/'BERKELEY* LIBRARY I UNIVERSITY OF \CAUFORNIA W/s EARTH SCIENCBS J Olarnegte Utbrarg WITHDRAWN WILLS COLLEGE LIBRAS/ by MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS TEXT AND PLATES MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS TEXT AND PLATES EARTH SCIENCE? LIBRARY rs EARTH CLASS PELECYPODA (CONT.NUBD) S5!? 1 Subgenus GRYPH/EOSTREA Conrad [Am. Jour. Conch., vol. i, 1865, p. 15. Name only] Type. Ostrea subeversa Conrad = Gryphcea vomer Morton. " Shell thin, elongate, straight, narrow ; lower valve rather deep and smooth; upper valve flat or slightly concave, and ornamented with distant, ' regular, thin, concentric laminae; beak of lower valve contorted, or turned to one side ; cartilage-pit narrow, oblique. Gryphcea vomer Morton (sp.). Mr. Conrad did not publish a diagnosis of this type, but merely gave the name in a list of fossils. At my request, however, he gave me in manuscript the above diagnosis, and mentioned the above type. I would add that, in perfectly preserved specimens, the typical species presents the singular peculiarity of throwing out long, slender, auricular appen- dages (one on each side) from the lower valve near the beak. These being very fragile, are nearly always broken away, as the specimens are found; but I observed several, with more or less of them preserved, in the New Jersey beds ; and one I found growing in the inside of a Gryphcea vesicu- laris with them perfectly preserved and apparently attached to the Gryphcea by their extremities." Meek, 1876. Gryphceostrea suggests Exogyra in the gyrate umbones of the left valve, The beak of the right valve of the former, however, is orthogyrate or at the most slightly inclined, and this, together with the inflation of the beak of the left valve, allies it more closely with Gryphcea than with Exogyra. (GRYPH^OSTREA) VOMER Morton Plate XXV, -Figs. 1-4 Gryphcea vomer Morton, 1828, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., vol. vi, p. 83. Gryphcea vomer Morton, 1834, Syn. Org. Rem. Cret., p. 54, pi. ix, fig. 5. Gryphcea vomer Conrad, 1835, Trans. Geol. Soc., Pennsylvania, vol. i, p. 336. Gryphcea vomer Conrad, 1842, Proc. Nat. Inst., Bull, ii, p. 172. Exogyra lateralis Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 6. Ostrea (Gryphceostrea) subeversa Conrad, 1865, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. i, p. 15 (name only). Etymology: 7pii7r6y, hook-nosed; ostrea, oyster. 580 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Gryphceostrea lateralis Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 724. " Ostrea lateralis Nilsson " Coquand, 1869, Mon. Genre Ostrea, p. 96, pi. xxx, fig. 10. (Not Ostrea vomer d'Orbigny, 1850, Coquand, Mon. Genre Ostrea, p. 39, pi. xvi, figs. 13-15. = 0. 'convexa Say.) Gryphceostrea vomer Meek, 1876, Kept. U. S. Geol. Survey, Terr., vol. ix, p. 11. Ostrea vomer White, 1884, 4th Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. Survey, p. 302, pi. xlviii, figs. 8-10. Gryphceostrea vomer Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 195, pi. xxvi, figs. 11, 12. Ostrea sp. Clark, 1895, Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., vol. xv, p. 6. Ostrea sp. Clark, 1896, Bull. 141, U. S. Geol. Survey, p. 88, pi. xxxix, figs. 3a-3c. Ostrea subeversa Clark, 1896, Bull. 141, U. S. Geol. Survey, p. 93. Ostrea (Gryphceostrea) subeversa Ball, 1898, Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., vol. iii, pt. iv, p. 681. Ostrea (Gryphceostrea) vomer Clark, 1901, Md. Geol. Survey, Eocene, p. 193, pi. 1, figs. 1-5. Ostrea (Gryphceostrea) vomer Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 11. Gryphceostrea vomer, Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 455, pi. xliv, figs. 7-11. (Exclude fig. 6, broken valve of Gryphcea vesicularis) . Description. " Shell subrhomboidal ; upper valve small, thin, slightly concave ; lower valve convex, obscurely lobed, the lobed margin obliquely produced from the hinge ; a wrinkled groove each side of the latter ; beak pointed, curved obliquely inwards ; umbo prominent." Morton, 1828. Type Locality. New Egypt, New Jersey. Shell of moderate size, elongate, rudely ovate or elliptical, strongly inequivalve ; attached left valve strongly convex, often irregular in outline over the area of attachment in the umbonal region ; umbones inflated, tips prosogyrate and acutely pointed, when not flattened against the sup- porting surface; anterior and posterior dorsal margins of perfect and typically developed individuals produced into long, slender, auricular extensions somewhat similar to those of Gryphcea convexa Say. External surface of left valve smooth excepting for growth striations, right cover- valve regularly subovate, flattened, often a little sinuous and with a slight forward twist in the flattened umbonal region; external surface sculptured with conspicuous, fine-edged concentric laminas, five to eleven in number, regularly spaced, parallel to the outer margin and delimiting the outline of the shell during former stages of growth ; hinge area small, MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 581 low, flattened as a rule, irregular in outline, submargins auriculately produced in the left valve, somewhat thickened but not produced in the right valve ; not sculptured ; muscle impressions elongated, rudely semi- elliptical, concentrically striated. The characters of the attached valve of G. vomer are variable, the inflated umbones and smooth external surface constituting perhaps the best diagnostic of indifferently preserved individuals. The ovate outline and the elevated concentric lamina are sufficient to determine even a fragment of the right valve. Occurrence. M ATA WAN FORMATION. ? Gibson's Island, ? head of Magothy River, ? Ulmstead Point, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Two miles west of Delaware -City on John Hig- gins farm, Briar Point, Post 156, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Dela- ware; Bohemia Mills, Cecil County; mouth of Turner's Creek, Kent County; Brightseat, railroad cut west of Seat Pleasant, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Friendly, and McNeys Corners, Prince George's County, Maryland. EANCOCAS FORMATION. Noxontown Pond, Delaware. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Marshalltown clay marl, New Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Navesink marl and Red Bank sand, New Jersey. Rancocas Formation. Vincentown limesand and Horners- town marl, New Jersey. Eutaw Formation (Tombigbee sand member). Exogyra ponderosa zone, Lee and Alcorn counties, Mississippi. Eipley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, east-central and northern Mississippi. Extreme top of zone, Union County, Mississippi. Selma Chalk. Exogyra ponderosa zone, Warrior and Tombigbee rivers and Pickens County, Ala- bama; east-central and northern Mississippi and Tennessee. Exogyra costata zone, Sumter and Wilcox counties, Alabama; east-central and northern Mississippi. Nanjemoy Formation. Maryland. Aquia Forma- tion. Maryland. Jackson Formation. Alabama. 582 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Superfamily TRIGONIACEA Family TRIGONIIDAE Genus TRIGONIA Bruguiere [Ency. M6th. Vers., vol. I, 1789, p. xiv] Type. Trigonia margaritacea Lam. Shell heavy, nacreous within, equivalve, inequilateral, subtrigonal or trapezoidal in outline. Umbones anterior, opisthogyrate, moderately inflated, lunule absent, escutcheon strongly defined; posterior area sharply differentiated by a carina extending from the umbones to the posterior ventral margin ; sculpture upon medial and anterior portions of the disk usually developed and often more or less nodose ; sculpture upon the pos- terior area concentric, radial, divaricate, or absent. Hinge dentition vigorous, two divergent transversely striated cardinal teeth in the right valve, three cardinals in the left, the middle tooth stout, trigonal, medially sulcate, transversely striated, the two outer cardinals compound and rela- tively small, transversely striated within. Ligament groove marginal, opisthodetic, muscle impressions two in number, the posterior the larger, pallial line indistinct, entire. Trigonia was one of the major elements during the Mesozoic, the epoch which marks its origin and culmination. Five species still persist in the Australian region, but they are rather distantly connected with the Meso- zoic forms. A. Costals not exceeding 16 in number Trigonia eufalensis B. Costals exceeding 16 in number. 1. Shell semi-elliptical in outline, not rostrate posteriorly, costals coarser upon the medial portion of the shell than towards the extremities Trigonia cerulea 2. Shell trigonal in outline, rostrate posteriorly, costals conspicuously coarser on the anterior third of the shell, becoming abruptly finer and more regular in arrangement medially. Trigonia marionensis TKIGONIA EUFALENSIS Gabb Plate XXXIV, Figs. 1, 2 Trigonia eufalensis Gabb, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, p. 396, pi. Ixviii, fig. 32. Trigonia eufalensis Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 9. Etymology: T pi, three; ywvia, angles. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 583 Trigonia eufalcnsis Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 725. Trigonia eufalensis Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 113, pi. xiv, figs. 1-4. Trigonia eufalensis Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Fhila., p. 11. Trigonia eufalensis Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 462, pi. xlviii, figs. 5-10. Description. " Subtriangular, resembles T. alceformis Sow. in out- line, not quite so elongate anteriorly; beaks posterior; lunule distinct; surface marked by about fourteen ribs, the more anterior of which pro- ceed from the lunule anteriorly and then cross the shell at right angles with the lunule, exhibiting a tendency to being nodose, especially near the lunule; lunule marked by ten or twelve transverse ribs; cardinal margin somewhat incurved, anterior elongate and subbiangular, basal sinuous and deeply serrate, posterior regularly rounded ; internally, hinge teeth small, muscular impressions deep ; pallial line entire ; a small tooth- like ridge or process extends along the middle of the alation, as in T. alceformis." Conrad, 1860. Type Locality. Eufaula, Alabama. Shell thick, heavy, prismatic, rudely trigonal in outline, moderately convex ; umbones anterior, incurved, opisthodetic, flattened upon their summits but prominent by reason of their position at the apex of an angle of approximately 120 ; lunule not differentiated, escutcheon denned, not only by the sculpture but also by an abrupt change in the plane of the shell ; anterior portion of the shell sculptured by twelve to fifteen promi- nent concentric ridges, rather sharply rounded upon 'their summits, dor- sally inclined, especially in the umbonal region, more prominent, sym- metrical and feebly rugose ventrally, regularly arranged but much more closely spaced along the concave margin than the convex ; ligament mar- ginal the groove in which it was lodged short linear and opisthodetic; cardinal teeth of left valve massive, trigonal, transversely striated, inner faces of hinge margins also striated in order to clasp the divergent teeth of the right valve ; muscle impressions deeply excavated, the anterior slightly more so than the posterior; pallial line simple distant from the hinge margin. 584 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY This species is the smallest and most abundant member of this remark- able genus within the confines of Maryland. It is separated from T. cerulea Whitfield by the more prominent umbones, the more convex posterior dorsal, the more attenuated posterior extremity and the fewer rugose and relatively coarser external costae. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FOTIMATIOX. ? 2 miles west of Delaware City on John Higgins farm, Delaware ; ? Bohemia Mills, Cecil County ; mouth of Turner's Creek, Kent County; Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Friendly, 1 mile west of Friendly, McNeys Corners, Fort Washington, Prince George's County, Maryland. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Woodbury clay and Wenonah sand, New Jersey. Black Creek Formation. North and South Carolina. Peedee Sand. North and South Carolina. Eutaw Formation (Tombigbee sand member). Exogyra ponderosa zone, Mortoniceras subzone, Georgia. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Georgia ; Eufaula, Alabama. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia. TRIGONIA CERULEA Whitfield Trigonia cerulea Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 114, pi. xiv, fig. 7. Trigonia cerulea Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 464, pi. xlviii, fig. 13. Description. " Shell small or below a medium size, moderately convex on the valves and of a triangularly-ovate outline. Beak small, appressed, obtusely pointed and erect; posterior hinge-line long and slightly con- cave ; posterior end narrow and rounded ; anterior end broadly rounded ; basal line a litle gibbous in the middle, but otherwise forming a continuous line with the anterior and posterior margins. Surface of the shell cov- ered by coarse elevated ribs, which are flattened on their surfaces over a large part of the shell, but near the posterior cardinal margin are sharp and very slightly crenulated. The ribs are coarse and distant on the ante- rior and middle parts of the shell, but gradually become finer and more MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 585 closely arranged toward the posterior part. Interspaces concave. No postero-cardinal area is visible on the specimen used, the ribs apparently passing, without interruption, across the entire disk of the shell and ter- minating on the cardinal margin. The ribs of the anterior end curve strongly forward in passing to the basal and anterior margins, while those of the hinder parts of the valves pass more directly across to the postero- basal margin. This species differs from any of the others described from these beds in its form, but more particularly in the style and number of the surface ribs. They are more numerous than on any of the other forms, there having been about twenty-three on the specimen figured, which is only one inch and an eighth in length. Their flattened surface and the gradual increase backward is also opposite from that which is seen to occur on those .... In coarse olive-green indurated marl at the deep cut on the Holmdel and Keyport Turnpike, Monmouth County, New Jersey, at the base of the Lower Marls. The substance of the shell is entirely changed to vivianite, which is soft and of a bright blue color, very easily destroyed by handling or rubbing." Whitfield, 1885. This species is represented in the collections of the Maryland Cretaceous by a single valve. The species is somewhat larger than the more common T. eufalensis Gabb, is less trigonal and more semi-elliptical in outline, not rostrate posteriorly and less coarsely and more uniformly sculptured. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brooks estate near Seat Pleas- ant, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Columbia University, New Jersey Geological Survey. Outside Distribution. Monmouth Formation. Tinton beds, New Jersey. TRIGONIA MARIONENSIS Stephenson n. sp. Description. " Shell subtrigonal, equivalve, inequilateral, moderately ventricose anteriorly, becoming strongly compressed posteriorly; beak small, incurved, situated about one-quarter the length of the shell from the anterior extremity. Hinge and dorsal area too poorly preserved for description. 586 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY " Posterior adductor scar apparently small and situated near the dorsal margin, at about the mid-length of the shell; a sharp crested ridge or carina extends from a short distance behind this scar backward to about the middle of the posterior extremity. Dorsal margin broadly concave ; anterior margin broadly and regularly rounded; ventral margin regu- larly rounded anteriorly, notched, the notches corresponding to the interspaces between the ribs ; the broad curve carries the ventral margin upward toward the high narrow posterior portion of the shell, where the margin curves slightly downward becoming concave, and meeting the posterior margin in a subright angle : posterior margin short, squarely truncated, and situated above the mid-height of the shell. " Surface of the adult marked by 20-22 prominent ribs which originate along the lower margin of the dorsal area and extend to the anterior and ventral margins; the ribs on the anterior portion of the shell trend first forward and downward, and then sweep in a gentle curve around to the anterior margin; from the front toward the rear the ribs become suc- cessively straighter, tending first downward, and, toward the posterior extremity, backward and downward ; the crests of the ribs are poorly pre- served but are apparently tuberculated. "Dimensions. Length 37 mm.; height 27 mm.; convexity 7 mm. "' This species differs from Trigonia eufaulensis Gabb in the closer spacing and smaller degree of curvature of the ribs, and in the greater curvature of the ribs, and in the greater elongation of the posterior portion of the shell. The species is distinguished from the young of Trigonia bartrami by the relatively closer spacing of the ribs and the greater pos- terior elongation of the shell. "Type.U. S. National Museum, No. 31642. " Occurrence in South Carolina. Snow Hill member of Black Creek formation (upper part of Exogyra ponderosa zone). Hodge's old mill site, 3^ miles southeast of Mullins, Marion County. "' Occurrence in Alabama. Tombigbee sand member of Eutaw forma- tion (lower part of Exogyra ponderosa zone). Seaboard Air Line Kail- way at bridge over Hatchechubbee Creek, 2 miles west of Pittsview, Russell County." Stephenson, MS. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 587 Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. North shore Round Bay, Severn River, Anne Arundel County. MOXMOUTH FORMATION. Millersville, Anne Arundel County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. C. Isodonta Superfamily PECT1NACEA Family PECT1NIDAE Genus PECTEN Miiller [Zool. Dan Prodr., 1766, p. 248] Type. Ostrea maxima Linne. Shell approximately equilateral, inequivalve, usually suborbicular, auriculate; right valve, as a rule, the more convex, not adherent but attached by a byssus; hinge line straight; resilium central, internal, tri- angular ; interlocking grooves and ridges diverging from the apex of the resilial pit; pallia! line simple; monomyarian; adductor impression rounded, posterior. The earliest Pecten known is from the Cretaceous. The recent species exceed two hundred in number and their distribution is world-wide. A. Shell not conspicuously inequivalve. 1. External surface radially sculptured. a. Radial sculpture of more or less arcuate linear lirse. Pecten argillensis b. Radial sculpture coarse to fine but not linear nor arcuate. i. Adult shell exceeding 3 cm. in diameter; radials not sul- cate, more or less scabrous, 30 to 40 in number. Pecten whitfieldi ii. Adult shell not exceeding 3 cm. in diameter; radials medially sulcate, as a rule, but not scabrous, 12 to 18 in number Pecten venustus 2. External surface not radially sculptured. a. External surface faintly sculptured concentrically. i. Adult shell exceeding 2 cm. in diameter. Pecten cliffwoodensis ii. Adult shell not exceeding 2 cm. in diameter. .Pecten conradi b. External surface smooth, adult shell not exceeding 2 cm. in diameter Pecten simplicius B. Shell conspicuously inequivalve Pecten guinquecostatus Etymology: Pecten, a comb. A reference to the series of small tooth-like spines placed on the margin of the shell at the byssal opening. 39 588 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY PECTEN AEGILLENSIS Conrad Plate XXXIV, Figs. 3-5 Pecten argillensis Conrad, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2 ser., vol. iv, p. 283. Pecten argillensis Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 7. Camptonectes bellisculptus Conrad, 1869, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. v, p. 99, pi. ix, fig. 11. Camptonectes (Amusiumj burlingtonensis Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 53, pi. viii, figs. 3-7, 9 (not fig. 8) (ex parte) ; not Pecten burlingtonensis Gabb, 1860. Pecten bellisculptus Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 11. Pecten argillensis Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 472, pi. xlix, figs. 1-4. Description. " Suborbicular, very thin, compressed ; radiated only on the upper part with minute lines ; disk covered with closely arranged, fine lamelliform striae, except on the umbo and adjacent parts where they are distant; posterior margin opposite the ear carinated. (Upper valve.)" Conrad, 1860. Type Locality. Owl Creek, Tippah County, Mississippi. Shell rather thin and fragile, compressed, subequivalve ; outline, exclu- sive of the auricles, a sector of approximately 90 ; hinge line straight, a little more than half as wide as the shell; auricles broad but rather low; surface ornamentation elaborate but not conspicuous, radial sculpture of finely incised lines, two to four to the millimeter, on the disks of the adults, straight in the medial portion but sweeping in gentle curves toward the lateral margins deeper and a little broader posteriorly than anteriorly; concentric lines thirty to forty in number, over-riding and intercepting the radials, finely and evenly crenulated and in the umbonal region of perfectly preserved adults, minutely moniliform; auricles very unequal, the anterior broader and relatively lower than the posterior; posterior auricle sculptured with approximately fifteen coarse lirations running oblique to the hinge margin, rendered minutely scabrous by the over-riding incrementals ; anterior auricle long and narrow, alate in outline, the striations radiating from the umbonal extremity, sweeping in rather abrupt curves to the dorsal margin; byssal sinus narrow and very MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 589 deep ; the area between the auricle and the disk not sculptured ; characters of interior not known. Pecten argillensis is identical with Pecten bellisculptus Conrad, which was doubtless described from a type on which the delicate beaded sculpture was better preserved than on the type of P. argillensis Conrad. The species is one of the most abundant representatives of its genus in Mary- land, but unfortunately it is so fragile that perfectly preserved individuals are obtainable only with the greatest difficulty. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Woodbury clay, Marshalltown clay marl, and Wenonah sand, New Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Navesink marl, New Jersey. ? Black Creek Formation. North and South Carolina. Eutaw Formation (Tombigbee sand member). Exogyra ponderosa zone, Mortoniceras subzone, Lowndes County, and ? Prentiss County, Mississippi. Ripley Formation. Exo- gyra costata zone, Georgia; Eufaula, Alabama; Chickasaw, Union and Tippah counties, Mississippi. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia; Chattahoochee River, Alabama; Lowndes and Union counties, Mississippi. PECTEN WHITFIELDI Weller Pecten tenuitestus Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 47, pi. vii, figs. 5, 6. (Not Pecten tenuitestus Gabb, 1862.) Pecten wMtfieldi Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv. p. 468, pi. 1, fig. 14. Description. " Shell of small to medium size, broadly ovate exclusive of the auriculations, the breadth of the shell being to the height as six is to seven. Cardinal slopes straight, more than one-third the length of the shell, and the anterior longest. Left valve very depressed convex, most ventricose above the middle ; beak small and pointed. Auriculations large, the anterior double the size of the posterior, very slightly rounded on the 590 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY margin, and perceptibly narrowing below; posterior shorter on the car- dinal line than below; anterior side marked by seven sharply-elevated nodose rays, and the posterior by six, with one or two smaller ones between, near the body of the shell. Body of the shell marked by about thirty to thirty-five slender, rounded but unequal rays with much wider flattened interspaces, with an occasional incipient ray on the outer third of the shell. Ribs marked by distant, elevated or subspinose nodes, most closely arranged on the auriculations and obsolete above the middle of the body of the valve. Right valve with the ribs proportionally stronger in the specimens examined than on, the left valve and showing a stronger ten- dency to alteration of smaller and larger ones than on the opposite, while the imbrications of the ribs are not nearly so strong, not rising into spines, as on the left valve. Auriculations of the right valve scarcely perceptibly radiate, while the concentric markings of the valve are more subdued throughout. " So far as I have discovered the species was never figured by its author, but its description is more full than usual, so I think the identification is less Mkely to be questionable than in some other instances. It would seem to be the type of Pecten islandicus, although the ribs are less closely arranged and the interspaces are flattened. Among the few specimens which I have examined I have seen no reason to suppose the valves were so strongly bent as to leave them ' about half an inch apart in the middle/ as the author states. "Formation and Locality. In the Lower Green marls at Holmdel, New Jersey, collected at G. C. Schanck's pits, near Marlborough, and pre- sented to the New Jersey collection by the Rev. Dr. Riley. It also occurs at Burlington, New Jersey." Whitfield, 1885. " Shell, exclusive of the auriculations, broadly ovate in outline, higher than wide, the dimensions of a left valve being: height 40 mm., width 35 mm., convexity 5 mm., length of hinge-line about 16 mm. Left valve depressed convex, deepest above the middle, the beak pointed, auriculations of moderate size, the anterior one larger than the posterior. Surface marked by low, rounded, nodose, more or less unequal, radiating ribs, which increase by intercalation, thirty or more are present upon the body MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 591 of the shell where they are narrower than the interspaces, the ribs upon the auriculations are narrower, closer together, and more nodose than upon the body of the shell, though in some examples, especially the larger ones, they are inconspicuous. The surface is also marked by more or less irregular, concentric lines of growth. "Remarks. The shells which are made the types of this species were identified and illustrated by Whitfield as P. tenuitestus, but an exami- nation of Gabb's type of that species has shown that Whitfield's identifica- tion was incorrect, the true P. tenuitestus being the same as the specimens described as P. planicostatus by that author. This species differs from P. tenuitestus of the same fauna, in being proportionally higher, nar- rower, and more convex, with the radiating ribs nodose, and proportion- ally broader with narrower interspaces and with the concentric markings coarser and less regular." Weller, 1907. A fragment of a nmlticostate scabrous Pecten occurs at Brooks estate, Prince George's County, and may perhaps indicate the former presence of this species in Maryland. Fragments of another species, possibly closely allied with P. whitfieldi Weller, were collected in the Matawan at Camp Fox on the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. The Matawan form has much more numerous costa3 which are rendered scabrous by the over- riding concentric sculpture. Occurrence. MOXMOUTH FORMATION. Brooks estate near Seat Pleas- ant, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Columbia University, New Jersey Geological Survey. Outside Distribution. Monmouth Formation. Navesink marl, New Jersey. PECTEX VEXUSTUS Morton Plate XXXIV, Figs. 6, 7 Pecten venustus Morton, 1833, Am. Jour. Sci., 1st ser., vol. xxiii, p. 293, pi. v, fig. 7. Pecten venustus Morton, 1834, Syn. Org. Rem. Cret. Group, U. S., p. 58, pi. v, fig. 7. Pecten venustus Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 7. 592 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Pecten venustus Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 725. Pecten venustus Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 45, pi. vii, figs. 1, 2. Pecten venustus Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 11. Pecten venustus Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 478, pi. li, figs. 1-5. Description. " Shell thin, depressed, about half an inch in diameter, with fifteen or twenty double costae; those on the lower valve delicately beaded. From New Jersey." Morton, 1833. Shell small, rarely more than a centimeter and a half in diameter, more than moderately inflated, subequilateral excepting for the auricles, a little higher than wide, dorsal margins converging at an angle of approxi- mately 90, lateral ventral margins roughly subscribing the major portion of a circle; external surface sculptured with some fifteen radial costae broader toward the ventral margin and for the most part medially sulcate, interradials deeply channeled, usually narrower than radial s; auricles unequal, the posterior smooth and rudimentary, the anterior narrow, elon- gate, distally truncate, sculptured with four or five subequal lirae ; byssal notch rather shallow; interior plicated in harmony with the eternaxl sculpture. Pecten venustus Conrad is the only one of the small Pectens that develops a vigorous radial sculpture. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. Post 236, Camp Fox, Post 218 and Post 192, Camp U & I, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Marshalltown clay marl, New Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Navesink marl, Eed Bank sand and Tinton beds, New Jersey. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Chickasaw and Union counties, Mississippi. Selma Chalk. Exogyra cos- tata zone, Sumter County, Alabama ; east-central Mississippi. PECTEN CLIFFWOODENSIS Weller Pecten cliffwoodensis Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 469, pi. 1, figs. 7, 8. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 593 Description. " The dimensions of an average specimen, a left valve, are : Height 30 mm., width 27.5 mm., convexity 4 mm., length of hinge line 14 mm. The body of the shell broadly subovate in outline ; the beaks situated a little back of the middle of the hinge line, the auriculations mod- erately large and sharply differentiated, the anterior ones somewhat larger than the posterior, the cardinal slopes diverging from the beak at an angle of 90 or a little more, nearly straight or slightly concave, terminating at the sides of the shell above the middle of its height. The valves sub- equally depressed convex, the right valve if anything slightly flatter than the left, with a moderately deep byssal sinus. Surface of both valves nearly smooth, marked only by fine concentric lines of growth which continue across the auriculations, and on the anterior ear of the right valve become stronger than elsewhere on the shell. One imperfect specimen which seems to be a member of this species had a height, when complete, of about 50 mm., but the dimensions given above are those of a specimen of about average size. Some of the smaller individuals do not exceed 12 mm. in height. With the growth of the shell the proportionate width seems to increase. This species is unlike any of the other Pectens in these New Jersey faunas, but in general form and size the shells most closely resemble some individuals of Pecten bellisculptus Con. ; the two species can always be distinguished, however, by their surface markings." Weller, 1907. Type Locality. Cliffwood Point, Middlesex County, New Jersey. A cast of a single valve which presents no characters by which it can be separated from Pecten cliffwoodensis Weller was collected at Arnold Point, on the Severn River in Anne Arundel County. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. North shore Eound Bay, Severn Eiver, Anne Arundel County. Outside Distribution. Magothy Formation. Cliffwood clay of New Jersey. PECTEN CONRADI (Whitfield) Johnson Pecten simplicus Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 725. (Not Pecten simplicius Conrad, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, p. 283, pi. xlvi, fig. 44.) Sinsyclonema f simplicia Conrad, 1869, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. v, p. 99, pi. ix, fig. 20. 594 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Amusium conradi Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 52, pi. vii, figs. 8-10. Pecten conradi Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 12. Pecten conradi Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 474, pi. 1, figs. 1-4. Description. " Shell small, seldom exceeding half an inch in height ; erect-ovate, becoming more elongate proportionally with increased growth. Valves slightly convex. Hinge short, from half to two-thirds as long as the width of the body of the shell, strongly and distinctly aurieu- lated. Beaks of the valves small and pointed, and the cardinal slopes long, straight or slightly concave, extending to near the point of greatest width of the body of the shell. Left valve smooth or but faintly marked by fine concentric lines, and a few (five or six) very faint radii. Ears smaller than in the opposite valve, both sloping toward the beak on the outer mar- gin. Right valve marked with crowded concentric folds or elevated lines ; also by five or six radiating lines ; not always present. On most specimens there are distinctly rounded concentric folds or varices, but on some they are thin, sharp lines; always more crowded and usually finer toward the front, in adult specimens. Ears very distinct; that of the posterior side sloping toward the beak and the anterior one rounded at the extremity and deeply notched. " This shell is very closely allied to P. simplicus Conrad, but differs in being more elevated and in the surface markings, that one being generally smooth or imperceptibly marked. In making these comparisons I have used a number of each valve of the present species from New Jersey, and a fine series of A. simplicum from the typical locality, Eufaula, Alabama, and it leaves no doubt in my mind as to their complete specific distinction." Whitfield, 1886. Type Locality. Haddonfield, New Jersey. A single valve from the Matawan of Anne Arundel County has been rather dubiously referred to this species because of the size and general outline and the faint traces of a concentric sculpture. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. Ulmstead Point, Anne Arundel County. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 595 Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl and \\ y oodbury clay, New Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Navesink marl (rare), New Jersey. PECTEX SIMPLICIUS Conrad Plate XXXIV, Figs. 8, 9 Pecten simplicius Conrad, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser, vol. iv, p. 283, pi. xlvi, fig. 44. Sincyclonema f simplicus Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 7. Pecten simplicus Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 725. Sincyclonema simplicus Gabb, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 319. Amusium simplicum Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 51, pi. vii, figs. 11, 12. Pecten simplicius Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 480, pi. li, fig. 6. Description. " Ovate, thin, smooth and shining; ears moderate, nearly equal ; both valves slightly convex ; the upper valve slightly tumid on the umbo ; inner margin minutely crenulated." Conrad, 1860. Type Locality. Eufaula, Alabama, or Tippah County, Mississippi. Shell small, smooth, lustrous, moderately compressed, the left valve a little more so than the right ; anterior and posterior lateral margins con- verging at an angle of from 70 to 90, base broadly and evenly arcuate; hinge-line straight, a little less than half the latitude of the shell, auricles small, trigonal, the anterior slightly larger than the posterior and sinuated in the right valve to accommodate the bvssus ; sinuses between the auricles O i/ and the disk clearly defined; external surface highly polished, smooth excepting for faint incremental striations and an occasional microscopi- cally fine radial shagreening ; characters of the interior unknown. This Pecten, in spite of its small dimensions, is a conspicuous factor in the Cretaceous marls of Maryland by reason of its wide distribution and its shining surface. This shell is so thin and flaky, however, that for all it is so common it has not been possible to separate any one of the forms from its matrix. 596 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY P. simplicius Conrad has been confused in the synonymies with P. con- radi Whitfield, a slightly larger shell which is characterized by the develop- ment of sharp, elevated, concentric lamellae, approximately fifteen in number. The typical forms of the two species are conspicuously distinct but some of the peripheral members are difficult to separate. Occurrence. M ATA WAN FORMATION. Ulmstead Point, Anne Arundel County. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Friendly, 1 mile west of Friendly, and McNeys Corners, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, New Jersey Geological Sur- vey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Monmouth Formation. Eed Bank sand and Tinton beds, New Jersey. Black Creek Formation. North and South Carolina. Peedee Sand. North and South Carolina. Eutaw Formation (Tombigbee sand member). Exogyra ponderosa zone, Mortoniceras sub- zone, Georgia. Ripley Formation. Exogyra ponderosa zone, Union Springs, Alabama. Exogyra costata zone, Georgia; Eufaula, Alabama. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia ; Chattahoochee River, Ala- bama; Lowndes County, Mississippi. PECTEN QUINQUECOSTATUS Sowerby Plate XXXIV, Fig. 10 Pecten quinqueco status Sowerby, 1814, Min. Conch., vol. i, p. 122, pi. Ivi, figs. 4-8. Pecten versicostatus Lamarck, 1819, Anim. sans Vert., vol. vi, p. 181. Pecten quinquecostatus Brongniart, 1822, Geol. des Env. Paris, pi. iv, fig. 1. Pecten quinquecostatus Nilsson, 1827, Petrif. Suecana, p. 19, tab. ix, fig. 8; tab. x, fig. 7. Pecten quinquecostatus Morton, 1830, Am. Jour. Sci., 1st ser., vol. xvii, p. 285; vol. xviii, pi. iii, fig. 5. Pecten versicostatus Deshayes, 1832, Enc. Meth., t. 3, p. 727. Pecten quinquecostatus Morton, 1834, Syn. Org. Rem. Cret. Group U. S., p. 57, pi. xix, fig. 1. Pecten quinquecostatus Goldfuss, 1836, Petrif. Germ., t. 93, fig. 1. Pecten quinquecostatus Bronn, 1838, Lethsea Geogn., Bd. ii, pp. 678-680, taf. xxx, fig. 17. Janira quinquecostata d'Orbigny, 1846, Paleont. Franc. Terr. Cret, vol. iii, p. 632, pi. ccccxliv, figs. 1-5. 597 Janira mortoni d'Orbigny, 1850, Prod. Paleont. Strat, vol. ii, p. 253. Pecten quadricostatus var. Roemer, 1852, Kreide. von Texas, p. 64, pi. viii, figs. 4a-4c. Pecten quadricostatus Shumard, 1854, Marcy, Expl. Red River, Louisiana, p. 178, pi. ii, figs. 2a, 2b; pi. iii, fig. 6. Neithea mortoni Gabb, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila. for 1861, p. 365. Neithea mortoni Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 7. Neithea mortoni Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 725. Pecten quadricostatus Credner, 1870, Zeitsch. deutsch. geol. Gesell., Bd. xxii, p. 232. Vola quinquecostata Stoliczka, 1871, Mem. Geol. Survey India, Palaeont. In- dica. Cret. Faunas of Southern India, vol. iii, p. 437, pi. xxxi, figs. 1-6; pi. xxxviii, figs. 4-9. Neithea quinquecostata Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 56, pi. viii, figs. 12-14. Neithea quinquecostata Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 481, pi. Ii, figs. 7-12. Vola quinquecostata Bose, 1910, Bol. Inst. Geol. Mexico, p. 99, pi. xv, figs. 19, 20. Description. " Subtriangular, rather oblique, front semicircular, toothed ; convex valves gibbous, ribbed, principal costa six, with four lesser ones between each ; surface finely transversely striated. Upper valve flat- toothed. The obliquity of this shell is slight, the length not much greater than the width ; the lines of growth frequently being deep and crossed by the ribs give the shell a fringed or furbellowed aspect ; the flat valve has diverging striae and notches corresponding in number with the costs upon the hollow valve. The whole surface is covered with minute transverse stria?, which in the chalk specimens are often nearly obliterated. Figs. 4 and 5 are from the Sussex chalk near Lewes, by favor of G. A. Mantell, Esq. ; they very much accord with those of the green sand from Wiltshire, figured below, but appear to be longer, and to have the transverse striae of growth very remarkable. The shell represented at fig. 5 is a curiosity, showing the inner side of the flat valve, which is slightly convex within. I gathered the small shell, fig. 6, at Chute farm, it is a young deep under- valve, with the transverse striae of growth neatly arching between the larger six coste. Figs. 7 and 8 show the upper and under valves of different specimens, they are from the green sand at Chute, and are chiefly siliceous ; for the use of one I am indebted to Thomas Meade, Esq. Such are said 598 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY to be found at Devizes and Blackdown, with the upper valve. It is pos- sible that these are different species from those in the Chalk, the costae are less prominent, and the stria? more distinct; at present, however, I can consider them only as varieties. Tab. 56, fig. 3, represents a specimen in ferruginous sandstone from Chute, which may possibly prove to be a dis- tinct species. Its length exceeds its breadth by one-fifth, and on the sides of the larger costae are two lesser ones, which are partly blended with them ; the surface is nearly smooth. I have only seen this specimen." Sowerby, 1812. Shell rather large for a Cretaceous Pecten; cordate, very strongly inequi- valve, subequilateral, lower valve highly convex, the upper flattened or feebly concave ; maximum diameter at or a little behind the median hori- zontal; umbone of right valve very prominent, evenly inflated, rising well above the hinge line, orthogyrate ; dorsal margins diverging at an angle of approximately 90, produced so that the ventral and lateral margins subscribe an arc of only about 180 ; external surface of lower valve sculp- tured with five or rarely six elevated, evenly rounded primaries, subequal in size and spacing and between each pair three or four more or less equal secondaries; submargins sculptured with rather fine close-set radials fi.ve in number, as a rule ; ornamentation of upper valve more uniform in char- acter, usually of twenty to twenty-five subequal and equispaced, well rounded and elevated radials ; incremental sculpture fine and sharp ; hinge line rather short, not far from five-ninths of the maximum latitude, over- hung by the umbo of the right valve ; auricles only slightly unequal, the anterior a little more produced and relatively lower and less strongly lirate than the posterior ; posterior auricle receding below the hinge line, the anterior feebly constricted to form the byssal notch ; characters of interior of shell not known. The identity of the American species with the European has been ques- tioned since the day of d'Orbigny. The Maryland representation is very meager and offers very little assistance toward the solution of the problem. As in Pycnodonte vesicularis the true affinities of the group should be worked out once for all by an exhaustive study of material from all the representative localities. If the two forms prove distinct Sowerby's name MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 599 must be retained for the European fossil and d'Orbigny's mortoni sub- stituted for the American. It is the personal conviction of the writer that the two forms are identical, or at least that they cannot be separated on a geographical basis. D'Orbigny's criterion certainly will not stand, i. e., that the American form differs from the European in the presence of five instead of four secondaries between each pair of primaries. The normal number in the American form is four as it is in the European and South Indian, but as in the foreign types this number is occasionally increased to five or reduced to three. The outline and relative proportions vary within rather narrow limits throughout the occurrence, and though there is a suspicion that the maximum diameter may fall a little nearer the median horizontal in the American individuals, this cannot be veri-' fied Avithout the examination of much more material than is available at present. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Good Hope Hill, District of Columbia. MATAWAN FORMATION. Post 236, Camp Fox, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Post 192, Camp U & I, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Two miles west of Dela- ware City on John Higgins farm, Delaware; ? Fredericktown, Cecil County; Waterbury, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. KANCOCAS FOR- MATION. ? NoxontoAvn Pond, Delaware. Collection*. Maryland Geological Survey, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum, Geological Survey of India. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Marshalltown clay marl, New Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Navesink marl, New Jersey. Eutaw Formation (Tombigbee sand member). Exo- gyra ponderosa zone, Mortoniceras subzone, Georgia; Russell County, Warrior River and Tombigbee River, Alabama; Tombigbee River, Mis- sissippi. Eipley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Georgia; Chatta- hoochee River, Alabama ; Wilcox, Pontotoc and ChickasaAv counties, Mis- sissippi. Selma Formation. Exogyra ponderosa zone, Monroe and Prentiss counties, Mississippi; Tennessee. Exogyra costata zone, Tom- bigbee River, Alabama: east-central Mississippi; Lee, Clay and Alcorn counties, Mississippi. Cenomanian. ? Mexico, and England. Turanian. 600 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Central Europe. Senonian. Central Europe. Ootatoor Formation. Southern India. Tricliinopoli Formation. Southern India. Arrialoor Formation. Southern India. Family LIMIDAE Genus LIMA (Bruguiere) Cuvier [Tableau 616mentaire d'histoire naturelle, 1798, p. 421] Type. Ostrea lima Linne. Shell auriculate, auricles unequal ; outline usually ovate, scoop-shaped and obliquely truncated laterally; valves closed inferiorly but gaping anteriorly and sometimes posteriorly ; exterior surface rarely smooth, gen- erally sculptured with simple or imbricated radial striae ; umbones rather prominent and distant ; hinge edentulous ; ligament internal, lodged in a subumbonal pit ; pallial line simple ; single muscular scar excentric, nearer to the posterior than the anterior margin. A genus indicated in the Carboniferous, culminating in the Cretaceous and sparsely represented in nearly all the recent seas by white or colorless shells, which may be attached by a byssus or may swim freely with a motion similar to that of Pecten. A. Both anterior and posterior auricles developed. 1. Radial sculpture overridden by the concentric on the medial por- tion of the shell Lima reticulata 2. Concentric sculpture obsolete upon the medial portion of the shell. Lima serrata B. Posterior auricle obsolete, anterior auricle very large Lima obliqua LIMA RETICULATA Forbes Plate XXXIV, Figs. 12, 13 Lima reticulata Forbes, 1845, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., London, vol. i, p. 62; two text figures. Lima reticulata Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 7. Radula reticulata Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 725. Radula reticulata Stoliczka, 1871, Mon. Geol. Survey of India, Palaeont. In- dica., Cret. Fauna Southern India, vol. iii, p. 416. Etymology: Lima, a file a name suggested, doubtless, by the rasping ex- terior surface. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 601 Radula reticulata Whitfleld, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 63, pi. ix, figs. 8, 9. (Synonymy excluded.) Lima reticulata Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 492, pi. liv, figs. 3, 4. Description. "L. testa ovata, obliqua, inflata, tenui, longitudinaliter sulcata, sulcis reticulatis, numerosis. Habitat, Nov. Jersey." Forbes, 1845. " Shell small, moderately oblique, strongly ovate, and inflated. Hinge short; beaks proportionally strong, and projecting beyond the cardinal line. Valves nearly equal ; anterior margin straight, and not at all gaping ; auriculations small but distinct, rectangular or very slightly pointed at their outer angles. Surface radiately ribbed, those of the anterior and posterior slopes faintly marked or obsolete, ribs (about thirty) distinct, with live or more indistinct on each side; subangular on the middle of the valves and rounded toward the sides, crenulate or subspinose on the larger specimens when well preserved, but often appearing nearly smooth. Entire surface marked by concentric lines which give a roughened surface when perfect, giving the reticulated character indicated by the specific name. The shells are all small, seldom exceeding three-fourths of an inch in length, and are very fragile. The right valve apears to be a little less ventricose and the beak shorter than the left in all the specimens which I have seen where the two are united." Whitfield, 1885. There is apparently a large amount of variation in this small species, and, as the type is not in this country, it is difficult to determine its proper limits. In Maryland the forms referred to this group are all young and of rather doubtful affinities, so that they throw no light upon the characters of the race. Radula denticulicosta Gabb is probably distinct if Gabb was correct in his observation that " at both the anterior and posterior sides the ribs disappear for about one-sixth the width of the shell." Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat and McNeys Cor- ners, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, New Jersey Geological Sur- vey, U. S. National Museum. 602 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Outside Distribution. Mataivan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Woodbury clay, Marshalltown clay marl, Wenonah sand, Xew Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Navesink marl, New Jersey. Black Creel- for- mation. North and South Carolina. Peedee Sand. North and South Carolina. Eutaiv Formation (Tombigbee sand member). Exogyra i>on- derosa zone, Mortoniceras subzone, Georgia; Russell County, Alabama. Eipley Formation. Exogyra ponderosa zone, Union Springs. Alabama; Booneville, Mississippi. Exogyra costata zone, Georgia; Eufaula, Ala- bama ; east-central Mississippi ; Alcorn, Union and Tippah counties, Mis- sissippi. Selma Chalk. Exogyra costata zone, east-central Mississippi. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia. LIMA SERRATA n. sp. Plate XXXIV, Figs. 14, 15 Description. Shell small, moderately inflated, ovate in outline, inequi- lateral; anterior area obtusely angulated; posterior evenly rounded: base line arcuate, somewhat obliquely produced in front; umbones moderately gibbous orthogyrate, slightly posterior in position : external surface sculp- tured with thirty-two primary costa? (in the unique type the summits are acutely angulated and form with the ' more obtuse interradials a sharply serrate profile) ; radials upon the posterior portion less angular; the ten anterior costae rounded, over-run and minutely nodulated by the incrementals ; minute secondary threadlets developed in the interspaces on the posterior medial portion of the disk; posterior submargin devoid of radial sculpture; incremental sculpture obsolete over the medial portion of the shell and only feebly developed posteriorly; submargins not impressed, auricles minute, the anterior more so than the posterior, tri- gonal, their dorsal margins forming the straight hinge margin (unfor- tunately the posterior auricle was lost in shipment to the artist) ; ligament internal, lodged in a small but relatively very wide resilium directly beneath the umbones ; hinge dentition not developed ; shell monomyarian, .the single muscle scar subcircular, placed above and behind the medial planes of the shell ; pallial line indistinct ; interior finely plicated even to the umbonal region in harmony with the external ribbing. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 603 Dimensions. Altitude 8 mm, latitude 7.75 mm., semi-diameter, 2 mm. Type Locality. Brightseat, Prince George's County. This species differs from its near relative, L. reticulata Lyell and Forbes, in the somewhat smaller size, the much more angular costse, the absence of any trace of concentric sculpture upon the medial portion of the disk and the development of occasional secondaries. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat and MclSTeys Cor- ners, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. LIMA OBLIQUA n. sp. Plate XXXIV, Fig. 11 Description. Shell of moderate size for the group, very thin and fragile, inequilateral, ovate in outline, obliquely produced along the diagonal from the umbones to the anterior ventral margin ; posterior por- tion of the shell compressed and obtusely rounded at the junction of the dorsal lateral and the lateral ventral margins ; maximum inflation in the umbonal region and along the dorsal half of the diagonal ; umbones acute, obliquely compressed, somewhat posterior in position; posterior auricle obsolete, the anterior very large, fully one-third as wide as the entire .shell, its submargin deeply impressed and sharply differentiated from the disk ; external surface sculptured with some twenty-six low, flattened radial costse which tend to diastomose posteriorly; intercalations occasionally developed near the ventral margin ; intercostal areas shallow, not quite so wide as the costals, radial sculpture absent upon the auricle, excepting for two or three very faint threadlets upon the extreme posterior portion; concentric sculpture absent, excepting for very faint striations upon the disk ; byssal sinus probably very shallow ; characters of hinge and interior not known ; ventral margin minutely crenated by the ribbing. Dimensions. Altitude 11 mm., latitude 8.5 mm., semi-diameter 2.5 mm. This species is described from two imperfect specimens, but the char- acters preserved are so peculiar and so diagnostic that the form lias 40 604 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY seemed worthy of a name. The species differs from the other East Coast forms in the obliquely produced and rather depressed outline, the low flattened posteriorly dichotomoug riblets, the very large sharply differ- entiated anterior ear and the absence of the posterior auricle. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FOKMATIOX. Brooks estate near Seat Pleas- ant, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Superfamily ANOMIACEA Family ANOM1IDAE Genus PARANOMIA Conrad [Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., vol. iv, 1860, p. 290] Type. Placunanomia saffordi Conrad. " Inequivalve, irregular ; larger valve radiate, spinous or subspinous ; lower valve flat or concave; hinge very thin and fragile, having a longi- tudinal flat shelly plate extending from the apex; hinge of upper valve plain, entire, extremely thin. 1 have often found fragments of this singu- lar genus in the New Jersey Cretaceous beds, but never saw the hinge before Mr. Safford's specimens were received from Tennessee. The muscular impression is not visible on any of the many valves I have seen." Conrad, 1860. " In 1867 Conrad described a genus Paranomia, from the Ripley group (Upper Cretaceous) of Alabama, to which he referred his Placunanomia saffordi (Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., 2d ser., iv, p. 290, pi. 46, fig. 21) and the Placuna scabra of Morton. The typical species is ill preserved, and the beaks almost always wanting, but, from the examination of a large number of specimens, it seems probable that the genus resembles Monia in its external characters; the presence of a triangular chondrophore recalls Anomia, but there is not sufficient evidence of a permanent foramen, the musclar impressions are not preserved, and there is in the right valve, asso- ciated with the single chondrophore, a pair of low, narrow crests, recalling Etymology: ^apd near, anomia. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 605 those of Placenta, but obviously of different function. The genus is a puzzle and cannot as yet be safely united with any other." Dall, 1 1898. A. Outline circular; radials relatively fine and crowded. . . .Paranomia scabra B. Outline ovate; radials relatively coarse and distant Paranomia lineata PARAXOMIA SCABRA (Morton) Conrad Placuna scabra Morton, 1834, Syn. Org. Rem. Cret. Group U. S., p. 62. Placunomia scabra Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 6. Paranomia scabra Conrad, 1867, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. iii, p. 8. Paranomia scabra Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 724. Paranomia scabra Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 44, pi. x, fig. 10. Paranomia scabra Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 12. Paranomia scabra Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 500, pi. Iii, figs. 10-13 (ex parte). Description. " With numerous beaded costse, radiating from the hinge to the margin; shell thin, suborbicular, compressed. From one inch to three inches in diameter." Morton, 183-1. Type Locality. New Jersey. The type specimen figured by Whitfield in 1885 is a mere frag- ment which, as that eminent New Jersey paleontologist has observed, is " scarcely sufficient for generic identification." However, its reference to Paranomia is probably justified. The species as delimited by the aid of later collections is thin, flattened and subcircular in outline, sculptured externally with approximately thirty rather fine radials which occasionally diastomose and which are quite sharply spinose toward the ventral margin. The intercostal areas are narrow, scarcely or not at all exceeding the costals in width. The incremental sculpture is quite vigorous and suffi- cient to imbricate the radial. Paranomia saffordi Conrad from Tennessee and the type of the genus develop apparently a much more regular and rather coarser and more dis- tant radial sculpture. Paranomia lineata Conrad runs smaller, is ovate rather than subcircular and has fewer, more prominent and more widely spaced radials. Although it is not impossible that a connecting series may 1 Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila,, vol. iii, pt. iv, p. 773. 606 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY later be established which will include either or both P. saffordi and P. lineata, there does not seem at present to be sufficient evidence. Occurrence. MATAWAIST FORMATION. Opposite Post 198, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Delaware. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Marshalltown clay marl, New Jersey. Peedee Sand. North and South Carolina. Eutaw Formation (Tombigbee sand member). Exogyra pon- derosa zone, Alcorn County, Mississippi. Ripley Formation. Exogyra cos- tata zone, Georgia ; Euf aula, Alabama ; east-central Mississippi ; Pontotoc County, Mississippi. Selma Chalk. Exogyra ponderosa zone, Warrior Eiver, Alabama ; Monroe and Chickasaw counties, Mississippi. Exogyra costata zone, Tombigbee Eiver and Sumter County, Alabama ; east-central Mississippi ; Chickasaw, Pontotoc and Alcorn counties, Mississippi. PARANOMIA LINEATA Conrad Plate XXXV, Figs. 11, 12 Placunanomia lineata Conrad, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2 ser., vol. iv, p. 291, pi. xlvi, fig. 20. Placunomia lineata Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 6. Paranomia lineata Conrad, 1867, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. iii, p. 8. Paranomia lineata Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 45, pi. ix, fig. 10. Paranomia lineata Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 12. Paranomia scabra Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 500, pi. Iii, figs. 10-13 (ex parte). Description. " Subovate, thin, much compressed, irregular ; lower valve concave, obsoletely radiate; near the summit is a resemblance to a triangular plate inserted in the shell with a raised margin ; this portion is longitudinally minutely striate and resembles one of the opercular valves of a Balanus; upper valve convex, lobed or twisted; radiated with about thirty rugose, slightly raised, subaculeated lines; surface rugose." - Conrad, 1860. Type Locality. Tennessee. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 607 Paranomia lineata Conrad is separated from P. scabra (Morton) Con- rad by the regularly ovate outline and its coarser, more prominent and more distant radials. All of the specimens observed have been a little smaller than the adult P. scabra, but this may have been due only to the fortunes of collecting. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. One mile east of the Maryland- Delaware Line, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Monmouth Formation. Navesink marl, New Jersey. ? Ripley Formation. Tennessee. Genus ANOMIA (Linne) Miiller [Prodr. Zool. Dan., 1776, pp. xxxi, 248] Type. Anomia ephippium Linne. Shell inequivalve, adherent, generally subcircular or oblong; left valve more or less convex, right valve flattened ; hinge margin of left valve often incurved and slightly thickened; ligament scar found directly beneath left umbone ; interior of disk of left valve scarred with an adductor and a major and minor byssal impression, the major byssal scar being the largest of the three and dorsal to the adductor and minor byssal scars which are usually subequal; interior of right valve containing foraminal opening and, ventral to it, the impression of the adductor muscle ; posterior dorsal margin of right valve carrying inconspicuous ligamental process ; pallial line simple. " The fossil species of this group are very difficult things to study, since the lower valve is seldom preserved and the muscular impressions can seldom be made out. . . . To the natural difficulties is added that due to the fact that the sculpture in this genus is very variable in perfectly normal specimens and is further complicated by the differences of form and sur- face, due to the object upon which they are sessile. I have satisfied myself by the examination of a large number of recent specimens belonging to a single species from a single locality that the relative positions of the Etymology: dvoyueuos unequal, unlike. 608 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY adductor and byssal scars of the left valve are not constant in the same individual at all ages, and consequently that small differences of this kind cannot safely be used as specific distinctions. The best character seems to be the more minute surface sculpture when fully developed in normal specimens." Dall, 1898. 1 Ancestral forms of this genus have been recognized in rocks as ancient as the Devonian. The recent species number about forty and are widely di- tributed along the shores from low-water to one hundred fathoms. A. External surface not radially plicate. 1. Outline sub-circular; concentric lamination, very close excepting in the umbonal region Anomia argentaria 2. Outline transversely ovate; concentric lamination rather distant. Anomia tellinoides B. External surface radially plicate. 1. Radial sculpture, lirate rather than cordate, primaries and second- aries not conspicuously differentiated Anomia ornata 2. Radial sculpture cordate rather than lirate; primaries and second- aries conspicuously differentiated Anomia forteplicata ANOMIA AKGEXTARIA Morton Plate XXXV, Figs. 1, 2 Anomia argentaria Morton, 1833, Am. Jour. Sci., 1st ser., vol. xxiii, p. 293, pi. v, fig. 10. Anomia argentaria Morton, 1834, Syn. Org. Rem. Cret. Group, U. S., p. 61, pi. v, fig. 10. Anomia argentaria Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 6. Anomia argentaria Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 724. Anomia argentaria Conrad, 1875, Kerr's Geol. of North Carolina, Appen- dix A, p. 13. Anomia argentaria Gabb, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 319. Anomia argentaria Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 42, pi. iv, figs. 10, 11 (fig. 9 excluded). Anomia argentaria Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 12. f Anomia argentaria Bose, 1906, Bol. Inst. Geol. Mexico, No. 24, p. 38, pi. i, fig. 8. Anomia argentaria Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 496, pi. liv, figs. 11-15. ? " Anomia subtruncata " Bose, 1913, Bol. Inst. Geol. Mexico, No. 30, p. 41, pi. v, fig. 1. Description. " Thin, round, with numerous concentric strige."- Morton, 1833. 1 Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., vol. iii, pt. iv, p. 781. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 609 Type Locality. New Jersey. Shell subcircular or irregular in outline with a silvery sheen both within and without, thin but tough, of moderate size, the adults from 15 to 30 mm. in circumference ; left valve usually convex, though varying widely in the degree of convexity; right valve, through which the byssus is extruded, flattened; umbones central, almost marginal, very inconspicu- ous, scarcely interrupting the regular outline of the valve ; external sur- face ornamented with thin, concentric overlapping lamellae which are frequently radially lineated ; ligament submarginal, attached beneath the umbo of the left valve ; hinge edentulous ; interior scarred with a large, major byssal impression, medial in position and quite high up under the umbones and ventral to it, the minor byssal impression, and the posterior muscle adductor ; a third byssal scar of minute size underneath the dorsal margin, a little in front of the umbones ; inner ventral margins simple. This species is one of the most abundant bivalves in the Upper Cre- taceous faunas of Maryland. For all the shell is so thin, it is very tena- cious and easily separable from the matrix. It is an unusually well char- acterized species and even the fragments can be determined with assurance by the silvery sheen, the crowded concentric laminae and in the majority of individuals by the fine, radial lineation. The form varies to a certain extent, as do all members of this variable genus, in the outline, the degree of compression of the valves, and par- ticularly in the development of the radial sculpture. However, limits must be placed even for variable species and it is not probable that they should be made wide enough to include A. tellinoides Conrad, which is constant in its transversely ovate outline, lack of lustre, rather distant concentric lamination and absence of radial striations. Some puzzling little forms from the Monmouth at Brightseat are closely related genetically with the A. argentaria Morton. They are apparently young, frequently ovate, rather thin, circular in outline and are sculptured with a few wide, sharp-edged concentric frills which are often radially lineated. Concentric lamina? so distantly spaced and so sharply frilled have not been observed among the A. argentaria. 610 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. Post 198, Chesapeake and Dela- ware Canal, Delaware; head of Atagothy Eiver, Gibson's Island, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Two miles west of Delaware City on John Higgins farm, Delaware; mouth of Turner's Creek, Kent County; Brightseat, railroad cut west of Seat Pleasant, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Friendly, and 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County, Maryland. RANCOCAS FORMATION ( ?). Noxon- town Pond, Delaware. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Magothy Formation. Cliffwood clay, New Jersey. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Woodbury clay, Marshalltown clay marl and Wenonah sand, New Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Navesink marl and Red Bank sand, New Jersey. Black Creek Formation. North and South Carolina. Peedee Sand. North and South Carolina. Eutaw Formation (Tombigbee sand member). Exo- gyra ponderosa zone, Mortoniceras subzone, Georgia; Russell and Dallas counties, Alabama ; Tombigbee River, Clay County, Mississippi. Exogyra ponderosa zone, Alcorn County, Mississippi; Georgia; Union Springs and Russell County, Alabama. Exogyra costata zone, Geor- gia; Chattahoochee River and Eufaula, Alabama; east-central Mis- sissippi ; Lee, Pontotoc, Chickasaw, Union and Tippah counties, Missis- sippi. Selma Chalk. Exogyra ponderosa zone, Elmore County, Alabama ; Clay, Monroe, Alcorn and ? Prentiss counties, Mississippi. Exogyra cos- tata zone, Wilcox and Sumter counties, Alabama ; east-central Mississippi ; Chickasaw, Lee, Clay, Alcorn and Prentiss counties, Mississippi. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia; Lowndes County, Mississippi. Senonian. Mexico. ANOMIA TELLINOIDES Morton Plate XXXV, Figs. 3, 4 Anomia tellinoides Morton, 1833, Am. Jour. Sci., 1st ser., vol. xxiii, p. 294, pi. v. fig. 10. Anomia tellinoides Morton, 1834, Syn. Org. Rem. Cret. Group, U. S., p. 61, pi. v, fig. 11. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 611 Anomia tellinoides Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Cret. and Jur., p. 7. Anomia tellinoides Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 724. Anomia tellinoides Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 43. Anomia tellinoides Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 12. Anomia argentaria Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 496 (ex parte, description and figures excluded). Description. " Irregular, but mostly subovate, with concentric undu- lations. Both these species are common in New Jersey; the latter resembles A. ephippium, to which it is referred in the first part of this Synopsis." Morton, 1833. Type Locality. New Jersey. Shell rather thin but tenacious, inequilateral, transversely ellipsoidal in outline, the lower valve moderately convex; anterior portion of the shell constricted in front of the umbones ; anterior margin broadly and evenly rounded ; posterior portion of shell symmetrical, rounded ; base arcuate ; umbones low, not very conspicuous, with ill-defined apices placed as a rule a little behind the median line ; external surface sculptured with an indistinct and rather distant concentric lamination; ligament submar- ginal attached beneath the umbo of the left valve; hinge plate not developed, edentulous; pedal and byssal scars indistinct. This species has been confused in the synonymies with A. argentaria. The forms are certainly closely related but there is not sufficient evidence of their identity. A. tellinoides is transversely ovate in outline, rather than subcircular, the surface is less silvery, the concentric lamination less crowded and the radial striations much less commonly developed than in the more prolific A. argentaria. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Briar Point, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey. Outside Distribution. Monmoutli Formation. Navesink marl, New Jersey. 612 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY ANOMIA ORNATA Gabb Plate XXXV, Figs. 5, 6 Anomia argentaria var. ornata Gabb, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 320. "Anomia argentaria (Gabb) " Boyle, 1893, Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 102, p. 44. Description. " Accompanying these is another form, represented by no less than fifteen specimens agreeing well with one another. Unlike the typical A. argentaria, they are ornamented by a uniform pattern, clearly not the impression of a surface to which they were attached. In form and size they do not differ from .4. argentaria, but the ornament is a series of radiating ribs, one set large, flattened on top, and well defined; between these are interpolated from one to three smaller ribs. In most cases this alternation is well defined ; though in two or three the large ribs are nearer in size to the small ones. On the typical argentaria this radiation is never observed, even in a rudimentary manner, and on some of my specimens it begins at the very apex ; but on several the first half inch in diameter, or less, of the shell does not differ from argentaria, while after that the ribs begin, first on thread-like lines, finally developing to full size. In conse- quence of this I feel reluctant to separate the form as a distinct species, believing that more material will merge the two. I therefore content myself with proposing the name A. argentaria var. ornata." Gabb, 1876. Type Locality. Pataula Creek, Georgia. Ligament submarginal, lodged in a transverse pit directly beneath the umbone of the left valve ; adductor and byssal scars grouped within an ovate area coated with lime extending from the ligament pit more than half-way to the ventral margin and occupying more than one-half the width of the shell, major byssal scar near the center of the whitish area, slightly ovate in outline; minor byssal scar and adductor ventral to the major cicatrix, subequal in size, semi-elliptical, their straight faces proxi- mate, the adductor the posterior of the two ; major and minor scars united for a short distance along the dorsal face of the latter. Although most of the individuals which are certainly referable to A. argentaria Conrad develop a faint radial lineation, none in the abund- MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 613 ant material from the Monmouth of Maryland bridge the gap between that race of argentaria and the costate ornata of Gabb. In fact the dis- tance is greater between Conrad's species and Gabb's than between Gabb's and the A. forteplicata n. sp. A. ornaia has, however, much more of the laminar argentaria texture, a finer and less differentiated radial sculpture and a relatively stronger concentric sculpture than A . forteplicata. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat and McNeys Cor- ners, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia. ANOMIA FORTEPLICATA n. sp. Plate XXXV, Figs. 7-10 Description. Shell nacreous, moderately large, rudely circular, sub- circular or irregular in outline; umbones inconspicuous, submarginal, medial in position, apices obtuse ; external surface sculptured with fifteen to forty cordate primary radials and between each pair of primaries one to five secondary lirations of more or less unequal strength; incremental sculpture over-riding the radial but not modifying it to any degree ; liga- ment submarginal, attached beneath the umbone in the left valve ; hinge armature not developed ; adductor and byssal scars grouped within an area thinly coated Avith lime, occupying the medial dorsal half of the shell ; scars brownish in color, three in number, the largest of the three the major byssal scar, minor byssal scar and adductor impression being subequal and ventral to the major cicatrix ; ventral margin sharply crenate in harmony with the external ribbing, the plications reflected on the interior of the shell in some individuals almost to the umbones ; characters of right valve not known. Dimensions. Altitude 24 mm., latitude 24.5 mm., semi-diameter 6.6 mm. Altitude 23 mm., latitude 17.5 mm., semi-diameter 7.5 mm. Altitude 12.7 mm., latitude 14.5 mm., semi-diameter 3.5 mm. 614 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Although the representatives of this species differ so widely in general aspect, still there seems to be no reason to consider these differences as more than individual mutations of a variable species in a variable genus. The ratio between the number of costals and their prominence is very constant, those individuals in which the primaries are few in number being very heavily sculptured. Anomia forleplicata is a more solid shell than A. ornata Gabb, with a much more vigorous radial sculpture and a relatively more feeble con- centric. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, 1 mile west of Friendly, McNeys Corners, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. D. Dysodonta Superfamily MYT1LACEA Family MYTILIDAE Genus MODIOLUS Lamarck [Prodr. Nouv. Class. Coq., 1799, p. 871 Type. Mytilus modiolus Linne. Shell equivalve, inequilateral, transversely or obliquely ovate in outline ; ligament external, opisthodetic ; hinge edentulous ; anterior muscle impres- sion atrophied; pallial line simple. The genus is separated from Mytilus by the character of the beaks which are non-terminal, wider and rounded anteriorly. It has a long geologic range, at least from the beginning of the Mesozoic and possibly from the Devonian. The recent species are about seventy in number and are most abundant in the tropical seas. Unlike Mytilus, the representatives of Modiolus are nest-builders and burrow or spin a woven structure from stones and fragments of shells. A. Latitude of adult shell exceeding 20 mm. 1. Shell obtusely angulated at the posterior dorsal extremity. Modiolus burlingtonensis 2. Shell smoothly rounded at the posterior dorsal extremity. Modiolus sedesclarus B. Latitude of adult shell not exceeding 20 mm Modiolus trigona Etymology: Modiolus, small drinking vase. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 615 M.ODIOLUS BURLINGTONENSIS WMtfield Modiolus burlingtonensis Whitfleld, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 65, pi. xvii, figs. 8, 9. Modiolus burlingtonensis Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 12. Modiolus burlingtonensis Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 505, pi. Iv, figs. 18, 19. Description. " Shell of moderately large size, very ventricose, and with subparallel dorsal and ventral margins, large prominent umbones and incurved beaks situated near the anterior end but not terminal, the anterior margin perceptibly extending beyond them and rounded. Umbonal ridge prominent and subangular, especially near the beaks, and becoming broader and more rounded posteriorly; surface of the valves strongly constricted and sinuate in front of the ridge and the anterior surface again inflated: cardinal slope comparatively broad and slightly concave toward the postero-cardinal border. Hinge line straight and three-fifths as long as the shell, and rather strongly impressed in the internal cast ; postero-cardinal margin rounding rapidly forward from the more narrowly rounded posterior extremity. Surface of the cast, the only condition under which it is known, apparently smooth or marked only by irregular concentric lines of growth, some of which produce undulations of considerable strength on the casts. On one individual there appear on the posterior cardinal slope very faint indications of rather coarse radiating lines, but too faint to warrant the statement that such markings really existed on the shell." Whitfield, 1885. Type Locality. Burlington County, New Jersey. The species is much the largest of any of the Matawan Modioli, and is represented in Maryland by only a couple of imperfect casts. Occurrence. MATAWAX FORMATION. Camp U & I, opposite Post 192, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Xatural Sciences. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, New Jersey. 616 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY MODIOLUS TRIGONUS n. Sp. Plate XXXVI, Fig. 3 Description. Shell thin, nacreous, equivalve, strongly inequilateral, transversely elongate, suggesting a right triangle in outline, the anterior margin constituting the shorter leg, the base line the longer, and the posterior keel the hypothenuse; umbones prominent, acute, prosogyrate, subterminal in position ; anterior margin squarely truncate in front of the umbones; posterior dorsal and lateral margins gently rounded, merging into one another; base line horizontal; posterior keel obtuse, persistent from the umbones to the posterior ventral margin ; area behind it approxi- mately half as great as that in front of it; external surface smooth and lustrous, excepting for feeble incremental striations. Dimensions. Altitude 8.5 mm., latitude 14.5 mm., maximum diam- eter 9 mm. The species is described from a cast of a complete individual, to one side of which the shell substance still adheres. The angular outline is peculiarly characteristic and nothing approaching it has been observed elsewhere. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brooks estate near Seat Pleas- ant, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. MODIOLUS SEDESCLARUS n. sp. Plate XXXVI, Figs. 1, 2 Description. Shell nacreous in texture, exceedingly thin and fragile, transversely elongate, .slightly wider posteriorly; umbones inflated, prosogyrate, almost but not quite terminal in position; anterior end obscurely truncate; dorsal margin slightly more elevated posteriorly; posterior extremity obliquely rounded, the dorsal margin merging smoothly into the lateral; ventral margin straight, not constricted medially; umbonal ridge very prominent but evenly rounded, becoming broader and lower toward the posterior ventral margin ; external surface MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 617 smooth, excepting for the sharply laminar incremental ridges developed near the dorsal and anterior margins and the prominent growth lines near the ventral margins ; characters of interior not known. Dimensions. Altitude 10 mm., latitude 22 mm., maximum diameter 7 mm. This species is smaller than M. burlingtonensis Whitfield, not con- stricted along the medial ventral margin, and more smoothly rounded behind. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Genus LITHOPHAGA Bolten [Museum Boltenianum, 1788, p. 156] Type. Mytilus lithophagus Linne. Shell thin, nacreous, equivalve, strongly inequilateral, transversely elon- gated, more or less cylindrical in outline ; umbones strongly anterior, but not terminal ; anterior extremity rounded ; posterior extremity rostrate or cuneiform ; external surface smooth or feebly sculptured concentrically ; ligament submarginal; hinge edentulous; muscle impressions unequal, indistinct. The genus has been reported from strata as far back as the Carbonifer- ous. The recent species number less than fifty, and are confined to the tropical and subtropical waters. The young are attached by a byssus, but in the later stages usually perforate coral colonies, the shells of larger bivalves or even the solid rock. Two of the five subgenera into which the group has been divided are encrusted with a dense calcareous covering in the adult stages. The cavities which they excavate are characteristically flask-shaped in outline. The perforations in the columns of the temple of Serapis which served Lyell for his classic illustration of changes in the level of the sea were made by Lithophagae. Etymology: Aitfos, stone; ayeit>, to eat. 618 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY A. Shell encrusted with concentrically laminated calcareous covering. Lithophaga ripleyana B. Shell not encrusted. 1. Latitude of adult shell not exceeding 18 mm. a. Outline subcylindrical. i. Shell occurring in hard substances especially in the tests of larger bivalves Lithophaga concha fodentis ii. Shell occurring free or in clay tubes Lithophaga julice b. Outline transversely ovate Lithophaga lingua 2. Latitude of adult shell exceeding 18 mm.; outline subcylindrical. Lithophaga twitchclH LITHOPHAGA EIPLEYAXA Gabb Plate XXXVI, Figs. 4-6 Lithophaga ripleyanus Gabb, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila. for 1861, p. 326. Lithophaga ripleyanus Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 10. Lithophaga ripleyana Gabb, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 311. Lithodomus ripleyana Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 67, pi. xvii, figs. 4, 5 (ex parte). Lithophaga ripleyana Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 13. Lithophaga ripleyana Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 512, pi. Ivi, figs. 9-12 (ex parte). Description. " Tube subcylindrical, nearly straight, gradually taper- ing, broadest on the dorsal surface ; opposite face narrow, rounded ; extremity abrupt, rounded and faintly subtrilobate. Shell subquadrate. Beaks terminal, and projecting beyond the buccal end of the shell, very much incurved, so as to appear somewhat spiral. Umbones broad, slightly flattened in the middle. Cardinal margin straight anteriorly, depressed posteriorly, merging into the anal border, which is subtruncate and most prominent above. Basal edge broadly emarginate. Surface marked by numerous, irregular, concentric lines." Gabb, 1860. Type Locality. Big Timber Creek, between Gloucester and Red Bank, New Jersey. Form gregarious, rudely cylindrical, constricted mesially; protective covering built up of thin, concentric layers of calcite, usually conforming rather closely to the outline of the shell ; shell itself very thin, nacreous in texture; umbones terminal, prosogyrate, well rounded at their tips; anterior portion inflated, truncate; shell, in the majority of the indi- MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 619 viduals, feebly depressed in front of the obscure carina which extends from the umbones toward the posterior ventral margin, the depression being reflected in the slight concavity of the base ; posterior end strongly and symmetrically arcuate; dorsal margin approximately horizontal; external surface smooth excepting for the incremental sculpture which is rather conspicuous, particularly in the posterior portion of the shell; characters of interior not known. The species frequently occurs in clusters, the individuals being attached at the posterior extremity. The degree of medial constriction is not constant. L. ripleyana Gabb is relatively more elongated transversely than L. affinis Gabb, a co-existent species over much of the area of its occurrence, and is much less inflated. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. Opposite Post 239, Post 236, Camp Fox, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. MONMOUTH FOR- MATION. Bohemia Mills, Cecil County; Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Friendly, Prince George's County, Maryland. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Wenonah sand, New Jersey. Monmoutli Formation. Navesink marl, New Jersey. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Union County, Mis- sissippi. LlTHOPHAGA CONCHAFODENTIS n. Sp. Plate XXXVI, Figs. 7-9 Description. Shell nacreous in texture, moderately large for the genus, subcylindrical to rectangular in outline, exceedingly thin and fragile; umbones nearly terminal, small, full but angular, flattened upon their summits, acute, prosogyrate ; posterior area cut off by a carina which per- sists from the umbones to the posterior basal margin, acute near the umbones, but evanescing toward the base; anterior end very short and obscurely truncate ; posterior end much produced, strongly rounded at its extremity; the dorsal and ventral margins rudely parallel, the dorsal 41 620 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY slightly convex, the ventral broadly and feebly constricted ; external sur- face smooth excepting for a rather vigorous incremental sculpture; liga- ment submarginal, opisthodetic ; hinge edentulous; adductor scars and pallial characters obscure. Dimensions. Altitude 5 mm., latitude 13 mm., semi-diameter 3.5 mm. The remains of this small borer are found in the tests of Exogyra and Pycnodonte. It differs from L. ripleyana, which it most strongly resembles, not only in its habitat but also in the less inflated valves and less produced posterior extremity. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. LITHOPIIAGA JULIJE (Lea) Plate XXXVI, Figs. 10, 11 Modiola Julia; Lea, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila. for 1861, p. 149. Modiolus Julice Meek, 1864, Check List. Inv. Fossils N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 11. Perna Julite Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 726. Modiola Julia Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 64, pi. xvii, fig. 6 (not fig. 7). Modiolus Julia Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 12. Modiolus Julicc Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 506 (ex parte, description and figures excluded). Description. " Testa transverse striata, subrhomboidea, subinflata, postice oblique truncata, inferne emarginata; valvulis fragillissimis; nati- bus prominulis, fere terminalibus. Length .23, breadth .36 of an inch." Lea, 1862. Type Locality. Haddonfield, New Jersey. Shell nacreous, excedingly thin and friable ; transversely ovate in out- line, compressed ; umbones placed within the anterior seventh of the shell, not prominent but evenly rounded, proximate, incurved and slightly prosogyrate ; anterior end of shell feebly expanding in front of the beaks ; posterior dorsal margin approximately horizontal; posterior lateral mar- MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 621 gin quite strongly rounded, obliquely produced at the base ; ventral mar- gin somewhat oblique to the dorsal; posteriorly produced, in many indi- viduals feebly and broadly contracted medially ; basal constriction due to the broad and very shallow depression of the valves in front of the obtuse posterior carina which is initiated at the umbones and most prominent at its origin, becoming feebler and finally evanescing about half-way to the posterior ventral margin; external surface sculptured with sharp, rather distant and irregularly spaced incremental lirations which tend to become obsolete upon the medial portion of the shell; characters of interior of shell not known. Casts of this small form are not rare in the Upper Cretaceous of Mary- land, although the shell is so thin and so flaky that it has not been found possible to secure any fragments large enough to give the hinge dentition, yet the exceedingly thin and very highly nacreous shell and its general outline suggest Lithophaga rather than Modiolus. The form is much more compressed than L. ripleyana Gabb, the umbones more flattened and the posterior carina more angular. Furthermore there is no evidence that a calcareous encrustation was ever developed as in the Kipley species, but rather that it buried itself in the soft muds near the shore. Whitfield's restoration of Gabb's type is probably inaccurate as the material is much crushed and the original outline obscure. Occurrence. MOXMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Xatural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, and Woodbury clay, New Jersey. LITHOPHAGA LINGUA n. sp. Plate XXXVI, Fig. 14 Description. Shell small, compressed, not very thin, transversely and somewhat obliquely ovate in outline; umbones anterior, almost but not quite terminal, well rounded, but not conspicuously inflated, proximate, 622 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY incurved, prosogyrate ; valves flattening in all directions away from the umbones ; anterior end very short, rounded ; posterior end obliquely pro- duced along the obscurely elevated diagonal from the umbones to the pos- terior ventral margin ; posterior dorsal and lateral areas relatively very wide, their margins forming a somewhat asymmetrical arc connecting the umbones and the base ; ventral margin slightly oblique with a feeble sug- gestion of a mesial constriction; faint concentric sculpture probably developed on external surface; characters of hinge and interior not known. Dimensions. Maximum altitude 5 mm., maximum latitude 8 mm., maximum diameter 3.5 mm. This small but apparently adult Lithophaga is separated from the co- existent members of the same genus not only by its slight dimensions but even more readily by the very short anterior end and expanded posterior end. In no other species is the area behind the diagonal relatively so wide or so flaring. The peculiar alate aspect thus produced is not repeated in any of the co-existent species. The form is described from a cast of double valves. The type is not unique, but the species has not been observed from any but the type locality. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. LITHOPHAGA TWITCHELLI n. sp. Plate XXXVI, Figs. 12, 13 Description. Shell nacreous, apparently rather thick, large for the genus, subcylindrical in outline ; umbones inflated, incurved, prosogyrate, proximate, placed within the anterior tenth; shell inflated along the diagonal from the umbones to posterior ventral margin, broadly and shallowly depressed between this obscure carina and the feebly inflated anterior end; anterior lateral margin obscurely truncate, posterior strongly arcuate; dorsal margin very feebly convex; base line somewhat constricted medially ; external surface probably smooth ; characters of interior of shell not known. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 623 Dimensions. Altitude 11.8 mm., latitude 21.8 mm., diameter of double valves 11.7 mm. Lithophaga twitchelli suggests, at first, a giant L. ripleyana Gabb. How- ever, L. twitchelli is not only a third as large again as Gabb's species, but, furthermore, the valves are very much more inflated, particularly along the diagonal; the umbones feebler and the medial depression more pro- nounced. Then, too, the shell is much heavier, apparently, and there is no evidence of the former presence of an encrustation. This species is named for its collector. Dr. Mayville W. Twitchell, Assistant State Geologist of New Jersey. The form is described from a cast of the double valves of a single indi- vidual to which a considerable amount of shell substance still adheres, although the external surface has been entirely decorticated. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Eailroad cut west of Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Genus CRENELLA Brown [111. Conch. Gr. Brit., 1827, pi. xxxi, figs. 12-14; 2d ed., 1844, p. 75, pi. xxiii, figs. 12-14. Not Crenella Sowerby] Type. Mytilus decussatus Laskey. " Shell oblong-oval, equilateral, ventricose ; beaks obtuse, slightly turned to one side; hinge destitute of teeth but with a flattened, horizontal, slightly crenated plate on one side of the hinge in each valve ; right valve with a triangular, horizontal, projecting, reflexed plate, and the left one witli an oblique plate, both of which are a little crenated externally ."- Brown, 1844. " This interesting little group extends through the Tertiary and, owing to the little study given to its characters, has received many names. The shell is usually convex and ovoid, with more or less incurved beaks, a nacreous inner layer, thin epidermis which adheres closely to the shell, and a fine radial, often crossed by a concentric striation. In young shells the provinculum is exceptionally well developed, sometimes recalling the Etymology: Diminutive of crena, notch. 624 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY hinge of Nucula by its strong and projecting denticulations. If the shell is thin, these become obsolete with growth, but in some species are replaced by a series of denticulations directly consequent on the impingement of the external sculpture on the cardinal margin, thus repeating a second time in the same individual the process by which the provinculum was originally initiated in its ancestors. At least that is the way in which the writer interprets the facts. When the shell is thick, or when the external sculpture is very delicate, no secondary denticulations appear in the adult, which is then left with a practically unarmed hinge line. The appearance of the provinculum is not dependent on the existence of the external sculpture, but the secondary denticulations are so dependent. The exte- rior may be almost perfectly smooth and polished with only microscopic striation; finely radially striate without decussation (like C. serica), decussate, or with the radial sculpture strong and divaricate. Usually the sculpture is uniformly distributed over the surface, but occasionally there will be an area of unstriated separating two of striated surface, as in Modiolaria, but without the impressed boundaries of the latter genus."- Dall, 1898. 1 This genus ranges from the Cretaceous to the Recent. A. Adult shell not exceeding 6 mm. in altitude Crenella serica B. Adult shell exceeding 6 mm. in altitude Crenella elegantula CRENELLA SERICA Conrad Plate XXXVI, Figs. 16-18 Crenella (Stalagmium) serica Con., 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, p. 281, pi. xlvi, fig. 23. Crenella (Stalagmium) sericea Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 11. Crenella serica Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 510, pi. Ivi, figs. 7, 8. Description. " Longitudinally oblong-ovate, very ventricose, finely striated concentrically and with microscopic, closely arranged, radiating lines; summit very prominent. Locality: Eufaula, Barbour County, Alabama." Conrad, 1860. 1 Ball, W. H., Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., vol. iii, pt. iv, p. 802. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 625 Shell very small and gibbous, between three and four millimeters in altitude, the interior regularly ovate in outline; umbones inflated, strongly prosogyrate and incurved, proximate ; external surface sculptured with prominent and regularly spaced incrementals and resting stages; radial sculpture microscopically fine, not over-riding the concentric ; liga- ment lodged in a narrow groove running backward from beneath the apices of the umbones ; inner margins strongly crenulate, the area directly beneath the umbones slightly flattened and broadened and bearing four or five pseudo-taxodont denticles; a more extended, but less clearly defined, area developed in some individuals upon the medial portion of the pos- terior lateral margin ; muscle scars and pallial lines indistinct. Crenella serica Con. is a very abundant little bivalve in the Monmouth of Prince George's County. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Friendly, 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, New Jersey Geological Sur- vey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Marshalltown clay marl. New Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Eed Bank sand, New Jersey. Peedee Sand. North and South Carolina. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Georgia ; Eufaula, Alabama. Selma Chalk. Exogyra costata zone, Tombigbee Eiver, Sumter County, Alabama; east-central Missis- sippi ; Alcorn, Union and Tippah counties, Mississippi. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia; Lowndes County, Mississippi. CRENELLA ELEGANTULA Meek and Hayden Plate XXXVI, Fig. 19 Crenella elegantula Meek and Hayden, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., for 1861, p. 441. Crenella elegantula Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 11. Crenella elegantula Meek, 1876, Kept. U. S. Geol. Survey, Territories, vol. ix, p. 75, pi. xxviii, figs. 6a-6c. Crenella elegantula Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 511, pi. Ivi, fig. 6. 626 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Description. " Shell small, very thin and pearly, obliquely ovato- cordate, ventricose ; postero-basal and basal margins rounded ; dorsal border sloping posteriorly with an arcuate outline, and rounding into the anal margin behind; anterior border rounding obliquely backwards into the base; umbonal region of both valves very gibbous, beaks prominent, terminal, pointed, distinctly incurved and directed obliquely forward at the extremities; hinge margin smooth ; free border minutely crenulated. Sur- face (as seen by aid of a magnifier) beautifully ornamented by extremely fine, regular, closely-arranged, radiating striae, which increase chiefly by bifurcation, and continue of 'uniform size on all parts of the shell ; cross- ing these are numerous, equally fine, but much less distinct, concentric lines, and occasional stronger marks of growth. Length, measuring obliquely forward and upward from the base to the beaks, 0.55 in. ; diam- eter, from base to hinge, measuring at right angles to the greatest length, 0.4 inch; convexity, 0.37 inch. This beautiful little shell is very closely allied to C. sericea of Conrad, but differs in being uniformly more broadly ovate in form, and in having less elevated and less distinctly incurved beaks, while its concentric markings are not near so strongly defined."- Meek and Hayden, 1862. Type Locality. Deer Creek, near North Branch of the Platte Eiver, Nebraska. The species is recognized in Maryland from casts only. It is more than double the size of C. serica Conrad, relatively broader, and less inflated and less prominently sculptured concentrically. Occurrence. MONMOUTII FORMATION. Brightseat, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, New Jersey Geological Sur- vey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Monmouth Formation. Tinton beds. New Jersey. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, ? Owl Creek, Tippah County, Mississippi. Fox Hills Sandstone. Western Interior. MAEYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 627 Family DREISSENIIDAE Genus DREISSENA Van Beneden [Ann. Sci. Nat, ser. 2, vol. iii, 1835, p. 193, pi. viii] Type. Mylilus polymorplius Pallas. Equivalve, inequilateral, slightly gaping as a rule, mytiliform in out- line ; umbones acute, terminal, bent a little forward ; anterior area differ- entiated by a more or less obtusely angulated keel which runs from the umbones to the anterior ventral margin ; external surface smooth or incre- mentally sculptured ; ligament internal or submarginal, lodged in a shal- low groove, which extends more than a third of the way down to the base: angle between the umbones bridged by a transverse septum upon which the anterior and pedal adductors are mounted and from which, in the right valve, a small dentiform process sometimes projects ; posterior adductor scar moderately large, well down towards the base; pallial line rather obscure, entire. Dreissena is very like Mytilus in general aspect, so much so, indeed, that there is probably a considerable amount of confusion between the two genera in the earlier described species. Many authorities maintain that the genus is not initiated until the Early Tertiary. Henry Woods, 1 how- ever, has reported a species, I>reissensia lanceolata (Sowerby) Woods from the Cretaceous of England, and has so adequately figured it that there can be no doubt about the correctness of his determination. The shell differs most conspicuously from that of Mytilus in the devel- opment of the septum in the umbonal angle and the more internal liga- ment. The animal differs from that of Mytilus in the closed mantle and the two distinct siphons. All of the recent species are denizens of fresh or brackish water. Etymology: Named in honor of Dreissens, a Belgian physician. 1 1900, Mon. Cret. Lamellibranchia, England, Paleontographical Soc., Lon- don, pt. ii, p. 110, pi. xviii, figs. 13-15; pi. xix, figs. 1-11. 628 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY DREISSENA TIPPANA Conrad Plate XXXVII, Figs. 8-11 Dreissena tippana Conrad, 1858, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., vol. Hi, p. 328, pi. xxxiv, fig. 14. Dreissena tippana Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 10. Description. " Falcate, with distinct lines of growth; front excavated, the margin acutely angular ; the dorsal and posterior margin form a regu- lar curve; base rounded; beaks acute." Conrad, 1858. Type Locality. Owl Creek, Tippah County, Mississippi. Shell thick, prismatic, strongly falcate in outline, evenly convex, acutely keeled from the umbones to the ventral margin, the carinal angle usually more than 90 and giving to the front view of the double valves a canoe-shaped outline; outline of posterior margin evenly rounded from beaks to base; external surface smooth except for incremental striations and, toward the ventral margin, rather pronounced resting stages; liga- ment groove rather shallow and elongated, hinge edentulous; umbonal septum narrow but quite high ; character of muscle impressions and pallial sinus not preserved ; inner margins simple. In Maryland the species is represented chiefly in the form of casts, most frequently of the double valves, to which portions of the brown, prismatic shell substance still adhere, although at some localities perfect specimens have been collected. The form differs quite widely in relative proportions, but it does not seem wise to regard these mutations as of more than indi- vidual import. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. Ulmstead Point, Anne Arundel County. MONMOUTH FORMATION. ? Fredericktown, Cecil County; Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, U. S. Xational Museum. Outside Distribution. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Georgia; Eufaula, Alabama; Union and Tippah Counties, Mississippi. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia ; Chattahoochee River, Ala- bama. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 629 order ANOMALODESMACEA Superfamily ANATINACEA Family PHOLADOMYIDAE Genus PHOLADOMYA Sowerby [Genera Recent and Fossil Shells, 1825, pp. 235, 236, pi. xxxvii] Type. Plioladomya Candida Sowerby. " The following generic character being drawn up principally from the recent specimen, several particulars will be mentioned in it which cannot be observed in the fossils ; there is not, however, the smallest doubt as to their generic identity. Shell very thin, rather hyaline, transverse, ventri- cose ; inside pearly ; posterior side short, sometimes very short, rounded ; anterior side more or less elongated, gaping; upper edge also gaping a little ; hinge with a small rather elongated, triangular pit, and a marginal lamina in each valve, to the outer part of which is attached the rather short external ligament. Muscular impressions two ; these, as well as the muscular impression of the mantle, in which there is a large sinus, are indistinct. This shell is the only instance we have ever seen in which the umbones are so approximated as to be worn through by the natural action of the animal in opening and closing its valves." Sowerby, 1825. Equivalved or subequivalved, inequilateral, transversely elongated or subtrigonal, gaping posteriorly and sometimes anteriorly as well ; umbones inflated, anterior ; external sculpture radial, often more or less nodose ; ligament short, external, opisthodetic ; cardinal margin often reflected to form a false area behind the umbones ; hinge edentulous excepting a single subumbonal tubercle and pit in each valve; muscle impressions obscure, two in number ; pallial sinus profound. The genus was initiated early in the lower Lias, and though it culmi- nated later in the Jurassic, the decline was not marked until the close of the Mesozoic. The Tertiary representation, however, was very meager and less than half a dozen species have persisted to the present day. As in so many of the ancient types, the few survivors have retreated to unf avor- Etymology: A name suggested by " its resemblance to shells of two Lin- nean genera, the Pholades and Mya." 630 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY able regions where the struggle for existence is less keen and they do not have to compete with more virile groups. The few recent forms, including the generic type, P. Candida Sowerby, inhabit the ocean depths, some of them below the one thousand fathoms line. A single species has been recorded off the Japan coast, one from off the Africa coast and the rest from the Antillean region. A. Outline subcylindrical ; umbones broad, rounded, not conspicuously high Pholadomya occidentalis B. Outline ovate-trigonal; umbones relatively narrow, subangulated, con- spicuously high Pholadomya conradi PHOLADOMYA OCCIDENTALIS Morton Plate XXXVII, Figs. 1-3 Pholadomya occidentalis Morton, 1833, Am. Jour. Sci., 1st ser., vol. xxiii, p. 292, pi. viii, fig. 3. Pholadomya occidentalis Morton, 1834, Syn. Org. Rem. Cret. Group, U. S., p. 68, pi. viii, fig. 3. Pholadomya occidentalis Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 14 (ex parte). Pholadomya occidentalis Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 727. Pholadomya occidentalis Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 175, pi. xxiv, figs. 1-3. Pholadomya occidentalis Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 13. Pholadomya occidentalis Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 513, pi. Ivi, figs. 1-3. (Synonymy excluded.) Description. " Oblong-angular, ventricose near the beaks ; with twenty-five to thirty narrow, elevated, subtortuous costae, having broad, slightly concave intervening spaces. Length 2 inches, breadth 3 inches. An extremely variable species. I possess five specimens (all more or less broken), in all of which there is a difference in the number and relative position of the ribs." Morton, 1833. Type Locality. Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. " The dimensions of an average-sized specimen are : Length about 70 mm., height 47 mm., thickness 45 mm. Shell subovate or sub- elliptical in lateral outline, and cordate from in front. Hinge line straight, about two-thirds as long as the shell ; anterior margin rounding from the cardinal extremity into the basal margin, or obliquely subtrun- MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 631 cate; basal margin gently convex, becoming straighter posteriorly; pos- terior margin more narrowly rounded than the anterior. Beaks large and broad, situated from one-fifth to one-fourth the length of the shell from the anterior extremity, strongly incurved and nearly in contact, moder- ately elevated above the hinge line. Valves most prominent at about their mid-height in front of the middle of the shell; from this point the surface curves rather abruptly to the ventral anterior and cardinal mar- gins, and much more gently to the gaping posterior margin ; the cardinal margins back of the beaks are slightly inflected to form a rather distinct, concave cardinal area of moderate width on each valve. Surface of each valve marked by twenty-five or thirty more or less irregular and wavy, rounded, radiating costse of moderate strength, much narrower than the intervening depressions, and closer together in the middle of the shell than at either the anterior or posterior portions ; in the middle of the shell every other costa on large individuals has usually been intercalated between two others at some distance below the beak; the shell is also marked by more or less irregular, concentric undulations. This species is one of the most characteristic members of the Merchantville clay marl fauna, where it sometimes occurs in considerable numbers." Weller, 1907. The species is not known from Maryland, but it occurs in the form of poorly-preserved casts along the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal in Dela- ware. It is readily recognizable by the well-rounded gibbous valves and the irregular elevated radial lirse. The more southern and apparently later P. Conradi described by Conrad under the name of P. occidentalis has been accepted as a synonym by the later workers, although the two shells are obviously distinct. The northern form runs larger than the southern, is much more nearly cylindrical and less trigonal in outline, the umbones are broader, more evenly rounded, set farther back from the ante- rior extremity and very much less prominent. Occurrence. MATAWAX FORMATION. Posts 218 and 105, Briar Point, Post 156, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey. 632 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Outside Distribution.- Magothy Formation. Cliffwood clay, New Jersey. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Woodbury clay, New Jersey. PHOLADOMYA CONRADI n. sp. Plate XXXVIII, Fig. 1 Pholadomya occidentalis Conrad, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv., p. 276. Pholadomya occidentalis Owen, 1860, 2d Kept. Geol. Recon. Ark., pi. viii, fig. 9. Description. " Subovate, very inequilateral, inflated anteriorly ; ribs about twenty-five, irregular, prominent, acute, posteriorly distant, crenu- latecl by rugose concentric striae, on the umbo tuberculato-crenate ; summit very prominent; anterior margin obliquely truncated. Length 3 inches, height 2| inches.'' Conrad, 1860. Type Locality. Tippah County, Mississippi. Shell very thin and nacreous, approximately equivalve, very inequi- lateral ; umbones rather narrow and compressed, obtusely angulated, rising high above the dorsal margin, almost at the anterior extremity ; anterior end broadly and very feebly arcuate; posterior end symmetrically pro- duced and strongly arcuate; external surface sculptured with twenty-five or twenty-six sharply elevated radial lirae, beaded in the umbonal region by the intersecting incrementals and minutely undulated by the growth sculpture even to the ventral margin. Pholadomya conradi n. sp. has been confused with P. occidentalis Morton, so characteristic of the Xew Jersey and Delaware Matawan. The later species (P. conradi) runs smaller and is less inflated in general out- line, while the very high, rather narrow, subangulated umbones, rising from the extreme anterior end of the shell, lend it an aspect that is very characteristic and quite distinct from the subcylindrical outline of P. occi- dantalis Morton. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. MARYLAND .GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 633 Outside Distribution. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Eufaula, Alabama ; Union and Tippah counties, Mississippi. Extreme top of zone, Chattahoochee River, Alabama. Family ANATINIDAE Genus PER1PLOMYA Conrad [Am. Jour. Conch., July, 1870, vol. vi, p. 76] = Leptomya Conrad, 1867. Not Leptomya A. Adams, 1864. = Plicomya Stoliczka, November, 1870. Type. Periploma appUcata Conrad. " Elongated, inequivalve, thin, perlaceous, gaping anteriorly ; hinge with a projecting spoon-shaped cartilage process, narrowing gradually towards the inferior end, which is acutely rounded; this process joins an oblique callosity which extends to the cardinal margin ; an obsolete rib and fissure run obliquely from the anterior side of the apex. This genus, which is allied to Anatina, differs from it in having a tapering cartilage process attached to a rib or support which joins the hinge margin ante- riorly; and in having the fissure anterior to the apex, and running obliquely towards the anterior extremity of the ventral margin. This genus is known in this country only by one species, which is found in the Eipley group of the Cretaceous era. Judging from external characters and outline of the shells, I should suppose that d'Orbigny's Periploma robi- naldina, P. necomiensis and P. simplex are species of Leptimya, which genus probably became extinct with the Cretaceous fauna. The gape of the anterior is moderate, and valves but slightly reflexed, in which respects it differs essentially from Anatina" 1 Conrad, 1867. FEUIPLOMYA ELLIPTICA Gabb Anatina elliptica Gabb, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila. for 1861, p. 324. Anatina elliptica Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 15. Etymology: (?)A name suggested by the resemblance of the form to Periploma and Mya. 1 Conrad, 1867, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. iii, p. 15. 634 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Anatina elliptica Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 727. Periplomya elliptica Gabb, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 305. Periplomya elliptica Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 177, pi. xxiii, figs. 14, 15. Periplomya elliptica Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 13. Periplomya elliptica Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 522, pi. Ivii, figs. 8-11. Description. " Shell subelliptical, equivalve, nearly equilateral ; beak central, pointing posteriorly, very small, umbones small. Cardinal mar- gin slightly convex. Buccal margin broad, nearly straight and sloping inwards towards the basal edge, which is very broadly rounded, being nearly straight just opposite the beaks. Anal extremity hardly more than half as broad as the buccal, and with the hinge line between it and the beaks, regularly concave. There is a broadly rounded ridge extending from the umbones towards the anterior basal margin, gradually becoming obsolete as it approaches the edge. Shell thin, and marked on the surface by small, irregular concentric ridges. Length 0.9 inch (from beaks to basal margin), width 1.3 inch." Gabb, 1862. Type Locality. Mullica Hill, New Jersey. " Shell small, inequivalve, and very inequilateral, subovate in outline, largest across the anterior side of the beaks, and strongly constricted just behind them, the posterior end being narrowed on the hinge line and exca- vated at this point. Valves somewhat ventricose, the right one less con- vex than the left, and very decidedly depressed in the central region and toward the basal line, showing a decided twist or arcuation of the valves as seen in a basal view. Anterior end broadly rounded, and the posterior pointedly rounded. Beaks small, appressed, incurved, and apparently directed backward, as is usual in this group of shells, from the expansion of inflation of the anterior side of the hinge line. Cardinal margin, as seen on the cast, inflected both in front of and behind the beaks, forming an apparent lunule and escutcheon on the cast, probably produced mainly from a thickening of the hinge plate within. Muscular imprints and pallial line and hinge not observed." Whitfield, 1885. A single imperfect cast has been referred to this species. It shows, however, the compressed valves, the acute umbones and the constriction behind the umbones which characterize the species. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 635 Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brooks estate near Seat Pleas- ant, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. Outside Distribution. Manasquan Formation. ? New Jersey. Superfamily ENSIPHONACEA Family POROMYACIDAE Genus LIOPISTHA Meek [Check List Invt. Foss. N. A., Cret. and Jur., 1864, p. 32] Type. Cardium elegantulum Eoemer. " Shell equivalve, inequilateral, transversely subovate, being usually narrower, more compressed, and often subrostrate behind, and ventricose in the central and umbonal regions, nearly always extremely thin; extremities rounded in outline, the posterior side usually a little gaping ; surface granular, and varying, according to the sections and species, from radiately costate on the flanks and front of the valves, to strongly undu- late concentrically, with only a few impressed, radiating lines on the middle, or rarely nearly smooth, concentrically striate, or furrowed, with obsolescent radiating striae ; dorsal margins generally inflected so as to form a sort of false area along its entire length ; hinge with two promi- nent cardinal teeth projecting out at right angles from close up under the hinge line, beneath the beak of the right valve (the posterior tooth being larger and compressed, and the anterior pointed), and one promi- nent and one rudimentary cardinal tooth under that of the left; lateral teeth, none; ligament external; fulcra short and erect. Pallial line unknown. " Liopistha Meek (typical). Shell transversely subovate, ornamented, excepting on the posterior dorsal portions of the valves, by regular, simple, well-defined, sometimes subcrenate, radiating costa?." Meek, 1876. 1 The genus is restricted in its distribution to the Cretaceous. A. Secondary radial sculpture not developed Liopistha protexta B. Secondary radial sculpture developed Liopistha alternata Etymology: Xeios, smooth; S-n-iffOei', behind. 1 U. S. Geol. Survey Terr., vol. ix, p. 227. 42 G36 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY LIOPISTHA PKOTEXTA Conrad Plate XXXVI, Fig. 15 Cardium, protextum Conrad, 1853, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. ii, p. 275, pi. xxiv, fig. 12. Fragilia protexta Conrad, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, p. 275. Papyridea (Liopistha) protexta Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 12. Liopistha protexta Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 726. Liopistha protexta Meek, 1876, Kept. U. S. Geol. Survey, Territories, vol. ix, p. 227; text figs. 20-24. Liopistha protexta Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 140, pi. xx, figs. 1-3. Liopistha inflata Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 142, pi. xx, figs. 4, 5. Liopistha protexta Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 13. Liopistha protexta Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 526, pi. Iviii, figs. 4-6. Description. " Suboval or subtriangular, inequilateral, ventricose ; ribs about twenty-eight in number, narrow, rounded, obsolete on the posterior subraargin; posterior extremity obliquely truncated; beaks prominent ; basal margin rounded ; umbonal slope undefined ; posterior end gaping. (A cast.) " Conrad, 1853. Type Locality. Burlington County, New Jersey. Shell of moderate size and rather heavy for the genus, gaping pos- teriorly, transversely ovate-trigonal in outline, evenly inflated, the maxi- mum diameter falling near the medial portion of the shell; umbones evenly rounded, the apices proximate, incurved and feebly opisthogyrate, set a little in front of the median vertical and well up above the dorsal margins; anterior and posterior dorsal slopes very gentle, the posterior a little more produced and not quite so low as the anterior ; anterior end well rounded, posterior end obscurely truncate; base line strongly and symmetrically arcuate; external surface sculptured with twenty-six to thirty-five angular radials, approximately uniform in size and spacing over the medial portion of the shell, separated by slightly wider concave interspaces; radials diminishing in prominence anteriorly but persistent almost to the margin, evanescing much more abruptly posteriorly, leav- MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 637 ing the posterior sixth of the shell smooth; incremental sculpture over- running the radials and minutely nodulating them in the umbonal region, imbricating them away from the umbones ; characters of interior not known. Liopistha protexia Conrad is abundant and widespread in the Upper Cretaceous of the East Coast and Gulf. For that reason and because its stratigraphic distribution is apparently restricted it has been used by Stephenson 1 as the guide fossil for the so-called Liopistha protexta sub- zone which he has traced through Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Bohemia Mills, Cecil County; Millersville, Anne Arundel County; Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, railroad cut 1 mile west of Seat Pleasant, 2 miles south of Oxon Hill, Prince George's County, Maryland. EANCOCAS FORMATION. Noxontown Pond, Delaware. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. ? Wenonah sand, New Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Navesink marl, Eed Bank sand and Tinton beds, New Jersey. Peedee Formation. North and South Caro- lina. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Eufaula, Alabama; Chickasaw, Lee, Pontotoc, Union, Tippah and Alcorn counties, Mississippi. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia; Chattahoochee River, Ala- bama. Selma Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Wilcox County, Ala- bama ; east-central Mississippi. LIOPISTHA ALTERNATA Weller Liopistha alternata Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 527, pi. Iviii, figs. 7-9. Description. " The dimensions of an average left valve are : Length 22 mm., height 15.5 mm., convexity 7 mm. Shell, exclusive of the pro- jecting beaks, subelliptical in outline. Beaks central, or in some speci- mens apparently a little back of the center, their apices pointed, elevated 1 Prof. Paper, U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 81. 638 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY above the hinge line, strongly incurved and nearly or quite in contact. Antero-cardinal slope slightly concave or nearly straight ; anterior margin rather sharply rounded ; basal margin broadly and regularly convex ; pos- terior margin rather sharply rounded above to the posterior extremity of the hinge line ; post-cardinal slope more concave than the anterior. Valves ventricose or inflated in the umbonal region, the surface curving abruptly to the cardinal margin, convex to the anterior and ventral margins, more or less compressed to the postero-cardinal extremity; slightly gaping pos- teriorly. Surface marked with forty or more angular, radiating costa? in adult shells, the alternate ones being conspicuously larger. The smaller costae are intercalated between the larger ones and do not reach the beak, so that in very young shells the alternation of costae does not exist ; upon the posterior, more or less compressed portion of the valves the costae are nearly or quite obsolete. Distinct impressions of the external surface of the shells show them to be marked by fine, indistinct lines of growth ; they also show each costa, both the larger ones and the smaller ones, to be surmounted by a row of fine tubercles or short spines, whose distance apart is less than the spaces between the costse; the radiating lines of tubercles are also present upon the posterior non-costate portion of the shell. This species can be easily distinguished from /,. profe.rta by the alternating costae and the more central position of the beaks. These two species have never been observed associated in the same fauna, /,. aHernata being characteristic of the Merchantville, while L. protexta is especially characteristic of the Navesink." Weller, 1907. The occurrence in Maryland is restricted to a single broken valve, but it is sufficient to show the diagnostic development of a secondary radial lineation. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. Summit Bridge, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, New Jersey Geological Sur- vey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, New Jersey. Eutaw Formation (Tombigbee sand member). Exogyra ponderosa zone, Mortoniceras subzone, Georgia : Perry County. Alabama. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 639 Family CUSPIDAR1DAE Genus CUSPIDARIA Nardo [Ann. Sci., Lombardo Veneto, vol. x, 1840, p. 49] Ty/ic. Tellina cuspidata Olivi. Shell minutely pyriform in outline, feebly inequivalve, strongly inequi- lateral, the anterior portion of the shell inflated, the posterior abruptly constricted and compressed; squarely truncate, gaping. " The shells of Cuspidaria possess an internal ligament, received in each valve in a more or less differentiated groove or fossette, which may project from the umbonal angle of the hinge margin, or be more or less adherent to the anterior or posterior slope of this angle. They may have one anterior and one posterior cardinal and lateral tooth in valve, any one of which (or all in the genus ? Myonera) may be entirely absent. Beside the teeth the hinge is reinforced in many cases by a buttress extending in a direction vertical to the valve from the hidden surface of the hinge margin, posterior to the umbonal angle. This buttress may consist of the vertical plate above mentioned and a thickened rib curving round in front of the posterior muscular scar, and then directed poste- riorly, becoming almost immediately obsolete. Or the posterior muscular insertion may be elongate and narrow, and the buttress take the form of a " clavicle " or myophore, elongated, parallel with the posterior hinge margin and separating the two posterior muscular scars. The muscles are not always inserted upon the buttress, but may be above and in front of it. Its purpose would seem to be that of strengthening the valve, almost always thin and fragile, against sudden contractions of the muscles, and to support the cardinal border, and especially the strong posterior lateral tooth found in many species. When this tooth is found in a species which has no posterior lateral in the other valve, the valve which has a tooth shows the buttress stronger than the other, indicating its function as a support for the tooth ; but when elongated and clavicular there is little difference between the buttresses of opposite valves, indicating that in such cases the function is the strengthening of the valve itself. The presence of the buttress is. in my opinion, important only in a minor degree, except Etymology: Cuspis, cuspidis; a lance, a point. 640 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY when it takes the clavicular form, as, in different species of the same group, and even in individuals of the ^ame species, its size and prominence vary very greatly. Adriatic specimens of the typical species, C. cuspidata, show a strong buttress; British specimens of the same species often show it faintly or not at all, while otherwise well developed. The names Naera, Rhinomya, Aulacophora, Spathophora, and Trophidophora, among those which have been applied to members of this group, by Gray, Adams, and Jeffreys, are all preoccupied in zoological nomenclature, some of them several times over. " The characters of radiating and concentric sculpture in this group have no more than a specific value ; there are few species where they tire not more or less combined in the external ornamentation. The surface may be polished, smooth, wrinkled, sulcate, or granulous. The anterior muscular scar is double or single, the posterior scar double, in all the specimens I have seen where the scars could be made out." Dall, 1886. ' The genus was initiated in the Mesozoic and persists in the recent seas as one of the characteristic deep water forms. One species, C. lucifuga Fischer, has been reported from over 2500 fathoms. A. Latitude of adult shell not exceeding 8 mm.; anterior portion of shell not evenly inflated, tending to flatten toward the anterior lateral and ventral margins Cuspidaria ampulla B. Latitude of adult shell exceeding 8 mm.; anterior portion of shell evenly inflated, not flattened toward the anterior lateral and ventral margins Cuspidaria cucurbita CUSPIDARIA AMPULLA n. sp. Plate XXXVII, Figs. 6, ? Description. Shell small, even for the genus, thin, approximately equivalve, strongly inequilateral, highly inflated in the umbonal region and the medial portion of the disk, flattening a little toward the anterior and ventral margins of the shell and abruptly compressed posteriorly; umbones inflated even to their apices, proximate, incurved, feebly opistho- gyrate, rising well above the dorsal margin, a little in front of the median horizontal; anterior dorsal margin steeply descending; posterior dorsal 1 Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard Coll., 1886, p. 292. MAEYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 641 margin feebly excavated ; anterior lateral margin rounding obliquely into the base; posterior very short and squarely truncate; base line smoothly convex in the anterior and medial portion, rapidly ascending and very feebly concave behind the median vertical ; external sculpture very feeble, little more, indeed, than irregular incremental striations; character of hinge and interior not known. Dimensions. Altitude 4.75 mm., latitude 6.75 mm., diameter, 4 mm. It is separated from Cuspidaria cucurbita n. sp. by its smaller size and less produced and less evenly inflated anterior end. The type is unique. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. CUSPIDARIA CUCURBITA n. sp. Plate XXXVII, Figs. 4, 5 Description. Shell of moderate size for the genus, oblique, minutely gourd-shaped; subequivalved, the right valve a little the more inflated; umbones gibbous, incurved, the apices proximate and opisthogyrate, placed a little behind the median horizontal; anterior dorsal margin gently sloping ; lateral margin obscurely truncate ; posterior portion of shell abruptly contracted and compressed, behind the umbones ; posterior dorsal margin feebly excavated, the short lateral margin squarely truncate ; base line arcuate in the anterior and medial portion, rapidly ascending pos- teriorly; characters of surface and interior not known. Dimensions. Altitude 7 mm., latitude 10.5 mm., maximum diameter of double valves 6 mm. The cast of the double valves from which the shell is described suggests in its outline a miniature drinking gourd, the evenly inflated anterior and medial portion forming the cup, the abruptly constricted posterior por- tion the neck. The species is probably a close relative of Cuspidaria ven- tricosa Meek and Hayden, but it is much more oblique than the latter, and differs further in that the base line is not excavated at the rostrum. From Cuspidaria ampulla n. sp. it is separated not only by the larger size but 642 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY by the more produced and much more evenly inflated anterior portion of the shell. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. Three-quarters of a mile south- east of Ulmstead Point, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. order TELEODESMACEA Superfamily CYPR1CARDIACEA Family PLEUROPHORIDAE Genus VENIELLA Stoliczka (Mem. Geol. Survey of India, Cret. Fauna S. India, 1871, vol. iii, p. 189) = Venilia Morton 1833, Am. Jour. Sci., 1st ser., vol. xxiii, p. 294. Xot Venilia Dupouch 1829, a Lepidopteran genus. Type. Venilia conradi Morton. " Shell ventricose, inflated, with the beaks outwardly incurved, more or less distant, a long narrow ligamental furrow running from them pos- teriorly, situated above strong fulcra; hinge with two cardinal and one posterior lateral tooth in each valve; right valve with the supra-posterior cardinal tooth, generally bifid anteriorly with a hook-like downward bent prolongation, infero-anterior cardinal smaller, lamelliform, or more or less tubercular, separated from the other tooth by a more or less horizontally extending flexuous groove into which the infero-anterior cardinal tooth of the left valve fits ; the supero-posterior cardinal of this valve is moder- ately prolonged, single or indistinctly bifid." Stoliczka, 1871. The shell is rude and heavy and, as a rule, subtrapezoidal or quadrate in outline with a more or less clearly differentiated lunule and escutcheon and an angulated posterior keel. Irregular concentric sculpture is usually developed, but it is rarely more than a modification of the heavy incre- mentals. The adductor impressions, particularly the anterior, are distinct or even excavated, as is so frequently the case in the heavy bivalves. The pallial line is entire. The Cretaceous apparently marks the initiation and the culmination of Veniella, although it survived in diminished numbers into the Tertiary. Etymology: A modification of Morton's pre-occupied Venilia, the name of one of the nymphs of Roman mythology. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 643 VENIELLA CONRADI (Morton) Stoliczka Plate XXXVIII, Figs. 2-7 Venilia conradi Morton, 1833, Am. Jour. Sci., 1st ser., xxiii, p. 294, pi. viii, figs. 1, 2. Venilia conradi Morton, 1834, Syn. Org. Rem. Cret. Group, U. S., p. 67, pi. viii, figs. 1, 2. Venilia trigona Gabb, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., for 1861, p. 324. Venilia conradi Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 13. Venilia trigona Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 13. Venilia conradi Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 727. Goniosoma inflata Conrad, 1869, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. v, p. 44, pi. i, fig. 10. Venilia elevata Conrad, 1870, Ibidem, vol. vi, p. 74, pi. iii, figs. 7, 7a. Veniella conradi Stoliczka, 1871, Mem. Geol. Survey of India, Pal., Cret. Fauna Southern India, vol. iii, p. 190. Veniella conradi Meek, 1876, Kept. U. S. Geol. Survey, Territories, vol. ix, p. 148, text figures 9-11. Veniella conradi Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 144, pi. xix, figs. 8-10. Veniella trigona Whitfield, 1885, Ibidem, p. 149, pi. xix, figs. 11-14. Veniella inflata Whitfield, 1885, Ibidem, p. 147, pi. xix, figs. 4, 5. Veniella elevata Whitfield, 1885, Ibidem, p. 148, pi. xix, figs. 6, 7. Veniella conradi Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 13. Veniella trigona Johnson, 1905, Ibidem. Veniella elevata Johnson, 1905, Ibidem. Veniella inflata Johnson, 1905, Ibidem. Veniella conradi Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 534, pi. Iviii, figs. 18, 19. Veniella trigona Weller, 1907, Ibidem, p. 537, pi. lix, figs. 1-3. Description. " Trigonal, ventricose, concentrically sulcated ; beaks long and incurved; diameter an inch and a half." Morton, 1833. Type Locality. New Jersey. Shell thick, heavy, prismatic, rudely cordate or trigonal in outline ; umbones very prominent, inflated to their very apices, which are turned inward and forward, and placed in the adult forms within the anterior third; posterior carina strongly denned, persisting from the umbones to the posterior ventral margin ; lunule very wide, differentiated by a faintly incised line and the evanescence of the heavy concentric sculpture; escutcheon suggested by an obscure keel running from the umbones to the extremity of the dorsal margin at a distance a little more than midway 644 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY between the posterior carina and the hinge margin ; escutcheon much more sharply denned in the young forms than in the adults ; anterior portion of shell smoothly rounded, even nasute in the young; base line approxi- mately horizontal; posterior dorsal and distal margins merging into one another in the adults, the lateral margin squarely truncate in the young ; external surface broadly corrugated in the umbonal region, the summits of the obtuse ridges thus formed crowned with sharp laminar plates uni- form in thickness throughout their extent, although the altitude attained sometimes approaches a centimeter; laminae often broken away leaving only a faint scar which is soon eradicated by exposure; the number of processes thus developed rarely exceeding five; ventral portion of adult shell evenly rounded and sculptured only with heavy growth lines and crowded resting stages; ligament external, opisthodetic, seated upon a short but rather stout nymph; hinge plate heavy, two cardinals in the right valve, the anterior trigonal and placed opposite the lateral, the pos- terior robust, obliquely elongated and compressed, feebly sulcated medially; a stout rounded anterior lateral tubercle developed on the ventral side of the hinge plate near the anterior cardinal ; posterior lateral grooved, profound, the inner surfaces finely striated transversely; two cardinals present also in the left valve, both of them posteriorly produced, the anterior stout and feebly sulcated, the posterior laminar and united with the basal margin ; anterior lateral sharp, trigonal with a deep pocket behind it for the reception of the corresponding lateral in the right valve ; posterior lateral elevated, produced; muscle impressions distinct, the anterior excavated ; pallial line entire. The young of the species are subquadrate in outline and when fully armed present a very different aspect from the cordate adults from which the laminar plates have been broken away and all traces of them obliter- ated. However, all the changes in outline and sculpture may be observed in a single individual so that there is no doubt of the absolute identity of the V. conradi and V. trigona. Even though there were, Morton's well-figured type is a fully adult form with all the characters of the individual described later by Gabb under the name of V. trigona. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 645 The species is unusually abundant and well preserved at Brightseat, Prince George's County. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. ? Good Hope Hill, District of Columbia. MATAWAN FORMATION. Post 157, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware; Ulmstead Point, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. MONMOUTH FORMATION. ? Millersville, Anne Arundel County; Bohemia Mills, right bank of Bohemia Creek near Scotchman's Creek, Cecil County ; east of mouth of Turner's Creek, Kent County ; Brightseat, railroad cut west of Seat Pleasant, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, 1 mile west of Friendly, McNeys Corners, Fort Washington, Prince George's County, Maryland. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Wenonah sand, New Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Navesink marl, Eed Bank sand and Tiiiton beds, New Jersey. Black Creek Formation. North and South Carolina. Eutaw Formation (Tombigbee sand mem- ber) . Exogyra ponderosa zone, Mortoniceras subzone, Georgia ; Prentiss County, Mississippi. Transition beds, Eutaw to Selma. Exogyra pon- derosa zone, Mortoniceras subzone, Dallas County, Alabama. Ripley For- mation. Exogyra ponderosa zone, Barbour County, Alabama. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia. Selma Formation. Exogyra pon- derosa zone, Lee County, Mississippi. Exogyra costata zone, Wilcox County, Alabama; east-central Mississippi. Superfamily ASTARTACEA Family CRASSATELLITIDAE Genus CRASSATELLINA Meek [Hayden, 2d Kept. Geol. Survey, Territories, 1871, p. 300] Type. Crassatellina oblonga Meek. " Shell transversely trapezoidal, equivalve, inequilateral, with free margins closed and smooth within; hinge with two cardinal teeth, and one elongated anterior and one posterior lateral tooth in each valve; Etymology: Diminutive of Crassatella. 646 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY anterior cardinal tooth of the left valve trigonal, and deeply emarginato below ; posterior very much compressed, oblique, and somewhat elongated ; cardinal teeth of right valve diverging, with a triangular pit between for the reception of the larger triangular tooth of the other valve; anterior one small, oblique, and connected at its upper end with the posterior extremity of the anterior lateral ; posterior larger, oblique, longitudinally furrowed, 1 and perhaps emarginated below, while just behind and above it there is a narrow oblique slit, or pit, for the reception of the thin anterior cardinal of the other valve ; lateral teeth elongated parallel to the cardinal margins ; the anterior one of the right valve, and the posterior of the left, apparently continued so as to connect with the upper ends of the cardinal teeth ; ligament external ; pallial line simple. " The typical species of this genus has the general external appearance of a Crassatella, from which genus, however, it is clearly removed by its hinge characters, though evidently belonging to the same family. Its muscular impressions are faintly defined, as is also the case with the pallial line, which latter, however, can be followed so far back as to leave little or no doubt that it is really simple. The larger trigonal cardinal tooth of the left valve is probably sometimes so deeply emarginate as to give it an A-shape." Meek, 1876. 2 Meek's belief in the identity of the two genera has been sustained by later paleontologists. There is no record of the group from other than Cretaceous strata. CRASSATELLINA CAROLINENSIS (Conrad) Meek Etea carolinensis Conrad, 1875, Kerr's Geol. of North Carolina, App., p. 6, pi. i, fig. 14. Crassatellina carolinensis Meek, 1876, Kept. U. S. Geol. Survey, Territories, vol. ix, pp. 119, 120. Etea carolinensis Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 14. Etea carolinensis Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 541, pi. lix, figs. 4-6. Description. " Shell suboval, short, equilateral, compressed, with dis- tinct lines of growth ; posterior end truncated, nearly direct." Conrad, 1875. 1 The furrow of this tooth is too strongly defined in fig. 3d, of plate 2. 3 Kept. U. S. Geol. Survey, Territories, vol. ix, pp. 119, 120. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 647 Type Locality. Snow Hill, North Carolina. " The dimensions of a shell of average size, preserving both valves, are : Length 33 mm., height 22.5 mm., thickness 14 mm. Length of the largest individual observed, 14 mm. Shell very oblique and inequilateral, the beaks obtuse, slightly incurved, situated about three-eighths of the entire length of the shell from the anterior extremity. Anterior margin some- what narrowly rounded and passing into the basal margin ; basal margin moderately convex anteriorly, becoming straight or usually slightly con- cave posteriorly; posterior-basal extremity acutely angular; posterior margin rather short, obliquely truncate; postero-dorsal margin straight, except near the beak where it becomes slightly convex, making an angle of about 136 with the truncate posterior margin. Surface of the shell marked with a sharply angular or subcarinate, usually straight, umbonal ridge passing from the beak to the postero-basal extremity of the shell; postero-dorsal slope concave from the umbonal ridge to the cardinal mar- gin, where the shell is sharply inflected to form a large and nearly flat escutcheon ; in front of the umbonal ridge a broad, more or less indefinite depression passes from the beak to the sinuosity in the posterior portion of the ventral margin ; in front of the beak the surface is inflected to form a rather large and broad lunule. Entire surface of the shell covered with strong, concentric lines of growth which are more or less irregular in the strength of their development. Hinge of right valve with a large bifid cardinal tooth directed obliquely backwards from beneath the beak, and a much smaller simple one directed forward; between these two teeth is a deep triangular pit, and behind the posterior one is a much narrower pit ; two large lateral teeth are present, one in front and one behind the beak, the anterior one is nearer the beak with a broad and deep pit between it and the hinge line, the posterior one is more elongate and slender, and is also separated from the hinge line by a deep pit. The hinge of the left valve has two cardinal teeth, a large bifid one immediately beneath the beak and a thin, very oblique one behind, with a large, oblique, triangular pit between the two ; there are two strong lateral teeth, one in front and one behind, the anterior one being nearer the beak and usually stronger but not so much extended longitudinally as the posterior one. Muscular 648 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY impressions large and strong, of abdut equal size ; pallia! line parallel with the truncated posterior margin for a short distance below the posterior muscular impression, then bending abruptly forward and continuing sub- parallel with the shell margin." Weller, 1907. CrassatelUna carolinensis Conrad is represented in Maryland and Dela- ware by a single imperfect cast. The species is apparently one of the most reliable guide fossils of the Exogyra ponderosa zone. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. Post 105, Chesapeake and Dela- ware Canal, Delaware. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Marshalltown clay marl, New Jersey. Black Creek Formation. North and South Carolina. Pcedee Formation. North and South Carolina. Eutaw Formation. Basal. Exogyra ponderosa zone, Eussell County, Alabama. (Tombigbee sand member). Mortoniceras subzone, Georgia; Eussell County, Ala- bama; Prentiss County, Mississippi. Eipley Formation. Exogyra pon- derosa zone, Barbour County, Alabama. Exogyra costata zone, Union County, Mississippi. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia. Selma Formation. Exogyra costata zone, east-central Mississippi. Genus CRASSATELL1TES Kriiger [Arch. Neuest. Entd. Urwelt, vol. ii, 1828, 4661 Type. Crassatella gibbosula Lamarck. " Shell solid, inequilateral, slightly inequivalve, usually subtrigonal, the posterior end longer ; valves closed, the ligament and resilium adjacent and internal ; hinge of three cardinals in the right valve, of which the pos- terior is more or less effaced by the resilium, and two in the left valve ; the anterior edge of the right and the posterior edge of the left hinge margin grooved to receive the edge of the opposite valve, which is bevelled to serve as a lateral lamina ; sculpture chiefly concentric and often obsolete except near the umbones." Dall, 1903. 1 Etymology: Crassus, thick, heavy. 1 Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., vol. iii, pt. vi, pp. 1466, 1467. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 649 The genus originated, apparently, in the Cretaceous, culminated in the Tertiary, and is represented in the Recent faunas by some thirty or forty species confined, for the most part, to the tropical seas. In the East Coast and Gulf Eocene, and in the East Coast Miocene, the genus is one of the most prolific and conspicuous of any of the bivalves. A. Outline ovate or ovate-trigonal, not conspicuously produced along the posterior keel. 1. External surface incrementally sculptured but not more or less regularly lineated from umbones to base. a. Shell very heavy, especially in the umbonal region; posterior carina usually prominent Crassatellites vadosus b. Shell not very heavy and uniform in weight; posterior carina not very prominent Crassatellites subplanus 2. External surface more or less regularly lineated from umbones to base Crassatellites linteus B. Outline alate, conspicuously produced along the posterior keel. Crassatellites pteropsis CRASSATELLITES VADOSUS (Morton) Johnson Plato XXXIX, Figs. 1-4 Crassatella vadosa Morton, 1834, Syn. Org. Rem. Cret. Group, U. S., p. 66, pi. xiii, fig. 12. Crassatella ripleyana Conrad, 1858, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iii, p. 327, pi. xxxv, fig. 3. Crassatella vadosa Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Foss., N. A., Cret. and Jur.. p. 11. Crassatella vadosa Stoliczka, 1871, Mem. Geol. Survey of India, Pal. Indica, Cret. Faunas Southern India, vol. iii, p. 295. Crassatella vadosa Gabb, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 310. Crassatella vadosa Conrad, 1878, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 726. Crassatella vadosa "Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 116. pi. xvii, figs. 12-15. Crassatellites vadosus Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 14. Crassatellites ripleyana Johnson, 1905, Ibidem. Crassatellites subplanus Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 553 (ex parte), pi. Ixi, figs. 1, 2(?). Description. " Ovato-triangular, slightly compressed ; with about thirty distinct, concentric stria?. Length one inch and a quarter ; breadth one inch." Morton, 1834. Type Locality. Prairie Bluff, Alabama. Shell of medium size, thick, heavy, rudely trigonal in outline; anterior and lateral margins rounded, posterior more or less produced and trun- 650 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY cated, ventral margin approximately horizontal ; umbones orthogyrate or turned a little forward, proximate, often thickened, flattened upon their summits, placed back from the anterior margin a distance of one-third the total latitude; lunule broadly lenticular, sharply denned, the portion in the left valve a trifle broader and more feebly striated by the incrementals than that of the right; escutcheon more sharply defined, broader and a trifle larger in the right valve than in the left ; posterior area outlined by an obtuse ridge passing from the umbones to ths posterior ventral margin ; external surface sculptured with low, concentric ridges close set but irregular in arrangement, suggesting an exaggerated incremental sculp- ture ; a few pronounced resting stages, usually developed toward the ven- tral margin ; radial sculpture manifested only in the sharp denticulations on the inner margins ; hinge plate very heavy, ligament pit a small scoop- shaped affair, extending obliquely backward from directly beneath the tips of the umbones; cardinals two in number in the left valve, three in the right, the anterior cardinal of the right very thin and laminar, and fused at the base with the dorsal margin, the middle cardinal heavy, trigonal, transversely striated; the posterior cardinal laminar largely effaced by the resilium, originating near the base of the anterior cardinal and diverg- ing from it at an angle of approximately 60, cardinals of the left valve much more nearly equal than those of the right, the posterior rather thin, just under the umbones where it forms the anterior margin of the ligament pit, but expanding rapidly toward its ventral extremity; left cardinals striated on their inner faces, separated by a deep trigonal pit for the reception of the right anterior cardinal ; small sulcus near the base of the left posterior cardinal provided for the laminar posterior cardinal of the right valve; no trace of true laterals developed but the posterior dorsal margin of the right valve and the anterior dorsal margin of left valve bevelled to function as laterals and received in grooves in the opposite valves; muscle impressions subequal, placed near the median horizontal, the anterior more deeply excavated than the posterior ; anterior pedal scar very distinct, set under the hinge plate a little dorsal to the anterior adductor; pallia! line entire; inner margins finely crenulated from the ventral extremity of the lunule to the ventral extremity of the escutcheon. MAJIYLAXD GEOLOGICAL SURVEY G51 C. vadosus Morton shows a wide range of variation in age characters. The young are thin, rather compressed and truncated but not produced posteriorly ; with increasing age the form becomes apparently more inflated because of the umbonal thickening, and obliquely produced posteriorly. (Plate XXXII, Fig. 3.) Conrad's C. ripleyana is doubtless a synonym, which includes the larger and heavier individuals. The young are quite uniform in outline and sculpture, but after the form has passed the typical C. vadosus stage there is a strong tendency for it to become produced posteriorly and to develop a rather heavy carina with the concomitant medial depression stage rep- resented by the (7. ripleyana. The species differs constantly from C. sub- planus in the heavier, less compressed and more inequilateral shell, the less prominnent keel and the much heavier and more trigonal hinge plate. Although the species has not been reported from New Jersey it would be by no means surprising if the numerous casts from the Monmouth, which have been referred to C. subplanus Conrad, would find their true affinities with C. vadosus Morton, which is by far the most abundant rep- resentative of the genus in Maryland and constitutes, indeed, one of the major factors in the Monmouth fauna. Occurrence. MOXMOUTH FORMATIOX. ? Millersville, Anne Arundel County. Brightseat, railroad cut west of Seat Pleasant, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Fort Washington, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Monmouth Formation. Navesink marl, and Tinton beds, New Jersey. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Union and Tippah counties, Mississippi. Selma Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Wilcox County, Alabama; east-central Mississippi. CRASSATELLITES SUBPLAXUS (Conrad) Johnson Crassatella subplana Conrad, 1853, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci.. Phila., 2d ser., vol. ii, p. 274, pi. xxiv, fig. 9. Crassatella subplana Meek, 1864, Check. List Inv. Foss., N. A. Cret. and Jur., p. 11. 652 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Crassatella subplana Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 121, pi. xviii, figs. 14-16. Crassatellites subplanus Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 14. Crassatellites subplanus Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 553 (ex parte, synonymy excluded.) Description. " Subtriangular, compressed or plano-convex ; anterior margin obtusely rounded ; posterior extremity subtruncated ; posterior basal margin straight or slightly contracted ; disk marked with numerous prominent acute concentric ridges and fine concentric lines." Conrad, 1853. Type Locality. Arneytown, New Jersey. " The dimensions of a small specimen, a nearly perfect right valve, are : Length 36 mm., height 28 mm., convexity 6 mm. Large individuals grow to a length of 50 mm. or more. Shell broadly subovate in outline, beak obtuse, situated about one-third the length of the shell from the anterior extremity. Antero-cardinal margin straight or slightly concave, sloping downward from the beak ; anterior margin rounding into the basal margin, moderately convex throughout to the postero-basal extremity, which is obtusely subangular ; posterior margin short, truncated nearly vertically or slightly inclined; postero-cardinal margin gently convex, sloping down- ward from the beak and meeting the posterior margin in an obtuse angle. Surface of the shell with an obtusely angular umbonal ridge, which passes from the beak to the postero-basal angle in nearly a straight line, the post- cardinal slope slightly concave to the cardinal margin ; the post-cardinal margin sharply inflected to form a rather deeply excavated escutcheon ; antero-cardinal margin inflected to form a deep but rather ill-defined lunule. Surface of the shell marked by regular, somewhat imbricating, concentric lines of growth, and often by a few broader concentric undula- tions towards the margin. Hinge of the right valve with a strong car- dinal tooth transversely striate on its anterior surface, directly beneath the beak. Behind it is a very large and broad triangular pit, with a much smaller secondary pit just behind the lower end of the tooth ; in front of the cardinal tooth is a small triangular pit about equal in size to the secondary pit behind, and in front of this pit a low, obscure, tooth-like ridge extends obliquely forward to the upper margin of the anterior mus- MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 653 cular scar. Muscular impressions strong and about equal in size. Inner margin of the free edge of the shell crenate. The above description is based largely upon a very perfect right valve from the Marshalltown clay marl near Swedesboro." Weller, 1907. The species has a very meager representation in Maryland, and is, appa- rently restricted in its distribution to the Matawan. It differs from C. vadosus Morton, so prolific in the Monmouth of Maryland and the Gulf, in its more compressed valves, less anterior umbones, and much lighter shell, with the consequently thinner hinge plate and less pronounced pos- terior keel. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. Ulmstead Point, ? Arnold Point, Anne Arundel County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Marshalltown clay marl, Wenonah sand, New Jersey. Monmouth Formation. ? Navesink marl, ? Eed Bank sand, ? Tinton beds, New Jersey. CRASSATELLITES LINTEUS (Conrad) Johnson Plate XXXIX, Figs. 6, 7 Crassatella lintea Conrad, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, p. 279, pi. xlvi, fig. 5. Crassatella lintea Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, North America, Cret. and Jur., p. 11. Crassatella lintea Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 726. Crassatellites linteus Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 14. Crassatellites subplanus Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 553, pi. Ixi, figs. 3, 4 (ex parte, synonymy and figs. 1, 2 ex- cluded.) Description. " Subovate or subtriangular, convex, inequilateral ; disk concentrically ridged and finally striated, slightly contracted near the umbonal slope, which is rounded; posterior extremity subtruncated ; apex slightly prominent; posterior dorsal line nearly straight, very oblique; margin within finely crenulated; lunule long and lanceolate." Conrad, 1860. Type Locality. Alabama. 654 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Shell rather small for the genus and rather thin, compressed, subovate to ovate-trigonal in outline ; umbones rising a little above the dorsal mar- gin, their apices acute and prosogyrate, slightly anterior in position; lunule and escutcheon clearly differentiated but very narrow because of the compression of the valves; anterior end broadly and symmetrically rounded in front of the umbones; posterior dorsal margin gently sloping; lateral margin obscurely and obliquely truncate : base line rounding smoothly into the anterior lateral margin, obtusely angulated at the union with the posterior ; posterior keel obscure but persistent from the umbones to the posterior ventral margin, better defined by the change in the direc- tion of the growth lines than by any variation in the plane ; external sur- face sculptured with a very irregular concentric lineation, sharpest and most regular in the umbonal region, and occasional more or less accentu- ated growth lines and resting stages; ligament external, lodged beneath the umbones, the resilium buttressed ventrally by the posterior cardinal which it has largely effaced; medial right cardinal stout, trigonal, sub- umbonal, transversely striated laterally; anterior cardinal laminar; hinge dentition in left valve restricted to two subequal cardinals, the posterior a little the larger, both of them striated upon tbeir inner faces; no trace of laterals developed but anterior margin of left valve and posterior margin of right valve bevelled to function as laterals and received in shallow sockets in the corresponding valve ; muscle impressions distinct, impressed in the adults, placed high up at the distal extremities of the hinge ; pallial line simple, distinct, rather distant from the base line. C. linteus Conrad has been considered, without justification, as the young of some of the clearly allied and larger forms, such as C. vadosus and C. subplanus. Aside from the fact that it shows no evidence of imma- turity, the shell is thinner and more compressed and much less strongly carinated posteriorly than C. vadosus of the same size. The resemblance to C. subplanus is more striking, but the concentric sculpture is finer and more sharply impressed in the former, and as a rule, the umbones are set farther forward and are more strongly prosogyrate. C. linteus has a distribution in Maryland very similar to that of vadosus. but is very much less prolific. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 655 Occurrence. MOXMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Friendly, 1 mile west of Friendly, Fort Washington, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, Xew Jersey Geological Survey. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Marshalltown clay marl, Wenonah sand, Xew Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Xavesink marl, Red Bank sand, Tinton beds, Xew Jersey. CRASSATELLITES PTEROPSIS Conrad Plate XXXIX, Fig. 5 Crassatella pteropsis Conrad, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, p. 279, pi. xlvi, fig. 9. Crassatella pteropsis Gabb, 1860, Ibidem, p. 395, pi. Ixviii, fig. 28. Crasatella pteropsis Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils N. A., Cret and Jur., p. 11. Crassatella (Pachythd'rus) pteropsis Conrad, 1869, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. v, pp. 47, 48. Crassatella (Pachythtrrus) pteropsis Conrad, 1872, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 50, pi. i, fig. 1. Crassatella pteropsis Gabb, 1876, Ibidem, p. 310. Description. " Aliform, very inequilateral, convex anteriorly, poste- riorly contracted ; umbonal slope slightly carinated below the umbo ; pos- terior side rostrated ; surface with minute concentric, impressed lines, very fine and closely arranged on the umbo and summit ; margin within finely crenulated." Conrad, 1860. Type Locality. Owl Creek, Tippah County, Mississippi. Shell rather thin and compressed, not very large, very inequilateral, posteriorly produced and alate in outline ; umbones flattened upon their summits, orthogyrate, proximate, set back from the anterior extremity a distance of approximately one-third the latitude; lunule and escutcheon sharply defined, narrowlv lenticular, subequal in size, the portion of the lunule in the right valve and of the escutcheon in the left valve shorter, narrower and more strongly sculptured incrementally than the corre- 656 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY spending portion in the opposite valve ; anterior end of the shell broadly rounded; posterior end obliquely produced along an obtuse keel which extends from the umbones to the posterior ventral margin ; area in front of the keel broadly and feebly depressed, area behind it obliquely flattened ; posterior dorsal margin evenly and steeply sloping to a point opposite the pallial line where it is obtusely truncated; ventral margin gently arcu- ate anteriorly, slightly constricted in front of the carina; external surface sculptured in the umbonal region with sharp concentric ridges, close set and regularly spaced, merging ventrally into an irregular incre- mental sculpture; posterior keel smooth excepting for faint incrementals and a few sharp ridges at the very apices of the umbones ; radial sculpture absent; hinge rather frail, three cardinals in the right valve, two in the left; a laminar anterior, a moderately robust medial and an exceedingly thin, laminar posterior cardinal in the right valve, subequal and moder- ately heavy anterior and medial cardinals in the left; inner cardinal faces transversely striated ; posterior dorsal margin of right valve and anterior dorsal margin of left valve bevelled to function as laterals, received in the opposite valve by corresponding grooves ; anterior and posterior muscle and pedal adductor scars distinct; pallial line entire; inner margins very finely crenate. The species is conspicuous among all other representatives of the genus in the Upper Cretaceous of Maryland by reason of the alate outline and the sharp concentric sculpture in the umbonal region. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. Ulmstead Point, Anne Arundel County. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, railroad cut west of Seat Pleasant, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Friendly, 1 mile west of Friendly, 'McNeys Corners, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Black Creek Formation. North and South Carolina. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Eufaula, Alabama ; Owl Creek, Tippah County, Mississippi. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia; Chattahoochee River, Alabama. MAEYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 657 Superfamily CARDITACEA Family CARDITIDAE Genus VENERICARDIA Lamarck [Syst. des Anim. sans Vert., 1801, p. 123 J Type. Venericardia imlricata Lamarck. Shell closed; rounded, trigonal or cordate; umbones anterior, prosogy- rate; lunule small but deep; escutcheon narrow and elongate; sculpture dominantly radial; ligament external, opisthodetic, parivincular ; hinge dentition in the right valve consisting of three oblique cardinals ; in the left valve of two; laterals of both valves absent or very feeble; muscle impressions strongly defined; pallial line entire; inner margins crenate. The genus was initiated in the Cretaceous; the Eecent representatives are, for the most part, inhabitants of cooler waters. VEXERICARDIA ? INTERMEDIA (Whitfield) Cardita intermedia Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 209, pi. xxviii, figs. 14, 15. Cardita intermedia Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 565, pi. Ixii, figs. 6-8. Description. " Form of cast transversely elliptical, or transversely ovate, exclusive of the beaks, largest at the posterior end. Valves very ventricose, with strong projecting beaks, which in this condition are moderately distant. Hinge line arcuate. Anterior end narrowly rounded ; posterior end more broadly rounded; basal margin strongly curved, muscular scars on the cast small but distinct; margin of the cast showing indications of ten or twelve rather strong radiating ribs between the muscular scars. This is a very ventricose form, and has had strong, enrolled, subanterior beaks, which have been directed slightly upwards as well as forward." Whitfield, 1885. The form referred to this species is an inside cast to which a bit of the shell substance still adheres in the umbonal region. It seems a trifle more Etymology: So-called because of a supposed combination of the characters of Venus and Cardium. 658 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY compressed than Whitfield'a type but this may be due merely to the con- ditions of preservation. Occurrence. RAXCOCAS FORMATION. South feeder Noxontown Pond, Delaware. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Columbia University. Outside Distribution. Eancocas Formation. ? Yincentown sand, Manasquan marl, Xew Jersey. Superfamily LUCINACEA Family LUC1N1DAE Genus MYRTAEA Turton [Conchy. Insul. Britt,, 1822, p. 133] Type. Venus spinifera Montagu. " Shell elongate-oval or subrectangular, moderately convex or com- pressed, dorsal areas obsolete, the sculpture of the disk chiefly concentric and lamellar; the sculpture less pronounced in the middle of the disk and frequently exhibiting a serrate appearance when the lamellae cross the bounding carina of lunule or escutcheon ; internally with the left laterals usually obsolete and only one right cardinal tooth ; cardinals entire ; liga- ment and resilium deep-set but not internal; anterior adductor scar lucinoid but rather short ; inner margins entire. " This group is paralleled in Pliacoicles by several others which want the anterior right cardinal in the adult, but in Myrtcea the single right car- dinal seems to be normal, while in the subdivisions of Phacoides its absence is due to degeneration during the growth of the individual or to the dynamic results of the inthrusting of the lunule, which occupies the space where the anterior cardinal would otherwise develop." Dall, 1903. 1 The genus is reported from strata as old as the Jurassic. There has been a tendency to indiscriminately assign all lucinoids to Lucina, and it is probable that the occurrence of Myrtcea in the Mesozoic strata has been underestimated. 'Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., vol. iii, pt. v, p. 1357. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 659 STEPHEN SONI n. sp. Plate XXXIX, Figs. 10, 11 Description. Shell small, equivalve, inequilateral, valves compressed transversely, oblong to subrectangular in outline; lunule narrow, elon- gated, distinctly impressed and further differentiated by the absence of surface sculpture; escutcheon not denned; umbones small, broadly but feebly inflated, the apices flattened, acute and prosogyrate, slightly over- topping the dorsal margin a little front of the median horizontal ; anterior dorsal margin slightly constricted and feebly excavated in front of the umbones ; posterior dorsal margin gently sloping ; anterior lateral margin broadly arcuate, the posterior widely truncate ; base line feebly convex ; external surface sculptured with fine crowded, closely over-lapping con- centric lamella, attached along their ventral margins, the dorsal margins free and slightly raised near the anterior and posterior extremities of the shell ; ligament submarginal, opisthodetic ; hinge armature rather feeble, a single triangular cardinal in the right valve ; posterior cardinal and ante- rior and posterior laterals obsolete; left valve armed with two slender, divergent cardinals, the laterals appearing as short, incipient laminar proc- esses near the distal extremities of the hinge plate; muscle scars unequal, the anterior elongated, the posterior smaller and irregular in outline ; pallial line simple, distinct. Dimensions. Altitude 6.5 mm., latitude 7 mm., semi-diameter 2 mm. Type Locality. One mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. Named in honor of Dr. L. W. Stephenson of the U. S. Geological Survey. Occurrence. Mox MOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Genus PHACOIDES Blainville [Manual Malacology, vol. i, 1825, p. 550] Type. Lucina jamaicensis Lam. Shell more or less lenticular; compressed, as a rule, or slightly tumid; umbones low, subcentral, erect or prosogyrate; sculpture dominantly con- Etymology: 0a/c6s, lentil; ei'5-s. like. 660 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY centric; anterior and posterior dorsal areas usually differentiated; luiiule frequently profound; escutcheon obsolete; ligament external, often deeply sunken; normal dentition of right valve consisting of a simple anterior cardinal, a bifid posterior cardinal and anterior and posterior laterals; normal dentition of left valve consisting of a bifid anterior cardinal, a simple posterior cardinal, and anterior and posterior lateral grooves; laterals and less frequently the cardinals often obsolete; muscle impres- sions strongly marked, the anterior elongate, the posterior oval ; inner margins smooth or crenulated ; pallial line entire. The genus is abundantly represented in the Tertiaries, the Mesozoic, and, if it be made to include the Prolucina of Ball, may be traced as far back as the Silurian. The living species number more than one hundred, and though they are most prolific in the tropics, they are present in the temperate seas as well. PHACOIDES NOXONTOWXENSIS n. sp. Plate XXXIX, Figs. 8, 9 Description. Shell of moderate size, compressed, subcircular ; umbones nearly central, acute, prosogyrate, not very prominent, dorsal slopes gentle, the anterior a little less so than the posterior; lateral margins broadly rounded; base line strongly and symmetrically arcuate; external surface sculptured with acutely elevated concentric lamina?, regularly spaced, probably about twenty-five in number, and between them very faint secondary striations; ligament external, opisthodetic, lodged in a mar- ginal groove elongated parallel to the dorsal margin; dentition obscure, but two small diverging cardinals are distinctly present in each valve; laterals apparently not developed; character of muscle scars and pallial line not known. Dimensions. Altitude 26 mm., latitude 26mm., diameter 3.5 mm. This species is another of those Rancocas bivalves represented by abundant fragments. The concentric sculpture is so well characterized, however, that even a scrap showing the regularly arranged, acutely ele- vated laminae is recognizable. As the species constitutes so important a factor in the Rancocas fauna it does not seem wise to disregard it alto- gether, even though the material is so ill-preserved. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 661 Occurrence. KANCOCAS FORMATION. South feeder ISToxontown Pond, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Genus TENEA Conrad [Am. Jour. Conch., vol. vi, 1870, p. 72] Type. Tenea parilis Conrad. " A V-shaped tooth under the apex of the left valve,the anterior lobe of which is continued along the margin anteriorly, forming a long, deep pit above it; one distant very oblique cardinal tooth posterior to the apex. Hight valve: Two cardinal teeth united above; anterior one falcate, with a pit on each side ; posterior one curved and directed obliquely backward." Conrad, 1870. The genus in its known distribution is confined to the Cretaceous. TENEA PARILIS Conrad Mysia (Diplodonte) parilis Conrad, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, p. 278, pi. xlvi, fig. 16. Tenea parilis Conrad, 1870, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. vi, p. 73, pi. iii, fig. 12. Tenea parilis Conrad, 1875, Kerr's Geol. of North Carolina, App., p. 8, pi. ii, fig. 25. Tenea parilis Tryon, 1884, Syst. and Struct. Conch., vol. iii, p. 216, pi. cxix, fig. 72. Dosinia gabbi Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 161, pi. xxii, figs. 4, 5. Tenea pinguis Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 163, pi. xxii, figs. 1, 2 (not T. pinguis Conrad). Tenea parilis Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 15. Tenea parilis Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 572, pi. Ixiii, figs. 1-6. Description. " Shell suborbicular, equilateral, ventricose, direct ; sur- face entire ; hinge- with the anterior cardinal channel very profound."- Conrad, 1860. Type Locality. Tippah County, Mississippi. Shell thin, fragile, ovate in outline, moderately convex, slightly inequi- lateral, lunule and escutcheon not defined ; umbones inflated to their very Etymology: Corruption of tenuis, thin. 662 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY apices, proximate, incurved and prosogyrate, placed a little in front of the median vertical ; anterior and ventral margins well rounded, merging gradually into one another, the outline of the posterior margin sometimes rounded, sometimes obscurely truncate obliquely ; external surface smooth excepting for faint incremental striations which are least feeble near the posterior extremity; ligament opisthodetic, lodged in a submarginal groove extending backward for some distance from the tips of the umbones ; hinge plate narrow, very fragile ; armature in the right valve consisting of a thin, laminar, hook-shaped cardinal directly beneath the umbones, its posterior arm vertically directed, its anterior arm approxi- mately horizontal ; right posterior cardinal slender, laminar, obliquely elongated, parallel to the dorsal margin ; anterior lateral developed as a thin plate proximate to and directly facing the anterior portion of the hooked cardinal; hinge of left valve consisting of an anterior A -shaped cardinal which fits between the left anterior lateral and the vertical arm of the cardinal hook of the right valve; a very thin, laminar, medial cardinal which is accommodated between the anterior lateral and the horizontal arm of the hook, and a thin, laminar, obliquely elongated, posterior car- dinal; muscle scars small, not very distinct, placed high up near the distal extremities of the dorsal margins ; pallial sinus narrow, but quite deep, steeply ascending; inner margins simple. This species occurs very abundantly in the form of casts in the Mon- mouth of Prince George's County, but the shell is so exceedingly thin and so readily flaked off that it is seldom possible to secure a perfect indi- vidual. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Good Hope Hill, District of Columbia. MAT AW AX FORMATION. Post 105, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware; ? Ulmstead Point, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Fredericktown, Cecil County ; Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, McNeys Corners, Friendly, 2 miles south of 0-xon Hill, ? Fort Washington, Prince George's County, Maryland. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, Xew Jersey Geological Survey. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 663 Outside Dixtrilmlion. 'Magothy Formation. Cliffwood clay, Xew Jersey. Mataican Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Woodbury clay, Wenonah sand, Xew Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Xavesink marl, Eed Bank sand, Tinton beds, Xew Jersey. Superfamily CARDIACEA Family CARDIIDAE Genus CARDIUM Linne [Systema Naturae, ed. x, 1758, p. 678] Type. Cardium costatum Linne. Shell usually subequilateral, closed, or slightly gaping, globose, the united valves subcordate laterally; umbones prominent, almost straight or with a slight anterior twist ; true lunule and escutcheon absent ; sculp- ture dominantly radial ; ribs often granulose, spinose or imbricated ; orna- mentation of lateral areas particularly of the posterior, often differing from that of the disk; ligament external, opisthodetic ; hinge character- ized, with a few exceptions, by two cardinals, of which the ventral is the stronger, and one of two posterior and one of two anterior lateral lamella? in each valve; cardinals more or less twisted; muscle impressions sub- equal; pallial line simple or slightly sinuous posteriorly: internal basal margins serrate. The cardiums form a conspicuous element in the faunas of Cretaceous and Tertiary. They are rather fragile, as a rule, and not well adapted to preservation. The external sculpture is frequently formed from a super- ficial shelly layer which readily breaks away leaving no scar upon the polished surface beneath. For this reason it is difficult to tell when one is dealing with a perfectly fresh specimen. The recent representatives, the so-called cockles, number about two hundred species and are most abund- ant in the warmer waters. A. External sculpture not spinose. 1. Altitude of adult shell not exceeding 40 mm.; posterior area flat- tened; margins sharply serrate Cardium eufalensc 2. Altitude of adult shell exceeding 40 mm.; posterior area not flat- tened; margins not sharply serrate Cardium spillmani Etymology: K apdia, heart. 664 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY B. External sculpture spinose; margins not serrate. 1. Altitude and latitude approximately equal; outline subequilat- eral Cardium dumosum 2. Altitude greater than the latitude; outline inequilateral. a. Anterior abductor muscle scar inconspicuous or obscure. Cardium tenuistriatum b. Anterior abductor muscle scar conspicuous .... Cardium kiimmeli CARDIUM EUFALENSE Conrad Plate XL, Figs. 1, 2 Cardium eufalense Conrad, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, p. 282, pi. xlvi, fig. 13. Cardium eufalense Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, North America, Cret. and Jur., p. 12. Cardium (Trachycardium) eufalense Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 726. Cardium (Trachycardium) eufalense Gabb, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 310. Not Cardium eufalense Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 132, pi. xx, figs. 17-19. Cardium eufalense Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 577, pi. Ixiii, figs. 17-20. Description. " Obliquely ovate, rather thick in substance, profoundly ventricose; ribs about thirty-eight, smooth, prominent, acutely rounded, on the posterior slope angular, compressed or carinated ; summit promi- nent; beaks contiguous." Conrad, 1860. Type Locality. Eufaula, Alabama. Shell rather small for the genus, obliquely cordate in outline, inflated, the maximum diameter above the median horizontal ; umbones tumid, ele- vated above the dorsal margin, the apices incurved and feebly prosogy- rate, subcentral in position ; dorsal margins approximately straight, the posterior slightly more pronounced than the anterior; anterior lateral margin obscurely truncate, rounding rather abruptly into the dorsal mar- gin and much more broadly into the ventral ; posterior area conspicuously flattened, the lateral margin squarely truncate; base line obliquely arcu- ate ; external surface sculptured with thirty-five to forty vigorous radials, crowded and inclined to be flattened upon their summits in the umbonal region, V-shaped and separated by interspaces of approximately equal width toward the ventral margins; costse twelve to fourteen in number MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 665 upon the posterior slope, narrower and more distinctly spaced than upon the anterior and medial portions ; incremental sculpture obscure, except- ing for an occasional resting stage near the umbonal margin; ligament external, opisthodetic, mounted on short, thickened nymphs; cardinals two in number in each valve, the anterior very stout and conical, springing from directly beneath the umbones, the posterior mere tubercles at the extremities of the nymphs; short but prominent anterior and posterior laterals developed in the left valve, a double anterior and a single posterior in the right; muscle scars rather indistinct placed high up near the extremities of the dorsal margins, the posterior somewhat elongated ; pal- lial line obscure, ventral and lateral margins sharply serrate. This species is the. most abundant representative of its genus within the area under discussion. It is rather smaller than the co-existing species and is best characterized by the flattening of the posterior portion of the shell and the truncation of the posterior lateral margin. The costals are somewhat tubular in structure so that when the outer layer of the shell surface is removed, as it frequently is by weathering, the inter- costal areas appear as flat-topped elevations separated by concave depres- sions. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Good Hope Hill, District of Columbia. MATAWAN FORMATION. ? Post 105, Chesapeake and Dela- ware Canal, Delaware; three-quarters of a mile southeast of Ulmstead Point, Ulmstead Point, Gibson's Island, north shore Round Bay, Severn River, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Bohemia Mills, Fredericktown, Cecil County; Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Friendly, 1 mile west of Friendly, McNeys Corners, Prince George's County, Maryland. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, New Jersey Geological Sur- vey, IT. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. MataiL-an Formation. Wenonah sand, New Jersey. Blade Creel: Formation. North and South Carolina. Eutaw Formation (Tombigbee sand member). Exogyra ponderosa zone, Mor- toniceras subzone, Blufftown, Georgia. Ripley Formation. Exogyra pon- derosa zone, Georgia : Barbour County, Alabama. Exogyra costata zone, 666 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Georgia ; Eufaula, Alabama ; Union and Tippah counties, Mississippi. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia; Chattahoochee River, Ala- bama. C AUDI I'M SPILLMAXI Conrad Cardium (Leevicardium) spillmani Conrad, 1858, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iii, p. 326, pi. xxxiv, fig. 3. Cardium (Liocardium) spillmani Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 13. Cardium (Protocardium) perelongatum Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 136, pi. xx, figs. 20-22; pi. xxi, figs. 4, 5. Pachycardium burlingtonense Whitfield, 1885, Ibidem, p. 138, pi. xxi, figs. 6, 7. Cardium (Lcevicardium) perelongatum Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 15. Cardium (Lcevicardium) burlingtonense Johnson, 1905, Ibidem, p. 15. Cardium (Lcevicardium) spillmani Johnson, 1905, Ibidem, p. 15. Cardium spillmani Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 583, pi. Ixiv, figs. 9-11. Description. " Oblong or profoundly elevated, inequilateral, pro- foundly ventricose ; umbo and summit elevated ; beaks nearly contiguous ; surface with distant irregular grooves on the anterior side, and three to five radiating slightly impressed furrows on the umbonal slope." Conrad. 1858. Type Locality. Owl Creek, Tippah County, Mississippi. " The dimensions of a nearly perfect internal cast are : Height 87 mm., width 55 mm., thickness 60 mm. Shell more or less narrowly subovate in lateral view, and cordate in end view. Hinge line rather short, arched, extending further downward in front than behind ; anterior margin con- vex, the curvature becoming greater below; basal margin regularly rounded; posterior margin longer and straighter than the anterior, usu- ally slightly convex, sometimes straight or slightly sinuate in the casts a little above the middle. Beaks situated back of the middle of the hinge line, strongly elevated above it in the casts, pointed, incurved, and dis- tinctly curved forward. Umbones prominent, the most prominent portion of the shell being in an oblique line from the beaks to the postero-basal margin, this umbonal prominence being not at all angular. The posterior slope much more abrupt than the anterior, its surface conspicuously MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 667 impressed above the middle of the shell about half-way between the top of the umbonal prominence and the posterior cardinal extremity. Muscular impressions large, the anterior ones deeply impressed, the pos- terior ones scarcely or not at all differentiated from the surface of the casts. The left valve with two strong cardinal teeth beneath the beak with a pit between, right valve with a single cardinal tooth; anterior lateral teeth more remote from the cardinal teeth than the posterior ones, and also apparently much stronger. Inner free margin of the valves crenate along the posterior margin, smooth along the basal and anterior margins. Sur- face of the shell marked by radiating ribs upon the posterior slope, which in the internal casts at least, continue only from the margin up to the umbonal prominence; central and anterior portions of the shell marked by concentric lines of growth only. Both of the species described by Whit- field from New Jersey as Cardium perelongatum and Pachycardium bur- lingtonense, are certainly internal casts of the shell described by Conrad from Mississippi as Cardium spillmani, the example to which the last two names was applied being an exceptionally broad specimen. The species is for the most part restricted to the Navesink marl, where it attains its maximum size. The specimens which have been rarely noticed in the Merchantville clay are usually small, although Whitfield's P. burling- tonense is a very large example." Weller, 1907. The species is represented in Maryland merely by imperfect casts, one of which must have been, when perfect, fully 115 mm. in altitude. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. Post 105, Chesapeake and Dela- ware Canal, Delaware. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Bohemia Mills, Great Bohemia Creek, 1 mile southeast of Bohemia Mills, right bank of Bohemia Creek between Scotchman's Creek and Bohemia Ferry Bridge, Cecil County, Maryland. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, New Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Navesink marl, New Jersey. Black Creek Formation. North and South Carolina. Peedee Formation. North and South Carolina. Eutaw Formation (Tombigbee sand mem- 44 G68 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY her). Exogyra ponderosa zone, Mortoniceras subzone, Blufftown, Geor- gia; Prentiss County, Mississippi. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Georgia; Eufaula, Alabama; Lee, Union and Tippah counties, Mis- sissippi. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia. Selma Forma- tion. Exogyra costata zone, Wilcox County, Alabama; east-central Mis- sissippi. CAEDIUM DUMOSUM Conrad Cardium (Criocardium) dumosum Conrad, 1870, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. vi, p. 75. Cardium (Criocardium) dumosum Whitfleld, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 133, pi. xx, figs. 9 and ? 13 (not figs. 10-12). Cardium dumosum Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 15. Cardium dumosum Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 590, pi. Ixv, figs. 7-10. Description. " Cordate equilateral, ventricose ; umbo broad ; summit very prominent; ribs very numerous, small, closely arranged, convex; interstices furnished with numerous long slender spines ; posterior mar- gin subtruncated or slightly convex ; height 1-J inch ; length the same."- Conrad, 1870. Type Locality. Haddonfield, New Jersey. The spinose cardiums, C. Jciimmeli Weller, C. dumosum Conrad and C. tenuistriatum Whitfield, are represented in Maryland merely by casts of the interior or fragments of casts of the exterior. Weller has admirably differentiated the three species from material in a better state of preserva- tion than any available from Maryland, and his diagnoses have been quoted at considerable length. " The dimensions of a large individual are : Height 18 mm., width 18 mm., convexity of one valve 6 mm. Shell subcircular in outline, but slightly inequilateral, moderately convex. Beaks situated at about the middle of the hinge line, rather small and incurved ; umbones prominent, the anterior and posterior cardinal slopes about equally steep ; shell slightly compressed at both cardinal extremities. Surface of the shell marked with about fifty-four rounded radiating costa?, with interspaces of about equal width; from the bottom of every third interspace on the central portion of the shell there arises a row of laterally flattened spines 1 to MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 669 2 mm. in length, their distance apart being about equal to the space occupied by two costas; the two intervening interspaces are occupied by rows of much smaller tubercles a little compressed laterally, situated at intervals about one-third the distance between the spines in each row. On the anterior and posterior slopes of the shell several rows of spines alternate with single rows of tubercles. The longest spines occur upon the posterior cardinal slope." Weller, 1907. The species is represented in Maryland chiefly by casts of the interior, although a few fragments of the exterior surface have been preserved both in the form of casts and of the original shell. The casts are isloated from those of C. kummeli and C. tenuistriatum Whitfield by their rela- tively broader, more globose and much more nearly equilateral outline. It is by far the most abundant of the three species within the area under discussion. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. ? Post 105, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, 2 miles southwest of Oxon Hill, Prince George's County, Maryland. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Woodbury clay, Weno- nah sand, New Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Eed Bank sand, New Jersey. Eutaw Formation (Tombigbee sand member). Exogyra pon~ derosa zone, Prentiss County, Mississippi. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Union and Tippah counties, Mississippi. CARDIUM TENUISTRIATUM (Whitfield) Weller Cardium eufalensis Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 132, pi. xx, figs. 18, 19 (not fig. 17). (Not C. eufalense Conrad, 1860.) Cardium (Criocardium) dumosum Whitfield, 1885, Ibidem, p. 133, pi. xx, figs. 10-12 (not figs. 9 and ? 13). (Not C. dumosum Conrad, 1870.) Cardium (Criocardium) multiradiatum Whitfield, 1885, Ibidem, p. 135, pi. xxi, figs. 1-3. (Not C. multiradiatum Gabb, 1860.) Fragum tenuistriatum Whitfield, 1885, Ibidem, p. 139, pi. xx, figs. 15, 16. Cardium tenuistriatum Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 591, pi. Ixv, figs. 13-19. 670 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Description. " Shell below a medium size, irregularly trapezoidal or subtriangular in outline, highly ventricose and sharply angular along the posterior umbonal ridge, with a nearly vertical postero-cardinal slope. Beaks large, prominent and attenuated, projecting considerably above the hinge line. Anterior side of the shell short and regularly rounded ; pos- terior vertically truncate and the basal line oblique, being prolonged below toward the posterior umbonal angle. Surface marked, on the body of the shell at least, by very fine, semi-obsolete, radiating striae, the pos- terior cardinal slope not showing evidences of striations on the cast, the only condition under which it has been observed. Hinge features unknown. " The shell has all the generic features of the genus Fragum, as far as can be determined from the external form, while the striations of the sur- face are much finer than is usually the case; but no ornamentation can be detected on the striations, and the features of the hinge are not visible. It is the only form of similar character yet known to me in the formations of the state." Whitfield, 1885. Type, Locality. Marlborough, New Jersey. "The dimensions of an internal cast are: Height 44 mm., width 37 mm., thickness 35 mm. Large examples sometimes attain a height of over 60 mm. Shell irregularly subovate in lateral view and cordate in end view. Hinge line arcuate; anterior and basal margins, from the extremity of the hinge line to the middle of the basal margin, describing a nearly regular, arcuate curve; postero-basal margin curving more sharply around the postero-basal extremity of the shell into the posterior margin; posterior margin -much straighter than the anterior, usually gently convex but sometimes nearly or quite straight. Beaks situated at about the middle of the hinge line, rather prominent, elevated, pointed and incurved, considerably more prominent in the casts than in the speci- mens with the shell preserved. Valves gibbous, most prominent, but not angular, along a line from the beaks to the postero-basal extremity, the posterior slope more abrupt than the anterior. Muscular impressions rather large, the posterior one scarcely impressed and often scarcely dis- MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 671 tinguishable upon the casts; the anterior ones more strongly impressed. Each valve with a strong, somewhat curved cardinal tooth beneath the beak, with a pit for the reception of the tooth of the opposite valve ; in each valve is a single anterior and posterior, rather strong, lateral tooth, some- what remote but nearly equidistant from the cardinal tooth. The inner free margin of the valves is crenate. Externally the shell is marked by flat, radiating costs wider than the interspaces; from the interspaces rise rows of laterally compressed spinules or tubercles which are longer and stronger upon the anterior and posterior slopes towards the hinge extrem- ities ; on the central portion of the shell each third row of processes is more conspicuous than the two intervening rows, the spines being longer and larger, one of them occupying the space of two or three of the smaller ones of the intervening rows, the smaller ones sometimes being scarcely more than tubercles but little elevated above the surface of the ribs of the shell ; upon the anterior and posterior slopes of the shell the rows of larger and smaller spines alternate, there being but a single row of smaller spines between the larger ones. " This species is by far the commonest and most widely distributed Cardium in the Cretaceous faunas of Xew Jersey. It exhibits considerable variation, especially in the straightness of the posterior margin of the shell and in the prominence of the postero-basal extremity, but the casts can almost always be easily recognized by the strong convexity or gib- bosity of the valves, and the abrupt posterior slope as compared with the anterior. The surface markings of the shell most closely resemble those of G. dumosum, but the radiating costfe are comparatively broader and natter with narrower interspaces, and consequently the spines upon the surface are more compressed laterally. C. dumosum is also more nearly equilateral, with less convex valves than this species, and does not attain so large a size. " It has been a matter of much difficulty to determine to what species this common shell should be referred. Previous to the publication of Whitfield's monograph it seems usually to have been referred to C. multi- radiatum, or to G. eufalense. Whitfield has apparently illustrated dif- 672 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY fcrent individual internal casts of the species under four different spe- cific heads. His figures 18 and 19 of C. eufalense represent a more than usually gibbous cast of this species, the true C. eufalense being a fundamentally different shell without the spines rising from the inter- spaces between the ribs, and consequently not even a member of the sub- genus Criocardium. Whitfield' s figures 10 and 11 of C. dumosum repre- sent a more than usually rounded form of the species under discussion, the specimen is larger, more convex and has a steeper posterior slope than the true C. dumosum. Figure 12 of the same author, an enlargement to illustrate the surface characters of C. dumosum, also proves, upon exami- nation of the specimen, to be taken from a member of the species under consideration; the illustration is not an accurate representation of the characters of the specimen, the costse being too narrow, the interspaces too wide, and the spines not enough compressed laterally. The internal cast used by Whitfield as the original for his figures 1 and 2 of C. multi- radiatum seems to be a member of this species also; a specimen in the recent collections of the Survey from the Navesink marl near Crawfords Corner agrees almost exactly with this illustration, and it is undoubtedly a member of the species under discussion. The enlarged illustration, figure 3, given to represent the surface characters of this same species, is much overdrawn, the original mould from which the gutta-percha impres- sion was taken being altogether too imperfect to show to what species it belongs." Weller, 1907. The casts of C. tenuistriatum Whitfield are readily separable from those of C. dumosum Conrad by the much higher relative altitude and the trun- cated posterior margin. The resemblance to the casts of C. kiimmeU Weller is much closer, but the umbones are somewhat less elevated and less acute and the anterior adductor muscle scar much less prominent. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. Park Point, and ? Ulmstead Point, Anne Arundel County. MONMOUTH FORMATION. ? Jones farm, Burklow's Creek, Cecil County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Columbia Univerisity, Xew Jersey Geological Survey. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 673 Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation.. Merchantville clay marl, Marshalltown clay marl, Wenonah sand, New Jersey. Monmouth Forma- tion. Navesink marl, New Jersey. CARDIUM KUMMELI Weller Cardium kummeli Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 585, pi. Ixvi, figs. 1-3. Description. " The dimensions of a rather small internal cast of a right valve are : Height 45 mm., width 34 mm., convexity 17.5 mm. Large individuals sometimes attain a height of 70 mm. or more. Shell subovate in lateral view, cordate in end view. Beaks of the internal casts greatly elevated above the hinge line, pointed and incurved. Hinge line arcuate; anterior margin regularly rounded from the extremity of the hinge line to the middle of the basal margin ; postero-basal margin a little more sharply rounded; posterior margin convex, a little straighter than the anterior. Valves strongly convex or gibbous, most prominent, but not at all angular, along an oblique line from the beaks to the postero- basal extremity, the posterior slope more abrupt than the anterior. Mus- cular impressions large, the anterior ones deeply impressed above, the pos- terior one scarcely differentiated from the general surface of the casts. Hinge characters not seen. Inner free margins of the valves apparently not crenate. Shell substance thick, rugose externally. The surface mark- ings consist of strongly elevated, rounded, radiating costae, narrower than the interspaces; on a specimen about 55 mm. in length the distance between these ribs from center to center at the middle portion of the shell margin is about 2 mm. or a little less. Each third interspace is occupied by a row of strong and thick spines rising 1 or 2 mm. above the tops of the costee when complete, subcircular in cross-section, their bases occupying the entire width of the furrow, the space between successive spines being about equal to the thickness of the spines themselves ; in some cases the bases of the spines are thickened longitudinally so that they occupy essen- tially the entire furrow, in which case the two bounding costse with the row of spines rising from the intervening furrow appear to form alto- gether one broad rib supporting a row of strong spines. The two furrows 674 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY intervening between the rows of strong spines are each occupied by a row of very much smaller, laterally compressed spines whose bases are more or less connected. " There is considerable variation shown in the surface markings of different individuals of this species, and the extremes might be taken as the representatives of distinct species or even of distinct subgenera. In its typical form, as seen in the Tinton beds, the species exhibits clearly the characteristics of the subgenus Criocardium, the rows of spines rising from the interspaces betwen the radiating costa3 of the shell. In some specimens the bases of the larger spines or nodes are confluent and appear to entirely fill the interspace occupied by them, so that the two bounding costae with the row of spines together seem to constitute a single broad rib crowned with a row of strong nodes. At the same time the rows of secon- dary nodes are sometimes confluent at their bases and form a continuous secondary rib, perhaps nodose on top, and about equaling in height and size the primary costas, so that there seem to be three costae of nearly equal size in the broad interspace between the rows of large nodes and their included bounding costae. In the extreme development of the rows of secondary nodes their bases are confluent and they increase in size and height so as to occupy the whole of the interspaces, obliterating entirely the primary costae, so that the surface of the shell is apparently marked by radiating rows of tubercles which apparently do not rise from interspaces between costae, but directly from the surface, each third row being much larger and stronger than the two intervening ones. " It is possible that larger collections of more perfectly preserved material than is now available would show that more than one species has been included under this head, but so far as can be determined from present collections, all these forms seem to run together. The typical form of the species, however, is that in which the nodes rise distinctly from the interspaces, showing the characters clearly of the subgenus Crio- cardium, and which has been recognized only in the Tinton beds. " In its somewhat elongate and slender form, the species in the form of internal casts somewhat resembles the casts of C. spillmani and they have sometimes been so identified. It does not grow so large as that MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 675 species, however, it lacks the radiating ribs usually impressed upon the posterior slope of C. perelongatum, and the anterior muscular scar is not so low in position. " In the collections of the National Museum at Washington this species is represented by numerous examples from the South, which have usually been referred to C. dumosum. These southern specimens are perfectly pre- served shells which are smaller than the usual examples from the Tinton beds in New Jersey, but their surface markings are identical with those of the type specimen. The species differs from C. dumosum in its more elongate form and in the much coarser surface markings. C. tippana is another allied form in which the surface markings are fully as coarse as in C. kiimmeli, but there is only a single row of smaller tubercles between the larger ones in that species, instead of two as in C. kummeli." Weller, 1907. Type Locality. Beers Hill Cut, New Jersey. The casts of C. Tcummeli are characterized by higher, more acute umbones than those of either C. dumosum or C. tenuistriatum. It is further differentiated from C. dumosum by the relatively higher altitude, the less equilateral outline and the more prominent anterior adductor muscle scar. Occurrence. MATA WAIST FORMATION. Camp Fox, Post 236, Post 218, Camp U & I, Post 196, one-eighth of a mile west of Summit Bridge, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware; 1 mile west of Chesterfield, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Two miles west of Delaware City, on John Higgins farm, DelaAvare; Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County, Maryland. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, New Jersey Geological Sur- vey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Monmouth Formation. Navesink marl, Tinton beds, New Jersey. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Eufaula, Alabama; Quitman, Union and Tippah counties, Mississippi. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia; Barbour and Henry counties, Ala- bama. 676 SYSTEMATIC PALEOXTOLOGY Superfamily VENERACEA Family VENERIDAE Genus DOSINIA Scopoli [Introd. ad Hist. Nat. 1777, p. 399] Type. Dosinia africana Hanley. " Animal with a large arcuate foot and closely united siphons. Com- plete dental formula (the posterior right cardinal, being extremely thin, is often broken off, eroded, or obsolete) L ' 0101010.010 The thick E. 1010101.101 middle cardinals are often bifid or excavated. Valves suborbicular, gen- erally compressed, with a long and strong ligament seated in a groove and enfolding a heavy resilium, lunule small, impressed ; escutcheon narrow, nearly linear or absent; hinge plate broad and thick, valve margins smooth ; pallial sinus rather long and usually acute, anterior lateral teeth nearly obsolete and usually simple; sculpture usually of elegantly con- centric grooves and interspaces, sometimes raised into lamella at the borders of the lunule and escutcheon, crossed rarely with weak radial threads; coloration of the recent species rarely disposed in patterns and usually pale, many species being white. The periostracum is usually thin and polished." Ball, 1903. 1 The genus was initiated in the Cretaceous but not very well represented. The rather large and rotund shells are, however, very much in evidence in the Tertiary and Eecent faunas. The Becent species number about one hundred, and have an almost universal distribution in the temperate and warmer waters. DOSINIA OBLIQUATA Conrad Dosinia obliguata Conrad, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, p. 278, pi. xlvi, fig. 2. Dosinia oUiquata Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 13. Description. " Lentiform, very oblique ; beaks almost terminal ; minute, concentric, regular, closely arranged, impressed lines on the anterior side." Conrad, 1860. Etymology: Dosin, a Sengalese name used by Adanson as a specific name. 1 Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., vol. iii, pt. vi, p. 1227. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 677 Type Locality. Owl Creek, Tippah County, Mississippi. Conrad's figure somewhat belies his description. The shell is rather small and thin, subcircular and feebly convex; the umbones are rather gibbous for the genus, the apices acute and prosogyrate, rising above the dorsal margin and approximately central, not terminal in position. The area of maximum inflation extends obliquely backward from the umbones to the posterior ventral margin widening toward the base, thus giving to the shell the characteristically oblique aspect which inspired the name. The anterior end is broadly and symmetrically rounded, the posterior obscurely truncated, the base line arcuate. The external surface is sculp- tured with very fine, overlapping concentric laminae, most sharp and most regular in th eumbonal region and along the anterior margin. The char- acters of the interior are not known. The species is represented in Maryland by a single imperfect valve. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brooks estate near Seat Pleas- ant, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Outside Distribution. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Tippah County, Mississippi. Genus CYCLINA Deshayes [Traite Elem., vol. i, 1849, p. 623] Type. Venus sinensis Gmelin = Venus chinensis Gmelin. " The dental formula is L - 010101Q . The fourth, or posterior, right E. 1010101 cardinal is nearly obsolete; the one in front of it and the anterior left cardinal are bifid. The shell is suborbicular, nearly equilateral, and plump; the ligament uncovered but deep-set; there is neither a defined lunule nor escutcheon, the sculpture is faint and chiefly concentric, feebly reticulated by radial stria ; the hinge plate is broad, the inner margins of the valves crenulate, the pallial sinus moderate in size, acutely angular in front, and obliquely ascending. There is no trace of lateral teeth; the periostracum is polished and translucent, the coloration tinted, without Etymology: /a'/cXcs, circle. 678 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY a distinct pattern. The typical forms are denizens of China, Japan, and Korea. The two American forms which have been referred to this genus by Deshayes are discussed under the head of Cyclinella, and are probably allied to Mysia. They differ conchologically by having smooth inner margins to the valves, a defined lunule, no trace of the fourth right car- dinal tooth, and purely concentric sculpture." Ball, 1903. 1 CYCLINA PARVA n. sp. Plate XLI, Figs. 5, G Description. Shell porcellanous, rather heavy for its small size, sub- circular in outline, moderately inflated, the maximum convexity above the median horizontal; umbones subcentral, rather prominent, with fine prosogyrate apices placed a little in front of the median vertical ; lunule and escutcheon not differentiated ; dorsal margins obliquely truncate, the anterior shorter and more gently sloping than the posterior; anterior extremity broader and smoothly rounded; posterior extremity obscurely truncate ; base line evenly arcuate ; external surface smooth, excepting for faint concentric striations and two or three well defined resting stages, the striae least feeble toward the lateral and ventral margins, but absent alto- gether in the immediate vicinity of the umbones; ligament external, opis- thodetic, mounted on a rather short and slender nymph ; cardinals three in number in each valve, radiating fan-like from beneath tin- umbones, the anterior cardinal in the right valve thin, laminar and somewhat pro- duced, the middle cardinal stouter, widening ventrally, the posterior obliquely produced and asymmetrically bifid; anterior and medial car- dinal of the left valve united beneath the umbones, the anterior slender, laminar, elongated, the medial shorter, slightly elongated and stouter, the posterior very slender and not very much produced ; adductor scars rela- tively large, narrow but elongated, placed well up near the extremities of the hinge line; pallial sinus distinct, acutely angulated at about 90, the breadth and depth approximately equal; pallial line distant; inner ven- tral margins simple. 1 Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., vol. iii, pt. vi, p. 1234. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 679 Dimensions. Altitude 3.7 mm., latitude 4 mm., semi-diameter 1.4 mm. Type Locality. Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. This small Yenerid is quite unique in the molluscan faunas of the East Coast Upper Cretaceous. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Friendly, McNeys Corners, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Genus MERETRIX Lamarck [Prodrome Nouv. Class. Coq., 1799, p. 85] Type. Venus Meretrix Linne. " Shell trigonal, plump, subequilateral, thin, smooth, with a vernicose periostracum and a peculiar olivaceous tone of coloration; lunule and escutcheon not distinctly defined ; cardinals three in each valve, with well- marked anterior laterals; the middle left and two anterior right cardinals entire, smooth, the others grooved or bifid; right nymph and posterior left cardinal corrugated ; dorsal margins, beyond the hinge plate, grooved to receive the edge of the opposite valve; internal margins smooth, the pallial line with a shallow arcuate flexuosity but no angular sinus." Ball, 1903. 1 The genus was initiated in the Cretaceous. The recent species are most abundant in the Pacific. MERETRIX CRETACEA (Conrad) Weller Mora cretacea Conrad, 1870, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. vi, p. 72, pi. iii, fig. 8. Mora cretacea Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 167, pi. xxiii, figs. 16, 17. Mora cretacea Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 16. Meretrix cretacea Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 608, pi. Ixvili, figs. 4-7. Etymology: The specific name of the type. 1 Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., vol. iii, pt. vi, p. 1259. 680 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Description. " Subtriangular, subequilateral, convex; end margins acutely rounded; umbo slightly prominent; lunule lanceolate, slightly defined by an impressed line; ventral margin rounded." Conrad, 1870. Type Locality. Haddonfield, New Jersey. " Shell below medium size, the dimensions of an average example are : Height 16.5 mm., approximate length 23 mm., convexity of one valve 5 mm.; somewhat triangularly subelliptical in outline. Valves moder- ately convex, beaks small, situated anterior to the middle ; antero-cardinal margin concave ; anterior margin rather sharply rounded above, curving more- gently below and passing without interruption into the broadly rounded ventral margin; posterior margin rather short, obscurely sub- truncate; post-cardinal margin long, gently convex, meeting the antero- cardinal margin at the beak in an angle of 120. Postero-cardinal mar- gin somewhat inflected, especially towards the beak; antero-cardinal margin inflected in front of the beak to form a shallow lunule of moderate width. Surface of shell marked by more or less irregular, concentric lines of growth only. Hinge of the left valve with three cardinal teeth diverging from beneath the beak, the two anterior ones of about equal length, extending directly beneath the beak with a triangular pit between them, the posterior one much more oblique and more elongate. In front of the cardinal teeth is a single low lateral beneath the lunule and parallel with the shell margin. In the right valve there are two divergent, bifid cardinal teeth with a pit beneath the lunule for the reception of the ante- rior lateral tooth of the oposite valve." Weller, 1907. The only evidence of the former presence of this species in Maryland and Delaware is a single imperfect cast from the Chesapeake and Dela- ware Canal. Occurrence. MATAWAN FOKMATIOX. Summit Bridge, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Woodbury clay, Mar- shalltown clay marl, New Jersey. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 681 Genus ANTIGONA Schumacher 1 [Essai, 1817, pp. 51, 154] Type. Antigona lamellaria Schumacher. " Shell smaller and more trigonal, less rotund than Cytherea s. s. ; the left anterior lateral lamellifonn and larger, with a perceptible socket in the right valve ; the posterior right cardinal broad and deeply bifid ; pal- lia! sinus small, triangular." Ball, 1903. 2 Subgenus APHRODINA Conrad [Am. Jour. Conch., vol. iv, 1869, p. 246] Type. Meretrix tippana Conrad. " Shell rounded or suboval, striated or sulcated ; hinge in the left valve with three diverging cardinal teeth, the anterior tooth as thick as the middle one or thicker, and a straight, compressed, transversely rugose lateral tooth parallel with the margin of the shell above it; pallial sinus deep, and similar to that in Caryatis Boemer." Conrad. 1868. " Shell concentrically striated, with a circumscribed lunule, but no defined escutcheon; inner margins smooth; pallial sinus ample, free, ascending, rather rounded in front; hinge with three cardinals in each valve, the right posterior cardinal bifid ; an elongate anterior lateral cor- rugated on both sides and received into a corrugated pit in the right valve ; nymphs plain." Ball, 1903. 3 ANTIGONA (APHRODINA) TIPPANA Conrad Plate XL, Figs. 3, 4 Meretrix tippana Conrad, 1858, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iii, p. 326, pi. xxxiv, fig. 18. Dione tippana Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 13.. Etymology: Antigone, daughter to CEdipus. 1 Cytherea Bolten, 1798, (part) Mus. Boltenianum, ed. i, p. 177; 1819, ed. ii, p. 124. Venus puerpera Linnaeus. Not Cytherea Fabricius (Diptera), 1795, Lamarck, 1806, nor H. and A. Adams, 1856. Callista Fischer, 1887, Man. de Conch., p. 1084. Venus verrucosa Linn6. Not Callista Morch, 1853. 2 Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., vol. iii, pt. vi, p. 1273. 3 Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., vol. iii, pt. vi, p. 1272. 682 SYSTEMATIC PALEOXTOLOGY Aphrodina tippana Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 727. Aphrodina tippana Conrad, 1869, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. iv, p. 246, pi. xviii, fig. 5. Aphrodina tippana Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 154, pi. xxii, figs. 6, 7. Aphrodina tippana Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 16. Meretrix tippana Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 607, pi. Ixviii, figs. 1, 2 (ex parte). Description. " Subtriangular, obsoletely striated concentrically ; ante- rior sides slightly compressed, with an ascending basal margin, extremity rather acutely rounded, distant from the apex ; base a little prominent in the middle, subtruncated on either side; posterior end but slightly more obtuse than the anterior; beaks prominent." Conrad, 1858. Type Locality. Owl Creek, Tippah County, Mississippi. Shell rather large and heavy, ovate-trigonal in outline, evenly but strongly inflated ; lunule narrow, elongated, denned by an impressed line ; area behind the umbones somewhat flattened but escutcheon not differenti- ated ; umbones rather prominent by reason of their position at the apex of an angle of a little more than 90 ; umbones evenly rounded but not strongly inflated, the apices incurved, prosogyrate, slightly anterior in position ; anterior extremity strongly arcuate, even a little nasute in front of the lunule ; posterior dorsal margin obliquely arcuate, the lateral mar- gin obscurely truncate ; ventral margin convex, more strongly upcurved in front than behind ; external surface concentrically striated with a vigorous incremental sculpture which becomes increasingly prominent toward the ventral margin; ligament external, opisthodetic, mounted 011 rather a slender nymph which extends a little less than half-way down the dorsal margin ; cardinals three in number in each valve, the anterior cardinal of the right valve short and slender, the middle cardinal trigonal, the poste- rior laminar and elongated, anterior cardinal of the left valve trigonal and stouter than that of the right, the middle cardinal rather short and slender, the posterior elongated parallel to the nymph, a single short lateral elon- gated parallel to the lunular margin in the right valve, received in a double socket in the left; muscle impressions distinct but not conspicuous, the anterior semi-elliptical, the posterior subcircular ; pallia! line distinct, the MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 683 sinus linguiform and obliquely ascending almost but not quite to the median horizontal. Aphrodina tippana Conrad is one of the most widely distributed and most characteristic species of the Exogyra costata zone. Weller has deter- mined some casts from the Matawan of New Jersey by this name, but they seem to show at least a subspecific difference in the shorter, relatively higher outline and the less produced, more broadly rounded posterior end. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Magothy Formation. New Jersey. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Union, Tippah and Alcorn counties, Mississippi; Georgia; Eufaula, Alabama. Extreme top of zone, Chatta- hoochee River, Georgia. Genus LEGUMEN Conrad [Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iii, 1858, p. 325] Type. Lcgumen ellipticus Conrad = L. planulatum Conrad. " Shell equivalve, very inequilateral, flattened ; hinge with two very slender teeth in the right valve under the beak, and one posterior, very oblique, prominent, lamelliform tooth." Conrad, 1858. Legumen like the associated Leptosolen occurs most frequently in the form of casts, but it is readily differentiated from the latter by the rela- tively greater altitude, the ellipsoidal rather than cylindrical outline, and particularly by the absence of a sulcus across the umbones. The genus, though quite abundant locally, has a restricted distribution within the Cretaceous. A. Altitude of shell not more than half the latitude Legumen planulatum B. Altitude of shell equal to or greater than half the latitude Legumen carolinense Etymology: Legumen, a bean. 45 684 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY LEGUMEN PLANULATUM Conrad Plate XL, Figs, 5-7 Solemya planulata Conrad, 1853, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. ii, p. 274, pi. xxiv, fig. 11. Legumen ellipticus Conrad, 1858, Ibidem, vol. iii, p. 325, pi. xxxiv, fig. 19. Legumen appressus Conrad, 1858, Ibidem, p. 325. Legumen appressa Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 15. Legumen elliptica Meek, 1864, Ibidem. Legumen planata Meek, 1864, Ibidem. Legumen ellipticus Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 727. Legumen appressus Conrad, 1868, Ibidem. Legumen planulatus Gabb, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 304. Legumen planulatum Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 184, pi. xxv, figs. 3, 4. Legumen appressum Whitfield, 1885, Ibidem, p. 185, pi. xxv, figs. 6-8. Legumen ellipticum Whitfield, 1885, Ibidem, p. 184, pi. xxv, fig. 5. Legumen planulatum Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 17. Legumen appressum Johnson, 1905, Ibidem. Legumen ellipticum Johnson, 1905, Ibidem. Legumen planulatum Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 612, pi. Ixix, figs. 3-7. Description. " Elliptical, compressed, sides flattened ; end margins rounded; hinge and basal margins nearly parallel." Conrad, 1853. Type Locality. Monmouth County, New Jersey. Shell very thin and porcellanous, much compressed, transversely ellip- soidal in outline, slightly expanding posteriorly; dorsal and ventral mar- gins subparallel; posterior extremity strongly arcuate, anterior end of shell slightly constricted directly in front of the umbones; the lateral margin evenly and strongly convex; lunule and escutcheon not defined; umbones very low and compressed with sharp and prosogyrate apices placed within the anterior third; external surface adorned with a sharp incremental sculpture, almost obsolete in the umbonal region and along the extreme dorsal margin, sharpest and most regular near the anterior ventral margin; radial sculpture not developed; ligament submarginal, seated on a nymph not quite half as long as the posterior dorsal margin ; cardinals three in number in each valve ; the anterior and middle cardinals of the right valve thin, laminar and rather short, diverging beneath the MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 685 umbones at rather a small angle; the posterior cardinal also thin and laminar, finely bifid, much elongated and set close under the nymph to which it is approximately parallel ; anterior cardinal of left valve thin and laminar, but quite prominent, fitting between the anterior and middle cardinals of the right valve ; the middle and posterior cardinals of the left valve laminar and elongated, the posterior more produced and narrowly sulcate, both of them placed far back under the dorsal margin and diverg- ing from one another and from the ligament nymph at a very small angle in order that they may receive the posterior cardinal of the right valve ; muscle impressions small, obscure; pallia! line running close to the ventral margin; sinus short, broad, acutely angulated at its anterior extremity. Occurrence. MATAWAX FORMATION. Three-quarters of a mile south- west of Ulmstead Point, Anne Arundel County. MOXMOUTH FORMATION. Freeman's Creek, Kent County ; Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleas- ant, Friendly, McNeys Corners, 2 miles south of Oxon Hill, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Xatural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Woodbury clay, Wenonah sand, New Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Xavesink marl, Red Bank sand, New Jersey. Black Creek Formation. North and South Carolina. Eutaw Formation (Tombigbee sand mem- ber). Exogyra ponderosa zone, Mortoniceras subzone, Georgia. Ripley Formation. Exogyra ponderosa zone, Barbour County, Alabama. Exo- gyra costata zone, Schley County, Georgia ; Euf aula, Alabama ; Union and Tippah counties, Mississippi. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia. Selma Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Wilcox County, Ala- bama ; east-central Mississippi. LEGUMEN CAROLINENSE (Conrad) Baroda carolinensis Conrad, 1875, Kerr's Rept. Geol. Survey, North Caro- lina, Appendix, pp. 8, 9, pi. ii, fig. 10. Description. " Shell oblong, very inequilateral, convex, with a few slightly impressed concentric furrows; posterior cardinal margin long, 686 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY straight, oblique ; margins rounded ; umbonal slope undefined and regu- larly convex with post-umbonal slope. This is the first species found in America, and represents an interesting exclusively Cretaceous genus. The hinge fortunately can be obtained in perfection at Snow Hill. The genus is common to the Senoniah strata in America, Europe and Southern India." Conrad, 1875. Type Locality. Snow Hill, North Carolina. Ligament external, opisthodetic, nymphs elongated and produced more than half the length of the dorsal margin ; cardinals three in number in right valve, two in left; the anterior and middle cardinals of the right valve rather short, simple and not very heavy, diverging at rather a small angle from beneath the umbones, the posterior cardinal laminar obliquely elongated and placed far back toward the nymph; cardinals of the left valve two in number, the anterior laminar, the posterior shorter but rather stouter, diverging beneath the umbones at an angle of about 25 ; space between the anterior cardinal and the dorsal margin wider than that between the posterior cardinal and the nymph ; muscle impressions rather large, unequal, the anterior elongated, the posterior subcircular, situated above the median horizontal near the extremities of the hinge plate ; pal- lial sinus broad, moderately deep, horizontally directed, obtuse; inner ventral margins simple. Occurrence. MATAWAX FOEMATION. Cassidy's Landing, Cecil County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Black Creek Formation. North and South Carolina. Ripley Formation. Exogyra ponderosa zone. Barbour County. Alabama. Genus CYPRIMERIA Conrad. [Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1864, p. 212] Type. Cytherea excavata Morton. Lentiform; hinge of right valve broad, with a bifid oblique cardinal tooth under the apex, and two oblique acute anterior teeth, with an inter- Etymology: KvTrpis, Cypris, a surname of Venus and a Lamarckian genus of bivalves. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 687 mediate pit for the reception of the tooth in the opposite valve." Conrad, 1864. " This genus is characteristically Cretaceous and has a suborbicular shell feebly concentrically sculptured, rather heavy and moderately convex, without any circumscribed lunule or escutcheon, the ligament external, but set in a depressed area, on each side of which the valves rise to a rounded dorsal limit but without becoming keeled. The internal margins of the valves are smooth. The hinge formula is The first E. 010101 anterior left cardinal and the anterior two right cardinals are entire, the others grooved or bifid. There is no trace of any lateral tooth. The pallial line is almost simple ; a slight flexuosity, as in Circe, alone represents the sinus. It is obvious that the animal must have had very short siphons, if any, and cannot have been closely related to Dosinia, as supposed by Stoliczka/' Call, 1903. 1 A. Adult shell not exceeding 45 mm. in altitude; valves compressed, squarely truncate posteriorly Cyprimeria depressa B. Adult shell frequently exceeding 45 mm. in altitude; valves more or less inflated, rounded posteriorly or obliquely truncate. Cyprimeria major CYPRIMERIA DEPRESSA Conrad Plate XL, Figs. 8-10 Dosinia depressa Conrad, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, p. 278, pi. xlvi, fig. 6. Dosinia depressa Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 13. Cyprimeria depressa Conrad, 1875, Kerr's Kept. Geol. Survey of North Carolina, Appendix, p. 9. Cyprimeria depressa Gabb, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 308. Cyprimeria depressa Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 156, pi. xxii, figs. 11, 12. (Synonymy excluded.) Cyprimeria depressa Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 16. Description. " Longitudinally suboval, convex-depressed, inequi- lateral; dorsal margin somewhat arcuated, subangular at the posterior extremity; umbo flattened; beak not prominent; disk smooth or with a few distant furrows ; umbo minutely and elegantly striated concentrically ; length considerably more than the height." Conrad, 1860. 1 Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., vol. iii, pt. vi, p. 1282. 688 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Type Locality. Eufaula, Alabama. Shell rather small and thin for the genus, transversely ovate in outline, conspicuously compressed; lunule and escutcheon not differentiated: umbones small, flattened, anterior, the apices acute, prosogyrate and pro- jecting slightly beyond the dorsal margin; umbonal angle not far from 140 ; anterior dorsal slope less gentle, more uniform, and less produced than the posterior, merging gradually into the anterior lateral margin; posterior dorsal margin produced more or less gibbous, very thin and sharp by reason of the bevelling along its inner surface ; posterior lateral margin vertically truncate ; base line obliquely arcuate, much more strongly so in front than behind; external surface striated "with a modified incremental sculpture which is sharp and regular in the immediate vicinity of the umbones, but which becomes less sharp and less regular away from them ; resting stages increasingly numerous toward the base line ; ligament sub- marginal, opisthodetic ; cardinals three in number in each valve, radiating fan-like from beneath the umbones ; anterior cardinal of right valve sharp, elevated, laminar, the middle cardinal broad, low, asymmetrically cuneate, the posterior cardinal even more elevated than the anterior and, like it, thin and laminar, though feebly reinforced upon its anterior surface; anterior cardinal of left valve rather heavy, expanding ventrally, the middle cardinal elevated along its posterior margin, the posterior, thin, sharp, laminar and not very prominent; laterals not developed, though there is a minute and irregular depression a little less than half-way down the posterior dorsal margin of the left valve, which is occupied by a cor- responding elevation in the right ; muscle scars rather small and obscure, the anterior elongated, the posterior semi-elliptical, placed high up under the extremities of the hinge plate ; pallial line simple but truncated pos- teriorly, far distant from the base line ; inner ventral margins simple. Cyprimeria depresssa Conrad might more properly have been named compressa, since the extreme compression of the valve is the most striking diagnostic of the species. It is the smallest member of the genus reported from the area under discussion. The only resemblance sufficiently strik- ing to cause confusion is that with the larger, less compressed C. cretacea MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 689 Conrad. The latter is, however, less produced posteriorly and its dorsal margin is more gibbous. Though less conspicuous a factor than C. major n. sp., it is almost as abundant in number of individuals in the Monmouth of Prince George's County. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, 1 mile west of Friendly, Fort Washington, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, TJ. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Black Cr&ek Formation. North and South Carolina. Eutaw Formation. Exogyra ponderosa zone (basal), Eussell County, Alabama. (Tombigbee sand member) Exogyra ponderosa zone, Mortoniceras subzone, Eussell County, Alabama. Ripley Formation. Exogyra ponderosa zone, Georgia; Eussell County, Alabama. Exogyra costata zone, Georgia ; Eufaula, Alabama ; Union and Tippah counties, Mississippi. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia ; Chattahoochee Biver, Alabama. CYPRIMERIA MAJOR n. sp. Plate XL, Figs. 11, 12; Plate XLI, Figs. 1-4; Plate XLII, Fig. 1; Plate XLIII, Fig. 1 Description. Shell porcellanous, very heavy and crumbly, and far exceeding all co-existent members of the genus in maximum dimensions ; altitude attained fully 95 mm., and latitude 100 mm. ; convexity moder- ately high for the genus, the maximum diameter falling a little above the median horizontal ; outline ovate or subtrigonal ; umbones evenly but not greatly inflated, the apices rounded, acute, prosogyrate, anterior; lunule not differentiated ; escutcheon suggested by the bevelling of the inner sur- face of the dorsal margin ; anterior dorsal slope steeper, more uniform and less produced than the posterior ; general direction of the dorsal margins at right angles to one another but swing to a flexure in the posterior slope between one-third and one-fourth of the distance from the umbones to the 690 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY lateral margin increasing the angle to 130 or 140 ; anterior end of shell broadly and smoothly rounded, posterior obliquely and somewhat obscurely truncate; base line asymmetrically arcuate, more strongly upcurved in front than behind; a narrow posterior area rudely differentiated by the increased prominence of the incremental sculpture, the broad and very shallow depression which is often developed in front of it, and the still more shallow depression along its medial portion ; external surface incre- mentally sculptured, the striations sharp and regular in the immediate vicinity of the umbones, almost obsolete over the medial portion and irregular with occasional resting stages toward the ventral margin, uni- formly coarse over the posterior area from the umbones to the base ; liga- ment submarginal, opisthodetic, supported by a robust nymph; hinge plate heavy, hinge armature restricted to three cardinals in each valve, radiating fan-like from beneath the umbones; anterior cardinal of right valve laminar, middle cardinal stout and trigonal, inclined forward, pos- terior cardinal obliquely elongated, deeply sulcated medially; anterior cardinal in left valve rather stout, expanded ventrally; middle cardinal trigonal, inclined backward; posterior cardinal sharp and laminar, par- tially fused with the dorsal margin; adductor muscle scars obscure, the anterior elongated, the posterior semi-elliptical, placed high up under the distal extremities of the dorsal margins ; pallial line simple but truncated behind, rather distant from the base ; inner ventral margins simple. Dimensions. Altitude 76.5 mm., latitude 86 mm., semi-diameter 23.5 mm. Type Locality. Brightseat, Prince George's County. This species is much the largest and heaviest member of the genus described from the East Coast or Gulf Cretaceous. C. alia, its probable analogue in the Southern Atlantic Cretaceous, is smaller, relatively higher, and more smoothly rounded, especially along the posterior lateral margin. The variation in outline is rather wide, the voung are much more / o rounded, relatively lower, more evenly inflated and more symmetrical than the adults, while the adults vary quite widely among themselves in relative proportions and in the size of the umbonal angle. The figured specimens are rather extreme but by no means unusual types. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 691 The species is confined to the Monmouth and possibly to the Monmouth of Prince George's County, but within that restricted area it is, with the exception of Exogyra, the most conspicuous element in the bivalve faunas. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. ? Bohemia Mills, Cecil County; Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, railroad cut west of Seat Pleasant, ? 2 miles southwest of Oxon Hill, Fort Washington, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Superfamily TELL1NACEA Family TELLIN1DAE Genus TELLINA (Linne) Lamarck [Prodrome, 1799, p. 84] Type. Tellina virgata Linne. :i The hinge of Tellina in the broad sense, when developed to the fullest extent, comprises on each valve an anterior and posterior lateral and two cardinals of which one is grooved or bifid on its distal edge. When the valves are closed the two bifid teeth are central and the simple teeth are respectively anterior and posterior to them. Normally the teeth of the right valve close in advance of the teeth of the left valve, and in the obso- lescence of the laterals those of the left valve disappear first. The simple cardinal of the left valve is often very close to and hardly distinguishable from the anterior part of the nymphal callosity, and owing to its fragility is often broken off at the base, leaving hardly a trace, from which circum- stances proceed the erroneous diagnoses so common in the literature which ascribe a single left cardinal to sundry species or groups of Tellina. No Tellina is without two cardinal teeth in each valve, and at least one (anterior) lateral tooth in the right valve, unless it has been deprived of these parts by erosion, fracture, senility, or abnormal growth The ligament varies from extremely long and narrow, as in Phylloda, to short and high, as in some species of Angulus. The nymphs are usually larger and more prominent in thin shells with short ligaments ; subcircular species Etymology: TeXXtV?/, a kind of shell-fish. 692 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY always have a short ligament. The resilium is usually enclosed in the hemicylindric ligament. In some forms, however, as Metis and Tellidora, the resilium is much shorter than the ligament and evinces a tendency to become internal as in the Semelidce. The exterior sculpture of the Tel- Unas is emphatically concentric, though fine radial sculpture often exists, it does not, except in the section Pseudarcopagia, rival the concentric sculpture in strength. There is no known species with only radial sculp- ture. Oblique or angular sculpture is rare. The posterior end of the shell is usually flexed to the right and exhibits one or more folds of greater or less prominence. Occasional marked inequality of the valves is observable, and the culmination of the surface ssculpture as it passes over the ridges which radiate from the beaks toward the end of the valves sometimes results in elegant lamelliform prominence." Dall, 1900. 1 The genus was initiated in the Jurassic and has been abundantly repre- sented since the late Mesozoic. The recent species are numbered by the hundreds and are particularly characteristic of the tropical and sub- tropical seas. A. Altitude of shell approximately one-half the latitude. . . .Tellina georgiana B. Altitude of shell more than one-half the latitude Tellina gabbi Subgenus ARCOPAGIA Brown [111. Conch. Great Britain, 1827, p. ii, pi. xvi, fig. 8] "Shell large, solid, rounded, moderately convex, the flexure obsolete; posterior left lateral absent, and the anterior obsolete, other teeth normal ; sinus free, ascending obliquely; internal radii thick and strong but ill- defined ; sculpture concentric, usually smoothish or not sharply lamellate, sometimes reduced to incremental lines. Warm, temperate, and tropical seas." Dall, 1900.' TELLINA (ARCOPAGIA) GEORGIANA Gabb Tellina (Tellinella) georgiana Gabb, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 307. Tellina georgiana Johnson, 1905, Ibidem, p. 16. Tellina georgiana Weller,1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 615, pi. Ixx, figs. 1, 2. 1 Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., vol. iii, pt. v, pp. 1006-9. 2 Dall, Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., vol. iii, pt. v, p. 1011. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 693 Description. " Shell moderately large, elongate ; beaks central, ele- vated, anterior end produced, rounded; base very slightly convex; pos- terior end subangulated below, arched above ; a strong umbonal ridge runs from the beaks to the angle. Surface destroyed on the only specimen I have seen. Length 2.6 in., width 1.25 in. The impression of the hinge is preserved in the matrix, and the shell is so strongly characterized by its form that I have not hesitated to describe it. It is from Pataula Creek, Georgia, in a hard calcareous marl." Gabb, 1876. " The dimensions of two specimens are : Length 32 mm. and 46 mm., height 16 mm. and 23 mm. Shell very broadly subtriangular in outline, the beaks nearly central and pointing a little backward, the greatest anterior extension at considerably below the middle. The anterior and posterior cardinal margins meeting at the beak in an angle of about 140 to 150, curving gently downward in front and behind ; anterior margin rather sharply rounded; ventral margin very long and gently convex; postero-basal extremity sharply rounded or subangular ; posterior margin nearly vertically subtruncate below, curving forward above and passing into the cardinal margin. Valves depressed convex, with a subangular umbonal ridge extending from the beak to the postero-basal extremity, the surface sloping with a very gentle convex curve to the anterior, pos- terior and ventral margins ; curving much more abruptly to the cardinal margins, but just before reaching the margin the surface is deflected in the casts so as to form a rather narrow flattened area extending from the beak in each direction and gradually dying out before reaching the ante- rior and posterior extremities of the shell; just beneath the beak this flattened area bears the impressions of the hinge teeth. Surface of the casts smooth, except for a few very faint and indistinct radiating costae just above the postero-cardinal slope of the valves. Pallial sinus very deep, extending beyond the middle of the shell. Hinge teeth small and weak, situated just beneath the beak, a single one in the left valve with a socket on either side, and two in the right valve with a deep socket between. "- Weller, 1907. The two casts which have been referred to this species are by no means conclusive evidence of its former existence in Maryland. 694 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. Three-quarters of a mile south- east of Ulmstead Point, Anne Arundel County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Xatural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey. Outside Distribution. Mataivan Formation. Wenonah sand, New Jersey. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia. TELLINA (ARCOPAGIA) GABBI n. sp. Plate XLII, Fig. 2 Peronccoderma georgiana Gabb, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 308. Peronccoderma georgiana Johnson, 1905, Ibidem, p.* 16. Peronccoderma georgiana Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 617, pi. Ixx, figs. 4-6. Description. " Shell small, thin, flattened ; elongate, beaks subcentral in one case in the middle, in another a little posterior ; cardinal margins sloping about equally towards both ends. Anterior end prominently and narrowly rounded ; posterior rounded, subtruncate ; base broadly and regu- larly convex. Surface marked by fine, regular concentric lines. Hinge composed of minute teeth. Length 1.2 in, width 0.8 in." Gabb, 1876. Type Locality. Pataula Creek, Georgia. Shell rather large for the genus, compressed, ovate, trigonal in outline ; umbones flattened, inconspicuous, not over-topping the dorsal margins, slightly posterior; umbonal angle approximately 135; dorsal margins oblique, the anterior very gentle, the posterior moderately steep ; anterior lateral margin broadly and smoothly rounded, the posterior obscurely truncate ; base line broadly arcuate : external surface sculptured with very thin, concentric lamina?, their dorsal edges free, but closely appressed; ligament external, opisthodetic, mounted on a nymph almost half the length of the dorsal margin ; hinge concentrated, that of the right valve armed with two short, divergent cardinals and an anterior lateral ; hinge of left valve and characters of adductor scars and pallial sinus unknown. Weller suggested that this species might properly be referred to Tellina, but he hesitated to do it because Gabb's name was already preoccupied by MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 695 another of his species which he had described at the same time from Pataula Creek. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. ? Mouth of Turner's Creek, Kent County; Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Friendly, 1 mile west of Friendly and McNeys Corner, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Woodbury clay, Weno- nah sand, New Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Bed. Bank sand, New Jersey. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia. Genus TELLINIMERA Conrad [Am. Jour. Conch., vol. vi, 1870, p. 173] Type. Tcllinimera eborea Conrad. " A more perfect hinge of the left valve of this genus gives the following character : Cardinal teeth two ; anterior one V-shaped, nearly direct, or slightly directed anteriorly; the posterior tooth bifid, oblique; posterior lobe thick, and longer than the anterior lobe; cardinal plate compara- tively broad laterally, posteriorly channeled ; anteriorly with a small pit. apparently for the reception of a lateral tooth." Conrad, 1870. Conrad took the unwarranted liberty of changing the name Tellinimera to Tellimcra when he elevated the subgenus to the rank of a genus. The genus is restricted in its known distribution to the Cretaceous. TELLIXIMERA EBOREA Conrad Plate XLII, Figs. 5, 6 Tellina (Tellinimera) eborea Conrad, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, p. 278, pi. xlviii, fig. 14. Tellina (Tellinimera) chorea Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 14. Tellinomera eborea Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 727. Tellimera chorea Conrad, 1870, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. vi, p. 73. Tellinimera, eborea Tryon, 1884, Struct, and Syst. Conch., vol. iii, p. 169, pi. cxii, fig. 100. Etymology: Tellina ; ^epos, part, share. 696 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Tellimera eborea Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 164, pi. xxiii, figs. 12, 13. Tellinimera eborea Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 16. Tellinimera eborea Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 21, pi. Ixx, figs. 19(7), 21(?). Description. " Equilateral, subtriangular, compressed ; reflexed pos- teriorly, and subangulated ; anterior end rounded; disc with concentric, regular, slightly impressed lines; substance very thin; anterior cardinal tooth slightly oblique, the posterior one very oblique." Conrad, 1860. Type Locality. Alabama. Shell thin, fragile, polished, compressed, inequilateral, transversely trigonal-ovate in outline; umbones flattened, opisthodetic, conspicuous only by reason of their position at the summit of an angle of not far from 100 ; posterior area flattened, the keel rather ill-defined, however, and evanescent toward the ventral margin ; anterior dorsal slope very gentle, the lateral margin rounding evenly into the horizontal base ; posterior dorsal slope very steep, the posterior lateral margin obscurely truncate; external surface sculptured with sharp, concentric striations which are absent in the umbonal region, but grow increasingly deeper toward the ventral margin; ligament external, opisthodetic; hinge with the char- acters of the genus. The species superficially resembles sEnona eufalensis Conrad but is more compressed, -more inequilateral and more strongly striated concen- trically. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. One-half mile east of Millers- ville, Anne Arundel County; Brightseat. Brooks estate near Seat Pleas- ant, 1 mile west of Friendly, 2 miles south of Oxon Hill, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Woodbury clay, Wenonah sand, K"ew Jersey. Cretaceous. Alabama. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 697 Genus AENONA Conrad [Am. Jour. Conch., vol. vi, 1870, p. 74] Type. Tellina eufalensis Conrad. " Equivalved, without fold ; hinge character, two compressed very small, widely diverging teeth in the right valve; lunule very narrow, lanceolate, and marked by a deeply impressed line." Conrad, 1870. Restricted in its known distribution to the Cretaceous. EUFALENSIS Conrad Plate XLII, Figs. 3, 4 Tellina eufalensis Conrad, I860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, p. 277, pi. xlvi, fig. 15. Tellina eufalensis Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 14. JEnona, eufaulensis Conrad, 1870, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. vi, p. 74. ^Enona eufaulensis Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 168. pi. xxiii, figs. 2, 3. (Hinge incorrectly drawn.) ^Enona eufaulensis Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 16. ^Enona eufaulensis Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 623, pi. Ixx, figs. 24, 25. (Hinge incorrectly drawn.) Description. " Subtriangular, convex, entire, inequilateral ; anterior end subtruncated ; hinge margins equally declining ; summit not promi- nent ; posterior end acutely rounded ; left valve furnished with one bifid and one rudimentary cardinal tooth; lateral distinct." Conrad, 1860. Type Locality. Eufaula, Alabama. Shell thin, polished, very fragile, rather compressed, transversely elon- gated, subtrigonal in outline, subequilateral ; umbones slightly bulbous at their tips, orthogyrate, placed a little behind the median line; umbonal angle not far from 135; anterior slope a little more gentle and a little more produced than the posterior; base line evenly and gently arcuate; external surface smooth, excepting for a few incremental striations near the base; bands of concentric color markings frequently retained, the umbones being, as a rule, darker than any other portion of the shell ; liga- ment external, opisthodetic, the nymph short and rather slender; hinge plate narrow; armature of left valve moderately concentrated, consisting of a short laminar cardinal fused anteriorly with the dorsal margin and, 698 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY on the other side of the triangular pit, a very short, trigonal cardinal, feebly sulcated longitudinally; anterior and posterior laterals subequal, symmetrically placed with respect to the umbones. double, more elevated medially than toward the extremities ; two cardinals developed in the right valve, the anterior short, thin, and laminar, the posterior placed directly beneath the umbones, short but stout and broadly sulcate ; dorsal margins bevelled to function as laterals but no true laterals developed ; muscle scars rather large but obscure ; pallial sinus very broad, reaching approximately to the median vertical not confluent with the pallial line. The species differs from Tellinimera eborea Conrad, which it super- ficially resembles, in the more nearly equilateral outline due to the rela- tively shorter and more angular anterior end of the latter. It differs, furthermore, in the absence of the sharp, concentric striations which char- acterize T. eborea. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FOKMATION. Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Friendly, 1 mile west of Friendly, McNeys Corners, and 2 miles southwest of Oxon Hill, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Woodbury clay, New Jersey. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Quitman County, Georgia; Eufaula, Alabama; Union and Tippah counties, Mississippi. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia ; Chattahoochee River, Ala- bama. Genus LINEARIA Conrad [Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, 1860, p. 279] Type. Linearia metastriata Conrad. " Oval or oblong ; cardinal teeth in the left valve two, the anterior one elongated, very oblique, the other under the apex small and bifid. "- Conrad, 1860. " The hinge shows two small, diverging, nearly equal teeth, directed obliquely forward, the anterior one very oblique; and two rather long Etymology: Linearis, lineated. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 699 lateral very distinct pits, the posterior one very distant from the apex. The pallial sinus is rounded and extends to a direct line between the apex and ventral margin, according to d'Orbigny's figure 5, and beyond that point in figure 17. The present species approaches figure 5 most nearly in outline, but the radiating lines over the whole disk is a distinguishing character, and the height of the shell is proportionally less." Conrad, 1870. 1 The shell is rather small, equivalved and subequilateral, moderately heavy, more or less elongated transversely, with well-rounded lateral margins. The characteristic sculpture is a radial lineation with inter- secting concentric strise. The genus is restricted in its known distribution to the Cretaceous. LlNEARJA METASTRIATA Conrad Linearia metastriata Conrad, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, p. 279, pi. xlvi, fig. 7. Linearia metastriata Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 14. Linearia metastriata Conrad, 1870, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. vi, p. 73, pi. iii, fig. 11. Linearia metastriata Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 165, pi. xxiii, figs. 6, 7. Linearia metastriata Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 16. Linearia metastriata Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 618, pi. Ixx, figs. 8, 9. Description. " Oblong-oval, convex, subequilateral ; posterior end sub- truncated ; disk with fine concentric lines and distinct radiating lines anteriorly, and larger crenulated radii posteriorly ; the rest of the surface with microscopic radiating lines; cardinal tooth under the apex widely bifid; lobes small and slender." Conrad, 1860. Type Locality. Eufaula, Alabama. Shell transversely oval in outline; anterior end evenly rounded, pos- terior obscurely truncate; external surface very finely cancellated, con- centric sculpture of fifty to sixty acute lirations, which evenly override the radials in the medial portion of the disk but are minutely undulated by 'Am. Jour. Conch., vol. vi, 1870, p. 73. 46 700 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY them anteriorly and even more sharply posteriorly ; radial sculpture con- fined to striations on the interspaces between the concentric lirae on the medial portion of the disk, appearing posteriorly as six to nine low, radiating lirae, unequal in size and spacing; radial sculpture on anterior portion of shell much finer and sharper ; radials twelve to fifteen in num- ber, approximately uniform in size and spacing, nodulated by the over- riding concentric laminae; ligament external, opisthodetic, mounted on rather a slender nymph which is separated from the rest of the shell by a linear sulcus; hinge of left valve armed with two laminar cardinals, the posterior a little more slender than the anterior, their inner faces flattened and proximate, diverging at a very small angle and subparallel to the dorsal margin; a single moderately robust, posteriorly directed cardinal developed in the right valve with rather a deep pit in front of it and a more shallow one behind it for the reception of the cardinals of the left valve; a feeble elevation on the forward margin of the anterior socket, probably the analogue of the anterior cardinal in the right valve; dorsal margins of right valve bevelled to function as laterals, received in the left by double grooves which are developed at the distal extremities of the hinge plate ; characters of muscle scars and pallial sinus obscure. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Friendly, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Ai-ademy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey. Outside Distribution. Magothy Formation. Cliffwood clay, New Jersey. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Woodlmry clay, Marshalltown clay marl, Wenonah sand, New Jersey. Mon month Forma- tion. Red Bank sand, New Jersey. Black Creek Formation. North and South Carolina. Eutaw Formation (Tombigbee sand member) . Kxogyra ponderosa zone, Morloniceras subzone, Stewart County, Georgia. TUpley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Quitman County, Georgia ; Kufaula, Alabama ; Union, Tippah and Alcorn counties, Mississippi. Extreme top of zone. Pataula Creek, Georgia. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 701 Family PSAMMOBIIDAE Genus SOLYMA Conrad [Am. Jour. Conch., vol. vi, 1870, p. 75] Type. Solyma lineolatus Conrad. " Two direct approximate teeth under the apex of right valve. The anterior tooth thick and rounded anteriorly. This genus is allied to Leptosolen Conrad, but wants the internal rib of that genus and differs also in having two teeth in the right valve." Conrad, 1870. Shell equivalve, inequilateral, thin, transversely ovate in outline; an obtuse posterior carina more or less obscurely developed; external surface feebly sculptured concentrically; pallial sinus apparently profound. If Weller was right in his observation on the pallial sinus of the type species the genus would be allied to the Psammobiidce rather than with the Solenidce. Restricted in its known distribution to the Upper Cre- taceous. SOLYMA LINEOLATA Conrad Plate XXXVI, Figs. 20, 21 Solyma lineolatus Conrad, 1870, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. vi, p. 75, fig. 9. Solyma lineolatus Gabb, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 305. Solyma lineolatus Tryon, 1884, Struct, and Syst. Conch., vol. iii, p. 134, pi. cv, fig. 89. Solyma lineolata Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 182, pi. xxv, figs. 11-13. Solyma lineolata Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 17. Solyma lineolata Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 629, pi. Ixxi, figs. 3-5. Description. " Equilateral, ventricose, substance very thin ; anteriorly slightly contracted, end margin rounded; posterior margin obtusely rounded ; uinbonal slope rounded ; ventral margin nearly straight in the middle ; disk ornamented with minute and very closely arranged lines. Length 1| in., height f in. The figure represents the hinge of the right valve. Left valve unknown." Conrad, 1870. Type Locality. Haddonfield, New Jersey. "The dimensions of the type specimen are: Length 26 mm., height 15.5 mm. Shell subquadrangular in outline, a little broader behind than 702 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY in front; beaks broad, rather strongly elevated above the hinge line, nearly central in position and directed anteriorly. Hinge line nearly straight, the anterior and posterior portions sloping very gently on each side of the beak ; antero-cardinal margin concave ; anterior margin round- ing from the cardinal into the basal margin ; basal margin nearly straight or slightly convex in the middle, curving upward a little more abruptly in front than behind ; postero-basal extremity rounded ; posterior margin nearly vertically truncate; post-cardinal extremity obtusely subangular; post-cardinal margin straight. Valves moderately convex, with an obscure, rounded, umbonal .ridge along both the anterior and posterior umbonal slopes ; the cardinal margins inflected both in front of and behind the beaks. Surface of both valves in the casts marked by rather fine, more or less irregular, concentric lines of growth. " This shell, in its general outline, somewhat resembles Periplomya elliptica, but with the extremities of the shell reversed, the anterior, extremity of that species being the broader and the beak being directed backward. In Solyma lineolaia, however, the posterior margin is truncate while the anterior margin of P. elliptica is rounded, and the anterior extremity is much broader than the posterior extremity of that shell. The two more or less obscure umbonal ridges are also a distinguishing mark of this species, but these ridges have been made too conspicuous in Whitfield's illustration of the species. Upon one of the internal casts of this species which has come under observation, there seems to be an impres- sion of a very deep pallial sinus extending forward to the center of the shell." Weller, 1907. Ligament, as implied by Conrad's figure, external, opisthodetic, seated upon a marginal nymph, armature of right valve consisting of two slender laminar teeth, diverging at a small angle from beneath the umbone. Eepresented in Maryland by a single imperfect cast. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Good Hope Hill, District of Columbia. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Xatural Sciences, Xew Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 703 Outside Distribution. Magothy Formation. Cliffwood clay, New Jersey. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Woodbury clay, Wenonah sand, New Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Bed Bank sand, New Jersey. Superfamily SOLENACEA Family SOLENIDAE Genus LEPTOSOLEN Conrad [Am. Jour. Conch., vol. iii, 1867, p. 15] Type. Siliquaria biplicata Conrad. " Elongated, thin in substance, straight with the dorsal and ventral margins parallel ; plicated anteriorly ; open at both ends ; beaks not nearly terminal ; hinge of the right valve with one direct tooth, convex anteriorly, truncated behind; an internal rounded direct rib commences under the cardinal margin, gradually becomes less prominent and disappears towards the ventral margin." Conrad, 1867. The ligament is external mounted on elongated nymphs. The pallial sinus is very shallow. Dall l considers that the shell characters are inter- mediate between those of Solen and Siliqua. The genus is restricted in its known distribution to the Middle and Upper Cretaceous. A. Clavicular rib vertical Leptosolen biplicata B. Clavicular rib oblique, directed backward Leptosolen elongata LEPTOSOLEX BIPLICATA Conrad Plate XL1I, Figs. 7, 8 Siliquaria biplicata Conrad, 1858, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iii, p. 324, pi. xxiv, fig. 17. Siliquaria biplicata Gabb, 1861, Syn. Moll. Cret. Form., p. 226 (170). Siliquaria biplicata Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 15. Leptosolen Mplicata Conrad, 1867, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. iii, pp. 15, 138. Leptosolen biplicatus Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 727. Etymology: XCTTTOS, thin; solen. 1 Dall, 1900, Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., vol. iii, pt. v, p. 950. 704 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Leptosolen biplicata Gabb, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 304. Leptosolen biplicata Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 183, pi. xxv, figs. 1, 2. Leptosolen biplicata Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 17. Leptosolen biplicata Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 624, pi. Ixx, figs. 30, 31. Description. " Thin, convex, with two radiating folds or depressions anteriorly ; basal line slightly contracted or incurved ; anterior side short ; extremity truncated ; posterior margin obtusely rounded, posterior side concentrically lineated ; valves somewhat contracted obliquely from beak to base." Conrad, 1858. Type Locality. Owl Creek, Tippah County, Mississippi. Shell very thin, porcellanous, compressed, rudely cylindrical in outline ; dorsal and ventral margins parallel, the posterior symmetrically arcuate, the anterior rounding, somewhat obliquely, into the base; lunule and escutcheon not defined ; umbones very inconspicuous, scarcely rising above the dorsal margin, set back from the anterior extremity a distance of approximately one-fourth the total latitude ; posterior area differentiated by the abrupt strengthening of the concentric sculpture along a line extending from the umbones to the posterior extremity of the basal mar- gin, concentric sculpture reduced to faint and rather irregular incremental striations upon the anterior and medial portions of the shell, least feeble medially and appearing upon the posterior area as sharp-edged, regularly overlapping concentric laminae ; radial sculpture not developed ; ligament marginal, opisthodetic, seated upon a nymph about one-eighth as long as the posterior dorsal margin ; a single very prominent subumbonal cardinal in each valve ; shell reinforced within by a rather heavy deposit of calcite along a vertical dropped from the umbones, the ridge thus formed broadest and most elevated dorsally and gradually evanescing toward the base ; muscle scars subequal, inconspicuous ; pallial sinus profound. Casts of the interior are remarkable for their cylindrical outline and for the deep sulcus formed by the internal rib, which cuts across the umbone and persists'a little more than half-way down to the ventral margin. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 705 Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightscat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, 1 mile west of Friendly, 2 miles southwest of Oxon Hill, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Xatural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Magothy Formation. Cliffwood clay, New Jersey. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Woodbury clay, Wenonah sand, New Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Navesink marl, Red Bank sand, New Jersey. Black Creek Formation. North and South Carolina. Eutatu Formation (basal). Exogyra ponderosa zone, Chatta- hoochee County, Georgia. (Tombigbee sand member.) Exogyra ponder- osa zone, Mortoniceras subzone, Stewart County, Georgia. Ripley Forma- tion. Exogyra ponderosa zone, Stewart County, Georgia. Exogyra costata zone, Eufaula, Alabama; Union, Tippah and Alcorn counties, Mississippi. Extreme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia; Chattahoochee Eiver, Alabama. LEPTOSOLEN ELONGATA Weller Leptosolen ? elongata Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, vol. iv, p. 627, pi. Ixx, figs. 27, 28. Description. " The dimensions of the type specimen, a cast of the left valve, are : Length 24 mm., height 8 mm., convexity 2.5 mm. Shell elongate, dorsal and ventral margins sub parallel; anterior margin rounded, its greatest extension above the mid-height; posterior margin probably rounded or truncate, not completely preserved. Beaks small, terminal, but little elevated above the hinge line. Valves closed in front, apparently gaping behind ; the surface regularly convex from the dorsal to the ventral margin, curving a little more abruptly above and inflected to the hinge line in the anterior half of the shell; curving abruptly to the anterior margin in front. In the cast a strong, deep, sharply denned furrow extends downward from the beak towards the ventral margin, and a little obliquely backward, curving a little posteriorly near its lower extremity ; another much less conspicuous furrow originates beneath the beak with the first one, and extends backward, parallel with the hinge line, 706 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY becoming obsolete near the center of the shell. Surface of the cast appar- ently smooth." WelJer, 1907. Type Locality. Middletown, New Jersey. Leptosolen elongata is much smaller than Leptosolen biplicata Conrad. The casts the only form in which the species is definitely known are readily separable from those of the latter by the posteriorly inclined rather than the vertical sulcus produced by the internal rib. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, New Jersey Geological Survey. Outside Distribution. Monmouth Formation. Eed Bank sand, New Jersey. Superfamily MACTRACEA Family MACTRIDAE Genus SPISULA Gray [Mag. Nat. Hist, n. s. vol. i, 1838, p. 372] Type. Mactra solida Linne. " Shell small, subequilateral, trigonal, with a thin epidermis, adjacent beaks and concentrically grooved dorsal areas ; pallial sinus small, rounded ; gape obsolete ; valves convex ; ligament sagittate, set in a callous area close to the dorsal margin and not set off from the chondrophore by any shelly ridge ; dental armature normal, strong, not concentrated ; the opposed sur- faces of the laterals transversely grooved ; left cardinal small, prominent, with a small posterior accessory lamella, the posterior ends of both pro- jecting over the chondrophore; right cardinal with the arms coalescent above, the anterior arm close to the dorsal shell-margin ; hinge plate thick and flattish; exterior smooth or concentrically striated; the dorsal areas ill-defined." Ball, 1898. 1 The absence of a shelly lamina between the chondrophore and the liga- ment separates Spisula from Mactra. Furthermore, the laterals of the Etymology: Spissus, thick. 1 Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., vol. iii, pt. iv, p. 878. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 707 latter are smooth or finely granular, while those of the former are, as a rule, transversely striated. The genus extends well back into the Cretaceous, and, though not abundantly represented in the recent seas, its occurrence is almost uni- versal. Subgenus CYMBOPHORA Gabb 1 Type. Mactra ashburneri Gabb. "The hinge is composed of a rather heavy hinge plate, bearing a cartilage-pit, not sunk into its substance, as in the others of the Mactridce, but, as it were, built up on its surface; a small, delicate, spoon-shaped process, laid obliquely under the beaks, its base being on, or slightly above the level of the hinge plate ; in the right valve the cardinal tooth is single, very delicate, and nearly at a right angle with the anterior wall of the cartilage-pit ; in the left valve the tooth is V-shaped, entirely separated from the pit, very slender, and articulated between the tooth and the pit of the opposite side; the lateral teeth are large and comparatively very robust." Gabb, 1869. " A careful study of the typical species of this group shows that it differs from Spisula only in the following features: The attached ends of the resilium were convex instead of flat (as is sometimes seen in recent species), and the margins of the pit are therefore elevated; while the pos- terior sinus, instead of being (as usually in the later types of Spisula} roofed over or filled up with a solid mass of callus at the apex, upon which the ligament is attached, is vacant, so that the ligament was fixed on the convex margin of the pit, or on the side of the ventral lamina, or partly on both, all being very close together. This character would seem to be trifling until it is observed that all the Mesozoic species are characterized by this feature, though, as in recent Spisula, the external form may vary, the dorsal areas be smooth or grooved, the teeth sulcate or smooth. As it is common to all the Cretaceous Mactridce of which I have been able to examine a hinge, I have thought it best to retain the name in a subgeneric sense for that stage of development of the group." Dall, 1898. 2 1 Geol. Survey of California, 1869, Pal., vol. ii, p. 180. 2 Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., vol. iii, pt. iv, p. 879. 708 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY The group is restricted to the Cretaceous. A. Latitude of adult shell rarely exceeding 25 mm.; outline ovate-tri- gonal Cymbophora berry i B. Latitude of adult shell exceeding 25 mm.; outline high-trigonal. Cymbophora wordeni SPISULA (CYMBOPHORA) BERRYI n. sp. Plate XLIII, Figs. 2, 3 Description. Shell very thin and fragile, rather small for the genus, transversely ovate-trigonal in outline, smoothly inflated; umbones small but rather prominent, evenly rounded, overtopping the dorsal margin, the apices incurved and feebly prosogyrate, medial or slightly anterior in posi- tion; umbonal angle 1 usually exceeding 90; dorsal margins oblique or somewhat convex, the anterior slope as a rule a little more gentle than the posterior ; anterior extremity rather narrow but symmetrically rounded ; posterior obscurely truncate obliquely ; base line quite strongly and sym- metrically arcuate; external surface sculptured with faint, incremental striations, less feeble and more crowded toward the ventral and lateral margins ; anterior area cut off by a shallow and sublinear depression which persists from the umbones to the base; incremental sculpture much less feeble in front of the sulcus than behind it ; posterior area evenly rounded but differentiated by a linear liration which margins a cuneate area ; area clearly differentiated by the very fine evenly crowded concentric stria 1 ; incremental behind this oblique wedge the most elevated of any on the shell; resilium lodged in a spoon-shaped chondrophore beneath the umbones, posteriorly directed, its margins raised and quite strongly rein- forced; hinge armature rather concentrated, two cardinals in the right valve, partially fused beneath the umbones and diverging at an angle of little less than 90, anterior arm very close to the dorsal margin and diverging from it at a very small angle, posterior arm at the margin of the chondrophore; laterals double, the dorsal lamina distinct from the dorsal margin though fused with it basally ; inner faces of clasping laterals transversely striated ; left cardinal short but heavy, A -shaped ; left laterals double, the inner lamina? elevated and flattened upon their sum- mits, transversely striated ; adductor muscle scars rather small and MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 709 obscure; pallial sinus linguiform, symmetrically rounded, obliquely ascending not reaching the median vertical of the shell. Dimensions. Altitude 15 mm., latitude 21 mm., diameter 10.2 mm. Type Locality. Krightseat, Prince George's County. Cymbophora berryi is characterized by its rather small size, evenly inflated valves and regular ovate-trigonal outline. This prominent member of the Monmouth fauna is named for Prof. Edward W. Berry of Johns Hopkins University. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, 1 mile west of Friendly, 2 miles south of Oxon Hill, Fort Washington, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. SL'ISULA (CYMBOPHORA) WORDENI n. sp. Plate XLIII, Figs. 4, 5 Description. Shell rather large, not very thin but very fragile, trigonal in outline, moderately inflated; umbones submedial, well rounded, the apices full, incurved, prosogyrate ; umbonal angle not far from 90, dorsal margin very steep, the anterior oblique, the posterior feebly convex ; maxi- mum latitude of shell very near the ventral margin ; lateral margins very short, squarely truncate ; ventral margin feebly but evenly arcuate ; both anterior and posterior areas cut off by obtusely angulated carince, the anterior outlined by a linear sulcus, the posterior by an irregular raised line which marks the anterior boundary of a roughened area which origi- nates at the umbones and gradually widens so that its wider extremity is coincident with the posterior lateral margin; anterior area and posterior portion of posterior area quite sharply sculptured incrementally; sculp- ture on medial portion of disk restricted to rather inconspicuous and irregular incremental^ hinge armature rather concentrated, the hinge plate extending less than half-way down the margin ; ligament internal, lodged in a scoop-shaped chondrophore with very strongly upcurved edges; right cardinals diverging at an angle of a little less than 90, fused at the umbonal extremity of the anterior dorsal margin ; lateral lamina 1 710 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY double, the dorsal plate probably discrete in the young but larger and fused with the dorsal margin in the adults; left cardinal A -shaped, placed directly in front of the chondrophore ; lateral laminae prominent, the anterior shorter and more elevated than the posterior, both of them flat- tened upon their summits and striated transversely ; adductor muscle scars obscure, the anterior broadly lenticular and falling below the median hori- zontal, the posterior larger and rudely quadrilateral ; pallial line very near the base; sinus short, uniform in width throughout its extent, obliquely ascending and rounded at its extremity, not attaining the median vertical. Dimensions. Altitude 3L5 mm., latitude 3? mm., semi-diameter, 11.5 mm. Type Locality. Brightseat, Prince George's County. This species is well characterized by its high trigonal outline and obtusely angulated anterior and posterior carinae. The species was at first mistaken for C. appressa Gabb from Pataula Creek, Georgia, but it is readily separable, whenever interiors can be obtained, by the transversely striated laterals. It is named for Stanley Worden, who has so greatly assisted in the study of the Upper Cretaceous mollusca. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Friendly, 1 mile west of Friendly, ? McNeys Corners, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Superfamily MYACEA Family CORBULIDAE Genus CORBULA Bruguiere [Encyclopedic Methodique, 1792, pi. ccxxx] Type. Corbula gallica Lam. Shell small, thick, ovate, more or less rostrate ; valves unequal, the left usually the smaller and the flatter; umbones prominent, prosogyrate or erect, the right usually higher than the left ; hinge line of right valve fitted with a single prominent tooth in front of the resilial pit ; lateral laminae Etymology: Corbula, a little basket. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 711 absent; left valve with a deep cardinal socket and a rudimentary posterior tooth ; surface sculpture variable, often discrepant on the two valves of the same individual, usually concentric, never strongly radial ; adductor scars distinct; pallial line indistinct; sinus feeble or obsolete. A prominent genus among the small bivalves since the beginning of the Mesozoic. The recent C orb nice include some seventy species of almost universal distribution but more prolific in the warmer waters, particularly in the China seas. The Corbulce of the Upper Cretaceous of the East Coast and Gulf are sadly in need of revision. Many of the species have been described from casts and have a doubtful right to stand. The Tertiary and recent Cor- bulce are so difficult to determine with any degree of assurance, even with all their characters preserved, that it seems farcical to attempt to make accurate specific separations from casts of the interior, excepting in unusually well characterized species, such as C. bisulcata Conrad. A. Area within the pallial line conspicuously inflated Corbula bisulcata B. Area within the pallial line not conspicuously inflated. 1. Valves very strikingly dissimilar, right valve highly inflated, very coarsely plicated concentrically. .Corbula crassiplica 2. Valves not very strikingly dissimilar. a. Radial sculpture absent. i. Latitude of adult shell exceeding 9 mm., concentric sculpture fine, sharp, crowded. Corbula monmouthensis ii. Latitude of adult shell not exceeding 9 mm., concen- tric sculpture more or less obtuse, a'. Valves not conspicuously compressed. Concentric plications exceeding 25 in number. Corbula terramaria b'. Valves conspicuously compressed. Concentric pli- cations not exceeding 25 in number. Corbula percompressa b. Radial sculpture present upon the disk in the form of faint linear striations Corbula subradiata CORBULA BISULCATA Conrad Corbula bisulcata Conrad, 1875, Kerr's Geol. Rept. of North Carolina, App., p. 11, pi. ii, figs. 13, 14. Corbula foulkei Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 180, pi. xxiii, figs. 27-29. (Not C. foulkei Lea.) Corbula bisulcata Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 638, pi. Ixxii, figs. 15-22. 712 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Description. " Shell ovate-acute, equilateral, concentrically striated, with two or three distant large concentric furrows; posterior extremity acute." Conrad, 1875. Type Locality. Snow Hill, North Carolina. " The dimensions of a partially restored specimen, a plaster cast taken from a natural mould, are : Length 13.5 mm., height 8 mm., thickness 6.5 mm. Shell subcuneate behind, full and rounded in front. Beaks small, incurved, situated back of the middle, pointing posteriorly. Antero- cardinal margin long, straight near the beaks and curving gently down- ward in front, subparallel with the basal margin ; anterior margin regu- larly rounded ; basal margin nearly straight, curving upward in front ; postero-basal extremity angular; post-cardinal margin concave. Valves strongly ventricose in front, compressed behind, the ventral margin of the right valve overlapping that of the left and its posterior extremity more produced, beaks of the two valves subequal ; an angular umbonal ridge is present on the right valve, with a narrow, slightly concave post- umbonal slope; on the left valve the umbonal ridge is obsolete. Surface of the valves marked by rather fine, concentric lines of growth. " Perfect internal casts are subcuneate, but not so greatly produced posteriorly as the shells, the muscular impressions are conspicuous, the whole area of the casts between the muscular impressions and the pallia! line being strongly inflated. Johnson states that the specimens from Haddonfield, which were illustrated by Whitfield as (.'. foulkei, are not that species but C. bisulcata Conrad. An examination of the type specimens in the collection of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences has con- firmed the statement of Johnson. The species occurs in abundance in the Cliff wood clays, and it seems to be one of the most characteristic species in the fauna of that horizon. They occur usually in the form of internal casts, some of which are very perfect, and some good moulds of the exterior have been found." Weller, 1907. The species is represented in Maryland by a single cast apparently of an immature individual. Occurrence. MAT AW AN FORMATION. Three-quarters of a mile south- cast of Ulmstead Point, Anne Arundel County. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 713 Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey. Outside Distribution. Nagotliy Formation. Cliffwood clay, New Jersey. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Woodbury clay, New Jersey. Black Creek Formation. Snow Hill, North Carolina. CORBULA CRASSIPLICA Gabb Plate XLIII, Figs. 6, 7 Corbula crassiplica Gabb, I860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, p. 394, pi. Iviii, fig. 25. Corbula crassiplicata Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 15. Corbula crassiplicata Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 727. Corbula perbrevis Conrad, 1875, Kerr's Geol. of North Carolina, App., p. 11, pi. ii, fig. 5. Corbula crassiplica Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 178, pi. xxiii, fig. 30. Corbula crassiplica Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 17. Corbula crassiplica Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 641, pi. Ixxii, figs. 27, 28. Description. " Subtriangular, heavily ribbed, thick ; beaks large and incurved ; umbones large and round ; umbonal ridge small and marked by a distinct groove immediately in advance of it, rest of the shell marked by about a dozen very coarse transverse ribs except on the umbones which are smooth apparently from attrition. Inside hinge large, caudal pro- longation marked by two pit-like depressions. Length .15 in., width .2 in., height of right valve .07 in." Gabb, 1860. Type Locality. " From a cut on the Memphis and Charleston E. K., where it crosses the Tennessee and Mississippi State Line." Shell small, high, trigonal, slightly inequilateral, very conspicuously inequivalve ; right valve almost as high as it is wide, strongly inflated in the umbonal region, the apices incurved, acute, prosogyrate and placed a little in front of the median vertical; left valve oblong trigonal in out- line, the altitude usually less than three-fourths of the latitude, the shell evenly inflated and the umbones rather low and subcentral; anterior dorsal and lateral margins of both valves evenly rounded, posterior dorsal 714 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY margin oblique, much more produced in the right valve than in the left ; lateral margin obliquely truncate ; base line broadly and evenly rounded in the left valve, quite strongly arcuate in the anterior portion of the right but feebly constricted in front of the posterior keel, which extends in the form of a sharply elevated ridge from the umbonal region to the posterior basal margin; area behind the keel sharply differentiated from that in front of it, its lateral margin in the right valve thin and slightly reflected ; external surface of right valve corrugated with fifteen to twenty promi- nent concentric plications about half of which are confined to the umbonal region and become increasingly fine and sharp toward the apices, the other half very coarse and heavy, often somewhat irregular in size and spacing toward the base, but approximately uniform in prominence from the ante- rior margin to just in front of the posterior keel where they abruptly evanesce ; keel and area behind it sculptured only with strong incre- mentals ; left valve smooth excepting for irregular incremental sculpture : ligament internal, supported by a rather prominent lamelliform chondro- phore in the left valve ; resilial pit in right valve quite profound ; dentition restricted to a single, subumbonal, sharply conical tooth in the right valve and a subumbonal socket for its reception in the left; adductor scars not very distinct, quite well up toward the dorsal margins, pallia! sinus broad but not very deep, pallial line much more distant from the base in the right valve than in the left, because of the overlapping ventral margin of the larger valve. Dimensions. Right valve, latitude 5 mm., altitude 4 mm.; left valve, latitude 3 mm., altitude 2.7 mm.; maximum diameter of double valves 2.5 mm. This species is by far the most abundant representative of the genus in the Upper Cretaceous faunas of Maryland, and is one of the most prolific of the smaller bivalves in the Monmouth of Prince George's County. It is readily recognizable by the strong discrepancy of the valves in size, outline and sculpture and by the robust concentric plications upon the disk of the right valve. Weathered individuals of this species present a most deceptive appear- ance ; the entire external sculpture and posterior keel and area are decor- MAEYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 715 ticated, leaving a high, trigonal subequilateral shell with no trace of con- centric plications or posterior keel. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION". Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, 1 mile west of Friendly, McNeys Corners, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Mataivan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Woodbury clay, Wenonah sand, New Jersey. Monmouth Formation. Navesink marl, Eed Bank sand, New Jersey. Black Creek Formation. North and South Carolina. Eutaw Formation (Tombigbee sand member) . Exogyra ponderosa zone, Prentiss County, Mississippi. Mortoniceras subzone, Stewart County, Georgia. Eipley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Schley County, Georgia ; Eufaula, Alabama ; Union, Tippah and Alcorn counties, Mississippi. Exireme top of zone, Pataula Creek, Georgia. CORBULA MONMOUTHENSIS n. sp. Plate XLIV, Figs. 4-8 Description. Shell rather large for the genus, ovate trigonal in out- line, inequilateral and inconspicuously inequivalve; umbones subcentral in position, subequal in the two valves, somewhat flattened upon their summits, the apices acute and prosogyrate ; right valve more inflated than left in the anterior portion, and with a wider posterior area which is angulated near its dorsal margin and slightly reflected over the left valve ; anterior margins of both valves broadly and evenly rounded; posterior dorsal slope more gentle in the right valve than in the left; the lateral margin produced and obtusely angulated in the right, obliquely truncate in the left; base line more strongly arcuate in the larger valve; external sculpture in both valves of very fine, sharp lamella? closely overlapping, the free edges directed toward the umbones, least feeble on the anterior and ventral portions of the disk, very faint in the umbonal region and evan- escent near the posterior keel; ligament internal, supported by a rather inconspicuous lamelliform chondrophore behind the umbone in the left 47 716 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY valve ; resilial pit in the right valve broad but rather shallow, the solitary tooth subumbonal in position, stout, obtusely conical ; receiving socket in left valve also subumbonal, long but not very deep; adductor muscle scars relatively long, rather indistinct; pallia! sinus broad, shallow; pallial line rather near the basal margin. Dimensions. Altitude 6.9 mm., latitude 11.4 mm., maximum diameter of double valves 5 mm. This is the largest of the Corbulce in the Maryland Cretaceous. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION". Brooks estate near Seat Pleas- ant, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. COHBULA TERR AM ARIA 11. sp. Plate XLII1, Figs. 8-10 Description. Shell rather small, moderately inflated, ovate-trigonal in outline, inequilateral, inequivalved ; medial and posterior ventral margins and the posterior lateral margins overlapping; anterior ends broadly rounded in both valves; posterior keel more produced in the right valve, the area behind it wider than in the left and obtusely angulated near the dorsal margin; base line in the right valve quite strongly arcuate ante- riorly and medially, recurved and slightly contracted toward the posterior keel ; in the left valve feebly and somewhat obliquely arcuate ; umbones not very prominent, of equal altitude in both valves, flattened upon their summits, incurved and prosogyrate; posterior area cut off by a sharply rounded ridge which extends from the apices to the posterior basal line ; external surface of both valves sculptured with about thirty rounded obtuse concentric ridges, which are strongest upon the disk but which per- sist with diminished strength across the posterior area, growing gradually finer and closer toward the umbones; ligament internal, supported by a chondrophore in the left valve, which judging by the resilial pit in the right is rather small ; cardinal tooth in right valve stout and conical, sub- umbonal in position; adductor impressions distinct, the anterior a little ventral and the posterior a little dorsal to the median horizontal; pallial MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 717 sinus very shallow; pallial line rather distant from the base; body cavity deeply excavated. Dimensions. Of double valves: Altitude 4.2 mm., latitude 6.4 mm., maximum diameter 2.8 mm. Eight valve of a second specimen : Altitude 5 mm., latitude 6.9 mm. Type Locality.- -Brightseat, Prince George's County. Occurrence. MOXMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, ? Friendly, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. CORBULA PERCOMPRESSA 11. Sp. Plate XLIV, Figs. 1-3 Description. Shell small, ovate-trigonal, both valves strongly and almost equally compressed, slightly inequilateral, very slightly inequi- valve ; umbones subcentral, much flattened upon their summits, prosogy- rate; lunule feebly defined, less so in the left valve than in the right; anterior end rather narrow, the dorsal slope moderately steep for the genus ; lateral margin evenly but strongly rounded ; posterior dorsal slope a little steeper than the anterior ; lateral margin obliquely truncate ; base line gently arcute and in the right valve very feebly contracted in front of the keel ; posterior keel acute and persistent from umbones to base, but not very conspicuous because of the compression of the valves; external surface sculptured with about twenty broad but not greatly elevated concentric plications, which become increasingly finer and more crowded toward the umbones, and which override the keel and persist to the posterior dorsal margin but with diminished vigor; ligament internal; chondrophorc, judging by the resilial pit in the right valve, quite narrow but considerably produced; right cardinal tooth rather small; adductor scars rather small, the posterior placed well up under the dorsal margin ; pallial sinus very shallow, pallial line distant from the base. Dimensions. Altitude 4.4 mm., latitude 6 mm., diameter of double valves 2.3 mm. Type Locality. Brightseat, Prince George's County. 718 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY C. percompressa is separated from C. terramaria by the much higher compression of the valves and the fewer and coarser concentric plications. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, ? Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. CORBULA SUBRADIATA n. sp. Plate XLIV, Figs. 9-15 Description. Shell of medium size, rather thin, ovate-trigonal in out- line, moderately inflated, inequilateral, inequivalve, right valve slightly overlapping the left along the posterior half of the base line and the dorsal and posterior lateral margins ; anterior ends of both valves broadly rounded ; posterior end obliquely truncate ; ventral margin arcuate in the right valve and feebly contracted in front of the rostrum, slightly patulous anteriorly in the left valve ; umbones of equal altitude, moderately inflated, flattened upon their summits, incurved, prosogyrate ; posterior keel devel- oped along a line extending from the umbones to the posterior ventral margin, the angulations becoming increasingly acute toward the base; posterior area slightly wider in the right valve than in the left and slightly depressed, obtusely angulated near the dorsal margin of the right valve ; external surface sculptured with fine and irregular concentric undulations which sharpen toward the ventral margin but evanesce toward the umbones and are absent altogether upon the posterior area, excepting near the base ; concentric sculpture overridden by microscopically fine radial striations developed only upon the disk and at the ventral margin of the posterior area ; ligament internal, supported by a laminar chondrophore in the left valve ; resilial pit in the right valve broad and shallow ; cardinal tooth in right valve stout, conical; adductor muscle scars obscure; pallial sinus broad but very shallow. Dimensions. Altitude 4.5 mm., latitude 6.5 mm., maximum diameter of double valves 3.2 mm. Type Locality. Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 719 There are a number of valves of uncertain relationships occurring with C. subradiata and at nearby localities. Their affinities are undoubtedly with subradiata, but whether they are properly referable to the same species, or subspecies or an entirely distinct species, only the collection of further material will establish. They differ from the type in the greater compression of the valves and the consequently more obtuse posterior keel. Some are more sharply sculptured, others less sharply, but there is an aspect of consanguinity about the group that makes it seem probable that they are isolated representatives of an unbroken series. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Brooks estate, near Seat Pleasant, ? McNeys Corners, ? 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Family SAXICAVIDAE Genus PANOPE Menard [Me"m. Nouveau Gen. Coq. Biv., 1807, p. 31] Type. Panope aldrovandi Menard. Shell equivalve, oblong, gaping at both ends; surface smooth or con- centrically furrowed ; ligament external, conspicuous ; a single prominent conical tooth in each valve; pallial sinus deep. A genus that has been in existence since the close of the Cretaceous, cul- minated in the Tertiary and is represented to-day by about a dozen species occurring chiefly in cooler waters. Dall has given the following discussion of the genus : " This well-known genus, after the exclusion of the Saxicavoid species, forms a very natural group, related to the Myacidce on the one hand and to Saxicava on the other. Some pearly forms formerly confounded with it have long been eliminated, and have relations, no doubt, with +ina- tinacea. " T have had the advantage of an opportunity to study several Pacific Coast forms in life and in -their natural surrounding, as well as a very Etymology: Panopea, a sea-nymph. 720 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY large series of our Tertiary species, and also a fair series of most of the recent exotic species. For that reason, perhaps, the following conclusions will have a certain value, which is only derived from a somewhat extended range of observations of the animals themselves. " All boring mollusks in which the shell has so degenerated that it no longer covers the whole adult animal when retracted are more liable to variation in minute details than those in which the valves meet distally, and dynamically influence their own development by fixing for it certain definite limits. This is markedly the case in the present genus. Those shells which live in an easily movable medium, such as sand or fine, soft mud, are thinner, better developed, more elongated and less distorted than their cogeners who are obliged to confine themselves to a gravelly or stony situs. So marked is the difference that 1 have several times been presented with supposed new species based on these dynamic characters, and by a curious reversal of logic, have been assured that the differences must be specific, because the animals inhabited, respectively, the different kinds of ground alluded to. " I have observed, also, that where the ground into which the burrowers retire is a comparatively thin coating over a stony or rocky layer which they cannot pierce, the tendency in Panopea, Mya, etc., is for relatively short and broad shells, with shorter siphons, to survive ; which naturally have a wider, shorter, and more rounded pallial sinus and shorter and more incurved nymphs. I believe the influence of the environment is direct and not selective; at all events, the association of situs and speci- mens so characterized is, as far as I have been able to determine, quite uniform, whether selective or not " In addition to the differences more or less evidently due to situs there is a series of differences which occur among specimens of a single species from apparently the same situs, both in the fossil and recent forms. These include a nearly rectilinear as compared with an arcuate hinge line, and a short as opposed to a long insertion of the ligament. The length of the ligament is perhaps co-ordinated with the heaviness of the valves, but the differences alluded to occur so constantly that I have been led to suspect MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 721 that they might be due in part to differences correlated with sex in this genus.'' Dall, 1895. 1 A. Posterior lateral margin obliquely truncate. 1. Umbones anterior; anterior dorsal margin gently sloping. Panope decisa 2. Umbones subcentral; anterior dorsal margin approximately straight Panope monmouthensis B. Posterior dorsal margin smoothly arcuate Panope bonaspes PANOPE DECISA Conrad Panopcea decisa Conrad, 1853, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. ii, p. 275, pi. xxiv, fig. 19. Panopcea decisa Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 15. Glycymeris decisa Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 727. Panopea decisa Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 181, pi. xxiv, figs. 5-8. Panopea decisa Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 18. Panopea decisa Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 646, pi. Ixxiii, figs. 3, 4. Description. " Oblong, ventricose, concentrically waved or furrowed ; slightly contracted posteriorly; posterior hinge line nearly parallel with the base; posterior margin truncated obliquely inwards; basal margin nearly straight; beaks situated about one-third the shell's length from the anterior margin." Conrad, 1853. TIJJJC Locality. ? Burlington County, New Jersey, or ? Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. " tShell moderately large and ventricose, with moderately large project- ing beaks, which are situated a little nearer the anterior end. widely gaping at the posterior end and closed anteriorly. Anterior extremity rounded, longest below the middle, anterior end truncated, projecting near the cardinal line and receding below. Surface of the shell marked by very strong, broad, concentric undulations most strongly developed on the middle of the valves and becoming nearly obsolete on some specimens both anteriorly and posteriorly. The valves are also often depressed along the posterior umbonal slope, showing a distinct furrow at the bending of the undulations of the surface at this point. 1 Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., vol. iii, pt. iii, p. 827. 722 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY " The internal features of the species are not easily made out from the imperfect casts under examination, the shell having been too fragile to leave the impressions of pallial line or muscular scars so as to be traced with any degree of certainty. The hinge, however, has been considerably thickened and has left the imprint of its features on some of the speci- mens, so that by the use of gutta-percha its features have been fairly shown. There is positive evidence of only a single projecting tooth in each valve, which has been long and incurved." Whitfield, 1885. The shell is represented in the area under discussion only by a single cast collected from along the canal, one of Conrad's original localities. It differs from Panope monmouthensis in the more compressed valves, the more prominent and more anterior umbones and the more oblique anterior dorsal margin. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. Post 105, Chesapeake and Dela- ware Canal, Delaware. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Woodbury clay, Wenonah sand, New Jersey. 31onmouth Formation. Navesink marl, Eed Bank sand, New Jersey. Peedee Formation. North and South Carolina. Eutaw Formation (Tombigbee sand member). Exogyra ponderosa zone, Prentiss County, Mississippi. Eipley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, Warrior County, Georgia; Owl Creek, Tippah County, Mississippi. PANOPE MONMOUTHENSIS n. sp. Plate XLV, Figs. 4, 5 Description. Shell large, subcylindrical in outline, inequilateral, gap- ing posteriorly, apparently closed in front; umbones subcentral, not very prominent; dorsal margins straight; anterior lateral margin broadly rounded, or obscurely truncate, posterior obliquely truncate from the dor- sal margin to the ventral so that the former margin is more produced pos- teriorly than the latter; base line approximately straight and parallel to MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 723 the cardinal margins, rounding smoothly into the anterior lateral margin and more abruptly into the posterior ; external surface undulated concen- trically, rather sharply and regularly in the immediate vicinity of the umbones, broadly and irregularly over the medial portion and more closely toward the ventral and lateral margins ; ligament external, opisthodetic, mounted on a short but very robust nymph; no hinge plate developed, armature restricted to a single cardinal tooth in each valve, the cardinal of the right valve in front of that of the left when interlocked ; characters of muscle scar and pallial line unknown. Dimensions. Altitude 65.6 mm., latitude 100.5 mm., semi-diameter 19 mm. Type Locality. Brightseat, Prince George's County. The form differs from Conrad's decisa in being more compressed, with less prominent, more central umbones and a more constricted anterior dorsal margin. Occurrence. MOXMOUTH FORMATION. John Higgins farm, 2 miles west of Delaware City, Delaware ; ? Cayots Corners, Cecil County ; Bright- seat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, ? McNeys Corners, Prince George's County, Maryland. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Xatural Sciences, Xew Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. PANOPE BONASPES n. sp. Plate XLV, Fig. 2 Description. Shell rather small, elliptical in outline, almost twice as high as wide, moderately and evenly inflated ; umbones compressed ; sub- central, overtopping the dorsal margin; anterior portion of shell sym- metrically rounded, the posterior slightly wider and more broadly arcuate ; base line approximately straight ; external surface sculptured with irregu- lar, concentric corrugations which are most pronounced on the medial dorsal and posterior portions of the shell, evanescing anteriorly and broader and more shallow ventrally; characters of interior of shell not known. 724 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Dimensions. Altitude 26 mm., latitude 49 mm. ; semi-diameter 8 mm. Panope bonaspes is smaller than either of the other Panopece repre- sented within the area under discussion and differs from them both in the smoothly rounded rather than obliquely truncate posterior margin. The species is perhaps the most conspicuous member of the M ago thy bivalve fauna. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Good Hope Hill, District of Columbia. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Superfamily ADESMACEA Family PHOLADIDAE Genus PHOLAS Linne [Systema naturae, ed. x, 1758, p. 669] Type. Pliolas dactylus Linne. Shell thin, brittle, often strengthened externally by accessory plates, elongate, cylindrical, gaping anteriorly; valves reflected at the umbones, the space beneath divided by radial septa into cellular chambers; hinge plate furnished with myophorial process; sculpture not uniform over the surface of the valve; pallial sinus long and deep as would be inferred from the long siphons which are united excepting at the ciliated extremities. The genus has been in existence since the Jurassic. It is represented to-day by about twenty species, all of them burrowers in clay, wood or even rock, and all possessing the property of phosphorescence. PHOLAS PECTOROSA Conrad Plate XLV, Fig. 1 ? t Pholas cithara Morton, 1834, Syn. Org. Rem. Cret. Group, U. S., p. 68, pi. ix, fig. 10. Pholas pectorosa Conrad, 1854, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila. for 1852-53, p. 200. Etymology: 0wXdy, lurking in a hole. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 725 Pholas pectorosa Conrad, 1854, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. ii, p. 299, pi. xxvii, fig. 9. ? f Pholas cithara Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 16. f ? Clavipholas cithara Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 728. ? f Martesia cithara Gabb, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 304. Pholas cithara Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 187, pi. xxv, figs. 14-16. (Synonymy excluded.) Pholas pectorosa Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 18. Pholas cithara Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 651, pi. Ixxiv, fig. 7 (ex parte). Description. " Ovate-cuneate ; anteriorly inflated, contracted in the middle ; posterior side cuneiform ; disk with radiating ribs, largest ante- riorly, and interrupted by concentric furrows; anterior side very short, margin obtusely rounded or subtruncated ; basal margin rounded ante- riorly, contracted medially, straight posteriorly." Conrad, 1854. Type Locality. Tinton Falls, Monmouth County, New Jersey. " Shell triangularly ovate, acutely pointed behind and subtruncate in front. Valves very ventricose, the depth and thickness when united about equal, giving a nearly round section. Anterior umbonal ridge inflated and nearly subangular in some cases, always sharply rounded, and the anterior surface somewhat flattened or but little convex. Central region of the valves sulcated obliquely, more or less constricting the front margin at about or just behind the center. Hinge line straight, deeply sunken betwen the large, inflated and enrolled approximate beaks. Surface of the shell marked by strong radiating ribs, numerous but somewhat irregular posterior to the umbonal angle, but few and distant in front; also by comparatively strong concentric ridges, which are distinctly deflected at the mesial sulcus and pass obliquely upward in front of it. These concentric ridges form flattened nodes of the radiating ribs by crossing them on the anterior part of the shell. " I have seen several casts of this species, and noticed considerable variation in their characters, especially in the strength of the surface markings, in the form of the anterior end, and in the strength of the mesial sulcus of the valves, and especially in the strength and character of a sometimes deeply impressed but narrow line marking the bottom of the sulcus and dividing the anterior and posterior sections of the shell, it 726 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY being in some instances almost obsolete. Mr. Morton's type specimen, which I have not seen, seems to have been very small, and to have had the anterior end rounded from below, while Mr. Conrad's type of P. pectorosa is full and round below and sloping above, while a cast of a single valve which is figured appears to have been quite sharply truncate in front and angular on the umbonal ridge. There is also much difference in the pro- portional strength of the two sets of ribs in the different examples."- Whitfield, 1885. Morton's type of P. cithara has, apparently, been lost and his descrip- tion is so meager and his figure so inadequate that it is impossible to deter- mine with absolute assurance its relationship to the P. pectorosa of Con- rad. Conrad's type now in the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences is from the Monmouth at Tinton Falls, New Jersey, and there is no doubt whatever about the specific identity of this form and the casts from the Monmouth of Prince George's County. It seems not at all improbable, though by no means established, that Conrad's species is distinct from Morton's and possibly its descendant, since in Xew Jersey and Maryland the former is restricted apparently to the Monmouth, the latter to the Matawan. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Outside Distribution. Monmouth Formation. Tinton beds, New Jersey. Ripley Formation. Exogyra costata zone, ? Chickasaw, ? Union, and ? Tippah counties, Mississippi. Genus MARTESIA Leach [Blainville, Man. Mai., vol. i, 1825, p. 632] Type. Pholas clavata Lamarck = Pliolas striata Linne. Shell ovate-oblong, cuneiform, strengthened by three accessory plates; young forms gaping anteriorly; valves closed at the completion of the burrow with a calcareous septa or " callum " ; surface deeply sculptured by a single radial sulcus. Etymology: Unknown. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 727 The genus has been reported from deposits as early as the Carboniferous. The customary habitat of the present day species is in burrows excavated in the floating timber and driftwood of the warm and temperate seas. MARTESIA CRETACEA Gabb Pholas cretacea Gabb, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, p. 393, pi. Ixviii, fig. 18. Pholas cretacea Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 16. Pholas ? cretacea Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 728. Martesia cretacea Gabb, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 304. Martesia (Pholas) cretacea Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 190, pi. xxv, figs. 20-23. Pholas cretacea Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 18. Martesia cretacea Johnson, 1905, Ibidem, p. 18. Martesia cretacea Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 654, pi. Ixxiv, figs. 8-11. Description. " Tube conical, rounded at the widest end, surface marked by oblique lines ; shell ( ?) ." Gabb, 1860. Type Locality. Earitari Bay, Xew Jersey. " Shell small, subhemispherical in front, cuneate behind, the beaks strongly incurved, umbones prominent. The anterior margin rounding regularly from the anterior extremity of the hinge line into the straight basal margin, posterior margin subtruncate, post-cardinal margin sloping backward from the posterior extremity of the hinge line. Surface of each valve marked by a deep, narrow groove extending from the beak obliquely backward to the ventral margin which it meets in front of the middle of the shell; in most individuals a second groove close to and parallel with the first, but a little wider and shallower, is introduced a short distance below the beak and continues to the margin. The anterior region of the shell is marked by fine costas which bend abruptly upward in front of the oblique grooves, continuing to above the middle of the shell, where they make a nearly rectangular turn and continue in a horizontal direction to the anterior margin, surrounding two sides of, and sharply differentiating, a smooth, triangular, slightly raised area in the antero-ventral region of each valve. The posterior region of the shell is marked by broader rounded costae, parallel with the margin of the valves. 728 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY " The dimensions of a specimen of average size are : Length 7 mm. , height 4.5 mm., greatest thickness 4.8 mm. " The name Pholas cretacea was originally applied to a group of casts of the tubes of one of the Pholadidce, without any knowledge of the shell characters. At a later date the original author of the species described a single individual of a shell and referred it to the same species as the pre- viously described tubes, ' because it is of about the proper size to form such tubes.' In themselves, the tubes of this group of pelecypods posses? no characters which can be used for specific determination, and conse- quently the species Pholas cretacea, afterwards referred to the genus Martesia, may be considered as founded upon the shell described by Gabb. Whit-field has illustrated Gabb's specimen and redescribed it, but he saw no additional specimens. In the recent collections of the Survey, fifty 01 more individuals of this species have been observed in a fragment of fossil wood from 1 to 1 in. in diameter and 8 in. long. The entire surface of this wood is filled with the burrows of this species, and in each burrow is a well preserved shell or the internal cast of a shell. These specimens show some variation in several characters, but a comparison with Gabb's type of M. cretacea has shown them to be not essentially different from that species. Some of the examples are shorter than usual and conse- quently taper more abruptly to the posterior extremity than the average form, but the most important variation is the presence or absence of the supplementary oblique furrow in front of the primary one extending from the beak to the ventral margin. In the majority of individuals this furroAV is present and its absence is more apt to be a feature of the smaller and presumably the younger shells. In a few specimens of nearly maxi- mum size this furrow is nearly obsolete, being noticeable only near the ventral margin, and in one specimen it is absent from one valve, although faintly indicated on the other." Weller, 1907. The species has a doubtful representation within the Delaware-Maryland area. A single somewhat distorted tube referred tentatively to this species was collected along the canal. A cast of the interior with frag- ments of the substance still adhering has even more dubious affinities. The surface characters are apparently very similar to those of M. cretacea, MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 729 but the valves are smaller and so much more compressed that it seems hardly probable that the limits of variation even in Martesia are wide enough to include both forms. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. ? Marl pit near Post 236, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. MONMOUTH FORMATION. ? Brightseat, Prince George's County, Maryland. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, Marshalltown clay marl, New Jersey. Family TEREDINIDAE Genus TEREDO Linne [Systema Naturae, ed. x, 1758, p. 651] Type. Teredo navalis Linne. Shell much reduced ; valves trilobed, widely gaping anteriorly and pos- teriorly; surface concentrically striated; hinge margin reflected, edentu- lous; spoon-shaped process projecting from interior of hinge for attach- ment of pedal muscle; anterior adductor degenerate; pallial line coincident with the margins of the valves. The recent representatives of the species, the so-called ship-worms, have been notorious since the days of the Roman Empire. To-day they occur in the temperate and tropical seas in numbers sufficient to endanger all sub- marine wooden constructions, whether ships, wharves, piers, bridges, piles or dikes. Protection is gained only by metal sheathing or by treatment Avith creosote. The genus has a long pedigree. Certain burrows from the Carbonifer- ous have been referred doubtfully to the Teredo, and there is no question that it existed in the Mesozoic. A. Posterior extremity of shell lobate dorsally; tubes circular in cross- section Teredo irregularis B. Posterior extremity of shell slightly produced dorsally but not lobate; tubes lenticular in cross-section Teredo rhombica Etymology: Teredo, a name given by Pliny to a worm that gnaws wood. 730 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY TEREDO IRREGULARIS Gabb Teredo tibialis Morton, 1834, Syn. Org. Rem. Cret. Group U. S., p. 68 (ex parte) . Teredo irregularis Gabb, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, p. 393, pi. Ixviii, fig. 19. Teredo contorta Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Jur., p. 16. Teredo irregularis Meek, 1864, Ibidem. Teredo contorta Conrad, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 727. Teredo irregularis Conrad, 1868, Ibidem. Teredo irregularis Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 191, pi. xxv, figs. 18, 19. Teredo irregularis Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 18. Teredo contorta Johnson, 1905, Ibidem. Teredo irregularis Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 656, pi. Ixxiv, figs. 1-3. Description. " Tube irregular, tortuous, dilated in places and some- times transversely wrinkled. Shell twice as large as that of T. tibialis, more abruptly truncate anteriorly." Gabb, I860. Type Locality. ? New Jersey. " Tubes as shown by their casts gregarious, exceedingly tortuous and contorted, sometimes annulated, increasing gradually in size from their point of origin, the larger ones reaching a diameter of 10 mm. or more. Shell subglobular, cordate in outline from in front, the beaks a little in front of the middle of the hinge line, widely gaping behind and open in front ; the postero-cardinal extremity somewhat produced in a rounded lobe. Anterior margin rounding from the hinge line above into the upper margin of the large, deep, subrectangular, antero-basal hiatus which reaches above the mid-height of the shell ; basal margin short ; posterior margin obliquely subtruncate below, bent abruptly backward near the hinge line and continuing around the postero-cardinal lobe of the shell. Valves ventricose, the beaks prominent, much elevated above the hinge line and strongly incurved or enrolled ; the surface curving steeply towards the antero-cardinal extremity and then deflected shortly before reaching the margin, curving less abruptly to the postero-cardinal extremity. In the casts a very deep and prominent furrow passes from the hinge line just back of the beaks to the posterior margin just below the post-cardinal lobe MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 731 of the shell ; another faint groove, which is less conspicuous upon the larger individuals, crosses the post-umbonal slope in a nearly vertical direction from the lower margin of the deep groove already described behind the beaks to the posterior extremity of the basal margin; surface of the anterior half of the shell, as shown in impressions of the exterior, marked by exceedingly fine, regular, concentric striae, parallel with the shell margin, twenty or more of which occupy the space of 1 mm. These stria? towards the antero-cardinal extremity are crossed by finer radiating stria?, which produce an exceedingly fine reticulate pattern upon the shell sur- face. Markings of the posterior half of the shell unknown. " Casts of the irregular burrows of this species are sometimes of com- mon occurrence in the Merchantville clay, penetrating masses of fossil wood, and on tracing these burrows to their termination casts of the shell can usually be found, sometimes in excellent condition. Some masses of the tubes are all much smaller than those in other masses, but all the tubes in one group are usually of approximately the same dimensions. It was at first thought possible that the different sized tubes indicated different species, but the shells are all essentially the same, whether from large or small tubes, in all masses observed in the Merchantville clay marl. A mass of essentially identical tubes has been found in the Marshalltown clay marl, however, associated with many individuals of Martesia bisulcaia, which have a very different shell, described in this report as Turnus kiimmeli. Other similar tubes occur sometimes in the Navesink marl, but the accompanying shells have not been observed. These tubes, however, seem to be straighter and they probably belong to another species. '' The type specimen of T. irregularis is without data as to locality or horizon, and the description of the shell itself is too meager to be of any use in identification. Inasmuch, however, as the Merchantville clay marl is the horizon where burrows of this sort most frequently occur, and as Gabb described numerous fossils from this horizon in Burlington County, Xew Jersey, it is altogether probable that the type specimen is specifically identical with the shell here described. " Morton evidently applied the name Teredo tibialis to all the Teredo- like tubes he found in New Jersey, but the name is still retained for the 48 732 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY tubes like those which he illustrated, Avhich are found only in the Vincen- town limesand. The specimens which he referred to from 'the friable marls ' which are preserved as ' casts in lignite ' were in all probability representatives of the species T. irregularis. " The type of Teredo contorta Gabb, which is preserved in the collection of the Philadelphia Academy of Science, has been carefully compared with the recently collected examples which are here referred to T. irregularis, and there can be no doubt as to their specific identity ; it also is without doubt a Merchantville clay marl specimen, and it is safe to conclude that it is a synonym of T. irregularis:'' Weller, 1907. The species is represented in Maryland only by a few fragmentary tubes, the largest of them embedded in a mass of wood from near Post 218 on the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. Post 218, Chesapeake and Dela- ware Canal, Delaware ; Ulmstead Point, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, New Jersey Geological Survey. Outside Distribution. Matawan Formation. Merchantville clay marl, New Jersey. TEREDO RHOMBICA n. sp. Plate XLV, Pig. 3 Description. Shell composed of two small plates gaping widely at both extremities, feebly convex and rhombic in outline ; umbones small, rounded, inconspicuous, not overtopping the dorsal margin; anterior dorsal margin horizontal, approximately parallel to the base, slightly pro- duced behind; posterior dorsal margin oblique, diverging from the ante- rior at an angle of not far from 140, merging smoothly into the trun- cated lateral margin; posterior lateral margin obliquely truncate, pro- duced but not lobate at the dorsal extremity; base line straight, less abruptly upcurved behind than in front ; posterior area differentiated by a linear sulcus dropped from the umbones to the posterior ventral margin ; incremental sculpture in front of the diagonal feeble and irregular, behind it sharp and minutely laminar, the dorsal edges free and closely MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 733 and regularly overlapping ; ligament obsolete ; hinge margin reflected, edentulous; produced under the umbones into a minute linguiform process for the support of the pedal muscle ; characters of interior obscure ; tubes compressed, corrugated, lenticular in cross-section. Dimensions. Altitude 5 mm., latitude 3.2 mm., maximum diameter 4 mm. The valves are separated from those of the co-existent Teredo irregularis Gabb by the non-lobate posterior dorsal extremity, while the tubes differ from the irregular cylindrical tubes of Gabb's species in being compressed and corrugated. Occurrence. MoNMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. 734 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY MOLLUSCOIDEA CLASS BRACHIOPODA order TELOTREMATA Superfamily TEREBRATULACEA Family TEREBRATULIDAE Genus TEREBRATULA Miiller (Ruckman emend.) TEREBRATULA HARLANI Morton. Plate XLVII, Figs. 1-5 Terebratula harlani Morton, 1829, Am. Jour. Sci., 1st ser., vol. xvii, p. 283; vol. xviii, p. 250, pi. iii, fig. 16. Terebratula harlani Morton, 1827, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1st ser., vol. vi, p. 73, pi. iii, figs. 1-7. Terebratula perovalis Morton, 1827, Ibidem, p. 77, pi. iii, figs. 7, 8. (Not T. perovalis Sowerby.) Terebratula harlani Morton, 1834, Syn. Org. Rem. Cret. Group, U. S., p. 70, pi. iii, fig. 1, pi. ix. Terebratula Camilla Morton, 1834, Ibidem, p. 70. Terebratula harlani Marcou, 1853, Expl. Text to Geol. Map U. S. and Brit- ish Provinces of N. A., p. 47, pi. vii, fig. 8. Terebratula harlani Gabb, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., for 1861, p. 18. Terebratula harlani Cook, 1868, Cook's Geol. of New Jersey, p. 375, text figs. Terebratula harlani Conrad, 1868, Ibidem, p. 723. Terebratula harlani Credner, 1870, Zeitsch. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell., vol. xxii, p. 221. Terebratula harlani Whitfield, 1885, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ix, p. 6, pi. i, figs. 15-23. Terebratula gorbyi Miller, 1892, 17th Ann. Kept. Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. Indiana, p. 687, pi. xiii, figs. 3, 4. Terebratula harlani Bagg, 1898, Am. Geol., vol. xxiii, p. 370. Terebratula harlani Clark and Martin, 1901, Maryland Geol. Survey, Eocene, p. 204, pi. Iviii, figs. 2, 3. Terebratula harlani Johnson, 1905, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 6. Terebratula harlani Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 357, pi. xxviii, figs. 1-8. Description. " Shell large, about twice as long as broad, sides straight and imperfectly parallel; upper valve plano-convex, obscurely biplicated except near the margin, which has three inconsiderable sinuses; lower MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 735 valve very convex, with a longitudinal ridge and slight lateral depres- sions; beak incurved; umbo prominent." Morton, 1829. " Shell large, the dimensions of a large individual being : Length 59 mm., width 36 mm., thickness 36 mm. ; elongate oval in outline with sub- parallel sides, often becoming more or les cylindrical in old specimens ; the front margin more or less truncated, sometimes bilobate from a flattening or lobing of the valves anteriorly. Pedicle valve very ventricose, becoming almost gibbous in old individuals, the beak large, strong, incurved, trun- cated at the apex by the large foramen whose diameter is greater externally than within, the truncation in full-grown shells being parallel with the axis of the valves; lateral margins of the beak subangular; the median portion of the valve often flattened or somewhat concave toward the front and the lateral slopes sometimes impressed. Brachial valve much less convex than the pedicle, the beak small and strongly incurved ; the median portion of this valve flattened or concave anteriorly, the flattened portion being bounded on each side by a more or less distinct angular ridge which separates it from, the lateral slope, this feature often being exaggerated to so great an extent as to give the anterior half of the shell a decidedly plicate apearance ; internally the crura are slender near the junction with the valve, and expand rapidly to form a broad loop from 8 mm. to 15 mm. in length, with the width more than two-thirds of the length, the loop sharply angular at the points of recurvature. Surface of both valves marked by numerous lines of growth which are often crowded towards the front of old specimens so as to form distinct varices. Shell substance finely punctate, the punctae usually visible under a hand lens, always more dis- tinctly seen upon exfoliated surfaces. " Eemarks. This species is perhaps the largest Terebratuloid shell known in any of the American faunas, and at the horizons where it is found in the Cretaceous formations of New Jersey it usually occurs in great numbers. It usually forms a very constant bed at the summit of the Hornerstown marl where, through several feet of sediments, the shells occur almost to the exclusion of everything else. The species also occurs in the quartz sand facies of the Vincentown formation, sometimes in great numbers, but always in the form of internal casts." Weller, 1907. 736 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY The young are much broader relatively than the adults. Xone of the Maryland individuals that have come under observation exhibit the strong radial plication which characterizes the variety fragilis. There is scarcely an individual which is less feebly plicate than Morton's type of T. harlnni. sensu stricto. The species occurs associated with the Eocene, and quite a little litera- ture has grown up around the question of whether or not the species is reworked. Occurrence. RANCOCAS FORMATION. Drawyer Creek, near Odessa, south side of Appoquinimink Creek between Odessa and mill-dam, Noxonville, Noxontown Millpond, Delaware: head of Sassafras River on Jackson farm and Jacobs farm, Maryland. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. CLASS BRYOZOA order CYCLOSTOMATA ' Family DIASTOPORIDAE Genus STOMATOPORA 1 Bronn STOMATOPOKA REGULARIS Gabb and Horn Plate XLVI, Fig. 11 Stomatopora regularis Gabb and Horn, 1862, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., (2) vol. v, p. 172, pi. xxi, fig. 63. Stomatopora regularis Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 313, pi. xx, figs. 1-3. Alecto regularis Meek, 1864, Check List Inv. Fossils, N. A., Cret. and Juras- sic, p. 4. Description. " Zoarium encrusting, ramose, the branches filiform and usually very regular, from 0.4 mm. to 0.6 mm. in width, the surface slightly convex, the sides sloping gently towards the lateral margins, rarely or never abrupt. Zocecia regular in shape, usually a little wider just behind the aperture and the sides converging slightly posteriorly, this difference in width, however, is frequently scarcely noticeable and is never sufficient to sharply separate the successive zocecia from each other. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 737 Zocecial apertures circular, tubular and inclined a little forward in unworn specimens.''" Weller. The type specimens were obtained from the Vincentown limesand of the Eancocas formation of New Jersey, where the species occurs quite abundantly. Occurrence. EANCOCAS FORMATION. South side of Appoquinimink Creek between mill-dam and Odessa, and at Xoxontown Millpond, Dela- ware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. STOMATOPORA KUMMELI Ulrich and Bassler Plate XLVI, Fig. 10 Stomatopora kiimmeU Ulrich and Bassler, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jer- sey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 314, pi. xx, fig. 4. Description. Zoarium encrusting, ramose, the branches very fine and delicate, from 0.15 mm. to 0.2 mm. in width, the surface transversely convex, the slope from center to lateral margins never abrupt. Zooecia regular in form, scarcely differentiated, although the sides converge slightly posteriorly. ZocEcial apertures circular, in unworn specimens, with the rim slightly elevated and inclined a little forward. This species is a very close ally of S. regularis, but may be distinguished from that species by its more delicate growth and smaller zooecia. Occurrence. EANCOCAS FORMATION. Noxontown Millpond, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Genus BERENICEA Lamarck BERENICEA AMERICAINA Ulrich and Bassler Plate XLVI, Fig. 14 Berenlcea americana, Ulrich and Bassler, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 315, pi. xx, fig. 7. Description. Zoarium encrusting, growing in more or less irregular patches upon the surfaces of other bryozoa. Zooecia contiguously arranged in more or less regular spreading series, each zoo2cium about 0.5 mm. in 738 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY length and from 0.1 mm. to 0.13 mm. in width, the lateral boundaries sharply defined by impressed grooves, the surface gently convex trans- versely. Zoeficial apertures nearly terminal, circular, a little narrower than the zocecia, directed slightly forward, with a slightly elevated rim- like bordjer. This species cannot be confused with any associated bryozoa, the other American species of the genus being mainly of Ordovician age. The species is particularly characterized by its small, narrow, elongate zooecia, with each zocecium sharply marked laterally. Occurrence. RANCOCAS FORMATION. ISToxontown Millpond, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Family 1DMONEIDAE Genus CRISINA d'Orbigny CRISINA STRIATOPORA Ulrich and Bassler Plate XL VI, Fig. 15 Crisina striatopora Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Survey, Mio- cene, p. 406, pi. cxvii, figs. 1-4. Crisina striatopora, Ulrich and Bassler, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 319, pi. xxi, figs. 15-18. Description. Zoarium. erect, ramose, probably not exceeding 1 cm. in height, dividing dichotomously at intervals of about 1.5 mm.; branches subovate in cross-section, thickest uniformly convex and traversed longi- tudinally by from sixteen to twenty punctate strire on the reverse side, narrower and carrying alternating series of zococial apertures on the obverse side. Zooecial apertures rarely three, usually four in each series, in contact laterally, the inner one of each series largest, most prominent and subcircular, the outer one smallest, drawn out distally and apparently grading into the pores lying between the longitudinal ridges of the reverse side. Series of zocecia curving first forward then slightly back- ward, separated by a deep interspace averaging about 0.2 mm. in width ; about five rows in 2 mm. Over the basal part of the zoarium the zocecial apertures are covered one after the other by the growth of the striato- punctate dorsal integument. MAKYLAXD GEOLOGICAL SUEVEY 739 The type specimens were obtained from the Miocene of Maryland, but apparently the same species occurs rather rarely in the Vincentown lime- sand of the Upper Cretaceous at Vincentown, New Jersey. Occurrence. RANCOCAS FORMATION. South side of Appoquinimink Creek between mill-dam and Odessa, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Family FASCIGERIDAE Genus FILIFASCIGERA d'Orbigny FILIFASCIGERA MEG^RA (Lonsdale) Plate XLVI, Fig. 12 Tululipora megcera Lonsdale, 1845, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., London, I, p. 69, figs, a, b. Filifascigera megcera Gabb and Horn, 1862, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., (2) vol. v, p. 165, pi. xxi, fig. 53. Filifascigera megcera Ulrich, 1896, Zittel-Eastman, Textbook Pal., vol. i, p. 263, fig. 421. Filifascigera megcera Ulrich and Bassler, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jer- sey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 325, pi. xxii, figs. 12-15. Filifascigera megwra Ulrich, 1913, Zittel-Eastman, Textbook Pal., vol. i, p. 332, fig. 451. Description. The encrusting zoarium of this species may very readily be recognized from all cyclostomatous bryozoa by the fasciculate zoce- cia, arranged in groups of from two to five, arising from the center of the broadest portions of the zoarium. This is a common and characteristic species of the Vincentown lime- sand in New Jersey and Delaware. Occurrence. EANCOCAS FORMATION. Noxontown Millpond, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Family L1CHENOPORIDAE Genus LICHENOPORA Defrance. LICHEXOPORA PAPYRACEA (d'Orbigny) Plate XLVI, Fig. 13 Unitubigera papyracea D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. Franc., Terr. Cret. Tom. 5, p. 761, pi. 643, figs. 12-14. Lichenopora papyracea Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 27, pi. xxii, fig. 20. 740 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Description. The small encrusting subcircular colonies of this species with a maximum diameter of 4 mm. readily separates this form from all other associated species. Occurrence. KANCOCAS FORMATION. Noxontown Millpond, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Order CHI LOSTOM ATA Family MEMBRANIPORIDAE Genus MEMBRANIPORA Rl.-iinville MEMBRANIPORA ANNULOIDEA Ulrich and Bassler Plate XLVI, Fig. 3 Membranipora annuloidea Ulrich and Bassler, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 335, pi. xxiii, fig. 16. Description. Zoarium encrusting. Zocecia from 0.5 mm. to- 0.65 mm. in length, their width about three-fourths their length, more or less hex- agonal in outline, sharply defined by depressed furrows. Zocecial aper- tures about 0.2 mm. in length, subovate in outline, surrounded by a rather broad, somewhat elevated, rounded marginal rim which is marked by a series of from ten to thirteen small subcircular pits with raised borders. Ovicells variable in their distribution, either abundant or much scattered, usually a little broader than long with the side next the zooscial aperture somewhat flattened, about 0.15 mm. in width. When worn, the marginal ring of pits about the zocecial apertures is more or less obscure and sometimes wanting entirely. The species some- what resembles the Italian Tertiary species M. annulus Manzoni, but differs in having more rounded zocecia and more numerous pores. Occurrence. EANCOCAS FORMATION. Noxontown Millpond, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Genus AMPHIBLESTRUM Gray AMPUIBLESTTIUM IIETEKOPORA (Gabb and Horn) Plate XLVI, Figs. 5, 6 Reptoflustrella f heteropora Gabb and Horn, 1862, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila. (2), vol. v, p. 162, pi. ii, flg. 50. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 741 Reptoflustrella ? heteropora Ulrich, 1901, Maryland Geol. Survey, Eocene, p. 213, pi. Ix, figs. 8, 9. Amphiblestrum heteropora Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, 1907, p. 333, pi. xxiii, figs. 14-16. Description. Zoarium encrusting in irregular patches, usually grow- ing upon other species of bryozoa. Zooecia in a single layer, usually arranged with but little regularity, but sometimes exhibiting a tendency to grow in radiating lines, longer than wide, pointed in front, broadly subtruncate behind; aperture about 0.15 mm. in width, subtriangular in outline with convex sides, often approaching an oval form in very long zocecia ; bordered anteriorly and laterally by a slightly elevated, rounded ridge which becomes obsolete posteriorly. Just in front of the anterior angle of the zocecial aperture is a small subcircular pore, probably the point of attachment of an avicularium. Posterior portion of the zocecia covered with a regularly convex, smooth wall, which in old zoaria is con- tinued over the entire surface, totally obliterating the aperture. Not uncommon in the Vincentown limesand at Vincentown, Mullica Hill and Timber Creek, New Jersey, and at Noxontown Millpond, Dela- ware. Bare in the Eocene (Aquia) at Upper Marlboro, Maryland. Occurrence. EANCOCAS FORMATION. Noxontown Millpond, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Genus ESCHAR1NELLA d'Orbigny ESCHARINELLA ?? ALTiMURALis Ulrich and Bassler Plate XLVI, Fig. 7 Escharinella altimuralis Ulrich and Bassler, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jer- sey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 339, pi. xxiv, figs. 9, 10. Description. This very characteristic species may be readily distin- guished by its suborbicular zocecia averaging 0.5 mm. in length with their extremely thin Avails and with a very large subelliptical avicularium at each zocecial angle. The generic placement in Escharinella is entirely provisional until this group of species can be thoroughly studied. This is an abundant species in the Vincentown limesand at Vincen- town, New Jersey. Occurrence. RANCOCAS FORMATION. Noxontown Millpond, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. 742 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Family CRIBRILINIDAE Genus CRIBRILINA Gray CEIBRILINA SAGENA (Morton) Weller Plate XLVI, Figs. 1, 2 Flustra sagena Morton, 1834, Syn. Org. Rem. Cret. Group, N. A., p. 79, pi. xii, fig. 7. Escharina ? sagena Lonsdale, 1845, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., London, I, p. Ixxi, figs. a-c. PliopMcca sagena Gabb and Horn, 1862, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila. (2), vol. v, p. 150, pi. xx, fig. 34. Cribrilina sagena Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey, of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 34, pi. xxiv, figs. 11, 12. Description. Zoariuni consisting of rather broad, irregularly branch- ing, more or less tortuous plates composed of several layers of zocecia superimposed one upon another. Zooecia in close contact all around, elongate-subelliptical or subquadrangular in outline; from 0.3 mm. to 0.4 mm. in length, the width usually about one-half the length, arranged more or less regularly in longitudinal lines and in quincunx. Zocecial apertures terminal, small, 0.1 mm. or less in diameter, subcircular or sub- quadrate in outline ; back of the aperture the outer surface of the zocecia is covered by a thin, nearly flat or slightly convex wall, which is marked by about sixteen straight rows of fine perforations, which extend inward from and at right angles to the margin of the zocecium. Avicularia small, subcircular or subelliptical in outline, two in number for each zocecium, situated one on either side of the zocecial aperture. Ovicells scattered irregularly over the surface of the zoarium, usually not abundant ; they are smooth, dome-shaped bodies, considerably larger than the zocecial apertures just above which they are always situated." Weller, 1907. This species is very abundant in the Yincentown limesand at Vincen- town, Mullica Hill and Timber Creek, Xew Jersey, but not so abundant at ISToxontown Millpond, Delaware. Occurrence. RANCOCAS FORMATION. ISfoxontown Millpond, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 743 Genus MEMBRANIPORELLA Smitt MEMBRANIPORELLA ABBOTT: (Gabb and Horn) Weller Plate XLVI, Fig. 4 Escharipora abbottii Gabb and Horn, 1862, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila. (2), vol. v, p. 149, pi. xx, fig. 33. ReptescJiaripora marginata Gabb and Horn, 1862, Ibidem, p. 151, pi. ii, fig. 35. Membraniporella abbotti Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 342, pi. xxiv, fig. 13, 14. Description. " Zoarium encrusting or growing in bifoliate plates. Zooecia elongate-subelliptical or subhexagonal in outline, usually arranged in more or less regular longitudinal series and in quincunx, about 0.5 mm. in length, the length about twice the width. Zooecial apertures subcir- cular or subquadrate with rounded angles, sometimes rounded in front and truncate posteriorly; they are situated anteriorly and occupy about one-third of the length of the zocecium ; back of the aperture the surface is covered by a thin, flat or slightly convex wall slightly depressed below the zocecial margin, which is marked by about fourteen or fifteen lateral grooves radiately arranged posteriorly, leaving a narrow, smooth area along the median line, these grooves are either slit-like openings through the wall or they are pierced by lines of pores, it cannot be determined which from the specimens observed. Avicularia usually two to each zooecium ; subovate in outline and situated one on each side of the zooecial aperture, from the lateral margins of which they are directed obliquely outward and backward. Ovicells present or absent, subglobular in form, situated just in front of the zocecial apertures." Weller, 1907. Occurrence. KANCOCAS FORMATION. Noxontown Millpond, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Family ESCHARIDAE Genus MUCRONELLA Hincks MTCRONELLA ASPERA Ulricli Plate XLVI, Figs. 8, 9 Mucronella aspera Ulrich, 1901, Maryland Geol. Survey, Eocene, p. 221, pi. Ix, figs. 17, 18. 744 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Description. " Zoarium encrusting, consisting of one or more layers ; surface under a low power of magnification presenting a decidedly rough aspect. Zocecia varying from ovate-hexagonal to subrhomboidal, indis- tinct externally, arranged more or less irregularly, though the rows are more regular than may appear at first sight ; about six in 2 mm. Aper- tures rounded or subquadrate, 0.13 mm. in diameter, rendered oblique by the elevation of the more or less strongly swollen posterior margin and the depression of the anterior part. The central portion of the raised lip forms a " mucro " of greater or less thickness and prominence, the same hiding a minute central tooth beneath it, and forming with the rest of the thickened portion of the lip a more or less obscure resemblance to the figure W. Behind the lip, the surface slopes rapidly and in the most nearly perfect example is granulose. In the depressed space in front of the aperture there are, normally, three small raised avicularia (? vibracula), while a few larger avicularia, differing further from the others in being divided into two unequal parts by a cross-bar, are scattered without order among the zocecia. Ocecia are not often seen. When present they occupy the depressed space in front of the aperture, are cucullate, about as large as the zocecial aperture, and usually bear a furrow running from the summit to the concave edge." Ulrich, 1901. The encrusting zoarium, mucronate aperture, and the small raised avicularia will serve for the recognition of this species. This species is not uncommon in the Vincentown limesand of the Upper Cretaceous at Vincentown, New Jersey. Common at the same horizon in Delaware. The species also occurs rarely in the Lower Eocene (Aquia) at Upper Marlboro, Maryland. Occurrence. RANCOCAS FOEMATION. South side of Appoquinimink Creek between mill-dam and Odessa, and at Noxontown Millpond, Dela- ware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 745 Family HIPPOTHOIDAE Genus HIPPOTHOA Lamouroux HIPPOTHOA TENUICHORDA (Ulrich and Bassler) Plate XL VI, Fig. 16 Stomatopora tenuichorda Ulrich and Bassler, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 314, pi. xx, figs. 5, 6. Corynotrypa tenuichorda Bassler, 1911, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. xxxix, p. 513, fig. 11. Description. " Zoarium adnate, frequently branching, consisting of uniserially arranged zooecia. Zocecia elongate-pyriform, or club-shaped, 0.45 mm. to 0.75 mm. in length, about 0.02 mm. in width at the posterior extremity, increasing very gradually in size through about one-half their length, and then somewhat abruptly to about 0.15 mm. at the rounded anterior end. Zooecial aperture nearly terminal, small, circular, with a slightly elevated, rim-like border, from 0.035 mm. to 0.05 mm. in diam- eter." Ulrich and Bassler, 1907. This neat little species was at first thought to belong to the Cycloslo- mata, although its relationship to Hippothoa was noted under the remarks in the original description. Further study has shown that in all proba- bility the species is actually one of the genus Hippothoa. Occurrence. EANCOCAS FORMATION. Noxontown Millpond, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. VERMES CLASS ANNELIDA Order POLOCHAETA Suborder TUBICOLA Family SERPULIDAE Genus SERPULA Linne [Systema Naturae, ed. x, 1758, p. 786] Type. Serpula seminulum Linne. Solitary or gregarious tubi colons annelids; tubes free or adherent, usually more or less contorted or convoluted. Etymology: Serpula, serpent. 746 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY The genus has been reported from strata as early as the Silurian. In the Purbeck beds of northwest Germany one member of the genus Serpula attains considerable importance as a rock-builder. Eecent Serpulce are world-wide in distribution. The classification of the fossil annelids is of necessity in a lamentable state, since only the most superficial characters are available for determin- ing the identity of species. In many cases it is impossible to tell whether the tube in question was secreted by a worm or a mollusc, although, as a rule, the latter can be isolated by the presence of internal septse and of only two instead of three constituent layers of shell substance. However, it is highly probable that a large number of tubes have been referred to this group which are properly referable to the tube-secreting univalves. A. Tubes free; subcircular in cross-section Serpula whitfieldi B. Tubes adherent; tubes triangular in cross-section Serpula trigonalis SERPULA WHITFIELUI Weller Diplpconcha (Serpulaf) cretacea ? Whitfield, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xviii, p. 170, pi. xx, fig. 25. (Not Diploconcha cretacea Conrad.) Serpula whitfieldi Weller, 1907, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, Pal., vol. iv, p. 308, pi. xix, fig. 2. Description. " Tubes irregularly arcuate, slightly flexuose, increasing in diameter very gradually; surface of shell lamellose where partially exfoliated, in cross-section appearing to be made up of concentric lamellae. The dimensions of the largest tube observed are : Total length 70 mm., maximum diameter 6.5 mm." Weller, 1907. Type Locality. Crosswicks Creek, New Jersey. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survej^, Columbia University. Outside Distribution. Monmouth Formation. Navesink marl, New Jersey. SERPULA TEIGOXALIS n. sp. Plate XLVII, Fig. 15 Description. Tubes of two layers, recumbent, contorted, adherent in che type to the inner surface of a bivalve ; tapering from a fine cord to a mere thread, cross-section slightly ovate, medial carina developed along MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 747 the entire length of the tube, increasing slightly in prominence with the growth of the shell; external sculpture absent, excepting for fine incre- mental corrugations ; no trace of internal laminas detected. Dimensions. Longitude when straightened 23 mm., maximum diam- eter 2.02 mm., minimum diameter 0.04 mm. Occurrence. KANCOCAS FORMATION. Noxontown Millpond, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Genus HAMULUS Morton [Morton, Syn. Org. Rem. Cret. Group, 1834, p. 73] Type. Hamulus onyx Morton. "Tubular, regular, involuted; volutions distinct; aperture circular." Morton, 1834. A solitary form characterized by a falcate or involuted and frequently alate tube, closed at the smaller end. The genus is apparently confined to the Cretaceous. HAMULUS ONYX Morton. Hamulus onyx Morton, 1834, Syn. Org. Rem. Cret. Group, p. 73, ? pi. ii, fig. 8; pi. xvi, fig. 5. Hamulus onyx Gabb, 1859, Cat. Inv. Fossils, Cret. Form., U. S. p. 1. Hamulus squamosus Gabb, 1859, Ibidem, U. S. p. 1. Hamulus squamosus Gabb, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d ser., vol. iv, p. 398, pi. Ixviii, fig. 45. Description. " With six elevated, angular, longitudinal ribs extending from base to apex. Length about an inch. The imperfect specimen figured on plate ii was obtained by Dr. Blanding at Lynch's Creek, South Carolina, in the green sand, and on a former occasion was supposed to be a Dentalium. PI. xvi, fig. 5, however, represents the perfect shell from the older cretaceous deposits at Erie, Alabama. I have a small individual from Xew Jersey. It has never been found attached.'' Morton, 1834. Type Locality. Erie, Alabama. Hamulus squamosus was described by Gabb as "very closely allied to H. onyx, but differing in having a strongly marked raphe, which nearly doubles the width of the shell." Apparently Gabb's species was described from a young form, while Morton's H. onyx represents the normal adult. 49 748 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Thus the posterior portion of the shell in fully developed individuals represents H. squamosus Gabb, the anterior portion H. onyx Morton. The species is widely distributed in the Monmouth of Prince George's County, but it is exceedingly brittle and difficult to separate from the matrix. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. Ulmstead Point, Anne Arundel County. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Brooks estate near Seat Pleasant, Friendly, 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. INCERTAE SEDIS Family SERPULIDAE(P) Genus ORNATAPORTA n. gen. Type. Ornataporta marylandica Gardner n. sp. Tube small, tapering gradually toward the aperture ; operculum reticu- lately sculptured. ORNATAPORTA MARYLANDICA n. sp. Plate XLVII, Figs. 16-19 Description. Tubes rather small, usually more or less arcuate, slightly tapering, smaller end of tube in two individuals obliquely truncated at an angle of about 30 ; truncated surface in cast subcircular to broadly elliptical in outline, elaborately sculptured both radially and concentri- cally; radials fine, well rounded lirae, diverging in all directions from a strongly eccentric nucleus, possibly a little coarser on the shorter side, number -more than doubled near the margin by intercalation and bifur- cating; concentric sculpture in part incremental in character, two to five prominent growth stages usually visible; very fine and crowded thread- lets also developed, not overriding the radials but closely dissecting the interradials. Dimensions. Length, 18.6 mm.; diameter of larger end, 6 mm.; diameter of smaller (operculum-bearing) end, 4.5 mm. The nature of these extraordinary impressions is very obscure. When the first was found it was thought that the association of the tube with the sculpture might be fortuitous, but the discovery of a second similarly Etymology: Ornata. elaborate; porta, a door. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 749 sculptured and bearing the same relation to the enclosing tube made the theory of chance association untenable. Nothing like these forms has been observed in any branch of the animal kingdom, but they are less unlike the worms than any other phylum. There is, too, a wider range of variation in the Yermes than in any other of the major divisions. There are groups in which a calcareous operculum is secreted and groups in which the tube is gradually constricted toward the aperture and, although the combination of these two rather unusual characters is not known, yet it is not without the range of possibility. The sculpture, however, is much more regular and elaborate than any observed on the opercula of recent worms. Professor Grabau, of Columbia University, to whom squeezes of the ornamented ends were shown, suggested that they might be the impres- sions of a test of a degenerate gastropod, possibly allied to the Acmaeas, a hypothetical genus, which, when it lost the power to coil through lack of vitality, continued to grow in a plane at a high angle to that of the shell. So little is known of degenerate gastropods that one cannot define their limits of variation, and there is a possibility that this may be a bizarre type which arose, together with many other degenerate mollusca near the close of a great era. The writer is also under obligations to Mr. J. E. Benedict and Mr. Austin H. Clark for their suggestive interest in these organisms. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Brooks estate near Seat Pleas- ant, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. ECHINODERMATA CLASS ECHINOIDEA Order CIDAROIDA Family CIDARIDAE Genus CIDARIS Leske ClDARIS Sp. Description. Several fragmentary spines belonging to this genus were' found amongst other materials from Appoquinimink Creek, Delaware. Two of the specimens show the basal portions of the spine with the collar 750 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY and condyle, but all the specimens lack the outer points. All of the frag- ments are nearly straight with slight taperings and are covered with rows of straight granules closely joined so as to impart a fluted appearance to the spines. The larger spines show twelve or more such lines. Dimensions. Length of longest specimen 1-i mm., diameter of spine 2.5 mm. Occurrence. EANCOCAS FORMATION. South side of Appoquinimink Creek between Odessa and mill-dam, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Family CASS1DULIDAE Genus CASSIDULUS Lamarck CASSIDULUS sp. Description. Test small, elevated, slightly truncated at the posterior end ; upper surface very convex, sides nearly straight, ends rounded ; under surface nearly flat but much broken. Ambulacral areas narrow. Apical system small, slightly anterior of the center. Peristome lacking. Peri- proct small and a long shallow sulcus. Dimensions. Length 12 mm., width, 9.5 mm., height 7 mm. The single specimen of this form that has been found has the lower surface badly damaged, but there is little doubt that it is a representative of the genus Cassidulus so widely found in Upper Cretaceous strata farther south. It is, however, quite distinct from any other known species, but because of its fragmentary character it seems unwise to give it a name at the present time. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION. Bluff northeast of mouth of Turner's Creek, Cecil County, Maryland. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Family ECHINOCORYTHIDAE Genus CARDI ASTER Forbes CARDIASTER MARYLANDICA n. sp. Plate XLVII, Figs. 6-10 Description. Test small, cordate, with pronounced anterior grooves; upper surface slightly convex, lower surface flat. Ambulacra wide. Apical MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 751 system moderately elongated. Peristome very near anterior margin. Periproct oval and situated rather high on truncated posterior margin. Dimensions. Length 18 mm., width 18 mm., height 11.5 mm. Several well preserved casts of this species have been collected. They show some points of similarity to Cardiaster smocH from the Matawan of New Jersey, but the Maryland form is more sharply contracted posteriorly and has a more pronounced anterior surface. Occurrence. MOXMOUTH FORMATION. Brightseat, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Family SPATANGIDAE Genus HEMIASTER Desor HEMIASTER DELAWAREXSIS n. sp. Plate XLVII, Figs. 11-14 Description. Test small, nearly circular, slightly cordiform, truncated posteriorly ; upper surface slightly convex, elevated posteriorly ; lower sur- face nearly flat; sides inflated; apex nearly central, slightly posterior of the center; ambulacra slightly depressed, posterior pair short, anterior surface broad. Peristome slightly depressed. Periproct small, high above posterior margin. Peripetalous fascicle narrow, distinct. Dimensions. Length 22 mm.; width 22 mm.; height 17 mm. A single well preserved specimen of this form was collected by Dr. M. W. Twite-hell. It presents some points of similarity to Hemiaster bexeri from the Washita group of Texas, but the height of the present specimen is somewhat greater and the ambulacral furrows are on the whole less depressed. It is also somewhat similar to Hemiaster stella from the Kan- cocas formation of New Jersey, but the latter species has not the broad depressed anterior surface of the present species. Occurrence. MATAWAX FORMATIOX. Marl pit south side of Delaware and Chesapeake Canal 1 mile east of St. George's Delaware. Collection. Johns Hopkins University. 752 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY HEMIASTER sp. Description. A few imperfect and fragmentary specimens of a He mi- aster have been found in the indurated layers of the Matawan formation on the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Two specimens show quite clearly the anterior ambulacral furrow with part of the adjacent anterior path. These forms may belong to the species Hemiaster welleri from the Matawan of New Jersey. Occurrence. MATAWAN FORMATION. One and one-half miles east of the Maryland-Delaware Line, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. COELENTERATA CLASS ANTHOZOA subclass HEXACORALLA order MADREPORARIA Suborder APOROSA Family TURBINOL1DAE Genus TROCHOCYATHUS Milne Edwards and Haime TROCHOCYATHUS ( ?) VATJGHANI sp. nov. Plate XLVIII, Figs. 5, 6 Description. Corallum cuneiform, with no recognizable scar of attach- ment; viewed from the side it is subtriangular in outline and a little elongated in the direction of the height; cross-section lenticular with dull acute angles at the ends. Theca well developed. Corresponding to the septa are strong, sub- acute, tuberculated ribs with deep intercostal depressions; new ribs are intercalated as new septa are formed; on the sides bordering the acute edges are tuberculated bands broadest below, narrowing to the serrated edge above. Septa about thirty-six, of which about twenty-four extend inward to the columella. The septa are in three or four cycles, but the different MAKYLAND GEOLOGICAL SUEVEY 753 cycles cannot be clearly differentiated. The members of the last cycle are very thin and frail. The inner edges of the principal septa are fused to the columella and to adjoining septa by trabecular-like processes. There is a suggestion of paliform lobes, though the upper edges of the septa are too imperfect to permit positive determination of this feature. Sides of septa set with small tubercles and spine-like processes, the arrangement of which cannot clearly be seen in the specimen. There is doubt as to the mode of origin of the columella, but it appears to be spongy and trabecular. Dimensions. Longest transverse axis at top, about 5 mm.; shortest transverse axis, 2.5 mm. ; height, 4.5 mm. Xamed in honor of Dr. T. Wayland Vaughan. Occurrence. MOXMOUTH FORMATION (Exogyra costata zone). Bed of small branch about seven-eighths of a mile southwest of Brightseat and three-eighths of a mile south of the Sheriff road, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey, on deposit in the U. S. National Museum. Suborder FUNGIDA Family MICRABACIIDAE Genus MICRABACIA Milne Edwards and Haime MlCRABACIA EOTATILIS Sp. nOV. Plate XLIX, Figs. 1-4 Description.- Corallum subdiscoidal ; moderately high with flat to rather strongly concave base ; sides steep below, rounding evenly into the subflattish top; axial depression 1.5 mm. to 2 mm. deep. The costse on the base are thin, sharply defined, and alternate with the septa; they start with six at the center, and by successive bifurcations increase to ninety-six on the periphery; they are nearly smooth and increase slightly in thickness from the center to the periphery. The costae are in six groups corresponding to the groups of septa. Each group starts with one costa (first cycle), which bifurcates near the center to form two costas (second cycle) ; these bifurcate 0.5 mm. from the center to form 754 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY four costae (third cycle) ; the four bifurcate about 1 mm. from the center and produce eight costae (fourth cycle) ; and the eight bifurcate 1.5 mm. to 2 mm. from the center, producing sixteen costse (fifth cycle) ; in the last cycle the bifurcations producing the two outer and the two middle pairs of the group take place nearer the center than do those of the other four pairs ; in the largest specimens the pairs of costse in the last cycle are 2.5 mm. to 3 mm. long. The ends of the costae are prow-like, but scarcely project beyond the edges of the septa. The intercostal loculi are narrow and are crossed by small synapticulse separated by radially elongated per- forations ; in the type the perforations in the intercostal loculi extending to the center number eighteen; the intercostal synapticulaa and perfor- ations are roughly arranged in concentric rows. The septa are thin and form five complete cycles arranged in six groups, one group in each of the interspaces between the primary septa. Total number of septa ninety-six. The secondaries extend to the columella ; the tertiaries fuse against the secondaries near the columella; the two outer quaternaries of the group fuse against the tertiaries nearer the center than do the two inner ones ; the two outer quinaries of each of the subgroups formed about the tertiaries fuse against the quaternaries nearer the center than do the two inner ones. The primary septa are a little higher than the members of the higher cycles, and the septa of the suc- ceeding cycles appear to be each a little lower than those of the preceding cycles. The edges of the septa are finely and distinctly denticulate, the number of denticulations being eight or nine to 1 mm. ; the inner edges of the primaries and secondaries are bifid, each presenting a trough-like depression with serrated margins descending to the top of the columella ; sides of septa with striae, tubercles, and rows of synapticulaa radiating fan- like from near the base of the columella. Each septum is joined to the wall (base) by synapticulae which connect with the intercostal synapticulae. These are separated by perforations which connect with the intercostal perforations. Columella elliptical in cross-section, spongy, trabecular, some of the trabeculae terminating above in more or less scattered, irregularly dis- MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 755 tributed, small papillae ; length of cross-section about one-sixth the diam- eter; width about one-twentieth the diameter. The species differs from other species of Micrabacia from the Coastal Plain in the greater sharpness and smoothness of the basal costae, the greater irregularity in the distance of the bifurcations of the several cycles from the center, the greater length of the costa? of the last cycle, the greater number of intercostal perforations, and the greater size attained by the adults. It is distinguishable from M. rotatilis var. georgiana 1 by its smoother and slightly thicker costas. M. americana Meek and Hayden, and its variety, multicostata, 1 have more strongly denticulate bases. In M. coronula (Goldfuss) of the European Cretaceous the denticulations of the septa! edges are markedly coarser than those of any of the American species. Dimensions (of the type). Diameter 9 mm., height about 4 mm. Occurrence. MONMOUTH FORMATION (Exogyra costata zone). Bed of small branch about seven-eighths of a mile southwest of Brightseat and three-eighths of a mile south of the Sheriff road; near McNeys Corners, about a mile west of Friendly ; questionably near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey, on deposit in the U. S. National Museum. MICRABACIA MARYLANDICA sp. nov. Plate XLVIII, Figs. 1-4 Description. Corallum low to moderately high, subdiscoidal ; base flat or slightly convex ; top evenly convex with a small axial depression about 1.25 mm. deep in the type. The underside of the base or wall is ornamented with a system of radiating bifurcating costus gracillimus Lesquereux, 1874, Cret. Fl., p. 52, pi. 1, figs. 8, 11-llf. Widdringtonites reichii Heer, 1882, Fl. Foss. Arct, vol. vi, Ab. ii, p. 51, pi. xxviii, fig. 5. Glyptostrobus gracillimus Lesquereux, 1883, Cret. & Tert. FL, p. 32, pi. i, figs. 6-6b. Widdringtonites reichii Heer, 1883, Fl. Foss. Arct., vol. vii, p. 13, pi. Hi, figs. 4, 5. Widdringtonia reichii Velenovsky, 1885, Gym. bohm. Kreidef., p. 27, pi. viii, figs. 4-6; pi. x, figs. 1, 11, 12. 1 The following earlier citations are included under this species by Ettings- hausen: Lycopodites insignis Reich, in Geinitz, Charak. der Schichten u. Petrefacten sachsbohm. Kreidegebirges, p. 98, 1842; Bronn. Lethaea geogn., p. 577, pi. xxviii, fig. 13, 1846. They are omitted in the present connection since if they are positively identified as this species it would involve changing the name of this widespread and well-known form. 794 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Widdringtonia reichii Velenovsky, 1887, Sitz. k. bohm. Gesell. Wiss., 1886, p. 639, pi. i, figs. 14-16. Widdringtonia reichii Engelhart, 1891, Isis, Ab. 7, p. 92. Frenelites reichii Hollick, 1892, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xii, p. 29, pi. i, fig. 23. Glyptostrobus gracillimus Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 38. Widdringtonites reichii Smith, 1894, Geol. Coastal Plain Ala., p. 348. Sequoia gracillima Smith, 1894, Ibidem (nomen nudum). Sequoia gracillima Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, 1895, p. 50, in part (non pi. ix, figs. 1-3). Widdringtonites reichii Newberry, 1896, Ibidem, p. 57, pi. viii, figs. 1-5. Widdringtonia reichii Krasser, 1896, Beitr. Pal. Oest. Ung. u. Orients, Bd. x, p. 126 (14), pi. xiv (iv), fig. 6; pi. xvii (vii),, figs. 4, 7, 8. Sequoia gracillima Newberry, 1898, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxxv, p. 19 (ex parte), pi. xiv, fig. 6 (non pi. xxvi, fig. 9). Widdringtonia reichii Marik, 1901, Prispevek k. fl. ceskeho cenomanu, p. 9, pi. i, fig. 23; pi. ii, fig. 2. Widdringtonites reichii Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 169. Widdringtonites reichii Berry, 1906, Rept. State Geol. of New Jersey for 1905, p. 138. Widdringtonites reichii Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 44, pi. iv, figs. 6-8. Widdringtonites reichii Hollick and Jeffrey, 1909, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 29, pi. v, figs. 1-4; pi. viii, figs. 7-11; pi. xx, figs. 3-5. Widdringtonites reichii Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, p. 21. Widdringtonites reichii Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 87, pi. viii, figs. 1, 2. Description. " F. ramis suberectis fastigiatis, ramulis filiformibus confertis, foliis appressis e basi ovata subulatis, strobilis axillaribus duplo longioribus quam latis." Ettingshausen, 1867. Medium-sized branches with more or less crowded, slender, elongated, fastigiate twigs, bearing reduced ovate-subulate leaves, spirally arranged. Both microsporangiate and megasporangiate cones have been found. The cones are small oval bodies 5 mm. to 12 mm. long by 3 mm. to 7 mm. in diameter, usually poorly preserved, said by Ettingshausen to be axillary in position but evidently often terminal, as evinced by some of the Earitan material as well as by some of the better preserved cones from the Ceno- manian of Bohemia and Moravia. The latter material clearly shows that the cones consisted of four scales. This would allv it with either the MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 795 subgenus Widdringtonia of the genus Callitris Vent., to which Eichler in his treatment of the living species in Engler and Prantl (1887) refers Endlicher's genus, or to the subgenus Eucallitris Brongn., which also is characterized by four cone-scales. The latter has a single living species of northern Africa and the former has three or four species of southern Africa and Madagascar. The propriety of Eichler's classification may well be questioned, and in any event paleobotanists must necessarily prefer the older segregation of Frenela and Widdringtonia and their respective form-genera. There seems to be but little doubt that the present species should be referred to Widdringtonia, as Velenovsky and Krasser have done, but as the term Widdringtonites is equally indicative of its true affinity, little is to be gained by making the proposed change. This species, which is probably the most common conifer of the Raritan formation, was described originally by Ettingshausen from the Cenom- manian of Xiederschcena, in Saxony, as a species of Frenelites. When Heer discovered it in the Greenland material, where it has been collected from both the Atane and the Patoot beds, he transferred it to the present genus. It has subsequently been reported from the Cenomanian of Bohemia and Moravia, from the Magothy formation at numerous localities and from the southern New England islands. It has also been reported from the Tuscaloosa formation of Alabama, where it is abundant at a number of localities. Heer made Glyptostrobus gracillimus Lesq., of the Dakota group, a synonym of this species, and he has been followed by many subsequent authors. In a recent paper Hollick and Jeffrey (op. cit.} have studied the anatomy of fragments of twigs from the Raritan formation of Staten Island, Xew York. They are led to claim a relationship with the Arau- cariacece for this form. This is not at all conclusively shown by the speci- mens studied and even were this evidence admitted for this material it would scarcely affect the question of relationship of the great bulk of the remains referred to Widdringtonites or Widdringtonia, since Ettings- hausen and Krasser (op. cit.) have conclusively shown the relationship with Widdringtonia by means of the megasporangiate cones. While these 52 796 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY have not been found in organic union with the leafy twigs in the American material, attached cones of this type have been found by the writer * in the closely related species Widdringtonites subtilis Heer. Widdringtonites reichii is closely allied to and descended from, if not identical with, a common conifer of the Patapsco formation of Maryland and Virginia described by the writer 2 as Widdringtonites ramosus, and based upon Taxodium ramosum and various other species of Professor Fon- taine's Flora of the Potomac Group. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware; Grove Point, Cecil County; Round Bay, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. . Family INCERTAE Genus PROTOPHYLLOCLADUS Berry [Bull. Torrey Club, vol. xxx, 1903, p. 440] PROTOPHYLLOCLADUS SUBINTEGRIFOLIUS (Lesquereux) Berry (?) Plate LVI, Fig. 2 Phyllocladus subintegrifolius Lesquereux, 1868, Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. xlvi, p. 92. Phyllocladus subintegrifolius Lesquereux, 1874, Cret. Fl., p. 54, pi. i, fig. 12. Thinnfeldia lesquereuxiana Heer, 1882, Fl. Foss. Arct, Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 37, pi. xliv, figs. 9, 10; pi. xlvi, figs. 11, 12a, 12b. Phyllocladus subintegrifolius Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 34, pi. ii, figs. 1-3. Thinnfeldia lesquereuxiana Hollick, 1892, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xi, p. 98, pi. iii, fig. 6. Thinnfeldia lesquereuxiana Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 59, pi. xi, figs. 1-17. Thinnfeldia subintegrifolia Knowlton, 1898, Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 152, p. 228. Protophyllocladus subintegrifolius Berry, 1903, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxx, p. 440. Protophyllocladus subintegrifolius Berry, 1904, Ibidem, vol. xxxi, p. 69, pi. i, fig. 5. Protophyllocladus subintegrifolius Berry, 1907, Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., n. s., No. 7, pp. 89-91, fig. 6. 1 Berry, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxix, pp. 341-348, pi. xxiv, 1912. * Berry, Md. Geol. Survey, Lower Cretaceous, p. 428, pi. Ixxiii, figs. 1-6, 1911. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 797 Protophyllocladus subintegrifolius Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 36, pi. v, figs. 1-6. Protophyllocladus subintegrifolius Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 98, pi. ix. Description. Leaves oblong to linear in outline and coriaceous in texture, from 3 cm. to 17 cm. in length by 0.6 cm. to 3 cm. in width. Apex usually obtuse, rarely pointed. Base decidedly and narrowly cuneate to the short petiole. Margins entire below, above obtusely dentate or undulate, with occasionally teeth which are acute. Midrib stout below becoming attenuated above and frequently disappearing some distance below the apex. Laterals numerous, close, immersed ; they branch at an angle of about 20, running nearly straight and approximately parallel to the margin, sometimes forking. Stomata scattered on both surfaces, with typical guard cells. This is a widespread species ranging in considerable abundance from Greenland (Atanebeds) to Alabama (Tuscaloosa formation), and west to Kansas and Xebraska (Dakota sandstone). Originally referred to Phyt- locladus by Lesquereux, his type is almost identical with certain phyllo- clads of modern members of this genus. Subsequently discovered remains from Kansas are considerably larger than the type, as are also a number of the Greenland specimens. Some of the Earitan forms have a somewhat different aspect, being long and narrow; sometimes the margins are entire, often they are more or less sharply toothed. Much controversy has centered around these forms and especially around the older Mesozoic forms referred to the genus Thinnfeldia Ettingshausen, to which these later forms were once referred. The latter genus has been referred successively to the conifers, ferns and cycads. There has never been much doubt that the later forms were gymno- spermous. The writer can positively affirm this conclusion, and also that they are true phylloclads and not leaves in the strict morphological sense. Whether or not they are closely related to the modern genus Phyllocladus is still in doubt, although there are some excellent arguments for such a relationship. While fossil remains of undoubted relationship to Phyllo- cladus are extremely rare, Gothan has described 1 wood of a similar type 1 Gothan, Kgl. Svenska Vetens. Akad. Handl., Bd. xlii, No. 10, 1907. 798 SYSTEMATIC PALEOXTOLOGY from the Jurassic of the east coast of Greenland under the name of Pliyllo- cladoxylon. The present species has not heretofore been recorded in the Coastal Plain south of the Xew Jersey area, although it is apparently represented by fragmentary material in the Magothy formation of Mary- land and the Tuscaloosa formation of Alabama. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATIOX. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. PROTOPHYLLOCLADUS LOBATUS Berry Thinnfeldia sp. nov. Berry, 1907, Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., n. s., No. 7, p. 81. Protophyllocladus lobatus Berry, 1911, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, p. 403. Protophyllocladus lobatus Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, p. 17, pi. ii, figs. 9-13. Description. Leaves (phylloclads) of large size, lanceolate or oval in general outline, either entire with crenate margins, rounded apex and narrowly cuneate base or compound through the development of opposite lateral lobes. Axial vascular strand very stout below, becoming very thin and finally disappearing apically. When lobate, subordinate opposite vascular strands form the axis of the lobes, and these are usually but not always lost before reaching the tips of the lobes by giving off innumerable secondary branches. Margins in all cases are rather remotely undulate- crenate and the tips are all rounded. Secondaries numerous* and thin, diverging from the main axis of the phylloclad on the axis of the lobes at very acute angles, curving outward, either simple, more often dichoto- mously forked, and occasionally several times forked. Lobes when present separated by cuneate narrowly rounded sinuses which terminate some dis- tance from the main axis. The largest specimen, which is still incomplete at both the apex and the base, measures 8 cm. in length and 5 cm. from tip to tip of the l@wer lobes, the upper entire portion measuring about 1.5 cm. in width. These remains are superficially like fern fronds, especially in specimens that are compound, and were it not for the presence in the Cretaceous of other Phyttocladus-l\ke remains with a demonstrated gymnospermous MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 799 structure (e. g., Androvettia} their reference to this genus would seem hazardous. The entire specimens are strikingly like some of the forms of Protophyllocladus subintegrifolius (Lesquereux) Berry of the Magothy formations, or like Protophyllocladus polymorphus (Lesquereux) Berry from higher western American horizons, and even the compound specimens have an unlobed apical portion of comparable length which is also similar in appearance to the two species just mentioned. The compound forms are superficially like Thinnfeldia rhomboidalis Ettingshausen, 1 the type of the genus Thinnfeldia, whose systematic position has been the occasion of so much controversy and which has been variously regarded as a fern, a cycad, or a conifer. The present species shows important differences, however, aside from its much younger age, and it is confidently believed to be unrelated to the various older Mesozoic species of Thinnfeldia that have been described. It may also be compared with various forms from the Upper Cre- taceous of Dalmatia which were discussed at great length by Kerner, 2 who refers them to the genus Pachypteris. This he regards as cycadaceous in nature, but it is believed to be closest to Protophyllocladus subintegri- folius, a species which is abundant in the Atane beds of Greenland, the Dakota group of Kansas and Nebraska, the Raritan of New Jersey, and the Magothy from Marthas Vineyard to New Jersey, and which often assumes a sublobate form. This is especially shown in unreported col- lections made by the writer in the Magothy formation of New Jersey. The present species is present in the Magothy formation and frequent in the Middendorf beds of South Carolina. The latter occurrences will be fully described and illustrated in a forthcoming professional paper of the U. S. Geological Survey. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Round Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. 1 Ettings., Abhl. Geol. Reichsanstalt, Bd. iii, p. 2, pi. i, figs. 4-7, 1852. 2 Kerner, Jahrb. Geol. Reichsanstalt, Bd. xlv, p. 39, 1896. 800 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Genus RARITANIA Hollick and Jeffrey [Mem. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. Hi, 1909, p. 26] EAKITANIA GEACILIS (Newb.) Hollick and Jeffrey Plate LV, Figs. 2, 3 Frenelopsis gracilis Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 59, pi. xii, figs. l-3a. Frenelopsis gracilis Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 167. Raritania gracilis Hollick and Jeffrey, 1909, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 26, pi. vi, figs. 4-7; pi. ix, figs. 1-4; pi. x, figs. 14-17; pi. xix, figs. 3-6; pi. xx, fig. 1. Raritania gracilis Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 92. Description. Twigs of a conifer, represented in the clays by crowded cylindrical branches of graceful aspect and slender forking habit. The leaves are reduced almost to the vanishing point, in fact most specimens fail to show any traces of leaves whatever, and it is possible that these spirally-arranged scale-like leaves of Newberry's description may have been founded upon deceptive material. These twigs are unjointed, an objection against their former reference to the genus Frenelopsis. It has been suggested that they represent decor- ticated specimens of Widdringtonites reichii (Ettingshausen) Heer, which is so common in the Earitan and overlying Magothy formation. The present species is recorded from both Delaware and Maryland. Hollick and Jeffrey have shown (loc. cit.) from anatomical prepara- tions that the present species is not related to Frenelopsis or Widdring- tonites, but constitutes a distinct genus. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware; Grove Point, Cecil County, Maryland. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 801 Genus GEINITZIA Endlicher [Synop. Conif., 1847, p. 280] GEINITZIA FORMOSA Heer 1 Plate LIV, Fig. 6 Geinitzia formosa Heer, 1871, Kreidfl. v. Quedlinb. Neue Denks. Schw. Gesell., Bd. xxiv, No. 2, p. 6, pi. i, fig. 9; pi. ii. Geinitzia sp. Newberry. 1873, Proc. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., p. 10. Sequoia reichenbacM Lange, 1890 (ex parte), Zeits. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell., Bd. xlii, p. 770. Geinitzia formosa Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, 1895, p. 51, pi. ix, fig. 9. Sequoia gracillima Newberry, 1896, Ibidem, pi. ix, figs. 1-3 (non foliage description on p. 50). Geinitzia formosa Hollick, 1897, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xvi, p. 129, pi. xii, figs. 1, 2. Sequoia reichenbachi ? Stanton and Knowlton, 1897, Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., vol. viii, p. 137. Geinitzia formosa Knowlton, 1900, Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 163, p. 28, pi. v, figs. 1, 2. Geinitzia formosa Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 57. Sequoia gracillima Berry, 1903, Ibidem, pi. xlviii, figs. 21, 22. Sequoia gracillima Berry, 1904, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxi, p. 69, pi. ii. Geinitzia formosa Berry, 1904, Ibidem, p. 68, pi. iv, figs. 2, 3. Sequoia gracillima Berry, 1904, Amer. Geol., vol. xxxiv, pi. 15. Sequoia gracillima Berry, 1905, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxii, p. 44. Sequoia gracillima Berry, 1906, Ibidem, vol. xxxiii, p. 165. Sequoia gracillima Berry, 1906, Kept. State Geol of New Jersey for 1905, p. 139. Geinitzia formosa Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 97. Geinitzia gracillima Jeffrey, 1911, Bot. Gazette, vol. 1, pp. 21-27, pi. viii. Description. " Strobile ovato-cylindrici, squamis rachi validae spiral- iter insertis, apice peltatis, disco concavo, margine crenato, toroso ; semina sub quavis squama quatuor ( ?), squamarum stipite crasso inserta, striata. 1 This species is said to be represented by Carpolithes hemlocinus of Schlot- heim. See also a work by Ernst von Otto entitled, " Additamente zur Flora des Quadergebirges in der Gegend um Dresden und Dippoldiswalde," etc., pt. 1, pi. v, figs. 1-3, 5, 6, 1852. This species probably includes the cones from the Raritan of Woodbridge, New Jersey, identified by Newberry as Microzamia gibba (Reuss) Corda, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 45, pi. xii, figs. 6, 7, 1896. Berry, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 78, 1911. 802 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Eamulis elongatis, virgatis, foliis omnino tectis, foliis subfalcatis, angustis, apice valde attenuatis, uninerviis, ramis adultis pulvinis rhom- beis obtectis." Heer, 1871. The American occurrences of cones of this species have heretofore been referred to Sequoia gracillima Newberry, a composite made up of Geinitzia cones and Widdringtonites foliage. These cones are exceedingly abundant in the Magothy formation at Cliffwood Bluff, New Jersey, where those that are more or less pyritized are washed out of the clays by storms and high tides. When preserved as flattened lignitic inclusions they are some- what different in appearance, and it is believed that material of this species in the latter condition of preservation is the basis for the Raritan forms which were identified as Microzamia gibba Corda by Newberry. 1 A single cone is contained in the Magothy collections made along the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. The foliage, which resembles somewhat that of Sequoia reichenbachi (Geinitz) Heer, as well as that of Cunningliamites squamosus Heer, shows rather thick twigs with slender curved needle leaves interspersed with small scale-like leaves. It has been found at a number of localities in this country and is represented in the Tuscaloosa formation of Alabama by several doubtful specimens. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Genus MORICONIA Debey and Ettingshausen [Denks. Wienakad., Bd. xvii, 1859, p. 239] MORICONIA AMERICANA Berry Plate LVI, Fig. 1 Moriconia cyclotoxon Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 65, pi. xliii, fig. 4; pi. xlviii, figs. 1-4 (non Debey and Ettingshausen). Moriconia cyclotoxon Berry, 1904, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxi, p. 70. Moriconia cyclotoxon Berry, 1906, Ibidem, vol. xxxiii, pp. 165-167. Moriconia americana Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, pp. 20, 186. Moriconia americana Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, p. 26, pi. vii, figs. 1-4. 1 Newberry, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 45, pi. xii, figs. 6, 7, 1896. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 803 Description. Leafy twigs, apparently deciduous in habit, bifacial, phyl- loclad-like, consisting of cyclically-arranged leaves. Along the main axis on each flat face of the branch these leaves are relatively and closely appressed, with a narrow base and a broad semicircular apex. The cor- responding lateral pairs of leaves are thin and pointed and transversely compressed. In the axis of each of these marginal leaves is a reduced branch flattened in the same plane as the main branch, so that the whole arrangement is strictly opposite and distichous. These reduced lateral branches have leaves of the same character and arrangement as those of the main branch. The bifacial leaves are, however, somewhat smaller and blunter and the marginal leaves are broader and less acute. They become rapidly smaller distad, it usually requiring not more than five or six pairs to complete the blunt lateral reduced twigs. The main vascular arrangement is strictly opposite and distichous. These reduced lateral branches. The leaves fail to show any veins. The texture was apparently coriaceous but obviously thin in the majority of specimens. No structural material or indications of fruits or fruiting characters have been discov- ered. This species, formerly confused with Moriconia cyclotoxon of Debey and Ettingshausen, differs from the latter, which is the type and only other known species of the genus, in being more phylloclad-like and strictly comparable to a cupressineous genus like Libocedrus. It is also much larger (about 100 per cent) than the type of the genus, the lateral twigs are more reduced and the main axis is invariably leafy. It differs also in its geological range, the two species not being anywhere contemporaneous in America, although the type in Europe extends as high as the later larger form of America. Superficially these remains closely resemble fragments of fern fronds; in fact, Debey, the original discoverer, always insisted that they were ferns, and Heer described the earliest collected and poorly preserved remains from Greenland as a species of Pecopteris. There can be no doubt, however, of their gymnospermous nature. For stratigraphic pur- poses they are one of the most characteristic fossil plants known, since the geometrically arranged outline of the leaves is recognizable with certainty in the smallest fragment. 804 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY They are strikingly like the curious genus Androvettia recently described by Hollick and Jeffrey 1 and which these authors refer to the Amucariece, although Moriconia has, on the evidence of the foliage char- acters, been invariably referred to the Cupressinece. The present species is common in the Middendorf beds of South Carolina, and is a character- istic post-Earitan species in the Atlantic Coastal Plain, having been recorded by the writer from numerous localities in the Magothy formation of the northern Coastal Plain, and from the Black Creek formation in North Carolina. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FOKMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware ; Grove Point, Cecil County; Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Genus CZEKANOWSKIA Heer [PI. Foss. Arct., Bd. iv, Ab. ii, 1876, p. 65] CZEKANOWSKIA CAPILLAEIS Newberry Czekanowskia capillaris Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, 1895, p. 61, pi. ix, figs. 14-16. Czekanowskia capillaris Hollick and Jeffrey, 1909, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 63, pi. vi, figs. 1-3. Czekanowskia capillaris Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 101. Description. Leaves deciduous, linear or capillary, striated, long and slender, undivided (?) or dichotomously forked. Length 8 cm. to 10 cm. These remains occur as closely packed masses, irregular fascicles and isolated fragments, and when unforked or much broken might readily be mistaken for pine leaves. There are not uncommon in the Earitan of Maryland and are clearly identical with the remains described under the foregoing name from the Middle Earitan of New Jersey and Staten Island. No basal portions showing subtending scale-leaves like those of some of the Jurassic species have been found. The genus Czekanoivski was founded by Heer 2 in 1876 with Czeka- nowskia setacea from the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) of Siberia as the 1 Hollick and Jeffrey, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard., vol. iii, p. 22, pi. iii, figs. 1-5, etc., 1909. 2 Heer, Beitr. z. Jura-Flora Ostsibiriens und des Amurlandes; Mem. 1'Acad. Imp. Sci., St. Pe"tersb., 7e se"rie, tome xxii, 1876, p. 65; Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. iv, Ab. ii. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 805 type. He characterized the genus in the following terms : " Folia numer- osa in ramulo abbreviato, caduco fasciculata, subulata, rigida, dichotoma, squamis compluribus persistentibus circumdata. Flores feminei racemosi. Fructus pedunclo brevi insidens, nuculis duabus valde approximatis." The genus is discussed at length by Heer, who considers that the asso- ciated small seeds represent the same plant which is therefore placed among the Gymnospermce and referred to the Ginkgoales. In this refer- ence most later students concur (vide Schenk in Zittel, Palaophytologie, p. 267, 1890; Seward, Jurassic Flora, pt. I, p. 276, 1900), although identi- cal remains have constituted the genera Jeanpaulia of linger, 1 Sdero- phyllina of Heer, 2 and Solenites of Lindley and Hutton. 3 These remains in whole or in part have been variously referred to the Algce (Lindley and Hutton), to the Rhizocarpacece (F. Braun, linger, Brongniart), to the Isoetacece (linger, Brongniart, Zigno, Schimper), and to the Filicales proper (Shenk, Schimper, etc.). The genus Czelcanowskia, which is intimately related to Trichopitys Saporta and Baiera F. Braun, is distinguished from both chiefly by the less divided, or undivided, needle-like leaves. It is confined to the north- ern hemisphere, appearing in the Rhsetic of Scandinavia (C. longissima Nathorst) , and becoming differentiated and widespread in Middle Jurassic times (C. Jieerii ISTathorst, C. setacea Heer, C. palmatisecta Heer, (7. rigida Heer, and C. viminea (Phillips) Berry 4 It is represented in the Lower Cretaceous by (7. dichotoma Heer of the Arctic regions and C. nervosa Heer of western Europe. The latter survives into the Upper Cretaceous, and a single species, C. capittaris Newberry, is present in the early Upper Cretaceous of America. All these forms are very much alike megascopi- cally. The remains are often common but are usually poorly preserved and resemble masses of long slender needle-leaves like those of Pinus, and this 1 Unger, Gen. et Sp., p. 224, 1850. 2 Heer, Urwelt der Schweiz, p. 55, 1865. 3 Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Fl. Gt. Britain, vol. ii, pi. cxxi, 1834. 4 This is the correct name for the form commonly called C. Murrayana (L. and H.), since Phillips' name antedates that of Lindley and Hutton by five years. 806 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY resemblance is heightened by occasional specimens (Heer) showing the tuft of leaves subtended proximad by a few small scale-leaves, as in the short shoots of Pinus. In Czekanowski, however, unmistakable dicho- tomy is frequent, and this habit has been one of the main factors in its reference to the Ginkgoales which are so abundant and varied during the Mesozoic. Occurrence. RARITAN FORMATION. Forked Creek, Severn River, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Johns Hopkins University. ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA CLASS MONOCOTYLEDONAE Genus DORYANTHITES Berry [Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, 1911, p. 406] DORYANTHITES CRETACEA Berry Plate LVI, Fig. 6 Doryanthites cretacea Berry, 1911, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, p. 406. Doryanthites cretacea Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, p. 108, pi. xvii, fig. 3. Description. Leaves, as preserved, linear, presumably lanceolate above and sheathing below, 4.5 cm. to 6 cm. in width and preserved without any diminution in width for a length of 50 cm. Texture very coriaceous. Margins entire. Veins simple and parallel, immersed, considerably less than 1 mm. apart. Leaves alike on both surfaces. In the hollows between the veins occur rows of small stomata with the guard cells all oriented in a direction parallel with the veins and equally numerous on both surfaces of the leaf. Leaf surfaces under the microscope appearing finely striated parallel with the veins. These curious remains, which call to mind the leaves of the Paleozoic Cordaites or some modern giant Bromeliad, are not uncommon in the Upper Cretaceous. They were first discovered by the writer in the Black Creek formation of North Carolina, and it is from this material that the MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 807 stomatal characters are described. Recently this same form was dis- covered in considerable abundance at the Georgia locality near Buena Vista, Marion County, in the Eutaw formation of Hale County, Alabama, and in the Magothy formation of Maryland. Referring to similarly appearing remains previously described, it may be noted that Miquel ' in 1853 described under the heading Phyllites mon- ocotylei two sorts of parallel-veined leaf-fragments from the Upper Cre- taceous of Aachen (Rhenish Prussia). The first (pi. i, fig. 3) he calls Yuccites ( ?), and the second, which suggests the fossils under discussion, is designated "Palma vel Yuccites ( ?)." From the Valanginian of Portugal Heer 2 described what he calls Bambusium latifolium, which is also sug- gestive of the American material. Krasser 3 described somewhat similarly appearing remains from the Cretaceous (Cenomanian ?) of Moravia as Typliceloipum cretaceum. These are somewhat smaller than the American forms and show transverse veinlets which are absent in the latter. Saporta 4 referred forms of this kind, which are not uncommon in the Ceno- manian of Portugal, to a new monocotyledonous genus, which he calls Pln/Hotcenia, comparing it with Bambusa, Elilzocaulon, etc. Smaller but otherwise comparable Lower and Upper Cretaceous forms were named by Schenk 5 Eolirion, and similar older Mesozoic forms are commonly referred to the form-genus Yuccites." Perhaps the most similar fossils known are those referred to the genus Krannem, and fully described by Velenovsky, 7 who does not, however, arrive at any satisfactory conclusion regarding their relationship, although he thinks they are Cycadaceous. It seems undesirable to refer the present material to Yuccites, since while it is similar to the more ancient remains so named, it is entirely improbable that it is congeneric with the Triassic type upon which this 1 Miquel, Verh. geol. kaart. Nederl. I, 1853, pp. 33-56, plates i-vii. 2 Heer, Cont. Fl. Foss. Portugal, 1881, p. 22, pi. 19, figs. 1-3. 3 Krasser, Beitr. z. Kennt. Foss. Kreidefl. v. Kunstadt, 1896, p. 15, pi. ii, f g. 4. 4 Saporta, Fl. Foss. Port., 1894, pp. 216, 221, pi. xxxviii, figs. 6-8, 12, 13, 21; pi. xxxix, fig. 20. 5 Schenk, Pal., Bd. xix, 1869, p. 20. G Schimper and Mougeot, Mon. PI. Foss. Vosges, 1844, p. 42. 7 Velenovsky, Gym. Bohm. Kreidefl., 1885, p. 1. 808 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY genus was founded, and such an identification would consequently be very misleading. Until the existing tropical Monocotyledons are more abund- antly represented in our larger herbaria, or more complete and decisive Cretaceous material is discovered, the botanical affinity of these anoma- lous forms must remain undetermined. The name chosen indicates super- ficial resemblance and does not imply actual relationship with the modern genus Doryanthes of the order Liliales. Little reliance can be placed upon a similarity of appearance in dealing with fragmentary remains of this sort, and the foregoing are mentioned merely as indicating the presence of undetermined Monocotyledons of large size in the Cretaceous floras of the world. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Order POALES Family CYPERACEAE Genus CAREX Linne [Sp. PL, 1753, p. 972] CAREX CLARKII Berry Carex clarkii Berry, 1905, Amer. Nat., vol. xxxix, pp. 3-7, fig. 1. Carex clarkii Berry, 1906, Ann. Kept. State Geol. of New Jersey for 1905, pp. 138-141. Carex clarkii Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 169. Carex clarkii Berry, 1907, Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., n. s. No. 7, p. 81. Carex clarkii Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, p. 29. Description. Leaf fragments up to 6 cm. in length, varying in width from 1.5 mm. to 4 mm., averaging between 2 mm. and 3 mm., slightly keeled, becoming thicker and narrower proximad; midrib moderately prominent. Lateral veins, which are parallel with it, very fine and scarcely discernible except in the larger specimens. In common with other fossil remains of grasses and sedges this species has no botanical value, except as an indication of the presence of plants of this type in the Cretaceous ; it has, however, like so many fossils of vague MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 809 botanical affinities, considerable stratigraphic value, since it is found to characterize the Magothy formation at a large number of outcrops from jSTew Jersey to Maryland. It occurs also in the Middendorf beds of South Carolina. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware; Grove Point, Cecil County, Maryland. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Order ARALES Family ARACEAE Genus PISTIA Linne [Sp. PL, 1753, p. 963] PISTIA NORDENSKIOLDI (Heer) Berry Plate LVI, Fig. 3 Chondrophyllum nordenskioldi Heer, 1874, Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. iii, Ab. ii, p. 114, pi. xxx, fig. 4b; pi. xxxii, figs. 11, 12. Chondrophyllum nordenskioldi Berry, 1907, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiv, p. 198, pi. xiii, fig. 1. Pistia nordenskioldi Berry, 1910, Ibidem, vol. xxxvii, p. 189, pi. xxi, figs. 1-15. Pistia nordenskioldi Berry, 1911, Ibidem, vol. xxxviii, p. 405. Description. " P. foliis ovalibus, integerrimis, basi attenuatis, nervis primordialibus quinque, duobus lateralibus basi connatis." Heer, 1874. This species, based on a few incomplete specimens from the Atane beds of Greenland, was described by Heer in 1874. Thirty-three years later the writer identified it in a small collection from the Cretaceous of North Carolina. In 1907 and 1908 it was found to be exceedingly abundant in the Black Creek formation of North Carolina, and this abundant material has enabled the writer to settle its botanical position and to somewhat amplify Heer's diagnosis. The leaves are elliptical or orbicular in outline, with a broadly rounded or slightly truncated apex and a decurrent base, which is broad and flat for a distance of about 1 cm. Total length of leaf varying from 3 cm. to 6 cm., averaging about 4.5 cm. Maximum width ranging from 2 cm. to 810 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 4 cm., averaging about 3 cm. Margins entire, slightly irregular. Texture coriaceous. A wide false midrib in the basal part of some of the leaves is formed by the convergence of the digitate veins which are thin and diverge at acute angles in a flabellate manner and pursue a relatively straight upward course, inosculating in the marginal regions. They send off fre- quent pseudo-dichotomous inosculating branches. An ultimate areolation of thin transverse veins forms an open four or five-sided mesh. The epi- dermis is preserved in some instances. The stomata are few and scattered and are confined to one surface and are altogether absent from the broad leaf-bases. In its size, outline, and venation this species is scarcely to be distin- guished from the modern Pistia slratiotes Linne, which is certainly a variable and widely distributed, chiefly tropical, species. In this country it is found from Florida to Texas. Elsewhere it occurs in the West Indies and southward through Mexico and Central America to Paraguay and Argentina. In Africa it is found from Natal to Senegambia and Nubia, occurring also in Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands. In Asia it occurs throughout the East Indies and northward to the Philippines. The fossil forms are more like the younger leaves of the modern plant (possibly a phylogenetic character in the latter), the later leaves tending toward a cuneate outline with a truncated apex and straighter sides. But few fossils have been referred to this genus. Hosius and von der Marck described in 1880 what they called Pistites loriformis from the Lower Senonian of Westphalia (Pal., Bd. xxvi, p. 182, pi. xxxviii, figs. 151, 152), but this is probably cycadean, as Schenk suggested (in Zittel's Handbuch, p. 378, 1890). Lesquereux in 1876 (Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Survey, Terr., p. 299, 1874) named a remarkably well- preserved form from Point of Eocks, Wyoming, Pistia corrugata. This was fully described and illustrated in his Tertiary Flora (p. 103, pi. Ixi, figs. 1, 3-7, 9-11, 1883) and included leaves of various sizes, and rootlets. It comes from beds belonging to the Montana formation (Senonian) , which are of about the same age as the French beds from which the only other Cretaceous species is known. This latter, Pistia mazelii, was mentioned MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 811 and figured from the lignites of Fuveau (Provence), France, by Saporta and Marion in their popular work, L'Evolution du Regne Vegetal, pub- lished in 1885 (Phanerogames, tome ii, p. 37, figs. 114c, 114d), but has never been adequately described. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Order ARECALES Family ARECACEAE Genus SABALITES Saporta [Etudes, tome ii, 1865, p. 77J SABALITES MAGOTHIENSIS (Berry) Berry Plate LVI, Figs. 4, 5 Flabellaria magothiensis Berry, 1905, Torreya, vol. v, tf. 1, 2. Flabellaria magothiensis Berry, 1906, Ann. Kept. State Geol. of New Jer- sey for 1905, pp. 139-141. Flabellaria magothiensis Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Glut), vol. xxxiii, p. 170. Flabellaria magothiensis Berry, 1910, Ibidem, vol. xxxvii, p. 21. Sabalites magothiensis Berry, 1911, Ibidem, vol. xxxviii, p. 405. Description. Based on fragmentary remains of a large, palmetto-like fan-palm. Eays numerous, broad, coriaceous, longitudinally striated by thin veins, the stouter veins occurring at intervals of from 2 mm. to 4 mm. Remains of these large flabellate palm leaves are very common at several localities in the Magothy formation from Earitan Bay in New Jersey to the Severn Eiver in Maryland. They are invariably much broken, so that they baffle precise description or determination. They are of great inter- est, however, as being among the earliest known occurrences of undoubted palms. They are associated in New Jersey with petrified palm wood (Palmoxylon diffwoodensis Berry). Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware; Grove Point, Cecil County; Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. 53 812 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY CLASS DICOTYLEDONAE Order MYR1CALES Family MYRICACEAE Genus MY RICA Linne [Sp. PL, 1753, p. 1024] MYRICA LONGA (Heer) Heer Plate LVII, Figs. 1-3 Proteoides longus Heer, 1874, Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. iii, Ab. ii, p. 110, pi. xxix, fig. 8b; pi. xxxi, figs. 4, 5. Proteoides longus Dawson, 1883, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vol. i, sec. iv, p. 22, pi. ii, fig. 8. Myrica longa Heer, 1883, Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 65, pi. xviii, fig. 9b; pi. xxix, figs. 15-17; pi. xxxiii, fig. 10; pi. xli, fig. 4d. Myrica longa Heer, 1883, Ibidem, Bd. vii, p. 21. Myrica longa Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 67, pi. iii, figs. 1-6. Myrica longa Bartsch, 1896, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist., Iowa Univ., vol. iii, p. 180. Myrica longa Knowlton, 1901, 21st Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Survey, pt. vii, p. 314, pi. xxxix, fig. 7. Myrica longa Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 170. Description. Leaves of various sizes, linear to lanceolate in outline, with a stout midrib, numerous thin, ascending, camptodrome secondaries, entire margins, obtusely pointed apex, narrowly decurrent base and long stout petiole. This species was described by Heer as a Proteoides and subsequently referred to the genus Myrica. It occurs in both the Atane and Patoot beds of Greenland, in the Dakota sandstones of the West, in the Magothy formation of Maryland, in the Woodbine formation of Texas, and is very common in the Tuscaloosa formation of Alabama. Abroad it has been recorded 1 from the lower Turonian of Bohemia. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County; Bodkin Point, Kound Bay, Little Round Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. 1 Fri, Archiv. Naturw. Landes Bohm., Bd. iv, No. 1, 1878, pp. 18, 94. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 813 Order SALICALES Family SALICACEAE Genus SALIX Linne [Sp. PL, 1753, p. 1015] SALIX FLEXUOSA Newberry Plate LVII, Fig. 4 Salix flexuosa Newberry, 1868, Later Ext. Floras, p. 21. Salix flexuosa Newberry, 1878, 111. Cret. and Tert. Plants, pi. i, fig. 4. Salix protewfolia linearifolia Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 49, pi. xliv, figs. 1-3. Salix protewfolia flexuosa Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 50, pi. xliv, figs. 4, 5. Salix prota'folia flexuosa Hollick, 1894, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxi, p. 50, pi. clxxiv, fig. 5. Salix protetrfolia flexuosa Hollick, 1898, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xi, p. 59, pi. iv, fig. 5a. Salix protewfolia flexuosa Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 67, pi. xlviii, fig. 12; pi. li, fig. 2. Salix flexuosa Berry, 1906, Ann. Kept. State Geol. Survey of New Jersey for 1905, p. 145. Salix flexuosa Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 171. Salix protevfolia linearifolia Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. i, p. 52, pi. viii, fig. 12. Salix protewfolia flexuosa Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 51, pi. viii, figs. 5, 6a; pi. xxxvii, fig. 8b. Salix flexuosa Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 115. Salix flexuosa Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, pp. 32, 109, pi. vii, figs. 14-16; pi. xi, fig. 1. Description. Leaves narrow, linear-lanceolate in outline, equally pointed at both ends, short petioled, ranging from 5 cm. to 10 cm. in length, and from 8 mm. to 13 mm. in maximum width. Margins entire. Midrib stout below, tapering above, often somewhat flexuous. Secondaries more or less remote, about ten alternate pairs, branching from the midrib at angles varying from 35 to 45, camptodrome, of fine caliber, often obsolete. This species was described by Newberry from the Dakota group in 1868. Lesquereux subsequently made it one of the varieties of his Salix protecefolia, although it is obviously entitled to independent specific rank. It is of rare occurrence in the Eariten formation of New Jersey, where it 814 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY is first found in the uppermost beds at South Amboy, New Jersey, and it is pre-eminently a species which characterizes the Magothy formation from New Jersey to Maryland, and homotaxial horizons to the southward. It is recorded in beds of Magothy age from Marthas Vineyard to the Potomac River. It occurs in the Black Creek beds of North and South Carolina, and in the Middendorf member in the latter state. In Georgia, while not especially abundant, characteristic leaves of this species are found from the base to the top of the lower Eutaw formation in the western part of the state. In Alabama it is very common at a relatively large number of localities from the base to the top of the Tuscaloosa for- mation. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware ; Grove Point, Cecil County; Sullivan's Cove, Anne Arundel County. Maryland. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. SALIX LESQUEREUXII .Berry Plate LVII, Figs. 5-8 Salix proteccfolia Lesquereux, 1874, Cret. Fl., p. 60, pi. v, figs. 1-4. Salix protecefolia Lesquereux, 1883, Cret. and Tert. Fl., p. 42, pi. i, figs. 14-16; pi. xvi, fig. 3. Salix proteccfolia Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 49. Salix proteccfolia longifolia Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 50, pi. xliv, fig. 9. Proteoides daphnogeoides Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 72 (pars), pi. xxxii, fig. 11. Dewalquea greenlandica Newberry, 1896, Ibidem, p. 129 (pars), pi. xli, fig. 12. Salix proteccfolia Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 66, pi. xviii, figs. 3, 4. Salix protecefolia Lesquereux, 1898, Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. xlvi, p. 94 (non Forbes). Salix proteccfolia Berry, 1900, Ann. Kept. State Geol. Survey of New Jer- sey for 1905, p. 139. Salix proteccfolia Kurtz, 1902, Revista Mus. La Plata, vol. x, p. 51. Salix proteccfolia Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 171, pi. vii, fig. 2. Salix proteccfolia Berry, 1907, Johns Hopkins Univ., n. s. No. 7, p. 81. Salix proteccfolia Berry, 1909, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvi, p. 252. Salix lesquereuxii Berry, 1910, Ibidem, vol. xxxvii, p. 21. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 815 Salix lesguereuxii Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 114. Salix lesquereuxii Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, pp. 33, 109, pi. vii, figs. 11-13. Description. Leaves ovate-lanceolate in outline, somewhat more acu- minate above than below, variable in size, ranging from 6 cm. to 12 cm. in length, and from 1.1 cm. to 2.2 cm. in greatest width, which is usually slightly below the middle. Petiole stout, much larger than in Salix flexuosa, ranging up to 1.2 cm. in length. Midrib stout below, tapering above. Secondaries numerous, sometimes as many as twenty pairs; they branch from the midrib at angles of about 45 and are parallel and camp- todrome. This is an exceedingly variable species, as might be expected in a Salix, and Lesquereux established several varieties of which at least one, i. e., linearifolia, is referable to Salix flexuosa Newberry. Some of Lesque- reux's forms are distinguishable with difficulty from the latter, and this is especially shown in the leaves which he figures on plate i of his Cre- taceous and Tertiary Flora. They are, however, larger and somewhat more robust, of a thicker texture, and broadest near the base, from which they taper upward to an exceedingly acuminate tip. In general, Salix lesquereuxii is a relatively much broader, more ovate form with more numerous and better seen secondaries and a longer petiole. This species is an exceedingly abundant Cretaceous type in both the East and the West, ranging in the Coastal Plain from the base of the Raritan formation to the top of the Tuscaloosa formation, and possibly through the Eutaw formation as well. It is abundant in the Magothy, Black Creek, and Middendorf beds. In the West it is common in the Dakota sandstone. It is one of the forms recorded by Kurtz from the Upper Cretaceous of Argentina, indicating, if the identification is correct, a very considerable migration during the early Upper Cretaceous. In Alabama it ranges from the bottom to the top of the Tuscaloosa formation. Occurrence. RARITAN FORMATION. East Washington Heights, Dis- trict of Columbia. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware ; Grove Point, Cecil County, Maryland. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. 816 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Genus POPULUS Linne [Sp. PL, 1753, p. 1034] POPULUS STYGIA Heer Plate LVIII, Fig. 1 Populus stygia Heer, 1873, Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. iii, Ab. ii, p. 107. Populus stygia Heer, 1882, Ibidem, Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 64, pi. xvii, fig. 5; pi. xviii, figs. 5-8; pi. xxxix, fig. 5. Populus stygia Heer, 1883, Ibidem, Bd. vii, p. 30, pi. Iv, fig. 6; pi. Ixiv, fig. 10. Populus stygia Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 44, pi. iii, fig. 12. Populus stygia Hollick, 1907, Ibidem, vol. 1, p. 49, pi. vii, fig. 30. Description. " P. foliis cordatis, integerrimis, nervo primario valido, nervis secundariis ramosis, basilaribus 5, infimis margine approximatis." Heer, 1873. This species is variable in size with a subcoriaceous texture, entire margins, cordate base and obtuse tip, with a strongly defined venation. It occurs in both the Atane and Patoot beds of west Greenland, the Dakota sandstone of Kansas, and the Magothy formation of Marthas Vineyard. It is represented in Maryland by very fragmentary material at Bodkin Point, but rather more characteristic although scanty material from Sullivan's Cove on Round Bay, which is certainly identical with the Dakota Sandstone leaves which Lesquereux referred to this species. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION". Bodkin Point, Sullivan's Cove, Anne Arundel County. Collection. U. S. National Museum. Order FAGALES Family FAGACEAE Genus QUERCUS Linne [Sp. PL, 1753, p. 994] QUERCUS MORRISONIANA Lesquereux Plate LVIII, Fig. 2 Quercus morrisoniana Lesquereux, 1883, Cret. and Tert. Flora, p. 40, pi. xvii, figs. 1, 2. Quercus morrisoniana Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 55. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 817 Quercus morrisoniana Hollick, 1897, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xvi, p, 131, pi. xiii, figs. 11, 12. Quercus morrisoniana Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 72. Quercus morrisoniana Hollick, 1904, Ibidem, p. 411, pi. Ixxiii, fig. 5. Quercus morrisoniana Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 56, pi. viii, fig. 4. Quercus morrisoniana Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 21. Description. " Leaves of medium size, coriaceous, petiolate, ovate- lanceolate, acuminate; medial nerve strong; secondary nerves numerous, alternate, curved in passing to the borders, camptodrome, simple, or some of them forking near the borders." Lesquereux, 1883. The present species was described from the Dakota group of Colorado and has been subsequently recognized in the Magothy formation of Long Island, New Jersey, and Maryland. There can be no question of the identity of the eastern forms with those of the West, but their relation to the genus Quercus is entirely problematical. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. QUERCUS SEVERNENSIS Berry Plate LVII, Fig. 9 Quercus severnensis Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 22, pi. viii, fig. 3. Description. Leaves of small size, ovate-lanceolate in outline, becom- ing gradually narrowed apically, 7 cm. in length by 2.3 cm. in greatest width, which is in the basal half of the leaf. Apex pointed. Base rounded. Petiole short and stout. Margin entire for its basal fourth, above which 'it is beset with distant, prominent, serrate teeth separated by inequi- lateral rounded sinuses. Midrib stout. Secondaries remote, six to eight pairs, subopposite to alternate, branching from the midrib at angles of from 45 to 50, but slightly curved, not prominent: basal ones sending branches into the teeth, distal ones running direct to the marginal teeth. This species is somewhat suggestive of the much older Quercophyllum clnnl-apinensis Ward of the Patapsco formation, and it is closely related to 818 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Quercus holmesii Lesquereux of the Dakota group of the West and the Magothy formation of New Jersey. Among modern oaks analogies may be found among the scrub and live oaks of the Pacific Slope, as, for example, Quercus wislizeni, Q. tomentella, and Q. clirysolepsis, especially the first; and with Q. ilex of Europe. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. U. S. National Museum. Order (JRT1CALES Family MORACEAE Genus FICUS Linne [Sp. PI., 1753, p. 1059] Ficus DAPHNOGENOIDES (Heer) Berry Plate LVIII, Fig. 3 Proteoides daphnogenoides Heer, 1866, Phyll. Cret. d. Nebr., p. 17, pi. iv, figs. 9, 10. Proteoides daphnogenoides Lesquereux, 1874, Cret. Fl., p. 85, pi. xv, figs. 1, 2. Proteoides daphnogenoides Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 90. Proteoides daphnogenoides Hollick, 1892, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xi, p. 98, pi. iii, figs. 1, 2. Ficus proteoides Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 77, pi. xii, fig. 2. Proteoides daphnogenoides Hollick, 1893, Ibidem, vol. xii, p. 36, pi. ii, figs. 4, 9, 13. Proteoides daphnogenoides Hollick, 1894, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxi, p. 52; pi. clxxvii, fig. 1. Proteoides daphnogenoides Smith, 1894, Geol. Coastal Plain Ala., p. 348 (determined by Ward). Proteoides daphnogenoides Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 72, pi. xvii, figs. 8, 9; pi. xxxii, figs. 11, 13, 14; pi. xxxiii, fig. 3; pi. xii, fig. 15. Eucalyptus ? attenuata Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, pi. xvi, fig. 5 (non figs. 2, 3). Proteoides daphnogenoides Berry, 1903, Bull, N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 74, pi. li, figs. 6-9. Ficus daphnogenoides Berry, 1905, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxii, p. 327, pi. xxi. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 819 Ficus daphnogenoides Berry, 1906, Ibidem, vol. xxxiii, p. 173, pi. vii, fig. 5. Ficus daphnogenoides Berry, 1907, Ibidem, vol. xxxiv, p. 194, pi. xi, figs. 10, 11. Proteoides daphnogenoides Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 59, pi. xii, figs. 1-5. Ficus daphnogenoides Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 122, pi. xii, fig. 4. Ficus daphnogenoides Berry, 1912, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxix, p. 394. Description. " Les feuilles sont coriaces, a la base attenuees, entieres ; la nervure mediane est forte ; elle porte deux nervures secondaries f aibles, aerodromes, qui sont presque paralleles au limbe; mais elles ne sont pas opposees, comme chez les Daphnagene et Cinnamormim." Heer, 1866. This species was described by Heer from the Dakota group of Nebraska, and was based upon very incomplete material. His specimens have some long ascending secondaries, but Lesquereux's more complete specimens from the same horizon and region show that these secondaries were not aerodrome but camptodrome. The species in this feature, and also in other respects, differs from Protect, and its allies which are more coriaceous, with the secondaries branching at acute angles and massed toward the often apetiolate base. On comparison with the genus Ficus it is found to closely resemble a number of different species from such widely separated localities as Central and South America and the Celebes. Especially among the Mexican and Central American forms are very similar leaves seen, e. g., Ficus fasciculata Watson, Ficus lancifolia Hooker and Arnott, Ficus ligustrina Kunth and Bouche, and Ficus sapida Miquel, especially the latter, which has much the same outline and consistency, the same prominent midrib, and the same venation. Placed in the genus Ficus, where these fossil forms properly belong, they find their affinity in the group which includes, among others, such species as Ficus elongata Hosius, Ficus bertlioudi Lesquereux, Ficus suspecta Velenovsky, Ficus krausiana Heer, etc. This species has been found to be quite variable in size, ranging in length from 11 cm. to 22 cm. and in width from 1.9 cm. to 3.7 cm. It is usually widest in the lower half of the leaf, although sometimes the base is quite narrow and the widest part is toward the middle. In all unequivocal 820 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY material the upper half of the leaf is narrow and is produced as a long, slender, often recurved tip, which is one of the characteristic features of the species. This tip is strictly comparable with the " dripping points " developed on various leaves in the modern tropics where precipitation is heavy. Ficus daphnogenoides is a widespread and common form ranging from Marthas Vineyard to Texas in eastern North America, and from Xorth- west Territory to Kansas and Nebraska in the Western Interior. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware; Grove Point, Cecil County, Maryland. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Ficus OVATIFOLIA Berry Plate LIX, Fig. 4 Ficus ovata Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 70, pi. xxiv, figs. 1-3 (non Don 1803). Ficus woolsoni Berry, 1907, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiv, p. 194, pi. xii, fig. 1. Ficus ovatifolia Berry, 1909, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvi, p. 253. Ficus ovatifolia Berry, 1911, Ibidem, vol. xxxviii, p. 410. Ficus ovatifolia Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 123, pi. xii, fig. 3. Ficus ovatifolia Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, p. Ill, pi. xix, figs. 5-7. Description. Leaves ovate in outline, 8 cm. to 13 cm. in length by 4 cm. in width, petiolate. Apex extended, acute. Base rounded or some- what descending. Margins entire. Principal veins three, from the base, the midrib being the stoutest and slightly flexuous. The lateral veins diverge at angles of about 45 and curve upward, traversing somewhat more than the basal half of the leaf and connecting with branches from the lowest pair of camptodrome secondaries, of which there are several alternating pairs branching from the midrib at wider angles. The laterals give off on the outside eight to ten camptodrome veins. Quadrangular areoles formed by nearly straight transverse nervilles fill all the inter- vening space. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 821 This species is very close to Ficus woolsoni Newberry, which is a much less elongated comparatively broader leaf, often with a cordate base in consequence. Occurrence. RARITAN FORMATION. East Washington Heights. Dis- trict of Columbia. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. FlCUS CECILENSIS n. Sp. Plate LVIII, Fig. 4 Description. Leaves of medium size, broad-lanceolate in general out- line, with a narrowed but bluntly pointed tip and a somewhat more gradu- ally narrowed, pointed base. Length about 13 cm. Maximum width, in the middle part of the leaf, about 3.75 cm. Margins entire. Texture sub- coriaceous. Petiole very stout, its length unknown. Midrib very stout and prominent. Secondaries thin, about seven alternate pairs; they diverge from the midrib at irregular intervals at angles of about 40, curving upward, camptodrome. Tertiaries thin, well marked, at approxi- mately right angles to the midrib, forming large, quadrangular, usually transversely elongated, areoles. The generic reference of this new form is not certainly determined, as it partakes of the features of lauraceous, ericaceous, and rhamnaceous leaves as well as those of the extensive genus Ficus. It is readily distin- guishable from the species of the latter with which it is associated. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point Cecil County Collection. U. S. National Museum. Ficus CRASSIPES (Heer) Heer Plate LVIII, Fig. 5; Plate LIX, Figs. 2, 3 Proteoides crassipes Heer, 1874, Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. iii, Ab. ii, p. 110, pi. xxxi, figs. 6-8a. Ficus crassipes Heer, 1882, Fl. Foss. Arct, Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 70, pi. xvii, fig. 9a; pi. xxiv, figs. 1, 2. Ficus crassipes Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 79, pi. xiii, fig. 3. 822 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Ficus crassipes Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 172. Ficus daphnogenoides Berry, 1907, Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., n. s. No. 7, p. 81. Ficus crassipes Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, pp. 37, 110, pi. x, fig. 4; pi. xii, figs. 8-10. Description. Leaves entire, narrowly lanceolate in outline, about equally tapering to the acuminate apex and base. Length 12 cm. to 20 cm. Greatest width, which is in the middle part of the leaf, 1.8 cm. to 2.5 cm. Texture coriaceous. Midrib stout, often extraordinarily so. Secondaries thin, open, ascending, camptodrome. This species was described originally from the Atane beds of Western Greenland, the first rather fragmentary specimens collected suggested a relationship with the genus Proteoides. Subsequently the original describer referred it to Ficus, where it undoubtedly belongs. Lesquereux has recorded it from the Dakota group and it is common in the Magothy formation of the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain and in the Black Creek formation of North Carolina. It persists into the Eutaw formation of Georgia and is especially common in the Middendorf beds of South Caro- lina. It is not especially common in the Tuscaloosa formation, and is a species which is especially characteristic of the post-Earitan and pre- Montana horizons of eastern North America. The leaf substance is partially preserved in part of the Alabama mate- rial and shows in microscopic preparations the spiral tracheids of the leaf veins and numerous lactiferous cells. Both lower and upper epidermal layers are well preserved. They are thin and highly cuticularized, the epidermis consisting of very small, nearly equilateral, quadrangular, thick- walled cells. The stomata are few and scattered and are confined to the lower surface. They consist of two rather thin, sausage-shaped guard cells set on edge (i. e., much higher than wide), the length equal to two epidermal cells. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware ; Grove Point, Cecil County; Little Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 823 Ficus KRAUSIANA Heer Plate LIX, Fig. 1 Ficus krausiana Heer, 1869, Neue Denks, chw. Ges., Bd. xxiii, p. 15, pi. v, figs. 3-6. Ficus krausiana Fric, 1878, Archiv. Naturw. Landes, Eohm., Bd. iv, No. 1, pp. 18, 94. Ficus beckwithii Lesquereux, 1883, Cret. and Tert. Fl., p. 46, pi. xvi, figs. 5; pi. xvii, figs. 3, 4. f Ficus suspecta Velenovsky, 1885, Fl. Bohm, Kreidef., Theil iv, p. 10, pi. v, figs. 6, 9. Ficus atavina Hollick, 1892, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xi, p. 103, pi. iv, figs. 4, 6 (non Heer). Ficus krausiana Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 81, pi. i, fig. 5. Ficus krausiana Hollick, 1895, Bull. Geo. Soc. Amer., vol. vii, p. 13. Ficus krausiana Hollick, 1898, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xi, p. 59, pi. iii, fig. 1. Ficus krausiana Fric and Bayer, 1901, Archiv. Naturw. Landes Bohm., Bd. xi, No. 2, p. 117. Ficus krausiana Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 58, pi. ix, fig. 9; pi. x, figs. 1-3. Ficus krausiana Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 172. Ficus krausiana Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, pp. 38, 110, pi. xi, figs. 4-7; pi. xix, fig. 4. Description. Leaves of large size, ovate-lanceolate in outline, broadest at or below the middle. Apex and base acutely pointed, the apex often extended and attenuated. Petiole and midrib stout. Secondaries regu- lar, open, thin, ascending, camptodrome, branching from the midrib at angles of 45 or more. Length about 17 cm. Greatest width about 4 cm. This well known Upper Cretaceous species was described originally from the Cenomanian of Moravia, and it has been subsequently recorded from both the Cenomanian and Turonian of Bohemia. It occurs at a large number of American localities. In the West it occurs in the Dakota sandstone, while in the East it is common from Marthas Vineyard to Alabama, and is present between these limits in Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. These occurrences are all in beds of Magothy age or younger. In both North and South Carolina Ficuz fruits are associated with this species, but whether they are to be referred to it or to some of the other rather numerous species of Ficus which 824 SYSTEMATIC PALEOXTOLOGY occur at the same localities cannot be determined. The present species is one of the commonest post-Raritan and pre-Montana fossils in the Coastal Plain, and it is especially abundant in the Middendorf forma- tion of South Carolina. In Alabama it is not uncommon in the Tusca- loosa formation and it persists into the basal Eutaw beds in Hale County. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FOKMATIOX. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Order PLATANALES Family PLATANACEAE Genus PLATANUS Linne [Sp. PL, 1753, p. 999] PLATANUS HEERII Lesquereux Plates LXV, LXVI, LXVII Platanus heerii Lesquereux, 1872, Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. Survey, Terr. (Hayden) for 1871, p. 303 (non Ward). Sassafras recurvatus Lesquereux, 1873, Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. Survey, Terr. (Hayden) for 1872, p. 424 (non Heer 1882). Platanus heerii Lesquereux, 1874, Cret. FL, p. 70, pi. viii, fig. 4; pi. ix, figs. 1, 2. Platanus recurvata Lesquereux, 1874, Cret. FL, p. 71, pi. x, figs. 4, 5 (non fig. 3). ? Platanus heerii Lesquereux, 1878, Kept, on Clays in New Jersey, p. 29. Platanus heerii Heer, 1882, FL Foss. Arct., Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 72, pi. vii, figs. 1, 2; pi. viii, figs. 1, 2a; pi. ix, figs. 1-4. f Platanus heerii Lesquereux, 1883, Cret. and Tert. FL, p. 44, pi. iii, fig. 1; pi. vii, fig. 5. Sassafras (Araliopsis) recurvatum Lesquereux, 1883, Cret. and Tert. FL, p. 57 (pars). Sassafras cretaceum recurvatum Berry, 1902, Bot. Gazette, vol. xxxiv, p. 438. Platanus heerii Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 23. Platanus heerii Berry, 1911, Ibidem, vol. xxxviii, p. 411. Description. Leaves broadly rhomboidal in outline, more or less trilo- bate. Lobes, when developed, short and obtuse. Base decurrent. Petiole long and stout. Margin sublobate, undulate or irregularly dentate. Texture coriaceous. Primaries three, stout, diverging at acute angles. The lateral primaries are as stout as the midrib from which they branch MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 825 in an opposite or subopposite position, either from the extreme base or a considerable distance above the base. In the latter case there is often a prominent secondary given off from the midrib on either side below the primaries. The primaries may give off a few rather long, straight, eras- pedodrome secondaries to the rather full lateral margin, or they may send off a stout lateral branch at varying distances above the base. Secondaries from the midrib few in number, stout, irregularly spaced, craspedodrome. Tertiaries transverse, platanoid. This species was described from the Dakota sandstone of Kansas by Professor Lesquereux in 1872, who subsequently in his Cretaceous Flora confused it with Platanus or Sassafras recurvatum. The latter, if it really designates a species, must be restricted to the form figured by Les- quereux on pi. x, fig. 3 of the Cretaceous Flora, which is decidedly differ- ent from his other figures on that plate. The latter are leaves of Platanus heerii, while the former must be referred to Sassafras cretaceum*or mira- bile. Not only is it distinctly trilobate but the margin is entire and the venation camptodrome, while in the leaves of Platanus heerii on the same plate the form and margin are different and the venation is craspedo- drome. Professor Heer correctly identified Platanus heerii from the Atane beds of Greenland, and the forms which he figured from these beds as Sassafras recurvatum are distinct from Platanus heerii and resemble Lesquereux's fig. 3 mentioned above. The writer some years ago (1902, loc. cit.) in discussing Sassafras recurvatum pointed out the composite nature of this form and suggested that those forms which are here referred to Platanus heerii were referable to Platanus, while the other type was comparable with Sassafras cretaceum or mirabile. Professor Ward in 1887 * after sending figures of some leaves which he had collected at Black Buttes, Wyoming (a probably basal Eocene locality) to Lesquereux, who insisted that they were not Platanus heerii, persisted in identifying them as this species, although they are obviously not closely related to it. 1 Ward, Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 37, 1887, p. 34, pi. xv, figs. 3, 4. 826 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Platanus heerii was identified by Lesquereux from the New Jersey Karitan in collections made from Pettifs pits, South River, but as the material was poor and the species has not since been detected in the New Jersey Earitan this occurrence is usually ignored, although the abundance of this species in the Earitan of Maryland renders its presence in New Jersey probable. Fragments of this species in the Maryland Earitan are very common, but they are usually in a bad state of preservation. The species extends northward to the west coast of Greenland and it shows considerable resemblance to Credneria rhomboidea described by Vele- novsky from the Cenomanian of Bohemia, 1 and subsequently transferred by him to Platanus. Occurrence. EAEITAN FORMATION. Drum Point Eailroad near head of Severn Eiver, Anne Arundel County, Maryland; East Washington Heights, District of Columbia. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Genus ASPID1OPHYLLUM Lesquereux [Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. Survey Terr. (Hayden) for 1874, p. 361, 1876] ASPIDIOPHYLLUM TEILOBATUM Lesquereux Plate LX, Figs. 1, 2; Plate LXI, Figs. 1, 2 Aspidiophyllum trilobatum Lesquereux, 1876, Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. Sur- vey, Terr. (Hayden) for 1874, p. 361, pi. ii, figs. 1, 2. Aspidiophyllum trilobatum Lesquereux, 1883, Cret. and Tert. Fl., p. 87, pi. xii, fig. 1; pi. xiii, figs. 1-5; pi. xiv, fig. 1. Aspidiophyllum trilobatum Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 212. Aspidiophyllum trilobatum Berry, 1911, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, p. 410. Description. Medium to large sized leaves, rhomboidal in general out- line, obtusely trilobate. Length 10 cm. to 25 cm. Maximum width, which is across the lobes in the basal half of the leaf, 10 cm. to 30 cm. Base truncate or broadly cuneate, markedly peltate. Lobes broad and rounded. Sinuses open and rounded, extending less than half-way to the ^elenovsky, Fl. Bohm. Kreidef., Theil i, 1882, p. 11, pi. iii, figs. 2, 3; pi. iv, fig. 1. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SUHVEY 827 base. Petiole and midrib very stout. Lateral primaries stout but some- what less so than the midrib, opposite, curved, diverging from the midrib at an angle of about 45, or more rather than less, inserted some distance (about 1 cm.) above the peltate base. Secondaries numerous, rather strong, approximately parallel, diverging from the primaries at angles of about 45 or more, camptodrome. Tertiaries well marked, transverse, of a style common to Ficus, Platanus, Sassafras, etc. Margin entire, some- what undulate or sublobate in some specimens. Texture coriaceous. The basal peltate shield varies from broadly rounded to suborbicular and in some specimens it is sublobate with a craspedodrome downwardly directed secondary running to the tip of each lobule. Where it is simply rounded the secondaries are all camptodrome. This species was described by Professor Lesquereux in 1874 and was based upon material from the Dakota sandstone of Kansas, to which horizon the genus has been hitherto confined. This species is, however, not uncommon in the Raritan deposits of Maryland where it is associated with representatives of the genus Protophyllum , another peculiar Dakota sandstone series of forms. The material is unfortunately rather poorly preserved, having been much macerated before fossilization, but it is com- plete enough, as is shown by the specimens figured, for certainly in identification. The genus Aspidiopliyllum, in which three species have been described has never had its botanical affinity satisfactorily determined, although it is probably related to Protophyllum. Professor Lesquereux fancied that it was related to his Dakota species of Sassafras (Araliopsis), and he also pointed out its resemblance to some of the European forms referred to Zenker's genus Credneria. Professor Ward was disposed to regard it as related to Platanus, and certainly the species Aspidiopliyllum dentatum Lesquereux is very close to those species of Platanus, which, like Platanus basilolata Ward or Platanus appendiculata Lesquereux, have a peltate basilar shield, a condition exhibited as an atavistic character in occasional leaves of the modern Platanus occidentalis Linne. Schenk was disposed to consider Aspidiopliyllum as a member of the family 54 828 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Urticacece. It must be confessed, however, that the data are still lacking from which to settle the question. Occurrence. RARITAN FORMATION. Shannon Hill, Cecil County; Forked Creek, Severn Eiver, Anne Arundel County, Maryland; East Washington Heights, District of Columbia. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Genus PROTOPHYLLUM Lesquereux [Cret. Fl., 1874, p. 100] PROTOPHYLLUM STERNBERGII Lesquereux Plate LXII, Figs. 1-3 ; Plate LXIII, Figs. 1, 2 ; Plate LXIV, Fig. 3 Pterospermites sternbergii Lesquereux, 1873, Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. Survey, Terr. (Hayden), for 1872, p. 425. Protophyllum sternbergii Lesquereux, 1874, Cret. Fl., p. 101, pi. xvi; pi. xviii, fig. 2. Protophyllum sternbergii Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 189, pi. xlii, fig. 1. Protophyllum sternbergii Berry, 1911, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, p. 411. Description. Leaves of large size, ranging from 13 cm. to 25 cm. in length by from 10 cm. to 20 cm. in maximum width, which is at a point below the middle ; broadly oval in outline, with an obtusely pointed apex and a cordate or slightly subpeltate base. Margins entire, somewhat undulate. Midrib stout. Secondaries stout, about ten or eleven sub- opposite to alternate pairs, the lower pairs branching from the midrib at a wide angle which becomes acute in the upper pairs. The secondaries are all craspedodrome and send off one or two strong craspedodrome branches. Tertiaries fine, transverse. Texture coriaceous. This species, which has not hitherto been found outside of the Dakota sandstone, from which horizon it was described as a species of Ptero- spermites by Professor Lesquereux as early as 1872, is not uncommon in the Earitan deposits of Maryland. The specimens, partly because of the large size of the leaves, are rather fragmentary, some of the more complete fragments being figured. There can be no question of their identity with the western forms of Protophyllum-, although the true systematic position MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 829 of the genus remains unsettled. There is considerable resemblance to Lesquereux's genus Aspidiophyttum and also to the European forms referred to Zenker's genus Credneria, both of which are genera of unde- termined botanical affinity. Lesquereux referred a number of Dakota group species to this genus, which may possibly be regarded as a synthetic type. Occurrence. RARITAN FORMATLON. Shannon Hill and Bull Moun- tain, Cecil County, Maryland; East Washington Heights, District of Columbia. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum, X. Y. Botanical Garden. PROTOPHYLLUM MULTINERVE Lesquereux Plate LXIII, Fig. 3; Plate LXIV, Figs. 1, 2 Pterospermites multinervis Lesquereux, 1872, Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. Sur- vey, Terr. (Hayden) for 1871, p. 302. Protophyllum multinerve Lesquereux, 1874, Cret. Fl., p. 105, pi. xviii, fig. 1. Protophyllum multinerve Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 191, pi. xliii, fig. 2 ; pi. Ixv, fig. 1. Protophyllum multinerve Berry, 1911, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, p. 411. Description. Leaf of medium size, averaging considerably smaller than the preceding species and more nearly orbicular in outline, 9 cm. to 15 cm. in length by 9 cm. to 13 cm. in maximum width, which is about midway between the apex and the base. Apex rounded or obtusely pointed. Base rounded truncate, subpeltate. Margin entire or regularly undulate, usually constricted at the end of each secondary and branch of a secon- dary, with usually two slight, rounded undulations between adjacent con- strictions. Midrib stout, becoming thin above. Secondaries relatively thin, numerous, craspedodrome, sending off from one to three craspedo- drome branches. Tertiaries very numerous, thin, mostly transverse. Texture coriaceous. This species has hitherto been known only from the Dakota sandstone of southern Kansas, from which area it was described by Professor Les- quereux in 1871. It is rather common in the Earitan clays at Cedar Point, 830 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY but the remains are very fragmentary, some of the larger fragments being those figured. They clearly represent a species of Protophyllum distinct from the preceding species and are identical with Protophyllum multi- nerve in their observed characters, especially in the peculiar margin. Occurrence. RARITAN FORMATION. Cedar Point, Baltimore County, Maryland; East Washington Heights, District of Columbia. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Order POLYGONALES Family POLYGONACEAE Genus COCCOLOBITES n. gen. COCCOLOBITES CRETACEUS n. Sp. Plate LXVIII, Fig. 1 Description. Leaves of large size, elliptical in general outline, with a broadly rounded, slightly emarginate tip, and a broadly cuneate base. Length about 9 cm. Maximum width, near the middle of the leaf, about 6 cm. Margins entire, more or less prominently undulate, inequilateral, occasionally approaching sublobate in the prominence of some of the undu- lations. Petiole short and stout, or wanting. Midrib stout. Secondaries stout, about seven camptodrome pairs. Tertiaries prominent, forming open polygonal meshes. This species is obviously new, although it resembles somewhat the Earitan leaf described by Newberry * as Pkyllites undulatus, which differs principally in its finer venation. The resemblance to the leaves of the Eocene and existing species of Coccolobis has suggested the proposal of a new genus allied to and possibly ancestral to the latter. Coccolobis has about one hundred and twenty species in the existing flora, many of which are coastal forms, and all confined to the American tropics. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. 'Newberry, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 131, pi. xxiv, fig. 10, 1896. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 831 Order RANALES Family MAGNOLIACEAE Genus MAGNOLIA Linne [Sp. PI., 1753, p. 535] MAGNOLIA HOLLICKI Berry Plate LXIX, Fig. 3 Dicotyledonous leaf impression Hitchcock, 1841, Geol. Mass., vol. ii, p. 430, pi. xix, fig. 1. Magnolia auriculata Hollick, 1894, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxi, p. 61, pi. clxxix, figs. 6, 7 (non Lamarck, 1783). Magnolia auriculata Smith, 1894, Geol. Coastal Plain Ala., p. 348. Magnolia auriculata Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 75, pi. Iviii, figs. 1-9, 11 (non fig. 10). Magnolia auriculata Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 174. Magnolia auriculata Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 67, pi. xix, fig. 5; pi. xx, figs. 5, 8. Magnolia tiollicki Berry, 1909, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvi, p. 253. Magnolia hollicki Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 136, pi. xv, fig. 3. Description. Leaves orbicular-ovate in outline, 4 cm. to 10 cm. in length by 2 em. to 5.5 cm. in width, petiolate. Apex acute, slightly extended in one or two specimens. Base usually pronounced auriculate. Petiole and midrib stout. Secondaries few, six or seven pairs, subopposite, camptodrome. Texture smooth and subcoriaceous. This fine species is abundant and well preserved at Woodbridge in the New Jersey Earitan and in the Magothy formation of Maryland and Marthas Vineyard. Professor Newberry was somewhat uncertain as to its relationship with Magnolia and compared it with Aristolochia, Polygo- num, and Toxylon. The latter is the only genus which is at all sug- gestive, and it furnishes no instances of auriculate bases, while this char- acter of the base prevails in more than one modern species of Magnolia. The outline, the consistency, and the venation are all in accord in point- ing to Magnolia as the proper generic reference. This is one of those forms mentioned from Marthas Vineyard by Professor Hitchcock in his Geology of Massachusetts, published in 1841. 832 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY It is sparsely represented in the Tuscaloosa formation of Alabama, and has been confused with Magnolia speciosa by both dewberry and Ward. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. MAGNOLIA LACOEANA Lesquereux Plate LXX, Figs. 1, 2 Magnolia lacoeana Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 201, pi. Ix, fig. 1. Magnolia lacoeana Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 73, pi. Iv, figs. 1, 2. Magnolia lacoeana Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 65, pi. xvii, fig. 2. Magnolia lacoeana Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey, Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 23. Magnolia lacoeana Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 134, pi. xvi, fig. 2. Description. Leaves broadly oval to almost orbicular in outline, obtuse or abruptly pointed above and rounded to a somewhat cuneate base below, 10 cm. to 12 cm. in length by 8.5 cm. to 9.5 cm. in maximum width. Midrib stout, somewhat flexuous. Secondaries numerous, camptodrome medianly stout, ten to twelve pairs ; they branch from the midrib at acute angles, immediately curving outward, forming festoons near the margin, which is somewhat undulate in one specimen which Professor Newberry referred to this species. This species differs from its contemporaries, especially in its nearly round outline; Professor Lesquereux finds a resemblance to Magnolia inglefieldi Heer from Greenland, and it also suggests some of the Arctic forms which have been referred to Magnolia capellinii Heer. While this species is reported from such widely separated points as Marthas Vineyard and Kansas, it is nowhere abundant and is usually poorly preserved, suggesting that the leaves were readily macerated. In Alabama it appears to be confined to the lower Tuscaloosa. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FOKMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. U. S. National Museum. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 833 MAGNOLIA LONGIPES Hollick Plate LXIX, Fig. 2 Magnolia longipes Hollick, 1894, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxi, p. 60, pi. clxxviii, fig. 3. Magnolia alternans Ward, 1894 in Smith, Geol. Coastal Plain Ala., p. 348 (non Heer). Magnolia longipes Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 76, pi. liv, figs. 1 3. Magnolia longipes ? Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 64, pi. xxi, figs. 5, 6. Magnolia longipes Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 23. Magnolia longipes Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 135, pi. xiv, fig. 1. Description. Leaves oblong-ovate in outline, apparently about 18 cm. in length by 6 cm. or 7 cm. in maximum width, which was below the middle. Apex obtusely rounded. Base usually cuneate. Midrib and petiole very stout, the latter unusually long, reaching 12 cm. or 13 cm. in some specimens. Secondaries camptodrome, relatively thin and remote, ten to twelve pairs, branching from the midrib at angles of about 45 and soon curving upward to join a branch from the secondary next above. This forms a series of large arches which approximately parallel the mar- gin, and constitutes one of the distinctive characters of this species, others being the long petiole and the oblong, almost straight-sided, shape. This is a very striking Magnolia and is frequent in the middle Karitan at Woodbridge, New Jersey. Fragmentary specimens which have been correlated with these remains are reported from Long Island. It is apparently quite different in appearance from any of the other Cretaceous species of Magnolia, although it suggests somewhat a gigantic form of Magnolia woodbridgensis. It is found in the Magothy formation of Maryland and the Tuscaloosa formation of Alabama. In the absence of complete specimens, only the basal part being usually preserved, it is quite possible that the present specimens are not distinct from some of the associated Magnolias. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. U. S. National Museum. 834 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY MAGNOLIA OBTUSATA Heer Plate LXVIII, Figs. 2-4 Magnolia capellinii Heer, 1874, Fl. Foss. Arct, Bd. iii, Ab. ii, pi. xxxiii, fig. 4. Magnolia obtusata Heer, 1882, Fl. Foss. Arct, Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 90, pi. xv, fig. 12, pi. xxi, fig. 3. Magnolia obtusata Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 201, pi. Ix, figs. 5, 6. Magnolia obtusata Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 76, pi. xlvii, fig. 4. Magnolia obtusata Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 23. Description. Leaves of variable size, oblong-ovate or obovate in out- line, entire, with a broadly rounded apex and a narrowed cuneate base, ranging from 7 cm. to 14 cm. in length, and 2.4 cm. to 7 cm. in greatest width, which is above the middle. Petiole and midrib stout. Secondaries few in number ascending, curved, camptodrome. Texture coriaceous. This species was described from the Atane beds of Greenland by Heer, and was based upon rather fragmentary material. Subsequently Lesque- reux recorded some fine specimens from the Dakota group of Kansas. It is present in the Magothy formation from New Jersey to Maryland, and in beds of homotaxial age in South Carolina. In western Alabama it appears to be confined to the lower Tuscaloosa of Fayette County. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. MAGNOLIA BOULAYANA Lesquereux Plate LXIX, Fig. 1 Magnolia boulayana Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 202, pi. Ix, fig. 2. Magnolia glaucoides Hollick, 1894, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxi, p. 60. pi. clxxv, figs. 1, 7. Magnolia glaucoides Smith, 1894, Geol. Coastal Plain in Alabama, p. 348. Magnolia glaucoides Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 74, pi. Ivii, figs. 1-4. Magnolia boulayana Knowlton, 1901, Twenty-first Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Survey, pt. vii, p. 318. Magnolia glaucoides Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, fig. 6, p. 67, pi. xix, fig. 6; pi. xx, fig. 6. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 835 Magnolia boulayana Berry, 1909, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvi, p. 254. Magnolia boulayana Berry, 1910, Ibidem, vol. xxxvii, p. 23. Magnolia boulayana Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, p. 112, pi. xx, fig. 5. Description. Leaves narrowly elliptical in outline, unusually uniform in size and shape, 8.5 cm. to 13 cm. in length and 3.5 cm. to 4.5 cm. in maximum width. Apex usually bluntly rounded, sometimes acute. Base matching the apex. Petiole mediumly stout, 3 cm. to 4 cm. in length. Midrib mediumly stout. Secondaries slender, often obsolete, about eleven pairs, equidistant, parallel, camptodrome, branching from the midrib at an angle of about 40. Tertiaries, when seen, transverse. Texture cori- aceous. This species was described originally from the Dakota group of Kansas by Professor Lesquereux. Professor Newberry described the Karitan remains which are abundant at the Woodbridge locality as a new species, and it has been kept distinct by Hollick, who recognized, however, its practical identity with the Dakota group plant. There can be no ques- tion that they belong to the same species, and it seems probable that Magnolia van ingeni described by Hollick 1 should also be referred to the same species. In addition to the localities already mentioned this species is found on Marthas Vineyard and Long Island, in the Eutaw formation of western Georgia, and in the Woodbine formation of the western Gulf region (Texas). Characteristic specimens of this species are present in the lower Tuscaloosa beds of Alabama. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County; Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. MAGNOLIA TENUIFOLIA Lesquereux Plate LXX, Fig. 2 Magnolia tenuifolia Lesquereux, 1868, Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. xlvi, p. 100. Magnolia tenuifolia Lesquereux, 1874, Cret. Flora, p. 92, pi. xxi, fig. 1. Magnolia tenuifolia Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 198, pi. xxiv, fig. 1. 1 Hollick, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxi, 1894, p. 61, pi. clxxv, fig. 6. 836 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Magnolia tenuifolia Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 77, pi. xlvii, fig. 10. Magnolia tenuifolia Berry, 1904, Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxi, p. 76, pi. i, fig. 7. Magnolia tenuifolia Hollick, 1904, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 413, pi. Ixxiii, fig. 2. Magnolia tenuifolia Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 174. Magnolia tenuifolia Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. i, p. 64, pi. xvii, fig. 1; pi. xviii, figs. 4, 5. Description. " Leaves large, oblong, entire, narrowed upward to a blunt point, downward to a thick petiole; median nerve tbick; secon- daries open, parallel, alternate, inequidistant, forking at a distance from the borders, camptodrome ; the lower gradually shorter, at right angles to the median nerve and like tertiaries, curving backward." Lesquereux, 1892. This species is widely distributed in the Dakota sandstone of the West. Along the Atlantic border it is represented in post-Karitan deposits by fragmentary and not positively identified material from Marthas Vine- yard, through Long Island, New Jersey, and Delaware to the Maryland border. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FOEMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware. Collection. -Maryland Geological Survey. MAGNOLIA CAPELLINII Heer Plate LXIX, Fig. 4 Magnolia capellinii Heer, 1863, Phyll. Cret. d. Nebr., p. 21, pi. iii, figs. 5, 6. Magnolia capellinii Heer, 1874, Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. iii, Ab. ii, p. 115, pi. xxxiii, figs. 1-4. Magnolia capellinii Heer, 1882, Ibidem, Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 90, pi. xxiv, figs. 3-5; pi. xxv, figs. 1-3; pi. xlv, fig. 1. Magnolia capellinii Velenovsky, 1883, Fl. Bohm. Kreidef., Theil ii, p. 20, pi. vii, figs. 8, 9. Magnolia capellinii Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 203, pi. Ixvi, fig. 1. Magnolia capellinii Dawson, 1894, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 1st ser., vol. xi, sec. iv, p. 63, pi. xi, fig. 49; pi. xiii, fig. 49a. Magnolia capellinii Hollick, 1895, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xii, p. 234, pi. vi, fig. 6. Magnolia capellinii Hollick, 1895, Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., vol. vii, p. 13. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 837 Magnolia capellinii FriC and Bayer, 1901, Archiv. Naturw. Landes. Bohm., Bd. xi, Nr. ii, p. 127. Magnolia capellinii Hollick, 1904, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 413, pi. Ixxviii, fig. 3. Magnolia capellinii Berry, 1904, Bull. Torrey Club, vol. xxxi, p. 76, pi. iii, fig. 3. Magnolia capellinii Berry, 1906, Ann. Rept. State Geol. of New Jersey for 1905, p. 138. Magnolia capellinii Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 63, pi. xvii, figs. 3, 4. Magnolia capellinii Berry, 1907, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiv, p. 195, pi. xii, figs. 4, 5. Magnolia capellinii Berry, 1911, Ibidem, vol. xxxviii, p. 406. Magnolia capellinii Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, pp. 43, 112, pi. xx, fig. 6. Description. " M. foliis coriaceis, late ovalibus, integerrimis, nervis secundariis angulo acuto egredientibus, curvatis, camptodromis." Heer, 1866. These leaves vary considerably in size, averaging about 13 cm. in length by 7 cm. in width. Outline broadly ovate, the base and apex usually about equally pointed, although occasional specimens have a some- what obtuse apex. The texture is coriaceous or subcoriaceous. Midrib and petiole stout. Secondaries usually seven or eight alternate or sub- opposite pairs at regular intervals, approximately parallel, camptodrome. This widespread species in some of its forms approaches quite close to the less narrow and less apically extended forms of Magnolia speciosa Heer. Ordinarily, however, the latter species may be readily distinguished by its relatively narrower form with the produced apex and decurrent base. Described originally from the Dakota sandstone by Heer, Magnolia Capellinii has been detected at a large number of localities of homotaxial age, occurring in the Cretaceous of Greenland and of the Pacific Coast, and in the Cenomanian of Bohemia. In the Atlantic Coastal Plain it char- acterizes the Magothy formation and is present in the Black Creek beds of North Carolina, the basal Eutaw of Georgia, and the Tuscaloosa formation of Alabama. It was doubtfully recorded from the New Jersey Raritan by Lesquereux in 1878, but it has never been detected in the abundant col- lections of Raritan plants studied by Professor Newberry and the writer and is not at present admitted to be a member of the Raritan flora. 838 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County; Bound Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Genus ILL.ICIUM Linne [Syst, ed. x, 1759, p. 1050] ILLIOIUM DELETOIDES n. sp. Plate LXX, Fig. 6 Description. Leaves of relatively small size, lanceolate in general out- line, with an acuminate apex and a narrowly decurrent base. Length about 9 cm. Maximum width, in the middle part of the leaf, about 1.5 cm. to 2 cm. Margins entire, but usually more or less undulate. Texture coriaceous. Petiole not preserved. Midrib stout, prominent, more or less flexuous. Secondaries about ten subopposite to alternate pairs, diverging from the midrib at wide angles (about 65 ), pursuing relatively straight courses two-thirds of the distance to the margins, where they turn upward to form wide ascending camptodrome arches. This species may be compared with a variety of described species in unrelated genera, as, for example, in the genera Nyssa, Daphne, Apocy- num, Andromeda, and various Lauracece; but it is believed to have more in common with Illicium, in which only two other Cretaceous species are known. These are Illicium deletum Velenovsky 1 from the Cenomanian of Bohemia and Illicium watereensis Berry 2 from the Middendorf beds of South Carolina. The present species differs from the latter in its less numerous and less ascending secondaries. It is very close to the Bohemian species, which fact has suggested the specific name of this form. It is a more slender leaf with fewer secondaries, and would, but for its wide geo- graphical separation, probably be considered to be merely a variant of the Bohemian type. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. U. S. National Museum. 1 Velenovsky, Fl. Bohm. Kreideform., Theil iii, 1884, p. 4, pi. iii, fig. 5. 2 Berry, E. W., Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, p. 44, pi. xiv, fig. 8, 1914. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 839 Genus CARPITES Schimper [Pal. V6g6t, tome iii, 1874, p. 421] CARPITES LIRIOPHYLLI Lesquereux Plate LXX, Figs. 4, 5 Carpites liriophylli Lesquereux, 1883, Cret. and Tert. Fl., p. 77, pi. xi, fig. 5. Carpites liriophylli Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 174. Description. A ligneous winged seed or carpel, ovate in general out- line, flattened, curved somewhat toward the thickened proximal end which also shows a vertical scar of attachment about 3 mm. in length. Surface somewhat striated, 2.5 cm. to 3 cm. in length, 6 mm. to 7 mm. in maximum width midway between the ends ; distal end more narrowed than proximal, acuminate; proximal end obtuse. This species was described by Lesquereux from the Dakota group and based on a single specimen found in association with the problematical genus Liriophyllum. It reappears in the Magothy in more typical form and appears to be definitely related to the genus Liriodendron. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Family NYMPHAEACEAE ' enus NELUMBITES Berry [Maryland Geol. Survey, Lower Cret., 1911, p. 462] The genus Nelumbites was proposed by the writer in 1911 for ancestral forms related to the modern genus Nelumbo, with Menispermites vir- giniensis Fontaine 1 from the Patapsco formation of Maryland and Vir- ginia as the type. One additional Patapsco species, Nelumbites tenui- nervis (Fontaine) Berry, was described. Additional species include the following Magothy form and probably the large-leafed Nelumbo kempii Hollick 2 from the same formation in New Jersey and on Long Island and Marthas Vineyard. Small-leafed forms also occur at higher horizons in the Montana group and in the Laramie and Shoshone group of the West. 1 Fontaine, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xv, 1890, p. 321, pi. clxi, figs. 1, 2. 2 Hollick, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. i, 1907, p. 61, pi. xiii, figs. 1-4; pi. xiv, figs. 1, 2; pi. xv ; pi. xvi, figs. 1-6. 840 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Still other and mostly larger species are referred to the allied genus Nelumbium of Jussieu. While the Patapsco species have the characteristic peltate leaves they are not radially symmetrical as are the later species, but have the petiole attached near to one margin giving them an appearance much like that of a number of supposed species of Menispermites. The venation is, how- ever, nearer that of Nelumlo and its allies, the secondaries being promi- nent on the lower surface, obsolete on the upper surface, and forking after the manner of the Nymphceacece. If these leaves were not floating it is surprising that a petiole stout enough to hold the leaf erect is not found fossil, unless the leaf normally abscissed from the apex instead of the base of the petiole. It is hoped that sooner or later specimens will be found showing whether or not the stomata were confined to the upper surface and thus confirming or disproving the assumption here made that they were aquatic in habit. The existing species of Nelumbo are two in num- ber, both large aquatic perennials, one North American and the other Asiatic and Australian. It has seemed better to establish a new genus for the reception of these Cretaceous forms, which, while expressing their proper affinities, does not unduly extend our conception of the modern genus. It is interesting to note in this connection that Saporta * has reported two species of Nelumbium from the supposed Albian of Portugal, but as these are not fully defined and are also unfigured their relation to the American species is unknown. XELUMBITES PRIM^VA (Berry) Berry Plate LXXV, Fig. 4 Nelumbo primceva Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 75, pi. xliii, fig. 1. Nelumbo primceva Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 23. Description, Leaves of variable size, peltate, orbicular or broadly elliptical in general outline. Diameter ranging from 3 cm. or 4 cm. to about 10 cm. Margins entire, texture subcoriaceous. Primaries eight, 1 Saporta, Comptes Rendus, tome cxix, 1894, pp. 835-837. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 841 generally straight, prominent on the lower surface of the leaf, forking dichotomously at variable distances from their origin, giving off thin, transverse more or less curved secondaries. The present species, which is probably a descendant of Nelumbites virginiensis, was described originally from Cliffwood Bluff, New Jersey. It is only known from imperfect materials, but is much smaller and more delicate than Nelumlo Tcempii Hollick (op. cit.) . It is much like Nelumbo laramiensis Hollick/ which has, however, twelve primaries. Other com- parable species are Nelumbo intermedia Knowlton 2 with twelve or thirteen weak primaries, and Nelumbo dawsoni Hollick 3 with eighteen primaries. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Round Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Order ROSALES Family LEGUMINOSAE Genus LUGUMINOSITES Bowerbank [Foss. Fr. and Seeds London Clay, 1840, p. 124] LEGUMINOSITES CORONILLOIDES Heer Plate LXXVI, Fig. 4 Leguminosites coronilloides Heer, 1874, Fl. Foss. Arct, Bd. iii, Ab. ii, p. 119, pi. xxxiv, fig. 14. Colutea coronilloides Heer, 1882, Fl. Foss. Arct, Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 100. Leguminosites coronilloides Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 149, pi. xiii, fig. 10. Leguminosites Jrigidus Hollick, 1892, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xii, p. 34, pi. ii, figs. 11. Leguminosites coronilloides Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 97, pi. xlii, fig. 48. Leguminosites coronilloides Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 86, pi. xxxii, figs. 16, 17. Leguminosites coronilloides Berry, 1911, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 24. Leguminosites coronilloides Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jer- sey, p. 153. 1 Hollick, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxi, 1894, p. 307. 2 Knowlton, Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 163, p. 53, pi. xiii, figs. 3-5, 1900. 3 Based on Brasenia antiqua Dawson, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vol. iii, sec. iv, p. 15, tf., 1886. 842 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Description. " L. foliolis parvulis, ovalibus, breviter petiolatis, nervis secundariis distantibus, curvatis, subtilissimis." Heer, 1874. Leaflets small, oval and unsymmetrical in outline. Length ranging from 1.5 cm. to 2.8 cm. Width ranging from 8.5 mm. to 12 mm. Mar- gins entire. Petiolule short. Midrib stout. Secondaries thin, remote, three to five pairs, alternate, camptodrome, often obsolete. Leguminous leaflets from a number of widely removed localities have been referred to this species, and while all of these are very similar in general characters their positive identity cannot be affirmed with any great confidence. Described originally from the Atane beds of Green- land, they have been detected by Lesquereux in the Dakota group, by Newberry in the Earitan formation, by Hollick at Marthas Vineyard and Staten Island, and by the writer from Maryland. They are very similar to other species of Leguminosites, as, for example, Leguminosites frigidus Heer l described from the Patoot beds. Professor Heer in his last report (loc. cit.} refers this form to the old world genus Colutea, but it does not seem wise to follow him in this ref- erence with no more evidence than is available. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. LEGUMINOSITES CANAVALIOIDES n. sp. Plate LXXVI, Fig. 6 Description. Leaves compound, probably trifoliate. Leaflets large, elliptical in general outline, with a rounded apex and base. Length about 7 cm. Maximum width, in the middle part of the leaflet, about 6 cm. Margins entire. Texture subcoriaceous. Petiolule wanting. Mid- rib stout, becoming attenuated diatad. Secondaries numerous, thin, camptodrome, about ten pairs, diverging from the midrib at angles of about 55. Tertiary areolation papilionaceous, mostly immersed. This species respresents a leguminous leaflet of unknown generic affinity named from its resemblance to the leaflets of the existing species 1 Heer, Fl. Foss. Arct, Bd. vii, p. 44, pi. Iv, figs. 21, 22; pi. Ixv, fig. 13, 1883. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 843 Canavalia, which number about a dozen, of the tropics of both hemis- pheres. In the Lower Eocene of southeastern North America there is an undoubted species of Canavalia very close to the existing Canavalia obtusi- folia (Lamarck) D. C., a common West Indian strand plant. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. LEGUMINOSITES OMPHALOBIOIDES Lesquereux Plate LXXVI, Fig. 5 Leguminosites omphalobioides Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, pi. xxxviii, fig. 4. Leguminosites omphalobioides Newberry, 1896, Ibidem, vol. xxvi, p. 97, pi. xlii, fig. 39. Leguminosites omphalobioides Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 24. Leguminosites omphalobioides Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 155. Description. Leaflets elliptical in outline, 3.2 cm. to 4 cm. in length by 1.5 cm. to 1.7 cm. in greatest breadth, which is about half-way between the apex and the base. Texture subcoriaceous. Apex rather broadly rounded. Base slightly narrowed and decurrent to the point of attach- ment. Lesquereux speaks of a short petiole, but this is lacking in his type figure and in all the specimens examined by the writer. The midrib is not especially wide, but is quite prominent. The secondaries are thin and alternate ; they number about six pairs, and branch from the midrib at angles of 50, or somewhat less, curving upward close to the margins, camptodrome. This species was described originally from the Dakota group of Kansas, and subsequently found in the Magothy formation of Maryland and the Tuscaloosa formation of Alabama. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. 55 844 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Genus LIRIODENDROPS1S Newberry [Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, 1896, p. 82] LIRIODENDROPSIS CONSTRICTA Ward Liriodendropsis simplex Hollick, 1893, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xii, p. 235, pi. vii, fig. 3. Liriodendropsis simplex constricta Ward, 1896, 16th Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. Survey, pt. i, p. 540, pi. ci, fig. 8. Liriodendropsis constricta Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1. p. 71, pi. xxii, fig. 7; pi. xxvi, figs. 6-15; pi. xl, fig. 15. Description. Leaves ovate in general outline with a rounded ultimately cuneate base, constricted abruptly on each side the apical portion nar- rowed and straight-sided with an emarginate apex. Length ranging from 4 cm. to 9 cm. Maximum width, in the basal part, ranging from 2 cm. to 4 cm. Secondary and tertiary venation indistinguishable from that of Liriodendropsis simplex or angustifolia of one or the other of which it is probably a variant and not a distinct species. Forms answering to the foregoing diagnosis are recorded from Marthas Vineyard, Massachusetts, and Glen Cove, Long Island, where they are associated Avith large numbers of leaflets of Liriodendropsis simplex and angustifolia. A single leaflet is likewise associated with these two species in Alabama which fact lends emphasis to its doubtful specific rank. The Maryland material is rare and not positively determined. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Genus COLUTEA Linne [Sp. PI., 1753, p. 723] COLUTEA OBOVATA Berry Plate LXXVI, Figs. 1, 2 Colutea obovata Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 175, figs. 5, 6. Description. Leaves small, ovate in general outline, inequilateral, with rounded margins and apical auricles separated by a deep and rounded sinus. The Tuscaloosa leaf is somewhat smaller than the type and measures 1.3 cm. along the midrib, 1.6 cm. from apices to base, and 1.2 cm. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 845 in greatest width, which is the distal half of the leaf. Base cuneate. Midrib slightly curved. Secondaries four or five subopposite pairs which are thin, ascending and camptodrome. Tertiaries fine. This small species was described by the writer from material collected in the Magothy formation of Maryland and it is also found in the Tusca- loosa formation of Alabama. It appears to be entirely distinct from the other known Cretaceous species, of which there are several. It resembles more or less some of the various leaves which have been identified as Colutea primordialis Heer from Greenland, the Atlantic Coastal Plain, and the Western Interior. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. COLUTEA PRIMORDIALIS Heer Plate LXXV, Fig. 3 Colutea primordialis Heer, 1882, Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 99, pi. xxvii, figs. 7-11; pi. xliii, figs. 7, 8. Colutea primordialis Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 148, pi. xiii, figs. 8, 9. Colutea primordialis Hollick, 1894, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxi, p. 56, pi. clxxiv, fig. 2. Colutea primordialis Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 97, pi. xix, figs. 4, 5. Colutea primordialis Hollick, 1907, Ibidem, vol. 1, p. 84, pi. xxxii, figs. 14, 15. Colutea primordialis Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 24. Colutea primordialis Berry, 1911, IMdem, vol. xxxviii, p. 407. Colutea primordialis Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 156, pi. xx, fig. 4. Description. " C. foliolis membranaceis, breviter petiolatis, pollicari- bus, ovalibus, integerrimis, basi attenuatis, apice profunde emarginatis, nervis secundariis subtilissimis, camptodromis." Heer, 1882. This species was described from the Atane beds of west Greenland and subsequently recorded from the Dakota sandstone of Kansas, the Karitan formation of New Jersey, and the Magothy formation of Marthas Vine- yard and Long Island. Typical forms are not uncommon in the upper part of the Magothy formation at Grove Point. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. 846 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Genus BAUHINIA Linne [Sp. PL, 1753, p. 374] BAUHINIA MARYLANDICA Berry Plate LXXV, Figs. 5-7 Bauhinia marylandica Berry, 1908, Torreya, vol. viii, p. 218, figs. 1-3. Description. Leaves small, about 3 cm. in greatest length by 2.5 cm. in greatest breadth, elliptical in general outline, bilobate; the apical sinus narrow and pointed, reaching one-half to two-thirds of the distance to the base; lobes narrow, ascending, somewhat falcate in outline, obtusely pointed; midrib straight, giving off one, two or three sharply ascending pairs of opposite, camptodrome secondaries, these give off a series of broadly rounded inequilateral tertiary arches which are directed upward and outward ; the upper pair of secondaries the most prominent ; from the juncture of the midrib and sinus a pair of much reduced secondaries is given off and these join the secondary next below in one or two broad arches. The present species was described in 1908 from the Magothy formation at Grove Point, Maryland, where it is abundant. It is sparingly repre- sented in the lower part of the Tuscaloosa formation of western Alabama. The form and venation of these leaves are exactly like several of the existing species of Bauhinia,, and are so well marked that there can be no doubt of the existence of a species of Bauhinia growing along the middle and south Atlantic coast during the deposition of the Upper Cretaceous, a species whose descendants along with those of its congeners migrated finally to their present tropical habitat, perhaps gradually with the oscil- lation of climatic conditions, and perhaps not until the Pleistocene glaci- ation to the northward forced them to make a comparatively sudden retreat to the southward. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County, Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SUEVEY 847 Genus DALBERGIA Linne, f. [Suppl., 1781, p. 52] DALBERGIA SEVERNENSIS Berry Plate LXXVI, Fig. 3 Dalbergia severensis Berry, 1911, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, p. 407, pi. xix, fig. 2. Description. Leaflets of rather small size, oblanceolate in general out- line, with a markedly emarginate apex, gently curved sides and narrowly pointed base. Length about 5 cm. Maximum width, in the middle part of the leaf, about 1.5 cm. Margins entire. Texture subcoriaceous. Petiolule wanting. Midrib stout below, thin above. Secondaries thin, five or six pairs, diverging from the midrib at angles of 45 or less, the lower ascending, the upper curved, all eventually camptodrome. This handsome form is clearly distinct from related forms and is identical in its characters with the fossil leguminous leaflets usually referred to the genus Dalbergia. The modern species number about four score distributed throughout the Oriental and Occidental tropics, and there is a strong generic similarity in their foliage. The fossil species of Dalbergia are numerous, extending from the Upper Cretaceous through the Tertiary. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Little Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Order GERANIALES Family EUPHORBIACEAE Genus CROTONOPHYLLUM Velenovsky [Kvetena 6esk6ho cenomanu, 1889, p. 20] CROTONOPHYLLUM CRETACEUM Velenovsky Plate LXXVI, Figs. 7, 8 Crotonophyllum cretaceum Velenovsky, 1889, Kvetena cesk6ho cenomanu, p. 20, pi. v, figs. 4-11. Crotonophyllum cretaceum Fric and Bayer, 1901, Archiv. Naturw. Landes. Bohm., Bd. xi, Nr. ii, p. 137, tf. 101. 848 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Description. Leaves of variable size and form, in general ovate to lanceolate in outline, with a sharply pointed apex and decurrent base. Length ranging from 9 cm. to 15 cm. Maximum width, usually in the middle part of the leaf, ranging from 2 cm. to 5 cm. Petiole stout. Midrib stout and slightly nexuous, prominent. Secondaries numerous, camptodrome, their angle of divergence and subsequent course dependent on the shape of the individual leaves ; in general they diverge at an acute angle and are ascending. Texture coriaceous. These leaves exhibit a wide range of variation, some forms being entire and lanceolate, with the margins but slightly undulate. Usually these undulations are pronounced, one or more on either one or both sides of the lamina becoming emphasized to form a pronounced constriction. These sinuses are sometimes rounded, more often they are sharply pointed and extend about half-way to the midrib. These constrictions may be in the apical, median or basal region. Usually they are above the middle and divide the leaf into a lower ovate portion and an upper linear- lanceolate portion. This species, which is the type of the genus, was described by Velenovsky (in Bohemian) in 1889 from the Cenomanian of Vyserovic, Bohemia, and compared with existing species of Croton, some of which it greatly resembles. It remained the only species until recently when the writer described 1 the closely related Crotonophyllum pandurceformis from the Middendorf beds of South Carolina and the Tuscaloosa formation of Alabama. A previously described form which while much smaller is otherwise quite similar to the widest Maryland specimen is Cinnamomum membmnaceum (Lesquereux) Hollick. 2 The genus is also represented in the Lower Eocene flora of the Mis- sissippi embayment. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. 1 Berry, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, p. 48, pi. vii, figs. 5-10, 1914. 3 Hollick, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, 1907, p. 75, pi. xxix, figs. 5, 6. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SUEVEY 849 Order SAPINDALES Family 1LICACEAE Genus ILEX Linne [Sp. PI., 1753, p. 125] ILEX SEVERNENSIS Berry Plate LXXVII, Figs. 1, 2 Ilex severnensis Berry, 1911, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, p. 407, pi. xix, figs. 1, la. Description. Leaves of small size, oblong in general outline, with a cuspidate apex and a narrowly rounded base. Length about 2 cm. Maxi- mum width about 6.5 cm. Texture coriaceous. Margins entire below; above, with a few irregularly spaced salient serrate teeth. Midrib rela- tively stout. Secondary venation thin and more or less obsolete, consist- ing of a vein which forms a marginal hem all around and numerous trans- verse veins between it and the midrib. The latter are for the most part nearly straight, diverging from the midrib at angles of about 90, giving the leaf a scalariform appearance, as shown in the enlarged figure of this form. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Little Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Family CELASTRACEAE Genus ELAEODENDRON Jacques, .f. [Nova Acta Helv., vol. I, 1787, p. 36] ELJEODENDRON MARYLANDICUM Berry Plate LXXVII, Figs. 3-6 Elceodendron marylandicum Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 24, pi. viii, fig. 1. Description. Leaf orbicular in general outline, 6.5 cm. to 8.5 cm. in length by 4.7 cm. to 6.2 cm. in greatest width, which is about midway between the apex and the base. Apex evenly rounded, somewhat emargi- nate in one specimen. Base cuneate, slightly decurrent. Margin entire 850 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY below, furnished above with a few irregularly-spaced and very small spine- like teeth. Petiole extremely stout, 3 cm. long in one of the smaller specimens. Midrib also stout, thinning rapidly toward the tip. Secon- daries five or six pairs, alternate, camptodrome, branching from the mid- rib at an angle of about 50 to 55 and curving slightly upward to join lateral branches from the secondaries next above. From the outer side of these successive arches short tertiaries run to the marginal teeth in those parts of the leaf in which the teeth are developed. This very handsome and well-marked species is represented by a num- ber of specimens from Grove Point. It finds its nearest relative in certain of the larger and more orbicular variants of the upper Raritan and Magothy species Celastrophyllum newberryanum Hollick; in fact, it would seem reasonable to suppose that the present species which has thus far been found at the extreme top of the Magothy formation at Grove Point may be descended from Celastropliyllum newberryanum, which characterizes particularly the upper Earitan at South Amboy, New Jersey. The writer was long undecided whether or not to refer the new species to Cclaslrophyllum or Elceodendron, and it may also seem preferable eventu- ally to transfer C. newberryanum to the latter genus, with which it shows many characters in common. The present species may be compared with Elceodendron dioicum Grisebach from the West Indies. The genus Elceodendron has mainly a Tertiary history, although Hollick has described a Magothy species recently from Gay Head, Marthas Vineyard (Elceodendron strictum). Occurrence. MAGOTHY FOKMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. U. S. National Museum. Genus CELASTRUS Linne [Sp. PI., 1753, p. 196] CELASTKUS AECTICA Heer Plate LXXVII, Fig. 7 Celastrus arctica Heer, 1883, Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. vii, p. 40, pi. Ixi, figs. 5d, 5e. Celastrus arctica Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 98, pi. xiii, figs. 8-18. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 851 Celastrus arctica Hollick, 1898, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xi, p. 60, pi. iv, fig. 8. Celastrus arctica Hollick, 1904, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 408, pi. Ixx, figs. 12, 13. Celastrus arctica Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 88, pi. xxxiii, figs. 9-11. Celastrus arctica Berry, 1911, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, p. 407. Celastrus arctica Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 172, pi. xxv, figs. 1-5. Description. " C. foliis parvulis, lineari-lanceolatis, apice longe attenuates, basi angustatis, denticulatis, nervis secundariis angulo acuto egredientibus." Heer, 1883. Leaves elongated and narrow, linear-lanceolate in outline, with an equally acuminate apex and base and a short stout petiole. 1 Length rang- ing from 4 cm. to 13 cm., width ranging from 0.5 cm. to 1.5 cm. Mid- rib stout. Secondaries numerous, parallel, nearly straight, branching from the midrib at acute angles which range from 12 to 37, inosculating near the margin, short branches from this marginal hem entering the teeth. Margin regularly and somewhat remotely dentate with shallow rounded sinuses between the teeth, the cuneate base entire-margined. This species, which is exceedingly abundant in the upper Earitan beds at South Amboy, but which has not been found elsewhere in the New Jersey Earitan, was described originally from the Patoot beds of Green- land which are usually correlated with the Senonian of Europe. It is abundant at the top of the Magothy formation in Maryland. The Green- land material was limited and the specimens were small in size compared with the usual Earitan forms. There is, however, no question of their identity. Professor Heer (op. cit.) compared this species with Celastrus ettings- liauseni 2 of the European Tertiary which resembles a number of modern species of Celastrus of the East Indian region. The present species exhibits considerable resemblance to the leaflets of the palmately compound Dewalqueas of the Upper Cretaceous and Lower 1 A single specimen from Little Round Bay has a petiole 2 cm. in length. 2 Heer, Fl. Tert. Helv., Bd. iii, 1859, p. 68, pi. cxxi, figs. 46, 46b (non Vele- novsky, 1882). 852 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Eocene, but no evidence of a similar habit is indicated among the large number of specimens collected by the writer. This species is recorded by Hollick from Block Island and Long Island, and is also present in the Kreischerville beds of Staten Island. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Little Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Genus CELASTROPHYLLUM Goeppert [Tertiarfl. Java, 1854, p. 52] CELASTKOPHYLLUM CRENATUM Heer (?) Celastrophyllum crenatum Heer, 1885, Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. vii, p. 41, pi. Ixii, fig. 2. Celastrophyllum crenatum Smith, 1894, Geol. Coastal Plain Ala., p. 348. Celastrophyllum crenatum Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 99, pi. Ixviii, figs. 1-18. Celastrophyllum crenatum Berry, 1907, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiv, p. 197, pi. xiii, fig. 5. Celastrophyllum crenatum Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jer- sey, p. 178, pi. xxii, fig. 9; pi. xxiii, fig. 2. Celastrophyllum crenatum Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, p. 50. Description. Leaves very variable in size, 2 cm. to 8 cm. in length by 1 cm. to 5 cm. in width, ovate or elliptical in outline, broadly rounded above, narrowed and generally inequilateral below. Margins entire below, coarsely toothed above, with somewhat variable, rounded, crenate or crenate-dentate teeth. Occasional specimens are entire throughout and some have a markedly inequilateral base. Midrib mediumly stout. Secon- daries numerous, nine or ten pairs, subopposite, branching from the mid- rib at angles somewhat in excess of 45, slightly curved upward and parallel, branching near the margin to form festoons from which branches enter the marginal teeth. This species was described originally by Professor Heer from the Patoot beds of Greenland, and unfortunately only a single small leaf was figured. The Earitan leaves, which are abundant, grade into much larger forms which are also present in the Black Creek formation of North Carolina and the Tuscaloosa formation of Alabama. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 853 The species is rare in South Carolina, fragmentary specimens being sparsely represented in the Middendorf beds. It is represented by fragmentary and not certainly determined specimens in the Maryland Magothy. The genus is characteristic of the late Lower and early Upper Cretaceous of eastern North America. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. CELASTROPHYLLUM UNDULATUM Newberry (?) Celastrophyllum undulatum Smith, 1894, Geol. Coastal Plain. Ala., p. 348 (nomen nudum). Celastrophyllum undulatum Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. xxxviii, figs. 1-3. Celastrophyllum undulatum Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 198. Celastrophyllum undulatum Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jer- sey, p. 175. Description. Leaves of large size, 10 cm. to 15 cm. in length by 4 cm. to 8 cm. in width, ovate-oblong or ovate in outline, with an obtuse or bluntly pointed apex and somewhat narrowed base. Margin strongly undulate or broadly and coarsely crenate, somewhat variable in the char- acter of its teeth. Midrib stout. Secondaries numerous, a dozen or more subopposite pairs, which branch from the midrib at a wide angle and fork near the margins to form festoons which coincide approximately with the marginal teeth. This very large species resembles the larger leaves that are referred to Celastrophyllum crenatum Heer, but is much larger and more elongate in outline. Its size has apparently rendered perfect specimens rare and the recovered remains are usually fragmentary. Velenovsky hints at its identity with the leaves named by him Myrica zenkeri from the Bohemian Cretaceous, although this resemblance is obviously slight, the present species more nearly resembling the Bohemian leaves which this author identifies as a species of Ternstrwmia, as well as various lower Eocene species of Ternstroemites of the Mississippi embayment area. 854 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY It was described originally from the New Jersey Earitan and is repre- sented by considerable fragmentary material in the lower Tuscaloosa beds of Alabama. Large leaves of this species occur in the Black Creek beds of North Carolina. Doubtfully determined material is present in Mary- land. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Round Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Order RHAMNALES Family RHAMNACEAE Genus RHAMN1TES Forbes [Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. vii, 1851, p. 103] RHAMNITES APICULATUS Lesquereux Plate LXXVIII, Fig. 3 Rhamnites apiculatus Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 171, pi. xxxvii, figs. 8-13. Rhamnites apiculatus Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 25. Description. " Leaves small, coriaceous, short petioled, entire, ovate, obovate or elliptical, rounded at apex to an apiculate point; primary nerve narrow, secondaries thin, camptodrome, curving to and along the borders. " Base more or less narrowly attenuated either acutely or broadly cunei- form, apex rounded, tipped by a minute point or mucro. According to the width of the cuneate base the secondaries are at a more or less acute angle of divergence, the lowest pairs branching and anastomosing in areoles along the borders, the upper more open, shorter and parallel. The size of the leaves varies little, being from 3 cm. to 4 cm. in length, and from 17 mm. to 25 mm. in width, measured either above or below the middle ; some of the leaves are obovate, others nearly regularly oval, others still more enlarged above the base and ovate." Lesquereux, 1892. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. MAEYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 855 Family VITACEAE Genus CISSITES Heer [Phyll. Cret. Nebr., 1866, p. 19] CISSITES FOEMOSUS MAGOTHIENSIS Berry Plate LXXVIII, Fig. 4 Cissites formosus magothiensis Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 25. Description. Leaves trilobate, consisting of an elongated terminal lobe and two lateral lobes which diverge from it at angles of about 45. The lobes may be entire or sublobate, with rounded tops, and separated by open rounded sinuses reaching about half-way to the base which is broadly cuneate. Length about 11 cm. to 12 cm. Maximum width, from tip to tip of the lateral lobes, about 9 cm. Margins entire. Midrib stout, becoming thin distad. Lateral primaries supra-basilar, subopposite, thinner than the midrib. Secondaries thin, numerous, camptodrome, except for a craspedodrome one running to the broadly rounded tip of each subordinate lobe. Cissites formosus was described by Heer 1 from the Atane beds of West Greenland, and it has been recorded from the Dakota sandstone of the West and the Earitan formation of New Jersey. The present variety differs from the type in lacking the long bifurcated lateral lobes, in the more elongated terminal lobe and the less development of subordinate lobation. It is confined to the Magothy formation of Maryland, but may be compared with Cissites dentato-lobatus Lesquereux of the Dakota group, and Cissites vitifolia Velenovsky of the Cenomanian of Bohemia. All of these forms are probably descended from Cissites parvifolius Berry, which is so common in the Patapsco formation and the Albian of Portugal. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FOEMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. 1 Heer, Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 85, pi. xxi, figs. 5-8, 1882. 850 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY ClSSITES NEWBEKRYI n. Sp. Cissites crispus Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 108, pi. xlii, figs. 20-23 (non Velenovsky, 1885). Cissites crispus Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxii, p. 177. Cissites crispus Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 186. Description. Leaves of variable but small size, narrowly elliptical or obovate to nearly orbicular in general -outline. Length ranging from 5.5 mm. to 2 cm. Maximum width, in the middle part of the leaf, ranging from 4 mm. to 1.75 cm. Apex broad or narrow, bluntly pointed. Base narrowly or broadly cuneate. Margins with relatively very large, some- what irregular teeth, which are either serrate or dentate. Texture sub- coriaceous. Petiole relatively long and stout, about one-half the length of the lamina. Midrib curved or flexuous, thin. Secondaries thin, two or three opposite to alternate pairs, diverging from the the midrib at acute angles, indifferently camptodrome or craspedodrome. Tertiaries obsolete. This species, while it resembles Cissites crispus Velenovsky 1 and is probably related to it, is entirely distinct. This is especially true of the Magothy leaves contained in carbonate of iron nodules which the writer has identified as this species from New Jersey and Delaware, both this and the Earitan determinations are therefore referred to a new species named in honor of the late Professor Newberry. It differs from Cissites crispus by its relatively longer and narrower form ; its serrate and dentate instead of crenate teeth ; its more ascending and frequently camptodrome secondaries ; its obsolete tertiaries ; and its cuneate instead of markedly cordate base. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. 1 Velenovsky, Fl. Bb'km. Kreidef. Theil iv, 1885, p. 12, pi. iv, fig. 6. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SUKVEY 857 Order MALVALES Family STERCULIACEAE Genus STERCUL1A Linne [Sp. PL, 1753, p. 1007] STEECULIA MINIMA Berry Plate LXXX, Figs. 1-3 Sterculia mucronata Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 90, pi. xliii, fig. 3. Sterculia minima Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 177. Sterculia minima Berry, 1906, Ann. Kept. State Geol Survey of New Jersey for 1905, pp. 139, 140, 141, 152. Description. Leaves of small size, digitately bilobate, trilobate, quadrilobate (and probably quinquelobate, although the latter type has not been discovered). Length ranging from 3.75 cm. to 6.5 cm. Maxi- mum width from tip to tip of the lateral lobes ranging from 3 cm. to 7 cm. Leaf substance subcoriaceous. Margins entire. Lobes narrow, acutely pointed, somewhat conical, diverging from one another at angles of about 35, separated by usually deep sinuses, rounded at their angles and extending to or, usually, below the middle of the leaf. Leaf base broadly cuneate or rounded. Primaries two or three, of aproximately equal caliber, diverging from one another at angles of about 35 some dis- tance above the base of the leaf. Petiole not preserved, probably relatively long or it would not furnish sufficient leverage to break the leaf across the base of the primaries as is the case in nearly every specimen. Secondaries mostly immersed in the leaf-substance, a few that are visible show that they diverge from the primaries at wide angles, at frequent, more or less regular, intervals and have their ends connected by flat wide arches close to the margins. The present species is the smallest of the American Cretaceous species of Sterculia, although some of the smaller forms approach it in size and appearance. It may be distinguished from the latter by its smaller size, its less conical lobes, directed upward instead of laterally, and its supra- basilar primaries. 858 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY In common with numerous existing and fossil species of Sterculia it is an exceedingly variable form in the number of its lobes, but is other- wise well characterized. It is only known from the Magothy forma- tion and ranges from Earitan Bay, in New Jersey, to Maryland. The modern species of Sterculia number upwards of one hundred. They are divided into three sections, Digitate, Lobate, and Integrifolise. The first is almost entirely oriental (farther India to New South Wales) with only one endemic American species (in Mexico). The second is found in Asia, Africa, Australia, and America. It contains more existing species in America than either of the other two sections and all of the rather numerous Middle Cretaceous species of America, including the present form, appear to belong in this section. The third section is repre- sented in the modern flora of Asia, Africa, and America (five or six species). The present species is not unlike some of the smaller forms of Sterculia mucronata Lesquereux 1 It is also very similar to and probably represents an ancestral form of Sterculia labruscoides Berry, a Middle Eocene (Clai- borne) species of the Mississippi embayment region. Several recent tropical American species of the section Lobate resemble it more or less closely. Perhaps the most similar modern form is Sterculia diversifolia Don, especially the variety occidentalis Bentham of the Australian region as pointed out by the writer in 1903. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County, Maryland; Deep Cut, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. STERCULIA CLIFFWOODENSIS Berry Plate LXXX, Fig. 4 Sterculia cliffwoodensis Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 88, pi. xliii, fig. 5. Sterculia, cliffwoodensis Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 178. 1 Lesquereaux, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, 1892, p. 182, pi. xxx, figs. 1-4. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 859 Description. Leaves of relatively large size, palmately trilobate, with a somewhat decTirrent base, divided three-fourths of the distance to the base by openly cuneate, ultimate rounded sinuses. Lobes diverging at angles of from 45 to 50, linear-lanceolate or slender-conical, elongated, acumi- nate, the middle one the same size as or slightly wider than the later lobes. Margins entire. Texture subcoriaceous. Length about 17 cm. Petiole stout, its length unknown. Midrib straight, stouter than the lateral pri- maries. Lateral primaries suprabasilar, never observed to be opposite, but diverging from the midrib at angles of about 45 from 2 mm. to 4 mm. apart, slightly curved at first and then straight to the tip of the lateral lobes. Secondaries thin, often obsolete, diverging from the primaries at wide angles, often approaching 90, straight for two-thirds to three- fourths of the distance to the margins where they turn abruptly upward to form flat arches joining the secondaries next above. Tertiaries thin, usually obsolete, forming relatively large three-sided, four-sided, or five- sided, mostly isodiametric meshes. This handsome species is unfortunately represented by very fragmentary material, the long slender lobes being usually broken away. It was described from Cliffwood Bluff, New Jersey, in 1903, and subsequently detected near the eastern border of Maryland. It is rather close to Ster- culia lugubris Lesquereux * from the Dakota group, a species that has been tentatively identified by the writer 2 from the Woodbine formation of northeastern Texas. The latter has more ascending lobes, which are also somewhat widened medianly. It has much stouter primaries, the laterals being opposite and basal. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. 1 Lesquereux, Cret. and Tert. Fl., p. 81, pi. vi, figs. 1-3, 1883. 2 Berry, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxix, p. 399, pi. xxxi, fig. 3, 1912. 50 860 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY order THYMELEALES Family LAURACEAE Genus C1NNAMOMUM Sprengel [Anleit., Bd. ii, 1818, p. 340] CINNAMOMUM NEWBERRYI Berry Plate LXXI, Fig. 6 Cinnamomun sezannense Heer, 1882, Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 77, pi. xix, fig. 8; pi. xxxiii, figs. 11, 12 (non Watelet). Cinnamomum sezannense Heer, 1883, Ibidem, Bd. vii, p. 30, pi. Ixi, fig. la (non Watelet). Cinnamomum sezannense Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 107, pi. xii, fig. 7 (non fig. 6, which is a leaf of Cinnamomum membranaceum (Lesquereux) Hollick). Cinnamomum sezannense Dawson, 1894, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 1st ser., vol. xi, sec. iv, p. 64, pi. xiii, fig. 58 (non Watelet). Cinnamomum sezannense Hollick, 1894, Bull. Torrey Club, vol. xxi, p. 53, pi. clxxx, figs. 5, 7 (non Watelet). Cinnamomum intermedium Smith, 1894, Geol. Coastal Plain in Ala., p. 348 (nomen nudum). Cinnamomum intermedium Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 89, pi. xxix, figs. 1-8, 10 (non Ettingshausen). Cinnamomum intermedium Hollick, 1901, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. i, p. 74, pi. xxix, fig. 7; pi. xxx, figs. 1, 2 (non Ettingshausen). Cinnamomum sezannense Penhallow, 1902, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 2d ser., vol. viii, sec. iv, p. 46 (non Watelet). Cinnamomum sezannense Hollick, 1903, Ann. Rept. N. Y. State Mus., 55th for 1901, p. r. 50. Cinnamomum intermedium Berry, 1906, Rept. State Geol. of New Jersey for 1905, p. 139, pi. xx, figs. 2-6 (non Ettingshausen). Cinnamomum intermedium Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 179, pi. vii, figs. 3, 4. Cinnamomum intermedium Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 27, (non Ettingshausen). Cinnamomum newberryi Berry, 1911, Ibidem, vol. xxxviii, p. 423. Cinnamomum newberryi Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 150, pi. xvi, fig. 3. Cinnamomum newberryi Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, pp. 54, 117, pi. ix, figs. 12, 13; pi. xxi, figs. 9-11. Description. Leaves ovate-lanceolate in outline, 7 cm. to 12 cm. in length by 2.3 cm. to 4 cm. in width. Apex usually obtusely pointed, some- times acute. Below narrowed to an acute base. Petiole stout. Venation stout. Primaries three, the laterals diverging from the midrib at acute MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SUEVEY 861 angles usually some distance above the base, and traversing at least more than half the distance to the tip. Secondaries in the upper half of the leaf, three or four pairs, alternate, camptodrome. The laterals give off numerous camptodrome branches on the outside. This species is quite common in the Earitan formation of New Jersey at nearly all of the fossiliferous localities, and it has also a considerable addi- tional range, extending eastward on Long Island and southward through Delaware and Maryland to Alabama. A very similar leaf which is widely distributed in the Cenomanian of Bohemia is identified by Velenovsky * as Numerous occurrences of Cinnamomum newberryi have been confused with the European Lower Eocene species Cinnamomum sezannense Watelet, although the two are perfectly distinct. Occurrence. EARITAN FORMATION. East Washington Heights, Dis- trict of Columbia. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware ; Grove Point, Cecil County; Eound Bay and Little Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. Genus LAURUS Auct. LAURUS PLUTONIA Heer Plate LXXI, Fig. 5 Laurus plutonia Heer, 1882, Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 75, pi. xix, figs. Id, 2-4; pi. xx, figs. 3a, 4-5; ph xxviii, figs. 10, 11; pi. xliii, figs. 4b. Laurus plutonia Heer, 1883, Ibidem, vol. vii, p. 30, pi. xlviii, fig. 2; pi. Ixii, fig. la. Laurus plutonia Velenovsky, 1884, Fl. Bohm. Kreidef. Theil iii, p. 1, pi. iv, figs. 2-4. Laurus plutonia Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 91, pi. xiii, pt. i, p. 14; pi. A, fig. 6; pi. B, fig. 5. Laurus plutonia Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 85, pi. xvi, figs. 10, 11. Laurus plutonia Hollick, 1898, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xl, p. 60, pi. iv, figs. 6, 7. Laurus plutonia Fric and Bayer, 1901, Archiv. Naturw. Landes. Bohm., Bd. xi, Nr. ii, p. 130, tf. 94. Laurus plutonia Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 79, pi. i, figs. 9-11. 1 Velenovsky, Fl. Bohm. Kreidef. Theil i, p. 30, pi. vii, figs. 5-8, 10; pi. viii, figs. 1-5, 1882. 862 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Laurus plutonia Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxi, p. 77, pi. iii, fig. 1. Laurus plutonia Berry, 1906, Ibidem, vol. xxxiii, p. 178. Laurus plutonia Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 80, pi. xxvii, figs. 9, 11; pi. xxviii, figs. 1, 2. Laurus plutonia Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 26. Laurus plutonia Berry, 1912, Ibidem, vol. xxxix, p. 401. Laurus plutonia Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 86, p. 52, pi. xi, fig. 2; pi. xiii, fig. 6. Description. Leaves lanceolate in outline, usually tapering almost equally in both directions, but sometimes less acute at the base. Length 7 cm. to 11 cm. Maximum width 1.5 cm. to 2.5 cm. Midrib mediumly stout. Petiole short and stout, 6 mm. to 15 mm. in length. Secondaries slender, eight or more alternate pairs, camptodrome. This species was described by Heer from the Atane beds of Greenland, and a large number of somewhat variable and fragmentary specimens were figured. Subsequent to its description by Professor Heer, this species was recorded from a very large number of Cretaceous plant beds so that its present range, both geographical and geological, is rather wide. A num- ber of these records are not entirely above question, and this appears to be especially true of the forms from the Cenomanian of Bohemia which Velenovsky so identifies (op. cit.). Laurus plutonia is evidently a rare plant in the Earitan formation, but becomes abundant in immediately succeeding floras, being common in that of the Dakota group of the West, and in the Magothy formation of the East, at a number of localities in New Jersey and Maryland. It is a com- mon form in the insular Cretaceous floras, and also occurs in the Tusca- loosa, Woodbine and Eutaw formations of the Gulf Coastal Plain. Sup- posed fruits are figured by Heer (loc cit., pi. xlii, fig. 4b). In South Carolina this species is represented by typical leaves which are not at all uncommon in the Middendorf beds. It has not yet been detected in the North Carolina Cretaceous. Occurrence. MAGOTHY F OKMATIOX. Grove Point, Cecil County; Bound Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Marvland Geological Survey. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 863 LAURUS HOLLICKII Berry Plate LXXI, Fig. 4 Laurus hollickii Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 79, pi. Hi, fig. 4. Laurus hollickii. Berry, 1904, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxi, p. 77, pi. iii, fig. 2. Laurus hollickii Berry, 1906, Ibidem, vol. xxxiii, p. 178. Laurus hollickii Berry, 1906, Ann. Kept., State Geol. Survey of New Jersey for 1905, pp. 138-141. Laurus hollickii Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 26. Description. Leaves of variable size, lanceolate in general outline, the apex and base about equally acuminate. Length ranging from 4 cm. to 8 cm. Maximum width, in the middle part of the leaf, ranging from 8 mm. to 14 mm. Margins entire, evenly rounded. Texture subcoria- ceous. Midrib stout, straight or curved. Secondaries thin but prominent, distant, usually evenly spaced, about five pairs, diverging from the midrib at acute angles, ascending, evenly curved, dying out by diminishing camp- todrome inosculations along the borders. Tertiaries obsolete. This characteristic small lauraceous form is common in the Magothy formation to which it is confined. It ranged from Raritan Bay in New Jersey to the Severn River in Maryland, and suggests numerous modern species of Nectandra as well as various early Eocene species of this genus. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware ; Grove Point, Cecil County; Round Bay, Little Round Bay, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. LAURUS PROTE^EFOLIA Lesquereux Plate LXXV, Fig. 1 Laurus proteccfolia Lesquereux, 1876, Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Survey Terr., vol. i, 1875, p. 393. Laurus protecefolia Lesquereux, 1876, Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Sur- vey Terr, for 1874, p. 342, pi. v, figs. 1, 2. Laurus prote&folia Lesquereux, 1883, Cret. and Tert. Flora, p. 52, pi. iii, figs. 9, 10; pi. xvi, fig. 6. Laurus protewfolia Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 92. Laurus protecefolia Knowlton, 1901, 21st Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. Survey, pt. vii, p. 318. 864 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Laurus protecefolia Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 78, pi. xlvii, fig. 9; pi. xlix, fig. 6. Laurus protecefolia Berry, 1904, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxi, p. 78, pi. i, fig. 10. Laurus protecejolia Berry, 1905, Ibidem, vol. xxxii, p. 46, pi. ii, fig. 3. Laurus protecefolia Berry, 1906, Ann. Kept. State Geol. Survey of New Jer- sey for 1905, p. 138. Laurus protea'folia Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 26. Description. " Leaves subcoriaceous, broadly lanceolate, gradually nar- rowed from below the middle into a long acumen, more rapidly narrowed to the base; middle nerve narrowly grooved and comparatively narrow; lateral veins oblique, slender, curving to and along the borders, parallel, except the lower pair, which is more oblique and ascends higher."- Lesquereux, 1876. This species was described originally from the Dakota group and has a considerable range in the American Upper Cretaceous, being recorded from the Woodbine formation of Texas and not at all rare in the Magothy formation from New Jersey to Maryland. It greatly resembles certain undescribed Wilcox Eocene species of Nectandra and Oreodaplme, as well as various existing tropical American species in these two genera. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County; Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Genus LAUROPHYLLUM Goeppert [Tertiarfl. Java, 1854, p. 45] LAUROPHYLLUM ELEGAXS Hollick Plate LXXI, Figs. 1-3 Laurus plutonia Hollick, 1892, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xi, p. 99, pi. iii, figs. 3, 4 (non Heer). Laurus plutonia Hollick, 1893, Ibidem, vol. xi, p. 236, pi. vi, fig. 1 (non Heer). Proteoides daphnogenoides Hollick, 1898, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xi, p. 420, pi. xxxvi, fig. 2 (non Heer). Laurophyllum elegans Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 81, pi. xxvii, figs. 1-5. Laurophyllum elegans Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, pp. 26, 198. Laurophyllum elegans Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, p. 53, pi. xii, fig. 6. 865 Description. Leaves elongate-lanceolate, somewhat flexuous, about 12 cm. to 13 cm. in length by about 2 cm. in greatest width, which is about midway between the apex and the base; from this point they narrow gradually apically into an attenuated acuminate, usually curved, tip ; and basally into a long, narrowly cuneate base. Midrib and petiole stout. Secondaries numerous, usually less close and somewhat coarser than in Laurophyllum nervillosum, branching from the midrib at an acute angle below, which becomes more open above the base of the leaf ; they are usually more curved than in L. nervillosum and more distinctly camptodrome. Tertiaries transverse throughout. These leaves were recorded originally by Hollick as Laurus plutonia Heer and were later compared with Laurus angusta Heer, which latter species they resemble more than they do the former. In outline they are not unlike Laurophyllum angustifolium Newberry from the Raritan for- mation of Woodbridge, New Jersey, but differ decidedly in venation. They are also similar to, but quite distinct from, Laurophyllum nervillosum Hollick of the Magothy and Laurophyllum reticulatum Lesquereux of the Dakota group. The types were from transported materials associated with the terminal moraine, from which numerous specimens have been collected. Those from Tottenville, Staten Island, are undoubtedly of Raritan age, while those from Glen Cove were probably from the Magothy formation. The species is certainly known from the upper Raritan at South Amboy, New Jersey, and is common in the Magothy formation of Maryland. It is sparsely represented in the Black Creek beds of North Carolina and is not uncommon near Middendorf, South Carolina. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FOKMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County; Round Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. U. S. National Museum. LAUEOPHYLLUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM Newberry Laurophyllum angustifolium Newberry, 1896, Mon, U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 86, pi. xvii, figs. 10, 11. Laurophyllum angustifolium Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 80, pi. xlvii, figs. 1, 5, 8; pi. xlix, figs. 1-5. 866 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Laurophyllum angustifolium Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 178. Description. Leaves elongate-lanceolate, very symmetrical in outline, 10 cm. to 15 cm. in length by 1.5 cm. to 2 cm. in width, widest above the middle, tapering with almost straight sides to the elongate-acute base. Apex narrowed, subacute. Petiole short and stout. Midrib also stout. Secondaries fine, often obsolete, twelve to fifteen pairs, branching from the midrib at an angle of about 45 and curving upward, camptodrome. Texture subcoriaceous. This species was originally described from the middle Raritan of New Jersey, where it is common. It has also been found in the overlying Magothy formation in both New Jersey and Maryland and in the Tusca- loosa formation of Alabama. In the absence of complete and well-marked specimens it is often difficult to differentiate it from contemporaneous species of other genera with similar lanceolate leaves. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Genus SASSAFRAS Nees [Hand. Bot., vol. ii, 1831, p. 418] SASSAFRAS ACUTILOBUM Lesquereux Plates LXXII; LXXIII; LXXIV, Figs. 1, 2: LXXV, Fig. 2 Sassafras acutilobum Lesquereux, 1874, Cret. Fl., p. 79, pi. xiv, figs. 1, 2. Sassafras acutilobum Lesquereux, 1883, Cret. and Tert. Fl., p. 56, pi. v, figs. 1, 5. Sassafras acutilobum Velenovsky, 1884, Fl. Bohm Kreidef., Thiel iii, p. 2, pi. ii, fig. 1. Sassafras acutilobum Lesquereux, 1892, Fl. Dakota Group, p. 100. Sassafras acutilobun Hollick, 1893, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xii, p. 236, pi. vii, fig. 1. Sassafras acutilobum Newberry, 1896, Fl. Amboy Clays, p. 87, pi. xxv, figs. 1-10; pi. xxvi, figs. 2-6. Sassafras acutilobum Fri6 and Bayer, 1901, Archiv. Naturw. Landes, Bohm. Bd. xi, Nr. ii, p. 129, tf. 93. Sassafras acutilobum Kurtz, 1902, Revista Mus. La Plata, vol. x, p. 53. Sassafras acutilobum Berry, 1902, Bot. Gazette, vol. xxxiv, p. 438. Sassafras acutilobum Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, pi. 81, pi. xlv, figs. 1, 2. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 867 Sassafras acutilobum Berry, 1904, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxi, pi i fig. 6. Sassafras acutilobum Berry, 1906, Ann. Kept. State Geol. Survey of New Jersey for 1905, p. 139, pi. xxii, figs. 4, 5. Sassafras acutilo'bum Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 77, pi. xxx, figs. 8, 9. Sassafras acutilo'bum Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 22. Sassafras acutilobum Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 140, pi. xviii, fig. 2. Description. Trilobate leaves, variable in size and outline. Length 2.5 cm. (in young leaves which are preserved at Woodbridge, New Jersey) up to 14 cm., averaging 10 cm. to 12 cm. Width from the tips of the lateral lobes likewise ranging from 1 cm. to 15 cm., averaging about 10 cm. Lobes mostly conical and acute, the middle being usually slightly the broadest and longest. Lateral lobes directed more or less laterally. Base decurrent. The sinuses between the lobes are usually open and rounded, the margins forming an angle of approximately 90. There is considerable variation, however, in this respect, some of the leaves having comparatively narrow sinuses with the lobes directed upward, as in Sassafras progenitor Hollick, while others at the opposite extreme of the series have extremely shallow sinuses, so shallow that the leaf has the appearance of a triangularly pointed, entire leaf. The lateral primaries may branch from the midrib at or near the base, as they do in a majority of the Raritan forms, or their point of divergence may be a considerable distance above the base, as in modern Sassafras leaves. Their angle of divergence from the midrib varies from about 30 to 40. The secon- daries are usually numerous., regular, camptodrome, and connected by transverse tertiaries, although in the Raritan leaves this uniformity is often lacking. Petiole stout and long. The margin vein along the sinus, a marked feature in modern leaves of this genus, is generally want- ing in this species, although present in occasional specimens. This species is apparently widely distributed and almost as variable as the modern Sassafras. Described originally from the Dakota group as a variety of Sassafras mudgei, it occurs also on Marthas Vineyard and Long Island and in the Raritan and Magothy formations of New Jersey and Delaware. It has been recorded from Cerro Guido, Argentina, and Vele- 868 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY novsky identifies somewhat doubtful remains from the Cenomanian of Bohemia as this species. Probable Sassafras fruit has been found in the same strata with S. acutilolum, 1 tending to show that it is a true Sassafras, notwithstanding its dissimilarities; however, this is not certain, as the leaves and fruits were not found associated. There is considerable doubt as to whether or not these Coastal Plain leaves are generically related to Sassafras. Whether the Dakota group forms are those of Sassafras it is not easy to decide. No modern Sassafras leaves have the primaries and the lateral lobes so nearly horizontal; the secondaries are not so uniformly regular, nor do they curve upward to join the next above at a point. In the modern leaf an outwardly and downwardly directed branch from the latter is emphasized. There is never such an open sinus, amounting as it does to nearly 90, and the lobes in the modern leaf have their margins inflated and not straight. In these ancient leaves the sinus seldom has a marginal vein, the secondary in this region usually forking and striding it, or curving to join its neighbor. The secondary system seems to be uniform throughout the leaf, while in the modern leaf there is always evidence of changed conditions in that region around the sinus; the secondaries or their representatives from both the primaries and the midrib are changed in size and direction, and usually belong to the tertiary system. None of the Dakota leaves of this species show the characteristic basal venation of the modern leaf. While we should not, necessarily, expect Cretaceous species to conform to the modern type, still the character of the secondary system in the former is so different from what would obtain in a leaf descended from a simple ancestor, such as Sassafras is thought to have done, that we are inclined to associate these leaves with those trilobed forms which have been referred to Aralia or Sterculia, laying aside, for the present, any consideration as to whether or not they are true species of Aralia and Sterculia. However, in view of the present uncertainty, and because of the havoc to the stratigraphic value of these leaves which would be wrought by any change of name, they are retained in the genus Sassafras pending more positive evidence of their affinity. 1 Lesquereux, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 230, 1892. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 869 Occurrence. KARITAN FORMATION. Brightseat, Prince George's County, Maryland; East Washington Heights, District of Columbia. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County, Maryland. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Order MYRTALES Genus EUCALYPTUS Auct. EUCALYPTUS ? ATTENUATA Newberry Eucalyptus ? attenuate. Smith, 1894, Geol. Coastal Plain Ala., p. 348 (nomen nudum). Eucalyptus ? attenuata Ward, 1895, 15th Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. Survey, p. 371 (nomen nudum). Eucalyptus ? attenuata Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. iii, pi. xvi, figs. 2, 3 (non fig. 5). Eucalyptus ? attenuata Berry, 1906, Ann. Kept. State Geol. Survey of New Jersey for 1905, p. 138. Eucalyptus ? attenuata Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 180. Eucalyptus ? attenuata Berry, 1907, Ibidem, p. 203. Eucalyptus f attenuata Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 195, pi. xxviii, fig. 6. Description. Leaves lanceolate in outline, 9 cm. to 12 cm. in length by 1.5 cm. to 2 cm. in greatest width, which is in the basal half of the leaf. Margin entire, somewhat undulate in some specimens. Apex narrow and produced, acutely pointed. Base cuneate. Petiole stout, 1 cm. to 2 cm. in length. Midrib stout, especially in its lower part. Secondaries numer- ous, branching from the midrib at an acute angle, reticulate-camptodrome. This species has little in common with the leaves usually referred to this genus, except its outline, which is also that of a great many unallied genera. It is somewhat suggestive of some of the leaves referred to Lauro- pliyllum, in fact many possible relationships could be suggested, all of which possess equal elements of uncertainty. This species is common in the upper Earitan and has a recorded range of considerable extent in somewhat later formations. It is recorded from 870 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY the Magothy formation of New Jersey and Maryland, the Black Creek formation of North Carolina, and the Tuscaloosa formation of Alabama. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County; Round Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. U. S. National Museum. EUCALYPTUS LATIFOLIA Hollick Plate LXXXI, Figs. 6, 7 Eucalyptus latifolia Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 97, pi. xxxv, figs. 1-5. Eucalyptus latifolia Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 26. Description. Leaves elongate-ovate in outline, tapering to a somewhat abruptly attenuated and more or less curved or flexuous tip. Base cuneate. Length about 15 cm. Maximum width, about half-way between the apex and the base, about 5 cm. Midrib stout, flexuous. Secondaries thin, numerous, diverging from the midrib at angles of from 45 to 50, nearly straight or flexuous, their tops joined by a marginal vein. Margins entire. Texture subcoriaceous. These large leaves occur in the Magothy formation of Marthas Vine- yard, Long Island, and Maryland. They are not uncommon at one locality in the lower Tuscaloosa of Alabama. Their relation to Eucalyptus is extremely doubtful, but a change of generic reference is not considered advisable at the present time. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Round Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. EUCALYPTUS GEINITZI (Heer) Heer Plate LXXXI, Figs. 1-5 Myrtophyllum geinitzi Heer, 1872, Fl. v. Moletein, p. 22, pi. xi, figs. 3, 4. Myrtophyllum geinitzi Heer, 1874, Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. iii, Ab. ii, p. 116, pi. xxxii, figs. 14-17. Myrtophyllum geinitzi Fri, 1878, Archiv. Naturw. Landes, Bohm., Bd. iv, Nr. i, pp. 18, 94. Eucalyptus geinitzi Heer, 1885, Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 93, pi. iv, figs. 1, 13; pi. xix, fig. Ic. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 871 Eucalyptus geinitzi Engelhardt, 1891, Isis. Ab. vii, p. 102. Eucalyptus geinitzi Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 138, pi. xxxvii, fig. 20. Myrtophyllum warderi Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 136, pi. liii, fig. 10. Eucalyptus ? angustifolia Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi (non Desv. 1822), p. Ill, pi. xxxii, figs. 1, 6, 7. Eucalyptus geinitzi Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 110, pi. xxxii, figs. 2, 12 (non figs. 15, 16). Eucalyptus geinitzi Krasser, 1896, Beitr. z. Kennt. Kreidef. Kunstadt in Mahren, p. 22. Eucalyptus geinitzi Hollick, 1898, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xi, p. 60, pi. iv, figs. 1-3. Eucalyptus geinitzi FriC and Bayer, 1901, Archiv. Naturw. Landes, Bohm., Bd. xi, Nr. ii, p. 142, tf. 110. Eucalyptus geinitzi Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 87, pi. liii, fig. 3. Eucalyptus ? angustifolia Hollick, 1904, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 408, pi. Ixx, figs. 8, 9. Eucalyptus geinitzi Berry, 1904, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxi, p. 78, pi. iv, fig. 5. Eucalyptus geinitzi Berry, 1906, Ibidem, vol. xxxiii, p. 180. Eucalyptus geinitzi Berry, 1907, Ibidem, vol. xxxiv, p. 201, pi. xv, fig. 4. Eucalyptus ? angustifolia Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 95, pi. xxxv, figs. 9, 14, 15. Eucalyptus geinitzi Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. i, p. 96, pi. xxxv, figs. 1-8, 10-12. Eucalyptus geinitzi Berry, 1907, Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., n. s., No. 7, p. 81. Myrtophyllum warderi Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 97, pi. xxxv, fig. 13. Eucalyptus geinitzi Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 26. Eucalyptus geinitzi Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 189, pi. xxviii, fig. 7. Eucalyptus geinitzi Berry, 1912, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxix, p. 402. Eucalyptus geinitzi Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, p. 56, pi. xiii, figs. 8-12; pi. xiv, fig. 1. Description. Leaves lanceolate in outline, broadest near the middle and tapering almost equally in both directions to the acute apex and base. There is considerable variation in size, averaging about 15 cm. in length by 2.2 cm. in greatest width. The petiole is very stout, as is the prominent midrib, which leaves a sharp groove in impressions showing the lower surface. Secondaries numerous, thin, branching from the midrib at acute angles, about 45, and running with but a slight curvature to the marginal 872 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY vein, which is either almost straight when the secondaries are close set, or more or less bowed when the secondaries are some little distance apart, as is often the case. This species is especially wide-ranging. It was described originally from the Cenomanian of Moravia and has since been recorded from the Cenomanian of Saxony and the Cenomanian and Turonian of Bohemia, from the Atane beds of Greenland, the Dakota sandstone of the West, and from Marthas Vineyard to Texas along the Atlantic coast. It ranges upward into the Black Creek formation of North Carolina and is not rare in the Middendorf beds of South Carolina. In the Tuscaloosa formation of Alabama the species has not been commonly met with, but this may simply be due to accidents of preservation. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware; Grove Point, Cecil County ; Bound Bay and Little Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. EUCALYPTUS WARDIANA Berry Eucalyptus ? dubia Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 87, pi. lii, fig. 1 (non Ettingshausen, 1887). Eucalyptus wardiana Berry, 1905, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxii, p. 47. Eucalyptus wardiana Berry, 1906, Ibidem, vol. xxxiii, p. 180. Eucalyptus wardiana Berry, 1906, Kept. State Geol. of New Jersey for 1905, pp. 138, 139, 141. Eucalyptus wardiana Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, p. 57, pi. xiv, figs. 3, 4. Description. Leaves linear-lanceolate in outline with a pointed base and a gradually narrowed, acuminate tip. Length about 8 cm. to 10 cm. Maximum width about 1.3 cm. Margins entire. Texture subcoriaceous. Midrib of medium size. Secondaries very numerous, equally spaced, at intervals of about 1 mm. ; they diverge from the midrib at angles of about 60 and pursue relatively straight courses to the immediate vicinity of the margins where their ends are united by a straight aerodrome marginal vein running close to and parallel with the margins. Tertiaries forming a double series of nearly isodiametric four-sided or five-sided meshes in each interval between adjacent secondaries. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 873 This species greatly resembles some of the smaller forms that have been referred to Eucalyptus geinitzi, especially those with closely spaced secon- daries. It is, however, quite different from the type of that species, and may be distinguished by its thinner midrib, more numerous secondaries, straighter marginal veins and more prominent tertiaries. It also greatly resembles Eucalyptus angusta Velenovsky ' of the Cenomanian of Bohemia, which species has been recorded by the writer from the upper Earitan of New Jersey and the later Upper Cretaceous in North Carolina and Georgia. It is possible that the two species may be confused since much of the material is fragmentary. Eucalyptus wardiana is, however, more elongated, straighter, with more prominent tertiary areolation, and with the secondaries diverging at a wider angle. It characterizes the Magothy formation from Earitan Bay in New Jersey to the Severn Eiver in Mary- land, and also occurs in the Middendorf beds of South Carolina. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware; Grove Point, Cecil County; Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Order UMBELLALES Family ARALIACEAE Genus HEDERA Linne [Sp. PI., 1753, p. 202] HEDERA CRETACEA Lesquereux Hedera cretacea Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 127, pi. xviii, fig. 1. Hedera cretacea Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 180. Description. "Leaves subcoriaceous, broadly rhomboidal in outline, obtusely trilobate, subcordiform at base; borders undulate between the lobes, entire downward, nervation palmately five divided from the base; lower primary nerves simple, short and thin, the upper thick, passing up to the point of the lobes, branching on the lower side and forking; secon- daries four pairs, opposite, short, equidistant, and parallel with the upper primaries. 1 Velenovsky, Fl. Bohm. Kreidef ., Theil iv, p. 3, pi. iii, figs. 2-12, 1885. 874 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY " The only leaf seen of this species is 7 cm. long, 8.5 cm. broad between the points of the lobes, which are short and obtuse. The lower secondaries are thick, forking at the apex and becoming effaced before reaching the borders, being, however, apparently camptodrome like the branches of the primaries." Lesquereux, 1892. The present material is fragmentary and not certainly determined as this species, although it is apparently distinct from the allied Hedera cecilensis Berry. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. HEDERA CECILENSIS Berry Plate LXXVIII, Figs. 1, 2 Hedera cecilensis Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 28, pi. viii, fig. 2. Description. Leaves of medium size, orbicular in general outline with a tendency toward trilobation, 6 cm. to 7 cm. in length by about 6 cm. in greatest width. Margin entire, with shallow undulate lobes. Petiole and midrib stout. Lateral primaries suprabasilar, not differentiated from the secondaries in some specimens. Secondaries one pair below the lateral primaries and one or two remote pairs above, forking dichotomously and craspedodrome in habit. This species resembles in a general way several which Lesquereux referred to the genus Cissites, as for example, Cissites harkerianus and Cissites acuminatus. In appearance it suggests the somewhat larger Dakota group leaf which Lesquereux christened Platanus cissoides. It is closely related to Hedera cretacea Lesqureux, differing in the suprabasilar primaries and in the details of the general outline. Hedera cecilensis is a very well marked species and is evidently allied to Hedera, clearly differentiated, however, from any of the previously described forms. The genus is rather prominent in Upper Cretaceous floras, both in Europe and America, the present species and Hedera cretacea Lesquereux resembling closely the existing species. The present MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 875 material is from the upper Magothy at Grove Point in Cecil County, from which it takes its name. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. U. S. National Museum. Genus ARALIA Linne [Sp. PL, 1753, p. 273] ARALIA GROENLANDICA Heer Aralia groenlandica Heer, 1882, Fl. Foss. Arct, Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 84, pi. xxxviii, fig. 3; pi. xxxix, fig. 1; pi. xlvi, figs. 16, 17. Aralia groenlandica Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 134, pi. liv, figs. 1-3. Aralia groenlandica Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 116, pi. xxviii, fig. 4. Aralia groenlandica Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 94, pi. xlv, fig. 4. Aralia groenlandica Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 98, pi. xxxvii, figs. 3-6. Aralia groenlandica Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 199. Aralia groenlandica Berry, 1911, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, p. 408. Description. " A. foliis magnis, coriaceis, laevigatis, basi rotundatis, lobis subsequalibus, lobo medio sinu lato, rotundato, separate." Heer, 1882. This species is very poorly defined, both Heer and Lesquereux including in it leaves showing a quite considerable range of variability. They are all coriaceous, trilobate leaves of considerable size with long and short petioles. Length 6 cm. to 10 cm. Width 7 cm. to 12 cm. Lobes ovate, pointed or rounded, with open rounded sinuses, the lateral lobes showing a tendency to become sublobate below. Primaries slender, camptodrome. Lesquereux makes " five nerved from the top of the petiole," a character of this species as it is in all the specimens which he figures and in one or two of Heer's figures. These extra laterals are much more slender than are the regular primaries and are not constant unless the species be con- N sidered composite. The Coastal Plain leaves referred to this species by Newberry, Hollick, and the writer are as a rule somewhat smaller in size, with narrower lobes. This species is infrequent in the Earitan, and the leaves referred 57 876 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY to it are suggestive of what Newberry called Aralia patens. The species is more abundant in the somewhat later Cretaceous deposits of Marthas Vineyard, Cliffwood Bluff, and Sullivan's Cove. It was described origi- nally from the Atane beds of Greenland and is also present in considerable abundance in the Dakota group of Kansas. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. AEALIA RAVNIANA Heer Plate LXXXII, Fig. 4; Plate LXXXIII, Figs. 1-4 Aralia ravniana Heer, 1882, Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 84, pi. xxxviii, figs. 1, 2. Aralia greenlandica Heer, 1882, Ibidem, pi. xlvi, fig. 17. Aralia ravniana Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 92, pi. xliv, fig. 7; pi. liii, fig. 2; pi. Ivii, fig. 1. Aralia ravniana Berry, 1904, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxi, p. 79. Aralia ravniana Berry, 1910, Ibidem, vol. xxxvii, p. 27. Description. " A. foliis amplis, coriaceis, laevigatis, quinquelobis, lobis integerrimis, lobo medio maximo, basi valde contracto, ovali, lobis laterali- bus oblongo-lanceolatis." Heer, 1882. This most striking species of Aralia, because of its large size, has always been found in a fragmentary condition. Specimens showing all parts of the leaf have now been collected, the Maryland material conclusively con- firming the restoration of this leaf made by the writer in 1903 (op. cit.). It also confirms the supposition made from the venation of the Xew Jersey material, that instead of a broadly ovate median lobe, as Heer supposed, this middle lobe was sublobate by the greater or less develop- ment of a lateral lobe on each side, as shown in the accompanying restora- tion based on the Maryland material. The species may be more fully defined in the light of all of the material as follows : Leaves of large size, ranging from 16 cm. to 21 cm. in length and from 19 cm. to 23 cm. in maximum width, orbicular in general outline, deeply pinnate-lobate. Apex of the terminal and lateral lobes bluntly pointed. Base broadly cuneate. Margins entire. Texture subcoriaceous. Lobes usually seven in MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 877 number, separated by relatively narrow ultimately rounded sinuses, com- prising an o\ 7 ate medium terminal lobe and two main lateral lobes on either side, the lower pair being more or less divided. In the Maryland material the auxiliary lobe on the lower side of each main lateral lobe is feebly developed. In the Greenland material it is at least half as large as the main lobe and the separating sinus extends half-way to the base. Petiole stout, its full length unknown. Midrib very stout and prominent, straight. Lateral primaries two on each side, stout and prominent, the lower pair subopposite and suprabasilar, the upper pair sometimes sub- opposite, oftener separated by a wide interval. The lower primary may fork a short distance above its base, as it does in the Greenland material after an interval of only about 1 cm., or this fork may be at least 4 cm. above the base as in the Maryland material, the distance depending on the extent to which the auxiliary lobe is developed. The angle of divergence of the primaries from the midrib is about 40, but varies from specimen to specimen, the basal pair in general being somewhat more divergent than the upper pair. The secondary and tertiary venation is usually obsolete. Some specimens show a few thin remote secondaries diverging from the primaries at angles of about 45 and sweeping upward in ascending camp- todrome curves. This species was described by Heer from the Greenland Upper Creta- ceous (Atane beds) and has been found by the writer in the Magothy for- mation of both New Jersey and Maryland. The fragments from Marthas Vineyard, Massachusetts, and Tottenville, New York, identified as this species by Hollick, 1 are not this species in the writer's judgment. There is a great display of Aralia-like forms in the Middle Cretaceous both of this country and Europe, and these forms are especially abundant in the Dakota sandstone of the West. Among this diverse display of forms Aralia ravniana is approached in both size and outline by Aralia towneri Lesquereux of the Dakota sandstone, which is to be regarded as a closely related geographical mutant. Comparisons with existing plants are not so satisfactory, although many tropical Araliacece show suggestive resem- 1 Hollick, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 99, pi. xxxvii, figs. 1, 2, 1907. 878 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY blances. The Moracece in the genus Artocarpus and its allies also show many features of this fossil species. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. ARALIA WASHINGTONIANA Berry Plate LXXXII, Fig. 3 Aralia washingtoniana Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 27, pi. viii, fig. 4. Description. Leaves of medium size, broadly trilobate, about 9 cm. to 10 cm. in length by 8 cm. in greatest width. Sinuses shallow and rounded. Lobes broadly rounded. Petiole and midrib stout. Lateral primaries scarcely to be distinguished from the secondaries. Secondaries four or five subopposite pairs, rather straight, indifferently camptodrome or cras- pedodrome. Tertiaries well marked, transverse. Margins entire. The remains of this species are numerous but fragmentary. In general outline and venation they suggest a species of Aspidiopliyllum, but they lack the characteristic base of that genus. There is some resemblance, not close, however, to Aralia rotundiloba Newberry and to Aralia nassau- ensis Hollick. Occurrence. EARITAN FORMATION. East Washington Heights, Dis- trict of Columbia. Collection. U. S. National Museum. Genus ARALIOPSOIDES n. gen. 1 ARALIOPSOIDES BREVILOBA Berry Plate LXXXVI, Fig. 2 Araliopsis breviloba Berry, 1911, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, p. 417. Description. Leaves of medium size, fan-shaped in general outline, between 10 cm. and 11 cm. in length by the same dimensions in maximum 1 Since proposing the very appropriate name Araliopsis (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, 1911, p. 413) for this genus, the writer has discovered that this name is preoccupied, having been used by Engler in 1895 for a monotypic and little-known genus of Rutacecc from Africa. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 879 width, which is from tip to tip of the lateral lobes. Trilobate. Apical lobe very short and conical. Lateral lobes short and pointed, somewhat recurved outward. Sinuses open, shallow and rounded, not extending more than one-fifth of the distance from the apex to the base. Lateral margins at first full and rounded, then curving inward to the decurrent base. Primaries three in number, equally stout and curved, the laterals subopposite and suprabasilar. Secondaries numerous, curved, campto- drome, branching from the primaries at angles of less than 45. Ter- tiaries transverse. Margins entire throughout. Texture coriaceous. This characteristic leaf is probably the end term of a series of forms starting with Araliopsoides cretacea, but whether it represents an extreme of variation of that species or a distinct but related species cannot be definitely determined. The present form suggests various species from the Dakota sandstone of the West, which Professor Lesquereux referred to the genus Cissites. It is also similar to the form from the Cenomanian of Bohemia described by Velenovsky 1 as Aralia anisoloba, differing slightly in outline and lacking the remotely dentate margins of the latter. Occurrence. RARITAN FORMATION. Bull Mountain, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. ARALIOPSOIDES CRETACEA (Newberry) 2 Plate LXXIV, Fig. 3; Plate LXXXIV, Figs. 1, 2; Plate LXXXV, Figs. 1-5 ; Plate LXXXVIII, Figs. 1-3 Sassafras cretaceum Newberry, 1868, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., vol. ix, p. 14 (non Penhallow, 1904 and 1908). Sassafras cretaceum Newberry, 1878, Ills. Cret. and Tert. PL, pi. vi, figs. 1-4. Sassafras cretaceum Newberry, 1898, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxxv, p. 98, pi. vi, figs. 1-4; pi. viii, figs. 1, 2 (non pi. vii, figs. 1-3). Sassafras cretaceum Lesquereux, 1878, Cret. F., p. 80, pi. xi, figs. 1, 2; pi. xii, fig. 2. Sassafras cretaceum ? Kurtz, 1902, Revista Mus. La Plata, vol. x. Sassafras cretaceum Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 22. Araliopsis cretacea Berry, 1911, Ibidem, vol. xxxviii, p. 413. 1 Velenovsky, Fl. Bohm. Kreidef., Theil i, 1882, p. 22, pi. v, figs. 4-6. 2 This form was cited in 1878 by Saporta and Marion (M6m. Cour. Sav. Etrang. Acad., tome xli, 1878, p. 78), as Araliopsis (Sassafras) cretacea, but there is no evidence to show that they had any generic proposal in mind. 880 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Description. " Leaves petiolate, decurrent at base, very smooth above, strongly nerved below ; three-lobed ; lobes entire and acute. The nervation is all strongly defined ; the central nerve straight or nearly so ; the lateral primary nerve springing from it at an angle of 30 ; secondary nerves regularly arched till they approach the margin of the lobes, when they are abruptly curved and run together. From these the tertiary nerves are given off at a right angle, and from these the quaternary nerves spring at a similar angle, together forming a network of which the areoles are subquadrate." Newberry, 1868. Professor Newberry includes under Sassafras cretaceum the various forms described by Professor Lesquereux as 8. mudgei, S. subintegri- folium, S. integrifolium, S. obiusum, S. cretaceum dentatum, 3. cre- taceum obiusum, S. acutilobum, Cissites harkianus, and C. salisburice- folius. While this shows the undoubted composite nature of S. cretaceum, it also shows that the extremes of leaf form above mentioned are so closely connected with the more typical leaf by a series of intermediate forms that the question of where one species shall end and another begin is an extremely difficult one. The writer considers the leaf figured by Prof. Newberry on pi. vi, fig. 1, Later Ext. FL, to be the typical form of this species, thus agreeing with Newberry's original description and with his later opinion expressed in 1898. This type bears considerable resemblance to some modern Sassa- fras leaves. A slight widening of the terminal lobe of some of these in the basal region would give a leaf strikingly like Araliopsoides cretacea ; or were the sinuses of the latter slightly deeper we would have the typical modern leaf. The basal portion of the leaf is like Sassafras, and the indi- cations point to a similar venation in this region. The first pair of secon- daries do not branch to form margins of the sinuses; the left one runs directly to the sinus, however, and may possibly have conformed to the margin and been effaced in the specimen ; the right one is stronger and runs almost to the sinus where it makes a sharp turn upward, continuing until it joins the next secondary. This feature is analogous to those in the modern leaf, which may indicate the mode of origin of this peculiar character. This leaf seems to form a central figure from which a series of MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 881 forms grade in several directions, culminating in quite dissimilar leaves. Lesquereux's Sassafras cretaceum is a more planatoid leaf, with more acute tips, a tendency to become dentate, and with the primaries inserted nearer the base. Closely allied to the preceding is his Sassafras (Arali- opsis} mirabile, which serves as a connecting link with his Platanus recurvata. From the aforementioned Sassafras cretaceum of Lesquereux it is but a step to such a leaf as the one shown on pi. viii, fig. 2, Later Ext. FL, and to the trilobed forms referred to Cissites harkerianus, and these in turn grade into the more Cissoid forms of this species, such as those shown on pi. ii, fig. 3, Cret. Flora. The primaries are basal and of not much greater caliber than the regularly succeeding straight secondaries. It is but a step from this leaf to that of Cissites heerii on the one hand, with its palmately five-pointed blade, and to such forms as Cissites acuminatus on pi. v, fig. 4, Cret. and Tert. FL, on the other; which in turn, by the elimination of the decreasing dentate points, gives us the leaf shown on pi. v, fig. 3, Cret. and Tert. Fl. In the second series of leaves diverging from the typical Sassafras cretaceum, pi. viii, fig. 1, Later Ext. FL, is removed a slight distance by the shortening of the blade, the thickening of the primaries and secondaries, and the shortening and rounding of the lobes (Sassafras obtusum) ; while a smaller leaf would be its logical descendant; and from these leaves to those referred to the typical Cissites salisburicefolius is but a step. In the third series of leaves diverging from the typical Sassafras cretaceum, we note that the leaf has its lobes much produced, narrow and running to a sharp point, as in the beautiful leaf on pi. vii, fig. 1, Later Ext. Fl., which, however, is still referred to Sassafras cretaceum. Lesquereux's Sassafras acuti- lolum does not differ greatly from the preceding except in the direction of the lobes, which is a questionable specific character. From this leaf it is no great jump to those trilobed forms which are referred to Aralia welling- toniana, the chief difference being in the margin. Thus we have an inter- related series connecting those leaves which seem to show affinity to Sassafras with those which suggest Platanus on the one hand, and with others which suggest Cissites and Aralia on the other. 882 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY While it may be considered probable that from a biologic viewpoint the forms mentioned in the foregoing paragraphs, as well as others not cited, represent the variations of a single species of Upper Cretaceous tree, or at least represent the leaves of closely filiated species, it seems best from the viewpoint of systematic, and especially stratigraphic, paleobotany, that most of the differentiations instituted by Lesquereux be perpetuated. Consequently the present series is limited to the typical material as defined and illustrated by the original describer. Falling within these limits are a number of unrecorded occurrences from the Raritan formation of Maryland. Occurrence. EAEITAN FORMATION. Bull Mountain and Shannon Hill, Cecil County ; Brightseat, Prince George's County ; Glymont, Charles County, Maryland; East Washington Heights, Overlook Inn Road, Dis- trict of Columbia. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. AEALIOPSOTDES CRETACEA DENTATA (Lesquereux) Berry Plate LXXXVII, Fig. 1 Sassafras (Araliopsis) cretaceum dentatum Lesquereux, 1846, Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. and Grogr. Survey Terr, for 1874, p. 344. Sassafras (Araliopsis) cretaceum Lesquereux, 1874, Cret. Fl., p. 80 (pars), pi. xi, figs. 1, 2. Araliopsis cretacea dentata Berry, 1911, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, p. 416. Description. Leaves of small or medium size, trilobate in general out- line, with cuneate or decurrent base, and acuminate tips. Length ranging from 6 cm. to 11 cm. Maximum width, at a point about midway between the apex and the base, ranging from 5 cm. to 10.5 cm. Sinuses separating the broad and rapidly narrowed lobes, open and rounded, not reaching half-way to the base. Margins entire below, more or less dentate above. Teeth not prominent, widely and irregularly spaced, separated by very shallow sinuses. Petiole stout, enlarged at the base, about 3 cm. in length. Midrib stout and prominent. Lateral primaries, one on each side running to the tips of the lateral lobes, stout, prominent, diverging from the midrib at acute angles (45 or less) above its base, slightly curved outward MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 883 in their course. Secondaries relatively stout, numerous, subparallel, camptodrome in those parts of the leaves where the margin is entire, a lesser or greater number craspedodrome in leaves or parts of leaves where the margin is dentate. This species was described by Lesquereux from the Dakota sandstone as a form of Sassafras. It may be distinguished from the type by its usually smaller size and its more or less toothed margin. It is not com- mon and may not be entitled to even varietal rank. Occurrence. RARITAN FORMATION. Bull Mountain, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. ARALIOPSOIDES CRETACEA SALISBURI^EFOLIA (Lesquereux) Berry Plate LXXXVI, Fig. 1 ; Plate LXXXVII, Figs. 2, 3 Populites salisburicefolia Lesquereux, 1868, Amer. Jour. Sci. (ii), vol. xlvi, p. 94. Sassafras obtusus Lesquereux, 1872, 5th Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. Survey Terr. (Hayden), 1871, p. 303. Sassafras obtusus Lesquereux, 1873, 6th Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. Survey, Terr. (Hayden), 1872, p. 424. Sassafras obtusum Lesquereux, 1874, Cret. FL, p. 81, pi. xiii, figs. 2-4. Sassafras (AraliopsisJ cretaceum obtusum Lesquereux, 1874, Cret. FL, p. 80, pi. xii, fig. 3; pi. xiii, fig. 1. Cissites obtusum Lesquereux, 1876, 8th Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Survey Terr. (Hayden), 1874, p. 354. Sassafras (AraliopsisJ obtusum Lesquereux, 1883, Cret. and Tert. PI., p. 56. Cissites salisburicefolius Lesquereux, 1883, Cret. and Tert. Fl., p. 66. Cissites salisburi&folius Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 164. f Sassafras cretaceum Newberry, 1898, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxxv, pi. viii, fig. 1. Cissites salisburitefolius Ward, 1899, 19th Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Survey, pt. ii, p. 707, pi. clxxi, fig. 5. Araliopsis cretacea salisburicefolia Berry, 1911, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, p. 416. Description. Leaves of variable size ; trilobate in general outline ; with a decurrent base ; and broad, usually but slightly developed, rounded lobes. Length ranging from 7 cm. to 13 cm. Maximum width, about midway between the apex and the base, ranging from 6 cm. to 15 cm. Margins entire. Texture subcoriaceous. Lobes usually wider than long, separated 884 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY by open, usually shallow, rounded sinuses. Petiole very stout, at least 4 cm. or 5 cm. in length. Midrib stout, prominent. Lateral primaries subopposite, suprabasilar, diverging from the midrib at acute angles, stout, prominent, craspedodrome. Secondaries numerous, stout, in gen- eral regularly spaced and subparallel, camptodrome. This well marked variety was described originally from the Dakota sandstone where it is not uncommon. It has been referred successively to the genera Populites, Sassafras, and Cissites, but is a well marked form of Araliopsoides close to Araliopsoides cretacea. Occurrence. KARITAN FORMATION. Bull Mountain, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Family CORNACEAE Genus CORNUS Linne [Sp. PL, 1753, p. 117] CORNUS CECILEXSIS Berry Plate LXXXII, Fig. 2 Cornus cecilensis Berry, 1911, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, p. 408, pi. xix, fig. 4. Description. Leaves of medium size, broadly ovate or elongate-ellipti- cal in general outline, 8.5 cm. in length by 4.75 cm. in maximum width, at a point about half-way between the apex and the base. Apex bluntly pointed. Base cuneate. Midrib stout. Secondaries about six pairs, branching from the midrib at an angle of about 45, curving upward approximately parallel with the lateral margins, at length camptodrome. Tertiaries obsolete. Texture subcoriaceous. Several Cretaceous forms have been referred to the genus Cornus, although this determination is not conclusively proven. Leaves of a similar facies are found among the Rhamnales, representatives of which order would be much more likely to occur under the climatic conditions of the Upper Cretaceous than would those of Cornus. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 885 CORNUS FORCHUAMMERI Heer Plate LXXXII, Fig. 1 Cornus forchhammeri Heer, 1882, Fl. Foss. Arct, Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 85, pi. xliv, fig. 13. Cornus forchhammeri Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii. Description. " C. foliis herbaceis, ellipticis, integerrimis, nervo medio valido, nervis secundariis utrinque 4, oppositis, subtilibus, angulo acuto egredientibus, distantibus, curvatis, camptodromis." Heer, 1882. The Grove Point leaf is a trifle narrower than the type, otherwise the two are identical. Cornophyllum vetustum Newberry 1 from the Raritan formation of New Jersey is possibly the same species. The features in which the Maryland leaf differs from that of Newberry are its more lanceo- late form : the symmetrical base ; the fewer secondaries (four to six, instead of six to seven), which form a much more acute angle with the midrib, and are more regular in their course ; the presence of the transverse tertiaries, which are not visible in the Earitan leaf. The Grove Point leaf has a more regular margin, a longer petiole, a stouter midrib and a more secondary venation, all features in which the New Jersey leaf departs somewhat from the typical leaves of Cornus. The present species was described from the Atane beds of Greenland to which it is confined except for its occurrence in the Magothy formation of Maryland. The generic reference is not positive and it may well be questioned if this and allied forms that are commonly referred to Corn us are not more properly referable to the Rhamnacece. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. II. S. National Museum. Order ERICALES Family ERICACEAE Genus ANDROMEDA Auct. ANDROMEDA NOV^-C^ESARE^; Hollick Plate LXXXIX, Figs. 1, 2 Andromeda novce-cwsarece Hollick, 1896, in Newberry, Mon. U. S. Geol. Sur- vey, vol. xxvi, p. 121, pi. xlii, figs. 9-12, 28-31. Andromeda novce-ccesarece Smith, 1894, Geol. Coastal Plain in Ala., p. 348. 1 Newberry, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 119, pi. xix, fig. 10, 1896. 886 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Andromeda novce-c&sarece Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 181. Andromeda novce-ccesarece Berry, 1907, Ibidem, vol. xxxiv, p. 29, vol. xxxvii, p. 29. Andromeda novw-ccesarece Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, pi. xx, fig. 7. Andromeda novce-ccesarece Berry, 1912, Ibidem, vol. xxxix, p. 405. Andromeda novce-ccesarece Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, pp. 58, 120, pi. xiv, figs. 5, 6 ; pi. xxiv, fig. 1. Description. Leaves small, thick, and entire, with stout petioles and midribs and obscure secondary venation which is immersed in the thick lamina. Length 2.5 cm. to 5 cm. Width varying from 0.9 cm. to 1.3 cm. Venation, where visible, showing numerous parallel, camptodrome, rela- tively long and thin secondaries which branch from the midrib at acute angles. While the majority of these leaves are equally acuminate at both ends, there is considerable variation in this respect, and a well-marked tendency is shown in a considerable number of specimens which are rela- tively broader, especially in the upper half, toward an obtusely rounded apex, the termination of the midrib showing as a small mucronate point. The base in these forms gradually narrows to the stout petiole. The variations in outline of this species are well shown in the figures repro- duced in Professor Newberry's monograph, the specimens collected from the South Atlantic Coastal Plain having an obtusely rounded apex seem- ingly more often than those from New Jersey. In the Earitan formation this species is only known with certainty from the uppermost beds at South Amboy, New Jersey. It becomes more abundant in the overlying Magothy formation, occurring from New Jersey to Maryland in beds of this age. Farther south it is found as one of the typical fossils of the Black Creek formation in North Carolina, being a prominent but never abundant element in the dark lignitic laminated clays of the upper beds associated with Araucaria, Cunninghamites, Pistia, etc., and a marine fauna. It occurs in the Middendorf beds of South Carolina and is also present in Georgia and the Woodbine formation of northeastern Texas. It has not been observed to be common in the Tuscaloosa formation, being only MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 887 known from near the base. However, the abundance of this species at somewhat higher horizons in Georgia would indicate that its rarity in the Tuscaloosa deposits may be more apparent than real. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County; Eound Bay, Ann Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. ANDROMEDA COOKII Berry Plate LXXXIX, Fig. 3 Andromeda flexuosa Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 121, pi. xxxiv, figs. 1-5 (non Moon 1849). Andromeda flexuosa Hollick, 1904, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 416, pi. Ixxix, fig. 2. Andromeda flexuosa Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 101, pi. xxxix, fig. 6. Andromeda cookii Berry, 1909, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvi, p. 261. Andromeda cookii Berry, 1910, Ibidem, vol. xxxvii, p. 29. Andromeda cookii Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 206, pi. xxvi, figs. 3, 4. Description. Leaves of variable size, narrowly lanceolate and often falcate in general outline, with an acuminate apex and a cuneate base. Length ranging from 6 cm. to 12 cm. in the middle part of the leaf. Margins entire. Texture coriaceous. Midrib stout and flexuous. Secon- daries strong, somewhat flexuous, branching from the midrib at acute angles and arching upward in ascending camptodrome curves. Tertiaries mostly simple, transverse, forming oblong areoles. This species is of the same general character as the other Cretaceous species of Andromeda, with which it is strictly congeneric. It makes its earliest appearance in the lower Earitan of New Jersey, where it is com- mon. It is not uncommon in the overlying Magothy formation. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County; Eound Bay, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. 888 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY ANDROMEDA PAELATORII Heer Plate LXXXIX, Fig. -t Andromeda parlatorii Heer, 1866, Phyll. Cret. d. Nebr., p. 18, pi. i, fig. 5. Prunus ? parlatorii Lesquereux, 1868, Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. xxxvi, p. 102. Andromeda parlatorii Heer, 1874, Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. iii, Ab. ii, p. 112, pi. xxxii, figs. 1, 2. Andromeda parlatorii Heer, 1882, Ibidem, Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 79, pi. xxi, figs. Ib, 11; pi. xlii, fig. 4c. Andromeda parlatorii Lesquereux, 1874, Cret. Fl., p. 88, pi. xxiii, figs. 6, 7; pi. xxviii, fig. 15. Andromeda parlatorii Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 115, pi. xix, fig. 1; pi. xlii, fig. 6. Andromeda parlatorii Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 120, pi. xxxi, figs. 1-7 ; pi. xxxiii, figs. 1, 2, 4, 5. Andromeda parlatorii Smith, 1894, Geol. Coastal Plain in Ala., p. 348. Andromeda parlatorii Hollick, 1898, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xi, p. 420, pi. xxxvii, figs. 1-4. Andromeda parlatorii Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 101, pi. xxxix, figs. 2-5. Andromeda parlatorii Berry, 1903, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 97, pi. i, figs. 1-4. Andromeda parlatorii Berry, 1904, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxi, p. 79, pi. i, figs. 1, 2. Andromeda parlatorii Berry, 1906, Ibidem, vol. xxxiii, p. 181. Andromeda parlatorii Berry, 1907, Ibidem, vol. xxxiv, p. 203, pi. xv, fig. 2. Andromeda parlatorii Berry, 1907, Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., n. s., No. 7, p. 81. Leucothoe parlatorii Schimper, 1874, Pal. Ve'get., vol. iii, p. 11. Andromeda parlatorii Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 29. Andromeda parlatorii Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 206, pi. xxvii, figs. 1-4. Andromeda parlatorii Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, p. 60. Description. Leaves ovate-lanceolate in outline, with a long and gradu- ally narrowed apex, and a broad, somewhat rounded, but finally cuneate or slightly decurrent base. Petiole and midrib stout. Length about 10 cm. to 12 cm. Maximum width about 3 cm. in the lower half of the leaf. Secondaries numerous, rather thin, subparallel, branching from the mid- rib at acute angles, long and ascending, at length camptodrome. Terti- aries mostly straight, transverse. There is considerable variation in the size of these leaves and in the angle which the secondaries form with the midrib, and consequently in their length and degree of curvature. Some MAEYLAND GEOLOGICAL SUEVEY 889 of the specimens approach quite closely to the small leaves of Andromeda grandifolia Berry, which are more slender and apically attenuated than in the normal sized leaves of the latter. This species was first described by Professor Heer in one of the earliest published accounts of the Dakota group flora,, and it has since been found to have a wide geographical range. It is one of the commonest fossils in the Dakota sandstone, having been recorded from Minnesota, Kansas, and Nebraska. In eastern North America it is recorded from the Atane beds of Greenland, the Magothy formation on Marthas Vineyard, the Raritan formation of New Jersey, the Magothy formation of New Jersey, Dela- ware, and Maryland, the Black Creek formation of North Carolina, and the Middendorf beds of South Carolina. In Alabama it is common in the Tuscaloosa formation and extends into the lower Eutaw beds in Hale County. The genus Andromeda of Linne has been much segregated by the subse- quent taxonomists, and this is reflected in Schimper's proposal to refer this species to the genus Leucothoe. However, the more comprehensive name has obvious advantages for the paleobotanist in cases like this, where it is impossible to discriminate between the various Ericaceous genera with any degree of accuracy. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware; Grove Point, Cecil County ; Round Bay, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. ANDROMEDA GEANDIFOLIA Berry Andromeda latifolia Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 120, pi. xxxiii, figs. 6-8, 10 (non fig. 9); pi. xxxiv, figs. 6-11; pi. xxxvi, fig. 10 (non Wright). Andromeda latifolia Smith, 1894, Geol. Coastal Plain in Ala., p. 348 (nomen nudum). Andromeda latifolia Hollick, 1904, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. iii, p. 416, pi. Ixxix, fig. 3. Andromeda latifolia Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 100, pi. xxxix, fig. 1. Andromeda grandifolia Berry, 1907, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiv, p. 204, pi. xv, fig. 3. Andromeda grandifolia Berry, 1910, Ibidem, vol. xxxvii, p. 28. 890 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Andromeda grandifolia Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 205, pi. xxvi, figs. 1, 2. Andromeda grandifolia Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, p. 59, pi. xiv, fig. 10. Description. Leaves thick and coriaceous, varying considerably in size and shape. From 4 cm. to 20 cm. in length by 1.5 cm. to 7 cm. in width. Ovate-lanceolate in outline with an entire, usually somewhat undulate or unsymmetrical margin. Apex obtusely pointed or sometimes rounded. Base somewhat wedge-shaped. Midrib and petiole very stout. Secon- daries relatively few, six to eight pairs, stout and flexuous, branching from the midrib at acute angles and sweeping upward in long curves, eventu- ally inosculating to complete the strictly camptodrome venation. This species occurs from the lower Raritan of New Jersey to the top of the eastern leaf -bearing Cretaceous. It is a not uncommon fossil in the Magothy formation from New Jersey to Maryland, the Black Creek beds of North Carolina, and the Tuscaloosa formation of Alabama. It is larger, relatively broader, and less regular than Andromeda parlatorii Heer. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Order PRIMULALES Family MYRSINACEAE Genus MYRSINE Linne [Sp. PI., 1753, p. 196] MYRSINE BOREALIS Heer Plate LXXXIX, Fig. 5 Myrsine borealis Heer, 1874, Fl. Foss. Arct., Bd. iii, Ab. ii, p. 113, pi. xxxii, fig. 23. Myrsine borealis Heer, 1882, Ibidem, Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 81, pi. xxiv, figs. 7b, 8; pi. xxvii, fig. Ib; pi. xliv, fig. 5a; pi. xlvi, figs. 19, 20. Myrsine borealis White, 1890, Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. xxxix, p. 98, pi. ii, fig. 5. Myrsine borealis Smith, 1894, Geol. Coastal Plain Ala., p. 348. Myrsine borealis Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 122, pi. xxiv, figs. 4-6. Myrsine borealis Hollick, 1895, Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., vol. vii, p. 13. Myrsine borealis Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 102, pi. xxxix, figs. 10, 11. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 891 Diospyros rotundifolia Hollick, 1894, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxi, p. 53, pi. clxxix, fig. 2. Myrsine borealis Berry, 1910, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii, p. 29. Myrsine borealis Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 208. Description. " M. foliis ovatis (?), iritegerrimis, nervis secundariis numerosis, approximates, ramosis, camptodromis." Heer, 1874. Leaves ovate-elliptical in outline, obtusely rounded above and slightly cuneate below, 2.5 cm. to 5 cm. in length by 1.2 cm. to 3 cm. in maximum width, with a stout petiole about 1 cm. in length. Margins entire. Texture coriaceous, more or less obscuring the venation. Midrib stout. Secondaries mediumly stout, five to eight alternate pairs, parallel, branch- ing from the midrib at acute angles, camptodrome. Tertiaries fine, form- ing an inosculating series of elongated meshes, more or less parallel with the secondaries. In specimens in which the tertiary venation is visible the appearance is very different from that shown in Professor Newberry's figures where only the secondaries are seen. These latter may be com- pared with the similarly preserved leaves from Greenland figured by Heer (pi. xxiv, fig. 8 ; pi. xliv, fig. 5a) . This species was described originally from the Atane beds of Greenland by Professor Heer, and was subsequently collected in considerable abun- dance from the Earitan formation in New Jersey. It has also been recorded from Marthas Vineyard and Long Island, and from the Black Creek formation in North Carolina. In Alabama it is, so far as known, confined to the Lower Tuscaloosa of Fayette County, where it is not espe- cially common. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collections. Maryland Geological Survey, U. S. National Museum. MYRSINE GAUDINI (Lesquereux) Berry Plate LXXXIX, Figs. 6, 7 Myrsinites ? gaudini Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 115, pi. lii, fig. 4. Myrsine elongata Hollick, 1894, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxi, p. 54, pi. clxxvii, fig. 2. Myrsine elongata Hollick, 1898, Ann. Kept. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xi, p. 420, pi. xxxviii, figs. 3, 4. 58 892 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Myrsine elongata Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 102, pi. viii, fig. Ib; pi. xxxix, figs. 13, 14. Myrsine elongata Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 122, pi. xxii, figs. 1-3. Myrsine gaudini Berry, 1909, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvi, p. 262. Myrsine gaudini Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 210, pi. xxiv, figs. 3, 4. Myrsine gaudini Berry, 1911, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, p. 408. Myrsine gaudini Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, p. 61, pi. xiv, fig. 9. Description. Leaves oblanceolate or elongate-obovate in outline, 5.5 cm. to 7 cm. in length by 1.9 cm. to 2.5 cm. in greatest width. Margins entire. Apex obtusely rounded. Base somewhat elongated, narrowly cuneate. Petiole present, stout. Midrib stout below, rapidly diminish- ing in caliber. Secondaries numerous, eight to ten pairs, alternate, branch- ing from the midrib at angles of from 40 to 45, camptodrome. When tertiary venation is distinctly preserved the venation is more typical of the genus than when only the secondaries are partially visible. This species is well distributed in the Earitan formation and has been recorded also from Long Island and Staten Island. The identification of Myrsinites ? gaudini Lesquereux with the eastern forms with which it is obviously identical extends the range eastward from Kansas to Long Island. It may be readily distinguished from the other species of Myrsine by its relatively narrow elongated form. It is present in the Black Creek formation of North Carolina, the Middendorf beds of South Carolina, and the Tuscaloosa formation of Alabama. Occurrence. MAGOTHY .FOKMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Order EBENALES Family SAPOTACEAE Genus SAPOTACITES Ettingshausen [Abh. k. K. geol. Reichs., Bd. ii, 1853, p. 61] SAPOTACITES KNOWLTONI Berry Plate XC, Fig. 2 Sapotacites sp. Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 114, pi. Ixv, fig. 3. Sapotacites Knowltoni Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 181, pi. viii. fig. 1. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 893 Description. Leaves elliptical in general outline, with a slightly emarginate apex and full rounded margins to the broadly pointed base. Length 5.5 cm. Maximum width, in the middle part of the leaf, about 2.5 cm. Margins entire. Texture subcoriaceous. Petiole stout, curved, about 4 mm. to 5 mm. long, slightly expanded proximad. Midrib stout. Secondaries thin, diverging from the midrib at angles of about 35, ascending, camptodrome, often obsolete by immersion in the leaf sub- stance. Tertiaries obsolete. The present well-marked species occurs in the Magothy formation of the East and the Dakota sandstone of the West. It is very similar to Sapotacites obovata Velenovsky * of the Cenomanian of Bohemia, the latter being a somewhat larger leaf and relatively narrower toward the base. The present species also resembles Sapotacites retusus Heer as it occurs in the Earitan formation, but is less emarginate and widest across the middle and not toward the base ; the basal lateral margins are convex instead of concave and the secondaries are more ascending. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Genus BUMELIA Swartz [Prodr. Veg. Ind. Oc., 1788, p. 49] BUMELIA PR^NUNTIA n. sp. Plate XC, Fig. 1 Description. Leaves of rather small size, obovate in general outline, with a broadly rounded and sometimes faintly retuse tip, and a narrow pointed base. Length about 4.5 cm. Maximum width, above the middle of the leaf, about 1.8 cm. Margins entire, evenly rounded distad, rather straight or only slightly curved proximad. Texture subcoriaceous. Mid- rib stout and prominent, usually slightly curved. Secondaries numerous, thin, camptodrome, diverging from the midrib at an angle of about 55, largely immersed in the leaf substance. Tertiaries obsolete. This species resembles the form from the Raritan formation of New Jersey described by Newberry as Dalberyia apiculata. It is named prce- 1 Velenovsky, Fl. Bohm. Kreidef., Theil iii, p. 3, pi. iii. fig. 6, 1884. 894 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY nuntia, since it is prophetic and probably ancestral to Bumelia lanugino- safolia Berry of the Wilcox Eocene. It is suggestive of several modern species of Bumelia of the coastal region in the southern United States and throughout tropical America to Brazil. There are a score of existing species confined to America. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Grove Point, Cecil County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. Family EBENACEAE Genus DIOSPYROS Linne [Sp. PL, 1753, p. 1057] DIOSPYROS PRIMJEVA Heer Plate XC, Fig. 4 Diospyros primceva Heer, 1866, Phyll. Cr6t. d. Nebr., p. 19, pi. i, figs. 6, 7. Diospyros primceva Heer, 1882, Fl. Foss. Arct, Bd. vi, Ab. ii, p. 80, pi. xviii, fig. 11. Diospyros primceva Heer, 1883, Ibidem, Bd. vii, p. 31, pi. li, figs. 5a, 5b, 5c. Diospyros primceva Engelhardt, 1891, Isis, Abh. vii, p. 98. Diospyros primceva Lesquereux, 1892, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 109, pi. xx, figs. 1-3. ? Diospyros primceva Fri6, 1893, Archiv. Naturw. Landes. Bohm., Bd. ix, Nr. i, p. 130, tf. 186. Diospyros primceva Smith, 1894, Geol. Coastal Plain Ala., p. 348. Diospyros primceva Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 124, pi. xxx, figs. 1-5. Diospyros primceva Bartsch, 1896, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist, Univ. Iowa, vol. iii, p. 181. Diospyros primwva Knowlton, 1901, 21st Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Survey, pt. vii, p. 317, pi. xxxix, fig. 3. Diospyros primtrva Berry, 1905, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxii, p. 46, pi. ii. Diospyros primceva Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 103, pi. xlii, figs. 2, 11. Diospyros primceva Berry, 1911, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiv, p. 2C4. Diospyros primceva Berry, 1911, Ibidem, vol. xxxviii, p. 417. Diospyros primceva Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 211, pi. xxix, fig. 1. Diospyros primceva Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, p. 61, pi. xi, fig. 3; pi. xiv, figs. 12, 13. Description. Leaves oblong-ovate in outline, variable according to age. ranging from 3 cm. to 15 cm. in length by 1.3 cm. to 5 cm. in greatest MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 895 width, which is in the middle part of the leaf. Apex acute or obtuse. Base cuneate. Margins entire. Petiole rather long and very stout. Midrib also stout. Secondaries branching from the midrib usually at acute angles, subopposite or alternate, parallel, camptodrome. Tertiaries forming polygonal areoles whose relative prominence is one of the features of this species. This species, which is quite suggestive of the modern Diospyros vir- giniana Linne, was described by Heer from the Dakota group of Nebraska nearly half a century ago. It has proved to be a most wide-ranging form, having been identified at both the Atane and Patoot horizons in Green- land; in the Cenomanian of Saxony and the Turonian of Bohemia; from various localities within the Dakota group, including its southern exten- sion, the Woodbine formation of Texas; and, with the exception of the fragments from Marthas Vineyard and Long Island, which are of ques- tionable identity, it is present, in either the Earitan, or the Magothy, or homotaxial formations, from New Jersey to Alabama. Its most marked character is the prominence of its tertiary areolation. It is common at various localities in the lower Tuscaloosa of western Alabama and continues upward into those beds in Hale County which have been placed in the basal portion of the Eutaw formation. Occurrence. EARITAN FORMATION. Bull Mountain, Cecil County. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Bodkin Point, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. DIOSPYROS ROTUNDIFOLIA Lesquereux Plate XC, Fig. 3 Diospyros rotundifolia Lesquereux, 1874, Cret. FL, p. 89, pi. xxx, fig. 1. Diospyros rotundifolia Lesquereux, 1892 Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xvii, p. 112, pi. xvii, figs. 8-11. Diospyros rotundifolia Berry, 1906, Ann. Kept. State Geol. of New Jersey for 1905, p. 139. Diospyros rotundifolia Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 181. Diospyros rotundifolia Berry, 1914, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 84, p. 62, pi. xiv, fig. 14. Description. Leaves entire, variable in size, 4 cm. to 10 cm. in length by 2 cm. to 7 cm. in maximum width, which is in the middle part. Outline 896 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY broadly oval or elliptical. Apex broadly rounded. Base similarly rounded or somewhat narrowed and pointed. Petiole and midrib stout. Secon- daries six or seven pairs, branching from the midrib at angles of from 50 to 60, arched, camptodrome. Texture subcoriaceous. Venation less prominent than in Diospyros primceva Heer. This species is a characteristic element in the post-Karitan flora of the Atlantic Coastal Plain, although at times it is liable to be confused with Myrsine borealis Heer, or with some of the smaller, more orbicular, entire leaves referred to Populus. The venation is markedly different, however. Diospyros rotundifolia was described originally from the Dakota group of Kansas, and it is common in the Magothy formation in New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland. In South Carolina it has been found only at a single locality in the Middendorf beds. It is not rare in the lower Tuscaloosa of western Alabama. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware ; Grove Point, Cecil County, Maryland. Collection. Maryland Geological Survey. DIOSPYROS VERA Berry Plate XC, Fig. 5 Diospyros vera Berry, 1911, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxviii, p. 418, pi. xix, fig. 5. Diospyros vera Berry, 1912, Plant World, vol. xv, p. 17, fig. 2. Description. Calyx small, four-parted, 11.5 mm. in diameter from tip to tip of the lobes, which are obtusely pointed and nearly orbicular in out- line, about 4 mm. or 5 mm. in width, contracted proximad and somewhat reflexed, coriaceous, longitudinally veined, with inflexed margins which give them a spoon-like form. Sinuses rather narrow and pointed, extend- ing two-thirds of the distance to the peduncle. The central disk of the calyx appears flat. There is a raised collar at the insertion of the peduncle, the latter from its scar appears to have been relatively slender. The present species is based upon the single specimen figured, which shows the lower, peduncular face of the calyx. It is clearly referable to this genus and was probably accrescent as in the modern forms. It is MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 897 much smaller than in our common American Diospyros virginiana L., but may be matched in some of the still existing species and is almost the exact counterpart of some of the calices of Diospyros brachysepala Al. Br., figured by Heer from the Swiss Tertiary. There can be no question regarding its identity and in this respect it is much more conclusive than the Caty cites diospyriformis described by Xewberry from the middle Earitan of Xew Jersey, which has a five-lobed calyx. Its occurrence at the same horizon at which the leaves of Diospyros primceva Heer are so abundant not only suggests that it may have been borne by the same tree which furnishes the leaves found all the way from western Greenland to Alabama, but also serves in a measure to corroborate the identification of these leaves. The family Ebenacece has only five modern genera, hut these include a large number of species, a majority of which are referred to the genus Diospyros. The latter has about one hundred and eighty existing species distributed in both hemispheres. They are mostly tropical, a few species extending beyond the tropics in eastern North Amedica, in the Mediter- ranean region of Eurasia, and in eastern Asia where there is a considerable massing of forms. Occurrence. RARITAN FORMATION. East Washington Heights, Dis- trict of Columbia. Collections. U. S. National Museum. Order POLEMONIALES Family BORAG1NACEAE Genus CORDIA Linne [Sp. PI., 1753, p. 190] CORDIA APICULATA (Hollick) Berry Plate XC, Fig. 6 Populus apiculata Hollick, 1892, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xii, p. 4, pi. iii, fig. 2. Populus apiculata Smith, 1894, Geol. Coastal Plain in Ala., p. 548. Populus apiculata Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, p. 65, pi. xv, figs. 3, 4. Populus apiculata Berry, 1906, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxiii, p. 172. 898 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Populus apiculata Hollick, 1907, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 1, p. 49, pi. vii, figs. 28, 29. Populus apiculata Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. Ill, pi. xi, fig. 4. Description. Leaves variable in size and shape, ovate to orbicular in general outline, 5 cm. to 10 cm. in length by 3 cm. to 7 cm. in maximum width, which is at or below the middle. Apex usually somewhat abruptly produced into an acuminate tip. Base cuneate and slightly decurrent to rounded or almost truncate. Margins entire, sometimes slightly repand. Petiole of medium length, stout. Midrib mediumly stout, often flexuous. Secondaries five or six pairs, subopposite below, alternate above, slender, branching from the midrib at angles of from 45 to 50 and arching upward, camptodrome. Tertiaries camptodrome in the marginal region, percurrent internally. Professor Newberry, the original describer of this species in manuscript, compared it with Populus hyperborca Heer and Populus berggreni Heer, but seemed doubtful of its real relation to Populus. This doubt seems to be well founded, for while these leaves are not unlike those usually referred to the genus Populus, this assumed relationship has by no means been proven for a number of the Upper Cretaceous forms so identified. While it is not impossible that species of Populus may have flourished from New Jersey to the Gulf region during the Upper Cretaceous, the association of a number of forms whose descendants are tropical led to an extended search among existing tropical American forms, with the result that the present species is referred to the genus Cordia. The latter has upwards of two hundred existing species of the tropics and warmer extra- tropical regions of both hemispheres, the majority being American, several of which reach the Florida Keys, the Bahamas, and the valley of the Rio Grande. The fossil species in all its characters suggests most strongly the existing Cordia sebestena Linne which ranges from the Florida Keys to New Guinea. It also suggests Cordia tremula Griesbach of the West Indies, and there is a general generic likeness to various other existing species of this genus. Cordia leaves are variable and tend to have more or less toothed margins as is sometimes the case in Cordia sebestena, but they MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 899 are in general entire or slightly repand, and like the fossil somewhat variable. Cordia is certainly represented in the lower Eocene flora of the Gulf region by forms that may be descendants of this Upper Cretaceous species. The present form has been recorded from New Jersey. Staten Island, Long Island, and Delaware, and is not rare in the lower beds of the Tuscaloosa formation in the Alabama region. Occurrence. MAQOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Delaware. Collection. U. S. National Museum. DICOTYLEDONAE INCERTAE SEDIS Genus FONTAINEA Newberry [Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, 1896, p. 94] FONTAINEA GRANDIFOLIA Newberry Fontainea grandifolia Newberry, 1896, Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xxvi, 1895, p. 96, pi. xlv, figs. 1-4. Fontainea grandifolia Berry, 1911, Bull. 3, Geol. Survey of New Jersey, p. 219. Description. Species based on relatively large leaves which may be regarded as bilobate or as dichotomously compound with bilobate leaflets. The latter are linear lanceolate and markedly unsymmetrical in outline, being narrowed and obtusely pointed distad and markedly inequilateral proximad, one margin decurring for a distance of from 1 cm. to 2 cm. below the opposite margin. The .extremely stout midrib (or common winged petiole of a double leaf) runs straight for a distance of 5 crn. to 6 cm. before forking dichotomously at an acute angle. Internally this fork is often naked for a distance of 2 cm. to 3 cm. Secondaries fine, numerous, subparallel ; they diverge from the midrib at wide angles and become more or less lost in the leaf substance toward the margin, their ends apparently united by flatly arched marginal veins. Areolation quad- rangular. Margins entire. Texture coriaceous. The present species was described by Newberry from the middle Raritan of Woodbridge, New Jersey, to which locality it has hitherto been con- fined. It is obviously dicotyledonous, although the writer knows of no similar existing forms. Among previously described fossil species it is 900 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY very close to the plant from the greensand of Niederschoena in Saxony (Cenomanian) named Fucoidcs dichotomies by Keich and renamed Hali- serites reichii by Sternberg 1 from its fancied resemblance to a recent sea- weed Haliseris polypodoides Agardh. Bronn 2 also figures this plant ; Eossmassler and Cotta refer it to Chiropteris, and Schimper transfers it to the genus Delesseria because of its supposed resemblance to another recent seaweed, Delessaria ruscifolio Agardh. Finally Rothpletz,* recog- nizing its dicotyledonous nature and unknown botanical affinity, has pro- posed that it be called Pliyllites reichii. There is no doubt but that the Raritan and the German plants are con- generic but different specifically. Another somewhat similar form is Ar/tlia finntta Velenovsky 4 from the Perucer schichten (Cenomanian) of Bohemia, which is compared with recent forms of Jatroplia, Vitex, Cussonia, etc. It is hardly an Aralia, and is probably congeneric with Fontainca grandifolia Xewberry and Pliyllites reichii (Sternberg) Rothpletz. A single broken specimen represents the first of these in the Maryland region. Occurrence. RARITAN FORMATION. Forked Creek, Severn River, Anne Arundel County. Collection. Johns Hopkins University. Genus CARPOLITHUS Allioni [Oryctographise Pedemontanse Spec., 1757, p. 6] CARPOLITHUS SEPTLOCULUS n. sp. Plate LXXXIV, Fig. 3 Description. Species based on the rather well preserved remains of what appears to be a compound capsular fruit, consisting of seven septi- cidal valves. Length about 2 cm. Diameter about 1.25 cm. Peduncle stout. Valves ovate-lanceolate in outline, pointed distad. Texture coriaceous. 1 Sternberg, Fl. d. Vorwelt, Heft, ii, 1821, p. 34, pi. xxiv, fig. 7. 2 Bronn, Lethsea Geognostica, pi. xxviii, fig. 1. 3 Rothpletz, Zeits. deutsch. geol. Gesell., Bd. xlviii, 1896, p. 904. 4 Velenovsky, Fl. bohm. Kreidef., Theil iii, 1883, p. 13, pi. iv, fig. 1. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 901 This species is based on a single remarkably well-preserved specimen washed out of the sandy carbonaceous clays of the Magothy formation. Its botanical relationship is uncertain since a variety of existing genera have comparable fruits. Among these might be mentioned various genera of the Euphorbiacece, Sterculiacece, Malvaceae, etc. Somewhat similar Eocene fruits have been described by the writer as species of Sterculio- carpus, and by Viguier as species of Sezanella, both genera being referred to the family Sterculiacecs. Occurrence. MAGOTHY FORMATION. Deep Cut, Chesapeake and Dela- ware Canal, Delaware. Collection. Johns Hopkins University. PLATES PLATE VIII PAGE Figs. 1, 2. THORACOSAURUS NEOC^CSARIENSIS (DeKay) 347 1. Tooth, side view. 2. Transverse outline of same. Matawan formation, Magothy River. Figs. 3, 4. HYPOSAURUS ROGERSII Owen 349 3. Tooth, side view. 4. Transverse outline of same. Monmouth formation, Bohemia Mills. Figs. 5-7. LAMXA ELEGANS Agassiz 350 5. Front view of a worn tooth. X 1. 6. Inside view of another specimen. X 2. 7. Side view of a third specimen. X 2. Monmouth formation, Seat Pleasant. Figs. 8, 9. LAMXA CUSPIDATA Agassiz 351 8. Inside view. X 1. Matawan formation, C. & D. Canal. 9. Inside view of a small specimen. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant. Fig. 10. Side view of proximal part of a fish spine. X 3. Matawan formation, C. & D. Canal. Fig. 11. THORACOSAURUS sp 348 Much worn vertebra, ventral view. Monmouth formation, Prince George's County. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE VIII o 10 vl VERTEBRATA REPTILIA AND PISCES PLATE IX PAGE Fig. 1. CORAX PRISTOUOXTUS (Morton) 352 Inside view. Monmouth formation, Bohemia Mills. Fig. 2. CORAX FALCATUS Agassiz Front view. Matawan formation, C. & D. Canal. Figs. 3-5. EXCHODUS DIRUS Leidy 357 3. View from outside. X 1. 4. Same from above. 5. Same from within. Monmouth formation, Seat Pleasant. Figs. 6-8. ISCHYRHIZA MIRA Leidy 358 6. View from side. X 1. 7. Same from behind. 8. View of base, anterior margin at the bottom. Monmouth formation, Prince George's County. Figs. 9, 10. Proximal part of Batoid (?) fish ray 9. View from below. X 2. 10. View from side. X 2. Matawan formation, Magothy River. 905 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE IX \ VERTEBRATA PISCES PLATE X PAGE Figs. 1-4. HOLOPARIA GABBI Pilsbry 361 1. Proximal part of left manus. Deep Cut, C. & D. Canal. 2. Carpus with part of manus. Same locality. 3. Surface of manus. X 4.3. Lenola, N. J. 4. Manus, lacking proximal end. Length as broken 33.7 mm. Lenola, N. J. Fig. 5. CALLIANASSA CONRADI Pilsbry 366 Manus and carpus. Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. Fig. 6. HOLOPARIA GLADIATOR Pilsbry 362 Manus of holotype. Lenola, N. J. Fig. 7. CALLIANASSA sp. undet 369 Post 105, C. & D. Canal. Figs. 8, 9. HOLOPARIA GABBI Pilsbry. Type 361 8. Edge of manus showing worn teeth of the pollex. 9. Side of manus. Lenola, N. J. 906 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE X ARTHROPODA CRUSTACEA PLATE XI PAGE Figs. 1-3. CALLIANASSA MORTOXI Pilsbry 363 1. Inner view of manus. 2. Lateral view of manus. 3. Outer view of manus. Head of Bohemia Creek. Figs. 4, 5. CALLIAXASSA COXRADI PUXCTIMAXUS Pilsbry 368 Figs. 6-8. CALLIAXASSA CLARKI Pilsbry 368 6. Outside of manus, fingers broken off. 7. Carpus of another specimen. 8. Manus of type, the carpus almost all concealed. Post 105, C. & D. Canal. Figs. 9, 10. CALLIANASSA MORTOXI MARYLANDICA Pilsbry. Holotype 366 Lateral and outside views of cheliped, the merus and ischium in large part concealed, and with the carpus, a little foreshortened, in Fig. 6a. 907 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XI ARTHROPODA CRUSTACEA PLATE XII PAGE Fig. 1. SCAPHITES CONKADI (Morton) 383 Lateral view of fragment of whorl. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 2, 3. BACULITES OVATUS Say 375 2. Lateral view. 3. Posterior view of same. Matawan formation, near Summit Bridge, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Figs. 4-6. BKLEMXITELLA AMERICANA (Morton) 394 4. Median longitudinal section of rostrum showing radial fibers and cavity of phragmacone. 5. Ventral view of rostrum. 6. Ventral view of another specimen. Monmouth formation, Bohemia Mills, Cecil County. Fig. 7. MORTONICERAS DELAWAREXSis (Morton) Weller 391 Peripheral view of portion of whorl. Matawan formation, near Sum- mit Bridge, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Figs. 8, 9. BACULITES ASPER Morton 377 8. Lateral view. X 1%. 9. Posterior view of same. X 1%. Matawan formation, Post 218, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. 908 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XII ** MOLLUSCA CEPHALOPODA PLATE XII A PAGE PI.ACEXTICERAS PLACENTA (DeKay) Meek 385 Fragment of an old individual from the Matawan formation of the C. & D. Canal. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XII A HALOPODA PLATE XIII PAGE Figs. 1, 2. POLYNICES (EUSPIKA) HALLi (Gabb) 499 1. Dorsal view. 2. Ventral view. Monmouth formation, 2 miles southwest of Oxon Hill, Prince George's County. Figs. 3, 4. AMAUROPSIS COMPACTA Gardner n. sp 504 3. Dorsal view. X 3. 4. Ventral view. X 3. Monmouth formation, McNeys Corners, Prince George's County. Fig. 5. MARGARITES ELEVATA Gardner n. sp 506 Dorsal view of internal cast. X 5. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 6. MARGARITES DEPRESSA Gardner n. sp 505 Ventral view of internal cast. X 5. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 7. SOLARIUM MONMOUTHENSIS Gardner n. sp 494 View of spire. X 2. Monmouth formation, 2 miles southwest of Oxon Hill, Prince George's County. Fig. 8. GYRODES PETROSUS (Morton) Gabb 496 Dorsal view of internal cast with adhering portions of shell. Mon- mouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 9. EUTREPHOCERAS DEKAYi (Morton) Hyatt 372 Lateral view of young individual. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. Fig. 10. SPHEXODISCTJS LOBATUS (Tuomey) Meek 388 Lateral view of one of the earlier whorls. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XIII MOLLUSC A CEPHALOPODA AND GASTROPODA PLATE XIV PAGE Figs. 1, 2. TURRIS SEDESCLARA Gardner n. sp 418 1. Dorsal view. 2. Ventral view. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 3, 4. TURRIS MONMOUTHENSIS Gardner n. sp 418 3. Dorsal view. 4. Ventral view. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 5. PYRIFUSUS WHITFIELDI Gardner n. sp 461 Ventral view. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 6. TURRIS TERRAMARIA Gardner n. sp 416 Ventral view. X 6. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 7. TURRIS WELLERI Gardner n. sp 417 Dorsal view. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 8, 9. SURCULA AMICA Gardner n. sp 420 8. Dorsal view. X 2. 9. Ventral view of another specimen. X 2. Monmouth formation, Friendly, Prince George's County. Fig. 10. OLIVELLA MONMOUTHENSIS Gardner n. sp 421 Ventral view. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 11. FASCIOLARIA ? sp 438 Ventral view. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 12. FASCIOLARIA ? JUNCEA Gardner n. sp 438 Dorsal view. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 13. EXILIA CRETACEA Gardner n. sp 464 Dorsal view. X 5. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. 910 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XIV 10 11 MOLLUSCA GASTROPODA PLATE XV PAGE Fig. 1. ROSTELLITES MARYLAxoicus Gardner n. sp 424 Ventral view. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 2, 3. AXCHURA (?) :MO.\:\IOUTHEXSIS Gardner n. sp 476 2. Dorsal view of cast of interior. 3. Ventral view of same. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. Fig. 4. PYRIFUSUS VITTATUS Gardner n. sp 458 Ventral view of a somewhat crushed specimen. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 5. LiopEPLrii CRETACEUM (Conrad) 431 Ventral view. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 6, 7. Lioi'Ei'LiM :\IONMOUTHEXSIS Gardner n. sp 432 6. Ventral view. 7. Dorsal view. Monmouth formation, 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. Fig. 8. VoLi'TOMORFHA coxRADi Gabb 427 Ventral view of cast. Monmouth formation, 2 miles southwest of Oxon Hill, Prince George's County. Figs. 9, 10. PYROPSIS RETIFER (Gabb) Whitfield 452 9. Ventral view of cast with portions of shell adhering. X 2. 10. Dorsal view of same. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 11, 12. EPITOXIUM CECILIUM Gardner n. sp 479 11. Dorsal view of several whorls. 12. Basal view of same. Monmouth formation, Bohemia Mills, Cecil County. 911 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XV 10 9 7 MOLLUSCA GASTROPODA 00 PLATE XVI PAGE Figs. 1, 2. PYROPSIS TROCHIFORMIS (Tuomey) Gabb 446 1. Ventral view. 2. View of spire. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 3. PYROPSIS LENOLENSIS Weller 453 View of squeeze of mold of exterior. Matawan formation, locality unknown. Fig. 4. PYRIFUSUS sp. (immature) 463 View of squeeze of mold of exterior. Monmouth formation, 2 miles southwest of Oxon Hill, Princs George's County. Figs. 5, 6. PYRIFUSUS MONMOUTHEXSIS Gardner n. sp 459 5. Dorsal view. 6 Ventral view. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 7-9. PYRIFUSUS MARYLANDICUS Gardner n. sp 457 7. Dorsal view of cast. X 2. 8. Ventral view of same. X 2. 9. View of squeeze of mold of exterior. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 10. PSEUDOMELAXIA Mox MouTiiExsis Gardner n. sp 480 Ventral view. X 3. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. 912 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XVI MOLLUSCA GASTROPODA PLATE XVII PAGE Fig. 1. TURRITELLA PARAVERTEBBOiDES Gardner n. sp 488 View of several whorls. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 2. VOLUTOMORPHA PERORNATA Gardner n. sp 428 Dorsal view. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 3, 4. TURRITELLA DELMAB Gardner n. sp 487 3. Squeeze of mold of exteriors. X 2. 4. Internal cast. X 2. Matawan formation, Post 105, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Figs. 5, 6. PUGNELLUS GOLDMAN i Gardner n. sp 469 5. Ventral view. 6. Dorsal view. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 7. EPITONIUM MARYLAXDICUM Gardner n. sp 478 View of several whorls. X 3. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 8, 9. SERPULORBIS MARYLANDICA Gardner n. sp 482 8. Upper surface of two constituent tubes. X 2. 9. Lower surface of same. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 10. TURRITELLA BONASPES Gardner n. sp 487 View of squeeze of mold. X 2. Magothy formation, Good Hope Hill near Anacostia, D. C. 913 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XVII MOLLUSCA GASTROPODA PLATE XVIII PAGE Figs. 1, 2. RINGICULA CLARKI Gardner n. sp 400 1. Dorsal view. X 3. 2. Ventral view. X 3. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 3, 4. ACTEOX LINTELS (Conrad) 397 3. Dorsal view. X 3. 4. Ventral view. X 3. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 5, 6. AVELLAXA PIXGUIS Gardner n. sp 406 5. Dorsal view. X 2. 6. Ventral view. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 7. AVELLAXA I.IXTOXI Gardner n. sp 406 Dorsal view. X 2. Monmouth formation, 2 miles southwest of Oxon Hill, Prince George's County. Figs. 8, 9. HAMIXEA CYLIXDRICA Gardner n. sp 409 8. Ventral view. X 2. 9. Dorsal view. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 10, 11. CYLTCIIXA RECTA Gabb 411 10. Ventral view. X 3. 11. Dorsal view. X 3. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 12. MORKA XATICELLA Gabb 465 Squeeze of mold of exterior. Matawan formation, locality unknown. Fig. 13. MOREA MARYLAXDICA Gardner n. sp 466 Ventral view. X 2. Monmouth formation, 2 miles southwest of Oxon Hill, Prince George's County. Figs. 14, 15. PALADMETE CANCELLARIA (Conrad) 413 14. Ventral view. X 2. 15. Dorsal view. X 2. 2y 2 miles south of Dumas, Texas, U. S. National Museum. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XVIII MOLLUSCA GASTROPODA PLATE XIX PAGE Figs. 1-4. NUCULA SLACKIAXA Gabb 511 1. Exterior of left valve. 2. Ventral view of double valves. 3. Dorsal view of double valves. 4. Dorsal view of right valve. X 2. Monmouth formation, 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. Figs. 5, 6. NUCULA AMICA Gardner n. sp 514 5. Interior of right valve. X 3. 6. Exterior of same. X 3. Monmouth formation, 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. Fig. 7. NUCULA MICROSTRIATA Gardner n. sp 515 Exterior of right valve. X 3. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 8, 9. LEDA ROSTRATRUNCATA Gardner n. sp 517 8. Exterior of right valve. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. 9. Exterior of left valve. X 2. Monmouth formation, 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. Figs. 10-12. LEDA WHITFIELDI Gardner n. sp 516 10. Exterior of left valve. X 4. 11. Interior of same. X 4. Monmouth formation, Friendly, Prince George's County. 12. Dorsal view of double valves. X 5. Monmouth formation, Bright- seat, Prince George's County. Fig. 13. YOLDIA LONGIFRONS (Conrad) Johnson 518 Exterior of left valve. Ripley formation, Union County, Mississippi, U. S. National Museum. Fig. 14. YOLDIA NOXONTOWNEXSIS Gardner n. sp 521 Cast of right valve. Manasquan formation, South Feeder Noxontown Pond, Delaware. Fig. 15. NEMODON STANTOXI Gardner n. sp 527 Exterior of right valve. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. 915 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XIX 11 14 MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XX PAGE Figs. 1, 2. PERISSOXOTA LITTLII Gardner n. sp 523 1. Double valves from left side. X 2. 2. Dorsal view of same. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 3, 4. NEMODON EUFALEXSIS (Gabb) Conrad 525 3. Interior of left valve. X 3. 4. Exterior of same. X 3. Monmouth formation, Friendly, Prince George's County. Figs. 5-7. NEMOIJON CECILICS Gardner n. sp 528 5. Cast of a left valve. X iy a . 6. Cast of left valve. X 2. 7. Squeeze taken from natural mold of sculpture. X 2. Monmouth formation, Fredericktown, Cecil County. Figs. 8, 9. CUCULL^:A VULGABIS Morton 529 8. Interior of left valve of adult. 9. Exterior of same. Ripley formation, Ripley, Mississippi, U. S. National Museum. 9JG MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XX MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XXI PAGE Figs. 1, 2. CUCULI^EA VULGAKIS Morton 529 1. Exterior of left valve of immature specimen. 2. Interior of same. Ripley formation, Ripley, Mississippi, U. S. National Museum. Figs. 3, 4. AKCA SAFFORDI Gabb 537 3. Interior of left valve. X 6. . 4. Exterior of same. X 6. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 5, 6. ARCA UANDI Gardner n. sp 539 5. Cast of double valves from right side. 6. Anterior view of same. Matawan formation, Camp U. & I., Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Figs. 7-9. GLYCYMERIS (POSTLIGATA) WOKDKM Gardner n. sub. gen. et sp.. . 543 7. Interior of left valve. X 5. 8. Exterior of right valve. X 3. 9. Posterior view of double valves. X 3. Monmouth formation, Friendly, Prince George's County. Fig. 10. PTERIA PETKOSA (Conrad) Meek 548 Cast of left valve. Monmouth formation, Bohemia Mills, Cecil County. Fig. 11. PTERIA RHOMBICA Gardner n. sp 549 Hinge of left valve. X 5. Monmouth formation, 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. Fig. 12. PIXXA LAQUEATA Conrad 545 Broken cast of double valves. Matawan formation, Post 105, Chesa- peake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. 917 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS. PLATE XXI MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XXII PAGE Figs. 1-3. PTERIA RHOMBIC A Gardner n. sp 549 1. Exterior of right valve of young individual. 2. Exterior of left valve of adult. 3. Interior of same. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 4. OSTREA LARVA SUBS?. FALCATA Morton 552 Exterior of right valve. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. Fig. 5. OSTREA LARVA SUBSP. XASUTA Morton 554 Exterior of right valve. X 1M>- Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 6-8. OSTREA LARVA SUBSP. MESENTERICA Morton 555 6. Exterior of left valve. X 4. 7. Interior of same. X 4. Monmouth formation, McNey's Corners, Prince George's County. 8. Exterior of left valve. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. 918 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXII - *> MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XXIII PAGE Figs. 1, 2. OSTREA LARVA SUBSP. MESEXTERiCA Morton 555 1. Interior of left valve. X I 1 /?. 2. Exterior of same. X 1V. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 3. OSTREA SUBSPATULATA Forbes 561 Interior of left valve. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. Ficjs. 4, 5. OSTREA MOXMOUTHENSIS Weller 558 4. Interior of right valve. 5. Exterior of same. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. 919 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXIII MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA 01 PL.ATE XXIV PAGE Fig. 1. OSTREA SUBSPATULATA Forbes 561 Exterior of left valve. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. Figs. 2-4. OSTREA TECTICOSTA Gabb 560 2. Interior of left valve. X 2. 3. Exterior of same. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. 4. Double valves from the right side. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 5, 6. OSTREA FABA Gardner n. sp 559 5. Exterior of right valve. 6. Interior of same. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. 920 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXIV MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XXV PAGE IPigs. 1-4. OSTREA (GRYPHOSTREA) VOMER (Morton) Meek 579 1. Exterior of left valve. X 2. 2. Interior of same. X 2. Matawan formation, Camp Pox, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. 3. Interior of right valve. X 2. 4. Exterior of same. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 5. EXOGYRA COSTATA Say 564 Exterior of left valve. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. 921 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXV MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XXVI PAGE Figs. 1, 2. EXOGYRA COSTATA Say 564 1. Interior of left valve. 2. Interior of right valve. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. 922 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXVI MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XXVII PAGE Figs. 1, 2. EXOGYRA COSTATA Say 564 1. Exterior of right valve. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. 2. Exterior of left valve. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. Fig. 3. EXOGYRA COSTATA SUESP. CAXCELLATA Stephenson 566 Exterior of loft valve. Monmouth formation, head of Little Bohemia Creek, Cecil County. 923 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXVII MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XXVIII PAGE Figs. 1, 2. GRYPH.EA (PYCXODONTE) YESICULARIS (Lamarck) Race A 575 1. Exterior of left valve. 2. Interior of same. Matawan formation, Camp Fox, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. 924 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXVIII 1 ^ MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XXIX PAGE Fig. 1. GRYPH^EA (PYCNODONTE) VESICULAKIS (Lamarck) Race A 575 Interior of right valve. Matawan formation, Post 198-199, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Figs. 2, 3. GBYPH^EA (PYCNODONTE) VESICULABIS (Lamarck) Race B 576 2. Interior of right valve. 3. Interior of left valve of same individual. Matawan formation, Camp Fox, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. 925 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXIX M OLLUSC A PELECYPODA PLATE XXX PAGE Figs. 1, 2. GRYPH^EA (PYCNODONTE) VESICULARIS (Lamarck) Race B 576 1. Exterior of left valve. 2. Exterior of right valve of same individual. Matawan formation, Camp Fox, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Figs. 3, 4. GRYPH^EA (PYCXODONTE) VESICULARIS (Lamarck) Race indet. 3. Exterior of immature right valve. X 2. 4. Interior of same, showing excentric posterior adductor of young. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. 926 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXX MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XXXI PAGE Figs. 1-3. GRYPH^A (PYCNODONTE) VESICULABIS (Lamarck) Race D.. .. 576 1. Exterior of adult left valve. 2. Interior of right valve. 3. Interior of left valve of same individual. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. 927 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXXI MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA 02 PLATE XXXII PAGE Figs. 1-3. GRYPH^EA (PYCNODONTE) VESICULARIS (Lamarck) Race D 576 1. Interior of left valve of adult. 2. Exterior of left valve of younger individual. 3. Double valves of same viewed from right side. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. 928 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXXII MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XXXIII PAGE Figs. 1-3. GRYPH^A (PYCNODOXTE) VESICULARIS (Lamarck) Race E 576 1. Exterior of left valve. 2. Interior of same. 3. Interior of right valve. Manasquan formation, Noxontown Mill Pond, Delaware. Figs. 4-6. GRYPH.EA (PYCNODOXTE) PUSILLA Gardner n. sp 578 4. Exterior of left valve. 5. Interior of same. 6. Interior of right valve. Monmouth formation, Great Bohemia Creek, Cecil County. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXXIII MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XXXIV PAGE Figs. 1, 2. TRIGONIA EUFALENSIS Gabb 582 1. Exterior of right valve. X 2. 2. Interior of same. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 3-5. PECTEN ARGILLENSIS Conrad 588 3. Exterior of immature left valve. X 2. 4. Exterior of adult left valve. 5. Portion of sculpture of same. X 5. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 6, 7. PECTEN- VENUSTUS Morton 591 6. Exterior of right valve. X 3. 7. Exterior of left valve. X 3. Houston, Mississippi, U. S. National Museum. Figs. 8, 9. PECTEN SIMPLICIUS Conrad 595 8. Exterior of left valve. X 2. 9. Exterior of right valve. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 10. PECTEN QUINQUECOSTATA Sowerby 596 Cast of interior of right valve. Matawan formation, Camp Fox, Chesa- peake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Fig. 11. LIMA OBLIQUA Gardner n. sp 603 Exterior of left valve. X 3. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. Figs. 12, 13. LIMA RETICULATA Forbes 600 12. Exterior of right valve. X 5. 13. Interior of same. X 5. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 14, 15. LIMA SERRATA Gardner n. sp 602 14. Interior of left valve. X 4. 15. Exterior of same. X 4. Monmouth formation, 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXXIV 14 MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XXXV PAGE Pigs. 1, 2. ANOMIA ARGENTARIA Morton 608 1. Exterior of left valve. X 2. 2. Interior of right valve. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 3, 4. ANOMIA TEIAIXOIDES Morton 610 3. Exterior of right valve. 4. Interior of same. Monmouth formation, Briar Point, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Figs. 5, 6. ANOMIA OBNATA Gabb 612 5. Interior of left valve. X 2. 6. Exterior of same. X 2. Monmouth formation, 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. Figs. 7-10. ANOMIA FORTEPLICATA Gardner n. sp 613 7. Exterior of left valve. X 1%. 8. Interior of left valve. X 3. Monmouth formation, 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. 9. Exterior of left valve. X 2. 10. Interior of same. X 2. Monmouth formation, McNeys Corners, Prince George's County. Figs. 11, 12. PARANOMIA LINEATA Conrad 606 11. Exterior of left valve. 12. Exterior of another left valve. Ripley formation, Ripley, Mississippi, U. S. National Museum. 931 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXXV /' ^ ^ -J ! MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XXXVI PAGE Figs. 1, 2. MOUIOLUS SEDESCLARUS Gardner n. sp 616 1. Exterior of right valve. 2. Dorsal view of double valves. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Pig. 3. MODIOLUS TBIGONUS Gardner n. sp 616 Exterior of left valve. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. Figs. 4-6. LITHOPHAGA RIPLEYANA Gabb 618 4. Cast of double valves from right side. 5. Front view of same. Matawan formation, Post 198-199, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. 6. Aggregation of casts. Matawan formation, Camp Fox, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Figs. 7-9. LITHOPHAGA CONCHAFODENTIS Gardner n. sp 619 7. Cast of double valves from right side. X 3. 8. Dorsal view of same. X 3. 9. Left valve in situ. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 10, 11. LITHOPHAGA JUIXE (Lea) 620 10. Double valves from right side. X 2. 11. Front view of same. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 12, 13. LITHOPHAGA TWITCHELLI Gardner n. sp 622 12. Double valves from right side. X 1%. 13. Front view of same. X l 1 /^. Monmouth formation, railroad cut 1 mile west of Seat Pleas- ant, Prince George's County. Fig. 14. LITHOPHAGA LINGUA Gardner n. sp 621 Exterior of left valve. X 3. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 15. LIOPISTHA PROTEXTA Conrad 636 Exterior of left valve. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 16-18. CRENELLA SERICA Conrad 624 16. Exterior of left valve. X 6. 17. Interior of same. X 6. 18. Dorsal view of double valves. X 6. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 19. CRENELLA ELEGANTULA Meek and Hayden 625 Cast of left valve. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 20, 21. SOLYMA LINEOLATA Conrad 701 20. Double valves from left side. 21. Dorsal view of same. Chatfield, Navarro County, Texas, U. S. National Museum. 932 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXXVI o 19 18 MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XXXVII PAGE Figs. 1-3. PHOLADOMYA OCCIDENTALIS Morton 630 1. Cast of double valves from left side. 2. Same from right side. 3. Dorsal view of same. Matawan formation, Post 218, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. Figs. 4, 5. CUSPIDARIA CUCURBITA Gardner n. sp 641 4. Cast of double valves from right side. X 3. 5. Dorsal view of same. X 3. Matawan formation, % mile southwest of Ulmstead Point, Anne Arundel County. Figs. 6, 7. CUSPIDARIA AMPULLA Gardner n. sp 640 6. Cast of double valves from left side. X 3. 7. Dorsal view of same. X 3. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 8-11. DREISSENA TIPPANA Conrad 628 8. Exterior of left valve. 9. Exterior of right valve. 10. Anterior view of double valves. 11. Interior of left valve. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXXVII MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XXXVIII PAGE Fig. 1. PHOLADOMYA CONRADI Gardner n. sp 632 Cast of left valve. 1% miles north of Fort Deposit, Alabama, U. S. National Museum. Figs. 2-7. VENIELLA CONRADI (Morton) Stoliczka 643 2. Exterior of very young right valve. X 3. 3. Interior of same. X 3. 4. Interior of right valve. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. 5. Exterior of adult left valve. 6. Cast of right valve in apposition with left valve. 7. Dorsal view of same. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. 034 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXXVIII MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XXXIX PAGE Figs. 1-4. CRASSATELLITES VADOSUS (Morton) Johnson 649 1. Exterior of left valve. 2. Interior of same. 3. Exterior of left valve. 4. Anterior view of double valves. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 5. CRASSATELLITES PTEROPSIS (Conrad) 655 Exterior of right valve. Monmouth formation, near Oakland, Prince George's County, U. S. National Museum. Figs. 6, 7. CRASSATELLITES LINTEUS (Conrad) Johnson 653 6. Interior of right valve. 7. Exterior of same. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 8, 9. PHACOIDES NOXONTOWXENSIS Gardner n. sp 660 8. Cast of left valve. 9. Squeeze of mold of external sculpture. Manasquan formation, Noxontown Mill Pond, Delaware. Figs. 10, 11. MYRT^A STEPHENSONI Gardner n. sp 659 10. Interior of left valve. X 4. 11. Exterior of same. X 4. Monmcuth formation, 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. 936 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XXXIX MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA 63 PLATE XL PAGE Figs. 1, 2. CABDIUM EUFALENSE Conrad 664 1. Exterior of left valve. 2. Interior of same. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 3, 4. AXTIGONA (APHRODINA) TIPPANA (Conrad) 681 3. Exterior of left valve. 4. Interior of same. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 5-7. LEGUMEN PLANULATUM (Conrad) Gabb 684 5. Exterior of right valve. 6. Double valves from right side. 7. Dorsal view of same. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 8-10. CYPRIMERIA DEPRESSA Conrad 687 8. Interior of left valve. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. 9. Exterior of left valve. 10. Dorsal view of same. Monmouth formation, near Oakland, Prince George's County. Figs. 11, 12. CYPRIMERIA MAJOR Gardner n. sp 689 11. Exterior of right valve of young individual. 12. Interior of same. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XL 11 12 MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XLI PAGE Figs. 1-4. CYPKIMERIA MAJOR Gardner n. sp 689 1. Exterior of left valve of young specimen. 2. Interior of same. 3. Exterior of left valve of adult specimen. 4. Interior of same. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 5, 6. CYCLINA PAKVA Gardner n. sp 678 5. Interior of right valve. X 6. 6. Exterior of same. X 6. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. 937 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XLI MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XLII PAGE Fig. 1. CYPRIMERIA MAJOR Gardner n. sp 689 Exterior of gerontic right valve. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County; U. S. National Museum. Fig. 2. TELLINA (ACROPAGIA) GABBI Gardner n. sp 694 Exterior of right valve. Monmouth formation, 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. Figs. 3, 4. AENONA EUFALENSIS Conrad 697 3. Exterior of left valve. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. 4. Exterior of right valve. X 2. Monmouth formation, near Oakland, Prince George's County, U. S. National Museum. Figs. 5, 6. TELLINIMERA EBOREA Conrad 695 5. Exterior of right valve. X 2. 6. Dorsal view of double valves. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. Figs. 7, 8. LEPTOSOLEN BIPLICATA Conrad 703 7. Dorsal view of internal cast of double valves-. Monmouth formation, 2 miles southwest of Oxon Hill, Prince George's County. 8. Exterior of right valve. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. 938 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XLII MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XLIII PAGE Fig. 1. CYPBIMERIA MAJOR Gardner n. sp 689 Hinge of gerontic right valve. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County, U. S. National Museum. Figs. 2, 3. SPISULA (CYMBOPHORA) BERRYI Gardner n. sp 708 2. Exterior of right valve. X 2. 3. Dorsal view of double valves. X 2. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 4, 5. SPISULA (CYMBOPHORA) WORDEXI Gardner n. sp 709 4. Interior of left valve. 5. Exterior of same. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 6, 7. CORBULA CRASSIPLICA Gabb 713 6. Exterior of right valve. X 5. 7. Double valves from left side. X 5. Monmouth formation, 1 mile west of Friendly, Prince George's County. Figs. 8-10. CORBULA TERRAMARIA Gardner n. sp 716 8. Exterior of right valve. X 3. 9. Interior of same. X 3. 10. Double valves from left side. X 3. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XLIIt MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XLIV PAGE Figs. 1-3. CORBULA PERCOMPRESSA Gardner n. sp 717 1. Exterior of right valve. X 3. 2. Interior of same. X 3. 3. Dorsal view of double valves. X 3. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 4-8. CORBULA MONMOUTHENSIS Gardner n. sp 715 4. Exterior of left valve. X 3. 5. Interior of same. X 3. 6. Exterior of right valve. X 3. 7. Interior of same. X 3. 8. Dorsal view of double valves. X 3. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. Figs. 9-15. CORBULA SUBRADIATA Gardner n. sp 718 9. Exterior of left valve. X 5. 10. Interior of same. X 5. 11. Exterior of right valve. X 5. 12. Interior of same. X 5. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. 13. Double valves from left side. X 5. 14. Same from left side. X 5. 15. Dorsal view of same. X 5. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. 940 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XLIV MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XLV PAGE Fig. 1. PHOLAS PECTOROSA Conrad 724 Exterior of right valve. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 2. PANOPE BONASPES Gardner n. sp 723 Internal cast of left valve. Magothy formation, Good Hope Hill near Anacostia, D. C. Fig. 3. TEREDO RHOMBICA Gardner n. sp 732 Exterior of imperfect right valve. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 4, 5. PANOPE MOXMOUTHENSIS Gardner n. sp 722 4. Exterior of right valve. 5. Hinge of right valve. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. 941 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XLV MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE XLVI Unless otherwise specified all the specimens illustrated on this plate are from the Vincentown limesand of New Jersey. PAGE Figs. 1, 2. CRIBRILIXA SAGENA (Morton) ............................... 742 1. A characteristic zoarium. X 2. 2. Surface of a zoarium, much enlarged. (After Gabb and Horn.) Fig. 3. MEMBRANIPORA AXNULOIDEA Ulrich and Bassler .................. 740 Surface of a zoarium. X 24. Fig. 4. MEMBRANIPORELLA ABBOTTI (Gabb and Horn) ................... 743 Surface of zoarium, much enlarged. (After Gabb and Horn.) Figs. 5, 6. AMPHIBLESTRUM HETEROPORA (Gabb and Horn) .............. 740 5. Portion of a zoarium. X 20. 6. A single zocecium, more enlarged. Eocene (Aquia) Upper Marlboro, Md. (After Ulrich.) Fig. 7. ESCHARINELLA ? Ai/TiMURALis Ulrich and Bassler ................ 741 A number of zocecia. X 20. Figs. 8, 9. MUCRONELLA ASPERA Ulrich ................................. 743 Two views showing zocecial characters. X 20. Eocene (Aquia) Upper Marlboro, Md. Fig. 10. STOMATOPORA KUMMELI Ulrich and Bassler ..................... 737 View of a portion of the type specimen. X 12. Fig. 11. STOMATOPORA REGULARIS Gabb and Horn ....................... 736 Portion of a zoarium. X 6. Incrusting another bryozoan. Fig. 12. FILIFASCIGERA MEG^ERA (Lonsdale) ....................... ..... 739 Front and side views of part of a zoarium. X 12. Fig. 13. LICHE.XOPORA PAYRACEA (D'Orbigny) .......................... 739 A complete zoarium. X 12. Fig. 14. BERENICEA AMERICANA (Ulrich and Bassler) ................... 737 View of the type specimen. X 12. Fig. 15. CRISINA STRIATOPORA Ulrich and Bassler ....................... 738 The type specimen. X 12. Miocene of Maryland. Fig. 16. HIPPOTHOA TENUICHORDA (Ulrich and Bassler) ................. 745 Several zocecia of the type example. X 20. 942 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XLVI MOLLUSCOIDEA BRYOZOA PLATE XLVII PAGE Figs. 1-5. TEREBKATTJLA HARLANI Morton 734 1. Exterior of dorsal valve. 2. Interior of ventral valve. 3. Exterior of same. 4. Ventral view of complete individual. 5. Dorsal view of same. Rancocas formation, Noxontown Pond, Delaware. Figs. 6-10. CARDIASTER MARYLANDICA Clark n. sp 750 6. Oral view. 7. Aboral view of same. 8. Aboral view of another specimen. 9. Oral view of same. 10. Lateral view of same. Monmouth formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Figs. 11-14. HEMIASTER DELAWARENSIS Clark n. sp 751 11. Aboral view. 12. Lateral view of same. 13. Oral view of same. 14. Posterior view of same. Matawan formation, south side of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, between Lorewood Grove and St. Georges, Delaware. Fig. 15. SERPULA TRIGONALIS Gardner n. sp 746 Type X 2. Rancocas formation, Noxontown Pond, Delaware. Figs. 16-19. ORNATAPORTA MARYLANDICA Gardner n. gen. et sp 748 16. Lateral view of tube. 17. Operculum of same. X 4. 18. Operculum of another specimen. X 4. 19. Several radials. X 20. Monmouth formation, Brooks' Estate near Seat Pleasant, Prince George's County. 943 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XLVII 18 17 MOLLUSCOIDEA BRACHIOPODA, VERMES AND ECHINODERMATA 6-1 PLATE XLVIII PAGE FigS. 1-4. MlCBABACIA MARYLANDICA Sp. UOV 755 1. Calicular view of a typical specimen (X 4) from near Brightseat, Md. The interseptal loculi are filled with matrix which obscures the grouping of the septa, and which cannot be removed without injury to the specimen. Collection of the Maryland Geological Survey, on deposit in the U. S. National Museum. 2. Side view of the specimen shown in the preceding figure. X 8. The septal denticulations which are partly obscured by the matrix have been partly restored by retouching. 3. Interior view of a typical specimen (X 8) from near Brightseat, Md., showing the spongy columella, the synapticulae, tubercles, and stri on the sides of the septa, and the intercostal synap- ticula? and perforations of the base. 4. View of the base of the type (X 8) showing the character and grouping of the costse. Figs. 5, 6. TBOCHOCYATHUS ? VAUGHANI sp. nov 752 5. Side view of the type ( X 8) from near Brightseat, Md., showing the costae, tubercles, and broken edge of the wall, and the uncovered edges of some of the septa. Collection of the Maryland Geo- logical Survey, on deposit in the U. S. National Museum. 6. Calicular view of the type (X 8), showing the arrangement of the septa and the spongy character of the columella. 944 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XLVIII CCELENTERATA ANTHOZOA PLATE XLIX PAGE FigS. 1-4. MlCRABACIA ROTATILIS Sp. HOV 753 1. Calicular view of the type (X 4) from near Brightseat, Md. The interseptal loculi are filled with matrix which cannot be re- moved without injury to the specimen; the grouping of the septa is therefore not clearly apparent. Collection of the Maryland Geological Survey, on deposit in the U. S. National Museum. 2. Side view of the type. X 8. The septal r'enticulations are partly obscured by the matrix and have been partly restored by re- touching. 3. Interior view of the type (X 8), which is broken nearly directly through the center, showing the spongy columella, the synap- ticulse, tubercles, and striae of the sides of the septa, and the intercostal synapticulae and perforations of the base. 4. View of the base of the type ( X 8) from near Brightseat, Md., show- ing the character and grouping of the costae. 945 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XLIX CCELENTERATA ANTHOZOA PLATE L PAGE Fig. 1. ALGITES AMERICAN A Berry 758 Magothy formation, Round Bay. Figs. 2-4. OSMUNDA DELAWARENSIS Berry 763 2, 3. Portions of a frond. 4. Enlargement to show details of venation. X 3. Magothy formation, Deep Cut, Del. Figs. 5, 6. GLEICHENIA DELAWARENSIS Berry 762 5. A pinna. 6. Pinnules enlarged to show venation. X 4. Magothy formation, Deep Cut, Del. Figs. 7-9. GLEICHENIA SAUNDERST Berry 762 7. 8. Portions of pinnae. 9. Pinnule showing venation. X 5. Magothy formation, Round Bay. Figs. 10, 11. LYCOPODIUM CRETACEUM Berry 759 10. Portion of strobilus. 11. Drawing of single sporophyll from left side of preceding, showing scale and outline of the sporangium. X 8. Magothy formation, Little Round Bay. 946 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE L 1 THALLOPHYTA AND PTERIDOPHYTA PLATE LI PAGE Figs. 1, 2. OXOCLEA IXQUIREXDA (Hollick) Hollick 764 1. Fertile portion, natural size. 2. Same. X 6. Magothy formation, Round Bay. Figs. 3, 4. ASPLENIUM CECILENSIS Berry 766 3. Sterile pinnule. X 4. 4. Fertile pinnules. X 4. Magothy formation, Grove Point. Figs. 5, 6. WILLIAMSONIA MARYLANDICA Berry 769 5. Specimen, natural size. 6. Same. X 8. Magothy formation, Little Round Bay. Fig. 7. WILLIAMSONIA DELAWARENSIS Berry 771 Magothy formation, Deep Cut, Del. Fig. 8. PODOZAMITES MARGiNATus Heer 775 Raritan formation, Drum Point R. R. 947 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LI PTERIDOPHYTA AND CYCADOPHYTA PLATE LIT PAGE Fig. 1. BRACHYPHYLLUM MACROCARPUM Newberry 782 From Raritan formation at South Amboy, New Jersey. (After Hollick and Jeffrey.) Fig. 2. BRACHYPHYLLUM MAMILLARE Brongniart 782 A specimen of this species which is the type of the genus, from the Jurassic of France. (After Saporta.) Fig. 3. BRACHYPHYLLUM OBESUM Heer 782 From the Aptian of Portugal. (After Saporta.) Figs. 4, 5. BRACHYPHYLLUM PARCERAMOSUM Fontaine 782 4. Telegraph Station, Virginia. (After Fontaine.) 5. From the Trinity of Texas. (After Fontaine.) 948 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE Lll CONIFEROPHYTA PLATE LIII PAGE Fig. 1. BRACHYPHYLLUM MACROCARPUM FORMOSUM Berry 783 Magothy formation, Round Bay. Fig. 2. SEQUOIA HETEROPHYLLA Velenovsky 785 Magothy formation, Little Round Bay. 949 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LMI CONIFEROPHYTA PAGE Fig. 1. ARATJCARIA BLADENEXSIS Berry 777 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 2. ARAUCARIA MARYLANDICA Berry 779 Magothy formation, Little Round Bay. Fig. 3. DAMMARA CLIFFWOODENSIS Hollick 776 Matawan formation near Millersville. Figs. 4, 5. BRACHYPHYLLUM MACROCARPUM Newberry 781 Magothy formation, Deep Cut, Delaware. Fig. 6. GEINITZIA FORMOSA Heer 801 Magothy formation, Deep Cut, Delaware. Fig. 7. SEQUOIA HETEROPHYLLA Velenovsky 785 (After Newberry.) 950 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LIV CONIFEROPHYTA PLATE LV PAGE Fig. 1. WIDDRINGTONITES REICH: (Ettingshausen) Heer 793 (After Newberry.) Figs. 2, 3. RABITANIA GKACILIS (Newberry) Hollick and Jeffrey 800 2. Twigs, natural size. (After Newberry.) 3. Twig enlarged to show minute leaves. X 3. 951 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LV (15 CONIFEROPHYTA PLATE LVI PAGE Fig. 1. MORICONIA AMERICANA Berry 802 (After Newberry.) Fig. 2. PROTOPHYLLOCLADUS SUBINTEGRIFOLIUS (Lesquereux) Berry 796 (After Newberry.) Fig. 3. PISTIA NORDENSKIOLDI (Heer) Berry 809 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Figs. 4, 5. SABALITES MAGOTHIENSIS (Berry) Berry 811 4. Deep Cut, Delaware. 5. Grove Point, Cecil County. Magothy formation. Fig. 6. DORYANTHITES CRETACEA Berry 806 Magothy formation, Round Bay. 952 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LVI CONIFEROPHYTA AND ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LVII PAGE Figs. 1-3. MYBICA LONGA (Heer) Heer 812 1, 2. Bodkin Point, Anne Arundel County. 3. Grove Point, Cecil County. Magothy formation. Fig. 4. SALIX FLEXUOSA Newberry 813 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Figs. 5-8. SALIX LESQUEREUXI Berry 814 5-7. Magothy formation, Grove Point, Cecil County. 8. Raritan formation, East Washington Heights, D. C. Fig. 9. QUERCUS SEVERENSIS Berry 817 Magothy formation, Round Bay. 953 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LVII 7 v 8 ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LVIII PAGE Fig. 1. POPULUS STYGIA Heer 816 Magothy formation, Bodkin Point. Fig. 2. QUERCUS MOBRISONIANA Lesquereux 816 Magothy formation, Round Bay. Fig. 3. Ficus DAPHNOGENOIDES (Heer) Berry 818 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 4. Ficus CECILENSIS Berry 821 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 5. Ficus CRASSIPES (Heer) Heer 821 Magothy formation, Deep Cut, Del. 951 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LVIII \\ ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LIX PAGE Pig. 1. Ficus KBAUSIAXA Heer 823 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Figs. 2, 3. Ficus CRASSIPES (Heer) Heer 821 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 4. Ficus OVATIFOLIA Berry 820 Raritan formation, East Washington Heights, D. C. 955 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LIX ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LX PAGE Figs. 1, 2. ASPIDIOPHYLLUM TRiLOBAxuM Lcsquereux 826 1. East Washington Heights, D. C. 2. Shannon Hill, Cecil County. Raritan formation. 956 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LX ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXI PAGE Figs. 1, 2. ASPIDIOPHYLLUM TRiLOBATUM Lesquereux 826 1. Forked Creek, Severn River. 2. Shannon Hill, Cecil County. Raritan formation. 957 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS PLATE LXI ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXII PAGE Figs. 1-3. PROTOPHYLLUM STERXBERGII Lesquereux 828 Raritan formation, East Washington Heights, D. C. 958 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXII ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXIII PAGE Figs. 1, 2. PBOTOPHYLLUM STERNBERGII Lesquereux 828 Raritan formation, East Washington Heights, D. C. Fig. 3. PROTOPHYLLUM MULTINERVE Lesquereux 828 Raritan formation, Cedar Point, Baltimore County. 959 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXIII ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXIV PAGE Figs. 1, 2. PROTOPHYLLUM MULTINEBVE Lesquereux 829 Raritan formation, Cedar Point, Baltimore County. Fig. 3. PROTOPHYLLUM STERXBERGII Lesquereux 828 Raritan formation, Shannon Hill, Cecil County. 960 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXIV ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXV PAGE Figs. 1-6. PLATAXUS HEERII Lesquereux 824 1-4. Drum Point R. R., Anne Arundel County. 5, 6. East Washington Heights, D. C. Raritan formation. 961 MARYLAND GEOLCTICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXV ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXVI PAGE Figs. 1-6. PLATANUS HEERII Lesquereux 824 Raritan formation, Drum Point R. R., Anne Arundel County. 962 MARYLAND GEOLOGk M SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXVI ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXVII PAGE Figs. 1-7. PLATANUS HEERII Lesquereux 824 1-4. East Washington Heights, D. C. 5, 7. Drum Point R. R., Anne Arundel County. Raritan formation. MARYLAND GEOl ^ ICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXVII ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXVIII PAGE Pig. 1. COCCOLOBITES cRETACEUS Berry 830 Magothy formation, Grove Point. _Figs. 2-4. MAGNOLIA OBTUSATA Heer 834 Magothy formation, Point Grove. 964 MARYLAND GEOLOGIC, -'. SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXVIII ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXIX PAGE Fig. 1. MAGNOLIA BOULAYANA Lesquereux 834 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 2. MAGN LIA LONGIPES Hollick 833 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 3. MAGNOLIA HOLLICKI Berry 831 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 4. MAGNOLIA CAPELLINI Heer 836 Magothy formation, Grove Point. 965 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXIX ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXX PAGE Figs. 1, 2. MAGNOLIA LACOSAXA Lesquereux 832 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Pig. 3. MAGNOLIA TENUIFOLIA Lesquereux 835 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Figs. 4, 5. CARPITES LIRIOPHYLLI Lesquereux 839 4. Ligneous carpel. 5. Proximal part of same viewed from within. X 3. Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 6. ILLICIUM DELETOIDES Berry 838 Magothy formation, Grove Point. 966 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXX ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXXI PAGE Figs. 1-3. LAUROPHYLLUM ELEOANS Hollick 864 Magothy formation, Round Bay. Fig. 4. LAURUS HOLLICKII Berry 863 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 5. LAURUS PLUTONIA Heer 861 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 6. CINNAMOMUM NEWBERRYi Berry 860 Magothy formation, Grove Point. 967 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS. PLATE LXXI ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXXII PAGE Figs. 1-4. SASSAFRAS ACUTILOBUM Lesquereux 866 1-3. Brightseat, Prince George's County. 4. Drum Point R. R., Anne Arundel County. Raritan formation. 968 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXII ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXXIII PAGE Figs. 1-3. SASSAFRAS ACTJTILOBUM Lesquereux 866 Raritan formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXIII ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXXIV PAGE Figs. 1, 2. SASSAFRAS ACUTILOBUM Lesquereux 866 Raritan formation, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Fig. 3. ARALIOPSOIDES CRETACEA (Newberry) Berry 879 Raritan formation, Overlook Inn Road, D. C. 970 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXIV ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXXV PAGE Fig. 1. LAUBUS PROTE^FOLIA Lesquereux 863 Magothy formation, Round Bay. Fig. 2. SASSAFRAS ACUTILOBUM Lesquereux 866 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 3. COLUTEA PRIMORDIALIS Heer 845 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 4. NELTJMBITES PRIM^VA Berry 840 Magothy formation, Round Bay. Figs. 5-7. BAUHIXIA MARYLAXDICA Berry 846 Magothy formation, Grove Point. 971 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXV ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXXVI PAGE Figs. 1, 2. COLUTEA OBOVATA Berry 844 2. Enlargement to show venation. X 3. Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 3. DALBERGIA SEVERENSIS Berry 847 Magothy formation, Little Round Bay. Fig. 4. LEGUMINOSITES CORONILLOIDES Heer 841 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 5. LEGUMINOSITES OMPHALOBIOIDES Lesquereux 843 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 6. LEGUMINOSITES CANAVALIOIDES Berry 842 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Figs. 7, 8. CROTONOPHYLLUM CRETACEUM Velenovsky 847 7. Round Bay. 8. Grove Point. Magothy formation. 972 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXVI ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXXVII PAGE Pigs. 1, 2. ILEX SEVERN ENSIS Berry 849 2. Enlargement to show venation. X 4. Magothy formation, Little Round Bay. Figs. 3-6. EL^EODENDRON MARYLANDICUM Berry 849 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 7. CELASTRUS ARCTICA Heer 850 Magothy formation, Little Round Bay. 973 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXVII ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXXVIII PAGE Figs. 1, 2. HEDERA CECILENSIS Berry 874 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 3. RHAMNITES APICULATUS Lesquereux 854 Magothy formation, Round Bay. Fig. 4. CISSITES FORMOSUS MAGOTHIENSIS Berry 855 Magothy formation, Grove Point. 974 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXVIII ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXXIX PAGE Fig. 1. CISSITES FORMOSUS Heer 855 Restoration. (After Heer.) Fig. 2. Restoration of a Raritan specimen of the same 855 Fig. 3. Restoration of CISSITES DENTATO-LOBATUS Lesquereux 855 A Dakota sandstone species. 975 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXIX PLATE LXXX PAGE Figs. 1-3. STERCULIA MINIMA Berry 857 1, 2. Three- and four-lobed forms from Grove Point, Md. 3. Bilobate form from Cliffwood Bluff, N. J. Magothy formation. Fig. 4. STERCULIA CLIFFWOODENSIS Berry 858 X %. Magothy formation, Deep Cut, Del. 976 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXX ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXXXI PAGE Figs. 1-5. EUCALYPTUS GEINITZI (Heer) Heer 870 1. Grove Point, Cecil County. 2, 4. Round Bay, Anne Arundel County. 5. Deep Cut, Delaware. Magothy formation. Fig. 3. Showing SPH^RITES RARITANENSIS Berry 757 Magothy formation. Figs. 6, 7. EUCALYPTUS LATIFOLIA Hollick 870 Magothy formation. Round Bay. 977 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXXI ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXXXII PAGE Fig. 1. CORNUS FOBCHHAMMEBI Heer 885 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Pig. 2. COBNUS CECILENSIS Berry Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 3. ABALIA WASHINGTONIANA Berry 878 Raritan formation, East Washington Heights, D. C. Fig. 4. ABALIA BAVNIANA Heer 876 Magothy formation, Grove Point. 978 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXXII ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PAGE Figs. 1-4. Restorations of AUALIA RAVXIAXA Heer 876 1. Restoration of specimen from Grove Point, Cecil County. 2. Restoration of Heer's pi., xxxviii, fig. 2. 3. Restoration of specimen from Cliffwood Bluff, N. J. 4. Restoration of Heer's pi., xxxviii, fig. 1. All one-third natural size. The portion of the specimen pre- served is shaded. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXXIII 3 4 ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXXXIV PAGE Figs. 1, 2. ARALIOPSOIDES CRETACEA (Newberry) Berry 879 1. Brightseat, Prince George's County. 2. East Washington Heights, D. C. Raritan formation. Fig. 3. CARPOLITHUS SEPTLOCULUS Berry 900 Magothy formation, Deep Cut, Del. 980 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXXIV ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXXXV PAGE Figs. 1-5. ARALIOPSOIDES CRETACEA (Newberry) Berry 879 1, 4. Glymont, Prince George's County. 2, 5. Overlook Inn Road, D. C. 3, Brightseat, Prince George's County. Raritan formation. 981 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXXV ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXXXVI PAGE Fig. 1. ARALIOPSOIDES CEETACEA SALISBURI^EFOLIA Berry 883 Raritan formation, Bull Mountain, Cecil County. Fig. 2. ARALIOPSOIDES BREVILOBA Berry 878 Raritan formation, Bull Mountain, Cecil County. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXXVI ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXXXVII PAGE Fig. 1. ARALIOPSOIDES CRETACEA DENTATA Berry 882 Raritan formation, Bull Mountain, Cecil County. Figs. 2, 3. ARALIOPSOIDES CRETACEA SALISBURI^FOLIA Raritan formation, Bull Mountain, Cecil County. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXXVII ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXXXVIII PAGE Figs. 1-3. ARALIOPSOIDES CRETACEA (Newberry) Berry 879 1. Bull Mountain, Cecil County. 2-3. Shannon Hill, Cecil County. Raritan formation. 984 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXXVIII ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE LXXX1X PAGE Figs. 1, 2. ANDROMEDA NOV^-C.^SAKE^: Hollick 885 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 3. ANDROMEDA COOKII Berry 887 Magothy formation, Round Bay. Fig. 4. ANDROMEDA PARLATORII Heer 888 Magothy formation, Round Bay. Fig. 5. MYRSINE BOREALIS Heer 890 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Figs. 6, 7. MYRSINE GAUDINI (Lesquereux) Berry 891 Magothy formation, Grove Point. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE LXXXIX ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA PLATE XC PAGE Fig. 1. BUMELIA PR^ENUNTIA Berry 893 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 2. SAPOTACITES KNOWLTONI Berry 892 Magothy formation, Deep Cut, Del. Fig. 3. DIOSPYKOS ROTUNDIFOLIA Lesqucrcux 895 Magothy formation, Grove Point. Fig. 4. DIOSPYROS PRIM^VA 894 Raritan formation, Bull Mountain, Cecil County. Fig. 5. DIOSPYROS VERA Berry 896 Raritan formation, East Washington Heights, D. C. Fig. 6. CORDIA APICULATA (Newberry) Berry 897 Magothy formation, Deep Cut, Del. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER CRETACEOUS, PLATE XC ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA GENERAL INDEX Aachen, Flora from, 266. Section at, 266. Africa, Cretaceous plants from, 253. Aix-la-Chapelle, Flora from, 266. Section at, 266. Alabama, Correlations with, 324. Cretaceous plants from, 216. Algae, discussed, 758. Algae, Upper Cretaceous, 310. Ammonites, discussed, 374. Angiosperms, discussed, 806. Angoumian, 185. Annapolis, Well section at, 84. Antarctica, Cretaceous plants from, 247. Appoquinimink Creek, Fauna from, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101. Argentina, Cretaceous plants from, 245. Argonne, Plants from, 258. Arkansas, Correlations with, 330. Arthropoda, discussed, 361. Asia, Cretaceous plants from, 252. Atane, Section at, 188. Fossil plants from, 188. Atane series, 188. Age of, 192. Flora of, 192. Atlantic Coastal Plain, Fossil plants from, 196. Aturian, 184. Australia, Cretaceous plants from, 247. Austria-Hungary, Cretaceous plants from, 285. B Barkentin, G. S., Acknowledgments to, 20. Belemnites, discussed, 393. Belly River formation, Flora of, 244. Berry, E. W., Acknowledgments to, 89. Betterton, Analysis of sediment from, 124, 126. Beusset, Plants from, 260. Bibbins, A. B., Acknowledgments to, 19, 20. Bibliography, 39. Bivalves, discussed, 511. Black Creek formation, Flora of, 213. Bodkin Point, Flora from, 102, 103, 104. Bodkin Point, Section near, 81, 82. 70 Bohemia, Cretaceous of, 285. Cenomanian flora of, 290. Turonian flora of, 295. Emscherian flora of, 298. Bohemia Creek, Fauna from, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98. Bohemia Mills, Fauna from, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100. Brachiopoda, discussed, 734. Brennen sand pit, Section at, 83. Briar Point, Fauna from, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100. Brightseat, Fauna from, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101. Flora from, 102, 103, 104. Brooks estate, Fauna from, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101. Bryozoa, discussed, 736. Bulgaria, Cretaceous plants from, 308. Bull Mountain, Flora from, 102, 103, 104. Burklows Creek, Fauna from, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100. C Campanian, 184. Camp Fox, Analysis of sediment from, 146, 149. Canada, Cretaceous plants from, 240, 244. Cape Sable, Flora from, 102, 103, 104. Section near, 82. Caretonian, 185. Cassidys Landing, Fauna from, 90, 92, 94, 96. Cayots Corners, Fauna from, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99. Cedar Point, Flora from, 102, 103, 104. Cenomanian, 184, 185. Cephalopoda, discussed, 371. Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Analysis of sediment from, 132, 135, 137, 146, 149. Fauna from, 90. Flora from, 102. Chlomeker beds, Flora of, 299. Classification of Upper Cretaceous of World, 1^4. Climate of Upper Cretaceous, 312. Coastal Plain, Fossil plants from, 196. Coastal Plain, Physiography of, 23. Geology of, 26. Geological formations of, 27. 988 GENERAL INDEX Ccelenterata, discussed, 752. Colorado, Cretaceous plants from, 237. Coniaclan, 184. Conifers, discussed, 776. Contents, 13. Corals, discussed, 752. Correlation of Cretaceous floras, 313. Correlation of Maryland Upper Cretace- ous, 315. Correlation table, 341. Correlation with Alabama, 324. With Arkansas, 330. With Georgia, 324. With New Jersey, 317. With North Carolina, 324. With Pacific Coast, 330. With South Carolina, 324. With Texas, 330. With Western Interior, 330. Cretaceous, Lower, 28. Cretaceous, Upper, 29. Cretaceous, Upper, Floras of, 183. Crocodilia, discussed, 347. Crustacea, discussed, 361. Cycads, discussed, 769. Dakota sandstone, Flora of, 223. Dalmatia, Cretaceous plants from, 303. Danian, 184. Deep Cut, Flora from, 102, 103, 104. Delaware City, Fauna from, 98. Diagrams of sediments, 169, 170. Dicotyledons, discussed, 812. Distribution of Fauna and Flora, 89. Dresden, Plants from, 280. Eagle sandstone, Flora of, 234. East Washington Heights, Flora from, 102, 103, 104. Well section at, 85. Echinodermata, discussed, 749. England, Cretaceous plants from, 256. Eocene, 30. Europe, Correlations with, 335, 341. Cretaceous plants from, 255. Eutaw formation, Flora of, 215, 220. Fauna, Tables of distribution of, 90-101. Ferns, discussed, 760. Fishes, discussed, 350. Flora, Tables of distribution of, 102-104. Floras of World during Upper Cretaceous, 183. Forked Creek, Flora from, 102, 103, 104. Fort Dupont, Section at, 76. Fort Washington, Fauna from, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99. France, Aturian flora of, 260. Cenomanian flora of, 257. Emscherian flora of, 260. Turonian flora of, 258. Upper Cretaceous of, 184, 257. Fredericktown, Fauna from, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101. Friendly, Fauna from, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101. Fungi, discussed, 757. Fuveau, Plants from, 260. Gardner, J. A., Acknowledgments to, 89. Gastropoda, discussed, 397. Genesis of Upper Cretaceous sediments, 111. Geologic Province, discussed, 105. Geological Survey Commission, 7. Geological Survey, scientific staff, 9. Georgia, Correlations with, 324. Cretaceous plants from, 214. Germany, Cretaceous plants from, 265. Gibsons Island, Fauna from, 90. Glauconite, discussed, 176. Glymont, Flora from, 102, 103, 104. Good Hope Hill, Fauna from, 94, 96, 98, 100. Gosau beds, Age of, 305. Flora from, 306. Grabau, A. W., cited, 749. Greenland, Fossil plants from, 185. Grove Point, Analysis of sediment from, 152. Flora from, 102, 103, 104. H Hartz, Plants from, 274. Historical Review, 34. Hokkaido, Plants from, 252. Hungary, Cretaceous plants from, 303. I He d'Aix, Plants from, 257. Illustrations, 17. India, Correlations with, 338. Interpretation of Upper Cretaceous de- posits, 85. Iser beds, Flora of, 297. Italy, Cretaceous plants from, 264. Japan, Cretaceous plants from, 253. K Kummel, H. B., Acknowledgments to, 20. GENERAL INDEX 989 Laramie formation, Flora of, 237. Lesina, Cretaceous plants from, 303. Letter of Transmittal, 11. Liburnian stage, 307. Ligerlan, 185. Lloyd Creek, Section at, 81. Local sections, 76. M Maestrichtian, 184. Magothy, Analysis of sediments of, 124, 126. Magothy formation, Age of, 313, 341. Areal distribution of, 61. Lithologic characters of, 61. Name and synonymy of, 61. Organic remains of, 63. Stratigraphic and structural rela- tions of, 63. Strike, dip and thickness of, 62. Fossil plants of, 203. Magothy River, Fauna from, 90. Marseilles, Plants from, 258. Matawan, Analysis of sediments of, 132, 135, 137, 146, 149, 152, 156. Matawan formation, Age of, 313, 341. Areal distribution of, 65. Lithologic characters of, 66. Name and synonymy of, 65. Organic remains of, 67. Stratigraphic and structural rela- tions of, 67. Strike, dip and thickness of, 67. Maulden Mountain, Section at, 77, 78. McNeys Corners, Fauna from, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101. Middendorf beds, Flora of, 213. Mill Creek series, Flora of, 241. Millersville, Fauna from, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101. Flora from, 102. Miocene, 31. Mitscherlich, E. A., cited, 114. Mollusca, discussed, 371. Molluscoidea, discussed, 734. Monmouth, Analysis of sediments of, 159, 162. Monmouth formation, Age of, 313, 341. Areal distribution of, 70. Lithologic characters of, 70. Name and synonymy of, 70. Organic remains of, 72. Stratigraphic and structural rela- tiones of, 71. Strike, dip and thickness of, 71. Monocotyledons, discussed, 806. Montana group, Flora of, 234. Moravia, Cretaceous plants from, 300. Cenomanian flora of, 301. Mungo-schichten, Flora of, 255. N New Caledonia, Cretaceous plants from, 252. New Jersey, Correlations with, 317. New Mexico, Cretaceous plants from, 239. New Zealand, Cretaceous plants from, 250. Niederschoena, Plants from, 276. North Carolina, Correlations with, 324. Cretaceous plants from, 210. North Ferry Point, Section near, 82. Noxontown Pond, Fauna from, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101. Nubian sandstone, Age of, 254. Flora of, 254. Overlook Inn Road, Flora from, 102, 103, 104. Oxon Hill, Fauna from, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101. Oysters, discussed, 551. Pacific Coast, Correlations with, 330. Park Point, Section at, 82. Patoot series, 193. Age of, 196. Flora of, 193. Lithology of, 193. Peace River, Cretaceous plants from, 244. Pelecypoda, discussed, 511. Perucer beds, Flora of, 290. Petrography of Upper Cretaceous sedi- ments, 111. I'ilsbry, H. A., Acknowledgments to, 20. Pine River, Cretaceous plants from, 244. Pivot Bridge, Section near, 78. Plants, discussed, 757. Pleistocene, 32. Pliocene (?), 32. Portugal, Cenomanian flora of, 262. Cretaceous plants from, 261. Senonian flora of, 263. Turonian flora of, 263. Preface, 19. Priesener beds, Flora of, 298. Protocene stage, 307. Provencian, 185. Prussia, Cretaceous plants from, 266. Rancocas, Analysis of sediment of, 165. Rancocas formation, 74. 990 GENERAL INDEX Raritan formation, Age of, 313, 335, 341. Areal distribution of, 56. Lithologic characters of, 57. Name and synonymy of, 56. Organic remains of, 59. Stratigraphic and structural rela- tions of, 59. Strike, dip and thickness of, 58. Fossil plants of, 199. Recent, 33. Red Hill, Section at, 76. Reptilia, discussed, 347. Rhotomagian, 185. Ripley formation, Flora of, 216, 220. Round Bay, Fauna from, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100. Flora from, 102, 103, 104. Sections at, 83, 84. Russia, Cretaceous plants from, 308. Sabalites sandstone, Age of, 257. Santonian, 184. Sassafras River, Analysis of sediment from, 156, 162. Saumurian, 185. Saxony, Cretaceous plants from, 271. Seat Pleasant, Analysis of sediment from, 169. Fauna from, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101. Sediments, discussed, 111. Diagrams of, 169, 170. Sequoia, discussed, 785. Senonian, 384. Shannon Hill, Flora from, 102, 103, 104. Section at, 76. Silesia, Cretaceous plants from, 284. South America, Cretaceous plants from, 245. South Carolina, Correlations with, 324. Cretaceous plants from, 212. Stanton, T. W., Acknowledgments to, 19. St. George's, Fauna from, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100. Stephenson, L. W., Acknowledgments to, 19. Stony Point, Section at, 83. Sullivan Cove, Section at, 83. Summit Bridge, Fauna from, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100. Sections near, 79, 80, 81. Sweden, Cretaceous plants from, 256. Table of Correlations, 341. Table of Formations, 27, 110. Tables of Faunal distribution, 90-101. Tables of Floral distribution, 102, 103, 104. Taxonomic Table, 38. Teplitzer beds, Flora of, 297. Texas, Correlations with, 330. Cretaceous plants from, 220. Thoulet, J., cited, 113. Turners Creek, Fauna from, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99. Turonian, 184, 185. Tuscaloosa formation, Flora of, 216. Twitchell, M. W., Acknowledgments to, 20. Tyrol, Cretaceous plants from, 305. U Upper Cretaceous Algae, 310. Upper Cretaceous floras, Correlation of, 313. Upper Cretaceous of Maryland, 23. Classiflcation of, 184. Correlation of, 315. Description of, 50. Interpretation of, 85. Paleontologic characteristics of, 50. Petrography of, 111. Stratigraphic characteristics of, 50. Systematic paleontology of, 343. Upper Cretaceous floras of world, 183. Ulmstead Point, Fauna from, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100. V Vancouver Island, Cretaceous plants from, 242. Vermejo formation, Flora of, 239. Vermes, discussed, 745. Vernasso, Plants from, 264. Vertebrata, discussed, 347. W Washita series, Age of, 222. Flora of, 222. Waterbury, Fauna from, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101. Wehlowitzer beds, Flora of, 296. Weissenberger beds, Flora of, 296. Western Interior, Correlations with, 330. Westphalia, Cretaceous plants from, 281. Campanian flora of, 282. Msestrichtian flora of, 283. Turonian flora of, 282. Woodbine formation, Flora of, 221. Worms, discussed, 745. PALEONTOLOGICAL INDEX Figures in bold face indicate principal discussion. Abies calcaria, 296. chuchlensis, 290. minor, 297. upernivikensis, 191. Abietites dubius, 239, 789. ernestinae, 223. foliosus, 216. gliickii, 274. tyrelli, 244. valentini, 245. Abiocaulis yezoensis, 253. Acaciaphyllites grevilleoides, 213. Acanthoceras mantelli, 338. rhotomagense, 338. Acer amboyense, 199. antiqmun, 277. caudatum, 193. edentatum, 188, 193. minuta, 199. paucidentatum, 203. saskatchewanense, 244. Acerates amboyense, 199, 211, 216. arctica, 188, 193. Acerites cretaceus, 256. multiformis, 223. pristinus, 223. Acrostichum cretaceum, 290. haddeni, 239. primordiale, 248. tristaniaephyllum, 290. Actaeon biplicata, 398. cretacea, 410. forbesiana, 410. Actaeonia naticoides, 402. Actfflonina biplicata, 398. Acteocina, 4O9. forbesiana, 90, 41O. Acteocinidae, 4O9. Acteon, 397. gabbana, 90, 397, 398, 410. liuteus, 90, 397, 914. ovoidea, 410. wetherilli, 409. Acteonidae, 397. Actinocamax plenus, 289. quadratus, 264. Actinopterygii, 358. Adesmacea, 724. Adiantites decaisneanum, 268. prselongus, 242. cassebeeroides, 268. Adiantum densinerve, 193. /Ecidites stellatus, 268. ^Enona, 697. eufalensis, 98, 327, 697, 938. JEora. cretacea, 679. Akeratidae, 4O7. Alaria rostrata, 471. Alecto regularis, 736. Alectryonia larva, 552, 554, 555. Alga?, 758. Algites americana, 102, 203, 211, 213, 758, 946. valdensis, 758. Alisma? reticulata, 188. Alnites crassus, 223. friesii, 256. grandifolia, 223. insignis, 241, 242. Alnus kefersteinii, 299. protogaea, 193. Amauropsis, 5O2. compacta, 94, 5O4, 909A. meekana, 94, 503. paludinaeformis, 503. Ammonoidea, 374. Ammonites complexus, 378. conradi, 383. danae, 383. delawarensis, 391. hippocrepis, 382. lenticularis, 388. lobata, 388. nebrascensis, 383. placenta, 385. texanus, 390. vanuxemi, 391. vespertinus, 390. Amelanchier white!, 203. Ampelophyllum attenuatum, 223. flrmum, 223. ovatum, 223. Amphiblestrum, 740. heteropora, 100, 74O. Amusium burlingtonensis, 588. conradi, 594. simplicum, 595. 992 PALEONTOLOGICAL INDEX Amygdalus antecedens, 231. Anacardites alnifollus, 260. amissus, 188. Anatina elliptica, 633. Anatinacea, 629. Anatinidae, 633. Anchura, 47O. abrupta, 47O. compressa, 472. hebe, 92, 471, 475. monmouthensis, 92, 476, 911. pennata, 92, 320, 323, 471, 472. pergracilis, 92, 471, 476. rostrata, 68, 92, 321, 322, 471. Andromeda, 885. acumlnata, 223. australiensis, 248. cookii, 104, 199, 203, 887, 989. cretacea, 215, 223. euphorbiophylloides, 213. flexuosa, 887. grandifolia, 104, 199, 203, 211, 213, 216, 88O. latifolia, 889. novae-caesareae, 104, 199, 203, 211, 213, 216, 221, 225, 326, 885, 989. parlatorii, 104, 188, 199, 204, 211, 213, 216, 220, 223, 888, 989. parlatorii longifolia, 224. pfaffiana, 188, 221, 224. snowii, 221, 224. tenuinervis, 199, 224. wardiana, 215, 216, 224. Androvettia carolinensis, 211, 216. elegans, 215. statenensis, 199. Anemia elongata, 235. haydenii, 768. robusta, 239. supercretacea, 237, 239. Angiospermophyta, 8O6. Anisophyllum semialatum, 224. Annelida, 745. Anomalodesmacea, 629. Anomaspis hispida, 199. tuberculata, 199. Anomia, 6O7. argentaria, 96, 331, 556, 6O8, 610, 931. ephippium, 607. forteplicata, 96, 608, 613, 931. ornata, 96, 327, 608, 612, 931. subtruncata, 608. tellinoides, 96, 608, 61O, 931. Anomiacea, 6O4. Anomiidae, 6O4. Anona cretacea, 224. robusta, 237. Anthocephale bohemica, 298. Antholithus horrldus, 244. Anthozoa, 752. Antigona, 681. Antigona (Aphrodina) tippana, 98, 327. 681, 936. lamellaria, 681. Apeibopsis cyclophylla, 224. thomseniana, 188. Aphrodina, 681. tippana, 98, 327, 681, 936. Apocynophyllum crenatum, 283. cretaceum, 277. sordidum, 224. subrepandum, 283. warraghianum, 248. Aporrhaidse, 47O. Aporosa, 752. Araceae, SO9. Arales, 8O9. Aralia, 875. anisoloba, 290, 308. berberidifolia, 224. brittoniana, 204. chlomekiana, 299. concreta, 224. coriacea, 204, 277, 308. cottondalensis, 216. daphnophyllum, 290. decurrens, 290, 301. denticulata, 283. eutawensis, 215. formosa, 199, 224, 290, 301. furcata, 290, 900. groanlandica, 104, 188, 199, 203, 224, 875, 876. kowalewskiana, 290. masoni, 224. minor, 290. mattewanensis, 204. nassauensis, 204, 878. newberryi, 199, 204. dentifera, 290. putens, 199, 876. propinqua, 290. quinquepartita, 224. radiata, 224. ravniana, 64, 104, 188, 204, 318, 876, 978, 979. rotundata, 241. rotundiloba, 199, 878. , saportana, 224. saportana deformata, 224. subemarginata, 224. subformosa, 248. tenuinervis, 224. towneri, 204, 224. S77. transitiva, 290. triloba, 290, 301. westoni, 241. waigattensis, 193. PALEONTOLOGICAL INDP:X 993 washingtoniana, 60, 104, 199, 878, 978. wellingtoniana, 199, 221, 224. vvellingtoniana vaughanii, 221. wiesneri, 301. quinquepartita, 199. Araliacese, 873. Araliopsis breviloba, 878. cretacea, 879. cretaceum dentatum, 882. cretaceum obtusum, 883. cretacea salisburiaefolia, 883. recurvatum, 824. Araliopsoides, 878. breviloba, 60, 104, 199, 878, 982, 986. cretacea, 60, 104, 199, 224, 879, 880, 884, 970, 980, 981, 984, 985, 988. cretacea dentata, 104, 199, 224, 882, 983, 987. cretacea salisburifolia, 104, 199, 224, 883, 982, 983, 986, 987. recurvatum, 192. Araucaria, 777. bidwilli, 278, 780. bladenensis, 102, 204, 211, 213, 215, 216, 220, 304, 325, 777, 950. bohemica, 290. brachyphylla, 298. clarki, 211. cretacea, 258. darlingtonensis, 213. frici, 298. jeffreyi, 211, 213, 215, 216, 780. imbricata, 780. latifolia, 264. macrophylla, 264, 778. marylandica, 64, 102, 204, 779, 950. spathulata, 224. toucasi, 259, 260, 304, 778. Araucariacese, 776. Araucariales, 776. Araucarioxylon a?gypticum, 254. gardoniense, 257. keuperianum, 274. novse-zeelandii, 251. noveboracense, 199. tankoense, 253. Araucariopitys americana, 199. Araucarites appressus, 789. miqueli, 268. ovutus, 204, 778. patagonica, 245. reichenbachi, 274, 788. zeilleri, 204. Area, 535. barbatia, 537. saffordi, 94, 535, 537, 917. uandi, 96, 535, 539, 917. concamerata, 529. eufalensis, 524, 525. glycymeris, 540. noae, 535. nucleus, 511. obesa, 94, 535, 536. Arcacea, 524. Arcidse, 535. Arcopagla, 692. gabbi, 98, 694, 938. georgiana, -98, 692. Ardisia glossa, 298. Arecaceae, 811. Arecales, 811. Arisasma cretacea, 204, 224. mattewanense, 204. Aristolochia tecomsecarpa, 290. Aristolochltes dentata, 224. Arthropoda, 361. Artocarpophyllum occldentale, 242. Artocarpidium cretaceum, 224, 277. pseudocretaceum, 248. guillemalnii, 255. Artocarpus dicksoni, 188. lessigiana, 237. undulata, 282. Arundites wohlfarthi, 280. Arundo gronlandica, 188, 193, 213, 264. Asimina eocenica, 235. Aspidiophyllum, 826. dentatum, 224. dentatum, 827. Plata nifolium, 224. trilobatum, 60, 103, 199, 224, 826, 956, 957. Aspidium cretaceo-zeelandicum, 251. fecundum, 188. jenseni, 188. reichianum, 277, 307. schouwii, 188. Asplenites dubius, 299. Asplenium, 766. albertum, 241. calopteris, 193. brongniarti, 268. caenopteroides, 268. cecilensis, 64, 102, 204, 766, 947. dicksonianum, 60, 102, 188, 199, 217, 224, 245, 309, 318, 325, 767. forsteri, 188, 199. 268, 277, 291, 308. jerseyensis, 199. lapideum, 301. niobrara, 244. nordstromi, 188. pingelianum, 193. raritanensis, 199. scrobiculatum, 193, 274. tenellum, 235. velenovsky, 291. wyomingense, 235. 994 PALEOXTOLOGICAL INDEX Astacidae, 361. Astartacea, 645. Asterosoma radiciforme, 280. Astrocaryopsis saintse-manehildse, 258. Athleta leioderma, 430. Aulacolepis rhomboidalis, 248. Auricula globulosa, 401. ringens, 400. Avellana, 4O3. bullata, 90, 4O3, 410. costata, 90, 403, 4O5. incrassata. 403. lintoni, 90, 403, 4O6, 914. pinguis, 90, 403, 4O6, 914. Avicula linguaeformis, 548. petrosa, 548. Axinaea alta, 541. mortoni, 540. subaustralis, 540. B Baculites, 374. anceps, 328, 337. asper, 90, 322, 326, 328, 332, 333, 336, 377, 908. ovatus, 90, 333, 375, 908. vertebralis, 374. Baiera grandis, 204. incurvata, 188, 199. leptopoda, 188. sagittata, 188. Bambusium latifolium, 807. Bambusites australis, 251. Banksia crenata, 248. cretacea, 248. longifolia, 277. plagioneura, 248. prototypus, 277. pusilla, 204, 291. sublongifolia, 248. Banksites saportanus, 204, 291. Banisteriophyllum cretaceum, 248. Barbatia, 537. saffordi, 94, 535, 537, 917. uandi, 96, 535, 539, 917. Baroda carolinensis, 685. Bauhinia, 846. alabamensis, 220. cretacea, 199, 217. gigantea, 199. marylandica, 64, 103, 204, 217, 325, 846, 971. ripleyensis, 220. Belemnitella, 393. americana, 73, 90, 320, 322, 323, 334, 337, 394, 908. bulbosa, 334. mucronata, 73, 266, 337, 393, 394, 396. paxillosus, 393, 394. subfusiformis, 395. Belernnitellidse, 393. Belemnites americanus, 394. subconicus, 394. Belemnoidea, 393. Belodendron gracilis, 268. lepidodendroides, 268. neesii, 268. Benizia calopteris, 193, 268. Benthamia dubia, 291. Benzoin masoni, 224. venustum, 221, 224. Berenicea, 737. americana, 100, 737. Betula atavina, 193. beatriciana, 224. perantiqua, 242. tremula, 193. vetusta, 193. Betulites cunentus, 224. crassus, 224. denticulata, 224. grewiopsideus, 224. hatcheri, 235. inaequilateralis, 224. lanceolatus, 224. latifolius, 224. multinervis, 224. oblongus, 224. obtusus, 224. populifolius, 225. populiformis, 204. populoides, 225. quadratifolius, 225. reniformis, 225. rhomboidalis, 225. rotundatus, 225. rugosus, 225. snowii, 225. subintegrifolius, 225. westii, 225. Bignonia cordata, 291. pulcherrima, 291. silesiaca, 299. Bombax argillaceum, 291, 301. Bonaventurea cardinalis, 268. Borraginaceae, 897. Bowerbankia attenuata, 268. emarginata, 268. maxima, 268. repanda, 268. rotundifolia, 268. Brachiopoda, 734. Brachyoxylon notabile, 199. Brachyphyllacese, 781. Bruchyphyllum, 781. corallinum, 262. erassicaule, 785. PALEONTOLOGICAL INDEX 995 gracile, 784. microcladum, 784. minor, 292. macrocarpum, 102, 199, 204, 211, 213, 225, 235, 239, 781, 948, 950. macrocarpum formosum, 102, 204, 215, 217, 220, 221, 783, 949. obesum, 2G2, 948. obesiforme elongatum, 785. squamosus, 292. Bresciphyllum cretaceum, 291. Breviarca saffordi, 537. Bromelia rhomboidea, 225. tenuifolla, 225. Bryozoa, 736. Buccinidse, 463. Bulla conica, 407. cylindracea, 411. hydatis, 407. mortonl, 407. recta, 411. Bumelia, 893. praenuntia, 64, 104, 209, 893, 990. lanuginosafolia, 894. Butomites cretaceous, 291. Csesalpinia cookii, 199. middendorfensis, 213. raritanensis, 199. Csesalpinites marticensis, 259. Calamitopsis konigii, 283. Callianassa, 363. antiqua, 363. clarki, 90, 368, 907. conradi, 90, 366, 906. conradi, var. punctlmanus, 90, 368, 907. mortoni, 90, 363, 907. mortoni, var. marylandica, 90, 366, 907. sp. indet., 90, 906. Callianassidae, 363. Callista, 681. Callistemon cretaceum, 291. Callistemophyllum bruderi, 291. heerii, 225, 277. Calycites alatus, 204. diospyriformis, 199, 897. middendorfensis, 213. obovatus, 204. parvus, 199. sexpartitus, 217. Camptonectes bellisculptus, 588. burlingtonensis, 588. Canavalia obtusifolia, 843. Cancellaria alabamensis, 435. septemllrata, 449. Cancellariida, 412, 465. Capparites orbiculatus, 217. synophylloides, 217. Cardiacea, 663. Cardiaster, 75O. marylandica, 100, 75O, 943. Cardiidae, 663. Cardita intermedia, 657. Carditacea, 657. Cardium, 663. burlingtonense, 666. costatum, 663. dumosum, 98, 664, 668, 669, 675. elegantulum, 635. eufalense, 98, 663, 664, 669, 671, 936. knappi, 75, 323. kummeli, 98, 323, 664, 673. multiradiatum, 669, 671. protextum, 636. spillmani, 98, 663, 666. tenuistriatum, 98, 664, 669, 675. tippana, 675. Carditidae, 657. Carex, SOS. clarkii, 64, 102, 204, 213, 318, SOS. Carolopteris aquensis, 268, 274. asplenioides, 268. Carpinites arenaceus, 284. microphyllus, 193. Carpinoxylon compactus, 274. Carpites, 839. alatus, 235. coniger, 225. cordiformis, 225. granulatus, 262. judithae, 235. liriophylli, 103, 204, 225, 839, 966. minutulus, 204. pruni, 235. rhomboidalis, 237. tiliaceus, 225. triangulosis, 235. Carpolites oblongus, 306. Carpolithes meridionalis, 242. vyserovicensis, 291. Carpolithus, 9OO. bladenensis, 211. cliffwoodensis, 204. complanatus, 248. cretaceus, 277. curtus, 260. drupaeformis, 204. euonymoides, 199. fagiformis, 248. floribundus, 199, 204, 217. hemlocinus, 268. hirsutus, 199, 204. juglandiformis, 204. longipes, 193. mattewanensis, 204. 996 PALEOXTOLOGICAL INDEX ostryseformis, 204. ovseformis, 199. patootensis, 193. provincialis, 261. prunlformis, 199. scrobiculatus, 188. semisulcatus, 248. septloculus, 104, 204. OOO, 980, 984. siliculaeformis, 248. tuscaloosensis, 217. vaccinioides, 199. woodbridgensis, 200. Caryatis veta, 75, 323. Cassia angusta, 189, 277. antiquorum, 189. atavia, 299. etheridgei, 248. ettingshauseni, 189, 193, 277. insularis, 204. melanophylla, 299. prsememnonia, 248. praephaseolitoides, 248. problematica, 225. vaughanl, 217. Cassidulidse, 75O. Cassidulus, 75O. sp., 100, 750. Castalla duttoniana, 235. stantoni, 235. Casuarinites cretaceus, 251. Casuarina primseva, 248. Caudex splnosus, 225. Caulerpites bryoldes, 268. fastigiatus, 286. incrassatus, 239. montalbanus, 290. Cnulinia mulleri, 268. Caulinites stigmarioldes, 277. Caulomorpha heeri, 262. Ceanothus constrictus, 204. cretaceous, 242. prodromus, 193. Cedrela hazslinszkyi, 305. Cedroxylon aquisgranense, 274. gardoniense, 257. matsumurae, 253. yendoi, 253. Celastracese, 849. Celastrophyllum alabamensis, 217. australe, 251. brittonianum, 200, 217. carolinensis, 213, 217. crassipes, 204, 225. crenatum, 103, 193, 200, 204, 211, 213, 217, 852, 853. crenatum ellipticum, 217. cretaceum, 200, 225. decurrens, 200, 217, 275. elegans, 204, 213. ensifolium, 225. grandifolium, 200. 204, 217. gymindafolium, 217. integrifolium, 277. lanceolatum, 193. 277. minus, 200. myrsinoides, 225. newberrynnum, 200, 204, 217, 850. obliquum, 225. obtusum ISO. precrassipes, 217. serratuin, 10:?. shirleyensis, 217. spatulatum, 200. undulatum, 104, 200, 204, 211. 217, 853. Celastrus. sr>o. arctica, 103, 193. 200. 204. S5O, 973. ettingshauseni, 850. Celtidophyllum praeaustrale, 301. Cephalopoda, 371. Cephalotaxites insignis, 193. Cephalotaxospermum carolinianum, 211, 213, 220. Ceratopetalum primigeniuni, 248. rivulare, 251. australis, 249. Ceratostrobus echinatus, 291, 298. formosus, 275. sequoiaephyllum, 259, 291. strlctus, 275. Cercospora coriococcum, 291. Cerithiidfe, 481. Cerithium, 481. pilsbryi, 94, 481. Chamsecyparicites charonis, 291. Chemnitzia normaniana, 480. Chilostomata. 74O. Chondrites bosqueti, 269. bulbosus, 239. divaricatus, 269. elegans, 269. flexuosus, 200, 204. furcillatus, 281, 282, 297, 298, 299. furcillatus l:ttior. 283. intricatus, 280, 283. jugiformis, 269, 283. mantelli, 297. polymorphus, 283. riemsdyki, 269. rigidiis. 269. subcurvatus, 283. submtricatus, 269. subsimplex, 239. targionii, 296. vagus, 269. Chondrophyllum grandidentatum. 274. hederseforme, 274. nordenskioldi, 809. obovatum, 200. orbiculatum, 189, 200. PALEOXTOLOGICAL INDEX 997 rcticulatum, 200. tricuspe, 274. Chondrophyton dlssectum, 259. laceratum, 262. obscuratum, 262. Chrysodominse, 4O3. Chrysophyllum velenovskyi, 277. Cibota obesa, 536. Cidaridffl, 749. Cidaris, 749. sp., 100, 749. Cidaroidea, 749. Cimolichthys dirus, 357. Clnnamomum, 86O. afflne, 235, 237. canadense, 242. crasslpetiolatum, 205. ellipsoldeum, 193, 225. haastii, 249, 251. heerii, 205, 211, 215, 221, 225, 242, 245. intermedium, 8GO. marioni, 225. membranaceum, 205, 221, 225, 848. middendorfensts, 213. newberryi, 103, 189, 193, 200, 205, 213, 215, 217, 225, 242, 318, 325, 86O, 967. personntum, 299. primigenium. 249, 278, 296. scheuchzeri, 225. sezannense, 263, 860, 861. Cinulia, 4O1. costata, 405. naticoides, 90, 4O2. Clssites, 855. acerifolius, 225. acuminatus, 225, 881. acutiloba, 225. afflnis, 189, 193, 225, 241, 242, 245. afflnis nmpla, 242. alatus, 225, brownii, 225. crispus, 299, 856. dento-lobatus, 225, 855, 975. formosus, 189, 200, 217, 225, 975. formosus, var. magothiensis, 109, 205, 855, 974. harkerianus, 225, 874, 880. heerii, 225, 881. ingens, 225. ingens parvifolia, 225. insignis, 226. newberryi, 104, 200, 205, 856. obtusilobus, 226. parvifolius, 855. platanoidea, 226. populoides, 226. s;ilisbura?folius, 880, 883. vitifolia, 855. uralensis, 309. Cissophyllum exulum, 291. Cissus browniana, 226. vitifolia, 291. Cladophlebis, 765. alabamensis, 217. albertsii, 294. columbiana, 242. socialis, 102, 189, 200, 765. Clavellithes, 439. Clavipholas cithnra, 725. Coccolobites, 83O. cretaceus, 64, 103, 205, 83O, 964. Cocoopsis ovata, 258. zellleri, 258. Cocculus assimile, 259. cinnamomeus, 205, 217, 291. extinctus, 299. imperfectus, 205. inquirendus, 205. minutus, 205. polycarpafolius, 217. problematicus, 217. Ccelenterata, 752. Colutea, 844. coronilloides, 189, 841. obovata, 64, 103, 205, 217, 844, 972. langeana, 189. primordialis, 103, 189, 200, 221, 226, 845, 971. protogaea, 193. valde-ina?qualis, 189. Combretiphyllum acuminatum, 255. Comptonia microphylla, 193, 200. tenera, 283. Comptoniopteris intermedia, 259. provincialis, 259. saportae, 259. vasseuri, 259. Comptonites antiquus, 256, 305. Confervites aquensis, 269, 282. caespitosus, 269. dubius, 205. Coniferae, 776. Coniferophyta, 776. Conocarpites formosus, 217. Conospermites hakeaefolius, 278, 291. linearifolius, 249. Corax, 352. falcatus, 90, 354, 90.",. heterodon, 354. pristodontus, 90, 352, 905. Corbula, 71O. bisulcata, 64, 100, 711. crassiplica, 100, 323, 711, 713, 939. crassiplicata, 713. foulkei, 711. gallica, 710. 998 PALEONTOLOGICAL INDEX monmouthensis, 100, 711, 715, 940. perbrevis, 713. percompressa, 100, 711, 717, 940. subradiata, 100, 711, 718, 940. terramaria, 100, 711, 716, 939. Corbulidae, 71O. Cordia, 897. sebestena, 898. apiculata, 104, 200, 205, 217, 897, 990. tremula, 898. Cornaceae, 884. Cornophyllum myricseforme, 274. obtusatum, 217. vetustum, 200, 217, 221, 885. Cornoxylon erraticum, 274. Cornus, 884. cecilensis, 104, 205, 884, 978. forchhammeri, 64, 104, 189, 205, 885, 978. holmiana, 194. obesus, 242. platyphylloides, 226. praecox, 226. studeri, 235. suborblfera, 238. thulensis, 194. Cortlcites stigma rioides, 291. Corynotrypa tenuicorda, 745. Cosmoceratidse, 381. Crassatella gibbosa, 648. lintea, 653. pteropsis, 655. ripleyana, 649. subplana, 651. vadosa, 649. Crassatellina, 645. carolinensis, 98, 322, 326, 646. oblonga, 645. Crassatellites, 648. linteus, 98, 649, 653, 935. pteropsis, 98, 649, 655, 935. subplanus, 98, 649, 651, 653. vadosa, 73, 98, 323, 327, 649, 935. Crassatellitidae, 645. Crataegus aceroides, 226. atavina, 194, 226. lacrei, 226. lawrenciana, 226. fragaroides, 194. tenuinervis, 226. Credneria acerifolia, 274. acuminata, 274. arcuata 274, 291. atava, 274. bohemica, 291. cuneifolia, 278, 309. denticulata, 274, 282. elongata, 274. engelhardti, 274. geinitziana, 278, 309. glandulosa, 274. grandidentata, 278. integerrima, 189, 274, 282. macrophylla, 205, 301. microphylla, 226. oblonga, 274. peltata, 274. posthuma, 274. rhomboidea, 826. subserrata, 274. subtriloba, 282. superstes, 299. tenuinervis, 282. triacuminata, 274, 282. velenovskyanu, 309. westfalica, 282. triloba, 274. zenkeri, var. nsymmetrica, 274. var. intermedia, 274. var. orbicularis, 274. var. triloba, 274. Crenella, 623. elegantula, 98, 327, 331, 624, 625, 932. serica, 73, 98, 327, 624, 932. Cretovarium japonicum, 253. Cribilina, 742. sagena, 100, 742. Cribilinidse, 742. Criocardium dumosum, 668, 669. multiradiatum, 669. Crisina, 738. striatopora. 100, 738. Crocodilia, 347. Crocodilus bassifus, 347. clavirostris, 347. Crotonophyllum, 847. cretaceum, 103, 205, 291, 847, 972. pandurffiformis, 213, 217, 848. Crustacea, 361. Cryptomeria primaeva, 788. Cryptomeriopsis antiqua, 253. mesozoica, 253. Cryptomerites hungaricus, 305. Ctenidium integerrimum, 262. Ctenobranchiata, 412. Cucullaja, 529. antrosa, 94, 529, 534. auriculifera, 529. capax, 530, 531. carolinensis, 69, 94, 327, 529, 532. medians, 530. tippana, 530. vulgaris, 73, 94, 529, 916, 917. Culmites cretaceus, 269, 278. Cunnlnghamia elegans, 304. stenophylla, 291, 296. PALEONTOLOGICAL INDEX 999 Cunninghamites borealis, 189. dubius, 306. elegans, 194, 205, 211, 213, 216, 235, 264, 274, 278, 279, 283, 291, 301, o08, 331. mantelli, 280. oxycedrus, 274, 278, 280. pulchellus, 235. recurvatus, 235, 282. squamosus, 205, 269, 274, 282. squamosus densifolius, 282. sternbergii, 278. Cunninghamiostrobus yubariensis, 253. Cupanites novse-zeelandiae, 251. Cuppressinea insignis, 280. Cupressse, 791. Cupressinoxylon, 791. bibbinsi, 102, 205, 791. sequoianum, 274. turoniense, 282. ucranicum, 269. Cupressites acrophyllus, 300. Cupressoxylon hosii, 259. Cuspidaria, 6.39. ampulla, 98, 64O, 933. cucurbita, 98, 640, 641, 933. Cuspidariidse, 639. Cussonia partita, 291. Cyathea angusta, 194. fertilis, 189. hammeri, 189. Cyatheites nebraskana, 226. Cycadeoidea mirabilis, 238. Cycadeospermum columnare, 226. lineatum, 226. Cycadlnocarpus circularis, 200, 211, 217. Cycadites pungens, 226. nilssonianus, 256. unjiga, 244. Cycadophyta, 769. Cycadophytae, 769. Cycadopsis aquisgranensis, 269. araucarina, 269. cryptomerioides, 269, 789. fnersteri, 269. monheimi, 269. ritzi, 269. thuyoides, 269. Cycadoxylon westfalicum, 282. Cyclina, 677. parva, 98, 678, 937. Cyclostomatn, 736. Cylichna, 411. recta, 90, 411, 914. Cylindrites conicus, 282. cretaceus, 269. spongioides, 274, 280, 284. Cymbophora, 7O7. berryi, 100, 7O8, 939. Avordeni, 100, 7O9, 939. C'yperaceae, 808. Cyparissidium cretaceum, 306. gracile, 189, 194, 200, 259, 260, 264. 274, 296. minimum, 291. pulchellum, 291, 295. suessi, 306. mucronatum, 194. Cyperacites ambiguus, 249. Cypricardiacea, 642. Cyprimeria, 686. depressa, 98, 687, 936. major, 73, 98, 689, 936, 937, 938, 939. Cytherea, 681. excavata, 686. plana, 339. Cystisus cretaceus, 275. Czekanowskia, 8O4. capillaris, 60, 102, 200, 318, 8O4. dichotoma, 205. nervosa, 262. setacea, 804. Dacrydinium cupressinum, 251. Dacrydites incertus, 291. Dacrydium densifolium, 297. Dactyolepis cryptomerioides, 200. Dadoxylon pseudoparenchymatosum, 247. zuffardii, 255. Danaeites schlotheimi, 269. Davallites richardsoni, 242. Dalbergia, 847. apiculata, 200, 893. hyperborea, 189, 200. irregularis, 205. minor, 205. rinkiana, 189. severnensis, 64, 103, 205, 847, 972. Dalbergiophyllum nelsonicum, 251. rivulare, 251. Dammnra, 776. acicularis, 235. borealis, 189, 200, 205, 211, 217, 291. cliffwoodensis, 64, 102, 205, 209, 318, 776, 950. macrosperma, 194. mantelli, 251. microlepis, 189, 194. minor, 200, 205. northportensis, 205. Dammarites albens, 286. bayeri, 308. caudatus, 226. crassipes, 284. dubius, 242. emarginatus, 226. Dammarophyllum striatum, 291. Daphnites goepperti, 278, 304. 1000 PALEOXTOLOGICAL INDEX Daphnophyllum angustifolium, 226. crassinervum, 301. dakotense, 226. ellipticum, 301. fraasii, 275, 301. Debeya afflnis, 249. australiensis, 249. serrata, 269. Decapoda, 361. Delesseria fulva, 238. ruscifolia, 900. Delesserites thierensis, 269, 275, 282. Delphinula lapidosa, 502. Dentaliidas, 5O7. Dentalium, 5O7. danai, 508. elephanticum, 507. leal, 508. pauperculum, 94, 51O. Dermatophyllites acutus, 189, 217. borealis, 189. Desmoceratidae. 378. Dewalquea aquisgranensis, 269. coriacea, 291, 299. dakotensis, 226. gelindensis. 283. groenlandica, 189, 194, 200, 205, 211, 814. haldeiniann, 194, 263, 275, 283. hnldemiann angustifolia, 283. haldemiana latifolia, 283. insignis, 189, 194, 200, 263, 269, 275, 283. nilssoniana, 275. pentaphylla, 291. primordialis, 226. smithii, 213, 217. trifoliata, 200. Diastoporidse, 73O. Dibranchiata, 393. Diceras cenomanicus, 291. Dicksonia conferta, 189. grcenlandica, 189, 194, 200, 217, 768. munda, 242. punctata, 189, 194, 286, 291, 305. pterioides, 251. Dicotyledons, 812. Didymosorus comptoniifolius, 269. gleichenioides, 269. varians, 269. Uiemenia lancifolia, 249. Dione tippana, 681. Dioonites buchianus, 772. cretosus, 291. saxonicus, 304. Dioscorea cretacea, 226. Diospyros ambigua, 226. amboyensis, 200, 217. apiculata, 200, 205, 226. brachysepala, 897. cf. brachysepala, 235. calyx, 242. celastroides, 226. cretacea, 249. eminens, 242. judithae, 235. iiitida, 244. primseva, 104, 189, 194, 200, 205, 211, 213, 217, 221, 226, 278, 298, 318, 325, 894, 990. prodromus, 189, 205. provecta, 205, 278, 291. pseudoanceps, 205, 226. rotundifolia, 104, 205, 213, 217, 226, 318, 325, 891, 895, 990. schweinfurthi, 254. steenstrupi, 194, 221, 226. vancouverensis, 242. vera. 60, 104, 200, 896, 990. virginiana, 895, 897. Diphyllites membranaceus, 194. Diploconoha cretacea, 746. Diplodonte parilis, 661. Dipteriphyllum cretaceum, 291, 301. Discohelix, 5O1. calculifonnis, 501. lapidosus, 94, 5O2. Doliopsis multiliratum, 452. Doliuni multiliratum, 452. Dombeyopsls obtusa, 238. trivialis, 238. Doryanthites, 8O6. cretacea, 102, 205, 211, 216, 220, 326, 806, 952. Dosinia, 676. africana, 676. depressa, 687. gabbi, 661. obliquata, 98, 676. Dracaenites Jourdei, 259. Dreissena, 627. tippana, 98, 628, 933. Dreisseniidse, 627. Dreissensia lanceolata, 627. Drepanochilus compressa, 472. rostrata, 471. Drillia tippana, 420. Dryandra cretacea, 291, 301. Dryandroldes geinoglypha, 2-99. haldemiana, 275, 283. macrophylla, 283. pakawanica, 251. quercinea, 205, 275, 299. Dryophyllum alberti-magui, 269. aedrys, 269. aquisgranense, 269, benthianum, 269. campteroneurum, 269. PALEONTOLOGICAL IXDEX 1001 crepini, 269. cretaceum, 275. crenatum, 235. cuspidigerum, 275. (lethimusianuin, 260. exiguum, 260. falcatum, 235. gracile, 269. hieracifolia, 191, 232. heeri, 269. lerschianuin, 269. lesquereuxiiinum, 269. lesquereuxii, 249. nelsonicum, 251. regaliuquense, 269. saportse, 275. subfalcatuin. 12.'!.~>. tenuifolium, 269, 275. vittatum, 275. Dryopteris intermedia, 238. kennerleyi, 242. lloydii, 235. orstedi, 189, 194. polypodioides, 238. Dryopterites stephensoni, 216. Drynaria astrostigmosa, 291. dura, 292. fascia, 292. Dysodonta, 614. Ebenaceae, 894. Ebenales, 892. Echinocorythidse, 75O. Echinodermata, 74}>. Echinoidea, 749. Echinostrobus minor, 292. squamosus, 292. Elseodendron, 849. marylandica, 64, 103, 205, 849, 973. priscum, 249. speciosum, 226. strictum, 205. Elasmobranchii, 35O. Elopidse, 358. Embothriopsis presagita, 205. Encephalartos cretaceus, 226. Enchodontidffi, 355. Enchodus, 35G. dims, 90, 357, 905. Engonoceratidse, 388. Eorhamnidium cretaceum, 217. platyphylloides, 217. Ensiphonacea, 635. Eolirion nervosum, 283. primigenium, 282, 283. subfalcatum, 283. Kphedrites baccatus, 292. Epitonium, 477. annulatum, 479. cecilium, 94, 479, 911. marylandicum, 94, 478, 913. Equisetum amissum, 189, 194, 296. heerii, 306. praelsevigatum, 238. zeilleri, 275. Eremophyllum flmbriatum, 226. Erica cere, 885. Ericales, 885. Eriocaulon porosum, 238. Eriphyla lenticularis, 339. Escharidae, 743. Escharina sagena, 742. Escharinella, 741. altimuralis, 100, 741. Escharipora abbottii, 743. Etea carolinensls, 646. Etheridgia subglobosa, 249. Eucalyptus, 869. angusta, 200, 213, 215, 216, 262, 278, 292, 299, 301, 873. angustifolia, 871. attenuata, 104, 200, 205, 211, 818. 869. borealis, 189, 301. choffati, 262. cretacea, 249. dakotensis, 226. davidsonii, 249. dubia, 872. geinitzi, 104, 189, 200, 205, 211, 213, 218, 221, 226, 278, 279, 292, 296, 302, 758, 87O, 873, 977. geinitzi propinqua, 205. gouldii, 226. haldemiana, 283. haveaensis, 220. inequilatera, 283. latifolia, 104, 205, 218, 87O, 977. linearifolia, 200, 206, 211. oxleyana, 249. parvifolia, 200. proto-geinitzi, 262. schubleri, 206, 296, 302. scoliophylla, 249. wardiana, 64, 104, 206, 213, 872. warraghiana, 249. Eugeinitzia proxima, 200. Eugenia primseva, 221, 226. tuscaloosensis, 218. Eulima, 480. Euphorbiaceae, 847. Euphorbiophyllum nntiquura, 259. primordiale, 262. Kuoinphalidae, 5O1. Euomphalus, 493. 1002 PALEONTOLOGICAL INDEX Euspira altispira, 94, 5OO. halli, 94, 499. Eusuchia, 347. Eutrephoceras, 371. dekayi, 90, 320, 323, 327, 331, 334, 337, 371, 372, 909A. Exilia, 463. cretacea, 464, 910. pergracilis, 463. Exogyra, 563. cancellata, 69, 96, 326, 563, 566, 923. columbella, 332. costata, 73, 96, 320, 323, 329, 563, 564, 921, 922, 923. interrupta, 564. laciniata, 266. la?viuscula, 333. lateralis, 579. ponderosa, 96, 321, 322, 326, 328, 331, 563, 569. Extrasiphonata, 374. Fagaceae, 816. Fagales, 816. Fagophyllum nervosum, 242. retosum, 242. Fagoxylon hokkaidense, 253. Fagus cretacea, 226. leptoneura, 249. nelsonica, 251. orbiculata, 226. polycladus, 226. pra?ninnisiana, 249. praeulmifolia, 249. proto-nucifera, 244. producta, 251. Fascigeridae, 739. Fasciolaria, 437. juncea, 92, 437, 438, 910. sp., 92, 437, 438, 910. Fasciolariida?, 437. Fasciostelopteris tansleii, 253. Fegonium dryandraeforme, 275. schenki, 275. Ficus, 818. angustata, 226. arenacea, 238. arctica, 194. asarifolia, 235. atavina, 189, 194, 206, 213, 296, 823. austiniana, 226. beckwithii, 226, 823. berthoudi, 819. bumelioides, 278. cecilensis, 103, 206, 821, 954. cecropiae-lobus, 298. celtifolius, 213. contorta, 243. crassinervis, 282. crassipes, 64, 103, 189, 206, 211, 213, 215, 218, 226, 318, 326, 821, 954, 955. cretacea, 282. crossii, 238. dalmatica, 235, 238, 239. daphnogenoides, 103, 200, 206, 211, 218, 221, 227, 242, 325, 818, 822, 954. deflexa, 227. dentata, 282. denveriana, 238. densinervis, 283. distorta, 227. elongata, 282, 292, 819. fasciculata, 819. fontanei, 218. fracta, 299. fructus, 211. geinitzi, 278. georgeana, 216. glascceana, 221, 227. gracilis, 270, 282. halliuna, 227. heerii, 103. hellandiana, 189. hesperia, 235. inrequalis, 211, 218, 227. incompleta, 235. ipswichiana, 249. irregularis, 235, 238. krausiana, 103, 201, 206, 213, 215, 218, 227, 292, 296, 302, 318, 325, 326, 819, 823, 955. krausiana subsimilis, 206. lanceolato-acuminata, 227. lancifolia, 819. latifolia, 238. laurifolia, 283. laurophyllidse, 243. lesquereuxii, 227. ligustrina, 819. longifolia, 282. macrophylla, 227. magnolisefolia, 227, 243. matawanensis, 210. inelanophylla, 227. inissouriensis, 234. mohliana, 302. Miontana, 235. mudgei, 227. multinervis, 235, 238. myricoides, 201, 206. navicularis, 238. ovata, 820. ovatifolia, 103, 201, 211, 215, 318. 325, 820, 855. planicostata, 235, 238. populoides, 235. PALEOXTOLOGICAL INDEX 1003 precursor, 227. primordialis, 227. prisca, 278. problematica, 235. proteoides, 227, 818. protogfea, 189, 278, 306. peruni, 292, 296. reticulata, 206, 227, 278. reuschii, 282. rhamnoides, 235, 239. rotundata, 243. sapindifolia, 206. shirleyensis, 218. similis, 251. smithsoniana, 238. stylosa, 292. suspecta, 292, 819, 823. sapida, 819. spinosissima, 235, 239. squarrosa, 235. stephensoni, 211, 213. sternbergii, 227. tenuifolia, 282. trinervis, 235. undulata, 227. wardii, 235, 240. wellingtonise, 243. willisiana, 206. woolsoni, 201, 206, 218, 820. Pilicales, 76O. Filicites lacerus, 261. vedensis, 261. Filifascigera, 739. magaera, 100, 739. Flabellaria chamseropifolia, 284. magothiensis, 811. longirhachis, 261. minima, 227. sublongirhachis, 251. Flustra sagena, 742. Folia fllicum involuta, 292. Fontainea, 899. grandifqlia, 60, 104, 200, 318, 899. Fragilia protexta, 636. Fragum tennistriatum, 669. Fraxinus praecox, 194. Frenelites reichii, 793. Frenelopsis bohemica, 292, 298. gracilis, 800. hoheneggeri, 201, 206, 259, 2G1. konigii, 264, 283. occidentalis, 262, 263. Fricia nobilis, 296. Fucoides dichotomous, 297, 900. cauliformis, 297. columnaris, 297. funiformis, 297. strangulatus, 297. strictus, 257. tuberculosus, 257. Fucus lignatum, 235. Fulguraria bella, 441. conradl, 427. nasutus, 422.- Fulguridae, 444. Fungi, 757. Fungidae, 753. Fusus dakotensis, 454. retifer, 452. scarboroughi, 439. Galeocerdo falcatus, 354. pristodontus, 352, 353. Galeoidea, 35O. Galeus pristodontus, 352. Galla quercina, 227. Gastropoda, 397. Gavialis neoceasariensis, 347. Geinitzia biformis, 235. cretacea, 261, 275, 280, 296, 305, 308, 789. formosa, 102, 201, 206, 218, 235, 240, 275, 325, 8O1, 950. gracillima, 801. hyperborea, 194. longifolia, 238. microcarpa, 275. reichenbachii, 201. Gelidinium trajecto-mosanum, 270. Geraniales, 847. Ginkgo baynesiana, 243. laramiensis, 235. multinervis, 189. pusilla, 243. primordialis, 189. Ginkgocladum novaezeelandiae, 251. Gleditsiaphyllum tricanthoides, 211. Gleichenia, 76O. acutiloba, 189, 275, 292. comptoniifolia, 189, 278, 299. crenata, 278, 292. delawarensis, 102, 206, 762, 946. delicatula, 218, 240, 259, 292. giesekiana, 189, 194, 201. gracilis, 189, 194, 206, 242, 278, 308. kurriana, 227, 242, 278, 302. micromera, 201. multinervosa, 292. nauckhoffl, 189. nordenskioldi, 227, 762. obscura, 251. obtusata, 190. protogaca, 206, 270. rhombifolia, 240. rotula, 292. saundersii, 64, 102, 206, 762, 946. vahliana, 194. 1004 PALEONTOLOGICAL INDEX vidovlensis, 292. zippei, 102, 190, 201, 206, 259, 275, 278, 292, 299, 307, 308, TOO. Gleicheniaceae, 76O. Glelchenites coriaceus, 292. Glycymeris, 54O, 543. decisa, 721. mortoni, 96, 54O. wordeni, 96, 543, 917. Glyptostrobus nustralls, 249. debilis, 263. europseus cretaceus, 292. gracillimus, 793. intermedius, 194. Goniopholidse, 349. Goniosoma inflata, 643. Grevillea constans, 292. dvoraki, 292. oxleyana, 249. palmata, 269. tenera, 292. Grewlopsis sequidentata, 227. cleburni, 236. flabellata, 227. formosus, 218. mudgei, 227. pakeauica, 251. tuscaloosensis, 218. Gryphsea, 571. nngulata, 571. aucella, 328. convexa, 572, 573, 574, 576. dilatata, 573. dissimilarls, 574, 576. expansa, 573. mutabilis, 572, 574, 576. pufrilla, 96, 578, 929. vesicularis, 69, 96, 336, 337, 339, 572, 924, 925, 926, 927. 928, 929. vomer, 36, 53, 96, 579, 921. Gryphaeostrea lateralis, 580. subeversa, 579. vomer, 36, 53, 96, 579, 921. Guatteria cretacea, 206. Gymnogramme bohemica, 292. gardneri, 238. Gyrodes, 496. abyssina, 94, 496, 498. altispira, 500. obtusivolva, 500. petrosus, 94, 323, 496, 909A. H Haliserites gracilis, 270. Halocharis longifolia, 270. Halymenites major, 236, 240. stria tus, 240. Halyserites contortuplicatus, 283. reichii, 278, 280, 900. Ilaninmelites cordatus, 213, 227. quadrangularis, 227. quercifolius, 227. tenuinervis, 227. Haminea, 4O7. cylindrica, 90, 407, 4O9, 914. mortoni, 90, 407, 4O8. Hiimulus, 747. onyx, 100, 747. squamosus, 747. Haplomi, 358. Hastia speciosa, 251. Hedera, 873. cecilensis. 64, 104, 206, 874, 974. crednerisefolia, 292. cretacea, 104, 206, 227, 873, 874. cuneata, 190, 194. decurrens, 227. macclurei, 194. microphylla, 227. orbiculata, 227. ovalis, 227, 242. platanoidea, 227. primordialis, 190. 201. 211. 214, 292. schimperi, 227. simplex, 206. Hedersephyllum peltatum, 292. Hemiaster, 751. bexeri, 751. delawnrensis, 100, 751, 943. sp., 100, 752. Stella, 751. welleri, 752. Heterofllicites anceps, 206. Heterolepis cretaceus, 214. Hexacoralla, 752. Himantites alopecurus, 270. Hippothoa, 745. tenuichorda, 100, 745. Hippothoidse, 745. Holcodus acutidens, 349. Holoparia, 361. gabbi, 90, 361, 906. gladiator, 90, 362, 906. Hopopleuridse, 355. Hymenaea dakotana, 201, 206, 227. elongata, 292, 299. fayettensis, 218. inequalis, 292. primigenia, 206, 292. Ilymenophyllites heterophyllus, 306. macrophyllus, 306. Ilynicnophyllum cretaceum, 227, 278. Hyposaurus. 34J). rogersii. 90, 349, 904. Ilystcrites dubius, 270. llystcriiiin protogiPiini, 190. PALEONTOLOGICAL INDEX 1005 I Idmoneidae, 738. Idonearca antrosa, 334. carolinensis, 532. medians, 530. neglecta, 532. tippann, 530. vulgaris, 530. Ilex, 840. amboyensls, 201. antiqua, 190. armata, 227. borealis, 194, 227. dakotensis, 227. elongata, 201. masoni, 218, 227. papillosa, 206, 227. patootensis, 194. . perneri, 298. scudderi, 227. severnensis, 103, 206, 849, 973. strangulata, 206, 227. Ilicacese, 849. Illicium, 838. deletoides, 103, 206, 838, 966. deletuni, 292, 838. watereensis, 214, 838. Inga cottai, 278. cretacea, 218, 221, 228. latifolia, 292. Inoceramus, 546. barabini, 337, 547; confertim-annulatus, 96, 547. cripsii, 274, 337. cuvieri, 546. exogyroides, 333, 336. involutus, 333. labiatus, 266, 296, 331, 338. umbonatus, 333, 336. Inolepsis afflnis, 194. bohemiea, 292. Isohyriza, 358. antiqua, 358. mlra, 90, 358, 905. Isodonta, 587. Janira mortoni, 59(5. quinquecostata, 596. Jeanpaulla carinata, 292, 302. Juglandinium longiradiatum, 275. Juglandites cretacea, 242. ellsworthianus, 228. fallax, 243. lacoei, 228. primordialis, 22*. sinuatus, 228. Juglnns arctica, 190, 201, 206, 211, 214, 215, 218, 228. crassipes, 194, 201, 206, 228, 302. debeyana, 228. elongata, 206. harwoodensls, 243. leconteana, 238. missouriensis, 234. Jugloxylon hamaoanum, 253. Jungermannites cretaceus, 218. Juniperus, 792. hypnoldes, 102, 190, 201, 206, 792. macllenta, 190, 292. Juranyia hemiflabellata, 305. K Kalmia brittoniana, 201, 211, 218. Kaidacarpum cretaceum, 194. Keckla annulata, 280. cylindrica, 280. nodulosa, 280. vesiculosa, 280. Kirchnera arctica, 292. dentata, 292. Knightiophyllum primsevum, 251. Krannera mirabilis, 292. Lsevicardium perelongatum, 666. spillmani, 666. Lamenarites polystigma, 270. Lamna, 35O. cuspidata, 90, 351, 904. denticulata, 351. dubia, 351. elegans, 90, 35O, 904. hopei, 351. Lamnidae, 35O. Lamprocarpites nitidus, 190. Lauracese, 86O. Laurelia primaeva, 228. Laurus, 861. afflnis, 284, 292, 299. angusta, 865. antecedens, 228. atanensis, 190, 194, 206, 228. attenuate, 262. colleti, 258. colombi, 243. crassinervis, 242. cretaceus, 278. hollse, 194, 201, 206, 228. hollickii, 103, 206, 863, 967. knowltoni, 228. lesquereuxii, 228. macrocarpa, 228. microcarpa, 228. modesta, 228. nebrascensis, 201, 206, 228. newberryana, 206. notandia, 262. 1006 PALEOXTOLOGICAL INDEX odini, 190. palaeocretacea, 262. plutonia, 103, 190, 194, 201, 207, 214, 218, 220, 221, 228, 249, 293, 861, 864, 967. proteaefolia, 103, 207, 221, 863, 971. praestans, 236. cf. primigenia, 236. prceatavla, 259. teliformis, 207, 228. wardiana, 238. Laurinium brunswicense, 275. Laurinoxylon uniseriatum, 247. Laurophyllum, 864. angustifolium, 103, 201, 206, 218, 865. aquisgranense, 270. debile, 242. elegans, 103, 201, 206, 211, 214, 864. 967. insigne, 243. lanceolatum, 201, 206. minus, 201, 221. nervillosum, 201, 214, 218, 325, 865. ocoteoeoides, 206. reticulatum, 865. Laxispira, 4S4. lumbricalis, 68, 94, 321, 322, 484, 485. Leda, 515. gabbana, 520. longifrons, 518. pinnaformis, 515. protexta, 520, 522. rostrata, 515. rostratruncata, 94, 515, 517, 915. slackiana, 511. whitfleldi, 94, 515, 915. Ledidse, 515. Legumen, 683. appressum, 684. carolinensis, 98, 683, 684, 685. ellipticus, 683, 684. planata, 684. planulatum, 98, 683, 684. Leguminosae, 841. Leguminosites, 841. albizzioides, 255. amissus, 190. atanensis, 190, 201. canavalioides, 103, 207, 842, 972. convolutus, 207, 228. coronilloides, 103, 201, 207, 228, 304. 841. cretaceus, 278. cultriformls, 228. dakotensis, 228. delageri, 190. dentatus, 194. frigidus, 194, 841. hymenophyllus, 228. infra cretacicus, 262. ingnfolia, 218. insularis, 190, 228. lanceolatus, 307. macilcntus, 190. middendorfensis, 214. omphaloboides, 103, 201, 207, 218, 228, 843, 972. orbiculatus, 190, 104. ovatifolius, 180. ovatus, 307. patootensis, 194 pachyphyllum, 249. phaseolites, 228. podogonialis, 228. prodromus, 190. raritanensis, 201. robiniifolia, 211, 214. shirleyensis, 218. truncatus, 228. tuscaloosensis, 218. Lcpidocaryopsis westphaleni, 293. Leptomya, 633. Leptosolen, 7O3. biplicata, 98, 7O.3, 938. elongata, 100, 703, 7O5. Leptospermum cretaccum, 293. Leucothce parlatorii, 888. Libocedrus cretacea, 791. salicornioides cretacea, 293. veneris, 296. Lichenoporidae, 739. Lichenopora, 739. papyracea, 100, 739. Ligustrum subtile, 207. Lima obliqua, 96, 600, 6O3, 930. reticulata, 96, 6OO, 930. serrata, 96, 600, 6O2, 930. Limida;, 6OO. Limnophyllum lanceolatum, 282. primaevum, 282. Limopsis, 543. Linearia, 698. metastriata, 98, 699. Liocardium spillmani, 666. Liopeplum, 429. cretaceum, 92, 430, 431, 911. leiodermum, 92, 429, 43O. inonmouthensis, 92, 430, 432, 911. Liopistha, 635. alternata, 68, 98, 321, 322, 326, 635, 637. protexta, 73, 98, 320, 323, 327, 635, 636, 932. Liquiilambar integrifolius, 228, 242, 24-". Liriodendron acuminatum, 228. acuminatum bilobatum, 228. PALEONTOLOGICAL INDEX 1007 alatum, 234, 240. attenuatum, 207. dubiura, 211. giganteum, 228. glganteum cruciforme, 228. intermedium, 228. laramiense, 236. meekii, 190, 218, 228, 245, 278. morganensis, 207. oblongifolium, 201, 207. pinnatifldum, 221, 228. prsetulipiferum, 243. primsevum, 201, 211, 228. quercifolium, 201, 221. schwarzii, 275. snowii, 228. succedens, 243. wellingtonii, 228. Liriodendropsis, 844. angustifolia, 201, 207, 218. constricta, 207, 218, 318, 844. retusus, 195, 201, 207. simplex, 201, 207, 218, 844. simplex constricta, 844. spectabilis, 207. Liriophyllum beckwithii, 228. obcordatum, 228. populoides, 229. Lirofusus nodocarinatus, 455. Lithothamnium cenomanicum, 258. gosaviense, 260, 307. palmatum, 260, 307. recemosum, 260. turonicum. 260. Lithophaga, 617. conchafodentis, 98, 618, 619, 932. juliae, 98, 618, 62O, 932. lingua, 98, 618, 621, 932. ripleyana, 98, 618, 932. twitchelli, 98, 618, 622, 932. Litssea bohemica, 293. expansa, 245. laurinoides, 282. Lochrnophycus caiilerpoides, 270. Lomatia saportanea, 229. saportanea longifolia, 229. Lomatites paleo-ilex, 278. Lomatopteris schimperi, 260. superstes, 259. Luciidse, 358. Lucina, 658. jamaicensis, 659. Luciuacen, 658. Lucinidae, 658. Lunatia altispira, 500. halli, 499. Lytoceratidse, 374. Lycopodiacese, 759. Lycopodiales, 759. Lycopodium, 759. cretaceum, 64, 102, 207, 214, 218, 759, 946. lesquereuxiana, 236. Lygodites anemiifolius, 275. spatulatus, 275. Lygodium compactum, 238. cretaceum, 270, 278. trichomanoides, 229. M Macclintockia appendiculata, 190. cretacea, 194, 229, 242. trinervis, 243. Macrodon eufalensis, 524, 525. Macrotaeniopteris vancouverensis, 243. Mactra ashburneri, 707. solida, 706. Mactracea, 7O6. Mactridae, 7O6. Madreporaria, 752. Magnolia, 831. alternans, 190, 201, 293, 833. amplifolia, 207, 229, 293, 302. auriculata, 831. boulayana, 103, 201, 207, 215, 218, 221, 229, 834, 965. capellinii, 64, 103, 190, 207, 212, 214, 215, 218, 229, 243, 293, 318, 325, 326, 832, 836, 965. elegans, 229. glaucoides, 834. hollicki, 103, 201, 207, 218, 325, 831, 965. isbergiana, 190, 201, 207. lacoeana, 103, 201, 207, 218, 229, 832, 966. longipes, 103, 201, 207, 218, 833, 965. magniflca, 242. marbodi, 302. newberryi, 60, 201, 212, 214, 218. obovata, 229. obtusata, 103, 190, 207, 214, 218, 229, 318, 834, 964. occidentalis, 243. palseocretacica, 263. pseudoacuminata, 207, 229. pulchra, 236. speciosa, 201, 207, 218, 221, 229, 302, 837. telonensis, 259, 260. tenuifolia, 103, 207, 214, 229, 244, 835, 966. vanlngeni, 207, 835. woodbridgensis, 202, 207, 833. Magnoliaceae, 831. Majanthemophyllum cretaceum, 190, 194, 302. 1008 PALEONTOLOGICAL INDEX lanceolatum, 194. pusillum, 194, 201. Malapoenna cottondalensis, 218. cretacea, 218, 229. falclfolia, 207, 218, 221, 229. horrellensis, 212, 215, 220. macrophylloides, 236. Malpigbiastrum cretaceum, 249. Malvales, 857. Mammaeites francheti, 258. Manihotites georgiana, 212, 215, 216. Marattia cretacea, 218, 293. Margarites, 5O4. abyssina, 94, 5O5. depressa, 94, 5O5, 909A. elevata, 94, 505, 5O6, 909A. Marsilia andersonl, 207. attenuata, 236. cretacea, 190, 293. Marsupites milleri, 339. ornatus, 273. Martesia, 726. cithara, 725. cretacea, 100, 727. Masticura, 36O. Matonldium wiesneri, 302. Melastomites cuneiformis, 282. parvula, 305. Melophytum cyclostigma, 270. Membranipora, 74O. annuloidea, 100, 74O. Membraniporella, 743. abbotti, 100, 743. Membraniporidse, 74O. Menispermites acutilobus, 207, 229. borealis, 190, 201. brysoniana, 207. cyclophyllus, 229. dentatus, 190. grandis, 229. integrifolia, 218. knightii, 236. menispermifolius, 229. obtusiloba, 229, 245. ovalls, 229. populiformis, 229. rugosus, 229. salinse, 229. trilobatus, 219. variabilis, 215. virginiensis, 839. wardiana, 202. Menispermophyllum celakovskianum, 293. Menispermum (Cocculus) assimile, 259. Meretrix, 679. cretacea, 98, 679. tippana, 681. Metrosideros peregrinus, 190. Micrabacia, 753. americana, 755. americana, var. multicostata, 755. cribraria, 757. hilgardi, 756. marylandica, 100, 755, 944. mississippiensis, 757. rotatilis, 100, 753, 945. rotatllis, var. georgiana, 755. Micrabaciidse, 753. Microdictyon dunkeri, 293. Microlepidium strlatulum, 293. Microzamia dubia, 207. gibba, 202, 278, 293, 296, 307. Mimusdps ballotseoides, 278. Mitridse, 433. Mitropicea decheni, 270. noeggerattil, 270. Modiola julise, 620. Modiolus, 614. burlingtonensis, 96, 322, 614, 615. sedesclarus, 614, 616. trigonus, 96, 614, 616. Mollusca, 371. Molluscoidea, 734. Momisia carolinensis, 214. Monheimia aquisgranensis, 270. polypodioides, 270. Monimia prarvestita, 249. Monocotyledons, 8O6. Moracea?, 818. Morea, 464. cancellaria, 464. marylandica, 92, 465, 466, 914. naticella, 92, 465, 914. Moriconia americana, 64, 102, 207, 212, 214, 318, 8O2, 952. cyclotoxon, 190, 194, 202, 270, 781, 807. Mortoniceras, 39O. delawarensis, 68, 90, 321, 322, 328, 336, 391, 908. inflatum, 338. shoshonense, 333. texanum, 328, 333, 390. vermillionense, 333. vespertinum, 333, 390. Mucronella, 743. aspera, 100, 743. Muensteria schneideriana, 284. Murex babylonius, 415. tulipa, 437. Muscites cretaceus, 270. Myacea, 71O. Myliobatidae, 36O. Myliobatis, 36O. Myliobatis obesus, 90, 36O. rugosus, 360. PALEONTOLOGICAL INDEX 1009 Myrica, 812. acuta, 202. acutiloba, 299. aspera, 229. brittoniana, 207, 214. campel, 259. cinnamomifolia, 202. cliffwoodensis, 207, 212. cretacea, 275. davisii, 202. dakotensis minima, 219, 229. elegans, 212, 214. emarginata, 190, 202, 219, 221, 229. fenestrata, 202. fragiliformis, 190, 279, 293. gaudryi, 259. gracilior, 262. hollickl, 202. indigena, 302. lacera, 262. liophylla, 275, 284. longa, 103, 190, 194, 207, 219, 221, 229, 244, 296, 326, 812, 953. newberryana, 202. obliqua, 229. obtusa, 229. praecox, 195. primaeva, 284. pseudo-lignitum, 249. raritanensis, 202. revisenda, 262. ripleyensis, 220. rougoni, 259. schenkiana, 275. schimperi, 229. serratum, 275, 293. sternbergii, 229. thulensis, 190. torreyi, 236, 238, 240. torreyi minor, 238. trifoliata, 229. vernassiensis, 264. zenkeri, 207, 853. Aiyricacea?, 812. Myricales, 812. Myricanthium amentaceum, 293. Myricophyllum asplenioides, 270. glandulosum, 293. haldemianum, 270. longepetiolatum, 249. Myrsinacese, 89O. Myrsine, 89O. borealis, 104, 190, 202, 207, 212, 219, 890, 896, 989. caloneura, 298. crassa, 207, 229. elongata, 891. gaudinii, 104, 202, 207, 212, 214, 219, 229, 326, 891, 989. manifesta, 298. oblongata, 202. Myrsinites gaudinii, 891. Myrsinophyllum varians, 293. venulosum, 262. Myrtsea, 658. stephensoni, 98, 659, 935. Myrtales, 869. Myrtophyllum cryptoneuron, 284. geinitzi, 870. latifolium, 249. parvulum, 190. sapindoides, 207. warderi, 229, 871. Mysiaparilis, 661. Mytilacea, 614. Mytilidae, 614. Mytilus decussatus, 623. hii-undo, 548. lithophagus, 617. modiolus, 614. polymorphus, 627. N Nageiopsis recurvata, 774. Natica alveata, 496. concinna, 500. crenata, 496. obliquata, 500. petrosa, 496. Naticidse, 496. Nautilidae, 371. Nautiloidea, 371. Nautilus bouchardianus, 373. danicus, 339. dekayl, 371, 372. laevigatus, 373. orbignyanus, 373. perlatus, 372. sphffiricus, 373. Nechalea lobata, 270. petiolata, 270. serrata, 270. Nectandra imperfecta, 207. Negundoides acutifolia, 229. Neithea quinquecostata, 597. Nelumbites, 839. primseva, 103, 84O, 971. vlrginienses, 839, 841. arcticum, 190. provinciale, 261. saskatchewanense, 244. schwelnfurthi, 255. Nelumbo dawsonii, 245, 841. intermedia, 236, 841. kempil, 64, 207, 839. laramiensis, 841. primseva, 207, 840. tenulfolia, 238. 1010 PALEONTOLOGICAL INDEX Nemodon, 524. cecilius, 94, 525, 528, 916. conradi, 524, 526. eufalensis, 94, 323, 327, 525, 540, 916. stantoni, 94, 525, 527, 915. Neptunella, 456. Nerita islandica, 502. Nerium rohlii, 284. Neuropteris castor, 243. Neurosporangium foliaceum, 270. undulatum, 270. Newberryana rigida, 202. Nicolia segyptiaca, 254, 270. Nilsonia bohemica, 293. johnstrupi, 190. lata, 243. orientalis, 253. Niponophyllum cordaitiforme, 253. Nceggerathiopsis robinsi, 243. Nordenskioldia borealis, 229. Nothofagoxylon scalariforme, 247. Nucula, 511. arnica, 94, 511, 514, 915. microstriuta, 94, 511, 515, 915. percrassa, 511. slnckiana, 73, 94, 511, 915. Nuculacea, 511. Nuculana gabbana, 520. longifrons, 518. pinnaformis, 515. Nuculidae, 511. Nuphar cordifolius, 191. Nymphseacese, 839. Xyssa snowiana, 219, 229. vetusta, 229. O Ocotea nassauensis, 207. Odontaspis cuspidata, 253. elegans, 350. hopei, 351. Odontofusus, 442. slacki, 442. medians, 92, 443. rostellaroides, 443. typicus, 443. Olea myricoides, 262. Oligoptycha naticoides, 402. Olivella, 421. danea, 421. monmouthensis, 92, 323, 421, 910. Olividae, 421. Oncopteris kauniciana, 293. Onoclea fecunda, 238. inquirenda, 102, 190, 208, 214, 764, 947. Onustus leprosus, 495. Onychiopsis capsulifera, 293, 302. elongata, 302. gcepperti, 768. psilotoides, 279. Opegraphites striato-punctatus, 270. Ophioglossum granulatum, 195. Opisthobranchiata, 397. Oreodaphne alabamensis, 219, 221. apicifolia, 284. cretacea, 229. heerii, 245. shirleyensis, 219. Ornataporta, 748. marylandica, 100, 748, 943. Orthochoanites, 371. Osmunda, 763. arctica, 195. delawarensis, 102, 208, 763, 946. gerini, 261. haldemiana, 284. montanensis, 236. novae-caesareae, 208. obergiana, 190, 764. Osmundacese, 763. Osmundophyllum cretaceum, 293. Ostracea, 551. Ostrea diluviana, 328. carinata, 280. congesta, 332. convexa, 572. denticulifera, 556. edulis, 551. faba, 96, 551, 559, 920. falcata, 552. larva, 337, 551, 552, 554, 555. subsp. falcata, 69, 96, 551, 552, 918. subsp. mesenterica, 96, 551, 555, 918, 919. subsp. nasuta, 96, 551, 554, 918. monmouthensis, 96, 551, 558, 919. plumosa, 96, 551, 556. pusilla, 560. subeversa, 579. subspatulata, 96, 329, 552, 561, 919, 920. tecticosta, 96, 552, 56O, 920. torosa, 563. ungulata, 339, 552, 554, 555. vesicularis, 572, 573. Otozamites ? grcenlandica, 190. Ottelia americana, 236. Pachycardium burlingtonense, 666. Pachydiscus, 378. complexus, 90, 333, 378. golvillensis, 339. wittekindi, 378. Pachypteris dalmatica, 304. dalmatica dentata, 304. dimorpha, 304. PALEONTOLOGICAL INDEX Pachystima cretacea, 214. Pachythffirus pteropsis, 655. Pagiophyllum araucarium, 304, 779. rigidum, 304, 779. Paladmete, 412. cancellaria, 92, 413, 914. Palasocassia laurinea, 219, 221, 229. phaseolitoides, 251. Falaeolepis cheiromorpha, 262. multipartita, 262. Paliurus afflnis, 190, 194, 202. anceps, 229. cretaceus, 230. integrifolius, 208. inontaniis. 242. neilii, 243. obovatus, 230. ovalis, 230, 242. popullferus, 208. upatoiensis, 215. zizyphoides, 238. Palma cites horridus, 302. rimosus, 254. varians, 280. Palmocarpum cretaceum, 270. Palmophyllum moleteinianum, 302. Palmoxylon andegavense, 259. cliffwoodensis, 208. guillieri, 259. ligerianum, 259. parvifasciculosum, 275. radiatum, 275. scleroticum, 275. variabile, 275. Pandanus pseudo-inermis, 307. trinervis, 307. Panax cretacea, 191, 208, 219. dentifera, 290. globulifera, 195. macrocarpa, 195. Panope, 719. aldrovandi, 719. bonaspes, 100, 721, 723, 942. decisa, 100, 721. monmouthensis, 100, 721, 722, 942. Panopoea decisa, 721. Papyridea protexta, 636. Paracallipteris potoniei, 275. Paracredneria fritschii, 275. Parallelodontidse, 524. Paranomia, OO4. lineata, 96, 6O6, 931. scabra, 96, 6O5, 606. Parathinnfeldia dubia, 275. Passlflora antiqua, 202. Parrotia canfleldi, 230. winchelli, 230. Pccopteris bohemica, 191, 195, 278. borealis, 191. calopteris, 275. 71 cuspidata, 275. geinitzi, 278. haidingeri, 308. linearis, 305. lobifolia, 278, 293. minor, 293. murchisoni, 278. osmundacea, 275. pfafflana, 191. socialis, 765. striata, 191, 278, 307. zippei, 307, 760. Pecten, 587. argillensis, 73, 96, 587, 588, 930. bellisculptus, 588. cliffwoodensis, 96, 587, 592. conradi, 96, 587, 593. muricatus, 273, 274. quadricostatus, 597. quinquecostata, 52, 96, 339, 587, 596, 930. simplicius, 73, 96, 323, 587, 595, 930. simplicus, 593. tenuitestus, 589. venustus, 96, 587, 591, 930. versicostatus, 596. whitfleldi, 96, 587, 589. Pectinacea, 587. Pectlnidse, 587. Pectunculus australis, 540. Pelecypoda, 511. Periploma applicata, 633. cretacea, 208. necomiensis, 633. robinaldina, 633. simplex, 633. Periplomya, 633. elllptica, 98, 633. Perissolax retifer, 452. Perissonota, 522. littlii, 94, 522, 523, 916. protexta, 94, 522, 523. Perna juliae, 620. Perniidae, 546. Peronffioderma georgiana, 694. Peroniceras westphalicum, 339. Perrisonota protexta, 522. Persea hayana, 230, 246. leconteana, 208, 230, 243. suessi, 302. schimperi, 230, 246. sternbergii, 230, 246. valida, 208, 219. Persoonia lesquereuxi, 202, 219, 230. spatulata, 202. Perseophyllum hauthalianum, 246. Perseoxylon antiquum, 305. Petrosphseria japonica, 253. 1012 PALEOXTOLOGICAL INDEX Phncitlium circuniscriptum, 293. myrtophylli, 278. palaeocassisB, 278. Phacoides, 659. noxontownensis, 54, 98, 66O, 935. Phaseolites elegans, 202. formus, 212, 219, 230, 304. manhassettensis, 202, 208. Phasganodus dirus, 357. Phegopteris grothiana, 195, 202. jorgenseni, 191. kornerupi, 195. Phillyrea engelhardti, 299. Phlebomeris spectandra, 263. willkoni, 263. Pholadidae, 724. Pholadomya, 629. Candida, 629. conradi, 98, 630, 632, 934. occidentalis, 98, 322, 63O, 933. Pholadomyidae, 629. Pholas, 724. cithara, 724. clavata, 726. cretacea. 727. dactylus, 724. pectorosa, 100, 724, 942. striata, 726. Phorus leprosus, 495. Phragmites cliffwoodensis, 208. cordaiformis, 243. pratti, 212, 214, 215. Phycodes sericeus, 270. Phyllites acuminatus, 284. actinoneuron, 249. amissus, 230. amorphus, 230. arlstolochiaeformis, 230. betulseformis, 230. bipartitus, 293. celatus, 230. cliffwoodensis, 208. denticulatus, 236 durescens, 230. ehrlichi, 307. emarginatus, 285. enervis, 285. erosus, 230. geinitzianus, 285. granulatus, 191. ilicifolius, 230. incurvatus, 191. inflexinervis, 262. innecteus, 230. intricata, 236. lacoai, 230. Isevigatus, 191, 270. lawrencianns, 230. linguseformis, 191. longepetiolatus, 191, 219. moncotyledonea, 270. monocotylei, 807. obscurus, 261. obtusi-lobatus, 230. pelagicus, 307. perplexus, 230. pistiaformis, 219. platanoides, 264. poinsettioides, 202. proteaceus, 264. provides, 307. reichii, 278, 900. reussi, 307. rhoifolius, 230. rhomboideus, 221, 230. sinuatus, 270. snowii, 230. stipulaeformis, 230. sturi, 305. tenuis, 261. testaceus, 285. trapaformis, 202. triloba, 236. triplinervis, 262. umbonatus, 230. undulatus, 830. vanonffi, 230. zamiasformis, 230. Phylloclndites crenatus, 275. Phyllocladoxylon antarcticum, 246. Phyllocladus laciniosa, 275. subintegrifolius, 796. Phyllotsenia costulata, 263. demersa, 262. elongata, 262. nervosa, 262. stipulacea, 262. Physostomi, 355. Picea cretacea, 293. Piceites exogyrtis, 789. Piestochilus, 439. bella, 92, 441. Pinacese, 785. Finales, 785. Pinites exogyrus, 789. patens, 270. Pinna, 544. laqueata, 96, 545, 917. nobilis, 545. rudis, 544. Pinnidse, 544. Pinus (Abies) upernivikensis, 191. Pinus andraei, 208. cretacea, 293. delicatulus, 208. exogyra, 280, 789. granulatum, 195, 202. longissima, 293. mattewanensis, 208. monasteriensis, 284. PALEONTOLOGICAL INDEX 1013 nathorsti, 256. olaflana, 191. oxyptera, 261. protopicea, 293, 302. protoscleropitys, 208. quenstedti, 195, 230, 236, 279, 293, 296, 302. quinquefolia, 202. raritnnensis, 202, 212, 214, 219. staratschini, 191. sulcata, 296. tetraphylla, 202. triphylla, 202. vaginalis, 191. yezoensis, 253. 1'iperites tuscaloosensis, 219. Pisces, 35O. Fisonia atavia, 279, 299. cretacea, 212. Pistacia aquehongensis, 202. Pistia, 809. corrugata, 236, 245, 810. mazeli, 261, 810. nordenskioldi, 102, 191, 208, 212, SO1>, 952. stratiotes, 810. Pistites loriformis, 282. Pitoxylon anomalum, 208. cretaceum, 276. foliosum, 208. hollicki, 208. statenense, 202. Pityoiclolepis statenensis, 202. Placenticeras, 385. guaclalopse, 328. placenta, 68, 90, 321, 322, 326, 327, 333, 336, 339, 385, 909. plamun, 328. Placuna scabra, 604, 605. Placunanomia lineata, 606. saffordi, 604. Plagiostomi, 35O. Planera antiqua, 195. betuloides, 208. cretacea, 212. knowltoniana, 202. Platanacese, 824. Platanales, 824. Plataninium subaffine, 276. Platanus, 824. acute-triloba, 302. affinis, 195. appendiculata, 827. aquehongensis, 202. aralia?formis, 302. asperaformis, 195, 219. basilobata, 827. betulsefolia, 302. cissoides, 230, 874. cuneifolia, 309. cuneiformis, 302. diminutiva, 230. geinitziana, 309. grandidentata, 302. heeri, 60, 191, 202, 230, 241, 824, 961, 962, 963. irregularis, 302. kiimmeli, 208. L-evis, 293. latiloba, 230. latior, 219, 230. latior grandidentata, 230. latior subintegrifolla, 230. moravica, 302. newberryana, 195. obtusiloba, 246. occidentalis, 827. onomastus, 299. platanoides, 239. primseva, 221. primseva grandidentata, 246. pseudo-guillelmae, 302. shirleyensis, 219. velenovskyana, 293, 302, 309. vyserovicensis, 293. wardii, 234. 1'leosporites shirainus, 253. Pleurophoridae, 642. Pleurotoma, 414. javana, 419. Plicomya, 633. Pliophlsea sagena, 742. Plutonia cretacea, 293. Poacites cretaceus, 293. nelsonicus, 251. Poales, SOS. Podalyriophyllum brochiodromum, 249. Podocarpites tyrelli, 245. Podocarpium cupressinum, 251. tenuifolium, 251, 252. ungeri, 251. Podocarpus cretacea, 293. Podogonium americanum, 236. Podozamites acuminatus, 202. alcantarina, 262. angustifolius, 230, 773, 774. distantinervis, 773. eichwaldi, 293. haydenii, 230. knowltoni, 102, 202, 208, 212, 214, 774. lanceolatus, 102, 202, 208, 212, 221, 230, 259, 293, 302, 317, 318, 325, 772. latipennis, 191, 252, 276, 293. marginatus, 102, 191, 202, 208, 219, 318, 325, 326, 775, 947. minor, 191. oblongus, 231. obtusus, 294. 1014 PALEONTOLOGICAL INDEX pedicellatus, 773. pusillus, 294. stenopus, 231. tenuinervis, 191. Polemoniales, 897. Polorthis tibialis, 75, 323. Polychaeta, 745. Polygonaceae, 83O. Polygonales, 83O. Polynices (Euspira) altispira, 94, 5OO. halli, 04, 499, 909A. Polypodiacese, 764. Polypodites grncilis, 294. zonatus, 294. Polypodium granhianum, 195. Polystlchum hillsianum, 240. Polytaenia quinquesecta, 259. Populites nmplus, 236. cyclophylla, 244. elegans, 231. lancastriensis, 231, 246. litigiosus, 231. microphyllus, 231. probalsamifera, 243. salisburiaefolia, 883. sternbergii, 231. tenuifolius, 208. tuscaloosensls, 219. winchelll, 231. Populocaulus yezoensis, 253. Populus, 816. acerifolia, 246. amlssa, 191. apiculata, 897. aristolochioicles, 231. berggreni, 191, 231, 898. cf. cyclophylla, 246. cordifolia, 231. cretacea, 236. denticulata, 195. elliptica, 231. harkeriana, 202, 231. hyperborea, 191, 219, 231, 898. knnsaseana, 231. leuce, 231. longlor, 243. lutidentata, 245. melanarioides, 236. microphylla, 231. mutabilis ovalis, 236. cf. nebrascensis, 246. obovata, 236. orbicularis, 202, 221. protozadachii, 243. rectinervata, 243. rhomboidea, 243. stygia, 102, 191, 195, 208, 231, 318. 816, 954. tremulseformis, 284. trinervis, 243. wardii, 236. Poromyacldse, 635. Posidonla cretacea, 284. Postligata, 543. wordeni, 96, 543, 917. Potamogeton cretacens, 19.~>. middendorfensis, 214. Premnophyllum trigonum, 208. Prepinus japonicus, 253. statenensis, 202. Primulales, 89O. Prionodesmacea, 511. Prionotropidae, 39O. Protea haidlngerl, 279. Proteoides ncuta, 231, 294. afflnls, 307. australiensls, 249. conospermafolia, 219. crassipes, 821. daphnogenoides, 304, 814, 818. 864. ettlngshauseni, 307. grevilleaeformis, 231. lancifolius, 214, 231. longus, 812. major, 243. neillii, 243. parvula, 214. reussi, 294. Proteophyllum corlaceum, 204. cornutum, 294. daphnoides, 262. decorum, 294. demersum, 262. lamlnarium, 294. launayi, 308. oblongatum, 262. paucidentatum, 294. productum, 294. saportanum, 294. trifidum, 294. truncatum, 262. Proteopsls proserpinae, 294. Protocardium perelongatum. <><;(>. Protocedroxylon paronal, 255. Protodammara speciosa, 202, 208, 219. Protopteris punctata, 189, 194, 286. 291, 305. singeri, 285. Protophyllocladus, 796. lobatus 64, 102, 208, 214, 325, 7!>S. polymorphic, 234, 799. subintegrifolius, 102, 191, 202, 20S, 219, 231, 796, 952. Protophyllum, 828. boreale, 244. credneroides, 231. crenatum, 231. denticulatum, 2:51. PALEONTOLOGICAL INDEX 1015 dimorphum, 231. haydenii, 231. integerrimum, 231. leconteanum, 231, 244. minus, 231. inudgei, 231. multinerve, 60, 103, 202, 231, 82O, 959, 960. nanaimo, 243. nebrascense, 231. praestans, 231. pseudospermoides, 231. pterospermifolium, 231. quadratum, 231. querciforme, 231. rugosum, 231, 242, 246. sternbergii, 60, 103, 203, 231, 828, 958, 959, 960. trilobatum, 231. undulatuin, 231. Prunus ? acutifolia, 203. antecedens, 231. cerasiformis, 299. cretacea, 231. parlatorii, 888. I'sammobiidac, 7O1. Pseudeocycas dicksoni, 191. insignis, 191. pumilio, 191. steenstrupi, 191. Pseudoasterophyllites cretaceus, 294. Pseudomelania, 48O. monmouthensis, 94, 48O, 912. Pseudogeinitzia sequoiiformis, 203. Ptenostrobus nebrascensis, 231. Ptenoglossa, 477. Pteria, 548. linguiformis, 549. petrosa, 96, 548, 917. rhombica, 96, 548, 549, 917, 918. Pteria cea, 544. Pteridoleinima aneimiifolium, 270. antiqunm, 270. arborescens, 270. benincasae, 270. deperditum, 270. dictyoides, 270. dubium, 270. elisabethse, 270. durum, 299. jrymnorhachis, 270. haidingerl, 270. hessianum, 270. kaltenbachi, 271. koninckiana, 271. leptophyllum, 271. michelisi, 271. odontoptcroides, 271. orthophyllum, 271. pecoptcroides, 271. pseudadianthum, 271. ritzianum, 271. serresi, 271. waterkeyni, 271. Pteridophyta, 759. Pteriidse, 548. Pteris albertini, 294. albertsii, 191, 294. dakotensis, 232. erosa, 240. frigida, 191, 279, 294, 309. glossopteroides, 243. gronlandica, 191. longipennis, 191, 195. reichiana, 279. russellii, 240. slivenecensls, 294. Pterophyllum cretosum, 279, 280. germari, 280. reichianum, 279. saxonicum, 279. Fterospermites aurlculatus, 191. carolinensis, 212, 219. cordifolius, 191. crednerafolia, 212. longeacuminatus, 232. modestus, 203, 232. multinervis, 829. obovatus, 203. sternbergii, 828. undulatus, 236. wardii, 236, 240. Pterospermum cretaceum, 305. Puccinites cretaceus, 294. Pugnellus, 467. densatus, 92, 468. goldmani, 92, 468, 469, 913. Purpura naticella, 465. Purpuridse, 464. Pycnodonte, 572. pusilla, 96, 578, 929. radiata, 572, 573. vesicularis, 69, 96, 336, 337, 339, 572, 924, 925, 926, 927, 928, 929. Pyrenomycetes, 757. Pyrifusus, 456. cuneus, 92, 457, 46O. elevata, 92, 457, 462. marylandica, 92, 457, 912. monmouthensis, 92, 457, 459, 912. mullicaensis, 460. sp., 463, 912. subdensatus, 456. vittatus, 92, 457, 458, 911. whitfieldi, 92, 457, 461, 910. Pyropsis, 444. alabamensis, 435. elevata, 445. lenolensis, 92, 445, 453, 912. naticoides, 465. 1016 PALEOXTOLOGICAL INDEX octolirata, 451. perlata, 92, 444, 445. reileyi, 92, 445, 448. retifer, 92, 445, 452, 911. richardsoni, 445, 447. septemlirata, 92, 445, 449. trochiformis, 92, 445, 446, 448, 912. whitfleldi, 92, 445, 451, 454. Pyrula trochiformis, 446. Pyrus cretacea, 232. Q Quercus, 816. alnoides, 232. antiqua, 232. asymetra, 284. beyrichii, 279. calliprinoides, 251. castanoides, 284. charpenteri, 298. colpophylla, 249. cuneata, 232, 282, cuspidigera, 195. dakotensis, 232. denticulata, 195. dentonoides, 236. dryandrsefolia, 284. ellsworthianus, 232. eoprinoides, 208. eucalyptoides, 249. euryphlla, 284. ferox, 191. formosa, 284. glascoana, 232. hexagona, 232. hieracifolia, 191, 231, 284. hollicki, 208. holmesii, 208, 232, 243. 818. hosiana, 232. iliciformis, 284. johnstrupi, 195. juditb.se, 236. kanseana, 232. langeana, 195. latifolia, 232. latissima, 282. ledgensis, 282. lesqirereuxiana, 236. longifolia, 282. marioni, 195. montanensis, 234, 236. morrisoniana, 103, 208, 232, 318, 816, 954. multinervis, 243. myrtillus, 195. nelsonica, 249, 251. novae-eaesarese, 203, 208. occidentalis, 243. pachyphylla, 251. patootensis, 195. paucinervis, 282. platinervis, 244. poranoides, 232. pratti, 212. primordialis, 246. pseudochlorophylla, 249. pseudodrymeja, 299. pseudowestfalica, 212, 214. raritanensis, 203. rhamnoides, 232. rhoinboidalis, 284. rinkiana, 191. robusta, 276. rosmarinifolia, 249. salicifolia, 232. severnensis, 103, 208, 817, 953. sinuata, 232. sphenobasis, 284. spurio-ilex, 232. stokesii, 249. sumterensis, 214. suspecta, 232. thulensis, 191. troglodytis, 191. velenovskyi, 299. victoriae, 244. wardiana, 232. warmingiana, 191. westfalica, 191, 276, 299. westfalica latior, 284. westfalica oblongata, 284. westfalica obtusata, 284. wilmsii, 282. Uachiglossa, 421. Radiolites austinensis, 328. Radula denticulicosta, 601. reticulata, 600. Ranales, 831. Rapa septemlirata, 450. Raphaelia neuropteroides, 195, 271. woldrichi, 294. Raritania, 8OO. gracilis, 102, 203, 208, SCO, 951. Ravenalospermum incertissimum, 262. Reptescharipora marglnata, 74.'!. Reptilia, 347. Reptoflustrella heteropora, 740. Rhacoglossum dentatum, 271. heterophyllum, 271. Rhamnacese, 854. Rhamnales, 854. Rhamnites, 854. apiculatus, 104, 208, 232, 854, 974. minor, 203. Rhamnus acuta, 191. alatiformis, 263. PALEONTOLOGICAL INDEX 1017 discolor, 239. elegans, 239. goldianus, 239. inaequilateralis, 208, 232. mudgei, 232. novae-csesarsea, 208. orstedi, 192. pfafflana, 195. prunifolius, 232. revoluta, 232. salicifolius, 236, 239, 240. tenax, 219, 221, 232, 279. Rhizocaulon macrophyllum, 261. najadinum, 276. subtilinervium, 261.' Rhombopsis, 456. Rhopala primaeva, 279. Rhopalophyllum australe, 249. Rhus antiqua, 264.