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Thomas Ellwood, THE HISTORY o: THE LIFE OF. Edited by C. G. CRUMI M.A. Crown Svo. 6s. [Methuen's Standard Library This edition is the only one which cor tains the complete book as originally pul lished. It has a long Introduction and man Footnotes. E. EngeL A HISTORY OF ENGLIS1 LITERATURE: From its Beginning t Tennyson. Translated from the Germar Demy 8vo. 7 s. 6d. net. This is a very complete and convenier sketch of the evolution 'of our literature froi early days. The treatment is biographic; as well as critical, and is rendered mor interesting by the quotation of characteristi passages from the chief authors. V7. H. Fairbrother, M.A. THE PHILC SOPHY OF T. H. GREEN. Secon Edition. Crown Svo. 35. 6d. Susan Ferrier. MARRIAGE. Edited b Miss GOODRICH FREER and Lord IDDEJ LEIGH. Two Volumes. Pott Svo. Eac volume, cloth, is. 6d. net; leather, zs. 6c, net. [Little Library C.H. 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Also, Crown Zvo. 6s. each. 'At last there is an adequate modern edition of Gibbon. . . . The best edition the nineteenth century could produce.' Manchester Guardian. ' A great piece of editing.' Academy. MEMOIRS OF MY LIFE AND WRIT- INGS. By EDWARD GIBBON. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by G. BIRKBECK HILL, LL.D. Crown Zvo. 6s. 'An admirable edition of one of the most interesting personal records of a literary life. Its notes and its numerous appendices are a repertory of almost all that can be known about Gibbon.' Manchester Guardian. E. C. S. Gibson, D.D., Vicar of Leeds. THE BOOK OF JOB. With Introduction and Notes. Demy Zvo. 6s. [Commentaries on the R.V. 'The publishers are to be congratulated on the start the series has made.' Times. 1 Dr. Gibson's work is worthy of a high degree of appreciation. To the busy worker and the intelligent student the commentary will be a real boon ; and it will, if we are not mistaken, be much in demand. The Introduction is almost a model of concise, straightforward, prefatory remarks on the subject treated.' Athenerum. THE XXXIX. ARTICLES OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. With an Introduction. Third and Cheaper Edition in One Volume. Demy Zvo. 121. 6d. [Handbooks of Theology. ' We welcome with the utmost satisfaction a new, cheaper, and more convenient edition of Dr. Gibson'sbook. It was greatly wanted. Dr. Gibson has given theological students just what they want, and we should like to think that it was in the hands of every candidate for orders.' Guardian. THE LIFE OF JOHN HOWARD. With 12 Illustrations. Pott Zvo. Cloth, 3^.; leather, y. 6d. net. [Little Biographies. See also George Herbert. GENERAL LITERATURE GCOrge GiSSing. See Dickens. A. D. Godley.M.A., Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. LYRA FRIVOL A. Third Edition. F'caf.Zvo. 2S. 6d. VERSES TO ORDER. Cr. &vo. is. 6d. net. MiSS GOOdrich-Freer. See Susan Ferrier. P. Anderson Graham. THE RURAL EXODUS. Crown 8vo. is. 6d. 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A Popular Introduction to Astronomy. With numerous Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 2S. 6d. [University Extension Series. W. Hall Griffin, M.A. SELECTIONS FROM THE EARLY POEMS OF ROBERT BROWNING. Edited by. Pott 8vo. Cloth, is. 6d. net; leather, is. 6. 6s. DISCIPLINE 2.. td. Seqrge Herbert. THE TEMPLE. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by E. C. S. GIBSON, D.D., Vicar of Leeds. Pott %vo. Cloth, 2S. ; leather, zs. 6d. net. [Library of Devotion. This edition contains Walton's Life of Herbert, and the text is that of the first edition. lerodotus : EASY SELECTIONS. With Vocabulary. By A. C. LIDDELL, M.A. Fcap. &vo. is. 6d. JT. A. S. Hewins, B. A. ENGLISH TRADE AND FINANCE IN THE SEVEN- TEENTH CENTURY. Crown STO. [University Extension Series. P. Hilbert. THE AIR GUN: or, How the Mastermans and Dobson Major nearly lost their Holidays. Illustrated. Square Fcap. 6vo. is. (>d. [Little Blue Books. 31are Hill, Registered Teacher to the City and Guilds of London Institute. 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THE LIFE OF SAVONAROLA. With Portraits and Illustrations. Fcap. %vo. Cloth, 3*. dd. ; leather, t,s. net. [Little Biographies. R. F. Horton, D.D. JOHN HOWE. With Portrait. Crown S. 3 s. 6d. [Leaders of Religion. Alexander Hosie. MANCHURIA. With I [lustrations and a Map. Detny^vo, los.bd. i:et, GENERAL LITERATURE G. Howell. TRADE UNIONISM NEW AND OLD. Third Edition. Crown too. zs. 6d. [Social Questions Series. H. G. Hutchinson. THE GOLFING PIL- GRIM. Crown too. 6s. A. W. Hutton, M.A. CARDINAL MAN- NING. With Portrait. Crown too. 3-r. 6d. [Leaders of Religion. See also TAULER. Edward Hutton. See Richard Crashaw. R. H. Hutton. CARDINAL NEWMAN. With Portrait. Crown too. y. 6ii. [Leaders of Religion. W. H. Hutton, M.A. THE LIFE OF SIR THOMAS MORE. With Portraits. Second Edition. Crown too. 55. WILLIAM LAUD. With Portrait. Second Edition. Crown too. 3*. fid. [Leaders of Religion. Henrik Ibsen. BRAND. A Drama. Trans- lated by WILLIAM WILSON. Third Edition. Crown too. y. 6d. Lord Iddesleigh. 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Crown too. zs. 6d. [University Extension Series. C. S. Jerram, M.A. See Pascal. Augustus Jessopp.D.D. JOHN DONNE. With Portrait. Crown too. 31. dd. [Leaders of Religion. F. B. JeVOnS, M.A., Litt.D., Principal of Hatfield Hall, Durham. EVOLUTION. Crown too. 3*. 6d. net. [Library of Devotion. Thomas A Kempis. THE IMITATION OF CHRIST. With an Introduction by DEAN FARRAR. Illustrated by C. M. GERE. Second Edition. Fcap.Zvo. y.f>d. net ; padded morocco, y, 'Amongst all the innumerable English editions of the "Imitation," there can have been few which were prettier than this one, printed in strong and handsome type, with all the glory of red initials.' Glasgow Herald. THE IMITATION OF CHRIST. A Re- vised Translation by C. BIGG, D.D., Canon of Christ Church. With an Introduction. Crown 8vo. $s. 6d. A new edition, carefully revised and set in large type, of Dr. Bigg's well-known version. 'Dignified, harmonious, and scholarly.' Church Review. THE IMITATION OF CHRIST. A Re- C. 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THE KING AND QUEEN OF HEARTS : An 1805 Book for Children. Illustrated by WILLIAM MULREADY. A new edition, in facsimile, edited by E. V. LUCAS, is. dd. This little book is a literary curiosity, and has been discovered and identified as the work of Charles Lamb by E. V. Lucas. It is an exact facsimile of the original edition, which was illustrated by Mulready. Professor Lambros. ECTHESIS CHRONICA. Edited by. Demy 8vo. ^s. 6d. net. [Byzantine Texts. Stanley Lane-Poole. THE LIFE OF SIR HARRY PARKES. A New and Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo. 6s. A HISTORY OF EGYPT IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Fully Illustrated. Crown 8vo. 6s. F. Langbridge, M.A. BALLADS OF THE BRAVE : Poems of Chivalry, Enterprise, " Edition. Crown 8va. zs. 6d. , , Courage, and Constancy. Second Edition. ' The book is full of splendid things.' World. William Law. A SERIOUS CALL TO A DEVOUT AND HOLY LIFE. Edited, witli an Introduction, by C. BIGG, D.D., late Student of Christ Church. Pott 8vo. Cloth, zs. ; leather, zs. 6d. net. [Library of Devotion. This is a reprint, word for word and line for line, of the Editio Princeps. G. S. Layard. THE LIFE OF MRS. LYNN LINTON. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. izs. 6d. ' Mrs. Lynn Linton is here presented to us in all her moods. She lives in the book ; she is presented to us so that we really know her.' Literature. GENERAL LITERATURE Captain Melville Lee. A HISTORY OF POLICE IN ENGLAND. Crown 8vo. is. 6d. ' A learned book, comprising many curious details to interest the general reader as well as the student who will consult it for exact information. ' Daily News. ' The book rests on accurate research and gives a vast array of facts and statistics.' Glasgow Herald. V. B. Lewes, M.A. AIR AND WATER. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. [University Extension Series. Walter LOCk, D.D., Warden of Keble Col- lege. ST. PAUL, THE MASTER- BUILDER. CroivnSvo. 3* . 6d. See also Keble and Oxford Commentaries. JOHN KEBLE. With Portrait. Crown Bvo. 35. 6d. [Leaders of Religion. E. V. Lucas. See Jane Austen and Mrs. Gaskell and Charles Lamb. Lucian. SIX DIALOGUES (Nigrinus, Icaro-Menippus, The Cock, The Ship, The Parasite, The Lover of Falsehood). Trans- lated by S. T. Irwin, M.A., Assistant Master at Clifton ; late Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford. Crown 8vo. 35. 6d. [Classical Translations. L. W. Lyde, M.A. A COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE BRITISH EM- PI RE. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. zs. [Commercial Series. Hon. Mrs. Lyttelton. WOMEN AND THEIR WORK. CrownSvo. 2S. 6d. ' Thoughtful, interesting, practical." Guardian. 'The book is full of sound precept given with sympathy and wit.' Pilot. J.E.B.M'Allen,M.A. THE PRINCIPLES OF BOOKKEEPING BY DOUBLE ENTRY. Crown &vo. zs. [Commercial Series. F. MacCunn. JOHN KNOX. With Por- trait. Crown 8vo. 35. dd. [Leaders of Religion. A M. Mackay. THE CHURCHMAN'S INTRODUCTION TO THE OLD TESTAMENT. Crtnvn. 6va. 3*. 6d. [Churchman's Library. 'The book throughout is frank and courageous.' Glasgow Herald. Laurie Magnus, M.A A PRIMER OF WORDSWORTH. Crown 8vo. 2 s. 6d. J P. Mahafly, Litt.D. A HISTORY OF THE EGYPT OF THE PTOLEMIES. Fully Illustrated. Crown Bvo. 6s. F. W. Maitland. LL.D., Downing Professor of the Laws of England in the University of Cambridge. CANON LAW IN ENG- LAND. Royal'&vo. ^s. 6d. H. E. Maiden, M.A. ENGLISH RE- CORDS. A Companion to the History of England. Crown 8vo. 3*. fid. THE ENGLISH CITIZEN: HIS RIGHTS AND DUTIES. Crown 8vo. is. 6d. E. C. Marchant, M. A., Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at St. Paul's School. A GREEK ANTHOLOGY. Crown 8vo. 35. dd. E. C. Marchant, M.A., and A. M. Cook, M.A. PASSAGES FOR UNSEEN TRANSLATION. Crown Svo. 3 s. 6d. ' We know no book of this class better fitted for use in the higher forms of schools.' Guardian. J. E. MaJT, F.R.S., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF SCENERY. Illustrated. Crd. 'A lucid and well-arranged account of the growth of English literature.' Pall Mall Gazette. L. C. Miall, F.R.S. See Gilbert W'hite. E. B. Michell. THE ART AND PRAC TICE OF HAWKING. With 3 Photo- gravures by G. E. LODGE, and other Illustrations. Demy 8vo. los. 6a. 2O MESSRS. METHUEN'S CATALOGUE J.G.Millais. THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF SIR JOHN EVERETT MILLAIS, President of the Royal Academy. With 319 Illustrations, of which 9 are Photogravure. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. 2os. net. 'This splendid work.' World. 'Of such absorbing interest is it, of such completeness in scope and beauty. Special tribute must be paid to the extraordinary completeness of the illustrations.' Graphic. J. G. Milne, M.A. A HISTORY OF ROMAN EGYPT. Fully Illustrated. Crown %vo. 6s. P. Chalmers Mitchell, M.A. OUTLINES OF BIOLOGY. Illustrated. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. 6s. A text - book designed to cover the Schedule issued by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. D. M. Moir. MANSIE WAUCH. Edited by T. F. HENDERSON. PottSvo. Cloth, is. 6d. net; leather, 2S. 6d. net. [Little Library. H. E. Moore. BACK TO THE LAND: An Inquiry into the cure for Rural Depopu- lation. Crown 8v0. vs. 6d. [Social Questions Series. W. R. Morfill, Oriel College, Oxford. A HISTORY OF RUSSIA FROM PETER THE GREAT TO ALEXANDER II. With Maps and Plans. Crown 8vo. js. 6d. This history, is founded on a study of original documents, and though neces- sarily brief, is the most comprehensive narrative in existence. Considerable atten- tion has been paid to the social and literary development of the country, and the recent expansion of Russia in Asia. R. J. Morich, late of Clifton College. GERMAN EXAMINATION PAPERS IN MISCELLANEOUS GRAMMAR AND IDIOMS. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo. 2S.6d. [School Examination Series. A KEY, issued to Tutors and Private Students only, to be had on application to the Publishers. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. 6s. net. Miss Anderson Morton. See Miss Brod- rick. H. C. G. MOUle, D.D. CHARLES SIMEON. With Portrait. Crown &vo. 3S. 6d. [Leaders of Religion. M. M. Pattison Muir, M.A. THE CHEMISTRY OF FIRE. The Ele- mentary Principles of Chemistry. Illus- trated. Crown 8vo. vs. 6d. [University Extension Series. V. A. Mundella, M.A. See J. T. Dunn. W. G. NeaL See R. N. Hall. H. W. Nevinson. LADYSMITH: The Diary of a Siege. With 16 Illustrations and a Plan. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. 6s. James Northcote, R.A., THE CONVER- SATIONS OF, AND JAMES WARD. Edited by ERNEST FLETCHER. With many Portraits. Demy 8vo. ics. 6d. ' Mr. Fletcher's book will range and rank with Hazlitt's. 'Globe. ' Every reader, with any taste for art, will find the book engrossing.' Yorkshire Post. A. H. Norway, Author of ' Highways and By- ways in Devon and Cornwall.' NAPLES : PAST AND PRESENT. With 40 Illus- trations by A. G. FERARD. Crown 8vo. 6s. Standish O'Grady. THE STORY OF IRELAND. Crown 8vo. zs. 6d. Mrs. Oliphant. THOMAS CHALMERS. With Portrait. Crown 8va. 3*. 6d. [Leaders of Religion. C. W. Oman, M.A., Fellow of All Souls', Oxford. A HISTORY OF THE ART OF WAR. Vol. n.: The Middle Ages, from the Fourth to the Fourteenth Century. Illustrated. Demy 8~'o. zis. ' The whole art of war in its historic evolu- tion has never been treated on such an ample and comprehensive scale, and we question if any recent contribution to the exact history of the world has possessed more enduring value.' Daily Chronicle. Prince Henri of Orleans. FROM TON- KIN TO INDIA. Translated by HAMLEY BENT, M.A. With 100 Illustrations and a Map. Crown 4(0, gilt top. 25.1. R. L. Ottley, M.A., late Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxon., and Principal of Pusey House. THE DOCTRINE OF THE INCARNATION. Second and cheaper Edition. Demy 8vo. izs. 6d. [Handbooks of Theology. ' A clear and remarkably full account of the main currents of speculation. Scholarly precision . . . genuine tolerance . . . intense interest in his subject are Mr. Ottley 's merits.' Guardian. LANCELOT ANDREWES. With Por- trait. Crown 8vo. js. 6d. [Leaders of Religion. J. H. Overtqn, M.A. JOHN WESLEY. With Portrait. 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Sidney Peel, late Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford, and Secretary to the Royal Com- mission on the Licensing Laws. PRACTI- CAL LICENSING REFORM. Second Edition. Crown too. is. 6d. M. Perugini. SELECTIONS FROM WILLIAM BLAKE. Pott too. Cloth, is. 6d. net; leather, 2s. 6d. net. [Little Library. J. P. Peters, D.D. THE OLD TESTA- MI. NT AND THE NEW SCHOLAR- SHIP. Crown too. 6s. [Churchman's Library. ' Every page reveals wide reading, used with sound and scholarly judgment. 1 Manchester Guardian. W. M. Flinders Petrie, D.C.L., LL.D., Pro- fessor of Egyptology at University College. A HISTORY OF EGYPT, FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAY. Fully Illustrated. In six volumes. Crown too. 6s. each. ' A history written in the spirit of scientific precision so worthily represented by Dr. Petrie and his school cannot but promote sound and accurate study, and supply a vacant place in the English literature of Egyptology.' Times. VOL. i. PREHISTORIC TIMES TO XVlTH DYNASTY. Fourth Edition. VOL. ii. THE XVII-rn AND XVIIlTH DY- NASTIES. Third Edition. VOL. iv. THE EGYPT OF THE PTOLEMIES. J. P. MAHAFFY, Litt.D. VOL. v. ROMAN EGYPT. J. G. MILNE, M.A. VOL. vi. EGYPT IN THE MIDDLE AGES. STANLEY LANE-POOLE, M.A. RELIGION AND CONSCIENCE IN ANCIENT EGYPT. Fully Illustrated. Crown too. zs. 6d. SYRIA AND EGYPT, FROM THE TELL EL AMARNA TABLETS. Crd. [School Examination Series. M. C. Potter, M.A., F.L.S. A TEXT- BOOK OF AGRICULTURAL BOTANY. Illustrated. znd Edition. Crtnun too. 45. (id. [University Extension Series. L. L. Price, M.A., Fellow of Oriel College, Oxon. A HISTORY OF ENGLISH POLITICAL ECONOMY. Third Edition. Crown too. zs. 6d. [University Extension Series. "Q." THE GOLDEN POMP. A Proces- sion of English Lyrics. Arranged by A. T. QUILLER COUCH. Crown too. Buckram. 6s. R. B. Rackham, M.A. THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. With Introduction and Notes. Demy too. izs. 6d. [Commentaries on the R.V. A really helpful book. Both introduction and commentary are marked by common sense and adequate knowledge.' Guardian. 22 MESSRS. METHUEN'S CATALOGUE B. W. Randolph, D.D., Principal of the Theological College, Ely. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. With an Introduction and Notes. Pott too. Cloth, ss. ; leather, is. 6d. net. [Library of Devotion. A devotional and practical edition of the Prayer Book version of the Psalms. Hastings Rashdall, M. A. , Fellow and Tutor of New College, Oxford. DOCTRINE AND DEVELOPMENT. Crown too. 6s. W. Reason, M.A. UNIVERSITY AND SOCIAL SETTLEMENTS. Crown too. is. 6d. [Social Questions Series. Charles Richardson. THE ENGLISH TURF. With numerous Illustrations and Plans. Demy too. 15*. 1 From its sensible introduction toils very complex index, this is about the best book that we are likely for some time to see upon the subject with which it deals.' Athen&um. M. E. Roberts. See C. C. Channer. A. Robertson, D.D., Principal of King's College, London. REGNUM DEI. The Bampton Lectures of 1901. Demy too. IK. 6d. net. ' A notable volume. Its chief value and interest is in its historic treatment of its great theme.' Daily News. ' It is altogether a solid piece of work and a valuable contribution to the history of Christian thought.' Scotsman. Sir O.S. Robertson, K. C.S.I. CHITRAL: The Story of a Minor Siege. With numer- ous Illustrations, Map and Plans. Second Edition. Demy too. ios. 6d. 'A book which the Elizabethans would have thought wonderful. More thrilling, more piquant, and more human than any novel.' Newcastle Chronicle. 3. W. Robertson-Scott. THE PEOPLE OF CHINA. With a Map. Crown too. 3. 6d. A. W. Robinson, M.A. THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. Explained. Fcap. too. if. 6d. net. [Churchman's Bible. 1 The most attractive, sensible, and in- structive manual for people at large, which we have ever seen.' Church Gazette. Cecilia Robinson. THE MINISTRY OF DEACONESSES. With an Introduction by the Lord Bishop of Winchester. Crown too. 3-r. 6d. G. Rodwell. B.A. NEW TESTAMENT GREEK. A Course for Beginners. With a Preface by WALTER LOCK, D.D., Warden of Keble College. Fcap. too. 3*. 6d. Edward Rose. THE ROSE READER. With numerous Illustrations. Crown too. zs. 6d. Also in 4 Parts. Parts I. and II. 6d. each ; Part III. 8d. ; Part IV. iorf. A reader on a new and original plan. The distinctiva feature of this book is the entire avoidance of irregularly-spelt words until the pupil has thoroughly mastered the principle of reading, and learned its enjoyment. The reading of connected sen- tences begins from the first page, before the entire alphabet is introduced. E. Denison ROSS, M.A. See W. Beckford, A. W. Kinglake, and F. H. Skrine. A. E. Ruble, M.A., Head Master of the Royal Naval School, Eltham. THE GOS- PEL ACCORDING TO ST. MARK. Edited by. With three Maps. Crown too. is. 6d. [Methuen's Junior School Books. W. Clark RusselL THE LIFE OF ADMIRAL LORD COLLINGWOOD. With Illustrations by F. BRANGWYN. Fourth Edition. Crown too. 6s. ' A book which we should like to see in the hands of every boy in the country.' St. James s Gazette. Viscount St. Cyres. THE LIFE OF FRANCOIS DE FENELON. Illus- trated. Demy too. IQS. 6d. ' A work of high historical and lively in- terest. 'Outlook. ' A most interesting life of a'most interest- ing personage." Scotsman. ' We have in this admirable volume a most valuable addition to our historical portrait gallery.' Daily News. St. Francis de Sales. ON THE LOVE OF GOD. EditedbyW. J. KNOX-LITTLE, M.A. Pott too. Cloth, as. ; leather, 2s. 6d. net. [Library of Devotion. J. sargeaunt, M.A. AN N ALS o F WEST- MINSTER SCHOOL. With numerous Illustrations. Demy too. js. 6d. C. Sathas. THE HISTORY OF PSELLUS. Demy too. 15*. net. [Byzantine Texts. H.G.Seeley, F.R.S. DRAGONS OF THE AIR. With many Illustrations. Crown too. 6s. A popular history of the most remarkable flying animals which ever lived. Their rela- tions to mammals, birds, and reptiles, living and extinct, are shown by an original series of illustrations. The scattered remains pre- served in Europe and the United States have been put together accurately to show the varied forms of the animals. The book is a natural history of these extinct animals which flew by means of a single finger. GENERAL LITERATURE V. P. Sells, M.A. THE MECHANICS OF DAILY LIFE. Illustrated. Crown Zvo. zs. 6d. [University Extension Series. Edmund Selous. TOMMY SMITH'S ANIMALS. Illustrated by G. W. ORD. Third Edition. Fcaf. Svo. zs. 6d. 4 A quaint, fascinating little book : a nur- sery classic.' Athen&um. William Shakespeare. THE ARDEN EDITION. ' No edition of Shakespeare is likely to prove more attractive and satisfactory than this one. It is beautifully printed and paged and handsomely and simply bound.' St. James's Gazette. Demy Svo. 3^. 6d. each volume. General Editor, W. J. CRAIG. An Edition of Shakespeare in single Plays. Edited with a full Introduction, Textual Notes, and a Commentary at the foot of the page. The first volumes are : HAMLET. Edited by EDWARD DOWDEN, Litt.D. ROMEO AND JULIET. Edited by EDWARD DOWDEN, Litt.D. KING LEAR. Edited by W. J. CRAIG. JULIUS CAESAR. Edited by M. MAC- MILLAN, M.A. THE TEMPEST. LUCE. Edited by MORTON A. Sharp. VICTORIAN POETS. Crown Svo. zs. 6d. [University Extension Series. J. S. ShedlOCk. THE PIANOFORTE SONATA : Its Origin and Development. Crown Svo. 5 s. ' This work should be in the possession of every musician and amateur. A concise and lucid history and a very valuable work for reference.' A thetueum. Arthur Sherwell, M.A. LIFE IN WEST LONDON. Third Edition. Crown Svo. 2S. 6d. [Social Questions Series. F H. Skrine and E. D. Ross. THE HEART OF ASIA. With Maps and many Illustrations by VERESTCHAGIN. Large Crown Svo. IOT. 6d. net. This volume will form a landmark in our knowledge of Central Asia. . . . Illuminat- ing and convincing.' Times. 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A BOOK OF DEVOTIONS. Pott Svo. Cloth, zs. ; leather, zs. 6d. net. [Library of Devotion. ' It is probably the best book of its kind. It deserves high commendation.' Church Gazette. See also Cardinal Bona. 'Stancliffe.' GOLF DO'S AND DONT'S. Fcaf. Svo. is. A. M. M. Stedman, M.A. INITIA LATINA: Easy Lessons on Ele- mentary Accidence. Sixth Edition. Fcap. FIRST LATIN LESSONS. Sixth Edition. Crown Svo. zs. FIRST LATIN READER. With Notes adapted to the Shorter Latin Primer and Vocabulary. Sixth Edition revised. iSmo. is. 6d. EASY SELECTIONS FROM CAESAR. Part i. The Helvetian War. Secend Edi- tion. iStna. is. EASY SELECTIONS FROM LIVY. Part I. The Kings of Rome. iSma. Second Edi- EASY LATIN PASSAGES FOR UNSEEN TRANSLATION. Eighth Edition. Fcaf. Svo. is. 6d. EXEMPLA LATINA. First Lessons in Latin Accidence. With Vocabulary. Crown MESSRS. METHUEN'S CATALOGUE EASY LATIN EXERCISES ON THE SYNTAX OF THE SHORTER AND REVISED LATIN PRIMER. With Vocabulary. Ninth and Cheaper Edition, re-written. Crown Svo. is. 6d. KEY, 3*. net. Original Edition, as. 6d. THE LATIN COMPOUND SENTENCE : Rules and Exercises. Second Edition. Crown Svo. is. 6d. With Vocabulary, as. NOTANDA QUAEDAM : Miscellaneous Latin Exercises on Common Rules and Idioms. Fourth Edition. Fcap. Svo. is. 6d. With Vocabulary, as. Key, as. net. LATIN VOCABULARIES FOR REPETI- TION : Arranged according to Subjects. Eleventh Edition. Fcap. Svo. is. 6d. A VOCABULARY OF LATIN IDIOMS. iSmo. Second Edition, is. STEPS TO GREEK. Second Edition, re- vised. iSmo. is. A SHORTER GREEK PRIMER. Crown Svo. is. 6d. EASY GREEK EXERCISES. By C. G. BOTTING, B.A. Crown Svo. as. EASY GREEK PASSAGES FOR UNSEEN TRANSLATION. Third Edition, revised. Fcap. Svo. is. 6d. GREEK VOCABULARIES FOR REPETI- TION. Arranged according to Subjects. Third Edition. Fcap. 8vo. is. 6d. GREEK TESTAMENT SELECTIONS. For the use of Schools. With Introduction, Notes, and Vocabulary. Third Edition. Fcap. Svo. as. 6d. STEPS TO FRENCH. Fifth Edition. FIRST FRENCH LESSONS. Fifth Edi- tioHj revised. Crown 87/0. u. EASY FRENCH PASSAGES FOR UN- SEEN TRANSLATION. Fourth Edi- tion, revised. Fcap. Svo. is. 6d. EASY FRENCH EXERCISES ON ELE- MENTARY SYNTAX. With Vocabulary. Second Edition. Crown Svo. as. 6d. KEY. 3*. net. FRENCH VOCABULARIES FOR RE- PETITION : Arranged according to Sub- jects. Tenth Edition. Fcap. Svo. is. FRENCH EXAMINATION PAPERS IN MISCELLANEOUS GRAMMAR AND IDIOMS. Eleventh Edition. Crown Svo. is. 6d. [School Examination Series. A KEY, issued to Tutors and Private Students only, to be had on application to the Publishers. Fifth Edition. Crown Svo. 6s. net. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE EXAMINA- TION PAPERS. Fourth Edition. Croivn Svo. as. 6d. [School Examination Series. KEY (Second Edition) issued as above. js. net. GREEK EXAMINATION PAPERS IN MISCELLANEOUS GRAMMAR AND IDIOMS. Sixth Edition. Crown Svo. as. 6d. [School Examination Series. KEY (Second Edition) issued as above. 6s. net. LATIN EXAMINATION PAPERS IN MISCELLANEOUS GRAMMAR AND IDIOMS. Eleventh Edition. Crown Svo. as. 6d. [School Examination Series. KEY (Fourth Edition) issued as above. 6s. net. R. Elliott Steel, M.A., F.C.S. THE WORLD OF SCIENCE. Including Chemistry, Heat, Light, Sound, Magnetism, Electricity, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Astronomy, and Geology. 147 Illustrations. Second Edition. Crown Svo. as. 6d. PHYSICS EXAMINATION PAPERS. [School Examination Series. C. StephenSOn, of the Technical College, Bradford, and F. Suddards, of the York- shire College, Leeds. ORNAMENTAL DESIGN FOR WOVEN FABRICS. Demy Svo. Second Edition. ?s. 6d. 3. Stephenson, M.A. THE CHIEF TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH. Crown 8vo. is. 6d. An attempt to present in clear and popular form the main truths of the Faith. The book is intended for lay workers in the Church, for educated parents and for teachers generally. Laurence Sterne. A SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY. Edited by H. W. PAUL. Pott Svo. Cloth, is. 6d. net; leather as. 6d. net. [Little Library. W. Sterry, M.A. ANNALS OF ETON COLLEGE. With numerous Illustrations. Demy Svo. js. 6d. R. L. Stevenson. THE LETTERS OF ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON TO HIS FAMILY AND FRIENDS. Selected and Edited, with Notes and Intro- ductions, by SIDNEY COLVIN. Sixth and Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo. i as. LIBRARY EDITION. Demy Svo. avols. a^s.net. I ' Irresistible in theirraciness, their variety, their animation ... of extraordinary fascination. A delightful inheritance, the truest _ record of a "richly compounded spirit " that the literature of our time has preserved." Times. GENERAL LITERATURE VAILIMA LETTERS. With an Etched Portrait by WILLIAM STRANG. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. Buckram. 6s. THE LIFE OFR. L. STEVENSON. See G. Balfour. E. D. Stone, M.A., late Assistant Master at Eton. SELECTIONS FROM THE ODYSSEY. Fcap. 8vo. is. 6d. Cfcarles Strachey. See Chesterfield. A. W. Streane, D.D. ECCLESIASTES. Explained. Fcap. Svo. is. 6d. net. 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The Count is the most constant, desperate, and modest and tender of lovers, a peerless gentleman, an intrepid fighter, a faithful friend, and a magnanimous foe. ' Guardian. PHROSO. Illustrated by H. R. MILLAR. Sixth Edition. ' The tale is thoroughly fresh, quick with vitality, stirring the blood.' St. James's Gazette. SIMON DALE. Illustrated. Sixth Edition. ' There is searching analysis of human nature, with a most ingeniously constructed plot. Mr. Hope has drawn the contrasts of his women with marvellous subtlety and d elicacy. ' Times. THE KING'S MIRROR. Third Edition. * In elegance, delicacy, and tact it ranks with the bes of his novels, while in the wide range of its portraiture and the_ subtilty of its analysis it surpasses all his earlier ventures Spectator. QUISANTE. Third Edition. ' The book is notable for a very high liter- ary quality, and an impress of power and mastery on every page.' Daily Chronicle. Lucas Malet's Novels. Crown 8v0. 6s. each. COLONEL ENDERBY'S WIFE. 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Black and White. See also Fleur de Lis Novels. Mary Findlater. A NARROW WAY. Third Edition. Crown Zvo. 6s. OVER THE HILLS Second Edition. Crown Svo. 6s. See also Fleur de Lis Novels. Tom Gallon, Author of 'Kiddy.' RICK- ERBY'S FOLLY. Crown &vo. 6s. Dorothea Gerard, Author of 'Lady Baby.' THE MILLION. Crown 8vo. 6s. THE CONQUEST OF LONDON. Second Edition. Crown Svo. 6s. THE SUPREME CRIME. Cr. 8vo. 6s. See also Fleur de Lis Novels. Algernon Gissing. THE KEYS OF THE HOUSE. Crown Sro. 6s. 'A story of absorbing interest.' Liver- pool Mercury. ' The book is carefully built up, piece by piece. The figure of Brant himself moving among his people in his lonely parish of the hills is one that long remains with the reader.' Daily Telegraph. George Gissing, Author of ' Demos,' ' In the Year of Jubilee,' etc. THE TOWN TRAVELLER. Second Edition. Crown 'See also Fleur de Lis N ovals. Ernest GlanviUe. THE KLOOF BRIDE. Crown &vo. 3S. 6d. THE LOST REGIMENT. Crown Svo. 3*. 6d. THE DESPATCH RIDER. Crown 8vo. 3*. 6d. Lord Ernest Hamilton. MARY HAM I L- TON. Third Edition. Crown'&vo. 6s. ' There can be no doubt that we have in "Mary Hamilton" a most fascinating story the most stirring and dramatic historical romance that has come in our way for a long lime.' frustrated London News. Robert HiChenS, Author of 'Flames, etc. THE PROPHET OF BERKELEY SQUARE. Second Edition. Crown Svo. 6s. ' One continuous sparkle. Mr. Hichens is witty, satirical, caustic, irresistibly hum- orous. 1 Birmingham Gazette. TONGUES OF CONSCIENCE. Second Edition. CroivnSvo. 6s. See also Fleur de Lis Novels. John Oliver Hobbes, Author of 'Robert Orange. 1 THE SERIOUS WOOING. Crown Svo. 6s. 'Mrs. Craigie is as brilliant as she ever has been ; her characters are all illuminated with sparkling gems of description, and the conversation scintillates with an almost bewildering blaze.' AthencFunt. Anthony Hope. See page 33. Violet Hunt. THE HUMAN IN- TEREST. Crown Svo. 6s. C. J. Cutdiffe Hyne, Author of 'Captain Kettle. 1 PRINCE RUPERT THE BUCCANEER. With 8 Illustrations. Second Edition. Crown %vo. 6s. MR. HORROCKS, PURSER. Crown Zvo. 6s. ' Mr. Horrocks is a good second to the un- approachable Captain Kettle.' Academy. ' Mr. Horrocks is sublime.' Manchester Guardian. ' The Purser is a diverting discovery, and his adventures are related with vigour.' Daily Chronicle. W. W. Jacobs. See page 33. FICTION 37 James, Author of 'What Maisie Knew.' THE SACRED FOUNT. Crown too. 6s. THE SOFT SIDE. Second Edition. Crown too. 6s. . F. Keary. THE JOURNALIST. Crown too. 6s. lorence Finch KeUy. WITH HOOPS OF STEEL. Crvamivo. 6s. ' Every chapter is filled with exciting incidents. ' Morning Leader. ' A daring and brilliant story of adventure. The novel teems with life and character, with life which is always within an ace of death, and character which curiously blends the ruffian and the hero.' Scotsman. on. Emily Lawless. TRAITS AND CONFIDENCES. Crown too. 6s. See also Fleur de Lis Novels, i. Lynn Linton. THE TRUE HISTORY OF JOSHUA DAVIDSON, Christian and Communist. Eleventh Edition. Crmun too. IS. harles K. Lush. THE AUTOCRATS. 'A clever story of American life. Its atmosphere is convincing and striking.' Vanity Fair. ' Eminently readable with clever photo- graphs of American social life. 1 Standard. Macnaughtan. THE FORTUNE OF CHRISTINA NACNAB. Second Edition. Cro'wn fyvo. 6s. . Macdonell. THE STORY OF TERESA. Crown too. 6s. ' Varied and clever characterisation and close sympathy with humanity.' West- minster Gazette. ' The book is bracing as the moor itself. It has a threefold interest its keen characterisation, its psychological insight, and its philosophy of life.' Pilot. UCaS Malet. See page 33. ;iChard Marsh. Author of ' The Seen and the Unseen.' BOTH SIDES OF THE VEIL. Second Edition. Crowntoo. 6s. ' Here we have Mr. Marsh at his best.' Globe. See also Fleur de Lis Novels. 4.. E. W. Mason, Author of ' The Courtship of Morrice Buckler,' 'Miranda of the Bal- cony, 'etc. CLEMENTINA. Illustrated. Crown too. 6s. ' A romance of the most delicate ingenuity and humour . . . the very quintessence of romance. ' Spectator. T. Meade. DRIFT. Crown too. 6s. 'Well told, and full of incident and character.' World. ' A powerfully-wrought story.' Birming- ham Post. 'A powerful story, which treats of the drifting of a man of high intellectual gifts.' -Court Circular. Bertram Mitford. THE SIGN OF THE SPIDER. Fifth Edition. F. F. MontreSOr, Author of ' Into the High- ways and Hedges. 1 THE ALIEN. Second Edition. Crown too. 6s. ' Fresh, unconventional, and instinct with human sympathy.' Manchester Guardian. ' Miss Montresor creates her tragedy out of passions and necessities elementarily human. Perfect art.' Spectator. Arthur Morrison. See page 34. W. E. Norris. THE EMBARRASSING ORPHAN. Crowntoo. 6s. See also Fleur de Lis Novels. Alfred Ollivant. OWD BOB, THE GREY DOG OF KENMUIR. Fifth Edition. Crown too. 6s. 'Weird, thrilling, strikingly graphic.' Punch. 'We admire this book ... It is one to read with admiration and to praise with enthusiasm.' Bookman. ' It is a fine, open-air, blood-stirring book, to be enjoyed by every man and woman to whom a dog is dear.' Literature. E. Phillips Oppenheim. MASTER OF MEN. Second Edition. Crown too. 6s. Gilbert Parker. See page 34. James Blythe Patton. BIJLI, THE DANCER. Crown too. 6s. MaxPemberton. THE FOOTSTEPS OF A THRONE. Illustrated. Second Edi- tion. Crown too. 6s. 'A story of pure adventure, with a sensa- tion on every page.' Daily Mail. I CROWN THEE KING. With Illus- trations by Frank Dadd and A. Forrestier. Crown too. 6s. ' A romance of high adventure, of love and war. It is a story of true love, of indomit- able will, and of steadfastness that nothing can withstand.' Daily News. ' A stirring tale. ' Outlook. Eden Phillpotts. See page 34. Walter Raymond, Author of 'Love and Quiet Life.' FORTUNE'S DARLING. Crown too. 6s. Edith Rickert. OUT OF THE CYPRESS SWAMP. _ Croivn too. 6s. ' A tale in which a note of freshness and individuality is struck, and the delicate question of colour is handled with originality and power. It has fine thrilling moments. Spectator. ' The whole story is admirably told. Not even in " Uncle Tom's Cabin "-is there any- thing more exciting than ,the bloodhound chase after the hero.' Taller. W. Pett Ridge. LOST PROPERTY. Second Edition. Cro-^n too. 6s. ' The story is an interesting'and animate MESSRS. METHUEN'S CATALOGUE picture of the struggle for life in L"ondon, with a natural humour and tenderness of its ' A simple, delicate bit of work, which will give pleasure to many. Much study of the masses has made him, not mad, but strong, and wonder of wonders cheerful.' Times. A really delightful life history of a London foundling. Once more we have to thank Mr. Pett Ridge for an admirable study of London life.' Spectator. Mrs. M. H. Roberton. A GALLANT QUAKER. Illustrated. Crown 8<-o. $s. 'One of the strongest books that the author has yet given us. We feel that the characters are taken from life. _ The story is told with delicacy and restraint.' Daily News. Benjamin Swift, Author of 'Siren City.' SORDON. CrownSvo. 6s. 'Handled with a skill and a power that are almost unfailing. The book is thoroughly good. It absorbs as much by its ingenuity in the use of material as by the force of its imagination.' Academy. 'The author tells his story with great dramatic intentness, with simplicity, and strength.' Daily News. ' A remarkable, venturesome, painful, and interesting book. The story is beautifully toid ; it is rare pleasure to read such writing, so simple, finely balanced, graceful, refined, yet forcible.' World. Paul Waineman. A HEROINE FROM FINLAND. CrownSvo. 6s. 1 Fresh in subject and treatment.' Academy. ' An idyll of country life which has the charm of entire novelty and freshness.' Morning Leader. 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