UC-NRLF $B Efli =ms F 294 AQsDs JOHN V. TARVER © ?^^j AND Bay Street, Dillon's Wharf, SAVANNA' , GA. vVill .levotc hi3 porsoiial attention to the sale of Cotton, Corn, ^'hcat, FJoT^r; Wool and other Produce. Oominissiofl for Selling Cotton, 50 Cents per Bale. FOR SAVANHAH. '''k' new, fast and light dr:\ft Stc. lor teXCEL, A lU run rogukrl) between Savannah and Aitousta, at all stao-oc. oi tjc Kiver, conneciing with the Ncwi -York/ 1 Philadelphia jmd LaltHiiore steamships at Savannah, and the. TJoorgia Railroad at Augusta. Goods for Augusta, Hamburg and IIno interior should be marked to tlie care of JOHN V. TAllVKR. at Savannah, and produce ana merchandize for Savannah and i'le Northern mar- mots to the care of H. F. .RUSSELL, at Au-usta. Merchants will find this the cheaprst route i)y which thev can '•• 'ene their goods. I'rcight forwarded fico of commissions. JOHN W. TARVBm, AfjtM (it ^iiv without any authority." Here is one which appears to have had reference to some sec- tarian controversy. In 1794, the grand jury '' present the m- ducrcet observance of public worship" as having '' held the peaceably minded in terror of divine vengeance." In 1790, " the number of negroes, calling themselvcspa?-soH.s-, going about the country" is presented as a nuisance. The same jury recommended the imposition of a fine " upon all persons erecting wooden chimuics in the toAvu of Augusta. If the growth of Augusta has been less rapid than that of many other towns, it has been of more healthy and jicrmancnt charac- ter — the result of steadily increasing wealth, population and bu- siness. Its numerous churches, schools, and other public insti- tutions (in which respect it can challenge a comparison with any city in the Southern States) afford the best evidence of the moral and enlightened character of its population, in which we have the surest guarantee of its future prosperity. The population of Augusta in 1841 was (3,257, at present it is estimated at 18,000 inhabitants, showing an increase of popu- lation from 1841 to 1859, of 11,748. The length of the city, (•' including East and West Boundary Streets,") is 2 and 19-100 miles. The width, ("including East Bay and South Boundary Streets,") is 1 and 12-100 miles. The streets all run jiarallel to each other. North and South and East and West. Each street running North and South is numbered in its proper order, commencing on Bay-street vrith No. 1. Each street running East and West, is numbered in like manner, commencing on lleynold-street on. North side at East Boundary, the numbers alternating on each side of each street. The vote of the city in 1841, was 724 votes; in 1858 the list of liegistered votes amounted to 1,241 votes, showing an in- crease of 517 votes since 1841. Augusta is now in the highest state of prosperity and advance- ment. Her merchants for promptness, dispatch and business qualifications are not to be surpassed in any community. She can boast of her Cotton Factories, lier Flouring ]Mills, Founda- ries, Car Factories, Machine Shops and Work Shops of all kinds, and according to population will compare favorably with any city in the Union, and she is far ahead of any city in the South. Her facilities of conmumication by Railroad, Bivcrand Canal are unequalled in the South. Her march is steadily onward and upward. CITY DIREC'J^ORY. 31 R. R. CUYLER, President, 8AVANNAH, GEO. GEO. W. ADAMS, General Superintendent, SAVANNAH, GEO. Trains Leaves Savannah At 12:15 P. i\I. (Day) and 11:45 P. M., for Macon, Milledge- ^ ville, Eatonton and Augusta, connecting at Milieu with trains going North, and at. Macon with trains going South and West. Trains of this line leave punctual, and no delay to passengers. 32 AUGUSTA JOHN NELSON, DEALER IN Provisions, Wines, Liqaors, Segars, AND AGENT FOR FAIRBANK'S PATENT 'l»tf0W Hill mm 804 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. CHRONICLE & SENTINEL, ^XiaUSTA., G^^. ^■•^•^^ Daily, (by mail,) in advance 87 00 Tri-weekly, '' " 4 00 Weekly, '' '' 2 00 When not paid in advance, one dollar more will invariahlij be charged. Address, "^^ g, JONES- -Augusta, Ga. SOURHERN CULTIVATOR. Devoted to Southern Agriculture, Horticulture, Stock Breeding. Poultry, Bees, General Farm Economy, &c. TERMS. One Copy, one year, §1 Six Copies, 5 Twenty-five Copies, $20 One Hundred Copies,... ,75 xllways in advance. No paper sent unless the cash accompa- nies the order. Address, W. S. JONZiS^ Amju>^la, Ga. AUGUSTA CITY DIRECTOEY, ABBRE^^ATIOXS.— In the pages following, h stands for house ; Ms for boards ; ht for between ; cor for corner ; oiyp for opposite ; e for east ; w for west ; n for north ; s for south ; I for lane ; ah for above ; hel for below ; nr for near ; r for rear; sq for square. Tlio word street is implied. Abrams, Bernard; city sexton, h 42 Broad. Adair, J W. express office, bds Augusta Hotel. Adam, George, assistant book-keeper Constitutionalist Office. Adam, Geo F. clerk 260 Broad. Adam, H B. of C A Piatt & Co, h Campbell bt Green and Telfair. Adam, J W. book-keeper, Plumb & Leitner, h 61 Green. Adams, D. bds 9 Jackson. Adams, D. book-keeper 238 Broad, bds City Hotel. Adams, D L. of 1) L A & Sons, Edgefield District, S C. Adams, D L & Sons, com. mer'ts, Jackson bt Keynolds and Bay. ADAMS EXPRESS CO. 179 Broad. Adams, H D. clerk 304 Broad. Adams, John Q. bds at J llamsey, 9 Jackson. Adkerson, Wm. brickmason, 238 Green. African, Church, (Methodist,) W side Campbell nr Augusta Canal. Aldworth, Richard, grocer, 156 Broad, h same. Alexander, W W. of Wright & A, h 92 Broad. Alford, G T. express office, bds Globe Hotel. Allen, Ira, clerk 225 Broad, bds Mrs Kenneks. Allen, J V H. of Warren, Lewis k Co, h Green. Alleoud, Mark L. grocer, 319 Broad, h 418 Broad. Ammons, John, carpenter at G R R, h Kollock. Anderson, — . h Telfair bt Lincoln and Elbert. Anderson, Jas H. com. merchant, Mcintosh bt Broad and Rey- nolds, h Telfair nr Elbert. Anderson John, carpenter, h 6 Mcintosh. Anderson, Mrs R H. h 42 Fenwick, bt Washington and Centre. o 84 AUGUSTA MILLER «& WARREN, DEALERS IN f M©f mi Stifl© Bff i AND iif SI ©SisTiil SiaiTia, 239 Broad St., opposite the Globe Hote' AUGUSTA, GA. f fill Mi '%m% j0iwli|. AND AUGUSTA, GA f> HIGHT & MACMURPHY, Continue the above business, in all its branches, at the Ameri- can FoijXDRY, and will be thankful for orders for ALL KINDS IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, FOR Gold Mines, Mills, ;Rail Roads, Bridges, and Machinery, of all Descriptions. POULLMN, JENNINGS & CO. 5 ^J>^s.Ms.^*^M^4^ VA, vv.j fsi>-l). BARNES, WM E. warehouse and commission, cor Washington and Reynolds, h 154 Broad. BARRETT k CARTER, Druggists, 291 Broad. Barrett, James, laborer at G R \i Depot. Barrett, Thos. of B & Carter, h cor Elbert and Broad. Barret, Thos jr. clerk, Barret Jk, (;arter, bds cor Elbert and Broad. Barron, W W.h N side Ellis bt Campbell and Jackson. Barry k Batty, druggists, 290 Broad. Barry, Edward, of B & Batty, bds Augusta Hotel. J3arry, l^itrick, laborer at G R R Depot. Bartee, John, h 67 Reynolds. Bartee, Wm. carpenter, h 44 Reynolds. Bartell, Mrs E. music teacher, h 55 Green. 38 AUGUSTA RAMSAY & LaBAW, BROWN STONE BUILDING, Opposite the Uniou Bank, and nearly opposite the Planters' Hotel. 308 Broad Street, A^UaUSTA., OA_ AVholesale and Retail Dealers in and Manufacturers of i:a^ .i^:^. ^ HZ IX C£:> ¥3r ,^^ IS Oa i:^ MAl.B>j t).A,j!rS»^ IMyiMiiLBj Oeirpet Bags, Valises, [cKinnebt Fenwick and Green. Byrd, Wm H. clerk at G R Road, h Broad. Byrne, John, of J Bryan & B. h Gardiner. Byrnes, Mrs R. grocery, Centre bt Reynolds and Broad. Byrnes, Thos. h Centre bt Reynolds and Broad. Byrnes, Wm. at Wm H Goodrich's factory. 48 AUGUSTA CLARK & ROYAL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Boots, Shoes, Trnnfes, Carpet Bags, v/v^v;v;v;»-'v<^^ DRESS TRIMMINGS, &c., 229 Broad Street, opposite Masonic Hall, AUC^USTA, C^A. COSBY & BARTLETT, mUML (jEOGIES, AUGUSTA, GA. W. E. ARCHER & CO., PROPRIETORS LI¥EEI STABLE, Ellis Street, Between Mcintosh and Jackson, CITY DIKECTORY. 49 C. Caffin, II. cabinet maker and undertaker, 143 Broad, h. 79 Ellis. Caldwell, Mrs A C. h McKinne bt S Boundery and Fenwick. Calhoun, Gr M. com merchant, 158 Reynolds, bds Planter's Hotel. Callan, B. laborer, 24 Broad. Callihan, Patrick, h Gardiner bt Cumming and Campbell. Callihan, T. h Campbell bt S Boundary and 1st Level Canal. Calvin, Caroline, h 49 Campbell. Calvin, James, h 102 Keynolds. Calvin, J B. grocer, 46 Centre. CAMPBELL, DR H F. office and h 207 Broad. Campbell, Jas J. clerk at Zimmerman & Stovall, bds at Mrs Reed, Broad. Campbell, Col John B. bds 50 Broad. Campbell, Mrs P. h Factory Range, Marbury. Campbell, Robt. physician, Mcintosh bt Reynolds and Broad. Campbell, Robt. sr., h Mcintosh bt Reynolds and Broad. Campfield, Ed cotton merchant, Reynolds bt Jackson and Campbell, h Green bt Mcintosh and Washington. Cane, J M. glazer, h 13 Reynolds. Capella, G A. segar maker, h 78 Centre. Carey, E. h 46 Walker. Carlton, Mrs. h 454 Broad. Carmichael, A W. of C & Co, h McKinne nr Flour Mill. Carraicheal & Bean, hardware merchants, 262 Broad. Carmichael & Co., commission merchants, cor Ellis and Jackson. Carmichael, N W. h McKinne bt Fenwick and S Boundery. Carmicheal, W P. of C & Bean, h Sand Hills. Carpenter, Charles J. carpenter, h Twiggs nr S Boundery. Carpenter, John, of Blount & C, h 34 Centre. Carpenter, Mrs. h 106 Ellis. Carr, Wm. h 34 Fenwick. Carroll, Patrick, h Barnes bt Campbell and Cumming. Carter, F. physician, office and h 120 Reynolds. Carter, J. B. of Barrett and Carter, h Reynolds bol Campbell. Carter, John C. of Sheumake & C, bds at Planters' Hotel. Carter, P. h cor Campbell and Bay. Carter. P T. clerk at 296 Broad, bds U S Hotel. Cartledge, Augustus, bds Green. Cary, Mrs Elizabeth, grocery, 363 Broad, h same. Casey, Jerry, laborer, Ga R R Depot. Casey, Luke, bds 443 Broad. Cashin, John, machinist, h Summers bt Campbell and Jackson. Cashin, Lawrence, h S side Gardiner bel Cumming. Cashin, O E. clerk, h 345 Broad. 5 50 AUGUSTA O H 0] P if o ■SI a r^ P5 O !^ d Oio ^ ft a- IU|| ^^ °|^ ■S % 9 o ^ « *M CO tp S '^ OS S o ;^ *^ S. ^ rt M O «3 o ii «.-. s fc' -^ .;£ ^ ^ r^ O t. We beg to inform our friends and 'the public generally, that we are now in receipt of a full and complete Assortment of every article in our line. In the We have the largest and most fashionable Stock to be found in the Southern Country. A great many of our Goods are made expressly for our own Sales, and we warrant them to give satisfaction. Consists in part of Rosewood, Parlor and Chamber Furniture, in Brocatelle, DeLaine and Hair Cloth. Mahogany, Black Walnut and Imitation Furniture. Enamelled, Chamber and Cottage Setts. Tote-a-Tetes, Sofas, Wardrobes, Bureaus, Wash Stands, Hat Stands, Side Boards, Cottage and French J^edsteads. A large stock of Pier and Mantle Looking Glasses. Carpets. — Crossley's best Medallion Velvet ; do do English do; do do Brussels do; Three Ply: English and American Tapes- try Ingrain; Super and Superfine Ingrain; Venetian Stair Car- pets, of all widths; Stair Rods. As we have imported the largest portion of the above stock, can oflfer them at greatly reduced prices. We only ask a full examination before purchasing elsewhere, as we will guarantee to sell CHEAPER and better ooods than have ever been sold in this city. CURTAIN MATERIALS of the latest and most approved styles. We have just received a direct importation, which we can warrant as represented, and will have them made up to order in any style required. Damask, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Crim- son Turkey Cloth, an entirely new article, Cornices, Pins and Bands, Centre Tassels, Loops and Cords. \ OIL CLOTHS of all widths, which will be cut to fit any size room or entry in one piece. Purchasers are invited to examine our varied and extensive Stock, as we are enabled to oSev inducements unequalled by any other establishment. Carpets and Oil Cloth Cut to fit, without extra charge. CITY DIRECTORY. 53 Clarkson, John, moulder at Augusta Works, bds Mrs Keys. Clary, John, laborer SCR Road, h 45 Washington. Clayton, E P. of Phinezy & Co, h Sand Hills. Clayton, John J. of C &Kennaday, h Green. CLAYTON & KENNADY, clothing merchants, 173 Broad. Cleary, John, clerk, SCR Road Co, h Washington. Clegg, Archibald, h cor Mcintosh and Calhoun. Clemance, A F. bds United States Hotel. Clements, J L. h 72 Ellis. Cleveland, Vanoy, clerk, Fleming & Rowland, bds Mansion House. Clifford, Jas. clerk, Edw F Gallagher, bds 379 Broad. Clifford, Wm. h S side Fenwick bt Jackson and Campbell. Cline, Edward, marble cutter, bds Jackson nr Campbell's In- firmary. Cline, John, laborer at Aug and Sav R Road. Clockly, Dr M A. homapathist, 290 Broad, bds Planter's Hotel. Clune, John, h S side Fenwick bt Campbell and Jackson. Cobb, Thos. h 14 Fenwick. Cochran, Peter, engineer, h Mcintosh, bt Calhoun and Taylor. Code, Mrs Catharine, h N side Jonos bt McKinne and Mill. Coffee, Mrs Bridget, grocery, 210 Green, h same. Coffin, John G. of Coffin & Trowers, h 17 Green. COFFIN & TROWERS, Painters, Jackson bt Ellis and Green. Coggins, M. fireman Aug and Sav R Road. Coggings, Robt. fireman A & S R R, h cor Pine and I)' Antignac. COHEN, M. agent Singer Sewing Machine, 182^ Broad. Cohne, S. boot and shoe store, 144 Broad, h same. Coker, R H. lumber agent, bds at G Kahrs. Collin, Mrs Harriett, h 367 Broad. Coleman, Jas. h 40 Fenwick. Coleman, Thos. (xeo R Road. Coleman, V. h Pine Row nr Augusta Factory. Coleman, W. tailor, 238 Broad. Collier, Jas G. h S side Elbert bt McKinne and Marbury. Collins, D. grocer, 24 Centre, h same. Collins, Dennis, h Barnes bt Cumming and Campbell. Collins, Mrs. mantumaker, 326 Broad. COLLINS, MRS V V. millinary, 310 Broad. Combs & McKenney, commission merchants, 336 Broad. Combs, S T. of C & McKenney, bds at Mrs Reed's opp Planter's Hotel. Cone, ff C. attorney, office over Aug& Ins Bank, bds City Hotel. Cone, Wm. carpenter at Geo R Road. Cone, Wm. h Fenwick bt Campbell and Cumming. (Jonett, Toney, h Fenwick bt Campbell and Cumming. CONLEY, FORCE & CO. wholesale shoe dealers, 268 Broad. Conley, Benjamin, mayor city of Augusta, and of C, Force & Co, h 3 Jackson, 54 AUGUSTA GEORCE A. DATES & BROTHER'S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, Broad Street, between the United States and Globe Hotels, Where can always be found a splendid assortment of PIANO FORTES of 6, 6:J-, 6^, ej and 7 octaves, from the celebrated manufactories of A. H GALE & CO, BACON & RAVEN, and F. HAZLETON & CO., New York' for all of whom they are the sole agents. They are made of the best sea- soned materials, and of great strengh, to stand the Southern cUmate, and are selected by one of the firm at the factories. They are warranted in every respect, and are oflcred at low prices for cash or city acceptances. Also, on hand a fine stock of Carhart & Ncedham's and Prince's MELO' DEONS, VIOLINS, GUITARS, FLUTES, CLARIONETS, ACCOR- DEONS, BANJOES, STRINGS, and all sorts of Musical Merchandise. BANDS supplied with all kinds of Brass Instruments, of the best makers" Their collection of PRINTED MUSIC for the Piano, Guitar, and other instruments, is by far the largest in the State. ALSO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN @@i®©L Mm mm^^h^km^®^s^ ®ooKa» FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC STATIONERY, Gold and Steel Pens and Pencil Cases ; English, French and American Writing Papers; Copying and Seal Presses; BngHsh and American Copy- ing, Writing and Indelible Inks ; Letter, Note and Wedding Envelopes; Port Folios; Ivory Tablets; Writing Desks; Backgammon Boards ; Gum Tickets; Dominoes; Playing, Visiting and Printers' C'ards; Pen Knives; Drawing Paper ; Water Colors ; Mathematical Instruments ; Card Cases ; Port Monaies; Pencils; Bristol Board; all kinds of Drawing Materials; also, a large assortment of fine Line Engravings and Lithogniphs. Books being constantly ordered, a single volume, of the smallest value may be sent for. ALSO, PUBLISHERS OF GATES' NE PLUS ULTRA INTEREST TABLES, at G per cent, per annum, 8vo., $2— Abridged $1 25. GATES' NE PLUS ULTRA INTEREST TABLES, at 7 per cent, per annum, 8 vo., $2 — Abridged $1 25. GATES' STERLING INTEREST TABLES, at 5 per cent, from £1 to £10,000, 4to— price $5. GATES' EXCHANGE TABLES, from ^ of 1 per cent, to 12 per cent., by eighths — price $3. CITY DIRECTOKY. 55 Conlin, Dominic, machinist at Aug Works, h Gardiner. Conneley, John, carpenter at Geo R Road. , Connell, Mary, h N side of Gardiner nr Campbell. Conner, Jas. bds Mrs McGouan, h Factory bt Pine and Marbury. Conner, Jeremiah, h W side Campbell bt Barnes and Gardiner. Conner, Mrs J. h S side Fenwick bt Jackson and Mcintosh. Conner, Margaret, grocery, cor Campbell and Talcot. Conner, P H. bds Augusta Hotel. Conner, Rev R A. minister (African) M E Church, h parsonage of St Johns Church. Conniff, Misses, cloak and dress makers, h 221 Broad. Conniff, Wm. assistent clerk S C Depot. Conoly, John, h S side Watkins nr City Jail. Conrad, J . tailor, cor Jackson and Ellis, h Houston bt Walker and Telfair. Consedine, Timothy, boot and shoe maker, 16 Mcintosh, h same. Constitutionalist Office, 191 Broad. Conw.ay, John, tailor, 238 Broad. Conway, M. grocer, 430 Broad, h same. Cooke, Aaron, clerk 270 Broad, bds Augusta Hotel. Cooke, F H. clothing merchant, 203 Broad, h 116 Green. Cook, John, h Jackson bt D'Antignac and Boundary. Cooke, John, tailor, h Calhoun. Cook, N J. wheelwright at H S Martin's. Cook, Samuel, boarding house, cor Fenwick and Cumming. Cook, Thos. h N side Telfair bt Elbert and Centre. Cook, Thos S. h S side Fenwick bt Jackson and Mcintosh. Coombs, S B. Geo R Road, bds with Mrs Kandrick, Broad. Coonay, Jno. grocer, 17 Centre, h same. Cooper, C B, tinner 257 Broad, h Ellis. Cooper, Mrs Eliza, h 94 Reynolds. Cooper, Geo. machinist, cor Jackson and Calhoun, h 26 Fenwick. Cooper, W H. of Laniback & C, h 77 Broad. Corbet, Jno. drayman, E side Campbell bt. Fen wick and Gardiner. Corbley, John, at Wm H Goodrich's Factory. Cormick, Edward, laborer Geo R Road. Correll, A S. 11 Ellis, bds Globe Hotel. COSBY & BARTLETT, grocers 132 Broad. Cosby, Overton, of Cosby & Bartlett, bds T Bartlett 25 Green. Cosgrave, E. carpenter Aug & Sav R Road. Cosgrave, Lawrence, laborer, Aug Works, h Gardiner. Coskery, John, treasurer iron steamboat Co, h 159 Broad. Coskery, Robert, City Bank, h 187 Green. Coskery, Samuel, book keeper and notary public. City Bank. Coskery, Thos W. of Roberts, Coskery & Co, bds over 159 Broad. Costello, Jas. grocer, cor Washington and Fenwick, h same. Courtney, Thos. Librarian Young Men's Library Association, h Mcintosh nr Calhoun. 56 AUGUSTA FLEMING $t ROWLAND, Keep on hand large Stocks of Sugar, Coffee, Bagging, Rope, Salt, Nails, Molasses, and every description of Groceries, (Liquors excepted.) 283 Broad Street, AUG-USTA, G-A., PORTER FLEMING. CHA8. A. ROWLAND. H. & J. MOORE & CO., OPPOSITE GLOBE HOTEL, AUGUSTA., GJ^., Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Xxroxxy Steely 9>ail£ aitJ& Spiinjg[ s us ¥ I. e £ ¥» Nails, Smiths' and Carpen- ters' Tools, Agricultu- ral Implements, Guns, Pistols, &c. HENRY MOORE. J. B. MOORE. WILLIAM CRAIG. JAMES BOWEN, MANUFACTURER OF Of all kinds, by the Barrel. 341 :^x>octci. lStx*eety JBL.'VLe^vM.mta,^ €3r^. CITY DIRECTOEY. 57 Cox, J T. conductor G- R R^ h N side Telfair bt Campbell and Cumming. Cox, W B. conductor G R R, h 196 Green. Craig, John, cashier Union Bank, h289 Broad. Craig, William, of H and J Moore & Co., bds Planters Hotel. Crane, Cbas M. clerk, h 154 Reynolds. Crane, Geo W. cotton buyer and packer, Reynolds bt Jackson and Campbell; h Green bt Washington and Mcintosh. Crane, Henry W. clerk at 258 Broad, bds 154 Reynolds. Crane, W H. dry goods merchant, 222 Broad, h 154 Reynolds. Crane, W H. clerk at State Bank, bds 154 Reynolds. Crawford, Mrs Ann, h cor Reynolds and Lincoln. Crawford, Mathew, h 5 Bay. Crawford, Robt. h Pine Row nr Augusta Factory. Cress, John G. of Hickman, Hills & C, bds Globe Hotel. Crew, J F. conductor at G R R. Crimanon, John, harness maker, 48 Campbell. Crinop, George H. book keeper at 189 Broad, h74 Broad. Crittenden, Carter, coach maker, h 457 Broad. Crittenden, Thos. bds 457 Broad. Crittenden, Wm. grocer, 338 Broad, bds 357 Broad. Critz, Peter, h S side Walker bt Campbell and Cumming. Critz, Peter, bds with W W Barron, Ellis bt Campbell and Jackson. Croke, E. conductor at G R R. Cross, Richard, E side Pine bt 2nd level of Canal and D'Antignac. Crosslan, Jas. bds 9 Jackson. Crump, A B. with May & Co. Crum, Mrs Elizabeth, h 74 Broad. Culbrith, Mary, h bt Walker and Telfair. Culpeper, — . planing mill at G R R. Culpeper, Walker, h cor Jackson and S. Broad. Culpeper, Wm. h Jackson bt D'Antinac and Boundery. Cumming, Col. H H. attorney at law, Mcintosh, Law Range, h Broad bt Jackson and Mcintosh. Cumming, Julien, attorney at law. Law Range, Mcintosh. Cnmnjing, John, h Summers bt Jackson and Campbell. Cumming, J. book agent, cor Broad and Campbell, h same. Cumming, T. Salter of T S C & Co, bds Planters' Hotel. Cumming, T S & Co, dry goods merchants, Broad. • Cumming, Col. William, h Mcintosh bt Telfair and Green. Cummings, Thos. laborer at S C R R. Cummings, William, finisher at G R R, bds 149 Washington. Cummings, W H. foreman at plaining mill. G R Road. Cunningham, Geo. h 38 Fenwick. Cumsty, W J. clerk at 121 Broad. Curtis, •—. h 89 Broad. Curtis, Davis L. h 434 Broad. 6 58 AUGUSTA CLARK & CO. i^-' ^ 3S ^f?0^ US "SLk 3E1= "^T MfcflR WARl f AlCf fiO'OBS. THE LAIKJEST STOCK IN THE SOUTHERN COUNTKY, At the Lovrest Prices. Silver Ware. — Tea Sets, Pitchers, Goblets, Castors, Candle- sticks, Forks, Spoons,, and every thing in Silver that is desirfible for the family or pleasant to the fancy. Plated Goods in Infinite Variety. JEWELRY, in Diamonds, Cameo, Etmscan, Coral, Mosaic, &c. CITY DIRECTORY. 59 I). Dagnel, Elizabelh, h N W cor Kollock and D'Aiitiuac, Dale, James, fireman at Aug & Sav R R. Dall, Fredrick, carpenter at G R R. Daley, Henry, boot and shoe dealer, 226 Broad. Dailey, Nicholas, shoe store, 264 Broad. Danford, Jacob, h N side Ellis bt Marbury and Kollock. Danforth, Mrs Maria, h 95 Green. Daniel, Mrs Elizabeth, h Ellis bt Mill and McKinne. Daniel, W B. clerk at 239 Broad, bds Mansion House. Daniels, Thomas, mate on Talamake, h cor Reynolds and Lincoln. D'Antinac & Evans, office 251 Broad. D'Antinac, Evans & Co. com merchants, Jackson bt Fen wick and Walker. D'Antinac, Harris, of D' A k Hubbard, h 167 Green. D'Antinac & Hubbard, family grocers, 292 Broud. D'Antinac, Wm M. of D'A, Evans & Co, h 292 Broad. Darby, Edward, painter at (I R R, h 6 Broad. Darby, Ed. bds 52 Telfair. Darby, William, painter at G R R, h 52 Telfiiir. Darden, Geo. bds U S Hotel. DARROW, JULIUS, manufacturer of saddles, harness c^c. 169 Broad. Daughtrey, Jacob, h Telfair bt Lincoln and Elbert. Davis, James W. cashier at Bank of Augusta, h over Bank. Davis, A J. foreman of freight cars at G R R, h 36 C^alhouu. Davis, James, carpenter, h 16 Calhoun. Davis, Joseph, clerk at 151 Broad, bds Washington Hall. Davis, Joseph, grocer, 443 Broad, h same. Davis, J W. moulder at Augusta works. Davis, Mrs E. h 71 Reynolds. Davis, Thos. clerk at 210 Broad. Davis, William, h 152 Green. Davis, Wm. bds 9 Jackson. Davis, W C. moulder at Augusta works. Davis W J. book keeper at Bath's paper mill. Davison, John, warehouse and com merchant, 6 Mcintosh, li cor Melntosh and Reynolds. Davison, M. clerk at 202 Broad. Davison & Strahan, com merchants, Reynolds bt Jackson and Mcintosh. Davison, Wm B. of D & Strahan, h bt Reynolds and Mcintosh. Davis, H D. clerk at 216 Broad. Dawson, James C. of D & Skinner, h Ellis bt Washington and Mcintosh. Dawson & Skinner, grocers, 256 Broad, 60 AUGUSTA J. J. JACOBUS, ATTQ)11I¥ AT hK AND MOTAIT PTOLI€. Corner Broad and Campbell Streets, AUGUSTA, GA. JAMES A. JONES, "WAREHOUSE & GENERAL COMMISSION ^1 ,AXJG-XJSTA, G-A., WILL ATTEND STRICTLY TO THE SALE OF COTTON, BACON, GRAIN, And all other Produce consigned to him. Personal attention given to the Filling of all Orders for Bagging Rope and Family Supplies. Liberal cash advances made on produce in store. williaC crBSowT^ Comer Broad and Campbell Streets, AUGUSTA, GA CITY DIRECTOKY. 61 Day, C B. of J M Newbury & Co, h over 221 Broad. Day, Joseph H. clerk at 225 Broad, bds Globe Hotel. Day, Micheal, laborer, h 16 Telfair. Day, Samuel, h S side D'Antignac bt Pine and Marbury. Deal, Wm M. clerk at A Stevens, bds 299 Broad. Dean, Joshua, painter, h 249 Green. Dearing, W E. physician, cor Campbell and Ellis, h Woodlawn. Delaigle, Charles, h 70 Green. Delaigle, C N. h 177 Broad. Delaigle, Henry R. at Charles Delaigle. Delaigle, Lewis, bds S side Ellis bt "Washington and Centre. Delaigle, N A. physician, office Warren Block. Delane, Wm. clerk at 228 Broad. Delettre, M N. agent S C Through Depot, bds City Hotel. DeLherhe & Co, book and shoe maker, 10 Washington. Demartin, R. E. Cily Express, h over 219 Broad. Deming, S C. dry goods merchant, 253 Broad. Dempsey, H. Express Office, bds Augusta Hotel. Denning, D H. of Denning & Tuttle, brick contractors, li Twigs. DENNIS, DR JOHN, 121 Broad, h 123 Broad, Derry, Joseph, bds 99 Reynolds. Derry, Wm C. h 99 Reynolds. Desmand, Dennis, h S side Fenwick bt Jackson and Campbell. Devine, M J. job printer Constitutionalist Office. Dicks, Augustus, h 212 ^ Broad. Dickey & Phibbs, dry goods, 279 Broad. Dickey, Rev. missionary to Ashbury (M E) Mission Church, h Parsonage St Johns Church. Dickey, Samuel, of D & Phibbs, h Reynolds. Dill, Jas S. of W E Archer & Co, bds at AV E Archer, Green. Dill, Mrs Ann, h 442 Broad. Dillon, Geo C. clerk, P 0, bds Mrs Gardner, Green nr Campbell. Dillon, Wm C. clerk P O, bds Burke House. Dilworth, F. conductor Geo R Road. Dilworth, 0. boarding house, Fenwick bt Campbell and Cumming. Dimick, B C. discount clerk State Bank, h Market bt McKinne and Marlburry. Dinkins, Micagah, h S side Factory. Dixon, John M. h 355 Broad. Dixon, Mrs Frances, h S side Ellis bt Cumming and Campbell. Dodd, Chas E agent, Campbell bt Ellis and Broad, bds at Mrs Kinchley's, Broad. DODGE, GEO R. dyer and scourer, 211 Green. Doe, John, h Baines bt Cumming and Campbell. Donagan, Thos. h Telfair. Donlon, M. laborer Aug & Sav R Road, h AVashington bt Fenwick and Calhoun. Donnovan, Owen, carpenter, h 22 Walker. 62 AUGUSTA SPEARS & HIGHT, AXJG-USTA, G^A., Have just received a well selected Stock of Ksssiisa, asHsa ma mwmsmi PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, GLASS, DENTAL AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, AND FINCY MTICIiES. Our Goods are selected witli care aud will be Warranted as represented. Physicians can rely on having their Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. CITY DIRECTORY. 63 Donohoue, Owen, laborer, h 464 Broad. Doolittle, — . h 10 Broad. Doolittle, Mary, li Talcot bt Campbell and Gumming. Borland, J V. druggist, 171 Broad. , Dorr, Augustus, tailor, h Ellis. ^ Dorr, John, clerk, 228 Broad. Dorr, Mrs. h Ellis bt Washington and Centre. Dorshar, W H. grocer, 106 Broad. Dortic. G T. family grocers, 178 Broad, h 133 Reynolds. Dortic, J A. clerk 178 Broad, bds G T Dortic. Dortic, W T, clerk Geo R Road. Doscher, Jno. grocer, cor Mcintosh and Fenwick, h same. Doughty, Beall & Co, warehouse and com. merchants, Jackson bt Bay and Reynolds. Doughty, C AV. of D, Beall & Co, bds Walker bt Centre and Elbert. Doughty, E W. of D, Beall & Co, h 62 Walker. Doughty, L Gr. clerk, D, Beall & Co, bds Walker bt Centre and Elbert. Doughty, Dr Wm H. physician, ofl&ce 42 Centre, h cor Centre and Fenwick. Douglas, Robert, jr. stage agent. Office Augusta Hotel. Doulin, Mike, laborer Aug and Sav R Road. Downing, Phillip, watchman G R R, h Gardiner bel Cumming. Dressel, Frederick, h 32 Calhoun. Dubois, Jno. boot and shoe maker, bds cor Telfair and Jackson. Dufiy, Jas. h S side Ellis bt Cumming and Campbell. Dugan, R. laborer, h Alloy bt Fenwick and Calhoun. Dugas, Dr L N. physician, office and h 187 and 188 Broad. Dugas, L B. h 424 Broad. Dugas, LC. h47 Broad. Dunbarj E A. clerk, 233 Broad, bds Mrs Reed's. Dunham, Samuel, carponterG R R, h 54 Campbell. Dunlap, Mrs Ann, h 416 Broad. Dunn, — . at Wm II Goodrich's Factory. Dunn, Catharine, h Fenwick bt Campbell and Cumming. Dunn, Luke, laborer S C R R, h Washington bt Calhoun and Fenwick. Dunn, Patrick, carpenter G R Road. Dunn, Parrick, gardner, h Campbell nr Baines. Dunnigan, Mrs M. grocery. Centre bt Reynolds and Broad. Dunston, Jas. bds with Mrs Hodge, Ellis nr McKinna. Durst, Jno. carpenter, h 390 Broad. Dusenburry, G A. book-keeper Planter's Hotel. Duvegno, Mrs A. h 61 Reynolds. Dwelle, Chas. of C & L Dwelle, h Green. DWELLE C & L. shoe dealers, 306 Broad. Dwelle, Lemuel, jr. of C & L Dwelle, h 429 Broad. 64 AUGUSTA C. & L. DWELLE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES & LEATHER, 306 Broad Street, Charles Dwelle, Lemuel Dwelle, Jr. lONCHLEY^ PRODUCE AND COMMISSION AND DEALERS IN Com, Wheal, Bacon, Flour, Oats, Hay, &c., 144 Reynolds Street, 8@"Particular attention given to the sale of all Consignments. E. F. KiNCHLEY. B. S. Sanchez. "thaddeus oakman. m m m & oik a AND Purchasing and Collecting Agent, Office over City Bank, AUG-XJSTA, G^A. CITY DIKECTORY. 65 Dwelle, Lemuel, sr. of C & L Dwelle, h Broad. Duyer, Thos. grocer, 122 Broad, h same. Dye, Jas. h 124 Reynolds. Dye, Jas. h S side Watkins nr City Jail. Dye, Jas M. of Jas M Dye & Co, h Reynolds bt Washington and Centre. Dye, J M <& Co. com. merchants, Reynolds, bt Washington and Mcintosh. Dye, Mrs M W. h 385 Broad. E. Eagerty, Mrs E. grocery, 387 Broad, h same. Earnest, Fanny, h cor Pine and D'Antinac. Easterling, James, clerk, 130 Broad, h 3 Ellis. Easterling, Mrs B. h 36 Centre cor Broad. Easterling, R C. merchant, 140 Broad, h E Boundery. Eddy, J C. clerk 177 Broad. Edwards, W H. clerk at 258 Broad. Eldens, Jas, bds U S Hotel. Elkins, S clothing merchant, 202 Broad. Ellicott, Charles at Gr R R., h cor Centre and Fenwick. Ellis, Jane Mrs. h N side Telfair bt Campbell and Cumming. Elliot. R. h 6 Fenwick. Elliot, Robinson, cabinet maker, h 37 Reynolds. Elwood, D P. Express Office, bds Augusta Hotel. Emery, C. ice dealer, 110 Broad, h same. Emmerson, Chas. clerk at S S Jones. Eramerson, S J. tinner at 192 Broad. Engine House, No 6, E side Kollock nr M Hights' car factory. Enoch, John, h S side Gardiner bel Cumming, Epley, Lancy, h Factory bt Pine and Marbury. Erniputch, W. classical school 160 Broad. Estis, Chas. of E & Clarke, h 347 Broad. Evans, Charles, S side D'Antinac bt Pine and Kollock. Evans, Geo. W. of D'Antinac, E & Co, h cor Mcintosh and Broad. Evans, Martha, h Factory bt Marbury and Pine. Evans, Thos. clerk at A Stevens, bds 299 Broad. Evans, Wm A of D'Antinac, E & Co, bds cor Mcintosh and Broad. Eve, J A. physician, h and office cor Green and Washington. Eve, Mrs Jane M. school teacher over 269 Broad. Eve, W J. h 79 Broad. Evers, George, baker, h over 26 Centre. Evers, Henry, baker 28 Centre. ri6 AUGUSTA WILLIAM O. PRICE, No. 238 Broad Street, •O 1D« O^ "GP X^ i: 3^ 3FL *■ AND iiHir i^S ^ilHiS^liE iilSl&LL¥« P. & M. GALLAHER, DEALERS IN FANCY AND STAPLE No. 186 Broad Street, ^UGUST^, GJL. HARPER C. BRYSON, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION FERE PROOF WAREHOUSE, .^XTO-XJST'jSL, G-J3L. CITY DIRECTORY. 67 Fagau, Jane, grocery, 215 (ireen. Fagan, John, grocer. Centre bt Reynolds and Broad, li same. Fagan, Philip, laborer at S C Through Depot. Fargo, Crordon, h 98 Ellis. Fargo, Jos C. of Wilkinson & F. h Reynolds bt Campbell and Macartan. Farimau, Patrick, gardiner at Bessman's Garden. Farmer, James, carpenter at Gr R R. Farrer, Daniel, marble cutter, cor Ellis and 3lcIntosh. Farrer, "Sirs Martha, h cor Taylor bt Twiggs and Washington. Farrow, Mrs M. h N side Telfair bt Cumming and Kollock. Fashion ]jine Steam Boat office, 2, cor Bay and Mcintosh. Faughnan, Andrew, A & 8 R R, h 26- Walker. Faughnan, M. boot and shoe maker, 117 Broad, h 26 Walker. Faughnan, Miles, shoe maker, 117 Broad, bds 26 Walker. Faughnan, Stephen, boot maker, 117 Broad, bds 26 Walker. Fay, Patrick, laborer, h cor Twiggs and Watkins. Felder, Wm Ji. physician, 42 Centre, h 22 Fenwick. Ferbers, John, Georgia Bakery, 51 Campbell. F'erguson, Anthony, grocery, Twiggs. Fernagan James, clerk at 270 Broad, bds Mrs Kinsley. FERRY, G W. hats and caps merchant, 244 Broad, bds Au- gusta Hotel. Ferry, John, watch maker at 206 Broad. Fields, S. agent Chronicle & Sentinel, bds U S Hotel. Filtz, G. soap factory, Campbell, h Gardiner bt Cumming and Campbell. Finnigan, James, clerk at 299 Broad, bds Mrs Kinsley. Finn, Mrs John, h 144 Green. Fireman's Hall, 146 Green. Fish, J. of McConnell & F. h Walker bt Centre and Washington. Fisk, John M. h 91i Reynolds. Fitzgcrrald, Denis, laborer at A & S R R. Fix, William, E side Campbell nr 8 Boundary. Fletcher, Anderson, carpenter, h 427 Broad. Flemming, Jas. h 459 Broad. Fleming, J F of P & J F F, h Woodlawn. Fleming, Mrs P B. h 89 Ellis. Fleming, P. of F & Rowland, and. of P & J F F, h cor Camp- field and Reynolds. Fleming, P & J. commission merchants, 5 Campbell. FLEMMING & ROWLAND, wholesale groceries, 283 Broad. Fleming, Robt A. book-keeper at P & J F Fleming, bds at Mrs 31oragne, Reynolds nr Campbell, AUGUSTA ^ CLAYTON & KENNADY, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN (^4 ^3H ALSO, Fijiiisiiis mem, IN GREAT VARIETY. All of which will be sold on reaaonable terms. Store 97 Broad Street, Under the Augusta Hotel, CITY DIKECTORY. 69 Flemming, Thos W. collector and surveyor port of Augusta, 144 Reynolds, h 135 Green. Fletcher, Minta, h cor Miller and Kollock. Flish, L. carpenter at 111 Broad. Florence, Mrs Elizabeth, dry goods, 228 Broad, h 402 Broad. Flynn, Patrick, porter, h 407 Broad. FOaARTY, T P. druggist and apothecary, 171 Broad, bds Augusta Hotel. Force, Charlotte, W side of Campbell, 1st level of Canal. Force John T. of Conley, F & Co, h Green. Ford, N C. of Conley, F & Co, h 174 Green.* Ford, E E, D D, pastor of St Paul Church, h 10 Bay. Ford, E L clerk at Carmichael & Co, bds cor Elbert and Bay. Ford, L D & D, physicians, ofl&ce and h 132 Green. Ford, Nicholas A. h S E cor Pine and D^ Antinac. Ford, Sylvester, plaster, h 417 Broad. Ford, T B physician, office 20 Mcintosh. Foreman, S C. clerk 218 Broad. Foster, C N. clerk at Planters' Hotel. Foster, John, butcher, h 17 Bay. Foster, John, jr, bds 17 Bay. Fountain, Mrs Nancy, h Pine Row nr Augusta Factory. South Ward Free School, in front of Factory, N side Fenwick, Frain, S A & R. grocers, cor Walker and Campbell, h same. Frank, Mrs Louisa, h 81 Ellis. Franklin, Benjamin, boarding house, Talbot bel Cumming. Frasier, Mary, h cor Baines and Cumming. Frazer, B T. bds City Hotel. Frazer, Walter H. h book-keeper at City Hotel. FREDERICK, A. confectioner, over 182 Broad. FREEMAN, J W. jewelry and watch-maker, 312 Broad, bds Planters' Hotel, Freeman, Johnson, h E side Cumming bt Baines and Gardiner. Freeman, Miss Susan, h Houston bt Telfair and Walker. Freeman, Sarah E. h Twigg. Freeman, Mrs T W. h over 314 Broad. Freeman, Thaddeus, S side Fenwick bt Cambell and Cumming. Freeman, Washington, h Factory. Freeman, W R. artist, bds Augusta Hotel. Frost, Samuel, tinner G R R, h 84Centre. Fryer, Mrs Mary, h over 135 Broad. Fuller, Joseph, h 53 Green. G. Gairdner, Henry K. clerk 6 Mcintosh, bds on Bay. Gairdner, Maj . James,- offiQ^ Liocolp bt Bay and Reynolds, 70 AUGUSTA nT BURCH & ROBERT, At»the old stand of J. W. Burch, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS liiD mu mUIIS, fiASPi? Mi School Satchels^ Sfc.^ 188 Broad St., opposite the Adams Express Co., A.XjaUST A, GJ^. A general and well selected assortment of Goods in the above line constantly on hand. Their Shoes are made especially for the Retail Trade, and will be sold upon reasonable terms. C^siaU SiJLELdl ^c^c^ "^L^l^c^ccgi. CITY DIRECTORY. 71 Gallaher, — . h 25 Washington. Gallaher, Edward, grocer 159, bds Augusta Hotel. Gallagher, Edw F. grocer, 379 Broad, h same. Gallaher, Jas. 9 Green. GALLAHER, T & M. dry goods merchants, 186 Broad. Gallaher, Thomas, grocery, Twigs. Gallaway, David, garduer, h 244 Green. Galvin, D, grocer, h Jackson bt Fen wick and Calhoun. Galvin, Daniel, tinner, Geo R Road. Galvin, John, h E side Campbell bt Fenwick and Gardiner. Gannon, Wm. bds N side Telfair bt Centre and "Washington. Gardiner, R H. h 360 Broad. Gardner, Jas. h S side Telfair bt Elbert and Centre. Gardner, Mrs. h S side Telfair bt Centre and Washington. Gardner, Mrs. h 189 Green. Gardner, Jas T. blacksmith shop, 8 Centre. Gardner, Mrs Thos. h 1 Bay. Garrigan, Jas. carpenter, S side Talcot bt Curaming and Campbell. Garritt, Sarah, h 220 Green. Gartrel, J M. bds City Hotel. Garrin, Dr J P. physician, h 80 Broad. Gavin, Peter J. at Girrardey's Saloon. Garwood, C J. of G & Russel, h 327 Broad. Garwood & Russel, grocers, 327 Broad. Gatlin, J B. clerk for L Wimberly, cor Twigs and Taylor. Genereaux, Geo. at Wm H Goodrich's Factory. Georgia R R Bank, 197 Broad. Gerard, — . physician, Mcintosh bt Reynolds and Broad, bds same. Gerraon, M. h 57 Watkins. Gibbs, E H. carpenter, h 44 Broad. Gibbs, Geo C. clerk 241 Broad. ■Gibbs, L Y. clerk 241 Broad. Gibson, Henry B. bds Fenwick bt Campbell and Camming. Gibson, Jno A. clerk J H Anderson, bds C Hotel. GIBSON, WM. attorney at law, cor Broad and Campbell, h 453 Broad. Gilbert, W J. superintendent Augusta Works. GIRARDEY, EDW. Lafayett Hall, 272 and 274 Broad, Res- torant and Billiard Saloon, under Concert Hall. GIRARDEY, I P. confectioner and restorant, h 140 Broad. Girdner, Gordin, architect at F Brown & Co's, Bay. Gissfort, Adol. h 22 Telfair. Glascock, Edw B. assistant P Master, bds 78 Green. Gleason, Patrick, h cor Marbury and Jones. Gleason, P. boot and shoe maker, 16 Mcintosh, h 194 Green. Glendenen, Mrs. h S side Ellis bt Marbury and Kollock. Glendinning, W. marble works, 301 Broad. Globe Hotel, 252 Broad, Mrs E Starr proprietress. 72 AU. CITY DIRECTORY. 73 Grlover, Jno. bds at Mrs Keys. Glover, W. h. S side Bay bt Marbiiry and McKinne. aiover, W W. clerk G R R, bds Factory. Grollby, Jas. sadlery and harness maker, 125 Broad, h Lincoln bt Reynolds and Broad. Goodger, N. trimmer at 108 Broad. Goodman, Mrs Rebecca, b 14 Reynolds. Goodman, Sam, li 25 Watkins. Goodrich, Edward, at Wm II Goodrich's Factory. Goodrich, Henry C. of Benjamin & G, h Reynolds bt Campbell and Macartan. Goodrich, Thos. at Wm H Goodrich's Factory. GOODRICH, WM. H. grocer 271 Broad and furniture dealer 273 Reynolds, h Reynolds bt Campbell and Macartan. Goodsell, John T. clerk 169 Broad. Goodwin, C J. clerk 250 Broad. Goodwin, Sarah, h S Boundary below Marbury. Gootchens, R V. forman L Roll, bds Centre nr Reynold. Gordon, A W. bds United States Hotel. Gordon, John, school teacher, h 14 Calhoun. Gorton, Mrs M H. h S side Fenwick bt Campbell and Jackson. Gouirs, T C. h N side Ellis bt McKinne and Marbury. Gould, N. President City Bank, h 120 Green. Gould, Henry C. bds at 52 Broad. Gould, Wm T. Judge City Court, office 192 Broad, h 52 Broad. Gow, Andrew, stone cutter, h 395 Broad. Gow, Jas. h 45 Telfair. GOW, JN. marble yard, cor Ellis and Mcintosh, h Broad nr Upper Market. Gowans, Henry, watchman at S C R R. Gowley, John, h Fenwick bt Campbell and (^luniming. Grady, Mrs A. h G8 Ellis. Graham, Andrew, machinist, h 48 Walker. Graham, Arthur, clerk. Bailie & Bro, bds in Dublin. Granite Mill, nr the Canal. Gray, xVndrew T. clerk 228 Broad, bds with Jas Gray. Gray, Jas. h S side Telfair bt Lincoln and Elbert. Gray. J A. h Telfair bt Lincoln and Elbert. Gray, Mrs M. h Factory Range, Marbury. GRAY & TURLEY, dry good merchants, 228 Broad. Green & Dicks, ready made clothing merchants, 22 J Broad. Green, Jas. h Pine Row nr Augusta Factory. Green, John, cai-penter, h cor Calhoun and Twigs. Green, Jno B. agent iron steamboat Co, h 15 Broad. Green, Jno C. city recorder, bds at Mrs Reads, Broad. GREEN, G P. tailor, IGO I Broad, h cor Ellis and Houston. Green Lucretia, h S side Miller bt Kollock and Cumming. Green, M C. express office, bds at Mrs Beall's, Ellis. AUGUSTA A.t "W^holesale and Retail. J. N. FREEMAN, No. 312 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, C A., (nearly opposite planters' hotel.) OFFERS jBl *^ O '3EK K^ ^^ Of English, French and American Manufacture. Of new and beautiful designs. Embracing Spoons, Forks, Cups, Cake Baskets, Castors, Butter Stand, &c., in great variety. The above Goods, as also many not mentioned, have all been selected with great care, and all who may want any article in this line, are invited to examine my collection. Particular attention given to REPAIRING Watches and Jewelry, as I have in employ none but the very best workmen. All work promptly executed. CITY DIRECTORY. 75 Green, Peter, painter, h 230 Green. Green, T W. laborer, h Twigs bt Calhoun and Fen wick. Greennenwald, Chas. clerk, J C Kattboff, h 313 Broad. Green, John, clerk, A Stevens, bds 299 Broad. Gregory, Wm R. printer Augusta Dispatch, bds with S A At- kinson, Broad nr Lower Market. Grenade, Simeon, machinist Aug Works, h Summers bt Camp- bell and Jackson. Gretter, W B. clerk, Thos P Stovall & Co, bds ^Mansion House. Griffin, Andrew W. clerk 267 *Broad. Griffin, D F. h cor Ellis and Mcintosh. Griffin Mining Co, office 240 Broad, C McColla agt. Griffin, W B. auctioneer, 274 Broad, h cor Jones nndCnmming. Grillnieir, Robert, cabinet maker, h 9 Mcintosh. Grim, — . gardner, h 5 Broad. Gross, L. h S side Ellis bt Washington and Centre. GROVER & BAKER, sewing machine, Thos P Stovall & Co, proprietors, 255 Broad. Groves, Adam, gardner, h McKinna nr S Boundery. Guess, H P. marble cutter, h Broad nr Kollock. Guieu, Jno B. agt iron steamboat Co, h Bay nr Bridgerow. Guieu, John A. clerk iron steamboat Co, bds Bay nr Bridgerow. Guilfoil, II. laborer Aug & Sav R Road. Guilfoil, John, carpenter 22 Centre. Gunor, Hugh, moulder G R Road, h Twigs. Guthil, A. shoe maker with J Bollinger, bds 315 Broad. Gwin, Chas. brick mason, h 8 Broad. H. Hacket, David, h cor Telfair and Marbury. Hackney, Wm Alex, h 49 Watkins. Hadley, Davis, painter, h 51 Ellis. Hafers, H. bonnets and toys, 44 Centre. HAIGH & ANDREWS, merchant tailers, 221 Broad. Haigh, William, of H & Andrews, h cor Telfair and Campbell. Haines, Jas. carpenter, h 99 Centre. Haley, Micheal, bar room and grocery, h cor Marbury and Fenwick. Hall, Benj. h 84 Green. Hall, Charles, Insurance agent, 221 Broad, h 154 Green. Hall, Edward H. bds 154 Green. Hall, Jackson, h Factory bt Pine and Marbury. Hall, Miss L. h 47 Calhoun. Hall, Mrs C h 215 Broad. Hall, Micheal, S side Talbot bel Cumming. Haller, Geo. shoemaker, 331 Broad, h same. 76 AUGUSTA H. D. NORRELL, Bookseller and Stationer, No. 224 Broad Street, AUG^ITSTA, aEORGMA. AlsOj Fancy Goods of every Description. ^.v^^.^. Piano Fortes and other Musical Instruments always on hand, and a large assortment of Sheet Music. Orders from the Country solicited. G. N. WYMAN & CO., Broad Street, A U G U ST^A^G_A. AND DEALER IN Floiir, Corn, Meal, Grists, Oats, Hay, Bacon, Lard, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. Also, Every Variety of Garden See as. Corner Mcintosh and Reynold Streets, CITY DIRECTORY. 77 Hallahan, David, laborer G R R Depot. Hallahan, Dennis, laborer at Gr R R, h Gardiner bt Cumming and Campbell. Hallahan, Jobn, laborer at G R R Depot. Hamilton, C. tinner at 192 Broad, li N side Ellis, bt MoKinne and Marbury. Hamilton, W D. 175 Green. Hammond, Patrick, laborer at S C R R. Hammond, Thos. painter, 259 Broad. Hamphill, Alexander, h S side Ellis bt Marbury and Kollock. Hamker, William, gunsmith, 245 Broad. Hanes, Henry, grocer, cor Calhoun and Mcintosh, h same. Haney, Bernard, blacksmith at G R R, h 232 Green. Hankinson, Thos S. druggist, 212 Broad, h Telfair bt Jackson and Campbell. Hanlin, Daniel, painter at G R R. Hannah, Alexandnr, carpenter, h 34 Reynold. Hanney, Mrs Caroline, h 50 Walker. Hamberger, P. grocer, S side Ellis bt Washington and 31c. Intosh, h same. Hanzo, J B, boot and shoe maker, 204 Broad, h N side Ellis bt Washington and Centre. Harbers, C F. grocer and bar, 120 Broad, h same. Hard, Henry, bds 53 Ellis. Hard, R W. h 162 Green. Hardman, Mrs Samuel, h Ellis bt McKinne and Marbury. Hardman, Wm. h N side Telfair bt Mcintosh and Jackson. Hargrave, Wm. h S side bt Ellis Marbury and Kollock. Harison, W H. h N side Telfair bt Cumming and Kollock. Harker, E . W over 208 Broad, h 83 Broad. Harper, Jas. merchant at 346 Broad, h McKinne nr Canal. Harper, R. N. frame manuf'y and piano tuner, 32 3IcIntosh. Harran, John A. h S side Fenwick bt Jackson and Campbell. Harris, J. conductor at G R R. Harris, John, h 30 Fenwick. Harris, J W. clerk at 275 Broad, bds Mrs Reads. Harrison, Mrs. F. h N side Telfair bt Kollock and Marbury. Harbuck, Jesse, h N side Talbot bt Campbell and Cumming. Hart, James, book-keeper at Dawson & Skinner. Hart, James, laborer at S C R R. Hartford Fire Ins. Co, cor Ellis and Jackson, A Robert, agent. Hartland, Patrick, laborer at A & S R R. Harter, Wiley, h S E cor Marbury and D'Autinac. Hatch, Milo, cashier mechanics bank, h over Bank. Hatcher, E J. bds at Mrs Beall, Ellis. Hatton, J. druggist, cor Telfair and Cumming, h same. HAVELAND, CHICKESTER & CO, drugists, 258 Broad. Ilawley, S B. book-keoper at 225 Broad. 78 AUGUSTA JULIUS DARROW, SUCCESSOR TO ALBERT HATCH, Would respectfully call the attention of Ware House and Com- mission Merchants to his large and well assorted Stock of SABBLIS, HMllSS, • WHIPi, €0I.Illi, BlLf Il§, SOLE AMB HARMESS LEATHER, of all varieties, both of his own and the best Northern manufacture. Having made extensive additions to his stock, he is now fully prepared for the Trade, with every desirable article in his line, which he will sell at the lowest market prices at wholesale or retail. His manufactory is now complete in every department, and he is prepared to execute all orders entrusted to him with neatness and dispatch, fully determined to sustain the reputation for man- ufacturing which Mr. Hatch has so long held. Having every facility at command, he oflfers to Merchants (filling orders from their country friends,) unusual inducements and advantages, and respectfully solicits a share of their patron- age. No. 169 Broad Street, At the Old Stand of A. Hatch, under the Augusta Hotel. Augusta, January 10th, 1859. CITY DIEECTORY. 79 Hawley, W R. express office, bds Augusta Hotel. Haynes. Jas W. carpenter witli R S Pass. Hazleton, Charlas S. clerk 264 Broad. HEARD & DERRY, com merchants, Reynolds nr Jackson. Heard, Isaac T. of H & Derry, h 72 Green. Heard, Jno T. clerk, bds City Hotel. Heard, Mrs. h 45 Green. Heard & Simpson, warehouse and com merchants, 8 Mcintosh. Heard, Stephen, h cor Washington and Green. Hearn, John A. laborer G R R Depot. Heath. Geo. blacksmith with P Sherkey, h Reynolds. Heathe, Mrs Mary E. h 42 Reynold. HECKLE & WILSON, brokers S side Ellis bt Mcintosh and Jackson. Haflfernan, Timothy, laborer at G R R. Heilman, Joseph, clerk at 202 Broad. Heinse, Mrs Mary, boarding house, h 317 Broad. Heintel, John, work at 352 Broad, bds Chas Spaeth. Heitzmann, Joseph, clerk, bds cor Telfair and Jackson- ■^. Hempfield, A H. with May & Co, 4 Henderson, James, clerk at 185 Broad h 1 Telfair. Henderson, Mrs R. h Jackson bt Telfair and Walker. Henderson, Robt. weaver, h 364 Broad. Henry, Barney, h cor Gardiner and Cumming. Henry, Isaac, h over 224 Broad. Henry, James, dry goods and millinary 199 Broad, h Reynolds nr Mcintosh. Henry, Walter, h 95 Broad. Hersey, C W. gents fun ishing store 213 Broad, h 28 Calhoun. Hersh, L. bds Burke House. Hereh & Lorsh, clothing merchant, 174 Broad. Hester, M G. book-keeper at Zimmerman & Stovall, h N side Telfair bt Cumming and Kollock. Hett, Andrew, glazier, h Reynolds bt Campbell and Jackson. Hevern, Michael, h S W cor Gardiner and Campbell. Hewin, J. carpenter, h McKinne bt Fenwick and S Boundery. nibble, F. gun smith, 245 Broad. Hickey, J. laborer G R R, h Talcot bt Cumming and Campbell. Hickman, Hills & Cress, dry goods merchants, 242 Broad. Hickman, H W. of H, Hills & Cress, h Sand Hills. Hicks, Henry, h N side Walker bt Jackson and Campbell. Hicks, Hermann, clerk 248 Broad. Hicks, Mrs. N side Jones bt McKinne and Marbury. Hicks, N.bds at Mrs Beall, Ellis. Hicks, Wm B. bds at Mrs Beall, Ellis. Hefnan, Patrick, fireman A & S R R. Higgs, Abraham, laborer, h 8 Ellis. 80 AUGUSTA HOLMAN ^ TURPIN, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AXB RETAIL DEALERS IN AND LAMPS, GIRANDOLES, LOOKING GLASSES, PLATED BRITANNIA & JAPAN WARE, F'.^lSrOY GhOODS, o. ALSO, Sole Agents for the sale of the Southern Porce- lain Manufacturing Company's Superior Fire Brick, White Granite and C. C. Ware. No. 286 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. CITY DIRECTORY. 81 HIGHT & MACMURPHY, iron and brass foundry, Fenwick bt G R R Depot and Augusta Manuf company's mills. Higbt P A. clerk at Higbt & Spears, bds W M Hight. Hight. William M. car factory, Fenwick opp Hight & Maomur- phy's foundry, h cor Walker and Elbert. Hill, A J), registry clerk, h 11 Mcintosh. Hill, AS.h400 Broad. Hill, Edward, attorney at law, 9 Washington, h 400 Broad. Hill, Geo. clerk with Alexander & Wight, h 400 Broad. Hill, James, h S side Miller btjCumming and Kollock. Hill, John, collector, treasurer of City of Augusta, office, Mo. Intosh, bt Reynolds and Bay, h same. Hill, John h 400 Broad. Hill, J H. attorney at law, 253 Broad. Hill, J M. merchant, h 455 Broad. Hill, John L. captain City watch, 227 Green. Hill, Joshua G. brick layer 260 Ellis. Hill, Mary Ann, S W cor Cumming and Miller. Hillard, J. laborer h S side Fenwick bt Jackson and Campbell. Hillmatt, Frederick, bar.keeper, 116 Broad. Hills, John M. of H, Hickman & Cress, Broad. Hitt, B F. elerk Walker & Sons, h Hamburg. Hitt, Chaa B. h 45 Watkins. Hitt, James M, clerk W E Barnes, h Alley bt Fenwick and Calhoun. Hoboyd, W. bds U S Hotel. Hodge, David, h S side Ellis bt McKinne and Marbury. -Hodo, A N. clerk at Jas M Dye & Co, bds City Hotel. Hogan, Martin, mill stone builder with W R Schirmer, agent, bds Broad nr upper Market, Hogan, Mrs R. h N side Ellis bt Washington and Mcintosh. Holland, G G. clerk at Fleming & Rowland, bds "Broad. Holleyman, T H. (A M.) h S side Telfair bt Lincoln and Elbert. Holleday, Eli, tinner G R R, h cor Calhoun and Mcintosh. HoUingsworth, G H. clerk at Sibly & Co, h Campbell bt Rey- nolds and Green. HoUingsworth, Jas H. h 16 Campbell. Holman, F. of H & Turpin, h Sand Hills. HOLMAN & TURPIN, crockery dealers, 286 Broad. Holmes, Mrs Wm. h over 304 Broad. Holmes, W A. clerk, S C R R Co, h Broad. Holmes W S. clerk 242 Broad, bds over 304 Broad. Hood, N J. printer 30 Broad. # Hook, Mrs Eliza, h S side Market bt Mill and McKinne. Hookey, GeoS. gas office 216 Broad, h N side Telfair bt Mo- Intosh and Jackson. Hope, James, office 243 Broad, bds Planters Hotel. Hopkins, Isaac S T. bds cor Telfair and Elbert. 9 82 AUGUSTA WM. H. TUTT, AUGUSTA, GA. mm, MiBi€iMi line ffioiUt 0oaps, line i^^i^" ^"^ Sootl) Brusljcs, SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRmffiEHTS, Pure Wines and Lipors for Medicinal Uses, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS AND OILS, FANCY IND TOILET ARTICLES, GARDEN SEEDS. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded, and all orders correctly answered. Medicines warranted genuine, and of the best quality. CITY DIRECTOEY. 83 HopkinS; Daniel, li 140 Green. Hopkins, Mrs Margaret, li 69 Reynolds. Hopkins. Mrs E-. h S side Telfair bt Elbert and Centre. Hopkins, Thos N. bds cor Telfair and Elbert. Hopkinson, Walter, carpenter, h 213 Grreeu. Horn, — . h 15 Calhoun. Horton, J \Y. of McCord, H & Watton, h Reynolds bt Camp- bell and Macartan. Houghton Institute, 69 Green. Hously, Wm. bds 9 Jackson. Housley, Wm. jr. bds Augusta Hotel. Howard Mrs Louisa, h Reynolds nr Mcintosh. Howard, Osca, brick mason, h 96 Green. Howard, Wm H. auctioneer, 172 Broad, h same. Howard, W S. clerk 233 Broad, bds City Hotel. Howell, Joseph A. carpenter,.h McKinne bt Fenwick and Green. Huason, Richard, h S side Gardiner bel Cumming. Hubbard, Henry, carpenter, h 240 Ellis. -Hubbard, J C. of D' Antinac & H. Hudson, Charles A. of H & Miller, h 324 Broad. Hudson & Miller, grocers, 275 Broad. Hueber, C. grocer, 323 Broad, h same. Huenker, C. cigar maker at G Volgar, Broad. Hughes, Patrick, laborer at G R R h Talcut bt Campbell. Hughes, W. engraver, 30 Mcintosh, bds Mrs Kinsley's. Huit, Sarah, h ^larbury, N of Fenwick. Huit, Wm. S side D' Antinac bt Pine and Kollock. Hulbert, Jas. hN side Ellis bt Washington and Mcintosh. Hull, H L. express oflGice, bds City Hotel. Hunt, Wm. artist over 192 Broad, Augusta Hotel. Huse, W R. book-keeper Chronicle Office, 210 Broad. Husted, Wm H. machinist A & S R R. Husted, E F. engineer A & S R R. I. lies, Wm. h 63 Watkins. Independent Fire Company, Washington bt Broad and Reynolds. Inglis, L L. brick layer and plasterer 155 Green. Inglis, Louis M. gen contractor, brick layer and plasterer, 155 Green. . Irby, Elizabeth, h cor Twiggs aud Calhoun. Iron Steam Boat Co, J B Guien, agent, cor Mcintosh and Bay, Irvine, Jas. at Wm H Goodrich's Factory. Irving, A R. h 11 Fenwick. Irvine, James, bds at Mr Franklin, Talcot. Iverson, — . h S side Ellis bt Cumming KoUook, 84 AUGUSTA MISS C. E. STEWART, DEALER IN i&icis^mT AND f MCI 600BS, Would particularly invite the attention of Ladies wishing such Goods, to her elegant Stock, selected with care. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Millinery, Cap Making & Dress Making. I feel confident of my ability to please the most fastidious who may favor us with a call at my stand Under Planters' Hotel, CITY DIRECTORY. 85 Ives, A C. clerk Bank of Augusta, h 153 Keyuolds. Ivey, Jas. A. of J A & J B Ivey, h Ellis nr Kollock. Ivey, J A & J B. wholesale and retail grocers, 279 Broad. Ivey, John A. h cor Talcot and Campbell. Ivey, Jos B. of J H & J B I, h Green nr Kollock. Ivey, Pheobe, h Marbury nr Fenwick. Jackson, A M. clerk, bds at W E Jackson's, Broad. Jackson, Geo T. of J, Miller & Verdery, h Harrisonville. Jackson, Miller & Verdery, wholesale dry goods merchants, 248 Broad, Masonic Hall. Jackson, Mrs Wm. h 52 Centre. JACKSON HOSPITAL, cor Jackson and Fenwick, Brs H & F R Campbell. Jackson, W E. h over 235 Broad. Jacobs, W M. grocer, 108 Reynolds, bds at Isaac Levy's Broad. JACOBS, J J. attorney at law, cor Campbell and Broad, h 394 Broad. Jeffries, F M. daguerrian gallery, 225 Broad, bds at Mrs Ma- harrey. Green. Jenkins, Chas J. attorney at law, Mcintosh Law Range, h Sum- merville nr Augusta. Jenkins, Mrs. h cor Elbert and Beynolds. Jenkins, Mike, wood work. 205 Green. Jennings, Thos J. of Poullain, J & Co, bds Globe Hotel. Jessup, Henry, h cor Bay and Campbell, Jessup, Wm C. of Sherman, J & Co, bds Augusta Hotel. Jewett, N G. attorney at law, office 227 Broad. Job, M. boot and shoe maker, Jackson bt Broad and Ellis, h cor Broad and Bridge Row. Jacobs, W M. grocer, cor Centre and Reynolds, Johnson, — . bds at Mrs Beall's, Ellis. Johnson, Benj. express office, bds Mr Hicks. Johnston, C. engineer, h 16 Bay. Johnson, Chas. grocer, cor Cummings and Telfair, h same. Johnson, Jas. laborer at Geo R R, h Pine Row nr Aug Factory. Johnson, J B. laborer at Geo R Road. Johnson, Jno A. blacksmith, bds 385 Broad. Johnson, Jos. carpenter G R R, h 8 side Walker bt Cunimiug and Campbell- Johnson, Lucy, h 7 opp. Augusta Factory. Johnson, Mrs Caroline. B. h 16 Reynold. Johnson, Mrs V. h 885 Broad. Johnson. Ca3sar, barber, 141 Broad. 86 AUGUSTA JOHN CALDWELL, President, (M)LrMHlA, SO. CA. H. T. PEAKE, Genl Superintendent, CHARLESTON, 80. CA. J. R. EMERY, Secretary, CHARLESTON, SO. CA. Arrival and Departare of Trams, Leave Augusta, for Charleston, Kingsville, Co- lumbia and Camden, at 10 : 10 A. M. and 8 : 15 P. M. Arrive at Augusta, 11:15 P. M. and 1:15 P. M. CITY DIRECTORY. 87 Johnson, W G. attorney at law, Mcintosh bt Reynolds and Broad, bds United States Hotel. Johnson, W H. carpenter Geo R Road. Johnston, Emeline, h Jones and Marbnry. Joice, Tinman, h W side Summers bt Jackson and Campbell. JONES, J A. commission merchant, Mcintosh, h 89 Green. Jones, A H. of S S Jones & Co, h 89 Green. Jones, Dr C C. office and h 29 Washington. Jones, Chivis, bds United States Hotel. Jones, H W. clerk 112 Broad. Jones, Dr J M. bds United States Hotel. Jones, Jno H. h 03 Ellis. Jones, J W. editor Chronicle & Sentinel, bds Dr W S Jones, Broad Jones, Jno W book-keeper Geo R R Bank, h Ellis. Jones, M J. physician, 295 Broad, bds U S Hotel. Jones, Mrs Nancy, h 83 Reynolds. Jones, R A. clerk Geo R Road, bds F M Alum. Jones, S S. of S S Jones & Co, h 55 Broad. JONES, S S & CO. stoves and house furnishing goods, 192 Broad. Jones, Mrs Thos. cor Elbert and Reynolds. Jones, Thos. moulder Aug Works, h cor Marbury and Miller. Jones, Thos B. clerk 298 Broad, h cor Reynolds and Elbert. Jones, Thos G. of R J BoweMary, h cor Talcot and Cumming. Lassiter Walker, h S side of Baines above Campbell. LaTASTE, V. drugist and seed store, 200 Broad, h county. LaTaste, — . h 23 Reynolds. Lathrop, Chas. clerk, 219 Broad, h 97 Reynolds. Jiathrop, J J. bookkeeper, 251 Broad, h 46 Green. Laurence, Wm. bds Telfair bt Centre and Washington. Laurence, Wm. h N side Walker bt Campbell and Cumming. Lauterbah, G. at AVm H Goodrich's Factory. Laventure, John W grocer, 386 Broad, h 421 Broad. Lawhoru, V A. book-keeper, 234 Broad, bds Mansion House. Lawhorn, W N. clerk, 250 Broad, bds Mansion House. Lawlor, Jas. watchman at Aug and Sav R R, h 37 Taylor. Lawrence, Garrick, carpenter, bds cor Fenwick and Cumming. Lawson, Wm P. h S side Walker bt Washington and Mcintosh. J^eace, Edw. bar keeper at E R Schneider's, Jackson bt Ellis and Broad, bds same. Lcckic, Thos. h N side Baines bt Cumming and Campbell. 92 AUGUSTA iJT ES ■'OO^ 3E5 3L« 3E1. "IF" AND The Subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has just returned from Europe with the most splendid stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, Ever brought to this market, consisting, in part of Fine Hunt- ing and Magic Cased Full Jeweled Gold Lever "^^^ jBl. "OP O lOE 3^ ^^ with dormant and spring Caps, and all the modern improvements. Open Dial Full Jeweled Ladies' Fine Gold WATCHES, in great variety. Silver Hunting and Open Dial WATCHES, of all the best Makers. Superb Sets of Fine^old^ Coral, Pearl, and other styles of Solid SILVER WARE, in great variety and superb patterns. A splendid assortment of PJ.ATED WARE. A magnificent stock of superbly carved Consisting of Cane Heads, Bracelets, Breastpins, Porte Monnaies, Segar Cases, Needle Cases, Ink Stands, Knitting Sheaths, &c Embroidered Velvet Portfolios and Segar Cases, Cork Wood Portfolios. Travelling Dressing Cases and Pocket Companions, Berlin and Jet Jewelry, in great variety. Gold Pens, of all kinds; and a large and varied stock of liff^ <^:^ :^3^ c^ 'S' c^^ cc^ c© 5:s ^3^ All of which will be sold at prices that will challenge com- parison with any house in the country. The Public are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. r. A. BRAHE. CITY DIRECTOKY. 93 Leckie, Samuel, umbrella manufactor and millinarj 181 Broad, h Ellis bt Washington and Centre. Lecocy, V. boot maker, 17 Washington, h Lincoln. Lee, Mrs I. h Houston bt Telfair and Walker. Lee, Mrs Mary, h 17 Ellis. Lee, Wm. h S side Telfair bt Kollock and Marbury. Lenihen, Mrs J. h 16 Walker, Lennahan, J. laborer at Geo R Koad. Leon, H. magistrate, h 38 Broad. Leonard, Henry, tailor, 230 Broad. Leonard, U S. Deputy Marshal, h 440 ]3road. Leverman, Wm J. h 47 Watkins. Levy, Isaac, City Sheriff, h 109 Broad. LEVY, LEWIS, magistrate, office 30 and 32 Mcintosh, h Bay, Levy, S. boot and shoes, 342 Broad, h same. Lewis, A W. clerk at S C 11 R Co, h 13 Bay. Lewis, C F. ticket agent at S C II U ( 'o, h 13 Bay. Lewis, Geo W. of Warren, L tt Co, h Sand Hills. Licett, Jas. h S side Fenwick bt Campbell and Jackson. Lin, Jas F. h N side Telfair bt Elbert and Centre. Lind, T W. engineer, h 46 Broad. Linsay, Mrs. miliner, h S side Ellis bt Jackson and Mcintosh. Lindsay, xMrs John, h 214 Green. Lindsay, Samuel, h S side Ellis bt Jackson and Mcintosh. Lines, Jas E. finisher at 208 Broad, h S side Ellis bt Washing- ton and Mcintosh. Linton, S D. of llees & L. h Sand liilljf^ Liody, Julius, baker, h 101 Reynolds. Loftin, J H. clerk at 237 Broad, bds Globe Hotel, Lombard, Richard, carpenter at G R R, h Barnes ab Campbell. Lookey, Mrs ^Martha E. h Factory bt Marbury and Pine. Looney, Daniel, Wside Campbell bt Fenwick and Talcot. Looney, Philip, at G R R, h S east cor Campbell and Gavaioer Loriug, Miss E. dress and cloak maker, Jackson 2 doors Broad. Lorsh, A. bds Burke House. Losey, Isaac, h Telfair bt Lincoln and Elbert. Lottmau, Charles W. tailor, 230 Lincoln. Lott, Geo. dry goods, 355 Rroad, h same. Lotz, F. boots and shoes, 93 Broad. Louderback, Godfrey, chair maker, h 38 Reynolds. LOUREY, J 11. wheelwright and blacksmith, 55 Ciimpbeli. Lovett, Mrs G. h Jackson bt Telfair and Walker. Lovett, Nancey, S side Talcot bt ('ampbell and Cumminu. Lore, P E, tinner 192 Broad, h 86 Centre. Low, Kelly, h .Marbury bt Reynolds and Jones, Low, W. bds cor Twiggs and Calhoun. Lumpkin, George R. book-keeper at 258 Broad, Lyon, Thos. laborer at G R R Through Depot. 94 AUGUSTA H A R N E} N N AND WAREHOUSE. I08TABL1SHED 1819. SHERMAN, JESSUP ^ CO., MANUFACTL'REK8, IMFOKTEKS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS. Have removed to the new and spacious Iron I'ront Store, No- 225 Broad Street, adjoining the City Bank, a few doors above their old location, and nearly ojiposite the Globe and I'nitcd States Hotels, where they are prepared to exhibit an unusually heavy stock of Goods in their line. Comprising, in part, Saddles, 15ridles, Harness, Collars, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Travelling J>ags, Buggy Unibiellas, &c. Also, Saddlery, Hardware, Carriage Trimmings, Axles, Springs, Bolts, Malleable Castings, Wood Screws, Felloes, Shaits, Hubs, Spokes, Bands, Patent Leather, J*]nanieled Cloths, Broad Cloths, Dam- asks, Curtain Silks, Laces, Fringes, Tassels, Oil Carpets, Brus- els Carpets, Velvet Rugs, Buggy Mats, Smith's Newark Var- nishes, &c. Also, Skirting, Harness, Bridle, Sole and Upper Leather, French, German and American Calf Skins, Patent Leather Calf Skins, Goat and Kid, Morocco Skins, Lining, Topping and Binding Skins; Pegs, Lasts, Trees, Crimps, Clamps, Rolling Mills, Threads, &c., with a very complete assortment of Fine Shoe Findings, Tanners' Tools, Leather and Rubber Machine Belting, Rubber Steam Packing, Copper Rivets and Burrs, Pick- er, Lace and Roller Leather, Roller Cloth, Card Clothing, Strip- per Cards, Ring Travellers, Roller Brushes, Loom dusters, &c., with a variety of Cotton and AVoolen Factory Findings, and a general assortment of other Goods in their line;, to which they beg to call the attention of manufacturers, dealers and consum- ers, and for which they will be pleased to receive orders. SHERMAN, JESSUP & CO., No. 225 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga.; NICHOLS, SHERMAN & CO., Cor. Centre and Mulberry Sts., Newark, N. J.; BETTS, NICHOLS & CO , No. 99 Liberty St., New York; HARRAL, NICHOLS & CO., Cor. Meeting and Hasel Sts., Charleston, S. C; BULL, ELLIS & CO,, No. 71 Canal Street, New Orleans. CITY DIRECTOEY. 95 Lynes, Thos. omnibus conductor, h 52 Campbell. Lyons, David, grocer, cor Jackson and Calhoun, li same. Lyons, Dennis, laborer at A & S R K. Lyons, M. clothing and dry goods merchant, 118 Broad. Lyons, Thomas, E h side Campbell nr S Boundery. Lyons, Thos. li S side Calhoun bt Mcintosh and Jackson. Lyons, William, laborer C K R. M. McAdam, John, h N side Calhoun bt Mcintosh and Jackson. McAnnalley, laborer S C R R. McAndell, laborer at G R R. McCabe, Francis, spring maker at C R R, h41 Taylor. McCaferty, Mrs James, h 73 Green. McCall, Jacob, boot and shoe maker. xMcCall, Wm J. printer, h 3 Telfiiir. McCann, John, master machinist at A & 8 R R, h 22 Calhoun. McCann, Michael, h Fenwick bt AVashington and Mcintosh. McCann, Philip, cooper, Reynolds bt Jackson and Campbell, bds Globe Hotel. McCannon, B W. book keeper at Mechanics' Bank. McCandee, John, h N side Talcot above Cumming. McCarthy, Daniel, h Jackson bt Fenwick and Calhoun. McCarthey, John, clerk at Barry & Batty. McCarthy, Jos N. h N side Telfair bt Centre and Washington. McCarthy, Michael, tailor at o88 Broad, h Telfair. McCarthy, T. laborer at S C R R. McCarty, George, wheelwrigh, h Twiggs. McCarty, John, h W side Campbell bt Baines and Gardiner. McCarty, Patrick, h W side Campbell bt Baines and Gardiner. McCathern, Mrs Ann, h 175 Green. McCay, G F. Sec'y Aug Insur and Bank'g Co, h cor Ellis and McKinne. McColla, C. agent Griffin Mining Co, 240 Broad, bds U S Hotel. McConnell, John, laborer at S C R R, h Washington bt Calhoun and Fenwick. McConnell & Fish, livery stables, S side Ellis bt Washington and Mcintosh. McConnell, Wm A. of McC & Fish, h Green. McCook, Rainey, W side Carrie S of Mills. McCORD, HORTON & WALTON, grocers, 294 Broad. McCord, Z. of 3[cC, Horton & Walton, h over 310J Broad. McCormick, E. S side Gardiner bt Cumming and Campbell. McCoy, Chas. h Centre bt Telfair and Green. McCoy, Wm E. bds Centre bt Telfair and Green. 96 AUGUSTA WM. E. BARNES, No. 4 Washington Street, ^XJGXJSTA^, GA^. f im AND [iller, John T. agent 8 C R Road. Miller, Jos P. of Miller k Co, h Reynolds. lt)2 AUGUSTA WIOLMLI MU&6ISTS. HAVILAND, CHICHESTER & CO,, (LATE HAVILAND, RISLEY i GO.) 258 Bi-oad Street, J AS. C. Havu.and, ( ^ J T. W. Chichkstkii, J S 1 Geo. B. Olmstead W. Stevenson, Tf. S. SjIKJ.TON. HAVILAND, aXKVENSON & CO., 23 Eayiie Streii. C/iarkstm, iS. C CHARLES QUENTEL AIjC^TJSTA. gta.. In I he store recently (.>ccupiecl by Messrs', PirixizY & Claytox,) above Planters' Ifotel, opposite side. I :iiu prepared to make to order anything in my line in the best manner, and with dispatcli. filPMBl iimYElpiJY liff FBICES. J llppe to receive a liberal share of patronage.^; BARRETT & CARTER. WJIOLKSALE and retail DEALE'IS iN PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &C., Broad Street. AUGUSTA, GA. Tiios. Harrett. J.iiiN JJ. CUrtki! f CITY DIEECTORY. 103 Miller, Robt. li S side Telfair bt Campbell and Cumminj^. Miller, Stephen, of S & J F M, h Ellis. 3Iiller, S & J F, grocers, 101 and 103 Broad. Miller, Thos W. attorney at law, h 128 Green. MILLER & WARREN, dry goods, 239 Broad. Miller, Wm. at Wm H Goodrich's Factory. Milligan, Jas. cashier (t R R Bank, h cor Broad and Mcintosh. Millegan, S A. clerk Geo R RCo. • Millis, H S. grocer, 376 Broad, h sanu;. Mills, Josiah, carpenter, h 11 Green. Moniger, Jas E. watch maker and jeweller at ( ■lark& Oo\s, Broad, h 68 Green. Minis, Jas L. h S side Ellis bt Washington and Centre. Mitchell, T H. h 238 Broad. Mobley, Mrs Eliiiabeth, h Pine Row nr Augusta Factory. Moffet, Jos. conductor G R R, h Alley bt Calhoun and Taylor. Moffet, Thos. h N side Telfair bt Centre and Washington. Maher, E k L. mechanics boarding house, cor Washington and Ellis. Montgomeiy, Mn> -I W. h over 242 Broad. MONTGOMERY .v WHEELER, attorneys at law, office 9 Washington. Montgomery, AV W. of M & Wheeler, h Broad. 3Ioody, Wm. h 56 Ellis. Moon, Mrs A. dress maker, h 142 Green. Moore, A M. clerk, 502 Broad, h same. Moore, Geo K. clerk, 270 Broad, h Green. Moore, Henry, of H & J M & Co, 101 Creon. MOORE, H J & CO. hardware, 235 Broad. Moore, Jacob J. grocer, 368 Broad, h same. Moore, John C. clerk at 268 Broad. Moore, John N. office Fashion line 2 Bay bds liS Bay. Moore, Joseph, bds at Mrs McDade's, N side Ellis bt McKinne adn Marbury- Moore, Jos P. of H & J M, h 23 Calhoun. Moore, J W. conductor, h 06 Reynolds. Moore, Mrs. h 122 Green Moore, Miss, h Twiggs bt Fenwick and Calhoun. Moore, N B. h 134'^Reyuolds. .Moore, St John, book-keeper at Heard k Simpson, bds 62 Walker. Moore, Samuel, cor Bay and Mcintosh, bds Planters' Hotel. Moore, Thos. h 91 Ellis. MoragneJ Mrs Mary, h Reynolds, bt Campbell and Jackson. Morrell, C. French boot maker, lO Washington. Morrell, T. tailor, 238 Broad, h Plouston bt Bay and Reynolds. Morgan, E. harness maker, 169 Broad. -Morgan, Jas R. h N side Market bt McKinne and Mill. 104 AUGUSTA R. H. MAY & CO., A. FREDERICK, Manufacturer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in' K mjmmuimmim m. ALsn, l)i;.\l>KK IN Foreign Frnits, Wines, Liqaors, Segars, &G.. &C., Broad Street, opposite Augusta Hotel, AUaXJSTA, &A.. 17 P. girardey" ALSO, IMPORTER OF Fancy Boxes from Paris, French and German Toys, Spanish Segars, Fruits, &c., CITY DIRECTORY. 105 Morgan, J W. teller at Bank of Augusta. Morris, B. grocer, 146 Broad, h same. Morris, J. book and job printer, 30 Mcintosh, h cor Green and Elbert. Morris, Jos. h cor Telfair and Campbell. Morris, Joseph B. of Mayer & M. ii cor Campbell and Telfair. Morris, L S. h over 260 Broad. Morrison; John, hS side Fenwick bt Campbell and Camming. Mosely, AVm T engineer at G II R, h 14 Telfair. Mosse, E. h N side Calhoun bt Jackson and Mcintosh. Mourer, — . h cor Watkins and Twiggs. Mourlan, J. h 24 Walker. Mulch, Geo. clerk at 279 Broad, bds U S Hotel. Mulherin, Mrs Elizabeth, h 407 Broad. Mulherin, Martin, bds 407 Broad. Mulherin, Wm. clerk at M O'Dowd, bds 407 Broad. Mulherin, Michael, marble cutter, bds Broad nr upper .^larket. Mulherin, Patrick, machinist bds407 Broad. Mulkey, N. laborer at S C R R. MuUain, John, W side Campbell bt Fenwick and Talcot. Mullan, Jas, h 12 Fenwick. Mullurky, Austin, book-keeper Globe Hotel. Mullan, James, engineer at G R R, 106 Centre. Mullen, Philip, h 204 Green. Murphy, — . bds N side Telfair bt Centre and Washington. Murphy, Daniel, wood work, 205 Green. Murphey, E T. grocer, 168 Broad. Murphey, John, h Jackson bt D'Antinac and Boundery. Murphy, John, grocery, Jackson nr Augusta Machine works. Murphy, J. finisher at G R R, bds cor Cumming and Fenwick, Murphy, Patrick, dark at Bailey & Bro, bds City Hotel Mrray, F. grocer, 15 Centre bt Reynolds and Broad, h game. Mustiu, Thos. clerk at N Daly, bds Globe Hotel. Mustin, Chas E. agent S C Mustin, h 142 Green. Mustin, Eli. merchant, h Reynolds bt Campbell and Macartan. Mnstin, Geo. book-keeper at Lamback & Cooper. Mustin, M A. merchant, h Reynolds bt Campbell and Macartan. Mustin & Son, china ware 282 Broad. MUSTIN, S C. china ware, 183 Broad, h 95 Reynolds. Mustin, "VVm A. h Reynolds. N. Nagle, John, merchant, Marbury bt Green and Telfair. Navy, John E. blacksmith, h 30 (Calhoun. Needle Women's Relief Society, 129 Broad. Neely, John, jr. clerk Constitutionalist office, h 14 Campbell. 12 106 AUGUSTA WILLIAM H. GOODRICH, (REPRESENTED BY CHARLES MCLAREN,) WHOMIMI eO^lE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AUGUSTA, GA., DEALER IN SuyarSy (Joffee.j Tobacco, ^egars, Candles, Starch, Soaj), Ba(j- yiny, Rope, Tvnne, Naih, and Wooden Ware, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Fish, Salt, &c., drc. Including everything usually found in a Wholesale Grocery House, excepting Liquors. W. H. GOODRICH, DEALER IN 5111 kinbs of Cumber anb SuUbing Ulater'mla. A large stock always on hand. MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF Orders tilled with despatch. Steam Manufactory, Machine Shop and Lumber Yard, 289 Reynolds Street, AUGhXJSTA, C^EOROIA. CITY DIRECTORY. 107 Neely, Rev John, h 14 Campbell. N'ees, Wm. boot and shoe maker, 29 Jackson, h same. Nees, Wm. h S side Fenwick bt Jackson and Mcintosh. Neilass, John, h N side Walker bt Curaming and Campbell. Nelson, Geo E W. book-keeper at Constitutionalist office. Nelson, G W. bds 9 Jackson. NELSON, JOHN, grocer, 304 Broad. Nesbit. Jas E. editor Constitutionalist, h Keynolds nr Macartan. Newbrj, G E. book-keeper at 270 Broad. Newbury, JT. book-keeper, 192 Green. Newman, Geo W. clerk at M L Alleoud, h D'Antinac bt Kol- lock and Pine, NewsoD, J, clerk at *>04 Broad. Newton, Mrs Br (Jeo M. h 173 Green. Neyland, Mrs E. hN side Market bt Marbury and McKinne. Neyland, ]Mrs M. h N side Telfair bt Centre and Washington. Nimmo, W G. book-keeper, notary public and master in equity, AVarren's Block, bds cor Campbell and Jones. Norman, J J. clerk at Express office. Norrell, W 0. of Broom & N. NORRELL, H D. bookseller and stationer, 224 Broad. North, John N. teller at Mechanic's Bank, h 152 Broad.' Norton, Mrs B. h over 194 Broad. Nowland, A J. h 114 Reynolds. O. OAKMAN, THADDEUS, attorney at law, Broad. Oakraan, Mrs Wm H.h 15 Reynolds. Oakman, Willington, h 87 Washington. Oakman, Wra H. sr. h 10(5 Green. OATES, GEO A. & BROTHERS, booksellers, pianos &c., 240 Broad. Obermuller, Mrs Julia, h 411 Broad. O'Brien, Catherine, h N side Baines above Campbell. O'Brien, Frank, carpenter, bds 204 Green. O'Brien, Patrick, clerk at 173 Broad, bds Burke House. O'Brien, David, stewart at Globe Hotel. O'Connell, Mathew, laborer at G R R Depot. O'Connor, — . laborer at G R R. O'Conner, Francis, h S side Talcot bt Gumming and Campbell. O'Connor, J. laborer at G R R Co, h S 8 Fenwick bt Campbell and Jackson. O'Connor, Julia, h cor Campbell and Gardiner. O'Conner, M. laborer at G R R. O'Connor. Mrs D. milliner, 198 Broad, h over 184 Broad. O'Conner, Michael, E side Campbell bt Fenwick and Gardiner- 108 AUGUSTA COFFIN & TROWERS, PAPER HANGING DEPOT, Jackson, bet-ween Ellis and Green Streets, Keep constantly ou hand a full assortment of PAPll HAiailfiS. COFFIN & TROWERS, ""» sr\s» if^_jp| ^1 i?^ Cs. S3 ^ NTEAA^ YORK. My SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME is uot au experi- ment ; FOUR YEARS' TRIAL OF IT throuirlioiit the United States HAS PROVED ITS VALUE each y( ar, and that it is of uniform quality. Try it side by side with No. 1 Peruvian Guano, or any other Fertilizer, upon all i/our Cwj^s, and see which is Cheapest, Safest and most Lasting. As a top eOlEIIIIOI IIMMIT, Next to the Plantei-s' Hotel. AUGUSTA, G A. CONSIGNMENTS OF PRODUCE SOLICITED Keeps on hand a large stock of Wines and Jiiquor.s, Oi^ars, Tobac^co, t\:c. CITY DIRECTORT. 117 R. Kahner, Jos. at \V H Goodrich's t'actoi^. Rainwater, M G. printer, bds KoUock nr CIreen. Rainey, Mrs M. boarding house, cor Gumming and Feu wick. Rainey, Wm F. finisher at G R R, bds at Mrs Rainey's. Ramsay, David, h 9 Jackson. Ramsay, Jas. bds 96 Ellis. Ramsey, J B. city constable, h o Broad. Ramsay, John D. h 10 Campbell. RAMSAY & LABAW, clothiers, 808 Broad. Ramsay, Mrs M J. board house 9 Jackson. Ramsey & Story, grocers, 275 Broad. Ramsay, Wm. h 96 Ellis. Ramsay, W A. of R & Labaw, 179(rreen. Randall, Daniel, carpenter, h 11 Ellis. Randall, Mrs. W. h 67 Reynolds. Rappold, Geo. grocer, cor Centre and Calhoun, h same. Rappold, John, grocer and bar, 116 Broad. Harden, Jas, laborer at G R R. Raridon, James, at G R R, h Alley bfc Calhoun and Fcnwick. Rascover, Hammond, clothing merchant, 144 Broad. Ratcliffe. Jus. clerk, h 402 Broad. Ratcliffc, .Mrs M. h 402 Broad. Rawlins Chas. h Jones nr Mill. tlawlins, Isham, N side Talcot bt Cnnipbeil and Cummiug. Ray, Nathiniel, h S side D'Antignac bt Pine and Kollock. Read,^Miss Lucy J. superint. Grover & Baker's sewing machine, h Washington bt Walker and Telfair. Read. Mrs Martha, boarding house. 820 and 822 Broad. Read^, Miss Mary, h 208 Broad. lleagan, Thoy W. shoe dealer, 184 Broad, li over 181 Broad. lledferii, Mrs Margaret, h 28 Greeu. Redmond. \' V2 bds 44 Walker. Reed, — . h S side l^^llis bt McKinneand Marbury. Reed. J. h Broad. Reed, Mrs Alice, h 71 Rey nobis. Reed, Robt N. of Baldwin ,t II, bds Planter.s' Hotel. Heed, Wm J . at Wm H Goodrich's Factory. Kees, John C. of R & Linton, h 148 Reynolds. IM^^ES & LINTON, com merchants. Jackson bt Wuy and Reynolds. ilec-te, Elizabetl). ii S side Miller bt Kollock and ('i'.nM!;iii!:. llee.se, Enoch, stone caiter, cor Cununing and Walker. lioilly, John, h Reynolds bt Jackson and CampbfU. lleinhart. Julius, dry ^oods, 890 Broad, hsanie. 118 AUGUSTA MARBLE Broad Street, Awjusta, Oa., near the. Lower Market. The undersigned begs leave to inform the public generally, that he is now prepared to receive and execute their orders, (furnishing plans, or executing according to designs furnished.) for every de- scription of PLAIN OR SCULPTURED TOMB-STONES, SL^BS, c., Or any other kind of •yy 'a xi ill, Executed in tlie most elaborate and artistic Style, and of un- sui-passed beauty and , finish . 0KDER8 from the Country promptly executed, and the ut- most care ttjken in packing for transportation. The undersigned solicits the attentii)n of those who may wit.h anything in his line and respectfully invites them to call at his establishment, and examine specimens of hi^ ■work ; also his new, unique and original plans. I feel confident that an examination of my specimens, plans and prices, will eouvinw any person that there is now no need to send their orders to the Xorth. I would also refer visitors to the City Cemetery to seo specimens of mv work. THEODORE MARKWALTER. CITY DIKECTORY. 119 Renkle, Gregor, grocer, 160 Broad, h same. Reppard, Jas. at Wm H Goodrich's factory. Reynolds, Bridget, h 234 Green. Reynolds, Charles, S side D'Antinac bt Pine and Marbury. Reynolds, Jas. at Wm H Goodrich's factory. Reynolds, John superintendent paint shop G R R. Reynolds, Thos. at Wm H Goodrich's factory. Reynolds, Thos. blacksmith with J H Lowrey, bds D'Antignac nr Marbury. Rhiphart, Jas. bds at Mrs Franklin's, Talcot. Rhoden, Elisha, h Pine Row nr Augusta factory. Rhoden, William, carpenter G R R, N side Baines bt Gumming and Campbell. Rhodes, Chas. carpenter, h 44 Reynolds. Rhodes, J H. clerk 308 Broad, bds 154 Broad. Rhodes, Thos R. grocer, 154 Broad. Rhodes, W P. clerk, 154 Broad. Rice, L. carpenter at Wm H Goodrich's factory, h 391 Broad Rice, M. plainer at G RR, h Jackson bt Fenwick and Calhoun. Rice, M. jr, h Jackson bt Fenwick and Calhoun. Rice, P. h N side Calhoun bt Mcintosh and Jackson. Rich, C T. bridge keeper, h over 121 Broad. Rich, Wm. carpenter, h 20 Calhoun. Richards, Edward, book-keeper 265 Broad, h 67 Ellis. Richards, Thos. of Jas M. Dye & Co, h 165 Reynolds. Richards, Thos ' Robert, Augustus, book-keeper at Carmichael& Co, h 86 Ellis. Roberts. Coskery & Co, grocers at 270 Broad, 120 AUGUSTA A. P. BIGNON, ^JANUFACTURKR AND DEALER IN FIME KEABY-MADE €1 #^ 1" M I 11 HATS AND FURNISHING GOODS, FOR MEN AND BOYS. No. 180 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA., Second ('lothing 8tore, above the Augusta Hotel. I respectfully solicit an examination of uiy stock, and hope to receive your patronage. A. P. BIGNON. N. B. Always on hand, well made CLOTHING for ServauU. CITY DIRECTORY. 121 Roberts, Geo. printer at Constitutionalist office, h Macartan and Reynolds. Roberts, J M. clerk at Roberts, Coskey & Co, bds Grlobe Hotel. Roberts, Josepb, bds at Mr Franklin's, Talcot. Roberts, N, bds 9 Jackson. Roberts, T H. office 270 Broad. Roberts, W J. h cor Taylor and Mcintosh. Roberts, W S. of Roberts, Coskey & Co, h Harrisonville. Robertson, A P. li 85 Broad. ilobertson, George, h 48 Green. ilobertson. James, carpenter, bds 149 Washington, Robertson, William, stave maker, h over 128 Broad. Robinson, S. clerk at Jas M Dye & Co. Robinson, Tyre, h S side Factory. Roche, P. h N side Walker bt Jackson and Campbell. Rodgers, E. gun smith, h 118 Reynold. Rodgers, Z. h Bay bt Mill and McKinne. Roe, A H. h N side Fenwick bt Twiggs and Washington. Roe, Mrs, h N side Walker bt Campbell and Cumming. Roe, Mrs. h S side Ellis bt Washington and Centre. Rogers, Alphus, solicitor, and of Walker & R, bds 87 Broad. Rogers & Bowen, gun smiths, 224 Broad. Rogers, E H. of R & Bowen, 224 Broad. Rogers, Henry, carpenter, shop Jackson bt Green & Telfair. Rogers, J H. clerk at Barrett & Carter, bds 87 Broad. Rogers, Mrs C A. h 87 Broad. Rogers, Sam'l T. clerk 225 Broad, bds Aug Hotel. Rogers, T. keeper city cemetery, h 21 Green. Roland, Wm J. h Jackson bt Green and Telfair. Rolau, Jno. h S side Factory. ROLL, LUTHER, carriage factory, cor Reynolds and Wash- ington, h 155 Broad. Rollins, Jas. laborer at Geo R R. Rooney, Eliza, h Factory. Rooney, Francis, h cor Barnes and Cumming. Rooney, Horace, fireman Aug and Sav R R. Rooney, Jas. shifter Aug and Sav R R, h 33 Taylor. Rooney, Mrs Ann, h S side Fenwick bt Campbell and Jackson. Rooney, Morris, S side Miller bt Carrie and Cumming. Rooney, Thos. grocery, 18 Centre. Rosenfelt, Isaac, of R & Simons, bds Globe Hotel. Rosenfelt & Simons, merchants, 157 Broad. Rossignall, Henry, physician, office 193 Broad, h 189 Broad. Rossignall, Paul, h over 127 Broad. Ross, John, grocer 357 Broad, h same. Ross, Jno. grocer Jackson bt Ellis and Green, h Broad nr Kollock. Ross, Wm. clerk Geo R R, h cor Telfair and Campbell. Ross, Wm. h S side Ellis bt Cumming and Kollock. 14 122 AUGUSTA Augusta Hotel. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. WM. E. WHEELOCX, Proprietor. THIS HOUSE is now offered to the Public as inferior to no other. In the South, and from its ITS LARGE AND AIRY ROOMS, FURNISHED IN THE BEST MANNER, Offers great inducements and accommodations to Ladies and Families Traveling, The Public may expect from this House all the Luxuries and Comforts to be found in any other Hotel. Always at the different Depots, to convey Passengers to and from this House, and no charge for Omnibus Fare to those who have Through Tickets. CITY DIRECTORY. 123 Rosseter, Jas. clerk Jas Bowen, bds 341 Broad. Rottman, Wm. at W H Goodrich's Factory. Rowe, N W. grocer and bar, cor Fenwick and Twiggs. Rowland, Chas A. of Fleming & R, bds Mansion House. Rowland, Sam'l H. clerk Geo R R, h N side Walker bt Lincoln and Elbert. Rowley, John, grocer, cor Walker and Jackson, h same. Royal, Wm S. of Clark & R, h 88 Reynolds. Ruddall. Mrs A. h 32 Campbell. Rumley, Edw. carpenter Geo R R, h 14 Ellis. Rumsey, W H. book-keeper 6 Mcintosh, bds J Davison. Rupp, J C. sewing machine works, h Lincoln bt Ellis and Broad. Russell, B B. book-keeper and notary public, Union Bank, h 66 Green. Russell, H F. agent excel line steamers, cor Bay and Mcintosh, h 64 Walker. Russell, Jas. h 64 Walker. Russell, J B. apothe. and druggist, 271 Broad, bds City Hotel. Russell, J C. of Garwood & R, 327 Broad. Russell, Thos. manufacturing jeweler, 30 Mcintosh. Russell, W M. at W H Goodrich's Factory, h Macartan, nr Reynolds. Ruxsell, Miss Nicy, h Reynolds nr Mill. Ryaus, Jas. bds Mrs Keys. Ryerson, J E. pastor Baptist Chnrch, bds City Hotel. S. Sarling, J. h 404 Broad. Sale, Fredrick, conductor Geo R R, bds Globe Hotel. Salisbury, W^m H. of Wm H S & Co, h cor Ellis and Marbury. SALISBURY, WM H & CO. tinners, plumbers and gas fit- ters, 257 Broad. Sams, W J C. cashier City Bank, bds Planter's Hotel. Samuel, E F. clerk 228 Broad, bds U S Hotel. Sanchez,, B S. of Kinchley & S, bds Broad nr Jackson. Sanchen, Jacob, h S side Fenwick bt Mcintosh and Washington. Sanders, Moses, h 19 Fenwick. Sandfare, Wm. farrier, h 81 Green. Sanken, Jacob, grocer and bar, cor Twiggs and Fenwick. Satterfield, Mrs Ann, h Marbury bt Green and Telfair. Sauter, S. boot and shoe maker, cor Ellis and Jackson, h Jack- son bt Telfair and Green. Savage, Daniel, clerk P 0, bds City Hotel. Scarboro, Hiram, h E side Summers bt Jackson and Campbell. Scarboro, Kelly, h E side Summers bt Jackson and Campbell. Scanlin, Wm. laborer at Geo R R, 124 AUGUSTA J. KAUFFER, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves, Mits, Laces, Cloths, Cassi- meres, Satinets, silks, Bareges, Delaines, Lawns, Prints, Ginghams, Merinoes, Coburgs, Alpacas, Cloaks and Mantillas. Iron F'ront Store, Under the Augusta Hotel, > ^ ^^{^m^W^P S^^ igusta J BROAD STREET, ) WILLIAM BRENNER MANUF/vvTCRKR OF AND DEALER IN 369 Broad Street, AUG^USTA, OKOUGflA. All Orders punctually attended to, and warranted to suit JOSEPH SUMEKAU, J1 169 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., Furnishes Weddings, Parties, Balls, &c., At the shortest notice. Fancy Candy, Pyramids, Steeple and Ornamented Bridal Cakes, Jellies, Ice Creams. Charlotte de Busses, &c. fi^^Home made Cakes Iced and Ornamented to order.' CITY DIKECTORY. 125 Schanfield, Frederick, boot maker, shop 139 Broad, li Houston bt Green and Reynolds. Scheffmeyer, Chas. clerk Bailie & Bro, bds at Mr Myers, Broad. 8GHIRMER, WM R. agt., millwright and mill stone builder, Ellis bt Campbell and Gumming, h Reynolds nr Bridgerow. Schley, Creo. of Geo & W S, h Sand Hills. Schley, Geo & "W, attorneys at law, 17 Mcintosh. Schley, Mrs Sophia, h 283 Broad cor Campbell. Schley, 31rs Wm. h cor Campbell and Broad. Schley, W. of Geo & W S, h Sand Hills. Schmidt, A. grocer, 419 Broad, h same. Schmidt, Henry, bds S side Ellis, bt Cumming and Kollock. Schmidt, Wm. at Wm H Goodrich's Factory. Schneider, Christian, baker at 28 Centre. Schneider, E R. restaurant, Jackson bt Ellis and Broad, h same. Schneider, J. clerk Dawson & Skinner's, bds at E R Schneider. Schuier, G M. boot and shoe maker, 36 Mcintosh, h same. Scholl, — . with May & Co. Scilon, T. h N side Walker bt Campbell and Jackson. Scofield, E. h N side Telfair bt Jackson and Campbell. Scoggins, L\aley, h 5 opp. Aug Factory. Scotl, McGregor, h 2 Reynolds. Scranton, P A. of Zimmerman *»»» Return and Court Days for 1859. EETURN DAYS. COURT DAYB, Tuesday. December, , 23 January, 25 February, 22 March, 22 Fnday. January February, 4 March, 4 April, 1 April, 26 I May, G May, 24 June 8 June 21 I July, .1 Julv, 26 August, 5 August, 23 I September, 2 September, ^.27 | October, 7 October, 25 I November, 4 November, 22 ! December, ? Promptness and punctuality in business transactions. CITY DIRECTORY. 131 Smith, Wm. Ii452 Broad. Smith. "\Ym. laborer at 340 Broad, bds Mrs Smith, Telfair. Smith, Wm F. florist, 4G Telfair, h same. Smith, WmH. bds City Hotel. Smythe, Jas M. post-master, h 78 Broad Smyth e, Sam M. clerk at post-office, bds 78 Broad Smythe, Wm H. clerk at post-office, bds 78 Broad Sneed, John G. attorney at law, Law Range, Mcintosh, h Walk- er bt Washington and Centre. Suelliug, James 31. painter and county constable, h 15 Telfair. Sniker, Henry, baker at 28 Centre. Snowden, Jas G. h Xside bt Mcintosh and Jackson. Somakalb, T. saddler, 169 Broad, h E Boundery. South Carolina Through Depot, cor Walker and Twigg. South, Mrs Jane, h 11 Beynolds. Southgate, R. physician, Mcintosh bt Reynolds and Broad, bds Augusta Hotel. Spaeth, C. grocer, h N side Telfair bt Jackson and Mcintosh. Spearring, John, boot and shoe maker, h 28 Reynolds. SPEARS & HiailT, druggist, h 216 Broad. Spears, J H. of S & Hight, h 330 Broad. Spears, M L. clerk, 330^Broad. Spears, Mrs Mary, h over 330 Broad. Speed, R. clerk a 190 Broad. Spelman, Richard, jr, painter, h 4 Broad. Spelman, R T. house and sign painter, 190 Oreeu. Spencer, Mrs. John, h cor Twiggs and S Boundery. Spicer, Mrs Ida, h N side Walker bt Cumpbell and Gumming. Spink, W W. W side Kollock S of 2nd level of Canal. Spivey, L. W side Campbell S of 1st level of Canal. Spivey, T B. h E side Pine bt2d level of Canal and D'Antignac. Stafford. C. at Wm H Goodrich's factory. Stafford, S H. teller City Bank, bds Mansion House. Stallings, Herbert, plaining machine, h cor Gumming and D'Antinac. Stallings, Mrs W. h 20 Telfair. Stanley, Mrs S. h Pine Row nr Augusta factory. Staples, John S. h N side Walker bt Campbell and Gumming. Starkes, Mrs- M. h 19 Fenwick. Staines, Judge E office over 14 Mcintosh. Starr, Mrs Eliza, 7 Green. Steiner, H H. physician, office 136 Reynolds, h same. Stelling, D. grocer, 114 Broad, h 29 Reynolds. Stephens, Jackson, h Pine Row nr Augusta factory. Stephens, John, merchant, h 48 Walker. Stephens, John, clerk at',Garwood and Russell, bds 48, Walker Stephenson, Martin, h Factory. Stetson, Geo. h N side Calhoun bt Mcintosh and Jackson, 132 AUGUSTA THE FLORIDA, CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH turn §mltt iiwpi 8 T i: A M E 11 EVERGLADE, Capt. L. M. COXETTER, Makes regular weekly trips from Charleston ami Savannah to Palatka, Florida, conuectiiin; with Steamships and Rail Roads at Savannah and Charleston, and Rail Roads and Stages for interior of Florida. SOXiEDULE, SLS follows: Leaves Charleston, for Savannah, at 11 o'clock, A. M., every Tuesday. Leaves Savannah, for Palatka, touching at all intermediate land- ings, (excepting Parien,) every Wednesday, at 9i^ o'clock. A. M. Leaves Savannah, for Charleston, every Saturday, at 4 o'clock. P. M., touching at Hilton Head and Beaufort, S. C. The Everglade is a first class steamer, and has ample and ex- cellent state-room accommodation for 150 Passengers, and freight room for 400 bales Cotton. Freight consigned to the Agent at Charleston or Savannah, re-shipped free of commission, JNO. C. FRASER. Agent at JSavannah. F. N. BONNEAU, Agent at Chorirston. CITY DIRECTORY. 183 STEVENS, A. grocer and commission merchant, 299 Broad. STEWART, MISS C E. milliner, 307 Broad, bds Planters' Hotel. Stockton, J L. book-keeper, bds City Hotel. Stotfell, Henry, at W H Goodrich's factory, h S side of Gardiner bt Gumming and Campbell. Stone, M. at G K R Through Depot, bds Mrs Kinchley's. Stoodley, Robt. bds 447 Btoad. Story, Albert, h cor Miller and Carrie. Story, J H. of Ramey & Story, h over 326 Broad. Story, John, h S side D'Antignac bt Pine and Marbury. Story, Thaddeus S. wharfinger, office Bay, h 94 Broad. Stoughton, Jasper, bds 70 Ellis. Stovall, B A. of Zimmerman & S, h Reynolds bt Campbell and Macartan. Stovall, Jos H. of Thos P S «& Co, bds Planters' Hotel. Stovall, S WL. hl71 Green. Stovall, M P. warehouse and commission merchants, Jackson bt Ellis and Green, h 160 Broad. Stovall, Thos P. of Thos P S & Co, h 285 Broad. STOVALL, THOS & CO, com merchants, Insur agents, and proprietor of Grover & Baker's sewing machines 285 Broad. Strahan, Robt of Davison & S, bds cor Reynold and Mcintosh. Straub, Mrs. midwife, h Broad nr Mill. Straub, Peter, h Broad nr Mill. Stringer, \V F. grocer 128 Broad, h Walker bt Ellis and Centre. Staulb. John, h 4 Fenwick. Sturgeon, E. grocer, h 163 Green, h same. Suger, Robt. 209 Broad, bds at Mrs Gardiner, Green. Sullivan, — , h N side Telfair bt Jackson and Mcintosh. Sullivan, Mrs Ann, h S side Fenwick bt Jackson and Mcintosh. Sullivan, John, book-keeper, 266 Broad. Sullivan, Michael, laborer at G R R, h N side Barnes bt Cum- ming and Campbell. Sullivan, P. grocer, cor Jackson and Telfair, h same. Sullivan, Patrick, conductor at G R R. Sullivan, Philip laborer at G R R, h N side of Gardiner bt Cuni- miug and Campbell, Suramerall, Jacob, clerk at M O'Dowd and boarding house, 321 Broad. SUMERAIJ, Jos. confectioner, 196 Broad. Summers, Geo W. book-keeper at Aug Insurance n » '^ I "^ 1^ E R M 8. Daily, per annum, 84 00 Weekly, per annum. 1 oO Having u wide circulation throughout this and the adjoining States, the Dispatch is a desirable advertising medium for the business public. JK^^he "Dispatch Letter Sheet Price Current" is issued from this office every Tuesday, at 50 cents per dozen. ¥lJTT, MORRIS & CO., WHOLESALK DEALERS IN 806ARS, COFFEES, TEAS, wjiis, Hteoss, e§iEs, AND IS^o. 266 Broad Street. Opposite State and Insurance Bank.^, AUGUSTA. GA. ^^Counlry orders promptly attended to. .John D. Butt. Lucius S. Morri.s. Joyiir.v ^V Wvrw CITY DIRECTORY. i-ii Vinson, David, h 447 Broad. V^irtue, PJd. h S side Calhoun bt Mcintosh and Jackson, Volgar, A. tobacco and segar manufacturer, 184 J, 193 and 277 Broad, h 64 Green. W. Waecbter, {}. mill stone builder with W 11. Schirmer, agent, h Broad above the upper Market. Wagnon, E A. clerk at Through Depot, h 150 Green. Walker, C V. clerk 234 Broad. Walker, G A B. clerk G R R Through Depot, h country. Walker, E J . of W & Rogers, h country. Walters, J (). foreman Constitutionalist office, h Ellis. — Walker, J B. of W & Sons, h cor Mcintosh and Green. ^ Walker, J B & Sons, com merchants, Mcintosh bt Reynolds V^ and Bay. Walker, J W. uf J B W & Sons, bds cor Green and Mcintosh. Walker, J W. of W & Sons, h Broad bt Jackson aud Campbell. Walker, John W. grocer, 147 Green, h Jackson bt Green and Telfair. Walker, J P King, clerk ii R R, U S .<^idc Walker bt Ceutrc and Washington. Walker, Mrs Julia, h 40 Reynolds. Walker & Rogers, attorneys at law, over 22o Broad. Walker, W W. clerk G R R, h 74 Centre. Wallace, David, bar-keeper at Lafayette Hall. Walter, M. bds cor Washington and Ellis. Walters, ^Frs. dress maker, h 61 Ellis. Walton, A W. clerk at Clayton & Kennedy, h 84 iieynolds. Walker, Robt. h S side Ellis bt McKinnc and Marbury. Walton, R. senr, cashier Aug Ins & Banking Co, h 287 Broad. Walton, W A. attorney at law, hnw Range, li 287 Broad. Walton, Wm A. attorticy at law, liaw Range, Mcintosh, bds a I Mrs Moore's, Green bt W^ashington and Mcintosh. Ward, Micheal, N side Gardiner, bt Campbell and Cummiui.'. Ward, Capt Philip, conductor at A& S R R. h 102 Reynolds. Ward, W. at Wm II Goodrich's factory, bds at Mr Franklin. Warren, B II. of W, Lewis & Co, h 114 Green Warren, L C. of Miller & W, h Sand Hills. Warren, Lewis ct Co, com merchants, Warren's Block. Jack.sun. Warren, Thomas, h S side D'Antinac bt Pine annd Kollot-k. Warren, Wm II. of W, Lewis & Co, bds 114 Groeu. Washington Artillery, drill room over 147 Green. Washington Eire Compony, No 1. on Washington bt i>ruad and Reynolds. Washington Hall, N side Walker bt Jackson and Campbell. 1.42 AUGUSTA GEORGE G. McWHORTER, 'r^=:> Iir. Mcintosh Street, La-w Range, AITGMJSTA, C^A. JB^f"Will practice in all the Courts of the Middle Circuit.' JOHN N. GOW. i^ Cor. Ellis and Mcintosh Sts., Opposite the Post Office. All kinds of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL T O IvI B S, CGUNTER TOPS AM) And 3Iarble Work of every de- scription, made at the short- est notice of the best Fereinn and American Marble. fi^^All orders promptly filled. Address, JOHN N. GOW, Augusta, Ga. CITY DIKECTORY. 148 Washington, Mrs li]. li 77 Reynolds. Watson, W R. artist over 225 Broad. Watkins, Martha, N side Taleot bt Campbell and Gumming. WATKINS, E, A. city wood inspector, h 84 Broad. Watson, John M. printer, bds cor Broad and Mcintosh. Wayne, Michael, carpenter at A & S R R. Weathersbey, Wm. H. h 6 Ellis. Weavers, W A. finisher at (r R R. Webbell, J W. agent for Mcintosh cotton gin factory. Webster, Albert, ticket agent at G R R, 181 Green. Webster, Edward, conductor G R R, h 181 Green. Wedvanmayer, D. clerk at D Kahrs, bds cor Green and Elbert. Weeber, John, baker, Houston bt Bay and Reynold. Weems, Ed. clerk, 271 Broad. Weemes, Capt John, bds U S Hotel. Weigle, George A. h 24 Telfair cor Houston. Welch, David, plasterer, h cor Washington and Ellis, Welch, James, plaster, bds cor Ellis and Washington. Welch, John, grocery, 413 Broad, h same. Welch, John, shoemaker, 406 Broad, h same. Welch, Michael h W side Campbell bt Barnes and Gardiner. Welch, r L. painter at G R R. Welch, Patrick, clerk 159 Broad. Waller, D O. bds with J B Johnson. W^elsh, Patrick, bds Telfair bt Centre and Washington, Welsh, Patrick, laborer, h Broad nr Mill. Weltch, P. h 41 Telfair. Wescott, Thos. clerk 175 Broad, bds City Hotel. West, Loren, of Lingleton & W, h Green. Wheeler, Jos. agt porcelain manufacturing Co, h o5 Ellis. Wheeler, Wm. bds 35 Ellis. Wheeler, Wm H. of Montgomery & W, h35 Ellis. Wheelock, — . book-keeper at Aug Hotel, 167 Broad. WHEELOCK, WM E. proprietor Aug Hotel, 167 Broad. Whidby, L. h S side Fenwick bt Washington and Centre. Whitaker, Henry, laborer at Aug and Sav R R, h N side Wal- ker bt Cumming and Kollock. Whitaker, Polly, h Pine bt 2d Level of Canal and D'Antignae. White, I) M. boot and shoe maker, 10 Washington, h 4 Telfair. White, S C. house and sign painter, cor Mcintosh and Ellis, h 346 Broad. White, T T. book-keeper 259 Broad. White, Wm. bds at R E Baskerville, Fenwick bt Campbell and Cumming. Whitehead, F C. express office, h 88 Green. Whitehead, Jno. bds at Mrs McKinne, cor Ellis and McKinne. Whitehead, J P C. attorney at law, office over 290 Broad. Whitehead, Mrs j\I. h Jackson bt Walker and Telfair. 14A AUGUSTA MAYER & MORRIS, WHOLESALE ANI) RETAIL DEALERS IN AND •2 6 1 Broad Street, Next door to Thomas Richards & Son's Book Store, opposite Lamback & Cooper's, AUGUSTA, G A. I^*Country orders attended to with dispatch. Isaac Mayer. Jos. B. Morris. tw MilVmm 3U^t, A IT a IT s T ^, a A.. Mrs. V. V. COLLIN, Agent, Has taken the Store next to Mr. Freeman's Jewelry Store, and nearly opposite the Planters' Hotel, where she has opened an entirely New Stock of Rich and Beautiful MIMiIllSlI CiOOBS, Of the latest Spring and Fall Patterns. She has made arrange- ments to receive promptly the latest Styles. BONNETS Made, Bleached and Trimmed to order. CITY DIRECTORY. 145 Whiteman, John, cutter, 230 Broad, bds Aug Hotel. Whiteman, Sam'l. bds at R E Baskerville, Fenwick bt Camp- bell and Gumming. Whiting, W H. watch maker at Clark & Co's, bds City Hotel. Whitlock, F A. book-keeper 272 Broad. Whitney, Wm M. clerk 264 Broad. WHYTE, THOS. insurance agt and com merchant, 135 Broad, h 70 Broad. Wideman, Elizabeth, h Factory bt Pine and Marbury. Wightman, J W. h 98 Green. Wilby, Jno. machinist Aug and Sav Depot. Wilcox, Hand & Ansley, grocers 298 Broad. Wilcox, Dan'l H. grocer 241 Broad, h Sand Hills. Wildman, Alex, clerk 216 Broad, bds Globe Hotel. Wildman, N H. hat and cap mere' nt, 216 Broad, bds U S Hotel. Wilkersou, T C. h N side Watkins l3t Centre and Washington, Wilkins, L 11. carpenter at G 11 II. Wilkins, Thos. carpenter at G B K. Wilkinson & Fargo, grocers 202 Broad. Williams, C A. grocer 259 Broad, h over 251 Broad. Williams, C H. of Williams & Son, li over 251 Broad. Williams, Dan'l. bar room and grocery, cor Fenwick and Campbell. Williams, G A. stone cutter, cor Cumming and Walker. Williams, Jas M. watchmaker 236 Broad. Williams, Lurina, h Campbell bt Telfair and Walker. Williams, Mrs C. h 32 Walker. WiUiams, Mrs Jane Ann, h Campbell bt Walker and Telfair. Williams, Thos. h 50 Campbell. Williams, Thos L. grocer, cor Telfair and Campbell, h same. Williams, W^m. at Express Office. Williams, Dr Wm L. clerk P 0, h cor Telfair and Houston. Williams, Wm M. physician, h 28 Telfair. Willis, A G. h 94 Ellis. Willowby, John, bds Mrs Keys. Wilson, E. turner and coppersmith at Aug and Sav li R. Wilson, Frank R. clerk 151 Broad. Wilson, Henry, h W side Carrie bt 3Iiller and D' Antagnac. Wilson, Jas E. book-keeper 281 Broad, bds Green. Wilson, J J), clerk M W Woodruff, bds cor Telfair and Centre. Wilson, John, h S west cor Gardiner and Campbell. Wilson, Jno A. printer, bds Broad iir Upper Market. Wilson, J R. pastor presbyterian church, h 127 Green. Wilson, Wm. at Wm H Goodrich's Factory. Wimberly, L. grocer and bar, cor Twiggs and Taylor. / Winberg, John W. h 32 Campbell. Winburn, Lavinia, h cor Pine and D'Antignac. 17 146 AUGUSTA Wftf €•. MW€ll¥ AND ISTABLISHMllT HENRY J. OSBORNE, No. 236 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FINE GOLD AND SILVER ■50^ jBl' "OP CI! 30E 3^ ^^ F#BS, EMU, mMm, BMMf fWS, ALSO, f A1I€Y JIWimY, OF ALL KINDS. SUver and Plated Ware of Latest Styles. VOLCANIC AND OTHER FIRE ARMS. CITY DIRECTOKY. 147 Wingara, Dr Elisha, h E side Pine bt 2d Level Canal and D'Antignac. Winter, G W. agt bath paper mills, 284 Broad, h cor McKiune and Ellis. Wise, Wm R. carpenter at (J R R, li o5 Broad. Wise, W S. of Newby & Co, bds Globe Hotel. Woermbcke, Hary, baker at Jas Bowens. Wolfe, Christian, at Wm H Goodrich's Factory, h Gardiner bt Gumming and (Campbell. Wolfe, M. clothing store. 144 Broad. Wolfe. Mrs. h Broad. Wood, Eddy & Co. lottery and Exchange Office. 177 Broad. Wood, Virgil, harness maker, bds 885 Broad. Wood, W. clerk at M P Stovall bds cor Cummiug and Fen wick. Woodfield, Wm. machinist at G R R, h 8 Mcintosh. WOODRUFF, M W. com merchant, cor Reynold and 3IcIntosh. h Richmond County. Woodstock, W G. watchmaker 320 Broad. Woodward, Richard H. chief operator telegraph office, 176 Broad, bds Sside Ellis btCummingand Kollock. Woolin, Albert, h 29 Watkins. Worthington, Mrs F E. h 51 Calhoun. Wright, — . bds cor Kollock and Telfair. Wright ci^nirit mjkm.. HBBLOSK AHD OAK SOLB LSATHBK, French, American and German Calf Skins, UPPER SPLIT AND KIP SKINS, LINING, BINDING AND TOP SKINS, Shoe Lasts, Shoe Pegs, Shoe Threads, Shoe Tools, Boot and Shoe Materials of every description, Tanner's Tools, &c. 152 AUGUSTA TUCKER & PERKINS, No. 193 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. In Oil, Pastel and Water Colors, from the smallest Ambrotype and Daguerreotype Minatures. TUCKEK k PERKINS were awarded the first premium for the above style of Portrait Painting over all competitors at the Georgia and South Carolina State Fairs for the year 1858. SUPI1I01 lilBiei YFIS Taken in cloudy as well as in clear weather. N. B. A full supply of Photographic and Ambrotype Mate- rials and Chemicals, for sale at New York prices. TUCKER & PERKINS. Augusta, January, 1859. MILLEDCE « MILLEDCE, ATTOSllIS AT LAW, A.UGXJSTA., OA.. Will attend with dispatch and fidelity, to all business entrust- ed to their care, in the Counties of Richmond, Columbia, Burke, Jefferson, Warren and Scriven. OfiSoe on Broad Street, three doors below the State Bank. JNO. MILLEDGE. J NO. MILLEDGE, Jr. CI'TY DIRECTiDRY. 158 A. PRONTAUT, PRACTICAL First Rate Double Barreled Guns, Revolvers and other Pistols, Percussion Caps, &c. Forte-Mouuaies, and Fancy Goods of every Variety. (One door below the Augusta Hotel,) CEO. W. FERRY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER TN" 09 y^lalroj IF straw Goods and Umbrellas, Masonic Hall Buildings, 244 Broad Street. His Goods being direct from manufacturers, he is prepared at all times to offer the best and most fashionable articles, at lowest prices. Merchants and Planters will find his stock full and well as- sorted, and in prices to compete with any market North or South. 18 154 AUGUSTA I have a full and complete assortment of Rockaways, Baroaches, Bnggies, A.\J> WAGONS, with and without Tops, Selected by myself this Summer, which I will sell very low and on accommodating^ terms. On hand u good assortment of Rockaways and Buggies, of my own manufacture. Also, a full assortment of all kinds of materials used by Coach, Harness and Saddle Makers — such as Axles, Springs, Bolts, Castings, Hubs, Felloes, Spokes, Rough and Finished Shafts and Poles, Hames, Buckles, Gig Trees, Enamelled Leath- er and Cloths, Patent Dash and Collar Leather, and Harness Leather, Oil and Brussels Carpets, Paints, Turpentine, Smith's best Coach and Drying Japan Varnishes, &c. REPAIRING of Harness and Vehicles done promptly, and at low prices. Vehicles manufactured to order. LUTHER ROLL, Corner 'Washington and Reynolds Streets, In rear of Augusta Hotel, CITY DIRECTORY. 155 AUGUSTA FRENCH BURR W. R. SCHIRMER, Agent, Ellis Street, above Campbell Street, Is now prepared to furnish HEME BHE ffilMTOIll. Of all sizes, iniide to order and warranted. Furnished on short notice, of selected stock. Of different Patents. Of the best brand now in use. Of all descriptions constantly on hand. MILL-STONE AND HYDRAULIC CEMENT. All work warren ted and orders promptly attended to. Letters addressed to Wm. R. SC!HIRMEK, Agent, will be promptly answered. Here below a Certilieate. out of many others, to which atten- tion is respectfully solicited. CEHTIFIOATE. 1 hereby certify that I haveljought of Mr. W. R. Schirmer, of the Factory known as the Augusta Frencu IJurr Mill-Stone Manufactory, from 80 to 90 pairs of Mill-Stonos, and have yjut them in operation in various aec- liona of this and adjoining States, and in every instance have found them good for tlie purpose tliey were put up for, and I take pleasure in recom- mending this establislmient to the public in need of first rate Mill-Stones. I have always found them better in every instance than the Mill-Stone I have ordered from the Noi-th. (Signed,) JOHN. L CRAWFORD, Mill Wright, Warrenton. Oa.. .lulv 17th. 18.58. 156 AUGUSTA S. C. MUSTIN, No. 183 Broad Street, 3 doors above Augusta Hotel, SIGN OF THE 30 GALLON PITCHER, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN iAETHlMWAEi it Of the roost desirable styles aud patterns, consisting in part of Rich Gold Band Dinner, Tea and Toilet Setts, Rich Cut Glass Decanters, Goblets, Champaign, Wine Tumblers, &c. Also, a large stock of the newest styles of CONSISTIMJ, IN PART. OF Urns, Tea Setts, Castors, Forks, Spoons, Goblets, Ladies Cake Baskets, Mugs, aad every article to be found in the largest Jewelry Stores, of Plated Goods. Also, a large stock of very fine T-A.BLE OXJTLER,Y, Not to be surpassed in the Union. Kerosine, Oil, Fluid, Lard and Camphine Lx*VMPS, of every style and description. Also, in great variety, Planised, Japanned, Britannia and Wooden Ware. Looking Glasses of every variety. Waiters, in sets or separate. Kerosine and Fluid for sale by the gallon or barrel. N. B. — This store is not in any way connected in business with any other house in this city. Those wishing to buy are respectfully invited to call and examine Goods, either at whole- sale or retail. Having the very best of packers, goods will be ^aranteed to go safely to any part of the country. CITY DIRECTORY. 157 lao^iJiliS A Jb AJtll Jb Jb A uU ifi x U li Jt V A M and 7 o'clock, P M prayer meeting- Tuesday nights. , Christian Church, on Reynolds between Mcintosh and Green streets, Eld Q S Samor, Pnstor. Services on Sundays, lOJ A M and 7 o'clock P M. Church of the most Holy Trinity, (Roman Catholic) on Tel- fair bt Mcintosh and Jackson. Pastors, Rev G Duggan and Rev J F Kerby. Services on Sunday at 7 and 10 o'clock A M, Vespers at 3^ o'clock P M. AB^RICAN CHURCHES. Baptist — Springfield, Thankful, Central Africa. Methodist — Trinity. Sundm/ Schools. — A school is attached to each Church in the city, and arc all well attended. SOCIETIES. MASONIC INSTITUTIONS SOCIAL LOD(iK No. !. Stephen D Heard, W 31 ; Jasper B Stoughton, S AV ; Alex Irving, J W ; John J Maguire, Treas ; Chas ]>wf'1)". "^""'w. Webb's lodge no. 166. (■hristopher F Lewis, W xM; John H Mead, S W ; Charles M Wright, J W ; Thos Snowdon, Treas ; Jos J Jiathrop, Sec'ry. AUGUSTA R. A., CHAPTER NO. 2. Uriah L Leonard, H P; John J Maguire, R; Thos S Cum- ing, S ; Christopher F Lewis, C H ; James Godley, P S ; Lem- uel Dwelle, jr, R AC; Frank H Miller, M 3d Y; Fred A Whitlock, M 2d V; Edw T xAliller, M 1st Y; Lemuel Dwelle, sr, Treas ; Charles Dwelle, Sec'ry. ADONIVAN COUNCIL, NO. 1, R. & S. M. Stephen D Heard, T J M; John J Maguire, H T ; Thomas S Cuming, II A B ; Benj B Russell,'C G ; Chas Dwelle, Rec'd and Treas; John E Navy, G S. GEORGIA COMMANDING, NO. 1, K. T. Benjamin B Russell, Em Com; Christopher F Lewis, Geii'I; Stephen D Heard, Capt Gcn'l; Jas Godby, Trelate; Charles Dwelle, S W ; John H Mead, J W; Wni H Edwards. Warder ; John Hill, Treas ; Geo F iVdam, Recorder. WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. 7, I. O. O. F. D H Denning, N G; Jas H Dye, Y ; L LaTaste, Sec'ry ; G R Dodge, M ; B Conby, P Sec'ry. CITY BIKECTORY. 167 MILLER LODGE, NO. 10, I. O. O. F. A J Davis, NG-; a F Brian t, V G; J J Lathrop, P Hec'ry ; F L Markie, Rec'ing Sec'ry ; Thos Snowden, Tres. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. AUGUSTA DIVISION, NO. 7. M J Divine, W P ; J E Ryei-son, W A ; W G Whidby, R S. YOUNa MEN^S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. President — William C Derry. Vice Presidents — J R W Johnson, Baptist ; W S Royal, Me- thodist ; R F UrquhiLrt, Presbyterian ; W P Carinichael, Epis- copalian ; G W Grain, Christian. Corresponding Secretary, Whiton G Johnson. Recording Secretary, Wm G Whidby. Treasurer, Charles A Rowland. Librarian, R Stokes Sayre. STANDING COMMITTEES FOR 1869. Publication— W G Whidby. J W Burch, F M Jeffries. Lecture— W C Jessup, D B Plumb, C B Day. J^ibrary and Rooms — R S Sayre, W T Richards, F H Miller. Sick Members — W S Howard, Jr, St John Moore, C T Lewis. Finance — Sam'l A Verdery, R C Black, Wm Gibson. Employment- A A Beall, D R Wright, A F Plumb. Statistics — J W Bones, W J iVnsley, H D Norrell. SCHOOLS. AUGUSTA ACADEMY. Teachers — James L Rossignol, Classical Teacher; Jas M Shellman, English Teacher. Trustees — L A Dugas, President ; G P Garvin, James W Daviss, John K Jackson, E Starnes, Wm A Walton, G M New- ton, Wm M D'Antignac, Edward Thomas. AUGUSTA FREE SCHOOL. Teachers — Mr Thomas Snowdon, Principal Male Department ; Miss A M Clark, Female Department ; Assistants, Misses Kate K Parmale, Ann A Holliday, Josephine Thomas. Managers. — W E Jackson Chairman ; B B Russell, Secretary and Treasurer ; J B Bishop, M Hatch, Jno Craig, D B Plumb, G M Thew, Jas Gardiner, Geo W Evans, JMilligan, R C Kerr, Benj Conley, J W Davis, G T Dortic, F Blodget, jr. 168 AUGUSTA HOUGHTON INSTITUTE. Teachers — Thos H Holleyman, A M, Principal Male Depart- ment ; Miss Sarah J Thompson, Principal Female Department. STEAMBOAT LINES BETWEEN AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH. EXCEL LINE. Steamer Excel, 205 tons burthen ; C R Pawell, Captain. J V Tarver, agent at Savannah ; H T Russen agent at Augusta. FASHION LINE. Steamer Columbia, 300 tons burthen ; D A Philpot, Captain. Steamer Talamicco, 400 tons burthen ; C R Powell, Captain. Steamer Fashion, 300 tons burthen ; Thos M Philpot, Captain. United States Hotel, 0WELLE & MOSHER, Proprietors, M ijcU 8 T A, GE R GI A. L. DWELLE, Sn. J. MOSHER. J. E. MUNGER, PRtKTICAt WATKHHAKER, AND DEALER IX i^M mid ^ite Wattkis, iMis®sii Mw mm smimm^, Silver & Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Colt's Repeaters, Allen's Revolving Pistols, Single and Double Barrel Pistols and Guns, and a large selection of Gold, Silver & Steel SPECTACLES & OPTICAL GLASSES. PURE, NON-EXPr.OSIVE COAL (KEROSINE) OIL, And a beautiful assortment of Lamps adapted expressly for it. N. B. — Tn Watcli and Clock Repairing my old friends can liave mj services as heretofore, at TWEEDY'S OLD STAND, 150 Broad-St. EDWARD J. WALKER, ATTORNEY AT tAW, Office Over tlie City Bank, J. M. NEWBY & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN I UNDER UNITED STATES HOTEL, PINE bla:jk, blue and olive mOGK IND DRESS GO^V^ BUSINESS COATS » XL DESCRIPTIONS AlVD COLORS. Cassiuiere Suits, Coats, Pants and Vests to Mate*' fill; MiMM. CMIMM MM, Plaid, Plain, Striped, and other styles of Fancy Cassimere Paxitts,, SII4K, ITIERINO, It'OOI., VELVET, SATIN, BARATHEA. 1 and otlicr Styles of "^ IB S T S . Together with every Style of Goods for Gentlemen's Wear. ts^-CALL AND TAKE A LOOK.-^ir: E. J. BUCKMASTER, 157 Broad Street, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEK T\ mmDWARE, STOVES, GRATES Ai RANGES, Brass, Copper, Zinc, Tin, Plated Ware, Tinners' Tools, &c., &c. ONE DOOR SSELOW MECHANICS' BAI^K, -A-XJO-TTST-/^^ GEORGIA.- E R JR ^ T A_ M^MBEKS CITY COUNCIL AND ^TY OFFICERS. For Harland Bigby read Harland Bigbj " 'Tacob Sistruck read Jacob Sistrun] jPoffSi COURTS. ession of the Court of Common ' as read City Court. i " Judge William S Gould read Wl ^ta T Gould. wL MIUITARY. ^^'. OGLETHORrE INFANTRY. l^or Capt John H Jackson read John K Jackson. CLINCH RIFLES. ! For 2d Lieut Joseph E Marshell read Joseph E Marshall. IRISH VOLUNTEERS. For 1st Lieut M Deletre read M Delettre. AUGUSTA FIRE COMPANY. VIGILANT FIRE ENGINE. For Secretary N K Rutter, jr, read N K Butler, jr. HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY. For W B Chusboro read W B Cheesboro. BANKS. BRANCH BANK STATE OF GEORGIA. For President Thos Barret read Thos Barrett. " Cashier Grenvile Simmons read Grenville Simmons. " Director John LI Phinney read James H. Phiuizy. mechanics' bank. For Director Robt Kerr read Robt C Kerr. \ EEBATA. CITY BANK. For Cashier W J Sanes read "Wm J Sams. Director G N Newton read George M Newton. BANK OF AUGUSTA. For Cashier James W Davis read James W. Davies. " Director M Wilkirson read M Wilkinson. " " E Staunes read E Starnes. " *' James W Davis read James W Davies. GEORGIA RAIL ROAD & BANKING COMPANY. For Director James W Davis read James W Davies. " " Ferdinand Phemzy read Ferdinand Phinizy. AUGUSTA INSURANCE & BANKING COMPANY. Director Y McCord read Z McCord. EXCHANGE BANKERS. For F C Baker read F C Barber. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA. (Corner Telfair and Washington Streets.) This institution went into operation in the fall of 1832. It has a board of 24 trustees and seven professors The annual course of lectures begins on the first Monday in November. The first courst of lectures was attended by 26 students in 1832. In 1858 the class numbered 160, of whom 64 were graduated. Faculty— H V M Miller, M D. Professor of Physiology and Pathological Anatomy ; H F Campbell, M D. Prof, of Anatomy ; L A Dugas, M D. Prof, of Surgery ; Joseph Jones, M D. Prof, of Chemistry and Pharmacy ; I P Garvin, M D. Profes.'sor Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Medical Jurisprudence ; L D Ford, M D. Prof, of the Institutes and Practice of Medicine ; Jos A Eve, M D. Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women andlnfimts; Rob't Campbell, M D Demonstrator of Anatomy; H W D Ford, M D. Prosector to the Professor of Surgery ; S D Sim- mons, M D. A&sistant Demonstrator ; S P Cleveland, Curator of Museum. CHURCHES. St. Paul's Church. Services on Sunday lOJ A M and 3 PM, Winter ; 4 P M Summer. Christian Church on Reynolds between Mcintosh and Jackson. Eld J S Lamar. Services on Sunday 10|- A M, 7 P M. i£REATA. TRUSTEES OF THE MASONIC HALL. William T Gould, Chairman ; Benj B Russell, Sect'y and Treas. William H Jones, Lemuel Dwelle, Sr, James Godby, Ignatius P Garvin, Lambeth Hopkins, John Hill, Stephen D Heard, Thos Snowdon, Wm Hardeman, Christopher F Lewis, John D Butt. AUGUSTA R. A. CHAPTER NO. 2. John J Maguire R, should read K ; for James Godley read Godby. GEORGIA COMMANDING read COMMANDERY. tias Godby, Trelate, read Prelate. WASHINGTON LODGE, No. 7. For B Conby read B Conley. YOUNG MEN'S LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. President, I P Garvin ; Vice President, Henry IMoore ; Sec'y and Treasurer A C Ives. Managers — John Bones, Artemas Gould, John Davison, James W Davies. George M Thew, W C Jessup. Librarian — Thomas Courtney, SCHOOLS. For Augusta Academy read Richmond County Academy. " Trustee G P Garvin read I P Garvin. STEAMBOAT LINES. EXCEL. Capt C H Powell. IRON STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Steamer Starke, Captain J S Skinner. " Augusta, Captain H B Frazer. " Swan, Captain R Johnson. FASHION LINE. Steamer Talamico, Capt D Philpot. John A Moore, Capt T N Philpot. " Columbia, Capt T Daniels. ERRATA. AUGUSTA CITY DIRECTORY. Adam, George F. firm Carmichael, B & C. 262 Broad, bds. Planters' Hotel. Allen. Dr J P. bds at J V H Allen, Greene. Andrews, Isaac N. of Haigh & A. h 242 Ellis. Aufferman, C. bar and oyster saloon, 105, h 39 Broad. Augusta Free School, 136 Greene. Augusta Orphan Asylum, cor Walker and Centre. Averell, Alfred M. boards 429 Broad. Br Baker* Henry coroner, h 119 Ellis. Baker Alfre'd, of B c^ Usher, Paragon Mills, h Sand Hill. Bamburg F. superintendent through freight cars S. C. & G. R. R. h 149 Washington. Barnes, John A. sr, ag't, office 360 Broad, h corner of Mcintosh and Greene. Barron, W W, h 185 Ellis. Baskeville, R. E. b. h. Fen wick bt Campbell and Cumming. Baudry, Lr A. druggist, 123 Broad, h 18 Bay, Beale, Miss Savannah, h 56 Centre. Beall, Wm M. warehouse and commission business, Reynold, h 337 Broad. Beall, Albert A A. bds Planters Hotel. Beall, Wm. A. of Doughty B & Co. bds Planters Hotel. Belcher, W P, cotton buyer, 3 Jackson, bds 9 Jackson. Bean, A C, Notary Public, State Bank. Bessman, G W. nursery and florist, 32 Green, h same. Bignon, Armand P. dentist, 217 Broad, bds 78 Greene, Bignon, H A. physician, 140 Broad, h 78 Greene. Black, R C. physician, office 16 Campbell, h 277 Broad. Blodget, Foster, Jr., h bt Elbert and Lincoln. Blome, L T. printer Constitutionalist office. Bones, Thos. A. of J. & Thos. A Bones, bds 159 Broad. Bones, John of J & T A Bones, President Augusta Bank, h over 185 Broad. Bones, Jno & Thos A, hardware merchants, 185 & 187 Broad. Bones, Thos M. clerk J & Thos A Bones, bds 164 Greene. Bottom, William, bds 95 Elhs. Bouchelon, G. W. clerk 239 Broad, bds Mansion House. Boulineau, G E. blacksmith, 39 Centre, h corner Greene and Lincoln. E^tRATA. 5 Brown, E W. of Brown