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There are few schools that do not give one or more plays each year, often devoting to them much serious study. During the past few years I have received fre- quent letters from teachers and superintendents of schools asking me to recommend plays suitable for their purpose. It is a difficult matter to give advice in individual cases, and involves a considerable amount of work: I welcome most heartily this systematized effort to give in compact form the information needed. I have carefully examined the Hst of plays here presented and I gladly give it my sincere commendation. LuDELLA L. Peck. Smith College, Northampton, Mass., September, igoy. Preface The list herewith offered is intended to be a "first aid" to the amateur actor and dramatic stu- dent : to suggest the various firms who pubhsh plays, to note some of their publications which seem to the compilers to be especially adapted to amateur standards, to collect the elusive but valuable material existing in manuscript form or published by the author, and to call to mind the beautiful dramatic poems by our standard authors which lie at hand in every library. The work of putting these poems into acting form is often one of the most interesting tasks of the presentation. The list makes no pretense at being compre- hensive. Whatever value it may possess lies rather in its exclusiveness. Any one seeking a large knowledge of the dramatic literature open to amateur >j players should secure the theatrical trade catalogues \t and the lists of the play-brokers who handle the -^ recent professional successes. These with a ' thorough searching of the classics, ancient and modern, and of the best magazines, will about cover the field. The excellent catalogues issued by the theatrical publishers and sent free to any address, render an extensive listing of the standard drama unnecessary. /Every play here entered has been read by one of the compilers, and a list of those read and dis- carded would fill a book many times the size of the 5 present volume. The basis of selection has been high moral tone, literary distinction and suitability for amateur production. The second of these qual- ities implies the last, since the chief good of amateur dramatics, as of all other amateur work, lies in its cultural value to the actor himself, and the lines which one tediously makes one's own should, if possible, be worth memorizing. Other attempts to meet the needs of the amateur play-giver may prove of interest and are here given : Burton, C. E. Selected Parlor Plays. (In his Burton's Amateur Actor. 1876. p. 142-9.) Hodson, Shirley. Plays Suitable for Private Performance, (In his Private Theatricals, Lond. 1881. Allen.) Hogg, Wentworth. Guide to Selecting Plays. New ed. N. Y. 1906. French. 25c. [Lists some two thousand plays.] James, M. E. What Shall We Act; or, A Hundred Plays from Which to Choose. Ed. 3. Lond. 1882. Bell, Salem Public Library. [List of] Amateur Theat- ricals, (In Salem Public Library Bulletin, v. 7, no, 24, October, 1905,) The compilers owe much to the suggestions and assistance of librarians and publishers, and to per- sonal friends, and are especially indebted to the kindness of Miss Ludella L, Peck of Smith College and Mr, F. E. Chase of Boston, Contents General List 9 Plays for Children 51 Christmas Plays 65 Bibliographies of Christmas Literature .... 71 Appendix A : Outdoor Plays yj Outdoor Plays for Children 75 Appendix B : Old English Plays 77 Addenda 79 A Selected List of Plays GENERAL LIST Aeschylus. Prometheus Bound; tr. by E. B. Browning, mythical, tragical play, expurgated, condensed and arranged for schools. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 35c. Parts: any number; time: 1 hour; scene: a deso- late place in Scythia. Also published in Werner's Magazine, v. 27, April, 1901. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Corydon : a pastoral. (In his Sisters' Tragedy, and Other Poems. Bost. 1891. Houghton.) Parts: 2 men ; time : 5 minutes ; scene : a roadside in Arcady. J^ Pauline Pavlovna. (In his Sisters' Tragedy, ' and Other Poems. Bost. 1891. Houghton.) Parts : 1 man, 1 woman, attendants ; time : about 15 minutes ; scene : interior of a palace in St. Petersburg. Alma-Tadema, Laurence. The Silent Voice : a play. (In Harper's Mag- zine, V. 93, 1896.) Parts: 1 man, 4 women, a little page ; time: about 45 minutes ; scene : the Duchess's room. Austen, Jane. Novels. For dramatizations of her works see Rosina Filippi's Duologues and Scenes from the Novels of Jane Austen, also Mrs. Steele Mackaye's Pride and Prejudice. 9 10 Aus-Bar Austin, Alfred. A Lesson in Harmony. N. Y. 1904. French. 25c. Parts : 3 men, 1 woman ; time : about 45 minutes ; scene : a suburban garden near London. ^ Bangs, John Kendrick. The Bicyclers, and Three Other Farces. N. Y. 1896. Harper. Contents: The Bicyclers. Parts: 4 men, 3 women ; time: about 30 minutes ; scene: an interior. A Dramatic Evening. Parts: 4 men, 3 women ; time: about 30 minutes ; scene: an interior. The Fatal Message. Parts: 4 men, 4 women 5 time: about 30 minutes ; scene: an interior. A Proposal under Difficulties. Parts: 2 men, 2 women ; time: about 30 minutes ; scene: an interior. The Worsted Man: a musical play for ama- teurs. N. Y. 1905. Harper. Parts: 2 men, 8 women, attendants, etc.; time: about lYz hours ; scene: the office of a summer hotel. The music required for this play is from the operas of Gilbert and Sullivan. Barnum, Madelene Demarest. < Our Aunt from California: a farce in 1 act. N. Y. 1903. French. 25c. Parts: 6 women; time: about 30 minutes; scene: an interior. Bat-Bra 11 Batchelder, C. B. The Revenge of Shari-Hot-Su : a Japanese comedy in 2 acts. Bost. 1904. Baker. 15c. Parts: 3 men, 4 women ; time: l}i hours; scenes: 1 interior and 1 exterior in Japan. Bates, Arlo. A Business Meeting : a parlor play in 1 act. Boston, n. d. Baker. 15c. Parts: 10 women ; time: about 30 minutes ; scene: an interior. Publislied also in the Ladies' Home Journal, March, 1903. A Gentle Jury : a farce in 1 act. Bost. 1897. Baker. 15c. Parts: 1 man, 12 women ; time: 30 minutes ; scene: a bare interior. These two plays by Mr. Bates are satires on the " new woman." Beaumont, Francis, and Fletcher, John. The Knight of the Burning Pestle, (In the Mermaid edition of their works, also in that edited by Alexander Dyce,) Parts: 19 men, 5 women, attendants; time: a full evening ; scenes : English streets, interiors, and forests of the 16th century. Bell, Mrs. Hugh. Dean of St. Patrick's : a play in 4 acts. Lond. 1903. Arnold. Parts: 13 men, 8 women ; time: a full evening ; scenes : 4 early 18th century interiors. Deals with events in the life of Dean Swift. Branch, Anna Hempstead. The Shoes that Danced. (In her The Shoes that Danced and other Poems. Bost. 1906. Houghton.) Parts : 3 men, 5 women, 1 boy ; time: about 1^ hours ; scene: Watteau's studio. Recently pre- sented at Smith College. 12 Bri-Bro Bridges, Robert. Achilles in Scyros. (In his Poetical Works, vol. 3. Lond. 1901. Smith, Elder.) Parts: 5 men, 2 women, attendants ; time: about 2 hours ; scene: in the palace garden on the island of Scyros. Brown, Abbie Farwell. Quits : a comedy in 1 act. Bost. 1896. Baker. 15c. Parts: 2 men, 3 women ; time: 45 minutes ; scene: the drawing-room of a boarding-school. Browne, William Maynadier. Red or White ? a decision in 1 act. Bost. 1895. Baker. 15c. Parts: 2 men, 2 women ; time: 30 minutes; scene: a home interior. Serious in tone. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, tr. Prometheus Bound. See Aeschylus. Browning, Robert. Colombe's Birthday : a play. Parts: 8 men, 2 women; time: a full evening ; scenes: palace interiors. Presented at Smith Col- lege in 1892, as the senior dramatics. In a Balcony. Parts : 1 man, 2 women ; time : about 1 hour ; scene: an ante-chamber or balcony of a palace, or the scene might be laid in a garden. The Return of the Druses : a tragedy. Parts : 9 men, 2 women, attendants ; time: about 214. hours ; scene: a palace interior of the 15th century. Bun-Cam 13 Bunner, Henry C. Three Operettas . . . music by Oscar Weil. N. Y. 1897. Harper. $2.50. Contents: The Three Little Kittens of the Land of Pie. Parts: 6 men, 3 women, attendants ; time: about 1 hour ; scene: a palace interior. The Seven Old Ladies of Lavender Town . . . in 2 acts. Parts: 8 men, 8 women, a page; time: about 1 hour ; scene: interior of a booth at a fair. Bobby Shaftoe ... in 3 acts. Parts: 9 men, 8 women, attendants ; time: about 1 hour ; scenes: 2 exteriors and 1 interior. Burnett, Mrs. F. H. Little Lord Fauntleroy : 3 acts. N. Y. French. 25c. Parts: 8 men, 3 women, 1 child ; time: a full even- ing ; scenes: 2 interiors. Cameron, Margaret. Comedies in Miniature. N. Y. 1903. Mc- Clure. Contents: Miss Doulton's Orchids, Parts: 3 men, 3 women; time: about 1^ hours; scene: an interior. The Burglar. Parts: 5 women ; time: about 45 minutes; scene: an interior. The Kleptomaniac. Parts: 7 women; time: 1^ hours; scene: an interior. 3 14 Cam-Chu • A Pipe of Peace: a comedy in 1 act. Parts: 1 man, 2 women ; time: 45 minutes ; scene: an interior. A Christmas Chime. Parts: 2 men, 2 women ; time: 45 minutes ; scene: an interior. The Committee on Matrimony. Parts: 1 man, 1 woman ; time: 30 minutes : scene: an interior. Her Neighbor's Creed. Parts: 1 man, 1 woman ; time: 20 minutes ; scene: an interior. "The Burglar" and "The Kleptomaniac" are also published separately. N. Y. French. 25c. Campbell, Marian D. An Open Secret: a farce in 2 acts. Bost. 1898. Baker. 15c. Parts: 10 women; time: 1 hour; scena: a girl's room at college. Originally written for the Em- manuel Club of Radclifle College. Cavazza, E. When Angry Count One Hundred. (In the Delsarte Recitation Book. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. $1.25 Parts: 1 man, 1 woman ; time: about 12 minutes ; scene: at a dinner. Also published under the title of " The Re-engagement." Churchill, Winston. The Title-mart : a comedy in 3 acts. N. Y. 1905. Macmillan. Parts : 8 men, 3 women ; time : a full evening : scenes: outside a country store, the porch and the drawing-room of an Adirondack camp. Cle-Cro 15 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. Meisterschaft: in 3 acts. (In his Merry Tales. N. Y. 1892. Webster.) Parts: 3 men, 4 women; time: about 2 hours; scene: a simple interior. The Confederates: a comedy romance, ed . . . by Pauline Phelps and Marion Short. N. Y. 1906. Werner Pub. Co. 15c. Parts: 1 man, 1 woman; time: about 15 minutes; scene: a garden. Also published in Werner's Read- ings and Recitations, v. 36. Cooper, Elise. Death or the Emperor? and A Sprig of White Heather. Lond. 1901. Dent. 6d. Contents : Death or the Emperor.'' Parts: 4 men, 3 women, 1 child ; time: 15 minutes ; scene: a cottage interior. A Sprig of White Heather. Parts : 4 women ; time . 15 minutes ; scene : an interior. Coppee, Franq:ois. The Violin Maker of Cremona : a comedietta in one act. Chic. 1892. Dramatic Pub Co. Parts: 3 men, 1 woman, attendents ; time: 30 min- utes ; scene: an Italian interior of 1750. Cross, Margaret B. A Lucky Trifle. Lond. 1903. Dent. 6d. Parts: 1 man, 1 woman ; time: 10 minutes ; scene: an interior. Spoken Thoughts. Lond. 1903. Dent. 6d. Parts: 1 man, 2 women ; time: 15 minutes ; scene: reading room of a hotel. 16 Dar-Dav Dargan, Olive Tilford. Lords and Lovers, and Other Dramas. N. Y. 1906. Scribner. Contents : Lords and Lovers, Parts: 18 men, 4 women, attendants ; time: 2 even- ings (2 parts of 4 acts each); scenes: English interiors and exteriors of the 13th century. The Shepherd : a play in 3 acts. Parts : 14 men, 5 women, peasants ; time : a full evening; scene: a peasant's home in Russia in 1905, The Siege : a drama in 5 acts. Parts: 17 men, 4 women, attendants ; time: a full evening ; scenes: exteriors and interiors in Syra- cuse, Sicily, 356 B. C. Davis, Mrs. Mary E. M, A Bunch of Roses, and Other Parlor Plays. Bost, 1903, Small, Contents : A Bunch of Roses, Parts: 3 men, 3 women ; time: about 45 minutes ; scene: an interior. Queen Anne Cottages. Parts: 4 men, 4 women, attendants ; time: 45 min- utes ; scene: an interior. His Lordship. Parts: 5 men, 5 women ; time: 45 minutes ; scene: a garden, Christmas Boxes. Parts: 4 men, 4 women; time: 45 minutes; scene: an interior. Dav-Dek 17 A Dress Rehearsal. Parts: 4 men, 4 women; time: about IK hours; scene: a garden. The New System, Parts: 4 men, 4 women; time: about 1 hour; scene: a garden. Davis, Richard Harding, Farces: The Dictator. — The Galloper. — Miss Civilization, N, Y, 1900, Scribner, Contents: The Dictator. Parts: 14 men, 3 women; time: a full evening; scenes: deck of a steamer and a bare interior. The Galloper. Parts: 17 men, 4 women; time: a full evening; scenes: 2 hotel interiors, a wharf with steamers moored be- side It. Miss Civilization. Parts: 4 men, 1 woman, attendants; time: about 45 minutes; scene: an interior. Has also been published separately by Scribner. The Princess Aline. For dramatization of this story see S, D. Smith's The Princess Aline Play, Dekker, Thomas, The Shoemaker's Holiday; or, A Pleasant Com- edy of the Gentle Craft. N. Y. n, d. Scrib- ner. (Mermaid series.) Parts: 17 men, 4 women, neighbors; time: a full evening; scenes: London streets, 2 gardens, and 16th century interiors. Originally published in 1599, 18 Die-Dob Dickens, Charles, Bardell vs. Pickwick; a farcial sketch in 1 act from Dickens' Pickwick Papers. Bost. n d. Baker. 15c. Parts: 6 men, 3 women; time: 30 minutes; scene: a court room. The Holly Tree. For dramatization of this story see Mrs. Oscar Ber- inger's Holly Tree Inn in the List of Christmas plays. Our Mutual Friend. For dramatization of this story see H. R. Shat- tuck's Our Mutual Friend. Dobson, Austin. Au Revoir: a dramatic vignette. (In his At the Sign of the Lyre. Lond. Paul.) Parts: 1 man, 1 woman, onlookers; time: about 5 minutes; scene: a garden. The Idyll of the Carp. (In his Old-world Idylls. Lond. Paul.) Parts: 2 women; time: about 10 minutes; scene: a garden. In the Royal Academy. (In his At the Sign of the Lyre. Lond. Paul.) Parts: 1 man, 3 women; time: about 5 minutes; scene: an interior. Proverbs in Porcelain. (In his Old-world Idylls. Lond. Paul.) Contents: The Ballad A-la-mode. — The Metamorpho- sis. — The Song Out of Season. — ^The Cap That Fits. — The Secrets of the Heart. — Good-night, Babette. These poems of Mr. Dobson's were acted with suc- cess at the Bartholomew-Clifton School, Cincin- nati. They are quite short, take few characters and simple interior scenes. Dob-Dug 19 Tu Quoque. (In his Old-world Idylls. Lond. Paul.) Parts: 1 man, 1 woman; time: 5 minutes; scene: a conservatory. Dugan, Caro Atherton. The King's Jester, and Other Short Plays for Small Stages. Bost. 1899. Houghton. Contents: The King's Jester; 4 acts. Parts : 5 men, 1 woman, 1 boy; time: about 1 hour; scenes: a garden, and palace interiors. Cinderella. Parts: 2 boys, 4 girls; time: about 30 minutes; scenes: a icitchen, palace interior, and drawing- room. A Gypsy Girl of Hungary; 4 acts. Parts: 2 men, 3 women; time: about 1 hour; scenes: a forest and garden. The Queen's Coffer; 2 acts. Parts: 2 men, 2 women; time: about 45 minutes; scene: a palace interior. The Sleeping Beauty. Parts: 5 boys, 11 girls; time: about 45 minutes; scenes: palace interiors, and a woods. Pandora. Parts: 2 men, 2 women; time: 45 minutes; scene: an interior. The Gift of Aphrodite; 3 acts. Parts: 3 men, 2 women; time: 30 minutes; scenes: a sculptor's studio and the temple of Aphrodite. Nino's Revenge; 4 acts. Parts: 2 men, 2 women, 1 boy; time: about 1 hour; scenes: a woods, a street, and the interior of a church. / 20 Dug-Ers The Apple of Discord; 2 acts. Parts: 2 men, 3 women; time: about 30 minutes; scenes: Mount Ida and tiie interior of Jove's pal- ace. * Undine; 5 acts. Parts: 5 men, 3 women; time: 1^ hours; scenes: interiors of a hut and a palace, and on the Danube river. The Flight of the Sun Goddess; 3 acts. Parts: 4 men, 7 women; time: about 1^ hours; scenes: Japanese exteriors and interiors. Eliot, George. The Spanish Gypsy. Parts: 19 men, 3 women, attendants; time: a full evening; scenes: very elaborate. Presented at Smith College in 1891 as the senior dramatics. Enebuske, Sarah Folsom. A Detective in Petticoats: a comedy in 3 acts. Bost. 1900. Baker. 15c. Parts: 7 women; time: 2 hours; scenes: 3 interiors. Originally produced by the Emmanuel Club of Radcliffe College. Erskine, Mrs. Stewart. The Spade Heresy: a comedy in 1 act. Lond. 1904. Dent. 6d. Parts: 2 men, 2 women; time: 35 minutes; scene: a London drawing-room. Euripides. The Alkestis: adapted and arranged for ama- teur performance in girls' schools by Elsie Fogerty. Bost. 1902. Baker. 25c. Parts: 6 men, 12 women, 2 children, attendants; time: a full evening; scene: a palace exterior. k Eva- 21 Evans, Herbert Arthur, comp. and ed. English Masques: with an introduction. N. Y. 1897. Scribner. Contents: Introduction [on the masque from its historical and literary viewpoints.] — List of Extant Masques. — Samuel Daniel's Vision of the Twelve Goddesses. — Ben Jonson's Masque at Lord Haddington's Marriage; Masque of Queens; Oberon. — Thomas Campion's Lords' Masque. — Francis Beaumont's Masque of the Inner-Temple and Gray's Inn. — Anonymous, The Masque of Flow- ers. — Ben Jonson's Golden Age Restored; Lovers Made Men; News from the New World Discovered in the Moon; Masque of Augurs; Pan's Anniversary; or. The Shep- herd's Holyday; Neptune's Triumph for the Return of Albion; Fortunate Isles and their Union. — James Shirley's Triumph of Peace. — Sir William Davenant's Salmacida Spolia. Everyman: a moral play. N. Y. 1903. Fox. $1. Parts: 13 men, 4 women; time: 1^ hours; no special scenery. Originally published about 1500. The Farce of Master Pierre Patelin composed by an unknown author about 1469 A. D. Englished by Richard Holbrook. Bost. 1905. Houghton. Parts: 4 men, 1 woman; time: about Ihour; scenes: a market-place and an interior. With a little cut- ting and arrangement this play would be well adapted to presentation by college men, as the one woman's part could be easily assumed by a man. 22 Fil- Filippi, Rosina. -Duologues and Scenes from the Novels of Jane Austen, Arranged and Adapted for Drawing- room Performance. Lond. 1895. Dent. Contents: Literary Tastes. (Northanger Abbey.) Parts: 2 women; time: 5 minutes; scene: an interior. The Settlement Question. (Sense and Sensi- bility.) Parts: 1 man, 1 woman; time: 5 minutes; scene: an interior. The Readingof Jane Fairfax's Letter.(Emma.) Parts: 3 women; time: 5 minutes; scene: an interior. A Strawberry Picnic. (Emma.) Parts: 1 man, 1 woman; time: 5 minutes; scene: an interior. Three Loves. (Emma.) Parts: 1 man, 2women; time: 20 minutes; scene: an interior. The Proposal of Mr. Collins. (Pride and Prejudice.) Parts: 1 man, 2 women; time: 10 minutes; scene: an interior. Lady Catherine's Visit. (Pride and Prejudice.) Parts: 2 women; time: 10 minutes; scene: an interior. In the Italian Quarter. Lond. n. d. Dent. 6d. Parts: 3 men, 2 women, 3 or 4 children; time: 30 minutes; scene: a street in London. The Mirror. Lond. 1901. Dent. 6d. Parts: 2 men, 1 women; time: 15 minutes; scene: an interior in Japan. Fit-Fog 23 Fitz-Gerald, S. J. Adair. The Parting, and Waiting for the Train. Lond. 1901. Dent. 6d. Contents: The Parting. Parts: 2 men, 1 woman; time: 15 minutes; scene: an interior. Waiting for the Train. Parts: 1 man, 1 woman; time: 10 minutes; scene: a country railway station. Fogerty, Elsie. Scenes from the Great NoveHsts, adapted and arranged for amateur performance. Lond. 1906. Sonnenschein. Contents: Scene from "The Abbot." Parts: 4 women, 3 boys; time: about 30 minutes; scene: room in a castle. Scene from "The Mill on the Floss." Parts: 3 women, 2 children; time: about 15 minutes; scene: an interior. Scene from "Adam Bede. ' Parts: 2 men, 3 women; time: about 15 minutes; scene: a kitchen. Scene from "A Christmas Carol." Parts: 1 man, 2 women, 3 boys, 2 girls; time: about 30 minutes; scene: a kitchen. Fogerty, Elsie, ed. The Alkestis. See Euripides. 24 Fre-Gol Freeman, Mrs. Mary E. W. Giles Corey, Yeoman: a play. N. Y. 1893. Harper. Parts: 5 men, 7 women, the people of Salem village; time: a full evening; scenes: 2 home interiors, the Salem meetinghouse, a cell in the Salem jail, and a field. The theme of the play is the witchcraft delusion in colonial Nev/ England. Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth. Cranford. For dramatizations of Cranford see M. B. Home's Ladies of Cranford, Marguerite Merington's Cran- ford, and Lucian Oldershaw's Cranford at Home Gilbert, William S. Sweethearts: a comedy in 2 acts. Best. n. d. Baker. 15c. Parts: 2 men, 2 women; time: Ihour; scene: a gar- den with some changes in the 2d act. Also pub- lished in his Original Plays, 2d series. Givens, Helen M. The Bull Terrier and the Baby. (In the Ladies' Home Journal, October, 1906.) Parts: 2 men, 2 women; time: about 20 minutes; scene: an interior. Goldsmith, Oliver. The Good-natured Man. Parts: 11 men, 5 women; time: a full evening; scenes: 2 home interiors and the Talbot inn. Originally published in 1768. She Stoops to Conquer: a comedy in 5 acts. Bost. n. d. Baker. 15c. Parts: 7 men, 3 women ; time : a full evening ; scenes: 2 eighteenth century interiors and a garden. Gre-Har 25 Greene, Robert. Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. (In Alexander Dyce's edition of the Dramatic and Poetical Works of Robert Greene and George Peele. Lond. Routledge.) Parts: 25 men, 4 women, attendants; time: a full evening; the scenery may be as elaborate as de- sired. This play dates from 1594. It has been recently produced at the University of Illinois and at the University of Cincinnati. Also published in Gayley, C. M. ed. Representative English Come- dies. N. Y. 1903. Macmillan. Grundy, Sydney. -Man Proposes: an original comedietta in 1 act. Boston. Baker. 15c. Parts: 2 women, 1 man; time: 35 minutes; scene: an interior. Guptill, Mrs. Elizabeth F. In the Wake of Paul Revere: an historical play. Lebanon, O. 1906. March. 25c. Parts: 11 men, 5 women, 4 children; time: about 2 hours; scenes: a home interior and 2 wood scenes. A Little Heroine of the Revolution: an histori- cal play for all ages. Lebanon, O. 1906. March. 25c. Parts: 10 men, 4 women, 2 little girls; time: about 1 hour; scenes: 2 simple interiors and 2 wood scenes. -Harr.son, Mrs. Burton. The Mouse-trap : a comedietta in 1 act. Chic. 1892. Dramatic Pub. Co. 15c. Parts: 1 man, 1 woman; time: 20 minutes; scene: an interior. N / 26 Har-Hoo Tea at Four O'clock : a drawing-room comedy in 1 act. Chic. 1892. Dramatic Pub. Co. 15c. Parts: 7 men, 4 women ; time: 1 hour ; scene: a drawing-room. Two Strings to her Bow : a comedy in 2 acts. Chic. n. d. Dramatic Pub. Co. 15c. Parts: 4 men, 2 women ; time: about IX hours; scenes: an interior and a garden. Weeping Wives: a comedietta in 1 act, adapted from the French. Chic. 1892. Dramatic Pub. Co. 15c. Parts: 3 men, 2 women; time: about 45 minutes ; scene: a hotel parlor. Hertz, Hendrik. King Rene's Daughter: a Danish lyric play in verse. N. Y. n. d. Werner Pub. Co. 15c. Parts: 6 men, 2 women ; time: about 1 hour ; scene: a garden in the 15th century. There is also a ver- sion of this play in Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays, V. 36. Hooper, Rebecca L. and Daniels, M. W. Alice in Wonderland Continued : an operetta. Parts: 8 men, 4 women, 2 small choruses, 1 large chorus; time: a full evening; scene: an exterior. A Copper Complication : an operetta. Parts : 6 men, 5 women, sextette, chorus ; time : a full evening ; scene: an exterior. The Court of Hearts : an operetta. Parts : 6 men, 7 women, 1 small chorus, 1 large chorus ; time: full evening ; scene: an exterior. Note. These operettas, the books of which are by Miss Hooper and the music by Miss Daniels, were written entirely for women's voices, the two Hoo-How 27 latter works being originally produced at Radcliffe College. The costuming of the men's parts has been so planned tiiat the roles may be assumed by women without difficulty. The plays exist in manuscript only, but are available on application to Miss Hooper, 71 St James Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Home, Mary Barnard. Ladies of Cranford : a sketch of English village life fifty years ago ; in 3 acts. Bost. n. d. Baker. 25c. Parts : 13 women ; time : 2 hours ; scenes : 18th century interiors. A dramatization of Mrs. Gas- kell's story. For other versions see Merington, Marguerite, and Oidershaw, Lucian. Housman, Laurence, and Barker, H. G. Prunella; or, Love in a Dutch Garden. Lond. 1906. Bullen. Parts: 11 men, 10 women, 1 boy ; time: about 2 hours ; scene: a garden with a house in the back- ground. , Howells, William Dean. The Albany Depot. N. Y. 1892. Harper. Parts : 4 men, 2 women ; time : about 30 minutes ; scene: ladies' room at the Boston depot. The Elevator. Bost. 1889. Houghton. Parts: 7 men, 5 women ; time : about 30 minutes ; scenes : a drawing room, and interior of, hall showing elevator. Five O'clock Tea. N. Y, 1889. Harper. Parts: 6 men, 9 women; time: about 30 minutes; scene: an interior. The Garroters: afarce. N. Y. 1894. Harper. Parts: 4 men, 5 women ; time : about 45 minutes; scene:' an interior. >- 28 How-Hyd An Indian Giver. Bost. 1900. Houghton. Parts : 1 man, 3 women ; time: about 45 minutes ; scene: a porch. A Likely Story. N. Y. Harper. Parts : 2 men, 4 women ; time: about 45 minutes ; scene: an interior. The Mouse-trap: farce. N. Y. 1904 ^885. Harper. Parts: 1 man, 6 women ; time: 45 minutes ; scene: a modern drawing-room. The Parlor Car. Bost. 1889. Houghton. Parts: 3 men, 1 woman ; time: about 20 minutes ; scene: interior of a parlor car. The Register. Bost. 1889. Houghton. Parts: 2 men, 2 women ; time: about 30 minutes ; scene: an interior. The Smoking Car. Bost. 1900. Houghton. Parts: 3 men, 3 women ; time: about 30 minutes ; scene: interior of a smoking car. The Unexpected Guests. N. Y. 1893. Harper. Parts: 7 men, 7 women ; time: about 30 minutes j scene: an interior. \ Hyde, Douglas. The Lost Saint. (In Lady Gregory's Poets and Dreamers : studies and translations from the Irish. N. Y. 1903. Scribner.) Parts: 2 men, any number of children ; time: 15 minutes ; scene: an Irish schoolroom. The Marriage. (In Lady Gregory's Poets and Dreamers.) Parts: 6 men, 4 women, 3 little boys, neighbors; time: about 45 minutes; scene: an Irish cottage interior. \ Hyd-Kal 29 The Twisiing of the Rope. (In Lady Greg- ory's Poets and Dreamers.) Parts : 2 men, 3 women, neighbors ; time : about 30 minutes; scene: an Irish cottage interior. Jerome, Jerome Klapka. Barbara: a play in 1 acto Bost. 1903. Baker. 15c. Parts; 2 men, 2 women ; time: 45 minutes ; scene: a simple interior. Serious in tone. Fennel. N. Y. French. 15c. Parts: 3 men, 1 woman ; time: 45 minutes ; scenes an Italian interior of 1750. This is a version of Copp6e's Violin Maker of Cremona. Miss Hobbs: a comedy in 4 acts. N. Y. French. 50c. Parts: 5 men, 5 women; time: 2%. hours; scenes: 2 home interiors and the cabin of a yacht. The play deals with the conversion of Miss Hobbs who is a "man-hater" to matrimony. Sunset: a comedy in 1 act. Bost. 1903. Baker. 15c. Parts: 3 men, 3 worhen; time: 50 minutes ; scene: a home interior. Serious in tone. Kalidasa. Sakoontala; or, The Lost Ring: an Indian drama, tr. into English prose and verse from the Sanskrit by Monier Williams. N. Y. 1885. Dodd. Parts: 16 men, 11 women, attendants ; time: a full evening ; scenes : palace interiors, sacred groves of India, etc. This play was recently presented at Smith College as the senior dramatics, the ver- sion there used having been arranged by Miss A M. Wright. Her adaptation is now out of print. 30 Kin-Lon Kingsley, Charles. Saint Elizabeth. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 35c. Parts: 5 men, 5 women ; time: about 15 minutes ; scenes: 2 interiors. Also published in Werner's Readings and Recitations, v. 1. Loch, Emil. Citoyenne Denise. Lond. 1904. Dent. 6d. Parts: 4 men, 2 women ; time: 45 minutes ; scene: room in a French inn at the time of the Revolution. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Courtship of Miles Standish. For a dramatization of this poem see Stanley Schell's Maid of Plymouth. Dramatization of Longfellow's Song of Hia- watha ; in nine scenes for home and school theatricals by Florence Holbrook. Bost. 1902. Houghton. 15c. Parts: 10 men, 2 women, any number of at- tendants ; time: about \% hours ; scenes: 2 for- est clearings and the interior of a wigwam. Giles Corey of the Salem Farms ; with an in- troductory note and an appendix containing hints and directions for the representation of the play on the stage. Bost. [1868-1900.] Houghton. 15c. Parts : 6 men, 3 women, neighbors ; time : about 2y2 hours ; scenes : New England interiors, street and wood scenes in 1692. Deals with the witch- craft delusions of that time. The Golden Legend. Parts: any number desired; time: a full evening ; scenes: exteriors and interiors, very elaborate. This dramatic poem has been effectively given by ama- teurs, but it requires much cutting and arrangement. Lon-Mac 31 Hiawatha, dramatized by Stanley Schell, with music. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 35c. Parts: any number ; time: 2 hours ; scenes: in the forest, and Indian wigwams. Book of Indian music supplied by the publisher for $1.25 extra. Masque of Pandora. Parts : 6 men, 7 women, various choruses ; time : about 1 hour : scenes: can be made very elaborate if desired. Lovejoy, Edward S. Valley For^e. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 15c. Parts : any number of men, 1 woman ; time : 1 hour ; scene : exterior in winter. Also published in Werner's Magazine, December, 1901. Lyly, John. Campaspe, Played Beefore the Queenees Majes- tic on New Yeares Day at Night by Her Majesties Children and the Children of Paules. Lond, 1584. (In his Complete Works ed. by R. W. Bond. v. 2. Oxford, 1902. Clarendon.) Parts : about 28 men, 2 women ; time: 2 hours ; scenes : exteriors and interiors in Athens. Also published in Gayley, C. M. ed. Representative English Comedies. N. Y. 1903. Macmillan. -^ Mackaye, Mrs. Steele. Pride and Prejudice; a play founded on Jane Austen's novel. N.Y. 1906. DufHeld. $1.25. Parts: 10 men, 10 women ; time: about 2]4. hours ; scenes: 1 garden, 3 interiors of the 18th century. MacMillan, Mary. The Ring : a comedy. Parts : 7 men, 3 women ; time : about 1 hour ; scene: an English living-room in the 16th century. Handled by Mrs DeMille of New York City. Amateurs may present this play on payment of a royalty of $10 a performance which includes the loan of manuscript and parts. y 32 Mac-Mat The Rose : a dramatic poem. Parts: 2 men, 1 woman ; time: 30 minutes ; scene: a palace interior of the 16th century. Tragic in tone. Haijdled by Mrs DeMille of New York City. Amateurs may present this play on payment of a royalty of $10 a performance which includes the loan of manuscript and parts. A Woman's a Woman for a' That. Parts: 2 men, 3 women ; time: 45 minutes ; scene: a cottage interior. This is a humorous satire on the woman physician. For terms and manuscript address the author, 1915 Bigelow St. Mt Auburn, Cincinnati. McMechan, F. H. The Last Race. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 15c. Parts: 1 man, 2 women ; time: about 20 minutes ; scene: an interior. Also published in Werner's Magazine, November, 1901. Maeterlinck, Maurice. The Intruder. (in his Plays, translated by Richard Hovey. Chic. 1895. Stone. Parts: 3 men, 5 women; time: about 45 minutes; scene: a gloomy room in an old chateau. Mapes, Victor. A Flower of Yeddo : a Japanese comedy in 1 act, adapted from the French. N. Y. 1906. French. 25c. Parts: 1 man, 3 women; time: about 40 minutes; scene: a Japanese interior. Matthews, Edith V. B. Six Cups of Chocolate: a piece of gossip freely Englished from the Kaffeklatsch of E. Schmit- hof. N. Y. 1897. Harper. Parts: 6 women; time, about 45 minutes; scene: an interior. Mat-Mer 33 Matthews, James Brander. The Decision of the Court. N. Y. 1893. Harper. Parts: 2 men, 2 women; time: about 45 minutes; scene: an interior. Merington, Marguerite. Captain Lettarblair: a comedy in 3 acts written for E. H. Sothern. Indianapolis, 1906. Bobbs- Merrill. Parts: 8 men, 3 women; time: a full evening; scenes: 3 interiors and a garden. Cranford: a play in 3 acts, made from Mrs. Gaskell's famous story. N. Y. 1905. Fox. Parts: 1 man, 9 women; time: about 45 minutes; scene: an interior. Originally published in the Ladies' Home Journal, February, 1901. For other versions see Home, M. B. and Oldershaw, Lucian. Daphne; or, The Pipes of Arcadia: 3 acts of singing nonsense. N. Y. 1896. Century. Parts: 9 men, 5 women, any number of shepherds and Fijis; time: about 2 hours; scenes: a pas- toral scene in Arcadia, and an exterior in the d,o- main of Gumbo, the Fiji monarch. The Gibson Play: a two-act comedy based upon Mr. C. D. Gibson's series of pictures, "A Widow and Her Friends." Phil. Curtis Pub. Co. 50c. Parts: 6 men, 4 women; time: about 45 minutes; scenes: interiors. Also published in the Ladies' Home Journal, March, 1901. Merivale, H. C. Husband in Clover: a matrimonial comedy.- N. Y. 1906. Werner Pub. Co. 15c. Parts: 1 man, 1 woman; time: 1 hour; scene: an interior. Also published in Werner's Readings and Recitations, v. 36. 34 Mil-Mor Milton, John. Comus: "A maske presented at Ludlow Castle, 1634". Reproduced in facsimile from the first ed. of 1637, with an introductory note by L. S. Livingston. N. Y. 1903. Dodd. Parts: 4 men, 2 women, attendants; time: about 1 hour; scenes: a wild wood, a palace interior, and the court of a castle. These are the scenes as given in the text but the en- tire play might well be given an outdoor setting. A musical setting for this poem, consisting of inci- dental music through which the lines are spoken, songs and dances, has been composed by Miss Josephine Sherwood, Newtonville, Mass. and may be obtained from her for a fee of $10 for each per- formance. Montague, Leopold. The Crystal Gazer: a fortune telling farce. N. Y. 1906. Werner Pub. Co. 15c. Parts: 2 women; time: 30 minutes; scene: an in- terior. Also published in Werner's Readings and Recitations, v. 36. Morgan, Agnes Bangs. In April 75. Parts: 3 men, 3 women; time: about 2 hours; scene: the living-room of a house on the road from Concord to Lexington. In the Reign of King James, Parts: 5 men, 3 women, a page, other attendants; \ time: about 1% hours; scenes: rooms at Windsor Castle and in the king's hunting-lodge. The Orange Girl: a comedy in 1 act. Parts: 4 men, 3 women; time: about 1 hour; scene: a handsomely furnished studio. These plays by Miss Morgan, originally produced at Radcliffe College, exist in manuscript only. Foi terms address the author. No. 395 Ocean Ave. Brooklyn, N. V. Nan-Pee 35 Nance Oldfield: a comedy in 1 act adapted and arranged from Charles Reade's dramatic tale "Art" by M. A. Bost. n. d. Baker. 15c. Parts: 3 men, 2 women; time: 40 minutes; scene: an interior. Oldershaw, Lucian, ed. Cranford at Home : a play for ladies, adapted from Mrs. Gaskell's famous novel. Lond. 1905. Dent. 6d. Parts: 9 women; time: about 1% hours; scenes: 3 simple interiors. For other adaptations of C an- ford see Merington, Marguerite, and Home, M. B. Packard, Winthrop. The Man in the Case: a comedy in 3 acts. Bost. 1896. Baker. 25c. Parts: 6 women; time: 2 hours; scenes: 2 interiors. Written for and originally produced by the Em- manuel Club of Radclitfe College, Cambridge, Mass. A Pair of Lunatics: a dramatic sketch in 1 act. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 15c. Parts: 1 man, 1 woman; time: 15 minutes; scene; an interior. Also published in Werner's Magazine, V. 27, August, 1901. Peabody, Josephine Preston. Marlowe: a drama in 5 acts. Bost. 1901. Houghton. Parts: 17 men, 4 women; time: a full evening; scenes: 16th century interiors and a garden. Peele, George. The Arraignment of Paris: a pastoral. (In Alexander Dyce's edition of the Dramatic and Poetical Works of Robert Greene and George Peele. Lond. Routledge.) Parts: 17 men, 15 women, attendants; time: about 2 hours: any sylvan scene. This play dates from 1584. 36 Pin-Pol Pinero, Arthur Wing. The Amazons: a farcial romance in 3 acts. Best. 1895. Baker. 50c. Parts: 7 men, 5 women; time: a full evening; scenes: 1 exterior and 1 interior. Amateurs presenting this play must pay a royalty of $10 for each per- formance. Trelawney of the "Wells": a comedy in 4 acts. Chic. n. d. Dramatic Pub. Co. 50c. Parts: 13 men, 9 women; time: a full evening; scenes: 3 interiors. Pollard, Alfred W. comp and ed. English Miracle Plays, Moralities and Interludes: specimens of the pre-Elizabethan drama, with an introduction, notes and glossary. Ed. 4. Oxford 1904. Clarendon. Contents: Introduction. — The Barkers, (The Creation and Fall of Lucifer.) — Noah's Flood. — The Sacrifice of Isaac. — Secunda Pastor- um. — Mary Magdalene. — The Castle of Perserverance. — Every-man. — Interlude of the Four Elements. — Skelton's Magnyfy- cence. — Heywood's The Pardoner and the Frere. — Thersytes. — Bale's King John. — Mysterium Resurrectiones D. N. Jhesu Christi. — Ludus super Iconia. Many of these early plays would not be adapted to the stage of to-day but two at least, Noah's Flood and Everyman, have been given recently with success. Por-Ric 37 Porter, Bertha Currier. Pictures in the Fire : a tableau entertainment. Bost. 1905. Baker. 15c. Parts: 3 men, 3 women, 3 children, any number ad- ditional for tableaux; time: about 1'4 hours; scene: an interior. Especially appropriate for Thanksgiving day. Renard, Jules. Carrots : a play in 1 act translated by Alfred Sutro. N Y. 1904. French. 25c. Parts: 1 man, 2 women, a boy of fourteen ; time : about 45 minutes ; scene : a courtyard and ex- terior of a gloomy house. Pathetic in tone. Rice, Beatrice E. The Matchmakers: a Hallowe'en comedy. (in the Werner's Magazine, v. 27, July, 1901.) Parts: 4 men, 9 women ; time: about 25 minutes; scene: an interior. Also published in Werner's Readings and Recitations, v. 31. Rice, K. McDowell. Good as Gold : a comedy in 4 short acts. Worthington (Mass.) 1902. Author. 25c. Parts: 10 women, 1 man, musicians ; time: about 1 hour ; scene: simple interior and exterior. Mrs. Bagg's Bargain Day : a comedy in 2 acts. Worthington (Mass.) Author. 25c. Parts : 2 men, 9 women, 4 children ; time : about 30 minutes ; scenes : the interior of a department store and a home interior. Mrs. Tubb's Telegram : a comedy in 1 act- Worthington (Mass.) Author. 25c. Parts : 5 women, 5 children ; time : 20 minutes ; scene: a kitchen. Also published in the St. Nich- olas Magazine, February, 1905. 38 Ric Sch A Successful Stratagem: a comedy in 1 act. Worthington (Mass.) Author. 25c. Parts: 2 men, 2 women ; time: about 30 minutes ; scene: an interior. Permission to act or make use of these plays must be obtained from the author K. M. Rice, Worthing- ton, Mass. Richmond, Grace S. Honor and the Girl: a parlor love play, (In the Ladies' Home Journal, February, 1903.) Parts: 1 man, 1 woman , time: about 20 minutes ; scene: an interior. Riviere, Freda. Roses and Thorns: a duologue, and Tantrums- a comedy. Lond. 1904. Dent. 6d. Contents : Roses and Thorns: Parts : 2 women ; time : 15 minutes ; scene : an interior. Tantrums. Parts: 1 man, 2 women ; time: 10 minutes ; scene: an interior. Rostand, Edmond. The Romancers : a comedy in 3 acts. Best, n. d. Baker. 25c. Parts: 5 men, 1 woman, attendants ; time : a full evening ; scene : a garden. Another version has been published by Russell of New York under the title of " The Fantasticks." Schell, Stanley. Convention of Laborers : cantata for schools, etc. especially suited for Labor Day. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 35c. Parts: any number ; time: 45 minutes ; no special scenery. Also published in Werner's Magazine, V. 29, June, 1902. Sch-Sea 39 Maid of Plymouth: colonial play in 8 scenes, taken from Longfellow's " Miles Standish." N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 25c. Parts: 5 men, 1 woman, any number of Puritans, Indians, etc.; time : 1 hour ; scenes: interiors, street and forest. Also published in Werner's Magazine, v. 29, April, 1902. Real Thanksgiving : comedy romantic play. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 35c. Parts : any number ; time: 1 hour ; scene: an ex- terior. It may be given on a lawn well covered with trees or on a stage. Also published in Wer- ner's Magazine, November, 1899. Temple of Fame; allegorical play. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 35c. Parts: any number ; time: 40 minutes ; scenes: a wood and an interior. Also published in Werner's Magazine, March, 1901. Schell, Stanley, comp. Hallowe'en Festivities. (Werner's Readings and Recitations no. 31.) N. Y. 1903. Wer- ner Pub. Co. 35c. This is a collection of prose and verse with sugges- tions for celebrating Hallowe'en ; it contains a short play, " The Clever Matchmakers." Searle, Katherine. Moving Out: a comedy in 1 act. Parts: 2 men, 4 women ; time : about 40 minutes ; scene : a home interior. Originally produced at Radclifle College. For terms and manuscript ad- dress : Miss Katherine Searle, 41 Concord Ave. Cambridge, Mass. 40 Sey-Sha Seymour, Edward Martin. Two Jolly Girl Bachelors : a romantic farce. N. Y. 1906. Werner Pub. Co. 15c. Parts: 2 women; time: 40 minutes ; scene: an in- terior. Also published in Werner's Readings and Recitations, v. 36. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. Elizabeth of England : a dramatic romance in five parts. Bost. 1903. Houghton. Contents: The Coronation. Parts: 27 men, 5 women, 1 child, number of at- tendants. The Rival Queens. Parts: 32 men, 3 women, attendants. Armada Days. Parts: 17 men, 3 women, attendants The Death of Essex. Parts: 31 men, 3 women, attendants. The Passing of the Queen. Parts: 25 men, 6 women, 1 child, attendants. Without cutting, each of the 5 parts of this poem would play a full evening. A presentation would call for much arrangement and very elaborate scenery. Shattuck, Harriette R. Our Mutual Friend : a comedy in 4 acts dram- atized from the novel by Charles Dickens. Bost. Baker. 25c. Parts : 4 men, 4 women ; time : a full evening ; scenes: 3 interiors. Sha-She 41 Shaw, George Bernard. The Man of Destiny. (In his Plays, Pleasant and Unpleasant, v. 2. Chic. 1905. Stone.) Parts : 3 men, 1 woman ; time: 1 hour ; scene: a room in an Italian inn in the time of Napoleon. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. The Critic ; or, A Tragedy Rehearsed. Parts : 19 men, 5 women ; time : about 2 hours ; scenes : an 18th century interior and a bare stage. The Rivals: a comedy in 5 acts. Bost. n. d. Baker. 15c. Parts: 9 men, 5 women; time: a full evening; scenes: 18th century interiors, street scenes, and a field. "The School for Scandal: a comedy in 5 acts. Bost. n. d. Baker. 15c. Parts: 12 men, 4 women; time: a full evening; scenes: 18th century interiors. Sherwood, Josephine. Musical setting to Milton's Comus. See Mil- ton, John. Princess Perfection: an operetta in 2 acts. Parts: 7 men, 13 women, chorus, any number; time: 2X hours; scene: a royal park with a terrace, in mediaeval times. Sherwood, Josephine, and Berry, K. C. The Orientals: an operetta in 2 acts. Parts: 4 men, 12 women, chorus, any number; time: 2X hours; scene: a tropical garden showing a palace exterior. These two operettas were originally produced at Rad- clifFe College. For manuscripts and terms address: Miss Josephine Sherwood, Newtonville, Mass. 42 Shi-Sop Shirley, Arthur. Gringoire, the Ballad-monger: a play in 1 act adapted from the French of De Banville. Chic. n. d. Dramatic Pub. Co. 15c. Parts: 4 men, 2 women; time: 45 minutes; scene: a Gothic interior of the 15th century. Pathetic in tone. This play has also been published under the title of "Pity." Shore, W. Teignmouth. Two Old Children. Lond. 1903. Dent. 6d. Parts: 2 men, 2 women; time: 30 minutes; scene: an interior. Smith, Margaret H. A Pair of Frauds. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 25c. Parts: 1 man, 2 women; time: about 40 minutes; scene: an interior. Also published in Werner's Magazine, February, 1902. Smith, S. Decatur. The Princess Aline Play: a two-act comedy from Richard Harding Davis' story. (In the Ladies' Home Journal, April, 1901.) Parts: 4 men, 4 women, attendants; time: about 45 minutes; scene: a hotel interior and palace ball- room. Snowe, Lucy. Croesus: a classical play, arranged and adapted from Herodotus. Lond. 1903. Dent. 6d. Parts: 10 men, attendants; time: about 1}^ hours; scene: a room in a palace. Sophocles. Antigone: a tragedy in 5 acts, adapted for ama- teur performance by girls' schools. Bost. 1902. Baker. 15c. Parts: 5 men, 3 women; time: about 1 hour; scen- ery may be dispensed with. Sto- 43 Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Beecher. Dialogues and Scenes from the Writings of Har- riet Beecher Stowe, arranged by Emily Weaver. Bost. 1888. Houghton. 15c. (The Riverside Literature Series.) Contents: Senator Bird: in 5 scenes. (Uncle Tom's Cabin.) Parts: 3 men, 3 women, 4 children; time: about 40 minutes; scenes: 3 interiors. The Way She was Raised. (Oldtown Folks.) Parts: 5 women, 1 child; time: about 20 minutes; scenes: 2 interiors. Dinah's Kitchen. (Uncle Tom's Cabin.) Parts: 3 men, 2 women; time: about 10 minutes; scenes: 2 interiors. Who Would Marry a Minister.? (The Min- ister's Wooing.) Parts: 4 women, attendants; time: about 5 minutes; scene: an interior. The Art of Bedmaking. (Uncle Tom's Cabin.) Parts: 2 women, 2 children; time: about 5 minutes; scene: an interior. The Power of Love. (Uncle Tom's Cabin.) Parts: 1 man, 1 woman, 2 children; time: 5 minutes; scene: an interior. The Practical Test. (The Minister's Woo- ing.) Parts: 2 men, 2 women; time: .5 minutes; scene: an interior. The Village Do-nothing. (Oldtown Folks.) Parts: 1 man, 1 woman; time: 5 minutes; scene: a kitchen. 44 Sto-Sut Sam Lawson's Thanksgiving Dinner. (Old- town Folks.) Parts: 1 man, 2 woman, 2 boys; time: 3 minutes; scene: an interior. Sturgis, Julian. Comedy Sketches for Two and Three Charac- ters. Bost. 1902. Baker. 25c. Contents : Apples. Parts: 1 man, 2 women; time: about 30 minutes; scene: a studio. Fireflies. Parts: 1 man, 1 woman; time: 15 minutes; scene: an exterior. Picking up the Pieces. Parts: 1 man, 1 woman; time: about 30 minutes; scene: an interior. Half-way to Arcady. Parts: 1 man, 1 woman; time: about 10 minutes; scene: an exterior. Contains also two other pieces less suited to amateur acting. Sutherland, Mrs. Evelyn Greenleaf. A Bit of Instruction: a little comedy. (In her Po' White Trash and Other One-act Dramas. Chic. 1900. Stone.) Parts: 2 men; time: about 30 minutes; scene: an interior. A Comedie Royall: being a forgotten episode of Elizabeth's day. (In her Po' White Trash.) Parts: 4 men, 2 women; time: about 40 minutes; scene: an audience chamber of the palace. Sut-Ten 45 Galatea of the Toy-shop: a fantasy in 1 act. (In her Po' White Trash.) Parts: 1 man, 1 woman; time: about 30 minutes; scene: the woricroom of a German toy-maker. A Song at the Castle: a romantic comedy in 1 act. (In her Po' White Trash.) Parts: 6 men, 2 women; time: about 45 minutes; scene : the state drawing-room of Dublin castle in 1798. The other plays in Mrs. Sutherland's "Po' White Trash" are perhaps better adapted to the profes- sional than the amateur stage. Tarkington, Booth. Kisses of Marjorie. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 35c. Parts: 3 men, 2 women; time: about 15 minutes; scene: a garden. Also published in Werner's Readings and Recitations, v. 34. Tarpey, W. Kingsley. Crabbed Age and Youth. Lond. 1901. Dent. 6d. Parts: 3 men, 2 women; time: about 45 minutes; scene: an interior. Taylor, Tom. A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing: a domestic drama in 1 act. Bost. n. d. Baker. 15c. Parts: 7 men, 4 women; time: 1 hour; scene: an English interior in 1685. Tennyson, Alfred, Lord. The Falcon. Parts: 2 men, 2 women; time: about 1 hour; scene: an interior. 4 46 Ten-Tho The Foresters: Robin Hood and Maid Marian. Parts: 12 men, 3 women, attendants; time: a fuH evening; scenes: a garden, a banqueting hall and Sherwood forest. The Princess; recast as a drama. Bost. 1881. Baker. 25c. Parts: 8 men, 4 women, numerous attendants; time: afuli evening; scenes: can be made very elaborate. Swan Sonnenschein and Co. of London also pub- lish a version of "The Princess" in their series of Standard Plays for Amateur Performance in Girls' Schools. Terris, Carhon H. The King's Command: a comedietta in 1 act. Lond. 1902. Dent. 6d. Parts: 3 men, 1 woman; time: 20 minutes; scene: interior in Paris during the reign of Louis 15th. Thackeray, WilHam Makepeace. The Rose and the Ring: adapted for the pri- vate stage. Cambridge, Mass. 1880. Kent. 25c. Parts: 15 men, 5 women, attendants, any number; time: a full evening; scenes: palace interiors and forest scenes. "Thank Goodness the Table is Spread:" comedy play in 1 act. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 15c. Parts: 3 men, 3 women; time: 30 minutes; scene: an interior. Published in Werner's Magazine, May, 1902. Also published under the titles "A Woman's Won't" and "The Obstinate Family." Thomas, Charles. Breaking the Ice; or, A Piece of Holly. N. Y. 1906. Werner Pub. Co. 15c. Parts: 1 man, 1 woman; time: about 50 minutes; scene: an interior. Also published in Werner's Readings and Recitations, v. 36. Tif-Tru 47 Tiffany, Esther B. Bachelor Maids: a comedy in 1 act. Bost. n. d. Baker. 15c. Parts: 6 women; time: 30 minutes; scenes: very simple interiors. Trent, John Jason. Owin' to Maggie: a comedy in 1 act. Bost. 1904. Baker. 15c. Parts: 3 men, 4 women; time: 40 minutes; scene: tenement house interior. Amateurs presenting this play must pay a royalty of $5 a performance. The Triumph of Pauline: a comedy in 1 act. Chic. 1903. Dramatic Pub. Co. 25c. Parts: 2 men, 4 women; time: 20 minutes; scene: an attractive interior. Trumbull, Annie Eliot. As Strangers: a comedietta in 1 act. (InScrib- ner's Magazine, August, 1896.) Parts: 1 man, 2 women; time: about 1 hour; scene: an interior. A Confidence Game; in 1 act. Hartford, Bureau of Amateur Entertainment. 25c. Parts: 1 man, 3 women; time: about 45 minutes; scene: an interior. For information concerning the royalty on this play address the publishers. The Green-room Rivals: a comedietta in 1 act. Bost. 1894. Baker. 15c. Parts: 2 men, 2 woman; time: 30 minutes; scene: an interior. A Masque of Culture. Hartford, Conn. 1894. Bureau of Amateur Entertainment. 25c. Parts: 2 men, 10 women; time: about 2 hours; scenes: an arbor near Olympus and a hall. The experience of Socrates and Confucius at a women's convention supplies the plot. For information concerning the royalty on this play address the publishers. ^ 48 Tru-Uda Mind Cure; or, When Doctors Agree, a farce. Hartford, Conn. 1896. Bureau of Amateur Entertainment. 25c. Parts: 2 women; time: about 1 hour; scene: an office. For information concerning royalty on this play address the publishers. Problems of a Philanthropist. Hartford, 1900. Bureau of Amateur Entertainment. 25c. Parts: 1 man, Swomen; time: about 1 hour; scene: an interior. For information concerning the royalty on this play address the publishers. St Valentine's Day: a comedy in 1 act, Bost. 1892. Baker. 15c. Parts: 2 women; time: about 30 minutes; scene: a home interior. The Wheel of Progress. Hartford, 1898. Bureau of Amateur Entertainment. 25c. Parts: 20 women; time: about 2 hours; scenes: 2 interiors. For information concerning the royalty on this play address the publishers. Writing a Play: comedy. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 35c. Parts: 1 man, 1 woman; time: 30 minutes; scene: an interior. Also published in Werner's Magazine, V. 21, April, 1898. Udall, Nicholas. Ralph Roister Doister: edited by Edward Ar- ber. Birmingham, 1869. (English Reprints.) Parts : 9 men, 4 women ; time : a full evening ; scenery : none. Also published in Gayley, C. M. ed. Representative English Comedies. N. Y. 1903, Macmillan. War-Yea 49 Warren, Ernest. "The Nettle;" a romantic comedy. N. Y. 1906. Werner Pub. Co. 15c. Parts: 1 man, 1 woman ; time: 1 hour ; scene: an interior. Also published in Werner's Readings and Recitations, v. 36. Warren, Marie Josephine. The Elopement of Ellen : a farce comedy in 3 acts. Bost. 1906. Baker. 25c. Parts: 4 men, 3 women; time: about 2 hours; scenes: 1 exterior, 1 interior. Tommy's Wife : a farce in 3 acts. Bost. 1906. Baker. 25c. Parts: 3 men, 5 women ; time: 1% hours ; scenes: 2 interiors. Whitehead, Lucy. A Rustic Maid. Lond. 1901. Dent. 6d. Parts : 2 men, 4 women ; time : about 1 hour ; scene : a garden. Yeats, William Butler. The Hour-glass, and Other Plays. N. Y. 1904. Macmillan. (Plays for an Irish Theatre, v. 2.) Contents ; The Hour-glass : a morality. Parts: 4 men, 2 women, 2 children ; time : about 1 hour ; scene: a simple interior. Cathleen Ni Hoolihan. Parts : 2 men, 3 women, 1 boy, neighbors ; time : about 1 hour ; scene: a cottage kitchen. A Pot of Broth. Parts: 2 men, 1 woman ; time: about 45 minutes ; scene: a cottage kitchen. 50 Yea-You The Land of Heart's Desire: a play of faery. Bost. n. d. Baker. 15c. Parts: 3 men, 3 women ; time: 30 minutes ; scene: a plain interior. Young, Sir Charles. Petticoat Perfidy : a comedietta in 1 act. Chic. Dramatic Pub. Co. 15c. Parts: 3 women ; time: about 30 minutes ; scene : an interior. Also published in Werner's Maga- zine, October 1901. Plays for Children Alcott, Louisa M. Jack and Jill. For a dramatization of a scene from this story see S. D. Smith's Jack and Jill in list of Christmas plays. Little Men. — Little Women. For dramatizations of these stories see E. L. Gould's The "Little Men" Play.— The "Little Women" Play. Alcott, Louisa M. and Pratt, Mrs. A. B. A. Comic Tragedies: written by "Jo" and "Meg" and acted by the "Little Women". Bost. 1893. Roberts. Contents : Noma ; or the Witch's Curse. Parts : 6 men, 3 women ; time : about 2 hours ; scenes: homemade but can be as elaborate as desired in all these plays. Captive of Castile ; or. The Moorish Maid- en's Vow. Parts: 4 men, 1 woman ; time: about 1% hours. The Greek Slave. Parts: 3 men, 2 women ; time: about Iji hours. Ion [a fragment.] Parts: 10 men, 2 women ; time: about lyi hours. Bianca: operatic tragedy. Parts: 3 men, 2 women ; time: about 30 minutes. The Unloved Wife; or, Woman's Faith. Parts: 2 men, 2 women ; time: about 1% hours. 51 52 All-Bel Allen, A. E. Fete in Flowerland: operetta. N. Y. Wer- ner Pub. Co. 40c. Parts: any number of small and large children ; time : 1 hour ; no particular scenery. Also pub- lished in Werner's Magazine, v. 29, March, 1902. Batchelder, C. B. The Wings of Mignonette : an entertainment for children in 2 acts. Bost, 1905. Baker. 15c. Parts: 8 girls ; time: about 30 minutes ; scenes: 2 interiors. Baum, Rosemary. The Doll's Frolic : an entertainment in 1 scene. Bost. [1898.] Baker. 15c. Parts: 3 girls, 2 boys ; time: about 15 minutes ; scene: a nursery. Bell, Mrs. Hugh. Fairy Tale Plays and How to Act Them. Lond. 1899. Longmans. Contents : Ali Baba ; or, The Forty Thieves, in 3 acts. Parts: 5 boys, 3 girls ; time: about 45 minutes ; scenes: 2 oriental interiors and a robbers' cave. Rumpelstiltzkin ; in 5 acts. Parts : 7 boys, 1 girl ; time : about 45 minutes ; scenes: 2 interiors and a wood. Red Riding Hood ; in 3 acts. Parts: 1 boy, 3 girls ; time : about 30 minutes ; scenes: 2 interiors and a wood. Beauty and the Beast; in 6 acts. Parts : 3 boys, 3 girls ; time: 45 minutes ; scenes: 2 interiors and a garden. Bel- 53 Jack and the Beanstalk ; in 3 acts. Parts: 3 boys, 2 girls ; time : about 30 minutes ; scenes: 2 interiors. Cinderella; in 4 acts. Parts: 2 boys, 5 girls, attendants ; time : about 30 minutes; scenes: a simple interior and the prince's ballroom. Foolish Jack : a dialogue. Parts: 1 boy, 1 girl ; time about 10 minutes ; scene: an interior. The Golden Goose; in 4 acts. Parts: 4 boys, 1 girl; time: 10 minutes; scenes: an interior and a wood. The Tinder-box; in 4 acts. Parts: 5 boys, 3 girls; time: about 45 minutes; scenes: a roadway and an interior. The Three Wishes. Parts: 1 boy, 2 girls; time: 15 minutes; scene: an interior. The Emperor's New Clothes; in 3 acts. Parts: 11 boys, 2 girls, attendants; time: 30 minutes; scenes: 2 interiors and a street. The Fisherman and His Wife. Parts: 2 boys, 1 girl; time: 20 minutes; scene: an interior. The Sleeping Beauty; in 4 acts. Parts: 4 boys, 9 girls; time: about 45 minutes; scenes: a palace interior and a wood. Bluebeard; in 2 acts. Parts: 7 boys, 2 girls, attendants; time: about 45 minutes; scenes: 2 interiors. This book contains an introduction of some 50 pages, giving helpful suggestions for producing children's plays. 54 B'a-Car Black, Clementina. Kindergarten Plays. 2v. Lond. 1903. Dent. Is. Contents : V. 1 Mother Hubbard's Tea Party. Parts: 9 boys, 6 girls; time: 10 minutes; scene: an interior. The Queen of Hearts. Parts: 19 children; time: 5 minutes; scene: an in- terior. The Toy Shop. Parts: any number of children from 12 up; time: 5 minutes; scene: interior of a toy shop. V. 2 The King's Riddle. Parts: 4 boys, and chorus, any number; time: 15 minutes; scene: an interior. The New Year. Parts: 13 children; time: 5 minutes: no scenery. Brooks, Elbridge S. Friends or Foes? (in the St. Nicholas Maga- zine, March, 1890.) Parts: 6 boys, 12 girls, as many others as are desired; time: about 30 mi..utes; scene: a forest. The Magic Pen: an operetta for children, (in the St. Nicholas Magazine, November and December, 1881.) Parts: 14 boys, 8 girls; time: about 30 minutes; scene: an interior. Carroll, Lewis. Alice in Wonderland. For dramatization of this story see Mrs Burton Har- rison's Alice in Wonderland. Cas-Fie 55 Case, Nellie E. A Dream of the Flowers: a cantata for children. Bost. 1899. Baker. 25c. Parts: 1 boy, 14 girls, chorus; time: about 1 hour; no special scenery. Clarke, Mary Cowden. Puck's Pranks; or, Good for Evil, a juvenile drama in 1 act. (in the St. Nicholas Maga- zine, February, 1883.) Parts: 3 boys, 3 girls; time: about 20 minutes; scene: an inteiior. Dickenson, Caroline E. and Schell, Stanley. Roll Call of the Nation : a play for Independ- ence Day. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 25c. Parts: any number of children; time: 15 minutes; no particular scenery. Also published in Werner's Magazine, v. 27, May, 1901. Field, Henrietta Dexter, and Field, R. M. The Muses up to Date. Chic. 1897. Williams. Contents: The Muses up to Date: a mychological liberty in 2 acts with a prologue. Parts: 2 boys, 14 girls; time: about 45 minutes; scenes: the summit of Olympus, a hotel room, and a garden. Cinderella: a fairy comedy in 3 acts. Parts: 5 boys, 10 girls, attendants; time: about 45 minutes; scene: a garden. Trouble in the Garden: a horticultural epi- sode in 3 acts. Parts: 1 boy, 21 girls; time: about 45 minutes; scene: a garden. 56 Fie-Gad The Modern Cinderella: an exploded fairy tale in 3 brief acts. Parts: 5 boys, 10 girls, attendants; time: 15 minutes; no scenery. The Wooing of Penelope: a shadow panto- mime in 5 acts. Parts: 4 boys, 2 girls; time: 15 minutes; no scen- ery. A Lesson from Fairy Land; in 3 acts. Parts: 10 boys, 13 girls, any number of attendants; time: about 45 minutes; scenes: 1 interior, 2 ex- teriors. Fitz-Gerald, S. J. Adair. Birds of a Feather, and the Flower Fairies' Frolic: masques for children. Lond. 1902. Dent. 6d. Contents: Birds of a Feather. Parts: 4 boys, 3 girls, chorus, any number; time: 30 minutes; scene: outdoors in winter. The Flower Fairies' Frolic. Parts: 3 boys, 6 girls, chorus, any number; time: 15 minutes; scene: an open space in a forest. Music for both plays, composed by G. W. F. Crowther, is lent by the publisher. Gaddess, Mrs. Mary L. The Ivy Queen: a cantata for any number of girls. Bost. 1902. Baker. 25c. Parts: 4 boys, any number of girls; time: about 30 minutes; no scenery required. Revels of the Queen of May and her Fairies: a cantata for 45 girls. Bost. 1902. Baker. 25c. Parts: 45 girls, 1 boy; time: 30 minutes; scene: ouidoors. Gou-Gup 57 Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln. The "Little Men" Play: a two-act . . . play adapted from Louisa M. Alcott's famous story. Phil. 1900. Curtis Pub. Co. 50c. Parts: 1 man, 1 woman, 5 boys, 3 giils; time: 45 minutes; scenes: interiors. Originally published in the Ladies' Home Journal, December, 1900. The " Little Women " Play : a two-act . , . play adapted from Louisa M Alcott's famous story. Phil. 1900. Curtis Pub. Co. 50c. Parts: 2 boys, 6 girls ; time: 45 minutes ; scene: an interior. Also published in the Ladies' Home Journal, January, 1901. Guild, Thacher Howland. The Clancey Kids : a comedy in 2 acts. Bost. 1904. Baker. 15c. Parts: 18 girls ; time: 1 hour ; scene: a garden. Originally written for and produced by the Upsilon Sigma Society of the Hope Street High School, Providence, R. 1. Guptill, Mrs. Elizabeth F. The Contest of the Nations: a spectacular play or cantata, music by Archibald Humboldt. Lebanon, O. 1906. March. 25c. Parts: 13 girls; time: about 1 hour; no special scenery. The Holidays' Carnival. Lebanon, O. 1904. March. 15c. Parts: 16 children ; time : 30 minutes ; no special scenery. The characters represent all the principal holidays of the year. 58 Gup-Kin The Stars and Stripes Jubilee : a patriotic spec- tacular entertainment, music by Archibald Humboldt. Lebanon, O. 1906. March. 25c. Parts: 7 boys, 28 girls ; time : \% hours ; scene : the stage draped with the national colors. Hard, Henry, and Schell, Stanley. Aladdin ; or, The Wonderful Lamp, juvenile play for school or home production. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 35c. Parts : 9 boys, 3 girls ; time : 1 hour or more ; scene: an interior. Also published in Werner's Magazine, v. 26, November, 1900. Harrison, Mrs. Burton. Alice in Wonderland: a play for children, in 3 acts [dramatized from the story by Lewis Carroll.] Chic. n. d. Dramatic Pub. Co. 25c. Parts : 16 boys, 14 girls ; time: about 1% hours; scenes : two outdoors, and a hall in the queen's palace. Hutchinson, M. F. A Japanese Romance : a play for girls. Lond. n. d. Dent. 6d. Parts: 8 girls, 1 little boy, any number of attendants ; time: 2 hours ; scenes : Japanese interiors and a garden. King, Georgiana Goddard. Comedies and Legends for Marionettes: a theatre for boys and girls. N. Y. 1904. Macmillan. Contents : Introduction: Instructions for making a marionette theatre. Kin-Nes 59 Plays : I'he Loyal Two. — Columbine's Mar- riage. — The Magic Hat. Legends [in dramatic form]: The Legend of St Francis. — Tne Legend of St. Dorothy. Pantomimes: Snowflake and the Dwarfs. — Mother Hubbard and Her Dog. Lee, Albert. The Knave of Hearts: a Fourth of July come- dietta. N. Y. 1897. Russell. 50c, paper. Parts : 9 boys, 4 girls, other attendants if desireil ; time : about 43 minutes ; scene: audience-cham- ber in the palace of the King of Hearts. Lowell, Caroline C. Prince Charming's Fate: an operetta in 3 acts. (In the St. Nicholas Magazine, February, 1903.) Parts : 6 boys, 7 girls, attendants ; time: about 30 minutes ; scenes: a forest and 2 interiors. Nesbitt, Frank. The Magic Whistle, and Other Fairy Tale Plays. N. Y. 1906. Longmans. $1. Contents : The Magic Whistle. Parts : 15 boys, 4 girls ; time : about 30 minutes ; scenes : a wood, a meadow, and an interior. The Mole King's Daughter. Parts : 14 boys, 8 girls ; time : about 30 minutes ; scenes: a garden and 2 interiors. Rumpelstiltskin. Parts: 10 boys, 3 girls ; time: 25 minutes ; scenes: 2 interiors and a wood. 60 Nes-St. N The Golden Goose. Parts: 4 boys, 9 girls, any number of extra children; time : about 30 minutes ; scene: a wood, and a village green. Beauty and the Beast. Parts : 2 boys, 18 girls ; time : about 30 minutes ; scenes: a garden and another outdoor scene. The Goose Girl. Parts : 14 boys, 6 girls ; time : about 20 minutes ; scenes: a wood and 2 interiors. Plays published separately for 25c each ; songs each 25c. St. Nicholas Book of Plays and Operettas. N. Y. 1900. Century. Contents : The Modern and Mediaeval Ballad of Mary Jane. Parts : 3 men, 1 woman ; time: about 20 minutes. "This is a shadow play which can be performed in any parlor." Also published in the St. Nicholas Magazine, v. 4, January, 1877. Acting Ballads: suggestions for home enter- tainments. Also published in the St. Nicholas Magazine, Feb- ruary, 1876. The House of Sir Santa Claus : a Christmas fairy show, by Edward Eggleston. Parts : 3 boys, 4 giils ; time: about 20 minutes ; scene : outdoor, showing the house of Santa Claus. Also published in St. Nicholas Magazine, Decem- ber, 1876. Mother Goose Operetta ; in 3 scenes, founded upon the story of "Bobby Shaftoe" by G. B. Bartlett. Parts: 12 boys, 11 girls ; time: about 15 minutes ; no special scenery. St. N- 61 The Land of Nod : an operetta for young folks, by E. S. Brooks. Parts : 11 boys, 7 girls, as many others as desired : time: about 30 minutes ; scene: an interior. Also in St. Nicholas Magazine, December, 1880. The Giant Picture-book : a new style of tableaux vivants, by G. B. Bartlett. Time and number of parts vary according to the sub- jects chosen for representation. Also published in the St. Nicholas Magazine, June, 1881. Shadow-pantomimes; by Herman H. Birney. Parts: 7 women, 2 men; time: about 20 minutes. Also in St. Nicholas Magazine, August, 1888. The Magic Sword ; by Katharine Pyle. Parts : 5 boys, 4 girls; time: about 30 minutes; scenes: interiors. Also in St. Nicholas Magazine, November, 1897. The False Sir Santa Glaus: a Christmas masque for young and old, by E. S. Brooks. Parts: 9 boys, 4 girls; time: about 40 minutes; no special scenery. As large a chorus as is desired may be used. Also published in the St. Nicholas Magazine, November, 1882. A Sixteenth Century Christmas; by C. L. Mur- dock. Parts: 6 men, 3 women, with choruses and attend- ants; time: about 45 minutes; scene: an interior, showing open fire. Also published in the St. Nicholas Magazine, December, 1888. Christmas Eve at Mother Hubbard's: a Christ- mas play for school or parlor entertainment, by S. J. D. Parts: 5 boys, 5 girls; time: about 30 minutes; scene: an interior. Also published in the St. Nicholas Magazine, September, 1898. 5 62 St. N-Sch A Lawn Dance for Little People; by L. A Bradbury. [Music given.] Parts: 4 boys, 4 girls; time: about 20 minutes. Also in St. Nicholas Magazine, June, 1892. Dickey Dot and Dotty Dick ; by E. S. Brooks. Parts: 1 boy, 1 girl ; time: 20 minutes; no particu- lar scenery. Also published in the St. Nicholas Magazine, February, 1886. An Old English Folk-song ; arranged for reci- tation with musical accompaniment by E. S. Kelley. Also in St. Nicholas Magazine, October, 1890. Haydn's "Children's Symphony;" by J. J. Lord. Also in St. Nicholas Magazine, May, 1874. A Topsyturvy Concert; by G. B. Bartlett. Any number of children; no special scenery. Also in St. Nicholas Magazine, January, 1894. The Changeling: a flower and fairy masque, by H. P. Spofford. Parts: 30 or more children ; time: about 35 minutes; scene: a garden with colored lights. Also pub- lished in St. Nicholas Magazine, April, 1899. Schell, Stanley. The Animals' Plea to the Fairies: a musical play for children. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 25c. Parts: any number of children; time: 45 minutes; no special scenery. Also published in Werner's Magazine, August, 1902. Festival of the Daisies. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 25c. Parts: 12 or more children; time: 30 minutes; scene: curtain with daisies painted on it. Also published in Werner's Magazine, v. 27, June, 1902. Sch-Syr 63 Mother Goose's Merry Band: tableaux for 18 children. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 35c. Also published in Werner's Magazine, v. 26, Febru- ary, 1901. Seton, Ernest Thompson. - The Wild Animal Play [with music] N. Y. Doubleday. 50c. Parts: 10 boys, 7 girls; time: about 45 minutes; scene: a forest. Also published in the Ladies' Home Journal, v. 28, July, 1900. Syrett, Netta. Six Fairy Plays for Children. N. Y. 1904. Lane. $1. Contents: The Dream-lady. Parts: 4 boys, 6 girls, and attendants; time: about 30 minutes; scene: a garden. Little Bridget. Parts: 1 boy, 4 girls, any number of pixies; time about 45 minutes; scene: an 18th century kitchen- White Magic. Parts: 2 boys, 4 girls, any number of fairies and goblins; time: about 45 minutes; scene: a wood. The Gift of the Fairies. Parts: 2 boys, 4 girls; time: about 1 hour; scene: a clock-maker's shop. The Wonderful Rose. Parts: 1 boy, 3 girls; time: about 20 minutes; scene: a farmhouse kitchen. In Arcady. Parts: 1 boy, 1 girl, a number of little dancers; time: about 15 minutes; scene: a drawing-room. Ballads for Shadow Pantomimes \ Field, Eugene. Delectable Ballad of the Waller Lot. (In his Love Songs of Childhood. N. Y. 1905 Scribner.) Holmes, Oliver Wendell. The Ballad of the Oysterman. (In his Poetical Works.) See The Wooing of Penelope in Field's Muses up to date, also : The Modern and Mediaeval Ballad of Mary Jane. — Acting Ballads, by Amy Lovell. — Shadow-pantomimes, by H. H. Birney. (In the St Nicholas Book of Plays and Operettas.) [For data see list of children's plays.] 64 Christmas Plays Beringer, Mrs. Oscar, Holly Tree Inn : play in 1 act, adapted . . . from . . . Dickens' Christmas story "The Holly Tree." N. Y. 1891-1906. French. 25c. Parts: 3 men, 2 women, 1 boy, 1 little girl ; time : about 1 hour ; scene : old-fashioned interior, dec- orated for Christmas. Brooks, Elbridge S. Ye Three Somber Young Gentlemen and ye Three Pretty Girls: a Christmas potpourri. (In the St. Nicholas Magazine, December, 1883.) Parts: 8 boys, 5 girls, as many others as desired ; time: about 20 minutes ; a winter scene. Chase, F. E. Santa Claus the First ; a Christmas entertain- ment in 1 act. Host. 1880. Baker. 15c. Parts: 5 men, 8 children, other children ad libitum ; time: about 30 minutes ; no special scenery. Denslow, Cecilia P. The Offerings of the Year : a Christmas enter- tainment for children, adapted to Sunday- school or home use. Bost. 1899. Baker. 15c. Parts : 1 woman, 12 children ; time : 30 minutes ; no special scenery. 65 66 Gle-Gup Gleason, Orissa W. Trouble in Santa Claus Land : a Christmas entertainment in 2 scenes. Bost. 1905. Baker. 15c. Parts : 1 man, 2 women, 6 boys, 6 girls ; time: about 30 minutes ; scene: Santa Claus' s house. Gowe, R. Jean Noel : a story of Christmas in France. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 35c. Parts: 3 boys, 5 girls ; time: 1% hours ; scenes : 5 interiors. Also published in Werner's Readings and Recitations, v. 24. Guptill, Mrs. Elizabeth F. Christmas at Santa Claus House: a play for young people. Lebanon, O. 1906. March. 25c. Parts: 9 boys, 14 girls ; time: about 45 minutes ; scene : a nursery, and outside of Santa Claus' house. Christmas at Skeeter-Corner: a play for young folks. Lebanon, O. 1905. March. 15c. Parts : 5 boys, 7 girls, more may be used ; time : about 30 minutes ; scene : a school-room of 50 years ago. A Christmas Dream : a play in rhyme. Leb- anon, O. 1905. March. 25c. Parts : 5 boys, 5 girls ; time : about 20 minutes ; scene: a home interior. Christmas for all Nations: a play in rhyme. Lebanon, O. 1905. March. 15c. Parts : 7 boys, 8 girls ; time : about 30 minutes ; no special scenery. This play is especially reli- gious in tone. Gup-Hyd 67 A Christmas Joke. Lebanon, O. 1905. March. 25c. Parts: 12 boys, 12 girls ; time: about 45 minutes ; no special scenery. In Santa Claus Land : a Christmas play in rhyme. Lebanon, O. 1904. March. 25c. Parts : 11 boys, 13 girls ; time : about 1 hour ; scenes : a nursery interior and in Santa Claus' house. The Lost Prince: a Christmas play in rhyme. Lebanon, O. 1905. March. 25c. Parts: 6 boys, 9 girls, more if desired ; time: about 45 minutes ; scenes : a palace interior and a forest. Halifax, J. Santa Claus' Reception : international Christ- mas play. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 35c. Parts : 19 boys, 14 girls ; time: about 1% hours ; scene: an interior showing fire-place. Also pub- lished in Werner's Readings and Recitations, v. 17. Housman, Laurence. Bethlehem : a nativity play. Lond. 1902. Macmillan. Parts : 13 men, 1 woman, shepherds, a chorus of angels, etc.; time: about I'A hours ; scenes: on the hills near Bethlehem and the interior of a stable. Hyde, Douglas. The Nativity. (In Lady Gregory's Poets and Dreamers. N. Y. 1903. Scribner.) Parts; 5 men, 3 women, children, shepherds ; time: about 30 minutes ; scene: a stable interior. 68 Law-Smi Lawton, Annie M. Who is Santa Claus? a play for children. N. Y. 1905. Werner Pub. Co. 25c. Parts: 1 man, 1 woman, 8 girls, any number of fairies and brownies; time: 45 minutes: scenes: home interiors. Ogden, Ruth. Among the Pines: a children's play for Christ- mastide in 2 acts. (In the St. Nicholas Mag- azine, November, 1883.) Parts: 7 boys, 2 girls; time: about 30 minutes; scene: outdoors. Santa Claus at Home: a Christmas operetta by E. C. W. Bost. 1883. Baker. 15c. Parts: 1 man, 1 woman, any number of children; time: about 1 hour; scene: the cave of Santa Claus. Words and songs adapted to "Pinafore" music. This operetta was written for Sunday- school performance. Schell, Stanley. Christmas Cantata; tragic romantic musical play. N. Y. Werner Pub. Co. 35c. Parts: 5 men, 3 women; time: about 1 hour; scene: an exterior. Also published in Werner's Maga- zine, Decembr^r, 1899. Schell, Stanley, comp. Werner's Christmas Book. N. Y. 1902. Wer- ner Pub. Co. Contains selections in prose and verse for Christmas entertainments. Smith, Nora Archibald. Christmas in Old England: suggestions for tab- leaux. (In the St. Nicholas Magazine December, 1905.) Smi-Wor 69 Smith, S. Decatur. Jack and Jill: a Louisa Alcott play for Christ- mas. (In the Ladies' Home Journal, Decem- ber, 1906.) Parts: 2 women, 7 boys, 6 girls; time: about 45 minutes; scene: a home interior. Trumbull, Annie Eliot. A Christmas Eve Party: a play for children, in 1 act. Hartford, Conn. Bureau of Amateur Entertainment. Parts: 1 man, 8 boys, 7 girls; time: about 1 hour; scene: a winter exterior. For information con- cerning the royalty on this play address the pub- lishers. Watson, Jeanette G. comp. A Chronicle of Christmas. N. Y. 1905. Saal- feld Pub. Co. A compilation of verse and prose appropriate to Christmas. Wolcott, Theresa H. comp. Programs for Christmas Entertainments; giving helpful lists of appropriate recitations, songs, and plays. (In the Ladies' Home Journal, December, 1906.) Worrell, Edna Randolph. The Toys' Rebellion. (In the Ladies' Home Journal, December, 1902.) Parts: 18 children, more may be used; time: about 15 minutes; scene: Kris Kringle's workshop. Awarded prize for the best Christmas parlor play for children. 70 Cam-Fog See also in General List: Cameron, Margaret. A Christmas Chime. (In her Comedies in Miniature.) Davis, Mrs. Mary E. M. Christmas Boxes. (In her Bunch of Roses.) Fogerty, Elsie. Scene from "A Christmas Carol." (In her Scenes from the Great Novelists.) Also the Christmas plays in the St. Nicholas Book of Plays and Operettas in the list of Plays for Children, and the Christmas plays by A. M. Buckton and K. M. Ric e in the list of addenda. Bibliographies of Christmas Customs, Songs and Stories. American Library Association Booklist, v. 1, no. 7. November, 1905. Beverly (Mass.) Public Library. Bulletin for December, 1905. Boston Book Company. Bulletin of Bibliography, V. 4, no. 4. July, 1905. Cambridge (Mass.) Public Library. Bul'etin for December, 1904. Cincinnati (Ohio) Public Library. Special Read- ing Lists, nos. 3 and 10. Cleveland (Ohio) Public Library. Special Read- ing List, no. 2. Bulletin, June-November, 1896. Evanston (111.) Free Public Library. Special Bulle- tin, no. 11. J. Herman Bosler Memorial Library (Carlisle, Pa.) Bulletin for December, 1905. Los Angeles (Cal.) Public Library. Bulletin for December, 1901. McCurdy, R. M. and Coulter, E. M. Bibliog- raphy of Articles relating to Holidays. Bost. 1907. Boston Book Co. 25c. 71 72 Pas-Sea Pasadena (Cal.) Public Library, Bulletins for December, 1902, and December, 1904. Peabody Institute Library (Danvers, Mass.) Bul- letin for November-December, 1901. Pratt Institute Free Library (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Bulletins for December, 1904, and December, 1905. St. Louis (Mo.) Public Library. Bulletin v. 2, no. 10, 1904. Bulletin v. 4, no. 10, 1906. Seattle (Wash.) Public Library. Bulletin for December, 1905. Appendix A Plays Which May Be Appropriately Given Outdoors For data concerning these plays see the General List. Aldrich, T. B. Corydon: a pastoral. Alma-Tadema, Laurence. The Silent Voice. This play calls for a scene in a palace, but with slight changes it could be given in a garden. Austin, Alfred. A Lesson in Harmony. Bridges, Robert. Achilles in Scyros. Browning, Robert. In a Balcony. The action of this play might be easily transferred to a garden backed by a palace. The Confederates, anon. Davis, Mrs. M. E. His Lordship.— A Dress Rehearsal. — The New System, (in her Bunch of Roses.) Dobson, Austin. Au Revoir. (in his At the Sign of the Lyre.) The Idyll of the Carp, (in his Old-world Idylls.) 73 74 Dug-Pee Dugan, C. A. A Gypsy Girl of Hungary. (In her The King's Jester.) Euripides. The Alkestis. Requires the exterior of a palace in the background. Gilbert, W. S. Sweethearts. Hertz, Hendrik. King Rene's Daughter. Hooper, R. L. and Daniels, M. W. Alice in Wonderland Continued: an operetta. A Copper Complication: an operetta. The Court of Hearts: an operetta. Housman, Laurence, and Barker, H. G. Prunella; or. Love in a Dutch Garden. Howells, William Dean. An Indian Giver. Scene is laid on the porch of a country house, Longfellow, H. W. Dramatization of the Song of Hiawatha Merington, Marguerite. Daphne; or, The Pipes of Arcadia. Milton, John. Comus. The original setting calls for a palace interior in one scene but this could be dispensed with. Peele, George. The Arraignment of Paris. Pol-Bra 75 Pollard, Alfred, ed. Noah's Flood. — The Sacrifice of Isaac. (In his English Miracle Plays.) Renard, Jules. Carrots. The scene is laid in a courtyard with a gloomy house in the background. Rostand, Edmond. The Romancers. Schell, Stanley. Real Thanksgiving. Sherwood, Josephine. The Orientals: an operetta. Princess Perfection: an operetta. Sturgis, Julian. Fireflies. — Halfway to Arcady. (in his Comeay Sketches.) Tarkington, Booth. Kisses of Marjorie. Tennyson, Alfred. The Foresters. Calls for a banqueting hall in one scene but this could be dispensed with. Whitehead, Lucy. A Rustic Maid. Outdoor Plays for Children. For data see list of Plays for Children. Allen, A. E. Fete in Flowerland : operetta. Bradbury, L. A. A Lawn Dance for Little People. (In the St. Nicholas Book of Plays and Operettas.) 76 Bro-Syr Brooks, E. S. Friends or Foes. Case, Nellie E. A Dream of the Flowers : a cantata. Dickinson, C. E. and Schell, Stanley. Roll Call of the Nation. Field, H. D. and Field, R. M. Cinderella. — Trouble in the Garden. (In their The Muses up to Date.) Fitz-Gerald, S. J. A. Birds of a Feather. — The Flower Fairies' Frolic. Gaddess, Mrs. M. L. Revels of the Queen of May : a cantata. Guild, T. H. The Clancey Kids. Nesbitt, Frank. The Golden Goose. — Beauty and the Beast. (in his The Magic Whistle.) Schell, Stanley. The Animals' Plea to the Fairies. Seton, Ernest Thompson. The Wild Animal Play. Spofford, H. P. The Changeling: a flower and fairy masque, (in the St. Nicholas Book of Plays and Oper- ettas.) Syrett, Netta. The Dream-lady. — White Magic. (In her Six Fairy Plays for Children.) Appendix B Old English Plays (Written before 1700) It would be impossible to find plays of the Elizabethan era devoid of vulgarity but in those given below the offense lies in occasional speeches, which may be cut, rather than in the ineradicable coarseness of the plot. For data concerning these plays see General List. Beaumont, Francis, and Fletcher, John. The Knight of the Burning Pestle. Dekker, Thomas. The Shoemaker's Holiday. Evans, H. A. comp. English Masques. Everyman: a moral play. Greene, Robert. Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. Lyly, John. Campaspe. Milton, John. Comus. Peele, George. The Arraignment of Paris. Pollard, Alfred, ed. English Miracle Plays. Udall, Nicholas. Ralph Roister Doister. 6 77 Addenda The following plays were suggested to the com- pilers too late to be read and included in the Gen- eral List. Barnard, Charles, and DeMille, W. C. The Forest Ring: a play for children. N. Y. French. Branch, Anna Hempstead. Rose of the Wind: a 1 act fairy play. In pro- cess of publication. Presented in the winter of 1906-7 by the McDowell Club, New York. Browne, Dorothea Gore. Sweetbriar: a pastoral with songs. Lond. El- kin Mathews. Buckton, Alice M. Eager Heart: a Christmas mystery. Lond. El- kin Mathews. A Masque of Beauty and the Beast. Lond. Elkin Mathews. Burnett, Mrs. Frances Hodgson. The Little Princess. N. Y. French. Dramatization of her story of Sarah Crewe. Burton, G. E. The Pipe of Desire, and Other Plays. Bost. 1906. Old Corner Book Store. 80 Mar-Syn Marshall, Robert. The Shades of Night. N. Y. French. Rice, K. McDowell, Charley's Country Cousin: a comedy in 4 acts. 25c. Good King Wenceslas: a Christmas play for children. 25c. For terms and copies of these plays address Miss K. M. Rice, Worthington, Mass. Synge, J. M. Shadows of the Glen. — Riders to the Sea. Lond. Elkin Mathews. INDEX Abbot, The, scene from 23 Achilles in Scyros 12 Acting i^allads 60, 64 Adam Bede, scene from 23 Addenda 79-80 Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 9 Aladdin 58 Albany Depot 27 Alcott, L. M., Jack and Jill, see S. D Smith's Jack and Jill; Little Men.— Little Women, see E. L. Gould's The Little Men Play.— The Little Women Play. Alcott, L. M. and Pratt, Mrs. A. B. A., Bianca 51 Captive of Castile 51 Comic Tragedies 51 Greek Slave 5i Ion 51 Noma 51 Unloved Wife 51 Aldrich, T. B., Corydon 9 Pauline Pavlovna 9 AliBaba 52 Alice in Wonderland •_ 58 Alice in Wonderland Continued (operetta) 26 Alkestis, The 20 Allen, A. E. Fete in Flovyerland 52 Alma-Tadema, Laurence, Silent Voice 9 Amazons, The 36 American History, Plays dealing with, see Costume plays, Amer- ican colonial. American Indians, Plays dealing with, see Hiawatha. Among the Pines 68 Animals' Plea to the Fairies 62 Antigone 42 Apple of Discord 20 Apples 44 Arraignment of Paris 35 As Strangers 47 Au Revoir 18 Austen, Jane, see R. Filippi's Duo- logues and Mrs. S. Mackaye's Pride and Prejudice. Austin, Alfred, Lesson in Harmony 10 B Bachelor Maids 47 Ballad of the Oysterman 64 Ballads for shadow pantomimes, 60, 61, 64 Bangs, J. K., Bicyclers 10 Dramatic evening 10 Fatal Message 10 Proposal Under Difficulties 10 Worsted Man 10 81 82 INDEX Barbara 29 Bardell vs. Pickwick 18 Barker, H. G., see Housman, Lau- rence. Barnard, Charles, and DeMille, W. C, Forest Ring 79 Barnum, M. D., Our Aunt from California 10 Bartlett, G. B., Giant Picture-book 61 Mother Goose Operetta 60 Topsyturvy Concert 62 Batchelder, C. B., Revenge of Shari-Hot-Su 11 Wings of Mignonette 52 Bates, Arlo. Business Meeting 11 Gentle Jury 11 Baum, Rosemary, Doll's Frolic 52 Beaumont, Francis, Masque of the Inner-Temple and Gray's Inn 21 Beaumont Francis, and Fletcher, John, Knight of the Burning Pestle 11 Beauty and the Beast (Bell), 52 Beauty and the Beast (Nesbitt) 60 Beauty and the Beast, Masque of (Buckton) 79 Bell, Mrs. Hugh, Ali Baba 52 Beauty and the Beast 52 Bluebeard 53 Cinderella 53 Dean of St. Patrick's 11 Emperor's New Clothes 53 Fairy Tale Plays 52-53 Fisherman and his Wife 53 Foolish Jack 53 Golden Goose 53 Jack and the Beanstalk 53 Red Riding Hood 52 Rumpelstiltzkin 52 Sleeping Beauty 53 Three Wishes 53 Tinder-box 53 Beringer, Mrs. Oscar, Holly Tree Inn 65 Berry, K. C, see Sherwood, Joseph- ine. Bethlehem 67 Bianca 51 Bibliographies of Christmas Cus- toms, Songs and Stories 71-72 Bibliography of lists of plays 6 Bicyclers, The 10 Birds of a Feather 56 Birney, H. H., Shadow-pantomimes 61 Bit of Instruction 44 Black, Clementina, Kindergarten Plays 54 King's Riddle 54 Mother Hubbard's Tea Party 54 New Year 54 Queen of Hearts 54 Toy Shop 54 Bluebeard 53 Bobby Shaftoe (operetta) 13 See also G. B. Bartlett's Mother Goose Operetta 60 Bradbury, L. A., Lawn Dance for Little People 62 Branch, A. H., Rose of the Wind 79 Shoes that Danced 11 Breaking the Ice 46 Bridges, Robert, Achilles in Scyros 12 Brooks, E. S., Dickey Dot and Dotty Dick 62 False Sir Santa Claus 61 Friends or Foes? 54 Land of Nod 61 Magic Pen 54 Ye Three Somber Young Gentle- men 65 Brown, A. F., Quits 12 INDEX 83 Browne, D. G., Sweetbriar 79 Browne, W. M., Red or White 12 Browning, E. B., see Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound. Browning, Robert, Colprnbe's Birthday 12 In a lialcony 12 Return of the Druses 12 Buckton, A. M., Eager Heart 79 Masque of Beauty and the Beast, 79 Bull Terrier and the Baby 24 Bunch of Roses 16 Bunner, H. C, Bobby Shaftoe 13 Seven Old Ladies of Lavender Town 13 Three Little Kittens of the Land of Pie 13 Three Operettas 13 Burglar, The 13 Burnett, Mrs. F. H.. Little Lord Fauntleroy 13 Little Princess 79 Burton, C. E., Burton's Amateur Actor 6 Burton, G. E., Pipe of Desire 79 Business Meeting 11 Cameron, Margaret, Burglar, The 13 Christmas Chime 14 Comedies in Miniature 13 Committee on Matrimony 14 Her Neighbor's Creed 14 Kleptomaniac, The 13 Miss Doulton's Orchids 13 Pipe of Peace 14 Campaspe 31 Campbell, M. D., Open Secret 14 Campion, Thomas, Lords' Masque 21 Cantatas : Christmas Cantata 68 Contest of the Nations 57 Convention of Laborers 38 Dream of the Flowers 55 Ivy Queen, The 56 Revels of the Queen of May 56 Captain Lettarblair 33 Captive of Castile 51 Carroll, Lewis, Alice in Wonderland, see Mrs. Burton Harrison. Carrots 37 Case, N. E., Dream of the Flowers 55 Cathleen Ni Hoolihan 49 Cavazza, E., When Angry Count One Hun- dred 14 Changeling, The. 62 Charley's Country Cousin. 80 Chase, F. E., Santa Claus the First 65 Christmas, Plays for, 60,61, 65-70, 79, 80 Christmas at Santa Claus House 66 Christmas at Skeeter Corner 66 Christmas Book (Werner's) 68 Christmas Boxes 16 Christmas Cantata 68 Christmas Carol, scene from 23 Christmas Chime, A 14 Christmas Customs, Songs and Sto- ries, Bibliographies of 71-72 Christmas Dream, A 66 Christmas Entertainments, Pro- grams for 69 Christmas Eve at Mother Hub- bard's 61 Christmas Eve Party 69 Christmas for All Nations 66 Christmas in Old England 68 Christmas Joke 67 Chronicles of Christmas 69 84 Churchill, Winston, Title-mart 14 Cinderella, (Bell) 53 Cinderella, (Dugan) 19 Cinderella, (Field) 55 Citoyenne Denise 30 Clancey Kids 57 Clarke, M. C, Puck's Pranks 55 Clemens, S. L., Meisterschaft 15 Colombe's Birthday 12 Columbine's Marriage 59 Comedie Royall 44 Comedies for Marionettes 58-59 Comedies in Miniature 13 Comedy Sketches 44 Comic Tragedies _ 51 Committee on Matrimony 14 Comus 34 Confederates, The 15 Confidence Game 47 Contest of the Nations 57 Convention of Laborers 38 Cooper, Elise, Death or the Emperor? 15 Sprig of White Heather 15 Coppee, Francois, Violin Maker of Cremona 15 See also Jerome's Fennel. Copper Complication (operetta) 26 Corydon 9 Costume Plays: Notb: Plays calling merely for fanciful cos- tume, such as fairy plays, are not given in this list which is limited to plays demand- ing definite historical costuming. American Colonial: Giles Corey, Yeoman 24 Giles Corey of the Salem Farms.. 30 In April '75 34 In the Wake of Paul Revere 25 Little Heroine of the Revolution.. 25 Maid of Plymouth 39 Valley Forge 31 American Indian: Hiawatha 30, 31 INDEX English, 13th Century: Lords and Lovers 16 Elizabethan: Christmas in Old England 68 Comedie Royall 44 Elizabeth of England 40 Foresters, The 46 Marlowe 35 Ring, The 31 Sixteenth Century Christmas 16 See also the list of Old English plays 77 English, 17th Century: Comus 34 In the Reign of King James 34 Sheep in Wolf's Clothing 45 English, 18th Century: Critic, The 41 Dean of St. Patrick's 11 Good-natured Man 24 Rivals, The 41 School for Scandal 41 She Stoops to Conquer 24 English, early 19th Century: Cranford 27, 33, 35 Duologues from Jane Austen 22 Pride and Prejudice 31 French, 15th Century: Farce of Master Pierre Patelin.... 21 Gringoire 42 King Rene's Daughter 26 French, 18th Century: Citoyenne Denise 30 King's Command 46 French, early 19th Century: Shoes that Danced 11 German (Cleves) 17th Century: Colombe's Birthday 12 Greek, Ancient: Achilles in Scyros 12 Alkestis 20 Antigone 42 Croesus (arranged from Herod- otus) 42 Prometheus Bound 9 INDEX Indian, East, S^koontali 29 Irish: Cathleen Ni Hoolihan 49 Hour-glass 49 Land of Heart's Desire 50 Lost Saint 28 Marriage, The 28 Pot of Broth 49 Song of tiie Castle 45 Twisting of the Roj)e 29 Italian, 18th Century: Man of Destiny 41 Violin Maker of Cremona 15 Japanese: Flight of the Sun Goddess 20 Flower of Yeddo 32 Japanese Romance 58 Mirror, The 22 Revenge of Shari-Hot-Su 11 Russian, Modern: Pauline Pavlovna 9 Shepherd, The 16 St. Helena, 1821: Death or the Emperor? 15 Sicilian, 356 B. C: Siege, The 16 Spanish, 15th Century: Spanish Gypsy. 20 Syrian, 15th Century: Return of the Druses 12 Court of Hearts (operetta) 26 Courtship of Miles Standish, see S. Schell's Maid of Plymouth. Crabbed Age and Youth 45 Cranford, Ladies of, (Home) 27 Cranford (Merington) 33 Cranford at Home (Oldershaw) 35 Critic, The 41 Croesus 42 Cross, M. B., Lucky Trifles 15 Spoken Thoughts 15 Crystal Gazer 34 85 D. D., S. J., Christmas Eve at Mother Hub- bard's 61 Daniel, Samuel, Vision of the Twelve Goddesses... 21 Daniels, M. W., see Hooper, R. L. Daphne 33 Dargan, O. T., Lords and Lovers 16 Shepherd, The. 16 Siege, The 16 Davenant, Sir W^illiam, Salmacida Spolia 21 Davis, Mrs. M. E. M., Bunch of Roses 16 Christmas Boxes 16 D.'-ess Rehearsal 17 His Lordship 16 New System 17 Queen Anne Cottages 16 Davis, R. H., Dictator, The 17 Galloper, The 17 Miss Civilization 17 Princess Aline, The, see S. D. Smith's The Princess Aline Play. Dean of St. Patrick's 11 Death or the Emperor? 15 Decision of the Court 33 Dekker, Thomas, Shoemaker's Holiday 17 Delectable Ballad of the Waller Lot 64 DeMille, W. C, and Barnard, Charles, Forest Ring 79 Denslow, C. P., Offerings of the Year 65 Detective in Petticoats 20 Dickens, Charles, Bardell vs. Pickwick 18 Christmas Carol, scene from 23 86 INDEX Holly Tree, see Mrs. Oscar Ber- inger's Holly Tree Inn. Our Mutual Friend, see H. R. Shattuck's Our Mutual Friend. Dickey Dot and Dotty Dick 62 Dickinson, C. E., and Schell, Stan- ley, Roll Call of the Nation 55 Dictator, The 17 Dobson, Austin, Au Revoir 18 Idyll of the Carp 18 In the Royal Academy 18 Proverbs in Porcelain 18 Tu Quoque 19 Doll's Frolic 52 Dramatic Evening 10 Dream of the Flowers 55 Dream-lady 63 Dress Rehearsal 17 Dugan, C. A., Apple of Discord 20 Cinderella 19 Flight ot the Sun Goddess 20 Gift of Aphrodite 19 Gypsy Girl of Hungary 19 King's Jester 19 Nino's Revenge 19 Pandora 19 Queen's Coffer 19 Sleeping Beauty 19 Undine 20 Duologues and Scenes from the Novels of Jane Austen 22 E. C. W., see W., E. C. Eager Heart 79 Eggleston, Edward, House of Sir Santa Claus 60 Elevator, The 27 Eliot, Annie, see Trumbull, A. E. Eliot, George, Adam Bede, scene from 23 Mill on the Floss, scene from 23 Spanish Gypsy 20 Elizabeth of England 40 Elizabethan Plays 77 Elopement of Ellen 49 Emma, scenes from 22 Emperor's New Clothes 53 Enebuske, S. F., Detective in Petticoats 20 English History, plays dealing with, see Costume plays, English. English Masques 21 English Miracle Plays 36 Engli h Plays written before 1700... 77 Erskine, Mrs. Stewart, Spade Heresy 20 Euripides, Alkestis 20 Evans, H. A. comp. English Masques 21 Everyman 21, 36 Fairy Tale Plays (Bell) 52-53 Fairy Tale Plays ( Nesbitt) 59-60 Fairy Tale Plays (Syrett) 63 See also Dugan' s King's Jester, and the entire list of Plays for Children. Falcon, The 45 False Sir Santa Claus 61 Fantasticks, The, see Rostand's Ro- mancers. Farce of Master Pierre Patelin 21 Fatal Message 10 Fennel 29 Festival of the Daisies 62 Fete in Flowerland 52 Field, Eugene, Delectable Ballad of the Waller Lot 64 Field, H. D. and Field, R. M., Cinderella 55 Lesson from Fairyland 56 Modern Cinderella 56 Muses up to Date 55 Trouble in the Garden 55 Wooing of Penelope 56 INDEX 87 Filippi, Rosina, Duologues and scenes from the Novels of Jane Austen 22 In the Italian Quarter 22 Mirror, The 22 Fireflies 44 Fisherman and His Wife 53 FJtz-Gerald, S. J. A., Birds of a Feather 56 Flower Fairies' Frolic 56 Parting, The 23 Waiting for the Train 23 Five O'clock Tea 27 Fletcher, John, see Beaumont, Fran- cis. Flight of the Sun Goddess 20 Flower Fairies' Frolic 56 Flower of Yeddo 32 Fogerty, Elsie, Scenes from the Great Novelists . 23 Folk-song, Old English 62 Foolish Jack 53 Forest Ring 79 Foresters, The 46 Fortunate Isles 21 Fourth of July Plays: Knave of Hearts 59 Roll Call of the Nation 55 Stars and Stripes Jubilee 58 Freeman, Mrs. M. E. W., Giles Corey, Yeoman 24 French costume plays, see Costume plays, French. Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay 25 Friends or Foes? 54 Gaddess, Mrs. M. L. , Ivy Queen 56 Revels of the Queen of May 56 Galatea of the Toy-shop 45 Galloper, The 17 Garroters, The 27 Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth, Cranford, see M. B. Home's La- dies of Cranford, M. Merington's Cranford, and L. Oldershaw's Cranford at Home. Gentle Jury 11 Giant Picture-book 61 Gibson Play 33 Gift of Aphrodite 19 Gift of the Fairies 63 Gilbert, W. S., Sweethearts 24 Giles Corey, Yeoman 24 Giles Corey of the Salem Farms 30 Givens, H. M., Bull Terrier and the Baby 24 Gleason, O. W., Trouble in Santa Claus Land 66 Golden Age Restored 21 Golden Goose (Bell) 53 Golden Goose (Nesbitt) 60 Golden Legend 30 Goldsmith, Oliver, Good-natured Man 24 She Stoops to Conquer 24 Good as Gold 37 Good King Wenceslas 80 Good-natured Man 24 Goose Girl 60 Gould, E. L., "Little Men" Play 57 "Little Women" Play 57 Gowe, R., Jean Noel 66 Greek costume plays, see Costume plays, Greek. Greek Slave 51 Greene, Robert, Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay... 25 Green-room Rivals 47 Gringoire 42 Grundy, Sydney, Man Proposes 25 Guide to Selecting Plays 6 Guild, T. H., Clancey Kids, The 57 88 INDEX Guptill, Mrs. E. F., Christmas at Santa Claus House.. 66 Christmas at Skeeter Corner 66 Christmas Dream 66 Christmas for All Nations 66 Christmas Joke 67 Contest of the Nations 57 Holidays' Carnival 57 In Santa Claus Land 67 In the Wake of Paul Revere 25 Little Heroine of the Revolution, 25 Lost Prince 67 Stars and Stripes Jubilee 58 Gypsy Girl of Hungary 19 H Half-v?ay to Arcady 44 Halifax, J., Santa Claus Reception 67 Hallowe'en Festivities 39 Hallowe'en play: Matchmakers 37 Hard, Henry and Schell, Stanley, Aladdin 58 Harrison, Mrs, Burton, Alice in Wonderland 58 Mouse-trap 25 Tea at Four O'clock 26 Two Strings to Her Bow 26 Weeping Wives 26 Haydn's "Children's Symphony,".. 62 Her Neighbor's Creed 14 Herodotus, see Snowe, Lucy. Hertz, Hendrik, King Rene's Daughter 26 Hiawatha 30, 31 His Lordship 16 Hodson, Shirley, Private Theatricals 6 Hogg, Wentworth, Guide to Selecting Plays 6 Holiday's Carnival 57 Holidays, Plays for the, see Christ- mas; Fourtii of July; Hallowe'en; Labor Day; May Day; St. Val- entine's Day; Thanksgiving. Holly Tree Inn 65 Holmes, O. W., Ballad of the Oysterman 64 Honor and the Girl 38 Hooper, R. L. and Daniels, M.W., Alice in Wonderland Continued.. 26 Copper Complication 26 Court of Hearts 26 Home, M. B., Ladies of Cranford 27 Hour-glass, The 49 House of Sir Santa Claus 60 Housman, Laurence, Bethlehem 67 Housman, Laurence, and Barker, H. G., Prunella 27 Howells, W. D., Albany Depot 27 Elevator 27 Five O'clock Tea 27 Garroters 27 Indian Giver 28 Likely Story 28 Mouse-trap 28 Parlor Car 28 Register, The 28 Smoking Car 28 Unexpected Guests 28 Husband in Clover 33 Hutchinson, M. F., Japanese Romance 58 Hyde, Douglas, Lost Saint 28 Marriage, The 28 Nativity 67 Twisting of the Rope 2^ I Idyll of the Carp 18 In a Balcony 12 In April -TS 34 INDEX 89 In Arcady 63 In Santa Glaus Land 67 In the Italian Quarter 22 In the Reign of King James 34 In the Royal Academy 18 In the Wake of Paul Revere 25 Indian, East, plays, see S^koontald. Indian Giver 28 Indians, American, Plays dealing with, see Hiawatha. Interludes, Old English 36 Intruder, The 32 Ion 5i Irish Plays, see Costume plays, Irish. Italian costume plays, see Costume plays, Italian. Ivy Queen 56 Jack and Jill 69 Jack and the Beanstalk 53 lames, M. E., What Shall We Act? 6 Japanese costume plays, see Cos- tume plays, Japanese. Japanese Romance 58 Jean Noel 66 Jerome, J. K., Barbara 29 Fennel 29 Miss Hobbs 29 Sunset 29 Jonson, Ben, Fortunate Isles 21 Golden Age Restored 21 Lovers Made Men 21 Masque at Lord Haddington's Marriage 21 Masque of Augurs 21 Masque of Queens 21 Neptune's Triumph for the Re- turn of Albion 21 News from the New World Dis- covered in the Moon 21 Oberon 21 Pan's Anniversary; or. Shep- herd's Holyday 21 K Kdlid^a, SAkoontald 29 Kelley, E. S., Old English Folk-song 62 Kindergarten Plays 54 King, G. G., Columbine's Marriage 59 Comedies for Marionettes 58-59 Legend of St. Francis 59 Legend of St. Dorothy 59 Loyal Two 59 Magic Hat 59 Mother Hubbard and her Dog ... 59 Snowflake and the Dwarfs 59 King Rene's Daughter 26 King's Command 46 King's Jester 19 King's Riddle 54 Kingsley, Charles, Saint Elizabeth 30 Kisses of Marjorie 45 Kleptomaniac, The 13 Knave of Hearts 59 Knight of the Burning Pestle H Labor Day play. Convention of Laborers 38 Ladies of Cranford 27 Land of Heart's Desire 50 Land of Nod 61 Last Race 32 Lawn Dance for Little People 62 Lawson, A. M., Who is Santa Claus? 68 90 INDEX Lee, Albert, Knave of Hearts 59 Legend of St. Dorothy 59 Legend of St. Fiancis 59 Le^on from Fairyland 56 Lesson in Harmony 10 Library lists on Christmas 71-72 Likely Story 28 Little Bridget 63 Little Heroine of the Revolution .. 25 Little Lord Fauntleroy 13 "Little Men" Play, The 57 Little Princess 79 "Little Women" Play, Th 57 Loch, Emil, Citoyenne Denise 30 Longfellow, H. W., Courtship of Miles Standish, see S. Schell's Maid of Plymouth; Giles Corey of the Salem Farms.. 30 Golden Legend 30 Hiawatha 30, 31 Masque of Pandora 31 Lord, J. J., Haydn's "Children's Sym- phony" 62 Lords and Lovers 16 Lords' Masque 21 Lost Prince 67 Lost Saint 28 Lovejoy, E. S., Valley Forge 31 Lovers Made Men 21 Lowell, C. C, Prince Charming's Fate 59 Loyal Two 59 Lucky Trifle 15 Lyly, John, Campaspe 31 M Mackaye, Mrs. Steele, Pride and Prejudice 31 McMechan, F. H., Last Race 32 MacMillan, Mary, Ring, The 31 Rose, The 32 Woman's a Womau for a' That.. 32 Maeterlinck, Maurice, Intruder 32 Magic Hat 59 Magic Pen 54 Magic Sword 61 Magic Whistle 59 Maid of Plymouth 39 Man in the Case 35 Man of Destiny 41 Man Proposes 25 Mapes, Victor, Flower of Yeddo 32 Marionette theatre, how to make... 58 Marionettes, Comedies and legends for 58-59 Marriage, The 28 Marshall, R., Shades of Night 80 Mary Jane, The Modern and Me- diaeval Ballad of 60 Masque at Lord Haddington's Mar- riage 21 Masque of Augurs 21 Masque of Beauty and the Beast... 79 Masque of Culture 47 Masque of Flowers 21 Masque of Pandora 31 Masque of Queens 21 Masque of the Inner-Temple and Gray's Inn 21 Masques, Old English 21 Matchmakers, The 37 Marthews, E. V. B., Six Cups of Chocolate 32 Matthews, J. B., Decision of the Court 33 May Day play, Revels of the Queen of May 56 Meisterschaft 15 Merington, Marguerite, Captain Lettarblair 33 Cranford 33 INDEX 91 Dapnne 33 Gibson Play 33 Merivale, H. C, Husband in Clover 33 Mill on the Floss, scene from 23 Milton, John, Comus 34 Mind Cure 48 Minister's Wooing, scenes from... 43 Miracle Plays 36 Mirror, The 22 Miss Civilization 17 Miss Doulton's Orchids 13 Miss Hobbs 29 Mrs Bagg's Bargain Day 37 Mrs. Tubb's Telegram 37 Modern and Mediaeval Ballad of Mary Jane 60 Modern Cinderella 56 Mole King's Daughter 59 Montague, Leopold, Crystal Gazer 34 Moralities, Old English 36 Morgan, A. B., In April '75 34 In the Reign of King James 34 Orange Girl 34 Mother Goose Operetta 60 Mother Goose's Merry Band 63 Mother Hubbard and Her Dog 59 Mother Hubbard's Tea Party 54 Mouse-trap, The (Harrison) 25 Mouse-trap, The (Howells) 28 Moving out 39 Murdock, C. L., Sixteenth Century Christmas 61 Muses up to Date 55 N Nance Oldfield 35 Nativity, The 67 Neptune's Triumph for the Return of Albion 21 Nesbitt, Frank, Beauty and the Beast 60 Golden Goose 60 Goose Girl 60 Magic Whistle 59 Mole King's Daughter 59 Rumpelstiltskin 59 Nettle, The 49 New System 17 New Year, The 54 News from the New World Dis- covered in the Moon 21 Nino's Revenge 19 Noah's Flood 36 Noma 51 Northanger Abbey, scene from 22 o Oberon 21 Obstinate Family, see "Thank Goodness the Table is Spread." Offerings of the Year 65 Ogden, Ruth, Among the Pines 68 Old English Folk-song 62 Old English plays 77 Oldershaw, Lucian, ed., Cranford at Home 35 Oldtown Folks, scenes from 43 Open Secret 14 Operettas: Alice in Wonderland Continued, 26 Bobby Shaftoe 13 Copper Complication 26 Court of Hearts 26 Orientals, The 41 Princess Perfection 41 Seven Old Ladies of Lavender Town 13 Three Little Kittens of the Land of Pie 13 For other musical plays, see Co- mus, 34; Daphne, 33, and The Worsted Man, 10. 92 INDEX Operettas for Children: Fete in Flowerland 52 Land of Nod 61 Magic Pen 54 Mother Goose Operetta 60 Prince Charming's Fate 59 Santa Claus at Home 68 Orange Girl 34 Orientals, The (operetta) 41 Our Aunt from California 10 Our Mutual Friend 40 Outdoor plays 73-76, 79 Owin' to Maggie 47 Packard, Winthrop, Man in the Case 35 Pair of Frauds 42 Pair of Lunatics 35 Pandora 19 Pandora, Masque of 31 Pan's Anniversary 21 Pantomimes, Shadow, ballads for, 60, 61, 64 Parlor Car 28 Parting, The 23 Pastoral plays 73-76, 79 Patelin 21 Pauline Pavlovna 9 Peabody, J. P., Marlowe 35 Peele, George, Arraignment of Paris 35 Petticoat Perfidy 50 Picking up the Pieces 44 Pickwick Papers, see Bardell vs. Pickwick. Pictures in the Fire 37 Pinero, A. W., Amazons 36 Trelawney of the "Wells," 36 Pipe of Desire 79 Pipe of Peace 14 Pity, see Shirley's Gringoire. Pollard, A. W. comp., English Miracle Plays 36 Porter, B. C, Pictures in the Fire 37 Pot of Broth 49 Pratt, Mrs. A. B. A , see Alcott, L. M. Pride and Prejudice 22, 31 Prince Charming's Fate 59 Princess, The 46 Princess Aline Play 42 Princess Perfection (operetta) 41 Problems of a Philanthropist 48 Programs for Christmas Entertain- ments 69 Prometheus Bound 9 Proposal under Difficulties 10 Proverbs in Porcelain 18 Prunella 27 Puck's Pranks 55 Pyle, Katharine, Magic Sword 61 Q Queen Anne Cottages 16 Queen of Hearts 54 Queen's Coffer 19 Quits 12 R Ralph Roister Dolster 48 Real Thanksgsving 39 Red or White? 12 Red Riding Hood 52 Re-engagement, The, see When Angry Count One Hundred. Register, The 28 Renard, Jules, Carrots 37 Return of the Druses 12 Revels of the Queen of May 56 Revenge of Shari-Hot-Su 11 INDEX 93 Rice, B. E., Matchmakers 37 Rice, K. M., Charlie's Country Cousin 80 Good as Gold 37 Good King Wenceslas 80 Mrs. Bagg's Bargain Day 37 Mrs. Tubb's Telegram 37 Successful Stratagem 38 Richmond, G. S., Honor and the Girl 38 Riders to the Sea 80 Ring, The 31 Rivals, The 41 Riviere, Freda, Roses and Thorns 38 Tantrums 38 Roister Doister 48 Roll Call of the Nation 55 Romancers, The 38 Rose, The 32 Rose and the Ring 46 Rose of the Wind 79 Roses and Thorns 38 Rostand, Edmond, Romancers 38 Rumpelstiltzkin (Bell) 52 Rumpelstiltskin (Nesbitt) 59 Russian costume plays, see Cos- tume plays, Russian. Rustic Maid 49 s S. J. D,, see D., S. J. Sacrifice of Isaac 36 Saint Elizabeth 30 St. Nicholas Book of Plays and Operettas 60-62 Note: For a complete list of the plays in the St. Nicholas Maga- zine see its Index published by the Cumulative Index Co., Cleve- land, O. St. Valentine's Day 48 7 Sdkoontald 29 Salem Public Library, List of Amateur Theatricals 6 Santa Clans at Home 68 Santa Claus Reception 67 Santa Claus the First 65 Schell, Stanley, Animals' Plea to the Fairies 62 Christmas Cantata 68 Convention of Laborers 38 Festival of the Daisies 62 Hallowe'en Festivities 39 Maid of Plymouth 39 Mother Goose's Merry Band 63 Real Thanksgiving 39 Temple of Fame 39 Werner's Christmas Book 68 Schell, Stanley and Dickinson, C. E., Roll Call of the Nation 55 Schell, Stanley and Hard, Henry, Aladdin 58 Schmithof, E., see Mattheves, E. V. B. School for Scandal 41 Scott, Sir Walter, Abbot, The, scene from 23 Searle, Katherine, Moving Out 39 Secunda Pastorum 36 Sense and Sensibility, scene from.... 22 Seton, E. T., Wild Animal Play 63 Seven Old Ladies of Lavender Town (operetta) 13 Seymour, E. M., Two Jolly Girl Bachelors 40 Shades of Night 80 Shadow pantomimes 60, 61, 64 Shadows of the Glen 80 Shaler, N, S., Elizabeth of England 40 Shattuck, H. R., Our Mutual Friend 40 Shaw, G. B., Man of Destiny 41 94 INDEX She Stoops to Conquer Sheep in Wolf's Clothing Shepherd, The Shepherd's Holyday Sheridan, R. B., Critic Rivals School for Scandal Sherwood, Josephine, Musical setting to Milton's Co- mus Princess Perfection Sherwood, Josephine, and Berry, K.C., Orientals Shirley, Arthur, Gringoire Shirley, James, Triumph of Peace Shoemaker's Holiday Shoes that Danced Shore, W. T., Two Old Children Sicilian costume plays, see Costume plays, Sicilian. Siege, The Silent Voice Six Cups of Chocolate Six Fairy Plays for Children Sixteenth Century Christmas Sleeping Beauty (Bell) Sleeping Beauty (Dugan) Smith, M. H., Pair of Frauds Smith, N. A,, Christmas in Old England Smith, S. D., Jack, and Jill Princess Aline Play Smoking Car, The Snow, Lucy, Croesus Snowflake and the Dwarfs 24 45 16 21 41 41 41 34 41 41 42 21 17 11 42 16 9 32 63 61 53 19 42 68 69 42 28 42 59 Song at the Castle 45 Song of Hiawatha 30, 31 Sophocles, Antigone 42 Spade Heresy 20 Spanish costume plays, see Costume plays, Spanish. Spanish Gypsy 20 Spofford, H. P., Changeling 62 Spoken Thoughts 15 Sprig of White Heather 15 Stars and Stripes Jubilee 58 Stowe, Mrs. H. B., Dialogues and Scenes from her Writings 43 Sturgis, Julian, Apples 44 Comedy Sketches 44 Fireflies 44 Half-way to Arcady 44 Picking up the Pieces 44 Successful Stratagem 38 Sunset 29 Sutherland, Mrs. E. G., Bit of Instruction 44 Comedie Royall 44 Galatea of the Toy-shop 45 Song at the Castle 45 , Sweetbriar 79 Sweethearts 24 Synge, J. M., Shadows of the Glen. Riders to the Sea 80 Syrett, Nena, Dream-lady 63 Gift of the Fairies 63 In Arcady 63 Little Bridget 63 Six Fairy Plays for Children 63 White Magic 63 Wonderful Rose 63 Syrian costume plays, see Costume plays, Syrian. INDEX 95 Tableaux: Christmas in Old England 68 Giant Picture Book 61 Mother Goose's Merry Band 63 Pictures in the Fire 37 Trouble in theGarden 55 Tadema, see Alma-Tadema, Lau- rence. Tantrums 38 Tarkington, Booth, Kisses of Marjorie 45 Tarpey, W. K., Crabbed Age and Youth 45 Taylor, Tom, Sheep in Wolf's Clothing 45 Tea at Four O'clock 26 Temple of Fame 39 Tennyson, Alfred, Falcon 45 Foresters 46 Princess 46 Terris, C. H , King's Command 46 Thackeray, W. M., Rose and the Ring 46 Thank Goodness the Table is Spread 46 Thanksgiving Pictures in the Fire 37 Real Thanksgiving 39 Thomas, Charles, Breaking the Ice 46 Three Little Kittens of the Land of Pie, (operetta) 13 Three Operettas 13 Three Wishes 53 Tiffany, E. B., Bachelor Maids 47 Tinder-box, The 53 Title-mart, The 14 Tommy's Wife 49 Topsyturvy Concert 62 Toy Shop, The 54 Toys' Rebellion 69 Trelawney of the "Wells " 36 Trent, J. J., Owin' to Maggie 47 Triumph of Pauline 47 Triumph of Peace 21 Trouble in Santa Claus Land 66 Trouble in the Garden 55 Trumbull, A. £., As Strangers 47 Christmas Eve Party 69 Confidence Game 47 Green-room Rivals 47 Masque of Culture 47 Mind Cure 48 Problems of a Philanthropist 48 St. Valentine's day 48 Wheel of Progress 48 Writing a Play 48 Tu Quoque 19 Twain, Mark, pseud, see Clemens, S. L. Twisting of the Rope 29 Two Jolly Girl Bachelors 40 Two Old Children 42 Two Strings to Her Bow 26 u Udall, Nicholas, Ralph Roister Doister 48 Uncle Tom's Cabin, scenes from... 43 Undine 20 Unexpected Guests 28 Unloved Wife 51 Valley Forge 31 Violin Maker of Cremona 15 Vision of the Twelve Goddesses 21 w W., E. C. Santa Claus at Home 68 Waiting for the Train 23 Waller Lot, Delectable Ballad of the 64 96 INDEX Warren, Ernest, Nettle, The 49 Warren, M. J., Elopement of Ellen 49 Tommy's Wife 49 Watson, J. G. comp.. Chronicle of Christmas 69 Weaver, Emily, ed., Dialogues and scenes from the Writings of H. B. Stowe 43 Weeping W"ives 26 What Shall We Act? 6 Wheel of Progress 48 When Angry Count One Hundred.. 14 White Magic 63 Whitehead, Lucy, Rustic Maid 49 Who is Santa Claus? 68 Wild Animal Play 63 Wings of Mignonette 52 Wolcott, T. E. comp.. Programs for Christmas Enter- tainments 69 Woman's a Woman for a' That.... 32 Woman's Wont, see Thank Good- ness the Table is Spread. Wonderful Rose 63 Wooing of Penelope 56 Worrell, E. R., Toys' Rebellion 69 Worsted Man 10 Writing a Play 48 Ye Three Somber Young Gentle- men 65 Yeats, W. B., Cathleen Ni Hoolihan 49 Hour-glass 49 Land of Heart's Desire 50 Pot of Broth 49 Young, Sir Charles, Petticoat Perfidy 50 V UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. N0V121952 JUN 1 1953 Form LO-oOw-ll, '50(2554)444 m\^ moA an# ^^\ z 5781 Ml6 % UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY I I II 111 III III AA 000 485 331 3 m