V - BOOK Los *"*e/ Ca/ , DISEASED COMMUNITIES. Australia, New Zealand AND BY THOMAS J. DIVEN AUTHOR OF "AZTECS AND MAYAS" AND "THE 20TH CENTURY PHILOSOPHER" Published by the ANTIQUARIAN CO. 180 N. Dearborn Street CHICAGO 1911 INDEX CHAPTER I. Page. Australia The Country ..................... 5 CHAPTER II. Present State ............................... 28 CHAPTER III. \ The Way Thither . . ......................... 51 i iimr in-irniniiiin i | j. "country, to a great distance was a barren ^^^^ l ^q&*^**m~*~~***~&'ii*'* l '**^*'**''**''* m ' f ** l * f ^ JraaifcataHmfaasmg**'* 11 *'' 1 *''* prairie, with the exception of here and there a few^ scattered 4 treeji. The pinching rold was severely felt by all those who were in want of clothes and bedding, and this was particularly the case with us. Under the pressure of sufferings we were ridiculed and laughed at. 'Look', said the Monesey chief to a Wyandot, 'look at these praying (Christian) Indians, who but the other day were living in affluence, how they now creep about in the bushes looking for roots and berries to keep themselves from starving. Well, they are served right, for why should some live better than others'? We have now brought them on a level with us.' Yet such sayings were not the worst, but both Pipe and the half king boasted that they now had it in their power to compel the Christian Indians to go to war with them whenever they choose to command them." 252 OUR LESSON. So they as much as say in Australia and New Zealand: "We may pauperize the whole com- munity, but it must be a community of equals. There shall not be a rich man and a poor man. " The human race has always been trying to abrogate the laws of nature by statute laws, the law of the political bum for the law of the Creator, to its own loss. Homer makes Jove say: "Mankind brings a flood of evils on its head by its own follies, and lays the blame upon me." A more modern writer hits it off neatly when he makes Jove say: "What, I damn such fools'?" It is the law of nature that the idle, the vicious and the drunken suffer therefor. Few of the human race are guided by reason, or by any other law than that of necessity. If you rob a man of the rewards of his industry, or if you make it hard for individuals to accumu- late wealth, you increase the poverty of all. Among the rich you get rich; among the poor you get poor. New Zealand and Australia are condemned to an eternity of mediocrity. We are trying to follow their example. The End. vA UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 961 773 9 . I f Is*