UC-NRLF 3CKET MANI DNQINESBS A. HAKKIS BSBBBBBB GIFT OF J5NOINEER1NG KB* POCKET MANUAL ENGINEERS. EDITED BY JOHN W. HILL, // MECHANICAL ENGINEER, Member American Society of Civil En Member American Association R. R. EDITION, TEN THOUSAND. PUBLISHED BY BUILDER OF HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 1SS3. COIN-TENTS. PAGE. Mensuration. 5 Circumferences and Areas of Circles 8 First Eight Powers 11 Decimal Equivalents 12 English and French Measures. . 13 Moment of Inertia 14 Polygons 16 Square and Cube Root 17 Table of Square and Cube Roots 19 Trigonometrical Formulae 20 Natural Sines and Co-sines 27 Natural Tangents and Co-tan- gents 33 Iron and Timber Beams 39 Wire Ropes 43 Hemp Ropes 46 Phoenix Beams 48 Columns 50 Table of Tensile Strength 56 Table of Compressive Strength. 59 Modulus of Elasticity 62 Table of Shearing Strength 63 Shafting ' 63 Steel Springs .66 Strength of Steam Boilers 67 Weight Round, Square and Plate Iron 70 Weight of Plate Iron, by Gauge.. 71 Seller's System of Screw Threads 72 Cast Iron Water Pipe 73 Thick Cylinders. 74 Thick Hollow Spheres 76 Steam Boiler Explosions 77 Specific Gravity 80 Explosions in Flour Mills 83 PAGK. Combustion Friction of Air in Long Pipes... 1(>3 Quality of Steam 16"> Pressure of Vapor of Water 169 Harris-Corliss Engine 170 Trials of Automatic Cut-Off Steam Engines. 171 Trial Harris-Corliss Engine, at La Crosse, Wis 173 ; Trial Harris-Corliss Engine, at Miller's International Exhibi- tion 181 Table of Mean Effective Press- ure 185 Steam Table ISC. Steam Engine Indicator 189 Power of Harris-Corliss Engines 190 Condensation and Vacuum 194 Planimeter. 197 Adjustment of Valves, Harris- Corliss Engines 198 Automatic Cut Off and Slide Valve Engines 199 Safety Valves 2)1 Pile Driving 202 General Index. 2G3 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. MENSURATION. CIRCLE. Diam. X 3.1416 = circumference. Diam. 2 X .7854 = area. Circum. X 31831 = diameter. SPHERE. Diam. X circumference = convex surface. Diam 3 x .5236 = solid contents. Desired convex surface of a sphere 2" diam. 2X6 2832 = 12 5664 sq. ins. Desired solid contents of same sphere. 2 3 X 5236 = 4.1888 CM. ins. SPHERICAL SEGMENT. To Find Solid Contents: Let R = radius of base or plane surface parallel to axis, and h =* height of segment or perpendicular distance from plane surface to apex of segment, then 3 jj 2 + h*XhX 5236 = golid contents. Desired solid contents of a spherical segment having a diam. of base 8" = -2 R; and a height 2" = h 3X 4 2 + 2 2 X 2 X -5236 = 54 45 cu. ins. To Computa th3 Convsx Surface of a Spherical Segment : Letc = circum. of whole sphere, then c X h = convex surface. Desired convex surface of spherical segment: when the height h = 2" and circumference c = 37 7". 37.7 X 2 = 75. 4 sq. ins. SPHERICAL ZONE. To Compute Convex Surface : c X h = convex surface. Desired convex surface of zone: where the height h = 4" and diam. 12 X 3.1416 X 4 = 150.79 sq. ins. To Compute Solid Contents : Let R = radius of one plane surface: r = radius of opposite plane surface, and h. = height perpendicular to plane surfaces. Then ^24.7-24. .33 ft 2 X /i X 1 5708 = solid contents. Desired volume of spherical zone: where the diam. of one plane surface is 8" and diam. of opposite plane surface 6"; height 4". (.33X4*)X4X 1-5703 = 190.255 cu. ins. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. CONE. To Compute Convex Surface : Let c = circum. of base and h = slant height or side of cone, then c X h = convex surface. 2 Desired convex surface of cone having a diameter of base 4" and slant height 0". 12. 5664 X 6 , . -- = 37.7 sq. ins. t * < ' ^ To Opmpiitfc'Siofid Contents : Lewi =L areu of base: and h' = perpendicular height, then ' A X /*' * a * >" ' - = solid contents. i ; >- ,-* - L " l ' 3 i)esired volume of above cone: (4 2 X 7854) X 5. 6569 -- : - = 23.6956 CM. ins. 3 NOTE. The ratio of the solid contents of a pyramid or cone to a prism or cylinder haying same area of base and perpendicular height, is as 1 : 3, and the ratio of the solid contents of a cone to a hemisphere having same area of base and perpendicular height, is as 1 : 2. ELLIPSE. To Compute the Area : Let D = long diameter, and d, short diam., then D X d X .7854 = area. Desired area of ellipse having a long diameter of 12" and short diam. of 5". 12 X 5 X 7854 = 47 . 124 sq. ins. To Compute the Circumference or Perimeter : The following formula is proposed by Mr. John C. Trautwine as being approximately correct to .001 of perimeter. Let D = long diameter; d = short diameter; and a = constant as per table, then r-J- . . circumference. The value of "a"' depends upon the ratio of D to d. The values are given by Mr Trautwine as per table. Ratio... 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 Constant (a) 8.8 9 9.2 9.3 10 I 12 I 14 9.4 95 9.6 16 9 68 9.75 20 9.8 * For ratio of less than 5 use 8.8. SECTOR OF A CIRCLE. To Com pute the Area : Let K = degrees of arc comprised in the sector, and A = area of whole circle, of which the sector is a part; then KX A = area of sector. 360 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. Desired area of sector: where K = 60 degrees and area of whole cir- cle 201.06 square inches. 60 X 201 06 = 33.51 sq. inf. 360 Or let b = length of arc, and r = radius; then b X r = area. 2 \ Desired area of sector of circle: having a length of arc 8 3776" and radius 6". 8 3776X8 = 33 5104 sq. ins. SEGMENT OF A CIRCLE. To Compute Area : From the area of the sector subtract the area of triangle formed by the chord of the segment, and the radii of the arc. Let R = radius of arc: c = chord of segment; and h = versed sine: or height of segment; then (R-h)Xc = area of triangle. 2 Desired area of segment: area of sector = 33.5104 sq. ins. ; R = 8"; c = 8"; and h = 1.0718"; then (8 1.0718) X8 33 5104 _ J_ = 5 . 7976 sq. ins. PRISMOID. A prismoid is a solid bounded by six plane surfaces, two of which are parallel. A frustum of a quadrangular pyramid is a prisraoid.* To Compute Solid Contents : Let A = area of one parallel surface: A' = area of opposite parallel surface: a = area of surface at mid-depth parallel to A and A'; and h = depth or perpendicular distance from A to A'; then (A + A' + 4 a) X h == solid contents. 6 Desired the capacity of a reservoir of rectangular plan, the upper surface of which measures 115 04' X 179 62' = 20663 48': the lower sur- fnce measures 112 11' X 176 87' = 19828.89': the surface at mid-depth 113.575' X 178 245' = 20244.176'; and depth Y 0833'; then 20663 48 + 19828.89 + (4 X 20244 176) X 7.0833 = 143,400 315 cu. ft. *This formula will apply to prisms, pyramids, cones, wedges, and to all solids having two parallel surfaces, and united by plane or curved surfaces upon which a straight line may be drawn" from one parallel surface to the other, and which shall everywhere coincide with the surface upon which it is drawn. WILLIAM A. HARRIS. BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES. Inches. Circum Inches. Area Sq.In. Diam. Inches. Circum Inches. Area Sq.In. Diam. Inches. Circum Inches. Area Sq.In. 1-64 .049087 00019 X 7.06858 3.9761 9-16 17.4751 24.301 1-32 098175 00077 5-16 7.26493 4.2000 17.6715 24.850 3-64 .147262 .00173 % 7.46128 4.4301 11-16 17.8678 25.406 1-16 . 196350 .00307 7-16 7 65763 4.6664 X 18.0642 25.967 3-32 .294524 00690 ^2 7.85398 4.9087 13-16 18.2605 26.535 /B 392699 01227 9-16 8.05033 5.1572 rx 18.4569 27.109 5-32 490874 .01917 5/ 8 24668 5.4119 15-16 18.6532 27.688 3-16 . 589049 .02761 11-16 8.44303 5 6727 6. 18.8496 28.274 7-32 .687223 03758 3^ 8 63938 5.9396 ix 19.2423 29 465 y* .785398 .04909 13-16 8.83573 6.2126 X 19-. 6350 30.680 9-32 883573 .06213 yx 9.03208 6.4918 3X 20.0277 31.919 5-16 .981748 .07670 15-16 9.22843 6.7771 IX 20.4204 33 183 11-32 1.07992 .09281 3. 9 42478 7.0686 % 20.8131 34.472 3X 1.17810 .11045 1-16 9.62113 7.3662 3X 21 2058 35.785 13-32 1.27627 .12962 ix 9 81748 7.6699 % 21 .5984 37 122 7-16 1.37445 .15033- 3-16 10.0138 7.9798 7. 21.9911 38.485 15-32 1.47262 .17257 X 10.2102 8.2958 ix 22.3838 39.871 y* 1.57080 .19635 5-16 10 4065 8.6179 x4 22 7765 41.282 17-32 1.66897 .22166 % 10.6029 8.9462 23.1692 42.718 9-16 1.76715 .24850 7-16 10.7992 9.2806 l/ 23.5619 44 179 19-32 1.86532 .27688 /"2 10.9956 9.6211 % 23.9546 45.664 S 1.96350 .30680 9-16 11.1919 9.9678 3X 24 3473 47.173 21-32 2.06167 .33824 % 11.3883 10.321 y 24.7400 48.707 11-16 2.15984 .37122 11-16 11 5846 10.680 8. 25.1327 50.265 23-32 2.25802 .40574 /4 11.7810 11.045 x 25.5254 51.849 3/ 2 35619 44179 13-16 11 9773 11.416 25 9181 53.456 25-32 245437 .47937 7X 12.1737 11.793 y 26.3108 55.088 13-16 2.55254 .51849 15-16 12.3700 12.177 X2 26.7035 56.745 27-32 2.65072 .55914 4. 12 5664 12.566 &' 27.0962 58.426 2.74889 60132 1-16 12.7627 12 962 x 27.4889 60.182 29-32 2.84707 .64504 xa 12 9591 13 364 27.8816 61.862 15-16 2 94524 .69029 3-16 13.1554 13.772 9. 28.2743 63.617 31-32 3.04342 .73708 i^ 13.3518 14.186 IX 28.6670 65.397 1. 3.14159 78540 5-16 13.5481 14.607 IX 29 0597 67.201 1-16 3.33794 88664 % 13.7445 15 033 % 29.4524 69.029 IX 3.53429 99402 7-16 13.9408 15.466 X2 29.8451 70 882 3-16 3.73064 1.1075 /'2 14.1372 15.904 % 30.2378 72.760 X 3.92699 1.2272 9-16 14.3335 16 349 30.6305 74.662 5-16 4.12334 1.3530 % 14.5299 16.800 y 31.0232 76.549 % 4.31969 1.4849 11-16 14.7262 17 257 10. ' 31 4159 78 540 7-16 4.51604 1.6230 3X 14.9226 17.721 ix 32 2013 82.516 4.71239 1.7671 13-16 15.1189 18.190 K 32.9867 86.590 9-16 4.90874 1.9175 ^8 15.3153 18.665 X 33.7721 90.763 % 5.10509 2.0739 15-16 15.5116 19.147 11. 34.5575 95.033 11-16 5.30144 2.2365 5. 15.7080 19.635 X 35.3429 99 402 3X 5.49779 2.4053 1-16 15.9043 20.129 % 36.1283 103.87 13-16 "> 69414 2.5802 >3 16 1007 20.629 X 36.9137 108.43 % 5.89049 2.7612 3-16 16.2970 21.135 12. 37.6991 113.10 15-16 6.08684 2.9483 % 16.4934 21.649 X 38.4845 117.86 2. 6.28319 3.1416 5-16 16.6897 22.166 X2 39 2699 122.72 1-16 6.47953 3 3410 /8 16.8861 22.691 X 40.0553 127.68 i/ 6.67588 3.5466 7-16 17.0824 23.221 13. 40 8407 132.73 8-16 6.87223 3.7583 17.2788 23.758 X 41.6261 137.89 WILLIAM A. HARRIS. BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES Continued. Diam. Cireum Inches. Inches. Area Sq.In. Diam. Inches. Circum Inches. Area Sq.In. Diam. Inches. Circum Inches. Area Sq. In. 13. X 42.4115 143.14 t % 84.0376 562.00 40. 125 664 1256.6 X 43.1969 148 49 27. 84 8230 572 06 X 126.449 1272.4 14. 43 9823 153.94 X 8-5.6084 583.21 X 127 235 1288 2 K 44 7677 159.48 y* 86.3938 593.96 % 128 020 1304.2 >a 45 5531 165 13 X 87.1792 604.81 41 128 805 1320.3 X 46 3385 170.87 28. 87.9646 615.75 X 129 591 1336.4 15. 47 1239 176.71 X 88.7500 626.80 X 130.376 1352.7 U 47.9093 182 65 y* 89 5354 637 94 % 131 161 1369.0 X 48 6947 188 69 % 90.3208 649.18 42. 131.947 1385.4 % 49 "4801 194.83 29. 91.1062 660.52 M 132 732 1402.0 16 50 2655 201 06 X 91.8916 671.96 & 133 518 1418.6 % 51.0509 207 39 K 92.6770 683.49 X 134 303 1435.4 % 51 8363 213.82 X 93.4624 695.13 43 135 088 1452.2 K 52 6217 220.35 30. 94 2405 706.86 y* 135 874 1469.1 17. 53.4071 226 98 %. 95.0332 718.69 y* 136.659 1486.2 % 54.1925 233 71 y* 95.8186 730.62 % 137.445 1503.3 X 54.9779 240.53 & 96.6040 742.64 44. 138.230 1520 5 X 55.7633 247.45 31. 97.3894 754.77 X 139.015 1537.9 18. 56 5187 254.47 X 98.1748 766.99 X 139 801 1555.3 X 57 3341 261.59 K 98.9602 779. SI K 140.586 1572.8 y* 58 1195 268.80 X 99.7456 791 73 45. 141 372 1590.4 K 58 9049 276.12 32. 100.531 804 25 X 142 157 1608.2 19. 59 6903 283.53 X 101 316 816.86 X 142.942 1626.0 'V 60 4757 291 04 & 102 102 829.58 % 143 728 1643.9 2 61 2611 298 65 % 102 887 842.39 46. 144 514 1661.9 & 62 0465 306.35 33. 103.673 855.30 X 145.299 1680.0 20. 62 8319 314.16 "x 104.458 868.31 X 146.084 1698.2 ^ 63.6173 322.06 y* 105 243 881 .41 % 146.869 1716.5 > 64 4026 330.06 % 106 029 894 V T62 47. 147 655 1734.9 K 65.1880 338.16 34. 106 814 907.92 X 148 440 1753.5 21. 65.9734 346.36 X 107 600 921.32 X 149 226 1772 1 M 66.7588 354.66 X 108 385 934.82 K 150 Oil 1790.8 > 67 5442 363.05 K 109.170 948 42 48. 150.797 1809.6 x 68 3296 371 54 35. 109 956 962.11 M 151 582 1828.5 22. 69.1150 380.13 X 110 741 975.91 ^ 152 367 1847.5 M 69 9004 388 82 > 111.527 989.8 X 153.153 1866.5 > 70.6858 397 61 % 112 312 1003 8 49. 153.938 1885.7 8 71.4712 406.49 36. 113 097 1017.9 X 154.723 1905.0 23. 72.2566 415.48 X 113.883 1032.1 X 155 509 1924.4 >4 73.0420 424.56 >a 114.668 1046.3 % 156.294 1943.9 >z 73 8274 433.74 2 115 454 1060.7 50. 157.080 1963.5 ? 74.6128 443.01 37. 116 239 1075 2 X 157.865 1983.2 24 75.3982 452 39 X 117 024 1089.8 X 158.650 2003.0 X 76.1836 461.86 X 117 810 1104.5 & 159.436 2022.8 K 76 9690 471.44 X 118.596 1119.2 51. 160221 2042 8 % 77 7544 481.11 38. 119 381 1134.1 X 161 007 2062.9 25. 78.5398 490.87 X 120 166 1149.1 X 161 792 2083 1 > 79.3252 500 74 X 120 952 1164.2 X 162.578 2103.3 > 80 1106 510.71 % 121.737 1179.3 52. 163 363 2123.7 X 80.8960 520.77 39. 122.522 1194.6 X 164 148 2144.2 26. 81.6814 530 93 X 123.308 1210.0 >2 164 934 2164 8 % 82.4668 541.19 y* 124 093 1225 4 X 165.719 2185.4 y a 83.2522 551 55 % 124.879 1241.0 53 166.504 2206.2 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 10 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES. Diam. Inches. Circum Inches. Area Sq.In. Diam. Inches. Circum Inches. Area Sq.In. Diam. Inches. Circum Inches. Area Sq.In. 53. ^ 167 290 2227.0 66. y 2 208.916 34*73 2 79. % 250.542 4TO5.2 168.075 2248.0 209.701 3499 4 80. 251 327 5026 5 X 168 861 2269.1 67. 210.487 3525.6 X 252 113 5058 54. 169.646 2290.2 x 211.272 3552 y* 252.898 5089.6 X 170 431 2311.5 y* 212 058 3578.5 K 253 684 5121 2 >2 171.217 2332.8 % 212 843 3605.0 81. 254 469 5153.0 X 172 002 2354 3 68. 213 628 3631.7 X 255.254 5184.9 55. 172.788 2375.8 X 214 414 3658 4 y z 256.040 5216 8 X 173 573 2397 5 y* 215.199 3685 3 % 256 825 5248 9 % 174 358 2419.2 x 215 984 3712 2 82. 257. 61 J 5281 H 175 144 2441.1 69. 216 770 3739 .3 X 258 396 5313.3 56. 175 929 2463 X 217 555 3766.4 X 259.181 5345.6 X 176 715 2485.0 y z 218.341 3793 7 X 259.967 5378.1 >2 177.500 2507.2 % 219 126 3821.0 83. 260.752 3410 6 178.285 2529.4 70. 219.911 ?848.5 74 261.538 5443.3 57. ^ 179 071 2551.8 K 220.697 3876.0 X 262 323 5476.0 % 179.856 2574 . 2 X 221 .482 3903.6 X 263 108 5508.8 y* 180.642 2596.7 X 222.268 3931.4 84. 263.894 )541 8 X 181.427 2619.4 71. 223.053 3959.2 /4 264.679 5574 8 58. 182.212 2642 . 1 X 223 838 3978.1 X 265.465 5607.9 X 182.998 2664.9 y z 224.624 4015.2 X 266.250 5641.2 % 183.783 2687.8 % 225.40!) 4043.3 85. 267.035 5674.5 X 184.569 2710.9 72. 226.195 4071.5 X 267.821 3707.9 59. 185.354 3734.0 X 226.980 4099.8 y* 268.606 5741.5 K 186.139 2757.2 >2 227.765 4128.2 % 269.392 3775.1 y*. 186 925 2780.5 X 228.551 4156.8 86. 270 177 5808.8 X 187.710 2803.9 73. 229.336 4185.4 X 270.962 5842.6 60. 188.496 2827 4 X 230.122 4214.1 y* 271.748 3876.5 M 189.281 2851.0 ^ 230 907 4242.9 y* 272.533 3910.6 190.066 2874.8 231.692 4271.8 87. 273.319 5944.7 M 190.852 2898.6 74. * 232 478 4300.8 M 274.] 04 5978.9 61. 191.637 2922.5 % 233.263 4329.9 X 274.889 6013.2 Ji 192.423 2946 5 y* 234 049 4359 . 2 % 275 675 OU4/.6 J xl 193 208 2970.6 K 234.834 4388.5 88. 276.460 6082 1 8 193.993 2994 8 75. 235.619 4417.9 I/ 277.246 1116.7 62. 194.779 3019.1 X 236.405 4147.4 7a 278.031 6151.4 > 195.564 5043.5 1 A 237.190 4477.0 X 278.816 6186.2 K 196.350 3068.0 ^4 237 976 4506.7 89. 279.602 6221.1 ^ 197.135 3092.6 76. 238.761 4536.5 X 280 387 6256 . 1 63. 197.920 3117.2 X 239.546 4566.4 X 281.173 6291.2 # 198.706 3142.0 >2 240.332 4596.3 % 281.958 6326.4 2 199.491 3166.9 X 241 117 4626.4 90. 282 743 6361.7 % 200.277 3191.9 77. 241.903 4656.6 X 283 529 6397.1 64. 201 .062 3217.0 % 242 688 4686.9 y* 284 314 6432.6 X 201.847 3242.2 ^ 243.473 4717.3 x 285.100 6468.2 >s 202.633 3267.5 % 244.259 4747.8 91. 285.885 6503.9 & 203.418 3292.8 78. 245.014 4778.4 X 286.670 6539.7 65. 204.204 3318.3 X 215.830 4809.0 % 287 456 6575 . 5 y* 204.989 3343 9 X 246.615 4839.8 28S.241 6611.5 % 205 . 774 3369 . 6 X 247.400 4870.7 92. % 289 027 6647.6 x 206.560 3395.3 79. 248 186 4901 7 X 289 812 6683.8 66. 207.345 3421 2 X 248.971 4932.7 X 290 597 6720.1 M 208.131 3447.2 % 249 757 4963.9 X 291.383 6756.4 WILLIAM A. HARRIS. BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 11 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES -Continued. Diam. Inches. Circum Inches. Area Sq.In. Diam. Inches. Circum Inches. Area ~q. In. Diam. Inches. Circum Inches. Area Sq^n. 93. 292 168 6792.9 95 y 2 300.022 7163.0 98. 307.876 7543 >4 292.954 6826 5 X 300 807 7200.6 K 308.661 7581.5 y* 293 739 6866 1 96. 301 .593 7238.2 >2 309 447 7620.1 K 294 524 6902 9 Y* 302 378 7276.0 8 310 232 7658.9 94. 295 310 6939.8 i' 303 164 7313.8 99. 311.018 7697.7 % 2% 095 6976 7 % 303 949 7351.8 K 311.803 7736.6 X 296 881 7013 .8 97. 304 734 7389.8 X 312.588 7775 6 % 297 666 7051 X 305 .520 7428.0 H 313 374 781i 8 95 298 451 7088 2 X 306.305 7466.2 100. 314.159 7854 299 237 7125.6 % l 307. 091 7504.5 1 FIRST EIGHT POWERS OF FIRST TEN NUMBERS. POWERS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 8 16 OO 64 128 256 3 9 27 81 243 729 2187 6561 4 16 r>4 256 1024 4096 163M 65536 5 25 125 625 3125 15625 78125 3H0625 6 36 216 1296 7770 46656 279936 1679616 7 49 343 2401 16807 117649 823-543 5764801 8 64 512 4096 32768 262144 201)7152 16777216 9 81 729 6561 59049 531441 4782969 43046721 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 100000000 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 12 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. FRACTIONS OF INCH EXPRESSED IN DECIMALS. 1-64 Decimals. = .015625 2-64= 1-32 = .03125 3-64 = .046875 4-64= 2-32 = 1-16 = .0625 6-64= 3-32 = .09375 8-64= 4-32 = 2-16 = 1-8 = .125 10-64= 5-32 = .15625 12-64= 6-32=- 3-16 = .1875 14-64= 7-32 = .21875 16-64= 8-32 = 4-16 = 2-8 = 1-4 = .25' 18-64= 9-32 = .28125 20-64 = 10-32 = 5-16 = .3125 22-64 = 11-32 = .34375 24-64 = 12-32 = 6-16 = 3-8 - .375 26-64 = 13-32 = .40625 28-64 = 14-32 = 7-16 = 4375 30-64 = 15-32 = .46875 32-64 = 16-32 = 8-16 = 4-8 = 2-4 = 1-2= .5 34-64 = 17-32 = .53125 36-64 = 18-32 = 9-16 = .5625 38-64 = 19-32 = .59375 40-64 = 20-32 = 10-16 = 5-8 = .625 42-61 = 21-32 = .65625 . 44-64 = 22-32 = 11-16 = .6875 46-64 = 23-32 = .71875 48-6 i = 24-32 = 12-16 = 6-8 = 3-4 = .75 50-64 = 25-32 = .78125 52-64 = 26-32 = 13-16 = .8125 54-64 == 27-32 = .84375 56-64 = 28-32 = 14-16 = 7-8 = 875 58-64 = 29-32 = 90625 60-64 = 30-32 = 15-16 = .9375 62-64 = 31-32 = .96875 64-64 = 32-32 = 16-16 = 8-8 = 4-4 = 2-2 = 1.00000 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. ENGLISH AND FRENCH MEASURES. LINEAR MEASURE. ENGLISH. FRENCH. U. 8. in U. S. ft 12 inches . 3 feet 5% yds 40 rods 1 foot 1 yard ...1 rod, perch, or pole 1 furlong Millimetre. Centimetre. Decimetre . Metre .U393G8 .393685 3 93683 39 3685 8 furlongs. . 3 miles Imile 1 league Decametre .. Hectometre. Kilometre . Myriametre. 393 685 328 071 3280 71 32S07.1 SQUARE MEASURE. ENGLISH. FRENCH. lU S. sq. in. 144 sq. inches. 9 sq ft Isq. ft 1 sq vd Sq. Millimetre. . . . Sq Centimetre .001- 549 154^88 30>4 sq. yds... 40 sq. rods 4 roods . .1 sq. rod .1 sq. rood 1 acre Sq. Decimetre. . . Sq. Metre Sq. Decametre. . . 15 4988 1.549 88 154988 Hectare.. Sq. Kilometre. 107630.58 107C.3058 U. S. sq. ft. CUBIC OR SOLID MEASURE. ENGLISH. jj FRENCH. SOLID AND LIQUID. 1728 cubic in 27 cubic feet. . . 24% cubic feet... . . .1 cubic foot .1 cubic yard. .1 cubic p'erch. U. S. cub. in. U. S. cub. ft Miliilitre Centilitre.. Decilitre... Litre Decalitre .. Hectolitre . Kilolitre . Myriolitre. .061016-5 .610165 6 10165 61 0165 610.165 3 53105 35.3105 353 105 LIQUID MEASURE. U S. STANDARD. BRITISH STANDARD. 4 gills Ipint . 2 pints 1 quart. . 4 quarts 1 gallon.. 63 gallons. .1 hogshead Cub. in. 4 gills 2 pints . . . 2 quarts.. . 2 pottles . 1 pint. . . . . .1 quart . . . . .1 pottle. . . .1 gallon . Cub. in. 28.875 57 750 231. 34 659 1 69 3185 133 037 277 274 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. MOMENT OF INERTIA. The moment of inertia, of a rotating body is the product of the weight, W, into the square of the radius of gyration, R, of that body. Let W = the weight of a body, r = the external radius, .' = the internal radius, 1= moment of inertia. Then for a solid sphere, for a hollow sphere or spherical shell, W-r) H 5 (,-s _ r >3) for thin, hollow sphere, o r z 7 = TT- for cylinder, or circular disc, for hollow cylinder, or ring, .7-2 4- r'2 7 = TF 2 for thin, hollow cylinder or ring, The radius of gyration or mean radius of a rotating body, is a radian the square of which is equal to the mean of the squares of the dis- tances of its several particles from its axis. Using same terms as for moment of inertia, the radius of gyration, R, of a solid sphere is hollow sphere whose walls are thick relative to r, 1-2 (r& - r'*) \5 (r r') hollow sphere of thin material, lo r 2 ->nr WILLIAM A. PI ARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE. R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. cylinder, or circular disc, hollow cylinder of thick material, or ring, hollow cylinder of thin material, or ring, R= r CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. Let R = radius of gyration of body, W= weight, in pounds of body, V= velocity in feet, per second, at center of gyration, C =r centrifugal force in foot pounds. Then: I/ . /** In estimating the centrifugal force of a fly-wheel, tne bulk of weight of which is concentrated in the rim, the centrifugal force of the rim and center or arms should be separately calculated and the two results added together for centrifugal force of the whole. REVOLVING PENDULUM. Many railway engineers elevate the outer rail in curves, upon the principle of the revolving pendulum: the plane of the rails being per- pendicular to the axis of the pendulum (not the axis of revolution). Let ir= weight of railway train, or so much of train as can occupy the curve. C= centrifugal force of train at maximum speed. r = velocity of train in feet per second. r = radius of curve to center of track. h = hight above common grade, of imaginary point of suspen- sion, of pendulum. Then: -*=0J:= !L F and/. = (Ll r i* C r2 Let r = sine of angle subtended by axis of revolution, and axis of pendulum, then the plane of rails should be tangent to this angle. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. it; HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINE. POLYGONS. 10. No. of Sides Name of Polygon. Areas. Radii. Sides. Aug. con- tained be- tween two sides. Angle at center of circle. 3 Equilat. triangle. . .4330 .5774 1.7320 60 120 4 Square 1 .7071 1.414-2 90 90> 5 Pentagon. 1.7205 .8507 1 1756 108 72 6 Hexagon 2.5981 1 1 120 60'' 7 Heptagon 3.6339 1.1524 8678 128= 34. 29' 151 25 71' 8 Octagon 4 8284 1 3066 .7654 135 -15 9 Nonagon 6.1818 1.4619 .6840 140 4(P 10 Decagon 7.6942 1.6180 .6180 144 36' Let P number of sides or faces of polygons. ,S = side in inches of any regular polygon. " R - radius of circumscribing circle in inches. " R> = radius of inscribing circle in inches. " A' value for any given polygon, in column of areas. 11 R" = value for any given polygon, in column of radii. " S' = value for any given polygon, in column of sides. " A = area of polygon in sq. inches. Then: A = f& X A' or R S X R" and A = R' X P WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER. PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. SQUARE AND CUBE ROOT. SQUARE ROOT, RULE Point off right to left if integer, and left to right if decimal, in orders or places of two. Ascertain highest root of first order and place to right of number as in long division. Square this root and subtract from first order. To the remainder annex the next order, double the root already obtained and place to left of this dividend; ascertain how often this divisor is contained in all but the final figure of dividend and place the quotient to right of root already obtained, and to right of the divisor. Multiply divisor by final figure in the root, and subtract as before. If the remainder after a division is neg- ative, then take a figure for the last figure in the root one less than before. Proceed thus until all the orders are worked. Desired the y 590 49. Desired y .075625. 5,90.49(24.3 .07,56,25( .275* 4 4 44)190 47)356 176 329 483)1449 645)2725 1449 2725 * The number of decimal places in the root will always be one-half the number in the decimal the root of which is sought. CUBE ROOT. RULE Point off right to left if integer, and left to right if decimal, in orders or places of three. Ascertain the highest root of the first order and place to right of number as in long division; cube the root thus found and subtract from the first order: to the remainder annex the next order, square the root already found and multiply by three for a trial divisor with two ciphers annexed. Find how often this di- visor is contained in the dividend and write the result in the root. Add together the trial divisor, three times the product of the first figure of the root by the second with one cipher annexed and the square of the second figure in the root. Multiply the sum by the last figure in the root and subtract as before. To the remainder annex the next order, and proceed as before. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 18 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. Desired the V 493039. 493039(79 cu. root. 7 X 7 X 7 = 343 7X7X3 = 14700 7X9X3=- 1890 9X9= 81 1G671 150039 150039 Desired \4035S3.4J9. 7X7X7 = 7X7X3 = 14700 7X3X3= 630 3X3= 9 15339 73 X 73 X 3 = 1598700 73 X 9 X 3 = 19710 9X9= 81 1618491 403583.419(73.9 :343 60383 46017 14566419 14566419 Desired \ 153252 . 632929. 158252.632929(54.09* 5 X 5 X 5 = 125 5X5X3 = 7500 5X4X3= 600 4X4= 16 8116 540 X 540 X 3 = 87480000 540 X 9 X 3 = 145800 9X9= 81 87625881 33252 32464 788632929 *When the trial divisor is greater than the dividend, write a cipher in the root, annex the next order to the dividend and proceed as be- fore. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE. R. i. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. II TABLE OF SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS. No. ! Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. ' No. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. NO. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. 1 1. 1. 46 6 7823 3 5830 91 9.5394 4.4979 2 1 4142 1.2599 47 6 8557 3 6088 92 9.5917 4 5144 3 1.7321 1 4422 48 6 9282 3 6342 93 9 6437 4.5307 4 2. 1.5874 49 7 . 3.6593 94 9.6954 4 5468 5 2.2361 1.7100 50 7.0711 3 6840 95 9.7468 4 5629 6 2 4495 1.8171 51 7 1414 3 7084 % 9.7980 4.5789 7 2 1)458 1 9129 52 7 2111 3 7325 97 9 8489 4 5947 8 j 2 8284 2. 53 7.2SOI 3 7563 98 9 8995 4 6104 9 3. 2 O.SOl 54 7 3485 3 7798 99 9.9499 4.H261 10 3.1623 2 1544 55 7.4162 3 8030 100 10. 4.6416 11 3 3166 2 2240 56 7 4833 3 8259 101 10 0499 4 6570 12 3 4041 2 2*94 57 7 5498 3 8485 102 10 0995 4 6723 13 3.6036 2 3-313 58 7 6158 3 8709 103 10 1489 4 6875 14 3 7417 2 4101 59 7 6811 3 89:50 104 10 1980 4 7027 15 3.8730 2 4662 60 7.7460 3.9149 105 10.2470 4 7177 16 4 2 5198 Cl 7 8102 3 9365 106 10 2956 4 7326 17 4.1231 2 5713 62 7 8740 3.9579 107 10 3441 4.7475 is 4 2426 2 6207 63 7.9373 3 9791 108 10 3923 4.7622 19 4 3.">89 2 6684 64 8. 4. 109 10 4403 4.7769 20 4.4721 2.7144 65 8.0623 4.0207 110 10 4881 4 7914 21 4 5826 2 7.589 66 8 1240 4 0412 111 10.5357 4 8059 22 4 69U4 2.8020 67 8.1854 4 0615 112 10 5830 4 8203 23 4.7958 2 8439 68 8 2462 4 0817 113 10 6301 4 8316 24 4 8990 2.8845 69 8 3066 4 1016 114 10 6771 4 8488 25 5. 2.9240 70 8 3666 4 1213 115 10 7238 4 8629 26 5 0990 2 9625 71 8 4261 4 1408 116 10 7703 4 8770 27 5 1962 3 72 8 4853 4 1602 117 10 8167 4 8910 28 5.2915 3 0366 73 8 5440 4 1793 118 10 8628 4 9049 29 5.3852 3.0723 74 8 6023 4 1983 119 10 9087 4 9187 30 5.4772 - 3.1072 75 8 66U3 4 2172 120 10 9545 4.9324 31 5.5678 3.1414 76 8 7178 4.2358 121 11. 4.9461 32 5 65159 3 1748 77 8 7750 4.2543 122 11.0454 4 9597 33 5.7446 3.2075 78 8 8318 4 2727 123 11 0905 4 9732 34 5 8310 3.2396 79 8 8882 4.2908 124 11.1355 4 9866 35 5.9161 3.27J1 80 8 9443 4 3089 125 11.1803 5. 36 6. 3 3019 81 9 4.3267 126 11.2250 5.0133 37 6 0828 3 3322 82 9 0554 4.3445 127 11 2694 5.0265 38 6.16-14 3 3620 i>3 9.1104 4 3621 128 11.3137 5.0397 39 6.2450 3 3912 84 9 1R52 4 3795 1'29 11.3578 5.0528 40 6.3246 3.4200 85 9 2195 4 3968 130 11.4018 5 0658 41 6 4031 3.4482 86 9 2736 4 4140 131 11 4455 5 0788 42 6.4807 3.4760 87 i) 3274 4 4310 132 11.4891 5 0916 43 6.5574 3 5034 88 9 3808 4 4480 133 11 5326 5.1045 44 6 6332 3.5303 8!) 9 43-10 4 4647 134 11.5758 5.1172 45 6. 7082 3 5569 ! 90 9.4S&J 4 4814 135 IV 6190 5.1299 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. L HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. TABLE OF SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS. Continued. No. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. No. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. No. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. 336 11.6619 5 1426 186 13.6382 5.7083 236 15.3623 6 1797 137 11.7047 5.1551 187 13.6748 5.7185 237 15.3948 6 . 1885 138 11.7473 5.1676 188 13.7113 5.7287 238 15.4272 6.1972 139 11.7898 5.1801 189 13.7477 5.7388 239 15.4596 6.2058 140 11.8322 5.1925 190 13.7840 5.7489 240 15.4919 6.2145 141 11 .8743 5.2048 191 13.8203 5.7590 241 15 5242 6.2231 142 11.9164 5 2171 192 13 8564 5.7690 242 15.5563 6.2317 143 11.9583 5.2293 193 13 8924 5.7790 243 15.5885 6.2403 144 12. 5.2415 194 13 9284 5 7890 244 15.6205 6.2488 145 12.0416 5.2536 195 13.9642 5.7989 245 15.6525 6.2573 146 12.0830 5 2656 196 14. 5.8088 246 15.6844 6.2658 147 12.1244 5.2776 197 14.0357 5.8186 247 15.7162 6.2743 148 12.1655 5.2896 198 14.0712 5.8285 248 15.7480 6.2828 149 12.2066 5.3015 199 14.1067 5.8383 249 15.7797 6.2912 150 12.2474 5.3133 200 14 1421 5.8480 250 15.8114 6.2996 151 12.2882 5.3251 201 14.1774 5.8578 251 15.8430 6.3080 152 12.3288 5.3368 202 14.2127 5.8675 252 15.8745 6.3164 153 12.3693 5.3485 203 14 2478 5.8771 253 15.9060 6.3247 154 12.4097 5.3601 204 14.2829 5.8868 254 15.9374 6 3330 155 12.4499 5.3717 205 14.3178 5.8964 255 15.9687 6.3413 156 12.4900 5.3832 206 14.3527 5 9059 256 16. 6.3496 157 12.5300 5.3947 207 14.3875 5.9155 257 16.0312 6.3579 158 12.5698 5.4061 208 14 4222 5 9250 258 16.0624 6.3661 159 12.6095 5.4175 209 14.4;68 5.9345 259 16.0935 6.3743 160 12.6491 5.4288 210 14.4914 5 9439 260 16.1245 6.3825 161 12 6886 5.4401 211 14.5258 5.9533 261 16.1555 6.3907 .162 12.7279 5.4514 212 14 5602 5.91)27 262 16.1864 6.3988 163 12.7671 5.4626 213 14.5945 5.9721 263 16.2173 6.4070 164 12.8062 5.4737 214 14.6287 5.9814 264 16.2481 6.4151 165 12.8452 5.4848 215 14.6629 5.9907 265 16.2788 6.4232 166 12.8841 5.4959 216 14 6969 6. 266 16.3095 6.4312 167 12.9228 5.5069 217 14 7309 6.0092 267 16.3401 6.4393 168 12.9615 5.5178 218 14 7648 6.0185 268 16 3707 6 4473 169 13. 5.5288 219 14.7986 6.0277 269 16.4012 6.4553 170 13.0384 5.5397 220 14.8324 6.0368 270 16.4317 6.4633 171 13.0767 5.5505 221 14 8661 6.0459 271 16.4621 6.4713 172 13 1140 5.5613 222 14 8997 6.0550 272 16.4924 6.4792 173 13.1529 5.5721 223 14.9332 6.0641 273 16.5227 6.4872 174 13.1909 5.5828 224 14.9666 6.0732 274 16.5529 6.4951 175 13.2288 5.5934 225 15. 6.0822 275 16.5831 6.5030 176 13 2665 5.6041 226 15.0333 6.0912 276 16.6132 6.5108 177 13.3041 5 6147 227 15.0665 6 1002 277 16 6433 6.5187 178 13.3417 5 6252 228 15 0997 6.1091. 278 16.6733 6.5265 179 13.3791 5.6357 2'>g 15.1327 6.1180 279 16.7033 6 5343 180 13 4164 5.6462 230 15.1658 6.1269 280 16.7332 6.5421 181 13.4536 5.6567 231 15.1987 6.1358 281 16.7631 6.5499 182 13.4907 5 6671 232 15.2315 6.1446 282 16.7929 6.5577 183 13.5277 5 6774 233 15.2643 6.1534 283 16.8226 6 5654 184 13.5647 5.6877 234 15.2971 6.1622 284 16.8523 6.5731 185 13.6015 5.6980 235 15.3297 6.1710 285 16.8819 6.5808 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 21 TABLE OF SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS. -Continued. No. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. No. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. No. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. 286 16.9115 6.5885 336 18 3303 6.9521 386 19.6469 7.2811 287 16 9411 6.5962 337 18.3576 6.9589 387 19.6723 7.2874 288 16.9706 6.6039 338 18.3848 6 9658 388 19.6977 7.2936 239 17. 6 6115 339 18.4120 6 9727 389 19.7231 7.2999 290 17.0294 6.6191 340 18.4391 6 9795 390 19.7484 7.3061 291 17.0587 6.6267 341 18.4662 6 9864 391 19.7737 7.3124 292 17.0880 6 6343 342 18.4902 6 9932 392 19.7990 7.3186 293 17.1172 6.6419 343 18.5203 7. 393 19.8242 7 3248 294 17.1464 6.6494 344 18 5472 70068 394 19 8494 7.3310 295 17.1756 6.6569 345 18 5742 7.0136 395 19.8746 7.3372 2% 17.2047 6.6644 346 18 6011 7.0203 396 19.8997 7 3434 297 17.2337 6.6719 347 18 6279 7 027 1 397 19.9249 7.3496 298 17.2627 6 6794 348 18.6548 7.0338 398 19.9499 7 3558 299 17.2916 6.6869 349 18 6815 7 0406 399 19.9750 7.3619 300 17.3205 6.6943 350 18 7083 7.0473 400 20. 7.3681 301 17.3494 6.7018 351 18 7350 7.0540 401 20.0250 7 3742 302 17.3781 6.7092 352 18.7617 7 0607 402 20.0499 7 3803 303 17.4069 6 7166 353 18.7883 7.0674 403 20.0749 7.3864- 304 17 4356 6 7240 354 18 8149 7 0740 404 20 0998 7.3925 305 17.4642 6.7313 355 18.8414 7.0807 405 20.1246 7.3986 306 17 4929 6 7387 356 18 8680 7 0873 406 20.1494 7 4047 307 17 5214 6 7460 357 18.8944 7 0940 407 20.1742 7.4108 308 17 5499 6 7533 a38 18 9209 7.1006 408 20.1990 7.4169 309 17.5784 6 7606 359 18 9473 7.1072 409 20.2237 7 4229 310 17.6068 6.7679 360 18 9737 7.1138 410 20.2485 7 4290 311 17 6352 6 7752 361 19 7 1204 411 20.2731 7.4350 312 17.6635 6 7824 362 19.0263 7 1269 412 20 2978 7.4410 313 17 6918 6 7897 363 19.0526 7.1335 413 20.3224 7.4470 314 17.7200 6 7969 364 19 0788 7.1400 414 20 3470 7 4530 315 17.7482 6 8041 365 19 1050 7.1466 415 20.3715 7.4590 316 17.7764 6 8113 366 19.1311 7.1531 416 20.3961 7.4650 317 17.8045 6 8185 367 19 1572 7.1596 417 20.4206 7 4710 318 17 8326 6.8256 368 19 1833 7 1667 4ix 20 4450 7.4770 319 17 8606 G.8328 369 19 2094 7.1726 419 20.4695 7 4829 320 17.8885 6.8399 370 19 2354 7.1791 420 20.4939 7.4889 321 17.9165 6 8470 371 19 2614 7.1855 421 20.5183 7.4948 322 17 9444 6.8541 372 19 2873 7.1920 422 20.5426 7 5007 323 17.9722 6 8612 373 ' 19 3132 7.1984 423 20.5670 7.5067 324 18. 6.8683 374 193391 7.2048 424 20.5913 7 5126 325 18.0278 6.8753 375 19 3649 7.2112 425 20 6155 7.5185 326 18.0555 6 8824 376 19 3907 7.2177 426 20.6398 7.5244 327 180831 6.8894 377 19 4165 7.2240 427 20.6640 7 5302 328 18.1108 6 8964 378 19 4122 7.2304 428 206882 7 5361 329 18.1384 6.9034 :;:.' 194679 72368 429 207123 75420 330 18.1659 6.9104 380 19.4936 , 7.2432 430 20.7364 7.5478 331 18 1934 6 9174 381 19.5192 72495 431 20.7605 7.5537 332 18 2209 6 9244 382 19 5448 7.2558 432 20 7846 7 5595 333 18 2483 6 9313 383 19 5704 7 2622 433 20 8087 7 5654 334 18.2757 6 9382 384 19.5959 7.2685 431 20 8327 7.5712 335 18 3030 6 9451 385 19 6214 7.2748 435 20 8567 7 5770 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. TABLE OF SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE RCOTS.-Continued. No. Sq. Rt Cu. Rt. No. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. No. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. 436 20.8806 7.5828 486 22 0454 7.8622 536 23.1517 8.1231 437 20.9045 7 5886 487 22.0681 7.8676 537 23.1733 8.1281 438 20.9284 7.5944 488 22.0907 7.8730 538 23.1948 8.1332 439 20.9523 7.6001 489 22 1133 7.8784 539 23.2164 8.1382 440 20.9762 7.6059 490 22.1359 7.8837 540 23.2379 8.1433 441 21. 7.6117 491 22 1585 7.8891 541 23.2594 8.1483 442 21.0238 7.6174 492 22.1811 7.8944 5-12 23.2809 8 1533 443 21.0176 7 G'^32 493 22 2036 7 8998 543 23.3024 8 1583 444 21.0713 7 6289 404 22 2261 7.9051 544 23 . 3238 8.1633 445 21.0950 7.6346 495 22.2486 7.9105 545 23.3452 8.1683 446 21.1187 7.6403 496 22.2711 7.9158 546 23.3666 8 1733 447 21.1424 7 6460 . 497 22 2935 7.9211 547 23 . 3880 8.1783 448 21.1GCO 7 6517 498 22.3159 7.9264 518 23.4094 8.1833 449 21.1806 7.6574 499 22 3383 7.9317 549 23.4307 8.1882 450 21.2132 7.6631 500 22 3607 7.9370 550 23.4521 8.1932 451 21.2368 7.6688 501 22 3830 7.9423 551 23.4734 8.1982 452 21.2603 7.6744 502 22.4054 7.9476 552 23.4947 8.2031 453 21.2838 7.6801 503 22.4277 7.9528 553 23.5160 8.2081 451 21.3073 7.6857 504 22.4499 7.9581 554 23.5372 8.2130 455 21.3307 7.6914 505 22.4722 7.9634 555 23.5584 8.2180 456 21 3542 7 6970 506 22.4944 7.9686 556 23.5797 8 2229 457 21.3776 7.7026 507 22.5167 7 9739 557 23.6008 8 2278 458 21.4009 7.7082 508 22.5389 7.9791 558 23.6220 8 2327 459 21.4243 7.7138 509 22.5610 7 9843 559 23 6432 8.2377 460 21.4476 7.7194 510 22.5832 7.9896 560 23.6643 8.2426 461 21.4709 7.7250 511 22.6053 7.9948 561 23.6854 8.2475 462 21.4942 7.7306 512 22.6274 8 562 23.7065 8.2524 463 21.5174 7.7362 513 22.6495 8 0052 563 23.7276 8.2573 464 21.5407 7.7418 514 22.6716 8.0104 561 23.7487 8.2621 465 21.5639 7.7473 515 22.6936 8.0156 565 23.7697 8.2670 466 21.5870 7.7529 516 22 7156 8.0208 566 23.7908 8.2719 467 21.6102 7.7584 517 22 7376 8.0260 567 23 8118 8.2768 46S 21.6333 7.7639 518 22.7596 8 0311 568 23.8328 8 2816 46!) 21-6564 7.7695 519 22 7816 8.0363 569 23.8537 8.2863 470 21.6795 7.7750 520 22.8035" 8.0415 570 23.8747 8.2913 471 21.7025 7.7805 521 22.8254 8 0466 571 23 8956 8 2962 472 21.7256 .7860 522 22.8473 8.0517 572 23.9165 8.301) 473 21.7486 .7915 523 22.8692 8.0569 573 23.9374 8.3059 474 21.7715 .7970 524 22.8910 8 062) 574 23 9582 8.3107 475 21.7945 .8025 525 22.9129 8.0671 575 23.9792 8.3155 476 21.8174 .8079 526 22.9347 8.0723 576 24. 8.3203 477 21.8403 .8134 527 22.9565 8 0774 577 24.0208 8 3251 478 21.8632 8188 528 22.9783 8.0825 578 24.0416 8.r>r.oo 479 21.8861 .8243 529 23. 8.0876 579 24.0621 8 3348 480 21.9089 .8297 530 23.0217 8.0927 580 24.0832 8.3396 481 21.9317 .8352 531 23.0434 8.0978 581 24.1039 8.3443 482 21.9545 .8106 532 23.0651 8 . 1028 f>82 24.1247 8.3491 483 21.9773 .8460 533 23.0868 8.1079 583 24.1454 8 3539 484 22 7 8514 534 23.1084 8.1130 584 24.1661 8.3587 485 22 0227 7 8568 535 23 1301 8 1180 585 24 1868 8 3634 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. TABLE OF SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS. -Continued. No. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. ; No. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. No. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. 58T> 24.2074 8 3682 636 25 2190 8 5997 686 26 1916 8 9194 587 24 2281 8.3730 637 23.2389 8.6043 687 26 2107 8 8237 588 24.2487 8 3777 638 23.2387 8 6088 (588 26.2298 8 8280 589 24 2693 8.3825 6:39 25.2784 8 6132 689 26.2488 8.8323 590 24.2899 8.3872 640 25.2982 8.6177 690 26.2679 8 8366 591 24 3105 8.3919 641 25 3180 8.6222 691 26 2869 8 8408 592 24 3311 8.3967 642 25 3377 8.6267 692 26 3059 8.8451 593 24 3516 8 4014 643 23.3574 8.6312 693 26 3249 8.8498 594 21.3721 8.4061 644 2> 3772 8.6357 694 26.3439 8 8536 595 24.3926 8.4108 645 25.3969 8.6401 695 26.3629 8.8578 596 21.4131 8 4155 646 25.4165 8.6446 696 26 3818 8 8621 597 24 4336 8.4202 647 2-5.4362 8.6490 (197 26.4008 8 86(53 598 24 454!) 8.4249 648 23 4358 8.6535 698 26.4197 8 8706 599 24.4744 8.4296 649 25.4755 8.6579 699 26.4386 8.8748 600 24 4949 8 4343 650 23.4951 8.6624 700 26.4575 8.8790 601 24.5153 8.4390 651 25 5147 8 6668 701 26 4764 8 8833 602 24 5357 8.4437 632 25.5343 8.6713 702 26 4953 8.8875 603 24.5561 8 44H4 653 23 5539 8.6757 703 2ri 5141 8 8917 604 24.5764 8.4530 6>4 25.5434 8.6801 704 26.5330 8 8959 605 24.5967 8.4377 655 25 5930 8.6845 705 26.5518 8 9001 606 21 6171 8 462:? 656 25 6125 8 6890 706 26 5707 8 9043 607 24 6374 8.4670 6-37 2-3 6320 8 6934 707 26 5895 8.9085 608 24.6-^77 8 4716 6-38 25 6515 8 6978 708 26.6083 8.9127 609 24 6779 8 4763 659 25.6710 8 7022 7()9 26 6271 8 9169 610 24.6982 8.4809 660 23.6905 8.7066 710 26 6453 8.9211 611 24 7184 8 4856 661 25.7099 8.7110 711 26 6646 8 9233 612 24.7386 8 4'.K)2 662 25 7294 8 71-34 712 26 833 8.9295 613 21 7588 8 4918 6=53 25.748$ 8 7198 713 26 7021 8 933J 614 2 t. 7790 8.49SI4 6154 23 7682 8 7241 714 26.72D8 8 9378 615 24.7992 8.5040 665 23.7876 8.7285 715 26 7395 8 9420 616 24 8193 8 5086 666 25.8070 8 7329 716 26.7-3*2 8.9462 617 21 8395 8 5132 667 25 8263 8 7373 717 26 7769 8.9503 618 24 8-3% 8.5178 6G8 23 8457 8 7416 718 26 795-3 8 9545 619 24 8797 8 5224 6K9 25.N650 8.7460 719 26 8142 8 9587 620 24 8989 8.5270 670 23.8844 8.7503 720 26 8323 8.9623 621 24 9199 8.5316 671 25 9037 8 7.347 721 26.8514 8.9670 622 24 9399 8.5362 672 25.9230 8.7590 722 26 8701 8 9711 623 21 %00 8 5408 673 25.9422 8.7634 723 26 saw 8.97*2- 624 24.9800 8 5433 674 25.9615 8 7677 724 26 9072 8 9794 625 25. 8.5499 675 25 9808 8 7721 725 26.9258 8.98:3-3 r. fi 23.0200 8 5344 676 26. 8 7764 726 26 9444 8 9S76 627 2-3 0400 8.5590 677 26.0192 8 7.S07 727 26.9629 8 .918 628 25.0599 8.5G35 678 26 0384 8.7850 728 26 9815 8.9559 629 25.0799 8 5681 679 26.0576 8.7893 729 27. 9. 630 25.0993 8.5726 680 26.0768 8 7937 730 27.0185 9 0041 631 25.1197 8 5772 681 26.0960 8.7980 731 27.0370 9.0082 632 23 1396 8.5817 682 26 1151 8 8023 783 27 0555 9. 01 23 633 2-3 1595 85S62 6S3 26.1343 8 8066 733 27 0740 9.0164 634 23 1794 8.5907 684 23.1534 8 8109 734 27 0924 1 9 0205 635 23 1992 8 5932 685 26 1725 8.8152 735 27.1109 ! 9.0246 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. TABLE OF SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS. -Continued. No. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. No. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. No. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. 736 27 . 1293 9.0287 786 28.0357 9.2287 836 28.9137 9.4204 737 27.1477 9.0328 787 28.0535 9.2326 837 28.9310 9 4241 738 27.1662 9.0309 788 28.0713 9.2365 838 28 9482 9.4279 739 27 1846 9.0410 789 28.0891 9.2404 839 28.9655 9.4316 740 27.2029 9.0450 790 28 1069 9 2443 840 28.9828 9.4354 741 27.2213 9 0491 791 28.1247 9 2482 841 29. 9.4391 742 27 2397 9.0532 792 28.1425 9.2521 842 29.0172 9 4429 743 27.2580 9.0572 793 28.1603 9 2500 843 29.0345 9.44C6 744 27.2764 9.0613 794 28.1780 9.2599 844 29.0517 9.4a03 745 27.2947 9.0654 795 28.1957 9.2038 845 29.0689 9.4541 746 27.3130 9 0094 796 28.2135 9.2677 846 29.0861 9.4578 747 27.3313 9.0735 797 28.2312 9 2710 847 29 . 1033 9 4015 748 27 . 3490 9.0775 798 28.2489 9.2754 848 29.1204 9.4652 749 27.3679 9 0810 799 28.2606 9 2793 849 29.1370 9.46UO 750 27.3861 9.0856 800 28.2843 9.2832 850 29.1548 9.4727 751 27.4044 9.0896 801 28.3019 9 2870 851 29.1719 9.4704 752 27.4226 9.0937 802 28.3196 9 2909 852 29.1890 9.4801 753 27.4408 9.0977 803 28.3373 9 2948 853 29.2002 9.4838 754 27.4591 9.1017 804 28 3549 9 2986 854 29.2233 9.4875 755 27.4773 9.1057 805 28.3725 9.3025 855 29.2404 9.4912 750 27.4955 9.1098 800 28 3901 9.3036 856 29.2575 9 4949 757 27.5136 9 1138 807 28.4077 9 3102 857 29.2740 9.4980 758 27.5318 9.1178 808 28 4253 9 3140 858 29.2916 9.5023 759 27.5300 9 1218 809 28.4429 9 3179 859 29.3087 9 5000 760 27.5081 9.1258 810 28.4605 9.3217 860 29.3258 9.5097 761 27.5862 9.1298 811 28.4781 9 3255 861 29.3428 9.5134 762 27.6043 9 1338 812 28.4950 9 3294 862 29.3589 9 5171 763 27.6225 9.1378 813 28.5132 9.3332 803 29.3709 9 5207 704 27.6405 9 1418 814 28.5307 9.3370 804 29.3939 9.5244 765 27.6586 9.1458 815 28.5482 9.3408 865 29.4109 9.5281 766 27 6767 9.1498 816 28.5657 9.3447 866 29.4279 9.5317 767 27.6948 9.1537 817 28 5832 9 3485 807 29.4449 9.5354 768 27.712S 9 1577 818 28.6007 9.3523 868 29.4618 9.5391 769 27.7308 9.1017 819 28.6182 9.3501 869 29.4788 9.5427 770 27.7489 9.1657 820 28.6356 9.3599 870 29.4958 9 5464 771 27.7669 9.1690 821 28.6531 9.3037 871 29.5127 9 5501 772 27.7849 9.1736 822 28.6705 9 3675 872 29.5296 9.5537 773 27.8029 9.1775 823 28.6880 9.3713 873 29.5-160 9 5574 774 27 8209 9.1815 824 28.7054 9 3751 874 29.5635 9 5610 775 27.8388 9.1855 825 28.7288 9 3789 875 29.5804 9.5647 776 27.8568 9 1894 826 28.7402 9.3827 876 29.5973 9.5683 777 27.8747 9.1933 827 28.7576 9.3865 877 29.6142 9.5719 778 27.8927 9.1973 828 28.7750 9.3902 878 29.6311 9.5756 779 27.9100 9.2012 829 28.7924 9.3940 879 29.6479 9.5792 780 27.9285 9.2052 830 28.8097 9.3978 880 29.0048 9.5828 781 27.9404 9 2091 831 28.8271 9.4016 881 29 6816 9.5865 782 27.9043 9.2130 832 28.8444 9.4053 882 29.6985 9.5901 783 27.9821 9 2170 833 28.8617 9.4091 883 29 7153 9.5937 784 28. 9.2209 834 28.8791 9.4129 884 29.7321 9.5973 785 28.0179 9.2248 835 28.8964 9 4166 885 29.7489 9 6010 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 25 TABLE OF SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS. Continued. No! 1 Sq. Rt Cu. Rt. No. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. No. Sq. Rt. Cu. Rt. 886 29 7658 9 6046 926 30.4302 9.7170 966 31 0805 9.8854 887 29 7825 9 6082 927 30 4467 9.7505 967 31 0966 9 &-S8 888 29 7993 9 6118 928 30.4631 9 7540 968 31 1127 9.8922 889 29 8161 9 6154 929 30 4795 9 7575 969 31 1288 9.8956 890 29.8329 9 619; 930 30.4959 9 7610 970 31.1448 9 8990 891 29 8196 9.6226 931 30.5123 9.7645 971 31.1609 9 9024 892 29 6664 9 6262 932 30 5287 9.7680 972 31 1769 9 9058 893 29 8831 9.6298 .:::: 30 5450 9 7715 973 31.1929 99092 894 29.8998 9 6334 934 30 5614 9 7750 974 312090 99126 895 29.9166 9 6370 935 30 5778 9 7785 975 31.2250 9 9160 896 29.93:33 9 6406 936 30 5941 9 7829 976 31.2410 9 9194 897. 29 9500 9 6442 937 30 6105 9 7854 977 31 2570 9.9227 898 29 9666 9 6477 938 30 6268 9.7889 978 31.2730 9.9261 899 29 9833 9.6513 .,.;., 30.6431 9 7924 979 31 2890 i 9.9295 900 30. 9.6549 940 30 6594 9.7959 980 31.3050 9.9329 901 30 0167 9.6585 941 30.6757 9.7993 981 31.3209 9 9363 902 30.0333 9 6T.20 942 30.6920 9 8028 982 31.3369 i 9 9396 903 30.0500 9 6C.56 943 30 7083 9.8063 983 31.3528 9 9430 904 30.0666 9 6692 944 30 7246 9 8097 9S4 31.3688 9 9464 905 30 0832 9 6727 945 30 7409 9 8132 9S5 31 3847 9 9497 906 30 0998 9 6763 .'I.'. 30 7571 9 8167 986 31 4006 9 9531 907 30 1164 9 6799 947 30 7734 9 8201 9S7 31 4166 9 9565 908 30 1330 9 6834 948 :','! T.x'Xi 9.8236 9SS 31.4325 9 9589 909 30.14% 9 6870 949 30 8058 9 8270 '.IV 31 4484 9 9632 910 30 1662 9.6905 950 30.8221 9.8305 990 31 4643 9.9666 911 30.1828 9 6941 951 30 8383 9 8339 991 31 4802 9 9699 912 30.1993 9 6976 952 30 8545 9 8374 992 31.4960 9 9733 913 30 2159 9 7012 953 30 8707 9.8408 993 31 5119 9 9766 914 30.2324 9 7047 954 30 8869 9 8443 994 31 5278 9.9800 915 30.2490 9.7082 955 30. 903 L 9 8477 995 31 5436 9 9833 916 30.2655 9.7118 956 30 9192 9.8511 996 31 5595 9.9866 917 30.2820 9.7153 957 30.9351 9 8546 997 31 5753 9 9900 918 30.2985 9.7188 958 30 9516 8580 998 31 5911 9 9933 919 30 3150 ' 9 7224 959 30 9677 9 8614 999 31 6070 9 9967 920 30.3315 9.7259 960 30 9839 9 8648 1000 31 6228 10 921 30 3480 9.7294 961 31 9.8683 ^ 922 30 3645 9 7329 962 31.0161 '9 8717 923 30 3809 9.7364 963 31 03-22 9.8751 924 30 3974 9 7400 964 31 0483 9 8785 925 30.4138 9 7435 965 31 0644 9 8819 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER. PROVIDENCE, R. I. 26 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. CD TANGENT. RADIUS, Radius = A 7?=. 4 D =A F Sine = C D = A E 'Tangent. = B G Versed sine = B C Secant = A G Co-sine = A C = D E Co-tangent = F H Co-versino =E-F Co-secant = A II TRIGONOMETRICAL FORMULAE. Sine = |/1 co-sirie2 - oo . SPCttllt . _____ 1 Co-sine = yi sine 2 sine Tangent = Co-tangent = secant. 1 co-sine co-tangent, co-sino 1 sine tangent. Secant = ^radius 2 + tangent 2 ~ co-sine. Co-secant = sine. Versed sine = radius co-sine. Co-versed sine = radius sine. Radius |/sino 2 + co-sine 2 . WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. sggssgga ut O iO g s e s oc o i- cc r- H S a 53 ^ S ffi o fS H ffl i-W CC O Ol S !: S! Si o! ?! ?! g S 5 g I a ol ol 01 01 01 Kill i I 1 I I S 15 S a g I s g o o o o o tl i I- ^ O 00 CO- 1- Ol O O O O -* asss$;8ii S S S I I ^ J 9^ o3p^?;o^ocooooir^S| t- 1^ 1<- h~ 1^ 1-i 1^ 00 00 CC 00 CC i oooooooooooo O 00 O r-> Ol CO IO i5 tO 10 O O O CS O O oooooooo g S I i I I 1*1 I S-ooooooo S & S S 8 111 ol g o o o o o o O i O S S g 8 S g '-5 g L? S WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. 28 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. >O O iC O iO O O O iO O iCiCT}HTjicOCOC 1C co Co to K a (M Cl C^ ic oo ^ O rH CO giSi32S8 O C-l CO TJI to 1-- O r-c ^qj^^^^^^j^ go 3 S3 s s s s 3 O CO O O CO jo cl li c? GJ CO CO F" CO CO CO CO ^- 1^- O CO o co i"^ C^J CO ^ O ^ 55 $ SS s i 1 C iO *O ro co co cococococococococococ^cow CO CO CO CO 5 S3 2 !c g I I i S5 r S P 1 i I 1 i 1 i C-4 OJ C-) c-i o 1 o ic o SS8S8833888 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 29 3 I 1 ( o 1 o 0000 oooo 3 13 I fc 0000 c 1 I 1 I, g s i i I s s s I I i sis s s s 1 i o o o o s el 01 cl o o o i a i s l o o o o i 1 g | I s S i S g 2 O I- C5 1 S 3 III I I I I I? IO- M>- IQ i 1 S I 1 I 1 1! * g : I I I WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 30 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. s s ri o I-H o O T I- i 1 CO C". O rH 00 00 CO 00 S CO 3 23 O r-l O T^J ?J C^ CO W ^J ^J ill * ^ S S S Si 1 1 1 1 i g S? S? SJ 1 . 1 1 1 s i i l : 1 SooSSoooSSoci S5 S? O O O i^ ^ i 1^ M 01 O i * * OJ C4 CO Ol CJ C5 O 1 1 i I i i si 11 I 5 S oo co oo O l O C JH (N M 00 oo 00 00 o o o 10 ^S38aS8S!8g3S WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. g R I R g g i I II II 1 1 iO C^J O l^ rt< I-H l^ ^ o CsOOiOOOOOO CO O C^l T^ O OO O rH CO l-O OOOOOOOiOOO g g^ ^ s I g s s s 1 1 s s i s O CJ D 3 I 1 i i i CO 1-- O CO O O CO O O CJ O rj* <* iO LO iO >O O O O 1^ t^ iX. i?. K i-; i^ i^: Jt pi F; U i- OC5OOOOO5OOOO r^ 3 S OC-C5OOOOOOO s s a a WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. ? 5- % s, 3 r !>. & $ a- ft a ci co o *^ OQ o i* co T< o i- |O O O O -O O O O O O O CM Cl CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM s g a s i I i 1 1 I I I 1 1 3 3 13 SoSooooi? '"' S I S I 1 ii|IIISiii3 OOOOrHi-i^-lrH^-ti-t^-iOl S 8 8 S * 8; 8-- &. f i s s s s s s s O O O4 00 * Q i 1 1 1 is i 1 I I o c o o ci co o o oc oooooo III g | S S S o o S o o WLIILAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R, . I. 34 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. s s O U5 O 1313 rfS?2oSfiTf- e e e HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. Min' I g 1 * t- TH ' o r- *j ^ S ^H (M CO l t S 5 S SJ Oi rt< r^ 8 s S Oi O O O O O O r-i ^-i OOOOOOOOOOGOOOQOC1O5C5C5C5 I g S O IO TJH IO o o o II II >o to co o o S I CD Ci ZD t * O CO -* OO 1^ OS 2 P 2 S ^J ^ s A K o 1 1 1 1 S 8 S 1 I s S O CO CO CO CS O CJ Ci co ro co co Min's S S HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. SECTIONS OF IRON BEAMS. Hodgkinson Cast Iron Beam. Rolled Channel Beam. ftolled T Beam. Solid Square Beam. Hollow Square Solid Rectangu- Hollow Beam. lar Beam. Rectangular Solid Round Beam. Solid Elliptical Beam. HORIZONTAL BEAMS. Hodgkin?on gives a formula for the strength of cast iron beams with solid webs and flanges, as follows: jp a X d X 2 426 -L Where Tf"= center breaking load in tons of 2000 pounds, a = area in inches of lower flange, d = total depth of beam in inches, and L clear span or distance between supports in feet. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 40 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. The above formula, although strictly adapted to what is known as the Hodgkinsori beam, is equally applicable to cast iron beams of I section. In estimating the strength of beams the formula generally employed furnishes a center breaking load. Suppose a given beam, supported at both ends, requires 20 tons as a center breaking load, then twice this, or 40 tons, would be the uniformly distributed breaking load. If the same beam was fixed at both ends, then the center breaking load would be 30 tons, and the uniformly distributed breaking load GO tons, or fifty per cent more than for same beam freely supported. The same beam firmly fixed at one end and free at the other would require a breaking load at the overhung extremity of 5 tons, or an uniformly distributed load of 10 tons. Whence the relative strength of the several modes of securing beams is: 1. For a beam firmly fixed at both ends, and uniformly loaded.. 150 2. Same beam loaded at center 75 3. For a beam freely supported at both ends, and uniformly loaded ' 100 4. Same beam loaded at center 50 5. For a beam firmly fixed at one end, and uniformly loaded 25 6. Same beam loaded at overhung end . . . ; 12 5 The above values are for same beam differently secured, and the clear overhang of last two beams must be equal to the clear span of first four beams. Having deduced the value of a beam in tons of center breakingload as for beam 4, then for uniformly distributed load multiply by 2; for beam firmly secured at both ends for center load multiply by 1.5; for same with uniformly distributed load multiply by "; for beam firmly fixed atone end and loaded at the other multiply by .25; and for same beam uniformly loaded multiply by .5, or by formulae: For uniform rectangular beam of solid section, freely supparted at both ends and loaded at center _ a X d X 1.155 S I Where S = tensile strength of beam in tons of 2000 pounds per square inch of section. Same beam with uniformly distributed load _ a X rf X 2 . "1 f! l~~ For uniform rectangular beam of solid section, firmly fixed at both ends and loaded at the center aX (*X 1.7335 I WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 41 Same beam uniformly loaded a X d X 3.4fi6 5 r~ For uniform rectangular beam of solid section, firmly fixed at one end and loaded at the other _o_X f?X .288755 I And same beam unifomly loaded a X d X 5775 S ~T~ For horizontal beams of square section, loaded at center wr _dXM55S ~~r~ W, in all cases representing the breaking load in tons of 2000 pounds; a, the area of section in inches; d, the extreme depth of beam in inches; and I, the clear span in inches. For beamo of cylindrical section estimate the value of a square beam, one side of which equals the diameter of cylindrical beam, and multiply by .68, or by formula: rf 3 XSX .7854 I Suppose a beam of yellow pine 8 inches broad, 11 5 inches deep, and 13 feet 6 inches clear span, Avhat is the center breaking load in tons, estimating S of timber as 3 tons ? ^ 11 . 5*X 8 X (1-155X3) Mr. Trautwine says that a beam of square section, when placed upon edge, or with its diagonal vertical, possesses but .7 the strength of same beam placed upon its side, whilst Mr. D. K. Clark represents by formula the strengths as alike. ( "Strength being the first law of architecture," it is always prcf-j ferable to adopt the coefficients representing the greatest safety. \ An elliptical beam possesses .68 of the strength of a rectangular beam, the breadth and depth of which are equal to the short and long diameters of the elliptical section. Formula for rolled I beams, as adopted by the Phoenix Iron Com- pany for horizontal beams freely supported at both ends, center break- ing load in tons: 4D X (a +j) X S L Where D= effective depth of beam in feet = separation of the cen- ters of gravity ot the two flanges, a = area of one flange in sq. inches, a' = area of stem or web in sq. inches, S = ultimate tensile strength in tons, per sq. inch of section, and L = clear span in feet. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 42 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. The maximum safe working load per sq. inch of section is taken by the Phoenix Iron Co. at 12,000 pounds, or 6 tons, which with iron of a tensile strength of 60,000 pounds, represents a factor of safety of 5. DEFLECTION OF BEAMS. The Phoenix Iron Co. have adopted from Moseley's Mechanics of Engineering and Architecture the following formula for center de- flection of rolled I beams: Beam supported at both ends and uniformly loaded - 004 w> L3 Same beam loaded at center 006 TP 1,3 Where D deflection in inches at center of beam, W = load, in pounds, upon beam, L = clear span in feet, a = area in sq. inches of one flange, a' = area in sq. inches of stem or web, and d = separation of centers of gravity of the two flanges in inches. The deflection of same beam, with one end firmly fixed, and loaded at the other, .096 IP L s and uniformly loaded ^, = : 036jr Where D' = deflection of beam at overhung end. Mr. D. K. Clark gives the following formulae for the deflection of beams. For beam of rectangular section loaded at center Same beam uniformly loaded D 7.4bd*E For beam of cylindrical section of uniform diameter, center load Same beam uniformly loaded .625 3 1416 d* E Where D = deflection in inches at center of beam, W ' = load on beam in tons of 2000 pounds, L clear span in inches, 6 = breadth of beam in inches, d = depth of beam in inches, and E= modulus of elastic- ity in tons of 2000 pounds. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. The center deflection of a beam under load, according to the Phoenix Iron Co., should not exceed 1-360 of its length or l-3'i of an inch per foot of clear snan. whilst Mr. Trail twine limits the safe de- flection to 1-480 of its length or 1-10 of au inch per foot of clear span. STEEL AND IRON WIRE ROPE. John A. Roebling's Sons, Trenton. X. J. = 1 o 7 tl ~ ' 2 C.S - g jS^f w - to O ?i~* - 5.;f c g tT * ~ j III S-' if C ^ in o "S = "rr 1-5 .3 ll-i &| s cj Is I, l=| .3d Slo, |il | H 5 CQ o ~ J Hi Iron 7 strands of 19 wires. Steel 7str'ds of 19 wires. 1 2 2 25 2 74 65. 15 5 14 5 132. 115. 107. 97. li>4 144 3 1 75 51. 13. 100 78. 15 75 124 4 1 625 43 6 12 86. 64 14 5 1(16 5 1.5 35 10 75 71. I 52. 13 90 6 1 25 27 2 95 ,58. 39. 12 5 74 7 1.125 20.2 8. 45. 30. 10 57 8 1 16 7. 37. 24. 9 25 46 9 875 11 4 6. 31 20. 8 25 38 10 75. 8.64 5 28. K. 6 5 84 625 5 13 4.5 26. 7. 5 as 10> 5625 4 27 4 25. 5. 4 25 32 10% 05 3 48 3 75 24. Iron 7 strands 7 wires. Steel 7 strands 7 wires. 11 32 1 5 1 375 36. 30. 10 75 10. 60. 52. 50. 43. 13. 12 74 64 13 1 25 25. 95 45. 36. 10 75 55 14 1.125 20. 8.25 39. 29. 9 47 13 1. 16. 7 25 32. 23. 8 40 16 875 12 3 6 25 2-5. 18. 75 32 17 75 88 5 5 20. 13 65 24 18 6875 76 5 17 11 5 75 20 19 625 5 8 4 75 14. 85 5. 17 20 5 4 1 4 12. 6. 4.75 15 21 4375 2 83 3 25 10. 22 375 2 13 2 75 9. 23 3125 1 65 2 5 8. 24 2812 1 38 2 25 7. 25 25 1 03 2. 6 5 26 2187 81 1 75 6 27 1875 56 1 5 5 5 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 44 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. STEEL CABLES FOR SUSPENSION BRIDGES. Jonh A. Roebling's Sons, Trenton, N. J. Diameter inches. Breaking load in tons 2000 pds. Weight per foot run, pds. 2.G25 200 15. 2.5 160 11. 2.375 120 8 5 2 25 107 74 2 96 65 1.'875 88 r, 1 75 75 5.25 1.625 61 4 25 15 50 3 5 SHEAVES AND DRUMS FOR WIRE ROPES. Least diameter in feet of Sheave or Drum for ropes numbers 1 to 10% inclusive. John A. Poebling's Sons, Trenton N. J. Trade number. Sheave, iron rope. Sheave, steel rope. Trade number. Sheave, iron rope. Sheave, steel rope. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 7. 6.5 , 5 45 4. 3.5 9. 8 7.5 6. 5.5 5. 45 8 9 10 10^ 10> 10% 3. 2.75 2.5 2. 1.75 1 5 4. 3 75 3.5 3. 2.75 NOTES ON THE USES OF WIRE ROPE. JOHN A. ROEBLING'S SONS Co., TRENTON, N. J. Two kinds of wire rope are manufactured. The most pliable variety contains 19 wires in the strand and is generally used for hoisting and running rope. The ropes with 12 wires and 7 wires in the strand are stiffer, and are better adapted for standing rope, guys and rigging. Orders should state the iise of the rope, and advice will be given. Ropes are made up to 3 inches in diam., both of iron and steel, upon special application. For safe working load allow one-fifth to one-seventh of the ultimate strength, according to speed, so as to get good wear from the rope. When substituting wire rope for hemp rope, it is good economy to al- low for the former the same weight per foot which experience has approved for the latter. WILLIAM A. HARRIS. BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM EFGINES. 45 Wire rope is as pliable as new hemp rope of the same strength; the former will therefore run over the same sized sheaves and pulleys as the latter. But the greater the diameter of the sheaves, pulleys or drums, the longer wire rope will last. In the construction of machin- ery for wire rope it will be found good economy to make the drums and sheaves as large as possible.. The minimum size of drum is given in a column in the table. Experience has demonstrated that the wear increases with the speed. It is therefore better to increase the load than the speed. Wire rope is manufactured either with a wire or a hemp center. The latter is more pliable than the former and will wear better where there is short bending. Orders should specify what kind of center is wanted. Wire rope must not be coiled or uncoiled like hemp rope. When mounted on a reel, the latter should be mounted on a spindle or flat turn-table to pay off the rope. When forwarded in a small coil with- out reel, roll it over the ground like a wheel, and run off the rope in that way. All untwisting or kinking must be avoided. To preserve wire rope, apply raw linseed oil with a piece of sheep- skin, wool inside; or mix the oil with equal parts of Spanish brown or lamp-black. To preserve wire rope under water or under ground, take mineral or vegetable tar, add 1 bushel of fresh slacked lime to 1 barrel of tar, which will neutralize the acid, and boil it well, then saturate the rope with the hot tar. To give the mixture body, add some sawdust. In no case should fjalvanized rope be used for running rope. One day's use scrapes off the coating of zinc, and rusting proceeds with twice the rapidity. The grooves of cast iron pulleys and sheaves should be filled with well seasoned blocks of hard wood set on end, to be renewed when worn out. This end wood will save wear and increase adhesion. The smaller pulleys or rollers which support the ropes on inclined planes should be constructed on the same plan. When large sheaves run with very great velocity, the grooves should be lined with leather, set on end, or with india rubber. This is done in the case of all sheaves used in the transmission of power between distant points by means of ropes, which frequently run at the rate of 4,000 feet per minute. Steel ropes are to a certain extent taking the place of iron ropes, where it is a special object to combine lightness with strength. But in substituting a steel rope for an iron running rope, the the object in view should be to gain an increased wear from the rope rather than to reduce the size. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 40 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. STRENGTH OF HEMP ROPES. The old rope makers' formula for ultimate strength of hemp rope is S = 448 fl 2 - c? 2 4421 where S ultimate strength in pounds, f) = girth in inches, rf = diameter in inches. . Suppose a rope, (; inches girth, what is the breaking load, or maxi- mum strength ? 8 = 448 X G 2 = 16,128 pounds. STRENGTH IN POUNDS FOR FULL SECTION. WEIGHT IN POUNDS PER FATHOM = G FEET. Diam. Girth. Strength Weight. Diam. Girth. Strength .Weight .25 .785 ,276 0.154 3 00 9.425 39,789 22 140 .375 1 178 ,622 346 3 25 10 210 46,700 25 984 .5 1 571 1,105 615 3.50 10 995 51,100 30.136 .75 2 356 2.487 1 384 3 75 11 781 6.M78 34 594 1.00 3 141 4,421 2 460 4 00 12 506 70,7.:') 39 360 1 25 3 927 0.908 3 844 4 25 13 352 79.809 44 434 1 50 4 712 9,947 5 535 4 50 14 1:57 89,5."> ) 49 815 1 75 5.498 13.540 7.534 4 75 14 922 99,751 55 504 2 00 6 283 17,685 9 840 5.00 15 708 110,539 61 504 2 25 7 008 22.384 12 454 5 25 16 493 121, 856 67 801 2.50 7.854 27,635 15.376 5 50 17.279 133,740 71.415 2 75 8 039 33.43) 18 004 6.00 18 849 159,156 X8.560 The weight per fathom of hemp rope of any diameter maybe de- termined by the formula W=" 1 75" 15,456 18,614 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 47 MACHINE MADE ROPES. 3 1 o Si f 3 s _C8 5 If If 3 "/, 4" 2 4^" 6" 95" 1 11" 1.27" 1 43" 1 59" 1 75" 7,392 11.220 13,104 16,329 20.496 24,797 8,624 11.760 15.344 19.443 23,990 29.120 6" ?#" 7 8" 1 91" 2 07" 2.24" 2 39" 2 54" 28.986 34,630 40.320 46,144 52,483 33.152 40,544 47.040 53,984 61.420 Trautwine gives the strength of hemp ropes as 6.000 pounds per sq. inch of section, and manilla ropes as 3,000 pounds per sq. inch of section. TABLE OF STRENGTH OF CHAINS. Trautwine. ^""j* g J: .i.E'r ~! *" - .5 "^ 4-^ . =; E T s = 3 Breaking strain of the chain. IHI S|2 Breaking strain of the chain. 2 "*" ^ w ' ' ' |.|==s > it - Inches. Pds. Pds. Tons. Inches. Pds. Pds. Tons. 3-16 325 1731 865 1 9 26 49280 24 640 xi 0579 3069 1 .534 \\ 11.7 59226 29 613 5-16 904 4794 2.397 1 {4 14 5 73114 36 557 % 1.30 6922 3 461 l?t 17 5 88301 44 150 7-16 1 78 9408 4 704 lAa 20 8 105280 52 640 % 2.31 12320 6 160 1 ^ 24 4 123514 61 757 9-16 2 93 15590 7.795 1% 28 4 14:3293 71.646 ii-l. 3 62 4 38 19219 23274 9 609 11 637 32 6 37 164-50-3 187152 82 252 93 760 K 5 21 27687 13 843 2.\ 46.9 224448 112 224 13-16 6 11 32301 16 150 iy 57.9 277088 133 534 % 7 10 37632 18 811 2% 70 335328 167 661 15-16 8 14 43277 21.638 3 83 3 398944 1W 472 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 48 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. DIMENSIONS OF PHOENIX BEAMS. (ROLLED IRON.) L DIMENSIONS INCHES. AREA SQUARE INCHES. .1 Width of Flange. Average Thickness of Flange. Thick- ness of fetem. o > a' of Stem. Sum of 15" 200 6 5-16 1.156 .65 6 142 7 715 7 428 15" 150 4% .911 .50 4 330 6.340 5.386 12" 170 1.050 .59 5 777 5 446 6 684 12" 125 4% .802 .49 3 810 4.880 4.623 10.J-''" 135 5 .875 .50 4.375 4.750 5:166 iov 105 .745 .44 3 353 3.793 3.386 9" 150 5/'8 1.039 .60 5.586 3.828 6 224 9" 84 4 .700 .40 2.800 2.800 3 261 9" 70 .680 .31 2 3S1 2 238 2 754 8 ' 81 4% .625 .38 2.812 2 476 3 225 8 ' 65 4 .527 .35 2 109 2 . 282 2 489 7 ' 69 4 .625 37 2.500 1.900 2.816 7' 55 3/ 7 .507 '.35 1.775 1 949 2.100 6 ' 5') 3/2 .531 .31 1 858 1 . 284 2 072 6" 40 2% .517 .25 1 421 1.158 1 614 5" 36 3 .400 .30 1.200 1 200 1 400 5" 30 2% .375 .25 1.000 1.000 1 166 4" 30 2M .410 .25 1.135 .730 1.257 4" 18 2 .281 .21 .562 .682 .676 I EFFECTIVE DEPTH. Load Factor Deflection j +Jr d 8D (a -j -^ Factor I bppS '5 """* Dfeet dfeet When S =- 6 Tons. 15" 200 1 150 13.80 410 1415 15" 150 1 . 170 14.04 302 1062 12" 170 .910 10 92 292 797 12" 125 .930 11.16 2M8 576 10 1/ " 135 .800 9 62 178 478 iok" 105 .812 9 74 155 378 9" 150 * .658 7.90 197 388 9" 84 .691 8 30 108 225 9" 70 .698 8 38 92 193 8" 81 .610 7.37 94 V; 175 8" 65 .618 7 .42 74 137 7" 69 .530 6 37 72 114 7" 55 .537 6 44 54 87 6" 50 .456 5 47 45 62 6" 40 .458 5 50 - 35 49 5" 36 .383 4 60 25 30 5" 30 .385 4 62 21 25 4" 30 .298 3 58 18 16 4" 18 .304 3.65 10 9 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE. R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. _ NOTES ON PRECEDING TABLE OF ROLLED I BEAMS. The following remarks upon the table of Phoenix beams applies equally to rolled I beams of any manufacture: UPPER HALF OF TABLE. The first column contains the total depth out to out of flanges in inches. The second column contains the weights per yard length of beam. The third column contains the width of flange in inches. The fourth column contains the thickness of flange. The fifth column contains the thickness of stem or web. The sixth column contains the area of one flange. The seventh column contains the area of stem, The eighth column contains the sum of the area of one flange and 1-6 the area of stem. LOWER HALF OF TABLE. Columns one and two, as before, contain the depths of beam in inches, and weights per yard run. Column three contains the effective depth or separation of centers of gravity in feet; and column four the same function in inches. Column five contains the factor for beam uniformly loaded, for maximum safe load, when W weight, is given in tons of 2000 po mds. For safe center load take 4j) a-\- S I eJ or one-half the values given in table. To illustrate, suppose abeam 15" depth, 20 feet clear span supported at both ends, what is the safe equally distributed load. The load factor for this beam is 410, and 410 W= - = 20.5 20 tons, and safe center load 205 W= - = 10 25 20 tons. Assuming ultimate tensile strength of beam as 60,000 pounds per square inch of section, then the breaking weights would be 102.5 tons for uniformly distributed load, and 51 .25 tons for center load. Column six contains the deflection factor thus, for above beam the deflection factor is 1415, and center deflection for load of 10.25 tons, is .006X10.25X203 D = --- = .348" 1415 and for uniformly distributed load of 20.5 tons, is .004X20.5X203 D = -- = .4637" 1415 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I 50 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. COLUMNS. Comparative strength of long columns or pillars from D. K. Clark's Manual for Mechanical Engineers: Cast iron 1000 Wrought iron 1745 Cast steel 2518 The following are the celebrated Gordon formulae for the strength of cast iron columns: For solid or hollow round columns, 40 a j + _L_ 400 For solid or hollow rectangular columns, 40 a W= 1 + 500 Where W = breaking load in tons of 2000 pounds, a = sectional area of metal in inches, and r = ratio of length to diameter of column, (In a taper column or columns of different diameters the least diameter is always considered in estimating the strength.) Of above breaking loads, from one-fourth to one-tenth may be allowed for safe working load, the largest factor of safety being employed when columns are subject to shocks or vibrations; a factor of safety of 4 being ample for quiescent loads The following formulae, by Messrs. Stoney, Unwin, and Baker, for wrought iron and steel columns are Gordon's formulae adapted to these materials: For solid rectangular wrought iron columns, 1792a r a 3000 For columns of angle, channel tee or cruciform rolled iron, 21. 28 a TF= r* 1 + 900 For solid round columns of low grade steel, . 33. 6 a W= 1400 For solid round columns of high grade steel, 57. 12 a W= r 2 1 + 800 WILLIAM A. HARRIS. BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 51 For solid rectangular columns of low grade steel, 33 6a 2480 For solid rectangular columns high grade steel, 57 12 a W= - '2 1 + - 1600 The following is the Gordon formula for breaking loads of pillars of white and yellow pine, based upon experiments by Mr. C. Shaler Smith: 2 5a W= - r 2 1 + - 250 An I beam of rolled iron, with squared ends, of following dimen- sions, depth of beam 12 inches, width of flange of 55 inches, length 24 feet, and area of cross-section 11.223 sq. inches, would require as a breaking load, 288 r = -- = 52.36 55 and 21 28 X 11.323 W= - = 95 tons or a load 62.96* 900 59 of - = 5.26 tons or 10,520 pounds per sq. inch of section. 11.223 What is the breaking load of a round cast iron hollow column 18 feet long, with an internal diameter at smallest end of 8 inches, and an external diameter of 10 .5 inches. a= 7851(10.52 &) = 36. 325 sq. inch 18 X 12 r= -- =20.57 10 5 and 40X36 325 W - = 706 tons or a load 20.57 2 1 + - 400 of 706 = 19.436 tons or 38,872 pounds 36.325 per sq. inch of section. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 52 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. ^ O \^f\S \x'^> \n'^: \a'^ \& i* c 2 jj 5 2 2 auo jo?qiitOA\ 5 o . . a juauiSas w : ' * , 3 "o auo jo ;i(SiaA\. 5 : :c5 2^SS l ^^g w PH c M?H 1AV | CO Ol O -M 00 "O i-l I ; 10 >0 5 t- I- 00 01 09 | O "S'ls ui -bg i il^limi JE w uaiiBff j r-t pi auo jo juStaAY 5 CO O 09 O K S 'c juaragag M ' auo jo imStoAl 5 rH CO O O5 rH T}- 1> ; !> CO 05 -^ N CO ; 2 t AREA d ** CO |f|| Mi | : i^^iiiS i i ui 'bg SooSoSS > O fc ^ S.S W Baay -O-l^ot-OCO S PONDI a auo joaqSiaAV : S - MM i W $ GUO jo jqStaAV 5 M o ^ "o auo jo jqSiaAV 5 1C i t CO 1C T 1 (M CO CO <* uO B o 1 09 ^S n .0 Tji o i^ co o c *^~ *8 ^ ?t c^i IN ?i ^* co a)"o-S ^s.sl in -bg iO "-C C t^ 00 ^3 \TfO \os-0 \-0 x'sO \T)C ssau5{OTqx c i i WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. TABLE OF SIZES. PHOENIX COLUMNS. ONE SEGMENT. ONE COLUMN. RIVETS. Mark. Thickness in Inches Weight in Pounds per Yard. Area in Sq. Ins. Weigh tin Pounds per Foot. o BO a o 3-16 9^ 3.8 12 6 5^ ]1 , 4 Segment. 3 %" diam \ 12 H* 48 58 68 16 19 3 22 6 ;; J3X 5-16 16 64 78 21 3 26 ~w 11 B' Y* 23 XZ 92 30 6 ' J3X 4 Segment. 7-16 26) 10 6 35 3 " 1% 4 13-16" diam i/ 30 .12 40 " 1 7 9-16 33JK 13 4 44 6 11 2 K 37 14 .8 49 3 " 2% % JJj IX 74 246 xa ] S^ 5-16 22* 90 30 1^ B2 Y 10 6 353 \% 4 Segment. 7-16 30 >2 12 .2 486 ii 1% 5 15-16" diam. ix 34^ 13 8 460 ITS 9-16 38^ 15 4 51 3 2 * 17 56 6 " 2* K 25 10 33 3 y* ^% 5-16 30 12.0 400 ] 7X oo 14 46 6 2 7-16 40 16 53 3 2\ 45 18.0 60 2 l 9-16 48 19 2 64 2% 4 Segment 7 3-16" diam. 11-16 13^16 53 58 63 68 21.2 23 .2 25 2 27 2 70 6 77 3 84 90 6 * 2* Y* 73 29 .2 97 3 " 2Ji I 83 33 .2 110 6 ^ 93 37.2 124 I 3^ 1-4 103 41 2 137 .3 * 3-4 5-16 28 32 14. 16. 46 6 53 3 % 2 A 5 Segment. 9 % h diam. 7-16 36 40 44 18. 20. 22. 66 66 6 73 3 \ 1% 9-!e 48 24. 80 2% /4 28 16 8 56. ~JT ~2~ 5-16 32 19 2 64. f & 36 40 21 6 24 72. 80. ' 2% E 6 Segment. 11" diam. 4 ll'-16 44 48 53 58 26 4 28 8 31 8 34 8 88. 96. 106. 116. || 1 % 63 37.8 126. ' I| 13-16 68 40 8 136. * % 73 43 8 146. 3 * I 83 49 8 166. " 8 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 54 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. TABLE OF SIZES. PHOENIX COLUMNS.-Continued. ONE SEGMENT. ONE COLUMN. RIVETS. Mark. Thickness in Inches Weight in Pounds per Yard. Area in Sq. Ins. Weight in Pounds per Foot. g 35 fi "S> t3 $ 5-16 30 24. 80 VA % 35 28. 93.3 2 7-16 40 32. 106 6 2* 45 36. 120 2> 4 ' 9-16 50 40. 133 3 2% % 55* 44. 146 6 2> a ' 8 Segment. 14%" diara. 11-16 13*16 60 65 70 48. 52. 56. 160 173.3 186 6 H 2& 2% 2% % 75 . 60. 200.0 2% 1 85 68. 226 6 l 1 ^ 95 76. 253 3 3)tf 1)2 105 84. 280 3)i 1% 115 92. 306 .6 3J< RECORD OF TESTS OF PHOENIX COLUMNS. MADE WITH HYDRAULIC PRESS 260 SQ. INCHES PISTON AREA. t o> d C w &P5 r--" d a C d 3J3 s fi p,'2 '.S o *> fl _ojto 3 ^ c g >" C 03 ty jj P^DPH tf H < o 03 Mav 3, 1873. ' B' 8' 1.46 6.97 422,500 60,573 35,974 Flat B' 8' 1 46 6 97 421,200 60,387 35,974 " A 4' 92 5 62 370,500 65,867 35,990 A 4' .92 5 62 370,500 65,867 35.990 A 4' 1 .01 2 92 166,400 56,889 36,000 < A 4' 1. 01 2.92 162,500 55,555 36,000 B' 23 8' 53 5 5.84 176,800 30,274 18,430 " B' 24 0' 53.6 5 95 97,500 16.387 7,457 Round. C 23 3' 35 9 10.53 383.500 36,419 25,182 Flat. C 22 8' 3,5 8.50 325,000 38,235 25,562 " July 19 1873. 23.2' 34 5 13 31 436,800 32,742 25,774 ,, C 23 2' 34 5 12.85 455,000 35,408 25,774 " June 2, 1875. C 27.' 39.9 13.70 422,400 31,000 23,415 " C 27.' 39.9 13.89 302,400 21,700 11,420 Round. August 5, 1875. 58 28.' 40.7 13 472,584 34,800 23,165 Flat. C 28.' 40.7 13.58 497,028 36,600 23,165 11 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 55 KEYSTONE OCTAGON COLUMNS. THICKNESSES AND CORRESPONDING AREAS, AND WEIGHTS PER FOOT. M o Thickness. tf 4 in. coFmn. 6 in. column. Sin. column. 10 in. column. n Thickness. 4 Seg- ments. c 11 II Ibs. 4 Seg- ments. II 4 Seg- ments. D G o *5 ? C Ibs. 4 Seg- ments. L sg 1! Ibs. it % Ibs. ei_C ^ * Ibs. II Ibs. ft Ibs. 3-16 5-16 7JI *& 11-il w-8 3.91 4.98 6.05 7 12 8.20 9.27 13.0 16.6 20.2 23.7 27.3 30.9 33 42 50 59 c, > 7.7 5.60 7.13 8 66 10.20 11 73 13 .26 14 79 16.32 18.7 _':) ^ 28.9 34.0 39 1 44 2 49 3 54 4 4.7 59 72- 85 9 8 11.1 12.3 13.6 9.78 11 80 13.81 15.83 17 85 19 86 21 .88 23 89 25 91 32>i 39 3 46 52.8 59 5 66 2 72.9 79 6 86.4 82 98 11.5 13 2 14 9 16 6 18 2 19 9 21 6 3-16 *. 7-rj 9-16 ll-?6 13-| 14 22 16 ofe 1894 21 30 23 66 26 01 28 37 30 73 33 09 35 45 47 4 55 3 63 1 71 78 9 86 7 94 6 102 4 110 3 118 2 li 9 13 8 15 8 17 8 19 7 21.7 23 .6 2i 6 27 6 29 5 UNION IRON MILLS ANGLE IRONS. WEIGHTS PER FOOT RUN. Thickness. Size, inches. r iV \" A" r TV 7 ' r W \" ir V' 6X6 4X4 3> X 3K 3>4 X 3>i 3X3 2% X 2^ 2X2*i 2>4 X 2 2X2 1^X1^ l^Xl>i Ix^XlK 1^X1^ 1X1 &X% i!o 09 0.8 0.6 2J 1.8 1.5 1.4 1 2 9 3.5 3.1 2.8 24 2.0 1.8 1.6 5~9 54 49 45 40 3 5 3.0 95 8 3 7 7 72 65 5 9 54 48 43 36 ii^2 97 9.0 84 7.7 70 64 56 50 19 2 12 9 11 2 10 4 97 8 8 80 73 21 7 14 5 12.7 It. 7 10 9 24.2 16 2 14 1 13.1 12.2 26.7 17 9 15 6 14 4 29.2 19 5 17.0 158 31 7 34.2 ..:.. WLIILAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. L 50 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. ULTIMATE TENSILE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, IN POUNDS, PER SQUARE INCH OF SECTION. MATERIALS. Metals. TENSION. AUTHORITY. Steel plates, English 78,000 Trautwine. " American. 70,000 " 94,450 " Bessemer 98,600 " " " tool 112,000 wire 2-25,000 " rolled and hammered, ingots 525,000 " bar 120,700 " " tempered 214,400 " Chrome 180,000 " round bars 95,558 Kirkaldy. plates, 85,792 " Hematite 72,285 Krupps 93,229 " Fagersla 87,718 " Wrought iron, bars 65,520 Telford. " 5(5,000 Barlow. charcoal bars 63,616 Fairbairn. cold rolled, Staffordshire 85,030 Low Moor plates 55,530 " 60,000 Trautwine. American boiler plate.. 57,639 Author. 52.000 bar 57 500 Trautwine. " mean 44,800 " good 60.000 " rofiuca 70,000 " best 76,160 wire, nn annealed 75,COO " auuealed 45, (03 " rivet rods.., . . . 65,000 large forgings 35,000 Cast iron, average. 16,500 Rankine. superior quality 18,000 Author. with wrought scrap 28,000 Traut\yine. average, English 15.299 Hodgkinson. pigs , 12.880 Maj. Wade.* 1st melting 20,877 2d " 24,774 3d " 26,7 ( JO 4th " 27,888 38 samples from a Rodman gun .... 37,811 gun metal 60,000 Trautwine. Copper, wrought 33.600 Anderson. cast 22,557 " " 2't,000 Trautwine. " 19.000 Rankine. sheet . 3!>,00a " wire 60.000 " bolts 35,840 Anderson. Gun metal, bronze, average 33,030 " 36,000 Rankine. Aluminum " 90 copper, 1 aluminum. .. 73,181 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, FROV1DENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. MATERIALS. Mttals. TENSION-. AUTHORITY. Phosphor, bronze, average 34,465 Kirknldy. Brass, cast. 18,000 Rankiue. " wire, annealed 49,000 " " hard 80.000 Trautwine. Antimony 1,000 Bismuth " 3,200 Gold, cast. 20.000 " r/ire 30,000 Silver, cast 41,000 wire at 32 F 40,320 Bandrimont. " 212 P 33,152 " 392 F 26,432 Tin, cast 4,600 Trantwine. " " 4,725 Rennie. " wire 7,000 Trautwine. Lead, cast 1,800 Rennie. " sheet. 1,925 Navier. " pipe 2.240 Jardine. Zinc, cast 2.990 Stoney. " sheet 16,000 Trautwine. " wire 22,000 Stone, Brick. Masonry. Sandstone ,336 Buchanan. " ,150 Trautwine. White marble ,722 Buchanan . " ,551 Hodgkinsou. Brick, average ,290 Rankine. " ,225 Trautwine. Slate, average 9,600 Rankine. 11,000 Trautwine. Glass, flint rods, annealed 2,381 Fairbairn. 9,500 Trautwine. " thin globes 5,000 Fairbairn. Plaster of Paris 71 Rondelet. " on brick work ,050 Glue, on wood ,550 Trautwine. Ivory 16.000 Ox horn 9,000 Mortar, hydraulic, 100 to 200 ,150 6 inos. old, G to 34 ,020 " average. ,015 Ransome's artificial stone ,300 " Cement, Portland, 1 to 1 of sand on pressed brick ,045 Grant. Portland, 1 to 1 of sand on stock brick, in air ,078 same, in water ... ,0% Portland, neat average of 115 bus ,358 Portland, 1 to 1 of Thames sand, in water 7 days . . ,157 Portland, 1 to 1 of Thames sand, in water 30 days.. ,201 " Portland, 1 to 1 of Thames sand, in water 6 months ,284 '* Portland, 1 to 1 of Thames sand, in water 12 months ,319 Portland, 1 to 1 of Thames sand, \\\ water 2 years ,351 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 53 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. MATERIALS. Stone, Brick, Masonry. Cement, Portland, 1 to 1 of Thames sand, in water 4 years " Portland, 1 to 1 of Thames sand, in water 7 years Portland, neat, in u ater 7 days ' 30 " 6 months.. 12 ' 2 years 4 " 7 " Roman, in water 6 months 12 " " 7 years. . . TENSION. AUTHORITY. ,363 ,381 ,363 ,416 ,523 ,547 ,600 ,583 ,590 ,210 ,286 ,315 Grant. Timber. Alder 14,000 Trautwine. Ash, English 16,000 " " American 9,500 " Birch 15,000 " " American black 7,000 ' Bay wood 12,000 " Beech, English 11,000 " Bamboo 6,000 " Box 20,000 Cedar, Bermuda 7,600 Guadalupe 9,500 " Chestnut 13,000 horse 10,000 Cypress 6,000 " Elder 10,000 Elm 6,000 Fir, or Spruce 10,000 " Hazel 18,000 Holly 16.000 Hickory 11,000 Lignum Vitae 11,000 Lancewood 23,000 Larch 7,000 Locust 18,000 Maple 10,000 Mahogany, Honduras 8,000 Spanish 16,000 Mangrove, Bermuda 10,000 Mulberry 12,000 Oak (all varieties) 10,000 Pear 10,000 Pine (all varieties) 10,000 Poplar 7,000 Sycamore ' 12,000 Teak 15.000 ' Walnut 8,000 Yew 8,000 These values are obtained from good specimens of small size. The constants should be ta,ken at .65 to .75 for average timber of large size. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. ULTIMATE CRUSHING STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, IN POUNDS, PER SQUARE INCH OF SECTION. MATERIALS. Metals. COMPRESSION. AUTHORITY. Steel, Hematile. bar 159,578 Kirkaldy. Kr upp, specimen 200,032 " cast 225.000 Trautwine. " Bessemer, length 30 diams 41328 Com. B. A. " crucible, " " 45.763 " bars, 7 specimens 55.328 " blister and shear 150,000 Trautwine. " American Black Diamond 102,500 Shock. " American BlacK. Diamond, hardened) -lo^onn in oil at 82 F \ 186>20 " same, hardened in water / OQ- o^ , " at79F \ 8S7 ^ W Wrought Iron 35,840 Lloyd. bars. Low Moor 31,792 Coin. C. E. " Yorkshire 29,120 hammered bars, Swedish 36,000 Trautwine. specimen 1" X 1" square 184,128 Kirkaldy. 15" X 1 -r' round... 148,842 1 5" X 3" " ... 84,896 " 15" X 15" " ... 28,067 Cast Iron, averages, ordinary 86,2% Hodgkinson. stirlings 133,330 American Gun Metal 175,000 hotblast 111.328 cold " 99,232 American 2nd melting 99.680 Maj. Wade. 3rd - 140,000 of mixturel, 2 and 1 meltings .'.'.. \ 16 '- 104 Brass 164,800 Trautwine. Tin 15,500 Lead 7,730 Copper, cast ... 117.000 wrought 103,000 Timber. Alder 6,900 Trautwine. Ash 8,600 Beech, unseasoned 7,700 " seasoned 9,300 Birch, American, unseasoned 6,000 " " seasoned 11.600 Cedar, unseasoned 5,700 seasoned 6.500 Elm " 10,000 Fir Spruce, unseasoned 6,500 " " seasoned 6,800 " Riga 6,000 Hickory, white 8,925 Hornbeam, unseasoned 4,500 " seasoned 7,300 Larch, unseasoned 3,200 seasoned 5.500 Locust 9,113 Mahogany, Spanish 8,200 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. MATERIALS. Timber. Continued. Maple COMPRESSION 8 150 AUTHORITY. Oak, Quebec, unseasoned 4 200 " seasoned 6 (joO ,, ' English " extra 6,500 9 ~>00 " ' Dantzie " .Pine, pitch ' American yellow, unseasoned " seasoned ' red, unseasoned " seasoned Poplar, " 7,700 6,800 5,300 5,400 5,400 7,500 5 100 " Pluin, unseasoned 3 700 , " seasoned Svcamore 9,300 7 000 < Teak Walnut, unseasoned 12,000 6 000 " " seasoned Willow, unseasoned seasoned 7,200 2,900 6 100 ; Stone, Brick, Masonry. Granite Aberdeen 10 910 " Dublin Whinstone, Scotch Red, Sandstone, Runcoru Arbronth, sandstone 10,440 8,288 2,173 ... 7 885 Wilkinson. Buchanan. L. Clark. Limestone, compact 7 705 " chack 500 " magnesian Brickwork, in cement, fresh 3,046 519 Fairbnirn. E Clark Brick, hard ... " common stock Portland Cement, 3 mos 1, to 1 of sand ( ,800 |4,800 3,808 Grant. 3 mos old 1, to 5 of sand 3 mos old 9 mos 1, to 1 of sand 9 mos old 1, to 5 of sand 9 mos old Portland Cement concrete, 12 mos. 1 cement 1 sand and gravel ' ' ' | 2,486 .'.'.'.'.'. 5,971 :::::( ^ | 1 680 } 2 65^ 1 " 6 " " .'.'.".'.'.' Mortar, Lime and River sand " " beaten . . . " bank " " " beaten.... Glass Brick work, average, ordinary " in cement " " superior, " " Freestone, Belville Connecticut Dorchester 1,797 1,409 ,434 ,595 ,578 ,800 29,725 ,390 ,544 ,933 3,522 3,319 3,069 Rondelet. Fairbairn. Trautwine. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I, HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 61 MATERIAL. Stone, Brick, Mosonry. Gneiss COMPRESSIO: . . 19 600 f. AUTHORITY. Trautwine. AUTHORITY. Rankine. Stoney. Rankine. Stoney . Roebliug. llankine. Com. B. A. Stoney. Clark. Stoney. Rankine. Stoney. Clark. Author. Granite Patapsco 5 340 15 300 Marble, Baltimore small 18 061 " East Chester 3 917 " Hastings, N. Y IS 941 Italinn 12 624 " Lee, Mass 22 702 " Stockbridge 10,382 " Symington large . . Roman Cement 11,156 342 Sandstone Acquia Creek 5340 Seneca 10,762 FACTORS OF MATERIALS. Cast Iron water pipe SAFETY. 15 6 3 75 8 5 00 6 2 25 4 1 50 6 1 12 8 9.00 6 8 2 4 5 60 6 .75 4 6 4.50 .... 8 to 10 5 2 4 10 00 9 00 4 10.00 6 5 Sieam boilers " U. S. regulations Cast Iron, in tension, dead load bridge girders crane posts, machinery. . . . ,, tin coinpresssion ) 1 free from flexure \ pillars, dead load " live " arches " dead loads live " Wrought Iron, in tension " ex. quality... columns, dead load . . . live " .... ( in compression .. ..{ f free from flexure. . . . \ machinery in tension dp ad loads live " Steel in tension " in compression " columns Timber dead load live " 10 2 25 8 4 8 fi Foundations, (per sq. foot) " on rock Masonrv, dead load " * live " " general structures " arches Ropes, round flat 20 9 4 6 to 8 10 to 20 Metals, dead load live " machinery WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. J. 62 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. MODULUS OF ELASTICITY. The modulus of elasticity is an imaginary quantity based on an as- sumed perfect elasticity of materials. Thus, if L represents the original length of rod or specimen, and I the extension or compression due to stress W, then the modulus of elasticity, becomes L E= W- l Suppose a stress of 10,000 pounds produces an extension of .01", and the original length of the rod was 12", then the modulus of elasticity: 12 E = 10,000 - = 12,000,000 pds. .01 The following are the values of E, for the more general materials of construction : MATERIALS. Ein tons (2000 pds.) Rolled iron, bars and bolts ............... ................. 14,500 " " wire .......................................... 12.650 " " beams ........................................ 12,000 Cast, iron j diffe rent specimens ......................... jnlsoi Steel bars| ,, U " | ........................... J21.000J Copper, wire ............................................... 8,500 Bronze, (copper 8, tin 1) ................................... 4^950 Brass, wire ................................................ 7.115 " castings ..... ............... .......................... 4,585 Wire rope, iron .......................................... 7,500 Lead, sheet ........................................... ,360 Glass ....................................................... 4,000 Slate ........................................................ 7,250 Ash ..................................................... ,800 Beech ...................................................... .675 Birch ...................................................... ,823 Chestnut ............................................ ....... 570 Elm | ( ,350 1 " 1 ...................................................... |,670j Larch) \,450' " } .................................................... KGSOl Mahogany .................................................. ,627 Oak, European J (,600? | .......................................... 1,875} American White ..................................... ,448 Red ............ ........................... 1,075 Pi e, New England ........................................ ,647 Pitch ................................................. ,696 Red> (.591) " i ................................................ j,950( Yellow ................................. . ............. ,506 Sycamore ......................................... ...... ,520 By substituting in the several formulae for deflection of beams the modulus of elasticity of the material under consideration, the cor- responding deflection will be obtained. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 6S SHEARING RESISTANCE. POUNDS PER MATERIAL SQ ix. different specimens .............................. 82j800 Wrought iron ..... ................... Rankine. 5o!(K)0 Swedish bar .............. D.K.Clark. 42,112 Vtol>"bars ........... C. Little. 45,956 Cast Iron ................................ Rankine. 27.709 ................................ Stoney. 19,040 Hematite steel .......................... Kirkaldy. 56.470 Fagersta " ........................... 64.557 Rivet iron ....................... . ........ E.Clark. 54,0% Ash and Elm ............................. Rankine. 1,400 Oak ..................................... " . 2,300 Redpine ................................. " j ;jjjJJ| ,650 Spruce .................................... " ',600 The resistance to shearing of links and pins varies as the square of the depth of the link and the square of the diameter of pin. SHAFTING. The following formulae are adopted from Mr. D. K. Clark, for round shafting only; Let D = transverse deflection in inches. W= weight in pounds. L = distance center to center of bearings in feet. d = diameter of shaft in inches. D' = angular deflection in degrees. W' = twisting force in pounds. R = radius of force in feet. L' = length of shaft between couplings in feet. Torsional Strength of Shafting Cast iron, Wrought iron, Steel, 373 d* W 373 d3 j> d = *J R 933d? W = R 1120 d3 W W 933 A/ 373 \l W 1120 d3 j> d = ^933 IWR R W WILLIAM A. U ARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 64 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. Torsional Deflection of Shafting W RL' Cast iron, D' = Wrought iron, D' Steel, D' 11, MX) d* W R L' 16,600 d* W RL' 34,300 d* The angle of torsion varies directly as the length of bar, but the tor- sional moment of rupture is independent of the length. Mr. Clark regards a deflection of 1 in 20 diameters of length, as a good working limit, and suggests for cast iron shafts 3 / W R Vnr for wrought iron W R and W R = 18.5d* 18.5 o nv R d = rf A all d W R = 27.7 d* \ ^7 7 for steel , /IF' .R d= 3 A/ and TF'J2= 57.2 d* Transverse Deflection of Shafting. Supported at ends. Fixed at ends. WL3 WL* Cast iron, D = Wrought iron, D = Steel, D 39,400 d* 79,900 d* WL* Wl? 66,400 d* 133,000 d* TFL3 78,800 d* 158,000 d* WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER. PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 65 The deflection should not exceed .01 inch Inch in 100 feet; whence for shafts of Supported at ends. per foot of length, or 1 Fixed at ends. i \7 Tl 1 IWLf \ 394 > 71)0 4 / ^ L * Wrought iron, d = \ \ G64 S/ \ 1330 A ~7wT* d= 4 V \ 1576 .\V L? Steel, d = 4 A \ 788 Horse Power of Shafting. Let S = revolutions per minute. , ' II = hor^-inch plate, the strength in the direc- tion of the axis is 48 X 3.1416 X .25 X 60,000 P = = 1250 pounds 482 x .7854 1250 and = 2, 625 Thus the strength of a boiler in the direction of the axis, is twice the strength at right angles to the axis. Or, in other words, the strain on the roundabout seams is but one-half the strain on the longitudi- nal seams. At the roundabout joint there is one force tending to pull the courses apart, and one force tending to tear the joint parallel with the axis, but the resistance to this latter force is two thicknesses of plate WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I, HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. instead of one. Assuming 56 per cent, as the strength of the single riveted joint, the roundabout joint possesses a strength of 1.12 as compared with the solid plate, for the circumferential resistance to rupture, but a strength of .50 as compared with the solid plate for the resistance to rupture in the direction of the axis. If the separation of the roundabout seams was infinity, the strength of a course single riveted would be 56 of the solid plate, but if the separation was 0, the strength of a course would be 1.12 of the solid plate. As the distance between the roundabout seams diminishes, the co-efficient of strength increases. Hence it appears that narrow sheets are peferable to wide ones when a boiler is to be made up in courses; and that a boiler of courses with one sheet to a course, is no stronger than with two or more sheets to a course. The strength of flues is expressed by the following formula, de- duced from Mr. Fairbairn's experiments on the collapsing pressure of tubes: <2-19 p fl-V> P = K whence = therefore, LD K LD PLD 2.19 IP LD t*-l9 = = an( J < = -I K \ K Where P = collapsing pressure; K= a constant deduced by Fairbairn as 806,300; t = thickness of flue or tube; L = length of flue in feet; D = diameter of flue in inches; (2 is usually substituted for 2.19 as the power of the thickness.) From this it appears that the resistance to collapse of flues varies directly as the 2.19 power of the thickness, inversely as the length, and inversely as the diameter. Experience has shown that the roundabout laps of flues contribute to the resisting power, but precisely in what ratio has not been deter- mined. Fairbairn suggests that a flue 6 feet long, made in three lapped courses, is equivalent in strength to a flue one-third the length, or 2 feet, and that a flue made of three or more courses should be involved in the equation at K its length. Example: Boiler 24 feet long, flues 20 inches diameter, working pres- sure 104.16 pounds, factor of safety 4, desired thickness of flue, it' made of courses, 24 = 8, reduced length. 3 Collapsing pressure, 104 16 X 4 = 416.64 pds. /116.64X 8 X 20 806,300 hence t =A/ =2875" WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 70 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. WEIGHT OF ROUND, SQUARE AND PLATE IRON PER FOOT. Diameter or Thickness. W'ght 1 foot sq. W'ght round W'ght sq'ure Diameter or Thickness. W'ght 1 foot sq. W'ght round W'ght sq'are 1-32 = .0312 1 263 .0026 .0033 3% = 3.625 146 5 34.836 44.418 1-16 = .0625 2.526 .010 .013 3% = 3.75 151.6 37 332 47 534 V = .125 5.052 .041 .053 3% = 3. 875 156.6 39.864 50.756 3-16= .1875 7.578 .093 .119 4 161.7 42.464 54 084 X = .25 10.104 .165 .212 4tf =4.125 166 7 45 174 57.517 % = .375 15.1(50 .373 .475 4 =4.25 171.8 47.9.V2 61 055 & = -5 20.208 .663 .845 4% =4.375 176.8 50.815 64.700 % = -625 25 26U 1.043 1.320 4% =4.5 181.9 53 760 68 448 %= .75 30 312 1.493 1.901 4% =4.625 186.9 56 788 72 305 % = 875 35.370 2.032 2.588 4? = 4. 75 192.0 59 900 76 264 1 40.420 2.651 3.380 4% = 4. 875 197.0 63.094 80 333 ljtf= .125 45.470 3.360 4.278 5 202.1 66.752 84 480 1> 4 ' = 1.25 50.520 4.172 5.280 51^ = 5.125 207.1 69 731 88 784 1% = .875 55.570 5 020 6.390 5 \i = 5 25 212.2 73.172 93 168 !>' = .5 60.630 5.972 7.604 5% =5.375 217.2 76.700 97 657 1% = 025 65.680 7.010 8.926 5> = 5.5 222 3 80 304 102 24 1%= .75 70.730 8.128 10 325 5% =5.625 227 3 84.001 106 95 \% = 1.875 75.780 9.333 11.883 5% = 5.75 232 4 87 776 111.75 2 80 840 10.616 13.520 5% = 5. 875 237.5 91.634 116 67 2% = 2.125 85.890 11.988 15.263 6 242 5 95 552 121 66 2^ = 2.25 90 940 13.440 17.112 6^ = 6.25 252.6 103.70 132 04 2% = 2 375 95.990 14.975 19.066 6> = 6.5 262 7 112.16 142 82 2% = 2.5 101.00 16 688 21 . 120 6% = 6.75 272.8 120.96 154.00 2% =2.625 106.10 18.293 23.292 7 282.9 130.05 165.63 2K=2.75 111.20 20.076 25.560 7> = 75 303.0 149 33 190.14 2% =2.875 116.20 21 944 27 939 8 323.3 169.85 216 34 3 121.30 23.888 30.416 8> = 8.5 343.5 191.81 244 22 3^ = 3.125 126.30 25.926 33.010 9 363.8 215 04 273 79 3} 4 ' = 3.25 131.40 28.040 35 704 10 401.2 266 30 337 92 3% =3.375 136 40 30.240 38 503 12 485.0 382.21 485.00 3> = 3.5 141.50 32.512 41.408 For steel multiply by copper lead brass zinc tin cast iron 1.01 The weight of iron (and other 1.125 materials) depends upon the puri- 1.47 ty homogeneity of the ore from 1.06 which it is made and whether 0.9 hammered or rolled. The table is 095 for rolled iron. And the weights of 0.928 plate iron are based on uniform thickness. The spring of the rolls in the center makes the average weight somewhat greater. The weight of bar iron up to 12" wide and 12" thick, can be readily obtained from the above table. Suppose we want the weight of 2> X }'a in flat bar. The weight of 2> X 2% inch bar is 21 .120, and 21.120 2>X> = =4.224pds. Suppose we want the weight of 5 X 5 84480 and 20, hence - = 4.224 pds. 25 20 The weight of 5 X 5 = 84.480 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. WEIGHT OF ONE SQUARE FOOT OF PLATE IRON. THICKNESS BY THE BIRMING- THICKNESS BY THE AMERICAN HAM GAUGE. GAUGE. No of Gauge. Thickness Iron. No. of Gauge. Thickness. Iron. Ins. Lbs. Ins. Lbs. 0000 .454 18 35 0000 -46 18 (i3 000 .425 17 18 000 .40964 16 58 00 .38 15 36 00 .3648 14 77 34 13 74 .32486 13 15 1 .3 12 13 1 .2893 11 70 2 .284 11 48 2 .25763 10 43 8 .259 10 47 3 .22942 9 291 4 .238 9 619 4 .20431 8 273 5 22 8.892 5 .18194 7 366 6 '203 8 205 6 .16202 6 561 7 .18 7 275 7 .14128 5 842 8 -165 6 669 8 .12849 5 203 9 .148 5 981 9 .11413 4 633 10 .134 5 416 10 .10189 4 125 11 .12 4 850 11 .090742 8.672 12 .109 4.405 12 .080808 3 272 13 .095 3 840 13 .071%! 2 916 14 .083 3 355 14 .064084 2 592 15 .072 2 910 15 .057068 2.311 16 .065 2 627 16 .05082 2 052 17 .058 2 344 17 .045257 1 S>5 18 .049 1 980 18 .040303 1 63L 19 .042 1 697 19 .03589 1 452 20 .035 1.415 20 .031961 1.293 21 .032 1 293 21 .028462 1 152 22 .028 1.132 22 .025347 1026 23 .025 1.010 23 .022571 .913 24 .022 .8892 24 .0201 814 25 .020 .8083 25 .0179 .724 20 .018 .7225 26 .01594 .644 27 .016 .6467 27 .014195 .574 28 .014 .5658 28 .012641 .511 29 .013 .52-34 20 .011257 .455 33 .012 .4850 30 .010025 .405 31 .010 .4042 31 .008928 .360 32 .009 .36:38 32 .00795 .321 33 .008 .3233 33 .00708 .286 34 .007 .2829 34 .006304 .254 35- .005 .2021 35 .005614 .226 36 .004 .1617 36 .005 .202 37 .004453 .180 38 .003965 .159 39 .003531 142 40 .003144 .127 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 72 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. SILLER'S SYSTEM OF SCREW THREADS. For bolts and nuts. o t-i ft a "o s c3 | ! ll If ||1 ftj 5 v o K^ Ei'^ cs rj j~ c O c^ !S 5 H 5 S 03 3 H ' -'f/r f- 1 IN ^ V" r^\ xg\, yg\ [ED 1M l||fi|fl \__/ x/ 1 \/ LJ l . 20 .185 .0062 37-64 /2 7-10 .. 5-16 18 .2-10 .0074 11-16 19-32 10-12 19-64 /'8 16 .291 .0078 51-64 11-16 63-64 11-32 7-16 14 .314 .0089 9-10 25-32 1 7-64 25-64 1 ' 13 .400 .0096 1 7/ 1 15-64 7-16 9-16 12 .454 .0104 31-32 1 23-64 31-64 /i 11 .507 .0113 1 7-32 1 1-16 17-32 % 10 .620 0125 1 7-16 ] ix 1 '49-64 y % 9 .731 .0138 1 21-32 1 7-16 2 1-32 23-32 1 8 7 .837 .940 .0156 .0178 1% 2 3-32 l' 13-16 2 19-64 2 9-16 13-16 29-32 ] IX 7 1 065 .0178 2 5-16 2 2 53-64 1 3% 6 1 160 .0208 2 17-32 2 3-16 3 3-32 3-32 ] j/ 6 1.284 .0208 2% 2% 3 23-64 3-16 ]% 5>a' 1 389 .0227 2 31-32 2 9-16 3% 9-32 1 ?:t 5 1.491 .0250 3 3-16 2% 3 57-64 3/ 1% 5 1 616 .0250 3 13-32 2 15-16 4 5-32 15-32 2 4 -2 1 712 .0277 3^ 3J,js 4 27-64 9-16 4-? 1 962 .0:277 4 1-16 3>s 4 61-64 2i' 4 4 2 176 2 426 .0312 .0312 4 "29-32 3% 5 31-64 6 1^15-16 3^ 3. -2 2 629 .0357 ^ 4 3 6 17-32 2 5-16 3 !i 3/a 2 879 .0357 5 13-16 5 7 1-16 2 1 / 3/2 3 '4 3 Hi') .03*4 6 7-64 5% 7 39-61 2' 11-16 3% 3 3 317 .0-113 6 21-32 BX ^i/^ 2% 4 3 3 567 .0113 7 3-32 8 41-64 3 1-16 4 '4 2% 3 798 .0435 7 9-16 6)2 9 3-16 3/4 4/a 4 028 .0154 7 31-32 6% 9% 3 7-16 4% ?i 4 256 .0476 8 13-32 7>4 IOM 3& 5 4 480 .0500 8 27-32 10' 49-64 3 13-16 5jk 2 i 4 730 .0500 9 9-32 8 /8 11 23-64 4 f>} 4 953 .0526 9 23-32 8g 4 3-16 5% '% 5 203 .0526 10 5-32 12V 4 "< 6 5.423 .0555 10 19-32 9)J . 12 15-16 4' 9 16 Ill Nut = one and one-half diam. of bolt + ) Nut = diam. of bolt. Head = one and one-half diam. of bolt + > a ' Head = one-half distance between parallel sides of head. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. THICKNESS OF CAST IRON WATER PIPE. The following formula adapted from Neville, is believed to be n safe equation for the thickness of cast iron pipe for public water supply: 9 h t = - [.001G ( + 10) d] + .32 S 33 Where t = thickness of pipe in inches, h head or pressure in feet, d = diameter of pipe in inches, S = the tensile strength of metal in tons of 2000 pounds. What should be thickness of a 20-inch water main subject to a maxi- mum pressure of 150 pounds per square inch, or 150 X 2.308 = 346.2 feet head, with cast iron of 18000 pounds tensile strength. 9 340 2 t = x[ 0016 ( + 10) X 20] + -32 = .9757". 9 33 What should be the thickness of 40-inch pipe for same service and of same metal, 9 346 2 t = X [.0016 ( + 10) X 40J + .32 = 1.6313". 9 33 WEIGHTS OF CAST IRON WATER PIPES. In pounds per foot run including bells and spigots. Cincinnati. Hi i m Atpr Philadel- Chicfl^o Stxmdurcl T icrh 1* phia. Weight. Th'ckn's 2 inch _ 7 6 3 15.000 17 y z " 15 13 4 21 .111 2t 167 23 22 20 6 30 106 36 G66 50 *" 3:1 30 8 40 683 5') 000 65 42 40 10 52 075 65 000 80 " 60 55 12 69 162 83 333 100 " 75 70 16 102 "r22 125 000 130 " 20 147 681 200 7X" 24 250 000 224 30 300 1" 3(5 450 000 430 !>'" Water-pipe is usually tested to 300 pounds pressure per square inch before delivery; and a hammer test should be made while the pipe is under pressure. The Philadelphia lengths for each section are for 3 and 4 inch pipe, 9 feet. All larger sizes 12 feet 3} inches in length. The Cincinnati lengths are uniform for all diams. 12 feet. Chicago same as Cincinnati. Standard lengths are for 2 inch pipe, 8 feet; and all other sizes 12 feet. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. THICK CYLINDERS. For cylinders where the thickness is small compared with the diam- eter the formula for strength of steam boiler shells will apply. Let p = rupturing pressure, t thickness of plate, D = diameter of cylin- der, and T the tensile strength of the material. Then t r t TX 2 P = whence D t T X 2 DP D = and = = P TX 2 But when the thickness of cylinder (as in hydraulic presses), be- comes large as compared with diameter, then the following formula, applies: R \T + P = -\/ and r \T P .R2 r a IT+P P = T whence R= r \ 2+7-2 V T P When R = radius outer circumference, r = radius inner circumfer- ence, T = tensile strength of the material, and P = maximum pres- sure, which is usually five to eight times the working pressure. Suppose a cylinders" internal diameter, 4" thick, of cast-iron, hav- ing a tensile strength of 16,500 pounds; desired bursting pressure. In- ner radius 4", outer radius 8". Hence, 82 - 42 48 P = 16,500 = 16,500 = 9,900 pounds. 8 2 + 42 80 M. Lame has pointed out the important fact that when the internal pressure in a cylinder is equal to or greater than the co efficient of strength of the material, no thickness, however great, will enable the cylinder to withstand the pressure. Thus, let P = the tensile re- distance of cast iron = 16,500 pounds. Then, by equation, R 116,500 + ] 6,500 33,000 r > 16,500 -16, 500 It will be observed from this demonstratiou that no matter what may be the value of "r," R will be infinitely greater. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, II. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. In designing hydraulic presses it is customary to give the ram-such a diameter as will develop the required maximum pressure without overstrain of the cylinder. Thus, suppose a press with an 8" ram to exert 150 tons maximum pressure, the area of an 8" ram is 50 sq. in. Hence, pressure per sq. in. of ram to exert 150 tons: 150 , 2,000 = 6, 000 pds., 50 and the thickness of such a cylinder of cast iron with a factor of safety of 2 would be 16,500 + 12,000 J2 = 4-\/- 4 = 6.064" V 16,500 12,000 A manufacturer of hydraulic machinery in this city (Cincinnati) contracted to furnish the American Pressed Tan Bark Company, N. Y., a compress for baling pulverized bark, which should with safety produce a maximum pressure of 1,500 tons on the ram and bale. As 1,500 tons was a constant workingload, the factor of safety should have been not less than 4, and in view of the expensive character of the machinery a factor of safety of 6 was preferable. The ram was 20.05 inches diameter = 315 733 sq. inches area, and pressure per sq. inch equivalent to 1,500 tons load is 1,500 X 2.000 = 9,501 7 pounds. 315.733 The external diameter of cylinder was 45 inches and internal diam- eter 21 9375 inches, whence R = 22 5 inches, and f = 10.9687 inches. T=may be taken at 20,000 pounds for first class car wheel iron, then 22.52-10 96S72 P = 20.000 = 12,319.2 pounds, 22.52 + 10.96872 and a factor of safety of 12,319.2 F*= = 1296 instead of 4 or 6. 9,501.7 The safety valve which was furnished for the press and said to rep- resent a maximum load cm ram of 1,500 tons, contained the following elements. (See Safety varees.) L = 22 8125 inches. L' = 1 .15525 inches. L" 9. 86 inches. W = 74 pounds. w= 2. 77 pounds. w' = 2 pounds, a = .3167 sq. inches. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. and pressure per sq. inch represented by safety valve with weight in extreme notch of lever, 74X22.8125 :X 22. 81 25 f2. 77X9. 86 ^ - + - + 2 1.15325 ^v 1.15G25 J p = 4,691 pounds per sq. inch of ram, or 4,091X315.733 = 740 .552 tons load on ram. or less than 2,000 one-half the contract pressure on the bale. THICK HOLLOW SPHERES. Let R external radius. r internal radius. S = tensile strength in pounds per sq. inch of section of the material, and P bursting pressure. Then- S (2 RS _ 2 r3) 3 + 2 r3 12 (S + P) and r = 2S-P In thick spheres (as in thick cylinders), it appears that when the pressure P = 2 S, that no thickness however great will resist the strain. Let r = internal radius = 5 inches. S = tensile strength of east iron = 18,000 pounds. P = 36,000 pounds per sq. inch, then ;2 (18000 + 36000) /108000 ' VIUSUUU -T > 2X18000 36000 \ Letr = 5 inches. R = 9 inches. S= 18,003 pounds, desired the bursting pressure of such a shell. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I, HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. (2 X 9 s ) 3 X 53) P = 18,000 = 22,210.4 pounds per sq. iiich. 93 + (2 X 53) and ;2{ 18, 000 + 22, 210 4) R = 5*<\' = 9 inches, and \ 2Xl8,iKK) -22, 210. 4 = 5 inches. I 2(18,000 + 22.210. 4) ' 2X18,000 '22,210 4 STEAM BOILER EXPLOSIONS. No general cause can be cited for steam boiler explosions; but a careful analysis of all the facts will generally enable the experienced engineer to arrive at a probable cause, in nearly every instance. Low water is rarely the cause of an explosion, except in fire-box boilers, where the crown of the furnace (which is subjected to the highest temperature) is uncovered and crushed in. But in boilers fired under the shell, with return tubes or flues, it is extremely doubtful if low water is ever the cause of an explosion. Low water, when it is sufficiently low to permit overheating of the plates below the fire line, may, and in many cases does, contribute to weaken the boiler. When the expansion is in excess of the thermo- clastic limit of the iron, a permanent set occurs, and the iron is in precisely the same condition as though the limit of elasticity had been exceeded by overstrain. Initial strain is more frequently the cause of explosion than is gen- erally supposed. Many boilers made of good iron, are put together in such a haphazard and reckless manner that the factor of safety with which they are worked, instead of being 5 or 6, may be but a trifle in excess of the working pressure. A boiler of this kind, after suffering the deterioration d.ue to a limited use. is very liable to rup- ture and explosion,at, or even below the working pressure, and occa- sionally they let go in the shop under trial. Overpressure this was Mr. Fairbairn's theory of explosion; but in- stances have been noted where violent explosions have occurred at less than the working pressure; and with the usual pressure and WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE. R. I. 78 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. safety-valve blowing, boilers have let go. Overpressure, however, in connection with excessive initial strain, is a fruitful source of dis- aster in the use of steam boilers. Defective steam-gauges, although a trifling detail in themselves, have contributed to ruptures and ex- plosion,s by false indications. Safety-valves are generally set to blow by the steam-gauge, and when this is an unreliable device (which is the rule rather than the exception), then the safety-valve becomes a delusion. Explosions sometimes happen when boilers filled with compara- tively cold water and cold themselves, are incautiously fired. When the regime of a steam boiler is fully established, all parts of the shell and flues or tubes are practically at the same temperature, and forcing the fires is less liable to work injury; but when a boiler is filled with cold water, arid fires are started after an interum of idle- ness, the rapid firing has the effect of subjecting the bottom of the boiler to an expansion corresponding to the elevation of temperature, while the top of the boiler is yet cold. The strains, by reason of the extra expansion of the bottom of the boiler, may be, and in some cases are, sufficient to prodxice incipient fractures of plates or joints, and place the boiler in condition for a violent explosion, at less than the working pressure. Overheating of the iron and water is no doubt responsible for cer- tain explosions. So long, however, as the water is in contact with the plate, it is difficult to produce an overheat of the iron; but when the water is repelled or " lifted " from the plate an instant of time is suf- ficient to produce a dangerous overheat in the courses nearest the fire. This overheat not only subjects the boiler to the strains of ex- cessive expansion, but materially reduces the cohesive strength of the iron, in addition to which a proportionally large evaporation takes place when the water returns to the plates. It is well known that when water is deprived of air, it can be ele- vated to a temperature higher than the boiling point before vaporiza- tion occurs. M.M. Donney and Magnus have made experiments on ebullition under the pressnre of the atmosphere, and the former found that by carefully freeing the water of air, he could elevate the temperature to 275 degrees Fahr., before vaporization occurred, and when it did occur, the action was not like ordinary ebullition under pressure of the atmosphere, but was instantaneous and explosive, a portion of the water being violently projected from the test tubes. The temperature (275 F.) corresponds to a pressure of about three atmospheres, and M. Donney concludes that this pressure is equiva- lent to the natural force of cohesion of the particles of water. WILLIAM A. HARRIS. BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 79 How far the results obtained by Donney and Magnus may be used to solve the problem of steam boiler explosions, is not known. But there can be no doubt that similar and instantaneous evaporation often takes place in a steam boiler, and whether the effect is to pro- duce a rupture, simply depends upon the strength of boiler and quan- tity of water acted upon. The theory of repulsion, so ably argued by Mr. Robinson, is per- haps the most plausible for those explosions with the usual level of water in the boiler and every indication that no danger exists. Ex- perience has shown that when the iron of a boiler otherwise clean, is heated to a temperature of 3SO to 420 deg. Fahr., the water is re- pelled from the plate, and under this condition the iron of the boiler may be heated to the temperature of the impinging hot gas, Whenever the equilibrium within the boiler is destroyed, the water returns to the hot plates, and a large and instantaneous evaporation occurs. This, instead of naturally passing through the superincum- bent water, carries the water with it, and projects it against the bounding surfaces of the boiler. If the mechanical effect of this percussive action be sufficient to produce a rupture, then there is an immediate reduction of pressure, followed by a further and larger evaporation, which, in seeking to escape, rushes through the vent with a velocity proportional to the unbalanced pressure, and carries the now dismembered boiler with it, upon the same principle that a mountain torrent can convey large rocks for great distances, and a whirlwind carry for miles bodies of matter having a greater specific gravity than the air. Engineers are generally united in the opinion that the most disas- trous explosions are those occurring with boilers carrying the usual level of water, and that the violence of the explosion is directly pro- portional to the weight of water in the boiler at time of rupture. Corrosion, internal scale and deposits, improper setting, impeded circulation, and improper steam and water connections between bat- teries of boilers, have each contributed to swell the list of explosions. With our existing knowledge of steel and iron plate, and with hon- est construction, there is no need of disastrous explosions in the use of steam boilers at the present time. If all the requirements are first known, any intelligent mechanical engineer can design a boiler or system of boilers which will not only comply with all other proper conditions, but will be absolutely safe as against violent explosion. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Specific per Gravity. en. ft. "Water at 62 Fahr : 1.000 62.321 Metals. Platinum 21522 1342 000 Gold ]9 425 1205.000 Mercurv 13596 848.750 Lead 11 418 712 000 Silver 10505 655 000 Bismuth 9 900 616 978 Copper, hammered 8917 556 000 sheet 8805 549 000 " oust 8.600 537000 Gun metal, 84 copper, 16 tin 8 560 533 468 M " 17 " 8 460 527 235 Nickel, hammered 8 670 540 223 cast 8 280 516 .018 Bearing metal, 79 copper, 21 tin 8 .730 544 062 Brass, wire 8 540 533 000 cast, 75 copper, 2~> zinc "66 " 34 " 8450 8 300 526 612 517 264 "GO " 40 " 8200 511 032 Bronze 8 400 524 000 Steel . . . . 7852 490 000 Iron, wrought, average 7698 480 000 " cast, " 7110 444.000 Zinc, sheet. 7200 4-19 000 cast ..... 6 860 424 000 Tin 7 409 462 000 Antimony 6710 418 174 Iron ores <5 251 J3.829 (327.247 |238 627 Aluminum, cast 2.560 159.542 Minerals, Masonry, etc. Manganese.. .... 8.00 498.568 Basalt 300 187.000 Glass, flint ....... 3.00 187 000 " plate 270 169 000 Marble (2.84 J2.52 (1715 {191 157 019 Granite .... (3.06 1236 ( I9< 702 |t47 077 Soapstone, steatite Flint 273 263 140 COO 164 200 Feldspar 2 60 162 300 Limestone 12 8 J27 (175.000 (169 000 Slate <2 90 ?2 80 J 181 000 \ 175. 000 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. Weight Minerals, Masonry, etc. Specific per Gravity. cu. ft. Trap rock ; 2 72 170 000 Quartz 12 65 163 000 Shale 260 ' 162 000 Sandstone, average Gvpsum, Plaster of Paris 2 30 2 30 12.30 144 000 144 000 4144 000 Masonry 11.85 > 116 000 Graphite 220 12.167 137 106 (13-5 000 Brick 12 000 J125 000 Chalk 12.78 1 1 87 (174.000 { 117 000 Sulphur Clav 2 00 1 92 . 125 000 120 000 Sand, damp j Gravel j . 19 1 42 118 000 88 600 * tl 90 (119 000 Marl jl 60 JIUOOOO Mud.. 1 63 102 000 Coal, anthracite 1 602 100 000 (1 44 (89 900 " bituminous jl 24 i 77 400 Coke, dry, loose, average Scoria 0.449 83 28000 51 726 Cement, American, Rosendale, loose 60 000 well shaken. . . . 70 000 thor'lv shaken. 80.000 struck bushel, 75 pounds.. Liquids. Acid, sulphuric nitric 1 840 1 220 114.670 76 (fcA " acetic 1 080 67 306 Milk 1 030 64 100 Sea water 1 026 64 050 Linseed oil 940 58 680 Sperm oil 923 57 620 Olive oil 915 57 120 Alcohol, proof spirit 0.920 67.335 " pure 791 49 380 Petroleum 878 54810 Turpentine, oil 870 54 310 Naphtha 848 52.940 Ether 0.716 44.700 Timber. Ash. 753 47 Bam boo 400 25.0 Beech. 0.690 43 Birch 711 44 4 Bluo Gum 831 52 5 Boxwood 910 60 Cert. -i r of Lebanon 486 304 Cherrv. dry 672 42.0 Chestirit.. 535 33.4 WILLIAil A. UARRI3, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. Weight Timber Specific per Gravity. cu. ft. Cork 250 15 6 Ebony, West India 1193 745 Elm 0544 340 Greenheart 1001 625 Hawthorn 0910 570 Hazel 0860 540 Hemlock, dry 0400 250 Holly 0760 47.0 Hickory 850 53 Hornbeam 0760 470 Laburnum 0920 570 Lancewood jj j.j> U*. ' )J! j;0 Locust 0710 440 Mahogany, Honduras 560 35 Spanish 0850 530 Maple 0790 490 Oak, live, dry 0950 593 " white, dry 0830 518 Pine, white, dry 0400 250 " yellow, dry 0550 343 Southern, dry 720 45 Sycamore. - 590 37 TeaMndian j j j-g Water Gum 1001 625 Walnut 0610 380 Willow 0400 250 Yew 0.800 50.0 Miscellaneous. Ivory .... 1 82 114 000 India rubber 0.93 58000 Lard 095 59300 Gutta Percha 0.98 61100 Beeswax 097 60500 Turf, dry, loose 401 25 000 Pitch 1.15 71700 Fat 093 58000 Tallow 0.936 58.396 Gases. Weight per cubic foot at 32 Fahr. and under pressure of one atmos- phere: Air .080728 Carbonic acid 12344 Hydrogen 005592 Oxygen . . o 089256 Nitrogen 078596 Steam (ideal) Rankine 005022 Vapor of Ether, Rankine (ideal) 2093 " Bi-sulphide of carbon, Rankine 02137 Olefiant gas (marsh gas;. 0795 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. EXPLOSIONS IN FLOUR MILLS. The recent explosion in the Washburii Mills at Minneapolis, together with the explosion, of a similar nature (some six years ago) in the Tradeston Mills, Glasgow, Scotland, have awakened an inquiry among millers, as to the probable cause and means to prevent a recurrence of these wholesale disasters. Prof. Rankine (whose judgment upon a question of this nature is practically above criticism) investigated the Glasgow accident, and, after mature consideration, advanced the opinion that the explosion (so-called) was due to the rapid ignition of combustible matter in the exhaust box, the fire traveling through the box into the dust room, the contents of which, were combustible matter in a finely commi- nuted state, moisture, and atmosphere. The dust room of the Trades- ton Mills was located in the mill building; and the expansive effect of the inflamed carbon, evaporated moisture, and highly-heated air, in any but a very open room would be sufficient to raze the Avails and communicate fire to the remainder of the building. The feed going off a pair of stones, the flinty buhrs struck flre and furnished the means of ignition of the matter in the exhaust box. Experiments have been made on the combustion of finely-divided charcoal, and on dust from wood-working establishments; and when these substances are showered over a flame, the combustion is as in- stantaneous as alcohol or a hydro carbon. When a finely comminuted carbonaceous substance is ignited, the instantaneous expansion of the ambient atmosphere is similar to that of the burning of a loose charge of powder, and when this com- bustion occurs in a tight dust room it is not difficult to anticipate the effect. Mr. W. L. Barnum, Secretary of the Millers' National Insurance Compan y, furnishes the author the following facts in relation to the ex- plosion at the Washburn Mills: " The dust in large mills is stored and sold, but in small establishments, the daily quantity is too insignificant to justify storage, and it is usually blown out of the mill. At the Washburn Mill the daily yield was about 3000 pounds, and worth $16.00 per ton of 2000 pounds or $24.00 per day. This dust, having a a lower specific gravity than the meal, was drawn by a carefully- adjusted pneumatic exhaust from the usual spouts into a tight dust room in the basement of the mill. In the transit from the buhrs to the dust room this material passed through an exhaust fan; hence WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. L 84 HARRIS-CORLISS. STEAM ENGINES from the fan to the buhrs a partial vacuum subsisted, while from the fan to the dust room the air was appreciably compressed." Com- pressed nir having a greater density than the normal atmosphere, the dust was readily held in mechanical suspension, and the air in this room was continually charged with a large percentage by volume of this finely divided matter. Under these conditions it is only neces- sary that the dust be combustible to produce what is termed the ex- plosion. Experiments have been made, according to Mr. Barnum, to prove that when this matter is showered into a close atmosphere it is con- sumed with a flash like gunpowder, and the natural expansion of the investing atmosphere, in the close dust room, due to the in- stantaneous elevation of temperature, would be sufficient to rend the strongest walls and communicate the flame to the mill building. This fine dust, being almost entirely carbon, would ignite with the. rapidity of a gas, which it practically was, in its thorough dissemina- tion through the atmosphere; and if this material contained by ab- sorption a quantity of moisture, the expansive effect would be greatly increased, as each cubic inch of water would occupy a cubic foot when converted into steam under the pressure of an atmosphere. It is, therefore, not necessary to assume the generation of a specific gas having the property of instantaneous ignition, to account for these explosions; nor to assume the presence of olcfiant gas (as some one has suggested), which is of spontaneous generation in certain locali- ties, as all the elements necessary to a first-class disaster are present under the conditions of pneumatic exhaust and tight dust room. COMBUSTION. A certain energy is always expended in effecting the chemical combination of two or more elements, and this energy is exactly ac- counted for by the resultant heat. The heat developed by the combination of oxygen with carbon and hydrogen, is that employed in the mechanic arts. The chief constituents of fuel are carbon and hydrogen, and the union of oxy- gen with these elements, we term combustion. When the combus- tion is rapid, it is termed burning, when it is slow it is termed decom- position. . The temperature of combustion depends upon the rapidity with WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 85 which the combination is effected, hut the heat developed hy com- bustion is independent of the time, and depends only upon the calo- rific value of the clement with which the oxygen combines. The atmosphere, from which source the oxygen is obtained to sup- port combustion, is composed of oxygen and nitrogen in mechanical combination, in the proportion of 8 atoms of oxygen to 28 atoms of nitrogen. Or, as more elegantly expressed in chemical terms, one equivalent of oxygen to two of nitrogen. The nitrogen is inert, and neither assists nor retards combustion. When one pound of carbon unites with one and one-third pounds of oxygen, carbonic oxide is formed, and combustion is said to be imperfect or incomplete* Thus, to produce carbonic oxide, there are required one equivalent of carbon (G), and one equivalent of oxygen {8), and CO is the result. When one pound of carbon unites with two and two-thirds pounds of oxygen, carbonic acid is formed, and combustion is said to be per- fect, or complete. Thus, carbonic acid is composed of one equivalent of carbon (6), and two equivalents of oxygen (16), and CO* is the re- sult. When one pound of hydrogen combines with eight pounds of oxy- gen, vapor of water is formed. Thus water, or steam, consists of one equivalent of hydrogen and one equivalent of oxygen, and HO is the result. According to the deductions of M. M. Favre and Silberman, the total heat of combustion of one pound of hydrogen when burned to vapor of water is 62,032 British thermal units, and the total heat of combustion of one pound of carbon, when burned to carbonic oxide, is 4,400 thermal units. The total heat of combustion of one pound of carbon burned to carbonic acid is 14.500 thermal units. The air required for combustion can be determined as follows: It has been shown that when two equivalents of oxygen unite with one equivalent of carbon, carbonic acid is the result. Now, air consists of oxygen and nitrogen in the proportions of 8 () to 28 N, and carbonic acid consists of one atom of carbon to two and two-thirds atoms of oxygen. Hence, to burn one pound of carbon to carbonic acid there is required of air 8 + 28 X 2% = 12 pounds. 8 Prof. Johnson's exhaustive experiments on coals for the U. S. Navy have shown that with natural draft of furnace, the theoretical quan- tity of air is insufficient for complete combustion, and that twice this amount is really required. The specific gravity of air as compared with water is at temp. 815 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE. R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. of 60 Fahr.. and pressure of one atmosphere (14.7 pounds), and a cubic foot of water at same temp, and pressure, according to Berze- lius, is 62.331 pounds. Hence, minimum volume of air required for one pound of carbon burned to carbonic acid becomes 12 X 815 = 157 cubic feet. 62.331 The temperature of combustion has not been determined by direct experiment, but, as suggested by Piof. Rankine, may be calculated by dividing the calorific power or total heat of combustion of one pound of the combustible, by the weight into the specific heat of the products of combustion. We have seen that twelve pounds of air are necessary to produce two and two-thirds pounds of oxygen. Hence, the weight of products of combustion of one pound of car- bon is thirteen pounds (carbonic acid 3% pounds, nitrogen 9J4 pounds.) The specific heat of carbonic acid, according to Regnault, is .2164, and of nitrogen .244. Hence, mean specific heat of products of combustion: (3.66 X .2164) + (9.33 X .244) = .236 13 14,500 and = 4 574 Fahr. the resultant elevation of temperature. 13 X .236 But experience has shown that as much air is required for dilution as for combustion; hence, 12 X 2 = 24 'pounds of air: and weight of products of combustion become for one pound of carbon burned to carbonic acid air 12, nitrogen 9%, carbonic acid S% = 25 pounds and (.236 X 13) + (.238X 12) mean specific heat = .237, and elevation of 25 temperature becomes 14,500 = 2,447. 7 Fahr. 25 X .237 .238 is the specific heat of dry air, according to Regnault. The temperature may be taken experimentally by calorimetric pro- cess as described in the section of this Manual devoted to Heat, for which purpose rods of iron, steel, or platinum are subjected to the temperature of the impinging hot gas in the fire chamber, over the bridge wall, in the back connection, or in the uptake for such a length of time as will permit them to acquire the full temperature, and are then quickly cooled down in a known weight of water. For temperatures below 800 Fahr. a metal pyrometer will furnish fair approximations. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 87 COMPOSITION OF FUEL Charcoal, coke, coal, wood and peat, are the fuels principally in use. Charcoal is obtained by eliminating the volatile matter from wood or peat by distillation in a retort, or by partial combustion in a heap. A larger yield of carbon is obtained by the distillation process. Ac- cording to Peclet, charcoal consists of carbon 93 per cent., and non- combustible or ash 7 per cent. Anthracite coal consists almost entirely of free carbon and non-com- bustible. From eight specimens of American anthracite analyzed by Prof. Johnson, the mean composition is: Carbon 86 . 76 per cent. Volatile matter 4.98 " Moisture 1.18 " Non-combustible 6.97 ' Sulphur '... .11 " Bituminous coal consists of free carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitro- gen, sulphur, and mineral compounds constituting the non-combusti- ble matter. From twelve analyses of free burning bituminous coal Prof. Johnson obtains the following means: Cumberland coal Carbon 73 72 per cent. Volatile matter 1420 " Sulphur. 12 " Moisture 1.56 " Non-combustible 10.40 " Pennsylvania coals- Carbon 72 00 per cent. Volatile matter 16.01 " Sulphur 72 " " Moisture 1 14 " Non-combustible 10.13 " Prof. Johnson's analyses of eleven varieties of Virginia caking bi- tuminous coals furnishes as a mean Carbon 58 01 per cent. Volatile matter 29.23 " Sulphur 90 " Moisture 136 " " Non-combustible 10.50 Pittsburg coal (known in the market as Youghiogheny), consists of Carbon. 5493percent. Volatile matter 36.60 " Moisture 140 " " Non-combustible 7.07 " " WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 88 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. Newcastle (England) coal has the following composition- Carbon 5G 99 per cent. Volatile matter 35.59 " Sulphur., '23 " " Moisture 17!) " Non-combustible .... 5 40 " " The following is an. analysis of Pittsburg coal, No. 1, by Prof. Bruno Kniffler, Cincinnati, 1879 Fixed carbon 61 038 per cent. Volatile matter 32.750 " Sulphur 8fi3 " ' Moisture 2307 " " Ash 3.042 " Of fifty analyses of Indiana coals the following is .1 mean- Carbon 51 .20 per cent. Volatile matter 4279 " Non-combustible ... 601 ' " The following composition of Ohio coals is obtained from the "Geology of Ohio," volume II., being a mean of fifty-seven analyses, chiefly by Prof. Wormley Carbon 50 62 per cent. Volatile matter 3503 " Moisture * 319 " " Non-combustible 5.16 " " Coke is the product of coal after eliminating the volatile matter, The process is conducted either in retorts, as gas coke, or in coke ovens. The latter is preferable for furnace fuel. Coke contains, as a mean- Carbon 8~> 00 per cent Non-combustible 1500 " " Wood consists of Carbon 50 00 per cent. Oxygen 42 00 " Hydrogen 52") " " Non-combustible 2.75 " " The oxygen and hydrogen exist in proportions to form water, and the carbon alone is useful in giving out heat. For equal weights the calorific power of all woods used for fuel is the same. Exceptions should be made of woods of the same family as the fir and pine, as these contain a small quantity of turpentine, which is a hydro-car- bon. Peat, or vegatable fuel, consists of Carion 58 OD per cent. Hydrogen 60:) " Oxygen 3100 " Noil-combustible 5.00 " " WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I, HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. Lignite, although not generally classed as a separate fuel, occupies a position between peat and fully developed bituminous coal. Its composition is, as a mean Carbon 39 00 per cent. Oxygen 10 ' " Hydrogen 250 " Non-combustible 4850 " The fact is established by geological investigation, that anthracite and bituminous coals, and lignite are of vegetable origin. THUS, wood consists chit-fly of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. By a pro- cess of natural evolution the wood suffers a loss of each of these ele- ments, but principally hydrogen and oxygen, when we have lignite. This sustains a further loss of nearly all its oxygen, more than half its hydrogen, and a large percentage of carbon, when bituminous- coal is the result. This suffers a further loss of a small percentage of carbon, and nearly all its hydrogen and oxygen, and anthracite coal is the ri-sult. This, finally, suffers a loss of all its oxygen, nearly all its hydrogen, and nearly pure caibon or graphite is the result. The following table of composition of combustibles is from analyses by Peeletand others: WOOD. PEAT. ELEMENTS. o o o "a . 1- | a SM - - Jr ^ 5 j "r- = 3 -j **** ^- ^ .H S *"* C to ^ O w Carbon .812 850 510 .408 930 ^ 464 Hydrogen .048 .053 (i42 .0Jt) (MS Oxygen Nitrogen and Sulphur Water .054 .031 .417 3=34 200 .310 248 200 Ashes .055 150 .020 010 .070 .050 040 Total 1 000 1.000 1 000 1 000 1,000 1.000 1.000 o ei 2 O "3 > d ELEMENTS. "H. *"~ s i ^ 2 !!H gw g o o * O *~ o pq Carbon .850 .884 ..=>!!)* 7721 0531 700 Sir, Hydrogen Oxygen .150 lit; 1370 3432 133r, (W43 .l.-KK 213ii 117 .003 1H9 .045 Total 1.003 1.000 1. 000 1000 1 000 1.000 1.000 90 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. The following data is taken from the author's report to A. A Free- man & Co., New York, upon experiments at their flouring mill, La Crosse, Wis., with coal, pine slabs, and hard wood for steam pur- poses: FUEI COAL. PINE SLABS. HARDWOOD. Date of trial M'chlS. Men. 14. Men. 14. Duration of trial, hours 10 5 5 Mean pressure, by boiler gauge, pounds 92.876 93.325 90.10 Mean temperature of feed to boil- ers. Fahr 114.324 109.22 113 Total water pumped into boil- ers, pounds.. 50371.28 24608 29574.16 "Water entrained in the steam, pounds 6467.7 3159.66 3797.32 Net steam furnished, pounds ... 4390358 214i8.3t 25776.84 Total I'uel burned, pounds 5350 6995 9100 St'.'am per pound of coal from feed, pounds 8.206 3.066 2.832 Steam p'>r pound of coal from and at 212. pounds 9.639 3617 3324 Relative efficiency 100 37.52 34.48 Cost, coal per ton, slabs and hardwood per cord, dollars 4.50 1.25 3.00 Relative cost for equal effects 122.86 1GO 131.43 PRACTICAL RESULTS WITH DIFFERENT COALS. The following extracts, from reports by the author upon test trials of various fuels under various conditions will be of interest as show- ing the results of practice. Of course it will not be assumed that the higher economies are due alone to the excellence of the fuel, nor that the low economies are due to lac"k of quality in the fuel. The skill of the fireman usually plays such an important part in the manipulation of a combustible, that these comparisons must be accepted only as approximative. MASSILLON (OHIO), COAL BITUMINOUS. Milwaukee Milling Co., March, 1879. Number of boilers 2 Kind of boilers Tubular. Heating surface, square feet 1605 126 Ratio; heating to grate surface 34.80 Hours of trial 10 Average steam pressure, pounds 88 89 Average temperature of feed water 83.238 Total (nft) steam pounds 38 39 t Total coal burned, pounds. 5 0"> i Steam, per pound of coal from and at 212 Fahr., pounds. . 8.905 Percentage of non-combustible 6.87 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 91 BRIAR HILL COAL (OHIO). Germain & Co.'s Elevator, Milwaukee, March, 1879. Number of boilers 1 Kind of boilers Tubular- Heating surface, square feet 325.95 Ratio; heating to grate surface 32.595 Hours of trial. 7 Average steam pressure, pounds 85 96 Average temperature of feed water 195 643 Total (net) steam pounds 2427 811 Total coal burned, pounds . ... 227 Steam, per pound of coal from and at 212 Fahr., pounds. . 11 416 Percentage of non-combustible 5 .24 WILMINGTON COAL (ILLINOIS). A. A. Freeman & Co., La Crosae, Wisconsin, March, 1879. Number of boilers 2 Kind of boilers Tubular. Heating surface, square feet 153H.9M Ratio; heating to grate surface 29.70 Hours of t--ial 10 Average steam pressure, pounds 92 876 Average temperature of feed water 114 324 Total (net) steam pounds 43903 58 Total coal burned, pounds 5350 Steam, per pound of coal from and at 212 Fahr., pounds. . 9 639 Percentage of non-combustible 7.30 PITTSBURGH COAL (PENNSYLVANIA). Hunt Street Pumping Station, Cincinnati, June, 1879. Number of boilers 2 Kind of boilers 6 flue. Heating surface, square feet 1082.98 Ratio: heating to grate surface 56.86 Hours of trial 36 Average steam pressure, pounds 128 00 Average temperature of feed water 215 26 Total (net) steam pounds 147109 00 Total coal- burned, pounds 141(X).00 Steam, per pound of coal from and at 212 Fahr., pounds. . 10.806 Percentage of non-combustible 3.06 PITTSBURGH COAL. Millcreek Distilling Co., Cincinnati, September, 1882. Number of boilers 2 Kind of boilers Babcock and Wilcox, Sectional. Heating surface, square feet 2640 Ratio: heating to grate surface 60.352 Hours of trial 10 Average steam pressure, pounds 64 09 Average temperature of feed water 136 15 Total (net) steam pounds 106728 Total coal burned, pounds 1200 Steam, per pound of coal from and at 212 Fahr., pounds. . 9.88 Percentage of non-combustible .'. 4 890 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 92 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. ERIE COAL. N. K. Fairbank & Co., Chicago, June, 1882. Number of boilers 1 Kind of boilers Tubular. Heating surface, square feet 758173 Ratio; heating to grate surface 42.12 Hours of trial 9 Average steam pressure, pounds 41.882 Average temperature of feed water 173 870 Total (net) steam pounds 22673.834 Total coal burned, pounds 2914 Steam, per pound of coal from and at 212 Fahr., pounds. . 8 282 Percentage of non-combustible 4.890 LEIIIGII COAL (PENNSYLVANIA). Evansville Pumping Station, Evansville, Indiana, January, 1881. Number of boilers 2 Kind of boilers 12-flue. Heating surface, square feet 932. 'IS Ratio; heating to grate surface '20.7115 Hours of trial 21 Average steam pressure, pounds 05 427 Average temperatnre of feed water 121917 Total (net) steam pounds 64919.514 Total coal burned, pounds 8916 Steam, per pound of coal from and at 212 Fahr., pounds. . S.'ol Percentage of non-combustible 1 1 .47 LACKAWANNA COAL (PENNSYLVANIA). Peoria Pumping Station, Peoria, Illinois, March, 1882. Number of boilers 2 Kind of boilers Tubulnr. Heating surface, sq uare feet 1955 0048 Ratio; heating to grate surface 44.43 Hours of trial 18 Average steam pressure, pounds.. . . 79 076 Average temperature of feed water 118 71 Total (net) steam pounds 53986 .214 Total coal burned, pounds. 8900 Steam, per pound of coal from and at 212 Fahr., pounds . . 6 87 Percentage of non-cumbustible 16.326 LACKAWANNA COAL. Saratoga Pumping Station. Saratoga, N. Y., November, 1882. Number of boilers 2 Kind of boilers Tubular. Heating surface, square feet 2'J57 5 Ratio; heating to grate surface 51.89 Hours of trial 20 Average steam pressure, pounds 7G 644 Average temperature of feed water 169.175- Total ( net) steam pounds. 705S2 779 Total coal burned, pounds 0750 Steam, per pound of coal from and at 212 Fahr., pounds. . 11 286 Percentage of non-combustible 32 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. KAXAWHA "SLACK" AND COKE "BREEZE.' Cincinnati Gas Works, November, I8S2. Number of boilers boilers Heating surface, square feet Ratio: heating to grate surface Hours of trial Average steam pressure, pounds Average temperature of feed water Total (net) steam pounds Total coal burned, pounds Steam, per pound of fuel from and at 212 Fahr., pounds.. Percentage of non-combustible.. freeze. Slack. 3 3 ^omotivc \ Locomotive re-box. I flre-box. 17ii8. 958 1768 918 31.799 31 799 10 10 59 35 62 f>73 147 93 150 58 56673 225 58777 928 10.548 9922 6006 6 4-SG 1308 8.97 HIGHLAND BLOCK COAL (INDIANA). Gibson & Co. Flour Mill, Indianapolis, August, 1877. Number oT boilers 2 Kind of boilers 6-flue. Heating surface, square feet 931.68 Ratio; heating to grate surface 24 52 Hours of trial 8 Average steam pressure, pounds 81 37 Average temperature of feed water 195 Total net) steam pounds 23->42 4 Total coal burned, pounds. 4811 Steam, per pound of coal from and at 212 Fahr., pounds. . 5 24 Percentage of uon-cumbustible Not measured. HEAT. The fact that heat possesses energy, and that energy being ponder- able, has, up to a very recent period, induced the belief that heat \vas a material substance. It is now well known, however, that heat is a state of matter, and that while it is referable to catisc and effect, and its force, like gravity, governed by established laws, it is determin- ablo as a condition of matter, and possesses no independent exist- ence. In 1798, Count Rumford published a memoir of his experi- ment on the production of boat by friction. l~p tr> this time the theory of material substance prevailed. Heat was supposed to be a fluid, and, like air and water, capable of uniting with other sub- stances according to their several capacities for heat. AS proof that heat was simply a condition of matter, Sir Humphrey WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 94 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. Davy reduced a block of ice to liquid water by friction alone. Thus by the expense of a certain energy he developed heat sufficient to melt the ice. If heat was matter, this would have been impossible, since matter can not be created. The experiments of Prof. Tyndall have done more to increase our knowledge of the laws and phenomena of heat than that of any other scientist. The mechanical equivalent of heat as determined by Mr. Joule, of Manchester, is one of the most useful factors in heat investigation. This gentleman, by very careful and precise experiments, extending through several years, established the value in foot pounds of work of a British thermal unit, and conversely the energy requisite to pro- duce a unit of heat. Mr. Joule determined the energy required to add one thermal unit to a pound of water to be 772 foot pounds, and this value is usually represented by the letter "J" in heat formulae. The temperature corresponding to the disappearance of gaseous elasticity is termed the absolute zero; and this point has been deter- mined in accordance with the Guy Lussac law, as modified by the later experiments of Rudberg, Magnus, and Regnault. Guy Lussac's experiments have shown that for the same density the tensions and for the same tensions the volume of one and the same quantiti/ of air increases with the temperature. Experiment has shown the co-efficient of expansion of air to be. 0020276 on Fahrenheit's scale, hence absolute 1 zero = = 49320 below the temperature of melting ice or .0020276 493.2 32 = 461 .2 below Fahr. zero. Thus to know the absolute tem- perature at any point above Fahr. zero, add 461.20. Example Ob- served temperature 60; absolute temperature 521.20. Specific heat is the capacity of a body to absorb heat, as compared with water. Water possesses the highest specific heat of any known substance except hydrogen gas. Thus while one thermal unit will elevate the temperature of one pound of water one degree at 60 Fahr., and pressure of one atmosphere, 3.4046 thermal units are requisite to elevate the temperature of the same weight of hydrogen one degree under same pressure and temperature. If the Mariotte law were strictly correct, the specific heat of gases would be the same for constant volume or constant pressure: but Regnault's experiments have shown that the specific heat is greatest for constant pressure. Thermometers are instruments to measure variations of tempera- ture. For ordinary use the mercurial thermometer is sufficient, but for scientific research the air thermometer is employed. For temper- atures below the point of congelation of mercury (38 Fahr.) spirit WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 95 thermometers are used. In Europe, except Great Britain, Spain, and Holland the Centigrade scale is used. In Great liritain, Holland, and the United States, Fahrenheit's scale is used. In Spain, Reaumur's scale is used. In the Centigrade scale the zero is taken at tempera- ture of melting ice, while the boiling point of water underpressure of one atmosphere is taken at 100. On the Fahrenheit scale the zero point is taken at 32 below the temperature of melting ice, and the boiling point at pressure of one atmosphere becomes 212. By compari- son, 18!) of Fahrenheit scale equals 100 of Centigrade scale. Hence, to reduce a reading on Centigrade scale to corresponding temperature on Fahrenheit scale, C'X9 4- 32 = F, BOILING POINTS OF LIQUIDS UNDER PRESSURE OF ONE ATMOSPHERE. SUBSTANCE. TEMP. FAHR. Sulphuric ether 100 Sulphuret of carbon 118.4 Ammonia 140 Chloroform 140 Bromine 145 Wood spirits 150 Alcohol 173 Benzine 176 Water 212 Sea water 213 2 Saturated brine 226 Nitric acid.. 248 Oil of turpentine 315 Phosphorus 554 Sulphur 570 Sulphuric acid 590 Linseed oil 597 Mercury 648 TEMPERATURE OF FIRE AS INDICATED BY COLOR. The following table may be used for approximating temperature at a glance: where accuracy is required, calorimeter tests should be re- sorted to for temperature. Pouillet. Faint red indicates about. 960 Fahr. Dull Brilliant red Cherry " Bright cherry red Dull orange Bright orange White heat Bright white Brilliant white 1290 1470 1650 1830 2010 2190 2370 2ooO 2730 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDEH, PROVIDENCE. R. I. 96 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. TEMPERATURE BY CALORIMETER. Calorimeter tests for temperatures below the melting point of wrought iron are made in the following manner: A small bar of iron weighing one or two pounds is suspended in a flue or in a fire box, as the caso may be, and is allowed to take the temperature of the sur- rounding hot gas. The time required in any particular case should be determined by experiment. Suppose three bars of similar weight and similarly disposed in a flue or fire box, arc allowed to remain two and one-half minutes, five minutes, and ten minutes respectively, meanwhile the conditions of fire are not materially changed. Then, if the resulting temperatures are substantially alike, the shorter period of time is sufficient to acquire the full temperature of hot gas: if the two longer period bars arc alike in temperature, then five min- utes is known to be a sufficient length of time to acquire the full tem- perature of hot gas. If the ten minute bar shows the greatest temperature then further tests with ten minutes as a mean arc re- quired. In making a preliminary test, the ten minute bar should first he introduced, and five minutes later the five minute bar intro- duced, and two and one-half minutes later the two and one-half minute bar should be introduced. In other words, the bars should all leave the flue or fire box at the same time. The time required to heat the bars to the full temperature of the hot gas, is in an inverse ratio to the temperature of the gas. Thus, if five minutes be .sufficient to acquire a temperature of 2500 F. con- sidderably more time will be required to assume a temperature of 50J F. After determining the time required to acquire the temperature, the operation consists simply in cooling down the bars (respectively) in a known weight of water, noting the temperature of the water before the bar is dropped into it, and after the bar and water have assumed a like temperature. Several bars are used only, that the results of any one test may be more reliable. To illustrate the method: Let w = weight of bar when it enters the water; W = weight of water heated; T = initial temperature of water, and T\ = final tem- perature of water and iron; S the specific heat of water at tem- perature T, Si the specific heat of water at temperatuie T\, and Si the specific heat of iron, which may be taken at .11.18 for nor- mal temperatures. Then range It = T\.S\ T. Sand heat units W R added to water per pound of iron // = and temperature of iron WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. as it entered the water (which, with care, will be sensibly the tem- H perature of the hot gas) Ta = + 2\. Si Desired, the temperature of hot gas over the bridge wall of a steam boiler furnace: Let W= 10 pounds; w = 1 pound; T = 60 F., and T\ = 85 F., then T. S = 60X [1 + 000000309(60 39.1)2] =60.00809 Ti. Si = 85 X [1 + .000000309 (85 39.1)2] = 85.05533 and R = 85 05533 60.00809 = 25.04724 and heat units added per pound of iron 25 04724X10 H = =250 .4724 1 and temperature of bar when it entered the water 250.4724 T 2 = - + 85 .1138 :,286F. The author prefers high temperatures taken in this manner to the readings of an expansion Pyrometer. For temperatures above 3,000 F. Platinum may be substituted for iron, the specific heat of which, ac- cording to Pouillet, is .0382. SPECIFIC MATERIALS. Metals. HEAT. Specific Heat 1138 Authority. 32 212 F " 32 392 F " " 32 572 F .1098 .1150 1218 Petit 572 F 1013 Cobalt 10696 Regnault '' carburetted 11714 Nickel. .1086 ii " carburetted 1119 ii 05695 ,. " Indian 05623 ii Zinc 09555 ii 39 9j9 F .0927 Petit & Dulong. " 32572 F Bra^s .1015 .0939 Regnault. Lead . . .0314 Platinum, sheet .03243 WILLIAM A. HARRIS. BUILDER, PROVIDENCE. R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. MATERIALS. Mela Is. Specific Heat. Authority. Platinum, 32212 F 0335 Petit &. Duloiig . at 572 F 03434 I'ouillet. " 932 F 03518 " 1832 F 03718 " 2192 F 03818 Mercury, solid .0319 Regnault. liquid .03332 32 212 F 033 Petit & Dulong. 32 572 F 035 Antimony. 05077 Regnault. 32 572 F. 0547 Petit & Dulong. Bismuth.. 03084 Regnault. Gold 03244 Silver, 05701 " 32-572F 0611 Petit & Dulong. Manganese 14411 Regnault. Jridium 1887 Tungsten, 03636 Minerals. Marble, gray 2099 Regnault. white 2153 Chalk 21485 Limestone, magnesian 2174 Phosphorus 1887 Bromine .0840 Sulphur 2026 Chloride of lead 06641 zinc 13618 tin .1476 calcium 1642 potassium 1729 sodium 2220 Nitrate of silver 1435 " potash 2387 " soda .2782 Coal 2411 2000 Rankine. " anthracite 201 Regnault. Graphite, natural 2018 " from blast furnaces 497 Charcoal 2415 Coke 2000 Rankine. Magnesia 2216 Regnault. Soda 2311 Liquids. Water at 32 F 10000 Regnault. Olive oil 3096 Lavoisier & Laplace. Sulphuric acid, density 1 87 3346 " 130 6614 Benzine 3932 Regnault. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. gg MATERIALS. Liquids. Specific Heat. Authority. Turpentine, density .872 4720 Despretz. Sulphuric ether, density .76 66 Dalton. Wood spirit 6009 Regnault. Alcohol, density 793 622 Dalton. .81 700 Vinegar 920 Regnault. Bromine 1 .111 Woods. Pine 6500 Mayer. Birch , 4800 Pear 5000 Regnault. Oak 5700 Gases at Constant Pressrue.For Equal Weights. (Water at 32 = 1.0000.) Sulphurous acid 1553 Regnault. Carbonic " 2164 Oxygen 2182 Atmospheric air 2377 Nitrogen 244 " Carbonic oxide 2479 Olefiantgas 3694 " Hydrogen 34046 Vapor of benzine 3754 " alcohol. 4513 " water 4750 " " " turpentine - .5061 " " ammonia 508 Light carburetted hydrogen 5929 " Gases at Constant Volume. For Equal Weights.. (Water at 32 =1.0000.) Sulphurous acid 1246 Regnault. Carbonic " 1714 Oxygen 1559 Atmospheric air 1688 Nitrogen : 1740 Carbonic oxide 1768 Olefiantgas 2992 Hydrogen 24096 Vapor of benzine 3499 " " water .3643 " " alcohol 4124 " " turpentine 4915 " " ammonia .3911 Light carburetted hydrogen 4683 Miscellaneous. Beeswax 4500 Gadolin. Spermaceti 3200 Irvine. Brickwork 2000 Rankine. Glass 1977 Regnault. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE. R. I. 100 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. DISTRIBUTION OF HEAT IN BOILERS AND FURNACES. The following matter is quoted from a report by the author to the Commissioners of the Cincinnati Industrial Exposition of 1879, upon test trials of five, so called, smoke preventing furnaces for steam boilers. DISTRIBUTION OF HEAT. Omitting the capacity of boilers in steam per superficial foot of heating surface per hour, and coal consumption in coal burned per superficial foot of grate per hour, then the best test of absolute and relative merit is the manner in which the heat of combustion was utilized by the several furnaces. Specimen lumps of the coal fired from, during the trials, were sub- mitted to Prof. Kniffler for analysis, with the following results- COMPOSITION OF COAL. Fixed carbon Per cent. 61.038 Volatile matter " " 32750 Sulphur " " 0863 Moisture " " 2.307 Ash " 3 042 Total " " 100.000 The thermal value of the combustible per pound is probably 15,500 units, equivalent to an evaporation from and at 212 Fahrenheit, of 16 045 pounds, from which is deduced the distribution of heat for the several furnaces in thermal units in steam from and at 212 Fahren- heit, and in percentage of total heat in combustible, as follows. WALKER FURNACE. Per cent. 46 076 24 095 1.093 .194 5 000 23 542 15500.000 16.045 100.000 FISHER FURNACE. Thermal units. Steam. Per cent. Steam 4886411 5058 31.525 Chimney gas 7710455 7982 49744 Vapor of water in air 238 775 .247 1 540 Moisture in coal 30330 .031 .196 Combustible gas 1085000 1123 7000 Radiation 1549.029 1.604 9.995 15500.000 16.045 100.000 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Steam Thermal units. Steam. 7141 838 7 393 Chimney gas Vapor of water in air. . . Moisture in ooal Combustible gas Radiation . . .... 3734651 3.866 169516 .175 30129 .031 .... 775.000 .802 . 3648.866 3.778 HARRIS-CORLISS STE*V 101 EUREKA FURNACE ATTACHMENT. Thermal units. Steam. Steam 8384 555 8679 Chimney gas 2616616 2709 Vapor of water in air 75 697 .078 Moisture in coal 29 092 .030 Combustible gas 620 000 642 Radiation 3774040 3907 15500.000 16.045 Per cent. 54 094 16 881 .488 .187 4 000 24 350 100000 Steam Chimney gas, Vapor of water in air. Moisture in coal . . Combustible gas Radiation . . . PRICE FURNACE. Thermal units. 12025 690 1772 842 60 390 28 874 387 500 1224 704 15500.000 Steam. 12 449 1.835 .062 030 401 1 268 16045 Per cent. 77.538 11.437 .389 .186 2 500 7.905 100 000 Steam Chimney gas Vapor of water in air. . Moisture in coal Combustible gas Radiation MURPHY FURNACE. Thermal units. Steam. .. 12487 920 1033 118 32 103 27 086 387 500 1532 273 15500 000 12.928 1.069 .033 .028 .401 1.586 16 045 Percent. 80 567 6.665 .207 .174 2 500 9 887 100 000 The distribution of the heat in the several furnaces has been cal- culated in the following manner: HEAT IN STEAM. Let S represent the steam furnished per pound of coal from and at 212 Fahr., and c the combustible in decimal of the net coal charged; S then, = S' = the steam furnished per pound of combustible. c Each pound of steam from and at 212 F. contains 966 thermal units, and 966 S' = T = thermal units found in the steam per pound of com- 9665' bustible, and = K = decimal of total heat found in the steam. 15500 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 102 ; _ HARETS-'COKLISS STEAM ENGINES. HEAT IN CHIMNEY GAS. Let Tbe the temperature of the gas in front connection, and t the temperature of external air. Let A equal the weight of hot gas per pound of combustible. The mean specific heat of the gas is probably .238; then A (T t) .238 = H = thermal units accounted for per pound // of combustible in the hot gas; and = S' = steam from and at 212 06(5 Fahrenheit, represented by the heat resident in the hot gas as it en- H tcred the chimney; and = K = decimal of the total heat found 15500 in the waste gases. The weight (34 7898 pounds) of air per pound of combustible, charged to the Fisher Furnace, does not include the air that entered the fur- nace through and behind the bridge wall. From the area of openings through and behind the bridge wall, it is estimated that the weight of air thus conducted into the furnace was equal to the quantity required to support combustion, whence the weight of hot gas passing up the chimney becomes (weight of air entering fire chamber X 2) -f 1. HEAT IN VAPOR OF WATER. Let g be the weight in grains of the vapor of water in a cubic foot of air at maximum saturation, as shown by temperature of deposition on the hygrometer, and C the correction for the absolute dryness ob- g served, according to Mr. Foggo; then = g' = the weight in grains of C the vapor of Water per cubic foot of air supplied to the furnace. Let IF be the weight per cubic foot of water at temperature of air. and 815 the ratio of the weight of water to air at same temperature and pres- W 1 sure; then = TF' = the weight of a cubic foot of air, and = V = 815 W g' V cubic feet of air per pound: then = D weight in decimal of 7000 pound of the vapor of water per pound of air supplied to the furnace. The values of the vapor of water per pound of air supplied, in the data from the trials, were calculated m accordance with these formulae. Let A, as before, be the weight of hot gas per pound of combustible passing up the chimney; then A 1 = A' = the weight of hot gas due the air. Let T be the temperature of hot gas, and t the temperature of external air. The mean specific heat of the vapor is probably .4805; WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 13 .547 .531 .523 .418 .402 .346 .323 Eider Down ................................................. " .314 Blotting Paper ............................................... ' .274 Let T= temperature of the hotter surface of a wall or plate and T = temperature of opposite surface, t = thickness of same in inches, ** .50 .36 max. ) " " 70 .48 min. i Water. .65 " ' " mean> .68 .25 max. 7 " .71 mean min. i Hogs lard. Tallow. .21 .14 .07 .06 mean> .19 .07 max. ) " 25 08 min. } Polished & greasy. .30 .08 ' " mean> 14 .as .12 ' max. ) II .1 .40 .15 " metal Dry Surfaces. .60 42 ti ' Water. .65 .24 < It Hogs lard. .12 .07 1 Tallow. 12 08 f! Polished & greasv. .10 Metal on metal, min. i Dry. .15 .15 " mean> .18 .18 max.) .24 .24 " min. i Olive oil. .11 .06 ' ' mean> .12 .07 max. > .16 .08 ' ' mean Hogs lard. .10 .09 i i it Tallow. .11 .09 i ii Polished & greasy. .10 Thick sole leather on wood on edge ) Dry. 43 .34 1 . * ' flat \ .62 54 Water. .62 31 " ' flat i 44 .80 36 on edge { Olive oil. it *4 .12 .13 Stone on stone polished, min. ) Dry. .67 " max. i .75 " " wrought iron, min. l .42 " max.i .49 Hemp in ropes on wood, min. ) .42 .49 .45 " max. ) .64 " " " " " mean \\ ater. 33 Bronze on lignum vitae (Rankine.) .05 Smooth surfaces Random lubrica'n .075 ii ii Continuous " .050 " best results " ii S = 75 X I ' = 675 square feet. Then .33 X 150,000 X 10 P = = 19.555 pounds for square chimnev, and 37.5X675 .25 X 150,000 X 10 29.63 pounds for round or octagon chimney. 675 37. 5 X 2 Omitting the single item of cost, round or octagonal chimneys are to be preferred to square ones as offering a greater stability and draught efficiency for a given cross section and height, and as present- ing a more sightly appearance. Mr. Bourne offers the following formulae for cross section of chim- ney (flue or core): WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. C12 = A cross sectioii of flue in inches. Where C = coal in pounds burned in entire grate per hour, and h =* height of chimney from surface of grate. A" chimney 90 feet high connected with a boiler having 60 square feet of grate surface burning 15 pounds of coal per square foot of grate per hour, according to Bourne, should have a minimum cross section of flue, of 900X12 1139.2 square inches. The author thinks above dimensions too small for good results, and suggests the following formula as representing his practice for bitu- minous coal, at average rates of consumption for natural draught (15 to 25 pounds per square foot of grate per hour): 1.80 V* Where A = area of chimney flue, in square feet, at smallest section, g area of grate surface in square feet, and h = effective height of chimney in feet. Applying this formula to above data, the area of flue becomes 1.85X60 = 11 71 X 144 = 1686.24 square inches. >'90~ The forms in cross section generally adopted are square, round, or octagon. Sheet iron chimneys are to be avoided, excepting for temporary uses. Iron chimneys, however, with an outer and inner shell, and a non- circulating jacket space between, will give better results in efficiency than brick chimneys of same height and diameter; but will not com- pare with the latter for strength and durability. The following table from Smeaton, gives the pressure in pounds per square foot of perpendicular surface for different gales of wind: Velocity, miles per hour. Pressure. Velocity, miles per hour. Pressure. 1 2 3 4 5 10 12) 15 .005 020 .045 .080 .125 .500 .781 1.125 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 2 000 3 125 4 500 8 000 12 500 18 0.0 32 000 50 000 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 318 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. The figure is a reduced vertical section of an octagon chimney, de- signed by the author for the Cincin- nati Gas Light and Coke Company, for two sectional boilers of 900 square feet of heating surface each; burning coke breeze. The following are the principal dimensions: Height from boiler room floor to top.. ..................... 91 ft. 6" Depth of foundation ..... ____ 10 ft. 0" Least cross section of flue ____ 12 sq. ft. Thickness of shaft A to B ... 21 " " " B " C. ... 16.5 ' " " C " D.... 12.75' " " D " E.... 9. " QUANTITIES OF MATERIAL. Brickwork, bricks ............. 105240 Ashlar courses, foundation, perches . . ................. 19.44 Rubble work, foundation, perches ..................... 110.16 ESTIMATED BASE LOADS. Per sq. ft. of brickwork . .1 .634 tons. " " foundation. .1590 " " " core ..... 2.635 " WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 119 FURNACES AND BOILERS. PERFORMANCE. Experimental data on the conditions calculated for maximum econ- omy in the performance of boilers and furnaces are very limited, and what we have, by no means reconcile the various opinions that have for years prevailed upon the subject of boiler and furnace construction. From Mr. Pole we have the statement that the average performance of Cornish boilers thirty years ago, was 10.75 pounds per pound of coal, with Welsh coals. We have many varieties of coal in the United States that are equal to the Welsh coal, and the average evaporation of American boilers is considerably less than eight pounds per pound of coal. The care with which a boiler is set and operated has much to do with the consumption of fuel, and perhaps the low cost of coal in many localities has made boiler constructors indifferent to the economy of performance. However this may be, there can be no good reason why the development of boiler and furnace economy should not keep pace with the improvement of the engine. According to Mr. D. K. Clark, in discussing boiler and fuinace econ- omy, "the efficiency decreases directly as the grate surface in- creases as the square of the heating surface (with the same area of grate and efficiency of fuel;; the necessary heating surface increases as the square root of the performance, or for a fourfold performance a twofold heating surface is required. The heating surface also in- creases as the square root of the grate with the same efficiency of fuel ; thus, if the grate area be increased four times, the heating sur- face should be doubled." From numerous experiments on locomotive boilers it appears that the ratio of heating to grate surface can never be in excess, while it may be too low for average economy. In fire-box boilers, when the hot gas passes through a set of horizontal tubes to the chimney, such as a locomotive or portable boiler, nearly CO per cent of the evapo- ration is due to the heating surface surrounding the fire-box, and only 40 per cent to the tubes. In the ordinary portable boiler for farm use the heating surfaces surrounding the fire-box furnishes over 75 per cent of the evaporation. From Peclet's deductions, it appears that the course of the hot gas should be from above downwards. Dr. Pole entertains the same opin- ion. The Cornish and Lancashire boilers carry out this principle, the coal being charged into furnaces placed at the forward end of the flues or tube, the hot gas passing aft through the tube, WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 120 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. thence down and forward under the shell of the boiler, thence to the chimney. Fire-box drop flue boilers are similarly constructed, except the hot gas- passes aft through an upper series of tubes, passes forward through a lower series of tubes, and then passes back under the shell, making nearly three lengths of the boiler in its circuit. With the ordinary return flue boiler, such as are largely in use in the West, length seems to regulate the economy of performance. Re- ferring to the table of boiler and furnace performance, the J. W. G. & Co. boilers were set in miserable furnaces; the bridge walls were broken down, and the side walls cracked and leaking; and by test, at least 12 per cent more of the colorific value of the fuel could have been utilized, by reducing the temperature of waste gas (as it passed into the chimney) to 500 degrees Fahr. The lack of bridge wall, and failure to provide against radiation in the side walls of furnace, en- tailed a farther loss of 10 per cent; whence the evaporation in this 8.365 case would become = 10.72 pounds, per pound of coal. The E. P. .78 A. & Co. furnace and boiler were in excellent condition, and the evaporation of 8.307 pounds is a maximum for an equivalent arrange- ment. It is not possible to furnish laws that will apply to the performance of boilers already in use, or to be used for the construction of furnaces and boilers in the future; as experience has shown that too many elements beyond qualification are embodied in the problem. But the following gcner.il suggestions may be useful to those having occasion to construct new boilers. Horizontal tubular boilers are to be preferred for economy, but, when used with bituminous coal, the tubes must be attended to fre- quently, to avoid accumulation of soot, the detrimental effect of which is dual: first, in diminishing the effective heating surface, and second, in diminishing the effective draught, by the largely increased frictional resistance of the sooted surfaces. The predjudice enter- tained by some steam users (upon the score of safety) against tubular boilers is purely chimerical, a properly designed tubular boiler of same dimensions and material of shell, being in all respects as safe as a flue or cylinder boiler. In banking the tubes in a tubular boiler, care should be had to give ample space between tubes, and between the tubes and shell, for cleaning. The tubes should nowhere ap- proach the shell closer than 5 or 6 inches, and a clear space of 14 to 16 inches should be allowed under the lower row of tubes. The figure is a reduced transverse section, of horizontal tubular boiler of Otis steel, designed by the author for the Carlisle Building of Cincinnati. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 121 WATER __. ooooboobo o___P_ o_o o o o qo_ "b 6 o o o 6 o 7 b bob" r s'O O O O O O O O O O O LENGTH, 18 FEET. Vertical tubular boilers are very wasteful of fuel, and should never be adopted to furnish steam for engines of any magnitude. When a boiler is very limited in length, then the fire-box drop flue style will be found to give the best results. This pattern, however, should never be used with bituminous coal, unless the combustion be practically perfect, as the rapid deposit of soot would destroy the efficiency, and render it very wasteful of fuel. The capacity of a boiler should be expressed in its evaporation per square foot per hour. The term H. P. has no application to a steam boiler, from the fact that what would be a twenty H. P. boiler with one engine, might be sixty H. P. with another engine. The evapora- tion per square foot of heating surface varies in different forms of boilers. The maximum obtained by the author with return flue boil- ers is 6 pounds. The average, however, is about 3 pounds. A boiler 20' long, 42" diameter, 2 15" flues, has about 300 square feet of heating surface; and, with an evaporation of 3 pounds per square foot, would furnish 900 pounds of steam per hour. With a first-class slide valve engine, well proportioned to its load, the water (steam) WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I, 122 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 900 per H. P. per hour would be 45, hence capacity of boiler = 20 H. P. If the boiler was connected with a Harris-Corliss Engine using 25 pounds of steam per H. P. per hour, then its capacity would be in- 000 creased to = 30 II. P. This boiler should have from 10 to 12 square 25 feet of grate surface, burning about 10 pounds of coal per square foot of grate per hour. Suppose we require the dimensions of heating and grate surface for a pair of boilers and furnace, to furnish steam to an engine of 100 II. P., using 45 pounds of steam per II. P. per hour. The average of American coals will, with well porportioned boilers and furnaces, furnish 9 pounds of steam per pound of coal; hence coal 100 X 45 burned per hour = 500 pounds; and, with a consumption of 15 9 pounds per square foot of grate per hour, we should have 33.33 square feet, or a grate 4.5' deep X 7.5' wide. Assuming the heating surface capable of evaporating 3 pounds per square foot per hour, the combined heating surface of two boilers should be 1,500 square feet, and the ratio of heating to grate surface becomes 45. Furnaces and boilers should always be adapted to the location, fuel to be burned, and economy of engine: and it will always be profitable to those desiring new boilers and furnaces to have plans for both from a competent engineer. The performance of a steam boiler is usually estimated on the con- version of Avater into saturated steam, from 212 Fahr. and at pressure of atmosphere. Thus we reconcile the differences in temperature of feed water and evaporation. The coal burned is always an uncertain element, and a proper test of a boiler is to base the efficiency on the combustible. When the test is of the efficiency of the coal, then the evaporation should be based on the total coal burned to gas, or ash, and no allowance should be made for non-combustible. Steam boilers, except when the waste heat from blast or puddling furnaces is utilized for making steam, are always worked in conjunc- tion with a furnace of some description, and it is customary to con- sider the performance of boiler and furnace as a whole. The function of the furnace is to produce the largest percentage of carbonic acid from a given weight of fuel, and with the greatest possible elevation of temperature of the products of combustion. Every pound of air in excess of that necessary for combustion that enters the furnace and passes out of the chimney, takes up a certain quantity of heat that otherwise Avould be utilized in making steam, and diminishes the temperature. The function of the boiler is 1o absorb and transmit to the water the WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 123 heat due to the action of the furnace. When a test is simply one of relative efficiency of boiler; then, when it is practicable, the same fur- nace should be used; and when it is a test of relative efficiency of fur- nace, the same boiler should be used. In marine and fire-box boilers the design is continuous, and these distinctions can not successfully apply. But when tests are for ultimate efficiency, then they should be conducted in such a manner that the performance of the boiler may be separated from that of the furnace; and conversely we should be able to estimate the performance of furnace, independent of the performance of boiler. It has been the custom, up to a very recent period, to estimate the efficiency of boilers upon the quantity of water pumped in. But all such tests, with our present knowledge, are worthless, as the primage is one of the most important factors in the problem. Every boiler should be designed to furnish saturated steam; and when the boiler is incompetent to do this, then a steam-chimney should be added, and the dryness limited to saturation, or a few degrees above. Furnaces using previously heated air for combustion are to be pre- ferred, when no loss of heat is occasioned in elevating the tempera- ture of the air. Smoke-prevention, in furnaces burning bituminous coal, has long been a favorite scheme with inventors; but it is extremely doubtful if success in this direction will ever be attained. Smoke-prevention, while within the bounds of possibility, is beset by so many obstacles that the task of attempting it is almost as much of an ignus fatuus as the mobile perpetwim. The supposition that smoke is an evidence of imperfect combustion is only partially true, as many English experiments on furnaces show that the loss of efficiency is very small with an intelligent_working of the fires and, in many cases, almost inappreciable. Chemical analy- sis of the products of combustion, of well designed steam boiler fur- naces, properly worked, has shown that the percentage of carbonic oxide is small, and the proportion of free carbon too minute to be of any practical value. It is not difficult to construct a furnace that will give good results with anthracite coal, as we have but a single combustible element to deal with. But with bituminous coal we have the volatile matter, and the carbon to work: and a furnace properly adapted to work the gases can not be equally efficient with the carbon, and conversely a furnace calculated for maximum efficiency of carbon will yield but indifferent results in the combustion of the gases. Furnaces for bituminous coal, upon the oven principle, when com- bustion is effected under a fire brick arch and out of contact with the boiler, are moderately successful in the prevention of smoke, but are objectionable, owing to the exalted temperature of the hot gas im- pinging upon the shell or tubes of the boiler. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE. R. I. 124 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. FURNACE AND BOILER TRIALS. FLUE BOILERS. TO" Location. O Designation Boilers. 8 1 g. Cincinnati.. 1875 Ashcroft .... Baum.. 140" X 22' 2 14" flues. . . 140" X 22' 2 14" flues 337.74 288.42 New York.''. " Hoyt Cylinder drop flue 530 00 530 00 " "... 1876 " .( 530 00 Cincinnati.. . 1877 J.W G. &Co. H 46" X 32' 2 17" flues, each. J3 46" X 32' 2 16" flues, each. 2166 72 1274.79 " ' E.D. A. &Co. 248" X20' j^Z" flues! each 882 80 " McN. &U.... 1-48" X28' jJl^'IflSesi 624 58 Indianapolis G. it Co 2-54" X 20' It^Siij each.. 931.08 " " " 2-54" X 20' \~ l v', flJJIsJ each . 931 08 Hamilton.. . " Ordinary . . 1 4S" X 30' 2 18" flues. .. 520.70 " .... " Jenks 148" X 30'-2 18" flues 520 . 70 (1 14" flue Cincinnati.. " M. F. & Co . . 248'' X 24' <2 10" flues> each.. 1.056.31 (2 9" flues) " " Moerlein .... 242" X 24' 2 14" flues, each . . 683 70 " " Fisher i io,f v f)Ai 1210" flues/ -48 X24 J 4 _g flueg { 519.45 Bethalto .... 1879 M. & G 342" X 26' 4 10" flues, each. 1355 77 " " 342" X 26' 4 10J' flues, each. . . L355 . 77 Alton, Ills.. " D. R.S. & Co. 2-48" X26' jJz}j^/flSJJj each.. 1201.47 " " " 2-48" X26' [2 15" flues each 1201.47 Waterloo, 111 C. & E. 5-39" X 24'-2-14" flues, each.. 1480 32 Ht. Louis. . " A. M. Co 5 48" X 26' 4 14' flues, each.. 2764.16 Cincinnati.. . C. W. W.... 2 _ 48 , X24 .^-io; jiu g j each 1082.98 " 1880 Warden 2-48" X 24' J2_,' {JJJ|^| each 1082.98 " Hutchinson 2-48" X 24' \\~ l % flJJ^j each. 1082 9S Evansville . . 1881 E. W. W 248" X 16' 12 6" flues, each 932 01 " " " 248" X 16' 12 6" flues, each. 932 01 Newport .... 1882 s. i. &s.'w^ Gearing 248" X28' 2 16" flues, each.. 218" X 28' 2 16" flues, each . . 895.84 895 84 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, II. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 125 FURNACE AND BOILER TRIALS. FLUE BOILERS. o i sa O o ", GC a: z .^ oo ts -i ; 7 r* O * 27 210 14.300 35.333 35-333 35.333 26.337 21 292 24.174 12 400 13.93 19.10 16.8 j 16.516 5.046 4 534 4.50 4.92 4 72 4 844 Straitsville, Ohio. Maryland Coal. American Cauuel. Maryland Coal. Pittsburgh, No. 2. 7.761 7.062 10 6-10 9 36 11 200 8.365 Expert's report. Pkeel. Author. 38.00 23 23 " 8.307 " 20.25 30.8-10 7 704 38. (X)|24. 520 11.34 2.115 Highland, Ind. 5.212 " 38.00 24.520 15.84 3.159 'V, 5.240 " 22.50 22.50 23.360 23.360 Pittsburgh, No. 2. 4 770 6 831 " 24. Oo! 14. 013 " 7.258 ' 37. 5S 18.195 ' 7.875 " 16 64 31.97 11.214 1.926 " 4.828 " 51 00 51.00 26.58 26.58 2Ji n ;ai sc 3 """ ?t c 5 ~ = C >-n ?r<3 A x3 a : gg 1 ?3 olc Coal Burned. si^j Authority. M ' rZ *~ /. '" l 03* "* Is * S : a ~ O P? 7 r* ro^X : |s 37.75 8 50 24 200 51 800 9 71 12 10 3 10 1 92 Buck Mountain. 10 400 11 340 Tliurston. 28 33 34 015 13 413 2 760 Pittsburgh, No. 2. 7 000 Author. 24 00 36 673 14 250 3 131 8.392 " 22 50 36 58 11 973 3 894 " 11.898 11 10 50 31 22 7 419 2 958 12 450 < 46 12 34 80 10 95 2 391 Massillon. 8 905 ' 10 00 32 59 3 243 1 064 Briar Hill. 11 416 ' 51 75 29 70 10 300 3 022 Wilmington, 111 9 639 ' 62 92 44 87 10 160 1 773 Pittsburgh, No. 2. 8 358 ' 18 00 42 12 22 806 3 421 Erie Coal. 6 789 ' 57.00 51 89 5 883 1.193 Lackawanna. 11 286 ' LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. 25.40 25 40 38 70; t 38 700 12 303 11 071 1 908 2 377 Pittsburgh, No. 2. 6 (65 7 167 Author. 15 09 59 647 83 913 9 963 8 360 15 09 59 647 171 822 13 015 5 344 15 09 59 647 117.272 12 241 7 300 " 1.983 50 43 33 31 5 52 9 250 " 11 332 25 903 43 053 8 493 5 024 7.216 41 670 41 343 9 886 8 820 7 216 41 670 50 945 9 774 8 001 13 91 15 05 70 764 71 297 146 288 66 131 9 515 6 417 Washington, Ind. Hocking Valley. 4 605 7 957 M 15 05 71 297 72 773 6.911 * 7 905 ** 55 63 31 799 18 601 3 31 Coke Breeze. 6 005 " 55 63 31.799 17 836 3 544 Kanawha *lack. 6 486 * TUBULOUS SAFETY BOILERS. 27 00 32 25 32 500- 11 73 28 500] 13 88 2 6-5 3 59 Buck Mountain. 10 640 10 600 Thurston. 23 00 26 1001 10 13 2.83 ' 10 490 96 77 29 000 Washinetonville. 5 795 Author. 30 50 53 54 19 562 2 384 Erie Coal. 7 037 30 50 53 54 15 665 1 940 6 633 * 49 83 33 692 18 477 3 689 Pittsburgh Coal. 7 877 ' 43.74 60 352 27 433 4 042 9 880 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 128 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. DUTY OF PUMPING ENGINES. The term " duty " is a measure of the efficiency of an engine, and is based upon the delivery of water.into the head (plus the friction of the rising pipes), per hundred pounds of coal. It is customary to ex- press duty in foot pounds. The method usually employed neglects the actual delivery of water, and head, against which the pump works, but assumes that the area of the pump piston, X the average pressure or head pumped against measured to level of water in the pumping well (and the pressure due friction), X the lineal travel of the piston, represents the work done, and this divided by one pound of coal for each hundred burned represents the duty; or, by formula, A XPXF D = X 100 c when A = area of pump piston, P = load in pounds pressure per square inch, F = stroke of piston in feet into twice the revolutions or double strokes, C = coal consumed for travel of piston ^F). The following data is from contract trial of Simpson compound pumping engine, built by E. P. Allis & Co., for the city of Milwaukee. Diameter of pump, 3 33 feet; stroke, 7 feet; revolutions, 39,143; load per square inch of piston, 72 503 pounds; and coal fired, 64,750 pounds. The duty, by calculation, becomes 1254.13 X 72.503 X 548,002 = 76,955, 720 foot pounds. 647.50 This method is employed in estimating the duty when the engine pumps directly into the mains, or into a stand-pipe. When the de~ livery of water is into a reservoir, the following method is employed. The delivery of water into the reservoir is noted either by weir measurements, or by calculating cubic contents of reservoir at be- ginning and at end of trial, or by estimating theoretical delivery of pumps, and allowing a uniform slip (to be determined by experiment)- When the delivery of water is very regular, or subject to slight fluctuations, the weir measure is the most delicate test of discharge, and when several engines are delivering into the same reservoir at the same time, the weir measurement is absolutely necessary. When the discharge is determined by measurements of the reservoir at be- ginning and at end of trial, previous and subsequent observations should be made of the loss of wafer by leakage and surface evapora- tion, and the discharge from force main corrected accordingly. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 129 When the actual delivery of water is made the basis for estimating the duty, the lift is taken, either by difference of levels of water in pump well and reservoir, or by taking the pressure on the rising main in the engine house, and adding the difference of levels between the gauge and water in the well; to this is added an allowance for f fic- tional resistances between the gauge and well. The delivery is usu- ally reduced to gallons, and the weight of water at mean observed temperature, accurately determined. Then, by formula, G X W X H D = X 100 c where G = discharge in gallons during trial, Tf'= weight per gallon, // = constant head in feet to which the water is delivered, and C = coal burned, as before. The following data is from the contract trial of the Lawrence, Mass., Pumping Engine (Leavitt, compound), built' by I. P. Morris & Co., Philadelphia: Discharge by weir measurement, 4,527,340 gallons. Weight per gallon, 8 38 pounds. Lift, including allowance for friction, 175.47 feet Coal consumed. 7,266 pounds. 4,527,340 X 8 38 X 175 47 X 100 = 91,620,912 7,266 to which add 5 per cent (contract allowance for slip), when the duty becomes, 96,201,956 .84 foot pounds. Another method of estimating the duty is to determine the mean resistance against which the pump works (including vacuum neces- sary to lift the water from the pump well), by indicator diagram. This constitutes the lift. The delivery of water may be determined by actual measurement, when this is practicable, or by calculating the capacity of the pump, and deducting assumed slip. The slip, or loss of action of the pump (being the difference between the calculated and actual delivery). The contract allowance for f rictional resistances of water passages into and out of pumps ranges from one to two pounds. An allowance of one pound (2 308 feet), for f rictional resistances of water passages into and out of pump, is ample for well constructed waterways; but there are many instances where the volume of flow and water passages are so badly proportioned that a resistance of sev- eral pounds is occasioned by the friction of water entry and exit. (See remarks on Warden compound engine.) WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 130 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. LOSS OF ACTION OR SLIP OF PUMPS. (In percentage of calculated delivery.) LOCATION. ENGINES. SLIP. AUTHORITY. Cincinnati. Combination Engine. 8 73 Hermany. Harkness 6 60 Powell 8.54 Redemption " 796 Warden Compound Engine. 7 693) .,, 7 591 i Hm< Trenton. Wright 3 58 Slade. Lynn. Milwaukee. Leavitt. Hamilton 3 .99 Worthen. 226 Memphis. Gaskill No. 1. 2.43 Hill. * * No. 2. 244 Providence. Corliss Pettaconsett. 50 Grav. Trov. Buffalo. Philadelphia. Lowell. Holly & Gaskill Engine. Worthington Comp. Engine. 380 Greene. 734 Hill. 150 Board of Experts. 225 Evans. Lawrence. Simpson Compound Engine. Leavitt 2 52 Board of Experts. 523 Worthen. Brooklyn. Engine No. 1. 200 Kirkwood. " " No. 2. 1.50 " " No. 3. 2 50 Salem, Mass. Worthington Comp. Engine. Q ioe $ Journal Am. Soc. A 125 Civil Engineers. Providence it a 250 Jersey City. Cornish Beam Engine. 914 Hartford. Single Cyl. 6.20 EFFICIENCY OF PUMPING ENGINES. The following data is from the experiments of M. Tresca, Paris, upon a double-acting piston pump, containing two barrels connected at the bottom by a water passage, and each piston provided with a single series of valves. Those of the first piston opening downward, and those of the second piston opening upward; the water entered at the top of the first cylinder, passed downward through the first piston, thence upward through the second cylinder and piston, and out at the top of the second cylinder. The pistons were each 18 inches diameter and of 6 inches stroke. The pump was worked at different rates of speed, and under press- ures (heads) ranging from 1 to 5 4. The efficiency, and ratio of water discharged to calculated displacement of pistons, being observed for the several speeds and heads. It will be observed that Tresca has proven by experiment what was previously believed to be true that the efficiency of pumping en- gines is directly as a function of the head, and that the loss of action was no greater at moderately high speeds than at low speed, and was practically unaffected by the head pumped against. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 131 It is evident that as the frictional resistance of a steam engine (omitting extra friction due to load) is a constant quantity for any given speed without regard to load that the percentage of this loss is a constantly diminishing quantity (within reasonable limits) with in- crease of load. And that pumping engines, with ample strength and wearing surfaces, should increase in efficiency (duty), with increase of head. Revolutions per minute. 33 00 42 40 65 08 60.55 Averages. 23 75 45 48 60 00 Total Head Feet. Efficiency. 39.62 43 75 40 50 55 00 28.00 31 00 24 33 52 68 32 50 55 00 50 00 61.98 55.00 14 10 14 10 14 10 16.63 ..14.73 23.22 24 9:5 27.32 Averages 25 . 16 33.54 33 54 33 39 35.55 35.55 Averages 34.31 42 80 45.62 45.62 46.28 46.97 49.33 51.00 75 44 Averages 50.38 43 1 43.1 44.7 53 7 46.1 63.7 53.0 53.0 56.6 69 61 2 63 2 71 4 66.2 73.7 71.0 66 5 70.4 71 .68.7 70.4 70.7 Ratio of Dis- charge to Dis- placement of Pump. J6.0 97.2 92 94.5 94 92 95.7 95 4 95~55 97.6 98 1 91 4 95 4 91 2 94.74 93.9 89 8 95.3 91 7 94 8 95.8 90.5 92 5 93.04 FRICTIONAL RESISTANCE OF WATER PASSAGES INTO AND OUT OF PUMPS. This load or head which ranges in contracts for pumping engines for public water supply from one to tico pounds is the difference be- tween the apparent head pumped against as measured from the source of supply, and the net absolute head as read from an indicator diagram. The head in the suction pipe may be taken either by a vacuum gauge, WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE. R. I. 132 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. or pressure gauge, dependent upon circumstances; if the water is lifted from a well by a vacuum gauge, and if taken underpressure as from an elevated reservoir by a pressure gauge. Suppose the barometer reads 30 inches, or 14.727 pounds, and the vacuum gauge on suction pipe of pump indicates 15 inches, or 14 .727 7 .3635 = 7 .3035 pounds, absolute head; and pressure gauge on discharge main near pump in- dicates 75 pounds, then apparent head pumped against, is (75 + 14.727) 7.3635 = 82.3635 pounds. Suppose the absolute head (as read from the indicator diagram), upon suction side of pump, is 14 inches or 6. 8723 pounds, and abso- lute head upon discharge side of pump 90 pounds, then total head pumped against is 90 6.8723 = 83.1277 pounds, and frictional resistance of water passages is 83.127782.3635 = .7642 pound, or 1.7638 feet, of which loss 7.3635 6.8723= .4912 pound is friction of entry, and 90 (75 + 14.727) = .273 pound is friction of exit. (From Author's Report on Warden Compound Engine.) "From a series of twenty-five diagrams from the upper end, and twenty-live diagrams from the lower end of pump driven by the high pressure engine, taken during the last four hours of the trial, it appears that the mean pressure upon the pump piston was 123.32 pounds per superficial inch of exposed surface, corresponding to a water head of 123.32 X 2.308 = 284.62 feet. " During the interval when water diagrams were taken, the press- ure gauges on the suction and force pipes were read every minute, from which is deduced as a mean head on force pipe (136.5 X 2.308) + 12.5 = 327.54 feet, and on the suction pipe (22.5 X 2.308) + 12.5 = 64.43 feet, and net head pumped against during the time high pressure (engine) water diagrams were taken, as measured in the force main to the center of pump cylinder, was . 327.51 64 43 = 263.11 feet, and pressure per superficial inch of pump ^piston required to open WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 133 the suction and delivery valves, and overcome the factional resist- ance of water passages into and out of the pump, becomes 284 62 2f>3 11 = 9 32 pounds. 2.308 Of this pressure 27.916 21 56.-= 6.356 pounds, was expended in lifting the suction valve and overcoming the friction of entry, and 144 . 88 141 916 = 2 964 pounds, was expended in opening the delivery valve and overcoming the fric- tion of exit. " Twenty-five diagrams also were taken from each end of the pump worked by the low pressure engine, during the last four hours of the trial, from which is obtained, as the mean pressure per superficial inch of pump piston, 128 45 pounds, corresponding to a water head of 128.45 X 2 308 = 296.46 feet. "The mean readings of pressure gauges on water mains during the interval of time, whilst low pressure (engine) water diagrams were taken, were for suction pipe 22 pounds, and for force pipe 137 pounds, from which is deduced, as a mean head on the force pipe (137 X 2.308) + 12.5 = 328.69 feet, and on the suction pipe (22 X 2.308) + 12.5 = 63.27 feet; and net head against which water was pumped during the time water diagrams from low pressure (engine) pump were taken, as measured in the force main to center of pump cylinder, becomes 328.65 63.27 = 265.42 feet, and pressure per superficial inch of pump piston required to open the suction and delivery valves, and overcome the frictioiial resist- ance of water passages into and out of the pump, was 296 46 265 42 = 13.45 pounds, 2.308 of this pressure, 27.416 18.60 = 8.816 pounds was expended in lifting the inlet valve and overcoming the friction of entry, and 147 . 05 142 416 = 4 634 pounds was expended in lifting the outlet valve and overcoming "the friction WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. of exit. The usual allowance is one pound pressure per superficial inch of pump piston for overcoming frictional resistances in the 9 pump, and in moving the valves; or about of the pressure re- 100 quired in the pumps of this engine. "The relative thickness of rubber valves in use in these pumps, made necessary by the head against which the pumps work, together with the cramped arrangement of inlet and outlet connections are responsible for the serious loss of power in filling and discharging the pumps. CAPACITY TESTS OF PUMPING ENGINE. The following matter is quoted from the author's report teethe Water Company of Memphis, Tennessee, and the water commissioners of Buffalo, New York, upon the capacity performance of the Gaskill and the Worthington compound pumping engines, respectively: Gaskill Compound Pumping Engine. The contract provides that each engine shall be capable of pumping 4,000,000 gallons in twenty-four (24) hours, at a piston speed of one hundred and fifty-five (155) feet, and that this work shall be done easily, without overstrain of any part of the machine. The specification provides that this quantity of water shall be de- livered against a head as indicated upon the water pressure gauge of sixty-five (65) pounds, and that the discharge shall be measured over a weir. The original specification provides that the vertical distance from the engine room floor to low water mark shall be forty-two (42) feet, and vertical distance from said datum to center of water pressure gauge shall be six (G) feet, or total difference of low water mark and water pressure gauge forty eight (48) feet. In the construction of the pump house the engine room floor was elevated 72.36 feet above low water mark, and the water pressure gauge was located 8.28 feet above engine room floor, making total distance from center of water pressure gauge to low water mark 80 64 feet, or 32. 64 feet higher than provided in the original specification The difference in elevation equivalent to a pressure of 14.2 pounds per square inch must be deducted from the pressure by gauge against which the engines are required to puhip by the specification, in order ihatthe actual head pumped against for capacity test shall equal the head provided by the terms of contract. The minimum gauge pressure for capacity tests was accordingly WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 135 fixed at fifty-one (51) pounds, which pressure was obtained by par- tially closing a stop valve in the discharge pipe. The engines pump into the mains upon the direct supply system, and the cutting of the principal distribution main for the purpose of weir measurements involved a stoppage of the machinery for several days and a corresponding loss of water to the consumers ; upon consul- tation with the water company and the contractor, it was decided to abandon the weir measurements, and test the capacity of the engine by pumping into the small reservoir at the pumping station; in fur- therance of this plan the distribution main was cut, and a new stop valve inserted beyond the branch leading to the reservoir, in order that all leakage should be confined to the reservoir proper and its immediate connections. The reservoir was measured for the purpose of the capacity trials, and found to have the following dimensions at the surface of the banks: Length, mean of both sides 2556 feet. Width, mean of both ends. 130.925 " Depth . 15775 " Angle of inside slope . 35 45' The corners of the reservoir are 90 arcs of circles to which the sides and ends are tangent, with a radius of 19 feet at the surface of the banks, and at the bottom of the slope, where the horizontal section is a true rectangle. To determine the leakage of the reservoir, all connections therewith were closed, and the level carefully taken at 3:00 P. M.. January 8th, and again at 5:00 P. M., two (2) hours later. 3:00 p. M., head on reservoir gauge 1273 feet. 5:00 P.M., " " " 127092 " Reduction of head in two hours 02083 " From this data and the reservoir measurements, above given, the leakage is estimated as 631 349 cubic feet for two hours, or at the rate of 2361 .25 gallons per hour at observed head. The duration of the capacity trials was fixed at five (5) hours for each engine, during which time all water pumped was delivered into the reservoir. The capacity trial of engine No. 1 began at 12:17 A. M., January 10th, and terminated at 5:17 A. M., same date, with the following results: Engine Counter at 12:17 A. M 93624 " 5:17 A.M 10ia33 Revolutions in 5 hours 7734 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I, HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. and piston speed 7734 = 154 68 feet per minute. 50 Water pressure gauge. Minimum reading, corrected 56 15 Maximum " " 61 fi5 Mean of eleven readings 58.55 Data. from reservoir. Head in reservoir, at 12:17 A. M 8.5 feet. " 5:17 A. M 12.917 '" Head added, in five hours 4.417 " The surface area of the reservoir at head of 8.5 feet, computed from data, is 25,967.735 square feet, at head of 12.917 feet is 30,249.893 square feet, and midway between these heads is 27,961 022 square feet. . Then by prismoidal formula the water added to reservoir was (27,961 .022 X 4) + 25,967 .735 + 30.249 .893 X 4 .417 X 7 .48 = 925,436. 32 galls. 6 To which must be added the leakage of reservoir for a period of five (5) hours, or 2,361. 25 X 1/10.708 X5 = 10,832.35 yi'2.72 gallons, making a total delivery into reservoir during capacity trial of engine No. 1 of 936,268.67 gallons. Of this quantity a portion was the excess of injection water pumped into the reservoir. The condensers furnished with the engines receive their injection water from the reservoir, the supply for which is raised from tho pump well, or main suction pipe by a double acting piston pump (one to each engine) worked by a lever from one of the main pump rods. The injection pumps are required to raise the water from the level in Wolf river, to the reservoir against a head (during the capacity trials) of fifty (50) feet, from which source the injection is drawn by gravity. The capacity of the injection pumps is considerably in excess of the requirements of the condensers, and a certain surplus of water was in this manner delivered in the reservoir during the capacity trials, which has been estimated as follows: Each injection pump has a diameter of 9 inches, and a stroke of 12.75 inches, with a rod (probably) 1.5 inch diameter, and allowing a moderate loss of action, delivered G.58 gallons per revolution, or 50,889.72 gallons during capacity trial of engine No. 1 ; of this quantity from estimate based upon the known economy of engine, 37,847 08 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 137 gallons were absorbed by the condenser, leaving 13,042 64 gallons in the reservoir, from which is deduced the net delivery of main pumps for a period of five (5) hours as 924,226.03 gallons corresponding to a daily delivery under the terms of contract of 4, 431,484. 94 gallons. The calculated delivery of two (2) pumps per revolution is 122.34 gallons and for five (5) hours 122.34 X 7734 = 946,177.56 gallons, from which the loss of action is deduced, as 923,226 03 X 100 100 = 2 .43 per cent. 946,177.56 (The pumps received water under a head of twelve (12) feet.) The capacity trial of engine No. 2 commenced at 12:05 A. M., January llth, and terminated at 5:05 A. M., same date, with the following re- sults: Engine Counter at 12:05 A. M 149971 " 5:05 A. M 157722 Revolutions in five (5) hours 7751 and piston speed 7751 = 155.02 feet per minute. 50 Water pressure gauge. Minimum reading, corrected.. 56 15 Maximum " " 5915 Mean of eleven readings 57075 Data from reservoir. Head in reservoir nt 12:05 A. M 8 2708 feet. " " " 5:05 A. M 127083 " Head added in five (5) hours 44375 " The surface area of reservoir at head of 8 2708 feet computed from data is 25,742 537 square feet, at head of 12 7083 feet is 30,043 361 square feet, and midway between these heads is 27.865 848 square feet. Then by prismoidal formula the water added to reservoir, was (27,865.848 X 4) 4- 25,742.537 + 30,043 361 X 4.4375 X 7.48 =927,480. 95 galls. 6 To which is added the leakage of reservoir for a period of five (5) hours, or 2,361 25 X v'10 49 X 5 = 10,721.5 WILLIAM HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 138 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. gallons, making a total delivery Into reservoir during capacity trial of engine No. 2, of 938,202.45 gallons. Of this quantity a portion was the surplus of injection, as before. Estimating net delivery of injection pump per revolution at 6.58 gal- lons, or 51,001.58 gallons during capacity test of engine No. 2, and computing from economy of engine as before 37,930 29 gallons ab- sorbed by the condenser, then surplus of injection water pumped into reservoir was 13,071.29 gallons, and net delivery of main pumps for a period of five (5) hours was 925,131 .16 gallons; corresponding to a daily delivery under terms of contract 4,440,629 57 gallons. The calculated discharge for the five hours capacity trial of engine No. 2 is 122 34 X 7,751 = 948,257.34 gallons from which the loss of action is deduced as 925,131.16 100 x 100 = 2 . 44 per cent. 948,257.34 The close approximation of the slip in the trials for capacity, based upon independent measurements of water delivered, justifies the be- lief previously expressed, that the plungers of engine No. 2 were sensibly of the same diameters as the plungers of engine No. 1, which latter were carefully measured after the duty trials. WORTHINGTON COMPOUND PUMPING ENGINE. (At Buffalo, N. Y.) The test for capacity involved an actual measurement of the water delivered by the pumps, for which two feasible methods offered. The first by lowering th3 level of Prospect resevoir closing all out- lets and pumping in a known volume of water, against an artificial head of 70 pounds on pump gauge produced by throttling with a 36" stop valve in the discharge main; and the second, by making a special connection with the force main, at a point three miles from the pump house and diverting the delivery over a weir. By the first method, the actual delivery of water upon which to estimate the capacity of pumps was necessarily small; and by the second method upwards of one hundred stop valves required closing for the period of weir measurements, with no means of estimating the probable leakage; besides, depriving a large section of the city of water during the hours of trial. The first method had the advantage of time, in that the supply of water to all parts of the city might be made under direct pressure, while the reservoir was in use for test purposes. After carefully canvassing -both methods, it was finally decided to adopt the first, filling into the reservoir through such a section as was susceptible of reasonably accurate measurements. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. In order that this method might be successfully employed, careful experiments (before and after the test for capacity), were made, to de- termine the tightness of walls and stop valves with no apparent leakage, and repeated measurements of lengths and slopes were made to insure correctness of the data upon which to estimate the dis- charge; the vertical rise or surface levels in the reservoir, were read from a measured rod divided in feet and tenths, with intermediate graduations to twentieths, which was carefully fixed and leveled in the South basin near the division wall. That portion of the reservoir above the division wall was selected for the test as offering the best facilities for close measurement, and the measured rod was so located that the arbitrary zero level of the water corresponded with 2.35 on the rod. The maximum rise of water level was agreed upon at 5 feet corresponding to 7 .35 on the rod. During the capacity trial when the surface of water in the reservoir coincided with the lowest and highest marks on the rod, the times were read to seconds from an accurate watch, and between these points the levels were read from the rod at the expiration of each regular quarter hour. In order that the readings of counters in the pump house might agree for time with the readings of the measured rod in the reservoir, the rise of level in the latter was carefully noted, and a few minutes previous to the coincidence of the surface of water and the arbitrary zero point (2 35) on the rod, a messenger \VSLS dispatched from the reservoir to the pump house, upon whose arrival the assistants de- tailed for the purpose began minute readings of the engine counters. Directly the time was read for the agreement of water level with the zero point on the measured rod in the reservoir, a second messenger with a memorandum of the time, started for the pump house. Upon arrival of the second messenger from the reservoir the minute read- ings of the counters were discontinued, and readings of the instru- ments at the expiration of each regular quarter hour were substi- tuted, for the remainder of the trial. The same procedure was ob- served for the completion of trial. In this manner, with an agree- ment of time pieces at the two points of observation (reservoir and pump house), the reading of the engine counters at the time when the surface of the water coincided with any known point on the measured rod, can be read directly or interpolated from the record. To insure corrections in the record, all data were taken by two in- telligent observers, and all measurements were carefully repeated. Two observers independently read the measured rod in the reser- voir and agreed upon the readings; two more read the engine counters at the pump house, whilst the indications of the pressure gauges (steam and water) and the strokes (length) of plungers were ob- WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 140 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. served by the writer in behalf of the Water Board arid by Mr. John- son for the contractor. The trial for capacity began at 4:57:30 p. M., July 2d, previous to which time the engine had been delivering into the reservoir for several hours, and terminated at 10:42:38 P. M. same date, embracing a period of 5 hrs. 45 min. 08 sec., during which interval the surface level of the reservoir was raised from 2.35 to 7. 35 on the measured rod, or 5 feet head was added. The section of reservoir filled was a true prismoid, of which the dimensions are given in the following table of reservoir measure- ments: DIMENSIONS OF RESERVOIR. Head 2.35 in gauge stick = (feet) level. 506.35 + 507.55 Mean length - = 506 . 95 feet. 2 175.7 + 174.5 Mean width - =-- 175 .10 feet, o Area 500.95 X 175.1 = 88,760.945 sq. ft. Head 4. 85 on gauge stick 2.5 (feet) level. 506.95 + 522.425 Mean length = 514 6875 feet. 2 175.1 + 190.925 Mean width = 183.0125 feet. 2 Area 514 6875 X 183.0125 = 94,194.2461 sq. ft. Head on gauge stick = 5 (feet) level. 521 +523. a5 Mean length --= 522.425 feet. 2 191.35 + 190.5 Mean width --= 190 925 feet. 2 Area 522.425 X 190.925 = 99,743.993 sq. ft. Head added = 5 feet. Then by prismoidal formula the volume of the section of reservoir filled represented (94.194.2461 X 4) + 88,766 -.945 + 99,743. 993 X 5 X 7.48 = 3.523,628. 04838 U. S. 6 standard gallons. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 141 corresponding to a daily (24 hours) delivery at observed piston speed (93 772 feet) of 3,523,628048X86.400 = 14,701,635.3 gallons. 20,708 And at contract piston speed (110 feet), for which the boilers are at present entirely inadequate in heating and grate surface. 14,701,635 3 X HO = 17,246,938.13 gallons. 93 772 The counter reading at 4:57 p. M. July 2d, was 18,728 and at 4:58 p. M. same date 18,738, and by interpolation at 4:57:30 p. M. was 18,733. The counter reading at 10:42 p. M. July 2d, was 22,630 and at 10:43 P. M. same date 22,642, and by interpolation at 10:42:38 was 22,637 6, from which the double strokes of one engine or quadruple strokes both engines, were, 22,637.6 -18,733 = 3,904.6 The mean length of stroke engine No. 1 was 49.8125 inches, and mean length of stroke engine No. 2, was 49 651 inches, from which the mean piston speed during capacity trial, was, 49.8125 + 49.651 X 3904 6 = 93.772 feet per minute. 12 X 345 133 The calculated delivery of the pumps during the capacity trial has been estimated for the pump of engine No. 1, as (38.12122 x .7854) + (38 12122 x 7354 _ 52 x .7354) x 49 8125 =244 005 2X231 U. S. standard gallons per single stroke. For the pumps of engine No. 2, as (38 10142 x 7854) + (38 10142 X 7354 _ 52 x .7854) X 49 651 2X231 U. S. standard gallons per single stroke. And a mean per single stroke for both pumps of 244.005 + 242.959 = 243 482 gallons. 2 And 243.482X3,904 6X4 = 3,802,799 2688 U. S. standard gallons as the pump displacement, corresponding to a delivery of 3.523,628 048 gallons into the reservoir. From which the slip or loss of action of pumps is obtained, as 3, 523. 628 048 1 X 100 = 7 34 per cent of calculated deliverv. 3,802,799 269 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE. R. I. = 242 959 142 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS OF LONDON PUMPING ENGINES. (At Main Pumping Stations. Excepting Kent Works.) Kirku'ood. Steam Cylinder. Pumping Stations. Engine. 2 OQ i East London, Lea Bridge Single acting, beam 100" 84" 11' Old Ford 85" Q/V/ 10'"" ' O(f 72" ly " 90" 11' South wark and Vaux-> hall, Hampton.) ' ' bull 70" Iff ii it 66" W ii 60" 10* ii ii 70" KK Grand Junction, Hampton .. 60" W ii t . 60" 10' ' Kow * 70" 10' Gd. Junct., Camden Hill 70" 10' n ii 70" 10' W.Middlesex, Hampton 64" 10' ii ii 64" \(y Chelsea, Thames Ditton i Rotative compound, ; I two engines coupled. \ " OV" 46" 5.5ft . 28" 5 5' / 46" 8> (i ' ' 28" 5.5'; i 46" 8.0M Lambeth, " " ( 28" 46" 5.5'; 8.0'i (t t 28" 5.5' \ 46" 8.0'i tt ( 28" 5.5'j 46" 8.0'i New River Stoke, New-; lt 28" 55'; ington i ' 46" 8.0'i 28" 55'; | 46" 8.0'i ' { Rotative sing, cylin-; | der, 2 engs. coupled. i ' ' 60" 8.0' WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 143 PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS OF LONDON PUMPING ENGINES. (At Main Pumping Stations. Excepting Kent Works.) Kirkwood. Water Cylinder. 5C 5) 1 P ^ ~* o 3 Pump. s r ji c J" Fit 3 % : x Cr : 1 :|| Plunger. 50" 11' 7 to 8 41.16 ' 43" q/ 8 to 9 " 41" 9' 8 41 16 ' 36" 10* 8 to 9 36 82 " 44" 11' 8.5 37 26 ' 42" 10* 10 56.32 " 39" IV 10 56.32 " 35" IV " 33" IV 8 to 9 71 .49 42" I(/ 14 39 42 " 42" IV 14 39 42 11 28" IV 10 to 11 85 82 11 33" IV 10 43 33 " 33" IV 10 43 33 " 45" IV 65 28 16 " 45" IV 65 28 16 f Bucket and f ( Plunger. ) i 24 " I 17 5"i 71' 12 to 14 95 32 " .24" ) 1 17 5"| 7.1' 12 to 14 95 32 n~ 5"i 7.1' 12 to 14 95 32 " 1 24" / 71' 13 to 15 83.32 " ^24" f 71' 13 to 15 83 32 " llfo"! 71' 13 to 15 83.32 )27" ( )20" i 692' 14 58.49 " \W' \ 6.92' 14 58 49 f Two buckets 1 each. f3l 5"! ! 22" 1 143" f L30.5"j 1" 1 14 to 14.5 (Li WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 144 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. PERFORMANCE OFVPUMPING ENGINES. CORNISH BEAM ENGINES. Location. Date Engine. United Mines Carn Brea. Haarlem Meer Cleveland, O 1842 1841 1848 1873 Single cylinder, jacketed Compound, jacketed . . Single cylinder Jersey City, N. J 185G Louisville, Ky 1873 " CORNISH BULL ENGINE. Cincinnati, O.. 1872 [Single cylinder, vertical COMPOUND DUPLEX DIRECT ACTING. Newark. N. J Philadelphia 1870 1872 1872 Horizontal, four cylinders Toronto, Can 1872 Providence, R. I .... 1874 " " Toledo, 1875 2 engines, horizontal, four cylinders Lowell, Mass Fall River, Mass 187G 1876 " " " " :;;;! Buffalo, N. Y 1882 Horizontal, four cylinders, jacketed Peoria. Ills Cleveland, O 1882 1875 " " " 2 annular . . . COMPOUND ISOCHRONAL DIRECT ACTING. Milwaukee, Wis 1878 1879 1882 Horizontal, two cylinde Vertical, " Horizontal, " rs Springfield, O COMPOUND CRANK AND FLY WHEEL. Providence, R. I 1876 Vertical, two cylinders Evansville, Ind 1881 " " jacketed 1S81 II X !< It Memphis, Tenn 1882 ,1 " jacketed " 1882 II 1. " " HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 145 PERFORMANCE OF PUMPING ENGINES. CORNISH BEAM ENGINES. Designer. Duty.f Capacity.! Authority. Taylor James Sims 114,361,700* 101,702,000* Wm. Pole. Gibbs &. Dean Allaire Works. West Point Foundry . T. R. Scowden 80,000,000 41,774,955 72,115,396 37,536,730* 200,000,000 5,711,988 10,000,000 3.816,575 Appleton's Diet Uour. Am. Soc.J ) Civil Eng'ers.i iCopeland & ) Worth en. | (Jour. Am. Soc. ) ) Civil Enters, i CORNISH BULL ENGINE. Geo. Shield.. 23.580,687 11.847,481 (Chas. Hermany. COMPOUND DUPLEX DIRECT ACTING. H. R. Worthington 76,386.262 5.034,309 Geo. H. Bailey. " 63,120,707 5,573,853 B'd of Experts. " 56,937,643 5,000.000 (Jour. Am. Soc.) ) Civil Eng>rs.| " 63,561,306 12,000,000 Worthington. . .. 53,528,210 5,000,000 (Smith, Graff &) 1 Reynolds. \ - 45,611,924* (Each eng) | 2,800, 000 1 Annual Report 69,000,438 5,503.373 G. E. Evans. " 70,977,177 5,500,000 Worthington. " (67.812.170j /6l,96S,284i 17,247,000 John W. Hill. " 24,573,664 2,000,000 i W. M. Henderson ... 31.968,006* 8,400.000 Annual Report. COMPOUND ISOCHRONAL DIRECT ACTING. Cope & Maxwell ; i 50,074,876 f Trial No. 1) 53,957,957 i i Trial No. 2) 51.675,823 j 53.592.518 778,186 2,258,9861 2, 116,907 j 3,089,518 ^Hilbert 4,440, 629 \ Hermanv, Francis &. Whitaker. John W. Hill. * 10 146 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. PERFORMANCE OFJPUMPING ENGINES. COMPOUND BEAM, CRANK AND FLY WHEEL. Location Date Engine. Lynn, Mass Lawrence, Mass 1873 1876 Two cylinders, inclined, jacketed j acketed, 2 engines Lowell, Mass Trenton, N. J Milwaukee, Wis 1875 1876 1875 Vertical, two cylinders, jacketed I two cylinders, vertical, unjacketed J / 2 engines \ Chicago 1877 Vertical, two cylinders, unjacketed " 1817 Pawtucket, R. I 1877 1878 188 Horizontal, two cylinders, jacketed Saratoga, N. Y 1882 " four " " SINGLE CYLINDER, BEAM, CRANK AND FLY WHEEL. 1860 Vertical Engine No 1 1860 1860 No. 2 No. 3 New Bedford Mass 1869 Chicago 1874 " 2 engines coupled, unjacketed. . SINGLE CYLINDER, CRANK AND FLY WHEEL. Cincinnati, O Marion, Ind 1872 1872 1872 1877 (2 engines coupled, horizontal, un-i ( jacketed, non-condensing. \ Vertical, Harkness, condensing Powell, " (2 engines coupled, horizontal, Scotch; ( yoke, condensing. . . \ COMPOUND QUADRUPLEX CRANK AND FLY WHEEL. Troy, N. Y 1880 1880 1879 Four cylinders, inclined, condensing Buffalo, N. Y DUPLEX DIRECT ACTING. Peoria, Ills 1882 j Horizontal two cylinders, non-con-^ Jdensing, non-expanding i RADIAL CRANK ENGINE. Providence, R. I 1874 Horizontal, five cylinders HARRIS-CORLISS^STEAM ENGINES. 147 PERFORMANCE OF PUMPING ENGINES. COMPOUND BEAM, CRANK AND FLY WHEEL. Designer. Duty.f Capacity.! Authority, E L>. Leavitt 103,923,215 4,938,528 B'd of Experts << 96,201,900 tEach eng/ 1 4.979.2341 u James Simpson Wm. Wright 72,925,00 * 84,500,000 4.207,785 2,08*5,523 Annual Report. F. J. Slade. R. W. Hamilton 76,955,720 {Each eng) 1 8.683,720) B'd of Experts. Quintard Works /West eng'ej 1 99,083,300 i ( W. eng. ) 1 16,160,470 ; " |4 \ East en^i'e^ jEast eng. ) lt j 96.066,800$ I 15,571,970] < 75.000,000 Theron Skeel. Geo. H. Corliss m522, 000 2.500,000 B'd of Experts. ** 113.035.000 9,105.604 S. M. Grav. H. F. Gaskill ..'...... 112,899,983 4.850.200 John W. Hill SINGLE CYLINDER, BEAM. CRANK AND FLY WHEEL. W 7 in. Wright 60.798,200 15,000,000 J Smith, Graff A) ( Wortheu. J " 61,903,700 15.000,000 Hubbard & Whittaker 68,387,200 15,000,000 t Worth en & > ) Copeland. i W. J. McAlpine 59,336,497 5,000,000 B'd of Experts. D. C. Cregier 6-5,824,581 36.000.000 ' SINGLE CYLINDER, CRANK AND FLY WHEEL. Shield 43 566 178 4 70 805 Chas Hermanv T. R. Scowden Dean Bros. 37,789.990 34,064,977 49,231,207 4,651,987 4,263,297 1,500,000 J. D. Cook. COMPOUND QUADRUPLEX CRANK AND FLY WHEEL. Holly & Gaskill ( Engine | 72,812,116 Engine \ 84,959,846 86.176.315 Xo. 1. > 5,578,279 J No. 2. ; 6, 393,325 j 6.502,000 D. M. Greene. R. H. Bnel. DUPLEX DIRECT ACTING. H. R. Worthington. . . . 16,011,331 2,000,000 John W. Hill RADIAL CRANK ENGINE. Geo. H. Corliss 25.865,740 5,000,000 sSmith, GrafF&< i Reynolds. \ * Said to be average duty, all others obtained by special trials. fThe Duty is stated in foot pounds of work perhuudred Ibs. of coal, I Capacity is stated in gallons per day of 24 hours. 1 18 HARRIS-CORLISS SJEAM ENGINES. THE PROPERTIES OF WATER. Water was supposed to be an element, until Priestly late in the eighteenth century, discovered that when hydrogen was burned in a glass tube, water was deposited on the sides. The several conditions of water are usually stated as the solid, the liquid and the gaseous. Two conditions are covered by the last term, and water should be understood as capable of existing in four differ- ent conditions the solid, the liquid, the vaporous, and the gaseous. At and -below 32 Fahr. water exists in the solid state, and is known as ice. According to Prof. Rankine, ice at 32 has a specific gravity of 92. Thus a cubic foot of ice weighs 57.45 Ibs. When water passes from the solid to the liquid state, heat is re- quired for liquefaction, sufficient to elevate the temperature of one pound of water 143 Fahr. This is termed the latent heat of liquefac- tion. According to M. Person, the specific heat of ice is .504, and the latent heat of liquefaction 142.65. From 32 to 39 the density of water increases; above the latter tem- perature the density diminishes. Water is said to be at its maximum density at 39 F.; and under pressure of one atmosphere weighs, according to Berzelius, 62.382 Ibs. per cubic foot. The following formula may be used to estimate the w r eight of water at any other temperature. Let D' = weight of Avater per cubic foot at temperature of maxi- mum density (39 2 F.). T = any temperature on Fahr. scale. D = weight of water per cubic foot at temperature T. Then ID' T + 461 500 500 T + 461 Desired the weight of a cu. ft. of water at temperature 60 F. 62.382X2 124.764 D = - = 62.33 60 + 461 500 2.0017 500 60 + 461 Water is said to vaporize at 212 Fahr, and pressure of one atmos- phere (14.7 Ibs:), but Faraday has shown that vaporization occurs at all temperatures from absolute zero, and that the limit to vaporization WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 14<> is- the disappearance of heat. Dal ton obtained the following expcr- mental results on evaporation below the boiling temperature: Temp. Rate of Evaporation. Barometer. 212 1.00 29.92 ISO .50 15 '->! 164 .33 10 59 152 .25 793 144 .20 6488 138 .17 5.565 From this, the general law is deduced that the rate of surface evapo- ration is proportional to the elastic force of the vapor. Thus, suppose two tanks of similar surface dimensions and open to the atmosphere, one containing water maintained constantly at 212"" Fahr., and the other containing water at 144 Fahr. Then for each pound of water evaporated in the last tank, five pounds will be evaporated in the first tank. It should be understood that the law of Dalton holds good only for dry air, and when the air contains vapor having an elastic force, equal to that of the vapor of the water, the evaporation ceases. The boiling point of water depends upon the pressure. Thus at one atmosphere (14 7 Ibs. = 29 92" barometer) the temperature of ebullition is 212 Fahr. With a partial vacuum, or absolute pressure of one pound (2 037" of mercury) the boiling point is 101 40Fnhr. Upon the other hand, if the pressure be 74.7 Ibs. absolute (60 Ibs. by gauge), the temperature of evaporation becomes 307 3 Fahr. The relations of temperature and pressure have been made the subject of special investigation from the time of Watt, down to the celebrated experiments of Regnault, which have been accepted as conclusive so far as they extended. The relations of pressure and density, however, have not been de- termined by experiment. Messrs. Fairbairn and Taie have investi- gated this problem and deduced a formula, but late experience has shown that while the Fairbairn and Tate formula is perhaps the best of its kind, it can not be accepted as correctly stating the rela- tions of pressure and density. (Density of saturated steam. Van Nos- trand s Magazine, June, 1878.) The vaporous condition of water is limited to saturation. That is to say, when water has been converted by heat into vapor (steam), and when this vapor has been furnished with latent heat sufficient to render it anhydrous, the vaporous condition ends, and the gaseous state begins. Superheated steam is water in the gaseous state. The temperature of the gaseous state of water, like that of the va- porous, depends upon the imposed pressure. Under pressure of one atmosphere, water exists in the solid state at and below 32 Fahr.; from 32 to 212 it exists in the liquid state; at and above 212 in the vaporous state; and above saturation in the gaseous state. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER. PROVIDENCE. R. I. l.-.O HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. It has been stated that water boils at 212, but M. M. Magnus' and Donney have shown that, when water is freed of air, it may be ele vated in temperature to 270 before evaporation takes place. The specific heat of water under the several conditions are as follows: Solid . 501 Liquid, at 39. 2 F, 1 000 Vaporous 475 to 1 000 Gaseous -475 HYDRAULIC FORMULAE. Velocity is usually stated in feet per second, and is first calculated as for a body falling freely in vacuo, and then modified by a proper co-elncient according to the conditions subsisting in any particular v = \'h 1g or 8.025v'/i Where h = head, and g = acceleration of gravity = 32 2. Conversely the head due any given velocity is 20 All matter in motion develops a frictional resistance the value of which, in terms of the head, must be added to the head due velocity to state a true or total head. Suppose a delivery of 4,302,069.1 gallons of water per diem through a 24" pipe, 410 feet long, laid horizontally. The discharge per second would be 6.65675 cubic feet. The area of such a pipe is 3.1416 square 6.65675 feet, and the velocity of flow - = 2.1189 feet, corresponding to a 3.1416 2.1189 2 head of - = .0697 feet. ' 64.4 And the frictional resistance by the generally adopted Weisbach i'2 L f 0171o> formula F= X X j .f!44 -| -- 2 fir d ^ v /7 J Where F= friction head in feet, L = length of nir>p in feet, and d = diameter of pipe in feet; whence 2.11892 410 f .01716 > - X - X 0144 + - = .37428 foot, 64.4 ^ j/OIsV and true head .0697 + .37428 = .44398 foot. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 151 Hawksley, gives a formula for the discharge of water through straight pipes free from incrustation and bends, as follows: jhd v = 48 A/ > L When h = head in feet: d = diameter of pipe in feet; and L, length of pipe in feet, applying this method to above head, length, and di- ameter of pipe, the velocity would be, = 2.14038 feet. 410 Mr. Simpson, also gives a formula for the flow of water through straight cylindrical pipes, as follows: Applying which to above data the velocity becomes, / .44:398 X 2 v = 50A, = 2.0865 feet. \410T- (50X2) Both the latter formulas take cognizance of the f rictional resistance of the sides of the pipe and are intended to give the actual velocity of flow. In view of the fact that water pipes are seldom straiaht. seldom of uni- form section from end, and, seldom free from incrustations, or other obstructions, it is preferable in the author's opinion, to employ the Simpson formula, which as will be observed recogn'zes u greater loss of head by friction, and produces a lower velocity of flow. The formula quoted from Weisbach, is true only for a straight, smooth pipe, and will always produce a friction head less than the true head, which discrepancy may be accounted for by extra frictional resistances in the pipe, not considered by the formula. To illustrate this, the engines furnishing the public water supply at Evansville, Indiana, draw from the Ohio river through a suction pipe consisting of 200 feet of 16-inch pipe, 1,300 feet of 16-inch pipe, and 410 feet of 24-inch pipe, with 2-16-inch elbows, and 3-24-inch elbows. The estimated friction head for a daily delivery of 4,000.000 gallons is 1.85586 feet, while the actual head as measured was 2.5925 feet. RESISTANCE OF CIRCULAR BENDS. Weisbach, from his own experiments and those of Du Buat, pro- posed the following formulae for the frictional resistance of curved bends or elbows in lines of pipe: WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 152 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. Let R radius of curve or bend, in inches or feet. r = radius of section of pipe, in inches or feet. K = co-efficient of resistance. Then K ' 0.131 + 1.847 I 1^ for pipes of circular cross section. And ii #=0.124 + 3.104 & for pipes of rectangular cross section. Let v = velocity of flow, in feet per second. a = angle embraced by curve or bend. (a right angle bend = 90.) h = friction head in feet for bend. Then = K t' 2 a '2g 18 Let n = and K~ corresponding co-efficient of resistance, then R the following tables for bends of circular and rectangular cross sec- tions, computed by above formulae, contain the values of n and K for ratios of 0.1 to 1.0: BENDS OF CIRCULAR CROSS SECT. BENDS OF RECTANG'R CROSS SECT. A- =0.131 +1.847 IV \sj A" = 124 +3.104 | | \RJ r r r r n = K n = K A* n = K R R R R .10 0.131 60 0.440 10 0.124 0.60 0.644 0.15 0.135 65 540 15 0.128 0.65 0.811 0.20 138 0.70 0.661 20 135 0.70 1.015 0.25 0.150 0.75 800 25 0.148 0.75 1 258 30 0.158 0.80 977 0.80 0.170 0.80 1 545 35 180 0.85 180 35 0.203 85 1.881 , 0.40 0.206 90 408 0.40 0.249 90 2.271 45 0.240 0.95 0.680 45 0.313 0.95 2.718 0.50 294 1.00 978 0.50 0.398 1.00 3 228 55 350 55 0.507 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES What head is required to overcome the friction for a 90 bend or elbow, the diameter of which is 20 inches, and the radius of curva- ture 25 inches, with a velocity of flow of 2 7896 feet per second. r = 10 inches, R 25 inches, and And K, from table of co-efficients for bends of circular cross sec- tion, corresponding to a ratio n = A is 206. Then 2 78962 X 90 h = X -206 = .01245 foot. 64. 4 X 180 Suppose the section of above elbow is square, what then would be the friction head? r = fas before) 10 inches, R = 25 inches. Then _ = n = 4, the co-efficient of which is A'= .249. R 2 78962X90 ft = - X .249 64 4 X ISO .01504 feet. The following table for frictional resistance of bends has been cal- culated by Mr. Trautwine with the Weisbach formula 7-2 n ^ _ j^- 2 a 180 HEADS REQUIRED TO OVERCOME THE RESISTANCE OF 90 DEG. CIRCULAR BENOS. RADIUS OF BEND IX DIAMS. OF PIPE. 5 0.75 1.00 1 25 1.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 Velocity in feet Per sec. Head, in feet. 1 016 005 002 .002 001 001 .001 001 2 .062 .018 OU9 007 005 005 .004 oot 3 .140 .041 020 015 .012 Oil .010 009 4 .248 .072 .036 .0-26 .021 .019 .017 016 5 .388 .113 .056 041 033 029 027 025 6 .559 .162 081 .059 .048 042 .0:58 036 7 .761 221 .110 .080 .066 a^ 052 0">0 8 994 .288 .144 .104 .086 074 .069 065 9 1.260 365 .182 .132 .108 094 .086 082 10 I 550 450 .225 .163 .134 116 .106 101 12 2 240 649 .324 235 .192 167 153 145 154 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. DISCHARGE OF LONG IRON PIPES. Let //= head, or vertical distance from center of inlet to center of outlet, in -feet. L = length of pipe, in feet. D = diameter of pipe, in feet. / = co-efficient for f rictional resistance of surface of pipe. A = area of pipe, in sq. feet. p =. wetted perimeter of pipe, in feet. A D m hydraulic mean depth, = = p 4 T = velocity, in feet per second. Q = discharge in cubic feet per second = 'discharge in U. S. standard gallons (According to Darcy.) (discharge in U. S. standard gallonsv 7.48 ) to Darcy.) /= .005 ( 1 H ) = .005| 1 + | for round V 48m / \ 12 D J pipes. \ 48 TO / \ 12 D / Then- ,' H D i H D = 8.025-* and / H D i H D 8.025*/ = 53 A nearly, \ 4 / L \ L / H \ 4/L 7 Let H = 45 feet. L --= 11,391 feet . D = 7" = = .5833 feet. 12 12 and I = .02286 V45 X .5833 = 2.5478 feet, .02286 X 11,391 and Q = 2.5478 A = .68084 cu. ft. = .68084 X 60 X 7.48 = 305.56 gallons per minute, and by second equation V - - - - X A .5833 = .68087 cu. ft. . 45 - .02286 X 11,391 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 155 Again 4/L r* .02282X11,391 254782 H= - -=45 ft. D 2g .5833 044 For rough approximation, Rankine suggests that 4 / may be taken as 0258, which is to be used in cases where the discharge, Q, = length, L, and head, H, nre given, and the diameter, D, is desired Then D = \ ^39.73 H But /depends upon D, and D is unknown; hence D must be ob- tained by a tentative process, for which Rankine proposes the follow- ing formulae: Let ]y = approximation of D. f = one approximation of /= .00645. /" = another approximation of /. Then 5 jy = .2306 \ N H and /" = .005 ( 1 4- ) V 12 US and, finally, .00645 Suppose, as before, Q = .68087 cubic feet, L = 11,391 feet, and H 45 feet; desired D. Then 5 '11,391 X .680K jy =. .2306 \l = .598 foot, A 45 and " = .005696 12 X -598, and 5 ;. 005696 D = .598 \l = .5834 foot. \ .00645 The following table of fifth powers and roots may be used for ap- proximations; but for accuracy in estimating the discharge of pipes above formula should be worked with logarithms. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 106 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. TABLE OF FIFTH ROOTS AND FIFTH POWERS. Trauiuine. POWER. NO. OR ROOT. POWER. NO. OR ROOT POWER. No. OR ROOT .0000100 .1 .001721 .280 .135012 .67 .0000110 .102 .001880 .285 .145393 .68 .0000122 .104 .002051 .290 .156403 .69 .0000134 .106 .002234 .295 .168070 . .0000147 .108 .002430 .300 .180423 1 .0000161 .110 .002639 .305 .193492 2 .0000176 .112 .002863 .310 .207307 ; .0000193 114 .003101 .315 .221901 4 .0000210 .116 .003355 .320 237405 .0000229 .118 .003626 .325 253553 6 .0000249 120 .003914 .330 .270(578 ~ .0000270 .122 .004219 .335 .288717 '. 8 .0000293 124 .004,544 .340 .307706 .79 .0000318 .126 .004888 .345 .327680 .80 .0000344 128 .005252 .350 .348678 .81 .0000371 .130 .005638 .355 .370740 82 .0000401 .132 .006047 .360 .393904 .83 .0000432 .134 .006478 .365 .418212 .84 .0000465 .136 .006934 .370 .443705 .85 .0000500 138 .007416 .375 .470427 .86 .0000538 .140 .007924 .380 .498421 .87 .0000577 .142 .008459 .385 .527732 .88 .0000619 .144 .009022 .390 .558406 .89 .0000663 .146 .009616 .395 .590490 90 .0000710 .118 .010240 .400 .624032 .91 .0000754 . 150 .011586 .41 .659082 .92 .0000895 .155 .013069 .42 .695688 .93 .000105 .160 .014701 .43 .733904 .94 .000122 .165 .016492 .44 .773781 .95 .000142 .170 .018453 .45 .815373 .96 .000164 .175 .020596 .4(5 .858734 .97 .000189 .180 .022935 .47 .903921 .98 .000217 .185 .025480 .48 .950990 .99 .000248 .190 .028248 .49 1. .000282 .195 .031250 .50 1.10408 : 02 .000320 .200 .034503 .51 1 21665 .04 .000362 .205 .038020 .52 1 33823 or. .000408 .210 .041820 .53 1 46933 .08 .000459 .215 .045917 .54 1.61051 10 .000515 .220 .050328 .55 1 76234 .12 .000577 .225 .055073 .56 1.92541 .14 .000644 .230 .060169 .57 2.10034 .1(1 .000717 .235 .065636 .58 2.28775 .18 .000796 .240 .071492 .59 2 48832 20 .000883 .245 .077760 .60 2 70271 22 .000977 .250 .084460 .61 2.9H63 24 .001078 .255 .091613 .62 3 17580 26 .001188 .260 .099244 .63 3.43597 .28 .001307 .265 .107374 .64 3 71293 30 .001435 .270 .116029 65 4.00746 32 .001573 .275 .125233 .66 4 32040 1 34 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 157 TABLE OF FIFTH ROOTS AND FIFTH POWERS.-Continued. POWER NO. OR ROOT POWER OR ROOT POWER. No. OR ROOT 4 65259 1.36 310 136 3 15 14539 6.80 5.00490 1 38 335 544 3.20 15640 6.90 5.37824 1.40 362.591 2 25 16807 7.00 5 77353 1 42 391 354 2 30 18042 7 10 6.19174 1 44 421 419 3 35 - 19349 7 20 6 63383 1 46 454 354 3 40 20731 7.30 7.10082 1 48 488.760 3 45 22190 7.40 7.59375 1 50 525.219 3.50 23730 7 50 8.11368 1 52 563 822 3 55 25355 7 60 8.66171 1.54 604.662 3 60 27068 7.70 9.23896 1 56 647 835 3 65 28872 7.80 9.84658 1.58 693 440 3 70 30771 7.90 10 4858 1 60 741 . 577 3 75 32768 8 00 11.1577 1 62 792 352 3.80 34868 8 10 11.8637 1 64 845 870 3.85 37074 8 20 12 6049 1 66 902.242 3 90 39390 8 30 13.3828 1 68 961.580 3 95 41821 8 40 14.1986 1.70 1024.00 00 44371 8.50 15 0537 1.72 1089.62 05 47043 8 60 15 9495 1.74 1158.56 .10 49842 8.70 16 8874 1 76 1230.95 15 52773 8.80 17.8690 1 78 3306 91 20 55841 8.SO 18.8957 1 80 1386.58 25 59049 9 00 19.9690 1.82 1470 08 30 62403 9 10 21.0906 1.84 1557 57 .35 65908 9 20 22.2620 1.86 1649.16 .40 69569 9.30 23.4849 1.88 1745 02 45 73390 9 40 24.7610 1 90 1845.28 50 77378 9.50 26 0919 1.92 1950 10 55 81537 9 60 27 4795 1.94 2059 63 .60 85873 9 70 28.9255 1.96 2174 03 65 90392 9 80 30 4317 1 98 2293 45 70 9-5099 9 90 32 0000 2 00 2418 07 .75 100000 10.0 36 2051 2 05 2548.04 4 SO 110408 10.2 40.8410 2.10 2683 54 4.85 121665 10 4 45.9401 2 15 2824 75 4.90 133823 10 6 51.5363 2.20 2971.84 4 95 146933 10.8 57.6650 2.25 3125.00 5.00 161051 11.0 64 3634 2 30 3450 25 5.10 176234 11 2 71 6703 2.35 3802 04 5 20 192541 11.4 79.6262 2.40 4181.95 5 30 210034 11.6 88.2735 2 45 4591.65 5 40 228776 11.8 97.6562 2.50 5032.84 5.50 248832 12 107.820 2.55 5507.32 5 60 270271 12 2 118.814 2.60 6016 92 5.70 293163 12 4 130.686 2.65 6-363 57 5.80 317.580 12 6 143.489 2.70 7149.24 5.90 343597 12 8 157.276 2.75 7776.00 6 00 371293 13 172 104 2 80 8445.96 6 10 400746 13 2 188.029 2.85 9161.33 6 20 432040 13.4 205 111 2.90 9924 37 6.30 465259 13.6 223 414 2.95 10737 6 40 500490 13 8 243.000 3.00 11603 6 50 537824 14 263 936 3.05 12523 6 60 577353 14 2 286.292 3 10 13501 6.70 619174 14.4 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 158 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. TABLE OF FIFTH ROOTS AND FIFTH POWERS.-Concluded. POWER. No. OR ROOT POWER. No. OR ROOT POWER. NO. OR ROOT. 663383 14 6 11431377 25.8 241806543 47.5 710082 14.8 11881376 26.0 254803968 48.0 759375 15 12345437 26.2 268354383 48 5 811368 15.2 12823886 26.4 282475249 49 866171 15 .'4 13317055 26.6 299184391 49 5 923896 15 6 13825281 26 8 312500000 50 984658 15.8 14348907 27 345025251 51 1048576 16 14888280 27.2 380204032 52 1115771 16 2 15443752 27.4 418195493 53 1186367 16 4 16015681 27.6 459165024 54 1260493 16 6 16604430 27.8 503284375 55 1338278 16.8 17210368 28.0 550731776 56 1419857 17 17833868 28.2 601692057 57 1505366 17.2 18475309 28.4 656356768 58 1594947 17.4 19135075 28.6 714924299 59 1688742 17 6 19813)57 28.8 777600000 60 1786899 17.8 20511149 29.0 844596301 61 1889568 18.0 21228253 29.2 916132832 62 1996903 18.2 21965275 29.4 992436543 63 2109061 18.4 22722628 29.6 1073741824 64 2226203 18 6 23500728 29.8 1160290625 65 2348493 18.8 24300000 30 1252332576 66 2476099 19.0 26393634 30.5 1350125107 67 2609193 19 2, 28629151 31 1453933568 68 2747949 19.4 31013642 31.5 1564031349 69 2892547 19 6 33554432 32 1680700000 70 3043168 19.8 36259082 32 5 1804229351 71 3200000 20 39135393 33 1934917632 72 3363232 20.2 42191410 33 5 2073071593 73 3533059 20 4 45435424 34 2219006624 74 3709677 20.6 48875980 34.5 2373046875 75 3893289 20.8 52521875 35 2535525376 76 4084101 21 56382167 35 5 2706784157 77 4282322 21.2 60466176 36 2887174368 78 4488166 21.4 64783487 36.5 3077056399 79 4701850 21.6 69343957 37 3276800000 80 4923597 21 8 74157715 37 5 3486784401 81 5153632 22.0 79235168 38.0 3707398432 82 5392186 22.2 84587005 38.5 3939040643 83 5639493 22 4 90224199 39.0 4182119424 84 5895793 22.6 96158012 39.5 4437053125 85 6161327 22.8 102400000 40.0 4704270176 86 6436343 23.0 108962013 40.5 4984209207 87 6721093 23 2 115856201 41 5277319168 88 7015834 23 4 123095020 41.5 5584059449 89 7320825 23 6 130691232 42 5904900000 90 7636332 23.8 138657910 42 5 6240321451 91 7962624 24 147008443 43 6590815232 92 8299976 24 2 155756538 43 5 6956883693 93 8648666 24 .4 164916224 44.0 7339040224 94 9008978 24 6 174501858 44.5 7737809375 95 9381200 24.8 184528125 45 8153726976 96 9765625 25 195010045 45 5 8587340257 97 10162550 25.2 205962976 46 9039207968 98 10572278 25.4 217402615 46.5 9509900499 99 10995116 25 6 229345007 47 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, DUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 159 FLOW OF WATER IN OPEN CHANNELS. The following formulae assumes the chanuel to be straight, and of uniform transverse profile for a given length, L. Let L = length, in feet, of channel. A = area of cross section, in feet. h surface slope, in feet, for length, L. p = wet perimeter, in feet. v = velocity of flow, in feet, per second. D = volume of flow, in cubic feet, per second. Then I A h t> = 92.26A/ *p L L p Lpifl h = .00011747 v* or h = .007565 A A2g and tAh D = 92 26 \l X A = A v Np L The trapezoidal profile is generally adopted for open water courses of earth work, and the rectangular and semicircular profiles are gen- erally adopted for channels of wood, stone, or iron. What volume of water will pass per second in a channel of trape- zoidal section, the length. L, of which is 5,000 feet, the bottom width 10 feet, the surface width 26 feet, and the depth 6 feet, with a surface slope of 1 foot. p = 10 + 2 y 8* + 62 = 30 feet, 10 4- 26 = 108 square feet, 92.26-i/ = 2.475 feet, and / 108X1 /SO X 5,000 D = 108 X 2.475 = 267.3 cubic feet per second, /5.000 X 30\ h = 00011747 I - - I 2.4753 = 1 foot. V 108 / The co-efficient of friction, 00011747, deduced by Eytelwien from WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 160 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. experiments of Du Buat and others, must be corrected for the flow of water in rivers, and similar natural water courses, by the formula proposed by Weisbach, from his own and other experiments, as fol- lows: / .1920' C = .007409 I 1 + V v' v' being determined approximately by formula lA.h VA h 77 and v, or corrected velocity, by the formula I~A~ 2 Ac L p " Desired the volume of flow of a stream, with a width of 50 feet, mean depth of 6 feet, wetted perimeter of 60 feet, and fall of 6 inches (5 foot) in 500 feet. A = 50 X 6 = 300 square feet. v' = 92 26 -\ -> = 6 5237 feet. ' 60 X 500 Then (.1920\ 1 + I = 6.5237/ c = .007409 ( 1 + ) = .007627 nearly, and V300 X .007627 X 64 4 X 5 498 feet and X 500 X 60 volume of flow. D = 300 X 6.498 = 1949.4 cubic feet per second. When the head is desired, the volume of flow, area of cross section, wetted perimeter and length being given. Reduce volume of flow to mean velocity, v. Then Lpv* f .1920\ Lpv* h = c = .007409 11+ I X Alg \ v / A'lg CO-EFFICIENTS OF EFFLUX AND VELOCITY. For Conically Convergent Tubes or Mouth Pieces. The following results, from experiments by d Aubuison and Castel WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 161 upon ajutages, were obtained from tubes, uniformly .6102 inch di- ameter at orifice of efflux, and 1.58652 inches long, operated under constant heads of 9.842125 feet. The discharge was measured by a gauged vessel; and the range of jet corresponding to the constant head for each mouth piece was also measured to determine the co-efficients of efflux, of velocity, and of contraction. I i.i ~~ L Weisbach. Angle of Co-efficient Co-efficient Angle of Co-efficient Co-efficient Converg- ence of Efflux. of Velocity. Converg- ence. of Efflux. of Velocity. O 7 829 829 13 24' 946 963 1 36' 0.866 867 14 28' 941 966 3 10 7 895 894 ItP 36' 938 971 4 l left, the bend must be to the right. The other end of the steam pipe de- pends into the tub, and is furnished with a distributer of many late- eral jets, which prevent the blow of steam from influencing the ac- tion of the scale. A stop cock or straightway valve in the steam pipe regulates the flow of steam into the tub. The operation is as follows: Suppose a certain weight of water, at normal temperature, is weighed into the tub, and the temperature of the water has been carefully noted with an accurate thermometer, and suppose a known weight of steam is then blown into and condensed by the water, and the tem- perature of contents of tub is again taken, then the range of temper- ature with constant weights of water and steam and temperature of normal water is roughly an index of the quality of steam condensed. To illustrate the problem, let T = normal temperature of water, and 5. the specific heat of water at temperature T, Let T\ = temper- ature of water after steam has been condensed, and S\ specific heat of water at temperature TI then range of heat is R = TI SiT. S. Let ir= weight of water, and w weight of steam condensed: // = total heat of steam, and L = heat of vaporization, at observed press- ure taken from Regnault's table. Then W R= heat added to water, ir R and = heat added to water per pound of steam condensed, and VJ W R r TI S\ = total heat per pound of condensation, and w (WR ^ f WR ^ + TI Si 1 or I +T 1 S l ]-H= discrepancy, w / \ w / or, excess of heat units per pound of steam condensed, indicating an entrainmentof water in the steam or a super heat respectively, and percentage of water entrained in the steam WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 166 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. W R \ H + TI Si ) 100 w / L and degrees of super heat in steam W R w .47o The second method of determingthe quality of steam is by means of a small surface condenser, the coil of Avhich is connected Avith the steam drum, or boiler, or with main steam pipe as before, and the jacket around the coil connected Avith a cold Avater supply. The data with this arrangement consists of the Aveight of condens- ing Avater, W; Aveight of condensatibn, w; temperatures of injection, T, and overflow, TI and temperature of condensation as it leaves the condensing Avorm, T 2 . The formula is like that previously given for WR the simple calorimeter, excepting T 2 #2 is added to for total IV heat per pound of condensation. The formula for determining the specific heat of Avater, adopted from Rankine, is, 5 = 1+ .000000309 ( T 39 . 1 ) 2 T = any temperature reckoned from zero of Fahrenheit's scale. The following data is from the contract trial of the Worthington pumping engine, at Buffalo, N. Y., July, 1882: W = 200. w = 10 . 208. T = 77 . 208 . TI - -= 130 . 625 steam pressure = 57. 674 above atmosphere, and range of temperature K=Ti Si TS 5 = 1 + . 000000309 (77 . 208 39 .1)2 = 1 .0004487 and TS = 77.208 X 1 .0004487 = 77.242 Si = 1 + .000000309 (130.625 39.1)2 = 1.0025884 and TI 5i = 130 625 X 1 0025884 = 130.963 and R = 130 .963 77 .242 = 53 .721. Then heat units added to Avater, W, per pound of steam condensed Avas 200 X 53 721 = 1052 537 10 208 WILLIAM A. HARRIS. BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 107 and heat units per pound of steam 1052.507 -i- 130 %3 = 1183.5 The total heat of steam at observed pressure according to Regnault, // = 1206 85 and heat of vaporization L = 899 .53. From which the effi- ciency of the steam is deduced as 118:} 5 E' = = .9S06S 1206.85 and percentage of water entrained in the steam 1206. SI 1183.5 E = X 100 = 2.r958 899.53 In making calorimeter tests for quality of steam, great care must be observed in taking weights and temperatures to obtain reliable re- sults. DIMENSIONS OF STEAM PORTS. The area of a steam port should be such that the maximum flow will not exceed 100 feet per second. Thus, an eighteen inch cylinder, having an area of 254.47 square inches at 600 feet piston speed, would 254 47 represent a consumption of X 10 == 17.6715 cu. ft. of steam pt-r second, or in this proportion for any point of cut off. The steam 17 G715 port for this engine should be X 144 = 25.447. 100 According to the following table taken from Auchincloss' Link and Valve Motion, the area of above steam port would be 25.447 square inches. At lower piston speeds the co-efficient produces relatively larger port areas. Thus, for above cylinder and piston speed of 300 feet, tho port area, by calculation upon a velocity of flow of 100 feet per second, would be 12.723 square inches, while the co-efficient of table gives an area of 14 square inches. The co-efficients in the table, however, recognize the fact that the perimeter, or frictional surface of a steam port, is inversely as the area, and undertake to provide for this by assuming lower rates of flow per second for the lower piston speed. Knowing the conditions, however, under which an engine will work a port opening based upon a velocity of flow of 100 feet per sec- ond will be ample. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 168 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. B 200 f( 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 peed of jet per Piston min. . .. .04 ar .047 .055 .. .062 .07 .077 .085 .092 .100 Port j ea of r ireas. Steam Pipe Area. iston 025 area of piston. 032 . .039 . .046 .053 . .06 . .067 . .074 ' . .08 ' The above co-efficients divided by .75 will give areas of exhaust ports. H. P. BASED ON INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. In estimating the power of steam engines from indicator diagrams care should be had in calculating the power of forward and return strokes separately. Thus, an 18 inch piston with a 3 inch rod would present an effective area for forward stroke of 254 47 square inches, and for return stroke of 247.4 square inches. If the mean ef- fective pressure for forward and return stroke are alike (which is seldom or never the case), then the areas may be merged into a mean area and referred to whole piston speed per minute. If they are dif- ferent, which is the author's experience of many trials of steam en- gines, then the work of opposite ends of cylinder should be independ- ently computed and added together for indicated power of engine. To illustrate, suppose for above areas a piston speed of 500 feet, and a mean effective pressure for forward stroke of 28 pounds, and for re- turn stroke 25 pounds, the power due forward stroke 254.47X28X250 and for return stroke 33,000 = 53.9811. P. 247.4 X 25 X 250 33,000 = 46.8f)6H. P and indicated horse power of engine 100.836. Let us reverse the pressures and estimate the power; then for for- ward stroke we have 254.47 X25 X2r0 and for return stroke 33,000 48.195 H. P. 247.4X28 X250 = 52.47911. P. 33,000 and indicated power of engine 100.674. Averaging pressures and areas in the usual way the result is 250.935 X26.5X 500 33,000 = 100.754 II. P. Although the differences are not great, for precision the method proposed should be used. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 169 PRESSURE OF VAPOR OF WATER. Let p = absolute pressure per square inch. A = constant = 8 2591 B = constant = 2731 .618 = Log. 3.43642 C = constant --= 390944 7 = Log. 5.59873 T= absolute temperature of water = observed temperature on Fahr. scale +461.2 Then, by formula adopted from Rankine, C (B (J \ 1 h Log. 144 I T T* / Suppose in a digester for the decomposition of fats into fat acids and glycerine, the emulsion (fat and water) is maintained at a con- stant temperature of 440 Fahr., what is the pressure of vapor corre- sponding to this temperature? T = 440 + 461.2 = 901 .2 = log. 2.9548212 B 2731618 T 9012 C 396944.7 = 3 031098 -= .4887536 2"2 901 22 Log. 144 = 2.1583625 Then- Log, p = 8.2.">9l (3.031098 + .4SS7536 +2.1583625) Log. 2.5808859 = p = 380.90 pounds. Suppose the temperature 66 Fahr., then T^ 660 + 461.2 = 1121.2 = Log. 3.0496831 B 2731 .618 T 1121 2 C 396944.7 = 2.436403 .3157621 T -2 11-21. -2* Then- Log, p = 8.2591 (2.436108 + .3157621 + 2.158362-5) == Log. 3.348-3G74 -=p = 2231.362 pounds. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 170 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES 171 TRIALS OF AUTOMATIC CUT- OFF ENGINES. It is worthy of note that in all competitive trials of automatic en- gines where the conditions of performance have been alike for all competitors, the Harris-Corliss has always given the highest econ- omy. At the fair of the American Institute, New York, October, 1869, the Babcock & Wilcox and Harris-Corliss engines were entered for the trials. Mr. Chas. E. Emery, M. E., conducted the experiments. The Babcock & Wilcox cylinder was steam jacketed, and the cut- off effected by steam pressure, a small piston in an auxiliary cylinder on the back of the distribution (main) valve, being connected to the cut-off plates, and the regulating mechanism being connected to the small slide valve admitting steam to this cylinder. The Harris-Corliss cylinder was unjacketed, but covered with non- conducting cement and lagged with wooden staves. The steam valves were operated by the well known Corliss liberating gear and Watt regulator. The following data is from Mr. Emery's official report: Duration of experiment, hours Cylinder, inches Revolutions Pressure in the pipe Cut-off in parts of s e volume of steam accounted for to release is obtained by taking tLa mean area (feet) of piston into the piston travel (feet) per hour to point of release, to which is added the hourly volume of clearance. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 175 The volume of steam retained by exhaust closure is obtained by tak- ing the mean area of piston, in feet, into the travel of piston, in feet, per hour, from exhaust closure to end of stroke, to which is added the hourly volume of clearance. The dimensions of boilers and fire grates are furnished by your en- gineer (Storey), from which have been deduced the heating surface, grate surface and calorimeter of tubes, and ratios of heating to grate surface, and grate surface to cross section of tubes. DIMENSIONS OF ENGINE. Cylinder. Unjacketed. Diameter of cylinder 24 inches. Stroke of piston 60 " Revolutions per minute during trial 59.616 Piston speed " " " 596 166 feet. Factor of H. P. due area and velocity of piston . . 8.204 Piston stroke to release in parts of stroke 99 370 " to exhaust closure in parts of stroke 6 067 Clearance (estimated) in parts of stroke 3 000 Volume of steam to release per hour 115038 04 cu. ft. retained by cushion per hour. . . 10189 02 cu. ft. Diameter of air pump 12 inches. Stroke of air ' 15 " Diameter of driving pulley 20 feet Face " " " 32 inches. Weight " " 40,000 pounds. DIMENSIONS OF BOILERS. Number '. 2 Diameter of shells. 60 inches. Length " " 12 feet. Tubes, each boiler 50-4 inches. Heating surface shells (2) 25056 tubes (100) 124564 14 heads (4) 4072 total 1536 92 sup. ft. Grate " 51 75 sup. ft. Calorimeter of flues. 1256 64 sup. in. Heati ng to grate surface 29 . 70 Grate surface to calorimeter 5 93 The trial of engine for economy of performance and trial of boilers for evaporative efficiency were made simultaneously (March 13); all preparations having been completed, the trial began at 9:15 A. M., and terminated at 7:15 p. M.; duration of trial, ten hours. The test of boiler efficiency was with coal. The load was that usually carried in the daily operation of the mill, and through the care of your chief miller (Lang) was held quite uni- form during the ten hours run. It is possible that the mean power developed is slightly greater than usual, from the fact that the opera- tives were cautioned to avoid breaks in the load, and that they obeyed WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 176 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. the injunction is best attested by the indicator diagrams, which ex- hibit but slight variations in the power during the economy trial. The diagrams were taken by independent indicators, one to each end of cylinder. Forty (40) springs were used, and the drums were moved by well constructed bell cranks, and reciprocating connections hung on a stout gallows frame. The joints of the levers and connec- tions were carefully made, and means were provided to take up wear, and avoid lost motion. The strings on the indicator barrels were only long enough to couple with the pins on the short stroke reciprocating bar, and the recoil springs were adjusted as nearly as possible to the same tension. The length of diagrams was uniformly 4.78". During the trial a pair of diagrams were taken regularly every fif- teen minutes, making eighty-two diagrams from which has been ob- tained the initial pressure in cylinder; piston stroke to cut off: ratios of expansion by pressures and by volumes; terminal pressure; coun- ter pressure at mid-stroke; utilization of vacuum, and mean effective pressure on the piston, from which is obtained the mean power de- veloped. The vacuum in the condenser and the pressure in the boilers were taken from gauges in the engine-room regularly every fifteen min- utes. The temperature of water to the condenser was taken in the river at the mouth of the injection pipe. The temperature of overflow from the condenser was taken in the measuring tank. The tempera- ture of feed to the boiler was taken in the feed pipe near the check valves. The water delivered to the boilers was measured in the following manner: Two oil barrels were carefully washed inside and placed on the same level in the engine-room; to the bottoms of these was con- nected by branch pipes, the suction pipe of pump; each branch being provided with an open way cock to shut off the flow when the level had been reduced to the lowest gauge point. The pipe from the hot well to the pump was cut and carried out over the barrels; a connec- tion made by branches to each barrel, and a stop valve in each branch regulated the flow of water into the tanks. The tanks or barrels were numbered one and two, and were alternately filled to the overflow notch in the rim, and emptied to the center of the branch pipe in the side of barrel, and the contents discharged into the pipe leading to the pump. Whilst the number one barrel was running out, the number two barrel was filling with water from the hot well, and directly the first barrel was emptied to the lower gauge point, it was turned off; and the second barrel turned on; and so on during the entire trial; the WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 177 empty barrel being shut off before the full one was turned on, to pre- vent transfer of water from the full to the empty barrel. Directly each barrel of water was turned on, the time was entered in the log, and a tally made by the assistant in charge of the tanks. From time to time my record of tanks discharged was compared with the assist- ant's tally to avoid error in the count. After the trial, the capacity of each tank was determined by filling to the overflow notch, noting temperature, drawing off to the lower gauge point and weighing. The temperatures of the tanks of water discharged into the suction pipe of feed pump, having been regularly noted during the trial; the weight of water delivered to the boiler was deduced from the number of tanks discharged, into the weight of tanks at mean observed temperature. The calorimeter tests of water entrained were made by drawing off from the steam drum, near the pipe to the engine, a given weight of evaporation, and condensing it in a given weight of water, noticing the temperature of the water before and after the steam was turned in, and the pressure of evaporation each time an observation was made. The thermal values due the ranges of temperature and the weights of steam and water, together with the thermal values of saturated steam at observed pressures, constituted the data from which has been estimated the heat units resident in a pound of evap- oration during the trial, from which has been deduced the water en- trained in the steam as 12.84 per cent, of the total water pumped into boilers. Twenty calorimeter observations were made during the ten hours' trial. The revolutions of the engine are nominally 60 per minute; but from the ten hours' continuous record by counter, the mean revolu- tions per minute was 59.616. The coal fired during trial of engine was Wilmington, mined in the northern part of Illinois, and f roin the evaporative efficiency devel- oped, of very fair quality. The ash pit and fires were cleaned before trial, and the ash and clinker accumulated during the ten hours' firing weighed back dry. The non-conbustible by weight constituted 7.3 per cent, of the total coal fired. Previous to commencement of run, the water level in both boilers was marked on the glass gauges, and the fires leveled and thickness noted: the same conditions of fires and water level ob- tained at the end of trial. In the following tables are given the observed and calculated data, illugtratingthe performance of engine and boilers. All data from the diagrams are means of eighty-two readings, and all other data are means of forty-one readings. The economy of engine by steam and by coal is developed upon the mean quantities charged per hour. 12 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. ITS HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. DATA FROM TRIAL OF ENGINE. Date of trial March 13, 1879. Duration of trial 10 hours. Mean pressure by boiler gauge above atm 92 .876 Ibs. " initial pressure above atm 8!) 376 Ibs. " -terminal " absolute.. 32 018 Ibs. " counter " " 2 696 Ibs. " cut off in parts of stroke apparent 15 560 actual 18019 " vacuum by gauge ' 26 .40 inches. " diagrams.. 2-1.05 " temperature of injection.. 33 840 of hot well 1)2 725 effective pressure 32 9792 Ibs. Indicated horse-power. 270.5796 Ratio of expansion by volumes 5 549 " pressures 8.G43 "ECONOMY OF ENGINE." Total water per hour to boilers 5037 128 Ibs. Water (steam) per hour to calorimeter 10.000 Ibs. entrained per hour in the steam 65>.5831bs. Net steam per hour to engine 4371 545 Ibs. Steam per indicated horse-power, actual. 16 156 Ibs. by the diagrams.. 13 035 Ibs. Per ccntage of steam accounted for 80 682 Coal burned per hour 535. Ibs. Coal per indicated horse-power per hour 19772 Ibs. " " " evaporation 9 to 1.... 1.7950 Ibs. Combustible, per indicated horse-power, per hour. . . 1 8328 Ibs. PERFORMANCE OF BOILERS. Date of trial March 13, 1879. Duration of trial 10 hours. Pressure by gauge 92 876 Ibs. Temperature of feed to heater 92 725 "boiler 114324 Elevation of feed by heater 21599 Percentage of gain by heater 1723 Total water pumped into boilers 50-T71 28 Ibs. " " entrained in the steam (12. 84 per cent).. 6467. 70 Ibs. " steam furnished 43903 58 Ibs. " coal 11 red - 535'). Ibs. ' non-combustible weighed back 390. Ibs. " combustible 4960. Ibs. Steam per pound of coal 8 206 Ibs. " combustible 8 852 Ibs. " " " " coal from temp, of 212 and prcsJ r0 n IK of atm i orfyios. Steam per square foot of heating surface per hour. .. 3.022 Ibs. Coal " grate " " " ... 10 300 Ibs. Percentage of ash in coal. 7.3 Coal burned during trial .Wilmington, Illinois. During the economy trial of engine, the flour manufactured was, by the mill low g cated rng e economy tra o engne, e our manuacture was, by iller's report, 217 barrels high grade, and 2 per cent, added for rade, or 221.34 barrels produced in ten hours. The mean indi- power of engine was 270.56 horse-power, and the hourly expend- WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 179 270.56 iture of power per barrel of flour produced was = 12.224 H. P. The coal burned for whole trial was 5350 pounds, and coal per bar- 5350 rel of flour produced becomes = 24.198 pounds. 221 34 Whilst the experiments of firing slabs and hard wood were in pro- gress, the engine was indicated for distribution of the power in the mill. The first (A) load was with all the machinery on, and operating un- der the ordinary conditions. The second () load was with all the machinery on, except the machinery in elevator building. The third (C) load was with all the machinery on, except the flour packers. The fourth (D) load was with all the machinery on. except the clean- ing machinery and flour packers. The fifth (E) load was with all the machinery on, except the crushing rolls. The sixth (F) load was with all the machinery on, except the purifiers, and the seventh (G) load was with all the machinery on, except the grinding buhrs. The changes of load were made quickly in order to preserve the conditions of ordinary performance in the special machinery driven: and the power developed for each load has been estimated from six diagrams, three from each end of cylinder. The indicated loads were as follows: First load A 267 503 H. P. Second load B 262 585 Third load C 263 706 Fourth load D 250 726 Fifth load E 246 740 S i x t h 1 o a d F 243 645 Seventh load G 117 149 Each of these loads is made up of the friction of engine in all parts extra friction of engine due to the load ; i riction of all the driving ma- chinery in the mill, and power required to drive the special machin- ery, including friction; in like manner the differences between the maximum load and reduced loads nearly represent the power re- quired to drive the special machinery not on, including its own fric- tion. The extra friction of the engine is a certain co-efficient of the load actually carried, and, of course, in quantity varies with the load; hence the difference between the maximum load and lesser loads represents slightly more than the power actually absorbed by the special machinery not driven. From the several independent loads I deduce the distribution of the power in the mill as follows: Total indicated power of engine load (A) 267.503 Friction of engine alone 16 409 Extra friction due load 12.554 Grinding buhrs 150 354 Cleaning machinery 12980 Elevator 4918 Crushing rolls 20.763 Bolting reels, conveyors, fans and general ma-) 21 860 Middlings purifiers ....'... .'.".'..'."."........'.. .'.'. ... . 23 868 Flour packers 3.797 267.503 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 180 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES INDICATOR DIAGRAM FROM 20" X 48" HARRIS-CORLISS ENGINE, FLOUR MILLS OF W. TROW . Correction for variation of water level, -f 285 69 Condensed in calorimeter 50550 54775 Net steam delivered to engine 32,063.19 32,160 25 ECONOMY OF ENGINE. Steam per indicated horse power peri hour corrected for relative valueS 19.3642 220541 of steam > Coal per indicated horse power per' -, O ., fi4 9 90r - 4 hour, evaporation 10 to 1 Steam per hour by the diagrams 2277.581 2419_ 078 Percentage of steam accounted for 71 .034 75 346 Steam per indicated horse power per ) 13 755 18 013 hour by the diagrams j CONDENSING WATER. Water expended per pound of steam ) 3 9 condensed, gallons \ In the many public competitive trials of steam engines the Harris- Corliss has always led all competitors, and of the many well con- ceived attempts to produce an engine which would achieve a higher economy, not one, up to the present time, has realized the hopes of its projectors. No comparison can be -instituted between the Harris-Corliss arid other automatic engines; none approach it in excellence near enough to j ustify comparison. While other engines have yielded good results, the Harris-Corliss has given better. No engine with single cylinder, unjacketcd, has given the result in point of economy shown in the test trial of Harris-Corliss engine at La Crosse. (Seepage 173.) In the competitive trials at the Fair of the American Institute, 1869, the Harris-Corliss engine beat the Babcock & Wilcox by 35 per cent. In the competitive trials at the Cincinnati Industrial Exposition, 1874, the Harris-Corliss engine beat the Babcock & Wilcox 11.5 per cent. In the competitive trials at the Cincinnati Industrial Exposition, 1875, the Harris-Corliss engine beat the Buckeye 8 per cent. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. n 184 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. REGULATING MECHANISM OF HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINE. The great success of the Harris-Corliss engine lies chiefly in the simplicity and precise action of the governing elements; the governor is an independent mechanism saddled with no extraneous load, and free to instantly respond to variations in the angular velocity of rotat- ing parts. (The slightest variation in the angular motion of the shaft or fly-wheel is immediately appreciated by the governor, and a cor- responding point of cut-off is instantly indicated.) "An automatic cut-off engine is one in which the volume of steam cut off in the cylinder is exactly proportioned to the steam pressure and imposed load, to automatically regulate the speed of the engine. If the load is increased the piston stroke to cut off is lengthened; if the steam pressure is increased, the piston stroke to cut ofl'is shortened and vice versa, and the regulation of cut-olf for any stroke depends upon the conditions existing during that stroke. Thus each stroke of the pis- ton and each semi-revolution of the crank possesses a perfect auton- omy." In the Harris-Corliss engine, when the steam port is opened for admission of steam to the cylinder, no obstruction exists to the free flow of steam from the boiler, and when the connecting pipe is of proper srze. with few bends and well protected from loss of heat by radiation, the initial pressure in the cylinder is within a pound or two of the pressure in the boiler. When steam flows into the cylinder the piston advances with a velocity proportional to the load on the. engine and steam pressure, the motion of the piston is communicated to the crank and from the shaft to the governor, and a point of cut-off is indicated for that stroke/the nearness of the steam and exhaust valves to the bore of the cylinder, the prompt opening and instanta- neous closing of steam valves, the rapid opening of exhaust and the tightness of valves under pressure, all contribute to the remarkable performance of this engine. The motion of steam and exhaust valves derived from the wrist-plate is peculiar to this engine, and next to the precise action of the regulator, has much to do with the high economy of performance In other types of automatic cut-off engines, the regulator, instead of the simple duty of governing as to point of cut-off, is obliged to move the cut-off valve thfough varying spaces against varying resistances, and if made powerful enough to do the latter without disturbing its equilibrium as a governor, the inertia of the governing elements be- comes so great as to prevent its proper action for th e regulation of speed and graduation of cut-off, and an uneconomical use of steam consequently follows. It has been urged, and with apparentreason, that an automatic cut-off governor saddled with actuation, as well as indication of cut-off, is desirable rather than otherwise, as the graduating elements of the governor are constantly in vibration and respond more quickly to WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STE:\M ENGINES. 185 variations in velocity of rotation. This is true, but when we consider that actuation in these cases means moving a heavy cut-off valve against widely varying moments of friction, the advantages of actua- tion combined with indication of cut-off disappears. In the Harris- Corliss engine the sole duty of the governor is to indicate the point of cut-off, and actuation is performed by other and independent mechan- ism; the friction of the governor is inappreciably small and practi- cally constant; gravity furnishes the centripetal force, and the gradu- ating elements are constantly in motion relative to their axes of oscil- lation, and the regulator quickly responds to the slightest variation in ve- locity of rotating parts. TABLE OF MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE. For Different Initial Pressures and Cut-offs. CUT-OFF IN PARTS OF PISTON STROKE.* Initial Pressure f .10 15 .20 .25 .30 .35 50 = 65 absolute 9 105 15.213 20403 24 881 28 782 32.191 60= 75 12 891 19 938 25 926 31 094 35 594 39 528 70= 85 11. 670 24 663 31 450 37 307 42 407 46 866 80= 95 20 -461 29 389 36 973 43.520 43.220 54.202 90 = 105 24 247 .14 113 42 497 49 733 56.033 61.540 100 = 115 28 032 38.838 48 019 55 946 62 846 68 878 This table has been calculated for the Harris-Corliss engine, and will be approximately correct only for such other automatic engines as present precisely similar conditions of performance. The clear- ance has been taken at .025 piston development, and the total stroke at 1.025. While the cut-offs given at the head of the table are the ap- parent cut-offs, they are in fact as follows: .125 175 .22-5 .275 325 375. It is assumed that the loss of mean effective pressure by cushion, is compensated by the re-evaporation during latter part of stroke, in an unjacketed cylinder: and that the initial pressure remains constant during admission; then let H represent the hyperbolic loga- rithm of the ratio of expansion, + 1., P the initial pressure, and h the HP ratio of expansion, then = mean effective pressure, from which subtract 15 for pressure counter-pressure. of atmosphere, and .5 pound for mean * Engine worked non-condensing: if engine is worked condensing add 13 75 pounds to the value by tiie table: thus 70 pounds, cut-off at .20 engine condensing. 31 450 -f 13 75 = 45 20 pounds. f Pressure in the cylinder during admission. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE. R. I. 186 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. STEAM TABLE. Pressure by gauge. Tot' pres. p'ds. Inches of Merc'y Temp. Fahr. Total heat bj pound Latent heat by pound . Heat in water bypd. Rela- tive volume Weight per cu. ft. 1 2.036 102. 1145 05 1012.96 102 08 17983. .00347 2 4.072 126 27 1152.45 1026 01 126.44 10353 . .00602 3 6.108 141.62 1157.1: 1015 25 141.87 7283.8 .00856 4 8.144 153 07 1162 62 1007.23 153 39 5608 4 .01112 5 10.180 162.33 1163 45 1000 73 162.72 4565 6 .01366 6 12.216 170 12 1165 83 995.25 170.57 3851.0 01619 7 14 252 176 91 1167.89 990.47 177.42 3330.8 .01837 8 16.288 182 . 9 1 1169.72 986.24 183 48 2935.1 02125 9 18.321 188.32 1171.37 982 43 188.94 2624 1 02377 10 20 360 193. 2 i 1172 87 978.96 193.92 2373.0 .02628 11 22.39(5 197.77 1174.26 975.76 198.49 2166.3 .02880 12 24 432 201.. 96 1175 .5:5 972.80 202.74 1993.0 03130 13 26.468 205.88 1176.7:; 970.02 206.71 1845.7 .03380 14 28.504 203. 56 1177.85 967.43 210 43 1718.9 .03629 .304 15 30.540 213.02 1178 91 964.97 213.94 1608 6 .03878 1.304 16 32.576 216.30 1179.91 962.66 217.25 1511 7 04123 2.304 17 34.612 219.41 1180.8C, 960.45 220.41 1426.2 04374 3 304 18 36.648 222. 3S 1181. 76 958.34 223.42 1349.8 .04622 4.304 19 38.681 223.20 1182.63 956.34 226.28 1281.1 .04868 5.304 20 40.720 227.92 1183.45 954.41 229.04 J219.7 .05119 G.304 21 42.756 230.51 1184.25 952.57 231.67 1163.8 .05360 7 304 2-2 44.792 233.02 1185.01 9-50 79 234.22 1112.9 .05605 8 304 23 46.828 235 43 1185.74 949.07 236.67 1066 3 .05851 9 304 24 48.861 237.75 1186.45 947.42 239.03 1023.6 06095 10 304 25 50.9'JO 240.00 1187.14 9J5.82 241 31 984.23 .06338 11.304 26 52.936 212.17 1187.80 244 28 243.52 947.86 .06582 12 304 27 54 972 214.28 1188 44 942.77 245 67 914 14 06824 13 304 28 57.008 246 33 1189 07 941 .32 247.75 882.80 07067 14 304 29 59 044 248.31 1189.67 939.90 249.77 853 60 .07308 15 304 30 61 .080 250.24 1190.26 938.92 251.74 826 32 07550 16 304 31 63.11(5 252.12 1190 83 937.19 253.64 800.79 07791 17 304 32 65.152 253.95 1191.40 935 88 255.52 766.83 .08031 18 301 33 67.188 255 73 1191.91 934.61 257.33 754 31 08271 19 304 34 69.224 257 . 46 1192.47 933 36 259.11 733.09 08510 20 304 71.2'i'J 259.17 1192 99 932.15 260 84 713.08 .08749 21.304 36 73.23:; 260 83 ,1193.49 930.96 262.53 694.17 08987 22.304 37 75.331 262 45 1193.9'.) 929 81 264.18 676.27 .09225 23 304 38 77.367 261.04 1194 47 928 67 265.80 659.31 .09462 21.304 39 79.403 265 60 1194.94 927 56 267 38 643.21 09700 25.304 40 81.439 267.12 1195 .41 926.47 268.94 627.91 .09936 26 304 41 83.475 233.61 mv8 925 40 270.46 613 34 .10172 27.304 42 85.511 270.07 1196.31 924.36 271.95 599.46 .10407 28 304 43 87.547 271.51 1196 75 923 33 273.42 586.23 .10642 29 304 44 89.583 272.91 1197.18 922 32 274.86 573.58 . 10877 30 304 45 91.610 274 29 1197.60 921 33 276 27 561 50 .11111 31.304 46 93 655 275 65 1198.01 920 36 277.65 549 94 .11344 32 304 47 95.691 276 99 1198 42 919.40 279 02 538 87 11577 33 304 48 97.727 278.30 1198 82 918.47 280.35 528 25 .11810 34 304 4 9.1.763 279 58 1199.21 917 54 281 67 518 07 12042 35 301 5 101.799 280.85 1199.60 910 63 282.97 508.29 .12273 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 187 STEAM TABLE-Continued. Pressure by gauge. Tot'l pres. p'ds. Inches of Merc'y Temp. Fahr. Total heat by pound . Latent heat by pound Heat in water by pd. Rela- tive volume W'ght per cu. ft. 36.304 51 103 84 282.10 1198 98 915.74 284.24 498.89 .12505 37 304 52 105.87 283.32 1200.35 914.86 285.50 489.85 .12736 33.304 53 107.91 284 53 1200.72 913.99 286.73 481.15 .12SW6 39. 30-1 54 109 94 285.72 1201.08 913 13 287.95 472.77 .13196 40 304 55 111.98 286 89 1201.44 912 29 289.15 464.69 .13428 41 304 56 114 02 288.05 1201.80 911.46 290.34 456.90 !l3652 42 304 57 116 05 289 11 1202 14 910.64 291 50 449 38 .13883 43 304 58 118.09 290 32 1202.49 909.83 292 65 442 12 14111 44 304 59 120 12 291 42 1202.82 909.03 293.79 435 10 .14338 45 304 60 122.16 292 52 1203.16 908 25 294.91 428.32 .14566 46 304 61 124.19 293.60 1203.49 907 47 296 02 421.75 14792 47 304 62 126.23 294.66 1203.81 90670 297.11 415 40 .15018 48 304 63 128.27 295.71 1204.13 905.95 298.18 409.25 .15214 49 304 64 130 30 296.75 1204 .45 905 20 299.25 403.29 .15469 50 304 (io 132.34 297.78 1204.76 904.46 300.3* 397.51 .1-V.94 51.304 66 134 37 298.79 12" 15. 07 903 73 301.34 391.90 .15919 52.304 67 136 41 299.79 1205.38 903.01 302.37 386 47 .16130 53 304 & 138 45 300.77 1205.68 902 30 303.38 381.18 .16366 54.304 10 140.48 301.75 1205 97 901.60 304 37 376.06 .16590 55 304 70 142.52 302.72 1206.27 900 90 305.37 371.07 .16812 56.304 71 144 .55 303 67 1206.56 90021 306.33 356.24 .17035 57 304 72 M6 59 304.62 1206.85 897.53 307.32 361.53 .17256 58 301 73 148 63 305.55 1207 13 898.85 308.28 356 95 .17478 59.304 74 ,150.66 306 47 1207 .42 898.19 309 23 352 49 .17690 60 304 75 ' 152 70 307.39 1207.69 857.53 310 16 348.15 .17919 61.304 76 154 73 308.29 1207.97 896 88 311 09 313.93 .18139 62 304 77 ' 156.77 309. IK 1208 24 896.23 312.01 339.81 .18359 63 304 78 158 81 310.07 1208.51 895 59 312 92 335 81 .18578 64 304 79 160.84 310.94 1208.78 894 95 313.82 331 89 .18797 65 304 H 162.88 311.81 1209.04 894.33 314.71 328.08 .19015 66.304- 81 164 91 312.67 1209 30 893.71 315 .59 324 37 .192:8 67 304 82 166 95 313.52 1209.56 893.09 316.47 320.74 .19451 68.304 83 168.99 314.30 1209 82 892.49 317 33 317.20 .19668 69.304. 84 17102 315 19 1210.07 891.88 318.19 313.74 .19885 70.304 85 173.06 316.02 1210 33 891 .29 319.04 310 36 .20101 71 304 86 175 09 316 84 1210 58 890.69 319.89 307 07 .20317 2.304 87 177.13 317.65 1210.83 890.11 320.72 303.85 .20532 3 304 88 179 17 318.45 1211.07 889.52 321 54 300.70 20747 4 304 89 181.20 319.2-5 1211.31 888.95 322 36 297 62 .20962 5 304 90 185 24 320.04 1211.55 888-38 323 17 294.61 .211S5 6.394 91 186 -7 320.82 1211.79 887.81 323.98 291.66 .21390 7 304 92 187.31 321 .58 1212.03 887.25 324 78 288.78 .21603 78 304 93 189.35 322.36 1212 26 886.69 325.57 285.96 .21816 79.304 94 191 38 323 13 1212 40 886.13 326.36 283 21 .22029 80 304 95 193.42 323.^8 1212.72 885.59 327.13 280.50 .22211 81 304 % 195.45 324.63 1212 95 885 04 327.91 _77 - i 22153 82 304 97 197.49 325 38 1213.18 8*4.50 328 08 275.27 .22675 83.304 98 199.53 326.11 1213.40 883.97 329 43 272 73 .2-2873 81 304 99 201.56 326.84 1213.68 383 !! 330.19 270.24 .2308-) 85 304 100 203.60 327.57 1213.85 882.91 330.94 267.80 .23296 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 18S HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM EXGINE3 STEAM TABLE-Conlinued. Pressure by gauge. Tot' pres p'ds Inches of Mere'y Temp. Fahr. Total heat by pound' Latent heat by pound Heat in water by pd. Rela- tive volume Weisrht per cu. ft. 86.304 101 205.64 328.29 1214.07 882 39 331.68 265.81 .2&>05 87.304 102 207 67 329.00 1214.28 881 .87 332 41 263.07 .23715 88.304 103 209.71 329.71 1214.50 881.35 333.15 260 77 .23924 8!) 304 104 211.74 330.42 1214.71 880.85 333 86 258.52 24132 5*0.304 io;> 213.78 331.11 1214.93 880.34 334.59 256 31 .24340 91 304 106 215.82 331 80 1215 14 879.84 335 30 254 14 .24518 92.304 107 217.85 332.49 1215.35 879.34 336.01 252 01 2475(5 93.304 108 219.89 333.17 1215.55 878.84 336.71 249.92 '.24963 94.304 109 221.92 333.85 1215.76 878 35 337.41 247.87 .251fi<) 95.304 110 223.96 334.52 1215.97 877.86 338.11 245 86 .25375 96.304 111 225 99 335.19 1216.17 877.38 3:38.79 243.88 .25581 97 304 112 228.03 335.85 1216.38 876.90 339.48 241 94 . 25786 98.304 113 230.07 336.51 1216.58 876.42 840.16 240.03 .25991 99 304 114 232.10 337.16 1216.77 875.94 340 . 83 238.15 .26204 100 304 115 254 14 337.81 1216.97 875.47 341.50 236 31 .26400 101.304 116 236.17 338.46 1217.17 875 00 342.17 234.50 .26611 102.304 117 238.21 339.10 1217.36 874 54 342.83 232.70 .26816 103.304 118 240.25 339 73 1217.56 874.07 343.49 231.00 . 270'>0 104.304 119 242.28 310.37 1217.75 873.61 344.14 229.30 .27224 105.304 120 244.32 340.99 1217 94 873 15 044.79 227.56 .27421 106.304 121 246.35 341 .62 1218.13 872.70 345.43 226.00 .27628 107.304 122 248.39 342.24 1218.32 872 25 346.07 224.40 .27828 108.304 123 250 43 312.85 1218.51 871.80 346.71 222.80 .28027 109.304 124 252.46 343.46 1218.69 871.35 347.34 221.20 .28227 110.304 125 254.50 314 07 1218.88 870.91 347 97 219.50 .28422 111.304 126 256.54 344 68 1219.07 870.47 348.60 218.20 .28625 112 304 127 258.57 345.28 1219.25 870.03 349.22 216.70 .28824 113.304 128 260.61 345.87 1219.43 869.60 349.83 215.20 .29023 114 304 129 262.64 346.46 1219.61 869.16 350.45 213.70 l >9222 115 304 130 264.68 347.06 1219.79 868.74 351.06 212.07 .29419 116.304 131 266.72 317.64 1219.97 868.31 351.66 210.90 .29618 117 304 132 268.75 348 23 1220.15 867.88 352.27 209.50 .29816 118.304 133 270.79 348.80 1220.32 867.46 352.86 208.1.0 .30013 119.304 134 272.82 349.38 1220.50 867.04 353.46 206.70 .30209 120.304 135 274.86 349.95 1220.67 866.62 354.05 205.18 .30406 121 .304 136 276.89 350.52 1220.85 866.21 354.64 204 . 10 .30601 122.304 137 278.93 351.09 1221 . 02 865.79 355.23 202.80 .30796 123.304 138 280.96 351.75 1221 19 865.38 355.81 201.50 .30990 124 304 139 283.00 352.21 1221.36 864.97 356.39 200.20 .31186 125.304 140 285.04 352.76 1221.53 864.56 3-56 97 198.78 .31385 126 304 141 287.07 353.32 1221.70 864.16 357.54 197.80 .31586 127.304 142 289.11 353.87 1221.87 863.76 358.11 196.60 .31788 128.304 143 291.15 354.42 1222 04 863.36 358.67 195.40 .31990 129.304 144 293.18 354.96 1222.20 862.96 359.24 194.20 .32190 130 304 145 295 . 22 355.50 1222.37 862.57 359.80 192.83 .32354 131 304 146 297.25 356.04 1222.53 862.17 360.36 191.90 .32592 132 304 147 299.29 356 57 1222.69 861.78 360.91 190.80 .32794 133 304 148 301.33 357.10 1222.85 861.39 361.46 189.70 . 32995 131.304 149 303.36 357 63 1223.02 861.01 362.01 188.60 .331% 13-5.304 150 305.40 358 . 16 1223.18 860.62 362 . 56 187 .26 .33315 WILLIAM A. HARRIS. BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR. The steam engine indicator is now so well known, and so much used, that re- marks on its history or construction are unnecessary. From a continuous ex- perience of nearly twelve years with the McNaught, Richards and Thompson in- dicators, the author feels competent to make a few remarks on the use of this invaluable instrument, and upon the diagram of steam development obtained "The office of the indicator is to furnish a diagram of the action of the steam in the cylinder of an engine during one or more revolutions of the crank ; from which is deduced the following data: Initial pressure in cylinder piston stroke to cut-offreduction of pressure ^from commencement of piston stroke to cut-offpiston stroke to release ter- minal pressure gain in economy due expansion counter pressure, if engine is worked, non-condensingvacuum as realized in the cylinder, if engine is worked condensing piston stroke to exhaust closure, usually reckoned from zero point of stroke, value of cushion effect of lead, and mean effective pressure on the piston during complete stroke. The indicator diagram, when taken in connection with the mean area, and stroke of piston, and revolution of crank for a given length of time, enables us to ascertain the power developed by engine : and, when taken in connection with the mean area of piston, piston speed, and ratio of cylinder clearance, enabfes us to ascertain the steam accounted for by the engine. The mean power developed by engine compared with the steam delivered by the boilers, furnishes the cost of power in steam ; and when compared with the coal, furnishes the cost of the power in fuel. The diagram also enables us to determine, with precision, the size of steam and exhaust ports necessary under given conditions to equalize the valve functions to measure the loss of pressure between boiler and engine to measure the loss of vacuum between condenser and cylinder to determine leaks into, and out of, the cylinder to determine relative effects of jacketed and nnjacketed cylinders and to determine effects of expansion in one cylinder and in two or more cylinders. The diagram is frequently used as an exponent of the engine from which it is taken, but it is not always that diagram which, to the ob- server, looks the most perfect, that represents the best economy. Experience has shown that other data than the indicator diagrams are necessary to a correct estimate of the economy of performance of an engine. Although calculated to serve good ends, the steam engine indi- cator, like the surgeon's knife, should never be applied by unskillful hands. The cut represents the Thompson indicator, at present the most im- proved form of the instrument, which, during the past three years, lins almost entirely superseded the justly celebrated Richards in- dicator. WILLIAM A. HARRIS. BUILDER, PROVIDENCE. R. I. 190 KARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINE? INDICATED H. P. HARRIS-CORLISS ENGINE. Initial Pressure 50 pounds above Atmosphere. Diam. of cylin- Piston speed in feet per CUT-OFF IN PARTS OF STROKE. der. min. .10 .15 .20 .25 . .30 .35 8 340 4 715 7.878 10 566 12.885 14 905 16.671 10 400 8 G80 14 482 19 423 23 686 27 400 30.645 12 450 14 042 23 462 31 .4G6 38 373 44/-J89 49 646 14 19.113 31 934 42 829 52 230 60.418 67 574 15 " 21 939 3G.G58 49 164 59.955 69.355 77 569 1G 500 27 737 46 343 62 154 75.79G 87.679 98.066 18 35 105 58.654 78 664 95.931 110.970 124.116 20 " 43 340 72 413 97.118 118 432 137.000 153 228 23 < 57 317 95.76S 128.439 156 628 181.188 202.647 24 ' 62.409 104 275 139 849 170.545 197.283 220.648 26 ' 73 243 122 380 164.127 200.152 231.531 258 952 28 < 84 945 141 928 190.348 232 129 268.522 300.324 30 ' 97 650 1G2.929 218.515 266 472 308 250 344 763 32 ' 103 . 248 185.372 248.616 303.184 350 716 382 264 84 * 125.252 ' 209.273 280.671 342.268 395.930 442 829 3G 140.420 234 616 314.656 383.724 443 880 496.464 * Initial Pressure 60 pounds above Atmosphere. Diam. of cylin- Piston speed in feet per CUT-OFF IN PARTS OF STROKE. der. 111 in. .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 8 340 6.724 10.325 13 426 16.103 18.433 20 470 10 400 12 357 18 981 24.681 29.601 33.885 37.630 12 450 20.020 30.749 39.984 47 954 54 596 60 962 14 27 249 41 853 54.422 65 271 74.717 82.975 15 " 31 280 48.044 62.472 74.925 85.769 95.249 16 500 39.544 60.738 78.980 94.723 108.430 120.415 18 50 049 76 872 99.960 119.886 137.233 152.403 20 " 61.784 94 904 123.405 148.005 169 425 188 150 23 '< 81.716 125.513 163.207 195 740 224.068 248 834 24 '< 88.974 136 660 177.705 213.127 243.970 270.934 26 " 104.423 160.387 208.559 250.132 286.332 317.972 28 121.094 185 994 211.851 290 064 332.042 368.741 30 " 139.014 213.534 277.661 333.011 381.206 423 340 32 " 158 176 242.952 315920 378.892 433.720 481.60.0 34 " 178.555 264.272 356 640 427.734 486.638 543 753 36 " 200.196 317.488 399.840 479.544 548.932 609 612 WLIILAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 191 INDICATED H. P. HARRIS-CORLISS ENGINE. Initial Pressure 70 pounds above Atmosphere. Diam. of cvlin- der Piston speed in feet per minute. CUT-OFF IN PARTS OF STROKE. 10 15 .20 .25 .30 35 8 340 8 636 12 772 16.287 19.276 21.962 24.270 10 4UO 15 875 23 479 29 940 35 515 40 371 44 615 12 450 25 718 38 036 48 504 57.537 65.403 72 278 14 35 006 51.783 66 019 78 314 89 018 98 378 15 i 40 183 59 429 75 784 91 992 102 187 112 930 16 500 50 800 75 132 95 807 113 650 129 187 142 771 18 64 295 95 09 1 121 260 143 840 163 504 180 696 20 i 79 377 117 395 149 699 177 578 201.855 223 079 23 < 104 978 155.256 197 979 234.849 266 956 29* 025 24 < 1)4 303 169.047 215 566 2-35.712 290.671 321 235 26 134.146 198 399 252.991 300 1Q9 341 137 377 007 28 < 155 578 230 091 293.413 348 056 395.639 437.240 30 4 178 598 264.139 336.823 399 550 454.174 501 928 32 203200 300.528 383 228 454 600 516 748 571 084 84 ' 229 284 339.271 432 630 513 200 583 361 644 698 36 ' 257.180 380.364 485.440 575.360 654 016 722.784 Initial Pressure 80 pounds above Atmosphere. Diam of cylin- Piston speed in feet per CUT-OFF ix PARTS OF STI:OKE. der. minute. .10 .15 .20 .23 .30 .33 8 340 10 59*6 15 219 19 147 22 538 25 490 28 069 10 400 19 478 27.978 35 198 41.430 46.857 51 599 12 450 31 556 45.325 57.021 67 119 75.910 83 593 14 42 950 61 692 77 612 91 356 103 321 113 777 15 49 303 70.817 89.092 104 869 118 304 130.605 16 500 62.331 89 528 112.631 132 577 149 9JO 165 116 18 78.889 113.310 142 533 167 795 189 771 208 977 20 97 390 139.891 175 990 207 152 234 282 257 994 23 128 804 185 007 232 750 273 962 399 841 341 200 24 140.645 201 438 253.420 298 298 337 365 371 511 26 ' 164 596 236.474 297 420 350 090 395 910 436 013 28 190 888 274 182 344 937 406 022 459 198 505 661 30 219 127 314.755 395 977 466 092 527 134 580 486 32 249 324 358 112 450 524 530.308 599.760 660 464 34 281 457 404 285 508 611 598 669 677 075 745 60-2 36 315 556 453 240 570 212 671.180 758 084 835.908 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 192 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. INDICATED H. P. HARRIS-CORLISS ENGINE. Initial Pressure 90 pounds above Atmosphere. Diam. of cylin- Piston speed in feet per CUT-OFF IN PARTS OF STROKE. der. min. .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 8 340 12 536 17.666 22.008 25.755 29.018 31.870 10 400 23.045 32.475 40.456 47.345 53.343 58.585 12 450 37.333 52.611 65.542 76.702 86.417 88.576 14 50 814 71.609 89.209 104.397 117.622 129.183 15 58.331 82.199 102.404 119.839 135.020 148.289 16 500 73.742 103.920 129.461 151.502 170.694 187.473 18 93.332 131.525 163.851 191.752 216.040 237.273 20 115.223 162.375 202.283 236.728 266.716 292.927 23 ' 152 387 214 745 267.522 313.076 352.736 387 400 24 165.919 233.820 291.287 340.880 384.061 4'J1 811 26 194.728 274.416 341 861 400.073 450 744 495 051 28 225.839 318 258 396.478 463.985 522 . 757 574.142 30 259.252 365.344 455.137 532.638 600.111 659.086 32 294.968 415.580 517.844 606.008 682 416 749 892 34 332.994 469.263 5S4.597 684.144 770 809 846 559 36 373.328 526 "100 655.404 767.008 864.160 949.092 Dift.ui. "Pi ctrr Initial Pressure 100 pounds above Atmosphere. of cvlin- der. JTlStOn speed in feet per inin. CUT-OFF IN *>ARTS OF STROKH. .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 8 340 14.517 20.113 24.868 28.973 32 546 35.670 10 400 26.686 36.973 45.714 53.259 59.828 65.572 12 450 43.232 59.899 74.057 86.283 96.925 106 228 14 58.843 81 .526 100.800 117.441 132.230 144.587 15 ' 67.547 93.587 115.709 134 812 151.436 165.974 16 510 85.394 118.315 146.281 170.431 191.452 209 826 18 108.081 149.744 185.139 215.704 242.309 265.564 20 ' 133.432 184.867 228 570 266.299 299.143 327.853 23 ' 176.465 244.489 302.287 352.184 395.621 433 590 24 ' 192 136 266.209 329. 1?2 383.470 430.767 472.108 26 1 225.501 312.428 386 . 278 450 049 505.045 554 076 28 1 261 .523 362.343 448.991 521.951 586.327 642.598 30 1 300 222 415 951 514.282 599.173 673.072 737 669 32 1 441.576 473 260 585.124 6S1.724 765.808 839 304 34 ' 385.618 534.275 660.567 796 604 864 523 987.495 36 432.324 598.976 740.556 862.816 969.236 1062.256 WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 193 INDICATED H. P. HARRIS-CORLISS ENGINES. The development of power for different steam pressures and points of cut-off, is based on the mean effective pressure above the at- mosphere. And if it be desired to know the power when engine is worked condensing, under same conditions of initial pressure cut-off, and piston speed ; then in every case add to the power in the tables the following values: 8" cylinder 7 120 H. P. 10" 18090 12" 21206 14" 28 863 15" 33 133 16" 41887 18" 53.013 20" 65450 23|' cylinder 26" 28" 30" 32" 34" 36" 80. 558 H. P. 94 246 110 609 128 280 147 262 167 548 189.150 212.052 This table is based upon an assumed vacuum (in the cylinder) of 27 inches corresponding to pres. of 13.25 pounds, to which add .50pd. counter pressure, which with engine condensing is utilized in mean effective pressure. Suppose a 20" engine at 500 ft. piston speed, initial pressure 80 pounds and cut-off .20 of piston-stroke, is to be operated condensing: What will be the indicated power ? The power above at- mosphere by table is 175 990 Add power due vacuum 65.450 241 440 H. P. HARRIS-CORLISS ENGINES. DIMENSIONS CYLINDER, PISTON SPEED, AND REVOLTJTIONS. . Cylinder. Piston Speed. Revolu- tions. Cylinder. Piston Speed. Revolu- tions. 8X 24 34(X 85 20X48 500* 62.5 10 X 24 340' 85 20X60 500* 50 10X30 400* 80 23X42 500' 71 43 12X30 400' 80 23X48 bW 62.5 12X36 450' 75 23X60 oOO* 50. 14X36 450* 75 24X48 500 7 65.5 14 X 42 450* 64 3 24X60 500* 50 15 X 36 450' 75 26X48 5W 62.5 15X42 450' 64 3 . 26X60 500' 50 16X36 450' 75 28X48 500 7 62 5 16 <42 450' 64 3 28X60 500* 50 16X48 50(X 62 5 30X60 50V 50 18X42 50as marks on the upper side of its hub showing the extremes of its travel and its center of motion. To set the valves, place and hold the wrist plate on the center mark, or at the center of vibration, and by the adjusting threads for shorten- ing and lengthening the valve connections, set the exhaust valves at the point of opening, and lap the steam valves from y A " to %" of an inch, according to size of engine, the less amount for an 8" cylinder, and the larger amount for a 30" cylinder, and intermediate sizes in proportion. Now connect the wrist plate and eccentric by ihe eccen- tric rod and hook, and, with the eccentric loose upon the shaft, roll it over and note if the wrist plate vibrates to the marks of extreme travel; adjust at the screw and socket in the eccentric rod, to make it vibrate to the marks. Now place the crank upon either dead center, and roll the eccentric enough more than a quarter of a revolution in advance of the crank, observing at this time in which direction it is Desired to run the engine shaft), to show an opening of tne steam vrtlve nearest the piston of from 1-32 to y & of an inch, according to the speed the engine is to run. This port opening at the dead center is commonly called lead, and is for the purpose of making an elastic cushion for the piston to re- bound from or stop against. High-speed engines require more lead than slow-running engines, other things being equal. Now tighten securely the set screw in the eccentric, and turn the WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE. R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STKAM ENGINES. engine shaft over in the direction desired to run it, and note if the other steam valve is set relatively the same; if not, adjust by shorten- ing or lengthening its connection. At a state of rest the weight of the regulator balls rests upon a pin in the side of the regulator column. To adjust the cam rods, have the balls resting upon the stop motion pin; then move and hoH the wrist plate to one extreme of its throw, and adjust the cam rod for the steam valve, now wide open, so as to bring the steel cam on the cam collar in contact with the circular limb of the cut-off hook: move the wrist plate to the other extreme of throw, and adjust the other cam rod in the same manner. To test the correctness of the cut-off, block up the regulator to about its medium height, and with the eccentric connected to wrist plate, roll the engine shaft very slowly in the direction it is to run, and when the cut-off hook is detached by the cam, stop and measure upon the guide the distance traveled by the cross-head: then continue the revolution of the shaft, and note when the other steam valve is tripped, if cut-off is equalized the distance traveled on the guides will be the same: if not, adjust the cut-off rods until the points of cut- off measure alike. The pin in the side of the regulator column upon which the weight of balls rest, is to be removed when the engine is in motion and up to speed, which allows the stop-motion cams to be- come operative, and stop tho cnirnie in case of any breakage of the governor belt, which would allow the cugine to run away unless thus guarded against. AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF AND THROT- TLING SLIDE VALVE ENGINE. Singular as it may seem, there are engine constructors who are yet to learn that the automatic engine is capable of developing a given power at a reduction of 26 to 75 per cent., as compared with the cost of the power by the rank and file of throttling engines. Under favorable conditions, the loss in economy by the slide valve engine as compared with the cut-off, is nearly 30 per rent.; and a comparison of the performance of slide valve and cut-off engines by test trial, show that 26 per cent, is the minimum saving by automatic cut-off engine. Comparing the performance of the Harris-Corliss engine at the Cin- oincinnati Industrial Exposition of 1875 with the performance of sev- eral popular slide valve engines, we have as a result the following WILLIAM A! HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I, 200 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES relative economy: All the data in the table are from engines operated non-condensing, and (except those designated) at their regular work. Location. Date. Engine. Class. St'm Cylinder Sp'd|p'rhr p'rhp Rela- tive etn'ov. Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton, Tiffin, Toledo, Hamilton, 1875 1877 1875 1877 1874 1875 1876 1877 Harris-Corliss S. & Co. J. F. K. & Co. L. &B Co. B. E. Co. A. & Co. W. P. C. L. & N. U.&G.C. &Co J. H. T. & S. 16" X 48' 58 23.13 Slide- valve i X 54" X 30' XI 6" X14" X 29" X24" X 31" X 36" X 20" 68 do 193 210 58.67 56.09 32 34 33.65 70 35 52 72 57 64 104 66.81 46 35 51.00 :!S S3 1.0000 4943 4124 7152* 0.6814* 0.6512 0.3462 0.4990 4535 5957 *Test trials Cincinnati Industrial Exposition, 1875. DAILY AVERAGE NUMBER OF GALLONS OF WATER PER CAPITA IN THE CITIES NAMED.* (Dennis Long & Co.) Washington, D. C 158 New York 100 Brooklyn 5u Philadelphia 55 Baltimore 40 Chicago 75 Boston 60 Albany, N. Y 80 Detroit. 83 Jersey City, N. J .. . 99 Buffalo, N. Y 61 Cleveland 40 Columbus 30 Montreal 55 Toronto 77 London, England 29 Liverpool, " 23 Glasgow, Scotland 50 Edinburg, " 38 Dublin, Ireland 25 Paris, France 28 Tours, " 22 Toulouse," 26 Lyons, " 20 Leghorn, Italy. . . . : 30 Berlin, Prussia.. 20 Hamburg, " 33 * Including water used for manufacturing, fountains, and waste. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 201 SAFETY VALVES. Let L = length of lever in inches from fulcrum to point of applica- tion of weight. L' = length of lever from fulcrum to center of valve. L" = length of lever from fulcrum to its center of gravity. W = weight of 'P' in pounds. 10 = weight of lever in pounds. \cf = weight of valve plug in pounds, a = area of valve (orifice through seat) in square inches. p = pressure in pounds per square inch. (w L" \ + w' 1 U L' ) L (w L" \ h w' I L' L' / W L / w L" \ + ( + u'l = U V L' / Suppose a safety valve in which a = .442 sq. inch L = 18" L' = 2" L" = 13 875" w = 4 pounds, and w? = 25 pound, what weight of 'P' is required to balance a pressure p = 1,000 pounds per square inch. f\ XI 3. 875 .442 X 1,000 (4X13875 \ [- 25 I X 2 18 (4 X 13.875 + C W = = 46 pounds. 18 <4 X 13.875 .442 X 1,000 I + 25 1 X 2 L = = 18 inches. 46 16 X 18 /4 X 13.875 .442 = 1,000 pounds per sq. inch. COMFRESSON. The following is Mr. Porter's formula for the maximum pressure of compression for steam engines: Let W = weight of reciprocating parts in pounds. L = radius of crank in feet. r = revolutions per second. 71 = constant = 1 227. a = area of piston in square inches. p = pressure per square inch required. Then W L 1 227 r2 p = 202 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM-ENGINES. PILE DRIVING. Let W = weight of the ram in pounds. h = fall of the ram in inched. E = modulus of elasticity of pile. L = length of pile in inches. a = sectional area of pile in sq. inches. s = depth in inches through which pile was driven by last blow. P = maximum load which pile will carry. Then, according to Rankine ('AEa Wh 4 E- a" s-\ 2 E a s \ + -I \ L L* / L According to Weisbach, adopting Rankine's form, of expression / 12 E, a H'/t 2 ,fl 6' 2 \ E a ft P = (\ + 2 ,,2 S 2v E (I ~V ) L And according to Major John Saunders, U. S. A. Wh P = 3s Data, from Weisbach's illustration. Weight of ram (IF), = 2,000 pounds, fall of ram (li), = 72 inches, modulus of elasticity of spruce pile (E), = 1,560,000 pounds, length of pile (L), = 25 X 12 ='300 inches, area of crossseetion (a), = 12 X 12 = 144 sq. inches, distance pile was driven by last blow(s),= .2 inch. And 14 X 1.500,000 X 2,000 X 72 4 X 1 ,560,00 J 2 X 1442 X .22 P = A /_ - + _ V 300 3002 2 X 1,560,000 X 144 X .2 300 according to Rankine. = v'521,022,390,000 299,522.9 = 422,298.9 pds. 12 X 1,560,000 X 2,000 X 72 l,5tiO,()OU 2 X 144 2 X .2 2 + 1,560,000 X 144 X .2 = 1^238,083,170,000 149,771.8 = 338,161 pounds, ac- 300 cording to Weisbach; and 2,000 X 72 144,000 P= - = 240,000 pounds, according to Major Saun- 3 X .2 .6 ders. Mr. Trautwine suggests the following for maximum resistance of piles: 3 :'h 3 _ P = V W'GO = A ; '(> X 2,000 X 60 = 224,052 pounds. This formula, however, is only applicable when the pile refuses to sink under a given weight and 1'nll of rani The author prefers the Weisbach formula, and a factor of safety of 4 to 10, depending upon the value and importance of superstructure. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 203 G-EISTERAL INDEX. PAGE. Areas and Circumferences of [Condensation PAGE. .. 194 Circles Angle Iron Air required for Combustion. Absolute Zero Adjustment cl Valves Beams Boiling Points of Liquids. . Brick Chimneys Buffalo Reservoir Circle Cone Cubic or Solid Measure Centrifugal Force Cube and Square Root Clark's Formulae for Deflection of Bor.ms Columns and Pillars 81 Compression in Steam Engines 201 55il>ecimals of Inch 12 &">' deflection of Beams 42 94j Dimensions of Rolled I Beams. 48 198 Deflection of Sha fting 64 39 1 Distribution of Heat 100 95! Duty of Pumping Engines. . 128 118; Dimensions of London Pump- is ing Engines Duplex Direct Acting Engine. 5 142 146 Discharge of Long Iron Pipes.. 154 13 Discharge of Nozzles 162 Dimensions of Steam Ports . 167 42 Distribution cf Power in Flour Mills 179 Dimensions of Harris-Corliss 199 6 50 Engines Crushing Strength of Materials 59|Ellipse Composition of Fuel 87 i Eight Powers of first ten Num- Coal bers Anthracite 87) Experiments with Fuel, at La Pennsylvania 87 Crosse, Wis 90 Cumberland 87'Erie Coal 92 Indiana 881 Expansion by Volumes 104 Newcastle 8S{ Efficiency of "Pumping Engines 130 Pittsburgh No. 2 88) Efflux and Velocity 1(50 Ohio 88jFunctions of Polygons lt> Virginia 881 Factors of Safety.'. ' 01 Briar Hill 91 j Friction of Slide Valves 110 Coke 88; Friction of Journal Bearings . . 110 Combustible Gas and Radia- Frictional Resistance of Wheel- tion 108 ed Vehicles. Flue Boilers. 114 124 Co-efficients of Expansion of Bodies by Heat 104 Frictional Resistance of Water Co-efficients of Friction 113 Passages 131 Capacity Tests of Pumping En- ; Fifth Roots and Powers 156 gines . . ; 134 j Flow of Water in Open Chan- Compound Duplex Direct Act- ing Engines .144 Compound Isochronal Direct Acting Engine? Compound Crank and Fly \V heel Engines 144 Cornish Bull Engines 144 Cornish Beam Engines 144J Highland Block Coal. Compound Beam, Crank, and | Heat in Steam Fly Wheel Engines 146J Heat in Vapor of Water. nels.. Flow of Water over Weirs Friction of Air in long Pipes 144 Gaskill Compound Engine. Hodgkinson's Formula Horizontal Beams Horse Power of Shafting 66 93 181 KB WILLIAM A. HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE. R. I. 204 HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. PAGE. Heat in Chimney Gas 102 Heads required to overcome Circular Bends 15o Horse Power based on Indica tor Diagrams 168 Harris-Corliss Condensing En- gine Harris-Corliss Engines, Millers' 173 Exhibition .................. 181 Iron Chimneys. . ............. 11 Indicated H. P. Harris-Corliss Engine.. Jet deau Keystone Octagon Columns . . . Kanawha Coal Linear Measure Liquid Measure Lignite Lackawanna Coal Lehigh Coal. . . , Loss of Heat by Conduction . 190 Loss of Heat by Contact of Air. 106 Loss of Heat by Radiation 107 Locomotive Boilers 126 Loss of Action of Pumps 130 Moment of Inertia 14 Machine made Ropes 47 Modulus of Elasticity. Massillon Coal. Mechanical Equivalent of Heat 91 Moisture in Coal 19.! Melting Points of solids Molting Points of Alloys Mean Effective Pressure Notes on Uses of W-ire Rope. . . Notes on Tables of Rolled I Beams Prismoid Phoenix Formulae for Strength of Beams. Phoenix Formulae for Deflec- tion of Beams Piper's Rivetless Columns Phoenix Columns Peat Practical Results with Differ- ent Coals ; Pittsburgh Coal " Performance of Furnaces and Boilers. Pressure of Vapor of Water... 169 Temperature of Fire Planimeter 197 Pile Driving 202 Quadruples Crank and Fly Wheel Quality of Steam Revolving Pendulum Rolled I Beams Rolling Friction Radial Crank Engine Resistance of Circular Bends. . Regulating Mechanism Harris- Corliss Engine Spherical Zone Segment of Sphere... Sphere PAGE. 112 146 151 Sector of Circle Segment of Circle Square Measure Square and Cube Root Sines and Co-sines Sections of Iron Beams Steel and Iron Wire Rope Sheaves and Drums for Wire Rope Steel Cables /or Suspension Bridges. Strength of Hemp Ropes Strength of Chains Shearing Resistance Strength of Steel Springs Strength of Steam Boilers. Seller's System of Screw Thread " Specific Gravity Specific Heat. 184 5 5 5 6 7 13 19 27 39 43 44 41 46 17 63 66 67 90 Stability of Chimneys. . 80 . 97 115 Smeaton's Table of Wind Press- ure 117 108 Smoke Prevention 123 108 Single Cylinder Beam, Crank and Fly Wheel Engines . . . 146 Single Cylinder Crank and Flv . 146 .. 186 Wheel Engines.. 49 Steam Table Steam Engine Indicator. . . . Slide Valve Engines Safety Valves Trigonometrical Formulae ... 189 19L> 201 Tangents and Co-tangents 33 Tarred Hemp Rope 46 Tests of Phoenix Columns 51 Tensile Strength of Materials.. 56 Torsional Strength of Shafting. 63 Thickness of Cast Iron Water Pipes ' 73 Thick Cylinders 7 i Thick Hollow Spheres 76 95 '.i.; 126 126 Temperature by Calorimeter. . Tubular Boilers. Pubulous Safety Boilers. 116 Tests of Steam Engines, at American Institute 171 Tests of Steam Engines, at Cin- cinnati indust'l Exposi'n.. 171 WILLIAM HARRIS, BUILDER, PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARRIS-CORLISS STEAM ENGINES. 205 PAGE. Tests of Steam Engine, at Gib- son's Flour Mills 172 Velocity of Flow in Water Pipes 150 PAGE. Weight of one foot of Plate Iron 71 Weight of Cast Iron Water Pipes 73 Wilmington Coal 91 Warden Compound Engine ... 132 Worthington Compound Eng. . 138 Weight of Water 148 Water per Capita in Cities 200 Velocity of Sound 164 Vacuum . . 195 Weight of Hemp Ropes 46 \Veisrht of Round, Square and Plate Iron 70 INDEX TO BUSINESS CAKDS. PAGE. Holly Manufacturing Co 206 Whittier Machine Co 207 Hancock Inspirator Co 208 E. Horton & Son Co 209 A. Burgess & Son. 209 Cotton, Wool and Iron 210 John A. Roebling's Sons Co 211 Babcock & Wilcox Co 212 Stillman White : 213 Morse Twist Drill & Machine Co 214 Deane Steam Pump Co 215 Farrel Foundry & Machine Co 216 American Steam Gauge Co 217 ^Etna Grate Bar Co 218 John W. Hill 218 Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co 219 James Hunter & Son 220 Twenty Years with Indicator 221 Yale Lock Co 222 Jarvis Patent Furnace , 223 Holyoke Machine Co 224 THE HflLLY MIBWl CD'S New High Duty Pumping Engine, DESIGNED BY H. F. GASKILL. Estimates furnished for any capacity up to 15,000,000 gallons daily. Duty guaranteed from 70,000,000 to 90,000,000 foot-pounds per 100 pounds of eoal. The following table shows the progress made by this company in the matter of high duty engines: Capacity of Engine, Place. Gallons per day .Duty. Rochester, N. Y 3,000,000 63,300.100 Atlanta, Ga 2,000.000 Binghamton, N. Y. .2,000,000 Taunton, Mass 2,000,000 Burlington, Iowa. ...2,000,000 Buffalo, N. Y 6,000,000 Late. 1874. 1875 1876. 1876. 1878. 1879. 1880 1881 . 1881 . 1882 1882* 1882* 1882. ..Troy, N. Y 6,000,000 ..Evansville, Ind 4,000,000 . .Fort Wayne, Ind. . . 3,000,000 . .Atlanta.'Ga 4,000,000 . .Memphis, Tenn 4,000,000 . .Memphis, Tenn 4,000,000 . . Saratoga Sp'gs, N.Y. 5,000,000 Engines Nos. 1 and 2. 60,403.800 81,514,000 75,117,500 71,514,000 86,176,300 80,094.000 88,688,800 86,999,900 77,912,000 97,409.600 99,672,800 112,899,900 Authority. J. Nelson Tubbs. R. T. Scowden. John Evans. C. Holly. T. N. Boutelle. R. H. Buell. P. M. Greene. J. W.Hill. J. D. Cook. W. G. Richards. John W. Hill. John W. Hill. ) John W. Hill. D. M. Greene. THE HOLLY Lockport, New York, ADDRESS : MANUFACTURING COMPANY, or 157 Broadway (P. 0. Box 1,372), New York City. 206 WHITTIER MACHINE COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH SPEED Steam, Hydraulic, and Belt Elevators, STEEL AND IRON STEAM BOILERS, And all kinds of Boiler-Plate Work. WORES, 1176 TEEMONT STREET, BOSTON. NEW YOEE OFFICE, 91 LIBEETY ST., NEW YOEE. TELEGRAPH AND POST-OFFICE ADDEESS, BOXBUB7, MASS. 207 THE HANCOCK INSPIRATOR, TZEIIE] ST-AJ Over 45 9 000 in use. The Hancock In- spirator is the best device for feeding all classes of boilers Stationary, Marine, Locomotive. It is now being largely used on Traction and Portable Engines, and has been ADOPTED by a number of the largest Engine Build- ers in this and foreign countries. THE HANCOCK EJECTOR, the most economical device for raising and delivering water FREE DELIVERY is largely used by Tanners, Dyers, etc., and for filling Rail- road tanks. All sizes 'of inspirators and Ejectors lift water 25 feet. Send for circulars to ~ THE HANCOCK INSPIRATOR CO. V 34 BEACH ST. BOSTON, MA.SS. 208 THE E. MORTON & SON CO. WINDSOR LOCKS, CONN., U. S. A. (Trade Mark.) THE HORTOIV LATHE CHTJCK. The Chucks made by this company require no testimonials of merit; they .-ire in use all over the civilized world; they have sustained the tests of over thirty years; they have served as models for imitations; and are used by advertisers of other chucks as standards of compari- son. for Illustrated Catalogue giving Description and Prices.-* (Established 1833 ) A. BURGESS & SON, '., MANUFACTURERS OF OAK-TANNED LEATHER BELTING, PlGKEBi, T^VCE AND DEALEBS IS MANTJFACTtJBESS' FINDINGS FACTORY: OFFICE : 692 North Main Street, 12 Westminster Street, PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND. 14 20i* COTTON, WOOL, AND IRON, BOSTON JOURNAL OF COMMERCE. 128 Purchase Street, Boston, Mass. W.I. HOLMES, THOMAS PRAY, JR., Treasurer. Manager and Managing PMitor. A LIVE ILLUSTRATED PAPER OF TO-DAY. THE ONLY ILLUSTRATED TEXTILE AND MEEMANI6AL PAPER Published in tlie New England States. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. Subscription. 3?rice, $3.OO per year in the United States and Oanadas; $$4.00 per year in. G-reat Britian and countries "where tlie Inter- national 3?ostal I^aAV is in. effect. Tlie only paper in tlie "world, tliat pn"blislies regular an.d practical articles upon tlie STEAI mm, STEAM mm mum, STEAM BOILED, ancl all subjects intimately connected. the "working ofsteana. The only journal in the world edited by practical and. experienced rnen in its different departments, and the most \videly circulated journal in the TJnited States among its special interests. DEVOTED STRICTLY TO THE TEXTILE, MECHANICAL AND STEAM USERS' INTERESTS. Actual circulation esceeds ten thousand copies per week, SENI> FOR SPECIMEN COPY. 210 ROEBLING'S A|JD Of Every Description and for Every Purpose. BRIGHT, ANNEALED, COPPERED, TINNED AND GALVANIZED MARKET GALVANIZED TELEGRAPH WIRE. Send fop Prices and Circulars to the JOHN A, ROEBUNG'S SONS COMPANf MANUFACTURERS, 117 and 119 Liberty Street, NEW YORK. Works and Office, H. L. SHIPPY, TRENTON, N. J. Manager. 211 BABCOCK & WILCOX PIITENT imi-M STE1 BOILED. About 200,000 H. P. Now in Use. NO BOLTED, SCREWED, OR PACKED JOINTS. ADAPTED FOR ALL USES. Twelve years' constant use has demonstrated that this boiler possesses all the following requirements of a perfect steam generator, viz : Great Excess of Strength: Simple in Construction: a Constant and Thorough Circulation; all Joints Removed from the Direct Action of the Fire; Great Durability; Greatly Increased Safety from Explosion; Large Draught Area; a Complete Combustion; Thorough Absorption of Heat: Readily and Easily Accessible for Cleaning and Repairs; Easily Cleaned and Kept Clean: Large Power in Small Space: Abun- dant Water and Steam Capacity; Never Foam, but Give Perfectly Dry Steam; Will Safely Carry any Desired Pressure: the Most Economical and all Considered the CHEAPEST Boiler in the Market. Illustrated Circulars furnished free on application. THE BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. 3O Cortlandt Street, New York. BRANCH OFFICES. 48 South Canal Street, Chicago, 111. 32 North Fifth Street, Phila,, Pa. 91 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 50 Oliver Street, Boston, Mass. 106 James St., Glasgow, Scotland. 505 Mission St., San Francisco, Cal. 212 STILLMAN WHITE, ESTABLISHED 1S56. Providence, Rhode Island, Manufacturer of Every Description of BRASS, BRONZE AND COMPOSITION ' "''*' C^STHSTGS. Also, Sole Manufacturer of the Superior Brand of Metal, STAMPED "S. WHITE LINING METAL." This metal has now been in use for upwards of Twenty Years, and has long had an established reputation as a Thoroughly Reliable Article It is not offered in competition with any of the low priced metnls found in the market, but when Quick Speed or Heavy Strcins .-ire re- quired, no cheaper or more reliable metal has as yet been found. Full Satisfaction is Guaranteed Under the most severe and trying tests. Of the numerous testimonials received, the following is one of the more recent: Office of WILLIAM A. HARRIS, Manufacturer of Harris-Corliss Steam Engines, Providence, R. I., June 27th, 1878. STILLMAN WHITE, Esq., Providence, R. I. Dear Sir It affords me pleasure to recommend the merits of your Lining Metal, having used it almost exclusively in the bearings of the Harris-Corliss Engines for the last fourteen years. In every case where I have attempted to use a different metal, which I have twice done at the earnest solicitation of others, 1 have had to pay higher prices for the metal, besides having within a few months in each cae to take up the shafts and put in yours; and in cases where I have sub- stituted your metal, the bearings have never given any further trouble. There are now running over 3oO of the Harris-Corliss Engines, with your Lining Metal in the bearings with wheels from one to fifty tons weight, and I have never known of a single case of troublesome hot bearings with any of them. Now when I am solicited to try any other metal I can promptly sav I am using the best there is. Yours truly, WM. A. HARRIS. G. R. BABBITT, Foreman. 213 Morse Twist Drill and Machine Co. "V NEW BEDFORD, MASS. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE Morse Patent Straight-Lip Increase Twist Drill, SOLID AND SHELL REAMERS. BEACH'S PATENT SELF-CENTERING CHUCK, BIT STOCK DRILLS. DRILLS FOR GOES, WORCESTER, HUNTER, AND OTHER DRILL PRESSES. DRILL GRINDING MACHINES, TAPER REAMERS, MILLING CUTTERS, AND SPECIAL TOOLS TO ORDER. All Tools Exact to Whitworth Standard Gauges. 214 THE DEANE PA.TEIVT INDEPENDENT CONDENSING APPARATUS, Will save from 20 to 40 per cent of steam used. The following indicator diagrams illustrate the saving of steam effected by the use ot' the Deane Condenser. Above was taken from the cylinder of a " Harris-Corliss" engine. 20 in. by 48 in. The mean ettective pres- sure is 36.7 Ibs. per square in. by either diagram. Without the con- denser the steam was cut off at 17.3 in., with the condenser at 1O.2 in. The steam required to operate the condenser would increase this last to 10.6 in. The Net Savins is, therefore. 6.6 in. of steam for every single stroke of the engine, or 38 per cent of that used without conden- sation. Line. Above was taken from one cylinder of a pair of Hartford -Buckeye" Kn pi nes bavin p 20 In. by 30 in. cyl- inders.. The mean effective pressure is 36.7 Ibs. per square in. by either diagram. Without the condenser the steam w.-ts cut off at 9.2 iu., with the condenser at 5. in. Adding steam required to operate the con- denser this last would be increased to 5.5 in. The Net Saving is, therefore. 3.7 in. of steam per pirgle stroke of engine, or 40. 2 i>er cent of that used without condensation. Independent Condensers and Steam Pumps for Every Possible Duty MANUFACTURED BY THE DEANE STEAM PUMP CO., Holyoke, Mass. BOSTON, NEW YORK, CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA, 54 Oliver St. 92 and 94 Liberty St. 226 and 228 Lake St. 43 S. 4th St. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 215 Parrel Foundry and Machine Co. CO3V3V, MANUFACTURERS OF CHILLED ROLLS, Brass and Copper Rolling Mill Ma- chinery, Rubber Mill Machinery, Railroad Cranes, 4, 6, 10, 15, and 20 Tons Capacity, Heavy Mill Gearing, Shafting, and Pulleys. HYDRAULIC PRESSES AND PUMPS, TRIP HAM- MERS, SHEARS, CINDER GRINDERS, SINGLE AND DOUBLE FELT HARDENERS, &c., &c. ROCK AND ORE BREAKERS OR CRUSHERS. THE "BLAKE" STYLE. This style of Rock Breaker, after 15 years' practical test at HOME and ABROAD, has proved to be the BEST ever designed for the purpose of breaking all kinds of hard and brittle substances, such as Quartz, Emery, Gold and Silver Ores, Coal, Plaster, Iron, Copper, Tin, and Lead Ores. Also for making Railroad Ballast and Concrete. Mr. S. L. MARSDEN, who for the past 15 years has been connected with the manufacture of the "Blake Crusher," superintends the making of this machine. 216 GT^TJGKE Business Established 1851. Incorporated 1854. American Steam Gauge Company (The Thompson Improved Indicator.) SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE BOURDON STEAM GAU6E WITH LANE'S IMPROVEMENT, THE THOMPSON IMPROVED INDICATOR, mm tout nunrcra ui iti timua Steam and "Water Granges, Revolution Coun- ters, Seth Thomas and Ho~ward Clocks, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE AND ENGINE ROOM INSTRUMENTS A1OBICAB OQKPAKY, 36 Chardon Street, Boston, Mass. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST. 21" THE . This is a practical and thoroughly successful GRA.TE. Hasbeeii in use overfive years and in many of the largest manufactories In the country. Simple'in construction, positive and effectual in its operation, easily worked (beinsj operated in sections in wide furnaces), rfrves over sixty per cent Air Surface, very durable, Interchange- able, and can be put in any furnace without delay or change of any kind. Descriptive circular, price, etc. , sent on application. AETNA GRATE BAB COMPANY, ' GEORGE IL CLARKE, Manager. KICHARD THOMPSON Agent, 110 Liberty Street, New York. JOHN W. HILL, Consulting Engineer, CINCINNATI, O. SPECIALTIES: Steain Engines and Boilers, Public Water Supply, Hydraulic Machinery. 218 INSURE YOUR STEAM BDILERS! I I I ISSUES POLICIES OF INSURANCE AFTER A CAREFUL INSPECTION OF THE BOILERS. COVERING ALL Loss OR DAMAGE TO BORERS, BOO IS, AND HUHIIEIT, ARISING FROM Steam Boiler Explosions. Tho Business of the Company includes all kinds of Steam Boilers. Full information concerning the plan of the Company's operations can be obtained at the HOME OFFICE, No. 218 Main Street, HARTFORD, CONN., OR AT A^Y AGENCY. J. M. ALLEN, President. WM. B. FRANKLIN, Vice-President. J. B. PIERCE, Secretary. 219 SB O o ^ ^ - s I is 1 1 ^ ^ ^ 'rO C5 "S ^* I fiq 1^ I so s O S 5k ^ ^ ^> ^ o ^ s y 2 s~ SP ^ SN r>. r^i i i 5 r I ^ O. te| 1^1 {J*\ $ =K o * O^) t^> Cb 1 o o ^ o o t O o a O i O O S o ft, 8- * H (fl H w NORT a / TWENTY YEARS WITH THE INDICATOR. BY THOMAS PRAY, JR., C.E., M.E., CONSTRUCTING AND CONSULTING ENGINEER. KI>ITOR OF COTTON, WOOL, AND IRON, ETC. A handsome royal 8vo. of 160 pages of text, profusely illustrated with indicator diagrams, drawn from the practice of the author dur- ing eighteen and one-half years. Every diagram shown is treated from the practical standpoint of the working engineer, telling him all the outs and ins of the indicator, of the vagaries of the engine builders, the hobbies of the working engineers, and the lack of ap- preciation of the indicator among steam users; full directions for connecting the instrument, different motions to do this, computations of the diagram, how to read its different lines, with rules and tables, all in simple language, not a single algebraic formula from the begin- ning to the end; no high mathematics and reduced formula. The book is made especially for engineers who desire to learn how to use the instrument, and there is none of the expert humbug in any page of the book. It is the first and only original practical work ever issued, and the highest indorsement is the fact that most of the older consulting engineers of the country have subscribed for it, while President Allen, of the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insur- ance Company, of Hartford, says that the value of the work can not be estimated, that it is a new departure in favor of the working engi- neer, and he recommends it very highly. Price of the book, $1.50, postpaid. Send orders to the Boston Journal of Commerce Publishing Com- pany, 128 Purchase Street, Boston, Mass. 221 Westoris Patent Cranes, HAND OR POWER. ANY CAPACITY. TRAVELING, JIB, PILLAR, WALKING, AND SPECIAL, Full specifications and tender submitted on rece'pt cf particulars as to type, capacity, and dimensions of crane required. 222 JARYIS PATENT FURNACE, FOR SETTI>'Q Economy of Fuel, with Increased capacity of steam power. Like the SIEMENS' STEKF, PROCESS it utilizes the waste gases with hot air on ton of the fire. Burns all kinds of waste without a hlast, including screenings, wet peat, wet hons, sawdust, logwood chips, slack coaL wet bagasse, etc. Send for circular. A. F. UPTOIST, General Ao-ent. 7 OUTER STREET, 223 BOSTON, MASS. THE 'HERCULES." Gives Mora Power fjr the Size than any other Wheei ever made. "As liigh useful effect at Whole Gate had been obtained by several builders, but no such Average at all stages of Gate Opening." I Trea- tise relative to the Testing of Water Wheels, by James Emerson, page 97. \ HOLtYO^E MAGHINB GOMPANY, Holyolcc, SEND FOR CATALOGUE OF SPECIALTIES. 224 865695 T r THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ssm