 ^B 3DS fiM^ 
 MACMILLAN & CO., Limited 
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 Photo by " International' 
 John Burroughs. Author and Naturalist 
 Making maple sugar on his eighty-third birthday 
 1 i .- 
 THE MACMILLAN cdM?A:N¥.'''/:i*M\ 
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 Copyright, 1921, 
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 This book aims to be of positive, practical value 
 1. In helping the pupil to develop within himself the 
 power to understand, use correctly, and appreciate the 
 mother tongue. 
 2. In contributing, through individual and group in- 
 vestigations and reports of community activities, to the 
 making of sturdy, competent American citizens. 
 3. In giving the pupil a feeling of self-reliance based 
 upon the knowledge that he has done his own research 
 work and thought questions through for himself. 
 4. In providing group exercises in which the pupil 
 becomes a critic of his own work and that of his classmates. 
 5. In drawing little distinction between school and 
 out-of-school activities. 
 6. In suggesting a sufficient number of purposeful 
 activities to interest every pupil in the class. 
 7. In making it unnecessary for the teacher to make 
 such a statement as, ^'It may not appear useful to you now, 
 but it will be extremely valuable to you in after life." 
 8. In helping the pupil to form proper mental habits 
 by uninterrupted attention to one undertaking at a time. 
 9. In giving the pupil a more intimate acquaintance 
 with his environment. 
 10. In providing an incentive for good English outside 
 the schoolroom. 
 ' vii 
viii Preface 
 This book is designed for use in the grammar grades 
 and in junior high schools. Each Undertaking is a com- 
 plete unit in itself and is in the highest possible degree 
 independent of the other Undertakings. In each unit the 
 first activity, in one of its several forms, should be worked 
 out by each pupil. Additional similar projects may be 
 undertaken if interest warrants and time permits. 
 The method of this book needs little comment or ex- 
 planation. The book has been written for the pupils and 
 the Undertakings have been presented in simple, concise 
 fashion. The subject matter is organized in nineteen 
 comprehensive units which provide a far greater amount 
 of suggested material than any one teacher or class can 
 possibly use. This freedom of choice affords a variety of 
 work which would otherwise be impossible. 
 Furthermore, local conditions and experience are em- 
 phasized to such an extent that the problem of what to 
 say proves no longer troublesome, and undivided atten- 
 tion may be given to how to say it. Home industries, 
 home government, public utilities, and local history form 
 the means by which the work of the English class is almost 
 automatically correlated with that in other subjects. 
 Introductory talks and questions serve as guides to the 
 pupil. The play spirit, so large a part of the home and 
 outdoor life of the pupil, is made a salient feature of the 
 classroom activity. Hence there is no lost energy and 
 no mind-wandering. Indeed, in almost every Undertaking 
 the pupil loses sight of the fact that he is gaining knowledge, 
 because of his interest in the results. 
 The paragraph has been made the subject of special 
 study ; and letter- writing, the making of reports, memory 
 training, the use of reference books, telephone conversa- 
 tions, verse-making, dramatization, and the study of 
 literary masterpieces have received much attention. Pro- 
 vision has been made for only enough technical grammar 
 to furnish a touchstone by which the pupil is able to under- 
 stand what he reads and to correct his own faulty Jiabits 
 of speech. 
 This book is the direct outcome of five years of experience 
 in the teaching and supervision of English by the project 
 method. Each of the Undertakings has been tested many 
 times in various English classes. 
 M. B. F. 
 The author makes grateful acknowledgment to the 
 following publishers and authors for permission to use 
 copyright material: to Henry Holcomb Bennett and The 
 Youth's Companion for The Flag Goes By; to Katharine 
 Lee Bates and T. Y. Crowell Company for America the 
 Beautiful; to Samuel Arthur Derieux and The American 
 Magazine for the excerpt from The Smartest Animals We 
 Know; to The Macmillan Company for selections from 
 American History for Grammar Schools by Marguerite 
 Stockman Dickson, for the play James Wolfe from His- 
 torical Plays for Children by Bird and Starling, and for 
 the letter from Charles Kingsley; to The Ladies' Home 
 Journal for the editorial The Lip-Lazy American; to 
 Joseph C. Lincoln and D. Appleton & Co. for the 
 extract from Shavings; to The Review of Reviews 
 Company for the letter from Phillips Brooks to Canon 
 Farrar ; and to various individuals and historical societies 
 for permission to use hitherto unpublished letters. 
 The selection by Vice-President Calvin Coolidge from 
 Have Faith in Massachusetts and the description of the 
 June day from The Vision of Sir Launfal by James Russell 
 Lowell are used by permission of and by special arrange- 
 ment with Houghton Mifflin Company, the authorized 
 pubhshers of these works. The author is similarly in- 
 debted to Rudyard Kipling, to A. P. Watt & Son of 
xii Acknowledgments 
 London, and to Doubleday, Page & Co. for //; and to 
 Charles Scribner's Sons for America for Me by Henry Van 
 Dyke, and for The Griffin and the Minor Canon by Frank 
 R. Stockton. 
 The inaugural address of President A. Lawrence Lowell 
 of Harvard University is reprinted by special permission. 
 Grateful acknowledgment is also due Dr. S. J. Slawson, 
 Superintendent of Schools, Bridgeport, Connecticut, and 
 Miss Mary Rosa for help in the preparation of the first 
 draft of the manuscript; and to Dr. Henry P. Emerson, 
 author of Modern English and English Spoken and Written, 
 for careful reading of the manuscript and for many helpful 
 Part I. Letter- Writing . . . . . . . i 
 Friendly letters 2 
 Greetings 3 
 Accompanying gifts 5 
 Travel letters 6 
 Thanks for gifts 7 
 Invitations 8 
 Thanks to hostess . . . . . . . 9 
 Letters of sympathy 10 
 Business letters . . . 11 
 Orders 14 
 Receipts , . . • 15 
 Complaints . . -15 
 Adjustments 16 
 Applications . 16 
 Answers to advertisements 17 
 Letter of instructions 19 
 Telegrams 21 
 Fast day messages .... . . .22 
 Day letters . 22 
 Night letters . .23 
 Cablegrams 23 
 Part II. The Making of Booklets 37 
 The individual booklet 37 
 The class booklet 51 
 The class scrapbook 51 
 The class anthology . . . . ; . . .51 
xiv Table of Contents 
 Part III. Oral and Written Reports .... 53 
 In paragraph form 53 
 Reports upon public utilities 53 
 Reports upon city governmert . . . . .66 
 In outline form -77 
 Report on subjects looked up in reference books . 78 
 Report on material collected for a biographical sketch 79 
 Report on material collected for an historical sketch . 81 
 Part IV. The Use of Reference Books . . . .85 
 Dictionary . . 86 
 Encyclopedia 89 
 Table of contents 90 
 Index 90 
 General magazine index 90 
 Gazetteer .......... 90 
 Atlas . . . . . 91 
 Card catalogue 91 
 Who's Who 91 
 Congressional Directory 91 
 Reference almanac 92 
 Part V. Posters and Charts 93 
 Part VI. Class Parliamentary Usage . . . .108 
 What to do 108 
 How to do it no 
 Part VII. Notebooks 113 
 Part VIII. The Bulletin Board . . . . . 115 
 Part IX. Oral and Written Dramatization . . .118 
 Part X. Memory Training 134 
 Memory contests 135 
 Selections to be memorized . . . . . .136 
 Quotations 143 
 Part XL Games and Contests 148 
 Grammar baseball 149 
 Spelling contests 158 
 Paragraph archery contest 162 
Table of Contents xv 
 Essay contest 167 
 Prize speaking contest 167 
 Debates 169 
 American authors 173 
 Word contests gg 
 Booklet contests 89 
 Poster contests . . .99 
 Memory contests 135 
 Part XII. Telephone Conversations . . . .177 
 Part XIII. The Short Speech 183 
 Speeches for various occasions 184 
 Speech of introduction 184 
 Speech of presentation 185 
 Speech of acceptance . . . . . . .186 
 Responses to toasts 186 
 Announcements 188 
 Speech of welcome 193 
 Speech of farewell .194 
 Part XIV. The Class Museum 199 
 Part XV. Campaigns 205 
 Public health 206 
 Protection of birds 208 
 Thrift 209 
 Safety First 211 
 Clean Up 212 
 Victory drive for better English 213 
 Part XVI. Verse-Making 216 
 Illustrated booklet of rhymes 217 
 Class or school song 222 
 Verses for special occasions 222 
 Part XVII. Dlaries 223 
 Part XVIII. The Class Publication 227 
 Preparation of manuscript 230 
 Correction of proof .231 
xvi Table of Contents 
 News stories 231 
 The school print shop 236 
 Products of the shop 236 
 Activities of the shop . . . . . . .237 
 Part XIX. The Study of a Literary Masterpiece . 240 
 Evangeline 241 
 Rip Van Winkle 244 
 The Courtship of Miles Standish 246 
 The Lady of the Lake 249 

 What do you think is the value of learning to write ? 
 Only a few of you will ever earn your living by writing 
 stories and magazine articles. To most of you the chief 
 value of learning to express yourself well on paper will 
 be to enable you to write a simple, clear, and interesting 
 letter. In fact, all of us — whatever our age or position 
 in life — have to write letters, and the majority of us never 
 write anything else. 
 How many letters do you suppose that you have already 
 written? Probably a great many. Yet you may be sur- 
 prised to learn that four million letters are received and 
 delivered every day in the New York City post office alone, 
 and twelve thousand employees are required to handle its 
 fifteen million pieces of ordinary mail. These stupendous 
 figures will help you to realize how great a part the writing 
 of letters plays m American life. 
 As you grow older you will be called upon to write letters 
 more and more frequently, and upon the character of these 
 letters many of the important interests of your life will 
 depend. Social relations, business matters, absence from 
 friends, all demand that letters be written with clearness, 
 courtesy, and common sense. 
 In Part I of this book you will be asked to collect all the 
 correspondence necessary in connection with a long journey 
} °f f • //v . Community English 
 to a place you really wish to visit. After you have collected 
 the letters, notes, and telegrams you are to arrange them in a 
 booklet. Since you are not to show this little book to your 
 teacher until it is finished and since no opportunity wiil 
 be given you to "do it over," you will wish to have it as 
 nearly correct as possible before you hand it in. For this 
 reason, you may be glad to read over the following sugges- 
 tions and letters before you begin to plan your journey. 
 Suggestions. — Read the following suggestions carefully ; 
 they may help you to write correct and complete letters. 
 1. Use unhned white paper and black ink. 
 2. Leave a one inch margin at the left of your paper. 
 3. Indent the first line of each paragraph. 
 4. Write neatly, carefully, and plainly. Dot your I's 
 and cross your t's. Avoid making such a remark at the 
 end of your letter as " Excuse this scrawl." 
 5. Spell correctly. If you are uncertain about the 
 spelling of words, consult the dictionary. 
 6. Punctuate correctly. 
 7. Stick to the point in business letters. Omit un- 
 necessary details. 
 8. In going from page to page of your paper, follow 
 the regular order ; first, second, third, etc. 
 9. Avoid postscripts. 
 10. Read over your letter carefully before putting it 
 into the envelope. 
 Personal Letters 
 Your first real need for knowing how to write generally 
 comes when you write to your family or friends. Such 
 messages are called either personal letters ox friendly letters. 
Letter Writing 3 
 Specimen letters. — There are many different kinds of 
 personal letters, since messages to friends may treat of 
 almost any subject. Some of the most common types of 
 personal letters are given in this chapter. 
 A Letter of Greeting ^ 
 Here is an interesting letter from a great American 
 naturalist and author, John Burroughs. Give your 
 reasons for believing it to be a friendly letter. 
 West Park, New York 
 March 26, 1915 
 Dear Miss Buchanan, 
 A good many schools beside yours are reminding me that I 
 am to have a birthday on April third. Of course it is a pleasure 
 for me to be remembered by so many young people and I wish 
 I could say something to them all that would keep them as young 
 as I am, nearing seventy-eight. I am sure I could lead any of 
 them up any mountain in this state this side of the Adirondacks 
 and feel none the worse for it. 
 The secret of youth in old age is temperance in all things and 
 love for all things that are good and fair, not forgetting your 
 fellow men. If I had used tobacco or alcoholic drinks or even 
 tea and coffee, I am sure my step would not be as elastic as it 
 is now. To use and not abuse the gift of life is the great secret. 
 Good luck to you all. 
 Very sincerely, 
 John Burroughs 
 As you read over the above letter you will note that what 
 it says is of even greater importance than the manner in 
 which it is said. Unfortunately, no one can tell you what 
 ^ This is a hitherto unpublished letter. 
4 Community English 
 to say ; that must grow out of your own heart and mind. 
 In a personal letter, however, anything that interests you 
 is likely to prove of interest to some one else. A chatty 
 letter, full of news, is almost always one which gives pleas- 
 ure. It is, therefore, a good plan when writing to a friend 
 to think not of yourself but of him. What you do — at 
 home, at school, at play — these are the things which you 
 know most about and which will prove most interesting 
 to your friends. What can you learn of John Burroughs' 
 life from his letter ? Did he write about things which espe- 
 cially interested him? 
 A Letter of Christmas Greeting 
 Letters of greeting are often written upon special occa- 
 sions. Here is such a letter from the great American 
 Bishop, Phillips Brooks, to the noted Enghsh clergyman 
 and author, Canon Frederic William Farrar. Observe 
 how natural the letter is. Can you not imagine that 
 Bishop Brooks is talking instead of writing? 
 233 Clarendon Street, Boston 
 Tuesday, December 13, 1892 
 My dear Archdeacon, 
 It is partly that I want to send you Christmas greeting, and 
 partly that I need your sympathy to-day when I am fifty-seven 
 years old — for these two reasons and a hundred others I am going 
 to fill these four pages with talk with you across the water. 
 In the midst of a thousand useless things which I do every 
 day there is always coming up the recollection of last summer, 
 and how good you were to me, and what enjoyment I had in 
 those delightful idle days. Never shall I cease to thank you 
 for taking me to Tennyson's, and letting me see the great dear 
Letter Writing 5 
 man again. How good he was that day! Do you remember 
 how he read those two stanzas about *' Faith/' which he had 
 just written ? I can hear his great voice booming in them as I 
 read them over in the new volume which has come since the 
 poet died. . . . And Whittier, too, is gone. He never forgot 
 the visit which you paid him, nor ceased to speak of it when- 
 ever I saw him. But how strange it seems, this writing against 
 one friend's name after another that you will see his face no 
 more. I pray you to live, for to come to London and not see 
 you there — what should I care for the old places, St. Margaret's, 
 and the Abbey, and the Dean's Yard, and all the rest? 
 I hope that you are very well and happy. Do not let the 
 great world trouble you, but be sure that many are rejoicing in 
 your brave work. 
 Oh, that you were here to-night ! With all best Christmas 
 wishes for Mrs. Farrar and you and your children, 
 I am, affectionately your friend, 
 Phillips Brooks 
 Do you think that the references to people add to the 
 attractiveness of this letter? Name at least three poems 
 written by " the great dear man " mentioned in this letter. 
 A Letter Accompanying a Gift ^ 
 In this letter written by the beloved poet, Henry W. 
 Longfellow, the most valuable gifts in the world are de- 
 scribed. What are they? 
 Cambridge, Massachusetts 
 February 20, 1876 
 Dear Miss Dalton, 
 I am much gratified and touched by your kind letter, and 
 hasten to say how much pleasure it has given me. 
 1 This is a hitherto unpublished letter. 
6 Community English 
 I do not imagine that any writer can be indifferent to the im- 
 pression his writings produce on the minds and hearts of his 
 readers. Certainly I am not. It always makes me happy to 
 know that any words of mine have given pleasure and comfort 
 to any one ; and I thank you for saying that you have found 
 pleasure and comfort in them. 
 My publisher has taken a fancy to issue a series of very small 
 volumes, one of which I send you by this post. It is a mere 
 trifle ; but I hope you will be kind enough to accept it, with my 
 kind regards and good wishes. I sometimes think that gifts 
 of no value are the most valuable. They show the good will 
 of the giver, which is always the best part of any gift. 
 When you see the tiny book you will smile at this long preface 
 to it! 
 With kind regards, 
 Yours very truly, 
 H. W. Longfellow 
 What was Mr. Longfellow's attitude toward Miss Dal ton? 
 What can you learn about the author through his discussion 
 of gifts and their value? How many different parts are 
 there in this letter ? 
 A Travel Letter 
 In this delightful letter from Charles Kingsley to his 
 young son, the author of Water Babies and Westward Ho! 
 thought not of himself but of his little boy. Why do you 
 think this letter would interest a young child? 
 My dear little Man, 
 I was quite dehghted to get a letter from you so nicely written. 
 Yesterday I went by the railway to a most beautiful place where 
. Letter Writing 7 
 I am staying now. A town with an old castle, hundreds of 
 years old, where the great King Henry the Fourth of France was 
 born, and his cradle is still there, made of tortoise-shell. Under- 
 neath the castle are beautiful walks and woods — all green as 
 if it were summer, and roses and flowers, and birds singing — 
 but different from our English birds. But it is quite summer 
 here because it is so far south. Under the castle, by the river, 
 are frogs that make a noise like a rattle, and frogs that bark 
 like toy-dogs, and frogs that cUmb up trees, and even up the 
 window-panes — they have suckers on their feet and are quite 
 green like a leaf. Far away, before the castle, are the great 
 mountains, ten thousand feet high, covered with snow, and the 
 clouds crawling about their tops. I am going to see them to- 
 morrow, and when I come back I will tell you. But I have 
 been out to-night, and all the frogs are croaking still and making 
 a horrid noise. Mind and be a good boy and give nurse my 
 love. There is a vulture here in the inn, but he is a Httle 
 Egyptian vulture, not like the great vulture I saw at Bayonne. 
 Ask mother to show you his picture in the beginning of the bird 
 book. He is called Neophia Egyptiacus, and is an ugly fellow, 
 who eats dead horses and sheep. There is his picture. 
 Your own daddy, 
 C. Kingsley 
 Where is Pau ? What mountains could be seen from the 
 castle? Why was the weather in Pau warmer than that 
 in England? 
 Letter of Thanks ^ 
 John Greenleaf Whittier, the Quaker poet, wrote the 
 following letter to a young girl who had thanked him for 
 the pleasure which his poems had given her. Account, if 
 you can, for the great charm of this letter. 
 1 This is a hitherto unpublished letter. 
8 Community English 
 Amesbury, Massachusetts 
 I Month 5, 1876 
 My dear friend, 
 For so, judging by thy letter, I may call thee, I am heartily 
 glad that any words of mine have been blessed to the comforting 
 of thyself and thy father. It is a great happiness to feel that 
 I have not written altogether in vain. 
 Thou art quite right in thinking that I should have gladly 
 welcomed thee had thy steps been led to this region. Happy 
 would I be if I had, Uke thy father, a loving daughter. But it is 
 providentially otherwise, and I have many blessings to be thank- 
 ful for. Dear friends send me their messages of love, almost 
 with every mail, and although in impaired health, I am happier 
 than I deserve to be. 
 Accept my thanks for thy kind letter, and my best wishes for 
 thy happiness, here and hereafter, and believe me truly and 
 sincerely thy friend, 
 John G. Whittier 
 How did Mr. Whittier^s method of dating a letter differ 
 from the modern method of writing the date? In what 
 month did he write the letter? What does this letter tell 
 you of the poet's love for children? What are four of his 
 best known poems? 
 A Letter of Invitation ^ 
 This letter by the author of Thanatopsis and many other 
 poems, was written to an old friend. Do you think the 
 writer really wished to see his friend? 
 ^ This is a hitherto unpublished letter. 
Letter Writing 9 
 New York 
 January 28, 1876 
 My dear friend, 
 New York is pleasanter than usual this winter. We have had 
 no snow and no ice in the streets, and a good many sunshiny 
 days. Now that the days are growing longer and — I was going 
 to say that there is a chance that the streets may continue free 
 from ice and snow — but who can tell ? — will you not be 
 tempted to come to New York and bring your better half? 
 You shall have your old quarters in this house, and take your 
 cigar when in the humor without being in anybody's way, and 
 we will talk over Lucretius when you have nobody else to talk 
 to, or are not running about town after your old friends, who 
 will be for tearing you in pieces when you come, as they always 
 Yours very truly, 
 William Cullen Bryant 
 How does the phrase used in the complimentary ending 
 of this letter differ from the complimentary endings of the 
 preceding letters? In what way was New York unusually 
 pleasant during the winter of 1876? 
 A Letter of Thanks to a Hostess 
 After visiting at any one's home it is customary to write 
 a cordial note or letter of thanks to the hostess. Such a 
 letter is frequently referred to as a bread and butter letter 
 and should be written as soon as possible after the visit is 
 over. The following letter was written by a young man 
 to his cousin. 
lo Community English 
 New York City 
 September 30, 1920 
 My dear Cousin, 
 I have waited a disgracefully long time, I know, before writing 
 to tell you what a bright spot in a dull and humdrum existence 
 that week was that I spent at your dehghtful place by the sea- 
 shore. The work that piled up at the office while I was playing 
 in the sand and boating on the lagoon has, I am afraid, made 
 me seem forgetful of your many kindnesses. Yet I am not 
 afraid of seeming ungrateful, for I know that you are one of 
 those friendly souls with whom I can begin where I left off in 
 either a letter or a visit. 
 When next summer comes around, and you invite me out 
 there again (as you always have and I hope always will), 
 I can tell you about the many interesting affairs of the office and 
 the city. Yet I probably shan't, at that, for I am sure that 
 once again the noisy haunts of men will seem remote and un- 
 important, and the only questions that will interest us will be 
 when the tide is high and what are the prospects of a favoring 
 Cordially and gratefully yours, 
 Why do you think the hostess would be glad to receive 
 such a letter? In what way did Fred indicate that he had 
 had a delightful visit? 
 A Letter of Sympathy 
 You may be interested to know what Colonel Theodore 
 Roosevelt said of the following letter. " The mother of 
 whom Lincoln wrote stood in one sense on a loftier plane 
 of patriotism than the mighty President himself. Her 
 memory, and the memory of her sons whom she bore for the 
 Union, should be kept green in our minds; for she and 
Letter Writing II 
 they in life and death, typified all that is best and highest 
 in our national existence. The deed itself, and the words 
 of the great man which commemorate that deed, should 
 form one of those heritages for all Americans which it is of 
 inestimable consequence that America should possess." 
 Executive Mansion 
 Washington, Nov. 21, 1864 
 To Mrs. Bixby, Boston, Mass. 
 Dear Madam : I have been shown in the files of the War De- 
 partment a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts, 
 that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously 
 on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be 
 any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from 
 the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from 
 tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the 
 thanks of the Republic they died to save. I pray that our 
 Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereave- 
 ment, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved 
 and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid 
 so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom. 
 Yours very sincerely and respectfully, 
 A. Lincoln 
 Give your reasons for believing that this is a friendly or 
 personal letter, although President Lincoln did not know 
 Mrs. Bixby. 
 Business Letters 
 You will remember that in personal letters considerable 
 attention is paid to the form in which the message is written. 
 Business letters need to be worded even more carefully 
 than letters written to relatives and friends, because greater 
 interests are usually at stake. Here the " three C's '' — 
 Community English 
 clearness, courtesy, and common sense, are of vital impor- 
 tance. Carelessness in the matter of form produces an 
 unfavorable impression. Custom sanctions several forms 
 of business letters, any one of which is correct. The 
 following diagram sets forth one of these permitted forms : 
 or Salu- 
 67 Adams Street 
 Ida Parkway, Georgia 
 December 10, 1920 
 Mr. John Brown 
 29 Otis Road 
 Warren, Ohio 
 Dear Sir : 
 Very truly youis, 
 Body of 
 The superscription. — The address on the envelope, or 
 the superscription, is written in the same way as the address 
 found within the letter. The name of the writer ought also 
 to be indicated. It is generally written in the upper left- 
 hand corner of the envelope. At the New York City post 
 office last year there were 9,696,243 dead letters, and 79,000 
Letter Writing 1 3 
 parcels without any address whatever. Not one of these 
 pieces of mail bore the address of the sender. More- 
 over, to trace and correct addresses on misdirected mail in 
 New York City alone, the Government spent $100,000.00. 
 The postmaster of that city says, " Thousands of errors 
 could be avoided if people would address their letters with 
 the name of the town and state as well as the name of the 
 addressee Written Out in Full." The street and 
 number should also be placed on each letter, as indicated 
 by the following examples : 
 Ketnrn after Fiye Days to 
 Boston, Massachusetts 
 Miss Helen Merrill 
 54 Oak Road 
 Buffalo, New York 
 'luntingrton Chambers, Copley Square 
 Boston 17, Mass. 
 . John Brown 
 29 Otisville 
14 Community English 
 Does the first line of the address come above or below 
 the middle of the envelope? Is the address centered on 
 the envelope or is it written at one side? Why is there a 
 comma after the word Buffalo on the first envelope but no 
 comma after the word Cleveland on the second envelope ? 
 Specimen letters. — Read over the following business 
 letters and note carefully these points : 
 1. Are the letters clear? 
 2. Is the entire heading written upon a single line in any 
 of the letters? 
 3. Is the appearance of the letter improved by making 
 the right and left hand margins nearly equal? 
 4. Is it customary to leave as much white space below 
 the letter as at the sides? 
 5. Are all paragraphs in a letter indented the same 
 distance from the margin? 
 6. When a letter of complaint is received why is it good 
 business to send a courteous letter of adjustment in reply? 
 An Order 
 54 Oak Road 
 Buffalo, New York 
 October 20, 1920 
 The Youth's Companion 
 881 Commonwealth Avenue 
 Boston, Massachusetts 
 Dear Sirs : 
 Please send the "Youth's Companion" to me for one year, 
 beginning with the January numbers. I am inclosing a postal 
 money order to pay for my subscription. 
 Very truly yours, 
 (Miss) Helen Merrill 
Letter Writing 15 
 A Receipt 
 November 16, 1920 
 Bogton, Massachusetts 
 Miss Helen Merrill 
 54 Oak Road 
 Buffalo, New York 
 Dear Madam : 
 Your letter, inclosing postal money order for subscription to 
 "The Youth's Companion" for one year, has been received. 
 If you do not receive your first copy promptly, kindly inform 
 us of the fact. 
 Very truly yours, 
 The Youth's Companion 
 A Letter of Complaint or Claim Letter 
 54 Oak Road 
 Buffalo, New York 
 January 22, 1921 
 The Youth's Companion 
 881 Commonwealth Avenue 
 Boston, Mass. 
 Dear Sirs : 
 Before me is a letter dated November sixteenth, in which you 
 state that a postal money order to cover my subscription to 
 your magazine for one year has been received. As yet, how- 
 ever, I have not received my first copy. 
 Will you kindly consult your records to see if some mistake 
 has been made in entering my subscription ? 
 Very truly yours, 
 (Miss) Helen Merrill 
1 6 Community English 
 A Letter of Adjustment 
 Boston, Massachusetts 
 January 24, 192 1 
 Miss Helen Merrill 
 54 Oak Road 
 Buffalo, New York 
 Dear Miss Merrill : 
 We regret that you have not received any of the January 
 numbers of the "Youth's Companion,'' and we thank you for 
 calling our attention to the matter. 
 We have consulted our files and find that your order was 
 promptly entered, but because of an unusual error in our mailing 
 department the magazine was sent to the wrong address. We 
 have ordered, therefore, other copies forwarded to you with- 
 out delay. If they do not reach you promptly we shall be 
 glad to hear from you. 
 Very truly yours. 
 The Youth's Companion 
 Two Letters of Application 
 In a letter of application the writer tries to sell his 
 services. If the letter is in proper form, neat in appear- 
 ance, correct in grammar, punctuation and spelling, it is 
 likely to receive attention. But if a personal interview is 
 to follow the letter, the application itself may sometimes 
 be written in briefest outline. Study carefully the follow- 
 ing letter : 
Letter Writing 17 
 1 148 Tremont Street 
 Boston, Mass. 
 June 19, 1920 
 Apply by letter to 
 Mr. Penny, 48 Park Square. 
 Mr. Penny 
 48 Park Square 
 Boston, Mass. 
 Dear Sir : 
 In reply to the above advertisement from last night's Tran- 
 script, I submit the following statement concerning my qualifica- 
 tions for the job you offer. 
 If you care to see me, I am at liberty to call at the store at the 
 time most convenient to you. 
 Very truly yours, 
 Harold Ditton 
 Statement of QuaHfications : 
 Age . Seventeen 
 Nationality American 
 Appearance Height — five feet ten 
 Weight — one hundred forty 
 Education Newton Grammar School graduate 
 Now a Junior in East High School 
 Experience Assistant Shipping Clerk for Jones Brothers 
 during two summer vacations 
 References Mr. A. X. Jacobs 
 Principal of East High School 
 Mr. James Jones 
 no Boylston Street 
l8 Community English 
 Sometimes it is advisable to give in your first letter of 
 application all the information which may influence the 
 employer in your favor. Why do you think the girl who 
 wrote the following letter obtained a position? 
 279 Victoria Circle 
 Wayborne, Michigan 
 October 12, 1920 
 Sales Manager 
 The Mack Company 
 96 Third Avenue 
 San Francisco, California 
 My dear Sir : 
 My aunt, Mrs. Donald Darby of Los Angeles, has suggested 
 that there may possibly be an opening in your store for a girl 
 of seventeen, and has promised to write to you in my behalf. 
 I am intensely interested in salesmanship, and the selling of 
 school books or other school supplies appeals to me particularly. 
 I have a good background for such work, having been brought 
 up in an educational atmosphere. My father was a superin- 
 tendent of schools for many years and my mother was formerly 
 a teacher. Consequently I believe that if I were given a chance 
 to clerk in the book department of your store, I should be suc- 
 I was graduated from the Emerson Junior High School of this 
 city with the class of nineteen hundred twenty, and for two 
 summers I have been assistant clerk in the Sterling Book Shop 
 Mother's health is faiUng rapidly and the doctor recommends 
 a change of climate at once. We are planning to spend the com- 
 ing winter in San Francisco, and I can not help feeling that while 
 there I ought to be at work. 
 It has occurred to me that a position in your store would be 
Letter Writing 19 
 especially congenial to me, so I shall appreciate very much any 
 information you may be able to give me regarding the possi- 
 bility of your employing me in your book department or, in 
 fact, in any other department in your store. 
 Very truly yours, 
 (Miss) Evelyn Phillips 
 A Letter of Instnictions ^ 
 The letter written by a business man to-day is quite 
 different from the business letter of George Washington's 
 time. In what ways is the following letter unlike a modern 
 business letter? 
 Head Quarters 
 26 th July 1780 
 I have been honored with your favor of the 15th. 
 The particular and spirited exertions of the State of New 
 Hampshire to fuliSl the objects which we have in view cannot 
 but meet the warmest applause of every lover of his country. 
 It has mine in a very high degree, but not more than it has 
 I could wish the loan of powder to be forwarded as soon as 
 practicable to Springfield, and lodged there in the pubHc maga- 
 zine. With regard to the supplies of cattle, the bearer of this 
 carries full instructions from the commissary of purchases for 
 their disposal. 
 I have the honor to be with great respect, Sir, 
 Your most obt. and h'ble servt 
 George Washington 
 H'n'ble Meshech Weare Esq. 
 * The examples given are hitherto unpublished letters. 
20 Community English 
 A Report 
 Business houses frequently ask their men to make brief 
 reports in the form of letters. Here is such a report written 
 by Benjamin Franklin in 1873. Is it clear? 
 Passy, March 7, 1783 
 Dear Sir: 
 With this I send you a Copy of the last Contract I made with 
 this Court respecting the late Loan of Six Millions, the Terms 
 of the Loan and the Time of Repayment. It was impossible 
 for me to obtain more, and indeed, considering the State of 
 Finances and Expenses here, I wonder I have obtained so much. 
 You will see by the inclosed Gazette, that the Government is 
 obliged to stop Payment for a year of its own Bills of Exchange 
 Drawn in America and the East Indies; yet it has advanced 
 Six Millions to save the Credit of ours. You will I am sure do 
 all in your Power to avoid drawing beyond your funds here for 
 I am absolutely assured that no further Aid for this Year is to be 
 expected, and it will not be strange that they should suffer 
 your Bills to take the same State with their own. You will also 
 see in the Contract fresh marks of the King's Goodness towards 
 us in giving so long a Time for Payment, and forgiving the first 
 Year's Interest. I hope the Ravings of a certain mischevouse 
 Madman against France and its Ministers, which I hear of 
 every Day, will not be regarded in America, so as to diminish 
 in the least the happy Union that has hitherto subsisted be- 
 tween the two Nations ; and which is indeed the solid Founda- 
 tion of our present Importance in Europe. With great Esteem, 
 I am ever 
 Dear Sir 
 Your most obedient 
 and most humble Servant 
 Benjamin Franklin 
 Honble R. Morris Esq. 
Letter Writing 
 The Telegram 
 The telegram is similar in form to a letter, but it is for- 
 warded with greater rapidity. Those of you whose fathers 
 are not closely connected with business houses may think 
 that telegrams are used only in case of important emer- 
 gencies. This is not the case. Telegrams are in daily 
 use because they help to hurry along the world's business. 
 Their chief drawback is their expense, and for this reason 
 the message must be condensed so as to cost as little as 
 possible. Care must be taken, however, in spite of the 
 need for brevity, that the message be clear. Here are 
 three suggestions which may help you to write brief, clear 
 messages. Omit the words the and and. Do not attempt 
 to write complete sentences. Use the word period to 
 indicate the end of sentences, if the meaning is not clear 
 without such punctuation. 
 The cost of the message depends upon the number of 
 words used, upon the distance to which it is sent, and upon 
 the class of service desired. Since there are four different 
 kinds of service, the sender is asked to mark an X in the little 
 square opposite the class of service desired. Such a square 
 from the Western Union Telegraph blank looks Uke this ; 
 Day Letter 
 Night Message 
 Night Letter 
 Patrons should mark an X opposite 
 the class of service desired . 
22 Community English 
 Select one of your classmates to obtain specimens of 
 telegraph blanks for your class. The Western Union or 
 The Postal Telegraph will gladly furnish blanks for fast 
 day messages, for day letters, for night messages, and for 
 night letters. Read the following models and answer the 
 questions following each model. 
 Fast Day Message 
 Is the word period necessary in this message to make the 
 meaning clear ? Is any charge made for sending the name 
 and address of the writer? What is the rate for a fast day 
 message to be sent to a place within a short radius of your 
 Day Letter 
Letter Writing 23 
 What is the rate for sending day letters ? May more than 
 fifty words be sent at this rate? Since day letters are 
 sent as deferred service, what advantage is there in sending 
 a day letter instead of a fast day message? 
 Night Letter 
 What is the difference in cost of a fifty word day letter 
 and a fifty word night letter? Which is sent the more 
 quickly, a day letter or a night letter? May night letters 
 be sent in code or must they be in plain English ? 
 The following cablegram was sent by Queen Victoria to the 
 great explorer Henry M. Stanley on the completion of his 
 famous journey across Africa. 
 WINDSOR DEC 10 1889 
 V. R. 
24 Community English 
 What does V.R. stand for? Are the address and the 
 signature counted in addition to the words of the message? 
 Now that you have studied in some detail the different 
 forms of letter writing, you are ready for your first 
 To make an illustrated booklet containing all the 
 correspondence necessary in connection with a long 
 journey. You may choose, for example, a trip to the 
 home of Evangeline, Miles Standish, Washington Ir- 
 ving, Theodore Roosevelt, Bret Harte, Mark Twain, 
 Booth Tarkington; or to Niagara Falls, Palm Beach, 
 New York City, San Francisco, or Alaska. 
 Instructions. — 
 1. Consult maps, railway time-tables, ticket agents, 
 steamship folders, geographies, and histories, as well as 
 your teacher, when making the plans for your trip. 
 2. Make a booklet of any plain, heavy paper. Bind it 
 securely and decorate the cover. Special directions for 
 booklet making will be found at the beginning of Part II 
 of this book. 
 3. Include in this booklet each of the exercises called 
 for by your Undertaking. 
 4. Use telegraph blanks, postal money order forms, and 
 pictures cut from magazines or original sketches to help 
 make this imaginary journey seem as real as possible. 
 5. At the end of the time set by your teacher for the 
 completion of this Undertaking, hand in your booklet, but 
 do not show it to any one until it is finished. 
Letter Writing 25 
 6. Remember to make your exercises as nearly correct 
 and complete as possible the first time. There will be no 
 opportunity to "do them over." 
 7. If you wish, you may ask your teacher to make this 
 a Booklet contest. 
 Items to be included. — As you work out your Under- 
 taking, plan to enter in your booklet the following exercises : 
 1. Write a letter and send it to a railroad or steamship 
 company asking for time-tables and folders which will help 
 you in planning your imaginary trip. You will find many 
 such folders advertised in the daily papers and in maga- 
 zines. Enter a copy of your letter in your booklet. 
 2. If you receive an answer to your request, you may 
 also enter that in your booklet. 
 3. Write again to the railroad or steamship company 
 (this letter you will not send) making the necessary reser- 
 vations. Mention time of departure of train or ship. In- 
 close a check to cover cost of ticket. 
 4. Write to the William Hengerer Company, Buffalo, 
 New York, ordering a brown leather suit case — catalogue 
 number 18,956, price $12.00. Mention postal money order 
 inclosed in payment. 
 5. Although a suit case from the Hengerer Company 
 reaches you safely, it is not the case you ordered. Write 
 a letter of complaint to the company asking them to correct 
 their error. 
 6. Write the Hengerer Company's letter of adjustment 
 to you. 
 7. When you checked your baggage at the home station 
 you were in such haste to catch the train that you left your 
26 Community English 
 pocketbook lying on the baggage agent's desk. As soon 
 as you discover your loss, telegraph the baggage agent, 
 describing the purse and asking that he forward it to 
 8. On the way you miss train connections and are forced 
 to spend the night with an old friend. Telegraph the 
 people who expected to meet you. State what caused the 
 delay, where you are, and when you expect to reach your 
 9. The next morning you again start on your journey. 
 Write your friend's mother a note of thanks for her hos- 
 pitality. Tell her how much you appreciate her kindness 
 to you and mention some of the incidents of your journey. 
 10. Finally you reach your destination only to discover 
 that somewhere between the station and your hotel you have 
 lost your suit case. Write an advertisement for the " Lost 
 and Found " column of one of the local papers. Describe 
 your case and mention a reward. 
 11. After you have spent a week in sight-seeing, write a 
 travel letter to your mother or chum 
 a. telling her incidents of your journey and arrival, 
 h. describing the landscape, the houses, and the people, 
 c, discussing what has interested you most because of 
 its unusualness. 
 12. Send a night letter to your father telling him when 
 you expect to reach home. 
 13. After arriving home and telling your relatives and 
 friends about your trip, you decide to go to work. Write 
 a letter applying for a position as office helper, clerk, 
 mother's helper, or whatever you choose. Mention your 
 age, education, references, and experience, if any. 
Letter Writing 27 
 I. Imagine that you are the business manager of the foot- 
 ball team. In an illustrated booklet, arrange all the corre- 
 spondence necessary in connection with booking and playing 
 the Thanksgiving game with a rival team from out of town. 
 For the word ^^ football " you may substitute, if you wish, the 
 word " baseball " or " basketball " or ^^ debate.'" 
 1 . Write a letter to the manager of the other team trying 
 to arrange the game. 
 2. Write his answer to you. 
 3. Telegraph for train reservations for your team. 
 4. Write to the hotel for accommodations for the night 
 of the game. , t 
 5. Write a letter of complaint to the manager of the rival 
 team about some unsatisfactory arrangement. 
 6. Write his letter of adjustment to you. 
 7. Write a letter to your chum teUing about the game 
 and describing events of particular interest. 
 8. Write a note of thanks to the woman who gave a 
 dinner for members of your team after the game. 
 9. Write any other letter that suggests itself to you in 
 this connection. 
 //. Imagine that you are to be a guest at a farm in Vermont 
 when maple sugar is made. In an illustrated booklet arrange 
 all the correspondence necessary in connection with the trip. 
 For the word " maple sugar " you may substitute, if you wish, 
 one of the following, and omit the words ^^ farm in Vermont " .• 
 coal mine, lead mine, sugar plantation, automobile factory, 
 copper mine, zinc mine, orange grove, or cotton plantation. 
28- Community English 
 1. Write your Vermont friend's invitation to you. 
 2. Write your reply. State definitely your plans for 
 length of stay, time of arrival, etc. 
 3. Write a letter to a merchant ordering a rain coat for 
 use on the trip. 
 4. Telegraph for railroad reservations. 
 5. Write an advertisement for the " Lost and Found" 
 column of a local paper for your umbrella lost on the way 
 to the train. 
 6. Send a night letter to your mother telling of your safe 
 7. Write to a friend telling of your visit and describing 
 in some detail the process of making maple sugar. 
 8. Write a note of thanks to the mother of your Vermont 
 friend for her courtesy to you while you were a guest in her 
 9. Write a letter applying for a job as a helper at a 
 maple sugar grove during the next spring vacation. 
 10. Write a letter of complaint to the merchant from 
 whom you ordered the rain coat, stating that a coat much 
 smaller in size than that ordered has been received, though 
 the style is the same. You need the coat at once. Ask 
 to have the matter made right. 
 11. Write the merchant's letter of adjustment to you. 
 ///. Make a booklet containing the correspondence 
 necessary in getting a job. 
 1. From the daily paper copy into your booklet an 
 advertisement of " Boy Wanted " or " Girl Wanted." 
 2. Write to Dr. William Jones, 87 Pine Street, Richmond, 
Letter Writing 29 
 Virginia, asking permission to use his name as reference 
 when applying for a position for the summer. 
 3. Answer the advertisement, applying for the position 
 and stating your quaHfications. Before you begin writing 
 this letter, make a brief outline of what you wish to say. 
 Perhaps you may wish to include the following items in 
 your letter : (i) how you know a boy or girl is wanted ; by 
 advertisement in a newspaper, or by advice of a friend; 
 (2) a statement of your qualification; age, nationaUty, 
 education — including your grade and record at school, — 
 experience, and references. 
 4. Write a reply to your letter of application, offering you 
 the job. This letter tells you definitely what your work 
 is to be, states what wages you may expect, and sets the 
 time for you to enter upon your new duties. 
 This Undertaking may be made a contest called " Getting 
 a Job." Your teacher will act as employer. Upon the 
 blackboard she will write a "Help Wanted" advertisement. 
 Each pupil in the class may apply in writing for the position. 
 The best letter of application will win the job. 
 IV, Organize a Class Post Office for the exchange of class 
 letters. A postmaster may be chosen and two mail carriers 
 appointed. To each pupil in the class is assigned an official 
 title. Your classmates may write to you, hut all letters ad- 
 dressed to you must he answered. The letters are corrected 
 in class for spelling, punctuation, and neatness. 
 The following directions are merely suggestive : 
 I. Write to the Governor, asking him to speak at your 
 county fair. 
30 Community English 
 2. Write to the President, urging him to accept your 
 prize turkey for his Thanksgiving dinner. 
 3. Write to the Secretary of State, asking him to work 
 for better automobile laws. 
 4. Write to the Superintendent of Schools, applying for 
 a position as helper in the school booth at the county fair. 
 5. Write to the college Registrar, asking him for a 
 6. Write to the president of a large manufacturing 
 company, applying for a position as ofl5.ce boy. 
 V. Pretend that you are the business manager of your 
 class. Dictate a series of letters to one of your classmates^ 
 who will act .as your stenographer. Do not write out your 
 letters before you begin dictation. As soon as you have finished 
 dictating, you may act as stenographer for your classmate. 
 Dictate any three of the letters suggested below: 
 1. Write a letter to the Principal of your school, asking 
 him to act as judge in a debate conducted by your class. 
 2. Write a letter thanking him for doing so. 
 3. Write a letter to a merchant, ordering a dozen tennis 
 4. Write the reply of the merchant, stating that he is 
 sending you the balls ordered in your letter. Inclose a bill. 
 5. Write a letter to the merchant, inclosing a check in 
 6. Write a letter to a friend who is planning to visit you. 
 Give him very definite instructions how to get to your house 
 from the station. 
 7. Write a letter to a friend who is attending school in 
 some other state. Ask him to complete arrangements for 
Letter Writing 31 
 the visit of your class to a point of interest in his neighbor- 
 8. Write a letter to a piano manufacturer. Ask him for 
 the lowest price for a piano for your school, the easiest 
 method of payment, the amount of installments, etc. 
 State clearly that the pupils are attempting to raise the 
 money by school entertainments, and mention the sum 
 already raised which can be given as first payment. 
 9. Write a letter to the editor of your school paper, urging 
 him to help your class form a school bird club. Ask him 
 to write an editorial setting forth the advantage of the 
 study of birds. Substitute it you wish, one of the following 
 for bird club: corn club, pig club, canning club, poultry club. 
 10. Imagine yourself to be the story or literary editor 
 of your school paper. Write a letter to your teacher, asking 
 her to announce a Prize Essay Contest to be conducted by 
 your department during December for the Christmas num- 
 ber of your paper. Give details covering the nature of the 
 prize, the conditions of the contest, the length of the story, 
 and the judges of the contest. 
 VI . Pretend that you are a Spanish sailor writing a letter 
 home to your mother, telling her of your first voyage with 
 Columbus across the " Sea of Darkness.'^ 
 Suggestive questions. — 
 1 . When did you start on your voyage ? 
 2. From what port did you sail? 
 3. How many other sailors were in the crew? 
 4. What was the name of the ship ? Describe it. 
 5. Why did Columbus make this voyage? 
 6. Were you anxious to go with Columbus? 
32 Community English 
 7* Why were some of the sailors released from prison 
 in order to make the trip ? 
 8. What was your feeHng toward Columbus when he 
 would not turn back ? 
 9. What was Columbus' attitude toward you ? 
 10. What were the first signs of land you saw? 
 1 1 . How many days were you on the ocean ? 
 12. What did you do when you finally reached the 
 shore ? 
 13. What name did Columbus give to this land ? What 
 did the name mean? 
 14. To whom did he say the land belonged? 
 15. What was the appearance of the island? 
 16. In what way did the natives seem strange to you? 
 17. Did you return home immediately ? 
 18. What other land did you see? 
 19. Did you find the golden treasure you were seeking? 
 20. How many sailors were left in the fort at Hispaniola ? 
 VII . Imagine yourself to he a Spanish soldier under the 
 command of De Soto. Write a letter to one of your friends 
 in Spain telling of your voyage of discovery. Describe the 
 boat on which you sailed; mention the weather and the food; 
 speak of the landing, of the disappointments, of the four 
 years' wandering, and finally describe your joy at beholding 
 the majestic river; describe the death and burial of De 
 VI I L Imagine yourself to be a young girl sent over by the 
 London Company to the colony of Virginia. Write a letter 
 to your mother in England telling about your voyage, your 
 new home, your husband, the first crop of tobacco which he 
Letter Writing 33 
 sttccessftUly raised, your Indian neighbors, your black slaves, 
 and mention several of the hardships you had to meet. 
 IX. Imagine yourself to be a companion of Captain Miles 
 Standish as he sailed on the ^^ Mayflower^ ' to Plymouth. Write 
 a letter to your father stating the purpose of the voyage, de- 
 scribing the ship, the weather, the building of the one new house, 
 your Indian neighbors, the meeting with Massasoit, and the 
 first Thanksgiving day. 
 X. Imagine yourself to be a Dutch sailor under the com- 
 mand of Henry Hudson. Write a letter to one of the officials 
 of your home town in Holland telling why Hudson was sent 
 out on the voyage, the appearance of the ship on which you 
 sailed, the first sight of land, trading with the Indians, and the 
 discovery of a river. 
 XI. Imagine yourself to be one of La Sailers captains on 
 his journey of exploration through the great waterways of New 
 France. Write a letter to your brother telling of the voyage 
 from France to Canada, of your journey down the Illinois 
 and the Mississippi rivers to the gulf, of the vines and fruit trees 
 and forests, of the wild animals and their furs, and finally of 
 the naming of the whole region — Louisiana. 
 XII. Imagine yourself to be an English soldier under the 
 leadership of General James Wolfe on his expedition to capture 
 Quebec. Write a letter to a soldier cousin telling of the journey 
 up the St. Lawrence, of your nine thousand companions, of 
 the coming to anchor below Quebec, of the booming of the 
 cannon, of the shelling of the lower town, of your repulse, of 
 the discovery of a path, of the great battle on the plains of 
 Abraham, and finally of the death of your gallant leader, 
 XIII. Imagine yourself to be a friend of Paul Revere. 
 Write a letter to your mother telling of the intense excitement 
34 Community English 
 in Boston when the British soldiers started for Concord, of 
 the signal flashing from the lanterns in the old North Church, 
 of Revere' s wild ride ahead of the soldiers, of his cries arousing 
 the people, of the assembling of the Minute Men, of the firing 
 of the " shot heard Wound the world,''' and finally of the retreat 
 of the British to Charlestown. 
 XI V. Pretend that you are a sailor on the flagship '' Bon- 
 homme Richard"" under the command of John Paul Jones. 
 Write a letter to your mother telling of the appearance of the 
 ship, of the voyage along the English coast, of the strange crew, 
 of the sighting of the merchant fleet, of the chase, of the attack 
 on the ^^ Serapis,'" of the great bravery of your commander, and 
 of the result of the fight. 
 XV. Imagine yourself to be a backwoods volunteer of 
 Virginia under the leadership of George Rogers Clark. Write 
 a letter to your father telling of your expedition to capture the 
 British posts along the Ohio River. Mention the small body 
 of soldiers, the journey down the Ohio to. the Mississippi, the 
 taking of Kaskaskia, and the capture of Vincennes — without 
 a blow. 
 XVI. Pretend that you are a visitor to New York during 
 the first inauguration of Washington. Write a letter to your 
 people at home telling of the glorious spring sunshine, the 
 joyful city, the booming guns, the ringing bells, the military 
 music, the grand processions, and finally of the appearance 
 of the first President of the United States of America — 
 George Washington. 
 XVII. Imagine yourself to be a friend of Alexander 
 Hamilton. Write a letter to a friend of his telling of the 
 wonderful work of the first Secretary of the Treasury. Men- 
 tion two of Hamilton's opponents, and state four ways in 
Letter Writing 35 
 which Hamilton " smote the rock of the national resources ^^^ 
 so that '^ abundant streams of revenue gushed forth.^^ 
 XVIII . Imagine yourself to be one of the brave adven- 
 turers who went with Lewis and Clark on their expedition into 
 the unexplored wilderness. Write a letter to your mother 
 telling of your companions, of the reason for sending out the 
 exploring party, by whom it was sent, where the money came 
 from to pay the expenses, of your journey up the Missouri 
 River, of the boat itself, of your danger from hostile Indians, 
 of the hardships of your journey over the Rocky Mountains, 
 of your meeting with the Indian girl, Sacajawea, and of your 
 journey down the Columbia River to the Pacific. 
 XIX. Imagine yourself to be one of the pioneers who went 
 with Daniel Boone into Kentucky. Write a letter to your 
 wife telling her of the advantages of the new country, of the 
 buffalo and deer, of the warning given to Boone by the Indians, 
 of the beauty of the journey through the Cumberland Gap, and 
 of the desire that she be ready to move with you into Kentucky. 
 XX. Imagine that you are a passenger on the trial trip 
 of the ' ' Clermont " up the Hudson River. Write a letter to your 
 sister telling her of the appearance of the boat, of its astonishing 
 noise and speed, of the beauty of the scenery, of your compan- 
 ions, of the inventor of the boat, of his personal appearance, and 
 of his intense interest in the trial trip of his boat. 
 XXI. Imagine that you are a passenger on the first train 
 sent over the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Write a letter 
 to your brother telling him of the exciting ride, the great speed 
 of the train, the appearance of the car, the passengers, and 
 the length of time it took to complete the fourteen mile journey. 
 XXII. Imagine yourself to be a friend of Elias Howe. 
 Write a letter to your mother telling of the struggle of a poverty- 
36 Community English 
 stricken man to make a machine which would sew. Tell her 
 of the trials of Howe and of his final success. Describe the 
 sewing machine and tell her how much can he accomplished 
 with it. 
 XXIII. Imagine that you are one of the emigrants who 
 took the long overland journey to seek gold in California. 
 Write a letter to your mother telling her of the preparations 
 you made for the journey, of the emigrant wagon, of your 
 companions, of the long and weary journey, of the mining 
 camps, and of finding gold while " panning " gravel. 
 XXIV. Imagine yourself a sailor who journeyed with 
 the United States fleet around the world in igo8. Write a 
 letter to your mother at the end of the voyage, telling her of the 
 fleet of sixteen battleships, of your companions, of the food, 
 of your duties, of the ports at which you stopped, of the attitude 
 of the people toward the sailors, and of the great purpose of 
 the voyage. 
 XXV. Imagine yourself an engineer at work on the con- 
 struction of the Panama Canal. Write a letter to your father 
 telling him of the climate, of the conditions under which you 
 live, of your companions, of your work, of the great locks, of 
 the Culebra cut, and of the slides into the channel. 
 When you have written an unusually good composition 
 you probably hate to throw it away as soon as your mis- 
 takes have been pointed out — it seems such a waste of 
 effort. In many schools the pupils give permanent value 
 to their written work by binding their compositions into a 
 booklet. How would you like to make such a booklet 
 containing an illustrated composition on some subject in 
 which you are especially interested? There are several 
 ways of illustrating your compositions and of binding 
 them into book form, so the following suggestions may help 
 you as you begin the work of your second 
 To make a booklet containing an illustrated com- 
 position entitled ''Choosing a Vocation." With the 
 consent of your teacher you may substitute any one of 
 the subjects based upon geography, history, argricul- 
 ture, household arts, community civics, literature, or 
 natural history, listed at the end of this Undertaking. 
 Instructions for making the booklet. — 
 I. Make the covers of your booklet of any heavy mount- 
 ing paper such as ingrain wall paper, brown kraft paper, 
 drawing paper, bogus paper, which is excellent and inexpen- 
38 Community English 
 sive ; or tailors' pattern paper, which comes in several soft 
 colors, is inexpensive, and answers every purpose. 
 2. Make the inside pages of your booklet of the same 
 material as the covers, if you wish. You will find, however, 
 that one of the lighter weight papers will be more satisfac- 
 tory. Choose either unruled essay paper, typewriter paper, 
 or any other plain paper of good quality. 
 3. Cut the inside pages of your booklet 6 inches wide by 
 9 inches long and make the outside covers a little larger, 
 perhaps 7 inches wide by 10 inches long. 
 4. You may fasten your booklet either with heavy cord 
 or with paper clips like this : 
 -This b a brass dip 
 Such brass fasteners are much easier to use than the cord 
 but much more expensive and far less decorative and 
 5. If you decide to fasten the booklet with the cord, 
 punch three holes in the long side of the booklet about 
 one-half inch from the outer edge.* With the front cover 
 uppermost, thread a heavy cord through the center hole, 
 through the lower end hole, back through the upper end 
 hole, then back through the middle hole, and tie in a bow 
 knot in the center. 
 6. Decorate the cover in any way you wish with water 
 color, ink, colored crayon, snapshots, or pictures cut 
 from folders or magazines. You will do well to remember 
 that the simplest decoration is often the most effective. 
 Do not hesitate to consult your drawing teacher about 
 this Undertaking, as she will be glad to talk it over with 
The Making of Booklets 39 
 7. When you have completed your booklet it may look 
 something like this : 
 8. For additional information in regard to the making of 
 booklets you may consult Primary Handwork by Ella V. 
 Dobbs, or Illustrative Handwork by the same author. 
 Instructions for preparing the composition. — 
 1. Try to select a subject which seems worth while. 
 Choose some business you would like to enter when you are 
 old enough. You may wish to be a lawyer, a doctor, a 
 teacher, a professional ball player, a poHceman, an elec- 
 trician, a missionary, a home maker, a business man; in 
 fact, you may select any occupation which interests you most. 
 2. Make your composition as accurate as possible. Find 
 out all you can about the business you choose. What are 
 the qualifications necessary to enter it? What are its most 
 important duties? What advantages does the profession 
 offer and what are some of its disadvantages? Interview, 
 if you can, a person who is already in your chosen profession. 
40 Community English 
 Get first hand information before you begin to write your 
 article, but do not forget to consult books also. 
 3. The ideas in your composition should be expressed 
 according to a definite plan, so you will be helped by 
 making an outline of what you wish to say before you begin. 
 Unless your booklet indicates that you know how to collect 
 and arrange material properly, it has little value in this 
 4. Make your booklet as attractive as you can. On one 
 of the front pages of your little book copy the outline which 
 you made before writing your composition, then include 
 your composition. From old newspapers, advertisements, 
 or magazines, cut pictures to illustrate your theme, or 
 make little sketches if you prefer. Application blanks, 
 government instructions, or telegraph blanks may be 
 included as illustrative material if you choose. You will 
 be sure that the book is your book and that the ideas in it 
 are your ideas if you write the composition, arrange the 
 illustrations, and add an attractive cover before you hand it 
 to your teacher. 
 Specimen compositions. — Read carefully the following 
 compositions before you write your own composition in 
 order that you may answer these questions : 
 1. How many totally unrelated subjects are discussed 
 in any one composition? 
 2. How many parts of a subject are discussed in any 
 one paragraph? 
 3. Where does the first line of each paragraph begin? 
 4. When is a paragraph ended and a new paragraph 
The Making of Booklets 41 
 5. Where is the main idea of the paragraph usually 
 6. What is another important position for the main 
 7. Out of what sentence do all the other sentences of a 
 paragraph grow? 
 8. What other name might be given to the topic 
 sentence ? 
 9. How are the sentences of a composition cemented or 
 glued together? 
 10. Can you plan an outline for each of the following 
 compositions ? 
 Why a Baby Elephant Was Spanked 
 It is not believed that any animal has a sense of humor such 
 as human beings have ; yet here is an authenticated story : A 
 mother elephant was dragging an extraordinarily heavy timber, 
 which she had been unable to pick up, from one spot to another 
 in a shipyard. Two chains were fastened to her collar and 
 joined to a device like a huge ice hook which was fastened into 
 the end of the log. As she toiled along with her burden, her 
 half-grown baby elephant walked beside her. 
 She came to an incline where she had to exert her entire 
 strength to drag the log up ; and while she was leaning forward, 
 the baby elephant suddenly dropped back, caught one of the 
 hooks with his trunk, and yanked it out of the log, with the 
 result that the old elephant was thrown forward on her head, 
 her heels up in the air. The little elephant made straightway 
 for the woods near by, as hard as he could gallop. 
 The mother got herself together quickly, looked all around, 
 and took after the youngster, her trunk upraised. She caught 
 up with him in the woods ; and the men working about the ship- 
42 Community English 
 yard heard his squeals as her trunk descended on him again and 
 again. Finally the two of them reappeared, the little elephant 
 walking dejectedly at his mother's heels holding to her tail. 
 Samuel Arthur Derieux : The Smartest Animals We Know 
 A Japanese Baby 
 Ahnost every Japanese girl has a baby brother or sister 
 strapped on her back, for babies are never carried in the arms 
 in Japan except by the nurses of very wealthy people. The 
 baby is fastened on its mother's or its sister's shoulders by a 
 shawl, and that serves it for both cot and cradle. The little 
 girl does not lose a single scrap of her play because of the baby. 
 She runs here and there, striking with her battledore, or racing 
 after her friends, and the baby swings to and fro on her shoulders, 
 its little head wobbUng from side to side as if it were going to 
 tumble off. But it is perfectly content, and either watches the 
 game with its little black eyes, or goes calmly off to sleep. 
 . But the Japanese baby must learn many things. He is 
 taught how to walk, how to bow, how to kneel, and touch the 
 floor with his forehead in the presence of a superior, and how to 
 get up again ; and all is done in the most graceful manner and 
 without disturbing a single fold of his kimono. One writer 
 speaks of going into a Japanese shop to buy some articles he 
 wanted. The master, the mistress, the children, all bent down 
 before him. There was a two-year-old baby asleep on his 
 sister's back, and he, too, was awakened and called upon to 
 pay his respects to the foreign gentleman. He woke without a 
 start or cry, understood at once what was required of him, was 
 set on his feet, and then proceeded to make his bows and to 
 touch the ground with his little forehead, just as exactly as his 
 elder relatives. This done, he was restored once more to the 
 shawl, and was asleep again in a moment. 
 John Finnemore: Japan. Adapted. 
The Making of Booklets 43 
 Choosing a Vocation 
 What would you do with a miUion dollars if it were given you 
 to-day to invest wisely? Perhaps, you would consult bankers 
 and brokers whose judgment you valued, as well as a lawyer or 
 two, and doubtless you would discuss the investment with your 
 friends. Fortunately, a legacy far more valuable than a million 
 dollars has been given to you to invest as you wish. For your 
 life you would not take a million dollars, would you? Yet you 
 are probably giving almost no thought at all to the manner in 
 which you invest it day by day. 
 Nevertheless, this matter of life-investment or choice of 
 vocation is one of the most vital problems you are compelled 
 to meet. No person can make life mean much, either to him- 
 self or to his fellow men, if he does not meet his daily task with 
 eagerness. If in his work he does not find full scope and ex- 
 pression, he cannot work efficiently. The constant friction of 
 ^'working against the grain" prevents his ever attaining com- 
 plete joy and happiness. If, however, a person is enthusiastic 
 in his work, he does it well and successfully and is bound, there- 
 fore, to be a vital force in his community. 
 Are you thinking about what your vocation is to be ? Are you 
 reasonably sure that you are fitted by nature and education to 
 do the thing you want to do? Have you consulted older and 
 wiser people to obtain advice and help in this matter of how you 
 shall spend your life? If you have not yet begun to study 
 yourself, it is time that you found out what your inclinations 
 and wishes are, and for what vocation these interests and abili- 
 ties and ambitions best adapt you. 
 A Cherry-Tree Festival 
 A curious custom is observed in the German city of Hamburg. 
 It is a festival for the children, who march in procession through 
44 Community English 
 the streets waving cherry-tree branches, laden with fruit. 
 This festival has been held for more than 400 years, and serves 
 to remind the people of a grand victory that was won by none 
 but Httle children over an army of fierce men. 
 In the year 1432 Hamburg was besieged by a great army. 
 The war had been raging for many years and on both sides it 
 had become very bitter and cruel. The people of Hamburg 
 were terribly afraid, for they knew they could not hold out much 
 longer against such superior numbers. A council of the chief 
 citizens was held to consider what was to be done, and after 
 much discussion some one suggested that they should send out 
 the little children who might so melt the hearts of the soldiers 
 that they would do no harm to the town. 
 Then all the children were gathered together from their homes, 
 the city gate was opened and they were told to march out to the 
 army. The soldiers lying outside, who had come to destroy 
 the city and murder all who were in it, were surprised to see 
 the gate swing open, and little children all in pure white robes 
 come forth. When the little ones drew timidly up to their 
 tents, the eyes of the rough soldiers began to fill with tears, and 
 — as there were cherry orchards all about — they threw down 
 their weapons and gathered beautiful branches off the cherry 
 trees and sent back the children to their parents with messages 
 of peace. 
 Nesfield : Junior Course of English Composition 
 Optional composition subjects. — With the consent of 
 your teacher, any of the following subjects may be sub- 
 stituted for " Choosing a Vocation " as the title of your 
 I. Subjects based upon history : 
 Indian Tools, Weapons, or Food 
 A Method of Travel in Colonial Times 
The Making of Booklets 45 
 Dress of the Colonists 
 Dress of Colonial Children 
 A Colonial School Book 
 A Colonial Newspaper 
 A Colonial Kitchen 
 'Food in Colonial Days 
 A Colonial Church 
 A Dutch Home or School or Church 
 A Pioneer Home 
 One Day in a Pioneer School 
 My Hero (Any historical character) 
 Comparison of Uniforms Worn during the Civil 
 War and the Great War 
 An Important Event in the History of My State 
 An Interesting Item of Local History 
 An Example of Courage from Local History 
 One of the Liberty Loans 
 Civil Service 
 Enfranchisement of Women 
 An Important Battle of the Great War 
 The Story of Our Army or Navy 
 The Development of any School or College in Your 
 An American Inventor 
 A Famous American Poet 
 Early Days in My Community (The first store- 
 keeper, tavern-keeper, school teacher, newspaper, 
 or church) 
 One of Our Presidents 
 A Famous American Author 
 A Famous American Artist 
46 Community English 
 2. Subjects based upon agriculture : 
 Several Varieties of Apples (Any other fruit may 
 be substituted for apples.) 
 A Model Dairy 
 How Plants Get Their Food from the Soil 
 How Seeds are Scattered 
 Raising Corn (Wheat, oats, or barley may be sub- 
 stituted for corn.) 
 Raising Sheep (Pigs, horses, or cows may be sub- 
 stituted for sheep.) 
 Making Maple Sugar 
 Soil Improvement of the Farm 
 3. Subjects based upon household arts : 
 One Method of House Decoration 
 House Furnishing 
 Making Hats 
 4. Subjects based upon natural history : 
 Bird Notes (A study of birds in your community) 
 Native Plants 
 Native Flowers 
 Native Animals 
 Weeds in My Town or County 
 Fish in the Streams or Lakes of My County 
 Minerals of My County 
 Varieties of Fruit Grown in My Locality 
 The Honey Bee 
The Making of Booklets 47 
 5. Subjects based upon literature : 
 The Pied Piper of Hamelin 
 The Courtship of Miles Standish 
 Rip Van Winkle 
 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 
 Treasure Island 
 The Jungle Books (Especially the Mowgli Stories) 
 Little Women or Little Men 
 Hans Brinker 
 The Wreck of the Hesperus 
 The Great Stone Face 
 Stories of King Arthur 
 Lamb's " Tales from Shakespeare " 
 Barbara Frietchie 
 Abou Ben Adhem 
 The Bell of Atri 
 The Diverting History of John Gilpin 
 King Robert of Sicily 
 Herve Riel 
 Paul Revere's Ride 
 The King of the Golden River 
 * Horatius at the Bridge 
 The Last of the Mohicans 
 David Copper field 
 Tom Sawyer 
 The Call of the Wild 
 A Watcher in the Woods 
 The Man Without a Country 
 Christmas Carol 
48 Community English 
 Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch 
 Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm 
 Franklin's Autobiography 
 6. Subjects based upon geography : 
 The Most Important Industry in My City 
 The Plant Life of North America (Any other 
 country may be substituted.) 
 The Products of Illinois (Any other state may be 
 Food in Eskimo Land (China, Japan, or India may 
 be substituted.) 
 Typical Houses of California (Any state or country 
 may be substituted for California.) 
 Typical Home Life in any Foreign Country (In 
 this composition you may discuss foreign houses, 
 food, dress, entertainment, customs, etc.) 
 The Capital City of This State 
 The Panama Canal 
 The Chief Physical Features of This State 
 Iowa (Substitute any other state for Iowa and 
 discuss its noted people, its important buildings, 
 its chief industries, and other important items of 
 7. Subjects based upon community civics : 
 For the first three subjects in the following list special 
 questions have been suggested. You may use them or not 
 as you wish. Remember, however, to substitute the words 
 town or village for the word city in case you do not live in 
 the city. 
The Making of Booklets 49 
 Street Advertising 
 Why is the appearance of a street often spoiled by 
 What effect upon real estate have several large tumble- 
 down billboards ? 
 Can you do anything, as a class, to remove objection- 
 able billboards from your community? 
 Are any of the advertisements artistic? Do they add 
 to the beauty of the street? 
 Does your city regulate street advertising in any way? 
 Have you ever heard of a city where no large billboards 
 were permitted? 
 In what part of your city are billboards especially 
 The Post Ofhce 
 What is the appearance of the post office in your city? 
 Who is the postmaster? Who is postmaster-general? 
 Is the post office controlled by the city, by the state, or 
 by the United States ? 
 What is the meaning of special delivery, parcels post, 
 registered letter, insured package, money order, and 
 postal savings bank? 
 What are some of the advantages of free delivery? 
 Are the letter carriers compelled to take and pass civil 
 service examinations? 
 How does the post office department in your city speed 
 the delivery of mail? 
 What special effort is made at the local office to handle 
 the Christmas rush? 
 School Gardens 
 What is the meaning of school garden? 
50 Community English 
 How many such gardens were there in your city last 
 Why are these gardens of special value to city children? 
 Have you ever been a school gardener ? What success 
 did you have? 
 Do you know of a vacant lot in your locality which 
 might be used for a school garden? 
 Who furnishes the seeds and fertilizer for school 
 What becomes of the crops which are raised? 
 Is school credit given for school garden work? 
 Can you think of any improvements which might be 
 made in the school gardens next year? 
 Why I Am Loyal to My City 
 The Smoke Nuisance in Our City 
 Social Settlement Work in This City 
 Industrial Development in This City 
 The Architecture of Our Pubhc Buildings 
 Better Housing 
 What It Means to Be a Good Citizen 
 The Chamber of Commerce in This City 
 Associated Charities in This City 
 Character and Variety of Industries in This City 
 Medical Inspection in the Schools 
 United States Money 
 The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 
 Labor Conditions in This City 
 Americanization Work in This City 
 Advantages of This City as a Commercial Center 
 Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts or Campfire Girls 
The Making of Booklets 51 
 I. To make a class booklet. 
 Instructions. — In itself the class booklet differs in no 
 way from the individual booklet — except possibly in size. 
 As soon as the subject has been chosen for the booklet by 
 the class, however, two captains are appointed by the 
 teacher. The class is then divided into groups under the 
 leadership of the captains and each group works out one 
 part of the subject. Your special duty is to provide a 
 single page for the booklet. A committee, chosen by the 
 class, binds the leaves together with a heavy cord and also 
 provides the cover decoration. After the booklet has been 
 displayed upon the bulletin board for a given length of 
 time, it is placed in the school Hbrary for the use of other 
 English classes. 
 //. To make a class scrapbook. 
 Instructions. — The class scrapbook is like the class 
 booklet except that it usually contains the class work of 
 several different Undertakings as well as such illustrative 
 material as the following: photographs, newspaper items, 
 maps, charts, accounts of visits to local industrial plants, 
 and bulletins of local information. 
 ///. To make a class anthology. 
 Instructions. — After looking up the meaning of anthology 
 in the dictionary, choose from the daily paper the poem you 
 like best, but limit your subject to poems of nature, poems 
 of war, or poems of heroism. Prepare to read the poem 
 before your class, which is a board of censorship. If your 
 classmates and teacher approve your choice of poem, 
52 Community English 
 you may paste it upon a sheet of unruled paper 8"Xii" 
 in size. At the bottom of the page write these words: 
 Poem submitted by (sign your name). 
 File the poem with those submitted by your classmates. 
 As soon as twenty or more poems have been collected, you 
 may select a committee of three from your class to arrange 
 the sheets in booklet form. Upon the cover of the Httle 
 book should be printed neatly : Anthology of Poetry, col- 
 lected by class , date. 
 Do you remember how hopeless Rebecca of Sunnybrook 
 Farm felt when she was asked to write a composition about 
 "Cloud Pictures " or some other subject of which she 
 knew nothing? If you do, you will recall how dismayed 
 her teacher was when the composition was handed in. 
 Doubtless, you sympathized with Rebecca, who longed 
 for English lessons — " just a little more interesting " ; 
 and you will be glad that this Undertaking deals with your 
 own life in your own community and is, therefore, sure to 
 prove of interest. As a reporter, or " bearer of news " to 
 your classmates, you are to make an investigation of some 
 local public utility. They in turn will bring reports to you. 
 Since there are several ways in which to gather material 
 for these reports, it will be well for you to decide which of 
 the following methods you will undertake: each pupil 
 may investigate a different subject ; or the entire class may 
 make a thorough investigation of just one subject ; or the 
 teacher may divide the class into as many different groups 
 as there are public utilities and each group may investigate 
 a different subject. In case you decide upon group activ- 
 ity, each group should be headed by a captain. Having 
 decided upon your subject and the manner of finding out 
 about it, you are ready for your third 
 To investigate one of the public utilities in your 
 community and to give a short report of your 
Oral and Written Reports §5 
 You may be interested to know that the public utilities 
 which are usually supplied to the city by corporations are 
 the following : water, gas, electricity, telephone, and trans- 
 portation. The public utilities which ordinarily a city 
 suppHes for itself are : parks, libraries, schools, museums, 
 hospitals, playgrounds, and markets. 
 As you make your investigation you will come across 
 material which is of no special value to you but which may 
 greatly help a classmate in his report. Do you not think 
 that it would be courteous, and helpful to the work of the 
 class, to pass along such material? 
 Instructions. — 
 1 . Decide upon the public utility you wish to investigate 
 and announce your decision to your teacher. 
 2. Plan a trip to observe and investigate the utihty 
 3. Make arrangements with some official of the com- 
 pany for your visit. 
 4. While going through the plant or office, conduct your- 
 self as a self-respecting American citizen. Be quiet, cour- 
 teous, and respectful. 
 5. Jot down in a notebook the most important informa- 
 tion you receive. 
 6. Find out all you can about your subject in books and 
 papers, and discuss your Undertaking with your parents 
 and older people. 
 7. Before giving your report in class you will probably 
 wish to write out what you are going to say. From the 
 notes jotted down, arrange your material, according to 
 topics, in paragraph form. Write this first draft just as 
56 Community English 
 well as you can, then read it over carefully and make cor- 
 rections. If information is obtained from books, maga- 
 zineSj or newspapers, be sure to give the source of your 
 authority. Give name of book or magazine, date of 
 publication, and pages where information is obtained. 
 8. Bring to class interesting pictures, clippings, or 
 photographs for display upon the bulletin board. 
 9. In class make a short report of your investigation. 
 If your teacher wishes, you may be limited to five minutes. 
 10. Remember to stand erect, speak distinctly, use 
 simple words, and leave out all unimportant details. It is 
 absolutely essential that your report be true, that it be clears 
 and that it be complete. 
 11. When called upon by your teacher, be ready to 
 discuss the report of any other pupil in regard to English, 
 sentence structure, manner of presentation, and distinctness. 
 12. The best report may be published in the school paper 
 or in any local paper. 
 13. Written reports may be filed in the class scrapbook. 
 Suggestive questions. — Under each pubHc utiHty Hsted 
 in this Undertaking there are certain questions to help 
 you in your investigation. Do not Kmit yourself to these 
 questions however, for you will find out many things not 
 listed here. 
 I . Water Works 
 Describe the water works building and plant. 
 Where does the water supply come from — springs, 
 lakes, or rivers? 
 How is water pressure secured? 
Oral and Written Reports 57 
 How is the water stored, in a standpipe or in a 
 Is the water system owned by the community or is 
 it privately controlled ? 
 How much money does this corporation pay to the 
 city each year ? 
 Is the water pure or are you asked to boil it before 
 drinking it ? 
 How much does your family pay for the water it uses? 
 What is a water meter ? If there is a meter in your 
 house, can you read it? 
 What is a water filter? How is the water for your 
 city filtered ? 
 Is the water pressure great enough to afford protection 
 against fires ? 
 Why is it wrong to leave a faucet open or to waste 
 water in any way? 
 Have you seen any person in your community wast- 
 ing the water supply of the city? 
 If the water works plant is not attractive in appear- 
 ance, what can you suggest to beautify it ? 
 2. Gas 
 Is gas used in your community for street lighting pur- 
 Is it also used in your city for heating purposes? 
 Is it natural or artificial gas? 
 Can you read the gas meter in your house ? 
 How much does it cost your family a month for gas ? 
 Is the supply of gas sufficient for the community or 
 are there times when the gas supply is very low? 
58 Community English 
 Are the pavements often torn up so that the gas 
 mains can be repaired ? 
 How much does the company pay to the city for the 
 privilege of using the streets? 
 Is the gas office an attractive building? Could it 
 be made more beautiful by the addition of vines, 
 trees, or shrubs? 
 3. Telephones 
 Who invented the telephone? 
 When was the first telephone message sent? 
 How many telephone exchanges are there in your 
 How many operators are employed? 
 How many miles of wire are used? 
 Are the wires above the street or are they under- 
 ground ? 
 Are the poles for the wires unsightly, or are they 
 decorative in design? 
 Is your telephone service satisfactory? 
 How long do the telephone girls work each day? 
 How much are they paid ? 
 Is the telephone building attractive? Would it look 
 better with more shrubbery and vines about it? 
 How is the telephone service regulated? 
 What is a switchboard, receiver, transmitter, party 
 line ? 
 4. Transportation 
 What relation is there between transportation and the 
 well-being of the community? 
Oral and Written Reports 59 
 Who controls the street railways in your city or 
 town ? 
 How much money does the street car company pay 
 to your city for the privilege of using the streets ? 
 How long does it take you to come to school ? Do you 
 walk, use the elevated, subway, or surface cars, 
 or do you come by the steam road ? 
 Are there elevated roads or subways in your com- 
 munity ? 
 Which gives the better service ? 
 Why were the elevated and subways built? 
 Are there many accidents at grade crossings in your 
 locality ? 
 How many were there last year? 
 Has any effort been made to do away with grade 
 crossings ? 
 When were the first street cars used in your city ? 
 Describe the first cars. Explain how they were differ- 
 ent from those in use to-day. 
 Does the company provide seats for all who pay or 
 do many have to stand during the rush hours ? 
 Are the railroad and electric stations attractive? 
 What do you think could be done to beautify 
 Do you know of any city which operates its own 
 street railway system? Is the service in that 
 city better than the service in yours ? 
 Are there any "jitney busses" in your city? If 
 so, how are they regulated and what kind of serv- 
 ice do they give ? 
 Why is overcrowding in the tenement districts 
6o Community English 
 directly caused by the lack of transportation 
 facilities ? 
 5. Electricity 
 Does your city own its own electric light plant? 
 If not, who furnishes the light for the streets and 
 the houses? 
 Are there many unsightly electric poles in the 
 streets? Are the company's men permitted to 
 cut off branches of beautiful trees to make room 
 for electric wires? 
 Is it possible to place electric wires underground in 
 pipes or conduits? 
 Are the streets sufficiently Ughted to afford protec- 
 tion on a dark night? 
 Do you use electricity for any other purpose than 
 light in your house? 
 Can you read the electric meter? Read the njeter 
 this month and check up the bill sent by the 
 electric Hght company. 
 Which is the cleaner and safer to use, electricity or gas? 
 Which is better for street lighting purposes, elec- 
 tricity or gas? 
 ' What is the meaning of kilowatt hour, dynamo? 
 What power drives the dynamo in the electric hght 
 plant? Is a gas engine, gasoline engine, steam 
 engine, or water power used? 
 Name three electric cooking apphances and three 
 electric heating apphances. 
 Does the appearance of your electric light plant and 
 electric light office add to the beauty of your city? 
Oral and Written Reports 6i 
 If not, can you suggest some way to make the place 
 more attractive? 
 6. Parks 
 Why are parks especially needed to protect the 
 health of people, particularly of children? 
 Why are many small parks particularly necessary 
 in the crowded tenement districts? 
 How many parks are there in your city? How far 
 do you live from a park? 
 Where does the money come from which keeps up 
 the parks? 
 Who is the park commissioner? 
 What is the chief purpose of a park — use or beauty? 
 Are there " Keep off the grass " signs in the parks of 
 your city? Are the signs observed? 
 What opportunities for recreation are provided by 
 the park commissioners? Are there opportunities 
 for golf, tennis, baseball, and football? 
 Are free motion pictures regularly shown in any of 
 the parks? 
 Are band concerts provided by the city? 
 Has any effort been made to connect the parks by 
 beautiful boulevards or roadways? 
 Are refreshments or lunches sold by the city at any 
 of the parks ? 
 What can you say of the financial value of real 
 estate near the parks ? 
 Are the parks used in winter ? 
 Which is of greater value to the city — one large 
 park or several small ones? 
62 Community English 
 Are the parks httered with paper? What can you 
 do to help improve the appearance of the parks ? 
 Is there a section of your city which needs a park 
 but which has none? 
 How do parks help create a higher standard of 
 citizenship ? 
 7. Municipal Playgrounds 
 How many pubHc playgrounds are there in your 
 When and how were they estabhshed? 
 How far do you Hve from a playground ? 
 Why are playgrounds especially necessary for 
 children who ordinarily have to play in the dirty 
 streets- or alleys ? 
 Are the city playgrounds in charge of athletic 
 instructors ? 
 How many seesaws, sand boxes, swings, slides, swim- 
 ming pools, and bathhouses are provided for use? 
 Has any provision been made for baseball and 
 basket ball? 
 Is the playground flooded in winter for skating 
 purposes ? 
 Where does the money come from to maintain these 
 playgrounds ? 
 Are seats and benches provided for the use of 
 mothers and other onlookers ? 
 Are there " Keep off the grass " signs? Why do 
 you think they should or should not be observed ? 
 Is the purpose of the playground beauty or useful- 
Oral and Written Reports 63 
 Is there any dumping place in your city which could 
 be used to advantage as a municipal playground ? 
 Is there any land containing tumble-down buildings 
 which could be used as a small park or play- 
 8. Public Library 
 How does a pubhc library help to make better 
 citizens ? 
 When was a pubhc library first estabhshed in your 
 What, in brief, is the history of the hbrary in your 
 How is the library maintained? Who pays the 
 taxes ? 
 How is the building lighted ? How is it ventilated ? 
 Is the Hbrary centrally located? 
 How many seats are there in the reading room ? 
 Who is the Hbrarian? What are his duties? 
 Is the library building ever used for any other purpose 
 than as a library — for example, is it used for 
 club meetings, art gallery, or lecture hall? 
 Is the library building attractive? Can you think 
 of any improvement which would add to its ap- 
 pearance ? 
 How many books are there in the library? 
 How many books were drawn out last year ? 
 Who chooses the books? 
 Who engages the hbrarian and his assistants? 
 Who owns the books? Why should the books be 
 used carefully? 
64 Community English 
 Are you permitted to go into the shelf room to select 
 your book? 
 Has the library a separate department for children? 
 How many branch libraries are maintained ? 
 Are special talks given by your teachers on how to 
 use the library? 
 Does the public library loan books to your school 
 Why are the trustees of the Ubrary anxious that the 
 books be used? 
 Why is it necessary and proper for the library to 
 demand a fine when a book has been misused? 
 What is a Carnegie library? 
 What is the meaning of: reference books, traveling 
 library, circulating library, card catalogue, period- 
 icals, and card index? 
 9. Hospital 
 Is there a public hospital in your city? 
 When was it established? 
 Who is at the head of the hospital ? 
 Where does the money come from which maintains it? 
 How many cases were treated last year ? 
 Describe the building or buildings. 
 Are the surroundings attractive? 
 Are there special wards for special cases ? 
 What conveniences are provided for the patients ? 
 Has a special home been provided for the nurses ? 
 When are visitors admitted ? 
 How large is this year's class of student nurses? 
 What is a hospital clinic ? 
Oral and Written Reports 65 
 Is a clinic maintained in your city? 
 What is the meaning of city nurse, emergency aid, 
 ambulance, visiting physician, and city dispen- 
 10. Public Schools 
 How many public schools are there in your city? 
 How many teachers are employed ? How many men, 
 how many women? 
 How many pupils were in attendance last year? 
 How much money did it cost to maintain the 
 schools last year? 
 Where did the money come from? 
 About how many hours are the buildings used each 
 Are the schools in your city ever used as social 
 centers ? 
 How are the rooms lighted, heated, ventilated? 
 Where are the school playgrounds? How are they 
 equipped ? 
 When was the first school established in your city? 
 If possible, describe how one day was spent in that 
 old-time school. 
 How many weeks are the schools in session each 
 What are the qualifications of the teachers? 
 How is the course of study planned ? 
 Do the schools of your city get any state money? 
 If so, how much ? 
 Are textbooks free in your school? 
 Who is Superintendent of Schools in your city? 
66 Community English 
 What are his duties? 
 Are you required to go to school until you are 
 sixteen years of age? 
 How much money does your city have to pay to 
 educate a pupil from kindergarten through high 
 school ? 
 Of how many members is the board of education com- 
 posed ? 
 What is meant by the following : vocational school, 
 technical school, elementary school, secondary 
 school, parent- teachers association? 
 Are there any night schools in your city? 
 Why is free education of boys and girls a good in- 
 vestment for the community? 
 1 1 . Municipal Markets 
 Is there a municipal market in your city? 
 Is the market centrally located ? 
 Why does your city maintain this market? 
 Describe the market building. 
 Can you suggest any method of making the building 
 more attractive? 
 When was the market opened? 
 By whom is it managed ? 
 Do all classes of people buy at this market? 
 Is it operated at a gain for the city? 
 Is the market clean and sanitary? 
 Mention several different kinds of foods sold in the 
 Do you know any one who is opposed to the munici- 
 pal market? 
Oral and Written Reports ' 67 
 Has the price of food in your city been reduced since 
 the opening of the market ? 
 How does the market benefit the producer of the 
 What is the meaning of middleman? 
 I. To make an investigation of the government of your 
 community and to give a short report of the investigation. 
 Suggestions. — There are three departments of govern- 
 ment in every city or town. The legislative department is 
 composed of the law makers, the executive department is 
 composed of the law enforcers, and the judicial department 
 is composed of the law explainers who are usually called 
 Your community may not be governed by the officials 
 mentioned in the questions suggested in this Undertaking, 
 but you are governed by law makers, by law enforcers, and 
 by law explainers. The investigation, therefore, of the 
 government of your community should prove as interesting 
 as the Undertaking described in detail here. 
 Before you complete your work you should plan an 
 excursion to the court house or city hall, but do not go 
 unless you are chaperoned by your teacher or some older 
 person, and be sure that all arrangements for your visit 
 are made in advance. 
 You may substitute the word town or village for the word 
 city in this Undertaking. 
 Suggestive questions. — The following questions are 
 based upon the work of the various departments of govern- 
68 Community English 
 ment. They are merely suggestive in nature and may be 
 omitted or used as you choose. 
 1 . Legislative Department 
 What are the law makers of your city called? How 
 are they chosen? 
 How many law makers are there in your city? Do 
 they represent districts or wards or the whole city? 
 What are the qualifications of a law maker? What 
 is his term of office? 
 What salary does he receive? 
 When do the law makers meet for conference? 
 What are their chief duties? Why do they have a 
 right to tax the people of your city? 
 What is the meaning of city charter and city budget ? 
 When was a charter granted to your city? 
 2. Executive Department 
 Who is the mayor of your city? If your city has no 
 mayor, who is the city manager? How was he 
 elected or appointed? What is his term of office? 
 What salary does he receive and where does the 
 money come from with which to pay the salary? 
 What are the most important duties of the mayor? 
 Has he the right to veto a bill or the power to 
 appoint men to assist him in his work? 
 Do appointments by the mayor have to be approved 
 by the law makers ? 
 Who are some of the other law enforcers in your city? 
 Make a list of the different boards or committees or 
Oral and Written Reports 69 
 Who is city auditor ? What are his duties, his salary, 
 and his term of office? 
 A. Civil Service Commission 
 What is the meaning of civil service ? 
 Has your city a civil service commission ? 
 What is meant by a civil service examination? 
 How often are such examinations held m your 
 Who may take these examinations? 
 Of what advantage is civil service to an employee ? 
 B. Health Department 
 Who are your local health officers ? 
 Mention several health laws in force in your 
 What is the death rate in your city ? 
 What is the meaning of vaccination, quarantine, 
 epidemic ? 
 Why does the health department emphasize the 
 importance of fresh air, wise eating, and cleanli- 
 What is the work of the health department when a 
 contagious disease appears? 
 Has this department ever carried on a " Swat the 
 fly " campaign? 
 Are there any laws regulating the sale of pure 
 drugs in your city? 
 What are the duties of the milk inspector ? 
 Why is a carload of meat sometimes condemned 
 by the food inspector ? 
 Why do food inspectors examine both fresh and 
 canned goods ? 
70 Community English 
 C. Police Department 
 In your city are policemen elected or appointed? 
 Are they controlled by the city or by the state? 
 Who is the chief or superintendent of police ? 
 What are his most important duties ? 
 What is meant by police regulation ? 
 • What are the duties of poHce magistrates? 
 Why are policemen often called the city's soldiers ? 
 How do policemen regulate traffic? 
 ' What is the meaning of each of the following: 
 patrolmen, roundsmen, sergeant, harbor police, 
 mounted police, and motor cycle squad? 
 What are the chief qualifications of a good police- 
 What is the duty of a policeman when he finds a 
 lost child? 
 D. PubHc Service Department 
 ] a. Garbage disposal 
 How often does the cartman come to your house 
 to collect garbage and rubbish? 
 Do you put the garbage in one can, the ashes 
 in another, and the refuse in still another? 
 How much does it cost your city each year to 
 dispose of its garbage? 
 Is garbage collection in the hands of a private 
 concern which sells its service to the city? 
 Do you know of any vacant lots which are used 
 as a dumping ground for refuse? 
 Does your city make an effort to sell part of 
 the waste material collected? 
Oral and Written Reports 71 
 Has your city a garbage disposal plant? 
 Are ashes used by the city for grading streets? 
 b. Street cleaning 
 How does the cleanliness of your city depend 
 upon the work of the street cleaning depart- 
 Why is it important that the streets of a city 
 be well paved ? 
 What methods of street cleaning are used 
 in your locality? Which of the following 
 methods is most sanitary: hand sweeping, 
 rotary broom sweeping, or flushing? 
 How much does it cost your city yearly to keep 
 the streets clean? Where does the nioney 
 come from to maintain this department? 
 Has the health oihcer anything to do with the 
 work of the street cleaning department? 
 How is the work of the street department 
 managed ? 
 Are the streets sprinkled during the summer? 
 What is done with a heavy fall of snow? 
 Are there city laws against throwing refuse into 
 the streets? 
 What is your part in keeping the city's streets 
 clean ? 
 E. Fire Department 
 What, in brief, is the history of the fire department 
 in your city? When was it organized, and 
 when was the first engine purchased? 
 What is the most common cause of fires in your 
72 Community English 
 Why should the doors of all public buildings open 
 Are all the public buildings in your city provided 
 with fire escapes ? 
 Why should every theater have a fire curtain? 
 What salary are the firemen in your city paid? 
 Where does the money come from to maintain 
 this department? 
 Do the firemen receive pensions for long and 
 faithful service? 
 Why is it wrong to throw a lighted match into a 
 pile of dry leaves, or to throw a match into a 
 waste basket? 
 Do you know how to use the fire escape on your 
 school building? 
 Do you know how to ring in an alarm of fire ? 
 In case of fire in a motion picture theater, what 
 would you do? 
 What is a chemical engine, a steam fire engine, a 
 hook and ladder automobile truck, a water 
 tower, a life net? 
 Can you suggest any method of improving the 
 appearance of an engine house in your com- 
 F. Department of City Streets 
 Why are the building and care of city streets 
 important ? 
 Under whose direction is this work carried on in 
 your city? 
 Where does the money come from to pay for the 
 street paving? 
Oral and Written Reports 73 
 Why should the man in charge of this work be an ex- 
 pert in road building? 
 Why are paved streets of importance to the farmer, to 
 the automobiUst, to the merchant, to the church, 
 and to the school? 
 How do well paved streets increase the value of real 
 estate in a city? 
 How'many kinds of paving materials are used in your 
 Are the pavements in the business section of the 
 same material as those in the residential section? 
 Are the streets of your city lined with beautiful 
 trees ? 
 3. Judicial Department 
 Who are your city judges? How many are there? 
 How are they selected or appointed? What is 
 their term of office ? 
 What is the meaning of " petty crimes and mis- 
 demeanors "? 
 How do the juvenile courts try to prevent boys and 
 girls from becoming criminals? In what way is a 
 juvenile court unlike an ordinary court? 
 What is the meaning of each of the following : arrest, 
 warrant, bail? 
 What is the difference between a police court and a 
 criminal court? 
 Why are the police courts not classed under judicial 
 department courts? 
 What is the meaning of each of the following : proba- 
 tion officer, house of correction? 
74 Community English 
 //. To give an oral report of a current event. 
 Are you interested in up-to-date items of interest? 
 Where are such items usually reported? Are you in the 
 habit of reading one good newspaper regularly? Do you 
 talk over news items with your parents and older people? 
 Do you discuss them with boys and girls of your own age? 
 How would you like to have a regular day for discussing 
 these up-to-date, or current events, in class ? 
 In many schools, current event day is the most interesting 
 day of the week. Clippings and pictures describing and 
 illustrating the items of interest are brought into class 
 and displayed upon the bulletin board, and one section of 
 the class scrapbook is set aside as a permanent record for 
 the most important clippings. At first, current events 
 may be reported which are not worth discussing, but both 
 class and teacher act as a board of censors for each event 
 Should you decide to conduct a regular current event day, 
 you may be helped by studying the following instructions : 
 Instructions. — '■^ \ 
 1. You may choose any current event which interests 
 2. Be prepared to tell your classmates about this event. 
 3. You will be Hmited by timekeepers to two minutes 
 for your discussion. 
 4. After choosing your event, ask yourself this question : 
 " Will all my classmates be interested in this event? " 
 5. At first, you may speak from an outUne if you wish. 
 6. At the beginning of your summary, state the source 
 of your information. Say for example, " In the St, Louis 
Oral and Written Reports 75 
 Globe- Democrat of October fifteenth, I read an interesting 
 account of an air voyage from London to New York 
 7. While giving your summary, be sure that you remem- 
 ber to stand erect, to face the class, and to speak slowly and 
 distinctly enough for all to hear. 
 8. If the topic you have prepared is discussed before you 
 are called upon, arise, state that fact, but state also the 
 source of your information and add any other items of 
 ///. To investigate and report on one of the important 
 industries in your community. 
 Suggestions. — Doubtless there are one or more impor- 
 tant industries in your community of which you can make 
 an investigation. It is well to remember, however, that a 
 visit must not be made to any industry until arrangements 
 have been made with some official of the company. Your 
 teacher will accompany you upon your visit. The following 
 list of industries is intended to be merely suggestive of some 
 industry in your own locahty. You may choose any of 
 these: a furniture factory, a printing estabUshment, a 
 paper mill, a shoe factory, a banking house, a depart- 
 ment store, a restaurant, a stone quarry, an ice manu- 
 facturing plant, a meat market, a model dairy, a meat 
 packing estabHshment, a large farm, or a telephone 
 / V, To give a brief report of an interview with some suc- 
 cessful person in your community. 
 Suggestions. — Perhaps some of the following questions 
 may help you as you plan your interview : 
76 Community English 
 What work does he do? 
 What decided him to do this kind of work? 
 What are his pleasures? 
 Why is his work successful ? 
 What service does he render to his fellow men? 
 Has he a favorite motto or rule of conduct? 
 Has he a special message for you to carry to your class- 
 mates ? 
 V. To make a report on a job in shop work or manual 
 Suggestive questions. — 
 What was the job? For whom was it done? 
 What materials were used? 
 ; Were there any trimmings? 
 What tools or machines were used? 
 VI , To investigate and make a report on the development 
 of the telephone. 
 Suggestions. — For the development of the telephone you 
 may substitute any of the following subjects : 
 The development of the lumber industry in the United 
 The agricultural development of the United States 
 The development in methods of printing 
 The development of the motion picture 
 The evolution of methods of travel 
 The development of the automobile 
 The development of the aluminum industry 
 Improvements in farm machinery 
 The develppment of the oil industry 
Oral and Written Reports 
 The development of the iron and steel industry 
 The development of the textile industries (woolen and 
 cotton goods) 
 The development of methods of communication 
 The development in methods of Hghting or heating 
 The development of commerce or industry in your 
 Evolution in food products (canned foods, etc.) 
 VII. To give a report of work undertaken in connection 
 with any home project in agriculture. For the words any home 
 project in agriculture you may substitute any of the following: 
 any experiment performed in the laboratory, any work under- 
 taken in domestic science or household arts, or any lecture or 
 musical entertainment attended by you. 
 VIII. To make a report on any book read outside of class, 
 or to report on the outside reading you have done during the 
 Suggestions. — 
 1 . Keep a record of each book read. 
 2. Outhne your record in the following manner, but 
 when your report is given state your answers in complete 
 Title of 
 Main Idea 
 OF Book 
78 Community English 
 3. Under the heading " setting " state time and place 
 of action. 
 4. Under the heading " opinions " give your reasons 
 for Hking or disHking the story. Be sure to state your own 
 ideas. They are of far more importance in your report 
 than the opinions of any other person. 
 5. If possible, arrange to have one or more shelves in 
 your classroom devoted to a class circulating library. 
 6. Give each pupil a chance to bring a book for this 
 7. Each book must be approved by the teacher. 
 8. Arrange to have a different pupil in charge of these 
 books during the several periods of the day. 
 9. If you are chosen to act as librarian during one of 
 these periods, take especial pains to record neatly in a note- 
 book the name of the book borrowed, the date, and the 
 name of the borrower. 
 10. Draw up such other rules and regulations as your 
 class thinks necessary. 
 11. At the end of the term you may take your book home 
 or you may leave it to form the basis of a permanent 
 12. Remember that your book may be lost. You must 
 take the responsibihty of loaning your book to your class- 
 IX. To look up any of the following subjects in an en- 
 cyclopedia and to make an outline report of the material given: 
 Hudson Tube, aeroplane^ subway, submarine, gyroscope, 
 cyclometer, nitroglycerine, artificial ice making, Panama 
 Canal Locks, or the Erie Barge Canal: . 
Oral and Written Reports 79 
 Suggestions. — After reading through the article care- 
 fully, jot down notes of the main points to be remembered. 
 Then arrange your notes in the form of an outline or plan. 
 From the great mass of material given it is sometimes 
 difficult to select the important facts, so it is well to read the 
 article several times before you complete your report. 
 X. To make a report in outline form of material collected 
 for a biographical sketch. 
 Suggestions. — Before you begin the work of this Under- 
 taking, look up the meaning of the word biography. What 
 is the difference between a biography and an autobiography? 
 T . Choose your subject from the following list : 
 A biography of your father or your mother • 
 A biography of Christopher Columbus 
 John Smith 
 George Washington 
 Samuel Adams 
 Henry Clay 
 Thomas Jefferson 
 Benjamin Franklin 
 Patrick Henry 
 Alexander Hamilton 
 Daniel Webster 
 Elias Howe 
 Eh Whitney 
 Robert Fulton 
 Nathaniel Hawthorne 
 Washington Irving 
 John Greenleaf Whittier 
8o Community English 
 John Paul Jones 
 Theodore Roosevelt 
 Thomas A. Edison 
 Henry W. Longfellow 
 S. F. B. Morse 
 Susan B. Anthony 
 Eugene Field 
 Henry Hudson 
 Roger Williams 
 Peter Stuyvesant 
 Helen Keller 
 William Penn 
 Frances E. Willard 
 2. Find out all you can about your subject. 
 3. In a small book, jot down notes indicating the most 
 important facts to remember. Expand your notes to form 
 your permanent outline. 
 4. Ask yourself these questions: what were the main 
 ideas, and what were the less important ideas? Mention 
 these ideas in their proper order. 
 5. Consider which thoughts belong together and arrange 
 them according to this connection. 
 6. Number each of the main headings with a Roman 
 numeral I, II, III, IV. These numerals generally represent 
 7. The word or words directly following the numerals 
 tell what the paragraph is about. 
 8. Underneath the main headings and farther to the 
 right, place the details which explain the headings. Indi- 
 cate these details or subdivisions by letters, A, B, C, 
Oral and Written Reports 8l 
 9. Observe the rules of indentation and capitalization 
 and make your outline as brief as is consistent with clearness. 
 10. When arranging your material you may use the 
 following general outline : 
 Plan for biographical sketch. — No biographical sketch 
 can be made to fit exactly this plan, but as a guide to 
 arrangement of material you will find it helpful : 
 Introduction. — Name of person, why famous. 
 Discussion. — When and where he lived. The education, 
 the favorite occupations, and the habits of the boy. 
 The chief events of his life as a citizen, given in the order 
 of their occurrence. 
 Chief characteristics. 
 Death, when and where. 
 Conclusion. — Results of his Hfe upon his own develop- 
 Service to others. 
 Read over the following outline carefully ; it may serve 
 as a guide for you when preparing your biographical sketch : 
 The Story of Louisa May Alcott 
 Introduction. — American author popular with old and 
 young for more than forty years. 
 Birth and Infancy. — ^Germantown, Pennsylvania, No- 
 vember, 1832 ; moved to Boston, 1834; moved to Concord, 
 1840 ; poverty ; father was philosophical writer and educator. 
 Childhood and Youth. — Educated by father ; fondness 
 for reading, writing, and composition ; favorite occupations 
 — running, jumping fences, climbing trees, and acting plays 
 in barn ; a tomboy in habits. 
82 Community English 
 Chief Events of Life. — Seven happy years at "Hill- 
 side '' ; continued poverty ; apparent failure of stories ; vari- 
 ous occupations — school teacher, seamstress, companion, 
 household servant; final success of Little Men, Little 
 Women, An Old-Fashioned Girl, and hundreds of short 
 stories published in St. Nicholas and The Youth'' s Companion. 
 Death. — At Boston, Massachusetts, March 6, 1888; 
 mourned by thousands. 
 Conclusion. — Characteristics and personal appearance ; 
 money obtained from sale of books used in adding to com- 
 fort and happiness of many people. 
 XL To make a report in outline form of material collected 
 for a historical sketch. 
 Suggestions. — After selecting your subject and gather- 
 ing information about it, arrange your material in the same 
 manner as suggested in the Undertaking just preceding. 
 You may choose any of the following subjects : 
 An Outline for the History of Your Own Community 
 The Landing of the Pilgrims 
 The Boston Tea Party 
 The Battle of Lexington 
 The Building of the Erie Canal 
 The Search by Americans for the North Pole 
 The Panama Canal 
 The Growth of a Great City (New York, Chicago, etc.) 
 Life on a Virginia Plantation 
 The Burgoyne Campaign 
 The Louisiana Purchase 
 The Story of the Building of a Railroad 
Oral and Written Reports 83 
 Life on a Western Wheat Farm 
 The Pittsburgh Steel Industry 
 Shipbuilding at Fore River 
 The Journey of Lewis and Clark 
 America's Part in the World War 
 America and the League of Nations 
 Early-Day Amusements 
 The Struggle of American Women for the Ballot 
 Plan for historical sketch. — You may arrange your topics 
 according to the following plan, if you wish, using exact, 
 expressive words : 
 Introduction. — Your subject, why important. 
 Discussion. — What led to the subject discussed? 
 Principal characters in the event. Details, given in order 
 of occurrence. 
 Conclusion. — Effect produced — upon the Kfe of the 
 time and upon the future history of the country. 
 Before writing your historical sketch, read carefully the 
 following outline : 
 Burgoyne's Invasion 
 Introduction. — Important event of Revolution. Its 
 influence on the result. 
 Purpose. — To divide the country Burgoyne went south 
 to meet Clinton, who went north from New York City. 
 Time and Place. June-October, 1777. Canada; New 
 York; Vermont. 
 Principal Characters. — Stark, Gates, Schuyler; Bur- 
 goyne, St. Neger, Baum. Duty of each. 
84 Community English 
 Details. — Eight thousand men, Enghsh, Hessians, In- 
 dian AUies ; route by way of Lake Champlain and the 
 Hudson River; capture of Forts Ticonderoga, Crown 
 Point, and Edward. Battles of Saratoga. Surrender of 
 Conclusion. Americans encouraged ; France acknowl- 
 edged independence. Victory was greatest influence in 
 ending Revolution. 
 A class sketchbook. — If, after making your outhnes for 
 biographical and historical sketches, you write the sketches, 
 they may be arranged and filed in a class sketchbook. Such 
 a book is in form like the class booklet and is made by a 
 group of pupils from the class chosen to do this work. 
 If you are to become a well-informed instead of an 
 ignorant person, you will need to become skillful in handling 
 the tools you have to use ; for not until then will you be 
 able to undertake new tasks alone. You must know how 
 to use letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, and books. 
 The dictionary, encyclopedia, atlas, index, and gazetteer 
 are treasure houses of valuable information. Indeed, so 
 valuable a tool is the dictionary that you will need to use 
 it almost every day. Does it hot seem worth while, there- 
 fore, to learn how to use it efficiently? Fortunately, you 
 will find that learning how to use the dictionary and other 
 books of reference is not a difficult task, but like piano 
 playing it requires practice. Many boys and girls have 
 greatly enjoyed doing the work suggested in this your 
 To collect data from reference books: the diction- 
 ary, the encyclopedia, the gazetteer, the atlas, the card 
 catalogue, the dictionary of quotations, a general maga- 
 zine index, a book index, a table of contents. Who's 
 Who, and World Almanac. 
 Suggestive questions. — Be prepared to answer the 
 following questions : 

The Use of Reference Books 87 
 1 . What is a dictionary ? Name three large dictionaries 
 you have used. 
 2. What five things about a word can you find out by 
 looking it up in a dictionary ? 
 3. What does the word vocabulary mean? 
 4. What are dictionary guide words? How do they 
 help you locate a word ? 
 5. What do these marks mean when they are placed 
 above a word, (') , (") ? 
 6. Is the accent mark used with words of one syllable? 
 7. In a dictionary, the first letter of each word is 
 arranged alphabetically ; how are the second, the third, and 
 the fourth letters arranged? 
 8. What is the correct pronunciation of the following: 
 inquiry, address, allies, accHmated, apparatus, parochial, 
 architect, ordeal, illustrate, accent, magazine, government, 
 recess, municipal, conduit, and oleomargarine? 
 9. Which of the following words are written as one word 
 with a hyphen, which are written as a compound word 
 without a hyphen, and which are written as two separate 
 words : post office, post master, air ship, base ball, basket 
 ball, note book, scrap book, dress maker, to day, to morrow, 
 sun beam, head ache, horse power, all right, work shop, 
 every day, and rail road? 
 10. What do these marks mean (-), (^), when placed 
 above a vowel, in words ? 
 11. What is a word called which has almost the same 
 meaning as another word? Give ten examples of such 
 12. What is a word called which has the same sound as 
 another word, but is different in meaning? 
88 Community English 
 Word contests. — At least once a month, be prepared 
 to take part in one or another of these word contests. You 
 will win the contests more easily if you learn to open the 
 dictionary as nearly as possible to the first letter of the word 
 pronounced, and then turn the leaves rapidly to the right 
 or left. Use either hand and turn the pages with the index 
 The first contest may be conducted in the following 
 manner : 
 1. Upon the teacher's desk at the front of the room, 
 place a large dictionary. 
 2. Ask your teacher to pronounce a list of simple words 
 — such as boy, dog, horse, cow. 
 3. Await your turn to go to the dictionary, but as soon 
 as called upon, go quickly. 
 4. When you say, " ready," the teacher will pronounce a 
 5. Find that word in the shortest possible time. 
 6. Two of your classmates will act as timekeepers. 
 Each must be provided with a watch having a second hand. 
 7. As soon as you have found the word assigned to you, 
 one of the timekeepers will write your name upon the black- 
 board, and after your name will write the number of seconds 
 or minutes that it takes yoii to find the word. 
 8. The pupil who requires the fewest seconds in which to 
 locate a word, wins the contest. 
 9. In every contest your teacher will act as referee. 
 The second contest is almost as interesting as the first : 
 I. Try to arrange alphabetically, before any of your 
 classmates can do so, a Hst of words written upon the 
The Use of Reference Books 89 
 blackboard by your teacher. The words may be taken 
 from the dictionary or the telephone directory and time- 
 keepers will keep the score as in the former contest. 
 2. There may be several different kinds of lists of words, 
 for example : 
 a. When the first letters are not alike 
 h. When only the first letters are alike 
 c. When the first two letters are alike 
 d. When all letters are alike until the ninth or tenth, 
 as entertaining, entertainment 
 The third word contest is simple in nature : 
 I. Try to write the greatest number of synonyms for 
 each word in a list of words, placed upon the blackboard by 
 your teacher. 
 Additional suggestions. — In a notebook keep a New 
 Word List. Write down at least one new word every day. 
 Use this word in your conversation and in your written 
 work until you have made it your own. For one week, 
 make a list of the words you hear mispronounced. Bring 
 this list to class and, as you read the list, correct the mis- 
 takes. Be prepared to give reasons for your corrections. 
 Instructions for use of encyclopedias. — 
 I. Go to any hbrary and ask to see an encyclopedia. 
 Glance at several pages to see what kind of book it is. 
 Be prepared to answer the following questions concerning 
 a. What is an encyclopedia? 
 h. Is it one book or more than one? 
 c. How are the articles arranged? 
 d. Can you find a subject easily? 
90 Community English 
 e. Are the articles longer or shorter than those in a 
 /. Do the articles explain one word or one subject? 
 g. Are many pictures used in illustration? 
 2. Read over any one article which interests you. 
 Write down, in not more than two sentences, the most 
 important fact or truth in the article. 
 3. In class announce the subject of the article you read 
 and state the important fact about it. State the name of 
 the encyclopedia you used. 
 4. Remember that it is easy to locate a subject in an 
 encyclopedia but that it is difficult to select the most im- 
 portant fact about that subject. 
 Questions on other reference books. — 
 1. What is an index? Is it found at the front or at the 
 back of a book? 
 2. Does every book have an index? How is an index 
 3. How is a table of contents different from an index? 
 Why do many books have both? 
 4. If you wish to locate a fact very quickly, which do 
 vou consult first, table of contents or index? 
 5. Examine any two magazines. Do they have index 
 and table of contents? 
 6. What is a general magazine index? Of what use is 
 it in helping to locate some definite magazine article, for 
 example, a discussion of wireless telephones? 
 7. What is a gazetteer? Where is it found in the dic- 
 tionary, at the front or at the back? Is it a separate part 
 of the dictionary? 
The Use of Reference Books 91 
 8. What is an atlas? 
 9. What three questions about a book does a card 
 catalogue answer for you? 
 10. Suppose you wish to know the area and population 
 of Alaska. Where can you obtain the information ? 
 11. Suppose you are fond of a certain quotation but do 
 not know who wrote it. How can you find out the name 
 of the author? 
 12. Imagine that, while preparing for a debate, it 
 becomes necessary for you to know the names of the Secre- 
 tary of State, the Secretary of War, and the Chief Justice 
 of the Supreme Court. Of what service would a Congres- 
 sional Directory be in helping you to obtain the desired 
 information ? 
 13. Pretend that your class wishes to stage a pageant 
 written by Percy MacKaye. It is necessary for you to 
 obtain Mr. MacKaye's permission. How can Who's Who 
 help you to obtain Mr. MacKaye's correct address? What 
 other interesting information about Mr. MacKaye can you 
 obtain from Who's Who? 
 14. Look up the words reference books in the index of this 
 book ; then look up the same words in its table of contents. 
 Note where you found the words more easily. 
 15. Find the name of your own city or town in an atlas. 
 16. Ask your teacher to take your class to a library and 
 there give you a talk on the use of reference books. If you 
 wish, you may choose a committee from your class to 
 request the librarian to give this talk. 
 17. Be prepared to look up in reference books, certain 
 questions assigned by your teacher. Keep a record of the 
 time required to locate the references assigned. 
g2 Community English 
 1 8. If your teacher wishes, you may help her make a 
 collection of interesting pictures and clippings for clasc 
 reference. This work should be done in connection with 
 your bulletin board Undertaking, but should be indexed 
 and arranged as is a library book. 
 19. Look up any three subjects in the World Almanac, 
 then assign the same three subjects to one of your class- 
 mates and ask him to report to you the length of time 
 required for him to find them. 
 Have you ever stood before a store window or great 
 billboard and gazed with keenest interest at the pictured 
 description of a circus? If you have, you know that such 
 wordless descriptions can give a great deal of information 
 "All the sights at the animal show, 
 Where lions and bears sit on dining room chairs, 
 Where a camel is able to stand on the table, 
 Where monkeys and seals all travel on wheels, 
 And a Zulu baboon rides a baby balloon." 
 Perhaps, more recently, you have read a poster announcing 
 the latest Motion Picture. At any rate, you know that a 
 poster is a large bill or placard displayed in some public 
 Doubtless you would enjoy making posters similar to 
 these : of your favorite house, or of Uncle Sam, or of Hia- 
 watha. Possibly you would like better to help your class- 
 mates make a series of posters descriptive of the fur-bearing 
 animals of North America or of the production of maple 
 sugar in your own community. Indeed, you will have no 
 difficulty in choosing a subject which interests you, and the 
 making of the poster will prove interesting work, but to 
 write the paragraph of description, which each poster must 
 contain, may prove a more difficult task. In order that 
 you may know how to write your paragraph it will be 
94 Community English 
 necessary to read carefully the following selections and to 
 answer certain questions concerning them: 
 Specimen paragraphs. — 
 Japanese Books 
 Japanese Books are very odd-looking affairs to us. Not only 
 are they printed in very large characters, but they seem quite 
 upside down. To find the first page you turn to the end of the 
 book, and you read it backwards to the front page. Again you 
 do not read from lett to right, as in our fashion, but from right 
 to left. Nor is this all : for the lines do not run across the page, 
 but up and down. Altogether, a Japanese book is at first a 
 very puzzling affair. When the writing lesson comes, the 
 children have no pens; they use brushes instead. They dip 
 their brushes in the ink, and paint the words one under the 
 other, beginning at the top right-hand corner and finishing at 
 the bottom left-hand corner. If they have an address to write 
 on the envelope, they turn that upside down and begin with the 
 name of the country and finish with the name of the person, — 
 England, London, Brown John Mr. 
 John Finnemore: Japan 
 When the author wrote this paragraph, he arranged his 
 ideas according to a plan, Hke this : 
 Japanese Books 
 I. Reading books are odd, for, 
 a. They are printed in large characters 
 b. The front page is at the back of the book 
 c. They read from left to right 
 d. Their lines run up and down 
Posters and Charts 95 
 2. Their writing books are odd, for, 
 a. The words are painted instead of written 
 b. The address is written backward 
 You will also note that in form this paragraph is like a 
 tree. It has one main idea as the tree has one trunk, and 
 all of the sentences grow out of that idea, as the branches 
 grow from the trunk of a tree. If you were to draw a 
 diagram of this paragraph your sketch might look like this : 
96 Community English 
 An Orderly School 
 Never was seen such an orderly school. Not a boy or girl 
 moved, or uttered a whisper. The Griffin cHmbed into the 
 master's seat, his wide wings spread on each side of him, be- 
 cause he could not lean back in his chair while they stuck out 
 behind, and his great tail coiled around, in front of the desk, 
 the barbed end sticking up, ready to rap any boy or girl who 
 might misbehave. The Griffin now addressed the scholars, 
 telling them that he intended to teach them while their master 
 was away. In speaking he endeavored to imitate, as far as 
 possible, the mild and gentle tones of the Minor Canon, but it 
 must be admitted that in this he was not very successful. He 
 had paid a good deal of attention to the studies of the school, 
 and he determined not to teach them anything new, but to 
 review them in what they had been studying ; so he called up 
 the various classes, and questioned them upon their previous 
 lessons. The children racked their briiins to remember what 
 they had learned. They Were so afraid of the Griffin's dis- 
 pleasure that they recited as they had never recited before. 
 Frank R. Stockton : The Griffin and the Minor Canon 
 Is this a paragraph ? Where can you find a definition of 
 paragraph? In the model given, underscore the topic sen- 
 tence. Is this sentence at the beginning, middle, or end? 
 Do all other sentences grow out of the topic sentence ? 
 The First Schoolhouses 
 The first schoolhouses in the Middle colonies were of logs 
 almost exclusively. The earlier ones had a rough wooden floor, 
 if they had any floor at all. Often there was only the bare 
 earth which the children's feet soon rendered very dusty. On 
 occasion the youngsters would purposely stir up this dust in 
 clouds to annoy the teacher and amuse their fellows. Sticks 
Posters and Charts ' 97 
 were inserted between the logs around the sides of the room at a 
 convenient height, and boards were nailed on them to serve as 
 desks. Roofs were of bark, and at one end of the building was 
 a chimney of short logs laid up cobhouse fashion and daubed 
 with clay. Many of the schoolhouses had no glass in their 
 windows. But the paper that served instead was greased with 
 lard to make it transparent and less easily affected by water. 
 Clifton Johnson-: Old Time Schools and School Books 
 Draw some sort of diagram to show that all the sentences 
 in this paragraph grow out of just one idea. Where is the 
 topic sentence in this paragraph? What other name might 
 be given to the topic sentence? 
 A Scene on Cape Cod 
 The little- toy windmill was one of a dozen, all fastened to the 
 top rail of the fence and all whirling. Behind the fence, on posts, 
 were other and larger windmills; behind these, others larger 
 still. Interspersed among the mills were little wooden sailors 
 swinging paddles; weather vanes in the shapes of wooden 
 whales, swordfish, ducks, crows, seagulls ; circles of little wooden 
 profile sailboats made to chase each other round and round a 
 central post. All of these were painted in gay colors, or in 
 black and white, and all were in motion. The mills spun, the 
 boats sailed round and round, the sailors did vigorous Indian 
 club exercises with their paddles. The grass in the little yard 
 and the tall hollyhocks in the beds at its sides swayed and bowed 
 and nodded. Beyond, seen over the edge of the bluff and 
 stretching to the horizon, the blue and white waves leaped and 
 danced and sparkled. As a picture of movement and color 
 and joyful bustle the scene was inspiring ; children, viewing it 
 for the first time, almost invariably danced and waved their 
 arms in sympathy. Summer visitors, loitering idly by, suddenly 
98 Community English 
 became fired with the desire to set about doing something, some- 
 thing energetic. 
 At the rear of the little yard, and situated perhaps fifty feet 
 from the edge of the high sand bluff leading down precipitously 
 to the beach, was a shingled building, whitewashed, and with a 
 door, painted green, and four windows on the side toward the 
 road. A clamshell walk led from the gate to the doors. Over 
 the door was a sign, very neatly lettered, as follows: "J. 
 Edgar W. Winslow. Mills For Sale." In the lot next to 
 that, where the httle shop stood, was a small, old-fashioned 
 story-and-a-half Cape Cod house, painted a speckless white, with 
 vivid green bUnds. The bUnds were shut now, for the house 
 was unoccupied. House and shop and both yards were neat 
 and clean as a New England kitchen. 
 Joseph C. Lincoln: Shavings 
 Why is this description of a Cape Cod scene especially 
 interesting? Does the author change his point of view 
 when he describes the rear yard? What are the topic 
 sentences of these paragraphs? Where are they? Where 
 else might they be and still be in emphatic positions? 
 Having read carefully the preceding model paragraphs 
 and having answered the questions based upon them, you 
 are now ready for your fifth 
 To make an illustrated poster of a person which 
 shall contain a descriptive paragraph. 
 Instructions for making the poster. — 
 I. Upon a sheet of plain, heavy paper about i8X 22 
 inches in size, arrange the illustrations, diagrams, written 
 paragraphs, and notes which make up your exhibit. 
J J, » » » 
 Posters and Charts '•''''''''' ' ''g'9' 
 2. This paper may be any heavy mounting paper such 
 as wrapping paper, ingrain wall paper, bogus paper, kraft 
 paper, or tailors' pattern paper. 
 3. Illustrate your subject with pictures cut from old 
 magazines, folders — automobile, steamship, or railroad — 
 newspapers, and advertisements. 
 4. Prepare a neat, well-written paragraph describing or 
 explaining your illustrations. Be sure that you begin the 
 first Hne of the paragraph about an inch to the right of the 
 margin. This is called Indentation. 
 5. Arrange your exhibit as neatly and artistically as pos- 
 sible. Consult your drawing teacher about this if you wish. 
 6. Do not show your poster to your teacher or your 
 classmates until it is finished. Before you hand it in, make 
 sure that it is your best work. The posters will be dis- 
 played upon the walls of the classroom and there will be no 
 opportunity to make corrections. 
 7. Be prepared to discuss the posters submitted by your 
 classmates for paragraph form, point of view, clearness, 
 neatness, and attractiveness. 
 Instructions for making the paragraph. — 
 I. Choose from the following list of subjects a title for 
 your poster : 
 a. Subjects based upon Hterature 
 Ichabod Crane Evangeline 
 Brom Bones Hiawatha 
 Katrina Van Tassel The Pied Piper 
 John Alden Horatius 
 Priscilla The Village Blacksmith 
 Miles Standish Ivanhoe 
 '' ' " Community English 
 b. Subjects based upon history 
 Daniel Boone 
 Henry W. Longfellow 
 John Greenleaf Whittier 
 Nathaniel Hawthorne 
 Julia Ward Howe 
 Frances E. Willard 
 John J. Pershing 
 Alexander Hamilton 
 George Washington 
 Abraham Lincoln 
 Theodore Roosevelt 
 WiUiam McKinley 
 Ulysses S. Grant 
 Philip Sheridan 
 Robert E. Lee 
 Herbert Hoover 
 c. Subjects based upon geography 
 An Eskimo 
 An Indian 
 A Japanese 
 A Chinaman 
 d. General subjects 
 A Mischievous Boy 
 A Boy Scout 
 The Postman 
 An Organ Grinder 
 The Baby 
 A Frenchman 
 A Belgian Woman 
 An Itahan Child 
 A Filipino 
 An American Soldier or 
 Santa Claus 
 John Bull 
 Uncle Sam 
 2. Jot down the most important characteristics of the 
 appearance of the person you are to describe. 
 3. Give the general impression first, then state the 
 4. Arrange the details in some natural order, from foot 
 to head or from head to foot. 
 5. Try to make your description true to life. 
 6. Use very simple, definite words. 
 7. Read the following paragraphs and notice whether 
Posters and Charts ; ;' WI'n 
 the authors mention all these characteristics or only the 
 most important : 
 age, coloring, size, eyes, clothing, actions, hair. 
 Descriptive paragraphs. — 
 There were over a dozen children before the footlights. The 
 smallest of them was a very, very little girl with long auburn 
 hair and black eyes ; such a very little girl that every one in the 
 house looked at her first, and then looked at no one else. She 
 had big gentle eyes and wonderful dimples, and in the excite- 
 ment of the dancing and the singing, her eyes laughed and 
 flashed, and the dimples deepened and disappeared and re- 
 appeared again. 
 Richard Harding Davis : Van Bibber and Others 
 Buddy was about twelve years old, and his eyes shone from 
 a dirty face like two blue patches of summer sky through shower- 
 promising clouds. One of his shoes was intended for a male 
 person and the other, from which he had removed the high 
 heel, had been made for a female. His coat had been cut for a 
 John A. Moroso : Buddy and Waffles 
 He is hatless and coatless, and his tumbled snow-white hair 
 and beard are like a halo about his head. The sun, peeping over 
 the mountain top, seems to caress him. Its rays fall upon him 
 like a benediction. 
 Elbert Hubbard : John Burroughs 
 The door which moved with difficulty on its creaking and 
 rusty hinges, being forced quite open, a square and sturdy little 
 urchin became apparent, with cheeks as red as an apple. He was 
 clad in a blue apron, very wide and short trousers, shoes some- 
 what out at the toes, and a straw hat with his curly hair stick- 
ib^ ' r f , , : /A , -Community English 
 ing through its crevices. A book and a small slate under his 
 arm indicated that he was on his way to school. 
 Nathaniel Hawthorne : The House of Seven Gables 
 Henry Chatillon, our guide and hunter, rode ahead, mounted 
 on a hardy Wyandot pony. He wore a white blanket-coat, 
 a broad hat of felt, moccasins, and trousers of deer-skin, orna- 
 mented along the seams with rows of long fringes. His knife 
 was stuck in his belt ; his bullet-pouch and powder-horn hung 
 at his side, and his rifle lay before him, resting against the high 
 pommel of his saddle. 
 Francis Parkman : The Oregon Trail 
 It was the most extraordinary-looking little gentleman he had 
 ever seen in his life. He had a very large nose, slightly brass- 
 colored ; his cheeks were very round, and very red, his eyes 
 twinkled merrily through the long silken lashes, his mustaches 
 curled twice around like a corkscrew on each side of his mouth, 
 and his hair, of a curious mixed pepper-and-salt color, descended 
 far over his shoulders. 
 John Ruskin : The King of the Golden River 
 I. To make an illustrated poster of a building. 
 Instructions. — 
 1. Pretend that you are a photographer and take a trip 
 through your village or city. 
 2. When you have found the building that interests you 
 most — the following list of subjects may help you decide 
 — jot down its most interesting features, but Do Not 
 Move Your Camera, that is, do not change your 
 point of view. Your point of view is the place where you 
 stand when you see the building. 
Posters and Charts 103 
 List of Subjects : 
 My Favorite House A Haunted House 
 An Attractive Garage The City Hall 
 A Beautiful School Building The Court House 
 Our Church The Public Library 
 A Business Block The Art Gallery 
 The Fire Station The Gymnasium 
 The Old Cabin The City Club House 
 A Vine-Covered Cottage The Light House 
 A Modern Hotel A New Factory Building 
 The Old Tavern A Deserted Home 
 3. Remember that every building has a roof and walls 
 and windows and doors. If you mention only these things, 
 you will not describe the building at all. Try to pick out 
 the features which make the building you are describing 
 different from other buildings. 
 4. Ask yourself these questions when you are ready to 
 write your paragraph : How am I going to begin ? What 
 am I going to say? How am I going to stop? 
 5. Read over the following selections very carefully to 
 find out how many of these features are mentioned in each 
 paragraph: location, shape, color, size, material of which 
 building is made, beauty, and surroundings. 
 Buck lived at a big house in the sun-kissed Santa Clara valley. 
 Judge Miller's place, it was called. It stood back from the 
 road, half hidden among the trees, through which glimpses 
 could be caught of the wide cool veranda that ran around its 
 four sides. The house was approached by gravelled driveways 
 which wound about through wide-spreading lawns and under 
 the interlacing boughs of tall poplars. 
 Jack London : The Call of the Wild 
I04 Community English 
 Just in the edge of the village, on a four-acre plot of rich level 
 ground, stood an old two-story frame cottage. It was not 
 beautiful but it was sheltered on the south by three enormous 
 maples and its gate fronted upon a double row of New England 
 elms whose branches almost arched the wide street. Its gardens, 
 rich in grape vines, asparagus beds, plums, raspberries and other 
 fruiting shrubs, appealed with especial power to my mother 
 who had lived so long on the sun-baked plains that the sight of 
 green things growing was very precious in her eyes. 
 Hamlin Garland : A Son of the Middle Border 
 A little back from the road, seated directly on the green sod, 
 rose a plain wooden building, two stories in front with a long 
 roof sloping backwards to within a few feet of the ground. The 
 walls were unpainted, but turned by the action of the sun and 
 air to a quiet dove or slate color. 
 Oliver Wendell Holmes : Elsie Venner 
 Past the grey church and down the hill, at the edge of the great 
 green meadow, and a bit apart from the village, I found our 
 house, with its wooden shutters and its white door closed, a 
 quaint brick cottage, waiting for life to come to it again. It 
 has a brick front walk, and a brick wall stands about it, save 
 at the back, where the stream that skirts the meadow flows at 
 the very garden edge. Can you see it, the wistaria, the wood- 
 bine, the honeysuckle over the wee porch, the climbing, droop- 
 ing, straggling vines that make the whole house look oddly 
 like a Skye terrier? 
 Margaret Sherwood : The Worn Doorstep 
 II. To make a chart or poster dealing with one of the 
 important natural jesources of the United States. 
Posters and Charts 
 Instructions. — 
 1. In this Undertaking you will give a short talk to 
 explain your poster but you need not write the paragraph 
 of explanation. 
 2. Choose as the subject of your poster any important 
 natural resource of the United States. The following list 
 is merely suggestive. You may use it, or not, as you wish. 
 salt silver 
 coal sulphur 
 lead iron 
 yellow pine 
 white pine 
 red wood 
 Fishing and hunting 
 fur-bearing animals 
 cotton goods 
 farm implements 
 boots and shoes 
 iron and steel 
 silk goods 
 woolen goods 
lo6 Community English 
 market gardening 
 farm products 
 3. Find out from your Geography and other books of 
 reference all you can about your subject. 
 4. Choose which division of the subject you prefer to 
 illustrate. In this Undertaking the class will be divided 
 into groups and each group will work under the leadership 
 of a captain. For example, if your class chooses the subject 
 of agriculture, your group might illustrate farm products. 
 ///. To make a poster of characteristic houses of any 
 IV. To make a poster oj typical occupations of any 
 V. To make a poster of characteristic costumes of any 
 VI. To make a poster of typical scenes of any country. 
 VII. To make a poster describing an animal. 
 Suggestions. — 
 A Crouching Lion A Performing Bear 
 My Horse The Elephant at the Zoo 
 An Intelligent Dog The Blue Bird 
 A Mischievous Cat An Industrious Beaver 
 Jim Crow A Prize Cow 
 A Wounded Robin A Beautiful Butterfly 
 An Ugly Crocodile A Sly Fox 
 VIII. To make a poster describing any view or scene. 
Posters and Charts 107 
 Suggestions. — 
 The Road Through the Woods A Sunny Morning at the 
 After a Snow Storm Bridge 
 A City Street An Attractive Garden 
 IX. To make a chart containing a hill, a receipt, and a 
 Suggestions. — 
 1. Help organize a temporary class bank. Deposit a 
 few cents in this bank ; you will be permitted to withdraw 
 the money by check. 
 2. Upon a large sheet of any plain, heavy paper arrange 
 the following: 
 a bill for at least five items of goods sold to you 
 a check drawn on your school bank in payment of the 
 a receipt given you by the store when you paid your 
 3. Do not show this chart to your teacher until it is 
 4. Remember that every itemized bill should contain: 
 place, date of sale, name of buyer, name of seller, quantity 
 of goods, and price. 
 5. Ask your teacher to select a committee who shall 
 obtain for the class, blank bank checks and blank forms on 
 which to make out bills. 
 6. Remember that a check should contain the date, the 
 sum of money to be paid, the name of the person to whom 
 it is paid, and the name of the person who draws the check. 
 The amount of money to be paid should be written twice 
 — once in figures and once in words. 
 Have you ever attended a business meeting conducted 
 by older people? How was the meeting opened? What 
 was the presiding officer called? Was an effort made to 
 keep track of the various events and discussions? If so, 
 who kept such a record? Why were several people not 
 permitted to talk at once? What words or phrases, used 
 by the leader of the meeting, sounded strange to you ? 
 If possible, plan to attend such a meeting and notice 
 carefully everything which seems unusual. Talk about 
 business meetings with your father, or any other older 
 person, and find out why such meetings are necessary. 
 Give reasons for and against the plan of conducting your 
 class recitations as business meetings. Boys and girls 
 about your age are enthusiastic over the opportunity of 
 acting as presiding officer of a meeting or as class secretary. 
 If your class and teacher decide to conduct the class recita- 
 tion as a business meeting you will find the following sug- 
 gestions helpful when it is your turn to act either as class 
 secretary or as chairman of the meeting. 
 To conduct the class recitation as a business meeting. 
 Suggestions. — At first, these suggestions may seem very 
 formal to you, but the conduct of a business meeting is a 
Class Parliamentary Usage 109 
 formal matter. Fortunately, after the first two or three 
 meetings you will become accustomed to the form of the 
 meeting and it will seem the natural way to conduct the 
 work of the class. At this time it will be well for you to 
 decide whether every recitation shall be conducted as a 
 business meeting or whether only one or two recitations a 
 week shall be conducted in this manner. 
 1. The class will be conducted as a business meeting 
 by each pupil in alphabetic order. Begin with the A's, 
 then the B's, etc. 
 2. The minutes of the meeting will be written by each 
 pupil in alphabetic order. Begin with the Z's, then the 
 Y's, then the X's, etc. 
 3. The pupil who conducts the meeting is called the 
 4. The pupil who writes the minutes of the meeting is 
 called the secretary. 
 5. You will be called the chairman pro tern, or the 
 secretary pro tern, because you act as chairman or secretary 
 for one day only. The word pro tern, comes from the Latin 
 pro tempore which means for the time. 
 6. The minutes of your class meeting must always 
 contain the teacher's exact words in assigning the advance 
 7. At the close of each recitation the minutes of the last 
 meeting shall be placed in a loose leaf notebook on the 
 teacher's desk where they may be consulted at any time. 
 8. Whenever a pupil wishes to speak during the course 
 of the meeting, he must stand, say " Mr. Chairman," or 
 " Miss Chairman," and wait until the chairman calls him 
 by name. Then he may speak but not until then. 
no Community English 
 Instructions for Chairman. — 
 1 . Stand behind the teacher's desk. 
 2. As soon as the class comes together say, " The 
 meeting will please come to order." 
 3. When the room is quiet say, " The Secretary will 
 read the minutes of the last meeting." 
 4. As soon as the Secretary has finished say, " Are 
 there any corrections? " Should any one notice an error 
 in the minutes he may state it at this time. If a mistake 
 has been made you should ask the Secretary to make the 
 correction and then say, " If there is no objection the 
 minutes will stand approved as corrected." 
 5. If there are no corrections, say, " The minutes will 
 stand approved as read." 
 6. Then you may call upon the teacher to assign the 
 next lesson. She will take whatever time she wishes for 
 the regular work of the class. 
 7. Upon current event day you will call upon your 
 classmates to recite. 
 8. When the class work is over for the day, a pupil says, 
 " Mr. Chairman, I move that we adjourn" ; another pupil 
 says, "I second the motion"; then say, "Those in favor 
 will say * Aye.' " All vote " aye" ; then say, " This meet- 
 ing stands adjourned." 
 9. If you are not able to be present in class when it is 
 your turn to act as Chairman or as Secretary, you must 
 arrange with some other pupil to take your place. Then 
 when his turn comes, you must serve. 
 10. Occasionally a question will arise for discussion and 
 it will be necessary for you to " put the question to vote." 
 For example, a pupil stands and says, " Mr. Chairman, 
Class Parliamentary Usage iii 
 I move that " Another pupil stands and 
 says, " Mr. Chairman, I second the motion." Then you 
 should say, " It has been moved and seconded that 
 (state the motion) All those 
 in favor say " aye," those opposed say "no." 
 If more of your classmates say " aye " than "no," you 
 should say, " The motion is carried." If more say " no " 
 than " aye," you should say, " The motion is lost." 
 Instructions for Secretary. — 
 1. Sit at the teacher's desk, near the Chairman. 
 2. When called upon by the Chairman, stand and read 
 the minutes of the last meeting. 
 3. It is well to keep a very accurate and complete report 
 of what is done during the recitation. This written report 
 is called the Minutes of the Meeting. 
 4. Do not keep a record of the exact words of any 
 5. Never make in the Minutes any comment favorable 
 or otherwise upon anything said or done during the meeting. 
 6. After class make a neat, well- written copy of the 
 Minutes and give this copy to the pupil who is to be the next 
 Secretary pro tern. 
 Appearance of the Minutes. — The completed minutes 
 may look like this : 
 Rand School 
 Red Oak, Iowa 
 April 16, 1921 
 The regular meeting of the eighth grade English class was 
 called to order in the English room, April 15, 1921, by June 
 Brown, Chairman pro tern. After the minutes of the last meet- 
112 Community English 
 ing had been read and approved the assignment for the next 
 lesson was made by our teacher, as follows: "Write a short 
 composition on one of the following topics: The benefits of 
 good roads or How our playgrounds may be improved." 
 The Chairman then called for current topics. George K. 
 spoke briefly on "Crossing the Atlantic in an Airplane." Ernest 
 G. told of "Speaking by Wireless around the World." 
 The class adjourned. 
 Hazel M. Boyden 
 Secretary pro tern. 
 Contents of Minutes. — You will note that in the minutes 
 the following points were mentioned : 
 1 . The kind of meeting (regular or special) 
 2. The place 
 3. The date 
 4. The name of the chairman pro tern. 
 5. The statement that the minutes of the last meeting 
 were read and approved 
 6. All other events of the meeting were mentioned in 
 7. The name of the secretary pro tern, was signed. 
 References. — Robe/t's Rules of Order Revised is perhaps 
 the best book of reference for all questions of parliamentary 
 usage. It is a small book published by Doubleday, Page 
 and Company and should be upon the shelves of your class- 
 room circulating library. 
 In almost all classes in English the boys and girls have 
 found that a notebook in which records, diagrams, maps, 
 pictures, outHnes, charts, etc. are placed is a very handy 
 tool for ready reference. Doubtless you, too, will wish to 
 keep such a record of your daily work. About once a 
 month such books are brought to class, upon a regular day 
 appointed by the teacher. There the books are exchanged 
 and the initials of the pupil examining the book as well as 
 the date are placed on the inside cover. Misspelled words 
 are underscored and other mistakes are marked according 
 to the suggestions given in Part XVIII on Correcting 
 Proof. The books are then handed to the teacher. 
 It is not at all necessary to copy in ink the material placed 
 in the notebook or to spend a great deal of time in making 
 it attractive, but it is well to remember that neatness and 
 accuracy are of importance. Clean, shiny tools are the 
 mark of good workmanship and a shabby notebook is not 
 a usable tool. 
 To keep a notebook in connection with your English 
 Suggestions. — 
 I . Buy a loose leaf notebook, opening at the side, about 
 8Xii inches in size. 
114 Community English 
 2. Paste on the cover of the book a slip of white paper 
 2X4 inches in size. 
 3. Upon this slip of white paper write the name of the 
 school, the name of the teacher, the name of the subject, 
 and your own name. The completed slip may then look 
 like this: 
 Name of Pupil 
 Name of Teacher 
 Name of Subject 
 4. Leave the first three pages blank for your index. 
 At the end of each month, as a review exercise, you will 
 make your index up-to-date. It will be well to remember 
 that your index will be unlike the index in any other note- 
 5. In your notebook you may place the following 
 material: memory passages, Hsts of words which are 
 commonly mispronounced, new word Hsts, outlines of 
 stories studied in class, names of books read outside of class 
 for which the teacher has given you credit, names of all 
 stories and poems read by the teacher in class, or by the 
 pupils to each other, pictures to illustrate the poems and 
 stories read or studied, outline maps upon which places 
 associated with authors of works read may be located, and 
 charts as well as diagrams. 
 6. Write in ink, if possible. 
 Perhaps you are already more or less familiar with the 
 bulletin board and its uses. Nevertheless, in order to make 
 your work in Enghsh as efficient as possible you may be 
 glad to pay special attention to these suggestions which 
 may help you to a greater use of the bulletin board than you 
 now have. 
 To use the bulletin efficiently. 
 Suggestions. — 
 1. A bulletin board is a board upon which are posted 
 clippings, illustrations, announcements of lessons, of 
 lectures, of class trips, of investigations, etc. 
 2. The board is often 4X5 feet in size and is frequently 
 made of bass wood, pine, or any other soft white wood. 
 Sometimes it is a board covered with green burlap upon 
 which the clippings and illustrations are pinned. 
 3. If there is no bulletin board in your school which 
 can be used for the English classroom, a group of boys 
 may be chosen by your class to construct such a board. 
 4. One half of the board belongs to the teacher for the 
 notices she may wish to give, the other half belongs to you 
 and your classmates. Upon your half you may post any 
 material of which your teacher approves. 
Ii6 Community English 
 5. Make a practice of consulting the bulletin board 
 each day. First read very carefully the notices and 
 announcements posted by your teacher ; then glance over 
 the clippings and illustrations posted on your side of the 
 6. Examine the class scrapbook, the class posters, and 
 the class booklets which may be displayed. Is any of your 
 work' considered worthy of display? 
 7. In each of your class tests or examinations there 
 will be one or more optional questions based upon the 
 material posted upon the bulletin board. 
 8. If you are interested in the work of your class, you 
 will bring material for display upon the bulletin board. 
 An empty board always indicates an uninterested class. 
 9. After the illustrations and clippings have been dis- 
 played for several days, you may help take them down for 
 classification. The material is filed, under proper headings, 
 so it may be available for reference either in your own or 
 in some other class. 
 10. Classify, if you wish, the clippings according to the 
 following headings: Good Paragraphs, Letters, American 
 Authors, Community Interests, Outhnes, Subjects for 
 Debate, and the Class Paper. 
 11. Newspaper clippings may be mounted on cheap 
 mimeograph paper 8iX 11 inches in size, and then filed in 
 manila envelopes or folders gX iii inches in size. These 
 envelopes may be alphabetically arranged in a vertical file 
 or drawer according to the heading written upon the upper 
 left-hand corner of each envelope. 
 12. Clippings from magazines may be bound in covers 
 like class booklets or they may be fastened in Gaylord 
The Bulletin Board 1 17 
 pamphlet binders (Gaylord Brothers, Syracuse, New York), 
 or they may be covered with manila paper like the biology 
 folders used in high schools. 
 13. These clippings may be lent for home use as library 
 books are. 
 14. Pictures, mounted or unmounted, may be secured 
 at very Httle expense (costing usually but a cent or so) 
 from any of the following companies: The E. A. Perry 
 Picture Company, Maiden, Massachusetts; The Brown 
 Picture Company, Beverly, Massachusetts ; or the Cosmos 
 Picture Company, 119 West 25th Street, New York City. 
 The Copley Prints may be obtained from art dealers 
 throughout the country or from Messrs. Curtis and Cam- 
 eron, 12 Harcouft St., Boston, Massachusetts. 
 Have you ever "played Indian" or taken part in a make- 
 believe circus? If you have, you know how much more 
 fun it is to live a story than it is to read it. " Let's pretend " 
 is your fairy dower, so it doubtless isn't very difficult for 
 you to imagine yourself 
 A pirate bold on the Spanish Main, 
 Or a princess fair with a golden train. 
 How would you like, therefore, to make up and to take 
 part in little class plays? Some boys and girls have used 
 the money obtained from such plays to buy pictures for the 
 school auditorium or books for the school library. Perhaps 
 you could find a similar use for money earned from your 
 class play. Or perhaps you would enjoy giving a play 
 simply for the fun of it, as did the boys and girls of the 
 Junior High School of Winchester, Massachusetts, who 
 presented a play in five scenes, entitled " Your Town and 
 The principal character in their play was Tony Russo, an 
 Italian gardener, whose lessons in American government 
 took the form of visits to the local officials and the depart- 
 ments of the town government. Somehow Tony Russo 
 aided the boys and girls of Winchester to understand how 
 their town helped the people who lived in it and they had 
 such a good time staging their play that they wanted to 
 give it several times. 
Oral and Written Dramatization 119 
 To help write and to take part in a class play based 
 upon local history. 
 Suggestion. — Before beginning to write your play it 
 will be well for you to read over the following stories and 
 to work out the instructions which follow each story. 
 The Loss and Recovery of a Horse 
 A man was much vexed at having lost his horse ; and he did 
 not know whether the animal had been stolen or whether it 
 had strayed. Not being able to find it, he went into the market- 
 place and offered a reward to any one who could find it and bring 
 it back. Not long afterwards a man was seen leading a horse 
 by a halter into the market-place. The owner was much pleased, 
 and at once gave him the reward that had been promised. 
 "But how,'' said the owner, "did you find the horse so easily?" 
 "I asked myself," said the man, "to what place I would go, if 
 I were a horse: so I went to a grassy field that had an open 
 gate, and there he was, grazing to his heart's content." 
 Now, imagine that you are the owner of the horse and 
 that one of your classmates finds it for you. Without 
 again reading the story, make inquiries for your horse 
 using your own words. Offer a reward. When the horse is 
 returned to you, thank the finder, pay the reward, and then 
 make inquiries as to how the horse was so easily found. 
 Your classmate will answer your questions in his own 
 After several pupils have acted out the story select the 
 group which appeared most natural and write down their 
 conversation somewhat in this way: 
120 Community English 
 Persons in the Play 
 The owner of the horse 
 The finder of the horse 
 Scene: A market-place 
 The owner of the horse {enters the market-place slowly, talking 
 to himself). What a state I am in! Before I lost my horse 
 I was content, for I depended on him. But now that he is gone, 
 goodness knows where, I certainly am worried. I wonder if 
 some one stole him or if he only strayed away when I left him 
 there by the gate. I believe I'll make inquiries of those men 
 over there by the fruit stall. {Walks forward rapidly.) Good 
 morning, men, have any of you seen a lost horse? 
 Keeper of stall. What color was he ? 
 Owner. Black with white markings. 
 Keeper. When did you first miss him ? 
 Owner. About an hour ago. I stopped on my way to market 
 to pay a bill at the doctor's and left my horse at his gate. When 
 1 returned a few minutes later he had disappeared. He is such 
 a valuable horse that I will gladly pay a large reward to any one 
 who returns him to me. 
 Townspeople. We will help you search for him. 
 {The search among the various stalls has scarcely begun when a 
 man is seen leading a horse by a halter into the market-place. All 
 rush toward him.) 
 The owner. That's my horse all right and here's the money 
 I promised as a reward. But, friend, I should be glad indeed 
 to know how you found the horse so easily. 
 The finder. It was not at all difficult. I asked myself to 
 what place I would go if I were a horse : so I went to a grassy 
Oral and Written Dramatization 121 
 field that had an open gate, and there he was grazing to his heart's 
 Rewrite one of the following stories in the form of a play. 
 Introduce conversation and little descriptive touches. 
 Make your actors think out loud if by so doing they help 
 the reader to understand the story. Before beginning to 
 write ask yourself these questions : 
 a. Who are the characters in the story? 
 h. Does the story fall naturally into one, two, or more 
 c. Where are the scenes laid? 
 d. Is it necessary to use quotation marks in writing the 
 speeches in a play? 
 After your play is written you may ask some of your 
 classmates to help you produce it for the class. 
 King Frederick and the Page 
 Frederick, King of Prussia, once rung his bell and, nobody 
 answering, opened the door where his servant was usually in 
 waiting, and found him fast asleep on the sofa. He was about 
 to wake him, when he perceived the end of a letter hanging out 
 of his pocket. Curious to know its contents, he took it and 
 read it. He found that the letter was from the young man's 
 mother, thanking him for having sent her a part of his wages 
 to assist her in her distress, and concluding with beseeching 
 God to bless him for his filial attention to her wants. 
 Returning to his room, the king took a roll of ducats and 
 slipped them with the letter into the page's pocket. A little 
 later he rang so violently that the page awoke, opened the door, 
 and entered. "You have slept well," said the king. The page 
122 Community English 
 made apology and, in his embarrassment, happened to put his 
 hand into his pocket, and felt with astonishment the roll. He 
 drew it forth, turned pale, burst into tears without being able 
 to say a word. 
 '' What is the matter ? '' asked the "king. " What ails you ? " 
 "Ah, sire," said the young man, throwing himself at the king's 
 feet, ''some one has wished to ruin me. I know not how I came 
 by this money in my pocket." 
 *'My friend," said Frederick, "God often sends us good in 
 our sleep. Send this money to your mother, salute her in my 
 name, and assure her that I shall take care of her and of you." 
 The National Preceptor 
 How can you let your audience know what the letter 
 The House-Dog and the Wolf 
 A lean, hungry wolf chanced one moonshiny night to fall in 
 with a plump, well-fed house-dog. After the first compliments 
 were passed between them, the wolf said, "How is it, my friend, 
 that you look so sleek ? How well your food agrees with you ! 
 And here am I striving for a living day and night, and can barely 
 save myself from starving." 
 "Well," said the dog, "if you would fare like me you have 
 only to do as I do." 
 "Indeed," said he, "and what is that?" 
 "Why, just guard the master's house and keep off thieves at 
 "With all my heart," said the wolf; "for at present I have 
 but a sorry time of it. This woodland life, with its frosts and 
 rains, is sharp work for me. To have a warm roof over my head 
 and plenty of victuals always at hand will, methinks, be no bad 
Oral and Written Dramatization 123 
 "True," replied the dog; "therefore you have nothing to do 
 but follow me." Now as they were jogging along together, the 
 wolf spied a mark on the dog's neck, and having a curiosity, 
 could not forbear asking what it meant. 
 "Pooh ! nothing at all," said the dog. 
 "Nay, but pray — " 
 "Oh, a mere trifle; perhaps the collar to which my chain is 
 fastened — " 
 "Chain," interrupted the wolf in surprise; "you don't mean 
 that you cannot rove when and where you please?" 
 "Why, not exactly that, perhaps. You see I am looked upon 
 as rather fierce ; so they sometimes tie me up in the daytime. 
 But I assure you that I have perfect liberty at night ; and my 
 master feeds me off his own plate, and the servants give me their 
 titbits, and I am such a favorite, and — But what is the matter? 
 Where are you going?" 
 "Oh, good night to you," said the wolf. "You are welcome 
 to your dainties ; but as for me, a dry crust with liberty, against 
 a king's luxury with a chain." 
 Instructions. — After dramatizing the little stories and 
 fables told above, you are ready to begin work on your 
 class play. 
 1. Each pupil in the class will have some part in the 
 2. The class will be divided into three or four groups, 
 corresponding to the three or four important divisions of 
 the play. Each group will choose the part of the story 
 which it wishes to prepare, and will then write out the 
 conversation and directions necessary for the development 
 of its own part of the story. A captain should be chosen 
 to direct the work of each group. 
124 Community English 
 3. The best worked-out scene submitted by the various 
 pupils in each group will be selected for the play. 
 4. A committee chosen by the class will put the scenes 
 together to form the completed play. 
 5. When making final arrangements for the staging of 
 your play you will be greatly helped by consulting your 
 domestic science teacher about your costumes, your manual 
 training teacher about the necessary stage properties, your 
 drawing teacher about the decorations, and your geography 
 teacher about the proper settings for the scenes. Your 
 history books and history teacher may give you very 
 valuable aid in preparing the play itself, while your music 
 teacher will help you with the musical numbers. 
 6. Choose an important event in the history of your 
 city or town as the basis of your play. Find out all you 
 can about the event. Go to the grandfathers and grand- 
 mothers in your community for information and ideas. 
 Find out about the event from old newspapers and from 
 local histories. 
 7. Study pictures to get ideas for scenery, clothes, and 
 8. Make a Hst of characters necessary for the develop- 
 ment of the play. 
 9. Talk over the matter in class and decide how the 
 play shall be divided into acts and scenes. Make a Hst of 
 the important events in each scene. The best ideas will 
 be chosen from each outline for the play. 
 10. Working with the other pupils in your group, 
 write out the conversation. Try to make it natural and 
 true to life. Use simple words and keep your sentences 
Oral and Written Dramatization 125 
 11. Be ready to offer suggestions to every other pupil in 
 your group. 
 12. Plan to present your play for the pupils of another 
 grade. In order that they may understand what you say, 
 speak slowly and distinctly, with your face turned toward 
 the audience, when possible. 
 13. Read carefully the following historical account of the 
 capture of Quebec and the play based upon it. The play 
 may be far more elaborate than the play produced by your 
 class, but such a play as this may help you in writing your 
 The Capture of Quebec 
 In the spring of 1759 nine thousand men were placed on ship- 
 board to sail up the St. Lawrence to Quebec. Their leader was 
 General James Wolfe, a man but little over thirty years of age. 
 He had already proved himself a gallant soldier, however, and 
 he gladly undertook the capture of the French stronghold. In 
 the early summer, 1759, the English vessels came to anchor in 
 the river below Quebec. Soon all was in readiness, and the 
 English cannon began to boom forth a summons to the French 
 to give up Quebec. But the citadel — the strong old fortress — 
 showed no sign of giving up. 
 It was resolved to move the camp to a place on the river above 
 the city, and to try there to find some way up the steep cliff, 
 thus gaining the plains behind the town. The bank of the river 
 was searched for a pathway, and at last it was found. Careful 
 preparations were made. On a dark night in September the 
 men were silently rowed to the place selected, and still more 
 silently led up the narrow, dangerous path. There were French 
 guards at the top, but they were easily overpowered. And when 
 the pale light of morning broke over the citadel, it fell on the 
126 Community English 
 red-coated English soldiers, drawn up in battle line on the plains 
 outside the town. 
 There was great excitement in the fortress. Montcalm has- 
 tened to make ready for battle. His soldiers were poorly 
 equipped — indeed, it had been almost impossible for Montcalm 
 to obtain any suppUes. But he had done all he could, and he 
 entered upon the battle with a brave heart. 
 It proved impossible, however, to drive the English back. 
 Wolfe led the charge, and his men carried everything before 
 them. The French broke into confusion. Montcalm did his 
 best to stop their flight, and received a mortal wound. Wolfe, 
 too, was struck, and again, and yet again! Both of these 
 valiant commanders were to die — the one victorious, — happy, 
 as he said when dying, because he could know that the French 
 were "flying everywhere" ; the other sad, though he had done 
 his duty nobly, and thanking God that he should not live to see 
 the surrender of Quebec. 
 Marguerite Stockman Dickson: 
 American History for Grammar Schools 
 Scene I 
 Cabin of a British Ship on the St.' Lawrence River 
 Wolfe and his Aide-de-camp 
 Two French Pilots 
 A British Officer 
 {Wolfe is drawing plans at a table. The Aide-de-camp enters 
 and salutes. Wolfe looks up.) 
 Aide-de-camp. The soldiers have captured two French pilots, 
 and are treating them very roughly. The prisoners are badly 
 frightened. What do you wish done ? 
Oral and Written Dramatization 127 
 Wolfe. No better luck could have befallen us. Bring them 
 in. I will speak with them. 
 (Aide salutes and goes out.) 
 Officer (entering with two prisoners). We have taken these 
 men but we do not wish to hang them without your orders. 
 Wolfe (to the pilots). What have you to say for yourselves? 
 Why are you prowling around here ? 
 First Pilot. We meant no harm. If you will rescue us 
 from these uncivil soldiers, and spare our lives, we are at your 
 Second Pilot. Do not kill us, good general. We were only 
 trying to catch fish in the river. 
 Wolfe. I will spare your lives on one condition. If you will 
 not accept our terms, I will not answer for the consequences. 
 First Pilot. We will do whatever you command. 
 Second Pilot. Yes, anything. 
 Wolfe, Can you steer our ships up the river, near the city? 
 That is the only service we shall ask of you. Accomplish this, 
 and you are free. 
 First Pilot. Yes, I know every inch of the river. That is not 
 at all difficult to do. 
 Wolfe. Your people have blocked the river with logs. Some 
 of them are under water, and the trip is perilous. 
 Second Pilot. We know the location of every log, for we 
 helped to place them in the river. 
 Wolfe. Very well. You shall pilot us to-night. If one 
 vessel runs aground, you will both be hanged. Do you 
 First Pilot. We will do as you say, and we will stake our 
 lives on our success. 
 Second Pilot. Indeed, we will ; and we thank you for your 
 kindness to us. 
128 Community English 
 Wolfe. If you steer us safely, you shall go free. You may 
 rely on that. 
 First Pilot (to Second Pilot). To-morrow we shall be free to 
 return home to our anxious wives and children. 
 Wolfe, Yes, just as soon as we need you no longer, we will 
 give you permission to go back. 
 Second Pilot. You may depend on us. 
 {Soldier takes the prisoners out. General Wolfe follows.) 
 Scene II 
 Montcalm'' s Headquarters in the City of Quebec 
 The French Governor of Quebec 
 (Montcalm is writing at a table. The Governor enters.) 
 Montcalm. Good evening, Governor. It has been a warm 
 day for this part of the world. 
 Governor. Yes, but there is a delightful breeze stirring on the 
 river now. 
 Montcalm. What new things have the English been doing 
 to-day ? 
 Governor. Only prowling around as usual. Their movements 
 are always mysterious. 
 Montcalm. Their provisions cannot last much longer. {He 
 folds the letter he, has written and seals it in the envelope.) No 
 supplies are coming in ; they cannot live on air. 
 Governor. It is only September. They will not begin to 
 suffer until the cold weather. Now they are living on fish, fruit, 
 and game ; but when the frost comes their ships will be fastened 
 tightly in the ice. Then they will not fare so well. 
 Montcalm. I believe they will go home soon. They must 
 be tired of waiting, with no success ahead of them. 
Oral and Written Dramatization 129 
 Governor. It may be possible that they will attack the 
 citadel before long. No doubt that is what they are planning 
 to do. 
 Montcalm. I scarcely believe so. They cannot land there. 
 The cliffs are too steep ; and our guards are always on the look- 
 out for scouts. This high bluff cannot be carried if there is a 
 skillful defence on the crest. 
 Governor. Perhaps they will enter at some other point. 
 They doubtless know every inch of the river for a long distance 
 on every side. 
 Montcalm. There is no place unfortified within seven or 
 eight miles on each side of the city. They would be seen march- 
 ing back and would be intercepted if they should land so far 
 away. Moreover, they are sure to go away soon. They have 
 already remained here two and a half months, you know. 
 Governor {raising his finger) . Listen ! 
 Montcalm. What is the matter, man? Are you nervous? 
 I hear nothing but the steps of the sentry. 
 Governor. I hear shots and confused noises. Something is 
 {As they listen, a French soldier enters, stands at attention, and 
 Soldier {showing suppressed excitement). The British are at- 
 tacking the citadel, sir. 
 Montcalm {hurriedly putting on his sword). Where are 
 Soldier. They seem to be coming from every direction. One 
 detachment has passed the guards and climbed the steep banks 
 beyond the city to the plains of Abraham. 
 Montcalm. Then they have found the weak side of that 
 wretched garrison, but we must fight and crush them. If I 
 had been in the citadel I might have prevented this attack. 
 Let us hasten. There is no time to waste. 
130 Community English 
 Scene III 
 The Citadel — a Room in the Fort 
 Four British Officers 
 Colonel Captain 
 Major Lieutenant 
 Colonel. How did you manage to pass the French guards 
 last night ? 
 Lieutenant. It was very dark. We spoke to them in the 
 French language, and they thought we were Frenchmen. We 
 learned the countersign from a French deserter. "Halt! Who 
 goes there?" shouted a French sentinel. 
 "France," I replied. 
 Major. At the foot of the precipice, led by the Highlanders, 
 we started to climb the bank. Then you followed us while the 
 rest pretended to attack the intrenchments below the city. 
 Captain. It is a glorious victory; but I cannot forget the 
 price that we have paid for it. General Wolfe, our brave com- 
 mander, is dead. 
 Colonel. What did he say to you before he died? 
 Captain. He was wounded in both the wrist and the side. 
 Another shot struck him in the breast. 
 "Support me. Let not my brave fellows see me fall," he 
 cried. Then he sank to the ground. 
 "See, they run !" I shouted. 
 "Who run?" he asked. 
 "The French," I answered. 
 "Thank God ! I die happy," were his last words. 
 Colonel. Ah, he was a brave man. Where shall we ever 
 find another commander to equal him ? 
 Lieutenant. Montcalm, the Ftench general, is mortally 
 wounded, too. He, also, is a valiant soldier. 
Oral and Written Dramatization 131 
 {A soldier enters, stands at attention, and salutes.) 
 Soldier. Montcalm is dead. 
 {They all stand silent for a moment.) 
 Lieutenant. Now the French will lose their courage, and we 
 will vanquish them. 
 Colonel. Montcalm was a gallant general. No one can fill 
 his place. 
 Soldier. He said that he would rather die than see the capture 
 of Quebec; but it consoled him to be conquered by so great 
 and generous an enemy. 
 Colonel. None but a noble soul could feel that. 
 Captain. We have won, but we have paid dearly for our 
 victory. War is the curse of the world. 
 Colonel. Well said ! Let us go now to the battlefield and care 
 for the wounded. 
 (They all go out.) 
 Bird and Starling : Historical Plays for Children 
 I. To help dramatize and take part in the Bird^s Christmas 
 Carol. For the Christmas Carol any of the following may he 
 substituted: Rip Van Winkle, The King of the Golden River, 
 The Pied Piper of Hamelin, The Courtship of Miles Standish, 
 Evangeline, Hiawatha, The Story of the Flag, The First 
 Thanksgiving, the Wehster-Hayne Debate, any important in- 
 cidents in the life of Washington, Lincoln, or Daniel Boone. 
 II. To help write and to take part in a little play based 
 upon geography. This dramatization of geography may take 
 the form of a pageant or outdoor procession instead of a play. 
Oral and Written Dramatization 133 
 Suggestions. — 
 1. Uncle Sam's children bring him tribute from the 
 fields and mines and rivers and forests. Each state is 
 represented by a group of children. Miss Columbia helps 
 Uncle Sam receive his gifts. Finally, all children pledge 
 allegiance to him and to the flag. 
 2. The school children of the world come to Mother 
 Earth to ask for a longer vacation. 
 3. A Japanese Tea Party. 
 4. A day in a European schoolroom. 
 5. Santa Claus' Party. (Attended by children in 
 native costume.) 
 6. Peeps at Many Lands. 
 7. America's Children from Other Lands. 
 8. The Animals' Breakfast Party. 
 9. Thanksgiving Day in a Lumber Camp. 
 10. Dame Nature's Corner Cupboard. (The children 
 of all lands bring food for the family cupboard.) 
 There are, as you know, storehouses of many kinds — 
 grain, provision, merchandise, — but most of them have 
 one defect; they are not burglar proof. Do you know of 
 any storehouse that is absolutely burglar proof? Have 
 you ever planned to build a Memory Storehouse of Literary 
 Treasures? What would be the value to you of such a 
 Treasury? How would it pro\dde for your future as well as 
 for your present enjoyment? 
 If you have had difficulty in " learning* it by heart " you 
 will be glad to know that you can memorize a poem easily, 
 if you go about it in the right way. 
 To memorize a short selection. 
 Instructions. — In these instructions the word poem 
 has been used in connection with the training of the memory, 
 but the method for memorizing a prose selection is very 
 1. Listen intently while your teacher reads the poem 
 to you. 
 2. Without hearing the poem a second time, try to tell 
 what it is about. 
 3. Open your book and read the whole poem through 
 carefully from beginning to end. Discuss it with your 
 teacher and classmates. 
Memory Training 135 
 4. At a given signal, read the poem in concert, several 
 5. Get the swing of the verse but try not to singsong it. 
 6. Suit the action to the word ; that is, act it out, if 
 that helps you to remember. 
 7. Above all things do not try to learn one line at a time. 
 8. Put your whole attention upon the poem to be mem- 
 orized. Time yourself to see how long it takes you. 
 9. Make the author's thought your own in this way: 
 hear it, read it, study it, say it, write it. 
 10. Be ready to discuss the manner in which your class- 
 mates give the poem from memory. While each is reciting 
 ask yourself these questions: does he enunciate clearly, 
 does he recite with proper expression? 
 Memory contest. — About once a month you will enjoy 
 taking part in a memory contest which is usually conducted 
 in the following manner : 
 When your teacher calls upon you for a quotation you 
 rise and recite from memory until some one catches you in a 
 mistake. The pupil making the correction then continues 
 until he makes a mistake. In each case the first pupil 
 noting the error and properly correcting it may recite. 
 That pupil wins the test who recites the greatest number of 
 lines without an error. 
 Memory training. — Remembering the preceding instruc- 
 tions, time yourself to see how long it takes you to memorize 
 the following lines : 
 And what is so rare as a day in June ? 
 Then, if ever, come perfect days ; 
 Then Heaven tries the earth if it be in tune, 
 And over it softly her warm ear lays : 
136 Community English 
 Whether we look, or whether we listen, 
 We hear life murmur, or see it ghsten ; 
 Every clod feels a stir of might, 
 An instinct within it that reaches and towers, 
 And, groping blindly above it for light. 
 Climbs to a soul in grass and flowers. 
 James Russell Lowell : The Vision of Sir Launfal 
 What are some of the various things which together make 
 up this beautiful June day in New England? What 
 musical instrument has the poet in mind? We may shut 
 our eyes on such a day but we cannot help knowing certain 
 things. What are they? Give illustrations of the " glis- 
 ten. ' ' What is a clod ? In what way can it climb to a soul ? 
 What and where are the figures of speech in these verses? 
 Class short poem recital. — Read over the following 
 memory selections ; choose the one you like best ; learn it. 
 In class compare the time which it took you to memorize 
 the selection with the records of your classmates who 
 learned the same selection. Read your selection from 
 memory to the class during a short poem recital to which 
 some other English class is invited. 
 America For Me 
 'Tis fine to see the Old World, and travel up and down 
 Among the famous palaces and cities of renown. 
 To admire the crumbly castles and the statues of the kings, — 
 But now I think I've had enough of antiquated things. 
 So it's home again, and home again, America for me ! 
 My heart is turning home again, and there I long to be, 
 In the land of youth and freedom beyond the ocean bars, 
 Where the air is full of sunlight and the flag is full of stars. 
Memory Training 137 
 Oh, London is a man's town, there's power in the air ; 
 And Paris is a woman's town, with flowers in her hair ; 
 And it's sweet to dream in Venice, and it's great to study Rome ; 
 But when it comes to living there is no place like home. 
 I like the German fir-woods, in green battalions drilled ; 
 I like the gardens of Versailles with flashing fountains filled ; 
 But, oh, to take your hand, my dear, and ramble for a day 
 In the friendly western woodland where Nature has her way ! 
 I know that Europe's wonderful, yet something seems to lack : 
 The Past is too much with her, and the people looking back. 
 But the glory of the Present is to make the Future free, — 
 We love our land for what she is and what she is to be. 
 Oh, it's home again, and home again, America for me ! 
 I want a ship that's westward bound to plough the rolling sea, 
 To the blessed Land of Room Enough beyond the ocean bars, 
 Where the air is full of sunlight and the flag is full of stars. 
 Henry van Dyke 
 Breathes There the Man with Soul so Dead 
 Breathes there the man with soul so dead. 
 Who never to himself hath said, 
 "This is my own, my native land"? 
 Whose heart hath ne'er within him burn'd, 
 As home his footsteps he hath turn'd 
 From wandering on a foreign strand ? 
 If such there breathe, go, mark him well ; 
 For him no minstrel raptures swell ; 
 High though his titles, proud his name, 
 Boundless his wealth as wish can claim, — 
 Despite those titles, power, and pelf, 
 The wretch, concentered all in self, 
138 Community English 
 Living, shall forfeit fair renown, 
 And, doubly dying, shall go down 
 To the vile dust from whence he sprung, 
 Unwept, unhonor'd, and unsung. 
 Sir Walter Scott : The Lay of the Last Minstrel 
 The Flag Goes By 
 Hats off ! 
 Along the street there comes 
 A blare of bugles, a rufHe of drums, 
 A flash of color beneath the sky : 
 Hats off ! 
 The flag is passing by ! 
 Blue and crimson and white it shines 
 Over the steel-tipped, ordered lines. 
 Hats off ! 
 The colors before us fly ; 
 But more than the flag is passing by. 
 Sea fights and land fights, grim and great, 
 Fought to make and save the State ; 
 Weary marches and sinking ships ; 
 Cheers of victory on dying lips ; 
 Days of plenty and years of peace ; 
 March of a strong land's swift increase ; 
 Equal justice, right, and law. 
 Stately honor and revered awe ; 
 Sign of a nation, great and strong 
 To ward her people from foreign wrong ; 
 Pride and glory and honor, — all 
 Live in the colors to stand or fall. 
Memory Training 139 
 Hats off ! 
 Along the street there comes 
 A blare of bugles, a ruffle of drums ; 
 And loyal hearts are beating high : 
 Hats off ! 
 The flag is passing by. 
 Henry Holcomb Bennett 
 I Am the Captain of My Soul 
 Out of the night that covers me, 
 Black as the Pit from pole to pole, 
 I thank whatever gods may be 
 For my unconquerable soul. 
 In the fell clutch of circumstance 
 I have not winced nor cried aloud. 
 Under the bludgeonings of chance 
 My head is bloody, but unbowed. 
 Beyond this place of wrath and tears 
 Looms but the Horror of the shade. 
 And yet the menace of the years 
 Finds, and shall find, me unafraid. 
 It matters not how strait the gate, 
 How charged with punishments the scroll, 
 I am the master of my fate : 
 I am the captain of my soul. 
 William Ernest Henley 
 America the Beautiful 
 O beautiful for spacious skies. 
 For amber waves of grain, 
 For purple mountain majesties 
 Above the fruited plain ! 
140 Community English 
 America! America! 
 God shed His grace on thee 
 And crown thy good with brotherhood 
 From sea to shining sea ! 
 O beautiful for pilgrim feet, 
 Whose stern, impassioned stress 
 A thoroughfare for freedom beat 
 Across the wilderness ! 
 America ! America ! 
 God mend thy every flaw. 
 Confirm thy soul in self-control, 
 Thy liberty in law ! 
 O beautiful for heroes proved 
 In Kberating strife, 
 Who more than self their country loved. 
 And mercy more than life ! 
 America ! America ! 
 May God thy gold refine 
 Till all success be nobleness 
 And every gain divine ! 
 O beautiful for patriot dream 
 That sees beyond the years 
 Thine alabaster cities gleam 
 Undimmed by human tears ! 
 America ! America ! 
 God shed His grace on thee 
 And crown thy good with brotherhood 
 From sea to shining sea ! 
 Katharine Lee Bates 
Memory Training 141 
 The National Flag 
 There is the national flag ! He must be cold, indeed, who can 
 look upon its folds rippling in the breeze without pride of coun- 
 try. If he be in a foreign land, the flag is companionship and 
 country itself, with all its endearments. It has been called a 
 *' floating piece of poetry," and yet I know not if it have greater 
 beauty than other ensigns. Its highest beauty is in what it 
 symbolizes. It is because it represents all, that all gaze at it 
 with delight and reverence. It is a piece of bunting lifted in 
 the air, but it speaks sublimely, and every part has a voice. Its 
 stripes of alternate red and white proclaim the original union of 
 thirteen States to maintain the Declaration of Independence. 
 Its stars of white on a field of blue proclaim that union of States 
 constituting our national constellation, which receives a new 
 star with every new State. The two together signify union, 
 past and present. The very colors have a language which was 
 officially recognized by our fathers. White is for purity, red 
 for valor, blue for justice; and all together, bunting, stars, 
 stripes, and colors, blazing in the sky, make the flag of our 
 country — to be cherished by all our hearts, to be upheld by 
 all our hands. 
 Charles Sumner 
 If you can keep your head when all about you 
 Are losing theirs and blaming it on you. 
 If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, 
 But make allowance for their doubting too ; 
 If you can wait and not be tired by waiting. 
 Or being lied about, don't deal in lies. 
 Or being hated don't give way to hating. 
 And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise : 
142 Community English 
 If you can dream — and not make dreams your master ; 
 If you can think — and not make thoughts your aim, 
 If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster 
 And treat those two imposters just the same ; 
 If you can bear to hear the truth youVe spoken 
 Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, 
 Or watch the thing you gave your life to, broken, 
 And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools : 
 If you can make one heap of all your winnings 
 And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, 
 And lose, and start again at your beginnings 
 And never breathe a word about your loss ; 
 If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew 
 To serve your turn long after they are gone, 
 And so hold on when there is nothing in you 
 Except the Will which says to them : "Hold on !" 
 If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue. 
 Or walk with Kings — nor lose the common touch, 
 If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you. 
 If all men count with you, but none too much ; 
 If you can fill the unforgiving minute 
 With sixty seconds' worth of distance run, 
 Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it. 
 And — which is more — you'll be a Man, my son ! 
 RuDYARD Kipling 
 Some boys and girls have taken pride in memorizing a 
 short quotation each day. They generally choose the 
 verse for that day written by their teacher upon the black- 
 board. If you wish you may use the following quotations 
 as a foundation for your memory storehouse. Try to add 
 at least one new quotation each week. 
Memory Training 143 
 Speak clearly, if you speak at all, 
 Carve every word before you let it fall. 
 O. W. Holmes 
 Be strong ! 
 We are not here to play, to dream, to drift. 
 We have hard work to do, and loads to lift. 
 Shun not the struggle ; face it. 'Tis God's gift. 
 Maltbie Babcock 
 Do noble things, not dream them all day long ; 
 And so make life, death, and that vast forever 
 One grand, sweet song. 
 Charles Kingsley 
 The heights by great men reached and kept 
 Were not attained by sudden flight. 
 But they, while their companions slept, 
 Were toiling upward in the night. 
 H. W. Longfellow 
 Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. 
 Oliver Goldsmith 
 They do me wrong who say I come no more, 
 When once I knock and fail to find you in ; 
 For every day I stand outside your door, ^ 
 And bid you wake, and rise to fight and win. 
 We should accustom the mind to the best company by in- 
 troducing it only to the best books. 
 Sydney Smith 
144 Community English 
 True worth is in being, not seeming, 
 In doing each day that goes by 
 Some little good — not in dreaming 
 Of great things to do by and by ; 
 For whatever men say in blindness. 
 And spite of the fancies of youth, 
 There's nothing so kingly as kindness, 
 There's nothing so royal as truth. 
 Alice Gary 
 Work for some good, be it ever so slowly ! 
 Cherish some flower, be it ever so lowly ! 
 Labor ! All labor is noble and holy ; 
 Let thy great deed be thy prayer to thy God. 
 Fannie S. Osgood 
 The year's at the spring, 
 And day's at the morn ; 
 Morning's at seven ; 
 The hillside's dew pearled ; 
 The lark's on the wing ; 
 The snail's on the thorn ; 
 God's in his heaven — 
 All's right with the world ! 
 Robert Browning 
 Honor and shame from no condition rise ; 
 Act well your part, there all the honor lies. 
 Alexander Pope 
 Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising 
 every time we fall. 
 Oliver Goldsmith 
Memory Training I45 
 Howe'er it be, it seems to me, 
 'Tis only noble to be good ; 
 Kind hearts are more than coronets, 
 And simple faith than Norman blood. 
 Alfred, Lord Tennyson 
 There is a tide in the affairs of men, 
 Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. 
 William Shakespeare 
 Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith 
 let us do our duty as we understand it. 
 Abraham Lincoln 
 Did you tackle the trouble that came your way 
 With a resolute heart and cheerful? 
 Or hide your face from the light of day 
 With a craven soul and fearful? 
 Oh, a trouble's a ton, or a trouble's an ounce. 
 Or a trouble is what you make it ; 
 And it isn't the fact that you're hurt that counts. 
 But only, How did you take it f 
 Edmund Vance Cooke 
 They are slaves who dare not be 
 In the right with two or three. 
 James Russell Lowell 
 It is well to think well ; it is divine to act well. 
 Horace Mann 
 This world is not so bad a world 
 As some would like to make it ; 
 Though whether good or whether bad 
 Depends on how we take it. 
146 Community English 
 Laugh and the world laughs with you, 
 Weep and you weep alone ; 
 For this sad old Earth must borrow its mirth — 
 It has troubles enough of its own. 
 Ella Wheeler Wilcox 
 Serene, I fold my hands and wait, 
 Whate'er the storms of life may be. 
 Faith guides me up to heaven's gate, 
 And love will bring my own to me. 
 John Burroughs 
 Somebody said that it couldn't be done. 
 But he with a chuckle replied 
 That maybe ''it couldn't," but he would be one 
 Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried. 
 So he buckled right in with a trace of a grin 
 On his face. If he worried, he hid it. 
 He started to sing as he tackled the thing 
 That couldn't be done, and he did it. 
 Edgar A. Guest 
 Let me live in my house by the side of the road. 
 Where the race of men go by. 
 They are good, they are bad, they are weak, they are strong, 
 Wise, foolish : so am I. 
 Then why should I sit in the scorner's seat. 
 Or hurl the cynic's ban ? 
 Let me live in my house by the side of the road. 
 And be a friend of man. 
 Sam Walter Foss 
 Home's not merely four square walls, 
 Though with pictures hung and gilded ; 
 Home is where affection calls — 
 Where its shrine the heart has builded. 
Memory Training 147 
 Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are just, 
 whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, what- 
 soever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and 
 if there be any praise, think on these things. 
 If you would live with ease. 
 Do what you ought, not what you please. 
 Benjamin Franklin 
 Be noble ! and the nobleness that lies 
 In other men, sleeping but never dead, 
 Will rise in majesty to meet thine own. 
 James Russell Lowell 
 Be just and fear not ; 
 Let all the ends thou aimest at be thy country's, 
 Thy God's, and truth's. 
 William Shakespeare 
 More prominent in boys than in girls, but present to 
 some degree in every one, is the instinct to fight — the desire 
 not to be overcome, but to win. Usually, we think of 
 contests and games as belonging to the playground, but 
 where victories of the intellect may be substituted for 
 victories of physical skill, contests may take place in the 
 classroom as well as in the gymnasium or on the play- 
 Within the last few years there has grown up a series 
 of games suitable for use in the EngHsh classroom. Gram- 
 mar Baseball, Paragraph Archery, Authors, Spelling 
 Contests, and Debates are but a few of these games for 
 which boys and girls have either followed the simple direc- 
 tions suggested here, or for which they have made their own 
 It is well to remember in connection with these games, 
 however, that sportsmanship is as important a requisite 
 in games in the classroom as in games on the playground. 
 Team work, self-restraint, and fair play are absolutely 
 necessary if you are to play these games successfully. 
 " You must not lose courage when the other side gets 
 ahead. You are to play just as hard when the score is 
 ten to nothing as when it is five to five. No one can tell 
 what may happen in the last inning. If the final score is 
 ten to nothing, you must not go off with your head down, 
 or say that the opposing team didn't win fairly. Say in- 
 stead that next time the result will be different." 
Games and Contests 149 
 To play grammar baseball. 
 What to do. — 
 1 . Divide the class into two equal parts, called teams. 
 2. Each team chooses a captain. 
 3. The two captains choose a scorekeeper. 
 4. Upon the blackboard the scorekeeper draws two 
 figures of four bases each, one for each team. 
 5. The teacher acts as umpire. The umpire is authority 
 on all disputed questions. 
 6. The questions are announced by the teacher or by 
 one of the captains. 
 7. Any fair question which deals with reading, writing, 
 spelling, grammar, or literature may be asked. 
 8. No pupil shall be called by name until after the 
 question has been announced. If a pupil answers without 
 being called upon, he has made an error and his team is 
 penalized for one base. 
 9. That team which has the most runs to its credit 
 wins the game. 
 How to do it. — 
 I. The questioner calls first upon one side then upon 
 the other, but the pupils are not called upon in any regular 
150 Community English 
 2. If the first question has been correctly answered by 
 the A's, the scorekeeper draws a hne to first base on A's 
 diamond, thus: 
 (3)« /•(!) (3)« •(!) 
 A's B's 
 3. The B's are given a chance. If the question is 
 answered correctly, the scorekeeper gives them credit for 
 first base also. 
 A^s B's 
 4. If the B's fail to answer correctly, and the A's are 
 able to reply correctly, the score is marked in this way : 
 A's B's 
 5. This method of scoring is continued until the end of 
 the recitation period, when the final result is announced. 
 6. When a player reaches the home base, the score- 
 keeper prepares another figure of four bases, in order that 
 an exact record may be kept. Therefore, at the end of 
 the contest the score may look something like this when the 
 final result is in favor of the A's, two to one. 
Games and Contests 151 
 A's B's 
 7. The answers to many of the questions should be 
 written upon the blackboard. Sometimes several pupils 
 are sent to the board, the question is announced, and the 
 pupil who first answers it correctly wins the credit. 
 8. Frequently, in the opinion of the teacher the question 
 will be worth two bases instead of one. After she an- 
 nounces this decision, the pupils are sent to the board, the 
 question is announced, and the first to answer correctly 
 wins the credit. 
 9. When preparing for a grammar baseball game, the 
 pupils may write out questions to be given to their own 
 captain. He may ask the questions of the rival team. 
 10. Any question is fair which is based upon work already 
 covered in class. The following suggestive questions are 
 not meant to be exhaustive. Your own list may be much 
 more helpful. 
 Suggestive questions. — 
 1 . What are four diiBferent kinds of sentences ? 
 2. What are the eight parts of speech? 
 3. What is the difference between a common and a 
 proper noun? 
 4. What is a pronoun? 
 5. Give a sentence containing a transitive verb. 
 6. What is an intransitive verb? 
 7. What are the principal parts of a letter? 
 8. Write the address for an envelope on the blackboard. 
152 Community English 
 9. Write a synopsis of the verb hear in all tenses, first 
 person singular active indicative. 
 10. Name two adverbs and two prepositions. 
 1 1 . What is a dependent clause ? 
 12. How many genders are there? 
 13. Give the past tense of sit, read, write. 
 14. Compare the adverb well. 
 15. Write a sentence containing an infinitive. 
 16. Decline the pronoun he. 
 17. What is the meaning of each of the following abbre- 
 viations : 
 C.O.D. chap. M.D. Ave. 
 Anon. qt. bu. R.R. 
 D.D. St. bbl. P.S. 
 LL.D. lb. doz. Supt. 
 f.o.b. oz. sq. Treas. 
 mdse. ft. S. Hon. 
 O.K. in. N. Inc. 
 Y.M.C.A. gal. E. Dr. 
 U.S.A. ans. W. Prof. 
 R.S.V.P. A.D. A.B. etc. 
 fig. D.C. D.S. P.O. 
 lat. A.A.A. Ed. Sec. 
 long. Ltd. ff. ' Rev. 
 B.C. G.A.R. M.C. Jr. 
 reed. I.W.W. h.p. Sr. 
 acct. V.C. pro tern. Co. 
 Messrs. inst. U.S.N. Cr. 
 amt. prox. ult. Mr. 
 bal. pk. pp. Mrs. 
Games and Contests 153 
 18. Write on the board an imperative sentence, an 
 interrogative sentence, and a declarative sentence. 
 19. Make each of the following sentences ask a question : 
 a. Mary went home. 
 b. The bear growled and bit angrily at the hornets' 
 c. It was almost all rock, this little island. 
 d. At a great pace the bear went toward the sound. 
 e. Every few seconds the seal would slip into the 
 20. What is the subject and predicate in each of the 
 following sentences : 
 a. Listen to the nightingale. 
 b. Read me the story. 
 c. Please close the door. 
 d. Hitch your wagon to a star. 
 21. Change these questions to declarative sentences: 
 a. Did his mother call him? 
 b. Did he have big, faded blue eyes? 
 c. Have you a knife? 
 d. Has he gone home? 
 e. Could you read the letter ? 
 /. May I go home? 
 22. Pick out all the nouns in the following paragraph. 
 Which are names of things, which are names of persons? 
 23. Pick out all the adverbs in the following paragraph. 
 24. Pick out all the adjectives in the following paragraph. 
 His mother named him Harold, and named him better than 
 she knew. He was just such a boy as one would expect to see 
 bearing a heroic name. He had big, faded blue eyes, a nubbin 
154 Community English 
 of a chin, wide, wondering ears, and freckles — such brown 
 blotches of freckles on his face and neck and hands, such a 
 milky way of them across the bridge of his snub nose, that the 
 boys called him "Mealy." 
 William Allen White : The Court of Boyville 
 25. Select from the above paragraph, a definite article, an 
 indefinite article. 
 26. How many verbs are there in the selection above? 
 27. Are they active or passive verbs? How many are 
 transitive? How many are intransitive? 
 28. Is an intransitive verb ever passive in form? 
 29. What is a copulative verb? 
 30. How is the word stone used in the following sentence ? 
 The boy threw a stone. 
 31. Pick out the direct object in each of these sentences : 
 a. The bear chased the hunter. 
 b. He wore a long, black coat. 
 c. Harry ate three oranges. 
 d. The dog has a new blanket. 
 32. What is the meaning of antonym; of synonym? 
 Give two illustrations of each. 
 33. What is the plural of each of the following words : 
 tree pencil 
 boy sailor 
 house hand 
 cat monkey 
 day play 
 plain • key 
 branch brush 
 glass box 
Games and Contests ISS 
 cry fly 
 army lady 
 duty city 
 half calf 
 wolf wife 
 thief life 
 leaf knife 
 gulf scarf 
 dwarf proof 
 wharf roof 
 mouse tooth 
 woman foot 
 man goose 
 potato buffalo 
 hero cargo 
 negro echo 
 dozen sheep 
 fish deer 
 34. Compare the following adjectives : small, loud, deep, 
 great, light, thick. 
 35. Compare: thin, glad, wet, big, hot. 
 36. Compare : white, brave, true, wise, large, fine. 
 37. Compare: gay, dry, happy. 
 38. Compare : good, bad, little, much or many, old, late. 
 39. Compare the following adverbs: fast, hard, near, 
 long, early, well. 
 40. Change the following sentences from active to passive 
 voice : 
156 Community English 
 a. Our fathers brought forth upon this continent a 
 new nation. 
 h. Love conquers all things. 
 c. Manners make the man. 
 d. You cannot teach old dogs new tricks. 
 e. Anger manages everything badly. 
 /. April showers bring forth May flowers. 
 41. Select the correct word for each of these sentences 
 and give the reason for your choice : 
 a. My sister looks like (me, I). 
 h. Do it (as, like) I do it. 
 c. Do it (as, like) me. 
 d. Give it to Jack and (I, me). 
 e. He is taller than (I, me) . 
 /. She is shorter than (he, him). 
 42. Select the correct word for each of the following 
 sentences and in each case give the reason for your choice : 
 a. Neither of the girls (has, have) it. 
 h. Who is going, you or (I, me) ? 
 c. (Who, whom) did this come from? 
 d. (May, can) I have a drink? 
 e. I am (most, almost) ready. 
 /. The child ran (in, into) the pantry. 
 g. Divide it (among, between) you two. 
 h. My dress is different (from, to, than) yours. 
 i. Here are invitations for you and (her, she). 
 43. Use the word below as an adverb and as a preposition. 
 Use the word hut as a preposition, as a conjunction, and as 
 an adverb. 
Games and Contests I57 
 44. Put into plural number each of the following sen- 
 tences : 
 a. My book is lost. 
 b. The box is here. 
 c. The kitten is playing with a ball. 
 d. The bird is building a nest. 
 e. The child was tired. 
 /. The pony was stolen. 
 g. The dog has run away. 
 h. The doll has been broken. 
 i. I have finished the story. 
 j. I do not like tomatoes. 
 k. The boy does his work well. 
 45. Give the principal parts of the following verbs : 
 come rise sing 
 is go teach 
 march take lie 
 drink bring set 
 46. What is the difference in meaning between : 
 eldest and oldest 
 farther and further 
 later and latter 
 nearest and next 
 47. Write sentences containing : 
 a. a noun clause used as subject of a sentence 
 b. a noun clause used as direct object of a sentence 
 c. an infinitive phrase used as subject of a sentence 
 d. an infinitive phrase used as direct object of a verb 
 48. State six common rules of punctuation. 
IS8 Community English 
 49. In the following sentences change each infinitive 
 phrase to a clause : 
 a. I decided to go to Chicago to-morrow. 
 ] b. He was delighted to find his purse. 
 c. I must go now to hear him lecture. 
 d. She was glad to see the play. 
 50. Continue your review by making out your own list 
 of questions. The foregoing examples may suggest other 
 questions to you. 
 To conduct a spelling contest. 
 First method. — If you wish, you may challenge the 
 pupils of another class to compete with you in this contest. 
 1. Ask your teacher to divide your class into two equal 
 2. Choose a captain for each side. 
 3. While the captains are distributing paper to each 
 pupil, be sure that your pen is in good condition and that 
 you have plenty of ink. 
 4. Upon the sheet of paper given to you, be prepared 
 to write the sentences read aloud by the teacher. Try to 
 spell correctly each word pronounced. 
 5. As soon as all the sentences have been pronounced, 
 ask your captains to collect the papers and deliver them to 
 your teacher. 
 6. Make it a rule of this contest that all papers shall be 
 looked over by the two captains and the teacher. 
 7. That side wins which has the smaller total number of 
 misspelled words. 
Games and Contests * 159 
 Second method. — 
 1. Ask your teacher to appoint two captains. 
 2. Let each captain choose sides until every pupil in 
 class is chosen. 
 3. Then stand and try to spell correctly every word 
 pronounced to you by the teacher. If you spell the word 
 incorrectly, take your seat. 
 4. If you spell a word out of turn you must also take your 
 5. That side wins which has the greater number of pupils 
 standing when the contest is over. 
 Third method. — The following method has been adopted 
 by the boys and girls of a school in Pennsylvania and has 
 been called the Baseball System : 
 The schoolroom is the diamond, the corners being used for 
 the bases. The teacher is the *' pitcher, " the pupils are the 
 *' players." A pupil ''at bat" advances to the corner of the 
 room designated as the ''plate" and the teacher pronounces 
 three words. If all are correctly spelled the "player" moves to 
 first base, having made a "hit." Each succeeding "player" 
 who makes a "hit" advances him a base until he is "scored." 
 As each succeeding "player" makes a "safe" hit he goes to 
 first base, and the "runs scored" count for the side the players 
 represent. When the player fails to spell a word correctly he is 
 declared "out" and goes to his seat, which is the "player's 
 Practice list. — Here is a list of two-hundred-fifty trouble- 
 some words. For practice you may aim to spell each of 
 these words correctly : 
 Community English 
 all right 
Games and Contests 
 Gommunity English 
 To take part in a paragraph archery contest 
 Instructions. — 
 1. Ask your teacher to act as referee of the game. 
 2. Choose two of your classmates to act as captains of 
Games and Contests 
 the teams. Each captain will choose sides until all pupils 
 are chosen. 
 3. Select a scorekeeper who shall keep a record of tl^e 
 game upon the blackboard. As soon as he is selected, 
 let him draw a paragraph target within which is written 
 the topic sentence announced by the teacher. 
 4. As soon as you are called upon by the referee, be 
 prepared to give a sentence which will hit the mark and help 
 build up the paragraph. If your sentence adds to the 
 thought of the topic sentence, the scorekeeper will mark it 
 thus: ^^-^ ^^ 
 If your sentence fails to hit the mark the score is 
 marked in this way: \^^ 
 5. The captains of the opposing teams are called upon 
 first. After that other pupils are called upon but not in 
 regular order. Any one answering out of turn is penaHzed 
 and one credit is deducted from the score of his team. 
164 Community English 
 6. As many different targets may be used as there are 
 different topic sentences announced by the referee. 
 7. The side having the smaller number of errors wins. 
 8. The final score may look like this : 
 A's = 2 errora 
 . ^f^ D'5 = 1 error 
 w\.Bs win 
 How the game was played. — After reading over the 
 instructions given above, you may think that the game of 
 paragraph archery is too difficult to play often, but if you 
 read the following account of how some Minnesota boys and 
 girls played archery you may have a clearer understanding 
 of just what to do. 
 Tom was chosen captain of one team and George was 
 made captain of the other. Sarah, the scorekeeper, wrote 
 upon the blackboard the topic sentence announced by the 
 referee. The target then looked Uke this : 
Games and Contests 
 The referee called upon Tom for a sentence. He arose and 
 said, " It was more like the figure of a fairy than of a man." 
 The class decided that the sentence had hit the mark, so 
 Sarah marked it thus : 
 When George was called upon he replied, " The windows 
 shook and the doors rattled." " Error," voted the class 
 and Sarah indicated it in this way : 
 Life fi 
 Then Tom^s first assistant said, " His body could bend it- 
 self in every direction, it was so elastic." " Scored," 
 declared the class and Sarah wrote : 
 Community English 
 When the game was finished, the blackboard score looked 
 like this : 7, 
 The game had been won by George's team which had made 
 but a single error. 
 The completed paragraph, built up by the class read as 
 follows : 
 At that instant the door burst open and a most extraordinary 
 figure entered. It was more like the figure of a fairy than that 
 of a man. His body could bend itself in every direction, it was 
 so elastic. He wore a red mantle and two huge silvery wings 
 fluttered from his shoulders. But his strangest and most re- 
 markable characteristic were his eyes which glistened like 
 lighted candles as his feet glided over the floor. 
Games and Contests 167 
 To take part in an essay contest. 
 Instructions. — 
 1 . Discuss in class a plan for displaying ten of the most 
 interesting compositions written during the month. 
 2. Choose a committee of three to work with the teacher 
 in selecting these ten compositions. 
 3. Select another group of three to make an album or 
 portfolio in which the compositions selected shall be placed. 
 Upon the cover of this album should be lettered the words : 
 Best Compositions of the Month, 
 4. Place the album, containing these compositions, upon 
 a table in the classroom, in the study hall or in the school 
 5. At the end of four weeks remove these compositions 
 and carefully file them for future reference. Put the ten 
 best compositions for the next month in their place. 
 6. Arrange to have a prize given to the pupil who during 
 the year has the greatest number of best compositions on 
 exhibition. Such a prize may be donated by some friend 
 of the school. Letters may be written by each member of 
 the class, asking some one to offer a prize for this contest 
 and the best letter will be sent. 
 To take part in a prize speaking contest. 
 Did you ever attend a Prize Speaking Contest? Why 
 were you especially interested in the result? How many 
i68 Community English 
 prizes were awarded? Were the speakers allowed to have 
 special training for the contest? Was this training given 
 by the teachers or by some one outside the school? How 
 were the speakers chosen? Why would you like or dislike 
 to take part in such a contest? Give reasons to prove that 
 a contest of this kind raises the standard of oral English 
 in the school. Debate informally the question, Resolved : 
 That this class shall conduct a prize speaking contest. 
 Read the following suggestions before completing your 
 plans for the contest. 
 Suggestions. — 
 1. With your teacher and classmates discuss plans for 
 a class prize speaking contest. 
 2. Select three prominent people in your community 
 to act as judges. 
 3. Choose a committee of two or three from your class 
 to invite these distinguished people to act. 
 4. Ask your teacher to preside as chairman of the con- 
 test or choose one of your classmates to do so. 
 5. If your teacher approves, you may invite your 
 friends to this contest. 
 6. If there is extra money in the class treasury, you 
 may use it to buy two prizes of books, one for a boy and 
 one for a girl. 
 7. Prepare for the contest in this way : choose a favorite 
 short selection of prose or poetry, read it aloud several times 
 at home, then read it to your teacher. After your teacher 
 approves of your selection you may memorize it ; for the 
 least you can do toward winning the prize is to learn the 
Games and Contests 169 
 8. Make it a rule of this contest that there shall be no 
 9. Be sure that every member of the class takes part 
 in the contest. 
 10. Remember on the day of the contest that it is impor- 
 tant for you to be a good hstener as well as a good speaker. 
 11. On the day of the contest, when your name is called, 
 try to remember these suggestions : 
 a. Be quiet and natural in manner. 
 h. Speak clearly, and pronounce each word carefully. 
 c. Do not think about gestures but try to make your 
 audience understand the meaning of the selection 
 you are reading. 
 d. Keep in mind this quotation, " Straight from the 
 mighty bow this truth is driven; they fail and 
 they alone, who have not striven." 
 12. As soon as the contest is over and the chairman of 
 judges has announced the decision, ask your Principal to 
 award the prizes. 
 To take part in a debate. 
 Frequently a question arises which has two sides worth 
 discussing. How would you like to take the side of the 
 question you believe to be right and give reasons for your 
 opinion? If a classmate argues for his opinion which differs 
 from yours, you will be debating the question. Usually 
 more than two people take part in a debate. It is always 
 well to remember that although you are sure your opinion 
170 Community English 
 is right still your opponents may have such good arguments 
 that you will wish to change your opinion. 
 If you have had no practice in debating it will be wise to 
 arrange class debates until you become famihar with the 
 manner in which a debate is conducted. Then interclass, 
 and even school debates, may be conducted. To these 
 latter debates you may invite your friends if your teacher 
 has no objection. Write informal notes of invitation. 
 Talk over the question chosen with older people and study 
 the following suggestions : 
 Suggestions. — 
 1 . Whenever you give reasons for or against any 
 question, trying to make some one else believe what you 
 believe, you use Argument. 
 2. A debate is an argument carried on according to 
 fixed rules by two chosen sides. 
 3. The subject of a debate is given as a statement; for 
 Resolved: That dogs have intelligence. 
 Resolved: That baseball is a better game than foot- 
 4. When you are in favor of the question, you are on the 
 Affirmative side of the question. If you oppose the question 
 you are on the Negative side. 
 5. Each side chooses a captain or leader. 
 6. The leader of the affirmative side speaks first, the 
 leader of the negative side speaks second. The second 
 speaker for the affirmative side speaks third, and is followed 
 by the second speaker for the negative side. The debaters 
 speak alternately until all have spoken. Usually the 
Games and Contests 171 
 negative side sums up first and the affirmative leader speaks 
 7. When you destroy or overthrow your opponents' 
 arguments, you refute them. 
 8. Judges may be chosen to decide the debate or a 
 class vote may decide the question. 
 9. Having arranged a debate between two teams from 
 your own class or having challenged some other class to 
 debate with you, choose your subject and find out all you 
 can about both sides of the question. 
 10. Make a list of clear statements about the facts and 
 give this Hst to the captain of your team. He, as well as 
 each member of his team, should have a written outline 
 of the most important points to be debated. This outline 
 may be written upon slips of paper or pieces of cardboard 
 about three inches by five inches in size. The notes should 
 be written upon one side only of the paper and the para- 
 graph divisions should be indicated clearly. 
 11. As you debate, remember to pick out your most 
 important arguments and stick to those arguments. 
 12. Because is not a sufficient reason. Every statement 
 must be based on fact. Be careful to have your proof ready 
 in case it is called for. 
 13. Before your time is up, sum up your most important 
 14. Play fair. Do not lose your temper. Be courteous. 
 Remember that you are not attacking your opponent, you 
 are attacking his arguments. 
 Subjects suggested for debate. — The suggested subjects 
 listed below may help you to think of others far more satis- 
172 Community English 
 factory than any mentioned here. For still greater variety 
 in subjects, consult the index of this book, your teacher, and 
 the school librarian. Much valuable printed matter 
 containing lists of subjects for debate may be obtained 
 free, or at little cost, from the Superintendent of Documents, 
 United States Bureau of Education, Washington, D.C. 
 1. Resolved: That military training should be com- 
 pulsory in this school. 
 2. Resolved: That Lincoln was a greater man than 
 3. Resolved : That motion pictures have a bad influence 
 upon boys and girls. 
 4. Resolved : That English is the most important subject 
 in the grammar school. 
 5. Resolved : That this class should issue a class maga- 
 zine at least twice a year. 
 6. Resolved : That clocks should be set ahead an hour 
 the last Sunday in March. 
 7. Resolved: That every boy should become a Boy 
 8. Resolved: That textbooks should be free to the 
 pupils in this school. 
 9. Resolved : That every girl should be required to study 
 cooking and sewing. 
 10. Resolved : That basket ball provides better exercise 
 than tennis. 
 1 1 . Resolved : That Theodore Roosevelt was our greatest 
 12. Resolved: That Roderick Dhu was a more worthy 
 suitor for the hand of Ellen than was Malcolm Graeme. 
Games and Contests 173 
 13. Resolved : That the piano offers more advantage as a 
 source of pleasure in the home than does the phonograph. 
 14. Resolved : That the telegraph is more useful to man 
 than is the telephone. 
 15. Resolved: That life in the Virginia colony was more 
 enjoyable than life in the Plymouth colony. 
 16. Resolved: That baseball is a better game than 
 17. Resolved : That manual training should be taught in 
 this school. 
 18. Resolved: That the raising of Jersey cows is more 
 profitable than the raising of Holsteins. 
 19. Resolved: That capital punishment should be 
 20. Resolved : That the Pied Piper did right in leading 
 away the children. 
 21. Resolved: That the treatment of the Acadians in 
 the story of Evangeline was unjust. 
 22. Resolved : That the pubKc library should be open on 
 23. Resolved : That grammar school pupils should receive 
 training in debating. 
 24. Resolved : That interclass football promotes the best 
 interests of this school. 
 25. Resolved : That Rebecca is the heroine of Ivanhoe, 
 To take part in a contest about American authors. 
 Instructions. — Quite unlike the game of Authors that 
 you may have played at home, when a child, is this game 
174 Community English 
 of American Authors. Boys and girls in other English 
 classes have worked out these rules and instructions, but 
 perhaps you can think of still other rules to make the 
 game even more interesting. 
 1. Play this game at least once a month, if possible. 
 2. Let each pupil in the class stand. 
 3. As the teacher reads from this Hst, either the name 
 of the book or the author of the book, the pupil responds 
 with the name of the author or the name of one of his 
 works. For instance, if your teacher reads from the list 
 the name of Henry W. Longfellow, you should give the 
 name of any of his writings, Evangeline, Hiawatha, The 
 Courtship of Miles Standish, etc. If, however, the teacher 
 announces the name Hiawatha, you should reply, Henry 
 W. Longfellow. 
 4. If the pupil called upon fails to respond with the 
 correct name, he must take his seat. 
 5 . The pupil who remains standing longest wins the game. 
 6. Frequently the teacher writes the name of an author 
 at the top of a small card. Under the author's name she 
 places a list of his writings. These cards are convenient 
 to handle rapidly. Sometimes this contest is made a 
 written exercise. Then, the pupil having the greatest 
 number of correct answers wins. 
 Reference list of authors and books.^ — No attempt has 
 been made to make this a complete list of worthy American 
 ^ For further reference see : 
 Cairns — American Literature for Secondary Schools. 
 Page — Chief American Poets. 
 Painter — Introduction to American Literature. 
 Tisdel — A Brief Survey of English and American Literature. 
 Wendell — Literary History of America. 
Games and Contests 
 authors. Only the most important authors and titles 
 have been named. You will think of many other writers 
 and many other titles which should be added to the list 
 used in your contests. 
 1. Benjamin Franklin 
 Poor Richard's Almanac 
 2. Washington Irving 
 Sketch Book 
 3. James Fenimore Cooper 
 The Deerslayer 
 The Spy 
 The Last of the Mohicans 
 The Pilot 
 4. Nathaniel Hawthorne 
 Twice Told Tales 
 The Wonder Book 
 Tanglewood Tales 
 The House of Seven Gables 
 The Scarlet Letter 
 5. Harriet Beecher Stowe 
 Uncle Tom's Cabin 
 6. Francis Scott Key 
 The Star Spangled Banner 
 7. Samuel Wood worth 
 The Old Oaken Bucket 
 8. John Howard Payne 
 Home Sweet Home 
 9. William Cullen Bryant 
 Many other poems 
 10. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
 11. Abraham Lincoln 
 The Gettysburg Address 
 12. Henry W. Longfellow 
 Courtship of Miles Standish 
 The Children's Hour 
 The Wreck of the Hesperus 
 The Village Blacksmith 
 A Psalm of Life 
 The Building of the Ship 
 13. James Russell Lowell 
 The Vision of Sir Launfal 
 The Courtin' 
 14. John Greenleaf Whittier 
 Snow Bound 
 The Barefoot Boy 
 15. Oliver Wendell Holmes 
 The One Hoss Shay 
 Elsie Venner 
 16. Edgar Allan Poe 
 Annabel Lee 
 The Bells 
 The Raven 
 The Gold Bug 
 17. Henry David Thoreau 
 18. Francis Parkman 
 Oregon Trail 
 19. Walt Whitman 
 O Captain ! my Captain ! 
 20. Helen Hunt Jackson 
 21. Mark Twain 
 Tom Sawyer 
 Huckleberry Finn 
 The Prince and the Pauper 
 Community English 
 22. Henry Sydnor Harrison 
 23. BretHarte 
 The Luck of Roaring Camp 
 The Outcasts of Poker Flat 
 24. Edward Everett Hale 
 The Man Without a Country 
 25. Lewis Wallace 
 Ben Hur: A Tale of the 
 26. John Burroughs 
 Sharp Eyes 
 27. Louisa M. Alcott 
 Little Men 
 Little Women 
 28. James Whitcomb Riley 
 Child Rhymes 
 29. Hamlin Garland 
 A Son of the Middle Border 
 30. Jack London 
 The Call of the Wild 
 31. Winston Churchill 
 The Crisis 
 Richard Carvel 
 32. Eugene Field 
 33. Theodore Roosevelt 
 The Winning of the West 
 Game Trails of Africa 
 Letters to His Children 
 34. Julia Ward Howe 
 The Battle Hymn of the Re- 
 35. Henry van Dyke 
 The Blue Flower 
 36. O. Henry (William Sidney 
 Rolling Stones 
 37. William Allen White 
 The King of Boyville 
 The Martial Adventures of 
 Henry and Me 
 38. F. HoPKiNSON Smith 
 Colonel Carter of Cartersville 
 39. Frank R. Stockton 
 The Griffin and the Minor Canon 
 Rudder Grange 
 40. Sarah McLean Greene 
 Cape Cod Folks 
 Vesty of the Basin 
 41. Booth Tarkington 
 The Gentleman from Indiana 
 42. Mary E. Waller 
 The Wood Carver of 'Lympus 
 /13. John Fox, Jr. 
 The Little Shepherd of Kingdom 
 44. Mary Johnston 
 45. Edward Eggleston 
 The Hoosier Schoolboy 
 The Hoosier Schoolmaster 
 46. Kate Douglas Wiggin 
 Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm 
 47. Hamilton Wright Mabie 
 Heroes Every Child Should 
 Norse Stories 
 48. Joel Chandler Harris 
 Uncle Remus 
 49. Helen Keller 
 The Story of My Life 
 50. Owen Wister 
 The Virginian 
 France has not so many telephones as Chicago. Greece 
 has not as many telephones as some of the largest American 
 office buildings. In this country there is one telephone to 
 every nine persons, and two thirds of the telephoning of the 
 world is over the twenty-four million miles of wire in the 
 Bell system. Because, therefore, of the great importance of 
 the telephone in modern business and social life, you will 
 wish to know how to use it effectively. In what three ways 
 can you deliver most quickly a message to some one at a 
 distance? Which method insures the speediest answer? 
 Since the average American is never seen to greater dis- 
 advantage than when telephoning, you may be glad to 
 know that you can learn how to use the telephone without 
 any great amount of trouble. 
 To carry on a series of telephone conversations. 
 Suggestions. — 
 1. Think over what you wish to say just as you would 
 if you were to write a letter. Make a note of the items 
 of special importance. Have a pad and pencil ready to jot 
 down important information obtained. 
 2. Remove the receiver from the hook and give the 
 number to the operator in response to her, " Number, 
 please? " 
 3. Call the number in this manner: "Bryant three, 
lyS Community English 
 four, one, six, for ^^ Bryant 3416" ; or ''North two, seven, 
 o, four, party W, for " North 2704 — W." 
 4. When the operator repeats the number you should 
 say, " Correct " or " No.'' If she has made a mistake she 
 will then correct it. 
 5. As soon as the connection has been made, say, 
 " Agnes Brown speaking." Such an introduction is not 
 only a matter of courtesy but it is also necessary in order 
 that the person at the other end of the wire may know 
 who is speaking. Unsigned letters receive no attention, 
 neither should telephone conversations which begin like 
 this: " Hello, guess who this is." 
 6. If you are either giving or receiving information, be 
 definite in your answers or questions. 
 7. Listen carefully to the person speaking at the other 
 end of the wire. Never try to talk to some one at your 
 side while you are telephoning. 
 8. " If you please," and " I thank you " do not take 
 very much time and yet they are important in telephone 
 9. If your telephone conversation is in the nature of a 
 social call, try to have something of real interest to say. 
 Do not gossip so long that important messages may be 
 10. Always verify an important telephoned order by 
 repeating the message. 
 11. When making a long distance call, ask the operator 
 for " Long Distance " or " Toll Operator," in reply to her 
 question, " Number, please? " 
 12. When you wish to telephone a telegram, call " Wes- 
 tern Union " or " Postal Telegraph." 
Telephone Conversations 179 
 13. In case of fire, call " Fire Department, Emergency." 
 14. In case of burglars, call " Police Department, 
 15. If you wish to call a certain department of a large 
 firm you may follow this routine : 
 Operator " Number, please? " 
 You " Main six, four, one, o." 
 Operator " Main six, eight, one, o." 
 You " No, six, four, one, o." 
 Operator " Main, six, four, one, o." 
 You "Correct." 
 Pause for connection. 
 Private operator. ..." Lord and Taylor's." 
 You " Give me the shoe department, please." 
 Pause for connection. 
 Clerk in shoe department. .. .^^1^0x6. and Taylor's Shoe De- 
 You " This is John Jones " (state 
 your message). 
 Telephone assignments. — Let the following assign- 
 ments suggest to you a series of telephone conversations 
 which you may carry on over a real telephone or which you 
 may carry on over an imaginary telephone in your class- 
 room. A classmate may take the part of the person to 
 whom you are talking by wire. Remember always to be 
 clear, to be brief, to be courteous, and to be distinct. 
 I . Carry on all the telephone communication necessary 
 in connection with the arrangements for your class supper. 
 a. Telephone the Principal of your school and ask 
 his permission to hold the supper. Describe 
 your plans in detail. 
i8o Community English 
 b. Call up a hotel and make reservations for the 
 supper. State the time, the date, and the num- 
 ber expected to attend. Ask about the charges 
 per plate. 
 c. Telephone the florist and ask that three dozen 
 pink roses be dehvered at the hotel, just before 
 the supper. 
 d. Telephone the manager of the street railroad 
 company and make arrangements for a special 
 car from the school to the hotel. 
 e. Call up one of your classmates and ask him to act 
 as toastmaster at the supper. 
 2. Carry on all the communication necessary in connec- 
 tion with arrangements for an interschool debate. 
 a. Telephone your Principal for permission to 
 challenge another school to a debate. State in 
 detail all your plans. 
 b. Imagine that the challenge is sent and accepted. 
 Telephone the Principal of the rival school of 
 important reasons for changing the date of the 
 c. Telephone the Superintendent of Schools in your 
 city, asking him to act as chairman of the 
 d. Telephone a man prominent in the life of your 
 community, asking him to act as one of the 
 judges of the contest. 
 e. Telephone the ofhce of one of your local papers, 
 asking that an announcement of the debate be 
 made in the Wednesday night edition. 
Telephone Conversations i8i 
 3. Telephone the mother of your chum, that he has 
 been hurt in an automobile accident. 
 4. Telephone a ticket agent in your town, asking him 
 to make reservations for you on the " Empire." 
 5. Telephone your plumber of a leaking hot water 
 pipe in your house. Explain what has happened and ask 
 for immediate help. 
 6. Call up your music teacher and cancel your appoint- 
 ment for a lesson. 
 7. Telephone the " Lost and Found " department of 
 the Electric railroad and make inquiries for a lost umbrella. 
 8. Call up the manager of a large department store and 
 ask him for an advertisement for your school paper. 
 9. Call up the manager of a factory in your locality and 
 make arrangements for a visit of inspection by your 
 10. Telephone the local ticket office and make inquiries 
 about a trip to Washington, D.C. 
 11. Telephone an order to your grocer. Explain that 
 you have decided to open a charge account at his store and 
 give him several references. 
 12. Telephone a friend, accepting an informal invitation 
 to dinner. 
 13. Telephone to an old friend in the city, telling him of 
 your Ufe in the country and mentioning several of its 
 14. At Christmas time your class has collected a number 
 of gifts for the less fortunate ones of your city. Tele- 
 phone the Charities Aid Association and ask for the ad- 
 dresses of some famiUes whom your gifts might help. 
 15. Telephone the postmaster and make inquiries about 
l82 Community English 
 a Special Delivery letter which has not been delivered. 
 Tell him who you are and state your address. 
 1 6. Telephone a friend about a visit you have just 
 made to the home of some well-known American. 
 17. Your father has promised to take you and some of 
 your friends for a sail on the river next Saturday if the 
 weather is suitable. Telephone two or three friends, ask- 
 ing them to join you. 
 " In a democracy where each citizen has a voice and a 
 vote in the government, he should be able to use the 
 privilege of free speech to the best advantage." 
 " The manner in which one speaks his mother tongue is 
 looked upon as showing more clearly than any other one 
 thing what his culture is and what his associations have 
 What are your reasons for believing that both the preced- 
 ing quotations are true ? How do you judge a stranger, by 
 his clothes or his speech ? Give at least four reasons for the 
 necessity of forming correct speech habits. Show that to 
 each of the persons mentioned below, correct speech has a 
 money value : 
 A doctor, a teacher, an office boy, a salesman, a sales- 
 girl, a minister, a business man or woman, a nurse, 
 a reporter, a lawyer, an insurance agent, a business 
 Mention, if you can, one person who does not need to 
 speak well. The next time you listen to a public speaker, 
 ask yourself these questions: Does he speak distinctly? 
 Are his sentences monotonous because he fails to use em- 
 phasis? Does he make his subject interesting to his 
 audience? What suggestions can I get from this speaker 
 which will help me to improve my English? Perhaps, as 
 yet, you have never been called upon to speak in public, 
 but the time is surely coming when you will be glad to 
184 Community English 
 know how to express your ideas to a group of people. In 
 order that you may give your entire attention to a clear, 
 forceful, and dignified expression of your thought and that 
 you may not be puzzled by how to go about it, this Under- 
 taking has been suggested. 
 At first, the form of the short speech may seem strange 
 to you, but with practice you will find that the form has 
 slipped into the background and unconsciously you have 
 become right in your manner of speaking upon formal 
 occasions. Do you not think that you would enjoy acting 
 as toastmaster at your class supper? Perhaps, you would 
 like better to introduce the speaker of the evening, or to 
 present to the school a beautiful picture — the gift of your 
 class. It is just possible that you may have to thank the 
 class for a farewell gift given to you. Surely you wish to 
 know what to do under any or all of these circumstances. 
 To make a speech of introduction. 
 Suggestions. — Imagine that you are the presiding 
 officer at a class meeting. Make a short speech introducing 
 a person of prominence in your community who is to 
 address your class upon a subject connected with your 
 English work : " The Value of Good English from the 
 Business Man's Point of View," or " Why Correct English 
 is of Importance to a Girl," or " Slang." 
 1. Speak of your pleasure at having the opportunity of 
 introducing such a distinguished guest. 
 2. Mention the reason for the prominence of your guest. 
The Short Speech 185 
 Tell of his work, or of his life, of his interests, or of his pubHc 
 3. State the subject to be discussed by the speaker. 
 4. Announce the speaker's name in full. 
 5. Having decided upon what you wish to say, you may 
 make an outline of your most important points upon a small 
 card or slip of paper. 
 6. Remember to stand up straight, to speak clearly and 
 distinctly enough for all to hear, and to pronounce all words 
 7. Be natural and earnest. Do not strive for effect and 
 remember that your audience is in sympathy with you. 
 8. Read carefully the model speeches of introduction 
 given at the end of this chapter, they may suggest helpful 
 ideas to you. 
 I. Make a short speech of presentation. 
 Suggestions. — Imagine that your class wishes to make 
 a gift of a beautiful silk flag to the school. You may sub- 
 stitute for the flag any of the following : a curtain for the 
 school stage, books for the school library, a picture for 
 your classroom, a gift to your teacher at Christmas time, 
 or a farewell gift to any classmate. 
 1. Address the chairman of the meeting and your class- 
 2. Mention the class in whose name you present the flag. 
 3. Speak of your pleasure at having this opportunity. 
 4. State the name of the school which is to receive the 
l86 Community English 
 5. Speak of some of the ideals for which the flag stands. 
 6. Observe the suggestions given in the preceding 
 7. Read carefully the model speeches of presentation 
 given at the end of this chapter. 
 //. Make a short speech of acceptance. 
 Suggestions. — Imagine that you have been chosen by 
 your school to receive the gift of the silk flag. 
 1. As in the former Undertaking, address the chairman 
 and your friends. 
 2. Mention your happiness at having been chosen to 
 receive such a beautiful gift in the name of your school. 
 3. Thank the class which gave the flag. 
 4. Tell how the pupils of your school intend to live up 
 to the ideals of Americanism for which the flag stands. 
 ///. To respond to a toast. 
 Suggestions. — Imagine that you are present at a class 
 supper or banquet where the toastmaster calls upon you 
 to make a few remarks. This reply to a sentiment pro- 
 posed by the toastmaster is called the response to a toast. 
 Sometimes, in connection with the school work in domestic 
 science, the Enghsh class is asked to attend a simple dinner 
 served at the school. 
 1. Do all your " fixing " of hair, necktie, etc., before you 
 2. Use clear, simple, and forceful words. Avoid flowery 
 3. Be original Dare to think your own thoughts. 

1 88 Community English 
 4. If you wish, you may use stories and quotations as 
 5. If you would do credit to yourself 
 Have something you wish to say, 
 Say it as well as you can, 
 6. At the beginning of your speech, address the toast- 
 master in these words : " Mr. Toastmaster, and — here you 
 may add the words — " friends/' or " classmates." 
 7. Read carefully the toasts given at the end of this 
 chapter. Note the form of the toast as well as the subject 
 discussed by the speaker. 
 / V. Plan a short talk to be given at exercises held in your 
 school on any of the following days : Washington's Birthday j 
 Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day, or Lincoln's Birthday. 
 V. Give a talk to accompany pictures thrown on a screen 
 from a lantern. 
 VI. Make a brief announcement of a postponed club meet- 
 ^'w^> of CLn athletic contest, or of a debate. 
 VII. Imagine that you are the captain of the football team. 
 Make a short speech urging more loyal support of the team. 
 VIII. Imagine that you have been asked by the school bird 
 club to speak at the next meeting upon the ^^ Methods of 
 Protecting Birds^ Plan the speech. 
 IX. Imagine that you are the employer of a large number 
 of men. Give a talk to the men and tell them about your 
 business plans for the coming year. 
 X. Imagine that you are the chairman of a school debate. 
 Announce the subject, mention the judges by name, and state 
 the names of the speakers. 
The Short Speech 189 
 XI. Preach a short funeral sermon for Poor English. 
 XII. Make a two minute speech before the members of 
 another class in favor of a Thrift Campaign. 
 XIII. Make a short speech to the members of the board of 
 education in favor of a new school playground. 
 XI V. Make a short speech urging the importance of work 
 in the Junior Red Cross. 
 X V. Give a short talk to which a toastmaster could give the 
 title, " Critical Moments in the Life of Thomas A. Edison.'^ 
 For the name of Mr. Edison you may substitute one of the 
 following : 
 Colonel George Goethals Florence Nightingale 
 Alice Freeman Palmer Lewis Carroll 
 Jane Addams Hans Andersen 
 Lillian Nordica Frances E. Willard 
 Paul Lawrence Dunbar Henry van Dyke 
 Helen Gould Shepard Susan B. Anthony 
 Martin Luther Robert Burns 
 Helen Keller Andrew Carnegie 
 David Lloyd-George Alexis Carrel 
 Luther Burbank Rosa Bonheur 
 XVI. Imagine that you have been chosen by your class 
 to give the address of welcome at the commencement exercises. 
 Give the speech. 
 XVII. The Parents^ Association of the school joins with 
 your class in the celebration of Lincoln's Birthday. Make a 
 short speech in which you bid your guests welcome. 
 XVIII. Imagine that you are the chairman of a great 
 school mass meeting. In a brief speech, welcome home the 
 members of your victorious football team. 
190 Community English 
 XIX. Imagine that you have been chosen by your class to 
 respond to the address of welcome given by the president of the 
 Alumni Association. Give your speech. 
 Speeches of Introduction. — The first two speeches were 
 made by Vice-President Calvin Coolidge at the Lodge- 
 Lowell debate held in Boston, March 19, 191 9. 
 1. We are gathered here to-night as the representatives of a 
 great people to hear the discussion of a great question by great 
 men. All America desires that the peace which our brave 
 soldiers have won with the sword should be made secure by 
 fact and by parchment. That is a duty that we owe alike to 
 the living and to the dead. Fortunate is Massachusetts that 
 it has two citizens so eminently fitted to discuss for us this 
 question, for wherever statesmen gather, wherever men love 
 letters, the discussion of this evening will be read and pondered. 
 Of these two great sons of Massachusetts the one is the senior 
 senator of the Commonwealth, the other a president of a uni- 
 versity established under our Constitution. The first to address 
 you is a senator preeminent in Massachusetts, honored here and 
 famous abroad — Henry Cabot Lodge. 
 2. The next to address you is the President of Harvard Uni- 
 versity, an educator renowned throughout the world, a profound 
 student of government and the science of statesmanship, truly 
 a master of arts, eminently a doctor of laws, fitted to represent 
 the Massachusetts domain of letters — Abbott Lawrence 
 3. Mr. Chairman and Friends : Although the speaker of the 
 afternoon is a figure of great prominence in the industrial world, 
 the story of his life is not very well known. He was but six 
 years old when his father died. At considerable sacrifice his 
 mother kept her son in school until he was fourteen; then he 
 took a "job" as an office boy in an insurance office. At the 
The Short Speech 191 
 age of twenty he became bookkeeper in a savings bank, and it 
 was while thus employed that he worked out the process which 
 later led to his invention of a photographic roll film — the film 
 that made the kodak possible. Gradually, by continued in- 
 ventions and by buying up other formulas and patents, his 
 business has developed until he now controls one of the largest 
 photographic supply houses in the world. 
 It gives me great pleasure, therefore, to introduce to you the 
 speaker of the afternoon, Mr. George Eastman of Rochester, 
 New York, who will speak to you upon the subject, "The Ro- 
 mance of the Kodak." Mr. Eastman. 
 Speeches of Presentation. — 
 1. Mr. Chairman and Classmates: 
 Because of exceptional bravery in his rescue of a boy com- 
 panion at Owasco Lake last summer, Wayne Joy has been 
 judged a hero. The rescue was one of the most thrilling in the 
 history of Central New York and most of you already know its 
 story. You will remember that while bathing with companions 
 on July 4, Wayne, at that time only ten years old, was attracted 
 by the cries of David Darby, an Auburn lad some twelve years 
 of age. Wayne jumped from the pier and, although of much 
 sUghter build, managed to support Darby until assistance came. 
 Darby was practically unconscious when Wayne reached him. 
 Therefore, in behalf of the Carnegie Memorial Society, I 
 am very happy to-day to award this beautiful gold medal and a 
 substantial sum of money to one of my own classmates — 
 Wayne R. Joy of the Groton Grammar School. 
 2. Mr. President and Friends : You have been requested to 
 assemble here to meet J. P. Chandler because this is one of the 
 most important events in his life. Fifty years ago he entered 
 the employ of this company. During all these years he has 
 given to the firm loyal, valuable, and efficient service, sparing 
192 Community English 
 neither time nor effort for its success, and always giving the 
 best that there was in him. But more than all this he has en- 
 deared himself in the heart and affection of every one of us. 
 I think you will agree with me that frequently when you were 
 anxious and troubled, he has straightened things out; and by 
 his wise counsel, sympathy, and understanding has sent you 
 away happy and contented. We congratulate him heartily 
 upon his reaching this fiftieth anniversary and sincerely hope 
 that his present good health will continue for many years. 
 To commemorate the event and as a symbol of our high regard, 
 affection and esteem for him the firm takes great pleasure in 
 presenting this loving cup on which is inscribed the following : 
 " In appreciation of fifty years' Loyal 
 Faithful, and Efficient Service." 
 Speeches of Acceptance. — 
 1. This is part of a speech delivered at Christiania, 
 Norway, May 5, 1910, by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt: 
 It is with peculiar pleasure that I stand here to-day to express 
 the deep appreciation I feel of the high honor conferred upon 
 me by the presentation of the Nobel Peace Prize. The gold 
 medal, which formed part of the prize, I shall always keep, and 
 I shall hand it on to my children as a precious heirloom. 
 2. When President Lowell was inaugurated as President 
 of Harvard University he replied in these words : 
 It is with a deep sense of responsibility that I receive at your 
 hands these insignia of the office to which the governing boards 
 have chosen me. You have charged me with a great trust, 
 second in importance to no other, for the education of American 
 youth, and therefore for the intellectual and moral welfare of 
 our country. 
The Short Speech 193 
 I pray that I may be granted the wisdom, the strength, and 
 the patience which are needed in no common measure; that 
 Harvard may stand in the future, as she has stood under the 
 long Hne of my predecessors, for the development of true man- 
 hood and for the advancement of sound learning, and that her 
 sons may go forth with a chivalrous resolve that the world shall 
 be better for the years they have spent within these walls. 
 3. Upon William Cullen Bryant's seventieth birthday a 
 group of artists gave him a beautiful portfolio. He ac- 
 cepted it with these words : 
 Allow me through you, as one of their representatives, to 
 return to the artists of the ** Century" my best acknowledg- 
 ments for the superb gift they have made me. I have no title 
 to it but their generosity, yet I rejoice to possess it, and shall 
 endeavor to preserve it as long as I live. 
 Among the artists of the country are some of my oldest and 
 best friends. In their conversation I have taken great delight, 
 and derived from it much instruction. In them the love and 
 the study of nature tend to preserve the native simplicity of 
 character, to make them frank and ingenuous, and divert their 
 attention from selfish interests. I shall prize this gift, therefore, 
 not only as a memorial of the genius of our artists, in which 
 respect alone it possesses a high value, but also as a token of 
 the goodwill of a class of men for whom I cherish a particular 
 regard and esteem. 
 Speeches of Welcome. — 
 I . The following greeting is part of an address of welcome 
 by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge to Southern veterans 
 Visiting Boston : 
 We welcome you soldiers of Virginia to New England. We 
 welcome you to old Massachusetts. We welcome you to Boston 
194 Community English 
 and to Faneuil Hall. In your presence here, and at the sound 
 of your voices beneath this historic roof, the years roll back, 
 and we see the figure and hear again the ringing tones of your 
 great orator, Patrick Henry, declaring to the first Continental 
 Congress, "The distinctions between Virginians, Pennsylvanians, 
 New Yorkers, and New Englanders are no more. I am not a 
 Virginian, but an American." 
 So I say that the sentiment manifested by your presence here, 
 brethren of Virginia, sitting side by side with those who wore 
 the blue, * * * is fraught with tidings of peace on earth, and 
 you may read its meaning in the words on yonder picture, 
 ''Liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable!" 
 2. When Yale University was two hundred years old, 
 President Hadley began his address of welcome to Yale's 
 guests in this way : 
 Of all the pleasures and the duties which a birthday brings 
 with it, the most welcome duty and the most exalted pleasure 
 is found in the opportunity which it affords of seeing, united 
 under one roof, the fellow-members of a family who are often 
 far separated. On this two-hundredth birthday of Yale Uni- 
 versity, it is our chief pride to have with us the representatives 
 of that brotherhood of learning which knows no bounds of time 
 or place, of profession or creed. 
 Speeches of Farewell. — 
 I. When Abraham Lincoln left his Illinois home to go 
 to the White House, he said good-by to his friends and 
 neighbors in these words : 
 My Friends : — 
 No one not in my situation can appreciate my feeling of 
 sadness at this parting. To this place, and the kindness of this 
The Short Speech 195 
 people, I owe everything. Here I have lived a quarter of a 
 century, and have passed from a young to an old man. Here 
 my children have been born, and one is buried. 
 I now leave, not knowing when or whether ever I may return, 
 with a task before me greater than that which rested upon 
 Washington. Without the assistance of that Divine Being 
 who ever attended him, I cannot succeed. With that assistance, 
 I cannot fail. 
 Trusting in Him who can go with me, and remain with you, 
 and be everywhere for good, let us confidently hope that all 
 will yet be well. To His care commending you, as I hope in 
 your prayers you will commend me, I bid you an affectionate 
 2. This is Robert E. Lee's speech of farewell to the army 
 of northern Virginia, delivered at Appomattox Court 
 House, April 10, 1865 : 
 After four years of arduous service, marked by unsurpassed 
 courage and fortitude, the army of northern Virginia has been 
 compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources. 
 I need not tell the survivors of so many hard-fought battles, 
 who have remained steadfast to the last, that I have consented 
 to this result from no distrust of them ; but feeling that valor 
 and devotion could accomplish nothing that would compensate 
 for the loss that would have attended the continuation of the 
 contest, I have determined to avoid the useless sacrifice of those 
 whose past services have endeared them to their countrymen. 
 By the terms of the agreement, officers and men can return to 
 their homes, and remain there until exchanged. You will take 
 with you the satisfaction that proceeds from the consciousness 
 of duty faithfully performed; and I earnestly pray that a 
 merciful God will extend to you his blessing and protection. 
 With an unceasing admiration for your constancy and de- 
196 Community English 
 votion to your country, and a grateful remembrance of your 
 kind and generous consideration of myself, I bid you an affec- 
 tionate farewell. 
 After-dinner Speeches and Toasts. — 
 1. Here is an introduction to a toast by Joseph H. 
 Choate : 
 I came here to-night with some notes for a speech in my 
 pocket, but I have been sitting next to General Butler, and in 
 the course of the evening, they have mysteriously disappeared. 
 The consequence is, gentlemen, that you may expect a very 
 good speech from him and a very poor one from me. When I 
 read this toast which you have just etc., etc. 
 2. This is the introduction to a toast by Henry E. How- 
 Mr. Toastmaster and Friends, — 
 We are assembled to crown with honors those who, on land 
 and sea, with unparalleled courage and devotion, have borne 
 their flag to victory in desperate encounters. Gentlemen of 
 the bat, the oar, the racquet, the cinder path, and the leather 
 sphere, never were conquerors more welcome guests, in palace 
 or in hall, at the tables of their friends than you are here. You 
 come with your laurels fresh from the fields you have won, to 
 receive the praise which is your due and which we so gladly 
 bestow. Your self-denial, devotion, skill, and courage have 
 brought honor to your University, and for it we honor you. 
 3. The following words are from a speech by Senator 
 George Graham Vest : 
 The one absolutely unselfish friend a man may have in this 
 selfish world is the dog. A man's dog stands by him in pros- 
 perity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep 
The Short Speech 197 
 on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and snow 
 drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master's side. He will 
 kiss the hand that has no food to offer, he will lick the wounds 
 and sores that come in encounters with the roughness of the 
 world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were 
 a prince. When all other friends desert, he remains. When 
 riches take wings and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant 
 in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens. 
 If fortune drives the master forth an outcast into the world, 
 friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege 
 than that of accompanying him. When the last scene of all 
 comes, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by 
 his grave-side will the noble dog be found, his head between 
 his paws, his eyes sad but open in alert watchfulness, faithful 
 and true even unto death. ^ 
 Speeches for Various Occasions. — 
 I. Here is Logan's speech to Lord Dunmore, Governor of 
 Virginia : 
 I appeal to any white man to say if ever he entered Logan's 
 cabin hungry, and he gave him not meat ; if ever he came cold 
 and naked, and he clothed him not. During the course of the 
 last long and bloody war Logan remained idle in his cabin, an 
 advocate for peace. Such was my love for the whites that my 
 countrymen pointed at me as they passed, and said: ''Logan 
 is the friend of the white men." 
 I had even thought to have lived with you, but for the injuries 
 of one man. Colonel Cresap, the last spring, in cold blood and 
 unprovoked, murdered all the relations of Logan, not sparing 
 even my women and children. There runs not a drop of my 
 blood in the veins of any living creature. 
 This called on me for revenge. I have sought it. I have 
 killed many. For my country, I rejoice at the beams of peace. 
igS Community English 
 But do not think that mine is the joy of fear. Logan will not 
 turn on his heel to save his life. Who is there to mourn for 
 Logan ? Not one ! 
 2. The following speech is the famous Gettysburg 
 address given by President Lincoln at the dedication of the 
 National Cemetery, November 19, 1863 : 
 Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on 
 this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated 
 to the proposition that all men are created equal. 
 Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether 
 that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can 
 long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. 
 We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting 
 place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might 
 live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. 
 But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate — we cannot con- 
 secrate — we cannot hallow — this ground. The brave men, 
 living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far 
 above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little 
 note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never for- 
 get what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather, to be 
 dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought 
 here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be 
 here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that 
 from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that 
 cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; 
 that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died 
 in vain ; that this nation, under Gk)d, shall have a new birth of 
 freedom ; and that government of the people, by the people, 
 for the people, shall not perish from the earth. 
 Have you ever visited a museum? What exhibit did 
 you like best? Have you made a collection of butterflies 
 or stamps or coins or shells or anything else which might 
 make an interesting exhibit if displayed in your English 
 classroom? Would you enjoy bringing your collection to 
 school and telling your classmates about it ? Do you think 
 you would enjoy listening to the annual lecture by some 
 great explorer or scientist — the guest of your class ? The 
 following extract from a letter of a Massachusetts school 
 boy indicates what such lectures meant to him : 
 Do you think I would have been to the frozen north with 
 Peary and Stefansson or to the hot equator with Akeley if it 
 had not been for our class museum Undertaking? I beheve 
 the best I would have been able to say was that I had read of 
 them in the silent pages of a book. 
 To give short talks illustrated by exhibits in your 
 class museum. 
 Suggestions. — 
 I. Discuss with your teacher and classmates the 
 possibility of working out this Undertaking. Is there 
 room for a display of exhibits? Is the principal of your 
 school willing for you to have such an exhibit? Choose 
 a committee from your class to lay the matter before him. 
200 Community English 
 Are there shelves or cases in which such an exhibit might 
 be displayed? 
 2. If your teacher and principal approve of your working 
 out this Undertaking, you may write a letter to some one 
 interested in the affairs of the school, asking for the loan 
 of glass cases or book cases without glass, to hold your 
 specimens. The best letter written will be sent. 
 3. If you wish, you may offer for display in the class mu- 
 seum any collection which you have already made. The 
 following list merely suggests other exhibits which have 
 been displayed in class museums : 
 . Mounted animals 
 Odd specimens of flowers, twigs, and shrubs 
 Curios from foreign lands 
 Stamp collections 
 Collections of coins 
 Indian relics (blankets, costumes, weapons, instru- 
 ments, etc.) 
 Collections of various kinds of furs or pictures of 
 fur-bearing animals 
 Copies of old newspapers, magazines, documents, etc. 
 Industrial exhibits, showing the development of such 
 fabrics as cotton from the raw stage to the finished 
The Class Museum 20I 
 Baking powder 
 Oil products 
 Pictures of American industries 
 4. Large, sheets of cardboard fitted with elastic bands 
 often serve to hold small bottles containing specimens. 
 5. Frequently, the manufacturers of products are willing 
 to give classes sample exhibits of their products. Through 
 the courtesy of the American Sugar Refining Company, one 
 English class has in its museum an exhibition of thirty- 
 six bottles of sugar and its various sirups. Thirteen of 
 these show the 'steps in refining, and twenty- three show 
 different kinds of sugar in use by various trades. 
 6. In this Undertaking, the talk which accompanies the 
 display of exhibits is of greatest importance. Be prepared 
 to give a short talk upon any exhibit which interests you. 
 Plan out the things you wish to say. Remember to stand 
 up straight, facing the class. , Speak slowly and distinctly, 
 using simple words and complete sentences. If your class- 
 mates do not understand what you say, they have no chance 
 to go back over your words to puzzle out the meaning. 
 7. Be ready to criticize the talks given by your class- 
 mates. Always mention the good points of the discussion 
 a. Was the talk interesting? 
 6. Did he " stick to the point " 
 c. Did he speak distinctly? 
202 Community English 
 d. Were there any mistakes in pronunciation? 
 e. Were any important details omitted ? 
 /. What suggestions can you give him to help him 
 make his oral Enghsh more effective? 
 g. What hints can you get from him which will help 
 you to improve your own oral English? 
 8. If possible, arrange for the visit of a noted explorer or 
 scientist who shall be the guest of your class. Questions 
 concerning his transportation, fees, and entertainment may 
 be discussed in class, for all arrangements rest with you. 
 9. Listen carefully to such a talk or lecture. Pretend 
 that you are a newspaper reporter and write up the talk 
 for your class paper or magazine. The best report will be 
 10. Discuss these questions : 
 a. How would the bird talks given in class help 
 prepare boys for the nature test given for first 
 class Scouts? 
 b. How would Girl Scouts be helped in winning 
 merit badges by the talks about birds, flowers, and 
 trees, given in connection with this Undertaking? 
 11. At the end of the year you may take away your own 
 specimens if you wish, or you may give them to the school 
 to help start a permanent collection. 
 12. The following titles were chosen as the subjects for 
 talks by the boys and girls of one English class : 
 What It Means to Work Hke a Beaver 
 How Nature Prepares Trees for Winter * 
 Building Materials in Everyday Use 
 Trees That Make Winter Beautiful 
The Class Museum 203 
 The Fishing Industry (Each group of pupils discussed 
 a different part of the subject) 
 Opera Singers in Birdland 
 Plants Used, in Medicine 
 How Grandfather Traveled ~ / 
 May Flowers 
 My Collection of Coins 
 The Story of the Honey Makers 
 The Larch Tree — a Favorite with Birds and 
 Indian Weapons 
 The Sugar Exhibit 
 The Sugar Exhibit. — The girl who gave this talk intro- 
 duced her subject in this way : 
 Although to-day we seem to consider sugar one of the great 
 necessities of Hfe, all of us may not be aware that its use as a 
 common article of food is only about three hundred years old. 
 The cultivation of sugar was carried on before that in India 
 along the Ganges River and the natives there knew how to 
 boil the cane juice and obtain sugar from it. The Egyptians, 
 the Chinese, and the natives of the East Indies also cultivated 
 the cane in those early days. The Arabs probably carried it 
 into Southern Europe at the time of the Arab invasion of that 
 part of the world. 
 Spanish explorers of the early fifteenth century brought the 
 cultivation of cane sugar across the Atlantic Ocean to the West 
 Indies, with the result that one of these islands — Cuba — has 
 become the greatest source of cane sugar in the world for the 
 United States. 
 Sugar comes to the refineries in the raw state. The very 
 interesting exhibit before us shows the process this raw sugar 
 passes through before it comes to our tables. 
 In the days of chivalry, mail-clad knights, armed with 
 shield and spear, rode through the land to defend the right 
 and to punish the wrong. To-day there are thousands of 
 American boys and girls who are as truly knights, cam- 
 paigners, and crusaders. Look up the word campaign in 
 the dictionary. Does it always represent political or 
 military activities? Is a campaign a crusade? Ask some 
 one to tell you, or find out for yourself, about the Children's 
 Crusade of 121 2. Perhaps, you have already taken part 
 in a campaign called a drive. A Junior Red Cross drive, a 
 health campaign, a week devoted to morals and manners, 
 and a campaign for better English are but a few of the 
 campaigns which have been conducted by boys and 
 girls about your age in connection with their English 
 Such an Undertaking as this calls for much originality 
 and thought and common sense on your part, but it is sure 
 to prove interesting. Many people in the community will 
 wish to know about your plans, so you must give publicity 
 to the campaign. Letters to the mayor, editorials in your 
 school paper, and talks before your classmates or groups 
 of people in your neighborhood, all help to make the 
 campaign successful. 
2o6 Community English 
 To help arrange and carry on a public health cam- 
 Instructions. — 
 1 . Discuss with your teacher and classmates the advan- 
 tages to your school and to the community of such a 
 2. Write upon the blackboard a list of the plans you 
 hope to carry out. 
 3. Choose a committee to lay this Undertaking before 
 the principal of your school, and let another committee dis- 
 cuss your plans with teachers in your building, asking 
 them to cooperate with you. 
 4. Write to a person of prominence in your community, 
 asking him to speak to your class upon a subject of impor- 
 tance in the campaign. Each pupil will write a letter and 
 the best letter will be sent. Make arrangements for one of 
 your classmates to introduce the speaker. 
 5. Be prepared to make short campaign speeches — 
 not over two minutes — before other classes or groups 
 of your townspeople. 
 6. If possible, arrange to give a short play in which your 
 plans and purposes for the campaign are clearly set forth. 
 7. Make streamers, banners, and posters to help you 
 advertise your campaign. The posters may be 28 inches 
 by 22 inches in size and each should bear an illustrated 
 slogan. Display such posters as effectively as possible 
 upon the walls of your classroom or of the halls. Some- 
 times a reward is offered for the best poster. 
Campaigns 207 
 8. Write to the editor of one of your local papers, calling 
 attention to your campaign. 
 9. Write jingles and parodies about the campaign. 
 10. When giving your talks during the campaign, pay 
 special attention to the pronunciation of your consonants 
 in such words as hearing, seeing, doing, and the like. Re- 
 member that a word spoken indistinctly denotes careless- 
 ness and that a word mispronounced denotes ignorance. 
 1 1 . Try to make the expression of your thought effective 
 by the use of simple figures of speech. 
 12. Write up the results of your campaign for the school 
 paper. Perhaps, the local papers will be glad to have you 
 act as reporter for them during the campaign. 
 13. Study carefully these special suggestions : 
 a. Discuss the value of modern knighthood. Com- 
 pare dragons of old with disease dragons of 
 h. Choose one of the following subjects to investigate 
 and report upon in class : 
 Why school children should be tested for de- 
 fects of eye, ear, nose, and throat. 
 Conditions in your community which are men- 
 aces to public health. 
 The duties of public health officers in your 
 ^ community. In what way can you cooperate 
 with these officers? 
 How pure food laws have benefited the com- 
 munity. What danger lies in the use of pa- 
 tent medicines? 
 The effect of open-air schools upon the health 
 of teachers and pupils. How does the air 
2o8 Community English 
 breathed out differ from that breathed in? 
 From the standpoint of health, why is a sleep- 
 ing porch one of the most profitable invest- 
 ments that can be made? 
 State laws in regard to common drinking cups 
 and roller towels. 
 c. Arrange a debate upon one of the following 
 subjects : 
 Vaccination of school children should be com- 
 The fly is more dangerous to pubHc health than 
 is the mosquito. 
 Medical inspection of school children should be 
 controlled by the school board and not by the 
 local board of health. 
 d. Form a league of Modern Health Crusaders. 
 Write to the National Tuberculosis Association, 
 370 Seventh Avenue, New York City, for definite 
 information as to how such a league may be 
 formed. Free circulars will be sent you upon 
 receipt of your request. 
 I. To condiwt a campaign for the protection of birds. 
 Instructions. — 
 1 . Follow the instructions given in the preceding Under- 
 taking on how to conduct a campaign. 
 2. The protection of birds may be best brought about 
 by the formation of a Bird Club. Such a club, composed 
 of all the pupils of the class, may be called the Audubon 
Campaigns 209 
 Club. Write a letter to the National Association of Audu- 
 bon Societies, 1974 Broadway, New York City, asking that 
 details and suggestions for forming such a club be forwarded 
 to you. The society will gladly send you circulars. 
 3. Ask your school librarian to devote a shelf to books 
 about your feathered friends. 
 4. Keep a record of the work your club accomplishes, so 
 that your final report in class may be accurate. 
 5. Be prepared to give a short speech before the pupils 
 of another class upon the subject : " How to Protect the 
 Birds Found in This Vicinity." 
 6. Keep a record or bird diary in which you note : food 
 habits of birds, bird enemies, methods for attracting birds, 
 number of bird houses, feeding places and fountains con- 
 structed because of your campaign, characteristics of the 
 different birds, how birds benefit your community. 
 7. Read pages 129-136 of Baynes' Wild Bird Guests for 
 valuable suggestions about your bird conservation cam- 
 //. To help plan and carry on a Thrift campaign. 
 Instructions. — 
 1 . Ask the pupils in the various grades of your school to 
 compete with you in a stamp sale contest. Each Friday 
 at the close of school, give your teacher a record of the 
 thrift stamps purchased by you during the week. The 
 room having the largest average number of thrift stamps 
 for each pupil will have the honor of hanging the Thrift 
 banner upon its walls for the following week. 
 2. Set a definite sum for your class to save and remember 
21 o Community English 
 that the ideas of Thrift week should last throughout the 
 3 . Write to a person prominent in your community asking 
 him to speak to your class about the value of " A Penny 
 Saved," or " Wise and Careful Buying." 
 4. Write to another friend of the school asking him to 
 donate a Thrift banner. 
 5. The following account was written by a pupil in the 
 eighth grade : 
 Thrift week resulted in the sale of stamps to the amount of 
 $187.51. The third grade holds the record for the week, $37.00. 
 Twenty-two different pupils took part. The second grade holds 
 the second place with $29.13. The seventh grade is the first 
 to report 100 per cent participation. Other classes are ap- 
 proaching the goal. 
 6. Here is part of a letter sent out by the Secretary of the 
 Treasury urging cultivation of habits of thrift and economy : 
 To the School Boys and School Girls of America : 
 In addressing the twenty million or more school boys and 
 girls of this country, I am addressing the citizenship — the 
 business and professional men and women, the producers and 
 consumers and the home makers of only a few years hence. 
 The responsibility of all the problems of our country will ulti- 
 mately fall upon you. 
 The habit of earning and saving money is a most interesting 
 and happy one. I am sure that this habit has become so fasci- 
 nating to you that you will continue to earn and to save through 
 all the months and years to come and keep investing what you 
 save in government securities. 
Campaigns 2ii 
 It is my personal hope that the lessons of thrift that are being 
 taught in your school may help you to develop in your life 
 permanent habits of saving and thereby lay a foundation for 
 your personal happiness and usefulness and ultimately for a 
 bigger and better America. 
 Sincerely yours, 
 Carter Glass 
 ///. To help arrange and carry on a Safety First campaign. 
 Instructions. — 
 1. The aids used in your Safety First campaign may in- 
 clude the following : 
 Safety First buttons, posters for bulletin boards, talks 
 by prominent persons about subjects connected with 
 the campaign, short speeches by each member of the 
 class, first aid talks and demonstrations by Boy Scouts 
 or Camp Fire Girls, and motion pictures which show 
 safety first devices. 
 2. Discuss with your teacher and classmates recent 
 accidents in your community, their causes, and the ways 
 to prevent them. Find out how many automobile, rail- 
 road, and electric car accidents there were in your city 
 last year. How many industrial accidents were there? 
 Why is the matter of Safety First of such importance ? 
 3. Arrange a class debate with this as a subject : 
 The White Cross (the national organization for the 
 safety of industrial workers) is a greater rescuer from 
 constant peril than is the Red Cross. 
 4. The watchword of the Red Cross is, " The prevention 
 of accidents and the prevention of infection." How does 
 this slogan apply to you ? 
212 Community English 
 5. The class may he divided into groups which will in- 
 vestigate and report upon your state laws for Safety First 
 in regulating railroads, mines, automobiles, factories, large 
 corporations, and foods. 
 6. Write for suggestions in regard to safety methods 
 and appliances to The National Council of Industrial 
 Safety, New York City, or to The National First Aid 
 Association of America, Arlington, Massachusetts. 
 I V. To help carry on a Clean Up campaign. 
 Instructions. — 
 1. Be prepared to discuss the following questions : 
 a. What part can I play in the Clean Up campaign? 
 b. In what way does the beauty of the community 
 as a whole depend upon the care which I take 
 not to litter the streets and parks with paper 
 and other refuse? 
 c. Why ought I not to deface walls and fences? 
 d. Is it possible for my class to cooperate with other 
 community agencies during Clean Up week? 
 2. Make a list of at least five rules for your campaign. 
 Let each pupil suggest one rule and give his reasons 
 for believing that rule of importance. 
 The few rules mentioned below may suggest many other 
 rules to you. 
 Keep the yards clean. 
 Take care not to litter the streets, parks, vacant lots, 
 school yards, or alleys with paper, garbage, or other refuse. 
 Swat the fly 
 Obey anti-spitting laws. 
Campaigns 213 
 3. Explain in class one thing that you did to help clean 
 up. Be accurate. Give exact names, figures, and locations. 
 During your talk you may use photographs taken before 
 and after your campaign. 
 V. To condiLct a crusade against the fly. 
 VI. To condtict a campaign for better school play- 
 VII. To conduct a campaign for a new school building. 
 VIII. To arrange and take part in a Morals and Manners 
 IX. To arrange and conduct a drive for the Junior Red 
 X. To plan and take part in a campaign for American- 
 XI. To arrange and carry on a Victory drive for Better 
 Instructions. — 
 1. Study carefully the general suggestions for conduct- 
 ing a campaign, given in the first part of this chapter. 
 2. Arrange with the teachers of your school to give fifty 
 per cent credit to subject matter and fifty per cent credit 
 to English, during the week. In each class express every 
 answer in a complete sentence. 
 3. Write jingles and parodies and make posters contain- 
 ing illustrated slogans. The following slogans were writ- 
 ten by boys and girls : 
 a. Honor thy father and thy mother and thy mother 
 b. Good speech is better than fine clothes. 
214 Community English 
 c. Be ioo% Americans. Speak English. 
 d. The golden key to success — Good Enghsh. 
 4. Make tags bearing the words Better Speech Week^ 
 the date, and the name of your school. Tie a tag upon 
 each pupil who makes a mistake in the use of English. 
 Collect from the pupil a fine of one cent for each mistake. 
 Turn all fines over to the class treasurer to buy a prize for 
 the pupil who makes the fewest mistakes during the week. 
 5. If you wish, you may provide a Blunder Box instead. 
 When you make a blunder in the use of English you must 
 write out your mistake with its correction and deposit both 
 in the box. 
 6. Sometimes it is more convenient to jot down in a 
 notebook all the mistakes in EngHsh heard during the day. 
 During the last fifteen minutes of the afternoon session 
 you will be given a chance to read your list and to cor- 
 rect the mistakes. Be prepared to give the reasons for 
 your corrections. 
 7. Arrange for a Better English composition contest. 
 8. Hold a funeral service for Poor EngHsh. The grave 
 may be made by arranging dictionaries and encyclopedias 
 in a hollow square. 
 9. Make bad speech bugs. These bugs or imaginary 
 animals represent the common mistakes in the use of Eng- 
 lish and are labeled haint and hecuz and hadnH ought to, 
 etc. When such bugs are cut from black and red or yellow 
 paper, the effect is starthng. Displayed upon the walls of 
 the classroom, the bugs will remind you of mistakes to be 
 10. Write a little play or dialogue to aid the Better 
 Speech cause. Perhaps the following characters will assist 
Campaigns 215 
 you : Mother Tongue, Miss Felling, Mr. English, Miss E. 
 Ficiency, Miss Take, and Private Slang. 
 1 1 . For the month following Better Speech week, arrange 
 to have a reporter in each class who will make a note of 
 mistakes in English. Each pupil will act as reporter for 
 one recitation period. Be prepared to indicate mistakes 
 when it is your turn. 
 How would you like to receive a letter like this which the 
 great Bishop Phillips Brooks wrote to one of his Uttle 
 nieces ? 
 Little Mistress Josephine, 
 Tell me, have you ever seen 
 Children half as queer as these 
 Babies from across the seas? 
 See their funny little fists. 
 See the rings upon their wrists ; 
 One has very Httle clothes, 
 One has jewels in her nose ; 
 And they all have silver bangles 
 On their little heathen ankles. 
 * Hf * * * * Hf 
 Do you want to know their names? 
 One is called Jee Fingee Hames, 
 One Buddhanda Arrich Bas, 
 One Teehundee Hanki Sas. 
 * * * 4f * * * 
 Aren't you glad then, little Queen, 
 That your name is Josephine ? 
 That you live in Springfield, or 
 Not at least in old Jeypore ? 
 Perhaps, you have seen in one of the arithmetic scrap- 
 books which Abraham Lincoln kept as a boy, and which is 
Verse-Making 217 
 still in existence, the following verse which he wrote under- 
 neath one of his tables of weights and measures : 
 Abraham Lincoln 
 his hand and pen 
 he will be good but 
 god knows When. 
 Although he made mistakes in writing it he did make a 
 rhyme. How would you like to write a rhymed letter or a 
 verse of invitation or a new class song? You say you 
 " cannot write poetry." Of course not. To write real 
 poetry is out of the reach of most of us, but surely we may 
 aim to know how to write a verse occasionally. 
 To make an illustrated booklet of rhymes for a sick child. 
 Suggestions. — 
 I. Your class booklet may contain an illustrated rhymed 
 alphabet. For example, you might use " At the Zoo" 
 for your title, then the rhymes might be something like 
 A is Armadillo, from tail tip to nose 
 In armor that's sure to bring terror to foes. 
 B are the Beavers who hunger appease 
 By nibbling gently the bark from the trees. 
 Or for a booklet entitled " Our Class " your verses might 
 begin like this : 
 A is for Anna — a timid young Miss 
 Who says she can never write verses like this. 
2l8 Community English 
 B is for Bob — a mischievous elf 
 Who vows that he never hid mice on the shelf. 
 In this exercise, each pupil may represent one letter of 
 the alphabet and write a verse corresponding to his letter, 
 or each pupil may try to write a rhyme for each letter of 
 the alphabet. As soon as all the pages of verse have been 
 read in class and illustrated they may be bound into a 
 booklet for the child by a class committee chosen for the 
 2. Your booklet may contain an illustrated rhymed 
 3. Your booklet may contain verses upon any subject 
 in which you are particularly interested : an athletic con- 
 test, trees, animals, birds, flowers, daily tasks, or winter 
 4. While preparing the illustrated booklet, discuss with 
 your teacher and classmates the meaning of each of these : 
 verse, rhyme, stanza, and foot. Where can you find the 
 meaning and illustration of each word? It may help you 
 to note that the word rhythm means " a flowing," the word 
 verse means " a turning," and the word meter means " a 
 5. Read aloud the following verses to see if you can tell 
 why the sounds flow so easily from your lips : 
 a. The Seal's Lullaby 
 Where billow meets billow, there soft be thy pillow ; 
 Ah, weary wee flippering, curl at thy ease ! 
 The storm shall not wake thee, nor shark overtake thee. 
 Asleep in the arms of the slow-swinging seas. 
 R. Kipling 
Verse-Making 219 
 b. The Unseen Playmate 
 When children are playing alone on the green, 
 In comes the playmate that never was seen. 
 When children are happy and lonely and good, 
 The Friend of the Children comes out of the wood. 
 R. L. Stevenson 
 c, O bright flag, O brave flag, O flag to lead the free ! 
 The hand of God thy colors blent. 
 And heaven to earth thy glory lent. 
 To shield the weak, and guide the strong 
 To make an end of human wrong. 
 And draw a countless human host to follow after thee ! 
 H. Van Dyke 
 6. If you " beat time " to a verse of poetry and mark 
 each accented syllable thus (/) you will find that you have 
 emphasized your words like this : 
 He pray/eth best,/ who lov/eth best/ 
 / / / 
 All things/ both great/ and small./ 
 S. T. Coleridge 
 • f / / 
 I saw/ you toss/ the kites/ on high/ 
 And blow/ the birds/ about/ the sky ;/ 
 / / / / 
 And all/ around/ I hear/ you pass,/ 
 / / / / 
 Like lad/ies' skirts/ across/ the grass./ 
 R. L. Stevenson 
 7. Read aloud the following verses and mark the syllables 
 you emphasize : 
 Go down to Kew in lilac-time, in lilac-time, in lilac-time ; 
 Go down to Kew in lilac-time (it isn't far from London !) 
220 Community English 
 And you shall wander hand in hand with love in summer^s 
 wonderland ; 
 Go down to Kew in lilac-time (it isn't far from London !) 
 Alfred Noyes 
 Home they brought her warrior dead ; 
 She nor swooned nor uttered cry. 
 All her maidens, watching, said, 
 "She must weep or she will die." 
 Alfred, Lord Tennyson 
 Tell you what I Uke the best — 
 'Long about knee-deep in June, 
 'Bout the time strawberries melts 
 On the vine, — some afternoon 
 Like to jes' git out and rest. 
 Arid not work at nothin' else ! 
 James Whitcomb Riley 
 Ye who believe in affection that hopes, and endures, and is 
 Ye who believe in the beauty and strength of woman's devotion, 
 List to the mournful tradition still sung by the pines of the 
 forest ; 
 List to a Tale of Love in Acadie, home of the happy. 
 H. W. Longfellow 
 As I drew in my head, and was. turning around, 
 Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. 
 He was dressed all in fur from his head to his foot, 
 And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot. 
 Clement C. Moore 
 Then the little Hiawatha 
 Learned of every bird its language. 
 Learned their names and all their secrets, 
 How they built their nests in summer, 
Verse-Making 221 
 Where they hid themselves in winter, 
 Talked with them whene'er he met them, 
 Called them "Hiawatha's Chickens." 
 Henry W. Longfellow 
 For the angel of Death spread his wings on the blast. 
 And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed. 
 8. Are any of the preceding stanzas alike in the way they 
 flow along; that is, are they alike in their rhythm? How 
 many different kinds of verses are illustrated above? 
 Bring to class a poem from a current magazine or newspaper 
 in which the rhythm is like any one of these. 
 I. To compose short, simple rhymes for one of the following: 
 birthday greeting cards, Easter cards, Christmas cards. New 
 Yearns greetings, rhymes for Valentine Day, or verses to he 
 sent with May-baskets. 
 II. To compose simple verses for special occasions: any 
 class celebration, a school festival. Memorial Day, Washing- 
 ton's Birthday, Flag Day, Fourth of July, or Labor Day. 
 III. To write a rhymed letter to a friend. 
 I V. To put one of jEsop's fables into verse. 
 V. To write verses for an illustrated calendar. 
 VI. To write verses descriptive of some athletic contest. 
 VII. To write verses of invitation to the pupils of another 
 class. Ask them to attend a class debate, a picnic, a straw 
 VIII. To make an illustrated booklet for a sick classmate. 
 IX. To write verses to be used in a book of " snapshots.'' 
 X. To write a class or school song. 
222 Community English 
 Instructions. — 
 1. Use the music of some popular song or the words of 
 one of your favorite short poems as a model. 
 2. Do not try to write a long song. Two or three stanzas 
 are enough. 
 3. Your verses may be humorous or serious, as you wish. 
 4. Remember that every line of verse begins with a 
 capital letter. Write neatly, punctuate correctly, and give 
 your song a title. 
 A DIARY is not unlike a little letter to yourself, jotted 
 down in a book at the end of each day. For a diary is a 
 record of daily events. What you do, what you see, what 
 you think, what you feel, — any or all of these things may 
 be written in your diary. Some people write in their diaries 
 mostly about the weather, but there are many other in- 
 teresting subjects to write about. If you have never seen 
 a little record book or diary you will be helped in this 
 Undertaking by asking to see one at any book store. Some 
 pupils about your own age have greatly enjoyed pretending 
 that they were birds, dogs, horses, and flowers, so that they 
 might keep the diary of something other than themselves. 
 For example, one eighth grade girl wrote the following 
 entry in Mrs. Robin's diary : 
 June 20, 192 1 
 I arose early this morning to find worms. I had fairly good 
 luck but the children were so hungry and their mouths were 
 open so wide that I almost despaired of filling them. I found 
 a few ripe cherries in Farmer Jones's garden but some curious, 
 flapping white rags startled me a good deal. Mr. Robin's 
 voice seems to be improving. His song this evening was very 
 sweet and clear and I think that it helped lull the babies to 
 sleep. Three times since I went to bed, however, I have had 
 to get up and sing to them myself, ''Cheep, cheep, go to 
 sleep." I hope that to-morrow will be a restful day. 
224 Community English 
 To keep a record in a diary. 
 Instructions. — 
 1. Imagine that you are a pupil in some foreign coun- 
 try. In a diary, keep a record of the five most interesting 
 days of last summer. You may choose any five days — 
 vacation days, school days, Sundays, holidays, or work 
 2. Consult your geography, the encyclopedia, or any 
 other book of reference, to find out about the daily life of 
 the boy or girl you have chosen to impersonate. 
 3. As you jot down the record of each day, show why the 
 day was a little different from any other day in your life. 
 4. Date the entry. Give month, day, and year. 
 5. Be careful to abbreviate and punctuate correctly. 
 Do not omit the subjects of sentences. Use the most in- 
 teresting words you can think of, to describe the events 
 of the day. Make pencil sketches, or cut pictures from 
 old magazines or books to illustrate your diary. 
 6. Use any of the suggestions given below that you wish, 
 in writing your entries. Describe 
 a. The appearance of your home — outside or inside 
 h. Your clothes 
 c. Your games 
 d. Your playmates or playground 
 e. Your work 
 /. Your school — building or studies 
 g. The streets of your town 
 h. In fact, mention any item of information which 
 might interest an American boy or girl. 
Diaries 225 
 7. The following list is merely suggestive but you may 
 choose any subject mentioned here : 
 Imagine yourself to be a boy or girl from Japan 
 A French or Spanish boy or girl 
 A boy from any country in South America 
 A boy from South Africa or a girl from Northern Africa 
 A girl from Korea 
 A Chinese school boy 
 A school pupil in the Panama Canal Zone 
 A boy whose home is in the Alps 
 A Russian school girl 
 A pupil in Norway or Sweden 
 8. You may imagine that your home is in any of the 
 following places : 
 The British Isles Porto Rico 
 Eskimo Land Holland 
 AustraUa Mexico 
 Belgium Turkey 
 Italy Cuba 
 I. To keep a travel diary for one week. 
 Suggestions. — Imagine that you are taking a trip 
 through any foreign country. Write down for each day 
 an interesting account of your experiences. 
 //. To keep a diary for your favorite animal. 
 Suggestions. — Imagine that you are a bird. Keep a 
 diary for one week. Mention any or all of the following 
 topics in your daily entries : 
226 Community English 
 Nest or home 
 Care of young 
 ///. To keep a diary. 
 Suggestions. — Imagine that for one week you are your 
 favorite historical character. In your diary, record events 
 of greatest interest to you. Instead of the words historical 
 character in the above suggestion you may substitute one 
 of the following : hero, poet, author, artist. 
 When the Pilgrims came to America to establish a republic 
 of ideas they may be said to have considered the printing 
 press a far more formidable weapon than their old bell- 
 mouthed fowling pieces. In 1638 the first press was 
 brought over and set up at Harvard College. Two years 
 later the Bay Psalm Book was published. To-day there 
 are mechanisms of many kinds for the rapid printing of the 
 smallest label or the largest sheet in black or many colors ; 
 machines for folding, sewing, and binding books, as well 
 as the arts of stereotype, electrotype, and photo-engraving. 
 The total yearly circulation of periodicals of all classes, 
 including daily papers, is more than 14,041,921,066 copies. 
 The idea of the Pilgrims has been gloriously vindicated. 
 Have you ever seen a paper or magazine published by 
 boys and girls? What type of paper was it? What 
 features did it contain? Why would you enjoy helping 
 edit such a school paper? Find out if you can, whether the 
 papers issued by other schools are printed upon school 
 printing presses or are published in some other way. De- 
 bate informally one of the following questions : The English 
 work of this school will he helped by a school printing press, 
 or, The best work in written composition should he published 
 in a school magazine, 
228 Community English 
 To help publish a school paper or magazine. 
 Suggestions. — Several methods for publishing a school 
 paper are suggested here. Read the suggestions carefully 
 but do not let these hints limit you in your Undertaking. 
 1. Talk over with your teacher and classmates the 
 possibility of publishing a class newspaper or magazine. 
 2. Select a name for your paper. 
 3. Write letters to other schools, asking for copies of 
 their school or class papers. 
 4. Vote upon one of the following ways of publishing 
 your paper : 
 a. Publish it once a month by having it read aloud 
 in class. Each reporter reads his own contribu- 
 b. Publish it by having the copies mimeographed. 
 c. Publish it as a magazine, two or three times a 
 year. Perhaps you can obtain money enough 
 from subscriptions and advertisements to have a 
 Christmas and a Commencement number printed 
 and illustrated. 
 5. Choose an editor-in-chief and several assistant 
 editors. This board of editors will collect the material and 
 arrange it. 
 6. Choose a business manager. If the paper is to be 
 printed, he will have charge of subscriptions and advertising. 
 7. With the two or three other pupils in your group, be 
 ready to act as reporter for some one department. 
The Class Publication 229 
 8. Choose which of these departments you wish to 
 work for. After discussion by the teacher and the class, 
 any department Hsted here may be omitted : 
 a. School News 
 This department takes care of personal items, 
 morning exercises, speakers, lectures, and 
 parents' meetings. 
 6. Stories 
 c. Poems 
 d. Editorials 
 e. Chppings 
 /. Reports 
 This department deals with all reports of trips, ex- 
 cursions, visits to industrial plants, offices, etc. 
 g. Jokes 
 For this department no extra credit is given. 
 Every pupil in the class may send in material 
 if he wishes. 
 h. Sports or Athletics 
 i. Articles contributed by the Faculty 
 j. Alumni News 
 9. Arrange a trip of inspection to some printing plant 
 near your school. Do not go unless arrangements for the 
 trip have been made with some official of the company. 
 Be sure that your teacher accompanies you on the trip. 
 10. After all the material for a given number of the paper 
 has been handed to the editor-in-chief, he will return 
 portions of it to you and your classmates for correction. 
 Upon the back of the paper, note all mistakes in spelling, 
 grammar, capitalization, punctuation, paragraphing. 
230 Community English 
 11. Return the paper to the editor who will give it to 
 your teacher for final revision. 
 12. Drawings or photographs, intended for illustration, 
 should be handed in on separate sheets of paper. 
 Writing news items. — When writing news items you may 
 find it helpful to ask yourself the following questions as 
 you write the story : 
 What happened? 
 To whom did it happen? 
 When did it happen ? 
 Where did it happen ? 
 Why did it happen? 
 How did it happen? 
 Perhaps, you will find it less difficult to remember the 
 proper questions if you memorize this verse of KipUng's. 
 I keep six honest serving men 
 (They taught me all I know) 
 Their names are What, and Why, and When, 
 And How, and Where, and Who. 
 Preparation of manuscript. — Prepare your manuscript 
 for the editor in this way : 
 1. Use unruled white paper. 
 2. Write on one side only of the paper. 
 3. Leave a margin at the left of the page. 
 4. Indent the first line of each paragraph. 
 5. Spell correctly. 
 6. Number the pages in consecutive order. 
 7. Do not crowd the words on a page. 
 8. Use clear, simple, vivid words. 
The Class Publication 231 
 9. Place the title about two inches from the top and 
 about one inch above the first Hne of your story. 
 10. Typewrite your work, if you can. 
 11. Black ink should be used for handwriting. 
 12. Hand in all manuscript /a/. Do not fold or roll it. 
 Correction of proof. — If your paper is to be printed, the 
 printer will return to you proof for correction. The follow- 
 ing hints may make your work of revision more workman- 
 like in appearance. 
 1. Make corrections in ink. 
 2. Make corrections in the margin — never between the 
 3. Use these proof reader's marks: 
 ^ = New paragraph, 
 A = Insert (put in whatever has been omitted) , 
 3 = Omit, 
 5^. = Spelling, 
 I [__ = Change the order of the sentence, example, 
 Fred's book | there [is. 
 cap. = Capital letter, 
 I. c. = Lower case, 
 /^ = Comma, 
 ^ = Apostrophe, 
 V ^ = Quotation marks, 
 No 1[ = No paragraph, 
 O = Period, 
 Qy. = ls this correct? 
 Specimen News Stories. — Read over the following news 
 stories to see if each answers the questions : What? When? 
 Where? Why? How? 
 Community English 
 Guide Averts Panic — Men 
 from Maid of Mist 
 Recover Bodies 
 NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y., Sept. 6— 
 Three persons were killed and two injured 
 this afternoon when a slide of shale rock 
 forced out the fourth bridge leading to the 
 old Biddle stairway at the cave of the 
 winds, on Goat island. 
 The dead are: A. Hartman of Brook- 
 lyn, Louise Hartman, his wife, and Clara 
 M. Faust of Pittsburgh. 
 Two Seriously Injured 
 T. W. Lee of Pittsburgh and Frank R. 
 Haehling of Detroit are at a local hospital, 
 where they are suffering from serious 
 The dead and injured were members 
 of a party of tourists and were just com- 
 pleting the circuit of the four bridges in 
 the cave when the slide began. Mr. and 
 Mrs. Hartman were in the middle of the 
 bridge ; Rufus Robinson, a guide, was 
 leading the way up the stairway, followed 
 closely by Haehling and his wife and Lee. 
 Miss Faust had hold of one of Lee's hands. 
 Mrs. Haehling was uninjured, but suffered 
 from shock. 
 The noise of the falling rock was drowned 
 by the roar of the cataract, and the first 
 intimation that Robinson had of the acci- 
 dent was when Lee cried out as Miss Faust 
 was torn from his grasp by the falling 
 rock. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman were al- 
 most buried by the rock and dirt. 
 Another group of tourists, led by Edward 
 Perry, a guide, stood terrified as they saw 
 the slide force out the bridge. For a 
 moment panic reigned, but Perry com- 
 manded the tourists to retrace their steps 
 over the way they had come, and they were 
 brought safely around the circuit to fhe 
 main stairway and up from the cave. 
 The bodies of the dead were recovered 
 by men from the steamer Maid of the Mist, 
 who made their way in a row boat into 
 the back of the falls. The bodies were 
 carried to the landing on the American side. 
The Class Publication 
 Missing Polish Lad Waves Flag to Keep Up 
 His Lagging Courage as Wintry 
 Blasts Chill Him 
 Little Steve was lost — ^hopelessly lost 
 in Bellingham square, Chelsea. Trolley 
 cars clanged by, automobiles honked, and 
 grown-up persons hurried along with 
 hardly a glance at the boy who stood alone 
 near the curb. 
 Steve was lost but he didn't seem to 
 care. He had his flag, which he waved 
 at intervals to keep up his lagging cour- 
 age. The flag, with the stripes some- 
 what soiled, was as large as Steve, but 
 when the wind swept around the corner 
 and attempted to wrest it from his grasp, 
 he clung to it valiantly. 
 The tot's face was blue with cold and 
 he had no cap. to cover his yellow thatched 
 head. His blue suit was of little protec- 
 tion against the chill blasts. Steve was 
 as true blue as his blue eyes for he whim- 
 pered not ; he just stood there on the 
 corner and waved his flag. 
 Takes Waif to Station 
 When a large man in a blue uniform 
 with brass buttons came along and stopped 
 beside him, Steve just looked at him in- 
 quiringly, and even when the large man 
 asked him his name and where he lived he 
 waved the flag. 
 He was not surprised when the blue- 
 coated person picked him up in his arms 
 and carried him down the street. Then 
 passers-by stopped to look, for the tot's 
 face was wreathed with smiles and the 
 flag waved vigorously. 
 When Officer Bradley reached the po- 
 lice station with his find he deposited 
 him in a nice, big chair near a radiator 
 and then purchased a large, red apple 
 at a nearby stand. 
 "Keep him from squalling," he ex- 
 plained, somewhat sheepishly. Steve 
 munched the apple with evident appro- 
 bation and made friends with all the 
 policemen who came in from their beats. 
 "Best kid we ever saw," was the opinion 
 of all. At one time Steve started to fill 
 up with tears, but he choked back his sobs 
 and took another bite of the apple. 
 Then his mother appeared at the sta- 
 tion. Alas, little Steve, the brave, showed 
 that he was just a very small boy, indeed, 
 and that he had been just dying for 
 mother's arms and mother's words. He 
 burst into tears, and truth be it, howled 
 miserably when his mother lifted him to 
 her bosom. 
 Steve "Some Patriot" 
 The lad is Stephen Krovalski. He is 2 
 years old and lives at 140 Poplar street. 
 Ever since Armistice day, when he saw 
 the soldiers parade, he has insisted on 
 having "old glory" with him all the time. 
 Mrs. Krovalski was busy in the rear 
 of the house yesterday and Steve was 
 marching up and down on the front side- 
 walk. In his enthusiasm he marched too 
 far from home and lost his way. 
 Steve is of Polish descent, but he has 
 proven already that he will make a good 
 American citizen. As one policeman said, 
 "He is sure some patriot." 
234 Community English 
 Patsy^s Home Again; 
 Blind Owner Happy 
 To Regain Her ^Eyes ^ 
 LYNN. — "Patsy" is home again, and 
 blind Mrs. Olive Ingraham, 70, and help- 
 less without him, is happy again. 
 Patsy is just a wee bit ashamed and 
 repentant, but he's forgiven for playing 
 Maybe it was just plain wanderlust — 
 maybe the scent of a particularly luscious 
 bone some other carefree pup was taking 
 home — ^but the fact remained that Patsy 
 forgot he was charged with being the 
 "eyes" of his blinded owner. So he broke 
 his leash and ran away. 
 When Lynn school children heard of 
 his defection, they instituted a 12,000 
 boy-and-girl search for Patsy. Finally the 
 stray was found tied in the home of a 
 tender-hearted youngster who had found 
 him shivering in the streets. 
 But Patsy's home again and all's well. 
 The average American is lip-lazy. Thousands of us speak 
 back of our teeth, or through our noses, or behind our lips. We 
 do not open our mouths when we speak ; or if we do we yell or 
 scream. A well-modulated voice is the exception; clear 
 enunciation is exceeding rare. 
 I was very forcibly impressed with this fact at the Americani- 
 zation Conference held in Washington last spring. Here was 
 gathered a company largely made up of pedagogues; of men 
 and women high in positions of public instruction or education, 
 who, in their places, were recognized as authorities in teaching ; 
The Class Publication 235 
 whom their communities had raised to positions where what they 
 said counted for much in the direction of pubhc training. Yet 
 one could only in the exceptional instance understand what 
 was said. During the four days of the conference I heard over 
 one hundred persons speak from the platform and the floor. 
 Of all these speakers only eight, by actual count, opened their 
 lips and clearly enunciated their words. In a number of in- 
 stances the speakers could not be understood within twenty feet 
 of where they were speaking. The majority could not be heard 
 at the back of the small auditorium. 
 Note in any gathering in which you find yourself within the 
 next few days, public or private, and watch how many persons 
 open their lips and speak distinctly, and the result will be sur- 
 prising and humiliating. 
 *'I do not expect ever to speak in pubhc. Why trouble?" 
 is a favorite argument in defense of lip-laziness. But it is not 
 a question of whether one is destined to speak in public or not. 
 How often do we find ourselves in a position where something 
 that we know or have to tell — some experience — is of interest 
 to a home company or to a small group. Those of us who teach 
 in classroom or in Sunday school, or who speak in small meet- 
 ings of club, guild or what not, who appear in plays or enter- 
 tainments, or whose vocations in life depend on the use of the 
 voice in explaining or selling — the necessity for clear speech 
 is vital to thousands. In business matters it is almost indis- 
 pensable to man or woman. No matter how thoroughly con- 
 versant we may be with a subject, if the capacity is not there 
 to express that knowledge clearly, if the proper use of the lips 
 or the voice is foreign to us, we are placed at a decided disad- 
 vantage. A clear enunciation, a knowledge of the emphasis 
 on the right words, the capacity to make the Hps express what 
 * the mind knows, are absolutely vital and may mean the differ- 
 ence between getting our message ''over" or not. 
236 Community English 
 Our children should be taught, not alone to learn the English 
 language, but also how to speak it. There is no earthly reason 
 why the American should go on with his present slovenly method 
 of speech — his lip-laziness. One can learn to speak distinctly 
 as easily as one drifts into speaking unintelligibly. 
 There are some things in our American life that we should not 
 carry on, and one of them is our universal habit of lip-laziness. 
 I. To make adequate use of the school printing press. 
 Suggestions. — When making arrangements for the 
 publication of a school paper, you discussed the benefits 
 resulting from a school printing press. If your school 
 already has such a press, you will find this Undertaking 
 very interesting. 
 I. The products of the school printing press include the 
 following : 
 Spelling lists for various grades 
 Entertainment literature (including programs, notices, 
 and tickets) 
 Outlines for class use 
 School songs 
 Memory gems 
 Report cards 
 Best work in English 
 School paper 
 The entire responsibility for getting out the paper — * 
 the composition, typing, proof reading, printing, 
 and binding — rests with the pupils of your class. 
238 Community English 
 2. Study the directions for correcting proof found in the 
 preceding Undertaking. When it is your turn to set up 
 proof, aim to make as few mistakes as possible. Pay 
 especial attention to speUing, paragraphing, punctuation, 
 capitalization, and spacing. 
 3. Once a week the recitation may be set up in type. 
 A different group of pupils from your class will prepare each 
 exercise. The group will pull proof for the entire class; 
 each pupil is given one proof to read and correct. 
 4. The following composition subjects will prove of 
 unusual interest if you have time to investigate them : 
 The Invention of Printing by Gutenberg 
 Cuneiform Writing of the Assyrians 
 Hieroglyphic Writing of the Egyptians 
 A Study of Bookbinding 
 The Manufacture of Paper 
 For Paper you may substitute any other material 
 used in the school print shop. 
 The Value of Dlustration in Printing 
 5. In all your work with the printing press you should 
 remember that you must have ideas to express before your 
 work can be worth any effort. Nevertheless, the form in 
 which you express your ideas is very important if you are 
 to do skillful work. Work must be careful and accurate or 
 it is a failure. 
 6. Letters may be written to the head of a printing shop 
 in your city, asking him to give a talk to your class on 
 " Printing." Each member of the class will write a letter 
 and the best letter will be sent. 
 7. If possible, obtain lantern slides showing the " History 
The Class Publication 239 
 of Printing '' and " The Making of a Magazine." Such 
 slides are frequently supplied to schools by the state depart- 
 ment of education. 
 8. Requests for information about the use of the school 
 printing press may be addressed to the American Type 
 Founders Company (Education Department), 300 Com- 
 munipaw Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey. 
 How many times in your life have you said, " I wish I 
 had something good to read"? By good you probably 
 meant something which would prove interesting to you. 
 So in order that you may be helped in your selection of 
 " something good to read " this Undertaking has been 
 suggested. Several of the literary masterpieces mentioned 
 have been analyzed in some detail but many others have 
 been merely named. Probably, you will not care to read 
 even one half the books and poems suggested, but if the 
 list given here is posted both in the school and in the public 
 Hbrary, you will enjoy choosing some of the stories to read 
 and talk over at home and at school. Stories of adventure 
 and romance and tales of heroism and daring, and travel 
 and exploration await you. Which will you choose first? 
 To study one or more of the following literary master- 
 pieces: Evangeline, Rip Van Winkle, The Courtship of Miles 
 Standishy or The Lady of the Lake, 
 Instructions. — Instructions will be given here which 
 will apply to the study of any literary masterpiece. After 
 these general instructions you will find special suggestions 
 for the study of each particular masterpiece suggested. 
The Study of a Literary Masterpiece 241 
 1. Read the story through rapidly. Your teacher will 
 set the time limit in which you are to complete your reading. 
 2. As soon as you have finished your reading, discuss the 
 story in class. State three reasons why you did or did not 
 enjoy it. 
 3. Arrange, if possible, to have a motion picture of the 
 story shown at school or in a local theater. Excellent films 
 of many of these masterpieces have been made and man- 
 agers are usually glad to present them if requested to 
 do so by schools. Accompanied by their teachers, classes 
 often attend such performances in a body. 
 4. Dramatize in class the most important scenes in the 
 story. Do not attempt to memorize the lines but with the 
 book in one hand, try to bring out the author's meaning by 
 means of facial expression, voice, and gesture. 
 5. Make an outline of the story for your notebook 
 following this general order : 
 a. Name of story 
 b. Author's name 
 His nationaHty 
 Time of his birth and death 
 c. Setting of the story 
 When and where the action takes place 
 d. Important characters 
 e. Source of the story 
 /. Most important scenes in the story 
 g. Main idea of the story 
 Study of Evangeline. — As you read this beautiful story 
 of love, try to find out : Who was arrested? Was any one 
 sent to jail or was a more terrible punishment imposed? 
242 Community English 
 Why were all the houses burned ? What killed Evangeline's 
 father? How did the long search end? 
 1. Follow the general directions for the study of a 
 literary masterpiece. 
 2. Make a Hst of the new words — not proper nouns — 
 which the study of this poem has added to your vocabulary. 
 Record this Ust in your notebook and try to use at least 
 two of these words every day for a week. 
 3. Select four figures of speech which you think add 
 to the beauty of the poem. 
 4. What is the meaning of each of the following words? 
 Look them up if you do not already know. 
 Sunshine of Saint Eulalie 
 5. Describe one of the following : 
 a. The home of Benedict Bellefontaine, stating some 
 reasons for his happiness and showing how his 
 happiness was destroyed. 
 b. The village of Grand-Pre, giving an account of 
 the life and customs of its inhabitants. 
 c. The Feast of Betrothal. 
 d. Evening on the Beach. 
 e. The Burial of Benedict. 
 /. The Prairie Home of Basil in Louisiana. 
 g. The Ozark Foothills. 
The Study of a Literary Masterpiece 243 
 6. Locate on the map : 
 Nova Scotia Atchafalaya River 
 Gaspereau River Adayes 
 Gulf of Minas Wachita River 
 Grand-Pre Natchitoches 
 7. Memorize one of the following : 
 a. Father Felician's speech in the church, lines 466- 
 482, Part I. 
 b, Evangeline on the prairie, lines 102 7-1059, 
 Part 11. 
 8. Write all the correspondence necessary in connection 
 with a trip to the home of Evangeline. See special instruc- 
 tions in the beginning of this book, Part I. 
 9. Discuss the following questions : 
 If you had been in Evangeline's place what would 
 you have done? 
 What was the meaning of the robber-bird story? 
 What led to the driving out of the Acadians? 
 Is this poem historically true ? 
 What is the key-note or theme of the poem ? It is 
 stated in the prologue. Try to find it. 
 Why do you think Longfellow liked Evangeline best 
 of all his poems? 
 On what two occasions did Michael the fiddler play 
 for the pleasure of the Acadians? Describe one 
 of these occasions. 
 What was the effect upon Evangeline of the stories 
 told her by the Shawnee woman? 
 Why did Evangeline remain so long at the mission? 
 What lesson did her Hf e of sorrow and trial teach her ? 
244 Community English 
 Henry W. Longfellow has been the most popular of 
 all our American poets. Can you give any 
 reasons for this? 
 lo. Imagine yourself to be one of the following : 
 a. Father Leblanc 
 Tell the story of the necklace and its recovery. 
 b. The Commander of the English Soldiers 
 Address the Acadians, declaring them prisoners. 
 c. Gabriel 
 Tell the Black Robe chief at the Mission of your 
 separation from Evangeline and of your search 
 for her. 
 d. Evangeline 
 In after years tell of your happy childhood in 
 e. An Attendant Nurse 
 Tell of EvangeHne's work among the sick of 
 Philadelphia and of her meeting with Gabriel. 
 Study of Rip Van Winkle. — 
 1 . Read the story through rapidly. 
 2. Follow the general directions for the study of a 
 3. Pick out from this story fifteen vividly descriptive 
 4. What is the meaning of each of the following allusions ? 
 Diedrick Knickerbocker Stony Point 
 Woden Anthony's Nose 
 Waterloo Medal Hendrick Hudson 
 Queen Anne's Farthing Frederick der Rothbart 
 Peter Stuyvesant Babylonish jargon 
The Study of a Literary Masterpiece 245 
 5. Answer the following questions : 
 In what way did the houses in Grand-Pre differ from 
 the Dutch houses in this story? 
 Why was Rip a favorite with the women of the neigh- 
 Why did children like him? 
 What is the significance of the fact that dogs never 
 barked at him? 
 What were Rip's favorite pastimes? 
 What was Rip's chief characteristic? 
 How were the "odd-looking personages playing at 
 ninepins " dressed? 
 What was the significance of the changed sign at the 
 What was Rip's attitude toward his new ruler, 
 Washington ? 
 Why was Irving one of the most important of Ameri- 
 can writers? What name is frequently given to 
 6. Imagine yourself to be one of the following : 
 a. Rip Van Winkle 
 Tell why it was useless to work your farm. 
 Describe your view from the Knoll in the Kaat- 
 Describe your feeling when you awakened from 
 your long sleep. 
 Give an account of your reception as you ap- 
 proached the village. 
 b. Wolf 
 State your opinion of Dame Van Winkle. 
246 Community English 
 c. Nicholas Vedder 
 Describe the events of any afternoon when Dame 
 Van Winkle appeared. 
 d. Dame Van Winkle 
 Give an account of your trials with your shiftless 
 e. A Tavern Politician 
 Describe the sensation caused by the appearance 
 of Rip followed by an " army of women and 
 /. Judith Gardenier 
 Give an account of the reunion with your father 
 and of his return to your home. 
 7. Imagine that you have been asleep for twenty years 
 and have just awakened. Describe several of the great 
 changes that have occurred in the United States in the past 
 twenty years. 
 Study of The Courtship of Miles Standish. — 
 1. Read the story through rapidly. 
 2. Follow the general instructions given for the study of 
 a literary masterpiece. 
 3. Dramatize several of the more important scenes. 
 Do not attempt to memorize the lines. 
 4 . Answer the following questions : 
 In what way does The Courtship of Miles Standish 
 give a good picture of conditions in the Plymouth 
 Why are the references to the Bible of special impor- 
 Is this story true or fictitious? 
The Study of a Literary Masterpiece 247 
 What is the difference between rhyme and rhythm? 
 Give illustrations from this poem. 
 When did " friendship prevail over love "? 
 What was the story of " Bertha, the spinner "? 
 5. Contrast the conclusion of this story with the con- 
 clusion of Evangeline. Contrast John Alden and Miles 
 Standish in regard to personal appearance. Contrast or 
 compare Priscilla and Evangeline. Contrast life in Grand- 
 Pre with life in the Plymouth Colony. 
 6. Describe one of the following: 
 a. The letter-writing scene between Miles Standish 
 and John Alden, Part I. 
 b. The scene in which John gives Priscilla's message 
 to Miles Standish. 
 c. The interview between John and Priscilla imme- 
 diately after the departure of the Mayflower. 
 d. The house built by John Alden. 
 The descendants of John and Priscilla still live in 
 the old homestead built on the site of this first 
 e. Give an account of the scene at Priscilla's house 
 when word is brought of Miles Standish's death. 
 /. Describe the effect produced by Standish's return. 
 7. Imagine yourself to be one of the following : 
 a. Priscilla. Write a letter to a friend giving an 
 account of John's wooing for Miles Standish. 
 h. John Alden. Give a report to Miles Standish of 
 your interview with Priscilla. 
 c. Miles Standish. Describe the meeting of the 
 council to decide on peace or war. 
248 Community English 
 • d. Hobomok. Give an account of the meeting of 
 Miles Standish with Wattawamat and Pecksuot. 
 e. The Captain of the Mayflower. Give an account 
 of the events just prior to the saihng of your boat. 
 8. Explain the meaning of the italicized words in the 
 following : 
 a. This is the sword of Damascus I fought with in 
 b. Truly the maxim is good, and I do not mean to 
 gainsay it. 
 c. As in a floundering ship, with every roll of the 
 Washes the bitter sea. 
 d. Gayly, with joyous laugh, Priscilla mounted her 
 " Nothing is wanting now," he said with a smile, 
 " but the distaf:' 
 e. Like a picture it seemed of the primitive, pastoral 
 /. Straightway the captain paused, and without 
 further question or parley. 
 Took from the nail on the wall his sword with its 
 scabbard of iron. 
 g, I have fought ten battles and sacked and demolished 
 a city. 
 h. Meanwhile the choleric captain strode wrathful 
 away to the council. 
 9. Explain the circumstances under which thejollowing 
 was uttered : 
The Study of a Literary Masterpiece 249 
 Let not him that putteth his hand to the plough look backwards ; 
 Though the ploughshare cut through the flowers of life to its 
 Though it pass o'er the graves of the dead and the hearths of 
 the living, 
 It is the will of the Lord ; and his mercy endureth forever ! 
 Study of The Lady of the Lake. — 
 1 . This is a charming story of a king in disguise and of 
 his acquaintance with Ellen, daughter of the banished 
 Douglas. Read each canto through for its story and dis- 
 cuss the events of the canto in class. Re-read the impor- 
 tant sections of each canto and study in detail. 
 2. Arrange for some person in your community to give 
 an illustrated talk to your class about the Trosachs. The 
 Trosachs is the general term for the country about Loch 
 Katrine. Choose one of your classmates to introduce the 
 speaker, and invite other English classes to be your guests. 
 3. Make a collection of photographs, post cards, and 
 magazine illustrations of the Trosachs. Display these 
 pictures in your classroom. 
 4. Draw upon the blackboard an enlarged map of the 
 Highlands of Western Perthshire, between Sterling Castle 
 and Loch Lomond. 
 5. Locate upon this map, places mentioned in the story. 
 6. Pay special attention to the following descriptions: 
 The Glen at Sunset, Canto I 
 Ellen Douglas, Canto I 
 The Preparation of the Fiery Cross, Canto III 
 The Parting of Roderick Dhu and James Fitz- James 
 The Sports at Sterling, Canto V 
250 Community English 
 7. Upon the blackboard make a list of descriptive 
 pictures that might form a series of paintings. Under 
 each heading, make a list of the details which go to make up 
 the picture. 
 8. No two of the songs are alike. By what means does 
 the author carry out the feeling of the singer? 
 9. Memorize your favorite selection of not less than 
 twenty lines. 
 10. Dramatize important scenes. 
 11. The motion picture of this story is especially worth 
 seeing. Arrange for its production in your city, if possible. 
 1 2 . Describe and characterize the most important persons 
 in this story. Make illustrated posters of them, if you wish. 
 13. Debate informally these questions: 
 Resolved: That Roderick Dhu was a more worthy 
 suitor for the hand of Ellen than was Malcolm 
 Resolved: The Lady of the Lake is a more interesting 
 story than is Evangeline, 
 14. Lines 741 ff.. Stanza 27, Canto VI are considered the 
 most beautiful simile in the poem. Give your reasons for 
 believing that this is or is not true. Select from the poem 
 four other figures of speech. 
 15. Contrast the opening and the closing stanzas of this 
 16. Write a report in outline form for a biographical 
 sketch of the life of Sir Walter Scott. 
 17. Make an outhne of the poem. Be sure that you do 
 not leave out any important detail but do not include 
 unimportant material. 
The Study of a Literary Masterpiece 251 
 18. Answer the following questions: 
 Why was the author willing to sell this masterpiece 
 for about ten dollars, in our money? 
 Who is the hero of the poem? 
 What was the significance of EUen^s Snood? 
 Ellen and Roderick were own cousins. Could they 
 have been legally married? 
 Is the Douglas of this poem a historical character or 
 a fictitious one? 
 Which was the more beautiful, Ellen or Evangeline ? 
 Defend your opinion. 
 How long a time does each canto represent ? 
 What proofs did Fitz- James have that Ellen was a 
 chieftain's daughter in Canto I? 
 How did Ellen secure the respect of the soldiers at 
 19. You may use the following suggestions for your work 
 in oral and written composition : 
 The Adventures of a Hunter. 
 Give an account of the day of the chase up to the 
 time of the meeting of Fitz- James and Ellen. 
 • A Highland Welcome. 
 Let James V describe his first visit to the island 
 retreat of Douglas. 
 Omens of Evil. 
 Give an account of the falling of the sword when 
 Fitz- James entered Roderick's home and of the 
 disturbing dreams that came to the guest. 
 The Fatal Symbol. 
252 Community English 
 Describe the gathering of the clan, showing how 
 the fiery cross interrupted a wedding and a 
 A Blighted Life. 
 Relate the story of Blanche of Devan's life and 
 show how she was avenged. 
 Malcolm's Encounter with Roderick. 
 Describe the circumstances that led to the combat 
 between Malcolm and Roderick. 
 The Taghairm. 
 Describe the augury practiced by Brian to discover what 
 would be the outcome of the war. Show how the proph- 
 ecy made by him was fulfilled. 
 The Gobhn Cave. 
 Describe the hiding place of Ellen and Douglas and 
 explain in detail why they were there. 
 A Worthy Foe. 
 Relate instances that show Roderick's generosity to 
 Malcolm Graeme and to James Fitz-James. 
 The Story of the King's Signet Ring. 
 Explain the circumstances under which Fitz-James gave 
 Ellen the ring and show how it fulfilled its mission. 
 At Coilantogle's Ford. 
 Describe the combat between Fitz-James and Roderick 
 Dhu. , 
 An Outlawed Earl. 
 Let Ellen tell the story of the adventures of Douglas. 
 The Battle of Beal' an Duine. 
 Give an account of the battle between Clan-Alpine and 
 the Saxon forces as described by Allan Bane. 
The Study of a Literary Masterpiece 253 
 The Victor of the Day. 
 Let Douglas describe to Ellen his arrival at Sterling 
 Castle and the part he took in the sports. 
 A Tale of Loyalty. 
 Let King James tell of the loyalty to Douglas shown by 
 the people on the day of the burghers' sports, and of 
 Douglas's loyalty to him. 
 A Monarch's Generosity. 
 Let Ellen describe the scene in the presence chamber when 
 King James pardoned Douglas and Malcolm Graeme. 
 Grade VII 
 A. Titles from which selection for class work may be made. 
 1. Longfellow: The Skeleton in Armor, The Wreck of the Hesperus, 
 Excelsior, The Arsenal at Springfield, The Bridge, The Day is Done, 
 Walter von der Vogelweid, The Old Clock on the Stairs, The Arrow 
 and the Song, The Building of the Ship, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, 
 Pegasus in Pound, The Phantom Ship, The Emperor's Bird's Nest, 
 Santa Filomena, Daybreak, Sandalphon, Maiden and Weathercock, 
 The Three Kings, The Leap of Roushan Beg. 
 2. Whittier: The Vaudois Teacher, Cassandra Southwick, The Shoe- 
 makers, The Fishermen, The Huskers, The Angels of Buena Vista, 
 The Lakeside, The Poor Voter on Election Day, Maud Muller, The 
 Barefoot Boy, Skipper Ireson's Ride, The Pipes at Lucknow, Telling 
 the Bees, The Cable Hymn, My Playmate, Barbara Frietchie, Adam 
 Davenport, The Three Bells, In School Days, Marguerite, The Trail- 
 ing Arbutus, Our Autocrat, The Poet and the Children, 
 3. Longfellow: Miles Standish; Evangeline. 
 4. Arabian Nights (expurgated selections). 
 5. The Seven Champions of Christendom (an Elizabethan prose romance of 
 chivalry and necromancy). 
 6. Hawthorne : The Great Stone Face. 
 7. Irving : Rip Van Winkle; The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. 
 8. Lamb : Tales from Shakespeare. 
 9. Kipling : The Jungle Books (The Mowgli Stories especially). 
 10. Stevenson : Treasure Island. 
 11. Stevens and Allen : Stories of King Arthur. 
 12. Myths, classic and northern. For this reading the following texts 
 are suggested: Baldwin, Hero Tales Told in School, The Golden 
 Fleece, The Story of Siegfried, The Story of Roland, Stories of the 
 King; Baker, Stories of Old Greece and Rome, Stories from the 
Books for Study and General Reading 255 
 Old Norse Myths; Hutchinson, The Golden Porch {A Book of 
 Greek Fairy Tales), The Sunset of the Heroes (Last Adventures of 
 the Takers of Troy), Orpheus with His Lute {Stories of the World's 
 Springtime) ; Mabie, Norse Stories, Retold from the Eddas. 
 B. Titles from which selections for individual reading may be made. 
 1. Alcott: Little Women, Little Men, Jo's Boys, Eight Cousins, Rose in 
 2. Brown : Rah and His Friends. 
 3. Barrie : Peter and Wendy. 
 4. Dix: Merrylips. 
 5. Dodge : Hans Brinker. 
 6. Ewing: Jan of the Wind-Mill; A Flat Iron for a Farthing. 
 7. Field : Christmas Tales and Christmas Verse. 
 8. Griswold : Veering of Deal. 
 9. Goss : A Life of Grant for Boys. 
 10. Hasbrouck : The Boy's Parkman. 
 11. Hawthorne : Grandfather's Chair. 
 12. Herbertson : Heroic Legends. 
 13. Hulst: Indian Sketches. 
 14. Jordan : The Story of Matka: A Tale of the Mist-Islands. 
 1$. Lang : The Story of Joan of Arc. 
 16. Lee : A Quaker Girl of Nantucket 
 17. Lucas : Slow Coach. 
 18. Moore : Deeds of Daring Done by Girls. 
 19. NicoLAY : The Boy's Life of Abraham Lincoln. 
 20. Ollivant : Bob, Son of Battle. 
 21. Pyle: Otto of the Silver Hand; The Merry Adventures of Robin 
 22. Ramee : The N umber g Stove. 
 23. Richards : Captain January. 
 24. Sea WELL : A Virginia Cavalier. 
 25. SouTHEY : The Life of Lord Nelson. 
 26. Spyri: Heidi; Heimatlos. 
 27. Swift: Gulliver's Travels (expurgated). 
 28. Tappan : In the Days of Queen Victoria. 
 29. Thompson-Seton : The Biography of a Grizzly; The Trail of the 
 Sandhill Stag; Two Little Savages. 
 30. Trowbridge : Cudjo's Cave. 
 31. Wiggin : The Birds' Christmas Carol; Polly Oliver's Problem. 
 32. Wright: Gray Lady and the Birds. 
256 Community English 
 Grade VIII 
 A . Titles from which selection for class work may be made. 
 1. An anthology of American poems, compiled especially for eighth- 
 year use and including numbers such as Bryant's To a Water 
 Fowl, Lowell's Yussouf, Lanier's Song of the Chattahoochee, and 
 some of the best of Riley and Field, as well as material from Long- 
 fellow, Holmes, and Whittier of the type above quoted. 
 2. Holmes: Old Ironsides, The Last Leaf, My Aunt, The Height of 
 the Ridiculous, Lexington, The Steamboat, The Voiceless, The Boys, 
 All Here, Our Banker, The Chambered Nautilus, Album Verses 
 {When Eve Had Led Her Lord Away), Contentment, The Deacon'' s 
 Masterpiece, Aunt Tabitha, An Old-Year Song, Dorothy Q, A Ballad 
 of the Boston Tea Party, Union and Liberty, Grandmother's Story 
 of Bunker Hill, How the Old Horse Won the Bet, The First Fan, My 
 Aviary, The Broomstick Train. 
 3; Cooper : The Last of the Mohicans. 
 4. Scott : The Lay of the Last Minstrel. 
 5. M AC aula y: H or alius. 
 6. Warner: A-Hunting of the Deer, How I Killed a Bear, Camping Out 
 (from In the Wilderness). 
 7. Hale : The Man Without a Country. 
 8. Dickens: Christmas Carol ; The Cricket on the Hearth, 
 g. Van Dyke : The Story of the Other Wise Man. 
 10. Longfellow : Selections from Tales of a Wayside Inn {King Robert 
 of Sicily, Parts of the Saga of King Olaf, Ballad of Carmilhan, 
 Legend Beautiful, Charlemagne, The Mother's Ghost, Falcon of Set 
 Federigo, Bell of Atri, etc.). 
 11. Sweets er: Ten Boys and Girls from Dickens; Boys and Girls from 
 12. MiMs: The Van Dyke Book. 
 13. Kipling : Captains Courageous. 
 14. Tennyson : Gareth and Lynette. 
 15. Stevenson: Kidnapped. 
 16. Whittier: Snow-Bound. 
 B. Titles from which selections for individual reading may be made. 
 1. Bullen : The Cruise of the Cachalot. 
 2. Burnett: The Secret Garden. 
 3. Cooper: The Deerslayer ; The Pilot. 
 4. Clemens : The Prince and the Pauper. 
Books for Study and General Reading 257 
 5. Davis : Stories for Boys. 
 6. De Amicis : An Italian School Boy's Journal. 
 7. Drx : Soldier Rigdale. 
 8. DouBLEDAY : Stories of Invention. 
 9. Doyle : Micah Clarke. 
 10. Duncan : Adventures of Billy Topsail. 
 11. Eastman: An Indian Boyhood. 
 12. Eggleston: The Hoosier Schoolmaster. 
 13. FouQUE : Undine. 
 14. Hale : A New England Boyhood. 
 15. Halsey : The Old New York Frontier. 
 16. Harris : Nights with Uncle Remus. 
 17. King : Cadet Days, a story of West Point. 
 18. London : The Call of the Wild. 
 19. Lang : The Book of Romance. 
 20. Laurie, Andre : School Days in Italy; School Days in France (trans- 
 lated by Kendall). 
 21. Liliencrantz : The Thrall of Lief the Lucky. 
 22. Madden: Emmy Lou. 
 23. Montgomery: Anne of Green Gables ; Anne of Avonlea. 
 24. Morris : The Sundering Flood. 
 25. Lincoln : A Pretty Tory. 
 26. Parkman : Montcalm and Wolfe. 
 27. Pyle: The Story of King Arthur and His Knights; The Story of 
 the Champions of the Round Table; The Story of Sir Launcelot and 
 His Companions. 
 28. Rice : Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. 
 29. Scott : Rob Roy. 
 30. Seaman : Jacqueline of the Carrier Pigeons. 
 31. Sharp: A Watcher in the Woods. 
 32. Warner: Being a Boy. 
 33. Wiggin : Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. 
 Grade IX 
 . Titles from which selections for class work may be made. 
 I. Narrative poems such as Cowper's John Gilpin's Ride^ Burns's 
 Tarn O'Shanter, Scott's Lochinvar, Wordsworth's Michael, 
 Byron's The Prisoner of Chillon, Browning's How They Brought 
 the Good News from Ghent to Aix, Herve Riel, Rossetti's The White 
 Ship, Morris's AtaJanta's Race, Lowell's The Courtin'. 
258 Community English 
 2. Lyric poems such as Shelley's To a Skylark, Wordsworth's 
 Reaper, Browning's Home Thoughts from Abroad, Emerson's 
 Concord Hymn, Burns's A Man's a Man for a' That, Rossetti's 
 Up-Hill, Keats's On First Looking into Chapman's Homer, By- 
 ron's On the Castle of Chilian, Tennyson's The Merman, Whit- 
 man's O Captain! My Captain! Garland's The Wind in the 
 Pines, Poe's To Helen, Beeching's Bicycling Song. 
 3. Short stories such as Poe's The Gold Bug, Hawthorne's The Am- 
 bitious Guest, Hardy's The Three Strangers, Brown's Farmer 
 Eli's Vacation, Wilkins-Freeman's The Revolt of Mother, O. 
 Henry's The Chaparral Prince, Davis's Gallegher. 
 4. Bates : A Ballad Book. 
 5. Hale : Ballads and Ballad Poetry. 
 6. Scott : The Lady of the Lake. 
 7. Homer: T/feOffy^jey (Palmer's trans.); TAe //tW (Bryant's trans. in 
 8. Dickens: David Copperfield. 
 9. Scott: The Talisman; Quentin Durward. 
 10. Kipling: Kim. 
 11. Shakespeare: Julius Caesar. 
 12. Franklin: Autobiography. 
 13. Informal studies of current literature, plays, photoplays, etc. 
 B. Titles from which selections for individual reading may be made. 
 1. Antin: The Promised Land. 
 2. Bates : The Story of the Canterbury Pilgrims. 
 3. Churchill : The Crisis. 
 4. Clemens: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; The Adventures of 
 Huckleberry Finn. 
 5. Cooper : The Spy. 
 6. Craddock : The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains, 
 7. Dana : Two Years Before the Mast. 
 8. Defoe : Robinson Crusoe. 
 g. Deland : Old Chester Tales; Doctor Lavendar^s People. 
 10. Dickens : Oliver Twist; The Old Curiosity Shop. 
 11. Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. 
 12. Fox : The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come. 
 13. Homer : The Iliad (as done into English by Butcher and Lang). 
 14- Hughes : Tom Brown's School Days* 
 15. Irving: Tales of a Traveler. 
 16. Keller : The Story of My Life, 
Books for Study and General Reading 259 
 17. Kingsley: Westward Ho I 
 18. Kipling : Selections from the Day^s Work and Phantom Rickshaw. 
 19. Mitchell : Hugh Wynne. 
 20. Montgomery: Tales of Avonlea. 
 21. Marshall: English Literature for Boys and Girls (selections to be 
 made by teacher). 
 22. Moore : Stories of Tennessee. 
 23. Parkman : The Oregon Trail. 
 24. Porter: Freckles; Laddie; A Girl of the Limberlost. 
 25. Rideing: The Boyhood of Famous Authors. 
 26. RoLFE : Shakespeare, the Boy. 
 27. Scott: Guy Mannering, Woodstock. 
 28. Smith : Caleb West. 
 2Q. Stevenson: The Black Arrow. 
 30. Stockton: Jolly Fellowship ; Captain Chap. 
 31. Thompson-Seton : Wild Animals I Have Known. 
 32. Vergil: Mneid (in a good translation). 
 33. Wallace: Ben Hur. 
 34. Books contained in seventh and eighth year class reading lists but 
 not actually read in class. 
 Abbreviations, 152; initials, 152; titles, 
 Acceptance, speech of, 1861 ; 192-193 
 A Cherry -Tree Festival, quotation, 43 
 Addresses, on envelopes, 13, 14 
 Adjectives, 153 ; comparison of, 155 
 Adjustment, letter of, 14, 16 
 Adverbs, 153 
 Advertisements, 26, 28, 29 
 ^sop, 119, 123 
 Afl5rmative, 170 
 A Japanese Baby, quotation, 42 
 Alcott, Louisa M., 176 
 America for Me, 136-137 
 America the Beautiful, 139-140 
 American authors contest, 173-176; 
 how to play, 173-174; list of titles 
 and authors, 175-176 
 Anthology, class, 51 
 Antonyms, 154 
 Applying for a position, 16, 17, 18, 19, 26 
 Argumentation. See Debate 
 Atlas, 91 
 Audubon club, 208-209 
 Bates, Katharine Lee, quotation from, 
 Bay Psalm Book, 227 
 Bennett, H. H., quotation from, 138-139 
 Bill, or statement, 107 
 Biographical sketches, 79-82, 250 
 Bird diary, 223, 225 
 Bixby, Mrs., letter from A. Lincoln, 11 
 Body of a letter, 12 
 Book index, 90 
 Book reports, 77-78 
 Booklet, 2, 24, 37-51; how to make 
 booklets, 37, 39, 40, 217-218 
 Boy Scouts, 202, 211 
 Bread and butter letter, 9 
 Breathes There the Man, quotation, 
 Brooks, Phillips, letter of greeting, 5; 
 quotation from rhymed letter, 216- 
 Bryant, William CuUen, 9, 175; quota- 
 tion from, 193 
 Byron, Lord, 221 
 Buddy and Waffles, quotation from, 101 
 Bulletin board, 11 5-1 17; how to use, 
 lis; filing material displayed, 116 
 Burroughs, John, letter of greeting, 3; 
 description of, loi ; quoted, 146; 
 works, 176 
 Business forms, 12 
 Business letters, 11 
 Business meetings, 108-112 
 Cablegram, 23 
 Call of the Wild, The, quotation from, 103 
 Campaigns, 205-215; Publit Health, 
 206-208 ; Protection of Birds, 208-209 1 
 Thrift, 209-211; Safety First, 211- 
 212; Clean Up, 212; Fly Swatting, 
 213; Junior Red Cross drive, 123; 
 Americanization, 213; Victory Drive 
 for better English, 213-215 
 Card catalogue, 91 
 Chairman of meeting, 109 ; instructions 
 for, no 
 Charts, 93, 104; how to make, 105; 
 subjects for, 105-106 
 Check, 107 
 Chelsea boy clings to Old Glory, 233 
 Choosing a Vocation, 37 ; quotation 
 from, 43 
 Churchill, Winston, 176 
 Circulating library, class, 78 
 Civil Service Commission, 69 
 Claim letter, 15 
 Class activities, post oflSce, 29; book- 
 let, 51, 217; scrapbook, 51, 56; 
 sketch book, 84 ; bank, 107 ; anthol- 
 ogy, 51; circulating library, 78; 
 museum, 199-203 ; class publication, 
 227-239; campaigns, 205-215; class 
 play, 119, 123; short poem recital, 
 136; games and contests, 148-176; 
 business meetings, 108-112 
 Clean Up campaign, 212-213 
 Clubs, bird, 31, 208-209; com, 31; 
 pig, 31 ; canning, 31 ; poultry, 31 
 Community civics, subjects based upon, 
 48, 49, 50 
 Comparison, adjectives and adverbs, 
 Complaint, letter of, 15 
 Complimentary endings, 9, 12 
 Composition writing, 39; specimen 
 compositions, 41, 42,43,44; optional 
 subjects, 44-50; subjects based upon 
 history, 31-36, 44-46; upon geog- 
 ( raphy, 48; upon literature, 47, 
 48 ; upon agriculture, 46 ; upon com- 
 munity civics, 48-50; upon house- 
 hold arts, 46 ; essay contest, 167 
 Compositions, oral, 105, 106, 107, 183- 
 198, 199-203; list of subjects, 202-203 
 Congressional Directory, 91 
 Contests, getting a job, 29; memory, 
 135; booklet, 51, 148-176; grammar 
 baseball, 149-158; spelling, 158-159; 
 paragraph archery, 162-166; essay, 
 167; prize speaking, 167-169; 
 debate, 169-173; American authors, 
 173-176; stamp sale, 209 
 Conversations, telephone, 177-182 
 Coolidge, Calvin, 190 
 Cooper, James F., 175 
 Correction of proof, 231 
 Courtship of Mtles Siandish, 174, 175 
 Current events, 74; current event 
 day, no 
 Davis, Richard Harding, quotation from, 
 Day letter, 22 
 Debates, 169-173; definitions, 170; 
 how to conduct, 1 70-1 71 ; subject 
 for, 1 71-173 
 Descriptions, 98 ; how to write, 99-101, 
 103; model paragraphs, 101-102, 
 103-104; subjects for, 99-100, 103, 
 245, 247, 249 
 Diaries, 209, 223-226; definition, 223; 
 extract from, 223; what to do, 224- 
 225; subjects for, 225-226; travel 
 diary, 225 
 Dictation, 30 
 Dictionary, use of, 86, 87, 88, 89 
 Dictionary guide words, 87 
 Dramatization, oral and written, 118- 
 ^33', questions on, 121 ; suggestion 
 for, 123-125; subjects for, 131, 
 133; better speech play, 214; dram- 
 atization of literary masterpieces, 
 241, 246, 250 
 Editorial, 234-235 
 Eggleston, Edward, 176 
 Electricity, 60 
 Elsie Venner, quotation from, 104 
 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 175 
 Encyclopedia, 78, 89, 90 
 Essay contest, 167 
 Evangeline, 24, 173, 174, 241-244 
 Executive department, 68 
 Exercises in letter writing, 24-36 
 Exhibits to accompany short talks. 
 Farrar, Canon Frederic William, 4 
 Field, Eugene, 176 
 Figuresof speech, 136, 242 
 Finnemore, John, quotation from, 94 
 Fire department, 71 
 First Schoolhouses, quotation, 96, 97 
 Fox, John, Jr., 176 
 Franklin, Benjamin, 20, 175 
 Games and contests, 148-176 
 Garbage disposal, 70 
 Garland, Hamlin, quotation from, 104; 
 works, 176 
 Gas, 57 
 Geography, subjects based upon, 48 
 Girl Scouts, 2oe, 211 
 Glass, Carter, letter to pupils, 210, 211 
 Government, 67 
 Grammar, baseball, 149-158; what to 
 do. 149; how to do it, 149-151 
 Greene, Sarah McLean, 176 
 Greeting in letters, 1 2 
 Griffin and the Minor Canon, quotation 
 from, 96 
 Group activities, 29, 31, 51 
 Hale, Edward Everett, 176 
 Harris, Joel Chandler, 176 . 
 Harrison, Henry S., 176 
 Harte, Bret, 24, 176 
 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, quotation from. 
 101-102, 175, 254, 25s 
 Heading in letters, 1 2 
 Health department, 69 
 Henley, W. E., quotation from, 139 
 Henry, O., 176 
 History, subjects based upon, 31-36, 
 44, 45, 46 
 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, quotation from, 
 104, 175 _ 
 Home project in agriculture, 77 
 Homonyms, 87 
 Hospitals, 64 
 House of Seven Gables, quotation from, 
 Household arts, subjects based upon, 46 
 Howe, Julia Ward, 176 
 Hubbard, Elbert, quotation from, 101 
 I Am the Captain of My Soul, quotation 
 from, 139 
 If, 141, 142 
 Illustrated booklets, 2, 24, 37-51, 
 Indentation, 99 
 Index, book, 90 
 Industries, local, 75 
 Instruction, letter of, 19 
 Introduction, speeches of, 184, 1 90-1 91 
 Invitation, 8 
 Irving, Washington, 24, 175 ; study of 
 Rip Van Winkle, 244-246, 254, 258 
 Ivanhoe, 173 
 Jackson, Helen Hunt, 175 
 Japan, quotation from, 94 
 Japanese Books, quotation, 94; par- 
 agraph plan, 94, 95 
 Johnson, Clifton, quoted, 97 
 Judicial Department, 73 
 Keller, Helen, 176 
 Key, Francis Scott. 175 
 King Frederick and the Page, quotation. 
 121. 122 
 King of the Golden River, The, quotation 
 from, 102 
 Kingsley, Charles. 6 
 Kipling, Rudyard, quotation from, 
 141-142, 218 
 Lamb, Charles, 254 
 Lantern sUdes, 238-239, 241 
 Lee, Robert E. quotation from 195 
 Legislative department, 68 
 Letter writing, value, i : how to write 
 correct letters, 2, 3, 4; personal let- 
 ters, 2, 3 ; greeting, 3, 5 ; letter with 
 gift, 5 ; thanks, 7 ; invitation 8 ; com- 
 plimentary endings. 9, 1 2 ; letter to 
 hostess (bread and butter), 9; sym- 
 pathy, 10, 11; business letters, 11; 
 form of, 12; address, 12, 14; head- 
 ing, 12, 14; greeting, 12; body, 12; 
 signature, 12; superscription, 12; 
 examples of, 13; specimen letters, 
 complaint, 14; adjustment, 14, 16; 
 receipt, 15; order, 14; claim, 15; 
 application, 16, 17, 18, 19; instruc- 
 tion, letter of, 19; telegrams, 21; 
 day letter, 22 ; night letter, 23 ; 
 dictation, 30; practice exercises in 
 letter writing, 24-36; rhymed 
 letters, 216-219 
 Library, public, 63 
 Lincoln, Abraham, letter to Mrs. Bixby, 
 II, 175; quotation from, 194-195, 
 217, 243, 247 
 Lincoln, Joseph C, quotation from, 98 
 Lists of spelling words, 160-162 ; sub- 
 jects for oral compositions, 202-203 ; 
 Subjects for diaries, 225-226; books 
 for reading and study, 254-259 
 Literature, composition subjects based 
 upon, 47, 48 
 Lodge, Henry Cabot, quotations from, 
 190, 193-194 
 London, Jack, quotation from, 103 ; 
 works, 176 
 Longfellow, Henry W., 5, 6, 174, 175, 
 220, 221 ; study of Evangeline, 241- 
 244 ; study of The Courtship of Miles 
 Standish, 246-249, 254 
 Loss and Recovery of a Horse, quotation, 
 I iQ ; dramatized, 1 20-1 2 1 
 Lowell, Abbott Lawrence, 190; quoted, 
 Lowell, James Russell, quotation from, 
 135-136, 145, 175 
 Mabie, Hamilton Wright, 176 
 Magazine, class or school. See class 
 Making of booklets, 2, 24, 37-51 
 Manuscript, preparation of, 230-231 
 Margins, in a letter, 14 
 Markets, mimicipal, 66 
 Memory contest, 135 
 Memory training, 134-147; how to 
 memorize^ 134-135 ; speaking con- 
 test, 167-169; memory storehouse, 
 Meter, definition of, 218 
 Minutes of the meeting, 109 ; definition, 
 1 1 1 ; appearance of, 1 1 i-i 1 2 ; con- 
 tents of, 112 
 Modern health crusaders, 208 
 Moore, Clement C, quotation from, 
 Moroso, John A., quotation .from, loi 
 Motions, how to put, i lo-i 1 1 
 Motion pictures, 238-239, 241 
 Municipal playgrounds, 62 ; markets, 
 66; water works, 56; gas, 57; tel- 
 ephones, 58; transportation, 58; 
 parks, 61 ; library, 63 ; hospital, 64 ; 
 schools, 65 ; government, 67-73 
 Museum, class, 199-203 
 Narration, news stories, 232-234, 238, 
 244, 247, 248, 251, 252-253 
 Negative of question, 170 
 News items, 230, 232-234 
 Night letter, 23 
 Notebooks, 113-114; appearance, 113; 
 contents of, 114, 214, 241 
 Noyes, Alfred, quotation from, 220 
 Old Time Schools and School Books, 
 quotation from, 97 
 Optional composition subjects, 44-50 
 Oral reports, 54-84 
 Orderly school, quotation, 96 
 Oregon Trail, quotation from, 102 
 Paragraph study, 14, 93-99; plan, 94, 
 95; diagram, 95; paragraph writ- 
 ing, 99-101, 105-106; archery con- 
 test, 162-166; description para- 
 graphs, 101-102 ; subjects, 103, 106, 
 Parkman, Francis, quotation from, 102, 
 Parks, 61 
 Parliamentary usa^e, 1 08-1 12 
 Parts of speech, 151 
 Patsy's Home Again, 234 
 Pau, 6, 7 
 Payne, John Howard, 175 
 Personal interviews, 75 
 Pictures, John Burroughs, frontispiece, 
 Gathering Material for a Report, 54 ; 
 The School Library, 86 ; Dramatizing 
 Hiawatha, 132; The Short Speech, 187 
 Pied Piper of Hamelin, 1 73 
 Plan for biographical sketch, 81 ; for 
 historical sketch, 82 
 Playgrounds, 62 
 Play writing, 1 18-133; questions on, 
 121; how to write, 123, 124, 125; 
 subjects for plays, 131, 133 
 Plural forms, 154-155, 157 
 Poe, Edgar Allan, 175 
 Police department, 70 
 Point of view, 98, 99; definition, 102 
 Post ofl&ce, class, 29, 49 
 Postal telegraph, 22 
 Posters and charts, 93-107 ; how to 
 make a poster, 98 ; poster of a build- 
 ing, 102 ; fKjsters for campaigns, 206, 
 208, 211, 213 
 Practice list of spelling words, 160-162 ; 
 list of American authors, 175-176 
 Preparation of manuscript, 230-231 
 Presentation, speech of, 185, 191-192 
 Printing press, school, 236-239; prod- 
 ucts, 236; suggestions, 238; sub- 
 jects for study, 238-239 
 Prize speaking contest, 167-169 
 Proof, correction of, 231 
 Protection of birds, 208-209 
 Publication, class, 227-239; what to 
 do, 228-229; writing news items, 
 230 ; preparation of manuscript, 230- 
 231; correction of proof, 231; speci- 
 men news stories, 231-234; model 
 editorial, 234-236 
 Public health campaign, 206-208; 
 what to do, 206-207 
 PubUc service department, 70; gar- 
 bage disposal, 70; street cleaning, 
 71; fire department, 71 ; city streets, 
 Public utilities reports, 54-74 
 Punctuation, 157 
 Quaker Poet, 7 
 Questions for grammar review, 151-158 
 Quotations to be memorized, 143-147 
 Receipt, 107 
 Red Cross, 205, 211, 213 
 Reference books, how to use, 85-92 ; 
 World Almanac, 92; Congressional 
 Directory, 91 ; table of contents, 90; 
 Who's Who, 91 ; general magazine 
 index, 90; book index, 90; diction- 
 ary, 87, 88, 89; encyclopedia, 89, 90; 
 gazetteer, 90; atlas, 91; card cata- 
 logue, 91 ; dictionary of quotations, 
 Refutation, 171 
 Reports, 20, 54-74 ; current events, 74 ; 
 industries, 75 ; personal interview, 75 ; 
 shop work or manual training, 76; 
 home project in agriculture, 77 ; 
 book report, 77-78; biographical 
 sketch, 79-82 ; historical sketch, 
 Rhymes. See Verse making 
 Rhythm, definition of, 218; 221, 247 
 Riley, James Whitcomb, 176, 220 
 Rip Van Winkle, 244-246 
 Robert's Rules of Order, 1 1 2 
 Rock Slide in Cave of Winds, 232 
 Roosevelt, Theodore, 24; works, 176; 
 quoted, 192 
 Ruskin, John, quotation from, 102 
 Safety first campaign, 21 1-2 12 
 School gardens, 49, 50 
 School paper, 207, 227-239; what to 
 do, 228-230; news items, 230 
 School printing press, 236-239; prod- 
 ucts of press, 236; suggestions for 
 use of, 238; subjects for study, 238 
 School song, 221-222 
 Schools, public, 65 
 Scott, Sir Walter, quotation from, 137- 
 138 ; study of The Lady of the Lake, 
 Scrapbooks, 51, 56 
 Secretary of meeting, 109-110; instruc- 
 tions for, n I 
 Selections for memorizing, 135-147 
 Sentences, 151; subject and predicate, 
 153; declarative, 153, 157; topic 
 sentence, 97, 163-164 
 Shavings, quotation from, 98 
 Sherwood, Margaret, quotation from, 
 Shop work reports, 76 
 Short poem recital, 136 
 Short speech, 183-198; introduction, 
 184, 190-191, 249; presentation, 185, 
 191-192 ; acceptance, 186, 192-193 ; 
 response to a toast, 186, 196-197; 
 announcement, 188; for special 
 occasions, 188, 197-198; welcome 
 189, 193-194; farewell, 194, 195, 196; 
 to accompany exhibit in museum, 
 Sketch book, class, 84 
 Slogans, 206, 211, 213 
 Smith, F. Hopkinson, 176 
 Song of the Middle Border, quotation, 104 
 Specimen compositions, 41, 42, 43, 44 
 Spelling contests, 158-159 
 Sp)elling lists, 160-162 
 Stamp sale contest, 209 
 Standish, Miles, 24 
 Stevenson, R. L., 219 
 Stockton, Frank R., quotation from, 96; 
 works, 176 
 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 175 
 Street advertising, 49 
 Streets, city, 72 
 Study of a literary masterpiece, 240- 
 259; general instructions, 240-241; 
 Evangeline, 241-244; Rip Van 
 Winkle, 244-246; The Courtship oj 
 Miles Standish, 246-249; The Lady 
 of the Lake, 249-253 ; books for read- 
 ing and study, 254-259 
 Subjects for debate, 1 71-173 
 Sumner, Charles, quotation from, 141 
 Sympathy, letter of, 10, n 
 Synonyms, 87, 154 
 Table of contents, 90 
 Tarkington, Booth, 24; works, 176 
 Telegrams, 21 
 Telephone, 58; use of telephone direc- 
 tory, 89; conversations, 177-182; 
 assignments, 179-182 
 Tennyson, Alfred, 4, 220 
 Thanatopsis, 8 
 Thank You letter, 7 
 The Capture of Quebec, quotation, 
 125-126; dramatized, 1 26-131 
 The Courtship of Miles Standish, 246-249 
 The Flag Goes By, quotation from, 138- 
 The House-Dog and the Wolf, quotation 
 from, 122-123 
 The Lady of the Lake, 249-253 
 The Lip-Lazy American, an editorial, 
 The National Flag, quotation from, 141 
 The Sugar Exhibit, a short talk, 203 
 The Worn Doorstep, quotation from, 104 
 Thoreau, Henry David, 175 
 Thrift campaign, 209, 210, 211 
 Toast, 186, 196-197 ; how to respond 
 to a, 187-188 
 Topic sentence, 97, 163-164 
 Transportation, 58 
 Travel diary, 225 
 Travel letter, 6 
 Twain, Mark, 24, 175 
 Undertakings, letter writing, 1-36; 
 booklets, 37-52; reports, 54-84; 
 use of reference books, 85-92 ; post- 
 ers and charts, 93-107 ; class par- 
 liamentary usage, 108-112; note- 
 books, 113-114; bulletin board, 
 115-117; dramatization, 118-133; 
 memory training, 134-147; games 
 and contests, 148-176; telephone 
 conversations, 177-182; the short 
 speech, 183-198; the class mu- 
 seum, 199-203; campaigns, 205-215; 
 verse-making, 216-222; diaries, 223- 
 226; class publication, 227-239; 
 study of a literary masterpiece, 240- 
 Van Bibber and Others, quotation from, 
 Van Dyke, Henry, quotation from, 136- 
 137; works, 176, 219 
 Verbs, active and passive, 154; princi- 
 pal parts of, 157 
 Verse making, 216-222; models, 216- 
 221; what to do, 218; for special 
 occasions, 221 ; rhymed letters, 221 ; 
 invitations, 221; class or school 
 song, 221-222 ; definition of verse, 218 
 Victoria, Queen, 23 
 Victory drive for better English, 213-215 
 Vision of Sir Launfal, quotation from, 
 Vocation, choosing a, 37, 39, 40, 43 
 Wallace, Lew, 176 
 Waller, Mary E., 176 
 Washington, George, 19 
 Water Babies, 6 
 Water works, 56 
 Western Union, 21 
 Westward Ho ! 6 
 White, William Allen, quotation from, 
 153-154, 176 
 Whitman, Walt, 175 
 Whittier, John G., 4, 7, 8, 175, 254, 256 
 Who's Who, 91 
 Why a Baby Elephant Was Spanked, 
 quotation, 41 
 Wiggin, Kate Douglas, 176 
 Wister, Owen, 176 
 Wolfe, James, dramatization, 1 26-1 31 
 World Almanac, 85, 92 
 Word contests, 88, 89 
 Word lists, new, 89; study of words, 
 Written reports, 54-84 
 Youth's Companion, 14, 15, 16 
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