropeuo/xerot eis KepacroS^ra, Tro'Aty 'EAAiji'iSa em OaXarrrj kv ri] KoA)(t8i XP a - (vravda e/ixetyay ^/xe'pas Se'fca* xat e^e'raai? eyiy^ero Kal os r?}s o-rparias' Kai eyeVopro oKraKts-x'Atot Kat 95 Among the Mossynoeci, Their barbarous manners. 'Ex Kepao-ou^ros 8e Tropevovrat CTTI ra Moi> opta, Kai atpowi yjupiov rt v\l/r]\bv fv rfj eKetWy ra Se TrAeio-ra rovrcov rwy \(ap((av roidfie ^y. al OTT dAAijAwv OCTOV oySo^Koyra ardSia* ava- 100 8e aAA?jAa)y (nif-TjKouov eK r% ere'pas TroAecos ets r?)y krtpav' ovrajs v\l/r]\ri re Kat 8e ol "EAAjj^es eZ8oi> aireurou?, re^pa/zjue'yovs Kapwots ftpOois, air- aAow Kat (r, ovs 8i-eA0otey. ef re yap oxAw o^res ^ffofow airep avOpMiroi ev epjj/xta ay 1 10 TToaya-etai', juo'rot re oi>res eTrparrof airep /xer' pa^eiay a^' 8i-eAeyorro re eavrois, xai eye' eavrois, /cat Cotyora. Embassy from Sinope. The Greeks enquire about their route. Ata ra^TJjs r?js \u>pas ol "EAAjy^'e? knopfiidr](Tav OKTO> 115 orafytoi;?, xat afy-iKvovvrai ets XaAv/3a9. evrevOev a0- et? Tt/SapTj^oiis, av 7y/u,e'pas rerrapaKO^ra ireVre. eV 8e ravrats lip&Tov fjitv as yvnvLKOvs. ra 8 ^Trtr/8eta eAa/x/3az>oj> ra /xy ex riys rTav KorucoptrcSf. ex 2trwTr?js irpeVySets, irpo->jyo'pei 8e 8etvos oaf Ae'yeu 1 . ovrot 8e eiTroi; on OVK rJKoifV iroiTjao'/xei'oi TroAffioy, aAAa e7H-8ei'oz>re? on <^)iAoi e7ev. rourou 01 re Korwcopirat CTre/XTrov ^e'z'ta, xai ol arparr/yoi raii; 'EAATjrcoy (ei>i.(flv TOWS rwy SuxoTreW TipeV/Sets* *cai eTrwi'^ai'o^ro aurwz; TTfpt T^J \oi7r//s TTopetas, i) Trope^crfle, t>p,a? 8e?/cret tu'at roi/s ^a^on^vovs. o/xwj oe 8e? Aeyeiy a yiyrwo-Kco* e/XTretpoj yap ei/xt TTJS 8e xat TreSt'a KaAAtora '35 no\jj.uov, ot>8e 01 Trdyres avQpwTioi bvvaiVTO av bi-e ei 8e /cat bvva.L(r6 v-nep-p^vai ra. oprj, KOL KparijtraL rutv kv rai TCC&I'O, ^ere CTTI TOVS 7rorap:oi;y, yikv Toy &(pjj.(abovTa, bevrepov 8e 'Iptr, rpirov 8e 140 "AAw, aiy ovbeva av bvvaurOc bia-flijvai avev TtXoiatV rt's 5e Tiap-{(t iiiuv TO. TrAota ; eav 8e 8ta-/3^ CTrt TOV flapO^vtov, os a/3aro's eoriv w v o5v vofJ.i(a TTJV Kara yTjy "noptiav ei^ai < aa.VT&- abvvarov' cay 8^ TrAeJjre, fi'dfi'be /xey Trapa- 145 cts ^ivwTrrjr, e* 2iyw7rrjs 8e eis ' woAAa 8e TiAoid earii^ ev 'Hpa/cAeia/' 01 8e ravra, tyt}$t \povTa>, /cat OVT&> irpos-KT^aandai 150 Kal bvvafj.iv ry 'EAAdot. KOI fm rowrois eGvero XaOpa rutv crTparnarSti'^ 7rapa-/caAeo-as ^.iXavov, rov Kvpov fjMVTtv yfvofjLfvov. 6 8e 2tAayos, 88i(bs p.^ ravra yeVoiro Kai ^ orparia Kara-p.fiVLV (ffiovXero yap c EAAd8a), eAeye Trpos TO orpdVeufia 155 64 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. on Ee^oc/jaif fiovXoiTo oltiivai iioXiv avrdOi, KOI TTOU;- (TaarOai ovo^o. KCU bvvaptv eourw. roTs Se TroAAcns T&V orpaTicorcoi;, 7ret ^Kovtrav ravra, eSoxei /3e'ArioToz> /m?7 Kara-/mi>ai fV TW 160 f(b6fli]crav e/xiro'pous rtms Trap-otras rwy 'HpaKAewraii' /cat v, \eyovTes on KiySuyoj CIT^ TroAvy, ci rocravrr) fj.(iveiev (V TW Timaston offers to settle the Greeks in Troas. Ol 8e e/XTTOpoi aKowai'Tts raCra a7r-?jyyeA.Aoi> 165 TovTinacriutva, /cat KcAevovaty avrbv iTfideiv ri)v crTpanav e^-eXOtlv eic TOV HOVTOV. 6 8e cruA-Ae'^a? TOUS orpa- nwray Aeyet ra8e - " Ov bti ^p.as ey^dSe /xe'/'ety, cu'Spf s, dAAa ws ra^tora a-n-itvai CTTI rrjf 'EAAdSa. a/cowo 5^ nyas Ovtadai (itl royro) \dOpa I/IJL&V. {m-KT^yovyLai 8e 170 ii/ztV, ^af eK-TrAtrjre, Trap-tet.v v^w [ucrdoV KCU a^ft) v//a9 is T?/y TpwaSa, e^^ev et/xt (pvyas, KOI rj /j,r) TTO\LS VTT- ap. I>IMV ?}y?/(ro/xat 8e Vjuas /cat iroAAa Xenopborii defence, i. *M)/ o/y oA/Vr/ is your welfare ; if Silanus says otherwise, be speaks falsely.' *O 8e Eero(/><5j; ev TOVTW /aev eatya' vorepop 8e d^a- 175 (TTas etTTe TaSe' "'Eyw /uey, S dj'8pej, Ovo/jiai /cat vucp KOI virep fp.avTov, OTTOHS Tavra Ae'^a) Kat voTycra) /cai ), & eorai KclAAiora vj^rv T xal ffJioL /cat vCv 6pLr]v Trepl CLVTOV rovrou, ci a^fivov flrj Ae'yeiy f^s ra> e^w irpdrreiy, ^ .navranaai. aiyav Ttepl ^ 6 /udiris a7r-e/cptWrd ^iot ra /xev VI. TRAPEZUS AND SINOPE. 65 a etmt KaAa' eAee Se on v TO?S tepots QatvoiTO rt? Oo'Ao? Kat Tn(3ov\i] e/xot* eytyyaxnce yap on avros eV- fftovXeve 8ta-/3aAAeti> /^ie Trpos i/nas, Aeywy w? eyw 8ta- voot[j.riv Ttparrtiv ravra XdOpa v\j.G>v" ii. ' / wow j'/'Ui? up my project ; let us return to Greece* "'Eya> Se, et /xey ewpwy ^as aTropovfras raiy eTTtrrj- 185 ovv av rowro, OTTWS ip-els Aa/3oVres rtz/a aTTO-TrAe^o-atre 7)817, e ' fSovXoicrOt' ei 8^ jtx^ Aotcr^e aTr-teWt, ea-KOTtovv OTTCOS er0a8e jueVo^r CTret 8e opw 'MpaKAecora? K /xr^ TrAora, /cat a^8pas rti'aj vir-ta^yov/xefoi/s 190 jj.ia6ov, KaAoV /xoi Sofce? cTrai ^/xas aTTO-TrAfri'' KOI airo's re Trawojuai eKeiV?js T TOVS aAAovj xjirjvai ?^t navtaOai, oaoi avv e/xot 8t- cfooCyro raura. yiyz>co ear 8e Sta-cnraaflijre Kat oAtyot ye'j^o-^e, owre 8i>i>?jo-e 'EAAa8a' Kat edy rts diro-Xforj) //jua?, Trptv Trav TO arpd- rev/xa etrat ei &cr<^aAe7, rouroi' KpivtcrQai a>s a8i ts 'I'ao-iy, /cat /cara-o-^tij; T7/f \utpai'. Zfvoty&v 8t cnr-CKpivaTO on OUK ay et770t rawra ets r/jy aTpanav " v^cis be" e^, " a.' KCU o 21 5 NW cAeyey a)i" Hey(K/)wy Sta-rootro ayety TOVS epoy ravra* xai crwAAoyot eytyt'orro avrwr CTret 5e Hero^aiy 7/o-^(iyeTO, rw-ayayU> rou? or/sancoras, eacrai auroi/s o-t/A-AeyJ/z'cu avro/uarous* cat exe- TOV xr/pv/ca avA-Ae'yeiy erKA^a-iay. ot 8f, eiret TOU Kr/pVK09, (Tvi'-lbpa^ov fj.u.\a. eroi o Hero^aiy eAe^fy cS8e* Xenophon's second defence. \. ' The reports against me are false ; I could not deceive you if I ivoitld? 8ia-/3aAAety e/ue, w uy5p e^- 225 aTranJaa-iy. d/ atWyrat eir, ourw xpifrrOe avrols, axntfp aidv eori. 5e, o?/xat, lore 6'0ey ?;Aios dy-tV^ft, Kat OTTOU dvcrat* 230 Kai on fay \t.iv ns eis TJ)y 'EAAdoa /ieAA?j u'yat, wpos bfl TTOp(v(crOai, eai> b^ ris /3ovArjTat tet-ai iy VI. TRAPEZUS AND SINOPE. 67 rovs ftapfidpovs, 6Vt Set nopfveaOai -Trpos eo). 8e Kat rouro, on /3opeas /zef rou FIoWou ets r?)z> 'EAAdSa, VO'TOS 8e (/>epet et eis a$ xaAoi 77X01 eto-ti" ety rr/i' 'EAAd8a. 235 rt's oSy ooi^aiTo ay e-a7Tar?}a-(H v/xas ?/ OTO.V VOTOS " i\. 'Neither could I force you to accompany me. These calumnies proceed from pure jealousy.' " 'AAAa Kat eay e/^-/3t/3d(ra) ^//as, orav yaA?yr>j ?], eyw fzey ev fi irAota) TrAewo/xat, v^els 8e e*> ejcaToV. TTWS fttvovs ; >cai 8^ eay e-a7rar?jpav, yz>c6 rt/^ico^at v0' v/xwy. 245 Katrot ov StKatcos ye af /xoi (f>0ovoiv' eya> yap K ov&va auT&v r] Aeyety irept TOU Kot/'ou dya^ov / fj.d- X(rOai i'Titp v^S>v re Kat eawoO. dAAa raCra /.cey dpKet e^xot, a et/))/Ka Trept TOVTMV' et 8e rt^t vju,wy uAAo ri SoKet^ Ae^dra)." 250 Xenophon accused of harsh dealing. A (witness examined. 'EK TOVTOV Trdires dy-tordp:eyot eAeyoy TOWS roy Hero- 8ta-/3aAdi,ras Sowat biKi)V e8o^e 8e KOI roi/s wy ey r< eVcoi'. fVTavda brj KaT-rjyoprjcrdv rives Heyo- , (f)d(TKOVToa)i> eK^Aeuae toy Trp&rov Ae'^arra eiTretv TTOIJ F 2 68 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. icat e7r\?;y/7. 6 8e aTT-eKpiva.ro' ""Oirov a77-a)XX7Jp.e0a ra> /n'yet, Kal %iu>v 7rXeioT7j 7/f." 6 8e ECPO^WP el-jre^' " 'AXXa p.7ii>, a eV Toiovra) ncnp

oj/cof o/xcus 8e *at Xtov, 8ta ri cTrX?/"/?^' TroTfpov fl-row ri ae, KCU fTrato'r (re, (Ttfl 8e 6 avijp ei-e^ ov8cv cirai TOTJTCOV, 6 Hero^wy (Tr-rjpfTO CLVTOV ft 6ir\LTfvoi. OVK rav0a 8?; 6 Bei>o(Tj<2i> av-eyiyvwcrKev av " *H (TV 7 6 TOV (cd/iyof ra dyaycor ; " " Nal," 0rj 6 " av yap ?}rdyKa^*s /ie TOVTO voujffat' 8i-cppi\^a5 8e ra 270 re3i> e/xwi* <7uo-/c7;i;a)y (TKCVT;." " ""AXXd 77 /xe $77 6 Het'o^aJi', f{ aJ8e ircos eye'rero* 8t-'8a)ca Ta dXXots dyeiv, xat /ce'Xe?j(ra aTr-ayaycty aOra Trpoy e^te' Ks Kar-opv^ovra TOV &vdpu>irov. eiret 280 8e, wap-eorrjKOTcoi' ruiCtv, 6 a.vr\p 8e eiTres, ' Eire etTe Tf.Ovi]Ktv, eycoye OVK aco auToV.' tf ;' : fad iTS OTTO- 285 Oai'ov^fda' TOVTOV ovi> eVeKa 8a ///las {"0a Traires av-tKpayov a>s 6 "EtvofyGtv Trat avrov oAtyas TrAjjyay. Xenophon continues his defence, i. ' Af^ seeming harshness was justified by circumstances, 1 'O 8e Hero* " ''Eyw, 290 co ct/;5/3ey, ojuoAoyw Tiarcrai 5?) dfSpas eiuore, oirot AtTroWes ras rci^ets /cat Trpo-fle'oyres f]6e\ov ap-na&iv re Kat eKreiy ^/xwy. ei Se -jrayTes eTrotoC/xej; rovro, ay aTr-coAo'/xe^a. e7iai(ra 5e Ka^ riz/as ava-navo^vovs Kat ov/c e^eAorras av-wravOai, xal e/3ta(ra/x7jy TOIO^JTOUS 295 KOI yap ev TW layvpu yjEiij.G>vi \a\cnov i]v /cat e/jiavTw, Ka^-e{"o/x,eVto 7roAi;y \povov, ai>a-, OTTWS /x? v ; Tratoti'TO Tats TWJ; TroAe/xtcoy Aoy)(aty. 305 ii. ' A^o^y /^<7/ s 7raio> ov8eW' 6p5> yap vfj.as oWas ev tvbiq. orav 8e ^fifjL0a)i>ra' Kal iravra Tre/n-eyeVero wore Embassy of the Paphlagoniaru. The Greeks entertain the ambassadors. Kat ol fj.(v v naTov fj.ev Qpqufs o.v-tais. re'Aos 8^ 6 erepos eTiaio-e TW erepoy, /cat irat' 335 TO OTrAa TOV erepov f-'/t acoi> TOV SiraAfcaf* aAAoi be rG>v QpqK&v e-e'(/>epoy TOV trepov a>s Te6vi]KoTa' 8e Tfo ' Carpaian ' //<7Wff described. Mera roCro aAAoi o.v-i(TTr]os ws (^oftov erepos 5e ws A?/or^s Trpos-epxerai. 6 Se t5coy ror XyffTTjv apTtafa TO. OTrAa, KOI /iaxeTctt ^ep TOV fevyovs' jcat re'Aos 6 ATJOTT)? yj(ras TW avbpa cnr-ayei avrov re 345 Kut TO e{!yo?. CVIOTC be KCU 6 ^evyTjAciTr/s I'txa Toy \yarijv flra 8770-05 oTTtVa) TOJ x e 'P e OTT-eAawei avroV. y^ Mys'tan performance. War dances. The Pyrrhic dance. Mera TOUTO Mvaos (h-ijXOfv (\wv Tit^rrfv ev tKarepa * vTai, Tore 8e e^p^To Taw ir'Arais ws irpoy tva, TO'TC 8e 350 KOI t-(Kvfii(TTa. tyjuv Tas Tre'ATas* Kal o\l/is xaA?) Te'Aos 8e wpxerro TO Hcpo'tKOi', Kpov&v Tas TreATO?, >cai wxAafe KOI ^-avio~raro' KOL f-noiei ravra Ttdvra (V pu^/xw Trpos Toy avAov. cVTaiifla ets- ol MarTirers KCU aAAoi rives T&V 'ApKaScof e- 355 i, rjeaay Te eV pv9p.<$, KOI eTtaidvivav Kal ol 8e Oa^Aayoye? opwyres fOavjj.a^ov Trdtras TOS opx^creis eTvai ei> oirAoi?. 6 8e Murros opG>v aiTois ^au/xa^bfras eis-ayi op^rjarpiba, o-Kevacras aurrji' ws eSut'aro KaAAtcrra, xal bovs ai>Tfl aaiiiba 360 72 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. Kovfyiji'. ?/ be TroAus' KOI rorro TO re'Aos vnj TT/ j'l'Kri eye'rero. Terms of peace concluded. The Greeks sail to Sinope. Tjy 5e varepcua ol orpaT>;yoi 7rpos-?/yov TOI/J 7J7V/3eis 5 eis ro orparev/jia' A.CU e8oe rots or/iaTKorais /^J/re citKU> fIa(/)Aayo't'as /jti/te ddiKei(r^at VTT* avrcGv. jutra TO^TO ol xef 77pt') 'ApurjVfl ol "E\\r}Vfs ffj.cwav ij^fp /p?;. 01 8f orpaTiairai, w? eSo'xow ?/8rj yiyviaOai is TT)S 'EA\a5os, fii-fOvfjiovv fj.a\\ov r) -npoarOtv cup- 5 uto-flai oiKaSe. efio^ev ouy curois ekeaOat Zva apxpvra, KOI rpa-Tro'/xcfot Vt TOJ; H evo ^eifco oimws ay yevfffOai* oTrore 5' au ey- GVHOITO on TO jueAAoy a8rjAo'y tan Trawl dyflpcoTrw, KOI ore 8ta roiiro Kt'ySwos euj //?/ a770-/3aAoi Kat r?/y ?rpo- 10 etpyaoyze'yjjy o'ay, TjTropetro. Xenopbon interprets the omens, and refuses the command. eVw oe avrw I8o^e Kpariorop el^at ara- TOIS Otots' Kat e^ytro ra) Att r<5 /SacrtAei, ort rourov TOV 0eo3 (v6fj.ifi> ecopa/ceVat ro 6Vap, o ore Trpwroy yptOr] apyjuv rrjs orpartas. feat ore 15 wp/xaro c^ 'E^errou o-y/^-juaxov/xeros Kvpw, ay- e* at ori 6 /xa^rts ro'rc eAeye /txe'yay /^ej; Toy ol derw KaO-rj/xeVo)' rov Se olwvov OVK cu'at 20 \pri{j.aTL(TTLKoi>, TOV yap deroy TI^TO^VQV nzdA.tora Aa^t- TO. C7rir75eta. o{!ra) 8 yi/v 6 Cheirisophus is elected. Voyage to Heraclea. et 8e 6 Hfroc^aif ov/c cSe^aro r?yy ap^ijv, ol crrpa- rtwrai ei'Aovro XeipiVo^ov. 6 8e Trap-cA^cby eiTref 25 " 'AAAa, ai ai>8pes, roCro /xey To-fe, on OVK ay eycoye ecrra(Tta{"oy, et aAAoy et'Aeo-^e' 7ret 8e e/x^ eiXecrfle, KOI cya) Tretpdo-o/xat vrotety v/^ias o n ay Swto^iai dyaflor. Kat v/xer? ovrco Trapa-aKeuaCecr^e eis avpiov, ws TrAeu- aoiJLfvoi. 6 8e 7rAoi5s etrrat ets 'HpaKAeiay* eTrctSay 8e 30 tX6(i)fj.v eKeure, ^ouAevcro'jue^a Trept rwy aAAcoy.' ey- TtvOfv Trapa-TrAcwcrayres d(/)-txoyro ets 'HpaKAeiay KOI ol 'HpaKAeairat 7rep.7rovcrt e'yia rots "EAA?jo-ty, aA0ira Kat oTyoy Kat ^3ous etKoo-t KOI ots e 74 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. Ungracious conduct of some of the Greeks. The Heracleant menace ar8pey, on ol (rrpar?7 ///xty xP^ara' raura yap ra 40 aerai criria rpicoy i]^pS>v TTJ orparta. e/iot atrely rows 'Hpa/cXewras ju,^ eAarroy KOI Tre/iTreir 7rpe'(r/3eis Trpoy r^v TroAty irept vrcvOev Trffj-irovcn A.VK(OVCL KOI KOI 'Ayao-iW* ouroi eA^oyres eAeyov ra 45 01 6e 'Hpa/cAewrai aKouo-at'Tes raOra ffpaaav creaOai, KOI tvdvs crvi'-fjyov ra XPW 07 " ^* T ^ >cai a! TTvAai eKexAetrro xat 6VAa ((aivero f.m rS>v Threefold partition of the army. Numbers in each division. 'E TOVTOV ol 'Apa8s /cai ol 'Amatol o-uy 5 eAcyov, w? alcr^pov CITJ era 'A^^faiof ap\civ vij(rL(t)v KOI AaKfbaifj,ovi(v. r\v 5e rp a\r)0ei TOV oAov orparcv/^iaros 'ApKaSes Kai 'A^aiot. ovroi ovv (\cyov ws 5eoi eAeV^ai kavrS>v o-rpar^yous, /cai KO^' eav- TOVS 7roiei(T0at r^j; -noptiav. raura e8oe' /cat ol ' 55 *ai 'Axatot, aTro-Anro/'Tfs XetpiVoc/joy cat z avv-tarria-av, Kal eiAorro rrrpar?;yous cavraii; 6e*ca. e/c rovrou ro o-rparev/ia yiyverat rpi^Tj, 'ApxaSey /^ey xat l TiAetous ^ rtrpa/cts-)(iAioi, oTrAtrai Tra/^res' Xet- 6e 7}(rai/ oTiAirai /xei' rerpaKocrioi icai %(\ini, 60 TreAratrrai 8e inroM^itot' sZevotyuvri 5^ 7]uyoVres r]9poiovTo' KCU fxey eTri-Tt^eyrat TW 2/xiKp?jros Aox^, ei>6s rwy y arpaTriywv, Kat a.7ro-KretVoncrty avroy re roy Kat rovs aAAous Trd^ras. aAAou 8e Aoxou, 70 of 'Hyr/(ray8pos e?X ei; > oKrw /xorovs Kar-eAtTrof ^cS^ras' xat avros 'HyTjo-afSpos ecrco^jj. Kat ol /ney aAAot Ao)(ayot rrvv-riXQov' ol 8e 0paro KVKAa) vrept roi' \6(j)ov, tvOa ol "EAAjj^es ecrrparoireSevoyro, KOI 7rpos-e'/3aAAov Trpos rows 75 TWZ; 'EAA?jz>a)i> ovrAtras, Kat ertrpaxTKOv iroAAovs' re'Aos 8e ol 0paKes et/jyoi; avroi/s KOI d:ro rou vSaro?. ciret 8e aTropta ?]y, 8t-eAe'yo^ro irept o-7roz;8oi>y. ITTCI 8e ol "EAAryres IJTOVV 6p.r;povs, ol paKes OUK ci'5o(rav. ol fxey 8^ Xenophon marches to their relief. Xetpto-o(pos 8, 7re{^ Tropeuojixevoj 8ta r^s ^dAarrar, d^-tK^etrai ets KdA77?js At/xeVa* sevofp&v 8e, Aa/3wy irAota, a7ro-^3ai^ei cut ra opta r^s paKr;? Kat r?)s 'HpaKAewrtSo?. epreufley Tropevo/jif^os 8ta rfj? ju(ro- yai'a? ey-ruyxd^et 7rpe'cr/3ea-t Tropeuo/xcVots TTOI' Kat ^pcora 85 avrovj, ci TTOV ata^otrro aAAov o-rparev/xaros 'EAA?ji'iKoiJ. 76 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. ol 8e eAeyoy on ol 'ApKa8es noXiopKolvTO eirl \6(pov } ol 8e 0pa*es Trarres t7pL-KKVK\ avTui floriOt.lv rots d^Spci'Tif eVe/x^e 8e 90 Tt/jiCKnau'a cri/v TOIS brTrevVi (TK07reu> TO e/ ^rj5ey Aa^oi avrovs. 7ra/)-e7Tf/i^c 8e xai as eis ra cifcpa, e/ce'Xeue 6e xatetr airavra, otv . ol 8e t-noiovv ravra' cocrTe Tiatra ?/ x^ a ^So/ t, xal ro orpdreujua eli/at A r o tiding} of either army. All meet again at Cafpe. 95 "Afj.a 8e ry i)fJ.fpa (rvv-ra^a^voi. ws ets l*-ayj] OITO ?} eSvfayro Ta^iora. Ti/xacricoy 6e Kat ol lintels irpo-(\avvovTfs apu>v TOV trri(3ov rwy 'Ap/cdSwy /cat ' Kara r^y 68of. CTTCI 8e o-vv-^A^oy, aap.fvo.1 re 8 dAA?jAovs cat ?)cr7rd^bi'To rrfv f}fj.epav rjvAt'foirro CTTI TOV aiytaXou Trpos TO> At/ueVt Description of the harbour of Calpe. 'O 5e KaATrrjs Ai^y KetTat ey /Lte'tra) no BufavTiou* effTi 8e ef TT; ^aAaTTjj tipo-KtiiJ.tvov TO fxev OVTOV eis TTJ^ 0aAaTTaz> KaO-ijKov TitVpa effTt a.Ttopppiov, 6 ets T^ VI J. SINOPE TO CHRFSOPOLIS. TTTapa>v it\tdpu>v eorl TO evpOS' TO b% evTos TOV av^evos yjApiov fcrrlv IK.O.VOV /xvptots avOptamiis oi/cT/rrat. XifJL^v be Ketrai virb avrfj Trj TrcVpa, e%wv JI 5 aiytaXcu' irpbs ecnrepav. Kpi]vr) be fjbeos vbaros pet fifl avrrjv Ti]v 6a\aTrav viib rr) em/cpata'a TOV \(apiov. ^yAa 8e ecrrt TroXXa Kat caAa vavTTTjy^cnjixa cm avrfj r?) OaXaTTr). TO 6e o)oos ct? /xeo-o'yaiay ^er av-rJKei CTTI et/coai oraStoi/s, cai rovro eort yewSes /cai aXi^oi^' 120 Trapa be Oa.Ka.TTav irap-^Ket nKeov r] em eiKoai. oraSious, KOI baav COTI TroXXoTs Kat jueyaXots ^vXots. ^ 8e aXX?; X^pa KaX^ eort, >cai K&^.aC elviv cv avTrj TroXXat oiKovpevai' fj yap yi] e'pei KOI KpiOas KOI iivpovs Kal otTTrpta /cat }j.e\ivas KOI OTjo-ajua icat (rCxa KOI ap.7re\ovs 125 /cat ra aXXa Trdvra, TtX.r)V eXatwy. ^ /lev X^/ 30 tf v rotavrrj' oi 8e "EXXiji'es t(TK.i}vovv ev T<5 atytaXw Trpos TT) Resolution passed not to divide the army again. Want of pro-visions. Sacrifices unfavourable. 'EvravOa efj.et.vav f]fj.epas bvo' TT/ 8e rptrjj ^epa ot (rrpartwrai TrdVres (rvv-rj\6ov, /cat eTrotrjcratTO boy^a, et TIS vvTepov fj.vr)(rde[ri bi^a noie'iv TO orparen/xa, (T?M I " 130 U.VTOV davaTto. KOL Xetpt(ro(/)os /j,e/> ?/8rj ere- /cef Necoy S 'AerwaTos irap-e'Xa^Se T7)y eneivov Jjf. //era rawra ot orpar^yot edvovro eirl TT) Tropeia' Ta 5e tepa ov/c eyiyvero KaXa. e/c TOIJTOU ol (TTpaTioiTat T^X^OI'T'O' /cai yap ra CTrtTT/Seta eir-e\nrev avTots, xat 135 dyopa ov8e/xta iiap-rjv. Tu>v be avT&v 6 EeJ>o- ^)wy eTnei'' K 'il ar8pes, em pen Ty Ttopeiq, is opare, TO lepa OTJTTO) ytyrcTat /caXa, opw 8e t5/xa? beoptvovs T&V CTriTTjSe^of So/cei oSi; juot dmy/cTj eTvat 6vev6ai wept 7 8 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. 140 TOVTOV." Kttl Ttd\lV t0VfTO CIS TptS, KO.I TO. IcpO. OVK fyiy- vfTo KaXd, 6 5e "Etvofy&v OVK (/)jj e-ayayeu> ay TOWS orpana/ras, ei fx?) yiyvoiro TO. icpa KaAa. nal -nd r?} vvrepaiq (OuovTo, fcai o-xeSoy iratra ?} orparta AoCro Trept ra lepd' Kai 7rpo/3ara ftev oi/ceVt ?}y, 145 p-ef'oi 8e /3oOs (OuovTo' uAA' oi/5e oilrw ra upa cat St-ctnref- ro a/i/ry, o aurois, KOI aTro-Kreii'ovdiv ou fxetov / 155 Koatous' ol 8e Aoi-^oi av-ttfivyov CTTI TO opos. e/c aTT-ayye'AAei rts raura TO) Hero^aiyn* 6 5e /3oGi> a- yiao-a/^ero? (fioi'jOei, /cat o-i/v avTw 7riAc/cToi at'5pc$' ol Se aira-Xafiovrcs TOUS ire^evyoTa? afp-iKvowrai ets TO orpaToTreSov. KOI J/8/j /zej> a/x^)t ?;Aiou Sutr/xas 7/y* 160 Kat e^aTriV/js Tajf Bi^t/i'wv Tires fTn-Ti6efjiCvoi TOIS Trpo- 0vAafi TOVS /xev /caT-exreiyay, Toi/s TOV (TTpaTOTre'Sou. Kat ol ' EAArji-es 8pap.oy eis Ta oT KOI 8ia>eii' p.ey TOUS iroAfpuous WKTOS OVK arrc^aAes e8o'Kf t eu>ar ^v 8e TOIS oirAoij Si-?;yayoi> TJ) 165 fxci'ot VII. SINOPE TO CHRVSOPOLIS. 79 The Greeks fortify their position. An excursion determined upon. Neon is left to guard the camp. oe TI) r/jue'pa ol oTpctT^yoi i]yovvro eis TO ioi>' ol 8e ftltovro dra-Aa/3oVres ra oVAa Kai ra Trplv Se dpiorou u>pav eiWu, aTT-crd^pfvcrav TI]V euroooy eis TO \(ap[ov, Kai aTr-fcrTavpwcrav airav, Kara-AiTroVres rpcls TrvAas. Kat TrAoroy rJKfv e^ 'Ilpa- 170 tas uyoy aA^nra Kat le/oera KOI ou>oi>. 8ia-/3avre? VTO TO. OTtXd, KOI K1]pvdV TOVS avv rots oVAots, Toy 8t oxXoy *ai TU ai'bpairoSa Kara-^evetf awoi. ot juty 8^ aAAoi f-?'e<7az', Ne'coi' oe ov/c -$1' tooKet yap /cdA- 1/5 eti'at KaTa-Aixreu.' TOVTOV ())V\aKa rutv & Toi e'Sa). Kai OVTOI /mev (fj.d'ov, ol 8e aAAoi eiro- The Greeks hesitate about crossing a ravine. Xenophon exhorts them to proceed. 8e 7/0/7 *<*> T&V Kco/xwy tXa^fiavov Ta Kai laitt.VTj$ o/>aifrt TOUS iroAcjutous virep- 180 KaTa Aoc/)0i/j Ttj'a? eK TOV fvavriov, iT Te iroAAovs Kai 7rebvs. CTrei 8e ol TroAe/xtot TOUS "EAArji'as, taTrjtrav' ol 5e "EAArj/'es TT (nel oe ol riyov^voi eyeVo^ro CTTI fdTrei /ueydAa) Kat oiyffTro'pw, Iffrrfffav, ayvoovvTfs ei TO I'aTros bia-fiaTtov 185 (fy. Kai TTap-fyyvSxri roi/s (TTpaTTjyovs KOI Ao)(ayoi/s Trap-teVat cZs TO irpoadev. Kai o Hcro^wy, 0a?j//d OTI a/xaxci M^ v ^ K corrij; tvOevtie air-e\0fiv' 190 80 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. cay yap fj.r] fjfj.t'is u)p.ev eTrt TOVS TroXe/novs, OVTOL Kal TO fjifv cur-teVai euro iroXe eon, TO oe ty-tTttcrOai Odppos Kal TOIS ncaK^ocri. 6av[j.d^(a be ei ns vo/jtt 195 roDro TO raTros /laXAoy (frofifpov elvai. TU>V Ta tepa ou Set n/rrcu OTTOV a Preparations for the attack, the watchword. Victorious charge. aoo TatSra enrobe T/yetro, Trap-ayyei'Xas bia-(Baiveiv TO fcnros rj e/caoros Tvy\avtv &v. CTTCI bf navres bi- ;, evropevorTO CTTI TOVS 7rap-?7yye'XXeTo 8e TO /uey bopara *X iv ^^ l T0 ^ 205 ai/jiou, e'cos arifjiaivot TTJ (rdXTTtyyi' eVeiTa 8e Ka^' avTa ei? 7rpo/3oX?)y eTreo-^at ^dSrjy, e/c TOVTOU Tes tOeov citl TOVS TroXfpttous* ol 8e TroXe/xioi di/riot, Kat eTpeTTOVTO TOI/S TreXTacrTas. dXXa 17 $dXay Ttot oTrXtTwz; vTr-rjirta^is Taxi* *ai a/xa naQ-Uvav TO. bopara, evravOa ol TroXe'/xiot OVKC'T '5 fbeavro avTovs, dXXa e^evyov. Kat Tip.ao-uov TOVS liTTreas ((b-ffafTo* Kal aTt-fKTfivav T>V vii. SINOPE TO crmrsoroLis. 81 Complete rout of the enemy. The Greeks raise a trophy. Twy 8e voX.fjJ.LUiV TO p.(i> evd>vvp.ov evOvs bi-e(mdpr], TO be b(iov avv-enrrr] em X6(j>ov. evel be ot "EXXiji'es eloov O.VTOVS UTro-jzeyoi'Tas, eboKei paorov etvai. levai. ?/8rj 220 eV avTovs. Traiaimraj'Tes ovv evdvs eTT-eKeirro avrois' ol o ov)( inr-f^fLvav. Kdl VTavda ot TreXTaarat fbiuxov Kal 8i-e'oi)s iTrireas 7/8r; (Tvv-a6poto[j.vovs em Xotyov Tiros, eSoxei avTots teVat /cat em TOVTOWJ, a>? ^t^ Tf^appTjKoVes ai>a-irav(TaivTO. (Tvv-TaaiJ.voi bi) nopfvovTai.. h'TcvOev ot TroAe'fiiot ITT- TTf ts (frevyovai Kara TOV Xo(/)ov, axnrfp Sico/cojuerot VTTO 230 tTTTrecoy VUT70? yap vTr-eSe'^eTO OVTOI/?, o ot "EXXrjres OWK ijbeaav. ol 8e e7r-ar-eX0oVres Kat o-Tr/o-ajuei'ot Tpo- a77-?]e Xa/3ot TI, tbo^cv flvat brnj.6o-tov. Kat cy TOVTW 6 KAeWSpos a^-tKi'erTat H^wv bvo Tptr/pet?, irXolov be ovbev. 240 TO be crTpdrevfJia eTvyyjavev e(t> ov, ore oxp-uceTO' KOI uXXot Ttfes (pxovTo \topls eni \etav, oi elXrjtyevav TroXXa npdfiaTa' <^o/3ov/xei'0t 8e f/j) crrepridelfv TOVTM, Xeyovvt G 82 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. Aft7777Tov ? 2ia-cra>(rai 01)70?^ ra -po'^ara, *cai ra /xey eauroi Aa/3eu ! , ru e rriaiv a7ro-5omu. Sfrici/J disturbance in the army. Cleander threatens extreme measures. EvOvs 8e 6 Ae't-77os aTr-eAayrei roi/s Kat At'yoj'ra? OTI raira flrj bi][j.6aia' KOI \eyei rut KAfapx&), on ot urpariajrai 67:i-)(etpoi!(Tii; apTrd^cu'. 6 6e KfAeyft ayetv Trpo? eauroj/ TOV ap-dbi;ra. Kai 6 /utev Ae'^t--o? Xafitav ?/ye nra' 'Ayacrta? 6e d(/>- atpftrai airor. ol 5e aAAoi orpanairai e/ri-)(etpoGai TOV Ae'i7T770i.'' 77oAAot 8e xat Tody rptripiT^v tyvyov eis TJJV flaAarraz. 1 ' avros 5e 6 KAe- *55 arSpos Htpcv/f, Kal ai>o--Xf.i>(TaQa(. ((pr/, KOI Hi)b(fj.Lav Tro'Air Se'^ecr^ai airoi/s, w? OVTO.S T (01 6e AaKcSaipioriot TO'TC T/PXO^ 7rdi'Ta>i> (1'To.vda ol "EAAf/yes eSe'oiTo airrou /^IT) Trouly raCra. 6 6c OVK !(/)?; yfi'taOai ay dAAtoj, et /^T) tK-bolcv rov *f> ap^dfjievov fiaXXdv rov AfTiTTTrof /cat Toy TUI' urbpa. Agastas offers, to surrender himself. Kal (irrevOev ol a.p%oi-T(s crvv~t]yayov TO >cai 'Aytwias dra-o-ray ciTrev " 'Tfzeij n^v, S> avbpts, IJLII tK-b&Tf /it' eya> 5c irapa-o-x'/ ([J.avTov KAtdrS/uo, 265 ^oi^-aipe0els VTTO 'Ayaaiou. /cat 6 'Ayacrias et "'Eyw ft/oil, S KAf'ai>8pe, 6 d(/)-eAd/jieros TOU TOUTOV Tor urbpa. TOVTOV pcv yap olba ai'bpa OVTQ, VII. STNOPE TO CHRYSOPOL1S. 83 ~ov 6e ot5a SeiAoV re orra K.a.1 ifovrjpoi'. 270 yap virb TTJS orparta? ap^iv Tif.vri]K.ovr6pov, ?/s fiTrj(rdfJida napa TpaTre^bufTtajj', 6 Ae'^tTTTios a7r-e'5pa, KOt TTpO-f'StoKe rOVS OTpaTltitTCLS. TOU70U oSy, TOCOVTOV oyro?, a(^)-L\ofJLT]V rov avbpa. et 8e au a77-f/ycs avrov, ?/ uAXos TIS Twy ?rapa aoiS, OVK ay eTrotTjaa ovSey TOW- 275 roof. eaz> 8e i>Sv d^o-Kreii'jjs ep.e, aTro-Kre/'ets ai'8pa 6t' ai'fia 8eiAoi re KOI cause pleaded. Cleander reserves h'n decision. rairra 6 KXe'ar5pos etTrci/' " Eya> fxei> OVK roi;, i 7re7rot/j/ce raura' oi< \itvroi. \pi) CLVTOV 7;aa)((iv /3ta/', dAAa KpirfaOai. rvv ovv ctTT-ire 280 Kara-AtTToVres roV8e roy ai>bpa' orav fie eya> /ceAeyaco, Trdp-eore Tipo? rr/y Kpiaiv. atrtw/xat 8e ovre n)i> - rov df8pa." o 6e cup-aipeOds (IndV " 'Eyw, KAe'arSpe, ovre tTratoy ovbeva ovre 1/SaAAoi', aAA' 285 on ra Trpo'jSara eir; STjjudfria' 171; yap So'y/za rwy iwrajy, edf TIS iSt'a ATji^Tjrai, OTTOTCLV r] y ro eavrou /uep09 6ia-oxi>o'fie rols Aj/arais ra XP 7 //- 107 " 01 ^apa ro So'yjua. 290 Trpos rawra 6 KAeWSpos etTiei;' ft 'Ewet rotwv 7re7roir//caj rawra, Kard-//et'e, u>a (cat Trept (r Successful intervention of Xenophon, Mera rairra 6 Hei'o^oiy eA^coy wpos roy KXtavbpov Ae'yei' " v E)(eis M^'^ ^ KAe'arSpe, roi/s d^Spas, xal e- ecrri aoi -Troi^rrai ir^pt TOVTMV o rt /3ouAet* in;j; 8e ol 295 G a 84 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. (TTpaTi&Tai aiTow'Tai ere Sovran (rtyim. ro> ai'bpf, nal IJLIJ aito-KTfivfiv. KCU \m-i.ayyovvTa.i aoi avr\ TOVTUV, fav POV\T] fjyelo-Oai avruu', iiu-bei^eiv trot *at cos Kocr/uot eurt Kat caj OeXoviTL TTfiOeaOai TO) ap^ovTi. aicomras 300 raDra o KAeayO/Jos ei7rei>* " 'AAXa KOI a7ro-5iSw)ui rw ti^S/ie icui auTos Trap-eVo/xai v/nj>' xai, cay ol /3ov\wrrai } fjyiic Cleander departs. T/x army reach Cbrysopolis. 'Ex Tourou 6 KAe'ai'Spoj (Ovfro (irl rf} liopfiq, not (|>iAoj tye'rero "EtvofyGnrri. (ntl Se ew/>a roi/s arpa- 305 rtciras eiruKroi;? UVTO.S, Kat fxaAAoi' (7^-edvfj.fi jiy(fj.ii)v avT&v. eVet /xeWoi OvofJLtvtp awrw ra Upa cyiyi'TO KaAa, auy-KoAecras TOV? orpanjyoi/s " 'E/xot /xer ra tepa ow ytyi/erat, (Sore f-ayfiz> v/ i^cis 2e /ZT) aOvp.e'iTC TOVTOV (VfKa, aAAa 310 jy/jiet? Se bf^o^fOa v/jtas > Bi/^ai'Tia), wy av /caAAiora. o 8 oSf KAe'a^Spos dir-^nAet' ol 8c arpa- ncSrat f-fitopevovTO bia T>V ]$idvi'>v' Kat atp-iKOVTO ets Kat CHAPTER VIII. CONCLUDING SCENES OF THE RETREAT. /v Greeks cross to Byxantiton t and are disappointed by Anaxibius. Xenopbon confers with Cleander. 'Ex TOVTOV 4>apvafta^os, p;a CK TTJS 'Acrtas. /cat 6 'Avaft- flios /^er-e7re'/,i\/raro rovs arpar?jyovs Kai Ao^a/ow?, KCU 5 VTr-KT^vetro avro??, ei bia-j3ui(v eis Bv^airioy, iMLvObv (arecrOat. rols or/jartwrats. ex 8e TOVTOU Travres ot arpa- rtwrai bta-j3au>ov ws (ru^-TTopeufroV-e^os rots 15 8e TO 0-TpaTfVfj.a yeV?jrai ea), TO'TC aTr-aAAciTrov." evTaC^a 6 Het'o^wy Kai 6 y eAeyoy aiiT(3 Tairra. ourco Trotety, cai e^-teVat T(3 aTpa.TfviJ.aTi. Discontent of the army. Tumult at the gates. ot TC aTpaTTjyot Kal ot aAAot ef-Tje Kat iratTe?, TrA^y oAtyooy, e^co ?)(raf 6 8e s cruy-KaAtVas TOI/S orpaTr/yous Kat Tois yous eAeye' " Ta /xev e7itTj;8eta Aa///3ayeTe ec &pqKt(ov KCOJU.WI;' Aa/3oVres 8e Tropeyea^e ts \eppovr]- 25 ow, e\-et 8e Kui^tcrKos 8co ras TrwAas, ei JUT) ol TroXTrai eKoWes av-oi^ovaiv. uAAoi Se e0oi> CTTI flaAarray, at VTiep-j3aii'ov(Ti -napa Ti]v yji^i}v TOV Tet'xovs cis rr)i> Tro'Aif. _ aAAoi 8e T;', ot eryy>(ai'0f tvbov oyres, Sta-KOTTTO^res ra K\tWpa rats a^tVat? dya-Trerai'i'vovm ras TivAas, ol 8< e^a) orres ets-TuVroufrii' cts 77)2; General panic. AnaxlbiUi sends for reinforcements. 'O 5e E(vo(f), is et6e ra yiyz'o'/xtra, SeiVas fxrj TO arparev/Lxa T/iciTrotTo e^ 1 ap7rayj/y, truy-cts-TriiTTet a~vv TW 40 o\A(o etrrco T<3i> TrvAwc. 01 8e Bu^drrtoi favyovviv CK TT/S dyopa?, ol ^(v cts Ta TrAota, ol 8e ot/caSf oo-ot 8e f Tiiyyjzvov oires cf ToTs otKOts ZOfov f^co. ol 8e xa^-tAKOi' ras T/3t?ypets, ws (rco^otiro cy Tats Tpn'ipetrC Trd^res 8e loovro ri]u Tro'Aiy ?}A60Ke'i'at. 6 Se 'EreoVtKos a7 45 fts T^fy aKpav. 6 8e 'Ava^t)3tos /cara-8paju.a)i' eVi ^a ' o yap e*> T uTol etyat U-arol e/c-^SaAetf TOUS "EAArjvas. Xcnophorfs device to restore order. Ol 8e orpartwrat, cos ciooy zfvotyiavTa, 50 awTu) Kal Ae'youffi* " Ni;v aoi e-faTiv, , e\cis aySpas Toa-ouTovs. I'Sr, i ^SoyAoto, 01; TC af drj/aais ^as, xat ?//xf is ay Trou/o-ai/uev ae ptyav." 6 8e dTT-6fcptVaTo* " 'AA,Aa eu TC AeyeTe, jcai 55 TaC'Ta* ei 7Ti-0u/ierre TOUT&H', BiaQe. TO. owAa e &)$ Ta)(i avbpes orparujrai, ov e^a rovs s, /cai 8t-ap7ra(ra)/>iei' ravTYjv rr/y (L>-dv(j.tlfr9( a earai evrtvOev. TroAe/xtoi jixey f rois re AaKeSat/ixoiHots xat rots avrCtv (ruju/xd^ots' rots 65 8e AaKeSatjuo^tots ol 'Axatot VTi-apyjavai avfj.fj.a)^oi, 'A9rj- vaioi 8e 7Tpos-yeye'i'7;i'rat fKetyots' ovroi 8e -naures eo-ov- rai TToAe/xtot ?//juy. Ttfr(7a0e'pi'r;s 8e /cat aAAot /3ap/3apoi vroAAot 7ioAep,tot 7)877 1(112; ^r^, aijros 8e 6 ]8a(7(Aei/s - 7 avrov, e |U7 V /, Trpos ^ewi', ovrw /ixcuwo/xefla, /ix,7;8e aTT-oAco/xe^a, TroAe'jutot ovres KOI TOLS TrarptVt /cat rots f]fJ.eTepois 0TAots re xat ot/cetots. Travres yap ot (^t'Aot etatf ey rats TroAeo-ty, at aTparevcrovTaL e0' 75 7/fxas* Kat 8uai'a>s ro?jro 7rot7/(70)j(Tiz;, et e^-aAaTrd^op.ei' 7ro'Aty 'EAAfj/'t'Sa, et? 77^ TT-pwrTjp ?/A0o|uey. ep:ot TOLVVV 8o/cet etTrety 'Ayai/3t, on Trap-eAiiAy^a/xey ets rT^y Tro'Aiv 7rot7i(Toz'res oiiSey /3t'atoy, dAAa 7retpw//et'ot rvy- )(di f ety rwy StKatcoy* eay 8e JUT) rTJ^cojixey, 877Awfrop,ey 80 avra) on OVK e-a7rarcop.eyot, dAAa 7re:0d/ievoi, e^- $ SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. Order restored. Xcnuphon takes leave of the army. Many soldiers desert. TavTa e'8oe, /cat 7rejU770tmz> dyye'Aovs TOO 'Ayat/3to) u Tovrojr. 6 5e aTT-e/cptVaro, on ov /^era-/meAr/croi 85 avrots TT(i6op.Voi^ dAA' on /cat airos /SovAeycrotro Tiept o TI Syj-atTo ayaQov. K TOVTOV ot KAe'a/'Spor, e/ce'Aevey avrbv OLa-Trpa^arrOai, Joi awroy TraAty tts-e'A^ot ets TT)I> Tro'Aty xat aTro-TrAeJo-eif; 1 90 CK Bu^arriov. f\du>v 5e 6 KAe'arSpo? ?7re* " MdAa jwdAts 8ta-7rpao'/^ei'os I'/KCO. Ae'yet yap 'Ayaft'/^to?, on ov/c . cTrtri/Oeto'i' eart rows //ey orpancoras TrAi/m'oi' etfat ^wrra 5e eubov ri/9 TroAecos* o/xws 8 t, et jut'AAft? e/c-TrAeiy o-i/y avrw." 6 95 p-fy Si/ "E(vo(j)0)i> dvr-i/et etaco rou ret^ous avv KAed/'Spw. Nf'wt 1 8e Kat dAAot orpurijyot ^n-i^vov CTTI ri) crrpana' /cat ot (Trpari/yot St-et/^'po^ro dAAi/Aots TTfpt ri/s AOITTT/S oD 8e \povov 8ta-Tpt^3op.eVou, TioAAot rwy a7ro-8t5o'p;ej>oi rd owAa a7r-e7rAeoy ws (bv- ot 8e bi-wneLpovTo /card ray TroAets. raura 1 To^rioy yd/) /idAiora Arrival of Aristarchus. Xenofhon rejoins the army. Avaifii&H> 8ta-7rAw(ras els HtpivOov dc/>-tK/>etTat CTTI TO oTpdYevjua' ot 8e orpariw- rat eoe^ai'To O.VTOV ^8ecos, Kat ev^vs ctTroyro avTai acrjuei'oi, cos 8ia-/3^iTo'^fvot CK TJ;S 0paK?jy ets T?/f 115 'Acriaf. Arlstarchus forbids the Greeks to cross into Asia. Xenophon goes to Seuthes. 6 &pq, Tre/xx^as M>;8o /s, t\9 e-Trt TO aTpftTeu/xa, etTie TOI^V fx?j TifpaLovaOai ts T//y 'Acriay. o 8e E^o art *Avalj3ios fKe'Afucrey avTovs 5ta-7rAeii(rai. 6 8' 'AptWapxos eAeyev f< 'Az'a^t'iStos /^.e/; OVKCTI vavapxo's errTt, eyw 8e eyTav^cz et/xi ap/jtoar?/?* et 8e Tira v/xw^ 125 A?/\//op.ai ef T?} 0aAaTT?;, KaTa-8vcrco avTo'y." y (pxero '? r ^ y woAty. 6 oi> Hei'or^ ^eots, eTTft Ta tepa eyeVeTo Ka\a, TTap-e'Aa/3e IIoAu- TOV 'Adiivaiov \o^aybv KOI aAAou?, *cat 4>X TO TJ/S VVKTOS (Tfl TO 2ev^ou OTpaTeup-a. e?7et 8e ?/os 9O SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. Conference ivith Seutbes. 'O 8e Sfvtfrjj aKovrras eKe'Afurre "Efvo^Stfra ets-eA0eu', '35 (\ovra 8vo dj>5paj, os /3ovAoi70. fTret 8e eis-TJA^oi*, np&Tov zevoip&v eTT-T/pero 2ev#rjz; o TI fiovXono \prjrr9at. 77} orparta. 6 8e flnev w8f " Mat(ra87js /xey 6 e/jios 7/pX 6 wwr re /cat aAAojf rwy yetroVwy. orao-ta- 8e rciiy ^ /SarrtAei. eret 8e f iji' cbr' aAAorptas Kal LKfTfVov CLVTOV bovvai /lot OTTOCTOVS Syratro '45 /cat /ji) 1 ?'/ KVCDV (K TOVTOV 5lCO(Tt p.01 TOVS avftpd? KOU TOV? \jfffrdf. Kal v\iv eyci) <3 rovrous fx wv i ^ r ? t Co~ e/xaurov Tiarpuav \apa- t /uot, oco/^iat p'a5tcos ay a 150 dpx^- raCrd ^orii; a Setithej states his terms, and makes liberal promises. " Ti our," efpTj 6 Hf2'O(/)wi', " au a/> Svi^ato, ei f\doifj.fif, TT) 7e (TTpaTia Kal rols Aoxayoi? cai TOIS (T7pa7/- yois;" 6 8' i/77-'r^ero airots /uta^of, Kat '55 l*tvov. are, e<^r; eroc/xSy, " fi ia Taura troi, dAAa TIS ^>o'/3as 77 aTio AaKeSat/xoi'icor, apa EeycKpou', Swcra) rr]v 160 Ovyarepa, Kal ct ri's aoi eort Ov/dr^p, (oznjtro/^at avTi]V paKUd vo'juw, Kai 8co(Ta) ^tpa. airaires. " 'Aw-iorres TOIVVV," l(/)?j, " trv- 175 Kat eTretSaf 7rap-ayye'AA?j rts, luecr^e roi Seuthes repeats bis proposals and promises to the army, Mrd rayra Hero^wy /uy ?/yerro, ol 8 i'\vrrj(jv avTois' Kal eiTre rotdSe* " 'Eyw, S dz'Spes, 180 (TTpaTevfaOai avv ejuot, Kat VTr-to-^t'oC/xat fjuadov' criTa Se Kat Trord, cocrTrep KOI *>{)*>, \i'l\l/e(r6e K r^? \(apas. oTnxra 8' ay a\CcrKr]Tat avros e'^co, tfa 8ta-rt^eju,eyos raura 'ttopifta vp,lv rov 92 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON 185 6 8e He^o^wf eTr-rjpero avrov' " Flocroi' be airo 0aAdrr?7s aets TO orparei'/Ma ;" 6 8e aTT-e/cpiV eTjra r/fzepwv, TroAAaxr) 8e meww." em TOVTOLS Tracrt o- Seutbei entertains the Greeks. Heraclides gives Xenophan sage counsel. Mtra ravra ol y^ef aAAot faKijinjvav Kara ra^tts, arpa- 190 T?/yovs e cat Aoxayow 2ev^/;s e/caAea-ey ewt SeiTr^ot 1 . el 6e ?}(raf em Oupais, ws Trap-to^res eirt 8et77i>oi>, ^v 'IIpa/cAei8js Mapy, TrA?/^ ^ p.iKpov TI T^f banquet begins. Thracian manners. A great eater. 200 'ETT/ye'x^/ be Kepara otvov, KCU -navTzs eSe- 210 XOVTO' 6 bf 'Apvoray, eTrei 6 olvo\6o$ tt/jepe Trap' avrov TO K^pas, Ibtov rov Eejw/xSi'ra ouKeYi 8ei7rz>owra elTre' (i>in}v ?)'p o rt Aeyot* r/7rt'crraro yap eAA7j- 215 V. Ivravda p.(i> bi) ye'Aa>s eyeWro. Xenophon extricates himself from a dilemma. The banquet concluded. K e TOVTOV ei9-e KOI Aa^3cby xe'pas ftecrroy oti'ou elTrf " ITpo-Tru'a) rrot, d) ^e^ry, KOI 5to)p.i Ku>v alprja-eis TOV 7ro/\e'p;io^, Kat a.itf>-\uif>G>v paStco? 220 uiTo-(f)fv^(L. aAAo? TraiSa ct5-ayaya)y eSajpr/craro, KOI aAAos i/xarta r?) yvvoMcl. 6 5e "Etvo^&v ?}7TOpeiro o rt Troto? fKadtjTo yap, wj ri/mco/xei'os, ev r<5 7rA?/ffiatrar(j) 8u/>p rov xat TOV? ep:oi;s rovrov? eraipous, (fuAov? etfat Kai vw Trpos-airoCo-i' ere ovSef, dAAa e^eAoucri xai -novtiv vitfp aov Kai irpo-KtvbwftieiV KCU juera TOVTU>V rr\v fj.lv TTarpway ^(apav airo-A?j\//ei, 7roAA7jy 5e aAArjv Krjjtrei* 230 TToAAous 8e ITTTTOVS, TroAAovs 8e ar8pa9 /cat yv/'aTKas KOTO- KTTjo-et, ot avrot 7rap-e'(ro^rat js avv-ZTti*. rw Heroc/jwirf Kat p.era raCra ds-i)\0ov rtvcs a^Aovvrts /cepaa-t re /cat s. ds-fifaav b( KOI yeAwroTrotot. 94 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. Seutbes proposes to strike a sudden /j/o-iu. He goes to reconnoitre the enemy. 'fls ce 7/Atos eSJerOj 6 2eu0>;s dm-oras et/re Trpos roi/s Tajy 'EAA?}i>Ci>if aTpdTrjyovs' "*Ii di'Spes, ot 77oAe// oi>/c taacrt TTCO T?)I' ?//xere'pai> av^a^iav' kav ovv 240 CTT' avroi/j 7rpa ( (fwXd^a'rOat, p-aAiora ay Aa/Sot/iei 1 Kat ar^pcoTTODS KOI xp?;/jtara." 01 6e arpaTr/yol avv-tTi-fivovv raCra (cm 6/ce'Aeuoy OLVTOV iiyftnOai. 6 5e etTre' <( FTapa- KCU ' 245 'Hi't/ca 5' 7yj> a/i^)t fifcray vvxras, Se^/j? -napT]v iirireas /ii' ?/yj/o-op:at rots I-TJVHS' ii/xers 5e tirfvde. inrep-fiavTes 5e ra op>; r/^o/jiey cts Kwp.as TroAAa? re /cat eCSai'/ TZv enemy are taken by surprise. Seuthes burns their villages. 55 'Hvi'jca 8' 17^ a/i(/H ptaov ?}/xe'pas, 6 2ev^?j? /8r; T}V ciri rot? a/cpots* 5 oirAtVas icat H\tycv " 'Aji'es fiirovTO. 7rct 8e T/crav ^v rats K<^MU9 X^v TpiaKovra iTTTreas, Trpos-cAdo-as etTre TW E " Ol fit avOpwiToi fyovTai tv rats /cco/xats, dAA' ov VIII. CONCLUDING SCENES OF THE RETREAT. 95 dAuiKoyraf 01 ydp tTTTrei? ofyovrai StcoKorres, *at 8e- botKa p.1) ol TroAe'/jitot ari-orrdyres KCU yfvofjifvoi aOpooi fpydcrooyrat ;pids KCLKOV TL. et o5y rims ?;//coy Kara- 265 /ze'yety ey ra? Karats, /ue'orat yap etcriy dr^pcoTrcoy." " 'AAA' eya) /xef," e'(^j o Heyo^wy, " Kara-A?]\//Ojixai ra a/cpa' crw 8e Ke'Aeue KAedfopa Trapa-rea-ai r?)y 0dAayya 6ia rou TreSt'ou Trapa rd? Kw/xas. ' ro're /jiev 8?y T]\)\l(rQr](Tav O.VTOV' rfi 5' vaTfpaia 6 SfvOtis, /cara-Kavaa? ras Kw/aas, 270 a77-?/a TrdAiy. Encampment in the plain. Intense cold. 'EK roi;rov 2ei50)/? uTT-eTTf/axl/ej; 'llpaKXfibr]^ et? Ile- piv&ov aTTo-^ocrOaL ri]i> Aetap, OTTCOS fj.ia(vTO 8ta TOV op6(f)ov, KOL ol Ttfpl TOV Eei'o- (fr&VTa i}vav ti'bov. fVTavda 5?/ SiAai'o? MaKtVrtos o">;/xat- ret TT) (ra\Tnyyi' Kal eiiOvs TraWe? oi"EAA?7J>es eK-7T?jSa>o-ti> (K T crTrcio-aiTes Ta ^nj. ot 8e 0/ja/ce? e^eu- yov KOI 01 /uet> avraiy t\ijIJLJ]S. T>V oe ui/w/; Ttres, V7ro-or/)a(/jeWes ev rw O-KO'TCI trpcocray 'EAA?jra>i; CLKOVTIOI.S' ovSetj oe avrutv a-n-e ?*(ce 0-1/2' Iwra iTTTrcCo-i KCU 6/3o?/^et Tot ji; TO^ Qpatuov. The Ihracmn tribes mbnut to Senthes. Generous conduct df Xenophon, 300 "118); oe o 2ejy^/js et^f fat TpnrXaafav bvva^iv' iroAAot yap T&V 'Qbpvcr&v, CLKOVOVTZS TO. TTfTrpay^va, crvv-eo-Tpa- Tfvovro avrw. ot 8e urot, eVei etbov anb TOV opovs TioAAovs nfi> oTrAtra? iroAAous 8e TreAraoras TroAAoy? oe iTTTre'aj, Kara-^d^res i/ctYeuoy aiieicraadcu. o 5e 305 2ey0q?, KaAeVas TOV He;^oa>v /3ovAoiro Ti/zcop?/- aaaOai avTov?. 6 8e etTrev " 'AAA' eycoye voyiifa avrov-i KCL\ vvv tyfiv tKavrjv biKqv, ei SouAoi (.(TOVTOU avrl e\fv- deptov. o-v/Lt-/3ouAeyco oSf (toi \afj.f3ai>eiv o^njpous rows 310 Su^arcordrovs cacoy TI Troiety, eay 8e TOUJ ye'pozras ot/coi nfVftv." Trdires ouy ei> TO.VTT) rjj T/?^ Greeks are not paid in full. Xenopbon unfairly treated. Mera rai/ra 6 'HpaxAeiST/? irap-ijv etc Ylepivdov, excoy T7/i> Tinyv rijs Aetaj, ^s aTT-e'Soro. Sev^jjs 8^ O7r-e8i8ou VIII. CONCLUDING SCENES OF THE RETREAT. 97 TOV fjucrdov r<5 orparev/xan etKotrt juoVoy r)fj.(p>V 6 yap 315 c IIpaKAei7js i-Xeyfv on OVK ep>iroA?/(rete irXtlov T?}S Aa'as. o oSv He/'Of/xSy a^^e/ea0at Se^ov a>? Se? t yap av fuodbv 325 rots orpartwroisfj Kat ovKen (^tAtKws Si-eVetro airw, a>(r- ?rep TO Sparta wants the army. Seuthes entertains the envoys. 'Ei> Tovrw ro) \povto a.(f)-iKvovvTai, Xapiuvds re 6 Kat OoAwtKO? Trapa t^Spcoyos, Kat Aeyoutrty on 01 AaKe- oaijudVtoi /jieAXoDcrt crrpareve^at CTTI Tt(ro~a(/)epy^y, KOI 330 on 6 Qifiptav SftTat ravrjjs r?js orpartas' Kat vTr-icr^- VOVVTOLI picrOoi'. eTret 8e ot AaKeSatjuo'ytot T^A^oi', ev^i/s o 'HpaxXe&i)S Ayt TW SevtJrj' " Touro yeytVTjTai KaA- A.IOTOV* ot juev yap AaKeoai/xoVtot SeWrat TOU orpare?;- JUOTOS, 8c d-Tro-StSws ro orpareujua 335 ai/ro??, ot o-rpancorat OTJK^TJ aTT-atrT/aovo-t (re roy fMicrdov, a\\' aTT-aAAafoiTat eK TTJS ^wpas." aKowcras ravra 6 KeAevct ?7ap-ayeiv TOTJS dyye'Aovj, Kat eAcyez; on trj ro vTpaTf.vn.ci Toly AaKeSai/xoiuots, Kat *tvitv CLVTOVS /xeyaAoTrpeirais. Hevo^ajira 8e OVK CKaAei eTri 340 OTparrjya)i> II 98 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. Xenopbon's character, as drawn by Seuthes and Htradides. v 7:0105 ns Eez'ocpajz^ 6 2,ev0i]$ dTT-expiYaro, on ra fj.ei> aAAa eaj ov Kafco?, (iAooTpartam;s 5e" at ota TCUTO x e V oi; c "? 345 avru). ot 8e etTrof " 'AXA.' ?) S^/xayo^yei 6 aj/?/p TOU? aropas;" xal 6 'HpaxXetSj;?, " Haw [jikv ovv," tyr]. " A pa ovi', ' v/^ers," !(/>?; o 'Hpa/cAet'Sr;?, " crvA-Ae'^arres 1 roi/s o-rpartcoraj vTro-a^rrdf 350 awro?? roy /iicr^or, CKorres aTro-Spa/^oCirat cri/i; {//xtr. *cat avpiov a^o/xey i/xa? Trpo? avrovs' KCU oTSa on, cTrctSai/ iScocrti; v/xay, acr/ifi-oi cruy-S/JCyxouiTat vp.lv." avrr] p.tv ?/ j//iepa TZv Spartam make tbelr proposals to the army, and promise pay. Xenopbon accused of unfair dealing. Tif 6 vcTTepaiq 2ev^?/s re KOI 'MpcuAeiS^s ayouo-i 355 rows AftKtoras ~: TO o-rpdren/xa' ra> ro?? AaKeoatpiovtois Tf rov iyj&pov Koi A?j\//cr^e rov jui AaxeSaifioVtoi, cat TraAai Trap' VIMV, (I pr) 'E.tvofy&v aTT-T/yayev ^/xas Seupo* oiv rovro> 8e orpareno'/^croi KOI VVKTCL KOI fj^epav ovbev TTC- 7rav/i(0a' KOI TOJ> /ier 7/fie'repoy piadov auros ex ei > 7 /M" s 365 6e aTro-orfpei." /zero rouroy uAAos dv-eoTj o/xota>s Kai aAAos. 5c TOI/TOU "EevoQ&v (\*(v &OC VIII. CONCLUDING SCENES OF THE RETREAT. 99 Xenophon's defence, i. ' In all that I have done I have sought your welfare, and tried to carry out your wishes.' " 'AAAd -navra p.fv e/Maurw KaKa Set Trpos-SoKoV, e ye vvv ifi VJJL&V curias ex v/xas eij/at ef OTTO- 370 pot?, at /3ouAo'/zei>os , //rjSe orra e^tot TOW tiv 8?/, ei iiro 7roAep,tov ye Se oWi ato-^to'j; jixoi eu-at SoKet e-a7ra- raf ^ e-a77aTaa^at. 'Aya-p-MJa^r/Te Se rrpos rowrots ev Trota cnropt'a ?jre, ore eya> df-rjyayof v/xay Trpos Sev^y. 39 II 2 100 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. * v o AaKfo'atfJoVios OVK aa vp.as is T?/I> flepiudov, intai&pioi 8e ea> eorparoir TO, 8e e7rir?/8eia ?}i> o-7rai>ia, cat eti> ayo'pdTroSa T) 7rpo'/3ara' OL> 395 V"/ 3 ^\ojj.fv ovTf iTTTret? owre TreAraora?, ware Aa/Sea? ravra. fTrei Se eyw i7pos-e'Aa/3oi> ii/xty 2ew^J/v aii^a^pv, e^oyra KCU iTTTreas *cai TTfAraora?, raCra Tratra irpos- eytyrero T)p.ry Kai yap ey rats Kw/iats evpitrKo/viey OTTOI* uOoi'(t>Tpoi', KOL ovKtri ewpcSftef -noXeiJiiov oiibtva. 6 ^oo yap 2ev0fjs Tiap-et^e ravTriv TIJV atr^aAeiaf i/xiv ovrw$ aiiOpoCfff Kat rw tt /.t?/ TTaj'i; TroAw 7rpos-e8i'8ou 17111' fj.Lffdoi> } TL e5ei ax^fr^ai irepi roi/rou ; T) rt 8ia rovro (fj.e aurua aTro 6avf.lv ; iv. */ ArtT'ir sacrificed all for you; is this your gratitude f * " Kai ra /xv o/) v/xe'repa irpay/xard OTI roiaura' 405 aycre 8^ 8?;, KUI ra 6/j.a yap, ore /xey Trporepoy wppiw^j/v oixaSe, er^of /i Tipos vfj.u>i>, fl^oif 8e 8Y v/xas Kai VTTO rwy >K\fiav. C7rioreuop;y 8e VTTO AaKfSatf aXAco? yap OVK av pte ir(p.T>ov TidAtf Trpos i/xas. i-Sf 8e 410 d?:-epX M ai 8*"j8j8\i;/aA>os ^ei' irpos AaKe8aijuovioy5 v<^>' u/ioii', a.tt-ri)(diintvoy y<) raDra TroAAa Tratr^a), roiai/nji' ex ere y v ^'l v 6/ioD. tai; Se Troir^rjjre Trept e/ue a Ae'yere, Tore uvbpa cnro-KTevelTf TioAAa /uey yap VTrep v/xa>i; xai 415 v/iiv eTro'fjjTa /cat exifSi/i'fuo'a, xat tcsTricsa^v avv TioAAa /3ap/3cipwj; rpoTiaia* ^TT(ipaa-dp.r]v 8?j Troteij/ ayadov Tipos v/xa?, O(TOV eyci) 7}8uraf>i>jv. 1H5// yap t-ectTi TtopfVfffOai OTTOI ar ftov\rjrrd KOI xara y7 v jv /cat KOTO 0aAaTraV up' ov^ vvv 8rj Kaipos VfAiv SOKCI eu>at VIII. CONCLUDING SCENES OF THE RETREAT. IO1 e/xe eos ra^iora; ov ^.i]v, ore ye lv TCHS 420 ey TOLOVTO eAe'yere* dAAa ai Trare'pa fp.e e/caAeire, KOI vTr-icr^rero-^e act jizi;?/s 8o/cerre TW d^Spt TOWTW' eyco yap xat avros fj.apTV- airou. r]^5>v yap epcriTcoiTcoy wept Hez'o^wy- TOS, Trow? Tts dwyp etr/, Sev^rjs aTT-e^ptVaro ort ou KOKOS 43 fxey etrj, ayav 8e ^tAocrTpaTtcdTTjs/' dya-trras CTTI rovra) 'A^i^aro? etTrej;* " 'Op<3, ai ai>5pe?, KOI eVravfla Trap-oVra, os -7rap-e'Aa/5e ra XP 7 ?" , a i7/xets eKT](ra//e^a* KCU aTro-So'p.ei'os raura ovre ovre r//x?f aTr-e'Scoxe T^y TI^V, dAAa ai/ros e/cAex/^e. 435 "ear oj> o-(ti(f)poi'u>fjiv, (Tv\-\i]\lf6iJ.eOa aiirov' ov yap 8j; ovro'y ye paf ecrrtf, dAA' ff EAA?ji; a>v "EAA^z/as a 'Axowas ravra, 6 'MpaKAeiSrjs irpos-eA^wf TW Ae'yef " 'H/uwtf, eay crax^poi'iS/^ey, a7r-i/xev evrevOfv cos rax 10 " 7 " -" Ka ' d^a-/3di;res 7rt rovs I'TTTTOUS (Z^ovTo et? 440 TO eavrcoy o-TparoTreSoy. cai efreu^ey 2ev0?js ayyeAoy irpos He^o^wira, Kai KeAevei avroy Trap' eavreo, exoira x 1 ^ 1 ' 0115 oTrAiras* Kat avru d7ro-6o5o-eiy rci re yjupia ra ewt ^aAdrrr; KOI Ta dAAa a VTr-eVxero. 6 8e "EtvofyGtv e^yero TCO Att 445 r ^SaaiAet, -rrorepa afj.fi.vov efy /xeVeiv Trapa 2ei;%, ^ 102 SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. crvv TW orpaTev/xaTl' 6 8e eo^jbujfev avra) Medosades complains of the Greeks. Xenophon refers ' him to the Spartans. Their answer. 'Ex TOVTOV 2ev0?;s fj.(v etrpaTo-eSewaro Tro'ppco T 450 ' E\\i]V(av' ol 8e e(TKi]i>r](Tav tv KW.UCUS o0ez> Xityoivro TO. e7nr?7ta. at/rat 8e al Ko$<3i>ra >cai Xe'yft* " 'AStKetre , S sevoffi&v, Tiop- OovvTfs ras ^jUfTe'pas /cw/^tas* Trpo-Xe-yofj.fi> ovv v^lu 455 aTT-ieVat e T^S xwpas." 6 5e z,i>ov etntv " Ti Trpos e/^te Ae'yets raCra ; ow yap eywye n ap\u>, dAAa AaKeSat/JtoViot, ots v/;.ets 7iap-e8o)Kare ro oTpdref/xa, oi/re f/xe Trapa-KaAeW/'Tf?, ovre Taif aAAwv trrparjjywi' ou- SeVa." 6 8e M?;8oa-dS)j9 c/ce'Aeue Toy Hei'o^wvra xaXe'crat 460 Toy Xapfuvov KOL noXvviKov. 6 8e Trpos-eA^ajy avrois Aeycy, on M7j8ofrd8?js Trpo-eiTroi ro^s "EAArjo-iz; aTT-ieVai TTJS )(wpa5. ol -5e AaKooyes cv(?u? TfA^ov irpos M>;8o- adSTjy ai lAe^av* ' f 'H/xe?? roivvv air-ioinfv av, OTTOTC ouroi e\oiev rov \j.wQ6v ei 8e /XT;, ftot]0i](ro[j.fv TOVTOIS 465 K Xenophon goes to Seuthes, and obtains pay for the army, *O 6^ M/jSofraSrjs ^KeAeuf Tre'joiTrety Het'o^wira Trapa SeiJflqi' irepi TOU \ucrQov' cSeiro 8 fx?/ KaUiv ray Kco/xa?. Ivrivdtv -nfp.TTov(Ti "Effo^SiVTa Kcii aAAous cri/y avraJ. 6 8^ f\6(i>v Trapa TOI> 2u^i/y eAcye re TroAAa ainwpieyoj, 47 KOI fSctTo avrou a7ro-8i8oVai TOJ orpare^an roy fj.i(r06i>. 6 8e Scv^/js air-fKpivaTO' " 'Eya> /uey oure bi-fvorjdrjv liw'OTf aTTO-orfp^crai v/uas TOV fucrObi; diro-Swcrw re* VIII. CONCLUDING SCENES OF THE RETREAT. 103 apyvpiov 8e OVK l^w, irAT)i> y fj-tupov -ri, KOI TOVTO roi>' /Sou? 8e laKOoioi>s Kat 7rpo/3ara T- s-xi'Ata fcai drSpaTroSa etKocrt KOI eicaroV. TO.VTO. 475 Aa/3coi> a7r-t0t." rr) Se wrepcua a7r-eo'ci)Kei> CUTO?? ^ VTT- e'aXeTo' 6 8e Heyo0wy, 7rei e!8e ^ap\uvov re KOI OoAv- VLKOV, tl TaDra," CC^TJ, rots orrpartwrais' Hero^wy Se Trap-eo-Keva^ero ws aTT-twy oua8e. 7rpos-eA0oVre9 8e avrw ot orpartwrat e8e- oz/ro p.^ cm-eXOelv, Ttplv air-aydyoi TO orpciTei'/xa Kai Trapa-Sotry ra> ( Xenophon sacrifices to Zeuj 'the Gracious.' ev Si-eTrAeuaaf ets Aa/xx^aKov Kat kvravQa Ev- 485 s, \j.avTivTi. OTL ecrefTcoaTO, xat ripcara avrbif xpvcriov e^ot. 6 8e ftTrev ZcreaOai /ixr]8e ffpobiov IK.O.VOV cSare ait-Ltvai, et JM^ a7ro'-8oiro roy ITTTTOV Kat a DTo'y. 6 8e Ei/xAetSTj? OVK falcrrfvev avrw* 490 ei 8e Aa/x\^aKrjvoi eTre^ay ^e'yia rw Hero^wi/Ti KOI 7(3 'ATToAA&m, EvKAet'Srjs i8wy ra iepeia enrer, on ?/8?7 Tiet^oiro airw jixrj excty \pr]fj.aTa. " 'AAA' ot8a/' e ^ew. 6 8e OVK f(pr] Tt6vKvai. rw Att T<5 MetAi)(ta) e^- orov aTT- e57]p,?j(rei>. 6 oSv EvKAet'Srjs crvy-e/3ovAev(rey carco ^ve- ff^at. T^ 8e vorepai'a Gevo(pG>v e^vero, K06 TO Upa eyiyvero 500 xaAa. Kol rawrjj T SELECTIONS FROM XENOPHON. Ttve.s buxrovTfs xpj/p.ara TW (TTparev/xari' KOI 6 Hei'ot/xSv etHii O.VTOVS. ol 8e air-tbocrav avru> TOV 'iimov, ov aTT-e'Soro (V Aa/x\//aK(o, vop.ioVTCS avrov TreTrpaKeVat 6t' 55 tvbeiav' Kai OVK ijOt\ov avo-Xafitiv TIJV The Greeks attack Asidates, but are stoutly resisted. E,VTv8ev tTtofKiiovTo bia rij-i,KvovvTo cis S Mvcriay. 6?j Efi'ov ^evi&rai Ttapa rfj ToyyvXov 510 yvrai/ci. av'r/j 8e lAeyei' aurw* "'AfrtSarrjs ris eortr ef ai'TJp Fle'/xTr;?' roCroy, ct eAOots T?Js /cat yuraua Kai TratSas >cat Ta 6e avru) TroAAa." 6 ovv Ec^oc/jai Aa/3a>i; TOWS Aoxayovs TOVS /uaAtcrra (/nAous xat TTIOTOVS 5'5 eauTo), OTTCOS tv 7roi?/(T6iey aurouj. CTTCI 8e a, a>rav$a 87) oi "EAArjres ^(TKOTroKz; TTWS KOI Aa/3oire9 ocroi T/rrai' /3oes Kai irpo'/Sara Kat d 8^ Foyyy'Aoj cwpa TOVS VIII. CONCLUDING SCENES OF THE RETREAT. 105 oXiyovs oVras, TOVS be eTri-Ket/^eVow avrots iroXXovs, eg- fp%erai KCU OVTOS, t\u>v rr)v eavrov bvi'afjuv' (3y e^-dyet T^? VVKTOS TTCLV TO crrpdreu/xa' 6 8e 535 vAi^erai V Kw/xais Tio-ty ov Ttpocra) ot ?7fpt He^o^w^ra ey-Tt>yx ( " ;oi ' (ni; feat Xanffavovviv avrov KCU yvvaiKa KCU Tialbas Kal TOVS ITTTTOVS Kal TtavTa ra xP>/M ara ' ^Tretra TrdAtv aty-iKvovvrai ets [7^/>yaju0ir. e^raC^a 01 Adxco^es xai ol Ao^ayoi Kat 54 ot aAAot (TTparrj-yol KCU ol orpartwrai fbibovv rw He^o- caipcra TT/S Aeta?, ITTTTOV? /cat ^evyrj xat ra aAAa. roJrw 01/3/ooM Trapa-yero'piet'os 7rap-e'Aa/3e ro orpa- ' xat a^/x-^t^as avro rw aAAa) 'EAA/ji^tK(S eiroAe'/xet ov. 645 NOTES, CHAPTER I. THE MARCH TOWARDS BABYLON. [N.B. In the first loo lines no augmented tenses are used. There is a note on every augmented tense throughout the first chapter. After Chapter 7 there are notes on such augmented tenses only as present any peculiar difficulty.] Line i. yiY VOVTal > the present instead of the past t-ytvovro. Tenses are of two kinds, past or dead, and present or living. History, telling of the past, should only use past or dead tenses, but it often uses present or living tenses, to make the story more lively; as if the historian were looking on at the time the thing happened. Hence the present tense, when thus used, is called the historical present. iraiSes S\JQ, instead of naiSt 5vo, because no stress is laid on the fact that there were only two of them. But further on in 1. 4, where there is such a stress, we find afifyorfpca rui natSt. Cp. IV. 279 note. 1. 2. Though Artaxerxes was the elder son, he was born before his father became king. Cyrus was born after Darius had succeeded to the throne, and this, according to Persian customs, gave him at least some claim. Darius I had chosen Xerxes to succeed him on the same ground. Cyrus was not thus chosen by his father ; but he was the favourite of Parysatis (1. 18), and the queen-mother was powerful in Persia. 1. 3. dcrOsvwv, pres. past nom. masc. sing, of dcrfocecu, contracted from aaOtvtoav. Oavetv, 2 aor. infin. of Ovrjcr/coi (stem 0av-). 1. 4. irap-tivat, pres. infin. of irap-fipt, ' I am present." 1. 6. opx^s, 'province.' A satrap was a viceroy under the king of Persia. The satrapy of Cyrus consisted of Lydia, Phrygia, and Cappa- docia; the Ionian towns, or Greek colonies, had been under Tissaphernes, but about this time all of them, except Miletus, revolted to Cyrus. oOv, ' Well then,' continuing the story. [Ovv is probably = bv, the neut. part, of flfil, ' this being so,' like our ' in fact. 1 ] 108 NOTES. 1. 7. dva-pami, ' goes up,' i. e. inland or up from the coast. [Hence the expedition of Cyrus is called 'Ava-paats or the March inland. The retreat of the 10,000 Greeks should properly be called K.a.Ta.-@a-iKvoi)vT(u, 3 pi. pres. ind of d^-iwto/xat contracted from Onp-lKvioVTO.1. 1. 21. KCU ovroi. Kai means (i) 'and,' joining two words or clauses together, (2) 'also' or 'even,' laying a stress on some particular word. Notliing makes greater nonsense of a Greek sentence than to confound these tiw) meanings of KOI. Think which makes sense here. 1. 22. pacnXet, 'the king.' Ba<7tA.vs without the article commonly means ' the great king' or ' the king of Persia,' being used like a proper name. Sometimes fityas is added, as in 1. 182 of this chapter. rots Pappdpois TOIS Trap' lavroi. i. e. the Asiatics who were in his own service, as distinguished from the Persian envoys above mentioned, who ' came from the king' (1. 20). 1. 23. i). 1. 26. XppovT|<7<$>. The name x ( PP~ VT l ffos ( or X / )ff "- | "? ' os ) ' s fr m \ipoot, ' land,' and rfco*, ' island,' and means ' a peninsula.' It was used as a sort of proper name for the strip of land which forms part of Thrace, and runs out along the north side of the Hellespont. 1. 27. Yv6nvos, 2 aor. part, of 77'o>u (stem 7. THE MARCH TOWARDS BABYLON. 109 1. 29. Xapuv, 2 aor. part, of \ap&avca (stem crvX-Xe'as, i aor. part. nom. masc. sing, of ffv\-\fy(a. 1. 30. Tais iroXeo-i TU>V 'E\X-qva)v, the Greek colonies in Thrace on the Propontis, such as Byzantium and Perinthus. 1. 35. The Pisidians were a race of mountaineers, inhabiting the high- lands above Pamphylia, and were very troublesome to the satrapy of Cyrus. 1. 37. dva-paiveiv. Cp. 1. 7 n - 1. 39. Xaj36vras, 2 aor. part. ace. masc. pi. of Ka^nvai (stem Xap-). 1. 40. imp-tvai els SapSeis. As -nap tifit 'I am come,' it can be used with a preposition signifying motion lo a place. Sardis was the capital of Lydia, and Lydia had been made a Persian satrapy by Cyrus the Great, when he conquered its king Croesus, B.C. 546. 1. 41. oKOiicras, I aor. part. nom. masc. sing, of O.KOVopoiJ|ivcs, pres. part. mid. of tyopiaj, contracted from c/xj/Jfo/ucos. 1. 44. KOU. aurds. Think whether KOI here means ' and ' or ' also.' Cp. 1. 21 n. 1. 49. ciri-icci|ivT], part. nom. fern. sing, of M'Kttfiat. 8ia-pds, 2 aor. part. nom. masc. sing, of Sta-ftaivca (stem Pa-). 1. 50. KoXooxrds. Colossae was formerly one of the most populous towns of Phrygia. Its inhabitants were the Colossians, to whom St. Paul addressed his epistle. . 1. 54. pao-iXeia. Cp. 1. 9 n. Besides this palace of Cyrus at Cclaenae there was another belonging to the King of Persia, said to have been built by Xerxes, during his retreat from Greece after the battle of Sal amis. 1. 56. Y v ( AV( i orai i aor. infin. act. of yvfivafa. 1. 61. y'Y VOVT I't. ' there become,' i. e. ' there turn out' or ' are found to be.' 1.64. KauoTpov ireStov, 'the Plain of Cayster' or ' Caystrum.' It has nothing to do with the river Cayster, which is a long way to the south-west of this place. See Vocabulary. 1. 65. o-tKViTai, 3 sing. pres. ind. of d, ' during which (time),' ' while.' irpo-iovTts, pres. part. nom. masc. pi. of irp6-tt/.u, ' I go forward.' I. 88. ol (K TTJS oYopds vYovcn, is short for 01 iv T?I dyopd (fxvyovcriv t aurfjs, ' those who were in the market flee out of it? We cannot translate ' they flee from the market,' because the article o* makes ol-itt-rrjs-dyopds all one word. Cp. 1. 109 n. KaTa-XiirovTts, 2 aor. part. nom. masc. pi. of nara-\( i-ata (stem Xlir-). II. 90, 91. ISovcra, ISiiv, part. nom. sing. fern, and masc. of tlSov, the 2 aor. with pres. vpaoj. 1. 92. opfjo/3'4>(\(-ov. 1. 108. -KoX-i, imperf. of Ka\(-ca, contracted from -/ca\e-t. -iropv6-nrjv, imperf. of iroptvo-pai, the middle of noptv-ca. 1. 109. w<^Xoti)v, pres. opt. of <>A.'ft>, cp. III. 133 n. Twv-irpos-cp.i-cucpYriwv. All that comes between the article and its noun (as irput-inl here comes between rSiv and tvtpftaiSiv) is 7. THE MARCH TOWARDS BABYLON. Ill equivalent to an epithet of the noun (cp. 1. 88 n.). There may be only one word between, as u TOT* TroAe^uos, 'the war at that time,' lit. 'the then war" (cp. IV. 124 n.); or there may be two or more words, as here. A Greek could say o-Tuv-'AOrjvaiajv-irpus-Tovs-fi.a/ctSatnoviovs-fi'-IIf^oTTOv- vr)ffw-Tr6\((ios, ' the war of the Athenians with the Lacedaemonians in the Peloponnesus,' where all that conies between o and iro\/xos serves as a description of the war. 1. ill. irpo-Sovn, dat. sing. masc. of irpoSoiis, 2nd aor. part. act. of irpo-8ici>m (stem So-). 1. 115. fireuOcu fjAol, 'follow me (as your leader),' but ./>6A'. 1. 119. dXfac70ai., ist aor. infin. mid. of a\tta. icrre lovra. A participle is used after verbs of knowing or perceiving, to express a fact ; thus otto, avrw WTO. means, ' I know that he is,' but olSa tivai would mean, ' I know how to be." [If the participle refers to the subject of the verb, it is put in the nom., as olda ui>, ' I know that / am.'] 1. 1 20. ciir-ev, 2nd aor. from stem !-. The present is supplied by V, ' with these.' ervv-a-yciYtov, 2nd aor. part. act. of aw-aya). e-X|-, ist aor. of \ey-ca, future \t-ca. 1. 133. t-v|vcr-}jiai ( perf. pass., with an active meaning, of ^tuS-w, future mid. if/fv-ao/tat, perf. pass, (-(f/fvff-^at ( = e-^. 1. 141. cure . . . ouSevos. Two or more negatives in Greek do not make an affirmative, as in modern English, but a stronger negative. Cp. II. 59 n. Compare the early or more natural English, which is now vulgar, e.g. 'I don't know nothing;' so this does not mean 'not none' but 'not nny.' 1. 147. (jura raOra. Cp. 1. 128 n. 1. 148. TIPWT-WV, imperf. of ipcarn-co, contracted from fipura-of. The augmented T) here = + e. 1. 149. air-icpivaTO, ist aor. mid. of diro-npiv0vTs, ist aor. pass. part. nom. pi. of trffiiru. 1. 154. viiT-ioirrcu-ov, imperf. of vir-oirrfv-a}, (erf. of dir-f\avv-VY a 2n< ^ perf. of d.iro-i\, ' I take,' future alpr)-aa). perf. ^prf-Ka. 1. 205. dv-io-TaCi], 'put up' or 'start' them. In 'arrjfn the pres., imperf., fut. and ist aor. are transitive tenses, meaning to 'place' or 'make to stand ;' the rest are intransitive, meaning to ' stand.' 1. 208. aTr-io\-TO, 2nd aor. mid. of u\-\vfu (stern 6X-). I. 209. 7r-'-Xnr-v, 2nd aor. of iiii-\ftw-, contracted from l-fi&Kt-ov. 1. 218. 1801, 3 sing. opt. of dSov, 2 aor. with pres. 6pda>. (Jifpos TV, ' a specimen.' Lit. ' a portion ' of anything chosen as a sample. 1. 219. Tf,s vra|ias. Observe the force of the article, 'their usual good order." 1. 220. !-o"7TtviS-ov, imperf. of anfv5-ca. 8pap.6vrcs. Cp. 1. 196 n. -TVX-OV, 2nd aor. of Tv-y-x-av-< (stem TUX-)- In the pres. the letter Y (for v before x) and the syllable -ov are inserted ; in fact the present is doubly nasalized. Cp. 1. 187 n. 1. 221. /'-CJ, fut. iic-KOfu-ooj (contr. Kofuw). The in becomes If before the vowel . 1. 225. -<|>afv-TO, imperf. mid. of , 1st aor. (-rjyy(i\-a, the t being lengthened into a. [The stem is Tj, imperf. of ^y-^ (stem 4> a -)- [Lat. 'fari,' whence fatnm and fama.] 1. 247. irap-KaXo-a. Cp 1 243 n. 1. 248. TOUTOV-I. This final i is called the demonstrative iota ; it serves to point out a person more distinctly. Cp. Lat. ' hie-*.*,' French 'celui-c/.' The nom. is ovToa-l. 1. 249. !-8T-a. Cp. 1. 148 n. airo-oTTcLs, 2nd aor. part, of 1. 256. -iro-eis. Cp. 1. 198 n. !-4>Ti. Cp. 1. 245 n. 7r-iroiTj-K(vai, perf. inf. act. 1. 259. J)|xoXoY-s imperf. of t>no\oy-(w, contracted from (w = c + o.) 1. 261. d8iKTj0is, lit. ' having been injured,' here ' [through] being I 2 Il6 NOTES. injured,' 1. e. ' was it because you were injured," etc. A Greek participle, without the article, must often be translated by a conjunction, such as 'when,' 'if,' ' because,' etc., with the indie, mood of the verb; so this -on ifOiKr/6i)s. What conjunction has to be supplied from the participle must depend on the sense of the passage. 1. 262. ouStv. The accus. of respect after i]5iKT]Or), ' was injured in nothing,' i.e. 'was not at all injured.' 1. 263. T|8tKi]-6-r), ist aor. pass, of u-Sut-fTY]-crv, 1st aor. of ipoiT-aca, ftit. ipajTTj-fraj. () = + .) 1. 264. Y-Y V 'l" aiv-a), fut. avo-tyav-to, ist aor. dir-f-r)i>-a. [Distinguish by the accent (l) uTr6-r]>>-ai, 1st aor. mid. imper., (2) airo-(j>TJvai, 1st aor. act. I'M/?;*.] 1. 272. davljtiv, ' put out of the way," lit. ' cause to disappear' (from a, ' not,' and av- root of (fjaiv-eoOai, ' to appear'). Hence a milder way of saying 'to kill.' 1. 273. St'fl, subjunctive of the impersonal verb S(1. Verbs in -lea of two syllables only contract the syllables + and + ci, as irXif , ir\i, ir\(ti, TT\I: but ir\fv\aTTo-0ai, act. ' to guard,' mid. ' to guard against ' or ' ward off [from ourselves],' i.e. 'be on our guard against.' Cp. III. 91 n. 1. 275. Distinguish rav-rd for ra aiircL, from o avrus, ' the same things,' from Toura, ncut. pi. of OVTOS, ' these tilings.' 1. 176. IXapov TTJS EivT]s, 'took hold of the girdle,' (wvtjt being the gen. of the part laid hold of. 'E\a(Jo>> rfjv ^WVTJV would be ' took ' or ' received the girdle.' m Oavaro), lit. ' with a view to, or "as a sign of" death.' Taking hold of a man's girdle was a sign that he was doomed to death. 1. 277. TtTa-yn^voi. Cp. 1. 75 n. i|-T)Y- v . iniperf. of if-ay-u. Distinguish Tjy-ov, the imperf. from f)y ay-ov, the 2nd aor. of ayo>. (TJ = + a.) 1. 278. is-T)vtx-9i), JS * aor> pass, from the stem -VK-, to which (tJ)-/^/xu supplies the present. 1. 279. o&ms OWTC. For the multiplied negatives in Greek cp. 1. 141, II. 59 n. 1. 280. ciS-tv, 2nd aor. from stem 15-, i. e. fiS-. Cp. Lat. vtVAeo, Eng. 'to wit' The augment ct marks the lost letter f (since av-Tj, 2nd aor. pass, of (f>a.iv-ca (stem av-). I. 284. p-e-yaXou Paai\i>s. Cp. 11. 182 and 22 n. a.tr-r\yyi\\-oy, imperf. of air-ayff\\-ca (stem aYY\-). (T] = + a.) I. 286. l-0dpv ex w m the next line, and the English ' instead of what I have.' 1. 293. eir-iao-t, 'will advance.' Remember that tlm, though present in form, has a future meaning, ' I will go.' [The u of the stem appears also in Lat. i-re.~\ 1. 294. ava-o'X'qo'Se (2nd aor. subj. mid. of av-txu\ 'endure;' lit. ' hold yourselves up against.' Lat. smtinere. 1. 295. BT| emphasises alaxvvopjai, ' I am quite ashamed.' alo-xwofiai Xrytov, ' I am quite ashamed when I tell you ;' [alaxyvofjiai \-yiv would mean ' I am ashamed to tell you,' and there/ore do not tell you, or in other words, 'shame prevents me from telling you.'] Cp. note on aSiKijQtls 1. 261. 1. 298. oiKot, 'at home' (Lat. domi) ; the old locative or 'place-at- which ' case, answering to the question where ? [Distinguish ot/coi, ' at home,' from o7oi, ' houses,' nom. pi. of o?/>.] 1 300. sure. Cp. 1. 156 n. Ko.1 \t.-i\v, 'certainly.' Kal nty is literally 'and indeed:' it generally introduces something new, and means ' moreover ' or ' yet.' Here it introduces a new speaker, who has an objection to make. 1. 302. (A-jjtvf|-crcrOat, the panlo-post fut. or fut. perf. of m-funj-aKto (stem f*.va-), but as the perf. pass, nf-nvrj-fun has a present meaning, ' I remember' (lit. 'I have called to mind'), futp/rfao^ai is used as a simple future. In Latin also the perf. memini and the fut. meminero are used in the same way. 1. 303. Svvaio, 2nd sing. pres. opt. of ovva^ai. 1. 304. a/ir-Kpiv-aTO. Cp. 1. 149 n. ! 3I3- -T|YYM- ov . Cp. 1. 284 n. 1. 314. T|P-TO, 2nd aor. of ip-o^at, 'I ask' (instead of which (p I 1 8 NOTES. is used). Distinguish yp-tro, 2nd aor. of fpoftat, 'ask; 1 rfptro, imperf. mid. of atpw, 'lift up;' and yptiro, imperf. mid. of aipfco, 'take.' 1. 315. n.axi(T0cu. What tense of naxofMi is this? See in Voca- bulary. t-Tj. Cp. 1. 245 n. 1. 318. --y* v ' TO - Cp. 1. 103 n. 1. 319. Twv-|ATd-Kvpov (Jappdpwv. The article ruv makes an adjective of the words between it and its noun [iapflapuv. Cp. 1. 109 n. 1. 321. e-Xt-y-vTO. Cp. 1. 164 n. 1. 322. irapd TOVTOVS, ' besides these.' HapaL with the accus. signifies getting beside a thing, or passing by it, and hence ' going beyond it." Hence napcL ravra means ' besides this,' ' moreover,' Lat. fraeterea. 1. 323. TJpx-v, imperf. of apx-, 'I rule' or 'command.' (TJ = + O.) 1. 324. . Cp. 1. 75 n. were. Cp. 1. 236 n. 1. 326. t-jidx-tTO, imperf. of n&x-ofuu. 8ia iroXXuv -fnispoiv, ' during several days.' Aid signifies division into parts, hence an interval of time. 1. 337. viorspauj. The feminine ending shows that fj^tpa is under- stood. So TTJ irpoTfpaia, ' the day before.' -iropev-TO. Cp. 1. 1 08 n. CHAPTER II. THE BATTLE OF CUNAXA AND ITS RESULTS. (The name Cunaxa is given by Plutarch, not by Xenophon. It was on the Euphrates, about forty miles north-west of Babylon.) 1. 5. dvd KpciTos, ' at full speed,' lit. ' according to one's full strength.' on (3aoru\vis irpos-'pxTaivovro, 'began to come' and 'began to be visible.' 77. BATTLE OF CUNAXA AND ITS RESULTS. 119 1. 24. x! A6V01 '. 'next to these,' lit. 'holding on to." *Exv, ' with intent to enclose,' lit. ' as about to enclose.' 'Cls with the fut. part, denotes a purpose. 1. 77. KaT-eXei^Orjo-av. Distinguish i\il0r]v, 1st aor. pass, of Kap-fiavai. 1. 79. Notice the historical presents i\avvti, itaiei, riTpuffna, marking the rapidity with which all this was done. With this rash act of Cyrus compare the conduct of Pelopidas at the battle of Cynoscephalae, B. c. i2o NOTES. 364. when, enraged at the sight of his hated enemy, Alexander of Pherae, he rushed upon him, and thus met his death (Plutarch, Life of Pelo- pidas). 1. 83. b p.v ovv Kvpos, ' Cyrus, as we have said.' The p.tv contrasts Kvpos with 01 5t pdpfiapot following, the ovv, ' then ' or ' in fact,' (cp. 1. 6 n.) refers back to what has been just related. Mtv may often be translated ' while ' or ' whereas.' 1. 91. jjcrOovro. Distinguish ya06fjir)v, 2nd aor. of alaOavo/Mt, ' I per- ceive," from TjaGrjv, 1st aor. pass, of qoofwi, ' I am pleased.' 1. 99. m]crav, 3rd pi. of tar-qv, intrans., and therefore the 2nd aor. of tarrjui. The same word might also be the 3rd pi. of torijaa, the ist aor. of tori;//!, and would then mean 'they placed." In tffn;/ the 2nd aor. and the perf. with the pluperf. are intransitive, the other tenses are transitive. X6os, probably an artificial mound, as there are no natural hills on the Babylonian plain. 1. 105. dvd Kpiros. See note on 1. 5. tv TOVTCO, sc. xpvvy. Cp. note on t TOVTOV, I. 85. 1. 108. TtOvTjKora, ' that he was dead.' The Greeks used the participle after verbs of knowing, feeling, perceiving, and the like, to express the fact known or felt. In Latin it would be nesciebant eum mortuum esse (accus. and infin.). [OfSct with the iiifin. means ' I know how to,' as olSa ("ijf , ' I know how to live.'] 1. 1 1 8. wp(jiT)o-ovTO, ' had started.' The Greek aorist in a minor sentence must often be rendered by the English pluperfect. Here Glus and Procles would say, ' Ariaeus is at the station, whence we started yesterday;' the Greek historian, reporting their words, keeps the aorist ' started," where we should alter it to ' had started,' Cp. I. 254 n. 1.125. tirrov OTV KeXcuci, 'that the king commanded.' For on introducing a direct speech, see note on on PauAa,Kfaiv, pres. part, of bma8o-v\a.K((a comes from the noun omaOo-(f)v\a^, vav-paxtoa from va.v-fi.axos, etc. Prepositions usually form compounds with the simple verbs, as KaTa-fpvhdaaw, npos-ndxofMii. 1. 26. circoTaTci. This is formed from the noun (niffrarrjs, which is already compounded ; so being formed from a noun it ends in -ecu (see the last note). 'Ea ^ ov the part [within the Kpa\r] or ' head '], i. e. the ' cabbage ' (as it is called) of the palm-tree ; a sort of bud at the top of the tree, containing the rudiments of its future leaves, enclosed in the foot-stalks of the actual leaves. This part was edible as well as the fruit or date. 1. 41. ytCrwy, ' a neighbour ,* as satrap of the west coast of Asia Minor. 122 NOTES. 1. 42. fj-rovipiv, imperf. mid. of alrtta. [Observe that alrfu is ' I ask for a thing," tpoiraca, ' I ask a question.'] 1. 44. ?iv p.ot x^P lv 'will thank me.' 'EX*'"' X^P IV > ' * have' or ' feel gratitude.' Lat. habere graliam. I. 50. tv diropois, neut. plur. adj. used substantively, ' in difficul- ties.' 1. 55. QHUVSIV in the active is 'to ward off a thing, as apvvttv KO.KUV TIVL. The middle anvvtaffat is ' to ward off an enemy from oneself,' so generally to 'punish ' an enemy, with ace. of person, as here. 1. 57. nv6vr &v, 'as soon as.' Compounds of av (as orav, tirtibav, fdv, etc.) take the subjunctive ; with the aorist they have the force of ' shall have.' 1. 72. |iT| ou mcrros eiT), ' lest he should be faithless.' The ov belongs to iriaros, OU-TTKTTOS being equivalent to arrunos. 1. 75. 86op.ev, ' we shall be thought,' lit. ' we shall seem.' The per- sonal verb Soxtta means (i) ' I think,' (2) ' I seem,' i. e. ' I ant thought.' rrapd. Tas arrovSds, ' contrary to the truce." Tlapd, ' by the side of,' often with ace., means ' passing by,' ' going beside the mark,' ' neglect- ing ' or ' transgressing,' hence ' contrary to." tiTiTa, ' then ' or ' after this.' Distinguish from iirel, ' when.' 1. 77. XcXfiij'tTai, 'will have been left," i.e. 'we shall have no friend left.' The paulo-post future, or future-perfect, implies that the action or event will be completed at a future time. Here the idea is, when that time comes, we shall find ourselves without friends. 1. 85. iroifjaai rd mard amora, lit. ' to make his faithful things faithless,' i. e. ' falsify his pledges.' 1.91. t^^AaTTovro dXXr]Xovs, 'kept on their guard against each other.' The act. # vXar-rtiv is ' to guard ' or ' protect ' anyone (l^at. cavere alicui), the mid. v\a.TTfffOai is ' to guard oneself against* anyone (Lat. cavere aliqnein). 1. 92. TO MrjSias TIX<>S, ' the wall of Media,' so called because it was built to keep the Medes out of Babylonia (so the ' Picts" Wall ' was to prevent incursions of the Picts) : see opposite page. The wall of Media was situated about 100 miles N.W. of Babylon, and must originally have extended from the Tigris to the Euphrates ; but at this time there was a considerable gap in the wall at the western or Euphrates end. Tissaphemes must therefore have first led the Greeks some sixty miles in a homeward (or north-westerly) direction, through this gap to the north side of the wall, then have brought them back through the wall 777. BEGINNING OF THE RETREAT. 123 into Babylonia again (eio-w rov Ttixovs), and lastly led them about twenty-four miles eastward to Sittace on the Tigris l . 1. 98. ovojxo, ' by name,' the accus. of respect. Caenae would be on the right or west bank of the Tigris, since it was the opposite side to the Greeks, who were marching northwards, with the river on their left. 1. loo. Zairdrav (or Zapa.Tav') TrOTa(xov, now the Great Zab, or Upper Zab, one of the chief tributaries of the Tigris on the east. 1. 105. H,T| aSiK-fjorciv depends on opxovs, 'oaths not to injure,' i. e ' oaths that we will not injure.' 1. 1 06. 4>vXaTTonvov, ' guarding against.' See note on line 91. 1. 108. SiStigcov, the fut. part, denoting purpose, ' to show you.' 1. 1 10. tv TC irapovri [xp""9>]i ' at the present time.' 1. 112. Tracra 686s, 'every road,' iracra -q 6865, (next line), 'all the road," i. e. ' our whole line of march.' 1 This identifies Mr/Sias rtixos with the Wall of Nimroiid, said to have been originally built by Nimrod, against the Ninevite invaders from the north. Another view is that the ' Wall of Media ' was a long way south of this, between Cunaxa and Babylon, and that Sittace was much lower down the Tigris than it is placed in the above map. In this case, the Greeks would have passed only once through the wall, from the north, so as to get 'inside,' i.e. on the south side, of it. 1 24 NOTES, 1. 113. Sid mtoTous, 'through darkness,* i.e. 'uncertain,' as we say ' to be in the dark' about a thing. [2/fJros in Xenophon is generally declined like re^os with genitive axuTovs. It is also declined like \6yos with gen. t>A.aT7, 'act of watching,' or 'watch' (Lat. vigilias), from i/Aa/is, ace. pi. masc. of v\a, ' watchers ' (Lat. vigiles). The word guard in English is ambiguous, having both meanings. 1. 206. T)8tv TOV rpo-iTov, 'a pleasant manner/ lit. 'his manner a pleasant (one),' i. e. the manner [which] he had [was] not a pleasant one. The article coming between the adj. and the noun makes the adj. a predicate in apposition to the noun. If it were TOV fj^vv rpoirov, the ijSi/j' would be merely an epithet of rpuirov. Cp. IV. 269 n. 1. 207. 8i-Kivro, etc., 'were to him in the position of,' etc. AiaKttaOai acts as the passive of Sia-nOtvai, ' to put into a certain state or condition." 126 NOTES. 1. 209. 4>i\ia, dative of cause, ' through friendship.* I. 210. 8t| sums up the whole description, ' such as I have stated.' The 5 in next line contrasts with the ptv, i. e. 'though he was so strict as a commander, yet he was unwilling to obey others." CHAPTER IV. THE MARCH TO KURDISTAN. 1. i. iroXX-Q 8t|. Here 81) emphasises iro\\y, 'in the greatest possible perplexity.* 1. 2. dOuntos Ixv. "Exftv is often used intransitively with an ad- verb, like the Lat. se habere, Fr. se tronver, so that dBv^cas d^ov implies the state of being aOvpot, i. e. ' they were in a desponding state of mind.' So tv (X (tv > "aituis ex*"' ' to be well off,' ' to be badly off.' 1. 3. els TT|V Itnrcpav, ' for the evening," i. e. ' throughout the whole evening." 1. 4. irl rd oirXa, ' to their quarters." The heavy arms (oirAa) were piled in camp in front of the men's quarters, hence rci ov\a meant ' the place where the arms were piled." 1. 5. tTvyxavcv wv, lit. ' happened being," i. e. 'happened to be' ' was at the time.' 1. 6. -iroOow irarpCSwv, objective genitive, ' regret for their fatherlands." 1. 7. H.T|ITOT, ' that they would never." 1. 8. p.v 8-f). Cp. III. 210 n. The 5^ sums up the paragraph, while the fiiv contrasts with ?jv Si ns in the next section. ovrrcd 8ia-Kt^voi, ' in this state." Cp. III. 207 n. 1. 1 2. l X6oi, ' if he came." The optative here equals the past sub- junctive, and the aorist gives the sense of ' have ;' so in Latin it would be ' pollicitus est, si venisset, se facturum ;' etc. 1. 14. Distinguish the middle 2nd aor. subj. of \ay\nvo3, ' I get by lot.' 1. 32. IltaiSas. Cp. I. 35 and note. 1. 37. aitovTs. Distinguish aicoiv, 'unwilling,' from atcovojv, 'hearing.' ojjiu)S, 'yet' (Lat. tamen). Distinguish this word from upo'icas, ' like- wise.' 1. 38. atiTxvvoftevoi with infin. ' ashamed to betray,* and therefore not betraying. With a participle it would be ' ashamed at betraying,' yet doing it. 1. 39. tis, ' one.' Distinguish from ti's, ' into. 1. 42. \axwv\jirvov, 'having got some sleep.' "firvov is the partitive gen., \ayx av(iv means properly ' to obtain by lot,' hence generally, ' to obtain' or ' to get a share of.' 1. 44. irdcrav [rtfy oluiav], ' all the house.' 1. 45. 8id TOVTO jAt'v is answered by ojjitos 8 in 1. 47, ' for this reason on the one hand . . . still on the other hand,' etc. The good point of the dream was a light sent by Zeus to shine upon him in his distress, the bad points were (i) that the dream came from Zeus as King, which seemed to imply mischief from the king of Persia, (2) that the flames appeared to encircle the house (Ka^TrtaOai KVK\U>), which implied the impossibility of escape from the king's power. For op.cos cp. 1. 37 n. 1. 47. JIT) ou SVPVCUTO. Ou goes with Suvairo, ' lest he should be nn- able.' Cp. ov-iriffTos, III. 72 and n. 1. 52. \T)4>0u)(iv, from Xapfiavta, ' to catch ;' \ttcpd>nfv would be from Kd-nca, ' to leave." 1. 53. rd SeivoTdTa are the actual tortures, vj3pifon'vovs refers to the mockery of their sufferings by the enemy. 1. 54. oirws awa6jji0a, ' how we shall be in safety.' 'Oirens with the fut. ind. follows words of ' caring ' and ' effecting.' 128 NOTES. 1. 55. uicrrrfp t'-6v, ' as if it were possible : fov is the accus. (not the nom.) neuter participle of the impersonal verb t-(an, lit. ' it being possible.' [The accus. implies ' time during which,' hence the use of these neuter participles expressing what happens at the same time with something else, as (-uv, nap-uy; 'while it is possible,' &>av (I aor. part. of SOK(I), 'when it had seemed good' (Lat. yuum visiim esset).~\ 1. 60. tKaOt'fovTo. As the compounds Ka9-iof*ai and icdO-ijuai were much more commonly used than the uncompounded verbs tfrfMi and fjnat, they ceased to be regarded as compounds at all. Hence the augment t was placed before the preposition Kara, instead of between the Kara and the tfrfuu. 1. 61. *YVOVTO, ' became,' i. e. ' amounted to." 1. 64. -QPTJVTO, plup. pass, of alptta, ' I take,' but in settft the passive of alpiofiai (mid.), ' I choose.' So yptOrjv means ' I was chosen' not ' I was taken.' The passive of alptta, ' I take," is supplied by tenses of a\iaico- fiat, as idXojv, ' I was taken," tdXeu/ra, ' I have been taken.' 1. 66. (jura TOUTOV, 'after him.' Cp. II. 13 n. 1. 69. irio-Taa0. Distinguish (maTajMu, ' I know,' from tip-iffTTjui, I place upon.' Cp. 1. 148 n. 1. 72. ovv TOIS orrXois, alluding to the demand made by the king that the Greeks should surrender their arms, which demand they had refused III "5-135)- 1. 73. TO Xoiirov, 'during the future,' 'for the future:' accus. of duration of time. 1. 76. irapd rotis opicovs. Ilapa, 'contrary to.' Cp. III. 75 n. 1. 79. dva-fxijivrjo-KO) takes two accusatives, ' remind you of ..." 1. 80. i5f,T from o75a : T5?/r< would be from fTSov. 1. Si. dyaOois, ' it becomes you to be brave;' ayaOois being the dative in apposition with vfuv, which is governed by vpos-rjKti, since tlvat takes the same case after it as before. Cp. Horace, Sat. i. i. 19 'licet [iis] esse beatis,' ' they may be happy.' So after a verb governing the genitive we might say, cSo/Hjv avrov tlvai ayaQov, ' I besought him to be brave.' But see line 90. 11.81-85. ITpv . . -irpuiTov . . Indira OT Ept]s. The two events here alluded to are (i) the invasion of Greece in the time of Darius llystaspes, ending in the defeat of the Persians at Marathon, B.C. 490, (2) the expedition led by Xerxes, who was defeated at the battle of Salamis, B.C. 480. 1. 84. icat, 'also,' not 'and;' iyitctuv being the principal verb in the sentence. Cp. III. 32 n. 1. 85. KJA.JJ-T'OS (Lat. amandus), ' he must be loved.* These have two constructions, (i) like the Latin gerundive, as o? iro\(fuoi SuvKTtoi tlffi : (2) as here, like the Latin gerund, as SiuKriov tarl rovs vo\tiuovt, ' we must pursue the enemy.' [f>iA.j;Tos is not the same as ev8ova.v, infin. after iirtaranivovs, ' knowing how to sling.' [Verbs in -aca only contract into a and u, and always contract into o when no o is present ; -dv is the contraction of the infinitive.] 1. 158. |w pXuiv, 'out of shot' (as we say). B'\ot is lit. 'out of [range of] missiles.* 1. 160. 01 jicv, i. e. the Greeks, ot 8t, the enemy. For iirovro from tirofuu cp. II. 158 n. 1. 162. iiatcpoTcgov, 'longer,' i.e. 'further than . . .' 1. 165. irXataiov, 'square,' U76ir\vpov, 'equal-sided,' i.e. an exact IV. THE MARCH TO KURDISTAN. 131 'square.' A square is a good form in which to resist a charge of cavalry, but a very clumsy form to march in. 1. 167. K-0Xipor0ai., 'to be forced out of their rank,' lit. 'squeezed out.' [Hence in Latin Prosody Ecthlipsis is the 'squeezing out' of final m when the next word begins with a vowel, as multu(m) ille.] 1. 168. TO. Kepa/ra crvy-KviirTT), 'the outer flanks close in,' lit. 'bend together,' i. e. ' contract by bending.' The opposite, viz. ' to get separated,' is expressed by Sia-ffxy, below 1. 171. 1. 170. 8us-xpT)CTTous. The subject is TOVS 6ir\lras from 1. 167. 1. 171. TOWS TOT* 0Xipo[juvovs, ' those who were squeezed together in the former case,' i. e. when the wings (Ktpara) had to close in. 1. 172. TO (ju'aov Tuiv Kpa.Tiov, etc., ' the space between the wings be- came empty of men,' i. e. when there was a gap. Probably it means here a gap where the flanks of the square joined the front or rear of it. 1. 173. TOVS ravra iracrxovTas, ' those who suffered this,' i. e. found a gap near them. 1. 174. dXXrjv Tivd Siipaaiv, i.e. 'any other crossing-place' except a bridge, such as a ford, etc. 1. 175. to-irevBe (imperf.), 'would hurry on.' Cp. III. 28 n. 1. 178. Xoxovis dvd. ItcaTov avSpas, 'six companies of 100 men each.' This is the distributive force of dvd. Kara is similarly used. Cp. 231 n. Distinguish , 'six,' from ef, 'out of.' The aspirate in represents the s in Lat. sex. eir-c'o-TTjaav is here the i aor. because it is transitive. Cp. II. 99 n. 1. 1 79- irevTTjKovTrjpas, ' leaders of fifty,' i. e. leaders of half-companies, or ' lieutenants.' A half-company contained fifty men, and two of them made a \6xos or company. Each half-company was again subdivided into two sections, these were called Enomotiae (iva/tunai, lit. ' a band of men sworn in,' from ey-o/mi/ut), and their leaders were called tvujioT- apxai, ' section-commanders," ' sublieutenants,' or ' ensigns.' The whole number amounted to about 10,000 (I. 318) ; these six companies were only a small division, which could be shifted so as to give elasticity to the whole. Probably three marched in front, one in the centre of the front line, and one where each flank joined the front ; and the other three in the same position^ in the rear. 1. 1 8 1. avY-KviTTOi. Cp. I. 1 68 n. ol XoxdYo! vir-|jitvov {5<7Tpov, ' the captains used to wait behind,' i.e. made their companies drop out to the rear and give room for the others. 1. 182. irap-TJYov, 'used to pass outside the wings,' i.e. into line at the extremities of the wings. 1. 184. TO \it-ovTas-iTXTa/*e<, ' I anchor, has no ist aor., and would not make sense. 1. 205. 8ia.-KtXev3p.wov, ' cheering their own troops.' 1. 209. ini marks the object for which they were striving, i. e. their return to Greece. So we find twi ri; ' for what purpose?' 'Itvai iiri n, ' to go in ques-t of anything.' 1. 213. 6xt might be ' he carries,' or 'you are carried." The context decides. 1. 215. io0iTai. The present makes it graphic, 'shoves out of his place," then tiroptvtro, the imperf., ' went on marching.' 1. 217. 8J icaC. AJ couples the sentences, eu means ' also.' Tvyx av ?X WV ' had at the time,' lit. ' happened having.' Cp. 1. 5 n. 1. 218. Ocopaica TOV lirmK6v. The cuirass or breast-plate of a cavalry officer was much heavier than that of a foot-soldier, and Xenophon had the infantry-soldier's shield to carry as well. 1. ii<). vrn-aYi.v, 'march slowly' 'Tni, 'under,' hence 'underhand,' then little by little/ 1. 221. ta-rt T|va.YKaT)Xa, the great mountain range, which commands the principal pass of the Tigris, near Jezireh. 1.231. Kara TfrpoKis-xiXiovs, '4000 at a time.' Kcrni is here distributive. Cp. drd 1. 1 78 n. 1. 232. m-8u>T, 'give me besides,' i. e. as a present. 1. 333. STOV, ' what,' not ' whatever.' "OffTit is used in an indirect question like rl$ in a direct. 1. 234. v o' nights.' Observe also that VVKTOS means generally ' by night,' TTJS VVKTOS, ' during this particular night.' 1. 257. uirero, ' was following." Cp. II. 158 n. 1. 260. X OVTS - The part. tx 03v ma y often be translated ' with,' as ri\9tv Zx v\ai. depends on (yi^vcro, ' for the rear-guard.' 1. 273. Distinguish gTiaro, imperf. of ama-o/xai, 'I blame,' from rJTtiTO, imperf. mid. of aire-cu, ' I ask.' 1. 278. o\> <}>acriv civai, ' say that there is not,' Lat. negant esse. Ou-QrjiM is to be taken as one word, ' I deny,' not ' I do not say.' 1. 279. 8vio civSpas, not dvSpf, because no stress is laid on the fact of there being only two. Cp. I. i, V. 17 n. 1. 282. l8iev, 3rd plur. opt. of olSa, ' whether they knew.' The opt. here answers to imperf. subj. of indirect question after past time. TJ TT|V (j>avr]pcLv, ' than (i. e. besides) the apparent one.' See above 1. 275 /xta iffrlv 6So, ^v opds. 134 NOTES. 1. 283. OUK ?4>T]. Cp. 1. 278 n. Also for ou (j>aCr) 1. 285. 1. 284. optovros TOV tTtpov, the gen. absolute, ' the other seeing,' i. e. ' before the eyes of the other.' Cp. fiaviXfajs O.KOVTOS 1. 107 and n. 1. 286. irap' dvSpi, properly ' in her husband's house.' Lat. ' apitd virum.' 'E/c-S/Sw/xi, 'I give in marriage,' usually takes the simple dative. auTos <(>T| T]-yir)crecr9ai, ' said that he would guide.' The avros is the nom. before the infin. When the subject of the infinitive is the same as that of the principal verb, the Greeks put it in the nominative, not in the accusative as in Latin. In Latin this would be ' dixit se ducturum csse,' but (rj avruv Tj-ffjafaOai would mean that some other man would guide them. 1. 289. T-po-KaTa \T)4/oivTO. The////, opt. is used in a reported speech, wherever the speaker himself would have used ih.efnt.ind. Here he would have said d /.irj npo-vara X-iyfyea-Qt TOVTO, dovvarov carat, etc. 1. 291. oo-ris 0t\oi av, ' who would be willing.' Cp. 1. 233 n. 1. 292. tiTrocrTds, 'having undertaken (the work).' Take iropeua0ai after iOt\oi av understood. 1. 293. s, ' as it were," i. e. ' about." 1. 298. Totis avu ovras, ' that those who were above,' i.e. the 2000 volunteers, who are supposed to have gained the summit. 1. 299. 4>avpav tKpacriv, the same as av(pa.v odijv 1. 282, where see note. But Xenophon here calls it an e/r/Jaais, or ' egress,' because it was a way of getting out of their difficulty. 1. 300. auroi, 'themselves, 1 i.e. the rest of the army, who were to remain below till the volunteers had secured the summit. 1. 305. ol irtpi iovres, the 2000, who were taking a circuitous route to the summit. 1. 309. <{>po|i.tvoi. .. 8i-v8ovu>vTO, 'falling against the rocks were hurled about in fragments,' like stones from a sling (atyfvSwr)). Ai signifies division into parts. [So Euripides (Phoenissae, 1190) says of a man struck by lightning, vSovS.To \upls a\\rj\caf /tavtp 68a>. Cp. 11. 282 n, 299 n. 1. 327. 5-{a>voi, lit. ' well-girt,'. or 'girt up for action,' hence 'active.' Cp. Lat. accinctus. 1. 328. rfj o-AXm-yyos. The trumpet was the signal to let the otheri know that the 2000 had gained the height. Cp. 1. 298. IV. THE MARCH TO KURDISTAN. 135 1. 330. {| KaorToi trv^ov ovTS, ' where each party were at the time,' lit. * chanced being.' Cp. 1. 5 n. [For this use of the participle compare the English ' I cease speaking' irauo/icu \tywv, ' I begin speaking,' dpxofuit Xt-yuv, etc.] 1. 333. Ttj av-rji 685, 'the same road;' [aurfj rf? 655 would be 'the road itself' or ' the very road.' Cp. 1. 190 n.] So rw avrca rpoiry 1. 340, ' in the same way.' 1. 346. TW irpumo X6, ' the first of the three crests ' which Xcnophon's men had taken, mentioned in 1. 335 as ' overhanging the road." Some men had been left to guard this, while Xenophon with the rest of the army went on to attack the next position (1. 340). It must not be confounded with the first position of all, which the volunteers took. \i9fvres, ' taken,' from \anfiavco. 1. 350. dir-ijTei, imperf. of air-airi while the 2nd perf. of ayvvfu is e'aya, and means, ' I am broken.' 1. 359. tnTao-irio-rfis, ' armour-bearer,' lit. ' shield-supporter.' The dams, or large shield, was a great encumbrance when not in actual use. 1. 360. irpo-pa\X6|X6vos, ' putting forward ' as a defence. 1. 362. TOIS i]8Tj crwTTaY|Avois, ' those already posted there.' These were the men whom Xenophon had ordered to march on (1. 345) while he ascended the hill with a chosen band. They had halted under arms, and were waiting for Xenophon in the road below. 1. 365. XUKKOI.S KovMvrots, ' plastered cisterns," made by digging holes in the ground, and plastering the inside with lime (Kovia). Many of these cisterns have been found in Syria and Kurdistan of the present day. [Aawcos is the same word as the Latin lacus.~] 1. 368. iravra TO, vo|j.i6p.cva, ' all (the funeral rites) which are con- sidered customary,' i. e. all the regular funeral rites. 136 KOTES. CHAPTER V. THE MARCH THROUGH ARMENIA. 1. 2. is KwXvo-ovras, ' as if they meant to hinder them.' So us intKtioontvovs 1. 6 below. Cp. II. 70 n. 1. 6. , 'I speak,' has no perf. act. in use, but perf. pass. \(\tyijat. 1. 9. avrdp-ciToi., ' of their own accord.' Avrtftaros is literally ' self- moving ' or ' self-acting,' from aiiros, ' self,' and the stem jjia, ' to move,' found in the old 2nd perf. ju'-jia-a. Hence it means ' acting of one's own will,' without any external force ; and we call a self-acting machine an automaton. irpi-ppVT]vai, 2nd aor. pass, infin. of ittpi-pptoi, fut. f>tv-aonai, perf. fppv-T]Ka, 2nd aor. pass, kppv-rjv (with active meaning). In verbs begin- ning with p, the p is doubled (i) after the augment, as tp-peov, (a) after a preposition ending in a vowel, as -ntpi-ppiia. avru is the dativus comtnodi, lit. ' slipped round for him,' i.e. 'slipped off him.' 1. 10. Bia-Paivtiv, ' he went free,' lit. ' with the legs apart (5m).' [Usually Sia-Paiydv is ' to go through' or ' go across,' as in 11. 21, 23, 24, 25, etc.] 1. 1 7. Why 8uo vcavicrKw (dual) here, but rovs vtaviaKovs and ol vtaviaKoi (plural) in 11. 29, 35 below? Because on theirs/ mention of the young men one's attention is directed to the fact of there being two of them, whereas afterwards they are merely alluded to as ' the young men," without any stress being laid upon this fact. But even in the former case it was not thought necessary to put the verb in the dual; so we have irpos-irpfxov, not irpos-iTptxinjv. Cp. I. i n. 1. 20. Sxrittp fiapo-iirovs, ' what seemed like bags,' lit. ' as it were bags ; ' Lat. quasi or lanquam. 1. 22. ravTfl, sc. X"W> ' at tm?s point.' So i), 'in which place ' = ' where." Lat. qua. Cp. 1. 71. 1. 23. 8i-|Jaivop.v, imperf., ' tried to cross,' or ' began to cross.' But 8i-^T)(i.cv, 2nd aor. in next line, ' we (actually) did cross.' 1. 24. is vv6pu>v, neuter, as is shown by ra vno-\enr6n(va. Ta OKtv68as rtvas ev86vnf], here 'a stone from a sling," though properly it means the sling itself. Hence enfiS^ atptvSovi) t-iKvotTo ' as soon as they got within a sling's cast.' Cp. 1. 261 n. 1. 68. dams tj'o^oi, ' a shield should ring/ i. e. with the missiles from the slings of the enemy striking on it. 1. 70. TO iroXejxiKov, sc. ? = ' where,' Lat. qua. Cp. 1. 22 n. 1. 72. ri\v TO.|;IV, ' his station.' The article in Greek often = a posses- sive pronoun. Cp. I. 15 n. 1. 75. TJPXOVTO, imperf. of dpxofim, ' I begin.' Cp. II. 50 n. [But the imperf. of tpxapai does not seem to be used except in compounds, as npor]px"l- >r l v < etc.] 1. 76. iopn.T)ov, etc. Cp. 1. 60. 1. 85. T\ 8ei, ' than they ought to have done,' according to the instruc- tions given above in 1. 66. 1. 88. TijXepoav iroTajiov, now the Kara Su, which flows into the Eastern branch of the Euphrates. The Greeks were now ascending into the plain which lies below the still higher elevation of Erzroum. The cold of this district, especially at Erzroum itself, is unusually severe in winter ; and this was in the beginning of December. See Table of Dates, p. vii. 1. 93. Tfjs VVKTOS, gen. of time. Cp. IV. 255 n. wore air-tKp\M|/, ' so that it covered ' (stating a fact) ; WOT* diro KpvvJ/ai (infin.) would mean ' with the intention of covering.' 1. 97. TIS Kal dXXos. What does /rat mean here? Cp. Lain. 1. 98. -irais means ' an overgrown lout of a boy.' We use the prefix horse in the same way, as in 'Aors-chestnut/ ' Aors-laugh.'] 1. 108. irdOos, ' complaint,' from iraO- the stem of 7raerx, ( = v&9-fffcaYovTs = tl (fta-foidf, ' (/"they ate.' Cp. I. 261 n. 1. 116. Distinguish avrai, nom. pi. fern, of QVTOI, 'this,' from aural, nom. pi. fern, of aiirut, ' self.' V. THE MARCH THROUGH ARMENIA. 139 rtvs titv, ' who they were' the opt. in an indirect question. Cp. IV. 282 n. 1. 1 20. Kcajxapx^v, ' head man,' a sort of chief magistrate or bailiff of the village, responsible of course to the Persian government. 1. 123. ol H.TJ 8wdp,6voi, ' whoever were unable/ = ti rivts IJ.TJ Svi'cuvro, Lat. ' si qni nequirent.' 1. 126. 8i-4>0apjjivoi TOVIS 6<}>0aX(xoiJs, 'having their eyesight de- stroyed,' lit. 'destroyed in respect of their eyes.' So in next line dno- aiai]tracrav. Cp. IV. 278 n. It was here that the inci- dent occurred which Xenophon relates in chap. VI. 275, of a soldier attempting to bury a sick comrade, to save the trouble of carrying him. . 1. 145. <|>op-?j, ' I am come. 1 1. 156. o-Kexj/ojitvovs, fut. part, 'to see,' Lat. visuros. 1. 158. irap-cSocrav KO|UCIV. The Greek infin. can be used to ex- press a purpose or intention, instead of iva or OJTCOS with the subj. and opt. In Latin you could not say 'aegrotos iis tradiderunt portare,' but 'tit portarent.' The Greek infin. is much more like the English than the Latin. Cp. III. 197 n. 1. 169. oivos KpiOivos, probably a sort of 'whisky,' as would appear from its effects. Cp. 1. 172. 1. 170. Distinguish aural al KpiOat, 'the grains thenif elves,' from at aura! npiOal, ' the same grains.' Cp. IV. 190 n. 1. 172. aKparos, lit. 'unmixed,' from a, 'not,' and tetpavvvfu (perf. -Kpa-a), ' I mix.' Hence (of wine) ' strong,' because the ancients generally mixed their wine with water before drinking. 140 NOTES. 1. 173. tirtC TIS erw-0is Taxio-ra, lit. 'as (anyone would do it) most quickly.' i.e. 'as quickly as possible.' Lat. qnam celerrime. Cp. us Kpanara 1. 191, ws pqij-ra. 1. 192, us (\axt(TTOvs 1. 193. 1. 1 86. The accent on ot does not belong to it, but is thrown back from the re following. Therefore ot is the article with troAt^uoj, and the intervening words t>w-f)fMs-6put>T(s are taken together as one word =an epithet of JTO\/KO. Cp. I. 109 n. 1. 189. HTCITOVTOV, '// him,' to be distinguished from fifrcLTOvrov, 'with him.' Cp. /T(i ravra I. 128 and n. I. 190. Y L Y vc ' )crKa) j ' I judge* r ' decide,' to be distinguished from oiSa, 'I know.' YiywaKtiv means 'to get a notion* of a thing, hence 'to learn,' 'perceive,' or, 'judge.' [There is much the same difference between the French connailre and savoir."] II. 191, 192, 193. us KpAno-TO, us ^9n,v literally refers to the punishment inflicted at Sparta upon those who were caught stealing. (Cp. 1. 204.) As applied to the present circumstances it means being ' beaten ' by the enemy. [This law of theft was one of the institutions ascribed to Lycurgus. By it the Spartan boys were not encouraged to steal in all cases, but only to obtain the necessaries of life; and if caught they were punished, not for the theft itself, but for having done the work badly. By thus forcing them to depend upon their own exertions for a bare subsistence, Lycurgus hoped to make them hardy and effective soldiers.] 1. 207. dXXd ficvToi, ' well, as for that.' The fjtiv has its usual force of 'indeed' or 'certainly;' TOI is perhaps an old form of aoi, and means ' let me tell you.' 1.208. Setycvs tcXsirmv, 'clever at stealing.' Afii/o* means (i) 'terrible,* (2) ' wonderful,' (3) 'clever;' compare our expression 'a terrible hand' at anything, i. e. ' very clever' at doing it. rd 8i](i6(na, ' the public money' sc. xf r nt MTa - The readiness of all public officers to take bribes was a crying evil in the Athenian re- public. 1. 209. Kal aoi. What does KOI mean here? Cp. I. 21 n. 1. 211. KaTa-XrjvJ'ojJievos, fut. part. Cp. 1. 156 n. 1. 215. tis TO iaov T|}UV, 'to a level with us.* Lat. in aeqvum descendere. 1. 216. KaC here introduces a sudden and impatient objection, and may be translated ' but.' [This force of teal is commonly seen in the phrase teat TTWS ; ' bill how ? ' or, ' how then ?'] 1. 217. dXXd, ' nay but.' 1. 219. 6iroT ?x ovv . the optative depending on the past tense tiroiT|- aavro ; ' they made an agreement that as soon as they get possession of the heights they should light many fires.' The orders given to the - volunteers would be OTTOTCIV i?X' r l T * T( * <*pa, irvpa tenure 7roAA.d. 1. 221. dirTT|pxovTO, imperf. of dir-fpxo/Mi, not dir-apxoncu. Cp. 1. 75 n. 1. 228. t-eiirTo, imperf. of ecp-e'wo/tcu (tvl and IJTO^CU), cp. II. 258, IV. 160 n. 1. 233. Taoxus, probably the district between the modern Kars and Erzroum, But this part of the route is extremely uncertain l . 1 Ainsworth (Travels in the Track of the Ten Thousand) places the Taochi a long way northward in Georgia, and carries the Greeks so far out of their direct route. But Grote (Hist, of Greece, Appendix to chap. Ixx) takes them only to the level of Erzroum, and argues that the time spent ou the march is "fully accounted for by the difficulties of the way. 142 NOTES. 1. 234. Distinguish OJKOW, imperf. of o?', from imperf. of ni \/fi lint 1. 238. aiptTcov, 'must be taken.' Verbal adjectives in -reos imply necessity (the Lat. gerundive, as amamlits), those in -TUS imply possibility, (Lat. adj. in -bills, as amabilis). Cp. IV. 142 n. tern, the />res., not tarai, the future, although tf /x^ \r)i//6nt9a follows. The sense is 'we have no provisions now, [/tor shall we get any"] unless we take this fort.' 1. -242. imparai, the subj. (contracted from Trftpaijrai}, not the indie., (from irftpafTai.) All compounds of av, as iav, OTO.V, etc. take the sub- junctive mood. Cp. III. 67 n. 1. 246. Here and in 1. 250 xupiov means 'a space of ground;' else- where (as in 1. 236) it means 'a fort.' It is properly a diminutive of Xcupa, i. e. 'a little place.' 1. 247. TpCa T)p,i-ir\0pa, about fifty yards. The ir\f0pov was a measure of length = 101 English feet. 1. 252. VTavi0a tvOev, 'to a point whence." 'EvravOa properly means 'in this place,' answering to the question where 1 but it is often used after verbs of motion, answering to the question whither 1 So we com- monly say here, there, and where for hither, thither, and whither. 1. 255. jiTl TOVTO. Cp. 1. 189, I. 128 n. 1. 260. tirel irpo-Spajxoi, ' every time he ran forward,' Lat. quoties procurreret. Conjunctions of time with the opt. often denote repeated action, 'whenever.' 1. 261. a|xagtvS6vrj meant the stone from a sling and not the sling itself. 1. 262. The ou goes closely with irpuros, ' fearing lest he should not be the first to run,' etc., Lat. ' veritus ne non primus percurreret.' 1. 265. iri-\a(ip(iviTai, ' catches hold of.' \ap.&a.vtiv is ' to take' and governs the accus., *.afjfidvea0ai (middle), 'to take hold of,' and governs the genitive (TTJS trvot). But the active \an@avftv also takes the gen. of ihe part seized, as t\a/3oi' TTJS {UVTJS I. 276. I. 266. fird TOVTOV. Cp. I. 189 n. 1. 269. Distinguish ratrrd, ' the same,' from ravra, ' these things.' Cp. I. 275 n. 1. 270. KaTa-pptvJ/ovra. For the doubling of p in compound verbs cp. 1. 9 n. 1. 271. i iri-XajtpdvTai avrrjs, cp. 1. 265 n. 1. 273. 4>tp6|icvok 'with a rush,' lit. 'being borne along.' Lat. cum impetu delati. ivTtvdtv, ' hence,' i. e. ' in consequence of this.* 1. 277. "Apiracrov. The Harpasus is possibly a north-western tri- V. THE MARCH THROUGH ARMENIA. 143 butary of the Araxes (called Phasis in 1. 1 76.) It has been supposed that after crossing the latter river the Greeks had marched nearly too miles out of their way to the north east, and were now returning in a direction nearly parallel to their former route, through the country of the Chalybes. (See foot-note on p. 141.) But it is more likely that the Harpasus is the modern Tchorak Sn, which flows into' the Black Sea near Batoum. (See Vocabulary.) 1. 280. orevT Tipuptov, 'in five days.' The genitive implies dose connexion, 'a part of,' 'within' a certain period. Cp. TTJS VVKTOS IV. 255 n. 1. 282. Distinguish opos, 'a mountain,' from opos, 'a boundary.* Cp. 1. 182 n. Where this Theches was is uncertain ; but it appears to have been off the direct road to Trapezus, into which the Greeks returned, after dismissing their guide (1. 300.) 1. 287. dei, 'from time to time' or 'in succession.' Cp. rov uu fv-Tvyxdvovra IV. 127 n. The next dei means 'continually.' 6ov Spojxcp. Cp. II. 54 n. 1.288. ni6v TI, 'something very important,' lit. 'greater (than, ordinary).' 1. 295. irpi-c|3aXXov. Note the force of the imperf., 'they began to embrace' or 'fell to embracing.' 1. 296. f po-ucri. . . iroioficn. The change to the historical pres. from the past tenses afp-'tKovro, irfpi-i^aKKov marks the rapidity of the action. [There is a good English example of this change of tenses in the Pilgrims Progress, in the story of Giant Despair: 'So when he arose, he gettelh him a cudgel, and goeth down into the dungeons to them . . . Then he falls upon them, and beats them in such sort that they were not able to help themselves.'] 1. 301. TTJS VVKTOS. Cp. 1. 280, IV. 255 n. opos |AYa, ' a high mountain-range,' running east and west, parallel to the sea-coast. The Colchi occupied the coast of the Euxine from Trapezus to the Phasis (beyond Batoum). 1. 306. dvTt-irap-6Ta|avTO (JxiXaY'ya, ' drew up against them in line? The word d\ay does not necessarily mean a compact mass ; it was only the Macedonian phalanx that was so, and our use of the term comes from this. The proper meaning is ' a line,' Lat. acies, as opposed to ' a column.' In the present instance the Greeks first formed a line, but finding this inconvenient for marching up the hill, they ' disposed their companies in coltimns' (kiroi-fiaavro opQiovs rovs \6xovsl. 313). [Soldiers cannot march ' in line' (i. e. standing side by side) unless the ground is quite clear, like a parade ground. Going along roads and all ordinary marching is done ' in column,' i. e. some four or more abreast, and the rest following behind in a string.] T44 NOTES. 1. 310. KwVuoucri TO JIT) uvai. The Greeks use what is really the natural method of putting a 'not' in each part of the sentence. We say ' prevent (i.e. 'do not let,') your being.' They say 'prevent your [not] being.' [Cp. Kon\vcrovffi /J.T) okiaOaveiv IV. 242, and the multiplied negatives in I. 141 n.] irdXat crn-ijSop.v, ' we have long been desiring.' The Greeks use jraAai thus with a present or imperfect, where we use a perfect, as rro\a upSi, ' I have long seen," Lat. ' jamdudum* or ' jampridem video. 1 1. 311. wjiovs KaTa-4>aYiv, 'eat up alive,' lit. 'eat up raw,' a pro- verbial expression for the quick and utter destruction of people you hate. [Cp. Homer, Iliad v. 35 ufj.ov fitfipwOois Tlpiapov Tlpianotu rt naioas, ' mayst thou devour Priam and his sons alive.'] 1. 313. opOiovs rotis X6xvs, ' in columns.' Cp. 1. 306 n. 1. 315. Spojjuo Ot'ovTas, ' running at full speed.' Cp. II. 54 n. 1. 319. TWV Kijpuov, the partitive genitive, as we say ' to eat of a thing.' Thus mvf.iv rov oivov is ' to drink some o/the wine,' but irivav TOV olvov would be ' to drink up all the wine.' 1. 322. TT|V aunr]v topav, i.e. 'the same hour' at which they were taken ill the day before. dv-c4>p6vovv, ' began to recover their senses.* ["Awl, means ' up again,' as in ava-Oapptiv, ' to take heart again,' ava-irvtlv, ' to recover one's breath.'] ! 3 2 3- TP^T) Ka ^ TTxiXo.Kas, ' watches," from v\aK?j, not from uA.a , ' a guard,' which would make ace. pi. c/>i5\a/zs, cp. III. 201 n. 1. 8. \Y OU ' ' they applauded [saying] that he spoke well,' the opta- tive marks an oblique or reported speech after past time. Distinguish ravrd, ' the same,' and ravra, ' these things ;' cp. I. 275 n. 1. 12. irepi.fi.evT may be indie, or imperative. The sense decides. ta-r' av, i. e. tare av, ' until.' Compounds of av take the subjunctive. Cp. III. 67 n. 1. 13. TJew). For the tenses of pica cp. V. 9. 1. 22. ttrxvpus, 'exceedingly,' lit. 'strongly.' So in Latin valde, con- tracted from valide, means ' very,' as valde magmis, etc. 1. 23. irpoaoSoi, 'approaches [were] difficult.' 1. 25. aw-ei-n-ovTo, imperf. of aw-i-nopai. For the distinction be- tween dirufjnjv and tlirov cp. II. 158 n. 1. 26. irXeiovs, being for ir\fiovts, is the nominative. 1.31. 8r0a.i Ta oirXa, 'to stand under arms,' or 'to halt.' Cp. I. 241 n. 1. 35. eio, imperf. of taw, contr. for flat, the augment contracting into ci instead of t\, because of a lost letter f (the digamma), which came between the two 's. Cp. I. 280. 1. 36. iroifjaai TOV Xoxov, ' to form his company.' Lat. aciem instrvere. 1. 39. 8i-Tj'yKvXw|ivovs, 'having (their fingers) passed through (8(d) the loop (ayub\Ti) of the javelin,' i. e. ready to hurl it. L 146 NOTES. 1.40. tm-j3pX-qnvovs m rats vsvpais, 'having (their anows) fixed on the string," i. e. ready to shoot. 1.41. 8i4>9pa, ' a hide,' here a ' leathern bag" or ' pouch' for carrying stones : it was hung from the slinger's neck. 1. 42. irap-tcrKcuaoTO, plupf. pass., distinguish from vap-fffxtvaaaTo, ist aor. mid. 1. 44. XoYX al K.T.X. are in apposition to ra &t\T]. 1. 45. tjcrav ot, 'some,' lit. 'there were (those) who.' Lat. erant qui. \Ve have tlalv ot and rjaav ot in the nominative but eorrlv wv for tlalv wv in the genitive, and so in the other cases. 1. 47. ucrTt . . dvtp-rjcrav, ' so that they scaled it,* i. e. in consequence of the enemy retiring, Agasius and Philoxenus were enabled to scale the fort unarmed. "Clart when it marks that a result actually did occur does not affect the mood : when it simply means a probable result, it takes the infinitive. Compare the English 'so that he did' and so as to do it.' 1. 48. ficrd TOVPTOVS. For /*rd, 'after,' with the accus. cp. V. 189, I. I28n. 1. 49. tjXuicci, plupf. of aXiaiconai. 1. 50. The ircXTao-rai, ' targeteers,' were distinguished from the 4-Xoi, 'light-armed* (also called -yi;/-^ra<) by wearing the small shield (ir('A.T7/). They came therefore between the ^iXo< and the 6w\ircu or ' heavy-armed." Among the ^iAoJ were included the ' slingers* (ffftvSo- VTJTOI) and the 'archers' (TOOT rijs irarpiSos, ' to be banished from one's country.' [So xcf/uu = ' I am placed' (pass, of riOnfu), dro- Orr)ait ' '/held,' because of the ap, 'in that case,' which follows with b'vvaivTo. Cp. IV. 234 n. 1. 137. ouSf, 'not even.' ol 7rdvTs dvOpoj-iroi, ' all men combined? Of iravrts means ' the whole' or 'all collectively? irdvra means 'every' or 'all distributively? 1. 141. "AXuv, for the Ilalys and the other rivers, see Map at the end. 1. 142. rcL irXoia. Observe the force of the article, 'the transports' which you will require. 'Who will give?' is a more lively way of saying ' no one will give.' Biop^r*, the aorist gives the force of a perf. subj., ' shall once have crossed.' 1. 144. \itv oviv. Ovv means 'in fact I think,' 'in consequence q/'what I have told you,' the plv really belongs to rrjv-KaTcL-y^v-iruptiav, which is opposed to lai/ 8t irXtrjTf. 1. 146. 'HpaxXtiav. Heraclea (Pontica), situated on the Lycus in Bithynia, was a Greek colony from Megara. Its king Lycus was said to have treated the Argonauts with kindness. The modern Erekli is only a small part of the ancient city, but there are extensive ruins, and traces of old walls, to the east and north. 1. 151. irl TOVTOIS, 'with a view to this,' i.e. to see what was the will of the gods in the matter. 1. 152. XtlOpa orrpanwruiv, Lat. clam militilus; \dOpa with gen.= ' without the knowledge of.' Silanus was an Ambracian prophet, who had foretold to Cyras, before the battle of Cunaxa, that the king would not fight within ten days. For this prophecy Cyrus gave him ten talents, which he wanted to take home safely to Greece (1. 154); hence his opposition to Xeno- phon's scheme. 1. 1 58. rots iroXAois, ' the majority,' lit. ' the many,' the article imply- ing a division into two parts, of which the other was smaller ; hence iroAXof, ' many,' but ol troXXoi, ' most,' like a superlative. 1. 160. <}>6|3i](rav. Distinguish between aCvoiTO. The opt. shows that this was merely what Silanus said, and that it might not be true. So also us tyui 8ia-vooip,Tjv below. But it is ort avros lir-tpovXeve (the indicative) in the next line, because the ' plotting ' of Silanus was a certain fact. I. 183. 8ia-|3dX\iv. See note on I. 12. 1. 185. et 'topcov .. &v to-Koirouv, 'if I had been observing you, etc., ... I should have [now] been considering (imperfect).' Aorists would mean, ' if I had seen you, I should have considered.' 1. 191. The stress is on a\i, ' in safety.' Lat. tuto. The adj. is used substan- tively. Cp. tv dnopois, etc., III. 50 n. KpivccrOai depends on ooxti. 1. 201. eirl TOVTOIS, lit. ' on these conditions,' i. e. 'for this proposal,' signifying their assent to what had been proposed. 1. 202. TOV povXdjxevov, lit. ' that he who wished,' i.e. 'whoever- wished,' = carts povXoiro. 1. 204. airo-SiSpdo-KovTa, ' trying to run away,' (force of the present"). For the meaning of dTro-SiSpdffKoj cp. I. 272 n. 1. 205. vnr-to-xovTO. Translate by the pluperf., ' had promised,' and cp. I. 254, II. 118 n. I. 206. OVPK ?ao-av, in one word, = ' refused.' Cp. IV. 278 n. I. 210. tls "MoTiv. This is the Colchian Phasis, which rises in Mount Caucasus and flows westward into the Euxine. It is not the same Phasis as the one mentioned in V. 176, which was properly called the Araxes. Cp. V. 176 n. L 214. tiTvOovro, 'heard,' 2nd aor. of irv(>')0-o>'-o/xai, 'I learn by 150 NOTES. enquiry.' The pres. is doubly nasalized (like \a(v)Q-dv-aivttjj.a.i, 'I am shown,' or 'proved;' rather stronger than SOKUI, which would mean, 'if I seem in your opinion to be doing wrong;' , accus. of t us, ' the morning,' or ' the east,' from iu>, contr. from taw, ' I allow.' Sense and not accent distinguishes tut, ' until,' from teas, ' morning.' 1. 234. 4>dcriv. Cp. 1. 210 n. 1. 235. KaXoi irXoi tlo iv, lit. ' there are fair sailings,' i. e. 'the wind is fair for sailing.' [IlAof, contr. from w\6oi, nom. pi. of wAdos, 1. 240. \LJ\ pov\o|Atvovs, ' if you did not choose,' = tl ^ Pov\otff0t. Oil 0ov\ofiivov$ would mean, since [as a matter of fact] you do not choose," = ot ov 0ov\tffOt. 1. 241. Kal 8t| dv, etc., 'and even supposing that by an act of deception I should carry you to the Phasis.* The *-airaTT|(Tas is contrasted with ^laaai^rjv in the former sentence (' if I could not force you to go, I might perhaps deceive you into going *). It literally means ' having deceived you,' i. e. ' by deceiving you,' like the Latin gerund in -do. Kol BTJ means ' suppose that,' ' put VI. TRAPEZUS AND SINOPE. 151 the case that,' so HOI Srj TeQvaffi, ' Well suppose they are dead, [what then] ? ' (Eur. Medea 386). 1. 246. Siicaiws Y. ' justly at least,' i. e. ' their jealousy cannot be well founded whatever else it may be ; it may be real, or well assumed, but not just.' 1. 252. 8ia-paX6vTas. Cp. I. 12 n. Bovvai SIKTJV, ' to give satisfaction] \. e. ' to be punished,' Lat. dare foenas ; \afttiv SIKTJV is ' to take satisfaction,' i. e. ' to punish/ Lat. sumere foenas. So also firiOftvai Stictjv 1. 227. 1. 253. {nro-ra. 1. 256. iroO, i.e. at what stage of the journey. The KO.I emphasises the verb in question, ' Where was it then that,' etc. ? ' Where were you so struck ? ' 1. 257. OITOV air-coXXvfwOa, etc., i. e. during their march through Armenia (Chap. V. pp. 48, 49). 1. 258. dXXd (iT)v, ' well indeed.' Mr)v is a strengthened form of piv, ' certainly,' often = ' yet.' 1. 260. vppio-TOTtpos, ' more vicious.' *T0pis is used of all kinds of wanton actions, and the ass was proverbial for being wanton even when tired. Distinguish ojjius, 'nevertheless,' (i) from o/*oG, 'together,' (2) from opo'iais, ' likewise." 1. 263. ouStv eivai TOUTWV, ' that it [the reason he was beaten] was none of these things.' 1. 264. OUK i), ' denied ' or ' said no.' Cp. 1. 206 n. 1. 265. ouSt TOVTO lT|, ' said he did not do this either.' OiiSt means ' not even,' ' nor yet,' or ' not either.' 1. 267. av--yiY vtoo " Kv ' ' began to recognise,' lit. ' began to perceive again [who he was].' Cp. 194 n. for meaning of jiywvaKu. [In I. 237 ura-fiyvw ' proceeded to command,' ' offered to rise,' ' went on to say.' 1. 291. irauroi STJ, 'that I certainly have struck.' 1. 293. irXovKTlv, to get the advantage of,' lit. ' to have ' or ' try to have more than.' Hence it takes the gen. because of the compara- tive iiKiov. (I Troiovjiv, (imperf.), 'if we had been doing this (as a habit): &v air toX6p.0a, (aorist), 'we should (once for all) have been lost.' 1. 295. OVIK 49Xovras, 'refusing.' Cp. I. 127 n. Distinguish (6{- \ovrai, pres. part, of i0t\a>, from iOf \ovrat, ace. pi. of iOfhovrfy, 'a volunteer,' (II. 295. p. 41). 1. 297. Kal <|xavT(p, 'even for myself." Cp. I. 21 for the different senses of xai. 1. 299. tjXawov, (imperf.) ' I would urge him on," i. e. used to do so every time the occasion occurred. VI. TR A FEZ US AND SINOPE. 153 1. 300. vyportiTa, 'suppleness.' The adj. vypos means (i) 'moist,' (2) 'soft/ (3) 'pliant,' especially of the limbs. [So Virgil, Georg. iii. 76, speaks of the ' mollia crura,' the 'lithely moving' legs of a high- stepping colt.] 1. 301. uiro TOV Ko0fj, ' for good.' 'Em with the dative implies purpose. Cp. tvl Qararoi I. 276 n. 1. 307. Sovvat 8iK-nv. Cp. 1. 252 n. The sentence means, 'I am content (lit. ' think it right ') to render the same kind of account [to you], as parents do to their children, etc. [when they have chastised them].' In other words, ' I claim to stand in the position of a parent or a master to you." 1. 308. vj3pfi, ' through wantonness,' ' wantonly,' ' through an over- bearing spirit.' Cp. 1. 260 n. 1. 310. ojiws. Cp. 1. 260, second note. 1.311. v cvSCa, 'in calm weather,' i.e. 'in prosperity.* All that follows down to 1. 315 is a metaphor from a ship at sea. 1. 314. icol, 'even.* Cp. 1. 297 n. 'n-irotT|crv, ' will involve,' lit. ' will cause in the matter' 1. 315. dir-Tjx06(ii]v, 2 aor. of a.ir-t\()a.voiun. Distinguish it from dir- nX-6*] v > 1st aor. pass, of dir-ay-iu. 1. 317. dXAd fi-qv, 'but surely.' Cp. 1. 259 n. 1. 320. n-pi-Y v TO > * turned out in the end,' ' came round,' as we say. 1. 321. tcos means ' while ' or ' as long as,' with a pres. or imperf. as here; with an aorist 'until:' that is to say, with the continuous tenses " it has the continuous sense of ' while,' with the momentary tense the momentary sense of ' until.' 1. 325. wore, ' on condition that,' Lat. ea condirione ut. 1. 329. 0vaavTs . . ISetirvovv. The sacrifices were momentary, the feasts lasted some time. 1. 330. ryvovTo, ' had been made ;'. cmudvierav, ' had sung the paean.' The Paean (i) a song of victory, as when Apollo killed the dragon 154 NOTES. Python; (2) a battle song; (3) as here, 'a festal hymn* to the gods. The aorist in a minor sentence must often be rendered by the pluperf. Cp. I. 254, II. 118 n. 1. 331. upxTicravTO crtiv TO!S oirXots, i. e. the dancers imitated military movements by attitudes and gestures. These warlike dances were very fashionable among the Greeks and Romans ; they resembled the modem ballet in many respects. 1. 334. Txvncojs irws, 'in a sort of artistic manner,' lit. 'somehow artistically." [Distinguish TTOJS, 'somehow,' from irws, 'how?'] 1. 336. TOV 2iTa\Kav, 'the Sitalcas-song," originally a. song in honour of Sitalcas, a Thracian king. 1. 340. KaprraCav, perhaps the 'wrist-dance,' from Kap-nos, 'a wrist,' because the hands of the vanquished man were tied behind him (1. 347). [Others say the ' harvest dance ' from Kapiros, ' fruit,' but (i) the farmer was sowing and not reaping, and (2) the brigand tried to get the oxen and not the corn.] 1. 342. i- e - imitates the motions of one sowing and driving oxen. The whole performance was in pantomime. [Zevy- T)\aT-o is compounded of {tvyos, ' a yoke (of oxen),' and i\ar(T]p) t ' a driver," from (\aros, I \avvca, ' I drive.'] 1. 345. TtXos, 'at last,' lit. 'as regards the end,' accus. of respect, used adverbially. 1. 347. T&) x e *P*j instead of rci x f ip ( - 1 Attic (or Athenian) Greek the feminine forms of the dual in -a and -aiv were seldom used. Thus we find TW jwatxt, TW tr6\t(, etc. 1- 35. TOT* \i(v, 'at one time,' . . . TOT St, ' at another time.' is, ' as if,' Lat. tanqiiam. 1. 352. -KvJ3icrTa, imperf. 3rd sing, of (K-Kv^taraoj. The /cvfiiffTrjpft, or ' tumblers,' are mentioned both in the Iliad and the Odyssey. Xeno- phon elsewhere describes the feats of one of them, who turned somer- saults over a circle of upright swords. 1^353- Tf'Xos. Cp. 1. 345 n. TO ITtpcrvKov, sc. ijfxrjfjui, ' the Persian dance.* 1. 354. uicXa^c, ' kept crouching down.' From the verb uK\a$(iv this Persian dance was sometimes called oK\afffM. [Hence, also the adverb T|, understand o /Jiavrts. 1. 20. tm-TiOea&u, 'attack.' 'Envr/fle/icu (middle) is lit. 'I set upon,' attack.' 1. 21. The stress is on ireTojievov, 'gets its food when flying? L 25. ciXovTo. Cp. 1. 5 n. 156 NOTES. 1. 26. d\Xd, 'well.' Lit. ['I don't refuse it] but for all that.' Cp. VI. 270 n. IOT. The sense decides whether it is the imperative, ' I wish you to know this,' or the indicative, ' ye know this.' 1. 27. tea! tyo) leads up to KO.I vfttTs. 1. 28. o i% dv, 'whatever.' *Av adds the force of 'ever.' When combined with conjunctions or relative pronouns it is always followed by the subjunctive. 1. 29. For is with fut. part. cp. II. 70 n. 1. 30. TWV dXXcov, neuter, ' what remains (to be done),' ' all other points.' Cp. 1. 35. 1. 34. ois, the contracted ace. pi. of o?s, gen. olos, ace. olv, Lat. ovis. The ace. />/. of nouns of the 3rd declension, whose stem ends in a vowel, often becomes, when contracted, the same as the now. sing., as &ovt, ravs, ijpw$ for 136-a.s, vi)-as, T^JOMZS. 1. 37. iropevrtov tirj, ' they ought to travel.' For verbals in -re'os cp. VI. 88 n. The optative is the past of the deliberative present subj. iritis iropfVTfov rj ; 1. 40. eriria rpioiv r)|j.pu>v, ' provision for three days,' or, as we say, ' three days provision.' I. 42. Kvfuc-rjvovs. The m^iKT)vos, sc. arar^p, was a gold coin of Cyzicus, worth about 20 francs, or a Napoleon, 15$. or i6s. II. 46, 47. Notice the force of the tenses here : O-UV-TJYOV, imperf., ' began to collect.' (KitcXiivro, pluperf. ' [had already been shut],' ' were kept shut.* aivTO, imperf., ' began to appear.' 1. 47. oirXa, for oirAfra*, ' armed men.* [So irt\Tal, ' targets,' is some- times used for irtKraorai, ' targeteers.'] 1. 49. 'K TOVTOW, after this.' Cp. I. 85 n. 1. 50. us alaxpov eitj. The opt. marks that this was what the Arcadians and Achaeans said, whether it were true or not. Cp. VI. 181 n. 1. 51. Ijv 8f, etc. The subject of fjv is vrrtp-Tiniav, the complement 'ApicdScs Kal 'Axs 8<> 1 ' For the opt. cp. 1. 50 n, above. KaO' lavrovs, ' by themselves,' Lat. seorsutn, lit. ' as regards them- selves.' 1. 55. aw-ttrnjo-av, the 2nd aor. of aw-iffriym, because it is intransi- tive, 'stood together,' i.e. 'combined.' [In IOTIJJM the 2nd aor., perf., and pluperf. are intransitive, the other tenses are transitive.] Cp. II. 99 n. tlXovro. Cp. L 5 n. VII. SINOPE TO CURYSOPOLIS. 157 1. 62. iiririKov, sc. arpartvfia, ' a cavalry force.' 1. 63. aTTO-paivovorv, ' disembark,' TWV -nXo'toiv understood. 1. 64. TTJS v 'A 75- TaTTOvro . . tarparoueSeijovro .. irpos-*paXXov. Observe the force of the imperfects. ' [When the day dawned], there they were drawing themselves up, etc., . . where the Greeks were being encamped, and they began to attack,' etc. 1. 76. Tt'Xos, ' at last.' Cp. VI. 345 n. 1. 77- ipY ov . imperf. of tipya), 'I restrain,' 'keep off;' Lat. arceo. Distinguish ipy-w from cpY-a^o/wzi, ' I work,' which has perf. pass. ipY- acr/iai. [There is no such verb as tpycu or tpyofuu from tp~fov, ' work.'] Kai. Think what is the sense of nal here. Cp. I. 21 n. 1. 80. O-UTWS irpaav, not 'did* but 'fared thus.' Uparrdv with an adverb means ' to fare.' [So we say, ' he is doing well,' ' how do you do? 'etc.] 1. 82. irapd. OAXarrav, 'along the coast;' lit. 'alongside of the sea.' Ilapd with the ace. signifies motion along a given line, as well as motion to gel alongside of a thing. 1. 83. rfiS 0pP as under- stood. [So 77 Me-fapis, ' the Megarid,' or ' district about Megara,' etc.] 1. 85. Distinguish iroi, 'to some place' (' some-whither '), from irov, in next line, ' in any place ' (' any-where '). IIo is properly a simple locative, like otxot, but as wow was used for ' where,' iroi was kept for ' whither.' Tjpwra, imperf., ' proceeded to ask them." 1. 88. irpi-KKVK\w|juvoi ttev, the perf. pass, in a middle sense, 'had got round them in a circle,' i. e. ' had surrounded them.' [So in Latin, ' circnmfiinduntur hostem Romani,' ' the Romans surround the enemy.'] 1. 90. o-Koiriv, ' to reconnoitre.' The infin. in Greek, as in English, may express a result very nearly resembling a purpose. In Latin it would be tit observaret or ad observandum. 158 NOTES. 1. 92. oo-a 6pu>v, ' whatever' [lit. 'as many things as'] 'they might see.' The opt. marks indefmiteness, i. e. ' at any time, in any place, in any way.' We might however use the indicative, ' whatever they Ktw' 1. 93. tiroiow, imperf., 'proceeded to do.' Cp. 1. 85 n. 1.94. aifoaOcu, 'to be on fire' with watchfires. Distinguish from alaGtaOcu, to ' perceive.' 1.95. s els H-^OrrV' 'in preparation for fighting;' lit. 'as if for battle.' 1. 101. rfjs eo-tttpas, 'in the evening,' gen. of time. Cp. 1. 73 n. 1. 102. TjSti, plwperf. 3rd sing, of otSa, 'I know.' 1. 104. , and the ovK-ttyt] is to be taken together as one word. Cp. IV. 283 n. 1. 145. ouSJ OVTCO, 'not even so,' i. e. ' not even then' after they had tried so many times. 1. 147. Suvcos txovras, 'in a dreadful state.' 'EX*** with an adverb means, ' to be in a certain condition.' Cp. IV. 2 n. TJJ t'vSeia, the instrumental dative, ' through their want.' 1. 150. Take iravras TOTJS PO\)\O(JIVOVS as the subject of Uvai after (icrjpvff, ' he proclaimed that all who wished should go.' 1. 153. tVi TO \ap.|3avuv, 'in order to get (provisions),' lit. ' for the getting;' Lat ad rapiendum or rapiendi causa. The article with the infin. shows that the verb is used as a gerund or a substantive. Cp. I. 24 n. Phamabazus was the Persian satrap of Bithynia. 1. 155. TOUTOV. Cp. 11. 49, 134 n. 1. 16 1. TOVS HSV..TOVS 81, ' some .. the others.' The n\v, 'on the one hand ' prepares the reader for a S, ' on the other hand.' 1. 162. ls TO, oirXa, to the place where their arms were piled in camp. Hence rd on-Aa came to mean generally ' the camp,' or ' quarters.' Cp. 11. 167, 172 n. 1 60 NOTES. 1. 163. wKT6s, ' by night,' gen. of time. [So ' of was formerly used, as Hamlet says (Act i. Scene 5) : ' My custom always of the afternoon.' Cp. IV. 255 n. 1. 1 66. f'pvp.vov, the 'strong' or 'fortified position,' whose natural defences were described in 11. 110-114. This the Greeks were about to strengthen artificially by making a trench and palisade across the 'neck' of land (1. 1 12). 1. 167. dva-Xap6vrs TO. oirXa, 'having taken up their arms,' or, in other words, ' moving their camp.' Cp. 1. 162 n. 1. 1 68. -irpiv . . elvai, ' before it was.' apiorov, ' breakfast,' to be distinguished from apiorov, gen., of cipiffTos, 'best.' Cp. III. 15 n. uir-tTa<}>pv(rav . . air-ecrTavipwffav. The airo implies the cutting off" of the promontory from the mainland by means of the trench and palisade. 1. 172. ?0VTO TO. oirXa, ' piled their arms,' so as to form a campMn their newly-fortified position. Cp. 1. 162 n. 1. 1 74. aurov, ' there,' ' where they were,' gen. of place used as an adverb. 1. 183. fo-rqaav. Think whether this is the transitive 1st aor. or intransitive 2nd aor. of iarr]^i. Cp. II. 99 n. 1. 185. 8ia-|3aTov, 'must be crossed.' Aia-Paruv would mean 'possible to cross.' Either would make sense here, but what the soldiers were just now doubting was the necessity of crossing the ravine. 1. 186. irap-cyyvwoT., 'pass the word to.' liap-t-^vav (lit. 'to pass on as a trust ') is to pass along the word of command. 'Eyyvij is ' a pledge ' (put iv fviy, ' in the hand '). 1. 1 88. s raxwrra. Cp. V. 185 n. 1. 189. o-uv-T]\0ov, had assembled.' The aor. in a minor sentence must often be rendered by the pluperf. Cp. II. 118 n. tort, ' know,' the imperative, as it generally is when used alone like this ; in form it might also be the 2nd pi. indicative ; the sense decides. Cp. 1. 26 n. 1. 190. dfxaxcl H.V, etc. The p.Jv is answered ty 8J in 1. 196, 'without fighting we cannot get away. . but still let us attack the foe.' (luifntv 8J firl rovs avfipat.) 1. 194. fft-troict Odppos KCU, etc., 'puts courage even into,' etc. For senses of *aJ cp. I. 21 n. 1. 196. wv, instead of a Sia-ircnopfv/jitOa. In Greek the relative is often made to agree with its antecedent in case, as well as in gender, number, and person. But this is only done when the relative would otherwise have been in the accusative. Cp. I. 290 n. VII. SI NOPE TO CHRYSOPOLIS. l6l i. 199. STTOV av, 'wherever.' Cp. 1. 28 n. 1. 200. irap-aYYiXas. Notice the force of irapa, ' having passed word along the line.' 1. 201. Distinguish ^, ' where ' (Lat. qua), from f/, the fem. article ; i}, nom. fem. of os ; 77, ' or ; ' rj, 3rd sing. subj. of tlfu ; and 77, ' surely.' TUYXd\0Yia.To (aor. after tirt in a minor sentence, II. 118 n.), ' had sounded ;' eiraidvijov (imperf.), 'began the war-cry;' KaO-Ucrav (imperf.), 'were couching;' tScJavro (aor. in principal sentence), ' sustained ; * cevyov (imperf.), ' began to flee.' 1. 217. 4>-iirTo, imperf. of (-(irofMi, 'I follow after." [Distinguish dirofirjv, imperf. of tirofMi, from ttirov, ' I said,' and aor. of -aiptiTai, 'rescues,' the middle voice. The passive otatpito is supplied by dXtV/cojuat, ' I am taken.' 1. 254. Distinguish airos 6 KXcavSpos, ' Cleander himself, from o avTut KXtavSpot, ' the same Cleander.' Cp. 1. 69 n. 1. 259. OVK e4>tj 4v ytvto-Ba.1, ' said that it could not be.' Ov-rjnl is as one word, ' I say [a thing] is not,' and the &P goes Cp. 1. 141 n. 1. 260. TOV d-cX<$|xcvov, 'the rescuer of the prisoner,' ace. This was Agasias, 1. 251. 1. 265. iroifjcrai, ' to do to me,' i. e. ' that he may do.' The Greeks, like ourselves, could express even a purpose by the infinitive mood. In Latin it would be ' ut faciat.' Cp. 1. 90 n. o n fiv, 'whatever.' Cp. 1. 28 n. 1. 269. ol8a ovra, ' I know that he is. 1 The Greeks used the participle after verbs of knowing, feeling, etc., where the Latin would require the accus. and infin., scio hunc esse. OlSa tivai means, ' I know how to be.' Cp. II. 108 n. 1. 271. alpcOcfc, 'having been chosen.' The middle alpfiaOcu means, 'to choose,' and the perf. and 1st aor. jjprjfjiai and rjpfOrjv, commonly have the same meaning in the passive, since a\iaiconcu is used for ' I am taken.' Cp. IV. 64 o VII. SINOPE TO CHRYSOPOLIS. 163 wevnrjicovTopov, etc. While the Greeks were at Trapezus, waiting for the return of Cheirisophus (VI. 10), the Trapezuntines lent them a fifty-oared galley to collect transports with. Dexippus being put in command of the vessel made off with it, and thus placed the Greeks in an awkward position with the Trapezuntines. TJ for ty, the relative being attracted into the case of its antecedent. Cp. 1. 196, I. 290 n. 1. 273. TOUTOV, 'from him,' governed by the dn-o in a

imperf., ' if you had been taking him off.' Et airq^a^ts (2nd aor.) would mean, 'if you had taken him off. 1 1. 275. OUK .. ouScv. In Greek two or more negatives make the negation stronger. Here OVK av tiro'iijffa avow is, ' I would not have done nothing.' Cp. II. 59 n. I. 277. Sidl, with accus., 'for the sake of.' With the gen. it is 'by means of,' as 5id aov, ' by your means.' II. 278, 279. jxv .. (iVTOi = /*i' . . S(, only the 5t is replaced by the stronger word fiivroi, ' however.' 1. 281. K\uroj, the ist aor. subj. not the fut. Compounds of &v (as (av, orav, etc.) always take the subj., ' whenever I give the order.' 1. 282. Distinguish alnwjxav (contr. from amdo/a<), ' I blame,' from alrfca, 'I ask.' ^ 1. 283. auros, the nom. in apposition to OVTOS, the subject of 6no\oyti. In Latin it would be the accus. before the infin., ' confitetur se eripuisse.' Cp. IV. 286 n. 1. 285. eiratov . . JfjJaXXov, imperfects, ' I offered to strike,' etc. 1. 286. ITJ, 'were,' not 'would be.' The opt. is used in Greek after on, when the principal verb is in the past tense, but we use the past indicative after ' saying that.' 1. 287. ^dv . . \-]tT|Tai, etc., the actual words of the resolution. Cp. 1. 238 n. The present tense means, 'engages in plundering.' 1. 289. TIY*''' imperf., ' was bringing.' 1. 290. TOIS \T)crrals, i. e. the soldiers who wished to keep the booty for themselves, and got Dexippus to help them. See 1. 245. wapd, ' contrary to,' lit. 'beside the mark of.' Cp. III. 75 n. 1. 292. Think before translating KCU here, and cp. I. 21 n. 1. 293. (ACTO. TaVTO,. Cp. I. 128 n. 1. 300. d\Xd, 'well.' Cp. VI. 258, 370 n. 1. 301. irap-cvofiai vijxlv, ' will be present to you,' i. e. ' will help you ;' Lat. 'vobis adero.' [Cp. ' a present help in trouble,' Psalm xlvi. i.] 1. 303. K TOUTOV. Cp. I. 85 n. tirl Tfl TToptui, ' with a view to the march,' i. e. to see whether they were to march. Cp. 1. 1 33 n. M 2 164 NOTES. 1. 305. Ka( emphasises jidXXov, even more (than before).* 1. 308. ou YiY VTal understand icaXa. Cp. 1. 141 n. 1. 310. cos &v 6vvo>fi.0a KaXXiara, lit. ' as we may be able in the best manner,' i. e. ' as well as ever we can.' The Uv adds the meaning of 'ever' to the us. Cp. 1. 28 n. 1. 312. t-iropvovro, imperf., ' proceeded in their march;' aj>-iKovTo, 2nd aor., ' arrived.' CHAPTER VIII. CONCLUDING SCENES OF THE RETREAT. 1. 3. rvxv 5v, ' was at the time' Cp. IV. 5 n. 1. ro. <>s diro-irljx\|/&)v, 'intending to send away.' 'fls with fut. part denotes a purpose. Cp. II. 70 n. 1. n. tjx^ OVTO - Cp. VII. 135 n. 1. 13. m-s Taxitrro. Cp. V. 185 n. 1. 29. Qiovtn Sp6|jMp, 'run fast," lit. 'at a run.' Cp. II. 54 n. f's-iovrts is the fut. part, (since d/ju = ibo), therefore with us it marks a purpose. Cp. I. 10 n. 1. 30. Eteonlcus had been posted at the gate, with orders to secure the bolt as soon as all the soldiers had gone out. 1. 31. aurot, nom. in apposition with the subject of l\fyov. Cp. VII. 283 n. Ot (rrpaTiwrai, i. e. the soldiers outside. 1. 32. dv-o(ov(n, the fut. ind. instead of the opt. in a reported speech. The soldiers would say, ' We will smash the gates, unless you will open them' (dvo'tffTt), and the Greek historian in repeating their words VIII. CONCLUDING SCENES OF THE RETREAT. 165 keeps the feme and mood, only changing the person from second to third. 1. 35. t*TVYX avov ovres. Cp. IV. 5 n. There had not been time to get the whole army out of the town, before those outside began the disturbance. 1. 36. dva-TrtTavvvov imperf. part., 'what was being done.' [Td 7fo/ifa, 2nd aor., would mean ' what was done.'] 1. 42. ol 8 KciQeiAxov. O 6e means, 'those who fled to the ships.' 1. 45. TT^V dicpav, the same as rrjv ajcpi>iro\iv in the next line, the ' citadel' or ' castle.' 1. 51. dvSpi d-yaOoi, the dat. in apposition to , not ' mind,' but ' your passion.' &V/JLOS (from 0vai, 'I rush'), means the part which feels, and gets excited, i.e. the pas- sions and emotions (Lat. animus), vovs being the part which thinks, i. e. the intellect (Lat. me/is). Tijxti>pirjcrw|A6a, 'punish,' lit. 'avenge ourselves upon.' Cp. I. 151 n. 1. 64. d torai tvTv0v, lit. ' what will be thence,' i. e. what will be the consequences.' 'EvTtv0(v = tK TOVTCOV. 1. 71. d-aipT]cr6p.voi ) fut. part., 'intending to take away;' Lat. adempturi. So diro-KTevoOvres, ' intending to kill ;' Lat. occisuri. 1. 72. irpos 0wv, lit. ' before,' or ' in presence of the gods ;' hence in taking an oath, ' by the gods :' Lat. per deos (vos oro). 1. 73. rats iraTpio-i, ' to our (respective) fatherlands,' i. e. the several states in Greece to which we each belong. 1. 77. The stress is on r EXXT]vi8a and irpwrqv, ' the first Greek city we 1 66 NOTES. entered,' lit. ' a Greek city into which (as the) first we came,' irpwrrjv being in apposition with ffv. [Cotyora is called ' a Greek town' (VI. 1 17), so also were Trapezus and Heraclea ; but being in Asia and under the king of Persia, they are here ranked as ' barbarian' as compared with Byzantium.] 1. 79. iroiY)o-ovTs, ' with the intention of doing.' Cp. 1. 71 n. 1. 81. ovic i-aira,TW|Avoi, etc. = ' not because we are deceived, but because we consent.' A Greek participle must often be translated by a conjunction and the indicative of the verb. Cp. I. 261 n. 1. 85. im^o^c'vots, ' if they obeyed,' lit. ' obeying.' See preceding note, and reference to I. 261. 1. 86. K TOVTOV. Cp. I. 85 n. 1. 88. 8ia-Trpaacr0ai oircos, etc., lit. ' to manage matters (with Anaxibius) so that,' etc., i. e. ' to arrange that,' to get leave from Anaxibius. Aia gives the force of ' effecting thoroughly.' 1. 91. TJKW, 'I am come,' or ' have come,' = the ferf. of t/?xA< a <. 'I come,' or ' am coming.' 1. 97. 8i-4>povTO, ' were disputing,' lit. ' were going different ways' (5o). So we say ' to have a difference,' i. e. 'a quarrel.' 1. 99. diro-8i86pivoi,. Distinguish airo-bidum (act.), ' I give back,' from airo-SiSopai (mid.), ' I sell.' 1. 100. ol 8, ' and others,' besides those who sailed away. Kara TOS iroXus, ' in the different towns.' Kara is here distributive. Cp. IV. 231 n. 1. 101. Y 1 Y VO F L V(1>V ' imperf. part., 'if this went on.' Cp. 1. 38 n. ; i.e. by getting this done he would please Pharnabazus. 1. 1 02. x a P^ ^ ai ^apvapdfw, because Pharnabazus, the satrap of Bithynia (VII. 153 n.) was afraid of having the Greek army so near his province. See 11. i, 2 of this Chapter. 1. 104. apn.ooTT|S, 'as governor,' in apposition to StaSoxos. 1. 105. diro-86Tcus (XTJ irepaiovaOai, ' told the soldiers not to cross ;' Lat. ' militibus imperavit ne trajicerent.' [Eur TOVS o-TpaTtw- ras o\i -nfpaiovaOat, would be, ' said that the soldiers were not crossing ;' Lat. ' dixit milites non trajicere.'] 1. 1 23. K\V is lit. ' to look away from ' everything else towards one object, hence ' to look eagerly.'' 1 68 ffOTES. 1. 146. tic TOVTOV, here 'in consequence o/this,' not merely 'after this/ as in former instances (I. 85, etc.). I. 147. 6\|/co-6c. Observe the tense before translating. II. 148, 149. cl . . irapa-Yvoia6e, etc., 'if you were to join me, I think I should,' etc. The opt. marks that the event of the Greeks joining Seuthes is as yet uncertain, a mere possibility in fact. This is the third out of the four forms of conditionals, IV. 1130. I. 151. cl cXOoipcv, 'if we were to come.' See the last note. II. 155-157. av (XT) Sia-irpd|u>|j.cv . . av OE$CI. This is the second form of conditional (IV. 113 n.) ; 'if (by any chance) we shall not have succeeded in doing this for you, will you receive us,' etc. [When the principal verb is in the fut. ind., the ' if clause generally has lav with the subj.] 1. 156. Supply (civ from the former line before ^. 1. 157. povXtofwOa, n t &ov\t>]VTa.i, because the antecedent to 5v. For the article and noun with words between, cp. I. 109 n. 1. 169. The stress is on tvOaBe pt'vovres, 'whether you will stay here and consult, or," etc. 1. 175. dir-iv, ' when you pursue,' airo-x(vvXdaa0ai, middle, 'are on their guard.' Cp. III. 91 n. 1. 243. 6-irorav, ' as soon as ever.' Compounds of $LV always take the subj. ; av when not attached to a conjunction can never go with the subj. Cp. VII. 28 n. 1. 247. etirovTO. Cp. 11. 114, 1/8 n., also II. 158 n. 1. 249. avros, the nom. in apposition with the subject of ?T). In Latin it would be 'dixit se ipsum speculaturum esse.' Cp. IV. 286 n. 1. 251. Xijo-ofjiev .. eiri-ireo-c'vrfs, lit. 'we shall escape notice having fallen upon," i. e. ' we shall fall upon unperceived.' AavOavtiv with a participle (or a verb with the part, of KayQavoi) may often be translated by an adverb 'secretly,* 'unawares,' etc., as \a*0cu>a\a-y( in Xenophon does not mean a compact body of men, but 'a line of battle.* Cp. VII. 202 n. 1. 270. avrov. Cp. VII. 174 n. 1. 273. diro-SoaOot, the Greek infin. marking design. Lat. ul venderet. Cp. 1. 227, VII. 90 n. 1. 277. 8 c<|>povTo, imperf., 'which they were carrying' i.e. 'while they were carrying it.' 1. 278. & olvos, etc. So Ovid, writing from his dreary place of exile at Tomi, near the mouths of the Danube, says (Tristia, L lo. 23) VIII. CONCLUDING SCENES OF THE RETREAT. 171 ' Udaque consistunt formam servantia testae Vina, nee hausta meri, sed data frusta bibunt." ' Liquid wine grows solid, keeping the shape of its jar, and they drink not draughts of wine, but pieces of it.' 1. 279. dir-titatovTa, lit. 'were burnt off," i.e. 'were frost-bitten.' The imperfect implies the frequency of the occurrence. The expression 'burning' is sometimes used of intense cold, as well as of intense heat. [So Virgil uses adurere of the north-wind, and Milton in Par. Lost, ii. 294, says, ' The parching air Burns frore ( = frozen) and cold performs the effect of fire.'] 1. 280. avroi). Cp. 1. 270 above. 1. 282. dveoraToj, adverb, superl. of avca. Comp. dvoarfpca. Coming between the article rfj and its noun /fcw/ij? it has the force of an adjective. Cp. I. 109 n. 1. 286. tm-Ti9VTai. Cp. VII. 20 n. 1. 289. tjj-iovra duo-OvT|o-Kiv, ' to come out and be killed.' 'Airo- Ofrjaicoj is used for the passive of a-rro-Hrdi CD, ' I kill.' 1. 290. ol irepl TOV HcvouvTa, lit. ' those about Xenophon (including himself),' i. e. ' Xenophon and his friends.' 1. 291. 2i\av6s MaKio-rios, a neighbour of Xenophon. This is why Xenophon mentions him here particularly. (See Vocabulary.) 1. 294. ot |iv, 'some.' ol 8t, 'others.' Cp. VII. 161 n. 1. 297. dir-tOave. See note on 1. 284 above. 1. 300. Kot. Think before translating. Cp. I. 21 n. rpiirXaaCav, i.e. 'three times as much' as he had before the Greeks joined him. 1. 304. a Xtyoitv, 'what they said,' not 'might say;' the opt. is used in Greek in a reported speech after a principal verb in the past tense (tiT-eStiKvvev), where we should use the indicative. 1. 306. OVK-|<}>H, as one word, 'refused.' Cp. IV. 278, 283 n. aOai, ' to avenge himself upon,' i. e. ' to punish.' Cp. 1. 1. 308. x l - v BIKTJV, lit. ' have penalty,' i. e. ' are punished.' l TOVT' From what verb does this come? Cp. VII. 135 n. 1. 326. 8i-KiTO, 'was disposed.' Cp. III. 207 n. 1. 329. irapd ippiovos. The Ionian cities of Asia Minor had sought Spartan protection from Tissaphemes, who was now avenging himself upon those who had supported Cyrus in his rebellion (see beginning of Chap. I.). The Spartans sent out Thibron (or Thimbron) with a large force to oppose Tissaphemes. ! 335- diro-8i8uis, (active voice"*. Cp. 1. 3-14 n. 1. 336. d-n--aiTT|(rov o8iKT| /"' part. ' to accuse.' Lat. accusatnrus. Cp. 1. 71 n. 1. 361. Kat irdXcu, ' even long ago, 1 ' ever so long ago.' Cp. I. 21 n. 1. 363. KO.I vuKTCt KCU -f]fxpav. The stress is on VVKTO., ' night as well as day." 1. 364. otiSv, ace. of respect, lit. ' in nothing,' i.e. 'not at all,' 'we have had no rest at all.' 1. 365. Distinguish \irra, ToOi-ov, 'after him,' from /rd TOVTOV, 'with him.' u\Xos Kal aXXos, i. e. ' one after another.' dv-fcmj OJAOUOS, ' stood up (and spoke) to the same effect.' 1. 366. tic TOVTOV. Cp. I. 85 n. 1. 367. d\Xd .. (itv, 'well indeed,' or ' nay indeed.' Here the (xv is not followed by a SJ, because it is connected with dAAd, ' but in truth.' Its position emphasises iravra, ' I may well expect any sort of ill- treat- ment,' etc. irpos-8oicdv. A compound not of 8o/', ' I seem,' but of an unused pres. SOK&CO, ' I watch for.' Aovw is the simple verb in use. 1. 368. alrias ?xo, ' I have (receive) blame,' i. e. 'I am blamed ;' hence followed by gen. of agent with viro. As alnao^tai, 'I blame,'. is itself the middle voice, it can have no pres. pass. 1. 370. The |xv is answered by 81 in /terd S ravra in 1. 372. y, ' at all events I turned back [if I did not show zeal in any other way].' Take f\Si\ with J)p|A>i(ivos (perf. pass. part, of opjM HiaOuv, 'I deprive you (o/") your pay;' (2) ace. and gen., as diro-oT(f>u>. at TOV /j.toduv. Cp. 1. 472. 1. 384. (ATjSc x lv > ' that I have no! even.' The /<7?8e in this and next sentence should go directly before a. 1. 387. TJcr)(iiv6fAT]v &v 8t|, 'I should (now) certainly (8?)) have been feeling ashamed,' cl if--j\tra.Tr\QT]v, ' if I had been deceived.' See the four forms of conditional sentences, IV. 1 1 3 n. Tro\fii'ou Y - Notice the emphasis, 'if it had been Ity an enemy that.' 1. 388. OVTI, lit. ' to me being,' i. e. ' if I am, 1 ' in a case where I am.' 1. 389. irpos TOVTOIS, ' besides this ;' Lat. praeterea, to be distinguished from Tipus ravra, ' therefore ; ' Lat. propterea. 1. 391. OUK sia, (hnperf. of taw), not merely ' would not allow,' but ' was preventing." 1. 394. OUK rjv fjp.iv, it was not (possible) for us.' 1. 398. irpos-Yty vTO T\V* V < imperf., lit. ' were being added to us,' i. e. ' we found ourselves acquiring.' 1. 399. OUKCTV . . otiBtva, ' no longer . . a single enemy.' Two or more negatives in Greek do not make an affirmative, but a stronger negation. Cp. II. 59 n. 1. 401. Remember that diropouo-i may be another part of the verb besides the 3rd pi. pres. ind. Cp. II. 149 n. cl (jurj . . ax6c5, ' otherwise,' = tl /XT) tiriaTtvdp.r]v, ' if I had not been trusted.' 1. 410. 8ia-pej3\T]n.vos. Cp. I. 12 n. 1. 413. irepl f\ii, lit. 'about me,' i.e. 'in my case,' or ' to me.' Cp. 1.425. 1. 414. tnrsp vifiuv KO.I ' v/wis means ' after you,' i.e. ' to fetch you.' Cp. VI. 16 n. 1.425. pfArioves, 'any the better' for your treatment of me, by showing yourselves so ungrateful. irtpl ep.e. Cp. 1. 413 n. I. 427. d\X' t|xol [xtv-roi, lit. ' well to me however,' i.e. ' in my opinion, whatever others may think.' II. 429, 430. For the conversation here "referred to see the section beginning at 1. 342, p. gS. 1. 430. eirj, opt., indirect que&tion, where we use the past ind. Cp. 1. 342 n. I. 431. eiij, opt., indirect statement, see 1. 344 n. II. 434, 435. diro-86jxvos, dir-8wKe. Cp. 1. 99 n. 1. 439. cdv o-ioipovcojjLev. Polycrates had said, ' If we are wise, we shall apprehend Heraclides ' (1. 436). Heraclides, purposely repeating his words, says to Seuthes, ' If we are wise, we shall get away as fast as we can.' 176 NOTES. I. 440. TOWS IITTTOVS, the article is possessive, ' their.' Cp. I. 15 n. 1. 445. \iir-ta-\fro, ' had promised.' The aor. in a minor sentence must often be rendered by the pluperf. Cp. II. 118 n. For the promises of Seuthes sec above, 11. 154-163. 1. 446. iroTspa, ' [to see] whether,' this being implied in iOvero. irapd StvOfl. nnpa with dat. = Fr. chez, ' at house of,' ' with,' lit. ' beside.' I. 449. TOVTOV. Cp. I. 85 n. TToppo), or Trpotrw, lit. ' further ;' hence ' far from." II. 453, 454. d8iKeiT . . vjxiv. Since Medosades is addressing Xeno- phon as the representative of the army, he uses the plural instead of uSitfffs and aoi. 1. 458. ov Trapa-KaXto-avTs. Seuthes had not invited Xenophon to the conference with the Spartan envoys. Cp. 1. 340. 1. 461. irpo-tmoi, opt., in a reported speech, after t\fy(v on, where we use the indie. Cp. 1. 304 n. 1. 463. uTT-ioijjuv &v . . ?xouv, lit. ' we would go away, as soon as these men should have,' i. e. ' we will go away, as soon as these men have.' The Greeks often employed the opt. with &v as a milder way of saying ' I iw7/,' as \tyoint ar for Aeo>, ' I will speak.' [So also the 2nd pers. of the opt. for the imperative mood, as \(-foi$ iv for \tft, ' speak.'J 1.465. Distinguish the act. n/j.up(ca from the mid. rtftoopfOfMU, 'I punish.' Cp. I. 151 n. 1. 467. Distinguish eBeiro, imperf. of 5o/tai, ' I ask,' from <8, imperf. of the impers. verb 5f, ' it is necessary.' 1. 469. amwjxevos. Distinguish alriaofiat, ' I accuse,' from alrtca, ' 1 ask.' 1. 472. airo-orcp'TJo-ai up,as TOV jiiaOov. For the construction of verbs of depriving cp. 1. 383 n. 1. 476. a wir-to-xTo. Cp. 1. 445 n. 1. 478. 8.' vjias, 'because of you.' A(' ln&v would be ' by your means? which would also have been true in the present instance, though Xeno- phon does not exactly say sd. 1.481. us diT-iiiv, 'with intent to depart.' 'Cls with the/;//, part, denotes a purpose. Cp. II. 70 n. 1. 484. dir-ayayot . . irapa-SoiT], ' they begged him not to depart before he should have led away the army and delivered it up to Thibron.' nplv with opt. is used after negative sentences of past time (answering to irp\v ta> with subj. of present time). The opt. implies it was quite uncertain when this could be done. 1. 485. Adp-vJ/aKov. See Vocabulary. 1. 486. Distinguish dir-avrqi from airavra (i) by the breathing and VIII. CONCLUDING SCENES OF THE RETREAT. I'J'J accent, (2) by the i svbscriptum, (3) by the hyphen showing that ait-avra is a compound of dir6. 1. 488. ?x oi ' had,' not ' might have.' Cp. 1. 342 n. ccrecrOai p.T)Sc, ' that there would not even be.' 1. 489. IKO.VOV WOT* dir-itvai, lit. 'sufficient so as to depart,' 1 i.e. 'suf- ficient to enable him to get away.' ei.Tr6-8oi.To, middle voice. Cp. 1. 99 n. 1. 491. J?Trm|;av, aorist after lircf, ' had sent' (II. 118 n.). But ?0vs (next line), imperf., 'was sacrificing.' 1. 492. I8(ov TO. Upcia, i.e. when Euclides ' inspected the entrails,' he found unfavourable signs. 1. 493. |AT| X* IV > 'that he had not,' after irtlffoiro. 1. 494. OTI joins oiSo, to tcrrai, ' I know that there will be.' The clause with tav depends on tcrrai, 'there will be, etc., if you intend,' etc. 1. 497. l TJSrj 6v<7i, ' if he had ever sacrificed.' "H8^, Lat. jam, ' already,' ' before now.' 1. 498. ovK-? MeiXixitp, ' to Zeus the Gracious.' Though Xenophon had of course often sacrificed to Zeus, he had never sacrificed to him under this particular title, and the various attributes of one god were often personified into separate deities. Thus the dream related in Chap. IV. 42, etc., is said to have come from Zei>s {3acriAetJS, i.e. Zeus under his title of King. t OTOU, lit. 'from whatever (time),' i.e. 'ever since.' I. 499. avv-epoijAevio-ev, ' advised.' Distinguish the act. trv/ji-fiov- \(vftv, ' to advise,' from the mid. avn-!3ov\tvfff0at, ' to consult.' Cp. IV. 14 n. II. 503, 504. diT-8orav, act. dir-tSoTO, mid. Cp. 1. 99 n. 1. 508. ITtp-yanov. See Vocabulary. 1. 510. Thought-Is has an accent, it means 'a certain one,' not 'who?' The accent does not belong to it, but is thrown back from O-TVV. Cp. 1. 161 n. 1.511. cl c\0ois . . Xd{3ois av, ' if you were to come, you might take,' the third of the four conditional forms given in IV. 1 1 3 n. 1. 515. v iroiT|(Tiv. Eu iTOKiv is to ' treat well,' so to ' benefit.' 1. 517. aurov TOV 'Aai8aiT)v, ' Asidates himself;'' distinguish this from TW avTov 'A.fj.(v (subj.), ' how are we to get away ?' 1. 526. Pots, irpopara, dvSpdiroSa, nominatives by attraction into the relative clause introduced by ocroi, instead of accusatives after Kapuvrts, = \afi6vTfs POVS etc., offoi ^aav. 1. 528. m-Keijivovs = <7ri-Ti0e/Voi/s. Cp. VII. 20, 221 n. 1. 530. npoxX-fj?. This Procles has been mentioned in Chap. II. 117 as having announced the death of Cyrus after the battle of Cunaxa. He was governor of Teuthrania, a district of Mysia, and was descended from the Spartan Demaratus, who had been driven out by the joint-king Cleomenes, and had taken refuge at the court of Darius nearly 100 years before the date of this expedition. . 534. us (with numerals), lit. 'as it were,' i.e. 'about.' 535- ""1 s VVKTOS, gen. of time. Cp. IV. 255 n. . 542. f-aipcra, 'select portions,' from the mid. al/w'o/xai, 'I choose,' no from the act. alpica, ' I take." 543- 6ipp"v. For Thibron (or Thimbron) cp. 1. 329 n. . 544. "EXXijviKep, sc. ffTpaTfvftaTt, So TO lirtriK&v, ru Tr(\TaffTtK&y, ri fltpaiitov, etc. 1. 545. iiroXffxci, imperf., ' proceeded to make war." VOCABULARY. [N.B. Hyphens are used, not on strictly philological principles, but only to draw attention to different elements in the stem of a word, and to show more clearly the meaning of the compound.] For lenses of compound verbs not inserted, see the simple verb. A. 5-po.TOS, -of, impassable, (of a river) not to be forded, (a, not, andjScuos, verbal adj. of fta-ivta, I go.) 'AppoKop-as, -ov, m. Abrocomas, satrap of Phoenicia, head of Persian troops between the Mediterranean and Eu- phrates (I. 149). ofycryciv, ayayuv, 2 aor. infin. and part, of dyw. ayaOos, -/], -6v, good, brave ; TO, d-yafld', goods, wealth ; comp. d/te/- vaiv, f$t\Ti n - a vessel, pail. d-yY^Xo>, I announce, report; fut. u, I aor. ijyy(i\a, perf. pass. ayyeXos, -ov, m. a messenger. d-ytipu, I collect, assemble; i aor. fjyapa, I aor. pass. tjfipQijV. d^K-upa, -as, f. an anchor. @a\\(tv aytcvpav, to cast anchor. a-yvoa>, / am ignorant; fut. ayvo- f]ff, I do wrong, harm, injure' with ace., fut. d5(ij, I aor. TjoiKTjaa, perf. pass. ijS?;/n, I aor. pass. fjSiKrjdrjv. d-StKia, -as, f. injustice, wrong, injury. a-SiKo;, -ov, unjust, unfair, (a, not, and Slier), justice.) d-8iKa>s, unjustly, wrongly, (adv. of aStKO$.) d-SoXuS) adv. without fraud. d-StivaTOs, -ov, unable to do a thing. (d, not, and ovvarbt, verb. adj. of Svva/j.a.1, I am able.) a-Suvorov, impossible; (neut. of dSv- varos.) a'Sco, I sing (contracted from fut. av i8o VOCABULARY. oft, (adv.) always, continually ; from time to lime. dTos, -ov, m. an eagle. 'AO-qvui, -uiv, (. Athens, the capital of Attica. 'AOijvato;, -a., -ov, Athenian. 3.0Xov, -OK, n. a prize. u0potu, 7 collect, assemble, fut. dO- ftoiata. (dOpuos.) alphas, -or, collected, in crowds. uOdjicu, 7 a?H without courage, I de- spond ; fut. dOv/tTjffO}. (a, HO/, and Ovfuus, courage.) u-OiJfua. -a*, f. ican/ o/ courage, de- spondency. a-8up.os, -o>', desponding, (a, o/, and Ovpos, courage.) u-0fjp.u>s, despondingly, (adv. of a0D- jaw.) aiYiuXds, -oD, m. /Ae sea-shore, beach. u'l'Ocj, 7 (>/>;<, kindle, (only used in pres. and imperf. yOov.) (Mid.) . aipu), 7 rn/s#, //// /; fut. dpw, I aor. ^pa, perf. ^/)a, perf. pass, fjpftat. uia0o.vop.ai, 7 perceive, feel, under- stand; fut. alaOr)ffO(Mt, perf. yaOrjiMi, 3 aor. rjaOoiirjv. Aio-x^s, -on, m. Aeschines, an Acar- nanian (V. 40). QicrxCwv, aio'xio'TOS, comp. and superl. of alaxpot. aiaxpos, -&, -6v, base, disgraceful, shameful, (alffxoi, shame.) aiaxvvr), -ijs, f. shame, disgrace, re- proach, (dlaxo*, shame.) O'ICTX^VOJ, (Act.) I put to shame, (Pass.) cuoxwofxai, 7 am ashamed, with accus. of the thing: so with infin. iroifTv, I am ashamed to do it (and therefore do not do it) ; but with part, irotui', 7 am ashamed at doing it (but yet do it). aire'co, 7 ask, request; fut. alr^au, perf. yrijica, perf. pass. rfrTjfiai. alxia, -as, f. a canae, a fault, blame; oir/ai/ ex**'' TIVUS, to be accused of a thing. aiTiao(j.at, 7 blame, accuse: fut. a?nd- aop.li (with ace. of person and gen. of thing). airios, -a, -ov, causing harm, guilty ; TO ainov, the cause; 6 a'nut, the accused. (Lat. reus.) QiXC-ciXojTos. -ov, taken in war, captive. (al\p:f), a spear, and d\a>T<5s, verbal adj. of dX/ovro/JOi, 7 am taken.) d-K(5XaoTos, -or, lit. undisciplined, unpunished* (a, o/, and o\a{, 7 /i/r/ a javelin at one; I aor. j/KuvTiaa. CIKOVTIOV, -ou, n. a javelin (dim. of amuy, a rfar/). UKOVOJ, 7 hear ; diroww cffai, 7 Afar a report that it is ; d/eovea &v, ovra, 1 hear a report that it (or he) cer- tainly is; fut. a.KOvaopM.1, I aor. iJKOvaa, perf. pass. rjKovfffuu. aKpa, -as, f. a />o//, a /ifa/t-, a citadel. a-Kparos, -ov, unmixed, strong (of wine), (a, not, and xtpavvvfu,! mix ) uKpo-poXitojitti. 7 throw from afar, I skirmish, (dicpos, outermost, and ^dAXoi, 7 throw.) dxpo-iroXis, -tois, f. /A upper city, citadel, castle. , -a, -ov, highest, topmost, TO aKp6rarov, the highest point, TO, OKpa, the heights. , -ou, 7 warrf q^j (with dative) 7 defend; fut. d\fij) in another way. d\\p Knl O.\\TI, here and there. o.X\T|\ovs, one another, each other (wants nom. and sing.). aXXoflev, (adv.) from another place. (d'AAos.) aXXopai, / leap; imperf. f)\\6nr)v, I aor. %\a/j.r)v, 2 aor. f/Ko^riv. aXXos, -t], -o, another, different. (Lat. alius.) d\\ot, some others ; oi aA.Ao, the rest; so rd aAAa, in all other respects. oXXoae, (adv.) to another place. (a\\os.) dXXoTpius, -a, -ov, belonging to another, foreign, strange. (a\\ns.) aXXtos, (adv.) (i) in another way, otherwise : (2) at random. a.-Koyia'Tos, -ov, unreasoning, (a, not, and \oyifaiuu, I reason.) "AXvs, -vos, m. the Halys, the chief river of Asia Minor (vi. 141). aXt/rov, -ov, n. barley (generally in plural a\(f>iTa). a(i,a, (adv.) at the same time, at once, together. (Lat. simul.) ct/ta rj7 fi^ipa, at day-break. afxa^a, -775, f. a waggon. djiaprdva), 7 err, do wrong: with gen. 7 miss (a mark) ; fut. dfMpTT]- - rov, I aor. pass. -^naprrjOrjv. , -arc*, n. a fault, mistake. d-(j.ax', (adv.) without fighting, (a, not, and fM\r), fight.) ajxcivov, adv. of dfntivasv. dfmvcov, better, braver, used as comp. of dyados. d-|X\crTs, more carelessly, somewhat carelessly. d-jieXdjs, (adv.) carelessly, (d, not, and /iAf, it is a care.) d|iiXXdo|xai, 7 contend, struggle: fut. d/j.i\\rjaofMt. (cifM\\a, a contest.) elfiireXos, -ov, f. a vine. d|xi)va), 7 ward off, defend, with dat. In middle dp.vvojxai, with accus. 7 ward off from myself, punish ; fut. dfMJvca, I aor. TJ/J.VVO.. dfjKJH, (with gen. and ace., never with dat. in Attic prose), lit. ' on both sides' (dfjt, Lat. ambo, 'both,' sc Lat. amb- in amb-ire.) I. with gen. about, as dia.-(p(p(a0ai d/^u TWOS, to quarrel about a thing. IF. with ace. (i.) around, near, with, especially of persons, as of du(pl Kvpov, Cyrus and his attendants (lit. ' those around Cyrus') ; (ii.) of things, about, concerning; (ill.) of time, about, as d/ii jj.taas vvKrat, about midnight; (iv.) of numbers, as uf.il rovs Stff-^i\lovs, about 2000. In Composition dfjupl mostly means, on both sides, around, about. du.4>6Tpos, -a, -ov, both. (Lat. ambo.) d(i, 7 go up, ascend, mount, go on board ; fut. -&ijo'op.a.i, perf. -/StflrjKa, 2 aor. dv-ffirjv. dvd-/3a(n.s, -ecus, f. a going up, an expedition into the interior. dva-^odu, 7 cry aloud, shout; fut. av-a.YYXAw, 7 bring back news, re- port ; fut. -ayytXcD, I aor. -r)yyti\a. dva-YiY vt " ) ' Kw . I understand, recog- nise; read; 2 aor. dv-tyvcuv. dvaYKd(i>, I force, compel ; fut. 0^07- Kafftu, I aor. pass. Qvay/caaOTjv. dvayKaios, -ov, necessary, needful. dvaYKT), -ijs, f. necessity, need. dva-Yvovs, 2 aor. participle of dva- yiyvuffKca. dv-a-Yu), 7 lead up, bring tip; 2 aor. dvrjyayov, i a'or. pass. -Tixfy"- (Mid.) av-d.Yop.ai., 7 put to sea. (dva,, up, and dyoj, I lead.) dva-Oopvpe'cj, 7 cry o/ loudly, ap- plaud, (di'd, up, i. e. aloud, and 66pv@as, noise.) dva-Ka((o, 7 kindle; fut. dva-ffauo'a;. dva KOIVOCO, I communicate (something to another) ; fut. dva-xoivdiaca. uva-Koptf u), 7 carry /^, s/ore ; I aor. , 7 cry aloud; fut. apa- , 2 aor. dv-^Kpayor. va), 7 /n& t//>, recover; fut. ^ai, perf. dv-tiXT/cfa, a aor. dva-Xd|iiro>, 7 Woze w/, tote /fre; fut. (ii'fi-Aii^i/'cu. dv-aXCo-Kw, 7 spend, squander; fut. op-aAaVo/jat, perf. dV-^XaiKa. dva-jivw, 7 wait for; fut. dfa-iicva;, I aor. dv-ifjuiva. ava-|xi|ivT|(rK(i>, (Act.) I remind, (Mid.) dva-jxip.vTio-Kop.ai, I remember; fut. 'Ava|i^i,os, -ov, m. Anaxibius, * Spartan admiral, dvo|vptScs, trousers, (probably a Persian word). dva-iravw, (Act.) 7 make to cease, stop, (Mid.) dva-TraxJo(a.ai, 7 cense, rest. dva-ireTavwp.1, 7 spread out, open ; fut. dva-irtrdcrca. dv-dpioTos, -ov, without breakfast. (a, not, and apiarov, breakfast?) dv-apudjo), 7 snatch up, plunder; fut. dv-apirdftu, or dv-a/JTrdcrcu. dv-apxii. *, f- /a/ of government, lawlessness. (a, not, and dpx^i rw/e). dva-rrp, 7 stretch upwards, extend ; fut. ara-Tf P, perf. dva-Ttraxa, perf. pass. dva-Ttraftai. dva-Ti0T|p.i, 7 /ny j//>, se/ i//>, deposit ; fut. dca-0)7, I aor. dv-tOrjica. dva-<|>6VY(>>> I escape; fut. dva-vyov. dva-cfipovcci), 7 recover my senses ; fut. o, 7 retire, retreat, withdraw; fut. d , 7 cflwse /o retire, draw off; I aor. av-tx., I wake up, rouse ; fut. dv-tyfpSj, i aor. act. dv-riyttpa, 1 aor. pass. dv-rjyfpO-qv. dv-iiriv, to proclaim, (dpd, (iirtiv 2 aor. infin., . av-cKpaYOV, 2 aor. indie, from dva- imperf. avtv, (prep.) without. (Lat. sine.) dv-x<<>, / AoW up, put up with, en- dure; fut. dv-la) or 2 aor. VOCABULARY. 183 dv-T|KW, 7 come up to, extend up- wards. dvT|p, dvopos, m. a man, (Lat. vir.) dvfjp, man, opposed to woman. dvOpcvTros, human being, opposed to beast. u.v--f\\fa]v, I aor - P as$ - of dr-d-yw. dv0-io-nrjjti, (Act.) 7 se/ against, (Mid.) dv6-i(rra|xai, 7 oppose; fut. di/Tt-ffTijtrcy, perf. av&-(ffT7]Ka, 2 aor. avr-iarrjv, (avrl, against, and 'iffTTjfii, I set up.) dvOptoTTivos, -ov, (adj.) human (avOpca- iroi). dvOpumos, -ov, m. a man. (Lat.Aomo). See dvf|p. dvido), 7 grieve, hurt; fut. d^-jaaa;, I aor. pass. TjvtaOijv. (dvta, grief.) dv-iT)|, 7 send up, let go; fut. d>- rjavXaTTU), (Act.) 7 watch in turn, (Mid.) 7 am on my guard against one; fut. -tpv\dca. dvTp-a>8T)s, -es, cavern-like, full of caves, (avrpov, a cave, and tiSos, form.) dvw, (adv.) upwards. Comp. dva>- Tfpoi, superl. dvcardro). Sometimes as a prep, with gen. above. dvutOev, (adv.) from above, from the interior (of a country). dia, -as, f. worth, value. d^ivT], -?;s, f. an axe. (dyvv^it, I break.) uios, -a, -ov, worth, worthy ( with gen.) ; aftov fffri (Lat. operae pretium est), it is worth while; iro\\ov agios, valuable. dioo>, 7 think it right, claim, ask, with gen. of person, (agios, worthy.) dcov, -ovos, m. an axle. dir-a-yY^M*** I bring back word, announce, report; fut. dir-ayy^u, 1 aor. dir-r)yy(i\a. dir-aYw, / lead away, bring back; 2 aor. dir-rj-yayov. dir-a'YfoY | ]> -^s, f. a leading away, withdrawal. aTf-airew, 7 demand back : i aor. dtr- T/TJJO-O. dir-aXXaTTW, 7 get rid of: (intrans.) 7 get off: (Mid.) 7 depart; fut. -a\\d(a, perf. pass. -i^AAa-y/wu. diraXos, -77, -6v, soft to the touch, tender, (amoral, I touch.) aTr-avrdw, (with dat.) 7 come to meet, encounter; fut. 6.v-avrr], (with gen.) 7 foe/> o^, (of a place) am distant front ; 2 aor. aWtrxoi'. UTT-TI \Xcvy p.', as dtp? fairov, on horseback, lit. ' from his horse.' In Composition, from, off, away. a7ro-(3aCva>, (i) 7 away, go off: (2) dismount (iirirov): (3) disembark (i'(ua) ; 1 aor. drr-iflijv, fut. d>ro- diTo-piXXo, 7 throw away, lose; fut. dao-{ia\>, 2 aor. dir-t(ia\ov. diro-pXirw, 7 look eagerly. airo-Se'SpaKo, perf. act. of dwo-5i5/?d- ffxta. iiro-8tiKW(iv, 7 point out, declare, appoint; fut. diro-o(i I accept; fut. diro-5- ^w, 7 am abroad, go abroad. (dito, away, and Sfj^os, home.) diro-8i5pao-Kw, 7 run away, escapt (so as not to be found) ; fut. -Spdffo/j.ai, perf. -SfSpaxa, a aor. dn-tSpaf. diro-8i8u>(jii, (Act.) 7 give back, restore, (Mid.) I sell, fut. -owaai, perf. -otouHa, 2 aor. mid. dit-toofjiriv. diro-Spdvai, 2 aor. infiu. of diro-ot- opdafca). diro-0vT|crK, I grow quite weary, faint; fut. -Kafiovpat, perf. -KfKfirjKa, 2 aor. dir-tKa.fi.ov. d,iro-Kpivop,ai, 7 answer, reply; fut. -Kpivovpai, I aor. -fKpivaftrjv, perf. diro-KptiirTa), (Act.) 7 A/rfe /rom (Mid.) I conceal; fut. -K/JI/I/W, I aor . diro-KTtivw, 7 />/ /o death, kill; fut. -/fTtvcu, i aor. aTr-e'/rreii'a, a aor. air-fKravov. [For the Pass, diro- 6vqaK, m. the god Apollo. airo-TTpir, 7 send off, discharge; fut. -ntfjif/u. airo-irXtw, 7 sa// away; fut. -jrAtCxro- /(. I aor. air fn\(Vfra. d-Tropo>, 7 am without resources, am in difficulties (a-nopot). VOCABULARY. 185 i-iropCa, -as, f. difficulty, distress. (rpofpfjs diropta, want of food.) d-Tropos, -or, (i) without resources; (2) of rivers, etc., impassable; iv diropois tlvai, to be in difficul- ties. dno-ppib|, -ujyos, broken off, steep, rugged. (OTTO, off, and p'qyvvfu, I break). diro-(r]iro(Jiat, 7 rot off, am frost- bitten ; 2 perf. diro-ffttnjna. onro-tnraco, / draw away, draw off"; fut. atraacu, perf. a-n-iaiiaKa, perf. pass, -eairaa /mi. aTro-crTavpou), 7 fence off with a palisade; fut. -aravpuffa}. (aravpos, a palisade,) diro-CTTX\w, 7 send away, despatch ; fut. -ffTt\w, i aor. a7r-o"Te\a. diro-aTepeco, 7 ro&, deprive of; (with ace. and gen. or with double ace.) ; perf. air-tare prjKa. d/iro-crTp'4>w, 7 turn back, recall; fut. -ffTptif/aj, perf. dn-fffTpofpa. diro-awjluj, 7 sflve or restore again, bring back safe. diro-Ta<}>pevco, 7 fence off with a ditch, (racppos, a ditch.) airo-reCvco, I stretch out, extend; fut. -revw, I aor. dir-tTttva, perf. pass. diro-Te'fiVw, 7 cw/ q^V fut. -Tf/ia), perf. -TeT/i?;a, I or. pass. dn-eT/j.T]Or)v, 2 aor. dir-fTa/j.ov. diro-Tpirco, 7 /z^r 6aci, / perf. -Tirpo(pa, perf. pass, -re fiai, airo-TpX u ^ fun off, run away; fut. -opapoviMiif a aor. diro-(j)avo). I show, display; fut. -tpavw, I aor. aTT-e'^Tji'o. (Mid.), 7 declare cLtro-fyevyia, I escape ; fut. -T^vai, I aor. imp. middle of diro- rttreat. tw, / depart from, retire, air-toy, -Svrot, distant; pres. part, of dir-eifu II. apa, (particle), so, therefore, then. (Lat. igitur.) apa, = Lat. HW, in asking a question, as opd IOTJ, zs iV so f 'ApapCa, -as, f. Arabia, used of all countries inhabited by nomad Arabs, so even of the south of Mesopota- mia, still called Irak-al-Arabi. d-p-yos, -ov, idle, lazy, (d, not, and ipybv, work.) dp-yos, -17, -of, white, bright. dpyvpcos, -a, -ov, made of silver. dpyupvov, -ov (dim. of dpyvpos), silver, money. [Cp. the French argent.~\ , -ov, m. silver. Tj, -rjs, f. virtue, excellence, bravery. 'Apialos, -on, in. Ariaeus, who com- manded under Cyrus, but went over to the Persians after Cyrus' death. dpiOfJios, -oO, m. number (of an army), a muster. 'Apurrapxos, -ov, m. Aristarchus, the Spartan ' harmost ' or governor of Byzantium (Constantinople). dpio-Tato, 7 breakfast, lunch ; fut. dpi- GTr\, (Act.) I prepare break- fast or lunch, (Mid.) 7 breakfast, lunch ; fut. -Trotr/aca. apio-Tos, best, used as superlative of dya06s. 'Apio-Tiivujios, -ov, m. Aristonymus, a brave Arcadian captain (V. 265). "ApKas, -d5os, an Arcadian. dpKb>, 7 am sufficient, avail; fut. dprctffoi. dpKTOS, -ov, m. and f. a bear, the constellation ' Ursa Major," or the Great Bear, hence the north. upjia, -arcs, n, a chariot. dp|x-il^a^a, -rjs, f. a covered carriage, waggonette. 'Ap(j.tviu, -as, f. Armenia, the cold i86 VOCABULARF. mountainous country near the sources of the Euphrates. 'App.T)VT|, -775, f. Harmene, harbour of Sinope (VI. 371). apjioo-njs, -oO, m. an officer sent by the Spartans to govern their depen- dencies, a governor, ' harmost.' (dp- pofa, I put in order.) apTfa-yf], -rjs, f. plunder, booty. dpirdfu), I seize, plunder, carry off; fut. ap-naau, perf. pass. TJpnaffnat. 'Apirucros, -ov, m. the river Harpasus, perhaps a branch of the Armenian Araxes, now the Arpa-Chai. Or the Tchoruk-Su, flowing north- westward into the Euxine near the modern town of Batouni. (See note to V. 277). 'ApraYtpo-qs, -ov, m. Artagerses, a general of the Persian cavalry whom Cyrus killed (II. 73). 'ApTa^t'p^Tjs, -ov, m. Artaxerxes II, Mnemon, the son of Darius II, Nothus : king of Persia 405-360, B.C. (Artaxerxes I, Longimanus, preceded Darius II.) "ApTairaTijs, -ov, m. Artapa/es, one of Cyrus' attendants (I. 278). "ApTtjus, -c5os, f . : (i) the Greek Artemis, Roman Diana, sister of Apollo, armed with arrows : (2) the Ephesian Artemis, an Asiatic Venus. dp-TV, (adv.) just now, lately. dpros, ov, m. bread, a loaf. "Apvoras, ov, m. Arystas, an Arca- dian (VIII. 207). dpx beginning,) dp XT, -?s, f- (l) beginning; (2) rule, dominion, government, province. dpx<, (Act.) I command, (Mid.) 7 begin ; ol dpxovrft, the rulers; fut. apfa, perf. %>x- d-o-pijs, -it, ungodly, impious, (a, not, and fft&o/ja.i, I worship.) d-crOtvt'u), 7 am weak, am sick, am ill. (a, not, and aOtvita, I am strong.) 'Ao-id, -as, f. Asia, or rather the western part of Asia then known, divided bv the river Halvs. 'AoT.8cmr]s, -ov, m. Asidales, a Persian noble (VIII. 510). 'Aowaios, -a, ov, Asinean, or be- longing to Asine, a town in Laco- nia near Taenarus. d-criTOS, -ov, without food, (d, not, and airos,food.) do-Kos, -ov, m. a leather-bag, a bottle. dcrjievos, -77, -ov, pleased, glad, joyful. do*trdo|j.ai, I welcome, embrace, bid farewell; fut. doTrdao/MU. do-rrCs, -j'Sos, f. a large shield, covering the whole body. (Lat. clypeus.) d-cr4>a\ict, -as, safely (d-ovpaXjjs). a-o-4>a\T|S, -is, safe, lit. ' not liable to trip.' (d, not, and o~d\\oa, I trip up.) d-craAws, safely, (adv. of aff, 7 play on the flute. (av\o, a flute.) a\j\io|Aai, 7 am in the courtyard or the open air, I bivouac. (avAT), a courtyard); fut. avAiao/iai, pert fiv\iff(uu, I aor. pass. rju\'iaOrjv. aOXds, -ov, m. a flute, flageolet. (nrjfu, I blow.) audvci>, 7 increase; fat. av 170*0/401, perf. ijvfaica. (Lat. augeo, in trans- itive sense.) avpiov, (adv.) to-morrow. auruco, (adv.) immediately; avrina /toAa, instantly. VOCABULARY. i8 7 avr60v, (adv.) from the spot. auToOi, (adv.) on the spot. auTO-jiaros, -77, -ov, acting of oneself, of one's own account, spontaneous ; in TOV avro-fidrov, naturally. auTo-p-oXo?, -ov, m. a deserter. (O.VTOS, of oneself and no\tiv, 2 aor. Of 0\aKQ}, I gO.) O.UTOS, -17, -6, (reflex, pron.) self; 6 avros (atros), the same, neut. TO avrb, contr. raurov. atrrov, (adv.) there. auxV> ~* vos > m - neck, also a neck of land, isthmus. a4>-cupsa>. (Act.) 7 lake away, (Mid ) 1 rescue ; fut. -aiprjau, perf. -rjprjKa, 2 aor. d<-(Aoi'. d-4>avifco. / en?/se to disappear, put out of the way. (d, not, and -\ccr0ai, d<|>-eX6|j.vos, 2 aor. mid. infin. and part, of a-T|cru>, fut. act. of a9ovia, -as, f. abundance, plenty. (a-(pOovos.) a-4>0ovos, -ov, ungrudging, plentiful. (a, not, and 86vos, grudge.) d4>- (TJ fit, 7 senrf away, dismiss, let go. (O.TTO, away, and HJ/M, / send) ; fut. d(p-^aa>, I aor. dxf>-rJKa, perf. d^>- ffAfa, perf. pass. d-iKVOfi.ai, 7 come to, arrive, reach ; fut. a<-<'o;MZ, perf. pass, d^-f-y^aj, 2 aor. axp-iKOfjajv. d-icrTqfii, (Act.) 7 />w< away, set aside; fut. aTro-OTTjuoi, I aor. OTT- tffrrjaa, Mid. and intrans. tenses of Act. 7 s/a/rf q^", revolt, 2 aor. dw- fffrrjv, perf. a-(po)v, -o^, without sense, silly, (d, o/, and p/i', sense.) 'Axavos, -d, -w, Achaean, a na'ive of the north coast of Peloponnesus. uxOojiai, 7 am displeased, am vexed ; fut. dx0effo/.iat, perf. ijxOrjuat, I aor. pass. f)x.6t/xa), a palace, gen. in plural, vs, -ecus, m. a king. va), 7 am king, I reign ; fut. fiao-i\(vffV, better. Pf||xa, -arcs, n. a step, pace ( = 30 inches). PTJVO.I, 2 aor. infin. act. from paivca. PIO., -as, f. force, violence; /3ia, by force. i88 VOCABULARY. {3ido|xai, I force, compel; fut. /Stdao- (Mi ; perf. /3j3/aa>, 7 shout; fut. fioriaofiai, I aor. /3o?;cra. POT), -i}, f. a shout, battle cry. P<>T]0t(<>, 7 rw to Me rescue, assist; fut. f3oT)6riau. Boiumos, -a, -of, Boeotian, or inhabi- tant of Boeotia. pdOpos. -ov, in. a <#/eA, trench. povXevw, (Act.) 7 devise a plan, (Mid.) 7 ta&e counsel, deliberate, resolve; fut. ()ov\fvaa). (/3o/A^, cows/.) Pov-Xi^iiato, 7 suffer from ravenous hunger; fut. /3ow-Ai^id(ra>. (0oCs, a o*, Ai/xus, hunger.) povXofxai, 7 //sA, desire ; fut. /3oi/Aij- oo^tai, perf. /3(/3ovAij/M((. POVS, /Sods, m. and f. an ox, cow. ppu6tojs, slowly, adv. from (ifxiovs, slow. Ppax^s, -a- \vrtpot, super). ftpaxvraTos. pptX^, 7 we/; perf. pass, I aor. pass. it3pf\0i)i>. Ppovrfj, -^*, f. thunder. PpiDTOS, -17, -of, eatable; TO /ooci (verb adj. of j8pwcr*w, BvavTiov, -ot;, n. Byzantium on the Bosporus (the modern Constantino- ple), so called after its founder, Byzas of Megara. P.a.i, perf. from yiyvofuu. YEITWV, -ofos, m. and f. a neighbour. YeXdio, 7 laugh ; fut. ytAdo'o/iaj, 1 aor. t"yAa(ra. YfXus, -euros, laughter. (yt\aro-iroi6s, -of , producing laughter, a buffoon. (yt\cas, laughter, and rroieoj, 7 make.) yvos, -ovj, n. 6/r/A, race, descent, offspring, (yiyvoftat, I am born.) yppov, of, n. a wicker shield (covered with oxhide). ytptuv, -ofros, m. an old man. yvw, (Act.) 7 give to taste; (Mid.) 7 taste; fut. ytvaopcu. yifyvpa., -at, f. n bridge. YW&T|S, '*! earth-like, earthy, (yij, earth, and tlbos, form.) YT, 7^s, f. //ie earth, land, country. YtY vo l Jlal > ^ come n/o being, am born, become; fut. yfvrjffOfMt, perf. -yt- ytvTjpai, 2 aor. iy(vo^r]v, 2 perf. yiyova. yfVfaOat, to prove one- self by act (to be distinguished from **fa, to be). YIYVWCTKW, 7 get a knowledge of, learn, judge ; fut. yvuffoftat, perf. tyvcuKa, 3 aor. eyi'cov. FXoOs, -oD, m. G/K5, the son of Tamos : he accompanied Cyrus, and then joined Artaxerxes (II. 117). us, 2 aor. part, of yiyt>MOKo>, I write; fut. ypwf/, 7 weep ; fut. SaKpvaai. (oaicpv, a tear.) SaKTvXos, -ov, m. a finger.. SaKrv\ot TOV TroSos, a toe. 8arravua>, / spend, waste ; fut. Satra- ff)(j(i). (ScuTari), expense.) SapeiKos, -ov, m. a Doric, i.e. a Persian gold coin first coined by Darius, in value about i6s. Coins are often called after rulers, as ' Napoleon,' ' Louis d'or,' ' sove- reign.' Aapclcs, -ON, 6, Darius II, Nothus, king of Persia 423-405, B.C. (Darius I, Hystaspes, preceded Xerxes, and sent the expedition to Marathon. Darius III, Codomannus, was defeated by Alexander the Great.) Baoijs, -tia, -rf, thick, hairy, rough, bushy. 8, but (answering to ply) ; and (con- necting two clauses), now (con- tinuing a narrative). St'SfjAQi, pert. pass, of Sfa, I bind. SeSiws, 2 perf. part, of SeiSca. Se'SoYfiai, perf. pass, of SoKfca. ScSoiica, perf. act. of SdSca. 8e'Sop.ai., perf. pass, of SiSufit. SSpd|XT|Ka, perf. act. with pres. 8T[j, subjunctive of Sd. 8*1, (impers.) it is necessary, (with gen.) there is need of; fut. 8yfffi. (TO Sfov, necessity.) SciSu, I fear; fut. oflffoftai, i aor. tSfiffa, perf. 5e'8oia, 2 perf. Se5ta. StSotKo, HT), I fear he will, SiSoiica H^l ov, I fear he won't. SiKW|xi, 7 show, explain; fut. 5fioa t perf. pass. StSd-yfuu. SeCXij, -jys, f. the hottest part of the day, the afternoon. SeiXos, -^, -6y, fearful, cowardly. (0(0$, fear.) 8ivos, -^, ~6, inspiring fear, terrible, dreadful. Stivos \tytiv, clever at speaking, a clever speaker. SeiviLs, adv. of Sttvus, terribly. StivSis ixfiv, to be in straits. (8os, fear.) Sicu. i aor. infin. act. from SftKvvfu. Seiirveu, 7 lake dinner or supper ; fut. 8etirvov, -ov, n. dinner, supper (the chief meal of the day). StKa, ten (indecl.). (Lat. decent.) AfX(j>oi, -), the right hand. Sffiav Sovvai or \aii(ti>, to give or take pledges. Aliinros, -ov, m. Dexippus, a Spartan, who got the Greeks into trouble with Cleander (VII. 244). 8toi, opt. of dti. Sco|iai, 7 need, want, ask; fut. 8e^ro- ftai (with gen.). Scpp.a, -oros, n. a skin, hide. (Sipta Iflay.) Scopes, -ov, m. a bond, fetttr. (Sta I bind.) 190 VOCABULARY 1 . 8Gpo, (adv.) hither. Seurepos, -a, *ov, second. (Svo, two.) 8t'xo[Aai, 7 receive, accept ; fut. 5*' o- /iai, perf. 5e8tyfj.cu. 8ta>, 7 bind, fallen ; fut. Srjaca, perf. 3tSa, perf. pass. St'Se/wzi, I aor. pass. tStOijv. Stu, 7 wet/, WON/, request ; fut. Scfjffu. (Cp. 5f and Seo/xai.) 8f|, /r///y, assuredly ; ri ST), ti'Tiy /fow T Often emphasises a word, as i/rat/fla 8t|, a/ //us moment, (Lat. /wm (fernr/m.) ST)\OS, -;, -ov, c/^nr, certain, evident. 8T]\6a>, 7 maJ-e clear, show, point out, declare ; fut. SijAeuTw, perf. SeSjj- AcuKa. (SijAos, clear.) 8T](jLaY<<>Y ' t0 ' f l ec "i the people, am popular with (with accus.). (Hfj^os, the people, and 0701, 7 lead.) S-rjiiocnos, , -ov, belonging to the people, public, rd Srj/jioaia, public property. 8-qTrov, (adv.) of course, doubtless. Bid, prep, with gen. and ace. I. with gea. i. of place, through ; ii. of time, through, during, as Sia VVKTOS, during night; iii. of the instru- ment, by means of. II. with accus. because of, on account of, as StcL ri, itihyt lit. 'on account of what?' [Obs. Sid ffov, ' by your means,' SicL >, 7 go through, cross ; walk about ; fut. -j8i7 tarl, we must cross. 8ia-paT(5s, -if, -6v, that can be crossed, passable (verbal adj. of 8ia-/3cuVa;). caa-|3ipau, 7 carry over, carry across ; fut. -ftifSaffca. 8i-aYY^ w > I &e > l d a message, inform; fut. 5-a77Aw, perf. 5t-^yy(\Ka, I aor. 5-7777fend (my life) ; fut. Si-au, perf. pass. -777/wu. Sia-SiSufu, 7 7ve from hand to hand, distribute ; fut. -Swcrw. 8td-8oxos, -o, m. and f. taking another's place, a successor. (8i\mS>s 5jatfff vu > I divide by lot; fut. -\T]o(tat, 2 aor. St-t'Aoxoi'. Bia-Xryw (Act.), 7 pick out, (Mid.) / discourse, converse (with dat.); fut. -\(fOfUU. 8i-a|x-ircpcs, (adv.) through and through, right through. (Sid, avd, and itdpo), I pierce.) 8va-voco|xai, 7 think over, intend, pur- pose ; fut. -i/oi7<7o/xa, perf. -vtv6i]/jiai, I aor. pass. Si tvoijOrjv. (Sid, and vovs, the mind.) Bid-voia, -a*, f. thought, purpose, in- tention. 8ia-irXo, 7 sail over, sail across ; fut. -ir\tvao(Mi, perf. pass. -ir(ir\tv- 9 fat, Bio-iropeviw,* (Act.) 7 carry ct/*r, (Mid.) I pass across, march through. 8ia-irpd.TT&>, (Act.) / accomplish, (Mid.) 7 stipulate, manage, nego- tiate; fut. -irpaa>, perf. pass, -irt- VOCABULARY. 191 Si-apiraju, 7 tear in pieces, spoil, plunder; fut. -apirdffoj, perf. pass. -Tjpiraa/Mi. 8ia-ppiTTT, 7 point out, indicate; fut. -ar)/j.avj, 1 nor. Si-tff^fj.rjva. Sia-(TK7]vc(i), (trans.) 7 place in se- parate tents, (intrans.) 7 encamp separately. 8ia-o-rrd&), 7 tear asunder, scatter; fut. -ffnaffOftai. 8ia-oriTipa>, 7 scatter about, disperse ; fut. -ffirfpta, 2 aor. pass, di-tairaprjv. 8ia-crv8ovao), (Act.) 7 scatter as by a sling, (Pass.) 7 fly in pieces, as if burled from a sling. (a 2 aor - P*' from Si-ex 1 "- Sid-crx* ) 2 aor - s "bj. from oi-t\ca. Sia-o-ti>co, 7 preserve to the end. (Sid, throughout, and , I preserve.) 8ia-ri0T]jxi, (Act.) 7 place separately, arrange in order; (Mid.) I dispose of; fut. -Orjffca. 8ia-rpipavu>s, (adv.) manifestly, plainly. (5jd, through, and pu, (i) 7 carry over; (2) intrans. 7 dj^er from, excel ; (impers.) Sta(p(t, there is a difference; (Mid.) 7 quarrel about (afupi TJI/OS) ; fut. Si-oiaai, 2 aor. Si-^t-y- KOK. 8ia-4>x>Y, 7_/?ee through, escape safe away ; fut. -0ipci>, 7 destroy, kill; fut. -0fpu>, perf. pass. 5t-(0app.ai, perf. pass, of Sia-tpOtipca. 8i-xw> 7 divide ; (intrans.) 7 aw separated, am distant ; fut. S*-c, 2 aor. 8<-\.-t\yKv\u>\i.ivos, perf. part, of 5t- 8i-ianjjju., (Act.) 7 divide, (Mid. and intransitive tenses of Act.) 7 stand apart; fut. Sia-arrjaoi, 2 aor. 5t- G.'KULOS, -a, -ov, just, fair. justice.) SIKO.ICOS, (adv.) justly, fairly, rightly. SIKTJ, -Jjs, f. justice, right, also penalty. O'IKTJV \a.ptiv, or tTrtOeiVai. /o inflict punishment, (Lat. poenas sumere ;) OIHIJV Sovvai, or x "'> ' s^*f punishment (Lat. poenas dare). Sivew, 7 u/A/r/ round, (oivrj, a whirl.) 8i-op\>TT, 7 rfjg 1 through, break through ; fut. -opuw, perf. pass. -opupvyiMt, plupf. -ojpcupv'Yurjv. Sis, (adv.) /f/c. (Lat. bis.) 8is-xtXioi, -ai, -a, /M/O thousand. 8i6tpa, -as, f. a prepared hide, leather bag, wallet. 8ipos, -ov, m. properly the footboard of a war-chariot, hence a chariot, seat of a chariot, and generally a seal. , (adv.) in two parts, apart ; TIOKIV a, to divide. ), 7 pursue ; fut. 5i ww. , -OTOS, n. a resolution, decree. 8oiT)v, 2 aor. opt. act. of StScu/u. SOKCU, 7 /Ai'nA ; (intrans.) 7 seem, (impers.) 8or ^xoi, V seems good to me; TO. StSuyufva, resolutions; 192 rOCABULAKr. (Safe ravra, these things were de- cided ; fut. 5o, i aor. 8oa, perf. 86X09, -ov, in. craft, trick, deceit. (Lit. dolus.) SOU.EVOS, 2 aor. mid. participle of 86|a, -77$, f. (i) opinion ; (2) renown, flory (fioKtoj). : j>, future of SoKtca. BopKas, -a5o5, f. a gazelle, so called from its bright eyes, from StpKOfuu, 7s<*. Sopv, -arot, n. a spear, lance. Scpv-<{>6pos, -ov, m. a spear-man ; plur. body-gttards. (Sopv, a spear, and tpa>, I bear.) 86s. 2 aor. imperative of oiSuf.u. 56ass. (Si's-, Aarf/, and vopat, a passing.) 8ur-xpT|pEop.ai, 7 present with', fut. aoftcu. (Suipov, a gift.) Su>pov, -OK, n. a ^y*/, present. I give.) Sucru, future of 5'iootfu. E. f, gen. ov, dat. of, (Lat. se, svi, sib!) himself, but used as personal pronoun, him, dv, (J, &v) iy etf, y (always takes subj.). dv, pres. inf. of . t-/3ovXip.Cacra, I aor. act. of /3ot/Xi- //taoi. t'-fjocov, impf. ind. of /Soaoj. YYWS, (adv.) a ^ o S, -OK, within the head, tc. ftvf\6$, the pith of the palm. , a aor. of VOCABULARY. cyco, pers. pron. 7. Whenever inserted, it is emphatic, 7 myself (as opposed to some one else) ; epov, tfiol, (fit are also emphatic : ftov, fj.oi, p.t, are the usual or non-emphatic forms. e-yajy*, I for my part. -8airdvuv, impf. act. of Sairavaea. c-8T|0T]v, i aor. pass, of oto^at, I want. -8ei, impf. of 8i. t-Seijja, I aor. of ot'tKvvni. c-Sciora, I aor. of otiSu. t-Srjcra, I aor. of 5e'o>, / bind. -8iSow, for toiScav, impf. of SiSw/u. iSo|xai, fut. with pres. taOica. -8<5|rr)V, 2 aor. mid. of diScufii. -8oa, i aor. of SoKtca. -Sotrav, 3 pi. 2 aor. of Si'5cu/x (tSaiKa is used in the sing.). f-Spajjiov, i aor. with pres. rptx. l-9avov, 2 aor. of Ov^crKOj. tOeXov-rris, -ov, m. a volunteer. cG, 7 wish, am willing; fut. 16 t- \riffca, I aor. TjfleA^ffa. t-OeiojMjv, impf. ind. of dta.ofj.ai. -0eupow, impf. ind. of Otoiptca. tOvos, -ows, n. a nation, tribe. cl, (conj.) z/(with ind. and opt., never with the subj.) : after verbs of deliberating (as Pov\tv(ff9ai), whe- ther; tl fir), unless. el8i7]v, opt. of olSa. eiBtvai, infinitive of olSa. t8ov, 2 aor. with pres. opao). cISos, -ov, n. an appearance, form (lotTv used as 2 aor. of opdcu). iSb>, subj. of olSa. clSws, participle of olSa. iK(i Jco, 7 maie //fc, conjecture, guess ; fut. fiKacro}. CIKOS, ('IKOTOS, n. likely, reasonable (neuter of the participle of eoiKa, shortened from tombs) ; us finds, as is probable. ciKoai, twenty. * tiKco, see touca. ci-\T]|X|xat, perf. pass, of \a/j.0t'ivoa. ti-\i\^a, perf. act. of \afif}avijlJ.i ; pf- pass, ttprinai, I aor. pass. ciptjvt), -jjs, f. peace. fls, prep, with accus. only, I. of place, into, /o ; II. of time, as o/i, attack; fut. -Mffovpai, 3 aor. -fireow. tcrTTiKiv, 7 was standing ; pluperf. of IffTtjfiu, but intrans. and used as the imperf. of (arrjKa, I stand. O 194 VOCABULARY. S-TPX U > I fun into ; a aor. fla- cls-4>fpo>, 7 bring into, bring in ; fut. -oiffa), i aor. -i^f-y/fa, i aor. pass. , tffw, (adv.) within, (di, info.) ira, (adv.) afterwards, next, then. i-T, whether (followed by a second (i-rt, or, Lat. sive . . sive). TXOV, imperf. of (x u - io>9a, I am wont (perfect with present meaning, from *t6ca). ciuv,, imperf. of idea (contracted from t'aov). K ( before a vowel), prep, with gen. only, I. of place or origin, out of, from ; II. of time,/ro/, after, since, as ** rovrov, after this; III. of result or accordance, in consequence of, according to, as IK TWV mrovS^iv, according to the truce. In Com- position, out of, from. *-Ka0T|fiT|v, imperf. odeaOijtuu (plnperf. in form, but tcaOrjfMi is used as a pres., 7 sit down}. CKCUTTOS, -17, -ov, each. (Lat. qulsque.) sKacrroTt, (adv.) each time. eKcvrtpos, -a, -ov, each of two. (Lat. tUeryut.) v, (adv.)/rom fro/A sj't/es, o CKO.TOV, a hundred, indeclinable. 'EKaruwfios, -ov, m. Hecatonymus, an envoy from Sinope (VI. 1 23). t KavStjv, i aor. pass, of Kaica. l-Kavaa, I aor. act. of Kaica. K-paivco, 7 ^o ow/, disembark ; fut. /3^ffo/4, i aor. jf-e/faAox, I aor. pass. l-(B\Tj9r]v. ((Kiriirraj is used for the Pass.) "K-paCTVs, -taw, f. a going out, egress, a pass, (in, and flairta, I go.) tK-poY)0o, 7 march out to the rescue ; fut. -@or/0riaaj. ln-yovot, -ov, born of, sprung from. (tit, and ftfvofMi, I am born.) TCI tieyora, the offspring, the young. i, 7 ^/W M/I, ^/ve a daughter ' marriage. (K-Suco, 7 s/r//> (^(clothing) ; fut. , pf. pass. -/t/MU. K-K\Tjcria, -as, f. a assembly, meeting. (in, and xaXfiu, I call.) K-K\IV. , 7 carry out, fetch out; I aor. ff-tKofUffa. (K-Kvpio-rdo), 7 throw a somersault; imperf. ((-(KvftiffTaiv. K-XYw, 7 />/<: OM/, select; fut. *- X^w, perf. pass. i[-ti\ffpcu, i aor. K-Xiirw, trans. 7 /eave OK/, forsake ; intrans. fail. (Hence Eng. ec-lipse.) i-KX-i\(rt\v, I aor. pass, of aXf, 7 sJ ow/, send away ; fut. -^oi, I aor. ff-tnfiafla. K-IT(/U)V, z aor. participle of c- 1T/ITTCU. K-irr|Sao), 7 /#a/> ou/, waZ-tf a sally; fut. vrj&riaouai. ttt-irtwTco, 7 /a// OM/, /a// away, rush out; am driven out, am banished; fut. -vurovfuu, 3 aor. if-tirfaov (used as pass, of fr-/3dAAo>). , 2 aor. pass, participle of cK-irXlci>, 7 .-, (Act.) 7 stretch out, (Mid.) extend the line of an army ; fut. IK- Ttvui, i aor. f-fTftva, perf. pass. fK-rerafjuii, i aor. pass. If-tra^p. -KTT]to, 7 rear, 6rm^ w/> (a child) ; fut. -Optyca, 2 aor. pass, l-Tpd- i.os, -ov, belonging to a stag. ((\aeia Kpia, deer's flefh, venison. t'Xac^pos. -a, -6v, light, active, nimble. (XapuJs, (adv.) lightly, nimbly. <-Xaxov, 2 aor. of Xa'/X"''*'- tXiv, 2 aor. infin. with pres. alpita. -Xi. IXcr6ai, 2 aor. infin. mid. with pres. alpfca. c'XcvOcpia, -a, {.freedom, liberty. cXcvOcpo;, -a, -ov,free. t\-T|Xv)0a, perf. with pres. tp\o/Mi. -Xr|(j>Oqv, I aor. pass, of \ap.^av(a. tXOelv, 2 aor. infin. with pres. fpxo^ai. tXOwv, 2 aor. part, with pres. tpxopat. J-Xiirov, 2 aor. of \eiiru. 'EXXas, -d5os, f. Hellas, the name for Greece amongst the Greeks, who called themselves Hellenes. "EXXrjv, -tjvos, m. a Greek. TEXXtiviKos, -17, -6v, (adj.) Greek. 4XAT|vio>, / speak Greek. 'EXXT|vCs, -*5os, f. a Greek woman. As an adj. with fern, nouns, Greek. r EXXT|cnrovTOS, -ov, m. ('EXXj;s ir&v- ros, the sea of Helle), the Hellespont, now the Dardanelles. Xo((XTjv, 2 aor. opt. mid. with pres, alptaj. IX6|Xvos, 2 aor. part. mid. with pres. alpfcu. e'Xmu>, 7 hope or expect (used either of hope or fear). tXiris, -iSos, f. hope. IXtov, 2 aor. act. part, with pres. alpto) l-|Aa0ov, 2 aor. of pavBavw. , 7 cause to enter, cause to embark, put on board (transitive of f(j.-@aivcu). ?-(A6iva. I aor. of fifvw. t-jAVT|crOT)V, I aor. pass, of /w/U'iytmu. p.6s, -17, -({', my, mine ; poss. adj. of 7cu. ('p.-ir86o), 7 maie firm, abide firmly by (opxovs, oaths) ; fut. l/i-ircSwcroo. cp.-ircipia, -at, f. skill, experience. ((i-impos, -ov, experienced, practised, (tv, and iriTpa, experience.) cix-TTiirpas, pres. part, of ip-mirprjui. f p,-7riirpT||xi, 7 6Mrn, set on fire ; fut, fH-nprjffca, I aor. tv-eirprjaa. (tv, and mfnrprj/ju, of which p. is dropped where e/^- precedes.) O 2 196 KOCAKULARF. , I fall iipnn, attack; fut. -TTfaovfMt, 2 aor. iv-iirtaov. tfi-TToBios, -ov, in the way, a hin- drance. (iv, and 11011$, afoot.) (ji-iroi0), I make in, cause ; instil into the mind. fut. -rfatu. (|x-iroX(io>, 7 gain by traffic, sell. ((fj.iro\i), traffic.) 6p, in (a stale of) fear. In Composition, in, at, upon. tv-avTtos, -a, -ov, opposite, opposed to, hostile; IK rov ivavriov, opposite (of place). v avrtoojioi, 7 set myself against, oppose; fut. ivavrtdiaofuu. tv-dirrw, 7 kindle, set on fire; fut. -cuf/tu, perf. -ijnnat (lit. I fasten on, from iv, and airrca, I fix). v-8tta, -at, f. want, deficiency. tvSoOtv, (adv.)/rom the inside (of mo- tion from within). fvBov, (adv.) inside (of rest in a place). iv-8ua), trans. I put on (some one else), 2 aor. intrans. iv-iovv, I put on (myself). iv-/pT)v, 2 aor. tv ptpacra, I aor. of tv- tip.i, 7 am tn ; imperf. IV-TJV. tvcica, prep, with gen., on account oj, for the sake of. v-aAow, imperf. of if-Ka\(oa. 'v-Tri|jLirpao-av, imperf. 3 pi. of ip- fvtKtv, the same as tvtrta, but used before a vowel. v-TJ|/a, I aor. of iv-avru. v0a, (adv.) (of place) here, there ; (of time) thereupon, then, also as relative adv., where, when ; ivOa KOI iv6a, here and there. (v0ci.Sc, (adv.) thither, there, here. fv9airp. where (stronger form of tvOa). cv0v, thence, hence. v-0u(Ji0|xai, have in mind, consider; fut. -yaofMi, I aor. iv-(6\>iJa]6rjv. (iv, and 0iytos, mind.) V-0up.rjp.a, -arcs, n. a thought (lit. something in the mind, from iv and 1-vtKcov, imperf. of viKaca. VM>I, -0.1, -a, some, = tvi ot, i. e. iv- ftaiv ot, lit. there are who. more, sometimes, = Ivi art, i.e. tv- fanv ort, lit. there is a time when. fv-voia, -a, f. thought, design. (Iv, and vovt, the mind.) t-votjcra, I aor. of votai. f.v-o\Xf, 7 light upon, meet with ; fut. -T I report; fut. lf-a-yyfA.3, I aor. -jyyytiAa. i-iyw, I lead out; fut. -afu, 2 aor. -1770701'. l-atptTOS, -ov, taken out, chosen (If and atpfTus, verbal adj. of atptca). l|aCpcra, choice portions. '-aipu, (Act.) / take out, i aor. VOCAEULARY.. I 9 7 ti\ov: (Mid.) / choose, 2 aor. -fiXo/uji'. ||-aiT<>, (Act.) / demand from (any- body), (Mid.) I beg off; fut. -ijffw, I aor. -yrijffa. t(-aKis-x^ lol i ' a *i *> six-thousand. laKooTOi, -a, -a, six-hundred. ^-a\airiJo),-7 sac&, plunder ; fut. -fey. e-dXXo|iai, 7 /eap o?^ ; (of a horse) rear; fut. -aXoC/xai, I aor. -^\a- /7i'. (aXXo^cu is Lat. salio.) t|-av-Co-TT||U, trans. 7 zae to r/se (in pres., imperf., fut., I aor.) ; fut. -dva-ar^ffca ; intrans. I stand up (2 aor., perf., plupf.), 2 aor. -av-farrjv. t'^-airaTaw, 7 deceive entirely ; fut. -arraTiJtra;, I aor. pass. -rj-na lamvT)S, ( = taii>r)s), suddenly. t a.vXiop.ai, 7 Zeal/* my quarters, bivouac out of doors. (aiXtj, resting place for night.) '-8ov, imperf. of eK-0tca. t|-eiT|, opt. of. -f(m. ^-i|Xi, I go out, sally forth, (tf, and (?fu, ibo.) Used as fut. of <- t'|-Kop.icra. (-CKO|xurap.Tjv, I aor. act. and mid. of KOfjufa. t-Kvpi, fut. of lx0ev, (adv.) from without. i'oiKd, 2 perf. (formed from * (tK', as !' iiTirov, on horseback. cir-tam, 3rd pi. pres. of tir-fiiu. m-paivco, / go to, go upon; mount. 1 aor. (ir-(0t]v. eiri-pdXXo>, 7 throw upon ; fut. -/JaA.5, perf. -l3t{}\r]Ka. iiri-fittftyntvoi To6rai, archers with arrows on iJie string. Lit. ' having put [arrows] on their [strings].' ttri-pov\uw, / plan or plot against ; fut. ~tvoa>. iitifiov\-i\, -rjs, (. a plot, treachery. K, 7 pursue after; fut. -8, pro- tection. tTri-Kpareia, -at, f. cover, protection (lit. power over, from cni, and /xi- TO, power). , (Act. and Mid.) 7 /o> AoW o/ sz, with gen. TTi-\av04vop.ai (or tm-XriOofjieu), 7 forget; fut. eirj-X^ffo/wt, 2 aor. iir-e\a&6nr]v, perf. iiri-\t\i)(r(Mi. tTri-Xciirco, (trans.) 7 /eave behind, (intrans.) I fail, am wanting, 2 aor. , -oi', chosen, picked, (iirl, and A.TOS, verbal adj. of \fyoa, I choose.) // after; fut. perf. i, 7 know, understand; im- to), 7 s/ao, attack ; (iiri-KfifJUu is used for the passive) ; fut. -ffrjuoi. VOCABULARY. 1 99 m-Tprw, 7 entrust to, command, permit; I aor. kir-trpt\l/a. ciri-^aCvopai, I appear (near the spot), make my appearance; fut. -(/KJPOC/ICU. *m-x<4>*w, I put my hand to, attempt; (liri, and x*'P> a hand) ; fut. -r]ffoj. tirt-xipijw, the same as (m\fiffoi ; fut. -xtipivoJ. tu, I pour on or /. , i aor. of wAso;. v, 2 aor. pass, of nXr)TT(, t-iro\t\Lovv, imperf. of iro\e/*e'o>. eiro|Aai, I follow, pursue; fut. tyo/tat, imperf. eiTrdjti^i', 2 aor. effirofirjv. -ircvovv, imperf. of novfca. turd, seven. (Lat. septem.) liTTaKocrtoi, -at, -a, seven hundred. 'Einja|a, -17$, f. Epyaxa, queen of Cilicia, wife of Syennesis (I. 64). e-irxi0o|XT|v, 2 aor. of irvvOdvoftai. t'p YU Jofxai, 7 K/or, do ; fut. (pyaffofjat, perf. fipyaa/Mi. (tpyov, work.) tp-yov, -ou, "n. M/or&, action. tp"fT|v, 2 aor. pass, of aTpf, 3 sing. pres. imperat. of el/u. lv, -ov, happy, prosperous, wealthy. (y, well, and Saificav, fate.) v-8ia, -as, f. fair-weather, a calm. u-tpYcria, -at, f. good service, kind- ness. u-pYrijs, -ov, m. a benefactor. {i-w|xos, -ov, lit. ' of good name,' lucky, the left ; especially TO tvwvv- pov \jctpat\, the left wing of an army. (5, WO/ML, of good name ; really an euphemism for the utt- lucky side, i, e. the left, which it was unlucky to mention.) t-^gyov, 1 aor. with pres. iaQica. --ciTojxat, 7 pursue ; fut. i-(iir6firjv. "E4>j-os, -ov, f. Ephesus in Lydia, on the west coast of Asia Minor. ?-<|>T]v, 3 aor. of (ftrjiii. -r)vd(jfrjv, i aor. mid. of 0Y|d|xtjv, I aor. of ipOfyyofMit. <4>06s, -77, -6v, boiled (verbal adj. of ?t/>o>, 7 boil). (J>-i(rnjni, (trans.) 7 make to stop ; set over; fut. tiri-arrivm ; (intrans.) 7 stand by, halt ; 2 aor. itt-tffnjv. c-oSiov, , ov> n . travelling expenses or supplies, (iirl, and 6Sos, a road). <4>-oSos, -ov, f. an approach. -opos, -ov, in. an overseer ; ol *Eo- poi, the Ephors, or Council of Five at Sparta. (ivyov, a aor. of imperf. tlxpv, 2 aor. iaxpv. Impers. xaAws X*'i '' M veil ; (Pass.) ol dvOpca- iroi t\ovrai, the inhabitants are kept prisoners, (Mid.) 7 hold on to, so txo- futvot, next in order. 9, ace. ea>, f. morning; irpos fw, to- wards the east. us, (conj.) as long as, until, while. z. Zairaros, -ov, m. the river Zab in Assyria, flowing from the East into the Tigris (III. too). fdu, 7 live; fut. C'? ' '. imperf. e^r, infin. fty. ^uYTjXartw, 7 aV/w a yoke of oxen. (tvyot and (\avvcu.) fVYvv>|Ai, 7 ^ofo, join, attach ; fut. Cevfa), perf. tfevy/xeu, 2 aor. ((vyrjv. etJY os > M > n - a ^* e f oxen - (Lat. jugum, Eng. .yoe.) Zevs, Aio's, m. Zffws (Roman Jupiter), voc. Zeu, ace. Ato. frjXcoTos, -Tj, -ov, enviable. I rival.) t]|uou, 7 punish ; fut. ffjv, pres. infin. of aw. cpi)v, pres. opt. of (Jaw. JWVTJ, -rjs, f. a girdle, gird on.) H. TJ, (conj.) or, than ; r) . . j, either . . or. TJ, (adv.) truly, verily. n, 3 sing. subj. of tlfii. (Lat. sum.) i (adv.) where, properly dat. sing. fem. of os, ^, o. aor - "7 W - J aor - f a77e'AA.w. -" V > -ovos, m. a leader, guide. f|Y afwco has also both meanings.] r|vP 1 l v ' r aor - P ass - ^ 7*'/ w - 'H - y i n o ' av J>ps, -ow, m. Hegesander, a Greek captain (VII. 71). TJyvoow, imperf. of d-yvoe'w. TJY OV > imperf. of a-ycu. V|8iv, 7 in^w ; pluperf. of oiSa, used as imperf. olSa having a present signification. T|8tws, (adv.) gladly, with pleasure. Comp. ffiov ; superl. ijoiira. x, 7 make bold, encourage; I aor. kOdpowa. OaTTov, comp. of TOX^WS, more quickly. 0avp.a.a>, 7 wonder, marvel; fut. Oavfjaffca, perf. r(Oav/MKa. (Oavpa, wonder.) 0a, -as, f. a view, a sight. 0ed, -as, f. a goddess. 0tajj.a, -CTOS, n. a s/g'A/, spectacle. doitat, I see.) i, 0i9, 2 aor. act. infin. and part. 6<\b>, 7 iw'sA ; fut. Of \riffu. 6pc, 7 view,inspect,review (troops), fut. -JJ(T, 7 hunt, chase. (Ofo, a wild beast.) 0Tjpiov, -ov, n. a w/W teas/, (tf^, Lat./-a. VOCABULARY. 203 OTJCTU, fut, rjxTjs, -ov, m. Theches, a mountain near Trapezus, whence the Greeks got their first sight of the sea (V. ,283)- 0i{Jpwv, -twos, m. Thibron, a. Spartan commander, sent out to oppose Tissaphernes (VIII. 543). OvqcrKto, 7 die; fut. 6avovjj.at, perf. TtOvrjKa, 1 aor. iQavov. 66pv|3os, -ov t m. noise, confusion, tumult. Qpa.Ki],-T]s, f. Thrace, now forming the eastern half of the Turkish province Rumelia, and containing the capital Constantinople. Also a district of Bithynia in Asia Minor, (rpaxvs, rough.) pcjKios, -a, -ov, Thracian, or be- longing to Thrace. 0pa, -a/cos, m. a Thracian. Opacre'iog, (adv.) boldly. Opacrus, -tta, -v, bold, venturesome. 0vyaTT]p, -rpos, f. a daughter. 0vvoi, -lav, m. the Thyni, a people in Thrace ; they colonised Bithynia (VIII. 138). Ovpa, -as, f. a door. (Lat. /ores.) OvptTpo, -wv, (neut. plur.) doors. Ovaia, -as, f. a sacrifice. 0vto, I sacrifice; (Mid.) I sacrifice for myself, i. e. take the auspices ; fut. Oiiffcu, perf. TeOvxa. 0u>pa, -O.KOS, m. a breastplate, cors- let, cuirass. 0wpa, O.KOS, m. Thorax, a Boeotian general, jealous of Xenophon (VI. 159)- I. I8elv, 2 aor. infiii. of dSov, pres. opdca. iSia, (adv.) privately, on one's own account (dat. fem. of tSjos). iSios, -a, -ov, private, one's own. IStw-rrjs, -ov, m. a private person. iSoi|ju, I8tov, 2 aor. act. opt. and part. of clSov, prcs. iifiaca. Ujxtjv, imperf. mid. of irjfu. icvai, pres. infin. of tlfu. (Lat. ibo.) Icpctov, -of, n. a victim. Upos, -d, -6v, holy, sacred: rci It pa Ka\a ? t v, the sacred ' (entrails') were favourable, i. e. the sacrifice showed good omens. iT]Ht, (Act.) 7 throw, shoot, send; (Mid.) 7 rush, fut. ffffw, I aor. fjna, perf. flica. i0i, pres. imperat. of ilpi. (Lat. ibo ) iicavos, -17, -ov, Jit, suitable, sufficient, able; comp. -urtpos, superl. -ajraros. iKavtos, (adv.) sufficiently. iKerevw, 7 supplicate, entreat; fut. -fvcru. (iK(TT]s, a suppliant.) tp,ds, -O.VTOS, m. a strap, thong. lp.o.Tiov, -ov, n. a cloak. iva, (i) (adv.) where; (2) (conj.) in order that. urirapxos, -ov, m. a commander of cavalry. (ITTTTOS, and apxca, I rule.) iirire-us, -((as, m. a horseman ; pi. tTTTTf?*, cavalry. ITTWIKOS, -17, -ov, belonging to a horse; TO iiririKov, the cavalry; Owpa lum- KOS, a cavalry breastplate. iiriros, -ov, m. a horse; tv, m. Issi. or Issus, a town in Cilicia, in the N. E. corner of the Levant (I. 158). Seventy years afterwards it became famous for Alexander's victory over the Persians, BC. 333. icrr*, 2 pi. from ofSa, or imperat. from iaOi. icmriiu, (trans.) 7 make to stand, stop, set up ; fut. ffTTifftu, 1 aor. tffTijffa : (intrans.) / stand, halt; perf. 'to- 204 VOCABULARY. rr]Ka, (part, tarwi,) a aor. iarrjv, I aor. pass. icrraOrjV. lerriov, ov, n. a sail. Icrxvpos, -a, -ov, strong. io-xupa>s, (adv.) strongly ; hence very, exceedingly. urx *' ( a form of Ix*"') ^ s '/ ) ' hinder. icroos, (adv.) perhaps, (lit. equally.) ITOV, verb. adj. from 7/, one / #- ITVS, -vos, f. the rim of a shield. iTtocrav, 3 pi. imperat. of 7/. (Lat. 160.) IXVIDV, -ov, n. a trace, track, (fjpros, a track.) ia>, iu>v, pres. subj. and part, of fi/u. (Lat. 6o.) K. KaO-e^o^.ai., / sit down, rest, halt; impf. tKaO-t6fjii)v. Ka6-cis, 2 aor. part, of KO.O-irjfu. Kd6-f\Kw, I draw down; fut. -t\a>. impf. KaO-ffaicov. Kd9-cu5u>, / sleep ; imperf. ixaOtvSoy. tcaO-TjKw, 7 reach down ; TO KO.O-T)KOV, the fart reaching down. Kd0-T)p.at, / sit down, encamp. Kd6-rr]|u, 7 send down, let fall ; fut. -rjaoj, impf. -/iji'. ts irpofio\r)v rti SJpara KaO-iivTd, couching their spears, lit. ' letting down their spears for attack.' KoO-tarrjui, (trans.) 7 set in order, settle, appoint; fut. Kara- arrjaca; (iu- trans.) / am placed: perf. KaO-iarij- Ka, 1 aor. itar-fffTrjv. KaO-opdu, 7 7oo& down upon, behold ; fut. Knr-oiffO^ai, 2 aor. /car-frSuv. KOI, (couj.) (l) arf; (2) a/.vo, / ; ai . . . teal, both . . . and. KdiKos, -ov, in. the Calcus, a river in Mysia, flowing by Pergainus (VIII. 532.) Kaivai, -on-, f. Caenae, a town in Mesopotamia on the Tigris (HI. 98) ; perhaps the ancient Assyrian Calah, mentioned in Genesis, x. n. KaCircp, although, (with participle.) Kaipos, -or, in. a Jit lime, season, opportunity. KaiToi, and yet. Kaiw, 7 burn, kindle; fut. Kavffai, I aor. (Kavaa, perf. pass. Ktieavfiat. KdKiovs, nom. pi. of KCLKIOW, contr. for Kaitiovts. KaKoq, -jj, -6v, bad, wicked, cowardly ; comp. Kaic'icav, superl. Kaici, 7 do evil ; with ace. 7 in- jure; fut. -i7 to be well (lit. ' in a good condition ') ; superl. KdX- XlOTO. KdXirr], -?;$, f. Calpe, a river and town in Bithynia : its ruins are marked by two harbours called Kerpeh. KaXxiSovta, -as, f. Calchedonia, the district round Calchedon. KdXxT]8wv, -ofos, f. Calchedon, a town in Bithynia. Kojivw, 7 labour, am weary, am sick; fut. Kaftovfuii, perf. /ctK/ujjra, 2 aor. tKafMV. Oi Kafwovrts, the sick. Kd-rrvos, -ov, m. smoke. KdppdiTivdi, -uiv, f. pi. dioes (of un- dressed leather), brogues. Kap8ouxoi. m. the Carduchians, a hill tribe in Armenia, now the Kurds, or Kurdistan. Kapirdia, -as, f. the Carpaian, a mimic dance among the Thcssaluns. Kdpiros, -ov, m. fruit. Kdpvov, -ov, a nut, chestnut. Kara, prep, with gen. and ace. (root meaning down). I. with gen. L VOCABULARY. 205 down from, down in : ii. down upon, against. II. with ace. i. of place, down along, along, among, about; Kara ~ff\v teal KaraL 6d\arrav, by land and sea : ii. of time, as ard rovrov rbv xpvvov, at this time : iii. (especially) according to, as regards; Kara Kpdros, by force or at full speed (see ava Kparos), Kara \6\ovs, by companies. In Composition, down, downright or utterly, against. Be- fore an aspirated vowel Kara becomei KO.Q', as tcaO' fmipav, daily. KaTa-j3aivw, / come down, descend, go down to the sea ; fut. -flrjffoiMt, 2 aor. Kartfinv. Ka.T-aYYXA, I denounce, disclose; fut. -ay-ff\S>, -7777, I bring down, bring home, restore; fut. -aa>. Ka/ra-oiuKU), / pursue close ; fut. -Siw- f. Kara-Svco, (intrans. and Mid.) I sink down; perf. -SfSvKa, 2 aor . Kar-tSw : (trans.) in fut. Kara-Svffca, and I aor. Ka.T-(8vffa, I cause to sink, sink. Ka.Ta-0edop.ai., / look down upon, watch, observe; fut. -6(dao(Mi. Kara-Ocu, 7 run down; fut. -OfvffOfMU. Kara-Kaito, 7 burn down ; fut. -Kavatu. KaTa-Ktijiai, 7 lie down; fut. -Ktiffo- fUU, K, I shut in, enclose; fnt. -K\tiffa., I aor. pa^s. Ka i aor. Kar-t\afiov. KaTa-\iirw, 7 /eafff behind; fut. -\etya), 2 aor. nar-i\nrov. tvw, 7 s/ay behind; fut. -[itvSi, I aor. tcar-efttiva. Ta-injSdw, 7 /a/> down; fut. 7 /aW //cA W2> /en/, encamp. (Kara, down on the ground, and fficfjin], tent.) KaTa-craivo), (Act-) / show, exhibit ; (Mid.) 7 appear; fut. -(pavu. Ka,T-taa, I aor. of Kar-ayvvfj.1. KaT-eiSov, 2 aor. with pres. Kaff- opata. KaT-O-0io>, 7 a/ /, devour; fut. Kar-fSoiJ.ai, 2 aor. -ifpayov. KaT-x w > -^ AoW, maintain ; reach, compel; fut. Ka6-tca and aTa- ffxqcra!, 2 aor. Kar-iexov. (Kard = downright.) Kar-riY ?***" -^ s#i against, accuse (with gen.) ; fut. -rjyop-fjffu. KaT-T)p6p.t5a), 7 ca/m, appease ; i aor . -rjpepiaa. KaT-cxi5oj, 7 found (a city) ; fut. -oiKiau, I aor. -tpKiaa.. KaT-opvTTW, 7 6f/ry ; fut. -opvv, perf. -op&pvx<*, perf. pass, -op&pvynat. , (adv.) down, downwards, below. 206 VOCABULARY. Ka/Gfxa, -droj, n. heat. burn.) Kauai|ios, -ov, fit for burning, con- btistible. Kavarpos, -on, m. Cayster, a river in the little known interior of Phrygia: not to be confounded with the well-known Cayster, which flows into the sea at Ephesus. Kavorpov TrtSt&v, the plain of Cay- ster, an important town in the interior of Phrygia : not to be con- founded with the Cayster-plains near Ephesus. The northern road from Byzantium, and the western from Sardis, joined here on the route to Iconium and Syria (I. 63). Kip.ai, I lie; fut. Kflffo/jai. Used as pass, of ri&rnu, = 7 am placed. KeXaival, -wi>, f. Celaenae, a town in Phrygia, east of Colossae (I. 53). xcXcvib), 7 order, bid, command; fut. nt\tva<>), I aor. tKt\evffa. KCVOS, -T), -6v, empty, void. KtvTpiTtjs, -on, m. the Centrites, an eastern tributary of the Tigris di- viding Armenia from the country of the Carduchi (IV. 370). Kcpajiciiv 'Ayopa, -as, f. Ceramorum Agora, a town on the frontiers of Mysia (I. 63). Ktpas, Ktpaii (Kfp5.rot), n. a horn ; the wing of an army, titl Ktpas ayfiv, to lead in column ; lit. ' to lead towards the wing," f. e. all facing to the right (or left), instead of marching with a broad front. Kcpacrovs, -ovvrot, f. Cerasus, a town in Pontus (VI. pa). K)>aX-aXYqs, -ft, cawing headache. (tff(/xiAr), head, and oXyo*, pain.) K4>a\T), ijt, {. the head. KT}8op.ai, 7 care for (with gen.). KT)piov, -ov, n. a honey-comb. Kfjpvi{, iiicof, m. a herald. KT)pVTTw, 7 proclaim, announce; fut. Kijpvfta, perf. pass. Kderipvyfiat. KiXiKia, -as, f. Cilicia, the S. E. coiner of Asia Minor. KCXio-tra, -rjs, f. a Cilictan woman ; % Kl\iaaa, the Cilician Queen, Epy- axa (I. 67). Kiv8uvvco, 7 incur danger, run a risk; = there is a risk that 7 ... (with infin ; fut. KivSwfvou. (nlvovvos, danger.) KI; 8iJvos, -on, m. danger, risk. Kivt'o), 7 move ; fut. Ktvrjffw. KXcavSpos, -ov, m. Oleander, a Lace- daemonian ' harmost ' or governor in Byzantium. KXcdvcop, -opot, m. Cleanor, an Arca- dian general (IV. 66). KXcapxos, -ov, m. Clearchus, chief of the Greek generals in Cyrus' army: a Spartan commander in the Pelo- ponnesian war, afterwards condemn- ed to death for disobedience. He joined Cyrus, and was killed by treachery of Tissaphernes. KXctOpov, -ov, n. a bolt, bar, (K\('KU, I shut.) K\tio>, 7 shut; fut. *Xffas, -ao, and -ovs, n. darkness, twilight. (Cp. ff(pot, a cloud. ) Kvi]|xCs, -iSos, (., in pi. leg armour, greaves. (KvtjfiTi, the shin-bone.) KoiXo?, -rj, -ov, hollow. Koip.da>, (Act.) 7 put to sleep ; (Mid.) I fall asleep ; fut. Koif^ffea. icoivos, -17, -6v, common. TO Kotvbv, the community : euro KOIVOV, at the public cost. KOIVUVOS, -ov, m. a sharer, partner. (KOIVOS, common.) KoXd^u, 7 punish ; fut. ico\aff, m. the Colchians or the people of Colchis. KoXcovo?, -ov, m. a mound. Kop.iu, (Act.) I fetch, bring; (Mid.) I return ; i aor. (Koffiaa. KOVIO.TOS, -(], -6v, plastered. (itovta, lime-dust.) KoviopTos, -ov, m. a cloud of dust. (KOVIS, dust, and opvvfu, I raise.) Koirpos, -ov, m. dung. KOITTW, I cut down, knock ; fut. Kojf/T|, -T}S, f. top, summit. Koo-p.ws, -ov, orderly, under good discipline. KoTuciipa, -eav, n. Cotyora, a town in Pontus. Kov4>os, -17, -ov, light, nimble. Kovcjxds, (adv.) lightly, nimbly. Kpdvos, -ovs, n. a helmet. KpuTcu, (with gen.) 7 rule, conquer, get possession of, (with ace.) hold, keep; fut. Kpar-fjaea. (tcparos, strength.) KpaTTjp, -fjpos, m. a goblet, (ntpav- vv^u, I mix.) KpaTMrra, adv. of Kpanffrot, most bravely, best. KpaTvoros, -rj, -ov, strongest, best, noblest; used as superl. of a-yaOus. Kporos, -ovs, n. strength; Kara tcparos, dvci Kpdros, with all one's might, i.e. at full speed. Kpa-vyf], -fjs, f. a shout, (xpafa, I shout.) Kpcas, aros, n. flesh, meat. Generally in pi. TO. Kpia. KptiTTwv, -ov, stronger, better, supe- rior; from Kparvs, but used as compar. of a/ya06s. i, 7 hang (used as Mid. of fiavvvfii) ; fut. i:pt/.ir;ao/j.ai. ), -T)S, f. a fountain, spring. -q, -^s, f. barley (often in pi.). KpiOivos, -rj, -ov, made of barley. olvos KpiOivos, lit. ' barley wine,' i. e. beer or whisky. Kpivci), 7 judge, distinguish, consider ; fut. KptvSi, perf. Kticptita, perf. pass. KeKptfjuii, I aor. pass. tKpiOrjv. Kpieris, -us, f. a trial, (Kpivca, I judge.) Kporos, -ov, m. a noise (produced by striking), clapping of hands. Kpovco, 7 strike, clash ; fut. upovaos. Kpvirrw, 7 A/rfe, conceal ; fut. Kpfyo), perf. KtKpvtya, perf. pass. Kt/cpvpnai, I aor. pass. ixpv(p0r]v. KTaopai, 7 acquire, gain, possess; fut. KTi7w/ /o , all round, lit- in a circle. KVK\6o>, 7 encircle, surround; fut. KVK\uffca. KvXiv8o, 7 roll. KWIO-KOS, -ov, m. Cyniscus, a Spartan governor in the Chersonese. Kvpos, -ov, m. Cyrus the younger, the second of the two sons of Darius Nothus; killed at Cunaxa, 8.0.401. (Cyrus the Great founded the Persian monarchy, took Babylon, and re- leased the Jews, 538 B.C.) KViiiv, KVVOS, m. and f. a dog. (Lat. canis, Eng. hound.) KCO\VO>, 7 hinder, prevent ; fut KcaXvao). KcLjiT), -qs, f. a village. 208 VOCABULARY. A. Aaj3Tv, Xafjaov, 2 aor. infin. and part. of \afj.pdvai. AaYXavu, / obtain by lot, obtain, get ; ft t. \rjo/juii, perf. (i\r]\a, perf. pass. (t\rjypai, 2 aor. f\a^ov. Ad6pa, secretly, (with gen.) without the knowledge of. AaKtSaipdvios, -a, -ov, Lacedaemo- nian, or inhabitant of Lacedaemon or Sparta, in Peloponnesus. The nobles were called Spartans. All Spartans were Lacedaemonians, but all Lacedaemonians were not Spar- tans. XCIKKOS, -ov, m. a hole, pit. (Lat. locus.) Adxcov, -uvos, m. a Laconian, a free citizen of the country near Sparta. Xap.fjdvu>, 1 take, seize, receive, (with gen. take hold of): fut. perf. tt\rj, I shine, gleam; fut. Kantyw. Aa|ii|/aKT]v6$, -ov, m. a Lampsacene, or inhabitant of Lampsacus. AduvJ/aKos, -ov, f. Lampfacns, a town in the north of Mysia on the Hellespont, now Lamsaki, nearly opposite Gallipoli (VIII. 485). Xav6dv, (Act.) I lie hid, escape notice, (with ace.) escape notice of, hence with part. (I do a thing) unawares; (Mid.) 7 forget; fut. \$aa), perf. \4\rj0a, perf. pass. \i\rjafjuii, 2 aor. (\aOov. Aax- XY U I I say, speak ; fut. A^o>, i aor. Ata, perf. pass. Xcia, -as, f. booty, spoil. Xciiroi, 7 leave, forsake, abandon; fut. Afloat, perf. \t\oina, 2 aor. cAdror. XcXcivj/Ofjiai, paulo-post fut. of \(iirca. XtXonra, perf. of \(imu. XcvKo-0upa|, -a/to, m.' and f. wearing a white breastplati. XCUKOS, -17, -(5v, white. XTIY^I I cease, leave off'; fut. A^w. Xi]i$o|jiav, 7 plunder, ravage. (Ana, plunder.) ATJITTOS, -a, -W, wws/ 6e /n^, verbal adj. of Aa/i/Sdfo;. -ou, m. a robber. (Aej'a, XTJO-W, fut. XT)t|/o(xai, fut. of Aa/x/Sdcw. XiOos, -ov, m. a stone. XIJATJV, -vos, m. a harbour, haven. Xtjios, -oC, in. hunger, famine. Xoyos, -ov, m. a word, speech, report; in pi. a conference. (A7os, -ov, m. a hill, eminence. Xoxayos, -oO, a captain, (\6xos, a company, and ^yiofMt, I lead.) Xoxos, "Ov, m. a company (generally of a hundred men). AvBia, -as, f. Lydia, in Asia Minor. AVKIOS, -ov, m. Lycius, an Athenian cavalry officer (IV. 152). AVKUV, -twos, m. Lycon, an Achaean ; one of the deputies sent to Heraclea (VII. 43). XVTTCOI, I grieve, pain, distress, (\vinj, grief.) Xvmrj, -ijt, f. grief, sorrow. \v pi) iroKiv, I bid you not to do it; iii. with participle, if not, as pi) iroiSrv, if he does not do = tl pi) iroift; iv. that, or lest, after verbs of fearing, as oiootm pi) iroii7 at pi) wottiv, I hinder you from doing ; v. in directly forbidding, with pres. imper. or aor. subj. as pi) void, do not do it (as a habit), pi) -noways, d? not do it (now). *T)5, (conj). neither, nor, not even. iTjStts, -fpla, -iv, no one, (lit. pij&i (It, not even one.) p.T)8(iroTt, (adv.) never (lit. not even ever). M-qSia, -as, f. Media, south of the Caspian, west of the Tigris. M-qSoKos, -ov, m.Meddcus, king of the Odrysians in Thrace (VIII. 141). Mi)8o, (Act.) 7 remind, (Mid.) 7 remember, mention, fut. pvf]cropat, perf.pepvnpat, with present meaning. |uo-f(i>, 7 hate; fut. -j'jatu. (picrot, hatred.) (xt, 7 suck in, lit. 'drink in with closed lips.' (pv, mute.) MvpiavSpos, -ov, f. Myriandrus, a town between Issus and Antioch (I. 165). pvpicis, -dSoi, f. ten thousand in num- ber, a myriad. VOCABULARY. [0,-upioi, -at, -a, ten thousand; [vupCoi, countless, numberless. (Distinguish by accents.) Mvaia, -as, f. Mysia, the N. W. province of Asia Minor. jjio)p6s, -d, '6v, foolish. N. vat, (adv.) yes. vain], -77*, f. a woody dell, glen. vdiros, -ovs, n. = vaiTT). vaiJ-ap^os, ov, ni. the commander of a fleet, an admiral, (vavs, a ship, and ap\ca, I command.) vav-irr)Y 1 1 ' ov > ustfi'l for ship- building, (vavs, and wfjyvvfu, I fasten.) va(3s, v(dis, pi. vrjts, f. a ship. vaviriKos, -17, -6v, naval, (vavs, ship.) vsavicTKo?, -ov, m. a young man, a youth. vcxpos, -ov, m. a dead body, corpse. vt|A, (i) / distribute, (2) divide as . pasture, hence Pass. v(/j.fffQai, to be grazed on ; npia v(Vfftr)/j.tva, meat divided, i.e. slices of meat, fut. vtyaa, perf. vtvifajKa, I aor. tvet/jia. veo-Bapros, -ov, newly flayed, (veos, new, and Septa, I flay.) vcos, -a, -ov, fresh, young. Comp. vewrtpos; super), vcairaros. vcupa, -as, f. a sinew, cord for a sling, bow-string. vevcrojjuu, fut. of vlo>. v(j>\T|, -r)s, f. a cloud, mist. V(o, I swim, fut. vtvaopai. Nwv, -cavos, m. Neon, an Asinaean, successor of Cheirisophus, and op- ponent of Xenophon. VIKO.W, 7 conquer, overcome, prevail; fut. VlK-fjOO). viKi], -rjs, f. victory, conquest. void), / perceive, observe ; fut. voiycrw, I aor. Ivorjffa. (yoos, mind.) vojAifw, 7 consider, think; I aor. fv6i*!cra, perf. pass. vtv6ijuafmt. ra vomtfutva, rites of burial, lit. ' the things considered usual.' v6|Ufios, ~q, -ov, customary, usual vojxos, -ov, ni. custom, law. vdos, -ov, m. contr. voOs, vov, etc mind, thought, intention. v6s, -a, -ov, hospitable ; neut. pi, tvia, friendly gifts, presents. vos, -ov, m. a guest-friend, stranger. Hevo4>uiV, -3>VTOS, m. Xenophon, an Athenian, born B.C. 444, a pupil of Socrates, who carried him out of the battle of Delium (B.C. 424) on his shoulders. Xenophon was strongly opposed to the popular government at Athens, and an ad- mirer of the Spartan oligarchy ; he was therefore glad to leave Athens in 401 and join Cyrus, on the in- vitation of his friend Proxenus, a Theban, whose acquaintance he had made when he was a prisoner at Thebes. After the murder of Clearchus he was made commander of the army. In the spring of 399 he gave over the army to Thibron the Spartan and returned to Athens, Socrates had been put to death, and Xenophon was banished for having joined Cyrus, an ally of the Spartans. He then fought in Asia under the Spartan king Agesilaus, and on the P I 112 VOCABULARY. return of the latter to Greece he even fought on hit side against his own countrymen at Coronea, B.C. 394, for which the Spartans rewarded him with a gift of land near Olym- pia. He lived there till 371, and then went to Corinth, where he died, probably about 355. Besides the Anabasis, his chief works are (1) the Hellenica, a Greek history for forty-eight years, ending with the battle of Mantinea, B.C. 362 ; (2) Memorabilia, or memoirs of So- crates'conversations ; ($)Cyropaedia, or the education of the elder Cyrus, founder of the Persian monarchy. In the Hellenica he attributes the authorship of the Anabasis to one Themistogenes of Syracuse, pro- bably a nom de plume for him- self. Hpr]S, -ov, m. Xerxes, king of Persia, son of Darius I (Hystaspes) ; he in- vaded Greece, and was defeated at Salamis, B.C. 480. i<}>os, -ovs, n. a sword. v\tvos, -rj, -or, wooden. (fvXov.) v\ov, -ov, n. wood. o. i >), T<5, (i) the def. art. the ; (2) pro- noun he, she, as o 8t tlntv, and he said. 6|3XCcrKos, -ov, m. a little spit or spear. 6ySoT)KovTa, eighty. 58, %$(, r6S(, this, properly, this one here. It often refers to what is coming, as Z\(t raSt , he spoke as follows. o86s, -ov, f. a way, road, journey, ex- pedition. 'O8pv 7 found, settle ; I aor. ytciaa, perf. wKiajj.a.1. oiKoOev, (adv.) /rowi AOJH*. (of/fos, home.) OIKOI, (adv.) a/ Aom. Properly a locative case of ottos. ottcos, -ov, m. a house, home. (Lat V/CKS.) oT|xai. See oio^iai. olvos, -ov, m. wine. (Lat. vtnum.) oivoxoos, -ov, m. a cup-bearer. (oTvot, and X* 4 *! I pour.) oiop.ai, contr. otfiai, / think, suppose ; fut. olrjaofuu, I aor. yrjOrjv, imperf. olos, -a, -oj', U//U2/ 5or/ p/, (swcA) as. (Lat. qualis.) ol6s ri tipi, 7 am able ; ol6v ri tan, it is possible. OLS, oi'ds, f. sheep (Lat. oir/s) ; ace. pi. oft. oixopcu, 7 am gone, I depart; fut. ouovos, -ov, m. (i) a large bird, bird of prey : hence (2) an omen. 6xXa;, f. a mist, fog. o(Avv(jn, 7 swear; i aor. uftoffa, perf. 6p.tijjj.oKa, perf. pass. oiiwpoaiuu. o(j.oios, -a, -ov, //'fo. 6|j.oicos, (adv.) likewise, equally. opoXoyoj, / acknowledge, confess, agree ; fut. -7js, (adv.) ye/, nevertheless. dvap, n. a dream ; pi. ovtipara (only in nom. and ace.). 6vf|crci>, fut. of OVIVTJ/JU. 6vivT]pa, 7 iewe/?/ ; fut. oj^ffw, I aor. uvrjffa, I aor. pass. uvrj0T)v. ovo|xa, -arcs, n. a name. ovoiiaori, (adv.) by name, (ovop.a.) ovos, -ov, in. and f. an ass. oirrj, (adv.) (I) where ; (a) in what way, as. 6mo-(Uv, (adv.) behind. 6mo-9o-4>vXaKo, / guard the rear ; fut. -rjffco. (uiriaOtv, and vXaida, -as, f. the command of the rear-guard. 6ma6o-<|>vXci, -a/cos, m. commander of the rear-guard, pi. 6ma0o- 4>xiXais, the rear-guard. OTcicra), (adv.) back. 6irXiu>, / arm; 1 aor. Snr\iaa, perf. pass. &TT\io~nat. (oirKa, arms.) oTfXiTvtt, fut. -(vatu, I serve as a hoplite or heavy-armed soldier. oirXiTtjs, -ot, in. a hoplite, or heavy- armed soldier. (oirXa, arms.) oirXov, -ov, n. a heavy shield; mostly pi. bir\a, (heavy) arms, tv rofs on\ois, under arms ; (Is TO, on\a, to the arms, i. e. the place where the arms were piled in camp. oiroi, (adv.) whither, where. OTTOtos, -a, -ov, what sort cf. (Lat. qnalis.) OTroeros, -77, -ov, how great; in pi. oTTOffoi, how many, as many as. Neut. oiroow, as much as, as far as. otTorav, whenever, with subj. (pnort, dv.) *, whenever, with opt. o-irou, (adv.) where, wherever. OTTOJS, (i) how: (a) in order that, that. opdco, 7 see : fut. Sif/ofMi, imperf. iw- poiv, perf. fwpaiea, perf. pass. v///cu, I aor. pass. w6r)v, fut. pass. 6aA.a"y (troops in line). 6p96s, -17, -6v, straight, upright. 6'pOpos, -ov, m. the dawn. opOcos, (adv.) rightly. (opQos.) opijco, 7 bound, limit, define; I aor uptffa, perf. pass. eupt, (Act.) (i) (trans.) I incite; (2) (intrans.) rush; (Mid.) 7 set out; fut. op/xijaeo, perf. SipnqKa, perf. pass. up ny (MI. (oputl, an impulse.) 6p|xcw, 7 lie at anchor ; fut. opurjaca, imperf. wppow, aorist supplied by opiu^ca. (op/jiot, a harbour.) opp-T], -175, f. impulse, movement ; iv 6pt*.rj, on the start. 6p|xio>, (Act.) 7 bring to anchor, moor ; I aor. &p(uaa, (Mid.) 7 lie at anchor, (oppos, a harbour.) opveov, -ov, n. a bird. op vis, Wos, m. and f. a bird, fowl. 'OpovTt]S, -ov, m. Orontes. (i) a Persian put to death by Cyrus for treachery (I. 228). (2) a satrap ol Armenia (IV. 250). opos, -ous, n. a mountain. opo<|>os, -ov, m. thatch, roof. 6pVTTW, 7 dig ; fut. opvca, perf. opca- ' pv\a, perf. pass. opwpvyfMt, vert>. adj. o 214 VOCABULARY. 5p4>av6s. -TI, -ov, an orphan. >pX\os, benefit, service, use, (only used in nom. and ace.). 64>0oAp.6s, -ov, m. the eye. (fyo/Mi, I shall see; fut. with pres. opaoj.) 6x">, (Act.) 7 carry, (Mid.) 7 ride; fut. o^ffcw. 6xT|[Aa, -O.TOS, n. a vehicle, support. c>X^T]> -ns, f. a bank (of a river). OX^DS, -ov, m. crowd, people, (Lat. vulgus); camp followers of an army, o^Ao? iraptxWt to g'* e trouble. 6\|/^, (adv.) late. 6v|;ios, -a, -ov, in the evening, (oif/ia, sc. w/w, the evening.) o4>is, -tow, f. appearance, sight, spectacle, (oi^o/xai.) i, fut. with pres. op&ta. n. v, -ov, n. the pancratium, a contest in wrestling and boxing. (iray, and Kparos, strength.) irolOo?, -ovt, n. suffering; (vaffxoi, I suffer.) o, rt TO itdOot tin, what was the matter. Tra0u>v, -ovaa, -ov, 3 aor. part, of traiavijo), 7 raise the paean, (war cry or song of victory.) (irotdi', the paean.) iraiScia, -a*, f. education, training. VOCABULARY, 215 iroiSiov, -ot, n. a child; (dim. of wafs.) irals, wa<5os, m. and f, a child, (boy or girl.) ircuu, 7 strike; fut. naiffoa, I aor. (iraicfa. irdXcu, (adv.) long ago. (ird\at 6pS>, I have long been seeing, and so with other verbs, like Lat. jamdudum video.) miX.aiw, 7 wrestle, fut. -aiata. jrdXr], -77$, f. wrestling. (ird\\o>, I shake.) iraXiv, (adv.) back, again. jraXrov, -ov, n. a spear, javelin. (ird\\(u, I shake.) tranTrXT)0T|s, -'s, very numerous. n-djnroXvs, --no\\i], -iro\v, very many. iravTaircKTi^v), (adv.) altogether, wholly, entirely. iravToios, -a, -ov, of all sorts, (was.) irdvv, (adv.) altogether, very, fully. (Tras.) Trapd, prep, with gen., dat., and ace. (root meaning beside). I. with gen. from, especially of persons, as ol Trapd /3as, the (messen- gers) from the king, [lit. ' from beside']. II. with dat. at, near, with, especially, at the house of, [lit. ' at the side ']. III. with ace. i. of motion to a point, to; ii. of motion along a line, along, on the side of, as napa, 0d\arrav, along the sea (coast) ; nap' damSa, on the shield side, i.e. on the left; iii. of time, during; iv. (metaphorically) compared with, as napa ravra, because of, besides ; hence beside the mark, i. e. contrary to, as napa rovs vofjiovs, against the laws. In Com- position, i. beside, or near, as irdp- (tfj.1, 'I am near,' or 'present;' ii. beyond, or ' beside the mark,' as trapa-fla'tvo}, I transgress. rmpu [3oT)0fo>, I come to help; fut.-^croj. wap- > 7 bring along, especially lead from column into line; fut. -da>, 2 aor. -rjfayov. irapdSsio-os, -ov, m. a park. (Persian word, hence Eng. paradise.) irapa-BiSwfu, 7 hand over, give up, surrender; fut. -S&ffcu, I aor. irap- towKa, I aor. pass. -tooQrjv. irap-aivco), 7 recommend, exhort, ad- dress ; fut. -atvfffo). irapa-Ka\ti>, 7 send for, summon, exhort; fut. -na\ecra-T(0?;/xt.) irapa-KeXcvofxcu, I exhort, encourage; fut. -Kf\(VffOfMLl. irapa-KtXeuo-is, gen. -ecus, f. a cheering on, encouraging. jrapa-Xa|Apdv, 7 take over, receive, take to myself; fut. -Xj^o/xcu, perf. trap-fi\rj(f>a, 2 aor. -cXa/Soi/. Trapa-TT(jnrw, 7 send along, escort; fut. -iref^if/ea. irapa-irXcw, 7 sail past, sail along; flit. -TT\(VffOfiai. irapaaaYYIS, -ov, m. a parasang, or Persian measured distance = 30 stadia, or 3! miles. Trapa-, 7 gel ready, prepare ; so Mid. prepare for (my own) use; fut. -aietvdffaj, perf. pass. irap-faKfva- 0710.1. irapa-oxevfi, -JJs, f. preparation. irapa-TaTTu, 7 up, arrange (irapd, sz'efe 6y side, i. e. m order of battle) ; fut. -Taa;, perf. pass. -T- . irapa-Tttvw, 7 stretch out, extend (as/ : fut. -S^a/*oi5/iai, 2 aor. irap-tSpa- pat* 2l6 VOCABULARY. irap-t yYvdu, ^ /' 7SS (the word) /row Afl/jd /o /tawrf, command. irdp-eiu.i, 7 cm present, arrive: fut. -iaonat, impf. irap-^v. (tv T ira- povn, at the present time.) irdp-eip.1, / pass by, pass on ; impf. vap-y'dv. n-ap-tXaww, 7 march past, ride past, i aor. -jjAatra. irap-pxou.ai, 7 ^o />as/, pass along, pass through ; 2 aor. -fi\6ov. irap-X<>. 7 furnish, supply ; render, produce (", rn. Pategyas, a Persian, in the army of Cyrus (II. 4). ira-rrip, varpos, m. a father. irarpts, -loot, f. native country, father- land. (Lat patria.) trorpyos, -o, -ov, hereditary, ancestral. iravKo, (Act.) 7 cause to cease, put a stop to; (Mid.) 7 cease, stop; fnt. iravffoi, perf. irtiravKa, perf. pass. WfTTO.Vfl.at. ITa<|>XaYovia, -as, f. Paphlagonia, a district of Asia Minor, on the south coast of the Euxine, between Bithy- nia and Pontus. It was famous for its cavalry. na4>Xa*yuv, -6vos, m. a Paphlago- nian. n-cSr], -rjs, f. a chain for the feet, fetter, (jrovs, gen. iro5os, afoot.) irsSiov, -ov, n. a level surface, plain. irejf), (adv.) OH foot, by land, (prop, dat. of TTtos, with 6oy under- stood). ire6s, -17, -ov, on foot (Lat. pedestris). (iff fa oi'i'a/.tts, infantry force). iTCiOw, (Act.) 7 persuade (with ace.) ; (Mid.) 7 obey, believe (with dat.) ; fut. irtioa), I aor. (irttaa, perf. pass. irtirftfffjiai, 2 perf. irtiroiOa, I trust. 7rcipdo|xai, 7 try, attempt, with infin., also with onus and subj. ; with genitive, I make trial of; fut. ittipd- ffofiat. i. fut. of vaaxoi. tov, one must persuade or obey, verb adj. of irtiOca or TrfiGoftai. dfw, 7 approach ; fut. jreA.a, 7 send; fut. vifaf/ta, perf. -rri-nofitpa, I aor. pass. tni^Ojji'. iTvop,ai, 7 am poor, (irt'fijs, poor.) VOCABULARY. 217 i, -eu, -a, five-hundred. JTVT, five. TTevTT)Kovra, fifty. irVTT)Kovnf|p, -rjpos, m. a commander of fifty men, or a half company. nevi-qKovTOpos, -ov, f. (sc. vavs) a fifty-oared galley, with one bank of 25 oars on each side. TT-iTOv0a, perf. of Traa\ca. ir-irpa-Ka, perf. of irnrpaaKQ). u--irTa>Ka, perf. of iriirrca. n^-truica, perf. of vivo). irepaivco, I finish, accomplish ; fut. TTtpiivw, perf. pass, ntntpa.ff/j.a.1, I aor. pass. kttfpavOrjv. TTspcuoio, (Act.) / convey across ; (Mid.) I cross ; fut. nfpaiwffca. ntpav, (adv.) across, on the other side. (TO irtpav, the opposite fide.) HfpYcijxos, -ov, f. Pergamus, a town in Mysia, near the river Caicus (VIII. 508) ; afterwards the head of an important kingdom under Eumenes II, and in the second century B.C. the capital of the Roman province of Asia. It was celebrated for its library and school of literature, as well as for the invention of parch- ment, which derives its name (through the French parchemin) from ' Per- gamena Charta.' Pergamus was an early seat of Christianity, and one of the Seven Churches of Asia (Rev. ii. 12). [The name means 'citadel.' Cp. the Pergamus or ' citadel ' of Troy ; Greek irvpyos ('castle'), Eng. burgh.~\ Tp8i., -IKOS, m. and f. a partridge. (Lat. perdix.) irepi, prep, with gen., dat., and ace. ; around, about, 'round the ends of (cf. vipa, beyond, irfpas, an end). I. with gen. i. about, concerning, for, like Lat. de; ii. (rarely), above in old sense of beyond, as irtpl iravros noittffOai, to consider it above all, i. e. all-important ; irtpl vo\\ov f above much, i. e. very much. II. with dat., around, es- pecially of parts of the body, as irfpi rots Tpax^ots, round their necks. III. with ace., i. around about, as of irtpl avrov, those about him, i.e. he and his men; ii. of time, about; iii. about, concerning, with regard to. In Composition, i. around, about ; ii. above, i. e. very much, like Lat. per- in per- magnus. irpi-j3a.XXw, 7 throw around, sur- round, embrace ; fut. -/3aA.cD, 2 aor. -(0a\ov. irpi-YiYvo(xai, (i) 7 am superior to, excel; (2) 7 turn out to be; fut. -yevfiffofjiai, 2 aor. -tytvoiajv. TrepL-eip.1, 7 go round. ((/, ibo.) irpi-torTTjn.i, (trans.) 7 place round; (intrans.) 2 aor. and perf. 7 stand round; fut. -OTtjaa), 2 aor. -iaTijv. irf pi-KVK\db>, 7 encircle ; fut. -cuercu. 7Tpi-nvw t 7 wait for; fut. -fitvw, l aor. -(fHfiva.. IIcpivOios, -a, -ov, Perinthian, or inhabitant of Perinthus. ITcpivOos, -ov, (. Perinthus, a town in Thrace on the Propontis, after- wards called Heraclea, whence its modern name Erekli. irpi-TTT|-yvv(u, 7 fix around (Pass.) 7 am frozen around. ir*pi-irXf pw, 7 carry round ; fut. -oioca, I aor. -jj'7o. npaT)S, -ov, m. a Persian, pi. ot Ilt'pam. The Persian empire in- cluded Asia Minor, and extended from it to the North of India, comprising the modern Persia and Asiatic Turkey. It was divided into twenty satrapies or provinces. , -77, -ov, Persian. 2l8 VOCABULARY. Hepo-iorC, (adv.) in the Persian language, in Persian. irecrtiv, 2 aor. infin. of TTJTTTW. ireaoCfiai, fut. of iriiiTca. Trcacov, 2 aor. part, of TTJ'TTTW. irTO|i(H, 7^?y; 2 aor. tirTonyv, irirpa, -as, f. a rock. 7r'4>evya, 2 perf. of . Tr-qYT, -Jjs, f. a fountain, spring, source (of a river). irr\yw\.i, f fix* freeze, (of blood) curdle ; 1 aor. tirr)a, i perf. irtirrjya, I am fixed, 2 aor. pass. (itayrjv. mrjXos, -ou, m. clay, mud. iruf o>, 7 />ress, squeeze ; distress. trivoj, / drink ; fut. Trio/xai, 2 aor. (irtov, perf. ntircuica. mTTpu.o-K&>, / se/^,- perf. nlirpaKa, I aor. pass. kirpaOrjv. Usual pres. jrcuXe'cii, for the fut. and 2 aor. aTro- Saiao/xat and aTT-ttiofATjv are used. n-iTTTO), 7 /a// ; fut. 7re(roC/xa(, 2 aor. errfffov, perf. irfnTCUKa. nuriSTjs, -ov, in., pi. ol ITtaiScu. the Pisidians, warlike mountaineers of the Taurus range, between Lycia and Cilicia, where the robber-tribes of the Caramanians now live. mo-Tcvw, 7 trust; fut. -tvao), i aor. iniaTfVffa (with dat.). moris, -tcui , {. trust, fidelity, confi- dence. m(TT6s, -17, -6v, faithful, trustworthy, rci mffT&, pledges. JUTWS, -vot, f. a pine-tree. TrXa( 7 havt.) irXevpd, -S, f. /Ae side ; flank (of an army). irXtvtroiJUu, fut. of rr\((ia. irXw, 7 sa//; fut. 7rA.i5ffo/ii, I aor. eir\(voa. n-XTjy^, -fjs, f. a blow. (TTXIJTTW, I strike. ) irX-fjOos, -ovs, n. a large number, mul- titude ; extent. (TTO\VS, many.) irXriv, (adv. as prep, with gen.) except. Also irXt^v T|, except. -rrXT|pT)S, -es,full (with gen.). TrXTjcridJo), 7 draw near, approach. (irXrjaiov, near.) TrXTjcriov, (adv.) near; (superl. TrX?;- aiairaros, nearest, next (with gen.). irXT|TTw, 7 strike; fut. jrAij, perf. rrciroirjKa. iroif.lv ffciraaiv, to hold a review, tv or naicus iroitiv, to treat well or ///. (Mid.) (i ) 7 make for myself; (2)7 make to myself, i. e. consider. TioiKiXos, -77, -ov, variegated, tattooed. TTOIOS, -a, -ov, (interrog.) of what sort? Lat. qualis. iroi6$ T ; what sort of man 1 iroXc(j.c(i>, 7 make war upon, with dat. or prep, irpot. (it6\t^ot, war.) -rroXtfiiKos. -TI, -ov, warlike. iro\(fj.i- KUV, a war-cry ; TO vo\fiunov, the VOCABULARY. 219 signal for battle ; rcL vo\(piica t war, military service. TroXejuos, -a, -ov, and -os, -ov, hostile, a (public} enemy (Lat. hostis), as distinguished from exfyos, a private enemy (Lat. inimicus). ir6Xp.os, -ov, m. war. jroXiopKtw, 7 besiege, blockade ; fut. -rjffca. TroXis, -ecus, f. a city, slate = Lat. citiitas, .whereas aarv = Lat. urbs. ifoXXdicis, (adv.) q/?e. (TroXvs.) TToXA.ox'fj, (adv.) /' ma/y places, on many occasions, often. (iro\vs.) IToXvKpdTTjs, -eos, ace. -rj or -TJV, m. Polycrates, an Athenian captain (VIII. 432). IToXimicos, -ov, m. Polynlcus, a La- cedaemonian, sent by Thibron to ask for the services of the Greek army against Tissaphernes (VIII. 329). woXvs, TroA.A.17, iroKv, much, many ; also large, long, ol iro\\ol, the most, the majority. Conipar. v\tiuv, superl. TrAffoTo*. iroXv, as adv. much, by far. TroXv-TeX-qs, -ts, expensive, (iro\vs, much, and Tt\os, expense.) Trop.irT|, -77$, f. a procession. (irtfiiru, I send.) irovtto, 7 work, labour; perf. irtirovrjica, (TTOVOS, labour.) irovT)p6s, -o, -ov, bad, worthless., wick- ed; unsuitable; dangerous, hostile. irovr)pto9, with difficulty. troves, -ov, m. work, labour, toil; also result of labour. WOVTOS, -ov, m. the (deep) sea (especi- ally the Euxine) ; also the district of Pontus. rropeia, -as, f. a march, journey. tropevrcos, verb. adj. of wopevo/tcu, one must march. iropevw, (Act.) / convey; (Mid.) 7 march; fut. -tvaofMi. Trop6cu>, I destroy, sack; fut. -lycrw. iropi, 7 furnish, provide, supply ; perf. pass. wtiro/M 07*01, I aor. pass. (iropot.) iropos, -ov, m. a passage; hence means, opportunity. iropptd, (adv.) far from (with gen.). irop4>ijpeos, -a, -ov, contr. -povs, -pa, -povv, purple, scarlet. iroaos, -rj, -ov,howmuchJ how great? iroaov, how far f TrOTajJios, -ov, m. a river. ITOT, once upon a time ; iroT, when f iroTt, if ever. iroTtpov and iroTepo, whether; fol- lowed by jj, or. Lat. utrum an. TTOTOV, -ov, n. drink. (KOTOS, verb. adj. of irtvca, I drink.) iroO, (adv.) where, irov, (i) some- where, (a) somehow, especially per- haps, I suppose, no doubt. irovis, iro5o, m. afoot. irpa-yna, -OTOS, n. a deed, action, affair, matter ; irpdy^nara itap- (X f f< to give trouble. (trparTW, 1 do.) irpaTTW, 7 do, act ; fut. irpa(a, perf. pass. irfirpay/Mi, I aor. pass. w- paxOrfV. tv or KCIKUS irpdrrtiv, to fare well or ill. irptcrpvs, -vo, or -ecus, m. an old man; pi. irpecrpc-tc, ambassadors, comp. irpapvrpos. irpiao-0ai, to buy; from 2 aor. JTT- pianqv : uvlofMi supplies the other tenses. irpiv, (conj.) before. (l) with infin., as irpiv t\6 (iv, before coming; (2) with indie., as irpiv ?i\6e, before he came ; (3) after negatives, as irpiv av IA0J7, and irpiv t\6oi. irpo, prep, with gen. only. I. of place, before, in front of; hence of fight- ing/or, in defence of. II. of time before. III. instead of, in preference to. In Composition, before, forward, beforehand, in preference to. (Cp. Lat. pro, prae.) Trpo-ayia, I lead forward; fut. -da>, irpo-paivo), 7 go forward, advance; fut. -/S^ao^cu. irpo-pdXXco, (i) 7 throw forward, ad- 220 VOCABULARY. vance (rcL oirXa). (a) 7 put for- ward, propose; fut. -/3oAw, 2 aor. -f0a\ov. wp6-{3a.Tov, -ov, n. a sheep (properly any animal that walks, from wpo- /JaiVoj) . n-popo\Y|, -77$, f. a putting forward ; Oopara fit irpnBoXty naditrai, to ' couch ' their lances. (irpo-&d\\o).} trpo-yovos, -ov, m. a forefather, an- cestor. Trpo-8t8cop.i, I give tip, betray ; fut. -5d'<70>. irpo-i8ov, 2 aor. with pres. irpo-opdca. irp6-ip.i, / go forward, advance. (.r/u.) irpo eiirov, 2 aor. with fut. npo-tpoi, pres. -ipTjiJU. See irpo-X^Yw. irpo-cXauvw, 7 rfrive forward, ride forward, sc. fmrov. irpo-tpYiiJojiov, / work beforehand; perf. pass, -(ipyaffftai. fj irpo- (ipyaafjiti'T) 8oa, /A gfory before gained. * rpo-pi>, contr. -npo-tpSi, I say before- hand or publicly, order, as fut. of vpo-tiirov, perf. -tlprjica. TTpo-tpxop.ai, 7 march on, advance ; 1 aor. -f/Atfoi'. irpo-fxW) 7 cee/, surpass; fut. -^o>, 2 aor. -* before, extend for- ward ; fut. -Ktiffo/MU. TTpo-KivSwtvw, 7 ncr danger before- hand. npotcXTJs, ->[/o[Mt, 2 aor. -fioov. n-po-TTtp.ir. 7 as/t besides, ask more ; fut. -aiTTjuu. irpos-poivci), 7 ^o added to ; 2 aor. -fyfyofiijv. trpos-8i5u)p.i, 7 ^/t e besides, add ; fut. -5oi<70), I aor. -tScuica. Trpos-SoKau, 7 expect; fut. -So/tqcrai, I aor. -(60x17(70. irpos-i|ii., 7 ^o /o, approach, comt up. ((Tfu, Lat. /6o.) irpos-cXaww, 7 rfri've /o, ritif u/ ), marcA ^. VOCABULARY. 221 irpos-tpxnai, 1 come up, approach; 2 aor. -fj\0ov, irpos-x w . I bring to, apply; (yovv Trpos-t'xw, I turn my mind to, attend to ;) imperf. -(i-)(ov, 2 aor. -ta'xov. irpos-T|K6j, I extend to, reach. Impers. irpos-riKti, it becomes, it is fitting. irpdaOsv, (adv.) (l) of place, in front of, before. (2) of time, before, formerly. TO, irp6a0i>, the van of an army, 6 irpoffdev \povos, the former time. TO irpocrfcv, for- merly. jrpos-iTjfH, (Act.) 7 let come to, admit, (Mid.) admit (to oneself), approve ; fut. -riffaj, I aor. -i)Ka. irpos-KTao(iai, 7 gain besides, gain for; fut. -KTjjao/iou, i aor. -fttTrj- irpos-Kvvco), 7 kiss the earth before any one, i. e. do obeisance, worship, salute; fut. -avvqaca, I aor. -exvvrjffa. trpos-XajA.po- ftai, 2 aor. -f\a@ov. irpds-oSos, -ov, f. a going to, approach, procession. irpos-dp.vv(u, 7 swear besides; fut. -Ofj.ovfjuii, I aor. -upoaa. irpos-iriTpovT]|Avos, perf. pass. part. from irpos-irfpovdu. irpos-irspovdu, I fasten with a skewer. (wtpovrj, a skewer.) irpo$-iro\cfjkc(i>, 7 make war against ; fut. -ij(r(pb>, (Act.) 7 bring to, conduct, (Mid.) 7 bear myself towards, i. e. conduct myself. irpoaco, (adv.) (i) forwards, (2) with gen. far off. Comp. irpoaoirtpu, farther. irp6cr(oirov, -ow, n.face, countenance. irportpaios, -a, -oj/, adj.. as )J nporf' pala (^6/w), /^e Joy before. irpoTtpo?, -a, -ov, earlier, former, first of two (Lat./r/or) ; irpircpov, ri irp6rtpov, (adv.) previously, on a former occasion ; comp. of jr/>o, superl. irpwros. w, 7 run forward ; fut. -8/)a- fJLovfMi, 2 aor. -fSpapov. trpo-aiv(o, (Act.) 7 s^ow forth, (Mid.) appear, become visible. irpo<|>vXaJ, -O.KOS, m. o advanced guard, outpost. irpo-xwpeco, 7 ^o o, proceed favour- ably. irpiifjivo, -jjs, f. /Ae s/er of a ship. irpupa, -a*, f. the prow or bows of a ship. TrpcopciJs, -^cut, m. the man at the prow, who gave the signal to the steersman, the look-out man. irpwros, -77, -ot>, (superl. of irpo) first. ol irpSnoi, the vanguard. (Adv. irpwrov, TO irpSiTov, at firs.!, in the first place.) irraiw, 7 strike, dash; I aor. lir- raiaa. , -vyos, f. a wing. -n,, -^s, f. a boxing match iru\T), -i;s, f. a gate, opening ; pass. irvvOdvofjuu, (i) 7 as*, (2) 7 hear (on enquiry), learn ; fut. irtvffofMt, perf. TTtnw/xat 2 aor. iru^, (adv.) tf//A the fist. nvp, irwp<$s, n. _/?. In pi. irup&, watchfires. irvpos, -ov, m. wheat, mostly in pi. nvppCxt), -rjs, f. (sc. opxqais), the Pyrrhic dance, a military dance in armour. irw, (adv.) yet. With negatives, as ovirca, not yet. rr, 7 se//; fut. vs, (interrogative) howl but TTWS, somehow, ti was, in any way, if at all. 222 VOCABULARY. P. pa'Sics, -a, -of, easy; conjp. paw, superl. petards. paSiujs, (adv.) easily; comp. f>aov, superl. poTora. ptu', / flow; fut. ptiiffopcu, 3 aor. fpptnjy. ptyos, -ovs, n. cold. piuTOj, 7 throw, fling, cast, throw off; fut. p/i/'W, I aor. tppt^a. >is, pipe's, f. T|s, -, clear, manifest. (Adv. aaijxis, clearly.) acavro'v, (reflexive pronoun) thyself, yourself; gen. aeavrov (oavrov), your own. Ztv0T)S, -ov, m. Seuthes, a Thracian prince. His father had been driven out of his territory on the Propontis, and Seuthes recovered this with the help of Xenophon's army. onrju-cuvw, 7 signify, give a sign, give the signal (in battle) ; fut. arjfiavw, I aor. iffrinTjva. OTj^ciov, -ov. n. a sign, signal. o-T]crap.ov, -ov, n. sesame, a short plant with a single flower, from the seeds of which oil cake was made. criy aw, 7 am silent; fut. aor. iffiyr/aa. crr-yT), -rjs, f. silence; dat. in silence, silently. SiXavo;, -oD, m. Silanus, (i) an Am- bracian prophet (VI. 180), (2) a native of Macistus, a town of Elis on the Peloponnesus (VIII. 291). crivofxai, 7 injure, harass. vs, -teas, m. a Sinopian ; pi. 01 SIVUTTTJ, -T;S, f. Sinope, a Greek colony in Paphlagonia on a peninsula run- ning out into the Black Sea. It is the finest anchorage for ships on the north coast of Asia Minor ; a Turkish fleet was destroyed there by the Russians just before the breaking out of the Crimean War, in 1853. 5iTa\Kas, -ov, m. Sitalcas, king of the Odrysae in Thrace. 6 2iTa\Kas, the Sitalcas-song, or song in honour of one of the kings of that name. O-ITVTOS, -i\, -6v, fed up, fatted. (Verb. adj. of ffirtva), from airos, corn.) eriTiov, -ov, n. food, provisions. (oTro*, corn.) 2iTTo.KY], -r;s, f. Siltace, a town in Babylonia on the Tigris. oicoirdo), 7 am silent, keep silence; fut. -i'iffo/j.ii. (cncoTTT), silence.) - crKtXos, -ovf , n. the leg. [6pof, -ov, carrying baggage. TO, ffKtvoopa (sc. KT^VIJ), the beasts of burden in the train of an army, baggage train. <7Ki|/aa9ai,, see CTKOTT'U>. (TKT|vd(i> and CTKTJVC'O), 7 live in tents, I am quartered, fut. -fou. VOCABULARY. 223 (TKTjvT), -i}s, f. a tent. O-KTJTTTOS, -ov, m. a thunderbolt. o-icr)iTTOvx o s, -ov, ni. the sceptre- bearer (an attendant on the king). o-K\T)p6s, -d, -6v, dry, hard. CTKOirtto, I keep a look out for, watch, observe,, reconnoitre ; imperf. fffKo- TTOW, (Mid.) consider, with tenses from fftceirTOfjuu, fut. aor. i6s, -T], -ov, wise, clever. , 7 draw, drag, pull; fut. arraffca, I aor. tairacra. crimpw, 7 scatter, sow seed; fut. aitfpGi, i aor. eairtipa, perf. ta- irapita. o"irci(ro|iai, fut. mid. of airivSta. trirv8o>, 7 pour a libation; (Mid.) lit. ' pour libations one with another,' i. e. make a truce ; fut. ffvdffof/uu, i aor. effir(iaa,pr)v. o-n-fviSa), 7 urge on, make haste; fut. ffir(vffa). , 7 deprive ; (Pass.) artptofMi or artpofiai, I am deprived of; fut. ffT(frf)aa), perf. pass, (ffrfpr/nat. (TTCpvov, -ov, n. the breast. (TTavos, -ov, m. a wreath, crown, garland. orfjvai, 2 aor. inf. ofiffrijfu. o-rtpos, -ov, m. a track, lit. ' trodden path,' (from areifiaj, I tread.) crTiJw, 7 prick; perf. pass. {oTfy/iOf, part. (ffTiyufvos, tattooed. O-T!<|)OS, -ous, n. a close body of men. OToXrj, -rjs, f. a robe, dress. OTO\OS, -ov, (i) a march, (2) array, army. 0-Top.a, -arot, n. mouth, opening; hence front of an army. (TTparcta, -at, f. tin expedition. (arparos, army.) crTpu.TV)Aa, -arcs, n. an army, com- pany, division. , (Act.) 7 march, (Mid.) 7 serve as a soldier, fut. -tvffca. orrpaTTjY^s, -ov, m. a general. (ffTparos, army, and jjyfoiMi, 1 lead.) crrpaTid, -as, f. an army. o~TpaTiu, 7 turn, tu>iit, (Mid.) wheel about; fut. arptycu, I aor. tarpafa, pf. pass. (GTpaftfMai, 2 aor. pass. o~rpov06s, -oC, m. and f. a sparrow, but |xryas arpovOos, a>J ostrich. (TTvyvos. -17, -ov, disagreeable, gloomy. (aTVffa}, 7 hale.) o-rw, 2 aor. subj. of Iffrrjfu. (ru, pers. pron. /Aow. criry-YvT|q, -t, related, a kinsman. (ovv, with, and yi~(vofwi, 7 aw bom.) , i aor. {rvr-cx&Ucra. crwy-Kajiirrw, 7 6iJ together, bend up; fut. -Ka^oi, I aor. ffuv-ficafuffa. tnry-icXcio, 7 sAw/ c/ose ; fut. -Xf (Vw. , 7 cry aloud; 2 aor. ow- , 7 6ia>, I aor. ov*'- fKVtfrU. (ruY'X w P* u ^ >iW, (lit. ' come to- gether to terms,') agree ; fut. -yaw, I aor. aw-t\upriaa. cruicov, -ou, n. a_/f^". crvX-Xap.p, 7 collect, gather, assemble ; fut. -\({a>. I aor. avv-t\fa, pf. ru\ Xoyos. -ow, m. a assembly, meet- ing. crvu,-po\Xci>, (Act.) 7 throw together; (Mid.) 7 ar upon. av/j.-ttd\\o- /zai Ao^ott, 7 converse, talk ; 2 aor. (ruji-poT|6u), I join in aiding, come to the rescue ; fut. -f)ff, I aor. arvy* -ov, m. a counsellor, adviser. CTvu.-u,dxia, -as, f. alliance. CTup.-u.dxop.ai, 7 yfg'A/ along with, help as an ally ; imperf. a ovu.-p.axos, -ov, m. an ally. CTVU.-U.IYVWU* (trans.) 7 mix together, (intrans.) (i) unite with, (2) join in battle; I aor. aw-ffua, infin. avp- >, 7 send along with ; fut CTVu.-mvo>, 7 Jr/wi with ; fut. -in'o/uu, 2 aor. flw-ts'iov. CTVu,-Tro8i{&>, 7 entangle, hamper, lit. ' tie the feet together," i aor. pco, 7 bring together, collect. Impers. avu.-4>fpci, it is profitable, or advantageous. CTVp.-<|>opd, -a*, f. lit 'a bringing together,' hence an event, e$p. a misfortune. orvv, prep, with dat. only ; the same word as Lat. cum [(o")vv, vv, aw], I. together with, with, as ol avv /3affiAef, those with the king, i. e. his attendants. So of things, avv Tofs ov\ois, furnished with their arms, i. e. in arms. II. with the help of, as o\n> rois 6(oT*. In Com- position, with, together. , 2 aor. -^7070^. aw-aOpoifoi, 7 collect, or assemble to- gether ; fut.. -aOpoiaot, I aor. -^tfpotaa. CTW-aKoXovO< wi bringing out, lit. 'join in making come out.' onv-tKpaYOv, 2 aor. of ovy-xpafa. . nai-, 7 comi together, meet ; a aor. -rjkOov. (rw-Yi8o(iai, 7 rejoice with one, con- gratulate. aOr-0T]n.a, -aroi, n. an agreement; a watchword, aw-(on)p.i, (trans.) 7 p/, 7 a^rM /o (with ace. of thing), 7 aT#< with (with dat. of person) ; imperf. -wno\6yow. ow-TaTTw, 7 draw up in battle array ; fut. -Taa>, i aor. aw-irafa. , 7 pack up baggage ; fut. -aav, perf. pass. aw-faKtvaafiai. crv-crttTjvos, -ov, dwelling in the same tent, a tea -mate, (aitrjvy, a tent.) av-crirov8dju>, 7 vnitt in zeal with, (lit. 'make haste together with,') share in one's zeal. a- , -ov, n. a victim, (ptpa^ea, 7 slay.) cr4>cvSovd. 7 .s/j'ng 1 ; fut -rjao). cr<|)iv86vn, -;$, f. a sling, also a stone from a sling. o-4>v8ovT]TY|S, -ov, m. a slinger. a4>68pa, (adv.) very, exceedingly, ffX86v, (adv.) almost, nearly. , 7 226 VOCABULARY. crx, ^x^v, 3 aor. subj. and part, of i\u. aw safe, preserve, (Pass.) I return safely; fut. aojaoi, \ aor. tauaa, perf. pass, atacaa^iai, I aor. pass, iaaj&rjv : au/fiv fit, to bring safely to a place. 2dJKpciTT)s. -OKI, ni. Socrates, the philosopher, who taught Xenophou and Plato: he lived through all the flourishing time of Athens, from B.C. 469 to 399, when he was un- justly condemned to drink hemlock. (rwp.a, -arot, n. a body. tru/os. (contr. aon, cuiv), safe, *n~ injured. TT|p, ripo*, m. a saviour, preserver. (oaifa, I 4>pov'u). I am of sound mind, am wist ; behave well, am obedient. T. ToXavrov, -ov, n. lit. a balance,' hence a talent of gold, about ^50. A talent contained sixty minae (4) ; each mina contained 100 drachmae. TO|. -), f. order, battle array, al rdfnt. tht ranks. (Tarro). 1 ar- rangt). Taoxoi, -w, m. tht Tnochi, a hill- iribe to the north of Armenia, now Georgia. Tapdrrw, I throw into disorder, dis- turb; fut. rapdfu, perf. past. Trd- v, m. confusion, disorder. Tapos, -ov, m. a tomb, (dairrai, 7 bury.) Ta'4>pos, -ov, f. a ditch, trench. Tax, si:p. raxKffot. ra\v, quickly, (dit rd\iara as quickly as possible ; inti rd\iara, as soon as.) T. and. (r< . . xai, both . . and.) TC 0appT]Ka, perf. act. of ffappiu. Tf'OvrjKa, perf. act. of Orr/aicoa. T(dpap.(iai, perf. pass, of Tpi, perf. rtrajta, perf. pass. TTd/xoi THxiJw, 7 build a wall, fortify. TIXOS, -ov, n. a wall, fortress. TXvraio$, -a, -ov, last. (rc'Aai, an end.} TXvraw, 7 end, finish, (sc. Qiov, I dit) ; lit. ' end my life. 1 Tc'Xos, -out, n. an tnd. (rAo*. accus., at last.) T<(XVO>, 7 cut ; fut. "rtftSi, perf. r< Tftrjita, a aor. jrapov. T'Tayjiai, perf. pass, of rdrrca. Tra|xat, ptrf. pass, of TiVw. rirapTOs, "?. -ov, fourth. TTpais-xiXioi, -ai, -a, four-thou- sand. TTpaKoo-ioi, -at. -a, four-hundred. TTpk}icu. perf. pass of nrpw TtrrapQicovTa, forty. VOCABULARY. 227 T ^X VT 1> ''? ^ ar ' contrivance. (adv.) artfully, skilfully. t TTjKO), 7 wze// ; I aor. TT;s, -a, -ov, valuable. (TI,UT], price.) Ti[.iwpo, (Act.) 7 avenge, with dat. of person; (Mid.) 7 avenge myself on, punish, with ace., fut. -TJOYW. Tiptpajos, -on, m. Tiribazus, a satrap of Western Armenia (V. 89). TIS, TI, gen. TIVOS, (indef. pron.) one, a certain one, some, (et TIS, if anyone ; voios TIS ; what sort of person f TI, at all : lit. ' in any- thing.') TIS, TI, (interrog. pron.) who? what? (TI, why f lit. for what ' ?) Tio-pvt]s, -ovs, m. Tissaphernes, the wiliest of the Persians. He was at first satrap of Lydia, Ionia, and Caria, but had to give over the Ionian towns to Cyrus ; hence he was a bitter enemy of Cyrus and his army. The king gave Q him his daughter in marriage as a reward for his services, but he was eventually executed through the influence of Parysatis, the queen- mother, in revenge for the death of Cyrus, her favourite son (B.C. 395.) TiTpwaKw, 7 wound ; fut. rpwcrca, perf. pass. T(rpcafj.ai, i aor. pass. trpwfyv. TOI, in truth, verily, assuredly. TOIVW, therefore, then. Totoo-8, rotaSf, T0i6v8f, of such kind, such. TOlOttTOS, TOtaVTT), TOIOVTO, SUch, (strengthened form of TOIOS, and not compounded with OVTOS). To\p.a.co, 7 dare venture, have the courage ; fut. -TJCTW, perf. TtTohprjKa. (r6\(iT], daring.) Toevp.a, an arrow, lit. ' that which is shot from a bow.' (TO(VOJ.) TOIJ, 7 shoot with a bow. (TOOV, a bow.) To6rr)S, -ov, m. a bowman, archer. (roov, a bow.) TOTTOS, -ov, m. a place, spot, locality. TOCTOVTOS, TOffaVTt], TOffOVTO, SO great, of such a size. rocrovrai, with comparative, by so much ; (lengthened form of T<5(o, 7 nourish, rear, support; fut. Opiiptu, perf. pass. T(8pa/J.(j.at, i aor pass. trpcupTjv. 228 VOCABULARY. Tp - a 'i "flj three-thousand. Tp(ros, -T), -ov, third. (TO rpirov, for the third time.) TpiX"i] (adv.) in three divisions, three- fold. rpi-xotvlKOS, -ovt containing three choenices, or quarts. A quart of flour, or quartern loaf, was a man's daily allowance. rpiiravov, -ot, n. a trophy. Tpoirf), -?}, f. a rout, defeat ; lit. ' a turning to flight.' (See Tpeirw.) rpoiros, -ov, m. means, manner; dis- position, character. (j6vSf rov rp6vov, in this way.) TpoT|, -4]*, f. nourishment, food, support. (rpiPptt, insolence.) s, -17, -6v, brutal, insolent, vicious, (vfipts, insolence.) v>YpoTT]S, -TJJTOS, f. suppleness. (vyp6s, moist, hence supple.) vi8po-4>opeoj, 7 carry water. vtipo-4>6pos, -ov, m. and f. a water- carrier, (vooip, water, tpa>, 1 carry.) vScop, vSuros, n. water. mos, -ov, m. a sort. vX-rj, -rjs, (. a wood, forest. (Lat. silva.) vjitrtpos, -a, ov, yowr, yours, (poss. adj. from u^fTs.) VIT-AY W > -^ ^ ea ^ n slowly ; fut. -o^cw, 2 aor. -1770701', perf. pass, -rj-fftai. vrr-ai0pios, -OK, and -a, -ov, in the open air. (VITU, beneath, alOrjp, sky.) vir-avTiAJw, 7 come, or o /o meet. vir-apxos, -ov, m. one commanding under another ; i. e. a lieutenant governor. vir-dpxco, (i) 7 am at the beginning, am to start with. (2) with dat. 7 am on the side of. (TO iiir* apxovra, one's means.) vir-ao-irtirtp-T||AWVS, >, fl&ow Afl//", mori than half. vircp-ii4'T]Xos, -ov, exceeding high. (See virp in Composition.) tnr-itriv. VPWVOS, -ov, m. sfcep. viro, prep, with gen., dat., and ace. (same word as Lat. sub). I. with gen. i. under, hence ii. by, of the agent after passive verbs; so of things, by reason of, from, as viro Tro-8o, 7 bind or tie under. (viro- 86e/Vo(, ti. viir-owTfuo), 7 suspect, Lat. suspicio. (vvo, and o^is, sight.) v7ro-crTp " '^ e w ^-* cfcry. (i/oTfpos.) varepos, -a, -or, /a/er, after, behind. va-rtpov, (adv.) afterwards. v4>-i(ju|v, imperf. mid. of v-tT)(xi, (Act.) 7 send or put under, (Mid.) 7 grant, yield, submit; fut. iKp-riffa), perf. pass. -]utu. taYiv, 2 aor. with pres. taOiu. 4>aiv- pear ; fut. , I aor. l^ra^perf. pass, irttpaff^at, 2 aor. pass. tavcpos, -&, -ov, manifest, visible, clear. (avfps, (adv.) clearly, evidently. ((xxpfjuucov, -ov, n. medicine, drug, hence poison. fapvapafos, -ov, m. Pharnabazus, satrap of Phrygia and Bithynia (VIII. I). *aaai, 3 pi. pres. ind. of ao-is, -180$, m. the Phasis. (i) a river in Armenia, flowing into the Caspian Sea, properly called the Araxes (V. 176). (2) a river in Colchis, flowing westwards into the Euxine (VI. 210). VOCABULARY. JxicrKa), I say, assert, only used in part. aa/c(av and imperf. ecp, 7 6rar, bring, carry; lead {of a road) ; fut. ofooa, perf. evf)vo\a, peif. pass, fvrjvtyftat, 1 aor. Tjvtytca, 2 aor. (in I pers. 'ing.) fivtfKov. (\a\crrws tpfpca, I take it ill, am annoyed.) 4>ev>Ytvonai, perf. irf7]|ii, / say ; fut. (prjffca, 2 aor. ecprjv and tr^w, perf. ttprjica, perf. pass. ttprjIMi, I aor. pass. (pprjOrjv. The part, is often 0ava>, 7 "/ before, anticipate, over- take ; fut. (pQrjoofjuii, I aor. ((pQaaa. 4>0YYI JI(U > I utter a word, shout, cry, sound (of a trumpet) ; fut. tpOtyfo- fj.at, I aor. ((pOtyfafirjv. 4>9ovfw, 7 e/ti/y, grudge, (with dat.), fut. -77(70;. io.\T], -?;s, f. a cup, goblet, (hence phial.) (juXcco, 7 /ove ; fut. i\iKos, -17, -6v, friendly. 4>iXiKuis, (adv.) on friendly tern*. 4>iXios, -a, -ov, friendly. fciXoftvos, -on, m. Philoxenus, a brave Greek from Pellene in Achaia. (}>iXo TroXejxos, -oi', /oJ q/" war. (i\os, and 7roXt/iAos, -77, -ov, dear, beloved, hence 4>iXos, -ov, m. a friend. 4>iXo-cTTpaTiwTT)s, -ov, m. a soldiers' friend. (oppos, -a, -ov, fearful, dreadful. opw, (Act.) I frighten; (Mid.) 7 /ear; fut. 6pos, -ov, m. fear, alarm, fright. c froiviKT], -171, f. Phoenicia, the coast of Syria from the river Orontes on the north to Mount Carmel in the south. Its two chief towns were Tyre and Sidon, (lit. ' the palm-country,' from (/>otVjf , a palm-tree.) 4>oiviKios, -a, -ov, red, purple. (<{>oivt, purple.) <|>oivi|, -IKOS, m. the palm-tree, (also purple). $ow., -IKOS, a Phoenician (I. 66). 4>pda>, 7 say, tell; fut. paaca, perf. jrepap, -arcs, n. a well. cj>povt|xojs, (adv.) prudently, sensibly, (adv. of 4>povi.|Jios, prudent). 4>povpos, -ov, m. a guard. fypvy&vov, -ov, n. a faggot, in pi. firewood. ^pvyia, -as, f. Phrygia, originally the whole interior of the western half of Asia Minor, but extending on the North-west to the Hellespont and Propontis. In Xenophon's time this latter district was known as Phrygia Minor, or Phrygia on the Hellespont, while the interior pro- vince was called Phrygia Major, or simply Phrygia. 4>VYas, -35os, m. an exile, (c^tvyca, Iflee.) 4>uyf|' -T}, (.flight, banishment. 4>viX&KY|, -77*, f. watch, guard. (ipv\a- K&S jXa|, -OKOS, m. a guard, sentinel. (J>V\ATTW, fut. 0vAd:ai, perf. pass. irtVT, 7 blow up, inflate; fut. (pvff-qow, I aor. pass. ivw, 7 produce, beget; fut. covn, -171, f. a voice, speech. (jiws, 9cuTot, n. (contr. from (pfiv, to take it ill.) XO.XKOS, -a, -of, (contr.) x a ^ KO ^S, -77, -ovv, made of bronze or copper. XO.XKOS, -oO, m. copper, bronze. . XdXv|3es, -tav, pi. m. the Chalybcs, a people in Pontus, north of Ar- menia, famed for their iron mines (V. 177). XapdBpa, -as, f. a gully, ravine. Xapieis, -ecrcra, -tv, graceful, neat, clever, (x^pis, grace.) Xapiop.ai, 7 gratify, favour, oblige ; I aor. (\apiff a. fj.T]V, perf. x a ~ s, -tros, f. favour, thanks, grati- tude. diro8(5(W( XP IV > to return a favour; tx fiv X^PLV, to feel grateful. Xapp.ivos, -on, m. Charmimis, a Lacedaemonian envoy (VII. 328). Xi[Awv, -cufos, m. (i) winter. (2) wintry weather, a storm. (Lat. hiems.) Xtp, X 6 'P^ S > f- a hand ; dat. pi. x f P a>l - Xipi(7o4>os, -ov, m. Cheirisophus, a Spartan general under Cyrus. Xeipwv, -or, used as comp. of KaK6s, worse, inferior. (x e

J, (impers.) it is necessary, one must, one ought ; fut. xpfa^t lm ~ perf. (XPH V - XptifAa, -arcs, n. lit. ' that which may be used;' generally in plural Xp~f]- [xara, property, money, (x/xio/xat, 7 wse.) XpT)|AaTumKos, -17, -of, (of an omen) par/ending gain. (xpr)i-i.ara, money} ~-"~i, infin. of XP 1 ?- i, pres. infin. of xp^^ at - 5, -of, useful, serviceable, (Xpa.ofJ.ai, I use.) Xpovos, -ov, m. time; iro\vv xpovov, for a long fane. Xpvcreos, -a, -of, (contr.) xp vtrol OS' -77, -ov*', golden, (xpvffos.) Xpvaiov, -ov, n. gold-money, (dimin. XpveroiroXis, -ecus, f. Chrysopolis, a city of Bithynia on the Bosporus, now Scutari. (Lit. 'the golden city.') Xpvo-os, -ov, m. gold. Xupa, -as, f. a country, district, terri- tory; also place, position. Xtopcw, 7 go, march, proceed; fut. \pov, -ov, n. a place, especially fortified place, fort, position; also space of ground, (dimin. of Cs, (adv.) apart, separately. \|/io|xai, I vole; I aor. (i//T)(o), 7 make a noise, clash (of a shield). (ifrotyos, noise.) 4>vX r l ">7 S > f- 'A so;//, ///(?. 4/vxos, -oi/t, n. cold. ft. u>, sign ot the vocative. iSe, (adv.) thus, as follows (introduc- ing a speech). aJS-q, -775, f. a song, (contr. from aotor], from atiSaj, a5oj, I sing.) ojT|OTjv, I aor. pass, of OIO/MU. hidtw, I push; fut. wffca, perf. toiHa, I aor. tojffa. uj0io-p.6s, -oO, m. a pushing, jostling. cpKovv, imperf. of oiKta. uSXf era, I aor. act. of o\\Vfj.i. ciXXvpiTjv, imperf. mid. of oAAt>j. iX6p.Tr]v, 2 aor. mid. of o\\vfj.i. J>|x6s, -17, -OK, raw/; (of character) savage, cruel. iLjios, -ou, m. /Ae shoulder. (Lat. WTH^rws.) up.oaa, I aor. act. of o^ivvfu. u)V0(iai, 7 6wji; fut. uiv^trofjuii, 1 aor. twpia(j.T)v. (See irpiaadai.) uvios, -a, -or, /or safe. Tp)juo|XT]v, imperf. mid. of dp/taw. b>p(pvY)JtT]v, pluperf. pass, of opvrroi. u>S, (conj.) (i) AOK/, fls, as j/"; with infin. so as to. (2) Ma/, t orrfer /Aa/. (3) s/wcf, because. With numerals, about, as els c^aroc, about a hundred. With superlatives, as ws Ta^'ora. as quickly as possible. uxravTws, (adv.) in lite manner. &o"irtp,just as if, just as. wcrre, (with Ind.) so that, (with Infin.) so as to. tiris, -tSo$, f. a bustard. WTOS, gen. of ov*. u(}>eX(o>, 7 aia*, help, benefit; imperf. wtpfKovv, fut. -Tjffu. (Distinguish from &.) ui}>fXi}jios, -;, -or, profitable, useful. , imperf. o GRAMMATICAL REGISTER. The references are in all cases to the Notes; the more important are distinguished by a difference of type. Article. Article distinguishing subject from predicate, iii. 206; iv. 269; viii. 319. possessive use of, i. 15 ; iii. 1 70 ; iv. 93 ; viii. 160. separated from its noun by inter- vening words, i. 109 ; iv. 1 24 ; viii. 141, 163. with infinitive, see Mood. with participle, iv. 94; vi. 133, 202 ; viii. 356. with was, iii. 112; vi. 137. with jroXis, v. 82 ; vj. 158. Pronoun. avrrj and avrr), v. 1 1 6. avros o ?.nd 6 OVTOS, i. 209 ; iv. 190 ; vii. 69, 254. tlaiv 01, vi. 45. (KtlVOS, V. 62. 17, 77, ?f and fi, %, -g, vi. 268 ; vii. 201. vans in indirect questions, iv. 233. oirroffl, i. 248. ravra and ravrd, i. 275. ravrtiv, \. 198. ri$ with accent thrown back from fol- lowing word, viii. 161, 510. Substantive. Declension of ols, @ovs, etc., vii. 34. Distinguish between : SptffTov, apiarov, iii. 15 ; vii. 168. Paffi\(ia t }affi\(ia, i. 9. (0t\ovTas, i0f\ovTas, vi.395- otitot, OIKOI, i. 298. opos, opos, v. 182. v\aicas, vi. 4. Meanings of: otr\a = t>n\i'Tai, vii. 47. TO. oir\a, ' quarters,' iv. 4; vii. 162. ntXraffrai and tf>i\oi, vi. 50. TrpojSoA^, vii. 206. 3 6 4- of time, iv. 73. Genitive, absolute, iv. IOI. of respect, v. 129. of time, iv. 255 ; v. 280 ; vii. 101, 163. partitive, iv. 127 ; v. 66, 319; viii. no. Dative, as complement in apposition, iv. 8l ; viii. 51. commodi, v. 9. instrumental, iii. 135; vii. 147. Tavry, p, as local adverbs, v. 22, 71. 234 GRAMMATICAL REGISTER. NUMBER. Dual for emphasis, v. 17 ; viii. 355. Dual subject with plural verb, iv. 134; v. 17. Dual adjective with plural noun, i. 1 ; iv. 279; viii. 135. GENDER. TW as feminine dual, vi. 347. Adjectives. aAXos, vii. 122. avTuparos, v. 9. Stivos, v. 208 ; viii. 207. fifaos, iv. 172 ; v. 34. TroAAoC agios, ii. 135. rj7 vffrtpaiq, etc., with noun omttted, i. 327.' Prepositions. av&, distributive, iv. 1 78. in composition, i. 7; v. 322. avci Kparos, ii. 5. iwo, in composition, vii. 273; viii. 145, 221. 8i, in composition, iv. 309 ; v. 10, loo ; vi. 271 ; viii. 88, 184. with gen. versus ace., vii. 277 J viii. 478. ds, with numerals, vii. 140. ftc, of time or consequence, i. 85, 1 79 ; viii. 146, 498. ' pregnant' use of, i. 88. IK naifiuv, iv. 2OI. iv, of time, vi. 15, 72, 174. firi, with gen. 'on a base of,' i. 71. with dative : purpose, i. 276 ; vi. 15 ; vii. 133, 33- condition, iv. 350; vi. 2OI. with ace. : extent, vii. 130. object or aim, iv. 209 ; vi. 16 ; v. 153' *37| viii. 423. in composition, iv. 232. KO.T&, with gen., vii. 230. with ace. (distributive force), IT. 231 ; viii. loo. Kp6.ro*, ii. 53 ; viii. 518. , with ace. versus gen., i. ia8j viii. 229. Trapd, with dat., iv. 286. with ace. : ' beside,' i. 322 ; motion to, iv. 318 ; 'along,' vii. 82. comparison, viii. 405. ' contrary to,' iii. 75 ; iv. 76 ; vii 290. in composition, vii. 200, 207 ; viii. 1 08. iTtfii, with ace., of behaviour ' to,' viii. 4I3. ol TTfpl, with ace., viii. 290. trpos, with gen., v. 56. irpos Oftav, viii. 72. with dat. versus ace., viii. 389. ffiiv, iv. 128. iiiro, in comp., iv. 219. Verbs. Compound verbs in -o>, iii. 33 ; in -6ca, iii. 187. Transitive and Intransitive : X<*>, iv. 2 ; vii. 1 47. iffTrint, i. 205 ; ii. 99 ; v. 330. rtp&TT(a, iv. 19 ; vii. 80. Passive supplied by other verbs : atptw, a\iffKonai, vii. 5. 271. airoKTiivca, duoQvijaicca, vii. 223; viii. 284. &aj9, iroitca, viii. 198. TiOrjfit, fitiiMi (and compounds), iii 207 ; vii. 221 ; viii. 59. Peculiar meanings : dvayi'yi'&ffKOJ, i. 237 ; vi 267* dito@\eTTa}, viii. 145. ota0&\\(a, i. 1 2. tuxptpopai, viii. 97. oincfo>, iii. 75. itriTiOffuu, vii. 20. if nioi, viii. 274. K&pvu, vi. 268. irappfyyvaw, vii. 186. irpoirivca, viii. 2 1 8. ffvffieevAfrncu, viii. 176. vndf>x, fpxonai, viii. 91. 1lpopr)v, rjpovfjtTjv, i. 314 ; IT. 34 ; viii. 136. tfaOijv, jjaffoni]!', ii. 01 ; vi. 13. ^X^ 7 ?". ^X^W". v - ' 35- Xt'^o), A.177W, iv. 31. ofSa, yiyvwoKca, v. 190 ; vi. 194. dv, bpulta, i. 161 ; iv. 204. xot**) v < ' J 69; v. 334. VOICE. Active and Middle (difference of) : alpf, v. 265. iropfvdj iii. 141. ovn@ov\pa>, i. 151; viii. 306. (pofttio, v. 145. vAaTTW, i. 373; iii. QI. Peri", passive in middle sense, v. 1321 *> 39. 4 1 vi>- 88 MOOD. Indicative for Optative in reported speech, ii. 5, 125 ; viii. 32. Subjunctive after compounds of av, iii. 67; v. 243; vii. 38, 310; viii. 243, 418. Optative in reported speech, vi. 8 ; viii. 304, 461. = past subjunctive, iv. 13; vi. 108. deliberative, viii. 22J, 379, 525. in indefinite or uncertain state- ment, vi. 181 ; vii. 92, 235. indirect question, iv. 282; viii. 214, 343. statement, viii. 344. for fut. indicative, viii. 463. Fut. Opt. in reported speech, iv. 289. Forms in -oirjv, - ^ v - *> 330. ofta. etc., i. 119 ; ii. 108 ; vii. 269 ; viii. 377. = conjunction and verb, i. 261; viii. 81. Imperfect, viii. 38, 101 ; Future, vii. 16; viii. 71, 79, 360. l(6v, iv. 55 ; (xonffot, ii. 24 ?x 4. 354- Particles. dAXi, iii. 131 ; v. 217 ; vi. 258, 270 , vii. 300. d\\d UTIV, vi. 258, 31 7. dAAa . . . futv, viii. 367. dv, with relative pron., i. 175. . , ... ) See forms of con- -with past indie./ ditionalscm -optatwe. J . v 113 with infin., iv. 1 23 ; vii. 141. drop, v. 199 yt, vi. 246; viii. 372, 387. 817, iii. 210; iv. 8, 263, 355; vfl. 229 ; viii. 419. i$ HTJV, iii. 60. Ka't, senses of, i. 21 ; iii. 32 ; iv. 84 ; vii. 305 ; viii. 320. ='or,' v. 223; vi. 71. KO.I 9ap, vi. 285 ; vii. 135. Hal . . . 8, iv. 2 1 7 ; v. 1 96. Hal Srj, iii. 180; vi. 241. KOI wv, i. 3CX3. nal ITUIS, v. 2 1 6. piv . . . 8(, iv. 45; vii. 161, igoj viii. 294. H\v 817, iv. 8. ptv ovv, ii. 83; iii. 129; vi. 144; viii. 346. t, v. 207 ; vii. 19. 271 ; viii. 427. oSv, i. 6. T . . . *eu, viii 358. Negatives. H%, after verbs of hindering, etc., iv, 242 ; v. 310. with participle, v. 123. ^77 versus ov, v. 202 ; vi. 91, 240; viii. 121. oi'5, vi. 265 ; vii. 145. ov ^r)v, viii. 420. oi'K-iOi\u, i. 127. ov-