u Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/elementsofnaturaOOkelvrich ELEMENTS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. iLontJOn: CAMBRIDGE WAREHOUSE, 17, Paternoster Row. CTamirnifie: DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO. ILcipjig: F. A. BROCKHAUS. it -ELEMENTS NATURAL PHILOSOPHY SIR WILLIAM THOMSON, LL.D, D.C.L., F.R.S., PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW, AND PETER GUTHRIE TAIT, M.A., PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. PART I. _ SECOND EDITION, .f^T% B A R iT AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. i8;9 \_All Rights reserved^ VI PREFACE. of notes of a part of the Glasgow course, drawn up for Sir W. Thomson by John Ferguson, Esq., and printed for the use of his students. "We have had considerable difficulty in compiling this treatise from the larger work — arising from the necessity for condensation to a degree almost incompatible with the design to omit nothing of importance : and we feel that it would have given us much less trouble and anxiety, and would probably have ensured a better result, had we written the volume anew without keeping the larger book constantly before us. The sole justification of the course we have pur- sued is that wherever, in the present volume, the student may feel further information to be desirable, he will have no difficulty in finding it in the corresponding pages of the larger work. " A great portion of the present volume has been in type since the autumn of 1863, and has been printed for the use of our classes each autumn since that date." To this we would now only add that the whole has been revised, and that we have endeavoured to simplify those portions which we have found by experience to present difficulties to our students. The present edition has been carefully revised by Mr W. BURNSIDE, of Pembroke College : and an Ltdex, of which we have recognized the necessity, has been drawn up for us by Mr Scott Lang. W. THOMSON. P. G. TAIT. January^ 1879. CONTENTS. DIVISION I. Preliminary. PAGE Chap. I. Kinematics i „ II. Dynamical Laws and Principles . . 56 „ in. Experience in „ IV. Measures and Instruments . . . 122 DIVISION II. Abstract Dynamics. ., V. Introductory 136 ,, VI. Statics of a Particle. Attraction . . 140 ,, VII. Statics of Solids and Fluids . . . 199 Appendix 282 DIVISION I. PRELIMINARY. CHAPTER L— KINEMATICS. The word Dynamometer occurring in the Index on p. 288 should have been Ergometer, that being the term which we shall in future use to denote this class of instruments. considered without reference to the bodies moved, or to the forces producing the motion, or to the forces called into action by the motion, constitute the subject of a branch of Pure Mathematics, which is called Kinematics, or, in its more practical branches, Mechanism. 5. Observation and experiment have afforded us the means of translating, as it were, from Kinematics into Dynamics, and vice versd. This is merely mentioned now in order to show the necessity for, and the value of, the preliminary matter we are about to introduce. 6. Thus it appears that there are many properties of motion, displacement, and deformation, which may be considered altogether independently of force, mass, chemical constitution, elasticity, tempe- rature, magnetism, electricity ; and that the preliminary consideration of such properties in the abstract is of very great use for Natural T. I OF THE UNIVERSITY DIVISION I. PRELIMINARY. CHAPTER L— KINEMATICS. 1. The science which investigates the action of Force is called, by the most logical writers, Dynamics. It is commonly, but erroneously, called Mechanics ; a term employed by Newton in its true sense, the Science of Machines, and the art of making them. 2. Force is recognized as acting in two ways : 1° so as to compel rest or to prevent change of motion, and 2" so as to produce or to change motion. Dynamics, therefore, is divided into two parts, which are conveniently called Statics and Kinetics. 3. In Statics the action of force in maintaining rest, or preventing change of motion, the 'balancing of forces,' or Equilibrium, is investigated ; in Kinetics, the action of force in producing or in changing motion. 4. In Kinetics it is not mere inotion which is investigated, but the relation oi forces to motion. The circumstances of mere motion, considered without reference to the bodies moved, or to the forces producing the motion, or to the forces called into action by the motion, constitute the subject of a branch of Pure Mathematics, which is called Kinematics, or, in its more practical branches. Mechanism. 5. Observation and experiment have afforded us the means of translating, as it were, from Kinematics into Dynamics, and vice versd. This is merely mentioned now in order to show the necessity for, and the value of, the preliminary matter we are about to introduce. 6. Thus it appears that there are many properties of motion, displacement, and deformation, which may be considered altogether independendy of force, mass, chemical constitution, elasticity, tempe- rature, magnetism, electricity ; and that the preliminary consideration of such properties in the abstract is of very great use for Natural T. I 2 PRELIMINARY. Philosophy. We devote to it, accordingly, the whole of this chapter ; which will form, as it were, the Geometry of the subject, embracing what can be observed or concluded with regard to actual motions, as long as the cause is not sought. In this category we shall first take up the free motion of a point, then the motion of a point attached to an inextensible cord, then the motions and displacements of rigid systems — and finally, the deformations of solid and fluid masses. 7. When a point moves from one position to another it must evidently describe a continuous line, which may be curved or straight, or even made up of portions of curved and straight lines meeting each other at any angles. If the motion be that of a material particle, however, there can be no abrupt change of velocity, nor of direction unless where the velocity is zero, since (as we shall afterwards see) such would imply the action of an infinite force. It is useful to con- sider at the outset various theorems connected with the geometrical notion of the path described by a moving point ; and these we shall now take up, deferring the consideration of Velocity to a future section, as being more closely connected with physical ideas. 8. The direction of motion of a moving point is at each instant the tangent drawn to its path, if the path be a curve ; or the path itself if a straight line. This is evident from the definition of the tangent to a curve. 9. If the path be not straight the direction of motion changes from point to point, and the rate of this change, per unit of length of the curve, is called the Curvature. To exemplify this, suppose two tangents, PT, QU, drawn to a circle, and radii OP^ OQ, to the points of contact. The angle between the tangents is the qj change of direction between P and Q, and the rate of change is to be measured by the relation between this angle and the length of the circular arc PQ. Now, if $ be the angle, s the arc, and r the radius, we see at once that (as the angle between the radii is equal to the angle between the tangents, and as the measure of an angle is the ratio of the arc to the radius, § 54) r9 = s, and therefore - =- is the measure of the curvature. Hence the curvature of a circle is in- versely as its radius, and is measured, in terms of the proper unit of curvature, simply by the reciprocal of the radius. 10. Any small portion of a curve may be approximately taken as a circular arc, the approximation being closer and closer to the truth, as the assumed arc is smaller. The curvature at any point is the reciprocal of the radius of this circle for a small arc on each side of the point. 11. If all the points of the curve lie in one plane, it is called 2. plane curve, and if it be made up of portions of straight or curved lines it KINEMATICS. 3 is called 2. plafie polygon. If the line; do not lie in one plane, we have in one case what is called a curve of double curvature, in the other a gauche polygon. The term ' curve of double curvature ' is a very bad one, and, though in very general use, is, we hope, not inera- dicable. The fact is, that there are not two curvatures, but only a curvature (as above defined) of which the plane is continuously changing, or twisting, round the tangent line. The course of such a curve is, in common language, well called ' tortuous ; ' and the mea- sure of the corresponding property is conveniently called Tortuosity. 12. The nature of this will be best understood by considering the curve as a polygon whose sides are indefinitely small. Any two consecutive sides, of course, lie in a plane — and in that plane the curvature is measured as above; but in a curve which is not plane the third side of the polygon will not be in the same plane with the first two, and therefore the new plane in which the curvature is to be measured is different from the old one. The plane of the curva- ture on each side of any point of a tortuous curve is sometimes called the Osculating Plajie of the curve at that point. As two successive positions of it contain the second side of the polygon above men- tioned, it is evident that the osculating plane passes from one position to the next by revolving about the tangent to the curve. 13. Thus, as we proceed along such a curve, the curvature in general varies ; and, at the same time, the plane in which the cur- vature lies is turning about the tangent to the curve. The rate of torsion, or the tortuosity, is therefore to be measured by the rate at which the osculating plane turns about the tangent, per unit length of the curve. The simplest illustration of a tortuous curve is the thread of a screw. Compare § 41 {d). 14. The Integral Curvature, or whole change of direction, of an arc of a plane curve, is the angle through which the tangent has turned as we pass from one extremity to the other. The average curvature of any portion is its whole curvature divided by its length. Suppose a line, drawn through any fixed point, to turn so as always to be parallel to the direction of motion of a point describing the curve : the angle through which this turns during the motion of the point exhibits what we have defined as the integral curvature. In esti- mating this, we must of course take the enlarged modern meaning of an angle, including angles greater than two right angles, and also negative angles. Thus the integral curvature of any closed curve or broken line, whether everywhere concave to the interior or not, is four right angles, provided it does not cut itself. That of a Lemniscate, g is zero. That of the Epicyloid @ is eight right angles ; and so on. 15. The definition in last section may evidently be extended to a plane polygon, and the integral change of direction, or the angle between the first and last sides, is then the sum of its exterior angles, all the sides being produced each in the direction in which the I — 2 PRELIMINARY, moving point describes it while passing round the figure. This is true whether the polygon be closed or not. If closed, then, as long as it is not crossed, this sunri is four right angles, — an extension of the result in Euclid, where all reentrant polygons are excluded. In the star- shaped figure ^^ , it is ten right angles, wanting the suna of the five acute angles of the figure j i. e. it is eight right angles. 16. A chain, cord, or fine wire, or a fine fibre, filament, or hair, may suggest, what is not to be found among natural or artificial pro- ductions, a perfectly fiexible and i?iextensible line. The elementary kinematics of this subject require no investigation. The mathematical condition to be expressed in any case of it is simply that the distance measured along the line from any one point to any other, remains constant, however the line be bent. 17. The use of a cord in mechanism presents us with many practical applications of this theory, which are in general extremely simple; although curious, and not always very easy, geometrical problems occur in connexion with it. We shall say nothing here about such cases as knots, knitting, weaving, etc., as being exces- sively difficult in their general development, and too simple in the ordinary cases to require explanation. 18. The simplest and most useful applications are to the Pulley and its combinations. In theory a pulley is simply a smooth body which changes the dh'ectmz of a flexible and inextensible cord stretched across part of its surface ; in practice (to escape as much as possible of the inevitable friction) it is a wheel, on part of whose circumference the cord is wrapped. (i) Suppose we have a single pulley B^ about which the flexible and inextensible cord ABP is wrapped, and suppose its free portions to be parallel. If {A being fixed) a point P of the cord i'P' be moved to P' , it is evident that each of the portions AB and PB will be • ^ shortened by one-half of PP". Hence, i_j^'< when P moves through any space in ■ the direction of the cord, the pulley B moves in the same direction, through half the space. (2) If there be two cords and two pulleys, the ends AA' being fixed, and the other end of AB being attached to the pulley ^'— then, if all free parts of the cord are parallel, when P is moved to P', B' moves in the same direction through half the space, and carries with it one end of the cord AB. Hence B moves through half the space B did, that is, one fourth of PP', rP' <^ B K^' KINEMATICS, 5 (3) And so on for any number of pulleys, if they be arranged in the above manner. Similar considerations enable us to deter- mine the relative motions of all parts of other systems of pulleys and cords as long as all the free parts of the cords are parallel. Of course, if a pulley \>Q.jixed^ the motion of a point of one end of the cord to or fro77i it involves an equal motion of the other end from or to it. If the strings be not parallel, the relations of a single pulley or of a system of pulleys are a little complex, but present no difficulty. 19. In the mechanical tracing of curves, a flexible and inextensible cord is often supposed. Thus, in drawing an ellipse, the focal pro- perty of the curve shows us that if we fix the ends of such a cord to the foci and keep it stretched by a pencil, the pencil will trace the curve. By a ruler moveable about one focus, and a string attached to a point in the ruler and to the other focus, and kept tight by a pencil sliding along the edge of the ruler, the hyperbola may be described by the help of its analogous focal property ; and so on. 20. But the consideration of evolutes is of some importance in Natural Philosophy, especially in certain mechanical and optical questions, and we shall therefore devote a section or two to this application of Kinematics. Def. If a flexible and inextensible string be fixed at one point of a plane curve, and stretched along the curve, and be then unwound in the plane of the curve, every point of it will describe an Involute of the curve. The original curve is called the Evolute of any one of the others. 21. It will be observed that we speak of an involute, and of the evolute, of a curve. In fact, as will be easily seen, a curve can have but one evolute, but it has an infinite number of involutes. For all that we have to do to vary an involute, is to change the point of the curve from which the tracing-point starts, or consider the invo- lutes described by different points of the string ; and these will, in general, be different curves. But the following section shows that there is but one evolute. 22. Let AB be any curve, PQ a portion of an involute, pP^ qQ positions of the free part of the string. It will be seen at once that these must be tangents to the arc AB at / and q. Also the string at any stage, as pP, ultimately revolves about p. Hence pP is normal (or per- pendicular to the tangent) to the curve PQ. And thus the evolute of PQ is y£ a definite curve, viz. the envelop of (or line which is touched by) the normals drawn at every point of PQ, or, which is the same thing, the locus of the centres of the circles which have at each point the same tangent and curvature as the curve PQ. And we may merely mention, as an obvious result of the 6 PRELIMINARY. mode of tracing, that the arc qp is equal to the difference oi qQ and pP, or that the 2x0, p A is equal to pP. Compare § 104. 23. The rate of motion of a point, or its rate of change of position^ is called its Velocity. It is greater or less as the space passed over in a given time is greater or less : and it may be uniform^ i. e. the same at every instant ; or it may be variable. Uniform velocity is measured by the space passed over in unit of time, and is, in general, expressed in feet or in metres per second ; if very great, as in the case of light, it may be measured in miles per second. It is to be observed that • Time is here used in the abstract sense of a uniformly-increasing quantity — what in the differential cal- culus is called an independent variable. Its physical definition is given in the next chapter. 24. Thus a point, which moves uniformly with velocity v^ describes a space of v feet each second, and therefore vt feet in / seconds, t being any number whatever. Putting s for the space described in / seconds, we have s = vt. Thus with unit velocity a point describes unit of space in unit of time. 25. It is well to observe here, that since, by our formula, we have generally s and since nothing has been said as to the magnitudes of s and /, we may take these as small as we choose. Thus we get the same result whether we derive v from the space described in a million seconds^ or from that described in a millio?ith of a seco?id. This idea is very useful, as it makes our results intelligible when a variable velocity has to be measured, and we find ourselves obliged to approximate to its value (as in § 28) by considering the space described in an interval so short, that during its lapse the velocity does not sensibly alter in value. 26. When the point does not move uniformly, the velocity is variable, or different at different successive instants : but we define the average velocity during any time as the space described in that time, divided by the time ; and, the less the interval is, the more nearly does the average velocity coincide with the actual velocity at any instant of the interval. Or again, we define the exact velocity at any instant as the space which the point would have described in one second, if for such a period it kept its velocity unchanged. 27. That there is at every instant a definite velocity for any moving point, is evident to all, and is matter of everyday conversation. Thus, a railway train, after starting, gradually increases its speed, and every one understands what is meant by saying that at a particular instant it moves at the rate of ten or of fifty miles an hour, — although, in the course of an hour, it may not have moved a mile altogether. We may suppose that, at any instant during the motion, the steam is so adjusted as to keep the train running for some time at a uniform velocity. This is the velocity which the train had at the instant in KINEMATICS. 7 question. Without supposing any such definite adjustment of the driving-power to be made, we can evidently obtain an approximation to the velocity at a particular instant, by considering (§ 25) the motion for so short a time, that during that time the actual variation of speed may be small enough to be neglected. 28. In fact, if v be the velocity at either beginning or end, or at any. instant, of an interval /, and s the space actually described in that interval; the equation v = - (which expresses the definition of the average velocity, § 26) is more and more nearly true, as the velocity is more nearly uniform during the interval /; so that if we take the interval small enough the equation may be made as nearly exact as we choose. Thus the set of values — Space described in one second. Ten times the space described in the first tenth of a second, A hundred „ „ „ hundredth „ and so on, give nearer and nearer approximations to the velocity at the beginning of the first second. The whole foundation of Newton's differential calculus is, in fact, contained in the simple question, 'What is the rate at which the space described by a moving point increases?' i.e. What is the velocity of the moving point? Newton's notation for the velocity, i. e. the rate at which s increases, or the Jluxion of J", is s. This notation is very convenient, as it saves the introduction of a second letter. 29. The preceding definition of velocity is equally applicable whether the point move in a straight or a curved line; but, since, in the latter case, the direction of motion continually changes, the mere amount of the velocity is not sufficient completely to describe the motion, and we must have in every such case additional data to thoroughly specify the motion. In such cases as this the method most commonly employed, whether we deal with velocities, or (as we shall do farther on) with accelerations and forces, consists in studying, not the velocity, accele- ration, or force, directly, but its resolved parts parallel to any three assumed directions at right angles to each other. Thus, for a train moving up an incline in a N.E. direction, we may have the whole velocity and the steepness of the incline given ; or we may express the same ideas thus — the train is moving simultaneously northward, eastward, and upward — and the motion as to amount and direction will be completely known if we know separately the northward, east- ward, and upward velocities — these being called the components of the whole velocity in the three mutually perpendicular directions N., E., and up. 30. A velocity in any direction may be resolved in, and perpen- dicular to, any other direction. The first component is found by multiplying the velocity by the cosine of the angle between the two 8 PRELIMINARY. directions ; the second by using as factor the sine of the same angle. Thus a point moving with velocity V up an Inclined Plane^ making an angle a with the horizon, has a vertical velocity Fsin^; and a horizontal velocity Fcos a. Or it may be resolved into components in any three rectangular directions, each component being found by multiplying the whole velocity by the cosine of the angle between its direction and that of the component. The velocity resolved in any direction is the sum of the resolved parts (in that direction) of the three rectangular com- ponents of the whole velocity. And if we consider motion in one plane, this is still true, only we have but two rectangular com- ponents. 31. These propositions are virtually equivalent to the following obvious geometrical construction : — To compound any two velocities as OA^ OB in the figure ; where ^ ^ OA, for instance, represents in magni- /- "J^^ ^^^^ ^"^ direction the space which / ^^■' about B turned through two right angles. And with regard to G and G' it is evident that the directions remain the same, while the lengths are altered in a given ratio ; but this is the definition of similar curves. 66. An excellent example of the transformation of relative into absolute motion is afforded by the family of Cycloids. We shall in a future section consider their mechanical description, by the rolling of a circle on a fixed straight line or circle. In the meantime, we take a different form of statement, which however leads to precisely the same result. The actual path of a point which revolves uniformly in a circle about another point — the latter moving uniformly in a straight line or circle in the same plane — belongs to the family of Cycloids. 67. As an additional illustration of this part of our subject, we may define as follows : If one point A executes any motion whatever with reference to a second point B ; li B executes any other motion with reference to a third point C ; and so on — the first is said to execute, with reference to the last, a movement which is the resultant of these several movements. The relative position, velocity, and acceleration are in such a case the geometrical resultants of the various components combined according to preceding rules. 68. The following practical methods of effecting such a com- bination' in the simple case of the movements of two points are useful in scientific illustrations and in certain mechanical arrange- ments. Let two moving points be joined by a uniform elastic string; the middle point of this string will evidently execute a movement which is half the resultant of the motions of the two points. But for drawing, or engraving, or for other mechanical applications, the following method is preferable : — CF and ED are rods of equal length moving freely round a pivot at /*, which passes through the middle point of each— C^, AB, EB, and BE are rods of half the length of the two former, and so pivoted to them as to form a pair of equal rhombi CD, EE, whose angles can be altered at will. Whatever motions, whether in a plane, or in space of three dimensions, be given to A and B, /'will evidently be subjected to half their resultant. 20 PRELIMINARY. 69. Amongst the most important classes of motions which we have to consider in Natural Philosophy, there is one, namely, Har- monic Motion^ which is of such immense use, not only in ordinary kinetics, but in the theories of sound, light, heat, etc., that we make no apology for entering here into some little detail regarding it. 70. Def. When a point Q moves uniformly in a circle, the per- pendicular QP drawn from its position at any instant to a fixed diameter AA' of the circle, intersects the diameter in a point P^ whose position changes by a simple harmo7iic motion. Thus, if a planet or satellite, or one of the constituents of a double star, be supposed to move uniformly in a circular orbit about its primary, and be viewed from a very distant position in the plane of its. orbit, it will appear to move backwards and forwards in a straight line with a simple harmonic motion. This is nearly the case with such bodies as the satellites of Jupiter when seen from the earth. Physically, the interest of such motions consists in the fact of their being approximately those of the simplest vibrations of sounding bodies such as a tuning-fork or pianoforte-wire ; whence their name ; and of the various media in which waves of sound, light, heat, etc., are propagated. 71. The Amplitude of a simple harmonic motion is the range on one side or the other of the middle point of the course, i. e. OA or OA' in the figure. An arc of the circle referred to, or any convenient angular reck- oning of it, measured from any fixed point to the uniformly moving point Qy is the Argu??te?it of the harmonic motion. [The distance of a point, performing a simple harmonic motion, from the middle of its course or range, is a sifjiple harmonic functio7i of the time; that is to say a cos {lit - e), where a, «, e are constants, and / represents time. The argument of this function is what we have defined as the argument of the motion. In the formula above, the argument is nt — e.'\ The Epoch in a simple harmonic motion is the interval of time which elapses from the era of reckoning till the moving point first comes to its greatest elongation in the direction reckoned as positive, from its mean position or the middle of its range. [In the formula above, put in the form acosn H} e . - is the epoch.] Epoch in angular measure is the angle described n on the circle of reference in the period of time defined as the epoch. [In the formula, e is the epoch in angular measure.] The Period of a simple harmonic motion is the time which elapses KINEMATICS. 21 from any Instant until the moving point again moves in the same direction through the same position, and is evidently the time of revolution in the auxiliary circle. [In the formula the period is 27r -, n '-' The Phase of a simple harmonic motion at any instant is an expression used to designate the part of its whole period which it has reached. It is borrowed from the popular expression * phases of the moon.' Thus for Simple Harmonic Motion we nlay call the first or zero-phase that of passing through the middle position in the positive direction. Then follow the successive phases quarter-period, half-period, three-quarters-period, and complete period or return to zero-phase. Sometimes it is convenient to reckon phase by a number or numerical expression, which may be either a reckoning of angle or a reckoning of time, or a fraction or multiple of the period. Thus the positive maximum phase may sometimes be called the 90*^ phase or the phase -, or the three-hour phase, if the period be 1 2 hours, or the quarter-period phase. Or, again, the phase of half way down from positive maximum may be described as the 120° phase or the — phase, or the \ period phase. This particular way of specifying phase is simply a statement of the argument as defined above and measured from the point corresponding to positive motion through the middle position. 72. Those common kinds of mechanism, for producing rectilineal from circular motion, or vice versa, in which a, crank moving in a circle works in a straight slot belonging to a body which can only move in a straight line, fulfil strictly the definition of a simple harmonic motion in the part of which the motion is rectilineal, if the motion of the rotating part is uniform. The motion of the treadle in a spinning-wheel approximates to the same condition when the wheel moves uniformly ; the approxi- mation being the closer, the smaller is the angular motion of the treadle and of the connecting string. It is also approximated to more or less closely in the motion of the piston of a steam-engine connected, by any of the several methods in use, with the crank, provided always the ro- tatory motion of the crank be uniform. 73. The velocity of a point executing a simple harmonic motion is a simple harmonic function of the time, a quarter of a period earlier in phase than the displacement, and having its maximum value equal to the ve- locity in the circular motion by which the given function is defined. For, in the fig., if F be the velocity in the circle, it may be represented by OQ in a direction perpendicular to its own, and 22 PRELIMINARY. therefore by OF and FQ in directions perpendicular to those lines. That is, the velocity of F in the simple harmonic motion is FQ V YY7\ V or -?Yr) ^Q > which, when F passes through O, becomes V. 74. The acceleration of a point executing a simple hannonic motion is at any time simply proportional to the displacement from the middle point, but in opposite direction, or always towards the middle point. Its maximum value is that with which a velocity equal to that of the circular motion would be acquired in the time in which an arc equal to the radius is described. For m the fig., the acceleration of (2 (by § 36) is -^ along QO. Supposing, for a moment, QO to represent the magnitude of this acceleration, we may resolve it into QF, FO. The acceleration of F is therefore represented on the same scale by FO. Its magnitude V^ FO F-" is therefore ^^•^^= ^j^^ FO, which is proportional to FO, and has at A its maximum value, yr-^, an acceleration under which the velocity V would be acquired in the time ~r- as stated. Thus we have in simple harmonic motion Acceleration _ F^ _47r^ Displacement ~ Q^^ T^ where T is the time of describing the circle, or the period of the harmonic motion. 75. Any two simple harmonic motions in one line, and of one period, give, when compounded, a single simple harmonic motion ; of the same period; of amplitude equal to the diagonal of a parallelogram de- scribed on lengths equal to their am- plitudes measured on lines meeting at an angle equal to their difference of epochs; and of epoch differing from their epochs by angles equal to those which this diagonal makes with the two sides of the parallelogram. Let F and jP' be two points executing simple harmonic motions of one period, and in one line B'BCAA'. Let Q and Q be the uniformly moving points in the relative circles. On CQ and CQ describe a parallelogram SQCQ'-, and through S draw SR perpendicular to FA' produced. We have F'R= CP (being projections of the equal and parallel lines QS, CQ, on CR). Hence CR^CF-hCF'; and therefore the point R executes the resultant of the motions F and F'. But CS, the diagonal of the parallelogram, is constant KINEMATICS. 23 (since the angular velocities of CQ and CQ are equal, and therefore the angle QCQ' is constant), and revolves with the same angular velocity as CQ or CQ' ; and therefore the resultant motion is simple harmonic, of amplitude CS, and of epoch exceeding that of the motion of F, and falling short of that of the motion of F'y by the angles (2^15" and SCQ' respectively. This geometrical construction has been usefully applied by the tidal committee of the British Association for a mechanical tide- indicator (compare § 77 below). An arm CQ turning round C carries an arm QS turning round Q. Toothed wheels, one of them fixed with its axis through C, and the others pivoted on a framework carried by CQ, are so arranged that QS turns very approximately at the rate of once round in 1 2 mean lunar hours, if CQ be turned uni- formly at the rate of once round in 1 2 mean solar hours. Days and half-days are marked by a counter geared to CQ. The distance of S from a fixed line through C shows the deviation from mean sea- level due to the sum of mean solar and mean lunar tides for the time of day and year marked by CQ and the counter. 76. The construction described in the preceding section exhibits the resultant of two simple harmonic motions, whether of the same period or not. [If they are very nearly, but not exactly, of the same period, the diagonal of the parallelogram will not be constant, but will diminish from a maximum value, the sum of the component amplitudes, which it has at the instant when the phases of the component motions agree ; to a minimum, the difi"erence of those amplitudes, which is its value when the phases differ by half a period. Its direction, which always must be nearer to the greater than to the less of the two radii constituting the sides of the parallelogram, will oscillate on each side of the greater radius to a maximum deviation amounting on either side to the angle whose sine is the less radius divided by the greater, and reached when the less radius deviates by this together with a quarter circumference, from the greater. The full period of this oscillation is the time in which either radius gains a full turn on the other. The resultant motion is therefore not simple harmonic, but is, as it were, simple harmonic with periodi- cally increasing and diminishing amplitude, and with periodical acceleration and retardation of phase. This view is most appropriate for the case in which the periods of the two component motions are nearly equal, but the amplitude of one of them much greater than that of the other. To find the amount of the maximum advance and maximum back- wardness of phase, and when they are experienced, let CA be equal to the greater half-amplitude. From A as centre, with AB the less half-amplitude as radius, describe a circle. CB touching this circle represents the most deviated resultant. Hence CBA is a right angle ; and smBCA=^. 24 PRELIMINARY. The angle BCA thus found is the amount by which the phase of the resultant motion is advanced or retarded relatively to that of the larger component; and the supplement of BCA is the difference of phase of the two components at the time of maximum advance or backwardness of the resultant.] 77. A most interesting application of this case of the composition of harmonic motions is to the lunar and solar tides ; which, except in tidal rivers, or long channels or bays, follow each very nearly the simple harmonic law, and produce, as the actual result, a variation of level equal to the sum of variations that would be produced by the two causes separately. The amount of the lunar tide in the equilibrium theory is about 2*1 times that of the solar. Hence the spring tides of this theory are 3-1, and the neap tides only i-i, each reckoned in terms of the solar tide; and at spring and neap tides the hour of high water is that of the lunar tide alone. The greatest deviation of the actual tide from the phases (high, low, or mean water) of the lunar tide alone, is about -95 of a lunar hour, that is, -98 of a solar hour (being the same part of 12 lunar hours that 28° 26', or the angle whose sine is -7-, is of 360°). This maximum deviation will be in advance or in arrear according as the crown of the solar tide precedes or follows the crown of the lunar tide; and it will be exactly reached when the interval of phase between the two component tides is 3*95 lunar hours. That is to say, there will be maximum advance of the time of high water approximately 4I days after, and maximum retar- dation the same number of days before, spring tides. 78. We may consider next the case of equal amplitudes in the two given motions. If their periods are equal, their resultant is a simple harmonic motion, whose phase is at every instant the mean of their phases, and whose amplitude is equal to twice the amph- tude of either multiplied by the cosine of half the difference of their phase. The resultant is of course nothing when their phases differ by half the period, and is a motion of double amplitude and of phase the same as theirs when they are of the same phase. When their periods are very nearly, but not quite, equal (their amphtudes being still supposed equal), the motion passes very slowly from the former (zero, or no motion at all) to the latter, and back, in a time equal to that in which the faster has gone once oftener through its period than the slower has. In practice we meet with many excellent examples of this case, which will, however, be more conveniently treated of when we come to apply kinetic principles to various subjects in practical mechanics, acoustics, and physical optics ; such as the marching of troops over a suspension bridge, the sympathy of pendulums or tuning-forks, etc. 79. If any number of pulleys be so placed that a cord passing from a fixed point half round each of them has its free parts all in parallel lines, and if their centres be moved with simple harmonic KINEMATICS. 25 motions of any ranges and any periods in lines parallel to those lines, the unattached end of the cord moves with a complex har- monic motion equal to twice the sum of the given simple har- monic motions. This is the principle of Sir W. Thomson's tide- predicting machine, constructed by the British Association, and order- ed to be placed in South Kensington Museum, availably for general use in calculating beforehand for any port or other place on the sea for which the simple harmonic constituents of the tide have been de- termined by the 'harmonic analysis' applied to previous observa- tions \ We may exhibit, graphically, the various preceding cases of single or compound simple harmonic motions in one line by curves in which the abscissae represent intervals of time, and the ordinates the corresponding distances of the moving point from its mean position. In the case of a single simple harmonic motion, the corresponding curve would be that described by the point P in § 70, if, Avhile Q maintained its uniform circular motion, the circle were to move with uniform velocity in any direction perpendicular to OA. This construction gives the harmonic curve, or curve of sines, in which the ordinates are proportional to the sines of the abscissae, the straight line in which O moves being the axis of abscissae. It is the simplest possible form assumed by a vibrating string ; and when it is assumed that at each instant the motion of every particle of the string is simple harmonic. When the harmonic motion is complex, but in one line, as is the case for any point in a violin-, harp-, or pianoforte-string (differing, as these do, from one another in their motions on account of the different modes of excitation used), a similar construction may be made. Investigation regarding complex harmonic functions has led to results of the highest importance, having their most general expression in Fourier's Theorem^ to be presently enunciated. We give below a graphic representation of the composition of two simple harmonic motions in one line, of equal amplitudes and of periods which are as i : 2 and as 2 13, the epochs being each a quarter circumference. The horizontal line is the axis of ab- scissae of the curves ; the vertical line to the left of each being the axis of ordinates. In the first case the slower motion goes through 1:2 2:3 (Octave) (Fifth) ^ . 1 See British Association Tidal Committee's Reports, 1868, 1872, 1875 • ^"^ Lecture on Tides, by Sir \V. Thomson (Collins, Glasgow, 1876). 26 PRELIMINARY. one complete period, in the second it goes through two periods. These and similar cases when the periodic times are not commen- surable, will be again treated of under Acoustics. 80. We have next to consider the composition of simple har- monic motions in different directions. In the first place, we see that any number of simple harmonic motions of one period, and of the same phase, superimposed, produce a single simple harmonic motion of the same phase. For, the displacement at any instant being, according to the principle of the composition of motions, the geometrical resultant of the displacements due to the component motions separately, these component displacements in the case sup- posed, all vary in simple proportion to one another, and are in constant directions. Hence the resultant displacement will vary in simple proportion to each of them, and will be in a constant direction. But if, while their periods are the same, the phases of the several component motions do not agree, the resultant motion will generally be elliptic, with equal areas described in equal times by the radius- vector from the centre ; although in particular cases it may be uni- form circular, or, on the other hand, rectilineal and simple harmonic. 81. To prove this, we may first consider the case, in which we have two equal simple harmonic motions given, and these in per- pendicular lines, and differing in phase by a quarter period. Their resultant is a uniform circular motion. For, let BA^ B'A' be their ranges ; and from 6>, their common middle point as centre, describe a circle through AA' BB'. The given motion of P in BA will be (§67) defined by the motion of a point Q, round the circumference of this circle ; and the same point, if moving in the direction indicated by the arrow, will give a simple harmonic motion of P', in BA\ a quarter of a period behind that of the motion oi P in BA. But, since A'OA, QPO, and QP'O are right angles, the figure QPOP is a parallelogram, and therefore Q is in the position of the displacement compounded of OP and OP'. Hence two equal simple harmonic motions in perpendicular lines, of phases differing by a quarter period, are equivalent to a uniform circular motion of radius equal to the maximum displacement of either singly, and in the direc- tion from the positive end of the range of the component in advance of the other towards the positive end of the range of this latter. 82. Now, orthogonal projections of simple harmonic motions are clearly simple harmonic with unchanged phase. Hence, if we pro- ject the case of § 81 on any plane, we get motion in an ellipse, of which the projections of the two component ranges are conjugate diameters, and in which the radius-vector from the centre describes equal areas (being the projections of the areas described by the radius of the circle) in equal times. But the plane and position of - KINEMATICS. 27 the circle of which this projection is taken may clearly be found so as to fulfil the condition of having the projections of the ranges coincident with any two given mutually bisecting lines. Hence any two given simple harmonic motions, equal or unequal in range, and oblique or at right angles to one another in direction, provided only they differ by a quarter period in phase, produce elliptic motion, having their ranges for conjugate axes, and describing, by the radius-vector from the centre, equal areas in equal times. 83. Returning to the composition of any number of equal simple harmonic motions in lines in all directions and of all phases : each component simple harmonic motion may be determinately resolved into two in the same line, differing in phase by a quarter period, and one of them having any given epoch. We may therefore reduce the given motions to two sets, differing in phase by a quarter period, those of one set agreeing in phase with any one of the given, or with any other simple harmonic motion we please to choose (i.e. having their epoch anything we please). All of each set may (§ 75) be compounded into one simple har- monic motion of the same phase, of determinate amplitude, in a de- terminate line ; and thus the whole system is reduced to two simple fully-determined harmonic motions differing from one another in phase by a quarter period. Now the resultant of two simple harmonic motions, one a quarter of a period in advance of the other, in different lines, has been proved (§ 82) to be motion in an ellipse of which the ranges of the component motions are conjugate axes, and in which equal areas are described by the radius-vector from the centre in equal times. Hence the proposition of § 80. 84. We must next take the case of the composition of simple harmonic motions of different periods and in different lines. In general, whether these lines be in one plane or not, the line of motion returns into itself if the periods are commensurable ; and if not, not. This is evident without proof Also we see generally that the composition of any number of simple harmonic motions in any directions and of any periods, may be effected by adding their components in each of any three rect- angular directions. The final resultant motion is thus fully expressed by formulae giving the rectangular co-ordinates as 'complex harmonic functions ' of the time. 85. By far the most interesting case, and by far the simplest, is that of two simple harmonic motions of any periods, whose directions must of course be in one plane. Mechanical methods of obtaining such combinations will be after- wards described, as well as cases of their occurrence in Optics and Acoustics. We may suppose, for simplicity, the two component motions to take place in perpendicular directions. Also, it is easy to see that we can only have a reentering curve when their periods are commensurable. 28 PRELIMINARY, The following figures represent the paths produced by the com- bination of simple harmonic motions of equal amplitude in two rect- angular directions, the periods of the components being as i : 2, and the epochs differing successively by o, a circumference. I, 2, etc., sixteenths of In the case of epochs equal, or differing by a multiple of tt, the curve is a portion of a parabola, and is gone over twice in opposite directions by the moving point in each complete period. If the periods be not exactly as i : 2 the form of the path pro- duced by the combination changes gradually from one to another of the series above figured ; and goes through all its changes in the time in which one of the components gains a complete vibration on the other. 86. Another very important case is that of two pairs of simple harmonic motions in one plane, such that the resultant of each pair is uniform circular motion. If their periods are equal, we have a case belonging to those already treated (§ 80), and conclude that the resultant is, in general, motion in an ellipse, equal areas being described in equal times about the centre. As particular cases we may have simple har- monic, or uniform circular, motion. If the circular motions are in the sajtie direction, the resultant is evidently circular motion in the same direction. This is the case of the motion of ^ in § 75, and requires no further comment, as its amplitude, epoch, etc., are seen at once from the figure. KINEMATICS. 29 87. If the radii of the component motions are equal, and the periods very nearly equal, but the motions in opposite directions, we have cases of great importance in modern physics, one of which is figured below (in general, a non-reentrant curve). This is intimately connected with the explanation of two sets of important phenomena, — the rotation of the plane of polarization of light, by quartz and certain fluids on the one hand, and by trans- parent bodies under magnetic forces on the other. It is a case of the hypotrochoid, and its corresponding mode of description will be described in § 104. It may be exhibited experimentally as the path of a pendulum, hung so as to be free to move in any vertical plane tlirough its point of suspension, and containing in its bob a fly-wheel in rapid rotation. 88. [Before leaving for a time the subject of the composition of harmonic motions, we must enunciate Fourier's Theorem, which is not only one of the most beautiful results of modern analysis, but may be said to furnish an indispensable instrument in the treatment of nearly every recondite question in modern physics. To mention only sonorous vibrations, the propagation of electric signals along a telegraph wire, and the conduction of heat by the earth's crust, as subjects in their generality intractable without it, is to give but a feeble idea of its importance. Unfortunately it is impossible to give a satisfactory proof of it without introducing some rather trouble- some analysis, which is foreign to the purpose of so elementary a treatise as the present. The following seems to be the most intelligible form in which it can be presented to the general reader r — Theorem. — A complex harmonic function^ with a constant term added, is the proper expression, in mathematical langiiage, for any arbitrary periodic function ; and consequently can express any function whatever between definite values of the variable. 30 PRELIMINARY. 89. Any arbitrary periodic function whatever being given, the amplitudes and epochs of the terms of a complex harmonic function, which shall be equal to it for every value of the independent variable, may be investigated by the ' method of indeterminate coefficients.' Such an investigation is sufficient as a solution of the problem, — to find a complex harmonic function expressing a given arbitrary periodic function, — when once we are assured that the problem is possible ; and when we have this assurance, it proves that the reso- lution is determinate ; that is to say, that no other complex harmonic function than the one we have found can satisfy the conditions.] 90. We now pass to the consideration of the displacement of a rigid body or group of points whose relative positions are unalterable. The simplest case we can consider is that of the motion of a plane figure in its own plane, and this, as far as kinematics is concerned, is entirely summed up in the result of the next section. 91. If a plane figure be displaced in any way in its own plane, there is always (with an exception treated in § 93) one point of it common to any two positions ; that is, it may be moved from any one position to any other by rotation in its own plane about one point held fixed. To prove this, let A^ B be any two points of the plane figure in a first position, A\ B' the position of the same two after a displacement. The Hnes AA\ BB' will not be parallel, except in one case to be presently considered. Hence the Hne equidistant from A and A' will meet that equidistant from B and B' in some point O. Join OA, OB, OA', OB'. Then, evidently, because OA' = OA, OB' = OB, and A'B' = AB, the triangles OA'B' and OAB are equal and similar. Hence O is similarly situated with regard to A'B' and AB, and is therefore one and the same point of the plane figure in its two positions. If, for the sake of illustration, ^B we actually trace the angle OAB upon the plane, it becomes OA'B' in the second posi- tion of the figure. 92. If from the equal angles A' OB', A OB of these similar triangles we take the com- mon part A' OB, we have the remaining angles AOA', BOB' equal, and each of them is clearly equal to the angle through which the figure must have turned round the point O to bring it from the first to the second position. The preceding simple construction therefore enables us not only to demonstrate the general proposition (§91), but also to determine from the two positions of one line AB, A'B' of the figure the common centre and the amount of the angle of rotation. 93. The lines equidistant from A and A', and from B and B', are parallel if ^^ is parallel to A'B' ) and therefore the construction KINEMATICS. 31 A fails, the point O being infinitely- distant, and the theorem becomes nugatory. In this case the motion is in fact a simple translation of the figure in its own plane without rota- tion — since as AB is parallel and equal to A'B\ we have A A' parallel and equal to BB' \ and instead of there being one point of the figure common to both positions, the lines joining the successive positions of every point in the figure are equal and parallel. 94. It is not necessary to suppose the figure to be a mere flat disc or plane — for the preceding statements apply to any one of a set of parallel planes in a rigid body, moving in any way subject to the condition that the points of any one plane in it remain always in a fixed plane in space. 95. There is yet a case in which the construction in § nugatory — that is when A A' is parallel to BB', but AB intersects A B'. In this case, however, it is easy to see at once that this point of intersection is the point O required, although the former method would not have enabled us to find it. 96. Very many interesting applications of this principle may be made, of which, however, few belong strictly to our subject, and we shall therefore give only an example or two. Thus we know that if a line of given length AB move with its extremities always in two fixed lines OA^ OB, any point in it as P describes an ellipse. (This is proved in § 101 below.) It is required to find the direction of motion of P at any instant, i. e. to draw a tangent to the ellipse. BA will pass to its next position by rotating about the point Q ; found by the method of § 91 by drawing per- pendiculars to OA and OB at A and B. Hence P for the instant revolves about Qj and thus its direction of motion, or the tangent to the ellipse, is perpendicular to QP. Also AB in its motion always touches a curve (called in geometry its envelop) ; and the same principle enables us to find the point of the envelop which lies in AB, for the motion of that point must evidently be ultimately (that is for a very small displacement) along AB, and the only point which so moves is the intersection of AB, with the perpendicular to it from Q. Thus our construction would enable us to trace the envelop by points. 3 2 PRELIMINAR K 97. Again, suppose ABDC to be a jointed frame, AB having a reciprocating motion about A^ and by a link ^Z> turning CD in the same plane about C. Deter- ■ 4 y ^ mine the relation between the angular velocities of AB and CD in any position. Evidently the instantaneous direction of motion of B is transverse to AB^ and oi D transverse to CD — hence if AB, CD produced meet in O, the motion of BD is for an instant as if it turned about O. From this it may easily be seen that if the angular velocity of AB be ,, O^, O^, etc., be the successive points of the figure about which the rotations take place, 0^, o^, 0.^, etc., the positions of these points on the plajie when each is the instantaneous centre of rotation. Then the figure rotates about (9j (or ^j, which coincides with it) till O^ coincides with 0^^ then about the latter till O^ coincides with ^3, and so on. Hence, if we join (9^, O^, O3, etc., in the plane of the figure, and ^,, 0^, 0^, etc., in the fixed plane, the motion will be the same as if the polygon O^O^O^, etc., rolled upon the fixed polygon o^o^o^, etc. By supposing the successive displacements small enough, the sides of these polygons gradually diminish, and the polygons finally become continuous curves. Hence the theorem. From this it immediately follows, that any displacement of a rigid solid, which is in directions wholly perpendicular to a fixed hne, may be produced by the rolling of a cylinder fixed in the solid on another cylinder fixed in space, the axes of the cylinders being parallel to the fixed line. 101. As an interesting example of this theorem, let us recur to the case of § 96 : — A circle may evidently be circumscribed about OBQA; and it must be of invariable magnitude, since in it a chord of given length AB subtends a given angle O at the circumference. Also OQ is a diameter of this circle, and is therefore constant. Hence, as Q is momentarily at rest, the motion of the circle circumscribing OBQA is one of internal rolling on a circle of double its diameter. Hence if a circle roll internally on another of twice its diameter any point in T. X 34 PRELIMINARY. its circumference describes a dianieter of the fixed circle, any other point in its plane an ellipse. This is precisely the same proposition as that of § 86, although the ways of arriving at it are very different. 102. We may easily employ this result, to give the proof, promised in § 96, that the point P oi AB describes an ellipse. Thus let OAy OB be the fixed lines, in which the extremities of AB move. Draw the circle A OBD, circumscribing A OB, and let CD be the diameter of this circle which passes through P. While the two points A and B of this circle move along OA and OB, the points C and D must, because of the invariability of the angles BOD, AOC, move along straight lines OC, OD, and these are evidently at right angles. Hence the path of P may be considered as that of a point in a line whose ends move on two mutually perpendicular lines. Let E be the centre of the circle ; join OE, and produce it to meet, in F, the line FPG drawn through P parallel to DO. Then evidently EF^EP, hence F describes a circle about O. Also FP : EG :: 2FE : FO, or PG is a constant submultiple oi EG; and therefore the locus of P is an ellipse whose major axis is a diameter of the circular path oi F. Its semi-axes are DP dXong OC, and i^C along OD. 103. When a circle rolls upon a straight line, a point in its circumference describes a Cycloid, an internal point describes a Prolate Cycloid, an external point a Curtate Cycloid. The two latter varieties are sometimes called Trochoids. The general form of these curves will be seen in the succeeding figures; and in what follows we shall confine our remarks to the cycloid itself, as it is of greater consequence than the others. The next section contains a simple investigation of those properties of the cycloid which are most useful in our subject. i 104. Let AB be a diameter of the generating (or rolling) circle, BC the line on which it rolls. The points A and B describe similar and equal cycloids, of which AQC and ^^S* are portions, li FQR be any subsequent position of the generating circle, Q and S the new positions of A and B, QFS is of course a right angle. If, therefore, QR be drawn parallel to FS, FR is a diameter of the rolling circle, and R lies in a straight line AH drawn parallel to BC. Thus AR = BF. Produce QR to 7] making FT= QR^FS. Evidently the curve AT, which is the locus of T, is similar and equal to BS, and is therefore a cycloid similar and ^ equal to AC. But QR is perpen- dicular to FQ, and is therefore the instantaneous direction of motion of Q, or is the tangent to the cycloid AQC. Similarly, FS is perpendicular to the cycloid ^^S* at S, and therefore TQ is perpendicular to ^7" at T. Hence ($22) AQC is the evolute oi AT, and 2.rc AQ= QT=2QR, 105. When a circle rolls upon an- other circle, the curve described by a point in its circumference is called an Epicycloid, or a Hypocycloid, as the rolling circle is without or within the fixed circle; and when the tracing-point is not in the circumference, we have Epitrochoids and Hypotrochoids. Of the latter classes we have already met with examples (§§ 87, loi), and others will be presently mentioned. Of the former we have, in the first of the appended figures, the case of a circle rolling externally on another of equal size. The curve in this case is called the Cardioid. In the second figure a circle rolls ex- 36 PRELIMINARY. ternally on another of twice its radius. The epicycloid so described is of importance in optics, and will, with others, be referred to when we consider the subject of Caustics by reflexion. In the third figure we have a hypo- cycloid traced by the rolling of one circle internally on another of four times its radius. The curve of § 87 is a hypotrochoid described by a point in the plane of a circle which rolls internally on another of rather more than twice its diameter, the tracing-point passing through the centre of the fixed circle. Had the diameters of the circles been exactly as I : 2, § loi shows us that this curve would have been reduced to a single straight line. 106. If a rigid body move in any way whatever, subject only to the condition that one of its points remains fixed, there is always (without exception) one line of it through this point common to the body in any two positions. Consider a spherical surface within the body, with its centre at the fixed point C. All points of this sphere attached to the body will move on a sphere fixed in space. Hence the construction of § 91 may be made, only with great circles instead of straight lines ; and the same reasoning will apply to prove that the point O thus obtained is common to the body in its two positions. Hence every point of the body in the line (9C, joining O with the fixed point, must be common to it in the two positions. Hence the body may pass from any one position to any other by a definite amount of rotation about a definite axis. And hence, ako, successive or simul- taneous rotations about any number of axes through the fixed point may be compounded into one such rotation. 107. Let OA^ OB be two axes about which a body revolves with angular velocities o>, w^ respectively. With radius unity describe the arc AB^ and in it take any point /. Draw /a, //? perpendicular to OA, OB respectively. Let the rota- tions about the two axes be such that that about OB tends to raise I above the plane of the paper, and that about OA to depress it. In an infinitely short interval of time r, the amounts of these displacements will be Wj/^ . t and — oo/a . t. The point /, and therefore every point in the line 01, will be at rest during the interval t if the sum of these displacements is zero — i.e. if o)j . //3 = (0 . 7a. Hence the line 01 is instantaneously at rest, or the two rotations about OA and OB may be compounded into one about 01. Draw KINEMA TICS. 3 7 Ip, Iq, parallel to OB, OA respectively. Then, expressing in two ways the area of the parallelogram IpOq, we have Oq,ip = Op.Ia. Hence Oq -. Op :: m^ -. w. In words, if on the axes OA, OB, we measure off from O lines Op, Oq, proportional respectively to the angular velocities about these axes — the diagonal of the parallelogram of which these are contiguous sides is the resultant axis. Again, if Bb be drawn perpendicular to OA, and if O be the angular velocity about 01, the whole displacement oi B may evidently be represented either by oi.Bbora. 7/3. Hence n : oi :: Bb : I^ :: 0/ : Op. And thus on the scale on which Op, Oq represent the component angular velocities, the diagonal 01 represents their resultant. 108. Hence rotations are to be compounded according to the same law as velocities, and therefore the single angular velocity, equivalent to three co-existent angular velocities about three mutually perpendicular axes, is determined in magnitude, and the direction of its axis is found, as follow* : — The square of the resultant angular velocity is the sum of the squares of its components, and the ratios of the three components to the resultant are the direction-cosines of the axis. Hence also, an angular velocity about any line may be resolved into three about any set of rectangular lines, the resolution in each case being (like that of simple velocities) effected by multiplying by the cosine of the angle between the directions. Hence, just as in § 38 a uniform acceleration, acting perpendi- cularly to the direction of motion of a point, produces a change in the direction of motion, but does not influence the velocity; so, if a body be rotating about an axis, and be subjected to an action tending to produce rotation about a perpendicular axis, the result will be a change of direction of the axis about which the body revolves, but no change in the angular velocity. On this kinematical principle is founded the dynamical explanation of the precession of the equinoxes, and some of the seemingly marvellous performances of gyroscopes and gyrostats. 109. If a pyramid or cone of any form roll on a similar pyramid (the image in a plane mirror of the first position of the first) all round, it clearly comes back to its primitive position. This (as all rolling of cones) is exhibited best by taking the intersection of each with a spherical surface. Thus we see that if a spherical polygon turns about its angular points in succession, always keeping on the spherical surface, and if the angle through which it turns about each point is twice the supplement of the angle of the polygon, or, which 38 PRELIMINARY. will come to the same thing, if it be in the other direction, but equal to twice the angle itself of the polygon, it will be brought to its original position, 110. The method of § loo also applies to the case of § io6; and it is thus easy to show that the most general motion of a spherical figure on a fixed spherical surface is obtained by the rolling of a curve fixed in the figure on a curve fixed on the sphere. Hence as at each instant the line joining C and O contains a set of points of the body which are momentarily at rest, the most general motion of a rigid body of which one point is fixed consists in the rolling of a cone fixed in the body upon a cone fixed in space — the vertices of both being at the fixed point. 111. To complete our kinematical investigation of the motion of a body of which one point is fixed, we require a solution of the fol- lowing problem: — From the given angular velocities of the body at each instant about three rectangular axes attached to it to de- termine the position of the body in space after a given time. But the general solution of this problem demands higher analysis than can be admitted into the present treatise. 112. We shall next consider the most general possible motion of a rigid body of which no point is fixed — and first we must prove the following theorem. There is on^ set of parallel planes in a rigid body which are parallel to each other in any two positions of the body. The parallel lines of the body perpendicular to these planes are of course parallel to each other in the two positions. Let C and C be any point of the body in its first and second positions. Move the body without rotation from its second position to a third in which the point at C in the second position shall occupy its original position C. The preceding demonstration shows that there is a line CO common to the body in its first and third positions. Hence a line CO' of the body in its second position is parallel to the same line CO in the first position. This of course clearly applies to every line of the body parallel to CO, and the planes perpendicular to these lines also remain parallel. 113. Let S denote a plane of the body, the two positions of which are parallel. Move the body from its first position, without rotation, in a direction perpendicular to *S, till S comes into the plane of its second position. Then to get the body into its actual position, such a motion as is treated in § 91 is farther required. But by § 91 this may be effected by rotation about a certain axis perpendicular to the plane *S, unless the motion required belongs to the exceptional case of pure translation. Hence (this case excepted), the body may be brought from the first position to the second by translation through a determinate distance perpendicular to a given plane, and rotation through a determinate angle about a determinate axis per- pendicular to that plane. This is precisely the motion of a scrc^v in its nut. KINEMATICS. 39 114. To understand the nature of this motion we may com- mence with the shding of one straight-edged board on another. Thus let GDEF be a plane board whose edge, DE, sUdes on the edge, AB, of another board, ABC, of which for convenience we suppose the edge, AC, to be hori- zontal. By § 30, if the upper board move horizontally to the right, the constraint will give it, in addition, a vertically upward motion, and the rates of these motions are in the constant ratio of ^C to CB. Now, if both planes be bent so as to form portions of the surface of a vertical right cylinder, the motion of DF parallel to ^C will become a rotation about the axis of the cylinder, and the necessary accompaniment of vertical motion will remain un- changed. As it is evident that all portions of AB will be equally inclined to the axis of the cylinder, it is obvious that the thread of the screw, which corresponds to the edge, £>E, of the upper board, must be traced on the cylinder so as always to make a con- stant angle with its generating lines (§ 128). A hollow mould taken from the screw itself forms what is called the nut — the re- presentative of the board, ABC — and it is obvious that the screw cannot move without rotating about its axis, if the nut be fixed. If a be the radius of the cylinder, w the angular velocity, a the inclination of the screw thread to a generating line, u the linear velocity of the axis of the screw, we see at once from the above con- struction that aia : u \\ AC ; CB :: sin a : cos a, which gives the requisite relation between o> and u. 115. In the excepted case of § 113, the whole motion consists of two translations, which can of course be compounded into a single one : and thus, in this case, there is no rotation at all, or every plane of it fulfils the specified condition for *S of § 113. 116. We may now briefly consider the case in which the guiding cones (§ 110) are both circular, as it has important applications to the motion of the earth, the evolutions of long or flattened projec- tiles, the spinning of tops and gyroscopes, etc. The motion in this case may be called Frecessioiial Rotation. The plane through the instantaneous axis and the axis of the fixed cone passes through the axis of the rolling cone. This plane turns round the axis of the fixed cone with an angular velocity O, which must clearly bear a constant ratio to the angular velocity w of the rigid body about its instantaneous axis. 117. The motion of the plane containing these axes is called the precession in any such case. What we have denoted by O is the angular velocity of the precession, or, as it is sometimes called, the rate of precession. 40 PRELIMINARY. The angular motions w, O are to one another inversely as the distances of a point in the axis of the rolling cone from the in- stantaneous axis and from the axis of the fixed cone. For, let OA be the axis of the fixed cone, OB that of the rolling cone, and 01 the instantaneous axis. From any point P in OB draw PN perpendicular to 01, and PQ perpendicular to OA. Then we perceive that P moves always in the circle whose centre is (2, radius PQ, and plane perpendicular to OA. Hence the actual velocity of the point /^ is 12 . QP. But, by the prin- ciples explained above (§ no) the velocity , of jP is the same as that of a point moving in a circle whose centre is N, plane per- pendicular to ON, and radius NP, which, as this radius revolves with angular velo- city CO, is 0) . NP. Hence n.QP=i^.NP, • or id '. Q, V. QP : NP. 118. Suppose a rigid body bounded by any curved surface to be touched at any point by another such body. Any motion of one on the other must be of one or more of the forms sliding, rollings or spin7iing. The consideration of the first is so simple as to require no comment. Any motion in which the bodies have no relative velocity at the point of contact, must be rolling or spinning, separately or combined. Let one of the bodies rotate about successive instantaneous axes, all lying in the common tangent plane at the point of instantaneous contact, and each passing through this point — the other body being fixed. This motion is what we call rolling, or simple rolling, of the movable body on the fixed. On the other hand, let the instantaneous axis of the moving body be the common normal at the point of contact. This is pure spin- ning, and does not change the point of contact. Let it move, so that the instantaneous axis, still passing through the point of contact, is neither in, nor perpendicular to, the tangent plane. This motion is combined rolling and spinning. 119. As an example of pure rolling, we may take that of one cylinder on another, the axes being parallel. Let p be the radius of curvature of the rolling, o- of the fixed, cylinder ; w the angular velocity of the former, V the linear velocity of the point of contact. We have C*3 For, in the figure, suppose P to be at any time the point of contact, and Q and p the points which are to be in contact after a very small interval t ; O, O the centres of curvature ; POp = 6, PO'Q = cf>. KINEMATICS. 41 Then ^(2 = i^ = space described by point of con- tact. In symbols p<^ = o-6»= Vr. Also, before 0'Q.2.Xi^ OP can coincide in direc- tion, the former must evidently turn through an angle Therefore wt = ^ + <^ ; and by eliminating B and ^, and dividing by t, we get the above result. It is to be understood here, that as the radii of curvature have been considered positive when both surfaces are convex, the negative sign must be intro- duced for either radius when the corresponding sur- face is concave. Hence the angular velocity of the rolling curve is in this case equal to the product of the linear velocity of the point of contact into the sum or difference of the curvatures, according as the curves are both convex, or one concave and the other convex. 120. We may now take up a few points connected with the curva- ture of surfaces, which are useful in various parts of our subject. The tangent plane at any point of a surface may or may not cut it at that point. In the former case, the surface bends away from the tangent plane partly towards one side of it, and partly towards the other, and has thus, in some of its normal sections, curvatures oppositely directed to those in others. In the latter case, the sur- face on every side of the point bends away from the same side of its tangent plane, and the curvatures of all normal sections are similarly directed. Thus we may divide curved surfaces into Anti- clastic and Synclastic. A saddle gives a good example of the former class ; a ball of the latter. Curvatures in opposite directions, with reference to the tangent plane, have of course different signs. The outer portion of the surface of an anchor-ring is synclastic, the inner anticlastic. 121. Meimier's Theorem. — The curvature of an oblique section of a surface is equal to that of the normal section through the same tangent line multiplied by the secant of the inclination of the planes of the sections. This is evident from the most elementary con- siderations regarding projections. 122. Elder's Theorem. — There are at every point of a synclastic surface two normal sections, in one of which the curvature is a maximum, in the other a minimum; and these are at right angles to each other. In an anticlastic surface there is maximum curvature (but in opposite directions) in the two normal sections whose planes bisect the angles between the lines in which the surface cuts its tangent 42 PRELIMINAR V. plane. On account of the difference of sign, these may be con- sidered as a maximum and a minimum. Generally the sum of the curvatures at a point, in any two normal planes at right angles to each other, is independent of the position of these planes. If - and - be the maximum and minimum curvatures at any p a- point, the curvature of a normal section making an angle 9 with the normal section of maximum curvature is - cos^ 6 + - sin^ 0, P o- which includes the above statements as particular cases. 123. Let F, p be two points of a surface indefinitely near to each other, and let r be the radius of curvature of a normal section passing through them. Then the radius of curvature of an oblique section through the same points, inclined to the former at an angle a, is r cos a (§ i2i). Also the length along the normal section, from P to /, is less than that along the oblique section — since a given chord cuts off an arc from a circle, longer the less is the radius of that circle. 124. Hence, if the shortest possible line be drawn from one point of a surface to another, its osculating plane, or plane of curvature, is everywhere perpendicular to the surface. Such a curve is called a Geodetic line. And it is easy to see that it is the line in which a flexible and inextensible string would touch the surface if stretched between those points, the surface being sup- posed smooth. 125. A perfectly flexible but inextensible surface is suggested, although not realized, by paper, thin sheet-metal, or cloth, when the surface is plane ; and by sheaths of pods, seed-vessels, or the like, when not capable of being stretched flat without tearing. The process of changing the form of a surface by bending is called * developing.^ But the term ^ JDevelopable Surface' is commonly restricted to such inextensible surfaces as can be developed into a plane, or, in com- mon language, ' smoothed flat.' 126. The geometry or kinematics of this subject is a great contrast to that of the flexible line (§ i6), and, in its merest elements, presents ideas not very easily apprehended, and subjects of investigation that have exercised, and perhaps even overtasked, the powers of some of the greatest mathematicians. 127. Some care is required to form a correct conception of what is a perfectly flexible inextensible surface. First let us consider a plane sheet of paper. It is very flexible, and we can easily form the conception from it of a sheet of ideal matter perfectly flexible. KINEMATICS, 43 It is very inextensible ; that is to say, it yields very little to any application of force tending to pull or stretch it in any direction, up to the strongest it can bear without tearing. It does, of course, stretch a little. It is easy to test that it stretches when under the influence of force, and that it contracts again when the force is removed, although not always to its original dimensions, as it may and generally does remain to some sensible extent permanently stretched. Also, flexure stretches one side and condenses the other temporarily; and, to a less extent, permanently. Under elasticity we may return to this. In the meantime, in considering illustrations of our kinematical propositions, it is necessary to anticipate such phy- sical circumstances. 128. The flexure of an inextensible surface which can be plane, is a subject which has been well worked by geometrical investigators and writers, and, in its elements at least, presents little difficulty. The first elementary conception to be formed is, that such a surface (if perfectly flexible), taken plane in the first place, may be bent about any straight line ruled on it, so that the two plane parts may make any angle with one another. Such a line is called a 'generating line' of the surface to be formed. Next, we may bend one of these plane parts about any other line which does not (within the limits of the sheet) intersect the former ; and so on. If these lines are infinite in number, and the angles of bending infinitely small, but such that their sum may be finite, we have our plane surface bent into a curved surface, which is of course 'developable' (§ 125). 129. Lift a square of paper, free from folds, creases, or ragged edges, gently by one corner, or otherwise, without crushing or forcing it, or very gently by two points. It will hang in a form which is very rigorously a developable surface; for although it is not absolutely inextensible, yet the forces which tend to stretch or tear it, when it is treated as above described, are small enough to produce absolutely no sensible stretching. Indeed the greatest stretching it can expe- rience without tearing, in any direction, is not such as can affect the form of the surface much when sharp flexures, singular points, etc., are kept clear off". 130. Prisms and cylinders (when the lines of bending, § 128, are parallel, and finite in number with finite angles, or infinite in number with infinitely small angles), and pyramids and cones (the lines of bending meeting in a point if produced), are clearly included. 131. If the generating lines, or line-edges of the angles of bending, are not parallel, they must meet, since they are in a plane when the surface is plane. If they do not meet all in one point, they must meet in several points : in general, each one meets its predecessor and its successor in diff'erent points. 44 PRELIMINARY. 132. There Is still no difficulty in understanding the form of, say a square, or circle, of the plane surface when bent as explained above, provided it does not include any of these points \ of intersection. When the number is infinite, and the surface finitely curved, the developable lines will, in general, be tangents to a curve (the locus of the points of intersection when the number is infinite). This curve is called the edge of regression. The surface must clearly, when complete (according to mathematical ideas), consist of two sheets meeting in this edge of regression (just as a cone consists of two sheets meeting in the vertex), because each tangent may be produced beyond the point of contact, instead of stopping at it, as in the preceding diagram. 133. To construct a complete developable surface in two sheets from its edge of regression — ■ Lay one piece of perfectly flat, un- wrin'Kled, smooth-cut paper on the top of another. Trace any curve on the other, and let it have no point of in- flection, but everywhere finite curvature. Cut the paper quite away on the con- cave side. If the curve traced is closed, it must be cut open (see second diagram). The limits to the extent that may be left uncut away, are the tangents drawn outwards from the two ends, so that, in short, no portion of the paper through which a real tangent does not pass is to be left. Attach the two sheets together by very slight paper or muslin clamps gummed to them along the common curved edge. These -7^ must be so slight as not to interfere sensibly with >>•" the flexure of the two sheets. Take hold of one corner of one sheet and lift the whole. The two will open out into two sheets of a developable surface, of which the curve, bending into a tor- tuous curve, is the edge of regression. The tan- gent to the curve drawn in one direction from the point of contact, will always lie in one of the sheets, and its continuation on the other side in the other sheet. Of course a double-sheeted developable polyhedron can be constructed by this process, by starting from a polygon instead of a curve. 134. A flexible but perfectly inextensible surface, altered in form in any way possible for it, must keep any hne traced on it un- changed in length ; and hence any two intersecting lines unchanged in mutual inclination. Hence, also, geodetic lines must remain geodetic lines. KINEMATICS. 45 135. We have now to consider the very important kinematical conditions presented by the changes of volume or figure experienced by a soHd or Hquid mass, or by a group of points whose positions with regard to each other are subject to known conditions. Any such definite alteration of form or dimensions is called a Straiii. Thus a rod which becomes longer or shorter is strained. Water, when compressed, is strained. A stone, beam, or mass of metal, in a building or in a piece of framework, if condensed or dilated in any direction, or bent, twisted, or distorted in any way, is said to ex- perience a strain. A ship is said to 'strain' if, in launching, or when working in a heavy sea, the different parts of it experience relative motions. 136. If, when the matter occupying any space is strained in any way, all pairs of points of its substance which are initially at equal distances from one another in parallel lines remain equidistant, it may be at an altered distance ; and in parallel lines, altered, it may be, from their initial direction ; the strain is said to be homogeneous. 137. Hence if any straight line be drawn through the body in its initial state, the portion of the body cut by it will continue to be a straight line when the body is homogeneously strained. For, if ABC be any such line, AB and BC, being parallel to one line in the initial, remain parallel to one line in the altered state; and therefore remain in the same straight Hne with one another. Thus it follows that a plane remains a plane, a parallelogram a parallelogram, and a parallelepiped a parallelepiped. 138. Hence, also, similar figures, whether constituted by actual portions of the substance, or mere geometrical surfaces, or straight or curved lines passing through or joining certain portions or points of the substance, similarly situated (i. e. having corresponding parameters parallel) when altered according to the altered condition of the body, remain similar and similarly situated among one another. 139. The lengths of parallel lines of the body remain in the same proportion to one another, and hence all are altered in the same pro- portion. Hence, and from § 137, we infer that any plane figure becomes altered to another plane figure which is a diminished or magnified orthographic projection of the first on some plane. The elongation of the body along any line is the proportion which the addition to the distance between any two points in that line bears to their primitive distance. 140. Every orthogonal projection of an ellipse is an ellipse (the case of a circle being included). Hence, and from § 139, we see that an ellipse remains an ellipse; and an ellipsoid remains a sur- face of which every plane section is an ellipse ; that is, remains an ellipsoid. 46 PRELIMINAR Y. 141. The ellipsoid which any surface of the body initially spheri- cal becomes in the altered condition, may, to avoid circumlocutions, be called the Strain Ellipsoid. 142. In any absolutely unrestricted homogeneous strain there are three directions (the three principal axes of the strain ellipsoid), at right angles to one another, which remain at right angles to one another in the altered condition of the body. Along one of these the elongation is greater, and along another less, than along any other direction in the body. Along the remaining one the elongation is less than in any other line in the plane of itself and the first men- tioned, and greater than along any other line in the plane of itself and the second. N'ote. — Contraction is to be reckoned as a negative elongation: the maximum elongation of the preceding enunciation may be a mini- mum contraction: the minimum elongation may be a maximum contraction. 143. The ellipsoid Into which a sphere becomes altered may be an ellipsoid of revolution, or, as it is called, a spheroid, prolate, or oblate. There is thus a maximum or minimum elongation along the axis, and equal minimum or maximum elongation along all lines perpendicular to the axis. Or it may be a sphere ; in which case the elongations are equal in all directions. The effect is, in this case, merely an alteration of dimensions without change of figure of any part. 144. The principal axes of a strain are the principal axes of the ellipsoid into which it converts a sphere. The principal elongations of a strain are the elongations in the direction of its principal axes. 145. When the positions of the principal axes, and the magnitudes of the principal elongations of a strain are given, the elongation of any line of the body, and the alteration of angle between any two lines, may be obviously determined by a simple geometrical construc- tion. 146. With the same data the alteration of angle between any tw^o planes of the body may also be easily determined, geometrically. 147. Let the ellipse of the annexed diagram represent the section of the strain ellipsoid through the greatest and least principal axes. Let S'OS, TO The the two diameters of this ellipse, which are equal to the mean principal axis of the ellipsoid. Every plane through O, perpendicular to the plane of the diagram, cuts the ellipsoid in an ellipse of which one principal axis ^' is the diameter in which it cuts the ellipse of the diagram, and the other, the mean principal diameter of the ellipsoid. Hence a plane through either SS' or TT', perpendicular KINEMATICS, 47 to the plane of the diagram, cuts the ellipsoid in an ellipse of which the two principal axes are equal, that is to say, in a circle. Hence the elongations along all lines in either of these planes are equal to the elongation along the mean principal axis of the strain ellipsoid. 148. The consideration of the circular sections of the strain ellip- soid is highly instructive, and leads to important views with reference to the analysis of the most general character of a strain. First let us suppose there to be no alteration of volume on the whole, and neither elongation nor contraction along the mean principal axis. Let OX and OZ be the directions of maximum elongation and maximum contraction respectively. Let A be any point of the body in its primitive condition, and A^ the same point of the altered body, so that OA=a.OA, Now, if we take 0C= OA^^ and if C^ be the position of that point of the body which was in the position C initially, we shall have OC,^-OC, and therefore 0C = 'a ' OA. Hence the two triangles COA and CpA^ are equal and similar. Hence CA experiences no alteration of length, but takes the altered position C^A^ in the altered position of the body. Similarly, if we measure on XO produced, OA' and OA' equal respectively to OA and OA^^ we find that the line CA' experiences no alteration in length, but takes the altered position C^ A'^. Consider now a plane of the body initially through CA perpen- dicular to the plane of the diagram, which will be altered into a plane through Ci^i, also perpendicular to the plane of the diagram. All lines initially perpendicular to the plane of the diagram remain so, and remain unaltered in length. ^C has just been proved to remain unaltered in length. Hence (§ 139) all lines in the plane we have just drawn remain unaltered in length and in mutual inclination. Similarly we see that all lines in a plane through CA'^ perpendicular to the plane of the diagram, altering to a plane through C-^A\^ per- pendicular to the plane of the diagram, remain unaltered in length and in mutual inclination. 149. The precise character of the strain we have now under con- sideration will be elucidated by the following : — Produce CO, and take OC and 0C\ respectively equal to OC and OC^. Join CA, C'A', C\A^, and C\A\, by plain and dotted lines as in the diagram. Then we see that the rhombus CA CA' (plain lines) of the body in its initial state becomes the rhombus C\ ^1 C^ A'-^ (dotted) in the altered condition. Now imagine the body thus strained to be moved as a rigid body (i. e. with its state of strain kept unchanged) 48 PRELIMINARY. J.;--... till A^ coincides with A, and C\ with C\ keeping all the lines of ^ the diagram still in the same plane. A\Cx will take a position in CA' produced, as shown in the new diagram, and the original and the altered parallelogram will be on the same base A C\ and between the same parallels AC and CA\, and their other sides will be equally inclined on the two sides of a perpendicular to them. Hence, irrespectively of any rotation, or other absolute motion of the body not involving change of form or dimensions, the strain under consideration may be produced by holding fast and unaltered the plane of the body through A C\ perpendicular to the plane of the diagram, and making every plane parallel to it sHde, keeping the same distance, through a space proportional to this distance (i.e. different planes parallel to the fixed one slide through spaces proportional to their distances). 150. This kind of strain is called a siinple shear. The plane of a shear is a plane perpendicular to the undistorted planes, and parallel to the lines of the relative motion. It has (i) the property that one set of parallel planes remain each unaltered in itself ; (2) that another set of parallel planes remain each unaltered in itself. This other set is got when the first set and the degree or amount of shear are given, thus : — Let CC^ be the motion of one point of one plane, relative to a plane KL held fixed — the diagram being in a plane of the shear. Bisect CCx in N. Draw NA perpendicular to it. A plane perpendicular to the plane of the diagram, initially through AC^ and finally through AC-^^ remains unaltered in its dimensions. 151. One set of parallel undistorted planes and the amount of their relative parallel shifting having been given, we have just seen how to find the other set. The shear may be otherwise viewed, and considered as a shifting of this second set of parallel planes, relative to any one of them. The amount of this relative shifting is of course equal to that of the first set, relatively to one of them. 152. The principal axes of a shear are the lines of maximum elongation and of maximum contraction respectively. They may be found from the preceding construction (§ 150), thus: — In the plane of the shear bisect the obtuse and acute angles between the planes destined not to become deformed. The former bisecting line is the principal axis of elongation, and the latter is the principal axis of contraction, in their initial positions. The former angle (obtuse) becomes equal to the latter, its supplement (acute), in the KINEMATICS. 49 altered condition of the body, and the ^-'-— ~-«^ lines bisecting the altered angles are the /""^ ^^^\ principal axes of the strain in the altered Dj^^^ 4^. --^B Otherwise, taking a plane of shear for y ^^^---^^'^^j^^^^^ \| the plane of the diagram, let AB be a Jj ^ iT — ^~~j:j line in which it is cut by one of either -" set of parallel planes of no distortion. On any portion AB of this as diameter, describe a semicircle. Through C, its middle point, draw, by the preceding construction, CD the initial, and C£ the final, position of an unstretched line. Join DA, DB, EA, EB. DA, DB are the initial, and EA, EB the final, positions of the principal axes, 153. The ratio of a shear is the ratio of elongation and contrac- tion of its principal axes. Thus if one principal axis is elongated in the ratio i : a, and the other therefore (§ 148) contracted in the ratio a : I, a is called the ratio of the shear. It will be convenient generally to reckon this as the ratio of elongation ; that is to say, to make its numerical measure greater than unity. In the diagram of § 152, the ratio of DB to EB, or of EA to DA, is the ratio of the shear. 154. The amount of a shear is the amount of relative motion per unit distance between planes of no distortion. It is easily proved that this is equal to the excess of the ratio of the shear above its reciprocal. 155. The planes of no distortion in a simple shear are clearly the circular sections of the strain ellipsoid. In the ellipsoid of this case, be it remembered, the mean axis remains unaltered, and is a mean proportional between the greatest and the least axis. 156. If we now suppose all lines perpendicular to the plane of the shear to be elongated or contracted in any proportion, without altering lengths or angles in the plane of the shear, and if, lastly, we suppose every line in the body to be elongated or contracted in some other fixed ratio, we have clearly (§ 142) the most general possible kind of strain. 157. Hence any strain whatever may be viewed as compounded of a uniform dilatation in all directions, superimposed on a simple elongation in the direction of one principal axis superimposed on a simple shear in the plane of the two other principal axes, 158. It is clear that these three elementary component strains may be applied in any other order as well as that stated. Thus, if the simple elongation is made first, the body thus altered must get just the same shear in planes perpendicular to the line of elongation as the originally unaltered body gets when the order first stated is followed. Or the dilatation may be first, then the elongation, and finally the shear, and so on. T. 4 so PRELIMINARY, 159. When the axes of the ellipsoid are lines of the body whose direction does not change, the strain is said to be piire^ or unaccom- panied by rotation. The strains we have already considered were pure strains accompanied by rotations. 160. If a body experience a succession of strains, each unaccom- panied by rotation, its resulting condition will generally be producible by a strain and a rotation. From this follows the remarkable corol- lary that three pure strains produced one after another, in any piece of matter, each without rotation, may be so adjusted as to leave the body unstrained, but rotated through some angle about some axis. We shall have, later, most important and interesting applications to fluid motion, which will be proved to be instantaneously, or differ- entially, irrotational ; but which may result in leaving a whole fluid mass merely turned round from its primitive position, as if it had been a rigid body. [The following elementary geometrical in- vestigation, though not bringing out a thoroughly comprehensive view of the subject, affords a rigorous demonstration of the pro- position, by proving it for a particular case. Let us consider, as above (§ 150), a simple shearing motion. A point O being held fixed, suppose the matter of the body in a plane, cutting that of the diagram perpendicularly in CZ>, to move in this plane from right to left parallel to CD ; and in other planes parallel to it let there be motions proportional to their distances from O. Consider first a shear from /* to P^\ then from P^ on to P^ ; and let O be taken in a line through Pj, perpendicular to CD. During the shear from P to /\ D a point Q moves of course to Q^ through a distance QQi = PPx- Choose Q midway be- tween P and /\, so that P\Q.^ QiP=\P\P- Now, as we have seen above (§ 152), the line of the body, which is the principal axis of contraction in the shear from ^ to Q^^ is OA^ bisecting the angle QOE at the be- ginning, and OA^, bisecting QyOE at the end, of the whole motion considered. The angle between these two lines is half the angle Q^OQ,', that is to say, is equal to P^OQ. Hence, if the plane CD is rotated through an angle equal to PiOQ, in the plane of the diagram, in the same way as the hands of a watch, during the shear from Q to Q^^ or, which is the same thing, the shear from Pto Pi, this shear will be effected without final rotation of its principal axes. (Imagine the diagram turned round till OA^ lies along OA. The actual and the newly imagined position of CD will show how this plane of the body has moved during such non- rotational shear.) Now, let the second step, P^ to P^, be made so as to complete the whole shear, P to P2, which we have proposed to consider. Such second partial shear may be made by the common shearing kinematics: -^^ process parallel to the new position (imagined in the preceding parenthesis) of CD^ and to make it also non-rotational, as its -predecessor has been made, we must turn further round, in the same direction, through an angle equal to QiOF^. Thus in these two steps, each made non-rotational, we have turned the plane CD round through an angle equal to QiOQ. But now, we have a whole shear PF.2 ; and to make this as one non-rotational shear, we must turn CD through an angle I^^ OF only, which is less than QiOQ by the excess of P^OQ above QOP. Hence the resultant of the two shears, PP^^ -^1^2' ^^^^"^ separately deprived of rotation, is a single shear PP^, and a rotation of its principal axes, in the direction of the hands of a watch, through an angle equal to QOP^ — POQ. 161. Make the two partial shears each non-rotationally. Return from their resultant in a single non-rotational shear: we conclude with the body unstrained, but turned through the angle QOP^-POQj in the same direction as the hands of a watch.] 162. As there can be neither annihilation nor generation o^ matter in any natural motion or action, the whole quantity of a fluid within any space at any time must be equal to the quantity originally in that space, increased by the whole quantity that has entered it, and diminished by the whole quantity that has left it. This idea, when expressed in a perfectly comprehensive manner for every portion of a fluid in motion, constitutes what is commonly called the ' equation of continuity.^ 163. Two ways of proceeding to express this idea present themselves, each aff"ording instructive views regarding the properties of fluids. In one we consider a definite portion of the fluid ; follow it in its motions; and declare that the average density of the substance varies inversely as its volume. We thus obtain the equation ot con- tinuity in an integral form. The form under which the equation of continuity is most commonly given, or the differential equation of continuity, as we may call it, ex- presses that the rate of diminution of the density bears to the density, at any instant, the same ratio as the rate of increase of the volume of an infinitely small portion bears to the volume of this portion at the same instant. 164. To find the differential equation of continuity, imagine a space fixed in the interior of a fluid, and consider the fluid which flows into this space, and the fluid which flows out of it, across different parts of its bounding surface, in any time. If the fluid is of the same density and incompressible, the whole quantity of •matter in the space in question must remain constant at all times, and therefore the quantity flowing in must be equal to the quantity flowing out in any time. If, on the contrary, during any period of motion, more fluid enters than leaves the fixed space, there will be condensa- tion of matter in that space ; or if more fluid leaves than enters, there will be dilatation. The rate of augmentation of the average density $2 PRELIMINARY, of the fluid, per unit of time, in the fixed space in question, bears to the actual density, at any instant, the same ratio that the rate of acquisition of matter into that space bears to the whole matter in that space. 165. Several references have been made in preceding sections to the number of independent variables in a displacement, or to the degrees of freedom or constraint under which the displacement takes place. It may be well, therefore, to take a general (but cursory) view of this part of the subject itself. 166. A free point has //^r^^ degrees of freedom, inasmuch as the most general displacement which it can take is resolvable into three, parallel respectively to any three directions, and independent of each other. It is generally convenient to choose these three directions of resolution at right angles to one another. If the point be constrained to remain always on a given surface, one degree of constraint is introduced, or there are left but two degrees of freedom. For we may take the normal to the surface as one of three rectangular directions of resolution. No displacement can be effected parallel to it : and the other two displacements, at right angles to each other, in the tangent plane to the surface, are independent. If the point be constrained to remain on each of two surfaces, it loses two degrees of freedom, and there is left but one. In fact, it is constrained to remain on the curve which is common to both surfaces, and along a curve there is at each point but one direction of displacement. 167. Taking next the case of a free rigid system, we have evidently six degrees of freedom to consider — three independent displacements or translations in rectangular directions as a point has, and three independent rotations about three mutually rectangular axes. If it have one point fixed, the system loses three degrees of free- dom ; in fact, it has now only the rotations above mentioned. This fixed point may be, and in general is, a point of a continuous surface of the body in contact with a continuous fixed surface. These surfaces may be supposed * perfectly rough,' so that sliding may be impossible. If a second point be fixed, the body loses two more degrees of freedom, and keeps only one freedom to rotate about the line joining the two fixed points. If a third point, not in a line with the other two, be fixed, the body is fixed. 168. If one point of the rigid system is forced to remain on a smooth surface, one degree of freedom is lost ; there remain yfz^^, two displacements in the tangent plane to the surface, and three rotations. As an additional degree of freedom is lost by each successive limita- tion of a point in the body to a smooth surface, six such conditions completely determine the position of the body. Thus if six points KINEMATICS, 53 properly chosen on the barrel and stock of a rifle be made to rest on six convex portions of the surface of a fixed rigid body, the rifle may be replaced any number of times in precisely the same position, for the purpose of testing its accuracy. A fixed V under the barrel near the muzzle, and another under the swell of the stock close in front of the trigger-guard, give four of the contacts, bearing the weight of the rifle. A fifth (the one to be broken by the recoil) is supplied by a nearly vertical fixed plane close behind the second V, to be touched by the trigger-guard, the rifle being pressed forward in its V's as far as this obstruction allows it to go. This contact may be dispensed with and nothing sensible of accuracy lost, by having a mark on the second V, and a corresponding mark on barrel or stock, and sliding the barrel back- wards or forwards in the V's till the two marks are, as nearly as can be judged by eye, in the same plane perpendicular to the barrel's axis. The sixth contact may be dispensed with by adjusting two marks on the heel and toe of the butt to be as nearly as need be in one vertical plane judged by aid of a plummet. This method requires less of costly apparatus, and is no doubt more accurate and trustworthy, and more quickly and easily executed, than the ordi- nary method of clamping the rifle in a massive metal cradle set on a heavy mechanical slide. A geometrical clamp is a means of applying and maintaining six mutual pressures between two bodies touching one another at six points. A 'geometrical slide* is any arrangement to apply five degrees of constraint, and leave one degree of freedom, to the relative motion of two rigid bodies by keeping them pressed together at just five points of their surfaces. Ex. I. The transit instrument would be an instance if one end of one pivot, made slightly convex, were pressed against a fixed vertical end-plate, by a spring pushing at the other end of the axis. The other four guiding points are the points, or small areas, of con- tact of the pivots on the Y*s. Ex. 2. Let two rounded ends of legs of a three-legged stool rest in a straight, smooth, V-shaped canal, and the third on a smooth horizontal plane. Gravity maintains positive determinate pressures on the five bearing points; and there is a determinate distribution and amount of friction to be overcome, to produce the rectilineal translational motion thus accurately provided for. Ex. 3. Let only one of the feet rest in a V canal, and let another rest in a trihedral hollow in line with the canal, the third still resting on a horizontal plane. There are thus six bearing points, one on the horizontal plane, two on the sides of the canal, and three on the sides of the trihedral hollow : and the stool is fixed in a determinate position as long as all these six contacts are unbroken. Substitute for gravity a spring, or a screw and nut (of not infinitely rigid material), binding the stool to the rigid body to which these six planes belong. Thus we have a 'geometrical clamp,' which 54, PRELIMINARY. clamps two bodies together with perfect firmness in a perfectly definite position, without the aid of friction (except in the screw, if a screw is used) ; and in various practical appUcations gives very readily and conveniently a more securely firm connexion by one screw slightly pressed, than a clamp such as those commonly made hitherto by mechanicians can give with three strong screws forced to the utmost. Do away with the canal and let two feet (instead of only one) rest on the plane, the other still resting in the conical hollow. The number of contacts is thus reduced to five (three in the hollow and two on the plane), and instead of a ' clamp ' we have again a slide. This form of sHde, — a three-legged stool with two feet resting on a plane and one in a hollow, — will be found very useful in a large variety of applications, in which motion about an axis is de- sired when a material axis is not conveniently attainable. Its first application was to the 'azimuth mirror,' an instrument placed on the glass cover of a mariner's compass and used for taking azimuths of sun or stars to correct the compass, or of landmarks or other terrestrial objects to find the ship's position. It has also been applied to the ' Deflector,' an adjustible magnet laid on the glass of the compass bowl and used, according to a principle first we believe given by Sir Edward Sabine, to discover the 'semicircular' error produced by the ship's iron. The movement may be made very frictionless when the plane is horizontal, by weighting the move- able body so that its centre of gravity is very nearly over the foot that rests in the hollow. One or two guard feet, not to touch the plane except in case of accident, ought to be added to give a broad enough base for safety. The geometrical slide and the geometrical clamp have both been found very useful in electrometers, in the * siphon recorder,' and in an instrument recently brought into use for automatic signalling through submarine cables. An infinite variety of forms may be given to the geometrical slide to suit varieties of application of the general principle on which its definition is founded. An old form of the geometrical clamp, with the six pressures pro- duced by gravity, is the three V grooves on a stone slab bearing the three legs of an astronomical or magnetic instrument. It is not generally however so 'well-conditioned' as the trihedral hole, the V groove, and the horizontal plane contact, described above. There is much room for improvement by the introduction of geometrical slides and geometrical clamps, in the mechanism of mathematical, optical, geodetic, and astronomical instruments :. which as made at present are remarkable for disregard of geome- trical and dynamical principles in their slides, micrometer screws, and clamps. Good workmanship cannot compensate for bad design, whether in the safety-valve of an ironclad, or the movements and adjustments of a theodolite. 169. If one point be constrained to remain in a curve, there remain four degrees of freedom. KINEMATICS, 55 If two points be constrained to remain in given curves, there are four degrees of constraint, and we have left two degrees of freedom. One of these may be regarded as being a simple rotation about the line joining the constrained parts, a motion which, it is clear, the body is free to receive. It may be shown that the other possible motion is of the most general character for one degree of freedom ; that is to say, translation and rotation in any fixed proportions, as of the nut of a screw. If one line of a rigid system be constrained to remain parallel to itself, as for instance, if the body be a three-legged stool standing on a perfectly smooth board fixed to a common window, shding in its frame with perfect freedom, there remain three displacements and one rotation. But we need not farther pursue this subject, as the number of combinations that might be considered is almost endless ; and those already given suffice to show how simple is the determination of the degrees of freedom or constraint in any case that may present itself. 170. One degree of constraint of the most general character, is not producible by constraining one point of the body to a curve surface ; but it consists in stopping one line of the body from longitudinal motion, except accompanied by rotation round this line, in fixed proportion to the longitudinal motion. Every other motion being left unimpeded, there remains free rotation about any axis perpen- dicular to that line (two degrees of freedom) ; and translation in any direction perpendicular to the same line (two degrees of freedom). These last four, with the one degree of freedom to screw, con- stitute the five degrees of freedom, which, with one degree of con- straint, make up the six elements. This condition is realized in the following mechanical arrangement, which seems the simplest that can be imagined for the purpose : — Let a screw be cut on one shaft of a Hooke's joint, and let the other shaft be joined to a fixed shaft by a second Hooke's joint. A nut turning on that screw-shaft has the most general kind of motion admitted when there is one degree of constraint. Or it is subjected to just one degree of constraint of the most general cha- racter. It has five degrees of freedom ; for it may move, ist, by screwing on its shaft, the two Hooke's joints being at rest; 2nd, it may rotate about either axis of the first Hooke's joint, or any axis in their plane (two more degrees of freedom : being freedom to rotate about two axes through one point) ; 3rd, it may, by the two Hooke's joints, each bending, have translation without rotation in any direction perpendicular to the link or shaft between the two Hooke's joints (two more degrees of freedom). But it cannot have a motion of translation parallel to the line of the link without a definite propor- tion of rotation round this line ; nor can it have rotation round this line without a definite proportion of translation parallel to it. CHAPTER II. DYNAMICAL LAWS AND PRINCIPLES. ; 171. In the preceding chapter we considered as a subject of pure geometry the motion of points, lines, surfaces, and volumes, whether taking place with or without change of dimensions and form ; and the results we there arrived at are of course altogether independent of the idea of matter^ and of \k\Q forces which matter exerts. We have here- tofore assumed the existence merely of motion, distortion, etc.; we now come to the consideration, not of how we might consider such motion, etc., to be produced, but of the actual causes which in the material world do produce them. The axioms of the present chapter must therefore be considered to be due to actual experience, in the shape either of observation or experiment. How such experience is tp be conducted will form the subject of a subsequent chapter. 172. We cannot do better, at all events in commencing, than follow Newton somewhat closely. Indeed the introduction to the Principia contains in a most lucid form the general foundations of dynamics. The Definitiofies and Axiomata, sive Leges Motus, there laid down, require only a few amplifications and additional illustrations, suggested by subsequent developments, to suit them to the present state of science, and to make a much better introduction to dynamics than we find in even some of the best modern treatises. 173. We cannot, of course, give a definition of Matter which will satisfy the metaphysician ; but the naturalist may be content to know matter as that which can he perceived by the senses ^ or as that which can be acted upon by, or can exert, force. The latter, and indeed the former also, of these definitions involves the idea of Force, which, in point of fact, is a direct object of sense ; probably of all our senses, and certainly of the * muscular sense.' To our chapter on Properties of Matter we must refer for further discussion of the question, What is matter! 174. The Quantity of Matter in a body, or, as we now call it, the Mass of a body, is proportional, according to Newton, to the Volume and the Density conjointly. In reality, the definition gives us the meaning of density rather than of mass ; for it shows us that if twice the original quantity of matter, air for example, be forced into a vessel DYNAMICAL LA WS AND PRINCIPLES, 57 of given capacity, the density will be doubled, and so on. But it also shows us that, of matter of uniform density, the mass or quantity is proportional to the volume or space it occupies. Let M be the mass, p the density, and V the volume, of a homo- geneous body. Then M=Fp; if we so take our units that unit of mass is that of unit volume of a body of unit density. If the density be not uniform, the equation M= Vfj gives the Average (§ 26) density; or, as it is usually called, the Mean density, of the body. It is worthy of particular notice that, in this definition, Newton says, if there be anything which freely pervades the interstices of all bodies, this is not taken account of in estimating their Mass or Density. 175. Newton further states, that a practical measure of the mass of a body is its Weight. His experiments on pendulums, by which he establishes this most important remark, will be described later, in our chapter on Properties of Matter. As will be presently explained, the unit mass most convenient for British measurements is an imperial pound of matter. 176. The Qiiantity of Motion, or the Momentum^ of a rigid body moving without rotation is proportional to its mass and velocity con- jointly. The whole motion is the sum of the motions of its several parts. Thus a doubled mass, or a doubled velocity, would correspond to a double quantity of motion ; and so on. Hence, if we take as unit of momentum the momentum of a unit of matter moving with unit velocity, the momentum of a mass M moving with velocity v is Mv. Yll, Change of Quantity of Motion, or Change of Momentum, is proportional to the mass moving and the change of its velocity conjointly. Change of velocity is to be understood in the general sense of § 31. Thus, in the figure of that section, if a velocity represented by OA be changed to another represented by OC, the change of velocity is represented in magnitude and direction by A C 178. Pate of Change of Momentum, or Acceleration of Momentum, is proportional to the mass moving and the acceleration of its velocity conjointly. Thus (§ 44) the rate of change of momentum of a felhng body is constant, and in the vertical direction. Again (§ 36) the rate of change of momentum of a mass M, describing a circle of MV^ fadius R, with uniform velocity V, is — 5— , and is directed to the centre of the circle ; that is to say, it depends upon a change of di- rection, not a change of speed, of the motion. .... SS^ PRELIMINARY. 179. The Vis Viva, or Kinetic Energy, of a moving body is pro- portional to the mass and the square of the velocity, conjointly. If we adopt the same units of mass and velocity as before, there is particular advantage in defining kinetic energy as halftht product of the mass and the square of its velocity. 180. Rate of Change of Kinetic Energy (when defined as above) is the product of the velocity into the component of acceleration of momentum in the direction of motion. Suppose the velocity of a mass M to be changed from v to v^ in any time t j the rate at which the kinetic energy has changed is -.\M{vf-'i^) = -M{:v-i),\{v^^v), "^ow - M{v^-v) is the rate of change of momentum in the direc- tion of motion, and J (v^ + v) is equal to v, if t be infinitely small. Hence the above statement. It is often convenient to use Newton's Fluxional notation for the rate of change of any quantity per unit of time. In this notation (§ 28) v stands for - {v,~v) ; so that the rate of change of^Mv^, the kinetic energy, is Mv . v. (See also §§229, 241.) 181. It is lo be observed that, in what precedes, with the exception of the definition of density, we have taken no account of the dimensions of the moving body. This is of no consequence so long as it does not rotate, and so long as its parts preserve the same relative positions amongst one another. In this case we may suppose the whole of the matter in it to be condensed in one point or particle. We thus speak of a material particle, as distinguished from 2^ geometrical poiftt. If the body rotate, or if its parts change their relative positions, then we cannot choose any one point by whose motions alone we may de- termine those of the other points. In such cases the momentum and change of momentum of the whole body in any direction are, the sums of the momenta, and of the changes of momentum, of its parts, in these directions ; while the kinetic energy of the whole, being non- directional, is simply the sum of the kinetic energies of the several parts or particles. 182. Matter has an innate power of resisting external influences, so that every body, so far as it can, remains at rest, or moves uni- formly in a straight Hne. This, the Inertia of matter, is proportional to the quantity of matter in the body. And it follows that some cause is requisite to disturb a body's uniformity of motion, or to change its direction from the natural rectilinear path. 183. Eorce is any cause which tends to alter a body's natural state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line. Force is wholly expended in the Action it produces ; and the body, after the force ceases to act, retains by its inertia the direction of DYNAMICAL LA WS AND PRINCIPLES. 59 motion and the velocity which were given to it. Force may be of divers kinds, as pressure, or gravity, or friction, or any of the attractive or repulsive actions of electricity, magnetism, etc. 184. The three elements specifying a force, or the three elements which must be known, before a clear notion of the force under con- sideration can be formed, are, its place of application, its direction, and its magnitude. ^ {a) The place of application of a force. The first case to be con- sidered is that in which the place of application is a point. It has been shown already in what sense the term ' point ' is to be taken, and, therefore, in what way a force may be imagined as acting at a point. In reality, however, the place of application of a force is always either a surface or a space of three dimensions occupied by matter. The point of the finest needle, or the edge of the sharpest knife, is still a surface, and acts as such on the bodies to which it may be applied. Even the most rigid substances, when brought together, do not touch at a point merely, but mould each other so as to produce a surface of application. On the other hand, gravity is a force of which the place of application is the whole matter of the body whose weight is considered ; and the smallest particle of matter that has weight occupies some finite portion of space. Thus it is to be remarked, that there are two kinds of force, distinguishable by their place of application — force whose place of application is a surface, and force whose place of application is a solid. When a heavy body rests on the ground, or on a table, force of the second character, acting downwards, is balanced by force of the first character acting upwards. {b) The second element in the specification of a force is its direction. The direction of a force is the line in which it acts. If the place of application of a force be regarded as a point, a line through that point, in the direction in which the force tends to move the body, is the direction of the force. In the case of a force distributed over a surface, it is frequently possible and convenient to assume a single point and a single line, such that a certain force acting at that point in that Une would produce the same effect as is really produced. {c) The third element in the specification of a force is its magnitude. This involves a consideration of the method followed in dynamics for measuring forces. Before measuring anything it is necessary to have a unit of measurement, or a standard to which to refer, and a prin- ciple of numerical specification, or a mode of referring to the standard. These will be supplied presently. See also § 224, below. 185. The Measure of a Force is the quantity of motion which it produces in unit of time. The reader, who has been accustomed to speak of a force of so many pounds, or so many tons, may be reasonably startled when he finds that Newton gives no countenance to such expressions. The method is not correct unless it be specified at what part of the earth's 66^ PRELIMINARY, surface the pound, or other definite quantity of matter named, is to be weighed ; for the weight of a given quantity of matter differs in different latitudes. It is often, however, convenient to use instead of the absolute unit (§ i88), the gravitation unit — which is simply the weight of unit mass. It must, of course, be specified in what latitude the observation is made. Thus, let W be the mass of a body in pounds; g the velocity it would acquire in falling for a second under the influence of its weight, or the earth's attraction diminished by centrifugal force ; and P its weight measured in kinetic or absolute units. We have p- j^g^ The force of gravity on the body, in gravitation units, is W. 186. According to the system commonly followed in mathe- matical treatises on dynamics till fourteen years ago, when a small instalment of the first edition of the present work was issued for the use of our students, the unit of mass was g times the mass of the standard or unit weight. This definition, giving a varying and a very unnatural unit of mass, was exceedingly inconvenient. By taking. the gravity of a constant mass for the unit of force it makes the unit of force greater in high than in low latitudes. In reality, standards of weight are masses^ not forces. They are employed primarily in commerce for the purpose of measuring out a definite quantity of matter; not an amount of matter which shall be attracted by the earth with a given force. A merchant, with a balance and a set of standard weights, would give his customers the same quantity of the same kind of matter however the earth's attraction might vary, depending as he does upon weights for his measurement ; another, using a spring-balance, would defraud his customers in high latitudes, and himself in low, if his instrument (which depends on constant forces and not on the gravity of constant masses) were correctly adjusted in London. It is a secondary application of our standards of weight to employ them for the measurement oi forces, such as steam pressures, mus- cular power, etc. In all cases where great accuracy is required, the results obtained by such a method have to be reduced to what they would have been if the measurements of force had been made by means of a perfect spring-balance, graduated so as to indicate the forces of gravity on the standard weights in some con- ventional locality. It is therefore very much simpler and better to take the imperial pound, or other national or international standard weight, as, for instance, the gramme (see the chapter on Measures and Instru- ments), as the unit of mass, and to derive from it, according to Newton's definition above, the unit of force. This is the method which Gauss has adopted in his great improvement dl the system of measurement of forces. ^x 187. The formula, deduced by Clairault from observation, and a certain theory regarding the figure and density of the earth, may be DYNAMICAL LAWS AND PRINCIPLES. €i 'employed to calculate the most probable value of the apparent force of gravity, being the resultant of true gravitation and centrifugal force, in any locality where no pendulum observation of sufficient accuracy has been made. This formula, with the two coefficients which it involves, corrected according to modern pendulum observations, is as follows : — Let G be the apparent force of gravity on a unit mass at the equator, and g that in any latitude X ; then ^=6^(i + -oo5i3sin'X). The value of G^ in terms of the absolute unit, to be explained immediately, is 32*088. According to this formula, therefore, polar gravity will be g= 32-088 X 1-00513 = 32-252. 188. As gravity does not furnish a definite standard, independent of locality, recourse must be had to something else. The principle of measurement indicated as above by Newton, but first introduced practically by Gauss in connexion with national standard masses, furnishes us with what we want. According to this principle, the standard or unit force is that force which^ acti?ig oft a natioftal standard unit of matter during the unit of time, generates the unit of velocity. This is known as Gauss' absolute unit ; absolute, because it fur- nishes a standard force independent of the differing amounts of gravity at different localities. It is however terrestrial and incon- stant if the unit of time depends on the earth's rotation, as it does in our present system of chronometry. The period of vibration of a piece of quartz crystal of specified shape and size and at a stated temperature (a tuning-fork, or bar, as one of the bars of glass used in the ' musical glasses ') gives us a unit of time which is constant through all space and all time, and independent of the earth. A unit of force founded on such a unit of time would be better entitled to the designation absolute than is the * absolute unit ' now generally adopted, which is founded on the mean solar second. But this de- pends essentially on one particular piece of matter, and is therefore liable to all the accidents, etc. which affect so-called National Standards however carefully they may be preserved, as well as to the almost insuperable practical difficulties which are experienced when we attempt to make exact copies of them. Still, in the present state of science, we are really confined to such approximations. The recent discoveries due to the Kinetic theory of gases and to Spectrum analysis (especially when it is applied to the light of the heavenly bodies) indicate to us natural standard pieces of matter such as atoms of hydrogen, or sodium, ready made in infinite numbers, all absolutely alike in every physical property. The time of vibration of a sodium particle corresponding to any one of its modes of vibra- tion, is known to be absolutely independent of its position in the universe, and it will probably remain the same so long as the particle 52 PRELIMINARY, itself exists. The wave-length for that particular ray, i.e. the space through which light is propagated in vacuo during the time of one complete vibration of this period, gives a perfectly invariable unit of length ; and it is possible that at some not very distant day the mass of such a sodium particle may be employed as a natural standard for the remaining fundamental unit. This, the latest improvement made upon our original suggestion of a Feretmial Springy is due to Clerk Maxwell. 189. The absolute unit depends on the unit of matter, the unit of time, and the unit of velocity; and as the unit of velocity depends on the unit of space and the unit of time, there is, in the definition, a single reference to mass and space, but a double reference to time ; and this is a point that must be particularly attended to. 190. The unit of mass may be the British imperial pound, or, better, the gramme : the unit of space the British standard foot, or, better, the centimetre ; and the unit of time the mean solar second. We accordingly define the British absolute unit force as ' the force which, acting on one pound of matter for one second, generates a velocity of one foot per second.' 191. To render this standard intelligible, all that has to be done is to find how many absolute units will produce, in any particular locality, the same effect as the force of gravity on a given mass. The way to do this is to measure the effect of gravity in producing acceleration on a body unresisted in any way. The most accurate method is indirect, by means of the pendulum. The result of pendulum ex- periments made at Leith Fort, by Captain Kater, is, that the velocity acquired by a body falling unresisted for one second is at that place 32*207 feet per second. The preceding formula gives exactly 32*2, for the latitude 55° 35', which is approximately that of Edinburgh. The variation in the force of gravity for one degree of difference of latitude about the latitude of Edinburgh is only '0000832 of its own amount. It is nearly the same, though somewhat more, for every degree of latitude southwards, as far as the southern limits of the British Isles. On the other hand, the variation per degree would be sensibly less, as far north as the Orkney and Shetland Isles. Hence the augmentation of gravity per degree from south to north through- out the British Isles is at most about -^^kw^ ^^ its whole amount in any locality. The average for the whole of Great Britain and Ireland differs certainly but little from 32-2. Our present application is, that the force of gravity at Edinburgh is 32*2 times the force which, acting on a pound for a second, would generate a velocity of one foot per second; in other words, 32*2 is the number of absolute units which measures the weight of a pound in this latitude. Thus, speaking very roughly, the British absolute unit of force is equal to the weight of about half an ounce. 192. Forces (since they involve only direction and magnitude) may be represented, as velocities are, by straight lines in their directions, and of lengths proportional to their magnitudes, respectively. DYNAMICAL LAWS AND PRINCIPLES. (i^ Also the laws of composition and resolution of any number of forces acting at the same point, are, as we shall shov/ later (§ 221), the same as those which we have already proved to hold for velo- cities; so that with the substitution of force for velocity, §§ 30, 31 are still true. 193. The Component of a force in any direction, sometimes called the Effective Component in that direction, is therefore found by multiplying the magnitude of the force by the cosine of the angle between the directions of the force and the component. The remaining component in this case is perpendicular to the other. It is very generally convenient to resolve forces into components parallel to three lines at right angles to each other; each such reso- lution being effected by multiplying by the cosine of the angle concerned. 194. [If any number of points be placed in any positions in space, another can be found, such that its distance from any plane what- ever is the mean of their distances from that plane ; and if one or more of the given points be in motion, the velocity of the mean point perpendicular to the plane is the mean of the velocities of the others in the same direction. If we take two points A^, A2, the middle point, P^, of the line joining them is obviously distant from any plane whatever by a quantity equal to the mean (in this case the half sum or difference as they are on the same or on opposite sides) of their distances from that plane. Hence tzaice the distance of P2 from any plane is equal to the (algebraic) sum of the distances of A-^, A from it. Introducing a third point A^, if we join A^P^ and divide it in P^ so that A-iP^- 2P^P2, three times the distance of P^ from any plane is equal to the sum of the distance of A^ and twice that of P^ from the same plane: i. e. to the sum of the distances of A^, A. 2, and A^ from it ; or its distance is the mean of theirs. And so on for any number of points. The proof is exceedingly simple. Thus suppose Pn to be the mean of the first ;/ points A^, A^^.-.A^^; and A^^^ any other point. Divide A^^^P^ in P^^^ so that A^^^P^^^ = nP^ Then from P^, -^„+i> ^„+i> draw perpen- diculars to any plane, meeting it in 6*, 7] V. Draw P^QR parallel to STV, Then QK.. : RA^, :: PP ,, : PA^,, :: 1 : n + 1, Hence n + iQP^+^ = RA^^^. Add to these 71+ I ^7" and its equal nP^S+RV, and we get '^^^{Q^n..^QT)-nP^S + RV+RA^,,, i.e. n+iP^,,T=nP,S + A„^^V, In words, n+ 1 times the distance of P^^^ from any plane is equal to that of ^^+1 with n times that of P^, i. e. equal to the sum of the 64 PRELIMINARY. distances of A^^ ^^j-'-^n+i ^^^m the plane. Thus if the proposition be true for any number of points, it is true for one more — and so on - — but it is obviously true for two, hence for three, and therefore generally. And it is obvious that the order in which the points are taken is immaterial. As the distance of this point from any plane is the mean of the distances of the given ones, the rate of increase of that distance, i. e. the velocity perpendicular to the plane, must be the mean of the rates of increase of their distances — i. e. the mean of their velocities perpendicular to the plane.] 195. The Centre of Inertia or Mass of a system of equal material points (whether connected with one another or not) is the point whose distance is equal to their average distance from any plane whatever (§ 194). A group of material points of unequal masses may always be imagined as composed of a greater number of equal material points, because we may imagine the given material points divided into dif- ferent numbers of very small parts. In any case in which the magni- tudes of the given masses are incommensurable, we may approach as near as we please to a rigorous fulfilment of the preceding statement, by making the parts into which we divide them sufficiently small. On this understanding the preceding definition may be applied to define the centre of inertia of a system of material points, whether given equal or not. The result is equivalent to this : — The centre of inertia of any system of material points whatever (whether rigidly connected with one another, or connected in any way, or quite detached), is a point whose distance from any plane is equal to the sum of the products of each mass into its distance from the same plane divided by the sum of the masses. We also see, from the proposition stated above, that a point whose distance from three rectangular planes fulfils this condition, must fulfil this condition also for every other plane. The co-ordinates of the centre of inertia, of masses Wj, Wg, etc., at points {x^y jFi, ^1), (^2) y^^ ^i)i ^tc, are given by the following formulae : — _ _ w-^x^ + Te/jy^a + Gtc. _ '^wx _ _ Srqy - _ ^7vz ~ W1 + W2 + etc. ~^w ' ^w * ^w ' These formulae are perfectly general, and can easily be put into the particular shape required for any given case. The Centre of Inertia or Mass is thus a perfectly definite point in every body, or group of bodies. The term Centre of Gravity is often very inconveniently used for it. The theory of the resultant action of gravity, which will be given under Abstract Dynamics, shows that, except in a definite class of distributions of matter, there is no fixed point which can properly be called the Centre of Gravity of a rigid body. In ordinary cases of terrestrial gravitation, however, an ap- proximate solution is available, according to which, in common par- lance, the term Centre of Gravity may be used as equivalent to DYNAMICAL LAWS AND PRINCIPLES. 65 Centre of Inertia ; but it must be carefully remembered that the fun- damental ideas involved in the two definitions are essentially different. The second proposition in § 194 may now evidently be stated thus : — The sum of the momenta of the parts of the system in any direction is equal to the momentum in the same direction of a mass equal to the sum of the masses moving with a velocity equal to the velocity of the centre of inertia. 196. The mean of the squares of the distances of the centre of p inertia, /, from each of the points of a system ^^ is less than the mean of the squares of the dis- ^yy i tance of any other point, O, from them by the ^^^ / \ square of 01. Hence the centre of inertia is ^^ y j^ the point the sum of the squares of whose ^ i U distances from any given points is a minimum. For OP" = or + IP' + 2OIIQ, P being any one of the points and PQ perpendicular to 01. But IQ is the distance of P from a plane through / perpendicular to OQ. Hence the mean of all distances, /ft is zero. Hence (mean of IP') = (mean of OP') - 0I\ which is the proposition. 197. Again, the mean of the squares of the distances of the points of the system from any line, exceeds the corresponding quantity for a parallel line through the centre of inertia, by the square of the distance between these lines. For in the above figure, let the plane of the paper represent a plane through / perpendicular to these lines, O the point in which the first line meets it, P the point in which it is met by a parallel line through any one of the points of the system. Draw, as before, PQ perpendicular to 01. Then PI is the perpendicular distance, from the axis through /, of the point of the system considered, PO is its distance from the first axis, 01 the distance between the two axes. Then, as before, (mean of OP') = OP + (mean of IP')\ since the mean of IQ is still zero, IQ being the distance of a point of the system from the plane through / perpendicular to 01. 198. If the masses of the points be unequal, it is easy to see (as in § 195) that the first of these theorems becomes — The sum of the squares of the distances of the parts of a system from any point, each multiplied by the mass of that part, exceeds the corresponding quantity for the centre of inertia by the product of the square of the distance of the point from the centre of inertia, by the whole mass of the system. Also, . the sum of the products of the mass of each part of a system by the square of its distance from any axis is called the Moment of Inertia of the system about this axis ; and the second proposition above is equivalent to — 66 PRELIMINARY, The moment of inertia of a system about any axis is equal to the moment of inertia about a parallel axis through the centre of inertia, /, together with the moment of inertia, about the first axis, of the whole mass supposed condensed at /. 199. The Moment of any physical agency is the numerical mea- sure of its importance. Thus, the moment of inertia of a body round an axis (§ 198) means the importance of its inertia relatively to rotation round that axis. Again, the moment of a force round a point or round a line (§ 46), signifies the measure of its importance as regards producing or balancing rotation round that point or round that line. It is often convenient to represent the moment of a force by a line numerically equal to it, drawn through the vertex of the triangle representing its magnitude, perpendicular to its plane, through the front of a watch held in the plane with its centre at the point, and facing so that the force tends to turn round this point in a direction opposite to the hands. The moment of a force round any axis is the moment of its component in any plane perpendicular to the axis, round the point in which the plane is cut by the axis. Here we imagine the force resolved into two components, one parallel to the axis, which is ineffective so far as rotation round the axis is con- cerned; the other perpendicular to the axis (that is to say, having its line in any plane perpendicular to the axis). This latter component may be called the effective component of the force, with reference to rotation round the axis. And its moment round the axis may be defined as its moment round the nearest point of the axis, which is equivalent to the preceding definition. It is clear that the moment of a force round any axis, is equal to the area of the projection on any plane perpendicular to the axis, of the figure rejoresenting its moment round any point of the axis. 200. [The projection of an area, plane or curved, on any plane, is the area included in the projection of its bounding line. If we imagine an area divided into any number of parts, the pro- jections of these parts on any plane make up the projection of the whole. But in this statement it must be understood that the areas of partial projections are to be reckoned as positive if particular sides, which, for brevity, we may call the outside of the projected area and the front of the plane of projection, face the same way, and negative if they face oppositely. Of course if the projected surface, or any part of it, be a plane area at right angles to the plane of projection, the projection vanishes. The projections of any two shells having a common edge, on any plane, are equal. The projection of a closed surface (or a shell with evanescent edge), on any plane, is nothing. Equal areas in one plane, or in parallel planes, have equal projec- tions on any plane, whatever may be their figures. Hence the projection of any plane figure, or of any shell edged by a plane figure, on another plane, is equal to its area, multiplied DYNAMICAL LAWS AND PRINCIPLES. 67 by the cosine of the angle at which its plane is inclined to the plane of projection. This angle is acute or obtuse, according as the out- side of the projected area, and the front of the plane of projection, face on the whole towards the same parts, or oppositely. Hence lines representing, as above described, moments about a point in different planes, are to be compounded as forces are. See an analogous theorem in § 107.] 201. A Couple is a pair of equal forces acting in dissimilar direc- tions in parallel lines. The Motnmt of a couple is the sum of the moments of its forces about any point in their plane, and is therefore equal to the product of either force into the shortest distance between their directions. This distance is called the Ann of the couple. The Axis of a Couple is a line drawn from any chosen point of reference perpendicular to the plane of the couple, of such magnitude and in such direction as to represent the magnitude of the moment, and to indicate the direction in which the couple tends to turn. The most convenient rule for fulfilling the latter condition is this: — Hold a watch with its centre at the point of reference, and with its plane parallel to the plane of the couple. Then, according as the motion of the hands is contrary to, or along with the direction in which the couple tends to turn, draw the axis of the couple through the face or through the back of the watch. It will be found that a couple is completely represented by its axis, and that couples are to be resolved and compounded by the same geometrical constructions performed with reference to their axes as forces or velocities, with reference to the lines directly representing them. 202. By introducing in the definition of moment of velocity (§ 46) the mass of the moving body as .a factor, we have an important element of dynamical science, the Moment of Mometiium. The laws of composition and resolution are the same as those already explained. 203. [If the point of application of a force be displaced through a small space, the resolved part of the displacement in the direction of the force has been called its Virtual Velocity. This is positive or negative according as the virtual velocity is in the same, or in the opposite, direction to that of the force. The product of the force, into the virtual velocity of its point of application, has been called the Virtual Moment of the force. These terms we have introduced since they stand in the history and develop- ments of the science ; but, as we shall show further on, they are inferior substitutes for a far more useful set of ideas clearly laid down by Newton.] 204. A force is said to do ivork if its place of application has a positive component motion in its direction ; and the work done by it is measured by the product of its amount into this component motion. Generally, unit of work is done by unit force acting through unit space. In lifting coals from a pit, the amount of work done is 5—2 68 PRELIMINARY. proportional to the weight of the coals lifted; that is, to the force overcome in raising them ; and also to the height through which they are raised. The unit for the measurement of work adopted in practice by British engineers, is that required to overcome a force equal to the weight of a pound through the space of a foot ; and is called a Foot- Powid. (See § 185.) In purely scientific measurements, the unit of work is not the foot- pound, but the kinetic unit force (§ 190) acting through unit of space. Thus, for example, as we shall show further on, this unit is adopted in measuring the work done by an electric current, the units for electric and magnetic measurements being founded upon the kinetic unit force. If the weight be raised obliquely, as, for instance, along a smooth inclined plane, the space through which the force has to be overcome is increased in the ratio of the length to the height of the plane ; but the force to be overcome is not the whole weight, but only the resolved part of the weight parallel to the plane; and this is less than the weight in the ratio of the height of the plane to its length. By multi- plying these two expressions together, we find, as we might expect, that the amount of work required is unchanged by the substitution of the oblique for the vertical path. 205. Generally, for any force, the work done during an indefinitely small displacement of the point of application is the virtual moment of the force (§ 203), or is the product of the resolved part of the force in the direction of the displacement into the displacement. From this it appears, that if the motion of the point of application be always perpendicular to the direction in which a force acts, such a force does no work. Thus the mutual normal pressure between a fixed and moving body, the tension of the cord to which a pendulum bob is attached, or the attraction of the sun on a planet if the planet describe a circle with the sun in the centre, are all instances in which no work is done by the force. 206. The work done by a force, or by a couple, upon a body turning about an axis, is the product of the moment of either into the angle (in circular measure) through which the body acted on turns, if the moment remains the same in all positions of the body. If the moment be variable, the above assertion is only true for indefinitely small displacements, but maybe made accurate by employing the proper average moment of the force or of the couple. The proof is obvious. 207. Work done on a body by a force is always shown by a cor- responding increase of vis viva, or kinetic energy, if no other forces act on the body which can do work or have work done against them. If work be done against any forces, the increase of kinetic energy is less than in the former case by the amount of work so done. In virtue of this, however, the body possesses an equivalent in the form of Fofe?itial Efiergy (§ 239), if its physical conditions are such that these forces will act equally, and in the same directions, if the motion of the system is reversed. Thus there may be no change of kinetic DYNAMICAL LAWS AND PRINCIPLES. 69 energy produced, and the work done may be wholly stored up as potential energy. Thus a weight requires work to raise it to a height, a spring requires work to bend it, air requires work to compress it, etc. ; but a raised weight, a bent spring, compressed air, etc., are stores of energy which can be made use of at pleasure. 208. In what precedes we have given some of Newton's Definitiones nearly in his own words ; others have been enunciated in a form more suitable to modern methods ; and some terms have been introduced which were invented subsequent to the publication of the Principia. But the Axiomata^ sive Leges Mofih, to which we now proceed, are given in Newton's own words. The two centuries which have nearly elapsed since he first gave them have not shown a necessity for any addition or modification. The first two, indeed, were discovered by Galileo : and the third, in some of its many forms, was known to Hooke, Huyghens, Wallis, Wren, and others, before the publication of the Principia. Of late there has been a tendency to divide the second law into two, called respectively the second and third, and to ignore the third entirely, though using it directly in every dynamical problem ; but all who have done so have been forced indirectly to acknowledge the incompleteness of their substitute for Newton's system, by introducing as an axiom what is called D'Alembert's principle, which is really a deduction from Newton's rejected third law. Newton's own interpretation of his third law directly points out not only D'Alembert's principle, but also the modern principles of Work and Energy. 209. An Axiom is a proposition, the truth of which must be ad- mitted as soon as the terms in which it is expressed are clearly understood. And, as we shall show in our chapter on ' Experience,' physical axioms are axiomatic to those who have sufficient knowledge of physical phenomena to enable them to understand perfectly what is asserted by them. Without further remark we shall give Newton^s Three Laws ; it being remembered that, as the properties of matter might have been such as to render a totally different set of laws axiomatic, these laws must be considered as resting on convictions drawn from observation and experiment, not on intuitive perception. 210. Lex I. Corpus omne perseuerare in statu suo qtdescendi vel movendi uniformiter i?t directimi^ nisi qtiatenus illud d viribus impressis cogitur statum suum niutare. Every body cojitinues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line, except in so far as it may be compelled by impressed forces to change that state. 211. The meaning of the term Rest, in physical science, cannot be absolutely defined, inasmuch as absolute rest nowhere exists in nature. If the universe of matter were finite, its centre of inertia might fairly be considered as absolutely at rest ; or it might be imagined to be moving with any uniform velocity in any direction whatever through infinite space. But it is remarkable that the first law of motion 70 PRELIMINARY. enables us (§215, below) to explain what may be called directional rest. Also, as will be seen farther on, a perfectly smooth spherical body, made up of concentric shells, each of uniform material and density throughout, if made to revolve about an axis, will, /// spite of impressed forces, revolve with uniform angular velocity, and will main- tain its axis of revolution in an absolutely fixed direction. Or, as will soon be shown (§ 233), the plane in which the moment of momentum of the universe (if finite) round its centre of inertia is the greatest, which is clearly determinable from the actual motions at any instant, is fixed in direction in space. 212. We may logically convert the assertion of the first law of motion as to velocity into the following statements : — The times during which any particular body, not compelled by force to alter the speed of its motion, passes through equal spaces, are equal. And, again — Every other body in the universe, not com- pelled by force to alter the speed of its motion, moves over equal spaces in successive intervals, during which the particular chosen body moves over equal spaces. 213. The first part merely expresses the convention universally adopted for the measurement of Time. The earth in its rotation about its axis, presents us with a case of motion in which the con- dition of not being compelled by force to alter its speed, is more nearly fulfilled than in any other which we can easily or accurately observe. And the numerical measurement of time practically rests on defining equal intervals of time, as times duri?ig which the earth turns through equal angles. This is, of course, a mere convention, and not a law of nature; and, as we now see it, is a part of Newton's first law. 214. The remainder of the law is not a convention, but a great truth of nature, which we may illustrate by referring to small and trivial cases as well as to the grandest phenomena we can conceive. A curling-stone, projected along a horizontal surface of ice, travels equal distances, except in so far as it is retarded by friction and by the resistance of the air, in successive intervals of time during which the earth turns through equal angles. The sun moves through equal portions of interstellar space in times during which the earth turns through equal angles, except in so far as the resistance of interstellar matter, and the attraction of other bodies in the universe, alter his speed and that of the earth's rotation. 215. If two material points be projected from one position. A, at the same instant with any velocities in any directions, and each left to move uninfluenced by force, the line joining them will be always parallel to a fixed direction. For the law asserts, as we have seen, that AP : AP' :: AQ : AQ\ i( P, Q, and again P\ Q', are simulta- neous positions ; and therefore P(2 is parallel to P'Q'. Hence if four material points O, P, Q, R are all projected at one instant from one position, OP, OQ, OR are fixed directions of reference ever after. D YNAMICAL LA WS AND PRINCIPLES. 7 1 But, practically, the determination of fixed directions in space (§ 233) is made to depend upon the rotation of groups of particles exerting forces on each other, and thus involves the Third Law of Motion. 216. The whole law is singularly at variance with the tenets of the ancient philosophers, who maintained that circular motion is perfect. The last clause, '■nisi quate7ius^ etc., admirably prepares for the introduction of the second law, by conveying the idea that it is force alo7ie ivhich can produce a change of motion. How, we naturally in- quire, does the change of motion produced depend on the magnitude and direction of the force which produces it? The answer is — 217. Lex II. Mutatio7iem mot us proportion akm esse vi 7notrici i7n' pressae, et fieri secundum Ii7iea77i recta77i qua vis ilia imprimitur. Cha7ige of 77iotio7i is proportiojialto the i77ipressed force^ and takes place in the di7'ection of the straight line in which thefo7'ce acts. 218. If any force generates motion, a double force will generate double motion, and so on, whether simultaneously or successively, instantaneously or gradually, applied. And this motion, if the body was moving beforehand, is either added to the previous motion if directly conspiring with it; or is subtracted if directly opposed ; or is geometrically compounded with it, according to the kinematical principles already explained, if the line of previous motion and the direction of the force are inclined to each other at any angle. (This is a paraphrase of Newton's own comments on the second law.) 219. In Chapter I. we have considered change of velocity, or acceleration, as a purely geometrical element, and have seen how it may be at once inferred from the given initial and final velocities of a body. By the definition of a quantity of motion (§ 211), we see that, if we multiply the change of velocity, thus geometrically determined, by the mass of the body, we have the change of motion referred to in Newton's law as the measure of the force which produces it. It is to be particularly noticed, that in this statement there is nothing said about the actual motion of the body before it was acted on by the force : it is only the cha7ige of motion that concerns us. Thus the same force will produce precisely the same change of motion in a body, whether the body be at rest, or in motion with any velocity whatever. 220. Again, it is to be noticed that nothing is said as to the body being under the action of one force only ; so that we may logically put a part of the second law in the following (apparently) amplified form : — Wheji any forces whatever act 07i a body, the7t, whether the body be 07'igi7ially at rest or moving with a7iy velocity a7id i7i a7iy direction, each force produces in the body the exact change of 7notio7i which itivouldhave produced if it had acted singly on the body originally at rest. 221. A remarkable consequence follows immediately from this view of the second law. Since forces are measured by the changes of 72 . PRELIMINARY. motion they produce, and their directions assigned by the directions in which these changes are produced; and since the changes of motion of one and the same body are in the directions of, and pro- portional to, the changes of velocity — a single force, measured by the resultant change of velocity, and in its direction, will be the equivalent of any number of simultaneously acting forces. Hence The resultajit of any number of forces {applied at one point) is to he found by the same geometrical process as the resultant of any jtumber of simultaneous velocities, 222. From this follows at once (§ 31) the construction of the Parallelogram of Forces for finding the resultant of two forces, and the Polygon of Forces for the resultant of any number of forces, in lines all through one point. The case of the equilibrium of a number of forces acting at one point, is evidently deducible at once from this ; for if we introduce one other force equal and opposite to their resultant, this will produce a change of motion equal and opposite to the resultant change of motion produced by the given forces ; that is to say, will produce a condition in which the point experiences no change of motion, which, as we have already seen, is the only kind of rest of which we can ever be conscious. 223. Though Newton perceived that the Parallelogram of Forces, or the fundamental principle of Statics, is essentially involved in the second law of motion, and gave a proof which is virtually the same as the preceding, subsequent writers on Statics (especially in this country) have very generally ignored the fact ; and the consequence has been the introduction of various unnecessary Dynamical Axioms, more or less obvious, but in reality included in or dependent upon Newton's laws of motion. We have retained Newton's method, not only on account of its admirable simplicity, but because we believe it contains the most philosophical foundation for the static as well as for the kinetic branch of the dynamic science. , 224. But the second law gives us the means of measuring force, and also of measuring the mass of a body. For, if we consider the actions of various forces upon the same body for equal times, we evidently have changes of velocity produced which 2XQ proportional to the forces. The changes of velocity, then, give us in this case the means of comparing the magnitudes of different forces. Thus the velocities acquired in one second by the same mass (falling freely) at different parts of the earth's surface, give us the relative amounts of the earth's attraction at these places. Again, if equal forces be exerted on different bodies, the changes of velocity produced in equal times must be inversely as the masses of the various bodies. This is approximately the case, for instance, with trains of various lengths started by the same locomotive : it is exactly realized in such cases as the action of an electrified body on a number of solid or hollow spheres of the same external diameter, and of different metals. DYNAMICAL LAWS AND PRINCIPLES. 73 Again, if we find a case in which different bodies, each acted on by a force, acquire in the same time the same changes of velocity, the forces must be proportional to the masses of the bodies. This, when the resistance of the air is removed, is the case of falling bodies; and from it we conclude that the weight of a body in any given locality, or the force with which the earth attracts it, is proportional to its mass ; a most important physical truth, which will be treated of more carefully in the chapter devoted to Properties of Matter. 225. It appears, lastly, from this law, that every theorem of Kine- matics connected with acceleration has its counterpart in Kinetics. Thus, for instance (§ 38), we see that the force under which a par- ticle describes any curve, may be resolved into two components, one in the tangent to the curve, the other towards the centre of curvature ; their magnitudes being the acceleration of momentum, and the pro- duct of the momentum and the angular velocity about the centre of curvature, respectively. In the case of uniform motion, the first of these vanishes, or the whole force is perpendicular to the direction of motion. When there is no force perpendicular to the direction of motion, there is no curvature, or the path is a straight line. 226. We have, by means of the first two laws, arrived at a defijiitiott and a measure of force ; and have also found how to compound, and therefore also how to resolve, forces : and also how to investigate the motion of a single particle subjected to given forces. But more is required before we can completely understand the more complex cases of motion, especially those in which we have mutual actions between or amongst two or more bodies; such as, for instance, attractions, or pressures, or transferrence of energy in any form. This is perfectly supplied by 227. Lex III. Actioni contrariam semper et aeqiialem esse reactio- nem: sive corporiim duorum actiones in se mutuo semper esse aequales et in partes contrarias dirigi. To every action there is always an equal and contrary reaction: or, the mutual actio7is of any two bodies are always equal a?td oppositely directed. 228. If one body presses or draws another, it is pressed or drawn by this other with an equal force in the opposite direction. If any one presses a stone with his finger, his finger is pressed with the same force in the opposite direction by the stone. A horse towing a boat on a canal is dragged backwards by a force equal to that which he impresses on the towing-rope forwards. By whatever amount, and in whatever direction, one body has its motion changed by impact upon another, this other body has its motion changed by the same amount in the opposite direction; for at each instant during the impact the force between them was equal and opposite on the two. When neither of the two bodies has any rotation, whether before or after impact, the changes of velocity which they experience are inversely as their masses. When one body attracts another from a distance, this other attracts it with an equal and opposite force. This law holds not only for 74 PRELIMINARY. the attraction of gravitation, but also, as Newton himself remarked and verified by experiment, for magnetic attractions : also for electric forces, as tested by Otto-Guericke. 229. What precedes is founded upon Newton's own comments on the third law, and the actions and reactions contemplated are simple forces. In the scholium appended, he makes the following remarkable statement, introducing another specification of actions and reactions subject to his third law, the full meaning of which seems to have escaped the notice of commentators : — Si aestitnetur agentis actio ex ejus vi et velocitate conjundim; et similiter resistentis reactio aestimetur conjunctim ex ejus partium singu- lariim velocitatibus et viribiis resistendi ab earwn attritione, cohaesioiie^ pondere^ et acceleratioiie oriiindis ; erunt actio et reactio^ in omni instru- mentorimi usn, sibi invicem semper aeqiiales. In a previous discussion Newton has shown what is to be under- stood by the velocity of a force or resistance ; i. e. that it is the velocity of the point of application of the force resolved in the direction of the force, in fact proportional to the virtual velocity. Bearing this in mind, we may read the above statement as follows : — If the action of an agent be measured by the product of its force into its velocity; and if similarly, the reaction of the resistaiice be 7neasured by the velocities of its several parts into their several forces, whether these arise from friction, cohesion, weight, or acceleration; — action and reaction, in all combinations of machines, will be equal and opposite. To avoid confusion it is perhaps better to use the word Activity as the equivalent of Actio in this second specification. Farther on we shall give a full development of the consequences of this most important remark. 230. Newton, in the passage just quoted, points out that forces of resistance against acceleration are to be reckoned as reactions equal and opposite to the actions by which the acceleration is pro- duced. Thus, if we consider any one material point of a system, its reaction against acceleration must be equal and opposite to the resultant of the forces which that point experiences, whether by the actions of other parts of the system upon it, or by the influence of matter not belonging to the system. In other words, it must be in equilibrium with these forces. Hence Newton's view amounts to this, that all the forces of the system, with the reactions against accelera- tion of the material points composing it, form groups of equilibrating systems for these points considered individually. Hence, by the principle of superposition of forces in equilibrium, all the forces acting on points of the system form, with the reactions against acce- leration, an equilibrating set of forces on the whole system. This is the celebrated principle first explicitly stated, and very usefully applied, by D'Alembert in 1742, and still known by his name. We have seen, however, that it is very distinctly implied in Newton's own interpretation of his third law of motion. As it is usual to inves- DYNAMICAL LAWS AND PRINCIPLES. 75 tigate the general equations or conditions of equilibrium, in treatises on Analytical Dynamics, before entering in detail on the kinetic branch of the subject, this principle is found practically most useful in showing how we may write down at once the equations of motion for any system for which the equations of equilibrium have been investigated. 231. Every rigid body may be imagined to be divided into inde- finitely small parts. Now, in whatever form we may eventually find a physical explanation of the origin of the forces which act between these parts, it is certain that each such small part may be considered to be held in its position relatively to the others by mutual forces in lines joining them. 232. From this we have, as immediate consequences of the second and third laws, and of the preceding theorems relating to centre of inertia and moment of momentum, a number of important propo- sitions such as the following : — ia) The centre of inertia of a rigid body moving in any manner, but free from external forces, moves uniformly in a straight line. {I)) When any forces whatever act on the body, the motion of the centre of inertia is the same as it would have been had these forces been applied with their proper magnitudes and directions at that point itself. {c) Since the moment of a force acting on a particle is the same as the moment of momentum it produces in unit of time, the changes of moment of momentum in any two parts of a rigid body due to their mutual action are equal and opposite. Hence the moment of momentum of a rigid body, about any axis which is fixed in direction, and passes through a point which is either fixed in space or moves uniformly in a straight line, is unaltered by the mutual actions of the parts of the body. id) The rate of increase of moment of momentum, when the body is acted on by external forces, is the sum of the moments of these forces about the axis. 233. We shall for the present take for granted, that the mutual action between two rigid bodies may in every case be imagined as composed of pairs of equal and opposite forces in straight lines. From this it follows that the sum of the quantities of motion, parallel to any fixed direction, of two rigid bodies influencing one another in any possible way, remains unchanged by their mutual action; also that the sum of the moments of momentum of all the particles of the two bodies, round any line in a fixed direction in space, and passing through any point moving uniformly in a straight line in any direction, remains constant. From the first of these propositions we infer that the centre of inertia of any number of mutually influencing, bodies, if in motion, continues moving uniformly in a straight line,, unless in so far as the direction or velocity of its motion is changed by forces acting mutually between them and some other matter not belonging to them ; also that the centre of inertia of any body or 76 PRELIMINARY. system of bodies moves just as all their matter, if concentrated in a point, would move under the influence of forces equal and parallel to the forces really acting on its different parts. From the second we infer that the axis of resultant rotation through the centre of inertia of any system of bodies, or through any point either at rest or moving uniformly in a straight line, remains unchanged in direc- tion, and the sum of moments of momenta round it remains constant if the system experiences no force from without. This principle is sometimes called Cofiservation of Areas, a not very convenient designation. From this principle it follows that if by internal action such as geological upheavals or subsidences, or pressure of the winds on the water, or by evaporation and rain- or snow-fall, or by any in- fluence not depending on the attraction of 'Sun or moon (even though dependent on solar heat), the disposition of land and water becomes altered, the component round any fixed axis of the moment of mo- mentum of the earth's rotation remains constant. 234. The kinetic energy of any system is equal to the sum of the kinetic energies of a mass equal to the sum of the masses of the system, moving with a velocity equal to that of its centre of inertia, and of the motions of the separate parts relatively to the centre of inertia. Let 6>/ represent the velocity of the centre of inertia, IP that of p any point of the system relative to O. Then ^J^ the actual velocity of that point is OP, and the ^^^^/ \ proof of § 196 applies at once — it being re- ^-^ / \ membered that the mean of 7(2, i. e. the mean -^i— r^ i of the velocities relative to th'e centre of inertia ^ i « g^^^ parallel to 01, is zero by § 65. 235. The kinetic energy of rotation of a rigid system about any axis is (§§ 55, 179) expressed by \%mi^ U. Then we have U'- u=e{y- V'\ and, as before, since one has lost as much momentum as the other has gained, mU^ M' U' = MV^ M' V, From these equations we find (J/-f M')U= MF+ M'r-eM'{V- V), with a similar expression for U'. 1 In most modern treatises this is called a 'coefficient of elasticity;' a misnomer, suggested, it may be, by Newton's words, but utterly at variance with modern language and modern knowledge regarding elasticity. DYNAMICAL LAWS AND PRINCIPLES. 89 Also we have, as above, Hence, by subtraction, (J/+J/')(z/- U)=eM'{y- V')=e{M'V-{M^M')v + MV\, and therefore ^ _ ^= e ( V- v). Of course we have also U' -v = e{v- V). These results may be put in words thus : — The relative velocity of either of the bodies with regard to the centre of inertia of the two is, after the completion of the impact, reversed in direction, and diminished in the ratio e -. \. 266. Hence the loss of kinetic energy, being, according to §§ 233, 234, due only to change of kinetic energy relative to the centre of inertia, is to this part of the whole as 1 - e^ \ i. Thus by § 234, Initial kinetic energy = | {M -^ M')v' + 1 J/ ( F- v)' + ^M' (v - F')\ Final „ „ =i{M+M')v^ + ^M{v-U'y + ^M'(C/'-vy. Loss = ^ (i - ^) { Jf ( F-vf + JkI{v- Vy}. 267. When two elastic bodies, the two balls supposed above for instance, impinge, some portion of their previous kinetic energy will always remain in them as vibrations. A portion of the loss of energy (miscalled the effect of imperfect elasticity alone) is necessarily due to this cause in every real case. Later, in our chapter on the Properties of Matter, it will be shown as a result of experiment, that forces of elasticity are, to a very close degree of accuracy, simply proportional to the strains (§ 135), within the limits of elasticity, in elastic solids which, like metals, glass, etc., bear but small deformations without permanent change. Hence when two such bodies come into collision, sometimes with greater and sometimes with less mutual velocity, but with all other circumstances similar, the velocities of all particles of either body, at corresponding times of the impacts, will be always in the same proportion. Hence the velocity of separation of the centres of inertia after impact will bear a constant proportion to the previous velocity of approach ; which agrees with the Newtonian law. It is therefore probable that a very sensible portion, if not the whole, of the loss of energy in the visible motions of two elastic bodies, after impact, experimented on by Newton, may have been due to vibrations ; but unless some other cause also was largely operative, it is difficult to see how the loss was so much greater with iron balls than with glass. 268. In certain definite extreme cases, imaginable although not realizable, no energy will be spent in vibrations, and the two bodies will separate, each moving simply as a rigid body, and having in this simple motion the whole energy of work done on it by elastic force during the collision. For instance, let the two bodies be cylinders, or prismatic bars with flat ends, of the same kind -of substance, and of 96 . PRELIMINARY, equal and similar transverse sections ; and let this substance have the property of compressibility with perfect elasticity, in the direction of the length of the bar, and of absolute resistance to change in every transverse dimension. Before impact, let the two bodies be placed with their lengths in one line, and their transverse sections (if not circular) similarly situated, and let one or both be set in motion in this line. Then, if the lengths of the two be equal, they will separate after impact with the same relative velocity as that with which they approached, and neither will retain any vibratory motion after the end of the collision. The result, as regards the motions of the two bodies after the collision, will be sensibly the same if they are of any real ordinary elastic solid material, provided the greatest transverse diameter of each is very small in comparison of its length. 269. If the two bars are of an unequal length, the shorter will, after the impact, be in exactly the same state as if it had struck another of its own length, and it therefore will move as a rigid body after the collision. But the other will, along with a motion of its centre of gravity, calculable from the principle that its whole momentum must (§ '^Z'i) be changed by an amount equal exactly to the momentum gained or lost by the first, have also a vibratory motion, of which the whole kinetic and potential energy will make up the deficiency of energy which we shall presently calculate in the motions of the centres of inertia. For simplicity, let the longer body be supposed to be at rest before the collision. Then the shorter on striking it will be left at rest ; this being clearly the result in the case of the ^ = i in the preceding formulae (§ 265) applied to the impact of one body striking another of equal mass previously at rest. The longer bar will move away with the same momentum, and therefore with less velocity of its centre of inertia, and less kinetic energy of this motion, than the other body had before impact, in the ratio of the smaller to the greater mass. It will also have a very remarkable vibratory motion, which, when its length is more than double of that of the other, will consist of a wave running backwards and forwards through its length, and causing the motion of its ends, and, in fact, of every particle of it, to take place by ' fits and starts,' not continuously. The full analysis of these circumstances, though very simple, must be reserved until we are especially occupied with waves, and the kinetics of elastic solids. It is sufficient at present to remark, that the motions of the centres of inertia of the two bodies after impact, whatever they may have been previously, are given by the preceding formulae with for e the value M' -^ , where M and M' are the smaller and larger mass respectively. 270. The mathematical theory of the vibrations of solid elastic spheres has not yet been worked out ; and its application to the case of the vibrations produced by impact presents considerable difficulty. Experiment, however, renders it certain, that but a small part of the whole kinetic energy of the previous motions can remain in the form of vibrations after the impact of two equal spheres of glass or of DYNAMICAL LAWS AND PRINCIPLES, 91 ivory. This is proved, for instance, by the common observation, that one of them remains nearly motionless after striking the other pre- viously at rest; since, the velocity of the common centre of inertia of the two being necessarily unchanged by the impact, we infer that the second ball acquires a velocity nearly equal to that which the first had before striking it. But it is to be expected that unequal balls of the same substance coming into collision will, by impact, convert a very sensible proportion of the kinetic energy of their previous motions into energy of vibrations ; and generally, that the same will be the case when equal or unequal masses of different substances come into collision ; although for one particular proportion of their diameters, depending on their densities and elastic qualities, this effect will be a minimum, and possibly not much more sensible than it is when the substances are the same and the diameters equal. 271. It need scarcely be said that in such cases of impact as that of the tongue of a bell, or of a clock-hammer striking its bell (or spiral spring as in the American clocks), or of pianoforte-hammers striking the strings, or of the drum struck with the proper implement, a large part of the kinetic energy of the blow is spent in generating vibrations. 272. The Moment of aft Impact about any axis is derived from the line and amount of the impact in the same way as the moment of a velocity or force is determined from the line and amount of the velocity or force, § 46. If a body is struck, the change of its moment of momentum about any axis is equal to the moment of the impact round that axis. But, without considering the measure of the impact, we see (§ 233) that the moment of momentum round any axis, lost by one body in striking another, is, as in every case of mutual action, equal to that gained by the other. Thus, to recur to the ballistic pendulum — the line of motion of the bullet at impact may be in any direction whatever, but the only part which is effective is the component in a plane perpendicular to the axis. We may therefore, for simplicity, consider the motion to be in a line perpendicular to the axis, though not necessarily horizontal. Let m be the mass of the bullet, v its velocity, and / the distance of its line of motion from the axis. Let M be the mass of the pendulum with the bullet lodged in it, and k its radius of gyration. Then if .Y.— 7== -r>.^. -^, IX 7^ 2 M k Jg/i M h gT' an expression for the chord of the angle of deflection. In practice the chord of the angle 6 is measured by means of a light tape or cord attached to a point of the pendulum, and slipping with small friction through a clip fixed close to the position occupied by that point when the pendulum hangs at rest. 273. Work do7ie by an impact is, in general, the product of the impact into half the sum of the initial and final velocities of the point at which it is applied, resolved in the direction of the impact. In the case of direct impact, such as that treated in § 265, the initial kinetic energy of the body is ^MF^ the final ^MZ/^, and therefore the gain by the impact is or, which is the same. But M{U- V) is (§ 260) equal to the amount of the impact. Hence the proposition : the extension of which to the most general cir- cumstances is not difficult, but requires somewhat higher analysis than can be admitted here. 274. It is worthy of remark, that if any number of impacts be applied to a body, their whole effect will be the same whether they be applied together or successively (provided that the whole time occupied by them be infinitely short), although the work done by each particular impact is, in general, different according to the order in which the several impacts are applied. The whole amount of work is the sum of the products obtained by multiplying each impact by half the sum of the components of the initial and final velocities of the point to which it is applied. 275. The effect of any stated impulses, applied to a rigid body, or to a system of material points or rigid bodies connected in any way, is to be found most readily by the aid of D'Alembert's principle; according to which the given impulses, and the impulsive reaction against the generation of motion, measured in amount by the momenta generated, are in equilibrium; and are, therefore, to be dealt with mathematically by applying to them the equations of equilibrium of the system. 276. [A material system of any kind, given at rest, and subjected to an impulse in any specified direction, and of any given magnitude, moves off so as to take the greatest amount of kinetic energy which the specified impulse can give it. 277. If the system is guided to take, under the action of a given impulse, any motion different from the natural motion, it will have less kinetic energy than that of the natural motion, by a difference equal to the kinetic energy of the motion represented by the resultant (§ 67) of those two motions, one of them reversed. DYNAMICAL LA WS AND PRINCIPLES. 93 Cor. If a set of material points are struck independently by impulses each given in amount, more kinetic energy is generated if the points are perfectly free to move each independently of all the others, than if they are connected in any way. And the deficiency of energy in the latter case is equal to the amount of the kinetic energy of the motion which geometrically compounded with the motion of either case would give that of the other. 278. Given any material system at rest. Let any parts of it be set in motion suddenly with any specified velocities, possible accord- ing to the conditions of the system; and let its other parts be influenced only by its connexions with those. It is required to find the motion. The solution of the problem is — The motion actually taken by the system is that which has less kinetic energy than any other motion fulfilling the prescribed velocity conditions. And the excess of the energy of any other such motion, above that of the actual motion, is equal to the energy of the motion that would be generated by the action alone of the impulse which, if compounded with the impulse producing the actual motion, would produce this other supposed motion.] 279. Maupertuis' celebrated principle of Least Action has been, even up to the present time, regarded rather as a curious and some- what perplexing property of motion, than as a useful guide in kinetic investigations. We are strongly impressed with the conviction that a much more profound importance will be attached to it, not only in abstract dynamics, but in the theory of the several branches of physical science now beginning to receive dynamic explanations. As an extension of it. Sir W. R. Hamilton' has evolved his method of Varying Action^ which undoubtedly must become a most valuable aid in future generalizations. What is meant by ' Action' in these expressions is, unfortunately, something very different from the Actio Agent is defined by Newton, and, it must be admitted, is a much less judiciously chosen word. Taking it, however, as we find it now universally used by writers on dynamics, we define the Action of a Moving System as proportional to the average kinetic energy, which it has possessed during the time from any convenient epoch of reckoning, multiplied by the time. According to the unit generally adopted, the action of a system which has not varied in its kinetic energy, is twice the amount of the energy multiplied by the time from the epoch. Or if the energy has been sometimes greater and sometimes less, the action at time / is the double of what we may call the time-integral of the energy; that is to say, the action of a system is equal to the sum of the average momenta for the spaces described by the particles from any era each multiplied by the length of its path. 280. The principle of Least Action is this : — Of all the different sets of paths along which a conservative system may be guided to move from one configuration to another, with the sum of its potential 1 Phil. Trans., 1834— 1835. 94 PRELIMINARY. and kinetic energies equal to a given constant, that one for which the action is the least is such that the system will require only to be started with the proper velocities, to move along it unguided. 281. [In any unguided motion whatever, of a conservative system, the Action from any one stated position to any other, though not necessarily a minimum, fulfils the stationary condition, that is to say, the condition that the variation vanishes, which secures either a minimum or maximum, or maximum-minimum.] 282. From this principle of stationary action, founded, as we have seen, on a comparison between a natural motion, and any other motion, arbitrarily guided and subject only to the law of energy, the initial and final configurations of the system being the same in each case; Hamilton passes to the consideration of the variation of the action in a natural or unguided motion of the system produced by varying the initial and final configurations, and the sum of the potential and kinetic energies. The result is, that — 283. The rate of decrease of the action per unit of increase of any one of the free (generalized) co-ordinates specifying the initial configuration, is equal to the corresponding (generalized) com- ponent momentum of the actual motion from that configuration : the rate of increase of the action per unit increase of any one of the free co-ordinates specifying the final configuration, is equal to the corresponding component momentum of the actual motion towards this second configuration : and the rate of increase of the action per unit increase of the constant sum of the potential and kinetic energies, is equal to the time occupied by the motion of which the action is reckoned. 284. The determination of the motion of any conservative system from one to another of any two configurations, when the sum of its potential and kinetic energies is given, depends on the determination of a single function of the co-ordinates specifying those configura- tions by means of two quadratic, partial differential equations of the first order, with reference to those two sets of co-ordinates respec- tively, with the condition that the corresponding terms of the two differential equations become separately equal when the values of the two sets of co-ordinates agree. The function thus determined and employed to express the solution of the kinetic problem was called the Characteristic Function, by Sir W. R. Hamilton, to whom the method is due. It is, as we have seen, the 'action' from one of the configurations to the other; but its peculiarity in Hamilton's system is, that it is to be expressed as a function of the co-ordinates and a constant, the whole energy, as explained above. It is evidently symmetrical witli respect to the two configurations, changing only in sign if their co-ordinates are interchanged. ■ 285. The most general possible solution of the quadratic, partial differential equation of the first order, satisfied by Hamilton's Cha- DYNAMICAL LA WS AND PRINCIPLES, 95 racteristic Function (either terminal configuration alone varying), when interpreted for the case of a single free particle, expresses the action up to any point from some point of a certain arbitrarily given surface, from which the particle has been projected, in the direction of the normal, and with the proper velocity to make the sum of the potential and actual energies have a given value. In other words, the physical problem solved by the most general solution of that partial differential equation, for a single free particle, is this : — Let free particles, not mutually influencing one another, be pro- jected normally from all points of a certain arbitrarily given surface, each with the proper velocity to make the sum of its potential and kinetic energies have a given value. To find, for that one of the particles which passes through a given point, the 'action' in its course from the surface of projection to this point. The Hamiltonian principles stated above, show that the surfaces of equal action cut the paths of the particles at right angles; and give also the following remarkable properties of the motion : — If, from all points of an arbitrary surface, particles not mutually influencing one another be projected with the proper velocities in the directions of the normals; points which they reach with equal actions lie on a surface cutting the paths at right angles. The infinitely small thickness of the space between any two such surfaces corresponding to amounts of action differing by any infinitely small quantity, is inversely proportional to the velocity of the particle traversing it ; being equal to the infinitely small diflerence of action divided by the whole momentum of the particle. 286. Irrespectively of methods for finding the 'characteristic function' in kinetic problems, the fact that any case of motion what- ever can be represented by means of a single function in the manner explained in § 284, is most remarkable, and, when geometrically interpreted, leads to highly important and interesting properties of motion, which have valuable applications in various branches of Natural Philosophy ; one of which, explained below, led Hamilton * to a general theory of optical instruments, comprehending the whole in one expression. Some of the most direct applications of the general principle to the motions of planets, comets, etc., considered as free points, and to the celebrated problem of perturbations, known as the Problem of Three Bodies, are worked out in considerable detail by Hamilton {Phil. Trans. ^ 1834-5), and in various memoirs by Jacobi, Liouville, Bour, Donkin, Cayley, Boole, etc. The now abandoned, but still interesting, corpuscular theory of light furnishes the most convenient language for expressing the optical application. In this theory light is supposed to consist of material particles not mutually influencing one another ; but subject to molecular forces from the particles of bodies, not sensible at sensible distances, and therefore not causing any deviation from uniform rectilinear motion in a homogeneous medium, except within 1 On the Theory of Systems of Rays. Trans. R. I. A., 1824, 1830, 1832. 96 PRELIMINARY. an indefinitely small distance from its boundary. The laws of reflec- tion and of single refraction follow correctly from this hypothesis, which therefore suffices for what is called geometrical optics. We hope to return to this subject, with sufficient detail, in treating of Optics. At present we limit ourselves to state a theorem com- prehending the known rule for measuring the magnifying power of a telescope or microscope (by comparing the diameter of the object- glass with the diameter of pencil of parallel rays emerging from the eye-piece, when a point of light is placed at a great distance in front of the object-glass), as a particular case. 287. Let any number of attracting or repelling masses, or perfectly smooth elastic objects, be fixed in space. Let two stations, O and O', be chosen. Let a shot be fired with a stated velocity, V, from (7, in such a direction as to pass through O'. There may clearly be more than one natural path by which this maybe done; but, generally speaking, when one such path is chosen, no other, not sensibly di- verging from it, can be found; and any infinitely small deviation in the line of fire from (9, will cause the bullet to pass infinitely near to, but not through O'. Now let a circle, with infinitely small radius r, be described round O as centre, in a plane perpendicular to the line of fire from this point, and let — all with infinitely nearly the same velocity, but fulfilling the condition that the sum of the potential and kinetic energies is the same as that of the shot from O — bullets be fired from all points of this circle, all directed infinitely nearly parallel to the line of fire from O, but each precisely so as to pass through O'. Let a target be held at an infinitely small distance, «', beyond Cf, in a plane perpendicular to the line of the shot reaching it from O. The bullets fired from the circumference of the circle round (9, will, after passing through 0\ strike this target in the circumference of an exceedingly small ellipse, each with a velocity (corresponding of course to its position, under the law of energy) difiering infinitely little from V\ the common velocity with which they pass through O'. Let now a circle, equal to the former, be described round 0\ in the plane perpendicular to the central path through 0\ and let bullets be fired from points in its circumference, each with the proper velocity, and in such a direction infinitely nearly parallel to the central path as to make it pass through O. These bullets, if a target is held to y receive them perpendicularly at a distance a = a' -^,, beyond O, will strike it along the circumference of an ellipse equal to the former and placed in a corresponding position; and the points struck by the individual bullets will correspond in the manner explained below. Let F and F' be points of the first and second circles, and Q and Q the points on the first and second targets which bullets from them strike ; then if F' be in a plane containing the central path through (y, and the position which Q would take if its ellipse were made circular by a pure strain (§ 159) ; Q and Q are similarly situated on the two ellipses. DYNAMICAL LAWS AND PRINCIPLES. 97 288. The most obvious optical application of this remarkable result is, that in the use of any optical apparatus whatever, if the eye and the object be interchanged without altering the position of the instrument, the magnifying power is unaltered. This is easily under- stood when, as in an ordinary telescope, microscope, or opera-glass (Galilean telescope), the instrument is symmetrical about an axis, and is curiously contradictory of the common idea that a telescope 'dimi- nishes' when looked through the wrong way, which no doubt is true if the telescope is simply reversed about the middle of its length, eye and object remaining fixed. But if the telescope be removed from the eye till its eye-piece is close to the object, the part of the object seen will be seen enlarged to the same extent as when viewed with the telescope held in the usual manner. This is easily verified by looking from a distance of a few yards, in through the object-glass of an opera-glass, at the eye of another person holding it to his eye in the usual way. The more general application may be illustrated thus: — Let the points, (9, O' (the centres of the two circles described in the preceding enunciation), be the optic centres of the eyes of two persons looking at one another through any set of lenses, prisms, or transparent media arranged in any way between them. If their pupils are of equal sizes in reality, they will be seen as similar ellipses of equal apparent dimensions by the two observers. Here the imagined particles of light, projected from the circumference of the pupil of either eye, are substituted for the projectiles from the circumference of either circle, and the retina of the other eye takes the place of the target receiving them, in the general kinetic statement. 289. If instead of one free particle we have a conservative system of any number of mutually influencing free particles, the same state- ment may be applied with reference to the initial position of one of the particles and the final position of another, or with reference to the initial positions, or to the final positions, of two of the particles. It thus serves to show how the influence of an infinitely small change in one of those positions, on the direction of the other particle passing through the other position, is related to the influence on the direction of the former particle passing through the former position produced by an infinitely small change in the latter position, and is of immense use in physical astronomy. A corresponding statement, in terms of generalized co-ordinates, may of course be adapted to a system of rigid bodies or particles connected in any way. All such statements are included in the following very general proposition: — The rate of increase of the component momentum relative to any one of the co-ordinates, per unit of increase of any other co- ordinate, is equal to the rate of increase of the component momentum relative to the latter per unit increase or diminution of the former co-ordinate, according as the two co-ordinates chosen belong to one configuration of the system, or one of them belongs to the initial configuration and the other to the final. r. 7 98 PRELIMINARY. 290. If a conservative system is infinitely little displaced from a configuration of stable equilibrium, it will ever after vibrate about this configuration, remaining infinitely near it; each particle of the system performing a motion which is composed of simple harmonic vibra- tions. If there are i degrees of freedom to move, and we consider any system of generalized co-ordinates specifying its position at any time, the deviation of any one of these co-ordinates from its value for the configuration of equilibrium will vary according to a complex harmonic function (§ 88), composed in general of i simple harmonics of incommensurable periods, and therefore (§ 85) the whole motion of the system will not recur periodically through the same series of configurations. There are in general, however, i distinct determinate displacements, which we shall call the normal displace- ments, fulfilling the condition, that if any one of them be produced alone, and the system then left to itself for an instant at rest, this displacement will diminish and increase periodically according to a simple harmonic function of the time, and consequently every particle of the system will execute a simple harmonic movement in the same period. This result, we shall see later, includes cases in which there are an infinite number of degrees of freedom; as, for instance, a stretched cord; a mass of air in a closed vessel; waves in water, or oscillations of water in a vessel of limited extent, or an elastic solid; and in these applications it gives the theory of the so-called 'fundamental vibration,' and successive 'harmonics' of the cord, and of all the different possible simple modes of vibration in the other cases. In all these cases it is convenient to give the name * fundamental mode' to any one of the possible simple harmonic vibrations, and not to restrict it to the gravest simple harmonic mode, as has been hitherto usual in respect to vibrating cords and organ- pipes. The whole kinetic energy of any complex motion of the system is equal to the sum of the kinetic energies of the fundamental constitu- ents; and the potential energy of any displacements is equal to the sum of the potential energies of its normal components. Corresponding theorems of normal constituents and fundamental modes of motion, and the summation of their kinetic and potential energies in complex motions and displacements, hold for motion in the neighbourhood of a configuration of U7istable equilibrium. In this case, some or all of the constituent motions are fallings away from the position of equi- librium (according as the potential energies of the constituent normal vibrations are negative). 291. If, as may be in particular cases, the periods of the vibrations for two or more of the normal displacements are equal, any displace- ment compounded of them will also fulfil the condition of a normal displacement. And if the system be displaced according to any one such normal displacement, and projected with velocity corresponding to another, it will execute a movement, the resultant of two simple harmonic movements in equal periods. The graphic representation DYNAMICAL LA WS AND PRINCIPLES. 99 of the variation of the corresponding co-ordinates of the system, laid down as two rectangular co-ordinates in a plane diagram, will con- sequently (§ 82) be a circle or an ellipse; which will therefore, of course, be the form of the orbit of any particle of the system which has a distinct direction of motion, for two of the displacements in question. But it must be remembered that some of the principal parts may have only one degree of freedom ; or even that each part of the system may have only one degree of freedom (as, for instance, if the system is composed of a set of particles each constrained to remain on a given line, or of rigid bodies on fixed axes, mutually influencing one another by elastic cords or otherwise). In such a case as the last, no particle of the system can move otherwise than in one line; and the ellipse, circle, or other graphical representation of the composition of the harmonic motions of the system, is merely an aid to comprehension, and not a representation of any motion actually taking place in any part of the system. 292. In nature, as has been said above (§ 250), every system uninfluenced by matter external to it is conservative, when the ultimate molecular motions constituting heat, light, and magnetism, and the potential energy of chemical affinities, are taken into account along with the palpable motions and measurable forces. But (§ 247) practically we are obliged to admit forces of friction, and resistances of the other classes there enumerated, as causing losses of energy to be reckoned, in abstract dynamics, without regard to the equivalents of heat or other molecular actions which they generate. Hence when such resistances are to be taken into account, forces opposed to the motions of various parts of a system must be introduced into the equations. According to the approximate knowledge which we have from experiment, these forces are independent of the velocities when due to the friction of sofids; and are simply proportional to the velocities when due to fluid viscosity directly, or to electric or magnetic influences, with corrections depending on varying temperature, and on the varying configuration of the system. In consequence of the last-mentioned cause, the resistance of a real liquid (which is always more or less viscous) against a body moving very rapidly through it, and leaving a great deal of irregular motion, such as 'eddies,' in its wake, seems to be nearly in proportion to the square of the velocity; although, as Stokes has shown, at the lowest speeds the resistance is probably in simple proportion to the velocity, and for all speeds may, it is probable, be approximately expressed as the sum of two terms, one simply as the velocity, and the other as the square of the velocity. If a solid is started from rest in an incompressible fluid, the initial law of resistance is no doubt simple proportionality to the velocity, (however great, if suddenly enough given;) until by the gradual growth of eddies the resistance is increased gradually till it comes to fulfil Stokes's law. 293. The effect of friction of solids rubbing one against another is simply to render impossible the infinitely small vibrations with which 7—2 loo PRELIMINARY, we are now particularly concerned ; and to allow any system in which it is present, to rest balanced when displaced within certain finite limits, from a configuration of frictionless equilibrium. In mechanics it is easy to estimate its effects with sufficient accuracy when any practical case of finite oscillations is in question. But the other classes of dissipative agencies give rise to resistances simply as the velocities, without the corrections referred to, when the motions are infinitely small, and can never balance the system in a configuration deviating to any extent, however small, from a configuration of equilibrium without friction. In the theory of infinitely small vibra- tions, they are to be taken into account by adding to the expressions for the generalized components of force, terms consisting of the generalized velocities each multiplied by a constant, which gives us equations still remarkably amenable to rigorous mathematical treat- ment. The result of the integration for the case of a single degree of freedom is very simple; and it is of extreme importance, both for the explanation of many natural phenomena, and for use in a large variety of experimental investigations in Natural Philosophy. Partial conclusions from it, in the first place, stated in general terms, are as follows: — 294. If the resistance per unit velocity is less than a certain limit, in any particular case, the motion is a- simple harmonic oscillation, with amplitude decreasing by equal proportions in equal successive intervals of time. But if the resistance exceeds this limit, the system, when displaced from its position of equilibrium and left to itself, returns gradually towards its position of equilibrium, never oscillating through it to the other side, and only reaching it after an infinite time. In the unresisted motion, let «' be the rate of acceleration, when the displacement is unity; so that (§ 74) we have T=^ — ; and let the rate of retardation due to the resistance corresponding to unit velocity be k. Then the motion is of the oscillatory or non-oscillatory class according as k^ <{2nf or k'^-> {2tif. In the first case, the period of n the oscillation is increased, by the resistance, from 7" to Tj~^ — TT^Yi* and the rate at which the Napierian logarithm of the amplitude diminishes per unit of time is \k. 295. An indirect but very simple proof of this important propo- sition may be obtained by means of elementary mathematics as follows : — A point describes a logarithmic spiral with uniform angular velocity about the pole — find the acceleration. Since the angular velocity of SP and the inclination of this line to the tangent are each constant, the linear velocity of P is as SP. Take a length PT^ equal to n SP, to represent it. Then the hodograph, the locus of /, where »S/ is parallel and equal to PT, is evidently another logarithmic spiral similar to the former, and de- scribed with the same uniform angular velocity. Hence (§§ 35, 49) DYNAMICAL LA WS AND PRINCIPLES. loi pt, the acceleration required, is equal to n Sp, and makes with Sp an angle Spt equal to SPT. Hence, if Pu be drawn parallel and equal to //, and uv parallel to PT, the whole acceleration // or Pu may be resolved into Pv and vu. Now Pvu is an isosceles triangle, whose base angles {v, u) are each equal to the constant angle of the spiral. Hence Pv and vu bear constant ratios to Puj and therefore to SP and /'T' respectively. The acceleration, therefore, is composed of a central attractive part proportional to the distance, and a tangential retarding part proportional to the velocity. And, if the resolved part of /*'s motion parallel to any line in the plane of the spiral be considered, it is obvious that in it also the acceleration will consist of two parts — one directed towards a point in the line (the projection of the pole of the spiral), and proportional to the distance from it ; the other proportional to the velocity, but retarding the motion. Hence a particle which, unresisted, would have a simple harmonic motion, has, when subject to resistance proportional to its velocity, a motion represented by the resolved part of the spiral motion just described. 296. If a be the constant angle of the spiral, w the angular velocity of SP, we have evidently PT, sin a = SP.o), But PT= nSP, so that n = -A- . sma Hence Pv = Pu =// = nSp = nPT= n' . SP and vu = 2Pv . cos a = 2« cos aPT= k . PT (suppose). 2 Thus the central force at unit distance is n^= . ^ , and the co- sm a cc. • I. r ' ^ • r 2(0 cos a emcient of resistance \s k= 211 cos a = — -. . sma 27r The time of oscillation in the resolved motion is evidently -- ; but, (U if there had been no resistance, the properties of simple harmonic I03 PRELIMINARY. motion show that it would have been — : so that it is increased by I ^' the resistance in the ratio cosec a to i , or f^ to k n^ — . V 4 The rate of diminution of SP is evidently PT, C0Sa = ;2 cos a SP^-SP', 2 that is, SP diminishes in geometrical progression as time increases, k the rate being - per unit of time per unit of length. By an ordinary result of arithmetic (compound interest payable every instant) the k diminution of log . SP in unit of time is - . ° 2 This process of solution is only applicable to resisted harmonic vibrations when n is greater than - . When ;/ is not greater than - the auxiliary curve can no longer be a logarithmic spiral, for the moving particle never describes more than a finite angle about the pole. A curve, derived from an equilateral hyperbola, by a process somewhat resembling that by which the logarithmic spiral is deduced from a circle, may be introduced ; but then the geometrical method ceases to be simpler than the analytical one, so that it is useless to pursue the investigation farther, at least from this point of view. 297. The general solution of the problem, to find the motion of a system having any number, /, of degrees of freedom, when infinitely little disturbed from a position of equilibrium, and left to move subject to resistances proportional to velocities, shows that the whole motion may be resolved, in general determinately, into 2/ different motions each either simple harmonic with amplitude diminishing according to the law stated above (§ 294), or non-oscillatory, and consisting of equi-proportionate diminutions of the components of displacement in equal successive intervals of time. 298. When the forces of a system depending on configuration, and not on motion, or, as we may call them for brevity, the forces of position, violate the law of conservatism, we have seen (§ 244) that energy without limit may be drawn from it by guiding it per- petually through a returning cycle of configurations, and we have inferred that in every real system, not supplied with energy from without, the forces of position fulfil the conservative law. But it is easy to arrange a system artificially, in connexion with a source of energy, so that its forces of position shall be non-conservative ; and the consideration of the kinetic effects of such an arrangement, especially of its oscillations about or motions round a configuration of equilibrium, is most instructive, by the contrasts which it presents to the phenomena of a natural system. 299. But although, when the equilibrium is stable, no possible DYNAMICAL LA WS AND PRINCIPLES. 103 infinitely small displacement and velocity given to the system can cause it, when left to itself, to go on moving either farther and farther away till a finite displacement is reached, or till a finite velocity is acquired; it is very remarkable that stability should be possible, considering that even in the case of stability an endless increase of velocity may, as is easily seen from § 244, be obtained merely by constraining the system to a particular closed course, or circuit of configurations, nowhere deviating by more than an infinitely small amount from the configuration of equilibrium, and leaving it at rest anywhere in a certain part of this circuit. This result, and the distinct peculiarities of the cases of stability and instability, are sufticiently illustrated by the simplest possible example, — that of a material particle moving in a plane. 300. There is scarcely any question in dynamics more important for Natural Philosophy than the stability or instability of motion. We therefore, before concluding this chapter, propose to give some general explanations and leading principles regarding it. A 'conservative disturbance of motion' is a disturbance in the motion or configuration of a conservative system, not altering the sum of the potential and kinetic energies. A conservative disturb- ance of the motion through any particular configuration is a change in velocities, or component velocities, not altering the whole kinetic energy. Thus, for example, a conservative disturbance of the motion of a particle through any point, is a change in the direction of its motion, unaccompanied by change of speed. 301. The actual motion of a system, from any particular con- figuration, is said to be stable if every possible infinitely small con- servative disturbance of its motion through that configuration may be compounded of conservative disturbances, any one of which would give rise to an alteration of motion which would bring the system again to some configuration belonging to the undisturbed path, in a finite time, and without more than an infinitely small digression. If this condition is not fulfilled, the motion is said to be unstable. 302. For example, if a body. A, be supported on a fixed vertical axis ; if a second, B^ be supported on a parallel axis belonging to the first; a third, C, similarly supported on B^ and so on; and if B, C, etc., be so placed as to have each its centre of inertia as far as possible from the fixed axis, and the whole set in motion with a common angular velocity about this axis, the motion will be thoroughly stable. If, for instance, each of the bodies is a flat rectangular board hinged on one edge, it is obvious that the whole system will be kept stable by centrifugal force, when all are in one plane and as far out from the axis as possible. But if A consists partly of a shaft and crank, as a common spinning-wheel, or the fly- wheel and crank of a steam-engine, and if B be supported on the crank-pin as axis, and turned inwards (towards the fixed axis, or across the fixed axis), then, even although the centres of inertia of C, I04 PRELIMINARY. Z>, etc., are placed as far from the fixed axis as possible, consistent with this position of B^ the motion of the system will be unstable. 303. The rectilinear motion of an elongated body lengthwise, or of a flat disc edgewise, through a fluid is unstable. But the motion of either body, with its length or its broadside perpendicular to the direction of motion, is stable. Observation proves the assertion we have just made, for real fluids, air and water, and for a great variety of circumstances affecting the motion; and we shall return to the subject later, as being not only of great practical importance, but profoundly interesting, and by no means difficult in theory. 304. The motion of a single particle affords simpler and not less instructive illustrations of stability and instability. Thus if a weight, hung from a fixed point by a light inextensible cord, be set in motion so as to describe a circle about a veitical line through its position of equilibrium, its motion is stable. For, as we shall see later, if dis- turbed infinitely little in direction without gain or loss of energy, it will describe a sinuous path, cutting the undisturbed circle at points successively distant from one another by definite fractions of the circumference, depending upon the angle of inclination of the string to the vertical. When this angle is very small, the motion is sensibly the same as that of a particle confined to one plane moving under the influence of an attractive force towards a fixed point, simply pro- portional to the distance ; and the disturbed path cuts the undisturbed circle four times in a revolution. Or if a particle confined to one plane, move under the influence of a centre in this plane, attracting with a force inversely as the square of the distance, a path infinitely little disturbed from a circle will cut the circle twice in a revolution. Or if the law of central force be the nxkv power of the distance, and if fz + 3 be positive, the disturbed path will cut the undisturbed circular TT orbit at successive angular intervals, each equal to . . But the V// + 3 motion will be unstable if n be negative, and - « > 3. 305. The case of a particle moving on a smooth fixed surface under the influence of no other force than that of the constraint, and therefore always moving along a geodetic line of the surface, affords extremely simple illustrations of stability and instability. For instance, a particle placed on the inner circle of the surface of an anchor-ring, and projected in the plane of the ring, would move perpetually in that circle, but unstably, as the smallest disturbance would clearly send it away from this path, never to return until after a digression round the outer edge. (We suppose of course that the particle is held to the surface, as if it were placed in the infinitely narrow space between a solid ring and a hollow one enclosing it.) But if a particle is placed on the outermost, or greatest, circle of the ring, and projected in its plane, an infinitely small disturbance will cause it to describe a sinuous path cutting the circle at points round it successively distant by angles DYNAMICAL LAWS AND PRINCIPLES. 105 each equal to tt / - , and therefore at intervals of time, each equal to - / - , where a denotes the radius of that circle, AYix) + . . . This is useful, inasmuch as the successive differences, ^/(x\ Ay(^), etc., are easily calculated from the tabulated results of obser- vation, provided these have been taken for equal successive in- crements of ^. If for values x^, x^,...Xn, a function takes the values y^, y^, y^,... y„, Lagrange gives for it the obvious expression 1 20 PRELIMINAR V. Here is assumed that the function required is a rational and integral one in x of the n-i^^ degree; and, in general, a similar limitation is in practice applied to the other formula above ; for in order to find the complete expression for /{x), it is necessary to determine the values of A/(x), ^y{x), .... If ;2 of the co-efficients be required, so as to give the n chief terms of the general value of/{x)f we must have n observed simultaneous values of x and/(^), and the expression becomes determinate and of the n—i^^ degree in ^. In practice it is usually sufficient to employ at most three terms of the first series. Thus to express the length / of a rod of metal as depending on its temperature f, we may assume l^ being the measured length at any temperature t^, A and B are to be found by the method of least squares from values of / observed for different given values of t. 351. These formulae are practically useful for calculating the probable values of any observed element, for values of the in- dependent variable lying within the range for which observation has given values of the element. But except for values of the inde- pendent variable either actually within this range, or not far beyond it in either direction, these formulae express functions which, in general, will differ more and more widely from the truth the further their application is pushed beyond the range of observation. In a large class of investigations the observed element is in its nature a periodic function of the independent variable. The har- monic analysis (§ 88) is suitable for all such. When the values of the independent variable for which the element has been observed are not equidiflferent the co-efficients, determined according to the method of least squares, are found by a process which is necessarily very laborious ; but when they are equidifferent, and especially when the difference is a submultiple of the period, the equation derived from the method of least squares becomes greatly simplified. Thus, if Q denote an angle increasing in proportion to /, the time, through four right angles in the period, T^ of the phenomenon; so that let /(^) = ^^ + ^,cos^-i-^2Cos 2^+ ... + B^ sin ^ -I- ^2 sin 2^ + . . . where A^^ A^, Ag,...B^, B^,... are unknown co-efficients, to be determined so that /(O) may express the most probable value of the element, not merely at times between observations, but through all time as long as the phenomenon is strictly periodic. By taking as many of these coefficients as there are of distinct data by observation, the formula is made to agree precisely with these data. But in most applications of the method, the periodically recurring part of the phe- nomenon is expressible by. a small number of terms of the harmonic series, and the higher terms, calculated from a great number of data, EXPERIENCE. 121 express either irregularities of the phenomenon not likely to recur, or errors of observation. Thus a comparatively small number of terms may give values of the element even for the very times of ob- servation, more probable than the values actually recorded as having been observed, if the observations are numerous but not minutely accurate. The student may exercise himself in writing out the equations to determine five, or seven, or more of the coefficients according to the method of least squares ; and reducing them by proper formulae of analytical trigonometry to their simplest and most easily calculated forms where the values of Q for which f{Q) is given are equidifferent. He will thus see that when the difference is -v-, i being any integer, and when the number of the data is / or any multiple of it, the equa- tions contain each of them only one of the unknown quantities : so that the method of least squares affords the most probable values of the co-efficients, by the easiest and most direct elimination. OF THE VNIVERSltY CHAPTER IV. MEASURES AND INSTRUMENTS. 352. Having seen in the preceding chapter that for the investiga- tion of the laws of nature we must carefully watch experiments, either those gigantic ones which the universe furnishes, or others devised and executed by man for special objects — and having seen that in all such observations accurate measurements of Time, Space, Force, etc., are absolutely necessary, we may now appropriately describe a few of the more useful of the instruments employed for these pur- poses, and the various standards or units which are employed in them. 353. Before going into detail we may give a rapid resiwie of the principal Standards and Instruments to be described in this chapter. As most, if not all, of them depend on physical principles to be detailed in the course of this work, we shall assume in anticipation the establishment of such principles, giving references to the future division or chapter in which the experimental demonstrations are more particularly explained. This course will entail a slight, but unavoidable, confusion — slight, because Clocks, Balances, Screws, etc., are familiar even to those who know nothing of Natural Phi- losophy ; unavoidable, because it is in the very nature of our subject that no one part can grow alone, each requiring for its full develop- ment the utmost resources of all the others. But if one of our departments thus borrows from others, it is satisfactory to find that it more than repays by the power which its improvement affords them. 354. We may divide our more important and fundamental instru- ments into four classes — Those for measuring Time ; „ „ Space, linear or angular ; Force; „ „ Mass. Other instruments, adapted for special purposes such as the measurement of Temperature, Light, Electric Currents, etc., will come more naturally under the head of the particular physical energies to whose measurement they are applicable. Descriptions of MEASURES AND INSTRUMENTS. 123 self-recording instruments such as tide-gauges, and barometers, ther- mometers, electrometers, recording photographically or otherwise the continuously varying pressure, temperature, moisture, electric poten- tial of the atmosphere, and magnetometers recording photographi- cally the continuously varying direction and magnitude of the terres- trial magnetic force, must likewise be kept for their proper places in our work. Calculating Machines have also important uses in assisting physical research in 'a great variety of ways. They belong to two classes : — I. Purely Arithmetical, dealing with integral numbers of units. All of this class are evolved from the primitive use of the calculuses or little stones for counters (from which are derived the very names calculation and " The Calculus "), through such mechanism as that of the Chinese Abacus, still serving its original purpose well in infant schools, up to the Arithmometer of Thomas of Colmar and the grand but partially realized conceptions of calculating machines by Babbage. II. Continuous Calculating Machines. These are not only useful as auxiliaries for physical research but also involve important dy- namical and kinematical principles belonging properly to our subject. 355. We shall now consider in order the more prominent instru- ments of each of these four classes, and some of their most important applications : — Clock, Chronometer, Chronoscope, Applications to Observation and to self-registering Instruments. Vernier and Screw-Micrometer, Cathetometer, Spherometer, Dividing Engine, Theodolite, Sextant or Circle. Common Balance, Bifilar Balance, Torsion Balance, Pendulum, Dynamometer. Among Standards we may mention — 1. Time. — Day, Hour, Minute, Second, sidereal and solar. 2. Space. — Yard and Metre: Radian, Degree, Minute, Second. 3. Force. — Weight of a Pound or Kilogramme, etc., in any par- ticular locality (gravitation unit); poundal or dyne. Kinetic Unit. 4. Mass. — Pound, Kilogramme, etc. 356. Although without instruments it is impossible to procure or apply any standard, yet, as without the standards no instrument could give us absolute measure, we may consider the standards first -^ referring to the instruments as if we already knew their principles and applications. 357. First we may notice the standards or units of angular measure : 1 24 PRELIMINAR V. Radian^ or angle whose arc is equal to radius ; Degree, or ninetieth part of a right angle, and its successive subdivisions into sixtieths called Minutes^ Seconds, Thirds, etc. The division of the right angle into 90 degrees is convenient because it makes the half-angle of an equilateral triangle (sin"' |) an integral number (30) of degrees. It has long been universally adopted by all Europe. The decimal division of the right angle, decreed by the French Republic when it successfully introduced other more sweeping changes, utterly and deservedly failed. The division of the degree into 60 minutes and of the minute into 60 seconds is not convenient; and tables of the circular functions for degrees and hundredths of the degree are much to be desired. Meantime, when reckoning to tenths of a degree suffices for the accuracy desired, in any case the ordinary tables suffice, as 6' is y^- of a degree. The decimal system is exclusively followed in reckoning by radians. The value of two right angles in this reckoning is 3-14159... , or tt. Thus IT radians is equal to 180". Hence i8o°-=-7ris 57°-29578 ... , or 57" 17' 44'^*8 is equal to one radian. In mathematical analysis, angles are uniformly reckoned in terms of the radian. 358. The practical standard of time is the Siderial Day, being the period, nearly constant', of the earth's rotation about its axis (§ 237). From it is easily derived the Mean Solar Day, or the mean interval which elapses between successive passages of the sun across the meridian of any place. This is not so nearly as the former, an abso- lute or invariable unit; secular changes in the period of the earth's ^ In our first edition of our larger treatise it was stated that Laplace had calculated from ancient observations of eclipses that the period of the earth's rotation about its axis had not altered by TTn^iJTrTT-irir of itself since 720 B.C. In § 830 it was pointed out that this conclusion is overthrown by farther information from Physical Astronomy acquired in the interval between the printing of the two sections, in virtue of a correction which Adams had made as early as 1863 upon Laplace's dynamical investigation of an acceleration of the moon's mean motion, produced by the Sun's attraction, showing that only about half of the observed acceleration of the moon's mean motion relatively to the angular velocity of the earth's rotation was accounted for by this cause. [Quoting from the first edition, § 830.] "In 1859 Adams communicated to Delaunay his final result: — that at 'the end of a century the moon is 5" 7 before the position she would have, 'relatively to a meridian of the earth, according to the angular velocities of the 'two motions, at the beginning of the century, and the acceleration of the 'moon's motion truly calculated from the various disturbing causes then recog- 'nized. Delaunay soon after verified this result : and about the beginning of '1866 suggested that the true explanation may be a retardation of the earth's 'rotation by tidal friction. Using this hypothesis, and allowing for the conse- *quent retardation of the moon's mean motion by tidal reaction (§ 276), Adams, 'in an estimate which he has communicated to us, founded on the rough as- * sumption that the parts of the earth's retardation due to solar and lunar tides 'are as the squares of the respective tide-generating forces, finds 22* as the 'error by which the earth would in a century get behind a perfect clock rated ' at the beginning of the century. If the retardation of rate giving this integral 'effect were uniform {§ 32), the earth, as a timekeeper, would be going slower 'by *22 of a second per year in the middle, or "44 of a second per year at the 'end, than at the beginning of a century." MEASURES AND INSTRUMENTS, 125 revolution round the sun affect it, though very shghtly. It is divided into 24 hours, and the hour, hke the degree, is subdivided into successive sixtieths, called minutes and seconds. The usual sub- division of seconds is decimal. It is well to observe that seconds and minutes of time are distin- guished from those of angular measure by notation. Thus we have for time 13'' 43™ 27'-58, but for angular measure 13" 43' 2"]"-^^. When long periods of time are to be measured, the mean solar year, consisting of 366-242203 siderial days, or 365-242242 mean solar days, or the century consisting of 100 such years, may be con- veniently employed as the unit. 359. The ultimate standard of accurate chronometry must (if the human race live on the earth for a few million years) be founded on the physical properties of some body of more constant character than the earth : for instance, a carefully-arranged metallic spring, hermetically sealed in an exhausted glass vessel. The time of vibra- tion of such a spring would be necessarily more constant from day to day than that of the balance-spring of the best possible chronometer, disturbed as this is by the train of mechanism with which it is con- nected: and it would certainly be more constant from age to age than the time of rotation of the earth, retarded as it now is by tidal resistance to an extent that becomes very sensible in 2000 years; and cooling and shrinking to an extent that must produce a very considerable effect on its time-keeping in fifty million years. 360. The British standard of length is the Imperial Yard, defined as the distance between two marks on a certain metallic bar, pre- served in the Tower of London, when the whole has a temperature of 60° Fahrenheit. It was not directly derived from any fixed quantity in nature, although some important relations wdth natural elements have been measured with great accuracy. It has been carefully compared with the length of a second's pendulum vibrating at a certain station in the neighbourhood of London, so that should it again be destroyed, as it was at the burning of the Houses of Parliament in 1834, and should all exact copies of it, of which several are preserved in various places, be also lost, it can be restored by pendulum observations. A less accurate, but still (unless in the event of earthquake disturbance) a very good, means of reproducing it exists in the measured base-lines of the Ordnance Survey, and the thence calculated distances between definite stations in the British Islands, which have been ascertained in terms of it with a degree of accuracy sometimes within an inch per mile, that is to say, within about g^o'^oTT* 361. In scientific investigations, we endeavour as much as possible to keep to one unit at a time, and the foot, which is defined to be one-third part of the yard, is, for British measurement, generally adopted. Unfortunately the inch, or one-twelfth of a foot, must sometimes be used, but it is subdivided decimally. The statute mile, or 1760 yards, is unfortunately often used when great lengths on land 126 PRELIMINARY. are considered; but the sea-mile, or average minute of latitude, is much to be preferred. Thus it appears that the British measurement of length is more inconvenient in its several denominations than the European measurement of time, or angles. 362. In the French metrical system the decimal division is exclu- sively employed. The standard, (unhappily) called the Metre, was defined originally as the ten-millionth part of the length of the quadrant of the earth's meridian from the pole to the equator ; but it is now defined practically by the accurate standard metres laid up in various national repositories in Europe. It is somewhat longer than the yard, as the following Table shows : Centimetre = '3937043 inch. Metre = 3*280869 feet. Kilometre = '6213767 British Statute mile. Inch =25'39977 millimetres. Foot= 3*047972 decimetres. British Statute mile = 1609*329 metres. 363. The unit of superficial measure is in Britain the square yard, in France the metre carre. Of course we may use square inches, feet, or miles, as also square millimetres, kilometres, etc., or the Hectare = 1 0,000 square mbtres. Square inch= 6*451483 square centimetres. „ foot= 9*290135 „ decimetres. „ yard= 83*61121 „ decimetres. Acre = '4046792 of a hectare. Square British Statute mile = 258*9946 hectare. Hectare = 2-471093 acres. 364. Similar remarks apply to the cubic measure in the two countries, and we have the following Table : — Cubic inch= 16*38661 cubic centimetres. „ foot= 28*31606 „ decimetres or Z//r^j. Gallon = 4-543808 litres. „ =277-274 cubic inches, by Act of Parliament, now repealed. Litre = '0353 15 cubic feet. 365. The British unit of mass is the Pound (defined by standards only) ; the French is the Kilogramme, defined originally as a litre of water at its temperature of maximum density; but now practically defined by existing standards. Gramme = 15 '43 23 5 grains. Kilogram. = 2*20362125 lbs. Grain =64*79896 milligrammes. Pound = 453*5927 grammes. Professor W. H. Miller finds {Phil. Trans., 1857) that the 'kilo- gramme des Archives^ is equal in mass to 15432*349 grains: and the * kilogramme type laiton^ deposited in the Ministere de ITnterieure in Paris, as standard for French commerce, is 15432*344 grains. 366. The measurement of force, whether in terms of the weight of a stated mass in a stated locality, or in terms of the absolute or MEASURES AND INSTRUMENTS. 127 kinetic unit, has been explained in Chapter II. (See §§221 — 227.) From the measures of force and length we derive at once the measure of work or mechanical effect. That practically employed by engi- neers is founded on the gravitation measure of force. Neglecting the difference of gravity at London and Paris, we see from the above Tables that the following relations exist between the London and the Parisian reckoning of work : — Foot-pound =0-13825 kilogramme-metre. Kilogramme-metre =7*2331 foot-pounds. 367. A Clock is primarily an instrument which, by means of a train of wheels, records the number of vibrations executed by a pendulum ; a Chronometer or Watch performs the same duty for the oscillations of a flat spiral spring — ^just as the train of wheel-work in a gas-meter counts the number of revolutions of the main shaft caused by the passage of the gas through the machine. As, how- ever, it is impossible to avoid friction, resistance of air, etc., a pendu- lum or spring, left to itself, would not long continue its oscillations, and, while its motion continued, would perform each oscillation in less and less time as the arc of vibration diminished : a continuous supply of energy is furnished by the descent of a weight, or the uncoiling of a powerful spring. This is so applied, through the train of wheels, to the pendulum or balance-wheel by means of a mechanical contrivance called an Escapei?ie?it, that the oscillations are maintained of nearly uniform extent, and therefore of nearly uniform duration. The construction of escapements, as well as of trains of clock-wheels, is a matter of Mechanics, with the details of which we are not concerned, although it may easily be made the subject of mathematical investigation. The means of avoiding errors intro- duced by changes of temperature, which have been carried out in Compensation pendulums and balances, will be more properly described in our chapters on Heat. It is to be observed that there is little inconvenience if a clock lose or gain regularly; that can be easily and accurately allowed for : irregular rate is fatal. 368. By means of a recent application of electricity, to be after- wards described, one good clock, carefully regulated from time to time to agree with astronomical observations, may be made (without injury to its own performance) to control any number of other less- perfectly constructed clocks, so as to compel their pendulums to vibrate, beat for beat, with its own. 369. In astronomical observations, time is estimated to tenths of a second by a practised observer, who, while watching the phe- nomena, counts the beats of the clock. But for the very accurate measurement of short intervals, many instruments have been devised. Thus if a small orifice be opened in a large and deep vessel full of mercury, and if we know by trial the weight of metal that escapes say in five minutes, a simple proportion gives the interval which elapses during the escape of any given weight. It is easy to con- 1 28 PRELIMINAR V. trive an adjustment by which a vessel may be placed under, and withdrawn from, the issuing stream at the time of occurrence of any two successive phenomena. 370. Other contrivances are sometimes employed, called Stop- watches, Chronoscopes, etc., which can be read off at rest, started on the occurrence of any phenomenon, and stopped at the oc- currence of a second, then again read off; or which allow of the making (by pressing a stud) a slight ink-mark, on a dial revolving at a given rate, at the instant of the occurrence of each phe- nomenon to be noted. But, of late, these have almost entirely given place to the Electric Chronoscope, an instrument which will be fully described later, when we shall have occasion to refer to experiments in which it has been usefully employed. 371. We now come to the measurement of space, and of angles, and for these purposes the most important instruments are the Vernier and the Screw. 372. Elementary geometry, indeed, gives us the means of dividing any straight line into any assignable number of equal parts; but in practice this is by no means an accurate or reliable method. It was formerly used in the so-called Diagonal Scale, of which the construction is evident from the dia- gram. The reading is effected by a sliding piece whose edge is perpendicular to the length of the scale. Suppose that it is PQ. whose position on the scale is required. This can evidently cut only one of the transverse lines. Its number gives the number of tenths of an inch (4 in the figure), and the horizontal line next above the point of intersection gives evidently the number of hundredths (in the present case 4). Hence the reading is 7*44. As an idea of the comparative uselessness of this method, we may mention that a quadrant of 3 feet radius, which belonged to Napier of Merchiston, and is divided on the limb by this method, reads to minutes of a degree; no higher accuracy than is now attainable by the pocket sextants made by Troughton and Simms, the radius of whose arc is virtually little more than an inch. The latter instrument is read by the help of a Vernier. 373. The Vernier is commonly employed for such instruments as the Barometer, Sextant, and Cathetometer, while the Screw is applied to the more delicate instruments, such as Astronomical Circles, Micrometers, and the Spherometer. 374. The vernier consists of a slip of metal which slides along a divided scale, the edges of the two being coincident. Hence, when it is appUed to a divided circle, its edge is circular, MEASURES AND INSTRUMENTS. 129 and it moves about an axis passing through the centre of the divided Hmb. In the sketch let 0, 1, 2, ... 10 denote the divisions on the vernier, o, r, 2, etc., any set of consecutive divisions on the limb or scale If, when and o com- Wv^AA, ^AA/^A/1 30 29- ■vutv^V^ ^rO^ along whose edge it slides. cide, 10 and n coincide also, then 10 divisions of the vernier are equal in length to 11 on the limb; and therefore each division of the vernier is yjths, or ly^Q- of a division on the limb. If, then, the ver- nier be moved till 1 coincides with i, will be y^yth of a division of the limb beyond o; if 2 coincide with 2, will be xV^''^ beyond o; and so on. Hence to read the vernier in any position, note first the division next to o, and behind it on the limb. This is the integral number of divisions to be read. For the fractional part, see which division of the vernier is in a line with one on the limb; if it be the 4th (as in the figure), that indicates an addition to the reading of y^^ths of a division of the limb; and so on. Thus, if the figure represent a barometer scale divided in. into inches and tenths, the reading is 30-34, the zero line of the vernier being adjusted to the level of the mercury. 375. If the limb of a sextant be divided, as it usually is, to third- parts of a degree, and the vernier be formed by dividing twenty-one of these into twenty equal parts, the instrument can be read to twentieths of divisions on the limb, that is, to minutes of arc. If no Hne on the vernier coincide with one on the limb, then since the divisions of the former are the longer there will be one of the latter included between the two lines of the vernier, and it is usual in practice to take the mean of the readings which would be given by a coincidence of either pair of bounding lines. 376. In the above sketch and description, the numbers on the scale and vernier have been supposed to run opposite ways. This is generally the case with British instruments. In some foreign ones the divisions run in the same direction on vernier and limb, and in that case it is easy to see that to read to tenths of a scale division we must have ten divisions of the vernier equal to 7iiiie of the scale. In general to read to the ;/th part of a scale division, n divisions of the vernier must equal n + \ or n- i divisions on the limb, according as these run in opposite or similar directions. 377. The principle of the Scre7ef has been already noticed (§ 1 14). It may be used in either of two ways, i.e. the nut may be fixed, and the screw advance through it, or the screw may be prevented from moving longitudinally by a fixed collar, in which case the nut, if prevented by fixed guides from rotating, will move in the direction of the common axis. The advance in either case is evidently pro- portional to the angle through which the screw has turned about its . T. I30 PRELIMINARY. axis, and this may be measured by means of a divided head fixed perpendicularly to the screw at one end, the divisions being read oif by a pointer or vernier attached to the frame of the instrument. The nut carries with it either a tracing-point (as in the dividing engine) or a wire, thread, or half the object-glass of a telescope (as in micro- meters), the thread or wire, or the play of the tracing-point, being at right angles to the axis of the screw. 378. Suppose it be required to divide a line into any number of equal parts. The line is placed parallel to the axis of the screw with one end exactly under the tracing-point, or under the fixed wire of a microscope carried by the nut, and the screw-head is read off. By turning the head, the tracing-point or microscope wire is brought to the other extremity of the line; and the number of turns and fractions of a turn required for the whole line is thus ascertained. Dividing this by the number of equal parts required, we find at once the mnnber of turns and fractional parts corresponding to one of the required divisions, and by giving that amount of rotation to the screw over and over again, drawing a Hne after each rotation, the required division is effected. 379. In the Micrometer^ the movable wire carried by the nut is parallel to a fixed wire. By bringing them into optical contact the zero reading of the head is known; hence when another reading has been obtained, we have by subtraction the number of turns corresponding to the length of the object to be measured. The absolute value of a turn of the screw is determined by calculation from the number of threads in an inch, or by actually applying the micrometer to an object of known dimensions. 380. For the measurement of the thickness of a plate, or the cur- vature of a lens, the Spheroineter is used. It consists of a screw nut rigidly fixed in the middle of a very rigid three-legged table, with its axis perpendicular to the plane of the three feet (or finely rounded ends of the legs,) and an accurately cut screw working in this nut. The lower extremity of the screw is also finely rounded. The number of turns, whole or fractional, of the screw, is read off by a divided head and a pointer fixed to the stem. Suppose it be required to measure the thickness of a plate of glass. The three feet of the instrument are placed upon a nearly enough flat surface of a hard body, and the screw is gradually turned until its point touches and presses the surface. The muscular sense of touch perceives resistance to the turning of the screw when, after touching the hard body, it presses on it with a force somewhat exceeding the weight of the screw. The first effect of the contact is a diminution of resistance to the turning, due to the weight of the screw coming to be borne on its fine pointed end instead of on the thread of the nut. The sudderi increase of resistance at the instant when the screw commences to bear part of the weight of the nut finds the sense prepared to perceive it with re- markable delicacy on account of its contrast with the immediately preceding diminution of resistance. The screw-head is now read off, MEASURES AND INSTRUMENTS. 131 and the screw turned backwards until room is left for the insertion, beneath its point, of the plate whose thickness is to be measured. The screw is again turned until increase of resistance is again per- ceived; and the screw-head is again read off. The difference of the readings of the head is equal to the thickness of the plate, reckoned in the proper unit of the screw and the division of its head. 381. If the curvature of a lens is to be measured, the instrument is first placed, as before, on a plane surface, and the reading for the contact is taken. The same operation is repeated on the spherical surface. The difference of the screw readings is evidently the greatest thickness of the glass which would be cut off by a plane passing through the three feet. This is sufficient, with the distance between each pair of feet, to enable us to calculate the radius of the spherical surface. In fact if a be the distance between each pair of feet, / the length of screw corresponding to the difference of the two readings, R the radius of the spherical surface; we have at once 2i? = — .+ /, or, as / is generally very small compared with a^ the diameter is, very ap- proximately, — ,. 3^ 382. The Cathetometer is used for the accurate determination of differences of level — for instance, in measuring the height to which a fluid rises in a capillary tube above the exterior free surface. It consists of a long divided metallic stem, turning round an axis as nearly as may be parallel to its length, on a fixed tripod stand : and, attached to the stem, a spirit-level. Upon the stem slides a metallic piece bearing a telescope of which the length is approximately enough perpendicular to the axis. The telescope tube is as nearly as may be perpendicular to the length of the stem. By levelling screws in two feet of the tripod the bubble of the spirit-level is brought to one position of its glass when the stem is turned all round its axis. This secures that the axis is vertical. In using the instrument the telescope is directed in succession to the two objects whose difference of level is to be found, and in each case moved (generally by a delicate screw) up or down the stem, until a horizontal wire in the focus of its eye-piece coincides with the image of the object. The difference of readings on the vertical stem (each taken generally by aid of a vernier sliding piece) corresponding to the two positions of the telescope gives the required difference of level. 383. The principle of the Balance is generally known. We may note here a few of the precautions adopted in the best balances to guard against the various defects to which the instrument is liable ; and the chief points to be attended to in its construction to secure delicacy, and rapidity of weighing. The balance-beam should be very stiff, and as light as possible consistently with the requisite stiffness. For this purpose it is 9—2 132 PRELIMINARY. generally formed either of tubes, or of a sort of lattice-fram6work. To avoid friction, the axle consists of a knife-edge, as it is called ; that is, a wedge of hard steel, which, when the balance is in use, rests on horizontal plates of polished agate. A similar contrivance is appHed in very delicate balances at the points of the beam from which the scale-pans are suspended. When not in use, and just before use, the beam with its knife-edge is lifted by a lever arrange- ment from the agate plates. While thus secured it is loaded with weights as nearly as possible equal (this can be attained by previous trial with a coarser instrument), and the accurate determination is then readily effected. The last fraction of the required weight is determined by a rider, a very small weight, generally formed of wire, which can be worked (by a lever) from the outside of the glass case in which the balance is enclosed, and which may be placed in different positions upon one arm of the beam. This arm is gra- duated to tenths, etc., and thus shows at once the value of the rider in any case as depending on its moment or leverage, § 233. 384. Qualities of a balance : 1. Stability. — For stability of the beam alone without pans and weights, its centre of gravity must be below its bearing knife-edge. For stability with the heaviest weights the line joining the points at the ends of the beam from which the pans are hung must be below the knife-edge bearing the whole. 2. Sensibility. — The beam should be sensibly deflected from a horizontal position by the smallest difference between the weights in the scale-pans. The definite measure of the sensibility is the angle through which the beam is deflected by a stated difference between the loads in the pans. 3. Quickness. — This means rapidity of oscillation, and consequently speed in the performance of a weighing. It depends mainly upon the depth of the centre of gravity of the whole below the knife-edge and the length of the beam. In our Chapter on Statics we shall give the investigation. The sensibiHty and quickness are calculated for any given form and dimensions of the instrument, in § 572. A fine balance should turn with about a 500,000th of the greatest load which can safely be placed in either pan. The process of Double Weighings which consists in counterpoising a mass by shot, or sand, or pieces of fine wire, and then substituting weights for it in the same pan till equilibrium is attained, is more laborious, but more accurate, than single weighing ; as it eliminates all errors arising from unequal length of the arms, etc. Correction is required for the weights of air displaced by the two bodies weighed against one another when their difference is too large to be negligable. 385. In the Torsion-balance invented, and used with great effect, by Coulomb, a force is measured by the torsion of a fibre of silk, a glass thread, or a metallic wire. The fibre- or wire is fixed at its MEASURES AND INSTR UMENTS. 1 3 3 upper end, or at both ends, according to circumstances. In general it carries a very light horizontal rod or needle, to the extremities of which are attached the body on which is exerted the force to be measured, and a counterpoise. The upper extremity of the torsion fibre is fixed to an index passing through the centre of a divided disc, so that the angle through which that extremity moves is directly measured. If, at the same time, the angle through which the needle has turned be measured, or, more simply, if the index be always turned till the needle assumes a different position determined by marks or sights attached to the case of the instrument — we have the amount of torsion of the fibre, and it becomes a simple statical pro- blem to determine from the latter the force to be measured ; its direc- tion, and point of application, and the dimensions of the apparatus, being known. The force of torsion as depending on the angle of torsion was found by Coulomb to follow the law of simple proportion up to the limits of perfect elasticity — as might have been expected from Hooke's Law (see Properties of Matter), and it only remains that we determine the amount for a particular angle in absolute measure. This determination is, in general, simple enough in theory; but in practice requires considerable care and nicety. The torsion- balance, however, being chiefly used for comparative, not absolute, measure, this determination is often unnecessary. More will be said about it when we come to its application. 386. The ordinary spiral spring-balances used for roughly com- paring either small or large weights or forces, are, properly speaking, only a modified form of torsion-balance S as they act almost entirely by the torsion of the wire, and not by longitudinal extension or by flexure. Spring-balances we believe to be capable, if carefully con- structed, of rivalling the ordinary balance in accuracy, while, for some applications, they far surpass it in sensibility and convenience. They measure directly force, not mass; and therefore if used for deter- mining masses in diff"erent parts of the earth, a correction must be applied for the varying force of gravity. The correction for tem- perature must not be overlooked. These corrections may be avoided by the method of double weighing. 387. Perhaps the most delicate of all instruments for the measure- ment of force is the Pendulum. It is proved in Kinetics (see Div. II.) that for any pendulum, whether oscillating about a mean vertical position under the action of gravity, or in a horizontal plane, under the action of magnetic force, or force of torsion, the square of the number of small oscillations in a given time is proportional to the magnitude of the force under which these oscillations take place. For the estimation of the relative amounts of gravity at different places, this is by far the most perfect instrument. The method of coincidences by which this process has been rendered so excessively delicate will be described later. ^ Binet. See also J. Thomson. Cambridge and Dublin Math. Journal, 1848. 1 34 PRELIMINAR Y. In fact, the kinetic measure of force, as it is the first and most truly elementary, is also far the most easy as well as perfect method in many practical cases. It admits of an easy reduction to gravitation measure. 388. Weber and Gauss, in constructing apparatus for observations of terrestrial magnetism, endeavoured so to modify them as to admit of their being read from some distance. For this purpose each bar, made at that time too ponderous, carried a plain mirror. By means of a scale, seen after reflection in the mirror and carefully read with a telescope, it was of course easy to compute the deviations which the mirror had experienced. But, for many reasons, it was deemed neces- sary that the deflections, even under considerable force, should be very small. With this view the Bifilar suspension was introduced. The bar-magnet is suspended horizontally by two vertical wires or fibres of equal length so adjusted as to share its weight equally between them. When the bar turns, the suspension-fibres become inclined to the vertical, and therefore the bar must rise. Hence, if we neglect the torsion of the fibres, the bifilar actually measures a force by comparing it with the weight of the suspended magnet. Let a be the half length of the bar between the points of attach- ment of the wires, ^ the angle through which the bar has been turned (in a horizontal plane) from its position of equilibrium, / the length of one of the wires. Then if Q be the couple tending to turn the bar, and W its weight, , ^ Wa^ sin^ we have O = — — . , 2 which gives the couple in terms of the deflection 0. If the torsion of the fibres be taken into account, it will be sensibly equal to Q (since the greatest inclination to the vertical is small), and therefore the couple resulting from it will be EO, where E is some constant. This must be added to the value of Q, just found in order to get the whole deflecting couple. 389. Ergometers are instruments for measuring energy. White's friction brake measures the amount of work actually performed in any time by an engine or other ' prime mover,' by allowing it during the time of trial to waste all its work on friction. Morin!s ergometer measures work without wasting any of it, in the course of its trans- mission from the prime mover to machines in which it is usefully employed. It consists of a simple arrangement of springs, measur- ing at every instant the couple with which the prime mover turns the shaft that transmits its work, and an integrating machine from which the work done by this couple during any time can be read off. 390. White's friction brake consists of a lever clamped to the shaft, but not allowed to turn with it. The moment of the force required td prevent the lever from going round with the shaft, sj ^--j. sin- MEASURES AND INSTRUMENTS. isS multiplied by the whole angle through which the shaft turns, measures the whole work done against the friction of the clamp. The same result is much more easily obtained by wrapping a rope or chain several times round the shaft, or round a cylinder or drum carried round by the shaft, and applying measured forces to its two ends in proper directions to keep it nearly steady while the shaft turns round without it. The difference of the moments of these two forces round the axis, multiplied by the angle through which the shaft turns, measures the whole work spent on friction against the rope. If we remove all other resistance to the shaft, and apply the proper amount of force at each end of the rope or chain (which is very easily done in practice), the prime mover is kept running at the proper speed for the test, and having its whole work thus wasted for the time and measured. DIVISION II. ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. CHAPTER v.— INTRODUCTORY. 391. Until we know thoroughly the nature of matter and the forces which produce its motions, it will be utterly impossible to submit to mathematical reasoning the exact conditions of any phy- sical question. It has been long understood, however, that an ap- proximate solution of almost any problem in the ordinary branches of Natural Philosophy may be easily obtained by a species of ab- straction^ or rather limitation of the data, such as enables us easily to solve the modified form of the question, while we are well assured that the circumstances (so modified) affect the result only in a super- ficial manner. 392. Take, for instance, the very simple case of a crowbar em- ployed to move a heavy mass. The accurate mathematical investi- gation of the action would involve the simultaneous treatment of the motions of every part of bar, fulcrum, and mass raised; and from our almost complete ignorance of the nature of matter and molecular forces, it is clear that such a treatment of the problem is impossible. It is a result of observation that the particles of the bar, fulcrum, and mass, separately, retain throughout the process nearly the same relative positions. Hence the idea of solving, instead of the above impossible question, another, in reality quite different, but, while infinitely simpler, obviously leading to 7iearly the same results as the former. 393. The new form is given at once by the experimental result of the trial. Imagine the masses involved to be perfectly rigid (i.e. incapable of changing their forms or dimensions), and the infinite multiplicity of the forces, really acting, may be left out of consi- deration ; so that the mathematical investigation deals with a finite (and generally small) number of forces instead of a practically infinite number. Our warrant for such a substitution is established thus. ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. 137 394. The only effects of the intermolecular forces would be ex- hibited in molecular alterations of the form or volume of the masses involved. But as these (practically) remain almost unchanged, the forces which produce, or tend to produce, changes in them may be left out of consideration. Thus we are enabled to investigate the action of machinery by supposing it to consist of separate portions whose forms and dimensions are unalterable. 395. If we go a little farther into the question, we find that the lever bends ^ some parts of it are extended and others compressed. This would lead us into a very serious and difficult inquiry if we had to take account of the whole circumstances. But (by experience) we find that a sufficiently accurate solution of this more formidable case of the problem may be obtained by supposing (what can fiever be realized in practice) the mass to be homogeneous, and the forces consequent on a dilatation, compression, or distortion, to be propor- tional in magnitude, and opposed in direction, to these deformations respectively. By this farther assumption, close approximations may be made to the vibrations of rods, plates, etc., as well as to the statical effects of springs, etc. 396. We may pursue the process farther. Compression, in general, develops heat, and extension, cold. These alter sensibly the elas- ticity of a body. By introducing such considerations, we reach, without great difficulty, what may be called a third approximation to the solution of the physical problem considered. 397. We might next introduce the conduction of the heat, so produced, from point to point of the solid, with its accompanying modifications of elasticity, and so on ; and we might then consider the production of thermo-electric currents, which (as we shall see) are always developed by unequal heating in a mass if it be not per- fectly homogeneous. Enough, however, has been said to show,yf/'j/, our utter ignorance as to the true and complete solution of any physical question by the only perfect method, that of the consideration of the circumstances which affect the motion of every portion, sepa- rately, of each body concerned ; and, second, the practically sufficient manner in which practical questions may be attacked by limiting their generality, the li?7titations introduced being themselves deduced from ex- perience, and being therefore Nature's own solution (to a less or greater degree of accuracy) of the infinite additional number of equations by which we should otherwise have been encumbered. 398. To take another case : in the consideration of the propa- gation of waves on the surface of a fluid, it is impossible, not only on account of mathematical difficulties, but on account of our igno- rance of what matter is, and what forces its particles exert on each other, to form the equations which would give us the separate motion of each. Our first approximation to a solution, and one sufficient for most practical purposes, is derived from the consideration of the 138 INTRODUCTORY, motion of a homogeneous, incompressible, and perfectly plastic mass; a hypothetical substance which, of course, nowhere exists in nature. 399. Looking a little more closely, we find that the actual motion differs considerably from that given by the analytical solution of the restricted problem, and we introduce farther considerations, such as the comprssibility of fluids, their internal friction, the heat generated by the latter, and its effects in dilating the mass, etc. etc. By such successive corrections we attain, at length, to a mathematical result which (at all events in the present state of experimental science) agrees, within the limits of experimental error, with observation. 400. It would be easy to give many more instances substantiating what has just been advanced, but it seems scarcely necessary to do so. We may therefore at once say that there is no question in physical science which can be completely and accurately investigated by mathematical reasoning (in which, be it carefully remembered, it is not necessary that symbols should be introduced), but that there are different degrees of approximation, involving assumptions more and more nearly coincident with observation, which may be arrived at in the solution of any particular question. 401. The object of the present division of this work is to deal with the first and secojid of these approxi^nations. In it we shall suppose all solids either rigid, i.e. unchangeable in form and volume, or elastic; but in the latter case, we shall assume the law, connecting a com- pression or a distortion with the force which causes it, to have a particular form deduced from experiment. And we shall also leave out of consideration the thermal or electric effects which compression or distortion generally produce. We shall also suppose fluids, whether liquids or gases, to be either incompressible or compressible ac- cording to certain known laws; and we shall omit considerations of fluid friction, although we admit the consideration of friction between solids. Fluids will therefore be supposed perfect^ i.e. such that any particle may be moved amongst the others by the slightest force. 402. When we come to Properties of Matter and the Physical Forces, we shall give in detail, as far as they are yet known, the modifications which farther approximations have introduced into the previous results. 403. The laws of friction between solids were very ably investi- gated by Coulomb; and, as we shall require them in the succeeding chapters, we give a brief summary of them here ; reserving the more careful scrutiny of experimental results to our chapter on Properties of Matter. 404. To produce sliding of one solid body on another, the sur- faces in contact being plane, requires a tangential force which depends, — (i) upon the nature of the bodies; (2) upon their polish, or the species and quantity of lubricant which may have been applied; ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. 139 (3) upon the normal pressure between them, to which it is in general directly proportional; (4) upon the length of time during which they have been suffered to remain in contact. It does not (except in extreme cases where scratching or abrasion takes place) depend sensibly upon the area of the surfaces in contact. This, which is called Statical Friction, is thus capable of opposing a tangential resistance to motion which may be of any requisite amount up to ^R\ where R is the whole normal pressure between the bodies; and /x (which depends mainly upon the nature of the surfaces in contact) is the co-efficient of Statical Friction. This co-efficient varies greatly with the circumstances, being in some cases as low as ©'03, in others as high as o'8o. Later we shall give a table of its values. Where the applied forces are insufficient to produce motion, the whole amount of statical friction is not called into play; its amount then just reaches what is sufficient to equiUbrate the other forces, and its direction is the opposite of that in which their resultant tends to produce motion. When the statical friction has been overcome, and sliding is produced, experiment shows that a force of friction con- tinues to act, opposing the motion, sensibly proportional to the normal pressure, and independent of the velocity. But for the same two bodies the co-efficient of Kinetic Friction is less than that of Sta- tical Friction, and is approximately the same whatever be the rate of motion. 405. When among the forces acting in any case of equilibrium, there are frictions of solids on solids, the circumstances would not be altered by doing away with all friction, and replacing its forces by forces of mutual action supposed to remain unchanged by any in- finitely small relative motions of the parts between which they act. By this artifice all such cases may be brought under the general principle of Lagrange (§ 254). 406. In the following chapters on Abstract Dynamics we will confine ourselves chiefly to such portions of this extensive subject as are Hkely to be useful to us in the rest of the work. CHAPTER VI. STATICS OF A PARTICLE.— ATTRACTION. 407. We naturally divide Statics into two parts — the equilibrium of a Particle^ and that of a rigid or elastic Body or System of Fariicles whether solid or fluid. The second law of motion suffices for one part — for the other, the third, and its consequences pointed out by Newton, are necessary. In the succeeding sections we shall dispose of the first of these parts, and the rest of this chapter will be devoted to a digression on the important subject of Attraction. 408. By § 2 21, forces acting at the same point, or on the same material particle, are to be compounded by the same laws as velo- cities. Therefore the sum of their resolved parts in any direction must vanish if there is equilibrium j whence the necessary and sufii- cient conditions. They follow also directly from Newton's statement with regard to work, if we suppose the particle to have any velocity, constant in direction and magnitude (and § 211, this is the most general sup- position we can make, since absolute rest has for us no meaning). For the work done in any time is the product of the displacement during that time into the algebraic sum of the effective components of the applied forces, and there is no change of kinetic energy. Hence this sum must vanish for every direction. Practically, as any displacement may be resolved into three, in any three directions not coplanar, the vanishing of the work for any one such set of three suffices for the criterion. But, in general, it is convenient to assume them in directions at right angles to each other. Hence, for the equilibrium of a material particle, it is necessary^ and sufficient^ that the (algebraic) sums of the applied forces, resolved in any one set of three rectangular directions, should vanish. 409. We proceed to give a detailed exposition of the results which follow from the first clause of § 408. For three forces only we have the following statement. The resultant of two forces, acting on a material point, is repre- STATICS OF A PARTICLE. -^ATTRACT! ON, 141 sented in direction and magnitude by the diagonal, through that point, of the parallelogram described upon lines representing the forces. 410. Parallelogram of forces stated symmetrically as to the three forces concerned^ usually called the Triangle of Forces. If the lines representing three forces acting on a material point be equal and parallel to the sides of a triangle, and in directions similar to those of the three sides when taken in order round the triangle, the three forces are in equilibrium. Let GEF be a triangle, and let MA, MB, MC, be respectively equal and parallel to the three sides EF, FG, GE of this trian- gle, and in directions similar to the consecutive directions of these sides in order. The point Mis in equilibrium. 411. [True Triangle of Forces. Let three tive directions round a triangle, DEE, and be represented respectively by its sides : they are not in equilibrium, but are equivalent to a couple. To prove this, through D draw DH, equal and parallel to EF, and in it introduce a pair of balancing forces, each equal to EF. Of the five forces, three, DE, DH and ED, are in equilibrium, and may be removed ; and there are then left two forces, EF and HD, equal, parallel, and in dissimilar directions, which constitute a couple.] 412. To find the resultant of any number of forces in lines through one point, not necessarily in one plane — forces act in consecu- Let MA^, MA^,MA. MA. ^ repre- sent four forces acting on M, in one plane; required their resultant. Find by the parallelogram of forces, the resultant of two of the forces, MA^ and MA^. It will be represented by MD'. Then similarly, find MD", the resultant of MD' (the first subsidiary resultant), and MA^, the third force. Lastly, find MD'", the resultant of MD" and MA^, MD" represents the resultant of the given forces. Thus, by successive applications of the fundamental proposition, the resultant of any number of forces in lines through one point can be found. 413. In executing this construction, it is not necessary to describe 142 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. the successive parallelograms, or even to draw their diagonals. It is enough to draw through the given point a line equal and parallel to the repre- sentative of any one of the forces ; through the point thus arrived at, to draw a line equal and parallel to the representative of another of the forces, and so on till all the forces have been taken into account. In this way we get such a diagram as the annexed. The several given forces may be taken in any order, in the construction just described. The resultant arrived at is necessarily the same, whatever be the order in which we choose to take them, as we may easily verify by elementary geometry. In the fig. the order is MA^, ^^5> MA^, MA^, MA^. 414. If, by drawing lines equal and parallel to the representatives of the forces, a closed figure is got, that is, if the line last drawn leads us back to the point from which we started, the forces are in equilibrium. If, on the other hand, the figure is not closed (§ 413), the resultant is obtained by drawing a line from the starting-point to the point finally reached; (from M to T>) : and a force represented by DAf will equilibrate the system. 415. Hence, in general, a set of forces represented by lines equal and parallel to the sides of a complete polygon, are in equilibrium, provided they act in lines through one point, in directions similar to the directions followed in going round the polygon in one way. 416. Polygon of Forces. The construction we have just con- sidered, is sometimes called the polygon of forces; but the true polygon of forces, as we shall call it, is something quite different. In it the forces are actually along the sides of a polygon, and repre- sented by them in magnitude. Such a system must clearly have a turning tendency, and it may be demonstrated to be reducible to one couple. 417. In the preceding sections we have explained the principle involved in finding the resultant of any number of forces. We have now to exhibit a method, more easy than the parallelogram of forces affords, for working it out in actual cases, and especially for obtaining a convenient specification of the resultant. The instrument employed for this purpose is Trigonometry. 418. A distinction may first be pointed out between two classes of problems, direct and inverse. Direct problems are those in which the resultant of forces is to be found ; inverse, those in which com- STATICS OF A FARIYCLE.-^ATTR ACTION. 143 ponents of a force are to be found. The former class is fixed and determinate ; the latter is quite indefinite, without limitations to be stated for each problem. A system of forces can produce only one effect; but an infinite number of systems can be obtained, which shall produce the same effect as one force. The problem, therefore, of finding components must be, in some way or other, limited, 'lliis may be done by giving the lines along which the components are to act. To find the components of a given force, in any three given directions, is, in general, as we shall see, a perfectly determinate problem. Finding resultants is called Composition of Forces. Finding components is called Resolution of Forces. 419. Co7?tpositio7i of Forces. Required in position and magnitude the resultant of two given forces acting in giving lines on a material point. Let MA, MB represent two forces, F and Q, acting on a material point M. Let the angle BMA be denoted by i. Required the magnitude of the resultant, and its inclination to the line of either force. M P Let F denote the magnitude of the resultant; let a denote the angle FMA, at which its line MD is inclined to MA, the line of the first force F; and let ^ denote the angle DMB, at which it is inclined to MB, the direction of the force (9. Given F, Q, and t : required F, and a or p. We have MB' = MA"" + MB"" - 2MA.MB X cos MAD. Hence, according to our present notation, R'=.F' + Q'- 2FQ cos (180"- 0, or F^ = F^+Q^ + 2FQco?>i. Hence F ={F''+ Q' ^- 2FQC0?, i)K (i) To determine a and ^ after the resultant has been found ; we have sin DMA = -rp^ sin MAD, MD ' or sma = ^smi, (2) and similarly, p sin/3=-^sint. (s) 420. These formulae are useful for many applications ; but they have the inconvenience that there may be ambiguity as to the angle, whether it is to be acute or obtuse, which is to be taken when either sin a or sin /8 has been calculated. If t is acute, both a and /? are acute, and there is no ambiguity. If i is obtuse, one of the two 2MD . MA or ^^^'^- 2RF^ and similarly, 144 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. angles, a, yS, might be either acute or obtuse ; but as they cannot be both obtuse, the smaller of the two must, necessarily, be acute. If, therefore, we take the formula for sin a, or for sin )8, according as the force P, or the force Q, is the greater, we do away with all ambiguity, and have merely to take the value of the angle shown in the table of sines. And by subtracting the value thus found, from the given value of t, we find the value, whether acute or obtuse, of the other of the two angles, a, ^. 421. To determine a and /8 otherwise. After the magnitude of the resultant has been found, we know the three sides, ]\IA^ AD^ MD^ of the triangle DMA, then we have ^,,, MD' + MA'-AD' (4) (5) by successive applications of the elementary trigonometrical formula used above for finding MD. Again, using this last-mentioned for- mula for AID' or R^ in the numerators of (4) and (5), and reducing, we have cosa = ^ -, (o) r, + RcosL . . co5/3 = ^^-^ ; (7) formulae which are convenient in many cases. There is no am- biguity in the determination of either a or ;8 by any of the four equations (4), (5), (6), (7). Remark. — Either sign (4- or -) might be given to the radical in (i), and the true line of action and the direction of the force in it would be determined without ambiguity by substituting in (2) and (3) the value of R with either sign prefixed. Since, however, there can be no doubt as to the direction of the force indicated, it will be generally convenient to give the positive sign to the value of R. But in special cases, the negative sign, which with the proper interpre- tation of the formulae will lead to the same result as the positive, will be employed. 422. Another method of treating the general problem, which is useful in many cases, is this : Let which implies that P=F^G, Q^F^G. STATICS OF A PARTICLE. -^ATTRACTION. 145 ^and G will be both positive if F> Q. Hence, instead of the two given forces, F and Q. we may suppose that we have on the point M four forces; — two, each equal to F, acting in the same directions, MK, ML, as the given forces, and two others, each equal to G, of which one acts in the same direction, MK, as F, and the other in ML\ the direction opposite to Q. Now the resultant of the two equal forces, F, bisects the angle between them, KML) and by the investigation of § 423 below, its magnitude is found to be 2FC0S J t. Again, the resultant of the two equal forces, G, is similarly seen to bisect the angle, KMF , between the line of the given force, F, and the continuation through M of the line of the given force, Q; and to be equal to 2 6^ sin \ i, since the angle KLM' is the supplement of i. Thus, instead of the two given forces in lines inclined to one another at the angle t, which may be either an acute, an obtuse, or a right angle, we have two forces, 2^cos \ i and 2 6^ sin J t, acting in lines, MS, MT, which bisect the angles LMK and KML!, and therefore are at right angles to one another. Now, according to § 429 below, we find the resultant ^ of these two forces by means of the following formulae : — tan SMD = —= ^ , 2I1 cos \ I and R = 2jFcos \ i sec SMD, F— or tan(it-a)=-^-j-->tanJt, <8) and R = {F^ Q)co?>\i sec (J t - a) = (/'+0cosi(a + ^)cosi(a-^). (9) These formulae might have been derived from the standard formulae for the solution of a plane triangle when two sides {P and 0, and the contained angle (tt - i) are given. 423. We shall now investigate some cases of the general formulae. Case I. Let the forces be equal, that is, let Q. = F in the preceding formulae. Then, by (i), R^ ^ 2F' + 2F' cos i=2F'{i + cos i) = 4/''cos'Jt. Hence i?=2/'cosJt, an important result which might, of course, have been obtained directly from the proper geometrical construction in this case. Also by (2), 1 In the diagram the direction of the balancing force is shown by the arrow- head in the line DM. T. 10 146 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. ^ sin I C^ sin t . , sin a = — -— = -^ — = sin \ t, which agrees with what we see intuitively, that a = /5 = J i. 424. Case II. Let F= Q ; and let t = 120^ Then cos J t = cos 60° = I, and (§ 423) i? = P. The resultant, therefore, of two equal forces inclined at an angle of 120" is equal to each of them. This result is interesting, because it can be obtained very simply, and quite independently of this investigation. A consideration of the symmetry of the circumstances will show that if three equal forces in one plane be applied to a material point in lines dividing the space around it into three equal angles, they must be in equilibrium; which is perfectly equivalent to the preceding conclusion. 425. Case III. Let t = 0% cos t = i ; then R = {I^+Q' + 2FQf, R = F-^Q. 426. Case IV. Let t = 180"; cos t = - i ; then R = {F' + Q'-2FQ)K F = F-Q. This is also one of the cases in which it is convenient to give some- times the negative sign, sometimes the positive to the expression for the resultant force : for if Q be greater than F, the preceding expression will be negative, and the interpretation will be found by considering that the force which vanishes when F= Q, is in the direction of F when F is the greater, and in the contrary direction, or in that of Qy when F is the less of the two forces. 427. Case F. Forces nearly conspiring. Let the angle t be very small, then sintwt;^ cosi«i. The general expressions {§419) therefore become, R^F+Q, Qi sm^«^p^^. a«:- To the same degree of approximation p^ Hence „ + ^«^. «i^^ =.. * The sign «s is used to denote approximate equality. (.0) STATICS OF A PARTICLE.— ATTRACTION. 147 This shows that the errors in the values of a and P obtained ap- proximately by this method compensate; one being as much above, as the other is below, the true value. We therefore conclude that the resultant of two forces very nearly conspiring is approximately equal to their sum, and approximately divides the angle between them into parts inversely as the forces. When the angle between the forces is infinitely small, they may either conspire in acting on one point in one line ; or they may act on different points in parallel Hues. In either case the resultant is precisely equal to their sum. Actually conspiring forces we have already considered ; parallel forces we shall consider more particularly when we treat of the equilibrium of a rigid body. We may briefly examine the case here however. Suppose the actual points of appli- cation of the forces to be ^ . . and B, but let their lines ^^__^_,-^ meet in a point M; join ^ " ^ AB, and let MAB be an M ■''^^s^i:!!^:::^^^^^-^^ isosceles triangle. Let this point M be removed grad- ually to an infinite distance in the direction of a perpendicular, OMy bisecting the line AB. The resultant will still divide the angle in- versely as the forces : and as the circular measure of the angle is any arc described from M as centre divided by the radius, every such arc will be divided in the same proportion. Now, if M be infinitely distant, that is if the lines of the forces be parallel, the arc will become a straight line, and will be divided into parts inversely as the forces. In actual cases of forces acting on a point, and very nearly con- spiring, the following approximate equations show how nearly the resultant approaches the sum of the forces : — smO^O] cos6'«i-i^'. BT Ji^(P^Q)-l^Qc\ (12) that is, the resultant of two forces very nearly conspiring falls short of their sum by the square of the angle between them multiplied into a quarter of their harmonic mean^ 428. Case VI. Forces nearly opposed. 1*'. Let the angle t be very obtuse, and the two forces exactly equal. 1 The Harmonic Mean of two numbers is the reciprocal of the mean of their 2PQ reciprocals. Thus the harmonic mean of P and Q is „ „ . 10 — 2 148 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. Let t = TT - ^, where 6 is very small, then J ' = i 7^ ~ i ^> cos J t = sin I ^, 7?=2/'sin|^, and since the sine of a very small angle is equal to the angle, in circular measure R-^PB. Hence the resultant of two equal very nearly opposed forces is proportional to the defalcation from direct opposition: being ap- proximately equal to either of the forces multiplied into the supple- ment of the angle between them. 2°. If the forces are neither equal nor nearly equal, the resultant will be approximately equal to their difference. We have as before, cos t«- I, R^^F'+Q'-2FQ. Therefore R^P-Q, The ambiguity as to whether the acute angle, shown in the table, or its supplement, is to be chosen in either case, may be removed by considering which of the two forces is the greater. Thus, as we suppose P to be greater than Q^ a is acute, and there- fore sma«aw-!^:^ — -— ^ and p is obtuse. Therefore ^8 « tt - ^j^'J^ r. Pl-Qit P^-PZ^' We find, by addition, a + /3 = -^--^t = i, and conclude, as in the former case, that the errors in the approximate values of a and p compensate, one being as much above, as the other is below, the true value. It is only when R is comparable in magnitude with P and Q, that the foregoing solution is applicable. But if P exceeds Q, or if Q exceeds P, by any difference which is considerable in comparison with either, the formulae hold. Let us suppose now that, while P remains of any constant mag- nitude, Q is made to increase from nothing, gradually, until it becomes STATICS OF A PARTICLE.— ATTRACTION. 149 first equal to, and then greater than P, the angle t remaining constant. The angle a will increase very slowly, according to the approximate formula (10), until Q becomes nearly equal to P. Then as the value of Q is increased until it becomes greater than P, the value of a will •increase very rapidly through nearly two right angles, until it falls but little short of t, when its supplement will be approximately ex- pressed by the formula (10). In this transition, from Q

P, the direction and magni- tude of the resultant are most conveniently found by means of (§ 422) the last of the three general methods given above for determining the resultant of two forces. Thus, instead of the two given forces we may substitute two forces in lines bisecting respectively the obtuse angle LMK, or t, and the acute angle KML! and of magnitudes which approximate to \(^P-\-Q) (tt-i), and P-Q, respectively, when t is nearly two right angles. We infer, finally, that, however nearly P and Q are equal to one another, the approximate formulae of § 428, 2° hold, provided only \ {P+ Q){tt- i) is a small fraction oi P~ Q. 429. Case VII. Let t = 90"; cos 1 = 0, sin t = 1 ; then R = (P'+Q')K (13) and sin a = ^ J I. 04) sm/3 = -^ In this case, p being the complement of a, sin p = cos a. Hence cos « = "d • _ , . sin a Lastly, since tan a = , •' cosa we deduce tan a = -p, (15) and R = Pseca. (16) Remark. — These formulae have thus been derived from the general expression (§ 419); but they can also be very readily got from a special geometrical construction, corresponding to the case in which the lines of the forces are at right angles to one another, the prin- ciples to be used being (i) the parallelogram of forces; (2) Euchd L, XLVIL; and (3) the trigonometrical definitions of sine, cosine, and tangent. 430. This case is of importance, for It affords us the formulae for rectangular resolution ; by the aid of which we shall, a little later, proceed to calculate the resultant of any number of forces in one plane. We might calculate the resultant by applying the elementary 15° ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. formulae (§§ 419, 420, 421) to repetitions of the parallelogram of forces. But this process would be very complicated and tedious, if the forces were numerous, and their magnitudes and angles given in numbers; and we shall see that it may be avoided by resolving all the forces along two lines at right angles to one another, and thus obtaining as equivalent to them, two forces along these lines. We shall first consider the general inverse problem (§ 418), or the resolution of forces. 431. If a force acting on a material point, and two lines in one plane with the line of that force, be given, it is possible to find deter- minately two forces along those lines, of which the given force is the resultant. The two forces thus determined are called the components of the given force along the given lines, and if we substitute these two forces for the given force, we are said to resolve the given force into two forces along the given lines; or, to resolve the force along the given lines. Geometrical Solution. Let M be the given point ; 7?, the given force acting on it in the line, MK', and J/T^and MG the given fines. It is required to find the components along J/T^and MG of R in MK. Take any convenient length MD to represent the magnitude of the given force, R. Through D draw DA parallel to GM, and let it cut MF in A ; and also through D draw DB parallel to FM^ and let it cut MG in B ; MA and MB represent the required magnitudes of the components. 433. Trigonometrical Solution. If the angle KMF be given = a, and KMG = /?, and if the required component of the given force R along MF be denoted by P^ and the component along MG by Q, we deduce from equations (2) and (3) (§ 420), the following : — ^~sin(a + ^)' ^'^^ ^-sin(a + )8)- ('^> 434. When the given lines of resolution are at right angles to one another, these expressions are modified in the manner shown above (§ 429, Case VII), or we may find them at once from the geometrical construc- tion proper for the case, thus : — Let MX, MY be the given lines; XMY = 9o^ and MD = R. Also, as be- fore, DMA = a, and DMB = jS. Draw DA parallel to YM, or perpendicular to MX, and make MB = AD. Then in the STA TICS OF A PAR TICLE.-^A TTRA CTION. 1 5 1 right-angled triangle MAD, MA =M£> co^ DMA, and AD^MD sin DMA. Hence, since MA represents the component along MX, and MB the component along MY, F=Rcosa, (19) (2 = i? sin a, or (2 = i? cos /?. (20) Hence, in rectangular resolution, the component, along any line, of a given force, is equal to the product of the number expressing the given force, into the cosine of the angle at which its direction is in- clined to that line. 435. Application of the Resolution of Forces. number of forces jP^, P^, P^,F^, P^, acting respectively in lines ML^^ ML,^, ML^, ML^, ML^, on a ma- terial point M\ required their re- sultant. Through M, draw at right angles to each other, and in the same plane as the given forces, two lines, XX' and YY', which may be called lines or axes of resolution. Let the angle which the resultant forms with the line of resolution MX, be denoted by 0, and let the angles, which the lines of the forces make respectively with the lines of resolution, be denoted by a^, ^^) a^, (3^; a^, p^; &c.; that is, L^MX=a^, L^MY=^p^, and so on. The angles /3j p„, &c., are merely the complements of a^ a^, &c., and, except for the"" sake of symmetry, they need not have been intro- duced into our notation. Resolve (§ 434) the first force P^, into two components, one along MX, and one along MY. These are P^ cos ttj along MX, which force may be denoted by X^, and P^ sin a^ along MY, which force may be denoted by Y^. Treat all the other forces in like manner, thus reducing them to components along MX and MY] and add together the components along each of the lines of resolution. Then if X denote the sum of the components along MX, and y the sum of the components along MY, we have X=P^ cos a, + P^ cos a^ + P^ cos a^ + P^ COS a^ + P^ COS a^, F= P^ sin ttj + P"^ sin a^ + P^ sin a^ + P^ sin a^+ P^ sin a^. Lastly, to find the resultant of X and K (§429). i?=v'(jr'+n and cos ^--bj (2,) (22) 152 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. or, as is in general better for calculation, Y tan^ = -, (23) whence we derive the magnitude of the resultant, Ji = XsQce. (24) The calculation will in general be facilitated by the use of log-' arithms; for which purpose equations (25) and (24) are to be modified in the following manner : — tab. log. tan 6 = log. Y- log. X+ 10, (25) log. R = log. X+ tab. log. sec. ^ - 10. (26) Remark i. — It is to be observed that the sums X of the different components X^., X^^ &c., and Fof Y^, Y^, &c., are got by an algebraic addition, whatever may be the algebraic signs of the several terms. If the given forces act all round the point M, it will happen in the resolution that the different components do not all act in the same directions along XX' and YY\ It will be necessary, therefore, to fix upon one direction as positive. Thus, if MX and MY be posi- tive directions, MX\ MY' will be negative; and absolute values of the components, which act from M to X', and from M to F', must be subtracted from, instead of added to, those along MX 2.ndMY. Remark 2. — In choosing the axes of resolution, it simplifies the problem to fix on one of the lines which represent the forces, as one of the axes, and a line perpendicular to it, as the other. Let J/Zj, the line of the first force P^, be the axis JOT, and MY, a line perpendicular to it, the other, a^ in this case is nothing; and the angle F^ MP^ = a^. Hence, if a, = o, the resolution of the first force is 'X^=P^COSa^=Pj.f P^ sin ttj = o, that is, P^ requires no resolution. If two of the forces happen to be at right angles, it will be con- venient to choose the axes along them, and then neither requires resolution. Actual cases may often be simplified by observing if any two of the forces are opposite, in which case, one force, equal to the excess of the greater above the less, and acting in the direction of the greater, may be taken instead of them. Remark 3. — When the direction of the resultant is known, and its magnitude is required, it is most convenient to make it one of the axes of resolution. •'{% STATICS OF A PARTICLE.— ATTRACTION. 153 Let MK be the direction of the resultant of F^, F^, F^, F^, the dif- ferent forces. Resolve each force into two, one along MK, and one in a hne perpendicular to it. Add the components along MK. The sum must be the magnitude of the resultant; and the components along the other line must balance one an- other. Hence, X=^R = F^ cos A, MKh F^ cos A^MK-v &c., and Y= F^ sin A^ MK+ F^ sin A^ MK+ &c. - o. Remark 4. — Equations (23) and (24) may be employed with ad- vantage in all cases where the numbers of significant figures in the values to be used for X and Fare large. By equations (23) and (24) the direction of the resultant is first determined, and then its magnitude, not as in equations (21) and (22), the magnitude first, and then the direction. 436. For the better understanding of what follows a slight digres- sion (§§ 437, 464) upon projections and geometrical co-ordinates is now inserted. 437. The projection of a point on a straight line, is the point in which the latter is cut by a perpendicular to it from the former. 438. Any line, joining two points, is called an arc. It is not necessary to confine this expression to its most usual signification of a continuous curve line. It may be appfied to a straight line joining two points, as an extreme case; or it may be applied to a zigzag or angular path from one point to the other; or to a self-cutting path, whether curved or polygonal; in short, to any track whatever, from one point to the other. ♦ 439. The projection of an arc on a straight line, is the portion of the latter intercepted between the projections of the extremities of the former. 440. If we imagine an arc divided into any number of parts, the projections of these parts, taken consecutively on any straight line, make up consecutively the projection of the whole. Hence, the sum of the projections of the parts is equal to the projection of the whole. But in this statement, it must be understood that, of such partial projections laid down in order, those which are drawn in one di- rection, or forwards, being reckoned as positive, those which are drawn in the other direction, or backwards, must be reckoned as negative. 441. The projection of an arc on any straight line, is equal to the length of the straight line joining the extremities of the former, mul- 154* ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. tiplied by the cosine of the angle* at which it is inclined to the latter. This angle, if not a right angle, will be acute or obtuse, according to the convention which is understood as to the direction reckoned positive in the line of projection ; and the extremity of the arc which is Xd^tn first in drawing 2, positive line from one extremity of it to the other. 442. The orthogonal projection of a line, straight or curved, closed or not closed, on a plane, is the locus of the points in which the latter is cut by perpendiculars to it from all points of the former. Other kinds of projections are also used in geometry; but when no other designation is applied or understood, the simple ttrm projectio?i will always mean orthogonal projection. 443. A circuit is a line returning into itself, or a line without ends in a finite space. It is (if a continuous curve) often called a closed curve; or if made up altogether of rectilinear parts, a closed polygoii. A circuit in one plane may be either simple or self-cutting. The latter variety has been called by De Morgan, autotomic. But whether simple or autotomic, there is just one definite course to go round a circuit; and at double or multiple points, this course must be distinctly indicated^ (arrow-heads being generally used for the purpose on a diagram, like the finger-posts where two or more roads cross). A circuit not confined to one plane need never be considered to be autotomic, unless as an extreme case. Thus, if we take any thread or wire, however fine, and bend it into any curve or broken line, or tie it into the most complicated knot or succession of knots, but attach its ends together; any geometrical line drawn altogether within it, from any one point of it, round through its length back to the same point, constitutes essentially a simple or not self-cutting circuit. 444. 'The area enclosed by,' or *the area of a simple plane circuit, is an expression which requires no explanation. But, as has been shown by De Morgan^, a peculiar rule of interpretation is necessary to apply the same expression to an autotomic plane circuit, and it has no apphcation, hitherto defined, to a circuit not confined to one plane. 445. The area of an autotomic plane circuit, is the sum of the areas of all its parts each multiplied by zero with unity as many times added as the circuit is crossed'* from right to left, and unity as many 1 The angle at which one line is inclined to another, is the angle between two lines drawn parallel to them from any point, in directions similar to the directions in the given lines which are reckoned positive. " 'A curve which has double or multiple points, may be in many different ways a circuit, or mode of proceeding from one point to the same again. Thus the figure of 8 may be traced as a self -cutting circuit, in the way in which it is natural if the curve be a continuous lemtiiscate, or it may be traced as a circuit presenting two coincident salient points. A determinate area requires a determinate mode of making the circuit.' De Morgan, Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical yournal^ May, 1850. ^ * Extension of the word area,' Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical yournal^ May, 1850. ^ A moving point is said to cross a plane circuit from right to left, if it crosses STATICS OF A PARTICLE.— ATTRACTION. 155 times subtracted as the circuit is crossed from left to right, when a point is carried in the plane from the outside to any position within the enclosed area in question. The diagram, which is that given by De Morgan, will show more clearly what is meant by this use of the word area. The reader, with this as a model, may exercise himself by drawing autotomic circuits and numbering the different portions of the enclosed area according to the rule, which he will then find no difficulty in understanding. 446. Any portion of surface, edged or bounded by a circuit, is called a skeiL A plane area may be regarded as an extreme case, but generally the surface of a shell will be supposed to be curved. A simple shell is a shell of which the surface is single throughout. One side of the shell must always be distinguished from the other, whatever may be the convolutions of its surface. Thus we shall have a marked and unmarked side, or an outside and an inside, to dis- tinguish from one another. 447. The projection of a shell on any plane, is the area included in the projection of its bounding line. 448. If we imagine a shell divided into any number of parts, the projections of these parts on any plane make up the projection of the whole. But in this statement it must be understood that the areas of partial projections are to be reckoned as positive only if the marked side, or, as we shall call it, the outside, of the projected area, and a marked side, which we shall call the front, of the plane of projection, face the same way. If the outside of any portion of the projected area faces on the whole backwards, relatively to the front of the plane of projection, the projection of this portion is to be reckoned as negative in the sum. from the right side to the left side as regarded by a person looking from any point of the circuit in the direction reckoned positive. 1 56 ABSTRA CT D YNAMICS. Of course if the projected surface, or any part of it, be a plane area at right angles to the plane of projection, the projection vanishes. Cor. The projections of any two shells having a common edge, on any plane, are equal. The projection of a closed surface (or a shell with evanescent edge), on any plane, is nothing. 449. Equal areas in one plane or in parallel planes, have equal projections on any plane, whatever may be their figures. [The proof is easily found.] Hence the projection of any plane figure, or of any shell, edged by a plane figure, on another plane, is equal to its area, multiplied by the cosine of the angle at which its plane is inclined to the plane of pro- jection. This angle is acute or obtuse, according as the marked sides of the projected area, and of the plane of projection face, on the whole, towards the same parts, or on the whole oppositely. 450. Two rectangles, with a common edge, but not in one plane, have their projection on any other plane, equal to that of one rect- angle, having their two remote sides for one pair of its opposite sides. For, the sides of this last-mentioned rectangle constitute the edge of a shelly which we may make by applying two equal and parallel triangular areas to the sides of the given rectangles; and the sum of the projections of these two triangles on any plane, according to the rule of § 448, is nothing. Hence (as is shown by a very simple geometrical proof, which is left as an exercise to the student), we have the following construction to find a single plane area whose projection on any plane is equal to the sum of the projections of any two given plane areas. From any convenient point of reference draw straight lines per- pendicular to the two given plane zx^z.^ forward^ relatively to their marked sides considered as fronts. Make these lines numerically equal to the two areas respectively. On these describe a parallel- ogram, and draw the diagonal of this parallelogram through the point of reference. Place an area with one side marked as front, in any position perpendicular to this diagonal, facing forwards, and relatively to the direction in which it is drawn from the point of reference. Make this area equal numerically to the diagonal. Its projection on any plane will be equal to the sum of the projections of the two given areas, on the same plane. The same construction maybe continued; just as, in § 413, the geometrical construction to find the resultant of any number of forces; and thus we find a single plane area whose projection on any plane is equal to the sum of the projections on the same plane of any given plane areas. And as any shell may (if it be not composed of a finite) be regarded as composed of an infinite number of plane areas, the same construction is applicable to a shell. Hence the projection of a shell on any plane is equal to the projection on the same plane, of a certain plane area, determined by the preceding construction. From this it appears that the projection of a shell is nothing on STATICS OF A PARTICLE.—ATTRACTION. 157 any plane perpendicular to the one plane on which its projection is greater than on any other; and that the projection on any inter- mediate plane is equal to the greatest projection multiplied by the cosine of the inclination of the plane of the supposed projection to the plane of greatest projection. 451. To specify a point is to state precisely its position. As we have no conception of position, except in so far as it is relative, the specification of a point requires definite objects of reference, that is, objects to which it may be referred. The means employed for this purpose are certain elements called co-ordinates, from the system of specification which Descartes first introduced into mathematics. This system seems to have originated in the following method, for de- scribing a curve by a table of numbers, or by an equation. 452. Given a plane curve, a fixed line in its plane, and a fixed point in this line, choose as many points in the curve as are required to indicate sufficiently its form: draw perpendiculars from them to the fixed line, and measure the distances along it, cut oft' by these lines, reckoning from the fixed point. In this way any number of points in the curve were specified. The parts thus cut off along the fixed line, were termed li7ieae abscissae^ and the perpendiculars, lineae ordinaiim applicatae. The system was afterwards improved by draw- ing through the point of reference a line at right angles to the first, and measuring off along it the ot'dmafes of the curve. The two lines at right angles to one another are called the axes of reference, or the lines of reference. The ordinate and abscissa of any point are termed its co-ordinates; and an equation between them, by which either may be calculated when the other is given, expresses the curve in a per- fectly full and precise manner. 453. It is not necessary that the lines of reference be chosen at right angles to each other. But when they are chosen, inclined at any other angle than a right angle, the co-ordinates of the point specified are not its perpendicular distances from them, but its distances from either, measured parallel to the other. Such oblique co-ordinates are sometimes convenient, but rectangular co-ordinates are, in general, the most useful; these we shall now consider. 454. If the points to be specified are all in one plane, the objects of reference are two lines at right angles to one another in that plane. Thus, let P be a point in a plane XOY; and let OX, OY,he two lines in the plane, cutting each other at right angles in the point O. Then will the position of the point F be known, if the perpendicular distance of the point F from the line OX, namely, the length of the line FA, and the perpendicular dis- tance from OY, namely, the length of the Hne FB, be known. 158 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. 455. Again, let points, not all in one plane, but in any positions through space be considered. To specify each point now, three co-ordinates are required, and the objects of reference chosen may be three planes at right angles to one another; thus, the point P is specified by the lines FK^ FH, FI, drawn perpendicular to the planes '^ YZ, ZX, XY, respectively. In our standard diagrams the positive directions OX, O Y, OZ, are so taken that if a watch is held in the plane XO Y, with its face towards OZ, an angular motion against the hands would carry a line from OX to O K, through the right angle XO Y. 456. When the objects to be specified are Hnes all passing through one point, the specifying elements employed, are angles standing in definite relation to them, and to the objects of reference. There are two chief modes in which this kind of specification is carried out : the polar and the symmetrical. 457. Fo/ar Method. 1°. Lines all in one plane. In this case the object of reference is any fixed line through their common point of intersection, and lying in their plane. Let O be the common point of intersection, ^^^__^^^ OX the fixed line, and OF the line to be ^^""^^ X specified. Then the position of OF will be known, if the angle XOF^ which the line OF makes with OX, be known. 2°. Lines in space, all passing through one point, may be specified by reference to a plane and a line in it, both passing through their common point of intersection. Let OF be one of a number of lines, all passing through O, to be specified with refer- ence to the plane XO K, and the line OX in it. Through OF let a plane be drawn, cutting the plane XO Y at right angles in OE. Then the line OF will be specified, if the angles XOE, EOF are given. Corollary. Similarly, if the line OF be the locus of a series of points, any one of these points will be specified, if its distance from O and the two angles specifying the line OFj are known. 458. Symmetrical Method. In this method the objects of reference are three lines at right angles to each other, through the common point of intersection of the lines to be specified, and the specifying elements are the three angles which each line makes with these three lines of reference. Thus, if O be the common point of intersection, OK one of the STATICS OF A PARTICLE.— ATTRACTION. 159 lines to be specified, and OX, OV, OZ, the lines of reference; then the angles XOK, YOK, ZOK, are the specifying elements. 459. From what has now been said, it will be seen that the pro- jections of a given line on other three at right angles to each other are immediately expressible, if its direction is specified by either of the two methods. 1°. Fo/ar Method. Let OK be the given line, and OX, OV, OZ, the lines along which it is to be projected. Through OZ and OX let a plane pass, cutting the plane XOV in OF. Through X draw another plane, KEA, cutting OX perpendicularly in A and KEB cutting O Y perpendicularly in B. Then KE, being the intersection of two planes each perpendicular to XOY, is perpendicular to every line in this plane. Hence, OEK is a right angle. Hence, OE^OKq.q^KOE. Again, since the plsine XAE was drawn perpendicular to OX, OAE is a right angle. Hence, OA = OF cos FOX= OX cos KOF cos EOX, and similarly, OB = OF cos FO Y= OX cos XOF cos EO Y, or if we put OX=r, XOF = , FOK=i, KOZ=Q = \Tr-i, and let the required lines be denoted by x, y, z, then ^ = r sin ^ cos <^,) y = rsm 6s\n ^,> (i) z = r cos 6. ) 2°. Synwtetrical Method. Let the line be referred to rectangular axes by the three angles, a = ^(9X, 13 = XOY, y = XOZ. Then the required projections are ^ = ^cosa, y = r cos P, z = r cosy. 460. Referring again to the diagram, we have OF'=OA'+OB', and OX' = 'OF'+OC', therefore, OX' = OA' + OB' + 0C\ or r' = x' -^y' + z'. (2) Substituting here for x, y, z, their values, in terms of r, a, p, y, found above, and dividing both members of the resulting equation by f-^, we have I = cos^ a ■\- cos^ P + cos^ y. (3) 461. In the symmetrical method, three angles are used; but, as we have seen, only two are necessary to fix the position of the line. We i6o ABSTRACT DYNAMICS, now see that, if two of the three angles, a, ft y, are given, the third can be found. Suppose a and ^ given, then by § 460, cos^ y = I - cos* a - cos^ ft For logarithmic calculation, the following modification of the pre- ceding formula is useful, cos^ y = sin^ a - cos^ i^ = - cos (a + ft x cos (a - ft, whence cos y = ^{- cos (a + ft x cos (« - ft} = \/{cos (tt - a - ft X cos (a - /8)}, Tab. Log. cos y = 1 {T. L. cos (tt - a - ^) + T. L. cos (a - ft}. (4) 462. The following comparison will show in what way the two systems are related, and how it is possible to derive the specifying elements of either from those of the other. In the polar method, the ■ fixed line in the equatorial plane, corresponds with one of the three lines of reference in the symmetrical. A line in the equatorial plane, drawn at right angles to the fixed line of the polar system, constitutes a second line of reference in the symmetrical system. The third line in the symmetrical system, is the axis of the polar system, from which the polar distance \B) is measured. A comparison of pre- ceding formulae shows that . cos a = sin ^ cos ^,) cos y8 = sin ^ sin <^, > . (5) cos y = cos B, ) 463. The cosines of the three angles, a, ft y, of the symmetrical system, are commonly called the direction cosines of the line specified. If we denote them by /, w, n^ we have as above, P^■m^ + n^=\. (6) A line thus specified is for brevity called the line (/, ;;?, n). \il^ 7n, ?t, are the direction cosines of a certain line; it is clear that - /, - m, — ;/, are the direction cosines of the line in the opposite direction from O. Thus it appears that the direction cosines of the line, specify not only the straight line in which it lies, but the direction in it which is reckoned as positive. 464. We conclude this digression with some applications of the principles explained in it, which are useful in many dynamical in- vestigations. {a) To find the mutual inclination, 6, of two lines, (/, ;«, «), (/, 7n', n'). Measure off any length 0K= r, along the first line (see fig. of § 459). We have, as above, OA=lr, AE = mr, EK=nr. Now (§ 441), the projection of OK on the second line, is equal to the sum of the projections of OA^ AE, EK, on the same. But the cosines of the angles at which these several lengths are inclined to the line of projection, are respectively cos ^, /, m', n'. Hence OK cos 6 = OAf + AEm' + EKn'. STATICS OF A PARTICLE.— ATTRACTION. i6i If we substitute in this, for OK, OA, AE, EK, their values shown above, and divide both members by r, it becomes cos 9 = 11' + mm' + ;?;/, (7) a most important and useful formula. Sometimes it is useful to have the sine instead of the cosine of 0. To find it we have of course, sin^ ^ = I - (// + mm! + ni^Y. This expression may be modified thus: — instead of i, take what is equal to it, {P + m'^ + //'') (/' + m'-\- tf), and the second member of the preceding becomes (P + m' + n') {P + 7n'' + n"') - (// + mm' + nn'Y = {mji'Y + {nm'Y - 2mm' nn' + &c. = {mn' - nm'Y + &c. Hence, sin = {{mn' - nm'Y + (nr - /n'Y + {/m' - mfY}^, (8) (d) To find the direction cosines. A, fj., v, of the common perpen- dicular to two lines, (/, pi, n), (/, m', n'). The cosine of the inclination of (X, /j., v) to (/, m, n) is, according to (7) above, /X + mfx + nv, and therefore /X + mix + nv = o,) similarly A + m'fi + nv =o,y (9) also (§463) X' + tJi' + v' = i.) These three equations suffice to determine the three unknown quantities. A, fx, v. Thus, from the first two of them, we have X _ /A _ V , > mn' — nm' nl' — In' Im' - I'm ' ^ From these and the third of (9), we conclude ^ mn' - nm' „ {{mn'-nm'Y^ Inl'-ln'Y ■¥ {Im' -m^Y)^ or if we denote, as above, by 6, the mutual inclination of (/, m, n) . {mn' — nm') {nV — hi) {Int — ml') . . A= -. J , IK — : -^ , V= ^ J. . (11) sm 6> ^ sm ^ ' sm ^ ^ The sign of each of these three expressions may be changed, in as much as either sign may be given to the numerical value found for sin by (8). But as they stand, if sin is taken positive, they express the direction cosines of the perpendicular drawn from O through the face of a watch, held in the plane (/, m, n), {/', m', n'), and so facing that angular motion, against or with the hands, would carry a line from the direction, (/, m, 71), through an angle less than 180° to the direction, (/', m', n'), according as angular motion, through a right angle from OX to (9 F is against or ivith the ha?ids of a watch, held in T. II 1 62 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. the plane XOY, and facing towards OZ. This rule is proved by supposing, as a particular case, the lines (/, ;;z, n), (/', m\ n'), to coincide with OX and (9 F respectively; and then supposing them altered in their mutual inclination to any other angle between o and TT, and their plane turned to any position whatever. If we measure off any lengths, OK-^r, and OK' = r'^ along the two lines, (/, m^ n) and (/', 7n', n'\ and describe a parallelogram upon them, its area is equal to r/ sin 6^ since r' sin 6 is the length of the perpendicular from K' to OK. Hence, using the preceding expression (8) for sin 6, and taking Ir = X, mr = j, nr = 0, // = x\ m'r' = y , « V = z\ we conclude the following propositions. if) The area of a parallelogram described upon lines from the origin of co-ordinates to points (^, 7, 0), (x', y^ z') is equal to {{y^ -y'^y + {^^' - ^'^y + {^y - ^'yy^- (^ 2) And, as X, ja, v, are the cosines of the angles at which the plane of this area is inclined to the planes of YZj ZX, XY, respectively, its projections on these planes are yz' -y'z, zx' -z'x, xy'-xy. (13) The figures of these projections are parallelograms in the three planes of reference; that in the plane YZ, for instance, being de- scribed on lines drawn from the origin to the points {y, z) and {y', z). It is easy to prove this (and, of course, the corresponding expressions for the two other planes of reference,) by elementary geometry. Thus, it is easy to obtain a simple geometrical demonstration of the equations (8) and (11). It is sufficient here to suggest this investi- gation as an exercise to the student. It essentially and obviously includes the rule of signs] stated above (§ 464 {a)). {d) The volume of a parallelepiped described on OK^ OK, 0K\ three lines drawn from O to three points {x, y, z), {x\ y\ z\ (x'\ y'\ z'% is equal to x" {yz' -y'z) +y" {zx' - z'x) + z" (x/ - x'y), (14) an expression which is essentially positive, if OK, OK, OK", are arranged in order similarly to OX, OY, OZ {see § 455 above). The proof is left as an exercise for the student. In modern algebra, this expression is called a determinant, and is written thus : — X, y, z, oo\ y, z', (15) 465. To find the resultant of three forces acting on a material point in lines at right angles to one another. ^^^ X- STATICS OF A PARTICLE.— ATTRACTION. 163 1° To find the magnitude of the resultant. F j^ Let the forces be given numerically, X, Y, Z, and let them be represented respectively by the lines MA, MB, MC at right angles to one another. First determine the resultant of X and Y in magnitude. If we denote it by R\ we have (§ 429) R'=j{X' + Y'). (i) ^r A This resultant, represented by ME, lies in the plane BMA\ and since the Hues of the forces X and Y are perpendicular to the Hne MC, the Hne ME must also be perpendicular to it; for, if a line be perpetidicular to two other lines, it is perpendicular to every other line in their plane; hence R' acts perpendicularly to Z. Next, find the resultant of R' and Z, the third force. If we denote it by R, we have R=J{R''+Z'), and substituting for R'^ its value, we have R=J{X' + Y' + Z'). (2) 2°. To find the direction of the resultant. Determine first the inclination of the subsidiary resultant R' to MA or MB. Let the angle EMA be denoted by <^ ; then we have Next, let 7 denote the angle at which the line MZ> is inclined to MC; that is, the angle CMD\ we have cos7 = -^. (3) Thus, by means of the two angles y and <^, the position of the line MD, and, consequently, that of the resultant is found. 466. In the numerical solution of actual cases, it will generally be found most convenient to calculate the three elements in the following order: 1°, , 2°, y, 3°, R. 1°. To calculate ^, the formula already given, may be taken Y Un = ^. (4) (5) (6) (7) II — 2 2°. To calculate y. We have tany = -^. But R' = Xsec. Hence X sec 3^^. To calculate R. R = Zsecy. i64 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. 467. The angles determined by these equations specify the line of the resultant, by what was called in previous sections (^ 457, 459) the Polar Method. The symmetrical specification of the resultant is to be found thus : Let (in fig. of § 465) the angles at which the line of the resultant, MD^ is incUned to those of the forces be respectively denoted by a, ^, and y. Then, as above (equation (3)), Z cosy=-^. . (8) By the same method we shall find cos a = - , (9) Y and cos/8^^. (10) If, therefore, there are three forces at right angles to one another, the cosine of the inclination of their resultant to any one of them is equal to- this force divided by the resultant. This method requires that the magnitude of the resultant be known before its position is determined. For the latter purpose, any two of the angles, as was shown in Chapter V, are sufficient. 468. We shall now consider the resolution of forces along three specified lines. The most important case of all is that in which the lines are at right angles to one another. Let the force R^ given to be resolved, be represented by MD^ and let the angles which it forms with the lines of resolution be given, either a, ^, y, or y, <^. Required the components X^ K, Z. 1°. Suppose a, ^, y are given, then we deduce from equation (9) X-Rq,o^ a; from equation (10) Y=R cos p ; and from equation (8) Z=R cos y. 2°. Suppose the data are R, y, <^, that is, the magnitude of the resultant, its inclination to one of the axes of resolution, and the inclination of the plane of the resultant and that axis to either of the other axes. To find the components X and V : resolve the force R in the vertical plane CMED into two rectangular components along MC and ME. Let the angle CMD be denoted by y. Then we have for the component along MC^ Z=R cosy^ (11) and for the component along ME, ME = R sin y. Next, resolve the component along ME in the horizontal plane BMAEy into two, one along MAy and the other along MB. Let STATICS OF A PARTICLE.— ATTRACTION, 165 Hie angle EMA be denoted by <^. Then we have for the com- ponent along MA, X =- ME cos cl> = R sin y cos 4>, (12) and for the component along MB, V= ME sin <\i = R sm y sin <^. (13) 469. We are now prepared to solve the general problem : — Given, any number of forces acting on one point, in lines which lie in different planes, required their resultant in position and magni- tude. Through the point acted on, draw three lines or axes of resolution at right angles to one another. Resolve each force, by § 468, 1°, or by § 468, 2°, into three components, acting respectively along the three lines. When all the forces have been thus treated, add severally the sets of components : by this means, all the forces are reduced to three at right angles to one another. Find, by equation (2), their resultant: the single force thus obtained is the resultant of the given forces, which was to be found. Remark. — All the remarks made with reference to the resolution and composition of forces along two axes (§ 435) apply, with the ne- cessary extension, to that of forces along three. 470. We are now prepared to answer the question which forms the first general head of Statics ; What are the conditions of Equi- librium of a material point 1 The answer may be put in one or other of two forms. 1°. If a set of forces acting on a material point be in equilibrium, any one of them must be equal and opposite to the resultant of the others: or, 2°. If a set of forces acting on a material point be in equilibrium, the resultant of the whole set must be equal to nothing. 471. Let us consider the first of these statements. Given, a set of forces, F^, F^, F^, &c., in equilibrium : the force /*,, for example, is equal and opposite to the resultant of F^, F.^, &c. ; or, the resultant of F^, F^, &c., is —F^. Omitting F^, find the resultant of the remaining forces by the general method ; the com- ponents of this resultant will be /*3 cos a^ + F3 cos a, + &c. along MX. F^ cos p^ + F^ cos /?3 -t- &c. along MY. F^ cos y^ + F^ cos yg + &c. along MZ. Now, if — F^ be the resultant, the components of - F^ will be equivalent respectively to the components of this resultant, there- fore - Pj cos a.^ = F^ cos a^ -I- F^ cos ttg + &c. - /*j cos j8j = F^ cos ^2 + F.^ cos /?3 + &c. - F^ cos y, -^- F^^ cos y, 4- P,^ COS y., + &c. i66 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. Which equations, in the following more general form, express the required conditions: F^ cos a^ + P^ cos a^ + P.^ COS ttg + &c. = o. P^ cos ^j + P^ cos /Sg + P^ cos ^3 + &c. = o. P^ cos yj + /'g cos y^ 4- 7^3 cos y3 + &c. = o. 472. The second form of the answer may be illustrated either a^ dynamically, or b^ algebraically. {a) Suppose all the forces reduced to three, X, F, Z, acting at right angles to each other. Under what circumstances will three forces give a vanishing resultant .? Substitute for X and Y their resultant R\ and consider R' and Z at right angles to one another. If they give a vanishing resultant, that is, if Z and R! balance, they must either be equal and directly opposed, or else they must each be equal to nothing. But they are not directly opposed, therefore each is equal to nothing. Now, since R' = o, X and Y, v/hich are equi- valent to R\ must also each be equal to nothing: in order, therefore, that the resultant of forces acting along three lines at right angles to one another may vanish, we have P^ cos a^ + P^ COS a^ + &C. = o. Pi COS ySi + P^ COS 1^1 + &C. = O. P^ COS yi 4- P^ COS y^ + &c. = o. {b) The general expression for the resultant is R' = X' + Y' + Z\ Now, for equilibrium, R = o, and therefore, X' + Y' + Z' = o. But the sum of three positive quantities can be equal to nothing, only when each of them is nothing : hence X=o, Y=o, Z=o. 473. We may take one or two particular cases as examples of the general results above. Thus, 1. If the particle rest on a smooth curve, the resolved force along the curve must vanish. 2. If the curve be rough, the resultant force along it must be balanced by the friction. 3. If the particle rest on a smooth surface, the resultant of the applied forces must evidently be perpendicular to the surface. 4. If it rest on a rough surface, friction will be called into play, resisting motion along the surface; and there will be equilibrium at any point within a certain boundary, determined by the condition that at z/ the friction is fx times the normal pressure on the surface, while within it the friction bears a less ratio to the normal pressure. When the only applied force is gravity, we have a very simple result, which is often practically useful. Let 6 be the angle between the STATICS OF A PARTICLE.— ATTRACTION. 167 normal to the surface and the vertical at any point; the normal pressure on the surface is evidently W co^ 6^ where Wh the weight of the particle ; and the resolved part of the weight parallel to the surface, which must of course be balanced by the friction, is W sin 0. In the limiting position, when sliding is just about to commence, the greatest possible amount of statical friction is called into play, and we have J^ sin 6 = ijlW cos $, or tan 6 = 11. The value of 6 thus found is called the Angle of Repose, and may be seen in nature in the case of sand-heaps, and slopes formed by debris from a disintegrating cliff (especially of a flat or laminated character), on which the lines of greatest slope are inclined to the horizon at an angle determined by this consideration. 474. A most important case of the composition of forces acting at one point is furnished by the consideration of the attraction of a body of any form upon a material particle anywhere situated. Experi- ment has shown that the attraction exerted by any portion of matter upon another is not modified by the neighbourhood, or even by the interposition, of other matter; and thus the attraction of a body on a particle is the resultant of the several attractions exerted by its parts. To treatises on applied mathematics we must refer for the examina- tion of the consequences, often very curious, of various laws of attraction; but, dealing with Natural Philosophy, we confine our- selves to the law of gravitation, which, indeed, furnishes us with an ample supply of most interesting as well as useful results. 475. This law, which (as a property of matter) will be carefully considered in the next Division of this Treatise, may be thus enunciated. Every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle with a force, whose direction is that of the line joijiing the two, and whose magnitude is directly as the product of their masses, and inversely as the square of their distance from each other. Experiment shows (as will be seen further on) that the same law holds for electric and magnetic attractions ; and it is probable that it is the fundamental law of all natural action, at least when the acting bodies are not in actual contact. 476. For the special applications of Statical principles to which we proceed, it will be convenient to use a special unit of mass, or quantity of matter, and corresponding units for the measurement of electricity and magnetism. Thus if, in accordance with the physical law enunciated in § 475, we take as the expression for the forces exerted on each other by masses M and m^ at distance D, the quantity Mm ^ it is obvious that our unit force is the mutual attraction of two units of mass placed at unit of distance from each other. 1 6^ ABSTRA CT D YNAMICS. 477. It is convenient for many applications to speak of the density of a distribution of matter, electricity, etc., along a line, over a sur- face, or through a volume. Here density of line is the quantity of matter per unit of length. „ „ surface „ „ „ „ area. „ ,, volume „ - „ „ „ volume. 478. In applying the succeeding investigations to electricity or magnetism, it is only necessary to premise that M and m stand for quantities of free electricity or magnetism, whatever these may be, and that here the idea of mass as depending on inertia is not necessarily Mm involved. The formula -jr^ will still represent the mutual action, if we take as unit of imaginary electric or magnetic matter, such a quan- tity as exerts unit force on an equal quantity at unit distance. Here, however, one or both of M, m may be negative ; and, as in these applications like kinds repel each other, the mutual action will be attraction or repulsion, according as its sign is negative or positive. With these provisos, the following theory is applicable to any of the above-mentioned classes of forces. We commence with a few simple cases which can be completely treated by means of elementary geo- metry. 479. If the different points of a spherical surface attract equally with forces varying inversely as the squares of the distances, a particle placed witJwi the surface is not attracted in any direction. Let HIKL be the spherical surface, and P the particle within it. Let two hues HK^ IL, intercepting very small arcs HI, KL, be drawn through F; then, on account of the similar triangles IIFI, KFL, those arcs will be proportional to the distances HF, IF; and any small elements of the spherical sur- face atZT/and KI, each bounded all round by straight lines passing through F [and very nearly coinciding with IIK\ will be in the duplicate ratio of those lines. Hence the forces exercised by the matter of these ele- ments on the particle F are equal ; for they are as the quantities of matter directly, and the squares of the distances, inversely; and these two ratios compounded give that of equality. The attractions therefore, being equal and opposite, de- stroy one another: and a similar proof shows that all the attractions due to the whole spherical surface are destroyed by contrary attrac- tions. Hence the particle Z' is not urged in any direction by these attractions. 480. The division of a spherical surface into infinitely small ele- ments, will frequently occur in the investigations which follow: and Newton's method, described in the preceding demonstration, in which the division is effected in such a manner that all the parts may be taken together m pairs of opposite eletnents with reference to an internal STATICS OF A PARTICLE.— ATTRACTION. 169 point ; besides other methods deduced from it, suitable to the special problems to be examined ; will be repeatedly employed. The follow- ing digression (§§ 481, 486), in which some definitions and elemen- tary geometrical propositions regarding this subject are laid down, will simplify the subsequent demonstrations, both by enabling us, through the use of convenient terms, to avoid circumlocution, and by affording us convenient means of reference for elementary prin- ciples, regarding which repeated explanations might otherwise be necessary. 481. If a straight line which constantly passes through a fixed point be moved in any manner, it is said to describe, or generate, a conical surface of which the fixed point is the vertex. If the generating line be carried from a given position continuously through any series of positions, no two of which coincide, till it is brought back to the first, the entire line on the two sides of the fixed point will generate a complete conical surface, consisting of two sheets, which are called vertical or opposite cones. Thus the elements ZT/and KL, described in Newton's demonstration given above, may be considered as being cut from the spherical surface by two opposite cones having P for their common vertex. 482. If any number of spheres be described from the vertex of a cone as centre, the segments cut from the concentric spherical sur- faces will be similar, and their areas will be as the squares of the radii. The quotient obtained by dividing the area of one of these segments by the square of the radius of the spherical surface from which it is cut, is taken as the measure of the solid attgle of the cone. The segments of the same spherical surfaces made by the opposite cone, are respectively equal and similar to the former. Hence the solid angles of two vertical or opposite cones are equal : either may be taken as the solid angle of the complete conical surface, of which the opposite cones are the two sheets. 483. Since the area of a spherical surface is equal to the square of its radius multiplied by 477, it follows that the sum of the solid angles of all the distinct cones which can be described with a given point as vertex, is equal to 477. 484. The solid angles of vertical or opposite cones being equal, we may infer from what precedes that the sum of the solid angles of all the complete conical surfaces which can be described with- out mutual intersection, with a given point as vertex, is equal to 27r. 485. The solid angle subtended at a point by a superficial area of any kind, is the solid angle of the cone generated by a straight line passing through the point, and carried entirely round the boundary of the area. 486. A very small cone, that is, a cone such that any two posi- tions of the generating line contain but a very small angle, is said to be cut at right angles, or orthogonally, by a spherical surface de- lyo ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. scribed from its vertex as centre, or by any surface, whether plane or curved, which touches the spherical surface at the part where the cone is cut by it. A very small cone is said to be cut obliquely, when the section is inclined at any finite angle to an orthogonal section ; and this angle of inclination is called the obliquity of the section. The area of an orthogonal section of a very small cone is equal to the area of an oblique section in the same position, multiplied by the cosine of the obliquity. Hence the area of an oblique section of a small cone is equal to the quotient obtained by dividing the product of the square of its distance from the vertex, into the solid angle, by the cosine of the obliquity. 487. Let E denote the area of a very small element of a spherical surface at the point E (that is to say, an element every part of which is very near the point E), let w denote the solid angle subtended by E at any point P, and let PE^ produced if necessary, meet the surface again in E' \ then a denoting the radius of the spherical surface, we have ^_ 2a.i^.PE^ ^ " EE' ' For, the obliquity of the element E, considered as a section of the cone of which P is the vertex and the element E a section (being the angle between the given spherical surface and another described from P as centre, with PE as radius), is equal to the angle between the radii EP and EC^ of the two spheres. Hence, by con- sidering the isosceles triangle ECEf, we find that the cosine of the obliquity is equal to hEE' EE' j-,^ or to , EC 2a and we arrive at the preceding expression for E. 488. The attradioji of a uniform spherical surface on an external point is the same as if the whole ?nass were collected at the centre^. Let P be the external point, C the centre of the sphere, and CAP a straight line cutting the spherical surface in A. Take / in CP, so that CPf CA, CI may be continual proportionals, and let the 1 This theorem, which is more comprehensive than that of Newton in his first proposition regarding attraction on an external point (Prop. LXXI.), is fully es- tablished as a corollary to a subsequent proposition (LXXIII. cor. 2). If we had considered the proportion of the forces exerted upon two external points at different distances, instead of, as in the text, investigating the absolute force on one point, and if besides we had taken together all the pairs of elements which would constitute two narrow annular portions of the surface, in planes perpen- dicular to PC, the theorem and its demonstration would have coincided precisely with Prop. LXXI. of the Pnncipia. STATICS OF A PARTICLE,— ATTRACTION. 171 whole spherical surface be di- vided into pairs of opposite ele- ments with reference to the poijit L Let H and H' denote the magnitudes of a pair of such elements, situated respectively at the extremities of a chord HH' \ and let 00 denote the magnitude of the solid angle subtended by either of these elements at the point /. We have (§ 486), Zr= 7TT7>5 and II'= — 777777- • cos CHI cos CHI Hence, if p denote the density of the surface, the attractions of the two elements H and H' on F are respectively CO IH' io IH' P cos CHI ' FH' ' P cos CHI ' FH" ' Now the two triangles FCH, HCI have a common angle at C, and, since FC : CH v. CH \ CI^ the sides about this angle are propor- tional. Hence the triangles are similar; so that the angles CFH and CHI ^XQ equal, and IH _CH_ a^ 'HF~ CF ~CF' In the same way it may be proved, by considering the triangles FCH\ HCI, that the angles CFH and CHIzxq equal, and that IH _ CH _ _a HF~ CF ~ CF' Hence the expressions for the attractions of the elements ^and H on F become 0) «^ , o) a* ^'^^^CHI' CP' ^ cos CHI' CF' ' which are equal, since the triangle HCH is isosceles; and, for the same reason, the angles CFH, CFH, which have been proved to be respectively equal to the angles CHI, CHI, are equal. We infer that the resultant of the forces due to the two elements is in the direction FC, and is equal to a' 20). p. -^-3. To find the total force on F, we must take the sum of all the forces along /'C due to the pairs of opposite elements; and, since the multiplier of w is the same for each pair, we must add all the values of w, and we therefore obtain (§ 483), for the required re- sultant, 47rp^^ 172 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. The numerator of this expression (being the product of the density into the area of the spherical surface) is equal to the mass of the entire charge; and therefore the force on P is the same as if the whole mass were collected at C Cor. The force on an external point, infinitely near the surface, is equal to 47rp, and is in the direction of a normal at the point. The force on an internal point, however near the surface, is, by a preceding proposition, equal to nothing. 489. Let o- be the area of an infinitely small element of the surface at any point jP, and at any other point H of the surface let a small element subtending a solid angle co, at jP, be taken. The area of this element will be equal to \P cos CHP' and therefore the attraction along HP, which it exerts on the element .TK\ SK' SX'' KK' ' and hence X SE' 2ai^.TK^ ^ SE''SK'' KK' , 2a TK' EF* ' KK' ' SE . SK' . EF' 174 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS, Now, by considering the great circle in which the sphere is cut by a plane through the line SK, we find that (fig. i) SK.SE=f'-a\ (fig. 2) KS.SE = a^-f\ and hence SK. SE = ST. ST, firom which we infer that the triangles XST, TSE are similar; so that TK -. SK v. PE -. ST. Hence TK^ I 2 CiD2 > SK\PE^ ST and the expression for /^becomes KK''SE.ST'''^' Modifying this by preceding expressions we have Similarly, if E' denote the attraction of -£' on T, we have Now in the triangles which have been shown to be similar, the angles TKS, ETS are equal; and the same may be proved of the angles K'ST, TSE'. Hence the two sides SK, SK' of the triangle KSK' are inclined to the third at the same angles as those between the line TS and directions TE, TE' of the two forces on the point T; and the sides SK, SK' are to one another as the forces, E, E', in the directions TE, TE', It follows, by ' the triangle of forces,' that the resultant of F and E' is along TS, and that it bears to the component forces the same ratios as the side KK' of the triangle bears to the other two sides. Hence the resultant force due to the two elements E and E' on the point T, is towards 6", and is equal to KK\f~a^).ST'' ' ' {/'--a') ST' ' The total resultant force will consequently be towards ^S"; and we find, by summation (§ 466) for its magnitude, X . 47ra {r~a')ST'' Hence we infer that the resultant force at any point T, separated from S by the spherical surface, is the same as if a quantity of matter equal to '^^^^ were concentrated at the point S, STATICS OF A PARTICLE.— ATTRACTION. 175 492. To find the attraction when S and F are either both without or both within the spherical surface. Take in CS, or in CS produced through S, a point S^, such that CS. CS^ = a\ Then, by a well-known geometrical theorem, if E be any point on the spherical surface, we have SE f S^E a' Hence we have SE'~/\S,E'' Hence, if p being the electrical density at E, Xa' r K ^ S^E' S^E' ' Ai = . we have Hence, by the investigation in the preceding section, the attraction on F is towards Si , and is the same as if a quantity of matter equal Xi . A7ra to T^i 2 were concentrated at that pomt ; Ii ~ ^ /i being taken to denote CS^. If for /i and X^ we substitute their values, -p and -^ , we have the modified expression A -2. . 47ra for the quantity of matter which we must conceive to be collected atSy 493. If a spherical surface be electrified in such a way that the electrical density varies inversely as the cube of the distance from an internal point S, or from the corresponding external point S-^, it will attract any external point, as if its whole electricity were con- 176 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. centrated at S^ and any internal point, as if a quantity of electricity greater than its own in the ratio of ^ to /were concentrated at S^ Let the density at E be denoted, as before, by -^^^ . Then, if we consider two opposite elements at £ and E\ which subtend a solid angle w at the point S, the areas of these elements being —^ — ^^r, — and ' ' , the quantity of electricity which they possess will be ££' \,2a.tti/ I I \ \.2a.(i> or 2a. W/ I I \ ££^\S£'^S£') ^^ S£,S£ Now S£ . SE' is constant (Euc. III. 35) and its value is a^ -/^ Hence, by summation, we find for the total value of electricity on the spherical surface Hence, if this be denoted by m^ the expressions in the preceding paragraphs, for the quantities of electricity which we must suppose to be concentrated at the point S or *Sj, according as F is without or within the spherical surface, become respectively nif and ^ m. 494. The direct analytical solution of such problems consists in the expression, by § 408, of the three components of the whole at- traction as the sums of its separate parts due to the several particles of the attracting body; the transformation, by the usual methods, of these sums into definite integrals; and the evaluation of the latter. This is, in general, inferior in elegance and simplicity to the less direct mode of solution depending upon the determination of the potential energy of the attracted particle with reference to the forces exerted upon it by the attracting body, a method which we shall presently develop with peculiar care, as it is of incalculable value in the theories of Electricity and Magnetism as well as in that of Gravitation. But before we proceed to it, we give some instances of the direct method. {a) A useful case is that of the attraction of a circular plate of uniform surface density on a point in a line through its centre, and perpendicular to its plane. All parallel slices, of equal thickness, of any cone attract equally (both in magnitude and direction) a particle at the vertex. For the proposition is true of a cone of infinitely small angle, the masses of the slices being evidently as the squares of their distances from the vertex. If / be the thickness, p the volume density, and w the angle, the attraction is w/p. All slices of a cone of infinitely small angle, if of equal thickness STATICS OF A PARTICLE.— ATTRACTION. 177 and equally inclined to the axis of the cone, exert equal forces on a particle at the vertex. For the area of any inclined section, whatever be its orientation, is greater than that of the corresponding transverse section in the ratio of unity to the cosine of the angle of inclination. Hence if a plane touch a sphere at a point B, and if the plane and sphere have equal surface density at corresponding points P and / in a line drawn through A^ the point diametrically opposite to By corresponding elements at P and / exert equal attraction on a particle at A. Thus the attraction on A, of any part of the plane, is the same as that of the corresponding part of the sphere, cut out by a cone of infinitely small angle whose vertex is A. Hence if we resolve along the line AB the attraction of pq on A, the component is equal to the attraction along Ap of the -transverse section pr, i.e. /qw, where co is the angle subtended at A by the element pq, and p the surface density. Thus any portion whatever of the sphere attracts A along AB with a force proportional to its spherical opening as seen from ^; and the same is, by what was proved above, true of a flat plate. Hence as a disc of radius a subtends at a point distant h from it, in the direction of the axis of the disc, a solid angle \ J/i' + aV' the attraction of such a disc is ''"'{'- JW^)' which for an infinite disc becomes, whatever the distance h^ 27: p. From the preceding formula many useful results may easily be deduced : thus, {b) A uniform cylinder of length /, and diameter a, attracts a point in its axis at a distance x from the nearest end with a force 27rp {/- J{x + lY + a' + J^^T?]. When the cylinder is of infinite length (in one direction) the at- traction is therefore 27rp [Jx^ +a^ -x); and, when the attracted particle is in contact with the centre of the end of the infinite cylinder, this is 2-7? pa. (c) A right cone, of semivertical angle a, and length /, attracts a T. 12 178 ABSTRA CT D YNAMICS. particle at its vertex. Here we have at once for the attraction, the expression 2irpl{l -COS a), which is simply proportional to the length of the axis. It is of course easy, when required, to find the necessarily less simple expression for the attraction on any point of the axis. (d) For magnetic and electro-magnetic applications a very useful case is that of two equal uniform discs, each perpendicular to the line joining their centres, on any point in that line — their masses (§ 478) being of opposite sign — that is, one repelling and the other attracting. Let a be the radius, p the mass of a superficial unit, of either, c their distance, x the distance of the attracted point from the nearest disc, The whole force is evidently {X + ^ X ^ J{x + cy + a'~ Jl^^T^j' In the particular case when c is diminished without limit, this becomes 27rp{: (^ + «^)l 495. Let P and P' be two points infinitely near one another on two sides of a surface over which matter is distributed ; and let p be the density of this distribution on the surface in the neighbourhood of these points. Then whatever be the resultant attraction, i?, at /*, due to all the attracting matter, whether lodging on this surface, or elsewhere, the resultant force, R\ on P' is the resultant of a force equal and parallel to R, and a force equal to 4Trp, in the direction from P' perpendicularly towards the surface. For, suppose PP' to be perpendicular to the surface, which will not limit the generality of the proposition, and consider a circular disc, of the surface, having its centre in Pp\ and radius infinitely small in comparison with the radii of curvature of the surface but infinitely great in comparison with PjP\ This disc will [§ 494] attract -P and P with forces, each equal to 27rp and opposite to one another in the line FF'. Whence the proposition. It is one of much importance in the theory of electricity. 496. It may be shown that at the southern base of a hemispherical hill of radius a and density p, the true latitude (as measured by the aid of the plumb-line, or by reflection of starlight in a trough of mercury) is diminished by the attraction of the mountain by the angle G-ipa^ where G is the attraction of the earth, estimated in the same units. STATICS OF A PARTICLE,— ATTRACTION. 179 Hence, if R be the radius and o- the mean density of the earth, the angle is ^Trpa ^ pa . , ^. i, which might be the case, as there are rocks of density f x 5*5 or 3 '67 times that of water. At a considerable depth in the crevasse, this change of latitudes is nearly doubled^ and then the southern side has the greater latitude if the density of the crust be not less than 1*83 times that of water. 498. It is interesting, and will be useful later, to consider as a particular case, the attraction of a sphere whose mass is composed of concentric layers, each of uniform density. Let law of density, — , we have a shell of matter which exerts (§ 525) 47r E STATICS OF A PARTICLE.- ATTRACTION. 191 on external points the same force as /'; and on internal points a force equal and opposite to that of /. 528. As an example of exceedingly great importance in the theory of electricity, let M consist of a positive mass, m, concentrated at a point /, and a negative mass, — ;//, at /' j and let ^S" be a spherical surface cutting //' and //' produced in points A, A^, such that lA :AI'::IA, iTA/.-.m : m'. Then, by a well-known geo- metrical proposition, we shall have m : T£ v. m -. m' \ and therefore m _ in lE~ TE' Hence, by what we have just seen, one and the same distribution of matter over »S will produce the same force as m! through all external space, and the same as m through all the space within S. And, ffi . in' finding the resultant of the forces y^ in EI^ and -77^^ in I'E^ pro- duced, which, as these forces are inversely as IE to I'E^ is (§222) equal to m j.^, m^ir I IE\I'E ' °^ 1^ IE'' ' we conclude that the density in the shell at E is m^ir I 47rw' ' lE^ ' That the shell thus constituted does attract external points as if its mass were collected at /', and internal points as a certain mass col- lected at /, was proved geometrically in § 491 above. 529. If the spherical surface is given, and one of the points, /, /', CA^ for instance /, the other is found by taking CI' = -?^ ; and for the mass to be placed at it we have TA CA cr '^='^AI = '^-Cl = ''' CA- Hence, if we have any number of particles m^^ m^^ etc., at points /j, /g, etc., situated without S, we may find in the same way cor- responding internal points /'„ I\, etc., and masses m\^ m\, etc. ; and, by adding the expressions for the density at E given for each pair by the preceding formula, we get a spherical shell of matter which has the property of acting on all external space with the same force as —in\, -^'25 ^tc, and on all internal points with a force equal and opposite to that of Wj, m^, etc. 192 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. 530. An infinite number of such particles may be given, con- stituting a continuous mass M\ when of course the corresponding internal particles will constitute a continuous mass, —M'^ of the opposite kind of matter; and the same conclusion will hold. If S is the surface of a solid or hollow metal ball connected with the earth by a fine wire, and M an external influencing body, the shell of matter we have determined is precisely the distribution of electricity on S called out by the influence of M: and the mass - M\ determined as above, is called the Electric Image of M in the ball, since the electric action through the whole space external to the ball would be unchanged if the ball were removed and — M' properly placed in the space left vacant. We intend to return to this subject under Electricity. 531. Irrespectively of the special electric application, this method of images gives a remarkable kind of transformation which is often useful. It suggests for mere geometry what has been called the transformation by reciprocal radius-vectors ; that is to say, the sub- stitution for any set of points, or for any diagram of lines or surfaces, another obtained by drawing radii to them from a certain fixed point or origin, and measuring off lengths inversely proportional to these radii along their directions. We see in a moment by elementary geometry that any line thus obtained cuts the radius-vector through any point of it at the same angle and in the same plane as the line from which it is derived. Hence any two lines or surfaces that cut one another give two transformed lines or surfaces cutting at the same angle : and infinitely small lengths, areas, and volumes trans- form into others whose magnitudes are altered respectively in the ratios of the first, second, and third powers of the distances of the latter from the origin, to the same powers of the distances of the former from the same. Hence the lengths, areas, and volumes in the transformed diagram, corresponding to a set of given equal infinitely small lengths, areas, and volumes, however situated, at different distances from the origin, are inversely as the squares, the fourth powers and the sixth powers of these distances. Further, it is easily proved that a straight line and a plane transform into a circle and a spherical surface, each passing through the origin ; and that, generally, circles and spheres transform into circles and spheres. 532. In the theory of attraction, the transformation of masses, densities, and potentials has also to be considered. Thus, according to the foundation of the method (§ 530), equal masses, of infinitely small dimensions at different distances from the origin, transform into masses inversely as these distances, or directly as the transformed distances : and, therefore, equal densities of lines, of surfaces, and of solids, given at any stated distances from the origin, transform into densities directly as the first, the third, and the fifth powers of those distances ; or inversely as the same powers of the distances, from the origin, of the corresponding points in the transformed system. The usefulness of this transformation in the theory of electricity, STATICS OF A PARTICLE.— ATTRACTION. 193 and of attractian in general, depends entirely on the following theorem : — Let denote the potential at F due to the given distribution, and <^' the potential at F' due to the transformed distribution : then shall = - <^ = - ^. a r Let a mass m collected at / be any part of the given distri- bution, and let m at /' be the corresponding part in y^ the transformed distribution, -^ We have / \ a'=Or.OI^OF\OF, / and therefore / 01: OFv. OF' : OF; ^ which shows that the triangles //^(9, /*'/'(? are similar, so that IF iFF:: J 01 OF : JOF\Or - OIOF : a\ We have besides m : m \ : 01 : a, and therefore mm Jp--rF.::a:OP. Hence each term of <^ bears to the corresponding term of <^' the same ratio; and therefore the sum, , must be to the sum, <^', in that ratio, as was to be proved. 533. As an example, let the given distribution be confined to a spherical surface, and let O be its centre and a its own radius. The transformed distribution is the same. But the space within it becomes transformed into the space, without it. Hence if ^ be the potential due to any spherical shell at a point P, within it, the potential due 8 to the same shell at the point F in OF produced till OF' = -y^ , is equal to yrpt ^ (which is an elementary proposition in the spherical harmonic treatment of potentials, as we shall see presently). Thus, for instance, let the distribution be uniform. Then, as we know there is no force on an interior point, <^ must be constant; and therefore the potential at F\ any external point, is inversely propor- tional to its distance from the centre. Or let the given distribution be a uniform shell, 5, and let O be any eccentric or any external point. The transformed distribution becomes (§§ 531, 532) a spherical shell, 6", with density varying inversely as the cube of the distance from O. If O is within 6", it is also enclosed by .S", and the whole space within S transforms into T. 13 194 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. the whole space without S'. Hence (§ 532) the potential of S' at any point without it js inversely as the distance from 0^ and is there- fore that of a certain quantity of matter collected at O. Or if O is external to »S, and consequently also external to S\ the space within S transforms into the space within S' . Hence the potential of S' at any point within it is the same as that of a certain quantity of matter collected at (9, which is now a point external to it. Thus, without taking advantage of the general theorems (§§ 517, 524), we fall back on the same results as we inferred from them in § 528, and as we proved synthetically earlier (§§ 488, 491, 492). It may be remarked that those synthetical demonstrations consist merely of transformations of Newton's demonstration, that attractions balance on a point within a uniform shell. Thus the first of them (§ 488) is the image of Newton's in a concentric spherical surface ; and the second is its image in a spherical surface having its centre external to the shell, or internal but eccentric, according as the first or the second diagram is used. 534. We shall give just one other application of the theorem of § 532 at present, but much use of it will be made later in the theory of Electricity. Let the given distribution of matter be a uniform solid sphere, j5, and let O be external to it. The transformed system will be a solid sphere, B\ with density varying inversely as the fifth power of the distance from (9, a point external to it. The potential of B is the same throughout external space as that due to its mass, w, collected at its centre, C. Hence the potential of B' through space external to it is the same as that of the corresponding quantity of matter collected at C\ the transformed position of C. This quantity is of course equal to the mass of B'. And it is easily proved that C is the position of the image of O in the spherical surface of B\ We conclude that a solid sphere with density varying inversely as the fifth power of the distance from an external point, O, attracts any external point as if its mass were condensed at the image of O in its external surface. It is easy to verify this for points of the axis by direct integration, and thence the general conclusion follows ac- cording to § 508. 535. The determination of the attraction of an ellipsoid, or of an eUipsoidal shell, is a problem of great interest, and its results will be of great use to us afterwards, especially in Magnetism. We have left it till now, in order that we may be prepared to apply the pro- perties of the potential, as they afford an extremely elegant method of treatment. A few definitions and lemmas are necessary. Corresponding points on two confocal ellipsoids are such as coincide when either ellipsoid by a pure strain is deformed so as to coincide with the other. And it is easily shown, that if any two points, /*, Q, be assumed on one shell, and their corresponding points, /, ^, on the other, we have Pq-Qp. STATICS OF A PARTICLE.—ATTRACTION. 195 The species of shell which it is most convenient to employ in the subdivision of a homogeneous ellipsoid is bounded by similar, simi- larly situated, and concentric ellipsoidal surfaces; and it is evident from the properties of pure strain (§ 141) that such a shell may be produced from a spherical shell of uniform thickness by unijform extensions and compressions in three rectangular directions. Unless the contrary be specified, the word 'shell' in connexion with this subject will always signify an infinitely thin shell of the kind now described. 536. Since, by § 479, a homogeneous spherical shell exerts no attraction on an internal point, a homogeneous shell (which need not be infinitely thin) bounded by similar, and similarly situated, and concentric ellipsoids, exerts no attraction on an internal point. For suppose the spherical shell of § 479, by simple extensions and compressions in three rectangular directions, to be transformed into an ellipsoidal shell. In this distorted form the masses of all parts are reduced or increased in the proportion of the mass of the eUipsoid to that of the sphere. Also the ratio of the lines HP^ PK is un- altered, § 139. Hence the elements IH^ KL still attract /'equally, and the proposition follows as in § 479. Hence inside the shell the potential is constant. 537. Two confocal shells (§ 535) being given, the potential of the first at any point, P^ of the surface of the second, is to that of the second at the corresponding point,/, on the surface of the first, as the mass of the first is to the mass of the second. This beautiful proposition is due to Chasles. To any element of the mass of the outer shell at Q corresponds an element of mass of the inner at q, and these bear the same ratio to the whole masses of their respective shells, that the corresponding element of the spherical shell from which either may be derived bears to its whole mass. Whence, since Pq = 0^, the proposition is true for the corresponding elements at Q and ^, and therefore for the entire shells. Also, as the potential of a shell on an internal point is constant, and as one of two confocal ellipsoids is wholly within the other : it follows that the external equipotential surfaces for any such shell are confocal ellipsoids, and therefore that the attraction of the shell on an external point is normal to a confocal ellipsoid passing through the point. 538. Now it has been shown (§ 495) that the attraction of a shell on an external point near its surface exceeds that on an internal point infinitely near it by 47rp where p is the surface-density of the shell at that point. Hence, as (§ 536) there is no attraction on an internal point, the attraction of a shell on a point at its exterior surface is 47rp: or 47rp/ if p be now put for the volume-density, and t for the (infinitely small) thickness of the shell, § 495. From this it is easy to obtain by integration the determination of the whole attraction of a homogeneous ellipsoid on an external particle. 13 — 2 196 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. 539. The following splendid theorem is due to Maclaurin : — The attractions exerted by two homogeneous and confocal ellipsoids on the same poifit external to each, or external to one and on the sur- face of the other, are in the same directioft and proportional to their masses. 540. Ivory's theorem is as follows : — Let correspondtJig points F, p, be taken on the surfaces of two homo- geneous co?ifocal ellipsoids, E, e. The x compo7ient of the attraction of E on p, is to that of e on P as the area of the section of E by the plane of yz is to that of the coplanar section of e. Poisson showed that this theorem is true for any law of force whatever. This is easily proved by employing in the general ex- pressions for the components of the attraction of any body, after one integration, the properties of corresponding points upon confocal ellipsoids (§ 535). 541. An ingenious application of Ivory's theorem, by Duhamel, must not be omitted here. Concentric spheres are a particular case of confocal ellipsoids, and therefore the attraction of any sphere on a point on the surface of an internal concentric sphere, is to that of the latter upon a point in the surface of the former as the squares of the radii of the spheres. Now if the law of attraction be such that a homogeneous spherical shell of tmiforjfi thick7iess exerts 7io attraction on a7i inter7ial poi7tt, the action of the larger sphere on the internal point is reducible to that of the smaller. Hence the law is that of the i7i- verse square of the dista7ice, as is easily seen by making the smaller sphere less and less till it becomes a mere particle. This theorem is due originally to Cavendish. 542. {Def7uti07z.) If the action of terrestrial or other gravity on a rigid body is reducible to a single force in a line passing always through one point fixed relatively to the body, whatever be its position relatively to the earth or other attracting mass, that point is called its centre of gravity, and the body is called a ce7itrobaric body. 543. One of the most startling result-s of Green's wonderful theory of the potential is its establishment of the existence of centrobaric bodies; and the discovery of their properties is not the least curious and interesting among its very various applications. 544. If a body {B) is centrobaric relatively to any one attracting mass {A), it is centrobaric relatively to every other: and it attracts all matter external to itself as if its own mass were collected in its centre of gravity.' 545. Hence §§ 510, 515 show that — {a) The ce7itre of gravity of a ce7itrobaric body necessarily lies in its interior; or in other words, ca7t only be reached from external space by a path cutting through some of its 77iass. And {b) No centrobaric body can co7isist ofpa7'ts isolated frofn one another, ^ Thomson. Proc. R.S.E., Feb. 1864. STATICS OF A PARTICLE.— ATTRACTION, 197 each in space externa! to all: in other words, the outer boundary of every centroharic body is a si7igle closed surface. Thus we see, by {a)^ that no symmetrical ring, or hollow cylinder with open ends, can have a centre of gravity; for its centre of gravity, if it had one, would be in its axis, and therefore external to its mass. 546. If any 77tass whatever^ M^ and any single surface, *S, com- pletely enclosing it be given, a distributioJi of any given amount, M\ of matter on this surface may be found which shall make the whole centrobaric with its centre of gravity in any given position (G) within that surface. The condition here to be fulfilled is to distribute M' over S, so as by it to produce the potential AI^-M' _ EG at any point, E, of S\ V denoting the potential of M at this point. The possibiUty and singleness of the solution of this problem were stated above (§ 517). It is to be remarked, however, that if M' be not given in sufficient amount, an extra quantity must be taken, but neutralized by an equal quantity of negative matter, to constitute the required distribution on S. The case in which there is no given body M to begin with is important; and yields the following: — 547. A given quantity of matter may he distributed in one way, but in only one way, over any given closed surface, so as to constitute a centrobaric body with its centre of gravity at any given point within it. Thus we have already seen that the condition is fulfilled by making the density inversely as the distance from the given point, if the surface be spherical. From what was proved in §§ 519, 524 above, it appears also that a centrobaric shell may be made of either half of the lemniscate in the diagram of § 526, or of any of the ovals within it, by distributing matter with density proportional to the resultant force oim 2X I and ;;/ at /' ; and that the one of these points which is within it is its centre of gravity. And generally, by drawing the equipotential surfaces relatively to a mass m collected at a point /, and any other distribution of matter whatever not surrounding this point ; and by taking one of these surfaces which encloses / but no other part of the mass, we learn, by Green's general theorem, and the special proposition of § 524, how to distribute matter over it so as to make it a centrobaric shell with / for centre of gravity. 548. Under hydrokinetics the same problem will be solved for a cube, or a rectangular parallelepiped in general, in terms of con- verging series; and under electricity (in a subsequent volume) it will be solved in finite algebraic terms for the surface of a lens bounded by two spherical surfaces cutting one another at any sub-multiple of two right angles, and for either part obtained by dividing this surface 198 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. in two by a third spherical surface cutting each of its sides at right angles. 549. Matter may be distributed in an iftfi?iite number of ways throughout a given closed space, to constitute a centrobaric body with its centre of gravity at any given poi?it within it. For by an infinite number of surfaces, each enclosing the given point, the whole space between this point and the given closed surface may be divided into infinitely thin shells; and matter may be dis- tributed on each of these so as to make it centrobaric with its centre of gravity at the given point. Both the forms of these shells and the quantities of matter distributed on them, may be arbitrarily varied in an infinite variety of ways. Thus, for example, if the given closed surface be the pointed oval constituted by either half of the lemniscate of the diagram of § 526, and if the given point be the point / within it, a centrobaric solid may be built up of the interior ovals with matter distributed over them to make them centrobaric shells as above (§ 547). From what was proved in § 534, we see that a solid sphere with its density varying inversely as the fifth power of the distance from an external point, is centrobaric, and that its centre of gravity is the image (§ 530) of this point relatively to its surface. 550. The centre of gravity of a centrobaric body composed of true gravitating matter is its centre of inertia. For a centrobaric body, if attracted only by another infinitely distant body, or by matter so distributed round itself as to produce (§ 517) uniform force in parallel lines throughout the space occupied by it, experiences (§ 544) a resultant force always through its centre of gravity. But in this case this force is the resultant of parallel forces on all the particles of the body, which (see Properties of Matter, below) are rigorously pro- portional to their masses: and it is proved that the resultant of such a system of parallel forces passes through the point defined in § 195, as the centre of inertia. 551. The moments of inertia of a centrobaric body are equal round all axes through its centre of inertia. In other words (§ 239), all these axes are principal axes, and the body is kinetically sym- metrical round its centre of inertia. CHAPTER VII. STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 552. Forces whose lines meet. Let ABC be a rigid body acted on by two forces, F and (2, applied to it at different points, D and E respectively, in lines in the same plane. Since the lines are not parallel, they will meet if produced; let them be produced and meet in O. Transmit the forces to act on that point; and the result is that we have simply the case of two forces acting on a material point, which has been already con- sidered. 553. The preceding solution is applicable to every case of non- parallel forces in a plane, however far removed the point may be in which their Hnes of action meet, and the resultant will of course be found by the parallelogram of forces. The limiting case of parallel forces, or forces whose lines of action, however far produced, do not meet, was considered above, and the position and magnitude of the resultant were investigated. The following is an independent demonstration of the conclusion arrived at. 554. Parallel forces in a plane. The resultant of two parallel forces is equal to their sum, and is in the parallel line which divides any line drawn across their Hnes of action into parts inversely as their magnitudes. 1°. Let P and Q be two parallel forces acting on a rigid body in similar directions in lines AB and CD. Draw any line AC across their lines. In it introduce any pair of balancing forces. Sin AG and 5 in CH. These forces will not disturb the equilibrium of the body. Suppose the forces F and S'm. AG, and Q and S in CH^ to act respectively on the points A and C of the rigid body. The forces F and S, in AB and AGy have a single resultant in some line AM, within the angle 200 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. GAB; and Q and S in CD and CH have a resultant in some line CN, within the angle DCff. The angles MAC, NCA are together greater than two right . angles, hence the lines MA^ NC will meet if produced. Let them meet in O. Now the two forces P and S may be transferred to parallel lines through O. Similarly the forces g and 5 may be also transferred. Then there are four forces acting on (9, two of which, S in OK and 6* in OL^ are equal and directly opposed. They may, therefore, be removed, and there are left two forces equal to P and (2 in one line on O^ which are equivalent to a single force P-\- Q'ln the same line. 2°. If, for a moment, we suppose OE to represent the force P, then the force representing S must be equal and parallel to EA^ since the resultant of the two is in the direction OA. That is to say, S\P'.\EA\ 0E\ and in like manner, by considering the forces S in OL and Q in OE, we find that Q'.SwOE'.EC. Compounding these analogies, we get at once Q: P'.'.EA'.ECy that is, the parts into which the line is divided by the resultant are inversely as the forces. 555. Forces in dissimilar directions. The resultant of two parallel forces in dissimilar directions^, of which one is greater than the other, is found by the following rule : Draw any line across the lines of the forces and produce it across the line of the greater, until the whole line is to the part produced as the greater force is to the less ; a force equal to the excess of the greater force above the less, applied at the extremity of this line in a parallel line and in the direction similar to that of the greater, is the resultant of the system. Let /'and Q in KK' and LL\ be the contrary forces. From any point A^ in • the line of P, draw a line AB across the line of Q cutting it in B, and produce the -p line to E, so that AE : BE :: Q \ P. Through E draw a line MM' parallel to K li iW KK' or LL'. In MM' introduce a pair of balancing forces each equal to Q- P. Then P in AK' and Q~ P in EM have a resultant equal to their 1 In future the word 'contrary' will be employed instead of the phrase 'parallel and in dissimilar directions' to designate merely directional opposiiiotty while the unqualified word 'opposite' will be understood to signify contrary and in one line. STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 201 sum, or Q. This resultant is in the line LL' j for, from the ana- logy* AEvBEv. Q:F, we have AE-BE \ BE w Q- P '. F, or AB :BEy. Q~F\F. Hence F in AK\ Q in BL', and Q-F in EM are in equilibrium and may be removed. There remains only Q-Fm EM\ which is therefore the resultant of the two given forces. This fails when the forces are equal 556. Any number of parallel forces in a plane. Let F^, F^, F^, etc., be any number of parallel forces acting on a rigid body in one plane. j I I I / To find their resultant in position and ^ L^ If^'L^ L^ U^ magnitude, draw any line across their r»J f 1 i if lines of action, cutting them in points, ^J \pjfa -?[ ^f denoted respectively by ^ J, ^2, ^3, etc., and in it choose a point of reference O. Let the distances of the lines of the forces from this point be denoted by a^, a^^ ^3, etc.; as OA^ = a^, OA^ = a^, etc. Also let F denote the resultant, and x its distance from O. Find the resultant of any two of the forces, as F^ and F^, by § 554. Then if we denote this resultant by F', we have F'^F, + F^. Divide A^ A^ in E' into parts inversely as the forces, so that F,xA,E' = F^y„.. Py = P,y, + P,y, + P,j>,+ ... +P,y, (3), (4), (s). These equations may include negative forces, or negative co- ordinates. 558. Conditions of equilibrium of any number of parallel forces. In order that any given parallel forces may be in equilibrium, it is not sufificient alone, that their algebraic sum be equal to zero. For, let P^P^ + P^ + etc. - o. STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 203 From this equation it follows that if the forces be divided into two groups, one consisting of the forces reckoned positive, the other of those reckoned negative, the sum, or resultant (§ 556), of the former is equal to the resultant of the latter; that is, \i ^R and 'F denote the resultants of the positive and negative groups respectively, But unless these resultants are directly opposed they do not balance one another; wherefore, if {x^y) and (x'y) be the co-ordinates of ^F and 'F respectively, we must have for equilibrium and ,y = 'y', whence we get ,F ^x - 'F'x = o and ,Fj-'Fy = o. But ^F ^x is equal to the sum of those of the terms Fy_x^, F^^, etc., which are positive, and 'F'x is equal to the sum of the others each with its sign changed : and so for ^F^y and 'F'y. Hence the pre- ceding equations are equivalent to F^x^-¥ F^^+ +Fjx:^^=^o. ■^lJl + -^2j2+ +F^j^=o. We conclude that, for equilibrium, it is necessary and sufficient that each of the following three equations be satisfied : — F, + F, + F^+ +F„=o (6), F^x^ + Fjc^ + F^x.^ + + F^x^ = o (7), F,y,+F,y, + F,y,+ +^„y. = o (8). 559. If equation (6) do not hold, but equations (7) and (8) do, the forces have a single resultant through the origin of co-ordinates. If equation (6) and either of the other two do not hold, there will be a single resultant in a hne through the corresponding axis of reference, the co-ordinates of the other vanishing. If equation (6) and either of the other two do hold, the system is reducible to a single couple in a plane through that hne of reference for which the sum of the products is not equal to nothing. If the plane of reference is perpendicular to the lines of the forces, the moment of this couple is equal to the sum of the products not equal to nothing. 560. In finding the resultant of two contrary forces in any case in which the forces are unequal — the smaller the difference of magnitude between them, the farther removed is the point of application of the resultant. When the difference is nothing, the point is removed to an infinite distance, and the construction (§ 555) is thus rendered nugatory. The general solution gives in this case F = 0; yet the forces are not in equilibrium, since they are not directly opposed. Hence two equal contrary forces neither balance, nor have a single resultant. It is clear that they have a tendency to turn the body to 204 ABSTRA CT D YNAMICS. which they are applied. This system was by Poinsot denominated a couple. In actual cases the direction of a couple is generally reckoned positive if the couple tends to turn contrary to the hands of a watch as seen by a person looking at its face, negative when it tends to turn with the hands. Hence the axis, which may be taken to repre- sent a couple, will show, if drawn according to the rule given in § 201, whether the couple is positive or negative, according to the side of its plane from which it is regarded. 561. Proposition I. Any two couples in the same or in parallel planes are in equilibrium if their moments are equal and they tend to turn in contrary directions. 1°. Let the forces of the first couple be parallel to those of the second, and let all four forces be in one plane. n T A^ n^ -^^^ ^^ forces of the first couple be o xr A o ^ .^ ^^ ^^^ ^j^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ second F' in A'B' and CD'. Draw any line EF' across the lines of the forces, cut- ting them respectively in points F, Fy E' and F' 'y then the moment of the B BR B JD' first couple IS Z'. ^i^ and of the second F', E'F' ; and since the moments are equal we have F.EF=F'.E'F'. Of the four forces, P m AB and P' in CFf act in similar direc- tions, and F in CD and F' in A'B' also act in similar directions; and their resultants respectively can be determined by the general method (§ 556). The resultant of F in AB, and F' in CD', is thus found to be equal to /*+ F'^ and if HL is the line in which it acts, F.EK=F'.KF'. Again, we have F. EF= F' , E'F'. Subtract the first member of the latter equation from the first member of the former, and the second member of the latter from the second member of the former : there remains F.FK=F'.KE', from which we conclude, that the resultant of F in CD and F' in A'B' is in the line LH. Its magnitude is /*+ F', Thus the given system is reduced to two equal resultants acting in opposite directions in the same straight line. These balance one another, and therefore the given system is in equilibrium. Corollary. A couple may be transferred from its own arm to any other arm in the same line, if its moment be not altered. 562. Proposition I. 2". All four forces in one plane, but those of one couple not parallel to those of the other. Produce their lines to meet in four points; and consider the paral- lelogram thus formed. The products of the sides, each into its per- pendicular distance from the side parallel to it, are equal, each product STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 205 being the area of the parallelogram. Hence, since the moments of the two couples are equal, their forces are proportional to the sides of the parallelogram along which they act. And, since the couples tend to turn in opposite directions, the four forces represented by the sides of a parallelogram act in similar directions relatively to the angles, and dissimilar directions in the parallels, and therefore balance one another. Corollary. The statical effect of a couple is not altered, if its arm be turned round any point in the plane of the couple. 563. Proposition I. 3^ The two couples not in the same plane, but the forces equal and parallel. Let there be two couples, acting re- •M' pp, spectively on arms EF and E'F\ which E^-^rrr^^ — L"*" ^ . . F ' are parallel but not in the same plane. .-------r-C.''* *^ |p/ Join EF' and E'F. These lines bisect ^r"^ |^p7"'' -^ one another in O. \p Of the four forces, F on F and F' on E' act in similar directions, and their resultant, equal io F+ F\ may be substituted for them. It acts in a parallel line through O. Simi- larly F on E and F' on F'' have also a resultant equal to F+ F' through O; but these resultants being equal and opposite, balance, and therefore the given system is in equilibrium. Remark i. — A corresponding demonstration may be appHed to every case of two couples, the moments of which are equal, though the forces and arms may be unequal. When the forces and arms are unequal, the lines EF'j E'F cut one another in O into parts inversely as the forces. Remark 2. — Hence as an extreme case, Proposition I, 1°, may be brought under this head. Let EF be the arm of one couple, EF' of the other, both in one straight line. Join FE' , and divide it inversely as the forces. Then FK : KE' w EF \ E'F' and EF' is divided in the same ratio. Corollary. Transposition of couples. Any two couples in the same or in parallel planes, are equivalent, provided their moments are equal, and they tend to turn in similar directions. 564. Proposition IL Any number of couples in the same or in parallel planes, may be reduced to a single resultant couple, whose moment is equal to the L algebraic sum of their moments, and whose plane is parallel to their planes. Reduce all the couples to forces acting on one arm AB^ which may be denoted by a. A^ Then if /\, F^, P,, etc., be the forces, the mo- yi\ ments of the couples will be F^a^ F^a, F^a, ,,^ etc. Thus we have /\, F^, F^, etc., in AK, p reducible to a single force, their sum, and ^^ similarly, a single force F^ + F^-^ etc., in FL. 2o6 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. These two forces constitute a couple whose moment is (/\ + P. + i^3 + etc.) a. But this product is equal to P^a-\- P^a + P^a + etc., the sum of the moments of the given couples, and therefore any number of couples, etc. If any of the couples act in the direction opposite to that reckoned positive, their moments must be reckoned as negative in the sum. 565. Proposition III. Any two couples not in parallel planes may be reduced to a single resultant couple, whose axis is the diagonal through the point of reference of the parallelogram de- scribed upon their axes. 1°. Let the planes of the two couples cut the plane of the diagram perpendicularly in the lines AA' and BB' respectively; let the planes of the couples also cut each other in a line cutting the plane of the diagram in O. Through O, as a point of re- ference, draw OK the axis of the first couple, and OL the axis of the se- cond. On OK and OL construct the ^ ^ parallelogram OKML. Its diagonal " OM is the axis of the resultant couple. Let the moment of the couple acting in the plane BB\ be denoted by G, and of that in AA\ by H. For the given couples, substitute two others, with arms equal respectively to G and H\, and therefore with forces equal to unity. From OB and OA measure off OE = G, and 0F= H, and let these lines be taken as the arms of the two couples respectively. The forces of the couples will thus be perpendicular to the plane of the diagram : those of the first, acting outwards at E^ and inwards at O \ and those of the second, outwards at (7, and inwards at F. Thus, of the four equal forces which we have in all, there are two equal and opposite at (9, which therefore balance one another, and may be removed; and there remain two equal parallel forces, one acting outwards at E, and the other inwards at F^ which constitute a couple on an arm EF. This single couple is therefore equivalent to the two given couples. 2°. It remains to be proved that its axis is OM. Join EF, As, by construction, OL and OK are respectively perpendicular to OA^ and OB, the angle KOL is equal to the angle A OB'. Hence, MLO the supplement of the former is equal to EOF, the supplement of the latter. But OK is equal to OE ; each being equal to the moment of the first of the given couples ; and therefore LM, which is equal to the former, is equal to OE. Similarly OL is equal to OF. Thus there are two triangles, MLO and EOF, with two sides of one respectively equal to two sides of the other, and the contained angles equal : there- fore the remaining sides OM, EF are equal, and the angles LOM\ OFE are equal. But since OL is perpendicular to OF, OM is STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 207 perpendicular to EF. Hence OM is the axis of the resultant couple. 566. Proposition IV. Any number of couples whatever are either in equilibrium with one another, or may be reduced to a single couple, under precisely the same conditions as those already investigated for forces acting on one point, the axes of the couples being now taken everywhere instead of the lines formerly used to represent the forces. 1°. Resolve each couple into three components having their axes along three rectangular lines of reference, OX^ O F, OZ. Add all the components corresponding to each of these three lines. Then if the resultant of all the couples whose axes are along the line OX^ be denoted by Z, OY, „ „ M, OZ, „ „ iV^ and if G be the resultant of these three, we have G^ J{L' + M' + N'): and if ^, -q, 0, be the angles which the axis of this couple G, makes with the three axes OX, O V, OZ, respectively, we have . Z M.N cos 4= 7,; CO^f]=-^\ cos^ = ^. Lr Lr Lr 567. 2°. Conditions of equilibrium of any number of couples. For equilibrium the resultant couple must be equal to nothing : but as it is compounded of three subsidiary resultant couples in planes at right angles to one another, they also must each be equal to nothing. The remarks already made, and the equations already given in §§ 471, 472, apply with the necessary modification to couples also. Thus, for instance, the equations of equilibrium are G^ cos ^j + G^ cos ^3 + G.^ cos t,^ + etc. = o, G^ cosr7j + G^ cos 173 + 6^3 cos t]^ + etc. = o, C?i cos ^1 + 6^2 cos ^2 + G^ cos ^3 + etc. ^ o. 568. Before investigating the conditions of equilibrium of any number of forces acting on a rigid body, we shall establish some preliminary propositions. 1°. A force and a couple in the same or in parallel planes may be reduced to a single force. Let the plane of the couple be the plane of the diagram, and let its moment be denoted by G. Let R, acting in the line OA in the same plane, be the force. Transfer the couple to an arm (which may be denoted by a) through the point O, such that each force shall be equal to R; and let its position be so chosen, that one of the forces shall act in the same straight line with R in OA, but in the opposite direction to it. G 208 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. R and G being known, the length of this arm can be found, for since the moment of the transposed couple is Ra^G G we have a- R' Through O then, draw a line OCf perpendicular to OA^ making it equal to a. On this arm apply the couple, a force equal to R^ acting on O' in a line perpendicular to 00\ and another in the opposite direction at the other extremity. There are now three forces, two of which, being equal and opposite to one another, in the line AA\ may be removed. One, acting on the point 0\ remains, which is there- fore equivalent to the given system. 569. 2°. A couple and a force in a given line inclined to its plane may be reduced to a smaller couple in a plane perpendicular to the force, and a force equal and parallel to the given force. Let OA be the line of action of the force /?, and let OK be the axis of the couple. Let the moment be denoted by G : and let A OK, the inclination of its axis to the line of the force, be 0. Draw OB perpendicular to OA. By Prop. IV. (§ 566) resolve the couple into two components, one acting round OA as axis, and one round OB. Thus the compo- nent round OA will be G cos B, and the component round OB^ G sin Q. Now as G sin B acts in the same plane as the given force -^, this com- ponent together with R may be reduced by § 568 to one force. This force which is equal to R, will act not at O in the line OA^ but in a parallel line through a point O' out of the plane of the diagram. Thus the given system is reduced to a smaller couple G cos ^, and to a force in a line which, by Poinsot, was denominated the central axis of the system. 670. 3' a couple. Let /*, acting Any number of forces may be reduced to a force and on J/j be one of a number of forces acting in different directions on different points of a rigid body. Choose any point of reference O, for the different forces, and through it draw a line AA' parallel to the line of the first force P^. Through (?, draw 00' perpendicular to A A or the line of the force P^. In the line A A' introduce two equal op- posite forces, each equal to P^. There are now three forces, producing the same effect as the given force, and they may be grouped differently : P^ acting STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 209 in O in the line OA^ and a couple, Py^ acting at O' , and P^ at O in the line 0A\ on an arm 00'. Reduce similarly all. the other forces, each to a force acting on (9, and to a couple. But all the couples thus obtained are equivalent to a single couple, and all the forces are equivalent to one force. Hence, &c. 571. Reduction of any number of forces to their simplest equi- valent system. Suppose any number of forces acting in any directions on different points of a rigid body. Choose three rectangular planes of reference meeting in a point (9, the origin of co-ordinates. In order to effect the reduction it is necessary to bring in all the forces to the point O. This may be done in two different ways — either in two steps, or directly. 572. 1°. Let the magnitudes of the forces be jPi, P^, &c., and the co-ordinates, with reference to the rectangular planes, of the points at which they act respectively, be (^1, Ji, 2J, {x^., y^, z.^, &c. Let also the direction cosines be (Z^, m^, n^, (4, m,, wj, &c. Resolve each force into three components, parallel to OX^ O V, OZ, respectively. Thus, if (Xj, Vi, Z,), &c., be the components of /\, &c., we shall have X, = P,/,; X,= PJ,; &c. (1) V,=^P,m,; V,^P„m,; &c. (2) Z, = P,n,;Z, = P,n,',&:c. (3) To transfer these components to the point O. Let ^i, in AfJ^, be the component, parallel to OX, of the force P^^ acting on the point Af. From M transmit it along its line to a point JV in the plane ZO Y: the co-or- dinates of this point will bejj, z^. From iVdraw a perpendicular NB to OY, and through B draw a line parallel to MK or OX. Introducing in this line a pair of balancing forces each equal to Xj, we have a couple acting on an ^^ q arm z^ in a plane parallel to XOZ, '^'"^y^ 27 and a single force X^ parallel to OX Y'^ in the plane XOY. The moment of this couple is X^z^, and its axis is along OY. Next transfer the force X^ from B to O, by introducing a pair of balancing forces in X' OX, one of which, with the force X^ in the line through B parallel to XX and the direction similar to OX, form a couple acting on an arm y^ . This couple, wKen y^ and X^ are both positive, tends to turn in the plane XOY from O Fto OX. Therefore by the rule, § 201, its axis must be drawn from O in the direction 0Z\ Hence its moment is to be reckoned as- X^y^. Besides this couple there remains a single force equal to X^, in the direction OX, through the point O. Similarly by successive steps transfer the forces Y^, Z^, T. 14 2IO ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. to the origin of co-ordinates. In this way six couples of transference are got, three tending to turn in one direction round the axes respec- tively, and three in the opposite direction; and three single forces at right angles to one another, acting at the point O. Thus for the force P^, at the point (^i, Ji, z^, we have as equivalent to it at the point O, three forces X^, Y^, Z^, and three couples; Zj^ -Y^z^\ moment of the couple round 0X\ (4) X^z^-Z^x^\ moment of the couple round OY \ (5) Y^x^-X^y^', moment of the couple round OZ. (6) All the forces may be brought in to the origin of co-ordinates in a similar way. 573. 2°. Otherwise: Let P be one of the forces acting in the line MT on a point Moi a rigid body. Let O be the origin of co-ordinates; OX, OY, OZ, three rectangular lines of re- ference. Join OMa-nd produce the line to S. From O draw OJV, cutting at right angles in the point JV, the line MT produced through Af. Let OJV be denoted by/, and the angle TMS by K. In a line through O parallel to MT (not shown in diagram) suppose introduced a pair of balancing forces each equal to P. We have thus a single force equal to P acting at O, and a couple, whose moment is Pj>, in the plane ONM. The direction cosines of this plane, or, which is the same thing, the direction cosines of a per- pendicular to it, that is, the axis of the couple are (§ 464), if we denote them by <^, Xj '/'> respectively, y z -n--m sm K z , X -I-- n r r r r sm K Now in the triangle ONM^ ON^ OMsm OMN, that is / = r sin k. STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 211 Hence, if we substitute / for its value in the three preceding equations, the expression for the direction cosines are reduced to (7) (8) p (9) To find the component couples round OX, O Y, OZ, multiply these direction cosines respectively by Fj>', whence we get Fp .f^=^F{7iy - mz), moment of couple round OX, ( i o) Fp .x-F{lz- 7tx), moment of couple round OY, (11) Fp.\^ — F {mx - ly)j moment of couple round OZ. (12) That this result is the same as that got by the other method will be evident, by considering that (equations i, 2, 3), Fl=X- Fm=.Y', Fn = Z. 574. When by either of the methods all the forces have been re- ferred to 6>, there is obtained a set of couples acting round OX, O Y, OZ; and a set of forces acting along OX, O Y, OZ. Find then the resultant moments of all the couples ; and the sums of all the forces : if L, M, N be the resultant moments round OX, O Y, OZ respectively, we have Z = (Z, y, - Y^ z,) + (4^, - F, z^) + &c. (13) M= (Xj z^ -Z^ x^ + (Xj z^ -Z2 x^ + &c. (14) N= ( y; X, -X,y,) +( y, x, -X,y,) + &c. (15) and if X, Y, Z be the resultant forces, X=X,+X, + X^ + 8zc. (i6> Y=Y,+ Y,+ Y, + &c. (17). Z=Z, + Z^+ Z^ + &LC. (18) 575. Finally, find the resultant of the three forces by the formulae of Chap. VI, and the resultant of the three couples by Prop. IV (§ 566). Thus, if /, m, n be the direction cosines of the resultant force i?, we have (§§ 463, 467) , X Y Z , . and if X, fi, v be the direction cosines of the axis of the resultant couple, we have (§ 566) ^ L M N . . X=g; /x = ^; v=^. (20) 14—2 2 1 2 ABSTRA CT D YNAMICS. 676. Conditions of Equilibrium. The conditions of equilibrium of three forces at right angles to one another have been already stated in § 470; and the conditions for three rectangular couples in § 567. If a body be acted on by three forces and three couples simul- taneously, all the conditions applicable when they act separately, must also be satisfied when they act conjointly, since a force cannot balance a couple. Six Equations of Equilibrium therefore are necessary and sufficient for a rigid body acted on by any number of forces. These are /*! cos a^ + P^ cos a^ + &c. = o, P^ cos ft + P^ cos ft + &c. = o, P^ cos y^ + P^ cos 72 + &c. = o, G^ cos 4 + G^ cos ^3 + &c. = o, G^ cos T7i + G^ cos 772 + &c. = o, G^ cos ^1 + G^ cos ^a + &c. = o. 577. If the line of the resultant found by § 575, is perpendicular to the plane of the couple, that is, if X = /, iL-m^ v=n; X=Y = z^ (21) the system cannot be reduced to another with a force and a smaller couple, and in this case the line found for the resultant force is the central axis of the system. 578. If, on the other hand, the plane of the couple is parallel to the line of the force, or the axis of the couple perpendicular to the line of the force, that is, if /A. + mix + nv = Oj or ZX + My+JVZ=o, (22) the force and couple may (§ 568) be reduced to one force : and this G force is parallel to the former, at a distance from it equal to -^ , in the plane of it and the couple. Thus, X(7 being the foot of the perpendicular from the origin on the line of action of the resultant force, 0(7 wiW be perpendicular to the Hne of the resultant force, and to the axis of the resultant couple, and therefore its direction cosines are (§464, ^); mv — /I IX, nX — Ivj //x - m\, (23) each of which will be positive when O' lies within the solid angle Q edged by OX^ OY, OZ. Hence, remembering that 00' = -^^ and using the expressions (19) and (20), we find for the co-ordinates of (7 YN-ZM ZL-XN XM-YL 7?' ' ^» ' R^ (24) STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 213 and we thus complete the specification of the single force to which the system is reduced when (22) holds. 679. If the line of the force is inclined at any angle to the plane of the couple, the resultant system can be further reduced by § 569, to a smaller couple and a force in a determinate line, the * central axis.' This couple is G cos 6, and according to the notation, may be thus expressed by § 464, (7), if we substitute the values given in (19) and (20), . XL+YM+ZN , . Gcose = . (25) The other component couple, G sin 9, lies in the same plane as R, and with it may be reduced by §568 to one force, which will be parallel to R, that is, in the direction (/, m, n)^ at a distance from it equal to — ^ — . Hence the direction cosines of 00' will be mv — n\k n\ — lv l}x. — m\ , r\ sin (9 ' sin^ ' sin ^ * ' ^ ' Substituting in each of these for /, X, &c., their respective values, and multiplying each member by — ^ — , we have for the co-ordinates of the point 6>', as in § 578, YN-ZM ZL-XN XM-YL . . R' ' R' ' R' ' ^^'^ A single force, R, through the point thus specified in the direction (/, My n)j with a couple in a plane perpendicular to it, and having . XL + YM+ZN R for its moment, is consequently the system oi force along central axis and mifitmum couple, to which the given set of forces is determinately reducible by Poinsot's beautiful method. 580. The position of the central axis may be determined other- wise j thus, instead of in the first place bringing the forces to O, bring them to any point T, of which let (x, y, z) be the co-ordinates. Then instead of Y^z^+Y^z^ + ^c, which we had before (§ 574), we have now Y,{z,-z)+Y,{z,-z) + &ic., or Y^ z^ + Y^z^ -f &c. - ( y; + Fa -f- &c.) z, and so for the others. Then for the moments of the couples of trans- ference we have a = Z -{Zy-Yz\ 0i = M-(Xz-Zx), M = N-(Yx^Xy). Now, let T be chosen, if possible, so as to make the resultant 214 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. eouple lie in a plane perpendicular to it. The condition to be ful- filled in this case is X Y Z' which, when for 3£, &c., we substitute their values, becomes, L-{Zy-Yz) _ M-{Xz -Zx) _ N-(Yx-Xy) X ~ Y ~ Z ' which is the equation of the central axis of the system. To show that O', the point determined in §§ 578, 579, is in the central axis thus found ; we have, substituting for ^, y, z, the values given in (24), Z {ZL - XN) + Y (XM- YL ) 1 =^- Reducing, and remarking that LR'-LY'-LZ' = LX\ we find that the first member becomes X and is therefore equal to each of the two others. Thus is verified the comparison of the two methods. 581. In one respect, this reduction of a system of forces to a couple, and a force perpendicular to its plane, is the best and simplest, especially in having the advantage of being determinate, and it gives very clear and useful conceptions regarding the effect of force on a rigid body. The system may, however, be farther reduced to two equal forces acting symmetrically on the rigid body, but whose po- sition is indeterminate. Thus, supposing the central axis of the system has been found, draw a line AA', at right angles through any point C in it, so that CA may be equal to CA\ For R, acting along the central axis, substitute \R at each end of A A'. Thus, choosing this line A A' as the arm of the couple, and calling it a, we have at each extremity of it two forces, — perpendicular to the central axis, and ^R parallel to the central axis. Compounding these, we get two forces, each equal to (\R^-\--y) , through A and A' re- spectively, perpendicular to AA\ and equally inclined at the angle tan~^ — p on the two sides of the plane through A A' and the central axis. 582. It is obvious, from the formulae of § 195, that if masses pro- portional to the forces be placed at the several points of application of these forces, the centre of inertia of these masses will be the same STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 215. point in the body as the centre of parallel forces. Hence the re- actions of the different parts of a rigid body against acceleration in parallel lines are rigorously reducible to one force, acting at the centre of inertia. The same is true approximately of the action of gravity on a rigid body of small dimensions relatively to the earth, and hence the centre of inertia is sometimes (§ 195) called the Centre of Gravity. But, except on a centrobaric body (§ 543), gravity is not in general reducible to a single force : and when it is so, this force does not pass through a point fixed relatively to the body in all positions. 583. The resultant of a system of parallel forces is not a single force when the algebraic sum of the given forces vanishes. In this case the resultant is a couple whose plane is parallel to the common direction of the forces. A good example of this is furnished by a magnetized mass, of steel, of moderate dimensions, subject to the influence of the earth's magnetism only. As will be shown later, the amounts of the so-called north and south magnetisms in each element of the mass are equal, and are therefore subject to equal and opposite forces, all parallel to the line of dip. Thus a compass-needle expe- riences from the earth's magnetism merely a couple or directive action, and is not attracted or repelled as a whole. 584. If three forces, acting on a rigid body, produce equilibrium, their directions must lie in one plane ; and must all meet in one point, or be parallel. For the proof, we may introduce a consideration which will be very useful to us in investigations connected with the statics of flexible bodies and fluids. If ajiy forces^ acting on a solid or fluid body, produce equilibrium, we may suppose any portions of the body to becoffie fixed, or rigid, or rigid aftd fixed, without destroying the equilibrium. Applying this principle to the case above, suppose any two points of the body, respectively in the lines of action of two of the forces, to be fixed — the third force must have no moment along the line joining these points; that is, its direction must pass through the line joining them. As any two points in the lines of action may be taken, it follows that the three forces are coplanar. And three forces in one plane cannot equilibrate, unless their- directions are parallel or pass through a point. 585. It is easy and useful to consider various cases of equilibrium when no forces act on a rigid body but gravity and the pressures, normal or tangential, between it and fixed supports. Thus, if one given point only of the body be fixed, it is evident that the centre of gravity must be in the vertical line through this point — else the weight and the reaction of the support would form an unbalanced couple. Also for stable equilibrium the centre of gravity must be below the point of suspension. Thus a body of any form may be made to stand in stable equilibrium on the point of a needle if we rigidly attach to it such a mass as to cause the joint centre of gravity to be below the point of the needle. 2l6 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. 586. An interesting case of equilibrium is suggested by what are called Rocking Stones, where, whether by natural or by artificial pro- cesses, the lower surface of a loose mass of rock is worn into a convex form which may be approximately spherical, while the bed of rock on which it rests in equilibrium is, whether convex or concave, also ap- proximately spherical, if not plane. A loaded sphere resting on a spherical surface is therefore a type of such cases. Let O, O' be the centres of curvature of the fixed and rocking bodies respectively, when in the position of equilibrium. Take any two infinitely small equal arcs FQ, Pp ; and at Q make the angle O'QR equal to FOp. When, by displacement, Q and p become the points in contact, QR will evidently be vertical ; and, if the centre of gravity G, which must be in OPO' when the movable body is in its position of equilibrium, be to the left of QR, the equilibrium will obviously be stable. Hence, if it be below i?, the equilibrium is stable, and not unless. Now if p and o- be the radii of curvature OF, O' P of the two surfaces, and 6 the angle POp, the angle f\ QO'R will be equal to — ; and we have in the triangle (?<^'^(§ii9) Hence i?6>':cr::sin^:sin('^-f-^^ : : o- : cr + p (approximately). PR = is /* times the pressure on the rod, and acts in the direction DB. CaUing CAD = 0^ in this case, our three equations become B^ + IxS^smO^- S^cosO^ =o, (ii) IV-fXjR^ — Si sin 0^ - fxS^ cos ^^ = o, (21) S.d-Wasm'e^ =0. (3i) The directions of both the friction-forces passing through A, neither appears in (31). This is why A is preferable to any other point about which to take moments. By eliminating B^ and S^ from these equations we get I - - sm^ 0^ = fJL - sin^ 6^ {2 cosO^-fx sin ^1), (4 ) from which 0^ is to be found. Then S^ is known from (31), and B^ from either of the others. If the end A be raised above the position of equilibrium without friction, the tendency is for the rod to fall outside the rail ; more and more friction will be called into play, till the position of the rod (^2) is such that the friction reaches its greatest value, /x times the pressure. We may thus find another limiting "position for stability; and between these the rod is in equilibrium in any position. It is useful to observe that in this second case the direction of each friction is the opposite to that in the former, and the same equations will serve for both if we adopt the analytical artifice of changing the sign of [J.. Thus for 0^, by (41), I -Tsin^^2 = fjL T sin^^2 (2 cos O^ + fi sin 6^. M Ex. IV. A rectangular block lies on a rough horizontal plane, and is acted on by a horizontal force whose line of action is midway be- tween two of the ver- tical sides. Find the magnitude of the force when just sufficient to produce motion, and whether the motion will be of the nature of slid- ing or overturning. If the force B tends to overturn the body, it is evident that it will turn about the edge A, and therefore the pressure, B^ of the plane and the friction, 5, act at that edge. Our statical condi- tions are, of course B= JV S=B Wb = Ba where b is half the length of the solid, and a the distance of P from the plane. From these we have 5= - W. a c \ D A P G \ t , ( A STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 221 Now ^S* cannot exceed ijlR, whence we must not have - greater than /A, if it is to be possible to upset the body by a horizontal force in the line given for F. . A simple geometrical construction enables us to solve this and similar problems, and will be seen at once to be merely a graphic representa- tion of the above process. Thus if we produce the directions of the applied force, and of the weight, to meet in ZT, and make at A the angle BAK whose co-tangent is the co-efficient of friction : there will be a tendency to upset, or not, according as ZTis above, or below, AK. Ex. V. A mass, such as a gate, is supported by two rings, A and B, which pass loosely round a rough vertical post. In equilibrium, it is ob- vious that at A the part of the ring nearest the mass, and at B the farthest from it, will be in contact with the post. The pressures exerted on the rings, R and 6", will evidently have the directions AC^ CB, indicated in the diagram. If no other force besides gravity act on the mass, the line of action of its weight, IV, must pass through the point C (§ 584). And it is obvious that, however small be the co-efficient of friction, provided there be friction at all, equilibrium is always possible if the distance of the centre of gravity from the post be great enough compared with the distance between the rings. When the mass is just about to slide down, the full amount of friction is called into play, and the angles which R and .S make with the horizon are each equal to the angle of repose. If we draw A C, BC according to this condition, then for equilibrium the centre of gravity G must not lie between the post and the vertical line through the point C thus determined. If, as in the figure, G lies in the ver- tical line through C, then a force applied upwards at Q^, or down- wards at Q^, will remove the tendency to fall; but a force applied upwards at Q^, or downwards at Q^, will produce sliding at once. A similar investigation is easily applied to the jamming of a sliding piece or drawer, and to the determination of the proper point of appli- cation of a force to move it. This we leave to the student. As an illustration of the use of friction, let us consider a cord wound round a rough cylinder, and on the point of sHding. Neglecting the weight of the cord, which is small in practice com- pared with the other forces; and con- sidering a small portion AB of the cord, such that the tangents at its extremities include a very small angle 6] let T' be the tension at one end, 22 2 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. T' at the other, p the pressure of the rope on the cylinder per unit of length. Then/.^^ = 2rsin -= 2"^ approximately. Also \y.p.AB= T - T when the rope is just about to slip, i.e. fx,Te=r-T, or r={i+fie)T. Hence, for equal small deflections, 0, of the rope, the tension increases in the geometrical ratio (i + fx6) : i ; and thus by a common theorem (compound interest payable every instant) we have T= £'**7^, if T, T^ be the tensions at the ends of a cord wrapped on a cylinder, when the external angle between the directions of the free [ends is a. [c is the base of Napier's Logarithms.] We thus obtain the singular result, that the dimensions of the cylinder have no influence on the increase of tension by friction, provided the cord is perfectly flexible. 593. Having thus briefly considered the equilibrium of a rigid body, we propose, before entering upon the subject of deformation of elastic solids, to consider certain intermediate cases, in each of which a particular assumption is made the basis of the investiga- tion — thereby avoiding a very considerable amount of analytical difficulties. 594. Very excellent examples of this kind are furnished by the statics of a flexible and inextensible cord or chain, fixed at both ends, and subject to the action of any forces. The curve in which the chain hangs in any case may be called a Catenary, although the term is usually restricted to the case of a uniform chain acted on by gravity only. 595. We may consider separately the conditions of equilibrium of each element; or we may apply the general condition (§ 257) that the whole potential energy is a minimum, in the case of any conservative system of forces; or, especially when gravity is the only external force, we may consider the equilibrium of a 7f;2// other. The twelve tangential com- ponents that remain constitute three pairs of couples having their axes . , in the direction of the three edges, I i ..-Y each of which must separately be in T equilibrium. The diagram shows Q the pair of equilibrating couples having OV for axis; from the con- sideration of which we infer that the 1 Canibrixigc and Dublin Mathematical Journal y 1850. 238 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS, forces on the faces {zy)^ parallel to OZ, are equal to the forces on the faces {yx)^ parallel to OX. Similarly, we see that the forces on the faces {yx)^ parallel to OY, are equal to those on the faces (jcs), parallel to OZ) and that the forces on {xz), parallel to OX^ are equal to those on {zy), parallel to OY. 633. Thus, any three rectangular planes of reference being chosen, we may take six elements thus, to specify a stress : T', Q, ^ the normal components of the forces on these planes; and S, T, U the tangential components, respectively perpendicular to OX, of the forces on the two planes meeting in OX, perpendicular to OY, of the forces on the planes meeting in 6^ 1^ and perpendicular to OZ, of the forces on the planes meeting in OZ; each of the six forces being reckoned, per unit of area. A normal component will be reckoned as positive when it is a traction tending to separate the portions of matter on the two sides of its plane. P, Q, R are sometimes called simple longitudinal stresses, and »S, T, U simple shearing stresses. From these data, to find in the manner explained in § 631, the force on any plane, specified by /, m, 71, the direction-cosines of its normal ; let such a plane cut OX, OY, OZ in the three points X, Y, Z. Then, if the area XYZ be denoted for a moment by A, the areas YOZ, ZOX, XO Y, being its projections on the three rec- tangular planes, will be respectively equal to Al, Am, An. Hence, for the equilibrium of the tetrahedron of matter bounded by those four triangles, we have, if F, G, H denote the components of the force experienced by the first of them, XYZ, per unit of its area, F.A =P.lA-v U. mA + T.nA, and the two symmetrical equations for the components parallel to 6>Fand OZ. Hence, dividing by A, we conclude F = Fl + Um-hTn] G=Ul+Q?n + Sn\. (i) Fr= Tl + Sm + Rn\ These expressions stand in the well-known relation to the ellipsoid Px" + (2/ + i?^' + 2 {Syz + Tzx + Uxy) = i, (2) according to which, if we take X = lr, y = mr, z = nr, and if X, /x, v denote the direction-cosines and p the length of the perpendicular from the centre to the tangent plane at {x, y, z) of the ellipsoidal surface, we have ^-Jr^ ^-Jr^ ^=Jr' We conclude that 634. For any fully specified state of stress in a solid, a quadratic surface may always be determined, which shall represent the stress graphically in the following manner : — To find the direction and the amount per unit area, of the force STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 239 acting across any plane in the solid, draw a line perpendicular to this plane from the centre of the quadratic to its surface. The required force will be equal to the reciprocal of the product of the length of this line into the perpendicular from the centre to the tangent plane at the point of intersection, and will be perpendicular to the latter plane. 635. From this it follows that for any stress whatever there are three determinate planes at right angles to one another such that the force acting in the solid across each of them is precisely perpendicular to it. These planes are called the principal or normal planes of the stress; the forces upon them, per unit area, — its principal or normal tractions; and the Hues perpendicular to them, — its principal or normal axes, or simply its axes. The three principal semi-diameters of the quadratic surface are equal to the reciprocals of the square roots of the normal tractions. If, however, in any case each of the three normal tractions is negative, it will be convenient to reckon them rather as positive pressures; the reciprocals of the square roots of which will be the semi-axes of a real stress-ellipsoid representing the distribution of force in the manner explained above, with pressure substituted throughout for traction. 636. When the three normal tractions are all of one sign, the stress-quadratic is an ellipsoid; the cases of an ellipsoid of revolution and a sphere being included, as those in which two, or all three, are equal. When one of the three is negative and the two others posi- tive, the surface is a hyperboloid of one sheet. When one of the normal tractions is positive and the two others negative, the surface is a hyperboloid of two sheets. 637. When one of the three principal tractions vanishes, while the other two are finite, the stress-quadratic becomes a cylinder, circular, elliptic, or hyperbolic, according as the other two are equal, unequal of one sign, or of contrary signs. When two of the three vanish, the quadratic becomes two planes; and the stress in this case is (§ ^Z2)) called a simple longitudinal stress. The theory of prin- cipal planes, and normal tractions just stated (§ 635), is then equiva- lent to saying that any stress whatever may be regarded as made up of three simple longitudinal stresses in three rectangular directions. The geometrical interpretations are obvious in all these cases. 638. The composition of stresses is of course to be effected by adding the component tractions thus: — If (F^, Q^, F^, S^, T^, U^), (F^j (2^, F^, S^, 7;, U^), etc., denote, according to § 633, any given set of stresses acting simultaneously in a substance, their joint effect is the same as that of a simple resultant stress of which the specifica- tion in corresponding terms is (IF, 2(2, '^F, 2^, 27", 26^. 639. Each of the statements that have now been made (§§ 630, 638) regarding stresses, is applicable to i7ifinitely small strains, if for traction perpendicular to any plane, reckoned per unit of its area, we substitute elongation, in the lines of the traction, reckoned per unit of length; and for half the tangential traction parallel to any 240 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. direction, shear in the same direction, reckoned in the manner ex- plained in § 154. The student will find it a useful exercise to study in detail this transference of each one of those statements, and to justify it by modifying in the proper manner the results of §§ 150, 151, 152, 153, i54» 161, to adapt them to infinitely small strains. It must be remarked that the strain-quadratic thus formed according to the rule of § 634, which may have any of the varieties of character mentioned in §§ 6t^(), 637, is not the same as the strain-ellipsoid of § 141, which is always essentially an ellipsoid, and which, for an in- finitely small strain, differs infinitely little from a sphere. The comparison of § 151, with the result of § 632 regarding tan- gential tractions is particularly interesting and important. 640. The following tabular synopsis of the meaning of the elements constituting the corresponding rectangular specifications of a strain and stress explained in preceding sections, will be found convenient : — co^r Strain. )onents the stress. € f P Q a s b T Planes; of which relative motion, or across which force is reckoned. Direction of relative motion or of force. yz zx xy X y z (yx \zx y z (zy [xy z X (xz X \yz y u 641. If a unit cube of matter under any stress {P^ Q, P, S, T, U) experience the infinitely small simple longitudinal strain e alone, the work done on it will be Fe; since, of the component forces, F, U, T parallel to OX^ U and T do no work in virtue of this strain. Simi- larly, (2/, Fg are the works done if, the same stress acting, the simple longitudinal strains f ox g are experienced, either alone. Again, if the cube experiences a simple shear, a, whether we regard it (§ 151) as a differential sliding of the planes yx, parallel to y, or of the planes zx, parallel to z, we see that the work done is Sa: and similarly, Tb if the strain is simply a shear b, parallel to OZ, of planes zy, or parallel to OX, of planes xy. and Uc if the strain is a shear c, parallel to OX, of planes xz, or parallel to OY, of planes yz. Hence the whole work done by the stress {F, Q, F, S, T, U') on a, unit cube taking the strain (e, f, g, a, b, c), is Fe+ Q/+ Fg+Sa + Tb + Uc. (3) It is to be remarked that, inasmuch as the action called a stress is a system of forces which balance one another if the portion of matter experiencing it is rigid, it cannot do any work when the STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 241 matter moves in any way without change of shape : and therefore no amount of translation or rotation of the cube taking place along with the strain can render the amount of work done different from that just found. If the side of the cube be of any length/, instead of unity, each force will be /^ times, and each relative displacement/ times, and, therefore, the work done p^ times the respective amounts reckoned above. Hence a body of any shape, and of cubic content C, sub- jected throughout to a uniform stress (P, Q, F, S, T, U) while taking uniformly throughout a strain {e,f,g, a, b, c), experiences an amount of work equal to {Fe+ Q/+ Fg-hSa+n+ Uc)C. (4) It is to be remarked that this is necessarily equal to the work done on the bounding surface of the body by forces applied to it from without. For the work done on any portion of matter within the body is simply that done on its surface by the matter touching it all round, as no force acts at a distance from without on the interior substance. Hence if we imagine the whole body divided into any number of parts, each of any shape, the sum of the work done on all these parts is, by the disappearance of equal positive and negative terms expressing the portions of the work done on each part by the contiguous parts on all its sides, and spent by these other parts in this action, reduced to the integral amount of work done by force from without applied all round the outer surface. 642. If, now, we suppose the body to yield to a stress {P, Q, F^ S, T, U), and to oppose this stress only with its innate resistance to change of shape, the differential equation of work done will [by (4) with de, dfy etc., substituted for ^,/, etc.] be dw = Fde + Qdf+ Fdg + Sda + Tdb + Udc. (5) If w denote the whole amount of work done per unit of volume in any part of the body while the substance in this part experiences a strain (f,/, g, a, b, c) from some initial state regarded as a state of no strain. This equation, as we shall see later, under Properties of Matter, expresses the work done in a natural fluid, by distorting stress (or difference of pressure indifferent directions) working against its innate viscosity; and w is then, according to Joule's discovery, the dynamic value of the heat generated in the process. The equa- tion may also be applied to express the work done in straining an imperfectly elastic sohd, or an elastic solid of which the temperature varies during the process. In all such applications the stress will depend partly on the speed of the straining motion, or on the varying temperature, and not at all, or not solely, on the state of strain at any moment, and the system will not be dynamically conservative. 643. Definition. — A perfectly elastic body is a body which, when brought to any one state of strain, requires at all times the same stress to hold it in this state; however long it be kept strained, or however rapidly its state be altered from any other strain, or from no strain, to the strain in question. Here, according to our plan T. 16 242 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. (§§ 396) 4°^) ^or Abstract Dynamics, we ignore variation of tempera- ture in the body. If, however, we add a condition of absolutely no variation of temperature, or of recurrence to one specified temperature after changes of strain, we have a definition of that property of perfect elasticity towards which highly elastic bodies in nature approximate; and which is rigorously fulfilled by all fluids, and may be so by some real soHds, as homogeneous crystals. But inasmuch as the elastic reaction of every kind of body against strain varies with varying temperature, and (a thermodynamic consequence of this, as we shall see later) any increase or diminution of strain in an elastic body is necessarily* accompanied by a change of temperature; even a per- fectly elastic body could not, in passing through different strains, act as a rigorously conservative system, but on the contrary, must give rise to dissipation of energy in consequence of the conduction or radiation of heat induced by these changes of temperature. But by making the changes of strain quickly enough to prevent any sensible equilization of temperature by conduction or radiation (as, for- instance, Stokes has shown, is done in sound of musical notes travelling through air); or by making them slowly enough to allow the temperature to be maintained sensibly constant' by proper appliances; any highly elastic, or perfectly elastic body in nature may be got to act very nearly as a conservative system. 644. In nature, therefore, the integral amount, w, of work defined as above, is for a perfectly elastic body, independent (§ 246) of the series of configurations, or states of strain, through which it may have been brought from the first to the second of the specified conditions, provided it has not been allowed to change sensibly in temperature during the process. When the whole amount of strain is infinitely small, and the stress- components are therefore all altered in the same ratio as the strain- components if these are altered all in any one ratio; w must be a homogeneous quadratic function of the six variables e, f, g, a, b, «f, which, if we denote by {e, e), {/,/).,. (e,/). . . constants depending on the quality of the substance and on the directions chosen for the axes of co-ordinates, we may write as follows : — W = U{e, e)^ + {/J)f ■^{g,g) g' + {a,a)a' + (3,b) d'+ (Cc)^ + 2 (e,/) e/+ 2 {e,g) eg +2 {e,a)ea+2{e,b)eb+2 (e^ c)ec + 2 {f,g)fg^ 2 {f,a)fa + 2 {/,b)/b + 2 (/ c)/c + 2(g,a)ga + 2 (g, b)gb + 2 (g, c)gc + 2 [a, b)ab + 2 (a^c) ac + 2 {b^c)bc\ The 21 co-efficients (^, ^), (/,/)... (<^, ^ + 1^«) ^, in the direction of the given*] strain, and I normal traction = (^-f/2) 268 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. If the applied forces belong to a conservative system, for which V and V are the values of the potential at the ends of the column, we have (§ 504) r-V=-lFp, where p is the density of the fluid. This gives p'-t=-p{V-V), or dp= -pdV. Hence in the case of gravity as the only impressed force the rate of increase of pressure per unit of depth in the fluid is p, in gravitation measure (usually employed in hydrostatics). In kinetic or absolute measure (§ 189) it is gp. If the fluid be a gas, such as air, and be kept at a constant tem- perature, we have p = ^, where c denotes a constant, the reciprocal of H^ the 'height of the homogeneous atmosphere,* defined (§ 695) below. Hence, in a calm atmosphere of uniform temperature we have and from this, by integration, where p^ is the pressure at any particular level (the sea-level, for instance) where we choose to reckon the potential as zero. When the differences of level considered are infinitely small in comparison with the earth's radius, as we may practically regard them, in measuring the heights of mountains, or of a balloon, by the baro- meter, the force of gravity is constant, and therefore differences of potential (force being reckoned in units of weight) are simply equal to diflerences of level. Hence if x denote height of the level of pressure/ above thatof/^, we have, in the preceding formulae, V=x, and therefore /=^„€--j that is, 695. If the air be at a constant temperature, the pressure diminishes in geometrical progression as the height increases in arithmetical progression. This theorem is due to Halley. Without formal mathematics we see the truth of it by remarking that dif- ferences of pressure are (§ 694) equal to differences of level multiplied by the density of the fluid, or by the proper mean density when the density differs sensibly between the two stations. But the density, when the temperature is constant, varies in simple proportion to the pressure, according to Boyle's law. Hence difl"erences of pres- sure between pairs of stations diff"ermg equally in level are pro- portional to the proper mean values of the whole pressure, which is the well-known compound interest law. The rate of diminution of pressure per unit of length upwards in proportion to the whole pressure at any point, is of course equal to the reciprocal of the height above that point that the atmosphere must have, if of constant density, to give that pressure by its weight. The height thus defined is commonly called 'the height of the homogeneous atmosphere,* a STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS 269 very convenient conventional expression. It is equal to the product of the volume occupied by the unit mass of the gas at any pressure into the value of tliat pressure reckoned per unit of area, in terms of the weight of the unit of mass. If we denote it by H^ the expo- nential expression of the law is which agrees with the final formula of § 694. The value of H for dry atmospheric air, at the freezing tem- perature, according to Regnault, is, in the latitude of Paris, 799,020 centimetres, or 26,215 feet. Being inversely as the force of gravity in different latitudes (§ 187), it is 798 533 centimetres, or 26,199 feet, in the latitude of Edinburgh and Glasgow. 696. It is both necessary and sufficient for the equilibrium of an incompressible fluid completely filling a rigid closed vessel, and influenced only by a conservative system of forces, that its density be uniform over every equipotential surface, that is to say, every surface cutting the lines of force at right angles. If, however, the boundary, or any part of the boundary, of the fluid mass considered, be not rigid ; whether it be of flexible solid matter (as a membrane, or a thin sheet of elastic solid), or whether it be a mere geometrical boundary, on the other side of which there is another fluid, or 7iothing [a case which, without believing in vacuum as a reality, we may admit in abstract dynamics (§ 391)], a farther condition is necessary to secure that the pressure from without shall fulfil the hydrostatic equation at every point of the boundary. In the case of a bounding membrane, this condition must be fulfilled either through pressure artificially applied from without, or through the interior elastic forces of the matter of the membrane. In the case of another fluid of different density touching it on the other side of the boundary, all round or over some part of it, with no separating membrane, the condition of equilibrium of a heterogeneous fluid is to be fulfilled relatively to the whole fluid mass made up of the two; which shows that at the boundary the pressure must be constant and equal to that of the fluid on the other side. Thus water, oil, mercury, or any other liquid, in an open vessel, with its free surface exposed to the air, requires for equilibrium simply that this surface be level. 697. Recurring to the consideration of a finite mass of fluid completely filling a rigid closed vessel, we see, from what precedes, that, if homogeneous and incompressible, it cannot be disturbed from equilibrium by any conservative system of forces; but we do not require the analytical investigation to prove this, as we should have 'the perpetual motion' if it were denied, which would violate the hypothesis that the system of forces is conservative. On the other hand, a non-conservative system of forces cannot, under any circum- stances, equilibrate a fluid which is either uniform in density through- out, or of homogeneous substance, rendered heterogeneous in density only through difference of pressure. But if the forces, though not 270 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. conservative, be such that through every point of the space occupied by the fluid a surface may be drawn which shall cut at right angles all the lines of force it meets, a heterogeneous fluid will rest in equilibrium under their influence, provided (§ 692) its density, from point to point of every one of these orthogonal surfaces, varies in- versely as the product of the resultant force into the thickness of the infinitely thin layer of space between that surface and another of the orthogonal surfaces infinitely near it on either side. (Compare § 506). 698. If we imagine all the fluid to become rigid except an infinitely thin closed tubular portion lying in a surface of equal density, and if the fluid in this tubular circuit be moved any length along the tube and left at rest, it will remain in equilibrium in the new position, all positions of it in the tube being indifferent because of its homo- geneousness. Hence the work (positive or negative) done by the force {X, V, Z) on any portion of the fluid in any displacement along the tube is balanced by the work (negative or positive) done on the remainder of the fluid in the tube. Hence a single particle, acted on only by X, K, Z, while moving round the circuit, that is moving along any closed curve on a surface of equal density, has, at the end of one complete circuit, done just as much work against the force in some parts of its course, as the forces have done on it in the re- mainder of the circuit. 699. The following imaginary example, and its realization in a subsequent section (§ 701), show a curiously interesting practical application of the theory of fluid equilibrium under extraordinary circumstances, generally regarded as a merely abstract analytical tlieory, practically useless and quite unnatural, 'because forces in nature follow the conservative law.' 700. Let the lines of force be circles, with their centres all in one line, and their planes perpendicular to it. They are cut at right angles by planes through this axis ; and therefore a fluid may be in equilibrium under such a system of forces. The system will not be conservative if the intensity of the force be according to any other law than inverse proportionality to distance from this axial line; and the fluid, to be in equilibrium, must be heterogeneous, and be so dis- tributed as to vary in density from point to point of every plane through the axis, inversely as the product of the force into the distance from the axis. But from one such plane to another it may be either uniform in density, or may vary arbitrarily. To particularize farther, we may suppose the force to be in direct simple proportion to the distance from the axis. Then the fluid will be in equilibrium if its density varies from point to point of every plane through the axis, inversely as the square of that distance. If we still farther particularize by making the force uniform all round each circular line of force, the distribution of force becomes precisely that of the kinetic reactions of the parts of a rigid body against accelerated rotation. The fluid pressure will (§ 691) be equal over each plane through the STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 271 axis. And in one such plane, which we may imagine carried round the axis in the direction of the force, the fluid pressure will increase in simple proportion to the angle at a rate per unit angle (§55) equal to the product of the density at unit distance into the force at unit distance. Hence it must be remarked, that if any closed line (or circuit) can be drawn round the axis, without leaving the fluid, there cannot be equilibrium without a firm partition cutting every such circuit, and maintaining the diflerence of pressures on the two sides of it, corre- sponding to the angle 2ir. Thus, if the axis pass through the fluid in any part, there must be a partition extending from this part of the axis continuously to the outer bounding surface of the fluid. Or if the bounding surface of the whole fluid be annular (like a hollow anchor-ring, or of any irregular shape), in other words, if the fluid fills a tubular circuit; and the axis (A) pass through the aperture of the ring (without passing into the fluid); there must be a firm partition (CD) extending somewhere continuously across the channel, or passage, or tube, to stop the circulation of the fluid round it; otherwise there could not be equilibrium with the supposed forces in action. If we further suppose the density of the fluid to be uniform round each of the circular lines of force in the system we have so far considered (so that the density shall be equal over every circular cylinder having the line of their centres for its axis, and shall vary from one such cylindrical surface to another, inversely as the squares of their radii), we may, without disturbing the equiHbrium, impose any conservative system of force in lines perpendicular to the axis; that is (§ 506), any system of force in this direction, with intensity varying as some function of the distance. If this function be the simple distance, the superimposed system of force agrees precisely with the reactions against curvature, that is to say, the centrifugal forces, of the parts of a rotating rigid body. 701. Thus we arrive at the remarkable conclusion, that if a rigid closed box be completely filled with incompressible heterogeneous fluid, of density varying inversely as the square of the distance from a certain line, and if the box be movable round this line as a fixed axis, and be urged in any way by forces applied to its outside, the fluid will remain in equilibrium relatively to the box; that is to say, will move round with the box as if the whole were one rigid body, and will come to rest with the box if the box be brought again to rest: provided always the preceding condition as to partitions be fulfilled if the axis pass through the fluid, or be surrounded by continuous lines of fluid. For, in starting from rest, if the fluid moves like a rigid solid, we have reactions against acceleration, tangential to the circles of motion, and equal in amount to wr per unit of mass of the fluid at distance r from the axis, w being the rate 272 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. of acceleration (§ 57) of the angular velocity; and (see Vol. II.) we have, in the direction perpendicular to the axis outwards, reaction against curvature of path, that is to say, 'centrifugal force,' equal to o)V per unit of mass of the fluid. Hence the equilibrium which we have demonstrated in the preceding section, for the fluid supposed at rest, and arbitrarily influenced by two systems of force (the circular non-conservative and the radial conservative system) agreeing in law with these forces of kinetic reaction, proves for us now the D'Alem- bert (§ 230) equilibrium condition for the motion of the whole fluid as of a rigid body experiencing accelerated rotation: that is to say, shows that this kind of motion fulfils for the actual circumstances the laws of motion, and, therefore, that it is the motion actually taken by the fluid. 702. In § 688 we considered the resultant pressure on a plane surface, when the pressure is uniform. We may now consider (briefly) the resultant pressure on a plane area when the pressure varies from point to point, confining our attention to a case of great importance ;^that in which gravity is the only applied force, and the fluid is a nearly incompressible liquid such as water. In this case the determination of the position of the Centre of Pressure is very simple ; and the whole pressure is the same as if the plane area were turned about its centre of inertia into a horizonal position. The pressure at any point at a depth z in the liquid may be ex- pressed by where p is the (constant) density of the liquid, and /^ the (atmo- spheric) pressure at the free surface, reckoned in units of weight per unit of area. Let the axis of x be taken as the intersection of the plane of the immersed plate with the free surface of the liquid, and that of y perpendicular to it and in the plane of the plate. Let a be the inclination of the plate to the vertical. Let also A be the area of the portion of the plate considered, and x, y, the co-ordinates of its centre of inertia. Then the whole pressure is jjj^dxdy = // (/„ + py cos a) dxdy = Ap^ 4 ^p^ cos a. The moment of the pressure about the axis of Jt: is jjpydxdy = Ap^y + Ak^p cos a, k being the radius of gyration of the plane area about the axis of x. For the moment about y we have jjpxdxdy = Ap^x + p cos a jjxydxdy. The first terms of. these three expressions merely give us again the results of § 688; we may therefore omit them. This will be equi- valent to introducing a stratum of additional liquid above the free surface such as to produce an equivalent to the atmospheric pressure. STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 273 If the origin be now shifted to the upper surface of this stratum we have Pressure = Apy cos a, Moment about Ox = Ak^p cos a, Distance of centre of pressure from axis oi x = —. But if /', be the radius of gyration of the plane area about a horizontal axis in its plane, and passing through jts centre of inertia, we have Hence the distance, measured parallel to the axis of j, of the centre of pressure from the centre of inertia is and, as we might expect, diminishes as the plane area is more and more submerged. If the plane area be turned about the line through its centre of inertia parallel to the axis of x^ this distance varies as the cosine of its inclination to the vertical; supposing, of course, that by the rotation neither more nor less of the plane area is submerged. 703. A body, wholly 6t partially immersed in any fluid influenced by gravity, loses, through fluid pressure, in apparent weight an amount equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. For if the body were removed, and its place filled with fluid homogeneous with the sur- rounding fluid, there would be equilibrium, even if this fluid be sup- posed to become rigid. And the resultant of the fluid pressure upon it is therefore a single force equal to its weight, and in the vertical line through its centre of gravity. But the fluid pressure on the originally immersed body was the same all over as on the solidified portion of fluid by which for a moment we have imagined it replaced, and therefore must have the same resultant. This proposition is of great use in Hydrometry, the determination of specific gravity, etc., etc. 704. The following lemma, while in itself interesting, is of great use in enabling us to simplify the succeeding investigations regarding the stability of equilibrium of floating bodies : — Let a homogeneous solid, the weight of unit of volume of which we suppose to be unity, be cut by a horizontal plane in XYX'Y. Let O be the centre of inertia, 1 and let XX\ YY' be the principal 1' axes, of this area. Let there be a second plane section of the solid, through YY\ inclined to the first at an infinitely X'\ small angle, B. Then (i) the volumes of the two wedges cut from the solid by these sections are equal; (2) their centres of inertia lie in one plane perpen- 18 2 74 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. dicular X.o YY \ and (3) the moment of the weight of each of these, round YY^ is equal to the moment of inertia about it of the corre- sponding portion of the area multipHed by Q. Take OX^ (9 F as axes, and let Q be the angle of the wedge : the thickness of the wedge at any point P, (^, y)^ is Ox, and the volume of a right prismatic portion whose base is the elementary area dxdy at P is Bxdxdy. Now let [ ] and ( ) be employed to distinguish integrations extended over the portions of area to the right and left of the axis of j re- spectively, while integrals over the whole area have no such distin- guishing mark. Let v and v' be the volumes of the wedges ; (x, 7), (^', y') the co-ordinates of their centres of inertia. Then v-B\ ffxdxdy] -v' = 0{jjxdxdy), whence v-v' -0 jjxdxdy = o since O is the centre of inertia. Hence v = v', which is (i). Again, taking moments about XX' ^ vy = [ffxydxdy] , and — vy = 6 (ffxydxdy). Hence vy - v'y' = ffxydxdy. But for a principal axis '%xydm vanishes. Hence ly — v'y' -o^ whence, since v - v'^ we have y-y'-) which proves (2). And (3) is merely a statement in words of the obvious equation [ffx.xOdxdy] = 6 [ffx^.dxdy]. 705. If a positive amount of work is required to produce any possible infinitely small displacement of a body from a position of equilibrium, the equilibrium in this position is stable (§ 256). To apply this test to the case of a floating body, we may remark, first, that any possible infinitely small displacement may (§§ 30, 106) be conveniently regarded as compounded of two horizontal displacements in lines at right angles to one another, one vertical displacement, and three rotations round rectangular axes through any chosen point. If one of these axes be vertical, then three of the component displace- ments, viz. the two horizontal displacements and the rotation about the vertical axis, require no work (positive or negative), and therefore, so far as they are concerned, the equilibrium is essentially neutral. But so far as the other three modes of displacement are concerned, the equilibrium may be positively stable, or may be unstable, or may be neutral, according to the fulfilment of conditions which we now proceed to investigate. 706. If, first, a simple vertical displacement, downwards, let us suppose, be made, the work is done against an increasing resultant of upward fluid pressure, and is of course equal to the mean increase of this force multiplied by the whole space. If this space be denoted by z, the area of the plane of flotation by A, and the weight of unit bulk of the liquid by 7e>, the increased bulk of immersion is clearly Az, STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 275 and therefore the increase of the resultant of fluid pressure is wAz, and is in a Hne vertically upward through the centre of gravity of A. The mean force against which the work is done is therefore \7vAz, as this is a case in which work is done against a force increasing from zero in simple proportion to the space. Hence the work done is ^wAz^. We see, therefore, that so far as vertical displacements alone are concerned, the equilibrium is necessarily stable, unless the body is wholly immersed, when the area of the plane of flotation vanishes, and the equilibrium is neutral. 707. The lemma of § 704 suggests that we should take, as the two horizontal axes of rotation, the principal axes of the plane of flotation. Considering then rotation through an infinitely small angle 6 round one of these, let G and E be the displaced centres of gravity of the solid, and of the portion of its volume which was immersed when it was floating in equilibrium, and G', FJ the positions which they then had; all projected on the plane of the diagram which we suppose to be through / the centre of inertia of the plane of flotation. The resultant action of gravity on the displaced body is W, its weight, acting downwards through G\ and that of the fluid pressure on it is W upwards through E corrected by the amount (upwards) due to the additional immersion of the wedge AIA', and the amount (down- wards) due to the extruded wedge B'IB. Hence the whole action of 18—2 2 76 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. gravity and fluid pressure on the displaced body is the couple of forces up and down in verticals through G and E^ and the correction due to the wedges. This correction consists of a force vertically upwards through the centre of gravity of A' I A, and downwards through that of BIB'. These forces are equal [§ 704 (i)], and therefore constitute a couple which [704 (2)] has the axis of the displacement for its axis, and which [§ 704 (3)] has its moment equal to Qwk~A if A be the area of the plane of flotation, and k its radius of gyration (§ 235) round the principal axis in question. But since GE^ which was vertical {G'E') in the position of equilibrium, is incHned at the infinitely small angle 6 to the vertical in the displaced body, the couple of forces W in the verticals through G and E has for moment WhS, if h denote GE] and is in a plane perpendicular to the axis, and in the direction tending to increase the displacement, when G is above E. Hence the resultant action of gravity and fluid pressure on the displaced body is a couple whose moment is {wAk^ - Wh)e, or w {Ak^ - Vh)e, if V be the volume immersed. It follows that when Ak~> Vh the equilibrium is stable, so far as this displacement alone is concerned. Also, since the couple worked against in producing the displace- ment increases from zero in simple proportion to the angle of dis- placement, its mean value is half the above; and therefore the whole amount of work done is equal to Iw^Ak""- Vh)e\ 708. If now we consider a displacement compounded of a vertical (downwards) displacement z, and rotations through infinitely small angles 6, 6' round the two horizontal principal axes of the plane of flotation, we see (§§ 706, 70^) that the work required to produce it is equal to \7v [Az' + {Ak' - Vh) 0' + {Ak" -^ Vh) $"1 and we conclude that, for complete stability with reference to all pos- sible displacements of this kind, it is necessary and sufficient that ^ Ak' ^ Ak" n < -p.- , and < — ^- . 709. When the displacement is about any axis through the centre of inertia of the plane of flotation, the resultant of fluid pressures is equal to the weight of the body; but it is only when the axis is a principal axis of the plane of flotation that this resultant is in the plane of displacement. In such a case the point of intersection of the resultant with the Hne originally vertical, and through the centre of gravity of the body, is called the Metacenti'e. And it is obvious, from the above investigation, that for either of these planes of dis- placement the condition of stable equilibrium is that the metacentre shall be above the centre of gravity. 710. We shall conclude with the consideration of one case of the STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 277 equilibrium of a revolving mass of fluid subject only to the gravitation of its parts, which admits of a very simple synthetical solution, without any restriction to approximate sphericity; and for which the following remarkable theorem was discovered by Newton and Maclaurin : — 711. An oblate ellipsoid of revolution, of any given eccentricity, is a figure of equilibrium of a mass of homogeneous incompressible fluid, rotating about an axis with determinate angular velocity, and subject to no forces but those of gravitation among its parts. The angular velocity for a given eccentricity is independent of the bulk of the fluid, and proportional to the square root of its density. 712. The proof of this proposition is easily obtained from the results already deduced with respect to the attraction of an ellipsoid and the properties of the free surface of a fluid. We know, §538, that li AFB he. a meridian section of a homo- geneous oblate spheroid, A C the polar axis, CF an equatorial radius, and /'any point on the surface, the attraction of the spheroid may be resolved into two parts; one, Fp, perpendicular to the polar axis, and vary- ing as the ordinate FM; the other, Fs, parallel to the polar axis, and vary- ing as FN. These com- ponents are not equal when MF and FN are equal, else the resultant attraction at all points in the surface would pass through C; whereas we know that it is in some such direction as Ff, cutting the radius BC between B and C, but at a point nearer to C than n the foot of the normal at F. Let then Fp=^a.FM, and Fs = p.FN, where a and ^ are known constants, depending merely on the density (p), and eccentricity (^), of the spheroid. Also, we know by geometry that Nn = (t - /) CN. Hence; to find the magnitude of a force Fq perpendicular to the axis of the spheroid, which, when compounded with the attraction, will bring the resultant force into the normal Fn : make pr = Fq, and we must have PFp Fr _ Nn Fs ~ FN = (i O aFs Hence Fr e^)^Fp, 2)8 ABSTRACT DYNAMICS. Pp-Pq = (^-e)^^Pp, or ^^ = {i-(i-^)f}^/ Now if the spheroid were to rotate with angular velocity i-e- = I + e' \ (') or g = — . = tan (sin V), | n/i-^ J the expression (i) for w^ is much simplified, and When e, and therefore also c, is small, this formula is most easily calculated from ^^ = A^'-A'' + etc. (4) of which the first term is sufficient when we deal with spheroids so little oblate as the earth. The following table has been calculated by means of these simpli- fied formulae. The last figure in each of the four last columns is given to the nearest unit. The two last columns will be explained a few sections later : — STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 279 e. i I 1 — when = 3-68x10"'^. (i+e--^)^*^'. j 1 e 2'irp' w '^ ^ lirp O'l 9'95o 0-0027 79,966 0*0027 •2 1 4-899 1 •OTO7 39»397 •Olio •3 3-180 •0243 26,495 •0258 •4 2-291 •0436 19,780 •0490 •5 1-732 •0690 15.730 •0836 •6 i'333 •1007 13,022 •1356 •7 1-020 •1387 11,096 •2172 •8 0-750 •1816 9,697 •3588 •9 •4843 •2203 . 8,804 •6665 •91 •4556 •2225 8,759 •7198 •92 •4260 •2241 8,729 •7813 •93 •3952 •2247 8,718 •8533 •94 •3629 •2239 8,732 •9393 •95 •3287 •2213 8,783 I -045 1 -96 •2917 •2160 8,891 1-179 •97 •2506 •2063 9,098 i'359 •98 •2030 •1890 9,504 1-627 •99 •1425 '1551 10,490 2-113 i-oo 0-0000 O'OOOO 00 00 From this we see that the value of — • increases gradually from 27rp zero to a maximum as the eccentricity e rises from zero to about 0-93, and then (more quickly) falls to zero as the eccentricity rises from o*93 to unity. The values of the other quantities corresponding to this maximum are given in the table. 714. If the angular velocity exceed the value calculated from ^— = 0*2247, 27rp (5) when for p is substituted the density of the liquid, equilibrium Is im- possible in the form of an ellipsoid of revolution. If the angular velocity fall short of this limit there are always two ellipsoids of revolution which satisfy the conditions of equilibrium. In one of these the eccentricity is greater than 0*93, in the other less. 715. It may be useful, for special apphcations, to indicate briefly how p is measured in these formulae. In the definitions of §§ 476, 477, on which the attraction formulae are based, unit mass is defined as exerting unit force on unit mass at unit distance; and unit volume- density is that of a body which has unit mass in unit volume. Hence, with the foot as our linear unit, we have for the earth's attraction on a particle of unit mass at its surface ^^€n quantities are the mass M-^-rrpa^ J 1 —e^, and the moment of momentum A = -^^Trpoia' J I - e\ I'hese equations, along with (3), determine the three quantities, a, r, and (o. Eliminating a between the two just written, and expressing e as before in terms of €, we have STATICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 281 This gives O)^ k ^""P (l + 6^)^ where y^ is a gk'en multiple of ph Substituting in 771 (2) we have ^ = (1+ ^) ^^ (^^-^tan-U - pj Now the last column of the table in § 713 shows that the value of this function of € (which vanishes with e) continually increases with e, and becomes infinite when c is infinite. Hence there is always one, and only one, value of c, and therefore of e, which satisfies the conditions of the problem. 718. All the above results might without much difficulty have been obtained analytically, by the discussion of the equations; but we have preferred, for once, to show by an actual case that numerical calcula- tion may sometimes be of very great use. 719. No one seems yet to have attempted to solve the general problem of finding all the forms of equilibrium which a mass of homogeneous incompressible fluid rotating with uniform angular velocity may assume. Unless the velocity be so small that the figure differs but little from a sphere, the problem presents difficulties of an exceedingly formidable nature. It is therefore of some importance to know that we can by a synthetical process show that another form, besides that of the elHpsoid of revolution, may be compatible with equilibrii^m; vi?;. an ellipsoid with three unequal ajces, of which the least is the axis of rotation. This curious theorem was discovered by Jacobi in 1834, and seems, simple as it is, to have been enunciated by him as a challenge to the French mathematicians \ For the proot we must refer to our larger work. ^ See a Paper by Liouville, Journal de VAcqle Poly technique^ cahier xxiii., foot- note to p. 290. APPENDIX. KINETICS. {a) In the case of the Simple Pendidum, a heavy particle is sus- pended from a point by a hght inextensible string. If we suppose it to be drawn aside from the vertical position of equilibrium and allowed to fall, it will oscillate in one plane about its lowest position. When the string has an inclination Q to the vertical, the weight mg of the particle may be resolved into mg cos B which is balanced by the tension of the string, and mg sin 6 in the direction of the tangent to the path. If / be the length of the string, the distance (along the arc) from the position of equilibrium is 10. Now if the angle of oscillation be small (not above 3° or 4° say), the sine and the angle are nearly equal to each other. Hence the acce- leration of the motion (which is rigorously g sin 0) may be written gB. Hence we have a case of motion in which the acceleration is propor- tional to the distance from a point in the path, that is, by § 74, Simple Harmonic Motion, The square of the angular velocity in the cor- responding circular motion is -^. — , = - , and the period of the displacement / harmonic motion is therefore 27r* /-. In the case of the pendulum, the time of an oscillation from side to side of the vertical is usually taken — and is therefore ^a / - • ((^) Thus the times of vibration of different pendulums are as the square roots of their lengths, for any arcs of vibration, provided only these be small. Also the times of vibration of the same pendulum at different places are inversely as the square roots of the apparent force of gravity on a unit mass at these places. (c) It was found experimentally by Newton that pendulums of the same length vibrate in equal times at the same place whatever be the material of which their bobs are formed. This would evidently not be the case unless the weight were in every case proportional to the amount of matter in the bob. APPENDIX. 283 {i{) If the simple pendulum be slightly disturbed in any way from its position of equilibrium, it will in general describe very nearly an eUipse about its lowest position as centre. This is easily seen from §82. ii) If the arc of vibration be considerable, the motion will not be simple harmonic, and the time of vibration will be greater than that above stated; since the acceleration being as the sine of the dis- placement, is in less and less ratio to the displacement as the latter is greater. In this case, the motion for any disturbance is, for one revolution, approximately elliptic as before; but the ellipse slowly turns round the vertical, in the direction in which the bob moves. (/) The bob may, however, be so projected as to revolve uniformly in a horizontal circle, in which case the apparatus is called a Conical Penduhun. Here we have /sin B for the radius of the circle, and the •force in the direction of the radius is T^sin ^, where J'is the tension of the string. T'cos B balances mg — and thus the force in the radius of the circle is w^tan 0. The square of the angular velocity in the circle is therefore t-^^-tt, and the time of revolution 27r . / : or /cos 6 V g ' where /i is the height of the point of suspension above the plane of the circle. Thus all conical pendulums with the same height revolve in the same time. (g) A rigid mass oscillating about a horizontal axis, under the action of gravity, constitutes what is called a Compound Pmdulwn. When in the course of its motion the body is inclined at any angle Q to the position in which it hangs, when in equilibrium, it experiences from gravity, and the resistance of the supports of its axis, a couple, which is easily seen to be equal to gWh sin e, where Wis the mass and h the distance of its centre of gravity fronl the axis. This couple produces (§§ 232, 235) acceleration of angular velocity, calculated by dividing the moment of the couple by the moment of inertia of the body. Hence, if / denote the moment of inertia about the supporting axis, the angular acceleration is equal to gWsvcv 6 I ' Its motion is, therefore, identical (§ {a)) with that of the simple pen- dulum of length equal to 77^ . If a rigid body be supported about an axis, which either passes very nearly through the centre of gravity, or is at a very great dis- tance from this point, the length of the equivalent simple pendulum will be very great : and it is clear that some particular distance for the point of support from the centre of gravity will render the length 284 APPENDIX, of the corresponding simple pendulum, and, therefore, the time of vibration, least possible. To investigate these circumstances for all axes parallel to a given line, through the centre of gravity, let k be the radius of gyration round this line, we have (§ 198), and, therefore, if / be the length of the isochronous simple pendulum, k^ 4- k' _ {h-kY + 2hk _ ^^^ (/i-ky ~ h ~ h h ' The second term of the last of these forms vanishes when h = k, and is positive for all other values of h. The smallest value of / is, therefore, 2k, and this, the shortest length of the isochronous simple pendulum, is realized when the axis of support is at the distance k from the centre of inertia. To find at what distance //, from the centre of inertia the axis must be fixed to produce a pendulum isochronous with the simple pen- dulum, of given length /, we have the quadratic equation For the solution to be possible we have seen that / must be greater than, or at least equal to, 2k. If /= 2k, the roots of this equation are equal, k being their common value. For any value of / greater than 2k, the equation has two real roots whose sum is equal to /, and pro- duct equal to k^ : hence, for any distance from the centre of inertia less than k, another distance greater than k, which is a third propor- tional to it and k, gives the same time of vibration ; and the length of the simple pendulum corresponding to either case, is equal to the sum of the distances of the two axes from the centre of inertia. This sum is equal to the distance between them if the two axes are in one plane, through the; centre of inertia, and on opposite sides of this point; and, therefore, for axes thus placed, g,nd not equidistant from the centre of inertia, if the times of oscillation of the body when successively supported upon them are found to be equal, it may be inferred that the distance between them is equal to the length of the isochronous simple pendulum. As a simple pendulum exists only in theory, this proposition was taken advantage of by Kater for the practical determination of the force of gravity at any station. {h) A uniformly heavy and perfectly flexible cord, placed in the in- terior of a smooth tube in the form of any plane curve, and subject to no external forces, 7vill exert no pressure on the tube if it have every- where the same tension, and move with a certain definiie velocity. For, as in § 592, the statical pressure due to the curvature of the Q rope per unit of length is J'- (where ~^ 509 Force of gravity, Clairault's formula for 187, in absolute units 187, average value in Britain r9i, in Edinburgh 191, law of 475 Force, line of, definition 507, instance of 499 ; variation of intensity along a 508 Force, tube of 508 Form of equilibrium of a rotating mass of fluid 711 — 719 Formulae, use of empirical, in exhibit- ing results of experiment 347 Foucault's pendulum 87 Fourier's theorem 88 Freedom of a point, degrees of 165; of a rigid system 167 Friction brake, White's 390 Friction, laws of statical 403, kinetic 404 ; effect of tidal friction 248 ; fric- tion of liquids varies as the velocity 292 ; friction of solids 293 ; of a cord round a cylinder 592, 603 Gauss's absolute unit of force i88j theorem relating to potential 5r5 Geodetic line 124, properties of 601 Glacier Motion, Forbes's Viscous The- ory of, meaning of Viscous in 683 Gravitation, law of 475 ; potential 50:5 Gravity, force of, Clairault's formu'la for 187, at Edinburgh, in Britain 191, in absolute units 187, work done against 509 Gravity, centre of, and centre of inertia I95> 582 ; centre of gravity 542 ; pro- perties of a body possessing a centre of gravity 544 ; centre of gravity where it exists coincides with centre of inertia 550; position of centre of gravity in a body for stable equilibrium 585, in rocking stones 586, in a body with one point fixed: with two points fixed 587, on a surface 588; Pappus' theorem concerning, sometimes called Guldinus' theorem 589 Green 501; problem in potential 517; the general problem of electric in- fluence possible and determinate 521 Gyration, radius of 235 Gyroscopes, motion of 116 . Hamilton's Characteristic Function 283 Harmonic motion 69 ; simple harmonic motion 70, amplitude, argument, epoch, period, phase, 71, instances of 72; velocity in simple harmonic mo- tion 73, cuceleration in 74 ; composi- tion of two simple harmonic motions in one line 75, examples 77 ; graphical representation of simple harmonic motion in one line 79; cotnposition of simple harmonic motion in different directions 80; of different kinds in different directions 84; in two rect- angular directions 85 Harton coal mine experiment 498 Hodograph 49, of a planet or comet 49, of a projectile 50, of motion in a conic section 51, of path where acceleration is directed to a fixed point and varies as D'"^ 6r Homogeneous atmosphere defined 695 ; height of 694, at Paris, at Edinburgh 695. Homogeneous body 646 Homogeneous strain 135; see Strain Horsepower 240 Hydrodynamics 683 ; see Fluid Hydrostatics 685 ; see Fluid Hyperbola, how to draw a 19 Hypocycloid and hypotrochoid 105 Hypothesis, use of 332 Image, electric 528; see Electric im- ages Impact 259, duration of 259 ; time in- tegral 262 ; ballistic pendulum 263 ; direct impact of spheres, Newton's experiments on 265, loss of kinetic energy in 266, due to 267, case with INDEX, 291 no loss of kinetic energy 268 ; mo- ment of an impact 272; work done by 273; Euler's theorem 276 Impressed force 183; see Force Inclination of two given lines in terms of their direction cosines 464 Inertia 182 Inertia, centre of 195; see Centre of Mass Inertia, moment of 198, 235 — 239, of a centrobaric body 551 Inextensible line 16, surface 125, gen- eral property of 134 Instability of motion 300; instances 302, 303, 304 Interpolation in physical experiments 350 Involute 20 Isotropic substance 647 Isotropy, conditions fulfilled in elastic 650, in one quality and aeolotropy in others 648 Ivory's theorem on homogeneous con- focal ellipsoids 540 Kepler's first law a consequence of ac- celeration directed to a fixed point 45 Kilogramme 365 Kinematics 4, of a point 7, of an in- extensible and flexible line 16, of a plane figure 91, flexible and inexten- sible surface 127 Kinetic energy 179, rate of change of 180; gain in kinetic energy equiva- lent to work done 207 ; kinetic energy of a system 234; loss of kinetic en- ergy in direct impact 266 Kinetic foci 310 — 319, number of, in any case 316 Kinetic friction 404 Kinetics 2, 3, 4 Kinetic stability 300; kinetic stability or instability discriminated 301 ; cases of kinetic stability 302, 303, 304; kinetic stability in a circular orbit 304; oscillatory kinetic stability 308; general criterion of kinetic stability 309 ; motion on anticlastic surfaces is unstable, synclastic stable 309 Kinetic symmetry 239 Kirchoff's kinetic comparison between twisting a wire and the motion of a pendulum 620 Latitude altered by attraction of a mountain, or hemispherical hill, or cavity 496, by a crevasse 497 Laws of energy, dynamical, 252 Laws of friction 403 ; see Friction Laws of motion, history of 208 j first law 210, second 217, third 227, Scholium 229, 241 Least action 2 79 Least squares, method of 340 Lemniscate, integral curvature of 14 Lengthening of a spiral spring due to torsion 618 Level surface 505 Limitation of dynamical problems 391 Line density 477 Line, expression for a, in co-ordinates .459 Line of elastic centres remains un- changed in length 608 ; see Elastic Line of force def. 507, instances of 499, variation of intensity along a 508 Line, orthogonal projection of a 442 Liquid, effective moment of inertia of 675, note Locus of centre of curvature 22 Longitudinal vibrations, velocity of transmission of 658 Longitudinal rigidity 657 Loss of weight of body immersed in fluid 703; see Fhdd Lunar tides 77 Machines, science of i Maclaurin's theorem on homogeneous confocal ellipsoids 539 Mass 174; measurement of 175, 224, unit of 190, 365, 476, 715, British unit of 190; mass v. weight 17 = , 186 — centre of 196; see Centre of Mass Matter 173 Maximum action 317 Mean angular velocity 58 Mean density 174; of Earth, Sche- hallien experiment 496, Harton coal mine experiment 498 Mean solar day 357 Measure of time 358, 371, of length 360, of surface 363, of volume 364, of mass 365, of force 366, of work 366, of angles 357, of pressure 661 Measurement of force 185, 224, of masses 224 Mechanical powers 591; balance 592 Mechanics i Mechanism 4 Metacentre 709 ; conditions for its ex- istence ; see Fluid Method of least squares 340 Method of representing experimental results 347 Metre 362 Meunier's theorem on curvature 121 Micrometer 379 Minimum action 311; two or more 292 INDEX. courses of minimum action possible Modulus of elasticity, Young's 657 ; weight and length of modulus 658; specific modulus of isotropic body Moment about a pomt, of a velocity or a force 46, representation of 199, of a couple 201, of an impact 272, of pressure 702 Moment of inertia 198, 235, of a cen- trobaric body 551 Moment of momentum 202, of a rigid body 232 Momentum 176, change of 177, accele- ration of 178 Motion of a material particle 7; rela- tive motion ()i\ simple harmonic mo- tion 69; of troops on suspension bridge 78 ; of point of vibrating string 79 ; of a plane figure in its own plane 19 ; of a rigid body about a fixed point 106 ; general motion of a rigid body 112; of a screw in its nut 113; quantity of motion 176; Newton's laws of motion 208, see Laws ; re- sistances to motion 247 ; motion in a resisting medium 292, in a logarith- mic spiral 295 ; of a system slightly disturbed from a position of equilib- rium 290 Neap tides 77 Neutral equilibrium 256; of floating bodies 705 Newton's laws of motion 208, seeZazfj; experiments on impact 265 Non-conservative system 298 Normal 22 Normal attraction over a closed surface, integral of 510 Oblique coordinates 453 Observation and experiment 320 Opposite cones 481 Opposite forces 5^5, note Ordinates 452 Orthogonal projection 442 Oscillation in U tube, Appendix k Parallel forces in a plane, resultant of two 554, in dissimilar directions 555, of any number 556, not in one plane 557, equilibrium of 558 Parallelogram of velocities 31, of forces 219 Particle material v. geometrical point 7, 181 Pendulum, Robins' ballistic 263, 272 ; pendulum as a measurer of force 387 ; simple pendulum Appendix (a) ; com- pound pendulum Appendix \g) Perfect fluid 401, 684 Perfect solid, ideal 656 Perfectly elastic body 643; potential energy of perfectly elastic body held strained 644 Period of simple harmonic motion 7 1 Periodic disturbance 306 Periodic function, Fourier's theprem regarding 88 Perpetual motion the, is impossible 244 Phase of simple harmonic motion 71 Physical axiom 209; concerning equi- librium 584 Plane, osculating 1 2 ; motion of plane figure in its own plane 91 Planet, path of 45 ; hodograph of 49, 51, 61 Plasticity 683 Polar coordinates 457, 459 Polygon plane ii, gauche 11, closed 443, of velocities 31, of forces 219 Potential 500; the mutual potential energy of two bodies 502, at a point 503, force in terms of potential 504 ; equipotential surface 505 ; potential due to an attracting particle 509, to any mass 509, potential cannot have a maximum or minimum value at a point in free space 511, cases of this 515, 516; has same value throughout the interior as at the surface of a closed space 513; mean value of potential throughout a sphere equal to the value at centre 514; Gauss's Theorem 515; Green's problem 517; potential due to a uniform spherical shell 514) 533 ; how to distribute matter so as to get a given potential 517 — 521 ; potential due to uniform sphere 534; due to ellipsoidal shell 536 Potential energy due to work done 207, of a conservative system 245 ; the mutual potential energy of two bodies 502, of elastic solid held strained 644 Precession 117 Precessional rotation 116 Pressure, centre of 688, 702 ; pressure at a point in a fluid same in every direction 685, 687, 689; surfaces of equal pressure are level surfaces 691 j whole pressure 709 Principal axes of a strain 144; st&Sirain Principal axes of inertia 237 Probable error 343 Probable result from a number of obser- vations, deduction of the 338; method of least squares 340 ; practical appli- cation 345 INDEX. 293 Projectile, path of 44; hodograph 50 Projection of areas 200 ; of a point on a straight line 437; orthogonal projec- tion 442, of a shell 447, of any two shells, of a closed surface 448, of equal areas in parallel planes 449, of a plane figure 449 Pulley, kinematics of 18 Pure strain 159; see Strain Radius of curvature 9 Radius of g>Tation 235 Regression, edge of 132 Relative motion 63 et seq. ; acceleration of 64 Repose, angle of 404, 473 Residual phenomena 328 Resistance to motion 247, 250; varying as the velocity in fluids 293; to change of shape, frictional 683 Resisting medium 247 Resolution of velocity 30, of forces 431, geometrical solution 432, trigonomet- rical solution 433, in directions at right angles 434 ; application to find the resultant of a number of forces acting on a point 435 ; resolution of forces alng three specified lines 468 Rest 211 Restitution, co-efficient of 265 Resultant velocity 31 ; resultant of forces on a point 412, 419; three forces act- ing on a point 465, any number 470 Revolving mass of fluid, equilibrium of 710; see Fluid Rigid body, displacement of 90, motion of 106, general motion of 112, rigid body defined 393, 401 Rigidity 651; longitudinal 65 7: rigidity and resistance to compression 655; rigidity as depending on form 677 Rocking stones 586 Rolling of bodies 109; of curve upon curve 100 Rolling motion 118, 119 Rope round cylinder 592, 603 Rotation, positive direction of 455 Rotations about parallel axes, compo- sition of 98 ; composition of rotation and translation in one plane 99 ; ro- tations of a rigid body, composition of 106; successive finite rotations 109 Rotation of a wire round its elastic central line 628 ; see Elastic Schehallien experiment 496 Scholium to law ill 229, 241 Screw, motion of a, in its nut 113, 337 Sea mile 361 i4» Section of a small cone, oblique 486 Sensibility and stability of a balance 384, 592 Shape, change of, involves dissipation of energy 683, 247 Shear, simple 150, axes of a 152, measure of a 153, combined with a simple elongation and expansion 156 Shell def 446 Siderial day 358 Simple linear circuit 443 Simple harmonic motion 70, in me- chanism 72, composition of, in one line 75, examples 77, composition of, in different directions 80, of diflerent kinds in different directions 84, in two rectangular directions 85 ; see Har^ monic Simple pendulum, Appendix {a) Simple shear 150 ; axes of a shear 152 ; ratio of a shear 153, amount of a 154; planes of no distortion in a 155 Solar system, ultimate tendency of the 249 Solar tides 77 Sohd angle 482; round a point 483; subtended at a point 485 Solid, elastic 643, 651; potential energy of elastic solid held strained 644 ; fun- damental problems of the mathemati- cal theory of the equilibrium of an elastic solid 667; equations of internal equilibrium of 668; St Venant's ap- plication to torsion problems 669 ; small bodies stronger than large ones in proportion to their weight 682 ; imperfectness of elasticity in solids 683 Space described under uniform accele- ration in direction of motion 43 Space, British unit of 190 Specific modulus of elasticity 689 Sphere, attraction of, composed of con- centric shells of uniform density 498 ; attraction of uniform sphere and po- tential due to 634 ; see Attraction and Potential Spherical shell, uniform, attraction on internal point 479, external point 488, on an element of the surface 489, potential due to 533; see At- traction and Potential Spherometer 380 Spinning motion 118 Spiral, motion in logarithmic 295, 296 Spiral springs 386, as measurers of force 386,614, kinetic energy of 616, length- ening of, due to torsion 6i8 Spring balance; see Spiral springs Spring tides 77 294 INDEX. Stable equilibrium 256, 257; see Centre of Gravity and Floating Bodies Stability of motion 300 Static friction 404 Statical problems, examples of 591; balance 592; rod with frictionless constraint 592 ; rod constrained by rough surfaces 592 ; block on rough plane 592 ; mass supported by rings round rough post 592; cord wound round cylinder 592 Statics 2, 3, of a particle 408, of a rigid body, 552 Stationary action 281 Straight beam infinitely little bent 623 Strain 135 ; homogeneous strain 136 ; properties of homogeneous strain 137 ; strain ellipsoid 141 ; axes of strain ellipsoid 144 ; elongation and change of direction of any line of a body in condition of strain 145 ; distortion in parallel planes without change of volume 148 ; simple shear 150 ; axes of a shear 152, ratio of a 153, amount of a 154, planes of no distortion in a 155, is a simple elongation and ex- pansion combined with a shear 156; analysis of strain 157 ; pure strain 159; composition of pure 160 Stress 629, homogeneous 630, specifi- cation of a 632, components of a 633, simple longitudinal and shearing stress 633 ; stress quadratic 634 ; normal planes and axes of a stress quadratic 635 ; varieties of stress quadratic 636 ; laws of strain and stress compared 639; rectangular ele- ments of strain and stress 640 ; work done by a strain 641 ; a physical ap- plication 642 ; stress produced by a single longitudinal stress 653 ; ratio of lateral contraction to longitudinal extension different for different sub- stances 655 ; stress required to pro- duce a simple longitudinal strain 663 ; stress components in terms of strain for isotropic body 664 ; strain compo- nents in terms of stress 665 ; funda- mental problems in mathematical theory of equilibrium of elastic solid 667 ; equation of energy of isotropic body 666 ; equations of internal equilibrium 668 ; comparative strain of similar bodies as depending on dimensions 682 St Venant on torsion of prisms 669 ; see Torsion Surface density 477 Surface of equilibrium ^05 ; relative in- tensity of force at different points of a 506 Surfaces of equal pressure in a fluid at rest are also surfaces of equal potential and equal density 692 Symmetry, kinetic 239 Symmetrical co-ordinates 458, 459 Synclastic surface 120 System, conservative 243 — non-conservative 298 Tidal friction 247, effect of Tides in lengthening the period of the Earth's rotation about her axis 248, 249 Tides 77 Time, unit of 190, measurement of 213, .358, 371 Time integral 262 Time of rotation of the earth round its axis increased by friction 248 Time of oscillation of fluid in a U tube Appendix k', of a simple pendulum Appendix b, c, d, e, compound pen- dulum Appendix g; wave running along a stretched cord Appendix h Tops, motion of spinning 118 Torsion, laws of 607 Torsion balance 383 Torsion of a wire 605 ; laws of 607 Torsion of prisms, St Venant on 669, lemma 670; torsion of circular cy- linder 671 ; prism of any shape 672, 623 ; hydrokinetic analogue 675 ; con- tour lines for normal sections of prisms &c. under torsion ; elliptic cylinder, equilateral triangular prism, curvilinear square prisms, square prisms: bars elliptic, square, flat, rectangular 676 ; relation of tor- sional rigidity to flexural rigidity 677; ratio of torsional rigidity to those of circular rods of same mo- ment of inertia, or of sariie quantity of material 677; places of greatest distortion in twisted prisms 678 Tortuosity 11 Tortuous curve I r, 13 Transformation electrical, by reciprocal radius vectors 531 Transmission of force through elastic solid 629 ; transmission of homo- geneous stress 630 ; force trans- mitted across any surface in elastic solid 631 Triangle of forces 410, equivalent to a couple 411 Triangle of velocities 3 1 Trochoid 103 Tubes of force 508 Turning, positive direction of 455 INDEX. 295 Uniform acceleration 36, 43; space described 43 Uniform circular motion, acceleration in 37; composition of two 86 Uniform velocity 23 Unit angle n ; of angular velocity 55 ; — of angular measure 357 — of cubic measure 364 — of force 188, 366, 476 — length 360 — 362 — mass, space, time 190, 565 — work (s9ientific) 204, gravitation 204 — surface 363 Units, tables for conversion of 362 — 366, 66r Unstable equilibrium 256, 257; see Centre of Gravity and Fluid Varying action 2 79 ; optical illustration 286 ; a criterion for kinetic stability 309 Velocities, parallelogram, triangle, poly- gon of 31 ; examples of velocities 41 Velocity 23. uniform 23, variable 26, component 29, resolution of 29, resultant 31, moment of 46, angular 54, relative d^, change of 177, virtual 203, 254 Velocity of a planet at any point of its orbit 48 ; in simple harmonic motion Velocity of escape of fluid from an ori- fice Appendix g — of longitudinal vibrations along a rod 658 — of wave along stretched cord Ap- pendix h Venant (St) on torsion 669; see Tor- sion Vernier 373 \'ertical cones 481 Vibrations produced by impact 220, 269; in a resisting medium 293; along stretched cord Appendix h, velocity of transmission of, through a rod 658 Virtual velocity 203, 254, moment of .203 Viscosity of solids 683 ; of fluids 683 Vis viva 179 Volume, change of involves dissipation of energy 683 Volume, density 477, 715 \'olume, elasticity of 651 Weber's electrical theory 336 Weight V. mass 175 ; a measure of mass 175, 186 White's friction brake 390 Whole pressure on a submerged surface 702 Wire, flexure of a 622 ; see Flexure Work 204, unit of 204, against force varying inversely as square of distance 509, independent of path pursued under conservative system of force 509, done in straining a perfectly elastic body 644 ; transformations of work 207 Yard 360 Young's modulus 657 CAMBEIOGK: FRINTEU by C. 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