"PJ 4581 X>28 1/^. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Aa/ •-^,'. ■«.,< OUTLINES HEBREW ACCENTUATION, PBOSE AISD POETICAL. Eev. a. K. DAVIDSON, M.A. Abkn Ezra. AVILLIAMS AND NOBGATE, 14, HENRIETTA STREET, COYENT GAEDFA, LONDON, AND 20, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, EDINBURGH. MDCCCLXl. OUTLINES HEBREW ACCENTUATION, PROSE AND POETICAL. Eev. a. b. dayidsox, m.a. vpx J;»t^'n i6) "i"? nnxn i6 D^oycn l^-its hv i:)J^kc' c'ln^D ba WILLIAMS AND NORGATE, 14, HENRIETTA STREET, COYENT GARDEN, LONDON, AND 20, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, EDINBURGH. MDCCCLXI. HKKTFORD: rRINTKD BY STKPHKN AUSTIN, FORK STRKET. PEEFACE. The following tract was undertaken to supply a want in most Hebrew Grammars that are current, — a want especially felt in connection with the teaching in the New College. It has always been the practice of Dr. Duncan, the Hebrew Professor there, to give instruc- tion in the whole Masoretic punctual system, vowels and accents alike. This is the natural course for a thorough scholar to take — the course, indeed, which a thorough scholar must take ; for many parts of the mechanism of the vocalic system cannot be understood, without, at the same time, understanding the disturb- ing influence of the accentual system upon it. This natural way, however, w^as often practically not quite successful, from the want of anything to which the Student might refer when the Teacher's explanations were forgotten or misunderstood. I thus thought that a short tract on the question, containing the chief facts or rules — without unnecessary attempt at rationale, on a subject which some will deem wholly irrational — might not be unwelcome to iStudents. To Dr. Duncan, who urged me to undertake the thing, 1 am indebted directly 653133 IV PREFACE. for the prose table, p. 53, and for much more indirectly. He is in no way responsible, however, for anything in the tract, whether statement or theory ; much less for any of the blunders. I am persuaded that had he written it there would have been no blunders in it. It is to the sad loss of learning, both in his own and all other countries, that he cannot be induced to put his own hand to something permanent. I have treated of the poetic accents much more fully than of those of prose. The chief reason of this was that the poetic books are much more circumscribed, and I was not launched upon an infinite sea, but could see from shore to shore. I have read and scanned these books several times ; but from my want of correct Edd. — for I have not been able to purchase the dearer Edd., and libraries are shamefully destitute of them — this process has almost been useless, for conclusions formed on the practice of one f]d. have been often overturned by the practice of another. The Ed. of Michaelis, and, later, the beautiful print of Baer (on whose Hebrew tract, Toratk Emeth, because condensed out of the native masters, I have chiefly relied), have been mostly used by me ; but I have occasionally given references to the Edd. of Theile and Hahn, because these are cliiefly in the hands of Students. So far as I know, the present tract, with the excep- tion of Cross's Treatise, is the only separate composition on the accentual question in our language. It will be found, I fear, to contain many mistakes ; but the sub- PREFACE. T ject is peculiar, and the aids not very numerous ; and, with all its deficiencies, I think it might contribute to some understanding of the elements of the accentual system, the understanding of which I am persuaded would con- tribute much to the fuller understanding and deeper feeling of the Scriptures. Being averse to risking anything of my own on the subject, I thought first of translating Ewald's exhaustive treatise from his Lehrbuch ; but, like all that author's works, it is too cunning and abstruse for beginners. Some may demur to certain of Ewald's speculations ; but to him belongs the commanding merit of having first speculated. I should still like to put his treatise into an English form. Edinburgh, March, 1861. ERRATA. Introd. p. XV., for DK read Di? p. 40, for inS^D read inDS^O CONTENTS. IBCI. PAGB. Introduction vii 1 Accent. Uses 1 2 Antiquity and Authority 18 3 Accentual Signs 28 4 Interpunction 35 5 Table of Prose Accentuation 53 6 Clause of Silluq 66 7 „ Athnach 58 8 „ Sgolta 60 9 „ Zaqeph 63 10 „ Tippecha 66 11 „ Rbliia 68 12 „ Tbhir, Zarqa, and Pashta 70 13 „ Geresh, Pazer, etc 72 POETIC ACCENTUATION. 1 Poetic Accentuation • . 75 2 Interpunction 83 3 Metrical Table 85 4 Clause of Silluq 88 5 „ Rbhia Mugrash 96 6 „ Athnach 98 7 „ Olehveyored 101 8 „ Dechi, or Tip. Anterior 104 9 „ Zinnor or Zarqa 106 10 „ Rbhia 108 11 „ Pazer 110 12 „ Legarmeh Ill INTRODUCTION. BuxTORF, the younger, when introducing a quarto of nearly five hundred pages on the accents and vowels, gracefully apologizes for making so much noise about the point, to which the children of the mathematicians deny all magnitude. Some people may think any labour bestowed upon the accents ill-spent. But, surely, no labour is ill-spent which is spent upon the text of Scrip- ture. And it must not be forgotten that accents and vowels are of the same authority, both having sprung entire from the head of the Masorete, and whoso con- demns the one condemns the other. No doubt those whose condemnation falls so ruinously upon the accents, would dispense with the vowels as well. Would many of them feel the loss of dispensing with the consonants also ? Perhaps an apology could most significantly be made by showing what sort of men have devoted themselves to this branch of inquiry.^ And, indeed, every man in this or almost any other age, since the renascence of Hebrew learning, who has any claim to be regarded as a Hebrew scholar, has investigated the laws of the accents. Not all with equal profundity or equal suc- cess, but all in one way or other have given some, and ' Quanto interessante, altrettanto poco o male coltivato ramo — as Luz/.atto musically mourns. Gramm., p. 75. Vm INTRODUCTION. many much, tliought to tlie question. Tlie man wlio stands at the licad of Hebrew grammarians at this mo- ment. Ewald of Goettingen, so far from thinking the matter unworthy of his mind, has returned to it from time to time from his youth up to the present date.^ Hupfeld, who stands next to him, and, as an investigator of Jewish sources, before him, has written at divers times and in many ways on tlie topic. ^ Luzzatto, the great Rabbin of Padua, thinks the subject not unworthy of being discussed- in the nmsic of his native tongue.^ Even America makes herself heard on the question.-'' Jews^ and Christians alike pour in tlieir contributions. ' His early essay on the subject in Abliandlungon znr Orient, u. Bibl. Litteratur, Erstcr Theil, 1832, p. 130 fol. The same vol. contains a valuable essay on the Syriac punctuation, after Syriac MSS., s. 53 folg. Also Die Assyrisch-hebraischc punctation, Jahrbiirher der Bib. Wissen schaft Erstes Jahrbuch, 1848, s. 160. His raaturer views in the exhaus- tive treatise in his Ausfiihr. Lehrbuch der Heb. Sprache, p. 160-217, Goettingen, 185.5. (On the Sp'iac metre, see Hahn, Bardcsanes Gnosticus, etc, and his Syr. Chrcstomathy. Also Burgess, Metrical Hynms, etc. Introduction. On the Arabic, Ewald' s Gram. Arab. Appendix. 3 Beleuchtung dunkler Stellen der alttest. Textgcschichte, Stud. u. Krit., 1830 and 1837. Also Ausfiihrliche Heb. Grammatik. s. 84 ft", and especially s. 115 ff. Cassel, 1841. — Comnientatio de antiquioribus apud Judoeos acceutuum Scriptoribus, part i. Halis, 1846, part ii., ibid. 1847. — De rei granimaticai ap. Jud. initiis. Hal., 1846. And the remarkable essay, Das zwiefache Grundgesetz des Rhythmus u. Accents ; od. das Verhaltniss des rhythmischcn zum logischen Princip der menschlichen Sprachmelodie; Zeitsch. der Deutsch. Morgenland. Gesellschaft. Sechster Band, p. 153 (1852), * In his Grammatica della Lingua Ebraica, fasc. i., p. 47-75, promising also much more at the end of this work, which has not yet come, Padova, 1853-7. Also in his valuable nn^D to Baer, at the end of Torath Emeth of the latter. Prolegomeni ad una Grammatica ragionata della Ling. Ebr. ; and the periodical 1011 DID, vol. vii., cited in his Grammar. 5 Nordheimer's Heb. Grammar, 2 vols., New York, 1838, containing a fair, though by no means complete treatise on the accents. '' S. Baer. (il) T\'0'i^ niin, an exhaustive treatise on the poetical accents. — The numerous works of Leop. Dukes. — G. J. Polak, the editor of Ben Bilam. — H. Philipowski, his annotator, and editor of Menachem Bon Saruq. — "Wolf Heidenheim (d. h. aus Heidenheim) "IQD D''DyDn ''tODC'O, a great work on the prose accents, collected from the Masorah and the old masters. All my efforts have failed to procure this INTRODUCTION. ix In the last century and century foregoing, Germans^'^ Dutchmen,^ Swiss,^ Englishmen /° Scotchmen/^ even book, which I much regret. It is rare. Steinschneider in his Biblio- graphisches Handbuch calls it sehr geschatzt u. selten. It was printed at Rodelheim, 1808. Heidenheim composed a similar treatise on the poetic accents, which has never been printed. Dukes (Beitrage 3 Biindchen, s. 194), informs us that it is, still extant, and in the hands of a certain Mr. Lehren in Amsterdam, "IIJ^? iriN''^*"l''1 jH^ ''ID I Heidenheim has given a number of his results in his preface to his edition of the Psalter. So Baer in his Psalter has furnished a very brief outline of the poetic system. — To these must be added the works of Fiirst, Zunz, Delitzsch, and many more. The latter has furnished some interesting details in the second vol. of his Commentary ou the Psalms, and paid much attention to the accentuation throughout his Commentary. " For example. Ad. Bened. Spitzner, Institutiones ad Analyticam Sacram Textus Heb. V. T. ex accentibus. Halis, 1786; a work of which Hup- feld says, that both philosophically and practically, it is the first of all accentual treatises. — Michaelis, in his notes to his Bible, has paid great attention to the accents ; the whole lower margin of his Ed. is devoted to a collation of MSS and discussions of the best readings. He has intro- duced many amendments, though some of the principles on which he pro- ceeded have been found to be wrong. * Philip Ouscel, M.D. Introductio in accentuationem Heb. 2 vols. 4to. Lug. Bat. (the poetical, 1714; the prose, 1715). A very valuable treatise, especially as exhibiting a vast number of examples. In some respects wrong and superseded. ^. The works of the Buxtorfs, elder and younger. That of the latter very valuable, Tractatus de punct. vocal, ct ace. in lib. vet. test. heb. origine, autiquitate, et authoritate. Basil. 1648. — (Other works, see below, p. 20, note 4). '" "Walter Cross, the Taghmical (DVD) Art, or the art of expounding Scripture by the points usually called accents. London, 1698. Acute and amusing. Seems to have been used by Boston. It does not appear to what profession Cross belonged : he was an M.A., and confesses to having sometimes preached ! '^ Thomas Boston, of Ettrick. Thomoe Boston, ecclesise atricensis apud Scotos pastoris, Tractatus Stigmologicus Hebi-aeo-Biblicus. Amstelodami, 1738. Boston's sorrows, from the accents and other less serious annoy- ances, may be read in his pathetic )nemoirs. No doubt they had much to do with that " notable breach in his health," of which he complains. He seems first of all to have written his work in English and then turned it into Latin, an English copy having been found among his papers. And, indeed, the Latin itself shows sufficiently how it arose. Another learned Scotchman who wrote on the accents and points was Ilobertson, author of the Clavis Pcntateuchi, etc. Edinburgh, 1770. The works mentioned in the above notes are, with the two or three native tracts to be mentioned immediately, the chief aids used in compiling the following tract. The literature of the accents has been exhausted in a b 1- INTRODUCTION. Presbyterian Ministers thought the doctrine of the accents not beneath tlieir notice, and its study not in- compatil)le with the severe gravity and practical duty which their Church demands of them. More important often than the speculations of Chris- tian grammarians are the hints contained in the Masorah, which frequently lays down positive laws on particular usages, and enumerates the occurrences of peculiar combinations. These laws and observances, so far as they are intelligible, must be considered as general principles, and Edd. corrected in conformity with them. The Masorah, however, is so confused and unintelligible that not much that is rational can be drawn from its depths ; and, except some devoted Jewish inquirers, few have the courage to let themselves down into its un- illumined abysses. Of an importance only second to the Masorah, are the deductions of early native investigators, who stood so near the authoritative age as to be almost able to hear its voices ; though, unfortunately, what we have from remoter eras has fallen into such a state of confusion through repeated and ignorant transcription, that in many cases it cannot be understood, and in most others, where it can be understood, it cannot be believed. The greater part of what the earliest investigators have left us, has found editors and expositors in the grammarians of the present day, Ewald, Hupfeld, Delitzsch, Dukes, etc. The first^^ native accentuists were Ben Asher, note by Delitzsch to his Coniraentary on the Psalms, ii., s. 520 flf, to which those who wish more names are referred. The majority of the works there alluded to are antiquated, and, with the exception of Wasmuth, superseded ; the attainments of their authors have been far exceeded by the writers named above. '2 Etheridge, indeed, in his Heb. Literature, p. 206, mentions a work. INTRODUCTION. XI Chayyiig, and Ben Bilam ; and as these names are un- familiar to our English tongue, a brief account of them and theii" works in this department may be tolerated. It is evident, at least, that such a man as Aharon Ben Asher lived, and that he wrote on the points. (1). He is frequently cited by Jewish WTiters, e.g. Qimchi.^^ (2). A long list, amounting to 864 particulars — more numerous according to Walton — is circulated, in which he disagreed mth Ben Naphtali, representing on his side the Western, while Naphtali represented the Eastern recension of the Jewish Scriptures. ^* It is to be ob- served, however, that the diflerences of these critics are not confined exclusively to particulars, but embrace also principles, ^^ and thus they may be regarded as bringing up the long train of authorities, their successors content- ing themselves with copying, but inventing or deciding nothing.^^ Dukes supposes that these particulars must have come from the hand of Ben Asher hiuLself^ and that later scholars copied them out and cited them as well as those of his opponent. (3). All are agreed that Ben Asher was greatly versed in accentual and vocalic lore ; that Horayath haq-Qri, by an unknown author, prior to the 11th century, who wrote in Arabic. He says it was translated into Heb. by Meuachem beu Nathaniel, and exists in MS. in the Vatican. "Whether the MS. be of the original or of the translation he does not say, nor does he quote any writer who cites the work, nor any writer to whom he himself is indebted for his information. Ben BUarn wrote a tract of a similar name, and him- self cites it in a later work on the same subject (see below). This later work is extant in several libraries, among others, the Vatican, under the fo7-merwd.m.^, viz., Hor. haq-Qore. '^ Book of Roots. R. P]iy. Commentary on Judges "D"1. Dukes, Qonteres, p. 4. Buxtorf, Tract, punct., p. 262 if. '■» Bleek, Einleitung, s. 737, 807. De Wette (Parker), i. 360. Eich- hom Einl., i. 376, ii. 698. Jiid. Lit. in Ersch and Gruber., s. 414. '* For example, Naphtali adheres to the rule, disregarded entirely by Ben Asher, that only one accent should be allowed on one word. Ba«' iu Del. ii., notes, pp. 460, 462, 465. ^^ Eichhorn, i. 370. Hupf. Commentatio i., note 8. All INTRODUCTION. he spent many years in correcting a copy of the Scrip- tures after authoritative MSS., which copy was con- sidered highly valuable, and was kept for purposes of transcription both in Jerusalem and Egypt, being often copied, as, for instance, by Maimonides.^"'' (4). His name is prefixed to some disjointed observations on the accents, both prose and poetical, first published at the end of the Rabbinical Bible, Venice, 1517 ; and in a corrected form, inserted in the final Masorah by Ben ( yhayim, in the revised edition of that Bible, 1526. The chief parts of these remarks were published separately by Hupfeld,^^ and again in a fuller and considerably difterent form, from a MiS. in the hands of Luzzatto, by lieop. Dukes, with preface and notes in Hebrew.^^ Both tlie editor and Luzzatto are of opinion that the two re- (iensions have proceeded from the autlior's own hand, just as two recensions of Ben Bilam's treatise originated im- mediately witli him, and one is quoted by him in the other. Neither is tliere much difficulty in fixing the period at which Ben Asher flourished, nor the school which was the scene of his labours. (1). The fragment pub- lished in the A^enetian Bible under his name introduces itself by saying — This is the book on the subtleties (Grammar)-'' of the accents, composed by Rab. Aharon '" Bleek, Einl., s. 808. Eiclihorn, i. 374. The words of Maimouides in Buxtorf, Tractatus, p. 273. "' Comnicntatio, ut sup. Appendix i. Also the poetical frag, by Polak at the end of Ben Bilam ; and. by Heidcnheim, ])ref. to liis Psalter. '» Under the title -ll^>t< pyoninon miDJOn D"lD31p. Also with German title, Kontres hamnsasorcth, angeblich von Ben Ascher. Tii- bingcn, 1846. See also Bcitrage zur Geseh. der iiltest. Auslegung u. s. w. des Alten Test. Stuttgart, 1844. Von Ewald-Dukes, Zweites^Band. (von Dukes), s. 120 anra. -" "Cn ""pHpnO "ISD nr . The derivatives from tlie root pi are used with this signification, e.ff. p-l'^lp'n grunimar, p'^p'lD yrammarian. INTRODrCTIOX. xiii ben Asher, n**!^^ Dlp^tt, which is called Tiberias, upon the sea of Genneseret. This superscription expresses, at least, the general tradition regarding Ben Asher. The word PT'Ty^ is very enigmatical. ^^ (2). The fact that his readings were current in the West, and adhered to by the Western Jews, shews that tlie sphere of his influence was in the West.^^ (3) The period assigned to him by R. Gedaliah is 794, that is 1034 of our era, and with this date most authorities agree.^^ It may thus be assumed that he was of the school of Tiberias, and belonged to the early part of the 11th century. What are the probabilities that this fragment on the accents is due to him ? (1). There is the express declaration of the fragment itself. (2). Its great antiquity, for Dukes asserts that the earliest accentuists, such as Ben Bilam ; R. Yequtiel han-Naqdan, author of X^lpn 1''^; and Mosheh han-Naqdan, author of np^n'D, have made great use of it.-* The antiquity of the tract is further proved from its language, which, in addition to being excessively obscure ^^ and full of conceits, is, in the first place, exclusively Hebrew, with no intermixture of Chaldee, indicating a time soon after the renascence of the native Palestinian speech ; and, in the second place, in the form of rhymes, 2' See the speculations of Hupf. and others regarding it, in his Com- mentatio, part i., p. 4, note 8. ^^2 See quotations regarding his influence, Buxtorf, Tract., p. 264 fi'. He is generally, however, believed to have lived and taught in Babylonia. Bartolocci says of him and B. Naphtali — uterque floruit in Babylonia circ. 1034. Biblioth. Rabbinica, i., p. 93 (No. 159). 23 Eichhorn, i., 370. Ersch and Grub. Ency., s. 414. 2* Qonteres, pref , p. 12 and note 5. Ben Bil. belongs to the second half of the 11th century. See below. . 25 Even Dukes, not the worst of Hebraists says £J*13K X7l miNI »nK riDS DN ^nyT" x'?i miojn n:nnn '•jdio io'pvj Dnm nt^N '2 See Qonteres, pref., p. 13. XIV INTRODUCTION. a fact also pointing to the early part of this century .^^ For the earliest g-rammarians, such as Menahem ben Saruq, wrote in this peculiar kind of rhyme, which took its rise in the time of R, ^^aadiah Gaon, or a little earlier ."^^ (3). The author of these fragments certainly belonged to the land of Palestine, and likely to the school of Tiberias. This appears from his citing Resh as one of the letters of double pronunciation {i.e. aspirate and soft), a peculiarity of utterance which was heard only in the West.'-^^ These circumstances make it not improbable that Ben Asher really wrote the fragment in question. Dukes, however, decidedly denies Ben Asher 's authorship, and explains the heading of the fragment by supposing that some other writer composed it from reminiscences of Asher's teaching, or perhaps introduced some passages of Asher's actual work into it, and put it forth under the authority of his name. The confusion and perversion that reign in it are so gross that even 'Hupfeld suspects some false trading under Asher's re- putation. As Dukes piously says, yiV H ; meanwhile we may take its own word, and speak of the production as Ben Asher's. Aharon Ben Asher, then, as he comes before us here, is a poet. And if any conclusion can be drawn from 2^ Qontcres, pref., p. 10-11, and the citations there. Jiid. Lit., s. 422 foil. *' Dukes, ut sup. Menahem flourished about 1000-1020. Beitrage, ii., s. 119. Saadiah was Gaon, that is, Patriarch of the Babylonian Jews, and died 942. Gesen. Gesch., p. 96. Dukes, Beitr., ii., p. 5. Every- thing that can be known of this remarkable man and voluminous author has been collected by Dukes in vol. ii. of the Beitrage. Ewald, in vol. i., has given the substance of much of his comment, on Psalms and Job. As to the rise of the poetical measures among the Jews, see Delitzsch, Zur Gesch. dcr Heb. Poesie, s. 1-2, 41 fol., 137 folg. ; Zunz, Synagogale Poesie des Mittclalters, s. 59 folg. 2" Qonteres, pref., p. 5, note 4 ; and Ben Asher's words, Qonteres, p. 38. See the words of Qirachi on this peculiarity of Tiberian enunciation, Buxtorf, Tractatus, p. 25. INTRODUCTION. XV this effort of his muse, he has anticipated that very popular modern class called metaphysical, that is, he is mostly unintelligible, dealing- in enigmatical similes, and allusions fetched from infinite distances. His metre is not highly polished ; he would have disdained to take rank among the mechanical rhymers and syllable coun- ters ; he leaves his lines to expand or contract according to the expansion or contraction of his ideas. His verse may be described, as Hebrew verse best is described, as *' without order or relation ; " the number and character of his rhymes depending entirely on his humour,- which was variable, A single stanza will demonstrate his genius. After enumerating the accents under several hard epithets, he closes with the following flourish : — The last line is interesting, because it probably gave rise to the practice long prevalent of classifying the accents into orders and subordinations like those of an army or empire .2^ Ben Asher's tractate contains — I. a treatise on the prose accents ; and, II., a briefer treatise on the poetical. The first contains (1), a list of the distinctives, of which there are twelve (the signs of the Zodiac), and of con- nectives, of which there are seven (the planets). Qont., 28 In Hupf.'s recension the King is amissing. The usual distinctions may be seen below, prose table, p, 63. I. the Emperors; XL the Kings; III. the Princes"; the distinctives at the back of the vinculum are all Officers merely. XVI INTRODUCTION. pp. 33-36.^° (2) A pretty extensive section on various matters, the threefold division of Scripture, law, etc., great and small letters, aspirates, gutturals, quiescents, etc., pp. 36-51. (3) A section on Darga and Mercha, the servants of Tbhir, 51-54. (4) A section on Tbhir and its servant Mercha, both on one word (54-55). The second section treats chiefly of the poetic accents. (1) A list of their names, the distinctives being eight. These names are very obscure.^^ They are *1-Tn (Silluq), '^XT) (Shalsheleth), pj^l (Dechi), pSp (Olehveyored), m\ (Pazer), ^yp, (Rbhia), t)nitO (Athnach), ^Tl-l (E. Mug.). He gives the name of Great Shophar to Legarmeh, which goes along with all the accents, and turns to the East (Mahp. Leg,), or West (Azla Leg.), and is always accompanied by Psiq. And, finally, he names Muttach, that is Zinnor, which always accom- panies its brother (Oleh.) except four times. And the servants are the elevated (Azla), coming down (Mercha), going np (Munach), inverted (Mahpach), suspended (Illui), and between, that is Tarcha, because, as Baer expounds, it stands always between letters, the other Tippecha always coming outside of the letters.^^ (2) After a section, entitled usage of Azla, properly belong- ing to the prose accents, a chapter appears treating of Mercha and Munach and their usage in the beginnings (before Zarqa) and ends of verses (before Silluq). And several passages regarding the place of accent on certain '" The only peculiar word among the disjunctives is mJ3, which the editor conjectures to be TiyiO (Shalsheleth). The twelfth is Pazer, which is wanting in Hupf.'s recension, who rightly conjectured that it was de- scribed under several epithets even in his copy. 3' Baer gives a Perush of these terms. Tor. Em., p. 4-5, note. 32 These names are aU Heb., il'piyD, TlV, n"?")!?. n31Q. n'?in. J^- So are those of the distinctives, a proof of the Western origin of the tract. INTRODUCTION. XVll words, simple and compound, conclude the recension of Dukes, That of Hupfeld has many differences. On account of its extreme confusion, not much re- liance can be placed on the deductions of this tract. It has in all probability suffered great hardship and ill- usage, which has deprived it of its reason. For instance, it speaks of Ebhia as a servant, and Mercha as a dis- tinctive ; of Shophar (Munach, etc.) as a distinctive, and Zaqephah — HSI'IJ^ HitOp — an unheard of accent, as a servant. The relic, however, is venerable. 2. Jehudah Chayyug. Nearest in point of time to Ben Asher appears the grammarian Jehudah Chayyug. Chayyug was the first of native grammarians, and wrote in Arabic. He was a native of Fez in Morocco, where was a famous Jewish school. Hence he appears with the title Phasi CpJ^S) of Fez. His complete name was Jehuda ben Davud, or Abu-Zacharyah, and also Yachya CTT*). It is not impossible that the latter name has been corrupted by the Berbers into Chayyug.^^ The exact period of this author's death is not known, though he probably lived between 1020 and 1040.^* Chayyug, besides a ' dictionary and a work called Book of Spicery (nnp'1"D) — the former cited by Ben Gannach, the latter by Aben Ezra^^ — was the author of three grammatical w^orks, by which his name is best known. These were composed in Arabic, but soon found translators into Hebrew, in the persons of Mosheh 23 Hupf., Commentatio, i., p. 11, note 21. Dukes, Beitrage, ii., p. 155. Though Chayyug be usually denominated the first of Heb. grammarians, R. Saadia Gaon has the right to that title. Saadyah even wrote a treatise upon the accents, which is cited by Eashi (Ps. xlv. 10) under the name nnyO "1*1 11p3. Dukes, ii., s. 36. As Eashi did not know Arabic, he must, if not mistaken, have had before him a Hebrew translation. The work is otherwise unknown. Dukes, ut sup. 31 Beitrage, ii., s. 155. Gesen. Gesch., s. 96. 3* Dukes, ut sup., s. 160, and notes 2, 3. XVm INTRODUCTION. ben Jeqatilia and Aben Ezra.^^ The original Arabic is to be found in many public libraries, e.g. at Oxford ; the translations are less common. That edited by- Dukes, in his Beitriige, is the translation of Aben Ezra, of which no other copy is known .^''' The first of the three works above mentioned is entitled Book of Quies- cent Letters, and treats of verbs having a first, second, or third radical a quiescent ; the second treats of verbs, double Ayin ; and the third tract, called TlpiJl'D , Book of the punctuation, is devoted to the vowels and accents. This tract on the points wants anything Like consecu- tive order or connection. It consists of a number of separate pieces thrown together, and introduced gene- rally by the words "iHi^ "ly^ . The portion of the tract devoted to the accents proper ^^ is exceedingly small, and the details very meagre, and not seldom conflicting with the undoubted practice of MSS. Chayyug has not added much to what was delivered by Ben Asher. Chayyug's list of the accents is very complete, and the names he employs are chiefly those afterwards in use. Peculiar and unexplained, because not occurring elsewhere, is the term Maqqipk for Mahpach. The names of the accents are followed by certain mnemonic enigmas, symbolical of the accents, vowels, etc., some of which are not resolvable. A good deal of particular information is given regarding peculiar secutions, illus- trated by passages ; but the author's rules are not such ^ Jeqatilia, about 1148. Ges. as above. '■^ Hupf., Comment., i., p. 12. Beitrage, p. 158 text and notes. ^ Technically Tlp3 refers to the vowels and other diacritic points, DJ?t3 to the accents, but they are often used indiscriminately. n3''33 refers to the accents a.s tonic pulsations, the combined musical effect of which is called n?3''y3. The tract on the punctuation occupies the last and smallest portion of Dukes' vol., pp. 179-204. The space given to the accents is small indeed, pp. 191-199, and that with interruptions. The editor printed Irom a MS. in Munich. INTRODUCTION. XIX in general as our present MSS. conform to. He usually introduces his sections with the words *1X17 vPlJ^ Hnyi , and now I will proceed to show. There are several sections so introduced. One consists of an attempt to define when such small words as ^^ have Metheg and Maqqeph, and when they are independent and have an accent of their own. Another is devoted to a subject not properly accentual, the labials ; another to the quiescents and aspirates. Then follows one dedicated to Ga'ya, that is Metheg,^^ which is succeeded by an- other defining the use of two sorts of Munach before Zaq. and Athnach/" etc. All this is succeeded by an important section re- capitulating the prose accents and combining with them -those of poetry, but proposing a new distribution and nomenclature of both classes, according to their musical values. The three orders into which the author would divide the accents are not very distinct, because his terms are not quite intelligible. The word nyH'' is used to characterise the first class. This word Ben Bilara paraphrases "inSyi ^IpH U\y , words which leave the matter somewhat less obscure.'^' Belonging to this class are three prose accents, Pazer, Tlisha, and Geresh ; and two poetical, Pazer and Zarqa. The second order is symbolized by the term rnXJ^n, for which Ben Bil. gives nilD.''^ To this class belong, of prose accents, Zaqeph,Yethibh, andAthnach ; of poetical, five, Legarmeh, Yethibh, Athnach, Tipp., and Silluq. Under the third term ^'xT^ are arranged the prose accents, Zarqa, Leg., 39 Not every Metheg is properly Gaya, but only Metheg with Sheva. In reaUty it is Sheva with Metheg — not Metheg itself— that is Gaya, that is mugitus, Luzzatto, Grammatica, p. 37, § 81. *" The names are '•XIK'i and ?p?[>, words referring not to position but music, for both accents stand below. *i Beitrage, iii,, s. 197, anmerk, *2 Beitr. ut eup. XX INTRODUCTION. Kbh., Tbhir, Tiph, and Silluq, six in number ; and one poetical accent, Rbhia.''"' It is impossible to form any accurate idea of the rela- tive tones of the accents from this division. What is the difference between the first and third class ? Both must consist in high notes. Are the fii^st, perhaps, those tones that commence low and gradually rise, and the last those which form a sustained high note ? Such a conjecture might suit several of the accents as distributed in Chayyug's order, such as Rbhia ; but how can Tip- pecha and SUluq come under the name Illui in any sense ? Or, again, how can Zaqeph belong to the second class, whose note is low and subdued ? The prose accents, at least, seem misplaced in this distribution, though, perhaps, the classification of the poetical is less objectionable. More hopelessly confused still seems the list of poetic servants, which are said to be Shophar, and Tlisha small and great ! Mahpach and Shophar inferior and Dechuyah (Dechi), Mercha, Shalsheleth, and Zinnor ! The author's words are in self-contradiction. He tells us there are eight poetic servants, then he enumerates nine, and adds " these are ten servants to eight accents, in all eighteen."'*^ All this is wound up by some remarks on the accents that are found repeated. Pazer is said to be repeatable eight times, 2 Chron. xv. 18.*^ Zarqa and Zaqeph three times. Several may occur twice, Yethibh (Pashta), Leg., Tbhir, and Tlisha. The occurrence of two Tlishas is unique, 2 Sam. xiv. 32.**^ <3 Beitrdge, s. 197. *■» See Hupfcld's attempts to solve the mystery, Commentatio, i., aa above. The passage is indicative of the incorrectness under -which tho ■whole tract labours. ** See below, p 54, where ^w is to be corrected eight. *6 But Michaelis abolishes this solitary passage. See his note, and Ew., Lehrbuch, s. 174, anmerk. 1. INTRODUCTION. XXI The most interesting part of Chayyug's treatise is the passage which offers the new distribution of the accents musically into three orders. It would be important as well as interesting, were there any reason to consider it correct, and could it be imderstood. It shows, even as as it stands, that from the first the musical significance of the accents was recognised by the native WTiters as well as their logical force, and that there does underlie the system this twofold principle of music and logic. 3. Ben Bilam. Third in order among the native writers must be reckoned R. Jehudah Ben Bilam, who belonged to Toledo, and flourished about the end of the 11th and beginning of the 12th century .'''^ He is the first who produced a work on the accents, A^aluable even to our own days. Ben B. seems to have been the author of a number of works. One was a commentary on Isaiah, or some part of it, in which he interprets chap. xi. not of the Messiah but of Hezeqiah. This work has perished.*^ Four compositions, at least, of his are still extant— (1) Book of Verbs, D^'SySH "D, which Polak professes to have copied from a MS. in Ley den .^^ (2) D^y^yn r\^r\)^ "O, which Polaq interprets as HTO 7^ DytDH. (o) D^iUnn "D (Tejnis) on ambiguous or synonymous words. (4) {"{"Ipbll ""IbytO "D, liis famous work on tlie accents. This production contains two parts, one on the prose and another on the poetic accents. They seem both to " Dukes, ii,, s. 186, anm. 2, zwischen 1080-1100. Polak in 1858 says ''^ QiyatJ'l niNO V2^ nr *n l^^a. Pref., p. l. Hup, Comment., ii., p. 1. He is cited bv Aben Ezra (Ps. iv. 8). Bartolocci, Bib. Eabb., ii., p. 188. ' *» Polak, pref., p. 2, mentions a work Hlinn bV t^•"n''Q in Arabic, adding TllSDpX "D 2p]}2 'y\'''':m''''D^> D3nn X^'D It^'K. Does he mean the work or its name merely? Sec Dukes, s. 188, and the quota- tions given there. " the full title sriven bv Polak is nVDK'n nntJD 1SVr33K' "EH "D, who adds p^^b^ "DH nXIKb '•"DO TipriVn T^X. Prcf., p. 1. XXll INTRODUCTION. have been published by Mercier (Mercer), Regius Prof, of Hebrew at Paris, from the press of R. Stephens ; the poetic in 1556 and the prose in 1565.^ The work is found in MS. in a single exemplar. Dukes believed that only two copies of Mercier's print existed in Ger- many and Holland, but Hupf, professes to have seen two in Germany alone. -^^ These are only copies of the portion containing the prose accents ; that on the metrical accents was considered lost by Hup. Recently, how- ever, a copy has been found in the collection of the Jewish Society, Toeleth (H^yin), in Amsterdam,'^^ and re-edited with a Hebrew pref. and notes by G. J. Polak of that city, under the title "D "Jl ^12^^ "iyS5^ (1858). Polak expresses his desire to publish the three other works which he has in his possession. In this work, Ben Bil. cites a Avork on the accents, which he names J^llpn H^'^'^in , Direction for the Reader. Elder writers considered this the work of some other and unknown author,"'^ but later investigators have con- cluded that the work is by Ben Bilam himself, and also upon the accents, being nothing else than an earlier work which he re-cast into the form of his present trea- tise.'** A treatise of the same name with that cited by B. B. is still extant in MS. in Oxford, and a fragment of it from a transcript by Friinsdorf has been published by Dukes.^ This MS., though bearing the title '"p'n "T\ identical with that of the work which B. B. cites, is not 5" Polak, pref., p. 1. Hupf., Comment., ii., as above. 5' Dukes, as above, s. 187. IIup., Com. ii., note 2. The copies are in Marburg and Dresden. °2 As to this Society and its objects conf. Etheridge, Heb. Lit,, p. 395. Dukes also promises to edit Balam's treatise. Qonteres, pref., p. 16. ^ Bartolocci, iii., p. 38, sed nomeu auctoris ignoratur. ** Dukes, ut sup. Hup., ut sup., p. 7 If. Indeed B. B. almost expressly names. the work his own when citing it "pn "in "IDDD ^JTIST "1331- ** Beitrage, ii., s. 197, 198, additamente. INTRODUCTION. SXIU itself the same as that work, but identical with the work published by Mercier under the name Taame-ham-Miqra. The MS., moreover, has been translated from the Arabic, which Arabic itself must have been a translation from the Hebrew, wliich was employed by Balaam. Further, this MS. contains in it the same citations of the original work, which Mercier's print shows, and altogether, leav- ing room for necessary deviations arising from tran- scription and frequent translation, agrees w^ell with our present printed work of Bilaam's. A small fragment from the MS. has been published by Dukes, p. 198, containing the introduction and the headings of the sections of the poetic part, which, with a few verbal differences, agrees completely with the text reprinted by Polak. The section of the treatise on the prose accents has been embodied by Heidenheim in his Mishpte-hat- Teamim, and pretty fully described by Hupfeld. The chief data of the section on the poetic accents have been incorporated in the following tract with all requisite references. Any outline of the treatise is thus un- necessary. Ben Bil., besides being a grammarian, was a hymnologist. Two Selichas are extant said to have been composed by him, one of which is communicated (in a translation) by Zunz.'''^ Many more native writers could be enumerated. R. Jehudah Jequtiel han-Naqdan (pp^n, the punc- tuator), wrote J^llpn |''y, embodied by Heidenheim into his Pentateuch.''^ R. Shimshon han-Naqdan wrote *« Commencing ^DK^n "py nDT3. Synagogale Poesie, s. 226-7. On the Selicha Literature, see Zunz, s. 152, folg. HrivD penitential hymn from n?D to pardon. Ps. cxxx. 4. ^■' Roedelheim, 1818-21. This work was a Masoretic-grammatical pro- duction on the Pentateuch and Megilloth. Jequtiel lived in the middle or XXIV INTRODUCTION. CJIpn ll^n.'"'® Mosheh han-Naqdan was the author of Tlpin '^yn, a work with other titles.^^ Somewhat illustrious is R. Jacob ben-Meir, called Babbenu Tarn, the author of a poem on the accents, still extant in MS., commencing H^ v " 7^{ ."° He died 1171. The Qimchis (Moses and David, 1190), have left scattered remarks on the accents in their works. A separate treatise by David exists in MS. at Wilna, in the possession of Hirsch Katznelbogen,^^ Others who wrote treatises are 11. Meir ben Todros hal-Levi, HIIhS ^^D Trmi2 ; R. Menachem di Lonzano, iTTin ^1^{ ; R. Menachem ben Shelomoh, of the House of Meir (n\S^n), 1*30 nnp ; R. Kalony- mus ben David, D^^ytOl I^SJ^ ; R. Solomon Nurzi, "^^ T\T\yt2 ; ^^ Balmesi and many more. end of 13th century. Ileidenlicim places Mm before D. Qiinchi. See, on him, Dukes, Qont. prcf., p. 17- Steiuschneider Handbuch, s. "1. Hupf., Comment., ii., p. 10, and notes. 1250-1300 Jiid. Lit. *** Delitzsch, Jesurun, s. 16, note, concludes this name to be "ab iutcrpolatore, homine ne med. quidcm docto excogitatura." Shimshon belongs to middle or end of 13th century. Zunz gives 1240, and places his sphere somewhere about the Rhine district. See Delitzsch, Jesurun, 8. 16, 241 foil., 257 foil. Hupf., Comment., ii., p. 11, and notes 32, 33, and especially 36, where an outline of his treatise may be found. Dukes, Qont., pref. 18. *^ Printed in the Eabbinic Bibles and several times separately. See Steinsch. Handb., s. 93. Qonteres, s. 19. A MS. exists in Munich, con- taining much more than has been printed (Dukes). «« Dukes, Qont., p. 20-21. liupf. ut sup., p. 10, note 28. Del., Jesurun, s. 23. Dukes promises to edit and discuss the song, which con- sists of 45 verses. Ersch and Grub. Art. Jiid. Lit., s 417. 61 ;yJS*2'?J?3^*N'p IJ'n^n. Dukes, Qont., p. 18. The work is culled IDID toy, and mentioned both by Lonzano and Nurzi. fi' On all the above, see Dukes, pref. to Qonteres Ilanimasoreth. Steins- chneider Handbuch. Etheridge, Heb. Lit. On Nuizi, also see the Introductions. Ersch and Gruber Encyclop. Art. Jiid. Literatur. Also the English Jewish Literature by Steinschncider, Longman, 1857. Bartolocci Biblioth. Ilabbiuica. Fiirst Biblioth. Judaica. Luzzatto Piolegomcni, etc. etc. HEBEEW ACCENTUATIOK § 1. ACCENT. USES. " Accent means the following* things. (1) It means the pitch of the voice, as high or low, acute or grave, the tune or tone of articulated speech ; and this it means in a triple application. First, it has this meaning with respect to the syllables of a word, the syllabic accent. Second, it has this meaning with respect to the word or words of a sentence, the clause of an oratorical period. One clause of a period we say is spoken in a high key, another in a low. Thirdly, it has this meaning partly at least in respect to the character of national or pro- vincial enunciation. (2) Accent means superior stress or energy of vocal utterance, given to certain syllables of a word or words of a sentence, in comparison of those with which they are connected, in the case of syllables, the accent is specially called syllabic ; in the case of sentences, it corresponds vvith what is perhaps more commonly called the oratorical emphasis. {\S) Accent with modern writers on music is employed to denote that prominence which, by means of a more marked tonic impulse, is given by a singer or player to one note of a series of notes called a bar, above the other notes of the bar." ^ ' Blackie. Rliythmical Declamation of tlie Ancients, p. \ f. 1 2 HEBREW ACCENTUATION. These few sentences, abridged from a writer thoroughly acquainted with the subject, exhaust the common signi- fications of accent. The third signification or meaning in music we are not at present specially concerned with ; the musical accent, if regarded at all in prose declama- tion, must be considered coincident with rhetorical accent. The synagogal delivery is a kind of song, but this song is founded on, and but a degeneration of pro- per oratorical delivery. Neither are we here concerned with provincial accent, with the tone or twang of one district as differing from the twang of another. Diffe- rent families of Jews do cantillate the same accents by different melodies, but this is not to be explained on the principle of provincial pronunciation. Of the significa- tions therefore noticed by Professor Blackie we shall need to attend only to the first and second. Hebrew accents exhibit jntch of key, stress of utterance, and each of these perhaps in a threefold way ; pitch and stress of the s^^llable in a word, pitch and stress of the word in a clause, pitch and stress of the clause in a verse. Hebrew accents have formally another use different from any of the uses served by accenf^s in non-Semitic languag-es : they are signs of logical interpunction. This use as a rule is coincident with their use as symbols of stress and pitch, because it is the logical relations of the various members of a verse wdiich rule the pauses and modulations of the voice in declaiming that verse. The Hebrew accents are the complement of the Hebrew vowels. They bear the same relation to the verse that the vowels do to the rcord. Both are a species of j)honography, the vowel signs representing all the vowel i^ounds and shades of sound evolved in every individual word in speech ; the accents representing all the pauses and connections, elevations and depressions, attenuations :and intensifications of voice, occurring in reading the Bible as a piece of composition in religious service. L The accents mark the fone-svllable of each word. HEBREW ACCENTUATION. 6 Tliis duty all accents perform alilce. Obviously, how- ever, tills cannot be the exclusive function of the accents, for a smg'le symbol would have been for this purpose suiScient. 2. The accents are signs of logical interpunction like our points.'^ They are in this sense only relative, not like our points absolute, that is, they divide a verse into members relatively to each other and the whole verse ; but it is not necessary that these members or even the whole verse should contain complete and independent meaning, like our period. It may take several Hebrew verses or Pasuqim to form a complete logical period, and on the other hand a single Pasuq may contain several complete logical periods. This logical use, and the use as indicators of the tone-sjdlable, are important. and deserving of some attention from Biblical scholars. The accents will be found of great advantage as keys to syntax and grammar.'^ But it is obvious that these two uses do not exhaust the purposes served by the accents. It not unfrequently happens that we find them placed on the syllable of a word which we know not to be in ordi- nary circumstances the tone-syllable,^ and they frequently - In this use tlie accents are named CPJ^P senses, marks of sense, that is, signs of logical interpunction. 3 See what Ewald says of the connection of accent and syntax in the Anhang to his Grammar on that subject, p. 752 ff. * And hence some scholars have denied entirely their use as indicators of the place of tone. So Saalschiitz, Form der riebraischen Poesie, ed. Hahn, p. 197 If. There is no doubt that this writer is here in error. (1) The place of accent is known in ordinary circumstances, such as inflections, declension, etc., not so much from actually observing the position of the accentual symbol as from the vowel changes and trang- fomiations which we know to be occasioned by its change of place. The whole vowel system of the Masoretes is essentially connected with a pronunciation (if the language as at present accented. Their accentuation may be wrong, just as their vowel system may be, but their accentuation and vowel system go together; and they certainly meant in ordinary cir- cumstances to put their accentual signs on the syllable of the word which bears the tone. (2) In the Assyrian accentual system, which is closely allied to the common Masoretic, as exhibited in the Odessa MS., the accents always stand on the tone-syllable, and do not present the deviations in position shown by the common system. See Ewald, lahrbiicher, 1848. 4 HKBllL'W ACCENTUATION. enter into combinations which are inconsistent with logic and syntax. For example, certain great distinctives must have certain smaller distinctives before them, though syntax and logic should demand a connective instead of a distinctive, and many words, even mono- syllables (Gen. v., 29) appear with two accents or some- times as many as three (Job, vi., 10) a phenomenon which can have no reference to logic. 3. These peculiarities are explained by the third prin- ciple governing the use of the accents ; they are rhyth- mical signs, that is, representations of the modulations and inflections of the living voice in declamation or cantillation.'^ In the service of the synagogue this is the chief purpose the accentuation serves. There is a kind of melod}',*' halfway between oratory and song, chaunted in reading, and there is no doubt that the accentual signs serve for this melody the purpose of musical notes. At the same time, the same accents are said to be susceptible of being cantillated in different ways, the Polish Jews observing one method, the l^jjanish Jews anotlier and simpler method; and, what is more remarkable still, the same passage is cantillated on different occasions, such as the Passover, with a melody ^ In this sense, that is, as modi, or symbols of moilulation, the accents are called n"l3*JJ. nj''3J properly Kpov,aus (Hupf.) just as in the Talmud rr^pj is employed of the modulations of the voice in public reading. Until the investigations of modern scholarship brought to light the logical principle of the accentuation and thus set it on its true basis — a combined logico-rhythmical— the Jews considered it to be exclusively musical. It is in their estimation a remnant, altogether confused and misunderstood, of the ancient temple music, the restoration of which shall accompany the restoration of the nation under the Messiah. See Hupfeld Ausfiihr. Heb. Gramm. p. 116, etc., Gesenius Geschichte der Heb. Sprache, p. 219 ff. * Beadinp "" [ [ben Jomo. nip '^'^p_) Qarne pharah . . 1DV \^ny, Jerach nSinSN^Er^Sn Tlishagdolah . . Munach. tyn5 Geresh .... {^pnf? Qadma. D^b^'l5 Gershayim (double G.) Munach. 1. With regard to the relation of these disjunctives and connectives, the ordinary conditions are as above. Mercha serves regularly only Silluq and Tippecha, but in extraordinary circumstances (sec. 12) it forms the servant of Zarqa, Pashta, and Tbhir. Munach serves regularly xVthnach, Sgolta, Zaqeph, Ptbliia, Zarqa, Pazer, and Tlisha ; in extraordinary circumstances it serves Geresh and Gereshayim, the latter of which takes no ser- vant or secution in ordinary circumstances. The relation of the word marked with Tlisha qtannah 5^^*'*7]^ is some- what doubtful, though it seems to be a sort of loose connec- tion. In general, when the same accent has two forms, the second appearing only when the conditions necessary to the first are not supplied, this second form takes no servant or consecution. 2. It will be seen from the above forms that several accents have the same symbol, and are only to be dis- tinginshed from each other by their position. In this way are distinguished Pashta disjunctive and Qadma connective, Jthibh disjunctive and Mahpach connective. Pashta stands uniformly on the last letter of a word, and hence, if the word be penacute, Pashta has to be ro]jeated thus V'lik ■ Qadma, on the contrary, stands on llui initial or medial letters, and never appears on the last except in terminations like '^, ri, etc. Again, Jthibh, the substitute of l^ashta, always is placed before the first vowel of a word, lunce appears iU) HEBREW ACCENTUATION. only with monosyllables and penacutes ; Mahpach, on the other hand, always follows the vowel whereon lies the tone. Jjl\^ is Jthibh, but jy^ Mahpach. The place of any accent is immediately after the vowel, if below, or upon the consonant if above, which it accents.^ 3. Besides the pitch and stress of sounds indicated by the accents (5^ 1), there is another thing to be observed, viz. the breadth or extension of a sound, when a note is for some reason expanded beyond its natural compass. This takes place in two cases : Jirst, when two accents related to each other would meet, requiring two words, but from the accidental nature of the clause only one word is at hand, then either the two accents will both stand on the single word, if its syllables be such as to admit of this, or one accent will disappear and compen- sation be made by a corresponding extension of the other which is left. This extension is denoted either by doubling the sign or by adding Psiq. It takes place in four cases : Mercha Kphulah (Np*lD) or double Mercha, Gereshayim, or double Geresh (^'"15), Zaqeph Gadhol (pip))> and Shalsheleth with Psiq. Second, when the word with a connective, for some reason, rhythmical chiefly, requires a more decided and em- phatic enunciation than usual, in other words, requires to be slightly separated from the word on which it leans for support, a do^^^lright stroke, Psiq, is drawn between the words to indicate this. This servant with Psiq is, then, in the language of Ouseel, a minimus. 4. Many of the names of these accents have arisen from their form. Thus Sgolta is connected in form with Seghol, and both derive their name from their common > Besides Jthibh, another accent, viz., Tlisha gdholah can appear only ou an initial Utter, and hence these two are called prepositive accents. Sgolta, Zarqa, and 'J'lisha Qtannah can stand only on the final letter of a word, and hence are named post-piosiiircs. The scruples of these accents are pui-ely attributable to rhythmical principles, and arc quite illogical. HEBREW ACCENTUATION. ol resemblance to a bunch of grapes. Shalsheleth, again, is chain, which its symbol resembles ; Zarqa is spout, tube, called in the poetic *11ilV of the same signification, its form suggesting a crooked pipe. Jerach benyoma resembles the young moon, the " moon a day old,"^ and Qarne pharah. or the union of the Tlishas, reminds one of a cow's head — " cow's horns." Other names are taken from the meaning and function of the accents. Thus Silluq is ]3im8e ; Athnach, hreathmg ; Zaqeph, cross, elevation ;^ Tippecha,/7rt/;/?, that is expander ; Pashta the same. Rbhia may have received its name because it marked the half of the half verse, that is quarter, which it means,'* or, as others think, from its point being origi- nally not round but four-cornered. Tbhir i^fracttire^ equal perhaps to section; Mercha, prolonger. '|]'1X/b, I'lO' Xp'lJD. Aphel participle of "^Hi^. to lengthen.^ Qadma, foregoer, is named from its position. Tlisha perhaps means shield, to which it has some distant re- semblance. Geresh, extrusion, when preceded by Qadma, is called Azla nStX . The servants, with the exception of Mercha, Qadma, and Yerach, are said all to have borne the name '~\'SW trumpet.^ Thus Munach, erect, or supported or resting trumpet; Mahpach, i.e. "IBIllb in HebreAV, inverted trumpet ; Darga was likewise named SiSytJ^. Munach was named also ^^1"^ straight, upright, etc."^ Many of the accents had various names, accordino; to the different views taken of their form, their * In the poetic accentuation this receives the name of wheel, galgal, to which it also bears some lilccness. 3 Though in the Assyrian system its sign is actually a cro!ection on clause of Sgolta. HEBREW ACCENTUATION. 37 to each other. It is also expressive of the slight rhythmical halt which the voice naturally makes before coming* to a tinal pause, just as musicians are observed to play several notes slower before coming* to a final stop. '^ Hence the rule : If tlie clause of Silluq consist of more than one word there must always be the minor disjunctive Tippecha in the clause, even though the sense repudiate a distinctive accent and demand a connective. In such a case the rhythm overrules the Logic. Again, in the second passage cited above, it is evident that in each of the two clauses the words fall naturally asunder, into two groups. And God hardened — the heart of Pharaoh ; and he let not go — the children of Israel. The distinction between these halves is marked in both cases by Tippecha which is the minor disjunctive to Athnach as well as to Silluq. np3 nS-nx nin* p-inn and hmi^' ^3:3-n« nW* i^Si ;p5i?n^^ Tr\TP^. punctuated as it was left, with final pause and prepara- tory minor disjunctive ; there are still two words unsig- nalized as to their connection. But, manifestly, each of them is logically connected with the word immediately following, skall do, logically conditioning it, and whole congregation being logically conditioned by Israel. Hence each of these words will be marked with the sign of connection, which sign happens to be in the present case one common^ to the two disiunctives Silluq and Tippecha, viz., Mercha \Sm i^'..h^^}^\ TH^^^ The ^ Tliis is a point connected with the accents which presents great diffi- culties. It is evident from the use of different servants, that the servants had not all the same significance ; they represented various tones or sets of tones of the voice. It is evident at the same time from the scanty supply of servants, in comparison with disjunctives, that there is less variety of inflection in the word connected than in tlie word separated. This is quite natural, but how precisely such a servant as Mercha should serve both, or stand next both Tippecha and Silluq, disjunctives of such diverse powers, or how Munach should represent a tone coming immediately be- fore Athnach, one of the lowest tones, and before Pazer, the highest, is somewhat mysterious. HEBREW ACCENTUATION. 39 clause of Athnacli displays the same grouping- of the words, and will be similarly pointed nirT* p-TH"''! ny'lB ^TflX where the servant of Tippecha is as be- fore Mercha, but the servant of Athnach is Munach. Finally, the clause of Sgolta, from containing an odd number of words, is somewhat more difficult. Dnn D'^*!l p^{l Vn D^VsSn the giants were in the earth in those days. The minor disjunctive being already placed at earth, there cannot be any doubt that the words in those days are logically connected ; hence a servant or connective will stand on tliose DHn D''p*l viz., Munach, the servant to Sgolta. More doubtful is the logical relation of the words the giants were in the earth ; but a mere glance at the order of the words tells us that the term giants is emphatic, because it stands before its verb, whereas in Hebrew the noun follows its verb if no emphasis be indicated. In English, the words read really, tlie giants, they were in the earth in those days.. Hence, giants is logically or rhythmically marked off by a certain pause from the following words which are thus thrown closely together. Were in the earth V'1^'2 VH where Munach is again ser- vant to Zarqa. The whole, therefore, stands thus Dnn D;t5*!l pXn -l^n We have still, however, to dis- pose of the giants. The word is emphatic, emphasis implies pause, so the word will be marked by a pausal or disjunctive accent. But from what shall we disjoin giants ? From were in the earth ? or from were in the earth in those days ? In other words, will the disjunctive which we mean to put on giants be a disjunctive standing in relation to Zarqa or to Sgolta ? We have simply to ascertain the proper logical bearing of the passage. Something is to be said of the giants : is it in those days that is said of them, or is it in the earth that is said of them ? Obviously it is that they were on the earth, and 40 HEBREW ACCENTUATION. what is said of the g-iants on the earth, id, that it was in those days. The giants, The giants, were on the earth ; The giants, were on the earth ; in those days. That is, the chiuse giants is subordinate to tlie clause, were on the earth ; and the combined clause the (j'lants were on the earth, is subordinate to the clause in those days. We punctuate giants, therefore, with a distinctive, having relation to Zarqa V"1{<1 Vll D^Tfilin the accent being Gereshayim or double Geresh, the minor distinc- tive to Zarqa. In tlie same manner all other clauses are punctuated. An example may be taken, introducing* what is called the major disjunctive, Gen. ii., 2. " And God finished on the seventh day his work which he had made ; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made." Plainly enfiugii tlie middle of the verse is at made ; that word will therefore bear upon it the sign of the half verse. Athnach. Each of these two great clauses, bounded by Silluq and Athnach respectively, will be independenth^ pointed, and the words will assume posi- tions of relation only to the words within tlieir own clause respectively. Taking up the clause proper of Silluq, and he rested on the seventh day froin all his 7vork which he had made : here, at first sight, the words fall asunder into two groups, he rested on the seventh day, and, from all his work irJiich he had made. Hence a great distinguent will be placed on day, viz., Zaqeph, the major under *Silluq at made. Again, in the group nearest the end it is evident that the logical order will be, from all his work — which he had made ; imposing a connective on which and a dis- junctive on work, thus, JHC^J?^ "I^J^ inp70"730 So in - the first group the order will be, and he rested — on HEBREW ACCENTUATION. 41 day tlie seventli ; day and seventh being connected, and consequently rested being disjoined from them, thus : ''j^.'^^EJ^n DV!ll nh^*l where the accent on rested is Pashta, the minor to Zaqeph on seventh. The words form themselves into groups thus, counting backwards from ^Silluq, Which he had made. From all his work, which he had made. And he rested on the seventh day ; from all his work, which he had made. It is especially to be observed that the influence of any accent extends as far as to that accent under which it immediately stands, or to Avhicli it is related in the de- gree of minor, maximus, major, etc. For instance, the accent on work is mmor to t:^illuq, and therefore its in- fluence extends to Silluq ; the connection therefore is not His Avork which ; but, His work which he had made. So again Zaqeph on dai/ (or seventh in Hebrew) is major to i^illuq, and its influence extends as far as Silluq, in otlier words, to made. So, it is not. He rested on the seventh day from all liis work ; but, He rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. A somewhat peculiar passage will illustrate tliis. Is. i. 21, is, in our translation, " How is the faithful city be- come an harlot! it rcas fidl of judgment ; righteousness lodged in it ; hutnojv murderers." This rendering is not strictly accurate, becausey'c/// is an adjective, and in con- struction — the full of judgment. It matters nothing whether we translate the next clause righteousness lodged in it, or relatively, in which righteousness lodged, the parallelism will be the same. How has become an harlot. The city that was faithful ! Full of jugdment, righteousness lodging in her ; But now murderers. 42 HEBREW ACCENTUATION. Here the opposition is apparent at once, being* between harlot and faithful, in the lirst half, and between the idea of justice, expressed doubly, and murderers in the other member of the verse. In the second member, therefore, the greatest accent ought to stand on her. The expression, full of judgment, forming along with the group righteousness lodged in her, the description of the former condition of the city and the proper balance to the clause, but now murderers. This, however, is not the usual punctuation seen in Hebrew Bibles, common editions setting the chief point 2X judgment, and causing the parallelism to stand thus — Full of judgment ; Righteousness lodging in her, but now murderers : ruining thereby the parallelism of sense entirely. In the Edition of Michaelis this is rectified, and the parallelism of accent is made to harmonise with the parallelism of sense which ought always to be the case. In common editions, instead of the Rbhia on judgment, an accent subordinate to the Tippecha on her, there stands a Zaqeph on judgment, an accent subordinate only to Silluq. A few general principles may here be stated. The distinguents are divided into great aud small, the great standing at the end of great clauses, the small standing in subordination to these at the close of smaller clauses. In punctuating, it is best, first of all, to set down the two greatest, Silluq at the end and Atlmach in the middle of the verse, and if there seems to be a third proposition under Atlmach, it is to be marked with Sgolta on its last word. In punctuating single clauses, the same logical process is to be observed. Distinctives, according to their power and relation to another distinctive, are called minors, majors, maximi, HEBREW ACCENTUATION. 43 etc. Accents of less distinctive power than the minors are named minimi, wliich in Prose are less frequent than in Poetry, and have generally no proper independent sign, being usually a mere repetition or some other combination of servants. It Avill seldom happen that all these various grades w^ill occur in any single verse. It is of consequence to remark that the order of occur- rence of the distinctives is unchangeable, viz., minor, major, maximus from end towards beginning of the verse. Some powers may be omitted, but a great power never stands before a less in the same clause. ^ Thus counting from the place of Silluq, its distinguents should stand — minor, Tippecha ; major, Zaqeph ; maximus, Athnach. It is not necessary that all should appear, but the order must not be confused, so as to put the major before the minor, or the maximus before the major, if they both actuall}^ occur. After placing a great disting-uent and another — the minor — relatively to it, if there are still several Avords unexhausted, it will depend on the logical relation of the Avords whether ncAV distinguents will be placed relatively to the first great distinguent or relatively to the small distinguent already placed in subordination to the greater one. For example, Gen. i., 14, in the clause of Athnach, to divide between the day and the n'ujht. If we take the four last words, the disunion falls natu- rally at day, which Avill assume the minor Tippecha, and between in both cases will be marked by a servant, thus , , rh'hr\ rn^ D?n r^ t:at-)j" v.- \i - there still remains SniH? to designate logically. Is, then, the relation thus ? * A fow cases occur of apparent inversion. See sections on Pashta, Zarqa, and Tbhir, whose minors and majors are sometimes transposed. 44 HEBREW ACCENTUATION. To divide, To divide, between the dnj ; To divide, between tlie day ; and between the night. or is it the following ? To divide ; To divide ; between the day and betAveenthe night. It is evidently the latter, for there are only two notions, division and da^ and nicjlit. The idea divide is not sub- ordinate to dcvj merely, but to the wdiole expression day and night, since division or separation implies at least two things separated ; that is, divide will be punctuated relatively to the accent on night, at the end of the whole expression. T :at - |/ • V - \ , ■■ • : - : the accent being Zaqeph Gadhol, the greater distinguent to Athnacli. Hence will be understood the other great principle, that Hebrew punctuation is relative, not absolute. ^ It does not give absolute sense, but relative subordination of idea. It may give sense, but it of necessity gives relative subordination. And the question to be asked in setting down a distinguent greater or less, is not. does the clause over wliich this distinguent is to preside, give absolute or unconnected meaning of itself;* but do these distinctives, etc., indicate fairly the proper relative sub- ordination of clauses to the verse, of clausules to the clause, of words to the clausule, and so on 't Several accents are capable of repetition, that is, two or more of the same accent may appear together under the government of tlie same great disjunctive. In such cases the second or repctitus, that is, the accent nearest the beginning of the verse is of greater distinctive and pausal power than the same accent wliich stands nearer the end. If it be repeated three times it increases in power each time toward the commencement of the stanza. 5 Against Boston and the older accentuists, who maintained that the accents gave absolute sense. HEBREW ACCENTUATION. 45 And thus the repetitus is not dependent on any inter- mediate accent but on the g-peat distinguent at the end of the chiuse, so that its influence extends over one or more accents of the same name with itself standing nearer the end of the verse. Gen. viii. 3, amd the waters abated at the end of a hundred and ffty days. The accent on waters extends over the same accent on end, making' the relation thus — And the waters abated ; At the end, of a hundred and fifty days.^ The series of words under the power of an accent are said to form the dltio or government of the accent. An accent always stands on the last word of its ditio, that is, the word nearest the end of the verse ; and the words preceding it towards the beginning are all under its influence, and every accent placed on them is placed relatively to tlie great accent on the last word, mediately or immediately. The d'ltio of an accent extends toward the beginning of a verse until the occurrence of an accent greater than itself (which greater accent, how- ever, may be itself repetitus), where its authority ends and the next set of words are under the government of this new ruler, whose territory extends either to the beginning of the verse or till another greater accent presents itself. It thus happens that a great distinctive rales a d'dio under which are several subordinate ditiones, under the authority of lesser distinctives. Considering that the Hebrew accentuation is a sensuous declamation, an oratory not for the ear but the eye, to appreciate it aright will have on us the same efl'ect as if we heard a living voice declaiming the Bible in tones perfectly natural and perfectly expressive. Those who understand it Avill feel how far even the marvellous melody and meaning of our English falls below it, and how much m9re expressive our translation would liave * Tlie first verse in Isaiah funiislies a good example. 46 HEBREW ACCENTUATION. been had it adhered with more fidelity in its punctuation to the Hebrew. Thus in Is. i. 2, our version points, " Hear, heavens ; and gixe ear, earth : for the Lord hath spoken, I have nourished," etc. The Hebrew runs, Hear Heavens ! and give ear Earth ! for Jehovah, hath spoken : I have nourished, etc. The English by putting- the chief accent at earth and only a comma at spoken, loses the fine idea of the original (which puts the chief pause at spoken), that Heaven and Earth must hear simply because Jehovah hath spoken. The speaker de- mands attention independently of what he says. Hence the Masoretes, with fine appreciation, put the chief pause at spoken, and another pause at Jehovah, which last is equivalent to our underlining or emphasis in utterance. A pretty instructive example occurs Genesis, vi. 17, which runs thus in our translation : " Behold I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earths This transla- tion is in defiance, first, of the accentuation ; second, of one of tlie best known rules of Hebrew syntax, viz., that a noun in construction never admits the article;''' and, third, of the analogy offered by chap. vii. 6, where, however, our translators, determined to have their fa- vourite "flood of waters" promoted, bring the words fiood and waters into the genitive relation though they be actually separated by a verb and a semicolon, l5l D''X5 T\*^T\ ;X^!S\ — the flood was — waters upon the earth. Hxcept once or twice the word 7^!lO stands always as a definite noun with the article, and the phrase D**^ 7^3^ " flood of waters," does not occur, but instead of it SVS^n ""y^ , waters of the flood ; and the expression T"!!l^r' '^y ^•'''^ ^^ °^-^y ^^ exegetical gloss for the purposes of explanation, " Noah was six hundred years old when ■^ A few exceptions proving the rule are met with, e.g l-IK'S ^^??n where the second noun bein^ a proper name cannot, according to the lule, take the article, and hence it is thrown upon the first, a very emphatic definition of the person being expressed. HEBREW ACCENTUATION. 47 the flood was — waters upon the earth." " Behold I do bring- the flood, — waters upon the earth ; to destroy," etc. It is to be expected, seeing our translation gives the general sense so accurately, that it will be only finer shades of meaning that the study of the accents will supply ; yet these finer shades give generally the acutest pleasure to a cultivated reader or exegete. In Job xiv. 7, our translation reads, " For there is hope of a tree if it be cut down that it will sprout again." The Masoretic accentuation is — For a tree hath hope : If it be cut down, then it will sprout ag'ain . . . But man dieth, and wasteth away, etc. There is something more hopeless and pathetic in putting the first line categorically and not hypothetically as our Bible does ; and then, in addition, the Masoretes strongly accent tree, which we can only do in writing by under- lining. A more palpable case might be found in the same Book, chap. ix. 19. " If / speak of strength ; lo, he is Strom/ : and if of judgment, who shall set me a time toplead," the words " I speak" not being in the Hebrew. Here the first member of the verse has evident reference to God, but the second seems to refer to Job himself, which is extremely unlikely from the regularity of the parallelism in this Book. At any rate, the first member is translated, both in contradiction to the accents and in contradiction to the usage of n^H which stands first in its clause with no word before it. According to the accents, the words strength and strong are a genitive relation — if I speak of streugth of the strong — lo ! But plainly the word lo ! is an interjection supposed to come from God himself, and might be more expressively rendered here ! or here I am ! Is it a question of strength, — " Here I am !" (He cries.) A question of law, " Who will implead me T The Deity is felt by Job to be too much for him in any 48 nEBREW ACCENTUATION. encounter. If lie thinks to confront him with force, the Alniij^-hty is ready and willing" for anght in that way ; if he would take the law of Him, where is the man or the court that will venture to sist Him ? A very singular specimen of bidding defiance to ac- cent is to be found in Psalm xlv., 5, running so in our version. '* Thine arrows are sharp in the heart of the kino:'s enemies ; mherchy the people fall under thee." This rendering not only defies the accents but permits itself to invert the entire order of the stanza, by di'awing" the first and last clauses together, and by their pressure extruding* altogether the middle clause, which is brought up at the end under the ignominious leading of the halter whereby. In Hebrew the greatest pause is at sharp or sharpened, being the Passive Part. ; the next greatest at thee, and the final stop at h'lng ; read- ing thus — Thine arrows are sharp : — ■ Peoples fall under thee ! — In the heart of the enemies of the king I Does it need a very powerful imagination to see a Avhole campaign here ? A warrior — who is the fairest of the sons of men, but yet the Mighty God — is seen stalking into the field with sharpened weapons, — the same, mow- ing down nations, — fields of slain, each with a well- aimed javelin in his heart ! The poets imagination out- runs his power of expression, and makes his picture hurried and irregular. He sees scene follow scene with the rapidity of lightning, and utters a haist}'- half- broken exclan'ip.tlon at each new step in the warrior's pro^rot3s,-r-the preparation, the conflict, the victory.^ 9 Hence the intolerable nature of all those translations which supply any connective words, or paraphrase in any way this most graphic pass»"-e For example, De Wettc, and even Ewald, from whose taste, if not fidelity, something better might have been looked for, supply the verb drinqen ■ ' scharf dringen deine Pfeile, Ew : Deine scharten Pfeile— drino-en 'Dc AV. Even Uupfcld's exposition is liable to the same objection ; and only Dolitzsch, as usual, has delicacy enough to realize what is ex- pressed by the original. HEBREW ACCENTUATION. 49 And nothing is more surprising than the complete- ness with which the Masoretic punctuators enter into the spirit of the passage, and, indeed, did no example but the present exist of their fidelity and fine taste, it would be enough to induce us to put our- selves almost completely under their direction. In order well to express the rapidity and almost terrified breathlessness with which the last two exclamations in this verse are to be uttered, these Masoretes dispense with one of the commonest rules of their prosody, viz., that under Athnach there must be a long and pausal vowel, and allow here a simple Sheva l7£l'! . Under this general head oi feeling, two species of punctuation deserve to be noticed — emphatic punctua- tion and pathetic punctuation. To express emphasis, slowness and firmness of utterance is necessary. Hence in emphatic punctuation, accents of greater weight will be employed than in ordinar}^ discourse, servants will become minimi, minors rise into majors, majors will be repeated or turn into maximi. The clausules will be short and decided, and thus solemnity and dignity con- tributed to the delivery. Thus Hosea vi. 10 ; in the house of Israel! I have seen — a horrible thing, the greatest pause is at Israel, where there is an inten- tional break to keep Israel, with all its divine environ- ment and all the history which the name suggested, as long as possible before the mind. Then another pretty gi'eat pause at seen, but represented by a dash, as if the speaker hesitated and trembled to utter the last word — a horrible thing. In ordinary delivery, such a clause would have stood punctuated thus The second variation from the plain accentuation may be called the mpamoned. This s^yle is the reverse of 50 HEBREW ACCENTUATION. tlie last, being designed to indicate rapidity and pas- sionate nttcrance. Hence accents of less power will be employed than in ordinary circumstances ; minors will become servants, majors become minors, which, in some circumstances, may be repeated ; e PIDIJ? . * Zarqa, wlion used as a "conservus," is commonly called Zinnorith. ' Usual! v called Tarcha KHntJ. HEBREW ACCENTUATION. 81 ing along with the servants Mercha and Mahpach on the same word ; and, as to position, on the open syllable before the tone, or sometimes on a small independent word, being an open monosyllable. Zinnor again is a distinctive, and stands on the last letter of its word. The accents Tippecha anterior and non-anterior are equally distinguished by function and position, Tip- pecha anterior is a disjunctive and appears always on the right of its word immediately before the first vowel, so that it falls completely outside the word. Tippecha non-anterior or Tarcha is a conjunctive, and stands on the place of accent. Munach occasionally assumes its position above the word^'' (M. superior): this indicates that though a con- nective or depression, its connecting power is almost gone, and that it rises nearly to the elevation of a dis- junctive. Shalsheleth occurs only eight times according to the Masorah without Psiq. Without Psiq it is a connective, though it is to be observed that it is not an ordinary servant ; it never stands immediately next to a dis- junctive, but always with one or more servants inter- vening. With Psiq it is a disjunctive occurring chiefly in the clause of Silluq. and being in all cases except Job xi. 6, immediately taken up by Athnach.^^ It has been fully established by Baer, the author of Torath Emeth, that Qadma Psiq or Azla Legarmeh, and Mahpach Psiq or Mahpach Legarmeh, are the same accent logically, and that the laws for regulating the use of the one or the other are purely prosodial or musical. The former is always employed when there are more words in connection, the latter when standing alone and when the accent is on the first syllable. 1" Called then '-"Ipy Illui. Ben Asher names it n^W, suspending. Tor. Emeth, p. 5. >' Ewald puts Shalsheleth among the connectives expressly, Lehrb., p. 191, although he makes it play the part of a distinctive, p. 194, 2, and p. 197, 3, whore he names it Slellvertreter of 11. Mugrnsh. He disre- gards the Masoiptir distinction of Shal. Psiq and without P»iq. 82 HEBREW ACCENTUATION. From the more regular form of verse than prose, and the nicer balance of the members of the stanza, it will follow that the various clauses will be in general much shorter than in prose, and more equable in their length ; there will be much less of subordination of one clause to another than in logical narrative, and hence far fewer sub-clauses, which are rare in poetry, hardly going be- yond one in each of the great divisions of the verse. There will, therefore, hardly ever occur a repetition oi" the same distinctive accent. The only three that bear repetition are Rbhia, Zinnor, and Legarmeh, and even these to a small extent. HEBREW ACCENTUATION. 83 § 2. INTERPUNCTION. A verse may have one, two, or three clauses, as in prose. The verse always ends with Silluq as there. If there be tlu-ee sections, the middle one will be made by Athnach, and the greatest by Olehveyored. If there occur but two sections, the second may be made eitlier by Athnach or Olehveyored, the former having- a less distinctive power in poetry than the other. The position and powers of the chief distinctives are seen from the following scheme : — 12 3 4 5 6 7 etc. . r < K (a) : - (serv.) - - etc. ^ •' ' 1 A J A ■» 1. The first line (a) represents the usual positions of the metrical distinctives, the second line (b) their posi- tions in extraordinary circumstances. The ordinary place of Olehveyored is on the sixth, seventh, etc. word from the verse-end, on any of which it may appear proAaded that word be not the first in the verse, in which case Legarmeh takes its place. ^ Olehveyored may stand however on the fifth, though not nearer the end. It rests there of necessity when Athnach is also required by the sense on the fourth or third word ; in other circumstances it will indicate a superior emphasis to that of Athnach. 2. The ordinary position of Athnach is the fourth or fifth word from the end, but it may shift a place either way, having thus the choice of four places. It will always be on the fifth if a great distinctive be required * Baer in Delitzscli, s. 504. 84 HEBREW ACCENTUATION, on that word, when R. Mug. or Shalsheleth must also be on the fourth. It will also be on the fifth when R. Mug. is on the second and accompanied by two ser- vants, or when Silluq has three servants. In extraor- dinary circumstances it will ascend to the sixth ; for example, when Silluq has four servants, Ps. xxxii. 5,'^ (though not in Ps. iii, 3), and sometimes when R. Mug. must be on the third word with two servants, or on the second with three. In two cases. Job xxxii. 6, P,-^. xviii. 1, Athnach reaches the sever. th and eighth words respectively. Athnach may descend to the third, though not lower. It will be there of necessity when the sense demands R. Mug. on the second and a strong distinctive on the third ; sometimes emphasis will require Athnach ou the third when the second has a servant, provided the servant's word be long with two full syllables or one open syllable and Sheva before the tone.^ Athnach, however, cannot stand on the first word of a verse, but is there represented by Pazer.* 3. The ordinary place of R. Mugrash is the third word, but it may ascend to the fourth when a distinctive is required on the third, and in a few instances when Silluq has two servants, though in that case Shalsheleth Psiq regularly represents R. Mug. on the fourth word.^ R. Mug. descends to the second when the sense demands it, provided Silluq's word be long, that is, have two syllables or one open syllable, and Sheva before the tone.^ 2 Ouseel, p. 34, 3 ibid^ p. 30. < Baer in Delitzsch, s. 506. s Ouseel, p. 29. « Ibid, p. '26. HEBRBW ACCENTUATION. 85 § 3. METRICx\L TABLE. The following table embodies the principal elements of the metrical system : — I. II. III. . AJSTALYSIS. 1. Silluq stands at the end by itself, and forms, as the base of all, a class with which none of the other accents is to be compared.^ The lines marked I. II. etc. are disjunctives, the intermediate lines their respec- tive connectives. '^. II. gives the minors of the opposite accents in I., and the last accent in II. is the maximus of I. [\. III. gives the minors of the opposite accents in II., and the last accent in III. is the maximus of all those in II. 4. III. has a common consecution ; minor, Legarmeh; major, Pazer, with its servant Galgal ; the minor of Pazer is also Legarmeh. AVhenever Legarmeh has a servant, of necessity Azla Legarmeh is to be used. This consecution is properly that of Rbhia, but is common to it with Dechi and Zinnor.'^ ' Spitzner also places Silluq by itself as unlike all the other accents. ^ This full consecution of Ebliia may be seen, Ps. cvi. 48. Ewald makes Zinnor perform the duty which is here assigned to Rbhia as mai. of R. Mugrash. But, in the first place, his view destroys the unity attained by making Ebhia great distinctive to the three accents standing immedi- Sij HEBREW ACCENTUATION. 5. A few more jyeneral facts suffice to give almost an exhaustive view of the metrical system. (a) :~ r hecomes :"; :~ when the servant's word is monosyllabic or penacute ; and if there be two words connected together immediately before Sillnq, thus, 1- (2,3), the pointing is :"; : ~, an exceeding com- mon combination.^ (b) ~ T becomes T ~ when there are only two words in the clause, or when an accent greater than Dechi im- mediately follows, but not with Dechi itself. As in (a) the relation of three words may be 1- (2.3), which as- sumes the exceedingly common form ~ ~r ~r. (c) -j^ -7- becomes -~ — when there are only two words in the clause, or when there are more words if the distinction must fall on the second word. (d) — -r becomes -^^ — when the servant's word is monosyllabic or penacute or has Dagesh /orte or lene in the accented consonant. (e) -^- -r- is - — — in many cases, especially when the accent falls on the tirst or second letter. (/) The accents Mercha and Mahpach may in all cases assume Zinnorith as a helping servant, provided there be one or more open syllables before the tone- syllable, on which Zinnorith can stand,^ ((/) The accent Mahpach is a very common variant for almost any ser^^ant, and its use as second or third servant is of very frequent occurrence. (k) It often happens, so often as to constitute a rule, that the minor to a weak accent may become the minim to an accent of greater power; thus Legarmeh, the minor of III., serves as a very small distinctive to I. and II. ately related to Silluq ; and, in the second place, Rbhia occurs under R. Mug. much more frequently than Zinnor, the latter being the well known substitute of Rbhia both in poetry and prose. ' Tippecha in this connection is not anterior, but stands on the place of tone, and is thus easily distinguished from Dechi the disjunctive. * Bacr says, Tor. Em., p. 9, that Zinnorith has in these cases no note of its own ; but this view is sufficiently refuted by Luzzatto in his letter appended to Baer's Tractate, p. 65-6. - HEBREW ACCENTUATION. 87 (i) Very often is to be found in Edd. of the Bible, Rbhia simple, where the analogy of the table would lead to expect R. Mugrash, and in some Edd., e.g. Hahn, even conversely. The latter is, doubtless, a blunder ; the former occurs chiefly in short sentences, such as the titles of the Psalms, and is to be explained, not on logical but on rhythmical principles. (See § of R. Mug.) For more particular information the following sections must be consulted. 88 HEBREW ACCENTUATIOX. § 4. CLAUSE OF SILLUQ. ANALYSIS. 1. The ordinary servant of Silluq, as in prose, is Mercha. This Mercha may assume Tsinnorith upon its own word, if there be an open sylhible before the place of accent, v. 7. Tsinnorith may stand even on an independent word if that word be an open monosyllable, and Mercha be retracted to the first syllable of its own word, xviii. 20.^ According to the Masorah, in Tor. Em., p. 13, after B. B., p. 7, three passages, Ixix. 15 ; civ. 6 ; Job, xii. 15, are pointed with Tippecha on the servant's word. It is probable that Munach has fallen out (2). If the word of the servant be monosyllabic or penacute, the servant of Silluq is Munach, B. B. p. 7 ; iii. 7 ; iv. 5 ; v. 2, etc. This substitution is occasioned by the peculiarity of Mercha's tone, which, according 1 Tor. Em., p. 9. HEBREW ACCENTUATION. 89 to Ben Asher, has a low expanded note.^ Edd. often write Munach where no such reason can be assigned, e.g. Hahn, Job vi. 3; vi. 7; vi. 8, etc., and not nn- frequently refuse to write it when such reason demands it. Hahn, Job yii. 16. 2. If two words are to be connected pretty closely with the word of Silluq, but have for each other a closer affinity than the second has for Silluq's word, thus. 1- (2. 3), then, as already detailed (§3), the double accent T7 arises ; Munach being an actual though ex- ceeding slight disjunctive, so slight as often not to admit Daghesh on the immediately succeeding aspirate, and Tippecha being a real though slight connective, not usually^ admitting Dag. ; Prov. i. 13, and often. It will not unfrequently happen that both these accents stand on the same word, Ps. xlv, 15, if a Metheg might otherwise have stood. ^ 3. When three words stand in connection with Silluq'a word, then the two already pointed remain as in (2), and the third assumes Mahpach if the accent be on the first syllable of the word, xxiv. 10, xxxix. 12, Job. xiv. 13 ; if the accent be on the second syllable, and the first 2 Hence he calls this servant *1!}V, Tor. Em., p. 5. So Ben Bilam, p. iv. 3 The fact seems to be that the relation of the three words may be 1- (2. 3), or (1. 2) -3; in the former case Mun. would be followed by Dag. but Tippecha not ; in the latter, Mun. would not have Dag. but Tippecha would. B. B. excepts from this rule the passage cix. 16, which he points with lUui as first serv. and Tipp. (Tarcha) as second. Baer, on the contrary, lUui as first and Aila as second. Mich., Hahn, etc., point regularly. * According to Tor. Emeth, p. 11, this double accent can appear on one word only when R. Mug. is not to follow. Should this accent follow, then the word will assume the usual Mercha, and retain its Metheg. Edd. e.g. Theile, write Metheg and Munach, thus introducing intolerable confusion, ii. 5. The author of Tor. Em. lays down the furtlier rule that if the accents come together, from the word next Silluq being penacute, the form is 77. He points his own Psalter so, e.g. v. 11, but Edd. do not agree with him. Mich, uses Maqqeph. The small inscriptions of eight Psalms instead of Munach and Mercha take two Munachs superior, Ps. xxxvi., xliv., ilvii., xlix., Ixi., Iiix., Ixxxi., Ixxxv. See the Masorah, quoted Tor. Em., p. 13. 90 HEBREW ACCENTUATION. an open syllable, the Malipach will assume Zinnorith on the open vowel, xxviii. 8. But if the accent fall on the second syllable and the first be not open, or if it fall on any syllable nearer the word-end, then Azla is employed, Ps. xlii. '2, an example which shows that Azla is here a servant and not a dis- junctive, with Psiq fallen out, as Ouseel (p. Oo) sup- poses, for no Dag. follows in the next word. This rule is in conformity with Ben Asher's pointing, but Ben Naphtali puts Mahpach on the second syllable, xliii. 1, and Edd. Job xxii, 12, Prov. xxix. 13 ; and, indeed, there is not one of the above rules but Edd. fre- quently contradict. Thus Theile and Mich, write Azla on the first letter, liv. 5 ; so they write Azla on the second syllable with an open syllable preceding, Ixxxiv. 9, Ixi. 5, lix. 6. Sometimes, instead of Azla on the fourth word, Munach superior appears, iv. 8, though under what conditions is not very obvious.'' B. Bil.'s rule is simple. If the accent be on first letter, it is Mahpach ; if on the second, lUui ; if on the third, etc., Azla, p. 8. Passages where more than three servants occur are iii. 3, of which the usual pointing is — ^^ ■^'t' but Baer points with the ordinary Munach Tippechatum ; xxxii. 5, xlii. 2. As to the passage cxxv. 3, see clause of Legarmeh. 4. The ordinary minor to Silluq is K. Mugrash ; the major, Athnach ; the maximus, Olehveyored. Several peculiarities, however, have to be noticed with regard to the interpunction of Silluq's clause. The following scheme shows the most important : * Baer, Delitzsch, ii., p. 487, would write Mun. sup. always when — -!^ would otherwise appear, were not the open syllable formed by one of the letters 0^221, on which Zinuorith cannot stand. Baer, of course, points his own Psalter in conformity with this rule. Not so Michaelis. See his note, Ps. iv. 8, and his punctuation of Ixxvi. 4, Ixxviii. 25, cxix. 84. See Ew. Lehrb. 197. HEBREW ACCENTUATION. 91 W :- - I - (a) This line presents the most usual appearance of the interpunction, the division falling at the third word, and made by R. Mug. The servant of Silluq will be on the second, and vary according to the rules in (1). R. Mug. may be taken up immediately by the major, or it may be followed by one or more servants. If the division fall on the third word, and no more divisions be required in the clause of Silluq (i.e. before the occur- rence of the major or maxiuius), the division must be made by R. Mugrash. If more divisions occur the case is that .of ( B. B. leaves the thing in this indefinite state, p. 3, 4. ^ According to the express dictum of the Masorah on the latter passage. Mich. not. in loc, who adds another passage on the authority of the Masorah, viz., xcvi. 4. See clause of Athnach. For the Azla in Prov. xxiv. 31, Raor would read Pazer. HEBREW ACCENTUATION. 113 would be better to say, Legarmeh may be repeated. The rules applying to the accent itself, apply to the accent repeated, xxvii. 1, xxxii. 4, xxvi. 1. An instruc- tive passage is xlii. 5, cxliv. 1. Note. — It is better to write the verses beginning rr) Tr)?], which have Legarmeh on the T\\, as one word 1)^*17771 with Mich, and Baer, instead of putting Azla Leg. irregularly on the yah, and Mercha also irregularly on the halelu, as is done by common Edd., Ps. cxlvii. 1, cxlviii. 1, cxlix. 1, cl. 1, cxxxv. 1, cxiii. 1, cxii. 1 ; and sanctioned by Ouseel, p. 98. THE END. ERRATA. p. 3, note 4, last line, lahrbiicher read Jahrbiicher. p. 22, 1. 3, and p. 25, 1. 5 and 6, read final mem for Samech in Hebrew words, p. 29, 1. 1, Pazer with qam. in first syllable. p. 29, connect the Hebrew words Geresh and Gereshayim, 1. 5 and 6, by a vinculum, p. 30, note, before Sgolta, insert the words "besides Pashta." p. 39, 1. 7, for n*»*3 (qam.) read ">1 (patt.), as in 1. 11. p. 42, 1. 19, for "K^P read tJ*© and dele dot over the j^e. p. 49, 1. 7 from bottom, "but represented," read "best represented." p. 98, 1. 5, Tippecha read Mercha. A superfluous dot appears here and there on Hebrew words, which the reader will see to be superfluous and proscribe. When a dot happens to be wanting, as p. 43, 1. 8 from bottom, it will be kindly supplied. WORKS PUBLISHED BY WILLIAMS AI^'D NOEGATE. THE BOOK OF GENESIS, in Hebrew, with a CriticaUy Reyised Text, various Readings, and Grammatical and Critical Notes, etc., by the Rev. C. H. H. Wright, M.A., Trin. Coll., Dublin. 8vo. 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