CO M ,' LL1OTT BLAINE HENDERSON University of California Berkeley ELLIOTT BLAINE HENDERSON Dis, Dat an' Tutter" POEMS COMPOSED BY ELLIOTT BLAINE HENDERSON Author of the First and Second Editions of "Plantation Echoes" and "The Soliloquy of Satan" SPRINGFIELD, OHIO PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR 1903 DEDICATION This book is most respectfully dedicated to my dear friend, WILLIAM H. SYFERT, Columbus, Ohio, who has many times more than proved a friend indeed. Many, many years May you live, my old friend ! Three score and twenty, Four score and ten. The stuff that you're made of Is of sterling worth ! You don't find none better Here on this green earth. AUTHOR. CONTENTS De Progress ob Progreshun 5 De Raddekayshun ob Bruddah Jones 7 Fishin' Time 12 Way Down Souf 16 L,i'P Brae Sheep 19 Pawson Rowbuss Visits Sistah Tootles 22 De Cullahd Speekah 28 Po' L,iT Rastus 33 De Big Fow Cullahd 'Cepshun 35 Profuse Encomium 38 A Dahky Ditty 40 Pawson Johnson at Dinner 42 Uncle Ned an' de Mockin' Bird 44 Wishd Ah'd Rode Mah Hoss 46 Hus'el! 48 When de Fiah Am Kindlin' Hot . , 50 Be iprogrcss ob jprogressbun! To MR. C. W. WOLF, Columbus, Ohio. Feller citizens ob deez United States, an' extinguished constiterrunts ob dc universal do main, an' ladies ob de world-wide expanse: Ah rize to declah, proclaim, eulogize, ex- pulgate, frustercate, promulgate an' say: Parogorically on de effulgence ob de glorifi cation an' transcendency ob de progress ob de prcgresshun ob de twentieth century; fum de time dat Lazarus tarnd Ravens into Buzzahds an' backed up de waters ob de Mississippi ocean, till dey rized so high dat de worl' was in ker- clipse. Dis am er wonderful century! Mos' ex- croosheatin '. De age in which de posterity ob Adam views back an' down de bullervards ob de ages an' centuries, passed an' comin'. An' we find dat de bullervard am smoothed an' greased 'slick ez glass by de constant comin' an' passin' ob de various nations, in dey trans actions an' doings, in excervatin' de worl'. An' v:ho froo de instrumentality ob providence hab vitooperrated an' sallervated de extremity ob time, necessarily, an' done captivated an' twisted erbout de pinacle ob astronomy an' or- ganized de horrerscope ob dooterronony an' navigation so enthusiastically in sich er way an' manner ez to digest an.' disfranchise de pro verbial state ob antiquity beyond de posserbill- ities ob non realization, an' precipitation. Yes sah! dis am er great century! Puf- feckly mahbellous! An' it devastates, capsizes an' precippertates mah abberrishes mentality, when ah tries to 'splore de great an' mysterical regions ob mystery, fillerbusterin' de recon struction ob fundermental exclusion an' der jinein' hands wiff circumstances, catchin' de bull ob opposition by de tail an' dahby circum- ventin' an' preventin' de stoppin' ob de world's progress, an' frenollersizein' de frennerlogical conclusion ob valorism! An' ez Shakeerspire says we shall Vance on an' on, till we run pass de stars. Faster den race hosses. Yea ! faster den de kyars ! De clouds ob opposition will kerf rollic off wiff strife, an' we'll hab er gyarden ob eeden fo' all ob ah life. 2>c -Kaddcchaysbun ob ISruddab Bones. To MR. CLAUDE MEEKER, Columbus, Ohio. Yer honor, Jedge an' all de res' Ah rise to exkermunicate, To organize de tendency, An' splain mahse'f mos' adequate. De normity am mos' profoun'. De bruptness am personified. An' kose de tick tacks on boff sides, Projects us somewhut modified. Dey hain't no venue in dis case, De skrootiny am fas' planked down, De law am frusterkated so, De jurisprudence on dis groun'. Now see hyar Jedge, an' all de res', Ah's hyar dis mawnin' to exclaim Dat dis whol' tings er speeracy, To 'vick Brer Jones it am er shame. De fus' place ah hain't seed no law, In Blackstone ner in de almernack, To prove dat Bruddah Jones am stole, Dem chickens in dat coffee sack. How de dickens, in de fus' place Jedge. Ef ah mus' so vytrooperate, On sich inquisser kayshessness, Jedge, kin yo ' dis expaysheate ? Ah radicates de microscope ! An' generates debillity. To 'rase de tecknerkalities An' breeveate dis whol' decree. Yo' knows, Jedge, what ah's dribein' at, Ah's got de bull squall by de tail. Dis ani er hen roos argument, Ah specks some points am kinder frail. But doan' yo' tinks ah hain't befo', Had jes' sich hen roos' case lak dis ! Ah swah sah ! on dis rabbit 's foot, Dis case am frail ez "Oily Twiss." De tick tacks ob de circumstance, Defilleates de microscope. Dah being no loop holes in de law, Wiff dis case it am hard to cope. Ah's gwine to flosstercate erbit. On tings pertainin ' to sich stuff, Ah specks befo' ah breeveates, Ah '11 spaysheate Jedge li'l rough. Ah's somewhut handicapped mahse'f, Ah hain't prezaxly fixed fo' battle, De krosserskewshun ah done specks Desahs to stumpede me lak cattle. Kose Jedge, ah 'd lak to hab mo ' time, To zamin' in de law some mo', Ah kackerlates de ferment strong, An' kose Jedge, dey's lots mo' to know. All dis hyar ebb'dence 'pears to me Er swallord gnat an' er swallord camel! All dis stuffs jes' been Jedge, hatched up To git Brer Jones in de brahs an' bramel. Yo' kain't conspute deez fac's bejinks! Dey stan' ez stedfas' ez de spinks! Land sakes! Why Jedge it makes me tickle, In spite Brer Jones seems in er pickle. Ah's 'zamind whut shakespook done says, An' took er glimpse at Paul an' Peter. Brer Jones am vinderkated dah, In ebbry line an' ebbry meeter! Dey's lots ob pressure fotchd to bare, Dat's fundermental now an' den, An' abdeekates bumbasstickly, But dat doan' prove he stole er hen. De horoscope am sanctified ! De muskkerdine it am mos ' rude ! De allerbasker fermentates, De circumstances all am crude! Ah's toP geehosserfat once said De fillentroppic spirit am, Incopious an' regenerates, Wiffin de dusky race ob Ham. Dahfo' ah skribes mahse'f pro-tern To ax fo' habbiss korpusness. To extricate dis 'tanglement, An ' free dis brudder in distress ! Now Jedge dey's no use foolin' 'roun', Er dodgin' at dis, an' er dodgin' at dat. Fac's am done been done splained by me ; Dey's no use takin' titt fo' tatt! De adament inkulkates f ac 's ! De revised law disrupterkates. De prelude fas' ersimmerlates, An' swallers fac's an' massterkates ! Dey's no dygresshun ez ah spoze, To comprehen de pennetooch! Dey's nuff been flosserfied by me, To get Brer Jones plum out dis skrooteh. De spectacle 's extravagant ! De economics verified! Ah captivates de pinacle, An' all de res' Jedge am supplied! All dis am high pofettical ! Combussterbel ez kyaroseen. Er part an' paresoil theeorized, De mos' conglomrate ah's done seen. Brer Jones hain't stole no chickens, Jedge. He am er Christian good an' strong. He am er piller in de church, He nebbah's done er ting dat's wrong. Kose he laks chicken lak us all, An' nebbah r 'fuses ah mus' 'fess, When ebbah it am passed eroun', To kyarv hisse'f er batch ob bress'. 10 But he doan' 'low his appetite To make him do er ting not right ! He sho' loves wattahmillun, Jedge! Ah swah! he woulden' steal er bite. De dignity, Jedge, ob mah job Requires me to presippertate ! De sponserbillties frust on me, To testify an' approbate. Ah's sillerquized dis case er speck, An' trompd 'roun' all dis legal groun' Dey hain 't no afferbillity De krosserkewshun done am foun'. De parables reverberrates, De longitude done broadens out, Say Jedge, come down to chicken fac's Whut am all dis hyar fuss erbout? De climax am extemporized! De rectangle am hard to beat, Ah advocates de rule in vain, Ah moves we drap de gross reseat. So Jedge, ah winds dis case tight up ! An' klood dat it am time to stop. Ah hopes yo'll fertillize deez pints, An' over on mah issue flopp ! 11 jfisbin' Cime. To MR. E. H. SHARP. Blue bird an' de killdee Am er fiittin' by! Spring time chillun ! An' de fishin' time's nigh! Git de pole an' tackle An' we'll tromp down to de stream, Whah de fish bull an' de turtle Dah am jes' ez thick ez cream ! Look hyar Efram Sambo, Grabb dat spade an' dig some bait. Git up in er jiffy! Kaze we hain 't got long to wait ! Yo's slower den de ol' man, An' ah's sixty fow an' twenty, Go f otch us back er kyart load ! Kaze dis bait am li'l scanty! Dat Sambo, he am er critter, He's ez lazy ez Ike Skrimmin', He jes' needs er good cowhidin', Er some udder kine ob trimmin'. Ah wish ah was his daddy! Yo' bet ah'd make him walk it An' de time ah got froo wiff him He er picket fence could hopp it ! Rastus fotch mah backker An' mah pipe dah in de shanty! Come on wiff us Sambo! 12 Ah specks yo 's dug us bait er plenty ! AVhah's de poles an' tackle, Dog mah cats ! Whut's dat boy doing? Dat li'P po' brack raskul Keeps me brilein ' an ' er stewin ' ! Yo ' better come er flyin ' ! Yo ' li T white eyed pickerninny ! AYhah's mah pipe an' backker? Hain't yo' fotchd de ol' man any? Erpon mah soul ! Yo 's nuif To make me stomp lak massa Dixon ! Yo' tink wees got de whol' day Fo' er foolin' an' er fixin'? De older dat yo' gits Ah blebs de bigger fool yo's makin'! Look hyar stop yo' bawlin' An' yo' twiss'n' an' er shakin'! See hyar! whah's yo' mammy? Betsy? Fetch mah pipe an' backker, Bress dat ol' brack woman! Dey's no udder sweet jes' lak her! Well boys, we'll tromp Ercross de meadows To ol possum trott lagoon ! Tromp up li'F faster Kaze it's gittin' 'long to noon! Ah nebbah goes er fishin', 'Dout dis good ol' rabbit's foot! Ah kyars it right hyar, sah ! 13 In de leg ob dis ol' boot. Kaze ah bleebs in hants an' hoodoos, Dat day pessterkatcs erbout, But dis rabbit's foot an' pepper Soon will git 'em on de rout! It sho ' do break de hoodoo Dis ol' rabbit's foot ob mine! Tis good luck to de ol' man, Fetches nibbles to mah line. Ah nebbah goes erway Wiffout er bull fish An' er sucker To hab er big fish fryin' An' to 'vite in Sistah Tucker! When ah's froo er fishin', An' mah line won't hoi' no mo', Ah puts foots in de road An' den ah tromps back to de do', Ah hyar ol' Betsy singin', An' er hummin' at er song, "Ah wish mah ol' man Wiff dem fish would come erlong." Den ah ropp sof ' on de do'. An' she say, "ol' man Am dat yo'?" Kose it am mah Betsy ! It's yo' ol' man sho' fo' true! Den she frows de do' wide open, When she sees dah in mah han', De fish she shouts fo' glory, Grabbs de lard an' fryin' pan! Sich er sizzlin' an 'er Frizzlin' when she frows Dem in to frye! De pickerninnys file up, Smack dey mouves an ' bat dey eye ! An' de way dey keeps er shoutin', All de passel sho' do feel, De bull fish in de batter, Beats de possum an' de eal. Yo' tawk erbout yo' bacon An' yo' tawk erbout yo' greens, An' yo' tawk erbout yo' Hoghead cooked wiff Great big chunks ob leen, Yo' tawk erbout er fiddle An' er good ol' banjo tone, Dat strikes yo' in de ankle An ' dat koch yo ' in de bone. But dey's nuffin' makes yo' chuckle, An' dey's nuifin' makes yo' shout, Ez when yo's got er nibble, An' yo's fetched er bull fish out! Deri it's tromp ! tromp ! tromp ! We am totein' to de stream, Whah de bull fish an' de turtle Dah, am jes' ez fick ez cream ! IS IKAay 3>own Souf! To S. NKAL HAI.LOCK. Sing dat song once mo ' ! Miss Mandy. Jes' once mo', jes' ef ' yo' please. It sounds ez sweet Ez angel whispers An' de song birds 'mong de trees. It kyars me back ! way back yonder ! Way down souf ! Whah we tromp'd froo de Cotton fields, An' when ah hearts was sad, We sung dat chune, To make ah souls glad! Way down souf! Yo' know nuffin' bout dem days. Miss Mandy Dem was befo' yo' time. 'Sides yo's bin rar'd In er diffun' clime! Yo' nebbah had to work Fum de fus' horn bio' Lak we uster hab to hoe Till de sun sink'd lo', Way down souf ! 16 But we had good times Miss Mandy! Some good ol' times fo' sho'! 01' missy an' ol' massa, We didn' let 'em know! Yo' bet wees mighty kyarful When we had ah dance an' feas', Dat dey didn' git an' inklin' Ner er pinter in de leas'. When ah hyar dat chime Miss Mandy, Ah wants to step erbout An' do jes' lak de ol' fo'ks When dey uster sing an' shout, Way down souf ! Ah kin see 'ern now ! Ez dey raised dey voice to sing An' sot de ol' brack shanty In one great big ring, Way down sonf ! Dey'd fill up wiff de gospel At de soun' ob dat ol' chune, An' raise up Paul an' Lazarus When dey soul got in er boon, Way down souf ! 17 But dem day's done gone Miss Mandy. Dey's gone lak er dream! An' de oP fo'ks done 'cross 'd de stream But doh dey's gone an' ah's lef ' erlone, An ' ol ' age done creep 'd In decz ol' bones, Dey's er hankerin' feelin' Keeps er dribein' me back! Way down souf ! When er dahky is ol' An' his step comes slo', An' he totters lak er reed. When de sof winns bio', An* all his ties ob earf am dead, An' fo'ks all strange Whah ebber he tread, It 's de ol ' time chime Wiff er clah keen knack, Dat makes yo' feel new, Seems yo' youth comes back, Way down souf ! 18 SSrac Sheep* To DR. JOHN DUDLEY DUNHAM AND WILBUR DUNHAM, Columbus, Ohio. De li'l brae' sheep Tromp 'roun' all day, Way in de lonesome medder, He git los ' f um de res ' Ob de fol' an May Out in de rain drap wedder. He tuck 'imse'f up, Chuck full ob chill, An' lis'en, Sof 'ly lis'en, To hyar de massa Call fum de hill To tell dat he Am miss'n. He look eroun' An' peer en' peer, Wid er feelin' Kineder skeery. Den he tromp An' tromp Dis way an' tutter Till ergin ergittin' weary. 19 He sot down ergin Kineder solemn lak An' he drap his head In ponder Jes' er try in' hard To solve er way To git out ob His quander. But it seem De mo' he tink An' tink His head chucks up Wid muddle An' he tink an tink His se'f to sleep Till ergin He lay in er huddle. Finally he hyars De call ergin An' de po' li'l brae' Sheep waken, An' he hop up kineder slo' Lak he got er li'l' doubt While his chilly frame Keep shakin'. 20 Den he tromp off slo' An' he peep an' peep, An' he lif ' up his head An' lis'en, To hyar dat voice Call out some mo' To say dat he am missin'. Las' de call come slo' In er solemn tone, An' he stop an' peer An' lis'en, An' he caper wiff glee Fum bone to bone Kaze he kno' Dat he am missin'. An' he tarn his head To koch de pint Fom which de soun' Am trab'lin Den he stawt off slo ' An' he tromp an' tromp Til de massa Come up an' grab 'im. 21 Ipawson locus Visits Sistah (tootles. Howdy Sistah Tootles! Ah's jes j er passin' by. Thought I'd kindah drap in Let yo' kno' revival's nigh. Hain't seed yo' out to meetin', Ner Deacon Tootles needer, Yo ' know ah miss yo ' all Kaze yo's so good er stawtin' meeter. How's de ol' fo'ks an' de chillen? Tell me how dey's gittin' long, When yo ' doan come out to meetin ' Ah knows dey am sumpin' wrong. How's de ol' man's roomertism, How's his gout, his corns an' chills? Seems dis whole big human famly Mus' hab some de aches an' ills. Well ah guess it's bes' to hab 'em Kaze de Lawd he had 'em too. So we jes' well keep on trus'in' An' ah guess he'll fotch us froo. Paul he had 'em, good ol' Lijah, Moses an' de res' de flock But dey kep' dey foots er trompin' On de good ol' Zion's rock. 22 Doan' yo' kno' good Sistah Tootles, Ah's had trials dat prick 'd lak thorns. An' I'd git so glum an' muddled, Wished I'd nebbah done been born, When de fus' ting dat I'd knows ob Some good Sistah jes' lak yo', Would fotch 'roun' er great big Possum, sich stuff An' er chicken er two. Den right dah mah burden drapp'd off An' mah soul got light ez air An ' yo ' good ol ' pawson, honey Was widout an' ache er care. Well sah ! ef hyar hain 't de Deacon, Deed it dooz mah soul delight, Jes' er gittin ready am yo', Fo' to stawt out, well dat's right, Man mus' earn his bread an' butter In de perspire ob his brow, Diggin' tayters, wheelin' Turnips, makin' out ah guess some how. Hope yo'll make er lots ob money, Sabe de Pawson liV bit, Kose yo' knows de Bible pintly Says dis one ting, not fo'git. Good day Deacon, trus' de Lawd sah ! An' he'll fotch yo' froo alright, Ah '11 pray some too Fo' yo' bruddah, fo' ah goes To bed tonight. 23 Am dat Rastus? Come hyar sonny He am jes' de spit ob yo'. Got er head lak Bookah Wash 'ton Make er preechah ob him too, Yo' bin in de lasses, hain't yo? Stealin' shoogah fum yo' mammy. Yo's jes' up de same ol' trixins Lak dat boy ob mine call'd Sammy. An' dah's Sukie, come hyar honey Come an' shake de Pawson's hand. Siss yo's got de sweetes' chillen In mah Sabbath schoolin' band. See hyar siss, yo's lookin' splendid! Yo ' keeps gittin ' better lookin ' Yo' jes' lak some pecrt young lassy, Why doan' yo' hab yo' picter tookin'? Ah jes' wish yo' wasn't married Ah jes' wish yo' wasn't too, I'd jes' gwine an' fotch de papers We'd git married Dat's whut we'd do. Siss yo' wouldn't hab No 'jections would yo' Ef sich was de ease? Yo' am jes' de kine ob Sistah Fo' to be in sich er place. Yo' kin sing all kind of meeters, Yo' kin pray lak sixty, too Dey hain't nuffin' in church tactics Dat mah Sistah yo' kain't do. 24 Kose ol' Betsy she still totes roun' An' fo' years we's been togeddah, But ah telf yo' Sistah Tootles, She am 'trary ez Ruff weddah, She's so jealous, an' She's got so dat she frows Flat irons at me, Ebbry time ah's got er 'pinion Dat wiff her doan' 'zackly 'gree. Tings am gittin' too prekyaress Ah kain't stand de ting er tall, Why she shubb'd me in de fiah place Kaze ah mentioned Sistah Gaul. Kose ah nat'ly laks de Sistah 's 'Zacly lak de Lawd intended An' ah isn't gwine to slight 'em Doan' kyar how she gits offended. But ah guess yo's got er miff troubles Wiffout hyarin' mah tales an' woes, Kaze ah got mo' fo' to mention Den ah's in mah shack got clothes. See hyar Sistah Tootles, Ah's jes' tellin' Bruddah Bryahs Dat he oddah tas'e yo' cookin' Yo's de bes' cook in de choirs, Dey hain't no use er tawkin' Fum Sally down to Mandy, When it comes to ol' time cookin' Dey hain't no one lak yo' handy. 25 No ah tank yo' mah good sistah, Ah regrets ah kain't sot down, Kose yo' knows ahs lots ob visits Fo' to make erbout de town. Some de sistahs will git jealous Ef de Pawson doan' call 'roun' So ah mus' keep tings harmonious Ef ah specs to stay in town. Ah jes' had er minute sistah, But to yo' mah specs mus' make. Sis whut's dat er sotin' yondah? Am dat some dat ol' poun' cake? Look lak'somepun's boun' to happen Fo' to make me late some how, Sistah skewze mah fernal bruppness Jes ' er slice ob dat right now. Ah mus' say ah jes' kain't he'p it Yo's de bes' ermong mah sheep. Oh fo' Gawd sakes! Sistah Tootles, Hain 't yo ' gwine to some dat keep ? Umph! Yo' sholy lubbs yo' Pawson Yo's done proved dat ting, ah kno' Mah times up, ah knows, good sistah But it seems ah jes' kain't go. Whut yo ' gwine to do now Sistah ? Fetch some possum? Whut yo' say, Look er hyar de way yo's fixin' Ah woan' git erway to day, Kose yo ' hain 't ergwine to 'suit me Fotch whut ebbah dah yo's got, Hain't yo' got er few dem chittlins Kinder steemin' in de pot? 26 Hab yo ' ? Mah sakes Sistah Tootles Dis am bettah den revival, Dis am gospul, dis hain't flattah Dey's no one dat am yo' rival. Doan' git angry wift' yo ? Pawson, Ah doan' mean no 'fense er tall, Ah jes' feels jes' lak cne ob yo' Ebbry time ah makes er call. Had no idea dat ahs gwine to Hab sich sprizes 'frust on me Seems de Lawd am 'tinually boun' to Rain sich manna down on me, . Hope 'twill allus be er rainin' Ef sich stuff ez dis comes down, Ah hain't tickler 'bout no Mansion, 'bout no robe Ner 'bout no crown. What's dat clock er tickin' Sistah? Seben, er lebben? Ah mus' go I Wrap up somefim fo' de Pawson Kaze termorrow ah '11 eat some mo'. 27 2>c Cullabd Speekab! To DR. E. A. WHITMIRE, Columbus, Ohio. Mah frens an' fellah trabblers, Ah rise tonight to say, Dat ah feels mos' eppahzootic To be honored in dis way. Ah didn't kaekerlate Ah 's gwine to be de f us ' to speak, An' to buss in at dis juncture Seems it am er lots ob cheek. Ah hain't much on speech makin', Ah doan' lay no claim to sich, Ah's 'fraid befq' ah gits froo Airs gwine to swamp into de ditch. Ah's kinder skyard ah's gwine to Git de hoss behine de kyart ! So dat am pawt de reason Dat ah 's er li ? 1 ' skyard to stawt. Ah hain't much on skewce makin', Tryin' to wiggle out de hawness, Dis am er fac' ah speaks tonight, An' comes fum one dat's honess', Dis am big game fo' me tonight, Ah mus' say fo' to tackle, So dat am 'bout de reason, Dat ah feels jes' skyard er spackle. 28 Ah doan' know much 'bout grammah, Dahfo' nebbah de less ah specks, Befo' ah gits ha'f froo dis ting Ah '11 git loss in mah tex' De d 'suits am so permisskess An' so debillertates itse'f, Dat after 'vestergayshun Dey hain't nuffin' much dat's lef '. Ah useter preech er li'l' bit, Was called er fair exzortah ! But some de deacons rizzed er kick, An' cut mah salary shortah. Right den an' dah ah drapp'd mah trade, White washin' b'gin to follah. So when yo' need sich in mah line Yo'll find me in de hollah. Ah see so many hyar tonight Kin orate lak good Moses. Ah jes' kain't see how ise de one To speak, yo' good fo'ks choses, Ah sho' mus' 'gratulate mahse'f At dis great unckshess kineness An' pacify mah inmos' soul an' say, Dis am sublimeness, Sich honors frusst on me dis way It pessterkates me terr'ble! Ah's jes' plum drunk wiff joy an' glee, An' free fum all tings worr'ble. Ah retrospeckterkates er speck De pass down to de present, De 'vancement ob prosperity, Bobbs up jes' lak er pheasant. 29 Why ah jes' feels mos' hippnertized, Mah heart's combusskerated ! To hab sich good will ob yo' all, To be so enervated. De parr'ble ob mah dreams explode Far mo' den ah expected! Ah hopes whut ah's done said tonight. Will allus be refleckted. Dey's so much dat's to tawk erbout, Mah mine gits in confusion, In tryin' to exkervate some thoughts De differn' sides perroozin', But beings ah mus' be speedy. Kaze mah time am got er limit. De tings dat am less 'powtant, Ah '11 mah subjec' kinder trim it. Mah frens yo' all am 'sembled hyar, To abdercate great problem, Ah hopes yo'll labberate yo'se'ves Togeddah fo' to solb 'em. De copiousness ob fluency Absorbs mah aspirations, To sich er stent Ah hopes mah frens AA 7 ill he'p de cullahd nation! Kose ah debbillerates de fac' Dat we hain 't reached de zenith ! Whah 'v.ancement an' prosperity Am hubberin' in between us. De eagle am er roostin' high! He flopps his wings an' flutters, He koch er hoi' de Stars an' Stripes An' says we all am brudders. 30 Move on ye cullahd fo'ks! Move on! Jes ' lak de ship oh Zion ! Bf yo' kerilounce de Lawd will gibb Yo ' credit f o ' er tryin ' ! De bumbs may buss loss in de air, De shells crack loose an' whis'el! Jes' dodge ? un lak er porckyoopine March on lak Paul, de Pissel ! Ah takes de telescope ob thought, An' views beyond ol' Dixie! An' tings am kinder brilein' up An' gittin' mighty twisty! Jes' keep right on! Doan' make er turn, Jes' keep yo' foots er trompin' Fus' ting yo' know yo' all will buss Squrh in de harbor stompin'! De flosserfy ob de phrase Ah bleebs, de subjoc' signed befo' me, It's got me sort ah tangled At de same time kineder bores me I Ah Jaks to towk permisskuss Fus' one ting an' den de udder, Not tied up, but jes' let loose Lak er ship dat's on er skudder. Perskronnimy am one de tings Ah laks mos' pow'ful awful! Er ting ah laks to 'lusstrate 'bout When 3h gits pow'ful thoughtful. It patterrisk terkates mah views An' makes mah subjec' spicey! It jossellates de fo'kses up So dat dey doan ' git icey ! 31 But pollerticks am er nudder ting. Dat occupies mah tenshun! Ah '11 not abbrupterkate dis now, To gibb mah time extenshun' Mah time am flittin' mighty fas' Jes ' lak er big ball eagle ! Ah guess it's 'bout de time fo' me To out dis loop to wiggle! Ah hopes ah's spok'd hermet'cally In sich er way an' manner To glorify dis United States Dis great big 'Mer'can banner! Dat quadruped de dubb ob peace Kerfrolics 'roun' erbout us! De lion's done laid down wiff de sheep An' fears done tuck plum out us! N ow ef yo'll cleah yo' froats er spell, We'll hab er liT singin', Ah want yo' all to sot dis place, Jes' lak er cow bell ringin', Jes ' f row yo ' soul dow in de chune ! An buss out payteottic 'Rouse de white fo'ks off dey shinns Wiff er cheer dat's narrokocktic ! 32 |po' ILiT IRastus. To DR. C. E. MCCLELLAND, Columbus, Ohio. Little Rastus feelin' blue Po' li'l 'Rastus! Out o' sorts an' gloomy, too! Po' li'l' Rastus! Broke his little hobby hoss. Makes de little fellah cross. Doan' cry, honey, 'tain' much loss. Po' li'l' Rastus! He jes' wo' out, rompin' 'roun', Po' li'l' Rastus! Git up, honey, fum de groun'. Po' li'l' Rastus! Look ee dah, dun spiled yo' dress, An' it am yo' Sunday bes', Now hain 't yo ' er poody mess ! Po' li'l' Rastus! Whut dat stickin' on yo' han'? Po' li'l' Rastus! Yo' bin in de 'lasses can. Po' li'l' Rastus! Whut dat whut de Bible say 'Bout de chile dat steal day 'way? He '11 go whah de bad man stay ! Po' li'l' Rastus! 33 Dat ol' bad man am er sight. Po' li'l' Rastus! Cum er sneakin' 'roun' at night. Po' li'l' Rastus! Cum an' koch yo' when yo' sleep, Den he take er great big leap ! Down er hoi ' dat 's way down deep ! Po' Irl' Rastus! Cum hyeah, KV wooly head. Po' li'l' Rastus! Gwine to tuck yo' way to bed. Po' li'l' Rastus! Leek ee dah, de day dun gone ! Shaddahs streamin' th'ew de co'n, Sleep until de sunlight dawn ! Po' li'l' Rastus! 34 2>c "Big Jfow" Gullabd 'Gcpsbun. To DR. SHERMAN LEACH, Columbus, Ohio. Was yo' at de dance an' 'sepshun? At siss Poodle's Chevvsday night? Didn't git no inbertayshun ? Sut'ly yo' she didn't slight! 'Tis de troof ah tells yo', Liza, All de bes' fo'ks in de town, Multitnded dah toegeddah, Dey was dah fo' miles eroun'. Plain 't no stretehin' ob de blanket, All dem f o 'ks was dress to def ! Not er tryin' to be puzzumpshus, Dis ol' gal looked right herse'f ! Snkie Razzah, Tootsy Dewdrap, Roxy Hurdle 'ceived de gess, Dat was 'pozed ob tony dahkys Fum de Norf, Souf/Eas' an' Wes', When dey stawtediip de dancin', Roozlum Jacobs ! Rome did howl ! Oh mah foddah ! But yo' oddah, Seed ol' prancin' Sistah Owl! She's jes' lay in' back on dat dahky Come fum Dixie hyar las' June, He's de mugwump tried to make us, Bleeb he was some 'pawton coon. 35 Allus frowin' out words jawbreakers, Struttin' tarnin' up his nose, Wiff dat great big bee gum hat on An' dem yaller striped cloze! He was bowin' an' er scrapein' At de women all de night ! Gibb de debbil his belongins' Mus ' say he was mos ' perlite ! Mah ol' man was jes' er steppin', Wiff his sizzah tailor coat ! An' dem yaller legged pantaloons, Dey was loud ernuff to vote ! Oh his hyar was combd an' pawt'd, Looked ez slick ez winder glass ! An ' wiff bohgomo ' he 's 'f ewmed up, An' he's nimble ez er bass! When de fiddles struck de po'kah, Umph ! Ah koch 'd ' im by de wing ! Lif mah pickahdilly trailah, Oh but how we bof e did swing ! Pus' de slutein' ob yo' pawtners, Den de hop skipp an' de jump ! An' some mo' kerflootin' tick tacks, But we got dah ebbry plump ! Pawt de time dey was er mix up An' er rumpus on de flo'! But de dahkys somehow managed Fo' to keep de ting er go ! 36 Sich er huggin' an' er squeeziii'! Sich er bobbin' up an' down! Pawt de time ah tootsy woot sees, Wasn't techin' tall de groun'! Jes' we's 'bout to spred de eagle, Frisky doubtin' Thomas Joe, Got bofe foots mix'd up wiff Sambo's Fell an' nahly broke his toe! Jes' de same he kep' er tarnin' Lak er pickerninny 's top ! Long's de fiddles was er sawin' Yo' couldn't make de dahky stop ! He was dancin' in de middle, Nex he's shufflin' neah de wall, Doan' kyar how dey bumpd ergin 'im, Dey eouldn' make de raskul fall ! Lawd! his foots dey mus' hab measured, Twenty inch f um heel to toe ! It didn' make er bit er diffunce Not er secon ' was he slo ' ! When we quit to go to supper, Sich er feas' yo' nebbah seed! When or Sukie gibb de signul, Wished yo'd seed us take de lead ! Good by Liza ! Lawd er mussy ! Ah mus' go git dat washun out! Fo' dem white fo'ks, ef ah doan' Dey'l crack dey whip an' make me shout ' 37 B profuse JSncomium* To DANIRL J. RYAN AND C. H. CARPENTER, Columbns, O. Lookin' nice to-night, Miss Liza, Yo's out dressed 'em all to-night. Wid dat ah so f rusterkaytun Yo' so dazzlin' in de light! Please doan' 'strew mah wurds fo flattah Spoken incandessenly, But! wid mutuallistie frankness 'Cep 'em fabbrykayshenly. "Thank you, Mistah Johnsin', Do yo' think I look so fine? 'Deed sah, Mistah Johnsin', Yo' so asterroshus kine. Woan' yo' sot beside me An' conversykate er while, Please doan' hab no skooples Kaze Ize togged up in dis style. ' ' "Yo's suppassed yo'se'f, Miss Liza, Quiv-vah-kay-shah-ently gran', An' yo' grace dis runkshus 'kayshun Lak one fum de glory Ian'. Ef yo' hab no inter jeckshuns Will yo' dance er step wiif me? Kaze sech 'joicin' frollerkayshun Gibbs fellerisher-tish-shus glee." " 'Skyoose me, Mistah Johnsin', I doan ' kyah^ to mingel late, I would raddah be specktayshus Sotin' hyeah wid Mistah Gate. Not dat I doan ' d ' sah yo ' tenshun An' doan' preeshee-ate yo' 'ques', I prefer tran-quil-ler-kayshnn Sotin' lookin' at de res'." " 'Cept' mah 'pology, Miss Liza, Fo' mah troo-ser-tay-shus 'ques'. I jes ax'd yo' fo' politeness, Tho't yo'd lak to jine de res'." " 'Tain't er bit o' trooshun, Mistah Johnsin ', not at tall ! I may grant yo' axin' When we 'ten' sum uddah ball." 39 H Dabky 2>itty. To DR. M. D. PITCH, Columbus, Ohio. Oh Dahky stop yo ' moanin ' I Oh Dahky stop yo' sigh! De sun am 'way up yondah Er Blazin' in de sky. De vines am full o' millens De apples tarnin ' yaller ! De sugar corn's in tassel Down yondah in de holler. Down yondah in de holler Down yondah in de holler, De sugar corn 's in tassel Down yondah in de holler ! Oh Dahky stop yo' fussin'! Oh Dahky stop yo' pout! De yam ! yam ! sweetah tayters De groun ' am buss 'in ' out ! Dis hain't no time fo' weepin' Hit's time fo' juberlee! So wipe o' way de drippins, Fill up yo' soul wif glee! FIJI up yo' soul wift' glee! Fill up yo ' soul win: glee ! An' wipe o' way de drippins Fill up yo ' soul wift' glee ! De Jaybird's chattin' gaily, De Peacock struttin big ! De fox am lookin' cunin' Er Blinkin' at de pig; De bull frog am er croakin' Er coolin' in de bogg De summer dreams am soothin' De lazy lonesome dog. De lazy lonesome dog, De lazy lonesome dog, De summer dreams am soothin' De lazv lonesome dog. Ipavvson Johnson at 2>inncr< To PROFESSOR WM. O. VINKY, Indianapolis, lad. AND C. W. DORFLINGBR, Columbus, Ohio. He'p you'se'f, mah bruddah, Jes' make yo'se'f at home! 'Kaze yo ' am no stranger To Siss Wiggle Sloam. Go 'head on dat chicken, 'Kaze it tissen skace! "Doan' yo' worry, sistah, I is in no has 'e ! "Lan' sakes, Sistah Wiggle, You' treat me lak er king! Ha! ha! 'skewze me, sistah, One mo ' chicken wing ! Tote me few dem waffles, Chitlins good an' hot ! Ebbah ting ise eatin' Trabbles to de spot! 42 Lawd Gawd ! Sistah Wiggle, I jes' seed dat 'possum! Hiden' an' er grinin' 'Hine dat sunflow ? r blossim ! 'Fo' I'd let dat possum Git out o' mah sight, Th'ow erside mah Gospel, To delas' I'd fight! Bruddah, kain't yo' sortah Gibb er little teas'? 'Deed I kain't, Gawd knows it, Whah dey 's possum roas ' ! Feed de lambs, mah Sistah, Whut de good book say ! Yo's fulfillin' Scripshah Treatin' me dis way! 43 Ulncle 1Hcd an' dc Bird. Bruddah Mocking Bird, Yo's moighty lazy. Yo' doan' do nufin But sing dat song, Till de daylight's gone An' de night cum 'long. Er coon has got to hoe an' hoe, Till de sinkin' sun Tells de day to go. Lawd, but yo' sing So pow 'f ul sweet ! Perched up dah, In yo' leafy seat. Is yo' lonesum? Does yo' hea't feel sad? 'Pears to me Dat yo' soul feels glad. Ez Ise wockin' hard, Sweet ez de cloveah Yo 7 song Floats obeah, Way in de co'nfield Whah de medlark sings, Up in de bough Ub de tree it clings. 44 Yo' nebah wock But yo' bread is sho', Out in de yahd; 'Fo' ebbrv do', Sum kine han' Th 'ows de little crum ! Kaze dey kno' fo' sho' Dat yo' boun' to cum. De good Samaritan Part dey play. Let yo ' go 'way 1 Hungry ? No ! Dey nebah wood, Kaze de Lawd wood say Dat dey wasn't good. I kinedah lak To hyeah yo' sing, Ef yo' is too lazy To flop yo' wing, Sing on, Fill de worl ' wiff song. I mus' be gittin' Mali wock er long. 45 Uflfsbed I'd IRode 1THab -Hoes. To DR. E. J. WILSON, Columbus, Ohio, and E. G. BURKKAM, Editor of Columbus Dispatch. Rode on dat ah 'lectric kyah ! Wished I 'd rode mah hoss ! No musstake it raised mah hyah ! Oddah bin er long ! Nebbah seed sech runnin' son! Swo' we's flyin' to de sun! Tho 't dis dahky 's days was dun ! Wished I'd rode mah hoss! Gee ! dat ting did split de ah ! Wished I 'd rode mah hoss ! Nuffin' win" it kin cornpah! Oddah bin er long ! Ebbry ting wuz blurred in sight ! Dus' flew higher den er kite ! Kooden' tell de lef ' fum right! Wished I 'd rode mah hoss ! When she struck eroun' de kyerve, Wished I'd rode mah hoss! It unstrung mah ebbry nerve! Oh, but I did squirm ! Oh, she kyahd us down de line ! No hobo kood stuck behine! Ef he had he'd gone stone bline! Wished I'd rode mah hoss! 46 Now an ' den she sortah reel ! Wished I'd rode mah hoss! Stirred me up fum head to heel ! Lawd but I did quake ! Tawk erbout er pow'ful prah! I sho' made one den an' dah ! Strain was mo ' den I kood bah ! Wished I'd rode mah hoss! Once I hyeahd er moighty crack ! Wished I'd rode mah hoss! Tho't she's gwine to leeb de track, Oddah seed me, Chile! I felt mos ' prekareyus, son ! I hain't tawkin' jes' fo' fun! Tho't dis dahky's day was dun, Wished I'd rode mah hoss! 47 WlisbcU H'cl IRode HTlab floss To DR. E. J. WILSON, Colnmbus, Ohio, and E. G. BURKKAM, Editor of Columbus Dispatch. Rode on dat ah 'lectric kyah ! Wished I'd rode mah hoss! No muss take it raised mah hyah ! Oddah bin er long ! Nebbah seed sech runnin' son! Swo' we's flyin' to de sun! Tho't dis dahky's days was dun ! Wished I'd rode mah hoss! Gee ! dat ting did split de ah ! Wished I'd rode mah hoss! Nuffin' wifit' it kin cornpah! Oddah bin er long ! Ebbry ting wuz blurred in sight ! Dus' flew higher den er kite ! Kooden' tell de lef fum right! Wished I'd rode mah hoss! When she struck eroun' de kyerve, Wished I'd rode mah hoss! It unstrung mah ebbry nerve! Oh, but I did squirm ! Oh, she kyahd us down de line ! No hobo kood stuck behine! Ef he had he'd gone stone bline! Wished I 'd rode mah hoss ! 46 Now Wished I'd rode mah boss! Stirred me up fum head to heel ! Lawd but I did quake! Tawk erbout er pow'ful prah! I sho' made one den an' dab! Strain was mo ' den I kood bah ! Wished I 'd rode mah boss ! Once I hyeahd er moighty crack ! W T ished I'd rode mah boss! Tho't she's gwine to leeb de track, Oddah seed me, Chile! I felt mos ' prekareyus, son ! I hain't tawkin' jes' fo' fun ! Tho't dis dahky's day was dun, Wished I'd rode mah boss! 47 fHus'el. To DR. J. H. J. UPHAM, Columbus, Ohio. Doan' lag an' fool Erlong de way Hus'el! Doan' 'spec' to do All in er day Hus'el! Things will cum Out by an' by, Musen' stop To stew an' sigh. Den's when success May be nigh Hus'el! Take no time Fo' lookin' back Hus'el! T' see whose cumin' On de track Hus'el! Ebbry time Yo's losin' groun', Time yo' take Fo' gawkin' 'roun'. Ef yo' 'spec' To git er crown Hus'el! 48 Ef yo' 'spec' Er erood co'n crop ^Hus'el! Nebah git it Ef yo' stop Hus'el! Ef yo' 'spec' De corn to gro' Full co'n stawks In ebbry ro', Doan' be skaid To use de hoe Hus'el! Take no time To argufy Hus'el! T' make sum fellah Out er lie Hus'el! Ha'f de time Yo's losin' win', Same time doin' Er li'P sin. Aftah all Yo' nuffin in Hus'el! 49 Wflbcn dc tffab am HCiiHtlin' ffot. To ROBERT PAYNE and MAJOR J. C. FULTON, Columbus, Ohio. When de sno' it am er fall in', Winds er whizzin ' down de lanes, An' de fros' it am er freezin' Fo' yo' eyes erpun de panes. Whut am beddah den er neslin' 'Roun ' er fiah dat 's roas 'in ' hot ? Fo' er pickahninny dahky Hain't er mo' enchantin' spot. When de breezes am er moanin' An' de sun am sinkin' lo', An' de gloomy clouds an' shaddahs Geddah 'roun' erbout yo' do'; When yo ' hyeah de co 'n er poppin ', See de cidah all er foam, In yo' soul de joy an' gladness Seems eroun' erbout to roam. An' yo' granny am er hummin', Cat er purrin' on de rug, An' yo' git er sniff de burbun Dat am steamin' fum de jug Umph! de berry 'maggahnayshun Makes er puson think it's real. It am glory ! Hesh yo ' mouf , sah, Doan' yo' ax me how yo' feel. 50 All yo ? troubles an' yo' burdens Seems to take de swif 'es flight ! Tears yo' berry soul am lif 'ed To dc blissful mountain heights! Whah le lan's erfT wiff honey, Streets an' alleys paved wiff gol', An' de simphonnies o' heaben's Got er sweetries' kaint be tol'. Yo' kin sing de song o' Moses, Shout yo'se'f clah to de sky ! Pickahninny 's den in cloveah, No time den to weep an' sigh. Let de sno' keep on er fallin', Let de breezes whizz an' moan, Longs er pickahninny 's nestlin' 'Roun ' er hot fiah ub his own. 51 DS