,i VERITAS-PER-NA TURAM-LIBROS-AT QUE-RES-HOMINUn MELUNCER-EDWARD-HENRY FLORENCE-STOKES-HENRY ^\5"S& T.IBRARF OF THE UNIVERSITY OF AIRS OF PALESTINE. - AIRS OF PALESTINE; A POEM: BY JOHN PIERPONT, ESQ. I love to breathe, when Gilead sheds her balm; I love to walk on Jordan's banks of palm; I love to wet my foot in Hermon's dews; I love the promptings of Isaiah's muse: In Carmel's holy grots I'll court repose, And deck my mossy couch with Sharon's deathless rose. BALTIMORE: PUBLISHED FOR THE AUTHOR. B. Edes, printer. 1816. \ C \ District of Maryland, ss. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this thirteenth day of November, in the forty-first year of the Independence of the United States of America, John Pierpont, Esquire, of .the said District, hath deposited in this Office, the Title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as author, in the words fol lowing 1 , to wit: "Mrs of Palestine, a Poem, by John Pierpont, Esquire, *I love to breathe, when Gilead sheds her balm; "I love to walk on Jordan's banks of palm; "I love to wet my foot in Hermon's dews; "I love the promptings of Isaiah's muse: "In Camel's holy grots I'll court repose, "And deck my mossy couch with Sharon's deathless rose." In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled "an act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books- to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned," and also to the act, entitled "an act, supple mentary to an act, entitled an act, for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books, to the authors and proprie tors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned,'* and extending the benefits thereof, to the arts of designing, engraving and etching his torical and other prints. PHILIP MOORE, Clerk of the District of Maryland. E'en in a Bishop, I can spy desert; Seeker is decent; Rundel has a heart; Manners and candour are to Benson given; To Berkley, every virtue under Heaven POPE. To a reverend gentleman, to whom may be attributed all that Pope has here said, both of Benson and Berkley, I intended to dedicate my poem. With that view, the following re marks were written. From motives which do credit to his honesty and prudence as a Di vine, and in a manner honourable to his sin cerity as a gentleman, he declined receiving what I intended as a compliment to his ta lents and virtues. But "what I have written, I have written;" and if it must go, unprotect ed by the patronage of a name, let it go, and stand upon its own merits, or fall through its own weakness. THE AUTHOR. M564053 DEDICATION. TO REV. AND DEAR SIR, WHEN the claims of Charity are to be urged, the eye falls naturally and irresistibly upon him, who is at once the eloquent advocate in her courts, and the liberal minister at her al tar. Shall I then seek any other apology than what this consideration affords, for re questing of you, the permission to exhibit your name upon a page, that is devoted to her service? By Charity, I mean not only the ac tive benevolence which opens the hand for the relief of suffering poverty, but the more en larged and exalted love that opens the heart, with wishes and with hopes for the happiness, here, and hereafter, of the great family of man. Sacred Music is of vital importance to every thing else that is sacred. The cultiva tion of it, as a science, and the practice of it. Viii DEDICATION. as an art, or as an exercise of devotion, have employed the attention, the time, and the talents of the legislator, the prophet, the mu sician, and the poet, from the earliest ages of Scripture History. I say of Scripture History, for though ample materials would have crowd ed upon my hands from profane history; in pursuing the subject of Music generally, I have chosen to confine myself exclusively to Sacred Music, with the exception, perhaps, of one or two notices of well authenticated facts, calculated to exhibit, in a strong point of view, the effect of Music upon animals. Hence, though I have occasionally opened the volume of nature, to sketch a few of the numberless scenes that are there presented to the religious eye, or have perhaps, in a few in stances, drawn entirely from my own imagi nation, most of my topics have been taken from that great fountain of Religion, Poetry, and Music the BIBLE. I do not pretend to have gone fully into the subject, if by that is to be understood, a par ticular attention to all the accounts of the ef fects of Sacred Music, or of the evidences of the divine approbation, of worship, offered DEDICATION, in that manner, which are recorded in the sa cred volume. Many striking and eloquent accounts have been necessarily passed over in silence: perhaps, many which I do not re collect, but certainly not a few which have occurred to me, but which, though very im pressive, I have not considered as sufficiently prominent, compared with those to which I have adverted, to atone for the offence of ad ding unreasonable length, to the other subjects of complaint, which the critical eye will find in my poem. The difficulty has been, not to collect materials, because they were few; but in the multiplicity which presented them selves, to select those which were best adapt ed to my purpose. To write more, would have been easy: may others find it so, to read what I have written. As to the manner of treating my subject, it is my own, and I must be indulged in it. I mean this, as purely and exclusively a reli gious poem. Yet T have endeavoured to avoid, as much as possible, the technical phrases of your profession.* And here, my dear sir, * Or, to convey my idea in one short, though inelegant word 'Cant. DEDICATION. allow me to observe, I have followed the ex ample of one, whose authority, I am sure, you will not be disposed to question: an example of which, as of your whole style of preach ing, I cannot avoid this opportunity of ex pressing my most unqualified approbation. Charge me not with flattery: reproach me not with adulation: I have never practised the one, and have little to expect of any man for attempting the other. Least of all, will I attempt to pass that currency upon one who is under a solemn, an official obligation, not to put off the same coin in repayment. Not to "prophecy smooth things," is a duty, which, as a minister of our holy religion, you cannot forget. It would, therefore, be taking an unfair, an ungenerous, an ungentlemanly advantage of you, to offer you incense, which you cannot avert from yourself, by turning it back upon him who holds the censer. Yet, strange as it may seem to some, who do not know that eminence, in any department of literature, is like great wealth in civil society, in that it is always taxed, for the benefit of those who have never attained what so uni formly attracts their admiration, you, sir, will DEDICATION. XI not be astonished to find, that this very ex ample, which I so joyfully hail, is the cause of your being called upon, to extend your hand to one who had long wished to see, but had almost despaired of seeing, that bright example set to those who minister at the al tar. In this attempt to present to your eye a re ligious production, divested of the technical jargon of which I have been complaining, and of which I shall go on complaining, a little longer; I have consulted not my ease, but my feelings, as to what is proper, and my convic tion, as to what is profitable. Nothing would have been more easy, for one who has at tended church for twenty-five years, during which time, he has repeatedly heard the whole set of changes rung upon the bells of the schools, to have collected words enough to make a book larger than that, which now solicits your patronage; which might have passed, and even been praised, as an orthodox production; but I imagine it would have con tained little poetry, and as little religion. I hope, sir, the few sheets that follow, con tain internal evidence of the author's respect. Xll DEDICATION. not to say high veneration, for the Christian religion, and for the sacred volume that pro- mises us a better and a happier world. On that point, then, I shall make no professions: they are better spared than lavished. But I care not how soon it is understood, that I have no respect for a language, or rather a dialect, that owes its birth to schools and councils, of a dark and barbarous age; schools, forever con tending about words darkly metaphysical, and councils, passing sentence upon the doc trines of religion, in a manner very irreligious; whose proceedings were blindly and bitterly dogmatical, and whose individual members were, too often, bound together by only one common tie, a profession of Christian love, and actuated by only one common principle, a most unchristian hostility. Still, do not mis take my meaning. In their intemperate zeal, they failed in judgment, and we pity them. Their passionate proceedings, their deadly hostility, their mutual recriminations, and bitter persecutions are to be deplored, for they threw a cloud over the morning of Chris tianity* But it is their language towards which I feel this want of respect. The men DEDICATION. were certainly the great men of their respec tive times; possessing, in many instances, the highest natural endowments, and rendered il lustrious by the greatest attainments, not only in literature, such as it was, but in piety, as then understood; displaying, in the acquire ment of the one, an indefatigable industry, and in the defence of the other, an unparallel ed, an unshaken fortitude. We owe these saints and patriarchs, in the early ages of our religion, much for their labours, much for their zeal; but still, we owe our Saviour and his par ticular friends and disciples more. While, therefore, we pity the intemperance and fa naticism exhibited at Nice and Constantino ple, we cannot too much admire the sweet, the sacred simplicity, the pure, modest, meek deportment, displayed by the great Preacher upon the mount; who perplexed not the un derstanding of his hearers, by abstruse meta physics, nor heated their enthusiasm by fa natical, but unintelligible declamation; why not imitate, or at least strive to imitate, that divine, that charming simplicity! Must we not admit that our Saviour was as capable of exhibiting, in his own bright example, the best XIV DEDICATION. manner of inculcating the doctrines of his re ligion, as lie was of communicating to his fol lowers that religion itself? He came to teach others, and he therefore addressed their un derstanding. He opened his lips in accents of love, and they melted the heart. Sweet, however, and simple as was the language of Jesus Christ, it was elegant, it, was figura tive, it was poetical. Let me not here be understood, sir, for I am fully aware, while upon this ground, with what caution it is incumbent upon me to tread, as meaning to discountenance or dis courage the inculcating and enforcing of the truths of our religion, by appeals to the un derstanding, by reason, argument, logic. Far from it A religion that could not bear all the fair scrutiny, and all the dissecting light of these, is no religion for me. Why? be cause, a religion to satisfy me, must be founded upon a revelation from God to man. But a revelation to man, is a revelation to his understanding. That is the balance, in which every proposition of it should be weigh ed, before it should be suffered to pass current in my religious creed. It is the forum at DEDICATION. XT which my tenets should be arraigned, article by article. And therefore, while we cannot too faithfully and studiously imitate the irre sistible and insinuating addresses of our Sa viour, and the melting, tender eloquence of John, we cannot but admire the clear, forci ble, masculine reasoning of Paul: nor must such a logician go off the stage, without our warmest and loudest applause. Nor, to say no more of his nervous argument, did he ne glect those other departments of science, which, laying aside his divine inspiration, en abled him to dress his thoughts in such a mas terly style. But the logic of St. Paul, was con versant with ideas, not merely their shadows; something that was palpable to his mental organs, and which he has rendered visible to ours, presented as they are to the eye, in robes so rich and flowing. Did he disdain to address, or w r as he unable to address, the polite, the learned, those high in office the proconsul of Judea, or the citizens of Athens, in a language that should attract the attention of his audi tors, for its elegance and classical purity? Let the refining sectary, who opens the door of Heaven only for himself, and his few blind XVI DEDICATION. and cringing followers; who has enveloped his bible, so completely in the folds of mysti cism, that it can scarcely be recognized; or has buried it so deeply in the "dust of the schools" that the venerable volume is hardly conscious of its own identity; open to the text of Paul, and he will there* find, not only re ference to the polite literature of the day, but a quotation from one of the popular satyric poets, absolutely embodied in an epistle, that was to descend to posterity, and not unworth ily, with the stamp of divine inspiration. No sir, the religion you preach, thanks not those who spread mantles over it, for the pur pose of concealment. It is the religion of light, and courts the congenial effluence. Is it necessary, at this late day, to recur to the opin ion of the great apostle, of whom I have been speaking, to determine as to the profit of speak ing "in an unknown tongue?" For the sake of the reputation of Christianity,, and of Christian teachers, I should hope not; yet how serious is the fact, if we may judge from the too frequent practice in our churches, that such recurrence * Titus i. 12. DEDICATION. XVii is seldom had, though so constantly necessary! And is it not as profitable to me, to be address ed in Hebrew, that I never have learned, as in English, that I never can learn? It is all Hebrew to me Away, then, with mysticism; and away with cant! for so intimately are they connected, that it seems impossible to inflict a wound up on the one, without a sympathetic groan from the other. But, to say nothing of the policy of the cler gy, as it respects themselves; or their hones ty, as it regards their master are we not en titled to a fairer treatment? Shall we, when we ask of our teachers the bread of life, be sent away with a stone, which even the metaphys ical patriarch of Constantinople candidly ac knowledged he could not digest? Why may we not be addressed, upon theological subjects, in the same intelligible language that we have a right to claim upon topics of incomparably mi nor importance? I do not pay, still less do I pardon, the lawyer, whom I consult upon ques tions relating to my civil rights, if he opens upon me in his technical language, in which, af ter he has advised me an hour, I know no more of my case than I did before I consulted him. 3 XVJ11 DEDICATION. Still I may have a great respect for the laws, and presume they are salutary, and adapted to the exigencies of society. Am I satisfied with the physician, who, when I am writhing with pain, mysteriously explains to me the na ture of my disorder, and prescribes a remedy, and both in a jargon, as foreign to my compre hension as would have been a verbal prescrip tion of Hippocrates, or as enigmatical as a re sponse of the Pythian oracle? No though I may be convinced of the power of medicine, and have a respect for the science, I suspect at once the talents and the honesty of the em piric, and despise and dismiss the quack. Why, then, in questions of Religion; ques tions on which not my fortune, not my life, but my salvation depends, am I not entitled to be advised in a language that I understand: a lan guage of every day's use in polite conversa tion, and elegant writing; rather than in the antiquated and obsolete vocabulary of the schools? Schoolmen may understand it; or, as was the case with the doctors of the Sorbonne, may agree to use it without understanding it; but how much the wiser, or the better, will it make the farmer, the mechanic or the mer chant? DEDICATION. Are we to be told, that the venerable char acter of Religion will be endangered by dress- ing her in conformity to the fashion of the present day? that it will degrade the child of heaven, to strip her of the shreds and rags, with which she was hung in an age of dark ness and barbarism, and which time has ren dered not more dignified, but more disgusting? As well might she be invested again from the wardrobe ofLaTrappe, or starved with asce tics, in the caverns of Thebais. But still are we told that Religion must de pend, for a favourable reception by the world, in some measure, upon the garb in which she is made to appear? Granted: This is my own position, and to this end let her wear the robes which are chosen by the well dressed of the present age. Is our language less copious, less polished, less dignified, less worthy of being the medium of divine communications to man kind now, than it was when Wickliffe wrote, and Cranmer was burnt? Do we revere the old and grey-headed, because he wears the tat- tered garb of other days; or is it not rather, be cause the frost of time, that has bleached his locks, has also frozen the boiling tide of pas, XX DEDICATION. sions, prompting to evil, and purified the soul, while it has whitened the head; so that we re- gard the silver honours of the one, as emble matical of the rich and spotless purity of the other? Because the light of love has so long beamed through his eye, that the heavenly ray and its earthly medium have become insepara bly incorporated? Because the smiles of be nevolence, and the charities and graces of hu^ manity have played upon his lip, till they have left upon it their vestiges, indelibly imprinted? Still it may be urged, that if we change in any particular the costume of Religion, the multitude, who are incapable of examining and judging for themselves, will think, that with her dress, Religion has also changed her char acter. Without stopping to examine the real force of the objection, let us allow it at once, the whole weight that those who advance it will demand. Now, is it a truth that the religion of the fifteenth century, and still more that of the fourth and fifth centuries, was more pure than the religion of the nineteenth? that the spirit of Christianity was better understood? that its disciples were more enlightened? -its DEDICATION. XXI precepts more faithfully practiced? its doc trines more intelligently and cordially em braced? To answer in the affirmative, is at once to overthrow the pious labours of centu ries: to spread over Christendom, particu larly over Protestant Christendom, the gloomy pall of ignorance and superstition: to smother the light that blazes from the volume of in spiration; and to restore the empire of the faggot and the rack. Still more, it is to im peach the testimony of Eternal Truth; in that it goes to prove, that the light which shone from heaven in the religion of Jesus Christ, shall not grow "brighter and brighter until the perfect day," but that those dawnings, that "day spring from on high," shall fade, and be come more and more equivocal, till the world shall be lost in total night. Why, then, should we dress Religion in the rags of poverty, which must excite our pity; or of negligence, which must awaken our con tempt; rather in such habiliments as will ren der her acceptable to the scholar, the gentle man and the philosopher; to the learned, the fashionable, and the polite; to the lawyer and the physician; to the merchant and the me- XX11 DEDICATION, chanic; to fathers and to children; and, since we do not subscribe to the Mohammedan no tion, that women have no souls; why may not a subject so highly interesting to the warmest feelings, the most delicate sympathies, the fondest affections, be treated in a manner suit ed, at once to their refinement and delicacy, and to its own native beauty and simplicity? Why must their tenderness be wounded by the severity, or their modesty shocked by the grossness, or their unsophisticated minds per plexed by the mysterious abstruseness, in which it is so often, and let me add, so repul sively presented to their ear? Is it indeed true that "pure religion and undefiled, " "that com- ethfrom the Father of Lights," was intended to be the "closet skeleton" for ourselves, or the Gog and Magog of our children, rather than their smiling and instructive play-fellow, and our cheerful fireside companion; who is ever anxious and studiously attentive to soften the asperities of life; and to whom we look, nor look in vain, for consolation in death? I am sometimes induced to think that the ancients, with all the heathenism with which we, in the abundance of Christian humility, are DEDICATION. XXlll so apt to reproach them, understood this thing better than ourselves. The highest efforts of Grecian intellect, the most polished produc tions of Athenian taste and fancy, were de voted to the interests of Religion. And in what costume did the poets, the painters and the sculptors of Greece exhibit their divinities? Take a single example. Minerva, the patroness of Athens, whom the mythology of the coun try represented as having sprung from the very brain of their highest celestial intelli gence, was considered a subject worthy of all the exquisite art of Phidias, encouraged by the patronage of the accomplished and popular Pericles. She was presented, in a form and a drapery worthy of her dignity and her birth. What was the consequence? The polite, the in genious, the metaphysical, the skeptical Athe nian bowed at her altar with a reverence, and worshiped in her temple, with a warmth of de votion, a depth of veneration, too rarely wit nessed around altars dedicated to the Chris tian's God. Shall we do less for the One God, who cre ated us, than Heathens did for the host of Gods, whom they created? Shall a false reli- XX1T DEDICATION. gion gain believers by her rich, I do not mean gaudy, but chaste and elegant robes, and yet a true religion make unbelievers, by the beg- garly and disgusting apparel in which she was clothed, by the wrangling logomachists of a barbarous age? But still another will tell me, that the simple city of the Gospel is above decoration that "loveliness needs not the foreign aid of orna ment, but is when unadorned, adorned, the most." My reply is brief, for I find the sub ject has led me farther than I at first intended to follow it it is this: I ask not for decoration; I want simplicity. Besides, you cannot pre sent Religion to mankind divested of all cover ing; in her pure and native loveliness, as Eve came from the hand of her Maker. In some garb or other she must be dressed. We write in words, we speak in words, we think in words, and every process of reasoning is con ducted by means of words; for no sooner is the infant conception embodied, than it is dressed in language, and ready to be ushered into the world I say, I want simplicity. But simplicity does not imply poverty, any more than richness implies gaudiness. But I do not DEDICATION. XXV love to see the light, that has emanated from the Deity, obscured "by words without know ledge;" words which may mean any thing, or nothing at all, either what is partially right, or what is totally wrong, according as he, who uses them, may find it an object to mislead the careless, or blind the diligent inquirer. The object of the poem which follows, and which I have taken the liberty to recommend to your notice, is one^ the interest of the reli gion of Jesus Christ of pure unaffected piety. I know you will not suspect me of a design of encroaching unlawfully upon your grounds; and therefore, hope you will not frown upon one, who thus volunteers his feeble aid, not to your particular province, but to the empire in general. Do not invoke upon me the punish ment of Uzzah, for touching the ark of the Lord. I do not fear it will fall; and I hope I do not touch it with irreverent hands. If, however, reverend sir, I am culpable, in laying my hand upon that, which is under the special charge of the Levites, I am not sure that you will not yourself be implicated, as particeps criminis. The first sermon I ever heard from your pulpit was, almost exclusive- 4 XXVI DEDICATION. ly, calculated to do justice to the claims, which Sacred Music has, to an important station, among the devotional exercises of a Christian Church. I need not say whether I listened with pleasure: nor need I remind you how much better the subject was handled by your self, than by me But you are a clergyman: I am a layman: and perhaps a few may be persuaded by the novelty of the layman's po etry, who had slumbered under the greater eloquence of the clergyman's prose; to open the BIBLE, for flowers that were scattered there by the hand of God; and for songs, which, though they may be despised by the fashionable connoisseur, have attracted the ear, and won the applause of Angels. AIRS OF PALESTINE. SUMMER'S dun cloud, that, slowly rising-, holds The sweeping tempest in its rushing folds, Though o'er the ridges of its thundering breast, The King of Terrours lifts his lightning crest; Pleas'd we behold, when those dark folds we find, Fring'd with the golden light, that glows behind. So when one language bound the human race, On Shinar's plain, round Babel's mighty base, Gloomily rose the minister of wrath; Dark was his frown, destructive was his path; That tower was blasted, by the touch of Heaven; That bond was burst that race asunder driven: Yet, round the Avenger's brow, that frown' d above, Play'd Mercy's beams the lambent light of Love. AIRS OF PALESTINE. All was not lost, though busy Discord flung Repulsive accents, from each jarring tongue; All was not lost; for Love one tie had twin'd, And Mercy dropp'd it, to connect mankind: One tie, that winds, with soft and sweet control, Its silken fibres round the yielding soul; Binds man to man, sooths Passion's wildest strife. And, through the mazy labyrinths of life, Supplies a faithful clue, to lead the lone And weary wanderer, to his Father's throne. That tie is Music. Ho^ supreme her sway! How lovely is the Power, that all obey! Dumb matter trembles at her thrilling shock; Her voice is echo'd by the desert rock; For her, the asp withholds the sting of death, And bares his fangs, but to inhale her breath; The lordly lion leaves his lonely lair, And crouching, listens when she treads the air; And man, by wilder impulse driven to ill, Is tamed, and led by this Enchantress stilt AIRS OF PALESTINE. Who ne'er has felt her hand assuasive steal Along his heart That heart will never feel. 'Tis hers to chain the passions, sooth the soul, To snatch the dagger, and to dash the bowl From Murder's hand; to smooth the couch of Care, Extract the thorns, and scatter roses there; Of Pain's hot hrow, to still the bounding throb, Despair's long sigh, and Grief's convulsive sob. How vast ber empire! Turn through earth, through air, Your aching eye, you find her subjects there; Nor is the throne of heaven above her spell, Nor yet beneath it, is the host of hell. To her, Religion owes her holiest flame: Her eye looks heaven-ward, for from heaven she came. And when Religion's mild and genial ray, Around the frozen heart, begins to play, Music's soft breath falls on the quivering light; The fire is kindled, and the flame is bright; And that cold mass, by either power assail'd, Is warm'd made liquid and to heaven exhaled. 1 4 AIRS OF PALESTINE. Here let us pause: the opening prospect view: How fresh this mountain air! how soft the blue, That throws its mantle o'er the length' ning scene! Those waving groves those vales of living green Those yellow fields that lake's cerulean face, That meets, with curling smiles, the cool embrace Of roaring torrents, lull'd by her to rest; That white cloud, melting on the mountain's breast; How the wide landscape laughs upon the sky! How rich the light, that gives it to the eye! Where lies our path? though many a vista call, We may admire, but cannot tread them all. Where lies our path! a poet, and inquire What hills, what vales, what streams become the lyre! See, there Parnassus lifts his head of snow; See at his foot, the cool Cephissus flow; There Ossa rises; there Olympus towers; Between them, Tenape breathes in beds of flowers, Forever verdant; and there Peneus glides Through laurels whispering on his shady sides. AIRS OF PALESTINE, Your theme is Music: Yonder rolls the wave, Where dolphins snatch'd Arion from his grave, Enchanted hy his lyre: Citheron's shade Is yonder seen, where first Amphion play'd Those potent airs, that, from the yielding earth, Charm'd stones around him, and gave cities birth. And fast hy Hsemus, Thracian Hebrus creeps O'er golden sands, and still for Orpheus weeps, Whose gory head, borne by the stream along, Was still melodious, and expired in song. There Nereids sing, and Triton winds his shell; There be thy path for there the Muses dwell. No, no a lonelier, lovelier path be mine: Greece and her charms I leave, for Palestine. There, purer streams through happier valleys flow, And sweeter flowers on holier mountain's blow, I love to breathe where Gilead sheds her balm; I love to walk on Jordan's banks of palm; I love to wet my foot in Hcrmon's dews; love the promptings of Isaiah's muse: I AIRS OF PALESTINE. In GarmePs holy grots, I'll court repose, And deck my mossy couch, with Sharon's deathless rose. Here arching vines their leafy harmer spread, Shake their green shields, and purple odours shed; At once repelling Syria's burning ray, And breathing freshness on the sultry day. Here the wild hee suspends her murmuring wing, Pants on the rock, or sips the silver springy And here as musing on my theme divine, I gather flowers to hloom along my line, And hang my garland in festoons around, Enwreath'd with clusters, and with tendrils bound 5 And fondly, warmly, humbly hope the Power, That gave perfumes and beauty to the flower, Drew living water from this rocky shrine, Purpled the clustering honours of the vine* And led me, lost in devious mazes, hither, To weave a garland, will not let it wither: Wond'ring, I listen to the strain sublime. That flows, all freshly, down the stream of time. AIRS OF PALESTINE. Wafted in grand simplicity along, The undying breath, the very soul of song. Down that long vale of years, are sweetly roll'd The mingled voices of the bards of old; Melodious voices! bards of brightest fire! Where each is warm, how melting is the quire! Yet, though so blended is the concert blest, Some master tones are heard above the rest. O'er the cleft sea, the storm in fury rides: Israel is safe, and Egypt tempts the tides: Her host, descending, meets a wat'ry grave, And o'er her monarch rolls the refluent wave. The storm is hush'd: the billows foam no more, But sink in smiles: there's music on the shore. On the wide waste of waters, dies that air Unheard; for all is death and coldness there. But see! the robe that brooding Silence throws O'er Shur, reclining in profound repose, Is rent, and scattered, by the burst of praise, That swells the song th' astonish'd Hebrews raise. 5 8 AIRS OE, PALESTINE. That rending anthem on the wild was flung, From Miriam's timbrel and from Moses' tongue: 1 The first to Liberty that e'er was Sung. But if, when joy and gratitude inspire, Such high-ton'd triumph walks along the lyre, What are its breathings, when pale Sorrow flings Her tearful touches, o'er its trembling strings? At Nebo's base, that mighty bard resigns His life and empire, in prophetic lines. 2 Heaven, all attention, round the poet bends, And conscious earth, as when the dew descends, Or showers as gentle, feels her young buds swell, Her herbs shoot greener, at that fond farewell. Rich is the song, though mournfully it flows: And as that harp, which God alone bestows, Is swept in concert with that sinking breath, Its cold chords shrink, as from the touch of death. It was the touch of death! Sweet be thy slumbers. Harp of the prophet! but those holy numbers. AIRS OF PALESTINE. That death-denoting, monitory moan, Shall live, till Nature heaves her dying groan. From Pisgah's top, his eye the prophet threw, O'er Jordan's wave, where Canaan met his view. His sunny mantle, and his hoary locks Shone, like the rohe of Winter, on the rocks. Where is that mantle? Melted into air. Where is the prophet? God can tell thee where. So, on the brow of some romantic height, A fleecy cloud hangs hov'ring in the light, Fit couch for angels; which, while yet we view, ? Tis lost to earth, and all around is blue. Whose veteran arm, already taught to urge The battle stream, and roll its darkest surge, Hangs over Jericho's devoted towers, 3 And like the storm, o'er Sodom, redly lowers? The moon can answer, for she heard his tongue, And cold and pale o'er Ajalon she hung. 4 The sun can tell: O'er Gibeon's vale of blood, Curving their beamy necks, his coursers stood, 10 AIRS O* PALESTINE. Held by that hero's arm, to light his wrath, And roll their glorious eyes, upon his crimson path. What mine, exploding, rends that smoking ground? What earthquake spreads those smouldering ruins round? The sons of Levi, round that city, hear The ark of God, their consecrated care, And, in rude concert, each returning morn, Blow the long trump, and wind the curling horn. No blackening thunder smok'd along the wall: No earthquake shook it: Music wrought its fall. The reverend hermit, that from earth retires, Freezes to love's, to melt in holier fires, And builds on Libanus his humble shed, 5 Beneath the waving cedars of his head; Year after year, with brighter views revolving, Doubt after doubt in stronger hopes dissolving; Though neither pipe, nor voice, nor organ's swell, Disturbs the silence of his lonely cell; Yet hears enough, had nought been heard before, To wake a holy awe, and teach him to adore. AIRS or PALESTINE, 11 For, e'er the day with orisons he closes, Ere on his flinty couch, his head reposes, A couch more downy in the hermit's sight, Than heds of roses to the Sybarite; As lone he muses on those naked rocks, Heaven's last light blushing on his silver locks, Amid the deep'ning shades of that wild mountain, He hears the burst of many a mossy fountain, Whose crystal rills in pure embraces mingle, And dash, and sparkle down the leafy dingle, There lose their liquid notes: with grateful glow, The hermit listens as the waters flow, And says there's music in that mountain stream, The storm beneath him, and the eagle's scream. There lives around that solitary man, The tameless music, that with time began; Airs of the Power, that bids the tempest roar, The cedar bow, the royal eagle soar; The mighty Power, by whom those rocks were pil'd, Who moves unseen, and murmurs thro' the wild. AIRS OF PALESTINE. "What countless chords docs that dread Being strike! Various their tone, hut all divine alike: 'Tis Mercy now, in balmy softness stealing; 'Tis Anger now, the Mighty One revealing; There, 'tis a string that sooths with slow vibration, And here, a burst that shakes the whole creation. By Heaven forewarned, his hunted life to save, Behold Elijah stands by Horeb's cave; Griev'd that the God for whom he'd warmly striven, Should see his servants into exile driven, His words neglected, by those servants spoken, His prophets murdered, and his altars broken. His bleeding heart a soothing strain requires: He hears it: softer than ^Eolian lyres, "A still, small voice," like Zephyr's dying sighs, Steals on his ear: he may not lift his eyes, But o'er his face his flowing mantle flings, And hears a whisper, from the King of Kings. 6 Yet from that very cave, from Jloreb's side, Where spreads a prospect desert, wild and wide; AIRS OF PALESTINE. 13 The prophet sees, with reverential dread, Dark Sinai rear his thunder-Masted head; Where erst was pour'd on trembling Israel's ear, A stormier peal, that Moses quak'd to hear. In what tremendous pomp Jehovah shone, When on that mount he fix'd his burning throne! 7 Thick, round its base, a shuddering gloom was flung: Black, on its breast, a thunder cloud was hung: Bright, through that blackness, arrowy lightnings came, Shot from the glowing veU, that wrapp'd its head in flame. And when that quaking mount the Eternal trod, Scorch'd by the foot of the descending God, Then, blasts of unseen trumpets, long and loud, Swelled by the breath of whirlwinds, rent the cloud, And Death and Terrour stalk'd, beneath that smoky shroud. Seest thou that shepherd boy, of features fair, Of eye serene, and brightly flowing hair, That leans, in thoughtful posture, on his crook, And statue-like, pores o'r the pebbly brook? 14 AIRS OF PAXESTINE. Yes: and why stands lie there, in stupor cold? Why not pursue those wanderers from his fold? Or, mid the playful children of his flocks, Toss his light limbs, and shake his amher locks, Rather than idly gaze upon the stream? That boy is lost in a poetic dream: And, while his eye follows the wave along, His soul expatiates in the realms of song. For oft, where yonder grassy hills recede, I've heard that shepherd tune his rustic reed; And then, such sweetness from his fingers stole, I knew that Music had possessed his soul. Oft, in her temple, shall the votary bow, Oft, at her altar, breathe his ardent vow, And oft suspend, along her coral walls, The proudest trophies that adorn her halls. Even now, the heralds of his monarch tear The son of Jesse from his fleecy care, 8 And to the hall the ruddy minstrel bring, Where sits a being, that was once a king. AIRS OF PALESTINE. 15 Still, on his brow the crown of Israel gleams, And cringing courtiers still adore its beams, Though the bright circle throws no light divine, But rays of hell, that melt it while they shine. As the young harper tries each quivering wire, It leaps and sparkles with prophetic fire, And, with the kindling song, the kindling rays Around his fingers tremulously blaze, Till the whole hall, like those blest fields above, Glows with the light of melody and love. Soon as the foaming demon hears that psalm, Heaven on his memory bursts, and Eden's balm; He sees the dawnings of too bright a sky; Detects the angel, in the poet's eye; With grasp convulsive, rends his matted hair; Through his strain'd eye-balls shoots a fiend-like glare; And flies, with shrieks of agony, that hall, The throne of Israel, and the breast of Saul; Exil'd to roam, or, in infernal pains. To seek a refuge from that shepherd's strains, 6 16 AIRS OF PAIJ1STINE, The night was moonless: Judah's shepherds kept Their starlight watch: their flocks around them slept.' To heaven's hlue fields their wakeful eyes were turn'd, And to the fires that there eternal hurn'd. Those azure regions had heen peopled long, With Fancy's children, hy the sons of song: And there, the simple shepherd, conning o'er His humble pittance of Chaldean lore, Saw, in the stillness of a starry night, The Swan and Eagle wing their silent flight; 16 And, from their spangled pinions, as they flew, On Israel's vales of verdure, shower the dew: Saw there, the brilliant gems, that nightly flare, In the thin mist of Berenice's hair, And there, Bootes roll his lucid wain, On sparkling wheels, along the etherial plain; And there, the Pleiades, in tuneful gyre, Pursue forever the star-studded Lyre; And there, with bickering lash, heaven's Charioteer Urge round the Cynosure his bright career. AIRS OF PALESTINE. 17 While thus the shepherds watch'd the host of night, O'er heaven's hlue concave flash'd a sudden light. The unrolling glory spread its folds divine. O'er the green hills and vales of Palestine; And lo! descending angels, hovering there, Stretch'd their loose wings, and in the purple air, Hung o'er the sleepless guardians of the fold: When that high anthem, clear, and strong, and bold, On wavy paths of trembling ether ran: "Glory to God; benevolence to man; Peace to the world:" and in full concert came, From silver tubes, and harps of golden frame, The loud and sweet response, whose choral strains Lingered, and languished, on Judea's plains. Yon living lamps, charm'd from their chambers blue, By airs so heavenly, from the skies withdrew: All? all, but one, that hung and burn'd alone. And with mild lustre over Bethlehem shone. Chaldea's sages saw that orb afar, Glow unextinguished; 'twas Salvation's Star. 18 AIRS OF PALESTINE. Hear'st thou that solemn symphony, that swells And echoes through Philippi's gloomy cells? From vault to vault the heavy notes rebound, And granite rocks reverberate the sound. The wretch, who long, in dungeons cold and dank, Had shook his fetters, that their iron clank Might break the grave-like silence of that prison, On which the Star of Hope had never risen; Then sunk in slumbers, by despair opprest, And dream'd of freedom in his broken rest; Wakes at the music of those mellow strains, Thinks it some spirit, and forgets his chains. *Tis Paul and Silas; who, at midnight, pay To Him of Nazareth, a grateful lay. Soon is that anthem wafted to the skies: An angel bears it, and a God replies. With thundering crash, are burst bolts, bars and locks; Rent are their chains, and shivered are their stocks; 11 Strong tides of light gush through the yielding doors, Glance on the walls, and flash along the floors. AIRS OF PALESTINE. 19 Fix'd in dismay, the shuddering keepers gaze At the bright suns, on Freedom's brow that blaze, As she descends to break the prisoners' bars, Whose music charmed her from her kindred stars. 'Tis night again: for Music loves to steal Abroad at night; when all her subjects kneel, In more profound devotion at her throne: And, at that sober hour, she'll sit alone, Upon a bank, by her sequestered cell, And breathe her sorrows through her wreathed shell. Again 'tis night the diamond lights on high, Burn bright, and dance harmonious through the sky; And Silence leads her downy footed hours, Round Sion's hill, and Salem's holy towers. The Lord of Life, with his few faithful friends, Drown'd in mute sorrow, down that hill descends. They cross the stream that bathes its foot, and dashes Around the tomb, where sleep a monarch's ashes; 12 And climb the steep, where oft the midnight air Received the Sufferer's solitary prayer. 20 AIRS OF PALESTINE. There, in dark bowers imbosomed, Jesus flings His hand celestial o'er prophetic strings; Displays his purple robe, his bosom gory, His crown of thorns, his cross, his future glory; And, while the group, each hallowed accent gleaning, On pilgrim's staff, in pensive posture leaning Their reverend beards, that sweep their bosoms, wet With the chill dews of shady Olivet Wonder and weep, they pour the song of sorrow, 13 With their lov'd Lord, whose death shall shroud the morrow. Heavens! what a strain was that! those matchless tones, That ravish "Princedoms, Dominations, Thrones;" That, heard on high, had hush'd those peals of praise, That seraphs swell, and harping angels raise, Soft, as the wave from Siloa's fount that flows, Through the drear silence of the mountain rose. How sad the Saviour's song! how sweet! how holy! The last he sung on earth: how melancholy! Along the valley sweep the expiring notes: On Kedron's wave the melting music floats: AIRS OF PALESTINE. From her blue arch, the lamp of evening flings Her mellow lustre, as the Saviour sings: The moon above, the wave beneath is still, And light and music mingle on the hill. The glittering guard, whose viewless ranks invest The brook's green margin, and the mountain's crest, Catch that unearthly song, and soar away, Leave this dark orb, for fields of endless day, And round th' Eternal's throne, on buoyant pinions play. Ye glowing seraphs, that enchanted swim, In seas of rapture, as ye tune the hymn Ye bore from earth say, ye choral quires, Why in such haste to wake your golden lyres? Why, like a flattering, like a fleeting dream, Leave that lone mountain, and that silent stream? Say, could not then the "Man of Sorrows" claim Your shield of adamant, your sword of flame? Hell forc'd a smile, at your retiring wing, And man was left to crucify your King. AIRS OF PALESTINE. But must no other sweets perfume my wreath, Than Carmel's hill and Sharon's valley breathe? Are holy airs home only through the skies, Where Sinai thunders, and where Horeb sighs? And move they only o'er Arabia's sea, Bethesda's pool, the lake of Galilee? And does the hand that bids Judea bloom, Deny its blossoms to the desert's gloom? No: turn thine eye, in visionary glance, To scenes beyond old Ocean's blue expanse, Where vast La Plata rolls his weight along, Through worlds unknown to science and to song, And, sweeping proudly o'er his boundless plain, Repels the foaming billows of the main. Let Fancy lap thee in Paraguay's bowers, And scatter round thee Nature's wildest flowers; For Nature there, since first her opening eye Hail'd the bright orb her Father hung on high, Still wraps the mantle round her virgin breast, In which her smiling infancy was drest. AIRS OF PALESTINE. 3 There, through the clouds, stupendous mountains rise, And lift their icy foreheads to the skies; There, blooming valleys and secure retreats Bathe all thy senses in voluptuous sweets: Reclining there, beneath a bending tree, Fraught with the fragrant labours of the bee, Admire with me, the birds of varied hue, That hang, like flowers of orange and of blue, Among the broad magnolia's cups of snow, Quaffing the perfumes, from those cups that flow. But, is all peace, beneath the mountain shade? Do Love and Mercy haunt that sunny glade, And sweetly rest upon that lovely shore, When light retires, and nature smiles no more? No: there, at midnight, the hoarse tiger growls: There, the gaunt wolf sits on his rock, and howls: And there, in painted pomp, the yelling Indian prowls. Round the bold front of yon projecting cliff, Shoots on white wings the missionary's skiff, 7 AIRS OF PALESTINE. And, walking steadily along the tide, Seems, like a phantom, o'er the wave to glide, Unfolding to the breeze her light cymar, And bearing on her breast the Apostolic star. That brilliant orb the bless'd Redeemer hurl'd, From his pierc'd hand, ere he forsook the world. Lanch'd by that hand, the sphere, divinely bright, Has left on eastern clouds, its path of light, And, in a radiant curve, descends to bless Parana's wave, Paraguay's wilderness. See! it has check'd its lucid course, and now Lights on the intrepid Jesuit's humble prow, 14 Brightens his sail, with its celestial glow, And gilds the emerald wave, that rolls below. Lo, at the stern, the priest of Jesus rears His reverend front, plough'd by the share of years. He takes his harp: the spirits of the air Breathe on his brow, and interweave his hair, In silky flexure, with the sounding strings: And hark! the holy missionary sings. AIRS OF PALESTINE. 'Tis the Gregorean chant: with him unites, On either hand, his quire of neophytes, While the boat cleaves its liquid path along, And waters, woods and winds protract the song. Those unknown strains the forest war-whoop hush: Huntsmen and warriours from their cabins rush, Heed not the foe, that yells defiance nigh, See not the deer, that dashes wildly by, Drop from their hand the bow and rattling quiver, Crowd to the shore, and plunge into the river, Breast the green waves, the enchanted bark that toss, Leap o'er her sides, and kneel before the cross: While warm tears, mingling with baptismal waters, Wash from the soul, the stain of savage slaughters. Hear yon poetic pilgrim of the west, Chant Music's praise, and to her power attest. 1S Who now, in Florida's untrodden woods, Bedecks, with vines of jessamine, her floods, And flowery bridges o'er them loosely throws; Who hangs the canvass where Atala glows, AIRS OF PALESTINE. On the live oak, in floating drapery shrouded, That like a mountain rises, lightly clouded; Who, for the son of Outalissi twines, Beneath the shade of ever whispering pines, A funeral wreath, to hloom upon the moss, That Time already sprinkles on the cross, Rais'd o'er the grave, where his young virgin sleeps, And Superstition o'er her victim weeps; Whom now, the silence of the dead surrounds, Among Scioto's monumental mounds; Save that, at times, the musing pilgrim hears A crumbling oak fall with the weight of years, To swell the mass, that Time and Ruin throw, O'er chalky bones, that mouldering lie below, By virtues unembalm'd, tinstain'd by crimes, Lost in those towering tombs of other times; For where no bard has cherish'd Virtue's flame, No ashes sleep in the warm sun of Fame. With sacred lore, this traveller beguiles His weary way, while o'er him Fancy smiles. AIRS PALESTINE. 27 "Whether he kneels in venerable groves, Or through the wide and green savanna roves, His heart leaps lightly on each breeze, that bears The faintest cadence of Idumea's airs. Now, he recalls the lamentable wail, That pierc'd the shades of Rama's palmy vale 16 When Murder struck, thron'd on an infant's bier, A note, for Satan's, and for Herod's ear. Now, on a bank, o'erhung with waving wood, Whose falling leaves flit o'er Ohio's flood, The pilgrim stands; and o'er his memory rushes The mingled tide of tears, and blood, that gushes Along the valleys, where his childhood stray'd, And round the temples, where his fathers pray'd. How fondly then, from all but Hope exil'd, To Z ion's woe recurs Religion's child! He sees the tear of Judah's captive daughters Mingle, in silent flow, with Babel's waters; While Salem's harp, by patriot pride unstrung, Wrapp'd in the mist, that o'er the river hung, AIRS OF PALESTINE. Felt but the breeze, that wanton'd o'er the billow, And the long, sweeping fingers of the willow. And could not Music sooth the captive's woe? But should that harp be strung for Judah's foe? While thus the enthusiast roams along the stream, Balanc'd between a revery and a dream, Backward he springs: and, through his bounding heart, The cold and curdling poison seems to dart. For, in the leaves, beneath a quivering brake, Spinning his death-note, lies a coiling snake, Just in the act, with greenly venom'd fangs, To strike the foot, that heedless o'er him hangs. Bloated with rage, on spiral folds he rides; His rough scales shiver on his spreading sides; Dusky and dim his glossy neck becomes, And freezing poisons thicken on his gums; His parching jaws, with anger rise and swell; On his keen eye there lies a spark of hell; While, like a vapour, o'er his writhing rings, Whirls his light tail, that threatens while it sings. AIRS OF PALESTINE. 29 Soon as dumb Fear removes her icy fingers From off the heart, where gazing wonder lingers. The pilgrim, conscious of the unequal fight, Conscious of danger, too, in sudden flight, From his soft flute, throws Music's air around, And meets his foe, upon enchanted ground. See! as the plaintive melody is flung, The lightning flash fades on the serpent's tongue; The uncoiling reptile, o'er each shining fold, Throws changeful clouds of azure, green and gold: A softer lustre twinkles in his eye; His neck is burnished with a glossier dye; His slippery scales grow smoother to the sight, And his relaxing circles roll in light. Slowly the charm retires: with waving sides, Along its track the graceful listner glides; While Music throws her silver cloud around, And bears her votary off, in magic folds of sound. On Arno's bosom, as he calmly flows, And his cool arms round Vallombrosa throws, 30 AJ-RS OF PALESTINE. Rolling his crystal tide through classic vales, Alone, at night, the Italian boatman sails. High o'er Mont Alto, walks, in maiden pride, Night's queen: he sees her image on that tide, Now, ride the wave that curls its infant crest, Around his prow, then rippling sinks to rest; Now, glittering dance around his eddying oar, Whose every sweep is echoed from the shore; Now, far before him, on a liquid bed Of waveless water, rest her radiant head. How mild the empire of that virgin queen! How dark the mountain's shade! how still the scene! Hush'd by her silver sceptre, zephyrs sleep On dewy leaves, that overhang the deep, Nor dare to whisper through the boughs, nor stir The valley's willow, nor the mountain's fir, Nor make the pale and breathless aspen quiver, Nor brush, with ruffling wing, that glassy river. Hark! 'tis a convent's bell: its midnight chime. For music measures even the march of Time:- AIRS OF PALESTINE.- 31 O'er bending trees, that fringe the distant shore, Gray turrets rise: the eye can catch no more. The boatman, listening to the tolling bell, Suspends his oar: a low and solemn swell, From the deep shade, that round the cloister lies, Rolls through the air, and on the water dies. What melting song wakes the cold ear of Night? A funeral dirge, that pale nuns, rob'd in white, Chant round a sister's dark and narrow bed, To charm the parting spirit of the dead. Triumphant is the spell! with raptur'd ear, That uncaged spirit hovering lingers near; Why should she mount? why pant for brighter bliss, A lovelier scence, a sweeter song than this! On Caledonia's hills, the ruddy morn Breathes fresh: the huntsman winds his clamorous horn. The youthful minstrel from his pallet springs, Seizes his harp, and tunes its slumbering strings. Lark-like he mounts o'er gray rocks, thunder-riven, Lark-like he cleaves the white mist, tempest driven, 8 AIRS OF PALESTINE. And lark-like carols, as the cliff he climbs, Whose oaks were vocal with his earliest rhymes. With airy foot he treads that giddy height; His heart all rapture, and his eye all light; His voice all melody, his yellow hair Floating and dancing in the mountain air, Shaking from its lose folds the liquid pearls, That gather clustering on his golden curls; And, for the moment, gazes on a scene, Ting'd with deep shade, dim gold, and brightening green; Then plays a mournful prelude, while the star Of morning fades: but when heaven's gates unbar, And on the world a tide of glory rushes, Burns on the hill, and down the valley blushes; The mountain bard in livelier numbers sings, While sunbeams warm and gild the conscious strings, And his young bosom feels the enchantment strong, Of light, and joy, and minstrelsy, and song. From rising morn, the tuneful stripling roves, Through smiling valleys and religious groves; AIRS OF PALESTINE. 33 Hears there, the flickering blackbird strain his throat, Here, the lone turtle pour her mournful note, Till night descends, and round the wanderer flings The dew drops, dripping from her dusky wings. Far from his native vale, and humble shed, By nature's smiles, and nature's music led, This child of melody has thoughtless stray'd, Till darkness wraps him in her deep'ning shade. The scene he smil'd on, when array'd in light, Now lowers around him with the frown of night. With weary foot the nearest height he climbs, Crown'd with huge oaks, giants of other times; Who fed, but fear not autumn's breath, and cast Their summer robes upon the roaring blast, And glorying in their majesty of form, Toss their old arms, and challenge every storm. Below him, Ocean rolls: deep in a wood, Built on a rock, and frowning o'er the flood, Like the dark Cyclops of Trinacria's isle, Rises an old and venerable pile. AIRS OF PALESTINE. Gothic its structure,' once a cross it bore, And pilgrims throng'd to hail it and adore. Mitres and crosiers awed the trembling friar, The solemn organ led the chanting quire, When in those vaults the midnight dirge was sung, And o'er the dead, a requiescat rung. Now, all is still: the midnight anthem hush'd: The cross is crumbled, and the crosier crush'd. And is all still? No: round those ruin'd altars, With feeble foot as our musician falters, Faint, weary, lost, benighted and alone, He sinks, all trembling, on the threshold stone. Here, nameless fears the young enthusiast chill: They're superstitious, but religious still. He hears the sullen murmur of the seas, That tumble round the stormy Orcades, Or, deep beneath him, burst with boundless roar, Their sparkling surges on that savage shore; And thinks a spirit rolls the weltering waves Through rifted rocks, and hollow rumbling caves. AIRS OF PALESTINE. 35 Round the dark windows, clasping ivy clings, Twines round the porch, and in the sea-breeze swings; Its green leaves rustle: heavy winds arise: The low cells echo, and the dark hall sighs. Is that some demon's shriek, so loud and shrill, Whose flapping robes sweep o'er the stormy hill? No 'tis the mountain blast, that nightly rages, Around those walls, gray with the moss of ages. Is that a ghost's red eye, beneath his shroud? No 'tis a star that glimmers through a cloud. Is that a lamp sepulchral, whose pale light Shines in yon vault, before a spectre white? No: 'tis a meteor, swimming through the hall, Or glow-worm, burning greenly on the wall. What mighty organ swells its deepest tone, And sighing heaves a low, funeral moan, That murmurs through the cemetery's glooms, And throws a deadlier horrour round its tombs? Sure, some dread spirit o'er the keys presides! The same that lifts these darkly thundering tides; 36 AIRS OF PALESTINE. Or, homeless, shivers o'er an unclosed grave; Or shrieking, off at sea, bestrides the white-maned wave. Yes! 'tis some Spirit that those skies deforms, And wraps in billowy clouds that hill of storms. Yes: 'tis a Spirit in those vaults that dwells, Illumes that hall, and murmurs in those cells. Yes: 'tis some Spirit on the blast that rides, And wakes the eternal tumult of the tides. That Spirit broke the poet's morning dream, Led him o'er woody hill and babbling stream, Lur'd his young foot to every vale that rung, And charm'd his ear in every bird that sung; With various concerts cheer'd his hours of light, But kept the mightiest in reserve till night; Then, thron'd in darkness, peal'd that wildest air, Froze his whole soul, and chain'd the listner there. That Mighty Spirit once from Teman came: Clouds w r ere his chariot, and his coursers flame. 1 Bow'd the perpetual hills: the rivers fled: Green Ocean trembled to his deepest bed: AIRS OF PALESTINE. 37 Earth shrunk agast: eternal mountains burn'd, And his red axle thunder'd as it turn'd. O! Thou Dread Spirit! Being's End and Source! 0! check thy chariot in its fervid course. Bend from thy throne of darkness and of fire, And with one smile immortalize our lyre. Amid the cloudy lustre of thy throne, Though wreathy tubes, unheard on earth, are blown, Swelling one ceaseless song of praise to thee, Eternal Authour of Eternity! Still hast thou stoop'd to hear a shepherd play, To prompt his measures, and approve his lay. Hast thou grown old, Thou, who forever livest! Hast thou forgotten, Thou, who memory givest! How, on the day thine ark, with loud acclaim, From Z ion's hill to Mount Moriah came, Beneath the wings of Cherubim to rest, In a rich vail of Tyrian purple drestj "When harps and cymbals join'd in echoing clang, When psalteries tinkled, and when trumpets rang, And white rob'd Levitcs round thine altar sang; 38 AIRS OF PALESTINE. Thou didst descend, and, rolling through the crowd, Inshrine thine ark and altar in thy .shroud, And fill the temple, with thy mantling cloud. 18 And now, Almighty Father, well we know, When humble strains from grateful bosoms flow, Those humble strains grow richer as they rise, And shed a balmier freshness on the skies. What though no Cherubim are here displayed, No gilded walls, no cedar collonade, No crimson curtains hang around our quire, Wrought by the ingenious artisan of Tyre; No doors of fir on golden hinges turn; No spicy gums in golden censers burn; No frankincense, in rising volumes, shrouds The fretted roof in aromatick clouds; No royal minstrel, from his ivory throne, Gives thee his father's numbers or his own; If humble love, if gratitude inspire, Our strain shall silence even the temple's quire, And rival Michael's trump, nor yield to Gabriel's lyre. AIRS OF PALESTINE. 30 In what rich harmony, what polished lays, Should man address thy throne, when Nature pays Her wild, her tuneful tribute to the sky! Yes, Lord, she sings thee, but she knows not why. The fountain's gush, the long resounding shore, The zephyr's whisper, and the tempest's roar, The rustling leaf, in autumn's fading woods, The wintry storm, the rush of vernal floods, The summer bower, by cooling breezes fann'd, The torrent's fall, by dancing rainbows spann'd, The streamlet, gurgling through its rocky glen, The long grass, sighing o'er the graves of men, The bird that crests yon dew-bespangled tree, Shakes his bright plumes, and trills his descant free, The scorching bolt, that from thine armory hurl'd, Burns its red path, and cleaves a shrinking world; All these arc music to Religion's ear; Music, thy hand awakes, for man to hear. Thy hand invested in their azure robes, Thy breath made buoyant yonder circling globes, 9 40 AIRS OF PALESTINE. That bound and blaze along the elastic wires. That viewless vibrate on celestial lyres, And in that high and radiant concave tremble, Beneath whose dome, adoring hosts assemble, * To catch the notes, from those bright spheres that flow, Which mortals dream of, but which angels know. Before thy throne, three sister Graces kneel; Their holy influence let our bosoms feel! FAITH, that with smiles lights up our dying eyes; HOPE, that directs them to the opening skies; And CHARITY, the loveliest of the three, That can assimilate a worm to thee. For her our organ breathes; to her we pay The heart-felt homage of an humble lay; And while to her symphonious chords we string, And Silence listens while to her we sing, "While round thine altar swells our evening song, And vaulted roofs the dying notes prolong, i The strain we pour to her, wilt thou approve, For LOVE is CHARITY, and THOU art LOVE. NOTES. NOTES. 1 That rending anthem on the wild was flung, From Miraim's timbrel and from Moses* tongue. For the song of Moses, on this occasion, see Exodus xv. 1 22. 2 At Nebo's base, that mighty bard resigns His life and empire, in prophetic lines. See the whole of the pathetic and eloquent valedictory ad dress of Moses to the Israelites, in the xxxii. chapter of Due- teronomy, from the beginning to the 43d verse. His death, and other events here mentioned, follow in regular course. 3 Hangs over Jericho's devoted towers, And, like the storm o'er Sodom, redly lowers. For the account of the destruction of Jericho, by the Jews, under the com >nand of Joshua, see Joshua vi. particularly verse 20th, "So the people shouted, when the priests blew the trum pets; and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpets, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city." 4 And cold and pale o'er Ajalon she hung. Then spake Joshua to the Lord, in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, 'Sun, stand thou still upon Gibcon, and thou Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until 44 ROTES. the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies.' Josh. x. 12, 13. 8 And builds on Libanus his humble shed, Horeb et Sinai, le Carmel et le Liban, le torrent de Cedron, et la vallee de Josaphat, redise encore la glorie de 1'habitant de la cellule et de Vanachorete du rocher. Genie du Christian- isme, torn iv. p. 48, Lyons Edit. 6 But o'er his face his flowing mantle flings, And hears a whisper, from the King of Kings. And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire, a still small voice. And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And be hold there came a voice unto him, and said, what dost thou here. Elijah?! #ings,xix. 1213. 7 In what tremendous pomp Jehovah shone, When on that mount he fixed his burning throne! See the sublime account of the descent of God upon Mount Sinai. Exodus xix. particularly from the 16th to the 19th verse, as also Heb. xii. 18 21. Even now, the heralds of his monarch tear The son of Jesse from his fleecy care. Wherefore Saul sent out messengers unto Jesse, and said, Send me David thy son, which is with the sheep. And Jesse took an ass, laden with bread, and a bottle of wine, and a kid, and sent them by David his son unto Saul. And David came to Saul, and stood before him; and he loved him greatly, and he became his armour-bearer. And Saul sent to Jesse, saying, Let David, I pray thee, stand before me; for he hath found fa vour in my sight. And it came to pass that when the evil spirit NOTES. from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand; so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him. 1 Sam. xvi. 19 &3. 9 The night was moonless: Judah's shepherds kept Their starlight watch; their flocks around them slept. And there were in the same country, shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks, by night. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone about them. See the whole account, Luke ii. 815. 1 Saw, in the stillness of a starry night, The Swan and Eagle wing their silent flight. To the reader, who is but superficially acquainted with as tronomy, no explanatory note is here necessary. To others it is enough to observe, that the Swan, the Eagle, Berenice's lock, Bootes, the Pleiades, the Lyre, and Auriga or the Charioteer, are the names of constellations, or the parts of constellations, visible in the northern hemisphere of course in Palestine." Cynosure is the classical name of the Pole-star. W With thundering crash, are burst bolts, bars and locks; Rent are their chains, and shivered are their stocks. And when they had laid many stripes upon them, (Paul and Silas) they cast them into prison, charging the jailer to keep them safely, who having received such a charge, thrust them in to the prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks. And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God, and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken, and immediately the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed. Actsi xvi. 23 26. 46 NOTES. 12 They cross the stream that bathes its foot, and dashes Around the tomb where sleep a monarch's ashes. The valley of Jehoshaphat is between Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives, on the east. Through this valley flows the brook Kedron, orCedron: on the eastern bank of this river, stands the tomb of Jehoshaphat. they pour the song of sorrow, With their lov'd Lord,- In this deeply interesting scene, I have taken the liberty of varying the order in which the events of the evening before the crucifixion occurred; in that I have supposed the hymn to be sung after crossing the Kedron, and ascending the mount of Olives rather than in the supper chamber, as stated by Mat thew. With this acknowledgment, I presume the license will be excused. I considered the scene thus laid, more poetical and not less solemn or religious. See Malik, xxvi. 30, 31. M Lights on the intrepid Jesuit's humble prow. Let not the Protestant reader be alarmed at seeing a Jesuit, in company with Music and Religion. I do assure him, it is a supposable case. I am not ignoran t of the fact, that many ac counts of the arts and ambition of this order of Christians, have been given to the world, which are not the most favourable to the purity or disinterestedness of their piety; and I am well aware, that, if poetry and fiction are synonymous terms, there is but little poetry in too many of these accounts. But let the protestaut reader recollect, that most of these views have been drawn by protestant pencils. *"Let us lions be the painters," say the Jesuits, and we will shew you a very different picture. One of their pieces of coloured canvass I will lay before my readers, as well to shew that I do not think the above request NOTES. 47 unreasonable, as to explain what may want explanation, in this scene of my poem: "II restait encore, aux pieds des Cordilieres, vers le cote qui regarde 1' Atlantique, entre VOrenoqm et Rio de la Plata, tin pays immense, rempli de Sauvages, ou les Espagnols n'avaient point porte la devastation. Ce fut dans ces epaisses forets que les missionaires entreprirent de former une republique chretienne, et de donner du moins aun petit nombre d'Indiens, le bonheur qu'ils n'avaient pu procurer a tous. "Us commencement par obtenir de la cour d'Espagne la lib- erte de tous les Sauvages qu'ils parviendraient &, reunir. A cette nouvelle, les colons se souleverent; ce ne fut qu'a force d'esprit et d'addresse que les Jesuites surprirent, pour ainsi dire, la permission de verser leur sang dans les forets du Nou- veau-Monde. Enfin, ayant triomphe de la cupidite et de la malice hurnaine; meditant un des plus nobles desseins qu'ait ja- mais coneusun coeur d'homme,ils s'embarquerent pour Rio de la Plata. "C'est dans ce grand fleuve que vient se perdre cet autre fleuve, qui a donne son nom au pays et aux missions, dont nous retracons 1'histoire. Paraguay, dans la langue des Sauvages, signifie le Fleuve courronne, parce qu'il prend sa source dans le lac Xarayes, qui lui sert comme de couronne. Avant d'al- ler grossir Rio de la Plata, il re^oit les eaux du Parama et de 1' Uruguay. Des forets qui renferrnent dans leur sein d'autres fo rets tombees de vieillesse, des marais et des plaines entierement inondees dans la satson des pluies, des montagnes qui e'evant des deserts sur des deserts, torment une partiedes vastes re gions que le Paraguay arrose. Le gibier de toute espece y abonde, ainsi que les tigres etles ours. Les bois sont remplis d'abeilles, qui font une cire fort blanche, et un miei tres par- fume. On y voit des oiseaux d'un plumage eclatant, et qui 10 IS NOTES. ressemblent a de grandes fleurs rouges et bleues, sur la verd ure des arbres. Un missionnaire Fran^ais, qui s'etait egare dans ces solitudes, en fait la peinture suivante. "Je continual ma route, sans savoir a quel terme elle devait aboutir, et sans qu'il y eut personne qui put me Penseigner. Je trouvais quelquefois au milieu de ces bois des endroits en- chantes. Tout ce que Petude et Pindustrie des hommes ont pu imaginer pour rendre un lieu agreable, n'approche point de ce que la simple nature y avait rassemble de beautes. "Ces lieux charmans me rappelerent les idees que j'avais cues autrefois, en lisant les vies des anciens solitaires de la The- baide: il me vint en pensee de passer le reste de mes jours dans ees forets oii la Providence m'avait conduit, pour y vaqueruni- quement a Paftaire de raon salut, loin de tout commerce avec les hommes; mais comme je n'etais pas le inaitre de ma des- tinee, et que les ordres du Seigneur m'etaient certainment marques par ceux de mes suprieurs.je rejatai cette pensee eomme une illusion." <; Les Indiens que Pon rencontrait dans ces retraites, ne leur ressemblaient que par le cote ailreux. Race indolente, stu- pide et feroce, elle montrait dans toute sa laideur Phomme primitif degrade par sa chute, llien ne prouve davantage la degeneration dela nature Immaine, que la petitesse du Sauvage, dans le grandeur du desert. "Arrives a Baenos Jlyres,, les missionnaires remonterent Rio de la Plata, et entrant dans les eaux du Paraguay, se disperse- rent dans ses bois sauvages. Les anciennes relations nous les repres6ntent, un breviaire sous le bras gauche, une grande croix a la main droite, et sans autre provision que leur confiance en Dieu. Us nous les peignent, se faisant jour a travers les forets, inarchant dans des terres marecageuses ou ils avaient de Peau jusqu'a la ceinture, gravissant des roches escarpees, etfuretant I NOTES. 49 dans les antres et les precipices, au risque d/y trouver des ser- pens et des betes feroces, au lieu des hommes qu'ils y cher- ehaient. "Plusieurs d'entr'eux; y moururent de faim et de fatigues d'autres furent massacres et devores par les Sauvages. Le pere Lizardi fut trouve perce de fleches sur un rocher; son corps etait a demi dechire par les oiseaux de proie, et son bre- viare etait ouvert aupres de lui a 1'office des Morts. Quand un missionnaire rencontrait ainsi les restes d' un de ses com- pagnons, il s'empressait de leur rendre les honneurs funebres; et plein d'unegrandejoie, il chantait un Te Deum solitaire sur le tombeau du Martyr. De pareilles scenes, renouvelees a chaque instant, etonnaient les hordes barbares. Quelquefois elles s'anetaient autour du pretre inconnu qui leur parlait de Dieu, et elles regardaient le ciel que 1'apotre leur montrait; quelquefois elles le fuyaient com- me un enchanteur, et se sentaient saisies d'une frayeur etrange: le Religieux les suivait en leur tendant les mains au nom de Jesus-Christ. S'il ne pouvait les arreter, il plantait sa grande croix dans un lieu decouvert, et s r allait cacher dans les bois. Les Sauvages s'approchaient peu a peu pour examiner 1'etend- ard de paix, eleve dans la solitude; un aimant secret sem- blait les attirer a ce signe de leur salut. Alors le mission naire sortant tout-a-coup de son embuscade, et profitant de la surprise des Barbares, les invitait quitter une vie miserable pour jouir des douceurs de la societe. "Quand les Jesuites se furent attache quelques Indiens, ils eurent, recours a un autre moyen pour gagner des ames. Ils avaient i emarque que les Sauvages de ces bords etaient fort sen- sibles a la musique: on dit meme que les eaux du Paraguay ren- cjent la voix plus belle. Les missionnaires s'embarquerent done sur des pirogues avec les nouveaux catechumenes: ils remontor- 50 ent les fleuves, en chantant de saints cantiques. Les neophytes repetaient les airs, comme des oiseaux prives chantent pour attirer dans les rets de Poiseleur les oiseaux sauvages. Les Indiens ne manquerent point de se venir prendre au doux piege. Us descendaient de leurs montagnes, et accouraient an bord des fleuves, pour mieux ecouterces accens. Plusieurs d'entr'eux se jetaient dans les ondes, et suivaient a la nage la nacelle enchantee. La lune, en repandant sa lumiere mys- terieuse surces scenes extraordinaires, achevait d'attendrir les cceurs. L'arc et la fleche echappaient a la main du Sauvage; Pavant-gout des vertus sociales, et les premieres douceurs de de 1'humanite, entraient dans son ame confuse. II voyait sa femme ct son enfant pleurer d'une joie inconnue; bientotsub- jugue par un attrait irresistible, il tombait au pied de la croix, et melait des torrens de larmcs aux eaux regeneratrices qui coulaient sur sa tete. Ainsi la religion chretienne realisait dans les forets de 1'A- merique, ce que la fable raconte des Amphion et des Orphee: reflexion si naturelle, qu'elle s'est presentee meme aux mission- naires; tant il est certain qu'on ne dit ici que la \eriteen ayant 1'air de raconter une fiction." Chateaubriand 9 Genie du Christianisme, torn. vni. chap. iv. p. 40- 48. 15 Hear yon poetic pilgrim of the west, Chant Music's praise, and to her power attest. Chateaubriand. -Perhaps I ought to apologize to this gentle man, perhaps I owe the apology to the reader, for so frequent ly making use of his name. The truth is, I find him very use ful. If the facts stated by him are adapted to my purpose, I have a right to use them; if the truth of his stories is question able, his is the responsibility, not mine* I screen myself from blame, if ' JVOTES "I tell the tale as 'tis told to me." This gentleman, it seems, has travelled through the United States, from the mouth of the Mississippi to the St. Lawrence. In Florida and the western States, he has laid the scene of his "Atala," an exquisite little assemblage of beauties and absurd ities. This little poem, or rather episode, forms a part of his great work 'Genie du Christianisme,' or the Beauties of the Christian Religion. It has been translated separately and will be read with pleasure, by most lovers of polite literature. The allusions here to Atala may be briefly explained by ob serving that Chactas, son of Outalissi is the hero, and Atala the heroine of the poem that Atala poisons herself rather than vio late an oath of celibacy, imposed by little less than the legal duress per minas; and this act, upon which a coroner's inquest would return a verdict either of suicide, or insanity, is consid- edby our author, as an unequivocal proof of her piety. The Florida scenery the live-oak, mantled in its loose mossy drapery the laurel the jessamine that hangs in graceful fes toons over the waters are all beautifully described, because the painting is from the life. His notice of the celebrated and wonderful barrows, or monumental tumuli, upon our western rivers, and his story of the serpent, charmed by the flute of the Canadian, will be seen in the psssages here introduced from his work. As to the story of the snake, what he says he saw, we may perhaps believe, particularly as accounts somewhat similar are given by others. Besides, though M. de Chateaubriand cer tainly does tell tales, that occasionally happen to partake of the marvellous, I do not know that he has yet been publicly convicted of stating what is false, in regard to what has fallen under his own observation. There are those, indeed, who question his veracity even there where he has nothing to do 52 STOTES, with saints or legends and I must, for myself, confess that my own opinion of his veracity has been somewhat shaken, by a French gentleman, a general officer under Bonaparte, and for sometime a member of the National Institute, who tells me that he knows M. de Chateaubriand personally, though not inti mately for he claims to be a man of honour, and appears to be so and that he knows him not only to be, but to have been, in in the pay of the French police, as a spy upon his fellow cit izens and that he therefore ought to be, and is universally despised. So much for the author of the Genie du Christian- isme, Martyrs, Travels, $*c. Here, then, follows a part of what I have made use of, remembering always that I am not writing history, but poetry, Of the "Monumental mounds' 7 he says: "On adecouvert depuis quelques annees, dansl'Amerique septentrionale, des monumens extraordinairessur les bords du Muskingum, du Miami, du Wabache, de 1'Ohio, et sur-tout du Scioto, ou ils occupcnt un espace de plus de vingt licues en longueur. Ce sont des murs en terre avec des fosses, des glacis, des lunes, demi-lunes et de grands cones qui servent de sepulcres. On a demande, mais sans succes, quel peuple a laisse de pareillcs traces. L'hoinme est suspendu dans le present, entre le passe etl'avenir, comme sur un rocher entre deux gouffres: derriere lui, devant lui, tout est tenebres; a peine apper<;oit-il quelques fantomes qui, remontant du fond des cleux abymes, surnagent un instant a leur surface, et s'y replongent pour jam ais." "Pour nous, amant solitaire de la nature, et simple confes- seur de la Divinite nous nous sommes assis sur ces ruines. Voyageur sans renom, nous avons cause avec ces debris, com me nous-meme ignores. Les souvenirs confusdes homines, et les vagues reveries du desert, se melaient au fond de notre NOTES. 53 ame. La nuit etait au milieu de sa course; tout etait muet, et la lune, et les bois, et les tombeaux. Seulement a longs inter- valles on entendaitla chute de quelque arbre, que la hache du temps abattait, dans la profondeur des forets: ainsi tout tombe, tout s'aneantit." "Enfin,ces monumens prennentleurs racines dans des jours beaucoup plus recules que ceux oul'on a decouvert 1'Amerique. Nous avons vu sur ces ruines un chene decrepit, qui avait pousse sur les debris d'un autre chene tombe a ses pieds, et dont il ne restait plus que 1'ecorce; celui-ci a, son tour s'etait leve sur un troisieme, et ce troisieme, sur un quartrieme. L'emplacement des deux derniers se marquait encore par 1'in- tersection de deux cercles, d'un aubier rouge et petrified qu'on decouvrait a fleur de terre, en ecartantun epais humus compose de feuilles et de mousses. Accordez suelement trois siecles de vie a ces quatre chenes successifs, et viola une epoque de douze cents annees que la nature a gravee sur ces ruines." Genie du Christianisme, Tom. i. pp. 212,215, 276-7. As to the nature of the serpent generally, and his taste for Music, in particular, this is the account of our authour: "Notre siecle rejette avec hauteur tout ce qui tient de la merveille: sciences, arts, morale, religion, tout reste desen- chante. Le serpent a sou vent ete 1'objet de nos observa tions; et si nous osons le dire, nous avons cru reconnaitre ett lui cet esprit pernicieux et cette subtilite que lui attribue 1'Ecriture. Tout est mysteneux, cache, etonnant dans cet in comprehensible reptile. Ses mouvemens different de ceux de tous les autres animaux; on ne saurait dire oii git le principe de son deplacement, caril n ? a ni nageoires, ni pieds, ni ailes; et cependant ii fuit comme une ombre, il s'evanouit magique- ment, il reparait, disparait encore, semblable a une petite fu- ri'azur, ou aux eclairs d'un glaive dans les tenebres. Tan- NOTES. tot il se forme en cercle, et darde une langue de feu; tantot, debout sur 1'extremite de sa queue, il marche dans une attitude perpendiculaire, comme par enchantement. II se jette en orbe, monte et s'abaisse en spirale, roule ses anneaux comme une onde, circule sur les branches des arbres, glisse sous 1'herbe des prairies, ou sur la surface des eaux. Ses couleurs sont aussi peu determinees que sa marche; elles changent a tous les aspects de la lumiere, et comme ses mouvemens, elles ont le faux briilant et les varietes trompeusee de la seduction. "Plus etonnant encore dans le reste de ses inceurs, il sait, ainsi qu'un homme souille de meurtre, jeter a 1'ecart sa robe tachee de sang, dans la crainte d'etre reconnu. Par une etrange faculte, il pent faire rentrer dans son sein les pet its monstres que 1'amour en a fait sortir. II sommeille des mois entiers, frequente des tombeaux, habitc des lieux inconnus, compose des poisons qui glacent, brulent ou tachent le corps de sa victime des couleurs dont il est lui-nieme marque. La> il leve deux tetes menaeantes; ici, il fait entendre une son- nette; il siffle comme un aigle de montagne; il mugit comme un taureau. II s'associe naturellement a toutes les idees mo rales ou religieuses, comme par une suite de Pinfluence qu'il eut.sur nos destinees: objet d'horreur ou d'adoration, les hommes ont pour lui une haine implacable, ou tombent devant son genie; le mensonge 1'appelle, la prudence le reclame, Pen- vie le porte dans son cceur, et Peloquence a son caducee; aux enfers il arme les fouets des furies, au ciel Peternite en fait son symbole; il possede encore Part de secluire Pinnocence; ses regards enchantent les oiseaux dans les airs; et sous la fou- gere dela creche, la brebis lui abandonne son lait. Mais il se laisse lui-meme charmer par de doux sons; et pour le dompter. le berger n'a besoin que de sa flfite. KOTKS. 05 " Au mois de juillet 1791, nous voyagions dans le Haut-Can- ada, avec quelques families sauvages de la nation des Ononta- gues. Un jour que nous etions arretesdans une grande plaine, au bord de la riviere Genesie, un serpent a sonnettes entra dans notre camp. II y avait parmi nous un Canadien qui jouiat de la flute; il voulut nousdivertir, et s'avan^a contre le serpent avec son arme d'une nouvelle espece. A Papproche de son ennemi, le superbe reptile se forme en spirale, aplatit sa tete, enfle ses joues, contracte ses levres, decouvre ses dents empois- onnees et sa gueule sanglante; sa double langue brandit comme deux flammes; ses yeux sont deux charbons ardens; son corps, gonfle de rage, s'abaisse et s'eleve comme les soufflets d'une forge; sa peau dilatee devient terne et ecailleuse; et sa queue, dont il sort un bruit sinistre, oscille avec tant de rapi- dite, qu'elle ressemble a une legere vapeur. "Alors le Canadien commence a jouer sur sa flute, le serpent fait un mouvement de surprise, et retire la tete en arriere. A mesure qu'il est frappe de 1'effet magique, ses yeux perdent leur aprete, les vibrations de sa queue se ralentissent, et le bruit qu'elle fait entendre, s'affaiblit et meurt peu a peu. Moins perpendiculaires sur leur ligne spirale, les orbes du serpent charme, par degres s'elargissent, et viennent tour & tour se po ser sur la terre en cercles concentriques. Les nuances d'azur, de verd, de blanc et d'or reprennent leur eclat sur sa peau fre*- missante, et tournant legerement la tdte, il demeure immobile dans 1'attitude de 1'attention et du plaisir. "Dans ce moment le Canadien marche quelques pas, en ti- rant de sa flute des sons doux et monotones; le reptile baisse son cou nuance, entr'ouvre avec sa tete les herbes fines, et se met k ramper sur les traces du mugicien qui 1'entraine, s'arretan t lorsqu'il s'arrete, et recomrnen^ant k le suivre, quand il recom mence a s'eloigner. II fut ainsi conduit hors de notre camp, 11 56 NOTES. au milieu d'une foule de spectateurs tant Sauvages qu'Euro- peens, qui en croyaienta peine leurs yeux, k cette merveillc de la melodic: il n'y eut qu'une seule voix dans 1'assembUe, pour qu'on laissat le merveilleux serpent s'echapper." Ibid. pp. 174179. 16 Now, he recalls the lamentable wail, That pierc'd the shade of Rama's palmy vale, See Matthew, ii. 1618. i? That Mighty Spirit once from Teman came: Clouds were his chariot, and his coursers flame. God came from Teman, and the Holy One from Mount Pa- ran, &c. See Habak. iii. 5 17. is Thou didst descend, and, rolling- through the croud, Inshrine thine ark and altar in thy shroud, And fill the temple, with thy mantling cloud. And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place, (for all the priests that were present were sancti fied, and did not then wait by course: Also the Levites, which were the singers: all of them of Asaph, of Heman, of Jeduthun, with their sons and their brethren; being arrayed in white linen, having cymbals and psalteries, and harps, stood at the east end of the altar, and with them an hundred and twenty priests, sounding with trumpets:) It came to pass, as the trum peters, and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and instruments of music, and praised the Lord, saying For he is good, for his mercy endu- reth forever; that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the Lord; so that the priests could not stand to min ister by reason of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of God. 2 Chron. v. 11-^14. ^J