cs 2389 U6 GUIDE TO SIMILAR SURNAMES For use h, The Adjutant General's Office War Department # 0.{.THr WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1920 GUIDE TO SIMILAR SURNAMES For use in The Adjutant General's Office War Department WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1920 c -ry '^ 'iP -r Pearson Pier son. Nei— Pehil [Pahil. [Pehel. Neland Percell Purcell. Nie Perdue Pardue. Pervis JPar\-is. Noll [Purvis. Norr Norton Nott Nowl— Payton. Farr. Pharr Phelan Feelan. Philbrick Filbrick. 18 Guide to similar surnames— Continued. Names. Refer to — PMlpot Filpot. Phipps Fipps. Piatt Pyatt. Pierce Pearce . Pierson | Pearson. Piles I Pyles. Pires ! Pyres. Poulson I Paulson . Preiss i Price. Prewett. Pruett. Prewett. Percell . Prueti Purcell Purvis \ Pervis. Pyatt 1 Piatt. Pyles Pyres Piles. Pires. Radcliffe \ Ratcliffe. Pagan | Regan. Rainer | RajTior. Rallston ! Rolston. Ramer Raymer. Ratcliffe Radcliffe. Rawley Rowley. Ray Rea. RajTiier Ramer. Rayner Rainer. Re— Ry— • Rea i Ray. jfReed. iReid. Reardon Riordon. Read. Reid. Ragan. Rhem. Rie— . J Read. [Reed. Riley. Read . Reed. Regan . Rehm. Rei— . Reid., Reilly, Names. Re\dere . Rh— . . . . Rhem... RialL... Rider. . . Rie—. . . Rierdon . Right. . . Riley.. - Rein — . Rine— . Roach . . . Roades.. Roark. Rodgers. Roff . . . . •Rogers. . Roland . Rolston . Rook. RoLirk. Routh — Row Rowland . Ruff Ruth Ryall. . . . Ryder... Rymers.. S— ... Sacks. Sadler. Sailes. Satler. Sauer. Saxe.- Refer to — Rivere. R— . Rehm. Ryall. Ryder. Rei—. Riordon. Wright. Reilly. Rine — . Rein — . Roche. Rhodes. Rook. Rourk. Rogers. Ruff. Rodgers. Rowland. Rallston. J Roark. \ Rourk. [Roark. [Rook. Ruth. Rew. Roland. Roff. Routh. Rial. Rider. Revmers. Z— . Saxe. Satler. Sayles. Sadler. Sowers. Sacks. 19 Guide to similar surnames — Continued. Sayles Sch- Schenault . Schenk.... Schipman . Schl— . . . Schm— . . . Schn— .... Schofieia. Schw— . . . Scofield... Scull Se— Seabolt.... Seckman.. Seibert Seifert Seigler. Senior. Shampion. Shank Shay Shea Shenault.. Sherley. . . Sheiry Shipman.. Shirey Shirley Shoat Siebert Siebolt.... Sieder. Sifert... Sikes.... Sill Silva.... Sinclair. Refer to- Sailes. Sh— . Chenault. Shank. Shipman. SI—. Sm— . Sn— . Scofield. Sw— . Schofield. Skull. Sa— . Siebolt. Zeckman. Siel)ert. Sifert. Cigler. Ziegler. Middle name if any. Champion. Schenk. Shea. Shay. Chenault. Shirley. Shirey. Schipman. Sheiry. Sherley. Choat. Seibert. Seabolt. Ziegler. Cigler. Seifert. Sykes. Cill. Sylva. St. Clair. Names. Sink. Sisco.. Sisler.. Skull.. Smidt. Smith. Snider Sommer — •. . . Southerland . Stan— St. Clair Stei— Stein — Stie— Stiles Stuart Styles Summer — . . . Sutherland.. Swartz , Sykes Sylva T. Tallman. Tally... Tearney. Tettle.-- Tharpe.. The—. . . Thelo.... Thorn. . . Thorpe.. Tice Tierney. Tiler Refer to — Tindra. Tollman. JCink. Izink. Cosco. Cisler. Scull. Smith. J Schmidt, jshmidt. Snyder. Summer — . Sutherland. Ston— . Sinclair. Stie—. Stine— . Stei—. Styles. Stewart. Stiles. Sommer — . Southerland. Schwartz. Sikes. Silva. Tollman. Tully. Tierney. Tittle. Thorpe. Dhe— . Bhelo. Tom. Tharpe. Tyce. Tearney. Tyler. JHendra. [indra. Tallman. 20 Guide to similar surnames — Continued. Names. Tom.. TuUy. Tyce. . Tyler. U. Umstead. V. Vaile Vasler. .. Vennetta . Veile. . . . Venetta. . Vusler. . . Waber Wagner . . . Walch. . . Wambold . Warton . Wear ■^^ather — . Weber. Weeber... Weeks Wegner... Wei— Wehls Wehr Wein— . . . Werley. . . Wesner. .. Wether—. Wetherell. Weyant. . Wharton. . Whorton.. Refer to- Names. Thom. Tally. Tice. Tiler. Olmstead. Yeile. Yusler. Venetta. Vaile. Vennetta. Vasler. Weber. Wegner. Welch. Womb old. fWTiarton. [Whorton. Ware. Wether — . J Waber. \Weeber. Weber. Wicks. Wagner. Wal— . W^les. Ware. Wine — . Worley. Wisner. Weather—. Witherell. Wyant. Warton. Worton. Wiatt Wicks Wicuff Widmer. . . . Wimens. . . . Winant. . . . Wire Wirth Wisner. . . . Witherell. . . Wodkins. . . Wolf Wollard Wombold . - Wonderlich . Worley .... Wr— Wurth Wulf Wullard.... Wunderlich. Wyatt Wydmer Wyer Wykoff Wymans Wynant. . . Y. Yaeger. . . Yingling. . Yoobanks. Youngs. . Z. z— Zeckman . Zeigler. . Ziegler. Zink. Refer to— Wyatt. Weeks. Wykoff. Wydmer. Wymens. Wynant. Wyer. Worth. Wesner. Wetherell. Watkins. Wulf. Wullard. Wambold. Wunderlich. Werley. R— . Wirth. Wolf. Wollard. Wonderlich. Wiatt. Widmer. Wire. Wicuff. Wimans. Winant. Jaeger. Juengling. Eubanks. Jung—. S— . Seckman. Cigler. [Seigler. Isiegler. (Sink. ICink o RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO mi^ 202 Main Library 642-3403 LOAN PERIOD 1 2 3 4 5 6 LIBRARY USE This book is due before closing time on the last dote stomped below DUE AS STAMPED BELOW M^^fefe^f/ LIBRARY USE NOV 2919/8 FORM NO. DD 6A 12m 6'76 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 ®i LD 21A-60m-7;66 (G4427sl0)47oB General Library University of California Berkeley rr:;;^(;^?;:f;:'^: ,>•-■(,•