GiFT OF ^ur-eau oi' railway econo:iiics n ' / ^7 n 1 ^i)t 0vtitv of iKlailroab tlTele^rapJjers SCHEDULES and WAGE SCALES IN EFFECT December 31, 1917. EMPLOYES REPRESENTED: Train Dispatchers Block Operators Train and Tower Directors Signalmen Telegraphers Levermen Station Agents Interlockers Telephone Operators StafFmen Line Repairers PUBLISHED BY THE ORDER OF RAILROAD TELEGRAPHERS GENERAL OFFICES: STAR BUILDING, St. Louis, Mo. H. B. Perham, Pres. T. M. Pierson, Second Vice-Pres. C. B. Rawlins, Grand Sec. and Treas. G. D. Robertson, Third Vice-Pres. W. T. Brown, First Vice-Pres. J. J. Derraody, Fourth Vice-Pres. E. J. Manion, Fifth Vice-Pres. BOARD OF DIRECTORS J F. Miller, Chairman B. E. Nason, Secretary George 0. Forbes G. E. Soyster H. G. Alexander VON HOFFMANN PRESS 1918 FOREWORD This book contains schedules and wage scales in effect December 31, 1917. It has been a difficult task to get copies of all the schedules and wage scales in existence, and there are twelve missing from this compilation because no copies were available. In some few instances the rate of wages has been raised above what is herein shown, but in no case are there any reductions in the rates. In the back part of the book some agreements with the various Express Companies are shown, where station agents act in a joint capacity as agents for the Express Companies. On December 28, 1917, the United States took possession and assumed control of the railroads. A Director General of Railroads was appointed and a Railroad Wage Commission. This constitutes an epoch in the work of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, and it is meet and fitting that its work and achievements up to this time should be made a matter of record, hence the compilation of existing schedules and wage scales. It is confidently expected that it will be necessary to print and publish revised editions of this work from time to time as there is much remedial work yet to be done. \ Yours fraternally, H. B. PERHAM, President 317060 Schedules and Wage Scales. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Company This schedule applies to all telegraphers and station agents' positions specified in the .iccompanying wage scale. When new posi- tions are created, these rules and regulations will apply to them. ARTICLE I. 1. Preference in promotion and retention in service will be given to the oldest em- ployes in service, provided they are, in the judgment of the proper officers, fully quali- fied. 2. Agent-operators and operators will be eligible to promotion for train dispatching and station service positions, provided they are, in the judgment of the proper officers of the company, qualified for advancement. ARTICLE II. 1. Seniority will be effective and date from the last time entering service. Seniority will apply when vacancies occur or new po- sitions are created. Operators will not gain seniority as agent- operators, but will be eli- gible for the ixjsition of junior agent-oper- ator. 2. Seniority lists will be kept by the super- intendent, which will be available to all em- ployes affected who are in actual service, and in the event of vacancies the men will be given notice and opportunity to apply for same in the order of their seniority. (Note: — The superintendent will furnish to .agents and operators information in respect to their age in the service upon inquiry and will give a list to local chairman upon re- quest.) Employes declining promotion to any po- sition do not forfeit seniority rights to it or any other position, when a vacancy oc- curs. 3. Exchanging positions will not be per- mitted except for good reasons and with the consent of the superintendent, the local chairman and all employes holding seniority over the employes desiring to exchange. 4. In reducing force, the men displaced will ralieve the youngest assigned operators and will retain their seniority for fiiture promo- tion. ARTICLE IIL 1. At offices not continuously operated, ten consecutive hours (excluding meal hours) will constitute a day's work. Telegraph of- fices will not be closed for the night without •"permission from the train dispatcher. The regular hours, so far as practicable, will be from 7:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. Where two men are employed, working and meal hours will be arranged by the proper authorities. 2. At offices operated continuously, nine hours will constitute a day's work. ?,. When required by competent authority to remain on duty for telegraph service or meeting trains in excess of the regular num- ber of hours as provided in paragraph 1, agent-operators or operators will be paid overtime at the rate of thirty-three (33) cents per hour. (Interpretation: — If an agent or operator should be held on duty eleven hours and thirty minutes consecutively, he shall be al- lowed one hour overtime.) 4. A flat allowance of $5.00 per month will be made to agent-operators or operators for nteeting trains between the hours of 9:00 p. m. and 6:30 a. m. ; nothing to be allowed at night telegraph stations. 5. For emergency calls, after being released by the dispatcher as per paragraphs 1 and 2, they will be paid fifty (50) cents for the call and the first hour's service and will be paid thirty-three (33) cents per hour for each hour held on duty thereafter. 6. In computing overtime, less than thirty minutes will not be counted; thirty minutes and less than sixty will be counted as one hour. 7. Forms for reporting overtime will be furnished all offices.^ Overtime will not be allowed vinless the claim is forwarded to the superintendent within forty-eight hours after overtime is made. Employes will be promptly notified when claim for overtime or compensation or any other account is not allowed. 8. Doubling will be paid at the overtime rates except when the regular rate is higher the pro rata rate will apply. ARTICLE IV. At stations where section masters reside the agent will be relieved from care of switch lamps. ARTICLE V. Agent-operators and operators will be ex- cused from telegraphic duty on Sunday whenever it is practicable without detriment to the service. Agent-operators and operators who have been in the service of the company for a period of not less than two years and who are required to work on Sundays and legal holidays on the average as much as one- lialf the number of hours constituting a reg- ular day's work in the positions occupied, shall be granted fifteen days' leave of ab- sence each year thereafter with full pay. This leave of absence shall be taken at such lime as the transportation conditions permit and shall be arranged with the proper officer so that no more men may be absent at one time than the good of the service will per- mit. If leave of absence cannot be granted within ninety days after application, fifteen days' pay will be allowed in lieu thereof. In determining the number of hours of service rendered on Sundays and legal holi- days the employe required to meet trains on such days shall be considered to have worked one hour's time for each train so met. ARTICLE VI. Day operators will be allowed one hour between 11:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. for mid- day meal, and night operators will be al- lowed one hour between 11:30 p. m. and 2:00 a. m. for meal, but must get permission from the dispatcher before leaving office. If they are not relieved forty-five consecutive Schedules AND Wage Scales. minutes within the time specified, one hour overtime will be allowed. When the meal hour is missed, thirty minutes will be al- lowed at the first opportunity. When em- ployes covered by this agreement are taken from their regular positions to work extra, they will be allowed $1.00 per day for ex- penses in addition to their regular rate of pay. ARTICLE VIL Agent-operators and operators required to attend court as witnesses for the company will be allowed regular pay, transportation to and from and reasonable expenses; all court fees, etc., to be paid to the railroad company. ARTICLE VIII. For performing duty at wrecks, washouts, or similar emergency offices, operators will be compensated at their regular rate of pay and in addition allowed a reasonable amount for expenses incurred, including time con- sUrned in traveling to and from; provided, however, they shall not at the same time receive compensation for duties at their reg- ular offices. ARTICLE IX. Agent-operators and operators transferred by direction of the company will be furnished free transportation for themselves, dependent members of their families and effects and will be allowed regular pay while in transit and making such transfer, rate of pay to be based on position from which transfer is made. When employes covered by this agreement are temporarily transferred to a position paying a lower rate than their regular as- signment, ^ they will be paid at the rate of their regular wages; when transferred tem- porarily to a position paying a higher rate, they will be paid at the rate applying to such position. ARTICLE X. 1. Employes will not be dischargfed or dis- ciplined without just cause. If taken out of the service they will be granted an investi- gation, which will be made by the proper officer within five days, if possible, and in their presence. They will have the privi- lege of bringing to the investigation an em- ploye in similar service, of their own selec- tion. If found blameless, they will be re- instated and paid for lost time. 2. An employe feeling an injustice has been done him may always submit his case to his superior officer for consideration and review, and shall have the privilege of ap- pealing to the next ranking officer, pro- vided such appeal is made in writing within thirty days after the reviewing officer has rendered his decision. 3. The company will furnish each office a cop\- of this schedule. ARTICLE XI. This agreement is not intended to change any rate or commission now allowed. Thirty days' notice will be given of any change in these Rules and Regulations. Following is the scale of wages: WAGE SCALE. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Meehan Junction, agent-operator $80.00 Chunky, agent-operator 71.00 Hickory, agent-operator 85.00 Newton, first opr. and tkt. elk 81.00 Second operator and clerk 71.00 Third operator and clerk 71.00 Lawrence, agent- operator 71.00 Lake, agent 80.00 Operator and clerk 71.00 Forest, agent 100.00 First operator and clerk 71.00 Second operator and clerk 71.00 Third operator and clerk 71.00 Morton, agent 90.00 Operator and clerk 71.00 Pelahatchie, agent 90.00 Operator and clerk 71.00 Brandon, agent 75.00 Operator and clerk 71.00 Pearson, agent-operator 71.00 West Jackson, first opr. and car elk. 80.00 Second ORerator and clerk 71.00 Third operator and clerk........ 71.00 Clinton, agent-operator 75.00 Bolton, agent and first operator 92.50 Second operator and clerk 71.00 Edwards, agent-operator 92.50 Smiths, agent only 50.00 Bovina, agent-operator 71.00 W. V. HARVEY, Superintendent. Approved: LARZ A. JONES, President and General Manager. The Ann Arbor Railroad Company ARTICLE I. This schedule applies to all telegraphers, telephoners, and in addition, to the fore- going, such station agents' positions as are specified in the subjoined wage scale. ARTICLE II. When new positions are created, the com- pensation will be fixed to conform to posi- tions of similar class. ARTICLE III. Section 1. Employes will be regarded in line of promotion, advancement depending upon faithful discharge of duty and capacity for increased responsibility. When these are sufficient seniority will have preference, the superintendent to be the judge, subject to appeal. Seniority rights will date from the last time of entering the service as herein- after specified. Office seniority \vill prevail in relay office. Sec. 2. A list of employes will be prepared according to seniority annually on January 1st and copy furnished to the chairman of the telegraphers' committee, if he so re- quests. Schedules and Wage Scales. Sec. 3. Seniority will only be effective when vacancies occur or new positions are cre- ated, excepting as otherwise provided in this article. Sec. 4. When vacancies occur and new po- sitions are created, they will be immediately bulletined by "23" message at eleven (11) a. m., and telegraphers and agents will be allowed ten (10) days thereafter in which to make application for same. Sec. 5. Employes not promoted according to seniority will be given reasons in writing if requested. Sec. 6. When employes are transferred and after a fair trial are found to be incapable, they will take their place on the extra list, but will retain their seniority rights. Sec. 7. In event of reduction of employes, the junior employe will be the first laid off, providing the senior employes are equally competent. In re-employment, the oldest employe laid off will, if available, be given work first, if equally competent with a junior employe. ARTICLE IV. Exchanging positions will not be per- mitted unless for good reasons and with the consent of the superintendent and the chair- man of the telegraphers' committee. ARTICLE V. Section 1. Employes will not be, suspended or discharged without just cause. When they consider they have been unjustly suspended or discharged, they will have the right to ap- peal to the superintendent and then in proper order to his superior officer. Sec. 2. Employes disciplined or discharged and after investigation found not at fault, will be reinstated and paid for lost time, such investigation to be made within ten (10) days after request by party disciplined. Sec. 3. Employe charged with a discipli- nary offense shall have full opportunity to present his case and may be accompanied by a CO- employe. Sec. 4. Grievances must be taken up with the chief train dispatcher or superintendent within thirty (30) days; otherwise redress will be waived. ARTICLE VI. Employes leaving the service for any cause will be given a letter, if requested, signed by the superintendent, stating the time and character of his service and reason for leav- ing. ARTICLE VII. Employes attending court or being absent from their regular duties, on instruction from an officer of this company, will be al- lowed regular salary and approved expenses while away from home. ARTICLE VIII. Telegraphers performing duties at tem- porary offices, wrecks, etc., shall receive their regular wages and approved expenses. ARTICLE IX. Section 1. Where but one (1) telegrapher is employed, eleven (11) consecutive hours, commencing between six (6) o'clock a. m. and eight (8) o'clock p. m., including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. Except at Federman, Pittsfield and Annpere, where twelve (12) consecutive hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. Sec. 2. Where two (2) or more telegraphers are employed, nine (9) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work, except as pro- vided in Article X. Sec. 3. One (1) hour will be allowed for dinner, commencing between eleven-thirty (11:30) a. m. and twelve-thirty (12:30) p. m. When not allowed, one (1) hour at overtime rates will be paid. Meal hour will be given wherever possible to employes working nine (9) hours or less, but no overtime will be paid when such meal hour cannot be al- lowed. ARTICLE X. Eight (8) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work; at "AX" — Boulevard Tower; "XN" — Hallett Tower; "B" — Clare Tower; "CY"— Selma; "VO"— Frankfort, with the understanding that such additional time for proper transfer will be given. ARTICLE XI. Section 1. Employes who are called or who are instructed to come on duty before or after regular established hours, will be al- lowed fifty (50) cents for the first hour or any fraction thereof and regular overtime thereafter. Sec. 2. Employes will be allowed overtime when required by proper authority to remain on duty in excess of or outside of regular established hours. The rate of pay per hour for overtime will be based on the number of days per month, including Sundays, com- puted on the scheduled salary, but in no case less than twenty-five (25) cents per hour. Sec. 3. Employes, when required, will re- port for duty on Sundays at stated time, and if held for service will be paid at regu- lar overtime rates, with a minimum of one hour. Sec. 4. Employes required to meet pas- senger trains on Sundays will be paid over- time at regxilar overtime rates, but with a minimum compensation of twenty-five (25) cents per hour. ARTICLE XII. Employes will not be required to shovel snow or scrub outbuildings. ARTICLE XIII. When required to handle pumps, extra compensation of ten (10) dollars per month will be allowed. ARTICLE XIV. Agents and operators will not be called upon to clean switch lamps. However, it will be the duty of agents and operators to know that switch lamps are burning, and if they go out to re-light them. ARTICLE XV. Relief men will be paid salaries pro rata with the regular salary of the employe re- lieved, also their just proportion of commis- sion earned, and will be allowed full pay for the time lost in transferring from one sta- tion to another. Regular men doing the re- Schedules and Wage Scales. lief work will receive the same compensation as above, provided it Is not less than their own; and fifty (50) cents per day additional for the first seven (7) days when away from home. ARTICLE XVI. Emplojes who have been continuously in the service of the company for seven (7> consecutive years or longer will be allowed one (1) week leave of absence, each year, with full pay. If the company finds it incon- venient or impossible to grant leave of ab- sence, the employe shall be paid for one week extra service at his regtilar rate. The superintendent shall decide the time when vacations will be granted. Applications therefor must be made on or before January fifteenth (15) in advance of the time de- sired to be absent: vacations to commence April 1st. ARTICLE XVII. WAGE SCALE. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Frankfort, first trick operator $ 70.00 Second trick operator 65.00 Third trick operator 65.00 Beulah, agent 60.00 Thompsonville, agent 70.00 Day operator 57.50 Harlan, agent 55.00 Mesick, agent 65.00 Harrietta, agent 58.00 Boon, agent 57.50 Selma, first trick operator 62.50 Second trick operator 62.50 Third trick operator 60.00 McBain, agent 65.00 Marion, agent 72.50 First trick operator 57.50 Second trick operator 57.50 Temple, agent 57.50 Farwell, agent - 57.50 Clare, agent 72.50 First trick operator, joint 32.50 Second trick operator, joint 30.00 Third trick operator, joint 30.00 Rosebush, agent 62.50 Mt. Pleasant, first trick operator 65.00 Second trick operator 60.00 Shepherd, agent 67.50 Day operator 57.50 Alma, day operator 62.50 Ithaca, agent 75.00 Day operator 60.00 North Star, agent 57.50 Ashley, agent 75.00 First trick operator 57.50 Second trick operator 57.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Bannister, agent $ 57.50 Elsie, agent 62.50 Garland, agent 50.00 Owosso, operator "DI" 75.00 Corunna, agent 70.00 Vernon, agent 57.50 Durand, first trick operator 70.00 Second trick operator 65.00 Third trick operator; 60.00 Bjron, agent 60.00 Cohoctah, agent 57.50 Oak Grove, agent 57.50 Howell, agent 82.50 Day operator 65.00 Annpere, agent (joint) 32.50 Night operator (joint) 30.00 Chilson, agent 60.00 Lakeland, agent 70.00 Operator 55.00 Hamburg, agent 52.50 A^Tiitmore Lake, agent 65.00 Ann Arbor, first trick operator 75.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 65.00 Pittsfield, agent (joint) 27.50 Azalia, agent 55.00 Dundee, agent 85.00 Day operator 60.00 Federman, agent 50.00 Night operator 55.00 Samaria, agent 57.50 Hallett, first trick operator 70.00 .Second trick operator •. . . . 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Boulevard, first trick operator 70.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Toledo, ticket agent .- 70.00 Operator "A" office 72.50 Day operator "FD" office 67.50 Night operator "FD" office 67.50 ARTICLE XVIII. The foregoing Rules and Rates of Pay shall not be altered or amended except on thirty (30) day.s' notice. THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD CO., By A. W. Towsley, ' Vice-Pres. and Gen. Manager. Toledo, Ohio, March 29, 1917. Accepted for Employes: H. J. WERKMAN, Chairman. FRANK HOLMES, W. H. TIRRKLL. Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railway Company (EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1917.) ARTICLE I. These rules and regulations will apply to all telegraph operator.s, and such other em- ployes as are shown in the wage schedule embodied herein. ARTICLE II. (a) Employes covered by this agreement are in line for promotion. Where ability and other qualifications are sufficient, seniority will prevail, and date from the last entrance in the service on each division. Matter of competency and fitness to be decided by the proper official. (b) Employes as per Article one (I.) ac- cepting positions in other branches of seiw- ice, shall not forfeit their seniority until after the expiration of six (6) months, but may assert it by filing their application for vacan- cies or nev/ positions. (c) Seniority is effective when vacancies occur or new positions are created. Schedules and Wage Scales. (d) Vacancies and new positions will be bulletined to all offices on the division on which they occur, and a copy of all bulletins will be sent to the general chairman, and vacancies, will be filled In accordance with paragraph "a" of this article. A vacancy will not be permanently filled sooner than five (5) days and will be filled within thirty (30> days. (,e.) Employes declining promotion to any position do not forfeit rights to it or any other position when a vacancy occurs. (f) In the event of a reduction of force, seniority will prevail, ability and other qual- ifications being considered. (g) Seniority lists of employes on each division will be prepared by the super- intendent and a copy furnished the general chairman on application. ARTICLE III. Employes covered by this agreement will not be disciplined nor discharged from the service of the company without just cause, and may call for, within ten (lOj days, an investigation which will be held within ten (10> days after requested by the employe interested, who shall have the right to bring to the investigation another employe in similar class of service of his own selec- tion. No final record of dismissal to be made until after investigation. When an employe has been suspended and upon investigation the charges against him are not sustained, he will be reinstated and paid at the regular rate of his wages, for the time lost. The result of investigation shall be announced within ten (lOj days after same is com- pleted. In the event a difference cannot be satisfactorily adjusted with the superin- tendent, the right of appeal to higher officers is conceded. ARTICLE IV. When new positions, similar to those cov- ered by this agreement, are created, the rate of pay shall be fixed in line with similar positions included in the schedule. ARTICLE V. (a) At offices where one (1) employe, cov- tred by this agreement, is employed, ten consecutive hours, commencing between six and eight o'clock a. m. or p. m., including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. (b) Where two (2> employes, covered by this agreement, are employed, nine consecu- tive hours, exclusive of meal hour, will con- stitute a day's work. (c) Where three (3) emplo.ves are cov- ered by this agreement, eight consecutive hours, exclusive of meal hour, will consti- tute a day's work. (d) Ten (10) consecutive hours, including one hour for meals, will constitute a day's work for telegraphers in Fitzgerald and Man- chester relay offices. ARTICLE VI. (a) When employes, covered by this agree- ment, are required to remain on duty in ex- cess of the number of hours constituting a day's work in the performance of any serv- ice required by the company, they will be paid overtime pro rata, but not less than forty (40) cents per hour. (b) When employes, covered by this agree- ment, are required to report at a specified time before or after regular hours, they will be allowed fifty (50) cents for the first hour or fraction thereof, and not less than forty (40) cents per hour for each succeeding hour held on duty. (c) When called after being relieved from dut.v, fifty (50) cents will be allowed for the call, and first hour, and not less than forty (40) cents for each succeeding hour until relieved. (d) Doubling will be paid for at regular overtiine rates. Service performed at acci- dents, washouts, or temporary offices, will be paid for at the regular overtime rate. Time to be computed from the time they are called to report until they return. (e) When employes, covered by this agree- inent, are taken from their regular position to work extra, they will be allowed one dollar per day for expenses in addition to their legular rate of pay. (f) Employes will be promptly notified when claim.s for overtime, or compensation on any other account, is not allowed. (g) In computing overtime, less than thirty-one (31; minutes will not be counted. Thirty-one (31) minutes or over up to sixty (fiO^ minutes will be counted as one hour. (h) Rate of pay for overtime will be forty (40) cents per hour except where the regu- lar rate is higher, same will apply. ARTICLE VII. (a) When an employe, covered by this agreement, is temporarily transferred to a position paying a lower rate of wages than his regular assigninent, he will be paid at the rate of his regular wages; when trans- ferred temporarily to a position paying a higher rate of wages, he will be paid at the rate of wages applying to such position. (b) Employes transferred by direction of the cojnpany will be furnished free transpor- tation for themselves, families and effects, and will be allowed regular pay (except when being moved at their own request) while in transit and making such transfer; rate of pay to be based on position from which transfer is made. ARTICLE VIII. Employes, covered by this agreement, Avhose hours of duty are more than nine (9) hours per day, will be allowed sixty consecu- tive minutes for a meal between 11 p. m. and 1:30 o'clock a. m. and 11 a. m. and 1:30 o'clock p. m. If not relieved by 12:30 o'clock, one hour overtime will be allowed. This does not apply to exclusive agents. ARTICLE IX. Rea.sonable leave of absence and free transportation over the Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railway will be granted from time to time vipon request. ARTICLE X. WAGE SCALE. Station and Position Rate Per Mo. Atlanta Yard, one clerk-telegrapher. .$ 90.00 One clerk- telegrapher 82.50 One clerk- telegrapher 80.00 10 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Atlanta General Office, one teleg $ 85.00 Union City, one agent-telegrapher.... 68.50 Tyrone, one agent-telegrapher 60.00 Senoia, one agent- telegrapher 93.00 One clerk-telegrapher 66.00 One clerk-telegrapher 63.00 Haralson, one agent-telegrapher 66.00 Gay, one agent-telegrapher 77.00 Woodbury, one agent- telegrapher 77.00 Manchester, one agent-telegrapher. . . . 95.00 One telegrapher 85.00 One cashier-telegrapher 80,00 Woodland, one agent-telegrapher 77.00 Talbotton, one agent-telegrapher 85.00 One clerk-telegrapher 63.00 Mauk, one agertt-telegrapher 73.00 One clerk-telegrapher 63.00 Rupert, one agent- telegrapher 60.00 Ideal, one agent-telegrapher 77.00 Oglethorpe, one ticket agent-teleg 81.00 One agent-telegrapher 85.00 Two ticket agent-telegs 70.00 Montezuma, one clerk-telegrapher.... 74.00 Byromville, one agent-telegrapher.... 77.00 Lilly, one agent- telegrapher 77.00 Vienna, one agent-telegrapher 90.00 Cordele, one clerk- telegrapher 74.00 Double Run, one agent-teleg. (jt) . . . . 38.50 Rebecca, one agent-telegrapher 71.50 Fitzgerald, one telegrapher 90.00 One clerk-telegrapher 82.50 One clerk-telegrapher 71.50 Fitzgerald Shops, one agent-teleg 85.00 Osierfleld, one agent-telegrapher 66.00 Bushnell, one agent-telegrapher 60.00 Ambrose, one agent-telegrapher 60.00 Douglas, one agent-telegrapher 100.00 . One clerk-telegrapher 77.50 NichoUs, one agent-telegrapher 80.00 One clerk-telegrapher 66.00 Sessoms, one agent-telegrapher 63.00 Beach, one agent-telegrapher 60.00 Waycross, one clerk-telegrapher 74.00 Alma, one agent-telegrapher 77.00 Rockingham, one agent-telegrapher... 60.00 Coffee, one agent-telegrapher 60.00 Bristol, one agent-telegrapher 60.00 Brunswick, one clerk- telegrapher 80.00 Mystic, one agent- telegrapher 63.00 Tifton, one clerk-telegrapher 72.50 Omega, one agent-telegrapher 62.00 Norman Park, one agent-telegrapher.. 77.50 Moultrie, one cierk-telegrapher 71.00 Cooledge. one agent-telegrapher 71.50 Merrillvillp. one agent-telegrapher.... 61.00 Thomasville, one clerk- telegrapher ... . 75.00 Bullochville, one agent-telegrapher... 77.00 Stovall, one agent-telegrapher 60.00 LaGrange, one clerk-telegrapher 77.50 One clerk-telegrapher 69.00 One cashier- ticket-clerk-teleg 85.00 Roanoke, one agent.... 105.00 One cashier-telegrapher'. 80.00 One clerk-telegrapher 72.00 — One clerk-telegrapher 63.00 Wadley, one agent-telegrapher 80.00 Malone, one agent-telegrapher 60.00 Cragford, one agent-telegrapher 60.00 Standing Rock, one agent- telegrapher 85.00 Lineville, one agent-telegrapher 90.00 One clerk-telegrapher 69.00 One clerk-telegrapher 63.00 Pyriton, one agent-telegrapher 65.00 Erin, one agent-telegrapher 60.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Talladega, two clerk- telegraphers $ 74.00 One clerk-telegrapher ; . . 63.00 Arkwright, one agent-telegrapher 60.00 Chelsea, one agent-telegrapher 60.00 Pelham, one agent-telegrapher 67.50 One clerk-telegrapher 63.00 Be.ssemer, one agent-telegrapher 105.00 One clerk-telegrapher 85.00 Elyton Yard, one clerk-telegrapher... 80.00 Two clerk-telegraphers 75.00 ARTICLE XI. Employes covered by this agreement, who have been in the service of the company continually for one full year, will be allowed credit of one hour for each train required to be met and served on Sunday at points where only one person is employed, this to be paid at the regular overtime rate (forty (10) cents per hour) at the end of each month. If two or more trains are served within one hour, only one hour to be allowed. ARTICLE XII. For attending court as a witness for this company, employes covered b.v this agree- ment will be allowed their regular wages; the company will furnish transportation and allow expenses for board and lodging. The company will be entitled to certificates for witness fee in such cases. ARTICLE XIII. Employes, as per Article I, serving as general chairman, local chairman and gen- eral committeemen, will be relieved promptly on request, and granted such leave of ab- sence as may be necessary to enable them to handle their business. ARTICLE XIV. Eniployes covered by this agreement who are required to handle United States mail, and are not provided with a porter for the purpose, will not be required to carry to or from any one train mail to exceed in weight .sixty (60) pounds. This to be based on average for thirty-day period, 1. e., at any time an employe desires he will have the r'ght to request the superintendent to ^/eigh mail handled for any period of thirty days, and if found in excess of weight as per this Article, arrangements satisfactory to em- ploye will be promptly made or employe affected will be relieved of duty of handling mail. ARTICLE XV. This agreement shall remain in force for one year from July 1, 1917, and thereafter until either party desires a change, giving the other party interested thirty (30) days' written notice. Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railway Co., B. L. BUGG, General Manager. Accepted: For Agent-Operators and Operators. OWEN D. GORMAN, General Chairman. Schedules and Wage Scales. 11 Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company (EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 10, 1917.) ARTICLE I. The following- schedule of wages, rules and legulations will apply to all telegraphers, telephoners, agent-telegraphers, and to such other employes as are shown in the wage scale, except rules herein which specifically apply to telegraphers, telephoners and lever- men only. ARTICLE II. (a) Preference in promotion or retention in the service, within their respective districts, will be given employes, per Article I, who have been longest in the service, promotion dependent upon faithful discharge of duty, conipetency and capacity for increased re- sponsibility. (b; Hereafter the Jacksonville Terminal and Gainesville District will be considered a single district under this rule. (c> Seniority lists will be prepared by dis- trict superintendents in January and July of each year. A copy will be furnished to the local chairman on each district. (d) WTien new positions are created, or vacancies occur, the district superintendent will notify the local chairman on each dis- trict, to whom all applications will be sent, who vvill, in turn, within ten days, notify the district superintendent of applications for the vacancies. Vacancies will be filled permanently within twenty days thereafter. When such vacancies are filled the local chairman will be notified of the dates the positions are filled, and by whom. (e) Employes, per Article I, declining pro- motion to any position, do not forfeit rights to it or any other position when a vacancy occurs. (f) If an employe, per Article I, assigned to a position, becomes incapacitated or un- able to fill the position, he will be assigned to the extra list and will retain his seniority. (S) In event of reduction in forces, or when a position is aboli.shed, employes, per Article I. so displaced, shall have the right to displace any junior employe who has not been in the service five (5.> years, or go on the exti-.i list, retaining seniority. In event there are no employes in the service younger than five (5> years, the youngest employe may be displaced. Employee so displaced who have been in the service less than five (5; years, may displace any younger employe on the dis- trict; provided, that in the exercise of seni- ority under this Article, the employe is qualified to hold position, and provided fur- ther, that if the position abolished has been established less than twelve (12j months, ail emplo>-es affected will be required to re- turn to their former positions. (h) In filling temporary vacancies the old- est competent extra employe, per Aiticle T, will be given preference, except that em- ployes in any otHce will be given preference in filling temporary vacancies in that office. Any competent extra employe not otherwise employed may displace any younger extra employe, provided this does not necessitate an extra transfer of an agency; when dead- heading to or from such positions in the exercise of seniority, no compensation will ,^be allowed for time in transit. (i; In event of reduction in force in relay offices — "X" Rocky Mount, "D" Wilmingrton, "SF" Savannah, and "YN" Jacksonville — the employe, except manager in such offices, holding least seniority on the district, will be displaced, and he will be entitled to exercise his seniority as per paragraph g. (j; When positions which have been closed not exceeding six months, are reopened, they will be offered employes who held them when closed, provided such employes are still in the service. If declined by them, the positions will then be bulletined. (k) The trading of positions will not be permitted, except when agreed to by the dis- trict superintendent and the general chair- man. ARTICLE III. Rates of wages for new positions (telegra- phers or telephoners) will be based upon rates paid in similar positions, but not lesa than the minimum telegraph or telephone position on the district. This rule to apply to temporary positions or offices also. ARTICLE IV. In event the express agency (except by request of the agent) is withdrawn from an agency, the compensation of the agent will be readjusted to conform to rates paid at similar stations on the district where the agent does not also act as express agent. Should the express agency be re-estab- lished the railway salary will be reduced the same amount that it w^s increased at the time separation was made. ARTICLE V. (a) An employe, per Article I, will not be suspended without just cause; and will not be discharged without an Investigation, should he request it. When suspended he will be given a hearing within ten days, should he request it, and be promptly noti- fied of the action taken. He may have pres- ent at the hearing an employe in similar class of service, of his own selection, pro- vided such employe is in good standing on his district. (b) Should he feel that an injustice has been done him. he may submit his case to his superior officer for consideration, and shall have the privilege of appealing to the next ranking officer, provided such appeal is made in writing within thirty days. (c) Whtn required to attend an investiga- tion in which he is involved, he will be fur- nished transportation, but will not be paid wages for the time so consumed, unless the charges against him, in the judgment of the proper ofiicer of the company, be unfounded, when he will be paid full wages for the time he is suspended from duty. If found at fault, lime held off to be counted in sus- pension. ARTICLE VI. (a) For attending court as witnesses for this company, employes, per Article I, will be paid their regular wages. 12 SCHiaJULES AND WaQE ScALES. (b> The company will furnish transporta- tion and allow actual expenses for board and lodgings when away from their homes, such expenses to include any net loss in express compensation during such court attendance. The company will be entitled to certificates for witness fees in such cases. ARTICLE VII. (a) At offices where only one telegrapher or telephoner is employed nine (9> consecu- tive hours, including meal hour, commencing between 6:30 and 8:30 a. m. or p. m., will constitute a day's work. (b) At offices where two or more telegra- phers or telephoners are employed eight (8) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. (c> Twelve (12) consecutive hours, includ- ing meal hour, will constitute a day's work for non-telegraph or non-telephone lever- men, except in cases where the assignment is three (3> men working eight (8) hour tricks. (d) Telegraphers or telephoners kept on duty by proper authority for telegraph or telephone service, or meeting a train or trains, for a period longer than the hours prescribed in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c), will be paid overtime, actual time to be counted. (e) Telegraphers or telephoners required to return for service outside of their regular hours, after having been excused by the dispatcher, will be paid seventy-five (75) cents for the call and first hour, and over- time after the first hour until relieved. (f) Telegraphers or telephoners performing service at wrecks, washouts and in other emergencies, will be paid forty (40) cents per hour, or pro rata where that is higher than forty (40) cents, time going to or re- turning from such wrecks or emergencies to be included; time to be computed from the hour at which they report for duty, and will continue until relieved. (g) The rate of pay for overtime for teleg- raphers, telephoners and levermen will be forty (40) cents per hour, except where pro rata is higher, in such cases pro rata will apply. (h) Overtime will not be allowed unless reported to the proper officer within forty- eight (48) hours after such time is made. Blanks for reporting overtime will be fur- nished upon request. When overtime is not allowed, reason will be given and claimant will be notified within ten days. ARTICLE VIII. Telegraphers and telephoners will be al- lowed one (1) hour for meals (beginning and ending) between 11:30 p. m. and 1:30 a. m., and between 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. If not relieved for meals, one (1) hour over- time will be allowed therefor. This does not apply to employes working less than nine (9) hours. ARTICLE IX. Employes, per Article I, .will be excused from duty on Sunday when it is practicable to do so without detriment to the service. ARTICLE X. (a) An employe, per Article I, temporarily transferred to a position paying a lower rate of wages than his regular assignment, will be paid at the rate of his regular wages; when transferred temporarily to a position paying a higher rate of wages, he will be paid at the rate of wages applying to such position. (b; When transferred by direction of the company employes, per Article I, will be furnished free transportation for themselves, families and household goods, and will be alloYv'ed regular pay while in transit and making- such transfer; rate of pay to be based on position from which transferred. Free transportation for the families and household goods of new employes will be furnislied when lawful to do so, and when such employes have been assigned to regular positions and are actually in the service of the company. In making transfer they will not be re- quired to lose either day, in checking in or out, except when granted relief on per- sonal account other than sickness or when transfer is made in trading positions. In such cases the delay occasioned by transfer will be borne by such employe going and retiu-ning. (c) After five years' continuous service, employes may be transferred from one dis- trict to another, by consent of the district superintendents, and when so transferred they will retain one-half of their acquired seniority, not exceeding five years. They will be furnished a letter by the district superintendent, with a copy to the local chairman, showing seniority on the district leaving. Employe making transfer will take his place on extra list on district to which transferred, and will have the right to bid on vacancies, as per paragraph (d) of Arti- cle II. (d) When taken froin their regular posi- tions to work extra, they will be paid $1.00 per calendar day for expenses. ARTICLE XI. (a) Leave of absence and free transpor- tation, in accordance with the general regu- lations of the company, will be granted. (b) Employes who have been in continuous service of the company for a period of two or more years, who are required to perform any Sunday or legal holiday service, and who have a regular assignment, will be granted fifteen (15) days vacation each year without loss of pay. Employes entitled to vacation as above and who have been put back on the extra list through no fault of their own, will receive their vacation. ARTICLE XII. This agreement will not change any rate in effect or commissions paid by other com- panies. ARTICLE XIII. Employes promoted to official positions will / not lose their seniority, but while serving { in such official positions they will not be considered employes under these rules; their t seniority, however, will continue to accumu-. late. ARTICLE XIV. There will be no change in the foregoing rules and regulations, or wage scale, until after a notice of thirty days has been served. Schedules and Wage Scales. 13 Bay of Quinte Railway (TAKING EFFECT JULY 1, 1914.) ARTICLE I. All employes filling positions incorporated in Article XXVI will be considered Telegra- phers within the meaning of this schedule. ARTICLE II. When additional Telegraphers' positions ai-e created compensation will be fixed in conformity with that for positions oi the same class as shown by the attached wage schedule. ARTICLE III. All vacancies and permanent appointments will be immediately bulletined by a "23" message. Applications for vacancies must be made within ten days from date of bulletin. The right of promotion will extend over the System and will be governed by merit, fitness and ability; where these are suf- ficient the senior Telegrapher will be given the preference, the company to be the judge. A complete list of all Telegraphers, show- ing their seniority standing will be kept on file in the main Dispatcher's office, open to the inspection of all Telegraphers con- cerned. This list will be subject to correc- tion on proper representation from any Telegrapher. The seniority ef a Train Dispatcher as such will date from the time he was first ap- pointed a Trick Dispatcher, unless by his ow^n request he takes another position in the service under which circumstances his seniority as a Train Dispatcher will date from the time he was last appointed a Train Dispatcher. A Train Dispatcher will retain seniority in the ranks of Agents and Operators. A Telegrapher's seniority will date from the time he last entered the service as a Telegrapher. ARTICLE IV. When a Telegrapher is transferred by order of the proper official he will suffer no loss of time in consequence thereof, and will be allowed reasonable time (not to ex- ceed four days and without pay) to arrange shipping of his household effects. ARTICLE V. A Telegrapher declining to accept promo- tion in any instance does not forfeit his right to the same or any other position he may be entitled to under his seniority when a vacancy occurs. A Telegrapher on leave of absence when a vacancy occurs will not be debarred from claiming the position and receiving the ap- pointment on resuming duty, if entitled to it. ARTICLE VI. If a position included in the attached schedule is abolished the Telegrapher will be entitled to the position held by the junior permanently located Telegrapher. ARTICLE VII. When a Telegrapher of over a year's standing is assigned to a new position for which he has applied in accordance with his .seniority standing, and after a fair trial is found incompetent, he will take his place on the extra list, retaining his seniority rights, if his previous work has been satisfactory. ARTICLE VIII. Telegraphers accepting official positions in the company's service will retain their rights on the seniority list. ARTICLE IX. (a) The regular hours of duty will be specified by the Superintendent to all Telegraphers. If required for services out- side these hours they will be given an of- ficial order as authority, and excused in the same manner, and will be allowed overtime as per Article X. (b) The hours of all Agents will com- mence between the hours of 5 and 9 a. m. (c) Not more ' than twelve consecutive hours, including meal hours, shall constitute a day's work. (d) The hours of Dispatchers will be ar- ranged by the Superintendent from time to time, in accordance with the work required of them. ARTICLE X. Overtime will be computed pro rata on schedule wages, based on twenty-six days per month, less than thirty minutes not to be counted. Thirty minutes or over to count as one hour, rate to be time and one-half. ARTICLE XI. If a Telegrapher is called before or after office hours he will be allowed forty-five cents which will cover one hour's service. If kept on duty more than', one hour over- time will be allowed as prescribed in Article X. When a Telegrapher is required to at- tend a regular schedule train due to arrive at his station within three hours after his regular hours of duty, he shall be entitled to a minimum of one hour overtime for such service, and thereafter at the regular over- time rate. ARTICLE XIL Telegraphers required to work on Sunday will be paid extra pro rata on schedule salary for such service based on twenty-six days per month (any portion of an hour less than thirty minutes not to count, any portion of an hour thirty minutes or over to count as one hour) with a minimum com- pensation of twenty-five cents for each call, for which one hour's service shall, if re- quired, be rendered. ARTICLE XIIL The record of overtime shown on the Die- patcher's running sheet shall be the basis for settlement for overtime work each month. 14 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE XIV. When Telegraphers attend switch or sem- aphore lamps they will receive fifty cents per month for each lamp as such station Telegraphers will keep order board signal lamp in good condition and lighted when required without extra compensation. ARTICLE XV. A regular Telegrapher called away from home to relieve a Telegrapher will be paid a minimum rate of five dollars per month more than his regular salary. ARTICLE XVI. In case of reduction in the number of Telegraphers employed the junior Telegra- pher will be the first to be dispensed with. ARTICLE XVII. After thh-ty days' employment, Telegra- phers on application will have returned to them all service cards and letters of recom- mendation held by the company, except those required by the company, in which case certified copies will be furnished. On leaving the service, all such papers, except any previously issued by the com- pany will be returned. Telegraphers will also, on written request, and within ten days bB given a certificate of service stating time of service, and in what capacity employed, and whether dis- charged or leaving of their own accord. If discharged, reason will be stated. If de- tained over ten days awaiting certificate they will be paid wages at schedule rates for time in excess of ten days. ARTICLE XVIII. When a Telegrapher is suspended or dis- missed he will be advised of reason for such action; and a full and impartial investiga- tion will be held by an officer of the com- pany within fifteen days If requested by the Telegrapher, who will be advised of deci- sion within the following fifteen days. Telegraphers will be notified to be present at such investigation, and may be accom- panied by another Telegrapher without ex- pense to the company. He will, if desired, be given a copy of the report of his signed evidence if such evidence is written. Should he be proven not at fault at the investigation he will be reinstated and paid for the time lost at schedule rates, and will be paid irrespective of the decision when decision is not rendered within thirty days from date of charge. ARTICLE XIX. Telegraphers called to serve on Boards of Adjustment representing Telegraphers will be relieved on request of their chairman without unnecessary delay. ARTICLE XX. Telegraphers will be granted free trans- portation and leave of absence not exceed- ing two days to attend their meetings. -Leave of absence will only be granted when it will not interfere with the requirements of the traffic and the service, and pro- vided the company is not thereby put to an additional expense. ARTICLE XXI. Telegraphers attending court or investiga- tion at the request of the proper official of the company will receive the same compen- sation a.s if on duty, and will be allowed reasonable expense if away from home, wit- ness fees to be assigned to the company. ARTICLE XXII. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy, nor will a Telegrapher teach telegraphy on the railway premises without written permission of the superintendent. ARTICLE XXIII. When the handling of express or telegraph business for which a commission payment is allowed, is withdrawn from any Telegrapher, the wages will be adjusted to conform with that of similar stations in the same locality where such work is not performed by them. ARTICLE XXIV. Applications may be made to the superin- tendent direct for a revision of schedule. ARTICLE XXV. Telegraphers who have been in the em- ploy of the company four or more consecu- tive years will, on application prior to May 1st, be allowed two weeks' leave of absence each year with schedule wages. If the com- pany find it inconvenient to grant leave of absence during any year to a Telegrapher entitled to it under this rule the Telegra- pher will be entitled to additional leave of absence in the next ^ear. Applications for leave of absence filed in January of each year ^will be given preference, in order of senioi'ity of applicants, and applicants will be advised thirty days in advance of date allotted to them. January applicants will have preference over later applicants. The company will, as far as practicable, relieve all applicants during the summer season, when so desired. ARTICLE XXVI. WAGE SCHEDULE. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Moscow, agt. a.nd opr $35.00 Enterprise, agt. and opr 50.00 Tamworth, agt. and opr 57.00 Marlbank, agt. and opr 60.00 Stoco, agt. and opr 35.00 Tweed, agt. and opr 70.00 Actinolite, agt. and opr 40.00 Queensboro, agt. and opr 40.00 Aliens, agt. and opr 35.09 ARTICLE XXVIL There will be no change in the foregoing rules and rates of pay within one year from date hereof, nor thereafter, except upon sixty days' notice from either party to this agreement to the other requesting a change. ARTICLE XXVIII. The Train Dispatchers' positions and Telegraphers' positions on the line Deseronto to Sydenham, inclusive, are transferred to and will be governed by the Canadian Northern Ontario Telegraphers* schedule. L. C. FRITCH, For the Railway Company. W. R. THOMAS, For the Telegraphers. Schedules and Wage Scales. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad 15 (Wage Scale Effecive September ^, 1917.) (Article XI Effective December 26, 1917.) (Other Rules Effective December 11, 1917.) ARTICLE I. (a) The following rules and rates of pay shall apply to all telegraphers, telephoners, levernien, and the exclusive agents specified in the subjoined wage scale, hereinafter re- ferred to as "Employes." (The word "tele- phoners" is understood to mean all tele- phoners and agent-telephoners whose duties include the handling of train orders or the blocking- or reporting of trains by telephone, and all telephoners used in place of telegra- phers and having regular tricks as tele- phoners. > {b} When new positions are created, duties of existing positions inaterially changed, or duties of existing positions changed from one class to another, as defined by the key preceding the schedule of pay, compensation will be fixed irr conformity with the same class and character of positions as are speci- fied in the wage scale for the portion of the division on which located, and the rules will apply to employes filling such positions, new rates of pay to be effective from date first taken up by local chairman. (c) When the handling of express or other business for which a commission is allowed is taken away from any employe covered by this agreement, the wages for the position affected will be readjusted to conform to the rate paid at similar positions on that divi- sion. (d) An agent-operator position becoming an exclusive agency position entitles the agent-operator thereby affected to the ex- clusive agency without reduction of wage and the position will be considered an agent's position within the meaning of this agree- ment, and will be covered by the rules as provided herein. (e) If any position of the same class and character as those included in the schedule shall be overloolced or inadvertently omitted in framing the wage scale, the employes filling such positions shall be governed by Ihe same rules and paid on the same basis as those herein specified. ARTICLE II. (a) Employes held out of service pending investigations, if found to be without fault as charged, shall be reinstated and paid for wages lost. Trials will be held within ten days, and decisions rendered as soon as possible thereafter. Employes shall not be disciplined without impartial trial, unless they waive it. Em- ployes shall be given reasonable notice in order to produce witnesses and, if desired, may be accompanied by their local chairman or an advisory co-employe. When investigations result unfavorably to employes, they shall have the right to appeal in person, or through committees of em- ployes, to the highest operating official. (b) Before placing their cases in the hand-q of the local board of adjustment, disciplined employes will be required to take their cases up with the superintendent, either in writing or in person. When taken up in person, they may be accompanied by their local chairman or an advisory co-employe. ARTICLE III. (a> Employes shall be regarded in line of promotion, and Avhei ^ ability and qualifica- tions are sufli ent, seniority will prevail. The proper of.icial of the company shall de- termine the fitness of such employes for advancement. Employes who have secured positions as per Article IV, shall be given a fair and impartial trial at such positions. Employes dismissed from the service of the company and reinstated within one year, shall not lose their seniority. Those who leave the service voluntarily and are re- employed, will rank as new men. (b) Seniority of employes will date from the day on which the first actual work was performed in any class of service covered by this agreement. (When a vacancy occurs in a leverman's position, it will be adver- tised, and after extra lists of levermen are e.xhausted, telegraphers bidding therefor will be entitled to the position according to their ability and seniority, but when reductions in positions of telegraphers occur, causing f^uch employes to exercise seniority, it can- not be used to displace levermen.) ARTICLE IV. (a) Each local chairman shall be furnished semi-annually, a seniority list embodying the employes employed on his superintend- ent's division. (b) The company will, between the first and tenth of each month, bulletin all vacan- cies and new positions occurring during the previous month, stating salary for each posi- tion. Application in duplicate (in the hand- writing of the applicant) must be filed within ten days, and one copy will be mailed to the applicant before advertisements close. (c) Permanent appointments shall be made within twenty days from the date of bul- letins, and appointees shall be placed within thirty-five days from the date of bulletins advertising such vacancies or new positions, and a list of appointments published in the bulletins of the following month. Provided, that einployes who obtain bulletined posi- tions and are compelled by incompetency, or impelled by other reasons to relinquish such positions, shall be placed and remain on the extra list tmtil such " vacancies to which their seniority entitles them occur, or are created; except that they shall not be eligible to return to their immediately pre- ceding positions until they have been adver- tised a second time. Employes not placed within thirty-five days, through no fault of their own, shall be paid one dollar per day in addition to the regular salary of the position at which working. 16 JSCHEDULES AND WaGE ScALES. ARTICLE V. Employes will not be allowed to trade positions except in emergencies and with the permission of the proper officer of the com- pany, and not to exceed a period of thirty days; except that one employe in the same office shall be permitted to move up during a temporary vacancy exceeding one week's duration, according to seniority. ARTICLE VI. (a) Employes accepting positions of Su- pervisors of Transportation, Trainmaster, Assistant Trainmasters, Division Operators, Train Dispatchers or Relief Agents shall not forfeit their scnioiity, bvit may assert it only by going on tlie extra list in the branch of service from which transferred and then filing applications for vacancies or new positions. Seniority shall not be accumu- lated while holding the above positions after one year. Employes accepting other than the above mentioned positions, not covered by this .schedule, shall forfeit their seniority after having filled such positions more than one year. (h) When a reduction of force is made, and for no other cause, employes thereby relieved shall have the right to positions in the same branch of service covered by this schedule on their respective divisions, for which they are competent and to which their senioiity entitles them, but they shall assert their seniority in writing within ten days, except that Exclusive Agents. Assistant Agents, Exclusive Ticket Agents and Coal Billing Agents specified in this agreement will not be subject to displacement nor have the right to displace another employe on accoimt of reduction of force, except among theinselves. (c) When offices are moved from one loca- tion to another, if the distance exceeds two miles and not beyond the location of another office, the individual employes at the original location shall have the right to elect within three days from the date of the change whether they will follow the office. If they decide not to follow the office, paragraph "b" applies. (6) When conditions indicate the necessity for temporary work of thirty days or more for Copy or Side Wire operators, such posi- tions shall be bulletined and answered by wire within five days and successful appli- cants may return to their iminediately pre- ceding positions within six months; Article IV, paragraphs "b" and "c" do not apply. After .six months, their immediately preced- ing positions will be advertised, and they may assert their seniority only by bidding in vacaricies, including their immediately preceding positions. ARTICLE VII. (a) Employes transferred from one super- intendent's division to another by their own reque."=-t shall lank from date of transfer on senioriiy list of the division to which trans- ferred. (b) When the company transfer.'? an extra employe temporarily from one division to another, such employe shall retain his seni- ority on the division from which transferred and rank on the division to which transferred from the date of transfer, local chairman of eacn division affected to be notified immedi- ately of dates of transfer. If he remains on new division three months, he shall sur- render seniority on division from which transferred. (c) When an office is transferred from one superintendent's division to another, such employes shall carry their seniority to the division to which transferred. ARTICLE VIII. Employes who have been in the service of the company for two years or more, may be given leave of absence for six months, if relief men are available, and at the end of that time, or before, if desired, upon mak- ing application to their proper officer, may resvmie their employment without losing their seniority; provided that employes on such leave (except sickness) shall forfeit all rights to positions becoming vacant during their absence, and no more than one such leave (other than short vacations) shall be given in any consecutive period of two years. ARTICLE IX. (aj All telegraphers, telephoners and levermen who are not relieved from Sunday duty and who have been in the service of the company one year and less than two yeai's, shall have seven days' annual leave with paj', or in lieu thereof, seven days' additional pay. (b) All telegraphers. telephoners and levermen who are not relieved from Sunday duty and who have been in the service of the company two years or more, shall have fifteen days' annual leave with pay, or in lieu thereof, fifteen days* additional pay. (c) Exclusive agents whose hours of duty are ten or more per day and who have been in the employ of the company one year and less than two years, shall have seven days' annual leave with pay, or in lieu the^-eof, seven days' additional pay. (d) Exclusive agents whose hours of duty are ten or more per day and who have been in the employ of the company two or more years, shall have fifteen days' annual leave with pay, or in lieu thereof, fifteen days' additional pay. (e> The foregoing paragraphs of this arti- cle do not apply to extra employes, but when an extra employe becomes a regular employe, the accumulated days worked extra shall be credited to his service record, and when added to his time worked after becom- ing regular, shall form the basis for vacation allowance as per this article at the salary of the position which he holds. ARTICLE X. (a) Overtime is time worked in excess of the regular hours, and shall be paid for at the rate of forty cents per hour for every consecutive hour worked until relieved, re- gardless of locations, relay offices excepted. When the regular rate is higher than the overtime rate, overtime shall be paid foi- pro rata. In computing overtime, thirty minutes and less than sixty minutes shall be considered an hour. Less than thirty minutes shall not be counted, except at the general relay offices, where the actual over- tim.e shall be allowed, and fractions of an Schedules and Wage Scali d. 17 hour shall be credited. Overtime shall n»t be allowed unless it is reported by mail to the proper officer within forty-eight hours. Employes shall be notified within five days when overtime is not allowed. (b> Employes summoned to service before or after being excused by proper authority, or leaving the office for the day, shall be paid sixty cents for the first hour or fraction thereof, and the regular overtime rate there- after. ARTICLE XI. When employes are required to work on Sunday they will be so advised on the pre- ceding Saturday. Employes required to re- port for duty on Sunday shall be paid for such service at the regular pro rata rate based upon calendar month, such pay to be in addition to their regiilar monthly wages. The hours of work required on Sunday shall be within regular daily established hours of the employe affected. If any em- ploye's trick is split more than twice on Sunday, employe shall receive pay for the entire day. The above is to apply to both road and relay position', covered by the schedule. ARTICLE XII. (a> Employes holding regular positions when working temporarily in other offices not located within the same building shall receive $1.00 per day in addition to the regular salary for the office at which work- ing, but not less than the regular rate of the relieving employe; provided^ this rule shall not apply to employes entering the general relay and dispatching offices, or for the purpose of relieving enxployes who are given leave of absence to attend committee meetings or other work pertaining to the Order of Railroad Telegraphers. Employes working in the general relay or dispatching offices who work temporarily in other offices not located within the same building shall receive .$1.00 per day in addition to the regular salary for the office at which work- ing, but not less than the regular rate of the relieving employe, regardless of the above provision. (b) Regular employes who perform duties of relief agents shall receive the same rate of pay -and expenses allowed relief agents. CWhere a telegrapher or telephoner relieves an agent at the same, station, he will receive relief agent's pay, with no expenses.) (c) Extra employes shall receive the same salary as the men they relieve. (d) Extra employes, when competent, will not be displaced by extra employes, except when necessary to protect the requirements of the service, oi- for the purpose of equaliz- ing extra time between such employes. (e) Telegraphers or telephoners relieving employes at unscheduled or non-telegraph positions will be paid not less than the minimum rate .for telegraphers on the divi- sion, but the hours of service per day shall be the established hours for . the position where fixed, otherwise ten consecutive hours including meal hour, after which the over- time rule shall apply. ARTICLE XIII. (a) rOmployes transferred from one station to another shall receive pay for the time consumed in transferring, free transporta- tion for themselves, dependent members of their families and household goods. Rate of pay to be based upon position from which transferred. (b) JCmployes summoned by the company as witnesses in the courts, or when sum- moned to attend company investigations in which they are not directly involved, will receive their daily rate of pay while in at- tendance, necessary traveling expenses while away from home and transportation. Court fees and mileage to be assigned to the railroad company. (c; Employes required to report for re- examination (medical or other) and thereby lo.'-ing time, will be paid therefor at their I egular daily rate. ARTICLE Xrv. The company wil^ relieve employes from scrubbing floors, cleaning windows and out- buildings, but they will be expected to keep their offices in a neat and orderly condition. ARTICLE XV. Where other employes are not available, employes who are required to attend switch lights, crossing or inter-track gates, will receive $5.00 each per month; for operating pumps, $10.00 each per month additional compensation. ARTICLE XVI. (a) In three or more trick offices (other than general relay offices) eight consecutive hours shall constitute a day's work. (b) In two trick offices eight consecutive hours shall constitute a day's work. Baltimore and Ohio (except Southwest District). (c) In one trick offices, nine hours, exclu- sive of meal hour, shall constitute a day's work. Except as relieved for meals the hours shall be consecutive. The meal hour shall commence between 11:00 a. m. and 12:30 p. m. or between 11:00 p. m. and 12:30 a. m. Baltimore and Ohio (Southwest District). (d) In one trick offices, nine hours, exclu- sive of meal hour, shall constitute a day's work. Except as relieved ior meals the bours shall be consecutive. The meal hour will be allowed between 11:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. or between 11:00 p. m. and 1:00 a. m. Baltimore and Ohio (except Southwest District). (e) For exclusive agents eleven consecu- tive hours, commencing between 6:00 a. m. and 8:00 a. m., including meal hour, shall constitute a day's work. Meal hour shall commerce between 11:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Baltimore and Ohio (Southwest District). (f) For exclusive agents ten and one-half consecutive hours, commencing between 6:00 a. m. and 8:00 a. m., including meal hour, shall constitute a day's work. Meal hour will be allowed between 11:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. (g) In these offices the first trick shall begin between 6:00 and 8:00 a. m. or 6:00 and 8.00 p. m. 18 Schedules and Wage Scales. (h) Employes not released for meals with- in the time limits named will be allowed one hour overtime on that account and thirty minutes for meals at the first opportimity. (i) The hours of duty of levermen will be maintained as in effect March 1, 1914, with the exception that where they are working more than ten hours, the hours will be re- duced to ten, exclusive of meal hour. (The word trick is understood to mean a period of time constituting a day's work. Tricks are created by any changes in the hours between which employes work during the twenty-four hour period. For example, at one office two operators go on duty at 8:00 a. m., another at 10:00 a. m., and another at 11:00 a. m., and night shifts begin work at 8:00 p. m. and 10:00 p. m. This would be a five trick office.) ARTICLE XVII. When the hours of an office are changed from a two or three to a one-trick basis the employes thereby affected may claim the remaining trick according to their seniority. U remaining trick is not claimed by them it will be advertised, and the emploj^es af- fected may assert their seniority according to Article VI, paragraph "b". Wlien the hours are changed from a one to a two or three-trick basis, all tricks will be advertised, unless the employe fill- ing the one trick has held it for at least one year, and desires to retain either of the three tricks. ARTICLE XVIII. Employes in the general relay offices at Baltimore, Grafton, Pittsburgh, Newark and Cincinnati shall be governed by the follow- ing conditions: (a) Eight hours, €xclusive of thirty min- utes for lunch, shall constitute a day's work. (b) They will be allowed ten days' vaca- tion annually with pay. (e) On week days no split will be made in any trick, except in case of emergency, not exceeding three days in any month for any one man, and when done, a reduction of one hour will be made for the day's work. (d) Overtime will be paid for at the rate of 50 cents per hour. (e) When employes are relieved for seven days or more, the other ranking employes will be entitled to fill the positions during such absence if they so desire, but will not be permitted to work more than one trick per day, except the day the change is made, nor will overtime be allowed for the double. (f) In the general relay offices vacancies will be filled by advancing the regular and extra men according to their office senior- ity (incidental extra work will not establish official seniority) and the last trick or any extra forces required will be advertised for as follows: Baltimore — On the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Cumberland Divisions. Grafton — On the Monongah, Wheeling and Ohio River Divisions. Pittsburgh — On the Connellsville, Pitts- burgh, New Castle and Cleveland Divisions. Newark — On the Newark and \ Chicago Divisions. Cincinnati — On the Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Toledo Divisions. (g) When the force at any of these of- fices is reduced, the telegraphers therein will be set back in accordance with their office seniority in the reverse of the order promoted. Telegraphers who have obtained extra positions in relay offices during the regular vacation period, upon termination of the vacation period will return to their immediately preceding positions. (h) All telegraphers or telephoners in relay offices shall receive the same rate of pay for that office. (i) Division employes securing positions in relay offices shall retain their seniority on their respective divisions. ARTICLE XIX. At stations or offices where more than ten cells of local or main line batteries are in use, employes will not be required to clean any of them. ARTICLE XX. Telegraphers and telephorers at temporary ends of single track during periods of con- struction, at wrecks, washouts and similar places, will receive $3.00 per day; eight hours or less to constitute a day. When called from regular duties to perform such service, they will be allowed for it only. ARTICLE XXI. . . At places where there are two or more offices located in the same town, and em- ployes are compelled to work a partial time in more than one of those offices, they shall receive salary at rate of the highest office. ARTICLE XXII. It is not the disposition of the railroad company to displace operators by having trainmen or other employes operate the tele- phone for the purpose of blocking trains, handling train orders or messages, except in bona fide cases of emergency. This does not apply to train crews using the telephone at the ends of passing sidings or spur tracks in communicating with the operator. ARTICLE XXIII. Employes shall be furnished by the com- pa.ny with copies of this schedule and all amendments or supplements thereto. ARTICLE XXIV. These rules shall not, except by mutual consent, impair any privilege now in effect and not herein enumerated. ARTICLE XXV. The parties hereto agree to give thirty days' notice in writing to each other of a desire to deviate from or terminate this agreement. All new rules and changes in old rules to be effective December 11, 1917, with the exception of Article 11, which is effective December 26, 1917. Wage scale effective September 1, 1917. For The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co.: (Signed) CHARLES SELDEN, Supt. of Telegraph. For the Employes: (Signed) J. YEAGBR, General Chairman. Schedules and Wagje Scales. 19 KEY. A — Exclusive Agent. AA — Assistant Agent. AO— Agent and Operator. B — Block Operator. C — Clerk and Operator. M — Weighmaster. O — Operator. Q — Telephoner. R — Leverman. S — Operator handling Switches. T — Ticket Agent and Operator, or Operator selling Tickets. TA — Exclusive Ticket Agent. W — Side Wire Operator. Y — Copy Operator. RELAY OFFICES. Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month Baltimore, Md. (GO), vi^ire chief $122.00 Baltimore, Md. (GO), vi^ire chief 122.00 Baltimore, Md. (GO), vs^ire chief 122.00 Baltimore, Md. (GO), traffic chief 112.00 Baltimore, Md. (GO), traffic chief 112.00 Baltimore, Md. (GO), O. (23) 105.00 Grafton, W. Va. (GR), wire chief 114.00 Grafton, W. Va. (GR), wire chief 114.00 Grafton, W. Va. (GR), O. (7) 100.00 Pittsburgh, Pa. (DS), wire chief 119.00 Pittsburgh, Pa. (DS), wire chief 119.00 Pittsburgh, Pa. (DS), wire chief 119.00 Pittsburgh, Pa. (DS), O. (7) 107.00 Newark, O. (WF), wire chief 117.00 Newark, O. (WF>, wire chief 112.00 Newarkt O. (WP), O. (5) 102.00 Cincinnati, O. (SG), manager 129.00 Cincinnati, O. (SG), nt. wire chief 111.00 Cincinnati, O. (SG), O. (7) 103.00 PHILADELPHIA DIVISION. Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month Philadelphia — C $117.00 Chestnut St. (F), W 94.00 Chestnut St. (F), W. C 94.00 Chestnut St. (F), W. C 94.00 Chestnut St. (F), W. C 94.00 Chestnut St. (RA), B. S 88.00 Chestnut St. (RA), B. S 88.00 Chestnut St. (RA), B. S 88.00 Locust St. (X), S 98.00 Locust St. (X), S 98.00 Locust St. (X), S 98.00 Wharton St. (WO), S 101.00 Wharton St. (WO), S 101.00 Wharton St. (WO), S 101.00 Wharton St. (WO) , R 70.00 Wharton St. (WO) , R 70.00 East Side (G) , C 85.00 EAst Side (G). C 85.00 25th Street — B. Q 69.00 25th Street— B. Q 69.00 25th Street— B. Q 69.00 Swanson Street — B. Q. 69.00 Swanson Street — B. Q 69.00 Swanson Street — B. Q 69.00 58th Street^Q. S 73.00 58th Street— Q. S 73.00 58th Street— Q. S 73.00 Darby— A 73.00 Collingdale— A 71.00 Holmes (HO), A. 82.00 Holmes (HO), C 82.00 Holmes (HO), C 82.00 Eddystone (WA), A. 86.00 Chester— A 92.00 Chester (CR). T 85.00 Location. Call and Position. ^Month' Boothwyn— A $ 71.00 Silverside (SD), S 82.00 Silverside (SD), S 82.00 Silverside (SD), S 82.00 Wihnington (WD), T 100.00 Wilmington (WD), T 81.00 Richardson (JC), C 90.00 Laudenberg Jet. (WJ), B. S 89.00 Landen berg Jet. (WJ), B. S 89.00 Landen berg Jet. (WJ), B. S 89.00 Kiamensi — A 66.00 Yorklyn— A 89.00 Yorklyn (KN), B. C 75.00 Hockessin — A 66.00 Landenberg (CD), A. O. B 92.00 Newark — A 85.00 Newark (N), S 82.00 Nev/ark (N), S 82.00 Newark (N), S 82.00 Elk Mills— A 70.00 Singerly (SY), S 82.00 Singerly (SY), S 82.00 Singerly (SY), S 82.00 Singerly— A 65.00 Childs — A 92.00 Childs (CH), C 75.00 LesUe (NO), A. 79.00 Foys Hill (HX), S ; 82.00 Foys Hill (HX), S 82.00 Foys Hill (HX), S 82.00 Aikin— A 60.00 Aikin (SA), S 84.00 Aikin (SA), S 84.00 Havre-de-Grace (SB), A. 85.00 Aberdeen — ^A 87.00 Aberdeen (A), S 82.00 Aberdeen (A), S 82.00 -Aberdeen (A), S 82.00 Belcamp (BE), A. 79.00 Sewell — A. * 56.00 Van Bibber — A 77.00 Clayton Tower (CN), S 82.00 Clayton Tower (CN), S 82.00 Clayton Tower (CN), S 82.00 Joppa — A 60.00 Bradshaw — A 77.00 Cowenton — A 77.00 Poplar Tower (BS) , S 82.00 Poplar Tower (BS) , S 82.00 Poplar Tower (BS), S 82.00 58th Street— AA 96.00 East Side (Schuylkill Draw)— R 85.00 East Side (Schuylkill Draw) — R 85.00 East Side (Schuylkill Draw)— R 85.00 Aikin (SA), S. 84.00 BALTIMORE DIVISION. Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month Bay View (BA). B. S $100.00 Bay View (BA), B. S 100.00 Bay View (BA), B. S 100.00 Waverly (SF) , B. S 97.00 Waverly (SF), B. S 97.00 Waverly (SF) , B. S 97.00 Huntingdon Avenue (HIT), B. S 98.00 Huntingdon Avenue (HU), B. S 98.00 Huntingdon Avenue (HU), B. S 98.00 North Avenue (NA), B. S 98.00 North Avenue (NA), B. S 98.00 North Avenue (NA ), B. S 98.00 Mt. Royal (RM), B. S 98.00 Mt. Royal (RM), B. S 98.00 Mt. Royal (RM), B. S 98.00 Camden Cut (CA), B. S 98.00 Camden Cut (CA), B. S 98.00 20 Schedules and Wage Scales. Location, Call and Position. Month Camden Cut (CAj. B. S $ 98.00 Loe Street (DXj, B 98.00 i-ee Street (DX>, B 98.00 Lee Street (DXj. B 98.00 Lee Street— R 77.00 Lee Street— R 77.00 Lee Street— R 77.00 Baileys (BY). B 95.00 Baileys (BYj, B 95.00 Baileys (BYj, B 95.00 Baileys— R 76.00 Baileys— R 76.00 Baileys— R 76.00 Riverside (RV;, B. S 98.00 Riverside (.RV;. B. S 98.00 Riverside (RV>, B. S 98.00 Russell Street (RN), B. S 98.00 Russell Street (RN>, B. S 98.00 Russell Street (RN>, B. S 98.00 Westport (WP>, B. S 93.00 We.stport (WP>, B. S 93.00 Westport iWP>, B. S 93.00 CarroUs (CX>, B. S 100.00 CarroUs (CX>, B. S 100.00 CarroUs (CX>, B. S 100.00 Claremont (SX), C 90.00 CarroUs— R 76.00 West Baltimore— R 73.00 West Baltimore— R 73.00 West Baltimore— R 73.00 Haletborpe (HX), B. S 95.00 Halethorpe (HX), B. S 95.00 Halethorpe (HX>, B. S 95.00 Relay— A 87.00 Elkridge— A 60.00 Jessups— A 70.00 Annapolis Junction (PA) , B 78.00 Annapolis Junction (PA), B 78.00 Annapolis Junction (PA), B 78.00 Annapolis Junction — A 72.00 Savage— A 66.00 Laurel— A. 80.00 Muirkirk— A 60.00 Beltsville— A 60.00 Berwyn — A 65.00 Alexandria Junction (JU), B. S 87.00 Alexandria Junction (JU), B. S 87.00 Alexandria Junction ( JU) , B. S 87.00 Hyattsville— A 75.00 Bennings (BN), A. 85.00 Langdon— A 70.00 Uniontown— A 87.00 F Tower (12th Street) (F), B. S 98.00 F Tower (12th Street) (F), B. S 98.00 F Tower (12th Street) (F), B. S 98.00 Rhode Island Avenue (QN), B. S 98.00 Rhode Island Avenue (QN), B. S 98.00 Rhode Island Avenue (QN), B. S 98.00 University — A 66.00 Takoma Park— A 71.00 Silver Springs (SG) , A. 72.00 Forrest Glen (FN), A. 68.00 Kensington — A. 65.00 Rockville— A 85.00 Washington Grove — A 60.00 Gaithersbv.rg— A 79.00 Germantown — -A 66.00 Germantown (GM), B. S 82.00 Germantown (GM), B. S 82.00 Germantown (GM). B. S 82.00 Boyds (DS), A. O. B. S 78.00 Boyds (DS), B. S 75.00 Boyds (DS), B. S 75.00 Barnesville— A 67.00 Barnesville (BA), B. S 82.00 Location, Call and Position. ^o^nth*^ Barnesville (BA), B. S $82.00 BaruesviUe (BA), B. S 82.00 Dickerson (DN), B. S 82.00 Dickerson (DN), B. S 82.00 Dickerson (DN), B. S 82.00 Dickerson— A 67.00 Washington Junction — A 78.00 Washington Junction (KG). B. S. Mgr. 95.00 Washington Junction (KG^ B. S 96.00 Washington Junction (KG>, B. S 96.00 W^ashington Junction (KG;, B. S 92.00 Brunswick (Central) (UN), 97.00 Brunswick (Central (UN), 92.00 West Brunswick (WB), B. S 94.00 West Brunswick (WB), B. S 94.00 West Brunswick (WB). B. S 94.00 Knoxville— A 61.00 Weverton (VO), B. S 91.00 Weverton (VO), B. S 91.00 Weverton (VO), B. S 91.00 Weverton (WE), A. 98.00 Gapland (JA), A. O. B 70.00 Keedysville (KD), A. O. B 68.00 Hagerstown (HA), B. T 84.00 Adamstown Junction (AX), B. S 78.00 Adamstown Junction (AX), B. S 78.00 Adamstown Junction (AX), B. S 78.00 Adamstown — A 74.00 Buckeystown — A 67.00 Frederick Junction (FE), A. O. B 86.00 Frederick Junction (FE), B. C. T 80.00 Frederick (FD), B, C 80.00 Reels MiUs (RS), B. S 83.00 Reels MiUs (RS), B. S 83.00 Reels Mills (RS), B. S 83.00 Monrovia— A 60.00 Monrovia (RO), B 75.00 Monrovia (RO), B 75.00 Monrovia (RO), B 75.00 Mt. Airy— A, 79.00 Mt. Airy Junction (MA), B. S 83.00 Mt. Airy Junction (MA), B. S 83.00 Mt. Aiiy Junction (MA), B. S 83.00 Waters ville Junction (WX), B. S 78.00 Watersville Junction (WX), B. S 78.00 Watersville Junction (WX), B. S 78.00 Woodbine (DW), B. C 78.00 Woodbine (DW), B. C 78.00 Woodbine (DW), B. C 78.00 Gaithers (G), B. S ." 80.00 Gaithers (G), B. S 80.00 Gaithers (G), B. S 80.00 Marriottsville (MR), B 75.00 Marriottsville (MR), B 75.00 Marriottsville (MR), B 75.00 Woodstock— A 80.00 Sykesville (U), A. 78.00 Hollofleld (HS). B. S 78.00 Hollofleld (HS), B. S.... 78.00 Hollofleld (HS), B. S 78.00 Ellicott City— A 93.00 Grays (GR), B 75.00 Grays (GR). B 75.00 Grays (GR), B 75.00 Ilchester— A 60.00 Millville— A 62.00 Charlestown- A 81.00 Charlestown (CH), B. T , 83.00 Summit Point (SP) , A. O. B 73.00 Winchester (WN), B. T 84.00 Middlfetown (MD), A. O. B 70.00 Strasburg Junction — A 85.00 Strasburg Junction (C), B. C 70.00 Strasburg Junction (C), B. C 70.00 Harrisonburg (HB), T 87.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 21 Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month Cave Station (WY>, A. O. B $ 65.00 Staunton (SN), B. T 87.00 Greenville (GR>, A. O. B 68.00 Raphine (RY). A. O. B 68.00 Timber Ridge (RD), A. O. B 65.00 East Lexington (AX>, A. O. B 77.00 Lexington (D), B. T 77.00 Woodbine— A 59.00 Hanover— A 54.00 Derwood — A 52.00 BucTc Lodge— A 55.00 Lime Kiln— A 53.00 Ijamsville — A 54.00 College— A 54.00 Lansdowne — A 50.00 Hoods Mills— A. . . .-.. 51.00 Branchville — A 55.00 Brentwood— A 55.00 Lexington— A 92.00 Brunswick — A 95.00 Halltown— A 50.00 Stephens City— A 55.00 Doubs— A 50.00 CUMBERLAND DIVISION. Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month Harpers Ferry (HF), B. S $ 87.00 Harpers Ferry (HF>, B. S 87.00 Harpers Ferry (HF), B. S 87.00 Engles (N), B. S. 82.00 Engles (N), B. S 82.00 Engles (N>, B. S 82.00 Engles — A 80.00 Hobbs (RN), B. S • 86.00 Hobbs (RN), B. S 86.00 Hobbs (RN), B. S 86.00 Martinsburg (NA), B. S 88.00 Martinsburg (NA), B. S 88.00 Martinsburg (NA), B. S 88.00 East Cumbo (BO), B 83.00 East Cumbo (BO), B 83.00 East Cumbo (BO), B 83.00 West Cumbo (W), B. S 88.00 West Cumbo (W), B. S 88.00 West Cumbo (W), B. S 88.00 Millers (R), B. S 88.00 Millers (R), B. S 88.00 Millers (R), B. S 88.00 Sleepy Creek (CS), B. S 83.00 Sleepy Creek (CS), B. S 83.00 Sleepy Creek (CS), B. S 83.00 Hancock (HO), B. S. C 88.00 Hancock (HO), B. S 88.00 Hancock (HO), B. S 88.00 Hancock— A 77.00 Berkeley Springs (BG), A. 77.00 Sir Johns Run (CK). B. S 88.00 Sir Johns Run (CK). B. S 88.00 Sir Johns Run (CK), B. S 88.00 Great Cacapon (GC), B. S 83.00 Great Cacapon (GC), B. S 83.00 Great Cacapon (GC), B. S 83.00 Great Cacapon — A 56.00 Orleans Road (AD), B. S 86.00 Orleans Road (AD) , B. S 86.00 Orleans Road (AD), B. S 86.00 Paw Paw— A 77.00 Okonoko (NO), B. S 86.00 Okonoko (NO), B. S 86.00 Okonoko (NO), B. S 86.00 Green Spring (GI), B. S 87.00 Green Spring (GI), B. S 87.00 Green Spring (GI), B. S 87.00 Green Spring— A 82.00 Romney (RO), A. O $ 95.00 ^ ,, J T, •..■ Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month Moorefield — A. Q 85.00 Pattersons Creek (FN), B. S 85.00 Pattersons Creek (FN), B. S 85.00 Pattersons Creek (FN), B. S 85.00 Evitts Creek (GE), B. S 87.00 Evitts Creek (GE), B. S 87.00 Evitts Creek (GE) , B. S 87.00 Cumberland (WC), W. Chf 98.00 Cumberland (WC), W. Chf 98.00 Cumberland (WC), W. Chf 98.00 Cumberland (WC), W 93.00 Cumberland (WC), W ■ 93-00 Cumberland (WC), W 93.00 Cumberland (WC), W 93.00 Viaduct Junction (ND), B. S 87.00 Viaduct Junction (ND), B. S 87.00 Viaduct Junction (ND). B. S 87.00 Viaduct Junction— R 60.00 Viaduct Junction — R 60.00 McKenzie (CO), B. S 81.00 McKenzie (CO), B. S 81.00 McKenzie (CO), B. S 81.00 Rawlings (RW), B. S 81.00 Rawlings (RW), B. S 81.00 Rawlings (RW), B. S 81.00 Keyser (KY), B 84.00 Keyser (KY), B 84.00 Keyser (KY), B 84.00 Keyser— A 95.00 W*est Keyser (Z), B. S 83.00 West Keyser (Z). B. S 83.00 West Keyser (Z), B. S 83.00 Piedmont (P). B. S 83.00 Piedmont (P), B. S 83.00 Piedmont (P), B. S §3.00 Piedmont— R 60.00 Piedmont— R 60.00 Bond (BD), B. S 82.00 Bond (BD), B. S 82.00 Bond (BD). B. S 82.00 Strickers (HX), B. S 82.00 Strickers (HX), B. S 82.00 Strickers (HX). B. S 82.00 Altamont (AM). B. S 83.00 Altamont (AM), B. S 83.00 Altamont (AM). B. S 83.00 Deer Park (DE). B. S 81.00 Deer Park (DE), B. S 81.00 Deer Park (DE), B. S 81.00 Mountain Lake Park (MK), B. S 81.00 Mountain Lake Park (MK), B. S 81.00 Mountain Lake Park (MK), B. S 81.00 Mountain^ Lake Park— A 67.00 Oakland (OA), B 80.00 Oakland (OA), B 80.00 Oakland (OA), B 80.00 Oakland— A 75.00 Hutton— A 66.00 Rinards (RX), B. S. C 87.00 Rinards (RX), B. S. C 87.00 Rinards (RX), B. S. C 87.00 Terra Alta (CA), B. S 88.00 Terra Alta (CA), B. S 88.00 Terra Alta (CA), B. S 88.00 Terra Alta— A 82.00 Rodemer (RO), B. S 82.00 Rodemer (RO). B. S 82.0U Rodemer (RO), B. S 82.00 M. & K. Tower (R). B 88.00 M. & K. Tower (R), B 88.00 M. & K. Tower (R), B 88.00 M. & K. Tower— R 60.00 M. & K. Tower— R 60.00 Rowlesburg — A 75.00 22 Schedules and Wage Scales. Location, Call and Position. ^Month^ Blaser (K), B. S $83.00 Blaser (K), B. S 83.00 Blaser (K), B. S 83.00 West End (WS), B. S 83 00 West End (WS), B. S 83.00 West End (WS), B. S 83.00 Newburg — A 79.00 Hardman (Q), B. S 88.00 Hardman (Q), B. S 88.00 Hardman (Q), B. S 88.00 Duffields — A 52.00 French— A 54.00 Rawlings — A 55.00 North Mountain — A 54.00 Deer Park— A 55.00 Austin — A ; 55.00 Thornton— A 55.00 Sleepy Creek— A 53.00 Independence — A 50.00 Harpers Ferry — A 98.00 Kearneysville — A 61.00 Swanton — A 55.00 McNeil— A 60.00 MONONGAH DIVISION. Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month East Grafton (GN), B. S $ 83.00 East Grafton (GN), B. S 83.00 East Grafton (GN), B. S :.. 83.00 Grafton Tower (D), B. S 89.00 Grafton Tower (D), B. S 89.00 Grafton Tower (D), B. S 89.00 Webster (DK), B. S 82.00 Webster (DK), B. S 82.00 Webster (DK), B. S 82.00 Brydon (DN), B 77.00 Brydon (DN), B 77.00 Brydon (DN), B 77.00 Fleniington— A 83.00 Flemington (FG), B 8L00 Flemington (FG), B 81.00 Flemington (FG), B 81.00 Bridgeport — A 65.00 Bridgeport (BR), B. C. T 79.00 Bridgeport (BR), B. C. T 77.00 Bridgeport (BR), B 77.00 MO Tower (MO), B. S 91.00 MO Tower (MO), B. S 91.00 MO Tower (MO), B. S 91.00 MD Tower (MD), B. S 91.00 MD Tower (MD), B. S 91.00 MD Tower (MD), B. S 91.00 MD Tower— R 64. OC MD Tower— R 64.00 .1 Tower (.1), B. S. C 92.00 ■J Tower (J). B. S 92.00 J Tower (J), B. S 92.00 Wilsonburg — A 62.00 WiLsonbiirg (WI), B 77.00 Wilsonburg (WI). B 77.00 Wolf Summit (WS), A. O. B 81.00 Wolf Summit (WS), B. T 77.00 Wolf Summit (WS), B. T 77.00 Salem- A 75.00 Salem (SA), B 77.00 Salem (SA), B 77.00 Salem (SA), B 77.00 Long Run (DA), A. O. B 81.00 Long Run (DA), B 77.00 Long Run (DA), B 77.00 Smithburg (SN), A. O. B 81.00 Smithburg (SN), B. T 77.00 Smithburg (SN), B 77.00 Central (CS), A. O. B 84.00 Location, Call and Position. ^Month'^ Central (CS>, B. C $ 78.00 Central (CS), B 77.00 Pennsboro (NR) , B. C 77.00 Pennsboro (NR), B. C 77.00 Pennsboro (NR), B 77.00 Ellenboro (BU), A. O. B 83.00 Cornwallis (CO), B. C 79.00 Cornwallis (CO), B. C 79.00 Cornwallis (CO), B 77.00 Cornwallis — A 84.00 Petroleum (UM), A. O. B 81.00 Petroleum (UM), B. C 77.00 Petroleum (UM), B 77.00 Kanawha (KA) , A. O. B 81.00 Kanawha (KA), B. C 77.00 Kanawha (KA), B 77.00 Walker (WA), B 77.00 Silver Run (SR) , B 77.00 Silver Run (SR), B 77.00 Silver Run (SR), B 77.0C AVD Tower (WD), B. S. C 93.00 WD Tower (WD), B. S 93.00 WD Tower (WD), B. S 93.00 Gaston Junction ( JC) , B 88.00 Gaston Junction (JC), B 88.00 Gaston Junctio,n (JC), B 88.00 Watson— A 68.00 Monongah— A 72.00 Monongah (MG), B 77.00 Chiefton (CH), B. C 78.00 Chiefton (CH), B 78.00 Chiefton (CH), B 78.00 Enterprise (NI), A. O. B 80.00 Worthington— A '67.00 Shinnston (HN), A. O. B 86.00 Gypsy (BG), A. O. B 78.00 Haywood (UM), B 7500 Meadowbrook (SY), A. O. B 80.00 Lumberport — A 78.00 Wallace— A * 66.00 Byron (B), A. O. B 82.00 Byron (B), B. C 74.00 Bvron (B), B '74.00 Lost Creek (CK). A. O. B 75.00 Jane Lew (W), A. O. B 75.00 Weston. (G). O 77.00 Roanville (NK), A. O. B 73.00 Arnold (AN), A. O. B 72.00 Orlando (C), A. O. B 80.00 Burnsville- A 70.00 Burnsville (BU). B. C 72.00 Heaters (HR), A. O. B 76.00 Flatwoods (WD), A. O. B 74.00 Flatwoods (WD). B. C 72.00 Gillespie (GS), A. O. B 72.00 HoUv Junction (MR), A. O. B 76.00 Centralia (CN), A. O. B 72.01 Erbacon (BA). A. O. B 75.00 Cowen (WN), A. O. B 75.0n Camden-on-Gauley (CG). A. O. B.... 73.00 Camden-on-Gauley (CG), B. C 72.00 Allingdale (DN), A. O. B 72.00 Cranberry (CY), A. O. B 72.0(1 Curtin (CU), A. O. B 72.00 Richwood (RD), B. C 76.00 Sutton— A 67.00 Pickens (KN), A. O. B 72.00 Newlon (NE), A. O. B 68.00 Alexander (A), A. O. B 70.00 Ten Mile (Q), A. O. B 68.00 Buckhannon — A 68.00 Buckhannon (BK), B. T 85.00 Buckhannon (BK), B. C. T 77.00 Belington (BN), B. T 75.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 23 Location, Call and Position. ^,^''® ^^^ Month Belington (BU), B. T $ 77.00 Tygart Junction (RA), A. O. B 77.00 Tygart Junction (BA), B. T 73.00 Tygart Junction (RA), B. T... 73.00 Philippi (PI), A. O. B 76.00 Berryburg- Junction (JN), A. O. B... 77.00 Arden (DE), A. O. B 74.00 Lusk (SK), B ^ 69.00 Dola (GI), A. O. B 73.00 Rinehart (RH), A. O. B 73.00 Cairo — A 57.00 Haywood— A 58.00 Moatsville— A 55.00 Pennsboro — A 56.00 Simpson — A 55.00 Toll Gate— A 52.00 WHEELING DIVISION. Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month Winona (WA), B $ 76.00 Winona (WA), B 76.00 Winona (WA), B 76.00 C Y Tower (CT), B. S 83.00 C Y Tower (CY), B. S 83.00 C Y Tower (CY), B. S 83.00 Colfax (US), B. S 83.00 Colfax (US), B. S 83.00 Colfax (US), B. S 83.00 Benton Ferry (BF), B. S 83.00 Benton Ferry (BF), B. S 83.00 Benton Ferry (BF), B. S 83.00 Underwood (UN), B. S 81.00 Underwood (UN), B. S 81.00 Underwood (UN), B. S 81.00 Mannington (GN), B. S 81.00 Mannington (GN), B. S 81.00 Mannin.gton (GN), B. S 81.00 Glover Gap (GO), B. S 83.00 Glover Gap (GO), B. S 81.00 Glover Gap (GO), B. S 81.00 Littleton (NI), B 76.00 Littleton (NI), B 76.00 Littleton (NI), B 76.00 Denver (BE), A. O. B 79.00 Denver (BE), B. C 76.00 Denver (BE), B 75.00 Cameron (CX), B. S 83.00 Cameron (CX), B. S 83.00 Cameron (CX), B. S 83.00 Glen Easton (NA), A. O. B 74.00 Roseby Rock (RK), B 79.00 Roseby Rock (RK), B . 79.00 Mound.sville (MO) , B 84.00 Moundsville (MO), B. T 84.00 Moundsville (MO), B. T 84.00 Narrows (MC), B. S 90.00 Narrows (MC), B. S 90.00 Narrows (MC), B. S 90.00 Benwood Junction (N), B. T 92.00 Benwood Junction (N), B. T 86.00 Benwood Junction (N), B. T 86.00 Wheeling (WR), B. S 90.00 Wheeling (WTl), B. S.. 90.00 WTieeling (WR), B. S 98.00 Wheeling (FY), Mgr 102.00 Wheeling (FY), W. Chf 99.00 Wheeling (FY), 97.00 Wheeling (FY), 97.00 Wheeling (FY), 97.00 Bellaire (J), B. S 90.00 Bellaire (J), B. S 90.00 Bellaire ( J) , B. S 90.00 Schick (S), B. S 82.00 Schick (S), B. S 82.00 Location, Call and Position. Month Schick (S), B. S $ 82.00 D K Tower (DK), B. S 77.00 D K Tower (DK), B. S 77.00 D K Tow^r (DK), B. S 77.00 Bridgeport (BR) , B. S 83.00 Bridgeport (BR), B. S • 83.00 Bridgeport (BR), B. S 83.00 St. Clairsville Junction (BN), B. S.. 83.00 St. Clairsville Junction (BN), B. S.. 83.00 St. Clairsville Junction (BN), B. S.. 83.00 Maynard (MD), B. C 76.00 Fairpoint (HF), B. S 80.00 Fairpolnt (HF), B. S 80.00 Fairpoint (HF), B. S 80.00 Bannock (BO), A. O. B 78.00 F I Tower (FI), B. S 78.00 'F I Tower (FI), B. S 78.00 F I Tower (FI), B. S 78.00 Hollowav (E. End) (HO), B. S 83.00 Holloway (E. End) (HO), B. S 83.00 Holloway (E. End) (HO), B. S 83.00 Hollowav (W. End) (AY), B 80.00 Holloway (W. End) (AY), B 80.00 Holloway (W. End) (AY), B 80.00 Foster (FO), B 77.00 Foster (FO), B 77.00 Poster (FO). B 77.00 Weils Pit (W), B 77.00 Wells Pit (W), B 77.00 Wells Pit (W), B 77.00 Brooklyn Junction (BR), B 82.00 Brooklyn Junction (BR) , B 82.00 Brooklyn Junction (BR) , B 82.00 Porters Falls (FA), B 77.00 Porters Falls (FA). B 77.00 Porters Falls (FA) , B 77.00 Jacksonburg (KN), B 77.00 Jacksonburg (KN), B 77.00 Jacksonburg (KN), B 77.00 Hartzel (UN), B 82.00 Hartzel (UN), B 82.00 Hartzel (UN), B 82.00 Hammond — A '. 56.00 Barrackville— A 80.00 Underwood— A. .'. 82.00 Glover Gap— A 74.00 Burton— A 73.00 Hundred— A 75.00 Littleton— A 75.00 Cameron — A 65.00 Woodland— A 63.00 Proctor— A 70.00 Reader— A 68.00 Pine Grove— A 70.00 Jacksonburg — A 68.00 Smithfield— A -. . 75.00 Folsom— A 67.00 Barton— A 75.00 St. Clairsville— A 68.00 Crescent— A 74.00 Maynard— A 74.00 Fairpoint— A 74.00 LafTerty— A 67.00 Flushing— A 72.00 Holloway— A 72.00 Broad Tree— A ' 60.00 Clarington— A 59.00 Benwood (Coal Billing)— A 90.00 OHIO RIVER DIVISION. Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month Paden City— A $ 66.00 Sistersville — ^A 82.00 Sistersville (QN>. B. T 83.00 24 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month Sistersville (QN>, B. C $77.00 Sistersville (QNj , B. C .~". 75.00 MaLamoras — A 55.00 Friendly— A 56.00 Bens Run (RN^ , A. O. B 76.00 St. Marys— A. 80.00 St. Marys (S), B. T 80.00 St. Marys (S), B. C 76.00 St. Marys (S;, B. C 75.00 Waverly (.WA), A. O. B 75.00 Williamstown— A 84.00 Willlamstown (CH), B. T 80.00 Williamstown (CH;, B. C 76.00 Williamstown (CH^ B. C 75.00 Parkersburg (RA; , B. W 94.00 Parkersburg- (RA;, B. W 94.00 Parkorsburg (RA.I , B. W 92.00 Parkersburg (OB; , B 87.00 Parkersburg (OBj, B.. 87.00 Parkersburg (06j, B 87.00 Parkersburg Shops (SY>, B 87.00 Pa-.kersburg Shops (SY;, B 87.00 Parkersburg Shops (SY;, B 87.00 Belpre (BR;, A. O. B. S 91.00 Belpre (BR>, B. S. C 84.00 Belpre (BR; , B. S. C 84.00 Belleville (B), A. O. B 76.00 Polk (MB), A. O. B 70.00 Ravenswood (RD) , B. T 80.00 Ravenswood (RD; , B. C 78.00 Ravenswood (RD;, B. C 76.00 Spencer (SR>. A. O. B 100.00 Millwood (MJ;, A. O. B SO.OO Letart (BY;, A. O. B 71.00 New Haven (C), B 75.00 Hartford (DK), A. O. B 76.00 Mason City (MY;, A. O. B 78.00 Gallipolis Ferry (XY;, A. O. B 72.00 Apple Grove (A), A. O. B 71.00 Glenwood (GR) , A O. B 71.00 Cox Landing (CXj, A. O. B 71.00 Huntington (HU), B. T 92.00 Huntington (HU;, B. T 83.00 West Huntington— A 72.00 Kenova (OX), A. 93.00 Ripley— A 61.00 Ravenswood— A 82.00 Raven Rock— A 54.00 Belmont— A 55.00 Willow Island— A 54.00 Graham— A 52.00 New Haven— A 51.00 Clifton- A 53.01 Guyandotte— A 51.00 Cottagfcville— A 50.00 Liverpool — A 52.00 Reedy— A 52.00 Sandyville— A 55.00 Parkersburg (Ann Street)— T. A 102.00 CLEVELAND DIVISION. Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month Cleveland (CS;. W $ 93.00 Cleveland (CS;, W 93.00 Cleveland (CS;. W 93.00 RD Tower (RD), B. S 85.00 RD Tower (RD;, B. S 85.00 RD Tower (RD), B. S 85.00 South Park (SU;, A. O. B 78.00 BoFton Mill (BM), A. O. B 72.00 Peninsula (NA), A. O. B 74.00 Botzum (BO), A.'O. B 70.00 Akron Junction (C;, C 87.00 Myersville (UM), A. O. B 70.00 Location, Call and Position. ^f/® J^'' Month Aiiltman (WM), A. O. B $ 76.00 New Berlin (NE>, A. O. B 71.00 Canton Scales (FS;, B. C 78.00 North Industry (NY;, A. O. B 72.00 East Sparta — A 70.00 Sandyville (SN;, A. O. B 75.00 Mineral City (MD) , A. O " 72.00 Piedmont (Q;, A. O. B - 77.00 Freeport — A 77.00 Freeport (FD;, B 78.00 Tippecanoe (A;, A. O. B • 77.00 Midvale (RS;, A. 77.00 GI Tower (GI;, B. S 85.00 GI Tower (GI;, B. S 85.00 GI Tower (GI;, B. S 85.00 New Philadelphia (N;, B. C. T 87.00 Strasburg (SB;, A. O. B 86.00 Beach City (Z;, A. O. B 81.00 Beach City (Z;, B. C 77.00 Beach City (Z;, B 75.00 CO Tower (CO;, B. S 86.00 CO Tower (CO;, B. S 86.00 CO Tower (CO;, B. S 86.00 Massillon (MS;, T 87.00 Canal Fulton (F;, A. O. B 75.00 Seville— A 70.00 Seville (S;, B. S 85.00 Seville" (S;, B. S 85.00 Seville (S;, B. S 85.00 Chippewa Lake (FA) , A. 70.00 Le. , B. S $ 83.00 Manila (GRy, B. S 88.00 Manila (GK;, B. S 88.00 Manila (GK>, B. S 88.00 Sand Patch— A 66.00 Sand Patch (SA), B. S 92.00 Sand Patch (SA>, B. S 92.00 Sand Patch (SAj, B. S 92.00 Salisbury Junction (BU>, B 82.00 Salisbury Junction (BU;, B 82.00 Salisbury Junction (BU>, B 82.00 Garrett— A 79.00 Garrett (GA;, B. S 88.00 Garrett (GA;, B. S 88.00 Garrett (GA). B. S 88.00 Rockwood (RWh B. S 88.00 Rockwood (RW>, B. S 88.00 Rockwood (RWJ, B. S "88.00 Markleton— A 66.00 Markleton (AK>, B. S 79.00 Markleton (AK), B. S 79.00 Markleton (AK>, B. S 79.00 Brook (BO^ B. S 85.00 Brook (BO), B. S 85.00 Brook (BO>, B. S : 85.00 Ursina (U>, A. 72.00 Confluence— A 83.00 Confluence (CF>, B. S 88.00 Confluence (CP), B. S 88.00 Confluence (CP), B. S 88.00 HK Tower (HK>, B. S 79.00 HK Tower (HK;, B. S 79.00 HK Tower (HK>, B. S 79.00 Ohio Pyle— A 74.00 Yough Tower (GUj, B. S 79.00 Yough Tower (GU), B. S 79.00 Yough Tower (GU>, B. S 79.00 Indian Creek— A 78.00 Indian Creek (NC>, B 77.00 Indian Creek (NC), B 77.00 Indian Creek (NC;, B 77.00 Greene Junction (WH) , B. S 92.00 Greene Junction (WH) , B. S 92.00 Greene Junction (WH) , B. S 92.00 Connellsville (D), B. Mgr 103.00 Connellsville (D), B. W. Chf 98.00 Connellsville (D), B. W. Chf 98.00 Connellsville (D), B. W 95.00 Connellsville (D), B. W 95.00 Connellsville (D) , B. W 95.00 Connellsville (VI), Y 98.00 Connellsville (VI), Y 98.00 West Salisbury— A 81.00 Boswell— A 85.00 Berlin— A ^ 65.00 Wilson Creek (RX), B. S 82.00 Wilson Creek (RX), B. S 82.00 Wilson Creek (RX), B. S 82.00 Listie— A 75.00 Adams (QJ), B 82.00 Adams (QJ), B 82.00 Adams (QJ). B 82.00 Friedens — A 68.00 Stoyestown (DA), A. O. B 79.00 Stoyestown (DA) , B 77.00 Hooversville— A 72.00 Hooversville (HV), B 77.00 Hooversville (HV), B 77..00 Jerome Junction (JE), B 77.00 Jerome Junction ( JE), B 77.00 Jerome Junction (JE), B 77.00 Holsopple— A , 72.00 Paint Creek—A 64.00 Johnstown (DE) , B. C 85.00 Johnstown (DE) , B. C 85.00 .-, ,, .a T-, •*• Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month Johnstown (DE;, B. C $85.00 Somertield ( VE), A. 75.00 1^'j iendsville (GD) , A. 75.00 Mt. Pleasant (MP), B. C 80.00 Mt. Braddock (DK;, B. S 84.00 Mt. Braddock (DK;, B. S 84.00 Mt. Braddock (DK; , B. S 84.00 Evans (QN), B 83.00 Kvans (QN;, B 83.00 Evans (QN;, B 83.00 Uniontown (UD), B 83J0 Uniontown (UD), B 83.00 Uniontown (UD; , B. T 85.00 Oriental (FY;, B 78.00 Oriental (FY;, B 78.00 Oriental (FY;, B 78.00 Fairchance — A 86.00 S. & M. Junction (SF;, B. C 85.00 tf. & M. Junction (SF;, B. C 85.00 S. & M. Junction (SF;, B. C 85.00 Cheat Haven— A 69.00 Point Marion— A 78.00 Point Marion (MI;, B. C. T 78.00 Point Marion (MI;, B. C. T 78.00 Point Marion (MI), B. C. T 78.00 Star City— A 77.00 Morgantown (MN), B. C 80.00 Morgantown (MN) , B. T 80.00 Morgantown (MN), B. T 80.00 Opekiska (KA), A. O. B 79.00 Montana (MA), A. O. B 79.00 Mt Pleasant— A 96.00 Salisbury Junction — A 98.00 Morgantown— T. A 90.00 PITTSBURGH DIVISION. Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month. Broad Ford— A $ 88.00 Broad Ford (BF), B. S 94.00 Broad Ford (BF), B. S 94.00 Broad Ford (BF;, B. S 94.00 Dawson— A 79.00 Layton Tower (NS;, B. S 89.00 Layton Tower (NS), B. S 89.00 Layton Tower (NS), B. S 89.00 Jacobs Creek— A 68.00 Smithton— A 79.00 Fitz Henry— A 79.00 West Newton— A 84.00 West Newton (N), C 82.00 Suter— A 76.00 Scott Haven— A 80.00 Vista Tower (VA), B. S 89.00 VLsta Tower (VA), B. S 89.00 Vista Tower (VA), B. S 89.00 Shaner— A 73.00 MK Tower CMK), B. S 94.00 MK Tower (MK), B. S 94.00 MK Tower (MK), B. S 94.00 Demmler— R 76.00 Dernmler— R 75.00 Bessemer (R). B. S 94.00 Bessemer (R). B. S..- 94,00 Bessemer (R). B. S 94.00 Mlieeling Junction (WJ), B 94.00 Wheeling Junction (WJ;, B 94.00 Wheeling Junction (WJ;, B 94.00 Wheeling Junction— R 77.00 Wheeling Junction— R 77.00 Wheeling Junction— R 77.00 Glenwood (Coal Billing)— A 88.00 Marion Junction (MJ) , B. S 90.00 Marion Junction (MJ) , B. S 90.00 Marion Junction (MJ) , B. S 90.00 Laughlin Junction (GN), B. S 100.00 26 Schedules and Wage Scales. Location, Call and Position. ^^onth Laughlin Junction (GN), B. S $100.00 Laughlin Junction (GNj, B. S 100.00 Pittsburgh (GX) , Y 98.00 Pittsburgh (GX), Y 98.00 Pittsburgh (GX), Y 7. 98.00 Sylvan Avenue — R 66.00 Sylvan Avenue — R 66.00 Sylvan Avenue — R 66.00 Schenley (SO), B. S 94.00 Schenley (SC), B. S 94.00 Schenley (SC), B. S 94.00 FY Tower (FY), B. S 94.00 FY Tower (FY), B. S 94.00 FY Tower (FY), B. S 94.00 Allegheny (AY), B. C 85.00 Willow Grove (RO), B 95.00 Willow Grove (RO), B 95.00 Willow Grove (RO), B 95.00 Millvale — A '. . 78.00 Etna (BG), B. S 84.00 Etna (BG), B. S 84.00 Etna (BG), B. S 84.00 Glenshaw — A 82.00 Elfinwild (FN), B 80.00 Elflnwild (FN), B 80.00 Elflnwild (FN) , B 80.00 Allison Park— A 76.00 Wildwood (WD), B. S 94.00 Wildwood (WD), B. S 94.00 Wildwood (WD), B. S 94.00 Wildwood— A 70.00 Bakerstown — A 74.00 Bakerstown (RN), B 85.00 Bakerstown (RN), B 85.00 Bakerstown (RN), B 85.00 Valencia (VI), A. 74.00 Downieville (DI) , B 85.00 Downieville (DI), B 85.00 Downieville (DI) , B 85.00 Mars — A 76.00 Callery (X), B 95.00 Gallery (X), B 94.00 Callery (X), R 97.00 Callery— R 77.00 Callery— R 77.00 Evans City (VA), A. 74.00 Eidenau (MU), B 82.00 Eidenau (MU), B 82.00 Eidenau (MU), B 82.00 Harmony (MY) , A. 75.00 Zelienople — A 80.00 Goehring (KM), B 80.00 Goehring (KM), B 80.00 Goehring (KM), B 80.00 West Homestead — A 88.00 Rand (WA), A. O. B. S 88.00 Rand (WA), B. S 84.00 Rand (WA), B. S 84.00 WiUock— A 80.00 Bertha (KY), B. S 84.00 Bertha (KY). B. S 84.00 Bertha (KY), B. S i 84.00 Bruceton — A 82.00 Finleyville — A 94.00 Finleyville (F), B. S 84.00 Finleyville (P), B. S 84.00 Finleyville (F), B. S 84.00 Thomas — A 65.00 Gilkeson (GI), B. S 84.00 Gilkeson (GI), B. S 84.00 Gilkeson (GI), B. S 84.00 Wylandville (AD), A. O. B 84.00 Wylandville (AD), B. C 80.00 Washington (ON), B 84.00 Washington (ON), B 84.00 Location, Call and Position. -^^'^ ^^^ Month Washhigton (ON), B $ 84.00 Taylorstown (OW), B. C 80.00 Taylorstown (OW), A. O. B 82.00 Claysville — A 77.00 Claysville (CA), B 80.00 West Alexander (DN), A. O. B 87.00 West Alexander (DN), B. C 83.00 West Alexander (DN), B 82.00 Point Mills (MI), B 80.00 Point Mills (MI), B 80.00 Point Mills (MI), B 80.00 Elm Grove — A 80.00 Elm Grove (NA), B. C 80.00 Renfrew (Q), A. O. B 85.00 Renfrew (Q), B. C 80.00 Renfrew (Q), B 80.00 Butler (B), C 95.00 Butler (B), C 95.00 Chicora (MR), A. O. B 78.00 Karns— A 69.00 Petrolia (QN), A. O. B 76.00 Bruin (BR), A. O. B 72.00 Parkers (AR), A. O. B 78.00 Foxburg (F), A. O. B 90.00 Foxburg (F), B. C 82.00 Foxburg (F), B. C 82.00 St. Petersburg (S), A. O. B 72.00 Knox (CS), A. O. B 69.00 Shippenville (SN), A. O. B 75.00 Clarion Junction (J), A. O. B 84.00 Clarion Junction (J), B. C 80.00 Lucinda (B), A. O. B :.. 69.00 Tylersburg (JC), A. O. B 74.00 Vowinckel (W), A. O. B 70.00 Marienville (V), A. O. B 73.00 Sheffield Junction (SD), A. O. B 75.00 Kane— A 90.00 Kane (WC). B. C 83.00 Gratztown— A 91-00 Bessemer — A. A 93.00 Rankin— A. A 88.00 Hazelwood— T. A 71.00 Etna T. A 64.00 Callery— A 102.00 NEW^ CASTLE DIVISION. Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month UN Tower (UN), B. S $88.00 UN Tower (UN), B. S 88.00 UN Tower (UN), B. S 88.00 UN Tower— R 75.00 UN Tower— R 75.00 New Castle Junction (OA), B 89.00 New Castle Junction (OA), B...- 89.00 New Castle Junction (OA), B 89.00 New Castle Junction (SU), O. Mgr... 105.00 New Castle Junction (SLT), W 98.00 New Castle Junction (SU), W 98.00 New Castle Junction (SU), W 98.00 Ix)wellville~A 84.00 Lowellville (VO), B. S 83.00 Lowellville (VO), B. S 83.00 Lowellville (VO), B. S 83.00 Haselton (CH), B 88.00 Haselton (CH), B 88.00 Haselton (CH), B 88.00 IJaselton (SN), C 82.00 Ohio Junction (OW), B. S 88.00 Ohio .Junction (OW), B. S 88.00 Ohio Junction (OW), B. S 88.00 Niles Junction (RS), B. S 87.00 Nlles Junction (RS), B. S 87.00 Niles Junction (RS), B. S 87.00 Newton Falls— A 82.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 27 Location, Call and Position. Month Newton Falls (FN), B. S $ 83.00 Newton Falls (FN), B. S 83.00 Newton Falls (FN), B. S 83.00 Wayland — A 70.00 FS Tower (FS), B. S 83.00 FS Tower (FS), B. S 83.00 FS Tower (FS), B. S 83.00 Ravenna — A 87.00 Ravenna (NB), B. S 89.00 Ravenna (NE), B. S 89.00 Ravenna (NE), B. S 89.00 TF Tower (TF), B. S 81.00 TF Tower (TF), B. S 81.00 TF Tower (TF), B. S 81.00 Monroe Falls — A 70.00 Cuyahoga Falls — A 85.00 XN Tower (XN), B. S 82.00 XN Tower (XN), B. S 82.00 XN Tower (XN), B. S 82.00 BD Tower (BD), B 88.00 BD Tower (BD), B 88.00 BD Tower (BD), B 88.00 Warwick — A 85.00 Easton. (X), A. 76.00 Rittman (R), C 73.00 Rittman — A 88.00 Sterling— A 87.00 Sterling (RU), B 87.00 Sterling (RU), B 87.00 Sterling (RU), B 87.00 Creston (Z), A. 77.00 Lodi— A 85.00 CD Tower (CD), B. S 85.00 OD Tower (CD), B. S 85.00 OD Tower (OD), B. S 85.00 Homer — A 68.00 MR Tower (MR), B. S 82.00 MR Tower (MR), B. S 82.00 MR Tower (MR), B. S 82.00 Sullivan — A 73.00 Nova— A 78.00 Nova (VM), B. S 82.00 Nova (VM), B. S 82.00 Nova CVM), B. £ 82.00 Hereford (HR), A. 72.00 Greenwich — A 78.00 Boughtonville — ^A 78.00 Girard, P. Y. & A. Xing (GI), B. S.. 77.00 Girard, P. Y. & A. Xing (GI), B. S.. 77.00 Girard, P. Y. & A. Xing (GI), B. S.. 77.00 Niles (N), C 100.00 AVarren, P. P. & F. ("WC). C 95.00 Warren, Main Line (W), C 89.00 West Farmington (F), A. O. B 79.00 West Farmington (F), B 73.00 West Farmington (F), B 73.00' Middlefield (MD), A. 82.00 Burton (BU). A. 73.00 Fast Claridon (M), A. O. B 80.00 Chardon (QN), B. C 79.00 Chardon (QN), B. C 79.00 Chardon (QN), B. C 79.00 Chardon— A 92.00 Wooster (MV), A. 97.00 Greenwich — ^R 55.00 Greenwich — R 55.00 Youngstown — T. A , 100.00 NEWARK DIVISION. Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month. Neffs— A $ 93.00 Neffs (FU), B 80.00 Neffs (FU), B 80.00 St. Clairsville— A 75:00 Glencoe (CY), B $ 80.00 Location, Call and Position. ^Month"" Glencoe (CY), B ' gO.OO Glencoe (CY), B 80.00 Lamira (WS), A. O. B 81.00 Lamira (WS), B. C. T 80.00 Lamira (WS), B 80.00 Belmont — A 62.00 Bethesda — A 62.00 Bethesda (BM), B 80.00 Barnesville (AR), B 83.00 Barnesville (AR) , B 81.00 Barnesville (AR), B 81.00 Media (DA), B 80.00 Eldon (SC), B 80.00 Eldon (SC), B 80.00 Eldon (SC), B 80.00 Quaker City— A 64.00 Lore City — A 70.00 Lore City (MJ), B 83.00 Lore City (MJ), B 81.00 Lore City (MJ), B 81.00 Mineral Siding (MS), B 81.00 Mineral Siding (MS), B 81.00 Mineral Siding (MS), B 81.00 Cambridge (CB), B 87.00 Cambridge (CB), B 86.00 Cambridge (CB), B 86.00 New Concord (RD), B 80.00 New Concord (RD), B 80.00 New Concord (RD), B 80.00 Sundale (RH), A. O. B 80.00 Bridgeville (NO), B 80.00 Bridgeville (NO), B 80.00 Bridgeville (NO), B 80.00 Sonora (SA), A. O. B 8L00 BZ Tower (BZ), B 84.00 BZ Tower (BZ), B 84.00 BZ Tower (BZ), B 84.00 Zanesville (QN), B 87.00 Zanesville (QN), B 87.00 Zanesville (QN), B 87.00 Dillon (DF), B 80.00 Dillon (DF), B 80.00 Dillon (DF), B 80.00 Toboso (BD), A. O. B 82.00 Toboso (BD), B. C. T 80.00 Toboso (BD), B 80.00 Weiant (NY), B. S 85.00 Weiant (NY), B. S 85.00 Weiant (NY), B. S 85.00 Utica— A 72.00 Utica (U), B 80.00 Utica (U), B 80.00 Mt. Vernon (RN), B 85.00 Mt. Vernon (RN), B 85.00 Mt. Vernon (RN), B 85.00 Mt. Vernon— R 65.00 Mt. Vernon— R 65.00 Predericktown (FD), A. 82.00 Ankenytown (KY), A. O. B 80.00 Butler— A ' '. . . 67.00 Butler (IN), B. S 85.00 Butler (IN), B. S 85.00 Butler (IN), B. S 85.00 Newark (DI), C. W 90.00 Belleville (E). A. 78.00 Lexington (NG). B. C. T 88.00 Lexington (NG), B. C 88.00 Lexington (NG), B. C. T 88.00 Alta (W) , B 80.00 Mansfield (MC), C 80.00 North Siding (SG), B. C 86.00 North Siding (SG), B 84.00 North Siding (SG), B 84.00 Plymouth (RO), A. 77.00 28 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month Plymouth— R $ 58.00 Plymouth— R 58.00 New Haven (N), B. S 85.00 Monroeville (VI), B. C 83.00 Sandusky (SD), B. C 83.00 Shawnee (SN), B. C 82.00 Junction City (JC), A. O. B 77.00 Somerset (MS), A. O. B 79.00 Glenford— A 63.00 Cumberland (CU), A. Q 66.00 Buffalo (BU), A. Q 66.00 Senecaville (SN), A. Q 65.00 Fair Oaks— A 93.00 Philo (WC), A. O. B 67.00 Merriam (G), A. O. B 62.00 Malta (MS), B. C 74.00 Stockport (K), A. O. B 73.00 Swift (F), A. 35.00 Waterford (WA), A. O. B. 71.00 Lowell (OW), A. O. B 67.00 West Marietta (H), B. T 75.00 Marietta (MF), B. C 78.00 Newark (ND), B 82.00 Newark (ND), B 82.00 Newark (ND), B 82.00 Central City— A. (Jt.) 35.00 Central City (FN), B. S 90.00 Central City (FN), B. S 90.00 Central City (FN), B. S 90.00 BR Tower (BR), B 80.00 BR Tower (BR), B 80.00 BR Tower (BR), B 80.00 Outville— A. (Jt.) 45.00 Outville (X), B. S 85.00 Outville (X), B. S 85.00 Outville (X), B. S 85.00 Pataskala— A. (,Tt.) 50.00 Pataskala (KO), B - 80.00 Pataiskala (KO), B 80.00 Pataskala (KO), B 80.00 Summit— A. (Jt.) 38.00 Summit (SI), B. S '. 8.5.00 Summit (SI), B. S 85.00 Summit (SI), B. S 85.00 Black Lick— A. (Jt.) 45.00 Black Lick (BK), B 80.00 Black Lick (BK), B 80.00 Black Lick (BK), B 80.00 Big Walnut (BG), B. S 83.00 Big Walnut (BG), B. S 83.00 Big Walnut (BG), B. S 83.00 East Columbus (NY). B. S 83.00 E:ast Columbus (NT), B. S 83.00 East Columbus (NT), B. S 83.00 N. & W. Crossing (BW), B 88.00 N. & W. Crossing (BW), B 88.00 N. & W. Crossing (BW), B 88.00 N. & W. Crossing— R 77.00 N. & W. Crossing— R 77.00 N. & W. Crossing — ^R 77.00 Leonard Avenue (VA), B. S 88.00 Leonard Avenue (VA), B. S 88.00 Leonard Avenue (VA), B. S 88.00 Cleveland Avenue (RA), B. S 100. On Cleveland Avenue (RA), B. S 100.00 Cleveland Avenue (RA), B. S 100.00 US Tower (US), B 86.00 US Tower (US), B 86.00 US Tower (US), B 86.00 Columbus (BW), 87.00 Columbus (BW), 87.00 Columbus (BW), 87.00 Columbus (GI), C. W 100.00 San Toy— A 62.00 Location, Call and Position. Mor^h Glencoe— A $ 52.00 Eldon— A 56.00 Constitution — A 52.00 New Concord — A 60.00 Malta— A 95.00 Shawnee — A 99.00 Lexington — A 62.00 CHICAGO DIVISION. Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month. Willard, Ohio (RXj, B. (Mgr.) $ 97.00 Willard, Ohio (RX), B 90.00 Willard, Ohio (RX) , B 90.00 Willard, Ohio (RX) , B 90.00 Willard, Ohio (RX) , B 90.00 J Tower (J). B. S 82.00 J Tower (J), B. S 82.00 J Tower ( J) , B. S 82.00 Attica (C), B. S 83.00 Attica (C), B. S 83.00 Attica (C), B. S 83.00 Republic (RU>, A. O. B 82.00 Republic (RU), B 78.00 Republic (RU;, B 78.00 Kellar (K;, B. S 82.00 Kellar (K>, B. S 82.00 Kellar (K;, B. S ; 82.00 Bascoin (BM) , A. O. B 82.00 Fostoria (WN), B. S 86.00 Postoria (WNj, B. S 86.00 Fostoria (WN;, B. S 86.00 Galatea (W), B. S '. . 84.00 Galatea (W), B. S 84.00 Galatea (W). B. S 84.00 Hoytsville (FE;, A. O. B 82.00 Deshler (DR), B 78.00 Deshler (DR), B 78.00 Hamler (HM;, B. S 84.00 Hamler (HM;, B. S 84.00 Hamler (HM;, B. S 84.00 Holgate (HG) , S 84.00 Holgate (HG) , S 84.00 Hoteate (HG; , S 84.00 East Defiance (MD), B. S 82.00 Bast Defiance (MD;, B. S 82.00 East Defiance (MD;, B. S 82.00 Defiance (FC;, B. S '. 84.00 Defianc«^ (FC;, B. S 84.00 Defiance (F'C;, B. S 84.00 Sherwood (WO;, B. S 85.00 Sherwood (WO;, B. S 85.00 Sherwood (WO;, B. S 85.00 Rosedale (RS), B. S 82.00 Rosedale (RS), B. S 82.00 Rosedale (RS). B. S 82.00 HK Tower (HK), B. S 82.00 HK Tower (HK), B. S 82.00 HK Tower (HK), B. S 82.00 Auburn Junction (UN), B. S 86.00 Auburn Junction (UN), B. S 86.00 Auburn Junction (UN), B. S 86.00 Garrett (G), B (Mgr.) 97.00 Garrett (G), B. W 90.00 Garrett (G;, B. W 90.00 Garrett (G), B. W 90.00 Garrett (G), B. W 90.00 Garrett (DS;, C 97.00 Garrett (DS;, C 97.00 NY Tower (NY;, B. S 82.00 NY Tower (NY), B. S 82.00 NY Tower (NY;, B. S 82.00 Kimmell (KI), B. S 82.00 Kimmell (KI;. B. S 82.00 Kimmell (KI), B. S 82.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 29 Location, Call and Position. Rate per Month. Wawasee (WS^ B. S $82.00 Wawasee (WS>, B. S 82.00 Wawasee (WS), B. S 82.00 Syracuse (S), C. T 82.00 Milford Junction (JUj, B. S 86.00 Milford Junction (JU>, B. S 86.00 Milford Junction (JU>. B. S 86.00 Napanee (DE>, O... 82.00 Napanee (DE;, 82.00 Napanee (D'E), 82.00 Bremen (RM), 82.00 Bremen (RMj, O 82.00 Bremen (RM), 82.00 Walkerton (KN), S 86.00 Walkerton (KN), S 86.00 Walkerton (KN), S 86.00 Wellsboro (RO), S 86.00 Wellsboro (RO) , S 86.00 Wellsboro (RO). S 86.00 Alida (NS), S 82.00 Alida (NS), S 82.00 Alida (NS). S 82.00 McCool (MO), S 86.00 McCool (MO), S 86.00 McCool (MO), S 86.00 Wolf Lake (JD), C..- 86.00 M^olf Lake (JD). C 86.00 Wolf Lake (JD). C 86.00 Chicaf^ro (SC), D. Mgr 102.00 Chicag-o (SO. N. Mgr 99.00 Attica— A 75.00 Bloomdale — A 82.00 Galatea— A 87.00 Hamler— A 92.00 Holsate— A 92.00 Mark Center— A 78.00 St. Joe— A 74.00 Auburn Junction — A 92.00 Avilla— A 92.00 Albion— A 82.00 Kimmell— A 72.00 Cromwell — A 70.00 Milford Junction— A. (Jt.) 47.00 Bremen— A 72.00 Teegrarden — A 69.00 Union Center— A 64.00 Wellsboro— A 92.00 Alida— A 80.00 Miller— A 79.00 Whiting— A 82.00 Fostorla— T. A 94.00 Hicksville— A 95.00 Syracuse— A 95.00 Lapaz— A 52.00 Walkerton— A 98.00 Coburg— A 58.00 Indiana Hnrbor— A 98.00 Commercial Avenue — T. A 91.00 TOLEDO DIVISION. Tjooation. Call and Position. Rate per Month Cincinnati (KD). O $96.00 Cincinnati (KD), 94.00 Cincinnati (CD). 94.00 Cincinnati (CD). 92.00 Cincinnati Junction (CJ). 86.00 Cincinnati Junction (CJ), 83.00 Cincinnati Junction (CJ), 80.00 Northside— A •: . 95.00 Winton Place (WN) T 78.00 Winton Jimction — A t 97.00 Elmwood Place — A 73.00 Flmwood Place (MD). 86.00 Elmwood Place (MD). 85.00 Elmwood Place (MD). 83.00 Location, Call and Position. Month Carthage— A $ 78.00 Hartwell— A 70.00 Wyoming (WY) , T 78.00 Glendale (G), A. 78.00 Glendale (G), T 77.00 Stockton (J), A. O 80.00 Hamilton (liD), 91.00 Hamilton (HD), 90.00 Hamilton (HD), O 88.00 Old River Junction (DJ) . S 77.00 Old River .Timction (DJ) , S 77.00 Old River Junction (DJ), S 77.00 New River Junction (WR), S 82.00 New River Junction (WR), S 82.00 New River Junction (WR), S.^ 82.00 Trenton (RN). A. 80.00 .Middletown (F). T 85.00 Middletown (F), T 79.00 Middletown (F), T 77.00 Carlisle— A. 84.00 Miamisburg— A 98.00 Miamisburg (MG) . T 80.00 Miamisburg (MG), T 77.00 Miamisburg (MG), T : 77.00 Dayton (DY), W ^ 94. 00 Dayton (JR), C 80.00 Dayton (DY), W 94.00 Dayton (DY). W 94.00 Dayton (DY). W 94.00 North Dayton (BC), S 8o!oO North Dayton (BC). S 80.00 North Dayton (BC). S : 80.00 Tippecanoe City— A 100.00 Tippecanoe City (US). C 81.00 Tippecanoe City (US) . C 76.00 Tippecanoe City (US), C 76 00 Troy (RY), 80.00 Troy (RY), 80.00 Troy (RY). 80.00 Kirkwood (KR). A. O. S 80.00 Kirkwood (KR) . S 78.00 Kirkwood (KR) . S 78.00 Sidney (SD). T. C 82 00 SW Cabin (SW), S 78.00 S.W Cabin (SW). S 78.00 SW Cabin (SW). S 78.00 Arna (AY). A. 82.00 Botkins (BO) , A. O. B 80.00 Botkins (BO), B. C 76.00 Botkins (BO), B. C 76.00 A K Tower (AK), B. S 82.00 A K Tower (AK). B. S 82.00 A K Tower (AK). B. S 82.00 Wapakoneta — A 107.00 Cridersville (CV), A. O. B 80.00 Cridersville (CV), B. C 76.00 Cridersville (CV), B. C 76.00 Erie Junction (BY) , B 80.00 Erie Junction (BY). B 80.00 Erie Junction (BY) . B 80.00 Findlay— A 100.00 Lima (MO). B. C 82.00 Lima (MO). B. C 82.00 Lima (MO) . B. C 82.00 North Lima (NY), B. S 82.00 North Lima (NY), B. S 82.00 North Lima (NY). B. S 82.00 Lima Viaduct (SY), C. S 80.00 Lima Viaduct (SY), C. S 80.00 Lima Viaduct (SY). C. S 80.00 Cairo (CA). A. O. B 80.00 Cairo (CA). B. C 76.00 Cairo (CA). B. C 76.00 Z Cabin (Z). B 76.00 Columbus Grove— A 76-00 30 Schedules and Wage Scales. Location, Call and Position. '^onth '^ Columbus Grove (CG), B. C $ 78.00 Ottawa — A 76.00 SJ Cabin (SJ), B 77.00 SJ Cabin (SJ), B 77.00 SJ Cabin (SJ), B 77.00 Leipsic (MC), A. 95.00 Leipsic Junction (XN), B 79.00 Leipsic Junction (XN), B 77.00 Leipsic Junction (XN), B 77.00 Belmore (F), A. O. B 78.00 Deshler (RD). B 80.00 Deshler (RD), B 80.00 Deshler (RD), B 80.00 Custar (S), A. O. B 78.00 Milton (MN), B 76.00 Tontogany (W), A. O. B 78.00 Tontogany (W), B. C 76.00 Tontogany (W), B. C 76.00 Haskins (HN), A. O. B 75.00 Roachton (RN), B 76.00 Perrysburg — A 79.00 Perrysburg (P), B. C 78.00 Bates (BS), B. S ^ 82.00 Bates (BS), B. S 82.00 Bates (BS), B. S 82.00 Penna. Junction ( JN), B. S 82.00 Penna. Junction (JN), B. S 82.00 Penna. Junction (JN), B. S 82.00 Dock Office (KM), 85.00 Bowling Green (BG), A. O. B 85.00 Rudolph— A 68.00 East Dayton (RO), B. C 82.00 East Dayton (RO), B. C 79.00 East Dayton (RO), B. C 79.00 Lebanon Junction (WD), A. O. B 78.00 Xenia (X), B. C 78.00 Jamestown — A 65.00 Jamestown ( JA) , B. C 78.00 Octa— A 45.00 Milledgeville (MD) , A. O. B 76.00 Frankfort (F), A. O. B 80.00 Chillicothe (CH), B. C ; . 83.00 Coalton (N), A. O. B 80.00 Wellston (WN), B. C 85.00 Wellston (WN), B. C 82.00 Monroe— B 76.00 Austin— B 76.00 Weston (RA), A. O. B 78.00 Richmondale (RD), A. O. B 75.00 W. Middletown— A. A 75.00 Piqua Crossing— T. A 75.00 Carlisle— R 60.00 Carlisle— R 60.00 Leipsic (D. T. & L Crossing)— R 60.00 Leipsic (D. T. & L Crossing)— R 60.00 OHIO DIVISION. Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month. Little Hocking (HK), A. O. B $ 82.00 Torch Hill (BY), A. O. B 82.00 Torch Hill (BY), B. C. T 75.00 Torch Hill (BY), B. C 75.00 Coolville (CO), A. O. B 83.00 Frosts (FR), B 75.00 Stewart (SD), A. O. B 82,00 Stewart (SD), B. C. T 75.00 Stewart (SD), B. C 75.00 Guysville (GY). A. 77.00 Canaanville (HU), A. O. B 85.00 Canaanville (HU). B. C. T 75.00 Canaanville (HU), B. C 75.00 Athens (A) , B 90.00 Athens (A), B 88.00 Athens (A), B 86.00 Grosvenor (AS), B. S 82.00 Location, Call and Position. ^onth '^ Grosvenor (AS), B. S $82.00 Grcsvenor (AS), B. S 82.00 New Marshfleld (MD>, A. O. B 83.00 New Marshfleld (MD), B. C. T 76.00 New Marshfleld (MD>, B. C 76.00 Mineral — A 83.00 Mineral (MC), B. C. T 75.00 Zaleski (DR), A. O. B 85.00 Zaleski (DR), B. C. T 77.00 Zaleski (DR), B. C 77.00 Dundas (UN), B. S 82.00 Dundas (UN), B. S 82.00 Dundas (UN), B. S 82.00 Hamden — A 90.00 'Hamden (DN), B. C 90.00 Hamden (DN), B. C. T 84.00 Hamden (DN), B. C. T 84.00 Summit (CN), B 75.00 Byers Junction (BS), B. S 82.00 Byei's Junction (BS), B. S 82.00 Byers Junction (BS), B. S 82.00 Ray (RY), A. O. B 77.00 West Junction (BK) , B. S 82.00 West Junction (BK) , B. S 82.00 West Junction (BK), B. S 82.00 Vigo (GO), A. 77.00 Schooleys (SK). B 75.00 Gravel Pit (M), B 75.00 Renicks (KN), B 90.00 Chillicothe (DE) , W 91.00 Chillicothe (DE) , W 91.00 Chillicothe (DE), W 91.00 Chillicothe (CD), B " . 90.00 Chillicothe (CD), B 90.00 Chillicothe (CD), B 87.00 RK Tower (RK), B. S 82.00 RK Tower (RK), B. S 82.00 RK Tower (RK), B. S 82.00 Musselman (MI), A. 83.00 Roxabe] (SX), A. O. B 80.00 Harpers (FA), A. O. B 77.00 Harpers (FA), B. C. T 75.00 Harpers (FA), B. C. T 75.00 Lyndon (SV), A. O. B 80.00 Thrifton (BN), A. O. (Jt) 50.00 Greenfield— A 110.00 Greenfield (X) , B. C 86.00 Greenfield (X), B. C. T 86.00 Greenfield (X). B. C. T 86.00 .East Monroe (MO), A. O. B 77.00 Lee.sburg— A 82.00 Lee.sburg (SF). B. C. T 78.00 Leesburg (SF), B. C. T 78.00 Leesburg (SF), B. C 75.00 Highland— A 70.00 New Vienna (VA), A. O. B 87.00 New Vienna (VA), B. C. T 78.00 New Vienna (VA), B. C 75.00 Farmers (WR), B 75.00 \ Martinsville (F), A. O. B 82.00 Midland City— A 90.00 Midland City (V), B. T 87.00 Midland City (V) , B. T 84.00 Midland City (V), B. T 83.00 Blanchester— A 100.00 Blanchester (N), B 79.00 Blanchester (N) , B. C. T 79.00 Pleasant Plain (Z), A. O. B 81.00 Cozaddale— A 65.00 Hills (GR). A. 77.00 Q Tov/er (Q), B. S 82.00 Q Tower (Q), B. S .'. 82.00 Q Tower (Q), B. S 82.00 DA Tower (DA), B. S 82.00 DA Tower (DA), B. S 82.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 31 Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month. DA Tower (DA). B. S $ 82.00 Loveland— A 95.00 Reming-ton (K^ A. O. B 79.00 Madeira (G). A. O. B ., 84.00 Madeira (G^ B. C. T .' 78.00 Madeira (Gj , B. T 75.00 Madisonville (HM>, A. O. B 100.00 SjTiimes — A 45.00 GN Tower (GN), B. S 82.00 GN Tower (.GN) , B. S 82.00 GN Tower (GN), B. S 82.00 Broad Street (BS), A. O. B 85.00 Grove City (RO), A. O. B 77.00 Pleasant Corners (ON), B 75.00 Orient— A 68.00 Derby (QN;, A. O. B 77.00 Mt. Sterling— A 70.00 Mt. Sterling- (MS), B. C. T 77.00 Mt. Sterling (MS), B. C. T 76.00 Mt. Sterling (MS^ B. C. T 75.00 Madison Mills (IMA) , A. O. B 77.00 Haynes (HN), B 75.00 Bloomingburg (B), A. O. B 78.00 Washington C. H. (WH), B. C 84.00 Washington C. H. (WH), B. C. T. . . . 84.00 Washington C. H. (WH), B. C. T. . . . 84.00 Sabina— A 78.00 Sabina (SA), B. C. T 77.00 Sabina (SA), B. C. T 76.00 Sabina (SA), B. C. T 75.00 Wilmington— A 102.00 Wilmington (WG), B. C. T 79.00 Wilmington (WG), B. C. T 78.00 Wilmington (WG) , B. C. T 75.00 Cuba (CX), A. O. B 77.00 .lackson— A 112.00 Jackson (JA), B. C. T 82.00 Jackson (JA), B. C. T 77.00 Jackson (A), B. C 75.00 Oak Hill— A 100.00 Oak Hill (NY), B. C. T 78.00 Black Fork (BF), A. O. B 82.00 Fire Brick (KA), A. O. B 82.00 Bloom Junction (BJ), A. O. B 82.00 Bloom Junction (BJ), B. C. T 75.00 Bloom Junction (BJ), B. C. T 75.00 South Webster (WR), A. O. B 88.00 Scioto Furnace (JR), A. O. B 82.00 Sciotoville (SI), A. O. B 82.00 Portsmouth (AR), B. C. T 82.00 Portsmouth (AR), B. C. T 82.00 Portsmouth (AR), B. C. T 81.00 Hillsboro (HI), A. O. B 108.00 Lynchburg— A 76.00 Lynchburg (BG), B. C. T 75.00 Westboro— A 70.00 Melvin— A 70.00 Sabina— R 50.00 Sabina— R 50.00 INDIANA DIVISION. Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month. Oakley— A $ 85.00 Oakley (KY). B. T 79.00 Oakley (KY). B. T 77.00 Oakley (KY), B. C. T 74.00 E. Norwood— T. A 90.00 E. Norwood— R 66.00 E. Norwood— R 66.00 Bond Hill— A 87.00 Bond Hill— R 66.00 Bond Hill— R 66.00 Ivorydale (NA). B. S 85.00 Ivorydale (NA), B. S : 92.00 Ivorydale (NA), B. S 88.00 T ^- r^ ,, ^ r, ■*■ Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month Ivorydale— R $ 66.00 Cuniminsville — A 78.00 WD Tower (WD) , B. S 82.00 WD Tower (WD) , B. S 82.00 WD Tower (WD^ B. S 82.00 Storrs (RS), B 83.00 Storrs (RS), B 83.00 Storrs (RS), B 83.00 CE Cabin (CE) , B. S 82.00 CE Cabin (CE) , B. S 82.00 CE Cabin (CE), B. S 81.00 CW Cabin (CW), B. S 82.00 CW Cabin (CW), B. S 82.00 CW Cabin (CW), B. S 81.00 Delhi (DB), A. O. B 78.00 Delhi (DE), B. T 74.00 North Bend (NB), A. O. B 79.00 North Bend (NB), B. Y 74.00 North Bend (NB), B. Y 74.00 Dearborn (XN) , B. S 83.00 Dearborn (XN), B. S 83.00 Dearborn (XN), B. S 83.00 Cochran (N), B. S 88.00 Cochran (N), B. S 83.00 Cochran (N), B. S 83.00 Dillsboro (DO), A. O. B 82.00 Dillsboro (DO) , B. C. T 77.00 Dillsboro (DO), B. C. T 75.00 Pierceville — A 45.00 Cold Springs (CS), A. O. B 78.00 Moores Hill — A 64.00 Milan— A 80.00 Milan (MI), B. S ^ 83.00 Milan (MI), B. S 83.00 Milan (MI), B. S 83.00 Delaware (DR), A. O. B 80.00 Osgood— A 77.00 Osgood (H), B. C. T 76.00 Osgood (H), B. C. T 74.00 Osgood (H) , B. C. T 74.00 Dabney (DB), A. O. B 79.00 Holton (HO), A. O. B 80.00 Nebraska (NA), A. O. B 78.00 Nebraska (NA), B. C. T 74.00 Nebraska (NA), B. C. T 74.00 Butlerville (BU). A. O. B 79.00 North Vernon— A 105.00 North Vernon (G) , B 90.00 North Vernon (G), B 90.00 North Vernon (G), B 90.00 Hayden (HA). A. O. B 79.00 Flemings (FN). B 74.00 Seymour (JO), B. W. C 93.00 Seymour (JO>, B. W. C 93.00 Seymour (JO), B. W. C 93.00 Brownstown (BI) , A. O. B 82.00 Brownstown (BI), B. C. T 77.00 Brownstown (BI), B. C. T 77.00 Vallonia (VA) , A. O. B 80.00 Medora (Q), A. O. B 82.00 Medora (Q), B. C. T 74.00 Medera (Q), B. T 74.00 Sparksville— A 64.00 Fort Ritner (FR), A. O. B 78.00 Fort Ritner (FR), B. C. T 74.00 Fort Ritner (FR) , B. T 74.00 Tunnelton— A 64.00 Rivervale (RU), A. O. B 82.00 Rivervale (RU), B. C. T 75.00 Rivervale (RU), B. C. T 74.00 Mitchell (M), B 89.00 Mitchell (M),-B. C. T 81.00 Mitchell (M), B. C. T 81.00 Georgia (GA), A. O. B 80.00 Huron (HR), A. O. B 78.00 32 Schedules and Wage Scales, Location, Call and Position. "^Month Huron (HR), B. C. T $74.00 Huron (HR>, B. C. T 74.00 Shoals (SA>, A. O. B 82.00 Shoals (SA), B. C. T 77.00 Shoals (SA), B. C. T 77.00 Loogootee — A 80.00 Loogootee (PJ, B. C. T 77.00 Loog-ootee (P>, B. C. T 77.00 Loogootee (Pj, B. C. T 77.00 Cannelburg (SKj, A. O. B 79.00 Montgomery (GY), A. O. B 80.00 Bedford (BD>, A. O. B 100.00 Lovett (CO», A. O. B 80.00 Commiskey (CM), A. O. B 78.00 Commiskey (CM), B. C. T 74.00 Commiskey (CM), B. C. T 74.00 Paris— A 55.00 Deputy (DA), A. O. B 80.00 Blocher (HN), A. O. B 78.00 Blocher (HN), B. C. T 74.00 Blocher (HN), B. T , 74.00 Lexington (SB), A. O. B 80.00 Nabbs— A 57.00 Marysville (NA), A. O. B 79.00 Marysville (NA), B. C. T 74.00 Marysville (MA), B. C. T 74.00 Otisco (RA), A. O. B 79.00 Charlestown (CN), A. O. B 82.00 Charlestown (CN), B. C. T 74.00 Watson (WS), A. O. B. S 84.00 Watson (WS), B. S. C. T 80.00 Watson (WS), B. S. C. T 80.00 Jeffersonville — A 95.00 New Albany (NY), B. T 92.00 New Albany (NY), B. T 83.00 New Albany (NY), B. T 81.00 Winton Place— A 104.00 Storrs— R 73.00 Storrs— R ,. 73.00 Storrs— R 73.00 ILLINOIS DIVISION. Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month. Washintgon (W), B. C. T $ 82.00 Washington (W), B. C. T 82.00 Shops (SH), B 82.00 Shops (SH), B 82.00 Shops (SH), B 82.00 Wheatland (WD), A. O. B €0.00 Wheatland (WD), B. C. T 74.00 Wheatland (WD), B. C. T 74.00 Fritchton (GO), A. O. B 74.00 Vincennes (V), B 82.00 Vincennes (V), B 82.00 Vincennes (V). B 82.00 Beman (BM), B 74.00 Lawrenceville — A 120.00 Lawrenceville (WC), B. S. C 83.00 Lawrenceville (WC), B. S. C 83.00 Lawrenceville (WC), B. S. C 83.00 Bridgeport— A 100.00 Bridegport (RD), B. C. T 81.00 Sumner— A 77.00 Sumner (MY), B. C. T 75.00 Sumner (MY), B. C. T 75.00 Sumner (MY), B. Y 75.00 Claremont (CL), A. O. B 75.00 Olney (D), B. S 83.00 Olney (D), B. S 83.00 Olney (D), B. S 83.00 Noble (NO). A. O. B 80.00 Noble (NO), B. C. T 74.00 Clay City (CY), A. O. B 80.00 Clay City (CY), B. C. T 74.00 Location, Call and Position. Morith Flora (FA), B. AV $93.00 Flora•(i^A;, B. W 93.00 Flora (FA^ B. W 93.00 Flora (FAj, B. W. C 93.00 Xenia (MS), A. O. B 79.00 Xenia (MS;, B. C. T .■ 74.OO Xenia (MS;, B. C. T 74.OO luka (MM;, A. O. B 77.00 luka (MN;, B. T 74.00 luka (MN; , B. C. T 74.00 Salem — A 92.00 Salem (NS;, B 83.00 Salem (NS;, B. C. T 76.00 Salem (NS; , B. C. T 75.00 Sandoval (Bj, B. S. T 85.00 Sandoval (B;, T. R 69.00 Sandoval — A 70.00 Shattuc — A. ( Jt) 46.00 Shattuc (S), B. S. T 82.00 Shattuc (S), B. S. T 82.00 Shattuc (S;, B. S. T 82.00 Huey (CE;, A. O. B 75.00 Carlyle— A 88.00 Carlyle (MO) , B. C. T 79.00 Carlyle (MO), B. C. T 79.00 Carlyle (MO), B. C. T 79.00 Beckemeyer — A 80.00 Beckemeyer (BY), B. C. T 75.00 Breese — A 83.00 Breese (BR), B. C. T 79.00 Breese (BR), B. C. T 77.00 Breese (BR>, B. C. T 76.00 Aviston (AN), A. O. B '. 78.00 Trenton— A 80.00 Trenton (TR), B. C. T 76.00 Summerfleld— A >. 73.00 Summerflield (SF), B. T 74.00 Lebanon— A 82.00 Lebanon (U) . B. C. T 76.00 O'Fallon— A 90.00 O'Fallon (RxV), B. C. T 78.00 O'Fallon (RN), B. C. T 75.00 O'Fallon (RN) , B. C. . . .^. 75.00 Furman (FN), A. O. B 78.00 Furman (FN), B. T 74.00 Caseyville (AY), B. S 77.00 CaseyviUe (AY), B. S 77.00 Caseyville (AY), B. S 77.00 HN Cabin (HN), B. S 83.e0 HN Cabin (HN), B. S 83.00 HN Cabin (HN), B. S 83.00 K Tower (K), B 95.00 K Tower (K), B 90.00 K Tower (K), B 85.00 Beardstown (BR), B. C. T 81.00 Virginia (A), A. O. B 83.00 Philadelphia (P), A. O. B 74.00 Pleasant Plains (U), A. O. B 75.00 Fanningdale — A 65.00 Springfield (H), B. C 82.00 Springfield (H), B. C 82.00 Springfield (H), B. C 82.00 Rochester (RH), A. O. B 77.00 Edinburg (EN), A. O. B 78.00 Taylorsville— A 110.00 Taylorsville (G), B. T 82.00 Taylorsville (G), B. C. T 78.00 Owaneco (WN), A. O. B 76.00 Pana (SU), B. T 82.00 Pana (SU), B. C. T 78.00 Pana (SU), B. C. T 75.00 Tower Hill (CD), A. O. B 73.00 Cowden (K), A. O. B 78.00 Beecher City (BI), A. O. B 75.00 Louis (L), A. O. B 81.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 33 ^, ., o x^ -.■ Rate per Location, Call and Position. Month Cisne (CN), A. O. B $76.00 Geff— A 58.00 Fairfield— A 93.00 Fairfield (F), B. C. T , 77.00 Mill Shoals (M), A. O. B 75.00 Springer— A 63.00 Enfield (CO), A. O. B. S 85.00 Norris City (N;, A. O. B 82.00 Omaha— A ." 72.00 Ridgeway (Q) , A. O. "B 74.00 Location. Call and Position. ^Mon^th^ Junction (JN^ A.. O. B $71.00 Shawneetown (SY), A. O. B 103.00 Miliersville— A 56.00 Lakewood — A 57.00 Caseyville— A 54.00 Bluff Springs— A 57.00 Richland— A 57.00 lola- A 57.00 Flora— T. A 94.00 Bangor & Aroostook Railroad Co. ARTICLE I. The following rules and rates of pay will hereafter be observed in the employment of telegraphers. ARTICLE II. Employes required to perform telegraph service, of any character or duration, and other employes included in this schedule of wages, will be considered telegraphers, within the, meaning of this agreement, ir- respective of title by which designated, or character of service performed. It is un- derstood that where there is a station agent and one or more telegraphers, the telegra- phers report to, and are under the full authority of the station agent. ARTICLE III. Telegraphers as per Article II are in line of promotion over the entire system, except that men hired after January 1st, 1910, will have rights only on the division on which they were hired, advancement depending upon the faithful discharge of duty and capacity for increasing responsibility. Where merit, fitness and ability permit, seniority will have preference. The proper officials of the company will determine the fitness, of telegraphers to fill position bid for, pro- vided the senior applicant shall, if any doubt exists as to his ability, be granted a fair and impartial examination for the position applied for. Any telegrapher will have the •right to appeal from the decision, personally, or thTough the station agents' committee, to the general manager. ARTICLE IV. A roster of telegraphers will be prepared and a copy of the same furnished to each telegraph oflflce and will be revised semi- anmially. ARTICLE V. Telegraphers will be advised of all per- manent vacancies or new positions as soon as they exist, by a notice sent to each tele- graph oflice announcing location and wages, where wage scale has been changed, and they shall file claim to the positions within ten (10) days after date of notice. Such positions shall be permanently filled at the expiration of twenty (20) days when pos- sible. The trading of positions will not be permitted. When a telegrapher bids in and is notified of his assignment to a position he win not be allowed to bid for his former position until it has been once filled and again becomes vacant. When a telegrapher becomes incapacitated or unable to fill his position, or his regular position is abolished, he will be assigned to extra work, if there is any and will retain his seniority. ARTICLE VI, Telegraphers declining to accept promo- tion will not forfeit their rights to the same or any other position they may be entitled to, when a vacancy occurs or a new posi- tion is created. ARTICLE VII. Telegraphers will not be dismissed or suspended without just cause. In the event of suspension or dismissal they will have the right within ten (10) days to refer their cases by written statement to the proper official, who shall, within seven (7) days of the receipt ot such statement, give their case a thorough investigation, at which they will have the right to be present, if they desire, and to be accompanied by fellow em- ployes of their choice and class. In case they are not satisfied with the result of such investigation, they will have the right to appeal their case to higher officials in their regular order up to the president. In case the suspension or dismissal is found to be unjust, they will be reinstated and paid for time lost. In the matter of errors made by station agents or their assistants in billing, deliv- ering cr handling freight in any manner, it was mutually agreed that some system must be established by which station agents will share in the losses resulting therefrom, and it was agreed that in such cases as the mana,§ement might decide a portion of such losses ought to be charged against the station agent, that proportion would be fif- teen per cent of the amount in each instance that the Bangor & Aroostook Railroad Com- pany was obliged to pay, with a maximum charge against any station agent in any one case of ten (10) dollars. Also in the event of it being inconvenient for a station agent to pay all of this amount at once, the payment might be spread over a period of six (6) months by deducting equal amount.s monthly from his wages until paid. The above also to apply to errors in pas- senger matters. ARTICLE Vin. If telegraphers are, by direction of the company, called upon to be in attendance in court, or at inquests, or otherwise, upon matters involving protection to. or in the in- 34 Schedules and Wage Scales. of the company, they will be con- .' idered and paid as if on duty, and allowed necessary expenses away from home, pro- vided, however, that if the witness fees and mileage they draw are equal to or ex- ceed what they would earn and their ex- penses, the company shall not pay any- thing, the intention being that a man shall not lose anything by being away from his work. ARTICLE IX. When additional telegraph positions are <-reated, Or new duties added to positions already existing, compensation will be fixed in conformity with positions of the same class, as shown in the wage scale. ARTICLE X. Two regular relief station agents shall be employed, who will receive the salary of the man relieved, but in no case less thaji $3.30 per day. Vacancies in the regular relief station agent's staff will be advertised in the usual way and the senior qualified applicant will receive the appointment. A regular assigned telegrapher taken away from his permanent location to do relief woik will, without change in salary, be al- lowed for actual expenses not exceeding fiftj' cents per day. ARTICLE XI. Twelve (12) consecutive hours or less, itichiding meal hours, will constitute a day's work for telegraphers; the hours of service will he arranged to suit the requirements. ARTICLE XIL Dispatchers will relieve employes for meals between 11.00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m.; when required to remain on duty during meal hours they shall receive one (1) hour overtime therefor and shall be allowed thirty (50) minutes as soon thereafter as con^ditions may warrant. Employes occupying eight or nine hour (trick) positions are not entitled to meal hours under this rule, but will be relieved for lunch when conditions warrapt. ARTICLE XIII. Oveitime will be allowed for all time woiked in excess of the regular established houiK and will be paid for at one-tenth of the regular rate per day per hour. Overtime will be computed on the minute basis. Overtime will not be allowed unless over- time slips are mailed to the proper officer (superintendent) within twenty-four (24) hours after the service has been performed. ^^'hen overtime is not allowed notice with explanation will be given within seven (7) days. ARTICLE XIV. If for any purpose telegraphers are called to their offices by proper authority before or after regular hours they will be paid overtime at the rate of fifty (50) cents for the first hour, and one-tenth of the regu- lar rate per day per hour for the balance of time worked. The minimum allowance for this service shall be one hour. This article is not intended to apply to employes -reporting regularly for regular trains, but is intended to apply to special calls for extra trains, or for special purposes, either by messages from the superintendent's offlce or notice from some train crew that desires to get into communication with the super- intendent's ofllce. ARTICLE XV. Telegraphers will not be required to report for duty on Si^nday unless notified. They will receive one-half day for reporting once, and one day for a total of four hours. If an operator is required to be on duty more than four hours, he shall be paid for same as per Articles XI and XIII. Sunday work will, however, be reduced to the lowest mininmm. ARTICLE XVI. Relief will be granted a telegrapher if, upon complaint and investigation, he Is found to be overworked. It is understood that this rule refers to all work incident to the station department. ARTICLE XVII. If a telegrapher is transferred by order of the company he will be allowed regular pay while in transit and in making transfer, and will be furnished free transportation for himself, faniily and household goods; but if he bids in a position he shall be granted free transportation for himself and family, and one-half tariff rates on his household goods. When transferring to a position that he has elected, or when transferring fon a va- cation, he wiU be allowed pay only for the actual time he is on duty for those two days on which transfers are made. ARTICLE XVIII. In event of reduction of force, the last man to enter the service will be the first man to be laid off, and in event of increas- ing the force the oldest man laid off will be offered work first, excepting as per Ar- ticle XIX. ARTICLE XIX. It is understood that this agreement is not to apply to any telegrapher who has not been in the employment of the com- pany for at least six months. ARTICLE XX. The full compensation paid for salary shall be sliOAvn on the wage scale attached to and a part of this agreement. ARTICLE XXI. Employes covered by this agreement and who have been in the service one (1) year and less than two (2) years shall be granted a term pass good over division on which em- ployed; those who have been in the service two (2) years and less than ten (10) years, term pass over entire system; and eniployes who have been in the service over ten (10) years, term pass including wife over entire system. ARTICLE XXII. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy against the objections of the agent or operator. ARTICLE XXIII. This agreement -shall take effect Septem- ber 17, 1917. and will continue in effect until Schedules and Wage Scales. 85 changed by mutual agreement. Thirty (30) days' notice of a desire to change will be given. J. B. STEWART, Gen. Mgr., For the Company. A. M. McNAIR, J. L. ROBBINS, G. R. LILLET, E. N. TAPLEY. J. B. CROCKER, For the Station Agents and Operators. AVAGE SCALE. Main Line. Rate Station and Po.sition. Per Day Searsport, station agent $3.70 Assistant station agent 2.25 Stockton, station agent 2.45 Sandy Point, station agent 2.25 Prospect, station agent 2.25 Frankfort, station agent 2.35 Winterport, station agent 2.35 Hampden, station agent 2.35 Northern Maine Jet. station agent 3.50 First trick operator 2.50 Second trick operator 2.35 Third trick operator 2.50 North Bangor, .static^ agent 2.20 Hudson, station agent 2.25 Bradford, station agent : . 2.25 South Lagrange, .station agent 2.50 First trick operator 2.40 Second trick operator 2.40 Third trick operator 2.25 Medford, station agent 2.25 Rand Cove, .station agent 2.25 Lagrange, station agent 2.40 Derby, station agent 3.25 Assistant station agent 2.35 Milo. station agent 3.25 Assistant station agent 2.25 Brovvnville, station agent 3.30 Assistant station agent 2.25 Schoodic, station agent 2.25 "U'pst Seboois. station agent 2.60 Second trick operator 2.15 Third trick operator 2.15 Norcross, station agent 2.40 Millinocket, station agent 5.00 First trick operator 2.50 Second trick operator 2.25 Third trick operator 2.25 Grindstone, station agent 2.25 Davidson, station agent 2.25 Stacyville, station agent 2.25 Sherman, station agent ,. . . . 2.60 Assistant station agent 2.25 Crystal, station agent 2.25 Island Falls, station agent 3.25 As.h employe from its service. If any member of the organization employed by the company neglects or refuses to pay to the organization any dues or as- sessments which have duly become a lia- bility from him to the organization during his membership thereof, and while such em- ploye, and before notice in writing by him to the secretary cf Division No. 156 of the organization of which he is a member, of his desire and intention to discontinue his membership therein, and shall continue such refusal to pay such suin or sums as are justly due from him to the organization, after a determination by the company of the justice of the claims of the organization for such sums from such employe, the company will discharge such employe from its serv- ice or- suspend him until all such sums have been paid. TOWERMEN, QUALIFICATION. 3. All such employes assigned by proper authority to operate interlocking machines, record the passage of trains at towers, and perform the duties of towerman, whether termed telegrapher, leverman, helper or tel- ephone operator, connected with the move- ment of trains, shall be hereafter referred to as towermen, and shall be governed by the provisions of this agreement. ORDERS, MOVEMENT OF TRAINS, AUTHORITY. 4. They shall be governed by such general atnd special rules as apply to towermen In Book of Rules for the Government of Em- ployes of Rapid Transit Lines. Permanent orders or instructions regarding train move- ments, or relating to trafflc in whatever character, will in no case be given orally, excepting in emergency cases when It be- comes necessary to issue such orders for the benefit of immediate action; then, and in every such case, such orders will be veri- fied by proper letter over signature of offi- cial is.sulng such orders or instructions. No order or orders shall be given by any per- son or persons excepting the superintendent, train master, chief train dispatcher, dis- patcher on trick, district supervisors, start- ers, or any properly accredited representa- tives of the superintendent of Rapid Transit Lines, general orders excepted. DISCIPLINE. 5. Employes as designated in Article HI shall not be disciplined without a hearing unless they waive it. If suspended pending investigation, same shall be held within seven days from date of suspension. If ex- onerated, they shall be allowed to resume their duties and be paid an amount equiva- lent to what they would have earned had action not been taken. RIGHT OP APPEAL. 6. Any such employe aggrieved as to the result of discipline or any decision, shall have the right to appeal in person or through a coTnmlttee of fellow employes, not exceed- ing three, to the higher officials of the com- pany Ip refl'lar order to the president. Such appeal to be make in writing within ten days from date of notice of such discipUne or decision. SENIORITY. 7. Employes as designated in Article III .shall be in line for promotion to higher po- sitions within the service herein referred to upon the lines of the company where simi- lar service or duties are required. Advance- ment will be made on the basis of seniority, so far as practicable, the fitness of an em- ploye for the position sought to be deter- mined by proper officials of the company, pro- vided that the senior applicant will be given a fair and impartial examination for the position bid or applied for, if any doubt exists as to his ability. ABOLISHMENT OF POSITION. 8. In the event of the abolishment of a position, the men affected shall have the right to choose any position to which their seniority entitles them. COMPENSATION FOR INSTRUCTING MEN. 9. Towermen, whenever required to break in or instruct men in the tower service of the company, will be paid two and a half (2 1-2) cents per hour during the period re- quired for such instruction in addition to their regvilar wages. VACANCIES TO BE ADVERTISED. 10. Vacancies will be advertised by notice on "the daily bulletin within seven days from date on which the vacancy occurs, with limitation of the time and conditions under which applications will be received. Said time limit to be not less than four days from date posted. The vacancy will be filled by the men entitled to it within four- teen days after it is assigned by bulletin. BIDDING, WAGES FOR POSTING REGULATED. 11. Any employe herein referred to shall have the right to bid for any advertised position as above described, whether it be a position paying more or less than the one held. If qualified for the position sought, without the necessity of Instruction, he shall, when placed in the position, receive the wage of the position taken. If not quali- fied anxi breaking in or Instructions are ne- cessary, he shall receive the rate of pay of the position then held until fully qualified or placed in the position sought. If the po- sition sought is one of a lower rate of wage than that of the position then held, he shall receive the lower rate of pay while break- ing In for or when assigned to the position sought. When an employe covered by Ar- ticle III has bid in a position, he will not be permitted to bid for the former position until it has been once filled and again becomes vacant. RATING TO DETERMINE WAGES. 12. (a) Employes in the tower service. If called upon to perform work in a higher paid class in tower service, shall receive the pay thereafter of such higher class while they remain In that class. (b) Where an employe may be called upon to temporarily perform work in a lower paid class, no change in his rate of pay shall be made. 42 Schedules and Wage Scales. SPARE WORK— DIVISION OF. 13. (a) Insofar as practicable, when tow- ermen are temporarily absent, their posi- tions shall be filled by other towermen in the manner herein described, if said tower- men are available. (b) In towers where assistants are em- ployed, the first trick assistant at that tower may relieve the first trick rig-ht hand man, and the second trick assistant at that tower may relieve the second and third right hand men. (c) In Tower "A," when assistant is not available, the split trick man may substi- tute for all rig-ht hand men in that tower. (d) In Tower "D" the split trick man may substitute for all right hand men in that tower. (e) In towers having assistants, the first trick towerman at Tower "J" may relieve the first trick assistant and split trick man, except at Tower "A" split trick man Tnay work for the first trick assistant, and sec- ond trick man at Tower "J" may relieve the second trick assistants and they shall be entitled to the work of the man relieved. (f) In towers having no assistants the first trick towerman at Tower "J" may re- lieve the first trick right hand man, and second trick towerman at Tower "J" may relieve second and third right hand men, ex- cept that at Towers "G" and "H" the as- sistants at Tower "F" may do the reliev- ing, the men at Tower "J" going to Tower "^" ABSENTEES PROTECTED. 14. That towermen legitimately absent on account of sickness, or otherwise, may have opportunity to protect their rights and priv- ileges in the bidding for advertised vacan- cies, they shall deliver to the superintendent of Rapid Transit Lines written authority to bid for them. Such written authority must be received by superintendent in time to comply w(th limitations of time fixed for filling the vacancies. 15. Classes of service, hours of work, and rates of wage shall be as follows: Towermen (R. H. ) at towers operated 24 hrs. dally, 1st and 2nd tricks — Hours per day, 8; present rate, 40c; 9-15-16 to 9-15-17, 41c; 9-15-17 to 9-15-18, 42c; 9-15-18 to 9-15-19," 43c. Towermen (R. H.) at above towers, 3rd tricks — Hours per day, 8; present rate, 39c; 9-15-16 to 9-15-17, 40c; 9-15-17 to 9-15-18. 41c; 9-15-18 to 9-15-19, 42c. Relief' towermen — Hours per day, 8-9 1-2; present rate, 40c; 9-15-16 to 9-15-17, 41c; 9-15-17 to 9-15-18, 42c; 9-15-18 to 9-15-19, 43c. Assistants (L. H. and split trick towermen) — Hours per day, 8 1-2; present rate, 35c; 9-15-16 to 9-15-17, 36c; 9-15-17 to 9-15-18, 37c; 9-15-18 to 9-15-19. 38c. Towermen at towers operated only during hours of train operation — Hours per day, 9 1-2; present rate, 30c; 9-15-16 to 9-15-17, 81c; 9-15-17 to 9-15-18, 32c; 9-15-18' to 9-15-19, 33c. TIME OFF WITH PAY. 16. (a) Each towerrnan's position shall be relieved one full day every eighteen (18) days without dimlnuation of pay to the towerman thus relieved, provided he haa worked seventeen (17) days since his last day off with pay. (b) Towermen, tempoi^arily assigned to work positions other than their own, shall be relieved the same day as though they were working their own positions, and are not to be entitled to any other relief. (c) AVhen a towerman bids out of one position into another his day of relief shall change to that of the position into which he has bid when placed on same. ROSTER. 17. A roster of employes herein described, arranged in order of seniority, will be posted in the towers. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 18. (a) When conditions permit, towermen. upon request, will be granted leave of ab- sence not to exceed 30 days, with privilege of extension at the discretion of the super- intendent. (b) In cases of sickness or disability, such absence may be of indefinite duration, the absentee being required to report his con- dition and whereabouts at least once in two weeks. (c) The acceptance of another position while on leave of absence shall be considered as terminating service. LIFE OF AGREEMENT. 19. This' agreement shall go into effect September 15th, 1916, and remain in full force until September 15th, 1919, both days inclusive, and continue in force and be binding upon the respective parties from year to year thereafter unless changed by the parties thereto. Either of the parties hereto desiring a change in any section or sections of this agreement shall notify the other party in writing of the desired change thirty (.lO) 'days prior to September 15th. 1919. In case of and after such notice the agreement shall then be opened up and the change or changes desired shall be consid- ered. Upon failure to reach a mutual agree- ment upon any of the changes desired by the parties hereto, the same shall be arbi- trated as provided for in this agreement, and the award shall then be entered into and become a part of this agreement. In witness whereof. The Boston Elevated Railway Company has caused these presents to be signed in its name and behalf by its president and executive committee thereunto duly authorized, and The Order of Railroad Telegraphers has caused these presents to be signed in its name and behalf by the vice- president and chairman and committee of employes, members of Division No. 156, thereunto duly authorized. THE BOSTON ELEVATED RAILWAY V COMPANY, (Signed) M. C. BRUSH. President. WM. A. BANCROFT, JAS. M. PRENDERGAST, J. L. RICHARDS, Executive Committee. THE ORDER OF RAILROAD TELEG- RAPHERS, T. M. PIERSON, Vice-President. COMMITTEE OF EMPLOYES, DFV. No. 156, R. H. BUXTON, Chairman. E. A. WILLARD, GEO E. PRENDERGAST Schedules . AND Wage Scales. 43 Boston & Maine Railroad ARTICLE I. Application of the Agreement. These rules and rates of pay apply to all employes whose regular work requires them to perform the duties of a telegrapher of any character or in any amount; to em- ployes who perform the same class of work by telephone heretofore done by telegraph; also to station and ticket agents who are not required to telegraph as shown in the wage scaie attached to these rules. ARTICLE II. Right of Promotion. Employes designated in Article I, also all agents at non-telegraphic stations, are in line for positions or promotions. Other things being equal, length of service will govern in selection of employes for posi- tions or promotion; but the character of the service to be performed, merit, efRciency, and faithful discharge of duty will in every case be considered. Rights are confined to the respective divi- sions and the superintendent shall be the judge of qualifications. If any doubt as to the ability of the senior applicant, an exam- ination of such applicant will be given, who may have any co-employe of his choice present at such examination. ARTICLE IIL Permanent Vacancies. Employes as jrer Article I and all agents who are not required to telegraph, receiving ?1.75 per day to $125.00 per month, both inclusive, will be advised within five (5) days of all permanent vacancies or new posi- tions by notice sent to each office stating hours of service, days per week and salary. Applications for such vacancies or positions shall be received for ten days and the suc- cessful applicant and the local chairman to be advised, and the assignment made within twenty days after the vacancy occurs. Non-telegraph positions not covered by jvrticle I will be advertised in the same manner. When a permanent position is abolished the employee so relieved, if competent, shall have the right to take the position of the youngest permanent employe, in point of service, or he may go on the extra list if he so prefers. In filling summer or temporary positions the men on the division, as per Article I, will be given preference. ARTICLE IV. Genera! Telegraph Office. Employes as per Article I on Portland, Pitchburg and Southern Divisions, are eligible to bid on vacancies as telegraphers in general telegraph office; employee as per Article I in general telegraph office are eligible to bid on all positions as per Article III on Portland, Fitchburg and Southern Divisions. Vacancies or nevr posltiqps as car dis- tributor in general telegraph office will be advertised in and awarded to employes in general telegraph office as per Article II and Article III, the superintendent of transporta- tion and superintendent of telegraph to be the judges of qualifications. Vacancies or new positions in general telegraph office, other than positions of car distributor, will be advertised as per Article III on the Portland, Pitchburg and Southern Divisions, the superintendent of telegraph to be the judge of qualifications. The term of railroad service of all tem- ployes in general telegraph office will date from the time they commenced telegraph service; but their rating in said office will date from the time they were assigned a permanent position in that office. Should car distributor.s or other positions be abol- ished employes will revert back to posi- tions formerly held by them in "GM" office. ARTICLE V. Relief Men. Sufficient relief men will be supplied to meet all reasonable demands. ARTICLE VI. Discipline or Dismissal. Employes will not be disciplined or dis- missed without cause; in case discipline is thought to be unjust employes may refer their case in writing to the division super- intendent after which they shall be given a hearing within seven (7> days and a deci- sion will be promptly rendered. The ag- grieved parties may be present at all in- vestigations and may be represented by fel- low employe^ of the same class; in event of this investigation proving unsatisfactory, case may be appealed to the higher officials in regular order. If the accused is found blameless, his record will remain the same aa previous thereto and he shall receive pay for all time lost. ARTICLE Vn. -■ .. Minimum Rate. The minimum rate for employes as per Article I will be $2.25 per day, except such positions as are designated by a • In "the wage scale. Unless otherwise specified all positions shown in the wage scale will be considered seven-day positions. "When a vacancy occurs, the company may, at its option, change a seven-day position to a six-day position. Employes holding six-day positions re- quired any part of the seventh day for any purpose, shall receive one day's pay for such service. ARTICLE VIIL Hours Per Day and Overtime. Twelve (12) consecutive hours, including one hour for meals, will constitute a maxi- mum day's work. Overtime on a pro-rata maximum ten- hour basis will be allowed for all time worked in excess of the regular established hours at any point. Orertime will b« com- 44 J^dHEDULES AND WaGE ScALEg. puted on a minute basis, accumulative to end of week. Requests for overtime must be filed within "forty-uight (48> hours from time service is performed; if same is not allowed notice with explanation will be griven within five (5) days. The above arrangement of hours will not be construed to increase the hours of serv- ice at ofllces now on a basis of less than twelve (12) hours. If hours are increased, overtime will be paid. ARTICLE IX. Meal Hour. Employes as per Article I will be allowed one hour for meals cominencing' any time within the fourth and sixth hour after start- ing work. If unable to obtain one hour for meals, employes will receive one hour's overtime at pro-rata rate on maximum ten (10) hour basis. This does not apply to employes working eight (8) hours or less. - ARTICLE X. Special Calls. If for any purpose employes are called before or after regular hours, they shall be paid on a pro-rata maximum ten (10) hours basis, and a minimum time allowance of four (4) hours. ARTICLE XI. I Spare Employes. Spare employes as per Article I will re- ceive the compensation of the position to which assigned together with proportion of commission earned and will be paid for reg- ular time consumed in transit from one sta- tion to another. ARTICLE XII. Relief from Overwork. Relief .will be granted if upon complaint and investigation employes are found .to be ovei'worked. ARTICLE XIII. Attending Court, Etc. Employes attending court or inquests, or if absent from their regular duties under orders of the company, shall receive the same Amount they would have been entitled to on their regular positions, and will be allowed necessary expenses while away from home. ARTICLE XIV. Uniform Caps. Uniform caps will be furnished free to all employes who are required to wear them. ARTICLE XV. Required to Transfer. When transferring from one position to another, employes as per Article I will be furnished free transportation for family and effects and the regular pay allowed while in transit making such transfer. ARTICLE XVI. Vacations. All employes as per Article I who have been In the employ of the company one year or more, will be allowed seven (7) consecu- tive do.y.s leave of ab.sence each year with full pay. If the company finds it inconvenient to grant leave of absence to any employe as per Article I, entitled to it under this rule, the employe shall receive compensation at his regular salary for that period. Applications for leave of absence shall be filed between January 1st and March 1st and where dates conflict senior employes will be given preference. ARTICLE XVII. Seniority List. A seniority list consisting of all employes covered by Article I will be issued by the company. Each local chairman will be fur- nished with a copy for his division; these lists will be revised annually prior to Jan- uary 1st. ARTICLE XVIII. ' Attending Switch and Signal Lights. Employes as per Article I assigned to telegraph service when required to attend .swiLch or signal lights, will be paid fifteen (15) cents per week per lamp. This does not include train order signals. ARTICLE XIX. Flagging Crossings and Attending Gates. Employes as per Article I assigned to telegraph duties and not now protecting crossings, will be exempt from flagging crossings or attending gates. Other em- ployes as per Article I not now protecting crossings but who may be required to flag crossings or attend gates in the future will be compensated for such service; rate to be arrived at by mutual agreement between the company and the committee. ARTICLE XX. New Positions. When new positions are created, additional duties added or material changes in exist- ing working conditions made, compensation and hours will be fixed in conformity with positions of the same class covered by the agreement. ARTICLE XXI. Transfer of Accounts. When accounts are being transferred from one employe to another, each employe shall be paid at the regular daily rate for that station for the time required to transfer, but in no case for less than one day. ARTICLE XXII. Printing of Schedule. These rules and rates of "pay will be printed by the company in book form and copies will be furnished to all employes designated in Article I. ARTICLE XXIII. Cancelling of Agreement. These rules and rates of pay shall take effect August 26th, 1916, and will be carried out by all parties interested, and, will con- tinue in force until thirty (30) days' notice has been given by either party to the other, requesting a change in same. ' J. H. HUSTIS, Temporary Receiver of the Boston & Maine Railroad. By B. R. POLLOCK, ' General Manager. ACCEPTED FOR THE EIMPLOYES, By J. B. BODE, General Chairman. Schedules and Wage Scales. 45 ABBREVIATIONS USED. A.- O.- A. & O.- T. A. & O.- A. T. A,- F. A.- P. A. & O.- T. A.- T. A. & O.- Ca. & O.- D. O.- N. O.- C. & O.- N. O. & S.- D. O. & S.- O. & Y. C- N. O. & Y. C- O. & S.- T. A. & C. W.- D -Agent. -Operator. -Agent and operator. -Asst. ticket agent and opr. -Asst. ticket agent. -Freight agent. -Freight agent and opr. -Ticket agent. -Ticket agent and operator. -Cashier and operator. -Day operator. -JJight operator. -Clerk and operator. -Night opr. and switchman. -Day opr. and switchman. -Day opr. and yard clerk. -Night opr. and yard clerk. -Operator and switchman. -Ticket agent and crossing watchman. GENERAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE, BO.STON. ♦Indicates that men work 6 days per week. tAlternate fourth Sundays at operator's rate. Rate Hours Station and Position. Per ' Per Day. Day. Boston, chf. opr. and car dis....$4.15 *8 Boston, four car distributors 3.85 *8 Boston, Ave operators 3.55 '8 tBoston. one operator 3.55 *& Bo.ston, one night operator 3.25 8 PORTLAND DIVISION. Main Line via Dover. Rate Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. Boston (Supfs office), D. O $2.85 *9 Boston (Supt's office), N. 2.85 8 East Somerville, A. & 3.05 12 East Somerville (E. Hse.), O. 1st trick 2.85 8 East Somerville (E. Hse.)', O. 2d trick 2.85 8 Wellington, A 2.65 12 Edgeworth, A. & 3.45 12 Maiden, A. & 3.10 11 Maiden, D. 2.55 12 Oak Grove, A. & 3.45 12 Wyoming, A. & 2.85 12 Melrose, A 3.45 12 Melrose, T. A. & 2.65 9 Melrose, A. T. A. & 2.50 9 Melrose Highlands, A. Agt 2.35 12 Wakefield Junction, T. A. & O. . . 3.10 12 Wakefield, Agt 3.95 12 Wakefield, Ca. & 2.95 'll Wakefield, T. A. & 2.85 9 Wakefield, A. T. A 2.35 9 Reading, T. A. & O 2.60 9 Reading, C. & 2.65 *10 Reading, A. T. A. & 2.35 9 North Wilmington, A. & 2.60 12 Wilmington Jet., A. & 2.65 12 Lowell Jet., A. & 2.85 8 Lowell Jet., O. & S., 2d trick 2.35 8 Lowell Jet., O. & S., 3d trick 2.35 8 Ballardvale, Agt 2.87 12 Andover, A. & 3.45 12 Rate Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. Andover, O. 1st trick $2.65 *9 Andover, O. 2d trick 2.60 9 South Lawrence, O. 1st trick 2.75 8 South Lawrence, O. 2d trick 2.75 8 North Andover, A. & 2.90 12 North Andover, D. 2.45 12 Ward Hill, A. & 2.60 12 Bradford, T. A. & 2.85 10 Bradford. A. T. A. & O. 2d trick.. 2.35 9 Bradford, Y. C. & O. 3d trick 2.35 9 Haverhill, O. 1st trick 2.50 9 Haverhill, O. 2d trick 2.35 10 Atkinson, A. & 2.65 12 Westviile, A. & 2.35 12 Plaistow, A. & 2.55 12 Newton Jet., A. & 2.85 12 East Kingston, A. & 2.65 12 Exeter, T. A. & 2.90 12 Newflelds, A. & 2.90 12 Rockingham, A. & 2.70 10 Rockingham, O. 2d trick 2.35 8 Newmarket, A. & 3.15 12 Newmarket, D. 2.50 12 Durham, A. & 2.45 12 Durham, D. 2.40 12 Madbury, A. & 2.45 12 Dover, O. 1st trick 2.70 8 Dover, O. 2d trick 2.65 8 Dover, O. 3d trick 2.50 8 Dover, T. A 3.20 12 Dover, A. T. A 2.60 12 Rollinsford, A. & 2.65 12 Salmon Falls, A. & 3.15 12 Cummings, A. & 2.65 12 Cummings, O. 1st trick 2.50 8 Cummings. O. 2d trick 2.50 8 Cummings. O. 3d trick 2.35 8 North Berwick, A. & 2.45 12 North Berwick. D. 2.55 12 Wells Beach, A. & 2.40 12 Kennebunk, A 3.20 12 Kennebunk, O. 1st trick 2.45 8 Kennebunk, O. 3d trick 2.40 8 Kennebunk, O. 2d trick 2.35 8 Biddeford. T. A. & 3.10 12 Saco. T. A. & 2.85 12 Old Orchard, A. & 3.15 10 Old Orchard, C. & O. 2d trick 2.35 10 Pine Point, A. & 2.40 12 Scarboro Beach. A. & 2.55 12 PORTLAND DIVISION. Main Line via Portsmouth. Everett. Agt $2.85 12 East Everett. Agt 2.65 12 Chelsea, A. & 3.90 12 Chelsea, T. A. & 2.85 9 Chelsea. A. T. A 2.55 9 Revere, A. & 3.45 12 West Lynn. T. A 2.85 12 Lynn, A. T. A 2.60 12 Lynn (Yard). Y. C. & 2.60 *11 East Lynn. T. A 2.40 12 Swampscott. A. & 3.05 12 Salem. A. T. A 2.75 12 Salem. A. T. A 2.60 12 Salem, A. T. A 2.60 12 Salem, A. T. A 2.35 12 Salem, O. 1st trick 2.85 8 Salem, O. 2d trick 2.85 8 Salem, O. 3d trick 2.80 8 Beverly, A. & 3.70 12 Beverly, T. A. & 2.95 11 46 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. North Beverly, A. & O $2.70 12 Hamilton & Wenham, A. & 3.20 12 Hamilton & Wenham, T. A. & O. . 2.85 9 Hamilton & Wenham, A. T. A. & 2.40 9 Ipswich, T. A. & 2.85 10 Ipswich, A. T. A. & 2.45 9 Rowley, A. & 2.70 12 Newbury, A. & 2.35 12 Newburyport, A ; 3.70 12 Newburyport, T. A. & 2.95 9 Newburyport, A. T. A. & 2.65 9 •Newburyport (Frt.), C. & 2.60 *11 Salisbury, A. & 2.60 12 Seabrook, A. & 2.50 12 Hampton, A. & 2.80 12 North Hampton, A. & 2.75 12 Greenland, A. & 2.60 12 Portsmouth, T. A 3.35 12 Portsmouth, A. T. A 2.60 12 Portsmouth, O. 1st trick 2.75 8 Portsmouth, O. 2d trick 2.75 8 Portsmouth, O. 3d trick 2.50 8 Kittery Jet., A. & 2.70 12 Eliot, A. & 2.70 *12 Jewett, A. & 2.95 9 Jewett, O. 2d trick 2.50 9 .Jewett, O. 3d trick 2.50 9 Wells Depot, A. & 2.50 •12 West Kennebunk, A. & 2.85 8 West Kennebunk, O. 2d trick 2.45 8 Kennebunk, O. 3d trick 2.35 8 Biddeford, T. A. & O 2.85 12 Saco, A. & 2.65 *12 Oak Hill, A. & 2.50 12 Medford Branch. Glenwood, A. & O $3.00 12 iMedford, A. & 3.20 ^12 Georgetown Branch. Haverhill Bridge, A. & O $2.65 ,*12 Groveland, Agt 2.40 ^12 South Reading Branch. I.ynnfield, A. & O $2.55 *12 Newburyport BrancFi. Wakefield Center, T. A. & O $2.80 •12 Lynnfield Center, A. & 2.60 12 West Peabody, A. & 2.80 12 Tapleyville, A. & 2.65 12 Danvers Jet., C. & 2.55 12 Danvers, A. & 3.20 12 Topsfleld, A, & 2.70 12 Boxford, A 2.55 12 Georgetown, A. & 2.90 10 Georgetown, D. 2.40 'lO Byfield, A. & 2.60 12 Lowell Branch. Baldwin, A $2.55 12 Almont, A 2.B5 12 Wamesit, A 2.55 12 Wigginville, A 2.60 12 Manchester and Lawrence Branch. Methuen, A. & O $3.15 12 Methuen, D. 2.40 •12 Salem, N. H., A. & 3.15 12 ■ Canobie Lako, A. & 2.45 12 Derry, A. & 3.45 12 Derry, T. A. & 2.50 12 Rate Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. Windham, A. & O $2.95 8 Windham, O. 2d trick 2.35 8 Windham, O. 3d trick 2.35 8 Wilson, Agt 2.45 12 Londonderry, A. & 2.60 12 Merrimack Branch. Merrimack, A. & O $2.90 *12 Dover and Lakeport Branch. Gonic, A. & O $2.65 12 Farmington, A. & 3.20 12 New Durham. A. & 2.40 12 Alton, A. & 2.65 12 Alton Bay, A. & 3.10 12 Lake Shore Park (S), A. & O. 2.35 ^12 Kennebunkport Branch. Kennebunkport Beaclr (S), A. & 0.$2.45 *12 Kennebunkport, A. & 2.90 "12 Saugus Branch. West Street, A. & O $3.35 ♦12 West Everett, Agt .' 2.50 ^12 Bell Rock, A. & 2.95 *12 Maiden, A. & O ' 3.45 *12 Faulkner, Agt : 2.70 *12 Maplewood, A. & 2.95 12 . Broadway, Agt 2.70 ^12 Linden, A. & 2.95 *12 Franklin Park, A ' 2.70-*a2 Cliftondale, A. & 3.00 12 Saugus, A. & 2.95 *12 East Saugus, A. & 2.70 'la Raddin, A 2.50 *12 Lynn Common, T. A 2.85 'la Swampscott Branch. Marblehead, A. & O. $3.70 *12 Marblehead, T. A. & 2.95 ^12 Lawrence Branch. Peabody, A. & O $3.95 *12 Peabody, T. A. & 3.20 ^9 Peabody, A. T. A. & 2.60 *9 Danversport, A. & O 2.95^12 Danvers (E>, T. A. & 2.70 12 Hathorne, A. & 2.60 *12 Howes, Agt 2.15 *12 Middleton, A. «fe 2.55 *12 Marble Ridge, A 2.25 "12 Stevens, A. & 2.55 *12 Machine Shop, A. & 3.45 ^12 Rockport Branch. Montserrat, A $2.60 12 Prides, A. & O 2.90 12 Beverly Farms, A. & 3.15 10 Beverly Farms, D. 2.50 10 West Manchester, A. & 2.65 12 Manchester, A. & 3.35 12 Manchester, D. 2.50 12 Magnolia, A. & 3.15 12 West Gloucester, A 2.10 12 Gloucester, A 3.74 12 Gloucester, T. A. & 3.10 9 Gloucester, A. T. A. & 2.85 9 Gloucester, A. T. A. & 2.30 9 Rockport, A. & 3.20 8 Rockport, D. 2.70 8 Essex Branch. Essex. A. & O $2.70 *12 Conomo, A 2.25 "IB Schedules and Wage Scales. 47 Salisbury Branch. Rate Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. Amesbury, A $3.35 *12 Amesbury. T. A. & 2.90 12 Dover Branch. Dover Point, A $2.35 ♦12 Newington, A 2.35 12 Sawyer, A. & 2.60 *12 York Harbor and Beach Railroad. Kittery Navy Yard, A. & O $2.35 *12 Kittery Point, A. & 2.45 *12 York Harbor, A. & 2.85 *12 York Beach, A. & 2.90 *12 Conway Branch. South Berwick, A. & O $2.90 *12 Salmon Falls (E), T. A. & 2.65 12 Somersworth, A 25.55wk 12 Somersw^orth, Ca. & 3.15 *11 Somersworth, D. 2.50 12 Rochesier, O. 1st trick 2.70 8 Rochester, O. 2d trick 2.70- 8* Rochester, O. 3d trick 2.70 8 Rochester, T. A 3.05 12 Hayes, A. & 2.60 12 Milton, A. & 2.65 12 Union, A 2.65 12 Union, D. O \ 2.45 12 Sanbornville, A. & 2.85 9 Sanbornville, O. 2d trick 2.65 8 Sanbornville. O. 3d trick 2.40 8 Burleyvllle, A. & 2.65 12 Ossipee, A. & 2.65 12 Mountainview, A. & 2.65 12 Mt. Whittier, A. & 2.65 12 Madison, A. & 2.65 12 Conway, A. & 3.15 12 Conway, D. 2.50 *12 North Conway, A. & 3.15 12 Wolfeboro Branch. Wolfeboro Falls, A $2.20 *12 Wolfeboro, A. & 3.15 *12 SOUTHERN DIVISION. IVIain Line. Rate Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. East Cambridge, A $2.60 12 Cambridge (E. Hse.), 2.85 11 Prospect Hill, A 2.80 *12 Mj'stic Jet., C. & O. 1st trick 2.85 8 Mystic Jet., C. & O. 2d trick 2.85 8 Mystic Jet.. C. & O. 3d trick 2.65 8 Winter Hill. A 2.75 8% Winter Hill. Asst. A 2.25 •SVz Somerville Jet , A 2.70 12 North Somerville, A 3.25 10% North Somerville, C. & O. 1st trick 2.50 *9 North Somerville, C. & O. 2d .trick 2.35 9 Medford Hillside, A 2.40 12 West Medford, A 3.10 11 West Medford, C. & O. 1st trick... 2.40 10 West Medford, C. & O. 2d trick... 2.40 9 Wedgemere, A 2.60 9% Wedgerriere. A. A 2.05 9% Winchester. A. A 19.40 wk. 11 Winchester, T. A. & 2.85 9 Winchester, A. T. A. & 2.50 9 Rate Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. Cross Street. A $2.05 9% Woburn Highlands. A 2.20 9^ Woburn, T. A. & 2.85 8% Woburn, A. T. A. & 2.50 8% Woburn (Freight), C. & 2.80 *d\i North Woburn. A. & 2.55 12 Winchester Highlands./ A 2.35 12 Montvale, A 2.35 12 Walnut Hill, A. & 2.50 12 So. Wilmington, A. 2.85 11 So. Wilmington, Asst. A. & O 2.45 *10 Wilmington, A. & 2.65 9 Wilmington. C. & 2.35 9 Silver Lake. A 2.05 12 East Billerica, A. & 2.50 12 Billerica Shop, C. & 2.70 *9 North BiUerica, A. & 2.35 11 North Billerica, Asst. A. & 2.35 10% Bleachery, A 2.05 12 Lowell (passenger), O. 1st trick... 2.70 8 Lowell (passenger), O. 2d trick... 2.70 8 Lowell (passenger), O 3d trick... 2.70 8 Lowell (freight), C. & 2.40 11 North Chelmsford, A. & 3.15 11% North Chelmsford, C. & 2.60 12 Tyngsboro, A. & 2.60 12 Thornton's Ferry, A. & 2.65 12 Merrimack, A. & 2.55 12 Reeds Ferry, A. & O. f 2.55 12 Goffs Falls, A. & O 2.55 12 Manchester, O. 1st trick 2.70 8 Manchester, O. 2d trick 2.70 8 Hooksett, A. & .,0 3.10 12 Suncook. A. & 3.65 12 Suncook, C. & 2.50 111/2 Concord (Supt's office), C & O.... 2.85 9 Concord (passenger), 2.75 9 Concord (passenger), 2.65 9 Concord (frt. yd. off.), C. & 2.70(3)9 Penacook, A 3.45 12 Penacook, C. & O. 1st trick 2.65 8 Penacook, C. & O. 2d trick 2.35 8 Boscawen, A. & 2.50 12 Gerrish, A. & 2.50 12 Franklin Jet., T. A. & 2.75 12 Franklin, T. A. & O. 1st trick 2.80 8 ' Franklin. O. 2d trick 2.45 8 Franklin, O. 3d trick 2.40 8 Halcyon, A. & 2.45 12 Andover, A. & 2.50 12 ' Potter Place, A 2.60 10 Potter Place. C. & O. 1st trick... 2.50 8 Potter Place, C. & O. 2d trick 2.35 8 Potter Place, C. & O. 3d trick 2.35 8 Gale, A. & 2.70 12 Converse, A. & O .2.50 12 Danbury, A. & 2.70 12 Grafton, A. & 2.55 12 Cardigan, A. & 2.50 12 Canaan, A 2.55 12 Canaan, C. & O. 1st trick 2.50 8 Canaan, C. & O. 2d trick. 2.40 8 Canaan, C. & O. 3d trick 2.40 8 Pattee. A. & 2.50 12 Enfield, A. & 2;30 *!!% Enfield, C. & 2.50 II14 Mascoma, A. & 2.50 9V6 Mascoma & Pattee, C. & 2.25 *12 Lebanon, A 3.55 11^ Lebanon, C. & O. 1st trick 2.45 10 Lebanon, C. & O. 2d trick 2.35 10 Westboro. Asst. Agt 3.00 12 Westboro, C. & O. 1st trick 2.65 8 48 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. Westboro, C. & O., 2d trick $2.60 8 Westboro, C. & O. 3d trick 2.50 8 Central Mass. Branch. Waverley, A. & O $2.85 12 Waltham (north). A .^ 3.60 10 Waltham (north), C. & O. 1st trick 2.49 "8 Waltham (north), C. & O. 2d trick 2.40 8 Waltham (north), C. & O. 3d trick 2.35 8 Waltham Highlands, A 2.40 12 Weston, A. & 2.80 12 Wayland, A. & 2.90 10 Wayland, Asst. A. & 2.35 10 So. Sudbury (Joint), C. & O. (3) . .17.90wk.9 Gleason Jet., O. 1st trick 2.40 10 Gleason Jet., O. 2d trick 2.35 10 Hudson, A. & 3.20 11 Hudson, T. A. & O.* 2.70 12 Berlin, A. & 2.75 12 Reservoir Switch, D. 2.40 12 Oakdale, A. & O ' ." 3.40 12 Oakdale, T. A. & O. 1st trick.?... 2.85 8 Oakdale, C. & O. 2d trick 2.60 8 Oakdale, C. & O. 3d trick 2.50 8 Quinapoxet, A. & O ; 2.60 12 Jefferson, A. & 2.90 12 Rutland, A. & 2.60 8 Rutland, C. & O. 2d trick 2.45 8 Rutland, C. & O. 3d trick 2.45 8 West Rutland, A. & 2.50 12 Coldbrook, A. & 2.55 llVa Barre, A 2.55 12 Barre Plains, A. & 2.65 9 Barre Plains, C. & 2.35 9 Wlieelwrig-ht, A. & 2.65 12 New Braintree. A. & 2.60 111/2 GUbertville, A. & O 2.65 12 Ware, F. A 3.60 11% Ware, C. & O. 1st trick 2.70 8 Ware, C. & O. 2d trick 2.50 8 Ware. C. & O. 3d trick. ........... 2.50 8 Bondsville, A. & 2.85 9 Bondsville, Asst. A. & O 2.40 *9 Norwottuck, A. & 2.60 11 V2 Amherst, A 3.60 ' 12 Amherst, C. & O. 1st trick 2.50 9 Amherst, C. & O. 2d trick 2.40 *9 Hadley, A. & 2.85 12 Lexington Branch. Somerville H'l'd's, A. & O $2.65 8% West Somerville, A. & O ,... 2.75 8^^ West Somerville, Asst. Ag^t. & O. . 2.40 *S North Cambridge, A. & 2.90 8 North Cambridge, O. 2d trick...!. 2.45 8 North Cambridge, O. 3d trick 2.40 8 Lake Street. A 2.20 *12 Arlington. A 3.40 11 Arlington, C. & O. 1st trick 2.50 *9 Arlington, C. & O. 2d trick 2.35 *9 Arlington Heights, A 2.40 12 East Lexington, A 2.10 •12 Lexington, A 3.65 11 Lexington, C. & O. 1st trick 2.50 ♦lO Lexington, C. & O. 2d trick 2.40 '8 Bedford. A. & 2.60 *9 Bedford, C. & 2.35 'S Concord. A. & 2.65 *12 Reformatory, A. & 2.65 "12 Billerica, A. & 2.35 12 Stoneham Branch. Stoneham. A $3.40 11 Rate Hours Station and Position, Per Per Day. Day. Stoneham, C. & O. 1st trick $2.50 ♦lO Stoneham, C. & O. 2d trick 2.40 •12 Lawrence Branch. Tewksbury Center, A. & O $2.85 11% Tewksbury Jot., A. & 2.75 12 Salem Branch. North Reading, A. & O $2.55 11% South Middleton, A. & 2.55 •!! Stony Brook Branch. Chelmsford, A. & O $2.40 12 Westford, A. & O. 1st trick ... 2.40 8 Westford, C. & O. 2d trick 2.35 8 Westford, C. & O. 3d trick 2.35 8 Graniteville, A. & O. 1st trick 2.50 8 Graniteville, C. & O. 2d trick 2.35 8 Graniteville, C. & O. 3d trick 2.35 8 Forge Village, A. & O. 1st trick.. 2.50 8 Forge Village, C. & O. 2d trick... 2.35 8 Forge Village, C. & O. 3d trick... 2.35 8 Flanagan's Crossing, O. 1st trick. .2.35 8 Flanagan's Crossing, O. -2d trick.. 2.35 8 Flanagan's Crossing, O. 3d trick.. 2.35 8 Portsmouth Branch. Massabesic, A. & O $2.50 12 Auburn, A. & 2.50 ^12 Candia, A. & 2.55 12 East Candia, A. & 2.4'5 *12 Raymond, A. & 2.70 11 Raymond, C. & 2.45 ^11% Hedding, A. & 2.55 10% Stratham, A. & 2.50 *lli4 Greenland Village, A. & 2.50 ^12 Suncook Valley Branch. Epsom, A. & O $2.40 12 Chichester, A 1.70 12 Pittsfield, A. & 3.15 10 Pittsfield, Asst. A. & 2.50 *11 Centre Barnst^ad, A. & 2.65 12 Claremont Branch. Garrison, A. & O $2.50 12 Contooeook, A. & 2.45 10 Contoocook, Asst. A. & 2.40 10 Warner, A. & . 2.45 12 Waterloo, A. & O 2.45 12 Roby, A. & O 2.50 ^12 Bradford. A. & 2.35 10 Bradford, Asst. A. & 2.35 *10 Newbury, A. & 2:70 12 Lake Sunapee (S), A. & 2.45 12 Lake Sunapee (S), Asst. A. & O. .. 2.40 12 Edgemont, A. & 2.40 12 Sunapee Depot, A. & 2.35 10 Sunapee Depot, C. & 2.35 *10 Newport, A. & 3.55 11 Newport, C. & O. 1st trick 2.50 10 Newport, C. & O. 2d trick 2.35 *10 NorthA'ille, A. & 2.40 12 Claremont. T. A. & 2.95 11% Hill, A. & 2.50 •12% Bristol Branch. Bristol, A. & O $3.50 *12 Bristol, C. & 2.65 •12 Franklin and Tilton Branch. Franklin Falls, T. A. & O $2.70 12 Schedules and Wage Scales. 49 FITCHBURG DIVISION. Station and Position. Main Line. Rate Hours Per Per Day. Day. Boston ("JD" office), O $2.85(2;9 Boston (Englnehouse), C. & O 2.65 10 Union Square, A 2.70 12 Union Square, C. & 2.45 *10M! Cambridge, F. A 27.46 wk. 'll Cambridge, T. A. & O.' 3.10 12 Cambi-idge, C. & 2.45 11% Hill Crossing, A 2.50 12 West Cambridge, A 2.35 12 Belmont, A. & 2.30 12 Waverley, A. & 2.70 12 Waltham, T. A 2.90 81,3 Riverviev/, A 2.30 11% Roberts, A. & O 2.90 10h35m Stony Brook, A. & 2.55 12 Kendal Green, A. & 2.55 12 Lincoln, A. & 2.95 9 Lincoln, C. & 2.55 9 Concord. A 3.70 10 Concord, C, & 2.65 11 Concord, C. & 2.50 12 Concord Jet. (Jt.), T. A. & 2.957 10^ Concord Jet. (Jt.J, C. & 2.866*111^ South Acton, A 3.30*11 South Acton, C. & 2.45 lOVz West Acton, A. & 2.60tll'35" West Acton, C. & 2.50 tl2 Littleton, A. & 2.55 12 Littleton, C. & 2.40 *12 Shirley, A. & O 2.70 12 Shirley, C. & 2.70 10% North Leominster, A. & O ... 3.45 'll North Leominster, C. & 2.80 12 E. Fitchburg (freight, O. 1st trk. 2.85 8 E. Fitchburg (freight), O. 2d trk. 2.85 8 E. Fitchburg (freight), O. 3d trk. 2.85 8 Fitchburg, O. 1st trick 2.85 8 Fitchburg, O. 2d trick 2.85 8 Fitchburg, O. 3d trick 2.85 8^ West Fitchburg, A. & 3.20 12 Wachusett, A. & 3.10 12 Westminster, A. & 2.90 10 Westminster, C. & 2.35(2)8 So. Ashburnham, O. 1st trick 2.45 8 So. Ashburnham, O. & S., 2d trick 2.70 8 So. Ashburnham, O. & S., 3d trick 2.70 8 Gardner, T. A 3.20 10 Otto River, A 2.65 10^^ Baldwinville, A 3.40 12 Baldwinville, O., 1st trick 2.50 8 Baldwinville, O., 2d trick 2.40 8 Baldwinville, O., 3d trick 2.40 8 Royalston, A. & 2.80 8 Royalston, C. & 2.40 8 Athol. O., 1st trick 2.45 8 Athol, O., 2d trick 2.45 8 Athol, O., 3d trick 2.45 8 Orange, C. & 2.55 12 Wendell, A. & O ;,... 2.70 12 Erving, A & 2.80 9 Erring, C. & O., 2d trick 2.40 9 Erving, C. & O., 3d trick 2.40 9 Farley, A. & 2.65 12 Millers Falls, C. & O., 1st trick.. 2.50 9 MiUers Falls, C. & O., 2d trick.... 2.45 9 Millers Falls, C. & O., 3d trick 2.45 9 Montague, A. & 2.55 12 Lake Pleasant (S), A. & 2.35 12 East Deerfleld, 2.75 9 Bast Deerfield, O., 1st trick 2.85 8 East Deerfield, O.. 2d trick 2.85 8 Station and Position. Rate Hours Per Per Day. Day. East Deerlield, O., 3d trick $2.85 8 East Deerfield (E. Hse.), 2.55 10 Greenfield, 2.90(3)8 Greenfield, C. & 2.90 9 Greenfield, C. & 3.20 11 South River, A. & O. . .f 2.60 12 Bardwell, A. & 2.60 12 Shelburne Falls, T. A. & 2.85 9 Shelburne Falls, A. T. A. & 2.45 9 Buckland, A. & 2.85 11 Charleniont, A 3.15 12 Charlemont, C. & O., 1st trick 2.60 8 Charlemont, C. & O., 2d trick 2.45 8 Charlemont, C. & O., 3d trick 2.45 8 Zoar, A. & O ,. 2.50 12 Hoosac Tunnel, A. & 2.60 11% N. Adams, C. & 2.60(2)10 Blackinton, A. & 2.65 12 Williamstown, A 3.65 • 12 Williamstown, O., 1st trick 2.65 8 Williamstown, O., 2d trick 2.65 8 Williamstown, O., 3d trick 2.65 8 Pownal, A. & 2.85 12 North Pownal, A. & 2.70 12 Petersburgh Jet., A 2.60 10% Hoosick, A. & 2.60 12 Hoosick Falls, T. A. & 2.80 10'3" Hoosick Jet., A. & 2.85 8 Hoosick Jet., C. & 2.50 8 Hoosick Jet., C. & 2.50 8 Eagle Bridge, A 2.90 8 Eagle Bridge*, C. & O., 1st trick.. 2.60 8 Eagle Bridge, C. & O., 2d trick... 2.50 8 Eagle Bridge, C. & O., 3d trick... 2.40 8 Buskirk, A. & 2.55 10 Johnsonville, A 2.90 11 , West Valley Falls, A. & 2.55 12 Schaghticoke, A. & 3.15 11 Schaghticoke, C. & 2.45 8 Reynolds, A. & 2.40 11%, Mechanicville, C' & 2.85 12 Mechanicville, C. & 2.70 12 Mechanicville (E. Hse.)., C. & O... 2.40 9% Scotia, A. & O 2.65 12 Rotterdam, O., 1st trick 2.85 8 Rotterdam; O., 2d trick 2.85 8 Rotterdam, O.. 3d trick 2.85 8 Valley Falls, A. & 2.55 12 East Schaghticoke, A. & 2.55 10'55" Melrose, A. & 2.55 12 Lansingburgh, A. & 2.60 12 Troy (freight), C. & 2.45 11 Turners Falls Branch. Turners Falls, A. & O $3.80 niVt Bennington Branch. North Hoosick, A. & O $2.50 10% Walloomsac, A. & 2.35 10% White Creek, A. & 2.85 11% White Creek, C. & 2.50 11% Watertown Branch. Union Market, A $3.95 11 Union Market. T. A. & 2.65 12 Watertown, T. A 2.55 12 East Watertown, A 2.35 12 Bemis, A 3.20 11'5" Bleachery, Agt 2.10 •12 Marlboro Branch. Maynard, A. & O $3.20 12 Maynard, C. & 2.56 10% t Six day jobs, but alternate working Sundays. 50 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. Hudson, A $3.20 11 Hudson, C. & 2.40 lOy^ Marlboro, A 3.50 12 Marlboro, C. & 2.45 IO1/3 GleasondaJe, A 2.35 12 Greenville and Mllford Branches. Pepperell, A $3.35 11% Pepperell, C. & 2.55 •11% No. Pepperell, A I.95 *ii% Brooldine, A. & 2.70. 12 West Groton, A. & 2.80 *12 Townsend Harbor, A. & 2.55 12 Townsend, A. & 2.70 12 West Townsend, A 2.35 12 Greenville, A. & 3.10 *12 Cheshire Branch. Heywood, A. & O $3.10 11 Naukeag, A. & 2.35 'll^ Winchendon, A 3.55 n Winchendon, O., 1st trick 2.50 8 Winchendon, O., 2d trick 2.45 9 Winchendon, O., 3d trick 2.45 10 State Line, A. & 2.35 12 Fitzwilliam, A. & 2.55 12 Fitzwilliam, C. & 2.45 12 Troy, N. H., A. & 2.55 10 Troy, N. H., C. & 2.50 10 Webb, A. & 2.55 12 Joslin, A. & 2.65 12 Keene, O., 1st trick 2.45 8 Keene, O., 2d trick 2.45 8 Keene, O., 3d trick 2.45 8 Gilboa, A. & 2.45 12 Westmoreland, A. & 2.40 12 Walpole, A. & 2.80 10^^ Saratoga and Schuylerville Branches. Saratog-a Springs, T. A. & O $2.60 11 Schuylerville, A. & 3.20 11% W., N. & P. DIVISION. Main Line. Rate Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. Worcester (Line. Sq.), T. A. & O. $2.90 12 West Boylston, A 2.45 12 Sterling Jet., A. & 2.90 10 Sterling Jet., A. A. & 2.60 10 Sterling Jet., N. O. & S 2.60 10 East Switch, D. O. & S 2.40 12 Clinton, T. A. & 2.90 8 Clinton, A. T. A. & O.i 2.90 8 Thayer, A. & 2.90 12 Lancaster, A. & 2.90 12 Still River. A. & 2.45 12 Harvard, A. & O , 2.45 12 Ayer (passenger), O., 1st trick... 2.35 "9 Ayer (passenger), O., 2d trick 2.35 9 Ayer (passenger), O.. 3d trick 2.70 8 Ayer (passenger), O., 4th trick 2.70 8 Ayer (Y. M. Of.). C. & O., 1st trk. 2.70 8 Ayer (Y. M. Of.), C. & O., 2d trk. 2.70 8 Ayer (Y. M. Of.), C. & O., 3d trk. 2.70 8 Groton, A. & 3.10 10 Groton, A. A. & 2.70 *10 Pepperell, A. & 3.60 10 Pepperell, A. A. & 2.70 'lO Hollis, A. & 2.55 12 Nashua, Main St., T. A 2.80 12 Rate Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. Nashua (East Yard), C. & O. 1st $2.70 8 Nashua (East Yard), C. & 6., 2d.. 2.70 8 Nashua (East Yard), C. & O., 3d.. 2.70 8 Nashua (bis. Office), 3.00 *10 Nashua (Dis. Office), 3.00 '10 Nashua U. Sta., T. A. & 3.00 8 Nashua U. Sta., A. T. A. & 2.76 8 Nashua (freight), C. & 2.45 *10 Anderson, A. & 2.55 10% Hampstead, A. & 2.55 lOi^ Sandown, A. & 2.55 10y2 Fremont, A. & 2.90 lOVs Epping, A 2.90 12 Epping, T. A 2.55 lli/^ Epping, C. & O., 1st trick 2.55 8 Epping, C. & O., 2d trick 2.55 8 Epping, C. & O., 3d trick 2.45 8 Lee, A. & 2.65 11 Harrington, A. & 2.45 12 West Gome, A. & 2.55 11 Rindgemere, A. & 2.40 12 Eastwood, A. & 2.40 12 Sanford & Springvale, A 3.45 *10 T. A. & O., 1st trick 2.90 8 A. T. A. & O., 2d trick 2.55 8 C. & O., 3d trick 2.35 8 Alfred, A. & 2.80 12 Waterboro, A. & 2.65 12 Wpscott, A. & 2.40 12 Bradbury, A. & 2.65 12 Bar Mills, A. & 2.90 10 Bar Mills, C. & 2.50 'lO Buxton, A 2.20 12 Gorham, A. & 2.90 11% Keene Branch. Nashua City, T. A. & O $2.80 12 South Merrimack, A. & 2.50 12 Ponemah, A. & O 2.50 12 Milford, A. & 3.85 11 Milford, C. & 2.60 12 Milford, T. A. & 2.60 *12 Wilton, A. & 3.40 11 Wilton, C. & 2.60 '11 South Lyndeboro, A.'. & 2.30 11 1/2 Greenfield, A. & 2.80 12 Elmwood, A. & O ." 2.70 12 Hancock, A. & 2.40 *12 Eastview, A. & 2.45 *12 TIarrisville, A. & 2.75 *12 Marlboro, A. & 2.80 '12 Acton Branch. Otterson Street, T. A. & C. W. ..$1.95 *12 Dunstable, A. & 2.40 •12 West Granitevllle, A. & 2.65 *12 East Littleton, A. & 2.55 "12 North Acton, A. & 2.55 ^12 North Weare Branch. Grasmerc, A. & O $2.55 11 V4 Goffstown, A. & 2.60 11% Parker, A. & 2.60 12 New Boston, A. & 2.65 •12 Riverdale, A. & 2.50 12 East Weare, A. & 2.45 12 North Weare, A. & 2.60 12 Manchester and Milford Branch. Bedford, N. H., A. & O $2.55*11 Amherst, N. H., A. & 2.50 'll Schedules and Wage Scales. 51 Worcester and Hillsboro Branch. Rate Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. Bennington, A. & O $2.60 12 Antrim, A. & 3.20 11 Antrim, C. & O " 2.60 *12 Hillsboro, A. & O.. 3.35 *12 Hillsboro, C. & 2.55 12 Henniker, A. & O 2.45 *12 Henniker, C. & 2.50 12 Holden, A. & 2.55 12 Jefferson, A. & 2.55 12 Brook-s, A. & 2.55 12 Princeton, A. & 2.55 12 Hubbardston, A. & O > 2.55 12 West Rindge, A 2.20 12 East Jaffrey, A. & 2.80 12 East Jaffrey, C. & 2.55 *11 Peterboro, A. & 3.20 11 V^ Peterboro, C. & O., 1st trick 2.55 10 Peterboro, C. & O., 2d trick 2.40 *10 WHITE MOUNTAINS DIVISION. Main Line. R^tQ Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. Eastside, A. & O $2.55 10 Eastside, C. & O. .' 2.35 *10 Canterbury, A. & 2.45 12 Northfield, A. & 2.55 12 Tilton, A 3.65 *12 Tilton, C. & 2.55 10 Tilton, C. & 2.40 10 Tilton, C. & 2.35 10 Lochmere, A. & 2.55 10 Laconia, A 3.82 12 Laconia, T. A. & 3.20 10 Laconia, C. & 2.40 10 Lakeport, A 3.70 12 Lakeport, T. A. & 2.95 10 Lakeport, C. & 2.50 10 Lakeport, C. & 2.45 10 Weirs, A. & 3.00 12 Weirs (S>, C. & 2.80 10 Weirs (&), C. & 2.35 *10 Meredith, A 3.15 12 Meredith, C. & 2.50 10 Meredith, C. & 2.35 'lO Meredith, C. & 2.35 ♦lO Winona, A. & 2.55 *I2 Ashland, A 3.50 *12 Ashland, C. & 2.50 10 Ashland, C. & 2.35 *10 Plymouth, A v . 3.98 12 Plymouth, T. A. & 3.15 10 Plymouth, C. & O 2.60 10 Plymouth, C & O 2.40 10 Rumney, A. & 2.55 11 Swainboro, A.. & 2.55 11 Wentworth, A. & 2.65 10 Wentworth, C. & 2.35 10 Wentworth, C. & 2.35 10 Warren, A. & 2.85 12 Glencliff, A. & O 2.50 10 Glencliff, C. & 2.35 10 Glencliff, C. & 2.35 10 Oliverian, A. & 2.65 12 Pike, A ^ 1.10 *12 Haverhill, A. & 2.55 12 Blackmount, A. & 2.55 12 Woodsville (Supfs Off.), C. & O. 2.85 10 Woodsville (Supfs Off.), C. & O. 2.70 *10 Woodsville, A. . . : 3.65 *12 Woodsville, T. A 2.65 12 Woodsville (yard), C. D. & 2.55 9 Bath, A. & 2.50 12 Rate Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. Lisbon, A. & O $ 3.65 'lO Lisbon, C. & 2.55 10 Sugar Hill (S), A. & 2.65 12 Littleton, A 3.65 12 Littleton, C. & O 2.35 10 Littleton, T. A. & 2.70 *10 Wing Road, A. & O 2.65 12 Wing Road (S) , C. & 2.40 10 Whitefleld Jet., C. & 2.40 *12 Scott, A. & 2.90 12 Lancaster, A. & 3.65 12 Northumberland, A. & 2.50 12 Groveton, A. & 3.70 ♦12 IVIount Washington Branch. Bethlehem Jet., A. & O $2.60 *12 Bethlehem Jet. (S), C. & 2.40 *10 Twin Mountain, A. & 2.50 *12 Pemigewasset Valley Branch. Campton, A. & O $2.55 *12 West Thornton, A. & 2.55 *12 Woodstock, A. & 2.60 ♦12 North Woodstock, A. & 3.20 12 North Woodstock (S), C. & O 2.35 *12 Lincoln, A. & 3.35 12 Whitefield and Jefferson Branch. Whitefleld, A. & O $3.80 12 Whitefield, C. & 2.55 *12 Cherry Mountain, A. & 2.90 11 Cherry Mountain (S), C. & 2.35 ♦lO Highlands, A 2.10 *12 Bowman, A. "& 2.45 *12 Randolph, A. & 2.55 *12 Gorham, A. & 2.55 12 Berlin, T. A. & 2.65 *12 Berlin, C. & 2.40*10 Maplewood (S), A 2.90 12 Bethlehem (S), A 3.45 12 Jefferson (S), A. & 3.20 12 CONNECTICUT AND PASSUMPSIC DIVISION. (South) Main Line. j^^te Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. Springfield (Dis. Office), 0. & O. 1st trick $2.90 8 2d trick 2.90 8 3d trick 2.75 8 Springfield (freight), C. & 2.80 *10 Brightwood, A 3.60 *10i^ Chicopee Jet., A 3.70 *10 Chicopee Jet., T. A. & 2.90 12 Willimansett, A 2.85 *9V^ Mt. Tom, A. & 3.10 10^^ Mt. Tom, C. & 2.50 *11% Northampton, T. A 26.70 wk 11 Northampton (Pass.), C. & 2.55 9 Northampton, O. NO Tower 2.75 10 Hatfield, A 2.75 12 North Hatfield, A. & 2.85 12 Whately, A 2.06 12 South Deerfield, A. & 3.15 12 South Deerfield, C. & 2.45 »11% Deerfield, A. & 2.60 12 Silver Street, O. & S 2.55 8 Silver Street, O. & S 2.55 8 Silver Street, O. & S. . '. 2.55 8 Bernard.ston, A. & 2.85 10 Bernardston. C. & 2.35 10 Mt. Hermon, A 2.20 *12 52 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rat© Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. East Northfield, A $3.90 'll East Northfield, C. & O., 1st Trick 2.75 9 East Northfield, C. & O. 2d Trick 2.50 9 East Northfield, C. & O., 3d Trick 2.35 9 East Northfield (freight), C. & O. 2.80 *11 Dole Jet., O. & S 2.55 12 Brattleboro, 2.40 8 Dummerston, A. & 2.60 11 Putney, A. & 3.00 9 Putney, C. & 2.60 9 Putney, C. & 2.50 9 Bast Putney, A. & 2.60 12 "Westminster, A. & 2.55 12 Bellows Falls (passenger), D. O... 2.60 10 So. Charlestown, A 1.90 12 Charlestown, A. & 3.10 12 North Charlestown, A. & 2.35 12 Claremont .Tct., A. & O : 3.10 *10 Claremont Jet., C. & O. first Trick 2.65 9 Claremont Jet., C. & O. 2d Trick 2.55 9 Claremont Jet., C. & O., 3d Trick 2.55 9 Easthampton Branch. Easthampton, A $3.95 *11 Easthampton. C. & 2.61% 12 Ashuelot Branch. Hinsdale, A. & O $3.20 12 Hinsdale, C. & 2.45 *12 Ashuelot, A. & 2.90 9% Ashuelot, C. & 2.45 *10 WiDchester, A. & 3.10 12 Winchester, C."* 2.40 ♦12 West Swanzey. A. & O 2.90 12 West Swanzey, C. & O 2.45 *12 CONNECTICUT AND PASSUMPSIC DIVISION. (North.) Main Line. Rate Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. Lyndonville (Supt's Office), O. 1st Trick $2.70 8 2d Trick 2.70 8 3d Trick 2.70 8 White River Jet., O 1st Trick 2.70 8 White River Jet., O. 2d Trick 2.70 8 White River Jet, O. 3d Trick 2.55 8 Wilder, A. & 2.85 10 Wilder, C. & 2.35 'lO Norwich, T. A. & O. 1st trick 2.85 8 Norwich, O. 2d trick 2.45 8 Norwich, O. 3d trick ^.35 8 Norwich, F. A 2.60 *10 Pompanoosuc, A. & O .' 2.65 12 Rate Hours Station and Position. Per Per Day. Day. Thetford, A. & O $2.65 12 Northboro, A. & 2.40 12 Ely, A. & 2.40 9 Ely, O. 3d trick 2.35 9 Fairlee, A. & 2'AO 12 Fairlee (S), C. & 2.35 12 Piermont, A 1.80 *12 Bradford, A. & 3.15 8 Bradford, C. & O 2.35 8 Bradford, C. & 2.35 *8 Conicut, A. & 2.50 12 Newbury, A. & 3-.50 12 Wells River, A 3.50 *8 AVells River (freight), C. & O 2.50 *10 Wells River, T. A. & O. 1st trick. 2.70 8 Wells River, O. 2d trick 2.1j0 8 Wells River, O. 3d trick 2.55 8 East Ryegate, A. & 2.55 12 Mclndoes, A. & 2.50 12 Barnet, A. & 2.55 12 Inwood, A. - 2.10 12 Passumpsic, A. & 2.65 12 St. Johnsbury, F. A 3.75 10 St. Johnsbury, T. A. & O . 2.85 ♦lO St. Johnsbury, O. 1st trick 2.65 8 St. Johnsbury, O. 2d trick 2.65 8 St. Johnsbury, O. 3d trick 2.60 8 Centervale, A. & 2.40 *12 Lyndon, A 1.81 ♦12 Lyndonville, T. A 2.60 10 Lyndonville, P. A 2.87 ♦lO West Burke, A. & 2.40 12 Sutton, A 2.00 ^12 Summit, O. 1st trick 2.35 8 Summit, O. 2d trick 2.35 8 Summit, O. 3d trick 2.35 8 AVilloughby, A. & 2.50 12 Barton, T. A. & O. 1st trick 2.30 8 Barton, O. 2d trick " 2.35 8 Barton, O. 3d trick 2.35 8 Barton, F. A. & 2.80 ♦lO Orleans, A. . . .' 3.10 ♦lO Orleans, C. & 2.50 12 Coventry, A. & 2.50 ^12. Newport, T. A 3.10 9 Newport, O. . 1st trick 2.70 8 Newport, O. 2d trick 2.70 8 Newport, O. 3d trick 2.65 8 Beebe Jet., A. & 2.80 12 Beebe Jet., C. & 2.55 ^12 Smiths Mills, A. & 2.40 12 Ayers Cliff, A. & 0.> 2.60 12 North Hatley, A. & 2.60 12 Capelton, A. & 2.90 12 Lennoxville. A. & 2.90 ♦lO Sherbrooke, T. A. & 3.15 12 Sherbrooke, N. 2.60 12 Rock Island, A. & 3.45 12 Stanstead, A. & 2.55 12 Boston & Albany Railroad (N. Y. C. R. R. Co., Lessee) Boston. Mass., July 28, 1917. RULE I. Effective July 28, 1917, the following rules will govern the employment of employes mentioned in the second paragraph. RULE XL Any employe required to perform the du- ties of a telegrapher, whether termed agent. relief agent, assistant agent or clerk, agents who are not required to telegraph, as shown in wage schedule, telephone operators, di- rectors, signalmen, relief signalmen, lever- men connected wi^h movement of trains, shall be governed by the provisions of this schedule. Schedules and Wage Scales. 53 RULlF. iu. Employe^ shall not be disciplined or dis- charged without just cause, if suspended pending investigation it shall be held within seven (7) days from date of suspension, and in case any employe is disciplined or dis- charged for reasons for which he may con- sider unjust, he shall have the right to take the matter up with his immediate superior official; failing to adjust the matter he may call upon the Committee representing the employes to represent him. In case he is dissatisfied with the result of the investi- gation, he shall have the right to appeal his case in the regular order to the highest operating official of the company; when not found at fault he shall be allowed to resume his duties and be paid for the time lost and his record to remain as previously thereto. Employes shall be notified of cause and length of suspension. The right to appeal from any decision as to discipline, discharge or application of rules of this schedule, must be exercised within fifteen (15) days from date of deci- sion, this rule to apply on each successive appeal. V • RULE IV, Employes are in line for positions or for promotion. Other things being equal, length of service will govern in selection of men for positions or for promotion, but the character of the service to be performed, efficiency and faithful discharge of duty will in every case be considered, and the man who, in the judgment of the employing official, will render the most efficient serv- ice and insure the highest degree oX safety will be given position bid or applied for, or for promotion. Any doubt as to ability of senior applicant, an examination of euch applicant will be given. This rule will apply in laying off and re-employing employes in oase of fluctuating business. RULE V. When vacancies occur or new positions are created, except agencies paying more than twenty-eight dollars ($28.00) per week, ex- clusive of all commissions, the Superintend- ent of the division shall within five (5) days notify each employe on his division, who may within seven (7) days frona date of notification file application for the position so advertised. At the end of seventeen (17) days from the date of notification the appointment and assignment will be made. Any employe will have the privilege of sending to his Superintendent a list of all the positions for which he desires to be considered an applicant. Employes holding a position where tele- graph service Is not required shall not lose their roster standing privileges for bidding for other positions. Employes not covered by Rule II will not be considered eligible to bid on positions covered by this agreement. At Towers 40 and 41, a vacancy having no bidders, lamp- men at these two towers may be assigned to the vacancy. Seniority rights of lamp- men will begin with date of assignment and apply only to Towers 40 and 41. Employes covered by Rule II, selected by the Company for other service, shall upon return to former class of service revert to spare list without loss of seniority rating, and shall remain on spare list until such a time as their seniority will permit them to bid in a position under Rule V or X. A letter showing the list of bidders, date they entered the service and to whom the position has been awarded will be sent to the local Chairman within five (5) days after position has been filled, all notices to state rate of pay and hours of service of p.ositions advertised. When an employe has bid in a position he will not be permitted to bid for his former position until it has been once filled and again becomes vacant. , RULE VI. Relief agents will be assigned to each division. Agents, excepting those who have been in the service less than one year, will be granted one (1) week's leave of absence per annum without loss of pay. Choice of dates for leave of absence will be given according to seniority. RULE VII. Employe when called by proper authority for extra duty after his day's or night's work is done, will be allowed pay pro rata of his regular pay, for the time so engaged, in no case less than two (2) hours. At stations where the train or telegraph service requires employes to remain on duty over twelve (12) consecutive hours, they shall receive extra compensation pro rata of their regular pay, but not less than thirty- five (35) cents per hour, except in cases where agents are also express agents and are particularly required to stay on account of express business. Overtime to be com- puted on minute basis. RULE VIII. Employes regularly assigned to positions who are temporarily assigned to other po- sitions, which necessitate their going away •from home, shall receive not less than the salary paid the regular relief man. This does not apply where an employe changes positions in his home town. Any changes between Riverside and Bos- ton and Towers 40 and 43 will be considered liome town. RULE IX. When employes are relieved for a period of not less than ten (10) nor more than thirty (30) days, the oldest employe in point of service at office affected, if competent, will, upon request, be entitled to fill the position during such absence, but will not be entitled to overtime by doubling through or pay for time lost in complying with the Hours of Service Law in making this change. RULE X. When an employe holding a permanent position is absent from duty on account of sickness or other cause to exceed sixty (60) days, the position shall be posted as a tem- porary position to cover the' leave of ab- sence, to all employes on the division for five (5) days, and the successful applicant to be assigned within ten (10) days from date of notice. 54 Schedules and Wage Scales. Should the employe under the above leave of absence eventually fail to return to the Company's service through death, a resigna- tion or remdval, the position held by him shall again be posted as a permanent posi- tion when the date of his retirement is determined. When temporary position is discontinued the employe holding the same will revert to his former regular position. Employes who are absent on account of sickness or other cause will have the right, upon their return, to a position bid in by a junior man during their absence, provided application in writing is made within five (5) days after their return. RULE XI. Employes on legal or other business for the Company will be paid their regular sal- ary unless full compensation is received from other sources; if compelled to be away from iiomc their expenses shall be allowed in addition thereto. RULE XII. Employes will be granted leave of absence without written leave, but if over thirty (30) days to have written leave from Super- intendent, copy of which will be furnished the Local Chairman; If over sixty (60) days, excess to be deducted from seniority, but employe to retain seniority for six (6) addi- tional months. If absent more than one (1) year employe to lose all rights. This not to apply in case of disability, sickness or while engaged in company or committee work. No employe shall under any circumstances be granted leave of absence to engage in other business. RULE XIII. Employes who have been dismissed from the employ of the company will forfeit their seniority rights unless i-einstated within six (6; months. Men leaving the service of their own accord will forfeit their seniority. RULE XIV. When new positions are created, compen- .sation and hours shall be fixed in conformity with positions of the same class covered by this schedule. When a reduction is made in the force of employes the younger men shall be dis- placed first, or when an office is abolished, the man or men displaced shall have choice of positions to which their seniority entitles them in accordance with Rule IV, except they cannot displace anyone who has held his present position three (3) years or more. Employes when displaced shall make their clioice of positions within seven (7) days (except in case of sickness and leave of absence), leave of absence not t^ exceed sixty (60) days. When a position is to be abolished em- ployes affected shall be given not less than three (3) days' notice, and copy of such notice sent to local chairman. RULE XV. A seniority list consisting of employes win be issued by the company and each local chairman shall be provided with a copy of this list; the same to be revised annually prior to December 1st. A roster list furnished by the company will be posted at the followin|; stations: Boston, Tower 21, Worcester, Palnier, Springfield, Pittsfield, Chester, Chatham and Tower 72. RULE XVI. When employes are transferred by order of the company, free transportation for family and effects will be furnished, if law- ful, and regular pay allowed while in transit and making such transfer. This will also apply in case of displacement. When the station accounts are being transferred from one employe to another, each employe shaU be paid the regular daily rate for that station for the time required to make necessary transfer, but in no case less than one day. This will not apply to an emploje leaving the service. RULE XVII. Employes will be allowed to attend their division meetings and will be furnished transportation when same can be done with- out cost or inconvenience to the company. RULE XVIII. Employes who have been in the service of the company for one year or more will be granted term passes good between all sta- tions. RULE XIX. Employes will not be required to care for batteries where batterymen, lineman, or maintainers are employed. Signalmen at in- terlocking signal stations will not be re- quired to scrub floors, clean lamps, win- dows, interlocking machines or other work. (I^ever handles and office desks excepted.) RULE XX. Employes called and reporting for service and not used, shall be allowed the highest rale of pay involved, but not less than one (1) day's pay at the rate of^^two (2) dollars per day. RULE XXI. In the event of reduction of force of spare employes, all things being equal, this junior employe shall be reduced. This may operate to transfer a spare employe from one divi- sion to the other. When this is done it will be only with the consent of the chief dis- patchers. RULE XXII. Agents, telegraphers or signalmen will not be allowed to have students in their offices, block stations or cabins, nor shall telegra- phers teach telegraphy on the company's premises without permission from tbe super- intendent. RULE XXIII. The provisions of this agreement and the specifications of this wage schedule shall not be changed to cause an increase of hours of service or a decrease in wages and will continue in force until thirty (30) days' notice in writmg has been given by either party to the other requesting a change in same. J. L. TRUDEN, General Superintendent. M. J. WALSH, General Chairman. G. P. ALRUTZ, General Secretary. Schedules and Wage Scales. 55 SIGNALMEN. Boston Division — Main Line. Rate per Tower. Men. Day. 4 3 $ 3.36 5 3 3.36 G 3 3.36 7 3 3.36 2 (Levermen) (6 Days) 3.07 8 3 3.07 9 3 3.36 2 (Levermen) 2.90 10 3 3.36 12 3 2.84 15 3 3.36 2 (Levermen) 2.90 19 3 2.84 20 3 3.07 21 3 2.95 22 3 3.07 23 3 2.95 26 3 3.36 28 3 ! 3.36 31 3 2.84 32 3 2.84 33 3 2.84 35 3 2.84 Branches. H9 3 .? 2.66 E5 3 2.95 L&FJct. First trick 2.60 Second trick 2.60 Third trick 2.75 2 Relief Signalmen 3.54 OPERATORS. Boston Division — Main Line. __ Rate per Men. j5g^y Boston, Supfs Offfce 3 % 3.36 Beacon Park Yard 3 2.71 Auburndale r 1 2.36 Westboro 3 2.52 No. Grafton 2 2.52 Worcester, Freight Office 1 2.71 Worcester, Yard 3 2.71 Worcester, Union Station.... 4 2.71 Jamesville , 3 2.52 Rochdale 1 2.52 Brookfleld 1 2.52 West Brookfleld 3 2.52 Warren 1 2.52 West Warren 1 2.52 North Wilbraham 2 2.52 Milford Branch. Milford 1 $ 2.56 Webster Branch. Webster 1 $2.36 Ware River Branch. Ware 1 $ 2.66 Winchendon 1 2.52 AGENTS. Boston Division — Main Line. Stations. Daily Rate. Cottage Farms $ 2.36 Allston 2.95 Faneuil ■ . 2.36 Newton 3.54 West Newton 2.95 Auburndale 2.83 Riverside 2.36 Wellesley Farms 2.18 Rate per Stations. Day. Wellesley Hills % 2.36 Wellesley 3.25 Natick 3.54 Ashland 2.95 Cordaville 2.52 Southville 2.66 Westboro 3.54 North Grafton 3.25 Jamesville ^2.84 Rochdale 2.66 Charlton 2.84 South Spencer 2.66 East Brookfleld 2.77 Brookfleld 2.77 West Brookfleld t 2.77 Warren 2.84 West Warren 3.15 West Brimfleld 2.07 North Wilbraham 3.15 Oak Street 2.77 Highland Branch. Longwood $ 2.36 Brookline 2.84 Brookline Hills 2.36 Beaconsfield 2.36 Reservoir 2.36 Chestnut Hill 2.36 Newton Centre ' 3.15 Newton Highlands 2.66 Eliot 2.36 Waban 2.36 Woodlawn 2.36 Newton Lower Falls Branch. Newton Lower Falls $ 2.66 Saxonville Branch. Saxonville $ 2.79 Milford Branch. Milford % 3.54 Braggville ' 2.00 Metcalfs 2.00 Holliston 3.15 East Holliston 2.02 Millbury Branch. Millbiiry % 2.66 Webster Branch. Webster % 3.49 Howarths 2.00 North Oxford Mill.s 2.36 North Brookfleld Branch. North Brookfleld $ 2.95 «>' Spencer Branch. Spencer % 2.95 Ware River Branch. Thorndike $ 2.95 Ware 3.25 Gilbertville , 2.52 Old Furnace 2.52 Barre Plains 2.95 Coldbrook 2.42 Williamsville 2.42 Templeton 2.42 Baldwinville 2.84 Waterville 2.42 Winchendon 3.25 Relief Agents 3.88 SIGNALMEN. Albany Division — Main Line. Tower. Men. Daily Rate. 38 3 % 3.07 40 3 8.36 3 (Levermen) 2.90 56 Schedules and Wage Scales. Tower. Men. Rate per Day. 41 2 (Directors) $ 4.20 3 3.36 3 (Levermenj 2.90 12 3 * 3.36 43 3 3.36 •14 3 2.66 45 :.. 3 3.18 50 3 2.71 53 3 : 2.95 55 3 3.18 3 (Oprs. & Levermen) 2.90 57 Z 3.36 60 3. 2.95 Payn's.... 3 (Oprs. & Levermen).... 2.52 65 3 3.07 66 3 2.84 72 3.. 3.07 2 (Relief Signalmen) 3.54 OPERATORS. Albany Division — IVlain Line. Men. Daily Rate. Spfid., Supfs Office 3 $3.36 Spfld., Car Service 1 (6 days) 3.54 Spfld., Frt. Office -1 3.01 Spfld., Union Sta 3 2.77 West Springfield Yard 3 3.07 Mittineague .. 1 2.52 Westfield: Day ticket & Opr 1 3.33 Night ticket & Opr 1 2.71 Russell 3 2.52 Huntington 1 2.52 Chester 3 2.60 Becket 1 . . 2.52 Washington 2 2.66 Hinsdale 1 2.52 Dalton '. 1 2.66 Pittsfield Station 3 2.71 State Line 1 2.77 East Chatham 1 2.52 Chatham 1 2.60 Niverville 3 2.52 Athol Branch. Indian Orchard. ". 1 (6 Days) $2.36 Ludlow 1 (6 Days) 2.36 Bondsville 1 (6 Days) 2.36 North Adams Branch. Adams 1 $ 2.52 Renfrew 1 (6 Days) 2.52 North Adams 1 2.71 Hudson Branch. Mellenville 1 (6 Days)$2.52 Claverack 1 (6 Days) 2.66 Hudson Upper 1 (6 Days) 2.23 AGENTS. Albany Division — Main Line. Stations. Daily Rate. Mittineague $ 2.95 Westfleld 3.93 Woronoco 2.84 Russell 2.66 Huntington 2.52 Mlddlefield 2.66 Becket 2.66 Washington 2.72 Hinsdale 3.15 Dalton 3.15 West Pittsfield 2.66 Towor. Men. ^^^ ^^^ Day. Richmond $2.66 Richmond Furnace 2.66 State Line 3.73 Canaan .". 2.66 East Chatham 2.66 Chatham Center 2.66 Niverville 2.84 Van Hoesen 2.77 Brookvi6w 2.66 Athol Branch. Indian Orciiard $ 2.84 Ludlow 2.84 Three Rivers , 2.52 Bondsville 2.84 Enfield 2.52 Greenwich 2.20 Greenwich Village 2.20 North Dana 2.52 New Salem 2.07 South Athol 2.07 Athol 3.15 Hudson Branch. Pulvers $ 1.90 Mellenville .- 2.84 Claverack 2.84 Hudson Upper ^ 3.15 North Adams Branch. Coltsville $ 2.52 Berkshire 2.52 Farnams - 2.52 Chesire 2.52 Maple Grove 2.52 Adams 3.15 Renfrew 2.84 Zylonite , . 2.52 North Adams 3.93 Relief Agents 3.88 TO THE MEMBERS: It is understood that the Boston & Albany Railroad will adopt the New York Central vacation rules, January 1, 1918. ' The N. Y. C. rule under Article VTII reads as follows: Employes working more than nine (9) consecutive hours per day, who have been in the service one year or more, will be allowed seven (7) days' vacation annually with. pay. After three years in the service, ten (10) days' vacation annually will be al- lowed with pay. Employes who work nine (9) hours or less per day, after being in the s.ervice two (2) years or more, will be allowed seven (7) days' vacation annually with pay. Under Article X, employes relieved for va- cation shall receive the commissions of their office while being relieved. Under Article XI, relief men are to be scheduled and employes to be relieved by them shall be furnished with lists prior to January 1st, showing regular relief days. Choice of dates for vacations shall be given according to seniority. It is understood that positions in our class of service posted for bid on one division, and no bidders shall be referred to the other division. Fraternally, M. J. WALSH, General Chairman. G. 'p. ALRUTZ, Secretary. Schedules and Wage Scales. 57 Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway Company (EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1917.) The following rules and rates of pay will govern the employment of telegraphers and station agents, whose duties require them to perform telegraph service, also agents not required to telegraph (as shown in wage scale) employed upon the line of this company. RULES. 1. All employes assigned by proper author- ity to the railway telegraph or railway tele- phone service of any character or duration, and also the station agents incorporated in the -accompanying schedule of wages, will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of this schedule and are so called herein. 2. Wlien new positions are created the compensation therefor will be fixed in con- formity with positions of the same class in this schedule. 3. All employes in the telegraph service will bo regarded as in line for promotion, advancement depending upon faithful dis- charge of duties and capacity for increased responsibility. Where ability and conduct permit, seniority rules will govern. The proper oiTicial of the company shall deter- mine the fitness of telegraphers for employ- ment and advancement. Seniority rights will date from last date of entering the service. 4. Telegraphers covered by this schedule will not be suspended or discharged without just cause, and will be accorded fair and impartial investigation. When wanted for investigation the telegrapher will be given sufficient notice, stating specific charges. He may be accompanied by an employe rep- resenting his class, if he so desires, who may remain throughout the entire hearing. In case of suspension or dismissal after in- vestigation and the decision is not satisfac- tory, the case may be appealed to the higher officials in regular order, and, in the event he is found not guilty he will be re-instated and paid for all time lost. 5. (a) Seniority will only be effective when vacancies occur, new positions created, or positions abolished, except that agents will not be displaced. (b) A telegrapher shall not be eligible to a position vacated by him until same shall have been advertised. 6. A seniority list of all employes covered by this schedule will be issued semi-annually by the company, and a copy of same fur- nished to all employes affected. 7. (a) All vacancies or new positions will be advertised for a period of ten days, bul- letins to be issued on the tenth and twenty- fifth of each month and sent to each office by mail. These bulletins to show rates of pay and hours of service of positions. Bul- letins will be mailed to telegraphers who are absent. All vacancies to be filled within twenty days after bids close by the telegra- pher entitled to it. A telegrapher not trans- ferred within the specified time will receive relief agent's salary thereafter until trans- fer is made. Each bulletin will show award of positions advertised in previous issue. (b) Positions or vacancies of six months' or more duration shall be considered perma- nent and so advertised. Positions of more than thirty days and less than six months' duration shall be considered temporary and so advertised. When temporary vacancies or new positions are bid in by a regular man, he will revert back to his regular position upon the return of the regular man, or when temporary position is abolished. When the duration of a temporary vacancy or new position exceeds six months the po- sition shall be considered permanent and so advertised, except, when the vacancy is caused by sickness, disability, committee work, or special duty for the company. In case of a temporary vacancy of less than thirty days at an office where two or more telegraphers are employed, the as- signed telegrapher at such office shall be al- lowed to fill the vacancy, and the extra employe assigned to the office shall be placed in the position made vacant by the advancement of the other employes. This shall not apply to the detriment of the service. This rule does not apply to posi- tions temporarily abolished. Telegraphers displaced through temporary abolishment of their positions will thereafter be governed by the provisions of Rule 5. (c) A telegrapher bidding in a position and declining to accept same, shall forfeit all rights to his present position which shall be advertised and filled as per paragraph (a) of this rule, and will, when the bids on his position close, be assigned to the extra list, but shall not forfeit his seniority rights. He may bid on the position he lost by declining to accept the position he bid in, but will be junior to all other bidders for such position. (4> The senior extra telegrapher shall have preference of all extra work, if competent, but if working when a vacancy occurs and a junior telegrapher is assigned, the junior telegrapher will hold the position for a period of ten days when he may be dis- placed by the senior telegrapher. 8. Overtime will be allowed for all hours worked in excess of the regular established hours at any point. 9. (a) In computing overtime, thirty min- utes and less than sixty minutes shall bt- considered one hour. Less than thirty min- utes shall not be counted. (b) Overtime will not be allowed unless overtime slip is forwarded to the chief traiti dispatcher within forty-eight hours from the time service is performed. Telegraphers shall be notified within five days when over- lime is not allowed. (c) The rate of overtime shall be thirty- five (35) cents per hour for every consecu- tive hour worked, unless the pro-rata rate ■is higher, when overtime will be paid at pro rata rates until relieved. (d) If called before or after regular hours telegraphers will be paid fifty-five (55) cents for the call, but if held on duty longer than one hour, regular overtime rates will apply after the first hour. 58 Schedules and Wage Scales. 10. (a) Telegraphers required to work more than eight hours will be allowed one hour for meals, between the liours of 11:30 and 1:00 o'clock. When telegraphers are not excused between these hours they will be allowed one hour's pay at overtime rates and sufficient time to procure their meals at the lirst opportunity. (b) Telegraphers working eight hours will be given an opportunity to procure their meals on application to train dispatcher, whenever it can be done without detriment to the service. 11. Telegraphers transferred to new loca- tions by order of proper officials will re- ceive pay on the basis of salary of posi- tions vacated for the time lost in transfer, and free transportation for themselves, de- pendent members of their families and household goods. This will also apply in case of displacement. 12. Telegraphers attending court or other business for the company will be paid their regular rates of pay pet day, and when called to leave home, necessary expenses will be paid in addition to salaries. 13. Whenever a telegrapher on a division accepts a non-schedule position, a record will be made in the superintendent's office and a copy furnished local chairman. If such telegrapher does not return to a schedule position within six months he shall not forfeit his seniority, but may assert it only by going on the extra list and then filing applications for vacancies or new po- sitions. This rule will not 'apply to telegra- phers absent on account of sickness, nor to train dispatchers or copiers, when neces- sarj-- for them to fall back in the regular order in which promoted, nor to the general committee of the Order of Railroad Telegra- phers. Telegraphers leaving the telegraph depart- ment to accept service in other departments will forfeit their seniority rights after an absence of six months. Telegraphers desir- ing leave of absence will be granted same for a period not to exceed ninety days, pro- vided, in case of illness, time will be ex- tended to suit the case. 14. Telegraphers will be allowed to attend their meetings so far as consistent witli good service, and will be relieved and furnished transportation without unnecessary delay. Committees will be granted leave of absence as soon as possible after it is applied tor, when they wish to present any matter tu any officer of the company. 15. (a) Telegraphers who have been in the service of the company one year, and less than three years, will be granted seven days' leave of absence each year with pay. Telegraphers who have been in the service oj the company three years and less than ten years will be granted ten days' leave of absence each year with pay. Telegraphers who have been in the service of the com- pany ten years or more will be granted fifteen days year with pay. (b) If the company finds it inconvenient to grant leave of absence during any year to a telegrapher entitled to it under this rule, he shall be granted additional leave of ab- sence for a like period the following year, or at the option of the telegrapher affected, pay in lieu thereof, based on a thirty-day month. 16. Extra telegraphers will receive the same compensation as the person they re- lieve. Telegraphers holding regular posi- tions when required to work in other of- fices temporarily, will receive relief agent's salai-y lor the time held in that capacity. 17. Telegraphers relieved for vacation shall receive the commission of their offices while being relieved. 18. These rules, regulations and rates of pay will continue in force until a notice of thirty days be given of a desire to change same. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Rochester (PD), first trick operator. .$ 94.00 Second trick operator 94.00 Rochester (MS), first trick operator.. 94.00 Second trick operator 94.00 Car distributer 110.00 Lincoln Park, agent and operator 86.00 Second trick operator 79.00 Third trick operator 75.00 Maplewood, agent and operator 95.00 Scottsville, agent and operator 83.00 Second trick operator 68.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Garbutt, agent and operator 96.00 Mumford, agent and operator 86.00 Clerk and operator 81.00 LeRoy, first trick operator 79.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 73.00 Pavilion Center, agent and operator.. 76.00 Pavilion, agent and operator 84.00 Clerk and operator .-. 81.00 Pearl Creek, agent and operator 76.00 Wyoming, agent and operator 84.00 Waisaw, first trick operator 79.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third triCk operator 73.00 Rock Glen, agent and operator 76.00 Silver Lake Jet., agent and operator. 83.00 Second trick operator 68.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Perry, clerk and operator 81.00 Gainesville, first trick operator 79.00 Second trick operator 79.00 Third trick operator 73.00 Agent 83.00 Hardys, agent and operator 76.00 Bliss, first trick operator 79.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Agent 84.00 Eagle, agent and operator 76.00 Freedom, agent and operator 76.00 Farmersville, agent and operator.... 76.00 First trick operator 73.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Bird, agent and operator 76.00 Relief agent 110.00 Buffalo (B), clerk and operator 90.00 Buffalo (FH), clerk and operator 80.00 Buffalo Creek, first trick operator 82.00 Second trick operator 82.00 Third trick operator 75.00 Orchard Park, agent and operator 81.00 Clerk and operator 76.00 East Hamburg, first trick operator... 75.00 Jewettville, agent and operator........ 81.00 West Falls, agent and operator 81.00 Colden, agent and operator 81.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 73.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 59 Rate Station and Position. Per Mo. Glenwood, agent and operator $ 76.00 East Concord, agent and operator 76.00 Springville, first trick operator 79.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 73.00 Hoyts. first trick operator 73.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Tliird trick operator 68.00 West Valley, agent and operator 81.00 Beaver, first trick operator 73.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Ashford, agent and operator 83.00 First trick operator 83.00 Second trick operator 83.00 Third trick operator 83.00 Ellicottville, clerk and operator 76.00 Great Valley, agent and operator 81.00 East Salamanca (SI), first trick op.. 82.00 Second trick operator 82.00 Third trick operator : 75.00 East Salamanca (DI), first trick op.. 94.00 Second trick operator 94.00 Third trick operator 87.00 Relief agent 110.00 East Salamanca (FY), first trick op.. 79.00 Second trick operator 75.00 Third trick operator 75.00 Riverside Jet., first trick operator.... 73.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 73.00 Limestone, agent and operator 89.00 Second trick operator 68.00 Bradford, first trick operator 82.00 Second trick operator.... 75.00 Third trick operator 75.00 Howard, first trick operator 75.00 Second trick operator 68.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Birgham, agent and operator 81.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Backus, agent and operator 95.00 Clerk and operator 76.00 J. & B. Junction, first trick operator.. 82.00 Second trick operator 82.00 Tliird trick operator 75.00 Freeman, first trick operator 75.00 Second trick operator 68.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Hutchins, agent and operator 76.00 Rasselas, agent and operator 76.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Clarion Jet., first trick operator 82.00 Second trick operator 79.00 Third trick operator 75.00 Ridgway. first trick operator 82.00 Second trick operator 75.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Carman, agent and operator 95.00 W. J. Tower, first trick operator 75.00 Second trick operator 75.00 Third trick operator 75.00 Brockwayville, agent and operator....' 95.00 Lanes Mills, agent and operator 102.00 Falls Creek, first trick operator 85.00 Second trick operator 79.00 Third trick operator 75.00 Du Bois (DU), first trick operator 85.00 Second trick operator 79.00 Third trick operator 75.00 Du Bois (BS), first trick operator 94.00 Second trick operator 94.00 Third trick operator 94.00 Rate Station and Position. per Mo. Relief Agent $110.00 _ Du Bois (BS), first trick operator 94.00 Third trick operator 94.00 C. & M. Jet., first trick operator 83.00 Second trick operator 83.00 Third trick operator 83.00 Stanley, agent and operator 81.00 B. & S. Jet., first trick operator 75.00 Sylces, agent and operator 95.00 Big Run, agent and operator 95. 00 D. C. Tower, first trick operator 79.00 Second trick operator.... 79.00 Third trick operator 75.00 X. O. Tower, first trick operator 79.00 Second trick operator 79.00 Third trick operator 75.00 Punxsutawney (NX), first trick opr. .. 82^00 Second trick operator 79.00 Third trick operator 75.00 Valier, agent and operator 76.00 North Point, agent and operator 76.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Dayton, first trick operator 75.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Agent 90.00 Echo, first trick operator 75.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Agent 95.00 East Mosgrove, agent and operator. . . 76.00 West Mosgrove, agent and operator. . 83.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Cowan, agent and operator 76.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Craigsville, first trick operator 75.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Agent g3.oo Fenelton, .agent and operator 76.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Noeline, clerk and operator 79.00 Butler Jet., first trick operator 82.00 Second trick operator 82.00 Third trick operator 75. OO Pittsburgh (CU), clerk and operator.. 80.00 Pittsburgh (RO), clerk and operator.. 102.00 Luthersbui-g, agent and operator 76.00 Rockton, agent and operator 83.00 . Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Millikens, first trick operator 75.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Curwensville, clerk and operator 83.00 C. B. .Tct., first trick operator 75.00 Second trick operator 75.00 Third trick operator 75.00 Hyde, agent and operator 83.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Clearfield, clerk and operator 83.00 Juneau, agent and operator 95.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Locust, first trick operator 75 00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 .Savan (VN). agent and operator...... 76.00 Sa^'an (SA), first trick operator 75.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator! 68.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate Station and Position. Per Mo. Barton, first trick operator $75.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Marion Center, agent and operator.... 90.00 Clerk and operator 76.00 Home, first trick operator 75.00 Second trick operator. 73.00 Tiiird trick operator 68.00 Chambersville, agent and operator 83.00 Cuniniings, first trick operator 75.00 Second trick operator 75.00 Tiiird trick operator 68.00 Creekside, agent and operator 83.00 Shelocta, agent and operator 83.00 J. M. Jet., first trick operator 75.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Rate Station and Position. Per Mo. Kent, agent and operator $ 83.00 Iselin, agent and operator 89.00 Ernest, agent and operator 81.00 Indiana, clerk and operator 83.00 Josephine, agent and operator 95.00 Aultman, agent and operator 83.00 Homer City, agent and operator 81.00 Cloe. first trick operator 75.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 68.00 Relief Agent 110.00 E. J. DEVANS, General Superintendent. Approved: E. P. ROBINSON, General Manager. Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Corporation (EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1917.) ARTICLE I. Any employe, except in general offices at Buffalo, and train dispatciiers' offices, who is required to perform the duty of a teleg- rapher of any" character or amount, whether termed agent, assistant agent or clerk, also agents who are not required to telegraph, as shown in wage scale attached, will be governed by the provisions of these rules. ARTICLE II. Ten consecutive hours, including reason- able meal hours, unless otherwise limited by law, will constitute a day's work for all employes covered by this schedule. If kept on duty by proper authority longer than ten hours, as above established, employes covered by this schedule will be paid over- time at the rate of thirty-five cents an hour. It is distinctly understood and agreed that this overtime payment shall not apply where employes are detained at their office in mak- ing up reports or doing clerical work. If an employe covered by this schedule is called by proper authority before or after his regular hours, he shall receive fifty cents for the first hour or fraction thereof, and the regular overtime rate thereafter. In computing overtime, less than thirty minutes will not be counted; thirty minutes and less than .sixty minutes will be counted as one hour. Overtime must be reported to the superin- tendent in writing within twenty-four hours after same is performed, and when it is not allowed, notice with explanation will be given. ARTICLE III. Telegraphers will not be required to do unnecessary work on Sundays or holidays. ARTICLE IV. A list of employes in the order of their seniority will be compiled annually, in Jan- uary, and a copy of same furni.'^hed each t«lPiraph office on the system. ARTICLE V. - All employes will be regarded in the line lor promotion, advancement to depend upon satisfactory discharge of diities and capacity for increased responsibility. When quali- fications are equal, seniority rules will gov- ern. Seniority rights will start from the laat date of entering the service as agent or telegrapher. ARTICLE VI. When a vacancy occurs or new position is created, the superintendent shall, within ten days, notify all employes on the system who may, within ten days from date of notice, file an application for the position, and per- manent appointment will be made at the end of fifteen days from date of notice, if possible. Each bidder, and the undersigned, shall be furnished a copy of the apppint- )nent promptly. When an employe bids in a position, he will • not be allowed to bid for his former position until it has been once filled and again becomes vacant. When no bid is received for a position which has been advertised, and it is filled by appointment, if it again becomes vacant, unless held for six months, it need not b« re-advertlsed. ARTICLE VII. Lack of convenience, such as school facili- ties, will be taken into consideration in lo- cating employes, when this can be done. ARTICLE VIII. When the force covered by this schedule is reduced, or offices are closed, either per- manently or temporarily, employes so dis- placed may tscke any position that merit, ability and seniority entitles them to, ex- cept that agents are not to be displaced. ARTICLE IX. When additional telegraph positions are created, the compensation therefor will be fixed in conformity with that paid for simi- lar positions herein' specified. Schedules and Wage Scales. 61 ARTICLE X. Employes transferred to new locations by order of the proper officials, will receive pay for the necessary loss of time in trans- ferring, except when exercising seniority rights or transferring from one position to another when bidding In a position, and free transportation for themselves, depend- ent members of their families, and house- hold goods, if lawful. ARTICLE Xr. The salaries paid employes will be ind- pendent of commissions allowed for express business. If such commissions are reduced or increased, the question of increasing or reducing the salary will be adjusted by the superintendent, and the undersigned will be promptly notified of such change. ARTICLE XII. In case it becomes necessary in the opinion of the superintendent to increase or reduce the telegraph force at any station, the rate of pay at such place may be readjusted to conform to similar conditions elsewhere. ARTICLE XIII. When employes are required to attend court in the interest of the company, or do any other business for the company outside their regular work, they shall receive regular pay, and necessary expenses if required to leave their regular places of employment. •ARTICLE XIV. If employes are required to attend switch lamps, they will receive three dollars per month for each four or less of such lights, and fifty cents per month for each additional switch light for which they care. Telegraphers will, when instructed by the agent or superintendent, attend to such train order or other signal lights as are located at their station, and will be re- .sponsible for their proper display. ARTICLE XV. Employes will not be expected to shovel snow except so much as may be necessary in an emergency. Nor will they be required to scrub stations and outbuildings when there are other employes available for such \vDrk. Telegraphers will assist with the clerical work at all stations when required by the agent. ARTICLE XVI. Employes covered by this schedule, after being In the service of the company for one year, will be furnished with annual passes, and after five years In the service, em- ployes will be furnished annual passes for .self and wife, but any improper use of the pass will terminate this provision as far as such Individual is concerned. ARTICLE XVII. Employes will not be required to teach telegraphy, but must familiarize the reliev- ing employe with the duties of the posi- tion. ARTICLE XVIII. Telegraphers will not be held responsible for the accuracy of oral messages. All mes- sages pertaining to the business of tlie com- pany ."Should V)<' written, properlj' dated and signed. Messages received over the wire must be legibly written and delivered to the party addressed at the first opportunity. ARTICLE XIX. Company dwellings occupied by employes will be kept in repair by the company. ARTICLE XX. A committee will be granted leave of ab- sence as soon as possible after request, when they wish to present any reasonable matter to the proper official of the company. ARTICLE XXI. Employes held off for investigation shall receive a prompt, fair and impartial hearing, and be advised as soon as possible the result of the investigation. If found blameless, they shall receive pay for the time lost and be reinstated in former position. It is understood that the proper officer of the company will listen to any reasonable complaint or grievance that the employes may wish to make as a body, or as indi- viduals, but it is understood that complaints should first be taken up by the individual with the superintendent. It is further under- stood that the employe does not thereby In any way prejudice his standing with the officers of the company. . ARTICLE XXII. These rules, and a copy of the wage scale, will be furnished to each office in which em- ployes that come under this schedule are employed. ARTICLE XXIII. This scliedule and wage scale constitutes an agreement to take effect October 1, 1917. and continue for one year thereafter and until thirty (30) days' notice is given by either party. E. R. DARLOW, President. E. E. HOSKINS, General Chairman. WAGE SCHEDULE. j^^te Station and Position. Per Mo. Wellsville, operator $ 78.00 Genesee, agent and operator 85.00 Newfield Jet., agent 39.00 Operator 39.00 Walton, agent and operator 89.00 Addison, operator 75.00 Elkland, agent 95.00 Operator 78.00 Osceola, agent and operator 84.00 Knoxville, agent ; 84.00 Operator 78.00 Cowanesque, agent and operator 43.00 Westfleld, agent . 84.00 Operator 78.00 Sabinsville, agent and operator 84.00 Gaines Jet., agent and operator 84.00 Burrows, operator 78.00 Cross Fork Jet., operator 78.00 Hull, operator '. 78.00 Wharton, agent and operator 84.00 Costello, agent and operator 84.00 Austin, operator 78.00 Keating Smt., agent and operator 84.00 Sinnemahoning, agent and operator.. 95.00 Driftwood Jet., operator 78.00 Weedville, agent and operator 84.00 Tyler, agent and operator... 95.00 Plumville, agent and operator 84. OT) Sagamore, agent 89.00 Operator 78.00 Relief agent 115.00 62 BCHEDULES AND WagE ScALES. Canadian Government Railways EASTERN LINES. (IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 1, 1917.) RULES. ARTICLE I. Employes required to perform Railway Telegraph or Railway Telephone Service of any character or duration, whether termed Agent, Assistant Agent, Operator, or Train Dispatcher, also employes filling any position incorporated in Article XXIV, will be con- sidered Telegraphers within the meaning of this schedule, irrespective of the title by which designated, or character of service performed. ARTICLE II. Attending Meetings. Telegraphers will not be discriminated against for being members "t)f the Order of Railway Telegraphers, nor for serving on boards of adjustment representing telegra- phers, and will be given leave of absence, and furnished free transportation on Cana- dian Government Railways for such pur- poses. They will also receive the same privileges for the purpose of attending their meetings on any part of the line, when it is possible to do so without inconvenience ■ or expense to the railways. ARTICLE III. Suspensions. No telegrapher shall be suspended (except for investigation), discharged or disciplined until his case has first been investigated and he has been proven guilty of the offense charge against him, the decision in such case to be rendered within ten days of the suspension. A telegrapher will be advised in writing of the offense with which he is charged, five days prior to any investigation. If a telegrapher Is found blameless in the matter under investigation, he will be re- instated and paid at schedule rate for time lost, and extra expenses while attending such investigation if away from home. If detained more than ten days waiting inves- tigation at the railways' instance, he will be pafd schedule rate for the time in excess of ten days, whatever the decision may be. A telegrapher may have the assistance of one or two co-telegraphers at investigation if he so desires. A vritten statement setting forth the result of an investigation arid the reasons therefor, will be furnished by the railways to the local bop.rd of adjustment on request. ARTICLE IV. Certificate of Service. When a telegrapher is dismissed, or leaves the service after giving the due notice re- quired by the rules, he will be given the usual certificate from the proper official, stating terms of service, capacity in which employed, and whether discharged or leav- ing of hi.^ own accord. If discharged, cause of dismis.sal to be stated. ARTICLE V. A telegrapher will, on application, have returned to him all service cards and letters of recommendation that may have been taken up for inspection. ARTICLE VI. Promotions and Vacancies. All promotions will be governed by merit, fitness and ability of which the general superintendent will be the judge; these being suflicient, the telegrapher longest in the service or who holds seniority rights accord- ing to his class will have the preference. The right of promotion of telegraphers (except train dispatchers) shall extend over the following districts: (a) Montreal to Matapedia and Edmund- .ston, but not including Edmundston. (b) Flatlands^ to Moncton, not including Moncton, Lo^gieville to Fredericton, St. John & Quebec Railway, International Railway, Pacific Junction to Edmundston inclusive. (c) St. John to Springhill Junction, includ- ing branch lines. (d) Springhill Junction to Halifax and Sydney, including branch lines. (e) Prince Edward Island Railway. In the case of Springhill Junction, the agent only is included in paragraph "d", the others named in the schedule at that station are included in paragraph "c". Clause 2. The right of promotion of train dispatchers shall extend over each of the following districts: (a) Mont Joli west and including Ed- mundston. (b) Mont Joli east and including Ed- mundston. (c) Prince Edward Island Railway. Dispatchers at Edmundston will have the right to hold their seniority in the promotion districts from which they came. Dispatchers in "A" and "B" promotion districts will have the right to fill vacancies in Edmund- ston dispatching office acording to their .'seniority. The order of promotion will be from senior relieving dispatcher to triclt dispatcher and from trick dispatcher to chief dispatcher. In filling vacancies in any office senior dispatchers shall have the choice of trick, but no change of tricks will be permitted within one year, ^^cept with the consent of the superintendent or in the event of a vacancy occurring. Relieving train dispatchers will be ap- pointed from their respective superintend- ent's districts if available in accordance with Clause 1 of this article and will be allowed sufficient time, without pay, to learn the work of train dispatching under a reg- ular trick dispatcher, such time not to ex- ceed two weeks, and they will remain on such district until they receive promotion to a steady trick which may be claimed at anj' office in their promotion district at which a vacancy occurs. Schedules and Wage Scales. 63 A telegrapher's seniority will date from the time he last entered the service as a telegrapher. When two or more telegraphers are employed on the same date, their sen- iority shall date from the time they com- menced work. A train dispatcher's seniority as such will date from the time his examination papers were approved by the superintendent, such approval to be made within ten days after his examination. A train dispatcher will retain his seniority standing among the agents and operators. In filling the position of chief dispatcher, any dispatcher in the territory in which the vacancy occurs, including chief dis- patchers, shall be eligible. A telegrapher of not less than two years' service will on application be transferred from one promotion district to another on the same general division within thirty days from date of such application, and when so transferred will be allowed seiiiority on the new district to the extent of three-quarters his length of service on the said general division. In such case the telegrapher mak- ing the transfer will take his place on the extra list and will have the right to file into bulletined positions as per Clause 5 hereof. A telegrapher applying for a transfer will be given a transfer certificate showing his length of service and the capacities iji which he has been employed on the general divi- sion, which will be his authority for claim- ing seniority on the district to which he is transferring. This provision will also apply to a telegra- pher of not less than two years' service desiring to transfer from one general divi- sion to another, except that in such cases };he transfer certificate will not carry with it any seniority rights, but will entitle the holder to the position of junior extra teleg- rapher on the superintendent's district to which he is transferring. Trans/er certificates will not be valid un- less filed with the superintendent of the dis- trict to which transfer is being made, within thirty days from date of issue. Clause 3. When a vacancy occurs the superintendent will fill same by appointing the senior man who is, in his opinion, enti- tled to it, but this will not prevent any telegrapher senior to the man so appointed claiming his right to the position under Clause (a> hereof, providing he files his protest within fifteen days after the appoint- ment lias been bulletined as above. Clause 4.' Telegraphers will have the ex- clusive right to any position incorporated in Article XXIV of this schedule; also to any new telegraphers' positions created. Telegraphers will also be eligible with employes in other branches of the service for promotion to any of the agencies not incorporated in Article XXIV. Clause 5. In the case of vacancies occur- ring or of new positions being created for which telegraphers are eligible under this schedule, they will be advertised for fifteen days by bulletin sent to all stations, during which time application may be made. All . vacancies occurring and permanent appointments made will be bulletined within one week and filled within thirty days from date position becomes vacant. The accept- ance by the senior applicant is imperative. A. telegrapher on leave of absence when a vacancy occurs will not be debarred from claiming position and receiving appointment if entitled to it, providing that such claim is made within thirty days from date of bulletin. When a telegrapher accepts a transfer and after a fair trial is found incapable, he will take his place as a spare telegrapher, but will ret.ain his seniority rights. ARTICLE VII. Transfers (See also Art. XI). When a telegrapher is transferred by order of the proper oflicial he will receive free transportation for himself, family and house- hold goods, and will suffer no loss of time in consequence, such time not to exceed four days. -^ ARTICLE VIII. A telegrapher not accepting promotion of- fered by the management will not forfeit his right to any vacancy occurring there- after. ARTICLE IX. Positions Abolished. The management will not abolish positions incorporated in Article XXIV, except in case of reduction of staff. A telegrapher holding a position so abolished will receive fourteen days' notice of same, and will be entitled to the position then held by the junior per- manently located telegrapher in that dis- trict, and will retain his seniority rights. In case of a dispatcher's position being abolished, the dispatcher affected will be entitled to the position held by the junior permanent dispatcher in that office, and the dispatcher so displaced will be entitled to the position held by the junior permanently located dispatcher in that promotion dis- trict. ARTICLE X. Seniority Lists. Complete lists will be prepared of all telegraphers on each of the districts named in Article VI, such lists to show the senior- ity of all telegraphers on such districts and to be open to their inspection at the superin- tendent's office. These lists will be subject 1o correction on proper representation from any telegrapher, and a corrected copy of the lists will be furnished to the local and gen- eral chairman on application at the begin- ning of each year. Seniority protests by telegraphei's will not be valid unless filed within one year from the date of publication of same. ARTICLE XI. A telegrapher transferred at the request of the management to any other branch of the -service will receive not less than his regular .=alary under this schedule and will likewise be entitled to all the privileges therein pro- vided. He will retain his seniority rights for three years in the class from which transferred. Any position so vacated will be bulletined and filled by senior qualified applicant within three months. 64 Schedules and Wage Scales. AJEITICLE XII. Work From Which Telegraphers Are EKcmpt. Telegraphers will be exempt from shovel- ing snow, stenciling cars, sifting cpal ashes, cutting, loading or unloading wood or coal, attending flower gardens, cleaning and dis- infecting stations^ outbuildings, stock or other cars, handling government mails. The unloading of way freight from cars and put- ting in shed shall be done jointly with the brakeman and further reasonable assistance will be furnished when necessary. Note. — The foregoing does not mean that the telegrapher is to refuse to receipt for or give protection to mails at points where the local conditions are such as to make it impracticable for other arrangements to be made. ARTICLE XIII. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy nor will a telegrapher teach teleg- raphy on the railways' premises without the written permission of the superintend- ent. ARTICLE XIV. Attending Court, Etc. Telegraphers called upon to attend~court or investigations at the request of the. proper official of the railways, will receive pay at their stated rate of salary, not more than one day's time for each twenty-four hours, and if away from home will be al- lowed actual expenses on production of re- ceipts. ARTICLE XV. At Wrecks. Telegraphers performing duties at wrecks, washouts or other emergency oflfices, will be paid their stated rate of salary and actual expenses on production of receipts. ARTICLE XVI. Sunday Work. Telegraphers will not be required to work on Sundays, except when absolutely neces- sary to protect the railways' interests. When required to work on Sunday, they will be so advised on the preceding Saturday and will be paid for such service pro rata on stated salary at time and one-half their regular rate. In no case will less compen- sation than two hours at time and one-half be allowed. Example: A ten -hour day position rated at $78.00 per month, or under. Regular rate is thirty cents per hour, and for Sundays will be forty-five cents per hour. In no case less than two hours for Sunday call equal to ninety cents. Further example: A ten-hour day position rated at $100.00 per month. Regular rate is thirty-eight cents per hour, for Sunday will be fifty-seven cents per hour. In no case less than two hours for a Sunday call, equal to $1.14. In regard to this article, when the extreme time limits of the time worked during any number of calls do not exceed two hours' time, it will be considered as one call, for which two hours' compensation will be allowed. Example: A telegrapher called at 8:00 o'clock, relieved at 8:15, called again at 9:00 o'clock, relieved at 9:20, called at 9;45, re- lieved at 10:00, one call, two hours' time allowed. If the second, or any subsequent call, or the time worked is not covered by the two- hour limit, the additional time in excess of the two hours will be allowed. Example: A telegrapher called at 8:00 o'clock, relieved at 8:30, called again at 9:45, relieved at 10:25, two^ hours' time. If the calls are separated so that each call occurs beyond the two-hour limit, two hours' time will be allowed for each call. Eicample: A telegrapher called at ,8:00 o'clock, relieved at 8:15, called again at 10:30, relieved at 10:35, called again at 1:00 p. m., relieved at 1:30 p. m., called again at 3:00 p. m., relieved at 3:20 p. m. Four calls, eight hours' time allowed. ARTICLE XVII. Holidays. Telegraphers who are regular trick dis- patchers will be granted three weeks' leave of absence annually, with full pay; other telegraphers who are permanently employed will, after one year's service, be granted two weeks' leave of absence annually, with full pay. Telegraphers who are temporarily em- ployed will, after working three hundred days in any one calendar year, be granted two we5ks' leave of absence, with full pay, and will be furnished free transportation for themselves and families to any point on the system. They will, on application, receive from their superintendent a letter showing that they liave been granted such leave of absence. In the event of the railway not being able to relieve the telegrapher and grant him his leave of absence at any time in any one year, such leave of absence will be added to his leave of absence in the following year. A telegrapher being discharged or leaving the service on proper notice, before obtain- ing the deferred leave of absence, will be paid salary for the same. Applications for leave of absence filed in January of each year will be given prefer- ence in order of seniority of applicant, and applicants will be advised in February of dates allotted them. January applicants will have preference over later applicants, and applicants after thirtieth of September will not he entitled to salary compensation, if the railway is unable to relieve them in that year. The railway will, as far as practicable, relieve all applicants during the summer season when so desired. Telegraphers failing to get holidays asked for in any one year will have first choice for holidays in the following year, in the order of their seniority. ARTICLE XVIII. Commissions. Present arrangement of permitting telegra- phers to accept commissions from express- and telegraph companies doing business on the railway will be continued. ARTICLE XIX. Hours of Duty. (a) At offices where two or less telegra- phers are employed, ten consecutive hours Schedules and Wage Scales. 65 exclusive of meal hour will constitute a day"s work. At offices where more than two operators are employed not more than ten consecutive hours, including meal hour, or at the rail- way's optio;:. eight consecutive hours with- out meal hour shall constitute a day's work. Agents at such offices will not be required to perform any wire work, except in case of emergency or as mutually agreed upon by the general superintendent and general chairman. Kxcept in cases of emergency, telegraphers will have eight congecutive hours' rest per day. The hours of duty of all agents will com- mence between 6:00 and 8:00 o'clock a. m. Exception: Except that the hours for ticket agents, assistant ticket agents and ticket clerks need not be consecutive, and may be irregular as required for the accom- modation of passenger trains, or to comply with the requirements of the passenger department. (b) Telegraphers working ten hours per day will be allowed sixty consecutive min- utes for a meal between either 7:00 a. m. and 9:00 a. m. or 12:00 noon aiid 2:15 p. m., or 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m., or between midnight and 2:1.5 a. m., or receive in lieu thereof one hour overtime, provided that a day telegrapher working ten hours will be allowed his meal hour between 12:00 noon and 2:15 p. m. This will not apply to serv- ice rendered to the express or commercial telegraph business. Nothing herein will prohibit a dispatcher from granting two meal hours to a telegra- pher working ten hours, the intention being to grant regular meal hours so far as the business of the railway will permit. A telegrapher having undelivered train orders on. hand at expiration of his hours of duty must remain and make personal transfer of same to the telegrapher relieving him. (c) Telegraphers will be allowed overtime at the rate of time and one-half, according to salary, based on twenty-six days per month, but in no case less than forty-five cents per hour. Less than thirty minutes not to count, thirty minutes or over to count as one hour, except that telegraphers when required to remain on duty after regular hours if detained fifteen minutes will be allowed one hour overtime for the first hour or any portion thereof. (d) If a telegrapher is called before or after office hours he will be allowed 65 cents, which shall cover one hour's service. If kept on duty more than one hour, overtime will be allowed thereafter as per clause (c). (e) The regular hours of duty will be specified by the superintendent to all telegra- phers. If required for service outside these hours, telegraphers will be given an official order as authority and excused in the same manner. (f) Overtime will not be allowed unless overtime tickets are mailed to the proper official within forty-eight hours from the time the service is performed. If overtime, as claimed, is not allowed, telegraphers will be notified in writing within ten days from the time such service is pei-formed, setting forth the reason for disallowance. Telegraphers will number overtime tickets consecutively for each month. (g) Eight consecutive hours' train dis- patching and time required for transferring will constitute a day's work for a trick dis- patcher. Train dispatchers will not be re- quired to do clerical work that will inter- fere witli the proper handling of their trains. (h) Eight consecutive hours will constitute a day's work for telegraphers in the fol- lowing offices: Yard office. Point Tupper; yard office. Pirate Harbor; station, JMew Glasgow; yard office, Stellarton; station, Halifax; Station and yard office, Truro; sta- tion, Springhill Junction; station and yard office, Moncton; station, Newcastle; station, Campbellton; station, Mont Joli; station. Riviere du Loup; station, Levis; yard office, Joffre (Centre); station, Ste. Rosalie Junc- tion; station, St. John. ARTICLE XX. Relief Work. A sufficient number of regular relief agents ahall be appointed on each superin- tendent's district, who will receive the sal- ary of the man relieved, but in no case less than as provided for in Article XXIV. Regular telegraphers called upon to do re- lief work temporarily will receive the salary of the man relieved, provided it is not less than their own, and 75 cents per day addi- tional for expenses if away from their regu-- lar station. Spare telegraphers called upon to do re- lief work will receive the salary of the man relieved. It is understood that when regular relieving agents are not engaged in relieving, they m.ay be used in the superintendent's, audit or other offices or at any other clerical employinent. Telegraphers who aie junior in the service will not be given spare work in preference to senior spare telegraphers. Vacancies in the regular relief agent's staff will be advertised in the. usual way, and the senior qualified applicant on each superin- tendent's district will receive appointment. Regular relief agents will only be required for duty on their superintendent's district, and will be eligible for promotion to posi- tions within the territory (as specified in Clause 1 of Article VI> from which they are taken. ARTICLE XXL Dwellings in Station Premises. All stations where dwelling, fuel and light are provided, the dwelling will be reserved exclusively for the use of the agent and his family, unless he elects to reside elsewhere. In such case the choice will be given to telegraphers at that station in order of seniority, unless special conditions make it impracticable to do so. When no dwelling, fuel and light perquisites are supplied agents, a minimum compensation of ten dollars ($10.00) per month will be paid in lieu thereof. Station offices, waiting rooms, etc., will be cleaned at the railway's expense. ARTICLE XXIL Attending Lamps. If telegraphers are required to attend oil lamps in switches, yard limits, or sema- phores, they will receive four dollars ($4.00) per month for four or less lights, and fifty 66 Schedules and Wage Scales. cents (50c) per month for each additional switch, yard limit, or semaphore light at such station. Nothing in this article will relieve telegra- phers from their responsibilities of seeing that the telegraph and all other sig- nals are in perfect working order, and at night that all lamps are clean and burning brightly. The lighting and attending of switch, yard limit, semaphore lamps will, as far as practicable, be performed by other available force. ARTICLE XXIII. Telegraphers Overtaxed May Have Redress. If a telegrapher considers himself over- taxed, his statement to that effect to the proper official will be carefully considered, and if well-founded, relief will be granted. When an. agent asks for help the superin- tendent will either furnish it or arrange an investigation of conditions within ten days. If such investigation sustains the claim of the agent the help will be furnished. If such investigation is against the agent, the latter may file his protest with the superintendent, who will immediately ask the general super- intendent to send a special investigator, familiar with station work, to report on the case, which will be within ten days. If such investigator reports that the help la required it will be furnished forthwith. If he reports that it is not required the agent may appeal direct to the general chairman, who, after investigation to satisfy himself, will handle the case as a grievance begin- ning with the general superintendent. In a case where the railway desires to re- duce help, the agent will be given one week's notice, unless he agrees that he can spare the help at once. If the agent claims the assistance is still required, he will so advise his superintendent, and the latter will conduct an investigation as outlined in the preceding paragraph. If the agent is dissatisfied with the ver- dict his protest to the superintendent will result in a special investigation at the in- stance of the general superintendent in the same manner as provided above, the same channels of appeal being open to the agent as therein outlined. At points where operators are overworked or kept on duty an excessive length of time, upon furnishirg particulars, the inspector of transportation will be instructed to go there and look into the conditions with the general chairman, or with any representative he may select, and if they recommend any change in conditions to relieve the operator it will be arranged. ARTICLE XXIV— WAGE SCALE. The minimum monthly salaries will be as follows: Telegraphers $ 75.00 Agent and telegrapher with D. P. L. . . 75.00 Agent and teleg. without D. F. L 85.00 Relief agents 120.00 Car service operator and clerk 100.00 Train dispatchers 168.00 District No. 4. Station and Position. Sydney, agent Ticket agent Leitches Creek, agent North Sydney, agent Assistant agent Day operator Night operator Sydney Mines, agent Assistant and operator Night operator Little Bras d'Or, agent Georges River, agent Boiesdale, agent Grand Narrows, agent Night operator lona, agent McKinnons Harbor, agent Orangedale, agent Night operator River Der.ys, agent. . . .► West Bay Road, agent Night operator Mclntyre's Lake, agent Point Tupper, agent First operator Second operator Third operator Mulgrave, agent Day operator Night operator Pirate Harbor, first operator. . . Second operator Third operator Harbor au Bouche, agent Night operator Tracadie, Bayfield Road, agent Night operator Heatherton, agent South River, agent Antigonish, agent Day operator Night operator James River, agent Marshy Hope, operator Avondale, agent Night operator Merigomish, agent Woodburn. agent New Glasgow, agent Assistant agent Ticket agent Operator and clerk Yard office, first operator. . Second operator Third operator B'ourth operator Trenton, agent Assistant agent Operator Pictou Landing, agent Stellarton, agent Assistant agent Ticket clerk and operator. . . First operator Second operator Third operator Fcrrona Jet. and Eureka, agent Hopewell, agent Night operator $160.00 $25 115.00 77.00 150.00 105.00 90.00 90.00 130.00 95.00 90.00 90.00 77.00 80.00 g5.00 75.00 90.00 77.00 93.00 75.00 77.00 80.00 75.00 77.00 125.00 95.00 90.00 90.00 125.0Q 90.00 85.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 78.00 75.00 77.00 77.00 75.00 77.00 77.00 130.00 95.00 80.00 77.00 77.00 77.00 75.00 77.00 77.00 145.00 110.00 116.00 95.00 102.00 102.00 102 00 102.00 130.00 90.00 80.00 87.00 147.00 110.00 100.00 102.00 102.00 102.00 100.00 90.00 75.00 10 10 10 14 10 10 00 00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 67 station and Position. ^ ^23 Glengarry, agent $ 77.00 Nigiit operator 75.00 .... River, agent 80.00 $10.00 Night operator 75.00 .... Riversdale, agent 80.00 .... Night operator 75.00 Valley, agent 80.00 10.00 Westville, agent 117.00 Assistant agent 107.00 Browns Point, agent.. 77.00 Pictou, agent 140.00 Assistant agent 115.00 .... Ticket clerk and operator.. 100.00 Operator 90.00 Operator 90.00 Night operator 85.00 Lyons Brook, agent 77.00 Scotsburn, agent 80.00 Meadowville, agent 77.00 River .Tohn, agent 90.00 Denmark, agent 85.00 Tatamagouche, agent 95.00 .... Malagash, agent 77.00 .... Wallace, agent 85.00 Pugwash Jet., agent 80.00 Pugwash, agent 110.00 Oxford, agent 110.00 Day operator 87.00 . . . .- District No. 6. Halifax, D. W. T., operator $ 90.00 Halifax, North St., first operator 102.00 .... Second operator 95.00 .... Ticket agent 115.00 Assistant ticket agent 75.00 .... Richmond, day operator 102.00 .... Nigiit operator 102.00 .... Rockingham, agent 95.00 $10.00 Night operator 82.00 Bedford, agent 100.00 Windsor Jet., agent 115 00 .... Clerk and operator 90.00 Night operator 80.00 Waverly, agent 87.00 Dartmouth, agent 135.00 Operator 98.00 Musquodoboit, agent 77.00 .... Harbour, agent 77.00 Stewart, agent 77.00 Wellington, agent 83.00 10.00 Enfield, agent 85.00 10.00 Elmsdale, agent 100.00 Night operator 78.00 .... Milford, agent 97.00 Shubenacadie, agent 100.00 .... Stewiacke. agent 110.00 10.00 Ni.ght operator* 80.00 Brookfield, agent 95 00 Hilden, agent. ^ 83.00 Truro, agent 135.00 10.00 Ticket agent 113.00 Assistant ticket agent 75.00 .... Yard, first operator 102.00 Second operator 102.00 .... Third operator 102.00 Depot, first operator 102.00 Second operator 102.00 Third operator 102.00 District No. 3. Belmont, agent $ 9*3.00 Debert, agent 90.00 Station :md Position. | 0-^ East Mines, agent $85.00 Londonderry; agent 112.00 Night operator 80.00 Folleigh, agent 90.00 Night operator 78.00 Wentworth. agent 87.00 Westchester, agent 90.00 Night operator 77.00 Thompson, agent r. . . 85.00 Oxford Jci., agent 108.00 Night operator 78.00 .... River Phillip, agent 85.00 Salt Springs, agent 82.00 Springhill Jet., agent 118.00 .... First operator 100.00 .... , Second operator 95.00 Third operator 95.00 .... Athol, agent 85.00 .... Maccan, agent 117.00 . . . . Assistant and operator.... 87.00 .... Night operator 80.00 Nappan, agent 85.00 Amherst, agent 145.00 $15.00 Ticket agent 113.00 Day operator 85.00 Night operator 92.00 Aulac, agent 90.00 Sackville, agent 122.00 Assistant and operator 102.00 Olerk, operator 80.00 Night operator 90.00 Port Elgin, agent 90.00 Cape Torinentine, agent 100.00 Dorchester, agent 115 00 Night operator 80.00 ' Bridge, agent 90 00 Memramcook, agent 92.00 Calhoun, agent 78.00 Night operator 75.00 Painsec Jet., agent 90.00 Night operator 80.00 Shediac, agent 105.00 Assistant and operator 85.00 Pt. du Chene, agent 125.00 Operator 85.00 Humphrey, agent 75.00 10.00 Moncton. ticket agent 135.00 .... Assistant ticket agent 95.00 .... Depot. fir.«t operator 102 00 Second operator 102.00 .... Yard, first operator 102 00 Second operator 102.00 Third operator 102 00 Boundary Creek, agent ». . 85 00 Salisbury, agent 115 00 Nierht operator 80.00 Petitco'i'iac, agent 120.00 Night operator 80 00 Anagance, agent 88.00 .... Penobsqu's. agent 95.00 .... Sussex, agent 120 00 Night operator 80.00 Apohaqui, a.sent 97.00 Norton, agent 120.00 Bloomfield, agent 88.00 Hampton, agent 100 00 Night operator 82.00 Nauwigewauk. agent 88.00 Quispamsis, agent 82.00 Rothesay, agent 90.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 68 Schedules and Wage Scales. station and Position. «A< Coldbrook, agent $ 85.00 St. John, ticlcet agent 140.00 Assistant ticket agent 80.00 First operator „ 102.00 Second operator 102.00 Third operator 102.00 Island Yard, day operator 102.00 Night operator 102.00 Prince Edward Island District. Tignish, agent $105.00 St. Louis, agent 82.00 $10.00 Alberton, agent 105.00 Bloomfield, agent 85.00 O'Leary, agent 105.00 Port Hill, agent 95.00 Wellington, agent 95.00 10.00 Miscouche, agent 85.00 Summerside, agent 125.00 Ticket agent and operator. . 105.00 Freight clerk and operator.. 100.00 Clerk and operator 80.00 Wharf agent 95.00 Wharf clerk 75.00 Kensin{,^ton, agent 110.00 Clerk and operator 75.00 Freetown, agent 85.00 Emerald, agent 100.00 Cape Traverse, agent 80.00 Borden, agent 95.00 Bradalbane, agent 95.00 Hunter feiver, agent 110.00 North Wiltshire, agent 82.00 10.00 Royalty Junction, agent 90.00 Charlottetown, freight agent... 145.00 Assistant freight agent., r. 105.00 Wharf agent 95.00 First clerk 75.00 Second clerk 75.00 Cashier 90.00 •Ticket agent 130.00 Bedford, agent 82.00 10.00 Mount Stewart, agent 105.00 Cardigan, agent 95.00 Montague, agent 105.00 10.00 Georgetown, agent 106.00 10.00 Morell, agent 95.00 St. Peters, agrent 100.00 Bear River, agent 85.00 Souris, agent 115.00 Elmira, agent 85.00 10.00 Vernon, agent 82.00 10.00 Vernon River, agent., 82.00 10.00 Muri-ay River, agent 82.00 10.00 Murray Harbonir, agent 85.00 10.00 ♦Note: — Ticket agent at Charlottetown will continue to be responsible for staff and op- erations at passenger depot. District No. 2. Berrys Mills, agent $ 80.00 Pacific Junction, agent 78.00 $10.00 Nifiht operator 77.00 Canaan, agent 95.00 Night operator ^ 80.00 Coal Branch, agent 90.00 Harcourt, agent 100.00 Night operator 80.00 Kent Junction, agent 105.00 Rogersville', agent 90.00 Night operator 80.00 Station and Position. S Km Barnaby River, agent $ 77.00 Derby Junction, agent 98.00 Night operator 82.00 Nelson, agent 85.00 Chatham, agent 118.00 Day operator 85.00 Night operator 77.00 Loggieville, agent 110.00 Millerton, agent 100.00 Renous, agent. 80.00 Blackville, agent 88.00 Doaktown, agent 88.00 Boiestown, agent 90.00 McGivney Junction, agent 90.00 Night operator 80.00 Cross Creek, agent 90.00 Marysville, agent 102.00 Gibson, agent 103.00 Night operator 80.00 PrederJcton, agent 135.00 Day operator 85.00 Night operator 85.00 Woodstock, agent 125.00 Centreville, agent 85.00 Newcastle, agent 115.00 First operator 102.00 Second operator 102.00 Third operator 102.00 Beaver Brock, agent 75.00 Bartibogue, agent 75.00 Night operator 75.00 Red Pine, agent 75.00 Gloucester Junction, agent 105.00 Bathurst, agent 135.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 90.00 Petit Rocher, agent -. 88.00 Belledune, agent 83.00 Jacquet River, agent 100.00 Night operator 82.00 Nashes Creek, agrent 83.00 New Mills, agent 83.00 Charlo, agent 90.00 Night operator 80.00 Eel River, agent - 88.00 Dalhousie Jet., agent 85.00 Night operator 80.00 Dalhousie, agent 100.00 Night operator 80.00 Campbellton, ticket agent 105.00 Night ticket clerk 92.00 Freight agent 150.00 First operator 102.00 Second operator 102.00 Third operator 102.00 Upsalquitch, agent 80.00 Kedgwick, agent 88.00 Anderson, agent 88.00 St. Leonards, agent 88.00 Moffatts, agent 75.00 Flat Lands, agent 80.00 Matapedia, agent 130.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 St. Alexis, agent 83.00 Millstream, agent 81.50 .Routhierville, agent 81.50 Night operator 75.00 Ste. Florence, agent 85.00 Causapscal, agent 97.00 Night operator 80.00 $10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 69 station and Posilion. ecu Lac all Saumons, agent $100.00 Amqui, agent 97.00 Night operator 80.00 Val Brillant, agent 100.00 Night operator 80.00 Sayabec, agent 115.00 Night operator 82.00 St. Moise, agent 100.00 Night operator 80.00 Padoue, agent 87.00 Petit Meti.s, agent 90.00 Night operator 80.00 St. Octave, agent 90.00 Mont Joli, agent 130.00 $10 First operator 102.00 Second operator 102.00 Third operator 102.00 rt = "> C «—, 05 Station and Position. 00 District No. 1. Lucevilie, agent $ 95 St. Anaclet, agent 85 Rimouski, agent 110 Day operator 90 Night operator 80. Sacra Coeiir, agent.. Bic, agent Niglit operator.. St. Fabien, agent.... • Niglit operator.. St. Simon, agent Trois Pistoles, agent. Night operator. . . .. 85. .. 95, .. 80. .. 95 .. 80. .. 80 .. 105 .. 80 Tobin, agent 75 St. Eloi, agent 80 Isle Verte, agent 95. Night operator 80. St. Arsene, ag'ent 95 Cacouna, agent 95 Div. du Loup, aggnt 115 Freight agent 100. Day ticket agent 100 Night ticket agent 75 First operator 102 Second operator 102 Third operator 102. Desk office, first operatoi-. . 75 Second operator 75 Old Lake Road, agent 85 St. Alexandre, agent 100 Night operator 75 St. Andre, agent 90 St. Helene. agent 90 Dessaint, agent 75 St. Pascal, agent 105 Night operator 80 Riv. Ouolle Wharf, agent 75 St. Phillippe, agent 85 Riv. Quelle Jet., agent 85 Night operator ■. 75 St. Pacome, agent 95 Ste. Anne, agent 105 .. 80. .. 95 .. 100 .. 80 .. 100 .. 80 ... 95 .. 80 Night operator Ste. Louise, agent St. Jean Port Joli, agent. Night operator L'lslet, agent Night operator Cap St. Ignace, agent..., Night operator 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00 00 00 00 00 00 $10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 00 00 00 00 so, ^1? St. St. St. 10 Montmagny, agent $120.00 Day operator 90.00 Night operator 85.00 Pierre, agent 95.00 Night operator 80.00 Francois, agent 95.00 Valier, agent ' 95.00 Night operator 75.00 Ladurantaye, agent 80.00 St. Charles Jet., agent 105.00 Day operator 90.00 Night operator 90.00 Harlaka Jet., agent 90.00 Night operator 75.00 Carrier, agent 100.00 Night operator 80.00 Levis, ticket agent . 130.00 First assistant 78.00 Second assistant 75.00 Fii-st operator 102.00 Second operator 102.00 Third operator 102.00 St. Romuald, agent 105.00 $10 Night operator 85.00 Charny. agent 105.00 Night operator 85.00 Diamond, day operator 80.00 Night operator 80.00 Chaudiere Jet., agent 125.00 First operator 102.00 Second operator 102.00 Joffre, first operator 102.00 Second operator 102.00 Third operator 102.00 Chaudiere, agent 100 00 Night operator 95.00 St. Nicholas, agent 80.00 St. Apolllnaire, agent 95.00 Night operator 80.00 Laurier, agent 95.00 DeLotbiniere, agent 80.00 Night operator 80.00 Villeroy, agent 95.00 Manseau, agent 95.00 Lemieux, agent '..... 95.00 Night operator 80.00 Daveluyville, agent 95.00 Aston Jet., agent 95.00 Tower operator 75.00 Tower operator 75.00 St. \7enceslas, agent 80.00 Nicolet,- agent 100.00 Ste. Monlque, agent 80.00 St. T.,eonard Junction, agent. . . 105.00 Night operator 80.00 Ste. Perpetue, agent 95.00 Carmel, agent 90.00 St. Cyrille. agent 95.00 Drummondville, agent 120.00 L>a.y operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 St. Germain, agent 95.00 St. . Eugene, agent 95.00 Bagot. agent 95.00 Night operator 80.00 Ste. Rosalie Jet., agent 105.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Q« 10 10 00 00 00 00 70 Schedules and Wage Scales. station and Position. | «2 Montreal, day operator $105.00 Night operator 100.00 Clerli and opr. (A. G. F. A.) 100.00 District No. 5. Chipnian, agent $ 90.00 Niglit operatoi- 75.00 Napadogan, agent 105.00 Day operator 87.00 Niglit operator 87.00 Juniper, agent 80.00 Summit, agent 75.00 Plaster Rock, agent 80.00 Night operator 75.00 Grand Falls, agent 80.00 St. Leonard, agent 88.00 Night operator 75.00 Edmundston, agent 120.00 Day operator 90.00 Night operator 90.00 Temiscouata Diamond, day opr. 75.00 Night operator 75.00 Lac Baker, agent 80.00 Glendyne, agent 85.00 Night operator 75.00 Blue River, agent 90.00 Escourt, ag'ent 85.00 Niglit operator 75.00 St. Eleuthere, agent 80.00 Pelletier, agent 80.00 Riv. M.anie. agent 85.00 Holliday, agent 80.00 Night operator 75.00 Station and Position. $10 10 00 00 3i Lafontaine, agent $ 90.00 Monk, agent 105.00 Day operator 87.00 Night operator 87.00 Freight clerk 75.00 Bras d'Apic, agent 80.00 Rosaire, agent 85.00 St. Euphemie, agent 85.00 Armagh, agent 85.00 Night operator 75.00 St. Damien, agent 80.00 St. Malachie, agent 90.00 $10.00 Ste. Claire, agent 85.00 St. Anselme, agent 85.00 Operator 75.00 St. Isidore, agent 80.00 ARTICLE XXV. Inasmuch as the increases in rates author- ized herein are brought about by the un- usual conditions as the outcome of the war, they can be cancelled at any time, by either party, on thirty days' notice. For the Telegraphers, J. J. TRAINOB, General Chairman. For the Railways, C. A. HUTER, General Manager. Canadian Government Railways WESTERN LINES. (EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 1917.) The following rules and wages will govern the telegraphers on the Western Lines of the Canadian Government Railways: Whon additional telegraphers' positions are created, compensation will be fixed in conformity with that of the same class as shown in this schedule. ARTICLE L All employes assigned by proper authority to railway telegraph service or railway tele- phone service of any character or duration, also station agents incorporated in the ac- companying schedule of wages, will be con- sidered telegraphers within the meaning of this schedule and are so called herein. ARTICLE II. Telegraphers Serving on Boards or Attend- ing Meetings. A telegrapher will not be discriminated against for being a member of the Order of Railway Telegraphers, nor for serving on boards of adjustment representing teleg- raphers, and will be given leave of absence and furnished free transportation on Canadian Government Railways for such purposes. They will also receive the same privilege for the purpose of attending their meetings on any part of the line, when it is possible to do so without inconvenience or additional expense to the railway. ARTICLE III. •Discipline. No telegrapher shall be suspended (except for investigation), discharged or disciplined until his case has first been investigated and he has been proven guilty of the offense charged against him; the decision in such case to be arrived at within ten days from date of suspension. If a telegrapher is found blameless in the matter under investigation he will be paid at schedule rates for the time lost and extra expenses while attending such investigations, if away from home, on production of receipts, and be reinstated. If detained more than ten days awaiting inves- tigation at the railways' instance he will be paid schedule wages for the time in excess of ten days, whatever the decision may be. Telegraphers may have the assistance of one or two telegraphers, if they so de- sire. A written statement setting forth the re- sult of an investigation and the reasons Schedules and Wage Scales. 71 therefor will be furnished by the railways to the local board of adjustment, if re- quested by it. ARTICLE IV. Certificate of Service. When a telegrrapher is dismissed or leaves the service, after giving due notice re- quired by rules, he will be given the usual certificate from the proper offlcial, stating the terms of service, capacity in wliich em- ployed and whether discharged or leaving of his ojvn accord. If discharged, cause of dismissal to be stated. ARTICLE V. Service Cards. Telegraphers -employed by the railway will, on application, have returned to them all service cards and letters of recommenda- tion that may have been taken up for in- spection. ARTICLE VI. Seniority. (a) All promotions will be governed by merit and ability, of which the general superintendent will be the judge; these be- ing sufficient, telegraphers longest in the seivice or those holding seniority rights ac- cording to their class will have the prefer- ence. (bj When a vacancy occurs the super- intendent will fill the same by appointing, the senior applicant within thirty days. This does not apply to promotions to an official position of a higher grade than a chief dis- patcher. (c) Telegraphers will have exclusive rights to any position incorporated in Ar- ticle XXII of this schedule, also to any new telegraphers' positions created. (d> Telegraphers will also be eligible with other employes in' other branches of the service to be considered in line for promo- tion to any agencies not incorporated in- Article XXII. (e) The right of promotion of telegra- phers (except train dispatchers) shall ex- tend over the following districts: — Each Superintendent's District — (f) The right of promotion of train dis- patchers shall extend over — — General Superintendent's Division — Promotion will be in order from senior re- lieving dispatcher to trick dispatcher and from trick dispatcher to chief dispatcher. (g) In filling vacancies in any oflice senior dispatchers shall have the choice of tricks, but no change of tricks will be permitted within one year, except with the consent of the superintendent, or in the event of a vacancy occurring. When there is a vacancy in the relieving dispatching staff it will be advei'tiscd on the district (as per Clause 1 of this Article) where the ultimate vacancy occurs, and telegraphers will be given an opportunity to pass an examination as train dispatcher in the order of their seniority. Tlie senior qualified applicant will receive the appoint- ment. (h) A train dispatcher's seniority as such will date from the time his examination pa- pers were approved by the superintendent; such approval to be made within ten days after examination. Train dispatchers will retain their senior- ity standing among the agents and oper- ators. (i) In filling the position of chief dis- patcher, any dispatcher in the territory in which the vacancy occurs, including chief dispatchers, shall be eligible. Telegraplier's seniority will count from the date he last entered the service as a teleg- rapher. (j> Telegraphers of not less than two years of service will, on application, be transferred from one promotion district to another, within thirty days from date of such application, and when so transferred will bo allowed seniority on the new district to the extent of three-quarters of their length of service. In such case the teleg- rapher making the transfer will take his place on the extra list and will have the right to file into bulletined positions to which his seniority would entitle him. A telegrapher applying for transfer will be given a transfer certificate showing his length of service and the capacity in which he has been employed, which will be his authority for claiming his seniority on the districL to which he is transferring. Transfer certificate will not be valid un- less filed with the superintendent of the dis- trict to which transfer is made, within thirty days from date of issue. In the case of vacancies occurring, 'or of new positions being created for which teleg- raphers are eligible under this schedule, they will be advertised for fifteen days by bulle- tin sent to all .stations, during which time applications can be made. (k) All vacancies will be bulletined within one week and appointments made within a reasonable time thereafter and will be im- mediately bulletined. The acceptance by the senior qualified applicant is imperative. A telegrapher on leave of absence, when a vacancy occurs, will not be debarred from claiming position and receiving appointment, if entitled to it, providing that such claim is made within thirty days from date of bul- letin. (1) When a telegrapher accepts a transfer and after a fair trial is found incapable, he will take his place as a spare telegi-apher and will retain his seniority rights. ARTICLE VII. Seniority. Teles^-aphers not wishing to accept promo- tion offered by the management will not lose any right to any vacancy occurring thereafter. ARTICLE VIII. Seniority. If a position included in the attached schedule is abolished, the telegrapher will be entitled to the position held by the junior permanently located telegrapher on the superintendent's district. In case of a dispatcher's position being abolished, the dispatcher affected will be entitled to the position held by the junior permanent dispatcher in that oflSce and the dispatcher so displaced will be entitled to the position held by the junior permanently located dispatcher. 72 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE IX. Seniority. Complete lists will be prepared of all telegraphers on each of the districts named in Article VI, such lists to show the seniority of all telegraphers on such districts and to be open to their inspection at the superin- tendent's office. These lists will be subject to correction on proper representation by any telegrapher and a corrected copy of the lists will be furnished to the local and gen- eral chairman on application, at the begin- ning of each year. Seniority protests by telegraphers will be invalid unless filed within 60 days from the date of publication of same. ARTICLE X. Seniority. When a telegrapher is transferred at the request of the proper official or in the ex- ercise of his seniority rights, he will receive free transportation for himself, his family and his household goods, and will suffer no loss of time in consequence — such time not to exceed four days. ARTICLE XI. Shoveling Snow, Etc. Telegraphers will be exempt from shovel- ing enow, stenciling cars, sifting coal ashes, cutting, loading or unloading wood or coal, attending flower gardens, cleaning and dis- infecting stations, outbuildings, stock or other cars, handling government mails. The unloading of way freight from" cars and putting in shed shall be done jointly with the braiceman, and further reasonable as- sistance will be furnished when necessary. Note: — The foregoing does not mean that the telegrapher is to refuse to receipt for or give protection to mails at points where the local conditions are such as to make it impracticable for other arrangements to be made. ARTICLE XII. Care of Oil Lamps. If telegraphers are required to attend oil lamps on switches, yard limits or sema- phores, they will receive four dollars ($4.00) per month for four or less lights and fifty cents (50 cents) per month for each addi- tional switch, yard limit, or semaphore light at such station. Nothing in this article will relieve telegraphers from their responsibili- ties or seeing that the telegraph signal and all other signals are in perfect working or- der and at night that all lamps are clean and burning brightly. The lighting and at- tending of switch, yard limit, semaphore lamps, will as far as practicable be per- formed by other available force. ARTICLE XIIL Teach Telegraphy. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy, nor will a telegrapher teach telegraphy on the railway premises without the written permission of the superin- tendent. ARTICLE XIV. Attend Court, Etc. Telegraphers called upon to attend court or investigations at the request of the prop- er official of the railway will receive pay at their stated rate of salary; not more than one day's time for each twenty-four hours, and if away from home, will be al- lowed actual expenses on production of re- ceipts. ARTICLE XV. Duty in Case of Accidents. Telegraphers performing duties at wrecks, washouts or other emergency offices will be paid their stated salary and actual expenses on production of receipts. ARTICLE XVI. Hours of Duty. (a) The regular hours of duty will be specified by the superintendent to all teleg- raphers. If required for service outside these hours telegraphers will be given an official order as authority and excused in the same manner. Sunday Work. (b) Telegraphers (except train dispatch- ers) will not be required to work on Sun- days, except when absolutely necessary to protect the railway's interests. When re- quired to work on Sunday they will be so advised on the preceding Saturday and will be paid overtime for such service at time and one-half, based on schedule rates, twenty-six days per month. In no case will less compensation than two hours at time and one-half be allowed. (c) In circumstances where telegraphers are obliged to remain close at hand all day Sunday on account of calls being spread over the whole day, they will be paid for the whole day, and where, iinder the same circuinstances, they are obliged to remain close at hand for half a day on Sunday, they will be paid for half a day. That Is to say, if a telegrapher is required to come on duty two or three times in the forenoon and is free in the afternoon, he is to be paid one- half day, while if he Is required three or more times during the entire day he will be paid one day. Telegraphers' Overtime. (d) Telegraphers (except train dispatch- ers) will be allowed overtime at the rate of time and one-half, based on schedule rate, 2G days per month, but in no case less than 45 cents per hour. Less than thirty minutes not to count, thirty minutes or over to count as one hour, except that telegraphers when required to remain on duty after regu- lar hours, if detained 15 minutes, will be al- lowed one hour overtime for the first hour or any portion thereof. Calls. (e) If a telegrapher is called before or af- ter office hours he will be allowed 65 cents, which shall cover one hour's service. If kept on duty more than one hour, overtime will be allowed thereafter as per Clause (d). Overtime Tickets. (f) Overtime will not be allowed unless overtim.e tickets are mailed to the proper official within forty-eight hours from the time the service is performed. If overtime as claimed is not allowed telegraphers will be notified In writing within ten days from the time svich service is performed, setting Schedules and Wage Scales. 73 forth the reasons for disallowance. Teleg- raphers will number overtime tickets con- secutively for each month. Ten-Hour Day. (.S) At offices where two or less telegra- phers are employed, ten consecutive hours, exclusive of nieal hours, shall constitute a day's work. (h> At offices where an agent and two op- erators are employed, ten consecutive hours per day, including- meal hour, or at the rail- way's option eight consecutive hours, with- out rneal hour, shall constitute a day's work. The agent at such offices shall not be required to perform any wire work, except in case of emergency. Eight-Hour Day. (i> At offices -where three or more oper- ators are employed, eight consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. Rest. (j> Except in cases of emergency telegra- phers will have eight consecutive hours' rest per day. Commencement of Duty, (k) The hours of duty of all agents will commence between 6:0.0 and 8:00 a. m. Meal Hours. (1) Telegrapher working ten hours per day will be allowed sixty consecutive minutes for a meal between either 7:00 a. m. and 9:00 a. m., or 12:00 noon and 2:15 p. m. or 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m., or between midnight and 2:30 a. m., or receive in lieu thereof one hour's overtime, provided that a day telegrapher working ten hours will be al- lowed his meal hour between 12:00 noon and 2:15 p. m. This will not apply to service rendered the express and commercial tel- egraph business. (m) Nothing herein will prohibit a dis- patcher from granting two meal hours to a telegrapher working ten hours. The inten- tion being to grant regular meal hours so far as the business of the railway permits. (n) A telegrapher called before his regvi- lar hours of duty, who cannot be let off for breakfast, will be entitled to pay for the meal hour. Eight-Hour Day Telegraphers. (o) !Eight consecutive hours will constitute a day's work for telegraphers at the follow- ing points: Cochrane. Graham, Transcona, Mission, Redditt (during grain season), Hearst (when necessary), Raith (when nec- essary). Note: — "When only two operators are re- quired at Hearst, the rate will be $105.00 per month. Eight-Hour Day Dispatchers. (p) Eight consecutive hours' train dis- patching and time required for transferring will corstitute a day's work for a trick dis- patcher. Train di.=patchers will not be re- quired to do clerical work that will Inter- fere with the proper handling of their trains. Dispatcher's Six- Day Week, (q) If a train dispatcher is required to work outside of his regular assigned hours or more tlian six days in a week, he will be paid overtime rate. Swing Dispatchers. (r) Swing dispatchers working less than six days per week as dispatchers will not have preference over relief dispatchers in relieving regular trick dispatcliers on leave of absence for more than three days, nor will they be used during any portion of the weeli when not employed as dispatchers to fill any position to which another telegra- pher is assigned, except when such telegra- pher is on leave of absence. Relief Dispatchers. (s) Relief dispatchers, after one year's ac- cumulative service as such, will take the rating of trick dispatcher according to length of service, three hundred and thir- teen days to constitute one year in every case. Relief dispatchers will receive fifty cents per day expenses while away from headquarters. ARTICLE XVII. Leave of Absence. Regular trick dispatchers will be allowed three weeks' leave of absence each year witli full pay. Other telegraphers who have been in the employ of the railway three hundred days in one year will be allowed two weeks' leave of absence each year with full pay. If the railway finds it inconveni- ent to grant leave of absence during any year to a telegrapher entitled to it under this rule, the telegrapher shall at his option receive either compensation at his regular salary for the period or in the next year additional leave of absence for a like period. Application for leave of absence filed in January of each year will be given prefer- ence in order of seniority of applicant, and applicants will be advised in February of dates allotted to them. January applicants will have preference over later applicants, and applicants after September 30th will not be entitled to any salary compensation, if the railway is not able to relieve them in that year. The railway will, as far as prac- ticable, relieve all applicants during the svmimer months, when so desired. Note: — Telegraphers will, on filing their applications for leave of absence, receive from their superintendent a letter advising that they have been granted such leave of absence or otherwise. In the event of a telegrapher being dis- charged or leaving the service on proper notice before obtaining deferred leave of absence, he will be paid his salary for same. ARTICLE XVIII. Telegraph and Express Commissions. Present arrangement of permitting teleg- raphers to accept commissions from ex- press and telegraph companies doing busi- ness on the railway will be continued, but telegraphers will not be allowed overtime for attending regular passenger trains before or after their regular hours of duty to handle express or when called before or after their regular hours of duty to handle mes- sages for such companies. 74 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE XIX. Relief Agents. A .sufficient number of relief agents shall be appointed on each superintendent's dis- trict, who will receive $120.00 per month, without expenses. Relief Telegrapiiers. Regular telegraphers called upon to do re- lief, work temporarily will receive the salary of the man relieved, provided it is not less than their own, and seventy- five cents per day additional for expenses, if away from their regular station. Spare Telegraphers. Spare telegraphers called upon to do re- lief work will receive the salary of the man relieved. It is understood that when regular relievirtg agents are not engaged in reliev- ing they may be used in the superin- tendent's, audit or other offices, or in any other clerical employment. Telegraphers who are junior in the service will not be given spare work m preference to qualified senior spare telegraphers, except where a junior spare telegrapher is relieving an agent or at an important point when to make a change would mean additional cost to the railway. Vacancies to Be Advertised. Vacancies in the regular relief agents' staff will be advertised in the^isual way and the senior qualified applicant on each super- intendent's dLstrict will receive the appoint- ment. Relief Agents' Promotion. Regular relief agents will only be required for duty on their superintendent's district and will be elig'ble for promotion to posi- tions within the territory (a.s specified in Clause 1, Article VI) from which they are taken. ARTICLE XX. Dwelling, Etc. At stations where dwelling, fuel and light are provided, the dwelling will, as far as practicable, be reserved exclusively for the use of the agent and his family, unless he elects to reside elsewhere, in which case permanently appointed operator having a family is to have first refusal. The railway will keep the dwelling in good repair. Occu- pants must keep such dwellings and sur- roundings clean and must pay for repair other than those due to ordinary wear and tear. When no dwelling, fuel and light per- quisites are supplied agents, a minimum comijensation of ten dollars ($10.00) per month will be paid in lieu thereof. Station oflices, waiting rooms, etc., will be cleaned at the railway's expense. ARTICLE XXr. Claim Being Overworked. If a telegrapher considers himself over- taxed, hi.s statement to that effect to the proper official will be carefully considered, and if well founded relief will be granted. M''hen an agent asks for help the superin- tendent will either furnish it or arrange an investigation of conditions within ten days. If .'uch investigation sustains the claim of the agent, the help will be furnished. If such investigation is against the agent, the latter may file his protest with the super- intendent, who will immediately ask the general superintendent to send a special investigator, familiar with station work, to report on the case, which will be within ten days. If such investigator reports that the help is required, it will be furnished forth- with. If he reports that it is not required, the agent may appeal direct to the general chainnan. who, after investigating to satisfy himself, will handle the case as a grievance, beginning with the general superintendent. In a case where the railway desires to re- duce help, the agent will be given one week's notice, unless h^ agrees that he can spare the help at once. If the agent claims the assistance is still required, he will so ad- vise his superintendent and the latter will conduct an investigation as outlined in the preceding paragraph. If the agent is dissatisfied with the ver- dict, his protest to the superintendent will lesult in a special investigation at the in- stance of the general superintendent in the .same manner as provided above; the same channels of appeal being open to the agent .as therein outlined. At points where operators are overworked or Icept on duty an excessive length of time, upon furni.shing particulars, the inspector of transportation will be instructed to go there and look into the conditions with the general chairman, or with any represen- tative he may select, and if they recommend any in conditions to relieve the oper- ator, it will be arranged. ARTICLE XXII. The luinimuin monthly salaries will be as follows : East of O'Brien — Telegraphers $ 78.00 Agents and telegraphers 85.00 Relief dispat^iers 142.00 West of O'Brien- Telegraphers $ 87.00 Agents and telegraphers 94.00 Relief dispatchers 149.00 WAGE SCALE. Rate Station and Position. Per Mo. Quebec, dispatcher $168.00 Bridge, agent 120.00 Day operator ^ 102 00 Night operator. ..' 102.00 Cap Rouge, day operator 85.00 Niglit operator. . .• 85.00 St. Basile, agent 90.00 Portneuf. agent 85.00 St. Marc, agent... 87.00 St. Casimir. agent 87.00 St. Pro.spere, agent 85 00 St. Adelphe, agent 87.00 Doheny. agent 85.00 La Chat, agent 90.00 I.,nc a Beauce, agent 85.00 La Tuque, agent ;.. 120.00 Day operator 90.00 Night operator 90.00 Fit/patriok. agent 115.00 Night operator 95.00 Sanmaur. agent 96.00 Parent, agent 120.00 Night operator 95.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 75 Rate Station and Position. Per Mo. Monet, day operator % 78.00 Doucet, agent 115.00 Night operator 95.00 Nottaway, agent 95.00 Amo.s, agent 110.00 Night operator 90.00 Spirit Lake, agent 90.00 O'Brien, agent 120.00 Night operator 95.00 Maliamik, agent 98.00 Lasarre, agent 98.00 LaReine, agent 96.00 Lowbush, agent 96.00 Cochrane, first operator 108.00 Second operator 105.00 Third operator 105.00 Pullen, operator 87.00 Smootli Rock Falls, agent 122.00 Operator 95.00 Jacksontaoro, agent 115.00 Fauquier, agent 95.00 Kapuskasing, agent 115.00 Night operator 92.00 Mattice, operator 87.00 Hearst, agent 140.00 First operator 104.00 Second operator 101.00 Third operator , 101.00 Kabina, operator 87.00 Savoff, operator 87.00 Ogahalla, operator 87.00 Grant, dispatcher 179.00 Agent 125.00 Kowkash, agent 94.00 Tashota, agent 94.00 Minataree, operator 87.00 Armstrong, agent 125.00 Operator 105.00 Operator 105.00 Jacobs, operator 87.00 Buoke, agent 95.00 Smith, operator. 87.00 Fort William, operator 110.00 Mission Yard, first operator 110.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 Dona, operator 87.00 Raith, agent 125.00 First operator 110.00 Second operator. 110.00 Third operator 110.00 Rate Station and Position. Per Mo. Larson, operator $ 87.00 Night operator 87.00 Oscar, operator 87.00 Night operator 87.00 Quorn, operator. . .'. 87.00 Night operator 87.00 Tannin, operator 87.00 Night operator 87.00 Hunt, operator 87.00 Night operator 87.00 Superior Junction, agent and operator 115.00 Superior, operator 90.00 Graham, di.spatchers 179.00 Agent 160.00 Night agent 110.00 Fir.T-t operator 110.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 Hudson, agent 95.00 Webster, operator 87.00 Millidge, operator 87.00 Hunter, operator 87.00 Mcintosh, operator. 87.00 Quibell, agent 94.00 Jones, operator 87.00 Redditt, agent 132.00 First operator 110.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 Minaki, agent 105.00 Malachi, agent 95.00 Elma, agent and operator 98.00 Vivian, day operator 87.00 Night operator 87.00 Dugald, agent 98.00 Transcona, first operator 110.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 ARTICLE XXIII. This schedule is to remain in effect for one year from November 1st, 1917, and there- after, imless and until terminated, by thirty (30; days' notice to be given by either party, after the expiration of one year. For the Telegraphers, J. J. TRAINOR, General Chairman. For the Railways, P. P. BRADY, General Manager Western Lines. Canadian Northern Railway System LINES EAST OF PORT ARTHUR, ONT. (TAKING EFFECT JULY 1, 1917.) PREAMBLE. The following rules and wages will govern the telegraphers on the Canadian Northern Eastern Lines exclusive of the Halifax and South Western Railway: When additional telegraphers' positions are created, compensation will be fixed in conformity with that for positions of the same class as shown by this schedule. ARTICLE I. All employes assigned by proper authority to railway telegraph or railway telephone .service of any character or duration, and also the station agents incorporated in the accompanying schedule of wages, will be con.^idered telegraphers within the meaning of this schedule, and are so called herein. See explanatory note. ARTICLE IL Promotion. (a) The right of promotion of telegraphers (except train dispatchers) will extend over 76 Schedules and Wage Scales. each sirperintendent's district, and will be governed by merit, fitness and ability; where these are sufficient the senior telegrapher will be given the preference, provided that telegraphers (except train dispatchers) of not less than two years' service will on ap- plication be transferred from one superin- tendent's district to another on the general division within thirty days from date of such application, and when so transferred will be allowed seniority on the new district to the extent of three-fourths their length of serv- ice on the district from which transferred. In such case the telegrapher making the transfer will take his place on the extra list, and will have the right to file into bul- letined positions as per Clause (c) hereof. Transfer. A telegrapher applying for a transfer will be given a transfer certificate showing his length of service and the capacities in which he has been employed on the said general division, which will be his authority for claiming his seniority on the district to which he is transferring. Transfer certificates will not be valid un- less filed with the superintendent of the district to which transfer is being made within thirty days from date of issue. Seniority. (b) A telegrapher's seniority will date from the time he last entered the service as a telegrapher. Seniority will only be exer- cised when vacancies occur. The seniority of telegraphers employed on lines under construction' or absorbed by the company will date from their last appoint- ment as telegraphers on such lines. When newly constructed lines are taken over by the operating department all the telegra- phers' positions will be considered vacant and they will be bulletined over the general division, and any telegrapher in line of pro- motion to them will have fifteen days within which to make application for same. Advertising Vacancies. (c) All vacancies and permanent appoint- ments will be immediately bulletined by a "23" message over the superintendent's dis- trict. When vacancies in positions are bul- letined, the bulletin will state rate of com- pensation. Applications for vacancies must be made within ten days from date of bulletin. Declining Promotion. A telegrapher declining to accept promo- tion in any instance does not forfeit his right to the s^ime or any other position he may be entitled to under seniority when a vacancy occurs. A telegrapher on leave of absence when a vacancy occurs will not be debarred from claiming position and receiving appointment on resuming duty if entitled to it. A vacancy will be filled within thirty days after it occurs by the appointment of the man entitled to it. Temporary Appointment. When a vacancy occurs the superintendent will fill the same by appointing the senior man who is, in his opinion, entitled to the position, but that will not prevent any telegrapher senior to the man so appointed claiming his right under Clause (aj hereof to the position, provided he files his protest within ten days after the appointment has been bulletined as above. Preference. (d> Telegraphers in the employ will be given preference in filling vacancies or op- enings on extensions or new lines of the general division, their applications to be en- dorsed by the superintendent of the district on which the applicant is employed. Reduction of Staff. (e) In case of reduction in the number of telegraphers employed, the junior telegra- phers on the superintendent's districts will be first dispensed with. If their services w^ere satisfactory they will, on application, be given a transfer certificate which will en- title them to preference in filling new posi- tions or vacancies on other districts of the system, provided they are available when re- quired. Positions Abolislied. (f> If a position included in the attached schedule is abolished, the telegrapher will be entitled to the position held by the junior permanently located telegrapher on the superintendent's district. Seniority List, (g) A complete list of all telegraphers on each superintendent's district, showing their seniority standing, will be kept on file in the respective train dispatching offices, open to inspection by all telegraphers concerned. This list will be subject to correction on proper representation from any telegrapher, and a copy of it, corrected to date, will be furnished the general chairman at the be- ginning of each year. Exclusive Right of Promotion. (h) Telegraphers will have the exclusive right to any position incorporated in the wage schedule, and any telegraphers' posi- tions subsequently added in accordance with the preamble, also to any new telegraphers' positions created by the absorption of other lines or the construction of new lines when vacancies in such positions occur. Eligibility of Agents. (i) Telegraphers will also be eligible and considered in line of promotion to the posi- tion of agent at any of the stations not in- corporated in the wage schedule which have been omitted in view of conditions which may make it impracticable or unfair to fill these positions exclusively from one branch of the service. Official .Promotion. (j). Telegraphers promoted to official posi- tions with the company will retain their seniority according to the class from which promoted. Dispatchers' Promotion, (k) The right of promotion of train dis- patchers will extend over the general divi- sion and will be governed by merit and abil- ity; these being sufficient, the senior train dispatcher will have the preference. The order of promotion of train dispatchers will be from the senior relieving dispatcher to trick dispatcher. Schedules and Wage Scales. 77 Dispatcher's Seniority. The seniority of a train dispatcher will date from the time he was first appointed a trick dispatcher. A train dispatcher will retain his senior- ity standing in the ranks of the agents and opei-ators. Relief Dispatchers. Relieving train dispatchers will he ap- pointed from their respective superin- tendents' districts, if available, in accord- ance with Clause (c) of this article, and will be allowed sufficient time, without pay, to learn the work of train dispatching under a regular trick dispatcher, such tiine not to exceed two weeks, and they will remain on such district until they receive promotion to a steady trick, which may be claimed- at any office on the general division at which a vacancy occurs. Advertising Dispatchers' Vacancies. All vacancies and permanent appointments in dispatchers' positions or new dispatchers' positions created will be immediately adver- tised over the said general division. Application must be made within ten days of date of bulletin, and vacancy v/ill be filled within thirty days after it occurs by the ap- pointment of the dispatcher entitled to it. If a train dispatcher's position is abolished he will be entitled to the position held by the junior permanently located dispatcher on the said general division. Linemen's Promotions. (1> The right of promotion of linemen will extend over each general superintendent's division and will be governed by merit and ability; where these are sufficient seniority will be given preference. Vacancies and ap- pointments will be advertised and filled as provided in Clause (c) of this article. ARTICLE III. Discipline and Investigation. No telegrapher shall be isuspended (except for investigation), discharged or disciplined until his case has first tafeen investigated and he has been proven guilty of the offence charged against him; the decision in such case to be arrived at within ten days from date of such suspension. If a telegrapher Is found blameless in the matter under investigation he will be paid at the schedule rates for the time lost and extra expenses while attending such investi- gation, if away from home, and be rein- stated. If detained more than ten days awaiting investigation at the company's in- stance, he will be paid schedule wages for the time in excess of ten days, whatever the decision may be. Telegraphers may have the assistance of a co-telegrapher if they so desire. Result. A wi-itten statement setting forth the re- sult of. the investigation and the reasons therefor will be furnished by the company to the local board of adjustment, if re- quested by it. ARTICLE IV. Lack of Conveniences. Lack of conveniences, such as school fa- cilities, etc., will be taken into consideration in locating telegraphers, but only when this can be done without infringing on the rights of their seniors in the service. ARTICLE V. Relief for Committee. Telegraphers serving on boards of adjust- inent representing telegraphers will be re- lieved from unnecessary delay (not to ex- ceed ten days) and will be furnished free transportation for such purpose. ARTICLE VL Attending Meetings. Telegraphers will be granted free trans- portation and leave of absence to attend their meetings. Such free transportation will not extend bejond the next subdivision adjoining their superintendent's district, and the leave of absence will not exceed two days and will only be granted when it will not interfere with the requirements of the tralhc and the Service, and provided the company is not thereby put to additional expense. ARTICLE VII. Transfers. When a telegrapher is transferred by or- der of the proper official, the company will furnish free transportation for himself, and family and household goods, and he shall suffer no loss of time in consequence. ARTICLE VIII. Attending Court Expenses. Telegraphers attending court or investiga- tion at the request of the proper official of ihe company will have their extra expenses paid by the company, in addition to their schedule wages. ARTICLE IX. Students. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy nor admit students not members of the station staff to their offices. ARTICLE X. Emergency Work. Telegi'aphers required to work at wrecks, washouts or slides, will, in inclement weather, be provided with shelter, and be paid the necessary expenses for the time away from home. ARTICLE XI. Service Cards Returned. A telegrapher securing employment with the company will within thirty days from date of employment have returned to him all service cards and letters of recominendation which have been taken up by the company, except any previously issued by the com- pany. ARTICLE XII. Certificate of Service. A telegrapher leaving the service of the company will, on request, and within five days, be furnished with a certificate by the proper official, stating term or terms of serv- ice capacities in which employed, and whether discharged or leaving the service of his own accord. If discharged, cause of dismissal will be stated. If detained more 78 Schedules and Wage Scales. than five days awaiting such certificate, he Avill be paid schedule wages for all time in excess of five days. Unless otherwise requested, this certificate will be mailed to the telegrapher at the place of his last employment. ARTICLE XIII. Objectionable Work. Telegraphers will be exempt from shovel- ing snow, stenciling cars, sifting coal ashes, attending to fiower gardens, scrubbing sta- tions, cleaning chimneys, unloading, cutting or piling fuel, cleaning or disinfecring cars or outbuildings and any other work not inci- dental to the usual work of a telegrapher un- less reasonably compensated therefor. ARTICLE XIV. Dwelling Reserved for Agents. At stations where dwellings, fuel and light are provided, the dwelling will, as far as practicable, be reserved exclusively for the use of the agent and his fainily unless he elects to reside elsewhere. House Rent. A deduction of five dollars per month will be made fiom schedule wages of all teleg- raphers occupying company's dwelling, un- less in the opinion of the superintendent such amount should be reduced. No deductions for rent will be made where ■ the telegrapher does not occupy the dwelling. Fuel. When wood is supplied as fuel it will be cut in lengths not exceeding sixteen inches. Dwelling Retained After Dismissal. A telegrapher occupying a company's dwelling who is dismissed from the service will be allowed to retain possession of the dwelling until he has been paid all moneys due him by the company. Repairs. The company will keep its dwellings in good repair. Occupants must keep such dwellings and theii- surroundings clean and must pay for repairs other than those due to ordinary wear and tear. ARTICLE XV. Sunday Work. Telegraphers (except train dispatchers) re- quired to work on Sunday, will be paid extra pro-rata on schedule salaries for such serv- ice based on twenty- six days per month, (any portion of an hour less than thirty minute.s not to count; any portion of an hour thirty minutes or over to coimt as one hour), with a minimum compensation of thirty-five cents for each call which shall cover the first hour's service. If kept on duty more than one hour they will there- after be paid pro-rata on schedule salary based on twenty-six days per month, but in no case less than thirty-five cents per hour. Sunday Duty. When a telegrapher is called for duty on Sunday outside his assigned week day hours he will receive the rate of fifty cents for each call which will if necessary cover one hour's service; if he be required longer than one hour he will then be paid overtime as per Clause (c) of Article XX. In instances where telegraphers are re- quired to remain close at hand all day Sun- day on account of calls being spread over the whole day, they will be paid for a whole day, and where under the same circum- stances, they are obhged to remain close at hand for half a day, they will be paid for half a day. That is to say, if a telegrapher is required to come on duty two or three tiines in the forenoon and is free in the afternoon he will be paid for the half day, while if he is required three or inore times dujing the entire day he is to be paid one day pro-rata on regular salary. For two calls on Sunday a half day's pay will be allowed and for three or more calls a full day's pay will be allowed, except when the three calls come within the period of one half day, in which case one-half day's pay will apply. Sunday Work for Dispatchers. Dispatchers required to work more than six days in each week will be paid overtime pro-rata for same based on twenty-six days per month. Commercial Messages. Telegraphers will be required to handle commercial messages on Sunday only dur- ing hours required for railway service, ex- cept on agreement. Telegraphers required for Sunday' duty other than attendance on regular passenger trains, shall be so advised on the previous day. ARTICLE XVI. Attending Lamps. If telegraphers are required to attend switch, semaphore or yard limit lamps, they will receive two dollars per month for two or less such l.-^mps, and sixty-five cents per month for each additional lamp. Nothing in this article will relieve teleg- raphers from their responsibilities under the rules. Telegraphers will keep train order signal lamps in good condition and lighted when required, during their regvilar hours of duty, without extra compensation. ARTICLE XVII. Attending Pumping Engines. Telegraphers who attend pumping engines or windmills, which work will be optional with them, will be paid ten dollars per month for attending to pumping engines or wind- mills, and five dollars ,per month for attend- ing to windmills only. Attending Fires. Telegraphers shall within office hours at- tend fires under water tanks within a quar- ter of a mile of their stations, and must see that fire is in good condition immediately before going off duty, without extra com- pensation. ARTICLE XVIII. Temporary Relief Work. A telegrapher required to leave his perma- nent loi^ation to do relief work temporarily will, without change in salary, be allowed all necessary expenses on production of voucher. Schedules and Wage Scales. 79 Temporary Relief Work Wages. Other telegraphers doing relief work, ex- cept regular relieving telegrapliers, will be paid the same wages without expenses as the telegraphers they relieve, provided wages are not less than their own. Sufficient Relief. SufTicient relief agents will be supplied to meet all reasonable demands. Any teleg- rapher relieving an agent will be considered a relief agent. ARTICLE XIX. Telegraph Commissions. The income accruing to a station on ac- count of telegraph commission will be equitably divided between the telegraphers performing the service, the agent being en- titled to not less than one-third of the total amount. ARTICLE XX. Hours Service. (a) At offices where two or less teleg- raphers are employed, ten consecutive hours, exclusive of meal hour, shall constitute a day's work. At offices where more than two operators are employed, not more than ten consecu- tive hours' service, including meal hour or at the company's option eight consecutive hours without meal hour, shall constitute a day's work. Except In cases of emergency, telegraphers will have eight consecutive hours r«st par day. The hours of duty of all agents will com- mence between the hours of 6:00 and 9:00 o'clock a. m. Meal Hour. (b) Telegraphers working ten hours per day will be allowed sixty consecutive min- utes for a meal between 7 and 9 a. m., 12 noon and 2:30 p. m. or between 5 and 7 p. m., or between midnight and 2:30 a. m., or receive in lieu thereof one hour over- time, provided that a day telegrapher work- ing ten hours will be allowed his meal hour between 12 noon and 2:30 p. m. This will not apply to service rendered the express or commercial telegraph business. Nothing herein will prohibit a dispatcher from granting two meal hours to a teleg- rapher working ten hours, the intention be- ing to grant regular meal hours, as far as the business of the company permits. Overtime Rates. (c) Overtime will be computed pro-rata on schedule wages ba?ed on twenty-six days per month; but in no case less than at thirty-five cents per hour, less than thirty minutes not to count, thirty minutes or over to count as one hour, except that teleg- raphers required to remain on duty after reeailar ho'irs. if detained fifteen minutes will be allowed one hour overtime for the first hour or any portion thereof. Special Calls. (A) If a teleerapher l.s called before or after ofRce hour Telegraphers in the employ will be given preference in filling vacancies or open- ings on extensions or new lines of the gen ■ eral districts, their applications to be en- dorsed by the superintendent of the division on which applicant is employed. When a new line is taken over, and sta- tions are subsequently added to it, the first manning of these positions will be adver- tised over the general districts until the ex- piration of two years from, the date the line was taken over. ie.) In case of reduction in the number of telegraphers employed, the junior telegraph- ers on the superintendent's division will first be dispensed with. If their services were satisfactory they will, on application, be given a transfer certificate which will entitle them to preference in filling new positions or vacancies on other districts of the system provided they are available when required, (f; If a position included in the attached schedule is abolished, the telegrapher will be entitled to the position held by the junior permanently located telegrapher on the su- perintendent's division. (S) A complete list of all telegraphers on each superintendent's division, showing their seniority standing, will be kept on file in the respective train diipatching of- fices, open to inspection of all telegraphers concerned. This list will be subject to correction on proper representation from any telegrapher, and a copy of it, corrected to date, will be furnished the general chair- man and local chairman on the first day of January of each year. (hj Telegraphers will have exclusive right to any position incorporated in the wage schedule, and any telegrapher's position sub- sequently added in accordance with the preamble, also to any new telegraphers' positions created by the absorption of other lines or the construction of new lines, when vacancies in such positions occur. 0) Telegraphers will also be eligible and considered in line of promotion to the posi- tion of agent at any of the stations not in- corporated in the wage schedule which have been omitted in view of conditions which may make it impracticable or unfair to fill those positions exclusively from one branch of the service. (j> Telegraphers promoted to official posi- tions with the company will retain their seniority according to the class from which proinoted. (k) The right of promotion of train dis- patchers will extend over the general dis- tricts, and will be governed by merit and ability: these being sufficient, the senior train dispatcher will have the preference. The order of promotion of train dispatchers will be from senior relieving dispatcher to trick dispatcher. The seniority of a train dispatcher v(i\\ date from the time he was first appointed a trick dispatcher unless by his own consent he takes another position in the service un- der which circumstances his seniority as a train dispatcher will date from the time he was last appointed a trick dispatcher. P.el'PviPg train dispatchers will be ap- pointed from their resnective superintend- ent's divisions, if available, in accordance with Clau.^e (c) of this article and will be allowed sufficient time, without pay, to learn 84 Schedules and Wage Scales. the work of train flispatching under a reg- ular trick dispatcher, such time not to ex- ceed t-ivo weeks, and they will remain on such division until they receive promotion to a steady trick, which may be claimed at any oflice on the general districts at which a vacancy occurs. All vacancies and appointments in dis- patchers' positions or new dispatchers' posi- tions created will be immediately advertised over the general districts. Application must be made within ten days of date of bulletin, and vacancies will be filled within thirty days after they occur by the appointment of the dispatchers entitled to them. In case of reduction in the number of dis- patchers employed or a dispatcher's posi- tion behig abolished in any office, the dis- patcher affected will be entitled to the posi- tion held by the junior permanent dispatcher in that office, and the dispatcher so dis- placed will be entitled to the position held by the junior permanently located dispatcher on the general districts. Train dispatchers will retain their senior- ity standing among the agents and operators on the general district from which promoted. If they have not worked in the capacity of agent or operator previous to appointment to position of train dispatcher, their senior- ity as a telegrapher will date from the time they were taken into the service as train dispatchers. Regular trick dispatchers who have been reduced will be entitled to relief work in preference to relief dispatchers when no other work available for regular men. Swing dispatchers working less than six days per week as dispatchers will not have preference over relief dispatchers in reliev- ing regular trick dispatchers on leave of ab- sence for more than three days, nor will they be used during any portion of the week when not employed as dispatchers, to fill any position to which another telegrapher is assigned except when such telegrapher is on leave of absence. A chief dispatcher reduced to a trick dis- patcher will be entitled to the junior perma- nent dispatcher's position on the general district on which he has last worked a trick. Dispatchers holding tricks that are not bulletined as permanent will be protected in their previous positions for the term of one year. Seniority of relief dispatchers will date from the time they start work as such. (1) The right of promotion of linemen (telegraph and telephone) will extend over the general districts (railway), and will be governed by merit and ability; where these are sufficient the senior man will be given preference. Linemen will be specially con- sidered in line of promotion to the position of foreman on the general districts (rail- way) on which they are located. ARTICLE III. No telegrapher shall be suspended (except for Investigation), discharged or disciplined until his case has first been investigated, and he has been proven guilty of the offence charged against him; the decision in such case to be arrived at within ten days from date of such suspension. If a telegrapher is found blameless In the matter under investi- gation, he will be paid at the schedule rates lor time lost, and extra expenses while at- tending such investigation, if away from home, and be reinstated. If detained more than ten days awaiting investigation at the company's instance, he will be paid schedule wages for the time in excess of ten days whatever the decision may be. Telegraphers may have the assistance of a co- telegrapher if they Sip desire. A written statement setting forth the re- sult of an investigation, and the reasons therefor, will be furnished by the company to local board of adjustment if requested by it. ARTICLE IV. Lack of convenience, such as school facili- ties, etc., will be taken into consideration in locating telegraphers, but only when this can be done without infringing on the rights of their seniors in the service. ARTICLE V. Telegraphers serving on boards of adjust- ment, representing telegraphers, will be re- lieved without unnecessary delay (not to exceed ten days^ and will be furnished free transportation for such purpose. ARTICLE VI. Telegraphers will be granted free trans- portation and leave of absence to attend their meetings, such 'free transportation will not extend beyond the next subdivisibn ad- joining their superintendent's division, and the leave of absence will not exceed two days, and will only be granted when it will not interfere with the requirements of the traffic and the service, and provided the company is not thereby put to additional ex- pense. ARTICLE VII. When a telegrapher is transferred by or- der of the proper official he will suffer no loss of schedule wages in consequence thereof, and will be allowed reasonable time (not to exceed four days and without pay) to arrange for the shipment of his house- hold goods. ARTICLE VIII. Telegraphers attending court or investiga- tion at the request of the proper official of the company, will have their extra ex- penses paid by the company in addition to their schedule wages. ARTICLE IX. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy, nor admit students not members of the station staff to their office. ARTICLE X. Telegraphers required to work at wrecks, wash-outs and slides will, in inclement weather, be provided with shelter, and be paid the necessary expense for the time away from home. ARTICLE XI. A telegrapher securing employment with the company will, within thirty days from date of employment, have returned to him all service cards and letters of recommenda- tion which have been taken up by the com- pany, except any previously is.sued by the company. Schedules and Wage Scales. 85 ARTICLE XII. A telegrapher leaving the service of the company will, on request, within five days, be furnished with a certificate by the proper official stating term or terms of service, ca- pacities in which employed, and whether dis- charged or leaving the service of his own accord. If discharged, cause of dismissal will be stated. If detained more than five days awaiting such certificate, he will be paid schedule wages for all time in excess of five days. Unless otherwise requested this cer- tificate will be mailed to the telegrapher at the place of his lest employment. AJITICLE XIII. Telegraphers will be exempt from shovel- ing snow, stenciling cars, sifting coal ashes, attending flower gardens, cleaning and dis- infecting stations and outbuildings, cutting or piling wood, handling Government mails. The lighting and attendance to switch and semaphore lights will, so far as practicable, be performed by otlier available forces. The unloading of way freight from cars, and putting away in shed, shall be done jointly with the trainmen, and further reasonable assistance will be furnished when necessary. ARTICLE XIV. At stations where dwelling, fuel and light are provided, the dwelling will be reserved exclusively for the use of the agent, and his family, unless he elects to reside elsewhere, in which event permanently appointed oper- ators having a family, will have first refusal. The following basis will be used in making deductions where telegraphers occupy com- pany's dwelling consisting of four rooms or more, $5.00; three rooms, $3.50; two rooms, $2.00, per month; one room — no charge, un- less in the opinion of the superintendent such amount should be reduced. When wood is supplied for fuel it will be out in lengtlis not exceeding sixteen inches. Kindling wood will be supplied when appli- cation is made for same. Telegraphers who have been allowed free house, fuel and light, and are required by the company to vacate living quarters, will be allowed an increase in salary equal to what their fuel allowance was worth. A telegrapher occupying a company's dwelling who is dismissed from the com- pany's service will be allowed to retain pos- session of the dwelling until he has been paid all moneys due him by the' company. The company will keep its dwellings in good repair. Occupants must keep such dwellings and surroundings clean, and must pay for repairs other than those due to ordi- nary wear and tear. Station offices, waiting rooms, etc., will be cleaned at the company's expense. ARTICLE XV. (a) Telegraphers (except train dispatch- ers) required to work on Sunday or outside of regular assigned hours on week days, will be paid overtime for such service at time and ore-half, based on schedule rates, twenty-six days per month; any portion of an hour less than thirty minutes not to count; any portion of an hour thirty min- utes or over to count as one hour. hereof, with a minimum compen- sation of sixty cents. If kept on duty more than one hour he will thereafter be paid overtime as per Clause (a>. Telegraphers required to remain on duty after regular hours, if detained fifteen minutes, will be allowed one hour's overtime for the first hour or any portion thereof. (c) If a train dispatcher is required to work outside of his regular assigned hours, or more than six days in a week, he will be paid at overtime rate as per Clause (a) hereof. (d) Telegraphers will be required to handle commercial messages on Sunday only during hours required for railway service, except on agreement. Telegraphers required by the company for Sunday duty, other than at- tendance on regular passenger trains, will be so advised on the preceding day. (e) Overtime will not be allowed unless overtime tickets are mailed to the proper official within forty-eight hours of the time the service is performed. If overtime as claimed is not allowed telegraphers will be notified in writing within ten days from the time such service is performed, setting forth the reasons for disallowance. Telegraphers will number overtime tickets consecutively for each month. (f) In circumstances where telegraphers are obliged to remain close at hand all day Sunday on account of calls being spread over the whole day, they will be paid for the whole day, and where, under the same cir- cumstances, they are obliged to remain close at hand for half a day on Sunday they will be paid for a half a day. That is to say, if a telegrapher is required to come on duty two or three times in the forenoon and is free in the afternoon, he is to be paid one- half day; while if he is required three or more times during the entire day he will be paid one day as per Clause (a) hereof. For two cal's on Sunday a half day's pay will be allowed, and for three or more calls a full day's pay will be allowed, except when the three calls come within the period of one-half day, in which case one-half day's pay will apply as per Clause (a) hereof. ARTICLE XVI. If telegraphers are required to attend switch lamps they will be paid four dollars per month for six or less such lamps, and fifty cents per month for each additional lamp in excess of six. When semaphore lamps are included fifty cents per month per lamp additional will be allowed. Nothing in this Article will relieve teleg- raphers from their responsibilities under the rules. Telegrap?iers will keep train order signal lamps clean and in good condition, and lighted when required, without extra compensation. ARTICLE XVII. Telegraphers who attend pumping engines or windwills. which work will be optional with them, will be paid ten dollars per month for attending to steam pumping en- gines and windmills, and five dollars per month for attending to windmills only. 86 S(;hrdules and Wage Scaj^es. Telegraphers sball within office hours, at- tend to tires under water tanlis within a quarter of a mile of their station, and must see that tire is in good condition immediately before going oft' duty witliout extra compen- sation. If called on duty for any of these purposes outside of office hours, telegraph- ers will be entitled to compensation as pro- vided by Clause (bj of Article XV. ARTICLE XVIII. A telegrapher required to leave his perma- nent location to do relief work temporarily will, without change in salary, be allowed all necessary expenses on production of vouchers. Other telegraphers doing relief work, ex- cept regular relieving telegraphers, will be paid the same wages, without expenses, as the telegraphers they relieve, provided such wages are not less than their own. Sufficient relief agents will be maintained to meet all reasonable demands. Tlie headquarters of relief agents are the headquarters for the division unless he holds a permanent position on the division, in which case the point where he is perma- nently located will be considered his head- quarters. Relief agents will be allowed sev- enty-five cents per day expenses when away from headquarters. ARTICLE XIX. The income accruing to a station on ac- count of telegraph commissions wiU be equitably divided between the telegraphers performing the service, the agent to be en- titled to not less than one- third the total amount. If required by the company to handle commercial telegraph business on Sundays, outside the hours required for railway service, or on week days outside of assigned hours, arrangements should be made with the commercial department re- garding compensation. ARTICLE XX. (a) At offices where two or less telegraph- ers are employed, ten consecutive hours, exclusive of meal hour, shall constitute a day's worlc. (b; At offices where an agent and two operators are employed, ten consecutive hours per day, exclusive of meal hour, or at the company's option, eight consecutive hours, without meal hour, shall constitute a day's work. The agent at such office shall not be required to perform any wire work except in cases of emergency. (c) At offices where three or more oper- ators are employed, eight consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. (d> Except in cases of emergency teleg- raphers will have eight consecutive hours' rest per day. The hours of duty of all agents will commence between six and eight o'clock a. m. Telegraphers working ten hours per day will be allowed sixty consecutive minutes for a meal between either seven and nine a. m. or twelve noon and two-fifteen p. m., or five and seven p. m., or between midnight and two-thirty a. m., or receive in lieu thereof one hour's overtime, provided that a day teleerapher working ten hours will be allowed his meal hour between twelve noon and two- fifteen p. m. This will not apply to service rendered the express or commer- cial talegrapii business. Nothing- herein will prohibit a dispatcher from granting two meal hours to a teleg- raplier working ten hours, the intention be- ing to grant regular meal hours so far as tlie business of the company permits. The regular hours of duty will be specified by the superintendent to all telegraphers. If lequired for service outside these hours, telegraphers will be given an official order as authority and excused in the same man- ner. (e> Telegraphers required to meet reg- ular scheduled mixed or passenger trains after regular hours should, if the train is late, remain on duty, keeping the station open for the accommodation of the public, unless instructed to the contrary by the proper officer of the company, and they will be entitled to compensation as provided by Article XV. Whenever a third operator's position is hereafter created the salary shall- not be less than the minimum rate in effect at that office. (f> A telegrapher called before his regular hours of duty who cannot be let off for breakfast will be entitled to pay for the meal hour. ARTICLE XXI. Eight consecutive hours' train dispatching and time required for transferring will con- stitute a day's work for a trick dispatcher. Train dispatchers will not be required to do clerical work that will interfere with the proper handling of their trains. ARTICLE XXII. If a telegrapher considers himself over- taxed, his statement to that effect to the proper official ■will be carefully considered and if well founded, relief will be granted. When an agent asks for help, the superin- tendent will either furnish it or arrange an investigation of conditions within ten days. If such investigation sustains the claim of the agent the help will be furnished. If such investigation is ag-ainst the agent, the latter may file his protest with the superin- tendent, who will immediately ask the gen- eral superintendent to send a special inves- tigator, familiar with station work, to report on the case, which will be within ten days. If "such investigator reports that the help is required, it ^vill be furnished . forthwith. If he reports that it is not required, the agent may appeal direct to the general chairman who, after investigation to satisfy himself, will handle the case as a grievance, beginning with the general superintendent. In a case where the company desires to reduce help, the agent will be given one week's notice, unless he agrees he can spare the help at once. If the agent claims the assistance is still required he will so advise his superintendent, and the latter will con- duct an investigation as outlined in the pre- ceding paragraph. If the agent is dissatis- fied with the verdict, his protest to the superintendent will restilt in a special inves- tigation at the instance of the general su-ner- intendent in the same manner as provided above, the same channels of annual being open tn the agent as therein outlined. At points wTiP'-e onprjf tor's are overw^orked or kept on duty an excessive lengrth of timr Schedules and Wage Scales. 87 upon furnishing particulars the inspector of transportation will be instructed to gro there and look into the conditions with the general chairman, or ^s ith any representative he may select, and if they recommend any change in conditions to relieve the operators it will be arranged. ARTICLE XXIII. When the handling of express or telegraph business, for which a commission payment is allowed, is withdrawn from Vny telegra- pher, the wages will be adjusted to conform with that of similar stations in the same locality where such woric is not performed by them. ARTICLE XXIV. When a telegrapher is assigned to a posi- tion and after a fair trial is found incompe- tent, he will take his place on the extra list, retaining his seniority rights. ARTICLE XXV. Train dispatchers will be allowed three weeks' leave of absence each year, with full pay. Other telegraphers who have been in the employ of the company four or more con- secutive years will be allowed two weeks' leave of absence each year, with full pay. If the company finds it inconvenient to grant leave of absence during any year to a teleg- rapher entitled to it under this rule, the telegrapher shall at his option receive either compensation at his regular salary for the period or in the next year additional leave of absence for a like period. Application for leave of absence filed in January of each year will be given prefer- ence in order of seniority of applicant, and applicants will be advised in February of date allotted them. January applicants will have preference over later applicants, and applicants after September 30th will not be entitled to salary compensation if the com- pany is unable to relieve them in that year. The company will, as far as practicable, relieve all applicants during the summer sea.'^on when so desired. In the event of a telegrapher being dis- ciiarged or leaving the service on proper notice before obtaining the deferred leave of absence, he will be paid his salary for same. All applications for leave of absence will be acknowledged in writing by the superin- tendents. ARTICLE XXVI. Telegraphers will be granted transporta- tion of their household goods and passes or reduced r-ates and leave of absence in ac- cordance with the general regulations of the company as established from time to time. Telegraphers and their families at isolated points will be given market passes (not to exceed two trips a month) to points where they can do their shopping. ARTICLE XXVII. The working hours of linemen will be reg- ular, and will not exceed ten consecutive hours per day exclusive of meal hour. A lineman required to leave his own district will be allowed all necessary expenses and extra compensation commensurate with re- "sponsibility if called upon to take charge of any number of men. District linemen will be allowed all neces- sary expenses while performing duties on their own districts away from headquarters. Linemen competent to hold other telegra- phers' positions will be considered eligible for same and will be allowed to transfer to the class of service covering such positions taking three-fourths their seniority. The seniority of linemen will date from the time of their last appointment as line- men. The preamble and Clauses b, c, d, e, f, g and j, of Article II, Articles III, IV, V. VI, VII, VIII, XJ, XII, XV, XX, XXII, XXIV, XXV and XXVI in the schedule of rules and wages will also apply to linemen. ARTICLE XXVIII. (a) The term assistant agent will be deemed to include any employe whose duty it is to assist station agents with clerical work, whether ordinarily known as assistant agent, cashier, clerk, checker or any similar title, but not including employes at stations where the staff consists of seven or more men of the classes covered by this article or at places where freight work exclusively is performed under the jurisdiction of an agent other than the station agent. Only the positions incorporated in the accompany- ing schedule of wages will be considered assistant agents within the meaning of this schedule. (b) The seniority of assistant agents will date from the time they last entered the company's service as such, it being under- stood that assistant agents temporarily out of employment on account of staff reduction will not forfeit their seniority provided they are available when required. (c) Assistant agents competent to hold other telegraphers' positions will be consid- ered eligible for same, and will be allowed to transfer to the class of service covering such positions without carrying their senior- ity as assistant agents with them. (d) The advertising and filling of positions by assistant agents will be governed by the provisioiis of Article II. except that the right of promotion will extend over each superin- tendent's division only. (e) The provision as regards holidays with pay affecting other telegraphers, as per Arti- cle XXV, will also apply to assistant agents. (f) Where assistant agen.ts are now kept on duty ten hours per day or longer, it is not intended that their hours shall be ex- tended bej'ond what they are now working. (g) The Freanible and Articles III, VI, Vll, VIII, XI and XXVI in the schedule of rules and wages will also apply to assistant agents. ARTICLE XXIX. Application may be made to the general manag'er- direct for revision of schedule. ARTICLE XXX. Minimum Monthly Wages for Telegraphers and Linemen. Operators $ 89.00 Agents 94.00 Relief agents 98.00 Linemen 103.00 88 Schedules anp Wage Scales. Train Dispatchers. First year $162.00 Second year 167.00 Third year - 180.00 Relief 149.00 Relief dispatchers after one year's cumu- lative service as such will take the rating- of triclt dispatchers, according to length of service; three hundred and thirteen days to constitute one year in every case. Relief dispatchers will receive fifty cents per day expenses while a,way from headquarters. A regular swing dispatcher will be paid regular trick dispatcher's rate when working as a dispatcher. When not so employed he will receive salary of position held, but in no less than operator's minimum rate, and work will be provided so that a full month's salary will be obtained. Broken time for telegraphers will be com- puted on the basis of the calendar work days in month the work is performed. ARTICLE XXXI. Central District — First Division. Rate Station and Position. Per ISIo. Port Arthur, Disp. Off., day opr $108.00 Night operator 108.00 Port Arthur, Yard OfHce, day opr 103.00 Night operator 103.00 Fort William, agent operator 145.00 Westfort, agent operator..... 140.00 Stanley Junction, agent operator 94.00 Kakabeka Falls, agent operator 94.00 Night operator 89.00 Mattawin, agent operator 94.00 Night operator 89.00 Mabella, agent operator 95.00 Night operator 89.00 Kashabowie, agent operator 95.00 Night operator 89.00 Huronian, day operator 89.00 Night operator 89.00 Kawene, agent operator 94.00 Night operator • 89.00 Atikokan, agent operator 125.00 Day operator 93.00 Night operator 100.00 Banning, night operator 89.00 Flanders, agent operator 100.00 Night operator 89.00 Mine Centre, agent operator 100.00 Night operator 89.00 Bear's Pass, day operator 89.00 Rocky Inlet, operator 89.00 Fort Frances, agent 170.00 First operator 110.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 LaVallee, agent operator 94.00 Devlin, agent operator 94.00 Emo, agent operator 105.00 Night operator 89.00 Barwick, agent operator 94.00 Stratton, agent operator 94.00 Pinewood, agent operator 94.00 Sleemans. agent operator 94.00 Rainy River, agent 150.00 First operator 105.00 Second operator 105.00 Third operator 105.00 Baudette, agent ■ 140.00 Day operator 98.00 Night operator 98.00 Pitt, agent operator 94.00 Rate Station and Position. Per Mo. Williams, agent operator $103.00 Night operator 89.00 Roosevelt, agent operator 100.00 Swift, agent operator 94.00 Warroad, agent 120.00 First operator 98.00 Second operator 98.00 Third operator 98.00 Sprague, agent operator 115.00 Day opeiator 98.00 Nighi operator 98.00 Vassar. agent operator 94.00 Woodridge, agent operator 95.00 Night operator 91.00 Marchand, agent operator 94.00 Night operator 89.00 Giroux, agent operator 105.00 St. Anne, agent operator 100.00 Night operator 89.00 Piney, ag-ent operator 94.00 Ridg-eville, agent operator 94.00 Central District — Second Division. Winnipeg (WI), office, chief opr $155.00 Assistant chief operator 125.00 First three operators 115.00 Other operators 110.00 Winnipeg' (FG), ofTice, first operator.. 110.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 Winnipeg (WP), office, operator 115.00 Paddington, day operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 Portage .Tunction, day operator 95.00 Carman Junction, day operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 St. Norbert, agent operator 96.00 St. Agathe, agent operator 98.00 Morris, agent operator li4.00 St. Jean, agent operator 98.00 Letellier, agent operator 100.00 Emerson Junction, agent 138.00 Day operator 98.00 Night operator 100.00 Grosse Isle, ag-ent operator 94.00 Warren, agent operator 94.00 St. Laurent, agent operator 94.00 Oak Point, agent operator 94.00 Lundar, agent operator 94.00 Ericksdale, agent operator 94.00 Ashern, agent operator 95.00 Mooschorn, agent operator 94.00 Steep Rock, agent operator 94.00 Gypsumville, agent opei-ator 94.00 Inwood, agent operator 94.00 Fisher Branch, agent operator 94.00 Sanford. agent operator 94.00 Brunkild. agent operator 94.00 Sperling, agent operator 97.00 Homewood, agent operator 94.00 Carman, agent operator 110.00 Day operator 89.00 Roseisle, agent operator 94.00 Cardinal, agent operator.....' 94.00 Somerset, agent operator 105.00 Swan Lake, ag-ent operator 100.00 Marieapolis. agent operator 96.00 Greenway. agent operator 97.00 Baldur, agent operator 100.00 Belmont, agent operator 115.00 Day operator 89.00 Holmfield, y gent operator 96.00 Deloraine, agent operator 98.00 Lowe Farm, agent operator 94.00 Myrtle, agent operator 94.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate station and Position. Per Mo. Roland, agent operator $103.00 Miami, agent opcratoi- 103.00 Rosebank, agent operator 94.00 Altamont, a^ent operator 94.00 Central District — Third Division. White Plains, night operator $ 89.00 Ellie, agent operator 98.00 Night operator 89.00 Oakville, agent operator 98.00 Night operator 89.00 Portage la Prairie, first operator 103.00 Second operator 103.00 Third operator 103.00 Beaver, agent operator 94.00 Night operator 89.00 Neepawa Junction, night operator.... 89.00 Gladstone, agent operator 115.00 Night operator 95.00 Plumas, agent operator 100.00 Glenella, agent operator 100.00 Night operator..'. 89.00 McCreary, agent operator 100.00 Night operator 89.00 Laurier, agent operator 98.00 Makinak, agent operator 99.00 Night operator 89.00 Ochre River, agent operator 100.00 Night operator 89.00 St. Rose, agent operator 94.00 Langruth, agent operator 94.00 Amaranth, agent operator 94.00 Rossendale, agent operator 94.00 Pleasant Point, agent operator 94.00 Carberry, agent operator 105.00 Hallboro, agent operator 95.00 Rapid City, agent operator 96.00 Cardale, agent' operator 94.00 McConnell. agent operator 94.00 Decker, agent operator. . . .^. 94.00 Isabella, agent operator 94.00 Beulah, agent operator 94.00 Neepawa, agent 155.00 Day operator 97.00 Night operator 97.00 Eden, agent operator 94.00 Bernie, agent operator 94.00 Xelwood, agent operator 94.00 Clanvtilliam, -agent operator 94.00 Elphinstone, agent operator 94.00 Oakburn, agent operator 94.00 Vista, agent operator 94.00 Rossburn, agent operator 98.00 Angusville, agent operator. . . . ^ 94.00 Russell, agent operator 105.00 Night operator 89.00 Shellmouth, agent operator 94.00 MacNutt, agent operator 94.00 Calder, agent operator 94.00 Wroxton, agent operator 96.00 Stornoway, agent operator 94.00 Rhien, agent operator 98.00 Yorkton, agent 125.00 Da.v operator 89.00 Night operator 89.00 Willowbrook, agent operator 94.00 Central District — Fourth Division. Brandon, Disp. Otfice, day operator. . .$110.00 Night operator 110.00 Brandon, Yard OfRce, day operator... 103.00 Night operator 103.00 Terence, agent operator 94.00 Scarth, agent operator 102.00 Night operator 89.00 Rate Station and Position. Per Mo. Woodnor-th, agent operator $ 96.00 Cromer, agent operator 96.00 Fairlight, agent operator 16,00 Kelso, agent operator 97.00 l^angbank, agent operator 96.00 Kipling, agent operator 120.00 Night operator 95.00 Glenavon, agent operator 99.00 Candiac, agent operator 97100 Montmartre, agent operator 100.00 Kendal, agent operator 97.00 Odessa, agent operator 98.00 Vibank, agent operator 97.00 Daviri, agent operator 98.00 Parkman, agent operator 94.00 Carlyle, agent operator 120.00 Night operator 95.00 Willmar, agent operator 94.00 Browning, agent operator 94.00 Lampman, agent operator 100.00 Chandler, agent operator 94.00 Goodwater, agent operator 94.00 Colgate, agent operator 94.00 Bienfait, agent operator 94.00 Estevan, agent operator 105.00 Radville, agent operator 120.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 Ceylon, agent operator 96.00 Hardy, agent operator 94.00 Bengough, agent operator 105.00 Brooking, agent operator 94.00 Forward, agent operator 94.00 Dummer, agent operator 94.00 Truax, agent operator 94.00 Avonlea, agent operator 105.00 Briercrest. agent operator 97.00 Hearne, agent operator 95.00 Moose Jaw. agent 145.00 Daj' operator 95.00 ^pring Valley, agent operator 96.00 Mitchellton, agent operator 96.00 Moosbank, agent operator 97.00 Ettington, agent operator 96.00 Mazenod, agent operator 97.00 Palmer, agent operator 94.00 Gravelboin-g, agent 120.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 Wawanesa, agent operator 110.00 Ninette, agent operator 97.00 Dunrea, agent operator 96.00 Margaret, agent operator 94.00 Minto, agent operator 96.00 Fairfax, agent operator 94.00 Elgin, agent operator 101.00 Hartney, agent operator 125.00 Virden, agent operator 110.00 Western District — First Division. Dauphin, agent $170.00 First operator 110.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 Gilbert Plains, agent operator 106.00 Night operator 90.00 Grandview, agent 110.00 Day operator 89.00 Night operator 90.00 Roblin, agent operator.... 105.00 Night operator 90.00 Togo, agent operator « 100.00 Night operator 89.00 90 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate Station and Position. Per Mo. Kamsock, agent $140.00 First operator 103.00 Second operator 103.00 Third operator 103.00 Veregin, agent operator 104.00 Mikado, agent operator 95.00 Ross Junction, operator 89.00 Canora, agent 120.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator..^ 90.00 Buchanan, agent operator 105.00 Invermay, agent operator 100.00 Night operator 90.00 Margo, agent operator 94.00 Wadena, agent operator 107.00 Day operator 92.00 Quill Lake, agent operator 104.00 Night opei-ator 89.00 Watson, agent operator 105.00 Englefeld, agent operator 94.00 St. Gregor, agent operator 97.00 Muenster, agent operator 99.00 Sifton, agent operator 95.00 Winnipegosis, agent operator 98.00 Ethelbert, agent operator 98.00 Minitonas, ageni operator 97.00 Swan River, agent 115.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 Bowsman, agent operator 94.00 Mafeking, agent operator 94.00 Barrows Junction, agent operator.... 94.00 Hudson Bay Junction, agent operator 112.00 Night operator 95.00 The Pas, agent operator 135.00 Mistatim, agent operator 94.00 Crooked River, agent operator 94.00 Tisdale, agent operator 100.00 Star City, agent operator 100.00 Melfort, agent operator 115.00 Day operator 93.00 St. Brieux, agent operator 94.00 Kinistino, agent operator 97.00 Weldon, agent operator 94.00 Birch Hills, agent operator 97.00 Arran, agent operator 94.00 Pelly, agent operator 94.00 Stenen, agent operator 94.00 Sturgis, agent operator 94.00 Preeceville, agent operator 97.00 Norquay, agent operator 94.00 Kenville, agent operator 94.00 Durban, agent operator 94.00 Benito, agent operator 94.00 Western District — Second Division. Regina (Frt. Office), day operator $100.00 Regina (Yard Office), day operator... 100.00 Night operator 100.00 Condie, operator 94.00 Liimsden, agent operator ■. . . . 110.00 Disley, agent operator 96.00 Bethune, agent operator 100.00 Findlater, agent operator 94.00 Chamberlain, ag-ent operator 100.00 Aylesbury, agent operator 97.00 Craik, agent operator 115.00 Night operator 90.00 Girvin, agent operator 100.00 Davidson, agent operator 110.00 Day operator 92.00 Bladworth, agent operator 100.00 Kenaston, agent operator 97.00 Hanley, agent operator 110.00 Dundurn, agent operator 106.00 Rate Station .and Position. . Per Mo. Nutuna, agent operator $105.00 Saskatoon (K.A. Office;, first opr 110.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 Fourth operator 110.00 Osier, agent operator 94.00 Hague, agent operator 100.00 Rosthern, agent operator 115.00 Daj' operator 92.00 Duck Lake, agent operator 106.00 Prince Albert, agent 160.00 Day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 East Prince Albert, agent operator. . . 106.00 Shellbrook, agent operator 106.00 Canv/ood, agent operator 94.00 Big River, agent operator 106.00 Parkside, agent operator 94.00 Leask, agent operator ' 94.00 IMarceiin, agent operator 97.00 Blaine Lake, agent operator 100.00 Krydor, agent operator 94.00 Hafford. agent operator 94.00 Speers, agent operator 94.00 Richard, agent operator 94.00 Humboldt, agent 150.00 First operator 103.00 Second operator 103.00 Third operator 103.00 Carmel, agent operator 94.00 Bruno, agent operator '. 100.00 Night operator 90.00 Dana, agent operator 95.00 Howell, agent operator. 97.00 Vonda, agent operator 106.00 Night operator 90.00 Aberdeen, .agTmt operator 106.00 Warma n, agent 120.00 Firt't operator 103.00 Second operator 103.00 Third operator 103.00 Dalmeny, agent operator 102.00 Waldheim, agent operator 94.00 Laird, agent operator 97.00 Langham, agent operator 102.00 Borden, agent operator 102.00 Radisson, agent operator 106.00 Day operator^ 92.00 Fielding, agent operator 100.00 Maymont, agent operator 100.00 Ruddell, agent operator 95.00 Denholm, agent operator 97.00 Vanscoy, agent operator 94.00 Delisle, agent operator 106.00 Night operator 92.00 Laura, agent operator 97.00 Tes.«ier, agent operator 100.00 Harri.s, operator 106.00 Zealandia, a,gcnt operator 106.00 Ro.'!etown, agent 120.00 Day operator 92.00 Night operator 92.00 Ridpath. operator 94.00 McGee, agent operator 94.00 Fiske, agent operator 94.00 D'Arcy, agent operator 94.00 Brock, agent operator 100.00 Netherhill, agent operator 100.00 Beadle, agent operator 94.00 Birdview, operator 94.00 Swanson, agent operator 94.00 Ardath, agent operator....- 94.00 Conquest, agent operator 94.00 McRorie, agent operator 100.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 91 Rate Station and Position. Per Mo. Dumblane, agent operator $105.00 Dinsniore, agent operator 100.00 Hugh ton, agent operator 97.00 Wiseton, agent operator 97.00 Forgan, agent operator 94.00 Wartime, agent operator 94.00 EIrose, agent operator 110.00 Day operator 92.00 Plato, agent operator ^ 100.00 Richlea, agent operator 97.00 Bston, agent operator 106.00 Western District — Third Division. North Battleford, agent $160.00 First operator 103.00 Second operator '. . 103.00 Third operator 103.00 Battleford. agent operator..... 107.00 Paynton, agent operator 98.00 Maidstone, agent operator 100.00 Waseca, agent operator 94.00 Lashbiirn, agent operator 102.00 Night operator 90.00 Marshall, .agent operator 96.00 Lloydminster, agent 105.00 Dny operator 90.00 Night operator 90.00 Kitscoty, agent operator 97.00 Tslay, agent operator 96.00 Vermillion, agent 125.00 First operator 103.00 Second operator 103.00 Third operator 103.00 Manville, agent operator 98.00 Minburn, agent operator 94.00 Innisfree, agent operator 96.00 Lavoy, agent operator 94.00 Vegrevilie, agent 120.00 Day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 Mundare, agent operator 103.00 Chipman, agent operator 96.00 Lament, agent operator 103.00 Night operator 89.00 Bruderheim, agent operator 96.00 Fort Saskatchewan, agent operator.. 115.00 Night operator 90.00 Edmonton, first operator 115.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 Fourtli operator 110.00 Fifth operator 110.00 Stony Plains, agent operator 94.00 St. Albert, agent operator 96.00 Morinville, agent operator 98.00 Clyde, agent operator 98.00 Athabasca, agent operator 105.00 Meota, agent operator 94.00 Edam, agent operator 96.00 Mervin, agent operator 94.00 Vavn, agent operator 94.00 Turtleford. agent operator 98.00 Cardiff, agent operator 97.00 Onoway, agent operator 97.00 Evansbiirg, agent operator 96.00 Lobstick, day operator 92.00 Night operator 92.00 Sangudo, agent operator 95.00 Western District — Fourth Division. Kindersley, agent $130.00 Day operator 103.00 Night operator 103.00 Rate Station and Position. Per Mo. Pinkham, agent operator $ 96.00 Fairmount, agent operator 94. OD Flaxcombe, agent operator 96.00 Night operator 89.00 Marengo, agent operator 97.00 Night operator 89.00 Merid, agent operator 94.00 Alsask, agent operator 110.00 Day operator 92.00 Night operator ^ 92.00 Sibbald, agent operator... 100.00 Benton, agent operator 94.00 Oyen, agent : 115.00 Day operator 94.00 Night operator 94.00 Excel, agent operator 94.00 Lanfine, agent operator 94.00 Cereal, agent operator , 106.00 Night operator 89.00 Chinook, agent 110.00 Day operator 92.00 Night operator 92.00 Youngsto-ftTi, agent 115.00 Day operator 92.00 Night operator 92.00 Stanmore, agent operator 97.00 Richdale, agent operator 106.00 Night operator 89.00 Hanna, agent 135.00 First operator '; 103.00 Second operator 103.00 Third operator (Oct. to Mar., inc.) 103.00 Craigmyle, agent operator 102.00 Night operator 89.00 Delia, agent operator 106.00 Night operator 89.00 Munson, agent 115.00 Day operator 94.00 Night operator 94.00 Drtimlieller, agent 145.00 First operator 100.00 Second operator 100.00 Third operator (Oct. to Mar., inc.) 100.00 Wayne, agent operator 94.00 Rosebud, agent operator 96.00 Rockyford, agent operator 102.00 Lyalta, day operator 89.00 Night operator 89.00 Calgary, first operator 110.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 Morrin, agent operator 94.00 Rumsey, agent operator 96.00 Big Valley, agent 125.00 Day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 Stettler, agent operator 106.00 Night operator 92.00 Warden, agent operator 97.00 Night operator 89.00 Red WilloAV, agent operator 94.00 Donalda, agent operator 96.00 Meeting Creek, agent operator. . , 94.00 Edberg, agent operator 94.00 Camrose, agent 130.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 Roundhill. agent operator 96.00 Dodds, agent operator 96.00 Nordeqg, agent operator 110.00 Heisler, agent operator 94.00 Forestburg. agent operator 94.00 Galahad, agent operator 94.00 Alliance, agent operator 102.00 92 Schedules and Wage Scales. Pacific District. Rate Station and Position. Per Mo. Brule, agent operator $ 96.00 Lucerne, agent operator 125.00 Night operator 101.00 Albreda. day operator 89.00 Night operator 89.00 Blue River, agent operator 125.00 Night operator 100.00 Avola, agent operator., 94.00 Birch Island, agent operator... 94.00 Chu Chua, agent operator 94.00 Kamloops, agent 140.00 Karnloops Junction, agent 125.00 Day operator 110.00 Night operator 110.00 Ashcroft, agent operator 110.00 Spences Bridge, agent operator 107.00 Lytton, agent operator 107.00 Boston Bar, agent operator 125.00 Night operator 100,00 Hope, agent operator 118.00 Night operator 90.00 Rosedale, agent operator 115.00 Chilliwack, agent operator 120.00 Day operator 90.00 Matsqui, agent operator 94.00 Langley, agent operator 94.00 Port Mann, agent..... 130.00 Day operator 100.00 Night operator 98.00 Vancouver (Car Serv. Off.), operator. 110.00 Work train operators 90.00 Rates for Linemen. Port Arthur $108.00 Atikokan 103.00 Rainy River 103.00 Winnipeg City 110.00 Winnipeg Grain Exchange 110.00 Winnipeg Outside , 103.00 Somerset 103.00 Brandon 103.00 Moose Javsr 103.00 Lampman ; '. 103.00 Regina 103.00 Oak Point ■. 103.00 Portage la Prairie 103.00 Neepawa 103.00 Yorkton 103.00 Dauphin 103.00 Hudson Bay Junction 103.00 Prince Albert 103.00 Kamsack 103.00 Humbolt 103.00 Saskatoon City 110.00 Saskatoon, Outside 103.00 Kindersley 103.00 Calgary 103.00 North Battleford 103.00 Vegreville 103.00 Edmonton East 103.00 Edmonton West 103.00 Dochearn 103.00 Lucerne 106.00 Bhie River 106.00 Kamloops 106.00 Boston Bar 108.00 Port Mann 108.00 RATES OF PAY FOR ASSISTANT AGENTS, ETC. Central District — First Division. Ft. William, cashier $ 85.00 Biller 70.00 Clerk 65.00 Checker 60.00 Rate Station and Position. Per Mo. Westfort, chief clerk $ 65.00 Clerk 60.00 Checker 60.00 Checker 60.00 Atikokan, cheif clerk 70.00 Checker 65.00 Checker 65.00 Checker 60.00 Emo, assistant agent 50.00 Rainy River, cashier 75.00 Biller 70.00 Freight checker ". . . 65.00 Baggageman 65.00 Clerk 60.00 Checker 60.00 Baudette, cashier 80.00 Biller ^ 70.00 Clerk and baggageman 70.00 Abstract clerk 65.00 Ticket clerk 60.00 Checker 55.00 Pitt, assistant agent 50.00 "Williams, assistant agent 50.00 Roosevelt, assistant agent 50.00 Warroad, biller 70.00 Checker 60.00 Sprague, checker 60.00 Checker 60.00 Giroux, assistant agent 50.00 St. Anne, assistant agent 50.00 Central District — Second Division. Morris, assistant agent $ 50.00 Letellier, assistant agent 45.00 Ernerson Junction, cashier 75.00 Clerk 70.00 Clerk 65.00 Sub-agent 65.00 Checker 60.00 Roland, assistant agent 45.00 Somerset, assistant agent 50.00 Swan Lake, assistant agent 45.00 Baldur, assistant agent 45.00 Belmont, assistant agent 50.00 Central District — Third Division. Gladstone, assistant agent $ 50.00 Neepawa, cashier 70.00 Assistant agent 60.00 Baggageman 55.00 Russell, assistant agent 50.00 Yorkton, cashier 75.00 Checker 65.00 Clerk and assistant agent 65.00 Shedman • 60.00 Central District — Fourth Division. Kipling, assistant agent ' $ 55.00 Carlyle, assistant agent 55.00 Lampman, assistant agent 55.00 Radville. cashier 70.00 Clerk 60.00 Checker 60.00 Checker 45.00 Bienfalt, assistant agent 35.00 Avonlea, assistant agent 55.00 Clerk 50.00 Briercrest, assistant agent 45.00 Moose Jaw, cashier 85.00 Biller 65.00 Clerk 65.00 Checker 60.00 Gravelbourg, cashier 80.00 Clerk 60.00 Mazenod, assistant agent 45.00 Hartney, aaslstait agent. • 45.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 93 Western District — First Division, Rate Station and Position. Per Mo. Dauphin, chief clerk $ 80.00 Biller 60.00 Day ticljet clerk 70.00 Freight clerk 60.00 Baggageman 55.00 Gilbert Plains, assistant agent 50.00 Grandvie\A', assistant agent 50.00 Roblin, assistant agent 50.00 Kamsack, cashier 70.00 Shedman 65.00 Biller 55.00 Checker 55.00 Veregin, assistant agent 45.00 Canora, cashier 75.00 Checker 50.00 Buchanan, assistant agent 50.00 Wadena, assistant agent 50.00 Watson, assistant agent. . ^ 50.00 Quill Lake, assistant agent 45.00 Swf'h River, assistant agent 50.00 Hudson Bay Junction, assistant agent 55.00 Tisdale, assistant agent 50.00 Star City, assistant agent 50.00 Klnistino, assistant agent 45.00 Birch Hills, assistant agent 45.00 Melfort, cashier 70.00 Clerk 60.00 The Pas, clerk 65.00 Clerk 55.00 Western District — Second Dlvlsion> Lumsden, assistant agent $ 55.00 Craik, assistant agent 60.00 Davidson, assistant agent 55.00 Bladworth, assistant agent.. 45.00 Hanlej', assistant agent 55.00 Dundurn, assistant agent 55.00 Rosthern, assistant agent 60.00 Duck Lake, as.sistant agent 45.00 Prince Albert, chief clerk 86.00 Cashier 80.-00 Kirst clerk 75.00 Second clerk 70.00 Biller 60.00 Biller 60.00 Big River, assistant agent 55.00 De!isle, assistant agent 60.00 Conquest, assistant agent 45.00 McRorie, assistant agent 50.00 Dumblane. assistant agent 50.00 Elrose, assistant agent and cashier... 60.00 Plato, assistant agent S5.00 Eston, cashier 75.00 Clerk 60.00 Tessier, assistant agent 50.00 Harris, assistant agent 55.00 Zoalandia, assistant agent 60.00 Rosetown, cashier 80.00 Checker 65.00 Clerk ...f 60.00 Clerk 55.00 Humbolt, cashier 80.00 Freight clerk 65.00 Checker 60.00 Rcc. clerk 60.00 Checker ' 60.00 A^onda. assistant agent 55.00 .Aberdeen, assistant agent 55.00 Warman. cashier 75.00 Clerk 60.00 Baggageman 60.00 Dalmeny, a.^slstant agent 45.00 Langham. assistant agent 55.00 Rate Station and Position. Per Mo. Borden, assistant agent $ 45.00 Radisson, assistant agent 55.00 Western District — Third Division. Athabasca, assistant agent % 50.00 Cardiff, assistant agent 50.00 .St. Albert, assistant agent 50.00 Fort Saskatchewan, assistant agent. . 65.00 Bruderheim, assistant agent 50.00 Chipman, assistant agent 45.00 Lamont, assistant agent 55.00 Mundare, assistant agent 55.00 Vegreville, cashier 75.00 Shed foreman 65.00 Biller 60.00 Checker 60.00 Baggageman 55.00 Clerk and stenographer 55.00 Manville, assistant agent 50.00 Vermillion, cashier 70.00 Freight clerk: 60.00 Checker 60.00 Checker 60.00 Checker 60.00 Kitscoty, assistant agent 45.00 Lloydminster, assistant agent 60.00 Lashburn, assistant agent 50.00 Maidstone, assistant agent 50.00 North Battleford, chief clerk 85.00 Ticket clerk 80.00 Cashier 80.00 Biller 70.00 Biller ". 70.00 Rec. clerk 65.00 Battleford, assistant agent 60.00 Turtleford, assistant agent 50.00 Rockyford, assistant agent 60.00 I\Iun.?on, assistant agent 60.00 Hanna, cashier 85.00 Clerk 70.00 Western District — Fourth Division. Hanna, checker $ 65.00 Checker 60.00 Clerk : 55.00 Richdale, assistant agent 60.00 Youngstown, cashier 75.00 Clerk 60.00 Checker 60.00 Chinook, assistant agent 60.00 Cereal, assistant agent 60.00 Oyen. cashier 75.00 Checker 60.00 Alsask, cashier 75.00 Checker 60.00 Kindersley, cashier 75.00 Freight clerk 70.00 Checker 60.00 Checker 60.00 Big Valley, checker 60.00 Checker 60.00 Stettler, assistant agent eo.ffO Camrose, cashier 80.00 Shedman 75.00 Biller 70.00 Clerk ....; 60.00 Checker 60.00 Pacific District. Port Mann, assistant agent $ 70.00 Chilliwack, assistant agent 45.00 Rosedale, assistant agent 45.00 Ashci-cft, assistant agent 60.00 Kamloops, assistant agent 60.00 Lucerne, assistant agent 50.00 94 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE XXXII. There will be no change in the foregoing rules and rates of pay except on thirty (30j days' notice. M. H. MacLEOD, For the Company. L. F. MUNCEY, For the Telegraphers. RULINGS. Article II — Clause (k) — Regular trick dispatchers working six days a week are permanent dispatchers." Swing dispatchers are rated as regular trick dispatchers, and in case of reduction of staff or abolishing offices the men so displaced will displace the junior permanent men on the districts, and they in turn will displace the swing dispatchers, according to seniority; the idea being to give the senior men permanent work if possible. This does not interfere with office seniority rights as shown in this article. It is understood that relief dispatchers filing into all dispatchers' positions that are bulletined as temporary positions, will re- ceive the rating of a regular trick dis- patcher. Article XIII— The matter of handling transfer of His Majesty's mails from one train to another at certain points, and referred to in this article, it was agreed that the handling of these mails at one-man stations would be looked after by the telegraphers as hereto- fore, and if there was any case where it was shown that there was any hardship in the handling of same that the telegraphers would take the matter up as a grievance for adjustment. It was also agreed that at points where there was an assistant agent or other staff that could be utilized to handle the transfer of such mail, in the event of any mishandling, the man assigned to do such work would be held responsible. Article XIV— In the matter of fuel for agents at points where coal equal to Edmonton grade cannot be furnished, the company agrees to furnish either hard coal or wood. Article XV— The hours of service for Sunday will be the same as the assigned week-day hours. Article XVIII— It is understood that a regular relief agent can hold a permanent position, to which he can return after relieving the men during the summer months, or for a period not exceeding one year, in which case his station must be bulletined temporarily, but the posi- tion of the telegrapher taking this temporary position will not be protected. The idea being to get men with considerable experi- ence to do the relief work. In cases whire two men are required to work one or more days making a transfer, they will both be paid for this work. Article XXV— Relief agents' holidays will start from the day he arrives at his headquarters unless by his own consent he agrees to take them from some point on the road where he has fmished relieving a telegrapher. Article XXX— A.ny fraction of a month worked by a telegrapher, whether services were per- formed at one or more stations, will be considered broken time. Wage scale as per Clause 31 effective December 1st, 1917, balance effective Jan- uary 1st, 1918. ' Canadian Pacific Railway (EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1917.) The following rules and wages will govern the telegraphers on the Canadian Pacific Railway. When additional telegraphers' positions are created, compensation will be fixed in con- formity with that for positions of the same class as shown in this schedule : ARTICLE I. All employees assigned by proper author- ity to railway telegraph or railway telephone service of any character or duration, also station agents incorporated in the accom- panying schedule of wages, will be consirlered telegraphers within the meaning of this schedule and are so called herein. ARTICLE II. fa) Thff right of promotion of telesrraphers will extend over each general superintend- ent's district and will be governed by merit, fitness and ability. Where these are suffi- cient the senior telegrapher will be given preference. A telesjrapher of not less than two years' service desiring to transfer from one gen- eral district to another will be ffiven a transfer certificate showing his length of service and the capacities in which he has been employer!. This certificate will not carry with it any seniority rights but will entitle the hoVier to the position of junior extra telegrapher on the district to which he is transferrin-T. Transfer certificates will not be valid unless filed with the general superintendent of the district to which trans- fer is being made, within thirty days from date of issue. (b) A telegrapher's seniority will date from the time he last entererl the service as a telegrapher. The seniority of a telegrapher employed on lines under construction, or ab- sorbed by the company, will date from his last appointment as a telegrapher on such lines. When newly constructed lines are taken over by the operating department all telegraphers' position will be considered va- cant and any telegrapher in line for promo- Schedules and Wage Scales. 95 tion to them will have fifteen days within which to make application for same. When two or more telegraphers are employed on the same day their seniority standing- will be determined by the time they start work. When a telegrapher is offered a position by the company in another department it is not obligatory upon him to accept, and if he does he forfeits seniority rights unless an understanding to the contrary is reached be- tween himself and his superintendent. Any such understanding must be with the consent of the men affected and made through the local chairman. (c) All vacancies and apointments for sixty days or over will be immediately bul- letined by "23" message over the superin- tendent's division on which they occur (ex- cept train dispatchers and linemen, which will he bulletined over the general superin- tendent's district). Telegraphers (except train dispatchers and linemen), desiring to exercise their seniority or promotion rights on general superintend- ent's district other than division on which they are located, will so advise their super- intendent, who will furnish them with co^es of vacancy bulletins on other divisions of the general district, and such telegrapher may make application for same through his superintendent, which application will receive consideration as per Clause (a). When vacancies are bulletined the bulletin will state the rate of compensation and wliether or not the company supply a dwell- ing. Applications for vacancies must be made within ten days from date of bulletin. A telegrapher declining to accept promo- tion in any instance does not forfeit his riglit to the same or any other position he may be entitled to under seniority when a vacancy occurs. A telegrapher on leave of absence when a vacancy occurs will not be debarred from claiming position and receiv- ing the appointment, if entitled to it, pro- viding that such claim is made within fifteen days from date of bulletin. Chief dispatch- ers or other official will advise telegraphers' local chairman of all vacancies. If a telegrapher receives consent from the company to leave the service for a period of three months or less he may retain his posi- tion for that period. If his leave of absence is extended beyond three months his position will at once be bulletined vacant and he may retain senior- ity for an additional three months after which he loses all rights. This is not in- tended to apply to cases of sickness which are, in the opinions of the superintendent and local chairman, bona fide. A vacancy will be filled within thirty days after it occurs Vjy the appointment of the telegrapher entitled to it. Telegraphers ap- plying for a position advertised maj', if they so desire, cancel their application within fifteen days from the date of the advertising of the vacancy ; should the senior applicant withdraw, or not receive the appointment, the next senior qualified applicant who has not withdrawn will then be appointed with- out another bulletin being issued advertis- ing the vacancy. After such period of fifteen days a request to cancel or withdraw his application will not be considered and the position from which he is transferring will be immediately advertised and he cannot again bid in his former position until it again becomes vacant. Vacancies in the position of relief agents will be advertised and appointments and cancellations of same shall be made in writ- ing. When a vacancy occurs the superintend- ent will fill same by appointing the senior man who is, in his opinion, entitled to it, but this will not prevent any telegraplier senior to the man so appointed claiming nis right to the position under Clause (a) he*%of, provided he files his protest within ten days after the appointment has been bulletined as above. (d) Telegraphers in the employ will be given preference in filling vacancies or open- ings on extensions or new lines of the gen- eral district, their applications to be en- dorsed by the superintendent of the division on which applicants are e/nployed. When a new line is taken over and stations are sub- s-equently added to it the first manning of these position will be advertised over the general district until the expiration of two years from the date the line was taken over. (e) In case of reduction in the number of telegraphers employed the junior telegra- phers in their respecti^ e superintendent's di- visions will be first dispensed with. If their services were satisfactory, they will, on ap- plication, be given a transfer certificate which will entitle them to preference in fillin? new positions or vacancies on other districts of the system, provided tliey are available when required. (f) If a position included in the attached schedule is abolished, the telegrapher will be entitled to the position held by the junior permanently located telegrapher on the sa- perintendent's division. Senior men shall have preference in doing- spare work when staff is reduced, providing in the opinion of the sviperintendent they are capable. (g) A complete list of all the telegraphers on each superintendent's division showing their seniority standing, will be kept on file in the respective train dippatching offices, open to the inspection of all telegraphers con- cerned. This list will be subject to correc- tion on proper representation from any teleg- rapher, and a copy of it, corrected to date, will be furnished the general chairman at the beginning of each year. Seniority pro- tests by telegraphers shall be invalid unless filed within one year from the date of pub- lication of the seniority list. (h) Telegraphers will have the exclusive right to all positions incorporated in the accompanying wage schedule, and any teleg-- raphers' positions subsequently addf^d in ac- cordance with the preamble, also to any new telegraphers' positions created by the absorp- tion of other lines or the construction of new lines when vacancies in such positions oc- cur. (i) Telegraphers will also be eligible and considered in line of promotion to the posi- tion of agent at any of tiie stations not in- corporated in the attached wage schedule which have been omitted in view of condi- tion which may make it impracticable or un- fair to fill these positions exclusively from one branch of the service. 96 Schedules and Wage Scales. (j) The right of promotions of train dis- patchers will extend over each general su- perintendent's district and will be governed by merit and ability ; these being sufficient, the senior train dispatcher to have prefer- ence. The right of train dispatchers to transfer from one division to another will not be per- mitted when it will seriously impair the effi- ciency of the service. The order of promo- tion of train dispatchers will be from senior relieving dispatcher to trick dispatcher. The seniority of a train dispatcher will date from the time he was first appointed a trick dis- patcher unless by his own consent he takes another position in the service, under which circumstances his seniority as a train dis- patcher will date from the time he was last appointed a trick dispatcher. Relieving train dispatchers will be ap- pointed from their respective superintendent's division, if available, in accordance with Clause (c) of this article and will be allowed sufficient time, without pay. to learn the work of train dispatching under a regular trick dispatcher, such time not to exceed two weeks, and they will remain on such division until they receive promotion to a steady trick, which may be claimed at any office on the general district at which a vacancy oc- curs. All vacancies and appointments for sixty days or over in dispatchers' positions or new dispatchers' positions created will be imme- diately advertised over tlie general district. Application must be made within ten days of date of bulletin and vacancies will be filled within thirty days after they occur by the appointment of the dispatchers entitled to them. In case of reduction in the number of dis- patchers employed or a dispatcher's position being abolished in any office, the dispatcher affected will be entitled to the position held by the junior permanent dispatcher in that office and the dispatcher so displaced will be entitled to the position held by the junior permanently located dispatcher on the gen- eral district. Train dispatchers will retain their seniority standing among the agents and operators on the general district. If they have not worked in the capacity of agent or operator previous to appointment to the position of train dispatcher their sen- iority as a telegrapher will date from the time they were taken into the ser\ ice as train dispatchers. Regular trick dispatchers who have been reduced will be entitled to relief work in preference to relief dispatchers when no other work available for regular men. Swing dispatchers working less than six days per week as dispatchers will not have preference over relief dispatchers in reliev- ing regular trick dispatchers on leave of absence for more than three days, nor will they be used during any portion of the week when not employed as dispatchers to fill any position to which another telegrapher is as- signed except when such telegrapher is on leave of absence. A chief dispatcher reduced to a trick dis- patcher will be entitled to the junior perma- nent dispatcher's position on the general dis- trict on which he has last worked a trick provided he has an agreement as per Clause (b) of this article. Dispatchers holding tricks that are not bul- letined as permanent will be protected in their previous positions for the term of one year. Seniority of relief dispatchers will date from the time they start to work as such. (k) The right ot promotion of linemen (telegraph and telephone) will extend over, each general superintendent's district (rail- way) and will be governed by merit and ability; where these are sufficient, the senior men will be given preference. Linemen will be specially considered in line of prom.otion to the position of foreman on the general superintendent's district (railwajO on which they are located. ARTICLE IIL No telegrapher shall be suspended (except for investigation), discharged or disciplined until his case has first been investigated and he has been proven guilty of the offense charged against him, the decision in such case to be arrived at within ten days from date of such suspension. If a telegrapher is found blameless in the matter under in- vestigation he will be paid at schedule rates for the time lost and extra expenses while attending such investigation, if away from home, and be reinstated. If detained more than ten days awaiting investigation at the company's instance he will be paid schedule wages for the time in excess of ten days whatever the decision may be. Telegraphers may have the assistance of a co-telegrapher if they so desire. A written statement setting forth the re- sult of an investigation and the reason 'there- for will be furnished by the company to the local board of adjustment if requested by it. ARTICLE IV. Lack of conveniences such as school fa- cilities, etc., will be taken into consideration in locating telegraphers but only when this can be done without infringing on the rights of their seniors in- the service. ARTICLE V. Telegraphers serving on boards of adjust- ment representing telegraphers will be re- lieved without unnecessary delay (not to ex- ceed ten days) and will be furnished free transportation for such purpose. ARTICLE VI. Telegraphers will be given free transpor- tation and leave of absence to attend their meetings. Such free transportation will not extend beyond the next section adjoining their superintendent's division, and the leave of absence will not exceed two days, and will only be granted when it will not inter- fere with the requirements of the traffic and the service and provided the company is not thereby put to additional expense. ARTICLE VIL When a telegrapher is transferred by order of the proper official he will suffer no loss of schedule wages in consequence thereof, and will be allowed reasonable time (not to Schedules and "Wage Scales. 97 exceed four days and without pay) to ar- ransre for the shipment of his household ef- fects. ARTICLE VIII. Telegraphers attending court or investiga- tion at the request of the proper official of the company will have their extra expenses paid by the company in addition to their schedule wages. ARTICLE IX. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy nor admit students not members of the station staff to their offices. ARTICLE X. Telegraphers required to work at wrecks, washouts, and slides will, in inclement Aveather, be provided with shelter and be paid necessary expenses for the time away from home. ARTICLE XI. A telegrapher securing employment with the company will, wilhin thirty days from date of employment, have returned to him all service cards and letters of recommenda- tion which may have been taken up by the company, except any previously issued by the company. ARTICLE XII. A telegrapher leaving the service of the company will, on request, within five days be turnished with a certificate by the proper official stating term or terms of service, ca- pacities in which employed, and whether discharged or leaving the service of his own accord. If discharged, cause of dismissal will be stated. If detained more than five days awaiting such certificate he will be paid schedule wages for all time in excess of five days. Unless otherwise requested this cer- tificate will be mailed to the telegrapher at the place of last employment. , ARTICLE XIIL Telegraphers will be exempt from shovel- ling snow, stencilling cars, sifting cOal ashes, attending to flower gardens, cleaning and disinfecting stations, or outbuildings, cutting or pihng wood, handling government mails. The lighting and attendance to switch and semaphore lamps will, so far as practicable, be performed by other available force. The unloading of way freight from cars and put- ting away in shed shall be done jointly with the trainmen, and further reasonable assist- ance will be furnished when necessary. ARTICLE XIV. At stations where dwelling, fuel and light are provided, the dwelling will, as far as practicable, be reserved exclusively for the use of the agent and his family, unless he elects to reside elsewhere, in which event permanently appointed operator having a family is to have Ihe first refusal. A deduction of five dollars per month will be made from the schedule rating of all telegraphers occupying company's dwellings, unless, in the opinion of the superintendent, such amount should be reduced. When wood is supplied for fuel it will be cut m lengths not exceeding sixteen inches. Kindling wood will be supplied when appli- cation is made for same. Telegraphers who have been allowed free house, fuel and light, and are required by the company to vacate living quarters, will b^ allowed an increase in salary equal to what their fuel allowance was worth. A telegrapher occupying a company's dwel- ling who is dismissed from the company's service will be allowed to retain possession of the dwelling until he has been paid all moneys due him by the company. The company will keep its dwellings in good repair. Occupants must keep such dwellings and their surroundings clean and must pay for repairs, other than those due to ordinary wear and tear. Station offices, waiting rooms, etc., will be cleaned at the company's expense. ARTICLE XV. (a) Telegraphers (except train dispatch- ers) required to work on Sunday or outside of regular assigned hours on week days will be paid overtime for such service at time and one-half based on schedule rate twenty- six days per month, any portion of an hour less than thirty minutes not to count, any portion of an hour thirty minutes or over to count as one hour. (b) If a telegrapher is called before or after office hours, which call shall cover the first hour's service, he will be paid one hour's overtime at the rate provided in Clause (a) hereof, with a minimum compensation of sixty cents. If kept on duty more than one hour he will thereafter be paid overtime as per Clause (a). Telegraphers required to remain on duty after regular hours, if de- tained fifteen minutes, will be allowed one hour's overtime for the first hour or any portion thereof. (c) If a train dispatcher is required to work outside of his regular assigned hours or more than six days in a week he will be paid overtime rate as per Clause (a). (d) Telegraphers will be required to handle commercial messages on Sunday only during hours required for railway service, except on agreement. Telegraphers required by the company for Sunday duty, other than at- tendance oh regular passenger trains, will be so advised on the preceding day. (e) Overtime will not be allowed unless overtime tickets are mailed to the proper official within forty-eight hours from the time the service is performed. If overtime as claimed is not allowed telegraphers will be notified in writing within ten days from the time such service is performed, setting forth the reasons for disallowance. Teleg- raphers will number overtime tickets con- secutively for each month. (f) If circumstances where telegraphers are obliged to remain close at hand all day Sunday on account of calls being spread over the whole day, t'fcey will be paid for the whole day, and where, under the same cir- cumstances, they are obliged to remain close at hand for a half day on Sunday they will be paid for a half day. That is to say. if a telegrapher is required to come on duty two or three times in the forenoon and is free in the afternoon, he is to be paid one- half day ; while if he is required three or more time during the entire day he will be paid one day. 98 Schedules and" Wage Scales. ARTICLE XVI. If telegraphers are required to attend switch lamps they will be paid four dollars per month for six or less such lamps and fifty cents per month for each additional lamp in excess of six. When semaphore lamps are included fifty cents per month per lamp additional will be allowed. Nothing in this article will relieve telegra- phers from their responsibilities under the rules. Telegraphers will keep train order signal lamps clean and in good condition, and lighted when required, without extra compensation, ARTICLE XVIL Telegraphers who attend pumping engines or windmills, which work will be optional with them, will be paid ten dollars per month for attending to steam pumping engines and windmills, and five dollars per month for attending to windmills only. Telegraphers shall, within office hours, at- tend to fires under water tanks within a quarter of a mile of their station, and must see that fire is in good condition immediately before going off duly without extra com- pensation. If called on duty for any of these purposes outside of office hours, telegraphers will be entitled to compensation as provided by Clause (b) of Article XV. ARTICLE XVIIL A telegrapher required to leave his per- manent location to do relief work tempo- rarily will, without change in salary, be al- lowed all necessary expenses on production of vouchers. Other telegraphers doing relief work, ex- cept regular relieving telegraphers, will be paid the same wages, without expenses, as the telegraphers they relieve, provided such wages are not less than their own. Sufficient relief agents will be maintained to meet all reasonable demands. The head- quarters of relief agents are the headquar- ters for the division, unless he holds a per- manent position on the division, in which case the point where he is permanently lo- cated will be considered his headquarters. Relief agents will be allowed 75 cents per day expenses when away from headquarters. ARTICLE XIX. Railway telegraphers handling Canadian Pacific Railway commercial business will be allowed ten per cent commission on all busi- ness between points reached by the Canadian Pacific telegraph lines and connecting tele- graph lines with which business is checked direct, and on Canadian Pacific Railway pro- portion of cablegrams. The income accruing to a station on ac- count of telegraph commissions will be equi- tably divided between the telegraphers per- forming the service, the agent to be entitled to not less than one-third of the total amount. If required by the company to handle com- mercial telegraph business on Sundays out- side the hours required for railway service, or on week days outside of assigned hours, arrangements should be made with the "com- mercial department regarding compensation. ARTICLE XX. fa) At offices where two or less telegra- phers are employed, ten consecutive hours, exclusive of meal hour, shg,ll constitute a day's work. (b) At offices where an agent and two operators are employed ten consecutive hours per day, exclusive of meal hour, or at the company's option, eight consecutive hours, without meal hour, shall constitute a daV's work. The agent at such office shall not be required to perform any wire work except in cases of emergency. (c) At offices where three or more opera- tors are employed eight consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. (d) Except in cases of emergency telegra- phers will have eight consecutive hours" rest per day. The hours of duty of all agents will com- mence between 6:00 and 8:00 o'clock a. m. Telegraphers working ten hours per day will be allowed sixty consecutive minutes for a meal between either 7 :00 a. m. and 9 :00 a. m. and 12 :00 noon and 2 :15 p. m., or 5 :00 p. m. and 7 :00 p. m., or between mid- night and 2 :30 a. m., or receive in lieu thereof one hour's overtime, provided that a day telegrapher working ten hours will be allowed his meal hour between 12 :00 noon and 2 :15 p. m. This will not apply to service rendered the express and commercial tele- graph business. Nothing herein will prohibit a dispatcher from granting two meal hours to a telegra- pher working ten hours, the intention being to grant regular meal hour so far as the business of the company permits. The regular hours of duly will be specified by the superintendent to all telegraphers. If required for service outside these hours, telegraphers will be given an official order as authority and excused in the same man- ner. (e) Telegraphers required to meet regular scheduled mixed or passenger trains after regular hours should, if the train is late, re- main on duty, keeping the station open for the accommodation of the public, unless in- structed to the contrary by the proper officer of the company, and they will be entitled to compensation as provided by Article XV. Whenever a third operator's position is hereafter established his salary shall not be less than the minimum rate in effect at that office. (f) A telegrapher called before his regular hours of duty who cannot be let off for breakfast will be entitled to pay for the meal hour. ARTICLE XXL Eight consecutive hours' train dispatching and time requir,ed for transferring will con- stitute a day's wcrk for a trick dispatcher. Train dispatchers will not be required to do clerical work that will interfere with the proper handling of their trains. ARTICLE XXIL If a telegrapher considers himself over- taxed his statement to that effect to the proper official will be carefully considered, and if well founded relief will be granted. When an agent asks for help, the super- intendent will either furnish it or arrange Schedules and Wage Scales. 99 an investigation of conditions within ten days. If such investigation sustains the claim 'of the agent, the lielp will be furnished. If such investigation is against the agent, the latter may file his protest with the superin- tendent, who will immediately ask the gen- eral superintendent to send a special investi- gator, familiar with station work, to report on the case, which will be within ten days. If such investigator reports that the help is required it will be furnished forthwith. If he reports that it is not required, the agent may appeal direct to the general chair- man, who, after investigation, to satisfy him- self will handle the case as a grievance be- ginning with the general superintendent. In a case where the company desires to reduce help, the agent will be given one week's notice, unless he agrees that he- can spare the help at once. If the agent claims the assistance is still required, he will so advise his superintendent and the latter will conduct an investigation as outlined in the preceding paragraph. If the agent is dis- satisfied with the verdict his protest to the superintendent will result in a special in- vestigation at the instance of the general superintendent in the same manner as pro- vided above, the same channels of appeal be- ing open to the agent as therein outlined. At points where operators are overworked or kept on duty an excessive length of time, upon furnishing particulars, the inspector of transportation will be instructed to go there and look into the conditions with the general chairman, or with any representative he may select, and if they recommend any changes in conditions to relieve the operators it will be arranged. ARTICLE XXIIL When the handling of express or telegraph business, for which a commission payment is allowed, is withdrawn from any telegrapher, the wages will be adjusted to conform with that of similar stations in the same locality where such work is not performed by them. ARTICLE XXIV. When a telegrapher is assigned to a posi- tion and after a fair trial is found incompe- tent he will take his place on the extra list, retaining his seniority rights. ARTICLE XXV. Train dispatchers will be allowed three weeks' leave of absence each year with full pay. Other telegraphers who have been in the employ of the company four or more con- secutive years will be allowed two weeks' leave of absence each year with full pay. If the company finds it inconvenient to grant leave of absence during any year to a teleg- rapher entitled to it under this rule, the teleg- rapher shall, at his option, receive, either compensation at his regular salary for the period, or in the next year additional leave of absence for a like period. Applications for leave of absence filed in January of each year will be given prefer- ence in order of seniority of applicant, and applicants will be advised in February of dates allotted them. January applicants will have preference over later applicants, and applicants after September 30th will not be entitled to salary compensation if the com- pany is unable to relieve them in that year. The company will, as far as practicable, re- lieve all applicants during the summer season when so desired. In the event of a telegrapher being dis- charged or leaving the service on proper notice before obtaining the deferred leave of absence, he will be paid his salary for same. ARTICLE XXVI. Telegraphers will be granted transportation of their household goods and passes or re- duced rates and leave of absence in accord- ance with the general regulations of the com- pany as established from time to time. ARTICLE XXVII. The working hours of linemen will be regular and will not exceed ten consecutive hours per day exclusive of meal hour. A lineman required to leave his own dis- trict will be allowed all necessary expenses and extra compensation commensurate with responsibility, if called upon to take charge of any number of men. District linemen will be allowed all neces- sary expenses while performing duties on their own district away from headquarters. Linemen competent to hold other telegra- phers' positions will be considered eligible for same and will be allowed to transfer to the class of service covering such position taking three-tourths of their seniority. Linemen accepting promotion to the posi- tion of telegraph or telephone inspectors will retain their seniority standing provided they make an agreement with the superintendent of telegraph and local chairman with the consent of the men affected, to that effect. The seniority of linemen (except as pro- vided by the preceding paragraph) will date from the time of their last appointment as linemen. The preamble in Clauses b, c, d, 'e, f, and g of Article II, Articles HI, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, XT, XII, XV, XX, XXII, XXIV, XXV, and XXVI in the schedule of Rules and Wages will also apply to linemen. ARTICLE XXVIIL (Effective October 1st, 1917.) (a) The term assistant agents will be deemed to include any employe whose duty it is to assist station agents with clerical work, whether ordinarily known as assistant agent, cashier, clerk, checker or any similar title, but not including employes at stations where the staff consists of seven or more men of the classes covered by this article, or at places where freight work exclusively is performed under the jurisdiction of an agent other than the station agent. Only the positions incorporated in the accompany- ing schedule of wages will be considered as- sistant agents within the meaning of this schedule. (b) The seniority of assistant agents will date from the time they last entered the company's service as such, it being under- stood that assistant agents temporarily out of employment on account of staff reduction will not forfeit their seniority, provided they are available when required. 100 Schedules and Wage Scales. (c) Assistant agents competent to hold other telegraphers' positions will be consid- ered eligible for same and will be allowed to transfer to the class of service covering such positions without carrying their seniority as assistant agents with them. (d) The advertising and filling of positions by assistant agents will be governed by the provisions of Article II, except that the right of promotion will extend over each superin- tendent's division only. (e) The provision as regards holidays with pay affecting other telegraphers, as per Ar- ticle XXV, will also apply to assistant agents. (f) Where assistant agents are now kept on duty ten hours per day or longer it is not intended that their hours shall be ex- tended beyond what they are now work- ing. (g) The preamble and Articles III, VI, VII, VIII, XI, and XXVI in the schedule of rules and wages will also apply to assistant agents. ARTICLE XXIX. Application may be made to assistant gen- eral manager direct for a revision of sched- ule. ARTICLE XXX. Minimum Monthly Wages for Telegraphers, Effective August 1st, 1917. Rate District and Position Per Month East of Chalk River, operators $ 78.00 Agents 85.00 Relief agents 95.00 Linemen 96.00 Train dispatchers, first year 149.00 Train dispatchers, second year... 155.00 Train dispatchers, third year.... 169.00 Train dispatchers, relief 142.00 Chalk River and West, operators.... 85.00 Agents 93.00 Relief agents 96.00 Linemen 100.00 Trafti dispatchers, first year 150.00 Train dispatchers, second year... 157.00 Train dispatchers, third year. . . . 170.00 Train dispatchers, relief 144.00 Cartier and West, operators 89.00 Agents 94.00 Relief agents 96.00 Linemen ] 00.00 Train dispatchers, first year 156.00 Train dispatchers, second year. . . 162.00 Train dispatchers, third year 175.00 Train dispatchers, relief 149.00 Man., Sask. and Alta., operators 89.00 Agents 94.00 Relief agents 98.00 Linemen 103.00 Train dispatchers, first year 162.00 Train dispatchers, second year. . . 167.00 Train dispatchers, third year 180.00 Train dispatchers, relief 149.00 B. C, operators 90.00 Agents 102.00 Relief agents 104.00 Linemen 103.00 Train dispatchers, first year 165.00 Train dispatchers, second year. . . 170.00 Train dispatchers, third year 183.00 Train dispatchers, relief 152.00 Relief dispatchers after one year's cumula- tive service as such will take the rating of trick dispatcher according to length of service, three hundred and thirteen days to consti- tute one year in every case. Relief dispatchers will receive fifty cents per day expenses while away from headquar- ters. A regular s»ring dispatcher will be paid regular trick dispatcher's rate when working as a dispatcher. When not so employed he will receive salary of position held, but in no case less than operator's minimum rate and work will be provided so that full month's salary will be obtained. J. M. MEIN, For the Telegraphers. A. PRICE, For the Company. WAGE SCALE. NEW BRUNSWICK DISTRICT. Brownville Division. * 8 Hours. t Extra for switches, $2. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Skinner, agent and operator $ 85.00 Holeb, agent and operator 128.00 Night operator 86.00 Day operator 86.00 Jackman, agent and operator 108.00 Day operator 80.00 Night operator 80.00 Long Pond, agent and operator....... 94.00 Somerset Jet., agent and operator... 105.00 Greenville, agent and operator 118.00 Day operator 83.00 Night operator 83.00 Onawa, agent and operator 92.00 Brownville Jet., agent 138.00 First operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Lake View, agent and operator 94.00 Seboois, agent and operator 94.00 McAdam, first operator 98.00 Second operator 96.00 Third operator 92.00 Harvey, agent and operator '. 100.00 Night operator 80.00 ■ Fredericton Jet., agent and operator.. 118.00 First operator 87.00 Second operator 87.00 Hoyt, agent and operator 95.00 AVelsford, agent and operator 100.00 Westfleld Branch, agent and operator 100.00 Grand Bay, agent and operator 100.00 Fairville, agent 119.00 First operator 89.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Bay Shore, day operator 89.00 Night operator 82.00 West St. John (winter only) day opr. . 83.00 Night operator 78.00 St. John (BIT), day operator 92.00 Night operator 78.00 Fi-edericton, agent 13S.00 Operator ...'. 87.00 Mii.sriuash, agent and operator 85.00 St. George, agent and operator 85.00 Woodstock Division. St. Stephen, agent and operator $135.00 Operator 80.00 St, Andrews, agent and operator 120.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 101 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Watt, agent and operator $ 88.00 Canterbury, agent and operator 100.00 Benton, agent and operator 86.00 Debec, agent and operator 105.00 Houlton, agent and operator 123.00 Woodstock, agent 135.00 Woodstock (RX), day operator 95.00 • Night operator 80.00 Hartland, agent and operator 106.00 Operator 80.00 Florenceville. agent and operator 103.00 Bristol, agent and operator 92.00 Bath, agent and operator 103.00 Upper Kent, agent and operator 86.00 Kilburn, agent and operator 85.00 Perth Jet., agent and operator 115.00 Operator 80.00 Plaster Rock, agent and operator 95.00 Andover, agent an"d operator 85.00 Aroostook, agent 120.00 Day operator 79.00 Night operator 95.00 Fort Fairfield, agent and operator. . . . 125.00 Caribou, agent and operator 118.00 Presque Isle, agent. 130.00 Operator 78.00 Grand Falls, agent and operator 114.00 St. Leonards, agent and operator 95.00 Green River, agent and operator 87.00 Edmundston, agent and operator 115.00 Millville, agent and operator 90.00 Otis, agent and operator 85.00 Cardigan, agent and operator 87.00 St. Marys, agent and operator 92.00 QUEBEC DISTRICT. Farnham Division. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Megantlc, agent ., $135.00 Day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 Springhill, agent and operator 90.00 Milan, agent and operator 95.00 Scotstown, agent and operator 108.00 Day operator 83.00 Night operator 80.00 Bury, agent and operator 104.00 Cookshire, agent 105.00 Day operator 85.00 Night operator 78.00 Birchton, agent and operator 85.00 Lennoxville, agent 125.00 Day operator 90.00 Night operator 80.00 Sherbrooke, first operator 100.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Magog, agent 102.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 83.00 Eastray, agent and operator 98.00 So. Stukely, agent and operator 85.00 Poster, agent and operator 100.00 Day operator 85.00 Night operator 82.00 West Shefford, agent and operator... 85.00 Adamsville, agent and operator 86.00 Brookport, agent and operator 105.00 Night operator 95.00 Farnham Sta., agent 155.00 Day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Farnham Yard, day operator .$100.00 Night operator 100.00 Versailles, agent and operator 86.00 Iberville Jet., day operator 86.00 Night operator 83.00 Iberville, agent 105.00 St. Johns, agent 155.00 Day operator 100.00 L. Acadie, agent and operator 90.00 St. Philippe, agent and operator 94.00 Delson, agent 105.00 Centre, agent and operator 90.00 No. Troy, agent and operator 115.00 Day operator 80.00 Night operator 80.00 Highwater, agent and operator 90.00 Night operator 80.00 Missisquoi, agent and operator 88.00 Richford, first operator 100.00 Second operator 95.00 Third operator 95.00 Aberccrn, agent and operator 95.00 Sutton, agent and operator 100.00 Night operator 80.00 Enlaugra, agent and operator 95.00 Cowansville, agent 85.00 Day operator 80.00 Night operator 80.00 Windsor Mills, agent and operator... 86.00 Kingsbury, agent and operator 86.00 Valcourt, agent and operator 85.00 Lawrenceville, agent and operator... 85.00 Eastman, agent 92.00 Masonville, agent and operator 86.00 Brome, agent and operator 85.00 Knowlton, agent and operator 90.00 Waterloo, agent and operator 100.00 So. Roxton, agent and operator 85.00 Roxton Falls, agent and operator.... 88.00 Actonvale, agent and operator 90.00 Wickham, agent and operator 86.00 Drummondville, agent and operator.. 115.00 Stanbridge, agent and operator 86.00 Bedford, agent and operator 95.00 Abbotsford, agent and operator 85.00 St. Pie, agent and operator 88.00 St. Hyacinthe, agent and operator. . . 130.00 Day operator 85.00 St. Rosalie Jet., agent and operator.. 100.00 St. Simon, agent and oper^-tor 85.00 St. Hughes, agent and operator 90.00 St. Guillaume, agent and operatt)r. . . . 95.00 Montreal Terminals Division. Montreal, first traffic superintendent. $144.00 Second traffic superintendent 144.00 Third traffic superintendent 144.00 Winsor St. Station, first operator *107.00 Second operator *107.00 Westmount, agent and operator 125.00 Montreal West, agent 120.00 Day operator 90.00 Night operator 90.00 Ballantyne, agent and operator 90.00 Night operator 89.00 South Jet., day operator 90.00 Night operator 89.00 St. Luc Jet., day operator 90.00 Night operator 90.00 Highland, agent 110.00 Night operator.... 85.00 Adirondacks Jet., agent 135.00 Day operator 90.00 Night operator 90.00 102 Sci-iEDULES AND WaGE ScALES. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Outremont, first operator $105.00 Second operator 105.00 Third operator 105.00 Jac.'Car. Jet., agent and operator 125.00 Breslay, day operator 88.00 Night operator 87.00 Mile End, agent 170.00 First operator 89.00 Second operator 89.00 Third operator 89.00 Place Viger, first operator *100.00 .Second operator *100.00 Sortin, day operator 85.00 Night operator 85.00 Laurentian Division. Quebec, day operator $ 95.00 Night operator 95.00 Cadorna, agent and operator 84.00 Lorette, agent and operator 85.00 Belair, agent and operator 88.00 Pont Rouge, agent and operator 100.00 St. Basile, agent and operator 96.00 Portneuf, agent and operator 100.00 Night operator 81.00 Lachevrotiere, agent and operator'... 95.00 Grondines, agent and operator 95.00 I^a Perade, agent and operator 103.00 Batiscan, agent and operator 101.00 Champlain, agent and operator 88.00 Piles Jet., operator 80.00 Trois Rivieres, agent 165.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 Ft. Du Lac, agent and operator 86.00 Yamachiche, agent and operator 105.00 Louisville, agent and operator 107.00 MajBkinonge, agent and operator 97.00 St. Barthelemy, agent and operator.. 97.00 St. Cuthbert, agent and operator 93.00 Berthier Jet., agent and operator 94.00 Lanoraie, agent and operator 105.00 Night operator 85.00 Lavaltrie, agent and operator 88.00 L'Epiphanie, agent and operator 100.00 Mascouche, agent and operator 93.00 Terrebonne, agent and operator 110.00 Day operator 80.00 St. Vincent de Paul, agent and opr. .. 93.00 Berthier, agent and operator 110.00 Joliette, agent and operator 110.00 Operator 87.00 St. Felix, agent and operator 94.00 St. Gabriel, agent and operator 100.00 St. Maurice, agent and operator 86.00 Lac a la Tortue, agent and operator.. 89.00 Grandes Piles, agent and operator.... 92.00 Shawninigan Falls, agent and opr 155.00 Operator 88.00 Grand Mere, agent and operator 135.00 Operator 87.00 Montreal (RB), operator 100.00 Bordeaux, agent and operator 105.00 St. Martin Jet., agent and operator. . 115.00 Night operator 94.00 Ste. Rose, agent and operator 95.00 Ste. Therese, agent 110.00 Day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 St. Augustin. agent and operator.... 87.00 St. Scholastique, agent and operator. 100.00 St. Hermas, agent and operator 88.00 Lachute, agent 103.00 Day operator 88.00 Staynerville, agent and operator 98.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Grenville, agent and operator ? 87.00 Calumet, agent and operator 105.00 Night operator 84.00 Pt. au Chene, agent and operator 86.00 Fasset, agent and operator 100.00 Montebello, agent and operator 92.00 Papineauville. agent and operator.... 103.00 Plaisance, agent and operator 88.00 Thurso, agent and operator 89.00 Buckingham Jet., agent and operator 103.00 Buckingham, agent and operator 105.00 East Templeton, agent and operator. . 89.00 Bruchesi, agent and operator 86.00 St. Lin, agent and operator 100.00 St. Eustache, agent and operator 90.00 St. Lin Jet., agent and operator 86.00 St. Janvier, agent and operator 86.00 St. Jerome, agent and operator 110.00 Day operator 88.00 Paquin, operator 78.00 -Shawbridge, agent and operator 90.00 Piedmont, agent and operator... 87.00 St. Adele, agent and operator 97.00 St. Marguerite, agent and operator 89.00 Val Morin, agent and operator 85.00 Belisle, Mills, agent and operator 86.00 Ste. Agathe, agent and operator 105.00 Night operator 80.00 Ivry, agent and operator 85.00 Nantel, agent and operator 86.00 St. Faustin, agent and operator 95.00 St. Jovite, agent and operator 95.00 Mont Tremblant, agent and operator.. 90.00 Labelle. agent and operator 100.00 Night operator 82.00 Annonciation, agent and operator.... 87.00 Nominingue, agent and operator.... 90.00 Hebert, agent and operator 90.00 Barette, agent and operator 89.00 Mount La.urier, agent and operator. . . 95.00 Ottawa Division. Hudson, agent and operator $ 95.00 Pt. Fortune, agent and operator 89.00 Rigaud, agent and operator 96.00 Day operator 78.00 Night operator 78.00 St. Eugene, agent and operator 93.00 Vankleek, agent and operator 115.00 Night operator 78.00 Caledona Springs, agent and operator 105.00 Alfred, agent and operator 97.00 Plantagenet, agent and operator 100.00 Pendleton, agent and operator 92.00 Bourget, agent and operator 92.00 Hammond, agent and operator 95.00 Night operator 78.00 Leonard, agent and operator 92.00 Navan, agent and operator 92.00 Hurdman, agent and operator 108.00 Night operator 87.00 Ottawa Cent., agent and operator 135.00 Night operator 93.00 Day operator 93.00 Beemer, agent and operator 100.00 Hull, agent 145.00 Day operator 98.00 Night operator 93.00 Ottawa, Broad St., first operator 106.00 Second operator 105.00 Third operator 98.00 Chaudiere, day operator 80.00 Night operator 80.00 Manotick, agent and operator 89.00 Osgoode, agent and operator 95.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 103 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Kemptville, agent and operator $ 95.00 Spencerville, agent and operator 89.00 Prescott, agent 145.00 Operator 93.00 Quj'on, agent and operator 89.00 Shawville, agent and operator 89.00 Campbell's Bay, agent and operator.. 89.00 Ft. Coulonge, agent and operator 89.00 Waltham, agent and operator 90.00 Chelsea, agent and operator 86.00 Waltefleld, agent and operator 89.00 Alcove, agent and operator 87.00 Low, agent and operator 87.00 Kazubazua, agent and operator 87.00 Gracefield, agent and operator 90.00 Bnrbidge, agent and operator 87.00 Maniwaki, agent and operator 100.00 Smith Falls Division. Dorval, agent and operator $ 90.00 Beaconsfleld, agent and operator 93.00 St. Annas, agent and operator 102.00 Vaudreuil, agent and operator 85.00 Day operator 85.00 Night operator 85.00 St. Laz.are, agent and operator 86.00 St. Clet, agent and operator 93.00 Dalhousie Mills, agent and operator, . 93.00 Green "Valley, agent and operator 93.00 Apple Hill, agent and operator 93.00 Monklands, agent and operator 93.00 Avonmore. agent and operator 93.00 Finch, agent 110.00 Day operator 90.00 Night operator 85.00 Chesterville, agent and operator 110.00 Operator 85.00 Winchester, agent and operator 110.00 Inkerman, agent 90.00 Mountain, agent and operator 95.00 Kempton, agent and operator 98.00 Night operator 85.00 Merrickville, agent and operator 110.00 Night operator 85.00 Smiths I<''alls, first operator 105.00 Second operator 105.00 Third operator 105.00 Smiths Falls, Psg. Dep., day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 No. Lancaster, agent and operator 86.00 Willlamstown, agent and operator 86.00 Cornwall, agent 165.00 Day operator 85.00 Stittsville, agent and operator. 96.00 Night operator 78.00 Ashton, agent and operator 96.00 Carleton Place, agent 105.00 Day operator 98.00 Night operator 98.00 Almonte, agent 115.00 Day operator 96.00 Night operator 90.00 Pakenham. agent-and operator 104.00 Arnprior, agent 104.00 Day operator 96.00 Night operator 90.00 Braeside, agent and operator 95.00 Sand Point, agent and operator 98.00 Castleford, night operator 85.00 Renfrew, agent 104.00 Day operator 96.00 Night operator 90.00 Ha.ley's, agent and operator 95.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Cobden, agent $ 96.00 Day operator 78.00 Night operator 85.00 Meath, agent and operator 95.00 Pembroke, agent 135.00 Day operator 96.00 Night operator .- 90.00 Petawawa, agent and operator 92.00 Day operator 78.00 Night operator 85.00 Petawawa Mil. Camp, agent and opr. 95.00 Douglas, agent and operator 90.00 Eganville, agent and operator 98.00 Franktown, agent and operator 91.00 Night operator 78.00 Jasper, agent and operator 94.00 Bellamy, agent and operator 89.00 Brockville, agent .^ 130.00 ONTARIO DISTRICT. Trenton Division. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Maberly, agent and operator $ 93.00 Sharbot Lake, agent and operator.... 120.00 Night operator 85.00 Mountain Grove, agent and operator.. 93.00 Ardendale, agent and operator 93.00 Kaladar, agent and operator 103.00 Night operator 78.00 Sulphide, agent and operator 100.00 Tweed, agent 117.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 85.00 Ivanhoe, agent and operator 93.00 Bonarlaw, agent and operator 112.00 Havelock, agent 120.00 Day operator 110.00 Night operator 105.00 Norwood, agent and operator 105.00 Indian River, agent and operator 98.00 Peterboro, day operator 100.00 Night operator 90.00 Cavan, agent and operator 100.00 Bethany Jet., agent and operator.... 92.00 Night operator ' 80.00 Pontypool, agent and operator 98.00 Burketon, agent and operator 105.00 Myrtle, agent and operator 100.00 Night operator 80.00 Claremont, agent and operator 100.00 Locust Hill, agent and operator 100.00 Nestleton, agent and operator 88.00 Bobcaygeon, agent and operator 110.00 Lindsay, agent 155.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 84. 00 Orillia, agent 150.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 84.00 Uhthoff, agent and operator 95.00 Coldwater, agent and operator 100.00 Night operator 78.00 Port McNicoU, day operator 95.00 Night operator 90.00 Kingston, day operator 95.00 Harrowsmith, agent and operator 105.00 Verona, agent and operator 88.00 Godfrey, agent and operator 88.00 Clarendon, agent and operator 88.00 Lavant, agent and operator 88.00 Calabogie, agent and operator 90.00 Renfrew Jot., agent and operator 88.00 Emsley, day operator 78.00 104 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Perth, agent $135.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 85.00 Glen Tay, agent and operator flOO.OO Night operator 190.00 Crow Lake, day operator 78.00 Tichborne, agent and operator 115.00 Night operator 85.00 Wilkinson, agent and operator 93.00 Night operator , 78.00 Roblindale, agent and operator 93.00 Night operator 80.00 Lonsdale, agent and operator 90.00 Night operator 78.00 ShannonviUe, night operator 78.00 Trenton, first operator *110.00 Second operator '105. 00 Third operator *105.00 Brighton, agent and operator 100.00 Colborne, agent and operator 95.00 Night operator 80.00 Grafton, agent and operator 90.00 Cobourg, agent and operator 120.00 Night operator 80.00 Port Hope, agent and operator 120.00 Night operator 80.00 Newtonville, day operator 80.00 Night operator 78.00 Newcastle, agent and operator 93.00 Bowmanville, agent 110.00 Day operator 93.00 Night operator 82.00 Oshawa, day operator 95.00 Night operator 82.00 Wlaitby, agent and operator 110.00 Night operator 82.00 Cherrywood, day operator 78.00 Night operator , 78.00 Agincourt, agent and operator 110.00 Night operator t90.00 Leaside, agent and operator 100.00 Night operator 85.00 Don, agent and operator 98.00 Night operator 85.00 North Toronto, day operator 93.00 Night operator '. 85.00 London Division. Cooksville, agent and operator $ 94.00 Erindale, agent and operator 90.00 Streetsville Jet., agent and operator. . 110.00 Night operator 82.00 Milton, agent 140.00 Day operator 93.00 Night operator 80.00 Guelph Jet., agent 115.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 85.00 Puslinch, agent and operator 95.00 Night operator 79.00 Gait, agent 160.00 Day operator 100.00 Night operator 90.00 Ayr, agent and operator 115.00 Night operator 79.00 Drumbo, agent and operator 100.00 Innerkip, agent and operator 95.00 Night operator Woodstock, day operator 100.00 Night operator 90.00 Zorra, agent and operator 88.00 Thamesford, agent and operator 95.00 Night operator 79.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Quebec St., agent $145.00 Day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 London Depot, ticket agt. and opr 120.00 Night operator 100.00 London Disp. Off., day operator 110.00 Komoka, agent and operator 90.00 Caradoc, agent and operator 90.00 Night operator 78.00 Appin, agent and operator 90.00 Glencoe, agent and operator 90.00 Newbury, agent and operator 90.00 Bothwell, agent and operator 95.00 Night operator 78.00 Thamesville, agent and operator 95.00 Kent Bridge, agent and operator 95.00 Chatham, agent ..150.00 Day operator 100.00 Night operator 90.00 Jeanette, agent and operator 90.00 Tilbury, agent and operator 95.00 Night operator 78.00 Haycroft, agent and operator 90.00 Belle River, agent and operator 90.00 Elmstead. agent and operator 90.00 Walkerville Jet., agent and operator. . 102.00 Night operator 80.00 Lake Shore, agent and operator 100.00 Windsor Yard, day operator 100.00 Night operator 90.00 Windsor Depot, day operator .-100.00 Embro, agent and operator S6.00 Lakeside, agent and operator 85.00 St. Marys, agent and operator 120.00 Beachville, agent and operator 86.00 IngersoU, day operator 92.00 Putnam, agent and operator 86.00 Harrietsville, agent and operator 86.00 Belmont, agent and operator 90.00 Ste Agathe, agent and operator 105.00 Night operator 80.00 Mount Elgin, agent and operator 85.00 Tillsonburg, agent and operator 125.00 Tillsonburg Tower, day operator 80.00 Night operator 80.00 Straffordville, agent and operator 85.00 Vienna, agent and operator 85.00 Port Burwell, agent and operator 115.00 Night operator 78.00 WaterdowTi, agent and operator 86.00 Flamboro, agent and operator 86.00 Moffat, agent and operator 85.00 Guelph, agent 160.00 Day operator 90.00 Night operator 80.00 Ariss, agent and operator 86.00 West Montrose, agent and operator. . 85.00 Elmira, agent and operator 95.00 Wallensteln, agent and operator 86.00 Linwood, agent and operator 90.00 Millbank, agent and operator 86.00 Milverton, agent and operator 90.00 Monkton. agent and operator... 95.00 Walton, agent and operator 90.00 BIyth, agent and operator 90.00 Auburn, agent and operator 86.00 McGaw, agent and operator. 85.00 Goderlch, day operator 90.00 Listowel, agent 115.00 Bruce Division. Meadowvale, agent and operator....? 87.00 Brampton, agent 140.00 Day operator 83.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 105 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Cheltenham, agent and operatoi- $ 87.00 Forks of Credit, agent and operator. . 87.00 Cataract, agent and operator 90.00 Alton, agent and operator 92.00 Erin, agent and operator 92.00 Hillsburg, agent and operator 90.00 Belwood, agent and operator 90.00 Fergus, agent and operator 110.00 Elora, agent and operator 110.00 Grand Valley, agent and operator. . . . 95.00 Arthur, agent and operator 106.00 Mount Forest, agent and operator.... 1^5.00 Harriston, agent and operator llO.OO Fordwich, agent and operator 90.00 Gorrie, agent and operator 90.00 Wroxeter, agent and operator 90.00 Wingham, agent and operator 107.00 Teeswater, agent and operator 100.00 Day operator 83.00 Mount Denis, agent and operator 85.00 Weston, agent 110.00 Day operator 86.00 Woodbridge, agent and operator 97.00 Night operator 82.00 Kleinburg, agent and operator 97.00 Bolton, agent 100.00 Day operator 85.00 Night operator 84.00 Mono Road, agent and operator 92.00 Caledon, agent and operator 92.00 Melville, agent and operator 92.00 Orangeville, agent 135.00 Day operator 93.00 Night operator 84.00 Fraxa, agent and operator 97.00 Shelburne, agent and operator 100.00 Corbetton, agent and operator 92.00 Dundalk, agent and operator 100.00 Proton, agent and operator 92.00 Flesherton, agent and operator 97.00 Markdale, agent and operator 95.00 Berkeley, agent and operator 92.00 Holland Centre, agent and operator. . 92.00^ Chatsworth, agent and operator 92.00 Owen Sound, day operator 96.00 Night operator 86.00 Tottenham, agent and operator 92.00 Night operator 78.00 Beeton, agent and operator 92.00 AlUston. agent and operator 104.00 Night operator 85.00 Baxter, agent and operator 85.00 Ypres, day operator 78.00 Night operator 78.00 Camp Borden, day operator 78.00 Night operator 78.00 Essa, agent and operator 92.00 Midhurst, agent and operator 97.00 Night operator 82.00 Craighurst, agent and operator 93.00 Carley, agent and operator 92.00 Eady, agent and operator 92.00 Coldwater Jet., agent and operator... 98.00 Night operator 84.00 I^overing, agent and operator 92.00 Bala, ngent and operator 100.00 Night operator 82.00 MacTier, agent 125.00 First operator *98.00 Second operator •97.00 Third operator *96.00 Priceville, agent and operator 86.00 Durham, agent and operator 100.00 Hanover, agent and operator 110.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Walkerton, agent and operator $108.00 Day operator 84.00 Parkdale, day operator 97.00 Night operator 90.00 West Toronto, agent 180.00 West Toronto Depot, first operator. .*109. 00 Second operator '100.00 Third operator *100.00 Lambton Yard, first operator *105.00 Second operator *100.00 Third operator *100.00 Islington, agent and operator 93.00 Grand Jet., day operator 85.00 Night operator 85.00 Toronto "V" Office, first operator. . .*110. 00 Second operatoi- •100.00 Third operator ♦95.00 Fourth operator '95.00 Fifth operator '90.00 Sixth operator *90.00 Additional operators added will be paid not less than the minimum rate now in effect in this office. ALGOMA DISTRICT. Sudbury Division. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Chalk River, agent $150.00 First operator ♦103.00 Second operator •lOO.OO Third operator ♦lOO.OO Moor I.iake, agent and operator 96.00 Mackey, agent and operator 96.00 Operator 87.00 Adelard, agent and operator 94.00 Deux Rivieres, agent and operator.... 96.00 Operator 87.00 Klock, agent and operator 96.00 Mattawa, agent 115.00 Day operator 94.00 Night operator 92.00 Temiskaming, agent and operator.... 105.00 Kipawa, agent and operator 98.00 Eau Claire, agent and operator 96.00 Rutherglen, agent and operator 96.00 Bonfleld, agent and operator 96.00 Operator 87.00 Cliffe, agent and operator 94.00 North Bay, first operator ..♦108.00 Second operator ^105. 00 Third operator *105.00 Fourth operator 'lOS.OO Fifth operator •lOS.OO Meadowside, operator 87.00 Sturgeon Falls, agent 122.00 Day operator 94.00 Night operator 92.00 Cache Bay, agent and operator 100.00 Verner, agent and operator 98.00 Night operator 87.00 Warren, agent and operator 98.00 Markstay, agent and operator 98.00 Operator 87.00 Wanapitei, agent and operator 95.00 Coni.<5ton, agent and operator 110.00 Romford, agent 95.00 Day operator 89.00 Night operator 89.00 Sudbury, agent 165.00 First operator *108.00 Second operator *105.00 Third operator •lOS.OO 106 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Murray, day operator $ SQ.OO Nig-ht operator 86.00 Azilda, agent and operator 95.00 Operator • . 87.00 Chelm.sford, agent and operator 98.00 Larchv/ood, agent and operator 96.00 Levack, agent and operator 96.00 Windy Lake, agent and operator 95.00 Parry Sound, agent 138.00 Day operator 92.00 Night operator " 90.00 Nobel, agent 102.00 Day operator 88.00 Night operator 88.00 Shawanaga, agent and operator'. 95.00 Byng Inlet, agent and operator 102.00 Operator 87.00 Pt. Au Baril, agent and operator 9fi.00 Operator 87.00 Dunlop, agent and operator 94.00 Pickerel, operator 87.00 Bigwood, agent and operator 96.00 Rutter, agent and operator 95.00 Burwash, agent and operator 98.00 Operator 87.00 Copper Cliff, agent and operator 123.00 Operator 90.00 Naughton, agent and operator 94.00 Whiteflsh, agent and operator 96.00 Victoria Mine, agent and operator 98.00 Worthington. agent and operator 102.00 Nairn, agent and operator 98.00 Espanola, agent and operator 112.00 Webbwood, agent 138.00 Day operator 98.00 Night operator 98.00 Massey. sgent and operator 162.00 Walford, agent and operator 97.00 Spanish, agent and operator 98.00 Cutler, agent and operator ' 99.00 Spragge, agent and operator 98.00 Algoma. agent and operator 96.00 Blind River, agent and operator 100.00 Dean Lake, agent and operator 98.00 Thessalon, agent and operator 100.00 Nestorville, agent and operator 98.00 Bruce; agent and operator 98.00 Desbarats, agent and operator 97.00. Ekotaa, agent and operator 96.00 Soo, day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 Chapleau Division. Cartier, agent $145.00 First operator *104.00 Second operator *101.00 Third operator ♦lOl.OO Geneva, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Stralak, agent o.nd operator 107.00 Pogma, operator 93.00 Metagama, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Bisco, agent and operator 116.00 Robert."?, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Woman River, agent and operator 107.00 Operator 93.00 Ridout, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Nemegos, agent and operator 107.00 Operator 93.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. . Chapleau, agent $145.00 First operator *104.00 Second operator *101.00 Third operator 'lOl.OO Esher, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Pardee, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Healy, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Nicholson, agent and operator 107.00 Bolkow, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Dalton, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 MLssanabie, agent and operator 107.00 Operator 93.00 Franz, agent 120.00 First operator 94.00 Sgcond operator 94.00 Grassett, operator 93.00 Amyott, day operator 96.00 Night operator 93.00 Depew, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Schreiber Division. White River, agent $138.00 First operator *104.00 Second operator *101.00 Third operator _*101.00 King, day operator ' 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Hemlo, day operator 93.00 . Night operator 93.00 Heron Bay, agent and operator 105.00 Operator 93.00 Peninsula, night operator 93.00 Day operator 93.00 Coldwell, agent and operator 105.00 Operator 93.00 Middleton, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 .Tackfish, agent and operator 125.00 Night operator 97.50 Schreiber, agent 138.00 First operator *104.00 Second operator *101.00 Third operator *101.00 Selim, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Ro.=sport, agent and operator 107.00 Pays Plat, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Cavers, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Gurney, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Fire Hill, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Ruby, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Nipigon, agent and operator 125.00 Operator 98.00 Hurkett, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Dorion, agent and operator 109.00 Night operator 93.00 Pearl, agent and operator 109.00 Operator 93.00 Loon, day operator 95.00 MacKenzie, day operator s 95.00 Night operator 93.00 Navilus, day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 107 MANITOBA DISTRICT. Fort William Terminal Division. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Current River, day operator $100.00 Night operator 100.00 Port Arthur, day operator 110.00 Night operator 110.00 Ft. William, Yd., first trick operator. . 110.00 Second trick operator 110.00 Third trick operator 110.00 Ft. William, Un., day operator 110.00 Night operator 110.00 Westf ort, ag-ent 140.00 Day operator 97.00 Kenora Division. Murillo, agent and operator $102.00 Kam, agent and operator 102.00 Finmark, agent and operator 100.00 Night operator 89.00 Buda, day operator 89.00 Night operator 89.09 Raith, agent and operator 112.00 Night operator 98.00 Savanne, agent and operator 102.00 Upsala, night operator 89.00 English River, agent and operator 100.00 Bonheur, night operator 89.00 Ignace, agent 132.00 First operator 110.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 Tache, day operator 89.00 Night operator 89.00 Dinorwic, agent and operator 102.00 Wabigoon, agent and operator 102.00 Dryden, agent 132.00 Day operator 98.00 Night operator 98.00 Oxdrift, agent and operator 102.00 Eagle River, agent and operator 110.00 Night operator 92.00 Vermillion Bay, agent and operator. . 102.00 Pine, night operator 89.00 Hawk Lake, day operator 89.00 Kenora. agent 165.00 D. Op. Tk. Ck 113.00 N. Op. B. Ofs 100.00 First O. Y. Of 110.00 Second O. Y. Of 110.00 Third O. Y. Of 110.00 Day Op. D. S 113.00 Ngt. Op. D. S 113.00 Keewatin, agent 140.00 Day operator 97.00 Ingolf, ag-ent and operator 100.00 Night operator 89.00 Rennie, agent and operator 110.00 Night operator 92.00 Whitemouth, agent and operator. . . . 110.00 Molson, agent and operator 115.00 Night operator 92.00 Beausejour, agent and operator 127.00 Tyndall. agent and operator 110.00 East Selkirk, agent and operator 102.00 Birds Hill, agent and operator 110.00 Lac du Bonnet, agent and operator. . . . 104.00 Lydiatt. agent and operator 98.00 Hazelridge, agent and operator 102.00 Oakbank, agent and operator 102.00 Winnipeg Terminal Division. N. Transcona, agent and operator. .. .$112.00 Norcran, first operator *110.00 Second operator ♦IIO. 00 Third operator ♦IIO.OO Rate per Station and Position. Month. V. D. Office, first operator *110.00 Second operator *110.00 Thu'd operator *110.00 K. Office, first operator *110.00 Second operator *110.00 Third operator *110.00 Donan, day operator 98.00 Night operator 98.00 St. Boniface, agent 120.00 Portage Division. La Salle, agent and operator $ 99.00 Morris, agent and operator 105.00 Rosenfeld, agent and operator 103.00 Plum Coulee, agent and operator 111.00 Winkler, agent and operator 113.00 Morden, agent and operator 120.00 Day operator 94.00 Thornhill, agent and operator 97.00 Darlingfofd, agent and operator 103.00 Manitou, agent and operator . 113.00 La Riviere, agent and operator 120.00 Night operator 98.00 Altona, agent and operator 103.00 Gretna, agent and operator 120.00 MacDonald, agent and operator 98.00 Westbourne, agent and operator 103.00 Gladstone, agent and operator 115.00 Night operator 92.00 Keyes, agent and operator 98.00 Arden, agent and operator 103.00 Neepawa, agent and operator 150.00 Day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Franklin, agent and operator 98.00 Starbuck, agent and operator 99.00 Fannystelle, agent and operator 96.00 Elm Creek, agent and operator 107.00 Carman, agent and operator 120.00 St. Claude, agent and operator 97.00 Rathwell, agent and operator 110.00 Treherne, agent and operator 112.00 Holland, agent and operator 112.00 C. Rivei', agent and operator 109.00 Glenboro, agent and operator 115.00 Methven, agent and operator 100.00 Carroll, agent and operator 98.00 Nesbitt, agent and operator 97.00 Niverville, agent and operator 96.00 Otterburne, agent and operator 102.00 Carey, agent and operator 96.00 Arnaud, agent and operator 98.00 Dom. City, agent and operator 103.00 Emerson, agent and operator 120.00 Operator 95.00 Bradbury, agent and operator.... 94.00 Selkirk, agent and operator 115.00 Wpg. Beach, agent and operator.... 106.00 Gimli, agent and operator 103.00 Riverton, agent and operator 103.00 Stony Mountain, agent and operator. . 99.00 Stonewall, agent and operator 109.00 Gunton, agent and operator 96.00 Balmoral, agent and operator 96.00 Teulon, agent and operator 100.00 Komarno, agent and operator 98.00 Kreuzburg, agent and operator 98.00 Arborg, agent and operator 103.00 Edrans, agent and operator...: 98.00 Wellwood, agent and operator 98.00 Brookdale, agent and operator 98.00 Moore Park, agent and operator 98.00 Rosser, agent and operator 101.00 Night operator 92.00 Meadows, agent and operator 98.00 108 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Marquette, agent arid operator $ 98.00 Poplar Point, agent and operator 101.00 High Bluff, agent and operator 103.00 Portage, agent 160.00 First operator 105.00 Second operator 105.00 Third operator 105.00 Bagot, agent and operator 99.00 MacGregor, agent and operator 115.00 Austin, agent and operator 106.00 Night operator 92.00 Sidney, agent and operator 106.00 Night operator 92.00 Carberry, agent and operator 120.00 Day operator 96.00 Night operator 96.00 Camp Hughes, agent 97.00 Day operator 89.00 Night operator 89.00 Douglas, agent and operator 99.00 Chater, agent and operator 107.00 Brandon Division. Brandon, D. I., first operator $110.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 Brandon, U. N., operator 110.00 Kemnay, agent and operator 105.00 Night operator 90.00 Alexander, agent and operator 107.00 Griswold, agent and operator 107.00 Oak Lake, agent and operator 120.00 Virden, agent and operator 125.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 Hargrave, agent and operator 107.00 Elkhorn, agent and operator 120.00 Day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 Kirkella, agent and operator 107.00 Fleming, agent and operator 108.00 Moosomin, agent and operator 118.00 Day operator 92.00 Night operator 92.00 Wapella, agent and operator 110.00 Day operator 92.00 Night operator 92,00 Whitewood, agent and operator 108.00 Day operator 92.00 Night operator 92.00 Broadview, agent 135.00 First operator ; 110.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 Two Creeks, agent and operator 95.00 McAuley, agent and operator.. 98.00 Welwyn, agent and operator 99.00 Tantallon, agent and operator 99.00 Esterhazy, agent and operator 102.00 Rocanville, agent and operator 102.00 Stockholm, agent and operator 97.00 Dubuc, agent and operator 98.00 Grayson, agent and operator 98.00 Killaley, agent and operator 96.00 Neudorf, agent and operator 125.00 Night operator 94.00 Minnedosa, agent 137.00 Day operator 98.00 Night operator 98.00 Basswood, agent and operator 100.00 Newdale, agent and operator 100.00 Strathclair, agent and operator 100.00 Shoal Lake, agent and operator 100.00 Night operator 89.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Kelloe, agent and operator $ 95.00 Sol.sgirth, agent and operator 98.00 BJrtle, agent and operator 105.00 Night operator 89.00 Foxwarren, agent and operator 100.00 Binscarth, agent and operator 105.00 Russell, agent and operator 103.00 Harrowby, agent and operator 99.00 Night operator ■. 90.00 Maichwell, agent and operator 94.00 Langenburg, agent and operator 100.00 Churchbridge, agent and operator.... 97.00 Bredenbury, agent and operator 130.00 Day operator 98.00 Night operator 98.00 Forrest, agent and operator 105.00 Rapid City, agent and operator 108.00 Pettapiece, agent and operator 100.00 Oak River, agent and operator 100.00 Hamiota, agent and operator 108.00 Crandall, agent and operator 100.00 Miniota, agent and operator 105.00 Wheatland, agent and operator 96.00 Bradwardine, agent and operator. . . . 96.00 Harding, agent and operator 98.00 Kenton, agent and operator 98.00 Lenore, agent and operator 100.00 Souris Division. Pilot Mound, agent and operator. ...-. .$113.00 Crystal City, agent and operator 113.00 Clearwater, agent and operator 97.00 Mather, agent and operator 97.00 Cartwrig'ht, agent and operator 110.00 Holmfield, agent and operator 98.00 Killarney, agent and operator 121.00 Ninga, agent and operator 100.00 Boissevain, agent and operator 121.00 Whitewater, agent and operator.... 95.00 Deloraine, agent and operator 121.00 Day operator 94.00 Medora, agent and operator 96.00 Goodlands, agent and operator 96.00 Waskada, agent and operator 102.00 Lyleton, agent and operator 104.00 Snowflake, agent and operator 98.00 Mowbray, agent and operator 97.00 Purves, agent and operator 95.00 Souris, agent 150.00 Supts. operator 110.00 Beresford, agent and operator 95.00 Schwitzer, agent and operator 96.00 Hartney, agent and operator.... 115.00 Lauder, agent and operator 115.00 Napinka, agent and operator 121.00 Melita, agent and operator 115.00 Elva, agent and operator 95.00 Pierson, agent and operator 97.00 Gainsboro, agent and operator 97.00 Carievale, agent and operator 97.00 Carnduff, agent and operator 106.00 Glenewen, agent and operator 97.00 Oxbow, agent and operator. 106.00 Alameda, agent and operator.. 104.00 Frobisher, agent and operator 100.00 Bienfait, agent and operator 106.00 Tilston, agent and operator 95.00 Storthoaks, agent and operator V. 95.00 Alida, agent and operator 95.00 Deleau, agent and operator 95.00 Pipestone, agent and operator.. 100.00 Reston, agent and operator 118.00 Night operator 89.00 Sinclair, agent and operator 95.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 109 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Antler, agent and operator $ 95.00 Redvers, agent and operator 102.00 Wauchope, agent and operator 95.00 Manor, agent and operator 102.00 Carlyle, agent and operator 106.00 Areola, agent 128.00 Day operator 98.00 Night operator 98.00 Maryfield, agent and operator 113.00 Day operator 94.00 Fairlight, agent and operator 95.00 Wawota, agent and operator 97.00 Kennedy, agent and operator 95.00 Bender, agent and operator 95.00 Windtliorst, agent and operator 100.00 Regent, agent and operator 95.00 SASKATCHEWAN DISTRICT. Regina Division. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Grenfell, agent $115.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 Summerberry, agent 105.00 Wolseley, agent 132.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 Sintaluta, agent 115.00 Night operator 89.00 Indian Head, agent 132.00 Day operator '. 95.00 Night operator 95.00 Qu'Appelle, agent 115.00 Day operator 89.00 McLean, agent 110.00 Night operator 89.00 Ba'gonie, agent 106.00 Pilot Butte, agent 105.00 Night operator 89.00 Regina, agent 215.00 Regina R. G. Offices, first operator. .*110.00 Second operator *110.00 Third operator *110.00 Regina N. E. Offices, first operator.. 115.00 Second operator 115.00 Grand Coulee, agent 105.00 Pense, agent 110.00 Day operator 89.00 Belle Plaine, agent 105.00 Pasqua, agent 110.00 Night operator 95.00 Brora, agent 94.00 Tregarva, 'agent 94.00 Craven, agent 100.00 Regina Beach, agent 94.00 Keddleston, agent 94.00 Dilke, agent 100.00 Night operator 89.00 Holdfast, agent 100.00 Penzance, agent 100.00 Liberty, agent 102.00 Stalwart, agent : 94.00 Imperial, agent 105.00 Night operator 89.00 Simpson, agent 102.00 Amazon, agent 94.00 Renown, agent 96.00 Young, agent 100.00 Silton, agent 94.00 Ki.sby, agent 102.00 Forget, agent 102.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Stoughton, agent $120.00 Day operator 89.00 Heward, agent 102.00 Creelman, agent 105.00 Fillmore, agent 105.00 Osage, agent 102.00 Tyvan, agent 102.00 Francis, agent 102.00 Sedley, agent 105.00 Lajord, agent 102.00 Kronau, agent 102.00 Richardson, agent 94.00 Froude, agent 94.00 Griffin, agent 94.00 North Portal, agent 168.00 First operator ; . . . 100.00 Second operator 100.00 Third operator 100.00 Roche Percee, agent 100.00 Estevan, agent 175.00 First operator 100.00 Second operator 100.00 , Third operator 100.00 Hitchcock, agent 96.00 Macoun, agent 103,^0 Midale, agent 103 J)0 Halbrite, agent 103.00 Weyburn, agent 185.00 Weyburn, "W. B., day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 Weyburn, Y. N., opr. and tk. elk 110.00 McTaggart, agent 103.00 Yellow Grass, agent 110.00 Lang, agent 105.00 Milestone, agent 110.00 Corinne, agent 96.00 Wilcox, agent 103.00 Rouleau, agent 110.00 Day operator 89.00 Drinkwater, agent 103.00 Torquay, agent 94.00 Bromhead, agent 94.00 Tribune, agent • 94.00 Trossachs, agent 94.00 Axford, agent 94.00 Khedive, agent 94.00 Pangman, agent 94.00 Amulet, agent 94.00 Ogema, agent 105.00 Horizon, agent 94.00 Viceroy, agent 105.00 Verwood, agent 110.00 Readlyn, agent 95.00 Willows, agent 94.00 IVIoose Jaw Division. Moose Jaw, agent $215.00 Moose Jaw, Yd. offi's, first operator. . 110.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 Moose Jaw. M. S. Offi's, first operator 115.00 Second operator 115.00 Third operator 115.00 Boharm, agent 95.00 Caron. agent 103.00 Mortlach, agent 110.00 Night operator 89.00 Parkbeg, agent 103.00 Secretan, ngent 100.00 Night operator 92.00 Chaplin, agent 110.00 Day operator 89.00 Night operator 89.00 Ernfold, agent 103.00 no Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Morse, agent. $112.00 Day operator 89.00 Herbert, agent - 112.00 Day operator 89.00 Night operator 89.00 Lake, agent 104.00 Waldeck, agent 103.00 Swift Current, agent 185.00 Swift Current Q. Ofs., first operator.. 110.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 Wymark, agent 98.00 Blumenhof, agent 94.00 Neville, agent 100.00 Pambrun, agent 94.00 Vanguard, agent 110.00 Dunkirk, agent 94.00 Expanse, agent 100.00 Mossbank, agent 100.00 Vantage, agent 94.00 Assiniboia, agent 145.00 Day operator 100.00 Night operator 100. ffO Valor, agent 94.00 Limerick, agent 108.00 Melaval, agent 94.00 Lafieche, agent 103.00 Woodrow, agent 103.00 Meyronne, agent 103.00 Kincaid, agent 103.00 Hazenmorc, agent 100.00 Gouverneur, agent 94.00 Pontiex, agent 108.00 , Aneroid, agent 103.00 Cadillac, agent 103.00 Admiral, agent 103.00 Scotsguard, agent 100.00 Instow, agent 94.00 Shaunavon, agent 145.00 Day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 Dollard, agent 94.00 South Fork, agent 94.00 East End, agent 103.00 Ravenscrag, agent 94.00 Robsart, agent 94.00 Vidora, agent ^ 94-00 Consul, agent 94.00 Senate, agent 94.00 Govaniock, cgent 100.00 Tuxford, agent 100.00 Marquis, agent 100.00 Keeler, agent 100.00 Brownlee, agent 100.00 Eyebrow, agent 105.00 Tugaske, agent 105.00 Bridgeford, agent 96.00 Elbow, agent 105.00 Ijoreburn, agent 100.00 Strongfleld, agent 100.00 Hawarden, agent 100.00 Glenside, agent 100.00 Broderick, agent 100.00 Outlook, agent 130.00 Night operator 95.00 Conquest, agent 105.00 Day operator 89.00 Bounty, agent ' 98.00 Milden, agent.... 98.00 .Sovereign, agent 98.00 Rosetown, agent 105.00 Anglia, agent 96.00 Herschel, agent 98.00 Rate per - Station and Position. Month. Stranraer, agent $ 98.00 Plenty, agent 98.00 Druid, agent 96.00 Saskatoon Division. Stranraer, agent $ 98.00 Rokeby, agent 94.00 Yorkton, agent 165.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 Springside, agent 100.00 Theodore, agent 105.00 Sheho, agent 100.00 Foam Lake, agent 105.00 . Leslie, agent ,. 100.00 ' Elf ros, agent 100.00 Mozart, agent 94,00 Wynyard, agent 135.00 Day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 Kandahar, agent 100.00 Insinger, agent 94.00 Dafoe, agent 94.00 Jansen, agent 100.00 Lanigan, agent r- 120.00 Day operator 95.00 Night operator 91.00 Guernsey, agent 100.00 Viscount, agent 105.00 Plunketi, agent 95.00 Colonsay, agent 115.00 Night operator 90.00 Elstow, agent 100.00 Blucher, agent 94.00 Cheviot, agent 94.00 Floral, agent 94.00 Sutherland, agent 135.00 First operator 100.00 Second operator 100.00 Third operator 110.00 Saskatoon, F. Ofs., first operator 110.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 Asquith, agent 110.00 Kinley, agent 94.00 Perdue, agent 110.00 Biggar, agent 105.00 Keppel, agent 94.00 Traynor. agent 94.00 Wilkie, agent 135.00 First operator 100.00 Second operator 100.00 Third operator. 100.00 Phippen, agent 94.00 Adanac, agent 96.00 Unity, agent 98.00 Rutland, agent 94.00 Senlac. agent 96.00 Evesham, agent 96.00 Macklin. agent 120.00 Daj' operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 Hayter, agent 95.00 Provost, agent 110.00 iCadogan, agent 98.00 'Metiskow, agent 94.00 Czar, agent 100.00 Hughenden, agent 100.00 Amisk, agent 94.00 Hardisty, agent 135.00 Day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 Rockhaven, agent 94.00 Cut Knife, agent 95.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. Ill Rate per Station and Position. Month. Tramping Lake, agent $ 95.00 Arpiers, agent 94.00 Handel, agent 94.00 Kelfleld, agent 95.00 Primate, agent 96.00 Denzil, agent 98.00 Salvador, agent 100.00 Luseland, agent 100.00 Kerrobert, agent 140.00 Day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 Lemberg, agent 100.00 Abernethy, agent 100.00 Balcarres, agent 100.00 Lipton, agent 100.00 Dy.3art, agent 98.00 Cupar, agent 102.00 Markinch, agent 98.00 Southey, agent 100.00 Earl Grey, agent 100.00 Bulyea, agent 110.00 Strassburg, agent 120.00 Duval, agent : 100.00 Govan, agent 110.00 Day operator S9.00 Nokomis, agent 105.00 Lockwood, agent 94.00 Drake, agent 94.00 ALBERTA DISTRICT. Medicine Hat Division. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Java, day operator $ 96.00 Night operator 96.00 Beverley, agent and operator 96.00 Webb, agent and operator 105.00 Night operator 90.00 Antelope, agent and operator 97.00 Gull Lake, agent 110.00 Day operator 96.00 Night operator.^ 96.00 Carmichael, agent and operator 96.00 Tompkins, agent 105.00 Night operator 90.00 Sidewood, agent and operator 96.00 Piapot, agent and operator 105.00 Night operator 90.00 Maple Creek, agent 165.00 Day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 Kincorth, agent and operator 96.00 Hatton, agent and operator 105.00 Day operator 90.00 Night operator 90.00 Walsh, agent and operator 99.00 Night operator 90.00 Irvine, agent and operator 103.00 Night operator 90.00 Medicine Hat, agent 185.00 Medicine Hat Yd. Of., first trk. opr. . . 110.00 Second trick operator * 110.00 Third trick operator 110.00 Fourth trick operator 110.00 Medicine Hat Di.«patchers Of., day opr. 110.00 Night operator 110.00 Red Cliff, agent and operator 110.00 Operator 89.00 Suffleld, agent and operator 105.00 Night operator 89.00 Alderson, agent and operator 100.00 Brooks, agent and operator 105.00 Night operator 89.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Bassano, agent 1120.00 Day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 Cluny, agent and operator 98.00 Gleichen, agent and operator 112.00 Night operator 91.00 Namaka, agent and operator 98.00 Strathmore, agent and operator lOl.OO Cheadle, agent and operator 96.00 Langdon, agent and operator 105.00 Shepard, agent and operator 94.00 Night operator 89.00 Cantaur, agent and operator 96.00 Success, agent and operator 100.00 Pennant, agent and operator 100.00 Battrum, agent and operator 96.00 Cabri, agent and operator 110.00 Operator 89.00 Shackleton, agent and operator 94.00 Abbey, agent and operator 102.00 Lancer, agent and operator 97.00 Portreeve, agent and operator 97.00 Lemsford, agent and operator 97.00 Sceptre, agent and operator 103.00 Prelate, agent and operator 107.00 Operator 89.00 Prussia, agent and operator 110.00 Operator 89.00 Westerham, agent and o^jerator 94.00 Estuary, agent and operator 107.00 Operator 89.00 Empress, agent and operator 120.00 Day operator 92.00 Night operator 92.00 Blindloss, agent and operator 94.00 Atlee, agent and operator 94.00 Jenner, agent and operator 100.00 Iddesleigh, agent and operator 94.00 Millicent, agent and operator 94.00 Standard, agent and operator 95.00 Irricana, agent and operator 100.00 Dalroy, agent and operator 94.00 Bieseker, agent and operator 97.00 Acme, agent and operator 100.00 Carseland, agent and operator 96.00 Dalmead, agent and operator 94.00 Retlav/, agent and operator 97.00 Enchant, agent and operator 96.00 Travers, agent and operator 96.00 Lomond, agent and operator 98.00 Lethbridge Division. Macleod, agent $174.00 Macleod Yd. Office, first trick operator 105.00 Second trick operator 105.00 Third trick operator 105.00 Macleod, daj' operator 105.00 Night operator 105.00 Piegan, night operator 89.00 Brocket, agent and operator 99.00 Pincher, agent 128.00 Day operator 93.00 Night operator 93.00 Lundbreck, agent and operator 104.00 Cowley, agent and operator 104.00 Burmi.s, agent and operator 104.00 Night operator 97.00 Hillcrest, agent and operator 116.00 Frank, agent and operator 121.00 Night operator 97.00 Blairmore, agent and operator 116.00 Coalman, agent and operator 121.00 Day operator 97.00 Granum, agent and operator 104.00 112 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Claresholm, agent and operator $133.00 Day operator 92.00 Nig-lat operator 92.00 Stavely, agent and operator 102.00 Parkland, agent and operator 98.00 Nanton, agent and operator 110.00 Cayley, agent and operator 102.00 High River, agent 138.00 Day operator 92.00 Aldersyde, agent and operator 99.00 Night operator 92.00 Okotolis, agent and operator 115.00 Dewinton, agent and operator 94.00 Midnapore, agent and operator 94.00 Nobelford, agent and operator 98.00 Barons, agent and operator 102.00 Carmangay, agent and operator 104.00 Champion, agent and operator-. 102.00 Kirkcaldy, agent and operator 96.00 Vulcan, agent and operator 110.00 Ensign, agent and operator 95.00 Brant, agent and operator 99.00 Blackie, agent and operator 102.00 Mazeppa, agent and operator 94.00 Foremost, agent and operator 100.00 Nemiscan, agent and operator 98.00 Etzikom, agent and operator 98.00 Pakowki, agent and operator .' . 98. CO Manyberries, agent and operator 99.00 Coutts, agent and operator 110.00 Day operator 92.00 Milk River, agent and operator 98.00 Warner, agent and operator 100.00 New Dayton, agent and operator 98.00 Stirling, agent and operator 102.00 Cardston, agent and operator 108.00 Spring Coulee, agent and operator 94.00 Magrath, agent and operator. , 103.00 Raymond, agent and operator 103.00 Dunmore, agent 135.00 First operator 105.00 Second operator 105.00 Third operator 105.00 Seven Persons, agent and operator... 100.00 Night operator 89.00 Whitlaw, agent and operator 95.00 Winnifred, agent and operator 100.00 Bow Island, agent and operator 104.00 Night operator 93.00 Burdett, agent and operator 102.00 Grassy Lake, agent and operator 102.00 Purple Springs, agent and operator.. 96.00 Taber, agent 133.00 Day operator 97.00 Night operator 97.00 Coaldale, agent and operator 101.00 Lethbridge, agent 185.00 First trick operator 109.00 Second trick operator 109.00 Third trick operator 109.00 Dispatchers operator 110.00 Kipp. agent and operator 105.00 Night operator 93.00 Monarch, agent and operator 102.00 Calgary Division. Cochrane, agent and operator .?109.00 Night operator 90.00 Morley, agent and operator 98.00 Exshaw, agent and operator 106.00 Canmore, agent and operator 115.00 Night operator 98.00 Bankhead, agent and operator 112.00 Rate per Station and Po.'tition. " Month. Banff, agent $124.00 Day operator 98.00 Night operator 98.00 Castle Mountain, operator 89.00 Lake Louise, agent 115.00 Day operator 96.00 Night operator 96.00 Hector, day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 Yoho, operator 100.00 Cathedral, operator 100.00 Penhold, agent and" operator 100.00 Innisfail, agent and operator 109.00 Bowden, agent and operator.. r 100.00 Olds, agent and operator 111.00 Night operator 90.00 Didsbury, agent and operator 109.00 Carstairs, agent and operator 107.00 Crossfield, agent and operator 104.00 Airdrie, agent and operator 102.00 Ogden, agent and operator 110.00 Tower, 1st St. W., first trick 110.00 Second trick 110.00 Third trick 110.00 Alyth Yard Office, first trick 108.00 Second trick 108.00 Third trick 108.00 Edmonton Division. Red Deer, agent $180.00 First operator 101.00 Second operator 104.00 Third operator 104.00 Blackfolds, agent and operator 94.00 Lacombe, agent ' 131.00 Day operator 102.00 Night operator 98.00 Ponoka, agent and operator 108.00 Wetaskiwin, agent 175.00 Day operator 104.00 Night operator 104.00 Millet, agent and operator 98.00 Leduc, agent and operator 108.00 Strathcona, agent 130.00 Day operator 104.00 Night operator 101.00 Edmonton, day operator 105.00 Night operator 105.00 Dispatchers' operator 105.00 Superb, agent and operator 96.00 Major, agent and operator 98.00 Fusillier, agent and operator 95.00 Compeer, agent and operator 98.00 Bideford. agent and operator 96.00 Kerrimuir, agent and operator 96.00 Monotor, agent and operator 104.00 Consort, agent and operator 100.00 Loyalist, agent and operator 96.00 Veteran, agent and operator 100.00 Coronation, agent .' 125.00 Day operator 96.00 Ni|ht operator ^ 96.00 Fleet, agent and operator 94.00 Castor, agent and operator 106.00 Halkirk, agent and operator 98.00 Gadsby, agent and operator 100.00 Botha, agent and operator 96.00 Stettler, agent 115.00 Day operator 94.00 Erskine, agent and operator.' 97.00 Nevis, agent and operator 94.00 Alix, agent and operator ., 98.00 Clive, agent and operator 98.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 113 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Louglieed, agent and operator .$ 98.00 Sedgewick, agent and operator 102.00 Night operator 92.00 Killam, agent and operator 100.00 Stronie, agent and operator 100.00 Daysland, agent and operator 100.00 Bawlf, agent and operator 97.00 Cliatton, agent and operator 95.00 Camrose, agent 132.00 Day operator 98.00 Night operator 95.00 Lochearn, agent and operator 112.00 Nigfit operator 95.00 BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTRICT. Revelstoke Division. Rate per Station and Position. Month. PMeld, agent $150.00 First operator 110.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 Glenoffle, operator 90.00 Leanchoil, day operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 Golden, agent 126.00 Day operator 102.00 Niffht operator 102.00 Donald, operator 90.00 BeavermoutJi, agen^ 113.00 Night operator 101.00 Stoney Creelc, day operator 90.00 Night operator 90.00 Bear Creek, agent 102.00 Sturdee, operator 90.00 Connaught, day operator 90.00 Night operator 90.00 Rogers Pass, agent 112.00 Night operator 97.00 Cambie, agent 102.00 Glacier, agent 120.00 Day operator 90.00 Night operator 95.00 Ross Peak, operator 90.00 Illecillewaet, agent 102.00 Albert Canyon, agent 113.00 Night operator 101.00 Twin Butte, operator 90.00 Revelstoke, agent 165.00 operator 110.00 Second operator 110.00 Third operator 110.00 Taft, agent 105.00 Night operator 92.00 Sicamous, agent 136.00 Day operator ■. . . . 103.00 Night operator 103.00 Salmon Arm, agent 117.00 Night operator 93.00 Tappen, operator 90.00 Notch Hill, agent 113.00 Night operator 101.00 Chase, agent 114.00 Shuswap, agent 105.00 Ducks, agent. 107.00 Enderby, agent 115.00 Armstrong, agent 115.00 Operator 90.00 Vernon, agent 160.00 Operator .7 90.00 Okanagan Ld., agent 136.00 Operator 90.00 Kelo-^vna, agent 142.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Summei-land, agent $107.00 Arrowhead, agent 115.00 Relief agent 110.00 Vancouver Division. Vancouver, operator $110.00 Operator 110.00 Operator 110.00 Port Moody, agent 125.00 Westminster Jet., agent 122.00 Operator 106.00 Coquitlam, operator 108.00 Operator 108.00 Hammond, agent 110.00 Haney, agent 110.00 Ruskin, agent 113.00 Mission, agent 113.00 Operator 106.00 Operator 106.00 Operator 106.00 Abbotsford, . agent 120.00 Clayburn, agent 102.00 Huntingdon, agent 138.00 Harrison Mills, agent 108.00 Agassiz, agent 113.00 Operator 91.00 Ruby Creek, operator 106.00 Operator 106.00 Retain, operator 95.00 Yale, agent 105.00 Operator 90.OO Spuzzum, operator 95.00 North Bend, agent 140.00 Operator 109.00 Operator 109.00 Operator 109.00 Keefers, operator 95.00 Lytton, agent 107.00 Operator 93.00 Spencer Bridge, agent 120.00 Operator 100.00 Operator 100.00 Ashcroft, agent 115.00 Operator 100.00 Operator ^ 100.00 Walhachin, agent 110.00 Operator 105.00 Savona, agent 105.00 Kamloops. agent 163.00 Operator 110.00 Operator 110.00 Operator 110.00 Fraser Mills, agent 105.00 New Westminster, agent 168.00 Operator 105.00 Nelson Division. Lardeau, agent $102.00 Kaslo, ag-ent $123.00 Operator 94.00 Procter, agent 110.00 Operator 94.00 Nel.son, agent 190.00 South Slocan, agent 127.00 Operator 90.00 Brilliant, ■ agent 110.00 Castlegar, agent 132.00 Day operator _102.00 Night operator "102.OO Slocan City, agent 115.00 New Denver, agent 105.00 Silverton, agent 110.00 Rosebery, agent 110.00 Sandon, agent 115.00 114 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Nakusp, agent $120.00 Tadanac, agent 135.00 Day operator 106.00 Night operator 106.00 Trail, agent 123.00 Operator 90.00 Ro.ssland, agent 175.00 Operator 104.00 Farron, agent 110.00 Operator 90.00 Cascade, agent 110.00 Grand Forl When a vacancy occurs, or a new po- sition is created, the same will be promptly bulletined to all concerned. Within five (5) days from date of bulletin, employes covered by this agreement desiring the position, shall make application for same in the regular way, sending local chairman a copy. Such position.^! will be permanently filled within thirty (SO) days from date of bulletin. Su- perintendent will notify local chairman promptly of selections. All temporary va- cancies or new positions known to be open for a period of ten (10) days for operators and twenty (20) days for agents will be bulletined to all concerned. (d) Where offices are abolished or the force reduced, the employes relieved shall be the youngest men in point of ^Jivision service and they may assert whatever seniority they may have for any position on their respec- tive division, provided that in so doing they shall not displace any employe who has been working on the division more than two years, and will be required to avail them- selves of this rule within thirty (30) days, otherwise they will merely retain their seniority on the extra list. Employes less than two years in the serv- ice, relieved under seniority rules, may claim any position held by a younger man on the division. Employes on leave of absence may bid on vacancies or new positions, provided they occupy same within the time specified in Paragraph (c) of this article. Trading positions will not be permitted except by consent of local chairman and superintendent. (e) Employes as per Article I thrown out of employment by reason of reduction of force will be given employment on other divisions covered by this agreement in pref- erence to new men not in the service. Em- ployes shall have the right to decline such transfer if they choose to do so. (f) Employes as per Article I accepting positions in other branches of the service, shall not forfeit seniority until after the ex- piration of six months, but may assert it by filing application for vacancies or new po- sitions. (g) A seniority list of employes covered by this schedule will be prepared by super- intendents of the respective divisions the first day of each January and July, copies of which will be mailed to each local chair- man of the respective divisions. (h) Employes from telegraph department accepting places as cashier, chief clerk, or ticket clerk at a railway station, for a pe- riod not exceeding one year, will retain their seniority rights and may exercise same by bidding for vacancies or new positions. 122 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE IV. Hours of Service. (a) At offices or places where one agent- operator, operator, operator-leverman, or clerk-operator is employed, eight (8) hours, commencing between 6:00 and 8:00 a. m. or p. m., exclusive of meal hour, shall consti- tute a day's work. Except as relieved for m,eals, the hours shall be consecutive. If held on duty for any purpose for more than eight (8) consecutive hours, exclusive of meal hour, overtime will be allowed there- for. At such places, one hour shall be allowed for meals between 11:30 and 1:30 a. m. or p. m. If not relieved for meals, one hour overtime will be allowed therefor. (b) At offices where two or more employes, performing telephone or telegraph duties, are employed, eight (8) consecutive hours shall constitute a day's work. If held on duty for longer than eight (8) hours, overtime will be allowed therefor. Eight (8) consecutive hours shall consti- tute one day's work for operators in the Savannah, Macon, Columbus and Cedartown message and relay offices. Excess hours to be paid for at overtime rates. (c) At continuously operated offices where the hours of service are limited in this agreement to eight (8) hours, the hours of beginning and ending of tricks will be is- sued b^' the superintendent to meet the wishes of the majority of operators work- ing at the station. (d) Ten hours, exclusive of meal hour, shall constitute a day's work for exclusive agents coming under this agreement. Such employes will be allowed one hour for meals between 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. Except as relieved for meals, the hours shall be con- secutive, and if held on duty for more than ten consecutive hours, exclusive of meal hour, overtime will be allowed therefor. (e) Ten hours, exclusive of meal hour, shall constitute a day's work for levermen. Except as relieved for wieals, the hours shall be consecutive, and if held on duty for more than ten consecutive hours, exclusive of meal hour, overtime will be allowed therefor. ARTICLE V. Overtime. (a) Employes as per Article I, required to leave their permanent positions to work extra or to work on other jobs shall be al- lowed one ($1) dollar per day or fraction thereof, additional, while they are on such work for expenses and will not be required to work for less than the salary of their permanent positions, or work longer hours. This paragraph will not apply to offices cov- ered by Article X. (b) Where employes are required to re- main on duty for the performance of any service required by the Company, in excess of the regular number of hours, constituting a day's work, specified in Article IV, they will be paid overtime at the rate of forty (40) cents per hour, except when the regu- lar rate is higher. In such cases, overtime will be paid pro rata. At relav offices (Sa- vannah, Macon, Columbus and Cedartown) forty-five (45) cents per hour will be paid. except when the regular rate is higher. In such cases, overtime will be paid pro rata. (c) When required to double, overtime rate will be paid until relieved. (d) When employes are called or instructed to come on duty before or after regular established hours, they will be allowed seventy-five (75) cents for the call and first hour and regular overtime thereafter. (e) When employes are required to attend trains, before or after their regular assigned hours of duty, they will be allowed seventy- five (75) cents for the first hour or any part thereof, and overtime at the regular overtime rate for each succeeding hour held on duty thereafter. (f) In computing overtime, anything less than thirty minutes will not be counted, thirty minutes and less than sixty minutes will be counted one hour. (g) Forms for reporting overtime will be furnished all offices. (h) Overtime will not be allowed unless claim is forwarded to the superintendent within twenty-four hours after overtime la made. If, for any reason, overtime or com- pensation on any other account Is not al- lowed, employes will be promptly notified, giving the reason why not allowed. ARTICLE VI. Switch Lamps^ Employes as per Article I who are re- quired to attend to switch lamps will be paid one ($1) dollar per lamp per month additional. ARTICLE Vn. Sunday Duty and Vacations. (a) Employes as per Article I, will be excused from duty on Sundays and legal holidays whenever practicable. (b) Employes who have been in the con- tinuous service of the Company for a pe- riod of two or more years, who are required to perform any Sunday Or legal holiday serv- ice, and who have regular assignment, will be granted fifteen (15) days' vacation each year without loss of pay. Employes entitled to vacation as above and who have been put back on extra list through no fault of their oWn, will receive their vacation. Such vacations to be granted in the or- der in which applications are filed with su- perintendents of the respective divisions after January 1st of each year. ARTICLE VIIL Leave of Absence. The Company will grant leave of absence upon proper request for a period not to ex- ceed ninety (90) days and furnish transpor- tation in accordance with the genreal regu- lations of the Company. Certified members of the General Committee of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers shall be allowed such le^we of absence as they find necessary to transact the business of the men they rep- resent. ARTICLE IX. Court Attendance. Employes as per Article I required to at- tend court as witnesses" for the Railway Company will be allowed regular pay when Schedules and Wage Scales. 123 relieved from duty; double pay if required to perform regular service in addition to at- tending court during any twenty-four hour period; transportation to and from, and rea- sonai^ie expenses. All witness certificates to be delivered to the Railway Company. ARTICLE X. Emergency Offices. For performing duties at wrecks, wash- outs, or similar emergencies, employes as per Article I, will be compensated at their regular rates ot pay, and in addition thereto a reasonaole amount for expenses incurred, including going to and returning from such places and emergencies. ARTICLE XL Transfers. (a) Employes as per Article I transferred by the direction of the Company will be fur- nished free transportation for themselves, families, and effects, and will be allowed regular pay while in transit and while mak- ing such transfers, rate of pay to be based on position from which transfer is made. (b; Where transfers are involved, em- ployes will give the superintendent forty- eight (48) hours notice when reporting for duty. Twelve (12) hours shall be held to be sufficient notice in case of operators, or levermen, resuming service. If delayed thereafter to be checked in, or to resume service, they will be paid for all time lost on that account. (c) Employes as per Article I will not be required to lose time while station is being transferred. ARTICLE XIL New Positions. (a) When n%w positions are created, com- pensation will be fixed In conformity with the rates at similar positions on the same division. (b) Positions covered by this agreement will be filled by employes taken from the official seniority list of telegraphers. ARTICLE Xin. Discipline. (a) Employes as per Article I will not be disciplined or discharged without an investi- gation, which will be made by the proper officers (and whenever practicable the super- intendent will personally hold same), within five (5) days, if possible, and in the pres- ence of the employe under charges. The latter shall have the privilege of bringing to the investigation an employe of his own selection, and such witnesses as he may de- sire. If found blameless, he will be paid for lost time. If disciplined, or discharged, he will be immediately furnished with a written statement showing cause. (b) Employes feeling that an injustice has been done them, may always submit their case to the superintendent for consideration and review, and shall have the privilege of appealing the superintendent's decision, pro- vided such appeal is made in writing within thirty (30) days after the reviewing officer has rendered his decision. ARTICLJE XIV. Pumping Engines. Employes as per Article I required to run pumping engines, will be paid not less than fifteen (15) dollars per month additional compensation for same. The agents at Smiths and Graves will be required to run pumping stations. ARTICLE XV. Loading Cotton. The following rates will be allowed for loading uncompressed bales of cotton: 36 ft. cars: Forty to forty-seven bales per car: Two and one-half (2^) cents per bale. Forty-eight bales and over: Four (4) cents per bale. 40 ft. cars: Forty-five to fifty-three bales per car: Two and one-half (2^) cents per bale. Fifty-four bales and over: Four (4) cents per bale. For loading cotton on end in cars, they will be allowed one (1) cent per bale. ARTICLE XVI. Miscellaneous Service. (a) Employes as per Article I will not be required to clean battery cells where more than eight cells are located. (b) Employes as per Article I will not be required to scrub floors, wash windows or clean outbuildings and grounds. (c) At stations where the quantity of 'United States Mail handled amounts to more than sixty (60) pounds per day on an average through any month, employes as per Ar- ticle I will be relieved from handling same. (d) At telegraph offices, where conductors or trainmen, at other than regular hours of operators, receive train orders covering movemjent of their trains, the operator will be allowed one call. (e) At stations or places where a portion of the duties indicated under "position" In wage scale are discontinued, the pay and hours of service will remain the same. ARTICLE XVII. Expiration of Agreement. Thirty (30) days' notice will be given of any contemplated change in the foregoing rules or wage scale under this schedule. For Central of Georgia Railway Company: (Signed) L. W. BALDWIN, Vice-President & General Manager. For The Order of Railroad Telegraphers: (Signed) C. H. LIVSET, General Chairman. Savannah, Ga., December 11, 1917. WAGE SCALE. Savannah Division. Rate per Station and Position Month. Tybee Island, agent operator $ 92.00 Randolph Street, agent operator 120.00 Savannah, operator (GO) 118.00 Operator (GO) 110. OO Operator (GO) 110. OO Operator (CD) 110.00 124 Schedules and Wagjs Scales. Rate per Station and Pos;tion Month. Pooler, ag-ent operator $ 83.00 Bloomingdale, agent operator 83.00 Meldrim, agent operator 90.00 Clerk operator 83.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Marlow, agent 40.00 Pineora, agent operator 80.00 Guyton, agent operator 95.00 Egypt, agent operator 80.00 Oliver, agent operator 80.00 Haleyondale, agent operator 80.00 Cameron, agent 45.00 Dover, agent 85.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Ogeechee, agent 65.00 Rocky Ford, agent operator 100.00 Clerk operator 78.00 Scarboro, agent 50.00 Millen, agent 135.00 Ticket agent operator 95.00 Clerk operator 83.00 Clerk operator 83.00 Midville, agent 110.00 Clerk operator 75.00 Wadley, agent 130.00 Ticket agent operator 95.00 Clerk operator 83.00 Clerk operator 83.00 Bartow, agent operator 95.00 Davisboro, agent operator 95.00 Tennille, agent 140.00 Ticket agent operator 95.00 Clerk operator 83.00 Clerk operator 83.00 Oconee, agent operator 80.00 Toomsboro, agent operator 80.00 Mclntyre, agent operator 80.00 Gordon, agent operator 115.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Mogul, operator 90.00 Operator 90.00 Operator 90.00 Clito, agent 43.00 Statesboro, agent 125.00 Clerk operator 75.00 Jimps, agent 43.00 Register, agent operator 90.00 Pulaski, agent operator 65.00 Metter, agent operator 95.00 Stillmore, agent operator 75.00 Nunez, agent operator 65.00 Covena, agent 50.00 Norristown, agent operator 65.00 Stevens Pottery, agent operator 60.00 Milledgeville, agent 135.00 Clerk operator 85.00 Merriwether, agent 35.00 Eatonton, agent 130.00 Clerk operator 85.00 Willard, agent 45.00 Newborn, agent operator 70.00 Mansfield, agent operator 90.00 Starrsville, agent '. ''3S.00 Covington, agent operator ~ 130.00 Porterdale, agent operator 85.00 Waynesboro, agent 140.00 Clerk operator 85.00 Clerk operator 65.00 Green's Cut, agent 50.00 Augusta Yard, clerk operator 95.00 Clerk operator 85.00 Macon Division. Rate per Station and Position Month. Atlanta, clerk operator (CS) $105.00 Oakland Junction, operator leverman. 103.<^10 Operator leverman 101.00 Operator leverman 101.00 Fort McPherson, agent 85.00 Industry Yard, clerk operator (AD) . . 110.00 Clerk operator (AD) 105.00 East Point, agent 115.00 Operator leverman 105.00 Operator leverman lOt.OO Operator leverman 102.00 Hapeville, agent operator 90.00 Clerk operator 85.00 Clerk operator ;...;... 85.00 Forest Park, agent 38.00 Morrow, agent 43.00 Jonesboro, agent operator 100.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Lcovejoy, agent 50.00 Hampton, agent operator 100.00 Griffin, ticket agent 100.00 Operator leverman 95.00 Operator leverman 92.00 Operator leverman 90.00 Irving, operator 87.00 Operator 85.00 Operator 85.00 Mllner, agent operator 85.00 Barnesville, agent 135.00 Ticket clerk operator 92.00 Thomaston, agent 80.00 (5<3ggins, agent operator 83.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Forsyth, agent 135.00 Clerk operator 87.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Smarr, agent 38.00 Bolingbroke, agent operator 87.00 Clerk operator 82.00 Clerk operator 82.00 Macon Jet., operator leverman (MD).. 90.00 Operator leverman (MD) 90.00 Operator leverman (MD) 90.00 Macon Yard, clerk operator 90.00 Clerk operator 90.00 Cleric operator 90.00 Macon, operator (RA) llfi.OO Operator (RA) 110.00 Gray, agent operator 75.00 Round Oak, agent 55.00 Hillsboro, agent operator 70.00 Monticello, agent operator 115.00 Clerk operator 75.00 Machen, agent operator 85.00 Clerk operator 70.00 Shady Dale, agent 62.00 Godfrey, agent operator 75.00 Madison, agent 115.00 Clerk operator 75.00 Apalachee, agent operator 85.00 Bishop, agent operator 80.00 Watkinsville, agent operator. 75.00 Athens, clerk operator 90 00 Chattanooga Division. Chattanooga, clerk operator (C) $ S5.00 Chattanooga Yd. Off, elk. opr. (SG) . . 88.00 Clerk operator (SG) 86.00 Clerk operator (SG) 86.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 125 Rate per Station and Position Month. Rossville, agent operator $105.00 Fort Oglethorpe, agent operator 90.00 Lytle, clerk operator 92.50 Durham, agent operator S6.00 Chickamauga, agent operator _. 110.00 Clerk operator ^ 85.00 LaFayette, agent operator 110.00 Trion, agent operator 90.00 Summerville, agent operator 90.00 Berryton, agent operator 78.00 Lyerly, agent operator 83.00 Holland, agent operator 77.00 Lavender, agent operator 77.00 Rome, ticket agent 87.00 Clerk operator 83.00 Lindale, agent operator 90.00 Cedartovm, agent 133.00 Operator 110.00 Felton, agent 40.00 Buchanan, agent operator 80.00 Bremen, agent operator 100.00 Bowdon Junction, agent operator 85.00 Carrollton, agent 133.00 Clerk operator 84.00 Banning, agent 58.00 WhitesUnrg, agent operator 78.00 Sargent, agent operator 78.00 Newnan, clerk operator 90.00 Rnymond. agent operator 85.00 Sharpsboro, agent 40.00 Turin, agent operator 77.00 Senoia, agent operator 110.00 Clerk operator 77.00 Brooks, agent operator 78.00 Southwestern Division. (Effective October 10, 1917.) Macon, operator (RA) $110.00 Rutland, operator 82.00 Operator 82.00 Operator , 82.00 Echeconnee, operator 82.00 Operator 82.00 ' Operator 82.00 Merle, operator 82.00 Operator 82.00 Operator 82.00 Byron, agent operator 100.00 Clerk operator 82.00 Clerk operator 82.00 Powersville, agent operator 92.00 Clerk operator 82.00 Clerk operator 82.00 Bliss, operator 82.00 Operator 82.00 Operator 82.00 Fort V.illey, agent 145.00 Cashier operator (FN) 95.00 Clerk operator (VN) 100.00 Clerk operator (VN) 98.00 Clerk operator (VN) 96.00 Mar.^hallville, agent operator 100 00 Montezuma, agent 128.00 Clerk operator 92.00 Oglethorpe, agent 115 00 Clerk operator 85.00 Andersonville, agent operator 80.00 Americus. ticket agent (NA) 107.00 Clerk operator 110.00 Clerk operator llO.OO Clerk operator 110.00 Sumter, agent 40. 00 Rate per Station and Position Month. Smithville, agent $115.00 Ticket agent operator 103.00 Clerk operator 100.00 Clerk operator 100.00 Adams, agent 35.00 I.ieesburg, agent operator 92.00 Albany, clerk operator 112.00 Clerk operator 100.00 Clerk operator 95.00 Walkers, agent operator 72.00 Leary. agent operator 80.00 Williamsburg, agent operator 67.00 Arlington, agent operator 115.00 Clerk operator 90.00 Bancroft, agent 35.00 Blakely, agent operator 112.00 Hilton, agent 45.00 Columbia, agent operator 98.00 Clerk operator 70.00 Webb, agent operator 67.00 Dothan, cashier operator 107.00 Ticket agent operator 88.00 Taylor, agent 34.00 Malvern, agent 57.00 Slocomb, agent operator 80.00 Hartford, agent 90.00 Clerk operator 78.00 Bellwood, agent 45.00 Chancellor, agent 38.00 Coffee Springs, agent operator 80.00 Samson, agent operator 78.00 Hacoda, agent 38.00 Florala, agent operator 95.00 Lockhart, agent operator 72.00 Bronwood, agent operator 80.00 Dawson, agent 140.00 Cashier operator 100.00 Graves, agent 50.00 Shellman, agent operator 115.00 Clerk operator '. 80. OQ Cuthbert, agent 140.00 Ca.shier 100.00 Ticket clerk operator 100.00 Clerk operator 90.00 Springvale, agent 40.00 INTorris, agent .- 65.00 Hatcher, agent 50.00 Georgetown, agent 35.00 Eufaula. agent 160 00 Ticket agent operator 115 00 Batcsville, 25 00 Comer, agent operator. 70.00 Midway, agent operator 95.00 Three Notch Road, agent 28.00 Thompson, agent operator 58.00 Fitznatrick, agent operator 85.00 Mitchells, agent 40.00 Mathews, agent operator 72.00 Pike Road, agent operator 73.00 Clayton, agent operator 115.00 Louisville, agent operator 75.00 r'lio, aeent operator 77.00 Elamville, agent 35 00 Ariton, agent 40.00 Ozark, agent 120 00 Clerk operator 80 00 rnlf-man. agent operator 82 00 Fort Gaine.s, agent 115.00 Perry, agent operator 95.00 Reynolds, agent operator 100.00 Clerk operator 72.00 Clerk operator 72 00 Butler, agent operator 100.00 Howard, agent operator 80.00 126 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position Month. Junction City, agent $ 38.00 Paschal, agent operator 85.00 Clerk operator 72.00 Clerk operator 72.00 Geneva, agent 50.00 Juniper, agent 45.00 Box Springs, agent operator 78.00 Upatoi, agent operator 78.00 Columbus Division. (Effective October 10, 1917.) Columbus, operator (SW) $110.00 Operator (SW> 102:00 Phenix City, agent operator 80.00 Smiths, agent operator 72.00 Motts. operator 74.00 Bleeker, agent - 60.00 Salem, agent operator 82.00 Opelika, ticket agent 100.00 Ticket agent operator _ 100.00 Clerk operator 100.00 Clerk operator 100.00 Gold Ridge, agent 47.00 Waverly, agent operator 82.00 Camp Hill, agent operator 100.00 Clerk operator 78.00 Slaughters, operator 79.00 Dadeville, agent operator 112.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Jackson Gap, agent operator 81.00 Sturdivant, operator 79.00 Alexander City, clerk operator 82.00 Kellyton, agent operator 90.00 Goodwater, agent operator 100.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Clerk, operator 80.00 Hollins, operator 85.00 Sylacauga. clerk operator 85.00 Clerk operator 77,00 Clerk operator 77.00 Chlldersburg, agent operator 83.00 "Vincent, agent operator 85.00 Calcls, agent 42.00 Rate per Station and Position Month. Sterretts, agent operator $ 80.00 Vandiver, operator 77.00 Leeds, agent operator 85.00 Margaret Junction, operator 80.00 Operator 80.00 Operator 80.00 Colgate, agent operator *. . . . 100.00 LaFayette, agent operator 110.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Buffalo, agent 30.00 Five Points, agent 60.00 Roanoke, clerk operator 80.00 Cataula, agent 60.00 Hamilton, agent operator 78.00 Chipley, agent operator 94.00 Durand, agent 50.00 Harris, agent (joint) 32.00 Greenville, agent operator 95.00 Luthersville, agent operator 81.00 H)llaville, agent operator 85.00 Buena Vista, agent operator 100.00 Girard, agent 70.00 Fort Mitchell, agent 50.00 Seale, agent operator 82.00 Hatchechubbee, agent 65.00 Hurtsboro, operator 90.00 Ticket agent 80.00 Guerryton, agent operator 60.00 Union Springs, ticket agent 85.00 Clerk operator 85.00 Clerk operator -. 85.00 Inverness, agent 68.00 Boswell, agent 45.00 Linwood, agent 64.00 Saco, agent 35.00 Troy, clerk operator 90.00 Goshen, agent 65.00 Glenwood, agent 50.00 Brantley, agent operator 98.00 Dozier, agent 60.00 Searight. agent 45.00 Gantt, agent operator... 66.00 Andalusia, agent operator 105.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Central Vermont Railway Company (EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1917.) The following rules and wages will govern telegraphers on the Central Vermont Rail- way. W^hen additional telegraphers' positions are created compensation will be fixed in conformity with that for positions of the same class as shown by this schedule. 1. All employes assigned by proper author- ity to railway telegraph or telephone service of any character or duration, also the station agents as shown in the attached wage scale, except where a star is shown opposite the name of the station, will be considered as telegraphers within the meaning of this schedule and are so called herein. Stations where agents are not required to do telegraph work will be indicated by a star. The star indication will not be under- stood as depriving the agent of seniority rights. 2. (a) The promotion of telegraphers shall extend over each superintendent's division, and will be governed by merit and ability; where ability is sufficient, seniority will have the preference, the superintendent being the judge. (b) In case of reduction in the number of telegraphers employed the senior telegra- phers on their respective division will be retained in preference to telegraphers junior to them. If a position included in the at- tached schedule is abolished, the telegrapher affected will be entitled to the position held by the junior permanently located telegra- pher on the superintendent's division. (c) All vacancies and permanent appoint- ments will be immediately bulletined over the superintendent's district, addressed to telegraphers and telegraphers shall have ten days from the date of such message within which to file application. A vacancy will be filled If practicable within twenty days from the time it occurs by the appointment of the man entitled to it. Schedules and Wage Scales. 127 (d) Clerks who have had experience in sta- tion work will not be debarred from bidding on positions named in this schedule. (e) A complete list of all tele^aphers on each superintendent's division showing their seniority standing- will be kept on file in the respective train dispatching offices open to the inspection of all telegraphers concerned. (f> Vacancies in train dispatchers' posi- tions Will be filled by telegraphers in the employ, if considered competent, any teleg- grapher so promoted will retain seniority standing in the ranks of the agents and operators. (g> When vacancies are filled in an emer- gency by an employe who is not a telegraph operator the assignment shall be considered a temporary arrangement. 3. If an employe is suspended or discharged for reasons which he may consider unjust, he shall have the right to appeal to his immediate superior officers within two weeks. If a satisfactory adjustment is not arrived at he may call on any other em- ploye named in Rule 1, in good standing, or a committee representing the employes named in Rule 1 to represent him. If he is still dissatisfied with the result he may appeal in regular order to the highest offi- cials of the company. If investigation devel- ops that the employe was wrongfully charged he shall receive full pay for time lost. 4. Employes who are transferred from one station to another by request of the com- pany, will be furnished free transportation for dependent members of their families and household goods, if lawful. 5. Employes called to attend court on the business of the company or for other pur- poses for which they are authorized by prop- er authority will be paid their regrular wages. If called on to leave their homes, necessary expenses will be paid; mileage and other fees to be turned over to the company. 6. Telegraphers performing duty at wrecks or emergency offices, will be paid their reg- ular wages and i-easonable expenses. 7. (a) Twelve consecutive hours or less, including meal hour, shall constitute a day's work. The hours of service shall be ar- ranged to suit the requirements. (b) At offices where more than two teleg- raphers are employed, nine (9) consecutive hours, including meal hour, shall constitute a day's work, or at the company's option, eight (S) consecutive hours without a meal shall constitute a day's work. fc) Dispatchers will relieve agents and operators foi- not less than thirty minutes nor more than one hour for meals between 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. If unable to do so one hour overtime will be allowed and thirty minutes allowed as soon as possible thereafter. This rule will not apply to those working less than ten (10) hours per day. 8. (a) A telegrapher required to remain on duty longer than the number of hours con- stituting a day's work will be given an official order and be excused in the same manner, and will be allowed overtime as per Clause (b). (b) Overtime will be paid at the rate of twenty-five (25) cents per hour. In computing overtime, less than thirty minutes will not be counted; thirty minutes and less than sixty will be counted as one hour. (c) If a telegrapher is called before or after his regular hours he will be allowed fifty cents for each call for which one hour's service shall, if necessary, be performed. When .'i telegrapher is required to attend a regular scheduled train due at his station within three hours after his regular hours duty he will receive pay at the rate of twenty-five (25) cents per hour or fraction thereof. (d) Overtime will not be allowed unless overtinie tickets consecutively numbered are mailed to the proper official within forty- eight hours from the time service is per- formed. If overtime is not allowed, telegra- phers will be notified within ten days from the time service was performed setting forth the reason. 9 (a) Telegraphers at twenty-four (24) hour service offices required to work Sun- days will be paid pro rata on schedule salary for such service, based on twenty-six days per month. (b) Where other than twenty-four (24) hour service offices are required to be kept open, telegraphers will be paid at the rate of twenty-five (25) cents per hour or frac- tion thereof for such service. 10. This agreement will take effect Octo- ber 1, 1917, and will be carried out in good faith by all parties interested, and will con- tinue in force until thirty days' notice in writing has been given by either party to the other, requesting a change. M. MAGIFF, Supt. Telegraph. Approved : E. C. SMITH, President. Southern Division. t Tenement. t Special allowance for express. Rate per Station and Position Month. *New I^ondon, agent $110.00 Operator 75.00 Ea.ct New London, operator 70.00 Montville, agent and operator 80.00 Cashier and operator 80.00 ♦Norwich, agent 115.00 Ticket clerk and operator 75.00 Yantic, agent and operator 80.00 Lebanon, agent and operator 60.00 So. Windham, agent and operator 65.00 • Willimantic, agent 110.00 First operator and clerk 75.00 Second operator and clerk 75.00 So. Coventry, agent and operator 65.00 Eagleville, agent and operator 55.00 Mansfield, agent and operator 65.00 Merrow. agent (care taker) 31.00 So. Willington. agent and operator. . . 60.00 W. Willington. agent and operator.... 65 00 •Stafford, agent 110.00 Opr. and tkt. agt. (W. U. $30.00).. 50.00 Monson, agent and operator 65.00 ♦Palmer, agent tll5.00 First operator and clerk 75.00 Second operator and clerk 75.00 Third operator and clerk 70.00 Three Rivers agent and operator 65.00 Barretts Jet., agt. and opr. (Jt. B&A) t35.00 Belchertown. agent and operator 85.00 Operator and clerk 70.00 128 Schedules and Wage ScaijES. Rate per Station and Position Month. ♦Amherst, agent $ 95.00 Operator and clerk 65.00 Cushnian, agent 60.00 Leverett, agent 60.00 Montague, agent 55.00 Northfleld Farms, agent 30.00 Northlield, agent and operator fSO.OO Vernon, agent and operator t60.00 *Brattleboro, agent 125.00 First operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Williamsville, agent 50.00 Newfane, agent and operator 50.00 Townshend, agent 50.00 W. Townshend, agent 40.00 AVardsboro, agent 40.00 Jamaica, agent and operator 50.00 Winhall, agent 40.00 So. Londonderry, agent and operator. 55.00 •Windsor, agent 115.00 Ticket agent (Joint B. & M.) 40.00 First operator and clerk 75.00 Second operator and clerk 75.00 Third operator and clerk 70.00 Haftland, agent and operator 60.00 Evafts, agent and operator..... 55.00 Northern Division. "White River Jet., agent $140.00 First operator 75.00 Second cperatoi* 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Hartford, agent and operator 155.00 West Hartford, agent and operator 55.00 Sharon, agent and operator 55.00 *South Royalton, agent 60.00 First operator and clerk 70.00 Second operator and clerk 70.00 Third operator and clerk 65.00 Royalton, agent and operator 55.00 *Bethel, agent 65.00 First operator and clerk 70.00 Second operator and clerk +35.00 Third operator and clerk 65.00 ♦Randolph, agent 55.00 First operator and clerk 70.00 Second operator and clerk 70.00 Third operator and clerk 65.00 Braintree, agent and operator 60.00 East Granville, agent (care taker) .... 25.00 Roxbury, agent and operator 65.00 Second operator and clerk 65.00 Third operator and clerk 65.00 ♦Northfield. agent 55.00 First operator and clerk 70.00 Second operator and clerk 70.00 Third operator and clerk 65.00 Kiverton, agent and operator 55.00 Montpelier Jet., agent and operator. . 80.00 Second operator and clerk 70.00 Third operator and clerk 65.00 •Montpelier, agent 120.00 First operator and clerk 75.00 Second operator and clerk 70.00 Third operator and clerk 65.00 *Barre, agent 120.00 Operator and clerk 65.00 South Bane, agent 45.00 Williamstown, agent and operator. . . . 60.00 Middlesex, agent and operator 60.00 ♦Waterbury, agent 50.00 First operator and clerk 70.00 Second operator and clerk 70.00 Third operator and clerk 65.00 Rate per Station and Position Month. North Duxbury, agent $ 40.00 Bolton, agent and ojperator 60.00 Jonesville, agent and operator 60.00 Richmond, agent and operator 70.00 Williston, agent and operator 60.00 ♦Essex Junction, agent 85.00 First operator and clerk 70.00 Second operator and clerk 70.00 Third operator and clerk 65.00 Colchester, agent and operator 55.00 Milton, agent and operator 75.00 Second operator and clerk 70.00 Third operator and clerk 65.00 Georgia, agent and operator 160.00 Oakland, agent and operator 55.00 ♦St. Albans, aigent 150.00 Chief operator 80.00 First operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Italy Yard, first operator and clerk... 70.00 Second operator and clerk... 70.00 Third operator and clerk 70.00 Fonda Junction, agent and operator.. t65.00 Secorid operator 65.00 Third operator 65.00 East'Swanton, agent and operator.... t55.00 Highgate Springs, agent and operator 55.00 St. Armand, agent and operator 65.00 Operator and clerk 60.00 Stanbridge, agent and operator 70.00 Des Riveries, agent and operator 65.00 St. Alexander, agent and operator.... 65.00 S. S. & C. Jet., agent and operator. . . t65.00 Ibei-ville, agent and operator 60.00 ♦Burlington, agent 125.00 First operator and clerk 70.00 Second operator and clerk 70.00 Third operator and clerk 65.00 Winooski. agent and operator 45.00 Operator and clerk 70.00 Essex Center, agent 50.00 Jericho, agent. . . .' 5^.00 Underbill, agent and operator 55.00 Cambridge, agent and operator 55.00 Jeffersonville, agent 50.00 iGireens Corners, agent 35.00 Sheldon Springs, agent 70.00 Sheldon Junction, agent and operator 70.00 North Sheldon, agent 5.T.00 Enosburg Falls, agent and operator. . 65.00 North Enosburg, agent 35.00 East Berkshire, agent and operator.. 70.^^0 Richford, agent and operator 9". 00 ♦Swanton, 95.00 First operator and clerk 70.00 Second operator and clerk 70 00 Third operator and clerk 65.00 East Alburgh, agent and operator.... 55.00 Second operator and clerk 70.00 Third operator 65.00 ♦Alburgh, agent 70.00 Alburgh. 1st operator and clerk 70.00 M. & S. C. Jet, 1st opr. (M. & S. C. Emp.) Second operator (M. & S. C. Employe.) Cbamblv, aeent and operator 5fi.00 Chambly Canton, agent and operator. . t60.00 Richelieu, agent and operator t55.00 Marieville, agent and operator t68.00 St. Cesaire, agent and operator t65.00 Rougemont, agent and opr., M.&S.C. Emp. ♦Farnham, agent 115.00 Farnham, operator and clerk 70.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 129 Rate per Station an(J Position Month. Granby, agent and operator $100.00 Operator and clerk 70.00 Waterloo, agent and operator 70.00 Rate per Station and Position Month. Stanbridge East, agent and operator..? 55.00 Frelighsburg, agent and operator.... 55.00 St. Angele, joint agent and operator.. 20.00 The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Co. of Ind. EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1917. RULES AND REGULATIONS. ARTICLE I. Employes Covered. These rules and regulations apply to agent-telegraphers, telegraphers, agent-tele- phoners, telephoners, levermen, and to other employes specified in the schedule of wages. The word employe as used in this agree- ment refers only to the employes covered by this schedule. ARTICLE II. When New Offices Are Opened or Conditions Changed. When new positions are created or condi- tions materially changed at an office the wages will be fixed in conformity with the average of positions of a like class on that district. When a telegraph office is closed and the agency is to be continued it will be compared with other agencies of a like class, and if it compares with positions pay- ing $25.00 per month it will be retained in schedule with no reduction of salary. ARTICLE III. Advertising Positions. Section. 1. When vacancies occur or new positions are created, they will be adver- tised within ten days and accepted or de- clined within ten days. The positions must be filled within thirty days. Temporary Vacancies. Sec. 2. In filling temporary vacancies known to be of fifteen days or more dura- tion, the oldest competent extra employes in the service will be given preference. Mileage Rate Extra Operators. Sec. 3. An extra employe sent from his regular headquarters or any office to work extra at other offices, by order of the Chief Train Dispatcher, will be paid one cent per mJle going and returning. Regular Employe Sent to Other Offices for Temporary Service- Pay. Ref^. 4. When a rearular employe is sent from his office to another office by the Chief Train "Dispatcher to work extra, he will he ra'd two certs per mile going and re- turning, and one dollar per calendar day for oxpen<5es until he returns to his regular position, in addition to his regular pay. In case the offii^e he goes to pays a higher rate than his regular office, he will be paid the higher rate. Pay While Transfer Is Being Made. Sec. 5. Agents will not be required to lose time while station is being transferred lf9 Auditor. Pay of Extra Operators at Non-Telegraph or Unscheduled Positions. Sec. 6. Extra employes relieving at non- telegraph or unscheduled positions will re- ceive not less than the minimum trick tele- graph operators' salary on that district and all other provisions of the agreement ap- plicable to exclusive agents will apply. Employment of Operators Cut Off. Sec. 7. Employes laid off account reduction of force will have preference according to seniority on the division on which they were employed and will be given employment on other divisions in preference to persons not in the service. If transferred to another division, their age in service shall date from date first employed, but their seniority shall date from time transferred. Reduction of Extra List. Sec. 8. When employes working on the extra list do not make an average of fifteen days per month for a period of two con- .■secutive months, the extra list shall, upon application of the local chairman, ue re- duced until an average of fifteen days per montli can be made. ARTICLE IV. Promotion. Section 1. Employes will be regarded as in line of promotion, advancement depending upon faithful discharge of tlfeir duties and capacity for increased responsibility, where ability is equal, seniority will have prefer- ence. Accep^mg Advertised Positions. Sec. 2. Ah employe accepting and being assigned to an advertised position will not be eligible to the position vacated by him until same shall have been declined by all employes on that division, or is advertised a second time. Sec. 3. When positions are abolished or offices closed, the employes affected will be eligible to any position to which their seniority and merit give them the right, provided the 'position closed has been es- tablished twelve months. If the position has been established less than twelve months, all employes affected will be re- quired to return to their former position. Employes closed out will be required to select some other position within thirty 130 Schedules and Wage Scales. days from the date they are i-elieved. Offices or positions that have been closed sixty days and reopened will be considered new positions. Trading Standing. Sec. 4. Employes will not be permitted to trade their standing, but will be allowed to exchange positions temporarily upon sat- isfactory reasons being offered therefor, and such exchanges being approved by the Chief Train Dispatcher and General Chairman of the Telegraphers' Committee. Ass.gnment to Advertised Position. Sec. 5. An employe is displaced when he is actually relieved by the employe displac- ing him, and the employe thus displaced has thirty days from the day he is actually relieved in which to select some other posi- tion. If a position to which an employe is assigned is closed out before, he works the position, the assignment shall be considered null and void. An employe has made his selection when he has notified the proper official of> his choice. ARTICLE V. Advertising Positions in Dispatcher's Office. Section 1. When new positions are created or vacancies occur in a dispatcher's office, it will be advertised to employes on that district. Promotion Dispatchers. Sec. 2. Train dispatchers will be In line of promotion, their seniority to date from the time they entered the service as train dispatchers. Sec. 3. The oldest qualified train dispatch- er in the service will be given preference in the assignment of tricks on his superin- tendent's division as vacancies occur, or when forces are reduced. Dispatchers' Days. Sec. 4. Eight consecutive hours with necessary time for making transfer will con- stitute a day's work for' train dispatchers. Dispatchers' Pay for Going Over Road. Sec. 5. When train dispatchers are re- quired to go over their respective districts, they will receive regular pay and actual expenses. Overtime Dispatchers. Sec. 6. Train'dispatchers required to work longer than their present resrular hours will be paid overtime at rate of 20 per cent above pro rata per hour. Time to be computed as per Section 2, Article VIII. Operators Working Tempor'arlly as Dispatchers. Sec. 7. Emiployes working temporarily as train dispatchers, or in the employment of the telegraphers' organization for a longer period than sixty days will not forfeit their right to their regular position. ARTICLE VI. Discipline. Section 1. Employes will not be repri- manded, suspended or dismissed from the service of the company without just 'cause. If they consider their punishment unjust, they will have the right to appeal from the decision of the superintendent through the general superintendent and the superintend- ent telegraph to the general manager. All grievances to be acted upon promptly after each submission. Hearing Within Seven Days. Sec. 2. Employes who may be repri- manded, suspended or jiismissed will be given a hearing by the chief train dis- patcher, or superintendent, within seven days and will be notified promptly result of investigation. If suspension is made the punishment, it shall date from the date taken oft for investigation. In case the em- ploye suspended is found to be innocent, he will be paid for the time lost. Representation Before Board of Inquiry. Sec. 3. Employes who are required to ap- pear before the chief train dispatcher, or superintendent for investigation, may, if tliey desire, select an employe employed on that division, or the general chairman of the Telegraphers' Committee to be present at the investigation. Mileage Attending Investigations. , Sec. 4. Employes called upon to attend In- vestigations away from their stations will be compensated at per Section 4 of Ar- ticle III, except employes who are called upon to attend investigations in which they are personally involved, will not be paid if found to be at fault. Service Letters. Sec. 5. Employes leaving the service from any cause will, upop request, be given a service letter stating the time and character of service, specifying the reasons for leav- ing. ARTICLE VII. Number of Employes In Offices. Section 1. The Railway Company will des- ignate the number of employes to be assigned to each office, making increases and de- creases as may be found necessary. Meal Hour. Sec. 2. Employes required to work more than eight hours will be granted not less than one hour for meals between the hours of 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m., and 11:30 p. m. and :30 a. m. When employes are not excused by 12:30 for meals, they will be allowed one hour's overtime. This does not apply to exclusive agent. Vacations. Sec. 3. All employes who are required to work fifteen or more Sundays per year, and have been in the service of the company three years will be allowed fifteen days' va- cation annually on full pay. Employes who have been in the service ten years will be allowed twenty days' vacation annually on full pay. Wlien vacation is not taken, pay will be allowed in lieu thereof based on a thirty- day month. Overtime for Call. Sec. 4. If an employe is called upon for special service outside of his regular hours he will be allowed ninety (90) cents for the call, and will be paid straight overtime after the first hour. Schedules and Wage Scales. 131 article VIII. Hours. Section 1. At offices at which one employe Is employed, nine hours will constitute a day's work. At offices at which two or more employes are employed eight hours will con- stitute a day's wotk. The hours of serv- ice named in this agreement will be con- secutive. Overtime. Sec. 2. Emplbyes kept on duty by proper authority thirty minutes or more over the hours prescribed, will be paid overtime at the rate of 45 cents per hour until relieved, except where pro rate is higher, in which event the higher rate will apply. In com- puting overtime, less than thirty minutes will not be counted, thirty minutes or less than sixty minutes will be counted one hour. Overtime Not Allowed Unless Reported Within Forty. eight Hours. Sec. 3. Overtime will not be allowed un- less reported to the chief train dispatcher within forty-eight hours after the service has been performed. Employes will be notified promptly when their overtime is not allowed. Overtime tickets will be fur- nished upon request. Pay-Work at Wreck. Sec. 4. Employes called upon for temporary work in case of accident, away from tele- graph office, will receive 45 cents per hour from time called until relieved at headquar- ters. Court Attendance. Sec. 5. Employes for attending court, or while being held from duty to attend court, in behalf of the company, will be paid $7.00 per calendar day, and will be furnished transportation to and from court. They will pay their own expenses and turn over to the company's representatives the court tickets received from the clerk of the coui:t. • Hours for Tricks. Sec. 6. At offices where three employes are employed (relieving one another) the standard working hours will be as follows: First trick employe from 7:00 a. m. to 3:00 p. m. ; second trick employe from 3:00 p. m. to 11:00 p m. ; third trick employe from 11:00 p. m. until 7:00 a. m. No change will be made in these working hours unless agreeable to all concerned. Overtime Exclusive Agents. Sec. 7. For exclusive agents coming under this agreement, overtime will be computed after ten hours. ARTICLE IX. Displacing Exclusive Agents. Section 1. Exclusive agents coming under this agreement, who are not qualified to perform the duties of a telegraph operator will not be subject to nor have the right to displace another employe account of any changes as per article four, section three, except among themselves, and then in ac- cordance with section three of article four. Exclusive Agents Retain Seniority. Sec. 2. Employes promoted to positions of exclusive agents, not covered by this agreement, will retain their seniority rights and may accept any advertised position to which their seniority and merit gives them right. If they are closed out or otherwise displaced, they will go on the extra list until a vacancy is advertised to which their seniority gives them right. ARTICLE X. Students. Section 1. Employes in charge of an office will not be responsible for the actions of a student placed in such office by the com- pany, who, however, shall not be retained in such office in case objections which ap- pear to be reasonable are made by the em- ploye. Sec. 2. No * employe will be allowed to teach students in any office of the company without written permission of the chief train dispatcher, and in no case will there be allowed more than one student in an office. Service Record. Sec. 3. A service record of all employes will be kept in each chief train dispatcher's office. Employes or their representatives desiring at any time to examine their rec- ords will be permitted to do so. Sec, 4. Seniority lists of employes will be prepared by the superintendent of their divi- sions during the month of July of each year and a copy furnished the general chairman of the telegraphers* committee. ARTICLE XI. Districts. Section 1. The Cincinnati Division and the Bridge District will be considered as one chief train dispatcher's territory. Sec. 2. The Lexington and Big Sandy dis- tricts are consolidated and will remain con- solidated. Sec. 3. The Huntington Division and the Coal River District are consolidated, effec- tive November 1, 1911. Sec. 4, The Raleigh & South "Western Railway will be considered a part of the New River District. ARTICLE XII. Care of Lamps. Section 1. Where depot hands or porters are furnished, they will be required to han- dle signal lamps under the supervision of the employe in charge. Where lamp lighters are provided to attend switch and signal lamps, employes covered by this agreement will not be reauired to ■ take care of the lights out.«ide of office, except in case of emergency. Employes covered by this agree- ment will not be required to attend .switch lights. Cleaning Floors. Sec. 2. Labor will be furnished to clean floors and windows of depots under the direction of agents. Pay for Pumping. Sec. 3. Employes covered by this agree- ment who are required to do pumping, will be allowed $10.00 per month extra compen- 132 ScheduIjES and Wage Scales. pation for such service, except where already arranged for. Pay for Keeping Records — Coaling Stations. Sec. 4. Employes covered by this agree- ment who have charge of coaling stations will be allowed $5.00 per month extra com- pensation for such service, except where already arranged for, and except the follow- ing stations where the employes will be paid $10.00 per month: Scottsville, Fair Ground. Agreement Covers New Lines. Sec. 5. This agreement shall apply to all branch lines and extensions operated by The Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. Sec. 6. Seniority rights of men on any newly-acquired lines shall date on the dis- trict or division to which they^ become at- " tached only from date, of consolidation. In like manner seniority rights of men on the district adopting such line shall apply on the adopted line only from date of consolidation. ARTICLE XIII. Leave of Absence. Section 1. It is understood that a leave of absence will be granted only when it can be done without detriment to the service. Sec. 2. A leave of absence will not be granted for a longer period than sixty days to employes who have not been in the serv- ice at least three years, except as herein- after provided: A leave of absence will be granted in case of sickness or injury for a period to cover such sickness or injury. A leave of absence will be granted members of committee representing employes covered by this agreement to cover periods of commit- tee work. A leave of absence may be granted to employes who have been in the service three years or longer to attend college, said leave to cover college term. A leave of absence may be granted for a period of one year to employes who have been in the service five years or more; no second leave will be granted for a longer period than sixty days. Employes who take a leave of absence for a longer period than sixty days, except on account of sickness, injury, or to serve as a committeeman, will forfeit all rights to the position they vacated at the time leave is granted. If he accepts an advertised position during his leave of ab- .sence, he must fill the position within thirty days. Employes returning to duty who have forfeited their rights to their regular position will go on extra list until a position becomes vacant to which their seniority and merit gives them the right. Checking In by Auditor. Sec. 3. When it is necessary that an agent be checked in by the auditor, they shall notify the chief train dispatcher, or superintendent, five days in advance of the time they desire transfer made, and will receive their regular salary if not checked in on the date indicated or two days before, or two days after. The chief train dis- patcher will give the agent two days' notice before the transfer will be made. ARTICLE XIV: Annual Passes. Section 1. Annual system passes will be furnished employes who have been in the service two years or more, and who have a clear record the previous year. Transportation of Household Goods and Family. Sec. 2. Employes moving by order of, or with the approval of the proper official, will be granted transportation for themselves, their families and household goods, if it can be done legall>'. ARTICLE XV. Demotion in Case Incapacitated. Section 1. If an employe assigned to • a position become incapacitated or unable to fill the po.sition, he will be assigned to extra list and will be entitled to any advertised position to- which his seniority and merit gives him right. Accepting Extra List Instead of Regular Position. Sec. 2. An employe desiring to give up his regular position may do so, but shall be considered the youngest extra man in con- nection with extra work. In other respects his seniority rights shall be unimpaired. Term of Agreement. Sec. 3. No change will be made in these rules, regulations and schedule of wages without thirty days' written notice. WAGE SCALE. Peninsula District. Rate per Station .and Position. Month. Fort Monroe, agent and operator $ 90.00 Phoebus, agent 53.00 Hampton, agent = . 100. 00_ Operator and clerk 84.00 Newport News, operator 99.00 Old Point Jet., first operator 89.00 Second operator 89.00 Third operator 89.00 I^.Torrison, agent and operator 84.00 Oriana, agent and operator 84.00 Leo Hall, agent and fir^ operator 86.00 Second operator and clerk 83.00 Williamsburg, agent 83.00 Operator and clerk 84.00 Norge, agent and first operator 87.00 Second operator and clerk 83.00 Third operator 83.00 Toano, agent and operator 88.00 Lanexa, agent 37.00 Walker, agent and operator 84.00 Providence Forge, agent and 1st opr. 86.00 Second operator and clerk 83.00 Roxbury, agent and operator 86.00 Elko, agent and operator 84.00 C. B. Cabin, first operator 89.00 Second operator 89.00 Third operator..-. 89.00 R. Cabin, flr.=!t operator 88.00 ■Second operator 88.00 Third operator 88.00 C. A. Cabin, first operator 88.00 Second operator *. 88.00 Third operator 88.00 Piedmont District. Richmond (DO), first trick dispatcher. $164.00 Second trick dispatcher 164.00 Third trick dispatcher 164.00 Schedules and '^age Scales. 133 Rate per Station and Position Month. J. N. Cabin, first operator $101.00 Second operator 101.00 Third operator 101.00 A. R. Cabin, first operator 88.00 Second operator 88.00 Third operator 88.00 Atlee, agent and operator, 85.00 Hanover, agent and operator 101.00 Hewlett, agent and operator 84.00 Beaver Dam, agent and operator: 87.00 Buckner, agent. 69.00 Frederick Hall, agent and operator... 90.00 Pendleton, agent 53.00 Mineral, agent and operator 102.00 Louisa, agent and operator 86.00 Trevilian, agent and operator 89.00 Gordonsville, agent 98.00 First dispatcher and operator.... 110.00 Second dispatcher and operator... 110.00 Third dispatcher and operator.... 110.00 Lindsay, agent and first operator 86.00 Second operator and clerk 82.00 Third operator 82.00 Cobham, agent and operator 85.00 ShadwGll, operator 82.00 Keswick, agent and first operator.... 88.00 Second operator and clerk 82.00 Third operator 82.00 Rivanna District. Richmond (Q), manager $115.00 First operator 107.00 Second operator 107.00 Third operator 107.00 Fourth operator 107.00 ITifth operator 107.00 Sixth operator 107.00 Richmond (DO>, first trick dispatcher 164.00 Second trick dispatcjjer 164.00 Third trick dispatcher 164.00 Operator and clerk 98.00 Westham, agent and first operator.... 89.00 Second operator 89.00 Third operator 89.00 Lorraine, operator 83.00 Vinita, agent and operator 85.00 Sabot, agent and first operator 89.00 Second operator and clerk 82.00 Third operator and clerk 82.00 Lee, agent and operator 85.00 Maiden, agent and first operator 86.00 Second operator 82.00 Third operator 82.00 Irwin, agent and operator 86.00 Rock Castle, agent and first operator 92.00 Second operator and clerk. 82.00 Third operator and clerk. . .'. 82.00 Pemberton, agent and first operator. . 96.00 Second operator '82.00 Third operator... 82.00 Elk Hill, agent and operator. 85.00 Columbia, agent Dl.OO First operator 82.00 Second operator 82.00 Third operator 82.00 Stearnes, agent and operator 85.00 Bremo, agent and operator 98.00 Strathmore, agent and first operator. 92.00 Second operator 83.00 Third operator 83.00 Shores, agent 56.00 Hardware, agent and operator -. . . , 85.00 Scottsville, agent and first operator. . . 97.00 Second operator and clerk 83.00 Third operator and clerk , 83.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Warren, agent and first operator $ 88.00 Second operator 82.00 Third operator 82.00 Howardsville, agent and operator.... 85.00 Manteo, agent and operator 85.00 Warminster, agent and first operator. 83.00 Second operator and clerk 82.00 Third operator and clerk 82.00 Wingina, agent and operator 85.50 Norwood, agent and first operator.... bS.OO Second operator 82.00 Third operator 82.00 Greenway, first operator 89.00 Second operator 89.00 Third operator '. *9.00 Gladstone, agent 75.00 operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Tii-ird operator 90.00 Rockaway. operator 74.00 Troy, agent and operator 77.00 Arvonia, agent and telephoner 80.00 Dillwyn, agent and telephoner 85.00 James River District. Riverville, agent and operator $ 85.00 Walkerford, agent and first operator.. 88.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Stapleton, agent and first operator.. 88.00 Second operator and clerk. 83.00 Third operator and clerk 83.00 Joshua Falls, operator 83.00 Tyree, agent and first operator 88.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Lynchburg (ND>, first operator 92.00 Second operator 89.00 Third operator ; 87.00 Southern Ry. Crossing, first operator. 48.00 Second operator 47.00 Third operator 47.00- Reusens, agent, and operator ,. .'. 89.50 Abert, first operator 83.00 Second operator 83.00 Third operator 83.00 Holcomb Rock, agent and operator... 83.00 Pearch, agent and first operator 88.00 Second operator and clerk. T. 83.00 Third operator and clerk 83.00 Coleman, agent 58.00 AVaugh, agent and operator 86.00 Big Island, agent and operator 95.00 Major, first operator 83.00 Second operator 83.00 Snowden, agent and operator 87.00 Second operator 83.00 Balcony Falls, agent 98.00 First operator and clerk 88.00 Second operator and clerk 87.00 Third operator and clerk 86.00 Greenlee, agent 90.00 A. Y. Cabin, first operator 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator. .. T. 86.00 Gilmore Mills, agent and operator.... 86.00 Second operator 83.00 Indian Rock, agent and fipet operator 93.00 Second operator 83.00 Third operator 83.00 Buchanan, agent and operator 88.00 First operator 83.00 Second operator 83.00 Third operator 83.00 134 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Spring-wood, agent $ 43.00 Operator 83.00 Bell, first operator... 83.00 Second operator .^ 83.00 Third operator .' 83.00 Eagle Mountain, agent 97.00 First operator 88.00 Second operator 87.00 Third operator .' ', 86.00 Gala, agent and operator 86.00 Haden, first operator 83.00 Second operator 83.00 Glen Wilton, agent 92.00 Operator 83.00 Iron Gate, agent 93.00 First operator 86.00 Second operator 86 00 Third operator 86.00 Buena Vista, agent 115.00 Operator and clerk 84.00 Oriskany, agent and operator 83.00 Barbours Creek, agent and operator.. 83.00 New Castle, agent and operator 88.00 Mountain District. Charlottesville, first operator $94.00 Second operator 94.00 Third operator 94.00 Ivy, agent and first operator 89.00 Second operator and clerk 83.00 Third operator and clerk 83.00 Mechunis River, agent and operator.. 89.00 Crozet, agent 62.00 First operator and clerk 83.00 Second operator and clerk 83.00 Greenwood, agent and first operator.. 89.00 Second operator and clerk 83.00 Third operator and clerk 83.00 Afton, agent 54.00 operator and clerk 83.00 Second operator and clerk 83.00 Basic, agent 115.00 First operator and clerk 89.00 Second operator and clerk 88.00 Third operator and clerk 88.00 Waynesboro, agent 100.00 Operator and clerk 85.00 Fisherville, agent and first operator.. 92.00 Second operator 83.00 Staunton, freight agent 126.00 First operator 88.00 Second operator 88.00 Third operator 88.00 Lagrange, operator 83.00 Swoope, agent and operator 89.00 Christian, agent and operator 89.00 North Mountain, first operator 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Augusta Springs, agent and operator. 89.00 Fordwick, agent 104.00 Craigsville, agent and first operator.. 95.00 Second operator 87.00 Third operator 87.00 Bells Valley, agent and operator 87.00 Goshen, agent 95.00 First operator and clerk 86.00 Second operator and clerk 85.00 Hotchkiss, agent and operator 89.00 Alillboro, agent 92.00 First operator and clerk 86.00 Second operator and clerk 86.00 Third operator and clerk 86.00 Crane, first operator 83.00 Second operator 83.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Griflith, operator $ 83.00 Longdale, agent 47.00 J. D. Cabin, first operator 88.00 Second operator 88.00 Third operator 88.00 Clifton Forge, freight agent 126.00 Ticket agent .' 87.00 Clifton Forge (DE-Mtn>, 1st trk. disp. 164.00 Second trick dispatcher 164.00 Third trick dispatcher 164.00 Clifton Forge (JR-DE>, 1st, trk. disp. 164.00 Second trick dispatcher 164.00 Third trick dispatcher 164.00 Clifton Forge (DE;, first operator 100.00 Second operator 100.00 Clifton Forge (F;, manager 116.00 First operator 100.00 Second operator 100.00 Third operator 100.00 Fourth operator 100.00 Fifth operator 100.00 A. N. Cabin, first operator 88.00 Second operator 88.00 Third operator 88.00 Rehcf agent 103.00 Alleghany District. Clifton Forg-e (DEj, first dispatcher. . .$164.00 Second dispatcher 164.00 Third dispatcher 164.00 Ijowmnor, agent 82.00 First operator 87.00 Second operator 87.00 Third operator 87.00 Steele, first operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 85.00 C. D. Cabin, first operator 87.00 Second operator 87.00 Third operator 86.00 Covington, agent -. 135.00 B. S. Cabin, first operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Callaghan, agent 40»00 Moss Run, first operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Jerrys Run, first operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 East Alleghany, first operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Alleghany, agent 78.00 Alleghany (A), first operator 93.00 Second operator 93.00 Third operator 93.00 White Sulphur, first operator 89.00 Second operator » 89.00 Third operator 89.00 Whitcomb, first operator 88.00 Second operator 88.00 Third operator 85.00 Ronceverte, agent 80.00 W. R. Cabin, first operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 P. S. Cabin, first operator 87.00 Second operator 87.00 rchird operator 87.00 Fort Spring', agent 74.00 .4Jderson, agent 73.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 135 Rate per Station and Position. iMonth. A. D. Cabin, first operator $ 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Tiiird operator 86.00 Pence Spring, agent 79.00 Lowell, agent 66.00 Talcott, agent 78.50 Big Bend, first operator 90.00 Second operator ' 90.00 Tiiird operator '. 90.00 Hilldale, agent and first operator 90.00 Second operator and clerlt 90.00 Third operator and clerk 90.00 M. X. Cabin, first operator 93.00 Second operator 93.00 Third operator 93.00 Hot Springs, dispatcher and operator. 90.00 . Relief agent ^ 103.00 Greenbrier Division. Ronceverte, dispatcher $122.00 North Caldwell, agent 69.00 Anthony, agf.nt and operator 81.00 Spring Creek, agent 69.00 Renick, agent and operator 84.00 Beard, agent and operator .. 82.00 Seebert, agent and operator 83.00 Marlinton, agent 78.00 Operator and clerk 88.00 Clover Lick, agent and operator 82.00 Sitlington, agent 69.00 Cass, agent and operator 85.00 Hosterman, agent 37.00 Raywood, agent and operator 82.00 Durbin, agent 4^.00 Operator and clerk 44.00 Barlow, agent 73.00 Winterburn, agent and operator 84.00 New River District. Hinton (H), first dispatcher $164.00 Second dispatcher 164.00 Third dispatcher 164.00 Hinton (HXj, manager and first opr.. lOS.OO Second operator 98.00 Third operator 98.00 Agent 114.00 C. W. Cabin, first operator 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Brooks, first operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator '. -. 85.00 Sandstone, agent 65.75 Meadow Creek, agent 88.00 First operator 90.00 Second operator...^ 88.00 Third operator 84.50 Quinnimont, agent 90.60 First operator 90.00 Second operator; 90.00 Third operator. 90.00 Prince, agent 87.00 First operator .,. 89.00 Second operator 89.00 Third operator.. 89.00 X. N. Cabin, first operator 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Th'rd operator 86.00 C. S. Cabin, first operator 85.00 Sf^cnnd operator 85.00 Third operator ; 85.00 Thurmond, first operator and disp 132.00 Second operator and dispatcher... 132.00 Third operator and dispatcher 132.00 Rate per Station and Position. .Month. Fire Creek, agent $ 85.00 Sewell, agent 79.00' First operator 87.00 Second operator 87.00 Third operator 87.00 Nuttall, agent 92.00 Fayette, assistant agent and operator 84.00 South Fayette, agent 85.00 Hawks Nest, agent telephoner 91.00 Cotton Hill, agent *62.00 First operator 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Gaiiley. agent 113.00 First operator 89.00 Second operator 89.00 Third operator 89.00 Kanawha Falls, agent 46.00 Deepwater, agent 54.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Mt. Carbon, agent 88.50 Montgomery, agent 85.00 Operator and clerk 92.50 Dorsey, operator 85.00 Raleigh, first dispatcher and operator 116.00 Second dispatcher and operator. . 116.00 Third dispatcher and operator.... 116.00 Agent 89.00 Mabscott, agent ' 82.50 Eccles, agent 82.50 Surveyor, agent and operator 83.00 Lester, agent and operator 83.00 Beckley, agent 82.00 Operator and clerk 85.00 Beckley Junction, agent and operator 86.00 Operator and clerk 86.00 Harvey, operator and clerk 85.00 Glen Jean, agent 85.00 White Oak Jet., operator and clerk. . . 85.00 Derrydale, agent 42.50 Macdonald, agent 86.00 Operator clerk 85. 00 Scarbro, agent 78.00 Ansted, agent and operator 93.00 Belva, agent 56.00 Kanawha District. ' Handley, agent $ 80.00 First operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Paint Creek Jet., agent and operator.. 96.00 East Bank, agent 68.00 Cabin Creek Jet., first operator....... 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Winifreds Jet., agent 90.00 Marmet, agent 78.00 Operator ; 86.00 South Ruffner, first operator 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Spring Hi)), agent and operator 86.00 St. Albans, agent 90.00 First dispatcher and operator 110.00 Second dispatcher and operator... 110.00 Third dispatcher, and operator.... 110.00 Scott, agent and first operator 86.00 Second operator and clerk 86.00 Third operator and clerk 86.00 Hurricane, agent 72.00 First operator and clerk 86.00 Second operator and clerk 86.00 Third operator and clerk 86.00 • Includes supervision of water supply. 136 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Milton (MF>, agent and operator $ 90.00 Milton (MI>. first operator 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Ona, agent ^ 45.00 Barbovirsville, agent 90.00 First operator 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Guyandotte, agent 62.00 D. K. Cabin, first operator 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Huntington (UN^ flrst dispatcher 164.00 Second dispatcher 164.00 Third dispatcher 164.00 Huntington (HU), mgr. and 1st opr.. 100.00 Second operator 95.00 Third operator. . . '. , 95.00 Fourth operator 95.00 West Huntington, agent 92.00 K. V. Cabin, first operator 93.00 Second operator 93.00 Third operator 93.00 Big Sandy Jet., first operator 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Catlettsburg. agent 130.00 Clyffeside, first operator 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Cabin Creek Branch. Cane Forlc, first dispatcher and opr. . .$125.00 Second dispatcher and operator. . 125.00 Third dispatcher and operator-. . . . 125.00 Decota, agent and operator 83.00 Kaj-ford, agent and operator 83.00 Colcord, agent and operator.. 83.00 Coal River District. jVlun% Creelt, agent and telephoner. . . .$ 66.00 .MacCorkle, agent and telephoner 78.00 Altman, agent and telephoner 66.00 Danville, agent and telephoner 66.00 Madison, agent and telephoner 78.00 Clothier, agent and telephoner 78.00 Blair, agent and telephoner 66.00 Brounland, agent and telephoner 81.00 Peytonia, agent and telephoner 75.00 Seth, agent 66.00 GUYANDOT DIVISION. Huntington (UN), first dispatcher $148.00 Second dispatcher 148.00 Third dispatcher 148.00 Clover Valley, first operator....^...'... 86.00 Second operator .*. 86.00 Third operator 86.00 West Hamlin, agent and first operator 90.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Branchlanu, agent and operator 86.00 Midkiff, a.sient and operator 86.00 Ranger, agent and first operator 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Gill, agent and operator 58.00 Harts, first operator 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Big Creek, agent and first operator.. 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Chapnianville, agent and operator. .. .$ 86.00 Pecks Mill, agent and first operator. . 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Peach Creek, first dispatcher and opr. 120.00 Second dispatcher and operator... 120.00 Third dispatcher and operator 120.00 Logan, agent 94.00 Holden, agent and operator 78.00. Man, agent 73.00 Accoville, agent 73.00 Craneco, agent 73.00 BIG SANDY DIVISION. Huntington (UN), first dispatcher. . .$150.00 Second dispatcher 150.00 Third dispatcher 150.00 Lockwood. agent and first operator... 82.00 Second operator 82.00 Third operator 82.00 Fullers, agent 35.00 Louisa, agent 7S.00 Operator and clerk 84.00 Chapman, agent and first operator... 82.50 Second operator 82.00 Third operator 82.00 Richardson, agent and operator 83.00 Second operator 82.00 Peach Orchard, agent 62.00 White House, agent and operator....'. 83.00 Offut, agent 63.00 Paintsville, agent 70.00 First operator and clerk 85.25 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Van Lear Jet., agent and operaTior . . . . 81.50 Auxier, agent and operator 81.00 Prestonburg, agent 80.50 First operator and clerk 84.00 Second operator and clerk 83.00 Beaver Creek, agent 65.00 Operator . . .' 83.00 Harold, agent and operator 85.50 Pikeville, agent 73.00 Operator and clerk 86.00 Shelby, agent " 98.00 ;^irst operator 84.50 Second operator 84.50 Third operator 84.50 The Forks, agent 55.00 Marrowbone, agent and operator 83.00 Elkhorn City, agent and operator 94.00 Hellier, agent and • operator 75.00 Dinwood, agent , 68.00 Lackey, agent 68.00 Wayland, agent and operator 79.00 Lexington District. Ashland "DS", first dispatcher $164.00 Second dispatcher 164.00 Third dispatcher 164.00 Ashland "CV", ticket agent and opr.' 112.50 Ashland "AU", first operator 100.00 Second operator 97.00 Ashland Jet., first operator. •. 93.00 " Second operator 93.00 Third operator 93.00 Kilgore, agent and first operator 92 00 Second operator 84.00 Third operator 84.00 Denton, agent and operator 88.00 Hitchens, agent 91.00 Operator and clerk... 83.00 T>eon, agent 63.00 Schedules and Wage Scal, M $130:00 108.00 108.00 108.00 Bloomington (B;, M. O. .. 135.00 S. W. C. 115.00 T. W. C. 110.00 O. W. C 103.00 O. W. C. 103.00 O. W. C 103.00 Roodhouse (RO^ M. C, 1st 100.00 O., 2nd 94.00 O., 3rd 92.00 Springfield (SG-JA>— M. O., 1st 97.00 O., 2nd 93.00 O., 3rd 91.00 St. Louis (GA), 95.00 Kansas City (GS^ 84.75 Chicago Frt. O. (DR), O. C. 92.75 Northern Division. Bridgeport Bridge, O. L....$ 99.50 O. L 99.50 O. L 99.50 Corwith, O. L 85.00 O. L 85.00 O. L 85.00 Glenn Yard (G;, O. C, 1st 88.00 O. C, 2nd 88.00 O. C, 3rd 88.00 Summit. A. 70.00 Argo, A. O 113.00 Willow Springs, A. 77.25 Lambert, A. 77.25 O. C 77.75 Lemont, A. 82.25 O. C. 77.75 Lockport, A. 82.25 O. C 77.75 Joliet (PD), O. C 84.75 S. Joliet, O. L., 1st 88.75 O. L., 2nd 83.75 O. L., 3rd 83.75 Elwood, A. 77.25 Wilmington, A. 100.00 Braidwocd, A. 87.25 Braceville, A. 72.75 Coal City, A. 82.75 Mazonia, O. L., 1st 87.75 O. L., 2nd 82.75 O. L., 3rd 82.75 Gardner Tov/er (joint), L. . . •37.00 Gardner, A, 77.25 Dwight Tower, O. L., 1st.. 82.25 O. L., 2nd ,. .. 82.25 O. L., 3rd 82.25 Dwight. A -113.00 O. C, 1st 87.75 O. C, 2nd 82.75 O. C, 3rd 82.25 Odell, A. O 75.75 O. C 77.75 Cayuga. A. 72.75 Pontiac Tower, L.. 1st *97.00 L., 2nd *72.00 Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex WU Ex WU Ex-WU WU Ex-WU Ex-WU WU Ex-WU Ex WU Ex-WU 142 Schedules and Wage Scales. 1 Rate per Station, Call and Position. Month. Pontiac, A $113.00 O. C, 1st 87.75 O. C, 2nd 80.75 O. C, 3rd 80.75 Ocoya, A. O 72.75 Chenoa, A. 105.50 O. L.. 1st 82.75 O. L., 2nd 82.75 O. L., 3rd 82.75 I^exington, A. 75.75 O. C 77.75 Tovvanda, A. 77.75 Normal, A 92.00 O. L., 1st 82.00 O. L., 2nd 82.00 O. L., 3rd 82.00 Bloomington (XD> — O. C, 1st 88.25 O. C, 2nd 88.25 O. C, 3rd 88.25 Covel, A. 80.00 Stanford, A. 76.75 Minier, A. 76.75 O. L., 1st 80.75 O. L., 2nd 80.75 O. L., 3rd 80.75 Hopedale, A. 75.00 Delavan, A. 90.00 O. C 77.75 San Jose (P. & N. Jet.) — O. C 77.75 San Jose, A. 84.75 O. C 81.75 Natrona, A. 74.00 Mason City, A. 77.75 Mason City Tower, L., 1st. *77.75 O. L., 2nd •82.75 Greenview, A. 70.00 Petersburs-, -A. 92.75 Tallula, A. 79.75 O. C 79.75 Ashland, A. 82.75 Ashland Tower, O. L., 1st.. *82.75 O. L., 2nd *75.75 Prentice, A. 80.00 Sinclair, A. 80.00 Jacksonville, A 122.00 O. C, 1st 81.75 O. C, 2nd 86.75 O. C, 3rd 81.75 Jacksonville Tower, L., 1st *74.00 L., 2nd *74.00 Woodson, A. 75.75 Dwight- Washington. Nevada, A. O $ 76.50 Blackstone, A. 75.75, Streator, A 126.00 O. C 94.00 O. C, 1st 77.75 O. C, 2nd 77.75 O. C, 3rd 77.75 Garfield, A. 76.50 Wenona, A. 84.50 Custer, A. O., 1st 79.75 O. L., 2nd 70.75 Varna, A. O 77.75 Lacon, A. 75.75 LaRose, A. 75.75 Washburn, A. 75.75 Lowpoint, A. O.' 72.75 Cazenovia, A. 72.75 ■Metamora, A. 75.75 Washington, A. 88.75 Com- mission. Ex-WU WU Ex WU Ex-WU Ex-WU EX-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU WU Ex WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex Ex Ex Ex-WU Ex-WTT Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Rutland-Granville. Rate per Station, Call and Position. Month. Toluca, A. O $ 92.50 Magnolia, A. 74.50 McNabb, A. 69.75 McNabb Tower, L •60.00 Granville, A. 84.50 Shirley, A. 79.75 Funks Grove, A. 79.75 McLean, A. 77.75 Atlanta, F. A 90.00 Tk. O , 72.50 Atlanta Tower, O. L., 1st.. 80.75 O. L., 2nd 80.75 O. L., 3rd 80.75 Lawndale, A. O., 1st 84.75 O. C, 2nd '. 79.75 O. C, 3rd 79.75 Athol Tower, O. L., 1st 80.75 O. L., 2nd 80.75 O. L., 3rd 78.25 Lincoln, A 113.00 O. C, 1st. *88.00 O. C, 2nd *86.00 Lincoln Tower, L., 1st *74.00 L., 2nd ♦74.00 Broadwell, A. O .^ 77.50 Elkhart, A. 90.00 Williamsville, A. 80.75 Sherman, A. O - 87.25 Sherman Tower, O. L., 1st.. 80.75 O. L., 2nd 80.75 O. L., 3rd 80.75 Ridgeley Tower, L., 1st *80.75 L., 2nd 80.75 L., 3rd 80.75 Springfield (8th St.) L., 1st ^74. 00 L., 2nd *74.00 Chatham, A. 82.75 Auburn, A 92.75 O. C, 1st 87.75 O. C, 2nd 82.75 O. C, 3rd 79.75 Thayer, A. 82.75 Virden, A. O 82.75 O. C 80.75 Girard Tower, L., 1st *74.00 L., 2nd *74.00 A 82.75 O. C, 1st 80.75 O. C, 2nd 80.75 O. C, 3rd 80.75 Nilwood, A. O'., 1st 84.75 O. C, 2nd 79.75 O. C, 3rd 77.75 Carlinville Tower, L *77.50 A 110.00 O. C, 1st 80.75 O. C, 2nd 80.75 O. C. 3rd 79.00 Plainview, A. O.. 1st 82.75 O. C, 2nd 77.75 O. C, 3rd 77.75 Shipman, A. 75.75 Brighton Tower, L., 1st •75.00 O. L., 2nd *79.75 A. 78.00 Godfrey, A. 83.00 Godfrey Tower, O. L., 1st.. 82.50 O. L., 2nd 82.50 O. L., 3rd 82.50 Alton (MO>, O. C 80.00 Alton (NF>, T. A. O., 1st.. 110.00 O. C. 2nd 83.00 O. O.. 3rd ^ 83.00 Com- mission. Exp. Ex-WU Ex Exp. Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU EX-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Exp. WU Ex-WU Exp. WU EX-WU Ex-WU WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Schedules and Wage Scales. 143 Rate per Station, Call and Position. Month. Wann Tower, O. L., 1st $ 88.00 O. L., 2nd 88.00 O. L., 3rd 88.00 S. Wood River, A. O., 1st.. 84.75 O. C. 2nd 80.75 O. C, 3rd 80.75 Nameoki, O. C 80.00 Venice, A. 85.00 Venice Junction, O. C, 1st.. 83.00 O. C, 2nd 83.00 O. C, 3rd 83.00 E. St. Louis (AY>, 92.00 Rood house- Godfrey. Whitehall Tower, L., lst..$*73.00 L., 2nd *73.00 A. 75.00 O. C 81.75 Berdan, A. 75.75 Carrollton, A. O., 1st 102.00 O. C, 2nd 80.00 O. C, 3rd 80.00 Jerseyville, A. O. 97.00 O. C, 1st 80.75 O. C, 2nd 80.75 Kane, A. 75.00 Delhi, A. 72.25 Sherman-Peoria. Peoria "WC", O. C $ 92.00 Pekin, A. 112.00 Pekin Tower. O. L., 1st 80.75 O. L., 2nd 80.75 O. L., 3rd 80.75 Green Valley, A. 77.75 Green Valley Tower, L., 1st ♦72.00 O. L., 2nd *77.00 New Holland, A. 77.75 Middletown, A. 77.75 Fancy Prairie, A. 77.75 Coni- niission. Rate per Com. tfLatiun, Call and Position. Month, mission. o. c. o. c. o. c. o. c, era. o.. o., 2r o., , 3n Ex WU Ex-WU WU WU Ex-WU EX-WU Ex Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WTT Ex Carrollton Line. Fayette. A. O $ 72.75 Ex-WU Greenfield, A. 0( 79.75 Eldred, A. 75.75 Ex-WTT lles-Roodhouse. Knapp, A. O ..$77.25 Yeomans, A. 79.75 O. C 74.75 Murrayville, A. O., 1st 79.75 O. C 2nd 79.75 O. C, 3rd 79.75 Manchester. A. O., 1st 75.75 O. C. 2Pd 77.75 O. C, 3rd 77.75 Roodhouse. A 105.00 Ex-WU Ex-WU Western Division. W Roodhouse. L.. l.-^t $*73.00 L., 2nd •73.00 Drake, A. O.. 1st 78.25 O. C 2nd 78.25 O. C. 3rd 78.25 Hillview, A. O.. 1st 79.00 O. C. 2nd 78.25 O. C. 3rd 78.25 O., 1st 78.25 2nd 78.25 3rd 78.25 O.. 1st 78.25 2nd 78.25 3rd 77.50 Nebo. A. O.. 1st 79.00 O. C. 2nd 78.25 O. C. 3rd 78.25 Pearl, A. O. c, O. c, Straut , A. O. C. O. C. Ex-WU Ex-WTT Ex-WTT E3t-WU Ex-WU Plea.sant Hill. A. O., 1st $ 78.25 O. C, 2nd 78.25 O. C, 3rd 78.25 Louisiana Tower, L., 1st.. *74.00 L., 2nd •74.00 Louisiana, A 119.75 89.75 1st 85.75 2nd 85.75 3rd 82.25 1st 78.25 2nd 78.25 3rd 78.25 Bowling Green, A. O., 1st.. 82.25 O. C, 2nd 78.75 O. C, 3rd 78.75 Booth, O., 1st 85.00 O., 2nd 85.00 O., .3rd 85.00 Curryville, A. O., 1st 79.75 O. C, 2nd 78.25 O. C. 3rd 78.25 Vandalia. A 79.75 O. C, 1st 89.75 O. C. 2iid 83.75 O. C, 3rd 81.75 Parber, A. O., 1st 79.75 O. C, 2nd 78.25 Laddonia, A. O., 1st 79.75 O. C, 2nd 78.25 O. C, 3rd 78.25 Rush Hill. A. O.. 1st 78.25 O. C, 2nd 78.25 O. C, 3rd 78.25 Littleby. 78.25 Mexico, A 129.75 O. C, 1st 89.75 O. C, 2nd 87.25 O. C, 3rd 85.75 Thompson, A. O.. 1st 78.25 O. C, 2nd 78.25 O. C, 3rd 78.25 A. 82.00 1st 83.75 2nd 81.00 3rd 79.75 Larrabee. O., 1st 78.25 O., 2nd 78.25 O., 3rd 78.25 Higbee, A. 110.00 O. C. 1st 85.75 O. C. 2nd 83.75 O. C. 3rd 81.75 Yates. A. O 77.25 Armstrong-. A. O., 1st 78.75 O. C, 2nd 78.75 O. C. 3rd 78.25 Steinmetz. A. 77.25 Glas.e:ow. A. O.. 1st 97.25 O. C 2nd 79.75 O. C, 3rd 78.50 Gilliam. A. O.. 1st 78.25 O. C. 2nd 78.25 C. 3rd 78.25 A 72.50 C. 1st 95.75 C. 2nd 95.75 C. 3rd 95.75 C 4th 95.00 78.00 A 119.75 1st 89.75 2nd 85.00 3rd 82.50 Ex-WU Centralia, O. C, O. C, O. C, Ex Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex Ex O. Slater. O. O. o. c. o. c Norton. A. Mar.<5hall, O. C. O. C o c. EX-WU Ex-WU Ex-WUP Ex-wn Ex WU Ex-WlT 144 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station, Call and Position. Month. Shackelford, A. O..'. $78.25 Mt. Leonard, A. 78.25 Blackburn, A. O., 1st 79.75 O. C, 2nd 78.75 O. C, 3rd 78.75 Alma, A. 78.25 Corder, A. 78.25 Higginsville, A 87.00 O. C, 1st 85.75 O. C, 2nd 83.75 O. C, 3rd 81.75 Mayview, A. 78.25 Odessa, A 77.50 O. C, 1st 83.75 O. C, 2nd 83.75 O. C, 3rd 81.75 Bates City, A. 78.25 Oak Grove, A. 78.25 Grain Valley, A. 78.25 Blue Springs, A. O., 1st 78.25 O. C, 2nd 78.25 O. C, 3rd 78.25 Selsa, A. O 78.25 Com- mission. Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-AVTJ Ex-WU WU Rate per Station, Call and Position. Month. Independence, A. O., lst..$ 92.25 O. C, 2nd 79.75 O. C, 3rd 79.75 12th St., Kansas City— O. C, 1st 91.00 O. C, 2nd 91.00 O. C, 3rd 91.00 "DV". Kansas City— O. C, 1st 101.00 C, 2nd 101.00 O., 3rd 101.00 O. C 101.00 , O. C 101.00 Mexico-Cedar City. Auxvasse, A. O $ 70.75 McCredie, A. 69.75 Fulton, A 117.50 . O. C 87.50 O. C 87.25 Carrington, A. 68.75 Guthrie, A. 64.75 New Bloomfleld, A. 71.75 Cedar City, A. 74.50 Com- mission. Exp. EX -WIT Ex-WU Ex Ex-WU Ex-WU Ex-WU Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company RULE L The following list showing location, occu- pation and rates of pay, enumerates em- ployes covered by this schedule, who will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of these rules. WAGE SCALE. Relay Division. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Chicago General Office, one wire chief .$128.00 One wire chief 124.00 One wire chief 124.00 Two operators 108.00 Ten operators 104.00 Foui' operators 101 .00 One T. operator 73.50 One T. operator 71.00 One Morkrum operator 73.50 One Morkrum operator 73.50 One Morkrum operator 71.00 One T. operator 69.00 Aurora Relay Office, one wiie chief. . 109.00 One wire chief 105.00 Four operators 95.00 One operator 93.00 One T. operator 73.50 One T. operator 69.00 La Cro!?se Relay Office, one wire chief 109.00 One wire chief 104.00 One operator 98.00 One operator 93.00 One operator 91.00 St. Paul Relay Office, one wire chief 109.00 Gale.sburg Relay Office, one wire chief 109.00 One wirt5 chief 109.00 Three operators 99.00 One operator 98.00 Two operators 96.00 One Morkrum operator 73.50 One T. operator , 69.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Burlington Relay OfHce, one wire ch..$103.00 One wire chief 101.00 One operator' , 98.00 Two operators 96.00 One operator 93.00 Ottumwa Relay Office, one wire chief. 116.00 One wire chief 103.00 One wire chief 101.00 Three operators 94.00 Creston Relay Office, one wire chief. . 121.00 One wire chief 10300 One wire chief foS.Ofl Three operators 94.00 Two operator.^ 91.00 St. Jos.^ph Relay Office, one wire chief 104.00 One wire chief 101.00 Six operators 94.00 One operator 91.00 Kansas City Relay Office, one wire ch. 116.00 Four operators 94.00 One operator 91.00 Brookfleld Relay Offlce,'one wire chief 117.00 One wire chief 103.00 One wire chief 101.00 Two operators 94.00 One operator 89.00 Hannibal Relay Office, one wire chief 108.00 One wire chief 108.0" One operator 98.00 Two operators 94 Of' Two T. operators 73. 5P One T. operator 69.00 St. Louis Relay Office," one wire chief 116.00 Two operators 9C.0O Beard.stown Relay Office, one wire ch. 118.00 One wire chief 108.00 One wire chief 106.(>0 Two operators "94.00 One operator 91 .00 One operator 88.00 One T. operator 59.00 . Schedules and Wage Scales. 145 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Omaha General Office, one wire chief .$128.00 One wire chief 124.00 One wire chief 124.00 Two operators 103.00 Se\en operators 104. CO Four operators 99.00 One operator ; 93.00 Two operators , 91.00 Two Morkrum operators 69.00 Lincoln Relay Office, one wire chief.. US. CO One wire chief : . . . 113.00 Two operators 108.00 Four operators r. . . 104.00 Two operators 99.00 Oi;e T. operator ^. . . 74.00 Wymore Relay Office, one wire chief. . 108.00 One wire chief 108.00 Two operators 103.00 One operator 99.00 One operator 96.00 McCook Relay Office, one wire chief. . 113.00 One wire chief 113.00 _ Two operators 108.00 ' Two operators 104.00 One operator 99.00 One operator 96.00 Denver Relay Office, one operator 104.00 Two operators 98.00 Sterling- Relay Office, one wire chief. . 108.00 One wire chief 103.00 One operator 98.00 Two operators 96.00 Alliance Relay Office, one wire chief. . 118.00 One wire chief 114.00 Three operators 108.00 Two operators 104.00 Two operators 101.00 One operator ♦ 98.00 Sheridan Relay Office, one wire chief. 118.00 . One wire chief 113.00 Three operators 108.00 Two operators . 103.00 Casper Relay Office, one wire chief. . . 94.00 Four operators 93.00 Chicago Division. Canal St. Supt's. Office, D. T $ 86.00 Canal St. Tower, D. L 91.2.5 D. & N. L 91.25 N. L 91,25 Ashland Ave. Tower, D. L 100.00 D. & N. L 100.00 N. L 100. no Kedzie Ave. Tower, D. L 87.50 D. & N. L 87.50 N. L , 87.50 Hawthorne Tower, D. L 90.25 D. & N. L 90.25 N. L, 90.25 Clyde Tower, T>. L 90.25 D. & N. L 90.25 N. L. 90.25 Local Freight Office, D. 87.00 Morton Park, D. 77.00 N. 77.00 Hawthorne Station, A. O ^. 71.00 Clyde Station, A. 91.00 Western Ave. Station, A. 87.00 Robey St. Tower, D. L 78.25 D. & N. L ; 78.25 N. L 78.25 BerM'yn. A. T 72.00 Riverside. A. T 72.00 D. T 72.00 Aurora Division. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Congress Park Tower, first T. L .$ 87.00 Second T. L gy qo Third T. L *.*. 87'.00 ,L,aGrange, 5th Ave., D. T 72.O0 LaGrange, Stone Ave, A. T 87!oo Western Springs, A. T 65.00 Hinsdale, A. T 67^00 Hinsdale Tower, first T. L 87.00 Second T. L 87 00 Third T. L. 87!oO Downers Grove, A. T 80 00 D- T ;; ysioo N. T 78.00 Downers Grove Tower, first O. L 87.00 Second O. L 87 00 Third O. L 87.00 Lisle, A. T 72.OO Naperville, A. T 80.00 First T 75.00 Second T 75.00 Third T 72.OO Eola, A. T 80.00 Eola Tower, first T. L ' 87.00 Second T. L 87.00 Third T. L 87.00 Tower 38, first O. L 87.00 Second O. L 87.00 Third O. L 87^00 Montgomery, A. 79.00 First 75.00 Second 75.00 Third O 75.00 Bristol, A. 77.00 Bristol Tower, first T 73.00 Second T 73.00 Third T- 73.00 Piano, A 85.00 First 85.00 Second 72.00 Third T 72.00 Sandwich, A 85.00 First 95.00 Somonauk, A. O , 80.00 Somonauk Tower, first 79.00 Second 79.00 Third 79.00 . Leiand, A. O 80.00 Second T 68 00 Third T 68.00 Earlville, A. O 83.00 D. 85.00 Earlville Tower, first O. L 87.00 Second O. L 87.00 Third O. L 87.00 Merlden, A. 74.00 MS Tower, Mendota, first O. L 87.00 Second O. L 87.00 Third O. L 87.00 Mendota Depot, first O 87.00 Second O 85.00 Third 85.00 IC Tower, Mendota, first L 87.00 Second L 87.00 Third L 87.00 Arlington, A. 77.00 Second T 68.00 Third T 68.00 Zearing, A 90.00 First 80.00 Second 80.00 Third 80.00 146 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Maiden, A. O $ 78.00 Second T 65.00 Princeton, A 105.00 First 85.00 Second 75.00 Third 70.00 Wyanet, A. O 80.00 Second 75.00 Third 75.00 Buda, A. 85.00 First 80.00 Second 75.00 Third 75.00 Neponset, A. 80.00 Neponset Cabin, first T 69.00 Second T 69.00 Third T 69.00 Kewanee, D. 72.00 N. 75.00 Kewanee Cabin, first T 69.00 Second T 69.00 Third T 69.00 Galva, A. O 115.00 D. 80.00 Galva Tower, first O. L 87.00 Second O. L 87.00 Third O. L 87.00 Altona, A. 77.00 Second T 68.00 Third T 68.00 Oneida, A. O ; 77.00 Oneida Cabin, first 79.00 Second 79.00 Third 79.00 Watag-a, A. 78.00 "Wataga Tower, first T. L. . ; 78.00 Second T. L 78.00 Third T. L. 78.00 Sugar Grove, A. O • 72.00 Second T 67.00 Third T 67.00 Big Rock, A. 72.00 Second T 67.00 Hinckley, A. 72.00 Second 70.00 Third T 68.00 Waterman, A. 75.00 Second T e«.00 Shabbona. A 75.00 First T 72.00 Second T 72.00 Third T 72.00 Lee, A. T 72.00 Second T 67.00 Steward, A. T 72.00 Steward Jet., first O. L 80.00 Second O. L 80.00 Third O. L 80.00 Rochelle, first 80.00 Second 80.00 Third 80.00 Flag Center, A. O. L 80.00 Second O. L 80.00 Third O. L 80.00 Ghana, A. T 72.00 Second T 67.00 Oregon, first 75.00 Second 73.00 Third O t 73.00 Stratford, A. T 71.00 Second T '. , 65.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Polo, first T $ 68.00 Second T 68.00 Third T 68.00 Hazelhurst, A. T 71.00 Milledgeville, A. T 73.00 Second T 68.00 Triird T 68.00 Chadwick, A. T. 73.00 Second T 68.00 Third T 68.00 Daggetts, A. T , 71.00 Big Cut, first T 66.00 Second T 66.00 Third T 66.00 Oswego, A. 70.00 Yorkville, A. 71.00 D. 68.00 Millbrook, A. 70.00 Millington, A. 68.00 Sheridan, A. 69.00 Serena, A. 69.00 Wedron, A. 74.00 Dayton, A. 66.00 Ottawa, D. 74. Ou Grand Ridge, A. 66.00 Streator, second 75.00 Third 75.00 Leonore, A. O... 61.00 Ticona, A. 61.00 LaSalle, D. 76.00 Peru, O. Cash 72.00 Spring Valley, A. O 67.00 Ladd, A. 79.00 NYC Jet., first 71.00 Second 71.00 Third 71.00 Kasbeer, A. 66.00 AValnut, A. 71.00 Second 67.00 Deer Grove, A. 60.00 Tampico, A. 71.00 D. 67.00 Prophetstown, A. 71.00 D. O 67.00 La Moille, A. 64.00 Van Orin, A. 64.00 Ohio. A. 69.00 North Aurora, A. T 62.00 Batavia. A. T 82.09 "West Chicago, A. T 62.00 Paw Paw, A. T 69.00 Compton, A. T 63.00 West Brooklyn, A. T 63.00 Amboy, A. T 70 00 Harmon, A. T 63.00 Rock Falls, D. T 68.00 Sterling, D. T " 72.00 Mt. Morris, A. T 72.00 Maryland, A. T 62.00 Kings, A. 72.00 Second T 67.00 Holcomb, A. 64.00 New Milford, A. 72.00 Camp Grant, first O . . 72.00 Second 72.00 Rockford, T. A 95.00 First 82.00 Second 77.00 Third 77.00 E^st Rockford. D. 67.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 147 Galesburg Division. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Go-aham, firs^ O. L $ 80.00 Second O. L. ..; 80.00 Third O. L, 80.00 Prospect St., first 80.00 Second O 80.00 Third 80.00 New Yard Office, first O S5.00 Second O 85.00 Third 85.00 Brick Yard, first T 65.00 Second T 65.00 Third T 65.00 Santa Fe Tower, first T. L 80.00 Second T. L 80.00 Third T. L .- 80.00 Portal, first 75.00 Second 75.00 Third 75.00 N. L. 70.00 D. L 70.00 Knoxville, A 75.00 Second 70.00 Third 70.00 Gilson, A. 73.00 Maquon, A. 75.00 Second 70.00 Third 70.00 Douglas, A. 75.00 Yates City, A 80.00 First O I 75.00 Second 75.00 Third 75.00 Elmwood, A 80.00 First 77.00 Second O 73.00 Oak Hill, A. 73.00 Edwards, A. 75.00 Second 70.00 Peoria Freight House, First 80.00 Peoria Yard Office, Second 75.00 Third 75.00 Lombardville, Ar 67.00 Bradford, A. 75.00 Castleton, A. 68.00 Wyoming, A. 77.00 Duncan, A. 70.00 Monica, A. O. .. 85.00 Brlmfield, A. O ; 67.00 Farmington, A 100.00 First 70.00 Second 70.00 Third 70.00 Norrls, A. 75.00 Canton, first 78.00 Second 72.00 Third 72.00 St. David, A. 75.00 Lewistown, A 78.00 First 75.00 Second 70.00 Third O •. 70.00 Ipava. A. 73.00 Rushville, A 100.00 First 75.00 Abingdon, first O. & Cash 85.00 Second 80.00 Third O 80.00 St. Augustine, A. 77.00 Second 75.00 Avon. A. 75 00 First 75.00 Second 75 00 Third 73.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Prairie City, A. O $ 77.00 Bushnell, first 83.00 Second 53. 00 Third O '. 83.00 Bardolph, A. 77.00 Second 75.00 Macomb, first 80.00 Second 80.00 » Third 80.00 Colchester, A 85.00 First O 77.00 Second 77.00 Third 77.00' Tennessee, A. 77.00 Coimar, A. 77.00 First 77.00 Plymouth, A 74.00 First O 74.00 Second 74.00 Third 74.00 Augusta, A 77.00 First 75.00 Second 75.00 Third 75.00 LaPrairie, A. 73.00 Golden, A. (Joint) 40.00 First O. (Joint) 38.00 Second 75.00 Third 75.00 Camp Point, A 80.00 First 77.00 Second 75.00 Third 75.00 Coatsburg, A. 77. 00 Paloma, A. 77.00 Fowler, A. 77.00 Ewbanks, first 74.00 Second 74. 00 Third 74.00 Quincy Switch, first 80.00 Second O 77.00 Third 75.OO Quincy Psgr. Sta., first 85.00 Second O ; 85.00 Third O 82.00 Nekoma, A. 65.00 Woodhull, A. 75.00 New Windsor, A. 68.00 Viola, A. 70.00 Aledo, A 100.00 First 73.50 Joy, A. 70.00 New Boston, A. 65.00 Keithsburg, A. 70.00 Oquawka, A. 68.00 Henderson, A. T 74.00 Second T 68.00 Third T 68.00 Rio, A. 80.00 Second 75.00 Third 72.00 Alpha, A. 82.00 Second 75.00 Third 75.00 Ophiem, A. T 72. 00 Lynn, A. T 70.00 Second T 69.00 Third T 69.00 Orion, A. T 80.00 Second T 70.00 Third T 65.00 Warner, A. T 73.00 148 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Briar Bluff, A. T $ 70.00 First T...' 68.00 Second T 65.00 Barstow, A. 90.00 First O 80.00 Second 80.00 Third 80.00 Joslin, A. T 72.00 Hillsdale, A. T 74.00 Erie, A 70.00 First T 70.00 Second T 68.00 Denrock, A. 85.00 Second O .• 77.00 Third O * 77.00 Fenton, A. T 74.00 Garden Plain, A. T 75.00 Fulton, A 80:00 Second 72.00 Third 72.00 Clinton, first 77.50 Second O - 75. CO Third 75.00 Lyons, A. O ■_ 75.00 Thomson, A. T 75.00 Plum River Tower, first ,0. L 73.00 Second O. L 73.00 Third O. L 73.00 DeLong, A. T 65.00 London Mills, A. T 65.00 Ellisville, A. T 65.00 Fairview, A. T 65.00 Fiatt, A. T 65.00 Cuba, A. T.... 70.00 W. Havana, A. T 70.00 Marblehead, A. 70.00 Fall Creek, A. 70.00 Hulls, A. O. (Joint) 35.00 First O. (Joint) 35.00 New Canton, A. 70.00 Rockport, A. 70.00 Lyndon, A. T 64.00 Agnew, A. O. (Joint) 37.15 Moline, D. O. & Tkt. Clk 80.00 N. T. & Tkt. Clk..... 80.00 Rock Island: Terminal Jet., first O... 90.00 Second 90.00 Third 90.00 Passenger Station, first 80.00 Second 70.00 La Crosse Division. Savanna Yard, first O $ 90.00 Second O 87.50 Savanna Tower, first O. & L 92.00 Second O. & L 92.00 Third O. & L 92.00 Savanna Station, first 90.00 Second 90.00 Third O 90.00 Whitton, A. 80.00 Galena Junction, A. O. & 0- 95. fO Second O. & L 1 - 80.00 Third O. & L • 80.00 Galena, D. O. & Clk 84.00 East Dubuque, A. O. 90.00 Dubuque. D. O. & T. Clk 87.00 Potosi. A. O 85.00 Cassville, A. 85.00 Second, 75.00 Third 72.00 Glen Haven, A. 79.00 Bagley. A. 82.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Wyalusing, A. O : $ 78.00 Crawford, first O. L 75.00 Second O. L 75.00 Third O. L 75.00 Prairie du Chien, first 80.00 Second 80.00 Third O , 80.00 Lynxville, A. 83.00 Ferryville, A. 78.00 Second O 72.00 Third 72.00 De Soto, A. 82.00 Victory, A. O .- 77.00 Second 72.00 Third 72.00 Genoa, A. O 80.00 Stoddard, A. 77.00 Second O •. 72.00 Third 7».00 South Junction, first O. L 75.00 Second O. L 75.00 Third O. L ;. 75.00 Grand Cro.csinp, A. 100.00 Station, second 78.00 (Pays $87.50 at such times as second trick at yard is closed.) Third O '. 78.00 Grand Crossing Yard, first 90.00 Second 87.50 Third O ' '90.00 North Junction, .first O. L 75.00 Second O. L 75.00 Third O. L 75.00 Onalaska, A. 78.00 Lytic, first 70.00 Second O , 70.00 Third 70.00 Trempealeau. A. 77.00 Second 70.00 Third O 70.00 East Winona, A. 80.00 Second 73.00 Third O 73.00 Fountain City, A. O 83.00 Second- O 76.00 Third 73.00 Purdy, first 70.00 Second 70.00 Third 70.00 Cochrane, A. 80.00 Second 72.00 Third 72.00 Alma. A. 90 00 First 76.00 Second 77.00 Third 77.00 Nelson, A. 77.00 Second 72.00 Third 72.00 Trevino, A. O. L 85,00 Second O. L : 72.00 Third O. L 72.00 Pepin, A. 80.00 First 73.00 Second 72.00 Third 72.00 Stockholm, A. 80.00 Second O'. 72.00 Maiden Rock. A. 83 00 Second 75.00 Third 75.00 Bay Citv. A. 77.00 Second 73.00 Third 73.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 149 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Hag-er, A. O $ 77.00 Third 70.00 Diamond Bluff, A. 78.00 Second 72.00 Third O 72.00 Losey, D. 72.00 Prescott, A. O '. 90.00 First 75.00 Second 78.00 Third O 78.00 Hastings, A. 85.00 Pulhnan Ave., A. 80.00 St. Paul Parle, A. 78.00 Chelsea, D. 72.00 Oakland, first O. L 85.00 Second O. L 82.00 Third O. L 82.00 Daytons Bluff, D. 90.00 N. 90.00 Minneapolis, D. 92.00 Burlington Division. (;arman, A. T $ 70.00 Lomax, A. T 68.00 Dallas City, A. T 69.00 Colusa, A. T 67.00 Adrian, A. T 67.00 Ferris, A. T 66.00 Carthage, A. T 71.00 T 69.00 Basco, A. T 67.00 West Point, 111., A. T 64.00 Stillwell, A. T 66.00 Loraine, A. T 68.50 Mendon, A. T 66.00 Ursa, A. T 67.00 West Point, la., A. 71.00 Pilot Grove, A. 67.00 Hillsboro, A. 67.00 Stockport, A. 67.00 Birmingham, A. O 67.00 Libertyville, A. 67.00 Roscoe, A. T 64.00 Yarmouth, A. T 67.00 Mt. Union, A. T 75.00 Winfield, A. T 88.00 D. T - 72 00 Noble, A. T 66.00 Coppock, A. T 40.00 Brighton, A. T 77.00 Woolson, A. T 63.00 Packwood, A. T 71.00 Pekin, A. T 64.00 Martinsburg-, A. T 64.00 Hedrick, A. T 71.00 Fremont, A. T 71.00 0.«, T 82.00 Wyman, A. T 67.00 Crawfordsville. A. T 68.00 Washington, T 68.00 Lovilla, A. 68.00 Hamilton, A. 70.00 Bussey, A. 72.00 Tracey, A. 74.00 Harvey, A. 66.00 Flagler. A. 66.00 Knoxville, A 105.00 First 73.00 Second 72.00 Plea.santvllle, A. 74.00 Swan, A. 69.00 Ford, A. O...^ 67.00 Clarkson, A. O. : . 69.00 Des Moines, first 83.00 Second 83.00 Ottumwa Division. Station and Position. Rate per Month. Cameron, A. O $'78.00 Monmouth, first 83.00 Second O 83.00 Third 83.00 Kirkwood, A. 78.00 Second 74.00 Third 74.00 Biggsville, A. O , 78.00 Second O ' '. 74.00 Third 74.00 Gladstone, A. 78.00 Second 75.00 Third O 75.00 Burlington Yard, first 90.00 Second 90.00 Third 90.00 West Burling-ton, A. O 85.00 Second 79.00 Third 79.00 Middletown, A. 78.00 Danville, A. O * 78.00 Second O .. 74.00 Third 72.00 New London, A. O ; 75.00 Second O 77.00 Third 77.00 Mt. Pleasant, first T. C. & 87.00 Second T. C. & 82.00 Third T. C. & 82.00 Mt. Pleasant City, O 69.00' Rome, A. O 78.00 Lockridge, A. 80.00 Second 76.00 Thud 76.00 Glendale, A. 70.00 Beckwith, A. 78.00 Second O 72.00 Fairfield, first T. C. & 87.00 Second T. C. & O 82.00 Third T. C. & 82.00 Bernhart, A. T 69.00 Batavia, A. 78.00 Second O ^. 75.00 Third 75.00 Agency, A. 78.00 Second 74.00 Third 74.00 Ottumwa Yard, first 85.00 Second O * 85.00 Third 85.00 Tower 280, first O. L 76.00 Second O. L 76.00 Third O. L 76.00 Chillicothe, A. 78.00 Dudley, A. 77.00 Second 74.00 Third 74.00 Frederic, A. 78.00 Avery, A. 78 00 Maxon. A 85.00 First O. L 80 00 Second O. L 80.00 Third O. L 80.00 Albia, first T. C. & 87.00 Second T. C. & 83.00 Third T. C. & O 83.00 Tower 307. first O. L 84.00 Second O. L 84.00 Third O. L 84.00 Tyrone, A . 78.00 Melrose. A. 77.00 Second 76.00 Third 76.00 150 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. RusseU, A. O $75.00 Second 74.00 Third O » 72.00 Charlton, first T. C. & 98.00 Second T. C. & 87.00 Third T. C. & 87.00 Whitebreast, first 77.00 Second 77.00 Third 77.00 Troy, first 77.00 Second 77.00 Third 77.00 Lucas, A. O. 78.00 Woodburn, A. 78.00 Second O 74.00 Third 74.00 Osceola, first T. C. & 87.00 Second T. C. & 82.00 Third T. C. & 82.00 Murray, A. 77.00 Second 77.00 Third 77.00 Thayer, A. O , 78.00 Second 72.00 Afton, A 70.00 First 77.00 Second 77.00 Third O 77.00 Lacona, A. 66.00 Milo, A. 67.00 .Ackworth, A 69.00 Indianola, A. O 96.00 Norwalk, A. 68.00 Proel, A. O 66.00 St. Charles, A. 68.00 Truro, A. 68.00 New Virginia, A. O ; 68.00 Jamison, A. 66.00 Leslie, A. 63.00 Decatur City, A. 68.00 Pleasanton, A. 65.00 Cainsville, A. 73.00 Creston Division. Creston Yard Office, O $ 79.00 Cromwell, A. 77.00 D. T 70.00 Prescott, A. 77.00 Second 76.00 Third 75.00 Corning, A 100.00 First 81.00 Second 79.00 Third 77.00 Brooks, A. 80.00 Nodaway, A. 77.00 Second 76.00 Third O 75.00 Villisca, first 85.00 Second O 81.00 Third 80.00 Stanton, A. 77.00 Second 76.00 Third 75.00 Red Oak City Office. 77.00 Red Oak, first O. ' L 88.00 Second O. L 84.00 Third O. L , 83.00 McPherson, A. 80.00 Second 79.00 Third 78.00 Emerson, A. 80.00 Second O ' 79.00 Third 78.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Hastings, A $ 81.00 First 86.00 Second 80.00 Third O 79.00 Malvern, first O^ 85.00 Second 80.00 Third 79.00 Balfour, A. O ^ 80.00 Second 79.00 Third 78.00 Glenwood, first 81.00 Second O .^ 78.00 Pacific Jci.. D. 89.00 First 84.00 Second O ^ . 84.00 Third 80.00 Folsom, A. O 77.00 Island Park, 72.00 65.00 Council Bluffs, first 97.00 Second 88.00 Third 83.00 Kent, A. O 69.00 Lenox, A. 68.00 Second O.. 65.00 Conway. A. O 68.00 Bedford, A. 77.00 First 71.00 Hopkins, A. 80.00 Pickering, A. 68.00 Maryville, first O ' 77.00 Arkoe, A. 67.00 Barnard, A. 72.00 Bolckow, A. 72.00 Rosendale, A. 72.00 Savannah, A. 82.00 Spaulding, A. 64.00 Orient, A. O : 69.00 Greenfield, A. O r. . 79.00 70.00 Fontanelle, A. 75.00 Bridgewater, A. O -. 67.00 Massena, A. 69.00 Cumberland, A. 87.00 Elliott, A. 72.00 Griswold, A 79.00 69.00 Coburg, A. O e'S.OO Essex, A. O...^ 73.00 Shenandoah, first 73.00 6S.00 Farragut, A. 72.00 Riverton, X. 68.00 Henderson. A. 69.00 Macedonia, A. O : 79.00 Randolph, A. 68.00 Anderson, A. Sidney, A. 74.00 Centerville Division. Donnellson, A. O $ 90.00 Farmington. A. 87.00 Mt. Sterling, A. 67.00 Cantril, A. 6700 Milton, A. 80.00 Pulaski, A. 67.00 Eloomfield, A. O 92.00 Moulton, A. 92.00 Exline, A. 81.00 Cincinnati, A. 90.00 Unionville, A. 81.00 O .♦ 75.00 Lemons, A. 67.00 Pollock, A. 67.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 151 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Browning, A. O $ 75.00 Purdin, A. 67.00 Linneus, A. 77.00 Sumner, A. O SO. 00 Hale, A. 75.00 Tina, A. O '. 67.00 Bogard, A. 65.00 Carrollton, A. 102.00 Wayland, A. 67.00 Kahoka, A. 82.00 7.T.0O Luray, A. 67.00 Granger, A. 67.00 Arbela, A. 67.00 Memphis, A. 81.00 O 75.00 Downing, A. 77.00 Lancaster, A. 74.00 Glenwood Jet., A. 79.00 O 75.00 Sedan, A. O 77.00 Centerville, 92.00 Brazil, A. 87.00 Piano. A. 67.00 Promise City, A. 67.00 Corydon, A. 82.00 O 75.00 Cambria, A. 67.00 Humeston, A 100.00 D. 75.00 N. 65.00 Leroy, A. 67.00 Weldon, A. O...'. 67.00 Van Wert, A. 93.00 Grand River, A. 74.00 Ellston, A. 65.00 Tingley, A. 72.00 Diagonal, A. 69.00 Clearfield, A. 87.0C Sharpsburg, A. 62.50 Gravity, A. 67.00 New Market, A. 76.00 Yorktown, A. 62.00 Beardstown Division. East Alton, A. O $ 84.00 Second 70.00 Third 70.00 Brighton, A. 72.00 Second 70.00 Piasa, A. 71.00 Medora, A. 78.00 Rockbridge, A. 75.00 Greenfield, A. 80.00 Second 72.00 Wrights, A. 70.00 Whitehall, first 72.00 Second - O 72.00 West Roodhouse, A. 70.00 Alsey, A. 72.00 Winchester, first 70.00 Second 70.00 Riggston, A. 70.00 Chapin, first 70.00 Second 70.00 Third 70.00 Concord, A. 80.00 Second O / . 75.00 Third 75.00 Block 104. first 66.00 Second 66.00 Third 66.00 Arenzville. A. 80.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Block 107, first O f 69.00 Second 69.00 Third 69.00 Frederick, A. 70.00 Browning, A. 70.00 Second 70.00 Third 70.00 Bader, A. 72.00 Second 70.00 Third 70.00 Astoria, first 71.00 Second 71.00 Third 71.00 Veimont, A 7^00 First 74.00 Second 72.00 Third 72.00 Table Grove, A. 75.00 Adair, A. 72.00 67.00 Walnut Grove, A. 71.00 Youngstown, A. O .'.... 71.00 Swan Creek, A. 72.00 Roseville, A. 75.00 Larchland, A. 71.00 Gerlaw, A. 71.00 Alexis, A. 72.00 North Henderson, A. 72.00 Jacksonville, first T 72.00 Second T 69.00 Third T 68.00 Pisgah, A. T 70.00 Franklin, A. T 75.00 AVaverly, A. T 76.00 First T. L 70.00 Second T. L 70.00 Third T. L 70.00 Lowder, A. T. 71.00 Virden, A. T 90.00 First T ■ 70.00 Second T 70.00 Third T 70.00 Girard, A. T 77.00 T 70.00 Atwater, A. T 72.00 Litchfield, Cash, and T '. 76 00 First T 72.00 Second T : 72 00 Third T 72.00 Walshville, A. T 72.00 Sorento. A. T 77.00 Ayers, first T 62.00 Second T 62. 00 Third T •. 62.00 Smithboro, A 68.00 Keyesport. A. T 72.00 Second T 70.00 Third T 70.00 Shattuc (Joint), A 39.30 Central Yard. firi§t 80.00 Second 80.00 Third 80.00 Centralia, O. T. S 80.00 Woodlawn, A. T. L 76.00 Second T. L 70.00 Third T. L 70.00 Waltonvllle. A. T 72.00 Second T 60.00 Third T ^.. 60.00 Sesser, A. T 92.00 B. and R. Clk 70.00 Second T 70.00 Third T 70.00 152 Schedules and "Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Christopher, first T. L $ 70.00 S_econd T. L 70.00 Third T. L 70.00 West Frankfort Jet., T 62.00 Herrin Jet., first T 70.00 Seeond T 70.00 Third T 70.00 Porman, A. T. L 63.00 Metropolis, A. T 110.00 Seeond T 70.00 Third T 70.00 Hannibal Division. Spring Grove, D. O $ 73.00 Wever, A. 75.00 N. 72.00 Ft. Madison, first 90.00 Second 87.00 Third 87.00 Viele, A. 77.00 Montrose, A. 80.00 Second 75.00 Third 72.00 Keokulc, D. 85.00 Alexandria, A. 79.00 Second 76.00 Third 76.00 Gregory, A. 79.50 Canton, A 73.00 First 80.00 Second 76.00 Third 76.00 LaGrange, A. 77.00 Seeond 75.00 Third 75.00 Bridge Jet. Qcy.. first T 75.00 Second T 75.00 Third T 75.00 Mark, first T 80.00 Seeond T 77.00 Third T 77.00 Helton. N. 73.00 Hannibal Yard, first T 80.00 Second T 80.00 Third T 80.00 Saverton, A. T 74.00 Second T..* 74.00 Third T..". 74.00 Ashburn, A. T 85.00 First T 76.00 Second T 76.00 Third T 76.00 Reading, N. T 73.00 Louisiana, first T 88.00 Second T 80.00 Third T ... 8000 N. T 73.00 Clarksville, A 84.00 First T 80.00 Second T 76.00 Third T 76.00 Kissenger, A. T 79 00 N. T 73.00 Annada, A. T 80.00 Elsberry, A 73 00 First T 80.00 Second T 76.00 Third T 76.00 Foley, A. T 75.00 Second T 73 00 Third T 7.'?. 00 Winfield. A. T - 78.00 Old Monroe, A 80.00 First T 85.00 Second T 85.00 Third T 85.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Firma, D. T $ 73.00 N. T 73.00 Peruque, A. T 79.00 Second T 73.00 Third T 73.00 Orchard Farm, A. T 77.00 Second -T 73.00 Third T 73.00 Machens, A 80.00 First O. L 85.00 Second O. L 85.00 Third O. L 85.00 West Alton. A. T 80.00 Second T 73.00 Third T 73.00 Spanish Lake, A. T 73.00 Baden, first T 73.00 Second T 73.00 Third T 73.00 North St. Louis, first 90.00 Second 90.00 Third 90.00 Mooar, A. O... 75.00 Salem, A. O. .'. 70.00 Ethlyn, A. T 77.00 Moscow, A. T 77.00 South Troy. A. T 77.00 Hawk Point, A. T :. 77.00 New Truxton, A. T 77.00 Bellflower, A. T 80.00 N. T ; 70.0^ Buell, A. T 77.00 Wellsville, A. T 77. OD Martinsburg, A. T 79.00 Francis, first T 85.00 Second T 75.00 Third T 75.00 Brookfield Division. Withers Mill, A. T $ 75.00 Palmyra, A. T 97.00 Palmyra Jet., A. 90.00 Seeond 77.00 Third 77.00 Woodland, A. T 78.00 Ely, A. T 73.00 Second T • 71.00 Monroe, A 93.00 First T. .' : 82.00 Second T 80.00 Third T 80.00 Hunnewell, A. T 84.00 Seeond T 73.00 Th'rd T 73.00 Lakenan, A. T 77.00 Second T 71.00 Shelbina, A 130.00 First T 80.00 Second T 78.00 Third T 78.00 Lentner, A. T 76.00 Second T 71.00 Third T 71.00 Clarence. A 83.00 Fir.=;t T 77.00 Second T ,.. 77.00' Third T 77.00 Anabel. A. T 75.00 Second T 71.00 Maeon. first T 90.00 Second T 80.00, Third T 80.00 Bevier, fir.=t T 78.00 Second T 78.00 Third T 78.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 153 Rate per Station and Position. * Month. Callao, A. T .-. $ 83.00 Second T 73.00 Tiiii d T 73.00 New Cambria, A. T 83.00 Second T 73.00 Third T 73.00 Bucklin. A. T 86.00 Second T 75.00 Third T 75.00 St. Catherine, A. T 75.00 Second T 71.00 Third T 71.00 Laclede, A. 95.00 Second O ^ 78.00 Third 78.00 MeadviUe, .A. 86.00 Second O ., 78.00 Wheeling, A. O 82.00 Second 72.00 Third 72.00 Cream Ridg-e, T 69.00 Chillicothe, first 95.00 Second 80.00 Third 80.00 Utica, A. 77.00 Second 72.00 Mooresville, A. 76.00 Second O ." 71.00 Third 71.00 Breckenridge, A. O S3. 00 Second 73.00 Third O 73.00 Nettleton, A. 74.00 Second O... 71.00 Hamilton, A 100.00 First O ' 77.00 Second 77.00 Third 77.00 Kidder, A. 80.00 Second 71.00 Third 71.00 Cameron, A. O .' 87.00 Cameron Jet., first 92.00 Second 92.00 Third O 92.00 Turney, A. 77.00 Second 72.00 Third 72.00 Lathrop, A. O ■ 86.00 Second 78.00 Third 78.00 Holt. A. 80.00 Second 75.00 Kearney, A. 83.00 Second 76.00 Third 76.00 Chandler. A. 76.00 Second 72.00 Liberty, A 93.00 PMrst 80.00 Second 80.00 Third O 80.00 Birmingham, A 95.00 First O. L ■ 95.00 Second O. L 95.00 Third O. L 95 00 Spilt trick O. L 95.00 Randolph, A. 84.00 Sonond 75.00 Third O .' 75.00 Block 223, first T 70.00 Second T 70.00 Osborn, A. O r 90.60 Second 80.00 Third 80.00 Rate per Station and iPosition. Month. Stewartsville, A. O % 82.00 Second 74.00 Third 74.00 riemple, A. O - 68.00 Easton, A. 78.00 Second 72.00 Saxton, A. 78.00 Second 72.00 Third O 72.00 St. Joseph Division. "RM" Office (K. C), O .$80.00 Murray Tower, O. L 95.00 O. L : 95.00 O. L 95.00 Block 4, 77.00 Parkville, A. 80.00 75.00 72.00 Waldron, A. 80.00 73.00 72.00 Farley, A. O 73.00 B. Leavenworth, A. O -77.00 Beverly, A. 73.00 Weston, A. 87.00 Block 31, 73.00 73.00 73.00 Block 36, 73.00 73.00 73.00 latan, A. 78.00 Armour, 76.00 71.00 O 71.00 Rushville, A. 82.00 Tower 46. O. L 78.00 O. L 78.00 O. L 78.00 Halls. A. O ^ 75.00 So. St. Joseph, A. 75.00 Tower 58, O. L 80.00 O. L 80.00 O. L 80.00 Freight Yards, 6 90.00 88.00 O 88.00 Francis Str., A. 106.00 77.00 Water Works, 66.00 Amazonia, A. 81.00 80.00 O *. 77.00 Nodaway, A. 80.00 77.00 Forbes, A. ■ 83.00 75.00 O 75.00 Forest City, A r. . . 85.00 80.00 75.00 Napier, A. 91.00 85.00 80 00 Bigelow, A. 86.00 71.00 Craig. A. O 80.00 O V ''SOO O * 70.00 Corning, A. 83.00 O 72.00 72.00 Nishnabotna, A. 75.00 154 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Lang-don, A. O $80.00 71.00 Phelps, A. 75.00 Watson, A. 79.00 O 72.00 Hamburg, A 105.00 90.00 82.00 81.00 Payne, A. 77.00 O 72.00 Percival, A. 79.00 McPaul, A. 76.00 65.00 Bartlett, A. 74.00 68.00 Mound City, A. 77.00 65.00 Maitland, A. 76.00 Skidmore, A. O 78.00 Quitman, A. 75.00 Clearmont, A. 70.00 Braddyville, A. O ^ 68.00 Shambaug-h, A. 68.00 Clarinda (WU), Mgr 70.00 Clarinda, 85.00 75.00 Hepburn, A. 67.00 Fairfax, A. O 78.00 Tarkio, A. 80.00 72.00 Westboro, A. 72.00 Northboro, A. 70.00 Coin, A. 75.00 Derby. A. 68.00 Garden Grove, A. 72.00 Leon. A 105.00 75.00 75.00 Davis City, A. 78.00 65.00 Andover, A. 68.00 Blythedtle, A. 72.00 Ridgeway, A. O 72.00 Bethany, A. 105.00 70.00 New Hampton, A. 70.00 Albany, A. O 105.00 72.00 Ford City, A. 70.00 King City, A. 72.00 67.00 Union Star, A. 72.00 Helena, A. 70.00 Cosby, A. 68.00 Lamoni, A. 69.00 Kellerton, A. 73.00 Mt. Ayr, A. 95.00 65.00 Delphcs, A. O 70.00 Redding. A. 68.00 Grant City, A. 72.00 Worth, A. 70.00 Gentry. A. 72.00 Omaha Division. Omaha Pass. Station, first O $ 80.00 Second 80.00 Third 80.00 Plattsmouth, A 98.00 First O. ; 88.00 Second O ' 83.00 Third O., 83.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Oreapolis, first O. L $ 86.00 Second O. L 83.00 Third O. L 83.00 LaPlatte, A. T 75.00 Bellevue, A. T 73.00 Gibson, first T 82.00 Second T 77.00 Third T 77.00 South Omaha, first T. and Cash 80.00 Second T. and Cash 77.00 Third T. and Cash , 77.00 South Omaha Yard, T 88.00 Ralston, A. T 78.00 Chalco, A. T 77.00 Second T 68.00 Gretna, A. T ■ 75.00 Second T ' 68.00 Melia, A. T 72.00 Ashland, first 90.00 Second 90.00 Third 90.00 Greenwood, A. T 80.00 Second T 70.00 Third T 70.00 Waverly, A 75.00 First T 72.00 Second T 70.00 Third T..' 70.00 Havelock, first T. and Cash 80.00 Cedar Creek, A. T 82.00 Louisville, A. T 82.00 O 70.00 So. Bend, A. T 75.00 Memphis, A. T 70.00 Ithaca, A. T 68.00 Wahoo, A. T 87.00 Malmo, A. T 68.00 Prague, A. T 70.00 Edholm, A. T 63.00 Schuyler, T 65" 00 Wann, A. 78.00 Yutan, A. 78.00 Leshara, A. 77.00 Fremont, O. and Clerk 90 00 Nickerson, A. 77.00 Win.slow, A. 77.00 Uehling, A. O 81.00 Oakland. A 82.00 O. and Clerk 75.00 Lyons. A. O.^ 83.00 Ro.tsalie. A. 80.00 Walthill, A. 77.00 75.00 Winnebago, A. 80.00 Homer, A. 80.00 Dakota City, A. 80.00 So. Sioux City, A. T 70.00 Jackson, A. 72.00 Goodwin, A. 70.00 Waterbury, A. 70.00 Allen, A. O. 72.00 Dixon, A. 70.00 Laurel, A. 78.00 Belden, A. O 73.00 Randolph, A. 80.00 McLean, A. 70.00 Osmond, A. 74.00 75 00 Breslau, A. 70.00 Plainview, A. 78.00 Brunswick, A. 70.00 Royal, A. 70.00 Orchard, A. 72.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 155 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Page, A. O $ 73.00 O'Neill, A. 92.00 Lincoln Division. Lincoln Yard, first T $ 90.00 Second T 90.00 Third T 90.00 Cobb, T 80.00 Second T 80.00 Third T 77.00 Denton, A. T 80.00 Berks, A. T 77.00 Crete, first 82.00 Second 82.00 Third 82.00 Dorchester, A. T 77.00 N. T 75. '0 Friend. A. T 82.00 First T 80.00 Exeter, A. T 87.00 Exeter Tower, first T. L 72 00 Second T. L 72.00 Third T. L 72.00 Fairmont, A. O 80.00 First O 82.00 Second 80.00 Third 80.00 Grafton, A. T 82.00 Sutton, A 80 00 First O J... 82.00 Second 80.00 Third O : 80.00 Saronville, A. T 80.00 Harvard. A. T 92.00 Harvard Tower, first T. L 72.00 Second T. L 72.00 Third T. L 72.00 Inland. A. T 80.00 HastinsK Station, first O ' 90.00 Second 90 00 Hastings Yard, first 90.00 Second 90.00 Third 90.00 Juniata, A. T 82.00 Kenesaw, A. 82.00 Second O 80.00 Third O 78.00 Lowell, A. T 63.00 Kearney, T. and Cash 90.00 Cushman, first T 80.00 Second T 80.00 Th'rd T 77.00 Emerald, T " 78.00 Pleasant Dale, A. T 78.00 Milford, A. T 83.00 Second T 78.00 Third T : 78.00 Seward, first T. and C 85 00 Second T 82.00 Third T 82.00 Seward Tower, D. L 68.00 N. L 68.00 Tamora, A. T 77.00 TJtlca, A. T 87.00 Second T 78.00 Third T 78.00 Waco. A. T 77.00 York Tower, D. L .■ 68.00 N. L 68.00 York, first T. and C 86.00 Second T 82.00 Third T 82.00 Bradshaw, A. T 82.00 Hampton, A. T 78.00 Second T 78.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Aurora, first T $ 85.00 Second T 87.00 Third T 87.00 Murphy, A. T 75.00 Phillips, A. T 80.00 Grand Island, first T 87.00 Second T 85.00 Third T 85.00 Cairo, A. T 80.00 Second T 80.00 St. Michael, A. T 77.00 Ravenna, first 87.00 Second 90.00 Third 90.00 Giltner. A. T 72.00 Trumbull, A. T 72.00 ■Malcolm.- A. T 68.00 Germantown, A, T 68.00 Stapleliurst, A. T 72.00 Ulysses, A. T ' 72.00 Garrison. A. T 72.00 David City. T. & C 75.00 Bellwx)od, A. T 70.00 Columbus. T. & Cash 82.00 Marquette, A. 70.00 Central City, O. & C 80.00 Archer, A. 68.00 Palmer, A. O < 82,00 ru<=hine-. A. O ; 68.00 Wolbach, A. 7200 Brayton, A. T , 65.00 Greeley Center, A. 72.00 PTor-c. A . o 67.00 Ord, A. 85.00 O. & C ' 80.00 Flyna. A. T 65.00 Burwell. A. 80.00 Ericson. A. T 68 00 St. Paul, A. 85.00 78.00 Farwell, A. 70.00 Ashton. A. 72.00 Loup Citv. A. 80.00 O. & C 74 00 A rcadia. A. O ,, . 70.00 Com.'^tock, A. 70.00 Sar.eent. A. 82.00 O. C 75.00 Benedict, A. T 72 00 McCnol .Tct., A. 77 00 Lushton, A. O 68. OD Verona. A. 68 00 Clay Center, A. 77.00 O. & C 75.00 Sorine- Ranch, A. T 68 00 Pauline. A. O 70 00 Rocipiand, A. 7000 Hol.stein, A. O 70.00 Norman. A. 68.00 So. Minden. A. 75.00 Keene, A. 68.00 Ras-an. A. 68.00 Huntley. A. 68.00 Wymore Division. A.tchi.son, D. O $ 85.00 Doniphan. A. T 63.00 Troy ,Tct., A. T 62.00 Iowa Point, A. T 62.00 Spark."?. A. T 62.00 White Cloud, A. 80.00 Fortescue. A. 80.00 N. 76.00 156 ScheduijEs and Wage Scales. ' Rate per Station and Position. Month. Rulo, a: O $ 88.00 Second 82.00 Third 77.00 Preston, A. 80.00 Falls City, C. & 95.00 Second 86.00 Third O 86.00 Salem. A. 86.00 N. 78.00 Dawson, A. 85.00 N. 77.00 Humboldt. A ' 86.00 O. & C 88.00 Second O , 82.00 Third 80.00 Table Rock, A 92.00 O. & Clk 92.00 Second 89.00 Third 89.00 Pawnee, O. & Cash 88.00 Second 77.00 Burchard, A. 80.00 Armour, A. 77.00 Liberty, A. 84.00 Odell. A. T 84.00 Diller, A. T 82.00 Endicott, A. 83.00 Helvey, A. O ' 65.00 Daykin, A. 69.00 MilUgan, A. 67.00 Burress, A. T 52.00 Kesterson, A. T 77.00 Thompson, A. T ; 76.00 Reynolds, A. T 82.00 Hubbell, A. T 82.00 Chester, A. O : 85.00 T. & C 78.00 Byron, A. T 78.00 Hardy, A. T «5.00 Superior, C. & 92.00 . Second 78.00 Third 76.00 Bostwick, A. T 78.00 Guide Rock, A. T 78.00 Brownville, A. 75.00 Peru, A. 74.00 Neb. City, O. & C 91.00 Second 79.00 Third 76.00 Dunbar, A. O 79.00 Syracuse, A. 80.00 O. & C 76.00 Unadilla, A. 75.00 Palmyra, A. 75.00 Bennett, A. 75.00 Cheneys, A. 72.00 Verdon, A. 70.00 Shubert, A. 70.00 Nemaha, A.-O 75.00 Auburn, O. & Clk 80.00 Johnson, A. 75.00 Graf, A. 70.00 Vesta, A. O 72.00 Crab Orchard, A. 72.00 Filler. A.' 72.00 Elk Creek, A. 84.00 Tecumseh. A 85.00 C. & 96.00 Second 82.00 Smartville, A. 78.00 Sterling, A. O - 90.00 Adams, A. O 90.00 Firth. A. O 90.00 Second 77.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Hickman, A. O $ 90.00 Roca, A. O ;... 82.00 Wilber, A. O 85.00 Dewitt, A. 90.00 Hoag, A. T 64.00 Beatrice, O. & C 85.00 Blue Springs, A. T 67.00 Lanham, A. T 70.00 Hanover, A. T 80.00 Washington, A 105.00 D. T 74.00 Morrow, A. T 74.00 Haddam, A. T 75.00 Cuba, A. T 73.00 "Wayne, A. T 67.00 Hollis, A. T 62.00 Concordia, T. & C 80.00 Geneva, A. O. 93.00 o. & c ..- :... 80.00 Bruning, A. O 77.00 Hebron. A. 93.00 O. & C 80.00 Belvdere. A. O., 74.00 Stoddard, A. T 54.00 Angus, A. 68.00 Nelson, A. 84.00 O. & C 77.00 Smyrna, A. T 62.00 Swanton, A. 72.00 Western, A. 72.00 Tobias, A. 80.00 Ohiowa, A. 72.00 Strang, A. O 72.00 Shickley, A. 73.00 Ong, A. 70.00 Edgar, A. 98.00 O. & C 82.00 Deweese. A: 72.00 Lawrence, A. 80.00 Rosemont. A. 70.00 Bladen. A. 73.00 Campbell, A. 73.00 Upland. A. 73.00 Hildreth, A. 73.00 Wilcox, A. 78.00 Sacramento, A. T 52.00 McCook Division. Heartwell, A. O $ ^5 no Minden, A. 75.00 First 84.00 Second O • 82.t)0 Third O -, 82.00 Axtell,' A. O. 80.00 Funk, A. 80.00 Holdrege, first 87.00 Second 88.00 Third 88.00 Atlanta, A. 78.00 Mascot, A. 82.00 Oxford. A. 89.00 First 88.00 Second 88.00 Third O 88.00 Edison. A. 78.00 N. 78.00 Arapahoe. A. O. 80.00 Second 79. 00 Third O 79.00 Holbrook. A. 80 00 Cambridge. A. 80.00 Second 79.00 Third O 79.00 Bartley, A. 78.00 N. 78.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 157 Rate ppr Station and Position. Month. rndianola, A. O $ 80.00 Second 80.00 Third 80.00 Culbertson, A. 80.00 Second 6 82.00 Third O.. .* 82.00 Trenton, A. O..' 81.00 Second 80.00 Third 78.00 Stratton, A. 80.00 Second 80.00 Third O ^ 78.00 Max, A. O 80.00 Benkelman, A. 76.00 Second 80.00 Third O -. 80.00 Parks, A. 80. »0 N". O 80.00 Hai&ler. A. 80.00 Second- O '. -. 80.00 Third O - 80.00 Laird, A. 80.00 "Wray, A. O. 76.00 First p - 80.00 Second 83.00 Third O 83.00 Eckley, A. O v 82.00 Second 0..r-. .-.' 82.00 Third 82.00 Yuma. A. O '. 83.00 Second 81.00 Third 81.00 Otis, A. O 82.00 Second 80 00 Third O 78.00 Akron, first O. & Cash 93.00 Second O > 91.00 Third 91.00 Pinneo. A. 80.00 Brush, first O. & Cash 90.00 Second 90.00 Third 90.00 Ft. Morg-an, first O. & Cash 91.00 Second 88.00 Third 88.00 Wig-gins, A. O •. 80.00 Second 80.00 Third 80 00 Crest, A. 80.00 Rogcren. A. 82.00 Second O. .^ 80.00 Third 80.00 Keene.sburg', A. 80.00 Second 80.00 Hudson. A. 83.00 Second 82.00 Third O 82.00 Barr. A. O 80.00 Second 78.00 Derby, A. 80.00 Second 80.00 Denve- VarcT 31st St.. Clk & 92.00 Denver Yard. 23d St., C. & 87,00 Burns Jet., A. 84.00 Lafayette, A. 105.00 O 82.00 Erie, A. O -. 85.00 LongTTiont, O. & C '. . 95.00 Lyons. A. O : 95.00 O ; 75.00 Ayr, A. 78.00 Blue Hill, A. 78.00 Cowles, A. 78.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Red Cloud, first O. & Cash $ 90-00 Second O gTC.OO Third 88.00 Inavale, A. O 82.00 Rlverton, A. 82.00 Franklin, A. 77.00 78.00 Bloomington, A. 82.00 Naponee, A. 82.00 Republican, A. 92.00 First 83.00 Second O ^ 83.00 Alma. A. 75.00 First O....^ 80.00 Second O -. 80.00 Orleans, A. 92.00 Second 83.00 Third 83.00 Wo'odruff, A. 78.00 Long Island, A. 77.00 Almena, A. 82.00 Norton. C. 85.00 OronoQue, A. 77.00 Norcatur. A. 73.00 Kanona, A. 75.00 Oberlin, A. 77.00 Stamford; A. 73.00 Beaver City, A. 73.00 O. Clk 75.00 Hendley, A. O ' 73.00 Wilsonville, A. 73.00 Lebanon, A. 76.00 Danbury, A. 74.00 Marion, A. 75.00 Cedar Bluffs, A. 73.00 Traer. A. O 75.00 Herndon, A. O 76.00 Ludell, A. 74.00 Atwood, A. 74.00 IMcDonald, A. 73.00 Bird City, A. 74.00 St. Francis, A. 82.00 O. Clk 75.00 Palisade, A. T 77.00 Wauneta, A. T 75.00 Imperial, A. T 82.00 Alliance Division. Sweetwater, A. O $ 82.00 Hazard. A. 82.00 Litchfield. A. 85.00 Second 82.00 Third O 82.00 Mason. A. O 85.00 Ansley, A. 82.00 Second 82.00 Third 82.00 Berwyn, A. 82.00 Broken Bow, A 85.00 First 90.00 Second 90.00 Third 90.00 Merna, A. O. . 88.00 Second O 82.00 An.'5elnio. A. 82.00 Second O 82.00 Third 82.00 Dunning, A. O 85.00 Second 82.00 Halsey, A. O 82.00 Second 82.00 Third O 82.00 Thedford. A. 85 00 Second 82.00 Third 82.00 158 SCHEDUI.ES AND WaGE ScALES. Rate Der Station and Position. il^onth. Seneca, A $100.00 First O • 95.00 Second 95.00 Third O 95.00 Mullen, A. 85.00 Second 82.00 Hecla, A. 82.00 Second 82.00 Third 82.00 Whitman, A. 85.00 Second 82.00 Third 82.00 Hyannis, A. 85.00 Second O 82.00 Third 82.00 Ashby, A. 82.00 Bing-ham, A. 82.00 Ellsworth, A. 85.00 Second 82.00 Third 82.00 Lakeside, A. 83.00 Second 82.00 Third O. 82.00 Antioch. A '. 82.00 First 82.00 Second O : 82.00 Third 82.00 Hoff'and. A 82.00 First O y 82.00 Heminsford, A , 82.00 First 82.00 Second O. 82.00 Third 82.00 Marsland, A. 82.00 Second 82.00 Third 82.00 Belmont, A. 82.00 Second 82.00 Third O ^. 82.00 Rutland, first 82.00 Second 82.00 Crawford, first 98.00 Second 98.00 Third 98.00 Orel'a. A. 82.00 Second 82.00 Third 82 00 Ardmore, A. 82.00 - Second 82 00 Third 82.00 Provo. A. 82 00 Second 82.00 Third 82 00 Edg-emont. first O 100 00 Second 100.00 Third 100 00 Fourth O 92.50 Fifth O 92.50 Minnelcahta. A. 77.00 Hot Springrs, A , 87.00 D. O.. 85 no Prme-le. A. 79.00 Cu.ster, A. 85.00 Hill City. A. O.. 85 00 Mystic. A. 85.00 Keystone, A. 77.00 Eng-lewood, A. O .■<. 103.00 Pluma, A. 87.00 Terry, A. O 77.00 Spearflsh, A. 80.00 Nemo, A. 77. 00 Rochford, A. 79.00 Lead, D. 90.00 Sheridan Division. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Dewey, A. O % 82.00 Second 82.00 Clifton, first 82.00 Second O 82.00 Third 82.00 Cambria, A. O 80.00 Newcastle, first 95.00 Second O 95.00 Third 95.00 Osag-e, D. 84.00 Upton, A. 82.00 Second 90.00 Third 90.00 Moorcroft, A 82.00 First 90.00 Second 90".00 Third 90.00 Rozet, A. O. 82.50 Second 82.00 Gillette, first 100.00 Second 100.00 Third 100.00 Oriva, first 82.00 Second 82.00 Third 82.00 Felix. A. 82.00 Echeta, A. O 82.00 Second 82.00 Third 82.00 Aryada, A. 82.00 Second 82.00 Third 82,00 Clearmont, A 82.00 O. C ' 97.00 Second 90.00 Third 90.01) Ulm. A. O. . . .'. ;' 85.00 Second 85.00 Third 85.00 Verona. A. 85 00 Second 85.00 Third 85.00 Dietz, A. 1 105.00 Second 90.00 Alg-er, A 120 00 First 100.00 Second 92.00 Third 90.00 Ranchester, A. O "" 85.00 Second 85.00 Third 85.00 Parkman, A. O 83.00 Second 84.00 Third 84.00 Wyola, A. 83.00 Second 82.00 Third 82.00 Lodg-egrass, A. 78.00 Tonia, 82.00 Crow Ag-ency, A. 84.00 Second O 85 00 Third 85 00 Hardin, A 78.00 First 90.00 Second 90 00 Third 90 00 Tohica, A. 85.00 Second O ; 85,00 Corinth, A. 85 00 Second 85.00 Ballantine, A. 80.00 Sterling Division. Looinis. A. O $ 70.00 Bertrand, A. 70.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 159 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Smithfleld, A. O $ 70.00 Elwogd, A. 70.00 Eustis, A 70.00 Farfiam, A. O ' 70.00 Moorefield, A. 70.00 Curtis, D. O. Cash 83.50 N. 80.00 Maywood, A. 70.00 Wellfleet, A. 70.00 Dickens, A. 70.00 Wallace, A. 70.00 Madrid, A. 70.00 Elsie, A. 70.00 Grant, A. 70.00 Venango, A. 70.00 Amherst, A. 70.00 Holyoke, A. 70.00 D. 80.00 Paoli, A. 70.00 Haxtun, A. 70.00 Fleming, A. 70.00 Stoneham, A. 70.00 Raymer, A. 70.00 Keota, A. 70.00 Grover, A. 70.00 Carpenter, A. O ; 70.Qfl Hillrose, A. 75.00 Padroni, A. 70.00 Peetz, A. O , 80.00 Sidney, O, & Clk ' 80 00 Second 80.01 Third 80.00 Gurley, A. O ; 75.00 Dalton, A. 76.00 Bridgeport, O. & Clk 87.00 Second 87.00 Third O. 87.00 Angora, A, 75.00 80.00 Bayard, A. 75.00 First 80.00 Second 80.00 Minatare, A. 75.00 O .' 80.00 Scottsbluff, first 80.00 Second 80.00 Mitchell, A. 75.00 80.00 Morrill. A. 75.00 First O : 80.00 Second 80.00 Henry. A. 75.00 Torrington, A. O : 75.00 First 80.00 Second 80.00 Lingle, A. 75.00 Ft. Laramie, A. 75.00 Guernsey, O. & Clk 87.00 Second 87.00 Third 87.00 Casper Division. East Bridger, A. O $ 83.00 Warren, A. 83.00 Frannie, A 88.00 First 85.00 Second 85.0T) Third* 85.00 Cody, A 82.00 Cash. 90.00 Powell, A. 80.00 Cash. 90.00 Garland, A. 83.00 Cowley, A. 83.00 83.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Lovell, A ^ >. $ 80.00 83.00 83.00 Kane, A. 80.00 Greybull, A 87.00 First 86.00 Second 86.00 Third 86.00 Basin, A 80.00 First 85.00 Second 83.00 Manderson, ,A. 83.00 83.00 Worland, A 85.00 First 83.00 Second 83.00 Chatham, A. 83.00 Kirby, A 90.00 First O 87.00 Second 87.00 Third 87.00 Thermopolis, A 85.00 First 85.00 Second 83.00 Bonneville, A 86.00 First 83.00 Second 83.00 Third 83.00 Lysite, A. 80.00 Arminto, A. 83.00 Second 83.00 Third 83.00 Powder River, A. 83.00 O 83.00 Bucknum, A. 83.00 Glencross, 83.00 Douglas, first O. Cash 95.00 Second 83.00 Third 83.00 Glendo. A. O 80.00 O 80.00 Wendover, A 90.00 First 85.00 Second 85.00 Third 85.00 RULE ir. When new positions are created, they will be added t» the list covered by Rule I, and compensation will be arranged in conformity with positions of the same class shown In this schedule. The rates so made to be sub- ject to revision by agreement, if appeal is made within 30 days. ROAD DIVISION RULES. RULE III. Working Hours. Ca) At offices where but one telegrapher is employed, ten consecutive hours, com- mencing between 5:30 and 8:30 a. m. or p. m., including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. (b> At offices where two telegraphers are employed covering a period not exceeding thirteen hours, ten consecutive hours, com- mencing between 5:30 and 8:30 a. m. or p. m.. and including a meal hour, will con- stitute a day's work. (c) At oflnces where two telegraphers are employed, working a portion of the day and a portion of the night a total of more than 160 Schedules and Wage Scales. thirteen hours, nine consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. (d; At offices where three or more teleg- raphers are employed, eight consecutive hours will constitute a day's work, first trick to commence at or between 7:00 and 8:00 a. m. (e> Agent-operators not required to re- ceive or transmit train orders or block trains will not be counted under sections (a), (b), (c) and (d) but will come within the pro- visions of section (a). Levermen. (f) Twelve consecutive hours will consti- tute i day's work for levermen who do r.o wire work. (g) Except as hereinbefore provided, a regular working day shall consist of eleven consecutive hours, including a meal hour, generally from 7:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m., or from 7:00 p. m. to 6:00 a. m. RULE IV. Meal Hour. (a) Day or night telegraphers, except those also performing the duties of lever- men, who work in excess of 9 consecutive hours and not allowed one hour for meal between 11:30 and 2 o'clock noon or mid- night, will receive one hour overtime for each meal hour missed within the time specified, when held on duty by proper au- thority. (b) When the meal hour is worked 30 minutes will be given for lunch at the first opportunity. When the hours are assigned the meal hour will be designated. RULE V. Working Hours. The arrangement of . working hours on road divisions to be the same each day of the "week, excepting as provided for in the Sunday rule, and not subject to change to avoid overtime. RULE VI. Temporary Offices. Telegraphers performing duties at tem- porary offices, wrecks, washouts, slides, snow bloclcades or other similar emergency offices, will receive a minimum of $2.75 per day of eight hours or less and overtime at regular overtime rates, and actual living expenses while away from home. Time will be computed from time they start until they return, except for such time as they may be relieved from duty. RULE VII. Pumps. (a) If telegraphers are required to run pumps they will be paid $7.50 per month for gasoline pumps and $10.00 per month for steam pumps in addition to their regular pay. Crossing Gates. (b) Telegraphers operating crossing gates (except gates operated electrically) for two hours or more per day will receive $3.00 per month in addition to their regular pay. RULE VIII. Tending Lights. At stations where section men, porters, or helpers are employed, telegraphers will not be required to tend switch, crossings gate, home or distant semaphore lights. Telegraphers are required to care for train order signal lights on one mast only. Where there are more than two of these lights at any station, telegraphers will be relieved of the work or paid for excess number of lights at the rate specified herein. At stations where there are no other em- ployes, telegraphers may be required to care for two switch or semaphore lights without additional compensation. When more than two are required to be cared for, they will be paid 50 cents per month per light for such additional lights. Telegiaphers may be required to extin- any train order and block signal lights when station is closed. Night telegraphers are expected to relight any switch or semaphore lamp that may be- come extinguished at night. RULE IX. " Train Orders. The handling of train orders at stations where a telegrapher is employed will be confined to employes covered by this sched- ule and train dispatchers, provided the teleg- rapher can be promptly located and is available. RULE X. Working Hours Changed. When positions are changed from basis of one number of hours to another number of hours constituting a day's work, the rate of pay will be adjusted to conform to positions of the same class an(J basis on that division. RULE XI. Reduction of Office Force. When reducing the force in a road divi- sion office, the service of the youngest teleg- rapher will, other things being equal,. be dis- pensed with first. Telegraphers whose services are thus dis- pensed with shall retain their road division seniority rights provided they re-enter the service within six months, and provided they keep the superintendent informed of their address and are ready to respond promptly when called. RULE XII. Vacancies, Relief Agent or Telegrapher. When vacancies occur, or additional posi- tion of relief agent or telegrapher is created, notice of same will be furnished all teleg- raphers in order that they may present their applications for consideration. RULE XIII. Relief Work by Assigned Telegrapher. Assigned telegraphers will not be required to do relief work except in case of emer- gency. When required to perform such serv- ice at other than the station to which they aj-e assigned, they will suffer no loss of com- pensation in changing from one position to another and will receive the compensation of the positions in which they do relief work, but not less than $1 per day greater Schedules and Wage Scales. 161 than the compensation of their assigned positions. Tliis does not apply to telegra- phers who voluntarily accept relief worlc. RULE XIV. Relief Work by Extra Men. Extra men other than relief agents will receive the same rate of pay as the men they relieve. Extra telegraphers who have performed Initial service, transferred to another posi- tion by proper authority, will be paid under Rule XXVII but not less than 35 cents per hour for actual time consumed in dead- heading. RULE XV. Auditor's Check. Telegraphers desiring to be checked In by an auditor after reporting for duty fol- lowing a leave of absence will give the proper ofllcer notice of such desire. If check is delayed beyond five days the telegrapher will be paid for all time held out of sersrice on that account. RULE XVI. Transfers. \\'hen telegraphers are transferred to ac- cept bulletined positions, incoming and out- going telegraphers will be allowed pay for the day on which transfer is made, at old and new position, on basis of pay o'f position vacated, except that in case the telegrapher transferred works both old and new position in same day, but one day's pay will be al- lowed. Incoming telegraphers held by order of the company awaiting check will be paid salary of position they are leaving for time so held. RULE XVII. Care of Stations. • Telegraphers will not be required to shovel snow, mow lawns or scrub out-buildings. Telegraphers will not be required to scrub stations. This will not apply to block offices and cabins nor to certain stations where the duties are particularly light. Telegraphers will see that their station.s are kept neat and clean. RULE XVIII. Service Records. Service records of telegraphers of road divisions will be kept in the office of the division superintendents, where telegraphers will be accorded the privilege of inspecting their individual record. RELAY DIVISION RULES. RULE XIX. Working Hours. Eight consecutive hours will constitute a day's work for telegraphers in relay offices, provided those whose hours of service are between 7 a. m. and 6 p. m. may be given a designated meal hour, which will not be counted, beginning between 11:30 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Meal Hour. The meal hour will be given at the desig- nated time each day except in case of emergency. RULE XX. Seniority. Office seniority will rule in all offices under the Jurisdiction of the superintendent of tel- egraph, and the vacant position in each office will be bulletined. Relay seniority rights will extend over the entire relay division. RULE. XXI. Reduction of Force. When reducing force in a relay office, relay division seniority will govern and a telegrapher so reduced will have the right to displace the youngest telegrapher holding a regular position in the relay division. Telegraphers whose services are thus dis- pensed with shall retain relay division seniority rights provided they re-enter the service within six months, and provided they keep the superintendent of telegraph in- formed of their address and are ready to respond promptly when called. RULE XXII. Service Record. Service records of telegraphers of relay division will be kept in the office of the superintendent of telegraph, where telegra- phers will be accorded the privilege of in- specting their individual record. GENERAL RULES. RULE XXIII. Overtime. (a) Except as hereinafter provided for extra calls, overtime will be paid all telegraphers required to remain on duty by proper author- ity in excess of regularly established hours, with a minimum rate of 50 cents pef hour for telegraphers in relay offices, and 35 cents per hour for other telegraphers; except where schedule rate pro rata is greater, when the schedule rate will apply. In computing overtime 30 minutes or less will not be counted; over 30 minutes will be counted one hour. Time over one hour to be computed to the nearest half hour. (b) Telegraphers will be notified by the proper officiaUwithout delay when claim for overtime or for compensation on any other account is disallowed. RULE XXIV. Calls. Telegraphers called outside of their regu- lar hours will be allowed 65' cents for the first hour, or any part thereof, and 35 cents for each additional hour, except in relay offices they will receive 50 cents for each additional hour. RULE XXV. Sunday Hours. (a) So far as possible telegraphers will be excused from duty on Sunday. (b) Telegraphers in relay offices required to work on Sunday or a holiday will be paid pro rata for all Sunday and holiday work. All Sunday and holiday work to be consecu- tive. Holidays referred to are New Tear's, July 4th, Thanksgiving and Christmas. 162 Schedules and Wage Scales. (cj Telegraphers in offices other than those covered in section (b> required to perform any service on Sunday, will be allowed extra pay pro rata, with a minimum of one hour for each time they are required to report, for all Sunday work within the assigned Sunday hours, assigned Sunday hours to be within the spread of the week-day assign- ment. For aJl service on Sunday outside of the assigned Sunday hours they will be allowed overtiine as per overtime rules. RULE XX»VI. Attending Court. Telegraphers attending court or inquest under instructions from the superintendent will be paid full time for time lost, and living expenses if away from home; if no time is lost actual time at their overtime rates will be allowed while so engaged out- side their working hours; the company to receive the witness fee. Telegraphers at- tending company investigations will be paid full rates for time lost when not found at fault. RULE XXVII. Company Transfers. Telegraphers transferred by order of the company will be paid pro rata for thef time necessary to make the change on basis of position vacated. I RULE XXVIII. Fines. Telegraphers will not be required to pay fines on account of breakage. RULE XXIX. Vacancies and Promotions. When vacancies occur or new positions are created they will be bulletined within 5 days to all offices on the division, and will be filled within 25 days by promotion of telegraphers on their respective divisions in accordance with the following conditions: Seniority in service. Fitness for position, Previous record for faithful service. Other things being equal, seniority will govern. Telegraphers must file applications within iO days of the date of the bulletin. Telegraphers may accept any position bul- letined to which by seniority rights under provisions of this rule they may be entitled. RULE XXX. Seniority. Seniority will be effective only when vacancies occur or new positions are created, except that a telegrapher losing his assigned position in the road service through no fault of his own will have the right, if older in the service and ability is sufficient, to dis- place the youngest telegrapher in the service on that division, provided that such telegra- pher has not to exceed one year's seniority rights. RULE XXXI. Seniority Rights. (a> Seniority rights will date from the last time of entering the service, and will extend over each division superintendent's district only. (h) A telegrapher covered by this agree- ment accepting an official position with the railroad company, or with the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, will retain his sen- iority rights on hie division and may by the consent of the management return to the position he vacated, during the incumbency of the official position. (c) Telegraphers desiring positions in re- lay division may file applications for same with superintendent of telegraph. Road division men accepting' positions in relay offices or relay division telegraphers accepting positions on. road divisions will retain their seniority rights on division from which promoted for a period of one year. RULE XXXII. Positions Reopened. Where a position has been closed three months or the incumbent thereof has been regularly assigned to another position, the position will be bulletined as per Rule XXIX when reopened for business. RULE XXXIII. Notice of Selection. The proper official will advise the local chairman of all applications received and the name of the person selected. If any telegrapher declines to accept promotions offered him he will not lose his seniority rights thereby. RULE XXXIV. Telegrapher Not Qualified. When a telegrapher is transferred, and after a fair trial is found not qualified for the position, he will be placed on the extra list, but Avill retain his seniority. RULE XXXV. Employment of Additional Telegraphers. (a) When it becomes necessary to employ additional telegraphers superintendents will, at then- discretion, and so far as practicable, employ telegraphers from other divisions of the system who are satisfactory and have a sood record. Vacancies in Non-Scheduled Positions. (b) Vacancies in non-scheduled positions in the station service will be filled as far as practicable by telegraphers on their respec- tive divisions. Vacancies in non-scheduled positions in the relay service will be filled as far as prac- ticable by telegraphers in the relay division. RULE XXXVI. Additional Telegraphers, Relay Service. Additicnal telegraphers will not be em- ployed in the relay service when positions can be filled by* telegraphers from road divisions. RULE XXXVII. Trading Positions. Trading positions will not be permitted either in relay division or on road divisions. * RULE XXXVIII. Revised Seniority List. " A revised seniority list of telegraphers of each division will be furnished the general Schedules and Wage Scales. 16::; chairman and the local chairmen on July 1st of each year. RULE XXXIX. Discipline. In case of suspension or discharge of any telegrapher, he may, if he desires, have a thorough investigation by the proper officers. Such desire shall be signified in writing within 10 days of the date of suspension or discharge, and the investigation shall be begun as soon as possible, but within 10 days of such rtotice, and proceed with as little interruption as may be until com- pleted. The telegrapher shall have full op- portvmity to present his case and offer testi- mony, and may be accompanied by a fellow employe. If the suspension or dismissal shall be found to have been without just cause, the telegrapher shall be reinstated and paid for the time lost. RULE XL. Service Letters. When telegraphers who have been in the .service three months or more leave the service, they shall, if they so desire, be furnished a letter stating time, kind and character of service, and whether leaving on account of resignation or dismissal. RULE XLI. Vacations. Telegraphers serving continuously two years or more as such, who are required to work ten or more hours and whose bul- letined hours include Sunday service will be granted seven days' vacation annually with full pay as per scheduled rates covering position occupied; and if such vacation is not granted, will receive in lieu thereof one- half such pay for seven days. RULE XLII. ' Supplying Schedules. Telegraphers will be furnished a copy of this schedule and wage scale. RULE XLIII. Date Effective and Duration. The above agreement as to rules and rates of pay shall be effective from August 1, 1917. and under mediation agreement will continue in force for one year from Novena- ber 22, 1917, and thereafter subject to thirty days' notice by either party to the other. A<;cepted by: L. B. ALLEN, General Manager, Lines East. G. W. HOLDREGE, General Manager, Lines West. For the Company. W. F. DENTON, General Chairman. J. H. ROGERS, Jr., General Secretary and Treasurer. For the Telegraphers. Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad No. 7. The rates of pay as shown and the fol- lowing rules govern the compensation and the service of Telegraphers employed by the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad, the rates of pay being effective February 1, 1917, and the rules July 1, 1917. ARTICLE I. Telegraphers Defined. All employes performing the duties of a telegrapher or telephoner, except train dis- patchers, whether termed telegraphers, tele- phoners, agent-telegraphers, or otherwise; also such agents and levermen and other employes as are specified in the wage scale will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of this agreement. ARTICLE IT. Basis of Day. (a) Where but one telegrapher is employed in 24 hours, eleven consecutive hour.?, in- cluding meal hour;, commencing between fiiOO and 8:00 a. m. or 6:00 and 8:00 p. m..' will constitute a day's work, except as pro- vided in paragraph (d). This paragraph will apply to telegraphers who are exclusive agents or clerks, who are not required to do telegraphing at stations where two or more telegraphers are employed, also to the teleffrfpher where but one is employed in addition to the agent working the same hours, as per paragraphs (b) and (c) of this article, (b) Where two or more than three teleg- raphers are employed, eight consecutive hours will constitute a day's work, hours to be fixed by the superintendent; provided, telegraphers employed in general and divi- sion offices, also Mitchell Yard, may be per- mitted to have meal hour and work a total of eight hours in a nine-hour period. Where exclusive levermen are employed, twelve consecutive hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. Vc) Where three telegraphers are em- ployed, eight consecutive hours will con- stitute a day's work, except at stations where three telegraphers are employed, and *the agent works first trick, nine consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. Pro- vided, that where the station work will per- mit, the hours will be adjusted, after in- vestigation, so that each man will work eight consecutive hours. Where three telegraphers are employed, first trick to commence at 7:00 a. m. Sunday Hours. (d) So fai- as business will permit, teleg- raphers will be excused on Sunday without reduction, of pay. Where one telegrapher is employed, five consecutive hours will constitute a day's work on Sunday, except on branches where no regular passenger trains are operated on Sunday, three consecutive hours will con- stitute a day's work on Sunday, the hours to be arranged by the superintendent and to he within the regular week-day period. 164 SCHEDUIiES AND WaGE ScALES. ARTICL,E III. Overtime. (a) Telegraphers held on duty after their regular hours by proper authority shall be paid overtime. (b) Overtime will be computed pro rata, with a minimum of fifty cents (50c) per hour in "GO" Chicago, "XN" Danville, "OW" Sakm, "D" Evansville, and thirty- rtve cents (35c) per hour in all other offices. (c) In computing overtime, less than thirty minutes will not be counted; thirty minutes and less than sixty minutes will be counted as one hour. (d) Overtime will not be allowed unless slips are mailed to proper official within twenty-four hours after the service is per- formed. (e) If, for any reason, overtime is not al- lowed, claimant will be notified within ten days, with explanation. ARTICLE IV. Meal Hour. (a) Telegraphers required to work more than nine hours per day will be allowed sixty consecutive minutes for meal hour be- tween 11:00 o'clock , and 1:00 o'clock, day or night — except at statioas where the time of trains is such as to prevent a full hour for meals between 11:00 o'clock and 1:00 o'clock; the superintendent will designate a meal hour at that station not subject to temporary change, such meal period to be as near to 11:00 o'clock and 1:00 o'clock as is possible, provided the meal hour must be between 11:00 o'clock and 2:00 o'clock. Should less than one hour for meals be given, the telegrapher will be excused for thirty minutes at the first opportunity and allowed one hour overtime. (b) Where exclusive levermen cannot be excused for full sixty (60) minutes for meals as provided in this article, the thirty (30) minutes provision will not apply. ARTICLE V. Special Calls. (a) A telegrapher required to meet trains within one hour after the expiration of his day shall be paid thirty-five cents (35c) for his services, remaining on duty one hour, if necessary. If longer than one hour, he shall be allowed overtime thereafter. (b) Telegraphers called or instructed to come on duty by competent authority, out- side of regular established hours (except as provided for in this article) will be allowed fifty cents (50c) for the service and first hour, and overtime thereafter. Handling of Train Orders. (c) No other employe except train dis- patcher and those covered by this schedule, will be permitted to handle train orders at places where a telegrapher is located ex- cept that in an emergency the telegrapher will be called or the conductor may call the dispatcher and take care of the emergency, the telegrapher to be raid for the call if available. This applies only where train orders or authority, written or verbal, is issued by train dispatchers to trains to move ahead of or against superior trains. . ARTICLE VI. Switch and Signal Lights. (a) At stations where sectionmen are lo- cated, telegraphers will not be required to take care of switch lights or semaphore lights (other than train order and manual block signals), but must see that they are kept burning; where regular lampmen are employed, they will clean and fill train- order signal lamps and manual block lamps on their regular trips over their territory, but will not be required to light train-order and manual block signal lamps except at their establislied headquarters' station. (b) At stations where no sectionmen re- side, telegraphers required to care for switch and fixed signal lights (other than train- order and manual block signal lamps) shall be allowed seventy-five cents (75c) per light per month. They will not be required to attend lights at a distance greater than one-half mile from office. Telegraphers will take care of train-order and block signal lights except as provided by paragraph (a). Platform Lights. (c) Telegraphers will not be required t<> take care of platform lights where lampmen or sectionmen are located, but will 'be re- quired to light and extinguish them. When required to care for them, they shall be al- lowed seventy-five cents (75c) per month, maximum of two (2) lamps. ARTICLE VII. Pumps. (a) Telegraphers required to run gasoline or steam pumps shall receive not less than $10.00 per month additional for such service. Gates. (b) Telegraphers handling street- crossing gates shall receive $7.50 per month addi- tional for such service. ARTICLE VIII. Attending Court. Telegraphers attending court as company witnesses will be paid for all time lost; and if at point other than home station, will be allowed expenses at the rate of $2.00 per day. AJITICLE IX. Transfers. (a) A regularly assigned telegrapher trans- ferred, or to accept a bulletined position, will be furnished free transportation for himself, family and household goods. If such transfer requires loss in pay, such lost time will be allowed at the regular rate for the position tranjferi^d. Tlie outgoing telegrapher will also be paid for the day on which the transfer is made. (b) When telegraphers are temporarily transferre.d' to positions paying less rates than their regular assignment, they will be paid at their regular wages. If transferred to position paying higher rates, they will be paid at the h'gher rates. (c) When required to leave home town, a regularly assigned telegrapher transferred Schedules and Wage Scales. 165 from regular position to work extra, will be paid one dollar per calendar day for ex- penses in addition to regular rate of pay, computed until returned to regular position or relieved. (d) Telegraphers desiring to be checked in after leave of absence shall give the superintendent at least five (5) days' no- tice. If check is delayed longer than this they shall then receive pay at the regular rate for such station for such additional time as they are held out of service. (e) Employes performing service as extra telegraphers (salaried relief agents ex- cepted) will be paid thirty-five cents (35c) per hour while in transit, computed from leaving time of train upon which instructed to travel, until arriving at station where work is to be performed, but the amount is not to exceed $1.75 in any instance. ARTICLE X. CO'm missions. Should commissions be discontinued, caus- ing loss in compensation, adjustment in salaries affected will be made. ARTICLE XL Students. (a) Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy to any person or persons nor to admit students to their offices. They shall not teach telegraphy without permis- sion from the superintendent. Scrubbing. (b) Telegraphers will not be required to scrub floors or wash windows in depots nor to clean out buildings, but will see that their stations are kept neat and clean, and will report to the superintendent when the station needs special attention. Batteries. (c} Telegraphers will not be required to clean main or local batteries where more than ten cells are located or used. ARTICLE XII. Promotion. (a) To warrant promotion, faithful, intelli- gent and courteous discharge of duty, with capacitj' for greater responsibility, must ob- tain. When these are sufficient, seniority will govern. (b) A telegrapher declining promotion does not thereby forfeit seniority. Cc) When telegraphers are transferred and. after a fair trial, are found to be un- able to handle the new position, they shall be placed on the extra list, but will retain their seniority. ARTICLE XIII. Seniority List. fa) A revised seniority list of telegraphers eligible to positions covered' by this schedule will be furnished by the superintendents to the general chairman and the local chair- men of their respective divisions, during January and July each year. (b) Seniority shall be co-extensive -with the division of each superintendent, except that a telegrapher on any division may bid in -a position in "GO" Chicago and retain his division seniority. When new positions are added to or in- cluded in the schedule, the telegrapher in such position- shall be given seniority from the date he last entered telegraph or sta- tion service. Operators in service in "GO" office with- out division seniority on November 1, 1911, shall acquire seniority on the Chicago Divi- sion from the date they last entered serv- ice as telegrapher. Office seniority shall apply in "GO" Chi- cago, "XN" Danville, "OW" Salem, and "D" Evansville. (c) Seniority will only be effective when vacancies occur or new positions are cre- ated, and trading positions will not be per- mitted. (d) Telegraphers covered by this schedule assigned to other service of the company will retain their seniority which has ac- crued in the scheduled positions so long as they remain in the continuous service of the company. Names of such employes will be shown on the seniority list under a separate heading, showing date entered service and date assigned to non-schedule position. (e) Telegraphers on the extra list will re- tain their seniority. This will not conflict with office seniority at "GO" Chicago, "XN" Danville, "OW" Salem, and "D" Evansville. ARTICL.E XIV. New Positions. fa) When new positions are created, com- pensation will be fixed In conformity with positions of a similar class on the division provided for in this schedule. Vacancies Bulletined. (b) When a vacancy occurs or a new posi- tion is created, telegraphers will be notified by bulletin within five days and position filled within twenty days, as provided in this arficle. Applications must be filed within ten days from date of bulletin. (c) When there is a vacancy in the posi- tion of relief agent, it shall be filled as provided by this article. fd) Any employe, as per Article No. I, making application for and receiving the appointment to a position must accept the position or go on the extra list, unless his application is withdrawn before the expira- tion of the time allowed for making appli- cation. fe) A telegrapher who vacates a position will not be permitted to apply for that va- cancy until it has been assigned under bul- letin and aerain vacated. ff) In filling temporary vacancies of ten days or more, except as provided in Article XIV (g), the regular telegraphers in that office may take the choice of tricks to which their seniority entitles thenu The vacant position to t>e filled- by the oldest extra competent telegrapher available. In such changes Article IX (a) will not apply. fg) In filling temporary vacancies fac- count of telegraphers accepting positions as per Article XIII. Paragraph (d). thirty days and not to exceed six months' duration, the position will be bulletined subject to Ar- 166 Schedules and Wage Scales. tide XIV, Paragraph (b) and filled in ac- cordance therewith; the successful applicant to retain his rights to his position vacated, but after the expiration of six months such position will be declared a permanent va- cancy and bulletined accordingly. It is agreed that telegraphers accepting positions as outlined above will waive the provisions of Article IX, Paragraph (c). No position will be bulletined as a temporary vacancy more than once in any consecutive twelve months' period. ARTICLE XV. Positions Abolished. "When positions are abolished or the force reduced, the last man to enter the service will be the first laid off, and in the event of re-employment, the oldest man laid off will be given work first, subject to the provisions of Paragraph (a) of Article XII. In reducing the force at any office the youngest man in the service on the division at that office will be displaced, and the low- est rate abolished. A telegrapher displaced under this rule will have the preference of displacing the youngest regularly assigned telegrapher on the division, or go on the extra list if his seniority will permit. This will also apply to telegraphers at stations when a telegraph office is discontinued. ARTICLE XVI. Leave of Absence. (a) Telegraphers who have been in the service of the company one year or more, may be given a leave of absence for ninety days, and at the end of that time, or before if desired, upon application to the proper Official may resume their employment with- out losing their seniority, provided that no more than one such leave (other than short vacation) .shall be given in any period of two consecutive years. In case of sicknes.s or personal injury leave may be extended upon proper notice. (b) Representatives of the telegraphers acting in such capacity will be granted in- definite leave of absence upon request, with- out loss of seniority. ARTICLE XVII. Service Letters. (a) A service letter will be issued to all telegraphers leaving the service. This let- ter shall state term of service, record and cause of leaving. (b) All service cards, letters of recom- mendation and other papers furnished by a telegrapher making application for em- ployment shall be returned to him within thirty days after the approval of such ap- plication. ARTICLE XVIII. Discipline. A telegrapher will not be disciplined, or discharged, before being given a hearing. Should a telegrapher be dissatisfied with the decision, he shall have the right, within ten days, to refer the case, with wiitten statement, to the next higher officer, and same will be inrestigated within ten days of such notice, with the aggrieved teleg- rapher and any other telegrapher of hi.s choice present. Appeal may be succeissivelj' taken to the general manager. In case pun- ishment is inflicted and found to be unjust, the telegrapher shall, if suspended or dis- missed, be reinstated and paid for all time lost. No appeal shall be allowed unless made within the time prescribed in this ar- ticle. The company will not be responsible for the wages of telegraphers acting as ad- visers in such investigation. ARTICLE XIX. Vacations. (a) Telegraphers, ten years or more in tlic service of the company, will be allowed ten days' vacation with pay. (b) Telegraphers working eleven consecu- tive hours or more, including meal hours, also telegraphers in "lOO" Chicago, "XN" Danville, "D" Evansville, and "OW" Salem offices, and in the service five years or more, will be allowed fifteen days' vacation with pay.- (c) Vacations to be granted between March 1st and November 1st, or in lieu thereof, additional compensation at their regular rates of pay. ARTICLE XX. Abrogation. It is agreed that the rules and rates of pay shall continue in force for one year ■from July 1, 1917, and thereafter subject to thirty days' written notice by either pirty to the other. For the Telegraphers: H. H. SKILES, Approved: General Chairman. W. J. JACKSON, Receiver. RATES OF PAY PER CALE^JDAR MONTH. GENERAL AND DIVISION OFFICES. Rate per Location and Position. Month Chicago (GO) Office, chief operator-. .$126.00 Operator • 103.50 Operator 98. BO Operator 98. .50 Operator 98.00 Operator 98. Go Danville (XN) Office, chief operator.. 112.50 Night wire chief operator 100.00 Operator 90.0C Operator 90.00 Operator 90.00 Salem (OW) Office, night wire ch. opr. 100.00 Operator 95.00 Operator 90.00 Evansville (D) Office, operator 92 50 Operator , 87. 5> Operator 87.50 Operator 87.5't CHICAGO DIVISION. Danville District. Chicago (FO) Office, operator $ 97.50 Yard Center, operator 82.00 Operator 82.00 Operator 82.00 Leverman-telephoner 77.50 I^everman-telephoner 77.50 Tjeverman-telephoner ll-^f^ ScheduIjES and Wage Scales. 167 Rate pej Location and Position. Month Haney, operator 87.50 South Holland, ^gent-telephoner 66.00 Thornton, agent-operator 80.00 Glenwood, agent-operator 57.00 Chicago Heiglits, ticket agent-operator 92.50 Night ticliet clerli 65.00 (MC) Tower, leverman-telephoner. . . . 65.00 Leverman-telephoner 65.00 Leverman-telephoner 65.00 (HJ) Tower, operator-leverman 82.50 Operator-leverman 82.50 Operator-leverman 82.50 Steger, agent-operator 72.00 Crete, agent-operator 64.00 (NE) Tower, operator-leverman 76.00 Operator T lev erman 76.00 Operator-leverman 76.00 Goodenow, agent-operator 60.00 Beecher, agent-operator 60.00 Sollitt, agent-operator 67.50 Operator 67.50 Operator 67.50 Grant Park, agent-operator 69.00 Momence, operator-clerk 72.50 Night clerk 60.00 Momence Jet. Tower, operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Leverman . *. 62.50 Leverman 62.50 (MS) Tower, operator-leverman...... 75.00 Operator-leverman 75.00 Operator-leverman . ~ 75.00 Wichert, agent-operator 63.00 St. Anne Tower, operator-leverman... 80.00 Operator-leverman 80.00 St. Anne, agent-operator 88.00 Papineau, agent-operator 71.00 Martinton, agent-operator 70.00 Pittwood, agent-operator 67.50 Operator-clerk 67.50 Operator-clerk 67.50 W'atseka Tower, operator-leverman... 73.50 Operator-leverman 73.50 Operator-leverman 73.50 W.atseka, operator- clerk 80.00 Coaler, operator • . 76.00 Operator 76.00 Operator 76.00 Woodland, agent-operator 65.00 Woodland Jet., operator-leverman.... 77.50 Operator-leverman 77.50 Operator-leverman 77.50 Milford, agent 84.00 Operator-clerk 72.50 Wellington, agent-operator 83-00 Hoopeston Tower, operator-leverman. 76.00 Operator-leverman 76.00 Operator-leverman 76.00 Hoopeston Frt. Sta., operator-clerk... 82.50 Rossville, agent-operator 77.00 Rossville Jet., operator 72.50 Operator 72.50 Operator 72.50 Alvin, agent-operator 65.00 Alvin Tower, leverman 47.50 Bi-smt^rck, agent-operator 66.50 CBX.) Tower, operator-leverman 75.00 Operator-leverman 75.00 Operator-leverman 75.00 Danville Frt. Office, operator- clerk. . . 76.00 Danville North Yard, operator 77.50 Operator 77.50 Operator 77.50 Rate per Location and Position. Month Danville Pass. Station, operator-clerk. 72.00 Operator-clerk 72.00 Operator- clerk 72.00 (DH) Tower, operator-leverman 75.00 Operator-leverman 75.00 Operator-leverman 75.00 Oaklawn, operator 77.25 Walz— CTH&S Tower, oper. -leverman 77.50 Operator-leverman 77.50 Operator-leverman 77.50 Terre Haute District. Gessie, agent-operator. '. .f 69.50 Operator-clerk 68.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 Perrysville, agent-operator 70.00 Cayuga, agent 87.50 Cauyga Tower, operator-leverman.... 80.00 Newport, agent-operator 70.00 West Montezuma, agent-operator 75.00 Hillsdale Tower, operator-leverman... 70.00 Operator-leverman 70.00 Operator-leverman 70.00 Hillsdale, agent 75.00 Jackson Tower, operator-leverman... 76.00 Operator-leverman 76.00 Operator-leverman 76.00 Clinton, operator- clerk 72.50 Atherton, agent-operator 70.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 Otter Creek Jet., operator-leverman.. 75.00 Operator-leverman 75.00 Operator-leverman 75.00 Dewey, operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Haley Tower, operator-leverman 80.00 Operator-leverman 80.00 Operator-leverman 80.00 Villa Grove District. Br.vce, agent-operator $ 68.50 Operator-clerk 68.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 Goodwine, operator 68.00 Operator 68.00 Operator 68.00 Fountain Creek, agent-operator 68.50 Operator-clerk 68.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 Hustle, agent-operator 68.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 Reilly, agent- operator 68.50 Operator-clerk 68.00 Operator- clerk ; . . . 68.00 Ellis, agent-operator 69.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 Operator . . .■ 68.00 Gerald, agent-operator 68.50 Operator-clerk 68.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 Royal, agent-operator 67.00 Operator- clerk 68.00 Operator- clerk 68.00 Glover Tower, operator-leverman 76.00 Operator-leverman 76.00 Operator-leverman 76.00 Tipton, agent-operator 68.50 Operator- clerk 68.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 Block, agent-operator 68.50 Operator-clerk 68.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 168 Schedules and Wage Scales. ^ Rate per Location and Position. Month Rongard, agent-operator 68.50 Operator-clerk r-, 68.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 (VG) Tower, operator-leverman 68.00 \ Operator-leverman 68.00 Operator-leverman 68.00 Westville District. Grape Creek, agent-operator $70.00 Westville, agent 98.00 Operator-clerk 74.00 Leverman 60.00 Leverman 60.00 Indianola, agent-operator 66.00 Sidell Jet., operator 70.00 Sidell, agent-operator 82J>G Allerton, agent-operator 64.00 Broadlands, agent-operator 62.00 Longvlew, agent-operator 60.00 Fairlands, agent-operator 60. GO Sidell Branch. Henning, agent-operator $ 60.50 Jamesburg, agent- operator 65.50 Collison, agent-operator 60.50 Brothers, agent-operator 64.50 Bronson, operator-leverman 70.00 Operator-leverman 70.00 Operator-leverman 70.00 Ryan, operator-leverman 70.00 Operator-leverman 70.00 Operator-leverman 70.00 .Tamaica, agent-operator '. . . . . 68.50 Freeland Park Branch. l-!tockland. agent-opei-ator $ 58.0m Freeland Park, agent-operator ^ 60.00 Clssna Park Branch. Goodwine. agent-operator $ 63.00 Claytonville. agent-operator 60.00 Cis.sra Park, agent-opeiator 60 00 Judyville Branch. Pence, agent-operator $ 58.00 .Judyville, agent-operator 61.00 Brazil District. Hopkins Park, agent-operatoi- $ 61.00 Morocco, agent-operator 68.50 Brook, agent-operator 70.00 Goodland, operator-clerk 70.00 Operator- clerk 70.00 Wadena, agent-operator 58.50 LKJchiel, agent-operator 58.50 Barce, agent-operator 61.00 Oxford, agent-operator 63.00 Oxford Tower, leverman 52.50 Leverman ., ,52.50 Pine Village, agent-operator 62.00 Winthrop, agent-operator 71.50 Attica, operator-clerk 71.00 Stone Bluff, agent-operator 62.00 Veedersburg Tower, leverman 52.50 Yeddo, agent-operator 61.00 Kingma:ri, agent-operator 67.50 Tangier, agent-operator 60.50 West Union, agent-operator 63.50 Mecca, agent-operator 80.00 Rosedale, agent-operator 59.50 Coal Bluff, agent 72.50 (5oal Bluff Tower, operator-leverman. 75.00 Operator-leverman 75.00 Operator-leverman 7500 Rate per Location and Position. Montli Brazil (BI), operator-clerk 70 Oo La Crosse Branch. Wheatfleld, agent-operator $ 64.00 Zadoc, agent-operator 65.50, agent-operator 57.00 Mt. Ayr, agent-operator 60.50 Foresman, agent-operator 60.00 ILLINOIS DIVISION. Findlay District. Rate per Location and Position. Month Villa Grove, operator- clerk $75.00 Villa Grove Yard, operator 80.00 Operator 80.00 Operator 80.00 (VE) Tower, operator 70.00 West Ridge, agent-operator 68.00 Tuscola, night operator- clerk 70.00 Bourbon, agent-operator 70.00 (AH) Tower, operator-leverman 75.00 Operator-leverman 75.00 Operator-leverman 76.00 Cadwell, agent-operator 69.00 Sullivan, operator-clerk 75.00 Operator-clerk " 75.00 Operator-clerk 75.00 Kirksville, agent-operator 66.00 Okaw, operator-SW tender 67.50 Operator- SW tender ; 67.50 Operator-SW tender 67.50 Findlay, agent • 75.00 Operator-clerk 72.50 Findlay .Junction, operator-leverman. 75.00 Operator-leverman 75.00 Operator-leverman 75.06 Fairgrounds, opera tor 70.00 ' Shelbyville, operator-clerk 70.00 Clarksburg, agent-operator 68.00 Mode, agent 92.00 Mode Tower, operator-clerk-leverman 75.00 Operator-clerk-leverman 75.00 Operator-clerk-leverman . . . _ 75.00 Moccasin, agent-operator 69.00 Altamont, agent-operator 90.00 (SX) Tower, oper. tor-levernian 75.00 Operator-leverman 75.00 Operator-leverman 75.00 St. Elmo, agent 86.00 .St. James, agent-operator 67.50 Operator-clerk 68.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 l.oogootee, agent-operator 62.50 .St. Peter, agent-operator 67.00 Kinmundy, agent -operator 67.00 Brubaker, agent-operator 63.50 .Salem Yard, operator 78.00 Operator 78.00 Operator 78.00 Salem District. Salem, opeiator-clerk $ 75.00 (SA) Tower, operator-leverman 69.00 Operator-leverman 69.00 Operator-leverman 69.00 Cartter, agent-operator 62.50 Kell, agent-operator 60.00 Operator- clerk 68.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 Texico, agent-operator 60.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 169 Rate per I>oeation and Position. Month Mt. V'ernon, operator-clerk 75.00 Opera tor- clerk 75.00 Operator-clerk 75.00 (VN) Tower, operator- leverman.. 60.00 Operator- leverman 60.00 Operator-leverman 60.00 Bonnie, agent-operator 60.00 Ina, agent-operator 63.50 Operator-clerk : . 68.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 Wbittington, agent-operator 60.00 Benton, operator-clerk 75.00 Operator-clerk 75.00 Operator-clerk 75.00 West Fi-ankfort Yard, operator-clerk. 75.00 Operator-clerk 75.00 Operator-clerk 75.00 Operator-cashier 77.50 Johnston City, operator-clerk 75.00 Operator- clerk 75.00 Operator- clerk 75.00 Marion, operator- clerk 75.00 Operator-clerk 75.00 Operator-clerk 75.00 Neilson, operator-clerk-leverman 67.00 Operator-clerk-leverpiah 67.00 Operator-clerk-leverman 67.00 Goreville, agent 68.00 Operator-clerk 70.00 Operator-clerk 70.00 Operator-clerk 70.00 Buncombe, agent-operator 60.00 West "Vienna, agent-operator 65.00 West Vienna Tower, opr. -leverman. . . 67.00 Operator-leverman '. 67.00 Operator-leverman 67.00 Cypress, agent 81.50 Operator-clerk 75.00 Operator- clerk 75.00 Operator-clerk 75.00 Perks, agent-operator 65.00 Ullin, agent-operator 65.0^0 Tamms, operator-leverman 75.00 Operator-leverman 75.00 Operator-leverman 75.00 Olive Branch, agent-operator .'.. 73.00 Operator- clerk .'' 70.00 Operator- clerk 70.00 Thebes, operator-clerk 75.00 Operator-clerk 75.00 Operator-clerk 75.00 Joppa Branch. Karnak. agent-operator $ 82.50 Boaz, agent- operator 60.00 Joppa, agent 95.00 Operator- clerk 72.50 Rate per • Location and Position. Month Mitchell Yard, operator-clerk 82.50 Operator-clerk 82.50 ST. LOUIS DIVISION. Pana District. Rate per Location and Position. Month Westervelt, agent-operator $ 68.50 Operator-clerk 67.50 Operator-clerk 67.50 Henton. agent-operator 66.00 Dollville, agent-operator 68.00 Operator- clerk 67.50 Operator- clerk 67.50 Pana, operator-clerk 80.00 Operator- clerk 80.00 Operator- clerk 80.00 EVANSVILLE DIVISION. Rate per Location and Position. Month Terre Haute Loo. Of., operator $ 78.50 Terre Haute Pop. St., operator 81.00 Operator gi.oo Operator gi.oo Pimento, agent-operator 68.50 Seifert, operator-clerk 76.00 Operator-clerk 74.00 Operator-clerk 71.50 Farmersburg, agent-operator 78.00 Standard, operator 68.00 Shelburn, agent 68.00 Operator- clerk 68.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 Operator- clerk 68.00 Sullivan, operator-clerk 71.00 Operator-clerk 70.00 Operator-clerk 70.00 Paxton, agent-operator 81.00 Operator-clerk 71.00 Carlisle, agent 65.00 Operator-clerk 73.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 Oaktown, agent $ 70.00 Operator-clerk 70.50 Operator-Clerk 68.00 Operator- clerk 68.00 Bmison, agent-operator 73.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 Operator- clerk 65.50 Vincennes FVt. Sta., operator- clerk. . . 77.00 Operator-clerk 77.00 Operator-clerk 77.00 Purcell, operator 65.00 Cantaloupe, operator 65.00 Operator 65.00 Operator 65.00 Decker, agent-operator 62.50 Hazleton, agent ^ 69.50 Operator-clerk 68.50 Operator-clerk 68.50 Operator-clerk 68.50 Patoka, agent-operator 65.00 Operator-clerk 68 00 Princeton Tower, operator-leverman. 67.50 Operator-le,verman 67.50 Operator-leverman 67.50 Prijaceton, operator-clerk 73.50 Operator- clerk 73.50 Operator- clerk 73.50 Fort Branch, operator- clerk 70.50 Operator-clerk 68.00 Operator-clerk 68.00 Haubstadt, agent-operator 69.50 Ingle, agent-operator 69.00 New Pittsburgh Branch. Hymera, agent-operator $ 75.00 Mt. Vernon Branch. Owensville, agent-operator $ 68.50 Cynthiana, agent-operator 63.00 Poseyville, agent-operator 72.50 "Wadesville, agent -operator 64.00 Mt. Vernon, opera tor- clerk 74.00 170 Schedules and Wage Scales. Supplement No. 1 to Schedule No. 7. Effective January 1st, 1918, the rules in the schedule referred to below are changed to read as follows: ARTICLE II (d). Sunday Hours and Holidays. So far as business will permit, telegra- phers will be excused on Sundays and holi- days without reduction of pay. Telegra- phers required to perform any service on Sunday will be allowed extra pay pro rata, with minimum of one hour, for all Sunday work; Sunday hours to be regularly as- signed and to be consecutive and within the spread of the week-day assignment. For all work on Sunday, outside of the regularly as- signed hours, telegraphers will be allowed overtime as per overtime rules. In "GO" Chicago, "XN" Danville, "OW Salem, and "D" Evansville, telegraphers re- quired to perform any service on New Year's Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving and Christmas, will be allowed extra pay pro rata with a minimum of one hour on the same basis as for Sunday work. The rate of pay for Sunday work will be the monthly rate divided by 26 days as the basis for a day's pay, and divided by the regularly assigned hours to make the rate per hour. The same basis will be used to apply the rate for holidays in "GO", "XN", "OW", and "D". To establish the pay and the pro rata overtime basis for week days the rate per month will be divided by the actual working days in the month, exclu- sive of Sundays. ARTICLE III (b). Overtime will be compueted pro rata, with minimum of 50c per hour in "GO" Chicago, "XN" Danville, "OW" Salem, "D" Evans- ville, and 40c per hour in other offices. ARTICLE V (a). A telegrapher required to meet trains within one hour after the expiration of his day will be paid 40c for his services, re- maining on duty one hour, if riccessary; if longer than one hour, he shall be allowed overtime thereafter. ARTICLE V (b). Telegraphers called or instructed to come on duty by a competent authority, outside of regular established hours (except as pro- vided for in this artictle) will be allowed 65c for the service the first hour, and over- time thereafter. An increase of $10.00 per month in the rate of pay for each position covered by the Telegraphers' Schedule is granted, effective January 1st, 1918. ARTICLE XX. Abrogation. It is agreed that the rules and rate? of pay shall continue in force until April 1st, 1919, and thereafter subject to thirty days' written notice by either party to the other. For the Telegraphers, H. H. SKILES, General Chairman. Approved: W. J. JACKCON. Receiver. Chicago Great Western Railroad Company (EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1917.) WAGE SCALE. EASTERN DIVISION. Station and Position. Rate per Month. Chicago Gen. Off. (HV), telegrapher. .$ 85.00 General Office (GC), telegrapher.. 98.50 Superintendent's office (Z), teleg. 87.50 Telegrapher 87.50 Telegrapher 87.50 Yard Office (JR), telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Forest Park, agent and telegrapher.. 65.00 Maywood, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Bellewood, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Leverman and telegrapher 74.00 Leverman and telegrapher 74.00 Leverman and telegrapher 74.00 Elmhurst, agent and telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Lombard, agent and telegrapher 6B.50 Gretna, agent and telegrapher 64.00 Ingalton, agent and telegrapher 43.60 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Ingalton Junction, telegrapher 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 St. Charles, telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Wasco, agent and telegrapher 66.50 Lily Lake, agent and telegrapher 66.50. Telegrapher 62.50 Virgil, agent and telegrapher 64.00 Richardson, agent and telegrapher... 66.50 Sycamore, telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 DeKalb, clerk and telegrapher 67.50 Wilkinson, leverman and telegrapher. 69.00 Leverman and telegrapher 66.50 Leverman and telegrapher 66.50 Clare, agent and telegrapher.." 66.50 Esmond, agent and telegrapher....... 66.60 Telegrapher 62.50 Lindenwood, agent and telegrapher.,, 62.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. m Rate per Station and Position. Month. Holcomb, Ipverman and telegrapher...? 74.00 Leverman and telegrapher 66.50 Leverman and telegrapher 66.50 Stillman Valley, agent and telegrapher 71.50 Byron, agent and telegrapher 89.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Myrtle, agent and telegrapher 66.50 Egan, agent and telegrapher.. 66.50 Telegrapher 64.00 Telegrapher 62.50 German Valley, agent and telegrapher 66.50 South Freeport, agent and telegrapher 76.50 Telegrapher 66'.50 Telegrapher 64.00 Bolton, agent and telegrapher 66.50 Pearl City, agent and telegrapher 71.50 Telegrapher 64.00 Kent, leverman and telegrapher 66.50 Leverman and telegrapher 63.00 Leverman and telegrapher 62.50 East Stockton, wire chief and toleg. . . 95.00 Wire chief and telegrapher 87.50 Wire chief and telegrapher 90.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Stockton, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Woodbine, agent and telegrapher 64.00 Elizabeth, agent and telegrapher 74.00 North Hanover, agent and telegrapher 64.00 Winston, leverman and telegrapher.. 66.^0 Leverman and tejegrapher 66.50 Telegrapher .-^ 66.50 Rice, leverman and telegrapher 66.50 Leverman and telegrapher 66.50 Leverman and telegrapher 66.50 Dubuque, clerk and telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher , 75.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Fair Ground, clerk, lever, and teleg. . . 82.50 Leverman and telegrapher 73.00 Leverman and telegrapher 73.00 Durango, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Graf, agent and telegrapher 66.50 Telegrapher 64.00 Telegrapher 64.00 Kidder, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Farley, agent and telegrapher 66.50 Telegrapher 64.00 Telegrapher 62.50 Dyersville, agent and telegrapher 90. Oo Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 65.50 Peter.sburg, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Almoral, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Oneida, leverman and telegrapher. . . . 69.00 Leverman and telegrapher 64.00 Leverman and telegrapher 62.50 Thorpe, agent and telegrapher 64.00 Telegrapher 62.50 Telegrapher 62.50 Dundee, agent ana telegrapher 62.50 Lament, agent and telegrapher 67.00 Aurora, leverma'.i and telegrapher 69.00 Leverman and telegrapher 62.50 Leverman and telegrapher 62.50 Stanley, agent and telegrapher 65.00 NORTHERN DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Westgate, agent and telegrapher ? 69.00 Sumner, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 66.50 Telegrapher 66.50 Telegrapher 66.50 Fredericksburg, agent and telegrapher 81.50 Boyd, agent and telegrapher 40.00 New Hampton, clerk and telegrapher. 76.50 Telegrapher 66.ff0 Telegrapher 66.50 Devon, agent and telegrapher 45".0O Alta Vista, agent and telegrapher 69.00 Elma, agent and telegrapher 79.00 Telegrapher 64.00 Telegi-apher 64.00 Acme, agent and telegrapher 40.00 Riceville, agent and telegrapher 79.00 Telegrapher 62.50 Mclntire, agent and telegrapher 79.00 Telegrapher 69.00 Telegrapher • • • 69.00 Telegrapher 69.00 Taopi, leverman and telegrapher 69.00 Leverman and telegrapher 66.50 Leverman and telegrapher 66.50 Elkton, agent and telegrapher 64.00 Renova, agent and telegrapher 64.00 Sargeant, agent and telegrapher 40.00 Hayfield, telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Vlasaty, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Dodge Center, leverman and teleg... 66.50 Leverman and telegrapher 66.50 Leverman and telegrapher 66.50 Eden, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Mantorville, agent and telegrapher. . . 62.50 West Concord, agent and telegrapher 76.50 Skyburg, .agent and telegrapher 62.50 Kenyon, agent and telegrapher 81.50 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Nerstrand, agent and telegrapher 66.50 Diennison, agent and telegrapher 66.50 Stanton, agent and telegrapher 64.00 Randolph, agent and telegrapher 81.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher • 75.00 Hampton, agent and telegrapher 71.50 Empire, leverman and telegrapher 64.00 Exclusive leverman 54.00 Coates, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Telegrapher 62.50 Telegrapher 62.50 Rich Valley, agent and telegrapher... 64.00 Inver Grove, agent and telegrapher.. 45.00 South St. Paul, telegrapher 72.50 Telegrapher 72.50 Telegrapher 71.50 St. Paul (X) , telegrapher 87.50 Telegrapher 87.50 Telegrapher 87.50 Minneapolis, clerk and telegrapher... 77.50 Bremer, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Tripoli, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Osage, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Le Roy, agent and telegrapher 66.50 Spring Valley, agent and telegrapher. 71.50 Stewartville, agent and telegrapher... 71.50 Simpson, agent and telegrapher 66.50 Rochester, telegrapher 66.50 Telegrapher 66.50 172 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position, Month. Pine Island, agent and telegrapher $ 70.00 Zumbrota, agent and telegrapher 74.00 Goodhue, agent and telegrapher...... 71.50 Red Wing, clerk and telegrapher 72.50 Telegrapher 70.00 Welch, agent and telegrapher 62.60 Cannon Falls, agent and telegrrapher . . 84.00 Telegrapher 62.50 St. Charles, agent and telegrapher 71.50 Utica, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Altura, agent and telegrapher ' 62.50 Rollingstone, agent and telegrapher. . 62.50 Winona (CM&StPJct>, lev. and teleg. 67.50 Northfield, agent and telegrapher 84.00 Dundas, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Faribault, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Clerk and telegrapher 74.00 Morristown, agent and telegrapher... 74.00 Waterville, agent and telegrapher 79.00 Elysian, agent and telegrapher 64.00 Madison Lake, agent and telegrapher 64.00 Banning, telegrapher 62.60 Mankato, telegrapher 69.00 SOUTHERN DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Fairbank, agent and t-elegrapher $ 75.00 Telegrapher 62.50 Telegrapher 62.60 Dunkerton, agent and telegrapher.... 64.00 Dewar, agent and telegrapher 62.60 East Waterloo, clerk and telegrapher 80.00 Cedar Falls, agent and telegrapher... 82.50 Hudson, agent and telegrapher 66.50 Reinbeck, agent and telegrapher 85.0D Telegrapher 66.50 Telegrapher 62.50 Telegrapher 62.50 Berlin, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Gladbrook, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Leverman and telegrapher 67.50 Leverman and telegrapher 65.50 Leverman and telegrapher 65.00 Green Mountain, agt. and telegrapher 66.50 Marshalltown, telegrapher 77.50 Telegrapher , 70.00 Telegrapher 67.50 Luray, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Melbourne, agent and telegrapher.... 69.00 Baxter, agent and telegrapher 66.50 Telegrapher 62.50 Telegrapher. ,. 62.50 Ira, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Mingo, agent and telegrapher 66.50 Valeria, agent and telegrapher 71.50 Telegrapher 62.50 Telegrapher €2.50 ' Bondurant, agent and telegrapher.... 71.50 Norwoodville, agent and telegrapher. . 62.50 Des Moines (SX), telegrapher 87.50 Telegrapher 87.50 Telegrapher 87.50 South Des Moines, telegrapher 77.50 Telegrapher 77.50 Telegrapher 77.50 Orillia, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Cunimings, agent and telegrapher 66.50 Telegrapher 62.50 Martensdale, agent and telegrapher. . . 64.00 Peru, agent and telegrapher 76.00 Telegrapher '. 64.00 Telegrapher 62.60 Rate per Station and Position. MontB. Barney, agent and telegrapher $ 62.60 Lorimor, agent and telegrapher 71.50 Afton Jet., agent and telegrapher.... 71.50 Telegrapher 62.50 Telegrapher 62.50 Arispe, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Shannon City, agent and telegrapher. 69.00 Diagonal, agent and telegrapher 67.50 Telegrapher 64.00 Telegrapher 62.50 Benton, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Maloy, agent and telegrapher 04.00 Blockton, agent and telegrapher 78.00 Telegrapher 64.00 Telegrapher - 62.50 Athelstan, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Sheridan, agent and telegrapher 66.50 Parnell, agent and telegrapher 78.00 Telegrapher 64.00 Telegrapher 62.50 Ravenwood, agent and telegrapher.... 62.50 Conception, agent and telegrapher.... 75.00 Telegrapher. 72.50 Telegrapher. 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Guilford, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Rea, agent and telegrapher 66.50 Telegrapher 62.50 Telegrapher €2.50 Savannah, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 62.50 Telegrapher 62.50 St. Joseph (Shops), telegrapher 74.00 Telegi-apher 74.00 Telegrapher 74.00 (Freight) clerk and telegrapher... 72.50 Paucett, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Dearborn, agent and telegrapher 66.50 Kansas City (Tard-RO), telegrapher. 82.50 Telegrapher 82.50 Telegrapher .■ 82.50 WESTERN DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Gran, agent and telegrapher $ 62.50 Readlyn, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Waverly, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Telegrapher 66.50 Telegrapher 64.00 Shell Rock, agent and telegrapher 64.00 Clarksville, agent and telegrapher 76.50 Allison, agent and telegrapher 73.00 Bristow, agent and telegrapher 67.50 Dumont, agent and telegrapher 66.50 Hansen, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Hampton, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Telegrapher 64.00 Coulter, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Rowan, leverman and telegrapher 63.00 Exclusive leverman 45.00 Clarion (PO), telegrapher 85.00 Telegrapher 85.00 Eagle Grove, agent and telegrapher. . . - 72.50 Clerk and telegrapher 66.50 Vincent, agent and telegrapher 64.00 Ft. Dodge, clerk and telegrapher 74.50 Lehigh, agent and telegrapher 64.00 Moorland, leverman and telegrapher.. 63.00 Exclusive leverman 45.00 Somers, leverman and telegrapher. . . . 63.00 Exclusive leverman 45.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 173 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Lohrville, agent and telegrapher $ 69.00 Telegrapher 62.50 Lanesboro, agent and telegrapher 68.50 L.idderdale, agent and telegrapher.... 62.50 Carroll, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Clerk and telegrapher 69.00 Telegrapher ' . . . 66.50 Telegrapher 61.00 Halbur, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Manning, agent and telegrapher 67.50 -Botna, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Irwin, agent and telegrapher 64.00 Kirkman, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Harlan, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Telegrapher 64.00 Telegrapher 62.50 Tennant, agent and telegrapher 62.50 ilinden, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Bentley, agent and telegrapher 62.50 McClelland, agent and telegrapher.... 61.00 Gilliat, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Council Bluffs, clerk and telegrapher. 80.00 Telegrapher 77.50 Telegrapher 77.50 Omaha, clerk and telegrapher 75.00 Waltham, agent and telegrapher 64.00 Austin, clerk and telegrapher 69.00 I..yle, agent and telegrapher 76.50 Meltonville, agent and telegrapher.... 62.50 Bolan, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Mason City, clerk a^nd telegrapher.... 76.50 Telegrapher 67.50 Telegrapher 66.50 Clear Lake Jet., agent and telegrapher 67.51) Leverman and telegrapher 65.00 Leverman and telegrapher 65.00 Burchinal, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Swaledale, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Thornton, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Meservey, agent and telegrapher 64.00 Belmond, agent and telegrapher '.. 72.50 Oelwein Terminal. Relay Oflice, mgr. wire ch. teleg. (.lt.).$ 36.00 Wire Chief Telegrapher-. 95.00 Telegrapher (Jt. ) 34.00 Telegrapher 87.50 Telegrapher 87.50 Yard OfTice, telegrapher 82.50 Telegrapher 82.50 Telegrapher 82.50 GENERAL REGULATIONS EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1917. ARTICLE I. Classes Represented. This schedule applies to telegraph opera- tors, telephone operators, levermen and sta- tion agents set forth in the wage scale. ARTICLE II. Seniority and Promotions. Telegraphers will be considered in line for promotion. In promotion, merit and com- petency being sufficient, seniority will gov- ern. Superintendent to be judge as to com- petency. Seniority will date from last time enter- ing the service in a position covered by Article I, and will extend over each super- intendent's division. Promotion may be declined without for- feiting seniority. Telegraphers transferred and found unable to flU position to which transferred will be placed on the extra list, but will not forfeit seniority. When necessary to reduce force, and con- spicuously incompetent men having been dismissed, the men most recently employed will be dispensed with first. When force is increased, preference will Le given to telegraphers laid off account de- crease in business, if immediately available; and when so re-employed within three months, they will retain their former senior- ity. Telegraphers leaving the service voluntar- ily or remaining away on leave of absence more than three months, except in case of sickness, and committeemen of the telegra- phers on leave in the interest of the telegra- phers, lose seniority. ARTICLE III. Seniority Record. A seniority list of telegraphers on each division will be kept, which will be available for examination at any time by employes interested, and a copy of which will be fur- nished an employe designated by the teleg- raphers on January 1st and July 1st, of each year. ARTICLE IV. Discipline. No action of a disciplinary nature will be taken except for an infraction of the rules of the company, the responsibility for which has been established by full and fair in- vestigation, at which the emiploye interested will be present, accompanied if he so de- sires, by another employe in the same serv- ice. If investigation shows employe blameless, he will be paid for the time lost. If em- ploye considers action taken unjust, he will have right of appeal. Investigations will be held within five days if possible; if not, as soon thereafter as can be arranged. Grievances will be taken up with the offi- cials within thirty days, otherwise redress will be waived. ARTICLE V. Hours of Service. (a) Twelve consecutive hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work for levermen who do not perform telegraph or telephone service. (b) At offices where but one telegrapher is employed eleven consecutive hours, com- mencing between 6:30 and 8:00 a. m., or p. m., including meak hour, will constitute a day's work. (c) At non-train order offices where but two telegraphers are employed, except in offices as named in clause (e), ten consecutive hours, including meal hour, the day teleg- rapher commencing between 7:00 a. m. and 9:00 a. m., will constitute a day's work. (d) At train order offices where two or more telegraphers are employed, eight con- secutive hours, or eight hours actual work within a nine-hour period, will constitute a day's work. 174 Schedules and Wage Scales. (e) At offices named as follows, eight con- secutive Iiours, or eight hours' actual work within a nine-hour period, will constitute a day's work: Chicago (Z). Oelwein (WI). St. Paul (X). Clarion (PO). I>es Moines (SX). East Stockton (NS). if) Except at eight consecutive hour of- fices, one hour will be allowed for meals when practicable between 11:30 and 1:30 o'clock, day or night. Such hour to be des- ignated by division officers, and to remain as uniform as train movements will admit. "When meal hour is missed, twenty minutes will be allowed for lunch at earliest oppor- tunity. ARTICLE VI. Sundays and Holidays. Telegraphers will be excused on Spndays and legal holidays when it can be done without detriment to the service. ARTICL»E VII. S,tations, Platforms, Switch and Signal Lamps. At stations where helpers or other labor is employed, the agent will require them to keep stations and platforms in order, and to care for switch and signal lamps. Where no such labor. is employed, telegraphers will be required to do this, but will not be re- quired to do scrubbing. Telegraphers must know that signal lights are properly displayed. ARTICLE VIII. Express Agents. Telegraphers are allowed to act as agents or transfer men for express companies, and compensation for such service is in addi- tion to, and not considered in fixing the compensation paid by the railroad company. ARTICLE IX. Transfers. Telegraphers transferred by order of the company, or to accept bulletin positions, will be paid for the time necessary to make the change on basis of pay of position va- cated. ARTICLE X. Attending Court. Telegraphers acting as witnesses or at- tending court under instruction from the company, will be furnished transportation and paid their expenses and full time while away from home. * •ARTICLE XI. Teaching Telegraphy. Telegraphers will not be required to teach students. ARTICLE XII. Vacancies and Bulletins. Vacancies and new positions will be bul- letined to all offices on the division on which they occur. Such bulletins will show salaries of positions bulletined; also names of those assigned to positions advertised on the next preceding bulletin. All positions made vacant or newly cre- ated will be bulletined on- the first and fif- teenth of each month (or more frequently if desirable), a copy of which will be fur- nished each employe interested. Such posi- tions will be filled within thirty days and the- successful applicant notified. Telegra- phers will file their applications within seven days after receiving notice of a vacancy. ARTICLE XIII. New Positions. When additional positions are created, the compensation will be in conformity with similar positions. . ARTICLE XIV. Relief Work. Telegraphers and agents holding regular assigned positions will not be required to perform relief work except in cases of emer- gency. When required td perforna such .service at other than the town where regu- larly assigned, they will receive the regular salary of the position where relieving, but not less than a rate of $20 per month higher than the salary of their regular position; commissions not to be considered. ARTICLE XV. Schedule Copies Furnished. Each employe shall be furnished by the company with a copy of this schedule. ARTICLE XVI. Changes of Schedule. These rules and rates of pay shall con- tinue in force for one year from date of mediation agreement, and thereafter subject to thirty days' notice by either party to the other. EXTRA COMPENSATION EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1917. RULE I. For temporary work at wrecks and wash- outs away from regular assigned positions, thirty-five cents per hour will be paid from time of leaving to returning, except time off duty for rest. RULE II. (a) Telegraphers kept on duty by com- petent authority in excess of regular as- signed hours, overtime will be paid for pro rata, but not less than thirty-five cents per hour, except in Chicago "HV," Chicago "GC," and Chicago "Z," Oelwein "WI." St. Paul "X," Clarion "PO," Des Moines "SX" and East Stockton "NS," it is forty-five cents per hour. (b) Telegraphers required to meet sched- uled trains between 6:00 o'clock a. m. and opening time, will be paid pro rata over- time, but not less than thirty-five cents. If required to meet a train before 6:00 o'clock a. m., it will be considered a call as per clause (d). Schedules and Wage Scales. 175 (c) Telegraphers required to meet sched- uled trains between thirty minutes after closing- time and one hour and thirty min- utes after closing time, including one hour on duty during that period, if necessary, will be paid pro rata overtime, but not less than thirty-five cents. If required to meet a train later than one hour and thirty minutes after closing time, it will be considered a call, as per clause (d). (d) Except as provided above, for call to come on duty outside of regular established hours, fifty cents for the call will be paid, including one hour on duty if necessary, and pro rata, but not less than thirty-five cents for each additional hour. RUi^E III. In computing extra time when kept on duty as per clause (a) of Rule II, less than thirty minutes will not be counted; thirty minutes to one hour and twenty-nine min- utes will be counted one hour. RULE IV. Overtime, as provided, will nut be allowed unless overtime tickets are mailed to the superintendent's ofhce within twenty-four tiours from the time service is performed. Telegraphers will be notified within three days when overtime is not allow-ed as per overtime ticket. RULE V. For caring for switch and si.gnal lapips (except train order signal") $2.00 per month for two lamps or less will be paid, and fifty cents per month for each additional lamp. RULE VI. For running gasoline or steam pumps, $10 per month will be paid. This work will be assigned to one employe and to toe done within his assigned office hours. In emer- gency cases, if another employe covered by this schedule is called to do pumping, he will receive twenty- five cents per hour. RULE VII. V\hen employes as per Article I, whose as- signed hours are ten or more, have not been granted one hour for meal within the pe- riod specified in Article V, they will be al- lowed one hour overtime pro rata but not less than thirty-five cents. RULE VIII. Employes, as per Article I, except exclu- sive levermen, whose assigned hours are eleven or more, five hours (consecutive or split once) will be considered a day's work on Sundays and holidays, i. e.. New Tear's. July 4th, Thanksgiving and Christmas. If held on duty in excess of such time, over- time will be paid as per clause (a) of Rule II. If called to office by competent author- ity after such time, overtime will be paid as per clause (d). Sunday hours will be assigned to such positions, and will be within the week day hours, and will not be subject to temporary changes. For the Chicago Great Western R. R. Co.: J. A. GORDON, For Telegraphers: General Manager. A. L. COLEMAN, General Chairman. C. »E. NORRIS, General Secretary. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway Company (EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1917.) RULE I. Telegraphers Defined. (a) All telegraph and telephone operators, except train dispatchers, also station agents, levermen and others specified in this sched- ule will be considered telegraphers within the mea.ning of -these articles, irrespective of title by which designated or character of service performed, and will be governed by the regulations and paid at the rates spec- ified herein. RULE II. Promotion, Seniority, Etc. (a) Telegraphers will be regarded in line for proinotion, advancement depending upon faithful, intelligent and courteous discharge of duty and capacitj' for greater responsi- bility. Where these are sufficient, seniority win govern, company to judge. RULE III. New Position, Etc. (a) When a vacancy occurs or a new posi- tion is created the provisions of this agree- ment will apply and the wages will be fixed to conform to positions of similar class. Telegraphers will be notified not later than seven (7) days by bulletin and vacancy or new position will- be filled within twenty-five (25) days in accordance with Rule II. (b) Employes must file applications within ten (10) days of date of bulletin. Proper official shall acknowledge receipt of all ap- plications by letter notice, specifying the successful applicant, copy of which shall be sent to the general chairman of the em- ployes, giving the names of all applicants. (c) Seniority list of employes will be fur- nished the general chairman of the employes semi-annually, first of January and July each year. (d) When telegraphers are transferi>ed. and after a fair trial are found incompetent, they will be placed on the extra list, but will retain their seniority rights. Telegraphers declining to accept promotion do not forfeit their seniority rights. (e) Seniority will only be effective when vacancies occur, or when new positions are created. Trading positions will not be per- mitted. 176 Schedules and Wage Scales. (f; When a position is closed the present Incumbent will be permitted to take the place of the young-est employe holding pei- maneut positions of the same class, or go on the extra list, as he may desire, but does not lose his seniority rights. (gf In event of a reduction of force at any office, the youngest man in the service at office affected will be displaced, and the last trick will be considered abolished, the re- maining men to be moved back on tricks retaining their rates of pay. (h) In increasing the force at any office, the last trick will be considered the new position and will be filled in accordance with Rule II. the employes at such office moving up on tricks. (i) In filling temporary vacancies known to be for thirty (30j days or more duration, the oldest competent extra telegrapher avail- able will be given preference. (j) Telegraphers covered by this schedule assigned to other service of the company will retain their seniority so long as they remain in continuous service of the company, except their seniority will not be counted for the time in the other service. (k) Should commissions be permanently discontinued causing los.s in compensation, adjustiTient of salaries affected will be made. RULE IV. Discipline. (a) Employes will not be disciplined or discharged without just cause, and until after a fair and iinpartial investigation, if suspended pending an investigation they will be given a hearing within ten (10) days by the proper official. If, after investigation, they are found not at fault, they shall re- ceive pay for the time lost and be reinstated. The result of the investigation will be made known within five (5) days. (b) All grievances which may exist shall be taken up with the proper official of the company in writing within thirty (30) days by the aggrieved. (c) A telegrapher called in for investiga- tion may be accompanied by a telegrapher of his choice in the employ of the company. (d) The right to appeal to the highest officer is granted. RULE V. Service Letters. (a) Telegraphers who have been in the service of the company ninety (90) days or more will, when leaving, be furnished with a letter from the proper official stating term of service, capacity in which employed and reasons for leaving. (b) Telegraphers employed by the com- pany wiU. upon application, have returned to them all service cards and letters of recommendation which may have been taken up for inspection. Upon application by them, employes will be allowed to inspect their records as held by the company, but will not be allowed to inspect that of an- other employe. RULE VI. Emergency Offices, (a) Telegraphers performing duties at ac- cidents, washouts, snow blockades, slides, or other similar emergency work, will receive a minimum of three ($3.00) dollars per day of ten (10) hours or less and overtime rate and no other compensation. Time to be com- puted from time called at regular place of employment until returned thereto, except no time shall be allowed when released for rest. (b) No employe except those covered by this schedule will be permitted to handle train orders at places where telegraphers are located, except in an emergency. RULE VII. Hours of Service. (a> At offices where but one telegrapher is employed twelve consecutive hours com- mencing between 6:00 and 8:00 a. m. or p. m. (including meal hour), will constitute a day's work. (b) At offices where two or more telegra- T)hers are employed, nine consecutive hours v/ill constitute a day's work, except at South flammond, Monon, Shops, Belt Junction, Frankfort, Michigan City, McDoel, Bedford, Orleans, North "Y", Midland, where eight hours will constitute a day's work. In the dispatcher's office at Lafayette, nine hours and thirty minutes will constitute a day's work for telegraphers. (c) Telegraphers are required to do clerical and other station work to an extent that will not interfere with their wire work. Agents are expected to claim only a reasonable share of help from telegraphers in these additional duties. (d) Telegraphers at offices where only one telegrapher is employed, hours of service being twelve hours (including meal hour) may be excused after eleven hours' service (including meal hour) when the company business will permit by obtaining such per- mission from the dispatcher. (e) Telegraphers will be excused from Sunday and legal holiday duty as far as practicable without detriment to the service, and when so excused no deduction shall be made from their wages. RULE VIII. Overtime. (a) Telegraphers except those working eight or nine consecutive hours or less per day will be allowed one (1) hour for meals between 11:30 and 1:30 o'clock day or night. If meal hour cannot be given for any reason, one hour's overtime will be allowed and they will be given thirty (30) minutes for meal at the first opportunity. Telegraphers working nine hours or less will be allowed time off for meals when convenient to do so. (b) Telegraphers required to remain on duty in excess of their established hours for any reason will be paid overtime pro rata, but in no case less than thirty-flve (35) cents per hour. (c) Telegraphers called or instructed to come on duty outside of their regular estab- lished hours will be allowed sixty (60) cents for the call and the first hour's service, and regular overtime thereafter. (d) In computing overtime less~than thirty (30) minutes will not be counted. Thirty (30) minutes and up to one (1) hour and thirty (30) minutes will be counted one (1) hour. Schedules and Wage Scales. 17' (e) No pay for overtime or "extra service will be allowed unless claim therefor is made within forty-eight (48) hours from the time service was performed. (f> If for any reason overtime is not al- lowed, telegraphers will be notified and rea- sons therefor will be given within five (5) days. RULE IX. Attending Court. (a) Telegraphers attending court by re- quest of the company will be allowed net compensation which would have been earned by them at their station, with necessary expense.* if away from home. RULE X. Relief of Telegraphers. (a) The company will furnish a relief agent for the Northern and Southern divl- sion.s at a salary of ninety dollars ($90.00) per month; also an expense account not to exceed fifteen dollar.s ($15.00) per month. This position to be subject to Rule I, II and IIL RULE XI. Transfers. (a.) When an employe has been relieved and wishes to return to duty he shall givo the proper official five (5) days' notice, and if for any reason he is not checked in at the expiration of five (5) days from date of notice, he shall receive full pay for the time thus lost. (b) Where a transfer is necessary incom- ing and outgoing employe will both receive pay at rate of outgoing employe. (c) Telegraphers transferred by order of the company will be given free transporta- tion for themselves, their families and household goods, when it may be done lawfully. (d) Regular men will suffer no reduction in pay while performing Velief work, and when required to perform relief work away from home, will be allowed fifty cents ($0.50) per day for expenses, when away from their regular assigned stations. (e) Telegraphers except regularly assigned relief agents will be allowed 35 cents per ■ hour while deadheading to or from position of telegrapher relieved (not applicable when going to position bid in on bulletin). RULE XII. Pumps. (a) Telegraphers required to operate pumps will receive ten dollars ($10.00) per month extra compensation. RULE XIII. Batteries and CJeaning Stations. (a) Telegraphers will not be required to clean main or local battery at stations where more than ten cells are used and at such points will not be required to scrub floors or clean out-building, but will see that they are kept neat and clean. ■ (b) Telegraphers will not be required to scrub waiting rooms, office buildings or out- buildings, or clean and disinfect stock pens. RULE XIV. Switch Lights, Etc. (a) At stations where section men reside, or porters or helpers are employed, telegra- phers will not be required to attend switch lights, unless an emergency arises, but will see . that they are kept burning. (b) At stations where telegraphers are re- quired to care for switch lights, they will be allowed four dollars ($4.00) per month for four (4) lights or less, and fifty cents (50c> per month per each additional light. (c) Telegraphers will care for train order semaphore lights. RULE XV. Free Transportation. (a) PZmployes who have been in the serv- ice continuously two years or more will b'^ furnished annual system passes. After five years' continuous service employes will be furnished annual passes good over .system for themsehes and wives. RULE XVL Leave of Absence. (a) Employes who have been in the com- pany's service two years or more may be granted leave of absence of ninety days or less, and at the end of that time, or before if desired, upon making application to the proper official, may be reinstated to his former position, and retain seniority rights, but in case of sickness this leave of absence may be extended. RULE XVII. Students. (a) No telegrapher will be allowed to keep .students in any office of the company with- out written permission from the chief dis- patcher, and in no case will there be al- lowed more than one student in any office, and should reasonable objection be made against any student he shall be removed. RULE XVIII. Schedules. • (a) Each telegrapher will be furnished by the company with a copy of this schedule, same lo be returned to the chief dispatcher upon leaving the service. RULE XIX. Rulings. (a) When a ruling is made by an official of the company, having jurisdiction affect- ing the interpretation of any of the article.^ of thi.'s agreement, the general chairman' of the telegraphers will be forwarded copy of such ruling. RULE XX. Changes in Schedules, Etc. (a) These rules and rates of pay shall be- come effective on July 1st. 1917, and there shall be no changes therein without thirty (30) days' notice. 178 Schedules and Wage Scales. WAGE SCALE. Main Line. Rate per Location and Position. Month. Chicago — Gen. Off. (GO), day telegrapher..? 95.00 Local Frt. Off. (Z), day tel. -cleric 90.00 Car Acct. Off. (CA> 75.00 So. Hammond, first trick telegrapher. 95.00 Second trick telegrapher 90.00 Third trick telegrapher 90.00 Dyer, agent and telegrapher (joint) . . 40.00 First telegrapher (joint) 39.00 Second telegrapher (joint; 39.00 Third telegrapher (joint) 39.00 St. John, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Cedar Lake, agent and telegrapher.. 76.00 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 Lowell, agent and telegrapher 82.00 Shelby, agent and telegrapher (joint) 42.50 First trick telegrapher (joint) 37.50 Second trick telegrapher (joint).. 37.50 Third trick telegrapher (joint) . . . 37.50 Rose Lawn, agent and telegrapher 67.50 Fair Oaks, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Rensselaer, agent and telegrapher.... 110.00 First trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 McCoysburg, agent and telegrapher. . 72.50 Monon, agent and telegrapher 110.00 First trick telegrapher 95.00 Second trick telegrapher 90.00 Third trick telegrapher 90.00 Chalmers, agent and telegrapher 87.50 Brookston, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Battle Ground, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Shops (SK), First trick telegrapher.. 95.00 Second trick telegrapher 90.00 Third trick telegrapher 90.00 Dis. Off. (AD), day telegrapher 96.00 Day telegrapher 96.00 Night telegrapher 96.00 Romney, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Linden, agent and telegrapher 87.50 Crawfordsville, agent and telegrapher. 110.00 First trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Ladoga, agent and telegrapher 87.50 Bainbridge, agent and telegrapher 82.00 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 Greencastle, agent and telegrapher... 100.00 First trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Limedale, agent (joint) 50.00 Cloverdale, agent and telegrapher 72.00 Wallace Jet., agent and telegrapher. . 90.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Quincy, agent and telegrapher 55.00 Gosport, agent and telegrapher 92.50 First trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Stinesville, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Ellettsville, agent and telegrapher 77.00 McDoel (BN), first trick telegrapher.. 95.00 Second trick telegrapher 9000 Third trick telegrapher 90.00 Clear Creek, agent and telegrapher. . . 87.50 Harrodsburg, agent and telegrapher.. 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 Location and Position. Rate per Month. Miirdock, agent and telegrapher 5 Bedford, first trick telegrapher Second trick telegrapher Third trick telegrapher Mitchell, agent and telegrapher Day telegrapher and clerk Orleans, agent and telegrapher First trick telegrapher Second trick telegrapher Third trick telegrapher Campbellsburg, agent and telegrapher Salem, agent and telegrapher First trick telegrapher Second trick telegrapher Third trick telegrapher Borden, agent and telegrapher North Y, first trick telegrapher Second trick telegrapher Third trick telegrapher Louisville (FH), day telegrapher-clerk Night telegrapher and clerk Air Line. Monticello, agent and telegrapher....^ Day telegrapher and clerk Delphi, agent and telegrapher First trick telegrapher Second triqk telegrapher Third trick telegrapher Ockley, agent and telegrapher Rossville, agent and telegrapher Frankfort, agent and telegraphei . . . . First trick telegrapher Second trick telegrapher Third trick telegrapher Kirklin, agent and telegrapher Terhune, agent and telegrapher Sheridan, agent and telegrapher Second trick telegrapher Westfield, agent and telegrapher Carmel, agent and telegrapher Broad Ripple, agent and telegrapher j. Belt Jet. (RD), first trick telegrapher Second trick telegrapher Third trick telegrapher Indianapolis (N), telegrapher-clerk... Indianapolis (J), telegrapher and clerk Indianapolis (GS), telegrapher- clerk. . M ichigan City Branch. Michigan City, first trick telegrapher Second trick telegrapher Westville, agent and telegrapher... Haskells, telegrapher and towerman Wanatah, agent and telegrapher... La Crosse, agent and telegrapher.. San Pierre, agent and telegrapher. . Medaryville, agent and telegrapher. Francesville, agent and telegrapher 72.50 95.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 77.50 75.00 80.00 80.00 75.00 73.50 110.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 50.00 75.00 72.50 72.50 76.00 78.00 ; 75.00 77.50 82.50 75.00 72.50 ■72.50 72.50 65.00 100.00 80.00 72.50 72.50 75.00 45.00 80.00 75.00 76.00 65.00 72..5C 95.00 90.00 90.00 95.00 85.00 85.00 75.00 72.50 70.00 72.50 75.00 85.00 70.00 75.00 77.50 Indianapolis and Louisville Branch. Jordan, agent and telegrapher $ 62.50 Patrlcksburg, agent and telegrapher. . 72.50 Clay City, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Midland, agent and telegrapher 80.00 First trick telegrapher 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 179 Bedford and Bloomfield Branch. Location and Position. Rate per Month, Springville, agent and telegrapher $ 61.00 Owensburg, agent and telegrapher. . . 60.00 Bloomfield, agent and telegrapher. . . . 62.50 French Lick Branch. Pacli, agent and telegrapher $ 80.00 West Baden, agent and telegrapher. . 50.00 First trick telegrapher and clerk. 72.50 Second trick telegrapher and clerk 72.50 Location and Position. Rate per Month. French Lick, agent and telegrapher...? 40.00 First trick telegrapher and clerk. 75.00 Second trick telegrapher and clerk 72.50 CHICAGO, INDIANAPOLIS & LOUISVILI.,E RAILWAY CO. W. H. FOGG, Superintendent. Approved: P. L. McMANUS, General Superintendent. .1. E. HOLLON, G. C. M. T. PARKS, G. S. & T. W. J. DOOLEY, L. C. Southern Division. ^^^ F. SPEER, L. C. Northern Division. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company Tacoma Eastern Railroad Company (WAGE SCALE EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBEl^ 1, 1917). (RULES EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 1917.) ARTICLE I. Defining Classes Represented. This schedule applies to Telegraph Oper- ators, Telephone Operators whose duties in- clude the handling of train orders or block- ing of trains, Levermen and Staff men, also .such Station Agents as may be agreed upon by the ofHcers of the company and the representatives of the employes as per this article, as set forth in the article establish- ing the wage scale. The handling of train orders or blocking of trains at stations where an employe as per this article is employed, will be confined to employes covered by this schedule and train dispatchers, provided such employe is available and can be promptly located. When not called in conformity with this article, they will be paid for the call. ARTICLE II. New Positions. When new positions are created, compen- sation will be arranged in conformity with positions of the same class, as shown in this schedule. ARTICLE III. Promotion and Seniority. Section 1. Employes as per Article I will be regarded in line of promotion, advance- ment depending upon faithful- discharge of duty and capacity for increased responsi- bility. Where these are sufficient, seniority will have the preference, the superintendent to be the judge, subject to appeal. Seniofity rights will date from the last time of enter- ing the service and will extend over districts as herinafter specified. Office seniority will prevail in relay offices. East Lines. District No. 1 — Illinois Division, Racine & Southwestern Division and Rochelle & Southern Division. District No. 2 — Iowa Division. District No. 3 — Chicago & Milwaukee Divi- sion and Chicago Terminals. District No. 4 — Des Moines Division. District No. 5 — Kansas City Division and Kansas City Terminals. District No. 6— Sioux City & Dakota Divi- sion. District No. 7 — Dubuque Division.- District No. 8 — La Crosse Division and Milwaukee Terminals. District No. 9 — Northern Division. District No. 10 — Prairie du Chien Division and Mineral Point Division. District No. 11 — Superior Division. District No. 12 — ^Wisconsin Valley Division. District No. 13— River Division, Chippewa Valley Division and Wabasha Division. District No. 14 — Iowa & Minnesota Divi- sion. District No. 15 — Iowa & Dakota Division. District No. 16 — Southern Minnesota Divi- sion. District No. 17 — Hastings & Dakota Divi- sion. Puget Sound Lines. District No. 18 — Trans-Missouri Division. District No. 19 — Musselshell Division. District No. 20 — Rocky Mountain Division and Northern Montana Division. District No. 21 — Missoula Division. District No. 22 — Idaho Division and Colum- bia Division. District No. 23 — Coast Division and Taco- ma Eastern Railroad. Sec. 2. A list of employes as per Article I, in each district, will be prepared accord- ing to seniority and revised semi-annually, on February 1st and August 1st, and copies furnished the general chairman. Sec. 3. Seniority will only be effective when vacancies occur or new positions are created, except as otherwise provided in this article. Sec. 4. Where vacancies occur, notices will be mailed to all offices in the respective seniority districts, the first and fifteenth day of ea*h month, stating salary if not shown in the schedule, copies thereof to be mailed to locai chairman at the time of issue, and applications must be filed within ten days from date of notice. Such notice will show 180 BcheduijEs and Wage ScAiiEs. assignments made on the last bulletin, with names of applicants for each position, and appointment will be made within thirty days in accord with this article, so far as prac- ticable. Supplementary bulletins for extra work as operator in train dispatching and relay of- fices will be issued when necessary, such bulletins allowing not less than five days for applications. Sec. 6. The line of promotion in a relay office will be as follows: To chief operator from first assistant chief operator; to first assistant chief operator from second assist- ant chief operator; to second assistant chief operator from senior operator. The last trick only in a relay office to be bulletined and filled in accordance with Section 1 of this article. Sec. 6. Employes as per Article I, not promoted according to seniority, will be given the reason in writing, if requested. Sec. 7. Any employe as per Article I, making application for and receiving the appointment to a position, must accept the position or go on the extra list, unless his application is withdrawn before the expira- tion of the time allowed for making appli- cation. Sec. 8. Employes as per Article I, vacat- ing a position, will not be reappointed to such position except upon a subsequent vacancy, unless there are no other appli- cants. Sec. 9. Employes as per Article I. declin- ing promotion to any position, do not forfeit their right to it, nor to any other position, when vacancy occurs, except as provided by Section 5 of this article. Sec. 10. When employes as per Article I are transferred and after a fair trial are found incapable, they will take their place on the extra list, but will retain their senior- ity rights. Sec. 11. In event of reduction of employes as . per Article I. the junior employe in the district will be first to be laid off. In event of re-employment, the oldest man laid off will be given work first, if available. Should a position be abolished, the incum- bent may displace the youngest regularly assigned employe in the district or the youngest regularly assigned employe holding a position of the same class, who in turn may displace the youngest regularly as- .sigTied employe in the district, provided sen- iority and ability are sufficient and claim is made within ten days. In case the youngest employe holding a position of the same class, is the youngest regularly assigned em- ploye in the district, and, the employe whose position was abolished is not qualified to displace him^ he may displace the next youngest regularly assigned employe in the district, or go on the extra list. In event of two or more similar positions being closed at the same time, the incumbents may displace a similar number of employes as above, preference being given to seniority. In event of reduction of force at any office, the last trick will be abolished, the remain- ing men to be moved back on tricks, retain- ing their rates of pay. Increasing the force at any offlce. the last trick will be the new position and will be filled in accordance with Section 4 of this article, the employes at such office moving up on tricks. Sec. 12. Where temporary positions are created, or where extra work is required on account of leave of absence having been granted for three months or more, also where extra work is required for two weeks or more in train dispatching or relay offices, the position will be filled according to senior- ity, as, per this article. When such work is no longer required, the employe performing the extra service ma,y return to his regu- larly assigned position. In case the regular employe desires to resume work on his regu- lar position prior to the expiration of his leave of absence, he may do so. Sec. 13. The senior extra employe shall have preference of all extra work, if avail- able and competent, but if filling a vacancy at the time a junior employe is assigned, the junior employe may hold the position for a period of ten (lOj days from the time he commenced work on the position, when he can be displaced by the senior employe; It is expected that under this rule extra em- ployes will accept the extra work to which their seniority entitles them. Sec. 14. Employes as per Article I, accept- ing promotion to a position representing the interest of the company or the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, will retain their seniority; it being the intent that the duties of the position will be confined to the system and in the event of failure to satisfactorily fill the position or a desire to return to the service from which promoted, he may do so. ARTICLE IV. Exchanging Positions. Exchanging positions will not be per- mitted, unless for good reason and with the consent of the superintendent, the local board -of adjustment and all employes as per Article I, holding seniority over the em- ployes desiring to exchange. ARTICLE V. Leave of Absence. Section 1. Leave of absence will not be granted for more than four months in any one year period, except in case of sickness or disability, or as provided by Section 2 of this article. Sec. 2. Leave of absence may be extended to eight months in any one year period to allow homestead entrymen to comply with homestead laws. ARTICLE VI. Discipline. Section 1. Employes as per Article I, will not be suspended or discharged without just cause. When they consider they have been unjustly treated, they will have the right to appeal to the superintendent, assistant gen- eral superintendent, general superintendent; assistant to the general manager, assistant general manager and general manager, in the order named. Sec. 2. Employes as per Article I, disci- plined or discharged and after investigation found not at fault, will be reinstated and paid for lost time, such investigation to be held within ten days after request by the party disciplined. Sec. 3. Employes as per Article I, may be present at any and all investigations and Schedules and Wage Scales. 181 may be accompanied by a co- employe if they so desire. Sec. 4. Grievances will be taken up with the officials within thirty days, otherwise redress will be waived. ARTICLE VII. Service Letters. Employes as per Article I, leaving the service for any cause, will be given a letter, signed by the superintendent of telegrapli, stating the time and character of service and specific reason for leaving. ARTICLE VIII. Sunday and Holiday Work. Section 1. Employes as per Article I, will be excused from work as far as possible on Sunday, New Year, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Sec. 2. Employes as per Article I, re- quired to perform any service on Sunday,, will be allowed extra pay pro rata, with a minimum of one hour for each time they report, for all Sunday work within the as- signed Sunday hours; assigned Sunday hours to be within the spread of the week day assignment. For all service on Sunday out- side of the assigned Sunday hours they will be allowed overtime as per overtime rules. ARTICLE IX. Court Business and Investigations. Employes as per Article I, attending court or absent from their regular duties on busi- ness for the company, will be allowed regular salary and necessary expenses while away from home. ARTICLE X. Emergency Officea Employes as per Article I, performing duties at wrecks, washouts, snow blockades or other similar emergency offices, will re- ceive a minimum of $2.75 per day of nine hours or less and overtime, as per Article XIV, for all time in excess of nine hours and no other compensation; time to be com- puted from time they start until they return. ARTICLE XI. Meal Hours. Employes as per Article I, working more than eight consecutive hours, will, when pos- sible, be allowed sixty consecutive minutes In which to procure meals and when possible will be excused for this purpose. When they cannot be allowed the hour for this purpose between 11:30 and 1:30 noon or midnight, or between 6 and 8 o'clock a. m. or p. m., they will receive one hour overtime pay pro rata, but not less than 40c, and will be allowed thirty minutes for meal as soon thereafter as practicable. One meal hour to be designated when assigning the working hours. ARTICLE XII. Commencing Time of Day. The commencing time for all station agents will be between 6:00 and 8:00 o'clock a. m. The commencing time for all employes as per Article I, other than station agents, work- ing more than nine consecutive hours, will be between 6:00 and 8:00 o'clock a. m. or p. m. ARTICLE XIII. Hours of Service. Section 1. Eight consecutive hours will constitute a day in relay offices Chicago (CG), • Miles City (MC>, Milwaukee (GO), Butte (OS), Minneapolis (C>, Maiden (M), Marion (MA). Seattle (S), Mobridge (MB), Tacoma (TC), and for all employes as per Article I, in train dispatching offices. Sec. 2. At offices operated during a por- tion of the day and a portion of the night, a total of more than thirteen hours, nine consecutive hours, including a meal hour, where but two tricks are maintained, and eight consecutive hours, where three tricks are maintained, will constitute a day for all employes as per Article I, whose duties include the handling of orders pertaining to or affecting train movements or the blocking of trains, and ten consecutive hours, includ- ing a meal hour, will constitute a day for all employes as per Article I, whose duties do not include the handling of orders per- taining to or affecting train movements or the blocking trains, except those covered by Section 5 of this article. Sec. 3. At offices where an agent is em- ployed in addition to one or more day em- ployes ^as per Article I, ten consecutive hours, including a meal hour, will constitute a day, except for those covered by Section 5 of this article. Sec. 4. At offices where but one employe as per Article I, is employed, ten consecutive hours, including a meal hour, will constitute a day, except for those covered by Section 5 of this article. Sec. 5. Twelve consecutive hours, includ- ing a meal hour, will constitute a day for levermen, whose duties do not include the handling of orders pertaining to or affecting train movements or the blocking of trains. Sec. 6. Seven hours' service will constitut£ a day for employes as per Article 1, working split tricks at any office. No trick, will be split more than once and will be confined to a spread of not more than thirteen hours. Sec. 7. After sixteen hours' continuous service, employes as per Article I, will, upon request, be allowed eight hours rest, except in cases of emergency. ARTICLE XrV. Overtime and Calls. Section 1. Employes as per Article I, will be allowed overtime when required by proper authority to remain on duty in excess of, or outside of, their established hours. The rate of pay for overtime will be based on monthly salary, but in no case less than fifty cents per hour for all employes as per Article I, in "CG" Chicago, "GO" Milwaukee, "C" Minneapolis, "MA" Marion, "MB" Mobridge, "MC" Miles City, "GS" Butte, "M" Maiden, "S" Seattle and "TC" Tacoma, and forty cents per hour for all other employes as per Article I. See. 2. In computing _ overtime, thirty minutes or will not be counted: over thirty minutes and up to one hour and thirty-one minutes, will be counted one hour. Sec. 3. Employes as per Article I, when called to the office by proper authority, for any purpose, before or after regular hours, 182 Schedules and Wage Scales. will be paid sixty-five cents for each call and if kept on duty longer than one hour, will receive overtime pro rata with regular salary, but not less than the minimum spec- ified in this article. Sec. 4. Employes as per Article I, will be notified without delay when claims for over- time or other compensation are not allowed and reason stated for being disallowed. ARTICLE XV. Objectionable Work. Section 1. Employes as per Article I, will not be required to shovel snow, mow lawns, .scrub waiting rooms, offices or outbuildings, but will be expected to keep their stations neat and clean, notifying the division super- intendent when help is required to accom- plish it. Sec. 2. Employes as per Article I, will be allowed compensation for the operation of gasoline pumps as follows: $10.00 per month will be allowed the position regularly as- signed by the superintendent to operate the pump. If more than one employe holds such position during the month, the $10.00 will be divided pro rata on basis of number of days in the month. In case an employe as per Article I, other than the regularly as- signed man is instructed to operate the pump, such employe will be allowed 35c per day for each day he performs such service. If required to operate the pump more than fifteen days in any one month, that position will also be allowed $10.00, to be divided on the same pro rata basis between the employes holding that position during the month. Sec. S. At stations where there are no other employes and not to exceed two switch or signal lights, employes as per Article I, will be required to care for them without extra compensation. At other stations where employes as per Article I, are required to care for switch or signal lights they will be paid as follows: For four or less, $4.00 per month; for each additional light, 50c per month. This does not apply to the train order signal proper, nor to signal lights in connection with interlocking plants, except at interlocking plants where there are sta- tion duties to perform. Sec. 4. At offices where more than ten cells of local battery are located, employes as per Article I. will not be required to clean them. ARTICLE XVI. Transfers. Section 1. Employes as per Article I, regularly transferred, will be allowed regular pay for time lost in making such transfers: rate of pay to be based on position leaving. Sec. 2. Employes as per Article I, not transferred within thirty days after having been assigned to a position, will be allowed $1.00 per day for expenses, after the thirty days allowed for transfer have expired. ARTICLE XVII. Relief Work. Section 1. Employes as per Article I, will he paid pro ra^ with the regular salary of the position where they are relieving except as otherwise provided in this article, and will be paid full time for time lost in trans- ferring from one position to another. Sec. 2. Employes as per Article I, reliev- ing at unscheduled positions, will receive not less than the minimum salary on the division where employed, and all other pro- vi.sons of the schedule. Sec. 3. Employes as per Article I, hold- ing a regularly assigned position will not be required to perform relief work, except in cases of emergency. When required to per- form such service at other than the station where regularly assigned, they will receive the regular salary of the position where re- lieving, but not less than a rate $30.00 per month higher than the salary of their reg- ular position; commissions not to be consid- ered. The intent being to cover expenses while away froin home. The provisions for extra coj-npensation will not apply to em- ployes as per Article I, appointed upon appli- cation to positions covered by Section 12 of Article III. ARTICLE XVIII. Bonds. Where surety bond is required, the railway company will pay the premium on the bond. Employes as per Article I, required to give surety bond^ will have the right to select any reputable and responsible company as their surety, when' unjust or arbitrary dis- crimination by the surety company selected by the railway company is shown. ARTICLE XIX. TelegrapPi Students. Employes as per Article I, will not be re- quired to teach telegraphy. ARTICLE XX. Pro Rata Rates. The following table of pro rata daily and hourly rates is based on twenty- six days per month. When employed all of the working days in any month, the full monthly rate will be allowed. In instances of employment a fractional part of a month, this table will be used regardless of the actual number of working days in the month. The pro rata hourly rates are not based on the spread of assignments, but are based on the number of hours worked not including meal hour. uS^ 2 ^ Pro rata rates per hour u <=^.2 Whe rate mon Pro rate day 11-hr. men 9-hr. men 8-hr. men 7-hr. men $50.00 $1.92 17c 21c 24c 27c 52.50 2.02 18 22 25 29 55.00 2.12 19 24 26 30 57.50 2.21 20 25 28 32 60.00 2.31 21 26 29 33 62.50 2.40 22 27 30 34 65.00 2.50 23 28 31 36 67.50 ■2.60 24 29 32 37 70.00 2.69 24 30 34 38 72.50 2.79 25 31 35 40 75.00 2.88 26 32 36 41 77.50 2.98 27 33 37 43 80.00 3.08 28 34 38 44 82.50 3.17 29 35 40 45 85.00 3.27 30 36 41 47 87.50 3.37 31 37 42 48 90.00 3.46 31 38 43 49 92.50 3.56 32 40 44 51 95.00 3.65 33 41 46 52 Schedules and Wage Scales. 183 2S5 Pro rata rate per day Is Pro rata rates per hour Whe rate mon 11-hr. men • 9-hr. men 8-hr. men 7-hr. men $ 97.50 $3.75 34c 42c 47c 54c 100.00 3.85 35 1 •^^ 48 55 102.50 3.94 36 44 49 56 105.00 4.04 37 45 50 58 107.50 4.13 38 46 52 59 110.00 4.23 38 47 53 60 112.50 4.33 39 48 54 62 115.00 4.42 40 49 55 63 117.50 4.52 41 50 56 65 120.00 4.62 42 51 58 66 122.5.0 4.71 43 52 59 67 125.00 4.81 44 53 60 69 127.50 4.90 45 54 61 1 70 130.00 5.00 45 55 62 71 132.50 5.10 46 57 64 73 135.00 5.19 47 58 65 74 137.50 5.29 48 59 66 76 140.00 5.38 49 60 67 77 142.50 5.48 50 61 68 78 145.00 5.58 51 62 70 80 147.50 5.67 52 63 71 81 150.00 5.77 52 64 72 82 -ARTICLE XXL WAGE SCALE. Note. — ^Any of these positions may embrace any or all of the others without special men- tion oi- reference. EAST LINES. Illinois Division. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Galewood Tower, first leverman $ 82.50 Second leverman 82.50 Third leverman 82.50 Mont Clare, agent 72.50 Tower B 12, first leverman 85.00 Second leverman 85.00 Third leverman 85.00 Franklin Park, agent 92.50 Night operator 80.00 Bensenville, agent 82.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Itasca, agent 82.50 Roselle, agent 82.50 Ontarioville, agent 82.50 Bartlett, agent 82.50 Spaulding, agent 135.00 Spaulding Tower, first leverman 108.00 Second leverman 108.00 Third leverman 108.00 Fox River Tower, first leverman 82.50 Second leverman 82.50 Third leverman 82.50 Elgin, first operator 97.50 Second operator 92.50 Third operator 90.00 Almora. agent ♦. 80.00 McQueons, Night operator 75.00 Pingree Grove, agent 80.00 Hampshire, agent 95.00 Second operator 77.50 New Lebanon, agent 77.50 Genoa, agent 95.00 Day operator 80.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Kingston Tower, first leverman $ 80.00 Second leverman 80.00 Third leverman 80.00 Kingston, agent 85.00 Kirkland, agent 102.50 First operator 87.50 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 82.50 Fairdale, agent 80.00 Monroe Center, agent 80.00 Davis Junction, agent 100.00 First operator 97.50 Second operator 95.00 Third operator 95.00 Stillman Valley, agent 92.50 Byron, agent 95.00 Byron Tower, first leverman 80.00 Second leverman .'. SO.OO Third leverman 80.00 Leaf River, agent 95.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Adeline, agent 80.00 Forreston, agent 82.50 Harper, agent 80.00 Kittredge, first leverman 82.50 Second leverman 82.50 Third leverman 82.50 Lanark, agent 102."50 Lanark Tower, first leverman..' 85.00 Second leverman 85.00 Third leverman 85.00 Ashdale, first leverman 82.50 Second leverman 82.50 Third leverman 82.50 -Alt. Carroll, agent .' 102.50 Day operator 87.50 Red Barn, night operator 75.00 Hickory Grove, agent 77.50 Savanna Yard, first operator 95.00 Second operator 95.00 Third operator 95.00 Savanna "Pass," first operator 100.00 Second operator 95.00 Savanna '"Dsprs. Ofs.," first operator 100.00 Second operator 100.00 .'~avanna Tower, first leverman 65.00 Second leverman 6.1.00 Third leverman 65.00 Thomson, agent 85.00 Ebner, first leverinan 82.50 Second 82.50 Third leverman 82.50 Fulton, agent 90.00 Albany, agent 80.00 Cordova, agent 80.00 Second operator 72.50 Port Byron, agent 80.00 Hampton, agent 65.00 "V^^atertown, agent 77.50 East Moline, agent 140.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator " 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Davenport "Bdge. Sw.," first operator SO 00 Second operator SO.OO Davenport "Frt.," dav operator RT.'^O Davenport vVoter Wks.," first staff, .so.nn Second staffman 80.00 Third staffman 80.00 lOypning, agent , 75.00 lb4 Schedules and Wage .Scales. Racrne & Southwestern Division. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Racine, first operator $ S7.50 Second operator , 75. OU Third operator 72. 50 Corliss, agent 92.50 First operator 87.50 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 82.50 Union Grove, agent 82.50 Second operator ;.,.. 75.00 Kansasville, agent 80.00 Burlington Tower, day leverman 72.50 Night leverman 72.,j0 Burlington, agent 105.00 First operator 80,00 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 77.50 Lyons, agent 77.50 Springfield, agent 85.00 Blkhorn, agent 100.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 77.50 Delavan, agent 105.00 Day operator 85.00 Darien, agent 80.00 Clinton Junction, agent 97.50 Beloit, first staffman 87.50 Second staffman 82.50 Third staffman 82.50 Rockton, agent 90.00 Second staffman 77.50 Third staffman 75.00 Shirland, agent 82.50 Durand, agent 85.00 Davis, agent 80.00 Rock City, agent 77.50 Dakota, agent 80.00 Freeport, first operator 87.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 P'lorence, agent 77.50 Shannon, agent 90.00 Troy Center, agent 72.50 Rorkford, day operator 85.00 Rochelie & Southern Division. Stewart Junction, agent $ 77.50 Scarboro, agent 72.50 Roxbury, agent 72.50 Mendota, agent .' 97.50 Liaddi, third operatoi' 72.50 Cherry, agent 87.50 Standard, agent .• 72.50 Cedar Point, agent 72.50 Oglesby, agent 100.00 Iowa Division. Sabula Bridge, day leverman $ 97.50 Night leverman 92.50 Sabula , agent 92.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Oreery Island, agent 92.50 Second leverman 90.00 Third leverman 90.00 Browns, agent 82. f^O .Second leverman 80.00 Third leverman 80.00 Delmar Junction, agent 92.50" Second operator ^ 82.50 Third operator 82.50 Elwood, agent 80.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Lost Nation, agent $ 87.50 Oxford Junction, agent 90.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 82.50 Hale, agent 80.00 Olin, agent 90.00 Morley, agent 82.50 Martelle, agent 82.50 Paralta, agent 82.50 Second leverman 80.00 Third leverman 80.00 East Marion Yard, first operator 80.00 Second operator 80.00 West Marion Yard, first operator 87.50 Second operator 87.50 Third operator 87.50 Marion "MA," chief operator 117.50 First assistant chief operator.... 107.50 Second assistant chief operator.. 107.50 Indian Creek, first operator 80.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 i-ouisa, agent .' 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Covington, agent 75.00 Atkins, agent 85.00 Newhall, agent 85.00 Van Home, agent 87.50 Second operator 77.50 Keystone, agent 87.50 Elberon, agent 82.50 Vining, agent 77.50 Gladstone, agent 75.00 Tama, agent , 107.50 First operator 85.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Potter, agent 75.00 Dunbar, agent 75.00 _ Ferguson, agent 85.00 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 80.00 Haverhill, agent 75.00 Capron, agent 82.50 Second leverman 77.50 Third leverman 77.50 Melbourne, agent 90.00 Rhodes, agent 90.00 Collins, agent 90.00 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 77.50 Maxwell, agent 90.00 Elwell, agent 75.00 Cambridge, agent 92.50 Huxley, agent 85.00 Slater, agent 85.00 Slater Tower, first leverman 82.50 Second leverman 82.50 Third leverman 82.50 Madrid, agent 97.50 operator 85.00 Second operator 82.50 Tliird operator 82.50 Phildia, agent 75.00 Woodward, agent 90.00 Boiiton, agent 80.00 Perry "Dsprs. Ofs.," lirst operator 100.00 Second operator 95.00 Perry Yard, first operator 87.50 Second operator 87.50 Third operator 87.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 185 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Dawson, agent $ 80.00 Jamaica, agent SO. 00 Herndon, agent 90.00 First leverman 82.50 Second leverman 82.50 Third leverman 82.50 Bagley, agent 87.50 Bayard, agent 90.00 Coon Rapids, agent 100.00 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 80.00 Dedham, agent 85.00 Templeton, agent 82.50 Manning, agent 100.00 Second operator 82.50 Third operator SO.OO Aspinwall, agent 75.00 Manilla, first operator 87.50 Second operator 87.50 Third operator 87.50 • Astor, agent 55.00 Defiance, agent 85.00 Second operator s 75.00 Earling, agent _ 85.00 Second opei'ator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Panama, agent 80.00 Portsmouth, agent 80.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Persia, agent 85.00 Second operator 75.00 Yorkshire, agent 75.00 Neola, agent 90.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Underwood, agent 75.00 Weston, agent 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Co. Bluffs Yard, first operator 87.50 Second operator 87.50 Third operator 87.50 Co. Bluffs "Prt.," day operator 92.50 Omaha "MS," day operator 87.50 Elk River Junction, agent 77.50 Teeds Qirove, agent 72.50 Miles, agent 80.00 Preston, agent , 87.50 Lyons, agent ' 110.00 Clinton "Tkt.," day operator 85.00 Eldredge Junction, agent 70.00 Long Grove, agent 70.00 De Witt, agent 95.00 Welton, agent 72.50 Maquoketa, agent 100.00 Day operator 85.00 Donahue, agent 70.00 Dixon, agent 72.50 Big Rock, agent 55.00 Wheatland, agent 70.00 Toronto, agent 70.00 Massillon, agent 55.00 Wyoming, agent 82.50 Center Junction, agent 60.00 Scotch Grove, agent 57.50 Springville, agent 82.50 Viola, agent 55.00 Stone City, agent - 95.00 Anamosa, ageht 110.00 Day operator 85.00 Langworthy, agent 70.00 Monticello, agent 100.00 Day operator 87.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Hopkinton, agent $ 85.00 Delhi, agent 62.50 Delaware, agent 70.00 Oneida Junction, agent 80.00 Greeley, agent 82.50 Edgewood, ag«nt 82.50 Strawberry Point, agent 90.00 Arlington, agent : . . . 87.50 Fayette, agent 100.00 Hawkeye, agent 82.50 Waucoma, agent 82.50 Sand Springs, agent 55.00 Worthington, agent €0.00 Chicago & Milwaukee Division. Chicago "CG." chief operator $130.00 First assistant chief operator 115.00 Second assistant chief operator... 112.50 Other operators 105.00 Healy, agent 110.00 Forest Glen, agent 77.50 Edgebrook, agent - 77.50 Tower A 13, first leverman 82.50 Second leverman 82.50 Third leverman ^ 82.50 Morton Grove, agent 87.50 Golf, agent 70.00 Glenview, agent 87.50 Shermerville, agent 87.50 Tower A 23, first leverman 85.00 Second leverman S2.50 Third leverman 82.50 Deerfield, agent ^7.50 Everett, agent • 83.00 Rondout, agent 137.50 Day operator 95.00 Rondout Tower, first leverrnan 95.00 Second levennan 95.00 Third leverman 95.00 Warrenton, agent 85.00 Gurnee, agent 85.00 Wadsworth, agent 85.00 Wadsworth Tower, first leverman 82.50 Second leverman 82.50 Third leverman , S2.50 Russell, agent 85.00 Ranney, agent 85.00 Second leverman 82.50 Third leverman 82.50 Truesdell, agent 80.00 Somers, agent 85.00 Pranksville, agent 85.00 Tower A 68, first leverman 82.50 Second leverman 82.50 Third leverman 82.50 Caledonia, agent SO.OO Oakwood, agent 82.50 Lake, agent 87.50 Second leverman 85.00 Third leverman ' 85.00 1 ibert>"ville, agent 110.00 Libertyville "Pass," day operator 80.00 Soo Tower, first leverman 75.00 Second leverman 75.00 Third leverman 75.00 Grays Lake, agent 80.00 Round Lake, agent 87.50 Ingleside, agent 87.50 Fox Lake, agent 95.00 Day operator 75.00 Spring Grove, agent SO.OO .Solon Mills, agent SO.OO 186 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Hebron Tower, agent . .' $ 77.50 Second leverniaii 75. OU Third leverman 75.00 Zenda, agent 82.50 Walworth, agent 95.00 Bardwell, first leverinan 85.00 Second leverman 85.00 Third leverman 85.00 Avalon, agent 80.00 kock River Tower, first leverman.... 75.00 Second leverman 75.00 Third leverman 75.00 Chicago Terminals. Tower A 2, director $125.00 Assistant director 115.00 First leverman 105.00 Second leverman 105.00 Third leverman 105.00 Tower A 3, first leverman 82.50 Second leverman 82.50 Third leverman 82.50 Western Ave. "Supts Ofs", day opera- tor 87.50 Tower A 4, first leverman 82.50 Second leverman 82.50 Third leverman 82.50 Pacific Junction, first operator 87.50 Second operator 87.50 Third operator < 87.50 First leverman 87.50 Second leverman 87.50 Third leverman 87.50 Hermosa, agent - 87.50 Cragin Junction, first leverman 87.50 Second leverman 87.50 Third leverman 87.50 Cragin, agent 100.00 Galewood Transfer, first operator 95.00 Second operator 95.00 Third operator 95.00 Fast Grand Avenue, day leverman.... 70.00 Night leverman 70.00 Chicago Avenue, day leverman 72.50 Night leverman 72.50 Division Street, day leverman 70.00 Night leverman 70.00 North Avenue, day leverman 70.00 Night leverman 70.00 Cortland Street, day leverman 70.00 Night leverman 70.00 FuUerton Avenue, day leverman 70.00 Night leverman 70.00 I incoln Avenue, day leverman 70.00 Night leverman 70.00 Belmont Avenue, day leverman 70.00 Night leverman 70.00 Edgewater, agent 102.50 Elsmere, agent 100.00 Evanston, agent 110.00 Des Moines Division. Clive, agent $ 75.00 Second operator 70.00 Third operator ., 70.00 Waukee, agent 75.00 Adel, agent 90.00 Redfleld, agent 90.00 Linden, agent 72.50 Panora, agent 90.00 Yale, agent 75.00 Cooper, agent 72.50 Station and Position. Rate per Month. Jefferson, • agent $105.00 Day operator sO.UO Farlin, agent 55.00 Churdan, agent .~i5.ui Adaza, agent 70.00 Lohrville, agent 85.00 Rockwell City, agent KO.OO First operator o2.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 77.50 Jolley, agent 75.00 Knoke, agent 50.00 Fonda Tower, day levernxan 70.00 Night leverman 70.00 Fonda, agent 100.00 Varina. agent 72.50 Albert City, agent 72.50 Marathon, agent 80.00 Marathon Tower, day leverman 70.00 Night leverman 70.00 Webb, agent 70.00 Gillett Grove, agent 70.00 Lavinia, agent 67.50 Lytton, agent 72.50 Sac City, agent 100.00 Nemeha, agent 70.00 Juniata, agent 50.00 Storm Lake, agent 100.00 Grimes, agent 75.00 Granger, agent 75.00 Luther, agent . . . : 70.00 Boone, agent 107.50 Kansas City Division. Ardon, agent .1! 77.50 Cranston, agent 77.50 Cone, agent 77.50 Second leverman 75.00 Third leverman 75.00 Qladwin, agent 77.50 Haskins, agent 77.50 Washington, agent 110.00 First operator 80.00 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 77.50 Washington Tower, day leverman.... 72.50 Night leverman 72 50 Titus, agent ^. . 77.50 Rubio. agent '. . 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Richland, agent.' ^ -77.50 Linby, agent 77.50 Second leverman 75.00 Third leverman 75.00 Farson, agent 80.00 Rutledge. agent 80.00 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 77.50 Ottumwa Jet., (Disp. Off.), first opr. . . 100.00 Second operator ^. 100.00 Third operator.... -v. . . 95.00 Fourth operator 95.00 Ottumwa (Ticket), first operator 92.50 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 82.50 Bear Creek, agent.., 77.50 Bidwell, agent 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Blakesburg, agent 80.00 Brompton, night operator 75.00 Foster, agent 77.60 Schedules and Wage Scales. 1S7 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Moravia, agent $ 85.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Rathbun, agent 80.00 My.stic, agent 97.50 1^'irst operator 82.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator '. 77.50 Jerome, agent 77.50 Seymour, agent 95.00 Second operator 77.50 Third operator. . ./. 77.50 Seymour Tower, day leverman 72.50 Night leverman 72.50 Sewal, agent 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Powersville, agent 80.00 Second operator 75.00 Lucerne, 82.50 Nawton, agent 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Harris, agent 82.50 Osgood, agent 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Gault, agent 80.00 Laredo, agent 102.50 First operator 82.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator .• 80.00 Chula, agent 80.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Sturges, agent 60.00 Chillicothe, agent 115.00 First operator 82.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 77.50 Dawn, agent 77.50 Ludlow, agent 82.50 Braymer, agent 85.00 Second operator. . .^ 77.50 Third operaitor. . . . .* 75.00 Cowgill, agent 87.50 Polo, agent 92.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 75.00 Elmira, agf-nt . 77.50 Lawson, agent 95.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Excelsior Springs, agent 102.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Moseby, agent 77.50 Stockdale, agent 55.00 Liberty, agent 90.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Northern Junction, agent 77.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 77.50 Cedar Rapids (Ticket), first operator. 97.50 Second operator 87.50 Third operator 82.50 Fairfax, agent 75.00 Walford, agent 57.50 Amana, day operator 70.00 Conroy, agent 75.00 Williamsburg, agent • 95.00 First operator 75.00 Seond operator 72.50 Third operator 72.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Parnell, agent $ 80.00 North English, agent 85.00 Second operator 75.00 Webster, agent 75.00 Sigourney, agent 102.50 Second operator 75.00 Hayesville, agent 75.00 Highland, agent 50.00 Kansas City Terminals. Suburban Junction, first staffman . . . . $ 77.50 Second staffman 77.50 Third staffman •^ 77.50 East Bottom Tower, first leverman. . . . 77.50 Second leverman 77.50 Third leverman •. 77.50 Coburg, first operator 90.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Kansas City "Frt", day operator 100.00 Kansas City "Tkt", day operator.... 97.50 Sioux City & Dakota Division. Buck Grove, agent $72.50 Arion, agent 65.00 Kenwood, agent 72.50 Charter Oak, agent 85.00 Second operator 75.00 Ute, agent 85.00 Maf)leton, agent 102.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 75.00 Rodney, agent 75.00 Grant Center, agent 72.50 Hornick, agent 75.00 Second operator 72.50 Luton, agent 75.00 Morningside, agent 80.00 Sioux City Yard, first operator 87.50 Second operator 87.50 Third operator 87.50 Sioux City "Dsprs Ofs", first operator 97.50 Second operator 95.00 Sioux City "Tlct". day operator 95.00 Brughier Bridge, day operator 72.50 Jefferson, agent 77.50 Elk Point, agent 115.00 First operator 80.00 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 77.50 Burbank, agent 70.00 Vermillion, agent 115.00 • Second operator , . . . 75.00 Meckling, agent 75.00 Gayville, agent 75.00 Yankton, first operator 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Utica, agent 70.00 Lesterville, agent 72.50 Kaylor, agtnt 62.50 Tripp, agent 77.50 Second operator 70.00 Parkston, agent 82.50 Second operator 70.00 Dimock, agent 62.50 Ethan, agent 70.00 Westfield, agent 75.00 Akron, agent 85.00 Day operator 67.50 Chatsworth, .agent 75.00 Hawarden, agent 85.00 Day operator 70.00 Hudson, agent 80.00 Fairview, agent 70.00 188 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Beloit, agent $ 50.00 Harrisburg, agent 70.00 Sioux Falls "Tkt", first operator 77.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 75.00 Colton, agent 67.50 Saranac, agent 52.50 Baltic, agent i. 60.00 Dell Rapids, agent 85.00 Trent, agent 57.50 Tabor, agent f 70.00 Avon, agent 72.50 Dante, agent 62.50 Wagner, agent....." 80.00 Ravinia, agent 70.00 Lake Andes, agent 72.50 Geddes, agent.. 80.00 Platte, agent 80.00 Delmont, agent 72.50 Armour, agent 85.00 Corsica, agent 72.50 Stickney, agent. 72.50 Dubuque Division. Pleasant Creek, night operator $ 72.50 Bellevue, agent 107.50 First operator 85.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 77.50 Smiths, night operator 72.50 Gordons Ferry, agent 75.00 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 72.50 Cattese, night operator 72.50 Dubuque "Dsprs Ofs", first operator. . 97.50 Second operator 95.00 Dubuque Shops, agent 90.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Edmore, night operator 72.50 Spechts Ferry, agent 75.00 Second operator 72.50 Third operSitor 72.50 Cameron, night operator 72.50 Buena Vista, agent 80.00 Turkey River, agent 85.00 Second operator 72.50 Turkey River Junction, night operator 72.50 Guttenberg. agent 90.00 Second operator 77,.50 Third operator 72.50 Clayton, agent 80.00 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 72.50 McGregor, agent 107.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator • 77.50 Waukon Junction, agent.... 82.50 Harpers Ferry, agent 77.50 Second operator 72.50 Third operator. 72.5a I.,an.sing, agent 107.50 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 72.50- New Albin, agent 80.00 Reno, agent 97.50 Second operator -. 72.50 Third operator 72.50 Brownsville, agent 75.00 La Crescent, agent 80.00 Second operator r 72.50 Third operator ' 72.50 La Motte, agent 55.00 Zwingle, agent 52.50 Bernard, agent 65.00 Rato per Station arid Position. Month. Cascade, agent $ 77.50 Osterdock, agent 60.00 Garber, agent 70.00 Littleport, agent ' 55.00 Volga City, agent 70.00 Waidena, agent 52.50 West Union, agent ~. 97.50 Waterville, agent ■. 55.00 Waukon, agent 107.50 Caledonia, agent 85.00 Spring Grove, agent 77.50 MabeL, agent 77.50 Prosper, agent 55.00 Canton, agent 55.00 Harmony, agent , 75.00 Preston, agent 90.00 Second operator 70.00 La Crosse Division. Milwaukee "Dsprs Ofs", first operator. $100.00 Second operator 95.00 Wauwatosa, agent 87.50 Day operator 75.00 Elm Grove, agent 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Brookfield, agent 90.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Duplainville, agent 77.50 Second leverman .• 75.00 Third leverman 75.00 Pewaukee, agent 87.50 Hartland, agent 87.50 Nashotah, agent 72.50 Okauchee, agent 65.00 Oconomowoc, first operator 82.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 77.50 Ixonia, agent 77.50 Watertown Junction, first operator... 87.50 Second operatoi- 82.60 Third operator 82.50 Richwood, agent 67.50 Reeseville, agent 87.50 Astico, agent 67.50 Columbus, agent 100.00 First operator 82.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 77.50 Fall River, agent 72.50 Doylestown, agent 67.50 East Rio. night operator 75.00 Rio, agent 87.50 Wyocena. agent 67.50 Poriage Junction, day leverman 77.50 Night leverman 77.50 Portage, first operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 West Portage, day leverman 77.50 Night leverman 77.50 Kilbourn, agent 100.00 First operator 82.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 77.50 Lyndon, agent 80.00 Mau.ston, agent 100.00 First operator 82.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator . '. 77.50 New Lisbon, agent 100.00 First operator 87.50 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 82.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 189 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Camp Douglas, agent $ 90.00 Camp Douglas Tower, first leverman.. 85.00 Second leverman 85.00 Third leverman S5.00 Oakdale, agent 77.50 Tomah. agent 105.00 First operator '. 90.00 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 80.00 Tunnel City, agent 80.00 Second staffman 75.00 Third staffman 75.00 Raymore, staffman 77.50 Second staffman 75.00 Third staffman 75.00 Camp Robinson, agent 82.50 Day operator 75.00 Sparta, agent 100.00 First operator 87.50 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 80.00 Rockland, agent 67.50 Bangor, agent 90.00 First operator 77.50 Second operator 75.00 West Salem, agent 92.50 First operator 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Medary, first leverman 77.50 Second leverman 77.50 Third leverman 77.50 Grand Crossing, first leverman 77.50 Second leverman 77.50 Third leverman 77.50 North La Crosse, first operator 95.00 Second operator 92.50 Third operator 92.50 West Wye Switch, first operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator.-. 75.00 Hubbellton, agent 67.50 Waterloo, agent 85.00 Marshall, agent 70.00 Sun Prairie, agent 82.50 AVindsor. agent 67.50 De Forest, agent 70.00 Morrisonville, agent 67.50 Arlington, agent 67.50 Poynette, agent 70. 00 Leon, agent 67.50 Melvina, agent 67.50 Cashton, agent 75.00 Westby. agent 75.00 Viroqua. day operatoi- 77.50 Milwaukee Terminals. Bay View Tower, first leverman $ 85.00 Second leverman 85.00 Third leverman 85.00 Stowell, agent 80.00 Kinnickinnic, first leverman 77.50 Second leverman 77.50 Third leverman 77.50 Allis, agent 80.00 Milwaukee "Pass", second operator.. 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Milwaukee "GO", chief operator 130.00 Other operators 105.00 Milw. Shops Cutoff, first operator.... 87.50 Second operator , . 87.50 Third operator 87.50 Merrill Park, agent 70.00 Grand Avenue Tower, first leverman.. 92.50 Second leverman 92.50 Third leverman 92.60 Rate per Station and Position. Month. North Avenue, agent $100.00 First operator 80.00 Second operator 77.50 Third operator ". . .~. 77.50 North Milwaukee, agent 95.00 First operator 87.50 Second operator , 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Muskego Yard, first operator 92.50 Second operator 92.50 Third operator 92.50 West Allis, day operator 80.00 Northern Division. Milwaukee "Dsprs Ofs", day operator.! 95.00 Granville, agent 85.00 Second operator 70.00 Third operator 70.00 Germantown, agent 80.00 Second operator 70.00 Third operator 70.00 Richfield, agent 80.00 Schleisingerville, agent 100.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 75.00 Hartford, agent 102.50 Fjrst operator : 80.00 Second operator 77.50 Rubicon, agent 80.00 Woodland, agent 80.00 Iron Ridge, agent 90.00 First operator 77.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 75.00 Horicon. agent 102.50 First operator 87.50 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 80.00 ■Rolling Piairie, agent 70.00 Beaver Dam Junction, first operator.. 80.00 Second operator 77.50 Beaver Dam, agent 102.50 Fox Lake, agent 75.00 Randolph, agent 82.50 Cambria, agent 80.00 Pardeeville, agent '. 80.00 Second operator 70.00 Menomonee Falls, agent 75.00 Lannon, agent 67.50 Sussex, agent 62.50 Merton, agent 70.00 North Lake, agent 70.00 Mayville, agent 100.00 First operator 82.50 Second operator 75.00 Knowles. agent 77 50 Brownsville, agent 57.50 South Byron, agent 57.50 Fond du Lac Tower, day leverman... 67.50 Night leverman 67.50 Fond du Lac, day operator 85.00 Waunun, agent 105.00 First operator 82.50 Second operator 75 On Brandon, agent .' . 80. 00 •Ripon, agf nt 110.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator • 75 0'^ first operator 77 50 Second operator 77.50 Fairwater, 65.00 Markesan, agent 82.50 Rush Lake, agent 80.00 Berlin, day operator 85.00 Waukau, agent .'. 55.00 190 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Omro, agent $ 70.00 Winneconne, agent 67.50 Prairie du Chien Division. Waukesha, first operator $ 85.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 75.00 Genesee, agent 80.00 North Prairie, agent 80.00 Eagle, agent 87.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Palmyra, agent 87.50 Whitewater, agent 112.50 First operator 85.00 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 75.00 Lima Center, agent 80.00 Milton, agent 87.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 75.00 Milton Junction, agent 87.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 75.00 Edgerton, agent 112.50 First operator 82.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 75.00 Stoughton, first operator 82.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 75.00 McFarland, agent 80.00 • Second operator 72.50 Monona Tower, day leverman 77.50 Night leverman 77.50 Madison, first operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator •. 82.50 Middleton, agent ^ 85.00 Cross Plains, agent 82.50 Second operator 72.50 Black Earth, agent 82.50 Mazomanie, agent 90.00 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 75.00 Arena, agent 82.50 Spring Green, agent 90.00 Second operator 72.50 Lone Rock, agent 90.00 First operator 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Avoca, agent 82.50 Muscoda, agent 85.00 Day operator 72.50 Blue River, agent 82.50 Bo.scobel, agent 90.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator , . . . 75.00 Woodman, agent 72.50 Wauzeka, agent , 90.00 First operator 77.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 75.00 Bridgeport, agent 80.00 Prairie du Chien. agent 90.00 First operator 80.00 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 75.00 Sauk City, agent 75.00 Prairie du Sac 82.50 Twin Bluffs, agent 57.50 Richland Center, agent 102.50 Pay operator , 80.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Steuben, agent $ 57.50 Petersburg, agent 57.50 Gays Mills, agent 67.50 Soldiers Grove, agent 70.00 Readstown, agent 62.50 Viola, agent 70.00 La Farge, agent 70.00 Mineral Point Division. Janesville, first operator $ 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 82.50 Hanover, agent .^ 75.00 Orfordville, agent 80.00 Brodhead, agent 100.00 Day operator 80.00 .Tuda, agent 80.00 Monroe, agent 115.00 First operator 80.00 Second operator 72.50 Browntown, agent 80.00 South Wayne, agent 80.00 Gratiot, agent 92.50 Darlington, agent 97.50 Second operator 80.00 Calamine, agent 80.00 Mineral Point, day operator 82.50 Albany, agent 85.00 Monticello, agent 85.00 New Glarus, agent • -90.00 Dunbarton, agent 55.00 Shullsburg, agent 97.50 Belmont, agent • 80.00 Platteville, agent 117.50 Day operator. 80.00 Superior Division. Thiensville, agent... $ 62.50 Cedarburg, agent 85.00 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 70.00 Grafton, agent 70.00 Saukville, agent 75.00 Fredonia. agent 72.50 Random Lake, agent 80.00 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 70.00 Adell, agent 72.50 Waldo, agent 75.00 Plymouth, agent 110.00 First operator 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 72.50 Elkhart Lake, agent 80.00 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 70.00 Kiel, agent 82.50 First operator 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 72.50 New Holstein, agent 75.00 Hayton, agent 57.50 Chilton, agent 82.50 First operator 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 72.50 Hilbert Junction, agent 82.50 First operator 80.00 Second operator , . 75.00 Third operator 72.50 Forest Junction, agent 67.50 Askeaton, agent 60.00 Greenleaf , agent •-,•,•, 75.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 191 Rate per Station and Position. Month. De Pere, agent. . . : $ 95.00 First operator 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 72.50 Green Bay "Dsprs Ofs", first operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Green Bay Shops, first operator 82.50 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 82.50 Tremble, agent 52.50 Sobieski, agent 62.50 Abrams, agent 77.50 Oconto Junction, night operator 72.50 Stiles, agent 65.00 Stiles Junction, agent 65.00 Lena, agent 80.00 Coleman, agent 75.0ft Second operator ^ 70.00 Pound, agent 62.50 Beaver, agent 62.50 Ellis Junction, agent 87.50 First operator 82J0 Second operator 75.^0 Third operator 72.50 Middle Inlet, agent 62.50 Wausaukee, agent 90.00 First operator 77.50 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 70.00 Amberg, agent 77.50 Pembine Junction, agent -. 102.50 Second operator 80.00 Iron Mountain, first operator 80.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Antoine Tower, day leverman 67.50 Randville, agent 72.50 Second operator 70.00 Sagola, agent 75.00 Channing, agent 92.50 Channing "Dsprs Ofs", day operator.. 90.00 Amasa. agent 85.00 Mass. agent 87.50 Second operator 70.00 Rockland, agent 82.50 Ontonagon, agent 95.00 First operator 75.00 Second operator 72.50 White Pine, agent 80.00 Sherwood, agent 72.50 Menasha, first operator 80.00 Second operator 75.00 Neenah, agent 110.00 Oconto, agent 102.50 Day operator 80.00 Bagley Junction, agent. 80.00 Menominee, first operator 80.00 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 75.00 Republic, agent 77.50 Crystal Falls, agent 92.50 Chicagoan Mine, day leverman i 57.50 Tully Mine, day leverman 57.50 Stambaugh, agent 120.00 Iron River, day operator 80.00 Wisconsin Valley Division. Necedah, agent $ 92.50 Babcock, agent 90.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 72.50 Nekoosa, agent v 82.50 Port Edward.s, agent 77.60 Rate per Station and Position. Montii. Grand Rapids, first operator .$ 85.00 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 80.00 Rudolph, agent 62.50 Dancy, agent 62.50 Knowlton, agent 62.50 Mosinee, agent S7.50 Second operator 75.00 Rothschild, agent 80.00 Schofieid, agent 80.00 Brokaw, agent SO. 00 Merrill, first operator 85.00 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 80.00 Irma, agent 75.00 Tomahawk, agent 100.00 First operator 87.50 Second) operator 85.00 Hazelhurst, agent 75.00 Minbcqua, agent 92.50 Second operator 85.00 Woodruff Junction, day leverman 70.00 Night leverman 70.00 Sayner, agent 62.50 Star Lake, agent. 85.00 Mather, agent 70.00 Lynn, agent , 65.00 Pittsville, agent 72.50 Gleason. agent 87.50 Boulder Junction, agent 85.00 River Division. Bridge Switch, first operator $ 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 River Junction, agent 82.50 Second leverman 80.00 Third leverman 80.00 Dakota, agent 77.50 La Moille, agent 75.00 Homer, agent '. 75.00 Winona, first operator 90.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 82.50 Minnesota City, second operator 77.50 Minneiska, agent 80.00 Weaver, agent 80.00 Kellogg, agent 80.00 Wabasha, first operator 95.0'> Second operator 87.50 Third operator 87.50 Lake City, agent. . . .'' 100.00 First operator 85.00 . Second operator 80.00 Third operator 77.50 Frontenac, agent 80.00 Red Wing, first operator 90.00 • Second operator 85.00 Third operator 82.50 Eggleston, agent 75.00 Etter, agent 75.00 Hastings Yard, first operator 77.50 Second operator 77.50 Hastings, agent 105.00 First operator ». 90.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 82.60 St. Croix Crossing, first leverman 85.00 Second leverman 85.00 Third leverman 85.00 Langdon, agent 75.00 Newport, agent 80.00 Hoffman Avenue, first, leverman 85.00 Second leverman 85.00 Third leverman 85.00 ]92 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. St. Paul Lower Yaid, lir.?t opera tor... $ 87.50 Second operator 87.50 Third operator 87.50 St. Paul "VR", day operator 97.50 St. Paul "KN". day operator 87.50 Chestnut Street, first operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Merriam Park, agent 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Signal Tower, first leverman 85.00 Second leverman 85.00 Third leverman . .' 85.00 South Minneapolis, first operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Minneapolis "Dsprs Ofs", day opr 100.00 Minneapolis "C", chief operator 130.00 First assistant chief operator 115.00 Second assistant chief operator.. 112.00 Other operators 105.00 A^ermillion, agent 72.50 Farmington Yard, first operator 82.50 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 82.50 Afton, agent 72.50 Lakeland, agent 72.50 South Stillwater, agent • 75.00 Stillwater, agent 115.00 Day operator 80.00 Chippewa Valley Division. Durand, agent $ 82.50 Day operator ' 72.50 Red Cedar, agent .' 72.50 Caryville, agent 60.00 Eau Claire, day operator 92.50 Fau Claire Junction, day operator 72.50 Central Junction, day operator 72.50 Chippewa Falls, dp,y operator 80.00 Menomonie, agent 100.00 Wabasha Division. Thieiman, agent $ 70.00 Millville, agent 65.00 Hammond, agent 65.00 Zumbro Palls, agent 65.00 Mazeppa, agent 75.00 Zumbrota, agent 90.00 Iowa and Minnesota Division. Conover, agent $ 85. 00 Ridgeway, agent 80.00 Cresco, agent 110. OD First operator 87.50 Second operator 77.50 Bonair, agent 60.00 Lime Springs, agent '. 80.00 Chester, agent 80.00 Le Roy, agent 82.50 Taopi, agent 77.50 Adams, agent 80.00 Rose Creek, agent 80.00 Austin, first operator 97.50 Second operator 92.50 Third operator 87.50 Lansing, agent 55.00 Blooming Prairie, agent 85.00 First operator 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Bixby, agent 75.00 Pratt, agent 57.50 Owatonna, agent 125.00 First operator 87.50 Second operator 80.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Medford, agent $ 80.00 Faribault, first operator..... 87.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Comus, first operator 80.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Dundas, agent 80.00 Northfield, agent 120.00 First operato.r 87.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Castle Rock, agent 77.50 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 72.50 Farmington, agent 110.00 First operator 87.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Rosemount, agent 85.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Mendota, agent 80.00 Minnehaha, agent ". 77.50 Minneapolis "Dsprs Ofs", first operator 100.00 Second operator 95.00 Plymouth, agent 77.50 Grafton, agent 77.50 Carpenter, agent 75.00 Otranto, agent : 60.00 Lyle, agent 85.00 Decorah, agent 100.00 Wanamingo, agent 70.00 Bombay, agent 62.50 Kenyon, agent 77.50 Cannon Falls, agent 92.50 Elko, agent 75.00 Lonsdale, agent. 80.00 Montgomery Tower, day leverman.... 70.00 Night leverman 70.00 Montgomery, agent 85.00' Le Sueur Center, agent 82.50 Cleveland, agent 75.00 Kasota, agent 85.00 Iowa & Dakota Division. North McGregor, first operator $ 85.00 Second operator 82 50 Third operator 82.50 AVest Yard, first operator 82.50 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 82.50 Giard, first operator 72.50 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 72.50 Beulah, agent 80.00 Monona, agent 82.50 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 72.50 Luana, agent 75.00 Postville, agent 97.50 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 72 50 Castalia, agent 75.00 Ossian, agent. 92.50 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 72.50 Calmar "Frt", agent 107.50 Calmar "Tkt". agent 87.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Ft. Atkinson, agent 85.00 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 72.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 193 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Jaclvson .Junction, agent $ 80. OU Second operator 72.50 Lawler, agent 82.50 New Hampton, agent 107.50 Second operator 77.50 Tliird operator 77.50 Ionia, agent 82.50 Bassett, agent 75.00 Cliarles City, agent 107.50 First operator .82.50 Second operator 77.50 Tliird operator 75.00 Rudd, agent 80.00 Nora Springs, agent 92.50 Portland, agent 55.00 Mason City "Dsprs Ofs", first opr. .. 95.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Clear Lake, agent 90.00 Second operator 75.00 Ventura, agent 75.00 Ciarner, agent 90.00 ±iritt, agtnt yo.oO yecond operator 72.50 'rnird operator 72.50 Hutciiius, agent 7^.50 Wesley, agfciii. 80. ou ibexion, agent 75.00 Aigona, agent IOo.Oj beconu operator 77.50 x'nua operator .^ 75.00 Hobart, agent 7i!.5u vvnitteinore, agent »V.5u Cyiinuer, agent 75.00 iL,ninietourg, agent lOU.OO beconu opeiator 75.00 Third operator' 75.00 Rutliven, agent 92.50 aecond operator 72.50 Dickens, agent 77.50 spencer, agent. . . / 120.00 First operator 90.00 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 82.50 Kverly, agent 82.50 Hartley, , agent^. 90.00 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 72.50 Sanborn, agent 92.50 tirst operator 80.00 Second operator 77.50 ^ Third operator 77.50 Sheldon, agent 105.00 Day operator 72.50 Sheldon Junction, agent 87.50 First operator 80.00 Second operator .^ 77.50 Third operator 75.00 Boyden, agent 77.50 Hull, agent 80.00 Rock Valley, agent 85.00 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 72.50 Inwood, agent 82.50 Canton, agent 110.00 First operator 82.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 77.50 Worthing, agent 75.00 I.iennox, agent 75.00 Chancellor, agent 72.50 Parker, agent 85.00 Day operator 72. BO I u Rate per Station and Position. Month. -iianon Junction, agent $ 85.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 72.50 Dolton, agent 72.50 Bridgewater. agent 80.00 iiimery, agent 75. 00 Second operator 72.50 ^Vlexandria, agent. 77.50 Mitchell "Dsprs Ofs," first operator.. 90.00 Second opezutor 85.00 Third operator 82. 5U Mount Vernon, agent 75.00 Plankinton, agent 75.00 White Lake, agent 72.50 Kimball, agent 77.50 Second operator 70.00 Pukwana, agent 72.50 Chamberlain, agent 107.50 I'irst operator 82.50 Second operator 82.50 Oacoma, agent 77.50 Reliance, agent 7 1'.50 Kennebec, agent 77.50 Presho, agent 82.50 Vivian, agent 77.50 Draper, agent 77.50 Murdo MacKenzie, agent 82.50 First operator 77.50 Second operator 77.50 Okaton, agent 62.50 Stamford, agent 65.00 Belvidere, agent 65.00 Kadoka, agent SO. 00 Interior, agent 67.50 Conata, agent 57.50 Scenic, agent 75.00 Creston, agent 57.50 Farmingdale, agent 57.50 Caputa, agent 55.00 Rapid City, agent 120.00 Farmersburg, agent 70.00 St. Olaf , agent 70.00 Elkader, agent 75.00 Fostoria, agent 72.50 Milford, agent 85.00 Arnolds Park, agent 72.50 Okoboji, agent 70.00 Spirit Lake, ageift 90.00 Freeman, agent 72.50 Menno, agent 72.50 Scotland, agent , 82.50 Second operator 75.60 Third operator 72.50 Tyndall, agent 82.50 Second operator 72.50 Springfield, agent . ._, 75.00 Running Water, agent 85.00 Southern Minnesota Division. La Cross "Dsprs. Off," day operator.. $ 95.00 Hokah, agent 70.00 Houston, agent 85.00 Second operator 70.00 Rushford, agent 85.00 Peterson, agent 72.50 Whalen, agent i 72.50 Lanesboro, agent 92.50 Second operator 70.00 Isinours, agent 75.00 Fountain, agent 82.50 Wykoff, agent 75.00 Spring Valley, agent 100.00 Day operator 75.00 194 S('|IF:i>ni J*^!-! AM* W \.. 85.00 Good Thunder, agent 60.00 Rapidan, agent 55.00 Mankato "Frt", day operator 85.00 Mankato Tower, first leverman 75.00 Second leverman 75.00 Third leverman 75.00 Rato per Station and Position. . , Month. Ramona, agent .$ 75.00 Oldham, agent 75.00 Lake Preston, agent 80.00 Erwin, agent 60.00 Bryant, agent 77.50 Vienna, agent 75.00 Naples, agent 57.50 Elrod, agent €0.00 Garden City, agent 72.50 Bradley, agent 72.50 Lily, agent 72.50 Butler, agent 57.50 Hastings & Dakota Division. St. Louis Park, agent % 80.00 iiopkins, agent 87.50 Tower E 14, day leverman 75.00 Night leverman 75.00 Chanhassen, agent 77.50 Cologne, agent 85.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Tower .^E 39, day leverman 75.00 Night leverman 75.00 Norwood, agent 85.00 Plato, agent 67.50 Glencoe, agent 95.00 First operator 80.00 Second operator • 77.50 Third operator 77.50 Sumter, agent 70.00 Brownton, agent 85.00 Stewart, agent 85.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Buffalo Lake, agent 85.00 Hector, agent 87.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Bird Island, agent 87.50 First operator 75-00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator , 75.00 Olivia, agent 87.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Danube, agent 62.50 Renville, agent '. 87.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Sacred Heart, agent 85.00 Minnesota Falls, first operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Granite Falls, agent 87.50 Day operator 75.00 Tower E 122, first leverman 75.00 Second leverman 75.00 Third leverman 75.00 Wegdahl, agent 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Montevideo Yard, first operator 82.50 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 82.50 Monteviedo "Dsprs Ofs", day operator 92.50 Watson, agent 77.50 Double Track Switch, first operator. 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Milan, agent 77.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 195 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Appleton, ag-ent $ 92.50 First operator 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Correll, agent 77.50 Odessa, agent 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Ortonville, agent 97.50 First operator 80.00 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 77.50 Big Stone City, agent 82.50 Milbank, agent " 90.00 First operator 82.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 77.50 Twin Brool days will be allowed for filing applications, which shall be made in duplicate, the duplicate to be returned to applicant bearing acknowl- edgment of receipt. Unless the application is withdrawn before the expiration of this time an employe who applies and is assigned must accept the position or go on the extra list. Each bulletin will show the names of successful applicants for the positions listed in the previous bulletin. If a telegrapher is not promoted according to seniority the superintendent will notify him immediately after the ten days allowed for filing appli- cations; receipt of such notification must be acknowledged promptly, and if the reason is requested it will be given in writing. Posi- tions vacated for sixty days or less will not be bulletined. Exception: In the Chicago Terminals In- terlocking District bulletins will be issued on the first, tenth and twentieth of each month. Seven (7) days will be allowed for filing applications, after which .superintend- ent's notice to a senior applicant not as- signed will be given. Incapable. Sec. 4. A telegrapher who is promoted and after a fair trial is found incapable, shall not have the right to displace another hold- ing an assigned position, but will retain his seniority rank. Declining Promotion. Sec. 5. A telegrapher declining to accept promotion does not forfeit the right to it, nor to any other position when a vacancy occurs!. Transfer Delayed. Sec. 6. Telegraphers not transferred with- in thirty (30) days after receiving notice of assignment to another position will be al- lowed one dollar ($1.00) per day extra com- pensation after expiration of thirty (30) days. 200 Schedules and Wage Scales. Leave of Absence. Sec. 7. Leave of absence will not be granted for more than sixty (60> days, except in case of sickness or injury of the employe, or to serve upon telegraphers' com- mittees. Failure to report for service at or before expiration of leave of absence will result in loss of seniority rank. Positions temporarily vacated for more than sixty days will be bulletined subject to return of the absent employe. Trading. Sec. 8. Trading positions will not be per- mitted. Seniority Lists. Sec. 9. Seniority lists will be kept in the ofiices of the division superintendents and the superintendent of telegraph; they will be revised on the first of June each year and a copy showing the location of each telegrapher furnished to the general and local chairmen. ARTICLE III. Discipline. Section 1. Telegraphers will not be sus- pended or dismissed from service without a fair and impartial investigation before the division officers. Investigations. Sec. 2. Telegraphers shall have the right to have an employe of their choice present at the investigation and such employe shall have the right to ask any question he may desire; the evidence thus brought out shall be made a part of the written statement. Appeals. Sec. 3. Should the superintendent fail to adjust the case, appeal may be made to the superintendent of telegraph or the general superintendent. Adjustment will be taken up with the division officers within thirty (30j days; otherwise the right of appeal is wai\^ed. Compensation. Sec. 4. Except when found at fault, teleg- raphers required to 'attend investigations outside of assigned hours will be paid 65 cents, which wul cover the hrst hour, addi- tional time as per Section 15 of Article V and deadhead thne at 40 cents per hour. Service Letters. Sec. 5. Telegraphers leaving the service for any cause will, upon request, be given a letter, signed by the superintendent of telegraph, stating the time and character of service. ARTICLE IV.- Emergency Oifices. Telegraphers performing duties at wrecks, washouts, snow blockades or other similar emergency offices will be paid as follows: At 40 cents per hour for time deadheading from home station to the working point and returning, $2.75 per day of eight (8) hours or less at the working point, and living expenses while away from home. ARTICLE V. IVIeasure of Days Work — "SJ" and "J". Section 1. Eight (8> consecutive hours will constitute a day's work for telegraphers employed in the general ofiices. "SJ", Chi- cago, and "J", Omaha. Dispatchers' Offices. Sec. 2. Eight (8j consecutive hours will constitute a day's work for telegraphers employed in train dispatchers' offices. Station Agents — Non-telegraph. Sec. 3. Ten (lO; consecutive hours, be- ginning at or between 6:00 and 8:00 o'clock a. m., and including a meal hour, will con- stitute a day's work for station agents whose duties do not include telegraphy, handling orders or blocking trains. Levermen. Sec. 4. Eight (8) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work for levermen em- ployed in Chicago and Milwaukee Terminal Interlocking Districts, except as follows: Twelve (12> consecutive hours will consti- tute a day's work for levermen in Towers "E^W" and "SY", Milwaukee Terminal Inter- locking District. Seven (7> hours, split into not more than two periods, will constitute a day's work for split tricks of telephone levermen at Lake Street, and levermen at Clinton Street, Chi- cago, and Canal Junction, these tricks to be confined to a,, spread of thirteen (13) hours. Sec. 5. Twelve (12) consecutive hoinrs will constitute a day's work for other levermen whose duties do not include telegraphy, han- dling orders or blocking trains. Telegraph Operators — Not Limited by Law. Sec. 6. Except as provided in Sections 1 and 2 of this article, ten (10) consecutive hours, including a meal hour, will constitute a day's work- for telegraph operators whose duties do not include handling orders or blocking trains. For example, this section applies to the following positions: Grand Avenue freight office, Chicago; Milwaukee freight office; Office of Superintendent of Freight Ter- minals, Chicago; Offices of General Agents at Chicago, Mil- waukee, Des Moines and Winona and other similar positions now existing or hereafter created. (The provisions of Sections 7, 8 and 9 of this article apply only to telegrapher whose duties include handling orders or blocking trains.) Telegraphers — Limited by Law. Sec. 7. Ten (10) consecutive hours, be- ginning at or between 6:00 o'clock and 7:30 a. m., and including, a meal hour, will con- stitute a 'day's work for telegraphers em- ployed in offices, operated only during the daytime, or for a portion of the day and a portion of the night di^ring a period not exceeding thirteen (13) hovirs in twenty- four (24). When two telegraphers are employed and one is station agent, whose duties do not include telegraphy, handling orders or block- ing trains, the other to begin at or between 7:30 and 8:30 a. m. Sec. 8. Nine (9) consecutive hours, in- cluding a meal hour, will constitute a day's work for telegraphers in offices operated only at night and in offices where but two tricks are maintained during a period exceeding Schedules and Wage Scales. 201 thirteen (13) hours in twenty-fDur (24); sta- tion agents to begin at or between six (6:00) and eight (8:00) o'clock a. ni. Sec. 9. Eight (S) consecutive hours, where three tricks are maintained, will constitute a day's work for telegraphers in offices oper- ated during a period exceeding thirteen (13) hours in twenty-four (24). The first trick to begin at or between seven (7:00) and eight (8:00) o'clock a. m., except that station agents will begin at or between six (6:00) o'clock and seven-thirty (7:30) a. m. Sunda:?s and Holidays. Sec. 10. So far as possible telegraphers will be excused from, work on Sundays and holidays. Holidays referred to are New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christ- mas. Holidays. Telegraphers in the general ofHces, "SJ" and "J", required to work on Sundays or holidays, will be allowed extra pay pro rata, on basis of daily rate being 1/26 of monthly rate, 10 minute rule to apply, with a min- imum of one hour, for all such service; Sun- day and holiday hours to be consecu,tive. See pro rata rate table on page following wage scale. Sundays. Sec. 11. Other telegraphers required to work on Sunday . will be allowed extra pay, pro rata, on basis of daily rate being .1/26 of the monthly rate, with a minimum of one hour for each time they are required to report within the assigned Sunday hours; assigned Sunday hours to be within the spread of the weekday assignment and ar- ranged in not to exceed two periods within such spread. For all service on Sunday, out- side of the assigned Sunday hours, they will be allowed overtime as per overtime rules. See pro rata rate table on page following wage scale. ' Calls. Sec. 12. Telegraphers called for service or required by company's officers to report for instructions outside of established hours after being excused, will be paid sixty-five (65) cents for each call, which will cover one hour's service; time in excess of one hour to be paid as per Section 15. Sec. 13. Handling orders or blocking trains at stations where a telegrapher is employed will be confined to such telegrapher, oper- ating officers and train dispatchers, provided they are available and can ' be promptly located. When' the telegrapher is not called in conformity with this article he shall be paid for the call. Meals. Sec. 14. Telegraphers, except those per- forming the duties of levermen and those working less than nine (9) hours, will be allowed sixty (60) consecutive minutes, to begin not earlier than 11:30 and end not later than 2:00 o'clock, a. m. or p. m., for meals. If not thus excused will be paid one (1) hour overtime. Overtime. Sec. 15. Telegraphers required by the company's officers to remain on duty for a period In excess of assigned hours, will be paid overtime pro rata for the excess, on basis of daily rate being 1/26 of monthly rate, but not less than forty (40) cents for each full hour, fractions of an hour to be paid for at seven (7) cents for each full period of ten (10) minutes, except that teleg- «. raphers in "SJ" and "J" offices will be paid a minimum of fifty (50) cents for each full hour, fractions of an hour nine (9) cents for each full period of ten (10) minutes. See pro rata rate table on page following wage scale. Special— Called But Not Used. ^ Sec. 16. Telegraphers in Chicago Ter- minals Interlocking District ordered to report for duty and not used will be allowed pay for all time held, with a minimum of V4, of a day, at the rate of the position for which they, are- ordered. ARTICLE VI. Attending Court. When required by the company to attend court away from home, telegraphers will be paid one (1) day at their regular rate for each twenty-four (24) hours, and living ex- penses while , awJiy from home. Time and expenses to be approved by the company's attorney. ARTICLE VII. Local Batteries. Section 1. When more than ten (10) cells of local battery are in use, telegraphers will not be required to clean them. Switch or Signal Lamps. Sec. 2. At stations where there are no other employes to whom the duty may be assigned, and not to exceed two (2) switch or signal lamps, telegraphers may be re- quired to care for them without extra com- pensation. At other stations where teleg- raphers are required to care for switch or signal lamps they will be paid as follows: For four or less, $4.00 per month; for each additional lamp, 50 cents per month. This does not apply to the order signal lamp, nor to signal lamps in connection with interlock- ing plants, except when levermen have sta- tion duties to perform. Crossing Gates — Flagging. Sec. 3. Telegraphers required to handle crossing gates or flag crossings for more than four (4) trains per day will be allowed five dollars ($5.00) per month extra compen- sation, such extra compensation to be in- cluded in the scheduled salary. Throwing Switches. Sec. 4. Telegraphers will not be required to throw track switches manually, except in cases of emergency, unless regularly as- signed to perform this service, and when so assigned they will be allowed five dollars ($5.00) per month PTtra compensation, such extra compensation to be included in the scheduled salary of the position. Pumps. Sec. 5. Telegraphers required to operate steam, gasoline or electrical power pumps will receive extra compensation at the fol- lowing rates: Steam and gasoline, ten dol- lars ($10,00); electrical, five dollars ($5.00; 202 SCHF.DTII .F,S ANn W \(iF; ScM.KS. per month; the extra compensation to be included in the scheduled salary of the posi- tion. Scrubbing — Removing Snow. Sec. 6. Telegraphers will not be reqviired to scrub waiting rooms, towers, offices or other station structures, nor to shovel snow from - platforms. This Will not apply to exclusive block offices nor to stations where there is only a section foreman. Levermen in the following interlocking towers will not be required to clean Jthe towers: In the Chicago Terminals Interlocking District- Lake Street Wells Street Clinton Street Carpenter Street Division Street Sangamon Street Deering Bridge Clybourn Tower Kedzie Avenue Mayfair Tower Tower JN Telegraphers will be required to keep their stations neat and celan, notifying the super- intendent when help is required to accom- plish this. U. S. Mail. Sec. 7. At stations where United States mail is too heavy to be handled by telegra- phers without hardship or personal expense, the company will afford relief. Where the handling of United States mail between railway stations and postoffices, or between two railway stations, is assigned to telegraphers within their established hours and such service is also necessary outside of their established hours, they shall be allowed to perform the entire service, "Hours of Service Law" permitting, provided the rail- way company has no other employe to whom this service may be assigned without extra" expense. Telegraphers handling United States mail outside of established hours, as indicated above, shall be paid at the rate of % of a cent per minute for time actually consumed. ARTICLE YIU. Relief (Extra) Telegraphers — Pay. Section 1. Relief (extra) telegraphers will be paid at the rate of pay of the employe relieved and will be allowed a minimum of forty (40; cents per hour while deadheading on company's business. Relief (Assigned) Telegraphers — Pay. Sec. 2. Telegraphers holding positions to which they have been assigned will not be required to perform relief service, except in cases of emergency. W.hen required to per- form such service they will be paid the higher rate of the positions involved, be allowed time at the rate of their assigned position while changing from one position to the other, and if required to leave home station will be paid one dollar ($1.00) per day while away from home to cover ex- penses. Transfers — Free Transportation. Sec. 3. Telegraphers tran.sferred by order of the company, or to accept bulletin posi- tiOrtf!, win be furnished free tran.sportation for thems^lvei?. dependent members of their famillea and hovisehold eood^. and will be rUoxvo^ fftflfUJav pay ttir timn lost In making such transfers, rate of pay to be based on position from which transfer is made. ARTICLE IX. Sureties. If the surety company designated by the railway company shall decline to act as surety "for any telegrapher required to give a bond, another surety company may act as such surety, subject to the approval of the railway company and at the telegrapher's expense. ARTICLE X. Teaching Telegraphy. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy. ARTICLE XI. Schedule — Changes in. In the event of either the telegraphers or the railway company desiring to change any one or more particulars of this schedvile, or to terminate it as a whole, they will give thirty (30) days' written notice to the party at interest. ARTICLE XII. New or Reopened Positions — Pay. Section 1. When new positions are created the compensation therefor will be on a parity with positions of similar class listed in this article. Positions listed herein that may be discontinued temporarily or permanently, if reopened later without substantial changes in duties, or conditions, will be reopened at salaries fixed by this schedule. Commissions. Sec. 2. When commissions paid telegra- phers are discontinued and the wages paid by the railway company are not upon a parity with wages paid in other similar posi- tions on the same division, the difference will be adjusted promptly. Abbreviations and Symbols. Designating Duties Performed. A — Agent, at stations where there is telephone service as per Article I or telegraph service, but agent is not required to use telephone to handle orders or block trains or to perform teleg- raph >'. O — -Telegraph operator. Ph — Telephone operator required to use telephone to handle orders or block trains. L — Leverman. P — Pumper. C — 'Flags crossings. G — Handles crossing gates. Sw — Throws switches manually. A N T — Agent, at station without railway telegraph service and not re- quired to use telephone to han- dle orders or block trains. ♦Ilovu'fi of service reptriptod by law. I Schedules and Wage Scales. 203 LINES EAST OF MISSOURI RIVER. TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT OFFICES. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Chicago. General Agent, operator $ 90.00 Milwaukee, General Agent, operator.. 90.00 Winona, General Agent, operator 95.00 Des Moines, General Agent, operator. 95.00 OPERATING DEPARTMENT. General Office, Chicago (SJ). Rate per Station and Position. Month. Chief operator $152.50 First assistant chief operator 132.50 Second assistant chief operator 132.50 Five operators at 108.75 Five operators at 106.25 Two operators at 103.75 Three operators at 101.25 Chicago Terminals Interlocking District. Chicago: Lake St. Tower, assistant director. .$135.00 Four leverman at 110.00 Three levermen at 107.50 One telephone leverman 82.50 Clinton St. Tower, four leverman at 102.50 Grayland Tower, first Ph. L *82.50 Second telephone levermart *82.50 Third telephone leverman *82.50 Sangamon St. Tower, first Ph. L *102.50 Second telephone leverman *102.50 Third telephone leverman *97.50 Carpenter St. Tower, first Ph. L...*102.50 Second telephone leverman *102.50 Third telephone leverman *97.50 Division St. Tower, first Ph. L *97.50 Second telephone leverman *97.50 Third telephone leverman *92.50 Clybourn Tower, first Ph. L *90.00 Second telephone leverman *90.00 Third telephone leverman *90.00 Wood St. Tower, first Ph. L *82.50 Second telephone leverman *82.50 Third telephone leverman *80.00 Hunting Ave. Tower, first Ph. L. . . *82.50 "■ Second telephone leverman *82.50 Third telephone leverman *80.00 Mayfair Tower, first Ph. L *90.00 Second telephone leverman *90.00 Third telephone leverman *90.00 Deering Bridge, first Ph. L •87.50 Second telephone leverman *87.50 Third telephone leverman '87.50 Rosehill Tower, first Ph. L •72.50 Second telephone leverman •72.50 Third telephone leverman *72.50 Evanston, Main St. Tower, first Ph. L. *75.00 Second telephone leverman *75.00 Third telephone leverman *75.00 Canal Junction, first opr. leverman... *92.50 Second operator leverman *92.50 Third operator leverman *90.00 Fourth operator leverman *90.00 Wilmette Tower, first Ph. L *77.50 Second telephone leverman *77.50 Third telephone leverman *75.00 Tower RS, first Ph. L *75.00 Second telephone leverman *75.00 Third telephone leverman *75.00 Chicago: Wells St. Yard Tower, first L 97.50 Second leverman 97.50 Third leverman 97.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Noble St. Tower, first Ph. L *$ 92.50 Second telephone leverman •92.50 Third telephone leverman •90.00 Kedzie Ave. Tower, first O. L •100.00 Second operator leverman •100.00 Third operator leverman •97.50 .IN Tower, first operator leverman.... ^90. 00 Second operator leverman *90.00 Third operator leverman ^90. 00 Tower HM, first operator leverman... •82.50 Second operator leverman •82.50 Third operator leverman •82.50 Chicago, first extra leverman 102.50 Second extra leverman 102.50 Third extra leverman 102.50 Freight Terminals District. Superintendent's Office, operator $ 86.00 Milwaukee Terminal Interlocking District. Milwaukee; St. Francis Tower, first Ph. L *$ 85.00 Second telephone leverman •85.00 Third telephone leverman •85.00 Kinnickinnic River Bridge (Wis. Div.h first leverman •87.50 Second leverman *82.50 Third leverman *82.50 Washington St. Tower, first Ph. L. . 90.00 Second telephone leverman 90.00 Third telephone leverman 90.00 First assistant telephone leverman 80.00 Second assistant Ph. L 80.00 Third assistant telephone leverman 80.00 Milwaukee River Tower, first Ph. L. ^85.00 Second telephone leverman '85.00 Third telephone leverman *85.00 Shoreline Tower, first O. L •77.50 Second operator leverman..": •77^50 Third operator leverman ♦77.50 Towei; SW, first operator leverman... *77.50 Second operator leverman *77.50 Third operator leverman ♦77.50 Wiscona, first operator leverman ♦77.50 Second operator leverman *77.50 Third operator leverman ♦77.50 Milwaukee, Kinnickinnic River (Mad- ison Div.), leverman 75.00 First bridge operator 75.00 Second bridge operator 75.00 Chase Tower, first operator leverman. ♦80. 00 Second operator leverman ^80. 00 Third operator leverman ♦80.00 Belton, first operator leverman '80.00 Second operator leverman ♦SO. 00 Third operator leverman ♦SO. 00 New Butler, (EW), first leverman 72.50 Second leverman 72.50 (SY) , first leverman 72.50 Second leverman 72.50 (B.T), first operator leverman ♦SO. 00 Second operator leverman •SO.OO Third operator leverman •SO.OO WISCONSIN DIVISION. Rate pcK Station and Position. Month. Chicago: Dispatcher, first operator $102.50 Second operator 100.00 First operator ; •97.50 Second operator ♦97.50 Third operator ♦97.50 204 Schedules and Wage Scaljis. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Grand Ave. Station, operator $ 77.50 Clybourn, agent operator *87.50 Operator *82.50 Avondale, A. N. T 82.50 Irving ^ark, A. N. T 82.50 Hunting Ave., A. N. T 77.50 Mayfair, operator '. *85.00 Jefferson Park, A. N. T 90.00 Norwood Park, A. N. T 72.50 Edison Park, A. N. T 70.00 Park Ridge, agent telephoner *80.00 Des Plaines, agent 100.00 First operator *77.50 Second operator *75.00 Deval Tower, first Phi. L *77.50 Second teleplione leverman ♦77.50 Third telephone leverman *77.50 Tower NY, first telephone leverman... *72.50 Second telephone leverman *72.50 Third telephone leverman *72.50 Arlington Heights, agent operator *77.50 Palatine, agent 87.50 Operator *75.00 Barrington, agent 95.00 First operator *77.50 Second operator *75.00 Gary, agent operator *77.50 Crystal Lake, agent 85.00 First operator *82.50 Second operator *80.00 Third operator *75.00 Ridgefield, A. O. P *80.00 Woodstock, agent 112.50 Operator *87.50 Hartland, agent operator *72.50 Tower GX, first leverman 77.50 Second leverman 77.50 Harvard, agent 117.50 First operator *87.50 Second operator *§7.50 Third operator *S5.00 Tower RD, first leverman 77.50 Second leverman 77.50 Lawrence, A. N. T 67.50 Sharon, agent 77.50 Operator *77.50 Clinton Jet., agent..... 80.00 Tower, first operator leverman *72.50 Second operator leverman *72.50 Third operator leverman *72.50 Shopiere, agent operator *70.00 So. Janesville, So. End, first O. Sw. . . '75.00 Second operator Sw *75.00 Third operator Sw *75.00 Janesville, first operator *90.00 Second operator *87.50 Third operator *85.00 Chicago ; Ravenswood, A. N. T 100.00 Summerdale, A. N. T 85.00 Rosehill, A. N. T 97. 5g Rogers Park, A. N. T 97.50 Evanston, Davis St. (Passenger;, A. O. *97.50 Central St., A. N. T 80.00 Wilmette, agent operator 90.00 Kenihvorth, A. N. T 80.00 Winnetka, agent 90.00 Operator *85.00 Hubbard Woods, agent operator 82.50 Glencoe, agent operator 82.50 Operator *82.50 Ravlnia, .V. N. T 72.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Highland Park, agent $112.50 First operator : *87.50 Second operator *82.50 Highwood, agent operator *90.00 Ft. Sheridan, agent operator 90.00 Lake Forest, agent .^ 112.50 First operator •87.50 Second operator *82.50 Lake Bluff, agent operator 77.50 Tower, first operator leverman *80.00 Second operator leverman *80.00 Third operator leverinan *80;00 North Chicago, agent 125.00 Operator *82.50 Waukegan. first operator *95.00 Second operator *87.50 Third operator *85.00 Waukegan Yard Tower, leverman..... 75.00 Beach, agent operator *70.00 Zion City, agent ,. 97.50 Operator *77.50 Winthrop Harbor, agent operator *67.50 Kenosha, first operator •87.50 Second operator *87.50 Third operator *85.00 Berryville, agent operator *70.00 Racine Jet. Tower, first O. L. G 80.00 Second O. L. G 80.00 Third O. L. G 80.00 Racine, first operator *87.50 Second operator *87.50 Third operator *85.00 Ives, operator *75.00 County Line, agent operator *72.50 CarroUville, agent operator *S0.00 So. Milwaukee, agent 80.00 First operator... *80.00 Second operator *75.00 Cudahy, agent 82.50 Operator t •82.50 Milwaukee: Allis, first operator *85.00 Second operator *85.00 Third operator *85.00 Local Freight Office, operator 95.00 Wisconsin St. Passenger, first O *100.00 Second operator *97.50 Third operator *95.00 Shoreline, A. N. T 75.00 Granville, agent operator *77.50 Rockfield, A. O. P *85.00 Jackson, agent operator *80.00 Operator *72.50 West Bend, agent 105.00 First ■ operator *75.00 Second operator *75.00 Third operator *75.00 Barton, agent operator *70.00 Kewaskum, agent 77.50 Operator *72.50 Campbellsport, agent operator *77.50 Operator *72.50 Eden, agent operator *82.50 Operator ? *72.50 Niles Center, agent operator *82.50 Northfield, first O. G *75.00 Second O. G *75.00 Valley Tower, first operator leverman *77.50 Second operator leverman *77.50 Third operator leverman ^77. 50 Skokie, first operator leverman *77.50 Second operator leverman *77.50 Third operator leverman *77.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 205 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. South Upton Tower, first leverman. . .$ 72.50 Second levernian 72.50 Upton, first operator leverman *75.00 Second operator leverman ,.... *75.00 Third operator leverman *75.00 AV'illow Tower, first leverman 67.50 Second leverman 67.50 Bain, first operator leverman *80.00 Second operartoi- leverman *80.00 Third operator leverman *80.00 Rawson, operator , 85.00 Pleasant ^Prairie, agent operator *75.00 Woodworth, agent operator *70.00 Bristol, agent operator *70.00 Salem, agent operator *80.00 Operator •72.50 . Fox River, agent operator *70.00 Bassetts, A. N. T. P 70.00 Twin Lakes, agent operator *S7.50 Genoa- Jet., agent 75.00 Tower GA, first operator leverman.... *75.00 Second operator leverman *75.00 Third operator leverman *75.00 Hebron, agent operator *70.00 Alden, agent operator *70.00 Chemung, agent operator *70.00 Capron, agent operator *72.50 Operator *70.00 Poplar Grove, agent operator *72.50 Tower EA, first operator *70.00 Second operator -. *70.00 Argyle, agent operator *70.00 Rockford, operator *77.50 Cragin, A. N. T 90.00 Greenwood Blvd., Evanston, A. N. T. 85.00 First extra leverman. Ph. L 100.00 Second extra leverman, Ph. L 100.00 NORTHERN WISCONSIN DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Milton Jet., agent operator *$ 92.50 Operator *75.00 Koshkonong, agent .operator. . ^ *65.00 Ft. Atkinson, agent 110.00 First operator *85.00 Second operator *82.50 .Jefferson, agent — 102.50 First operator *85.00 Second operator *75.00 Johnson's Creek, agent operator *80.00 'Operator *75.00 Watertown, first operator *85.00 Second operator *82.50 Clyman, agent operator *77.50 Minnesota Jet., agent operator *80.00 Juneau, agent operator *87.50 Burnett, agent operator *80.00 . First operator... *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Chester, agent operator *75.00 Oakfleld, agent operator *80.00 First operator *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Fond du Lac, first operator *92.50 Second operator *85.00 Third operator „ *82.50 No. Fond du Lac, Disp., first operator 95.00 Second operator .^ 95.00 Tower DX, first O. Sw *75.00 Second operator Sw *75.00 Third operator Sw *75.00 So. Oshkosh, first operator *85.00 Second operator *82.50 Third operator. *77.50 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Tower CF, first telephone leverman..*? 70.00 Second telephone leverman *70.00 Third telephone leverman. *70.00 State Hospital, agent operator *80.00 Neenah, first operator *82.50 Second operator *80.00 Appleton Jet., A. O. G *92.50 First O. G *87.50 Second O. G *85.00 Appleton, operator *87.50 Little Chute, agent operator *75.00 Kaukauna, operator *80.00 Wrightstown, agent operator *85.00 Little Rapids, A . N. T 57.50 Depere, agent 100.00 First operator *85.00 Second operator *80.00 Third operator *75.00 Sheboygan Falls, agent 95.00 Operator *77.50 Plymouth, agent 95.00 Operator , *80.00 Glenbeulah, agent operator *72.50 St. Cloud, agent operator *75.00 Calvary, agent operator *75.00 Malone, A. N. T 57.50 Rosendale, agent operator *75.00 Ripon, agent 105.00 Operator *80.00 Green Lake, agent operator *77.50 Princeton, agent operator *82.50 Neshkora, agent operator... *82.50 PL.ed Granite, agent operator *75.00 Wautoma, agent operator *80.00 Wild Rose, agent operator *77.50 Almond, agent operator *80.00 Bancroft, A. O. L *75.00 Nekoosa, agent operator *75.00 Grand Rapids, operator *80.00 LAKE SPIORE DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. ' Month. White Fish Bay, agent operator *$ 77.50 First operator *75.00 Second operator *75.00 Mequon, agent operator *77.50 First operator *72.50 Second operator '72.50 Port Washington, agent 110.00 First operator *80.00 Second operator *77.50 Third operator *77.50 Belgium, agent operator 75.00 First operator *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Cedar Grove, agent operator *77.50 Oostburg, agent operator *75.00 Operator *72.50 Sheboygan, South Yard, first operator *80.00 Second operator *80.00 Third operator ♦80.00 Passenger, first operator •90.00 Second operator *85.00 Haven, agent operator *72.50 Cleveland, agent operator *80.00 First operator *75.00 Second operator *72.50 Newton, agent operator *75.00 Operator *72.50 Calumet Tower, first O. L *77.50 Second operator leverman *77.50 Third operator leverman *77.50 206 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Manitowoc, first opera toi- *$ 90.00 Second operator *85.00 Third operator *75.00 Two Rivers, agent 102.50 Operator : *85.00 Rosemere, first operator leverman.... *77.50 Second operator leverman *77.50 Third operator leverman *77.50 Cato, A. N. T 62.50 Grimm's, agent operator *77.50 Reedville, agent operator *77.50 Brillion, agent operator *90.00 Dundas, A. N. T 62.50 Francis Creek, agent operator *75.00 Marlbel, agent operator *80.00 Denmark. A. G. P *92.50 First operator *75.00 Second operator *75.00 Bellevue, agent operator " *72.50 Tavil, operator Sw *77.50 First O. G. Sw *82.50 Second O. G. Sw *82.50 Green Bay, Dispatcher, first operator. 95.00 Second operator 95.00 North Green Bay, first operator *77.50 Second operator *77.50 Third operator *77.50 Duck Creek, first operator leverman.. *77.50 Second operator leverman *77.50 Third operator leverman *77.50 Pulaski, agent operator *82.50 First operator •75.00 Second operator *72.50 Green Valley, agent operator *75.00 Gillett, agent operator *85.00 First operator *75.00 Second operator *72.50 Suring. agent operator *80.00 Mountain, agent operator....^ *80.00 First operator *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Lakewood, agent operator *80.00 Wabeno, agent operator •85.00 Laona, agent ^ 85.00 First operator *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Soo Line Crossing, first leverman 65.00 Second leverman 65.00 Long Lake, agent operator *80.00 Zachow, A. N. T 62.50 Bonduel, agent operator *80.00 Shawano, agent 95.00 First operator *80.00 Second operator *75.00 Third operator *72.50 Lyndhurst, agent operator *75.00 Bowler, A. O. P *85.00 Kmbarrass, A. N. T 72.50 Cecil, agent operator *77.50 Mosling, A. N. T 72.50 Oconto Falls, agent operator *87.50 ASHLAND DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Kaukauna, first operator ♦$ 82.50 Second operator *77.50 - Third operator *75.00 Combined Locks, agent 90.00 Operator *77.50 Kimberly. agent 97.50 Operator *80.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Appleton, first operator *$ 87.50 Second operator *80.00 Greenville, agent operator *67.50 Hortonville, agent 87.50 First operator *82.50 Second operator *77.50 Third operator *75.00 Larsen. A. N. T 60.00 Medina, agent .' 72.50 New London, agent 105.00 First operator *80.00 Second operator *75.00 Third operator +72.50 Sugar Bush, agent operator *77.50 Operator *72.50 Bear Creek, agent -operator *85.00 Clintonville, agent 110.00 First operator *90.00 Second operator *80.00 Third operator *80.00 Marion, agent operator *90.00 First operator *75.00 Second operator *75.00 Hunting, agent operator *77.50 Split Rock, agent Ph *77.50 Tigerton, agent operator *87.50 First operator *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Whitcomb, agent Ph *77.50 Wittenberg, agent operator *87.50 First operator •72.50 Second operator *72.50 Rland. agent 102.50 First operator *85.00 Second operator *82.50 Third operator •82.50 Elderon, agent operator •75.00 Rosholt. agent operator '80. 00 Hatley. agent operator *77.50 Kelly's, agent operator *77.50 Rothschild, agent operator .^. . . *87.50 Wausau Junction, first operator *77.50 Second operator *75.00 Third operator *75.00 Wausau, operator *92.50 First Ph *80.00 Second Ph. ." *80.00 Marathon City, agent operator *82.50 Edgar', agent operator ^82. 50 Fenwood. A. N. T 65.00 Stratford, agent operator *82.50 Birnamwood, agent operator *82.50 Mattoon, A. N.- T 65.00 Aniwa. agent operator *80.00 First operator *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Elmhurst. agent operator *77.50 Antigo. Dispatcher-, first operator.... 95.00 Second operator. 95.00 Yard, first oper-ator *82.50 Second operator *80.00 Third oper-ator •80.00 Bryant, agent operator *72.50 Deerbrook. agent operator *80.00 Kempster, Ph ♦70.00 Summit Lake, agent operator- *82.50 First operator *75.00 Second operator *75.00 Elcho, agent operator *80.00 Pelican, agent operator ♦87.50 Fir-st operator ~ +77. 50 Second operator ♦75.00 Crandon. agent operator +82. 50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 207 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Monico, agent operator *$ 90.00 Fir.'jt operator *80.00 Second operator *80.00 Rhinelander. first operator *87.50 Second operator *82.50 Third operator *82.50 Tomahawk Lake, agent operator *72.50 Woodruff, agent operator *87.50 First operator *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Lac dii Flambeau, agent operator *75.00 Alercer. agent operator , *90.00 First operator *77.50 Second operator *75.00 Hurley, operator *90.00 Carson, operator *75.00 Orva. first operator Sw .-. *82.50 Second operator Sw *82.50 Third operator Sw *82.50 Kimball, first operator *80.00 Second operator *80.00 Third operator *80.00 Saxon, agent 97.50 First operator r . . . *82.50 Second operator *80.00 Third operator *80.00 Cedar, first operator .....'. *80.00 Second operator *80.00 Third operator *80.00 Alder, first operator *80.00 Second operator *80.00 Third operator *80.00 Odanah, agent operator *90.00 First operator. *S0.00 Second operator *80.00 Third operator *80.00 Ashland, Dispatcher, first operator. . . . 95.00 Second operator 95.00 I'ard, first operator *77.50 Second operator *77.50 Third operator. *77.50 Three Lakes, agent operator *85.00 Eagle River, agent operator. . .>, *87.50 Operator *72.50 Oonover, ag-ent operator *72.50 Phelps, agent operator *80.00 State Line, agent operator *72.50 M^atersmeet, ag'ent 90.00 First operator *77.50 Second operator *77.50 Third operator *75.00 >'arenisco, ag-ent operator. *77.50 ^^'akef^eld, agent 100.00 First operator *85.00 Second operator *82.50 Third operator *80.00 Bessemer, agent 120.00 First operator-. *85.00 Second operator ; *80.00 Third operator *80.00 Siemens, first operator *80.00 ^ Second operator *80.00 Third operator *80.00 Ironwood, first operator *90.00 Second operator *82.50 Third operator •82.50 PENINSULA DIVISION-. „ , R'te per Station aod Position. Month. Big Suamlco, agent operator *$ 72.50 Little Suamico, agent operator •BO.OO First operator *78.00 Steond" operator 'TO.OO Rate per Station and Position. Month. Pensaukee, agent operator *$ 80.00 Oconto, agent 112^50 First operator *95!oO Second operator *82!50 Third operator *80.00 Wilcox, operator *70.00 Peshtigo, agent operator *92!50 First operator *77!50 Second operator *72!50 Marinette, first operator *85!oO Second operator *82.50 Third operator *82!50 Menominee, first operator *85.00 Second operator ♦80.00 Hansen, operator *72!50 Wallace, agent operator *85 00 Ingalls, A. N. T goioo Stephenson, agent operator *92.50 First operator *80.00 Second operator '77.50 Daggett, agent operator *92.50 Opeiator *75.00 Bagley, agent vo'oo Operator *72.50 Carney, agent operator *87.50 Nadeau, agent operator *90.00 Powers, agent 95.00 First operator *87.50 Second operator *85.00 Third operator *82.50 Hermansville, agent 92.50 First operator *82.50 Second operator *80.00 Waucedah, agent operator *82.50 Loretto, A. N. T gO.OO Vulcan, agent operator *90.00 Operator *75.00 Norway, agent 95.00 Operator *85.00 Ouinnesec, agent 100.00 First operator *85.00 Second operator *75.00 Iron Mountain, operator *85.00 Antoine, first operator *80.00 Second operator 'SO.OO Third operator *80.00 Curry, operator *72.50 Spread Eagle, first operator *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Third operator *72.50 Hematite, first operator *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Third operator *72.50 Florence, agent 97.50 Operator *85.00 Stagger, agent operator *90.00 First operator *80.00 Second operator ♦80.00 Alpha, agent operator *82.50 Crystal Falls, agent 90.00 First operator *85.00 Second operator *77.50 Amasa, A. O. P *87.50 Pentoga, agent operator.. *87.50 First operator *72.50 Second opeiator *72.50 Saunders, agent operator *87.50 First operator *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Palatka, operator *72.50 Caspian, a?ent 96.00 Stambaugh, first operator... ♦82.60 Second operator ♦80.00 Third operator ♦80.00 208 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Iron River, operator *$ 85.00 Elmwood, O. P *80.00 Spaulding, A. N. T 65.00 "Wilson, agent operator *90.00 First operator *75.00 Second operator *72.50 Indiantown. first operator *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Third operator •72.50 Bark River, agent operator *90.00 First operator. . . i ^75. 00 Second operator *72.50 Narenta, agent operator *90.00 Operator Sw *85.00 Operator *80.00 Sturgeon, Ph *72.50 Tesch. first leverman 62.50 Second leverman 62.50 Foster City, agent operator *S5.00 Metropolitan, A. N. T 67.50 Escanaba So. Y., first O. G. Sw *82.50 Second O. G. Sw *82.50 Third O. G. Sw *82.50 Escanaba. dispatcher, first operator. . 97.50 Second operator 97.50 Escanaba No. y., first O. Sw.- *77.50 Second O. Sw *77.50 Third O. Sw *77.50 Larch, first operator *75.00 Second operator *72.50 Brampton, agent operator. *90.00 Operator *75.00 Beaver, operator *80.00 Maple Ridge, agent operator *90.00 Lathrop. agent operator *90.00 Operator *75.00 Helena, operator *72.50 Little Lake, agent 90.00 First operator *82.50 Second operator '. . *80.00 Third operator *80.00 Swanzy, agent operator *82.50 Cascade, first operator *75.00 Second operator *72.50 Negaunee, operator *90.00 Ishpeming. first operator :. *90.00 Second operator .• *85.00 Third operator ♦82.50 Clowry, A. O. P *87.50 Repvrislio, A. O. P *82.50 Champion, agent operator ♦82.50 Michigamme, agent operator ^82. 50 MADISON DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Caledonia, agent $ 90.00 First operator *80.00 Second operator *77.50 Third operator *77.50 Roscoe, agent operator *80.00 Beloit, first operator *82.50 Second operator *83.50 Third operator *82.50 Tower DO, Ph ^70.00 Afton, agent operator *82.50 operator *75.00 Second operator ♦72.50 Hanover, agent operator *75.00 Footville. agent operator ♦85.00 Magnolia, A. N. T 55.00 Rate per Station and Position. - Month. Evansville, agent $110.00 First operator *80.00 Second operator ,^ ♦77.50 Third operator ^77.50 Brooklyn, agent operator *95.00 Oregon, agent, operator *102.50 So. Madison, agent operator ^72. 50 Madison, first operator *92.50 Second operator *92.50 Third operator *92.50 Tower CS, operator *75.00 Mendota, agent operator. *77.50 Wannakee, agent operator *90.00 Dane, agent operator *82.50 Lodi, agent opera tor *110.00 Tower BR, first operator leverman.... *82.50 Second operator leverman *82.50 Third operator leverman, ^82. 50 Merrimac, agent 75.00 Devil's Lake, agent operator *72.50 Baraboo, dispatcher, operator 97.50 First operator *95.00 Second operator ^95. 00 Third operator ^95. 00 Fourth operator *95.00 North Freedom, agent operator *87.50 Ablemans; agent operator *S7.50 Reedsburg, agent 115.00 First operator *80.00 Second operator *77.50 Third operator *77.50 La Valle. agent operator ^87. 50 Wonewoc, agent operator *87.50 Union Center, agent operator *87.50 EIroy, first operator. . . '. ^87. 50 Second operator ♦87.50 Third operator ^87.50 Kendalls, agent operator *87.50 Wilton, agent operator *87.50 Norwalk, agent operaor *87.50 Sparta, agent 117.50 First operator ♦OO.OO Second operator *85.00 Third operator ♦85.00 Rockland, agent operator... *72.50 Bangor, agent operator *90.00 West Salem, agent operator ^95. 00 First -operator ♦72.50 Second operator *72.50 La Crosse, first operator *87.50 Second operator *82. 50 Third operator ♦77.50 Onalaska, agent operator ^82. 50 Midway, agent operator ♦82.50 Trempealeau, agent operator 'gO.OO First operator ^72. 50 Second operator *72.50 Galesville, agent operator *102.50 Calhoun, agent operator ^75. 00 ■U'aukesha, first operate}- *82.50 Second operator *82.50 Wales, agent operator *87.50 Dousman, agent operator ^92. 50 Sullivan, agent operator ♦95.00 Helenville. agent operator ^... ^82. 50 Jefferson Junction, agent 80.00 First operator •77.50 Second operator ♦77.50 Third operator 7. ♦77.50 Lake Mills, agent 105.00 Operator ♦77.50 London, agent operator ♦87.50 Deerfleld, agent operator •87.50 Cottage Grove, agent operator ♦82.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 209 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Verona, agent operator *$ 85.00 Klevenville, agent operator *72.50 Mt. Horeb, agent 95.00 Operator . . .' *75.00 Blue Mounds, agent operator *72.50 Barneveld, agent operator '85.00 Ridgeway, agent operator *85.00 Dodgeville, agent 95.00 Operator *72.50 Edmund, agent operator *82.50 Whitson, agent operator *85.00 Cobb, agent operator *85.00 Livingston, agent operator *87.50 Rewey, agent operator *87.50 Ispwich. agent operator *80.00 Platteville, agent 112.50 Operator .- *SO.00 Cuba City, agent 92.50 Operator y *80.00 Benton, agent '.. 110.00 Operator "SS.OO Hazel Green Jet., operator *75.00 Hazel Green, A. N. T 70.00 Galena, agent 115.00 Operator - *80.00 Montfort, agent operator *95.00 Preston, agent operator *70.00 Pennimore, agent operator *95.00 Stitzer, agent operator *72.50 I^ancastcr, agent 92.50 Operator ' *77.50 New Butler, first operator *92.50 Second operator *92.50 Third operator *92.50 Fourth operator •92.50 Sussex, agent operator *75.00 North Lake, agent operator *90.00 Mapleton. agent operator *82.50 A.shippun, agent operator *85.00 Lebanon, agent operator *85.00 Clyman Junction, agent 85.00 First operator leverman *80.00 Second operator leverman *80.00 Third operator leverman *S0.00 North Lowell, agent operator *75.00 " South Beaver Dam, agent operator. .. . *90.00 First operator *72.50 , Second operator •72.50 South Randolph, agent operator *82.50 Friesland, .ag%nt operator *82.50 First operator *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Dalton. agent operator *90.00 First operator *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Glen Oak, agent operator *75.00 Buffalo, agent operator *72.50 Oxford, agent operator *85.00 First operator *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Brooks, agent operator *77.50 Grand, agent operator *85.00 Adams, Dispatcher, operator 95.00 Yard, first operator *82.50 Second operator *82.50 Third operator *S2.50 Holmsville, agent operator *80.00 Necedah, agent operator *90.00 First operator *72.50 Second operator •72.50 Ctitler, agent operator •72.60 Shennington, agent operator •75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Wyeville, agent operator *$ 95.00 First operator i *85.00 Second operator *85.00 Yard, first operator *85.00 Second operator *85.00 Third operator *85.00 Tower, first leverman 72.50 Second leverman 72.50 North Tomah, agent operator *80.00 Tower, first leverman : 67.50 Second leverman 67.50 Tunnel City, agent operator *80.00 Operator *72;50 McCoy, A. O. P *85.00 MINNESOTA DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Winona, Dispatcher, first operator...*? 95.00 Second operator *95.00 Third operator *95.00 Fourth operator *95.00 Winona Shops Tower, first opr. lev. . . *80.00 Second operator leverman *80.00 Third operator leverman •80.00 Minnesota City, agent operator *95.00 Stockton, agent operator ^ *77.50 operator *72.50 Second operator *70.00 Lewiston, agent 90.00 First operator *77.50 Second operator *75.00 Third operator :..> *72.50 Utica, agent operator *80.00 St. Charles, agent .-. 95.00 First operator *80.00 Second operator *77.50 Third operator *72.50 Dover, agent operator •82.50 Eyota, agent 95.00 First operator *82.50 Second operator *80.00 Third operator *75.00 Chatfield, agent 85.00 Operator *75.00 Viola, A. N. T 65.00 Elgin, agent operator '. *80.00 Plainview, agent 87.50 Operator *77.50 Haverhill, agent operator *70.00 Rochester, first operator *87.50 Second operator *85.00 Third operator *85.00 Pine Island, agent operator •77.50 Zumbrota, agent operator *90.00 Byron, agent operator. .. ^ *77.50 Operator *72.50 Kasson, agent 95.00 First operator *82.50 Second operator *72.50 Dodge Center, agent operator *95.00 First operator . . *80.00 Second operator *75.00 Third operator *72.50 Claremont, agent operator *82.50 Havana, agent operator •70. 00 Owatonna, agent 127.50 First operator *90.00 Second operator *85.00 Third operator *85.00 Meriden, agent operator *75.00 Waseca, first operator •87.50 Second operator ♦87.50 Third operator •87.50 210 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Janesville. agent $ 90.00 First operator *80.00 Second operator *77.50 Third operator *72.50 Smith's Mill, agent operator *75.00 Eagle Lake, A. O. P *85.00 First operator *70.00 Second operator ♦70.00 Burdette, agent operator *75.00 First operator *70.O0 Second operator *70.00 St. Peter, agent operator 'lOCOO Traverse, agent operator *72.50 Nicollet, agent operator *80.00 Courtland, agent operator *72.50 Mankato, first operator *92.50 Second operator *90.00 Third operator *87.50 Judson, A. O. P *85.00 Operator *70.00 Cambria, agent operator *75.00 New Ulm. first operator *90.00 Second operator *85.00 Third operator *85.00 Essig, agent operator *75.00 Sleepy Eye, agent 87.50 First operator *87.50 Second operator *85.p0 Third operator *82.50 Evan, agent operator *75.00 Morgan, agent operator *80.00 Redwood Falls, agent 90.00 Operator '.' *77.50 Clement, A. N. T 65.00 Lucan, A. N. T 62.50 -Amiret, A. N. "T 70.00 Marshall, agent 95.00 First operator " *85.00 Second operator *75.00 Third operatQr *72.50 Ghent, agont operator *72.50 Minneota, agent operator... r ^82. 50 Operator *75.00 Taunton, agent operator *72.50 Porter, agent operator *70.00 Canby. agent 80.00 First operator *77.50 Second operator *77.50 Third operator *72.50 Burr. A. N. T 55.00 Altaniont, A. N. T 67.50 Gary, agent operator *82.50 Goodwin, agent operator *77.50 Kranzburg, A. N. T 67.50 Watertown. first operator ' *87.50 Second operator *87.50 Cobden. agent operator *72.50 Sprin8;^field. agent 92.50 First operator *77.50 Second operator . *75.00 Third operator *75.00 Sanborn, agent 92.50 First operator 87.50 Second operator *82.50 Third operator *80.00 Wanda, A. N. T 62.50 Wabasso, agent operator *82.50 Seaforth, agent operator *72.50 Vesta, agent operator *82.50 Lamberton, agent 87. SO First operator •75.00 Second operator ♦75.00 t'hjrfl P)pr>rator ;,....... ♦78.50 Rate per Station and^Position. Month. Revere, A. O. P *$ 85.00 Walnut Grove, agent operator ♦SS.OO First operator ♦75.00 Second operator ^72. 50 Traoy, first operator ♦QO.OO Second operator ♦87.50 Third operator ^87. 50 Fourth operator ♦87.50 DAKOTA DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. (xarvin, agent operator *$ 82.50 Balaton, agent operator ^82.50 First operator ♦72.50 Second operator ♦70.00 Tyler, agent operator ^90. 00 First operator ^82. 50 Second operator ♦77.50 Arco, agent operator *75.00 Ivanhoe. agent operator *82.50 Hendricks, agent operator ^87. 50 Astoria, agent operator *77.50 Lake Benton, agent operator *82.50 First operator ^77.50 Second operator ^75. 00 Verdi, agent operator *80.00 Elkton. agent operator *87.50 First operator *75.00 Second operator *70.00 Aurora, agent operator *82.50 Bi'ookings, agent 87.50 First operator ^87. 50 Second operator *82.50 Third operator *80.00 Sioux Valley .let., first operator *75.00 Second operator *75.00 Bruce, agent operator +85. 00 Fstelline, agent operator ^85. 00 Dempster. A. N. T 62.50 Castlewood. agent operator ♦85.00 Kampe.ska. agent operator *75.00 Henry, agent operator ^85. 00 Flrod, agent operator ^75. 00 Clark, agent operator ♦87.50 Operator ♦75.00 RayiTiondr agent operator '. ♦82.50 Doland, aifjent operator ^90. 00 Operator , ^75.00 Turton, agent operator ♦77.50 Conde. agent operator ^80. 00 Verdon, agent operator ^77. 50 Ferney, agent operator ♦75.00 Groton agent operator ♦87.50 Frankfort, agent operator ♦82.50 Ze'l. agent operator ^77. 50 Rookham. agent operator *8p.00 Miranda, agent operator *77.50 Faulkton, agent operator *87.50 Seneca, agent operator *77.50 Lebanon, agent operator *77.5P Gettysburg, agent operator *87.50 Agar, agent operator ^75. 00 Onida. agent operator ^77. 50 Volga, agent operator *85.00 Arlington, agent operator *90.00 First operator , ♦77.50 Second bpei-ator *72.50' Hetland. agent operator *80.00 1 wl-p Preston, agent operator *87.60 Operator •75,00 and Wage Scales. 211 Rate per 'station and Position. Month. Do Sniet, agent operator *$ 92.50 First operator *77.50 Second operator *72.50 Manchester, agent operator *77.50 Iroquois, agent operator *95.00 First operator *85.00 Second operator *82.50 Cavour, agent operator *80.00 Operator *75.00 Huron, Dispatcher, first operator *97.50 Second operator *97.50 Third operator *9T.50 Wolsey, agent operator *82.50 Wessing'ton, agent operator *82.50 Vayland. agent operator *72.50 St. Lawrence, agent operator *77.50 Miller, agent operator *82.50 Ree Heights, agent operator *77.50 Highmore, agent operator *85.00 First operator *7'5.00 Second operator *70.0O HoLabird, A. N. T 62.50 Harrold, agent operator *77.50 Blunt, agent operator *82.50 Operator ♦75.00 Canning, agent operator *72.50 Alcester, A. O. P *90.00 Beresford, agent operator *87.50 Operator . ". *77.50 C'enterville, agent 90.00 First operator *85.00 Second 6perator *75.00 Third operator *75.00 Wakonda, agent operator *82.50 Volin, agent operator *72.50 Mission Hill, agent operator *72.50 Yankton, operator *90.00 Hurley, agent operator *S5.00 Hooker, agent operator *72.50 Parker, agent operator *90.00 Monroe, agent operator *77.50 Canistota, agent operator *82.50 Salem, agent 90.00 First operator *85.00 Second operator *80.O0 Third operator *77.50 ITnityville, A. N. T 67.50 Canova, agent operator *82.50 Vilas, agent operator *77.50 Carthage, agent operator *S2.50 Esmond, agent operator *77.50 Broadland, agent operator *77.50 Hitchcock, agent operator *87.50 Crandon, agent operator *77.50 Rpdfleld, first operator.. *87.50 Second operator *80.00 ' Third operator *72.50 .Vthol, agent operator *75.00 Northville, agent operator *77.50 Mansfield, agent operator *77.50 Aberdeen, operator *87.50 (5i-dway, agent operator *77.50 Columbia, agent operator *80.00 Houghton, A. O. P *90.00 Hecla, agent operator *82.50 Ludden, agent operator *77.50 Oakes, agent . . .■ 90.00 First operator *80.00 Second operator *77.50 GALENA DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Chicago: Dispatcher, first operator. . .*,$ 97.50 Second operator •97.50 Third operator *97.50 Kedzie Ave. , agent 87.50 Chicago Shops, operator 82.50 No. 46th Ave., operator Sw *75.00 Willow Ave., operator Sw *75.00 Oak Park, agent 110.00 River Forest, operator Sw *75.00 Maywood, agent 105.00 Melrose Park, agent operator *82.50 Proviso, first operator *82.50 Second operator *82.50 Third operator *82.50 Elmhurst, agent 85.00 Lombard, agent operator *90.00 Glen Ellyn, agent operator ♦87.50 Wheaton, agent 105.00 Operator ♦82.50 Operator 77.50 Winfield. A. N. T 70.00 West Chicago, first operator ♦92.50 Second operator ♦93.50 Third operator •92.50 Wayne, agent operator Sw *75.00 South Elgin, agent operator ^72. 50 East Elgin, first operator ^85. 00 Second operator ^80. 00 Third operator ♦SO. 00 Dundee, agent 77.50 Operator ^77. 50 Carpentersville, agent 85.00 Operator *80.00 Algonquin, agent operator ^82. 50 Operator '. ♦77.50 Tower CS, operator Sw ♦77.50 Tower DG, operator Sw •67.50 Terre Cotta, agent operator ♦72.50 McHenry, agent operator *77.50 Operator ♦75.00 Ringwood, agent operator ^75. 00 Richmond, agent operator ♦72.50 Lake Geneva, agent 112.50 Operator ^85.00 Williams Bay, agent operator ^77. 50 Operator ♦77.50 West Elgin, operator ^90. 00 Gilberts, agent operator ^75. 00 Huntley, agent operator •82.50 Union, agent operator ^75. 00 Marengo, agent 82.50 Operator ' ♦SO.OO Garden Prairie, agent operator ^75. 00 Tower BJ, operator Sw *72.50 Belvidere, first operator ^90. 00 Second operator ^82. 50 Cherry A''alley, agent operator *75.00 Tower CX, first L. G 70.00 Second L. G 70.00 Rockford, first operator ^90.00 Second operator. ^85. 00 Third operator ♦SO.OO Winnebago, agent operator ♦SO.OO Pecatonica, agent operator ♦85.00 Ridott, A. N. T 62.50 Freeport, Passenger, operator 85.00 Freight, operator ♦77.50 Geneva, first operator ♦85.00 Second operator •82.50 Third operator ♦82.50 St. Charles, agent operator ♦SO.OO Batavia, agent - 105.00 Operator ^82. 50 212 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Aurora, operator *$ 80.00 L,a. ^ Fox, agent operator *87.50 Klburn, agent operator *87.50 Maple Park, agent operator *75.00 Cortland, agent operator ^ *82.50 Tower YD, first operator leverman... *90.00 Second operator leverman *87.50 Third operator leverman *87.50 Malta, agent operator •*85.00 Creston, agent operator *82.50 Rochelle, agent '. 115.00 First operator *82.50 Second operator *82.56 Third operator *i80.00 Tower NX, first L. G 72.50 Second L. G 72.50 Flagg, agent Ph *72.50 Ashton, agent 85.00 Operator *80.00 Franklin Grove, agent 82.50 Operator *80.00 Nachusa, agent 80.00 Tower SA, first operator leverman. . . . *82.50 Second operator leverman *82.50 Third operator leverman *82.50 Dixon, operator *95.00 Nelson, agent 100.00 Tower NY, first operator leverman *87.50 Second operator leverman *87.50 Third operator leverman *87.50 Nelson Yard, first operator *85.00 Second operator *85.00 Third operator *85.00 Tower NJ, first Ph. L *72.50 Second Ph. L *72.50 Third Ph. L " ^ *72.50 Tower QX, first leverman 70.00 Second leverman 70.00 Sterling, first operator *95.00 Second operator *85.00 Third operator *85.00 Gait, agent operator *80.00 A.gncw, agent operator *85.00 Round Grove, agent operator *S0.00 Morrison, agent 87.50 Operator *80.00 Union Grove, agent operator *80.00 Bluffs Tower, first operator leverman. . *82.50 Second operator leverman *82.50 Third operator leverman *82.50 Tower SF, first leverman. 67.50 Second leverman 67.50 Tower AD, first O. L. G *85!oO Second O. L. G *82.50 Third O. L .G *82.50 Fulton, agent 105.00 Tower FX, first L. G 72.50 Second L. G 72.50 North Yard, first operator *82.50 Second operator. *82.50 Third operator *82.50 Herbert, agent operator *72.50 Henrietta, A. N. T 55.00 Sycamore, agent operator *82.50 Operator *80.00 Elva, agent operator *70.00 McGirr, agent operator *72.50 Tower BX, first leverman. 70.00 Second leverman 70.00 Shabbona Grove, agent operator *75.00 Rollo, agent operator *70.00 Earlville, agent 80.00 Triumph, agent operator *75.00 Troy Grove, agent operator *75.00 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Seatonville, operator *$ 70.00 Shaft No. 2, operator *80.00 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Van Petten, agent operator *$ 80.00 First operator. *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Hahneman, agent operator *80.00 Normandy, agent operator *80.00 Manlius, agent 90.00 First operator *77.50 Second operator *77.50 Third operator *75.00 Buda, A. O. P *85.00 First operator *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Buda Tower, Q, first leverman 67.50 Second leverman 67.50 Morse, agent operator *80.00 Broadmoor, agent operator *82.50 First operator *75.00 Second operator *75.00 Camp Grove, agent operator *85.00 Speer, agent operator *85.00 First operator *72.50 Second operator *72.50 Akron, agent operator -*80.00 Radnor, agent operator *82.50 Fast operator *75i.00 Second operator ^75. 00 Kickapoo, first operator leverman *80.00 Second operator leverman *80.00 Third operator leverman *80.00 Peoria Frt. Office, operator 90.00 So. Pekin, Dispatcher, first operator... 95.00 Second operator 95.00 Green Valley, agent Ph *77.50 Allen, agent Ph *80.00 Luther, A. P 82.50 Tower, first Ph. L *80.00 Second Ph. L *80.00 Third Ph. L '. *80.00 Hubly, agent Ph *S0.00 Sweetwater, agent Ph *80.00 Tower BX, first Ph. L *80.0n Second Ph. L *80.00 Third Ph. L *S0.00 Archer, agent Ph *80.00 Ph •. *75.00 Lick, agent Ph *80.00 Ph *75.00 Compro, agent operator *85.00 Virden, agent Ph *85.00 First Ph *75.00 Second Ph *75.00 XJirard, agent Ph *80.00 Benld. agent 97.50 First Ph *80.00 Second Ph *80.00 Third Ph *75.00 Benld (ON>, first leverman 77.50 Second leverman 70.00 EAST IOWA DIVISION. Rato per Station and Position. Month. Clinton Yd., operator $*92.50 Tower EC, first operator leverman.... *85.00 Second operator leverman *S5.00 Thii'd operator leverman *85.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 213 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Clinton, Drawbridge, first leverman..? 77.50 Second ieverman ,... 77.50 Third Ieverman 77.50 Clinton, Passenger, first operator.... *87.50 Second operator *85.00 Third operator *85.00 '' Lyons, agent 110.00 Operator •75.00 Bryant, agent operator *72.50 (loose Lake, agent operator *72.50 Charlotte, agent operator *77.50 Delmar, agent operator :.. *82.50 Maquoketa', agent 105.00 Operator ^. . . . *75.00 Baldwin, agent operator *70.00 Onslow, A. O. P *80.00 Center Jet., agent Ph 60.00 Anamosa, agent operator *110.00 Operator *75.00 Clinton, 5th St., first operator ♦92.50 Second operator.. *87.50 Third operator *87.50 Comanche, agent operator. . . *82.50 Operator *75.00 Low Moor, agent operator *87.50 De Witt, agent operator *110.00 First operator *75.00 Second operator *75.00 First Ieverman 72.50 Second Ieverman 72.50 Grand Mound, agent operator *82.50 Calamus, agent operator *82.50 Wheatland, agent operator 90.00 Tower GB, operator Ieverman *77.50 Leverman 72.50 Lowden, agent operator *82.50 First operator *75.00 Second operator *75.00 Clarence, agent operator *92.50 Stanwood, agent operator *97.50 First operator *82.50 Second operator *S0.00 Tipton, agent operator *110.00 Mechanicsville, agent operator *92.50 Lisbon, agent operator ' *90.00 j\It. Vernon, agent operator *105.00 First operator *77.50 Second operator *75.00 Bertram, agent operator *75.00 Otio, first operator Ieverman., *82.50 Second operator leverman *82.50 Third operator leverman '*82.50 Cedar Rapids, first operator *92.50 Second operator.., •90.00 Beverly, first operator leverman *82.50 Second operator leverman *82.50 Third operator leverman *82.50 Fairfax, agent Ph *77.50 Norway, agent operator *S2.50 Watkins, agent Ph *70.00 Blairstown, agent operator *85.00 Operator *75.00 Luzerne, agent operator *77.50 Belle Plaine, Dispatcher, first operator 97.50 Second operator ; /. . .105.00 Third operator 97.50 Fourth operator » 97.50 Passenger, operator *90.00 Yard, first operator *85.00 Second operator, *85.00 Third operator o *85.00 Tower, East End Yard, first lev 70.00 Second leverman 70.00 Third leverman 70.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. West End Yard, first leverman..!..? 70.00 Second leverman 70.00 Third leverman 70.00 Chelsea, agent operator *82.50 Tama, Passenger, first operator *85.00 Second operator *85.00 Third operator *82.50 Yard, first operator *85.00 Second operator •82.50 Tower, first leverman 72.50 Second leverman 72.50 Montour, agent opei-ator *80.00 LeGrand, agent operator *75.00 Marshalltown, first operator *87.50 Second operator *85.00 Third operator *85.00 Tower, first leverman 72.50 Second leverman 72.50 LeMoille, agent operator *75.00 State Center, agent operator *92.50 Operator *75.00 Colo, agent operator *82.50 Nevada, agent .- 110.00 First operator *85.00 Second operator *82.50 Ames, agent 125.00 First operator *85.00 Second operator ,--. *85.00 Third operator *85.00 Tower, first leverman 67.50 Second leverman 67.50 Third leverman 67.50 Randall, agent operator *72.50 Story City, agent operator *87.50 Gilbert, agent operator *80.00 Kelley, agent operator *77.50 Sheldahl, agent operator »... *75.00 Polk City, agent • operator. *77.50 Crocker, agent operator *75.00 Ankeney, agent operator *80.00 Saylor, agent operator *95.00 Operator *77.S0 Des Moines, first operator *90.00 Second operator *90.00 Third operator *90.00 Ontario, agent Ph *70.00 WEST IOWA DIVISION. Rate per ■ Station and Position. Month. Boone, Yard, first operator $*87.50 Second operator *87.50 Third operator *87.50 Dispatcher, operator 100.00 BU Tower, first leverman 67.50 Second leverman 67.50 Third leverman 67.50 Sth St. Tower, first leverman 67.50 Second leverman 67.50 Third leverman 67.50 Ogden, agent 90.00 Tower, operator leverman *80.00 Beaver, A. N. T ^... 67.50 Grand Jet., agent "... 100.00 Tower, first operator leverman *80.00 Second operator leverman *80.00 Third operator leverman *80.00 Jefferson, agent 100.00 Operator *85.00 Scranton, agent operator ^87. 50 Ralston, A. N. T 67.50 Glidden, agent operator *87.50 214 SF.I>r'l,FS ANI> VV \ i . : *80.00 Danbury, agent 6perator. ...: j ;:..... . *80.00 Mapleton, agent bpcrator. ....;;;....•.■■ *87.50 Castaha, ajjent operator ',.:.....:. "TS.On Turin, ftjjent hofirfltol' *77.80 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Breda, agent operator *$ 75.00 Lake View, agent operator *80.00 Sac City, agent operator *80.00 Operator *77.50 Early, agent operator *75.00 Schaller, agent operator *75.00 Galva, agent operator *75.00 Holstein, agent operator *92.50 Operator ♦75.00 Cushing, agent operator *75.00 Correctionville, agent '. 90.00 Operator *75.00 Pierson, agent operator '.. *75.00 Kingsley, agent operator *87.50 Moville, agent operator *80.00 Lawton, agent operator *75.00 Bronson, agent operator *75.00 Missouri Valley, Tovi^er Z, 1st opr. Sw. *82.50 Second operator Sw *80.00 California Jet., agent operator *80.00 • First operator *77.50 Secojid operator *77.50 Ivlodale, agent operator .-. *75.00 Mondamin, agent operator •85.00 Operator *75.00 River Sioux, agent operator *75.00 Blencoe, agent operator *77.50 Onawa, agent 110.00 First operator ; *85.00 Second operator *80.00 Third operator *77.50 Whiting, agent operator *80.00 Sloan, agent operator *77.50 Operator ^ *72.50 Salix, agent operator *75.00 Sargent's Bluff, agent operator *87.50 Operator *75.00 Sioux City, Dispatcher, first operator 95.00 Second operator 95.00 Merrill, A. O. P *80.00 Brunsville, agent operator *75.00 Ci'aig, agent operator *75.00 LINES WEST OF MISSOURI RIVER. General Office, Omaha ("J"). Chief operator $132.50 Two operators at 108.75 EASTERN DIVISION. Rate p'^r Station and Position. Month. So. Omaha Exchange, operator $ 90.00 Yard, first operator *92.50 Second operator *85.00 Third operator *85.00 Irvington, agent operator *85.00 First operator *82.50 Second operator *80.00 Bennington, agent operator *80.00 Thirst operator...;:;:; *80.00 Second operator. •*80.00 Washington, agent operator *82.50 Dale, operator ; *80.00 Blair, agent 122.50 First operator *85.00 Second operator •82.50 Third operator ♦82.60 4<»nnrtrrt. 5ig«nt nporator •77.8(J 21G Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Arlington, agent $ 80.00 First operator *85.00 Second operator *85.00 Third operator *85.00 Rawhide, operator - *77.50 Fremont, East End, first operator. . . . *85.00 Second operator *85.00 Third operator *82.50 Dispatcher, operator 100.00 First operator 'lOO.OO Second operator *100.00 Third operator *100.00 Cedar Bluffs, agent operator *77.50 Wahoo, agent operator *92.50 Operator *77.50 Ceresco, agent operator *77.50 Davey, agent operator *77.50 Lincoln, first operator *90.00 Second operator *87.^0 Morse Bluff, agent operator *75.00 Linwood, agent operator *82.50 First operator •75.00 Second operator .' *75.00 Abie, agent operator *75.00 Bruno, agent op.erator ♦75.00 Brainard, agent operator *80.00 Dwight, agent operator *75.00 Bee, agent operator. *75.00 Seward, agent operator *105.00 Goehner, agent operator *75.00 Beaver Crossing, agent operator...... *75.00 Cordova, agent operator *75.00 Exeter, agent operator *100.00 Geneva, agent operator *95.00 Shickley, agent operator *SO.0O Davenport, agent operator *80.00 Oak, agent operator *72.50 Nora, agent operator *72.50 Superior, operator ♦87.50 David City, agent operator *95.00 Millerton, agent operator ^75. 00 Surprise, agent operator ♦75.00 Gresham, agent operator *75.00 York, agent 105.00 Operator *87.50 Charleston, agent operator ^75. 00 Henderson, agent operator •75.00 Stockham, agent operator ^75. 00 "Harvard, agent operator.... ^97. 50 Inland, agent and operator ♦72.50 Hastings, operator ^95. 00 Fremont, West End, first operator.... ♦75.00 Second operator *75.00 Third operator ^75. 00 Nickerson, agent operator ^77. 50 Hooper, A. O. P ♦90.00 First operator ^77. 50 Second operator ^ ♦77.50 Scribner, agent r 92.50 First operator ^85. 00 Second operator ♦SO.OO Third operator •80.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Snyder, agent operator *$ 75.00 Dodge, agent operator.... *75.00 Howells, agent operator ♦75.00 Clarkson, agent operator *75.00 Leigh, agent operator ♦75.00 Creston, agent operator : ^75. 00 Humphrey, agent operator *87.50 Cornlea, agent operator *75.00 Lindsay, agent operator ♦75.00 Newman's Grove, agent operator *75.00 Albion, agent operator ♦87.50 Operator ♦80.00 Loretto, agent operator ^75. 00 Petersburg, agent operator ^75. 00 Elgin, agent operator ^75. 00 Crowell, agent operator ^75. 00 West Point, agent 77.50 First operator ^77. 50 Second operator ♦75.00 Third operator ♦75.00 Beemer, agent operator *77.50 Wisner, agent operator ■. *75.00 Fir.5t operator •77.50 Second operator ♦75.00 Pilger, agent operator : .*77.50 Stanton, agent operator ♦77.50 First operator .'. . . *77.50 Second operator ♦TS.OO So. Norfolk, Dispatcher, first operator 100.00 Second operator 100.00 Pierce, agent operator *75.00 Foster, agent operator ^72. 50 Plainview, agent operator ^82. 50 Creighton, agent operator ^75. 00 "Verdigre, agent operator.... ^77. 50 Operator ♦75.00 Niobrara, agent operator; *80.00 Verdel, agent operator *75.00 Lynch, agent operator ♦75.00 Bristow, agent operator ♦75.00 Spencer, agent operator ♦75.00 Anoka, agent operator ♦77.50 Fairfax, agent operator. *75.00 Bonesteel, agent operator ^82. 50 Operator ♦SO.OO St. Charles, agent operator *75.00 Herrick, agent operator ♦77.50 Burke, agent operator ♦75.00 Gregory , agent 77.50 Operator ♦80.00 Dallas, agent SO.OO Operator *80.00 Colome, agent operator ^82. 50 Operator ♦SO.OO Winner, agent 72.50 First operator ♦SS.OO Second operator. ♦SS.OO So. Norfolk, Yard, first operator *82.50 Second operator ^82. 50 Third operator ^82. 50 Battle Creek, agent operator ^77. 50 Operator ♦76.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 217 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Meadow Grove, agent operator *$ 77,50 '' Tilden, agent operator *77.50 Operator ^ *77.50 Oakdale, agent 90.00 First operator *80.00 Second operator *80.00 Third operator *80.00 Neligh, agent 77^60 First operator *80.00 Second operator *80.00 Third operator *80.00 Clearwater, agent operator *75.00 Operator *77.50 Ewing, agent operator *75.00 Operator *77.50 Stafford, agent operator *82.50 Inman, agent operator *87.50 First operator *80.00 Second operator *80.00 O'Neill, agent : 92.50 First operator *82.50 Second operator *80.00 Third operator .' *80.00 Fmmet, agent operator ^ *75.00 Atkinson, agent operator *75.00 First operator *80.00 Second operator , *80.00 Stuart, agent operator. *80.00 Operator *77.50 Newport, agent operator *82.50 Operator ' *80.00 Bassett, agent operator *75.00 First operator *80.00 Second operator *80.00 BLACK HILLS DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Long Pine, agent $105.00 First operator *92.50 Second operator *90.00 Third operator *90.00 Ainsworth, agent 80.00 First operator *82.50 Second operator *82.50 Third operator »82.50 Johnstown, agent operator *82.50 Woodlake, agent operator *85.00 Operator *80.00 Valentine, agent 127.50 First operator *85.00 Second operator *85.00 Third operator *S5.00 Crookston, agent operator *85.00 Operator *80.00 Kilgore, agent operator *80.00 Cody, agent 87.50 First operator *82.50 Second operator... ♦82.50 Third operator. . . ., ♦82.50 Merriman, agent operator *82.50 First operator *80.00 Second operator ^80. 00 Gordon, agent 80.00 First operator •82.50 Second operator ^82. 50 Third operator *82.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Clinton, A. N. T $70.00 Hushville, agent operator *80.00 First operator *82.50 Second operator .' '. *82.50 Hay Springs, agent operator *80.00 First operator *82.50 Second operator *82.50 Chadron, Dispatcher, first operator. . 100.00 Second operator 100.00 Wayside, agent operator *80.00 Oelrichs, agent operator ♦80.00 Smithwick, A. O. P ♦87.50 Buffalo Gap, agent operator ♦gO.OO Operator ♦82.50 Hot Springs, agent 80.00 Operator ♦85.00 Fairburn, agent operator , *80.00 Hermosa, agent operator *80.00 Rapid City, agent 137.50 First operator ♦87.50 Second operator ♦SS.OO Third operator ♦82.50 Black Hawk, agent operator ♦82.50 Piedmont, agent operator ♦SB. 50 Tilford, agent operator J. ♦SB.SO Sturgis, agent 115.00 Operator ♦gO.OO Whitewood, agent operator ♦SS.OO First operator *82.50 Second operator ♦82.50 Deadwood, Passenger, operator ^102.50 Freight, operator ♦87.50 Lead, agent 135.00 St. Onge, agent operator ♦SO. 00 Belle Fourche, agent operator ^75. 00 Operator *82.50 Fruitdale, agent operator ♦80.00 Nisland, agent operator. ♦SO. 00 Newell, agent operator ♦SO. 00 Whitney, agent operator *82.50 Crawford, agent 127.50 First operator ♦gB.SO Second operator ^90. 00 Third operator ^90.00 Fort Robinson, agent operator ♦SB.SO Harrison, agent operator *80.00 First operator *80.00 Second operator *80.00 Van Tassel, agent operator ♦SO. 00 Lusk, agent 80.00 First operator *82.50 Second operator *82.50 Third operator ^82. 50 Manville, agent operator *80.00 Keeline, A. N. T 70.00 Lost Springs, agent operator ♦80. 00 Orin Junction, agent 92.50 First operator *87.50 Second operator ♦SS.OO Third operator *85.00 Douglas, agent 135.00 First operator *92.50 Second operator *87.50 Third operator ♦87.50 218 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Careyhurst. agent operator *| 80.00 Glen Rock, agent operator *82.50 Operator *87.50 Parkerton, agent operator *105.00 Casper, operator *92.50 PIERRE. RAPID CITY & N. Vi. RAIL,\VAY. Rate pei- Station and Position. Month. Fort Pierre, agent operator $*87.50 Capa, agent operator *77.50 Midland, agent operator *87.50 Powell, agent operator *80.00 Phillip, agent 87.50 Operator *80.00 Cottonwood, agent operator *77.50 Quinn, A. O. P *87.50 Wall, agent operator *77.50 Wasta, A. O. P *95.00 Owanka, agent operator *80.00 Underwood, agent operator *77.50 WYOMING AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Bucknum, agent operator $*85.00 Powder River, agent operator *85.00 Waltman, agent operator *85.00 Moneta, A. O. P *92.50 Shoshoni, agent operator *95.00 Riverton, agent 82.50 First operator *95.0a Second operator \ *87.50 Arapahoe, agent operator *85.00 Hudson, agent operator *102.50 Operator *92.50 Lander, agent 135.00 First operator *95.00 Second operator *92.50 The following table to be used in the com- putation of overtime when the pro rata rate IS above the minimum of either 40 or 50 cents per hour, as the case may be; also in the computation of pro rata rates appli- cable to Sunda>' and holiday service: Rate Per Month $ 55.00 57.50 60.00 62.50 65.00 67.50 70.00 72.50 75.00 77.50 80.00 82.50 Pro-Rata Rate Per Day, 26 Day Basis $2.11 2.21 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.59 2.69 2.79 2.88 2.98 3.07 3.17 Pro-Rata Rates Per Hour 7hr. Day .30 .32 .33 .34 .36 .37 .38 .40 .41 .43 .44 .45 8hr. Day .26 .28 .29 .30 .31 .32 .34 .35 .36 .37 .38 .40 9hr. Day .23 .25 .26 .27 .28 .29 .30 .31 ..32 .33 .34 .35 12 hr. Day .18 .18.- .19 .20 .21 .22 .22 .23 .24 .25 .26 .26 Rnte Pro Rata Pro Rata Rates Per Ho Per Rate Per VIonth Day, 26 7hr. 8hr. 9 hr. 12 hr Day Basis Day Day Day Day 85.00 3.27 .47 .41 .36 .27 87.50 3.36 .48 .42 .37 .28 90.00 3.46 .49 .43 .38 .29 92.50 3.55 .51 .44 .39 .30 95.00 3.65 .52 .46 .41 .30 97.50 3.75 .5.4 .47 .42 .31 100.00 3.84 .55 .48 .43 .32 101.25 3.89 .56 .49 .43 .32 102.50 3.94 .56 .49 .44 .33 103.75 3.99 .57 .50 .44 .33 105.00 4.04 .58 .51 .45 .34 106.25 4.09 .58 .51 .45 .34 107.50 4.13 .59 .52 .46 .34 10S.75 4.18 .60 .52 .46 .35 110.00 4.23 .60 .53 .47 .35 112.50 4.32 .62 .54 .48 .36 115.00 4.42 .63 .55 .49 .37 117.50 4.52 .65 .57. .50 .38 120.00 4.61 .66 .58 .51 .38 122.50 4.71 .67 .59 .52 .39 125-00 4. SO .69 .60 .53 .40 127.50 4.90 .70 .61 .54 .41 130.00 5.00 .71 .63 .56 .42 132.50 5.09 .73 .64 .57 .42 135.00 5.19 .74 .65 .58 .43 137.50 5.29 .76 .66 .59 .44 140.00 5.38 .77 .67 .60 .45 142.50 5.48 .78 .69 .61 :46 145.00 5.57 .80 .70 .62 .46 147.50 5.67 .81 .71 .63 .47 150.00 5.77 .82 .72 .64 .48 152.50 5.87 .84 .73 .65 .49 WM. WALLISER, A.sst. to the Gen. MgTS. WM. BENNETT, Supt. of Telegraph. E. J. THOMAS, Gen. Chairman, O. R. T. R. B. BOYINGTON, Gen. Secretary, O. R. T. .Vpproved : S. G. STRICKLAND, Gen. Mgi'., Lines East of Missouri River. F. WALTERS, Gen. Mgr., Lines West of Missouri River. CHICAGO ^AND NORTH WESTERN RAIL- WAY COMPANY. Chicago, January 1, 1918. Gentlemen: With reference to telegraphers' schedule rules effective January 1, 1918, and monthly rates of pay effective December 1, 1917: To determine whether or not employes using railroad telephones as a part of their assigned duties occupy positions which should be included in the schedule, it is un- derstood that they are to be included if the employe receives, transmits or delivers or- ders, blocks trains or reports the arrival or departure of trains for train sheet records. Schedules and Wage Scales. 219 "When additional levermens' positions are created on the Wisconsin or Galena division or in the Passenger Terminal, Chicago, Avhere all levermens' positions are now scheduled, such additional positions will be included in the schedule. Any telegrapher will be allowed as much time to procvire any meal, up to an hour, at usual meal times, as the reciuirements of the service will permit, irrespective of length of assigned day's work. Levermen taking positions in which they require coaching or instruction to acquire knowledge of local conditions, if instructed by persons employed in other positions with- out additional expense to the company, will be paid during the instruction period at the rate of the position so filled. Telegraphers will be required to wear full uniforms only at stations Chicago to Mil- waukee, Chicago to Harvard, Chicago to West Chicago, and at such other exclusive passenger stations where the duty of the telegrapher does not require that he handle freight or do other work detrimental to vmi- forms. Such stations and positions in which full uniforms must be worn are as follows: Neenah Appleton Jet. Grand Rapids Manitowoc Wausau Rhinelander Oconto Marinette Menominee Iron River Xegaunee Evansville Waukesha Eyota New Ulm Sleepy Bye Sanborn Brookings East Elgin Lake Geneva Williams Bay Rochelle Dixon Sterling Morrison IMarshalltown Eagle Grove are not station agents are not required, as a general rule, to care for car heaters; but this will not excuse them from performing this duty in case of emergency. Present arrangements regarding compli- mentary annual passes according to length of service remain unchanged. Under Article II, Section 6, and Article VIII, Section 2, it is understood that in no case will telegraphers be permitted to waive the one dollar (.$1.00j per day extra, when entitled to this extra compensation. It is understood that Sunday work is work begun between midnight Saturday and mid- night Sunday. Example: If begun at 11:59 p. m., Satur- day, it is Saturday work; if begun at 12 midnight. Saturday night, or any time to and including 11:59 p. m. Sunday, it is Sun- day work. , (Signed) (Signed) Approved: (Signed) WM. WALLISER, Asst. to the Gen. Mgrs. WM. BENNETT, Supt. Telegraph. S. G. STRICKLAND, General Manager, Lines EJast of Missouri River. Where freight house labor, car repairers, station helpers, etc., are employed and on duty, telegraph and telephone operators who (Signed) P. WALTERS, General Manager, Lines West of Missouri River. (Signed) C. T. DIKE, General Superintendent, P. R. C. & N. W. Ry. To Division Superintendents, • Division Accountants, General and Local Chairmen, O. R. T. Mr. C. H. Westbrook. The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Company The Chicago, Rock Island & Gulf Railway Company (EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1917.) ARTICLE I. Classification. (a) This agreement applies to employes occupying positions listed in wage scale con- tained herein, who will be considered teleg- raphers within the meaning of this agree- ment. (b) No employe other than covered by this scnedule and train dispatchers will be permitted to handle train orders at telegraph or telephone offices where an operator is employed, can be pj-omptly located and is available, except in an emergency, in which case the telegrapher will be paid for the call. ARTICLE II. New Positions — Compensation. (a) When additional telegraphic positions are created, the compensation will be fixed in conformity with positions of similar class on the division, provided for in this schedule. Express or Telegraph Business — Adjust- ments of Salaries Account Change In. (b) When the express business or the commercial telegraph business is removed from an ofRce. or when the telegraph com- mission is discontinued on any position, causing a loss in compensation, the general 220 Schedules and Wage Scales. chairman will be notified and a prompt ad- justment of salaries affected will be made. ARTICLE III. Hours of Service — Relay Offices. (a) Eight (8) consecutive hours will con- stitute a day's work in all offices under the jurisdiction of the superintendent of tele- graph, except on Sundays or holidays. Telegraphers in these offices required to work on Sunday or a holiday will be paid pro rata for all Sunday and holiday work. All Sunday or hol'day work to be consecu- tive. This rule to become effective November the first, nineteen hundred and seventeen (November 1st, 1917). Seniority. (b) Offlce seniority will rule in all offices under the jurisdiction of the superintendent of telegraph. Promotion. (c) Line of promotion in offices under the jurisdiction of the superintendent of tele- graph will be as follows: To wire chief from night chief; to night chief from late night chief; from senior operator to late night chief; subject to qualification by an examination given by the superintendent of telegraph, or, his authorized representative. Promotion of junior operators subject to qualifying for advancement. ■ Seniority Lists. (d) All offices under the jurisdiction of the superintendent of telegraph shall main- tain separate seniority lists without, regard to any superintendent's operating division. Seniority lists of these offices will be pre- pared according to seniority and a copy furnished the general chairman. Seniority lists will be revised January 1st and July 1st of each year. Seniority will be effective only when vacancies occur or new positions are created. In reducing force, the junior telegrapher in relay service will be dis- pensed with. ^ Vacancies. (e) Vacancies in offices under the juris- diction of the superintendent of telegraph will be bulletined to all telegraphers in these offices on the first and fifteenth of each month, showing assignments made on last bulletin, with the names of the applicants for each position. Bulletin will show the assigned hours and salaries. (f) Telegraphers on road divisions desiring positions In offices under jurisdiction of the superintendent of telegraph, may file appli- cation for the same with the superintendent of telegraph, and will be given preference in filling these positions provided they have the necessary qualifications. Seniority will not be interchangenble between road division.^ and offices under the jurisdiction of the superintendent of telegraph. Road division men accepting positions in relay offices will retain only such seniority as they have earned on division from which promoted prior to assignment. Telegraphers in relay offices accepting positions on road divisions will retain only such relay seniority as earned in relay service, prior to assignment. A transfer of less than thirty (30) days from road division to relay service or vice versa not to be counted. Typewriters. (g) Telegraphers in offices under the juris- diction of the superintendent of telegraph will be furnished typewriters at the com- pany's expense. ARTICLE IV. Promotion — Superintendents' Operating Divisions. Telegraphers will be regarded in line of promotion, advancement depending upon faithful discharge of duty and capacity for increased responsibility; where these are sufficient, seniority will have the preference. Seniority rights will date from the last time of entering the service and will extend over each superintendent's division as a unit. 4RTICLE V. Rights When Promotions Are Declined. (a) In the event they decline to accept promotion, they will not forfeit their rights to it or any other position when a vacancy again occurs. In reducing the force, the junior telegrapher in the service will be dispensed with, subject to the provisions of Article IV. " Rights When Offices Are Closed. (b) In the event of day positions being closed, the incumbent thereof may displace the junior regularly assigned day telegrapher on the division, who, in turn, may displace the junior regularly assigned telegrapher, provided his seniority entitles him to same. In the event of a reduction of force in any office, the junior telegrapher in that office will be relieved, except the agent be the junior man, in which event the next junior nnan is the one to be relieved. Temporary Positions — Filling of. (c) Where temporary positions are created or where extra work is required on account of leave of absence or otherwise for thirty (30) days or more, the position will be filled according to seniority, as per Article IV. When such work is no longer required, the employe performing the extra service may return to his regularly assigned position. (d) When a position is abolished and re- instated within one (1) year, the last regu- larly assigned incumbent, if still in the serv- ice and applying for same as provided in Article VI, with advice that he Is said "lasf regularly assigned incumbent," will be re- turned to the position without regard to seniority. Temporary Rearrangement of Hours. (e) In case a telegrapher is in an emer- gency taken from an offlce, requiring tem- porary rearrangement of remaining telegra- Schedules and Wage Scales. 221 ''phers' hours, the extended period of such rearrangement will be considered and paid as overtime for a period of not exceeding three (3) days. ARTICLE VI. Vacancies — Notices Of. Notices of vacancies, bulletin to show sal- aries, will be mailed to all offices on superin- tendent's division where they occur, on the first and fifteenth of each month, and will be filled in accordance with Article IV within thirty (30) days. Bulletin will show assign- ments made on the last bulletin, with the names of the applicants for each position. Telegraphers must file application within ten days of the date of the bulletin. ARTICLE VII. Transferred and Found Incapable. Telegraphers transferred, who after a fair trial, are foimd incapable, will take their places on extra list, retaining their seniority. ARTICLE Vni. Seniority List, Superintendents' Operating Divisions. (a) A seniority list on each superintend- '^nt's division will be prepared according to seniority, and a copy furnished the general chairman and each scheduled position. Sen- iority lists will be revised January 1st and July 1st of each year. Seniority will be effective only when va- cancies occur or new positions are created. Trading of positions will not be permitted. Seniority — Retaining When Assigned to . Other Service. ^ (b) Telegraphers assigned to other service not shown in this schedule, will retain their .seniority as earned to that date, so long as they remain in continuous service of the company in train dispatching, telegraph or station service. Transferring to Other Divisions. (c) When It is mutually agreeable between the company and the individvial, a telegra- pher who has been four (4) or more years continuously in the service may transfer from one superintendent's division to an- other, Tctaining one-half (V^) his seniority, with rights only to apply for positions as vacancies occur, or new^ positions are cre- ated, and will be furnished a letter showing seniority held prior to transfer. This to apnlv only to a telegrapher who Is com- nelled to seek a different locality by reason nf the illness of himself or n member of his family. ARTICLE TX. Discipline. fa) Telogr.iDhers will not be disciplined or discharged from the service without .lust cause and until after a fair and impartial invcstigption : If suspended nending investi- gation, they will be given a hearing within ten days, and, when practicable, the super- intendent will be present. They will have the right of appeal to the superintendent, assistant general manager and general man- ager in the order named. (b) 'V^Tien disciplined or discharged, if, after invesligation. it is found they are not at fault, they will be reinstated and paid for time lost; such investigation to be held within ten days, if practicable, after request in writing by party disciplined. (c) They may have the privilege of being represented by a co-employe at the Investi- gation, if they so desire. Grievances. ' (d) Grievances will be taken up with the proper officials within thirty days; other- wise, redress in such cases will be waived. ARTICLE X. Service Letter. When leaving the service for any cause, telegraphers who have been in service sixty days or more will be given a letter stating the time and character of service, and, If discharged, the cause therefor. ARTICLE XI. Hours of Service — Basis of Day's Work — Superintendents' Operating Divisions. (a) Where but one telegrapher Is em- ployed, ten (10) consecutive hours, including meal hour, commencing between six- thirty (6:30) and eight-thirty (8:30) a. m. or p. m. will constitute a day's work. (b) Where only two telegraphers are em- ployed nine (9) consecutive hours, assigned to cover the service, will constitute a day's work. Where three or more telegraphers are employed, eight (8) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work, first trick to commence at or between seven (7) and eight (8) o'clock a. m. (c) Where two exclusive levermen only are employed, twelve (12) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. (d) Eleven (11) consecutive hours. Includ- ing one (1) hour for meal, will constitute a day's work for exclusive agents (agents hot lequircd to receive or transmit train orders or block trains). (e) Telegraphers will not be required to do clerical or other work in offices or bulld- ing.s apart from their regular trick. ARTICLE XII. iVIeal Hour. (a) Telegraphers, except those working nine (9) consecutive hours or less, will be allowed one hour for meals between 11:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. and between 11:00 p. m. and 1:30 a. m. When necessary to curtail this time to less than forty-five minutes, one hour overtime will be allowed. When regu- lar meal is missed, time will be allowed for lunch- at the first opportunity. Telegraphers working nine consecutive hours or less will when practicable be given time to procure meals. This provision does not apply to levermen. (b) The hours of duty of telegraphers shall be fixed by the superintendent In accordance with these rules and the necessities of the service, and bulletined* on standard form, 222 ScheduijES and Wage Scales. and shall provide regular meal hours at the customary hours, except where the hours of service are consecutive. ARTICLE XIII. Emergency Service and Pay. Telegraphers performing duties at vrrecks, washouts, slides, snow blockades or other similar emergency office, will receive a mini- mum of $2.50 per day of eight (8) hours or less, and overtime at regular overtime rates, and actual expenses while away from home. Time to be computed from time they start until they return, except for such time as they may be relieved from duty. ARTICLE XIV. Sunday Service. So far as possible telegraphers will be excused from duty on Sundays and holidays. Telegraphers required to perform any service on Simday will be paid pro rata for such service. ARTICLE XV. Overtime. (a) When kept on duty after regular hours, telegraphers, except those employed in offices under the jurisdiction of the super- intendent of telegraph, shall receive over- time pro rata but not less than forty (40i cents per hour, or when called to the office for any purpose before or after hours by proper authority, shall be paid seventy-flve (75; cents ior each call, and if kept on duty longer than one hour shall receive overtime pro rata but not less than forty (40) cents per hour after the first hour. (b) Telegraphers employed in offices under the jurisdiction of the superintendent of tele- graph shall receive overtime pro rata but not less than fifty (50) cents per hour; or, when called to the office before or after regular hours, for any purpose, shall receive sevenfy-flve (75) cents for each call, and if kept on duty longer than one hour shall receive overtime pro rata, but not less than fifty (50) cents per hour after the first hour. ARTICLE XVI. Computing Overtime. (a) In computing overtime, less than thir- ty (.30) minutes will not be counted; thirty (30) minutes and less than sixty (60) min- utes will be counted one hour. (b) Overtime will not be allowed unless overtime tickets are forwarded to the super- intendent within forty-eight (48) hours from the time the service is performed. If not allowed, reason will be given. ARTICLE XVII. Attending Court. When attending court or otherwise absent- ing themselves on other business for the company, they will be afiowed full time at their regular rate of pay, their necessary expenses and any express or commercial telegraph commissions lost during such service. ARTICLE XVIII. Switch and Interlocking Semaphore Lights, (a) Telegraphers required to attend switch lights .shall receive four dollars ($4.00) per month for not to exceed four (4) lights; for each additional light, fifty (50) cents per month. (b) Telegraphers required to attend eight (8) or less interlocking semaphore lights shall receive four ($4.00) dollars per month and fifty (50) cents for each additional light. ARTICLE XIX. Pumps — Pay for Operating. A^'here telegraphers are required to oper- ate pumps, the followii>g extra compensation per month will be allowed: Steam pumps $12.50 Gasoline or oil 10.00 Electric 7.50 "W^indniills (water stations) 5.00 ARTICLE XX. Extra or Relief Work. (a) Extra men shall receive the same salar>' as the men they relieve. This does not apply to regularly appointed relief men. (b> Extra men will be assigned in turn according to seniority (not to apply to va- cancies of less than seven [7] days in relay offices when would necessitate moving men from one office to another j, but will not be allowed to displace other extra men on an unfinished assignment. (c) Extra or relief telegraphers will be allowed regular overtime rate while dead- heading on company business, with the un- derstanding they will not receive, for such deadheading, an amount to exceed one day's pay of the telegrapher relieved, for each twenty-four hours or fraction thereof en route. (Not applicable to division relief agents receiving stated monthly salaries as such). Temporary Assignments. (d) Regularly assigned telegraphers tem- porarily assigned to non- telegraphic or other non-scheduled positions, shall receive not less than their regn.ilar rate of pay. Leave of Absence. (e) Leave of absence will not be granted for more than ninety (90) days, except in cases of sickness, injury, or to employes serving on committee business. In such cases, where leave is for ninety days or more, positions will be bulletined and filled in accordnnce with Article IV. Relief Work. (f) Regulp.iiy assigned telegraphers will not be required to perform relief work ex- cept in cases of emergency, and, when re- quired to perform relief work, and in conse- quence thereof, suffer a reduction in their regular compensation, shall be paid an amount sufficient to reimburse them for such loss, and in all cases they will be al- lowed one dollar ($1.00) per day for ex- penses ^vhile away from their regular as- signed stations. Pay When Not Transferred Promptly. (g) Telegraphers regularly assigned on bulletin will be paid one dollar ($1.00) per day after expiration of thirty (30) days If transfer is not made within thirty (30) days from date of assignment. ; Schedules and W.\(je Scales. 22;^ checking in After Leave of Absence. (h) Telegraphers desiring- to be checked in after leave of absence will give the superintendent at least five (5). days' ad- vance notice and if check is delayed there- after, will receive pay for such additional time as they are held out of the service. This not to apply to a telegrapher granted leave of absence for a definite period who desires to return before the expiration of such leave. ARTICLE XXL Transfer. Telegraphers transferred by the company, or to accept bulletined positions, will be furnished free transportation for themselves, family and household goods and will be al- lowed regular pay while in transit and mak- ing such transfer; rate .of pay to be based on position leaving. ARTICLE XXII. Cleaning Batteries and Buildings. (a) Telegraphers will not be required to clean^ main or local batteries at stations where main batteries are located, but will be required to care for same until lineman arrives, in way of drawing off solution when too strong and to supply cells with water and vitriol when needed. At other stations telegraphers will not be required to clean local batteries where more than ten cells are used. (b) Telegraphers will not be required to scrub floors, wash windows or clean out- buildings, but shall see that their stations are kept neat and clean. (c) At any office where the United States mail is alleged to be excessive or for any other reason a telegrapher considers him- self overworked and complaint is made to proper officer, a prompt investigation will be held at that station at which he may have the general or local chairman present, and, if the complaint is well founded, relief will be granted. ARTICLE XXIIL Holidays. Recognized holidays under this agreement are New Years, Decoration Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. ARTICLE XXIV. Vacations. Telegraphers serving continuously two (2> years or more as such, who are required to work ten (10) or more hours and whose bul- letined hours include Sunday service, will be granted seven (7) days' vacation annually with full pay -as per scheduled rate cover- ing position occupied; and if such vacation is not granted will receive in lieu thereof one-half (1-2) such pay for seven (7) days. ARTICLE XXV. Rulings on Schedule. "When a ruling is made by any officer of the compahy affecting the interpretation of any article in this schedule, the general "chairman will be furnished a copy of such ruling and granted a hearing if desired. Each telegrapher will be furnished a copy of this .schedule by the company. RATES OF PAY FOR WORKING DAY IVIONTH. Offices Under Jurisdiction of Superintendent of Telegraph. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Chicago, manager wire chief $145.00 Night chief 125.00 Late night chief 120.00 One telegrapher at 110.00 Four telegraphers at 106.00 Eight telegraphers at 105.00 Other telegraphers 102.50 Davenport, manager wire chief 132.50 Night chief 117.50 Late night chief 112.50 One telegrapher at 100.00 Des Moines, manager wire chief 130.00 Night chief 117.50 Late night chief 112.50 One telegrapher at 105.00 Four telegraphers at 102.50 Two telegraphers at 100.00 Other telegraphers 97.50 Cedar Rapids, manager wire chief. . . . 125.00 Night chief 110.00 Late night chief 107.50 One telegrapher at 100.00 Other telegraphers 97.50 Trenton, manager wire chief 127.50 Night chief 112.50 Late night chief 107.50 Five telegraphers at 100.00 Other telegraphers 97.50 Pairbury, manager wire chief 127.50 Night chief 112.50 Late night chief 107.50 Two telegraphers at 100.00 Other telegraphers 97.50 Goodland, manager wire chief 127.50 Night chief 112.50 Late night chief 107.50 Two telegraphers at 100.00 Other telegraphers 97.50 Kansas City, manager wire chief 120.00 Night chief 107.50 Late night chief 102.50 One telegrapher at 100.00 Herington, manager wire chief 127.50 Night chief 112.50 Late night chief 107.50 Seven telegraphers at 100.00 Other telegraphers : 97.50 El Reno, manager wire chief 135.00 Night chief 120.00 Late night chief 115.00 One telegrapher at 107.50 Four telegraphers at 105.00 Three telegraphers at .* 102.50 Other telegra phers 100.00 One telephoner 70.00 Halleyville, manager wire chief 125.00 Night chief 110.00 Late night chief 107.50 One telegrapher at 100.00 Other telegraphers 97.50 Little Rock, manager wire chief 130.00 Night chief 115.00 Late night chief 110.00 Three telegraphers at 105.00 Other telegraphers 102.50 C. R. I. & G. Fort Worth, manager wire chief $130.00 Night chief 115.00 One telegrapher at 105.00 IJiJi Schedules and Wage Scales. OFFICES UNDER JURISDICTION OF SUPERINTENDENT. FIRST DISTRICT. ' Chicago Terminal Division. ♦Indicates joint salary. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Polk Street Tower, first Tel.-Lev *$56.25 First telegrapher- leverman *56.25 First telegrapher-levennan *53.25 Second telegraplier- leverman *56.25 Second telegrapher-levernian *53.25 Third telegrapher-levernian *53.25 45th Street Tower, first Tel.-Lev 95.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 95.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 95.00 61st Street Tower, first Tel.-Lev 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 63rd Street Tower, first Tel.-Lev 97.50 First telegrapher-leverman 92.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 97.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 97.50 Qresham Tower, first Tel.-Lev 95.-O0 Second telegrapher-leverman 95.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 95.00 Washington Hgts. Tower, 1st Tel.-Lev 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman *40.00 Beverly Hills Tower, first Tel.-Lev... 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Union Stock Yards, first Tel.-Lev 97.50 Auburn Park, first Tel.-Lev 85.00 Gresham Freight, agent 81.50 Morgan Park, agent 85.00 Washington Heights, first Tel.-Lev... 82.50 Blue Island, agent 115.00 First telegrapher-leverman 95.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Illinois Division. Midlothian, agent $ 65.00 Oak Forest, agent and telegr ^pher. . . 77.50 Tinley Park, agent and telegrapher.. 80.00 Mokena, agent and telegrapher 77.50 New Lenox, agent and telegrapher 77.50 MC Tower, Joliet, first Tel.-Lev 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 UD Tower, Joliet, first Tel.-Lev 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Rockdale, first telegrapher-leverman.. 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Minooka, agent and telegrapher 80.00 tMorris, agent 115.00 First telegrapher-leverman 95.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Stockdale, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Seneca, agent 100.00 First telegrapher-leverman... 80.00 Marseilles, agent 110.00 First telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Ottawa, agent 120.00 First telegrapher-leverman 95.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Ottawa Tower, first teleg. - leverman. . 72.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 72.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 72.50 Utica, agent 100.00 First telegrapher-leverman 85.00 (i Morris — First telegrapher sells tick- ets. If this ticket work is taken eff, salary to be adjusted accordingly.) Rate per Station and Position. " Month. La Salle, agent. $120.00 telegrapher-leverman 95.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Peru, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Spring Vaiiey, agent and telegrapher.. 102.50 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Depue, agent 85.00 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Bureau, agent 95.00 First telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Tiskilwa, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Wyanet, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Sheffield, agent 85.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-levernian 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Mineral, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Annawan, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Atkinson, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Geneseo, agent 105.00 First telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Green River, agejit and telegrapher 77.50 Colona, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Colona Tower, first Tel.-Lev 70.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 70.00 Carbon Cliff, agent and telegrapher. . . 77.50 Silvis Shops, first Tel.-Lev 90.00 Silvis Yards, first Tel.-Lev 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Silvis Yard, West End, first Tel.-Lev. 70.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 70.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 70.50 Silvis Station, agent 80.00 East Moline, agent 77.50 Rock Island, first dispatcher 95.00 Second dispatcher ' 95.00 Third dispatcher 95.00 First telegrapher-leverman 95.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00' Rock Lsland (20th St.), first Tel.-Lev.. 82.50 Rock Island (5th St.), first Tel.-Lev.. 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 ^Missouri Division Junction — First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Second "telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 West Davenport, first Tel.-Lev -. 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Peoria IVIaIn Lln^^ Alta, agent and telegrapher $ 72.50 Dunlap, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Princeville, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Stark, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Wyoming, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Toulon, agent and telegrapher 80.00 La Fayette, agent and telegrapher... 77.50 Galva, agent 95.00 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Bishop Hill, agent and telegrapher. . 72.50 Ulah, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Cambridge, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Osco, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Orion, agent and telegrapher. 77.50 Coal Valley, agent and telegrapher. . . 75.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 225 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Milan, agent and telegrapher $ 82.50- Second telegrapher-leverman 75.00 Cable and Sherrard Branches. Cable, agent and telegrapher $ 65.00 Preemption, agent and telegrapher. . 72.50 Sherrard, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Reynolds, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Taylor Ridge, agent and telegrapher.. 72.50 Bureau Branch. Putnam, agent and telegrapher $ 77.50 Henry, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Sparland, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Chillicothe, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Rome, agent 45.00 Mossville, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Peoria Yard, first Tel.-Lev 87.50 Second telegiapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Peoria Ticket, agent and telegrapher.. 95.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Peoria City Ticket, first Tel.-Lev 87.50 Peoria Tower, first Tel.-Lev 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 75.00 IOWA DIVISION. Walcott, agent and telegrapher $ 82.50 Stockton, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Durant, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Wilton, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Moscow, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Atalissa, agent and telegrapher 80.00 *West Liberty, agent 127.50 First telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman... 87.50 Downey, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Iowa City (I. D.>, first Tel.-Lev . . 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Iowa City (C. R. D.), first Tel.-Lev.. 82.50 Tiffin, agent and telegrapher - 77.50 Oxford, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Homestead, agent 77.50 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Marengo, agent 100.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leveuman 80.00 Ladora, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Victor, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Carnforth Tower, first Tel.-Lev 65.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 65.00 Brooklyn, agent.... 77.50 First telegraphet'-leverman 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Mnlcolm, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Grinnell, agent 110.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Turner, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Kellogg, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 (♦West Liberty — ^When agent acts as yardmaster, salary will be $127.50 per month.) Rate per Station and Position. Month. Newton, agent $110.00 First telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Metz, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Colfax, agent 82.50 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Mitchelville, agent and telegrapher 82.50 JAltoona, agent and telegraplier 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Short Line Jet., first Tel.-Lev 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Valley Junction, agent 82.50 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Valley Junction Yard, first Tel.-Lev.. 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Commerce, agent and telegrapher.... 77.50 Booneville, agent and telegrapher.... 80.00 Van Meter, agent and telegrapher.... 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 De Soto, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Earlham, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Dexter, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Stuart, agent 77.50 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Menlo, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Casey, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Adair, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Anita, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Wiota, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Atlantic, agent 105.00 First telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman _. 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman .'. 85.00 Marne, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Walnut, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Avoca, agent 82.50 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Shelby, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Minden, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Neola, pgent and telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Neola Tower, first Tel.-Lev 67.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 67.50 Underwood, agent and telegrapher.... 80.00 Weston, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Council Bluffs (Ticket), first Tel.-Lev 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Council Bluffs (Yard), first Tel.-Lev.. 90.00 (tAltoona— When agent-telegrapher or telegraphers required to handle levers, the salaries will be $5.00 per month more than rates shown above. ) 22e Schedules and Wage Scales, Rate per Station and Position. Month. Omaha Commercial, first Tel. -Lev $ 90.00 South Omaha, first Tcl.-Lev 85.00 Albright, agent and telegrapher..'.... 90.00 Second telegrapher- leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Monroe Branch. Reasnor, agent and telegrapher .$ 72.50 Guthrie Center Branch. Glendon, agent and telegrapher $ 72.50 Monteith, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Guthrie Center, agent 75.00 First telegrapher-leverman 75.00 Audubon Branch. Lorah, agent and telegrapher $ 72.50 Bray ton, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Exira, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Hamlin, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Audubon, agent 85.00 First telegrapher-leverman 75.00 Griswold Branch. Lewis, agent and telegrapher $ 77.50 Harlan Branch. Harlan, agent and telegrapher $ 90.00 Carson Branch. Hancock, agent and telegrapher $ 72.50 Oakland, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Carson, agent and telegrapher 77.50 MISSOURI DIVISION. Nahant, first telegrapher-leverman...? 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Buffalo, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Montpelier, agent and telegrapher.... 77.50 Fairport, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Muscatine, first telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Culver, first telegrapher-leverman.... 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 FVuitland, agent and telegrapher.... 77.50 Letts, agent and telegrapher.-. 82.50 Columbus Junction, agent 77.50 First telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Second teleg'rapher-leverman 85.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Cotter, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Ainsworth, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Washington, agent 105.00 First telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Brighton, agent 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 East Pleasant Plain, agent and teleg 77.50 Perlee, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Fairfield Tower, first Tel. -Lev 67.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 67.50 Fairfield, agent 105.00 First telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Libertj'vi'le, agent and telegrapher. . 77 50 Libertyville Tower, first Tel. -Lev.... 47.50 County Line, agent and telegrapher... 77 50 Eldon, agent 105.00 Fir.'Jt telegrapher-leverman 92.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Floris, agent and telegrapher $ 77.50 *Belknap, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Drakesville. agent and telegrapher 80.00 Paris, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Unionville, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Udell, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Centerville, agent 105.00 First telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Centerville Tower, first Tel. -Lev 67.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 67.50 Numa. agent and telegrapher 85.00 Seymour, agent 95.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Harvard, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Allerton, agent 95.00 First telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Clio, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Lineville, agent -. . . 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Mercer, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Princeton, agent 97.50 F'irst telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman..^.... 80.00 Mill Grove, agent and telegrapher.... 77.50 Spickards. agent 80 00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman.. 77.50 Tindall. agent and telegrapher 77^50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77 50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Hickory Creek, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Second tele.grapher-leverman. . . . 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Jamesport, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80 00 Gallatin, agent 95.00 Altamont, agent and telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Winston, agent and telegrapher 77 50 Cameron, agent 97.50 Cameron Junction, first Tel.-Lev 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50' Third telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Weatherby, agent and telegrapher.... 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.60 Maysville, agent and telegrapher 87.50 Amity, agent and telegrapher 77 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 (*Belknap — When agent-telegrapher or second operator required to handle levers, the salary will be $5.00 per month more than rates shown above. ) Schedules and Wage Scales. 227 Rate per Station and Position. Montti. Clarksdale, agent and telegrapher....? 77.50 Second telegrapher- leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Platte River, first Tel.-Lev 77.50 •Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 St. Joseph (Freight^ first Tel.-Lev... 90.00 St. Joseph Yard, first Tel.-Lev...... 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Blair, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Troy, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Bendena, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Denton, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Purcell, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Pierce Junction, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Leavenworth Branch. Perrin, agent an* telegrapher $ 72.50 Plattsburg, agent and telegrapher.... 80.00 Grayson, agent and telegrapher 72 50 Edgerton, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Edgerton Junction, agent and teleg. . 75.00 Camden Point, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Platte City, agent and telegrapher... 80.00 Beverly Tower, first Tel.-Lev 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Stillings Junction, first Tel.-Lev 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Leavenworth Freight, first Tel.-Lev.. 94.50 Rushvilie Branch. Dearborn, agent and te'egrapher $ 77.50 Wallace, agent and telegrapher 72 50 De Kalb, agent and telegrapher 75.00 St. Joseph-Kansas City Line. Winthrop, first telegrapher-leverman. $ 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Ruphville, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Kenmoor, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Donovan, first telegrapher-leverman. . 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 CEDAR RAPlDS DIVISION. Burlington, first telegrapher-leverman. $ 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 8250 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Mediapolis, agent and telegrapher.... 87 50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Morning Sun, agent and telegrapher.. 80.00 Wapello, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Cone, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Nichols, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Centerdale, agent and telegrapher.... 77.50 Branch, agent Snd telegrapher.. 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Elmira, agent and telegrapher 85 00 Sexond telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Morse, agent 50 00 Solon, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77 50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Ely, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverrnan 77..^0 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Cedar Rapids Ticket, third Tel.-Lev...$ 87.50 Cedar Rapids Yard, first Tel.-Lev 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Decorah Branch. Center Point, agent and telegrapher. .$ 75.00 Walker, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Rowley, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Independence, agent 112.50 First telegrapher-leverman 75.00 Hazelton, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Oelwein, agent / 92.50 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 •Maynard, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Randalia, agent and telegrapher 72.50 West Union, agent and telegrapher. . . . 97.50 Elgin, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Clermont, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Postville, agent and telegrapher 87.50 Ossian, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Decorah, agent and telegrapher 97.50 Iowa City, Clinton and Davenport Branches. Blue Grass, agent and telegrapher. . .$ 72.50 Sunbury, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Bennett, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Tipton, agent and telegrapher 107.50 McCausland, agent and telegrapher... 72.50 New Liberty, agent and telegrapher. . 72.50 Buchanan, agent and telegrapher 72»50 Dixon, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Montezuma Line. Hills, agent and telegrapher $ 72.50 Tree, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Riverside, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Ka'ona, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Wellman. agent and telegrapher 72.50 Kinross, agent and telegrapher 72.50 South English, agent and telegrapher 72 50 Webster, agent and telegrapher T2.50 Keswick, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Thornburg, agent and telegrapher.... 72.50 What Cheer, agent and telegrapher.. 90 00 Barnes City, agent and telegrapher... 72.50 Montezuma, agent and telegrapher.... 77.50 MINNESOTA DIVISION. *Ijinn, agent and telegrapher $ 77.50 Palo, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Shellsburg. agent and telegrapher. . . . 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Vinton, agent 97.50 First telegrapher-leverman 90 00 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Mt. Aubvirn. agent and telegrapher.... 80 00 La Porte City, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Washburn, agent and telegrapher.... 77.50 AVaterloo, first telegrapher-leverman.. 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Cedar Falls, agent 110.00 Fir.=t telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Winslow, agent and telegrapher 77 50 Wavpriv agent and telegrapher 107.50 (*Linn — When agent-telegrapher re- quired to handle levers, the salary will be $5 00 per month more than the rate shown above.) 228 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate pel Station and Position. Month. Shell Rock, agent and telegrapher $ 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Clarksville, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Packard, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Greene, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Marble Rock, agent and telegrapher. . 80.00 Rockford, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Nora Springs, agent and telegrapher.. 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher Jeverman 77.50 Rock Falls, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Plymouth Jet., agent and telegrapher 80.00 Manly JU, agent - 87.50 First telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Manly (dispatcher), first Tel.-Lev 97.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 92.50 Kensett, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Northwood, agent « 87.50 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Gordonsville, agent and telegrapher.. 77.50 Glenville, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Curtis, first telegrapher-leverman.... 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Albert Lea Tower, first Tel.-Lev 70.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 70.00 Albert Lea, agent 130.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Clarks Grove, agent and telegrapher.. 77.50 Ellendale, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Hope, agent and telegrapher. 77.50 Owatonna, agent 110.00 First telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Medford. agent and telegrapher. 77.50 Faribault, agent 117.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Faribault Tower, first Tel.-Lev 67.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 67.50 Inver Grove, first Tel.-Lev 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 St. Paul, Freight, first Tel.-Lev 87.50 St. Paul, Commercial, Tel.-Stenog 97.50 Minneapolis, T. M. Office, 1st Tel.-Lev 92.50 Iowa Falls Line. Garrison, agent | 77.50 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Dysart, agent 82.50 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Traer, agent .-, 90.00 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Dinsdale, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Reinbeck, agent 82.50 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Morrison, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Grundy Center, agent $110.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Holland, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Wellsburg, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Cleves, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Robertson, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Abbott Crossing, agent and teleg *40.00 Iowa Falls (Minn. Div.>, agent 120.00 First telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Iowa Falls (K. C. S. L.>, agt. and teleg 92.50 Second- telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Enterprise, agent and telegrapher.... 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Elkhart, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Cambridge, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Shipley, agent and telegrapher ... 77.50 Nevada, agent and telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Fernald, agent and telegrapher 77.50 McCallsburg, agent and telegrapher.. 77.50 Garden City, agent and telegrapher... 77.50 Sherman, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Buckeye, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Bradford, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Hampton, agent and telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher-leverman. .■.-. . 77.50 Sheffield, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Hurley, agent 55.00 Mason City, Freight, first Tel.-Lev... 82.50 DAKOTA DIVISION. Burdette, agent and telegrapher $ 77.50 Popejoy, agent and telegrapher -x 77.50 Dows, agent 77.50 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Gait, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Clarion, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Holmes, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Goldfield, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Hardy, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Livermore, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Bode, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Ottosen, agent and telegrapher. 75.00 West Bend, agent and telegrapher.... 82.50 Rodman, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Emmetsburg, agent 100.00 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Osgood, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Graettinger, agent and telegrapher... 77.50 Wallingford, agent and telegrapher... 76.00 Estherville, first telegrapher-leverman 105.00 First telegrapher-leverman 92.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 92.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 92.50 Estherville Tower, first Tel.-Lev 65.00 Superior, agent and telegr'apher 75.00 Spirit Lake, agent 95.00 First telegrapher-leverman :. 77.50 Montgomery, agent and telegrapher.. 75.00 Lake Park, agent 77.50 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Harris, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Ocheyedan, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Allendorf, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Sibley, agent 112.50 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Little Rock, agent and telegrapher. . . 77.50 * Indicates joint salary. Schedules and Wage Scales. 229 Rate per Station an'd Position. Month. Ellsworth, agent $ 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Rock Rapids, agent and telegrapher. . 92.50 Lester, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Larchwood, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Granite, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Sioux Falls, first Tel. -Lev 90.00 Watertown Branch. Kanaranzi, agent and telegrapher....? 77.50 Luverne, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Hardwick, agent and telegrapher 75.00 - Trosky, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Pipestone, agent 95.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Cazenovia, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Ward, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Elkton, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Bnshnell, agent and telegrapher 75.00 White, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Toronto, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Brandt, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Clear Lake, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Bemis, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Watertown, first telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Forest City Branch. Rowen, agent and telegrapher $ 72.50 Belmond, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Goodell, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Klemme, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Garner, agent 90.00 First telegrapher-leverman 75.00 Miller, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Forest City, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Thompson, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Buffalo Center, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Garner Branch. Hayfield, agent and telegrapher $ 75.00 Crystal Lake, agent and telegrapher. . 72.50 Woden, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Titonka, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Germania Branch. Conger, agent and telegrapher $75.00 Walters, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Bricelyn, agent and ^legrapher. . . . . . 72.50 Bricelyn Tower, first Tel. -Lev 65.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 65.00 Rake, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Germania, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Swea City, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Armstrong, agent and telegrapher.... 75.00 Maple Hill, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Gruver, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Worthington and Jasper Branches. Round Lake, agent and telegrapher. .$ 75.00 Worthington, agent - 95.00 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Reading, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Wilmont, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Lismore. agent and telegrapher 75.00 Kenneth, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Jasper, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Sibley Branch. Slifer, agent and telegrapher $72.50 Somers, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Man.son, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Palmer, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Pocahontas, agent and telegrapher... 85.00 Ware, agent 60.00 Laurens, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Laurens Tower, first Tel. -Lev $65.00 Webb Tower, first Tel.-Lev 65.00 Greenville Tower, first Tel.-Lev 65.00 Rossie, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Royal, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Moneta, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Hartley, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Hartley Tower, first Tel.-Lev 65.00 Plessis, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Melvin, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Cloverdale, agent 60.00 DES MOINES VALLEY DIVISION. Keokuk, Freight, first Tel.-Lev $80.00 Sand Prairie, agent and telegrapher.. 75.00 Farmington, agent and telegrapher. . . . 80.00 Bonaparte, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Mt. Zion, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Douds, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Selma, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Ottumwa, first telegrapher-leverman. 85.00 Kirkville, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Eddyville, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Givin, agent and telegrapher *45.00 Beacon, agent and telegrapher.- 80.00 Leighton, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Pella, agent 95.00 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Otley, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Monroe, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Fairmount, agent 62.50 Prairie City, agent and telegrapher.. 82. SO West Chester, agent and telegrapher.. 77.50 Keota, agent 75.00 First telegrapher-leverman 75.00 Harper, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Sigourney, agent and telegrapher 92.50 Delta, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Atwood, agent and telegrapher *40.00 Rose Hill, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Oskaloosa, agent 105.00 First telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 85.00 EVans, agent 87.50 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 ~ Hartford, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Beech, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Melcher, agent 82.50 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Second telegrapher-levernian 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 75.00 Williamson, agent and telegrapher... 75.00 Chariton, agent 105.00 First' telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 75.00 Millerton, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Corydon, agent and telegrapher 87.50 Keosauqua Branch. Keosauqua, agent and telegrapher. .. .$ 75.00 Knoxville Branch. Harvey, agent and telegrapher $*43.75 Knoxville, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Winterset and Indianola Branches. Carli.sle, agent and telegrapher $82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 75.00 Spring Hill, agent and telegrapher.... 75.00 Bevington, agent and telegrapher 75.00 * Indicates joint salary. 230 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Statiqn and Position. Month. Wlnterset, agent $ 95.00 First telegrapher- leverman 75.00 Summerset, agent 62.50 Indianola, agent 95.00 First telegi-apher-leverman 75.00 NEBRASKA DIVISION. Richfield, agent and telegrapher $77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Meadow, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Meadow Tower, first Tel.-Lev 62.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 62.50 South Bend Tower, first Tel.-Lev 62.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 62.50 South Bend, agent and telegrapher... 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Murdock, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Alvo, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Prairie Home, agent and telegrapher.. 80.00 Havelock, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 University Place, agent 75.00 Lincoln, first telegrapher-leverman... 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Lincoln, Ticket, agent 87.50 Rokeby, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Martell, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Hallam, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Clatonia, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Dewitt, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Plymouth, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Jansen, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Fairbury, agent 126.50 Thompson, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Thompson Tower, first Tel.-Lev 62.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 65.00 Mahaska, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Narka, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Munden, agfent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Belleville, first telegrapher-leverman.. 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Belleville, first telegrapher-leverman.. 90.00 Rydal, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Scandia, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Courtland, agent and telegrapher.... 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Formoso, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Montrose, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Mankato, agent 97.50 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third • telegrapher-leverman "SOOO Rate pel Station and Position. Month. Otego, agent and telegrapher $ 80.00 Esbon, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Lebanon, agent 95.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Bellaire, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Smith Center, agent 92.50 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Athol, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Kensington, agent and telegrapher.... 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Agra, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Gretna, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Second telegraphervleverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Phillipsburg, agent 90.00 First telegrapher-leverman......... 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Horton Branch. Germantown, agent and telegrapher..? 75.00 Powhattan, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Fairview, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Sabetha, agent -. 95.00 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Berwick, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Dubois, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Bern, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Pawnee, agent 100.00 First telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Steinauer, agent and telegrapher. . . . 80.00 Mayberry, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Lewistpn, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Virginia, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Rockford, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Beatrice, agent 117.50 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Ellis, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Harbine, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Nelson Branch. Gladstone, agent and telegrapher $ 72.50 Gilead, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Hebron, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Deshler, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Ruskin, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Nora, agent and telegrapher..., 77.50 Nelson, agent and telegrapher 87.50 COLORADb DIVISION. Stuttgart, agent and telegrapher $ 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Prairie View, agent and telegrapher.. 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Almena, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Norton, agent 82.50 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Dellvale, agent and telegrapher 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 231 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Clayton, agent and telegrapher $ 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Calvert, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Jennings, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrnpher-levernian 80.00 Dresden, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Selden, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Rexford, agent and telegrapher 82 50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Gem, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Colby, agent 90.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher- leverrna« 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Levant, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Levant (Block), second Tel. -Lev.... 67.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 67.50 Brewster, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Edson (Block), first Tel. -Lev 70.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 70.00 Third telegrapher-leverman^^. 70.00 Goodland, agent . ._^ 112.50 Ruleton, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Kanorado, agent and telegrapher.!.. 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Burlington, agent 82.50 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman : 82.50 Stratton, agent 82.50 First telegrapher-leverman......... 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Vona, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Seibert. agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman. ..... 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman - 80.00 Flagler, agent 82.50 v • First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman...^... 80.00 Arriba, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Bovina, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Genoa, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman SQ.OO Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Limon, agent 107.50 First telegrapher-leverman 95.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 95.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 95.00 Matheson, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Simla, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Ramah, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Calhan, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman...... 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Peyton, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Falcon, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Roswell, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Colorado Springs, first Tel. -Lev 97.50 Denver (Comjnercial>, first Tel.-Lev.. 100.00 SECOND DISTRICT. ST. LOUIS DIVISION. Rate pdr Station and Position. Month. St. Louis (Coml.), first Tel.-Lev $ 92.50 Carrie Ave. (Yard), first Tel.-Lev.... 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Clayton, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Lackland, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Maryland Heights, agent and teleg. . 77.50 Vigus, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Chesterfield, agent and telegrapher. . . 77.50 Centaur, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Labadie, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Villa Ridge, agent and telegrapher... 77.50 Union, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Beaufort, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Leslie, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Gerald, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Rosebud, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Owensville, agent and telegrapher.... 80.00 Bland, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Belle, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Fl-eeburg, agent and telegrapher.... 77.50 Argyle, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Meta, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Henley, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Eugene, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Etterville, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Eldon, agent 100.00 Eldon .(Dispatchers), first Tel.-Lev... 92.50* Second telegrapher-leverman 92.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 92.50 Barnett, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Versailles, agent 85.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Stover, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Nay, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Ionia, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Windsor, agent and telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Bowen, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Leeton, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Chilhowee, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Denton, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Medford, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Hadsell, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Pleasant Hill, agent and telegrapher. . 95.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Pleasant Hill Tower, first Tel.-Lev... 60.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 60.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 60.00 Greenwood, agent and telegrapher.... 77.50 South Lee. agent and telegrapher. . . . 77.50 First telegrapher-Teverman. 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman.- 77.50 Vale, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Carroll, first telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Raytown, agent and telegrapher 77.50 232 Schedules akd Wage Scales. KANSAS CITY TERMINAL DIVISION. Rate per . Station and Position. Month. Kansas City, Gen. Fi-t., first Tel.-Lev. 3100.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 100.00 KANSAS DIVISION. Horton, agent $115.00 First telegrapher-levennan 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegraplier-leverman 90.00 Horton Shops, first Tel. -Lev 85.00 Whiting, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Straight Creek, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Holton, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher-leverman...... 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Mayetta, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Hoyt, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Elmont, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Topeka (Passenger Sta.) — First telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Topeka (Yard^ first Tel.-Lev 92.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 92.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 92.50 Topeka (Towerj, first Tel.-Lev 70.00 Second telegrapher-leverman;.... 70.00 Bishop, second telegrapher-leverman.. 80.00 Valencia, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Willard, agent and telegrapher 82.50 JSecond telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Maple Hill, agent and telegrapher. . . . 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Paxico, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 McFarland, agent 110.00 First telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Alma, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Volland, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Alta Vista, agent and telegrapher.... 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Dwight, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 White City, agent 85.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 White City Tower, first Tel.-Lev 65.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 65.00 Latimer, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third tele^apher-leverman 80.00 Herington, agent. 110.00 Herington (Yard), first Tel.-Lev 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Lost Springs, agent and telegrapher.. 80.00 Lincolnville, agent and telegrapher.... 80.00 Antelope, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Marion, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Aulne, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Peabody, agent and telegrapher $ 97.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Peabody Tower, first Tel.-Lev 67.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 67.50 Elbing, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Whitewater, agent and telegrapher... 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Furley, agent and telegTapher 80.00 Kechi, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Cline, first telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Haysville, agent and telegrapher 80.00 ^aysville Tower, first Tel.-Lev 65.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 65.00 Peck, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Riverdale, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Wellington, agent 120-00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Perth, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Corbin, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Caldwell, agent 90.00 First telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman '. . 9%00 Clay Center Line. Wabaunsee, agent and telegrapher .. .$ 77.50 Zeandale, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Manhattan, agent 110.00 First telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Keats, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Riley, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Bala, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Broughton, agent and telegrapher.,... 77.50 Clay Center, agent. 110.00 First telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Morganville, agent and telegrapher... 80.00 Clifton, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Clyde, agent and telegrapher 85.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Agenda, agent and telegrapher^ 77.50 Cuba, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Salina Branch. Woodbine, agent and telegrapher. ...$ 72.50 Pearl, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Enterprise, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Abilene, agent and telegrapher 105.00 New Cambria, agent and telegrapher. 72.50 Salina, agent 120.00 . First telegrapher-leverman 90.00 , EL PASO DIVISION. Ramona, agent and telegrapher $ 80.00 Ramona Tower, first Tel.-Lev 65.00 Second telegrapher-leverman ...... 6". 00 Tampa, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Durham, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Canton, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Galva, agent and telegrapher 80.00 McPheraon, agent 122.50 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-levernjan 80.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 2S3 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Groveland, agent and telegrapher $ 77.50 Inman, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Medora, agent and telegrapher, 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Hutchinson, first telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Hutchinson Tower, first Tel.-Lev 65.00 y Second telegrapher-leverman 65.00 Partridge, agent and telegraplier 80.00 Arlington, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Langdon, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Turon, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Preston, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Natrona, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Pratt, agent 115.00 Pratt (Dispr.), first Tel.-Lev 92.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 92.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 92.50 CuUison, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Wellsford, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Haviland, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Oreensburg, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman. 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Mullinville, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Bucklin, agent 90.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Tl>ird telegrapher-leverman SO. 00 Kingsdown, agent and telegrapher.... 80.00 Bloom, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Mineola, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Fowler, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Meade, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Plains, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Kismet, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Arkalon, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Liberal, agent 120.00 First telegrapher-leverman 92.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 92.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 T>'rone, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Hooker, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Optima, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Guymon, agent. 77.50 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 77.50 Good well, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Texhoma, agent S5.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Naravisa, agent and telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Logan, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. C, R. I. & G. MEXICO DIVISION. Stratford, agent and telegrapher % 82.50 Dalhart, agent 115.00 Dalhart (Dispr.), first Tel.-Lev 100.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 100.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 100.00 Dalhart Tower, first Tel.-Lev 72.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 72.50 Mlddlewater, agent and telegrapher. 82.50 Romero, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Dodge Gity Branch. Ford, agent and telegrapher $ 80.00 Dodge City, agent and telegrapher 87.50 ARKANSAS DIVISION. Memphis (Freight), first TeL-Lev $ 90.00 Hulbert, agent 110.00 First telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Edmondson, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Proctor, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Heth, agent 82.50 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman...... 82.50 Round Pond, agent and telegrapher.. 82.50 Widener, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Madison, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Forrest City, agent 145.00 First telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Palestine, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Goodwin, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Wheatley, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Brinkley, agent 92.50 First telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Biscoe, agent and telegrapher 80.00 De Vails Bluff, agent 82.50 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Mesa, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Hazen, agent 75. Op First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Carlisle, agent 65.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Lonoke, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Kerr, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Argento, first telegrapher-leverman... 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Little Rock (Dispr.), first Tel.-Lev.. 90.00 Biddle, first telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Tenth Street, agent and telegrapher.. 87.50 Pulnski, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Pinnacle, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Roland, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Fourche, agent and telegrapher 82.50 234 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. BigeloAV. agent and telegrapher •? 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman SO.OO Houston, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Perry, agent and telegrapher SO.OO Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Adona, agent and telegrapher SO.OO Casa, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Birta, agent and telegrapher SO.OO Ola, agent •. 82.50 ' First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Danville, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Belleville, agent- ahd telegrapher 8D.00 Havana, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Waveland, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Blue Mountain, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Magazine, agent and telegrapher SO.OO Booneville, agent 135.00 First telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 87.50 White and Black River Branch. Cotton Plant, agent $ 77.50 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Howell, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Wiville, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Gregory, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Grays, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Riverside, agent 55.00 Tupelo, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Weldon, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Auvergne, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Newport, agent 122.50 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 "" Searcy Branch. Des Arc, agent and telegrapher $ 77.50. Grifflthvllle, agent 50.00 Searcy, agent 95.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Dardanelle Branch. Dardanelle, agent and telegrapher. .. .$125.00 Stuttgart Branch. Stuttgart, agent and telegrapher .$112.50 Malvern-Camden Branch. "Willow, agent and telegrapher .'..$ 77.50 Manning, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Sparkman, agent and telegrapher 77,50 Ouachita, agent and telegrapher 55.00 Camden, agent 125.00 First telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Hot Springs Branch. Germania, agent ?nd telegrapher $ 80.00 Bauxite, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Benton, agent 100.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Haskeil, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80 00 Butterfield, agent and telegrapher.... 77. BO Hot Springs, first telegrapher-leverman 92.50 LOUISIANA DIVISION. Fenter, agent and telegrapher $ 77.50 Poyen, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Leola, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Carthage, agent and telegrapher 5 80.00 Ivan, agent and telegrapher SO.OO Bunn, second telegrapher-leverman... 77.50 Fordyce, agent 110.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Ellisville, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Tinsman, agent 87.50 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Harrell, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Calion, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Bl Dorado, agent 112.50 El Dorado (Dispr.), first Tel.-Lev 95.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 95.00 Upland, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Junction City, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Randolph, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Bernice, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Dubach, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Ruston, agent s " 125.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Ansley, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Quitman, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Hodge, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Jonesboro, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Wyatt, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Dodson, agent and telegrapher ._ 80.00 Winnfield, agent .* 125.00 First telegrapher-leverman 95.00 Winnfield (Yard), first Tel.-Lev 82.50 Alexandria, first telegrapher-leverman 95.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman....... 82.50 Lamourle, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Le Compte, agent and telegrapher.... 80.00 Meridian, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Pine Prairie, agent and telegrapher. . 77.50 Mamou, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Crossett Branch. Hermitage, agent and telegrapher $ Sn.OO \ick, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Crossett, agent and telegrapher 97. ."0 INDIAN TERRITORY DIVISION. Barber, agent and telegrapher ? 80.00 Abbott, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Mansfield, agent 90.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Hartford, agent 95.00 First telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Monroe, agent and telegrapher SO.OO Howe, agent 112.50 First telegrapher-leverman 85 00 Second telegrapher-leverman S5.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Fanshawe, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Hughes, agent and telegrapher. 80.00 Red Oak, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Wilburton, agent 77.50 First telegrapher-leverman 85 00 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Hartshorne, agent 92.50 Haileyville, agent 120.00 Alderson, agent 90.00 Haywood, agent and telearapher 80.00 Stuart, agent and telegr-pher 90.00 Calvin, agent and telegrapher 90.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Holdenville (Freight), agent 122.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 235 Rate Station and Position. Per Mo. Holdenville (Passenger), first Tel.-Lev.$ 85.00 Second telegraplier-leverman S5.00 Third telegraplier-leverman 82.50 Wewoka, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Seminole, agent and telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Earlsboro, agent and -telegrapher 80.00 Shawnee (Ticket) first Tel. -Lev 97.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Shaw^nee (Yard), first Tel.-Lev 92.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Tecumseh Branch. Tecumseh, agent and telegrapher $ 75.00 Asher, agent and telegrapher '. . 75.00 Ardmore Branch. Blanco, agent and telegrapher $ 75.00 Pittsburgh, agent and telegrapher. . . . 80.00 Wardville, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Lehigh, agent and telegrapher 82.50 North Coalgate, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Coalgate, agent and telegrapher 87.50 Olney, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Wapanucka, agent and telegrapher... 80.00 Fillmore, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Milburn, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Tishomingo, agent ' 75.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Mannsville, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Durwood, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Ardmore, first telegrapher-leverman... 85.00 OKLAHOMA DIVISION. Renfrew, agent and telegrapher $ 80.00 Medford, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Jefferson, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Pond Creek, agent and trfegrapher. . . . 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Kremlin, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Enid, first telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Waukomis, agent and telegapher 80.00 Bison, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Hennessey, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman.' 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Dover, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Kingfisher, agent 127.50 First telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Okarche, agent and telegrapher 80.00 El Reno (Freight), agent 145.00 El Reno (Passenger), first Tel.-Lev... 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 El Reno (Yard), first Tel.-Lev 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Union City, agent and telegrapher.... 80.00 Minco, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Pocassett, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Chickasha, first telegrapher-leverman. 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Ninnekah, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Rush Springs, agent 82.50 - First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Marlow, agent $ 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Duncan, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Comanche, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Addington, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Waurika, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 90.00 AVaurika (Yard), first Tel.-Lev 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman...... 90.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Bilings Branch. Garber, agent and telegrapher $ 80.00 Billings, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Chandler Branch. Cashion, agent and telegrapher *$47.00 Guthrie, agent 117.50 Lindsay Branch. Alex, agent and telegrapher $ 77.50 Bradley, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Mangum Branch. Verden, agent and telegrapher $ 77.50 .\nadarko, agent 125.00 First telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Washita, agent 55.00 Fort Cobb, agent and telegrapher..., 77.50 Carnegie, agent and telegrapher 77.50 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Mountain View, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Gotebo. agent and telegrapher 77.50 Hobart, agent 125.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Lone Wolf, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Granite, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Mangum, agent 122.50 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Anadarko and Waurika Line. Stecker, agent and telegrapher $77.50 Apache, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Fort Sill, agent 100.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Lawton, agent 125.00 Fir.'=;t telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Faxon, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Chattanooga, agent and telegrapher.. 80.00 Geronimo, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Walters, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Temple, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Hastings, agent and telegrapher 80.00 PAN HANDLE DIVISION. Dale, agent and telegrapher $ 80.00 McLoud, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Harrah, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Choctaw, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Oklahoma City (Depot), first Tel.-Lev. 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 90.00 Oklahoma City (Yard), 1st Tel.-Lev. 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Oklahoma City (Tower), 2d Tel.-Lev. 70.00 Yukon, agent : . 90.00 First telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 ♦Indicates joint salary. 236 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Calumet, agent and telegrapher $80.00 Geary, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Bridgeport, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Hydro, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Weatherford, agent 107.50 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 , Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Indianapolis, agent and telegrapher... 80.00 Foss, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Canute, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Elk City, agent 120.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Sayre, agent 127.50 First telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 87.50 Choctaw Northern Branch. Ferguson, agent and telegrapher $ 77.50 Homestead, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Rusk, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Cleo Springs, agent and telegrapher.. 75.00 Aline, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Augusta, agent and tele'grapher 75.00 Ingersoll, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Alva, agent 115.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Anthony Branch. Driftwood, agent and telegrapher $ 75.00 Amorita, agent and telegrapher 77.50 'Anthony, agent and telegrapher 92.50 Enid and Anadarko Line. Lahoma, agent and telegrapher $ 77.50 Meno, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Ringwood, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Isabella, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Okeene, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Hitchcock, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Watonga, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Greenfield, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Hinton, agent and telegraplier 80.00 Lookeba, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Binger, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Gracemont, agent and telegrapher 77.50 THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & GULF RAILWAY CO. SOUTHERN DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Sugden (C.R.I.&P.), agent and teleg. .$ 80.00 Ryan (C.R.L&P.), agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Terral (C.R.I.&P.), agent and teleg.. 80.00 Ringgold, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Stoneburg, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Bowie, agent ». 112.50 First telegrapher-leverman.. 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Bowie Tower, first Tel. -Lev 70.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 70.00 lark Springs, agent and telegrapher. 80.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Bridgeport, agent $ 75.00 First telegrapher-leverman S.j.OO Second telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Paradise, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Boyd, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Newark, agent and telegrapher SO. 00 Saginaw, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Saginaw Tower, first Tel.-Lev 72.50 Second telegrapher-leverman 72.50 Fort Worth (Yard), first Tel.-Lev 100.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 97.50 Chico, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 97.50 Hurst agent and telegrapher 80.00 Tarrant, agent and telegrapher SO. 00 Irving, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 85.00 Graham Branch. Vineyard, agent and telegrapher $ 77.50 Jacksboro, agent 112.50 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Bryson, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Graham, agent 77.50 First telegrapher-leverman •. 92.50 AMARILLO DIVISION. . Erick (C.R.I.&P.), agent $80.00 Firs5t telegrapher-leverman 80.00 Texola (C.R.L&P.), agent and teleg... 80.00 Benonine, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Shamrock, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 82.50 Lela, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Ramsdell, agent and telegrapher 80.00 McLean, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Alanreed, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Jericho, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Groom, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Conway, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Wildorado, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Vega, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Adrian, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Glenrio, agent and telegrapher SO. 00 Endee (C.R.I.&1\), agt. and teleg 80.00 San Jon (C.R.I.&P.), agt. and teleg.. 80.00 ■ The foregoing rules and rates of pay are effective August 1, 1917, and shall continue in force for one year from that date, and thereafter, subje?t to thirty days' notice, by or to said railroads, but such notice may be given before the expiration of said year. The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rail- way Company, By C. W. JONES. T. H. BEACOM, General Managers. The Chicago, Rock Island & Gulf Rail- way Company, By T. H. BEACOM, President. The Telegraphers, By W. F. KAY, General Chairman. W. H. DUNNAM, General Secretary and Treasurer. Chicago, 111., Oct. 30, 1917. Schedules and Wage Scales. 237 Agreed Schedule of Rates per day and per hour to be paid relay office telegraphers for time worked on Sunday. These rates were produced by dividing the total amount to be paid for twelve months, at regular monthly rate, by 307 working days, obtaining thereby the daily rate, which daily rate was divided by the number of regular daily assigned hours. Daily assigned hours — 8. Monthly Rate. Per Day. Per Hour. $ 70.00 $2.74 .34 97.50 3.81 .48 * 100.00 3.91 .49 102.50 4.01 .50 105.00 4.10 .51 106.00 4.14 .52 107.50 4.20 .53 110.00 4.30 .54 112.50 4.40 .55 115.00 4.50 .56 117.50 4.59 .57 120.00 4.69 .59 125.00 4.89 .61 127.50 4.98 .62 130.00 5.08 .64 132.F0 5.18 .65 135.00 5.28 .66 145.00 5.67 .71 Agreed Schedule of Rates per day and per hour to be paid other than relay office teleg- raphers for time worked on Sunday. These rates were produced by dividing the total amount to be paid for twelve months, at regular monthly rate, by 313 working days, obtaining thereby the daily rate, which daily rate was divided by the number of regular daily assigned hours, excluding meal hour. Monthly Rate. Per Day. Daily assigned hours 40.00 $1.53 42.50 1.63 45.00 1.73 47.50 1.82 50.00 1.92 8 9- 10 12 .19 .17 .15 .13 .20 .18 .16 .14 .22 .19 .17 .14 .23 .20 .18 .15 .24 .21 .19 .16 Monthly Per Rate. Day. ?52.50 $2.01 53.25 2.04 55.00 2.11 56.25 2.16 57.50 2.20 60.00 2.30 62.50 2.40 65.00 2.49 67.50 2.59 70.00 2.69 70.50 2.70 72.50 2.78 75.00 2.88 77.50 2.97 80.00 3.07 81.50 3.12 S2.50 3.16 85.00 3.26 87.50 3.35 90.00 3.45 92.50 3.55 94.50 3.62 95.00 3.64 97.50 3.74 100.00 3.83 102.50 3.93 105.00 4.03 107.50 4.12 110.00 4.22 112.50 4.31 115.00 4.41 117.00 4.49 117.50 4.50 120.00. 4.60 122.50 4.70 125.00 4.79 126.50 4.85 127.50 4.89 130.00 4.98 132.50 5.08 135.00 5.18 137.50 5.27 140.00 5.37 142.50 5.46 145.00 5.56 147.50 5.65 150.00 5.75 Daily assigned hours 8 9 10 12 .25 .22 .20 .17 .26 .23 .20 .17 .26 .23 .21 .18 .27 .24 .22 .18 .28 .24 .22 .18 .29 .26 .23 .19 .30 .27 .24 .20 .31 .28 .25 .21 .32 .29 .26 .22 .34 .30 .27 .22 .34 .30 .27 .23 .35 .31 .28 .23 .36 .32 .29 .24 .37 .33 .30 .25 .38 .34 .31 .26 .39 .35 .31 .26 .40 .35 .32 .26 .41 .36 .33 .27 .42 .37 .34 .28 .43 .38 .35 .29 .44 .39 .35 .30 .45 .40 .36 .30 .46 .40 .36 .30 .47 .42 .37 .31 .48 .43 .38 .32 .49 .44 .39 .33 .50 .45 .40 .34 .52 .46 .41 .34 .53 .47 .42 .35 .54 .48 .43 .36 .55 .49 .44 .37 .56 .50 .45 .37 .56 .50 .45 .38 .58 .51 .46 .38 .59 .52 .47 .39 .60 .53 .48 .40 .61 .54 .48 .40 .61 .54 .49 .41 .62 .55 .50 .42 .63 .56 .51 .42 .65 .58 .52 - .43 .66 .59 .53 .44 .67 .60 .54 .45 .68 .61 .55 .46 .69 .62 .56 .46 .71 .63 .57 .47 .72 .64 .58 .48 Chicago, Terre Haute & Southeastern Railway Company EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 1917. The following rules govern the service and compensation of telegraphers employed by the Chicago, Terre Haute & Southeastern Railway, effective September 1, 1917: RULE I. All telegraph and telephone operators, sta- tion agents and levermen specified in this schedule will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of these articles, and will be governed by the regulations and paid at the rates specified hereia. When new posi- tions are created the provisions of this agreement will apply and the wages will be fixed to conform to positions of similar class. Nothing in these articles, however, will be construed to embrace train dispatchers. RULE II. Telegraphers will be regarded in line for promotion, advancement depending upon faithful, intelligent and courteous discharge of duty and capacity for greater respon- sibility. Where these are sufficient, seniority will govern. Company to judge. RULE III. (a) When vacancies occur, or new posi- tion created, telegraphers will be notified not later than ten (10) days by bulletin, and vacancies and new positions will be filled within thirty (30) days in accordance with Rule II. ^ (b) Vacancies and new positions will be bulletined by letter or wire promptly to all 238 Schedules and Wage Scales. offices on the system and eligible teleg- raphers will be given ten (10) days in which to apply for same. Such positions will be filled within thirty (30> days. Teleg- raphers declining promotion will not lose seniority rights. (c) A correct seniority list of telegraphers eligible to positions covered by this schedule will be furnished to the general chairman during January and July of each year. (d) When telegraphers are transferred and after a fair trial are found incompetent, they Will be placed on the extra list but will retain their seniority rights. Telegraphers declining to accept promotion do not lose their seniority rights. (e) Seniority will only be effective when new positions are created or vacancies occur. Trading positions will not be permitted. (f> When a position is closed, the present encumbent will be permitted to take the place of the youngest employe holding per- manent position, or go on the extra list, as he may desire, but does not lose his seniority rights. (g) In the event of a reduction of force at any office, the youngest man in the serv- ice at office effected will be displaced and the last trick will be considered abolished, the remaining men to be moved back on tricks. (h) In increasing the force at any office the last trick will be considered the new position and will be filled in accordance with Rule II, the employes at such offices mov- ing up on tricks. (i) Office seniority will apply at Bedford, Odon, Linton, Latta, Terre Haute DX, West Clinton and Faithorn. (j) Should commissions be permanently discontinued causing loss in compensation, prompt adjustment of salaries effected will be made. RULE IV.. (a) At offices where but one telegrapher is employed, or at towers where two lever- men are employed, twelve consecu^jve hours will constitute a day's work. (b) At offices other than the dispatcher's office where two or more telegraphers are employed, excepting at interlocking plants where two telegraphers are employed, eight (8) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. Nine (9> consecutive hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work in the dispatcher's office. (c) Telegraphers are required to do clerical and other station work to an ex- tent that will not interfere with their wire work. RULE V. (a) No time will be allowed for meals on tricks of nine (9) hours or less unless it is convenient to do so. Telegraphers working tricks longer than nine (9> hours will be allowed one (1) full hour for meals between 11:00 and 2:00 day and night except at interlocking plants. (b) Telegraphers required to remain on duty in excess of their establi.'=:hed hours for any reason w^ill be paid overtime at thirty- five (35) cents per hour. (o) Telegraphers called or instructed to come on duty outside of regular established hours will be allowed sixty (60> cents for the call and first hour's service and regular overtime thereafter. (d) In computing overtime, less than thirty (30) minutes will not be counted. Thirty (30) minutes and up to one (Ij hour and thirty (30) minutes will be counted one (1) hour. (e) No pay for overtime or extra service will be allowed unless claim therefor is made witliin forty-eight (48) hours from the time service was performed. (f) If for any reason overtime is not allowed, telegraphers will be notified and reasons therefor will be given within five (5) days. RULE VI. (a) Telegraphers and levermen will not be disciplined or discharged without just cause, and until after a fair and impartial investigation. If suspended pending inves- tigation, they will be given a hearing within ten (10) days by the proper official. If, after investigation, they are found not at fault, they shall receive pay for the time lost and be reinstated. The result of the investigation vnll be made known within ten (10) days. (b) All grievances which may exist shall be taken up to the proper official of the company within thirty (30) days by the aggrieved. (c) Telegraphers or levermen called in for investigation may be accompanied by a telegrapher or leverman of his choice in the employ of the company. (d) The right to appeal to the highest officer is granted. RULE VII. Telegraphers or levermen attending court by request of the company will be allowed net compensation which would have been earned by them at their stations, with the necessary expenses if away from home. RULE VIII. (a) When telegraphers are temporarily transferred to positions of less than thirty (30) days' duration paying lower rates than their regular assignments, they will be paid at their regular wages. If transferred to positions paying higher rates, they will be paid at the higher rates. (b) Telegraphers transferred by order of the company and are required to move from one station to another on account of reduc- tion in force will be furnished free trans- portation for themselves, families and ef- fects, and will be allowed regular pay while in transit and making transfer at the rates of the position from which transfer is made. No loss of time will be allowed when trans- ferring to accept bulletined positions, but will be furnished transportation for them- selves, families and effects. (c) Regularly assigned telegraphers will not be required to perform relief work ex- cept in cases of emergency, and when re- quired to perform relief work and in conse- quence thereof suffer a reduction in their regular comnensation, shall be paid an amoimt sufficient to rei-^burse them for ynch services and they will be allowed $1.00 per day for the first ten (10) days while away from their regular assignments. This $1.00 per day for expense does not apply Schedules and Wage Scales. 239 to telegraphers doing relief work in the dis- patcher's office. (d^ Telegraphers temporarily assigned by bulletin to work in the dispatcher's office will be permitted to return to their regular assignnxents within a period of six months from date of assignment, after which time the positions bulletined as temporary be- come permanently filled and positions vacated shall be bulletined and filled in ac- cordance with Rules 11 and III. RULE IX. (a) Telegraphers and levermon may be granted leave of absence from time to time upon request, when it can consistently be done. (b) Telegraphers and levermen who have been in the company's service two (2) years or more may be granted a leave of absence of ninety (90; days or less, and at the end of that time, or before if desired, upon mak- ing application to the proper official may be reinstated to his former position and retain seniority rights, but in case of sickness this leave of absence may be extended. RULE X. Telegraphers may be excused from Sun- day service whenever possible without detriment to the service. RULE XI. Telegraphers who have been in the serv- ice five (5) consecutive years or longer will be furnished system annual passes for themselves and wives. Representatives of telegraphers acting in such capacity will be granted the necessary leave of absence and transportation. RULE XII. Telegraphers assigned to other duties not mentioned in wage scale will hold their seniority. RULE XIII. A salary at the rate of sixty-five dollars ($65.00^ per month will be paid for duties at wrecks, washouts and other emergencies. The time going to and coming from such wrecks or emergencies will be paid pro rata. Time to be computed from the time they are called to start until they return or are relieved. Twelve (12> consecutive hours or less will constitute a day's work. RULE XIV. Telegraphers will not be required to clean main or local batteries at stations where more than ten (10) cells are used. . RULE XV. (a) At interlocking plants where three telegraphers are employed they will be re- quired to take care of signal and train order lamps, except where lampmen are em- ployed, without anv extra compensation. (b) At interlocking plants where two telegraphers are employed, each telegrapher will be required to care for one-half the number of lishts. In all cases the first trick telegrapher will care for the train order lamp. Each telegrapher will receive $3.00 per month for this service. RULE XVI. There will be no change in the foregoing articles or the following wage scale until thirty (30> days' notice has been given to either party by the other. WAGE SCALE. ♦Denotes lamps. Average ticket and express commissions are shown as matter of information and are included in total. Total per Station and Position. Month. Faithorn, first trick. $ 84.00 Paithorn. second trick 84.00 Faithorn, third trick. 84.00 Delmar, agent-leverman 84.00 Lamps $3.00 Delmar, leverman 68.00 Lamps $3.00 Tallmadge, agent-leverman 68.00 Tallmadge, operator-leverman 68.00 Tallmadge, operator-leverman 68.00 Webster, first trick 68.00 Webster, second trick 68.00 Webster, third trick 68.00 Stockland, agent-telegrapher 77.00 Cheneyville, agent-operator-leverman. 74.00 Cheneyville, second operator-leverman 68.00 Cheneyville, third operator-leverman. 68.00 Johannott, agent-telegrapher 70.00 Knowles, agent-leverman 68.00 Lamps $3.00 Knowles, operator-leverman 70.00 Lamps $3.00 ■ Brewer, agent-operator-leverman 77.50 Brewer, second operator-leverman 75.00 Brewer, third operator-leverman 75.00 Humrick, agent-operator-leverman.... 80.00 Humrick, second operator-leverman.. 68.00 Humrick, third operator-leverman.... 68.00 West Dana, agent-operator-leverman. 84.00 Lamps 3.00 West Dana, leverman 68.00 Lamps 3.00 St. Bernice, agent-operator 65.00 West Clinton, first operator 84.00 West Clinton, second operator........ 84.00 West Clinton, third operator •. . 84.00 Blanford. agent-operator 75.00 Libertyvil'e, agent-operator 80.00 Dewey, first operator 75.00 Dewey, second operator 75.00 Dewey, third operator 75.00 Terre Haute (FOj, operator-clerk.... 100.00 Terre Haute (DX;, first operator 96.00 Terre Haute (DXj, second operator.. 96.00 Terre Haute (DX), third operator 96.00 Belt Jet., leverman 73.00 Belt Jet., leverman 73.00 Spring H'll, first operator-leverman.. 75.00 Spring Hill, .'■econd operator-leverman 75 00 Spring Hill, third operator-leverman.. 75.00 Blackhawk. agent-operator 78.00 Express commission .$5.00 Blackhawk, second operator 73.00 Lewis, agent-operator 81.69 Express commission 9.69 Coalmont, agent-operator 93.69 Express commission 8.68 .Tasonvi'le, operator 70.00 Latta, first operator 80.00 I^atta, second operator 80.00 Latta, third operator 80.00 Midland, agent-operator 67.80 Express commission 2.80 240 Schedules and Wage Scales. Total per Station and Position. Month. Vicksburg, agent-operator $ 67.37 Express commission $ 2.37 Linton, first operator 75.00 Linton, second operator ,•• 75.00 Sponsler, leverman 68.00 Lamps 3.00 Sponsler, leverman .- 68.00 Lamps 3.00 Beehiinter, agent-operator 76.00 Express commission 1.00 EInora, agent-operator 85.66 Express commission 13.66 Odon, first operator 65.00 Odon, second operator 65.00 Burns City, agent-operator 75.98 Ticket commission 13.75 Express commission 8.23 Indian Springs, agent-operator 85.79 Ticket commission 23.40 Express commission 11.39 Mt. Olive, agent- operator 61.40 Express commission 1.40 Williams, agent-operator 93.05 Ticket commission 26.89 Express commission 16.16. Bedford, first operator 80.00 Bedford, second operator 80.00 Oolitic, clerk-operator 84.00 Heltonville, agent- operator 79.80 Ticket commission 12.70 Express commission 7.10 Norman, agent-operator 75.82 Ticket commission 11.77 Express commission 4.05 Kurtz, agent-operator 82.89 Ticket commission 17.73 Express commission 5.16 Total per Station and Position. Month. Freetown, agent-operator $ 84.02 Ticket commission $21.88 Express commission 7.14 Cortland, agent-operator .62.16 Express commission 2.16 Seymour, cashier-operator 80.00 Azalia. agent-operator 62.02 Ticket commission 1.53 Express commission -.49 Grammar, agent-operator 66.76 Express commission 1.76 Alert, agent-operator ,'. . 60.58 Ticket commission 1.43 Express commission 4.15 Sardinia, agent-operator 63.14 Ticket commission 87 Express commission 2.27 Westport, agent-operator 85.63 Ticket commission 63 Hymera, agent-operator 84.98 Express commission 14.98 Abbott, leverman 60.00 Lamps 3.00 Abbott, leverman 60.00 Lamps 3.00 Hawton, agent -operator 65.00 Sullivan, agent-operator 80.00 , For Telegraphers: (Signed) R. H. OWEN, General Chairman. Approved for C. T. H. & S. E. Ry.: C. E. HAIR, Assistant General Superintendent. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company EFFECTIVE MARCH 15, 1917. The following rule? and rates of pay will govern the positions^ shown in this sched- ule. ARTICLE I. Scope of Schedule. Section 1. This schedule applies to teleg- raphers, such telephone operators as are re- quired to handle train orders or block trains, and such levermen and station agents as are shown in w.9ge scale. Sec. 2. The provisions rt Articles V and VII do not apply to exclusive station agents except, that they will receive compensation provided for when operating pumps. ARTICLE n. Promotion. ■ Section 1. Telegraphers will be promoted on their respective divisions with reference to the following, the superintendent to de- cide: First — Fitness for position. Second — Previous record for faithful serv- ice. Third — Seniority in service. Sec. 2. Seniority rights will date from the last time of entering the service, and will extend over each division superintendent's district. Sec. 3. In general telegraph oflJice teleg- raphers retain division rights and offlce sen- iority will prevail. Sec. 4. Vacancies will be bulletined on tenth (10th) day of each month to all offices on the division on which they occur, includ- ing division and general telegraph offices. Bulletins will show assignments of previous month. Sec. 5. Telegraphers not promoted, accord- ing to seniority will be given thfe reason in writing if requested. Sec. 6. When a telegrapher is promoted, and after fair trial is found incapable, in the superintendent's judgment, he will take his place on the extra list, but will retain his seniority rights. If promoted on his own application a second time and he fails, he may 'be dropped from the service. Sec. 7. A telegrapher declining to accept promotion does not forfeit his rights to it or any other position when a vacancy oc- curs. Sec. 8. In reducing forces, other things- being equal, the superintendent to decide. Schedules and T7age Scales. 241 the youngest telegraphers will be dispensed with first. . ' Sec. 9. When new positions are created, the compensation therefore will be on a parity with positions of similar class shown in this schedule. Sec. 10. A service list will be kept in the ofHce of the division superintendent and the superintendent of telegraph, which will be revised on the first of June of each year and a copy furnished to the general and local chairmen. Sec. 11. Seniority will be effective only when vacancies occur or new positions are created. Sec. 12. Telegraphers are in line of pro- motion to all positions showii in- the sched- ule. Sec. 13. Telegraphers who are promoted to positions not listed in wage scale, may, upon request made within ninety (90) days, return to their former positions; scheduled positions thus vacated will be bulletined subject to this privilege. Sec. 14. Telegraphers promoted to train dispatchers' positions may return to sched- uled service any time during their service with the company, subject to the provisions of Sections 6 and 8, with their telegraphers' seniority rank. A-RTICL.E in. Suspension, Dismissal — Appeal. Section 1. Telegraphers will not be sus- pended or dismissed from the service with- out just cause. A telegrapher considering himself unjustly suspended or dismissed will have the right to refer his case by written statement to the superintendent, and within ten (10) days, when practicable, after re- ceipt of such statement, the case will re- ceive a thoi'ough investigation and decision given. If exonerated, he shall be reinstated and receive pay for all time lost. Sec. 2. Should the superintendent or su- perintendent of telegraph fail to adjust the case, appeal may be made to the general superintendent. Sec. 3. Adjustment will be taken up with the officials within thirty (30j days, other- wise the right to appeal is waived. Sec. 4. Telegraphers leaving the service from any cause will, upon request, be given a letter stating the time and character of service and specifying the reasons for leav- ing. ARTICLE IV. Emergency Offices. Telegraphers performing duties at wrecks, washouts, snow blockades or other similar emergency offices will be paid two dollars and seventy cents ($2.70) per day of nine (9) hours or less, overtime pro rata, and no other compen.sation. Time to be com- puted from the time called to leave until they return, deducting time relieved from duty for meals and rost. ARTICLE V. Hours of Service — Overtjme. Section 1. Ten (10) consecutive hours, in- cluding the meal hour, will constitute a day's work for telegraphers employed in train dispatcher's offices. Sec. 2. At offices where but one telegra- pher is employed, twelve (12) consecutive hours, commencing between six thirty (6:30) and seven thirty (7:30) a. m. or p. m., in- cluding the meal hour, will constitute a day's work. Sec. 3. Nine (9) consecutive hours will ' constitute a day's work for telegraphers who are required to block trains or handle train orders at offices operated over thirteen (13) hours in any twenty-four (24) hour period or continuously, provided that at not to ex- ceed sixteen (16) offices on Western and Nebraska divisions the nine (9) hours may be spread within an eleven (11) hour pe- riod with additional compensation at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) per month above salary shown in wage scale; over fifteen (15) days to be counted a full month; except that if such position is occupied by more than one (1) telegrapher in one (1) month this five dollars ($5.00) extra compensation will be pro rated. The hours of agent-telegra- pher at offices operated continuously shall begin between six (6:00) a. m. and eight (8:00) a. m. ^ Sec. 4. At stations on branch lines indi- cated, eleven (11) consecutive hours between five thirty (5:30) a. m. and eight thirty (8:30) p. m. including the meal hour, will •constitute a day's work, except that teleg- raphers may be required to meet not to ex- ceed one (1) regular train scheduled to ar- rive outside of the established hours, but between the hours of five thirty (5:30) a. m. and eight thirty (8:30) p. m. without extra compensation. Ellsworth Branch Currie Branch Spring Valley Branch Pipestone Branch Mondovi Branch Doon Branch Hannibal Branch Wynot Branch Park Falls Branch Crofton Branch Fairmont Branch Bloomfield Branch Sec. 5. Telegraphers working nine (9) hours or more, if required to remain on duty by instructions of division officers in excess of the assigned hours, will be paid overtime pro rata with their salaries, but not less than thirty cents (30c) per hour, fractions of an hour to be paid for at five cents (5c) for each full period of ten (10) minutes. Sec. 6. Telegraphers called for service out- side of established hours after being ex- cused, will receive fifty cents (50c) for the first hour or fraction thereof except that when living in stations they wall receive thirty cents (30c) for the first hour or frac- tion thereof. After the first hour overtime will be allowed. Sec. 7. Telegraphers except those work- ing nine (9) hours or less per day, will be allowed one (1) hour for meals to begin between eleven (11:00) a. m. and one (1:00) p. m. or between eleven (11:00) p. m. and one (1:00) a. m. If the meal hour is missed one (1) hour overtime will be allowed and twenty (20) minutes for lunch at first oppor- tunity. Sec. 8. Telegraphers will be excused Sun- day's, without reduction of pay, within cer- tain soecified hours at each station. Should they be held unnecessarily during those hours by the train dispatcher, they will communi- cate the fact to the division superintendent immediately by mail- Telegraphers whose 242 Schedules and Wage Scales. assigned day's work exceeds nine (9) hours, excepting those employed in train dispatch- er's offices, required to work more than six consecutive hours on Sunday, will be paid overtime for time worked in excess of the six (6) consecutive hours, provided that the company has the option of assigning three (3) hours which may be divided into not more than two (2) periods and paying over- time for time worked in excess of three (3) hours. Hours assigned for Sunday to be within the limits of hours assigned for other days. ARTICLE VI. Attending Court. When required by the company to attend court away from home, telegraphers will be paid one (1) day at their regular rate for each twenty-four (24) hours, and a reason- able allowance for expenses during attend- ance. Time and expenses to be approved by the company's attorney. ARTICLE VIL Miscellaneous Duties. Section 1. When more than ten (10) cells of local battery are in use, telegraphers will not be required to clean them, but are re- quired to supply water and blue vitriol to batteries as necessary. Sec. 2. At stations where there are no other employes assigned and not to exceed two (2) switch lights, telegraphers will be required to care for them without extra compensation. ^.t stations where telegra- phers are required to care for switch lights they will be paid as follows: For three (3) and not to exceed Ave (5) lights, four dol- lars ($4.00) per month. For each additional light, fifty cents (50c) per month. Sec. 3-. Telegraphers performing other duties and required to operate steam or gasoline pumps will receive extra compensa- tion at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) per month. Sec. 4. Telegraphers will not be required to scrub waiting rooms, offices or outhouses, or shovel snow from platforms. This does not apply to exclusive block offices or to stations where there is only a section fore- man. Sec. 5. Telegraphers will be required to keep their stations neat and clean, notifying division superintendent when help is re- quired to accomplish, ARTICLE Vin. Changing Positions — Relief Work. Section 1. Telegraphers holding positions to which they have besn assigned will not be required to do relief work except in cases of emergency. When required to perform such service at other than the station to which they are assigned, they will suffer no loss of pay in changing from one position to another, and will receive the salary of the position in which they do relief work, but not less than a rate fifteen dollars (♦15.00) per month greater than the salary of their assigned position. Sec. 2. Agents required to make their own transfer without aid of the auditor will be paid for time lost in making transfer, based on salary of position transferred. Sec. 3. Telegraphers changing at their own request, or by reason of promotion, will not be paid for time lost in transfer. 'Sec. 4. Relief telegraphers will be paid salary pro rata with the salary of the em- ploye relieved, and will be allowed a mini- mum of thirty cents (30c) per hour while dead-heading on company business. Sec. 5. Telegraphers will be transferred to assigned positions within fifteen (15) days from date of assignment. Sec. 6. Telegraphers transferred from one station to another on company's orders, will receive free transportation for their families and household effects. ARTICLE IX. Teaching Telegraphy. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy. ARTICLE X. Changes In Agreement. In the event of either the telegraphers or the railway company desiring to change any one or more particulars of this schedule, or to terminate it as a whole, they will give thirty (30) days' written notice to the party at interest. Abbreviations. A— Agent. T — Telegrapher. Ph — Telephoner. L — Leverman. WAGE SCALE. General Telegraph Office, St. Paul. Rate per Position. Month. Wire chief and day manager $105.00 Wire chief 105.00 Night man" ger 100.00 Two telegraphers at 92.50 One telegrapher at 90.00 One telegrapher at 87.^0 One telegrapher at 86.00 EASTERN DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Altoona. fi'-st teleg-apher $87.50 Second telegrapher 80 00 Third telegrapher 77.50 Augusta, agent and telegrapher 87.50 Baldwin, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher 67.50 Third telegrapher 67.50 Beldenville, agent and telegrapher 67.50 B. R. Falls, agent 87.50 Telegrapher 70.00 Chili, agent and telegrapher 70.00 East St. Paul, first telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 96.00 Third telegrapher 92.50 East 7th Str., agent and telegrapher 72. '0 Eau Claire, first telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 99.50 ■Fourth telegrapher ^ . S7.Kn Eleva, agent and telegrapher 67.50 Elk Mound, agent and telegrapher.... 70.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 243 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Ellsworth, agent and telegrapher $ 82.50 Elmwood, agent and telegrapher 67.50 Fairchild, agent 72.50 First telegrapher 72.50 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 70.00 Fall Creek, agent and telegrapher.... 70.00 Granton, agent and telegrapher 70.00 Hammond, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Hersey, agent and telegrapher 70.00 Hudson Shops, telegrapher 87.50 Hudson Depot, first telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 82.50 Humbird, agent and telegrapher 67.50 Hustler, agent and telegrapher 70.00 Knapp, first telegrapher 72.50 Second telegrapher €7.50 Third telegrapher ; 67.50 Lake Elmo, agent and telegrapher 72.50 f^evis, first telegrapher-leverman 70.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 70.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 70.00 Marshfield, first telegi-apher 80.00 Second telegrapher 80.00 Third telegrapher 80.00 Mono Junction, agent 77.50 First telegrapher 72.50 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 67.50 Merrillan, agent 87.50 First telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher 80 00 Third telegrapher 80.00 Millston, agent and telegrapher 67. Minneapolis, telegrapher 90.00 Mondovi, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Neillsville, agent 80.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Northline, agent and teleg.-lev 80.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 72.50 Third telegrapher-leverman 72.50 Osseo, a^ent and telegrapher 65.00 River Falls, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Roberts, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Rusk, agent and telegrapher 67.50 St. Paul, Prince Street, telegrapher... 82.50 Sheppard, first telegrapher-leverman.. 70.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 70.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 70 00 Spring "Valley, agent and telegrapher. 67.50 Stillwater, telegrapher-clerk 75.00 Stillwater Jet., and telegrapher 7'^. 00 Second telegrapher 67.50 Third tcle9;r"pher 67 50 Strum, agent and telegrapher 67.50 Tunnel, telegrapher 65.00 Val'ey Junction, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Warren, agent and telegrapher 67.50 Weston, agent and telegrapher 67.50 Wilson, agent and telegrapher 65 00 Woodville, agent 80.00 First telegrapher 67.50 NORTHERN DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. A shland. telegrapher $ 77.50 Ashland Jet., aarent and telegrapher.. 70.00 Second telegrapher 65.00 Barksdale, telegrapher 62.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Barronett, agent and telegrapher $ 70.00 Second telegrapher 62.50 Third telegrapher 62.50 Bayfield, agent 82.50 Telegrapher 67.50 Bennett, agent and telegrapher 70.00 Birchwood, agent and telegrapher 70.00 Bloomer, agent 67.50 First telegiapher 70.00 Second telegrapher 65.00 Third telegrapher 62.50 Boardman, agent and telegrapher 70.00 Burkhardt, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Cable, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Second telegrapher 62.50 Third telegrapher 62.50 Cameroii, agent 80.00 First telegrapher-leverman 75.00 Second telegrapher-leverman 70.00 Third telegrapher-leverman 70.00 Chetek. agent and telegrapher 70.00 Second telegrapher 65.00 Chippewa Falls, first telegrapher 75.00 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 65.00 Clayton, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Second telegrapher 65.00 Third telegrapher 62.50 Clear Lake, agent and telegrapher 70.00" First telegrapher 65.00 Second telegrapher 62.50 Comstock, agent and telegrapher 70.00 Cornell, agent and telegrapher 67.50 Second telegrapher 62.50 Couderay, agent and telegrapher 67.50 Cumberland, agent 80.00 First telegrapher 72. •'^O Second telegrppher 70.00 Third telegrapher 65.00 Deer Park, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Second telegrapher 62.50 Duluth, telegrapher 90.00 Draper, agent and telegrapher 67.50 Second telegrapher 62.50 Drummond, agent and telegrapher 67.50 Eagle Point, agent and telegrapher... 70.00 Gordon, agent and telegrapher 70.00 Grandview, agent and telegrapher 70.00 Hannibal, agent and telegrapher 70.00 Haugen. agent and telegrapher 70.00 Hawthorne, agent and' telegrapher. .. . 75.00 Second telee-rapher 62.50 Third telegrapher 62.50 Hayward, agent 62.50 First telegrapher 67.50 Holcombe. agent and telegrapher 67. ."^O Itasca, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 82.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Jim Falls, agent and telegrapher 67.50 Koll, first telegrapher 62.50 Second telegrapher 62.50 Third telegrapher 62. 50 Lake«!i'^e, telegrapher 62.50 Lampson, a^ent and teleerapher 67.50 ]VTssnn. ae-ent and telegrapher 72.50 Minon?, aeent and telegrapher 72.50 New Auburn, as-ent and telegrapher.. 72 "^0 Se'^ond telegrapher 62.50 New Ri^hmc^d. agent 105.00 First tele Telegraphers accepting temporary positions not covered by the schedule will retain their seniority and right to position vacated for six months, after which time they forfeit their seniority rights. (f> Semi-annually the superintendent will revise seniority list as of January 1st and July 1st of each year, and furnish copies thereof to the telegraphers' committee. Third, Reduction of Force. (a) When a position is abolished or force reduced, the telegrapher so affected will have the right to displace the youngest regularly assigned telegrapher, if seniority will permit. (h) In reducing force at any office, the youngest telegrapher will be displaced and the lowest rate abolished. If position is re- instated, the lowest paid position as shown on the wage scale at that office will be con- sidered the new position. Fourth, Vacancies and Transfers. (a) When vacancies occur or new posi- tions are created they will be advertised by circular to be sent to all offices showing hours of service and if commission, the average per month for the previous year. (h) Temporary vacancies or new positions of over thirty days and not to exceed six months' duration will be advertised as above and filled as provided in 2-B, but the posi- tions vacated by such appointees to tem- porary po.sitions will be filled by the most competent telegraphers on the extra list without -advertising. (c> Tele-xaphers desiring a ' position that has been advertised must make application in writing before the expiration of ten days from date of circular and the successful applicant will be notified and the position filled within twenty-five days from date of circular. (d; A telegrapher making application for and receiving the appointment to a posi- tion must accept the position or go on the extra list, but he may withdraw his applica- tion before the expiration of the time speci- fied in the circular. (e> When a telegrapher is transferred, and after a fair trial, is found not qualified for the position, he will be placed on the extra list, but will retain his seniority. (f) Telegraphers will not be required or permitted to exchange positions except in cases of emergencies, and then for not to exceed ten days' duration, unless handled as provided in 3, or 3-B. (g> Telegraphers transferred by order of the company will be furnished free trans- portation for themselves, dependents and personal effects and shall suffer no loss of pay. (h) Telegraphers transferred to accept ad- vertised positions will be furnished free transportation for themselves, dependents and personal effects and shall receive' pay after the first day at new position, which shall be the succeeding day after having been checked out of former position, unless granted leave of absence, in which case 5-C will govern. Fifth, Leaves of Absence. (a) Telegraphers, when practicable, will be granted leave of absence, but in no case to exceed ninety consecutive days, except in cases of sickness or disability. Only one ninety- day leave of absence will be granted in any one year and two such leaves of ab- sence shall not form a continuity, that is: one shall not commence at the date t.he other terminates. (b> Telegraphers on vacation must keep the proper official advised of their where- abouts and in cases of necessity may be recalled to the service. (c) Telegraphers on leaves of absence de- siring to return to the service will notify the proper official, and shall receive the reg- ular compensation of the position if not checked in within five days from date of such notice. (d) Representatives of the telegraphers acting in such capacities will be granted necessary leaves of absence. Sixth, Hours of Service. (a) Where an office is operated not ex- ceeding thii'teen hours within twenty-four hours, ten houi-s, excluding meal hours, will constitute a day's work, which shall com- mence between the hours of 6:00 and 8:00 a. m. or 6:00 and 8:00 p. m., and not extend beyond a period of thirteen consecutive hours, except at Sudduth Tower, where twelve consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. (h) \^^^e^e an office is operated as a train order office in excess of thirteen hours per day, eight consecutive hours will constitute Schedules and Wage Scales. 247 a day's work, except at yard office shops and at stations where two or more telegra- phers are employed and the agent works one trick, nine consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. (c> Telegraphers whose working hours are more than nine hours per day will be al- lowed not less than one full hour between lliOO and 1:30 o'clock, day or night, for meals. When they cannot be excused during these hours, they will be given thirty min- utes at the first opportunity and allowed one hour's overtime as per 7-A. (d) No time will be allowed for meals on tricks of nine hours or less unless it is con- venient to do so. (e) Telegraphers shall be excused from Sunday and holiday duties as much as the conditions of business will permit and with- out reduction of pay. Seventh, Overtime. (a) Telegraphers held for duty beyond their regular hours will be paid overtime pro-rata on stated salary with a minimum rate of thirty cents per hour. (b) Telegraphers called for duty or di- rected to return to duty outside of their regular hours shall receive forty cents for the first hour or fraction thereof and over- time thereafter as per Section A. (c) In computing overtime, thirty min- utes or less will not be counted; over thirty minutes will be considered one hour. Eighth, Discipline, Grievances and Appeals. (a) Telegraphers will not be suspended or dismissed from the service of the company without just cause. (b) A telegrapher shall not be disciplined or dismissed from the service of the com- pany (except in case of intoxication or in- subordination) until his case has had a thor- ough investigation. If after investigation the telegrapher he found not at fault, he shall be reinstated and paid for time lost. (c> No grievance will be entertained un- less presented in writing to superintendent within ten clays of its occurrence. (d) Any telegrapher having a grievance to be adjusted which may affect others than himself, must take it up in writing through the committee representing employes in his class of service. (e) In the event that any grievance can- not be satisfactorily adjusted with the super- intendent, the telegrapher shall have the right to appeal within five days to the proper officials in their regular order up to and including the general manager, -at which time he shall have the opportunity to be present during the hearing, present his case and offer testimony and may be accom- panied by a disinterested employe of the same rank. Ninth, Attending Interlocking or Switch Lights. (a/ At stations where section men are available, or porters or helpers are em- ployed, telegraphers will not be required to attend interlocking or switch lights, but they will see that they are kept burning. (bj Telegraphers will be required to care for train order signal lights. Tenth, Wage Scale. (a) Telegraphers required for duty with relief outfits at washouts and other similar emergencies will be paid a minimum of $2.50 per day of ten hours or less, with overtime pro-rata: time to be computed from time of leaving regular place of em- ployment until returned thereto. D. C. FREDERICK, Superintendent Transportation. Revised July 30. 1917. The Cincinnati, Indianapolis & Western Railroad Company (EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1917.) The following regulations and rates of pay for telegraphers will apply on the Cincinnati, Indianapolis & Western Railroad Company system, commencing June 1, 1917, and will not be changed without thirty days' writ- ten notice. ARTICLE I. Telegraphers. (a) Under the caption "Telegraphers" are included all employes required to perform telegraph service of any character or dura- tion, except train dispatchers, also such ex- clusive agents, and other employes as are shown in the wage scale. (b) In ease the telephone is substituted for the telegraph, telegraphers will be entitled to promotion to positions of telephone oper- ators, and will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of this agreement, and the rates of pay and regulations shall be the same as those specified for telegraphers herein. (c) At offices thus affected, the incumbent thereof will succeed to the position of tele- phone operator, but when new offices are created they will be filled in accordance with Article III of this agreement. (d) When the use of the telegraph or tele- phone instruments are discontinued at any office the office shall continue to be con- sidered as a scheduled office. If the changed conditions justify a readjustment in pay, compensation will be fixed upon the basis of wages paid at similar offices. ARTICLE II. [^Iscipline. (a) Telegraphers will not be disciplined without a hearing nor held off longer than five days without a decision being rendered. When required to report for hearing reason- able notice shall be given in order that wit- nesses may be produced, and, if desired they may be accompanied by their local chair- inan or an advisory co-employe. (b) When a telegrapher is disciplined, he will be furnished with a written statement, upon request, showing the charges against him, and if his fellow telegraphers regard the discipline as unmerited, they may, by 248 Schedules and Wage Scaues. committee take the matter up with the superintendent. (c) Committeemen agree to take up no case until they have made an investigation and believe an injustice has been done. (d; Appeal may be made to higher offi- cers in regular order. (e> Should it occur that after reconsidera- tion a telegrapher is found not at fault in the case, he will be reinstated and paid the amount he would, have earned during his term of suspension or discharge. (f; Fines will not be assessed upon any telegrapher except United States Govern- ment fines for mail failures may be collected from the telegrapher if it is shown that he was at fault. Committee Transportation. (g) Committeemen will be furnished trans- portation when their services are required and will be granted leave of absence when- ever it can be granted without injury to the service. ARTICLE III. Seniority, Vacancies, Etc, (a) Seniority accompanied by efficiency will govern the promotion of telegraphers and their assignments to positions on each division or agreed territory. (h) The Indianapolis, Springfield Division will be known as one territory. Seniority will date from last time entering service. (c) Telegraphers transferred from one sen- iority territory to another shall rank from the date of transfer. When an office is transferred from one seniority territory to another, telegraphers affected shall retain their seniority from date of last employ- ment. (d> Telegijaphers who have been in the service of the company for two or more years may be given leave of absence for six months, and at the end of that time, or before if desired, upon making application to the proper official, may resume their em- ployment without losing the^r seniority; pro- vided that no more than one such leave (other than short vacations j shall be given in any consecutive period of two years. Local chairman will be notified when this privilege is granted. (It is understood that all requests for re- lief in compliance with this rule shall be given due consideration and leave of ab- sence granted whenever relief men are avail- able.) (e) Seniority lists will be kept on file in the superintendent's office, and will be re- vised on January 1st, and July 1st, of each year and local chairman will be furnished a copy. (f) Changes in assignments will be made only in case of vacancy, or when new posi- tions are created, positions abolished or offices closed. (g) When vacancies occur or new posi- tions are created they will be advertised at ortce by a "23" messaa-e and the tolesrapher desiring them will make written application within five days. Positions will be filled within thirty days. Local chairman will be patchers' position, and except as specified in filled. Telegraphers shall not be eligible to re- turn to a position vacated until it has been advertised a second time unless there are no other applicants. (h) Telegraphers entitled to promotion to vacancies, and who fail to apply for same, or decline promotion, do not thereby waive their seniority rights as far as future' va- cancies are concerned. (i^ When a position'' is abolished or an office closed the incumbent thereof may take any other position to which his seniority and merit entitle him; provided however, that he will not be permitted to displace a telegrapher filling a position which he has held continuously for three (3) years or longer and provided further that he make his selection within thirty days. Should none^ of his juniors in the service be subject to displacement under this proviso the youngest regular assigned telegrapher in the service may be displaced. All telegiaphers displaced under this rule shall have the privilege of asserting tlieir seniority accordingly. Should an office be closed and reopened within a period of thirty days all telegraph- ers displaced under this rule shall return to their former positions. In the event of a reduction in force the youngest telegrapher in thie service will be laid off first. In event of re-employment the senior telegrapher laid off, if available, will be given work first. (j) If an office is moved from one location to another if the distance exceeds two miles, and not beyond the location of another office, telegraphers affected shall decide within five days whether they will follow the office. If they decide not to follow the office. Section (i) applies; except that in case an office Is moved to a location near another office, thereby causing another office to be closed or abolished, it will be considered the same as a new office and filled accordingly. (k) Telegraphers are entitled to promotion to position of train dispatchers and their applications shall be given preference in making selections for these positions. Telegraphers accepting positions not cov- ered by this agreement, except train dis- patchers position, and except as specified in Section (d), shall forfeit their seniority. Telegraphers accepting train dispatcher's positions shall not forfeit the'r seniority but may assert it only by first going on the extra list and filing application for vacancies or new positions. (1) If. after a fair trial, a regular teleg- rapher is found incompetent to perform the duties at an office to which he was assigned in accordance with Article III, he will be placed on the extra list until reassigned and will retain his seniority. (m) With the permission of the proper officer of the company, telegraphers may trade positions temporarily, but not to ex- ceed a period of thirty days. ARTICLE IV. Hours of Service. (a) In three or more trick offices, eight con.=ecutive hours shall constitute a day's work. (b) In two trick offices, nine consecutive hours shall constitute a day's work. (c) In one trick offices, ten hours exclusive of meal hour shall constitute a day's work. Schedules and Wage Scales. 249 Except as relieved for meals, the ten hours shall be consecutive. ■» (.d) For exclusive agents, eleven consecu- tive hours including one hour for meals shall constitute a day's work. (e; For assistant exclusive agents, twelve, consecutive hours, including one hour for meals shall constitute a day's work. (f) At (DI;, (OA;, and (WF> Indianapolis, ten consecutive hours including one^ hour for meals shall constitute a day's work. (g) In these offices the first trick shall be- gin between 6:00 and 8:00 a. m. or 6:00 and S:00 p. m. ARTICLE V. Clerical and Other Station Worl<. (a) Telegraphers are required to do cler- ical and other station work to an extent that will not interfere with their wire work. Agents are expected to claim only a reason- able share of help from telegraphers in these additional duties. (b; Telegraphers will not be required to scrub floors, clean windows or out-buildings, but they will be expected to keep their of- fices in a neat and orderly condition. (c) Telegraphers will not be required to care for switch lights at stations where sec- tion men are located. (d) Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy; if they desire to take a student into their office, they must secure the permission of the superintendent. (e) When a telegrapher is requested by the company to permit an operator to remain with him temporarily to learn the block sys- tem, rules, etc., such time will be reasonably limited. ARTICLE VI. Transportation When Transferred, (a) Telegraphers transferred imder orders will be granted free transportation for them- selves, immediate family and their house- hold goods. ARTICLE VII. Sunday Service. (a) Telegraphers will be excused from Sunday duty as far as possible, and no re- duction shall be made from their pay on that account. ARTICLE VIII. Service Letters. (a) The superintendent, if requested to do so, will furnish a telegrapher leaving the service, with a tetter showing his record. GENERAL WAGE SCHEDULE. ARTICLE IX. Overtime, Special Call, Etc. (a) Telegraphers required to remain on duty for any reason after the expiration of their regular hours will be paid overtime at the rate of forty (40) cents per hour. (h) Telegraphers called for special service outside of their established hours will be allowed fifty (."50) cents for the first hour or any part thereof, and forty (40) cents per hour thereafter. (c) Telegraphers required to return and attend trains outside of their regular hours of duty, after being relieved, will be allowed overtime at the rate of fifty (50) cents per hour for the first hour or any part thereof, and forty (40> cents per hour thereafter. (d) In computing overtime, except in case of the first hour as per Sections (b) and (c> actual time worked will be counted. When the regular rate of pay exceeds the overtime rate, overtime will be paid pro- rata. ARTICLE X. Meal Hour. (a) At offices where the hours of service provide for a meal hour, day telegraphers will be allowed one unbroken hour, com- mencing between 11:00 a. m. and 12:30 p. m., and night telegraphers will be allowed one unbroken hour, commencing between 11:00 p. m. and 12:30 a. m. for meals. When this cannot be done they will be allowed forty (40) cents for each meal hour inissed, and allowed thirty minutes for meals at the first opportunity. . (b) At offices where the hours of service do not provide for a meal hour, telegraphers will be allowed such time for meals a.s the train service will permit. ARTICLE XI. Doubling. (a) When telegraphers are required to double they will be paid at the rate of forty (40) cents per hour for all extra time held on duty. ARTICLE XII. Overtime Disallowed, (a) Telegraphers will be notified when claims for overtime or special service are disallowed with reasons therefor. ARTICLE XIII. Switch Lamps. (a) At stations where telegraphers are re- quired to care for. switch lamps, they will be allowed one dollar per light, per month; eight-day lamps will be furnished. ARTICLE XIV. Washouts, Wrecks, Etc. (a) Telegraphers called • for duty at wrecks, washouts, etc., will be paid at the rate of $3.00 per day. Minimum for nine hours or less, $3.00. ARTICLE XV. Gravel Pits. (a) Minimum pay for telegraphers as- signed to duty at gravel pits will be $75.00 per month. ARTICLE XVI. New Positions, Changes, Etc. (a) When new positions are created or new dutie^ added to those already existing, compensation will be fixed upon the basis of wages paid at similar offices, and an effort will be made to adjust the compensation by mutual agreement between the superintend- ent and the telegraphers' committee. This to be done before new positions are perma- nently filled. Commissions. (b) 'WTien the handling of express or other business for which a coinmission is allowed is taken away from any telegrapher, the wages for the position affected will be In- 250 Schedules and Wage Scales. creased to conform to the rate paid at sim- ilar offices. ARTICLE XVII. Vacations. (a) Telegraphers who are required to re- port for duty on eight or more Sundays in a year, and who h'ave been in the service one year and less than two j'ears, will be given seven days' vacation annually with pay, or, in lieu thereof, additional compensa- tion for seven days at their regular rate of pay. (b; Telegraphers who are required to re- port for duty on eight or more Sundays in a year, and who have been in the service, two or more years, will be given fifteen days' vacation annually with pay, or, in lieu there- of, additional compensation for fifteen days at their regular rate of pay. Interpretation. It is understood that in the application of Article XVII, telegraphers entitled to a vaca- tion shall be granted same each calendar year regardless of any leave of absence they may have been granted in compliance with the terms of this agreement. It is further understood that no telegrapher will be enti- tled to a vacation until he has been assigned to a regular position in accordance with Article III, and has been required to report for duty on eight Sundays in regular assign- ment during the calendar year. ARTICLE XVIII. Examinations, Investigations, Etc. (a) Telegraphers held off by the company for re -examination or to attend court or '1)ther business of the company will be paid for actual time lost and for necessary ex- penses. (b> Telegraphers attending company in- vestigations will be paid for time lost at their regular rate when not found at fault. (c) When the company pays a telegrapher for time lost at court, his fees and mileage shall be assigned to the company. If no time is lost pay will not be allowed by the company and the employe may collect his own fees and mileage. ARTICLE XIX. Pay When Transferring, (a) Regular telegraphers transferred to positions requiring a transfer of accounts will receive pay for the time consumed in transferring the accounts, based upon rate of position from which transferred. ARTICLE XX. Regular IVIen Filling Temporary Positions, Etc. (a) Telegraphers holding regular positions when working temporarily in other offices not located in the same building shall re- ceive one dollar per day in addition to the regular pay for the office at which working, but not less than the regular rate of the relieving telegrapher. This will not apply to telegraphers entering dispatcher's offices or to telegraphers relieving others given leave of absence to attend committee meetings or other work pertaining to the Order of Rail- road Telegraphers, and also will not appb' to operators who make written request to fill temporary vacancies. (b; Regular telegraphers who perform the duties of relief agents shall receive the same rate of pay as allowed relief agents; min- imum pay for relief agents to be $100.00 per month, they to pay their own expenses. It is understood that to relieve any agent, is performing the duties of relief agent. (.c) Extra telegraphers shall receive the same salary as the men they relieve; min- imum for any call shall be one day's pay at the rate paid at position for which called. AGREEMENT. It is mutually agreed between the Cincin- nati, Indianapolis & Western Railroad Com- pany and the telegraphers' committee that any telegrapher who enters the service of the -United States Government, as a soldier, sailor or marine, for the duration of the present war, shall have the privilege of re- taining his seniority as a telegrapher and may return to his former position, if phys- ically able, within a reasonable time after being released from the Government service. It is understood that positions vacated on this account will be advertised in accord- ance with the telegrapher's agreement, but employes accepting them will not be entitled to displace other regular assigrned telegra- phers when the former employe returns to his position. M. V. HTNES. General Superintendent, C, I. & W. R. R. J. H. CARTER, General Chairman, O. R. T. Indianapolis, Indiana, .Tune 15, 1917. NOTE. Positions marked with double dagger (t) will not be subject to bulletin as per Article III, Section (g). in case of vacancy, the company reserving the right to select men for these positions depending upon the qual- ifications of the applicants. It is understood that our agents and employes will be given preference in filling these positions. It is further understood that the employes filling these positions shall not be subject to dis- placement, as per Article III, Section (i). For THE CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS & WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, M. V. HYNES, General Superintendent. For THE TELEGRAPHERS, J. H. CARTER, General Chairman. * Express commission. t Western Union commission. t Positions not subject to bulletin. INDIANAPOLIS DmSION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. McGonigle (MN), agent and operator. *$ 71.00 Woods, agent *.36.00 Oxford, freight agent 95 00 (XD). ticket agt. and opr., 1st trk. 85.00 Operator, second trick 72.50 Operator, third trick 72.50 College Corner (N), agent *77.00 Assistant agent 44.00 Operator, second trick 70.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 251 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Cottage Grove (GE>, agent and opr...*$ 77.00 Tower (CGj, operator, first trick.. 71.50 Operator, second trick 71.50 Operator, third trick 71.50 Liberty (BY^ agent 87.50 Operator, first trick 77.00 Operator, second trick 72.00 Operator, third trick 71.00 Brownsville (RN), agent and operator *72.0(f Lyonsville, agent *42.00 Connersville (CVj, {freight agent 115.00 Ticket agent 75.00 Operator, first trick t75.00 Operator, second trick t75.00 Agent operator, third trick t75.00 Glennwood (NY^ agent and operator. *71.00 Rushville (RS), {freight agent 110.00 Ticket agent and opr., first trk. . . fSl.OO Operator, second trick t72.00 Operator, third trick t71.00 Arlington (AR>, agent and operator.. *72.50 Morristown (MS), agent and operator *75.00 Pountaintown, agent *44.00 Reedville, agent *44.00 New Palestine (P), agent and opr *72.50 State Street (AD), operator 78.00 Operator 78.00 SPRINGFIELD DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Indianapolis (WF), operator $76.00 (OA), tear distributor 91.00 (DI), operator 83.00 'Moorefield (W), operator first trick... 78.00 Operator, second trick 78.00 Speedway, agent *65.00 Assistant agent 45.00 Tilden (KY), agent and Operator *65 00 Maplewood, agent *40.00 Montclaire, agent *52.00 North Salem (NS), agent and operator *80.00 Roachdale, agent *90.00 Assistant agent 35.00 (RD), operator, first trick 78.00 Operator, second trick 73.00 Operator, third trick 73.00 Raccoon (RA), agent and operator... *67.50 Russellville (RV), agent and operator *80.00 Milligan (Q), agent and operator *62.00 Guion, agent 52.00 Marshall (RS), agent and operator *83.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Bloomingdale (B0>, agent and opr *$ 84.50 Melcher (CH), agent and operator 65.00 Montezuma, agent *88.00 (MO), operator, first trick 72.00 Operator, second trick 72.00 Hillsdale (HI^ agent and operator.... *82.00 Assistant agent 33.00 Dana (DA), agent and operator *83.50 Assistant agent 30.00 Scotland (D), agent and operator: *68.00 Chrisman (C), agent and operator *86.50 Metcalf (FA), agent and operator *82.00 Hume, agent *89.00 Assistant agent 60.00 (HU), operator, first trick 72.50 Operator, second trick 71.00 Operator, third trick 70.00 Newman, agent *78.00 (N) , operator 70.00 Murdock (CK), agent and operator... *71.00 Camargo (CM), agent and operator.. *74,00 Tuscola, lagent *105.00 Assistant agent 66.00 (Z), operator, first trick 70.00 Operator, second trick 70.00 Ficklin, agent 45.00 Garrett (G), agent and operator *68.00 Atwood (A), agent and operator *75.00 Pieison (S), agent and operator *68.00 Hammond (H>, joint agent and opr... *41.00 JoirLt assistant agent 17.50 Lintner (NR), agent and operator.... ♦68.00 LaPlace (X>, agent and operator *70.00 Decatur (DC), operator, first trick.... 75.00 Operator, second trick 73.00 O.'^bernville (SFj, agent and operator. *65.00 Mt. Auburn (AU), agent and operator *78.00 Bolivia (BA), agent and operator *65.00 Roby (RO). agent and operator *65.00 Buckhart (BU), agent and operator.. *65.00 Keys (KE>, agent and operator *66.00 E. Springfield (FN), operator, first trk. 76.00 Operator, second trick 71.00 Operator, third trick 70.00 Springfield, $agent 105.00 For THE CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS & WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, -M. V. HYNES, General Superintendent. For THE TELEGRAPHERS, J. H. CARTER, General Chairman, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co. and Peoria & Eastern Railway Company (EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 1916.) ARTICLE I. ^Effective December 1, 1916, all telegraph operators, telephone operators, also station agents and levermen specified in this sched- ule will be considered "telegraphers" within th meaning of these articles, irrespective of the title by which designated or the char- acter of service performed, and will be gov- erned by the regulations and paid at the rate specified herein. When new positions are created, the provisions of this agreement will apply and the wages will be fixed to conform to positions of similar class. ARTICLE II. (a) Telegraphers will be considered in line of promotion, other things being equal, and the telegraphers whose positions are covered 252 Schedules and Wage Scales. by this schedule and who have served the longest, will have preference of positions in the schedule on the division where employed, and their seniority will date from their last entrance to the service as either station agent, telegrapher, telephoner or leverman, and will be effective when vacancies occur or new positions are created. (b) In general and relay ofHces, vacancies will be filled by advancing the regular teleg- raphers according to their office seniority, and the last trick will be bulletined on all divisions. (c) The right to promotion will be gov- erned by ability and seniority; the telegra- pher longest in the service as specified in paragraph (a) of this article will be entitled to first choice of vacancies or new positions, provided they are capable. (d; In the event of a reduction of force in positions covered by this schedule, the incumbents of the positions abolished will have the right to any position covered by this schedule on the division where employed which they are competent to fill, and the incumbents thereof are their juniors in the service, provided, in doing so, they will not displace any telegrapher who has more than five years' seniority. In the event there are no telegraphers in the service with less than five years' seniority, the youngest telegra- pher maj' be displaced. (e) In the event of a reduction of force in general and relay offices, as shown in the wage scale, telegraphers so displaced may assert their seniority on the division from which they came in accordance with para- graph (c) of this article and remaining teleg- raphers will be set back in accordance with their office seniority in reverse of the order promoted. The general and relay offices in- cluded in this schedule are ,*'AB" Indian- apolis and "PD" Cincinnati. (f) Telegraphers who are laid off on ac- count of reduction of force, if qualifying, will have preference, according to seniority, on the divi.cions where employed, and will be givf-n employment on other divisions in pref- erence to telegraphers not in the service. (g) Telegraphers bidding into general and relay offices, or telegraphers who hpve here- tofore bid into such offices, shall retain their division seniority on the division from which they came, and may assert same on any vacancy that may occur on said division. (h) Telegraphers who have become dis- qualified in general and relay offices and who have no division seniority, shall go on the extra list without seniority on the div^ion of their choice. If they are so disqualified and have division seniority, they may assert such seniority only on the division from which they came, and only on vacancies that may occur or by displacing the young- est regular assigned telegrapher. ARTICLE III. Vacancies and new po«:itions will be bul- letined promptly to all offices on the division, and eligible telegraphers will be given ten days in which to apply for same. Such positions must be filled within thirty days. If for any reason the assigned applicant is not placed in his chosen position within thirty days from date of bulletin, he shall be paid, after thirty days, at the rate of position chosen instead of his previous rate, unless the latter is higher than the rate of position chosen. Telegraphers declining pro- motion will not lose seniority. The chief dispatcher will notify the local chairman the name of each applicant and those assigned to vacancies. New positions of less than sixty days' duration will be considered tem- porary, and will be filled by extra men if such are available and competent. ARTICLE rV. A correct seniority list of telegraphers eligible to positions covered by this schedule will be furnished by the chief dispatcher to the general and local chairman during the last week of January and July of each year. A telegrapher may obtain his seniority standing upon application to the chief dis- patcher. ARTICLE V. (a) Where but one telegrapher is employed in twenty-four hours, twelve consecutive hours, including meal hour, commencing be- tween 6.00 and 8:00 a. m. or between 6:00 and 8:00 p. m., will constitute a day's work. (h) "Where two or more telegraphers are employed, eight consecutive hours will con- stitute a day's work. Twelve consecutive hours will constitute a day's work for agents whose duties do not of necessity include telegraphing or telephoning. The exception to this will be leverman as shown -in the schedule of wages. ARTICLE VI. No time will be allowed for meals on tricks of eight hours or less, unless it is convenient to do so. Telegraphers working tricks longer than eight hours will be allowed one hour for meals, between 11:30 and 1:30 day or night, each day. When they cannot be excused between these hours, they will be paid thirty-five cents and allowed one hour for meals as soon thereafter as practicable. ARTICLE VII. Telegraphers will be paid overtime pro rata, but not less than thirty-five cents per hour for all time worked outside of regrular hours. If called back to the office after being relieved from duty, an allowance of fifty cents will be made, and if kept on duty more than one hour, overtime will be paid pro rata, but not less than thirty-five cents pfr hour. Telegraphers in general and relay offices will be paid overtime at the rate of fifty cents per hour for all time worked outside of regular hours. ARTICLE VIII. (a) Telegraphers required to remain on duty to meet trains after the expiration of their regular assigned hours, will receive overtime pro rata, but not less than thirty- five cents for each hour so held. (h) Telegraphers required to meet trains after being relieved will receive fifty cents for such service and regular overtime after the first hour. ARTICLE IX. In computing overtime, actual time worked will be counted. Overtime must be reported in writing to the proper official within forty- eight hours from time made, and if, for any reason, overtime is not allowed, telegraphers Schedules and Wage Scales. 253 will be notified giving- the reason why not allowed. ARTICLE ,X. Telegraphers will not be disciplined until after an investigation of whatever charge is made against them. The investigation will be made, if practicable, without loss of time to the telegrapher, who may be accompanied thereat by another employe in the service of the company and of his own selection. Any telegrapher feeling aggrieved may be represented by a committee of his own selec- tion, the members of which must be employes of this company. The result of the investi- gation will be announced within seven days after completion. ARTICLE XI. For attending court as witness by direc- tion of the company, regular wages will be paid and necessary expenses when away from home. ARTICLE XII. (a) When telegraphers are temporarily transferred to positions paying lower rates than their regular assignments, they will be paid at their regular rates. If transferred to positions paying higher rates, they will be paid at the higher rates. (b) When regularly assigned telegraphers are transferred from their regular positions to work extra, they will be paid one dollar per day in addition to their regular rates of pay, computed until they return to their regular positions or are relieved. (cj Telegraphers transferred by order of the company, to accept bulletined positions, will be furnished free transportation for themselves, families and effects, and will be allowed regular: pay while in transit and making transfer, at the rate of the position from which transfer is made. (d) Telegraphers transferred on account of reduction of force will be furnished free transportation for themselves, families and effects. ARTICLE XIII. (a) Except in cases of sickness or dis- ability telegraphers who have been in fhe service two years or more, when practicable, will be granted leave of absence for a period of thirtj' days or more but not to exceed ninety days, upon request, and at the expi- ration of that tim9, or before, if desired, upon making application to the proper offi- cial, may resume employment without losing their seniority. No second leave of absence, other than short vacations from time to time will be granted in any period of twelve months unless the applicant has been active- ly employed in his regular position for thirty days immediately ' preceding such second leave of absence. Representatives of the telegraphers acting in such capacity will be granted the necessary leave of absence. (b> Except as provided in Section (a) of this article, telegraphers will be granted relief from time to time and will be granted transportation over the lines of this com- pany. (c) When telegraphers in general and re- lay offices are temporarily relieved for seven days or more, the other ranking telegraphers will be entitled to fill the vacancy during such leave if they so desire, but will not be permitted to work more than one trick per day except on the day the change Is made, nor will overtime be allowed for the double. ARTICLE XIV. Where other employes are available, teleg- raphers will not be required to clean station platform or grounds. They will not be re- quired to oil interlocking plants or clean machinery where eight or more levers are used. They will not be required to clean snow from frogs or switches except in cases of emergencies. They will not be required to handle switch, block or signal lamps, but will see that they are kept burning; this is not to be construed to relieve telegraphers from the care of train order signal lamps, but lamps of an interlocking plant will not be considered train order signal lamps, with- in the intent of this article. ARTICLE XV. At stations where telegraphers are re- quired to give bond, the premium will be paid by the company. ARTICLE XVI. (a) Telegraphers who are required to han- dle pumps will be allowed ten dollars per month in addition to their regular wages. (b) Telegraphers will not be required to clean batteries where they exceed ten cells. ARTICLE XVII. For duty at wrecks, washouts or other emergencies, the time going to and coming from such wrecks or emergencies will be included at the overtime rate. Time to be computed from the time they are called to start until they return, or are released. ARTICLE XVIII. Telegraphers who have been in the service of the company two years or more, and who are working tricks longer than eight hours, will be given fifteen days' vacation annually with pay, or in lieu thereof, additional com- pensation for fifteen days at their regular rates of pay. Telegraphers who have been in the service of the company two years or more, and who are working tricks of eight hours or less, shall be given seven days' vacation annually with pay, or in lieu thereof, additional compensation for seven days at their regTjlar rates of pay. This article does not apply to extra employes. ARTICLE XIX. Telegraphers will be excused from Sunday service whenever possible without detriment to the service. ARTICLE XX. Telegraphers handling crossing gates, or crossing bells operated by pumps, will be alloAved five dollars per month in addition to the rate shown in the schedule. ARTICLE XXI. There shall be no change in the foregoing articles or the following wage scale until after thirty days' notice has been given by either party to the other, except that offices may be closed or reopened as may be neces- sary. 254 Schedules and Wage Scales. Allowance for gates or pumps and average express conamissions included in total. WAGE SCALE. GENERAL AND RELAY OFFICES. Total per Station and Position. Month. Indianapolis (AB), 20 telegraphers $101.25 Cincinnati (PD;, 4 telegraphers 101.25 CLEVELAND DIVISION. Total per Station and Position. Month. Cleveland (UD;, first trick $ 87.50 Cleveland (UD), second trick 87.50 Cleveland (UD^ third trick 87.50 Cleveland (UD>, fourth trick 87.50 Front Street, first trick leverman 81.50 Front Street, second trick leverman.. 81.50 Front Street, third trick leverman.... 81.50 D. K., first trick leverman 84.50 D. K., second trick leverman 84.50 D. K., third trick leverman 84.50 Burton Street, first trick 81.50 Gates or pumps $5.00 Burton Street, second trick 81.50 Gates or pumps 5.00 Burton Street, third trick 81.50 Gates or pumps 5.00 Clark Ave., first trick 77.00 Clark Ave., second trick 77.00 Clark Ave., third trick 77.00 Knob, first trick 77.00 Knob, second trick 77.00 Knob, third trick 77.00 Linndale (JD;, day t»iegrapher 82.00 Linndale (CF), first trick 82.00 lanndale, second trick 81.00 Linndale, third trick 81.00 Berea, first trick 80.50 Gates or pumps 5.00 Berea, second trick 80.50 Gates or pumps 5.00 Berea, third trick 76.50 West View, agent telegrapher 84.19 Express commission 2.19 Columbia, agent and first trick 88.31 Express commission 6.31 Columbia, second trick 74.50 Columbia, third trick 74.50 North Eaton, agent telegrapher 85.62 Express commission 3.62 Grafton, first trick 81.00 Gates or pumps 5.00 Grafton, second trick 81.00 Gates or pumps : 5.00 Grafton, third trick 81.00 Gates or pumps 5.00 Huff, first trick 80.50 Huff, second trick 80.50 Huff, third trick 80.50 Huff, day leverman (12 hours) 68.00 Rochester, agent 91.91 Gates or pumps 10.00 Express commission 9.41 Rochester, day telegrapher 79.50 Gates or pumps 5.00 Hiles, first trick 77.00 Hiles, second trick 77.00 Hilcs, third trick 76.00 Boyd, first trick 82.00 Boyd, second trick 82.00 Boyd, third trick 82.00 Boyd, day leverman, 12 hours) 68,00 Total per Station and Position. Month. Shiloh, first trick $ 79.50 Gates or pumps $5.00 Shiloh, second trick 78.50 Gales or pumps 5.00 Shiloh, third trick 73.50 Shelby, first trick 80.50 Shelby, second trick 80.50 Shelby, third trick 80.50 Shelby, day leverman (12 hours) 68.00 Vernon, agent 83.55 Express commission 1.05 Vernon, first trick 78.00 Vernon, second trick 78.00 Vernon, third trick 78.00 Crestline, first trick 81.50 Crestline, second trick 81.50 Crestline, third trick 81.50 Gallon, first trick 86.00 Gallon, second trick 86.00 Gallon, third trick 86.00 St. James, agent and first trick 82.69 ISxpress commission 6.19 St. .Tames, second trick 74.50 St. James, third trick 74.00 Edison, first trick (joint) 48.50 Gates or pumps 5.00 Edison, second trick (joint) 43.50 Gates or pumps 5.00 Edison, third trick 76.00 Mt. Gilead, agent telegrapher 95.50 Cardington, trick - 77.00 Cardington, second trick 74.00 Cardington. third trick 74.00 Ashley, agent 107.21 ^ Express commission 31.71 Ashley, first trick 76.00 Ashley, second trick 76.00 Ashley, third trick 76 00 Leonardsburg, agert and first trick... 82.71 Express commission $6.21 leonardsburg, second trick 74.00" Leonardsburg, third tr'ck 74.00 Lewis Center, agent and first trick.... 82.76 Express commission 4.26 Lewis Center, second trick 73 50 Lewis Center, third trick 73.50 Caledonia, agent (joint) 52.22 Express commission 11.72 Marion (HP), day telegrapher 75 00 LongvJI'e, first trick 74.50 Longv'lle, second trick 74.50 Longville, third trick 74.50 Agosta, agent telegrapher 78.13 Express commission... 8.13 LaRue, first trick 76.00 T^aRue, second trick 76.00 LaRue, third trick 76.00 Marsh, first trick 74 50 Marsh, second trick 74,-50 Marsh, third trick 74.50 Mt. Victory, agent telegrapher 99.79 Express commission 24.29 Ridgeway, agent 113.27 Express commission 23.77 Hayes, first trick 79 50 Hajes, second trick 79.50 Hayes, third trick 79.50 Rushsylvania, agent 93.54 Express commission 18.04 Rushsvlvaria, first trick 75.00 Rushsylvania, second trick 75.00 Rushsylvania, third trick 75 00 NeI«on, first trick 75 00 Nelson, second trick , 75 00 Nelson, third trick 75-00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 255 Total per Station and Position. Month. Bellfcfontaine (DI^ one trick $ 88.00 Bellefontaine (DI>, one trick 88.00 INDIANAPOLIS DIVISION. Total per Station and Position. Month. Bellefontaine (DI>, one trick $ SsTo Bellefontaine (DI>, one trick 88.00 Bellefontaine Yard, first trick 84.50 Bellefontaine Yard, second trick 84.50 Bellefontaine Yard, third trick 84.50 Bellefontaine (FKj, day telegrapher.. 75.00 Bellefontaine Depot, first trick 84.50 Bellefontaine Depot, second trick 84.50 Bellefontaine Depot, third trick 84.50 Bellefontaine Depot, fourth trick 84.50 Gretna, lirst trick 75.00 Gretna, second trick 75.00 Gretna, third trick 75.00 DeGraff, agent 120.83 Express commission $45.08 DeGraff, first trick 77.00 DeGraff, second trick 77.00 DeGraff, third trick 77.00 QuincJ^ agent 88.73 Express commission 13.73 Morgan, first trick ■ 76.00 Morgan, second trick 76.00 Morgan, third trick , 76.00 Pemberton, agent telegrapher 78.12 Express commission 3.12 Mix, first trick 75.00 Mix, second trick 75.00 Mix, third trick 75.00 Sidney, agent 103.00 Sidney, first trick -» 80.50 Sidney, second trick 80.50 Spafford, first trick 75.00 Spafford, second trick 75.00 Spafford, third trick 75.00 Lamb, first trick 82.00 Gates or pumps 10.00 Lamb, second trick 75. OP Lamb, third trick 75.00 Hou.ston, agent 81.88 Express commission 5.88 Russia, agent telegrapher 80.05 Express commission 2.55 Versailles, agent 112.63 Express commission 31.88 Harvard, fli st trick 76.00 Harvard second trick 76.00 Harvard, third trick 76.00 Ansonia, (joint; agent 60.67 Express commission 23.42 Ansonia (joint;, first trick 40.00 Ansoni-a (joint;, second trick 40.00 Ansonia (joint;, third trick 40.00 Elroy. first trick 75.00 Elroy, second trick 75.00 Elroy, third trick 75 00 Dolby, first trick 75.00 Union City, first trick 79.50 Union City, second trick 79.50 Union City, third trick 79.50 Harrisville, first trick 75.00 HaKri.svil'e, second trick 75.00 Harrisville. third trick 75.00 Winchester, agent 103.00 Winchester, first trick 79.50 Winchester, second trick 79.50 Winchester, third trick 79.50 Farmland, agent 91.77 Express commission 11.77 Total per Station and Position. Month. Farmland, first trick $ 75.00 Farmland, second trick .'.. 75.00 Farmland, third trick 75.00 Parker City, agent telegrapher 92.74 Express commission $12.74 Connor, first trick 75.00 Connor, second trick 75.00 Connor, third trick 75.00 Selma, agent 80.46 Express commission 2.46 Vance, first trick -. .' 83.50 Gates or pumps 5.00 Vance, second trick 83.50 Gates or pumps 5.00 Vance, third trick 78.50 Muncie Depot, first trick 78.50 Muncie Depot, second trick 78.50 Muncie Depot, third trick 78.50 Hart, first trick 75.00 Hart, second trick 75.00 Hart, third trick 75.00 Yorktown, agent 93.48 Express commission 4.48 Dolby, first trick 75.00 Dolby, second trick 75.00 Dolby, third trick. 75.00 Daleville, agent telegrapher 87.62 Express commission 3.62 Chesterfield, first trick 75.00 Chesterfield, second trick 75.00 Chesterfield, third trick 75.00 Gridley, first trick 78.50 Gridley, second trick 78.50 Gridley, third trick 78.50 Anderson, first trick 80.00 Anderson, second trick 80.00 C. I. Tower (12 hrs.;, 1st trk. leverman 70.50 Gates or pumps $5.00 C. L Tower (12 hrs.;, 2d trk. leverman 65.50 South Anderson, first trick 80.50 South Anderson, second trick 80.50 South Anderson, third trick 80.50 Taft, first trick 78.50 Taft, second trick 78.50 Taft, third trick 78.50 Pendleton, agent telegrapher 91.02 Express commission $15.02 Fortville, agent 113.73 Express commission 28.73 David, first trick 75.00 David, second trick 75.00- David, third trick 75.00 McCords, agent telegrapher 81.39 Express commission 1.39 Post, first trick 75.00 Post, second trick 75.00 Post, third trick 75.00 Lawrence, agent telegrapher. 80.84 Express commission 2.84 Eastwood, first trick 77.00 Eastwood, second trick 77.00 Eastwood, third trick J.7.00 Brightwood Yards, first trick 83.50 Brightwood Yards, second trick 83.50 Brightwood Yards, third trick 83.50 Belt Junction, first trick 79.50 Belt Junction, second trick 79.50 Belt Junction, third trick 79.50 Briglitwood, agent 96.72 Express commission 18.2^ D. X., first trick leverman 69.50 D. X., second trick leverman 69.50 D. X., third trick leverman 69.50 Mass. Ave., agent telegrapher 90.00 Ave., first trick leverman 67.00 256 Schedules and Wage Scales. Total per Station and Position. Month. Mass. Ave., second trick leverman $ 67.00 Mass. Ave., third trick leverman 67.00 CINCIXNATI-SANDUSKY DIVISION. Total per Station and Position. Month. West Sharon, first trick $77.00 West Sharon, second trick 77.00 West Sharon, third trick 77.00 Sharon Yard, first trick 87.00 Sharon Yard, secoAid trick 87.00 Sharonville, agent 90.44 Express commission $ 7.94 East Sharon, first trick 77.00 East Sharon, second trick 77.00 East Sharon, third trick 77.00 West Chester, agent telegrapher 83.92 Express commission 3.42 Mauds, agent and first trick 83.04 Express commission 5.04 Mauds, second trick 75.50 Mauds, third trick 75.50 Hughes, agent 74.96 Express commission 1.96 Kyles, agent telegrapher 84.77 Express commission 1.77 Monroe, agent telegrapher 81.32 Express commission 3.32 M. & C. Junction, first trick ^7.00 M. & C. Junction, second trick 77.00 M. & C. Junction, third trick 77.00 Middletown Yard, first trick 80.00 Middletown Yard, second trick 80.00 Middletown Yard, third trick 80.00 Wells, first trick 76.00 Wells, second trick 76.00 Wells, third trick 76.00 Carlisle Junction, first trick 77.00 Carlisle Junction, second trick 77.00 Carhsle Junction, third trick 77.00 Franklin, day telegrapher 77.00 Miamisburg, first trick 76.00 Miamisburg, second trick 76.00 Miamisburg, third trick 76.00 West Carrollton Station, agent 104.05 Express commission 20.55 West Carrollton Tower, first trick 76.00 West Carrollton Tower, second trick.. 76.00 West Carrollton Tower, third trick... 76.00 Sand Cut, first trick 74.50 Sand Cut, second trick 74.50 Sand Cut, third trick 74.50 Dayton Freight House, day teleg 77.00 Draw Bridge, first trick 79.00 Draw Bridge, second trick 79.00 Draw Bridge, third trick 79.00 Dayton Yard, first trick 84.00 Dayton Yard, second trick 84.00 Dayton Yiard, third trick 84.00 Knisley, first trick 74.50 Knisley, second trick 74.50 Kni.sley, third trick 74.50 Simms, first trick 74.50 Simms, second trick T. . 74.50 Simms, third trick 74.50 Osborn Station, agent 100.98 Express commission 9.48 Osborn (ON) , first trick 82.00 Gates or pumps 5.00 Osborn (ON), second trick ,82.00 Gates or pumps 5.00 Osborn (ON), third trick 77.00 Encn, agent 83.87 Express commission 1.87 Total per Station and Position. - Month. Enon, first trick $ 74.50 Enon, second trick 74.50 Enon, third trick 74.50 Cold Springs, first trick 79.00 Cold Springs, second trick 79.00 Cold Springs, third trick 79.00 West End, first trick 79.00 West End, second trick 79.00 West End, third trick ' 79.00 Springfield Junction, first trick 88.00 Springfield Junction, second trick 88.00 Springfield Junction, third trick 88.00 Springfield Junction, fourth trick 88.00 Springfield Junction, fifth trick 88.00 Springfield Junction, sixth trick 88.00 Springfield Yard, first trick 91.00 Springfield Yard, second trick 89.00 Springfield Yard, third trick 89.00 Moorfleld, agent telegrapher 78.43 Express commission $ 2.43 Catawba, agent and first trick 87.54 Gates or pumps 10.00 Express commission 4.04 Catawba, second trick 74.00 Catawba, third trick 74.00 Mechanicsburg, agent .* 97.00 IVIechanicsburg, day telegrapher 75.00 Irwin, agent telegrapher 85.75 Express commission 6.75 Milford Center, agent -. _ - 75,62 Express commission 7.12 Marysville, day telegrapher 74.00 Dover, agent telegrapher 79.67 Express commission 3.17 Ostrander, agent telegrapher 85.15 Express commission 14.65 White Sulphur, agent telegrapher 78.40 Express commission 2.40 Delawarfe, first trick 82.00 Delaware, second trick 82.00 Delaware, third trick 82.00 East Street first trick (joint) 39.50 East Street, second trick (joint) 39.50 East Street, third trick 79.00 Carney (joint), first trick. 38.50 Carney (joint), second trick 38.50 Carney (joint), third trick 38.50 Brooks, first trick. » 74.50 Brooks, second trick. 74.50 Brooks, third trick : 74.50 Plattsburgh, agent telegrapher 83.62 Express commission 3.62 Myers, first trick 74.50 Myers, second trick 74.50 Myers, third trick 74.50 London, first trick 76.50 London, second trick 76.50 London, third trick 76.50 Deer Creek, first trick 74.50 Deer Creek, second trick 74.50 Deer Creek, third trick 74.50 Lilly Chapel, agent and first trick 83.62 Express commission 4.62 Lilly Chapel, second trick 74.50 Georgesville, agent telegrapher 82.02 Express commission 2.02 Galloway, agent and first trick 80.71 Express commission 3.21 Galloway, second trick 74.50 Galloway, third trick 74.50 Avenue, day telegrapher.. 74.50 Miami Crossing, first trick 76.00 rvfianii Crossing, second trick 76.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 257 Total per Station and Position. Month. Miami Crossing, third trick $ 76.00 Hoclcing Valley Crossing, first trick lev 79.00 Hocking Val. Cross., second trick lev 76.50 Hocking Val. Cross., third trick lev. . 76.50 Hocking Val. Cross., fourth trick lev.. 76.50 Dennison Ave., first trick 84.00 Dennison Ave., second trick 84.00 Dennison Ave., third trick 84.00 Columbus (CD|, day telegrapher 92.00 Fifth Ave. (RJ> , first trick 82.00 Gates or pumps $ 5.00 Fifth Ave. (RJ), second trick 82.00 Gates or pumps 5.00 Fifth Ave. (RJ>, third trick 82.00 Gates or pumps 5.00 Glen Echo, first trick 74.50 Glen Echo, second trick 74.50 Glen Echo, third trick 74.50 Urbana, first trick 74.00 Urbana, second trick 74.00 Urbana, third trick 74.00 Lippincotts, first trick 73.50 Lippincotts, second trick 73.50 Lippincotts, third trick 73.50 West Liberty, agent 113.03 Express commission 42.53 West Liberty, first trick 73.50 West Liberty, second trick 73.50 West Liberty, third trick 73.50 Gest, first trick 83.00 Gest, second trick 83.00 Gest, third trick 83.00 Huntsville (BR), agent 79.08 Express commission 6.08 Huntsville (BR>, first trick 74.50 Huntsville (BR), second trick ' 74.50 Huntsville (BR), third trick 74.50 Belle Center, agent 109.59 Express commission 41.09 Belle Center, first trick 73.50 Belle Center, second trick 73.50 Belle Center, third trick ". 73.50 Silver Creek, first trick 73.50 Silver Creek, second trick 73.50 Silver Creek, third trick...'. 73.50 Kenton, day telegrapher 74.00 Hill Siding, first trick 73.50 Hill Siding, second trick 73.50 Hill Siding, third trick 73.50 Grants, first trick 73.50 Grants, second trick 73.50 Grants, third trick 73.50 Wharton, agent 87.46 Express commission 15.96 Wharton, first trick 73.50 Wharton, second trick 73.50 Wharton, third trick 73.50 Carey, first trick 79.00 'Carey, second trick 77.00 Carey, third trick 77.00 Berwick (joint), agent 44.20 Express commission 3.20 Tiffin, first trick 77.00 Tiffin, second trick 73.50 Castalia, agent telegrapher 93.43 Express commission 13.93 Sandusky, first trick 83.50 Sandusky, second trick 77.00 Findlay, day telegrapher .~ 77.00 Van Lue, agent telegrapher 75.85 Express commission 6.85 CHICAGO DIVISION. Total per Station and Position. Month. Wood Street, day telegrapher $ 83.00 Carr Street, first trick 85.00 Carr Street, second trick 80.00 Oklahoma Tovi^er, first trick lever 76.00 Oklahoma Tower, second trick lever. . . 76.00 Oklahoma Tower, third trick lever.... 76.00 Storrs, first trick 82.00 Storrs, second trick 82.00 Storrs, third trick 82.00 Sedamsville, agent 65.00 Sedamsville, first trick 76.00 Sedamsville, second trick 76.00 Sedamsville, third trick 76.00 Riverside (MS), day telegrapher 76.00 Riverside (RD), first trick 82.00 Riverside (RD), second trick 82.00 Riverside (RD), third trick 82.00 Trautman, agent telegrapher 81.29 Express commission $ 4.29 Delhi, agent 59.98 Express commission 3.98 Fernbank, agent and first trick 83.45 Express cominission 2.45 Fernbank, second trick 74.75 Fernbank, third trick 74.75 Addyston, agent 95.52 Express commission 7.52 Griffith, day telegrapher 75.50 North Bend, agent 82.38 Express commission 3.38 Cleves, agent 88.34 Express commission 8.34 Valley Jet., agent and first trick 81.00 Valley Jet., second trick 77.00 Valley Jet., third trick 77.00 Lawrenceburg Jet., agent and first trk 87.00 Lawrenceburg Jet., second trick 74.75 Lawrenceburg Jet., third trick 74.75 Guilford, agent telegrapher 84.88 Express commission 7.88 Manford, first trick 74.75 Manford, second trick 74.75 Manford, third trick 74.75 Code, day telegrapher 77.00 Weisburg, agent telegi-apher 82.76 Express commission 13.76 Sunman, agent telegrapher 87.31 Express commission 30.31 Brow, first trick 74.75 Brow, second trick 74.75 Brow, third trick 74.75 Morris, agent telegrapher 75.84 Express commission 6.84 Hyde, first trick 74.75 Hyde, second trick 74.75 Hyde, third trick 74.75 Batesville, agent telegrapher 95.00 Newpoint, agent telegrapher 95.56 Express commission 14.56 McCoy, first trick 74.75 McCoy, second trick 74.75 McCoy, third trick 74.75 Greensburg, first trick 87.00 Greensburg, second trick 87.00 Greensburg, third trick 87.00 Greensburg Tower, first trick lever 75.00 Greensburg Tower, second trick lever. 75.00 Greensburg Tower, third trick lever.. 75.00 Day, first trick 74.75 Daj', second trick 74.75 Day. third trick 74.75 St. Paul, agent and first trick 95.05 Express commission 17.05 St. Paul, second trick 74.75 258 Schedules and Wage Scales. Total per Station and Position. Month. Waldron, agent teleKrapher $ 78.99 Express commission $12.99 Clifty, first trick 74.75 Clitty, second triclt 74.75 Clifty, third trick 74.75 Vine, first trick 80.00 Vine, second trick 77.00 Vine, third trick - 77.00 Shelbyville, night telegrapher 75-00 Pairland, agent .' 84.95 Express commission 6.95 Fairland, first trick 74.75 Fairland, second trick 74.75 Fairland, third trick 74.75 Briar, first trick 74.75 Briar, second trick ' 74.75 Briar, third trick 74.75 Acton, agent telegrapher 72.51 4 Express commission 4.51 Dix, first trick 74.75 Dix, second trick 74.75 Dix, third trick 74.75 Beech Grove, first trick 80.00 Beech Grove, second trick 80.00 Beech Grove, third trick 80.00 Hill, day telegrapher 87.00 Belt Crossing, first trick lever 68.50 Belt Crossing, second trick leVer 68.50 Belt Crossing, third trick lever 68.50 Shops, first trick 85.00 Shops, second trick 80.00 Pine St., first trick lever 64.00 Gates or pumps 5.00 Pine St., second trick lever 64.00 Gates or pumps ' 5.00 Pine St., third trick lever 64.00 Gates or pump.'; 5.00 Indpls. Dispr. Office, first trick 88.00 Indpls. Dispr. Office, second trick 88.00 Indpls. Dispr. Office, third trick 88.00 Brant, first trick 81.00 Brant, second trick 80.00 Brant, third trick 80.00 Augusta, agent and first trick 88.22 Express commission 4.22 Augusta, second trick 77.00 Augusta, third trick 77.00 Zionsville, agent and first trick 93.17 Express commission 9.17 Zionsville, second trick 74.75 Zionsville, third trick 74.75 WhJtesto-\vn, agent and first trick.... 82.09 Express commission 4.09 Whitestown, second trick 74.75 Whitestown, third trick 74.75 Lebanon, agent 100.00 Lebanon, first trick 74.75 Lebanon, second trick 74.75 Lebanon, third trick 74.75 Hazelrigg. agent and first trick 79.68 Express commission 5.68 Hazelrigg, second trick 74.75 Hazelrigg, third trick 74.75 Thorntown, agent 89.00 Thorntown, first trick 74.75 Thorntown, second trick 74.75 Thorntown, third trick.. 74.75 Colfax, third trick 79.00 Clarks Hill, agent 80.60 Express commission 10.60 Clarks Hill, one trick 80.00 Clarks Hill, one trick 80.00 Stockwell, agent telegrapher 85.29 Express commission 10.54 Rex. first trick 74.75 Total per Station .and Position. Month. Rex, second trick $ 74.75 Rex, third trick 74.75 Altampnt, first trick 74.75 Altamont, second trick 74.75 Altamont, third trick 74.75 Lafayette Tower, first trick lever..:.. 77.00 Lafayette TOwer, second trick lever... 77.00 Lafayette Tower, third trick lever.... 77.00 Lafayette Yard, first trick 81.00 Lafayette Yard, second trick 81.00 Lafayette Yard, third trick 81.00 Atkinson, agent telegraijher 80.23 Express commission $1.23 Swanington (joint), agent 39.50 Swanington (joint), first trick 39.50 Swanington (joint), second trick 39.50 Swanington (joint), third trick 39.50 Fowler, agent 136.79 Express cominission 64.79 Fowler, first trick.-. 74.75 Fowler, second trick .74.75 Fowler, third trick 74.75 Earl Park, agent .• 102.75 Express commission 28.75 Earl Park, first trick 74.75 Earl Park, second trick 74.75 Earl Park, third trick 74.75 Raub, agent telegrapher 85.48 Express commission......... 5.48 Sheldon, agent 130.86 Express commission 45.86 Sheldon, first trick 79.00 Sheldon, second trick A . . 79.00 She'ldon. third trick 79.00 Iroquois, agent and first trick 88.03 Express commission 13.03 Iroquois, second trick 74.75 Iroquois, third trick 74.75 Donovan, agent telegrapher 90.41 Express commission 17.41 Donovan, second trick 74.75 Donovan, third trick 74.75 Beaverville, agent telegrapher 87.53 Express commission 11.53 Beaverville, second trick. 74.75 Beaverville, third trick 74.75 St. Anne, first trick 80.00 Aroma Park, agent and first trick.... 83.00 Express commission 3.60 Aroma Park, second trick 74.75 Aroma Park, third trick 74.75 Kankakee, first trick 82.00 Kankakee, second trick 82.00 Kankakee, third trick 82.00 Bonfie'ld, agent telegrapher 76.29 Express commission...-. 11.29 Essex, agent telegrapher 73.06 Express commission 3.06 Coster (joint), day telegrapher 41.00 Gardner, agent telegrapher 76.63 Express coinmission 1.63 Wauponsee, agent telegrapher 67.43 Express cominission 2.43 Burney, agent telegrapher 73.99 Express commission 7.99 Rugby, agent telegrapher 72.74 Express commission 7.74 Hope, agent telegrapher 80.00 Columbus, agent telegrapher 71.00 Franklin, agent telegrapher S8.00 Morgantown, agent telegrapher 75.00 Martinsville, agent telegrapher 90.00 Aurora, agent telegrapher • 93-00 Harrison, agent telegrapher 82.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 259 Total per Station and Position. Month. New Trenton, agent telegrapher $ ^^^ Express commission $ 5.01 Cedar Grove, agent telegrapher 73.61 Express commission .' ■ •\ 7-61 Brookville, agent 92.50 Brookville, day telegrapher 74.00 Metamora, agent telegrapher 75.62 Express commission 10.62 Laurel, agent telegrapher S6.30 Express commission 19.30 Connersville, day telegrapher 75.00 Beeson, agent telegrapher 74.00 Gates or pumps 10.00 Milton, agent telegrapher 54.00 ST. LOUIS DIVISION. Total per Station and Position. Month. Indianapolis (IJ), first trick lever....? 73.00 Indianapolis (IJj, second trick lever... 73.00 Indianapolis (IJ), third trick leverman 73.00 B. X. Tower, first trick lever 73.00 B. X. Tower, second trick lever 73.00 B. X. Tower, third trick lever 73.00 Mt. Jackson, first trick 83.00 Mt. Jackson, second trick 83.00 Mt. Jackson, third trick 83.00 Danville, agent 103.00 Danville, day telegrapher 75.00 Nash, first trick 75.00 Nash, second trick 75.00 Nash, third trick 75.00 Hadley, agent telegrapher . r 86.51 Express commission $ 6.51 Reno, agent telegrapher 82.25 Express commission 1.25 Fillmore, agent telegrapher 82.68 Express commission 1.68 Greencastle, trick ^ 81.50 Greencastle, second trick 78.50 Greencastle, third trick 78.50 Alma, day telegrapher 75.00 Lena, agent telegrapher 83.65 Express commission 2.65 Carbon, agent 95.11 Express commission 7-.61 Carbon, day telegrapher 78.50 Perth, agent telegrapher 81.50 Express commission 4.00 Coal Bluff, agent telegrapher 85.64 Express commission 4.64 Fontanot, agent 94.61 Express commission 8.61 Burnett (joint), first trick 37.50 Burnett (joint), second trick 37.50 Burnett (joint), third trick 37.50 Duane, first trick 84.00 Duane, second trick 84.00 Duane, third trick 84.00 Terre Haute (JR), first trick 84.00 Terre Haute (JR), second trick 84.00 Terre Haute (JR), third trick 84.00 Waver, first trick 78.00 Waver, second trick 78.00 Waver, third trick 78.00 St. Marys, agent telegrapher 91.71 Express Commission 9.71 Sandford, agent and first trick 87.31 Express commission 3.31 Sandford. second trick 75.00 Sandford. third trick 75.00 Vermilion, agent and first trick 84.49 Express commission 3.99 Vermilion, second trick 75.00 Total per Station and Position. Month. Vermilion, third trick $ 75.00 Paris (P^ first trick 86.00 Paris (P), second trick 86.00 Paris (P), third trick 86.00 Paris (A), first trick 86.00 Paris (A), second trick 86.00 Paris (A), third trick ; 86.00 Paris (GO), day telegrapher 84.00 Dudley, agent telegrapher 85.83 Express commission $ 5.33 Dudley, second trick 75.00 Dudley, third trick 75.00 Kansas, agent 113.31 Express commission 31.81 Kansas, first trick 76.50 Kansas, second trick 76.50 Kansas, third trick 76.50 Ashmore, agent and first trick 92.87 Express commission 13.87 Ashmore, second trick 75.00 Ashmore, third trick 75.00 Charleston, agent 103.00 Charleston, first trick 75.00 Charleston, second trick 75.00 Charleston, third trick 75.00 Loxa, agent and first trick 79.06 Express, commission 2.06 Loxa, second trick 75.00 Starr, first trick 80.00 Starr, second trick 80.00 Starr, third trick 80.00 Mattoon (DI), first trick 88.00 Mattoon (DI), second trick 88.00 Mattoon (DI), third trick 88.00 Mattoon (DI), fourth trick 88.00 Mattoon (DI) , fifth trick 88.00 Mattoon (MX), (joint), first trick 38.50 Mattoon (MX), (joint), second trick.. 38.50 Mattoon (MX), (joint), third trick 38.50 Karl, first trick 78.00 Karl, second trick 78.00 Karl, third trick 78.00 Gays, agent telegrapher 90.07 Express commission 8.07 Windsor, agent 101.60 Express commission 23.60 Windsor, first trick 76.00 Windsor, second trick 76.00 "^^ndsor, third trick 76.00 Middlesworth, agent and first trick.. 80.49 Express commission $ 1.99 Middlesworth, second trick 75.00 Shelbyville, agent. 103.00 Shelbyville, day telegrapher 75.00 Moulton, first trick 76.00 Moulton, second trick 76.00 Moulton, third trick 76.00 Tower Hill, agent 95.63 Express commission 17.13 Tower Hill, first trick 76.00 Tower Hill, second trick 76.00 Tower Hill, third trick 76.00 Pana (joint), first trick 42.50 Pana (joint), second trick 42.50 Pana (joint), third trick 42.50 Pana, first trick lever 74.00- Pana, second trick lever 74.00 Pana, third trick lever 74.00 Rosamond, agent and first trick 84.00 Expre-ss commission 5.00 Rosamond, second trick 75.00 Rosamond, third trick 75.00 Ohlman, agent telegrapher 85.91 Express commission 6.91 260 Schedules and Wage Scales. Total per Station and Position. Month. Nokomis, agent $132.63 Express commission $90.13 Nol^omis, first tricli 77.00 Nokomis, second trick 77.00 Nokomis, third trick 77.00 Witt, agent 132.16 Express commission 38.16 Witt, first trick 77.00 Witt, second trick 77.00 Irving, agent 95.75 Express commission 18.75 Irving, first trick 75.00 Irving, second trick 75.00 Irving, third trick 75.00 Hillsboro, agent 125.00 Hillsboro, first trick 87.00 Hillsboro, second trick 87.00 Hillsboro, third trick 87.00 Joan, first trick 75.00 Joan, second trick 75.00 Joan, third trick 75.00 Livingston, agent 128.00 Express commission 32.00 Livingston, first trick 77.00 Livingston, second trick 77.00 Livingston, third trick... 77.00 Gard, first trick 75.00 Gard, second trick 75.00 Gard, third trick 75.00 Cape, first trick 75.00 Cape, second trick 75.00 Cape, third trick 75.00 Heim, first trick 77.00 Helm, second trick 77:00 Heim, third trick 77.00 Lenox, first trick 87.00 Lenox, second trick 87.00 Lenox, third trick 87.00 Lake View, agent and first trick 77.00 Lake View, second trick 75.00 Lake View, third trick 75.00 Nameoki, third trick 75.00 Mitchell, agent telegrapher (joint) .... 56.81- Express commission......... 1.81 Granite City, first trick 77.00 Granite City, second trick 77.00 Granite City, third trick 77.00 Venice Crossing, first trick 76.00 Venice Crossing, second trick 76.00 Venice Crossing, third trick 76.00 East St. Louis CQE), day telegrapher ~ 85.00 East St. Louis (QN), day telegrapher 85.00 Butler, agent telegrapher 85.09 Express commission $6.09 Litchfield, agent 110.00 Litchfield, day telegrapher 75.00 Litchfield Tower, first trick lever 71.00 Litchfield Tower, second trick lever. . 71.00 Litchfield Tower, third trick lever 71.00 Gillespie, agent telegrapher 127.67 Express commission $53.67 Dorchester, agent telegrapher 95.04 Express commission 15.79 Gates or pumps 10.00 Bunker Hill, agent 107.67 Express commission 35.67 Dorsey, agent telegrapher 90.45 Express commission 17.45 Bethalto, agent telegrapher 83.67 Express commission 10.67 East Alton, first trick 84.00 East Alton, second trick 81.00 Elast Alton, third trick .- 81.00 Wood River, agent (joint) 72.16 Express commission 16.66 CAIRO DIVISION. Total per Station and Position. Month. Danville (DN), first trick ^ $81.50 Gates or pumps $5.00 Danville (DN), second trick 81.59 Gates or pumps 5.00 Danville (DN), third trick 78.50 Wyton, first trick 81.50 Wyton, second trick 81.50 Wyton, third trick 81.50 Bemis, first trick 77.50 Bemis, second trick ^ 77.50 Bemis, third trick 77.50 Lyons, day telegrapher 82.50 Hobbs, first trick 77.50 Hobbs, second trick 77.50 Hobbs, third trick 77.50 Westville, agent 84.83 Express commission 12.08 Georgetown, agent 93.20 Express commission 18.70 Ridge Farm, agent telegrapher 96.92 Express commission 16.42 Chrisman, agent telegrapher 112.82 Express commission 27.32 Rose, first trick 77.50 Rose, secwid trick 77.50 Rose, third trick..., 77.50 Wetzel, agent telegrapher 80.00 Oliver, agent 58.67 Express commission 4^.67 Marshall, agent 105.00 .Marshall, first trick 77.50 Marshall, second trick 77.50 Marshall, third trick : 77.50 Union, agent telegrapher 97.53 Express commission 20.53 West York, agent telegrapher 78.97 Express commission 8.97 Dock, first trick 77.50 Dock, second trick 77.50 Dock, third trick 77.50 Hut.sonville, agent telegrapher 99.11 Express commission 26.61 Owen, first trick 77.50 Owen, setond trick 77.50 Owen, third trick 77.50- Flat Rock, agent 110.38 ^Express commission 29.38 Flat Rock, day telegrapher.- 75.50 Birds, agent telegrapher. 87.24 Express commission 12.74 Pinkstaff, agent telegrapher 70.00 Lawrencevllle, agent 130.00 Lawrenceville, day telegrapher 74.50 Billet, agent telegrapher 82.28 Express commission 3.28 St. Prancisville, agent 106.91 Express commission 23.91 St. Prancisville, first trick 77.50 St. Prancisville, second trick 77.50 St. Prancisville. third trick 77.50 Allendale, agent telegrapher 98.44 Express commission 12:44 Patton, agent telegrapher 81.90 EJxpress commission 1.90 Mt. Carmel Dispr. Ofs., first trick 88.00 Mt. Carmel Dispr. Ofs., second trick.. 88.00 Mt. Carmel Dispr. Ofs., third trick 88.00 Mt. Carmel Dispr. Ofs., fourth trick.. 88.00 Mt. Carmel Yard, first trick 80.50 Mt. Carmel Yard, second trick 80.50 Mt. Carmel Yard, third trick 80.50 Keensburg, agent telegrapher 86.24 Express commission $ 9.74 Schedules and Wage Scales. 261 Total per Station and Position. Month. Cowling, agent $ 77.80 Express commission $ 2.80 Grays, first trick 76.50 Grays, second trick 76.50 Grays, third trick 76.50 Grayville, agent 114.00 Calvin, agent 56.26 Express commission... 2.26 Crossville, agent telegrapher 89.43 Express commission 17.43 Carmi, agent _ 115.00 Norris City, agent and first trick 103.93 Express commission 23.93 Norris City, second trick 75.50 Norris City, third trick 75.50 Texas City, agent telegrapher 80.91 Express commi^ion 4.41 Eldorado, first trick 79.00 Eldorado, second trick 79.00 Eldorado, third trick 79.00 Harrisburg Yard, first trick 79.00 Harrisburg Yard, second trick 79.00 Harrisburg Yard, third trick 79.00 Ledford, agent telegrapher 111.23 Express commission 22.23 Carrier Mills, agent telegraplier 112.41 Express commission 32.41 Stonefort, agent telegrapher 99.95 Express commission 21.95 New Burnside, agent telegrapher.... 82.92 Express commission 19.17 Tunnel Hill, agent telegrapher 81.63 Express commission 17.13 Vienna, , agent 95.00 Vienna, day telegrapher 75.50 Belknap, agent telegrapher 79.23 Express commission 5.98 Grand Chain, agent telegrapher 130.66 Express commission 33.66 Olmstead, agent telegrapher.... 86.76 Express commission 13.26 Mound City, agent telegrapher 117.23 Express commission 45.98 Cairo, first trick .' 82.50 Cairo, second trick 77.50 Cynthiana, agent 88.78 Express commission 3.78 Gates or pvtmps 10.00 Johnson, agent 112.41 Express commission.^ 39.91 MICHIGAN DIVISION. Total per Station and Position. Month. Benton Harbor, agent telegrapher. ;. .$102.50 Sodus, agent telegrapher 70.33 Express commission $ 8.33 Eau Claire, agent telegrapher 100.29 Express commission 36.04 Berrien Center, agent telegrapher.... 76.97 Express commission 5.97 Niles, agent 101.00 Nilcs, day telegrapher 73.50 Elkhart, first trick 75.00 Elkhart, second trick 74.00 Go.'5hen, first trick 75.00 Goshen, second trick 73.00 New Paris, agent telegrapher 81.22 Express commission 5.72 Milford, agent telegrapher .'. 85.08 Express commission '. . . . 15.33 Lcesburg, agent telegrapher 81.30 Express commission 11.30 Total per Station and Position. Month. Silver Lake, agent telegrapher ? 89.13 Express commission $19.63 No. 'Manchester, agent 100.00 No. Manchester, day telegrapher 75.00 Urbana, agent telegrapher 83.43 Express commission 14.43 Wabash (DI),^first trick 87.00 Wabash (DI) , second trick 82.50 LaFontaine, agent telegrapher 81.43 Express commission 9.18 Marion, first .trick 85.00 Marion, second trick 73.50 Marion, third trick 72.50 Jonesboro, agent telegrapher 79.32 Express commission 20.32 Fairmount, agent 91.22 Express commission 14.72 Fairmount, day telegrapher 75.00 Summitville, agent ." 89.76 Express commission 20.26 Summitville, day telegrapher 75.00 Alexandria, agent 100.00 Alexandria, day telegrapher 75.00 Markleville, agent telegrapher 88.56 Express commission 10.56 Knightstown, day telegrapher 75.00 Carthage, agent telegrapher 100.05 Express commission 24.05 Rushville, agent 95.00 Rushville, day telegrapher 74.00 Milroy, agent telegrapher 101.53 Express commission 23.53 Letts, agent telegrapher 80.75 Express coinmission 8.75 Westport, first trick 75.00 Westport, second trick 73.00 No. Vernon, first trick 75.00 No. Vernon, second trick 73.00 No. Vernon, third trick 73.00 PEORIA AND EASTERN. Total per Station and Position. Month. New Carlisle, agent telegrapher $ 93.19 Eixpress commission $18.69 Lurllow Falls, agent telegrapher 84.31 Express commission 5.31 Laura, agent telegrapher 83.71 Express commission 5.71 Arcanum, agent 95.00 Arcanumr first trick 79.00 Gates cr pumps 5.00 Arcanum, second trick 79.00 Gates or pumps 5.00 Arcanum, third trick 79.00 Gates or pumps 5.00 Glen Karn, agent telegrapher 81.26 Express commission 5.26 Crete, agent telegrapher 75.87 Express commission 2.87 Lynn (.ioint), agent 71.09 Express commission 21.09 Carlos City, agent telegrapher 78.03 Express commission 4.03 Modoc, agent telegrapher 83.74 Express commission 9.74 Losantville, agent telegrapher 88.81 Express commission 7.31 Mooreland, agent telegrapher 87.36 Express commission 11.86 New Castle, first trick 82.00 New Castle, second trick 77.00 New Castle, third trick 77.00 262 Schedules and Wage Scales. Total per Station and Position. Month. Kennard, agent telegrapher $ 82.97 Express commission $ 2.97 Shirley, first trick 81.00 Gates or pumps 5.00 Shirlej% second trick 81.00 Gates or pumps « 5.00 Shirley, third trick 81.00 Gates or pumps 5.00 Willow Branch, agent telegrapher 79.91 Express commission 4.41 Maxwell, agent telegrapher 81.04 Express commission 3.04 Mt. Comfort, agent telegrapher 76.00 Express commission 1.01 Belt Road, first trick 76.00 Belt Road, second trick 76.00 Belt Road, third trick 76.00 Indianapolis Dispr. Ofs., first trick... 88.00 Indianapolis Dispr. Ofs., second trick.. 88.00 K. D., first trick 91.00 K. D., second trick 91.00 K. D., third trick 91.00 Clermont, night telegrapher... 74.00 Brownsburg, agent telegrapher 93.54 Express commission 11.54 Pittsboro, agent telegrapher 80.44 Express commission 5.44 Lizton, agent telegrapher 77.73 Express commission 2.23 Jamestown, agent and first trick 90.28 Express commission 7.28 Jamestown, second trick 75.00 Jamestown, third trick 75.00 .New Ross, agent and first trick 79.97 Express commission 2.97 New Ross, second trick 74.00 Linnsburg, agent telegrapher .,.. 80.65 Express commission 3.65 Ames, first trick 79.00 Ames, second trick 79.00 Ames, third trick 79.00 Crawfordsville, day telegrapher 80.00 Tile Siding, first trick 75.00 Tile Siding, second trick 75.00 "Waynetown, agent and first trick 98.42 Express commission 24.42 Waynetown, second trick 75.00 Waynetown. third trick 75.00 Hillsborough, agent telegrapher 96.34 Express commission 21.34 Veedersburg, first trick 80.00 Veedersburg, second trick 80.00 Veedersburg, third trick 80.00 Palmerton, night telegrapher 75.00 Covington, agent ^ 129.11 Express commission 44.11 Total per Station and Position. Month. Covington, day telegrapher $ 75.00 Foster, agent and first trick 77.00 Foster, second trick 75.00 Foster, third trick 75.00 Hllliary, first trick 79.00 Hilliary, second trick 79.00 Hilliary, third trick 79.00 Oakwood, agent telegrapher 83.36 Express commission $ 7.36 Muncie, agent telegrapher 77.09 Express commission 2.09 Fithian, agent telegrapher 80.57 Express commission 9.57 Ogdcn, agent telegrapher 80.14 Express commission '5.14 St. Joseph, agent teleg^rapher 88.24 Express commission 12.24 Urbana Yard, first trick 79.00 Urbana Yard, second trick 79.00 Urbana Yard, third trick ^ 79.00 Champaign, day telegrapher 82.00 Mahomet, agent telegrapher 97.80 Express commission..., 23.80 Mansfield, first trick 77.00 Mansfield, second trick 77.00 Mansfield, third trick 77.00 LeRoy, agent and first trick 102.00 LeRoy, second trick 75.00 Downs, agent telegrapher '. . 85.42 Express commission 10.42 Gillum, agent telegrapher 75.53 Express commission 53 Bloomington, first trick 80.00 Bloomington, second trick 80.00 Bloomington, third trick 80.00 Danvers, agent telegrapher 92.06 Express commission 11.06 Lilly, agent telegrapher 78.56 ETxpress commission 3.56 Mackinaw, agent telegrapher 91.61 Express commission 8.61 Tremont, agent and first trick 114.42 Express commi.=-.sion 23.92 Tremont, second trick ^5.00 Pekin, day telegrapher 78.00 Peoria, day telegrapher 87.00 For the Company: E. M. COSTIN, General S^ipt. . For the Telegraphers: I. E. SCHLOSSER, General Chairman. GEO. LAVENGOOD, General Secretary and Treasurer. The Colorado Midland Railway Company GEO. W. VALLERY, Receiver ARTICLE I. Service. Section 1. All employes performing telegraph service as listed in articles gov- erning rates of pay will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of this schedule. Sec. 2. When additional telegraph posi- tions are created, compensation will be based upon and paid in conformity to this schedule. ARTICLE II. Promotion Rights. Section 1. Where ability is sufiUcient, seniority will have preference. Sec. 2. Rights to date from last time of entering service. Schedules and Wage Scales. 263 ARTICLE III. Perquisites. Rates of pay named herein include the privilege of free occupancy of certain as- signed company buildings, together with fuel, light and water used therein. • ARTICLE IV. Vacancies. Section 1. When a permanent vacancy oc- curs, a bulletin will be issued in ample time to allow all eligible employes to apply for same. Such applications must be filed within the limit therein stated. Notice of appointments to be mailed to the general chairman immediately after bulletin closes. Sec. 2. A vacancy of six months or more, or a new position that has been created which has existed for a like period, will be considered permanent, except it will be op- tional with the management to extend leave of absence for a longer period. Sec. 3. Temporary vacancies will be filled with the most suitable telegrapher. Sec. 4. Either a vacancy must exist or a position abolished before a senior telegra- pher can displace a junior one. Sec. 5. Employes transferred and found incapable, if retained in service, will be placed on extra list, retaining their sen- iority. Sec. 6. Rights will not be forfeited when promotion is declined. ARTICLE V. Seniority List. At the beginning of each calendar year the superintendent will furnish general chair- man with a list of telegraphers according to seniority. ARTICLE VI. Discipline. A telegrapher will not be disciplined with- out investigation, ordinarily within five (5) days, at which a co- employe of his choice may be present. If dissatisfied with decision he may take appeal within thirty (30; days; if found blameless, will be reinstated and paid for lost time. Such investigation must be held within ten (10) days from date of receipt of notice. ARTICLE VIL Service Letters. Telegraphers leaving the service, who have been employed thirty (30) days or more, will be given a letter stating time and character of service and cause of leaving. ARTICLE VIIL Emergency Service. ■ Telegraphers at wrecks, washouts, snow- blockade or other similar service will re- ceive three dollar^f$3.00) per day of ten (10) hours or less, to be computed from time called to leave to time returning, deduct- ing the time relieved from duty— overtime pro rata — ^no other compensation. Telegra- phers, when available, will be used in this service. ARTICLE IX. Hours of Service and Overtime. Section 1. The hours of service for teleg- raphers, coming under the provision of the federal law, will be arranged to conform therewith. Sec. 2. Where thirteen (13) hours' serv- ice is performed, twelve (12> hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day. Sec. 3. At all other offices, where three or more telegraphers are employed, nine (9) hours without meal hour will constitute a day. Sec. 4. Telegraphers required to remain on duty in excess of specified hours will be paid overtime pro rata, but not less than twenty-fiVe cents (25c) per hour. Sec. 5. Following to govern in compen- sation for overtime: Calls and subsequent service, fifty cents (50c) for first sixty (60) minutes or less. After first sixty (60) minutes, actual time to be counted to nearest five (5) minute period. When held on duty after assigned hours, actual time to be counted to nearest five (5) minute period. At end of month all overtime (except time covered by calls) to be converted into hours and paid pro rata with minimum of twenty-five cents (25c) per hour. In monthly settlement, less than thirty (30) minutes will be not counted; thirty (30) minutes and over counted as one (1) hour. Sec. 6. When claims for overtime are dis- allowed notification will be given by proper officer, stating reasons. Sec. 7. Telegraphers working twelve (12) hours will be allowed sixty (60) minutes be- twjeen the fifth (5th) and seventh (7th) hour on duty in which to procure meal, unless other designated hours are arranged with chief dispatcher. When they cannot be ex- cused before the expiration of the last named hour, or the expiration of hours arranged with chief dispatcher, they will receive one (1) hour overtime pro rata, but not less than twenty-five cents (25c) and will be allowed thirty (30) minutes for lunch as soon there- after as practicable. Sec. 8. Telegraphers working nine (9) hours or less will be allowed time off to procure their meals when convenient. Sec. 9. Telegraphers will be allowed such reduction in hours of service on Sundays and holidays as circumstances will permit. Sec. 10. Telegraphers may be assigned hours of two periods in each twenty- four (24) hour period, but when so assigned they will not be required to work more than nine (9) hours in each twenty-four (24) hours, nor shall there be more than six (6) hours in- termission between the two periods. ■ Sec. 11. Tricks not to be split more than two times except in case of emergency. ARTICLE X. Attending Court. Telegraphers required by proper authority to be absent from duty on company busi- ness will be paid their regular salary, and if away from home, allowed necessary ex- penses, not to exceed three dollars ($3.00) per day. ARTICLE XI. Transportation. Regular telegraphers transferred will be allowed, while in transit and making such transfer, rate of position vacated. Their families and household goods to new loca- tion will be transported free. 264 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE XII. Handling U. S. Mail for Late Trains. When trains are unusually delayed, ar- rangements will be made to relieve agent or operator of putting mail on trains after hours of duty. ARTICLE XIII. Night telegrapher, Colorado City dispatch- ers' office, will be open to telegraphers on line. ARTICLE XrV. No departure from the provisions of this agreement will be made by any party thereto, except after thirty (30) days' notice of such desire, in writing, has been served upon the other parties thereto, and all sched- ules, rules and regulations previously in ef- fect are, by this agreement, abolished. M. L. PHELPS, Superintendent. Approved: GEO. W. VALLERT, Receiver. For Telegraphers: A. C. ELLIS, General Chairman. P. B. ROSE, Local Chairman. E. P. COLLIER, Local Chairman. WAGE SCALE. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Colo^-ado City, first telegrapher $ 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Manitou, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Cascade, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Green Mt. Falls, agent and telegrapher 90.00 (Summer off.) Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Woodland, agent and telegrapher $90.00 Divide, agent and telegrapher 105.00 First telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Florissant, agent and telegrapher 97.50 First telegrapher 87.50 Second telegraplier 87.50 Howbert, agent 9.nd telegrapher 82.50 Spinney — Closed. Hartsel, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Bath— Closed. Newett, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Wild Horse, agent and telegrapher 90.00 First telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher 82.50 Granite, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Arkansas Jet., agent and telegrapher 105.00 Leadville, first telegrapher 97.50 Second telegrapher 97.50 Third telegrapher 97.50 Busk, first telegrapher 90.00 Ivanhoe, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Sellar, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Nast — Closed. Thomasville — Closed. Ruedi, agent and telegrapher 87.50 Basalt, agent and telegrapher 95.00 First telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Carbondale, agent and telegrapher...-. 87.50 Cardiff, first telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher. 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 At Basalt and Cardiff, should telegrapher cease to act as ca.shier, telegrapher's pay to govern. The Colorado & Southern Railway Company (EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, 1910.) The following rules and rates of pay will govern the employment and control of teleg- raphers on the line of the Colorado & South- ern Railway Company: ARTICLE I. Any person performing the dvities of a telegrapher at any telegraph station, whether termed agent, assistant agent, or otherwise, shall be considered a telegrapher, train dis- patchers excepted. ARTICLE II. Telegraphers will be regarded in line of promotion; advancement depending upon faithful discharge of duty and capacity for increased responsibility. Where these are sufHcient, in the judgment of the manage- ment, seniority will have preference and will date from the last time of entering the service, and will extend only over each superintendent's territory. For the purpose of this article, on the Denver & Interurban Railroad between Globeville and Boulder, telegraphers will be considered to have rights interchangeable with those on the Northern Division of the Colorado & Southern Railway. Seniority covering Denver "GO" office will extend over the entire Colorado & South- ern line, and will be in control of the super- intendent of telegraph. When force is reduced the last man to en- ter the service will be the first laid off; and in the event of reinstating the position the oldest available man will be given pref- erence subject to the provisions of the first paragraph of this article. ARTICLE III. Telegraphers will, when necessary, assist in handling station and clerical work. \ ARTICLE rV. Telegraphers performing duty at wrecks, wa.eihouts or other similar emergency ofTiees will receive $2.50 per daj^of ten hours or less and overtime pro rata, and no other compensation, time to be computed from the time they start until they return, except that deduction will be made for time re- lieved from duty for rest. ARTICLE " V. Telegraphers required to remain on duty, by competent authority, in execess of their regular established hours, will be paid over- SCHEDTJLES AND WaGE ScALES. 265 time pro rata, but in no case less than 25 cents per hour. In computing overtime thirty minutes or less will not be counted; over thirty minutes will be counted one hour. Telegraphers will be notified by the super- intendent without delay when claim for over- time or for compensation on any other ac- count is disallowed. ARTICLE VI. Telegraphers (except those whose hours of service are nine or less consecutive hours; will be allowed one hour for meals between 11:30 and 2:30, day or night. When required to remain on duty during the meal hour they shall receive one hour overtime therefor and will be allowed thirty minutes for lunch as soon thereafter as conditions will war- rant. ARTICLE VII. Telegraphers called to the office outside of their regular hours will be allowed 50 cents for the first hour or any part thereof, except where they live in the depot or telegraph of- fice, when they shall receive 35 cents" for the first hour or fraction thereof. If kept on d\ity more than one hour overtime will be paid as per Article V. ARTICLE VIII. Telegraphers assigned to meet a regular train outside of their established hours of service shall receive 25 cents for meeting the train; and if delayed more than one hour for such purpose shall receive overtime therefor as per Article V. ARTICLE IX. Telegraphers attending court as witnesses in the interests of the company shall receive .same compensation as if on regular duty, and in addition thereto legitimate expenses will be allowed if awa.v from their home station. ARTICLE X. So far as it can legally do so, the company will transport to riew place of residence fam-" ily and household goods of any employe vvhose assignment requires such change. ARTICLE XI. Leave of absence will not be granted to ex- ceed ninety days, except in case of sickness. Any employe absent on such leave who (Joes not report for duty before the expiration of that time shall- forfeit his rights. ARTICLE XII. Telegraphers will not be dismissed or sus- pended from the company's service without just cause. In event of suspension or dismis- sal of a telegrapher for reasons which he considers unjust, he shall have the right, within ten days, to refer his case in writing to the superintendent, who will, within ten da^'s after receipt of such notice, investigate the case; einploye concerned to be present if he so de.<=ires. If he is not satisfied with the result of the investigation he shall have the right to appeal to the general super- intendent for final decision. In case dismissal ■ or suspension is found to be unjust, he .shall be reinstated and paid for all time lost. ARTICLE XIII. A telegrapRer leaving the employ of the company will, at his request, be given a let- ter which will state his term of service, ca- pacity in which employed, and whether he has been discharged <5r left the service of his o'wn accord. If discharged, such letter .shall state the reason. ARTICLE XIV. Telegraphers will be held responsible for the care and maintenance of telegraph signal lights, and at stations where there are no other employes, telegraphers may be re- quired to care for two switch or semaphore lights in addition to the telegraph signal lights without additional compensation. Where more than two such lights are re- quired to be cared for they will be paid 50 cents per month per light for such additional lights. Night telegraphers are expected to relight any switch or semaphore lamps that may become extinguished at night. ARTICLE XV. Any telegrapher believing himself to be im- properly treated under these rules and regu- lations shall have the right of appeal to the general superintendent within thirty days from date of occurrence. ARTICLE XVI. List of telegraphers, showing their age in service, will be kept on file in superin- tendents' offices, and will be open to the in- spection of telegraphers. ARTICLE XVII. The salaries of telegraphers shall be in accordance with the following tabulation. When additional telegraph positions are cre- ated compensation shall be fixed in con- formity with this schedule: Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Denver (GO), manager $ 95.00 Denver (GO>, telegrapher 85.00 NORTHERN DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Denver Union Depot (GNJ. teleg $ 82.50 Denver Frt. Yard (FY), telegrapher.. 82.50 Denver Frt. House (FD). telegrapher 75.00 South Denver, agent and telegrapher 77.50 South Denver, telegrapher 70.00 Argo, agent and telegrapher 65.00 ITtah Junction, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Utah Junction, telegrapher. 65.00 Westminster, agent and telegrapher.. 65.00 Semper, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Semper, telegrapher 65.00 Bloomfleld, agent and telegrapher... 60.00 Webb, ageni and telegrapher 65.00 Louisville Junction, agent and teleg. . 65.00 Louisville, day telegrapher 70.00 Louisville, night telegrapher 65.00 Superior, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Lafayette, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Mar-shall, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Mar.«hall, telegrapher 65.00 Boulder, day telegrapher.... 65.00 Boulder, night telegrapher 65.00 Boulder Junction, day telegrapher 65.00 Niwot, agent and telegrapher 55.00 Longmont, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Longmont, day telegrapher 65.00 LongiTiont, night telegrapher 65.00 Berthoud. agent and telegrapher 60.00 266 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Berthoud, telegrapher $ 65.00 Loveland, day telegrapher 65.00 Loveland, night telegrapher 65.00 Fort Collins, day telegrapher 70.00 Fort Collins, night telegrapher 65.00 Wellington, agent and telegrapher 60.00 Timnath, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Windsor, agent and telegrapher 60.00 Windsor, telegrapher 65.00 Arvada, agent and telegrapher 55.00 Golden, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Golden, telegrapher 60.00 Forks Creek, agent and telegrapher.. 72.50 Black Hawk, agent and telegrapher.. 81.00 Black Hawk, telegrapher 72.50 Central City, agent and telegrapher... 80.00 Idaho Springs, agent and telegrapher. . 82.50 Idaho Springs, telegrapher 67.50 Empire, agent and telegrapher 60.00 Georgetown, agent and telegrapher 81.00 Silver Plume, agent and telegrapher.. 60.00 Parker, agent and telegrapher 45.00 Elizabeth, agent and telegrapher 40.00 Elbert, agent and telegrapher 40.00 Eastonville, agent and telegrapher.... 45.00 WYOMING DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Fort Russell, agent and telegrapher..? 80.00 Horse Creek, agent and telegrapher.. 65.00 Chugwater, agent and telegrapher.... 67.50 Wheatland, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Hartville Junction, agent and teleg.. 75.00 SOUTHERN DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Southern Junction, day telegrapher...? 67.50 Southern Junction, night telegrapher.. 67.50 Walsenburg, day telegrapher 67.50 Walsenburg, night telegrapher 67.50 Mayne, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Mayne, night telegrapher 65.00 Rugby, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Rugby, night telegrapher 65.00 Lynn, agent and telegrapher 60.00 Ludlow, day telegrapher ,-65.00 Ludlow, night telegrapher 65.00 Forbes Junction, agent and teleg 65.00 Bowen, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Trinidad Dispatchers' Office, day teleg 85.00 Trinidad Dispatchers' Office, night tel 80.00 Trinidad Yard (YA), day telegrapher 67.50 Trinidad Yard (YAJ, night telegrapher 65.00 Sopris, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Beshoar Junction, agent and teleg $ 65.00 Aguilar, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Berwind, ageht and telegrapher 75.00 Tobasco, agent a.nd telegrapher 75.00 Barela, pumper and telegrapher 70.00 Trinchere, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Watervale, telegrapher 65.00 Emery Gap, agent and telegrapher.... 65.00 Folsom, agent and telegrapher 62.50 Folsom, telegrapher '. . . . 65.00 Des Moines, agent and telegrapher... 60.00 Des Moines, telegrapher 65.00 Grande, pvnnper and telegrapher 70.00 Mt. Doia, pumper and telegrapher 75.00 Clayton, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Clayton, telegrapher 65.00 SOUTH PARK DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Shgridan Junction, agent and teleg $ 65.00 Morrison, agent and telegrapher 60.00 South Platte, agent and telegrapher.. 60.00 Pine Grove, agent and telegrapher.... 70.00 Grant, agent and telegrapher ^ . . . 65.00 Jefferson, agent and telegrapher.....". 65.00 Como, agent "and telegrapher 105.00 Como, day telegrapher 75.00 Como, night telegrapher 75.00 Gar OS, agent and telegrapher ' . . 65.00 Fairplay, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Alma, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Buena Vista, agent and telegrapher. . . 75.00- St. Elmo, agent and telegrapher 65.00 .Alpine Tunnel, telegrapher 70.00 Pitkin, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Ohio City, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Gunnison, agent and telegrapher 60.00 Gunnison, telegrapher 67.50 Boreas, telegrapher 70.00 Breckenridge, agent and telegrapher.. 80.00 Dickey, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Dillon, agent and telegrapher 67.00 Kokomo, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Leadvllle, telegrapher ' 67.50 DENVER & INTERURBAN. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Boulder, agent and telegrapher $ 85.00 Boulder, telegrapher 70.00 Globeville, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Globeville, telegrapher 70.00 J. D. WELSH, General Superintendent. Delaware & Hudson Agreement between The Delaware and Hudson Company and the Order of Railroad Telegraphers Committee. ARTICLE I. Application of Agreement. All employes, except Train Dispatchers assigned to telegraph service of any char- acter, towermen and telephone operators who handle train orders, and agents who are not required to telegraph; as listed in the following wage scale, shall be governed by the provisions of this agreement. ARTICLE II. Basis of a Day's Work. Twelve (12) consecutive hours, or less, in- cluding meal period, shall constitute a day's work. ARTICLE HI. Meal Period. Emplo.s es whose hours of duty are nine or more will be allowed by dispatcher, on re- quest, not than 30 minutes and not to exceed one hour for meal period between the fifth and seventh hour of duty. In case the Schedules and Wage Scales, 267 dispatchers cannot grant meal period upon request as above, thirty minutes meal pe- riod will be allowed as soon as possible thereafter, and one hour additional time will be allowed at overtime rates. ARTICLE IV. Overtime. When train or telegraph service requires the attention of an employe beyond the regular established hours, overtime will be granted pro rata with a minimum of not less than forty cents (.40c) per hour. Time consumed in handling baggage and on other work incidental to the proper attendance on the last train aiid closing station to be included in computing overtime. Overtime to be computed on minute basis. Overtime will not be allowed unless overtime slips are mailed to the proper office within twenty- four (24j hours after service is performed. When overtime is not allowed as per slip, notice with explanation will be given. ARTICLE V. Service Performed Before Regular Worl days' duration will be subject to the same rules as newly created positions. Employes under this agreement, occupying temporary positions will be considered ineligible for other tem- porary positions. The occupancy of a tem- porary position, however, will not affect the man's eligibility for a permanent position. ARTICLE X. Promotion. With advancement depending upon faith- ful discharge of duties and capacity for in- creased responsibility, employes are in line for promotion according to their seniority. ARTICLE XI. Displacement Privileges — Absent Employes. Employes on leave of absence, or absent on account of sickness, upon returning to duty will have the privilege to displace any junior employe from any position, provided such position has been assigned during their absence and shall have all the privileges that they would have had had they been on duty. Employes claiming positions under the above rule must make their choice within fifteen days from the date of reporting for duty. (The above rule applies only to such employes whose situation was such that they were actually deprived of an oppor- tunity of making application for the posi- tion desired.) ARTICLE XIL Regular Positions Abolished. When a position is abolished the man dis- placed shall have the choice of positions in his class of servioe to which his ability and seniority entitles him, and employes dis- placed under this rule shall have like privi- leges. Displacement privileges hereunder must be exercised within ten days from date of displacement. ARTICL.E XIII. Eligibility. Employes leaving positions covered by this agreement to accept service of another char- acter, will, after a lapse of six months, for- feit eligibility to any position governed by this agreement. ARTICLE XrV. Relief. Employes will be granted leave of ab- sence, so far as consistent with good serv- ice, and will be relieved as soon as possible after application for same is made. ARTICLE XV. Committeemen. Committeemen will be granted necessary leave of absence and Delaware & Hudson transportation and will retain their sen- iority. ARTICLE XVI. Extra Men. Insofar as possible, men on extra board will be worked first in first out on their respec- tive divisions. In cases where the employe first out on the extra board is not available. 268 Schedules and Wage Scales. the first available man will be used and the man entitled under the first in first out will be sent to take the position the fol- lowing day, provided the vacancy shall ex- tend over sufficient length of time to war- rant such change. The man used out of his turn to fill the vacancy on relief goes to the foot of the extra board. ARTICLE XVII. Discipline and Appeals. When entries of discipline are made against an employe's record, he will be no- tified of the same and employes will be fur- nished an abstract of their record on re- quest. Employes will not be suspended or dis- charged except in serious cases where fault is apparent beyond reasonable doubt, until they have a hearing before the proper of- ficials and during such hearing they may be assisted by fellow employes of their choice. When decision is rendered, if such em- ploye believes it to be unjust his case may be taken on appeal to the highest au- thority, and if found innocent, he shall be paid for the time lost. Hearings and decisions will be given with as little delay as possible. Appeals must be made in writing within thirty days. ARTICLE XVIII. Moving. Employes having bid in and assigned to positions, or in event of displacement, will be granted free transportation to a suitable point on The Delaware & Hudson Com- pany's line for themselves, dependent inem- bers of their families and household goods, if lawful; such arrangements to be made after negotiations with the division super- intendent. ARTICLE XIX. Representation. The regularly constituted general commit- tee of the Order of the Railroad Telegra- phers, all members of which shall be Dela- w^are & Hudson Company employes, may represent all such employes in matters con- tained in and covered by this agreement and general grievances. ARTICLE XX. Upon the signinsr of this agreement all previous agreements, their provisions, rul- ings and interpretations become void. This agreement shall be in effect from May 1st. 1917, until thirty days' notice shall have been given by either party to the other of the desire to terminate the same. The terms and provisions of the above foregoing agreement are accepted and agreed on by the undersigned. The Delaware & Hudson Company, By .1. A. McGREW, C. A. MORGAN. R. J. McCARTY. JR., W. W. BATES. The Order of Railroad Telegraphers, By G. A. JOHNSON, General Chairman. Approved: J. B. DICKSON, General Supt. of Transportation. PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. South Nineveh, first T. & T $ 74.00 South Nineveh, second T. & T 74.00 South Nineveh, third T. & T 74.00 Centre Village, A. & T 80.00 Eas^, Windsor, second A. & T 7/". 50 East Windsor, first T. & C 74.00 East Windsor, third T. & T 74.00 North End, first T. & T 74.00 North End, second T. «& T 74.00 North End, third T. & T 74.00 Windsor, A. & T 60.00 Tuscarora, first T. & T 74.00 Tuscarora, second T. & T -r- 74.00 Tuscarora, third T. & T 74.00 Lanesboro, agent -. '65.00 Lanesboro, first T. & C 75.00 Lanesboro, second T. & C 75.00 Lanesboro, third T. & C 75.00 Carbondale "J", first T. & C 82.50 Carbondale "J", second T. & C 82.50 Oarbondale "J", third T. & C 82.50 Carbondale "CY", first A. & T 110.00 Carbondale "CY", second T. & C . . 92.00 Carbondale "OU", first- T. & T 85.00 Carbondale "OU", second T. & T 85.00 Carbondale '^OU", third T. & T 85.00 Mayfield, A. & T 73.50 Jermyn, A. & T 73.50 Archbald, agent 75.00 Archbald, T. & C ' 75.00 Jessup-Peckville, A. & T 87.50 Olyphant, first T. & C 77.50 Olyphant, second T. & C 77.50 Olyphant, third T. & C 77.50 Dickson, A. & T 70.00 Providence, agent 77.50 Green Ridge, first T. & C 77.50 Green Ridge, second T. & C 77.50 Green Ridge, third T. & C 77.50 Carbon St. Jet., first T. & T 82.50 Carbon St. Jet., second T. & T 82.50 Carbon St. Jet., third T. & T 82.50 Scranton "SN", telegrapher 77.50 Scranton Tkt., first A. & T 110.00 Scranton Tkt., seconu T. & C 92.00 Minooka-Taylor, A. & T 70.00 Minooka Junction, first T. & T 82.50 Minooka Junction, second |r. & T 82.50 Minooka Junction, third T. & T 82.50 Moosic, agent 77.50 Moosic "BR", first T. & -T 82.50 Moosic "BR", second T. & T 82.50 Moosic "BR", third T. & T.? 82.50 Avoca, A. & T 76.50 Pittston, A. & T 87.50 Yatesville, A. & T 77.50 Laflin, A. & T 70.00 Hudson, agent 79.00 Hudson "SX", first T. & T 82.50 Hudson "SX". second T. &. T 82 50 Hudson "SX", third T. & T 82.50 Hudson "SX", first leverman 80.00 Hudson "SX", second leverman 80.00 Hudson "SX", third leverman 80.00- Parsons, A. & T 76.50 AVilkes-B-^rre "WB", first T. & C 77.50 Wilkes-Barre "WB", second T. & C. 77.50 \vilkes-Barre "WB", third T. & C... 77. FO Wilkes-Barre "WF", T. & C 77.50 Plains Junction, "first T. & T 80.00 Plains Junction, second T. & T 80.00 Plains Junction, third T. & T 80.00 Schedules and WxVGE Scales. 269 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Panther BKiffs, T. & T $ 66.90 Plymouth Junction, T. & C 77.50 Fairview, A. & T 77.50 Waymart, A. & T 70.00 Prompton, A. & T 75.00 Honesdale, T. & C 70.00 SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Albany "KN ', first T. & T $ 82.50 Albany "KN", second T. & T 82.50 Albany "KN", third T. & T 82.50 Delmar, first A. & T 72.50 Delmar, second T. & C 72.50 Slingerlands, A. & T 75.00 Voorheesville, second Joint T. & C... 40.00 Meadowdale, A. & T 75.00 Altamont, agent 77.50 Altamont, first T. & C 72.50 Altamont, second T. & C 70.00 Delanson "DJ", first T. & T 82.50 Delanson "DJ", second T. & T 82.50 Delanson "DJ", third T. & T 82.50 Delanson "Q", agent 77.50 Delanson "Q", T. & C 85.00 Esperance, A. & T 72.50 Schoharie Junction, agent 80.00 Schoharie Junction, first T. & T 75.00 Schoharie Junction, second T. & T... 75.00 Schoharie Junction, third T. & T 75.00 Central Bridge, A. & T 75.00 Howes Cave, agent 87.50 Howes Cave, T. & C 75.00 Cobleskill, first T. & C 80.00 Cobleskill, second T. & C 77.50 Cobleskill, third T. & C 70.00 Cherry Valley Jet., first T. & T 75.00 Cherry Valley Jet., second T. & T... 75.00 Cherry Valley Jet., third T. & T 75.00 Hyndsville, A. & T 75.00 Seward, A. & T 75.00 Sharon Springs, A. & T 95.00 Cherry Valley, A. & T 80.00 Richmondville, agent 70.00 Richmondville, first T. & C 70.00 Richmondville, second T. & C 70.00 Richmondville, third T. & C 70.00 East Worcester, agent . ? 77.50 East Worcester, first T. & C 70.00 East Worcester, second T. & C 70.00 East Worcester, third T. & C. . . ■. 70.00 Worcester, agent 80.00 Worcester, T. & C 72.50 Schenevus, agent 85.00 Schenevus, first T. & C 70.00 Schenevus, second T. & C 70.00 Schenevus, third T. & C 70.00 Maryland, A. & T 75.00 Portlandville, A. & T 67.50 Milford, A. & T 77.50 Phoenix Mills, A. & T 70.00 Cooperstown, T. & C 80.00 Cooperstown Jet., first T. & T 75.00 Cooperstown Jet., second T. & T 75 00 Cooperstown Jet., third T. & T 75.00 Colliers. A. & T 82.50 Oneonta "GI". T. & C 75.00 Oneonta "NA", first T. & C 110.00 Oneonta "NA". second T. & C 92.00 Oneonta "MX", first T. & T 75.00 Oneonta "MX", .second T. & T 75.00 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Oneonta "'MX", third T. & T $ 75.00 Oneonta "PA", first T. & T 93.00 Oneonta "FA", second T. & T 93.00 Oneonta "FA", third T. & T 93.00 Oneonta "WA", first T. & C 75.00 Oneonta "WA", second T. & C 75.00 Oneonta "YA", first T. & T 75.00 Oneonta "YA", second T. & T 75.00 Oneonta "YA", third T. & T 75.00 Otego, agent 65.00 Otego, T. & C .'. . 72.00 Wells Bridge, A. & T 75.00 Wells Bridge, second T. & C 70.00 Wells Bridge, third T. & C 70.00 ■Unadilla, agent 95.00 Unadilla. T. & C 72.50 Sidney, T. & C 97.50 Sidney, T. & C 80.00 Sidney "GX", first T. & T 80.00 Sidney "GX", second T. & T 80.00 Sidney "GX", third T. & T 80.00 Bainbridge, agent 95.00 Bainbridge, first T. ■& C 70.00 Bainbridge, second T. & C 70.00 Bainbridge, third T. & C 70.00 Afton, agent 82.50 Nineveh, agent 90.00 Nineveh, first T. & C 77.50 Nineveh, second T. & C 77.50 Nineveh, third T. & C 77.50 Harpursville, first A. & T; 75.00 Harpursville, second T. & C 75.00 Harpur.sville, third T. & C 75.00 Tunnel, first A. & T 75.00 Tunnel, second T. & C 72.50 Tunnel, third T. & C 72.50 Sanitaria Springs, first A. & T 75.00 Sanitaria Springs, second T. & C. . .. . . 72.50 Sanitaria Springs, third T. & C 72.50 Port Crane, first A. & T 75.00 Port Crane, second T. & C 75.00 Binghamton "YO", first T. & T 75.00 Blnghamton "YO", second T. & T 75.00 Binghamton "YO", third T. & T 75.00 Binghamton "BY", first T. & C 75.00 Binghamton "BY", second T. & C 75.00 Binghamton "BF", T. & C 75.00 Duanesburg, A. & T 75.00 Kellys, first A. & T 75.00 Kellvs, second T. & C 72.60 Kellys, third T. & C 72.50 Schenectady "DH", T. & C 75.00 Mohawk "GE", first T. & C 75.00 Mohawk "GE", second T. & C 75.00 Mohawk "GE", third T. & C 75.00 Glenville, first T. & T 77.50 Glenville, second T. & T 77.50 Glenville, third T. & T. 77.50 Ushers, A. & T 75.00 Elnora, A. & T. (joint) 35.00 Mechanicville "FX", first T. & C 77.50 Mechanicville "FX", second T. & C 77.50 SARATOGA DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Albany "RX", first Telgr $80.00 Albany "RX", second Telgr 80.00 Albany "RX", third Telgr 80.00 Albany "LA", first T. & T 80.00 Albany "LA", second T. & T , 80.00 Albany "LA", third T. & T 80.00 Menands, agent 62.50 270 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Cemetery, agent $ 70.00 Colonie, first T. & C 77.B0 Colonie, second T. & C 77.50 Watervliet "OW", first A. & T 82.50 Watervliet "OW", second T. & C 70.00 Watervliet "WI", first T. & T 80.00 Watervliet "WI", second T. & T '80.00 Watervliet, "WI", third T. & T 80.00 Cohoes "CH", first A. & T 85.00 echoes "CH", second T. & C 70.00 Cohoes "CF", T. & C 82.50 West Waterford, A. & T. 76.00 Green Island "QA", first A. & T 85.00 Green Island "QA", second T. & Ci^. . . 70.00 Green Island "FN", T. & C 75.00 Waterford, agent 95.00 Waterford, T. & C 75.00 "JA" Tower, first T. & T 77.50 "JA" Tower, second T. & T 77.50 "J A" Tower, third T. & T 77.50 Mechanicville "MN", first A. & T... 87.50 Mechanicville "MN", second T. & C. 70.00 Mechanicville "MN", third T. & C 70.00 Mechanicville "XO", first T. & T 93.00 Mechanicville "XO", second T. & T... 93.00 Mechanicville "XO", third T. & T 93.00 Mechanicville "WY", first T. & T 93.00 Mechanicville "WY", second T. & T.. 93.00 Mechanicville "WY", third T. & T.... 93.00 Mechanicville "MD", T. & C 75.00 Round Lake, A. & T 72.50 Ballston "GY", first T. & T 77,50 Ballston "GY", second T. & T 77.50 Ballston "GY", third T. & T 77.50 Ballston "BA", first A. & T 85.00 Ballston "BA", second T. & C 70.00 Ballston "BG", T. & C 75.00 Ballston Lake, A. & T 70.00 Saratoga "SY", first T. & C 77.50 Saratoga "SY", second T. & C 77.50 Saratoga' "SY", third T. & C 77.50 Saratoga "XN", first T. & C 80.00 Saratoga "XN", second T. & C 80.00 Saratoga "XN", third T. & C 80.00 Kings, A. & T 70.00 South Corinth, A. & T 70.00 Corinth, agent 67.50 Corinth, T. & C 72.50 Hadley, agent 70.00 Hadley, T. & C 72.50 Stony Creek, A. & T 70.00 Thurman, A. & T 70.00 The Glen, A. & T 75.00 Riverside, agent 70.00 Riverside, T. & C 70.00 North Creek, A. & T 72.50 North Creek, T. & C 70.00 North Creek, T. & C 70.00 Warrensburg, agent 75.00 Gansevoort, A. & T 72.50 Port Edward, first T. & C \. 77.50 Fort Edward, second T. & C 75.00 Fort Edward, third T. & C 72.00 Hudson Falls, first T. & C 72.50 Hudson Falls, second T. & C 70.00 Glens Falls, first T. & C 82.50 Glens Falls, second T. & C 72.50 Lake George "CW", agent 77.50 Lake George "CW", T. & C 70.00 Lake George "CW", T. & C 70.00 Lake George "AK", T. & C 75.00 Smiths Basin, first A. & T 82.50 Smiths Basin, second T. & C 70.00 Fort Ann, A. & T 75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Fort Ann, T. & C $ 70.00 Comstock, A. & T 75.00 Whitehall "WH", first T. & C 70.00 Whitehall "WH", second T. & C 70.00 Whitehall "HD", first T. & C 90.00 Whitehall "HD", second T. & C...;.. 80.00 Whitehall "HD", third T. & C 75.00 Fair Haven, A. & T 70.00 Fair Haven, T. & C 75.00 Hydeville, A. & T 75.00 Castleton, A. & T 72.50 Castleton, T. & C 72.50 West Rutland, A. & T 77.50 West Rutland, T. & C 72.50 Centre Rutland, agent 87.50 Centre Rutland, T. & C ; . 75.00 Rutland, T. & C 72.50 Poultney, agent 102.50 ' Poultney, T. & C ^. 75.00 Middle Granville, A. & T 65.00 Granville, agent 102.50 Granville, T. & C r. 75.00 West Pawlet, A. & T 75.00 West Pawlet, T. & C 75.00 Rupert, A. & T. 70.00 Salem, agent 70.00 Salem, T. & C 75.00 Shushan, A. & T 72.50 Cambridge, agent 95.00 Cambridge, T. & C 75.00 Cambridge, T. & C ' .". . 75.00 CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Clemons, A. & T $ 75.00 Dresden, first A. & T 72.50 Dresden, second T. & C 72.50 Dresden, third T. & C , -. . 70.00 Putnam, A. & T 70.00 Wrights, agent ". 45.00 Montcalm Landing, first A. & T 75.00 Montcalm Landing, second T. & C 72.50 Montcalm Landing, third T. & C 70.00 Ticonderoga, A. & T 10.0.00 Fort Ticonderoga, A. & T 75.00 Crown Point, first A. & T 70.00 Crown Point, second T. & C 70.00 Crown Point, third T. & C 70.00 Port Henry, first T. & C 75.00 Port Henry, second T. & C 72.50 Port Henry, third T. & C 72.50 Westport, agent 65.00 Westport, first T. & C 72.50 Westport, second T. & C. 72.50 Westport, third T. & C 72.50 Wadhams, A. & T 72.50 Whallonsburg. A. & T 75,^0 Essex, A. & T ' 72.50 Essex, T. & C 70.00 Essex. T. & C 70.00 Will-sboro, first A. & T 75.00 Willsboro. second T. & C 72.50 Willsboro. third T. & C 70.00 Port Kent, agent 85.00 Port Kent, first T. & C 72.50 Port Kent, second T. & C 72.50 Port Kent, third T. & C 70.00 Valcour, A. & T 70.00 South Junction, first T. & C 70.00 South .Junction, second T. & C 70.00 Peru, A. & T 65.00 Ausable Forks, A. & T 70.00 Bluff Point, A. & T 126.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 271 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Bluff Point Tower, first T. & T $ 75.00 Bluff Point Tower, second T. & T 75.00 Bluff Point Tower, third T. & T 75.00 Cliff Haven, A. & T .' . 125.00 Plattsburg "BU-', agent 108.00 Plattsburg "BU", assistant agent 72.50 Plattsburg "BU", first T. & C 75.00 Plattsburg "BU", second T. & C 75.00 Plattsburg "BU", third T. & C 72.50 West Chazy, first A. & T 72.50 West Chazy, second T. & C 72.50 Chazy, agent 72.50 Chazy, first T. & C 70.00 Chazy, second T. & C 70.00 Coopervllle, A. & T 70.00 Rouses Point first T. & C 87.50 Rouses Point, second T. & C 72.50 Rouses Point, third T. & C 70.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Morrisonville. A. &. T $75.00 Cadyville, A. & T 72.50 Dannemora, first A. & T 65.00 Dannemora, second T. & C 72.50 Russia, A. & T 72.50 Chazy Lake, A. & T 72.50 Lyon Mount.ain, agent 100.00 Lyon Mountain, T. & C 70.00 Standish, agent 77.50 Standish, T. & C 70.00 Loon Lake, A. & T 72.50 Bloomingdale, A. & T 70.00 Saranac Lake, first T. ^ C 70.00 Saranac Lake, second T. & C 70.00 Lake Placid, agent .* 92.50 Lake Placid, T. & C 70.00 Mooers Junction, A. & T 80.00 The Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Company EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, 1917. 1. AU employes assigned by proper author- ity to perform telegraph service or handle train orders by telegraph or telephone as listed in articles governing rates of pay will be considered telegraphers within the mean- ing of this schedule. 2. At offices where two or more telegra- phers are employed, the agent-telegrapher will be the office manager. Where there is no agent-telegrapher, the fir.?t trick telegra- pher will be office manager, unless otherwise authorized by superintendent telegraph. 3. Telegraphers, except those working nine hours or less, will be allowed sixty minutes between the fifth and seventh hour on -duty in which to procure meal, unless other des- ignated hours are arranged with chief train dispatcher. When they cannot be excused before the expiration of the sixth hour, or the expiration of hours arranged with chief train dispatcher, they shall receive one hour overtime pro rata, but not less than thirty- five cents, and will be allowed thirty min- utes for lunch as soon thereafter as prac- ticable. 4. At the following offices, eight and one- half consecutive hours, including thirty min- utes for meal, will constitute a day's work; overtime pro rata, but not less than forty- five cents per hour: Denver "DC," Pueblo "SB," Salida "S," Grand Junction "JN," and Salt Lake City "UN." 5. The hours of service for telegraphers coming under the provisions of the federal law will be arranged to conform therewith. Where thirteen hours' service is permitted, eleven hours, including meal hour, will con- stitute a day. At all other offices, where three or more telegraphers are employed, nine hours, with- out meal hour, will constitute a day. Regular hours of service for each teleg- rapher in train order offices will be specified by the chief train dispatcher. Telegraphers required to remain on duty in excess of specified hours will be paid over- time pro rata, but not less than thirty-five cents per hour. If called or instructed by competent au- thority to report for extra service, sixty cents will be allowed for each call, and if kept on duty longer than one hour will re- ceive overtime pro rata, but not less than thirty- five cents per hour after the first hour. In computing overtime, less than thirty minutes will not be counted; thirty minutes and less than sixty minutes will be counted as one hour. Claims for overtime must be mailed promptly to the chief train dispatcher, and if disallowed, operators must be notified without unnecessary delay, stating reason. 6. Telegraphers may be assigned hours of two periods in each twenty-four hour period, but when so assigned they will not be re- quired to work more than nine hours In each twenty-four hours, nor shall there be more than three hours intermission between the two periods. Telegraphers working nine hours or less, in addition to performing other proper duties required by the agent, may be required to attend switch lights at points where section men are not located. When not required, all telegraphers will be excused Sundays and holidays. When re- quired, five consecutive hours or three hours with a split at the option of the company will constitute a day's work for telegraphers working in excess of nine hours, except that in Denver "DC." Pueblo "SB," Salida "S." Gtrand Junction "JN" and Salt Lake City "UN," five consecutive hours will constitute a day's work on Sundays and holidays. All Sunday and holiday hours to be assigned within the regular week day period and not subject to temporary change. When required to Tvork in excess of such hours, overtime will be allowed pro rata with minimum speci- fied for that office. Holidays — New Tear's, Decoration day, Fourth of July, Labor day, Thanksgiving and Christmas 272 Schedules and Wage Scales. 7. The rates of pay named herein include such privileges as free occupancy of certain assigned buildings located upon the com- pany's ground, together with fuel, light, ice and water used therein. 8. Telegraphers, while on duty, will assist in station work to the extent that such work will not interfere with their telegraphic duties. 9. Telegraphers required to operate gaso- line pumps will receive $10.00 per month for such service. At offices where more than twelve cells of local batteries are in use the linemen will be required to clean them. 10. Regular telegr#hers taken from their assigned service to perform duty at wrecks, washouts, snow blockades and similar serv- ice away' from their designated offices will be paid their regular salary and overtime after the number of hours of their assign- ment, but with a minimum of $3.50 per day for ten hours' service or less; extra telegra- phers, when used in such service, will re- ceive $3.00 per day for ten hours' service or less; time to be computed from time they leave until their return, deducting time re- lieved from duty. Regularly assigned telegraphers will not be required to perform relief work except in case of emergency and when such work is required, shall receive the higher pay of the two positions and will be" allowed one dollar ($1.00) per day for expenses while away from their regular assigned stations. 11. "When a telegrapher is transferred by order of the company, or to accept bulletined position, he will be given free transportation for himself, dependent members of his fam- ily, household and personal effects not ex- ceeding one carload, and will be allowed the rate of pay which governs the position he is leaving while enroute and making such transfer. 12. At stations where household supplies cannot be procured, free freight rate will be granted telegraphers on such supplies as pro- vided in published tariffs. 13. Telegraphers will be regarded as in line of promotion dependent upon the faithful performance of their duties and fitness for increased responsibility, and where these are sufficient in the judgment of the officers, seniority will have preference. Telegraphers transferred at their request and proving in- capable of holding such position will, if re- tained in the service, be placed on extra list with no change in their seniority rights. Telegraphers assigned to other duties shall not lose their rights to position vacated for a period of six months. "When returned to tele- graph service after that time, they shall be placed on extra list, on division from which taken, retaining their seniority rights, which must be claimed within thirty days from time of reduction. 14. Seniority rights on the Colorado lines will extend over each superintendent's terri- tory; on the Utah lines, over the entire line. "Vacancies in Grand Junction "JN" and Sa- lida "S" will be open to telegraphers on both the second and third divisions. Seniority list of telegraphers will be furnished by the superintendent to each station on his divi- sion in the month of January each year. Telegraphers may exchange positions and seniority between divisions with consent of the superintendents, exchange to be made without cost to the company. 15. When a permanent vacancy occurs or a new telegraphic position is created, in order that eligible employes may apply for same, a bulletin will be issued within ten days from date of vacancy. The position will be held open ten days and appointment will be made within thirty days from date of bulle- tin. . Temporary positions opened for thirty days or more of service will be bulletined as such, stating probable length of time to be open. Telegraphers, holding regular positions, may bid on temporary positions but must return to their regular position when the temporary position is closed. Either a vacancy must exist or there must be a material change in a position before a telegrapher can displace a junior one. 16. Temporary vacancies of thirty days or more will be filled by the senior extra teleg- raphers when available. In event of such vacancies at offices where two or more teleg- raphers are employed, regular men may ex- ercise their seniority over extra men during such temporary vacancies. There must be no violation of the hours of service law in making such changes. Extra telegraphers who have performed initial service, traveling at the instance of the company, will receive thirty-five cents per hour for necessary time consumed in deadheading with a minimum of six hours for each movement and a maximum of not more than one day's pay of the telegrapher relieved. 17. In filling the position of agent at the following stations, telegraphers will be ad- vised and their applications given considera- tion: Canon City, Minnequa, "Walsenburg, "Trinidad, Salida, Minturn, Glenwood Springs, Montrose, Alaniosa, Price, Helper, Provo, Midvale and Hiawatha, provided, however, that this rule will not be applicable beyond each assistant general manager's jurisdic- tion. 18. A telegrapher leaving the service of the company will, at his request, be given a serv- ice letter from the proper officer stating term of service, capacity in which employed and whether discharged or leaving of his own accord. If discharged, cause of dismis- sal will be stated. 19. Telegraphers required by proper au- thority to be absent from duty on company business will be paid their regular salary, and if away from home, allowed necessary expenses, not to exceed three dollars per day. 20. No employe other than covered by this schedule and train dispatchers will be per- mitted to handle train orders at telegraph or telephone offices where an operator is employed, can be promptly located and is available. 21. The general telegraph offices at "DC" Denver and "UN" Salt Lake City will be open to telegraphers of all divisions, subject to approval of superintendent telegraph; va- cancies to be bulletined as provided in Ar- ticle XV. 22. Telegraphers will not be disciplined or discharged from the service without just Schedules and Wage Scales. 273 cause and until after a fair and impartial investigation; if suspended pending investi- gation, tliey ■will be given a hearing vi^ithin ten days, and, when practicable, the super- intendent will be present. They will have the. right of appeal to the superintendent, as- sistant general manager and general man- ager in the order named. When disciplined or discharged, if, after in- vestigatitm, it is found they are not at fault, they will be reinstated and paid for time lost; such investigation to be held within ten days, if practicable, after request in writing by party disciplined. .. They may have the privilege of being rep- resented by a co-employe at the investiga- tion, if they so desire. Grievances will be taken up with the proper officials within thirty days; otherwise, redress in such cases will be waived. 23. When additional telegraphic positions are created, which are not covered by this schedule, compensation will be fixed in con- formity with similar class on same district. When commissions accruing to any posi- tion are materially reduced or removed en- tirely, prompt adjustment of salary will be made. 24. Rates of pay per calendar month: GENERAL. OFFICE Station and Position. Denver '•DC", manager, first teleg $125.00 Rate per Month. Denver "DC", telegraphers. 105.00 FIRST- DIVISION. „ ^ Rate per Station and Position. Month. Denver "DN", first telegrapher $ 97.50 Denver "DN", second telegrapher. . . . 97.50 Denver "DN", third telegrapher 97.50 Denver "YD", first telegrapher S7.50 Burnham, agent telegrapher 100.00 Ft. Logan, agent telegrapher. SO. 00 Littleton, agent telegrapher 85.00 Littleton,, first telegrapher 80.00 Littleton, second telegrapher 80.00 Louviers, agent telegrapher 90.00 Louviers, first telegrapher 75.00 Sedalia, agent telegrapher 80.00 Castle Rock, agent telegrapher 87.50 Castle Rock, first telegrapher 80.00 Larkspur, agent telegrapher ' 80.00 Greenland, agent telegrapher 80.00 Palmer Lake, agent telegrapher 90.00 Palmer Lake, first telegrapher 80.00 Palmer Lake, second telegrapher 80.00 Monument, agent telegrapher 80.00 Husted, agent telegrapher 80.00 Colo. Sprgs. Tkt. Clks., first teleg 105.00 Colo. Sprgs. Tkt. Clks., second teleg... 92.50 Colo. Sprgs. Tkt. Clks.. third teleg 92.50 Colorado City, ^agent telegrapher 82.50 Manitou, agent telegrapher: 92.50 Fountain, agent telegrapher 85.00 Buttes, agent telegrapher 80.00 Wigwam, agent telegrapher 80.00 Wigwam, first telegrapher, 7."i.00 Pinon, first telegrapher -. 80.00 Eden, first telegrapher 82.50 Pueblo "SB", V/. C. & Mgr 125.00 Pueblo "SB", telegraphers 105.00 Swallows, agent telegrapher 82.50 Carlisle, first telegrapher 80.00 Beaver, agent telegrapher 80.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Concrete, agent telegrapher $ 82.50 Portland, agent 90.00 Portland, first telegrapher 80.00 Florence, agtnt 125.00 Florence, first telegrapher 92.50 Florence, second telegrapher 87.50 Florence, third telesrapher 87.50 Canon City, first telegrapher 90.00 Canon City, second telegrapher 87.50 Canon City, third telegrapher 85.00 Sample, first telegrapher 80.00 Parkdale, agent telesrapher 80.00 Echo, first telegrapher 80.00 Westcliffe, agent telegrapher 82.50 Texas Creek, agent telegrapher .90.00 Cotopaxi, agent telegrapher 85.00 Howard, agent telegrapher 87.50 Swissvale, first telegrapher 80.00 Swissvale, second telegrapher 75.00 Cuchara Jet., agent telegrapher 87.50 Cuchara Jet., first telegrapher 75.00 Walsenburg, first telegrapher 87.50 Rouse Jet., agent telegrapher 87.50 Rouse, agent telegrapher 87.50 Augusta, agent telegrapher 80.00 Barnes, agent telegrapher 82.50 Trinidad, first telegrapher 90.00 SECOND DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Salida "S", W. C. & Mgr $125.00 Salida "S", telegraphers 1Q5.00 Nathrop, first telegrapher 80.00 Nathrop, second telegrapher 75.00 Buena Vista, agent 100.00 Buena Vista, first telegrapher 87.50 Buena Vista, second telegrapher 82.50 Buena Vista, third telegrapher 80.00 Granite, agent telegrapher 85.00 Granite, first telegrapher ■. 80.00 Malta, agent • telegrapher 95.00 Malta, first telegrapher 85.00 Malta, second telegrapher 85.00 Deadville, first, telegrapher 97.50 Tenn. Pass, agent telegrapher 85.00 Tenn. Pass, first telegrapher 85.00 Tenn. Pass, second telegrapher 80.00 Deen, first telegrapher 80.00 Pando, agent telegrapher 82.50 Red Cliff, agent telegrapher 90.00 Minturn, first telegrapher 92.50 Minturn, second telegrapher 92.50 Minturn, third telegrapher 90.00 Avon, agent telegrapher 80.00 Wolcott, agent telegrapher 90.00 Wolcott, first telegrapher 80.00 Eagle, agent telegrapher 85.00 Eagle, first telegrapher 80.00 Eagle, second telegrapher 80.00 Gypsum, agent telegrapher 87.50 G.ypsum, first telegrapher 75.00 Shoshone, agent telegrapher 82.50 Glenwood Springs, first telegrapher 92.50 iGlenwood Springs, second telegrapher. 92.50 Carbondale, agent 85.00 Carbondale, first telegrapher 80.00 Grand Jet. "JN", W. C. & Mgr 125.00 Grand Jet. "JN", telegraphers 105.00 274 Schedules and Wage Scales. THIRD DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Villa Grove, agent telegrapher $ 85.00 Moffat, agent telegrapher S2.50 Hooper, agent telegrapher '. 82.50 Marshall Pass, first telegrapher 1)0.00 Sargent, agent telegrapher 90.00 Sargent, first telegrapher 75.00 Gunnison, agent 100.00 Gunnison, first telegrapher 95.00 Crested Butte, agent telegrapher 100.00 Pitkin, agent telegrapher 80.00 Sap'inero, agent telegrapher 87.50 Cimarron, agent telegrapher 87.50 Monti'ose, first telegrapher 92.50 Ridgway, agent telegrapher 100.00 Ouray, agent telegrapher 90.00 Olathe, agent telegrapher 87.50 Delta, agent 90.00 Delta, first telegrapher 92.50 Delta, second telegrapher 75.00 Whitewater, agent telegrapher 80.00 Austin, agent telegrapher 82.50 Hotchkiss, agent telegrapher 90.00 Paonia, agent 90.00 Paonia, first telegrapher 80.00 Somerset, agent telegrapher 85.00 FOURTH DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. La Veta, agent $ 90.00 LaVeta, second telegrapher 82.50 La Veta, third telegrapher 82.50 La Veta Pass, agent telegrapher*. 90.00 Garland, agent telegrapher 80.00 Blanca, agent telegrapher 82.50 Blanca, first telegrapher 75.00 Alamosa, first telegrapher 95.00 La Jara, agent telegrapher 82.50 Romeo, agent telegrapher 80.00 Antonito, agent telegrapher 87.50 Osier, first telegrapher 80.00 Cumbres, agent telegrapher 90.00 Chama, agent 90.00 Chama, first telegrapher 87.50 Chama, second telegrapher 85.00 Monero, agent telegrapher 80.00 Lumberton, agent telegrapher 85.00 Dulce, agent telegrapher 82.50 Pagosa Jet., agent telegrapher 87.50 Pagosa Jet., first telegrapher 75.00 Pagosa Springs, agent telegrapher.... 82.50 Ignacio, agent telegrapher 80.00 Durango, first telegrapher 92.50 Silverton, agent 100.00 Silverton, first telegrapher 87.50 Aztec, agent telegrapher 82.50 Farmington, agent telegrapher 85.00 Taos Jet., agent telegrapher 80.00 Embudo, agent tolegrapher 80.00 Embudo, first telegrapher ; . . 75.00 Espanola, agent 90.00 Espanola, first telegrapher 80.00 Santa Fe, agent telegrapher 107.50 Monte Vista, agent telegrapher 100.00 Del Norte, agent telegrapher 87.50 Creede. agent telegrapher.... 105.00 GREEN RIVER DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Fruita, agent telegrapher $ 77.50 Loma, agent telegrapner 80.00 Mack, agent 82.50 Mack, first telegraph,er 80.00 Mack, second telegrapher 80.00 Mack, third telegrapner 80.00 Westwater, agent telegrapher 80.00 Westwater, first telegrapher 75.00 Cisco, agent telegrapher ■ 80.00 Cisco, first telegrapher 80.00 Thompson, agent 80.00 Thompson, first telegrapher 80.00 Thompson, second telegrapher 80.00 Thompson, third telegrapher 80.00 Green River, agent 75.00 Green River, iirst telegrapher 85.00 Green River, second telegrapher 82.50 Green River, third telegrapher 82.50 Woodside, agent telegrapher 80.00 Mounds, agent telegrapher 80.00 Mounds, first telegrapher 80.00 Price, first telegrapher 85.00 Price, second telegrapher 82.50 Sunnyside, agent 85.00 Sunnyside, first telegrapher 82.50 Helper, first telegrapher 92.50 Helper, second telegrapher 92.50 Helper, third telegrapher. 92.50 SALT LAKE DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Hiawatha, first telegrapher $ 82.50 Castle Gate, agent 85.00 Castle Gate, first telegrapher 82.50 Castle Gate, second telegrapher 75.00 Kyune, first telegrapher 80.00 Kyune, second telegrapher 80.00 Kyime, third telegrapher 80.00 Colton, agent telegrapher 82.50 Scofleld, agent 85.00 Scofield, first telegrapher 82.50 Soldier Summit, first telegrapher 80.00 Soldier Summit, second telegrapher... 80.00 Soldier Summit, third telegrapher 80.00 Gilluly, first telegrapher 80.00 Gilluly, second telegrapher 80.00 Gilluly, third telegrapher 80.00 Thistle, agent 90.00 Thistle, first telegrapher 87.50 Thistle, second telegrapher 87.50 Thistle, third telegrapher 85.00 Springville, agent telegrapher 90.00 Provo, first telegrapher 87.50 Provo, second telegrapher 85.00 Provo, third telegrapher 82.50 American Fork, agent telegrapher. . . . 82.50 American Fork, first telegrapher 75.00 Lehi, agent telegrapher 87.50 Mesa, agent telegrapher 80.00 Riverton, agent telegrapher 80.00 Midvale, first telegrapher 85.00 Midvale, second telegrapher 85.00 Midvale, third telegrapher 85.00 Murray, i^gent .» 97.50 Murra ". first telegrapher 80.00 Salt T ake "UN", W. C. & Mgr 125.00 Salt Lake "UN", telegraphers 105.00 Salt Lake "SK";, first telegrapher 82.50 Layton, agent telegrapher 80.00 Kaysville, agent telegrapher 80.00 Ogden "OG", first telegrapher 87.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 275 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Ogden *'OG", second telegrapher $ 87.50 Ogden "OG", third telegrapher 87.50 Park City, agent telegrapher 87.50 Heber, agent telegrapher 80.00 Spanish Fork, agent telegrapher 77.50 Payson, agent telegrapher 80.00 Goshen, agent teelgrapher 77.50 Eureka-, agent telegrapher 82.50 Silver City, agent telegrapher 80.00 Cuprum, first telegrapher ., 80.00 Bingham, agent .' 125.00 Bingham, first telegrapher 82.50 Garfield, agent telegrapher 100.00 Fairvlew, agent telegrapher 75.00 Mt. Pleasant, agent telegrapher 75.00 Spring City, agent telegrapher. 75.00 Ephriam, agent telegrapher 75.00 Manti, agent telegrapher 75.00 Gunnison, agent telegrapher 75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Salina, agent telegrapher % 76.00 Richfield, agent telegrapher 75.00 Elsinor, agent telegrapher 75.00 Marysvale, agent 75.00 Marysvale, first telegrapher 82.50 Maroni, agent telegrapher 75.00 25. This schedule supersedes all former rules and rates of pay and becomes effective February 1, 1917. For the Company: J. M. WALKER, Superintendent Telegraph. For the Telegraphers: H. J. FULTON, Approved: General Chairman. A. E. SWEET, Vice-President and General Mgr. Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railroad Company (EFFECTIVE APRIL 16, 1917.) ARTICLE I. Employes required to perform telegraph service of any character or duration, also agents or other employes included in the wage scale, will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of this agreement. ^ ARTICLE II. The right of promotion of telegraphers will extend over entire line, and will be governed by merit, fitness and ability. Where these are sufficient, the telegrapher longest in the service will have preference. The seniority of telegraphers will date from their last appointment as such, and will only be effective when vacancies occur or new positions are created. When vacancies occur, or new positions are created, they will be advertised over entire line, and application for same must be made within five days, and appointment will be made within the next ten days. Ac- knowledgment will be made of all applica- tions. A telegrapher declining to accept promotion or withdrawing his application on an advertised position in any instance, does not forfeit his rights to the same or any other position when a vacancy occurs. A list of all telegraphers will be furnished the chairman of the telegrapher's commit- tee in January of each year. The same to be subject to correction on proper repre- sentation from any telegrapher at any time. When a telegrapher's position Is abolished, the telegrapher thereby displaced will be entitled, at his option, either to the posi- tion held by the last permanently located telegrapher, his seniority permitting, or of going on extra list, but in either case he shall retain his seniority rights. ARTICLE IIL Telegraphers will not be discharged or suspended without just cause, and will be given a hearing within seven days, if prac- ticable, upon request of party disciplined. A ■ telegrapher may be accompanied by another telegrapher In the service of the company of his own selection at the investigation. If, after investigation, he is found not at fault, he shall be reinstated and paid for time lost. The result of investigation will be an- nounced within seven days after completion. Any decision considered unjust may be ap- pealed to higher officers. ARTICLE IV. Attending court as witnesses by direction of an officer of the company regular wages will be paid and necessary expenses when away from home. Court fees to be as- signed to the company. ARTICLE V. At offices where but ^ne telegrapher is employed, twelve consecutive hours (includ- ing meal hour) between 6:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. will constitute a day's work, hours to be fixed by the general superintendent. At same stations telegraphers will be allowed one hour for meal between 11:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. If not allowed one hour for meals as above they will be allowed one hour overtime and will be excused thirty minutes for lunch as soon thereafter as practicable. 276 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE VI. Overtime will be paid at thirty-five cents per hour for time worked outside of regiilar hours, actual time, five minute periods to be counted in all cases. If called to office after being relieved from duty, an allowance of fifty cents will be made, and if kept on duty more than one hour, overtime will be allowed for all time after the first hour. Overtime must be reported in writing to the proper officials within forty-eight hours from time made, and if for any reason over- time is not allowed, the telegrapher will be notified and reason given. ARTICLE VII. Telegraphers at oflUces where but one telegrapher is employed will attend all reg- ular passenger trains without extra compen- sation when such trains are scheduled to stop, or stop on signal at their respective stations within the assigned working hours of such stations on Sundays. Day telegraphers will report for duty on Sunday at a stated time and remain on duty one hour without extra compensation, when, if not required for further duty, they will be excused by proper authorities, and if required for further duty they will re- ceive overtime. ^ Agents or telegraphers will be required to sell tickets for Sunday excursions when run within their regular week day hours. ARTICLE VIII. The minimum rate of pay for telegraphers will be $60.00 per month. When additional telegraphers' positions are created, compen- sation will be fixed to conform with that of positions as shown in this schedule. ARTICLE IX. Detroit, Wyandotte, Adrian, Napoleon, Lima, Springfield, Washington C. H., Jack- son, Ironton and Ashland are appointive agencies to which the foregoing articles of agreement do not apply. Neither do they apply to train dispatchers. ARTICLE X. WAGE SCALE. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Delray, first operator and clerk $ 80.00 Delray, second operator and clerk 80.00 Short Cut, first operator 75.00 Short Cut, second operator 75.00 Short Cut, third operator 75.00 Wyandotte, first operator and clerk. . 80.00 Wyandotte, second operator and clerk 75.00 Flat Rock, agent and operator 70.00 Carleton, agent and operator 80.00 Scofleld, agent and operator 65.00 Maybee, agent and operator 70.00 Dundee, agent 80.00 Dundee, first operator and clerk 70.00 Dundee, second operator and clerk 70.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Dundee, third operator and clerk $ 70.00 Tecumseh, agent 85.00 Adrian, operator and clerk 70.00 South Adrian, first operator 65.00 South Adrian, second operator 65.00 South Adrian, third operator 65.00 Denson, agent and operator 70.00 Wauseon, agent 85.00 Napoleon, first operator and clerk 75.00 Napoleon, second operator and clerk.. 75.00 Napoleon, third operator and clerk.... 70.00 Hamler, agent 85.00 Ijeipsic, agent and operator 80.00 Ottawa, agent and operator 70.00 Columbus Grove, agent and operator. . 67.50 East Lima, operator and clerk 75.00 Uniopolis, agent and operator 65.00 St. Johns, agent and operator 65.00 Slater, agent and operator 75.00 Jackson Center, agent and operator.. 70.00 Maplewood, agent and operator 65.00 Quincy, agent and operator 70.00 Rosewood, agent and operator 65.00 St. Paris, agent and operator 80.00 Thackery, agent and operator 65.00 Springfield "NA", ticket agent 77.50 Springfield "GO", North wire, operator 85.00 Springfield "GO", South wire, operator 100.00 East Springfield, operator and clerk.. 90.00 A. K. Tower, first operator 77.00 A. K. Tower, second operator -77.00 A. K. Tower, third operator ." 77.00 Y. K. Tower, first operator 79.00 Y. K. Tower, second operator 79.00 Y. K. Tower, third operator. 79.00 So. Charleston, agent and operator... 95.00 So. Salem, agent and operator.. 85.00 Jeffersonville, agent and operator 100.00 Jeffersonville, operator and clerk 85.00 Washington "CH", first Opr. and Clk. 85.00 Good Hope, agent and operator 80.00 Greenfield, agent and operator 115.00 Greenfield, first operator and clerk 90.00 Greenfield, second operator and clerk 85.00 Bainbridge, agent 95.00 Bainbridge, first operator and clerk.. 80.00 Bainbridge, second operator and clerk 80.00 Bainbridge, third operator and clerk.. 80.00 Summit, agent and operator 80.00 Waverly, agent and operator 95.00 Glen Jean Joint, agent and operator. . 60.00 Glen Jean Joint, operator and clerk... 95.00 Givcns, agent and operator 85.00 Beaver, agent and operator 85.00 Jackson "X" 70.00 Jackson "J", operator and clerk 90.00 Wellston, agent and operator 80.00 Lisman, agent and operator 95.00 Ironton, operator and clerk 75.00 There will be no change in the foregoing rules and rates of pay except on thirty (30) days' notice. DETROIT, TOLEDO & IRONTON R. R. CO. By G. W. THOMPSON, Approved: General Superintendent. J. M. KURN, President. J. H. FRASER, General Manager. Signed for telegraphers, by H. Y. BENNER, P. W. HEATON. R. L. PALMER, Committee. Schedules and Wage Scales. 277 Dominion Atlantic Railway Company (EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1916.) ARTICLE I. Wherever the word telegrapher appears it shall be considered as coming within the meaning of this schedule; also any em- ployes filling any i>osition incorporated in this schedule, whether rated as agent, as- sistant agent, clerk, operator or otherwise on the line of railway, will be considered as telegraphers within the meaning of this schedule. Irrespective of the title by which designated or character of service per- formed. ARTICLE II. Employes will not be discriminated against for being members of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, nor for serving on boards of adjustment -representing telegraphers, and will be given leave of absence and furnished free transportation for such purpose. They will also be given the same privileges to attend their meetings on any part of the line if it is possible to do so without incon- venience to the railway. ARTICLE IIL No telegrapher will be suspended or dis- charged without just cause. When they consider they have been unjustly treated they will have the right to appeal to the general manager. In case a telegrapher has been disciplined or discharged and after in- vestigation is found not to be at fault, he will be reinstated and paid at his stated rate of salary, but not more than one day to be allowed in each twenty-four hours, and any expenses incurred at the investigation will be reimbursed him. Such investigation will be held and decision rendered within ten days after the request by the party dis- ciplined. Telegraphers may have the assist- ance of a co-telegrapher if they so desire. ARTICLE rV. Telegraphers attending court or absent from their regular duties on business for the company will be paid their regular salaries with one dollar per day added if they are kept away from home. Not more than one ' day to be allowed in each twenty-four hours. ARTICLE V. Eight consecutive hours and time -for transfer will constitute a day's work for dispatchers and twelve consecutive hours, including meal hours, will constitute a day's work for all other telegraphers. Dispatchers will grant two meal hours to a telegrapher working twelve hours, the intention being to grant regrular meal hours as far as the busi- ness of the company permits. ARTICLE VL (a) Telegraphers will be allowed overtime when required to remain on duty in the per- formance of any duty required by the com- pany any longer than the number of houra constituting a day's work, according to loca- tion. (b) The rate of overtime will be thirty (30) cents per hour, except for dispatchers which will be at the rate of thirty-five (35) cents per hour. In computing overtime frac- tions of an hour less than thirty minutes will not be counted. Thirty minutes and less than one hour will be counted as an hour. (c) If a telegrapher is called before or after office hours he will be allowed fifty cents for the call which shall cover one hour's service. If kept on duty more than one hour, overtime will be allowed there- after as per clause (b) of this article. (d) Telegraphers required to perform serv- ices on Sunday will be paid for such service at overtime rate as shown in Article VI. (o) Overtime will not be allowed unless overtime tickets are sent to the proper offi- cial within forty-eight hours from the time service is performed. If overtime is not allowed they will be notified within ten days to that effect, together with reason why not allowed. ARTICLE Vn. (a) Train dispatchers will be allowed three weeks' leave of absence each year with full pay. Other telegraphers will be allowed two weeks' leave of absence each year with full pay. (b) If the company finds it inconvenient to grant leave of ab.'sence during any year to a telegrapher entitled to it under this article, the telegrapher will receive compensation at his regular salary for the period. Application for leave of absence filed In January of each year vrill be given prefer- ence in order of seniority of applicants, and applicants will be advised in February of the dates allotted to them. January applications will have preference over later applications, and applicants after September 30th will not be entitled to sal- ary compensation if the company is unable to relieve them In that year. The company will, as far as practicable, relieve all applicants during the summer sea- son when so desired. Applications must be filed with the local chairman. ARTICLE VIII. Telegraphers transferred will be furnished free transportation -for themselyes, their wives and families, and household effects. 278 Schedules and Wage Scales. and will suffer no loss of time while in transit or while making such transfer. ARTICLE IX. Wlien additional telegraphers' positions are created compensation will be fixed in con- formity with positions of a like class in this schedule. ARTICLE X. When vacancies occur, the chairman will be advised, and he will submit the name of their nominee to the management. ARTICLE XI. The rights of promotion of telegraphers will extend over the whole system; where ability is sufHcient seniority will have prefer- ence; seniority will date from the last time of entering the service. ARTICLE XII. When a telegrapher is transferred, and after a fair trial is found incapable, he will take his place on the extra list, but he will retain his seniority rights. ARTICLE XIII. Telegraphers declining to accept promotion to any position do not forfeit their seniority rights to it or any other position when a vacancy occurs. ARTICLE XIV. Seniority will only be effective when va- cancies occur. In the event of a reduction in staff, the junior man will be laid off first. ARTICLE XV. A list of telegraphers will be furnished the local chairman prepared according to sen- iority; this will be revised annually, and a copy furnished the local chairman. Rata Per Station and Position. Month. Brooklyn, agent $ 60.00 Scotch Village, agent 35.00 Clarksville, agent 50.00 Kernetcook, agent 50.00 South Maitland, agent 50.00 Falmouth, agent ■ 50.00 Hantsport, agent 60.00 Avonport, agent ' 30.00 Horton Landing, agent 50.00 Grand Pre, agent 35.00 AVolfville, agent 90.00 Port Williams, agent 70.00 Kentville, freight agent 85.00 Kentville, ticket agent 55.00 Kentville, first dispatcher 100.00 Kentville, second dispatcher... 85.00 Kentville, third dispatcher 75.00 Kentville, operator 60.00 Coldbrook, agent 25.00 Cambridge, agent 50.00 Waterville, agent 60.00 Berwick, agent 80.00 Aylesford, agent 60.00 Auburn, agent ' 40.00 Kingston, agent 60.00 Wilmot, agent 50.00 Middleton, agent 100.00 Middleton, freight clerk 60.00 Lawrencetown, agent 70.00 Paradise, agent 40.00 Bridgetown, agent 82.50 Tupperville, agent .' 40.00 Round Hill, agent 50.00 Annapolis Royal, agent 82.50 Clomentsport, agent 50.00 Deep Brook, agent 30.00 Bear River, agent 50.00 Digby, agent 97.50 North Range, agent / 50.00 WejTTiouth, agent 70.00 Church Point, agent 50.00 Meteghan, agent 50.00 Hectanooga, agent 50.00 Brazil Lake, agent 50.00 Ohio, agent 25.00 Hebron, agent 50.00 Yarmouth, agent 105.00 Yarmouth, freight clerk 60.00 Aldershot, agent 45.00 Centreville, agent 30.00 Sheffield Mills, agent ' 30.00 Canning agent 50.00 King-sport, agent 40.00 ARTICLE XVI. As the rules and rates of pay established in this schedule include certain privileges and concessions, none of these privileges or concessions will be abridged or annulled. WAGE SCALE. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Halifax (North Street), freight agent. $100.00 Halifax (North Street), operator ,,.50.00 Beaver Bank, agent 50.00 Mount Unia.cke, agent 50.00 Ellershouse, agent 50.00 Newport, agent 50.00 Windsor, agent 105.00 Windsor, operator 75.00 This agreement will take effect from Oc- tober 1, 1916, and will continue in effect for one year and thereafter until torminated by sixty days' notice by either party. For telegraphers, O. C. JONES, Local Chairman, O. R. T. Div. 114. Approved and agreed to For the Dominion Atlantic Ry. Co. GEORGE E. GRAHAM. General Manager. Kentville, N. S.. August 31, 1916. Schedules and Wage Scales. 279 Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway Company Mineral Range Railroad Company (RATES OF PAY EFFECTIVE AUGUST 10, 1917.) (RULES EFFECTIVE JANUARY, 15, 1918.,) The following- rules and rates of pay will govern the employment of telegraphers and station agents upon the lines of these com- panies. Rates of pay effective August 10. 1917; rules effective January 15, 1918: ARTICLE I. All employes performing the duties of a telegrapher, except train dispatchers, whether termed operator, or agent and oper- ator, also station agents and levermen, speci- fied in the schedule, will be considered teleg- raphers within the meaning of these articles. Telephone operators, whose duties include the handling' of train orders, or the blocking of trains by telephone, also agent telephon- ers. specified in the schedule, will be consid- ered telegraphers within the meaning of these articles, and will hereinafter be re- ferred to as "telegraphers." ARTICLE II. Section 1. Telegraphers will be regarded in line of promotion, advancement depending upon faithful discharge of duty and capacity for increased responsibility, the superintend- ent to be the judge, subject to appeal. Where these are sufficient, seniority will have the preference. Seniority rights will date from the last time of entering the serv- ice, and will extend over the entire system. Sec. 2. Telegraphers called to the service of the United States on account of the In- ternational War will retain their^ right to position vacated, provided they report for duty within thirty days after being mustered out of the United States service. Such posi- tioji to be bulletined and filled in accordance with this article. Sec. 3. Notice of all vacancies and new positions will be telegraphed, and notice of appointments will be mailed, promptly, to the general secretary and treasurer. Posi- tions will not be filled permanently by the superintendent until ten days have elapsed. When a telegrapher is transferred, and after a fair trial is found incapable, he will take his place on the extra list, but will retain his seniority rights. A telegrapher declining to accept a promo- tion does not forfeit his rights to it or to any other position when a vacancy occurs. In reducing the force, other things being equal, the youngest telegrapher in the serv- ice will be dispensed with first. Sec. 4. When additional positions are cre.ated, the compensation will be fixed in conformity with positions of similar class provided for in this schedule. Sec. 6. Seniority will be effective only when vacancies occur or new positions are created. Sec. 5. A list of telegraphers on the sys- tem, showing date service commenced, will be prepared annually according to seniority, and a copy furnished the general secretary and treasurer on the first day of December of each year. Sec. 7. If, for any reason, an ofHce named in this schedule is closed, or becomes a non- telegraph station, its provisions will no longer apply at that point. ARTICLE III. Telegraphers will not be suspended or dis- charged without just cause; and if they con- sider that they have been unjustly treated, they will have the right to appeal to the superintendent, general superintendent, and general manager, in the order named. If a telegrapher has been disciplined or di.scharged, and after investigation is found not at fault, he will be reinstated and paid for time lost— such investigation to be held within five days after request by party dis- ciplined. ARTICLE IV. Telegraphers may have the privilege of be- ing represented by one or more co-employes at all investigations, if they so desire. Telegraphers leaving the service for any cause will be given a letter stating time and character of service and specific reasons for leaving. Telegraphers' grievances will be taken up with the officials in order named, per this Article III, first paragraph, within thirty days; otherwise, redress will be waived In such case. ARTICLE V. Section 1. Nine hours, including one hour for meal, will constitute a day in train dis- patching offices, "G" office, Marquette, and Duluth "DS" office. Sec. 2. WTiere but one telegrapher Is em- ployed, ten consecutive hours, including one meal hour, shall constitute a day's work. Where two telegraphers are employed, nine consecutive hours, including one meal hour, will constitute a day's work. At stations where the twenty-four-hour period is cov- 280 Schedules and Wage Scales. ered by three persons, eight consecutive hours shall be assigned to each. Sec. 3. At offices where but one teleg- rapher is employed, they shall beg-in work not earlier than 6:00 a. m. nor later than 8:00 p. m. Sec. 4. Telegraphers, except levermen, at one-man stations or offices, will be allowed one hour between 11:30 and 1:00 o'clock, day or night, and one hour between 6:00 and 8:00 a. m. or p. m., and at two-man stations or offices one hour between 11:30 and 1:00 o'clock, day or night, or between 6:00 and 8:00 a. m. or p. m. for meals. If on account of wire, or other work, it should be necessary to curtail this time to less than forty-flve minutes, one hour over- time will be allowed. If the regular meal is missed, thirty minutes will be allowed for a lunch at the first opportunity. Sec. 5. Telegraphers required to perform any service on Sunday will be allowed extra pay pro-rata, based' on twenty-six-day month with a minimum of one hour for each time they report, for all Sunday work within the assigned Sunday hours. Assigned Sun- day hours to be within the spread of the week day assignment. For all services on Sunday outside of the assigned Sunday hours, overtime will be allowed as per over- time rule in Article VI. signal lamps at their respective stations, without extra compensation, except switch lights where section inen are located shall be attended to by them. Otherwise, teleg- raphers shall receive one dollar ($1.00) per month for each lamp over two (2) and up to and including four (4). ARTICLE IX. Telegraphers will not be required to oper- ate gasoline, steam or electric pumps. ARTICLE X. Section 1. Relief agents will be paid $103.50 per month and necessary traveling expenses and full time lost in transit from one station to another. Sec. 2. Telegraphers holding regular as- signed positions will not be required to per- form relief work, except in case of emer- gency. If compelled to go, they will receive living expenses, and not less than their regular salary. Sec. 3. Vacancy in positions of relief agent will be^ bulletined as per Article II, Section 2. Sec. 4. Telegraphers regularly transferred will be allowed regular pay for time U>st in making such transfers, rate of pay to be based on position leaving. ARTICLE VI. Telegraphers will be allowed overtime pro- rata when required to remain on duty in excess of, or outside of, their established hours. The rate of pay for overtime will be in no case less than thirty-six (36) cents per hour, fraction of an hour to be paid for on each full period of ten (10) minutes. Telegraphers when called to the office for any purpose before or after regular hours will be paid sixty (60) cents for each call, and if kept on duty longer than one hour, will receive overtime as per preceding para- graph. Telegraphers will be notified by the super- intendent without delay when claims for overtime, or for compen.sation on any other account, are disallowed. ARTICLE -VII. Telegraphers attending court, or absent from their regular duties on business for the company, will be allowed their regvilar salary and living expenses while away from home. ARTICLE VIII. Telegraphers will not be required to scrub waiting rooms, offices or outbuildings, and the company will he expected to keep the station in sanitary condition. At stations whore other help is not provided, teleg- raphers will not be required. to remove the snow to exceed sixty feet in length of the platform. Telegraphers will have direct supervision over train order lamps and all Interlocking ARTICLE XI. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy. ARTICLE XII. Telegraphers shall be on hand promptly at time set for their day's work to begin, and to answer roll call. Otherwise a written day report explaining cause shall be rendered to chief train dispatcher. This rule not to apply to »Simdays, unless Sunday hours are fixed by superintendent. ARTICLE XIII. Ten (10) per cent commission will be al- lowed on all "This Line" receipts, for doing Western Union work, to be retained by the manager of the ofl3ce. ARTICLE XIV. Section 1. Telegraphers holding five years or more rights may be granted a leave of absence for a period of not more than six months in any year and still retain their seniority rights, unless they accept employ- ment with another company without per- mission. Sec. 2. Telegraphers accepting positions with the company, not included in this schedule, or covered by any other schedule, will not lose their seniority rights. ARTICLE XV. Telegraphers remaining in the service of the company and requiring to move, will be granted free rates on their household goods. Schedules and Wage Scales. 281 ARTICLE XVI. As far as possible, when not needed, teleg- raphers, except at staff stations, will be excused from duty on Sundays. ARTICLE XVn. Telegrraphers five years or more in the service of the company will be allowed fifteen days' vacation each year with pay, or in lieu thereof, fifteen days' additional compen- sation at their regular rate of pay. ARTICLE XVIII. The" following table of pro-rata daily and hourly rates is based upon twenty-six days per month. In case of employment a frac- tional part of a month, this table will be used regardless of the actual number of working days in a month: Where Rate of Pro-Rata Pro-Rata per Pay per Rate Hour is Month is per Day 8-hr. Men 9-hr. Men $ 72.50 . $2.79 35c 31c 73.25 2.82 35 31 75.00 2.88 36 32 76.00 2.92 37 32 77.50 2.98 ' 37 33 78.50 3.02 38 34 78.75 3.03 38 34 79.50 3.06 38 34 80.00 3 08 38 84 81.00 3.12 39 35 81.50 3.13 39 35 83.00 3.19 40 35 84.25 3.24 40 36 85.00 3.27 41 36 86.25 3.31 41 37 87.00 3.35 42 37 89.50 3.44 43 38 89.75 3.45 43 38 90.00 3.46 43 38 92.50 3.56 44 40 94.00 3.62 45 40 95.00 3.65 46 41 98.00 3.77 47 42 103.50 3.98 50 44 ARTICLE XIX. In the event of either the telegraphers or the railway company desiring to change any one or more particulars of this schedule, they will give thirty (30) days' written notice to the party at interest. Minimum rate of pay for operators on the system will be $72.50 per month, and for agents $75.00 per month. Positions preceded by * are exempt from Article V. "J" Joint Stations. "A" Agent. "O" Operator. MACKINAW DI\T[SION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. (J) Sault Ste. Marie— St. Mary's Transfer, O $ 76.00 St. Mary's Transfer, second O 73.25 Brimley, A & 92.50 Brimley, O & Asst. A 73.25 Race, A & 76.00 Strongs, A & 76.00 Eckerman, A & O ; 81.50 •Soo Junction, A 92.50 *Soo .Turictlon, O & T Clk 78.75 Rate per Station and Position. Month. St. Ignace, O "BK" $78.75 Moran, A & 76.00 *(Jj Trout Lake, A 92.50 (J) Trout Lake, first 81.50 (J> Trout Lake, second 76.00 (J) Trout Lake, third O 76.00 Fiborn Junction, A & 75.00 *Newberry, A 110.00 ♦Newberry, O & T Clk 76.00 McMillan, A & 89.50 McMillan, O & Asst. A 72.50 Seney, A & 92.50 Scney, O & Asst. A ; 73.25 (J) Shingleton, A&O 87.00 Wetmore, A & 90.00 Wetmore, O & Asst. A 73.25 (J) Munising Junction, A & 92.50 Au Train, A&O 75.00 Marquette Yard, O ^ 76.00 HOUGHTON DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Marquette "G" Office, O $ 87.00 Eagle Mills, A & 76.00 Negaunee, first O & T Clk 94.00 Negaunee, second O & T Clk 83.00 Negaunee, third O & T Clk 76.00 Ishpeming, first O & T Clk 94.00 Ishpeming, second O & T Clk 83.0» Ishpeming, third O & T Clk 76.00 Humboldt, A & 87.00 Republic, A & 81.50 *(J> Champion, A 100.00 (J) Champion, first O & T Clk 81.00 (JjThampion, second O & T Clk 81.00 Michigamme, A & 92.50 Michigamme, O & Asst. A 73.25 *Nestoria, A 92.50 Nestoria, first O & T Clk 81.50 Nestoria, second O & T Clk 76.00 Nestoria, third O & T Clk 72.50 Herman, A & 76.00 *L'Anse, A 92.50 L'Anse, .first O & Asst. A 79.50 L'Anse, second O & Asst. A 73.25 Baraga, A & 92.50 Baraga, O & Asst. A 79.50 *(J)Keweenaw Bay, A -8^.75 (J) Keweenaw Bay, O & Asst. A 79.50 Chassell, A&O 92.50 Chassell, O & Asst. A 79.50 Houghton "HN" Office, 81.50 Houghton "DO" Office, O & T Clk 103.50 Covin.gton, A & 81.50 *(J) Sidnaw,.A 100.00 (J) Sidnaw, first O & T Clk 81.50 (J) Sidnaw, second O & T Clk 81.50 (J) Sidnaw, third O & T Clk 72.50 Kenton, A & 85.00 Kenton, O & Asst. A 76.00 Paynesville, A & 76.00 Trout Creek, A & 92.50 Trout Creek, O & Asst. A 76.00 Bruce's Crossing, A & 84.25 Ewen, A & 92.50 Ewen, O & Asst. A 78.75 Ewen, second O & Asst. A 76.00 Bergland, A & 86.25 Thomaston, A & 90.00 Thomaston, second O and Asst. A... 73.25 Thomaston, third O. & Asst. A 72.50 Bessemer, A & 81.50 Gurney, A & 78.50 282 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Sanborn, A & O $ 87.00 *(J> Bibon, A 98.00 (J) Bibon, first O and Asst. A 72.50 (J) Bibon, second O & Asst A 72.50 ♦Iron River, A 92.50 Iron River, O & Asst A 81.50 Lake Nebagamon, A & 92.50 Allouez, A & 84.25 Superior East End, Cashier & 92.50 Superior (WS), O & Yard Clerk 89.75 Duluth (DSj Office, O & Clerk 92.50 MINERAL RANGE DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Hancock Yard, O $ 87.00 St. Mary's Junction, A&O 81.50 Dollar Bay, A & 92.50 Dollar Bay, O & Asst. A 81.50 Mills, A & 81.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Upper Mills, O $ 80.00 *Lake Linden, A 98.00 Lake Linden, O & T Clerk 77.50 *Hubbell, A 76.00 Osceola, A & 81.50 Calumet Yard, 87.00 Calumet, Night O & T Clerk 81.50 *Laurium, A 95.00 *Kearsarge, A 92.50 Kearsarge, O & Asst. A 81.50 Ahmeek, A & 85.00 Point Mills, A & 81.50 Alston, A & 80.00 Mass, A & 87.00 C. E. LYTLE, General Superintendent. Approved: W. W. WALKER, Vice-President and General Manager. Duluth, Winnipeg & Pacific Railway Company EFFECTIVE JULY 16, 1916. PREAMBLE. The following rules arid wages will govern the telegraphers on the Duluth, Winnipeg & Pacific Railway. When additional telegraphers' positions are created, compensation will be fixed in conformity with that for positions of the same class as shown by this schedule. ARTICLE I. (a) All employes assigned by proper au- thority to railway telegraph or railway tele- phone service of any character or duration (telegraphers, station agents and linemen), incorporated in the accompanying schedule of wages, will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of this schedule and are so called herein. ' ARTICLE II. (a) A telegrapher's seniority will date from the time he last entered the service as a telegrapher. Seniority will be exercised only vvrhen vacancies occur and as per Clause (h) of this article. (b) The seniority of telegraphers employed on lines under construction or absorbed by the company will date from their last ap- pointment as telegraphers on such lines. When newly constructed lines are taken over by the operating department all telegra- phers' positions will be considered vacant and will be bulletined accordingly. Telegra- phers will be allowed seven (7) days in which to make application for same. (c) As far as practicable, all vacancies in positions of regular and relief dispatch- ers will be filled from the ranks of telegra- phers, and telegraphers will be allowed suffi- cient time without pay to learn the work of train dispatching under a regular trick .dispatcher, such time not to exceed two weeks. (d) All vacancies will be immediately bul- letined by "23" message to all telegraphers. Vacancies will be permanently filled within ten (10) days from date of notice of vacancy and local chairman will be duly notified of appointments. (e) Telegraphers declining promotion to any position do not forfeit their rights to it thereafter, or to any other position when a vacancy occurs. (f) Telegraphers on leave of absence will not retain their seniority after three months, except in case of sickness or by special arrangement between superintendent and telegraphers' committee. (g) A complete list of all telegraphers showing their seniority standing will be fur- nished to the local chairman in January and July of each year by the proper officer. This list will be subject to correction on proper representation from any telegrapher. (h) When positions are abolished or the force reduced, the telegrapher relieved, which in case of reduction of force shall be the youngest man in the service in that particu- lar office, shall have the privilege of assert- ing his seniority rights to any schedule posi- tion, and will be required to select some position within ten (10) days or go on extra list; provided, that he shall not displace any telegrapher who has been in the service over two years. The man displaced by him to assert his seniority for position held by any jimior telegrapher in point of service, and so on until the youngest man is relieved, or displaced men cease to assert privilege. ARTICLE III. (a) No telegrapher shall be suspended (ex- cept for investigation) until his case has first been investigated and he has been proven guilty of the charge against him; the decision in such case to be arrived at within ten (10) days from date of such suspension. Schedules and Wage Scales. 283 (b) If a telegrapher is found blameless in the matter under investigation, he will be paid at schedule rate for the time lost and extra expenses while attending such investi- gation; if away from home, and be rein- stated. If detained more than ten days awaiting investigation at the company's in- stance, he will be paid schedule wages for the time in excess of ten days whatever the decision may be. (c) Telegraphers may have the assistance of a co-telegrapher if they so desire. (d) A written statement setting forth the result of the investigation, and the reasons therefor, will be furnished by the company to the local chairman if requested by him. ARTICLE IV. Telegraphers serving on boards of adjust- ment representing telegraphers will be re- lieved without unnecessary delay, not ex- ceeding ten days, and will be furnished free transportation for such purpose. Telegra- phers will be granted free transportation and leave of absence not in excess of two days to attend their meetings when such leave will not interfere with the requirements of the traffic and the service, provided the com- pany is not thereby put to additional ex- pense. ARTICLE V. Telegraphers transferred under order of the company or to accept bulletined posi- tions will receive pay for the time lost in transferring on the basis of rate of pay of position vacated, and will also be furnished free transportation for themselves, depend- ent members of their families and house- hold goods. In case of transfer for the ac- commodation of telegraphers no compensa- tion will be allowed for time consumed in making such transfer. ARTICLE VI. Telegraphers attending court or investiga- tions or detailed for any other business at the request of the proper officials of the company will have their extra expenses paid by the company in addition to their sched- ule wages. ARTICLE VII. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy nor to admit students to their office. ARTICLE VIII. Telegraphers leaving the service will on application in writing be furnished with a certificate stating time of service, capacity in which employed and reason for leaving. If detained more than five days awaiting such certificate they will be paid schedule wages for all time in execess of five days. Unless otherwise requested certificate will be mailed to station where last employed. ARTICLE IX. Telegraphers will be exempt from shovel- ing snow, scrubbing stations, stenciling, cleaning or disinfecting cars, or outbuild- ings. ARTICLE X. At stations where dwelling, fuel and light are provided, the dwelling will be reserved exclusively for the use of the agent. ARTICLE XI. (a) Except for meeting two passenger trains, which service will be given when re- quired during regular assigned hours, teleg- raphers required to work on Sunday will be paid extra pro rata for such service. Com- pensation for Sunday work will be based on twenty-six (26) days per month (any por- tion of an hour thirty minutes or less not to count, thirty minutes or more to count as one hour), with a minimum compensation of fifty (50) cents for each call which shall cover the first hour's service. If kept "on duty more than one hour they will there- after be paid pro rata on schedule salary, but in no case less than thirty (30) cents per hour. (b) Telegraphers will be required to handle commercial messages on Sunday only during hours required for railroad service. ARTICLiE XII. Telegraphers required to leave permanent location to do relief work temporarily will receive the salary of the man relieved; pro- vided, it is not less than his own, and will be allowed all necessary expenses on pro- duction of voucher. ARTICLE xni. The income accruing to a station on ac- count of telegraph commissions will be equitably divided between the telegraphers performing the service; the agent shall be entitled to not less than one-third of the total amount. ARTICLE XIV. (a) At offices where but one telegrapher is employed, ten (10) consecutive hours, ex- clusive of meal hours, shall constitute a day's work. (b) At offices where two or more telegra- phers are employed, nine (9) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work, except at West Duluth Yards, West Virginia, and Ranier, where eight (8) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work when three or more telegraphers are employed. (c) Telegraphers working ten (10) hours per day will be allowed sixty (60) consecu- tive minutes for meals between the hours of 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m., or 11:30 p. m. and 1:30 a. m. (d) Telegraphers who are not allowed sixty (60) consecutive minutes as per clause (c) of this article, will receive pay for one hour at minimum rate of thirty (30) cents and will be allowed twenty (20) minutes for lunch thereafter as soon as possible. Nothing herein will prohibit a dispatcher from granting two meal hours to a telegra- pher within ten (10) hours, the intention be- ing to grant regular meal hours as far as the business of the company will permit. ARTICLE XV. (a) Overtime will be computed on sched- ule wages based on twenty-six (26) days per month, but in no case less than thirty (30) cents per hour, less than thirty (30) minutes not to count, thirty (30) minutes or over to count as one hour, except that telegraphers required to remain after regular hours, if 284 Schedules and Wage Scales. detained fifteen (15) minutes will be allowed one hour overtime for the first hour or any portion thereof. (b) Telegraphers called for extra service will be allowed not less than one hour over- time at a minimum of fifty (50) cents for the first hour, additional time after the first hour will be paid for on the basis of their regular salary with a minimum of thirty (30) cents per hour. (c) When telegraphers are required to be on hand to keep waiting rooms open for the accommodation of passengers waiting for trains, they will, outside their regular hours, be allowed overtime whether required for wire work or not, provided they obtain the necessary instruction to remain on duty to look after passengers. (d) Telegraphers will be assigned regular hours of duty by the proper officer. If re- quired for service outside these hours tem- porarily or to meet case of emergency, they will be given an official order and excused in the same manner. Copy of this order must in all cases accompany the overtime slip. (e) The assigned hours of duty for teleg- raphers shall be the same on each day of the week. (f) Overtime will not be allowed unless overtime tickets are mailed to the proper officials within forty-eight (48) hours of the time service was performed. If overtime as claimed Is not allowed telegraphers will be notified in writing within five (5) days of the time such service was performed, set- ting forth the reasons for disallowance. (g) Telegraphers will number overtime tickets consecutively for each month. ARTICT^B XVI. After four years' continuous service teleg- raphers will, wit]iout loss of pay, be granted two weeks' leave each year. Applications must be filed with the superintendent in the month of March and relief will be arranged with due regard to protection of the com- pany's interests. Applicants entitled to consideration under this rule who are not given leave of absence during any year will have the option of re- ceivins: either compensation at their regular fi-iarv for the period or in the next year additional leave of absenf^e for a like period. The regulations in respect to free transpor- tation will govern. ■ ARTICLE XVII. Telegraphers employed at points where shopping facilities are I'm'ted. will upon re- quest be granted free transportation at least twice a month for member of fam'lv to nearest available town where requ'red sup- plies are obtainable. ARTICLE XVIII. Telegraphers handling Duluth, "Winnipeg & Pacific Railway Comnanv commercial tele- grams will be allowed ten (10%) per cent commission on all business between points reached bv the D., W,. & P. line, and ten (10%) per cent on this company's propor- tion of earnings on through business. ARTICLE XIX. When a telegrapher is assigned to a posi- tion, and after a fair trial is found incapable, he will take his place on the spare list, re- taining his seniority rights which he may exercise when a vacancy occurs. ARTICLE XX. At points where no section men are lo- cated, telegraphers may be required to care for switch lamps and will be allowed four ($4.00) dollars per month for the care of four (4) or less lamps, and fifty (50) cents per month for each additional lamp. Noth- ing in this article will relieve telegraphers from their responsibilities under the rule. ARTICLE XXI. Telegraphers required to run gasoline pump will receive ten ($10.00) dollars per month for such service. ARTICLE XXII. Linemen will be allowed actual expenses not to exceed $1.50 per day while perform- ing duties on their own district away from headquarters. ARTICLE XXin. MINIMUM MONTHLY WAGES FOR TELEGRAPHERS. . Per Month. Operators $ 71.00 .Agents 78.00 Linemen 80.00 ARTICLE XXIV. Rate per Station and Position. Month. West Duluth Pas. Sta., T. Agt. & O..*$85.00 West Duluth Yard, first operator 80.00 West Duluth Yard, second operator... 80.00 West Duluth Yard, third operator 78.00 Harney, agent telegrapher 78.00 Taft, agent telegrapher 78.00 Ellsmere, agent telegrapher 78.00 Virginia, agent *125.00 Virginia "VI", office operator 80.00 West Virginia, first operator 79.00 West Virginia, second operator 79.00 Angora, agent telegrapher 80.00 Cook, agent telegrapher 82.00 Cook, second operator 71.00 Gheen, agent telegrapher 78.00 Orr, agent telegrapher 78.00 Cusson, agent telegrapher 82.00 Cusson, second operator 71.00 Cusson, third operator 71.00 Ray, agent telegrapher ; 82.010 Ranier, agent 90.00 Ranier, first oper.ator 75.00 Ranier, second operator 75.00 ♦No overtime. ARTICLE XXV. There will be no change in the foregoing rules and rates of pay except on thirty (30) days' notice. For the Company: (Signed) J. R. CAMERON, iSeneral Manager. For the Telegraphers: (Signed) S. A. McINNES, Chairmiin Tele'2;raphers' Committee. July 21, 1916. Schedules and Wage Scales. 285 Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway Company EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, 1916. The following rules and rates of pay will govern telegraphers employed by the Elgin, Joilet & Eastern Railway Company, effective February 1, 1916. 1. All employes performing the duties of a telegrapher, except train dispatchers, whether termed operator, agent and opera- tor, leverman-telegrapher or otherwise, also agents at designated points, will be consid- ered telegraphers within the meaning of these articles. 2. Rates of pay calendar month: Location and Position. Rate per Month. Location and Position. Rate per Month. Waukegan, first trick operator $ 70.00 Waukegan, second trick operator 70.00 Waukegan, third trick operator 70.00 Leithton, agent 85.00 Leithton, second trick operator 75.00 Leithton, third trick operator 75.00 Gilmer, agent 40.00 Lake Zurich, agent 90.00 Lake Zurich, second trick operator... 70.00 lake Zurich, third trick operator 70.00 Barrington, agent 97.50 Barrington, second trick operator 75.00 Barrington, third trick operator 75.00 West Chicago, agent 85.00 West Chicago, first trick operator 75.00 AVest Chicago, second trick operator. . 75.00 West Chicago, third trick operator 75.00 Warrenhurst, agent 75.00 Normantown, agent 75.00 Normantown, second trick operator... 70.00 Normantown, third trick operator 70.00 Aurora, first trick operator 72.50 Aurora, second trick operator 70.00 Aurora, third trick operator 70.00 Walker, first trick operator 75.00 Walker, second trick operator 75.00 Walker, third trick operator 75.00 Plainfield, agent 85.00 Joliet, Ch. Dis. office, first trick opr.. 90.00 Joliet, Ch. Dis. office, first trick opr.. 90.00 Joliet, Ch. Dis. office, second trick opr. 85.00 Joliet, Gen. Ydmstr. office, first tr. opr. SO. 00 Joliet, Gen. Ydmstr. office, 2d tr. opr. 80.00 Joliet, Gen. Ydmstr. ofl;ice, 3d tr. opr. 80.00 Joliet, agent's office, operator 77.50 Frankfort, agent -. 75.00 Frankfort, second trick operator 72.50 Frankfort, third trick operator 72.50 Matteson, agent 85.00 Matteson, first trick operator 75.00 Matteson, second trick operator 75.00 Matteson. third trick operator 75.00 Chicago Heights, first trick operator. 80.00 Chicago Heights, second trick opr.... 80.00 ^Chicago Heights, third trick operator 80.00 Griffith, agent ' 100.00 Griffith, first trick operator :.. 75.00 Griffith, second trick operator 75.00 Griffith, third trick operator 75.00 Whiting, agent 95.00 Whiting, operator 75.00 Hobart, agent 100.00 Hobart, first trick operator 72.50 Hobart, second trick operator 72.50 Hobart, third trick operator $ 72.50 Caton Farm, agent 72.50 Minooka, agent 75.00 Divine, agent 75.00 Coal City, agent 100.00 So. Wilmington, agent 77.50 .3. Telegraphers attending court at the re- quest of the company will be paid for all time lost, and if ordered from their home stations, will be allowed, in addition, neces- sary expenses while away from home, the company to furnish transportation. 4. The right of promotion for telegraphers will extend over each superintendent's divi- sion. To obtain promotion, faithful, intelli- gent and courteous discharge of duty and ca- pacity for greater responsibilities will gov- ern, the general superintendent to judge. WTien these are sufficient, seniority will govern. 5. When a vacancy occurs, or a new posi- tion is created, telegraphers will be noti- fied within five days by bulletin, and vacancy or new position filled within twenty days, in accordance with paragraph 4. Telegra- phers niust file applications within ten days of receipt of bulletin. ■6. Seniority list of telegraphers will be furnished by the superintendent in January .of each year. 7. Telegraphers permanently transferred from one division to another, will be consid- ered as new men to the division on which they will go and will rank accordingly^. 8. When telegraphers are transferred and, after a fair trial, are found incompetent, they will be placed on the extra list, but will retain their seniority. 9. A telegrapher declining to accept promo- tion does not forfeit his seniority rights. 10. WTien reducing the force, other things being equal, the youngest telegrapher will be reduced, but will retain seniority on the extra list. 11. Seniority will only be effective when vacancies occur or a new position created. Trading positions will not be permitted. 12. Regularly assigned telegraphers who, are required to perform relief work and in consequence thereof suffer a reduction in their regular compensation, will be paid an amount sufficient to reimburse them for such loss. Telegraphers, except those working nine hours or less per day, will be allowed one hour for meals between 11:30 and 2:00 o'clock day or night. Telegraphers required to re- main on duty in excess of their established hours, for any reason, will be paid overtime pro rata. In computing overtime less than thirty minutes will not be counted, thirty minutes and up to one hour and thirtv min- utes will be counted one hour. If, for any reason, overtime is not allowed telegraphers will be notified. 13. A telegrapher may be disciplined, but not discharged, before being given a hearing. 286 Schedules and Wage Scales. the investigation to be held witliin five days from the date the telegrapher is disciplined, if practicable to do so. Should the telegra- pher be 'dissatisfied with the decision, he shall have the right, within ten days, to refer the case, by written statement, to the next higher officer, and same will be inves- tigated within ten days of such notice with the aggrieved telegrapher present. In case punishment is inflicted and found to be un- just, the telegrapher shall, if suspended or dismissed, be reinstated and paid for all time lost. No appeal shall be allowed un- less made within the time prescribed in this article. 14. Telegraphers securing employment with the company will, within thirty days of ap- proval of application, have returned to them all service cards, letters of recommendation and other papers which have been furnished by them for investigation. 15. A service letter will be issued to all telegraphers leaving the service who have been employed for a period of sixty days or longer, stating terms of service, record and cause of leaving service. 16. The use of intoxicating liquors, or visit- ing saloons or gambling houses, will be suf- ficient, cause for dismissal. 17. Any employe will be discharged im- mediately in case of insubordination. P. F. McMANUS, Approved: General Superintendent. S. M. ROGERS, Vice-President. Revised 1917. Erie Railroad Company EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1917. In settlement of matters in controversy between the Erie Railroad Company and the New Jersey & New York Railroad Com- pany, and their employes designated in Ar- ticle I of this agreement, and the attached wage scale, which have been submitted to mediation, the following agreement has been reached between the above-named com- panies and the committee representing their above-described employes. ARTICLE I. Effective October 1, 1917, the following rules will govern the service of employes required to perform the duties of a teleg- rapher (whether termed agent, assistant agent, or clerk) and telephone operators connected with the movement of trains; also such exclusive agents and others whose posi- tions are included in the wage scale. ARTICLE IL When new positions are created, the com- pensation therefor will be fixed in conform- ity with that paid for similar positions. In the event that telephoners are substi- tuted for telegraphers as specified in this agreement, the same rules and compensation will apply to them. ARTICLE nL Employes suspended or dismissed may refer their case by written statement to the superintendent; within ten days, if possible, after the receipt of said statement, the case will have a thorough investigation and a decision will be given. Employes involved are allowed to choose one or more employes in their class of service in good standing to represent them at the investigation, and may be present and hear all the evidence In the case. When the result of the investi- gation is unsatisfactory, and the facts jus- tify, the right to appeal is conceded. WTien found blameless, the employes shall be re- instated and receive full pay for the time lost. ARTICLE IV. All employes are in line for promotion, ad- vancement depending upon faithful discharge of duties and capacity for increased respon- sibility. Where ability and conduct permit, seniority rules will govern. Seniority will date from the last date of entering the serv- ice of the company. ARTICLE V. When vacancies occur or new positions are created they will be promptly advertised by "23" message, rates of pay and hours of service being specified in the advertisement. "VSTien it is impractical to send these no- tices by wire, they will be sent by train mail. It will be the practice to fill such vacancies by the promotion of employes in the telegraph and telephone service when the qualifications of such employes will per- mit. This rule will apply to copiers and telegraphers in superintendent's office. Employes are always at liberty to apply for any position in the service for which they consider themselves qualified and their applications will be given due consideration when vacancies occur. The right to reject any applicant who may be considered un- suited for the position in question is re- served. Positions known to be temporarily vacant thirty days or more, or that will remain vacant for an indefinite period after thirty days' temporary vacancy, shall be given to the oldest eligible and qualified applicant for same, provided such temporary assignment can be made without Impairing the service. No pay for deadheading will be allowed in filling such temporary vacancies. A statement showing location, position, rates of pay and hours of service for adver- tisable positions will be prepared and a copy submitted to each office on the division, to- gether with a copy of these rules. ARTICLE VI. Any employe declining to accept promotion does not forfeit his rights to the same or any other position he may be entitled to under seniority when a vacancy occurs or a new position is created. Schedules and Wage Scales. 287 ARTICLE VII, A vacancy will be filled within ten days after it occurs by the appointment of the man entitled to it, five days being allowed in which to apply for a position after it is advertised. ARTICLE VIII. Any employe accepting a position under Article VII, finding it is unsuitable, may resume his former position within ten days after he vacated the same. After the expir- ation of ten days, he will take his place on the extra list, but with his seniority rights intact. Any employe taking an agency under Arti- cle VII, finding it unsuitable, may, within ten days, take his place on the extra list, with seniority rights intact. ARTICLE IX. At offices where more than three telegra- phers are employed, exclusively for telegraph service, when service will permit, ten con- secutive hours, including meal hours, will constitute a day's work; meal hours being so arranged that one telegrapher will be on duty at all times. ARTICLE X. At offices where two telegraphers are em- ployed, twelve consecutive hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. At offices where but one telegrapher is em- ployed, twelve consecutive hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work, the company reserving the right to arrange the hours to suit the service. When it is impos- sible to relieve a telegrapher for meal hour, overtime will be paid for meal hour. Where meal hour is allowed, relief for same will be given between the fifth and seventh hours after starting work, unless otherwise arranged by mutual local agree- ment. ARTICLE XL At offices where six-hour tricks are regu- larly established, employes will be allowed overtime after six hours' continuous service; at offices where eight-hour tricks are regu- larly established, overtime will be allowed after eight hours' continuous service; at offices where eight or nine hours optional tricks or regular nine-hour tricks are estab- lished, overtime will be allowed after nine hours' continuous service. At offices where ten -hour tricks or twelve- hour tricks are established, overtime will be allowed after ten hours, or twelve hours' continuous service, respectively, and will be paid for at the rate of thirty cents per hour, unless the pro rata rate is higher, when overtime will be paid for at the pro rata rates. In computing overtime, thirty minutes and less than sixty minutes will be considered an hour; less than thirty minutes will not be counted. Overtime will not be allowed unless over- time slips are mailed to superintendent's office within 48 hours from the time of serv- ice. Employes will be notified within five days when overtime is not allowed as per overtime slips, with reason for disallowance. ARTICLE XII. Employes summoned to service outside of regular hours after being excused by the train dispatcher or leaving the office for the day, will be allowed regular overtime rate, with minimum allowance of two hours' pay. ARTICLE XIII. Employes will not be required to attend pumping engines at points where there are other employes available for that duty. When so required the compensation will be fixed accordingly. ARTICLE XIV. Employes will not be required to attend switch lights at points where there are other employes available for that duty. When conditions require the above work to be done outside of regular working hours, the time required will be determined and over- time authorized as per Article XI. ARTICLE XV. Employes transferred to new locations by order of proper officials will receive pay for the necessary time lost in transferring and free transportation for themselves, dependent members of their families and household goods. When the force is reduced or offices are closed, either permanently or temporar- ily, employes so displaced may take any position that inerit, ability and seniority en- titles them to, except that agents are not to be displaced. ARTICLE XVI. Employes deadheading to working points by order of proper officials will receive pay for one-half the actual time consumed on trains in going and returning, the basis of compensation being the salary of the em- plo>'e relieved; thirty minutes and less than sixty minutes will be considered an hour. Less than thirty minutes will not be counted.- ARTICLE XVII. Employes attending court or other busi- ness for the company will be paid their regular rates of pay per day, and when called to leave home, necessary expenses will be paid. ARTICLE XVIII. Employes leaving the service of their de- partment to accept service in other depart- ments will forfeit their seniority after an absence of ninety days. ARTICLE XIX. Extra employes will receive the same com- pensation as the person they relieve. Em- ploj'es holding regular positions, when sent to work in other offices temporarily, will not receive any less compensation than their regular position entitled them to. Regiilar employes while in service away from home station will be allowed their necessary ex- penses. ARTICLE XX. Tlie standard trick arrangement, where two nine and one six-hour tricks are estab- lished, is to be one of the following propo- sitions: First proposition — 7:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m first trick 4:00 p. m. to 10:00 p. m.. second trick 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a., m third trick 288 Schedules and Wage Scales. Second proposition — 6:00 a. m. to 3:00 p. m first trick 3:00 p. m. to 12:00 mid... second trick 12:00 mid. to 6:00 a. m third trick Third proposition — 7:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m first trick 4:00 p. m. to 1:00 a. m.. second trick 1:00 a. m. to 7:00 a. m third trick These hours will not be deviated from unless there is some special reason therefor. The working hours are to be continuous. ARTICLE XXI. Employes working- nine hours or more per day, will be granted seven days' vacation annually with pay, for each full year of such service since January 1, 1917. ARTICLE XXII. Telegraphers will, be allowed leave of ab- sence so far as is consistent with good serv- ice and will be relieved and furnished trans- portation without unnecessary delay when they wish to appeal to an official of the company. ARTICLE XXIII. Leave of absence will not be granted for more than ninety days except in cases of sickness, injury or to employes serving on committee or company business. ARTICLE XXIV. - A roster showing the seniority standing of each employe covered herein will be fur- nished for each division and a copy of same furnished each office annually. A — Agent. AO — 'Agent Operator. B— Block. C— Clerk. CO— Clerk Operator. D— Dispatcher. G — Gates. I— Interlocking. L — Le verman. M — Manager. O — Operator. P — Pumper. S — Signalman. SW — Switch Tender. T — Telephone. TC— Ticket Clerk. NEW YORK DIVISION. u «> . - c <"c station and Position. o '^ ts o Jersey City (JC). 9 3$ 88.00 Hackensack D. Br. (HX). OS.. 8 3 90.00 N.J.&N.T. Jet. Tower (HB), OS 8 3 82.00 Rutherford (RV), OC 12 1 75.00 OC 12 1 66.00 Rutherford Jet. Tower (BJ>, OS 8 3 88.00 Carlton Hill (HN), AO 12 1 60.00 Passaic Park (BE), A 12 1 60.00 Passaic (AC), OTC 12 1 85.00 OTC 12 1 78.00 Passaic, Monroe St. (CG), OG..12 1 70.00 Passaic, Harrison St., TA 12 1 60.00 Clifton (IF). AT 12 1 75.00 Lakeview (VT), AT 12 1 75.00 Newark Jet. Tower (XW), ST. . 8 3 65.00 Paterson (PR), OC 9 1 70.00 (RN), 8 1 80.00 O 8 1 75.00 River St. (QR), TC 12 1 65.00 Station and Position. g S Hawthorne (VW), AO 12 1 Glen Rock (RK), A 12 1 Ridgewood Jet. Tower (WJj, OS 8 3 Ridgewood (RE), CT 12 1 CT ; 12 1 Hohokus (HO), AT 12 1 Waldwick Tower (WC), OS 8 3 Waldwick, AO 12 1 Allendale (AZ), AO 12 1 Ramsey (RY) , AO 12 1 Ramsey Tower (R), OS.-, 8 3 Mahwah (M\V), AO..: 12 1 West Mahwah (MZ), AO 11 1 CO 11 1 Suffern (FJ), AO 12 1 OC 12 1 Suffern Tower (SF), OS 8 3 L 8 2 Hillburn (BM>, AO: 12 1 Ramapo (MO), AO 12 1 Sterlington (SW) , AO 12 1 Sterlington Tower (SJ), OS 8 3 Sloatsburg (XG), AO 12 1 Tuxedo (TC), OC 12 1 West Tuxedo (XK) .OS 8 3 Southflelds (SU)» AO 12 1 Arden (GW), AO 12 1 Newburgh Jet. Tower (NJ), OS. 8 3' Harriman (UN), AO 10 1 OC 12 1 Monroe (MR), A 12 1 OC 12 1 Oxford (OF), AO 12 1 Greycourt (GC), AO 11 1 Greycourt Tower (GB), OS 8 3 Chester (CS), A 12 1 Goshen (GN), A 12 1 OC 12 1 Go.shen Tower (GP), OS 8 3 ■ New Hampton (VH). AO 12 1 Middletown (DW), OTC 8 1 OTC 8 2 Howells (QN), A 12 1 Oti.5ville (SY), AO 12 1 Graham (GM), A 12 1 Graham Jet. Tower (FX), OS... 8 3 Port Jervis Tower (BC), OS 8 3 Port Jervis (PO). 9 2 O 8 3 Sparrowbush Tower (WX), OS. 8 3 N.Y.&G.L. Jet. Tower (DB), OS 8 2 OS 8 1 Newark (NX), OTC 9 1 OTC 9 1 Riverside (RH), AB 12 1 Wood-^ide (WZ), ABG 12 1 Belleville (VB). AOB 12 1 Essex (XS), AOB 12 1 Avondale (VD), AO 12 1 West Nutley (FK), AOB 12 1 OC 12 1 Athenia (NV). AOB 12 1 South Paterson Tr. (SH), OSG. . 8 3 Coalburg .let. Tower (BT), OS.. 8 2 OS 8 1 Fairlawn (FZ). AO 12 1 Moodna A^aduct (BS), OS 8 3 Campbell Hall Tower (MQ). OS. 8 3 Central A^alley (CY), AO 12 1 Highland Mills (HM), AOB 12 1 Woodbury (WY), AOB 12 1 Mountainville (MA), AOB 12 1 ax; c ^ Pig ; 65.00 60.00 88.00 75.00 65.00 65.00 88.00 70.00 65.00 60.00 70.00 60.00 75.00 60.00 100.00 70.00 83.00 65.00 65.00 70.00 65.00 75.00 70.00 75.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 80.00 73.00 65.00 5.5.00 66.00 66.00 77.00 77.00 45.00 82.00 75.00 77.00 58.00 77.00 72.00 58.00 58.00 65.00 77.00 80.00 85.00 85.00 74.00 82.00 79.00 80.00 72.00 60.00 65.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 70.00 70.00 77.00 72.00 66.00 74.00 80.00 58.00 63.00 70.00 70.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 289 TO ftj3 - C ®C Station and Position. o , OB 8 2 70.00 Campbell Hall (KH), AO 12 1 71.00 Montgomery (MY), AO..-. 12 1 65.00 OC 12 1 65.00 Orange Farm (OG), AO 12 1 60.00 Florida (FR), AO 12 1 55.00 CO 12 1 60.00 Pine Island (PI), AO 12 1 62.00 Circleville (VC), AO 12 1 60.00 Bullville (KB). AO 12 1 60.00 Thompson Ridge (TR), AO 12 1 58.00 Pine Bush (PB), AO 12 1 63.00 Tallmans. A 12 1 65.00 Monsey, A 12 1 65.00 Blauvelt, A 12 1 60.00 NORTHERN RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY. New Durham (DH), AO 12 1 $ 70.00 Granton Jet. Tower (GR), OS.. 8 2 80.00 OS 8 1 75.00 Fairview (FV), AO 12 1 67.00 Ridgefield (FG), AO 12 1 77.00 Morsemere (MS), AO 12 1 60.00 Palisade Park (PK), AO 12 1 66.00 Leonia (FA). AO 12 1 63.00 Sheffield Ave., A 12 1 65.00 Knglewood (WD), AO 12 1 115.00 OC 9 1 80.00 OC 9 1 68.00 Hudson Avenue (HT), AO 12 1 70.00 Tenafly (TF), AO 12 1 66.00 Cresskill (CR), AO 12 1 68.00 Demarest (DM), AO 12 1 70.00 Oloster (KC) , AO 12 1 70.00 Norwood (NO), AO 12 1 67.00 Northvale, A 12 1 55.00 Tappan (TN), AO 12 1 75.00 Sparkill (RW), AO 12 1 65.00 OC 8 2 71.00 Piermont Ticket (P), AO 12 1 65.00 Grand View (VR), AO 12 1 65.00 South Nyack, TC 12 1 55.00 Nyack (KD), AO 12 1 115.00 OC 8 1 78.00 OC 8 1 75.00 NEW JERSEY & NEW YORK R. R. Carlstadt (J),' AO 12 1 $ 77.00 Hasbrouck Heights (BK), AO... 12 1 60.00 Hackens'k, Essex St. (HZ), A0.12 1 90.00 Central Ave. (CA), AO 12 1 85.00 Anderson St. (CK>, AO 12 1 85.00 Fairmont Ave. (FM), AO 12 1 85.00 North Hackensack (CH>, AO 12 1 76.00 River Edge (RI), AO 12 1 69.00 New Milford (MD), AO 12 1 66.00 Oradell (OD), AO 12 1 75.00 Oradell Tower (DA), 12 1 68.00 Emerson XNS), AO 12 1 69.00 Westwood ( WS) , AO 12 1 66.00 Hillsdale (HD), AO 12 1 70.00 Station and Position. o 5 m o Woodcliffe Lake (XC), AO 12 1 $ 66.00 Park Ridge (PV)r AO 12 1 55.00 Montvale (ZN), AO 12 1 56.00 Pearl River (PQ), A 12 1 58.00 OC 8 2 70.00 Nanuet (NF), AO 12 1 80.00 OC 8 2 70.00 Spring Valley (SV), AO 12 1 105.00 OC 12 1 75.00 Spring Valley Tower (ZY), OS.. 8 3 73.00 Thiells (HI), AO 12 1 55.00 West Haverstraw (WI), AO 12 1 86.00 Haverstraw (RS), AO 12 1 78.00 New City, A 12 1 55.00 GREENWOOD LAKE DIVISION. Arlington (AR), AO 12 1 $110.00 OC 12 1 70.00 North Newark (WO), AO 12 1 105.00 OC 12 1 75.00 Forest Hill Tower (OJ), OS 8 2 80.00 OS 8 1 77.00 Forest Hill ( JN) , AO 12 1 45.00 Lawrence Street (WG), OSG...12 1 70.00 East Orange, OSG 12 1 60.00 Orange (RG), OC 12 1 75.00 West Orange (OG), AO 13 1 -80.00 Bellwood Park (SO), AOB 12 1 75.00 Bloomfleld (BF), AOB 12 1 88.00 Montclair (MC), AO 12 1 115.00 OC 12 1 78.00 Upper Montclair (MU), AO 12 1 98.00 Mor.tclair Heights (HS), AOB.. 12 1 75.00 Great Notch (GN), A 12 • 1 65.00 Great Notch Tower (GA), OS 8 2 80.00 OS 8 1 75.00 Cedar Grove, A 12 1 55.00 Overbrook Tower, TB 12 1 55.00 Verona (VA), AO 12 1 67.00 Caldwell (CD), AO 12 1 65.00 OC 12 1 70.00 Falls (XV), AO 12 1 75.00 Little Falls (FA), AO 12 1 84.00 OCB 9 1 78.00 OCB 9 2 75.00 Mountain View (MV), AO 12 1 66.00 Wayne (WA), AOB,-. 12 1 78.00 Pequannock, A 12 1 58.00 Pompton Plains (MF), AOB 12 1 71.00 Pompton (PS), AO 12 1 65.00 Pompton Jet. Sta. (PN), A 12 1 60.00 Tower (PJ), OSB 8 2 80.00 OSB 8 1 75.00 Ha.«kell (HA), AO 12 1 75.00 OC 12 1 75.00 Wanaque-Midvale (WQ), AO. . .12 1 89.00 OCB 12 1 80.00 Hewitt (IH), AOB 12 1 68.00 Sterling Forest (SN), AO 12 1 65.00 DELAWARE & .PEFFERSON DIVISIONS. Susquehanna (NS), M 10 1 $ 70.00 O../. 9 4 80.00 (SR) S 8 3 69.00 (SQ), S ■ 8 3 66.00 (CP), S 8 3 69.00 (GH), 11 2 88.00 Gulf Summit (GF), AO 12 1 66.00 S 8 3 72.00 290 Schedules and Wage Scales. 5 "" c Station and Position. o S 'So Deposit (DE), A l6 1 $ 70.00 CO 10 1 72.00 TCT -. 10 1 45.00 Deposit (DV), S 8 3 72.00 Hales Eddy (HE), AO 10 1 66.00 Hancock (HK) , AO 10 1 77.00 CO 11 1 72.00 (Klh S 8 3 69.00 Lordvllle (RD). AO 10 1 70.00 Long Eddj' (UB>, S 8 ^ 69.00 Hanklns (HI), AO 10 1 70.00 Long Eddy (BA), AO 10 1 75.00 Calllcoon (KC), AO 10 1 55.00 CO 10 1 72.00 (CO), S 8 3 69.00 Cochecton (N), AO 10 1 70.00 Narrowsburg (SB), AO 10 1 66.00 Tusten (TU), S 8 3 69.00 Mast Hope (MH). AO 10 1 70.00 Lackawaxen (XN). AO 10 1 71.00 CO 10 1 72.00 (BQ), 8 3 72.00 Shohola (SA), AO 10 1 70.00 Oak Tree (OZ), S 8 3 69.00 Parkers Glen (PG), AO 10 1 70.00 Pond Eddy (PN), AO 10 1 70.00 Rosas (RJ), S 8 3 69.00 Carbondale (WC), S 8 3 61.00 Hollenbecks (HN), S 8 3 61.00 Forest City (FC), A 10 1 78.00 8 3 69.00 Stillwater (SU). S 8 3 61.00 Uniondale (UD), AO 8 1 75.00 8 2 69.00 Herrick Center (HR), AO 10 1 75.00 Burnwood (BS), S 8 3 61.00 Cottrells (RU). S 8 3 61.00 Ararat (MI), AO 8 1 75.00 O 8 2 69.00 Parry's Crossing (PC), S 8 3 61.00 Thompson (ON), AO 8 1 75.00 8 2 69.00 Highbank (HB), S 8 3 61.00 Starrucca (KA), AO 8 1 75.00 8 2 69.00 Melrose (IVtR), S 8 3 61.00 Stevens Point (VO). S 8 3 61.00 Jefferson Junction (JN), 8 3 72.00 Brandt (BZ). AO 10 1 66.00 Lanesboro (JA), 8 3 72.00 WYOMING DIVISION. Lackawaxen (XJ), LO 8 Rowlands (DJ), AO 12 Glen Eyre (MV). AO 12 Kimbles (KN), AO 12 White Mills (WG), AO 12 East Honesdale (HG), AO 12 West Hawley (HY), AO 12 CO 10 West Hawley (NA), OS 8 Wangaum (WA), OS 8 Jackson (PD), OS 8 Hoadleys (HD), AO 12 Gravity (GO), AO 12 Lake Ariel (AR), AO 12 Saco (KO). 12 Wimmers (S), AO 12 (WN), OS 8 Maplewood (MA), AO 12 Elmhurst (HS), AO 12 3 $ 65.00 70.00 65.00 70.00 50.00 88.33 40.00 60.00 3 75.00 3 65.00 3 65.00 1 68.00 1 70.00 1 65.00 1 68.00 1 70.00 3 65.00 1 68.00 1 70.00 = c ®c station and Position. ' o ^J ts o Rock Junction (GI), OS 8 1 $ 75.00 OS: 8 1 72.00 OS 8 1 70.00 West Junction (WJ), OS 11 1 65.00 Avoca (CA), AO 8 1 75.00 OS 8 2 65.00 Pittston (PN), OC 10 1 65.00 Scranton (SN), CO 10 1 65.00 Dunniore Yard (MO), CO 9 1 75.00 CO 9 1 65.00 SUSQUEHANNA & TIOGA DIVISION. Hornell (V), MO 11 1 ? 97.00 8 3 88.00 Taylor St., L 8 3 83.00 Canisteo Tower (NI), 8 3 72.00 Station (NI), AO 12 1 50.00 Adrian (DR), AO 12 1 61.00 Cameron (CN), A 11 1 72.00 Tower (CN), 8 2 77.00 8 1 72.00 Cameron Mills (C), AO 12 1 70.00 Rathbone (AN), AO 11 1 72.00 Addi.son (DI), 8 3 75.00 Painted Post, A 12 1 61.00 Tower (S), 8 3 77.00 Corning Tower (AQ), 8 3 88.00 Corning (Q), MO 8 1 88.00 8 1 83.00 8 1 80.00 Big Flats (BE), AO 12 1 77.00 Horseheads (HS), AO 12 1 66.00 Chemung Junction (GJ), 8 3 79.00 Ehnira (Eldridge P. T.) (VO), O 8 3 75.00 Elmira (RA), OT 8 2 88.00 OT 8 1 90.00 Fifth St., L 8 3 71.00 (Southport Jet.) (JF), O 8 3 86.00 Henry St., A 10 1 55.00 Wellsburg (UR), AO 12 1 72.00 Chemung (CH), AO 12 1 72.00 Waverly (W), 8 3 75.00 Barton (RT), AO 12 1 75.00 Smithboro (RO), AO 12 1 75.00 Tower (BS), 8 3 72.00. Tioga Center (GX), AO 12 1 77.00 Owego Tower (OG), 8 3 80.00 Campville (CE). AO 12 1 73.00 Union (Z), CO* 12 1 35.00 A 12 1 55.00 Endicott (EQ), A 12 1 53.00 8 3 72.00 .Tohnson City (IR). AO 12 1 70.00 Binghamton (B), MO 11 1 88.00 8 3 80.00 Tower (BD), 8 3 85.00 S.B.&N.Y. Tower, L ....8 3 85.00 L 8 1 77.00 Kirkwood (OD), AO 12 1 75.00 Great Bend (K), A 12 1 77.00 8 3 75.00 Hickory Grove (GZ), AO 12 1 66.00 Watkins, A 12 1 77.00 State Line Junction (SJ), O 12 1 72.00 Pine City, AO 12 1 66.00 Seeley Creek (SD). AO 12 1 72.00 Millerton (MN). AO 12 1 66.00 Jackson Summit (US), AO 10 1 72.00 Tioga Junction (JI), AO 10 1 72.00 Lawrenceville (WE), AO 10 1 77.00 *Brie proportion. Schedules and Wage Scales. 291 t ^£ station and Position. 2 § -Ji § ffi S Kg Tioga (TI), AO 11 1 $ 72.00 Mansfield (.MG>. A 12 1 61.00 CO 12 1 66.00 Covington (GV), AO 12 1 65.00 Blossburg (BG), A 12 1 SS-.OO TCO 12 1 77.00 Arnot (AUj, AO 12 1 72.00 Hoytville (HV), AO 10 1 72.00 ROCHESTER DIVISION. Coopers (CP), AO 12 1 $ 69.00 Curtis, A 12 1 31.00 Campbell (CM), AO 12 1 73.00 Savona (SN), AO 12 1 66.00 Bath (HA), A 12 1 55.00 TCO 9 1 75.00 TCO 9 1 66.00 TCO 9 1 61.00 Kanona (ICX), AO 12 1 80.00 Avoca (AV), A 12 1 69.00 CO 12 1 61.00 Wallace (vVA), AO 12 1 69.00 Cohocton (RI), A 12 1 64.00 CO 12 1 66.00 Atlanta (DO), A 12 1 66.00 CO 12 1 61.00 Wayland (AB), A 12 1 61.00 CO 9 3 66.00 Springrwater (SW), AO 12 1 72.00 Websters (WD), AO 12 1 73.00 Conesus (NE), AO 12 1 77.00 South Livonia, A 12 1 55.00 Livonia (NA). AO 12 1 64.00 CO 12 1 64.00 South Lima (GI), AO 12 1 47.00 Lakeville (QI), AO 12 1 66.00 Avon (HC). 8 3 72.00 Tower (XO), TOS 8 2 66.00 Industry (VE), AO 8 1 80.00 CO 8 1 66.00 West Henrietta (MB), AO 8 1 75.00 CO 8 1 66.00 Rochester Tower (CB), T 8 1 66.00 O ^ 1 66.00 Caledonia fCW), AO 12 1 75.00 CO 12 1 65.00 LeRoy (OY), A 12 1 69.00 CO 12 1 69.00 Stafford, A ' 12 1 61.00 Batavia (VA), A 12 1 105.00 TCO 12 1 69.00 Alexander (EX), AO 12 1 68.00 Geneseo (GN), A 12 1 86.00 TCO 8 2 66.00 Mount Morris (MF), A 12 1 77.00 CO. 8 1 69.00 CO 8 1 66.00 Houston Tower (HO), T 8 2 66.00 Rochester (RC), 9 1 88.00 9 1 83.00 BUPF'ALO DIVISION AND BRANCHES. Buffalo Lake (HP), CO 10 1 $ 75.00 Buffalo Car Shop (CF), CO 10 1 75.00 E. Buffalo Yd. Office (SK), O... 9 1 75.00 Station (JX), TCOT 10 1 63.00 Depew (WK), A 12 1 65.00 COT 12 1 62.00 Lancaster (NC), AOT 12 1 63.00 Town Line (NW), AOT 12 1 70.00 Martlla (RM), AOT 12 1 66.00 station and Position. © ij ^ o , X S «g Alden (ND), AOT 12 1 $ 70.00 Tower (MQ), OP 12 1 70.00 Darien Center (AI), AOT 12 1 73.00 Griswolds (GD), AOT 12 1 70.00 Attica (AT), A 12 1 73.00 OTSC 9 2 74.00 OTSC 9 1 72.00 Linden (IN), AOT 12 1 65.00 Dale (DA), AOT 12 1 65.00 Warsaw (AW), A 12 1 79.00 TCTO 9 1 74.00 TCTO 9 1 72.00 Rock Glen (RB), AOT 12 1 65.00 Silver Springs (GE), A 12 1 65.00 TCOT* 12 1 51.33 Castile (CI), A 12 1 60.00 COT 9 1 64.00 Portage Tower (PB), SOLT 8 3 72.00 Portage (PA), AOT 12 1 75.00 River Junction (NT), SLOTC... 8 3 83.00 Hunts (HT), AOT 12 1 64.00 Dalton (NU), A 12 1 72.00 COT 12 1 64.00 Swains (SI), AOT 12 1 72.00 Garwoods, AT 12 1 60.00 Canaseraga (SE), AOT 12 1 70.00 Tower (CS), TPSW 8 3 72.00 Burns (RS), AOT 12 1 61.00 Arkport (AK), AOT ..12 1 61.00 Buffalo Creek Jet. Tr. (BN), SO 8 3 72.00 Blasdell (SG), AO 12 1 75.00 Tower (PC), SO ^ 8 3 72.00 Hamburg (H), A 12 1 64.00 CSO 9 2 66.00 Eden Valley, A 12 1 61.00 Eden Center (DC), AOS 12 1 66.00 North Collins (NK), OCS 8 3 64.00 AO 12 1 61.00 Lawtons (UW), AOS ^..12 1 70.00 Collins (OC), AO 12 1 60.00 COS 9 2 72.00 Gowanda (GA), A 12 1 64.00 QQg g 3 75.00 Dayton (DM), OSSW 8 3 75.00 Markhams, A 12 1 61.00 South Dayton (PV), AOS 12 1 60.00 Cherry Creek (KF), A 12 1 60.00 CPSO 8 3 64.00 Conewango (KG). AOS 12 1 60.00 Walden Avenue (WQ), AT 12 1 84.00 Main St. (MQ). AT 12 1 84.00 International Jet. (DF), OTS... 8 3 72.00 North Tonawanda (TW), OT... 9 1 75.00 OT 9 1 72.00 Falls .Junction (FX). TSL 9 1 72.00 Suspension Bridge (JH), SCT... 9 3 72.00 ALLEGHENY & BRADFORD DIVISION. Almond (AS), AO 12 1 $ 66.00 (WA). OL 8 3 72.00 Alfred (FO), AO » 12 1 61.00 OC 12 1 72.00 Tip Top (OP). OL 12 1 68.00 Andover -' Station and Position. o o "So M g ^ ^ Belvidere (F), A 12 1 $ 72.00 8 3 63.00 Friendship (FP), A 12 1 64.00 OC 12 1 66.00 Summit (QSj, 12 1 68.00 Cuba (CB^ A 12 1 60.00 OL 8 3 83.00 Hinsdale (NR), AO 12 1 77.00 Olean (X^ OL 8 3 88.00 -Allegany (FY), AO 12 1 77.00 (WJ), OL 8 3 72.00 Carrollton (CT), A 12 1 83.00 (CR). OL 8 3 77.00 SY Tower (SY), OGB 8 3 65.00 Salamanca (UK>, M 9 1 95.00 9 3 83.00 Little Valley (JV), AO 12 1 55.00 Cattaraugus (CA), A 12 1 50.00 CO 12 1 72.00 Dayton (DY). A 12 1 70.00 CO 12 1 72.00 Perrysburg (RG>, AO 12 1 72.00 Smith-g Mills (SM), AO 12 1 74.00 Fore.stville (OR) , A.0 12 1 72.00 Sheridan (ID), AO 12 1 75.00 Dunkirk (DK), TCO 10 1 77.00 O...' 12 1 65.00 Black Creek (BC), T 8 3 69.00 Belfast (BF;, T 8 3 72.00 Shongo (SG). T 8 3 69.00 Fillmore (FM), T 8 3 72.00 Limestone (ES). AO 12 1 72.00 East Bradford (AR). AO...; 12 1 72.00 Custer City (CU). AO 12 1 77.00 Lewis Run (ErW), AO 12 1 83.00 Alton (AO), AO ..12 1 77.00 Crawford Junction (CJ), 8 3 72.00 Mount Jewett (OU), A 12 1 83.00 9 2 77.00 Jonsonburg (JG). A 12 1 110.00 CO 12 1 75.00 Brockport (BP), AO 12 1 77.00 Hydes (SH), AO 12 1 75.00 MEADVILLE DIVISION. Salamanca (WC), LBTS 8 3 $ 77.00 Red House (RX), ABT 8 1 77.00 BT 8 2 66.00 Steamburg (SG), ACT 12 1 74.00 Tower (RH), BT 8 3 68.00 Randolph (RF>, AOT 12 1 62.00 OBTCT ; 9 3 68.00 AVaterboro (WO), LOBT 8 3 77.00 Kennedy (KY), AOT 12 1 67.00 COT 12 1 75.00 Falconer (DV), AOT 12 1 82.00 LOBT 8 3 55.00 Jamestown (J), MOBT 8 1 82.00 OBT 8 2 80.00 Lakewood (VN), AOBT 9 1 83.00 BTCT 9 1 69.00 BT 9 1 69.00 Ashville (A), AOTB 12 1 72.00 Watts Flats (WF). ABT 12 1 69.00 Niobe Junction (NE), BTL 8 "3 77.00 Niobe (US), ABT 12 1 60.00 Bear Lake (Q), AOBT 12 1 69.00 Lottsville (Z), ABT 8 1 72.00 BT 8 2 66.00 Columbus Tower (CM), LBT 8 3 77.00 Columbus (CB), AOT 12 1 74.00 Corrv (MS), OBTLG 8 1 83.00 OBTLG t 2 80.00 m ft* 3 C 2 C Station and Position. o 2i ca 5 Concord (CO), BT 8 3 $ 65.00 Union City (UN), AOBT 9 1 80.00 OBTCT 9 2 70.00 Mill Village (MI), AT 12 1 67.00 Tower (MA), BT 8 3 66.00 Millers (EY), AOT 12 1 66.00 Cambridge Springs (CA), A 12 1 72.00 OBTCT 8 3 70.00 Venango (NF), AOBT 12 1 72.00 Saegertown (GR), AOT 12 1 77.00 BOTTC 8 1 70.00 BOTTC 8 1 68.00 BT 8 1 68.00 Meadville Yard Tr. (AF), BTC 8 3 70.00 Meadville (HF), T 12 2 67.50 Buchanan Junction (BK), OLBT 8 3 77.00 Cochranton (GA), AO 12 1 65.00 OBTC 12 1 68.00 Utica (UC), AOB 12 1 70.00 Franklin (HY), OBTC ....12 1 80.00 Reno (RW), AOB 12 1 77.00 Oil City (OY), OC. -.12 1 75.00 Geneva (SU), ABT 12 1 74.00 Stony Point (SA), ABTP 8 1 74.00 BTP 8 2 66.00 Atlantic (VI), AO 9 1 70.00 OCBT • 9 1 - 66.00 BT 9 1 66.00 Greenville (G), A...: 12 1 80.00 OCBT 9 1 77.00 TCBT 9 2 72.00 Shenango (XN), A 12 1 67.00 OTCBT 9 1 77.00 OTCBT 9 2 72.00 L* 8 3 35.00 Pymatuning (GH), LBT 8 3 77.00 Orangeville (VE). AOBT 9 1 74.00 OBT .' 9 1 66.00 BT 9 1 66.00 Burghill (BG), AOBT 12 1 74.00 Johnsons (HN), BT 8 3 68.00 Cortland (AU). AO 12 1 66.00 OTCBT 9 1 68.00 TCBT 9 1 66.00 BT 9 1 66.00 Warren Tower (MK), BT 8 3 68.00 North Warren Tower (BO), L..12 2 70.00 North Warren (AYR), OTCBT... 12 1 90.00 Leavittsburg (SB), A 12 1 70.00 Bracevillc (C), A*..^ 12 1 56.00 BT 8 3 77.00 Windham (X), AT 12 1 72.00 Freedom Tower (FM), BT 8 3 72.00 Freedom (FR), AT 12 1 73.00 Ravenna (RV), OTCBT 8 1 77.00 OTCBT 8 2 72.00 Meadville Supt. off. (HP), OC..11 2 90.00 OCD 9 1 90.00 11 1 65.00 MAHONING DIVISION. Cleveland (CD), 10 1 $ 95.00 (CS), 12 1 90.00 ^RH), 10 1 80.00 (HD) 10 1 80.00 Tower (WE), L 8 3 78.00 55th St. (AV), TA 9 1 90.00 OC 9 2 70.00 93d St. (WH), L 8 3 78.00 Union St. (N&SS), L 8 3 tS.OO ♦Brie proportion. Schedules and Wage Scales. 293 station and Position. o « w g North Randall (SP), A 12 1 O 9 3 Solon (SOj, A 12 1 L 12 2 Geauga Lake (HK), AO 12 1 Aurora (UR), A 9 1 O 9 2 Mantua (NA), A 12 1 O 9 3 Hiram (RAJ, A 12 1 Garrettsville (GS>, A 12 1 OTC 9 1 OTC 9 1 Mahoning (MX>, A 12 1 Phalanx (PN), A* 12 1 O* : 8 3 Leavittsburg (SBj. M > 10 1 O 8 3 Leavittsburg Tower (SNj, OL... 8 3 DeForest (P>, OL 8 3 Niles (NE;, 8 3 Girard (GTJ, A r 12 1 Youngstown (VO), 8 8 (BR), 8 3 (YO>, 8 3 (NK), OC 8 3 Himrod Jet., L 8 3 Valley St. (VY), L 8 3 Hubbard (AB), A 12 1 OG 8 3 Coles (IN), OL 8 3 State Line (Coles), L 8 3 Sharon C. S. Co., L .' 8 3 Ferrona (JU), 8 3 -Sharpsville (GI), A 12 1 OL 8 3 Mineral Ridge (RG), AO 12 1 Canfleld (CF), AO 12 1 Greenford, AP 12 1 Washingtonville (WV), A* 12 1 OC* 12 1 Leetonia (OA) , OC 12 1 Lisbon (BE), A 12 1 OC 12 1 Farrell (FA), A 12 1 We.=!t Middlesex (SX), A 12 1 OC 8 2 OC 8 1 Pulaski (UH), AO 9 1 O 9 2 Now Castle (NC), OC 9 1 KENT DIVISION. Kent (KX), ITB 8 3 Depot (K), 8 3 Yard (BC), O .'.12 1 Tallmadge (GE), ACT 12 1 Akron ( AK) , lOT 8 3 Kenmore Tower (KN), IT 8 3 Silver Creek (SC), IT 8 3 Wadsworth (RS), TCO 12 1 AO , 12 1 Rittman, AT 12 1 OC .' 9 1 Sterling (RU), IT 8 2 IT 8 1 Creston (SE), IT 8 3 Burbank (BU), AT 12 1 West Salem (WS), AT 12 1 OC 12 1 «s $ 75.00 70.00 83.00 75.00 80.00 82.00 78.00 70.00 70.00 75.00 82.00 70.00 60.00 83.00 48.00 35.00 92.00 87.00 78.00 85.00 71.00 80.00 78.00 85.00 80.00 75.00 78.00 85.00 90.00 80.00 78.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 105.00 80.00 75.00 75.00 85.00 45.00 34.00 77.00 70.00 75.00 115.00 100.00 TO. 00 75.00 83.00 70.00 70.00 85.00 75.00 75.00 70.00 85.00 75.00 73.00 65.00 60.00 65.00 60.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 60.00 75.00 60.00 Station and Position. © oj w § Polk Tower (BO), IT 8 3 Station (AX), AT 12 1 Nankin (KI), AT 12 1 Ashland (AN), A 12 1 TCT 8 1 TCT 8 2 Pavonia.(DS), AT 12 1 Summit (MA), IT ....8 3 Mansfield Tower (MD), IT 8 3 Lincoln (OD), IT 8 3 Ontario (RO), A 12 1 Gallon Burt Tower, IT 8 3 Galion (A), IT* 8 3 Martel (RM), ITB 8 3 A 12 1 Marion Tower (Q) , TOL 8 3 (AC), IT 8 3 Depot (RN), 9 1 O 9 3 Yard Office (H), OC 12 2 Green Camp (BI), AO 12 1 Richwood (RD), A 12 1 OC 8 3 Claiborne (BU), AO 12 1 Broadway (IB), AO 12 1 Peoria (PB), AO 12 1 (PA), IBO 8 3 Pottersburg (PR) , AO 12 1 Galion, A 12 1 North Lewisburg (QI), AO 9 1 OC 9 1 OC 9 1 Mingo (AY"), AO 12 1 Kings Creek (KC), AO 12 1 Urbana (HY), A 12 1 (SY), TCO 9 2 TCO 6 1 Bowlusville (BV), 12 1 Maitland, A 12 1 (MY). IBO* 8 3 MARION DIVISION. Marion Tower (MJ), OTL 8 3 DeCliff (FN). AOT 11 1 Hepburn (HU), AOT 11 1 Kenton Tower (KN) , OTL 8 3 Kenton (DN), A 12 1 CO 12 1 (HN), L 12 2 Foraker (G). AOT 12 1 McGuffey (MC), AOT 12 1 CO 12 1 Alger (SO), AOT 12 1 COT 12 1 Harrods (OD), AOT 12 1 Westminister (FA), AOT 11 1 Lima Tower (SJ). OTL 8 3 Station (NS), OTTC 8 1 OTTC 8 1 OTTC • 8 1 Kemp (NU), AOT 12 1 Spencerville Tower (SV), OT 8 3 Station (V), A 12 1 CO 12 2 Elgin (VI), AOT 12 1 Ohio City Tower (RE), OTL 8 3 Station (JU), A 12 1 Glenmore (MO), AOT ...12 1 Wren (GW), AOT 12 1 Rivare (RA). AOT 12 1 $ 70.00 73.00 70.00 120.00 75.00 70.00 75.00 70.00 85.00 70.00 65.00 75.00 42.50 80.00 90.00 70.00 -95.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 75.00 50.00 70.00 73.00 65.00 83.00 77.00 74.00 80.00 75.00 70.00 68.00 70.00 70.00 110.00 70.00 60.00 62.00 85.00 38.50 f 71.00 75.00 73.00 75.00 105.00 70.00 61.00 73.00 75.00 65.00 75.00 65.00 75.00 71.00 75.00 80.00 75.00 70.00 73.00 74.00 80.00 45.00 73.00 73.00 90.00 73.00 75.00 65.00 *Erie proportion. 294 Schedules and Wage Scales. &£ 3 C Station and Position. q w Decatur Station (DE), A 12 1 $100.00 Tower (DA), OTL 8 1 OTLi 8 1 OTL 8 1 'Preble (P), AOT 9 1 Magley (GY), AOT 9 1 Tocsin (OX), AOT 10 1 Klngsland Station (GS), AOT... 11 1 Tower (GS), OTL* 8 2 OTL 8 1 Uniondale (U), AOT 11 1 Markle (MK). AOT 12 1 Huntington Tower, L 12 2 Tower (QN), OT 8 3 Huntington (N), 11 1 O 11 1 - T 12 4 Bippus (WO), AOT 12 1 Servia (D), AOT 12 1 Bolivar (BO), A 12 1 Tower (BO), OTL 8 3 Newton (WN), A* 11 1 Tower (WN), L 12 2 Laketon (NX), AOT 11 1 Dlsko (GH), AOT 11 1 A-kron (AN), AOT 10 1 Athens (HO), AOT 10 1 Rochester (RS), A 12 1 TCOT 8 1 TCOT 8 2 Germany (GR), AOT 11 1 Leiters (RH), AOT 10 1 DeLong (MD), A* 11 1 Tower (MD), OTL* 8 3 Monterey (MT), AOT 12 1 Ora (OA), AOT .10 1 Bass Lake Jet. (BA), AOT 11 1 Aldine (AD), AOT 10 1 North Judson (J), A 11 1 Tower (JO), OT .\ . . 8 3 Lomax Tower (X), OT 8 3 Wllders (DI), A* 11 1 ^5 80.00 78.00 76.00 73.00 73.00 73.00 80.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 60.00 61.00 75.00 85.00 78.00 74.20 75.00 73.00 65.00 75.00 40.00 61.00 73.00 73.00 77.00 73.00 100.00 75.00 70.00 73.00 73.00 47.00 37.00 75.00 73.00 73.00 73.00 100.00 73.00 68.00 48.00 03 e.£ 5 d "^ c btation and Position. © S "J^ S Wilders Tower (DR), OTL 8 3 $ 70.00 Kouts (KO), AOT 12 1 73.00 Boone Grove (B), AOT 12 1 70.00 Hurlburt (HB), AOT 12 1 73.00 Tower (BU), OT 8 3 65.00 Palmer (RF), AOT 12 1 73.00 Tower (MS), OT 8 3 65.00 Malones Tower (MA), OT 8 3 65.00 Palmer Tower (MR^ OT 8 3 65.00 Winfleld (FT) , AOT 12 1 73.00 Crown Point (CN), A 12 1 90.00 OTC 8 1 74.00 TOP 8 2 74.00 CHICAGO DIVISION. Hammond (HM), TCO 8 1 $ 94.00 TCO 8 2 88.00 H. Y. Tower (HY), 8 3 77.00 Highland (HI), AO 12 1 83.00 Griffith (GF), 8 3 77.00 The above rules and wage scale shall be effective October 1, 1917, and shall continue in force for one year from that date, and thereafter subject to thirty days' notice in writing by either party to the other, request- ing a change in the same. New York, September 29, 1917. For the Railroads: A. J. STONE, Vice-President. For the Telegraphers: E. J. HESSER, Chairman, Telegraphers' Committee. Witness: G. W. W. HANGER, Member U. S. Board of Mediation and Conciliation. •Erie proportion. Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway Company The rules embodied in the Canadian Pa- cific Railway Telegraphers' Schedule, in ef- fect August 1st, 1917, will apply on the Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway from No- vember 1st, 1917, with the following excep- tions: ARTICLE XV. Clause A. It is agreed that overtime rate 6hall not exceed sixty cents per hour. Clause C. Not applicable to the Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway Company, but company will relieve dispatchers two days in each month — relieving men to be paid overtime rate as per Clause A, for such two days, unless regular relieving dispatcher or agent performs such duty. Clause F. Not applicable to Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway. ARTICLE XXVIII. Not applicable to Esquimau & Nanaimo Railway. ARTICLE XXIX. The established minimum rate Xor agent >. operators and train dispatchers on the British ColumlDia District of the Canadian Pacific Railway, effective August 1st, 1917. will applj' on the Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway from November 1, 1917, except that the minimum rate for operators shall be $88.00 per month. WAGE SCALE. R^to per Station and Position. Month. Malahat. operator *$88.00 Cobble Hill, agent and operator 110.00 Cowichan, agent and operator 98.00 Duncan, agent and operator *120.00 Hayward Jet., operator 88.00 Chemainus, agent and operator 115,00 Lad^smith, agent and operator *115.00 Operator 88.00 Nanaimo, agent and operator 135.00 *Free dwelling. Schedules and "Wage Scales. 295 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Wellington, agent and operator $105.00 Night operator 88.00 Parksvllle Jet., agent and operator. . .*105. 00 Courtenay, agent and operator *105.00 Port Albemi, agent and operator *105.00 Operator 90.00 Lake Cowichan, agent and operator. .*100. 00 * Free dwelling. Accepted for the Telegraphers: J. M. MEIN, General Chairman. N. LANG, Local Chairman. Granted by the Company: H. E. BEASLET, General Superintendent. Evansville & Indianapolis Railroad (EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 16, 1917.) The rates of pay as shown and the follow- ing rules govern the compensation and the service of telegraphers employed by the E^'anpville & Indianapolis Railroad, effective September 16, 1917: ARTICLE I. Telegrapher Defined. All employes performing the duties of a telegrapher or telephoner, except train dis- patchers, whether termed telegraphers, tele- phoners, agent-telegraphers or otherwise; also such agents and levermen and other employes as are specified in the wage scale, will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of this agreement. ARTICLE II. Basis of Pay. (a) "WTiere but one telegrapher is employed in twenty^four hours, eleven consecutive hours, incKiding meal hovir, commencing be- tween 6:00 and 8:00 a. m. or 6:00 and 8:00 p. m., will constitute a day's work except as provided in paragraph (d). This paragraph will apply to telegraphers who are exclusive agents or clerks, who are not required to do telegraphing at stations where two or more telegraphers are employed, also to the telegrapher where but one is employed in addition to the agent working the same hours, as per paragraphs (b) and (c) o£ this article. (b) Where two or more than three teleg- raphers are employed, eiglit consecutive hours will conetitute a day's work, hours to be fixed by the superintendent; provided telegraphers employed in general or division offices may be permitted to have meal hour and work a total of eight hours in a nine- hour period. Where exclusive levermen are employed, twelve consecutive hours including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. (c) "Where three telegraphers are em- ployed, eight consecutive hours will consti- tute a day's work, except at stations where three telegraphers are employed and the agent works first trick, nine consecutive hours will constitute a day's work; provided that ^'here the station work will permit the hours, the hours will be adjusted after in- vestigation so that such men will work eight consecutive hours. Where three telegraphers are employed, first trick to commence at 7:00 a. m. Sunday Hours. (d) So far as business will permit, teleg- raphers will be excused on Sunday without reduction of pay. Where one telegrapher is employed, Ave hours, split once, will constitute a day's work on Sunday, except on branches where no regular passenger trains are operated on Sunday, three consecutive hours will consti- tute a day's work on Sunday, the hours to be arranged by the superintendent and to be within the regular week-day period. ARTICLE III. Overtime. (a) Telegraphers held on duty after their regular hours by proper authority shall be paid overtime. (b) Overtime will be computed pro rata with a minimum of fifty cents per hour in Terre Haute and Evansville, and thirty-five cents per hour in all other offices. (c) In computing overtime, less than thirty minutes will not be counted; thirty- one minutes and less than sixty minutes will be counted as one hour. (d) Overtime will not be allowed unless slips are mailed to proper official within twenty-four hours after the service is per- formed. (e) If, for any reason, overtime is not al- lowed, claimant will be notified within ten days, with explanation. ARTICLE rv. Meal Hour. Telegraphers required to work more than nine hours per day will be allowed sixty consecutive minutes for meal hour between 11:00 o'clock and 1:00 o'clock, day or night — except at stations where the time of trains is such as to prevent a full hour for meals between 11:00 o'clock and 1:00 o'clock the superintendent will designate a meal hour at that station not subject to temporary change, such meal period to be as near to 11:00 o'clock and 1:00 o'clock as is possible, provided the meal hour must be between 11:00 o'clock and 2:00 o'clock. Should less than one hour be given for meals, the teleg- rapher will be excused for thirty minutes at the first opportunity and allowed one hour overtime. 296 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE V. special Calls. (a) A telegrapher required to meet trains within one hour after the expiration of his day shall be paid thirty-five cents (35c) for his sei-vices, remaining on duty one hour if necessary; ii longer than one hour, he shall be allowed overtime thereafter. (b) Telegraphers called or instructed to come on duty by competent authority outside of regular established hours (except as pro- vided for in this article), will be allowed fifty cents (50c) for the service and first hour, and overtime thereafter. ARTICLE VI. Switch and Signal Lights. (a) At stations where sectionmen are lo- cated, telegraphers will not be required to take care of switch lights. (b) At stations where no sectionmen re- side, telegraphers required to care for switch lights shall be allowed seventy-five cents (75c) per light per month. They will rot be required to attend lights at a dis- tance greater than one-half mile from office. Platform Lights. (c) Telegraphers will not be^ required to take care of platform lights where lampmen or sectionmen are located, but will be re- quired to light and extinguish them. When required to care for them, they shall be allowed seventy-five cents (75c) per month, maximum of two lamps. , ARTICLE VII. Pumps. Telegraphers required to run gasoline or steam pumps shall receive not less than $10.00 per month additional for such service. ARTICLE Vin. Attending Court. Telegraphers attending court as company witnesses will be paid for all time lost, and if at any point other than home station, will be allowed expenses at not to exceed the rate of $3.00 per day. ARTICLE IX. Transfers. (a) A regularly assigned telegrapher trans- ferred or to accept a bulletined position, will • be furnished free transportation for himself, family and household goods. If such transfer requires loss in pay, such lost time will be allowed at the regular rate for the position transferred. The outgoing telegrapher will also be paid for the day on which the transfer is made. (b) When telegraphers are temporarily transferred to a position paying less rates than their regular assignment, they will be paid at their regular wages. If transferred to a position paying higher rates, they will be paid at the higher rates. (c) Wlien required to leave home town, a regularly assigned telegrapher transferred from regular position to work extra, will be paid one dollar per calendar day for ex- penses in addition to regular rate of pay, computed until returned to regular position or relieved. (d) Telegraphers desiring to be checked in after leave of absence, shall give the proper official five days' notice. If the check is delayed longer than this, they shall then receive pay at the regular rate for such station for such additional time as they are held out of service. ARTICLE X. Commissions. Should commissions be discontinued, caus- ing loss in compensation, adjustment in salaries affected will be made. ARTICLE XI. Students. (a) Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy to any person, nor to ad- mit students to their office except under special arrangements with the superin- tendent. Scrubbing. (b) Telegraphers will not be required to scrub floors or wash windows in depots, nor to clean outbuildings, but will see that their stations are kept neat and clean, and will report to the superintendent when the station needs special attention. Batteries. (c) Telegraphers will not be req^uired to clean main or local batteries where more than ten cells are located or used. ARTICLE XII. Promotion. (a) To warrant promotion, faithful, in- telligent and courteous discharge of duty with capacity for greater responsibility, must obtain. When these are sufficient, seniority will govern. (b) A telegrapher declining promotion does not thereby forfeit seniority. (c) When telegraphers are transferred and after a fair trial are found to be unable to handle the new position, they shall be placed on the extra list, but will retain their seniority. ARTICLE Xni. Seniority List, (a) A revised seniority list of telegra- phers eligible to positions covered by this schedule will be furnished by the superin- tendent to the local chairman, during Jan- uary and July each year. (b) When new iwsitions are added to or included in the schedule, the telegrapher in such position shall be given seniority from date he last entered telegraph or sta- tion service. (c) Seniority will only be effective when vacancies occur or new positions are created, and trading positions will not be permitted. (d) Telegraphers covered by this schedule assigned to other service of the company will retain their seniority which has accrued In the scheduled positions so long as they remain in the continuous service of the company. Names of such employes will be shown on the seniority list under a sep- arate heading, showing date entered serv- ice and date assigned to non-scheduled position. Schedules and Wage Scales. 297 ARTICLE XIV. New Positions. (a) When ntw positions are created, com- pensation will be fixed in conformity with positions of a similar class provided for in this schedule. Vacancies Bulletined. (b) When a vacancy occurs or a new position is created telegraphers will be noti- fied by bulletin within five days and position filled within twenty days, as provided in this article. Application must be filed within ten days from date of bulletin. (c) Wlien there is a vacancy in the posi- tion of relief agent, it shall be filled as pro- vided by this article, the superintendent to be the judge of the competency of appli- cants. (d) Any employe as per Article I, mak- ing application for and receiving the ap- pointment to a position, must accept the poEition or go on the extra list, unless his application is withdrawn before the expira- tion of the time allowed for making application. (e) A telegrapher who vacates a position will not be permitted to apply for that vacancy until it has been assigned under bulletin and again vacated. (f) In filling temporary vacancies account of telegraphers accepting positions as per Article XIII, paragraph (d) of thirty days and not to exceed six months' duiation, the position will be bulletined subject to Article XIV, paragraph (b) and filled in ac- cordance therewith, the successful applicant to retain his rights to his position vacated, but after the expiration of six months such position will be declared a permanent va- cancy and bulletined accordingly. It is agreed that telegraphers accepting posi- tions as outlined above will waive the pro- visions of Article IX, paragraph (c). No position will be bulletined as a temporary vacancy more than once in any consecutive twelve months' period. ^ ARTICLE XV. Positions Abolished. When positions are abolished or the force reduced, the last man to enter the service will be the first laid off, and in the event of re-employment, the oldest man laid off will be given work first, subject to the provisions of paragraph (a) of Article XII. In reducing the force at any office the youngest man in the service at that office will be displaced, and will have the preference of displacing the youngest regularly assigned telegrapher, or go on the extra list if his seniority will per- mit. This will also apply to telegraphers when a telegraph office is discontinued. ARTICLE XVI. Leave of Absence. (a) Telegraphers who have been in the service of the company one year or more may be given a leave of absence for ninety days, and at the expiration of that time, or before if desired, upon application to the proper official, may resume their employment without losing their seniority, provided that no more than one such leave (other than short vacation) shall be given in any period of two consecutive years. In case of sickness or personal injury leave may be extended upon proper notice. (b) Representatives of the telegraphers acting in such capacity will be granted in- definite leave of absence upon request, with- out loss of seniority. ARTICLE XVII. Service Letters. (a) A service letter will be issued to all telegraphers leaving the service. This letter shall state term of service, record and cause for leaving. (b) All service cards, letters of recom- mendation and other papers furnished teleg- raphers m.aking application for employment shall be returned to him within thirty days after the approval of such application. ARTICLE XVIII. Discipline. A telegrapher will not be disciplined or dis- charged before being given a hearing. Should a telegrapher be dissatisfied with the deci- sion, he shall have the right, within ten days> to refer the case, with written statement, to the next higher officer, and same will be investigated within ten days of such notice, with the aggrieved telegrapher and any other telegrapher of his choice present. Ap- peal may be successively taken to the gen- eral superintendent. In case discipline is found to be unjust, the telegrapher shall, if suspended or dismissed, be reinstated and be paid for all time lost. No appeal shall be allowed unless made within the time pre- scribed in this article. The company will not be responsible for the wages of telegra- phers acting as advisers in such investiga- tion. ARTICLE XIX. Abrogation. It is agreed that the rules and rates of pay shall continue in force for one year from Sepember 16, 1917, and thereafter, subject to thirty days' written notice by either party to the other. For the Telegraphers: J. P. KINSCHERFF. Approved: C. B. PALLET. WAGE SCALE. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Riley, agent-operator $ 64.00 Cory, agent-operator 64.00 Saline City, agent-operator 66.50 Cl3.y City, operator- clerk 75.00 Coal City, agent-operator 60.00 Worthington, operator- clerk 76.50 Operator- clerk 70.00 Operator- clerk 60.00 West Bloomfield, agent-operator 71.50 Newberry, agent-operator 64.00 Elnora, agent-operator 71.50 Plainville, agent-operator 66.50 Washington, operator- clerk 75.00 Operator-clerk 71.50 Operator-clerk '. 70.00 Blackburn, agent-operator 64.00 Petersburg, operator-clerk 75.00 Operator-clerk 70.00 Hosmer. agent-operator 66.50 Oakland City, operator-cashier (joint) 41.00 Somerville, agent-operator 59.00 Elberfield, agent-operator 69.00 298 Schedules and Wage Scales. Fort Worth & Denver City Railway Company (EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1913.) The following rules and rates of pay will govern the employment and control of teleg- raphers on the line of the Fort Worth & Denver City Railway Company: ARTICLE I. Any person performing the duties of a telegrapher at any telegraph station, whether termed agent, cashier or otherwise, shall be considered a telegrapher, train dispatchers excepted. ARTICLE II. Telegraphers will be regarded in line of promotion, advancement depending upon faithful discharge of duty and capacity for increased responsibility. Where those are sufficient in the judgment of the manage- ment, seniority will have preference and will date from the last time of entering the serv- ice, and will extend only over each super- intendent's territory. When force is reduced, the last man to enter the service will be the first laid off, and in the event of reinstating the position, the oldest available man will be given preference, subject to the provisions of the first paragraph of this article. ARTICLE III. List of telegraphers, showing their age in service, will be kept on file in superin- tendent's offices, and will be open to the in- spection of telegraphers. ARTICLE rV. Telegraphers will, when necessary, assist in handling station and clerical work. ARTICLE V. Telegraphers performing duty at wrecks, washouts or other similar emergency offices will receive $2.50 per day of ten hovirs or less and overtime pro rata, and no other com- pensation, time to be computed from the time they start until they return, except that deduction will be made for time re- lieved from duty for rest. ARTICLE VI. Telegraphers required to remain on duty, by competent authority, in excess of theii* regular established hours, will be paid over- time pro rata, but in no case less than twenty-five cents per hour. In computing overtime, thirty minutes or less will not be coimted; over thirty minutes will be counted one hour. Telegraphers will be notified by the superintendent without delay when claim for overtime or for compensation on any other account is disallowed. ARTICLE VII. Telegraphers (except those whose hours of service are nine or less consecutive hours) will be allowed one hour for meals between 11:30 and 1:30, day or night. When required to remain on duty during the meal hour, they shall receive one hour overtime therefor, and will be allowed thirty minutes for lunch as soon thereafter as conditions will warrant. ARTICLE VIIL Telegraphers called to the office outside of their regular hours will be allowed fifty cents for the first hour or any part thereof. If kept on duty more than one hour, overtime will be paid as per Article VT. ARTICLE IX. Telegraphers assigned to meet a regular train outside of their established hours of service shall receive twenty-five cents for meeting- the train, and if delayed more than one hour for such purpose, shall receive overtime therefor as per Article VI. The superintendent will assign the regular Hburs of duty. ARTICLE X. Telegraphers attending court as witnesses in the interests of the company shall receive same compensation as if on regular duty, and in addition thereto legitimate expenses will be allowed if away from their home sta.tion. ARTICLE XI. So far as it can legally do so, the company will transport to new place of residence family and household goods of any employe whose assignment requires such change. ARTICLE XII. Leave of absence will not be granted to ex- ceed ninety days, except in case of sickness. Any employe absent on such leave, who does not report for duty before the expiration of that time, shall forfeit his rights. ARTICLE XIII. In event of discipline or dismissal of a telegrapher, for reasons which he considers unjust, he shall have the right within ten days to refer his case to the superintendent in writing, who will, within ten days after receipt of such notice, investigate the case, einploye concerned to be present, if he so de- sires. If he is not satisfied with the result of the investigation, he shall have the right to appeal to the general superintendent for final decision. In case dismissal or suspen- sion is found to be unjust, he shall be rein- stated and paid for all time lost. ARTICLE XIV. A telegrapher leaving the eniploy of the company will, at his request, be given a letter which will state his term of service, capacity in which employed, and whether he has been discharged or left the service of his own accord. If discharged, such letter shall state the reason. ARTICLE XV. Telegraphers will be held responsible for the care and maintenance of telegraph signal lights, and at stations where there are no other employes, telegraphers may be required to care for two switch or semaphore lights in addition to the telegraph signal lights with- out additional compensation. Where more than two such lights are required to be cared for, they will jje paid fifty cents per month Schedules and Wage Scales. 299 per light for such additional lights. Night telegraphers are expected to relight any switch or semaphore lamps that may become extinguished at night. ARTICLE XVI. The following is tabulation of telegraphers' salaries. When additional telegraph posi- tions are created, compensation shall be fixed in conformity therewith: Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Fort "Worth (DW), first telegrapher..? 90.00 Second telegrapher 80.00 Fort Worth (FR;, first telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 80.00 Third telegrapher .•- 80.00 North Fort Worth, telegrapher 70.00 Rhome, agent and telegrapher 67.50 Telegrapher 65.00 Decatur, first telegrapher 70.00 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 70.00 Alvord, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Sunset, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Bowie, cashier and telegrapher 85.00 Secpnd telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 70.00 Bellevue, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Henrietta, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 70.00 Wichita Falls (WF>, first telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 80.00 Third telegrapher 80.00 Iowa Park, agent and telegrapher 70.00 Electra, cashier and telegrapher 85.00 Harrold, agent and telegrapher 60.00 Oklaunion, agent and telegrapher 60.00 Vernon, cashier and telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 70.00 Tolbert, agent and telegrapher 60.00 Chillicothe, cashier and telegrapher. . . 85.00 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 70.00 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Quanah, telegrapher $ 70.00 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 70.00 Acme, agent and telegrapher 83.33 Telegrapher 65.00 Goodlett, agent and telegrapher 60.00 Kirkland, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Childress (CD>, first telegrapher 70.00 Second telegrapher 70.00 Childress (Xj, first telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 80.00 Third telegrapher 80.00 Carey, agent and telegrapher 60.00 Estelline, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Newlin, agent and telegrapher 60.00 Memphis, cashier and telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 70.00 Giles, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Hedley, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Leha Lake, agent and telegrapher 60.00 Clarendon, first telegrapher 70.00 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 70.00 Goodnight, agent and telegrapher 60.00 Claude, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Washburn, agent and telegrapher.... 70.00 Amarillo, first telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 80.00 Third telegrapher 80.00 Tascosa, agent and telegrapher 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Channing, agent and telegrapher 60.00 Second telegrapher 65.00 Third telegrapher 65.00 Hartley, agent and telegrapher 62.5tf Dalhart, cashier and telegrapher.... 85.00 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 70.00 Perico, pumper and telegrapher 70.00 Texline, first telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher 80.00 Third telegrapher 80.00 H. A. GAUSEWITZ, General Superintendent. Georgia Southern & Florida Railway Company (RULES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 1916.) (WAGE SCALE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1916.) ARTICLE L Preamble. These rules, regulations and rates of pay apply to telegraph operators, levermen and station agents holding positions covered by the wage scale attached hereto. ARTICLE II. Promotion. (a) Preference in promotion or retention in the service shall be given to the employes who have been longest in the service, pro- vided they are, in the judgment of the proper officers of the company, equal in merit, ca- pacity and qualifications to other employes in the service. (b) Telegraphers declining promotion do not forfeit seniority rights to positions when vacancies occur. (c) If, after a fair trial, a telegrapher Is found incompetent, he will be placed on the extra list until re-assigned, with seniority re- maining unimpaired. (d) When vacancies occur, or new posi- tions created, they will be promptly bulle- tined to all offices; employes will be given five (5) days in which to make application therefor. Such positions will be permanently filled within fifteen (15) days after vacancy occurs. (e) Vacancies known to be temporary will be filled by the oldest available compe- tent extra employe, who will hold assign- ment until permanently filled or relieved by relief agent. (f) Employes, on leave of absence, may apply for vacancies, or new positions, but must comply with Section (d) of this article. (g) Trading positions will not be per- mitted. 300 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE- III. Seniority. (a) Seniority of employes will be effective and date from the last time entering the service of the company on a schedule posi- tion. (b) Where positions are abolished or of- fices closed, employes affected will be eligi- ble to any position to which their seniority and merit gives them the right; provided, the position abolished has been established twelve (12} months or longer. (c) Employes must avail themselves of their rights, as indicated in Section (b) of this article, within ten (10) days after being displaced. (d) Employes dismissed from the service and reinstated within six (6) months will not lose their seniority. (e) Employes promoted to official posi- tions will not lose their seniority, but for any reason, should they desire to return to a schedule position, they may exercise their right only by applying for vacancies. (f; A seniority list of all employes will be prepared by the chief dispatcher January 1st and .July 1st of each year, a copy of which will, be furnished all offices. ARTICLE rv. Hours of Service. (a) At offices where only one telegrapher is employed, ten (10) conseciTtive hours, in- cluding meal hour, shall constitute a day's work; except that eleven (11) consecutive hours, excluding meal hour, shall constitute a day's work for exclusive station agents and levermen coming under this agreement. (b) At offices where two telegraphers are employed, nine (9) consecutive hours shall constitute a day's work. (c) Eight consecutive hours shall consti- tute a day's work in relay offices, superin- tendent's and chief dispatcher's offices where more than two telegraphers are employed; in heavy telegraph offices and in all other offices where three or more telegraphers are employed, provided efficiency of service does not clearly demand a nine-hour day. (d) At stations where only one telegra- pher is employed, the hours of service will begin between 6:00 a. m. and 8:00 a. m. (e) Telegraphers will be excused from Sunday and legal holiday duty so far as practicable without detriment to the serv- ice, and when so excused no deduction shall be made from their wages. ARTICLE V. IVIeal Hours. Telogrnphers working ten consecutive hour.s per day will be allowed sixty consecu- tive minutes between 11:30 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. for midday meal, and between 11:30 p. m. and 1:00 a. m. for midnight meal. When sixty consecutive minutes cannot be allowed, one hour overtime will be allowed in lieu thereof. ARTICLE VI. Calls and Overtime, (a) Telegraphers called or instructed to come on duty before or after regular as- signed hours will be paid fifty cents for each call and first hour or fraction thereof and regular overtime rates thereafter until re- lieved. The word "instructed" being consid- ered a call. (b) Telegraphers required by competent authority to remain on duty after regular assigned hours will be paid regular overtime rates; provided, however, that no overtime will be paid to levermen or exclusive agents except when required to meet trains after the expiration of their regular assigned hours. (c) Overtime rates will be forty (40) cents per hour, except when the regular rate is higher, and in such cases overtime will be paid pro rata. (d) In compviting overtime, less than thirty minutes will not be counted. Thirty minutes or less than sixty minutes will be counted one hour. (e) Forms for reporting overtime will be furnished all offices by the company. When overtime is not allowed, telegraphers will be promptly notified as to cause. ARTICLE VII. New Offices. When new positions are created compen- sation will be fixed in conformity with the rate of other positions of similar class. ARTICLE VIII. Emergency Service. For performing duties at wrecks, wash- outs or similar emergency offices, telegra- phers will be compensated at their regular rate of pay, and in addition a reasonable amount for expenses incurred, including time consumed in traveling to and from. Pro- vided, however, they shall not at the same time receive compensation for duties at their regular office. ARTICLE IX. Court Attendance. Telegraphers required to attend court as witnesses for the railway company will be allowed regular pay, transportation to and from, and reasonable expenses. All court fees, etc., to be paid to the railway com- pany. ARTICLE X. Transfers. (a) Telegraphers transferred by direction of the company will be furnished free trans- portation for themselves, families and ef- fects, and will be allowed regular pay while in transit and making such transfer, rate of paj' to be based on position from which transfer is made. (b) When a telegrapher is temporarily erred to a position paying a lower rate of wage than his regular assignment, he will he paid at the rate of his regular wages. (o) When tran.^ferred temporarily to a po.'=ition paying a higher rate of wage, he will be paid at the rate applying to position to which transferred. (d) When. by competent authority, a telegrapher is sent from his regular office to another office to work extra, he will be paid one dollar per calendar day for expenses, in addition to his regular pay, computed imtil he returns to his regular position; provided, that telegraphers will not be paid twice for the same service. SCHBDULBB AND WaGE SCALfiS. 301 h (e> Relief agents will be paid actual expenses while on duty away from home. ARTICLE XI. Leave of Absence. Leave of absence for period not exceed- ing five days may be granted upon verbal request. Application for leave of absence exceeding five days must be made in writing and approved by chief dispatcher. Except in case of sickness or disability, telegra- phers will not be granted leave of absence in excess of ninety days and retain theii seniority rights. ARTICLE XII. Discipline. (a) Telegraphers will not be discharged or demerited without an investigation, which will be made by the proper officer within five days, if possible, and in their presence. They will have the privilege of bringing to such investigation one .em- ploye in similar class of service, of their own selection, provided such employe is in good standing. If found blameless, they will be paid for lost time. If discharged or de- merited, they will be furnished with a written statement, giving cause. (b) Telegraphers, feeling an injustice has been done them, may always subinit their case to their superior officer for con- sideration and review, and shall have the privilege of appealing to the next ranking officer, provided such appeal is made in writing within thirty days after the re- viewing officer has rendered his decision. ARTICLE XIII. Pumps. Telegraphers required to run pumps will be paid not less than ten dollars per month extra compensation for such service. ARTICLE XIV. Switch Lamps. (a) At stations, offices or places where a section foreman or a member of his force resides, telegraphers will not be required to attend switch or block signal lamps. (b) At stations, offices or places where a section foreman or a member of his force does not reside, telegraphers will be paid one dollar and twenty-five cents each for the first two lamps and seventy-five cents for each additional lamp per month. Where there are more than six lamps, special ar- rangement will be made. (c) Telegraphers will, in' all cases, look after the train-order lamp. ARTICLE XV. Cleaning Batteries and Stations. Telegraphers will not be required to clean main or local batteries where ten or more cells are used, nor will they be required to clean platforms or out-buildings at stations of more than three rooms. ARTICLE XVI. General. This agreement will not change any rate in effect or commissions paid by other com- panies, nor repeal any privilege hitherto en- joyed by the employes and not herein speci- fied. A RTICLE XVII. Termination. No change will be made, by either party, in these rules, regulations or schedules of wages, without thirty days' written notice. (Signed; W. F. KADERLY, General Superintendent. (Signed) G. L. SEIBERT, General Chairman. RATES OF PAY. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Macon, clerk telegrapher *. $100.00 First W. C. T 110.00 Second W. C. T 100.00 Clerk telegrapher 97.50 Stratton, one operator 92.00 One operator 92.00 One operator ^ 92.00 Sofkee, agent operator 80.00 One operator 80.00 Wellston, agent operator 80.00 Bonaire, telegrapher 80.00 Kathleen, agent operator 80.00 Crrovania, agent operator 90.00 Clerk telegrapher 80.00 Elko, agent operator 80.00 Unadilla, agent operator 100.00 Clerk telegrapher 85.00 Clrrk telegrapher 80.00 Clerk telegrapher 80.00 Clerk telegrapher 80.00 Finehurst, agent opera"tor 85.00 Menna, agent operator 100.00 Cordele, telegrapher ^. 90.00 Telegrapher .". 90.00 Telegrapher 90.00 Clerk telegrapher 92.50 Arabi, agent operator 80.00 One operator 80.00 Dakota, agent operator 80.00 Worth, agent operator 80.00 Asliburn, agent operator 132.00 Clerk telegrapher 90.00 Clerk telegrapher 85.00 Clerk telegrapher 85.00 Sycamore, agent operator 85.00 Chula, agent operator 80.00 One operator 80.00 Tifton, freight agent operator 132.00 Clerk telegrapher 100.00 Clerk telegrapher 97.50 Lenox, agent operator 85.00 One operator 80.00 Sparks, agent operator 105.00 Clerk telegrapher 90.00 Adel, agent operator 126.50 Clerk telegrapher 92.50 Clerk telegrapher 80.00 Clerk telegrapher 80.00 Cecil, agent operator 80.00 Hahira. agent operator 85.00 Valdo.sta, clerk telegrapher 100.00 Clerk telegrapher 97.50 Clerk telegrapher ." 95.00 Howell, agent operator 72.00 Parpo. agent operator 92.00 Clerk telegrapher , 72.00 Coimcil. agent operator 72.00 Baxter, agent operator 72.00 St. George, agent operator 72.00 Crawford, agent operator (joint) 37.60 302 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Lake Park, agent operator $ 80.00 Jennings, agent operator 85.00 Jasper, agent operator 101.00 Genoa, agent operator 72.00 Wliite Springs, agent operator -. . 90.00 Clerk operator 85.00 Lake Citj% freight agent operator 115.50 Clerk telegrapher 90.00 Ticket agent telegrapher (joint) . . 50.00 Ticket agent telegrapher (joint) . . 45.00 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Lulu, agent operator $ 72.00 Lake Butler, agent operator 90.00 Sampson City, agent operator (joint) 40.00 Hampton, agent operator (joint) 53.00 Clerk telegrapher 42.00 Grandin, agent operator 72.00 Palatka, agent operator 115.50 Clerk telegrapher 90.00 One operator 80.00 Line-of-road, relief agent 110.00 Georgia & Florida Railway (EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, 1915.) ARTICLE I. These rules and regulations will apply to all operator-agents, operators and such other employes as are shown in the wage schedule embodied herein. ARTICLE II. (a) Employes covered by this agreement are in line for promotion. Where ability and other qualifications are sufHcient, seniority will prevail and date from the last entrance in the service. The matter of competency and fitness to be decided by the proper official. (b) Seniority in effect when vacancies oc- cur or new positions are created. (c) Vacancies and new positions will be bulletined to all offices and a copy of all bulletins will be sent to the chairman, and vacancies will be filled in accordance with paragiaph (a) of this article. A vacancy will not be permanently filled sooner than five (5) days, and will be filled within thirty C30) days. (d) Employes declining promotion do not forfeit rights to it or any other position when a vacancy occurs. (e) In the event of a reduction of force, seniority will prevail, ability and other qualifications being considered. (f) Seniority list will be prepared by the superintendent and a copy furnished the chairman on application. ARTICLE III. Employes covered by this agreement will not be disciplined or discharged from the service of the company without just cause, and may call for, within ten (10) days, an investigation, which will be held in ten (10) days, if practicable, after requested by the employe interested, who shall have the right to bring to the investigation another em- ploye in similar class of service of his own selection. No final record of dismissal to be made until after investigation. When an em- ploye has been suspended and upon investi- gation the charges against him are not sus- tained, he will be reinstated and paid at the regular rate of his wages for the time lost. The result of the investigation shall be an- noimced within ten (10) days, if practicable, after same is completed. In the event the difference cannot be satisfactorily adjusted witli the superintendent, the right to appeal to higher officers is conceded. ARTICLE IV. When new positions, similar to those cov- ered by this agreement, are created, the rate of pay shall be fixed in line with similar positions included in the schedule. ARTICLE V. (a) At offices where one (1) opei'ator or agent-operator covered by this agreement is employed, twelve consecutive hours, com- mencing between 6:00 and 8:00 o'clock a. m. or p. m., including meal hour, will consti- tute a day's work, except that where re- quired by the service, the day's work may begin at 11:00 to 12:00, noon or midnight. (b) AVhere two operators covered by this contract are employed nine consecutive hours, exclusive of meal hour, will constitute a day's work. (c) Where three (3) operators are cov- ered by this agreement, eight consecutive hours, exclusive of meal hpur, will consti- tute a day's work. ARTICLE VI. (a) When employes covered by this agreement are required to remain on duty in excess of the number of hours constitut- ing a day's work in the performance of any service required by the company, they will be paid overtime pro rata, but not less than twenty- five (25) cents per hour. (b) When employes covered by this agreement are required to report at a speci- fied time before or after regular hours, they will be allowed forty (40) cents for the first hour or fraction thereof, and not less than twenty-five (25) cents per hour for each succeeding hour held on duty. (c) \Vhen called after being relieved from duty, forty (40) cents will be allowed for the call and first hour, and not less than twenty- five (25) cents per hour until relieved. (d) Doubling will be paid for at regular overtime rates. Service performed at acci- dents, washouts or temporary offices will be paid for at the regular overtime rate. This to be computed from the time they are called to report until they return. (e) When employes covered by this agreement are taken from their regular po- sitions to work extra, they will be allowed. Schedules and Wage Scales. 303 one dollar per day for expenses in addition to their regular rate of pay. (f.( Eiftployes will be promptly notified when claims for overtime or compensation on any other account is not allowed. (g) In computing overtime, less than thirty-one (31> minutes will not be counted. Thirty-one (31) minutes or up to sixty (60) minute.s will be counted as one hour. (h) Rate of pay for overtime will be twenty-five (25) cents per hour, except where the regular rate is higher same will apply. ARTICLE VII. (a> When an employe covered by this agreement is temporarily transferred to a position paying a lower rate of wages than his regular assignment, he will be paid at the rate of his regular wages. "When trans- ferred temporarily to a position paying a higher rate of wages, he will be paid at the rate of wages applying to such position. (b) Employes transferred by direction of the company will be furnished with free transportation for themselves and their de- pendent families and household goods, and will be allowed regular pay (except when being moved at their own request) while in transit and making transfer; rate of pay to be based on position from which transfer is made. ARTICLE VIII. Employes covered by this agreement whose hours of duty are more than ten (10^ hours per day, will be allowed sixty consecutive minutes for a meal between 11:00 p. m. and 1:30 o'clock a. m., and 11:00 a. m. and 1:30 o'clock p. m. If not relieved, one hour over- time will be allowed. ARTICLE IX. All telegraph operators will be excused from Sunday duty as far as possible, and no deductions will be made from their pay on that account. ARTICLE X. Reasonable leave of absence and free transportation over the Georgia & Florida Railway will be granted from time to time, upon request. ARTICLE XL For attending court as a witness for this company employes covered by this agree- ment will be paid their regular wages; the company will furnish transportation and al- low reasonable expense for board and lodging, based upon proper receipts. The company will be entitled to certificates for witness fee in such cases. ARTICLE XII. Employes, as per Article I, serving as chairman, secretary and members of com- mittee, will be relieved promptly upon re- quest and such leave of absence granted them as may be necessary to enable them to handle their business. ARTICLE XIII. This agreement shall remain in force for one year from February 1st, 1915, and there- after until either party desires a change, giving the other party interested thirty (30) days' written notice. For the Georgia & Florida Railway: D. F. KIRKLAND, General Manager. For the Agent-Operators, Operators: C. A. COOK, W. F. PERRIN, T. R. GODBEE. WAGE SCALE. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. St. Clair, agent operator (joint) $ 35.00 Gough, agent operator 55.00 Vidette, agent operator 45.00 Rosier, agent operator 45.00 Midville, operator clerk 50.00 Stevens Crossing, agent operator 60.00 Summertown, agent operator 45.00 Swainsboro, operator clerk 55.00 Wesley, agent operator 50.00 Noi-mantown, agent operator 60.00 Alston, agent operator 45.00 TTvalda, agent operator 50.00 Hazelhurst, operator clerk 50.00 Operator clerk 50.00 Denton, agent operator 50.00 West Green, agent operator 55.00 Willacoochee, agent operator 55.00 Bannockburn, agent operator 45.00 Nashville, operator clerk 50.00 Rays Mill, agent operator 60.00 A^aldoata, operator clerk 65.00 Pinetta, agent operator 40.00 Madison, agent operator 80.00 Oak Park, agent operator 40.00 Stillmore, agent operator 55.00 Graymont, agent operator 50.00 Summil , agent operator 50.00 Garfield, agent operator 65.00 Thrift, agent operator 25.00 Sparks, agent operator 60.00 EUenton, agent operator 50.00 Broxton, agent operator 60.00 Grand Trunk Railway System (EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1917.) The following rules and rates of pay will govern the telegraphers on the Grand Trunk Railway; When additional telegraphers' positions are created, compensation will be fixed in conformity with that for positions of the same class as shown by this schedule. ARTICLE L All employes assigned by proper authority to railway telegraph or railway telephone service of any character or duration and the station agents incorporated in this schedule will be considered telegraphers within the tHeaning thereof, except train dispatchers. 304 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE II. (a) Promotion of telegrraphers shall ex- tend over each superintendent's division and will be governed by merit and ability. Where ability is sufRcient. the senior telegrapher will be given the preference, provided that telegraphers of not less than two years' service will, on application, be transferred from one superintendent's division to an- other on the same general superintendent's division, within thirty days from date of such application, and when so transferred will be allowed seniority on the new division to the extent of three-fourths their seniority rights on the division from which trans- ferred. In such cases the telegrapher making the transfer will take his place on the extra list, and will have the right to file into bul- letined positions as per clause (c) hereof. A telegrapher applying for a transfer will be given a transfer certificate showing his length of service and the capacity in which he has been employed, which will be his authority for claiming his seniority on the division to which he Is transferring. Transfer certificates will not be valid un- less filed with the superintendent of the division to which transfer is being made within thirty days from date of issue. Telegraphers appointed to positions in the company's service which are not Included in this schedule, or who are employed ex- clusively by the Order of Railroad Telegra- phers, will retain their seniority standing in the ranks of the agents and operators. A telegrapher's seniority will date from the time of last entering the service as a telegrapher. Telegraphers will not be required to accept promotion, but do not forfeit their rights to the same, or any other position to which they may be entitled under seniority when a vacancy occurs. When a telegrapher accepts a transfer, and after a fair trial is found incapable, he will take his place on the extra list, retain- ing his seniority. (b) In case of a reduction in the number of telegraphers employed, the senior teleg- -raphers on their respective divisions will be retained in preference to telegraphers junior to them, and when a position shown in the schedule is abolished, the telegraphers so displaced will be given preference to the po- sition held by the junior permanently lo- cated telegrapher on the superintendent's di- vision, merit and ability being sufficient. (c) All vacancies and proposed appoint- ments to new positions will be advertised over the superintendent's division on which they occur by a "23" message within five days, and a telegrapher -shall have ten days from date of such message within which to file application. A vacancy will be filled within forty-five days after it occurs by appointment of the man entitled to it, and such appointment will be bulletined over the division Immedi- ately thereafter by a "23" message. Nothing in this clause is intended to pre- vent the closing of any position either tem- porarily or permanently should it become necessary at any time. (d) A telegrapher on leave of absence when a vacancy occurs will not be debarred from claiming the position and receiving the appointment upon resuming duty, if entitled to it. (e) A correct list of all telegraphers on each superintendent's division, showing tlieir seniority standing, will be kept on file in every chief train dispatcher's office, open to the inspection of all telegraphers con- cerned. A copy of such list corrected to date will be furnished the general chairman at the beginning of each year. ARTICLE in. A telegrapher will not be suspended or discharged without just cause, and if sus- pended or discharged for an alleged fault, the reason will be given in writing and he shall have a fair and impartial trial, at which he may be assisted by another telegrapher if he desires, without expense to the com- pany, and be advised of the decision within fifteen days after filing his written request with the proper officer. If suspended for in- vestigation, such investigation will be held and he will be advised of the decision within fifteen days without such request. If blame- less, as charged, he will be paid his regular salary and be reinstated. Date of suspen- sion to begin from date relieved for investi- gation or within fifteen days from date of decision. If detained more than fifteen days awaiting investigation at the company's in- stance, he will be paid for time lost in ex- cess of fifteen days whether found guilty or not. If decision rendered is considered un- just, an appeal may be made verbally or in writing to higher officials. ARTICLE IV. There will be no discrimination against telegraphers for being members of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, and, when called on to serve on boards of adjustment, they will be relieved without unnecessary delay (such delay not to exceed ten days) for such purpose, and only on request of their chair- man. ARTICLE V. Telegraphers will be granted free trans- portation and leave of absence to attend their meetings; such free transportation will not extend beyond the next division adjoin- ing their superintendent's division, and leave of absence will not exceed two days, and will only be granted when it will not Interfere with the requirements of the traffic and Ihe service, and provided the company is not put to additional expense. ARTICLE VI. Telegraphers, upon applicjition, will, if possible, be furnished with certified copies of all service cards and letters of recom- mendation held by the company, and on leaving the service the original shall be re- turned and they shall also receive a letter stating term of service, capacity in which employed, and whether discharged or leav- ing of their own accord. If discharged,, reasons .shall be given. If detained more than five days awaiting receipt of service card tliey will be paid schedule wages for all time in excess of five days. Unless other- wise requested, they will be mailed to the telegrapher to the place of his last eni- ployment. Schedules and Wage Scales. 305 ARTICLE VII. When a telegrapher is transferred by or- der of the proper official the company will furnish free transportation for himself, fam- ily and household goods, where such free transportation is not contrary to law, and he shall suffer no loss of time in consequence. ARTICLE VIII. A telegrapher called upon to attend court or investigation at the request of a proper official of the company shall receive the same compensation as if on duty. If away from home he will be allowed reasonable ex- penses, any witness fees which may accrue to him to be retained by the company. ARTICLE IX. Telegraphers performing duty at wrecks or other emergency offices will be paid their regular wages and reasonable expenses. ARTICLE X. Telegraphers will not be required to clear platforms of snow, cut or pile wood, load or unload wood or coal, sift ashes, scrub sta- tions, clean chimneys, clean or disinfect stock cars or outbuildings. ARTICLE XI. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy, nor shall a telegrapher teach telegraphy on the company's premises with- out permission of the superintendent. AJITICLE XII. If telegraphers are required to attend switch or semaphore lamps they will be paid four dollars ($4.00^ per month for six (6> or less such lights, and fifty (50) cents per month for each additional switch or sema- phore light at such station. Nothing in this article will relieve telegraphers from their responsibilities under the rules. ARTICLE XIII. At stations where dwelling, fuel and light are provided, the dwelling will, as far as practicable, be reserved exclusively for the use of the agent and his family, unless he elects to reside elsewhere. The company will keep its dwellings in good repair. Occupants must keep such dwellings and their surroundings clean and must pay for repairs -other than those due to ordinary wear and tear. A telegrapher occupying a company's dwelling and who may be dismissed from the company's service, will be allowed to re- tain occupancy of the dwelling until he is paid all moneys due him by the company, unless payment of such moneys is re- strained by legal process. When wood is supplied for fuel it will be cut in lengths not exceeding sixteen inches. . ARTICLE XrV. Present arrangements by which telegra- phers are now paid commissions by express and telegraph companies doing business on the Grand Trunk premises will be continued during the lifetime of this schedule. ARTICLE XV. (a) Except at offices where the hours of service are restricted by law to less than eleven hours per day, where not more than two telegraphers are employed, eleven con- secutive hours, including meal hour, shall constitute a day's work. At offices where more than two telegra- phers are employed ten consecutive hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work, or at the company's option eight consecutive hours without a meal hour. (b) Telegraphers working more than eight consecutive hours per day will be allowed sixty consecutive minutes for a meal be- tween the fourth and sixth hours of service, or in lieu thereof they will be paid one hour overtime and will be excused for lunch as soon thereafter as possible. ARTICLE XVI. (a) A telegrapher required to remain on duty longer than the number of hours con- stituting a day's work will be given an offi- cial order and be excused in the same manner and will be allowed overtime as per clause (b). (b) Overtime will be computed pro rata on schedule wages on the basis of twenty- six days per month, but in no case less than thirty-five (35) cents per hour. All overtime will be paid for the actual time worked computed to the nearest five minutes and an allowance of five (5) minutes will be made after the departure of pas- senger trains to enable telegraphers to put away baggage, close up stations, etc. (c) If a telegrapher is called before or after his regular hours he will be allowed fifty (50) cents for each call for which one hour's service shall, if necessary, be per- formed, except when a telegrapher is re- quired to attend a regular schedule train due at his station within three hours after his regular eleven hours' duty, when he will receive thirty-five (35 > cen!s for the first hour of duty or any portion thereof. If required on duty more than one hour he will be paid overtime thereafter, fractions of an hour to be computed as per clause (b). . (d) Except in cases of emergency, teleg- raphers will be allowed eight consecutive hours off duty in the twenty-four. (e) Overtime will not be allowed unless overtime tickets consecvitively numbered are mailed to the proper official within forty- eight hours from the time service is per- formed. If overtime is not allowed telegra- phers will be notified within ten days from the time service was performed, setting forth the reasons. ARTICLE XVII. Telegi-aphers required to work on Sun- day will be paid extra pro rata on schedule salary for such service based on twenty- six days per month, with a minimum com- pensation of thirty-five (35) cents for each call which shall cover the first hour's service. If kept on duty more than one hour they shall thereafter be paid pro rata on sched- uled salary. All fractions of an hour to be computed as per clause (b) of Article XVI. Telegraphers required for Sunday duty other than attendance on passenger train? will, if possible, be so advised on the previ- ous day. ARTICLE XVIII. Telegraphers who have been in the employ of the company four or more consecutive 306 Schedules and Wage Scales. years will be allowed two weeks' leave of absence each year with full pay. If the company find it inconvenient to grant leave of absence during any year to a telegrapher who has applied for and is en- titled to it under this rule, the telegrapher shall, at his option, receive either com- pensation at his regular salary for the period or in the next year additional leave of absence for a like period. Applications for leave of absence filed in January of each year will be given prefer- ence in the order of seniority of applicants, and applicants will, if possible, be advised in February of dates allotted to them. Janu- ary applicants will have preference over later applicants, and applicants after Sep- tember 1.3th will not be entitled to salary compensation if the company is unable to relieve them in that year. The company will, as far as practicable, relieve applicants during the summer season when so de- sired. In the event of a telegrapher being dis- charged or leaving the service on proper notice before obtaining the deferred leave of absence he will be paid his salary for same. AJRTICLE XIX. A sufficient number of relief agents will be employed to meet all reasonable demands. When away from headquarters they will be allowed one dollar ($1.00) per day ex- penses. Regular relief agents' positions will be shown in the wage scale. Extra relief agents will be paid their reg- ular salary and one dollar ($1.00) per day expenses. If the telegrapher used as extra relief agent has no regular position his sal- ary will be the minimum salary of $70.00 per month. Expenses will be allowed only when called away from regular place of residence. Any telegrapher relieving an agent will be considered a relief agent. Telegraphers holding regular positions called away from their place of residence to relieve an operator temporarily will be paid one dollar ($1.00) per day expenses in addi- tion to his regular salary. ARTICLE XX. Minimum monthly wages shall be as fol- lows: Operators $ 70.00 Agents (with HPL) 70.00 Agents (without HFL) 75.00 Relief agent (regular) 100.00 TELEGRAPHERS' RATES OF PAY. "H"— House. "F"— Fuel. "L"— Light. •House, fuel and light. tFuel and light. tFuel. EASTERN LINES. MONTREiAL DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Portland, day operator $ 95.00 Portland Jet., agent 75.00 Deering, first operator .' 77.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 77.60 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Cumberland, agent $ 75.00 Yarmouth, agent T 95.00 Yarmouth Jet., operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 North Yarmouth, agent 75.00 Pownal, agent 75.00 New Gloucester, agent 75.00 Danville Jet., agent ♦gS.OO Lev/iston Jet., agent *82.50 Operator 70.00 Lewiston, agent •125.00 Operator 85.00 Empire Road, agent 75.00 Mechanic Falls, agent ♦95.00 Day operator 72.50 Night operator 72.50, Oxford, agent •80.00 South Paris, agent 87.50 First operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Norway, agent 87.50 West Paris, agent 77.50 Operator Bryants Pond, agent 77.50 Second operator 70.00 Third operator 70. 00 West Milan, agent 75.00 Lockes Mills, agent ._. 76.00 Bethel, agent .'. 85.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 76.50 West Bethel, agent 75.00 Gilead, agent 76.00 Operator Shelburne, agent 76.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Gorham, agent •105.00 First operator 75.00 Second operator 70.00 Berlin, operator and ticket clerk 92.50 Second operator * . . . 77.50 Third operator 77.50 Copperville, agent ^70. 00 Percy, agent •77.50 Second operator 70.00 Third operator 70.00 Groveton, agent 90.00 Day operator 75.00 Night operator 70.00 Stratford Hollow, agent 76.00 North Stratford, agent tlOO.OO Second operator 72.60 Third operator 72.50 Wenlock, operator 75.00 Lsland Pond, agent 125.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator , 86.00 Summitt, operator 70.00 Lake, agent ^70.00 Norton Mills, agent 82.60 Second operator 70.00 Third operator 70.00 Dixville, agent 75.00 Coaticooke, agent 100.00 Day operator 77.60 Night operator 75.00 Hillhurst. agent ^70. 00 Compton, agent •70.00 Waterville. agent 87.00 Day operator 72.60 Night operator 73.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 307 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Lennoxville, agent t? 97.50 Day operator 75.00 Niglit operator 75.00 Sherbrooke, agent *130.00 Day operator 82.50 Night operator 82.50 Bromptonville, agent 85.00 Day operator 72.50 Night operator Windsor Mills, agent *92.50 Day operator 72.50 Night operator 70.00 Richmond, agent 140.00 Operator 95.00 Operator 92.50 Operator 92.50 Gore, agent 77.50 Operator 70.00 Lisgar, agent *70.00 South Durham, agent • '80.00 Operator 72.50 Danby, agent *72.50 Actonvale, agent t90.00 Day operator 70.00 Night operator 70.00 Upton, agent t82.50 St. Liboire, agent , _. . . . 80.00 Operator 70.00 Britannia Mills, agent *70.00 St. Rosalie .Jet., day operator 85.00 Night operator r 82.50 St. Hyacinthe, agent tl25.00 Day operator 85.00 Night operator 77.00 St. Madeleine, agent 82.50 Operator 70.00 St. Hilaire, agent *72.50 Beloeil, agent tlOO.OO Day operator 75.00 Night operator 72.50 St. Bazile, agent *70.00 St. Bruno, agent tSO.OO Operator 70.00 St. Hubert, agent 82.50 Danville, agent *85.00 Operator 70.00 Kingsey, agent *70.00 Warwick, agent *72.50 Victoriaville, agent $85.00 Day operator 72.50 Night operator 72.50 Princeville, agent *70.00 Operator Plessisville, agent; tSO.OO St. Julie, agent *70.00 Lyster, agent *85.00 Operator 70.00 Methot Mills, agent ♦70.00 St. Agapit, agent •70.00 Craigs Road, agent ♦70.00 Pt. Levi, agent 145.00 Day operator 80.00 Night operator 80.00 Aston, agent ♦70.00 Doucets Landing, agent ♦77.50 Three Rivers, agent 95.00 Ranelagh, day operator 72.50 Night operator 72.50 Brosseau Jet., agent *75.00 Operator 70.00 Lacadie, agent ^70.00 St. Johns, agent *100.00 Operator 75.00 C^erator 75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Grand Ligne, agent *% 70.00 Stottsville, agent - t73.00 Lacolle Jet., agent 90.00 Operator 70.00 Laprairie, agent *90.00 Operator 70.00 St. Constant, agent '80.00 St. Isidore Jet., agent *87.50 St. Isidore, agent ♦70.00 St. Martine Jet., agent 85.00 Howick, agent ♦SB.OO Howick Jet., operator 72.50 Operator 70.00 Ormstown, agent '85.00 Huntingdon, agent ♦IIO.OO Day operator 72.50 Night operator 72.50 Whites, agent ♦70.00 St. Agnes, agent 80.00 Operator Ft. Covington, agent JIOO.OO First operator 72.50 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 70.00 BombaJ^ agent t75.00 Helena, agent 82.50 St. Remi, agent t85.00 Hemmingford, agent '75.00 Beauharnois, agent 85.00 Southwark, day operator 75.00 Night operator 75.00 St. Lambert, agent 105.00 Day operator 85.00 Night operator 85.00 Pt. St. Charles, agent 77.50 Operator 82.50 Turcot, day operator 77.50 Night operator 77.60 St. Paul, agent ....'. 95.00 St. Laurent, agent 90.00 Montreal (DI), operator 102.50 Operator 97.50 Operator 97.50 Operator 97.50 Operator St. Henri, agent 90.00 Day operator 77.60 Night operator 77.50 Four relief agents 100.00 BELLEVILLE DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Rockfield, agent ♦$ 75.00 Operator 70.00 Dominion, agent 95.00 Lachine, agent '♦95.00 Day operator 76.00 Night operator 72.00 Dorval, agent ♦73.00 Operator 70.00 Lakeside, agent 75.00 Pt. Claire, agent ♦75.00 Operator 71.00 Beaconsfield. agent 75.00 St. Anne, agent 85.00 Daj' operator 75.00 Night operator 70.00 Vaiidreuil, agent 90.00 Day operator 75.00 Night operator 72.00 Cedars, agent 76.00 Operator 70.00 St. Dominique, agent ♦70.00 308 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. River Beaudette, agent *$ 70.00 Bainsville, agent *72.00 Lancaster, agent *75.00 Operator 71.00 Summerstown, agent *70.00 Cornwall, agent *115.00 Day operator 79.00 Nighit operator 75.00 Mille Roches, agent 80.00 Day operator 71.00 Night operator 70.00 Wales, agent *72.00 Aultsville, agent 75.00 Morrisburg, agent *90.00 Day operator 72.00 Night operator 71.00 Iroquois, agent 77.00 Operator 70.00 Cardinal, agent 90.00 Day operator 75.00 Night operator 72.00 Prescott, agent 110.00 Day operator 77.00 Night operator 75.00 Maitland, agent '70.00 Brockville, agent 130.00 (RA) first operator .' 90.00 Second operator 82.00 Third operator 70.00 (MB) first operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Lyn, agent *72.00 Mallorytown, agent *72.00 Operator 70.00 Lansdowne, agent 80.00 Gananoque Jet., agent 77.00 Operator 70.00 Findlay, agent 75.00 Operator 70.00 Kingston, agent 130.00 Kingston Jet., agent *88.00 Operator 75.00 Collins Bay, agent *70.00 Operator 70.00 Ernestown, agent *70.00 Operator 70.00 Napance, agent 110.00 Day operator 82.00 Night operator 75.00 Marysville, agent *70.00 Shannonville, agent *70.00 Operator 70.00 Belleville, agent 150.00 (YD) first operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 85.00 (B) first operator 97.00 Second operator 97.00 Third operator 97.00 Fourth operator 97.00 Rideau, agent 75.00 Operator 70.00 Trenton, agent »100.00 Day operator 73.00 Night operator 71.00 Sidney, agent Operator Brighton, agent 87.00 Day operator 73.00 Night operator 71.00 Smithfield, agent Operator Rate per Station and Position. Month. Colborne, agent | 87.00 Day operator 73.00 Night operator 70.00 Grafton, agent •70.00 Cobourg, agent *120.00 Day operator 82.00 Night operator 76.00 Port Hope, agent *110.00 Day operator 80.00 Night operator 77.00 Newtonville, agent ♦70.00 Operator 70.00 Newcastle, agent *78.00 Bowmanville, agent 100.00 Day operator 78.00 Night operator 70.00 Darlington, agent *70.00 Oshawa Jet., agent 100.00 Day operator 77.00 Night operator 75.00 Whitby Jet., agent 81.00 Operator 71.00 Pickering, agent 80.00 Port Union, agent •73.00 Operator 70.00 Scarboro Jet., agent *85.00 Operator 76.00 Madoc, agent 82.00 Madoc Jet., agent •71.00 Operator .• . . . 70.00 Stirling, agent *77.00 Campbellford, agent 110.00 Hastings, agent .^ 87.00 Day operator 71.00 Night operator 71.00 Keene, agent 7 *71.00 Peterboro, agent 150.00 Day operator 87.00 Night operator 77.00 Omemee, agent '71.00 Lindsay, agent 140.00 Operator 92.00 Bethany, agent 76.00 Campbellcrof t, agent 76.00 Millbrook, agent 83.00 Lakefleld, agent 81.00 Kirkfield, agent 70.00 Victoria Road, agent '71. 00 Coboconk, agent '76.00 Fenelon Falls, agent 85.00 Burnt River, agent *71.00 Kinmount, agent 82.00 Gelert, agent *71.00 Haliburton, agent 85.00 Sunderland, agent *71.00 Cannington, agent 80.00 Woodville, agent 76.00 Lorneville Jet., agent *72.00 Day operator 72.00 Night operator 71.00 Beaverton, agent •76.00 Brechin, agent ^71. 00 Uhthoff, agent 76.00 Coldwater, agent •75.00 Waubaushene, agent *96.00 Day operator 72.00 Night operator 71.00 Victoria Harbor, agent 84.00 Midland, agent 175.00 Day operator 80.00 Night operator -. 74.00 Tiffin No. 2, day operator 78.00 Night operator 76.00 Whitby, agent lOlDO Schedules and Wage Scales. 309 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Broolilin, agent $ 76.00 Port Perry, agent *75.00 Seagrave, agent 'TLOO Manilla Jet., agent *71.00 Agincourt, agent 76.00 Unionville, agent 76.00 Markham, agent 81.00 Stouff ville, agent *84.00 Goodwood, agent 76.00 Uxbridge, agent 80.00 Blackwater Jet., agent *77.00 Mariposa, agent *71.00 Mount Albert, agent 76.00 Sutton West, agent '. 76.00 Four relief agents 100.00 OTTAWA DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Lacolle, agent $ 75.00 Henrysburg, agent 75.00 Barrington, agent 75.00 Operator 70.00 Aubrey, agent 77.50 Operator 70.00 St. Louis, agent 75.00 Operator 70.00 Valleyfield, agent *110.00 Day operator 70.00 Night operator 70.00 Coteau, day operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 ^t. Polycarpe, agent 75.00 St. Polycarpe Jet., agent *85.00 Day operator 75.00 Night operator 75.00 Ste. Justine, agent. 75.00 Glen Robert.son, agent 85.00 Operator 70.00 Dalkeith, agent 75.00 Vankleek Hill, agent 80.00 Hawkesbury, agent 110.00 Operator 70.00 Alexandria, agent 105.00 Day operator 72.50 Night operator. 72.50 Greenfield, agent 75.00 Maxville, agent 90.00 Operator 70.00 Moose Creek, agent 77.00 Operator 70.00 Casselman, agent 90.00 Operator 70.00 South Indian, agent 83.00 Operator 70.00 Hammond, agent 75.00 Clarence Creek, agent 75.00 Rockland, agent 90.00 A^'ars, agent 75.00 Carlsbad Springs, agent 75.00 Operator 70.00 Hawthorne, day operator *70.00 Night operator 70.00 Riverside, day operator 71.00 Night operator 71.00 Ottawa (CD), operator 97.50 Operator 97.50 Bank St. Yard, day operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 Chaudiere Jet., operator 70.00 Carp, agent *80.00 Kinburn, agent *77.00 Galetta. agent ♦75.00 Operator 70.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Arnprior, agent $102.00 Operator 70.00 Glasgow, agent *75.00 Renfrew, agent t95.00 Operator 70.00 Caldwell, agent 75.00 Douglass, agent ^75. 00 Eganville, agent *85.00 Operator 72.50 Golden Lake, agent *82.00 Pembroke, agent 107.00 Killaloe, agent ; *82.00 Wilno, agent *75.00 Barrys Bay, agent *85.00 Operator 70.00 Madawaska, agent 125.00 Operator 90.00 Operator 90.00 Whitney, agent *85.00 Operator 70.00 Rock Lake, operator 70.00 Algonquin Park, agent *90.00 Operator 72.50 Joe Lake, agent 75.00 Brule Lake, agent *75.00 Rainy Lake, operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Ravensworth, agent 80.00 Kearney, agent *80.00 Sprucedale, agent 85.00 VSHiitehall, agent 75.00 Edgington, agent *75.00 Operator 70.00 Otter Lake, agent 80.00 Rose Point, agent *75.00 Depot Harbor, day operator 90.00 Night operator 90.00 Two relief agents 100.00 ONTARIO LINES. BARRIR DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Concord, agent '' $ 75.00 Night operator Maple, agent •70.00 Operator 70.00 King, agent *70.00 Aurora, agent 115.00 Night operator 70.00 Newmarket, agent 115.00 Operator 70.00 Holland Landing, agent 75.00 Bradford, agent 100.00 Night operator 70.00 Lefroy, agent *75.00 Craigvale, agent *70.00 Allandale (GO), day operator 90.00 Night operator 90.00 Barrie, agent 115.00 Day operator 72.50 Night operator 70.00 Hawkestone, agent *70.00 Night operator 70.00 Orillia, agent 140.00 Day operator 75.00 Night operator 72.50 Atherly Jet., day operator 72.00 Night operator '. . . 70.00 Longford, agent 90.00 Washago, agent *70.00 310 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Severn, agent ....*$ 70.00 Night operator 70.00 Gravenhurst, agent 125.00 Day operator 72.50 Night operator 72.50 Muskoka Wharf, day operator 72.50 Bracebridge, agent •100.00 Night operator 72.50 Utterson, agent *70.00 Night operator 70.00 Huntsville, agent *115.00 Day operator 72.50 Night operator 72.50 Novar, agent *70.00 Scotia Jet., agent '100.00 Day operator 72.50 Night operator 70.00 Emsdale, agent 75.00 Burks Falls, agent •lOO.OO Night operator 70.00 Sundridge, agent 75.00 South River, agent 90.00 Night operator 72.50 Trout Creek, agent •75.00 Night operator 70.00 Powassen, agent 90.00 Night operator i 70.00 Callander, agent 'GO-OO Night operator 72.00 Milton, agent 95.00 Night operator 70.00 Cheltenham, agent 85.00 Inglewood Jet., agent 85.00 Night operator 70.00 Caledon East, agent 85.00 Palgrave, agent 85.00 Tottenham, agent 85.00 Beeton, agent *80.00 Night operator 70.00 Cookstown, agent 85.00 Thornton, agent 85.00 Colwell Jet., agent •70.00 Angus, agent *85.00 Operator 70.00 Camp Borden, agent 150.00 Day operator 75.00 Night operator 75.00 New Lowell, agent 77.50 Staynor, agent •70.00 Colling-wood, agent •126.00 Day operator 72.50 Night operator 70.00 Thornbury, agent •85.00 Meaford, agent 110.00 Day operator 70.00 Minessing, agent ' *70.00 Phelpston, agent •70.00 Elmvale, agent. ^70.00 Wyebridge, agent 75.00 Wyevale, agent "70.00 Penetang, agent 90.00 Day operator 70.00 Alliston, agent 90.00 Lisle, agent 77.50 Everett, agent 75.00 Glencairn and Avening, agent 75.00 Duntroon, agent 75.00 Creemore, agent 77.50 Glenhuron and Nottawa, agent 75.00 Two relief agents 100.00 TORONTO TERMINALS. Rate per Station and Position. Month. York, agent $105.00 Day operator 80.00 Night operator 80.00 Riverdale, agent 75.00 Don, agent 115.00 Day operator 83.00 Night operator 83.00 Union Station, day operator 95.00 Night operator 95.00 (WH) Office, day operator 100.00 Night operator 100.00 Cabin E, day operator 75.00 Night operator 72.50 Sunnyside, agent 90.00 Day operator 80.00 Night operator 75.00 Canpa, day operator 75.00 Night operator 75.00 Parkdale, agent 115.00 Day operator 85.00 Night operator 77.50 Mimico, agent 104.10 Church St., day operator 77.50 Night operator 77.50 Yard Office, day operator 82.50 Night operator 82.50 Davenport, agent 90.00 West Toronto, agent 140.00 Day operator " 75.00 Night operator 75.00 HAMILTON DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Port Credit, agent $100.00 Day operator 70.00 Night operator , 70.00 Clarksons, agent 75.00 Oakville, agent 100.00 Day operator 70.00 Night operator 70.00 Bronte, agent "70.00 Night operator 70.00 Burlington, agent 75.00 Burlington Jet., agent 100.00 Day operator 77.50 Night operator 75.00 Waterdown, agent ^70.00 Day operator 70.00 Night operator 70.00 Hamilton (King St.), agent 75.00 Hamilton (Stuart St.), first operator.. 95.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Hamilton Jet., day operator 72.50 Night operator 72.50 Junction Cut (16th Dist.), day operator 72.50 Night operator 72.50 Hagersville, agent 75.00 Day operator 73.00 Stoney Creek, agent 75.00 Night operator 70.00 Winona, agent 105.00 Grimsby, agent 75.00 Night operator 70.00 Beamsville, agent *75.00 Vineland, agent 75.00 Jordan, agent ^70.00 Night operator 70.00 St Catherines, agent •120.00 Day operator 80.00 Night operator 76.00 Merritton, agent *90.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 311 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Welland Canal, day operator. $ Night operator Port Dalhousie, agent *79.29 Thorold, agent 125.00 Day operator 70.00 Night operator 70.00 Port Colborne, agent 125.00 Day operator 77.00 Night operator 75.00 One relief agent 100.00 STRATFORD DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. "Weston, agent ♦$ 95.00 Day operator 75.00 Malton, agent 80.00 Brampton, agent 105.00 Day operator 75.00 Night operator 70.00 Norval, agent *75.00 Georgetown, agent 90.00 Day operator 85.00 Night operator 75.00 Limehouse, agent *70.00 Acton West, agent 80.00 Day operator 80.00 Night operator 70.00 Rockwood, agent 80.00 Night operator 70.00 Guelph, agent 142.00 Day operator 85.00 Night operator 70.00 Guelph Jet., day operator 70.00 Night operator 70.00 Breslau, agent *75.00 Kitchener, agent 142.00 Day operator 85.00 Night operator 70.00 Blair, agent 75.00 Doon, agent 75.00 Gait (15th Dist.), day operator 70.00 Waterloo, agent 110.00 Day operator 70.00 St. Jacobs, agent *75.00 Elmlra, agent 'gO-OO Petersburg, agent *75.00 Baden, agent ♦80.00 Day operator 70.00 New Hamburg, agent 80.00 Day operator " 70.00 Night operator 70.00 Shakespeare, agent •75.00 Stratford, agent 142.00 First operator 95.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 St. Pauls, agent •75.00 St. Mary's, agent 115.00 St. Mary's .Jet., day operator 75.00 Night operator 70.00 Granton, agent ^75.00 Lucan, agent 80.00 Ailsa Craig, agent •73.00 Night operator Park Hill, agent •75.00 Day operator 70.00 Thedford, agent t73.00 Day operator 70.00 Forest, agent 85.00 Night operator Capilachie, agent 80.00 Eilackwell, agent. 75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Thorndale, agent $ 80.00 Night operator Branch ton, agent *70.00 Gait (22nd Dist.), agent 125^.00 Day operator 75.00 Night operator 70.00 Preston, agent *100.00 Hespeler, agent 98.00 Elora, agent 100.00 Fergus, agent 100.00 Alma, agent •70.00 Goldstone, agent *70.00 Drayton, agent •80.00 Moorefleld, agent 75.00 Palmerston, agent *123.00 Day operator 90.00 Night operator 75.00 Harriston, agent 105.00 Day operator 70.00 Clifford, agent 80.00 Mildmay, agent 80.00 Walkerton, agent 105.00 Cargill, agent 75.00 Pinkerton, agent 75.00 Paisley, agent 80.00 Pt. Elgin, agent •75.00 Southampton, agent 100.00 Ayton, agent 75.00 Mt. Forest, agent 85.00 Holstein, agent 80.00 Durham, agent 85.00 Neustadt, agent 80.00 Hanover, agent 85.00 Day operator 70.00 Elmwood, agent 75.00 Chesley, agent 85.00 Operator 70.00 Allenf ord, agent 80.00 Tara, agent 80.00 Parkhead Jet., agent 80.00 Owen Sound, agent *110.00 Day operator 75.00 Night operator 70.00 Hepworth, agent 75.00 Wiarton, agent 100.00 Day operator 75.00 Milverton, agent 80.00 Newton, agent 75.00 Listowell, agent 105.00 Day operator 70.00 Gowanstown, agent *70.00 Atwood. agent *70.00 Ethel, agent *70.00 Brussels, agent 85.00 Bluevale, agent 75.00 Wingham, agent 105.00 Day operator 70.00 Whitechurch, agent 75.00 Lucknow, agent 90.00 Ripley, agent 80.00 Kincardine, agent 100.00 Shallow Lake, agent *75.00 Three relief agents x. 100.00 LONDON DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Junction Cut (17th Dist.), day opr $ 72.50 Night operator 72.50 Dunda.s, agent 100.00 Day operator 76.00 Night operator 71.00 Copetown, agent •SO.OO Night operator 72.00 312 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Lynden, agent *$ 75.00 Lyndcn Jet., day operator 80.00 Night operator 80.00 Alford, day operator 75.00 Night operator 70.00 Harrisburg, agent.' t87.00 Day operator 77.00 Night operator 72.50 St. George, agent *75.00 Dumfries, day operator 75.00 Night operator 70.00 Paris, agent 80.00 Paris Jet., agent tlOO.OO Day operator 82.00 Night operator 75.00 Princeton, agent t75.00 Night operator 70.00 Eastwood, agent t73.00 Woodstock, agent 'US. 00 Day operator 82.00 Night operator 80.00 Beachville, agent 85.00 Ingersoll, agent 110.00 Day operator 80.00 Night operator 72.50 Dorchester, agent *77.00 Night operator 70.00 Ix)ndon East, agent 85.00 Night operator 80.00 London (W), first operator 97.00 Second operator 92.00 Third operator 92.00 Fourth operator 87.00 Fifth operator 87.00 Hyde Park, agent 77.00 Night operator 70.00 Strathroy, agent tlOO.OO Da y operator 80.00 Night operator .-f 74.00 Kerwood, agent *75.00 Watford, agent 80.00 Day operator 80.00 Kingscourt Jet., agent 77.00 Night operator 70.00 Wanstead, agent. t75.00 Wyoming, agent *75.00 Night operator 71.00 Petrolia, agent 110.00 Day operator 77.00 Sarnia, Tnl., day operator 85.00 Night operator 80.00 Sarnia, agent *130.00 Pt. Edward, agent 115.00 Mandaumin, agent *70.00 Komoka, agent *80.00 Nigiit operator 75.00 Mt. Brydges, agent *75.00 Longwood, agent *72.00 Appin, agent 77.00 Alvinston, agent 85.00 Buffalo (River St.), agent 14t).00 Operator 88.00 Ridgeway, agent 85.00 Night operator 72.00 Dunnville, agent tlOO.OO Day operator 80.00 Night operator 75!00 Canfleld, agent t75.00 Caledonia, agent 105.00 Day operator. 80.00 Night operator 73.00 Onondaga, agent 77.00 Brantford, day operator 90.00 Night operator 85.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Block B, operator $ 80.00 D.rumbo, agent *80.00 Night operator Bright, agent ; fSO.OO Tavistock, agent 'SO.OO Day operator - 70.00 Sebringville, agent ^72. 00 Mitchell, agent *85.00 Dublin, agent 80.00 Seaf orth, agent 'SS.OO Operator 73.50 Clinton, agent *95.00 Operator 73.50 Goderich, agent tll5.00 Day operator 80.00 Night operator 75.00 Burford, agent 85.00 Harley, agent 75.00 Norwich (B. & T.), agent 85.00 Springford, agent *72.00 Tillsonburg, agent •. . 95.00 Operator 77.00 Hickson, agent 77.00 Burgessville, agent ; 77.00 Norwich (21st Dist.j, agent 85.00 Norwich Jet., operator 72.00 Otterville, agent 77.00 Simcoe, operator 80.00 Pt. Dover, agent 77.00 Vittoria, agent *72.00 St. Williams, agent *72.00 Pt. Rowan, agent ♦72.00 Ilderton, agent t77.00 Denfleld, agent 77.00 Clandeboye, agent 77.00 Centralia, agent 83.00 Hensall, agent 80.00 Exeter, agent 100.00 Operator 72.00 Kippen, agent '72.00 Brucefield, agent 77.00 Londesboro, agent 77.00 Blythe, agent 80.00 Belgrave, agent 77.00 Three relief agents 100.00 ST. THOMAS DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Windsor, agent •'$130.00 Day operator 90.00 Night operator 82.00 Walkerville, agent 115.00 Teeumseh, agent 79.00 Belle River, agent 79.00 Night operator 70.00 Stoney Point, agent 79.00 .Teanettes Creek, agent 79.00 Chatham, agent 120.00 Day operator 84.00 Night operator 75.00 P. M. Tower, day operator 70.00 Night operator 70.00 Northwood, agent 79.00 Thamesville, agent 83.00 Night operator 70.00 Bothwell, agent •77.00 Night operator. 70.00 Newbury, agent t79.00 Glencoe, agent t95.00 Day operator 80.00 Night operator 75.00 Ekfrid. agent 77.00 Middlemiss, agent 77.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 313 Rate per Station and Position. Month. I.«.wrence, ag^ent *$ 74.00 Night operator 71.00 Paynes, day operator 71.00 Night operator 71.00 St. Thomas, agent 130.00 Day operator 90.00 Day operator 90.00 Night operator 95.00 New Sarum, agent 79.00 Night operator 71.00 Aylmer, agent t90.00 Day operator 75.00 Night operator 71.00 Corinth, agent. *74.00 Night operator Tillsonburg Jet., day operator 71.00 Tillsonburg, agent 80.00 Night operator 71.00 Courtland, agent 79.00 Delhi, agent *85.00 Day operator 75.00 Night operator 71.00 Nixon, agent 83.00 Night operator 72.00 Simcoe. agent 105.00 Day operator .-r.. 75.00 Night operator 72.00 Renton, agent 79.00 Jarvis, agent t85.00 Day operator 75.00 Night operator 71.00 Nelles Corners, agent 80.00 Night operator 71.00 Cayuga, agent *85.00 Night operator 71.00 Canfield Jet., agent 79.00 Night operator 71.00 Darling Road, agent 79.00 Moulton, agent 79.00 Night operator 71.00 Mar.shville, agent t76.00 Night operator 71.00 Welland Jet., agent *85,00 Day operator 78.00 Night operator 77.00 Welland, agent tl20.00 Day operator 78.00 Pt. Robinson, agent 84.00 Night operator 71.00 Niagara Falls, chief opr. (joint W.U.) 87.00 Operator (joint W. U.) 62.00 Operator (joint W.U.) 80.00 Night operator 92.00 Stevensville, agent 80.00 Night operator 71.00 (H) Office, day operator 71.00 Night operator 71.00 Port Erie, day operator 84.00 Night operator 84.00 Black Rock, first operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Relief Agents (two) 100.00 WESTERN LINES. CHICAGO DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Goodells, agent $76.00 Emmett, agent 85.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Capac, agent $105.00 Second operator' 85.00 Third operator 75.00 Imlay City, agent ^... 105.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 77.50 Attica, agent 76.00 Lapeer, agent 105.00 First operator 90.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 80.00 Elba, agent 82.50 Davison, agent 95.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 77.50 Belsay, agent. 82.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 77.50 Flint, agent 150.00 First operator 95.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Otterburn, agent 75.00 Swartz Creek, agent 90.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 77.50 Duffield, agent 75.00 Lennon, agent " 76.00 Flushing, agent 95.00 First operator 75.00 Brent Creek, agent 75.00 Montrose, agent 75.00 Burt, agent 75.00 Saginaw, first, operator 85.00 Second operator 80.00 Bay City (Old Stn.), first operator 80.00 Second operator 80.00 Bay City, first operator 75.00 Second operator 72.50 Bancroft, agent 80.00 Morrice, agent 75.00 Second operator 70.00 Third operator 70.00 Perry, agent 90.00 Day operator ' 80.00 Shaftsburg, agent 76.00 Haslett, agent 75.00 Trowbridge, agent (joint P. M.) 55.00 Day operator (joint P. M.) 45.00 Lansing, agent 150.00 First operator. 95.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Millett, agent 75.00 Potterville, agent 80.00 Charlotte, agent, 115.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Olivet, agent 85.00 Bellevue, agent 105.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator ^ 80.00 Third operator 75.00 Nichols, first operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Battle Creek, day chief operator 100.00 Night chief operator 95.00 First operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 314 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Climax, agent $ 85.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 70.00 Scotts, agent 85.00 Kalamazoo, operator 80.00 Pavilion, agent 76.00 Vicksburg, agent (joint G. R. & I.>... 60.00 First operator (joint G. R. & I.).. 45.00 Second operator (joint G. R. & L) 43.75 Third operator (joint G. R. & L).. 43.75 Schoolcraft, agent 85.00 First operator 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 73.00 Marcellus, agent 100.00 First operator 80.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 70.00 Wakelee, agent 76.00 Penn, agent 76.00 Cassopolis, agent 100.00 First operator 80.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 75.00 Edwardsburg, agent 85.00 Granger, agent 95.00 First operator 75.00 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 70.00 Mishawaka, agent 115.00 Day operator 85.00 Studebaker, prst operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 South Bend, day operator 90.00 Night operator 80.00 Olivers, first operator and clerk 93.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Vandalia Jet., operator 70.00 Crumstown, agent 75.00 Mill Creek, agent 75.00 Kingsbury, agent 75.00 Stillwell, agent (joint L. E. & W.) 80.00 Operator (joint L. E. & W.) 52.50 Union Mills, agent 75.00 Haskells, agent (joint Monon) 62.50 Operator (joint Monon) 55.00 Valparaiso, agent 110.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 80.00 Sedley, agent Ssloo Second operator 80.00 Third operator 77.50 Ainsworth, agent 75.00 Lottaville, agent *75.00 Griffith, agent 110.00 First operator. 85.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 75.00 C. T. & S. Crossing, agent 90.00 Oak Glen, agent 80.00 Thornton Jet., agent *9o!oO First operator (joint C. & B. I.).. 55.00 Second operator (joint C. & E. I.) 55.00 Third operator (joint C. & E. I.).. 55.00 Harvey, agent 135.00 Day operator 85.00 Blue Island, agent 140.00 ^First operator 95.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 85.00 Mt. Greenwood, agent ♦70.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Evergreen Park, agent $ 85.00 Chicago Lawn, agent *70.00 Elsdon, first operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Ashland Ave., agent 85.00 Halsted St., agent 85.00 Chicago (WH), opr. and D. P. A 105.00 Operator and A. D. P. A 95.00 Relief ajgents (four) 100.00 DETROIT DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Detroit, Brush St., operator $95.00 (MU), operator 85.00 Gratiot Ave., agent 77.50 West Detroit, first operator 77.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 75.00 16th St., first operator 77.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator , .. 75.00 Highland Park, agent 85.00 Ford Jet., first operator 80.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 77.50 Royal Oak, agent 97.50 First operator 80.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 75.00 Birmingham, agent 92.50 First operator 77.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 75.00 Pontiac, first operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 80.00 Drayton Plains, agent 82.50 Waterford, agent 87.50 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 70.00 Clarkston, agent 90.00 Davisburg, agent 82.50 Holly, agent 95.00 First operator 77.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 75.00 Fenton, agent 105.00 Day operator 80.00 Linden, agent , *80.00 Second operator 72.50 Third operator 70.00 Gaines, agent ♦80.00 Durand, day chief operator 110.00 Night chief operator 100.00 First relay operator ' 95.00 Second relay operator 95.00 Third relay operator 95.00 Fourth relay operator 95.00 First train operator 92.50 Second train operator 92.50 Third train operator 92.50 Vernon, agent 82.50 Corunna, agent 90.00 Owosso, agent 130.00 First operator 80.00 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 72.50 Ovid, agent .' 87.50 Day operator 72.50 Shepardsville, agent 77.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 315 Rate per Station and Position. Month. St. Johns, agent $110.00 First operator 77.50 Second operator • • • •, 77.50 Third operator 75.00 Fowler, agent 82.50 Pewamo, agent *75.00 Day operator 72.50 Muir, agent 77.50 Ionia, agent 125.00 First operator 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 72.50 Saranac, agent 90.00 Lowell, agent 90.00 First operator 77.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 72.50 Ada, agent 80.00 Grand Rapids (RA), first operator 80.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 (GR), first operator 90.00 Second operator 85.00 Berlin, agent 75.00 Coopersville. agent 85.00 Day operator 72.50 Nunica, agent 75.00 Spring Lake, agent 77.50 Ferrysburg, agent 85.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 72.50 Grand Haven, day operator 82.50 Pompei, agent 75.00 Perrinton, agent 75.00 Middleton, agent 85.00 Carson City, agent 90.00 Butternut, agent 77.50 Vickeryville, agent 75.00 Sheridan, agent 75.00 Greenville, agent 125.00 Day operator 77.50 Harvard, agent 75.00 Cedar Springs, agent 80.00 Sparta, agent 80.00 Gooding, agent 75.00 Slocum, agent 75.00 Muskegon, agent 125.00 Day operator 85.00 Port Huron (HR), first operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 16th Street, first operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Ft. Gratiot, day operator 75.00 fTY), first operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Smith Creek, agent , 75.00 Richmond, agent *100.00 First operator 80.00 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 75.00 New Haven, agent *75.00 Chesterfield, agent (joint) *50.00 , Day operator 37.50 Mt. Clemens, agent *100.00 First operator 80.00 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 75.00 Fraser, agent *75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Gillen Yd., first operator $ 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Oxford, agent , 95.00 Leonard, agent 75.00 Dryden, agent 75.00 Lum, agent 75.00 Kings Mills, agent 75.00 North Branch, agent 92.50 Clifford, agent 82.50 Kingston, agent 82.50 Wilmot, agent 80.00 Deford, agent 77.50 Cass City, agent 100.00 Day operator 75.00 Gagetown, agent 82.50 Owendale, agent (joint) 50.00 Day operator (joint) 35.00 Pigeon, agent .' 85.00 Caseville, agent 75.00 Bad Axe, agent 90.00 Day operator 72.00 Armada, agent 75.00 Pcomeo, agent 85.00 Washington, agent 75.00 Rochester, agent 85.00 Orchard Lake, agent 75.00 Walled Lake, agent 75.00 Wixom, agent (joint p. m.) 40.00 Day operator (joint p. m.) 35.00 New Hudson, agent 75-00 South Lyon, agent 80.00 Hamburg, agent 77.50 Pinckney, agent 75.00 Gregory, agent 75.00 Stockbridge, agent 85.00 Munith, agent 75.00 Jackson, agent 115.00 First operator B5.00 Second operator 72.00 Four relief agents..^ 100.00 HOWARD G. KBLLEY, Vice-President. RULINGS AND INTERPRETATIONS. ARTICLE I. Telephone operators in charge of switch- boards or who do not transmit train orders or messages are not to be considered telegraphers. ARTICLE II. Clause (a). The intention of the fifth liaragraph of this clause is to permit any telegrapher who accepts appointment to any officia) position in the company's service, or to a train dispatcher's position to retain his seniority in the ranks of telegraphers, to l)e exercised at any time that he may be reduced to a telegrapher's position, but not to be exercised while holding such other position. ARTICLE XV. Clause (a) oX this article provides for a ten -hour work day in the first paragraph and a nine-hour work day in the second paragraph. Overtime and extra pay for Sunday work should be based on the above working day. Clause (b). The intention of this clause is to allow telegraphers a full hour for meal, 316 Schedules and Wage Scales. and if relieved for such purpose at any time within the two-hour period beginning with the close of the fourth hour's service and ending with the close of the sixth hour, and given sixty consecutive minutes for his meal, overtime will not be claimed. Example: If the assigned hours of serv- ice are from 7:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m., and a telegrapher is relieved for a meal be- tween 11:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m., and al- lowed sixty consecutive minutes, the inten- tion has been fulfilled. If relieved at 12:30 p. m. and required to return at 1:00 p. m., one hour overtime will be paid. But if not required to return until 1:30 p. m., he will not be entitled to overtime. ARTICLE XVL Clause (b) provides that overtime will be paid for actual time worked, computed to the nearest five minutes, the rate per hour to be based on the salary named in the schedule of wages pro rated on a twenty- six day month, but where the salary is not in excess of $91.00 per month, the rate per hour will be thirty-five (35) cents. WTiere the salary is in excess of $91.00 per month, the rate of overtime will be ar- rived at by dividing the salary by twenty- six and the result by the number of hours in the working day of the position, as fol- lows: Salary $95.00, divided by 26 equals 3.653, which is the rate per day. 3.653 divided by 10 equals .365 or 36% cents per hour for ten-hour work day. "Where the minimum rate of thirty-five (35) cents applies, the rate for a five- minute period will be three (3) cents, and where the rate exceeds thirty- five (35) cents per hour, such rate divided by twelve (12) will give the rate for each five-minute period. ARTICLE XVIL The hours of service for Sunday will be the same as the assigned week day hours, and begin with the hour the day or first trick man goes on duty on Sunday morn- ing, and to end with the close of the last trick. If it be a continuously operated of- fice, the day would close as does a week day the following morning at the end of the night trick. For example, the hours of service for day mah are 7:00 a. m. to 7:00 p. m., and the night man from 7:00 p. m. to 7:00 a. m., and the day beginning at 7:00 a. m. In the first instance ends at 7:00 a. m. in the second instance, completing a continuous trick in each case of twelve (12) consecutive hours. AVhen a telegrapher is called for Sunday duty within these assigned week day hours. he will receive the rate for a call of thirty- five (35) cents, for which he must, If re- quired, perform one hour's service. When a telegrapher is called for duty on Sunday outside his assigned week day hours, he will receive the rate of fifty (50) cents for each call, which will, if necessary, cover one hour's service; if he be required longer than one hour, he will then be paid over- time as per clause (b) of Article XVI. In circumstances where telegraphers are lequired to remain close at hand all day Sunday on account of calls being spread over the whole day, they will be paid for a whole day, and where under the same cir- cumstances, they are obliged to remain close at hand for half a day, they will be paid half a day. That is to say, if a telegrapher is required to come on duty two or three times in the forenoon, and is free in the afternoon, he will be paid for the half day, while if he is required three or more times during the entire day, he is to be paid one day pro rated on regular salary. The rate for a call on Sunday is to apply only in cases where a full day is not worked, but in cases where regular Sunday work is performed, the same as a regular week day, the pay for such work will be based pro rata on schedule salary and twenty-six days per month. It is not the intention that extra pay for Sunday be allowed to exclusive agents who may come around to their stations on Sun- day, except when they are called by proper authority, or have regularly assigned Sun- day hours. ARTICLE XIX. Regular relief agents' positions are shown in the wage scale and are to be bulletined. It is understood that when the number of I'egular relief agents employed on any divi- sion is not sufficient to meet the require- ments, that extra relief agents will be ap- pointed in accordance with the rule and at times of the year when all the regular relief agents may not be needed, a tem- porary reduction may be made, but in most cases it is expected that work will be pro- vided for them. The headquarters of relief agents will be named by the officer in charge of them, and they will be advised of same. In case a relief agent holds a permanent position on the line, such place will be considered as his headquarters. , The foregoing rules, interpetations and lates of pay have been agreed to, and are to remain in effect subject to thirty (30) days' notice given by either party desiring a change. HOWARD G. KELLEY, Vice-President. Schedules and Wage Scales. 317 Grand Trunk Pacific Railway (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1917.) The following rules and wages will govern rhe telegraphers on the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway: When additional telegraphers' positions are created, compensation will be fixed in conformity with that for positions of the same class as shown by this schedule. ARTICLE I. All employes assigned by the proper authority to railway telegraph or railway telephone service of any character or dura- tion, also the station agents incorporated in the accompanying schedule of wages, will l)e considered telegraphers within the mean- ing of this schedule, excepting the statiop agents at the following places, viz.: Win- nipeg, Portage la Prairie, Rivers, Melville, ^Yatrous, Saskatoon, Biggar, Wainwright, Edmonton, Bdson, Jasper, McBride, Prince George, Endako, Smithers, Pacific, Prince Rupert, Regina, Moose Jaw and Calgary; but it is tmderstood that any telegrapher in the employ of the company shall be entitled to apply and eligible for appointment at these stations whenever vacant if possessing the necessary qualifications. ARTICLE II. .(a) The right of promotion of telegra- phers, except train dispatchers, will extend over each superintendent's district, and will be governed by merit and ability; where these are sufficient the senior telegrapher will be given preference; superintendent to be the judge; provided, that telegraphers, except train dispatchers, of not less than two years' service will on application be transferred from one superintendent's dis- trict to another within thirty days of such application, and when so transferred will be allowed seniority on new district to the extent of three-fourths of their length of service. In such case the telegrapher mak- ing the transfer will take his place on the extra list, and will have "the right to file into bulletined positions as per clause (c) hereof. A telegrapher applying for a trans- fer will be given a transfer certificate, showing his length of service, and the capacity in which he has been employed, which will be his authority for claiming his seniority on the district to which he is transferring. Transfer certificates will not be valid un- less filed with the superintendent of the district to which transfer is being made within thirty days from the date of issue. (b) A telegrapher's seniority will date from the time he last entered the service as a telegrapher. (c) All vacancies and permanent appoint- ments, including the stations named in Article I, and excepted therefrom, will be immediately bulletined by a "23" message over the superintendent's district. Wlien vacancies in jKDsitions are bulletined, the bulletin will state the rate of compensation. Applications for vacancies must be made within tep days from the date of bulletin. A telegrapher declining to accept promo- tion in any instance does not forfeit his rights to the same or any other position he may be entitled to under seniority when a vacancy occurs. A telegrapher on leave of absence when a vacancy occurs will not be debarred from claiming position and re- ceiving appointment on resuming duty, if entitled to it. A vacancy will be filled within thirty days after it occurs by the appointment of the man entitled to it. When a vacancy occurs the superintendent will fill the same by ap- pointing the senior inan who, in his opinion is entitled to the position, but that will not prevent any telegrapher senior to the man so appointed claiming his rights under clause (a) hereof to the position, provided he files his protest within ten days after the appointment has been bulletined as above. (d) Telegraphers in the employ will be given preference in filling vacancies or open- ings on extension or new lines, their appli- cations to be endorsed by the superintend- ent of the district on which applicant is employed. (e) In case of reduction in the number of telegraphers employed, the senior telegra- phers on their respective superintendent's district will be retained, in preference to telegraphers junior to them, merit and ability been sufficient. (f) A complete list of all telegralphers on each superintendent's district showing their standing, will be kept on file in the respec- tive train dispatching offices, open to in- spection by all telegraphers concerned. This list will be subject to correction on proper representation from any telegrapher, and a copy of it up to date will be furnished the general chairman at the beginning of each year. (g) Telegraphers will have the preference to any position incorporated in the wage schedule, and any telegrapher's position sub- sequently added in accordance with the preamble, and also to any new telegrapher's positions created by the absorption of other lines, or the construction of new lines, when vacancies occur in such positions. (h) Telegraphers promoted to official posi- tions with the company will retain their seniority according to the class from which promoted. But the right to return to a telegrapher's position shall be subject to the approval of the superintendent. (i) The right of promotion of train dis- • patchers will extend over each general su- perintendent's district, and will be governed by merit and ability. These being sufficient, the senior train dispatcher will have the preference. The order of promotion of train dispatch- ers will be from senior relieving to trick dispatcher. The seniority of a train dis- patcher will date from the time he was appointed a trick dispatcher. A train dispatcher vidll retain his seniority standing in the ranks of agents and operators. 318 Schedules and Wage Scales. Relieving train dispatchers will be ap- pointed from their respective superintend- ent's district, if available, in accordance with clause (c) of this article, and will be allowed sufficient time, without pay, to learn the work of train dispatching under a regular trick dispatcher, such time not to exceed two weeks, and they wiil remain on such district until they have received promo- tion to a steady trick, which may be claimed at any office at which a vacancy occurs. All vacancies and permanent appointments in dispatchers' positions, or new dispatchers' positions created, will be immediately ad- vertised over the general superintendent's district. Application must be made within ten days from date of bulletin and vacancy filled within thirty days after it occurs, by the appointment of the dispatcher entitled to it. If a train dispatcher's position is abolished, he will be entitled to the position held by the junior permanently located dis- patcher. ARTICLE in. No telegrapher shall be suspended, except for investigation, or discharged until his case has been investigated, and he has been proven guilty of the offence charged; the decision in such case to be arrived at within ten days of the date of suspension. If a telegrapher be found blameless, he will be reinstated and paid at schedule wages for the time lost, and will be reimbursed reason- able expenses if away from home in such case. If detained more than ten days at company's instance awaiting decision, he will be paid schedule wages for all time lost in excess of ten days, regardless of decision reached. " A telegrapher may have the as- sistance of another telegrapher during the investigation, should he so desire. A writ- ten statement setting forth the evidence taken, and result of investigation if deter- mined against the telegrapher, will be fur- nished by the company to the local board of adjustment, on written consent of the telegrapher or telegraphers affected. ARTICLE IV. Lack of facilities and conveniences will be taken into consideration in locating teleg- raphers, but only when this can be done without infringing on the rights of their seniors in the service. ARTICLE V. Telegraphers serving on boards of adjust- ment representing tel-egraphers will be re- lieved without unnecessary delay, not to exceed fifteen days, and will be furnished free transportation for such purposes. ARTICLE VL Telegraphers will be granted free trans- portation and leave of absence to attend their meetings, but such free transportation will not extend over three hundred miles, and leave of absence will not exceed two days, and will only be granted when it will not interfere with the service, and when the company will not be put to any expense thereby. ARTICLE VIL When a telegrapher is transferred by or- der of the proper officer, he will suffer no loss of wages in consequence, j and will be allowed reasonable time, not to exceed six days, without pay, to arrange shipment of household goods. ARTICLE VIII. Telegraphers attending courts or investi- gations at company's instance will be al- lowed expenses, not to exceed $2.00 per day when away from home, and schedule wages in addition; witness fees and mileage to be a.^signed to the company. ARTICLE IX. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy, nor will a telegrapher teach telegraphy on the company's premises with- , out the permission of superintendent. ARTICLE X. Telegraphers required to work at wrecks, washouts, and slides during inclement weather will, when possible, be provided with shelter, and be paid necessary ex- penses when away from home. ARTICLE XI. A telegrapher securing employment with the company, will, as soon as practicable, have returned to him all service cards and letters of recommendation which have been taken up by the company, except any pre- viously issued by the company. ARTICLE XII. A telegrapher leaving the service of the company will, on written request, be fur- nished with a written statement to the proper officer, stating term or terms of service, capacities in which employed, and whether discharged or leaving on his own accord. If discharged, cause of dismissal will be stated. If detained more than ten days awaiting such statement, he will be paid scheduled wages for all time in excess of ten days. Unless otherwise requested, this statement will be mailed to the teleg- rapher at the place of last employment. ARTICLE XIIL Telegraphers will be exempt from shovel- ing snow, sifting coal, ashes, handling gov- ernment mail and cutting or piling wood. ARTICLE XIV. At stations where the dwelling is intended for the use of the agent, he will be allowed the exclusive use thereof, unless he elects to reside elsewhere. The company will forego rent wliich has been previously charged telegraphers for use of the station building, on the distinct understanding that stations occupied by telegraphers must be kept clean without any extra expense to the company. A telegrapher occupying the company's dwelling, who is dismissed from the serv- ice, will be allowed to remain in dwefiing until he has been paid all moneys due him by the company. The company will keep its dwelling in good repair. Occupants will be required to keep dwellings and surround- ings clean, and will pay for necessary re- pairs other than those due to ordinary wear ■ and tear. Schedules and Wage Scales. 319 The company shall provide comfortable and satisfactory accommodation at all sta- tions where a telegrapher is employed, with all reasonable dispatch, for his exclusive use. ARTICLE XV. Telegraphers, except dispatchers, required to work on Sunday, will be paid extra pro rates on schedule salary for such service, based on twenty-six days per month, less than thirty minutes not to count; thirty minutes or over to count one hour; with a minimum compensation of 30 cents for each call, for each one hour's service shall, if required, be rendered. Telegraphers shall be required to handle commercial messages on Sunday only dur- ing hours required for railway service, ex- cept on agreement. Telegraphers required for Sunday duty, other than attendance on regular passenger trains, will be notified the previous day, when possible, and will be allowed 50 cents a call on Sunday when required to meet a regular passenger train due within their assigned hours for week-day service. Regular trick dispatchers will be allowed two days off duty each month (preferably Sundays), or will receive in lieu thereof extra compensation pro rata based on twenty-six days per month. ARTICLE XVT. If telegraphers are required to attend switch or semaphore lamps they will re- ceive $4.00 per month for six or less such lamps, and 50 cents per month for each addi- tional switch or semaphore lamp. Nothing in this article will relieve telegraphers from their responsibilities under the rules. Telegraphers will keep train order signal lamps in good condition, and lighted when required, without extra compensation. ARTICLE XVII. Telegraphers who attend pumping en- gines or windmills will be paid $10.00 per month for attending to pumping engines and windmills, and $5.00 per month for at- tending to windmills only. ARTICLE XVIII. A telegrapher required to leave his perma- nent location to do relief work temporarily will, without change in salary, be allowed all necessary expenses on production of receipts. Other telegraphers doing relief work, ex- cept regular relieving telegraphers, will be paid the same wages, without expenses, as the telegraphers they relieve, provided the wages are not less than their own. ARTICLE XIX. (a) Telegraphers handling commercial telegraph business will be paid 10 per cent on all business to and from offices reached by the Grand Trunk Pacific Telegraph Com- p.i.ny's lines and 5 per cent on all business with connecting lines checked direct. (b) The income accruing to a station from telegraph commissions will be equitably di- vided between telegraphers performing the service, and the agent will be entitled to one- third the total amount. (c> Telegraphers handling Canadian ex- press business will be paid the following commissions: Offices in Alberta and British Columbia, S^ per cent; on through business, 214 P«r cent; offices in Manitoba and Sas- katchewan, 9 per cent; on through business, 2% per cent. ARTICLE XX. (a) At offices where two or less teleg- raphers are employed, eleven consecutive hours, including meal hour, shall constitute a day's work. At offices where more than two operators are employed, not more than ten consecutive hours' service, including meal hour, or at the company's option, e'ght consecutive hours, without meal hour, will constitute a day's work. Except, in cases of emergency, telegraphers will be allowed eight hours' consecutive rest per day. The hours of duty of all agents included in this schedule will commence betveen 6:00 a. m. and 8:30 a. m. (b) Telegraphers working nine hours or more will be allowed sixty consecutive min- utes for a meal, either between 7:00 a. m. and 9:00 a. m., or 12:00 and 2:30 p. m., or 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m., or between mid- night and 2:30 a. m., or receive in lieu thereof one hour overtime; provided that a day telegrapher working eleven hours will be allowed meal hour between 12:00 noon and 2:30 p. m. This will not apply to serv- ice rendered the express and telegraph com- panies. (c) Overtime will be computed pro rates on schedule wages, based on twenty- six days per month, but In no case at less than 30 cents per hour (less than thirty minutes not to count; thirty minutes or over to count one hour) except that telegraphers regularly required to remain on duty after regular hours, if detained fifteen minutes will be allowed one hour's overtime for the first hour or any portion thereof. (d) If a telegrapher is called before or after office hours, he will be allowed 50 cents, which will cover one hour's service. If kept on duty more than one hour, overtime therafter will be allowed as per clause (a), except when a telegrapher residing in a company's dwelling is required to attend a scheduled train due at his station within three hours of duty, he will receive 30 cents for the first hour of duty or any portion thereof, and thereafter overtime as per clause (c). (e) The regular hours of duty will be .specified by the trainmaster to all teleg- raphers. If required for service outside these hours, telegraphers will be given an official order as authority, and excused in the same manner. (f) Overtime will not be allowed unless overtime tickets are mailed to the proper officer within forty-eight hours from the time service is performed. If overtime claimed is not allowed, telegraphers will be notified within fifteen days, with reasons. Telegraphers will number overtime tickets consecutively each month. (g) Eight consecutive hours' train dis- patching, and time required to make trans- fer will constitute a day's work for trick dispatchers, except at Regina and Biggar, 320 SCHEDULEB AND WaGE ScALES. where- twelve hours will constitute a day's work until otherwise arranged. ARTICLE XXI. If a telegrapher considers himself over- taxed, his statement to that effect to the proper officer will be carefully considered, and, if well founded, relief will be granted. ARTICLE XXII. When the handling of express and tele- graph business, for which a commission is allowed, is withdrawn from any telegrapher, the wages will be adjusted to conform to that of similar stations in that locality where such work is not performed by them. ARTICLE XXin. When a telegrapher is assigned to a posi- tion, and is found incompetent thereof after a fair trial, he may be removed therefrom, and will take his place on the extra list, retaining his seniority rights, but this does not apply to a case where the telegrapher is dismissed, or removed for neglect or de- fault. ARTICLE XXIII- A. After one years' service regular train dis- patchers will be allowed three weeks' leave of absence each year with full pay. Other telegraphers who have been in the employ of the company four or more consecutive years, will be allowed two weeks' leave of absence with full pay. If the company find it inconvenient to grant leave of absence during any year to a telegrapher entitled to it under this rule, the telegrapher shall at his option, receive either compensation at his regular salary for the period, or in the next year additional leave of absence for a like period. Applications for leave of ab- sence filed in January of each year will be given preference in the order of seniority of applicants, and applicants will be advised in February of dates allotted to them. Jan- uary applicants will have preference over later applicants, and applicants over the thirtieth of September will not be entitled to salary compensation if the company is un- able to relieve them in that year. The com- pany will, as far as practicable, relieve all applicants during the summer season when .'lo desired. ARTICLE XXIII-B. Applications for revision of schedule may be made direct to the general superin- tendent. ARTICLE XXIV. The minimum monthly wages shall be as follows : ~' Telegraphers, who are agents $ 80.00 Operators 75.00 Relieving agents 81.00 Relieving agents to be allo,wed 50 cents per day expenses when away from home. The rates of pay for train dispatchers shall be as follows: First year $141.00 Second year 147.00 Third year 160.00 Relief 130.00 Relief dispatchers who have one year's cumulative service as such will take the salary rating of a first year regular trick dispatcher. Relief dispatchers will receive 50 cents per da>' expenses while away from headquarters. ARTICLE XXV. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Pembina Highway, agent $ 87.00 Day operator 75.00 Night operator 77.00 Cabot, agent 80.00 Night operator 75.00 Portage La Prairie, agent 125.00 Day operator 77.00 Night operator 77.00 Gays, operator 75.00 Gregg, agent 80.00 Night operator 75.00 Ingelow, agent 80.00 .Justice, agent 80.00 Rivers, agent 120.00 Day operator 82.50 Night operator 82.50 Pope, agent , 80.00 Night operator 75.00 Miniota, agent 80.00 Uno, agent 80.00 Night operator 75.00 Lazare, agent 80.00 Spy Rill, agent ". . . . 80.00 Gerald, agent 80.00 Night operator 75.00 Atwater, agent 80.00 Night operator 75.00 Bangor, agent 80.00 Waldron, agent 80.00 Melville, agent 120.00 Melville (F. S. Office), operator 85.00 Melville (F. S. Office), operator 85.00 Melville (V. Office), operator 90.00 Birmingham, agent 80.00 Fenwood, agent 80.00 Goodeve, agent ., 80.00 Night operator 75.00 Ituns, agent 80.00 Kelliher, agent 80.00 Night operator 75.00 Le.stock, agent 80. 00 Punnichy, agent 80.00 Night operator 75.00 Quinton, agent 80.00 Raymore, agent 80.00 Semans, agent 82.00 Night operator 75.00 Tate, agent 60.00 Nokomis, agent. 85.00 Night operator 75.00 Venn, agent 80.00 Watrous, agent 120.00 Day operator 82.50 Night operator 82.50 Young agent 84.00 Day operator 75.00 Night operator 75.00 Zelms, agent 80.00 Allan, agent 80.00 Bradwell, agent 80.00 Clavet, agent 80.00 So. Saskatchewan, agent 125.00 Day operator 75.00 Night operator 75.00 Asquith, agent 80.00 Junists, agent 80.00 Kinley, agent 80.00 SCHKDULES AND WaGE ScaLES. 321 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Leney, agent $ 80.00 Blggar, agent 120.00 Day operator 85.00 Night operator 85.00 Landis, agent 80.00 Night operator 75.00 Cavell, agent 80.00 Reford, agent 80.00 Scott, agent 85.00 Day operator 75.00 Unity, agent 82.00 Day operator 75.00 Night operator 75.00 Yonker, operator 75.00 Chauvin, agent 80.00 Edgerton, agent 80.00 Wainwright, agent 120.00 Waihwrlght (WR Offices;, operator 87.50 Wainwright (GN Offices), operator 82.50 Wainwright (GN Offices), operator 82.50 Irma, agent 80.00 Viking, agent 82.00 Bruce, agent 80.00 Helden, agent 80.00 Ryloy, agent 80.00 Tofield, agent 84.00 Day operator 75.00 Night operator 75.00 Ardressan, operator 75.00 Edmonton (2 Office), operator Edmonton (D Office), day operator 83.00 Night operator 83.00 Spruce Grove, agent 80.00 Stony Plain, agent 82.00 Wabanum, agent < 82.00 Entwistle, agent 82.00 Junkins, agent 80.00 Edson, agent 120.00 Day operator 82.50 Night operator 82.50 Dandurand, agent 82.00 Posshontss, agent 82.00 Jasper, agent 120.00 Day operator 82.50 Night operator 82.50 McBride, agent ; 120.00 Day operator 82.50 Night operator 82.50 Giscombe, agent 82.00 Prince George, agent 125.00 Day operator 82.50 Night operator 82.50 Vanderhoof, agent 82.00 Endsko, agent 92.00 Operator 82.50 Burns Lake, agent 82.00 Walcott, operator 75.00 Telkwa, agent 82.00 Smithers, agent 108.00 Operator 82.50 New Hazelton, agent 82.00 Hazelton, agent 82.00 Kitwange, operator 75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Pacific, agent $ 92.00 Operator 82.50 Terrace, agent 87.00 Tyes, operator ": ; 77.00 Prince Rupert, agent 155.00 Day operator 82.50 Night operator 82.50 Otthon, agent 80.00 Yorkton, agent 95.00 Ebenzer, agent 80.00 Caiiora, agent 83.00 Balcarres, agent 82.00 L,abrat, agent 80.00 Port Qu' Appelle, agent 80.00 Edenwold, agent 80.00 Mawer, agent 80.00 Central Butte, agent 80.00 Lawson, agent 80.00 Gilroy, agent 80.00 Riverhurst, agent 80.00 Lowvan, agent 80.00 Northgate, agent 90.00 Oudworth, agent 80.00 Wekaw, agent 80.00 Spring-water, agent 80.00 Rutljilda, agent 80.00 Smiley, agent 80.00 Dodsland, agent 80.00 Coleville, agent 80.00 Levarna, agent 80.00 Battleford, agent ^ 90.00 Camrone, agent 90.00 New Norway, agent 80.00 Farintosh, agent 80.00 Beshaw, agent 80.00 Mirror, agent 85.00 Trochu, agent 80.00 Three Hills, agent 80.00 Swalwell, agent 80.00 Beilacker, agent ~: 80.00 Coalspur, agent 80.00 Lovett, agent 80.00 Movmtpark, agent 80.00 ARTICLE XXVI. There will be no change in the foregoing rules and rates of pay except on thirty days' notice. For The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway: H. H. BREWER, Gen. Supt. Prairie Divi- sion. W. C. C. MEHAN, Gen. Supt. Mountain Division. For the Telegraphers: M. R. BREWER. Approved: M. DONALDSON, Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. 322 Schedules and Wage Scales. Gulf Coast Lines New Orleans, Texas & Mexico Railway The Beaumont, Sour Lake & Western Ry. The Orange & Northwestern Railroad. (EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1917.) The following will be the schedule rate of pay, rules and regulations for telegraphers on the above named lines on and after April 1, 1917: WAGE SCALE. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Reaves, agent telegrapher $85.00 DeQuincy, telegrapher 90.00 Beaumont Yard, one telegrapher clerk 80.00 One telegrapher clerk 75.00 One telegrapher clerk 67.50 Grayburg, agent telegrapher 75.00 One telegrapher clerk 70.00 Two telegrapher clerks 67.50 Sour Lake, agent 75.00 One telegrapher clerk 75.00 Two telegrapher clerks 67.50 Hull, agent telegrapher 75.00 Hardin, agent telegrapher 70.00 Huffman, agent telegrapher pumper.. 70.00 One telegrapher clerk 70.00 Two telegrapher clerks ,.. 67.50 Mauriceville, one teleg. clerk cashier. 75.00 Two telegrapher clerks 67.50 Be.ssmay, agent telegrapher 75.00 Call, agent telegrapher 70. 00 Newton, agent telegrapher 75.00 Anchoi-age, one telegrapher clerk 75.00 Two telegrapher clerks 70.00 Erwinville, agent telegrapher pumper. 75.00 Lottie, agent telegrapher 85.00 Krotz Springs, agent telegrapher 70.00 Port Barre, agent telegrapher 95.00 One telegrapher clerk 75.00 Two telegrapher clerks 67.50 Opelousas, agent telegrapher 110.00 One telegrapher clerk 75.00 Two telegrapher clerks 67.50 Lawtell, agent telegrapher 70.00 Eunice, one telegrapher clerk 77.50 One telegrapher clerk 72.50 One telegrapher clerk 67.50 Crowley, one telegrapher clerk 75.00 Two telegrapher clerks 67.50 Basile, agent telegrapher 75.00 Elton, agent telegrapher 85.00 Kinder, one telegrapher cashier 75.00 Two telegrapher clerks 70.00 Houston, telegraphers 90.00 ARTICLE I. Employes Included. Any employe, except train dispatchers, performing the duties of a telegrapher, whether termed operator, agent operator, or otherwise, or any telephone operator re- quired to receive or transmit train orders; also station agents specified in this agree- ment will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of these articles. Agencies at exclusive agency stations not listed in the wage scale will be advertised. bids accepted and considered according to ability. It is imderstood that where any position as agent telegrapher is abolished and an exclusive agency installed, this contract will not apply to the exclusive agency. ARTICLE II. Hours of Service. Eleven (11) consecutive hours' service, commencing betwen 6:00 and 8:00 a. m. or p. m., including one hour for meals, be- tween 11:30 and 2:00 day or night, will con- stitute a day's work where one telegrapher is employed; if the meal hour is missed or curtailed, one hour overtime will be paid. ARTICLE III. Overtime. Telegraphers held on duty in the_ perform- ance of any service required by the company longer than the number of hours constitut- ing a day's work, will be allowed overtime therefor. Overtime shall be computed pro rata on stated salary, but in no case less than thirty (30c) cents per hour. Teleg- raphers called to service or directed to return to office for any reason outside of work hours, shall receive fifty (50c) cents per hour for the call and first hour's service, and regular overtime thereafter; except when required for such service within one hour after regular hours, they shall receive pro rata overtime, and in no case less than thirty (30c) cents for the first hour's serv- ice and regular overtime thereafter. Over- lime tickets will be rendered for the usual time worked as above within forty-eight (48) hours from time service is performed. If for any reason such overtime is not al- lowed, telegraphers will be ■ so advised with- in five (5) days, stating reasons. ARTICLE rv. Court Attendance. When ordered to attend court, telegra- phers will be allowed for time lost, and if away from home station will be allowed necessary expenses, the company being en- titled to their mileage and witness fees. Temporary Offices. Regular telegraphers taken from their as- signed position to be used at wrecks, wash- outs, or other similar emergency offices, will receive salary of regular position, but in no case less than three ($3.00) dollars per day, without allowance for expenses. Extra telegraphers when used in similar .service,, will receive not less than three ($3.00) dollars per day, without expenses. Number of hours constituting a day's work in such service will be the number of hours regularly assigned to the office from which the telegrapher was taken. Length of day's Schedules and Wage Scales. 323 work for extra telegrapher will be eleven (11) consecutive hours. Deadheading. Time going to and from temporary office will be included in service for day in which deadheading is performed, but in no case will telegraphers receive 'less than one (1) day's pay within each twenty-four (24) hours while so engaged. ARTKJLE V. Seniority List. Seniority list of telegraphers will be fur- nished the employes' committee semi- annually, during January and July of each year. The right of promotion of telegra- phers will exist over the division and to relay offices. Promotion. To obtain promotion, intelligent and courteous discharge of duty, arid capacity for greater responsibility will govern. When, in the opinion of the superintendent (or superintendent of telegraph for men report- ing to him), these are sufficient, telegra- pher longest in continuous service will have preference in filling vacancies and newly- created positions. Order of Appeal. Any telegrapher who considers he has. been discriminated against will have the right to appeal either in person or through the telegraphers' committee to the proper officer, and when not satisfied with the de- cision will have the same right of appeal to the superintendent or general manager. Filltng of Vacancies. When vacancies occur, or new positions are created of sixty or more days' duration, compensation for such new positions will be fixed in conformity with other position of similar class in the same district. This also to apply to telegraph stations that have been closed and are reopened as telegraph stations. Telegraphers on the division where they occur, will be notified by bul- letin to be posted in offices within seven days. In the notice of newly created posi- tions will be stated the salary to be paid for such position. Telegraphers making ap- plication for vacancy or newly created posi- tions to which their seniority entitles them, will, If not assigned to such positions, be given the reason in writing if requested. Transferred and Found incompetent. When telegraphers are transferred, and after a fair trial are found incompetent, they will be placed on the extra list, retain- ing their seniority rights. Exercise of Seniority. Telegraphers affected by reduction of force or abolishing of positions, will be per- mitted to enter any position of their choice filled by a telegrapher junior to them. Telegraphers will not be permitted to dis- place any man who has been three years or more in the service of the company. Telegraphers assigned to position in relay offices may return to the division and be placed on the extra list, retaining their seniority rights, if after a fair trial they are found incompetent. In case of reduction In force of these offices, telegraphers may dis- place any telegrapher junior to them, except as above provided, for which he is compe- tent on the division, such, choice to be desig- nated within thirty (30) days from the time he is relieved. Telegraphers transferred under orders or to accept promotion to which entitled on bul- letin will be allowed free transportation for themselves, families and household goods. All notices of vacancies and newly created positions will be numbered consecutively, and will state the assigned working hours of the position. ..^ ARTICLE VI. Discipline. Telegraphers will not be suspended, given demerit marks, or dismissed from the com- pany's service without just cause. In case of suspension or dismissal, if any telegra- pher thinks his sentence unjust, he will have the right, within ten days, to refer his case by written statement to superin- tendent or superintendent of telegraph. Within ten days of the receipt of the no- tice, his case shall have a thorough investi- gation by the proper officer of the com- pany, at which time he may be present, if he so desires, and also be represented by any telegrapher employed by this company, of his choice. In case he is not satisfied with result of such investigation, he shall have the right to appeal to the general officers. In case suspension or dismissal is found to be unjust, he will be reinstated and paid for full time lost. ARTICLE VIL Service Letters. Employes, as per Article I, securing employment with this company, will, within thirty days of approval of application, have returned to them all service cards, letters of recommendation and other papers which have been furnished by them for investi- gation. Employes, as per Article I, leaving the service of the company, will receive a serv- ice letter, stating term of service, capacity in which employed, and whether leaving the seivice voluntarily or otherwise. ARTICLE VIII. Leave of Absence. Employes, as per Article I, serving on employes' committees, will be granted un- limited leave of absence and furnished free transportation on request. Annual passes will be furnished general chairman, general secretary and local chairman of the teleg- raphers' committee. No Discrimination — Seniority. There shall be no discrimination against any employe serving on such committee. A telegrapher assigned to service as exclusive agent will retain his seniority as long as he I'emains in continuous service on the same division. ARTICLE IX. No Loss of Time. Regularly assigned telegraphers doing re- lief work shall not suffer any loss of time. 324 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE X. Adjustment of Salaries. For positions under this schedule, where a part of the employe's compensation is paid in express commissions in the event the commission is taken away, the salary will be adjusted to correspond with the im- portance of the position and other condi- tions, including- wages paid by the railroad for similar positions in the same territory. ARTICLE XI. Leave of Absence. Telegraphers will be granted leave oS ab- sence from time to time, on request, and furnished with transportation over this com- pany's lines, as far as the law permits. Leave of absence will not be granted for more than ninety (90) days. Telegraphers absenting themselves for a longer period will lose all rights, v^xcept in cases of sick- ness or injury, or when accepting official positions. THE ST. LOUIS, BROWNSVILLE & - MEXICO RY. The following will be the schedule rate of pay, rules and regulations for telegraphers on the above named line on and after April 1, 1917: WAGE SCALE. Rate per Station and Posi-tion. Month. Liverpool, agent telegrapher $70.00 Danbury, agent telegrapher 62.50 Pumper 7.50 Angleton, agent telegrapher 80.00 Brazoria, agent telegrapher 70.00 Bay City, three telegraphers 70.00 Collegeport, agent telegrapher 70.00 Blessing, agent telegrapher 85.00 Francitas, agent telegrapher 62.50 Pumper 10.00 Vanderbilt, three telegraphers 75.00 Placedo, agent telegrapher 85.00 Bloomington, agent telegrapher 75.00 Two telegraphers 70.00 Telegrapher 67.50 Marianna, agent telegrapher 65.00 Refugio, agent telegrapher....... 75.00 Woodsboro, agent telegrapher 65.00 Sinton, agent 95.00 Two telegraphers 70.00 Telegrapher 67.50 Odem, agent telegrapher 75.00 Calallen, agent telegrapher .* 65.00 Bishop, agent telegrapher 60.00 Riviera, agent telegrapher 62.50 Sarita. agent telegrapher 65.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Two telegraphers 67.50 Raymondville, agent telegrapher 62.50 Lyford, ag-ent telegrapher 62.50 Harlingen, agent 70.00 Telegrapher ticket clerk 75.00 Two telegraphers 72.50 . San Benito, two telegraphers 70.00 Telegrapher 67.50 Brownsville, two telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 67.50 La Feria, agent telegrapher 65.00 Mercedes, agent telegrapher 75.00 Two telegraphers 70.00 Telegrapher 67.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Donna, agent telegrapher .• $60.00 San Juan, agent telegrapher 65.00 Edinburg, agent telegrapher 62.50 Pharr, agent telegrapher 60.00 McAllen, agent telegrapher 65.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Two telegraphers 67.50 Mission, agent telegrapher 60.00 Telegiapher 70.00 Two telegraphers 67.50 Sam Fordyce, agent 75.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Two telegraphers 67.50 Victoria, telegrapher 70.00 Two telegraphers 67.60 Seadrift, agent telegrapher 62.60 Port O'Connor, agent telegrapher 60.00 Tivoli, agent telegrapher 65.00 Austwell, agent telegrapher 75.00 Houston, telegraphers 90.00 Kingsville, telegraphers 90.00 ARTICLE I. Employes Included. Any employe, except train dispatchers performing the duties of a telegrapher, whether termed operator, agent operator or otherwise, or any telephone operator re- quired to receive or transmit train orders; also station agents specified in this agree- ment will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of these articles. Agencies at exclusive agency stations not listed in the wage scale will be advertised, bids accepted and considered according to ability. ARTICLE II. Hours of Service. Eleven (11) consecutive hours' service, commencing between 6:00 and 8:00 a. m. or p. m., Including one hour for meals between 11:30 and 2:00 day or night, will constitute a day's work where one telegrapher is em- ployed; if the meal hour is missed or cur- tailed, one hour overtime will be paid. ARTICLE III. Overtime. Telegraphers held on duty In the per- formance of any service required by the company longer than the number of hours constituting a day's work, will be allowed overtime therefor. Overtime shall be com- puted pro rata on stated salary, but in no case less than thirty (30c) cents per hour. Telegraphers called to service or directed to return to office for any reason outside of work hours, shall receive fifty (50c) cents per hour for the call and first hour's service, and regular overtime thereafter; except when required for such service within one hour after regular hours, they shall receive pro rata overtime, and in no case less than thirty (30c) cents for the first hour's service and regular overtime thereafter. Overtime tickets will be rendered for the usual time worked as above within forty-eight (48) hours' from time service is performed. If for any reason such overtime is not allowed, telegraphers will be so advised within five (5) days, stating reasons. Schedules and Wage Scales. 325 ARTICLE IV. Court Attendance. AVhen ordered to attend court, telegra- phers will be allowed for time lost, and if away from home station, will be allowed neceesarj" expenses, the company being en- titled to their mileage and witness fees. Temporary Offices. Regular telegraphers taken from their assigned position to be used at wrecks, washouts, or other similar emergency of- fices, will receive salary of regular position, but in no case less than three (|3.00) dol- lars per day, without allowance for ex- penses. Extra telegraphers when used in similar service, will receive not less than three ($3.00) dollars per day, without ex- penses. Number of hours constituting a day's work in such service will be the num- ber of hours regularly assigned to the of- fice from which the telegrapher was taken. Length of day's work for extra telegrapher will be eleven (11) consecutive hours. Deadheading. Time going to and from temporary office will be included in service for day in which deadheading is performed, but in no case will telegraphers receive less than one (1) day's pay within each twenty-jfour (24) hours while so engaged. ARTICLE V. • Seniority List. Seniority list of telegraphers will be fur- nished the employes' committee semi- anually, during January and July of each year. The right of promotion of telegra- phers will exist over the division and to relay offices. Promotion. To obtain promotion, intelligent and courteous discharge of duty, and capacity for greater responslbilty will govern. WTien, in the opinion of the superintendent (or superintendent of telegraph for men report- ing to him), theee are sufficient, telegra- pher longest in continuous service will have preference in filling vacancies and newly created positions. Order of Appeal. Any telegrapher who considers he has been discriminated against will have the right to appeal either in person or through the telegraphers' committee to the proper officer, and when not satisfied with the de- cision will have the same , right of appeal to the superintendent or general manager. Filling of Vacancies. When vacancies occur, or new positions aro created of sixty or more days' duration, compensation for such new positions will be fixed in conformity with other position of similar class in the same district. This also to apply to telegraph stations that have been closed and are reopened as telegraph stations. Telegraphers on the division where they occur, will be notified by bulletin to be posted in offices within seven days. In the notice of newly created positions will be stated the salary to be paid for such position. Telegraphers making application for vacancy or newly created positions to which their seniority entitles them, will, if not assigned to such positions, be given the reason in writing if requested. Transferred and Found Incompetent. When telegraphers are transferred, and after a fair trial are found incompetent, they will be placed on the extra list, re- taining their seniority rights. Exercise of Seniority. Telegraphers affected by reduction in force or abolishing of positions, will be permitted to enter any position of their choice filled by a telegrapher junior to them. Telegra- phers will not be permitted to displace any man who has been three years or more In the service of the company. Telegraphers assigned to position in re- lay offices may return to the division and be placed on the extra list, retaining their seniority rights, if after a trial they are found incompetent. In case of reduction in force of these offices telegraphers may displace any telegrapher junior to them, except as above provided, for which he is competent on the division, such choice to be designated within thirty (30) days from the tirne he is relieved. Telegraphers transferred under orders or to accept promotion to which entitled on bulletin will be allowed free transportation for themselves, families and household goods. All notices of vacancies and newly created positions will be numbered consecutively, and will state the assigned working hours of the position. ARTICLE VI. Discipline. Telegraphers will not be suspended, given demerit marks, or dismissed from the com- pany's service without just cause. In case of suspension or dismissal, if any telegra- pher thinks his sentence unjust, he will have the right, within ten days, to refer his case by written statement to superin- tendent or superintendent of telegraph. Within ten days of the receipt of the notice, his case shall have a thorough investigation by the proper officer of the company, at which time he may be present, if he so desires, and also be represented by any telegrapher employed by this company, of his choice. In case he is not satisfied with result of such investigation, he shall have the right to appeal to the general officers. In case suspension or dismissal is found to be unjust, he will be reinstated and paid for full time lost. • ARTICLE VII. Service Letters. Employes, fis per Article I, securing em- ployment with this company, will, within thirty days of approval of application, have returned to them all service cards, letters of recommendation, and other papers which have been furnished by them for investi- gation. Employes, as per Article I, leaving the service of the company, will receive a serv- 326 Schedules and Wage Scales. ice letter, etating term of service, capacity in which employed, and whether leaving the service voluntarily or otherwise. ARTICLE VIII. Leave of Absence, Annual Passes. Employes, as per Article I, serving on employes' committees, will be granted un- limited leave of absence and furnished free transportation on request. Annual passes will be furnished general chairman, general secretary and local chairman of the teleg- raphers' committee. No Discrimination — Seniority. There shall be no discrimination against any employe serving on such committee. A telegrapher assigned to service as exclusive agent will retain his seniority as long as 'he remains in continuous service on the same division. ARTICLE IX. No Loss of Time. Regularly assigned telegraphers doing re- lief work shall not suffer any loss of time. ARTICLE X. Adjustment of Salaries. For positions under this schedule, where a part of the employe's compensation is paid in express commissions in the event the commission is taken away, the salary will be adjusted to correspond with the im- portance of the position and other condi- tions. Including wages paid by the railroad for similar positions in the same territory. ARTICLE XI. Leave of Absence. Telegraphers will be granted leave of ab- sence from time to time, on request and furnished with transportation over this com- pany's lines, as far as the law permits. Leave of absence will not be granted for more than ninety (90) days. Telegraphers absenting themselves for a longer period will lose all rights, except In cases of sick- ness or injury, or when accepting official positions. ARTICLE XII. Overwork. When a telegrapher considers himself overworked and complains to the proper official, it will be carefully considered, and if well founded, relief will be granted. ARTICLE Xin. Trading Positions. Telegraphers will not be permitted to trade positions. ARTICLE Xrv. Cleaning Stations. Telegraphers will not be required to clean main or local batteries at stations where more than twelve (12) cells are used; they will not be required to wash windows, scrub offices, waiting rooms or outbuildings, but will be required to see that they are kept clean. ARTICLiE XV. Sunday Work. Telegraphers will not be required to work to exceed six consecutive hours on Sundays. If required to remain on duty in excess of six consecutive hours they will be paid over- time pro rata, but in no case less than thirty (30c) cents per hour. ARTICLE XVI. Minimum Salary. Minimum salary of telegraphers will be sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents ($67.50) per calendar month. This does not apply to agent-telegraphers or exclusive agencies. ARTICLE XVII. This agreement will be in effect from April 1, 1917, and continues for a period of one year, and thereafter until thirty days' notice has been given by either party to the ether requesting a change in same. For the Company: J. C. NOLAN, For the Telegraphers: S. J. KORF. L. F. SEWELL. Superintendent. Hocking Valley Railway Company (EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 1917.) RULES AND REGULATIONS. ARTICLE I. These rules and regulations apply to agent- telegraphers, telegraphers, agent-tele- phoners, telephoners, and to si»ch other em- ployes as may be specified in the schedule of wages. The word employe as used in this agreement refers only to the employes covered by this schedule. ARTICLE II. When new positions are created or condi- tions materially changed at an offlce, the wages will be fixed in conformity with posi- tions of a like class on that division. ARTICLE in. Section 1. When vacancies occur or new positions are created, they will be adver- tised within ten days and accepted or de- clined within ten days. The position must be filled within thirty days. Sec. 2. In filling temporary vacancies known to be of fifteen days or more dura- tion, the oldest competent extra employe In the service will be given preference. Sec. 3. When a regular assigrned employe is sent from his office to another office by Schedules and Wage Scales. 327 the chief train dispatcher to work extra, ho will be paid $1.25 per calendar day for ex- penses until he returns to his regular posi- tion, in addition to his regiilar pay. In case the office he goes to pays a higher rate than his regular office he will be paid the higher rate. Sec. 4. Employes assigned to advertised positions, or ordered to transfer by the com- pany, will be furnished transportation for himself, wholly dependent members of his family, also household goods, if it can be done legally, and will be allowed pay while in transit and making transfer at the rate of the position to which he Is going. If the transfer is not made in accordance with Section 1 of this article, the employe shall be entitled to $1.25 per day while being held away from the position to which he has been assigned. Sec. 5. When employes are laid off ac- count of reduction of force, the oldest em- ployes will be kept In the service. Sec. 6. When positions are abolished or offices closed, the operators affected will be eligible to any position to which their sen- iority and merit give them right, and will be required to select same within thirty days. Offices or positions that have been closed sixty days and reopened will be con- .sidered new positions. ARTICLE rV. Section 1. Employes will be regarded as in line of promotion, advancement depend- ing upon faithful discharge of their duty and capacity for increased responsibility. "WTiere ability Is equal, seniority will have preference. ^ Sec. 2. An employe accepting and being assigned to an advertised position vdll not be eligible to the position vacated by him until same shall have been declined by all employes, or is advertised a second time. Sec. 3. Employes will not be permitted to trade their standing, but will be allowed to exchange positions temporarily upon sat- isfactory reasons being offered therefor, and such exchanges being approved by the chief train dispatcher and local chairman. Sec. 4. An employe is displaced when he is actually relieved by the employe displac- ing him, and the employe thus displaced has thirty days from the day he Is actually re- lieved in which to select some other posi- tion. If a position to which an employe is assigned is closed out before he works the position, the assignment shall be con- sidered null and void. An employe has made his selection when he has notified the proper official of his choice. ARTICLE V. Section 1. When new positions arc created or vacancies occur in "HM" office they will be advertised to employes, and the oldest qualified employe in the service will succeed to the position. The employes in "HM" office will stand first for promotion for train dispatcher. Sec. 2. Employes working temporarily as train dispatchers, or in the dispatchers' of- fice for a longer period than sixty days, will not forfeit their regular position. ARTICLE VI. Section 1. Employes will not be repri- manded, suspended or dismissed from the service without just cause. If they con- sider their punishment unjust, they will have the right to appeal from the decision of the chief train dispatcher, through the super- intendent to the general manager. All griev- ances to be acted upon promptly. If dis- missal Is made the punishment, it shall date from the day taken off for investigation. In case the employe dismissed Is found to be innocent, he will be paid for the time lost. Sec. 2. Employes who are required, to ap- pear before the chief train dispatcher, or superintendent, for investigation, may, if they desire, select an employe on that divi- sion or the chairman of the telegraphers' committee to be present at the investiga- tion. Sec. 3. Employes called upon for investi- gation away from their station by proper official will be paid one cent per mile going and returning, and be compensated at the overtime rate for all time lost. Employes attending such investigations in which they are personally involved will not be so com- pensated If found to be at fault. Sec. 4. Employes leaving the service from any cause will, upon request, be given a sei-vice letter stating the time and char- acter of the service, specifying the reasons for leaving. ARTJICLE VIL Employes required to work more than eight hours will be granted not less than one hour for meals between the hours of 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m., and 11:30 p. m. and 1:30 a. m. When employes are not ex- cused by 12:30 for meals they will be al- lowed one hour overtime. ARTICLE VIII. Section 1. All employes who have been in the service three years or longe^ will be allowed fifteen days' vacation annually on full pay. When vacations are not taken pay will be allowed in lieu thereof, based on a thirty-day month. Employes complet- ing their three years In service between January 1st and June 30th of any year will be given his leave of absence for that year. If he completes his three years in service between July 1st and December 31st he will not be allowed leave of absence until after January 1st following. Sec. 2. If an employe is called upon for special service outside of his regular hours he will be allowed 75 cents for the call, and will be paid straight overtime after the first hour. Sec. 3. At offices at which one employe is employed nine hours will constitute a day's work. At offices at which two or more employes are employed eight hours will con- stitute a day's work. The hours of serv- ice named In this agreement will be con- secutive. Sec. 4. Employes kept on duty by proper authority thirty minutes or more over the hours prescribed will be paid overtime at the rate of 40 cents per hour until relieved, except where pro rate is higher, in which event the higher rate will apply. In comput- ing overtime less than thirty minutes will 328 Schedules and Wage Scales. not be counted. Thirty minutes or less than sixty minutes will be counted one hour. Overtime will not be allowed unless reported to the chief train dispatcher within forty- eight hours after the service has been per- foimed. Employes will be notified promptly when their overtime is not allowed. Sec. 5. Employes called upon for tem- porary work in case of accident away from headquarters will receive 40 cents per hour from time called until relieved at headquar- ters. Sec. 6. Employes required to attend court, or to bo absent from home on company business, will be allowed $5.50 per day and will be furnished free transportation. All fees to be turned over to the company. Sec. 7. At offlces at which three employes are employed (relieving one another) the standard working hours will be as follows: First trick employe from 7:00 a. m. to 3:00 p. m.; second trick employe from 3:00 p. m. to 11:00 p. m. ; third trick employe from 11:00 p. m. to 7:00 a. m. No change will be made in these working hours unless agree- able to all concerned. '* ARTICLE IX. Section 1. Employes in charge of an of- fice will not be responsible for the actions of a student placed in such office by the companj', who, however, shall not be re- tained in such office in case objections which appear ceasonable are made by the employe. In no case will more than one student be allowed in an office. Sec. 2. A service record of all employes will be kept in the chief train dispatcher's office. Employes, or their representatives, desiring at any time to examine records wilJ be permitted to do so. Sec. 3. Seniority lists of employes will be prepared by the chief train dispatcher- dur- ing the month of July of each year and a copy furnished the chairmen of the telegra- phers' committee. e ARTICLE X. Section 1. Employes covered by this agreement will not be required to clean snow from switches or platforms, or to keep up local batteries in excess of eight cells, except in bona fide cases of emergency. Sec. 2. Employes who are required to han- dle switch lamps will be paid $1.00 per lamp per month for such service. Sec. 3. Labor will be furnished to scrub floors and clean windows of the depots under the direction of the agent. Sec. 4. Employes required to handle pumps will be paid $10 per month extra compensation for such service. ARTICLE XI. Section 1. It is understood that a leave of absence will be granted only when it can be done without detriment to the service. Sec. 2. A leave of absence will not be granted for a longer period than sixty days to employes who have not been in the serv- ice three years, except as hereinafter pro- vided. A leave of absence will be granted in case of sickness or injury for a period to cover such sickness or injury. A leave of absence will be granted members of com- mittees representing employes covered by this agreement to cover period of committee work. A leave of absence will be granted employes who have been in the service three years or more to attend college, said leave to cover college term. A leave of absence may be granted for a period of one year to employes who have been in the service ten years or more, but no second leave will be granted for a longer period than -sixty days. Employes who take a leave of absence for a longer period than sixty days, except on account of sickness, injury, or to serve as a committeeman, will forfeit all rights to the position vacated at the time leave was granted. If an employe accepts an advertised position during his leave of ab- sence he must fill the position within thirty days. Employes returning to duty who have forfeited their rights to their regular position under this clause will go on the extra Ijst until they accept a position on advertise- ment. ARTICLE XU. Section 1. Annual system passes will be furnished employes who have been in the service three years or more and who have .a clear record during previous year. Sec. 2. If an employe assigned to a posi- tion becomes incapacitated or unable to fill the position, he will be assigned to the extra list and will be entitled to any advertised position to which his seniority and merit gives him right. Sec. 3. No change will be made in these rules, regulations, and schedule of wages without thirty days' written notice. For the Hocking Valley Railway Company: By W. W. HOUSTON, Superintendent. For the Telegraphers: By L. E. HICKS, General Chairman. WAGE SCALE. ♦Indicates stations at which express com- panies pay commission to agents in addition to rate of pay as shown above. TOLEDO AND HOCKING DIVISIONS. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Walbridge Yard, opr. and clerk, 1st trk.$87.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 87.00 Operator and clerk, third trick.... 85.00 Cummins, operator and clerk, 1st trick 80.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 80.00 Operator and clerk, third trick 80.00 ♦LeMoyne, agent and opr., first trick. . 87.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 80.00 Operator and clerk, third trick 80.00 *Pemberville, agent and opr., 1st trick 87.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 80.00 Operator and clerk, third trick 80.00 *Bradner. agent and opr., first trick. . 87.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 80.00 Operator and clerk, third trick.... 80.00 *Rising Sun, agent and operator 87.00 *Longley, agent and operator 80.00 Fostoria Yard, opr and clerk, 1st trick 82.00 Operator and clerk, second trick. . 82.00 Operator and clerk, third trick.... 82.00 Fostoria, ticket clerk 82.00 Schedules and "Wage Scales. 329 Rate per Station and Position. Month. B. & O. Crossing, agent and opr., lst.$ 88.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 82.00 Operator and clerk, third trick 82.00 *Alveda, agent and operator, 1st trick 87.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 80.00 Operator and clerk, third trick 80.00 Carey, operator and clerk, first trick.. 87.00 Operator and clerk, second trick. . 82.00 Operator and clerk, third trick 80.00 *Lovell, agent and operator 80.00 Upper Sandusky, operator, first trick. 93.00 Operator, second trick 93.00 Operator, third trick 93.00 •Harpster, agent and operator 87.00 ♦Morral, agent and operator, first trick 87.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 80.00 Operator and clerk, third trick 80.00 Marion (Center St.), opr., first trick.. 88.00 Operator, second trick 88.00 Operator, third trick 85.00 *Owens, agent and operator, 1st trick. 90.00 Operator and clerk, second trick. . 80.00 Operator and clerk, third trick.... 80.00 ♦Prospect, operator and clerk, 1st trick 80.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 80.00 Operator and clerk, third trick.... 80.00 *Meredith, agent and opr., first trick. . 87.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 80.00 Operator and clerk, third trick 80.00 Delaware Tower, operator, first trick. 82.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 82.00 Operator and clerk, third trick. . -. . 82.00 •Hyatts, agent and operator, 1st trick 87.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 80.00 Operator and clerk, third trick.... 80.00 *Powel!, agent and operator, first trick 87.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 80.00 Operator and clerk, third trick 80.00 *Linworth, agent and opr., first trick 87.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 80.00 Operator and clerk, third trick.... 80.00 Ackerman, operator, first trick 82.00 Operator, second trick 82.00 Operator, third trick : . . 82.00 Mound Street, operator, first trick ' 90.00 Operator, second trick 90.00 Operator, third trick 90.00 Valley Crossing, opr. and elk., 1st trk. 87.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 87.00 Operator and clerk, third trick. . . . 87.00 •Groveport, agent and operator 90.00 Operator and clerk 80.00 ♦Canal "Winchester, agt. and opr., first 97.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 80.00 Operator and clerk, third trick.... 80.00 ♦Lrockville. agent and operator 82.00 ♦Carroll, agent and operator 85.00 Operator and clerk 80.00- *Hookfirs, agent and operator, 1st trk. 85.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 82.00 Operator and clerk, third trick.... 82.00 Lancaster, operator and clerk, 1st trk. 80.00 Operator and clerk, second trick. . 80.00 Operator and clerk, third trick.... 80.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. ♦Sugar Grove, agent and operator, lst.$ 85.00 Operator and clerk, second trick. . 80.00 ♦Rockbridge, agent and operator 82.00 ♦Enterprise, agent and operator 82.00 Logan, operator and clerk, first trick. 82.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 82.00 Oldtown, operator, first trick 83.00 Operator, second trick 83.00 Operator, third trick 83.00 ♦Haydenville, agent and operator 87.00 East Clayton, operator, first trick 83.00 Operator, second trick 83.00 Operator, third trick 83.00 Nelsonvllle (S), operator, first trick... 83.00 Operator, second trick 83.00 Operator, third trick 83.00 Nol.sonville Yard, operator and clerk.. 83.00 ♦Beaumont, agent and opr., first trick 85.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 83.00 Operator and clerk, third trick 83.00 ♦Hocking, agent and opr., first trick.. 85.00 Operator and clerk, second trick. . 80.00 Armitage, opr and clerk, first trick. . . 85.00 Operator and clerk, second trick.. 83.00 Operator and clerk, third trick.... 83.00 West Athens, operator and clerk 85.00 ♦Union Furnace, agent and operator.. 85.00 ♦Starr, agent and operator 80.00 ♦Creola, agent and operator 80.00 *Mc Arthur, agent and operator 85.00 ♦Radcliff, agent and operator 80.00 ♦Minerton, agent and operator 80.00 ♦Vinton, agent and operator 82.00 ♦Bidwell. agent and operator 80.00 Gallipolis, operator, and clerk, 1st trick 80.00 Operator and clerk, second trick. . 80.00 ♦Kanauga, agent and opr., first trick. 85.00 Operator and clerk, second trick. . 80.00 Operator and clerk, third trick.... 80.00 *Cheshire. agent and opr., first trick.. 87.00 Operator and clerk, second trick. . 80.00 Hobson Yard, operator, first trick.... 80.00 Operator, second trick 80.00 Operator, third trick 80.00 Hobson Junction, agent and operator. 80.00 Middleport. opr. and clerk, first trick 80.00 Operator and clerk, second trick. . 80.00 PQmeroy, operator and clerk.., 82.00 ♦Hamden, agent and operator 80.00 Wellston. operator and clerk, 1st trick 85.00 Operator and clerk, second trick. . 80.00 ♦Coalton, agent and operator 80.00 Jackson, operator and clerk, first trick 80.00 Operator and clerk, second trick. . 80.00 Snow Fork Jet., operator, first trick. . 80.00 Operator, second trick 80.00 ♦Buchtel, agent and operator 80.00 ♦Orbiston, agent and operator 80.00 ♦Murray City, agent and operator 83.00 ♦Carbon Hill, agent and operator 80.00 ♦Greendale, agent and operator 80.00 New Straitsville, operator and clerk.. 80.00 330 Schedules and Wage Scales. Halifax & Southwestern Railway (EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1916.) ARTICLE I. All employes required to perform telegraph service of any character or duration, whether termed agent, assistant agent, or operator; also the agents included in the accompany- ing schedule of wages, will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of this schedule. ARTICLE IL When additional telegraphers' positions are created, compensation will be fixed in conformity with that for positions of the same class as shown by the attached wage scale. ARTICLE III. When newly constructed lines are taken over by the operating department, the com- pany will consider qualiflcations of telegra- phers already in service before engaging men for new stations opened. All vacancies and permanent appointments will be imme- diately bulletined by a "23" message over the division. When vacancies are bulletined the bulletin will state the rate of compen- sation. Applications for vacancies must be made within five days from the date of bul- letin. ARTICLE IV. The right of promotion of telegraphers will be governed by merit, fitness and ability; where these are sufficient, the senior teleg- rapher making application will be given the preference, the company being the judge. ARTICLE V. A complete list of all telegraphers on the division, showing their seniority standing, will be kept on file in the superintendent's office, open to the inspection of all telegra- phers concerned. This list will be subject to correction on proper representation. ARTICLE VI. A telegrapher's seniority will date from the time he last entered the service as a teleg- rapher. The seniority of telegraphers em- ployed on lines under construction or ab- sorbed by the company will date from their last appointment as telegraphers on such lines. ARTICLE VII. When a telegrapher is transferred by order of the proper official, he will suffer no loss of time in making transfer. He will be allowed reasonable time (not to exceed four days, and without pay) to arrange for the shipping of his household effects, and will be granted free transportation for his household effects and his family. ARTICLE VIII. A telegrapher declining to accept promo- tion in any Instance does not forfeit his rights to the same or any other position he may be entitled to under seniority when a vacancy occurs. A telegrapher on leave of absence when a vacancy occurs will not be debarred from claiming the position and re- ceiving the appointment on resuming duty, if entitled to it. ARTICLE IX, If a position included in the attached wage scale is abolished, the telegrapher will be entitled to the position held by the Junior permanently located telegrapher on the dis- trict. ARTICLE X. When a telegrapher of over one year's standing is assigned to a new position for which he has applied in accordance with his seniority standing, and, after a fair trial, is found incompetent, he will take his place on the extra list, retaining his seniority rights, if his previous work has been satisfactory. ARTICLE XI. Telegraphers accepting official positions with the company will retain their rights on the seniority list. ARTICLE XII. (a) Eleven consecutive hours, including meal hours, will constitute a day's work for all telegraphers. The ten hour service may be spread over a twelve hour period by allow- ing the telegrapher two hours off at noon- tim.e. If required to remain on duty in per- formance of any service required by the company, they will be paid overtime in ac- cordance with clause (c) hereof. (b) The hours of duty of all telegraphers will be specified by the superintendent. If required Tor service, outside these hours, they will be given an official order as authority and will be excused in the same manner. The hours of duty for all agents will commence between 6:00 and 9:00 a. m. (c) Overtime will be computed pro rata on schedule wages, based on thirty days per month (fractions of an hour less than thirty minutes not to count, fractions of an hour thirty minutes or over to count as one hour) but in no case at less than twenty- five cents per hour. (d) If a telegrapher is called before or after office hours, he will be allowed forty- five cents, which will cover one hour's serv- ice; if kept on duty more than one hour, overtime thereafter will be allowed as per clause (c) hereof, except that telegraphers required to attend regular trains ^within three hours before or after their regular hours of duty will be allowed twenty-five cents, which .shall .cover one hour's service in connection therewith. (e) Overtime tickets will not be allowed unless overtime tickets, consecutively num- bered, are mailed to the proper officials with- in forty-eight hours from, the time service is performed. If overtime as claimed Is not allowed, telegraphers will be advised and reasons given within ten days from the tlma service Is performed. Schedules and Wage Scales. 331 ARTICLE XIII. In case of reduction in the number of telegraphers employed, the junior telegra- phers on the division will ftrst be disposed of. ARTICLE xrV. After thirty days' employment, telegra- phers on application will have returned to them all service cards and letters of recom- mendation held by the company, except those required by the company, in which case cer- tified copies will be furnished. On leaving the service, all such papers, except any pre- viously issued by the company, will be re- turned. Telegraphers will also, on written request and within ten days, be given a certificate of service, stating term of service, and in what capacity employed, and whether discharged or leaving of his own accord. If discharged, reasons will be stated. If detained over ten days awaiting such cer- tificate, they will be paid wages at schedule rates for time In excess of ten days. ARTICLE XV. When a telegrapher is suspended or dis- missed, he will be advised of reason for such action, and a full and impartial investigation will be held within ten days, and telegrapher advised of decision within ten days. Teleg- rapher will be notified to be present at such Investigation, and may be accompanied by another telegrapher, without expense to the company. He will, if desired, be given a carbon copy of his signed evidence. ARTICLE XVL Telegraphers required to work on Sunday will be paid extra pro rata, based on twenty- six days per month, for such service (any portion of an hour less than thirty minutes not to count, thirty minutes or over to count as one hour), with a minimum compensation of twenty-five cents for each call, for which one hour's service shall, if necessary, be performed. Telegraphers required for Sun- day duty, other than the attendance on reg- ular trains, will be so advised the previous day. ARTICLE XVII. Telegraphers will be granted free trans- portation over the division to attend their meetings and to serve on boards of adjust- ment, when it will not interfere with the requirements of the traffic, and the service, and provided the company is not thereby put to additional expense. ARTICLE XVIII. Telegraphers attending court or investi- gation at the request of the company will receive the same compensation as if on duty, and will be allowed actual expenses if away from home. Witness fees to be assigned to the company. ARTICLE XIX. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy, nor will a telegrapher teach telegraphy on the railway premises without the written permission of the superintendent. ARTICLE XX. Telegraphers who have been in the employ of the company three years will be allowed two weeks' leave of absence each year, with schedule wages. If the company find it in- convenient to grant leave of absence, dur- ing any year, to a telegrapher entitled to It under this rule, the telegrapher shall be enti- tled to additional leave of absence in the next year. Applications for leave of absence filed In .January of each year will be given prefer- ence in order. of seniority of applicants, and applicants will be advised as far as possible in advance of dates allotted to them. Jan- uary applicants will have preference over later applicants. The company will, as far as practicable, relieve all applicants during the summer season when so desired. ARTICLE XXI. The minimum monthly salaries for teleg- raphers will be as follows: WAGE SCALE. Rate per Station and Position. Month. .\gents, operators and assistant agts..$ 50.00 French Village, agent 50.00 Jngramport, agent 50.00 Hubbards, agent 50.00 Chester, agent 63.00 Chester Basin, agent 50.00 Mahone, Jet., agent 62.00 Bridgewater, agent 84.00 Operator and ticket clerk 55.00 Medway, agent 50.00 Liverpool, agent 84.00 Assistant agent 50.00 Port Mouton, agent. . .'. 50.00 Lockport, agent 65.00 Shelburne, agent 70.00 Port Clyde, agent 50.00 Barrington, agent 50.00 Barrington Passage, agent 50.00 Woods Harbour, agent 50.00 Pubnico, agent 50.00 Lower Argyle, agent 50.00 Tu.^ket, agent 50.00 Yarmouth, agent 89.00 Assistant agent 50.00 Lunenburg, agent 77.00 Assistant agent 50.00 New Germany, agent 58.00 Springfield, agent 55.00 Bridgetown, agent 50.00 Caledonia, agent 55.00 Rate at Bridgetown to remain same as at present, while present train service is main- tained. Accepted for the Telegraphers: L. T. MUNCEY, General Chairman. Accepted for the Company: L. C. FRITCH, General Manager. Revised August 14, 1917. 332 Schedules and Wage Scales. Illinois Central Railroad ARTICLE I. Employes Included. 1. All employes performing the duties of a telegrapher, except train dispatchers, whether termed operator, agent operator or otherwise; also station agents and levermen, specified in the schedule, will be considered telegraphers within the meaViing of these articles. 2. Telephone operators whose duties in- clude the handling of train orders, or the blocking of trains by telephone; also agent telephoners and telephone message operators specified in the schedule, will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of these articles. 3. No employes other than those covered by this schedule and train dispatchers will be permitted to handle train orders at places where telegraphers are located, except in emergency, in which case the telegrapher will be paid for the call. Train dispatchers shall report to chief dispatchers all orders so issued, and the telegrapher entitled to the call shall be notified. ARTICLE II. Promotions, Vacancies, Seniority. 1. Telegraphers will be regarded as in line for promotion, advancement depending on faithful, intelligent and courteous discharge of duty and capacity for greater responsi- bility. Where these are sufficient, seniority will govern. 2. When a vacancy occurs, or a new posi- tion is created, telegraphers will be notified within five (5; days by bulletin, and vacancy or new position filled within twenty-five (25) days, in accordance with Section 1 of this article. The successful applicant to be al- lowed the higher rate of pay of the two offices after e.xpiration of twenty-five (25) days, until transfer is made. Telegraphers must file application within ten (10) days of the date of the bulletin. The proper official shall acknowledge receipt of all applications by letter notice, specify- ing the successful applicant, copy of which shall be sent the local chairman. 3. Temporary positions or vacancies of thirty (30) days, or over, where total com- pensation is sixty (60) dollars or more, will be bulletined as such and filled in accordance with Section 2 of this article, the successful applicant's position to be filled by the oldest competent telegrapher on the extra list. The senior extra telegrapher shall have preference of all extra work, if available and competent; but if filling a vacancy at the time a junior telegrapher is assigned, the junior telegrapher may hold the position for a period of ten (10) days from the time he commenced work on the position, when he can be displaced by the senior telegra- pher. 4. Seniority list of telegraphers will be furnished by the superintendent to an em- ploye designated by the telegraphers in January and July of each year. 5. Telegraphers permanently transferred from one division to another will be consid- ered as new men on the division to which they go, and will rank accordingly. 6. When telegraphers are transferred, and after a fair trial are found incompetent, they will be placed on the extra list, but will retain their seniority. 7. A telegrapher declining to accept pro- motion does not forfeit seniority. 8. When positions are abolished or the force reduced, the telegrapher relieved, which in the case of reduction of force shall be the youngest man in the service in that par- ticular office, shall have the privilege of .isserting his seniority rights to any schedule position on the division, and will be required to select some position within thirty (30) days or go on the extra list; provided that he shall not displace any telegrapher who has been in the service over three years. The man displaced by him to assert his seniority for position held by any junior telegrapher in point of service, and so on until the youngest man is relieved, or dis- placed men cease to assert the privilege. 9. Whenever a telegrapher on a division accepts a non-schedule position, or is granted leave of absence without impair- ment of rights, a record shall be made In the superintendent's office and a copy fur- nished local chairman. If such telegrapher does not return to a schedule position within six (6) months, he will forfeit his seniority .rights. This rule will not be applicable to teleg- raphers absent on account of sickness, nor to the general chairman and general secre- tary and treasurer of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers. 10. Except as per Section 8, seniority will only be effective when vacancies occur, or new positions are created, and trading posi- tions will not be permitted. ARTICLE III. Discipline, Grievance, Appeal. 1. Telegraphers will not be disciplined or discharged from the service without just cause and until after a fair and impartial investigation. When wanted for investiga- tion the telegrapher shall be given sufficient advance notice, stating specific charges; if suspended pending investigation, they shall be given a hearing within ten (10) days before the board of inquiry, as now consti- tuted, and, when practicable, the superin- tendent will be present. If, after investiga- tion, telegraphers be found not at fault, they shall receive full pay for the time lost. The result of investigation shall be made known within ten (10) days. * 2. All grievances which may exist must be taken up with the superintendent in writing within thirty (30) days after occur- rence. 3. In the event that any grievance cannot be satisfactorily adjusted with the superin- tendent, the telegraphers shall have the right to appeal to the general superintendent and from him to the general manager. Schedules and Wage Scales. 333 4. Telegraphers reporting direct to the superintendent of telegraph shall have the right to appeal to the general manager. 5. A telegrapher called in for investigation may be accompanied by a telegrapher of his choice, in the employ of the company, and they may remain throughout the entire hearing if they so desire. ARTICLE IV. Service Record Letter. Telegraphers who have been in the service sixty (60) days or more, will, when leaving the service, be furnished upon request a letter from the proper official stating term of service, capacity in which employed, and whether discharged or leaving the service of their own accord. ARTICLE v. Emergency Work. Telegraphers performing duties at wrecks, washouts, slides, snow blockades or other similar emergency office, will receive a mini- mum of $2.75 per day of eight (8) hours or less, and overtime at regular overtime rates, and actual expenses while away from home. Time to be computed from time they start until they return, except for such time as they may be relieved from duty. ARTICLE VI. Hours of Service, Rest, Meal Hours. 1. At offices where but one telegrapher is employed, except as provided in Section 3, ten (10) consecutive hours, commencing be- tween 6:30 and 8:30 a. m. or p. m. and including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. 2. At offices where two telegraphers are employed, except as provided in Section 3, and they both work days, ten (10) consecu- tive hours, commencing between 6:30 and 7:30 a. m. and including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. At offices where two telegraphers are em- ployed, covering a period of more than thir- teen hours per day, and they both handle train orders, eight (8) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. At offices where two telegraphers are employed, ten (10) consecutive hours, com- mencing between 6:30 and 7:30 a. m. for day telegrapher and between 6:30 and 7:30 p. m. for night telegrapher, and including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. (At an office where an exclusive agent or an excUisive leverman. or both, and an operator are employed, the operator is under Section 2, paragraph 1 or 3.) (At an ofHce where an exclusive agent or an exclusive leverman and two operators are employed, the operators are under Sec- tion 2. paragraph 2.) 3. Twelve (12) consecutive hours, includ- ing meal hour, will constitute a day's work for exclusive levermen. Eleven (11) consecutive hours or less, as indicated in the wage scale, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work for exclu- sive agents. (Etxclusive agents are those designated In the schedule as agent, and do not include those designated as agent operator.) 4. At offices where three or more teleg- raphcK.'; are employed, exclusive of those covered by Section 3, eight (8) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. First trick to commence at or between 7:00 and 8:J)0 o'clock a. m. (This does not apply to offices covered by Section 5). 5. Eight (8) consecutive hours will con- stitute a day's work for telegraphers in "X" office, Chicago; "UN" office. Mounds, and "BD" and "FD" offices. New Orleans. 6. Eight (8) consecutive hours will con- stitute a day's work for telegraphers in dispatchers' offices. 7. Nine (9) consecutive hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work for telephone message operators. 8. Seven (7) hours' service will constitute a day's work for telegraphers working split tricks at any office. No trick will be split more than once. 9. Telegraphers, except those working nine (9) consecutive hours, or less, per day, will be allowed one (1) hour for meals be- tween 11:30 and 2:00 o'clock, day or night. If on account of wire work, or meeting or blocking trains, their time Is curtailed, one (1) hour overtime will be allowed, and if regular meal is missed, thirty (30) minutes for Ivmch will be allowed at first opportunity. 10. If telegraphers are required to meet trains or deliver train orders within one (1) hour after expiration of their regular hours, they will receive thirty-five (35c) cents (or pro rata if schedule wage is higher) for such service, remaining on duty one (1)' hour if necessary, and if detained more than one (1) hour will receive overtime thereafter. 11. At one-man stations, where the teleg- rapher is employed nights, a similar arrange- ment will be effective. 12. After sixteen (16) consecutive hours' service, telegraphers will be allowed eight hours' rest. ARTICLE VII. Overtime — Extra Calls. 1. The regular overtime rate at all offices, except "X" office, Chicago; "UN" office. Mounds; "CB" office, East Cabin; "JA" of- fice, Louisville, and "BD" and "FD" offices. New Orleans, will be thirty-five (35c) cents per hour; at "X" office, Chicago; "UN" office. Mounds; "CB" office. East Cabin; "JA" office, Louisville, and "BD" and "FD" offices. New Orleans, it will be fifty (50c) cents per hour. If schedule wage is higher, overtime will be paid pro rata. Regular overtime rate for telephone message oper- ators will be thirty-five (35c) cents per hour. 2. Telegraphers required by superintend- ent, train dispatcher or chief dispatcher to remain on duty, for any purpose, in excess of their regular established hours, will be paid overtime. 3. Telegraphers called or instructed to come on duty by competent authority out- side of regular established hours, except as provided in Section 10 of Article 6, will be allowed sixty-five (65c) cents for the service and first hour, and regular overtime there- after. 4. In computing overtime, thirty (30) min- utes or less will not be counted. Over thirty (30) minutes and up to one hour and thirty minutes (1 hour and 30 minutes) will be coimted one hour. 334 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE vin. Attending Court. Telegraphers attending court at reauest of the company shall be allowed net compen- sation which would have been earned by them at their station, with necessary ex- penses while they are away from home. ARTICLE IX. Investigation. When telegraphers lose time on account of investigation of any cause for which they are not at fault, they will be paid for time lost. ARTICLE X. Transfer — Transportation. 1. Telegraphers transferred by order of the company, or to accept bulletined positions, will be furnished with free transportation for themselves, their families and household goods, and will suffer no loss of pay. 2. When granted leave of absence, the outgoing and incoming telegraphers will each be paid for the full day of first transfer. On return transfer, only the outgoing teleg- rapher will be paid. 3. Telegraphers desiring to be checked in after leave of absence will give the superin- tendent at least five (5) days' advance no- tice, and if check is delayed thereafter, will receive pay for such additional time as they are held out of the service. ARTICLE XL Operating Pumps. Telegrraphers who are required to operate gasoline pumps will receive $12.50 per month extra compensation. Where it is practicable to do so, telegraphers will be relieved from this work. / ARTICLE XII. Cleaning Battery, Station, Etc. 1. Telegraphers shall not be required to clean main or local battery at stations where more than ten (10) cells are used. 2. Telegraphers shall not be required to scrub floors, wash windows, or clean out- buildings, but will see that their stations are kept neat and clean. ARTICLE XIII. Attending Interlocking or Switch Lights. 1. At stations where section men reside or porters or helpers are employed, telegra- phers will not be required to attend inter- locking or switch lights, but they will see that they are kept burning. 2. At stations where telegraphers are re- quired to care for interlocking or switch lights they will be allowed seventy-five (7Bc) cents per light per month. ARTICLE XrV. Students. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy nor admit students to their of- fices, nor will telegraphers teach telegraphy without permission from the company. ARTICLE XV. Discrimination. Telegraphers will not be discriminated against for service on the board of adjust- ment. ARTICLE XVt Returning Service Cards and Letters of Recommendation. Telegraphers employed by the company will, upon application, have returned to them all service cards and letters of recommenda- tion which may have been taken up for inspection. ARTICLE XVIL New Positions — Compensation. 1. When additional positions are created, the compensation will be fixed in conformity with positions of similar class provided for in this schedule. 2. When an agent telegrapher's position covered by this schedule becomes a non- telegraph station, the rate of pay will not be reduced. ARTICLE XVIII. Sunday and Holiday Work. 1. Telegraphers shall be excused from Sun- day and holiday duties as much as the con- ditions of business will permit. 2. Telegraphers in offices under the juris- diction of superintendents of telegraph, re- quired to work on Sunday or a holiday, will be paid pro rata for all Sunday and holiday work. AU such work to be consecutive. Holidays referred to are: New Year's, Decoration Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. 3. Telegraphers in offices other than those covered by Section 2, required to work on Sunday, will be paid pro rata for such serv- ice. Sunday service shall be arranged in not to exceed two periods within the spread of the week-day hours and with a minimum of one hour for each time they report. 4. The Sunday hours will be assigned and not subject to temporary changes; for all service performed outside of such assigned hours, overtime will be allowed as per over- time rules. ARTICLE XIX. Minimum Rate — Relief Agent. The salary of relief agents shall not be less than $100.00 per month. When relieving at stations where the regular rate is higher, the higher rate will be paid. When the posi- tion is created on a division It shall be bulletined and filled in accordance with Sec- tions 1 and 2 of Article II. ARTICLE XX. Relief Work. Regular assigned telegraphers who are re- quired to perform relief work and In conse- quence thereof suffer a reduction In their regular compensation, will be paid an amount .sufficient to reimburse them for such loss, and In all cases will be allowed $1.00 per day for expenses while away from their regular assigned stations. ARTICLE XXI. Commissions. At stations where ticket, express or tele- graph commissions are being paid, no reduc- tion in the percentage will be made except on thirty days' notice, and by agreement between both parties. Schedules and Wage Scales. 335 ARTICLE XXIL U. S. Mall. At stations where the United States Mail is so heavy as to require additional expense to handle same, the company will assume said expense. ARTICLE XXIII. Annual Leave of Absence. Telegraphers working ten (10) hours or more, and those employed at "X" office, Chicago; "UN" office. Mounds, "CB" office. East Cabin; "BD" and "FD" offices. New Orleans, and "JA" office, Louisville, will be allowed fifteen (15) days' leave of absence annually without loss of pay. If the com- pany finds it inconvenient to grant the afore- said leave of absence during any year to a telegrapher entitled to it under this rule, the telegrapher shall at his option receive com- pensation at his regular salary rate for the leave of absence period to which he may be entitled, or in the next following year shall receive additional leave of absence for a like period. It is mutually agreed that at stations where ticket commissions are paid, that such commissions shall be considered a part of the salary. ARTICLE XXIV. Company Furnish Copy of Schedules. Each telegrapher shall be furnished by the company with a copy; of this schedule and all amendments and supplements thereto. ARTICLE XXV. Expiration of Agreement. There shall be no change in these rules and rates of pay except upon thirty (30) days' notice. A. B. CLIFT, General Manager. For the Telegraphers: C. A. R. L. MTJLHALL, Chairman. SHANNON. Secretary. WAGE SCALE. GENERAL AND TERMINAL OFFICES. Chicago Terminal. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Chicago (X), chief operator 8 $149.00 First assistant chief operator. . 8 123.00 Second assistant chief operator 8 123.00 Third assistant chief operator. 8 123.00 Operator 8 109.00 Operator 8 109.00 Operator 8 109.00 Operator 8 109.00 Operator 8 109.00 Operator 8 109.00 Operator 8 108.00 Operator 8 108.00 Operator ..: 8 108.00 Operator 8 108.00 Operator 8 108.00 Operator 8 108.00 Telephone message operator. . . 9 79.50 Chicago (S), first clerk operator.. 8 100.00 Second clerk operator R 107.00 Third clerk operator 8; 100.00 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Ash Street Tower, 1st opr. leverm. 8 $ 89.50 Second operator leverman 8 89.50 Third operator leverman 8 89.50 Hawthorne Tower, first opr. lever. 8 91.50 Second operator leverman 8 91.50 Third operator leverman 8 91.50 Broadview, agent operator 8 94.50 Second operator leverman 8 84.50 Third operator leverman 8 84.50 43rd Street, agent operator 10 85.00 Clerk operator 10 77.50 53rd Street, agent operator 10 85.50 Clerk operator 10 78.00 63rd Street, agent operator 10 82.00 Clerk operator 10 73.50 Grand Crossing, day operator 10 84.50 Night operator 10 84.50 Riverdale, agent " 11 83.50 Harvey Tower, first opr. leverman 8 88.50 Second operator leverman 8 88.50 Third operator leverman 8 88.50 Homewood, agent operator 10 81.75 Flossmoor, agent operator 10 75.75 Matteson Tower, first opr. leverm. 8 88.50 Second operator leverman 8 88.50 Third operator leverman 8 88.50 ILLINOIS DIVISION. Chicago District. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Matteson, agent 11 $ 95.00 Monee, aeent operator 8 87.00 Second operator 8 80.00 Third operator 8 80.00 Peotone, agent operator '.....10 86.00 Manteno, agent operator 10 84.00 Night operator . .-. 10 82.00 Tucker, agent operator ..10 72.00 Bradley, agent 11 72.00 Kankakee Jet., first opr. leverman 8 87.00 Second operator leverman.... 8 87.00 Third operator leverman 8 87.00 Kankakee, car distributor operator 8 110.00 Otto, agent operator leverman.... 8 80.00 Second operator leverman.... 8 80.00 Third operator leverman 8 80.00 Chebanse, agent operator 10 93.00 Clifton, agent operator 10 94.00 A.shkum. agent operator 10 82.00 Danforth. agent operator 10 74.00 Gilman. first operator 8 87.00 Second operator 8 86.00 Third operator 8 86.00 Onarga, agent operator 10 79.00 Del Rey, agent operator 10 72.00 Buckley, agent operator 10 82.00 Loda, agent operator 10 83.00 Paxton. f^rst operator leverman... 8 87.00 Second operator leverman 8 87.00 Third operator leverman 8 87.00 Ludlow, agent operator .'.10 81.00 Rantoul, agent operator 10 96.00 Night operator 10 83.00 Thomasboro, agent operator 10 77.00 Leverett, agent operator 10 75.00 Champaign District. Champaign Yard, first operator... 8 $ 89.00 Second operator 8 87.00 Third operator 8 87.00 Champaign, car distributor opr. ... 8 100.00 336 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rata per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Savoy, agent operator 10 $74.00 Tolono. agent 10 100.00 First operator leverman 8 85.00 Second operator leverman 8 83.00 Tiiird operator leverman 8 83.00 Pesotum, agent operator 10 77.00 Hayes, agent operator 10 76.00 Tuscola, agent operator 10 114.00 Tower, first operator leverman 8 85.00 Second operator leverman... 8 85.00 Third operator leverman... 8 85.00 Galton, agent operator 10 77.00 Areola Tower, day leverman 12 72.00 Night operator leverman 10 80.00 Areola, agent operator 10 108.00 Humbolt, agent operator 10 77.00 Dorans, agent operator 10 75.00 Aetna, agent operator 10 75.00 Neoga, agent operator 10 85.00 Night operator 10 77.00 Sigel, agent operator 10 75.00 Effingham, first operator 8 91.00 Second operator 8 88.00 Third operator 8 88.00 Watson, agent operator 10 72.00 Mason, agent operator 10 77.00 Edgewood, agent operator 10 87.00 Day leverman 12 77.00 Night operator leverman 10 80.00 Laclede, agent operator 10 75.00 Farina, agent operator 'lO 74.00 Kinmundy, agent operator 10 79.00 Night operator 10 78.00 Tower, first operator leverman 8 79.00 Second operator leverman.... 8 79.00 Third operator leverman 8 79.00 Alma, agent operator 10 75.00 Tonti, agent operator 10 70.00 Odin, first operator leverman 8 87.00 Second operator leverman 8 87.00 Third operator leverman 8 87.00 Gilman-CIInton. Ridgeville, agent operator 10 $ 74.00 Thawvillc. agent operator 10 74.00 Roberts, agent operator 10 74.00 Night operator 10 78.00 .Melvin, agent operator 10 74.00 Guthrie, agent operator 10 74.00 Gibson City, agent operator 10 114.00 Night operator 10 82.00 Harpster. agent operator 10 76.00 Beileflower, agent operator 10 75.00 Weedman. agent operator 10 74.00 Farmer City, agent 11 100.00 Tower, first operator leverman 8 80.00 Second operator leverman... 8 80.00 Tliird operator leverman.... 8 80.00 Parnell, agent operator 10 78.00 DeWitt. agent operator 10 77.00 BM-kbeck. agent operator 10 77.00 Bloomington District. Irwin, agent operator 10 $ 74.00 Herscher, agent operator 10 75.00 Buckingham, agent operator 10 87.00 Cabery, agent operator 10 75.00 Kempton, agent operator 10 85.00 Cullom, agent operator 10 79.00 Chatsworth, agent operator 10 82.00 Cropsey, agent operator 10 74.00 Anchor, agent operator 10 69.00 Colfax, agent operator 10 78.00 Cooksvllle, agent operator." 10 74.00 Merna, agent operator 10 75.00 Pontlac District. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Pontiac, agent operator 10 $110.00 Graymont, agent operator 10 75.00 Flanagan, agent operator 10 75.00 ST. LOUIS DIVISION. Centralia District. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Branch .Tct.,— first opr. leverman.. 8 $ 83.60 Second operator leverman 8 83.50 Third operator leverman 8 83.50 Centralia (CE), first operator 8 103.50 Second operator 8 96.00 Third operator 8 96.00 Tower, first operator leverman 8 80.00 Second operator leverman... 8 80,00 Third operator leverman 8 80.00 (NY), first operator 8 100.00 Second operator 8 96.00 Third operator 8 96.00 Irvington, agent operator 10 .78.00 Richview, agent operator 10 73.00 Ashley, agent 11 80.50 Boi.s, agent operator 10 73.00 Tamaroa, agent 11 80.00 First operator leverman 8 - 85.00 Second operator leverman 8 85.00 Third operator leverman 8 85.00 DuQuoin, first operator 8 95.50 Second operator 8 90.50 Third operator 8 90.50 Elkville, agent operator 10 72.50 Hallidayboro. agent operator 10 84.50 DeSoto, agent operator 10 77.00 Carbondale Yard, first operator. . . 8 82.50 Second operator 8 82.50 Third operator 8 82.50 Carbondale (CD), chief operator.. 8 105.00 First operator: 8 103.00 Second operator 8 100.50 Third operator 8 100.50 Carbondale Tkt., first tkt. elk. opr. 8 101.00 Second ticket clerk operator.. 8 94.00 Third ticket clerk operator. . . 8 94.00 Carbondale, telephone mess. opr... 9 78.50 Makanda, agent operator 10 71.50 Night operator 10 84.00 Cobden, agent operator 10 77.50 Anna, agent 11 122.60 First operator 8 98.00 Second operator 8 88.00 Third operator 8 88.00 Balcom, agent operator 10 74.50 Dongola, agent operator 10 75.50 Wetaug, night operator 10 84.00 Ullin, agent operator 10 80.50 Pulaski, agent operator 10 73.50 Villa Ridge, agent operator 10 70.50 Mounds (HN), ticket elk. day opr. .10 85.50 Ticket clerk night operator. . .10 88.00 (LTN), chief operator 8 119.00 First operator 8 104.00 Second operator 8 104.00 Third operator. 8 104.00 Mound City, agent operator 10 105.00 Illinois Jet., first operator 8 89.00 Second operator 8 88.00 Tbird operator 8 88.00 Ballard Jet., first operator 8 89.00 Second operator 8 89.00 Third operator 8 89.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 337 Rata per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Cairo, first operator 8 $ 90.50 Second ticket clerk operator. . 8 99.00 Third ticket clerk operator... 8 99.00 St. Louis District. St. Louis, operator 10 $ 77.50 East St. Louis, first operator 8 93.50 Second operator 8 93.50 Third operator 8 93.50 Belleville, first operator 8 85.50 Second operator 8 85.50 Third operator 8 85.50 Freeburg, agent operator 10 100.00 New Athens, agent 11 82.50 First operator 8 83.50 Second operator 8 83.50 Third operator 8 83.50 Lenzburg, agent operator 10 75.00 Marissa, agent 11 75.00 First operator 8 84.50 Second operator 8 83.50 Third operator 8 83.50 Tilden, agent operator 10 85.00 Coulterville, agent 11 105.00 Swanwick, agent 11 45.00 Winkle, agent operator 10 80.50 Pinckneyville, first operator 8 87.50 Second operator 8 87.50 Third operator 8 87.50 Vergennes, agent operator 10 73.50 Murphysboro, agent.... 11 122.50 Ticket clerk operator 10 95.00 Texas Junction, day operator 10 90.00 Eldorado District. Mulkeytown, agent operator 10 $84.50 Christopher, agent 11 80.00 First operator 8 82.00 Second operator 8 81.00 Third operator 8 81.00 Ruckner, agent operator 10 73 00 Benton, agent 11 134.00 First operator 8 81.00 Second operator 8 81.00 Third operator 8 81.00 Logan, agent operator 10 70.50 Thompsonville, agent operator. .. .10 84.00 Galatia. agent operator 10 89.00 Benton Southern. West Frankfort, agent operator.. 10 $107.50 Christopher Branch. Zeigler, agent operator 10 ? 81.50 Carbondale District. Carterville, agent operator 10 $ 88.00 Day ojjerator 10 83.00 Marion, agent 11 122.50 Day operator 10 81.50 Night operator 10 80.50 Creal Springs, agent operator 10 70.50 Parker, *agent operator. 10 54.00 Ozark, agent operator 10 76.00 Simpson, agent operator 10 72.50 Grautsburg, agent operator 10 75.50 Golconda, agent operator 10 74.50 Day operator 10 80.00 Reevesville, agent operator 10 79.50 Round Knob, agent operator 10 75.50 Metropolis, agent operator 10 112.50 Clerk operator 10 80.00 Brookport, agent operator 10 80.00 Johnston City Branch. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Cambria, agent operator 10 $ 91.00 Herrin Yard, night operator 10 80.00 Herrin, agent operator 10 122.50 Murphysboro District. Grand Tower, agent operator 10 $ 76.00 Wolf Lake, agent operator 10 76.00 Reynoldsville, agent operator 10 78.50 McClure, agent operator 10 7.7.00 Gale, agent operator 10 100.00 Cache, agent operator leverman..lO 80.50 Night operator leverman 10 80.50 • Also paid by C, C. C. & St. L. Ry. SPRINGFIELD DIVISION. Springfield District. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Clinton, car distributor operator.. 8 $107.50 First operator 8 104.00 Second operator 8 101.50 Third operator 8 101.50 Ticket agent 11 101.50 North Yard, first operator 8 85.00 Second operator 8 85.00 Third operator 8 85.00 Kenney, agent operator 10 79.00 Day leverman .12 74.00 Night operator leverman .10 80.00 Chestnut, agent operator 10 75.00 Mt. Pulaski, agent 11 105.00 First operator leverman 8 82.50 Second operator leverman 8 82.50 Third operator leverman 8 82.50 Lake Fork, agent operator 10 75.00 Buffalo Hart, agent operator 10 75.50 Barclay, agent operator 10 73.00 East Grand Ave., first operator... 8 90.00 Second operator 8 88.00 Third operator 8 88.00 Spr'igfleld, operator asst. tkt. agt.lO 89.00 Night operator ticket clerk... 10 89.00 Toronto, agent operator 10 70.00 Glenarm, agent operator 10 75.00 Pawnee Jet., agent opr. leverman. 10 77.50 Night operator leverman 10 80.00 Divernon, agent H 87.50 Day operator 10 82.50 Thoma.sville. agent operator 10 75.00 Farmersville. agent operator 10 80.00 Waggoner, agent operator .10 72.50 Litchfield, agent 11 115.00 First operator 8 86.50 Second operator 8 86.50 Third operator 8 86.50 Mt. Olive, agent operator 10 92.50 Alhambra. agent operator 10 S^BOO Marine, agent operator 10- 85.00 Glen Carbon, agent operator 10 92 50 Madison, agent operator 8 115.00 Clinton District. Maroa. agent H $87.50 First operator 8 84.00 Second operator 8 84.00 Third operator 8 84.00 Forsyth, agent operator 10 7400 Decatur, first operator 8 94.00 Second operator 8 94.00 Third operator 8 94.00 Elwin, agent operator 10 72.50 Macon, agent operator.. 10 75.00 Walker, agent operator. 10 75.00 338 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Moweaqua, agent operator 10 $ 77.50 Night operator 10 81.50 Assumption, agent 11 70.00 Day operator 10 82.50 Oconee, agent operator 10 ^0.00 Ramsey, agent operator 10 85.00 Vera, agent operator 10 74.00 Shobonier, agent operator 10 74.00 Vernon, agent operator 10 62.50 Patoka, agent operator 10 79.00 Night operator 10 81.50 Sandoval, day opr. leverman.* 37.60 Night operator leverman* 30.00 Havana District. Bondville, agent operator 10 $ 65.00 Seymour, agent operator 10 70.00 White Heath, agent operator 10 75.00 Deland, agent operator 10 69.50 Weldon, agent operator 10 75.00 Season, agent operator 10 75.00 Lincoln, agent operator 10 125.00 Burtonview, agent operator 10 73.50 New Holland, agent operator 10 75.00 Mason City, agent operator 10 90.00 Teheran, agent operator 10 57.50 Eiaston, agent operator 10 75.00 Havana, agent operator 10 107.50 Decatur District. Monticello. agent operator 10 $81.50 Cisco, agent operator 10 71.50 Argenta, agent operator 10 71.50 Rantoul District. Alvin, agent operator 10 $72.50 Henning, agent 11 40.00 Potomac, agent operator 10 72.00 Armstrong, agent operator 10 67.50 Penfield, agent operator 10 71.50 Gifford, agent operator 10 72.00 Fisher, agent operator 10 72.50 Sabina, agent operator 10 73.50 LeRoy, agent operator 10 85.00 INDL^NA DIVISION. Peoria District. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Peoria (RT), day operator 10 $84.00 Pekin, agent 11 120.00 First operator 8 85.00 Second operator 8 85.00 Green Valley, agent operator 10 80.00 Delavan, agent operator 10 101.00 Bmden, agent operator 10 84.50 Hartsburg, agent operator 10 84.50 Latham, agent operator 10 85.50 Warrensburg, agent operator 10 84.50 Dalton City, agent operator 10 87.50 Bethany, agent operator 10 80.00 Sullivan, agent operator 10 120.00 Allenvllle, agent operator 10 81.00 Mattoon District. Mattoon, car distributor operator. 8 $109.00 First operator 8 101.00 Second operator 8 101.00 Lerna, agent operator , .10 92.00 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Janesville, agent operator .10 $ 77.00 Toledo, agent operator 10 82.00 Greenup, agent operator 10 115.60 Hidalgo, agent operator ...10 77.50 Rose Hill, agent operator 10 76.00 Newton, agent 11 120.00 First operator 8 91.00 Second operator ,. 8 91.00 Third operator 8 91.00 West Liberty, agent operator.. 10 *63.00 Dundas, agent operator 10 81.00 Olney, agent 11 123.00 Day operator 10 83.00 Calhoun, agent operator 10 76.50 Parkersburg, agent operator 10 80.00 West Salem, agent operator 10 92.00 Bone Gap, agent operator 10 79.60 Browns, agent operator ,..10 102.00 Day operator 10 83.00 Grayville, agent operator .10 107.50 Griffin, agent operator 10 84.50 Stewartsville, agent operator 10 91.00 Poseyville, agent operator 10 105.50 Martin, agent operator 10 75.00 Harwood, night operator 10 87.00 Evansville, day operator 10 91.00 New Harmony Branch. New Harmony, agent operator. .. .10 $104.50 Indianapolis District. Indianapolis (CO), day opr. clerk.. 10 $120.00 Yards, first operator 8 91.00 Second operator 8 91.00 Third operator 8 91.00 Bargersville, agent operator 10 81.60 Anita, agent operator 10 77.60 Morgantown, agent operator 10 84.00 Night operator 10 79.00 Helmsburg, agent operator 10 74.00 Trevlac, agent operator 10 76.50 Unionville, agent operator 10 76.50 Bloomington, first operator 8 91.00 Second operator 8 87.00 Third operator 8 87.00 Elwren, agent operator .....10 73.50 Solsberry, agent operator 10 74.00 Bloomfield, agent 11 115.00 First operator 8 80.00 Second operator 8 80.00 Linton, agent operator 10 111.00 Day operator 8 81.00 Victoria, agent operator 10 78.50 Dugger, agent operator 10 83.00 Cass, agent operator 10 83.60 Night operator 10 79.00 Sullivan, agent operator, 10 109.00 Operator cashier 10 86.60 New Lebanon, agent operator 10 74.00 Merom, agent operator 10 71.50 Palestine, agent 11 115.00 First operator 8 91.00 Second operator 8 91.00 Third operator 8 91.00 Robinson, agent operator 10 110.00 Stoy, agent operator 10 81.00 Oblong, agent operator 10 100.00 Willow Hill, agent operator 10 79.00 Wheeler, agent operator 10 75.00 Dieterlch, agent operator 10 67.00 •Controlled by B. & O. R. R. •Also paid by The C. I. & W. R. R. Co. Schedules and Wage Scales. 339 WISCONSIN DIVISION. Freeport District. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Hillside, agent operator 10 $78.50 C. G. W. Crossing', first opr. lev. . . 8 84.50 Second operator leverman . . . . 8 84.50 Third operator leverman 8 84.50 Addison, agent operator 10 75.50 Cloverdale, agent operator 10 76.00 Hunger, agent operator 10 84.50 Coleman, agent operator 8 89.50 Second operator 8 80.50 Third operator 8 80.50 Plato Center, agent operator 10 76.00 Burlington, agent operator 10 79.50 Genoa, agent operator 10 74.50 Hart, night operator 10 80.00 Colvin Park, agent operator 10 76.00 Irene, agent operator 10 76.00 Perryville, agent operator 10 76.00 Rockford, ticket clerk 11 88.50 PMrst operator 8 104.50 Second operator 8 90.50 Third operator 8 90.50 Alworth, agent operator 10 76.00 Seward, agent operator 10 76.00 Night operator 10 80.00 Evarts, agent operator ...10 76.00 East Junction, first opr. lev 8 86.50 Second operator leverman 8 86.50 Third operator leverman 8 86.50 Preeport, car distributor operator. 8 110.00 Freeport' (K), first operator 8 94.00 Second operator 8 94.00 Third operator 8 94.00 West Junction, first opr. lev 8 84.00 Second operator leverman 8 84.00 Third operator leverman 8 84.00 Amboy District. Baileyville, agent operator 10 $ 78.50 Forreston, agent 10 102.00 Day operator 10 84.50 Haldane, agent operator 10 79.50 Polo, agent 10 77.00 Day operator 10 85.50 Woosung, agent operator 10 78.50 North Dixon, agent operator 10 81.00 Dixon, operator ticket clerk 10 90.00 Night operator...^. 10 82.50 Eldena, agent operator 10 78.50 Amboy, first operator 8 92.00 Second operator 8 91.00 Third operator 8 91.00 Sublette, agent operator 10 74.50 Mendota, first operator 8 84.50 Second operator 8 82.00 Third operator 8 82.00 Dimmick, agent operator.. 10 79.25 LaSalle, first operator.... 8 100.00 Second operator 8 91.00 Third operator 8 89.50 Oglesby, agent operator 10 79.50 Tonica, agent operator 10 79.50 Lostant, agent operator 10 79.50 Wenona, agent 10 80.50 Day operator ...10 84.50 Rutland, agent operator 10 79.50 Minonk, agent 11 105.00 First operator 8 91.00 Second operator 8 88.50 Third operator 8 88.50 Panola, agent operator 10 72.50 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Et Paso, agent 10 $104.50 Day operator 10 84.50 Kappa, agent operator 10 73.50 Hudson, agent operator 10 79.50 Kerrick, agent operator .10 73.00 Normal, agent 11 70.00 Ticket clerk 11 60.00 Bloomington, first operator 8 100.00 Second operator 8 89.50 Third operator 8 89.50 Randolph, agent operator ....10 74.50 Heyworth, agent operator 10 74.50 Wapella, agent operator 10 74.50 Madison District. Sciota Mills, agent operator ..10 $70.50 Red Oak, agent operator 10 70.50 Orangeville, agent operator 10 80.00 Monroe, agent operator 10 115.00 Day operator 10 85.00 Monticello, agent operator 10 79.00 Belleville, agent operator...- 10 78.50 Basco, agent operator j. 10 70.50 Madison, day operator... 10 85.00 Dodgevllle District. McConnell, agent operator 10 $ 68.50 Winslow, agent operator 10 60.50 Dill, agerit operator 10 68.50 Woodford, agent operator 10 74.00 Argyle, agent operator 10 79.00 Blanchardville, agent operator 10 79.00 Hollandale. agent operator 10 68.50 Jonesdale, agent operator 10 68.50 Dodgeville, agent operator 10 105.00 . MINNESOTA DIVISION. Dubuque District. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Eleroy, agent operator 10 $82.25 Night operator 10 78.75 Lena, agent 11 76.75 First operator 8 84.75 Second operator 8 81.75 Third operator 8 79.75 Wadham, agent operator 10 80.75 Nora, agent operator 10 81.75 Warren, agent 11 108.75 First operator 8 84.75 Second operator 8 82.25 Third operator 8 79.75 Apple River, agent operator 10 80.75 Scales Mound, agent operator 8 84.75 Second operator 8 82.25 Third operator 8 82.25 Council Hill, agent operator 10 82.75 Galena, agent 11 113.75 Day ticket clerk 11 77.75 Night ticket clerk 11 72.75 Galena Tower, first opr. leverman 8 85.75 Second operator leverman.... 8 85.75 Third operator leverman 8 85.75 Portage, first operator leverman.. 8 90.75 Second operator leverman 8 90 75 Third operator leverman 8 90.75 Fast Cabin, first operator 8 100.75 Second operator 8 100.75 Third operator 8 100.75 East Dubuque, agent operator. .. .10 83.75 Day operator clerk 10 "JZ.IS 340 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. East Dubuque Tower, 1st opr. lev. 8 $ 85.75 Second operator leverman 8 85.75 Third operator leverman 8 85.75 Dubuque Junction, first opr. lev... 8 85.75 Second operator leverman 8 85.75 Third operator leverman 8 85.75 Dubuque (KB), car distributor opr 8 98.75 First operator 8 105.25 Second operator 8 99.25 Third operator 8 103.75 South Junction, first operator 8 89.75 Second operator 8 89.75 Third operator 8 89.75 Julien, agent operator 10 77.75 Peo.sta, agent operator 8 78.75 Second operator 8 78.75 Third operator 8 81.75 Epworth, agent operator 10 81.75 Farley, agent 10 80.25 Day operator 10 81.75 Dyersville, agent.... 11 100.75 First operator 8 • 84.25 Second operator 8 82.25 Third operat^a* 8 82.25 Earlville, agent operator ...10 84.75 Night operator 10 79.75 Delaware, agent operator 10 80.75 Manchester, agent 11 123.75 First operator 8 95.75 Second operator 8 89.75 Third operator 8 89.25 Mason ville, agent operator 10 81.75 Winthrop, agent operator 8 89.75 Second operator 8 79.75 Third operator 8 79.75 Independence, agent 11 120.75 First operator 8 89.75 Second operator 8 82.25 " Third operator 8 82.25 Day leverman 12 70.25 Jesup, agent operator 8 80.25 Second operator 8 79.75 Third operator 8 79.75 Raymond, agent operator 10 81.75 Waterloo (CW), first operator 8 97.75 Second operator 8 92.75 Third operator 8 90.25 Waterloo (AR), first operator 8 91.75 Second operator 8 88.75 Third operator 8 88.75 Cedar Rapids District. Ryan, agent operator 10 ? 69.25 Coggon, agent operator 10 73.75 Central City, agent operator 10 71.75 Alburnett, agent operator 10 68.75 Robins, agent operator 10 77.75 Cedar Rapids, day operator 10 89.75 Albert Lea District. Janesville. agent operator 10 $73.75 Waverly. agent operator 8 94.75 First operator 8 77.75 Second operator 8 76.75 Plainfleld, agent operator 10 74.75 Nashua, agent H 85.25 Day operator 10 75.25 Charles City, agent 11 108.75 First operator 8 85.75 Second operator 8 77.25 Third operator 8 77.25 Floyd, agent operator ; 10 74.25 Orchard, agent operator 10 74.75 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Osage, agent 11 |108.75 First operator 8 83.75 Second operator 8 77.25 Mitchell, agent operator 10 81.25 St. Ansgar, agent operator 10 76.25 Lyle, agent operator 10 88.75 London, agent operator 10 70.25 Myrtle, agent operator 10 70.25 Glenville, agent operator 8 80.26 Second operator 8 77.75 Third operator 8 77.75 Stacyville Branch. Stacyville, agent operator 10 $73.25 IOWA DIVISION. Waterloo District. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Cedar Falls, first operator 8 ? 92.00 Second operator 8 82.00 Third operator 8 82.00 New Hartford, agent operator 10 75.00 Parkersburg, agent 11 81.50 First operator 8 84.00 Second operator 8 82.00 Aplington, agent operator 10- 80.00 Austinville, agent operator 10 80.00 Ackley, agent .11 100.00 First operator 8 84.50 Second operator 8 79.50 Macy, agent operator 10 72.50 Iowa Falls, first operator 8 92.00 Second operator 8 82.00 Third operator 8 82.00 Alden, agent operator 10 75.00 Wilke, agent operator 10 75.00 Williams, agent operator 10 85.00 Blairsburg, agent operator 10 82.50 Webster City, first operator 8 92.00 Second operator 8 82.00 Third operator 8 82.00 Duncombe, agent operator 10 77.50 Gypsum, agent operator leverman. 10 *51.50 Ft. Dodge, car distributor operator 8 105.00 First operator 8 100.00 Second operator 8 100.00 Third operator 8 100.00 Omaha District. Tara, first operator 8_ $80.00 Second operator 8' 8Q.00 Third operator 8 80.00 Knierim, agent operator 10 72.50 Richards, agent operator 10 72.50 Rockwell City, agent 11 85.00 Rockwell City Tower, first opr. lev. 8 79.00 Second operator leverman 8 79.00 Third operator leverman 8 79.00 Yetter, agent operator. 10 71.50 Ulmer, agent operator 10 72.50 Wall Lake, agent operator 10 97.50 Deloit, agent operator 10 82.50 Denison, agent operator 10 107. BO Denison Tower, day leverman 12 79.00 Night operator leverman 10 79.00 Dow City, agent operator 10 85.00 Duniap, agent operator 10 100.00 Woodbine, agent operator.. 10 97.50 Logan, agent operator 10 102.50 Night operator 10 79.00 •Also paid by C. G. "W. Schedules and Wage Scales. 341 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Euclid, agent operator 10 $77.50 Council Bluffs, first operator 8 106.00 Second operator ticket agent.. 8 110.00 Third operator 8 104.00 Cherokee District. Barnum, agent operator 10 $77.00 Manson, agent 11 85.00 Manson Tower, first opr. lev 8 79.00 Second operator leverman 8 79.00 Third operator leverman 8 79.00 Pomeroy, agent operator 10 90.00 Fonda, agent operator 8 90.00 Second operator 8 79.00 Third operator 8 79.00 Newell, agent operator 10 90.00 Sulphur Springs, agent 11 52.50 Storm Lake, agent 11 110.00 First operator 8 92.00 Second operator 8 82.00 Third operator 8 82.00 Alta, agent operator 10 91.50 Aurelia, agent operator 10 94.00 Cherokee, operator ticket clerk 10 105.00 Meriaen, agent operator 10 74.00 Cleghorn, agent operator 10 76.50 Marcus, agent operator 10 89.00 Kerasen, agent opei'ator 10 89.00 Oyens, agent operator 10 ' 74.50 i-,e Mars, ticket agent 11 100.00 i'irst operator 8 85.00 Second operator...... 8 85.00 Third operator 8 85.00 Merrill, agent operator 10 86.50 Wren Tower, first operator lev 8 79.00 Second operator leverman.... 8 79.00 Third operator leverman 8 79.00 Hinton, agent operator ..10 81.50 James, agent operator 10 71.50 Leeds, agent operator 10 89.00 Sioux City, 22d St. (SB;, first opr. 8 97.50 Second operator 8 97.50 Third operator ^ • ^ ^'^•50 Sioux City, Frt. Of. (SX;, day opr.lO 89.00 Sioux Falls District. Larabee, agent operator 10 $ 76.50 Calumet, agent operator 10 71.50 Gaza, agent operator ...10 74.00 Primghar, agent operator 10 84.00 Archer, agent operator 10 74.00 Sheldon, agent operator 10 105.00 Matlock, aeent operator 10 77.50 George, agent operator 10 84.00 Rock Rapids, agent operator 10 102.50 Steen, agent operator 10 74.00 Hills, agent operator 10 79.00 Rowena, agent operator 10 54.00 E. Sioux Falls, agent operator 10 74.00 Sioux Falls, operator ticket clerk.. 10 95.00 Onawa District. Quimby, agent operator 10 $ 75.00 Washta, agent operator 10 70.00 Correctionville, agent operator 10 92.50 Anthon, agent operator llO 85.00 Oto, agent operator 10 74.00 Smithland, agent operator 10 76.50 Ticonlc, agent operator 10 70.00 Onawa, agent operator .10 95.00 KENTUCKY DIVISION. Louisville District. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Louisville, telephone mess. opr. . . .9 $ 67.50 Louisville (JAj, chief operator 8 107.50 First operator 8 102.50 Second operator 8 102.50 Third operator 8 102.50 Louisville (RN>, first operator 8 88.50 Second operator 8 88.50 Third operator 8 88.50 Kosmosdale, agent operator 10 100.00 West Point, agent operator 8 78.50 Second operator 8 81.50 Third operator 8 81.50 Tip Top, agent operator 8 78.00 Second operator 8 81.50 Third operator 8 81.50 Stithton, agent 10 41.00 Vine Grove, agent operator 10 66.50 Cecilia, agent 11 88.00 First operator 8 85.00 Second operator 8 85.00 Third operator 8 85.00 East View, agent operator 10 71.00 Big Cliffy, agent operator 10 60.00 Grayson Springs, agent operator. .10 80.00 Leitchfleld, agent 10 68.50 First operator 8 85.00 Second operator 8 85.00 Third operator 8 85.00 Millwood, agent operator 10 71.50 Caneyville, agent operator 10 83.50 Spring Lick, agent operator 10 72.50 Horse Branch, agent operator.... 8 68.00 Second operator 8 81.50 Third operator 8 81.50 Beaver Dam, agent operator 10 78.50 McHenry, agent operator 10 75.00 Night operator 10 82.50 Rockport, agent operator 10 81.60 Central City, first operator 8 100.00 Second operator 8 88.50 Third operator 8 88.50 Paducah District. Mercer, agent operator 10 $100.00 Greenville, agent operator 10 78.50 Luzerne, agent operator.. 10 80.00 Graham, agent operator 8 77.00 Second operator 8 84.00 • Third operator 8 84.00 White Plains, agent operator 10 77.00 Nortonville, first operator lev * Second operator leverman 8 86.00 Third operator leverman 8 t86.00 St. Charles, agent operator 10 77.50 Illsley, agent operator 10 82.50 Dawson Springs, agent 10 45.50 First operator 8 88.00 Second operator 8 86.00 Third operator 8 86.00 Cedar Bluff, agent operator 10 86.50 Princeton (ON), operator 8 105.00 Princeton Yard, first operator 8 88.50 Second operator 8 88.50 Third operator 8 88.50 South Jet., first operator 8 81.50 Second operator 8 81.50 Third operator 8 81.50 Eddyville, agent operator 10 85.00 ♦Paid and controlled by L. & N. R. R. IT. C. R. R. and L. & N. R. R. each pay half. 342 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Kuttawa, agent operator 10 $ 80.50 Grand Rivers, agent 11 80.00 Gravel Switch, first operator 8 81.50 Second operator 8 81.60 Third operator 8 81.50 Calvert, agent operator 10 70.00 Little Cypress, night operator 10 82.50 Paducah (SA), ticket agent opr.. 8 105.00 Second operator 8 92.50 Third operator 8 95.00 Paducah (AY>, first operator 8 88.50 Second operator 8 88.50 Third operator 8 88.50 Maxon, agent operator 10 71.50 Kevil, agent operator 10 62.50 La Center, agent operator 10 64.00 Barlow, agent operator 10 79.50 H. & E. District. EUzabethtown, agent operator. .. .10 $107.50 Hodgenville, agent operator 10 63.50 Owensboro District. Pordsvllle, agent operator 10 $79.00 Deanfleld, agent operator 10 77.00 Whitesville, agent operator 10 76.00 Owensboro, day operator 10 83.50 Evansville District. Henderson, day operator 10 $ 83.50 Corydon, agent operator 10 73.50 Waverly, agent operator 10 55.00 Morganfleld, agent operator 10 60.00 Day operator 10 83.50 Unlontown, agent operator 10 65.00 Grove Center, agent 11 32.50 Henshaw, agent operator 10 71.00 Night operator 10 82.50 DeKoven, agent operator 10 74.50 .Sturgis, agent operator 10 65.00 Day operator 10 83.50 Blackford, agent operator 8 65.00 Second operator 8 82.50 Third operator 8 82.50 Wheatcroft, agent operator 10 77.50 Clay, agent 11 60.00 D.xon, agent operator 10 66.00 'Tovidence, agent operator 10 85.00 Marion, agent operator 10 63.50 Day operator 10 83.50 Crayne, night operator 10 82.50 Fredonia, agent operator 10 62.00 Cerulean, agent operator 10 74.00 Gracey, agent operator 10 82.00 Hopkinsvllle, first operator 8 90.00 Second operator 8 85.00 TENNESSEE DIVISION. Fulton District. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Krebs, night operator 10 $81.50 Boaz, agent operator 10 82.50 Mayfleld, agent 11 79.50 First operator 8 97.50 Second operator 8 95>.00 Third operator 8 95.00 Wingo, agent operator 10 76.50 Water Valley, agent operator.... 8 70.00 Second operator 8 85.00 Third operator '' . 8 85.00 Rate per Statlqp and Position. Hrs. Month. Gibbs, agent 11 $ 81.50 First operator leverman 8 95.00 Second operator leverman.... 8 95.00 Third operator leverman 8 96.00 Rives, first operator leverman 8 95.00 Second operator leverman 8 .95.00 Third operator leverman 8 96.00 Troy, agent 11 45.00 Obion, agent 10 47.50 Day operator 101 90.00 Trimble, agent operator 10 68.50 Newbern, agent 10 85.00 Day operator '. 10 90.00 Dyersburg, agent 11 159.00 First operator 8 95^00 Second operator 8 95.00 Third operator 8 95.00 Fowlkes, agent operator 10 69.50 Hall.?, agent operator.... 10 85.00 Gates, agent operator 10 68.00 Curve, agent operator 10 67.60 Night operator 10 90.00 Ripley, agent operator 10 104.50 Day operator 10 90.00 Henning, agent operator 10 52.50 Covington, agent 10 100.00 Day operator 10 92.60 Night operator... 10 92.60 Atoka, agent operator 10 ■ 73.00 Kerrville, agent 11 35.00 Millington, agent operator 10 43.00 Day operator 10 90.00 Woodstock, agent operator lev.... 8 78.60 Second operator leverman.... 8 92.50 Third operator leverman 8 92.50 Cairo District. Wickliffe, agent operator 10 $95.00 Winford, operator leverman.. 8 97.50 Second operator leverman 8 97.50 Third operator leverman...^.. 8 97.60 Bardwell, agent operator 10 60.00 Night operator 10 85.00 Arlington, agent operator 10 79.50 Clinton, agent operator 10 87.50 Crutchficld, agent operator 10 73.50 Fulton (NS>, first operator 8 88.50 Second operator 8 88.50 Third operator 8 88.50 Fulton (IT), ticket agent 11 120.00 First operator 8 97.50 Second operator 1 8 97.50 Third operator 8 97.50 Fulton (FU>, first operator 8 105.00 Second operator 8 102.50 Third operator 8 102.50 McConnell, agent operator 10 78.60 Martin, ticket agent 10 115.00 First operator 8 97.50 Second oiierator 8 97.60 Third operator 8 97.60 Sharon, agent operator 10 62.50 Greenfield, agent operator 10 60.00 Night operator 10 86.00 Bradford, agent operator 10 85.00 Medina, agent operator 10 71.00 Jackson, ticket agent operator. .. .10 110.00 Krogmoor, ' first operator 8 97.60 Second operator 8 97.60 Third operator 8 97.50 Birmingham District. Corinth, day operator 10 $92.50 Paden, agent operator 10 82.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 343 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Tishomingo, agent 11 $ 50.00 Belmont, agent operator 10 80.00 Red Bay, agent operator 10 87.50 Day operator 10 87.50 Vina, agent operator 10 85.00 Hodges, agent operator 10 82.50 Hackelburg, agent operator 10 82.50 Haleyville, agent operator 10 109.00 Birmingham, day operator 10 97.60 Night operator 10 92.00 MISSISSIPPI DIVISION. Jackson District. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Medon, agent operator 10 $77.50 Toone, agent operator 10 77.50 Bolivar, agent operator 10 83.00 Night operator 10 86.50 Hiclcory Valley, agent operator. .. .10 77.50 Grand Junction, first operator.... 8 89.00 Second operator 8 *42.00 Third operator 8 t Michigan City, agent operator 10 80.50 Lamar, agent operator 10 80.50 Holly Springs, ticket agent 11 95.00 First operator 8 87.50 Second operator 8 87.50 Third operator 8 87.50 Waterford, agent operator 10 77.50 Abbeville, agent operator 10 82.50 Oxford, agent operator 10 108.50 Night operator 10 86.00 Taylor, agent operator 10 78.00 Water Valley District. Water Valley (NE), car distributor 8 $102.50 (CF), first operator 8 92.50 Second operator 8 92.50 Third operator 8 92.50 Coffeeville, agent operator 10 83.00 Torrance, agent operator 10 75.00 Grenada, first operator 8 98.00 Second operator 8 93.00 Third operator 8 93.00 Elliot, agent operator 10 77.00 Duck Hill, agent operator 10 86.00 Winona Tower, day leverman 12 76.00 Night leverman 12 73.50 Winona, first qperator 8 89.00 Second operator 8 86.50 Third operator 8 86.50 Vaiden, agent operator 10 84.00 West, agent operator 10 84.00 Durant, agent 10 132.50 First operator 8 92.50 Second operator 8 92.50 Third operator 8 92.50 Aberdeen Jet., first operator 8 82.00 Second operator 8 82.00 Goodman, agent operator 10 79.00 Pickens, agent operator 10 83.50 Night operator 10 82.50 Vaughan, agent operator 10 77.50 Way, agent operator 19 75.00 Grenada District. Raine, agent 11 $ 45.00 Horn Lake, agent operator 10 71.50 •I. C. R. R. and Southern R. R. each pay one-half. fPatd and controlled by Southern R. R. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Nesbit, agent operator 10 $71.50 Hernando, agent operator 10 78.00 Love, agent ll 64.00 Coldwater, agent operator 10 80.00 Senatobla, agent operator 10 80.00 Como, agent operator 10 80.00 Operator clerk 10 77.50 Sardis, agent ..10 81.60 First operator 8 81.00 Second operator 8 81.00 Third operator 8 81.00 Batesville, agent operator 10 75.00 Courtland, agent operator 10 70.00 Pope, agent operator 10 67.60 Enid, agent operator 10 70.00 Oakland, agent operator 10 77.50 Tillatoba, agent operator 10 70.00 Scobey, agent operator 10 67.50 Hardy, agent operator 10 67.50 Aberdeen District. Saliis, agent operator 10 $70.00 Kosciusko, agent 10 112.50 Day operator 10 81.00 Ethel, agent operator 10 76.00 McCool, agent operator 10 75.00 Weir, agent operator 10 75.00 Ackerman, agent 10 105.00 First operator 8 82.00 Second operator 8 82.00 Third operator 8 82.00 Sturges, agent operator 10 70.00 Longvlew, agent operator 10 67.60 Starkville, agent operator 10 95.00 Day operator 10 81.00 West Point, agent 10 112.50 First operator '....8 82.00 Second operator 8 82.00 Aberdeen, agent 10 112.50 Day operator 10 77.50 Brilliant, agent operator 10 75.00 Relief agent 108.50 LOUISIANA DIVISION. Canton District. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Canton, first operator 8 $95.00 Second operator 8 94.00 Third operator 8 94.00 Madison, agent operator 10 76.50 Tougaloo, agent operator 10 78.60 Asylum, first operator leverman.. 8 92.00 Second operator leverman 8 92.00 Third operator leverman 8 92.00 Jackson, chief operator 8 100.00 Second operator 8 95.00 Third operator 8 95.00 Fourth operator 8 95.00 Nogan, first operator leverman.. 8 77.60 Second operator leverman.... 8 83.00 Third operator leverman 8 83.00 Byram, agent operator 10 82.50 Terry, agent operator 10 82.00 Crystal Springs, agent 10 81.50 First operator 8 84.00 Second operator 8 84.00 Gallman, agent operator 10 78.60 Hazelhurst, agent operator 10 78.00 Wesson, agent operator 10 80.00 Day operator 10 8000 344 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Brookhaven, first operator lev 8 $ 91.50 Second operator leverman. . . . 8 91.50 Third operator leverman 8 91.50 Bogue Chitto, agent operator 10 80.00 Norfield, agent operator 10 78.00 Summit, agent operator 10 87.00 Day operator 10 80.00 McComb District. McComb, chief operator 8 $110.00 First operator 8 101.00 Second operator 8 101.00 Third operator 8 101.00 Fernwood, agent 10 105.00 Magnolia, agent operator 10 80.00 Day operator .10 80.00 Chatawa, agent operator 10 72.00 Osyka, agent operator 10 80.00 Kentwood, agent 10 80.00 Day operator 10 80.00 Tangipahoa, agent operator 10 80.00 Night operator 10 85.00 Areola, agent operator 10 71.50 Roseland, agent operator 10 52.50 Amite, agent operator 10 105.00 Gullett, agent 10 66.50 Independence, agent operator 10 40.00 Tickfaw, agent operator 10 50.00 Genesee, agent 11 55.00 Natalbany, agent operator 10- 72.50 Hammond, agent 11 125.00 Fir^t operator 8 90.00 Second operator 8 90.00 Third operator '8 90.00 Ponchatoula, agent operator 10 60.00 Manchac, agent operator 8 82.00 Second operator 8 83.00 Third operator 8 83.00 Orleans Jet-, first operator lev... 8 91.00 Second operator leverman.... 8 91.00 Third operator leverman 8 91.00 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Kenner, agent operator 10 $58.00 Harahan Jet., first operator lev 8 90.00 Second operator leverman.... 8 90.00 Third operator leverman 8 90.00 Yazoo District. Cynthia, night operator 10 $85.00 Pocahontas, agent operator. ..... .10 74.00 Flora, agent operator 10 76.00 Forlorn, night operator 10 85.00 Bentonia, agent operator 10 75.00 Anding, agent operator 10 72.50 Tinsley. night operator 10 85.00 Yazoo City, ticket agent 11 95.00 First operator 8 87. QO Second operator 8 87.00 Third operator 8 87.00 Eden, agent 11 41.00 Night operator 10 85.00 Thornton, agent 11 53.00 Bee Lake, agent operator 10 80.50 Mileston. agent 11 56.00 Night operator 10 85.00 Gwin, first operator 8 96.00 Second operator 8 ' 96.00 Third operator 8 96.00 Fourth operator 8 96.00 General and Relay Offices. New Orleans (BD), chief operator 8 .$107.00 First operator 8 107.00 Second operator 8 107.00 Third operator 8 107.00 (FD), chief operator 8 96.00 First operator 8 107.00 Second operator 8 107.00 Third operator 8 107.00 Fourth operator 8 107.00 International & Great Northern Railway JAS. A. BAKER, Receiver THORNWELL FAY, Assistant to Receiver (EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 1917.) ARTICLE I. • Definition of Telegrapher. Any employe, except train dispatchers, performing the duties of a telegrapher, whether termed operator, agent and oper- ator, or otherwise, or any telephone oper- ator required to receive or transmit train orders; also station agents specified in this agreement, will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of these articles. ARTICLE II. Investigation and Discipline. When a telegrapher is suspended or dis- missed for an alleged fault, he shall have a fair and impartial investigation within ten days after filing written request therefor with the proper official, and if found not at fault as charged, shall be reinstated and paid for time lost. (It Is understood time lost will include commissions on express and Western Union business as well as the railroad salary.) Written request must be made within ten days from suspension or dismissal. Telegraphers dissatisfied with result of investigation by the official under whose jurisdiction they are employed, will have the right to appeal to his superior officers within ten days, either in person or through a committee of the Order of Railroad Teleg- raphers. ARTICLE IIL Seniority, Promotion and Bulletining of Positions. Telegraphers will be regarded as in line for promotion, advancement depending on faithful, intelligent and courteous dis- charge of duty and capacity for greater re- sponsibility. Where these are sufHcient, Schedules and Wage Scales. 345 seniority will govern, division superintend- ents to be the judges. Division superintendents will furnish each local chairman an ofRcial seniority list in January and July of each year, covering their respective divisions, showing where telegraphers are located. Seniority will be effective only when va- cancies, occur or when new positions are created, and will date from the last time of entering the service, and extend over each division. Vacancies and new positions will be promptly bulletined to all offlces on the di- vision on which they occur. Eligible teleg- raphers will be given ten days in which to apply for same. Such positions will be filled within thirty days. When a telegrapher loses a regular po- sition through no fault of his own, he shall displace the youngest regular man work- ing at the time and will retain his sen- iority. Telegraphers accepting bulletined posi- tions, and after a fair trial found incom- petent, will be placed on the extra list with seniority unimpaired. Temporary positions or vacancies in of- flces where more than one telegrapher is employed will be filled by advancing teleg- raphers In those offlces according to their seniority, provided it can be done without conflicting with the state or national rest laws. Temporary positions or vacancies of thirty days or more will be bulletined and filled in accordance with paragraph 4 of this ar- ticle, the successful applicant's position to be filled from the extra list. When a position abolished is re-estab- lished, within ninety days from date of such abolishment the telegrapher holding the position at the time it was abolished shall have the privilege of assignment to the po- sition without it again being bulletined. In the event a telegrapher is dismissed from the service and afterwards reinstated to his former position, telegraphers displaced by reason of such reinstatement shall be returned to position held by them at the time the said telegrapher was dismissed. Senior extra telegraphers, when available and competent, will be used in preference to junior extra telegraphers. ARTICLE rV. Manager Station Telegraph Office. At stations where day telegraphers are employed in addition to agents, the day telegrapher will be considered manager of the telegraph offlce, except in cases specially authorized by the division superintendent. AUTICLE V. Complaints. Any telegrapher who thinks he has good grounds for complaint in reference to his treatment, will be heard by the division superintendent and his complaint carefully investigated and cause removed, if any found; the complaint in question to be sub- mitted in writing and the matter to be re- ferred* to the superior officers if satisfac- tory disposition cannot be made by the local officials. ARTICLE VI. Transferring. Telegraphers transferred by order of the company or to accept bulletined positions, will be furnished free transportation for themselves, their families and household goods and will suffer no loss of pay; rate of pay to be based on position to which trans- fer is made. ARTICLE VII. Charges In Writing. Charges against any telegrapher covered by this schedule must be made in writing, and such telegrapher will have the privilege of examining all evidence affecting hia case. ARTICLE Vin. Service Letters. Telegraphers on leaving the service will, on request, be given a letter by the proper official, stating time of service, capacity in which employed, and whether he has been dismissed or left the service of his own accord. If dismissed the letter will state the cause. ARTICLE IX. Sunday Service. Telegraphers will not be required to work Sundays or holidays, except when abso- lutely necessary to protect the company's interests. The foregoing will be as literally interpreted by the company as possible. The agent- telegrapher at stations where no other telegrapher is employed and the agent and the telegrapher at stations where but one telegrapher is employed and where the agent is not required to perform telegraph service, will not be required to work to exceed a total of three hours in the aggregate on Sundays, each period on duty to be counted not less than one hour and thirty minutes, and the Sunday service to be performed within the limit specified in Article XVI of this agreement for the day's work. If required by competent author- ity to work in excess of three hours in the aggregate, will be allowed overtime at the rate of fifty cents per hour. Three hours will constitute a day's work for relay telegraphers, not required to han- dle train orders, on Sundays. Time worked in excess of three hours will be paid for as overtime at the rate of fifty cents per hour. Telegraphers will not be required to trfin.=;mit telegraphic car reports on Sunday. ARTICLE X. Leave of Absence to Committeemen. Telegraphers on committee business, when .such business has reference to grievances concerning this company and its telegra- phers, will be granted leave of absence and furnished transportation over this company's lines. ARTICLE XI. Proper Treatment Accorded. Orders and instructions to telegraphers will be given in proper language, devoid of abuse and free from unnecessary severity. Teleg- raphers dissatisfied with the manner in which they are addressed may report the matter to the division superintendent, who 346 Schedules and "Wage Scales. will Investigate and make such correction as the circumstances require. ARTICLH Xll. Leave of Absence to Telegraphers. Telegraphers will be granted leave of absence from time to time on request and furnished with transportation over this company's lines, so far as the law per- mits. Leave of absence will not be granted for more than ninety days; telegraphers ab- senting themselves for a longer period will lose all rights, except In cases of sickness or injury, or when accepting official posi- tions with the railway company or the or- ganization party to this agreement. ARTICLE Xni. Meal Hour. Day and night telegraphers working ten hours or over per day will be allowed sixty consecutive minutes for meals between the hours of 11:30 and 1:30, day or night, and will receive one hour overtime for each meal hour missed or curtailed at the com- pany's Instance, meal hour to be assigned, it being understood that If telegraphers are notified to remain beyond the assigned hour, but are allowed meal hour within the time specified above, no overtime will be paid. At "H" office Palestine, "MS" office San Antonio, and "CB" office Houston, meal hours will be between the hours of 11:00 and 2:00, day or night. ARTICLE XrV. Court Service. Telegraphers taken from their homes and regular work to attend court as witnesses or for any other cause, will be paid for time lost and hotel and transportation expenses; hotel expenses not to exceed $3.00 per day. ARTICLE XV. Emergency — Steam Shovel, Etc., and Isolated Service. Doubling will be paid for at regular over- time rates. Duty performed at accidents, washouts, or other emergency service will be paid for at regular overtime rates; $2.50 to be the minimum pay per day, or fraction thereof, time to be computed from the time they are called to start until they return, except for the time relieved from duty to rest, and will receive no other compensation except actual expenses, not to exceed $2.00 per day; it being understood that In the event telegraphers at their home stations, called to leave before 7:00 a. m. or returning after 6:00 p. m., will be allowed compensa- tion for breakfast and supper, same to be included In actual expenses, not to exceed $2.00 per day. Telegraphers employed less than thirty days in steam-shovel, pile-driver or other similar service, will be paid $3.00 per day, including Sundays, overtime at the rate of forty cents per hour; it being understood that such service of less than thirty days will not be subject to bulletin. When telegraphers are used at Isolated places, such as Peeler, Cross Timbers and McCormack, for a period of less than thirty days, they will be paid in accordance with second paragraph of this article; thirty days or over, minimum telegraphers' salary, as .shown under Article XX. ARTICLE XVI. Length of Day. At offices where but one telegrapher Is employed, ten consecutive hours, commenc- ing between 6:00 and 8:00 o'clock a. m. or p. m., including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. Eleven consecutive hours, including one hour for meal, will constitute a day's work for exclusive agents not required to per- form telegraph service. At offices where two or more telegraphers are employed, eight consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. At "MS" office San Antonio, "H" office Palestine, and "CB" office Houston, eight consecutive hours will constitute a day's work for telegraphers who are required to copy or deliver train orders. Eight consecutive hours will constitute a day's work for relay telegraphers who are not required to copy or deliver trairf or- ders. Nine and one-half consecutive hours, in- cluding thirty consecutive minutes' for one meal, will constitute a day's work for the manager of "H" office Palestine, and ten consecutive hours, including sixty consecu- tive minutes for one meal, will constitute a day's work for the manager of "CB" office Houston. ARTICLE XVII. Computation of Overtime. Overtime shall be computed pro rata on fixed salary, but in no case less than forty cents per hour. In computing overtime, ex- cept as otherwise provided, less than thirty minutes will not be counted; over thirty minutes and less than sixty minutes will be counted as one hour. ARTICLE XVIII. Overtime for Service Rendered Outside of Regular Hours. Telegraphers required to remain on duty by competent authority in excess of number of hours constituting a day's work will re- ceive regular overtime rate. Telegraphers, as per Article I, required to return to their office outside of regular assigned hours for any service by request of dispatcher, conductor or other authorized person, will receive fifty-five cents for the first hour or fraction thereof and regular overtime rates thereafter until relieved. Telegraphers required to meet trains within one hour before or after their regular working hours, will receive forty cents for such service, and regular overtime rates thereafter, if held by competent authority to exceed one hour. Telegraphers required to meet trains earlier or later than one hour before or after their regular working hours will receive fifty-five cents for such service and regular overtime thereafter, if held by competent authority to exceed one hour. Schedules and Wage Scales. 347 ARTICLE XIX. Temporary Transfer from Regular Positions. Telegraphers temporarily transferred from their regular positions to a position paying a lower rate, will be paid at their regular or assigned rate, and will be paid for any time lost in making transfer. Regular telegraphers temporarily transferred to a position paying a higher rate than their regular rate, will be paid at the higher rate, and paid for time lost, if. any, at the higher rate. Regular telegraphers will not be taken from their homes to fill other positions against their wishes, except in case of emergency, and then not for a period in ex- cess of five days. ARTICLE XX. Minimum Salary for Telegraphers, Other Than Agent-Telegraphers. The minimum salary of telegraphers shall be $75.00 per month. (This does not apply to agent-telegraphers.) ARTICLE XXI. Care of Switch and Interlocker Lamps. Where telegraphers are required to care for switch or interlocker lamps, they will be paid $1.00 per lamp per month. ARTICLE XXII. Vacancies in Certain Offices. When vacancies occur in "H" office Pales- tine, "CB" office Houston, "MS" office San Antonio, and train dispatcher's office Pales- tine and Mart, same shall be filled by teleg- raphers holding regular positions in those offices in preference to telegraphers on any division. When last telegrapher has thus been advanced, other positions thereby made vacant shall be bulletined and filled in ac- cordance with Article III. "Vacancies in "H" office Palestine and "CB" office Houston will be bulletined to all offices by the superintendent of telegraph and filled in accordance with Article III; except that vacancy in position of manager of "H" office, Palestine, will be filled by the superintendent of telegraph from the ranks of the telegraphers in the employ of the company, without bulletining, considera- tion, however, to be given to men in the order of their seniority. ARTICLE XXIII. Seniority of Telegraphers Promoted to Positions of Cashier, Etc. Telegraphers promoted to position of cashier or chief clerk at stations, positions in "H" office Palestine and "CB" office Houston, shall hold seniority only on the division from which they are promoted. Telegraphers employed in "H" office Pal- estine or "CB" office Houston, who have not been promoted from some division, will be carried on the seniority list of the Gulf Division. This does not operate to change any .seniority as shown on the date this agreement becomes effective. ARTICLE XXIV. Bonds. Telegraphers under bond will be given in writing, upon application in writing, within sixty days from cancellation or refusal to issue bond in their behalf, the reasons given by the bonding company why they are un- satisfactory to the authorized bonding com- pany. ARTICLE XXV. New Positions Created. When new positions are created compen- sation shall be fixed to conform with posi- tions of a similar class. ARTICLE XXVI. Care of Batteries. Telegraphers shall not be required to maintain main line batteries, nor local bat- teries at Valley Jvmction or points where linemen are stationed, or at points where ten or more cells of batteries are main- tained. ARTICLE XXVIL Transfer Account Leave of Absence. When granted leave of absence, the out- going and incoming telegrapher will each be paid for one full day of first transfer. On return transfer, only the outgoing telegra- pher will be paid. ARTICLE XXVIIL Notification When Compensation Is Not Allowed. Telegraphers will be notified in writing as promptly as possible when claim for overtime or for compensation on any other account is not allowed. ARTICLE XXIX. Salaried Chairman. Any telegrapher assigned by the telegra- phers' committee to the position of salaried chairman on committee work will not be discriminated against for such service, and will be allowed necessary leave of absence and transportation over this company's lines, and will n^t lose his seniority. ARTICLE XXX. Trading of Positions. The trading of positions will not be al- lowed, except by agreement between the company and the general committee. ARTICLE XXXL Salary of Agent-Telegrapher When Relieved of Telegraphing. .Should the agent-telegrapher at any sta- tion be relieved of the telegraphing and fur- nished an operator, the salary and agency shall be malfltalned as shown In this agree- ment. ARTICLE XXXII. Readjustment of Salaries When Express Agency Withdrawn. In case the express agency is withdrawn from any station (unless by the request of the agent affected) compensation of the agent shall be readjusted to conform to the rate paid at other stations of similar im- 348 Schedules and Wage Scales. portance on the division, where the railroad agent does not act also as express agent. ARTICLE XXXIII. Care of Station Buildings. Telegraphers will not be required to scrub floors or clean outhouses. The company will allow a reasonable amount for extra labor to perform such service. It will be their duty, however, to see that the stations and outhouses are kept clean. ARTICLE XXXIV. Distribution and Care of Copies of Rules and Regulations. A copy of these Rules and Regulations will be furnished by the company to each teleg- rapher affected for file in his ofHce for the benefit of all telegraphers concerned, and it shall be the duty of each telegrapher to pre- serve same and turn it over to his successor the same as other property of the station. ARTICLE XXXV. Salaries and Bulletining of Star Stations. Minimum Salaries Per Month, Exclusive of Express or Other Commissions or Deduc- tions of Any Character Other Than Hos- pital Dues and Bond Premium. Positions marked with a star (*) are to be filled jointly by the operating and traffic de- partments from the ranks of telegraphers in the employ of the company. These positions will be bulletined, when vacancies occur, by the superintendent of the division having ■Jurisdiction, for a period of ten days, and will be filled within thirty days. All teleg- raphers coming under the purview of this agreement will have the right to make ap- plication for same, and their applications will be considered according to ability. Telegraphers appointed to such positions will not forfeit thereby their seniority rights on the division from which appointment is made. GULF DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Kilgore. agent telegrapher $ 80.00 Overton, agent 85.00 Cashier telegrapher 82.50 Arp, agent telegrapher 60.00 Troup, agent "....' 120.00 First telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Lindale, agent telegrapher 65.00 Tyler, clerk telegrapher 85.00 Jacksonville, *agent 125.00 First telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 80.00 Third telegrapher 77.50 Neches, agent telegrapher 78.50 Palestine (H) Office, manager 117.50 (H) Office, first telegrapher 102.50 (H) Office, second telegrapher.... 100.00 (H) Office, third telegrapher 100.00 Elkhart, agent telegrapher 78.50 Grapeland, agent telegrapher 77.50 Crockett, agent .' 121.50 Cashier telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 Lovelady, agent telegrapher 10500 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Trinity, agent $121.50 First telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher 80.00 Third telegrapher 80.00 Riverside, agent telegrapher 76.00 Dodge, agent telegrapher 106.50 Phelps, agent telegrapher 80.00 Huntsville, agent telegrapher 115.00 New Waverly, agent telegrapher 87.50 Willis, agent telegrapher 85.00 Conroe, first telegrapher 81.75 Second telegrapher 81.75 Third telegrapher 81.75 Spring, agent telegrapher 90.00 Sellers, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 85.00 Third telegrapher 85.00 Houston (GN) Office, first telegrapher. 90.00 (GN) Office, second telegrapher... 90.00 (GN) Office, third telegrapher 90.00 Houston, (CB) Office, manager 115.00 (CB) Office, telegrapher 102.50 (CB) Office, telegrapher 102.50 (CB) Office, telegrapher 102.50 Galveston (City) Office, clerk tel 85.00 Henderson, agent telegrapher 115.00 Anchor, agent telegrapher 72.50 East Columbia, agent telegrapher.... 77.50 Oakwood, agent telegrapher -. 92.50 Buffalo, agent telegrapher 80.00 Jewett, agent telegrapher 92.50 Marquez, agent telegrapher 77.50 Easterly, agent telegrapher 72.50 Franklin, agent telegrapher 87.00 Hearne. *agent 100.00 Clerk telegrapher 83.50 Valley Junction, first telegrapher 88.50 Second telegrapher 88.50 Third telegrapher 88.50 Gause, agent telegrapher 85.00 Rockdale, first telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher 82.50 Third telegrapher 82.50 Thorndale. agent 105.00 Cashier telegrapher 85.00 Thrall, agent 100.00 SAN ANTONIO DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Taylor, first telegrapher $ 92.50 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Hutto, agent telegrapher 85.00 Round Rock, agent 90.00 Telegrapher 82.50 Georgetown, *agent 121.50 McNeil, agent telegrapher 86.00 Austin (F) Office, first telegrapher 85.00 (F) Office, second telegrapher 85.00 (F) Office, third telegrapher 85.00 (City) Office, clerk telegrapher 85.00 Manchaca, agent telegrapher 76.00 Buda, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 K\le. agent telegrapher 95.00 M. K. & T. Jet., first telegrapher 78.50 Second telegrapher 78.50 Third telegrapher 78.50 San Marcos, *agent 125.00 Hunter, agent telegrapher 76.50 Goodwin, agent telegrapher 72.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 349 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. New Braunfels, ticket clerk teleg $100.00 Second telegrapher 78.75 Third telegrapher 78.75 Bracken, agent telegrapher 77.50 Wetmore, agent telegrapher 70.00 San Antonio (MS) Office, telegrapher. 102.50 (MS) Office, telegrapher 102.50 (MS) Office, telegrapher 102.50 (City) Office, clerk telegrapher 92.50 "Von Ormy, agent telegrapher 70.00 Kirk, agent telegrapher 82.50 Lytle, agent telegrapher 94.00 Devine, agent telegrapher 111.50 Moore, agent telegrapher 87.00 Pearsall, agent telegrapher 101.50 Dilley, agent telegrapher 96.50 Millett, agent telegrapher 77.50 Gardendale, agent telegrapher 77.00 Cotulla, agent 111.50 First telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 75.00 Encinal, agent telegrapher 106.50 Laredo, first telegrapher 87.00 Second telegrapher 87.00 Third telegrapher 82.50 FORT WORTH DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Everman, agent telegrapher $77.00 Lillian, agent telegrapher 78.50 Venus, agent telegrapher 102.50 Maypearl, agent telegrapher 90.00 Italy, *agent 100.00 First telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Mertens, agent telegrapher 90.00 Irene, agent telegrapher 83.50 Malone, agent telegrapher 83.50 Penelope, agent telegrapher 90.00 Leroy, agent telegrapher 78.50 Hallsburg, agent telegrapher 70.00 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Mart. *ai?ent $125.00 (GB) Office, clerk telegrapher 76.00 (BA) Office, first telegrapher 88.50 (BA) Office, second telegrapher... 88.50 Otto, agent telegrapher 87.50 Marlin, "agent 120.00 First telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 717.50 High bank, agent telegrapher 75.00 Calvert, agent telegrapher..' 105.00 Calvert Junction, agent telegrapher. . . 81.50 Mumford, agent telegrapher 80.00 Bryan, *agent 125.00 College Station, agent telegrapher 102.50 Cawtnon, agent telegrapher 65.00 Navasota, clerk telegrapher 85.00 Stoneham, agent telegrapher 77.00 Magnolia, agent telegrapher 75.00 Hufsmith, agent telegrapher 72.50 Anderson, agent telegrapher 72.50 Bedias, agent telegrapher 72.50 Madisonville, agent telegrapher 95.00 The parties hereto mutually agree that the above agreement as to rules and rates of pay be effective December 1, 1917, and that there shall be no change therein until after thirty days' notice has been given by either party to the other; it is also agreed that all former rates, rules and regulations are void and that a schedule based on the pres- ent agreement shall supersede the same. C. W. L. MICKLET, Supt. of Telegraph. S. E. BURKHEAD, Asst. Gen. Manager. Approved: A. G. WHITTINGTON, General Manager. T. C. BERRY. General Chairman. .7. D. MADENFORT, Local Chairman. J. L. THOMPSON, Local Chairman. Committee. Iowa Central Railway Company AND OPERATED LINES (EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1911.) The following rules and rates of pay will govern the employment of telegraphers and station agents on this company's and oper- ated lines: ARTICLE I. Employes Coming Under Schedule. All employes, performing the duties of telegrapher, whether termed agent, assist- ant agent, or otherwise, also station agents incorporated in the accompanying wage scale, will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of this schedule and are so- called herein. ARTICLE II. Additional Positions. When additional positions are created, that come under the provisions of Article I, these rules and regulations will apply and compensation will be fixed to conform with positions of similar class provided for in rates of pay. ARTICLE ni. Appealing Case. In case of suspension or dismissal of any telegrapher, he may, if he desires, have an investigation by the superintendent. Such request shall be made in writing within ten days following date of suspension or dis- missal, and the investigation shall be begun as soon as possible, but within ten days fol- lowing date of request. When he considers he has been unjustly treated, he will have the right to appeal to officers higher in rank. The telegrapher shall have full opportunity to present his case and may be accompanied 350 Schedules and Wage Scales. by a fellow employe. If the suspension or dismissal is found to be without Just cause, the^ telegrapher shall be reinstated and paid for the time lost. ARTICLE IV. Service Letters. Telegraphers leaving- the service of the company for any cause will be given a let- ter stating the time and character of serv- ice, and if dismissed the cause therefor. ARTICLE V. Express Commissions. Telegraphers serving as ag^ents for the express companies will receive their commis- sion. ARTICLE VI. Bulletining Vacancies. Section A. When a vacancy occurs, or a new position, is created, telegraphers will be given telegraphic or written notice of the same within ten days, together with location and rate of pay. Telegraphers failing to make application for such positions within ten days will lose their rights to the same. Sec. B. A vacancy will be filled within thirty days after it occurs by the appoint- ment of the man entitled to it. Sec. C. Telegraphers not desiring to ac- cept promotion when offered, will not lose their rights to vacancies occurring there- after. ARTICLE VII. Promotion. Section A. Telegraphers will be con- sidered in line for promotion, advancement depending upon faithful discharge of duties and capacity for increased responsibility. Merit and competency being sufficient, sen- iority will govern, the superintendent to be the Judge subject to appeal. Incompetent. Sec. B. Telegraphers found to be incom- petent for positions to which promoted will be placed on the extra list, but will not forfeit seniority rights. Reduction of Force. Sec. C. When necessary to reduce force, men most recently employed will be laid off or dismissed. When force is increased, preference will be given the telegraphers laid off on account of reduction in force, if available in five days. Telegraphers out of service four months or more, except in case of sickness, will lose their seniority rights. ARTICLE VIII. Seniority. Section A. A seniority list of telegraphers will be in the superintendent's offlce avail- able for examination by employes inter- ested. A copy will be furnished the chair- man of the telegraphers committee in January of each year. Sec. B. Seniority of telegraphers will be effective only when vacancies occur or when new positions are created: existing rights will not be disturbed. ARTICLE IX. Hours of Service, One-IVIan Office. Section A. At offices where only one telegrapher is employed twelve (12) con- secutive hours including meal hour will con- stitute a day, the twelve (12) hours to be between 6:00 and 7:00 a. m. or p. m. Hours of Service, Two-IVIen Office, Days. Sec. B. Where two telegraphers are em- ployed at offices operated during the day, twelve (12) consecutive hours, including meal hour, between J6:00 and 7:00 a. m. or p. m., will constitute a day's work. Hours of Service, Two or IVIore Men Office. Sec. C. Where two or more teleg^raphers are employed, nine (9) hours actual service within a period of twelve (12) hours will con- stitute a day's work. No trick will be split more than once. Meal hour will not be con- sidered a split. Hours of Service Branch. Sec. D. At stations on branch lines eleven (11) consecutive hours including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. The eleven (11) hours to be between 5:00 a. m. and 9:00 p. m., but they may be required to meet one regularly scheduled train outside of their regular hours ©f duty between 5:00 a. m. and 9:00 p. m., without extra compensation and will remain on duty one (1) hour if necessary. Dinner Hour. Sec. E. When practicable telegraphers will be allowed one (1) hour for meal be- tween 11:30 and 1:30 or between 6:00 and 8:00 a. m. or p. m. When forty-five (45) minutes is not allowed between those hours for meals, at other than continuously oper- ated stations, twenty (20) minutes will be allowed for lunch and- one (1) hour overtime paii for. ARTICLE X. Overtime. Section A. Telegraphers working nine (9) hours or more, if required to remain on duty by instructions of proper authority, in excess of the assigned hours, will be paid overtime pro rata, with their salaries, but not less than thirty (30) cents per hour. When called to the office for any purpose before or after regular hours, they shall be paid fifty (50) cents for each call, except telegraphers living in the station building, who will re- ceive twenty-flve (25) cents per hour for such call and if kept on duty longer than one (1) hour shall receive overtime pro rata, but not less than thirty (30) cents per hour after the first hour. In computing overtime less than thirty (30) minutes will not be counted: thirty (30) minutes and less than sixty (60) minutes will be counted one (1) hour. Sec. B; Overtime will not be allowed un- less reported to chief dispatcher within forty-eight (48) hours after the service has been performed on blanks furnished for that purpose by the company. Telegraphers will be notified promptly when overtime claimed is not allowed, and reason for disallowance Kiven. Sunday Work. Sec. C. Telegraphers will be excused from duty on Sunday as far as practicable without reduction of pay. Schedules and Wage Scales. 351 ARTICLE XI. Scrubbing. Section A. Telegraphers will not be re- quired to scrub stations or outbuildings, or shovel snow from platforms. Switch Lights. Sec. B. At stations where warehouse men or helpers are employed they will be required to care for switch lights. At stations where telegraphers are required to care for switch lights, they will be paid $3.00 per month for four lights or less, and fifty (50) cents for each additional lamp. This does not apply to train order signals, platform lamps or signal lamps connected with interlocking plants. ARTICLE XII. Running Pumps. At stations where telegraphers are re- quired to care for a steam, electric or gaso- line pump, $7.50 per month will be allowed for such service. ARTICLE Xm. Control of Telegraphers. Telegraphers at stations will be under the Immediate control of the agent and perform such duties pertaining to the station to which they are assigned as may be required of them by the agent. ARTICLE XIV. Transfers. Telegraphers transferred by order of the company or to accept bulletined positions will be furnished with free transportation for themselves, their family and household goods, and suffer no loss of pay. When granted a leave of absence, both the out- going and incoming telegrapher will be paid for the day of first transfer. At the time of the second transfer, the outgoing telegrapher only will be paid for that day. Telegraphers desiring to be checked in after leave of ab- sence, will give the superintendent at least five (5) days advance notice and if check is delayed thereafter, will receive pay for .such additional time as they are held out of service. ARTICLE XV. Attending Court. Telegraphers ordered to attend court or on other business of the company will be paid their regular wages. If away from home station they will be allowed necessary ex- penses, the company being entitled to their mileage and witness fees. Telegraphers per- forming duty at wrecks, washouts or other emergency offices will be paid $2.50 per day; time to be allowed from time they start from, imtil they return to home station. ARTICLE XVI. Relief Work. Extra relief telegraphers will be paid wages of telegraphers they relieve and their due proportion of the express commission. ARTICLE XVII, Interpretation. Should any disagreement" or misunder- standing arise as to the meaning of any of these rules, or the construction to be placed on them, the matter will be decided by the committee appealing to the proper officers in rank. ARTICLE XVIII. Revision. The foregoing agreement will take effect April 1, 1911, and remain in force for one year and thereafter subject to thirty days' written notice from either party to the other of a desire for revision, and until such ne- gotiations for such revision are completed. All previous schedules of wages, rules and regulations governing employment of teleg- raphers are hereby made void. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Mason City, first telegrapher $61.00 Second telegrapher 57.00 Rockwell, agent telegrapher 61.50 Sheffield, agent telegrapher 59.00 Chapln, agent telegrrapher 54.50 Hampton, first telegrapher 59.50 Second telegrapher 54.50 Third telegrapher 54.50 Agent 77.00 Geneva, agent telegrapher 54.50 Ackley, agent ; 75.00 First telegrapher 61.00 Second telegrapher 57.00 Abbott, agent telegrapher 54.50 Steamboat Rock, agent telegrapher. . . 56.60 Eldora, agent 75.00 First telegrapher 59.00 Union, agent telegrapher 59.00 Liscomb, agent telegrapher 54.60 Albion, agent telegrapher 64.60 Marshalltown, first telegrapher 62.00 Second telegrapher 60.00 Third telegrapher 60.00 Pickering (Joint) , agent 34.00 First telegrapher 28.50 Second telegrapher 28.50 Gilman, agent telegrapher 58.50 Newburg, agent telegrapher 54.50 Grinnell, agent 83.00 First telegrapher and cashier 70.00 Second telegrapher 60.00 Third telegrapher 60.00 Searsboro, agent telegrapher. 54.60 New Sharon, agent 64.50 First telegrapher 59.60 Second telegrapher 69.50 Oskaloosa, first telegrapher 68.00 Second telegrapher 68.00 Eddyville. agent telegrapher 64.60 Albia, agent v 87.50 First telegrapher 62.00 Second telegrapher 60.00 Third telegrapher ^ 60.00 Wright, agent telegrapher. ". 64.60 Fremont, agent telegrapher 67.00 Hedrick (Joint), agent 37.60 First telegrapher... 29.50 Second telegrapher 33.25 Martinsburg. agent telegrapher 64.60 Ollie, agent telegrapher 64.60 Richland, agent telegrapher 56.60 Brighton, agent telegrapher 60.00 First telegrapher 54.60 Wayland, agent telegrapher 66.60 Olds, agent telegrapher 60.00 First telegrapher 64.60 Winfleld, agent telegrapher 60.00 352 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Marsh, agent telegrapher $ 54.50 ■Morning Sun, agent telegrapher 69.00 Newport, agent telerapher 54.50 Elrick Jet., agent telegrapher 54.50 First telegrapher 54.50 Second telegrapher 54^0 Oakville, agent telegrapher 57.50 Keithsburg, agent telegrapher 65.00 First telegrapher 54.50 Second telegrapher 54.50 Seaton, agent telegrapher 59.00 Little York, agent telegrapher 58.50 Eleanor, agent telegrapher 54.50 Monmouth, first telegrapher 61.00 Second telegrapher 61.00 Third telegrapher 60.00 Berwick, agent telegrapher 56.50 Abingdon, agent telegrapher 70.00 First telegrapher 54.50 London Mills, agent telegrapher 57.50 First telegrapher 54.50 Rapatee, agent telegrapher 54.50 Middle Grove, agent telegrapher 59.00 Farmington, agent telegrapher 73.00 First telegrapher 55.00 Second telegrapher 54.50 Cramers, agent telegrapher 54.50 Trivoli, agent telegrapher 54.50 Hanna, agent telegrapher 60.00 Bartlett, agent telegrapher 75.00 Maxwell, first telegrapher 54.50 Second telegrapher 54.50 Third telegrapher 54.50 Peoria, day telegrapher 60.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Algona, agent telegrapher $65.00 St. Benedict, agent telegrapher 50.00 Corwith, agent telegrapher 62.00 Kanawha, agent telegrapher 57.50 Belmond, agent telegrapher 67.00 Alexander, agent telegrapher 50.00 Latimer, agent telegrapher 50.00 Bromley, agent telegrapher 50.00 Clemons Grove, agent telegrapher 50.00 St. Anthony, agent telegrapher 50.00 Zearing, agent telegrapher 51.00 McCallsburg, agent telegrapher 52.00 Roland, agent tele&rapher 50.00 Story City, agent telegrapher 60.00 Laurel, agent telegrapher 50.00 Van Cleve, agent telegrapher 60.00 State Center, agent telegrapher 50.00 Montezuma, agent telegrapher 65.00 Taintor, agent telegrapher 50.00 Lynnville, agent telegrapher 52.50 Sully, agent telegrapher 50.00 Killduff, agent telegrapher 50.00 Newton, agent telegrapher 80.00 For the Company: H. G. KRUSE, Superintendent. For the Telegraphers: A. CHRISTIANSEN, F. A. McCLAREN, W. H. EARP. Approved: W. G. BIERD, Vice-Pres. & Gen'l Mgr. Kanawha & Michigan (EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1917.) ARTICLE I. All telegraph operators, telephone oper- ators and station agents specified in this schedule will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of these articles, irre- spective of title by which designated, or character of service performed and will be governed by the regulations and paid at the rates specified herein. ARTICLE II. When new positions are created, the wages will be fixed to conform to positions of a similar class. "When a station or tele- graph office has been closed for a period of thirty days and is reopened, it will be treated as a new office and the salary will be fixed to conform with stations or offices of like class. ARTICLE III. Telegraphers will be regarded as in line of promotion, advancement depending on faithful discharge of their duty and capacity for increased responsibility, according to the judgrment of the proper officer of the com- pany; seniority will prevail. When vacancies occur or new positions are created, they will be advertised within ten days and ap- plications must be filed within five days. The position will be permanently filled within twenty days. In filling temporary vacancies of fifteen days or more, the oldest competent extra telegrapher in the service will be given preference. Any telegrapher accepting and being assigned to an advertised position will not be eligible to the position vacated by him until same shall have been declined by all telegraphers, or it is advertised a second time. In the event of a reduction in force, retention in service will be governed by .seniority, together with merit, capacity and qualifications, based on the judgment of the pioper officer of the company. Telegraphers will retain their seniority on the extra list. Telegraphers refusing promotion will not lose their seniority. ARTICLE IV. No telegrapher will be suspended or dis- charged from the service of the company without just cause and will be given prompt hearing within five days, before the chief train dispatcher, and will be notified promptly of the decision rendered. If he considers his punishment unjust he may appeal within ten days, personally, or by hi.<5 representative, to the general super- intendent, and if, upon investigation, it is found the punishment is unjust, he will be reinstated and paid for time lost. Schedules and Wage Scales. 353 ARTICLE V. Where but "one telegrapher is employed in twenty-four hours, eleven (llj consecutive hours commencing between 6:00 a. m. and 8:00 a. m. or between 6:00 p. m. and 8:00 p. m., including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. Where two telegraphers are employed, eight and one-half (Hy2) hours will constitute a day's work. Where three telegraphers are employed, eight (8) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. "Telegraphers working more than eight hours and thirty minutes per day, sixty con- secutive minutes will be allowed for meal hour, beginning between 11:00 and 1:00 o'clock, day or night. ARTICLE VI. When ordered by proper authority to re- main on duty for telegraph service or meet- ing trains in. excess of the regular number of hours provifled for. they will be paid over- time at the rate of thirty-five (35) cents per hour for such extra service. ARTICLE VIL If called to ofRce after completing regular hours of service, or being relieved they' will be paid sixty (60) cents for the call, in- cluding the first hour, and thirty-flve (35) cents per hour for each hour held on duty thereafter. ARTICLE VIII. Overtime is time worked in excess of the regular hours and shall be paid for at the rate of thirty-five (35) cents per hour for every consecutive hour worked until relieved, regardless of location. In computing overtime. Ice's than thirty minutes will not be counted. Thirty min- utes and less than sixty minutes will be counted one hour. Overtime will not be al- lowed unless reported to the chief train dis- patcher within forty-eight hours after the service is performed. ARTICLE IX. Te'egraphers required to handle switch or crossing lamps will be paid one dollar per lamp per month for two or less lamps, and fifty cents for each additional lamp. ARTICLE X. Telegraphers required to attend court or be absent from home on company business will be allowed regular pay, transportation and I'casonable expenses, with a maximum of three dollars ($3.00) per day, all witness fees go to the company. ARTICLE XI. Telegraphers who have been in the service three or more years, who also work on Sun- days, will be given ten (10) days' vacation annually with pay, or in lieu thereof, addi- tional compensation for ten days at their regular rate of pay. ARTICLE XII. Telegraphers transferred by order of the company, or to accept bulletined positions, will be furnished free transportation for themselves, wholl.v dependent members of their families and effects, and will be al- lowed regular pay while in transit and mak- ing transfer at the rate of pay of position from which transferred. Telegraphers will be allowed a reasonable time (not to exceed four days, and without pay) to arrange for shipment of his household goods, if so de- sired. ARTICLE XIII. Telegraphers will not be permitted to trade positions p'jrmanently. ARTICLE XIV. Telegraphers will be granted a leave of absence from time to time, provided such leave of absence does not interfere with business of the company, not to exceed sixty (60) days, except in cases of sickness or in- jury. ARTICLE XV. Where more than eight cells of local bat- tery are in use telegraphers will not be re- quired to clean them. ARTICLE XVL Ice will be furnished during the summer months at stations where the drinking water is bad or wheie there is no well. ARTICLE XVII. Telegraphers and station agents who have been in the service of the company for a period of five years or more will be fur- nished annual passes and those who have been in the service for ten years or more will be granted annual passes for them- selves and wife. ARTICLE XVIII. A revised seniority list will be furnished the general chairman in January and July of each year. ARTICLE XIX. There shall be no change in the foregoing- rules or the following wage scale, except on thiit>- days' notice by either party. Foi- the Railway Co. : A. N. LYON, General Supt. For the Telegraphers: A. P. HINES, N. HBLSEL, • C. R. ROBINSON, Committee. - WAGE SCALE. OHIO DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Burr Oak. night operator $ 76.00 Glouster, first operator 76.00 Second operator 76.00 Trimble, agent .-: 65.00 Jacksonville, agent operator 76.00 Doty, night operator 76.00 Millfleld. agent 60.00 Chauncey, agent operator 83.00 Second operator 76.00 Third operator 71.00 354 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rato per Station and Position. Month. Albany, agent operator . . . . , $ 82.00 Second operator - 76.00 Third operator 72.00 Carpenter, agent operator 79.00 Dyesville, agent ; 45.00 Dexter, agent operator 77.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 72.00 Langsville, agent operator 75.00 Rutland, agent operator. . .- 78.50 Hobson, agent 85.00 (HU), operator 80.00 Point Pleasant, first operator 77.00 Second operator. . . .' 77.00 Third operator 74.00 Beech Hill, night operator 76.00 Leon, agent operator -. 79.00 Arbuckle, agent operator 79.00 Buffalo, agent operator 79.00 Rumer, night operator... 76.00 Red House, agent operator 81.00 Plymouth, agent 61.25 Black Betsey, agent operator 83.00 Raymond City, agent operator 83.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Lock Seven, agent $ 61.25 Sattes, agent operator ,. 72.50 Dunbar, agent 90.00 West Charleston, agent 90.00 Operator clerk 78.00 Watts St., agent 70.00 Charleston (RN), operator 80.00 (CA>, operator 80.00 Dana, agent operator 87.00 Maiden, agent 60.00 Dickinson, first operator.;. 77.00 Second operator 77.00 Third operator 74.00 Cedar Grove, agent operator 77.00 Operator clerk 73.00 London, agent operator 76.00 Vannelton, agent '. 67.50 Smithers, agent operator 90.00 Longacre, agent 63.50 Boomer, agent operator .' 83.00 Glenn Ferris, agent 63.50 Gauley Bridge, agent 90.00 Operator clerk 78.00 Rehef agent 95.00 The Kansas City Southern Railway Company Texarkana & Ft. Smith Railway Company (EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1917.) ARTICLE I. ARTICLE rV. Telegraphers Defined. This schedule applies to all agent-teleg- raphers and telegraphers, and also to such agents as are specified in Article XIX, ex- cept that said agents who are not required to perform telegraph service are not subject to nor affected by the provisions of Articles II, IV, V, VII and VIII of this agreement. ARTICLE II. Minimum Salary. Not less than minimum salary established for the district will be paid to telegraphers employed in re- opening telegraph stations closed, and for new positions established, or when the commercial telegraphing Is taken away from a railroad office and the office becomes a straight railroad office, sal- aries will be established that conform with positions of the same class on that division. ARTICLE III. Transfers. Regular assigned employes covered by this agreement, transferred at the direction of an officer of the company, will, so far as the company can legally, be furnished free transportation for themselves, dependent members of their families and household ef- fects, and will be allowed for time while in transit and in making such transfer. In event any time Is lost, rate of pay to be based on position left. Emergency. Doubling will be paid for at regular over- time rates. Regularly assigned telegraphers, performing telegraph service at accidents, washouts and like emergency offices, will be paid at regular overtime rate, but .will be allowed not less than they would have earned on their regular assignment, allow- ance for the emergency service to begin at time telegrapher leaves point of regrular as- signment, and continue until returned to point of regular assignment, less periods re- leased for rest and in compliance with the law. When the service performed Is away from home, necessary expenses will be al- lowed at rate of 50 cents per meal and 50 cents per bed. ARTICLE V. Overtime. (a) When employes covered by this agree- ment are required to remain on duty in the performance of any service required by the company in excess of the regular hours con- stituting a day's work, they will be paid overtime at the regular overtime rate. (b) The rate for overtime will be 35 cents per hour for all telegraphers, except for telegraphers in general offices Kansas City and Texarkana and dispatchers' offices at Pittsburg, Heavener, Trigg Street and ShreVeport. The rate for overtime in these offices will be 40 cents per hour. (c) In computing overtime, less than thirty minutes will not be counted. Thirty minutes and over v?ill be counted as one hour up to one hour and twenty-nine min- Schedules and Wage Scales. 355 utes. Employes are required to mail over- time tickets within forty- eight hours after service is performed and will be promptly notified when claims for overtime or other compensation is not allowed. (d) When employes covered by this agree- ment are called or instructed to come on duty before or after the regular established hours, they will be allowed 50 cents for the first hour or fraction thereof and regular overtime after the first hour. ARTICLE VI. Attending Court and Investigations. For attending court or investigations by instructions of an officer of the company, full salary for time lost will be allowed. Expenses while away from home will be allowed at rate of 50 cents for meals and 50 cents for bed. In case a telegrapher performing^ night service is instructed by proper officer to at- tend court during day, he will receive over- time while so engaged even though no time is lost. The railway company will be en- titled to mileage and witness fees. ARTICLE VIL Hours of Service. (a) At stations where one employe covered by the agreement is employed, eleven con- secutive hours, commencing between 6:00 and 8:00 o'clock a. m. or p. m., including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. (b) At stations where two or more em- ployes covered by this agreement who are required to perform telegraph service, are employed, nine hours will constitute a day's work, exclusive of general and dispatchers' offices. At general and dispatchers' offices, ten consecutive hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. In case of a split trick, overtime will be allowed for time in excess of the hours .that constitute a day, less the meal hour, and allowed on basis set up in overtime clause. No trick will be split more than once. (c) The regular assigned hours of teleg- raphers will not be changed temporarily by making them earlier or lat^r for the purpose of avoiding payment of overtime. A change for a period over seven days will not be con- sidered temporary. (d) Employes covered by this schedule will be excused from Sunday service as much as conditions of business will permit. ARTICLE VIII. Meal Hour. Employes covered by this agreement whose assigned hours of duty are more than nine hours per day in a spread of ten or more hours, will be allowed sixty consecutive min- utes for meals between 11:30 p. m. and 1:30 a. m. and 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m., and where the hours of service are so arranged that the meal hour is not desirable between these hours, a meal hour of sixty minutes between 5:00 a. m. and 8:00 a. m. and be- tween 5:00 p. m. and 8:00 p. m., will be al- lowed, it being understood that but one meal hour in any one day's service is in- tended. If not relieved one hour within the time specified for the one meal hour, over- time will be allowed and thirty minutes for lunch will be allowed at first opportunity. It is also understood that a telegrapher's hours beginning between 8:00 a. m. and 11:00 a. m., and 8:00 p. m. and 11:00 p. m., and ending between 5:00 a. m. and 8:00 a. m., or 5:00 p. m. and 8:00 p. m., will not be entitled to a meal hour between these hours. ARTICLE IX. Promotion and Seniority. (a) Employes covered by this agreement are in line for promotion. Where ability and merit are sufficient, seniority will pre- vail and date from the last entrance to the service on each division. DeQueen and north, will be the Northern Division; south of DeQueen, to and including Port Arthur, will be the Southern Division. Seniority made in the general office, Kansas City, will be considered system seniority. Positions in the general office, Kansas City, will be com- mon to both divisions. (b) Telegraphers accepting agencies not shown in the schedule, shall not forfeit their seniority. (c) Telegraphers may be transferred from a position on one division to a position on another division with the consent of the in- terested superintendents. When such ex- change is made, each will take the seniority of the other so that there will be no change in seniority on the division. (d) Telegraphers in other branches of the 'service now holding seniority, who accepted svich service prior to the date of this agree- ment will not forfeit their seniority. (e) Seniority is effective only when va- cancies occur or new positions are created, except as provided in paragraphs P, G and H. (f) In reduction of force, seniority in the office will prevail. (g) In filling temporary vacancies, office seniority will govern. (h) Except in the case of vacancies in station agencies, competency to be .taken into consideration, the oldest extra teleg- rapher shall have the preference in extra work; this to be understood that where tem- porary-vacancies will continue for more than ten days. After the senior extra telegrapher has been released from other service, he shall have the privilege of displacing the youngest extra telegrapher then employed on the divi- sion. (i) Telegraphers declining promotion to any position do not forfeit their seniority rights. (j) Seniority lists of employes covered by this schedule will be prepared by the super- intendents in January and July of each year and a copy furnished each station. ARTICLE X. Vacancies and New Positions, Vacancies and new, positions will be bul- letined within five days to all offices on the division on which they occur and will be filled in accordance with Article IX (a). A vacancy will be filled within thirty days. Local chairman will be advised of assign- ment within ten days after position has been filled. 356 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE XL Grievances and Appeals. (a.) An employe covered by this agreement will not be suspended or discharged without just cause. If he considers the discipline unjust, he has the right within five days from the date of the decision to make a written statement of his case to the super- intendent, and within five days after receipt of such stateinent will be given a hearing at which he ma5' have an employe of his own selection present. (b) In case he is dissatisfied with the deci- sion of the superintendent, he shall have the right within a period of five days to appeal to the next superior, who will grant a hearing within five days from receipt of such appeal, and so on. In the event the charges against him are not sustained, he will be reinstated and paid for all time lost. (c) Charges made by any einploye against a telegrapher or by a telegrapher against other einploye, must be in writing. ARTICLE XIL Western Union iVIanager. The agent, where the agent performs tele- graph service, or the first trick operator, where the agent does not handle telegraph work, will be considered the M^'estern Union Manager. The manager will be entitled, to the commissions allowed by the Western LTnion Telegraph Company. ARTICLE XIIL Leave of Absfence. Telegraphers reporting for service after leave of absence, are required to give the superintendent at least five days' notice of his desire to resume work. If the teleg- rapher is checked in within five days after the date set, no allowance will be made for time lost. If delayed by the company longer than five days, all time lost from date set will be allowed. ARTICLE XIV. Service Letters. Except as otherwise provided by law, telegraphers who have been' employed thirty days or over, leaving the service, will upon request, be given a letter .stating length of service, capacity in which employed and whether leaving voluntarily or otherwise. ARTICLE XV. Batteries and Pumps. (a) Telegraphers will take care of bat- teries at their offices except at Pittsburg dispatchers' office, V^''atts, Fort Smith, Heavener dispatchers' office, DeQueen Yard office. Texarkana dispatchers' office and gen- eral office, DeQuincy and Port Arthur. Teleg- raphers at excepted points are required to give batteries emergency attention to keep them in woiking condition. (b) Telegraphers required to attend switch lamps shall receive five dollars per month for such service. AVhen required to care for and run steam or gasoline pumps, will be paid ten dollars per month for such service in addition to other compensation. ARTICLE XVI. Official Positions. A telegrapher accepting official position with the company or with the Order of Rail- road Telegraphers, will retain his rights on his division and to the position which he vacates during the incumbency of the offi- cial position. ARTICLE XVIL Rulings. Rulings affecting this agreeinent will be made by an official having jurisdiction over the system. General chairman of the teleg- raphers will be furnished a copy of the rul- ings made. ARTICLE XVIII. Committee Work. , Telegraphers serving on boards of adjust- ment, representing telegraphers, w^ill be re- lieved on request without unnecessary delay and furnished necessary railroad transporta- tion. ARTICLE XIX. (EFFECTIVE- JUNE 1, 1917.) WAGE SCALE. Rate per Station and Position. • Month. Kansas C, Mo. (Gn. Of.), 1st day tel.$104.50 Second day telegrapher! 101.20 Night telegrapher 101.20 Local Frt. Office, K. C, telegrapher.. 82.50 Air Line Jet., first day telegrapher... 82.50 Second day telegrapher 79.20 Night telegrapher 77.00 Independence, agent 82.50 Grandvicw, Mo., agent telegrapher... 88.00 Second day telegrapher 73.70 Night telegrapher 73.70 Cleveland, Mo., agent telegrapher.... 79.20 Second day telegrapher 71.50 Night telegrapher 71.50 L'sle, Mo., agent telegrapher 73.70 Drexel, Mo., agent telegrapher 71.50 Second day telegrapher 73.70 Night telegiapher 73.70 Merwin, Mo., ag^nt telegrapher 77.00 Amsterdam, Mo., agent telegrapher. . 77.00 Second day telegrapher...., 71.50 Night telegrapher .' . 71.50 Amoret. Mo., agent telegrapher 73.70 Hume, Mo., agent telegrapher 88.00 Second day telegrapher 74.25 Night telegrapher 74.25 Stotesbury, Mo., agent telegrapher.... 77.00 Richards, Mo., agent telegrapher 79.20 Second day telegrapher 71.50 Night telegrapher 71.50 Eve, INTO., agent telegrapher 74.25 Oskaloosa, Mo., agent telegrapher.... 73.70 Second day telegrapher 71.50 Night telegrapher 71.50 Mulberry, Mo., agent telegrapher 79.75 F\iller, Kansas, agent telegrapher.... 104.50 Pittsburg Shops, telegrapher 77.00 Pittsburg Yard Office, first Day Teleg. 82.50 Second day telegrapher v... 82.50 Night telegrapher 82.50 Pittsburgh Dispatchers' Office: First day telegrapher and W. C. . . 112.00 Second day telegrapher 95.70 Night telegrapher 101.20 Schedules and Wage Scales. 357 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Asbury, Mo., agent telegrapher $77.00 Second day telegrapher. 71.50 Night telegrapher 71.50 Gulflon, Mo., agent telegrapher 77.00 Neosho, Mo., first day telegrapher... 77.00 Second day telegrapher 77.00 Night telegrapher 77.00 Goodman, Mo., agent telegrapher 77.00 Second day telegrapher 71.50 Night telegrapher 71.50 Anderson, Mo., agent telegrapher 68.20 Lanagan. Mo., agent telegrapher 77.00 First day telegrapher 71.50 Night telegrapher 71.50 Noel, Mo., agent telegrapher 77.00 Sulphur Springs, Ark., Agt. Teleg 82.50 Gravette, Ark., agent telegrapher 69.30 Second day telegrapher 71.50 Night telegrapher 71.50 Decatur, Ark., agent telegrapher 55.00 Gentry, Ark., agent telegrapher 55.00 Si'oam Springs, Ark., agent 110.00 First day telegrapher 77.00 Second day telegrapher 73.70 Night telegrapher -r 73.70 Watts, Okla., first day telegrapher.... 85.25 Second day telegrapher 82.50 , Night telegrapher 82.50 Westville, Okla., agent telegrapher... 71.50 First day telegrapher 73.70 Night telegrapher 73.70 Stilwell, Okla., agent 71.50 F^rst day telegrapher 73^.70 Second day telegrapher 73.70 Night telegrapher 73.70 Bunch, f)kla., agent telegrapher 79.20 Second day telegrapher 71.50 Night telegrapher 71.50 Marble City. Okla.. agent telegrapher. 82.50 Sallisaw, Okla., agent 110.00 First day telegrapher. 73.70 Second day telegrapher 73.70 Night telegrapher 73.70 Gans, Okla., agent telegrapher 73.70 Spiro. Okla., first day telegrapher.... 85.25 Second day telegrapher 79.75 Nieht telegrapher 77.00 Fort Smith, Ark., first day telegrapher 82.50 Second day telegrapher 79.75 Night telegrapher 79.75 Coal Creek. Okla., agent telegraipher. . 84.70 Panama, Okla., agent telegrapher.... 55.00 First day telegrapher 39.05 Second day telegrapher 39.05 Night telegrapher : . . . 39.05 Shady Point, Okla.. agent telegrapher 88.00 Poteau, Okla., agent 110.00 Telegrapher r 79.75 Heavener Dispatchers' Office: , First day telegrapher a"nd W. C... 112.00 Second day telegrapher 95.70 Night telegrapher 101.20 Thomasville, Okla., agent telegrapher. 71.50 Page. Okla., agent telegrapher 79.20 Night telegrapher 71.50 Rich Mountain, Ark., Agt. Teleg 73.70 Night telegrapher 73.70 Mena. Ark., agent 110.00 W. LT., telegrapher 22.00 Second telegrapher 82.50 Night -telegrapher 82.50 Hatfield, Ark., ag-ent telegrapher 77.00 Vandervoort, Ark., agent telegrapher. 79.20 Night telegrapher 73.70 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Wickes, Ark.,, agent telegrapher $73.70 Gratiniss. Ark., agent telegrapher.... 75.90 Giliham, Ark., agent telegrapher 71.50 Night telegrapher 73.70 De Queen Yard, first day telegrapher. 82.50 Second day telegrapher 82.50 Night telegrapher 82.50 Horatio, Ark., agent telegi'apher 66.00 Winthrop, Ark., agent telegrapher.... 73.70 Wilton, Ark., agent telegrapher 73.70 Ashdown, Ark., W. U. telegrapher... 10.00 Night telegrapher 77.00 Texarkana, Texas, General Office: Day telegrapher and W.-C 110.00 Dispatchers' Off., night telegrapher 101.20 Bloomburg, Texas., agent telegrapher 88.00 Rodessa, La., agent telegrapher 77.00 Myrtis, La., agent telegrapher 73.70 Vivian, La., agent 82.50 Day telegrapher 77.00 Lewis, La., agent telegrapher 78.10 Oil City, La., agent 1,10.00 First day telegrapher 79.20 Night telegrapher 79.20 Mooringsport, La., agent 77.00 Telegrapher 79.20 Blanchard, La., agent telegrapher 82.50 Shreveport Shops: First day telegrapher and W. C... 112.00 Second day telegrapher 101.20 First night telegrapher 106.70 Second night telegrapher 94.00 Shreveport I^nion Depot: First day telegrapher 82.50 Second day telegrapher 79.75 Night telegrapher 77.00 Frierson, La., agent telegrapher 88.00 Mansfield, La., agent 125.00 B^rst day telegrapher 80.30 Night telegrapher 79.20 Benson, La., agent telegrapher 82.50 Converse, La., agent telegrapher 82.50 Noble, La., agent telegrapher 82.50 ZwoHe. La., agent telegrapher 82.50 Night telegrapher 79.20 Many. La., agent telegrapher 74.25 Ni.ght telegrapher 79.20 Fisher, La., agent telegrapher 82.50 Christie, La., agent telegrapher 71.50 Hornbeck, La., agent telegrapher 84.70 Night telegrapher 79.20 Barham, La., agent telegrapher 77.00 Anacoco, La., agent telegrapher 77.00 Leesville, La., first day telegrapher.. 90.75 Second day teleg'rapher 88.00 Night telegrapher 85.25 Pickering, La., agent telegrapher 77.00 Neame. La., agent telegrapher 77.00 lAidington, La., agent telegrapher.... 85.25 De Bidder, La., W. LT. telegrapher. . . 30.25 Night telegrapher . .' 82.50 Bon Ami, La., agent telegrapher 66.00 Carson, La., agent telgrapher 82.50 S'nger. I^.. agent telegrapher 84.70 Smyth Jet., La., agent telegrapher... 77.00 De Quincy. La., first day telegrapher. 95.70 Second day telegrapher....; 90.20 Night telegrapher 88.00 Lake Charles, La., telegrapher 85.25 Starks, La., agent telegrapher 82.50 Ruliff. Texas, agent telegrapher 93.50 Night telegrapher 79.20 358 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Beaumont, Tex., first day telegrapher.? 93.50 Second day telegrapher 90.75 Night telegrapher 90.75 Port Arthur, Tex., first day teleg 93.50 Second day telegrapher 88.00 Night telegrapher 88.00 ARTICLE XX. Duration of Schedule. No change will be made 4n the schedule or wage scale except upon thirty days' writ- ten notice. R7 L. LOGAN, Superintendent fif Telegraph, The Kansas City Southern Ry. Co. Order of Railroad Telegraphers' Committee: R. C. OCHELTREE, J. D. TOWNSEND, SR. S. NELSON. Approved: E. H. HOLDEN, General Superintendent of Transportation, The Kansas City Southern Ry. Co. Second Vice-President Texarkana & Ft. Smith Ry. Co. The Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Railroad Company Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Railway Company of Texas (EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 15, 1917.) The following rules and rates of pay will govern the employment of telegraphers em- ployed upon the lines of these companies, as shown in this schedule: ARTICLE L Term "Telegrapher" Defined. (a) Any employe, other than train dis- patchers and managers, (CD) Wichita, and (GM) San Angelo, performing the duties of telegrapher, or any telephone operator re- quired to receive or transmit train orders, report or block trains, whether termed "agent," "assistant agent," or otherwise; also other employes specified in the wage scale of this agreement, shall be considered telegraphers within the meaning of this schedule. (b) No employe, except train dispatchers, and those covered by this schedule, will be permitted to handle train orders at places where a telegrapher is located, except in an emergency. ARTICLE n. Hours of Service. (a) Where only one telegrapher Is em- ployed, twelve (12) consecutive hours, in- cluding meal hour, commencing between 6:00 and 9:00 a. m. or p. m., shall constitute a day's work, except in relay offices, where ten (10) consecutive hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. Teleg- raphers, except those whose hours of serv- ice are nine or less, shall be allowed sixty consecutive minutes for meal hour between 11:30 and 1:30 a. m. or p. m., and- if not allowed within specified time, one hour over- time will be paid. (b) Where two or more telegraphers are employed, nine (9) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work, (c) Where two or more telegraphers are employed between the hours of 6:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m., twelve (12) consecutive hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. ARTICLE III. Overtime. When kept on duty after regular hours telegraphers shall receive overtime pro rata, but not less than thirty cents (?0c) per hour, or when called to office by proper authority for any purpose before or after regular hours, shall be paid fifty cents (50c) for the call and first hour's service. If kept on duty longer than one hour, overtime pro rata with minimum of thirty cents (30c) per hour. In computing overtime thirty (30) minutes or less will not be counted, over thirty (30) minutes to be counted as one hour. ARTICLE rV. Emergency Service. When required to perform duty at wrecks, washouts or other similar emergency of- fices, telegraphers shall receive a minimum of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per day of twelve (12) hours or less and over- time at rate of thirty cents (30c) per hour, less time off duty, and no other compensa- tion; time to include going to and returning from scene of emergency. ARTICLE V. Attending Court or Investigations. Telegraphers attending court or Investiga- tions at request of proper official of the com- pany shall receive same compensation as if On regular duty, and If away from home station shall be allowed necessary expenses, not exceeding two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per day. ARTICLE VL. Relief Work. Reg-ularly assigned telegraphers will not be required to perform relief work except In emergency cases, and when required to perform relief work, and in consequence thereof suffer a reduction in their regular compensation, shall be paid an amount suf- ficient to reimburse them for such loss, and in all cases they will be allowed, in addi- tion, one dollar ($1.00) per day for ex- Schedules and Wage Scales. 359 penses while away from their regularly assigned stations. ARTICLE VII. Switch Lights, Care Of. At stations where section men or other forcfes are employed telegraphers will not be required to care for switch lamps. Teleg- raphers required to care for switch lamps will be allowed fifty cents (50c) per lamp per month. ARTICLE VIII. Care of Batteries. (a) Telegraphers at relay and division of- fices will not be required to take care of local or main line batteries where more than ten (10) cells are used. Pumps. (b) Telegraphers will not be required to operate steam, gasoline, oil or electric pumps or care for windmills. ARTICLE IX. Promotion. (a) Telegraphers will be regarded in line of promotion, advancement depending upon faithful discharge of duty and capacity for Increased responsibility; where these are sufficient, in the judgment of the manage- ment, seniority will have the preference. Seniority rights will date from last time of entering the service and will extend over each superintendent's division as a unit. (b) A telegrapher assigned as an agent, agent's chief clerk, or cashier, will retain his seniority so long as he remains in con- tinuous service on this same division. ARTICLE X. Seniority Lists. (a) Seniority lists will be revised January 1st and July 1st of each year and a copy furnished the general chairman. (b) Seniority will be effective only when vacancies occur or new positions are created. Trading of positions will not be permitted. ARTICLE XL Vacancies. Vacancies and new positions will be promptly bulletined to all offices on the division on which they occur. Eligible teleg- raphers will be given ten (10) days in which to apply for same. Such positions will be filled within thirty (30) days. ARTICLE XII. Seniority Rights. (a) Telegraphers declining promotion to any positibn do not forfeit their seniority rights. (b) In reducing the force, the junior teleg- rapher in the service will be dispensed with, subject to Article IX. A telegrapher af- fected by a reduction in force or abolishing of position will be permitted to displace the junior telegrapher regularly assigned on that superintendent's division. ARTICLE XIII. Discipline. (a) When a telegrapher is discharged or suspended for alleged fault, he shall have a fair and impartial trial, within five days after filing his request therefor with the proper official, and if suspended for investi- gation, such investigation shall be held with- in five days, if practicable, without such request. If found innocent he shall be re- instated and paid for all time lost. (b) Telegraphers will have the right of appeal from decision of division officers. Privilege of being represented by a co-em- ploye at the investigation, if so desired, is gi-anted. Grievances will be taken up with the proper official within thirty (30) days, otherwise redress in such cases will be waived. ARTICLE XIV. Return of Credentials. Telegraphers securing employment with this company will, within thirty (30) days after approval of application, have returned to them all service cards, letters of recom- mendation, and other papers which have been furnished for investigation. ARTICLE XV. Service Letter. When a telegrapher is discharged or leaves the service of the company of his own accord, he will, upon request, be given a letter by proper officer, stating his time of service, capacity in which employed, and cause for leaving. ARTICLE XVI. Transfers. Telegraphers transferred by the direction of officers of the company, or to accept an advertised position, will be furnished free transportation for themselves, families and household effects, and allowed regular pay after first day at new location. ARTICLE XVII. Lgave of Absence. Leave of absence will not be granted for more than ninety (90) days except in cases of sickness, injury, or to employes serving on committee business. Telegrapher's serv- ing on grievance committee and board of adjustment will be granted unlimited leave of absence and furnished free transportation upon request. ARTICLE XVIII. Wages — Reopened Stations — New Positions. Where a position that has been closed is reopened the salary will be the same as shown in existing schedule. When addi- tional positions are created, compensation will not be less than the lowest salary shown in wage scale on that division. ARTICLE XIX. Sunday Work. So far as is possible, telegraphers will be excused from duty on Sundays, without reduction in pay. ARTICLE XX. Hours of Service Bulletin. The regular hours of service for each telegrapher will be specified and posted in each office. 360 Schedules and Wage Scales. WAGE SCALE. THE KANSAS CITY. MEXICO & ORIENT RAILROAD COMPANY. Rate per Station and Po.=!ition. Month. West Wichita, telegrapher $ 75.00 Schulte, agent telegrapher 64.00 'Viola, agent telegrapher 64.00 Milton, agent telegrapher 64.00 Runnymede, agent telegrapher 62.00 Harper, agent telegrapher 78,00 Anthony, agent 90.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Waldron, agent telegrapher 65.00 B>ron, agent telegrapher 65.00 Cherokee, agent telegj-apher 80.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Ycwed, agent telegrapher 64.00 Carmen, agent telegrapher ...'.. 80.00 Aline, agent telegrapher , 65.00 West Cleo, agent telegrapher 60.00 Orienta, agent telegrapher 64.00 Fairview, first telegfapher 75.00 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 70.00 Longdale, agent telegrapher 65.00 Canton, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Oakwood, agent telegrapher. .\ 65.00 Thomas, agent telegrapher 7§.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Foley, telegrapher 65.00 Clinton, first telegrapher 75.00 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 70.00 Braithwaite, agent telegrapher 64.00 Dill City, agent telegrapher 65.00 Sentinel, agent telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher ^ 65.00 Lone Wolf, agent telegrapher 70.00 I.iUgert. agent telegrapher 65.00 Blair, agent telegraphei- 70.00 Altiis, first telegrapher 80.00 Second /telegrapher 75.00 Third telegrapher 75.00 Elmer, agent telegrapher 70.00 KANSAS CITY, MEXICO & ORIENT RAIL- WAY COMPANY OF TEXAS. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Odell, agent telegrapher , $70.00 Chillicothe. agent 90,00 Cashier telegrapher -j 85.00 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 70.00 Rate per Station .and Position. Month. Medicine Mound, agent telegrapher. . .$-65.00 Margaret, agent telegrapher 65.00 Crowell, agent 75.00 - Telegrapher ^. 70.00 Foard City, agent telegrapher 65.00 Truscott, agent telegi'apher 65.00 Benjamin, agent telegrapher 70.00 Knox City, agent telegraphei- 70.00 O'Brien, agent telegrapher 65.00 Rochester, agent telegrapher 67.50 Rule, agent telegrapher 70.00 Sagerton, agent telegrapher 67.50 Hamlin, first telegrapher 75.00 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 70.00 McCaulley, agent telegrapher 65.00 Sylvester, agent telegrapher 65.00 Longworth, agent telegrapher 65.00 Sweetwater, cashier telegrapher 85.00 _ Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 70.00 Maryneal, agent telegrapher 65.00 Blackwell, agent telegrapher 65.00 Ft. Chadbourne, agent telegrapher.... 65.00 Bronte, agent telegraphei- 68. 00^ Night telegrapher 65.00 Tennyson, agent telegrapher 65.00 Tankersly, agent telegrapher 65.00 Mertzon, agent telegrapher .'. 75.00 BarnharL, agent telegrapher 75.00 Big Lake, agent telegrapher 75.00 Rankin, agent telegrapher 70.00 Girvin. agent telegrapher 70.00 Owego, telegrapher 65.00 Ft. Stockton, cashier telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 75.00 Third telegrapher 75.00 Alpine, agent telegrapher 110.00 Night telegrapher 75.00 The parties hereto mutually agree that the above rules and rates of pay shall con- tinue in force for one year from date, and thereafter subject to tbirty days' notice by or to said railroads. , For the Railroads: A. DeBERNARDI, General Manager. K. C, M. & O. R. R. Co. First Vice-President, K. C, M. & O. Ry. of Texas. For the Telegraphers: L. R. COTNEY, General Chairman. Lake Erie & Western Railroad Company (EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1912.) RULE I. This schedule applies to telegraphers, tele- phoners, towermen and agents, whose posi- tions are shown in the attached wage sched- ule. RULE II. Promotion will be governed by seniority on divisions: the oldest applicant receiving promotion when, in the judgment of superin- tendent, ability is sufRcient; seniority will date from last time of entering service. Transfer from one division to another will be made only when employes of sufficient ability are not available on the division where vacancy exists. When employes are transferi;ed to another division, they will Schedules and Wage Scales. •361 retain seniority rights for one year on the division from which transferred. RULE IIL Seniority, will only be effective \vl>en vacancies occur or new positions are created, or in case of reduction in force. Seniorify lists of employes covered by this schedule will be prepared bj- the superintendent and revised semi-annually, and a copy furnished the general chairman during January and July of each year. RULE IV. Employes covered by this schedule declin- ing to accept promotion will not lose their right to future piomotion, in their turn. Employes covered by this schedule, promoted and found incompetent, will take their place on the extra list, but will retain their seniority rights. RI'LE V. Employes covered by this schedule will not be suspended or dismissed from the com- pany's service without just cause; in case of suspension or dismissal, if the employe thinks the decision is unjust, he will have the right, within ten days, to refer the case, by written statement, to the proper official; and within ten days after receipt of such statement, his case shall have thoi-ough in- vestigated, at which he luay be present and represented by one or more employes of his own selection. If not satisfied with the result, he shall have the right to appeal; in case suspension or dismissal is found unjust, he shall be reinstated and paid for all time lost. RULE VI. Emplo\es covered by this schedule attend- ing court or investigations, by direction of an official of the company, when personally not at fault, will be allowed their regular salary and. necessary expenses while away froiTi home. - RULE VII. Where more than ten cells of local batter>' are in use, telegraphers will not be required to clean them, nor will they be recjuired to attend switch lamps at points where there are other employes available for that duty. - RULE VIII. When a vacancy occurs or a new position is created, employes covered .by this schedule on that division will be notified by wire or letter, and no permanent appointment made imtil all men have had three days after receipt of notice in which the\' inay file applications for the position. A permanent appointment will be made witbin thirty days after date of notification. The salary of new positions will be fixed in conformity with positions of similar class provided for in this schedule. RULE IX. Ordinarily twelve hours will constitute a day's work. 'Where the work requires divi- sion into three tricks, eieht oi- nine hours will constitute a day. Where two or more telegraphers are employed at the same time in towers or other offices, they may not all be relieved at the same hours; but it may be aiianged, where practicable, for a part or all to work nine hour tricks, the superin- tendent to decide. The hours of work shall be consecutive, but will be arranged to suit the company's service. RULE X. When service' conditions permit, employes covered by this schedule will be allowed a reasonable time to eat, and in case of twelve-hour men, they will be allowed one hour for meal between 11:30 and 2:00 o'clock. If not allowed the meal hour, it will be paid for at overtime rate. RULE .XI. Salaries are based upon the regular station duties for the month, and when necessary to protect service, include Sundays and at- tendance upon scheduled trains. Additional time due to late trains will be paid for at overtime rates, as per Rule XII. RULE XIL Overtime will be paid pro rata, with a minimum of thirty (30c) cents per hour, for extra hours worked, by order of proper official, in excess of the regular assigned hours. In computing overtime the. actual time worked will be paid for. Overtime will not be allowed unless overtime slips are mailed to the proper official within forty- eight hours from the time of service. When overtime is not allowed, notice with expla- . nation will be given. RULE XIII. Employes covered by this schedule, called lor work outside of assigned hours of duty, after being relieved, and having left their office, will be allowed fifty (50c> cents for the first hour, or fraction thereof. After the first hour overtinie rate will be paid. RULE XIV. Employes covered by this schedule, per- forming duties at wrecks, washovits, snow blockades or similar eniergency offlpes, will receive pay at overtime rate, and necessary expense; time to be computed from the time called for until return. RULI?^XV. W^hen emplo.ves covered by this schedule are transferred or accept a bulletined posi- tion, they will be furnished free transporta- tion for themselves, wholly dependent mem- bers of families, and effects, and will be allowed pay while making transfer, rate of pay to be based on position from which transfer is made. RULE XVL Regular assigned employes covered by this schedule, when required to do extra work at other than their own office, will receive the compensation applied to position they fill with minimvmi of the overtime rate, also necessary expenses not exceeding one dollar per day. Extra employes will' only receive the same rate of pa.v as applies to the posi- tion they fill. RITLB JCVIT. Employes covered by this schedule, in regular assigned positions, where required to 362 Schedules and Wage Scales. perform full service for more than nine hours week days and more than three hours in connection with train service on forty or more Sundays during a calendar year, and who have been in such service for three or more years prior to January 1st of each calendar year, will be allowed one week vacation during each yeaf, with pay of position they occupy. Application specifying the date on which they wish vacation to commence, to be filed with the proper oflHcial during the month of January, for vacations during the current year. ^Applications, if practicable, will be granted according to the seniority of the applicants. If vacation can- not be granted, one week's additional pay at regular rate will be allowed. RULE XVIII. Operators .and others covered by this schedule must observe legal requirements as to hours of service, where they apply, and immediately notify dispatcher if being held in violation thereof. WAGE SCALE. • Receives express commission which is a part of salary and not included in figures shown. t Runs pump. ^ t Receives ticket commission.. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Castalia, agent and operator $ 65.00 Vickery, agent and operator *54.00 Burgoon, (joint) agent and operator. . *35.00 Kansas, agent and operator - *54.00 Amsden, agent and operator *55.00 Fostoria, day operator 65.00 Arcadia, agent' and operator *55.00 Findlay, day operator 65.00 Rawson, agent and operator *52.50 Bluffton, operator, first trick 57.50 Operator, second and third trick 55.00 Beaver Dam, agent and operator..... *57.50 Lima, freight day operator 60.00 Hume, agent and operator •55.00 Buckland, agent and operator *56.50 St. Marys, first trick 59.00 Second trick 56.50 Third trick 55.00 Minster, agent and operator *50.00 New Bremen, agent and operator *42.50 Celina, day operator 60.00 Coldwater, agent and operator *50.00 Ft. Recovery, day operator *57.50 Portland, first trick 60.00 Second trick 57.50 Third trick 55.00 Red Key, day operator *60.00 Albany, agent and operator •60.00 DeSoto, agent and operator 55.00 Oilman, agent and operator *55.0O Alexandria, day operator. . ., 60.00 Elwood, day operator 60.00 Hobbs, agent and operator •55.00 Tipton, first trick 65.00 Second and third trick 60.00 Yard, first trick 62.50 Second trick 60.00 Third trick 57.50 Goldsmith, agent and operator *55.00 Kempton^ agent and operator *55.00 Hillisburg, agent and operator, ,,,..- • *56.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Boyleso'n, agent and operator *$ 53.50 Frankfort, first trick 67.50 Second trick 60.00 Third trick 57.50 Mulberry, agent and operator *53.50 Second trick 53.50 Dayton, agent and operator *56.00 LaFayette Block, 1st, 2d and 3rd trick 60.00 Balls Block, 1st, 2d and 3rd trick 60.00 Montmorenci, agent and operator *62.50 Second and third trick 60.00 Otterbein, agent and operator *55.00 Vilas, first, second and third trick 60.00 Templeton, agent and operator *67.50 Second and third trick 60.00 Oxford, agent and operator •SS.OO Chase, agent and operator *t56.00 Boswell, agent and operator *52.50 Talbot, agent and operator *55.00 Ambia, agent and operator *55.00 Cheneyville, agent and operator *54.50 HOopeston, day operator 67.50 East Lynn, agent and operator •51.00 Rankin Yard, first trick 65.00 Second and third trick 57.50 Rankin, agent and operator *52.50 Clarence, agent and operator •54.50 Perdueville, agent and operator *53.50 Elliott, agent and operator v. *55.00 Gibson, agent and operator 77.50 Saybrook, agent and operator *50.00 Second trick 55.00 Arrowsmith, agent and operator. ^ .. •57.50 Ellsworth, agent and operator *52.00 Holder, agent and operator *54.50 Cailock, agent and operator *52.00 Congerville. agent and operator *52.00 Goodfield, agent and operator •52.00 Deer Creek, agent and operator *50.00 Crandall, agent and operator 75.00 Peoria, day operator 62.50 Indianapolis Yard, day operator 70.00 Indianapolis Belt, first trick 62.60 Second and third trick 60.00 Malott Park, agent and operator 60.00 Second and third trick 59.00 Castleton, agent and operator -. . *60.00 Second and third trick 59.00 Fisher, agent and operator '•eo.OO Second and third trick 59.00 Noblesville, first trick 62.50 Second and third trick.... 59.00 Cicero, agent and operator *60.00 Second and third trick 59.00 Arcadia, agent and operator •56.50 Second and third trick 59.00 Atlanta, agent and operator •60.00 Second affd third trick 69.00 .Tacksons, 1st, 2d and 3rd trick 59.00 Sharpsville, agent and operator '59.00 Second and third trick 59.00 Fairfield, 1st, 2d and 3rd trick 59.00 Marshall, 1st, 2d and 3rd trick 59.00 Kokomo, day operator 72.50 Jet., first trick 61.50 Jet., second and third trick 59.00 Bennetts, agent and operator *55.00 Miami, agent and operator ^52.50 Bunker Hill, agent and operator *65.00 Macy, agent and operator {•52.50 Rochester, day operator 70.00 Tiosa, agent and operator •66.50 Argos, agent and operator 75 00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 363 ' Rate per Station and Position. Month, Plymouth, agent and operator $ 80.00 Second trick 60.00 Tyner, agent and operator *50.50 Walkerton, agent and operator *65.00 Second trick 57.50 Belfast, agent and operator 50.00 Michigan City, day operator 60.00 Connersvllle, agent and operator 65.00 Milton, agent and operator *50.00 Cambridge City, agent and operator.. *67.50 New Lisbon, agent and operator *52.00 Mt. Summit, agent and operator *51.50 New Ca.stle, day operator 70.00 Springport, agent and operator t*57.50 Oakville, agent and operator *50.00 Cowan, agent and operator *54.00 Muncie Freight, day operator 57.50 Muncie Yard, 1st, 2d and 3rd trick 64.00 Shideler, agent and operator *53.00 Eaton, agent and operator *57.50 Hartford City, day operator 55.00 Montpelier, agent and operator 82.50 Keystone, agent and operator *53.00 Poneto, agent and operator '53.00 Bluffton, Ind., day operator 62.50 Ossian, agent and operator t*57.50 Yoder, agent and operator *55.00 Spiceland, agent and operator '49.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Mays, agent and operator *$ 47.50 Rushville, agent and operator 72.50 Delphos, agent and operator 65.00 Vaughnsville, agent and operator •42.50 Columbus Grove, agent and operator.. ♦55.00 Pandora, agent and operator *42.50 Jenera, agent and operator $*40.00 Arlington, agent and operator *47.50 Mt. Blanchard, agent and operator... '42.50 Carey, agent and operator 55.00 Sycamore, agent and operator *50.00 Lykens, agent and operator *40.00 Chatfield, (joint) agent and operator.. *30.00 New Washington, agent and operator *55.00 Plymouth, agent and operator *60.00 New London, agent and operator 62.50 Spencer, agent and operator t'50.00 Litchfield, agent and operator '40.00 Medina, agent and operator '65.00 Sharon Center, agent and operator. . . '42.50 Akron, day operator 52.50 Approved: D. C. MOON, General Manager. H. A. BOOMER, General Superintendent. Revised March 25, 1917. Maine Central Railroad Company Portland Terminal Company (EFFECTIVE AUGUST 2, 1917.) RULE I. These rules apply to all employes assigned by proper authority to telegraph service of any character or duration; also station and ticket agents, who are not required to tele- graph, as shown in the wage schedule at- tached to these rules. RULE n. Promotion and Seniority. The right of promotion of employes, as per Rule I, extends over the entire system. Seniority and ability to fill the position bid or applied for will determine the selection. The company, through the proper officials, will determine the fitness of the employes designated in Rule I to fill the position bid or applied for, provided that the senior ap- plicant will be given a fair and impartial examination for the position, if any doubts exist as to his ability. Grievances and Appeals. Any employe designated in Rule I. feeling himself aggrieved on account of the decision, will have the right of appeal, personally or through a commi'ttee of the same class, to the higher officials in their regular order. Employes declining to accept promotion In any instance do not forfeit their rights to the same or any other position to which they may be entitled under seniority when a vacancy occurs. Bidding. The privilege of bidding on any position will expire ten days after the date it is posted. An employe on leave of absence must bid within the ten- day period, but will be allowed to finish his leave of absence, if the position can be filled temporarily with- out detriment to the service. RULE ni. Vacancies. When a vacancy occurs or a permanent or season position is created, the superin- tendent of the division shall, within five days, notify all employes designated In Rule I, who may within ten days from date of posting file an application for the positiop. Posting and Assignments. At the expiration of ten days from date of posting, the appointment and assignment shall be made, and a copy of the appoint- ment sent each local chairman. When a permanent, season, or temporary position is closed, or abolished, the employe so re- lieved, if found competent, shall have the right of taking the position of the youngest permanent employe in point of service, or he may go on the extra list, if preferred, with seniority rights intact. Temporary Vacancies. Positions temporarily vacant for a period expected to exceed ninety days shall be 364 SCHEDUl.ES AND WaGE SCALES. posted and filled in the usual manner, bid- ding for same limited to ten days. Should a regular employe fail to return, the posi- tion shall be again posted as a permanent position, as per Rule 11. All vacancies, other than those required to be advertised, shall be filled by the oldest unassig-ned em- ploye, as provided in Rule II. RULE IV. Discipline. Employes not to be disciplined or dis- missed without cause. In case discipline is thought to be unjust, the employe may refer his case in writing to the superintendent, after which he _shall be given a hearing within seven days. The aggrieved party may be present at all investigations, and may be represented by a fellow employe of the same class. In the event of this inves- tigation proving unsatisfactory, the case may be appealed to the higher officials in regular order. If the accused is found blameless, he will be reinstated and his record remain as previous thereto, and he .shall receive pay for all time lost. RULE V. New Positions. When additional permanent, season, or temporary positions are created, compensa- tion shall be fixed in conformity with posi- tions of the saine class covered by this schedule, with a minimum of $2.30 per day. RULE VI. Hours of Service. Ten hours in eleven consecutive hours will constitute a day's work; five hours or less, one-half day's work. IVleal Hours. Dispatchers will relieve employes for meals between 11:00 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. and be- tween 11:00 p. m. and 1:30 a. m. When required to remain on duty during the meal liour, they shall receive one hour overtime therefor and shall be allowed thirty minutes for lunch as soon thereafter as conditions warrant. Employes must be relieved not later than 12:30 in order to have full hour within time specified. Eight or nine hour positions are. not entitled to a meal hour under this rule, but will be relieved for lunch when conditions warrant. In the offices of superintendents and assistant superintendents eight consecutive hours shall constitute a day's work. Overtime. The aljove arrangement of hours shall not be construed to increase the hours of service at offices now on a basis of less than eleven hours. Overtime shall be computed pro rata on a stated salary, with a minimum of 35c per hour. In computing overtime less than thirty minutes shall not be counted. Thirty minutes and less than sixty minutes shall be considered an hour. In any case when employes are required to work regularly eleven hours and twenty minutes, they shall receive one hour overtime. Form 147 must be sent to the superintendent within forty- eight hours from the time service is per- formed (otherwise time will not be allowed) for all Sunday and extra time rendered. If same is not allowed, notice with explanation will be given within five days. RULE VII. Calls. If for any purpose employes are called by proper authority before or after regular hours, they shall be paid pro rata with a minimum of 35c per hour and a minimum time allowance of four hours. RULE VIIL' Sunday Pay. Remuneration for Sunday work will be allowed pro rata with a minimum of $2.30 per day; one-half day for reporting once; one day for reporting twice, or for a total or over five hours' service. Sunday work, however, will be reduced to the lowest pos- sible minimum. RULE IX. Relief. Relief employes shall receive the same compensation as the person relieved, except when relief men are paid a stated monthly salary. Employes holaing regular positions when sent by proper authority to do relief or emergency work in other offices will 'receive no less compensation than that to which their regular position entitled them, and will be allowed rate of pay of their regular posi- tion while going from home station to point where service is to be performed, and when relieved, will be paid in the same manner for returning to home station. Minimum traveling allowance, four hours in each di- rection. RULE X. Expense Allowances. Employes attending court, or if absent from their regular duties under orders of the company, will be allowed regular pay and necessary expenses while away from home. RULE XI. * Complaints. Relief will be granted if, upon complaint and investigation, employes are found to be overworked. It is intended ,that the above refers to all work incident to the station. RULE XII. Commissions — Ad>ustment. When' handling of express or telegraph business, for which a commission payment is allowed, is withdrawn from any telegra- pher, the wages will be adjusted to conform with that of similar positions in the same locality where such work is not performed li.v them. RULE XIII. Transportation and Moving. When moving to another point on the sys- tem and accepting a different position, em- ployes will be furnished with free transpor- tation for family and effects if. lawful, and regular pay allowed while in transit making such transfer. Schedules and WxVGe Scales. 365 RULE XIV. Leave of Absence. Employes will be granted leave of absence so far as consistent with good service, and will be relieved within thirty days after application has been made. Bonds. , Employes required to handle tickets or cash shall be bonded to and by the company. Relief employes shall be bonded in the same manner except when the employe relieved agrees to assume the responsibility. -RULE XV. Service Letter. An employe leaving the service of the company shall at his request be given a letter by _the superintendent, stating his term of service, capacity in which employed, and whether he has been discharged or left the serviec of his own accord; if dischai-ged, such letter shall state the reason. RULE XVI. Switch Lights, Etc. In sections protected by automatic bloclc signals, telegraphers shall not be required to attend to switch and signal lights. Teleg- raphers who are required to care for switch and signal lights shall care for two such lights without extra compensation. If more than two such lights are cared for, they will be paid 15c per week for each additional light so cared for. This does not include train order signal lights. If any lights are extinguished, telegraphers will relight them without extra compensation. RLTLB XVII. " Vacation. All employes, as in Rule I, who have been in the employ of the company one year or more, will be allowed seven consecutive days' vacation each year with full pay. If thi'i company finds it inconvenient to grant such vacation, the employe sball receive extra compensation therefor at his regvilar salary for that period. Application for vacation shall be filed be- tween January 1st and March 1st, and where dates conflict, senior employe shall have preference. RLTLE XVIII. Passes. Employes covered by this agreeTnent will be granted term passes good over the divi- sion upon which employed; if at junction points they will be given choice of divisions. Employes who hav^ been in continuous serv- ice of the company ten yea,rs will be granted annual passes for self and wife good over the system. RULE XIX. Roster. A seniority list, consisting of all employes covered by Rule I in this schedule, will be issued by the company, and a copy of same furnished each local chairman. This list will be revised annually prior to January 1st. RULE XX. Official Positions. Any employe covered by Rule I, who may accept an official position in the service of this company or being exclusively employed by the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, will in either case retain his seniority rights in the service as a telegrapher. RULE XXI. Effective Date. This agreement will take effect August 2, 1917, and will continue in effect until changed by mutual agreement. Thirty days' notice of desire to change will be given. WAGt SCALE. ♦Additional revenue from express or other sources. tTo be paid for actual number of days in each month including Sundays. PORTLAND DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Day. Portland (WR), first trick operator $3.40 Second trick operator 3.40 Third trick operator 3.40 Portland (BX^ clerk and operator 3.40 Clerk and operator 3.05 Cumberland Center (CMj. agt. and opr. .'*2.25 Royal Junction (J), first trick operator. 3.05 Second trick operator 3.05 Third trick operator 3.05 Yarmouth Junction (OU>, agt. and opr. 3.25 Freeport (FR;, agent and operator 3.25 Second trick operatoi- 2.80 Third trick operator 2.75 Brunswick (U), operator selling tickets. *2. 15 First trick operator 3.00 Second trick operator *2.85 Third trick operator 2.75 Bowdoinham (BO), agent and operator. 3.50 Clerk and operator 2.30 Harwards (HD>, agent and operator.... 2.40 Richmond (RXj, agent and operator. . .*3. 25 Mrst trick operator *2.75 Second trick operator ,... 2.75 Third trick operator *2.75 Iceboro (JA), agent and operator *2.55 South Gardiner (SG), agent and opr *3.25 Gardiner (G), agent and operator. ..... .t3. 90 Operator selling tickets 3.30 First trick operator 2.80 Second trick operator 2.75 Third trick operator 2.75 Hallowell (NH), agent and operator 3.75 Operator selling tickets *2.65 Augusta (WS), agent and operator t4.05 Clerk and operator 3.30 Augusta (KN>, operator selling tickets. 3.55 Second trick operator 2.80 Third trick operator 2.75 Riverside (Q), agent and operator 2.65 Vassalboro (VN), agent and operator. . . 2.55 Winslow (WO), agent and operator 2.75 "VVaterville (WY), Opr. selling tickets. . .t3. 60 (W), first trick operator 3.00 Second trick operator 3.00 Third trick operator .' 3.00 (WN), day operator 3.05 Fairfield (FN), agent and operator *3.80 Clerk and operator 2.60 Shawmut (HLT), agent and operator ... .*2.55 366 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Day. Hinckley (PF), agent and operator *$2.25 Skowhegan (SP), agent and operator. . .fS. 60 Clerk and operator 3.30 Benton (BN), agent and operator *2.55 Clerk and operator 2.50 Clinton (OA), agent and operator *2.35 Cierk and operator 2.55 Barnham (BU), agent and operator. .. .*2. 35 First trick operator 2.80 Second trick operator 2.75 Third trick operator 2.75 Unity (UN), agent and operator *2.20 Thorndike (DK>, agent and operator *1.85 Brooks (KS), agent and operator 3.80 Belfast (KS), agent and operator *1.85 Clerk and operator 2.75 Pittsfleld (DG), agent and operator 3.90 Operator selling tickets 3.00 Second trick operator 2.75 Third trick operator *2.75 Harmony (HY), agent and operator 3.20 Agent and operator 3.40 Detroit (DA), agent and operator *2.30 Newport (NR), agent and operator....; 3.80 Operator selling tickets 2.90 Second trick operator 2.75 Third trick operator 2.75 Corinna (CA), agent and operator ♦2.55 Dexter (DO), agent and operator 3.70 Clerk and operator 2.50 Silver's Mills (SM), agent and operator. *2.15 Dover and Foxcroft (PC), agt. and opr. .*3.75 Clerk and operator 2.90 Clerk and operator 2.70 East Newport (P), agent and operator. .*2. 30 Etna (AM), agent and operator *2.50 Carmel (CR), agent and operator *2.50 Hermon Pond (ND), agent and opr *2.55 Second trick operator 2.75 Third trick operator 2.75 Hermon Center (NM), agent and opr *2.70 Northern Maine Jet. (JC), agt. and opr. .fS.SO First trick operator 2.75 Second trick operator 2.75 Third trick operator 2.75 Gray (GA), agent and operator *2.40 New Gloucester (MY), agent and opr...*2.85 Second trick operator 2.75 Third trick operator 2.75 Danville Jet. (D), agent and operator. . .'2.40 Rumford Jet. (RJ), agent and operator. •2.90 Second trick operator 2.75 Auburn (OX), operator selling tickets.. 2.95 Lewiston Upper (DO), first trick opr 2.75 Second trick operator 2.75 Third trick operator 2.75 Greene (GS), agent and operator *2.60 Leeds Jet. (JE), agent and operator. .. .*3. 15 Second trick operator 2.80 Third trick operator 2.75 Monmouth (MU), agent and operator. . .*2.45 Clerk and operator 2.70 Annabessacook (A), agent and operator. *2. 35 Winthrop (NO), agent and operator 3.50 Clerk and operator 2.75 Maranacook (N), agent and operator... 2.40 Readfleld (NG), agent and operator 3.40 Clerk and operator 2.55 Belgrade (RA), agent and operator 3.00 North Belgrade (NB), agent and opr *2.75 Oakland (H), agent and operator 3.35 Third trick operator 3.20 Bath (SA), operator selling tickets.... 3.50 Second trick operator ,. 2.80 Woolwich (WD), agent and operator. . .♦3.05 Rate per Station and Position. Day. Wiscasset (WS), agent and operator. . .*$3.45 Clerk and operator. .'. 2.85 South Newcastle (SN), agent and opr. .♦2.60 Newcastle (NC), agent and operator 3.05 Damariscotta Mills (DM), agt. and opr.*2.40 Waldoboro (DO), agent and operator... 3.15 Warren (WA), agent and operator *2.80 Thomaston (MS), agent and operator. .*3. 00 Rockland (ND), operator selling tickets 3.55 Second trick operator 2.75 Pejepscot (H), agent and operator ^2.90 Little River (KN), agent and operator.. 3.50 Lisbon (BN), agent and operator *2.95 Crowleys (CW), agent and operator *2.85 Lewiston Lower (W), opr. selling tlcts.. 3.05 Sabattus (BA), agent and operator *2.30 Curtis Corner (CM), agent and operator. *2. 40 Leeds Center (RM), agent and operator. *2.35 North Leeds (N), agent and operator. . .*2. 35 Stricklands (SF), agent and operator. .*2. 40 Livermore Falls (CD), agent and opr... 3.65 Clerk and operator 3.05 Operator selling tickets 2.75 The Bridge (BY), agent and operator. .*2. 55 North Jay (NX), agent and operator. . .*2. 70 Wilton (WO), agent and operator 3.50 East Wilton (RB), agent and operator. *2. 40 Westville (MS), agent and operator. .. .*2. 75 Farmington (FD), agent and operator. . 4.05 Clerk and operator 3.10 Elmwood (VI), agent and operator *2.05 Riccars (SG), agent and operator *2.50 Poland (ND), agent and operator *2.33 Mechanic Palls (MP), agent and opr....*3.70 Day operator 2.75 Clerk and operator 2.75 West Minot (WIST), agent and operator. *2. 10 East Hebron (NO), agent and operator. ♦2.35 Buckfleld (S), agent and operator *2.05 East Sumner (F), agent and operator. .^2. 30 Hartford (FD), agent and operator *2.50 Canton (CA), agent and operator ♦2.55 Jay Bridge (DG), agent and operator.. 2.25 Riley's (R), agent and operator ♦2.75 Gilbertville (G), agent and operator ^2.55 East Peru (MH), agent, and operator. . .*2. 25 Peru (U), agent and operator *2.30 Dixfield (DX), agent and operator ♦2.60 Rumford (RA), agent and operator t3.85 (X), operator selling tickets 2.75 (RH), day operator 2.80 Frye (PR), agent and operator ♦2.30 Roxbury (BU), agent and operator ♦2.15 Byron (SC), agent and operator ^2.15 Houghton (NG), agent and operator ♦2.10 Bemis (BM), agent and operator ^1.90 Oquossoc (DK), agent and operator ^2.05 Kennebago (KN), agent and operator.. 2.55 Norridgewock (NK), agent and opr ^2.05 Day operator 2.65 Madison (MD), agent and operator 3.65 Day operator 2.85 Anson (WR), agent and operator 2.45 North Anson (AD), agent and operator 3.25 Day operator 2.45 Embden (D), agent and ojjerator 2.55 Solon (SO), agent and operator 3.55 Bingham (GH), agent and operator 3.55 Deadwater (DW), agent and operator. . .^2. 65 Bald Mountain (BM), agent and opr... 2.55 Mosquito (NR), agent and operator ^2.65 Lake Moxie (MX), agent and operator. .^2.60 Kineo (KO), agent and operator 3.90 Clerk and operator ^ 3.30 Schedules and Wage Scales. 367 EASTERN DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Day. Bangor (B), first trick operator $3.15 Second triclc operator 3.15 (RD), first triclc operator 3.00 Second trick operator 3.00 Tliird trick operator 3.00 Veazie (J), agent and operator .*2.55 ^ Basin Mills (BA), agent and operator. .*2. 95 Orono (CG). agent and operator *3.45 Webster (WS), agent and operator 2.95 Great Works (HX), agent and operator. *3. 35 Old Town (DK), agent and operator *3.75 First trick operator 3.00 Second trick operator. 2.95 Milford (MD), agent and operator 3.15 Costigan (SG>, agent and operator •2.7(1 Greenbush (BU), agent and operator... 2.70 Olamon (MO), agent and operator *2.65 Passadumkeag (PG), agent and opr *2.8(( Enfield (NF), agent and operator *2.60 Clerk and operator 2.45 Lincoln (CN), agent and operator 3.5ii Clerk and operator 2.8(1 Lincoln Center (DO), agent and opr *2.45i Winn (WN), agent and operatoi- *2.70i Mattawamkeag (A), agent and operator 3.75' Second trick operator 3.00 Third trick operator 2.7!i Kingman (KG), agent and operator *3.0ii Second trick operator...: 2.8!» Drew (SA), agent and operator *2.7!i Wytopitlock (WT), agent and operator. *2.7!i Bancroft (XY), agent and operator *2.7!i Danforth (DF), agent and operator *2.70 Second trick operator 2.8!i Third trick operator 2.7!i Eaton (BD), agent and operator... •2.70 Forest (FH), agent and operator *2.8(l Lambert Lake (RU), clerk and opr *2.45i Vanceboro (BY), first trick operator... 3.00 Second trick operator 3.00 Third trick operator 2.7!i Brewer Jet. (CH), agent and operator.. 3.0!i Holden (H), agent and operator *2.60 Green Lake (MU), agent and operator. *2. 60 Nicolin (BK), agent and operator *2.4!> Ellsworth Palls (SW), agent and opr. ..*2. 6(1 Ellsworth (D), agent and operator 3.3!> Clerk and operator 2.30 FVanklln Road (SK), agent and opr *2.30 Hancock (CB), agent and operator *2.2!i Waukeag (AG), agent and operator *2.3!i Mt. Desert Ferry (W), agent and opr.. .t*3.00 Bar Harbor (BN), clerk and operator... 3.0Ei South Brewer (BV), agent and operator. *2. 70 South Orrington (SO), agent and opr. ..•2.35i Bucksport Center (J), agent and opr. ..*2.3fl Bucksport (BX), agent and operator. . .*3.7(i Washington Jet. (WC), agent and opr.. 3.2!i Second trick operator 2.5!i Third trick operator 2.3Ei Franklin (CN), agent and operator *2.20 Qnionville (RV), agent and operator. . .*2. 10 Cherryfield (FD), agent and operator... 3.40 Harrington (KG),. agent and operator. . .*2.25 Columbia, (BU), agent and operator *2.0r> Columbia Falls (CD), agent and opr *2.3.'t Jonesboro (SB), agent and operator *2.1!; Whitneyville (WN), agent and operator*2.30 Machias (MA), agent and operator S.GVt East Machias (SC). agent and operator. *2.6(f Dennysville (RS), age,-.t and operator. .^2.55 Ayer's Junction ( W) , agent and opr *2.65 Milltown (MD), agent and operator *2.55 Rate per Station and Position. Day. Calais (RA), agent and operator $4.30 (KR), first trick operator 2.95 Second trick operator 2.85 Third trick operator 2.75 Princeton (PN), agent and operqior *2.6Fi Woodland (X), agent and operator *3.15 Day operator 3.30 Pembroke (BM), agent and operator. . .*2. 20 Perry (MU), agent and operator *2.10 Eastport (FO), agent and operator 4.35 Day operator 3.10 (WS), day operator 2.80 MOUNTAIN DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Day. South Windham (SW), agent and opr. .*$2.65 Day operator 2.75 Newhall (NA), agent and operator *2.65 White Rock (WK), agent and operator. *2. 25 Sebago Lake (SA), agent and operator. *3. 15 Day operator 2.75 Steep Falls (UM), agent and operator. .*2. 55 Day operator 2.55 Mattocks (BA), agent and operator ^2.20 Day operator 1.70 Cornish (B), agent and operator *2.15 West Baldwin (WB), agent and opr. ..*2.45 Bridgton Jet. (BS), agent and operator. *2.05 Hiram (HI), agent and operator *2.30 Brownfield (BF;, agent and operator. . .*2. 55 Fryeburg (FG), agent and operator *2.55 Conway Center (C), agent and operator*2,80 Redstone (RD), agent and operator. .. .*2. 70 North Conway (CY;, agent and operator 3.15 Intervale (RV), agent and operator *2.65 Day operator 2.70 Glen (GS), agent and operator t*1.95 Day operator 2.70 Bartlett (UB), agent and operator t*3.15 First trick operator 3.05 Second trick operator 2.75 Third trick operator 2.75 Sawyer's River (MO), agent and opr *2.55 Willey House (WO), day operator 1.70 Crawfords (XN), agent and operator. . .^2. 75 Fabyans (PA), agent and operator *3.25 Day operator 2.75 Twin Mountain (SU), ag'int and opr 2.80 Quebec Jet. (Q), agent and operator. . .*2. 85 "Whitefield (W), agent and operator 2.85 Lunenburg (NU), agent and operator. .*2. 80 Day operator 2.65 Essex (NC), agent and operator *3.15 Concord (WC), agent and operator. .. .*2. 65 Jefferson Jet. (PU), agent and operator. *2. 75 Baileys (JE), agent and operator 2.45 Riyerton (RV), agent and operator 2.45 Lancaster (FO), agent and operator. . .13.15 Clerk and operator 2.65 Coos Jet. (CM), agent and operator. .. .*2. 40 Guildhall (G), agent and operator 2.45 North Stratford (NS), agent and opr. ..*3.35 Day operator 2.85 Colebrook (CB), agent and operator.... 3.70 Day operator 2.70 West Stewartstown (WN), agt and opr..*2.65 Beecher Falls (BO), agent and opr t*3.05 First trick operator 2.85 Second trick operator 2.85 East Hereford (HD), agent and opr *2.30 Paquetteville (QT), agent and operator. *2. 60 St. Malo (DM), agent and operator. .. .*2.55 Clifton (CN), agent and operator 2.50 SawyervUle (VI), agent and operator. .*2. 85 '^-■'ii=tc'>-"..a^ -^xT* wi-*^ "^kt^^iuas Sixr^ ^ 2K? .^t ~' 1^ 0*rT n H1IW 3 s^^^i- mil ^--^.rtfii"-' -^-rUU*^— *=^^^ i Schedules and Wage Scales. 369 eight (48) hours after service has been per- formed. For special call, he will receive twenty-five cents (25c> for first hour, or any part thereof. RULE XL Telegraphers will be excused from Sunday Vork as far as practicable, without reduc- tion in pay. RULE XIL Telegraphers instructed by this company to attend court will be paid for the time lost, and if away from home station, will be allowed necessary expenses. The com- pany will be entitled to their mileage and witness fees. RULE XIIL Telegraphers performing duty at wrecks, washouts or other einergency offices will be paid regular -isalaries and necessary ex- penses while away frojn home. RULE XIV. When a change causes a telegrapher to move, he will be furnished transportation for himself, family and household goods, when not in violation of law or this com- pany's rules. RULE XV. Service letters will be furnished telegra phers on request. RULE XVL When the company requires telegraphers to make bond, the company will pay the premium. RULE XVII. Leave of absence will be granted where it can be done without detriment to the serv- ice. RULE XVIII. When telegraphers are temporarily trans- ferred from their reg«lar position, they will suffer no loss of pay. RULE XIX. WAGE SCALE. *Guaranteed minimum monthly compen- sation, including all commissions. jHouse to live in. Rate per •Station and Position. Month. Ft. Smith, bill clerk telegrapher $ 70.00 Hartford, agent telegrapher t*90.00 Midland, agent telegrapher *70.00 Greenwood, agent telegrapher *90.00 Hackett, agent telegrapher *55.00 Rock Island, agent telegrapher t*65.00 Williams, agent telegrapher ♦50.00 Bokoshe, agent telegrapher 'OO.OO Keota, agent telegrapher t*80.00 Kanima, agent telegrapher '65.00 Stlgler, agent telegrapher t*95.00 Telegrapher clerk 60.00 Porum, agent telegrapher *80.00 Warner, agent telegrapher.* *70.00 Keefton. agent telegrapher t*60.00 Muskogee (YD), first trick tel 75.00 Second trick telegrapher ' 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 Haskell, agent telegrapher t*95.00 Telegrapher clerk 60.00 Leonard, agent telegrapher *70.00 Bixby, agent telegraphei- t*90.00 .lenks, telegrapher clerk 60.00 Tulsa, first trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 Sperry, agent telegrapher t*75.00 Skiatook, agent telegrapher t*90.00 Avant. agent telegrapher *80.00 Bigheart, agent telegrapher t*80.00 Pawhuska, first ti'ick telegrapher.... 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 Foraker. agent telegrapher.... t*75.00 Grainola, agent telegrapher t*65.00 Hardy, agent telegrapher t*65.00 Arkansas City, cashier telegrapher. . 70.00 Gouda Springs, agent telegrapher.... t*65.00 Belle Plaine, agent telegrapher t*70.00 Oxford, agent telegrapher t*70.00 Wichita, cashier telegrapher 85.00 RULE XX. Telegraphers will be furnished a copy of these rules. RULE XXI. No changes will be made in these rules and compensation until after thirty (30) days' notice. The Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad Company (EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1917.) ARTICLE I. Definition of "Telegrapher." Any employe (except dispatchers) per- forming the duties of a telegrapher, whether termed agent, agent and operator, leverman and operator, telephoner, or clerk and oper- ator, also station agents incorporated in the accompanying wage scale, shall be consid- ered a telegrapher within the meaning of this schedule. "Telephoner" is nieant to in- clude those handling train orders or block- ing trains. WAGE SCALE. CENTRAL DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Minneapolis (general office), day tel..$ 85.00 Night telegrapher 83.00 Minneapolis (depot), depot master tel 83.00 370 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Cedar Lake (disp. office), day teleg..$ 83.00 Cedar Lake (yard office), tel. clerk. . . 75.00 Second telegrapher 71.00 Third telegrapher 71.00 Hopkins, agent 83.00 First telegrapher 68.00 Second telegrapher 68.00 Third telegrapher 68.00 Eden Prairie, agent telegrapher 55.00 Second telegrapher 62.00 Chaska, agent telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 65.00 Third telegrapher 62.00 Carver, agent telegrapher 55.00 Jordan, agent telegrapher '. . . 63.50 New Prague, agent telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 65.00 Third telegrapher 62.00 Montgomery, agent 75.00 First telegrapher 65.00 Second telegrapher 65.00 Third telegrapher 62.00 Kilkenny, agent telegrapher 60.00 Waterville, agent telegrapher ; . . 80.00 Second telegrapher. 62.00 Third telegrapher 62.00 Waseca, agent 97.50 First telegrapher 70.00 Second telegrapher 62.00 Third telegrapher 62.00 Otisco, agent telegrapher 58.50 New Richland, agent telegrapher 65.00 Second telegrapher 65.00 Third telegrapher 62.00 Hartland, agent telegrapher 63.50 Manchester, agent telegrapher. 55.00 Albert Lea, first telegrapher 82.00 Second telegrapher 79.00 Third telegrapher 79.00 Fourth telegrapher 79.00 Twin Lakes, agent telegrapher 55.00 Emmons, agent telegrapher 55.00 Lake Mills, agent telegrapher 63.00 Leland, agent telegrapher 55.00 Forest City, agent telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher 55.00 Third telegrapher.- 55.00 Britt, agent telegrapher 75.00 Corwith, agent 75.00 Telegrapher ^ 60.00 Luverne, agent telegrapher 62.50 Llvermore, agent telegrapher 70.00 Humboldt, agent telegrapher 67.00 Second telegrapher 60.00 Third telegrapher 57.00 Badger, agent telegrapher 60.00 Ft. Dodge (disp. of.), telegrapher clerk 80.00 Otho, agent telegrapher 53.00 Burnside, agent telegrapher 53.00 Dayton, agent telegrapher 60.00 Pilot Mound, agent telegrapher 60.00 Ogden, agent telegrapher 67.00 Berkeley, agent telegrapher 53.00 Ruthven, agent telegrapher 75.00 Ayrshire, agent telegrapher 65.00 Curley, agent telegrapher 62.00 Mallard, agent telegrapher 65.00 Plover, agent telegrapher 61.00 Rolfe. agent telegrapher 67.00 Gilmore City, agent '. 67.00 Telegrapher 55.00 Pioneer, agent telegrapher 60.00 Clare, agent telegrapher 62.00 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Tara, agent ,.| 85.00 Moorland, agent telegrapher 62.00 Callender, agent telegrapher 60.00 Gowrie, agent 65.00 First telegrapher 63.00 Second telegrapher 63.00 Third telegrapher 62.00 Paton, agent telegrapher 62.00 Dana, agent telegrapher 61.00 Grand Jet., agent telegrapher 83.00 Rippey, agent telegrapher 63.00 Angus, agent telegrapher 62.00 Perry, agent 95.00 First telegrapher , 65.00 Second telegrapher 62.00 Third telegrapher '. . 62.00 Minburn, agent telegrapher 61.00 Dallas Center, agent telegrapher 65.00 Waukee, agent telegrapher 65.00 LaFayette, agent telegrapher 55.00 New Ulm, telegrapher clerk 60.00 Hanska, agent telegrapher 62.00 St. James, agent telegrapher 87.00 Ormsby, agent telegrapher 57.00 Monterey, agent telegrapher 55.00 Sherbvjrne, agent telegrapher 65.00 Dunnell, agent telegrapher 55.00 Huntington, agent telegrapher 55.00 Esthervllle, telegrapher clerk 65.00 Terril, agent telegrapher ". . 60.50 Langdon, agent telegrapher 56.00 Spencer, agent 95.00 Telegrapher clerk 67.00 Leverman telegrapher 57.50 Greenville, agent telegrapher 56.00 Sioux Rapids, agent telegrapher 72.00 Rembrandt, agent telegrapher 57.00 True.^dale, agent telegrapher 55.00 Storm Lake, agent telegrapher 73.00 Deephaven, agent telegrapher... 55.00 Excelsior, agent telegrapher 62.00 Second telegrapher 59.00 Third telegrapher 57.50 Waconia, agent telegrapher 62.00 Young America, agent telegrapher 65.00 Norwood, agent telegrapher 57.00 Hamburg, agent telegrapher 57.00 Green Isle, agent telegrapher 57.00 Arlington, agent telegrapher 65.00 Second telegrapher 57.00 Gaylord, agent telegrapher 63.00 Winthrop, agent 72.00 First telegrapher 62.00 Second telegrapher 60.00 Third telegrapher 60.00 Gibbon, agent telegrapher 60.00 Fail fax, agent telegrapher 65.00 Franklin, agent telegrapher 57.50 Morton, agent telegrapher 73.00 Second telegrapher 61.00 Third telegrapher. 61.00 Redwood, agent telegrapher 58.00 Delhi, agent telegrapher 58.00 Belview, agent telegrapher 62.00 Echo, agent telegrapher 58.00 Wood Lake, agent telegrapher 58.00 Hanley Falls, agent telegrapher 57.00 Hazel Run, agent telegrapher 58.00 Clarkfleld, agent telegrapher 60.00 Boyd, agent telegrapher 58.00 Dawson, agent 65.00 First telegrapher 57.50 Second telegrapher ;... 57.50 Madison, agent telegrapher 65-00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 371 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Marietta, agent telegrapher $ 58.00 Revillo, agent telegrapher B6.00 Strandburg, agent telegrapher 56.00 Troy, agent telegrapher 50.00 Waverly, agent telegrapher 50.00 Watertown, night telegrapher 72.00 Florence, agent telegrapher 53.00 Wallace, agent telegrapher 52.50 Bradley, agent telegrapher. .»; 55.00 Crocker, agent telegrapher 52.50 Crandall, agent telegrapher 52.50 Conde, agent telegrapher 72.00 Second telegrapher 57.50 Stratford, agent telegrapher 57.00 Aberdeen, telegrapher clerk 80.00 Leola, agent telegrapher 57.00 Brentford, agent telegrapher 60.00 Melette, agent telegrapher 60.00 Northville, agent telegrapher 60.00 Cresbard, agent telegrapher 60.00 Tolstoy, agent telegrapher 57.50 Hoven, agent telegrapher 57.50 Lowry, agent telegrapher 55.00 EASTERN DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Mason City, first telegrapher $ 70.00 Second telegrapher 67.00 Third telegrapher 67.00 Rockwell, agent telegrapher 70.50 Sheffield, agent telegrapher 72.00 Chapin, agent telegrapher 68.00 Hampton, agent 95.00 First telegrapher 70.00 Second telegrapher 65.00 Third telegrapher 65.00 Geneva, agent telegrapher 63.00 Faulkner, agent 46.00 Ackley, agent 85.00 First telegrapher 68.00 Second telegrapher 65.00 Third telegrapher 62.00 Abbott Crossing (joint), agent 32.50 Abbott, agent telegrapher 65.00 Steamboat Rock, agent telegrapher 65.00 Eldora, agent 85.00 Telegrapher clerk 68.00 Union, agent telegrapher 67.00 Liscomb, agent telegrapher 64.00 Albion, agent telegrapher 64.00 Marshalltown, first telegrapher 73.00 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 70.00 Dillon, night telegrapher 64.00 Pickering (joint), agent telegrapher.. 38.50 Oilman, agent telegrapher 68.00 Newburg, agent telegrapher 64.00 Grinnell, agent 95.00 First telegrapher 70.00 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 70.00 Searsboro, agent telegrapher 63.00 New Sharon, agent 65.00 First telegrapher 67.00 Second telegrapher 67.00 Third telegrapher 62.00 Oskaloosa (disp. off.), first telegrapher 82.00 Second telegrapher 76.00 Telegrapher clerk 74.00 Eddyville, agent telegrapher 70.00 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Albia, agent $ 95.00 First telegrapher 70.00 Second telegrapher 67.00 Third telegrapher 67.00 Wright, agent telegrapher 64.00 Fremont, agent telegrapher 65.00 Hedrick (joint), agent telegrapher 41.25 Second telegrapher 35.00 Third telegrapher 36.50 Martinsburg, agent telegrapher 64.00 Ollie, agent telegrapher 63.00 Richland, agent telegrapher 64.00 Brighton, agent telegrapher 70.00 Second telegrapher 62.00 Third telegrapher 62.00 Wayland, agent telegrapher 64.00 Olds, agent telegrapher 67.00 Second telegrapher 62.00 Third telegrapher 62.00 Winfield, agent telegrapher 70.00 Marsh, agent teleglapher 63.00 Morning Sun, agent telegrapher 78.00 Newport, agent telegrapher 62.00 Elrick Jet., agent telegrapher 65.00 Second telegrapher 62.00 Third telegrapher 62.00 Oakville, agent telegrapher 67.00 Keithsburg, agent telegrapher 72.50 Second telegrapher 63.50 Seaton, agent telegrapher 67.00 Little York, agent telegrapher 66.00 Eleanor, agent telegrapher 62.00 Monmouth Yard, first telegrapher 73.00 Second telegrapher 70.00 Third telegrapher 69.00 Monmouth, telegrapher clerk 75.00 Berwick, agent telegrapher 64.00 Abingdon, agent telegrapher 79.00 Second telegrapher 62.00 London Mills, agent telegrapher 66.00 Second telegrapher 62.00 Third telegrapher 62.00 Rapatee, agent telegrapher 62.00 Middle Grove, agent telegrapher 68.00 Farmingtcn, agent 85.00 First telegrapher 64.00 Second telegrapher 62.00 Third telegrapher 62.00 Cramers, agent telegrapher 63.00 Trivoli, agent telegrapher 62.00 Eden, agent 50.00 Hanna, agent telegrapher 67.50 Bartlett. agent • 85.00 Maxwell, first telegrapher 65.00 Second telegrapher 65.00 Third telegrapher 65.00 Peoria (fgt. office) telegrapher clerk. 85.00 Algona, agent telegrapher 72.00 St. Benedict, agent telegrapher 60.00 Kanawha, agent telegrapher 66.00 Belmond, agent telegrapher 75.00 Alexander, agent telegrapher 58.00 Latimer, agent telegrapher 58.00 Minerva, agent telegrapher 59.00 demons Grove, agent telegrapher 58.00 St. Anthony, agent telegrapher 58.00 Zearing, agent telegrapher 58.50 McCallsburg, agent telegrapher 59.00 Roland, agent telegrapher 58.00 Story City, agent telegrapher 68.00 La,urel, agent telegrapher 58.00 Van Cleve, agent telegrapher 58.00 State Center, agent telegrapher 58.00 Montezuma, agent telegrapher 72.00 372 Schedules and Wage -Scales. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Taintor, agent telegrapher $ 58.00 Lynville, agent telegrapher 60.00 Sully, agent telegrapher 58.00 Killduff, agent telegrapher 58.00 Newton, agent telegrapher 90.00 ARTICLE II. Computing Overtime. In computing extra time, less than thirty minutes will not be counted, thirty minutes and less than sixty minutes will be counted one hour, and so on. Overtime will not be allowed unless overtime tickets are for- warded to the chief dispatcher within forty- eight hours from tlie time the service is performed. Telegraphers will be promptly notified when oveitime is not allowed and reasons given. ARTICLE III. Overtime. When kept on duty by competent authority in excess of regular hours (except as pro- vided in Article VII) overtime pro rata of monthly salary with a minimum of 35 cents per hour, as per Article II. ARTICLE IV. Calls. When called to come on duty outside of regular established hours, 60 cents for the call and first hour; except that when living In depot, 35 cents for the call and first hour. If kept on duty longer than one hour, over- time pro rata of monthly salary with a minimum of 35 cents per hour, as per Ar- ticle II. Meeting regular trains as per Ar- ticle VII not to be considered a "call." ARTICLE V. Emergency Work. Assigned telegraphers, for temporary work away from home office, will be paid 25 cents per hour from the time called to report for duty until return to home office, less time off duty for meals and rest. This in addi- tion to regular salary. Unassigned telegrapher^, for such work, will be paid $2.50 per day of ten hours or less, overtime pro rata. ARTICLE VI. Meal Hour. When possible at one-man offices, telegra- phers will be allowed one hour for meal, be- tween 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m., and be- tween 11:00 p. m. and 1:30 a. m. When the meal hour is curtailed to less than foity-flve minutes between these hours, or when the meal hour is missed, twenty-five ininutes will be allowed for lunch at the first opY)or- tunity, and in eithei- event. 35 cents overtime will be allowed. ARTICLE VII. Meeting One Regular Train. For meeting one regular scheduled train between 6:00 a. m. and opening time, or closing tinne and 9:30 p. m., $7.00 per month; between 6:00 a. m. and opening time, or a. m. and. 6:00 a. m., $10.00 per month; in either event, including one hour on duty when necessary, this hour to commence thir- ty minutes before time train is scheduled at station. If kept on duty longer than one hour, overtime pro rata of monthly salary with a minimum of 35 cents per hour, as per Article II. ARTICLE VIII. Switch Lights. When practicable, telegraphers will not be required to care for switch lamps; but when conditions require this, telegraphers will be paid $4.00 per month for caring for four (4) lamps or less, and 50 cents for each addi- tional lamp. This does not apply to train order, platform or interlocking signal lamps. ARTICLE IX. Operating Pumps. For operating gasoline or oil lamps, $10.00 per month. This is the total amount to bo paid at any one station, and it is un- derstood that the $10.00 is to be divided between the employes engaged in pumping. ARTICLE X. Attending Court. Telegraphers ordered to attend court or other business of the company will be paid their legular salary. If away from home station they will be allowed necessary ex- penses; the company being entitled to their mileage and witness fees. ARTICLE XI. Seniority. Seniority will be effective only when va- cancies occur or new positions are created. Seniority rights on the Eastern Division will not apply to the Central and Western Divisions, and vice versa. ARTICLE XII. Seniority Date. Seniority rights will date from the last time of entering the service. ARTICLE XIII. Seniority List. Seniority list will be prepared in January of each year and copy of this list fur- nished to the general chairman and mem- bers of the committee. ARTICLE XIV. Trading Positions. Trading of positions will not be per- mitted. ARTICLE XV. Vacancies to Be Bulletined. WMien any position incorporated in the accompanying wage scale becomes vacant, or a new position is created, telegraphers will be given telegraphic or written notice of the same within ten days, together with Ibcation and rate of pay. Telegraphers failing to make application for such posi- tion-; within ten days will lose their rights to the same. Written notice of applicants and asslgn- mei;ts will be given the general and division chairmen. Schedules and Wage Scales. 373 A vacancy will be filled within thirty days after it occurs by the appointment of the successful applicant. Telegraphers not desiring to accept pro- motion when offered will not lose their rights to vacancies occurring thereafter. Telegraphers will also be given due con- sideration for vacancies which may occur at stations not incorporated in this sched- ule, but such vacancies will not be bulle- tined. ARTICLE XVI. Promotion. Telegraphers will be considered in line for promotion, advancement depending upon faithful discharge of duties Tind capacity for increased responsibility. Merit and compe- tency being sufficient, seniority will govern, the superintendent to be the judge, subject {o appeal. ARTICLE XVII. Incompetent. Telegraphers found to be incompetent for positions to which promoted will be placed on the extra list, but will not forfeit .'seniority rights. ARTICLE XVIIL Reducing Force. In reducing forces, qualifications being equal, the men most recently employed will be laid off or dismissed. ARTICLE XIX. Increasing Force. When months (except in the case of sickness, or engaged in transac- tion of business for or on the telegraphers' comniittee), will lose their seniority rights. Telegraphers assigned to other service, not sliown in this schedule, will retain their seniority as earned to that date, so long as they remain in continuous service of the company. Telegraphers who are on leave of absence will not be permitted to return to work for a few days for the sole purpose of holding their seniority rights. ARTICLE XXL Service Letters. Telegraphers leaving the service of the company tor any cause will, upon written request, be given a letter stating the time and character of service, and if dismissed, the cause thereof. , ARTICLE XXII. Transfers. When telegraphers are transferred by or- der of the company, they will receive free transportation for themselves, dependent members of their families, and household gooas, and shall suffer no loss of pay. Wlien transferred on their own request, or by reason of proinotion, or on account of seniority rights, they will receive free trans- portation as above, but will not be paid foi time lost in transferring. , Telegraphers desiring to be checked in after leave of absence will give the superin- tendent at least five (5^ days' advance no- tice, and if check is delayed thereafter will receive pay for such additional time as they arc held out of service. ARTICLE XXIII. Relief Telegraphers. Relief telegraphers will be paid salarj of telegrapher they relieve, unless they ar« paid a fixed monthly salary for such work ARTICLE XXIV. Authority of Agents. Telegraphers at stations will be under the ihimediate control of the agent and perforrr such duties pertaining to the station as maj be required by the agent. ARTICLE XXV. Sunday Work. Telegraphers shall be excused from Sun- day and holiday duties as much as the con- dition of business will permit, and without reduction of pay. Telegraphers whose regular assigned hours exceed nine per day, required to work more than five consecutive hours on Sunday, will be paid overtime as per Article III for all time in excess of five consecutive hours. Sunday hours to be within the regular as- signed week day hours, provided that where regular passenger trains cannot ^ be taken care of within five consecutive hours, the ■ company may at their option arrange for a three-hour work day on Sunday not to ex- ceed two periods and within the spread of the week daj hours. The Sunday assign- ■ ment of hours to be fixed by the superin- tendent and not subject to temporary change. ARTICLE XXVI. Express Commissions. Teleg;i-aphers are entitled to compensa- tion received from the express company, for serving as agent or transfer man of such company. ARTICLE XXVII. Caring for Stations. Telegraphers will be requiied to keep depot building and platform in neat and orderly condition, but will not be required to scrub floors, wash windows, clean outbuildings, or shovel snow from platforms, except in case of einergency, when other forces are not available. In cases where assistance is nec- essar\" to perform these duties, superintend- ents will be notified. ARTICLE XXVIII. Discipline. When a telegrapher considers he has been imjiistly disciplined, he shall have the right to present his case to the superintendent with such evidence as he may offer, and 374 Schedules and Wage Scales. may, if he so desires,, be accompanied by another co- employe. Investigations should ordinarily be held within five (5) days. Grievances will be taken up within thirty (3Uj days with the proper officials, otherwise redress will be waived. If the telegrapher considers action to be unjust, he shall have the righ"t; to appeal to the next highest officer up to the general manager, within thirty pO) days, otherwise redress will be waived. If investigation shows employe blameless he will bo paid for time lost. ARTICLE XXIX. Hours of Service. Except as specified, at telegraph offices operated thirteen hours or less within a vwenty-four hour period, twelve consecutive hours, including meal hour (as per Article VI), will constitute a day's work; on the Eastern Division the day ^will commence between 6:00 and 7:00 a. m. or p. m. ; on the Central and "Western Divisions, between 6:30 and 8:00 a. m. or p. m. At telegraph offices operated a total of more than thirteen hours during a twenty- four hour period, nine hours actual service within a period of twelve hours will consti- tute a day's work for telegraphers whose duties include the handling of orders per- taining to or affecting train movements or the blocking of trains; no trick will be split more than once; meal hour will not be con- sidered a split. Twelve consecutive hours, including meal hour (per Article VI), will constitute a day's work for telegraphers whose duties do not include the handling of orders pertaining to or affecting train movements or the blocking of trains. Nine consecutive hours will constitute a day's work at Cedar Lake "MS", Albert Lea "AB", Mason City "MC", Marshalltown "YD", Monmouth "YA", Maxwell "WS". Nine hours' service within a period of eleven hour will constitute a day's work at Oskaloosa. Nine hours' service within a period of ten hours will constitute a day's work at Minneapolis "GO". Ten hours' service within a period of fif- teen hours will constitute a day's work at Minneapolis "H". ARTICLE XXX. Vacations. Telegraphers working ten (10) hours or more who have been in the service of this company ten (10) or more consecutive years will be allowed ten (10) days' leave of ab- sence annually without loss of salary, but all other compensation will be waived to the relief agent. If the company finds it inconvenient to grant the aforesaid leave of absence during any year to a telegrapher entitled to it under this rule, the telegrapher shall, at his option, receive compensation at his regular salary rate for the leave of absence period to which he may be entitled, or in the next following year receive additional leave of absence for a like period. It is understood that the telegrapher to be entitled to leave of absence as provided In this article, must have earned the full ten (10) years' seniority before January first of the calendar year in which the leave Is granted. ARTICLE XXXI. Additional Positions Created. When new positions are created the com- pensation will be arranged in conformity with positions of the same class as shown in this schedule. In case any position named herein becomes a non- telegraph position, these regulations will no longer apply as regards that posi- tion, except as provided in Article I, para- graph 1. ARTICLE XXXII. Interpretation of Schedule. Sliould any disagreement or misunder- standing arise as to the meaning of any of these rules, or the construction to be placed thereon, the matter will be decided by the general manager and the general commit- tee. For the Telegraphers: , A. L. GARDNER, General Chairman. J. C. SANDMIER, General Secretary. For the Company: J. RUSSELL, Vice-President & General Manager. Approved: W. H. BREMNER, I Acting President. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Co. (WAGE SCALE EFFECTIVE DECEIVIBER 1. 1917.) . (RULES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1918.) ARTICLE I. This schedule as to the wage scale is to take effect" December 1, 1917, and as to rules as of January 1, 1918, and will govern the rates of pay of telegraphers until otherwise ordered. Nothing contained herein shall be held to contradict or nullify the rules and regulations of the operating department. ARTICLE ir. Defining Telegraphers. The list in Article XX, showing location, occupation and rate of pay, enumerates the employes covered by this schedule, who will be considered telegraphers within the mean- ing of these articles. - The company will continue to promote telegraphers to positions of exclusive agents so far as practicable, and in line with the good of the service, the management to de- cide. A telegrapher transferred to a non- telegraph agency, or an exclusive agency, will not lose any rights as a telegrapher. Telegraphers accepting promotion to some other position with the company, not shown Schedules and Wage Scales. 375 in Article XX, may return to the telegraph service within six months without loss of seniority rights, but will take their place on the extra list. AKTICLE IIL Promotions, Vacancies, Transfers, Reduc- tion of Force. Section 1. Telegraphers will be in line of promotion and advancement, depending' upon the faithful discharge of duty and capacity for increased responsibility; where these are sufficient, seniority will have pref- erence, the superintendent to be the judge, subject to appeal. Seniority rights will date from the last time of entering' the service, and will extend over each superintendent's district, provided that telegraphers of not less than two years' service will, on appli- cation, be transferred from one superin- tendent's district to another within thirty days from date of such application, and when so transferred will be allowed seniority on the new district to the extent of three-"^ fourths of their length of service- on the system. In such case the telegrapher mak- ing the transfer will take his place on the extra list and will have the right to file into bulletined positions as per Section 2 hereof. Sec. 2. Vacancies will be promptly bulle- tined to all offlces in the district, and will be filled by the superintendents in accordance with Section 1. No permanent appointment will be made in less than fifteen days after bulletin has been issued, but will be made within thirty days, transfers to be made within fifteen days after appointment. Superintendents will advise local chairmen promptly of all appointments. Trading po- sitions will not be permitted. Sec. 3. When telegraphers are .transferred and, after a fair trial, are found incompe- tent, they will take their place on the extra list, but will retain their seniority rights.- Sec. 4. Telegraphers declining promotion to any position do not forfeit their rights to it, or any other position when a vacancy occurs. A telegrapher making application for any po.sition must accept the position or go on the extra list, unless his application is withdrawn before the expiration of the time allowed for making applications. Fee. 5. In the event of reduction of teleg- rf-.phers, the youngest man in the service svili bn \p.\(j off first. In re-employing, the oldest man laid off will be given work first. In event of a day position being closed, the incumbent thereof may displace the youngest regularly assigned day telegrapher, who in turn may displace the youngest regiilarly assigned telegraphei in the superintendent's district, provided seniority and ability are sufficient, and claim i.-. made within thirty days: but in event of reduction of force at any station, the last trick will be considered abolished, the remaining telegraphers to be moved back on tricks, and in increasing the force at any station the last trick will be considered the new position and will be filled in accordance with Section 2 rf this article, the telegraphers at such st.itions moving up on tricks. At three-trick posi- tions the second and third trick men will be considered as night telegraphers. Sec. 6. A revised list of telegraphers in each district will be prepared by the divi- sion superintendent, January 1st, annually, and copies furnished to the general and local chairmen within thirty days. Sec. 7. Seniority will only be effective vv^hen vacancies occur, or new positions are created, except as provided in Section 5. Sec. 8. Telegraphers desiring positions in "NA"-"HU" office, Minneapolis, will file their application for the same with the general superintendent of telegraph, who will be the judge of their competency and fitness for the position. These being suffi- cient, seniority will govern. Seniority in "NA"-"HCT" office to date from the time of entering the office. Telegraphers trans- ferring from "NA"-"HU" office to other scheduled positions will retain three-fourths of their entire seniority rights. ARTICLE TV. New Positions. When new positions are created, compen- sation will be arranged in conformity with positions of the same class, as shown in the schedule. ARTICLE V. Discipline. Section 1. Telegraphers will not be sus- pended or discharged without just cause. When they consider that they have been unjustly discharged, they will have the right to appeal to the superintendent, general superintendent or general manager in the order named. Sec. 2. Telegraphers charged with offenses involving their suspension or discharge will be advised in writing of the nature of the offense charged. Telegraphers will make their complaints in writing. Sec. 3. , Telegraphers disciplined or dis- charged and after investigation found not at fault, will be reinstated and paid for lost time. Such investigation to be held within ten days after request by the parties disci- plined or discharged. Telegraphers may be present at any and all investigations, and may be accompanied by a co-employe. Sec. 4. Grievances will be taken up with the officials within thirty days, otherwise will be waived. Sec. 5. Telegraphers leaving the service for any cause will be given a letter stating the time, character of service, and specific rea.=ons for leaving. ARTICLE VI. Court and Business Investigations. Telegraphers attending court, or absent from their regular duties on business for the company, will be allowed their regular sal- ary and living expenses while away from home. ARTICLE VIL Emergency Offices. Telegraphers performing duties at wrecks, washouts, snow blockades or other similar offices, will receive a minimum of $3.00 per day of ten hours or less, overtime pro rata, and no other compensation, time to be com- puted from, the time they start until they return. 376 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE VIIL Meal Hours. Telegraphers, as per Sections 1 and 2, of Article IX, will be allowed one hour for meals between 5:30 and 7:30 a. m. or p. ni., or between 11:30 and 1:30, day or night. When their time is curtailed by dispatcher or to meet trains, they will receive pay for the meal hour. When the meal hour is worked they will receive thirty minutes for lunch at the first opportunity. ARTICLE IX. Office Hours, Section 1. At offices where but one teleg- rapher is employed, ten (10) consecutive hours, commencing between 7:00 and 8:00 a. m. or p. m., including meal hour, will con- stitute a day's work. Sec. 2. At offices where two telegraphers are employed, nine (9j consecutive hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. Sec. 3. At offices where three or more telegraphers are employed, eight (8) con- secutive hours will constitute a day's work. Sec. 4. Eight (8) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work for all telegraphers employed in train dispatchers' offices. ARTICLE X. Overtime and Calls. Section 1. Telegraphers, when called by proper authority before or after regular hours, will be paid fifty cents for each call, and if kept on duty for longer than one hour, will receive overtime pro rata, but not less than thirty-five cents per hour after the first hour. In computing overtime, thirty minutes or less will not be counted; over thirty min- utes and up to one hour and thirty minutes will count as one hour. Sec. 2. Telegraphers will be notified by the division superintendent without delay when claims for overtime or for compensa- tion on any other account are not allowed. ARTICLE XI. Objectionable Work. Section 1. Telegraphers will not be re- quired to scrub waiting rooms, offices or out- buildings, but will be expected to see that their stations are kept neat and clean. Telegraphers will not be required to remove snow from station platforms, except .where impossible for section men to do so, or at points where no section men are located. Telegraphers will not be required to clean main or local batteHes at^tations where ten or more cells are used. Sec. 2. At stations where telegraphers have other duties to perform and are re- quired to operate pumps, $10.00 per month extra compensation will be paid for gaso- line pumps, and .$15.00 per month for steam pumps. Sec. 3. At stations where no section men are located, telegraphers will care for switch lamps, and will be allowed $4.00 per month for the care of four or less switch lamps, and fifty cents per month for each additional lamp, excepting at Laona Junc- tion, where telegraphers will be allowed $2.00 per month. At all points, in case of ex- tinguishment of switch lamps, telegraphers riiust light them and notify the proper em- plo>e that they require attention. ARTICLE XII. Relief Work. Section 1. Telegraphers holding a regu- larly assigned position, required to do relief work, will receive not less than the salary of the position where regularly employed, and will be paid full time for time lost trans- ferring from one position to another, and be allowed not to exceed $2.00 per day for necessary living expenses on prpduction of receipts. Sec. 2. Telegraphers holding a regularly assigned position will not be required to perform relief work except in cases of emergency. -■ ' ARTICLE XIII. Premium on Bonds. Where surety bonds are required by the company, it will pay the premium on the same. ARTICLE XIV. Leave of Absence. Section 1. Telegraphers will be granted leave of absence from time to time on per- sonal business, or otherwise, and will be granted free transportation on this com- pany's lines. Sec. 2. After ninety days of absence from tlie service of the company, employes forfeit seniority rights, except in case of sickness. Provided, if the telegraphers desire to put their general chairman on a salary, he shall be granted indefinite leave of absence with- out loss of seniority rights, and may return to the position he vacated if he so desires. Sec. 3. Telegraphers who have been un- der suspension or leave of absence will be assigned within two days after reporting for duty. If held for service in excess of two days, they will be paid on basis of rate that attaches to the position to which they are ultimately assigned. ARTICLE XV. Transfers. Section 1. When a telegrapher is trans- ferred by order of the proper officials, he shall receive free transportation for himself, fainily and household goods, and will be al- locs ed full time wJ^ile in transit and in mak- ing such transfers, rate of pay to be based ■on position left. Sec. 2. Telegraphers accepting bulletined positions shall receive free transportation for themselves, family and household goods, and when assisting in the work will receive pay for time consumed in transferring ac- counts, traveling auditor to approve time. ARTICLE XVI. Sunday and Holiday Work. Section 1. Telegraphers will be excused from Sunday and holiday duties as much as the conditions of business will permit. Sec. 2. Telegraphers required to perform any service on Sunday will be allowed extra paj pro rata based on a twenty-six (28; day month (as per table. Article XXI). with a minimum of one (1) hour for each time they Schedules and Wage Scales. 377 report, for all Sunday work within the as- signed Sunday hours. Sunday hours to be assigned and to be within the regrularly assigned week day hours and not subject to temporary changes. For all service on Sun- day outside of the assigned Sunday hours, overtime will be allowed as per Article X. ARTICLE XVII. Annual Transportation. Annual transportation on the division on which employed will be furnished all teleg- raphers who have been in the service for five years or more. • ARTICLE XVIIL Students. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy. ARTICLE XIX. Meetings. Section 1. Telegraphers will Vje allowed to attend meetings of their organization as far as is consistent with good service; will not be discriminated against for attending U) any business in connection with their or- ganization, and will be relieved and fur- nished free transportation without unneces- ;5ar.\- delay for such purpose. Sec. 2. If a meeting with the general of- licers is desired, written notice of same, stat- ing the nature of the matter to be dis- cussed, will be submitted and arrangements made for such a meeting within thirty days, if possible. ARTICLE XX. WAGE SCALE. WISCONSIN & PENINSTTLA DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Shoreham, first operator $ 95.00 Second operator 95.00 Third operator 95.00 Itilo .Junction, agent and operator.... 77.00 Bulwer Junction, agent and operator.. 84.00 Second operator 82.00 Third operator 82.00 ■Cardigan Junction, agent and operator 84.00 Second operator 82.00 Third operator 82.00 Soo Line Junction, first operator 82.00 Second operator 82.00 St. Paul Local Frt., first operator 83.00 *Bald Eagle Jet., agent and operator. . 88.00 Second operator 78.00 Withrow. agent and operator 79.00 Second operator 79.00 Third operator 79.00 Marine, agent and operator 78.00 Copas, agent and operator 78.00 Osceola, agent 86.00 First operator 83.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 78.00 Dresser Junction, agent and operator. . 90.00 Second operator 79.00 Third operator 79.00 St. Croix Falls, agent and operator.... 81.00 Centuria, agent and operator 79.00 Milltown, agent and operator SI. 00 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Luck, agent and operator $ 78.50 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 78.00 Frederic, agent and operator 79.00 Lewis, agent and operator 78.00 Siren, agent and. operator 79.00 Webster, agent and operator 79.00 Danbury, agent and operator 79.00 Second operator 78.00 Markville, agent and operator 78.00 Cloverton, agent and operator 78.00 Kiugsdale, agent and operator 78.00 Belden, agent and operator 78.00 Harlis, agent and operator 78.00 Nj'e, agent and operator 78.00 Deronda, agent and operator 78.00 Amery, agent 86.00 First operator 83.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 81.00 Turtle Lake, agent 85.00 Almena, agent and operator 78.00 Poskin Lake, agent and operator...... 78.00 Barron, first operator and cashier 83.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 79.00 Rice Lake, agent and operator lOO.OO Birchwood, agent and operator 79.00 Dallas, agent and operator 78.00 Ridgeland, agent and operator 78.00 Canton, agent and operator 78.00 Strickland, agent and operator 78.00 AVeyerhaeuser, agent 100.00 First operator 89.00 Second operator 89.00 Third operator 86.00 Bruce, agent and operator 88.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 81.00 Ladysmith, first operator 85.00 Second operator , 85.00 Third operator , 85.00 Tony, agent and operator 79.00 Glen Flora, agent and operator 81.00 Ingram, agent and operator 79.00 Hawkins, agent and operator 81.00 Kennan, agent and operator 79.00 Catawba, agent and operator 79.00 Peniiirigton, agent and operator 78.00 Prentice, agent 95.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Brantwood, agent and operator 81.00 Tripoli, agent and operator 78.00 Bradley, agent and operator 81.00 *Heafford Jet., agent and operator.,.. 83.00 Rhinclander, first operator 88.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 88.00 Starks, agent and operator 78.00 North Crandon, agent and operatoi'. . . 81.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 78.00 Laona Jet., agent and operator 79.00 Cavour, agent and operator 77.00 Armstrong Creek, agent and operator 79.00 Goodman, agent and operator 83.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 78.00 Dunbar, agent and operator 79.00 Pembine, third operator 83.00 Joint. 378 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. ♦Faithorn Jet., agent and operator $ 81.00 Hermansville, agent 91.01) First operator 81.00 Second operator 79.00 Third operator 78.00 North Escanaba, agent anct^operator. . 81.0(1 Gladstone, first operator 88.0(1 Second operator 83.00 Masonville, agent and operator 78.00 Rapid River, agent and operator 85.00 Second operator 79.00 Trenary, agent and operator 78.00 Nahma Junction, agent and operator. 78.00 Cooks Mill, agent and operator 81.00 Manistique, first operator 79.00 Second operator 83.0fr Third operator 81.00 Whitedale, agent and operator 78.00 Blaney Jet., agent and operator 79.00 Gould City, agent and operator 81.00 Engadine, agent and operator 81.00 Gilchrist, agent and operator T 79.00 Garnet, agent and operator 79.00 Rexton, agent and operator 81.00 Second operator 78.00 Rudyard, agent and operator 79.00 Dafter, agent and operator 78.00 MINNESOTA DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. • Month. Minneapolis (NA) Office, office mgr.. .$122.00 All operators 107.00 Camden Place, agent and operator. . . lOO.OO Second operator.., 92.00 Third operator 92.00 Hamel, agent' and operator 80.00 Second operator 80.0D Loretto, agent and operator 84.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Rockford, agent and operator 80.00 Buffalo, agent and operator 86.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Annandale» agent and operator 86.50 Maple Lake, agent and operator 86.50 South Haven, agent and operator 86.50 Second operator 84.00 Third operator 81.50 Kimball Prairie, agent and operator. . 81.50 Watkins, agent and operator 82.50 Eden Valley, agent and operator 81.50 Payne.sville, agent and operator 97.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator. 84.00 Regal, agent and operator 79.00 Belgrade, agent and operator 86.50 Brooten, agent 93.00 First operator 86.50 Second operator 86.50 Third operator 86.50 Sedan, agent and operator 79.00 Glenwood, all operators 99.50 Lowry, agent and operator 79.00 Farwell, agent and operator 80.00 Kensington, agent and operator 84.00 Hoffman, agent and operator 87.50 Second operator 84.00 Third operator 79.00 Barrett, agent and operator 82.00 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Elbow Lake, agent ^ $103.00 First operator ^ 82.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Wendell, agent and operator 81.50 Nashua, agent and operator 82.00 Tenney, agent and operator 79.00 Falrmount, agent and operator 97.00 Second operator 80.^0 Third operator 80.00 Hankinson, first operator 94.00 Second operator „ 94.00 Third operator 94.00 Mantador, agent and operator 79.50 Wyndmere, agent and operator 87.50 McLeod, agent and operator 80.00 Anselm, agent and operator 79.00 Enderlin, first operator and wire chief 102.00 Second operator 97.00 Third operator 97.00 Fourth operator 97.00 Fifth operator 97.00 Sixth operator 97.00 ♦Lucca, agent and operator 82.50 Fingal, agent and operator 81.50 Valley City, first operator 90.50 Second operator 90.50 Third operator '. 90.50 ♦Rogers, agent and operator 95.00 Leal, agent and operator 80.00 Wimbledon, agent and operator 80.00 Courtenay, agent and operator 84.50 Kensal, agent and operator 89.50 Second operator 82.00 Third operator 82.00 Bordulac, agent and operator 82.00 Carrington, agent and operator 85.00 Second operator and cashier 91.50 Third operator 84.00 Cathaj', agent and operator 83.00 Emrich, agent and operator 76.00 . Pessenden, agent and operator 87.00 Second operator 82.00 Third operator 79.50 Manfred, agent and operator 82.00 Harvey, first operator 94.00 Second operator 94.00 Third operator '. 94.00 Martin, agent and operator 81.50 Anamoose, agent and operator _82.50 Drake, agent "92.50 First operator 90.60 Second operator 90.50 Third operator 90.50 Fourth operator 90.50 Balfour, agent and opeTator 85.00 Bergen, agent and operator 80.50 Voltaire, agent and operator.^ 82.50 Velva, agent and operator 85.00 Second operator 81.50 Third operator 80.00 Sawyer, agent and operator 83.00 Logan, agent and operator 80.00 Minot, first operator and manager 99.50 Second operator 94.50 Third operator 94.50 Burlington, agent and operator 84.50 Foxholm, agent and operator 79.00 Carpio, agent and operator 84.00 Donnybrook, agent and operator 84.00 ♦Joint. I Schedules and "Wage Scales. 379 , Rate Per Station and Position. Month. ^enmare, first operator $ 92.50 Second operator 92.50 Third operator 92.50 Bowbells, agent and operator 81.50 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Flaxton, agent and operator 92.00 Second operator 82.00 Portal, first operator 95.00 Second operator 94.50 Third operator 94.50 Columbus, agent and operator 80.00 Kermit, agent and operator : . . . 80.00 Crosby ,_ agent and operator 80.50 Ambrose, agent and operator 81.50 Colgan, agent and operator 80.00 Fortuna, agent and operator 78.00 Alkabo, agent and operator 80.00 Westby, agent and operator 80.00 Comertown, agent and operator 80.00 Dooley, agent and operator 85.00 Raymond, agent and operator 80.00 Outlook, agent and operator 85.00 White Tail, agent and operator 85.00 Rosholt, agent and operator 76.50 New Effingham, agent and operator... 77.00 Claire City, agent and operator 76.50 Veblen, agent and operator 86.50 Lake City, agent and operator 76.50 Eden, agent and operator 76.50 Roslyn, agent and operator 76.50 Grenville, agent and operator 79.50 DULUTH- SUPERIOR DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Elrosa, agent and operator $ 78.00 Greenwald, agent and operator 78.00 New Munich, agent and operator 79.00 Albany, agent and operator. . ^ 85.00 Holdingford, agent and operator 86.00 Second operator 75.00 Bowlus, agent and operator 79.00 Genola, agent, and operator 84.00 Onamia, agent and operator 100.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 78.00 Wahkon, agent and operator 85.00 Red Top, agent and operator 75.00 McGrath, agent and operator 78.00 Solana, agent and operator 80.00. Denham, agent and operator 80.00 Moose Lake, agent and operator 90.00 Second operator 82.00 Third operator .- 82.00 Blackhoof, agent and operator 77.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75>00 Boylston Junction, first operator 82.50 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 82.50 Stinson Ave., first opr. and leverman 90.00 Second operator and leverman... 90.00 Third operator and leverman 90.00 Superior, operator and ticket clerk... 100.00 Operator and ticket clerk 87.50 Superior, Dispatcher's Office, first opr. 92.56 Second operator .*. . . 92.50 Third operator 92.50 "West Duluth, agent 100.00 Oklee, agent and operator 82.00 Trail, agent and operator 77.00 Gully, agent and operator 79.00 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Convick, agent and operator $ 79.00 Clearhrook, agent and operator 82.00 Pinewood, agent and operator 78.00 Leonard, agent and operator 78.00 Bemidji, -operator 90:00 Cass Lake, agent and operator 98.00 Federal Dam, agent and operator 100.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 78.00 Boy River, agent and operator 79.00 Remer, agent and operator 84.00 Shovel Lake, agent and operator 78.00 Swatara, agent and operator 76.00 Bain, agent and operator 79.00 Palisade, agent and operator 82.00 McGregor, agent and operator 82.50 Lawler, agent and operator 85.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 78.00 Aqtomba, agent and operator 78.00 Kettle River, agent and operator 78.00 Aitkin, agent and operator > 95.00 Iron Hub, agent and operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Deerwood, agent and operator 72.50 Cuyuna, agent and operator 85.00 Crosby, agent and operator 87.00 Crosby Yard, operator 85.00 Riverton, agent and operator 87.00 WINNIPEG DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Forado, agent and operator $ 79.00 Alexandria, first operator and cashier 91.00 Second operator 80.00 Carlos, agent and operator 80.00 Miltona, agent and operator 80.00 Parkers Prairie, agent and operator.. 85.00 Henning, agent and operator 88.00 Ottertail, agent and operator 79.00 Richville, agent and operator 80.00 Dent, agent and operator 80.00 Vergas, agent and operator 80.00 Detroit, first operator 87.00 Second operator 80.00 Callaway, agent and operator 82.00 Ogema, agent and operator 85.00 Waubun, agent and operator 82.00 Mahnomen, agent and operator 100.00 Second operator 84.00 Third operator 84.00 Winger, agent and operator 85.00 Erskine, agent and operator 92.00 Brooks, agent and operator 79.00 Plummer, agent and operator 85.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Thief River Falls, first operator 95.00 Second operator 92.00 Newfolden, agent and operator. ... 80.00 Strandquist, agent and operator 76.50 Karlstad, agent and operator... 84.00 Halma, agent and operator 76.50 Bronson, agent and operator 79.00 Lancaster, agent and operator 80,00 Orleans, agent and operator 78.00 Viking, agent and operator 78.00 Radium, agent and operator 78.00 Warren, agent and operator 95.00 Second operator 79.00 Alvarado, agent and operator 78.00 380 SiDhedules and Wage Scales. Rate Per Station and Ppsition. Month. Oslo, agent and operator $ 82.00 Ardoch, agent and operator 85.00 Forest River, agent and operator 85.00 Conway, agent and operator 79.00 FoYdville, agent and operator 90.00 Lankin, agent and operator.... 84.50 Adams, agent and operator 97.00 Fairaale. agent and operator. 79.00 Nekoma, agent and operator 79.00 Loina, agent and operator 79.00 Alsen, agent and operator. 79.00 Calico, agent and operator . 79.00 Egeland. agent and operator 84.50 Bisbee, agent and operator 84.00 Mjio, agent and operator 79.00 Rolette, agent and operator 84.00 Fonda, agent and operator 80.00 Overly, agent and operator 97.00 Omemee, agent and operator 82.00 Gardena. agent and operator 79.00 Kramer, agent and operator 84.00 Russell, agent and operator 84.00 Eckman, agent knd operator 80.00 Hurd, agent and operator 82.00 Lansford. agent and operator 81.00 Grano, agent and operator 79.00 Greene, agent and operator 82.00 Tolley, agent and operator 85.00 Nonna, agent and operator 82.00 Dahlen, agent and operator 79.00 Whitman, agent and operator.., 79.00 Southam, agent and operator 79.00 Devils Lake, agent 97.00 Operator and cashier 91.50 Harlow, agent and operator 79.00 Baker, agent and operator '.. 79.00 Fillmore, agent and operator 79.00 Silva, agent and operator ,. 79.00 Balta, agent and operator '. . . . 79.00 Orrin, agent and operator 79.00 MISSOURI RIVER DLVaSION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Lidgerwood, agent and operator $100.00 Genesco, agent and operator 75.00 Ransom, agent and operator 74.00 Forman, agent and operator 77.50 Cogswell, agent and operator 77.50 Nicholson, agent and operator 76.50"' Oakes, agent and»operatov 100.00 Second operator and cashier 90.00 Fullerton, agent and operator 84.50 Merricourt, agent and operator 81.00 Kulm, agent and operator 88.50 Fredonia, agent and operator 78.50 Lehr, agent and operator 79.50 Wishek, agent and operator 87.00 Second operator 82.50 Third operator 77.50 Burnstad. agent and operator 76.00 Napoleon, agent and operator 78.00 Kintyre, agent and operator 78.50 Braddock, agent and operator 79.50 Bismarck, Dispatcher's OfFice, day opi-. 97.50 MofTit, agent arfd operator 75.00 Baldwin, agent and operator 78.50 Wilton, agent and operator 95.00 Washburn, agent and operator 97.00 Underwood, agent and operator 83.50 Coleharbor, agent and operator 79.50 Garrison, agent and operator .82.00_ Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Max, agent and operatoi- . .$ 93.50 Second operator 79.00 Third operator ' 79.00 Kief, agent and operator 78.50 Dogden, agent and operator 83.50 Ruso, agent and operator 81.00 Benedict, agent and operator 79.00 Douglas, agent and operator 78.50" Ryder, agent and operator 81.00 Makoti, agent and operator 78.50 Parshall, agent and operator 80.00 Van Hook, agent and operator 77.50 Saiiish. agent and operator 81.00 Second operator. . 75.00 I'laza, agent and operator 85.00 Second operator 75.50 Danzig, agent and operator 75.00 Ashley, agent and operator 75.00 Venturia, agent and operator 76.00 Artas, agent and operator 76.00 Herreid, agent and operatoi- 76.00 Pollock, agent and operator. . . .'. 86.00 CHICAGO DIVISION. Northern District. Rate Per Station and Position. _ Month. Stevens Point, Dis. Office, day opr. ..$ 92.50 Day operator 92.50 Night operator 90.00 Stevens Point, Yard office, first opr.. 89.00 Second operator 89.00 Third operator 89.00 Stevens Point, first opr. and tkt. elk. 86.00 * Junction city, agent and operator... 94.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Milladore, agent and operator 76.50 Sherry, agent and operator 76.50 Auburndale, agent and operator 77.00 Second operator 73.00 Third operator 73.00 Hewitt, agent 60.00 Arpin, agent 55.00 Marshfield. first operator and tk^ elk. 86.50 Second operator and ticket clerk 83.50 Third operator and ticket clerk... 83.50 Loyal, agent and operator 75.00 Greenwood, agent and operator 73.00 * Vesper, agent and operator 75.00 Grand Rapids, first operator and cash. 87.00 Port Edwards, agent and operator.... 81.00 Nekoosa, agent and operator 84.00 Spencer, agent 87.50 First operator 84.50 Second operator 84.50 Third operator 84.50 Owen, first operator 84.50 Second operator 84.50 Third operator 84.50 Withee, agent 67.50 Thorpe, agent and operator 80.50 Stanley, first operator 82.00 Second operator 79.00 Third operator 79.00 Boyd, agent and operator 79.00 Cadott, agent and operator...... 82.00 Second operator 76.00 Third operator 72.50 *Joint. Schedules and Wage Scales. 381 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Chippewa Falls, first opr. and tkt. clk.$ 87.50 Second operator and ticket clerk. 85.00 Eau Claire, first opr. and tkt. elk 87.50 Second operator and ticket clerk. 78.00 Irvine, first operator 85.00 Second operator^ 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Aibertville, agent 55.00 Colfax, agent and operator. . .-. 80.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 72.50 Boyceville, agent and operator 77.00 Wheeler, agent and operator 75.50 Downing, agent and operator 76.00 Glenwood City, agent and operator... 78.50 Emerald, agent and operator 81.00 Cylon, agent and operator 79.00 Jewett, agent 55.00 New Richmond, first operator 81.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 81.00 Somerset, agent and operator 75.00 North St. Pavil, agent and operator. . . 88.00 Gloster, agent 67.50 Unity, agent and operator 74.00 Colby, agent and operator 85.00 Abbotsford, agent 84.00 First operator 76.00 Second operator 76.00 Third operator 76.00 Athens, agent and operator 87.50 Curtiss, agent and operator 70.00 Dor'chester, agent and operator 75.00 Stetsonville, agent and operator 76.00 Medford. first operator 82.00 Second operator 78.50 Third operator 74.50 Chelsea, agent and operator ^. 84.50 Rib Lake, agent and operator 79.50 Westboro. agent and operator 83.00 Ogema, agent and operator 79.00 Phillips, first operator 82.50 Second operator 77.50 ■-Third operator 75.50 Fifleld, agent and operator 76.00 Park Falls, first operator 82.00 Second operator 82.00 Third operator 80.00 Butternut, agent and operator 76.00 Glidden, agent and operator 87.50 Second operator 76.00 Third operator 72.50 Mellen, first operator 84.50 Second operator 82.00 Third operator 82.00 High Bridge, agent and operator 75.00 Marengo, agent and operator 77.00 **Ashland Ore Yards, first operator... 80.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Ashland, first operator 82.00 Second operator 77.00 Upson, agent and operator 75.00 Iron Belt, agent 65.00 Hoyt. first operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Ironwcod, first operator and cashier. . 87. 5i) Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Bessemer, agent and operator 94.50 Lublin, agent and operator 79.00 **In season. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Gilman, agent and operator $ 79.00 Sholdoii, agent and operator 79.00 Conralh, agent and operator 79.00 Exeland, agent 59.5') I Stone Lake, agent and operatoi- 79.50 Gordon, agent and operator 79.00 Southern District. Chicago City Ticket, first operator $ 95.00 Chicago Local Frt., first operator 97.50 Second operator 87.50 Forest Park, agent and operator 92.50 Second operator...-. 77.50 Third operator 75.00 Franklin Park, agent 70.00 Kolze, first operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Oic hard Place, agent 62.00 Des Plaines, agent 62.50 Wheeling, agent and operator 80.00 Second operator , 77.00 Third operator 77.00 Prairie ^"iew, agent and operator 79. OD Area, agent and operator 84. Oi) Grays Lake, agent and operator 92.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Lake Villa, agent and operator. 90.00 Second operator 84.00 Third operator 84.00 Ancioch, agent and operator 85.00 Trevor, agent and operator 87.00 Second operator 76.00 Silver Lake, agent and operator 84.00 Second operator 75.00 Burlington, first operator 90.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Honey Creek, agent and operator 81.00 Lake Beulah, agent and operator 78.00 Mukwonago, agent and operator 81.00 Vernon, first operator 80.00 Second operator 79.00 Third operator 79.00 "Waukesha, first opr. and ticket clerk 90.00 Second operator and ticket clerk. 86.00 Third operator and ticket clerk... 84.00 Tcmpleton, agent and operator • 76.00 Colgate, agent and operator 76. Qi) Second operator 75.00 Rugby Junction, agent and operator. . 93.00 Second operator 88. OQ Third operator 88.00 AUenton, agent and operator 84.00 Second, operator 75.00 Theresa, agent and operator 82.00 Second operator 77.00 Third operator 77.00 Loniira, agent and operator 85.011 Byron, agent and operator 79.00 Second operator 77.00 Third operator 77.t)ii Hamilton, agent 62.5(1 Fond du Lac, first opr. and ticket clerk 95.00 Second operator and ticket clerk. 90.00 Third operator and ticket clerk... 87.50 Shops Yard, first operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 North Fond du Lac, Dis. Office, D O 92.50 Day operator 92.50 Night operator 90.00 382 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. North Fond du Lac, agent $ 65.00 Van Dyne, agent and operator 76.00 South Oshkosh, first opr. and gateman 90.00 Second operator and gateman 87.50 Third operator and gateman 82.50 Oshkosh, day operator 82.50 State Hospital, agent and operator... 77.00 Neenah, first opr. and ticket clerk. 95.00 Second operator and ticket clerk. 90.00 Third operator and ticket clerk... 87.50 ♦Medina Junction, agent and operator 83.00 *SecGnd operator 77.00 Third operator 75.00 Dale, agent 70.00 Fremont, agent and operator 80.00 Second operator .-. 76.00 Third operator 76.00 Weyauwega, agent and operator 91.00 Waupaca, first operator and ticket elk. 88.00 Second operator and ticket clerk. 88.00 Third operator and ticket clerk... 84.00 Sheridan, agent and operator 77.00 Nelsons, first operator 79-00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Amherst, agent and operator 84.00 Amherst Junction, agent and operator 70.00 Custer, agent 57.50 Stockton, agent and operator 79.00 Second operator 76.00 Third operator 76.00 Milwaukee Local Ft., day operator 90.00 Hilbert Jet., agt and opr. and leverm'n 78.00 Second operator and leverman 76.00 Third operator and leverman 76.00 Potter, agent 62.00 Collins, agent 62.00 Valders, agent and operator 82.00 Manitowoc, first operator 80.00 Plover, agent / 60.00 Bancroft, agent and operator 77.00 Plainfleld, agent and operator 82.00 Hancock, agent and operator 75.00 Coloma, agent and operator 77. OQ Westfield, agent and operator 79.00 Packwaukee, agent and operator 77.00 Montello, agent and operator 78.00 Endeavor, agent 60.00 Portage, agent and operator 90.00 ♦Joint. ARTICLE XXI. Pro Rata Rates Per Day and Hour, Where Rate per Month Is $55.00 57.50 59.^0 60.00 62.00 62.50 65.00 67.50 70.00 Pro rata Rate per Day is $2.12 2.21 2.29 2.31 2.38 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.69 Pro rata Rate per Hour is 8-hr. Men 9-hr. Men $0.26 .28 .29 .29 .30 .30 .31 .32 .34 $0.24 .25 .25 .26 .26 .27 .28 .29 .30 Where Pro Pro Rate per rata Rate rata Rate per Hour is Month is per Day is 8-hr. Men 9 -hr. Men $72.50 $2.79 $0.35 $0.31 73.00 2.81 .35 .31 74.00 2.85 .36 .32 74.50 2.87 .36 .32 75.00 2.88 .36 .32 75.50 2.90 .36 .32 76.00 2.92 .37 .32 76.50 2.94 .37 .33 77.00 2.96 .37 .33 77.50 2.98 .37 .33 78.00 3.00 .38 .33 78.50 3.02 .38 .34 79.00 3.04 .38 .34 79.50 3.06 .38 .34 80.00 3.08 .38 .34 80.50 3.10 .39 .34 81.00 3.12 .39 .35 81.50 3.13 .39 .35 82.00 3.15 .39 .35 82.50 3.17 .40 .35 83.00 3.19 .40 .35 83.50 3.21 .40 .36 84.00 3.23 .40 .36 84.50 3.25 .41 .36 85.00 3.27 .41 .36 85.50 3:29 .41 .37 86.00 3.31 .41 .37 86.50 3.33 .42 .37 ^ 87.00 3.35 .42 .37 87.50 3.37 .42 .37 88.00 3.38 .42 .38 88.50 3.40 .43 .38 89.00 3.42 .43 .38 89.50 3.44 .43 .38 90.00 3.46 .43 .38 90.50 3.48 .44 .39 91.00 3.50 .44 .39 91.50 3.52 .44 .39 92.00 3.54 .44 .39 92.50 3.56 .44 .40 93.00 3.58 .45 .40 93.50 3.60 .45 .40 94.00 ■3.62 .45 .40 94.50 3.63 .45 .40 95.00 3.65 .46 .41 95.50 3.67 .46 .41 96.00 3.69 .46 .41 96.50 3.71 .46 .41 97.00 3.73 .47 .41 97.50 3.75 .47 .42 98.00 3.77 .47 .42 98.50 3.79 .47 .42 99.00 3.81 .48 .42 99.60 3.83 .48 .43 100.00 3.85. .48 .43 102.00 3.92 .49 .44 102.50 3.94 .49 ,44 103.00 3.96 .50 .44 105.00 4.04 .50 .45 107.00 4.12 .51 .46 122.00 4.69 .59 .52 G. R. HUNTINGTON, General Manager. G. W. LEWIS, Cliairman, Tel. Com. Schedules and Wage Scales. 383 Missouri & North Arkansas Railway FESTUS J. WADE, Receiver (EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 19, 1917.) ARTICLE I. All employes performing the duties of a telegrapher, except train dispatchers, whether termed operator, agent and oper- ator, or otherwise, also such other employes as are specified in this schedule, will be con- sidered telegraphers within the meaning of these articles. ARTICLE II. When a new position requiring a telegra- pher is created, these rules and regulations will apply and in fixing the compensation, similar positions, responsibility and wages will be considered. When commissions accruing to any posi- tion are materially reduced or entirely re- moved, prompt adjustment will be made. ARTICLE III. Telegraphers will be regarded as in line for promotion and advancement, depending on faithful, intelligent and courteous dis- charge of duty and capacity for greater responsibility. Where these are sufficient, seniority will govern. ARTICLE IV. In case of reduction in force, the youngest assigned telegrapher shall be reduced first. When re-employing such men, seniority shall govern, subject tO; the provision of Article III. ARTICLE V. Vacancies will be bulletined within five days to employes and no position filled per- manently within ten days after the issuance of bulletin, but shall be filled within thirty days. These bulletins are to show salary, average express and Western Union com- mission. (Note. — Local chairman of telegra- phers to be notified of all applicants and the assignment. ) When transferred and after a fair trial telegraphers are found to be incapable, they shall be assigned to the extra list, retaining their seniority. ARTICLE VI. Seniority will be effective only when va- cancies occur or new positions are created, and shall be effective from the date when employe last entered the service. A telegrapher shall not be eligible to re- turn to a position vacated by him until same shall have been advertised a second time, unless there are no other applicants. Telegraphers declining promotion do not forfeit seniority rights to this or any other position when a vacancy occurs. Telegraphers leaving the service forfeit all seniority rights and shall be re-employed only as new men. Trading positions shall not be permitted. ARTICLE VTI. Seniority lists shall be prepared and fur- nished to all employes by the superintendent of transportation semi-annually. ARTICLE VIII. Telegraphers shall not be disciplined or discharged, except for a Just cause, and shall be given a fair and irnpartial hearing as soon as practical, if requested. They shall be entitled to have present a representa- tive in the employ of the company and shall be notified of results of the investigation promptly, When a telegrapher has been disciplined or discharged and upon investigation it is found that he was not at fault, he shall re- ceive full pay for the time lost on said ac- C(punt, and be reinstated with all seniority rights. In the event a grievance cannot be satisfactorily adjusted with the superintend- ent of transportation, the telegrapher shall have the right to appeal to higher officers in their regular order. ARTICLE IX. At offices where but one ttlegrapher is employed, ten consecutive hours with one hour off for meal sliaii constitute a day's work. Telegraphers whose hours are more than nine hours shall be allowed sixty con- secutive minutes between 11:00 and 2:00 o'clock, day and night, for meals. When necessary to curtail this time to less than sixty minutes, one hour overtime will be allowed. At offices where two or more teleg- raphers are employed, nine consecutive hours, including the meal hour, shall consti- tute ' a day's work. ARTICLE X. Telegraphers required to perform service outside of their regular assigned hour^, shall receive overtime at the rate of 35 cents per hour; thirty minutes or less shall not be counted; more than thirty minutes shall be counted one hour. Telegraphers called or Instructed to come on duty before or after their regular as- signed hours shall be allowed fifty (50) cents for the first hour or any part thereof and overtime thereafter. Telegraphers shall re- spond promptly to all calls. Overtime must be reported to the superintendent of trans- portation within forty-eight (48) hours after the service has been performed. ARTICLE XI. Telegraphers shall be relieved on Sundays and holidays, as far as practicable, without reduction in pay. This article is to be liberally construed by both parties. ARTICLE XII. Telegraphers required to attend court or coroner's inquest by the company, away from their place of residence, shall be paid their regular wages and furnished transportation to and from their place of residence, and shall be allowed actual expenses, not ex- ceeding $3.00 per day, the company being entitled to their mileage and witness fees. 384 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE XIII. Telegraphers performing duty at wrecks, washouts or other emergency offices shall be paid regular salaries and actual expenses, not exceeding $3.00 per day, while away from home. ARTICLE XIV. When telegraphers are transferred they shall be given transportation for themselves, families and household goods, and suffer no loss of pay. Extra men shall receive thirty- five (35c) cents per hour while deadheading on company business. ARTICLE XV. Telegraphers who have been in the serv- ice sixty days, or more, shall, in leaving the service, be given, upon request, a letter froin the proper official stating time of service, capacity in which employed and whether leaving the service of their own accord or discharged. If discharged, the specific cause yhall be stated. Telegraphers, upon application, shall have returned to them all service cards and let- ters of recommendation w^hich may have been taken up for inspection. ARTICLE XVI. Where bonds are required of the teleg- raphers, the company shall pay the premium thereon. ARTICLE XVII. Telegraphers desiring to be checked in after expiration of leave of absence shall give the superintendent of transportation at least five days' notice, and if not then checked in and delayed thereafter, shall re- ceive pay for such additional time as they are held out of service, and shall be con- sidered out of service in case they do not give five days' notice prior to the expira- tion of leave of absence of date they shall report for duty. Leave of absence shall not be granted for any period exceeding ninety days, except in cases of sickness or acci- dent to employes or their families. ARTICLE XVIII. A regularly assigned telegrapher who is required to do extra work at office whero, the salary is the same, or less than his reg ular assignment, he will be allowed this reg-- ular salary and, in addition, one dollar per day for expenses, when away from hom, shall be allowed sixty (60) consecutive minutes between eleven and two (11:00 and 2:00) day or night for meal. At offices where two or more telegraphers are employed, nine (9) consecutive hours shall constitute a day's work. ARTICLE X. Telegraphers required to perform service outside of their regular assigned hours shall receive overtime at the rate of thirty-five cents per hour; thirty minutes or less shall not be counted; more than thirty minutes shall be counted one hour. Telegraphers called or instructed to come on duty before or after their regular as- signed hours shall be allowed fifty (50) cents for first hour or any part thereof and over- time thereafter. Telegraphers shall respond promptly to all calls. Overtime must be reported to the superintendent within forty- eight (48) hours after service has been per- formed. ARTICLE XI. Telegraphers shall be relieved on Sundays and holidays, as far as practicable, without reduction in pay. This article is to be liberally construed by both parties. ARTICLE XII. Telegraphers required to attend court or coroners' inquests by the company, away from their place of residence, shall be paid their regular wages and furnished trans- portation to and from their place of resi- dence, and shall be allowed actual expenses, not exceeding $3.00 per day, the company being entitled to their mileage and witness fees * ARTICLE XIII. Telegraphers performing duty at wrecks, washouts, or other emergency offices shall be paid regular salaries and actual expenses, 386 Schedules and Wage Scales. not exceeding $3.00 per day, while away from home. ARTICLE XIV. When telegraphers are transferred they shall be given transportation for themselves, families and household goods and suffer no loss of pay. ARTICLE XV. Telegraphers who have been in the service sixty days, or more, shall, in leaving the seivice, be given, upon request, a letter from the proper official stating time of serv- ice, capacity in which employed and whether leaving the service of their own ac- cord or discharged. If discharged, the spe- cific cause shall be stated. Telegraphers, upon application, shall have returned to them all service cards and let- ters of recommendation which may have been taken up for inspection. ARTICLE XVI. Where bonds are required of telegraphers the company shall pay the premium thereon. ARTICLE XVn. Telegraphers desiring to be checked in after expiration of leave of absence shall give the superintendent at least five days' notice, and if not then checked in, and de- layed thereafter, shall receive pay for such additional time as they are held out of service, and shall be considered out of serv- ice in case they do not give five days' notico prior to expiration of leave of absence of date they shall report for duty. Leave of absence shall not be granted for any periocl exceeding ninety days except in cases of sickness or accident to employes or their families. ARTICLE XVIII. When telegraphers covered by this agree ment are temporarily transferred from their assigned positions to a position paying a lower rate than the regular assignment, or when temporarily transferred to a position paying a higher rate, they shall be paid tho regular salary plus actual additional ex- pense incurred by transfer, not exceeding $1.00 per day. A temporary transfer in above case is understood not to exceed twenty days. If transferred from regular positions and held for a period exceeding twenty days for the convenience of the company, the higher pay for the position shall govern plus actual additional expenses not exceeding $1.00 per day. ARTICLE XIX. The company shall furnish each teleg- rapher in the service with a copy of this agreement, and all amendments, rulings and supplements thereto. WAGE SCALE. Rate per Station and Position. Month Baxter, agent telegrapher $ 8.i.00 Lincolnville, agent telegrapher 70.00 Miami, agent telegra;pher 110.0(1 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Pairland, agent telegrapher 80.0(1 Bernice, agent telegrapher 70.00 Cleora, agent telegrapher 65.00 Ketchum, agent telegrapher 65.00 Pensacola, agent telegrapher 65.00 Strang, agent telegrapher 70.00 Salina, agent telegrapher 70.00 Locust Grove, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Yonkers, agent telegrapher 65.00 Wagoner, agent telegrapher 90.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Muskogee (GO), telegrapher 85.00 Muskogee Yard, first trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 67.5(^ Wainwright, agent telegrapher 65.00 Council Hill, agent telegrapher 65.00 Hitchita, agent telegrapher 65.00 Hoffman, agent telegrapher 70.00 Dewar, first- trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 67.50 Coalton, agent telegrapher 60.00 Henryetta, telegrapher 75.00 Dustin, agent telegrapher 70.00 Lamar, agent telegrapher 65.00 Calvin, telegrapher 65.00 Atwood, agent telegrapher 65.00 Allen, first trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 67.50 Steedman, agent telegrapher 65.00 Lula, agent telegrapher 65.00 Clarita, agent telegrapher 65.00 Bromide, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Wapanucka, agent telegrapher 75.00 Coleman, agent telegrapher 65.00 Kenefick, agent telegrapher 65.00 Durant, telegrapher 70.00 Achille, agent telegrapher 65.00 Kemp City, agent telegrapher 65.00 Carpenters Bluff, agent telegrapher... 50.00 Denison, first trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 67.50 HENRY C. FERRIS, Receiver Missouri, Oklahoma & Gulf Railway Company. O. G. PARSLEY, Vice-President Missouri, Oklahoma & Gulf Railway Company of Texas. Missouri Pacific Railrcfad Company ARTICLE I. Telegrapher Defined. (a) Employes other than train dispatchers and manager of (GM) St. Louis, who are required by direction of proper officer to perform telegraph service, or handle train orders by telegraph or telephone, shall be considered telegraphers within the meaning of this schedule. (b) No other employe except train dis- patcher, and those covered by this schedule Schedules and Wage Scales. 387 will be permitted to handle train orders at places where a telegrapher is located ex- cept that in an emergency the conductor may call the dispatcher and the telegrapher be paid for the call. (c) Agents enumerated in Article XXI shall be considered telegraphers for the pur- pose of committee representation only and are not subject to nor affected by the provi- sions of Articles II, III, IV, V, VIII and IX of this agreement. AJRTICLB II. Minimum Salary. (a> Where a position that has been closed is reopened the salary will be the same- as shown in the existing schedule. (b) When additional positions are created, compensation will be fixed in conforrnity witli positions of the same class as shown in wage scale on that division; except that positions shown in current or next preceding schedule will not be reopened at a lower rate. ARTICLE III. Meeting Trains. Telegraphers required to return to office outside of regular hours to meet trains, re- ceive stock for shipment or to perform ur- gent duties other than ordinary station work, shall receive fifty cents for the first hour or fraction thereof, and overtime thereafter as per Article IX, except that telegraphers may be required to meet trains scheduled to arrive at their stations within one hour either before or after bulletined hours at overtime rates, provided such trains are designated on posted notice. ARTICLE IV. Meal Hour. (a) Telegraphers (except those whose hours of service are nine or less consecutive hours) will be allowed one hour for meals between 11:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. (b) When required to remain on duty dur- ing the meal hour they shall receive one hour overtime therefor, and will be allowed thirty minutes for lunch as soon thereafter as conditions will warrant. ARTICLE V. Emergency or Relief Service. Telegraphers holding regular positions who are required to perform emergency or relief telegraph service shall receive same compen- sation as if on regular duty, subject to a minimum rate of thirty-five cents per hour, and when away from home, shall be allowed necessary expenses not exceeding two dol- lars per day. ^ ARTICLE VI. Attending Court. Telegraphers attending court or investiga- tions by request of proper officials of the company shall receive same compensation as if on regular duty, and if away from home, shall be allowed necessary expenses not ex- ceeding two dollars per day. ARTICLE VII. Switch Lamps, Batteries and Pumps. (a) Telegraphers required to attend switch lamps shall receive five dollars per month extra compensation for same. (b) Telegraphers at relay and division of- fices will not be required to take care of local or main line batteries where more than ten cells are used. (c) Telegraphers required to run steam or gasoline pumps will be paid a minimum of ten dollars per month for such service. (d> Telegraphers will not be required to scrub offices, waiting rooms or outbuildings, but will see that they are kept clean. (e) Telegraphers required to act as fuel foremen (except where train crews coal their engines by shoveling), will be paid a mini- mum of five dollars per month for such service. This shall not have the effect of reducing any present rafb. ARTICLE VIII. Hours of Service. (a) The regular hours of service for each telegrapher will be specified and posted in each office. (b) In train order offices (not including designated relay offices) the hours of service will be: 8 consecutive, where three or more straight telegraphers are em- ployed; 81/^ consecutive, where agent teleg- rapher and ^wo telegraphers are employed; 9 consecutive where agent teleg- rapher and one telegrapher, or two straight telegraphers are employed; also in division offices shown in Article XXI; 10 consecutive, without allowance for lunch, commencing between 6:00 and 8:00 p. m., where night telegrapher only is employed; 11 consecutive, including meal hour, commencing between 6:00 and 8:00 a. m., where agent teleg^ra- pher or day telegrapher only is employed. (c) In "GM" St. Louis, "CY" Kansas City and "CF" Little Rock, nine consecutive hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. In other relay offices under the jurisdiction of the superintendent of telegraph, eight and one-half consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. (d) In other offices where train orders are not handled, ten consecutive hours, includ- ing meal hour, will constitute a day's work. (e) When telegraphers are required to re- main on duty to exceed their regular hours, they will be paid overtime in accordance with Article IX. (f) Telegraphers in "GM" St. Louis, "CY" • Kansas City, and "CF" Little Rock, will be excused from duty each alternate Sunday. In other relay and division offices where four or more telegraphers are employed, telegra- phers will be excused from duty every third Sunday. Other telegraphers will be excused from Svmday work as much as conditions of business will permit; it being the intention to give telegraphers the benefit of all time 388 Schedules and Wage Scales. in which their services can be dispensed with on Sundays. (g) Telegraphers working ten hours or more per day, whose bulletined hours include Sunday work, and who have been two years continuously in the employ of the company in the telegraph service, will be given fifteen days' vacation annually with pay, or in lieu thereof, additional compensation^for fifteen days at their regular rates of pay. Note. — It is mutually agreed and under- stood between the company and the com- mittee representing the telegraphers, that the application of paragraph (g; of Article VIII will be as follows: Any telegrapher who has been continuous- ly in the telegraph service for two years, and for the last six months at a station where the hours of service are ten or more daily, and whose bulletined hours include Sunday work, shall be entitled to fifteen days' vacation. (h) Telegraphers in relay offices who have been two years continuously in the employ of the company in relay service, will be given fifteen days' vacation annually with pay, or in lieu thereof, additional compensation for fifteen days at their regular rates of pay. ARTICLE IX. Overtime. (a) Overtime shall be computed pro rata on stated salary with minimum rate of thirty-five cents per hour; except at "GM" St. Louis, "OF" Little Rock and "CY" Kan- sas City, where the rate shall be fifty cents per hour. » (b) In computing overtime, thirty minutes or less not to be counted; over thirty min- utes to be counted one hour. (c) Overtime will not be allowed unless overtime tickets are mailed to proper oflacial within twenty-four hours from time service is performed. If overtime is not allowed, telegraphers will be notified within ten days from time such service is performed. ARTICLE X. Seniority and Promotion. (a) Telegraphers will be regarded in line of promotion, advancement depending upon faithful discharge of duty and capacity for increased responsibility. "^Iiere these are sufficient in the judgment of the manage- ment, seniority will have the preference. Telegraphers making application for a vacan- cy or a newly created position to which their seniority entitles them, will. If not assigned to such position, be given the reason in writ- ing if requested. (b) On divisions where telegraphers are not used in dispatchers' offices, the senior telegrapher must, if he desires promotion to position of dispatcher, put in enough time in dispatcher's office at his own expense to thoroughly familiarize himself with the du- ties of a dispatcher other than those of moving trains. (c) "WTien a telegrapher is transferred, or promoted, and, after a fair trial, is found incapable, he will take his place on the extra list mitil there is a vacancy to which he may be appointed, and will then resume his seniority rights. (d) Telegraphers declining promotion to any position do not forfeit their seniority rights. (e; Seniority will date from time of last entering the service in a position covered by Article I, and will extend over each superin- tendent's road division. On terminals, divi- sion seniority will follow the jurisdiction of division operators. (f> Telegraphers desiring position in relay offices will file application for same with the superintendent of telegraph and these appli- cations will be considered as vacancies occur or additions are made to the force. Teleg- raphers accepting position in any relay office will retain seniority on the division from which promoted until thirty days after being assigned to a regular position and will then be subject to the provisions of paragraph (j; of this article. Office seniority in the relay offices will govern in filling vacancies, subject to para- graph (aj of this article, the lowest salaried position being bulletined and filled as per Article XI, paragraph (a). Rights will ex- tend to all relay offices shown as such In wage scale. In reducing the force at any such office, the lowest salaried position at that office will be abolished and the youngest telegrapher relieved, who in turn may re- lieve the youngest regularly assigned teleg- rapher in the relay service. (g> An agent at a regular telegraph sta- tion to whom the duties of a telegrapher are assigned, will not be disturbed in his position by reason of such added duties. (h) In the event of a reduction of force, the last man to enter the service will be the first laid off, and in the event of re-employ- ment, the oldest man laid off will be given work first, subject to the provisions of the first paragraph of this article. In reducing force at any office, the young- est man in service (division seniority^, at the office will be displaced and the lowest rate abolished. In increasing the force at any office, the last trick will be considered the new position and will be filled* in accord- ance with- Article XI, the telegraphers mov- ing up on tricks. A telegrapher suspended from the service under this rule may displace the youngest regularly assigned telegrapher on tlie divi- sion. This will also apply to telegraphers at stations that have been closed. (i) A telegrapher assigned to service as an agent, agent's chief clerk, cashier, ticket clerk or chief dispatcher's clerk, will retain his seniority so long as he remains in con- tinuous service on the same division. (j) A telegrapher who has been four years continuously in the service may transfer from one superintendent's division to an- other, retaining one-half of his seniority, in even number of years, with rights only to apply for positions as vacancies occur; and will be furnished a letter showing seniority held prior to transfer. In computing senior- ity for transfer, six months or less not to be counted; over six months to be counted one year. (k) When a temporary vacancy of ten days or more occurs in any office, telegra- phers in such office may, if they so desire and are considered competent, move up on RCHEOULRS AND WaGE ScALES. 389 the positions vacated, in accordance with office seniority in relay offices and division seniority In other offices. The telegrapher entering the office for the extra work will be placed on the last position temporarily vacated. Time lost in making such moves will be borne by the telegraphers affected. Senior extra telegraphers, when available and competent, will be used in preference to junior telegraphers and may displace junior men, provided such temporary positions con- tinue for ten days or more. ARTICLE XI. Vacancies. (a) When a vacancy occurs or a new position is created one telegrapher on each district to be designated by the telegraphers shall be notified within ten days, who will, in turn, within ten days of its receipt, advise the official from whom such notice was re- ceived of all applications for the vacancy, and the position will be permanently filled in accordance with Article X within twenty days, and the designafed telegrapher fur- nished a copy of the appointment; after which time seniority claims will not be recognized. (b> Seniority list of telegraphers by divi- sions will be furnished annually by the superintendent of telegraph as of January 1st, and corrections and additions on July 1st, each year. (c) The provisions of this article will apply to positions as agents at stations where the salary does not exceed $115.00 per month. ARTICLE Xn. Discipline. (a) When a telegrapher is discharged or suspended for an alleged fault, he shall have a fair and impartial trial within five days after filing his request therefor with the proper official, and if suspended for investi- gation, such investigation shall be held within five days without such request. If found innocent, he shall be paid at regular rates for time lost, and reinstated. If de- tained more than five days awaiting inves- tigation at company's instance, he shall be paid for extra time in excess of five days, whether found guilty or not. (b) If decision rendered by proper local official Is believed to be unjust, an appeal may be made within fifteen days to the general superintendent, or superintendent of telegraph, whose decision will be reviewed by the general manager on written request of the employe, filed within a reasonable time thereafter. ARTICLE XIII. Charges to Be- In Writing. Charges made by any employe against a telegrapher, or by a telegrapher against other employe, must be in writing. Verbal complaints will not be considered. ARTICLE XrV. Manager. The agent telegrapher or first trick teleg- rapher will be considered manager of the telegraph oflfice. ARTICLE XV. Students. No telegrapher will be compelled to receive any person or persons in his office for the purpose of learning telegraphy or station duties, so long as arrangements can be made with individual telegraphers by the superin- tendent of telegraph for the reception of such students as he may deem necessary for the good of the service. ARTICLE XVI. Transfers. (a) When a telegrapher is transferred by order of the proper official, or to accept bul- letined position, he shall receive free trans- portation for himself, family and household goods, and will be allowed full time while in tran-sit and in making such transfer, rate of pay to be based on position left. (b> Telegraphers desiring to be checked in after leave of absence, will give superin- tendent at least five days' advance notice, and if check is delayed thereafter, will re- ceive pay for si^ch additional time as held out of service. ARTICLE XVII. Service Letters. (a) A telegrapher securing employment with this company shall, within thirty days from date of employment, have returned to him all service cards and letters of recom- mendation, which have been taken up for investigation of character. (h) A telegrapher leaving the employ of the company will, at his request, be given a letter by the superintendent of telegraph, stating his term of service, capacity in which employed, and whether he has been dis- charged or left the service of his own accord. If discharged, such letter shall state the reason. ARTICLE XVIII. Accepting Official Positions. An employe of the railroad company, cov- ered by this agreement, entering the service of the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company or the Order of Railroad Telegraphers in an official capacity and assigned to service con- nected with the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company, will retain rights on his division and, for six months, to the position which he vacates. ARTICLE XIX. Rulings. Whenever a ruling is made by an officer of the company having jurisdiction over the system, affecting the interpretation of any of the articles in this agreement, the general chairman of telegraphers will be furnished a copy of such ruling. ARTICLE XX. Premium on Bonds. The company will pay premium on bon^s required of telegraphers in the handling of railway business. 390 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE XXI. WAGE SCALE. RELAY OFFICES UNDER JURISDICTION SUPERINTENDENT TELEGRAPH. Rate per Station and Position. Month. St. Louis, night chief $117.50 Day chief 110.00 Late night chief 110.00 Five telegraphers 102.00 Six telegrapliers 99.50 Seven telegraphers 97.00 Jefferson City, manager and wire chief 122.00 Night chief 99.50 Late night chief. : 97.00 Telegrapher 94.50 Kansas City, manager and v/ire chief 132.50 Night chief 117.50 Late night chief 110.00 Two telegraphers 102.00 Two telegraphers 99.50 One telegrapher 97.00 Osawatomie, manager and wire chief. 102.50 Night chief 95. OO Late night chief 90.00 Telegrapher * 90.00 Hoisington, manager and wire chief.. 115.00 Night chief 99.50 Late night chief 97. 00 Telegrapher 90.00 Falls City, manager and wire chief. . . 115.00 Night chief 99. 50 Late night chief 97.00 Telegrapher 89.50 Nevada, manager and wire chief 115.00 Night chief 99.50 Late night chief 97.00 Telegrapher 89.50 Wichita, manager and wire chief 115.00 Night chief 99.50 Late night chief 97.OO Coffeyville, manager and wire chief.. 115.00 Night chief 99.50 Late night chief 97.00 Two telegraphers 94.50 Poplar Bluff, manager and wire chief. 122.00 Night chief 99.5O Late night chief 97.00 Telegrapher 89.50 Little Rock, manager and wire chief. 132.50 Night chief 117.50 Late night chief 110.00 Four telegraphers . . , 102.00 Two telegraphers 99.50 Wynne, manager and wire chief 110.00 Night chief 97.50 Late night chief 92.50 Telegrapher 89.50 McGehee, manager and wire chief. . . . 115.00 Night chief 99.5O Late night chief 95.OO Two telegraphers 89.60 Monroe, manager and wire chief 95.00 Night chief 90.00 Late night chief 90.00 Rate per Station and Position. ' Month. Tower Grove, agent telegrapher $ 99.00 Telegrapher 76.00 Howards, agent 117.50 Lake Junction, agent telegrapher 72.50 Webster Groves, agent telegrapher... 97,00 Kirkwood, agent 90.00 Telegrapher 77.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Colman, agent telegrapher 70.00 St. Louis, Lesperence St., telegrapher 94.00 Telegrapher 89.00 Telegrapher 76.00 Jefferson Barracks, agent telegrapher 105.00 East St. Louis, telegrapher 80.00 Dupo, telegrapher. 85.00 Telegrapher 85.00 South Dupo, telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 76.00 Telegrapher 76.00 KANSAS CITY TERMINALS. Rate per Station and Position. Month. East Bottoms, telegrapher $ 85.00 Telegrapher 82.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Leeds, agent telegrapher r.. 80.00 Telegrapher 77.00 Telegrapher 77.00 Stock Yards, telegrapher 74.00 Kansas City, Kan., agent 115.00 Edgewater Junction, telegrapher 77.00 Telegrapher 77.00 Telegrapher 77.00 ST. LOUIS TERMINALS. Rate per Station and Position. Month. St. Louis, 7th St., telegrapher $ 79.00 23d St., manager 100.00 Telegrapher 92.00 Telegrapher 87.00 EASTERN DIVISION. St. Louis District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Valley Park, agent $ 85.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 71.00 Jedburg, agent telegrapher 73.00 Glencoe, agent telegrapher 73.00 Eureka, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 67.50 Telegrapher 67.50 Allenton, agent telegrapher 73.00 Pacific, agent telegrapher 100.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Gi-ay's Summit, agent telegrapher.... 73.00 Labadie, agent telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Telegrapher 69.50 Washington, agent 107.50 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher ; 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 New Haven, agent 85.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Etlah, agent telegrapher 72.00 Pumper 10.00 Berger, agent telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Herman, agent telegrapher 93-.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Gasconade, agent telegrapher 77.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 391 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Morri.son, agent telegrapher $ 77.00 Chamois, agent telegrapher 95.00 Telegrapher . . . ." 72.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Isbell, telegrapher 72.00 St. Auberts, agent telegrapher 73.00 Bonnots Mill, agent telegrapher 73.00 Osage, agent telegrapher 75.00 Algoa, telegrapher 70.00 Sedalla District. Cole Junction, telegrapher $ 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Elston, agent telegrapher 71.00 Centertown, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 California, agent 80.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Clarksburg, agent telegrapher 73.00 Tipton, agent....' 85.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Syracuse, agent telegrapher 73.00 Otterville, agent telegrapher 73.00 Smithton, agent telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Sedalia, telegrapher 96.00 Telegrapher 91.00 Telegrapher 86.00 Sedaha Yards, telegrapher 80.00 Caboose supply man 5.00 Dresden, agent telegrapher 73.00 Lamonte, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Knobnoster, agent telegrapher 83.00 iMontserrat, agent telegrapher 73.00 "Warrensburg, agent 113.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Centerview, agent telegrapher 73.00 Holden, agent 85.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher , 73.00 Telegrapher 71.00 Kingsville, agent telegrapher 73.00 Strasburg, agent telegrapher 73.00 Pleasant Hill, agent 113.00 Fuel foreman ^ 10.60 Telegrapher 92.50 Telegrapher 92.50 Telegrapher 80.00 Greenwood, agent telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Lees Summit, agent 85.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher \ 73.00 Little Blue, agent telegrapher..... 75.00 Telegrapher t- 70.00 Independence, agent 107.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Riv6r District. Sandy^ Hook, agent telegrapher % 73.00 Lupus, agent telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Wooldridge, agent telegrapher 73.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Boonville, telegrapher $ 76.00 Blackwater, agent telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Nelson, agent telegrapher 75.00 Naptonville, agent telegrapher 73.00 Marshall, agent telegrapher 110.00 Malta Bend, agent telegrapher 73.00 Grand Pass, agent telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher -. 72.00 Telegrapher 70.00 s, Waverly, agent telegrapher 82.00 Dover, agent telegrapher 73.00 Myrick, agent 120.00 Telegrapher 76.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Wellington, agent telegrapher 73.00 Napoleon, agent telegrapher 73.00 Levasy, telegrapher 67.50 Buckner, agent telegrapher 75.00 Lake City, agent telegrapher 72.00 Bagnell Branch. Russellville, agent telegrapher $70.00 Olean, agent telegrapher 70.00 Eldon, egent telegrapher 77.00 Bagnell, agent telegrapher 77.00 Versailles Branch. Bunceton, agent telegrapher % 71.00 Fortuna, agent telegrapher 70.00 Versailles, agent telegrapher 82.00 Lexington Branch. Hughesville, agent telegrapher $70.00 Houstonia, agent telegrapher... 70.00 Sweet Springs, agent 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Concorlia, agent telegrapher 72.00 Aullville, agent telegrapher 70.00 Higginsville, agent telegrapher 82.00 Warsaw Branch. Cole Camp, agent telegrapher $ 74.00 Lincoln, agent telegrapher 71.00 Warsaw, agent telegrapher 98.00 CENTRAL KANSAS DIVISION. Kansas City District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Dodson, agent $ 82.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher '. 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Martin City, agent telegrapher 75.00 Stilwell, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Bucyrus, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher , ''^•^''^ Wagstaff, agent telegrapher 75.00* Telegrapher 74.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Paola, telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Osawatomie District. Osawatomie Yard Office, telegrapher. .$ 82.50 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 392 SCHEDITLES AND WaGE ScALES. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Rantoul, agent telegrapher $ 73.00 Ottawa, telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Lomax, agent telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Vassar, agent telegrapher 71.50 Osage City, agent 95.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 67.50 Miller, agent telegrapher 73.00 Lamp tender 5.00 Admire, agent telegrapher 73.00 Allen, agent telegrapher.-. 73.00 Bu.shong, agent telegrapher.. 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 67.50 Comiskey, agent telegrapher 73.00 Council Grove District. Council Grove, telegrapher $ 83.50 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 76.00 Wilsey, agent telegrapher 75.00 Delavan, agent telegrapher 75.00 Herrington, agent telegrapher 97:W^ Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Hope, agent telegrapher 80.00 Elmo, agent telegrapher 75.00 Gypsum City, agent telegrapher 92.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Lindsborg, agent 113.00 Telegrapher 77.00 Marquette, agent telegrapher 92.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Crawford, agent telegrapher 75.00 Geneseo. agent telegrapher 98.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Telegrapher 76.00 Telegrapher 76.00 Bushton, agent telegrapher 77.00 Claflin. agent 85.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 71.00 Salina Branch. Salina, telegrapher $ 76.00 Topeka Branch. Mapleton, agent telegrapher $ 70.00 Blue Mound, agent telegrapher 75.00 Harris, agent telegrapher 70.00 Waverly, agent telegrapher 72.00 Quenemo, agent telegrapher 70.00 Overbrook, agent telegrapher 75.00 Richland, agent telegrapher 70.00 ^opeka, telegrapher 80.00 Rato per Station and Position. Month. Bison, agent telegrapher $ 76.00 LaCrosse, agent telegrapher 87.50 Telegrapher 75.00 McCracken, agent 85.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Ransom, agent telegrapher 80.00 Utica, agent telegrapher 77.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Healy, agent telegrapher 75.00 Scott City, agent telegrapher 87.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Leoti, agent telegrapher 85.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Horace District. Horace, agent telegrapher $90.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 77.00 . Sheridan Lake, agent telegrapher 77.00 Eads, agent telegrapher 77.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Haswell, agent telegrapher .-. . 75.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Arlington, agent telegrapher 75.00 Sugar City, agent telegrapher 90.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Ordway, agent 83.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Olney Springs, agent telegrapher 77.00 Boone, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Pueblo, telegrapher '•■ 97.50 Telegrapher • 87.50 Telegrapher 87.50 Great Bend Branch. Great Bend, agent telegrapher $135.00 COLORADO DIVISION. Hoisington District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Olmitz, agent telegrapher .$ 76.00 Telegrapher 74.50 Telegrapher 70.00 Otis, agent telegrapher 76.00 OMAHA DIVISION. Atchison District. Rate per Station and Position. -. Month. Nearman, agent telegrapher $73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher .' 73.00 Wolcott, agent telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Cochrane, agent telegrapher *40.00 Lamp tender 900 Telegrapher 72.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Leavenworth Un. Depot, telegrapher. 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Oak Mills, agent telegrapher 72.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 •Union Pacific also pays $40.00 per month. Schedules and Wage Scales. 393 Rate per Station and I ositlon. Month. Atchison Union Depot, telegrapher....? 95.00 Telegrapher 90.00 Telegrapher 85.00 Telegrapher tlS.OO Telegrapher J15.00 Atchison Lower Tard, telegrapher.... 70.00 Atchison Upper Yard, telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Shannon, agent telegrapher 73.00 Lamp tender 5.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Huron, agent telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Everest, agent telegrapher 75.00 Baker, agent telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Padonia, telegrapher 70.00 Reserve, agent telegrapher 73.00 Falls City, agent 107.00 Omaha District. Strausvllle, telegrapher $ 70.00 Verdon, agent telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 67.50 Stella, agent telegrapher 78.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Howe, agent telegrapher 73.00 Auburn, telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Julian, agent telegrapher 71.00 Paul, agent telegrapher 67.50 Telegrapher 67.50 Telegrapher 67.50 Nebraska City, agent 113.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Wyoming, agent telegrapher 70.00 Lamp tender 5.00 Union, agent telegrapher 79.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Murray, agent telegrapher 71.00 Plattsmouth, agent telegrapher 91.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 South Omaha, telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher , 70.00 Omaha West Side Jet., telegrapher.. 75.00 Omaha, Nicholas St., telegrapher 93.00 Telegrapher 88.00 Telegrapher 83.00 Omaha Commercial Office, telegrapher 82.50 Talmage Branch. ~ Brock, agent telegrapher $ 71.00 Talmage, agent telegrapher 73.00 Dunbar, agent telegrapher 71.00 Berlin, agent telegrapher 7L00 Avoca, agent telegrapher 71.00 Weeping Water, agent 97.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher . . . ., 70.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Manley, agent telegrapher $ 71.00 Louisville, agent telegrapher 72.50 Springfield, agent telegrapher 71. 00 St. Joseph Branch. St. Joseph, telegrapher 182.50 Crete Branch. Cook, agent telegrapher 5 70.00 Burr, agent telegrapher 70.00 Douglas, agent telegrapher 70.OO Pumper 10.00 Panama, agent telegrapher 70.OO Hickman, agent telegrapher. 70. 00 Pumper lo.oo Crete, agent telegrapher 95.00 Lincoln Branch. Nehawka, agent telegrapher $71.00 Wabash, agent telegrapher 70.OO Elmwood, agent telegrapher 75.00 Eagle, agent telegrapher 71.00 Lincoln, telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher ♦75.00 NORTHERN KANSAS DIVISION. Greenleaf District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Efllngham, agent telegrapher $83.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 65!oO -Muscotah, agent telegrapher 70.00 Whiting, agent telegrapher 71.00 Netawaka, agent telegrapher 70.OO Wetmore, agent telegrapher 71. OO Goffs, agent telegrapher 91.50 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Corning, agent telegrapher 70.00 Fuel foreman 6.00 Centralia, agent telegrapher 72.00 Vermillion, agent telegrapher 70.00 Frankfort, agent telegrapher 77.50 Telegrapher 70. 00 Telegrapher 65.00 Irving, agent telegrapher 71.00 Blue Rapids, agent telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 67.00 Waterville, agent telegrapher 71.00 Barnes, agent telegrapher 70.00 Greenleaf, agent 105.00 Telegrapher 76.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Telegrapher 72.50 Downs District. Linn, agent telegrapher $70.00 Palmer, agent telegrapher 70.00 Clifton, agent telegrapher 75.00 Clyde, agent telegrapher 83.00 Concordia, agent 120.00 Division Office telegrapher 90.00 Division Office telegrapher 85.00 Jamestown, agent telegrapher 82.00 Scottsville, agent telegrapher 70.00 Beloit, agent 113.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Glen Elder, agent telegrapher 72.00 tUnion Depot also pays $65.00 per month. tUnlon Depot also pays $65.00 per month. ♦Joint with C. & N. W., each company carrying on its pay-rolls every alternate year from September 1st. 394 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Cawker, agent telegraplier $ 72.00 Downs, agent 87.00 Telegraplier 80.00 Telegrapher 77.50 Washington Branch. Washington, agent telegrapher $ 87.50 Prosser Branch. Scandia, agent telegrapher $ 70.00 Republic City, agent telegrapher 70.00 Superior, agent telegrapher 83.50 Mont Clare, agent telegrapher 70.00 Lawrence, agent telegrapher 70.00 Hastings, agent telegrapher 101.50 Prosser, agent telegrapher 70.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Burr Oak Branch. Randall, agent telegrapher $ 70.00 Jewell City, agent telegi-apher 73.00 Mankato, agent telegrapher 83.50 Burr Oak, agent telegrapher 72.00 Lenora Branch. Portis, agent telegrapher $70.00 Gaylord, agent telegrapher 70.00 Kirwin, agent telegrapher 70.00 Pumper 10.00 Glade, agent telegrapher 70.00 Logan, agent telegrapher 70.00 Pumper 10.00 Lenora, agent telegrapher 83.50 Stockton District. Osborne, agent telegrapher $77.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Alton, agent telegrapher 7,5.00 Woodston, agent telegrapher 70.00, Stockton, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 65.00 JOPLIN DIVISION. Pleasant Hill District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Ore, telegrapher $ 67.50 Harrisonville, agent telegrapher 90.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Archie, agent telegrapher...; 73.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Adrian, agent telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Butler, agent 117.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Athol, telegrapher. 67.50 Rich Hill, agent 87.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Horton, agent telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 67.50 Sheldon, agent telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 67.50 Lamar, agent telegrapher 92.50 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 70.00 .Jasper, agent telegrapher 77.50 Carthage, telegrapher 82.50 Telegrapher 82.50 Telegrapher 75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Webb City, telegrapher $ 77.50 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Joplin, telegrapher 77.50 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 70.00 iVIadlson Branch. Pleasanton, agent telegrapher $ 80.00 Mound City, agent telegrapher 75.00 Gridley, agent telegrapher 70.00 Madison, agent telegrapher 73.00 Ft. Scott Branch. Englevale, agent telegrapher $ 70.00 Arma, agent telegrapher 81.00 Rich Hill Branch. Richards, agent telegrapher $71.00 Granby Branch. Granby, agent telegrapher $ 76.50 Asbury Branch. Purcell, agent telegrapher $ 90.00 Pittsburg District, Bronaugh, agent telegrapher $ 70.00 Liberal, agent telegrapher 78.00 Cornell, agent .". . 117.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Pittsburg, telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Cherokee, agent telegrapher 73.00 Carona, agent telegrapher 78.00 Sherwin, agent telegrapher 70.00 Chetopa, agent telegrapher 93.50 Edna, agent telegrapher 82.50 WICHITA DIVISION. Wichita District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Ft. Scott, telegrapher $ 82.50 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher , 75.00 Redfield, agent telegrapher 70.00 Bronson, agent telegrapher 80.00 Moran, agent telegrapher 80.00 LaHarpe, agent telegrapher 89.00 lola, telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 71.00 Piqua, agent telegrapher 80.00 Durand, telegrapher .- 80.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Yates Center, agent 120.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Telegrapher 81.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Batesville, agent telegrapher 68.00 Lamp tender 5.00 Toronto, agent telegrapher 82.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Neal, agent telegrapher 70.00 Lamp tender 5.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Eureka, agent 117.00 Telegrapher 72.50 Telegrapher 69.00 Telegrapher 68.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 395 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Reece, agent telegrapher $ 71.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Sallyards, telegrapher 68.00 Lamp tender 5.00 Summit, telegrapher 68.00 Rosalia, agent telegrapher 71.00 Telegrapher 68.00 Pontiac, agent telegrapher 68.00 El Dorado, agent 125.00 Telegrapher 83.50 Telegrapher 74.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Towanda, agent telegrapher 70.00 Benton, agent telegrapher 70.00 Telegi-apher 65.00 Greenwich, agent telegrapher 70.00 Wichita Yards, telegrapher 76.50 Telegrapher 76.50 Telegrapher 72.50 McPherson Branch. Potwin, agent telegrapher $75.00 Whitewater, agent telegrapher 71.00 Newton, telegrapher 75.00 Mound Ridge, agent telegrapher 71.00 McPherson, agent telegrapher 95.00 Hutchinson Branch. Colwich, agent telegrapher $ 70.00 Andale, agent telegrapher 71.00 Mount Hope, agent telegrapher 74.00 Haven, agent telegrapher 76.00 Hutchinson, agent 109.00 Telegrapher- 90.00 Nickerson, agent telegrapher 89.00 Sterling, agent telegrapher 95.00 I^yons, agent 109.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Kanapolis, agent telegrapher 90.00 Kiowa Branch. Clearwater, agent telegrapher $ 70.00 Argonia, agent telegrapher 70.00 Freeport, agent telegrapher.. 70.00 Anthony, agent 113.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Hazelton, agent telegrapher 70.00 Kiowa, agent 107.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Hardtner, agent telegrapher 75.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 SOUTHERN KANSAS DIVISION. Coffeyville District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Lane, agent telegrapher $ 74.00 Lamp tender 5.00 Telegrapher 72.50 Telegrapher 69.00 Greeley, agent telegrapher 74.00 Telegrapher 69.00 Garnett, agent 109.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher ; 75.00 ' Telegrapher 70.00 Mont Ida, agent telegrapher 72.50 Telegrapher 69.00 Westphalia, agent telegi-apher 81.00 Telegrapher 72.50 Aliceville, telegrapher 69.00 / Rate per Station and Position. Month. Le Roy, agent $ §7.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Telegrapher 75*00 Telegrapher 7500 Telegrapher 70^00 Vernon, agent telegrapher 72.50 Telegrapher 72.50 Rose, agent telegrapher 72.50 Lamp tender 5.00 Buffalo, agent ' z^m Telegrapher 72.'5o Telegrapher gg^o Telegrapher 69.00 Roper, agent telegrapher 72.50 Lamp tender 5.00 Altooila, agent 9o!oO Telegrapher 74.00 Telegrapher " . . 70.00 Telegrapher 69.00 Neodesha, telegrapher goioo Telegrapher 75'.oo Telegrapher 73.00 Sycamore, agent telegrapher 72.50 Independence, telegrapher SO.OO Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.'oo Deering, agent telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Roper Branch. Fredonia, agent phone .$95.00 LaFontaine, agent phone 57.50 Elk City, agent phone 57.50 Conway Springs District. Tyro, agent telegrapher $75.00 Caney, telegrapher 73^00 Niotaze, agent telegrapher 73^00 Peru, agent telegrapher 71.00 Sedan, telegrapher 71.00 Wauneta, agent telegrapher 71.00 Cedarvale, agent telegrapher 85.00 Pumper 15.00 Hooser, agent telegrapher 71.00 Dexter, agent telegrapher 91. oo Winfleld, agent 120.00 Pumper 15.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Oxford, agent telegrapher 71.00 Belleplaine, agent telegrapher 75.00 Conway Springs, agent 95.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 72.50 Lamed District. Norwich, agent telegrapher $71.00 Kingman, agent telegrapher 100.00 Penalosa, agent telegrapher 71.00 Turon, agent telegrapher 71.00 Stafford, agent telegrapher 108.00 Hudson, agent telegrapher 73.00 Seward, agent telegrapher 71.00 Pumper lo.OO Larned, agent telegrapher 100.00 Arkansas City Branch. Silverdale, agent telegrapher $71.00 Arkansas City, agent 120.00 Telegrapher 80.00 luka Branch. Olcott, agent phone $ 57.50 Pumper 10.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 396 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Preston, agent phone $ 57.50 luka, agent phone 68.00 MISSOURI DIVISION. DeSoto District.. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Cliff Cave, telegrapher $ 72.50 Telegrapher 72.50 Telegrapher 72.50 Kimmswick, agent telegrapher 75.00 Sulphur Springs, agent telegrapher.... 80.00 Riverside, agent telegrapher 112.50 Teleg-rapher 76.00 Telegrapher 74.50 Horine, agent telegrapher 70.00 Lamp tender 5.00 Hematite, agent telegrapher 77.50 De Soto, telegrapher 93.00 Telegrapher 88.00 Telegrapher . . , 83.00 Vineland, agent telegrapher 72.50 Blackwell, agent telegrapher 72.50 Mineral Point, agent telegrapher 74.00 Telegrapher 72.50 Telegrapher 72.50 Irondale, agent telegrapher 75.00 Bismarck, telegrapher 97.00 Telegrapher 82.50 Telegrapher 77.50 Iron Mountain, agent telegrapher 72.50 Middlebrook, telegrapher 72.50 Ironlon, agent telegrapher 80.00 Arcadia, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 72.50 Telegrapher 72.50 Hogan, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 72.50 Telegrapher 72.50 Annapolis, agent telegrapher 72.50 Vulcan, telegrapher 72.50 Des Arc, agent telegrapher 72.50 Gad's Hill, agent telegrapher 72.50 Piedmont District. Piedmont, telegrapher $ 80.00 Telegrapher : 77.00 Telegrapher 77.00 Leeper, agent telegrapher 75.00 Mill Spring, agent telegrapher 72.50 Williamsville, agent telegrapher 86.00 Telegrapher 72.50 Hendrickson, agent telegrapher 72.50 Harviell, agent telegrapher 72.50 Telegrapher 72.50 Telegrapher 72.50 Neeleyville, agent 77.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Moark, telegrapher 73.00 Corning, agent 77.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Knobel, agent telegrapher 77.50 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Peach Orchard, agent telegrapher 73.00 O'Kean, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.50 Telegrapher 73.50 Walnut Ridge, agent 95.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Hoxie Yard, telegrapher 82.00 Telegrapher 82,00 Telegrapher 77.00 PotosI Branch. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Potosi, agent telegrapher $ 89.00 Belmont Brancli. DeLassus, agent telegrapher $ 75.00 Mine LaMotte, agent telegrapher 70.00 Fredericktown, agent 90.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Marquand, agent telegrapher 75.00 Glen Allen, agent -telegrapher 75.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Lutesville, agent telegrapher 82.50 Allenville, agent telegrapher 75.00 Delta, agent 82.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Oran, agent telegrapher 71.00 Morley, agent telegrapher 73.00 Pumper 10.00 Blodgett, agent telegrapher 73.00 Charleston, agent 113.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Belmont, agent 111.00 Jackson Branch. Jackson, agent telegrapher $110.00 Cairo District. Fisk, agent telegrapher -.$70.00 Dudley, agent telegrapher 68.00 Dexter, agent 105.00 •Telegrapher 72.00 Essex, agent-telegrapher 70.00 Morehouse, agent telegrapher 72.00 Sikeston, agent 113.00 Telegrapher 72.00 Doniphan Branch Doniphan, agent telegrapher $80.00 ARKANSAS DIVISION. Hoxie District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Minturn, agent $ 73.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Alicia, agent telegrapher 75.00 Swifton. telegrapher 75.00 Tuckerman, agent telegrapher 83.50 Telegrapher 73.00 Diaz, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher . . .-. 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Newport, telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Olyphant, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Bradford, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Bald Knob, agent 91.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 75. Ot) Telegrapher 75.00 Judsonia, agent telegrapher 76.00 Kensett. agent telegrapher... 97.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Higginson, agent 73.00 S(^HRr)rjijKs AN'i) Wace Scales. 397 ' Rate per Station and Position. Month. Garner, agent telegrapher % 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Beebe, ag'ent telegrapher 82.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Telegrapher 74.0'0 Au.stin, agent telegrapher 75.00 Cabot, agent 74.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Jacksonville, agent telegrapher 75.00 Rixey, telegrapher 73.00 McAlmont, telegrapher 73.00 Argenta, agent 91.00 Telegrapher 83.50 Telegrapher 83.50 Telegrapher 77.00 Little Rock District. Little Rock (GR), telegrapher.. $ 77.00 Telegrapher , 77.00 Cypres.s Junction, telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher _. . . . . 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Alexander, agent telegrapher 75.00 Bryant, agent telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Benton, agent 113.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Traskwood, agent telegrapher 76.50 Gifford, telegrapher 73.00 Malvern, agent 122.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Walco, agent telegrapher 83.50 Donaldson, agent telegrapher 75.00 Witherspoon, telegrapher 73.00 Arkadelphia, telegrapher 76.00 Gum Springs, telegrapher 73.00 Curtis, agent telegrapher 73.00 Smithton, agent telegrapher 78.00 Gurdon, agent 113.00 Telegrapher 82.50 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Bierne. agent telegrapher 73.00 Boughton, telegrapher 73.00 Prescott. agent 120.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Bolivar, telegrapher 73.00 Emmett, agent telegrapher 73.00 Hope, telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Sheppard, telegrapher 73.00 Pulton, agent telegrapher 81.00 Clear Lake Junction, telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Texarkana, telegrapher 90.00 Telegrapher 85.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Hot Springs Branch. Sheridan, agent telegrapher $75.00 Lonsdale, agent telegrapher 73.00 Hot Springs, telegrapher 77.00 Womble Branch. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Okolona, agent telegrapher % 75.00 Graysonia, agent telegrapher 85.00 Amity, agent telegrapher 91.00 Rosboro, agent telegrapher 73.00 Glenwood, agent telegrapher 94.00 Caddo Gap, agent telegi-apher 73.00 Womble, agent telegrapher 80.00 Pike City Branch. Antoine, agent telegrapher $ 75.00 Delight, agent telegrapher 73.00 Pike City, agent telegrapher... 73.00 Nashville Branch. Washington, agent telegrapher $ 80.00 Ozan, agent telegrapher 80.00 Nashville, agent telegrapher 100.00 V. ILLINOIS DIVISION. Chester District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Valmeyer, agent telegrapher $ 73.00 Prairie du Rocher, agent telegrapher.. 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Roots Tower, telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 71.00 Reily Lake, agent telegrapher 73.00 Menard, telegrapher 67.50 Chester, agent 75.00 Telegrapher '. 73.00 Rockwood, telegrapher 73.00 Cora City, agent telegrapher... , 75.00 Raddle Jet. Tower, telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Gorham, agent 90.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Howardton, agent telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Halsey, telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Wolf Lake, agent telegral^her 73.00 Ware, telegrapher 73.00 McClure, agent telegrapher 73.00 Cairo Branch. Thebes Tower, telegrapher $ 79.00 Telegrapher 79.00 Telegrapher 79.00 Fayville, agent telegrapher 75.00 Cairo, telegrapher 82.50 East &. West Branch. Murphysboro, agent telegrapher $85.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Bush, telegrapher 73.00 Royalton, agent 83.50 Herrin Branch. Herrin, agent $107.00 Telegrapher 85.00 398 Schedules and Wage Scales. MEMPHIS DIVISION. Paragould District. Station and Position. Rate per Month. Paragould, telegrapher $ 80.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Nettleton, agent telegrapher 81.00 Harrisburg, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Cherry Valley, agent telegrapher 70.00 . Forrest City, agent telegrapher 95.00 Haynes, telegrapher 70.00 Marianna, telegrapher 75.00 Lexa, agent ^ 95.00 Telegrapher 76.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Helena, telegrapher 76.00 Latour District. Lake View, agent telegrapher $ 75.00 Car checker 5.00 Elaine, agent 75.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Mellwood, agent telegrapher 75.00 Snow Lake, agent telegrapher 83.50 Mozart, telegrapher 70.00 Watson, agent 75.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Kelso Pit, telegrapher 70.00 Memphis District. New Augusta, agent telegrapher $ 89.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Jelks, agent telegrapher 70.00 McCrory, agent telegrapher 75.00 Crowley, telegrapher 70.00 Parkin, agent 83.50 Telegrapher 73.00 Earle, agent 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Crawfordsville, agent 75.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Clarendon Branch. Barton, agent phone $ 57.50 Poplar Grove, agent phone 60.00 Marvell, agent phone 91.00 Postelle, agent phone 57.50 Holly Grove, agent phone 60.00 Clarendon, agent' phone 103.00 Brinkley Branch. Brinkley, agent $ 85.00 Marianna Branch. Hughes, agent phone $65.00 Neuhardt, agent phone 65.00 VALLEY DIVISION. Pine Bluff District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Higgins, telegrapher $ 74.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Farrell, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Redfleld, agent telegrapher 75.00 Samplt ?, telegrapher 73.00 Te.egrapher 73.00 Rate per Statidn and Position. Month. Pine Bluff Yard, telegrapher $ 82.00 Telegrapher 82.00 Telegrapher 82.00 Noble Lake, agent telegrapher 75.00 Moscow, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Grady, agent telegrapher 76.00 Varner, agent telegrapher 76.00 Gould, agent telegrapher 78.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Dumas, agent telegrapher 80.00 Walnut Lake, telegrapher ._.. 74.00 Winchester, agent telegrapher .'. . 75.00 Tillar, agent telegrapher 75.00 McGehee District. McGehee, agent ." $ 95.00 Dermott, agent 95.00 Telegrapher 81.00 Telegrapher 76.00 Telegrapher ' 76.00 Blissville, agent telegrapher 75.00 Montrose, agent 97.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher -. ...^. . 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Portland, agent 92.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Parkdale, agent telegrapher •. 76.00 Wilmont, agent 82.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Telegrapher . .• 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Jones, agent telegrapher 75.00 Bonita, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Gallon, agent telegrapher 75.00 Mer Rouge, agent 97.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Collinston, agent 102.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Swartz, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Lake Providence District. Halley, agent telegrapher $75.00 Lake Village, agent 97.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Eudora, agent 85.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Telegrapher 77.00 Milliken, agent telegrapher 75.00 Lake Providence, agent 110.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Transylvania, agent telegrapher 75.00 Sondheimer, agent telegrapher 75.00 Tallulah, agent telegrapher 105.00 Quimby, agent telegrapher 75.00 Newellton, agent telegrapher..: 80.00 St. Joseph, agent telegrapher 95.00 Waterproof, agent telegrapher 83.00 Eudora District. Oak Grove, agent phone $ 65. Ot Pioneer, agent phone 60.00 Calvit, agent phone 60.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 399 Arkansas City Branch. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Arkansas City, agent $ 82.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Warren Branch. Collins, agent telegrapher $75.00 Monticello, agent telegrapher 120.00 Wilmar, agent telegrapher 80.00 Warren, agent 85.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Hamburg Branch. Hamburg, agent telegrapher $ 90.00 Crossett, agent telegrapher. 95.00 WHITE RIVER DIVISION. Cotter District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Newark, agent telegrapher $ 77.00 Sulphur Rock, agent telegrapher 73.00 Batesville, telegrapher 83.50 Telegrapher 76.00 Guion, agent telegrapher 77.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Sylamore, agent telegrapher 76.00 CaOco, agent telegrapher 88.00 Norfork, agent telegrapher 75.00 Buffalo, agent telegrapher 70.00 Carthage District. Cotter, agent $ 85.00 Div. Office, telegrapher 87.50 Yellville, agent 75.00 Telegrapher 7(K00 Bergman, agent telegrapher 75.00 .Cricket, agent telegrapher 75.00 Hollister, agent telegrapher 72.00 Branson, agent telegrapher 75.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Reeds Springs, agent telegrapher 75.00 Galena, agent telegrapher 73.00 Crane, agent 80.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Aurora, agent 122.00 Telegrai)her 85.00 Hoberg, agent telegrapher 70.00 Stotts City, agent telegrapher 70.00 La Russell, agent telegrapher 73.00 Springfield Branch. Clever, agent telegrapher $ 72.00 Springfield, telegrapher 83.00 Cushman Branch. Cushman, agent phone $ 60.00 CENTRAL DIVISION Van Buren District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Palarm, agent telegrapher $ 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Conway, agent 120.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Plnmerville. agent telegrrapVier 80 0(1 Rate per Station and Position. . Month. Morrillton, agent $113.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Atkins, agent telegrapher 90.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Russellville, telegrapher 82.50 Telegrapher 77.00 Telegrapher 77.00 Knoxville, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Spadra, agent. 115.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Hartman, agent telegrapher 75.00 Denning Yard, agent 95.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Ozark, agent telegrapher 107.50 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher - 75.00 Mulberry, agent telegrapher 83.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Alma, agent telegrapher 78.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Van Buren, agent 109.00 Van Buren Ticket Office, telegrapher 79.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Van Buren Div. Office, telegrapher.... 95.00 Telegrapher 90.00 Telegrapher 90.00 Telegrapher '. 90.00 Wagoner District. Greenwood Jet., agent telegrapher. .. .$ 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Muldrow, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Sallisaw, agent 120.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Vian, agent telegrapher 77.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Gore, agent telegrapher 83.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Braggs, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Ft. Gibson, agent 85.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Telegrapher 74.00 Telegrapher 74.00 North Muskogee, agent telegrapher... 108.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Wagoner, agent 120.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Tnola, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 400 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Claremore, agent , $105.00 Telegrapher 79.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Oolagah, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Talala, agent telegrapher 73.00 Nowata, agent 122.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Delaware, agent 88.00 Telegrapher 78.00 Lenapah, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 South OofCeyville, agent telegrapher. . . 77.00 Greenwood Branch. Ft. Smith, telegrapher $ 82.50 Telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Jenny Lind, agent telegrapher 88.00 Greenwood, agent telegrapher 75.00 Clarksvllle Branch. Clarksville, agent telegrapher $90.00 LOUISIANA DIVISION. Monroe District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Monroe Yard, telegrapher $75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 Fondale, telegrapher 74.00 Bosco, agent telegrapher 75.00 Riverton, agent telegrapher 85.00 Fuel foreman 5.00 Telegrapher .' 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Columbia, agent telegrapher 75.00 Grayson, telegrapher 74.00 Clarks, agent telegrapher 75.00 Olla, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Urania, agent telegrapher 75.00 Rochelle, .agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Telegrapher 73.00 Selma, agent telegrapher 75.00 Howcott, telegrapher 71.50 Antonia, telegrapher 73.00 Pollock, agent telegrapher 77.50 Telegrapher 75.00 Simm. days to all employes and no posi- tion filled permanently within less than ten (10) days after issuance of bulletin, but will be filled within thirty (30) days. (B> Telegraphers must file application within ten (10) days of the date of bulletin. The proper official shall acknowledge receipt of all applications by letter notice, specify- ing the successful applicant, and advise the local chairman. (C> When transferred and after a fair trial, telegraphers are found incapable, they will be assigned to the extra list retaining their seniority. (D> In filling temporary vacancies known to be of thirty (30) days or more duration, the oldest competent extra telegrapher will be given preference. ARTICLE VI. Seniority. (A) Except as provided for in Article rv, seniority will be effective only when va- cancies occur, or new positions are created, and will be effective from the date last en- tering the service on the respective divi- sions. (B) A telegrapher shall not be eligible to return to a position vacated by him, until same shall have been advertised a second time, unless there are no other applicants. (C) Telegraphers declining promotion do not forfeit seniority rights to it, or any other position, when a vacancy occurs. (D) Telegraphers leaving the service of their own accord forfeit all seniority rights, and will be re-employed only as new men. (E) Trading positions will not be per- mitted. ARTICLE VII. Seniority Lists. (A) Seniority lists will be prepared and furnished by the superintendents of their respective divisions annually, a copy of which will be furnished upon application to all em- ployes affected on said division. ARTICLE VIII. Discipline. (A) Telegraphers will not be disciplined or discharged, except for a just cause, and will be given a fair and impartial hearing within five (5) days, if requested, and they will be entitled to a representative of the telegraphers in the employ of the company, and will be notified of the result of the in- vestigation, within five (5) days after date of investigation. (B) When a telegrapher has been dis- ciplined, or discharged, and upon investiga- tion it has been found that he was not to blame, he will receive full pay for time lost on said account, and be reinstated with all seniority rights. (C) In the event a grievance cannot be satisfactorily adjusted with the superin- tendent, the right of appeal to higher offi- cers in their regular order, is conceded. ARTICLE IX. Hours of Service. (A) At offices where only one telegrapher is employed, ten (lOj consecutive hours, in- cluding' meal hour, shall constitute a day's work. (B) Eleven (11) consecutive hours, in- cluding meal hour, shall constitute a day's work for exclusive station agents. (C) Twelve (12) consecutive hours, in- cluding meal hour, shall constitute a day's work for exclusive levermen where not more than two are employed. (D) Eight (8) consecutive hours shall constitute a day's work where two or more telegraphers are employed. (E) At stations where only one teleg- rapher is employed, the hours of service will begin between 6:30 a. m. and 8:00 a. m. ARTICLE X. Overtime. (A) Except as provided for in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this article, the regular over- time rates will be forty cents (40c) per hour. When the regular rate is higher, the pro rata rate will apply. (B) When telegraphers covered by this agreement are required to remain on duty in the performance of any service required by the company in excess of the regular hours constituting a day's work, they will be paid overtime at the regular overtime. ' rates. (C) When telegraphers covered by this agreement are called, or instructed to come on duty before or after the regular estab- lished hours, they will be allowed sixty cents (60c) for the first hour, or fraction thereof, and regular overtime after the first hour. (D) When telegraphers covered by this agreement are required to attend trains be- fore or after their regular established hours of duty, they will be allowed sixty cents (60c) for the first hour, »r any part thereof, and overtime at the regular overtime rate for each succeeding hour held on duty there- after. (E) Doubling will be paid for at the reg- ular overtime rates except when the regular rate is higher, the pro rata rate will apply. In computing overtime, less than thirty (30) minutes will not be counted; thirty (30) minutes, or less than sixty (60) minutes will be counted one hour. Telegraphers will be furnished with proper blanks for report- ing overtime. Overtime must be reported to chief dispatcher within forty-eight (48) hours from the time service is performed, and should any discrepancy appear, or time not be allowed, claimant will be promptly notified, stating reasons. ARTICLE XI. Sunday Duty. (A) Telegraphers will not be required to work Sundays or holidays, except when ab- solutely necessary to protect the company's interest. This article will be as liberally in- terpreted by the company as possible. (B) Telegraphers will not be required to 410 Schedules, and Wage Scales. transmit telegraphic car reports (form No. 70>, on Sundays. (C) Five (5) hours will constitute a day's work on Sundays, New Year, Christmas, Labor Day, Fourth of July, or other holidays on which holiday hovirs are observed, for telegraphers in general offices at St. Louis and Mobile, and freight depot at Cairo, or for similar offices that may be created, at which train orders are not handled. (D> Time worked in excess of five (5) hours will be paid for at regular overtime rates based on five (5; hour day. ARTICLE XII. Attending Switch Lamps and Cleaning Bat, teries. (A) At stations, offices, or places where a section foreman, or a member of his force resides, telegraphers will not be required to attend switch lamps. (B> At stations, offices, or places where a section foreman, or a member of his force does not reside, telegraphers will be paid one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25), each for the first two lamps, and seventy- five cents (75c) for each additional lamp, per month. Where there are more than six lamps, special arrangements will be made. (C) Telegraphers will, in all cases, look after train-order lamp. (D) Telegraphers will not be required to clean batteries where there are more than ten (10) cells. (E) Telegraphers will not be required to scrub or clean stations or outbuildings, nor will they be required to keep the station platform free from ice or snow. ARTICLE XIIL Attending Court, (A) Telegraphers required to attend court, or investigations by the company, away from their place of residence, will be paid their regular wages and furnished transportation to and from their place of residence, and will be allowed four dollars ($4.00) per day for expenses, the company being entitled to their mileage and witness fee. ARTICLE XrV. Emergency Offices. (A) Telegraphers performing duty at wrecks, washouts, or other emergency of- fices, will be paid at the rate of four dol- lars and fifty cents ($4.50) per day of ten (10) hours; time to be allowed from the time they are called until they return to their home station. ARTICLE XV. Transfers. (A) When telegraphers are transferred, they will be given transportation for them- selves, families and household goods, and suffer no loss of pay. ARTICLE XVI. Service Letters and Cards. (A) Telegraphers who have been in the service sixty (60) days or more, will, in leaving the service, be furnished upon re- quest a letter from the proper officials stat- ing time of service, capacity in which em- ployed, and cause for leaving service. (B) Telegraphers, upon application, will have returned to them all service cards and letters of recommendation which may have been taken up for inspection. ARTICLE XVn. Bonds. (A) Where bonds are required of teleg- raphers, the company will pay the premium thereon. ARTICLE XVni. Leave of Absence. (A) Telegraphers desiring to be checked in after expiration of leave of absence, will give the superintendent at least five (5) days' notice, and if not then checked in and de- layed thereafter, will receive pay for such additional time as they are held out of serv- ice. Leave of absence will not be granted for any period exceeding sixty (60) days, except in case of sickness or accident to em- ployes or their families, or to employes serv- ing on telegraphers' committees. ARTICLE XIX. Temporary Transfers. (A) When telegraphers covered by this agreement are temporarily transferred to a position paying a lower rate than their reg- ular assignment, they will be paid at the rate of their regular wages. When trans- ferred temporarily to a position paying a higher rate, they will be paid at the rate applying to svich position. (B) When taken from their regular posi- tion to work extra, they will be allowed one dollar ($1.00) per day for expenses in addi- tion to their regular pay. ARTICLE XX. Students. (A) No telegrapher will be allowed to keep students in any office of the company without written permission from the chief dispatcher, and in no case will there be al- lowed more than one student in any office; and should reasonable objection be made, students shall be removed. , ARTICLE XXI. Vacation. (A) Telegraphers who have been in con- tinuous service of the company for a period of two or more years, who are required to perform any Sunday, or legal holiday serv- ice, and who have a regular assignment, will be granted fifteen (15) days' vacation each year without loss of pay. (B) Telegraphers entitled to vacation as above and who have been put back on extra list through no fault of their own, will re- ceive their vacations. ARTICLE XXII. ' Western Union Telegraphing. (A) At stations and places where the agent is employed separate from the tele- graph department, and such agent doing no telegraph work, the first trick operator will be designated as Western Union manager, and will attend to all the duties connected therewith, and will receive all compensation allowed by the Western Union therefor. Schedules and Wage Scales. 411 ARTICLE XXIII. Typewriters. (A) Where telegraphers are required to use typewriters, the company shall provide and maintain same at its expense. ARTICLE XXIV. Company Furnish Agreements. (A) The company will furnish each teleg- rapher in the service with a copy of this agreement, and all amendments, ruling's and supplements thereto. ARTICLE XXV. Relief Agents. (A) The salary of relief agents shall not be less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month. When relieving at stations where the regular rate is higher, the higher rate will be paid. When the position is created on a division, it shall be bulletined and filled in accordance with Article V. ARTICLE XXVI. Outside Switches. (A) Telegraphers required to go outside of ofHces to handle switches will be paid four dollars ($4.00) per month for one or two switches, and two dollars ($2.00) per month for each additional switch for this service. ARTICLE XXVIl. Termination. (A) No change will be made by either party, in these rules, regulations, or sched- ules of wages, without thirty (30) days' writ- ten notice. (B) It is distinctly understood that when this agreement goes into effect, if any wrong or injury has been done to, any one or more persons, the management is, at all times, ready to take up and consider in a spirit of fairness such grievances. TELEGRAPHERS, M. & O. R. R. CO., AND SOU. RT. CO., IN MISS. L. T. MURDAUGH, General Chairman. C. E. HENDLET, Genl. Secty. and Treas. J. M. ELLIOTT, Committeeman. D. G. PEOPLES. Committeeman. MOBILE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY, SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY IN MISS., E. C. RENDELL, General Superintendent. Approved: R. V. TAYLOR, Vice-President and General Manager. WAGE SCALE. MOBILE DIVISION. Mobile- (Meridian District. Main Line. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Mobile, Ala. (GO), day trick $100.00 Day trick 98.00 Night trick : 98.00 Mobile, Ala. Yard, first trick teleg 100.00 Second trick telegrapher 97.00 Third trick telegrapher 97.00 Prichard, Ala., day telegrapher 77.00 Whistler, Ala., agent telegrapher 83.00 Oak Grove, Ala., agent telegrapher... 77.00 Gulf Crest, Ala., agent telegrapher. . . 77.00 Citronelle, Ala., agent telegrapher.... 95.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Deer Park, Ala., agent telegrapher. . . . 77.00 Vinegar Bend, Ala., agent telegrapher 90.00 Escatawpa, Ala., agent telegrapher.. 77.00 Fruitdale, Ala., agent telegrapher 77.00 Yellow Pine, Ala., agent telegrapher. . 77.00 State Line, Miss., agent telegrapher.. 77.00 Buckatunna, Miss., agent telegrapher 80.00 Waynesboro, Miss., agent telegrapher 95.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Hiwanee, Miss., agent telegrapher 77.00 Shubirta, Miss., agent telegrapher 100.00 DeSoto, Miss., agent telegrapher 77.00 Quitman, Miss., agent 105.00 First trick telegrapher 77.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Enterprise, Miss., agent telegrapher. . 85.00 Meridian, Miss., first trick telegrapher 103.00 Second trick telegrapher 101.00 Third trick telegrapher 101.00 Marion, Miss., agent telegrapher 77.00 Lauderdale, Miss., agent telegrapher. 100.00 First trick telegrapher 77.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher. 77.00 Enondale, Miss., agent 40.00 Porterville, Miss., agent telegrapher. . . 85.00 Sucarnochee, Miss., agent telegrapher 80.00 Electric Mills, Miss., agent telegrapher 80.00 Scooba, Miss., agent telegrapher 105.00 First trick telegrapher 77.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Wahalak, Miss., agent telegi-apher. . . . 77.00 Shuqulak, Miss., agent telegrapher... 105.00 Macon, Miss., agent 120.00 First trick telegrapher 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 7T.00 Brooksville, Miss., agent 115.00 Clerk and telegrapher 80.00 Crawford, Miss., agent telegrapher. . . 85.00 Artesia, Miss., agent 120.00 First trick telegrapher 103.00 Second trick telegrapher 95.00 Third trick telegrapher 95.00 Mayhew, Miss., agent telegrapher 77.00 West Point, Miss., first trick teleg... 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 80.00 Muldon, Miss., agent telegrapher 85.00 Prairie, Miss., agent telegrapher 77.00 412 Schedules and Wage Scales. station and Position. Month. Rate per Egypt, Miss., agent telegrapher $80.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Okolona, Miss., first trick telegrapher. 103.00 Second trick telegrapher 95.00 Third trick telegrapher 95.00 Mobil© & Bay Shore Branch. Tacon, Ala., agent telegrapher $ 80.00 Theodore, Ala., agent telegrapher 80.00 Delchamps, Ala., agent telegrapher... 77.00 Coden, Ala., agent telegrapher 83.00 Bayou La Batre, Ala., agent teleg 85.00 Starkvllle Branch. Starkville, Miss., agent telegrapher. . .$110.00 Aberdeen Branch. Aberdeen, Miss., clerk and teleg. 85.00 Okolona Branch. Van Vleet, Miss., agent telegrapher. .$ 77.00 Houston, Miss., telegrapher and clerk 77.00 Vardaman, Miss., agent telegrapher... 85.00 Derma, Miss., agent telegrapher 85.00 Calhoun City, Miss., agent teleg 90.00 Montgomery District. Main Line. Columbus, Miss., first trick teleg $ 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 80.00 Ethelville, Ala., agent telegrapher 81.00 McShan, Ala., agent telegrapher 77.00 Refonn, Ala., agent 110.00 First trick telegrapher 77.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Gordo, Ala., agent 100.00 Telegrapher and clerk 77.00 Elrod, Ala., agent telegrapher 77.00 Coker, Ala., agent telegrapher 77.00 Northport, Ala., agent telegrapher 103.00 Tuscaloosa, Ala., div. off. day teleg. 100.00 Duncanville, Ala., agent telegrapher. . 77.00 Eoline, Ala., agent telegrapher 105.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Brent, Ala., agent telegrapher 83.00 Centerville, Ala., agent telegrapher. . . 93.00 Lawley, Ala., agent telegrapher 77.00 Maplesville, Ala., agent telegrapher. . . 107.00 Fletcher, Ala., agent telegrapher 77.00 Billingsley, Ala., agent telegrapher... 77.00 Kingston, Ala., agent telegrapher 77.00 Booth, Ala., agent telegrapher 85.00 Prattvllle, Ala., agent telegrapher 105.00 West End Yard, Ala., first trick teleg 87.00 Second trick telegrapher 87.00 Montgomery, Ala., frt. off. d. t. (joint) 40.00 Warrior Southern Branch. Holt, Ala., agent telegrapher $100.00 Kellerman, Ala., agent telegrapher... 77.00 Blocton Branch. Blocton, Ala., agent telegrapher $113.00 Red Feather, Ala., agent telegrapher.. 85.00 ST. LOUIS DIVISION. Jackson-Okolona District. Main Line. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Shannon, Miss., agent telegrapher $ 92.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Verona, Miss., agent telegrapher 92.00 Saltillo, Miss., agent telegrapher 85.00 Guntown, Miss., agent telegrapher. . . 94.00 Baldwyn, Miss., agent telegrapher 102.00 "Wheelers, Miss., agent telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Booneville, Miss., agent 100.00 Day telegrapher 80.00 Rienzi, Miss., agent telegrapher 88.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Corinth, Miss., first trick telegrapher. 92.00 Second trick telegrapher 90.00 Third trick telegrapher 90.00 Fourth trick telegrapher 90.00 Ruslor, Miss,, first trick telegrapher. . . 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher.. 80.00 Ramer, Tenn., agent telegrapher 77.00 Sclmer, Tenn., agent telegrapher 95.00 Bethel Springs, Tenn., agent teleg 95.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 McNairy, Tenn., agent 68.00 Finger, Tenn., agent telegrapher 77.00 Henderson, Tenn., agent 95.00 First trick telegrapher 77.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Pinson, Tenn., agent telegrapher 77.00 Perry, Tenn., first trick telegrapher. . . 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 80.00 Clamore, Tenn., first trick telegrapher 92.00 Second trick telegrapher 87.00 Third trick telegraphei^ 87.00 Jackson, Tenn., trick dis. off 103.00 Second trick dis. off 101.00 Third trick dis. off 101.00 Humboldt, Tenn., agent 115.00 Fruitland, Tenn., agent telegrapher... 77.00 Trenton. Tenn., agent. 100.00 First trick telegrapher 77.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Dyer, Tenn., agent telegrapher 96.00 Rutherford, Tenn., agent telegrapher. 92.00 Kenton, Tenn., agent 96.00 Day telegrapher 80.00 Union City, Tenn., agent 115.00 First trick telegrapher 82.00 Second trick telegrapher 82.00 Third trick telegrapher 82.00 Jordan, Ky., agent telegrapher 77.00 Cayce, Ky., agent telegrapher 77.00 Moscow, Ky., agent telegrapher 77.00 Oakton, Ky., agent telegrapher 77.00 South Columbus, Ky., agent teleg 82.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Columbus, Ky., agent telegrapher 80.00 Berkley, Ky., agent telegrapher 77.00 Laketon, Ky., agent telegrapher 77.7o Levee Jet., 111., first trick telegrapher. 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 85.00 Third trick telegrapher 85.00 Cairo, 111., day telegrapher 98.00 Night telegrrapher 96.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 413 Rate per Station and Position. Montla. Davis, 111., first trick telegrapher $ 90.00 Second trick telegraplier 90.00 Tliird trick telegrapher 90.00 Beech Ridge, III., agent telegrapher... 84.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Hodges Park, 111., agent telegrapher. . . 77.00 Murphysboro District. Main Line. Tamms Yard, 111., first trick teleg 92.00 Second trick telegrapher 87.00 Third trick telegrapher. .~ 87.00 Elco, 111., agent telegrapher 77.00 Mill Creek, 111., agent telegrapher 77.00 Jonesboro, 111., agent telegrapher 88.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Mt. Glen, 111., agent telegrapher 80.00 Second" trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Alto Pass, 111., agent telegrapher 88.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Pomona, 111., agent telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Murphysboro, 111., 1st trick disp. office 103.00 Second trick dispatcher's oflfice... 101.00 Third trick dispatcher's office 101.00 Ava, 111., agent telegrapher 84.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Campbell Hill, 111., agent telegrapher. 77.00 Willisville, 111., agent telegrapher 100.00 First trick telegrapher 77.00 Percy, 111., agent telegrapher 100.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Spart, 111., agent telegrapher 105.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Baldwin, 111., agent telegrapher 78.00 Red Bud, 111., agent telegrapher 100.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Burksville, 111., agent telegrapher 77.00 Waterloo, 111., agent telegrapher 88.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.00 Columbia, 111., agent telegrapher 85.00 Vulcan, 111., telegrapher 77.00 Cahokia, 111., day telegrapher 77.00 East St. Louis. 111., first trick teleg... 98.00 Second trick telegrapher 95.00 Third trick telegrapher 95.00 St. Louis, Mo., day telegrapher 100.00 SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY IN MISSISSIPPI. MAIN LINE Rate per Station ajid Position. Month. Columbus, Miss., disp. off., day teleg. .$ 92.00 West Point. Miss., agent 115.00 First trick telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 79.00 Cedar Bluff, Miss., agent telegrapher. . 65.00 Pheba, Miss., agent telegrapher 67.00 Maben, Miss., agent telegrapher 76.00 Mathiston, Miss., agent 92.00 Clerk telegrapher 80.00 Eupora, Miss., agent 82.00 Day telegrapher 73.00 Tomnolen, Miss, agent telegrapher... 47.00 Stewart, Miss., agent telegrapher 64.00 Kilmichael, Miss., agent telegrapher.. 69.00 Winona, Miss., agent 115.00 First trick telegrapher 80.06 Second trick telegrapher 79.00 Third trick telegrapher 79.00 Carrollton, Miss., agent 88.00 Day telegrapher 73.00 Greenwood, Miss., agent 125.00 Day telegrapher 84.00 Itta Bena, Miss., agent 82^0 First trick telegrapher 87.00 Second trick telegrapher 82.00 Moorhead, Miss., agent 85.00 Day telegrapher 78.00 Baird, Miss., agent telegrapher 65.00 Indianola, Miss., agent 100.00 Day telegrapher 78.00 Heathman, Miss., agent telegrapher. . . 60.00 Stoneville, Miss., agent telegrapher... 60.00 Greenville, Miss., first trick teleg 84.00 Second trick telegrapher 83.00 Richey Branch. Leland, Miss., agent telegrapher $85.00 Areola, Miss., agent 65.00 Hollandale, Miss., agent telegrapher.. 75.00 Percy, Miss., agent 62.00 Catching, Miss., agent 62.00 Richey, Miss., agent telegrapher 70.00 Belzon! Branch. Morgan City. Miss., agent telegrapher. $ 62.00 Swiftown, Miss., agent i 40.00 Belzoni, Miss., agent telegrapher 80.00 Webb Branch. Schlater. Miss., agent telegrapher....? 60.00 Minter City, Miss., agent telegrapher. 60.00 Glendora. Miss., agent 65.00 Webb, Miss., agent telegrapher 70.00 New York Central Line East of Buffalo (REVISED AUGUST 1, 1916.) Telegraphers, whether termed agents, as- sistant agents or clerks; agents who are not required to telegraph, as shown in the wage schedule; directors, signalmen, levermen, and telephone operators concerned in the movement of trains, all of whom are herein- after referred to as employes shall be gov- erned by the following agreement: AJITICLE I. Discipline. Employes shall not be disciplined without proper investigation being made, but may be suspended pending such investigation, which shall be held within ten days. They may, if they so desire, choose some em- ploye in their class of service in good stand- 414 Schedules and Wage Scales. ing to represent them and hear all evidence in the case. All persons interested shall be notified to be present. Indefinite suspen- sion shall not be applied as discipline. The records of employes who have suffered sus- pension and been found blameless, shall re- main as previous thereto, and they shall be paid for time lost. Employes shall be noti- fied of cause and length of suspension. When employes are subject to discipline for cause, decision shall be given and made effective within thirty days. In case employes are dissatisfied with the result of an investiga- tion, or consider that they have been dis- criminated against, they shall have the right to take up their cases, in the regular order, with the highest operating officials of the company. After one year from date of ap- plication of discipline no appeal shall be con- sidered. ARTICLE n. Promotion. Employes are in line for promotion. Other things being equal, seniority and ability to fill the position bid or applied for, will deter- mine the selection. The company, through the proper officials, will determine the fitness of employe to fill the position. In case the position is not awarded to the senior ap- plicant, and before assignment is made, the senior applicant and the local chairman will be advised why the position cannot be awarded to him so that he may have an op- portunity to present such explanation as he may wish to make, which must be done within five days of date of notice. This will also apply in case of displacement. ARTICLE III. Advertising and Bidding. When vacancies occur or new positions are created, except agencies paying more than $95.00 per month exclusive of all com- missions, they shall be advertised within ten days for a period of ten days, and shall be filled within thirty days after the vacancy occurs. Positions of relief agents shall be advertised. Notice shall state rate of pay and between what hours the service shall be performed. A letter showing the list of bidders, dates they entered the service, and to whom the position ha.s been awarded, shall be sent to each bidder and the local chairman within ten days after the position has been awarded. When there is a vacancy in an agency, as shown in wage scale, paying more than $95.00 per month exclusive of all commis- sions, and there is sufficient time to do so, notice will be given to employes; they may within forty-eight hours, make application for such position an(i the application will be given • consideration in filling the va- cancy. Article III will not apply. Positions or vacancies of six months or more duration shall be considered perma- nent and so advertised. Positions or va- cancies of more than thirty days and less than six months' duration shall be consid- ered temporary and so advertised. When employes who have bid in temporary posi- tions or vacancies are displaced they shall return to positions formerly held. When the duration of a temporary position or va- cancy exceeds six months the position shall be considered permanent and so advertised. except when the vacancy is caused by sick- ness, disability, committee work or special duty for the company. In case of a tem- porary vacancy of less than thirty days at an office where two or more persons are employed, the assigned employes at such office shall be allowed to fill the vacancy, and the extra employe assigned to the of- fice shall be placed in the position made vacant by the advancement of the other employes. This shall not apply to the detri- ment of the service. ARTICLE rV. Overtime. At stations or telegraph offices where the train service requires an employe to re- main on duty over twelve hours, he shall receive extra compensation pro rata of his regular pay, but not less than thirty-five cents C35c) per hour; except in cases where agents, who are also express agents, are particularly required to remain on duty on account of express business. Overtime is to be computed on minute basis. Employes who work twelve hours per day will be allowed one hour for meals at a reasonable time during their tour of duty. If meal hour is not allowed, they will be paid one hour overtime. ARTICLE V. Called and Not Used. Employes called for and reporting for service, and not used, shall be allowed the higher rate of pay involved, but not less than one day's pay at 'the rate of $2.00 per day. ARTICLE VI. Extra Service. In case an employe is called by proper authority for extra service after his day's or night's work is done, he shall be allowed pay pro rata of his regular pay for the time so engaged, but in no case less than two hours at the rate of 30 cents per hour. ARTICLE VII. Temporary Assignments. Employes regularly assigned to positions, who are temporarily assigned to other posi- tions which necessitate their going ' away from home, shall be paid the higher rate of pay involved at the minimum number of hours, also necessary expenses not exceed- ing one dollar per day. "This does not apply where an employe changes positions in his home town, or in case an employe who travels to and from his regular position is not required to be away from home for any longer period of time. In the latter case-, employes shall be paid the higher rate of pay involved, at the minimum number of hours. ARTICLE Vni. Witnesses. Employes shall be paid for actual time lost when serving* as witnesses for the com- pany. If not required to lose time they shall receive one day's pay at proper rate. Employes called by proper authority to attend investigations (except as provided by Article I) which makes it necessary for them to go away from their home station, Schedules and Wage Scales. 415 if not held responsible for the matter under investigation, shall be paid for time lost; if no time is lost they will be paid for actual time consumed and, in either case, neces- sary expenses not exceeding one dollar per day. ARTICLE rX. Vacations. Employes working more than nine (9) con- secutive hovirs per day, who have been in the service one year or more, will be allowed seven (7) days' vacation annually with pay. After three (3) years in the service, ten (10^ days' vacation annually will be allowed with pay. Employes who work nine (9) hours or less per day, after being in the service two (2) years or more, will be allowed seven (7) days' vacation annually with pay. ARTICLE X. Commissions. Employes relieved for vacation shall re- ceive the commissions of their office while being relieved. ARTICLE XI. Relief. Relief men are to be scheduled and em- ployes to be relieved by them shall be fur- nished with lists prior to January 1st, show- ing regular relief days. Choice of dates for vacations shall be given according to seniority. ARTICLE XII. Leave of Absence. An employe may have thirty days' Jay-off on receipt of permission from proper official, without written leave of absence. If off over thirty days and under sixty days he shall have written leave of absence from the superintendent. After the expiration of sixty days all time thereafter shall be de- ducted from his seniority; the limit of leave of absence to be one year, after which, if an employe returns to the service he shall be employed as a new man, except in case of sickness, disability, or while engaged on committee work or special duty for the com- pany. Copy of letter granting leave of ab- sence shall be furnished the loca.l chairman. ARTICLE XIII. Seniority. A seniority list of all employes shall be issued by the company and each local chair- man shall be furnished with a copy. The list shall be revised annually prior to De- cember 1st. Employes who accept office positions in the operating department or positions in train dispatchers* offices, shall retain their seniority. Employes who are dismissed from the service of the company shall forfeit their seniority unless reinstated within six months. Employes leaving the service of the company of their own accord shall forfeit their seniority. No question of seniority rights shall be entertained after an employe has been shown on the seniority list for a period of two years. ARTICLE XIV. ^ New Positions. When new positions are created, com- pensation and hours shall be arranged in conformity with positions of the same class covered by this schedule. When the duties of any position are materially increased, salaries shall be adjudged in conformity with positions of the same class. > ARTICLE XV. Discontinuance of Positions and Displace- ment. In the event of any position shoAvn in the wage scale being abolish%,d the employe dis- placed, other things being equalr shall have choice of positions to which his seniority entitles him. In case a positioii is re-opened within ten days the employe last holding the position may again claim it, providing he has not exercised displacement rights. When, through no fault of the employe, the company finds it necessary to displace an employe holding a regular position, such position shall be advertised and if the em- ploye so displaced is to be continued in the service he shall be allowed displacement rights. This not to apply when an employe bids in a position and it is found that he cannot perform the duties of the position. In the latter case the employe shall be as- signed to the extra list. Employes shall exercise their displacement rights within ten days of date of displace- ment except in case of sickness, disability or while on leave of absence. An employe shall be considered displaced: First: When his position is abolished. Second: When removed to make way for an older employe. Third: When removed by the company through no fault of his own. ARTICLE XVI. Choice of Tricks. When eight or nine-hour trick are estab- lished the employe in the signal stations or offices at the time shall be given choice of tricks according to seniority, the remain- ing positions to be advertised.^ Except when a signal station is installed the switchtenders displaced will be allowed their seniority as switchtenders in bidding for positions as levermen in such signal station. The seniority of switchtenders in the signal service shall date from the date they enter that service. ARTICLE XVII. Transfer. When employes are transferred or accept bulletined positions, they will be furnished free transportation for themselves, wholly dependent members of families, and effects, if lawful, and will be allowed pay while in transit and while actually engaged in mak- ing transfer. Rate of pay to be based on position from which transfer is made. This will also apply in case of displacement. ARTICLE XVIII. Division Meetings. Employes will be allowed to attend their division meetings and will be furnished transportation, when the same can be done without cost or inconvenience to the com- pany. 416 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE XIX. Care of Batteries. Employes will not be required to care for batteries where batterymen, linemen or maintainers are employed. ARTICLE XX. Cleaning. Signalmen at interlocking signal stations will not be required to scrub floors, clean lamps, windows, interlocking- machines or woodwork (lever handles and office desks excepted). ARTICLE XXI. Students. Telegraphers and signalmen will not be allowed to have students in their offices, signal stations or cabins, and telegraphers will not teach telegraphy on the company's premises without permission from the super- intendent. ARTICLE XXII. Changing Positions. Employes will, on receiving permission, be allowed to temporarily change positions, but will not be permitted to make permanent change. The parties hereto mutually agree that the above agreement as to rules be effec- tive as of this date, and that there shall be no change therein until after thirty days' notice has been given by either party to the other. FOR THE NEW YORK CENTRAL RAIL- ROAD, BUFFALO AND EAST, P. E. CROWLEY, Assistant Vice-President. FOR THE TELEGRAPHERS, H. B. MOREY, General Chairman, Teleg- raphers' Committee. New York, N. Y., June 10, 1916. Witness: G. W. HANGER, Asst. Commissioner of Mediation and Conciliation. GRAND CENTRAL TERMINAL RULES. Employe Covered. Directors, signalmen, levermen, teleg- raphers, clerks who are required to tele- graph, and telephone operators concerned in the movement of trains, all of whom are hereinafter referred to as employes, shall be governed by the following agreement: Discipline. 1. Employes shall not be disciplined with- out proper investigation, but may be sus- pended pending such investigation, which shall be held within ten days. They may, if they desire, choose some employe in their class of service in good standing to repre- sent them at an investigation, and may be present and hear all the evidence in the case. All persons interested shall be notified to be present. Indefinite suspensions shall not be applied as discipline. The records of employes who have suffered suspension and been found blameless, shall remain as previous thereto, and they shall be paid for time lost. Employes shall be notified of cause and length of suspension. When em- ployes are subject to discipline for cause, decision must be given and made effective within thirty days. In case employes are dissatisfied with the result of an investiga- tion, or consider that they have been dis- criminated against, they shall have the light to take up their cases, in the regular order, with the highest operating official of the company. After one year from date of application of discipline no appeal shall be considered. Promotion. 2. Employes are in line for promotion. Other things being equal, seniority and abil- ity to fill position bid or applied for will de- termine the selection. The company, through the proper officials, will determine the fitness of employes to fill positions. In case the position is not awarded to senior applicant, and before assignment is made, the senior applicant will be advised why the position cannot be awarded to him so that he may have an opportunity to present such explanation as he may wish to make, which must be done within five days from the date of notice. This will also apply in case of displacement. Advertising and Bidding. 3. Service shall be divided into three dis- tinct classes, namely, directors, signalmen or levermen and telegraphers, and promo- tions shall be made from telegrapher to leverman or signalman, and from signalman or leverman to director. Unfilled vacancies in the Grand Central Terminal or Electric Division service will be advertised for bids, and assignment made in accordance with Article No. 2., Em- ployes transferred from the Electric Division to the Grand Central Terminal shall retain their full roster rights, but shall not outbid or displace employes who entered the Grand Central Terminal service prior to January 1, 1913. This rule shall also apply to em- ployes when transferred from the Grand- Central Terminal to the Electric Division. When vacancies occur or new positions are created, they will be advertised within ten days for a period of ten days and filled within thirty days after the vacancy occurs. Notices to state the rate of pay and between what hours the service is to be performed. A letter showing the list of bidders, the date they entered the service and to whom the position has been awarded will be sent to each bidder and the local chairman as soon as the assignment has been made. When new directors are required, the va- cancy will be advertised fbr bid from sig- nalmen or levermen. Senior applicant shall be given first consideration. When a position is created temporarily, if to be continued beyond a period of thirty days, it will be advertised. Positions of six months or more duration will be considered permanent and so advertised. Temporary vacancies caused by an em- ploye on leave of absence that will exist sixty (60) days or more will be advertised within five days for a period of five days. Senior applicant will be assigned and when Schedules and Wage Scales. 417 displaced will return to position formerly held. Employes who have been displaced may claim a position in their class of service which has been advertised and not bid for, provided the position has not been adver- tised on the Electric Division. ~ Employes who have been displaced and cannot obtain positions in their class of service, may exercise the right of displace- ment in the next class below, exercising their previous rights Jn the lower class and holding- their rights in the higher class to again bid back into any vacancy which may occur in the class from which they have been displaced; failing to again bid for the higher class of service will cause any junior man who may be the successful bidder to thereafter rank ahead of the senior man in that advanced class of service, but this is not to be construed to prevent the formerly displaced man from again bidding for positions advertised in the higher class. Employes have the privilege of sending to the superintendent lists of all positions for which they desire to be considered as ap- plicants. Called and Not Used. 4. Employes called for and reporting for service, and not used, will be allowed one day's pay at the proper rate. Overtime. 5. When employes are required to remain on duty over their specified number of hours as shown ir> the wage schedule, they shall receive pro rata of their regular pay, but not less than at the rate of thirty-five cents (35c) per hour. Overtime to be computed on minute basis. Vacations and Reliefs. 6. Employes will be granted one day off every two weeks with pay, except where special arrangements are otherwise made. All employes who have been in the serv- ice of the terminal one year or more, will be granted one week's leave of absence per year with pay. Employes who work a split trick, if re- quired to work Sunday, shall receive addi- tional pay at the proper rate. Relief men are to be scheduled, and each man to be relieved by them shall be fur- nished with a list showing the regular relief days. Choice of dates for vacations will be given according to seniority. Witnesses. 7. Employes shall be paid for actual time lost when serving as witnesses for the com- pany. If not required to lose time they shall receive one day's pay at proper rate. Employes called by proper authority to attend investigations (except as provided by Article 1) which makes it necessary for them to go away from their home station, if not held responsible for the matter un- der investigation, shall be paid for time lost; If no time is lost they will be paid for actual time consumed and, in either case, necessary expenses not exceeding one dollar per day. Leave of Absence. 8. An employe may have thirty days' layoff with permis.'^Ion of proper official, without written leave of absence. If over thirty days ^ and under sixty days, he shall have written leave of absence from superintendent. Upon the expiration of sixty days all time there- after shall be deducted from his seniority T the limit of leave to be one year. Should he return after the expiration of one year he shall be employed as a new man. This is not to apply in case of sickness, disability, or while engaged on committee work, or special duty for the company. Copy of let- ter granting leave of absence shall be fur- nished the local chairman. Seniority. 9. A seniority list of all employes shall be issued by the Terminal, and the local chairman shall be furnished with a copy. The list shall be revised annually prior to December 1st. Employes who accept office positions in the operating department or positions in the train dispatchers' office will retain their seniority. Employes who are dismissed from the service shall forfeit their seniority, unless reinstated within six months. Employes leaving the service of their own accord shall forfeit their seniority. New Positions. 10. When new positions are created, com- pensation and hours will be fixed in con- formity with positions of the same class covered by this schedule. When the duties of any position are materially increased, salaries shall be adjusted in conformity with positions of the same class. Discontinuance of Positions and Displace- ment — Reduction in Force. 11. In the event of any position shown in the wage scale being abolished the em- ploye displaced shall have choice of posi- tions to which his seniority entitles him. When through no fault of the employe, the company finds it necessary to displace an employe holding a regular position, such position shall be advertised and If the em- ploye so displaced is to be continued in the service he shall be allowed displacement rights. This not to apply when an employe bids in a position and it is found that he cannot perform the duties of the position. In the latter case the employe shall be as- signed to the extra list. Employes shall exercise their displacement rights within thirty days of date of displacement except in case of sickness, disability or while on leave of absence. An employe shall b^ considered displaced: First: When his position is abolished. Second: When removed to make way for an older employe. Third: When removed by the company through no fault of his own. Cleaning. 12. Employes In interlocking stations will not be required to scrub floors, clean lamps, windows, interlocking machines or wood- work (lever handles and office desks ex- cepted). Students. 13. Employes will not be allowed to har* students in their offices, or Interlocking sta- tions, nor shall they teach telegraphy on the premises of the Terminal, without per- nii.'5.';ion from the superintendent. 418 Schedules and Wage Scales. Changing Positions. 14. Employes will, on receiving permission, be allowed to temporarily change positions, but will not be permitted to make perma- nent change. 15. This agreement will take effect as of August 1, 1916, and remain in effect for a period of one year from that date, and thereafter, subject to thirty (30> days' notice from either party to the other. GftAND CENTRAL TERMINAL, MILES BRONSON, Terminal Manager. FOR THE TELEGRAPHERS. H. B. MOREY, General Chairman. WAGE SCALE. ELECTRIC DIVISION STATIONS. Rate per Station and Position. • Month. Mott Haven, agent $ 85.00 Assistant agent 75.00 Melrose, agent 77.00 Assistant agent , 65.00 Morrjsania, agent 74.00 Assistant agent 65.00 Clarmont Park, agent 86.00- Assistant agent 71.00 Tremont, agent 88.00 Assistant agent 72.00 183d St., agent 67.00 Fordham, ticket agent 88.00 Assistant agent 72.00 Freight agent 81.00 Botanical Gardens, agent 71.00 Assistant agent 65.00 Williams Bdg., agent 82.00 Assistant agent 65.00 Woodlawn, agent 80.00 Assistant agent 65.00 Wakefield, agent 45.00 Assistant agent 45.00 Mt. Vernon, freight agent 118.00 Assistant agent 77.00 Assistant agent 72.00 Bronxville, agent 90.00 Assistant agent 77.00 Assistant agent 72.00 Tuckahoe, agent 66.00 Assistant agent 65.00 Assistant agent 65.00 Crestwood, agent 66.00 Assistant agent 65.00 Scarsdale, agent 83.00 As.sistant agent 70.00 Assistant agent 65.00 Hartsdale, agent 75.00 Assistant agent 65.00 White Plains, freight agent 118.00 Ticket agent 100.00 Assistant agent 78.00 Assistant agent 66.00 No. White Plains, agent 66.00 High Bridge, agent 78.00 Assistant agent (night) 73.00 Morris Heights, agent 80.00 Assistant agent 71.00 University Heights, agent 71.00 Marble Hill, agent 65.00 Spuyten Duyvil, agent 74.00 Riverdale, agent 65.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Mt. St. Vincent, agent $ 60.00 Ludlow, agent 66.00 Glenwood, agent 66.00 Greystone, agent 60.00 Hastings, agent 66.00 Assistant agent 65.00 Dobbs Ferry, agent 75.00 Assistant agent 68.00 Ard.sley, agent 65.00 Irvington, agent 86.00 Assistant agent 70.00 Tarrytown. agent 113.00 Assistant agent 82.00 Assistant agent 70.00 Philips Manor, agent 60.00 Scarsborough, agent 65.00 Ossining, agent 113.00 Assistant agent 82.00 Assistant agent 70.00 Harmon, agent ; 71.00 Croton, freight agent 85.00 Ticket agent 73.00 Assistant agent (night) 70.00 Relief agent 105.00 ELECTRIC DIVISION SIGNAL STATIONS. Rate per Station and Position. . Month. Mott Haven (MO), director $125.00 Director 125.00 Director 111.00 Leverman 107.00 Leverman 107.00 Leverman 100.00 Sheet operator 99.00 Sheet operator 99.00 (MJ) signalman 92.00 (MJ) signalman .". 92.00 (MJ) signalman 92.00 Spuyten Duyvil (DVj, signalman 95.00 Signalman 95.00 Signalman 95.00 Split leverman 87.00 106th St. (NK). signahnan 90.00 Signalman 90.00 Signalman 90.00 Split leverman 82.00 Melrose (KY), signalman 92:00 Signalman '....' 92.00 Signalman 92.00 (MX) .signalman 92.00 (MX) signalman 92.00 (MX) signalman 90.00 Woodlawn (JO), signalman 92.00 Signalman 92.00 Signalman 90.00 Split leverman 87.00 No. W. Plains (NW), signalman 90.00 Signalman 90.00 Signalman 88.00 Split leverman 77.00 Marble Hill (FH), signalman 90.00 Signalman 90.00 Signalman 88.00 Croton (CD), signalman 85.00 Signalman 85.00 Signalman 82.00 Bot. Gardens (BG), .signalman 88.00 Signalman 88.00 Kings Bdg. (BN>. signalman 85.00 Signalman 85.00 Signalman .' 82.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 419 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Ossining (PF>, signalman $ 85.00 Signalman 85.00 Signalman 82.00 Croton (CRJ, signalman 85.00 Signalman 85.00 Signalman 82.00 Wakefield (MY), signalman 84.00 Signalman 84.00 Signalman 82.00 Glenwood (GD) , signalman 90.00 Signalman 90.00 Signalman 87.00 Hastings (HS>, signalman 85.00 Signalman 85.00 Tarrytown (OW), signalman 85.00 Signalman 85.00 Signalman 82.00 Harmon (HM), sigmalman 98.00 Signalman 98.00 Signalman » « 98.00 Leverman 88.00 Leverman 88.00 Leverman 88.00 Split leverman 86.00 Relief signalman 92.00 Relief signalman 92.00 Relief signalman 92.00 Relief signalman 92.00 Relief signalman 86.00 Relief signalman 86.00 Relief signalman 84.00 Relief signalman 84.00 Relief signalman 84.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Stviyvesant, agent and operator. .... .$ 66.00 Schodack Ldg., agent 66.00 Castleton, agent 81.00 Assistant agent and operator 66.00 72nd St., N. Y., day operator 79.00 Night operator 79.00 Relief agent 105.00 HUDSON DIVISION STATIONS. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Inwood, agent $ 60.00 Oscawana, agent 68.00 Crugers, agent 60.00 Montrose, agent 70.00 Peekskill, ticket agent 81.00 Assistant ticket agent 74.00 Freight agent 107.00 Garrison, agent and operator 74.00 Cold Springs, agent and operator 88.00 Dutchess Jet., agent and operator.... 66.00 Beacon, agent 112.00 Ticket agent 81.00 Ticket agent (night) 66.00 Chelsea, agent 66.00 New Hamburg, agent 86.00 Poughkeepsie, freight agent 127.00 Ticket agent 102.00 Assistant ticket agent 76.00 Assistant ticket agent 66.00 Hyde Park, agent and operator 74.00 Assistant ag^nt and operator 66.00 Staatsburg, agent and operator 74.00 Rhinecliff, agent 88.00 Assistant agent and operator 66.00 Barrytown. agent and operator 66.00 Tivoli, agent and operator 74.00 Assistant agent and operator 66.00 Germantown, agent and operator 74.00 Linlithgo, agent 76.00 Greendale, agent and operator 74.00 Hudson, agent 122.00 Ticket agent and operator 86.00 Assistant ticket agent and opr 71.00 Stockport, agent 68.00 Newton Hook, agent and operator. .. . 68.00 Assistant agent and operator 66.00 HUDSON DIVISION SIGNAL STATIONS. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Peekskill (37 C), signalman $ 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Manitou (41 P), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 W. Manitou (42 I), signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 Signalman ; 67.00 Cold Spring (45 I), signal 67.00 Signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 Cold Spring (46 B) , signal .^. . . 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00. Beacon (50 C), signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Chelsea (52 F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Chel. Siding (53 I), signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 New Hamburg (54 E), signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Clinton Pt. (55 1), signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 E. Poughkeepsie (57 J), signalman... 66.00 Signalwian 66.00 Signalman 66.00 Poughkeepsie (58 C), signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Poughkeep.sie (58y2 C). signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Poughkeepsie (59 H>. signalman 71.00 Signalman . . ; 71.00 Signalman 71.00 W. Poughkeepsie (60 I), signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 Roosevelts (61 E). signalman 77.00 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Steaatsburg (65 E>. signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman . . . 77.00 Rhinecliff (68 C), signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Barrytown (71 E), signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Tivoli (74 E), signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 420 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Germantown (77 E). signalman $77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Linlithgo (79 J), signalman 66.00 Signalman 66.00 Signalman 66.00 E. Hudson Siding (81 F>, signalman.. 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 W. Hudson Siding (82 I), signalman.. 67.00 Signalman 67.00 Signalman '. 67.00 Hudson (84 Oj. signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Hewton Hook (88 F), signalman ^. 75.00 Signalman ....'. 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Newton Hock (89 I), signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 Sig-nalman '. . . . . 67.00 Stuyvesant (90 F>, signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 W. Stuyvesant (91 I), signalman 67.00 Signalman , 67.00 Signalman 67.00 Schodack Ldg. (93 Fj, signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 W. Schodack (94 I), signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 Castleton (95 E). signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Staats Crossing- (96 I), signalman.... 67.00 Signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 Relief signalman 92.00 HARLEM DIVISION STATIONS. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Valhalla, agent $ 73.00 Assistant agent 73.00 Assistant agent 73.00 Hawthorne, agent 73.00 Assistant agent 70.00 Thornwood, agent 66.00 Pleasantville, agent 83.00 Assistant agent 70.00 Freight agent 83.00 Chappaqua. agent 73.00 Assistant agent 73.00 Freight agent 80.00 Mt. Kisco, agent ; 77.00 Assistant agent 76.00 Freight agent 85.00 Bedford Hills, agent 73.00 Assistant agent 73.00 Freight agent 80.00 Katonah, agent 76.00 Assistant agent 76.00 Freight agent -80.00 Goldens Bdg., agent 71.00 As.slstant agent 70.00 Lincolndale. agent 71.00 Lake Mahopac, agent 73.00 Purdys, agent 71.00 Assistant agent 73.00 Croton Falls, agent 71.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Brewster, agent $ 83.00 Assistant agent 73.00 Freight agent 80.00 Dykemans, agent 76.00 Towners, agent 75.00 Assistant agent 73.00 Patterson, agent 73.00 Assistant agent 73. ()0 Assistant agent 73.00 Pawling, agent 75.00 Assistant agent 75.00 Assistant agent .^ 75.00 Operator 70.00 Freight agent 80.00 Wingdale, agent 72.00 Assistant agent 72.00 Dover Furnace, agent 70.00 Dover Plains, agent 83.00 Assistant agent ,70.00 Assistant agent 70.00 Wasfsaic, agent 71.00 Assistant agent 70.00 Amenia, agent 78.00 Assistant agent 78.00 Sharon, agent 72.00 Assistant agent 72.00 Colemans, agent 75.00 Millerton, agent 100.00 Assistant agent ...._. 73.00 Assistant agent 70.00 Mt. Riga, agent 75.00 Boston Corners, agent 83.00 Assistant agent 73.00 Assistant agent 70.00 Copake, agent 71.00 Assistant agent 73.00 Hillsdale, agent , 71.00 Assistant agent 73.00 Assistant agent 70.00 Graryville, agent 75.00 Assistant agent 73.00 Martindale, agent 75.00 Assistant agent 73.00 Philmont, agent 75.00 Assistant agent 73.00 Assistant agent 73.00 Ghent, agent 75.00 Assistant agent 73.00 Sig. Sta. (X), operator 74.00 Operator 74.00 Operator 72.00 Sig. Sta. (BA) , operator 74.00 Operator 74.00 Operator 72.00 Putnam Jet., operator 75.00 Relief agent 105.00 PUTNAM DIVISION STATIONS. Rate per Station and Position. Month. 155th St.. agent and operator .$107.00 Assistant agent and operator 86.00 155th St. (Tower), first trick operator 75.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Van Cortlandt, agent and operator... 68.00 Van Cortlandt (Tower), first trick opr. 75.00 Second trick operator 73.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Caryl, agent and operator 60 00 Lowerre, agent and operator 60.00 Park Hill, agent 65.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 421 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Tonkers (Getty Sq.), agent and opr. .$ 85.00 Assistant agent and operator 70.00 Lincoln, agent 45.00 Dunwoodie, agent and operator 76.00 Assistant agent and operator 70.00 Bryn Mawr Park, agent 60.00 Nepperham, agent 100.00 Ticket agent and operator 70.00 Assistant agent and operator 70.00 Nepera Park, agent and operator 65.00 Mount Hope, agent and operator 76.00 Assistant agent and operator 70.00 Chauncey, agent and operator 71.00 Ardsley, agent and operator 76.00 Assistant agent and operator 70.00 Elmsford, agent and operator 76.00 Assistant agent and operator 70.00 East View, agent and operator 71.00 Assistant agent and operator 70.00 Tarrytown Heights, agent and opr. . . 65.00 Pocantico Hills, agent and operator... 76.00 Assistant agent and operator 70.00 Briarcliff Manor, agent and operator. . 70.00 Assistant agent and operator 70.00 Millwood, agent and operator 76.00 Kitchawan, agent and operator 76.00 Croton Lake, agent and operator 71.00 Yorktown Heights, agent and operator 76.00 Assistant agent and operator 70.00 Amawalk, agent and operator 68.00 Granite Springs, agent and operator. 68.00 Baldwin Place, agent and operator. . . 76.00 Mahopac Falls, agent 60.00 Crafts, agent and operator 65.00 Mahopac, agent and operator 71.00 Carmel, agent and operator 71.00 Assistant agent and operator 60.00 Tilly Foster, agent and operator 65.00 Relief agent 105.00 RIVER DIVISION STATIONS. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Weehawken, first copier $ 88.00 Second copier 88.00 Third copier 88.00 Weehawken (W), manager and opr... 88.00 Day operator 84.00 Night operator 84.00 Weehawken Yard, day operator 79.00 Night operator 79.00 Weehawken Tower, signalman 91.00 Signalman 91.00 Signalman 91.00 Leverman 68.00 Leverman .-, 68.00 Leverman 68.00 Willow Ave. Tower, signalman 72.00 Signalman 72.00 Signalman 72.00 New Durham, agent and operator.... 72.00 New Durham (Tower), signalman 91.00 Signalman 91.00 Signalman 91.00 Granton Tower, signalman 79.00 Signalman 79.00 Signalman 79.00 Bogota, agent and operator 74.00 Teaneck, agent and operator... 70.00 West Englewood, agent and operator. 74.00 Operator 70.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Bergenfield, agent and operator $ 76.00 Dumont, agent and operator 76.00 Operator 70.00 Operator '. 70.00 Haworth, agent and operator Z2.00 Harrington Park, agent and operator. 73.00 West Norwood, agent and operator... 72.00 Tappan, agent and operator 74.00 Operator 704)0 Operator 70.00 Orangeburgh, agent and operator.... 74.00 Blauvelt, agent and operator 70.00 West Nyack, agent and operator 76.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Valley Cottage, agent and operator. . 72.00 Congers, agent 76.00 Operator 72.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Haverstraw, agent 87.00 Operator and ticket clerk 75.00 Operator and ticket clerk 72.00 West Haverstraw, agent 79.00 Operator 68.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 72.00 Stony Point, agent and operator 73.00 Tompkins Cove, agent and operator. . . 73.00 Jones Point, agent and operator 75.00 lona Island (Tower), signalman 73.00 Signalman 73.00 Signalman 73.00 lona Island, agent and operator 73.00 Fort Montgomery, agent and operator 73.00 Highland Falls, agent 76.00 Operator 72.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 West Point, agent 103.00 Day operator..: 77.00 Night operator 74.00 Cornwall, ticket agent and operator.. 84.00 Operator 76.00 Operator 76.00 Operator 76.00 Freight agent 93.00 Cornwall (Tower), signalman 81.00 Signalman 81.00 Signalman 81.00 Newburgh (Tower), signalman 79.00 Signalman 79.00 Signalman 79.00 Newburgh, ticket agent 96.00 Night operator 77.00 Roseton, agent and operator 72.00 Marlboro, agent 72.00 Operator 72.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Milton, agent and operator 72.00 Highland, agent 74.00 Operator 72.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 West Park, agent and operator 72.00 ESopus, agent and operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Ulster Park, agent and operator 72.00 Port Ewen, agent and operator 72.00 422 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Kingston, operator $ 76.00 Operator 76.00 Operator 76.00 Ticket agent 100.00 Night ticket clerk 66.00 Kingston Tower, signalman 76.00 Signalman 76.00 Signalman ". . . 76.00 Mt. Marion, agent and operator 72.00 Saugerties, freight agent 94.00 Ticket agent and operator 76.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Maiden, agent and operator 72.00 West Camp, agent and operator 72.00 Alsen, agent „. 78.00 Operator 71.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Catskill, agent 81.00 Ticket agent and operator 77.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 West Athens, agent and operator 72.00 Coxsackie, agent 76.00 Ticket agent and operator 71.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 New Baltimore, agent and operator... 72.00 Ravena (Q) Tower, signalman 72.00 Signalman 72.00 Signalman 72.00 Ravena, agent 82.00 (New Station), ticket agent and opr. 79.00 Operator 74.00 Operator 74.00 (Old Station), day operator 78.00 Selkirk, agent and operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Wemple, operator 71.00 Glenmont, operator 70.00 Wallklll Valley Branch. Whiteport, agent and operator $ 70.00 Binnewater, agent and operator 71.00 Rosendale, agent and operator 71.00 New Platz, agent and operator 71.00 Operator and clerk 67.00 Gardiner, agent and operator 71.00 Wallkill, agent and operator 71.00 Operator and clerk 63.00 Walden, agent and operator 71.00 Operator and clerk 67.00 Relief Agent 105.00 Relief Agent 105.00 Relief Agent 105.00 MOHAWK DIVISION STATIONS. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Albany (DA), manager and operator. $105.00 Operator 93.00 Operator 93.00 Operator 93.00 Operator 86.00 Operator 86.00 Operator 86.00 Operator 84.00 Operator .^ 84.00 West Albany, ticket agent 68.00 Yard, day operator 82.00 Night operator * 82.00 Round House, operator and clerk... 79.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Hoffmans, agent and operator $ 76.00 Amsterdam, ticket agent and operator 89.00 Night operator and clerk 76.00 Tribes Hill, agent and operator 79.00 Fonda, freight agent 104.00 Ticket agent and operator 84.00 Night operator and clerk' 74.00 Palatine Bridge, ticket agent and opr. 79.00 Fort Plain, freight agent 94.00 Ticket agent and operator 79.00 St. Johnsville, freight agent 99.00 Ticket agent and operator J9.00 Little Falls, freight agent 116.00 Ticket agent and operator 89.00 Herkimer, freight agent 102.00 Operator and ticket agent 76.00 Operator and ticket clerk 74.00 North Ilion, ticket agent 68.00 North Frankfort, agent and operator. . 76.00 Utica Yard, day operator. ... T 82.00 Night operator 82.00 L^tica (UT), manager and operator 88.00 Operator 84.00 Operator 84.00 Operator 84.00 Operator 84.00 Whitesboro, agent and operator 78.00 Oriskany, agent and operator 78.00 Rome, ticket agent 89.00 Ticket clerk : .-.. 76.00 Greenway, agent 65.00 Verona, agent and operator 76.00 Oneida, freight agent 106.00 Ticket agent and operator 89.00 Operator and ticket clerk 76.00 Canastota, freight agent 96.00 Ticket agent and operator 79.00 Operator and ticket clerk 74.00 No. Chlttenango, agent and operator. 79.00 Minoa, agent 81.00 Aqueduct, agent and operator 66.00 Niskaynna. agent and operator 66.00 Dunsbach Ferry, agent and operator.. 66.00 Crescent, agent and operator 66.00 Cohoes, agent and operator 71.00 Forbes Aveniie, agent 60.00 So. Bethlehem, agent and operator.... 81.00 Feura Bush, agent and operator 72.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 New Scotland, agent and operator 75.00 Voorheisville, ticket agent and opr... 75.00 Second trick operator 75.00 Third trick operator 75.00 Guilderland Center, agent and opr. . . . 75.00 Fullers, agent and operator... 75.00 So. Schenectady, freight agent 90.00 Pattersonville, agent and operator.... 75.00 So. Amsterdam, freight agent 89.00 Ticket clerk and operator 72.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Fort Hunter, agent and operator 72.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 At.j,riesville, agent and operator 75.00 Fultonville, agent and operator 79.00 Randall, agent and operator 72.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Sprakers, agent and operator 75.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 423 Rate pfer Station and Position. Month. Canajoharie, freight agent $ 94.00 Operator and ticket agent 72.00 Second trick operator.^ 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 So. Fort Plain, freight and ticket agt. 83.00 St. Johnsville, agent and operator.... 72.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Mindenville, agent and operator 68.00 Indian Castle, agent and operator 72.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 South Little Falls, agent and operator 72.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Mohawk Grade, signalman 70.00 Signalman 70.00 Signalman • 70.00 Mohawk, agent and operator 79.00 Ilion, freight agent 95.00 Frankfort, freight agent 100.00 First trick operator 75.00 Second trick operator 75.00 Third trick operator 75.00 So. Utica, agent and operator 83.00 N. Y. Mills, freight agent 95.00 Clark Mills, agent and operator 77.00 Operator and clerk 65.00 Hecla, agent 65.00 Vernon, agent and operator 77.00 Oneida Castle, freight agent 79.00 Ticket agent and operator 80.00 Wampsville, agent and operator 66.00 Chittenango. agent 72.00 Kirkville, agent and operator 74.00 Minoa (WS>, agent and operator 76.00. Relief agent 105.00 Relief agent 105.00 Relief agent 105.00 MOHAWK DIVISION SIGNAL STATIONS. Rate per Tower, No., Class and Position. Month. Rensselaer (98 F>, signalman $75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 (99 C), signalman 82.00 ^ Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 (99), leverman 71.00 Leverman 71.00 Leverman 71. OQ (100 C>, signalman 82.00 Signalman ."" 82.00 Signalman 82.00 (100), leverman 71.00 Leverman 71.00 (101 F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Albany (A C), signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 (B C), signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 (B), leverman 76.00 Leverman 76.00 (C G>, signalman 72.00 Signalman 72.00 Signalman 72.00 Rate per Tower, No., Class and Position. Month. (D G), signalman $ 72.00 Signalman 72.00 Signalman 72.00 (I C), signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 (2 F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 W. Albany (3 F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 (4 D) , signalman SO.OO Signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Karner (5 F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 (6 F; , signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman - 75.00 Carman (7 D>, signalman 81). 00 Signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Schenectady (8 D), signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 (8X G), signalman > 72.00 Signalman 72.00 Hoffmans (11 Dj,-feignalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Schenectady (9 F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 ' Amsterdam (13 E). signalman 77.00 Signahnan 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Fonda (16 C), signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Yosts (17 E), signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Palatine Bridge (19 F), signalman.... 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Ft. Plain (20 F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.0/) Signalman 75.00 St. Johnsville (21 D), signalman . .. 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 (22 D), signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Little Falls (24), signalman 95.00 Signalman 95.00 Signalman 95.00 Herkimer (26 D), signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Schuyler Jet. (29 D), signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Utica (30-A B), signalman 85.00 Signalman 85.00 Signalman 85.00 (31 A), signalman 88.00 Signalman .' 88.00 Signalman 88.00 (31), leverman 71.00 Leverman 71.00 Leverman 71.00 424 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Tower, No., Class and Position. Month. Oriskany (33 F>, signalman $75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signialman 75.00 Rome (34 D>, signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Greenway (37 F;, signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Oneida (39 D). signalman .,... 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Canastota (41 "F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Sullivan (42 F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Kirkville (44 Ej, signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Minoa (45 C), signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 West Shore Electric Division. Eastwood (WX F), signalman $ 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Kirkville Jet. (KR F;. signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Chittenango (CT P). signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Canastota (CD F). signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Oneida Castle (YO F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75 00 Vernon (VO F>, signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Vernon Grade (VG F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 ' Signalman 75.00 Clarks Mills (AK F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 N. Y. Mills (NF F). .signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 E. N. Y. Mills (^VU F). signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Harbor (F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Central Jet. (CJ E). .signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Rotterdam .Tct. (R.T C), signalman.... 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 (RJ) leVerman 66.00 S. Schenectady (NE C). signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 (NB) leverman 66.00 Green Island (G), signalman 72.00 Relief signalman 92.00 SYRACUSE DIVISION STATIONS. Rate per Station and Position. Month. East Syracuse, agent $ 76.00 DeWitt Hump, operator and clerk 82.00 Operator and clerk 82.00 E. B. Yard, operator 82.00 Operator 82.00 W. B. Yard, operator 82.00 Syracuse (MI>, operator 93.^0 Operator 93.00 Operator 93.00 Operator 86.00 Operator 86.00 Operator 86.00 Operator 84.00 Warners, agent and operator 71.00 Memphis, agent and operator :.. 71.00 .lordan, freight agent 76.00 No. Weedsport, freight agent 83.00 Ticket agent and operator 70.00 North Port Byron, agent and operator 74.fl0 Savannah, agent 80.00 Assistant agent and operator 70.00 Clj'de, freight agent 83.00 Ticket agent and operator. 70.00 Lyons, ticket agent 84.00 Operator 78.00 Newark, freight agent 84.00 Ticket agent and operator 66.00 E. Palmyra, agent 65.00 Palmyra, agent and operator 81.00 Walworth, agent and operator 74.00 No. Macedon, agent and operator 74.00 Fairport, agent 96.00 E. Rochester, agent and operator 80.00 Ticket clerk and operator 68.00 Coldwater, agent and operator 71.00 Chili, agent and operator 79.00 Churchville, agent and operator 79.00 Bergen, agent and operator 78.00 West Bergen, agent and operator 65.00 So. Byron, freight agent 76.00 Ticket agent and operator 66.00 Batavia, freight agent 110.00 Ticket agent 90.00 Assi.stant and operator 74.00 Assistant agent and operatoi- 74.00 W. Batavia, agent and operator 71.00 Corfu, agent and operator 79.00 Crittenden, agent 74.00 Wende, agent 71.00 Delwood, agent and operator 68.00 I>ancaster, agent and operator 76.00 West Shore. Anihoy. agent and opei'ator $ 70.00 Operator . . . , 66.00 Operator 66.00 .Jordan, operator '58.00 Operator 68.00 Operator 68.00 Weedsport. agent and operator S3 00 Port Byron, agent and operator 70.00 Operator 70.0.:' * Operator 70.00 .\ront<=zin"iia, agent and operator 71.00 Seneca River, operator 66.00 Operator 66.00 Operator 66.00 ."^o. Clyde, agent and operator 68.00 Operator : 68.00 Operator 68.00 T>\-ons Junction, operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 \ Schedules and Wage Scales. 425 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Lyons Connection, operator $ 70.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Newark, operator and clerk 70.00 Operator and clerk ,70.00 Operator and clerk 70.00 Port Gibson, agent and operator 71.00 So. Palmyra, agent and operator 74.00 Macedon, agent and operator 74.00 Wayneport, agent and operator 71.00 Mortimer, agent and operator 68.00 Pittsford, operator 66.00 Operator 66.00 Operator , 66.00 Genesee Jet., agent 105.00 Churchvilie, agent and operator 76.00 Assistant agent and operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 No. Bergen, agent and operator 68.00 Byron, agent and operator 71.00 Elba, agent and operator 75.00 Assistant agent and operator 66.00 Oakfleld, agent 95.00 Ticket agent and operator 71.00 Wheatville, agent 60.00 Alabama, agent and operator 74.00 Akron, freight agent 82.00 Ticket agent and operator 68.00 Clarence, agent and operator 76.00 Assistant agent and operator 66.00 Bowmansville, agent and operator.... 68.00 Chenango Branch. Fayetteville, agent and operator $ 65.00 Manlius, agent and operator 65.00 Oran, agent and operator 65.00 Cazenovia, agent and operator 76.00 Ripleton, agent (joint) 33.00 Ballina, agent and operator 65.00 Eritown, agent and operator. 65.00 Georgetown, agent and operator 65.00 Lebanon, agent and operator 65.00 Eai-lville, agent (joint) 42.00 Operator (joint) 3300 Operator (joint) 33.00 Relief agent 105.00 Relief agent 105.00 Relief agent 105.00 SYRACUSE DIVISION SIGNAL STATIONS. Rate per Tower, No., Class and Position. Month. E. Syracuse (47 E), signalman % 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman .' 77.00 (48 P) , signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Syracuse (1 B), signalman 85.00 Signalman 85.00 Signalman 85.00 Leverman 66.00 Leverman 66.00 (lA E) , signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Syracuse Jet. (2 C), signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Leverman 66.00 Leverman 66.00 Leverman r 66.00 Rate per Tower, No., Class and Position. Month. Warners (4 F), signalman $75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman ^ 75.00 Jordan (6 E), signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 N. Port Byron (8 F^ signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Clyde (12 E) , signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Lyons (14 E>, signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 (15 C), signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Newark (16 F^ signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Palmyra (18 E), signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Wayneport (20 A), signalman 88.00 Signalman 88.00 Signalman 88.00 E. Rochester (22 E;, signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Brighton (24 E), signalman 77.00 Signalman ; 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Rochester (25 C), signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 (25A C), signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 (28 F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75. OO (29 B), signalman 85.00 Signalman 85.00 Signalman 85.00 (30 P), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Chili Jet. (33 F>, signalman 76.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Bergen (35 F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 So. Byron (37 E): signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Batavia (40 C), signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 (40-A E), signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Corfu (42 E) , signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalrrian 77.00 Dellwood (44 F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 West Shore. Salina (SX F), signalman % 76.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 426 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Tower, No., Class and Position. Month. Syracuse (RW;, sig-nalman $70.00 Signalman 70.00 Sig-nalman 70.00 Mortimer (RG E), sig-nalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Chnrchville Jet. (CJ G), signalman... 72.00 Akron Jet. (AJ G), signalman 72.00 Relief signalman 92.00 BUFP^ALO DIVISION STATIONS. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Depew, agent $ 93.00 Buffalo (WS), operator and Sw. Tdr. . 73.00 Operator and s-witch tender 73.00 Operator and s-witch tender 73.00 (BOh operator 105.00 Operator 100.00 Operator 91.00 Operator 91.00 Operator 91.00 Operator 91.00 Operator 91.00 Operator 91.00 Operator 91.00 Operator 91.00 Operator 91.00 Operator 85.00 (BD), operator and clerk 91.00 Operator and clerk 91.00 Operator and clerk 91.00 Buffalo Terrace, agent 118.00 Assistant agent 68.00 Buffalo, Ferry St., agent 62.00 Black Rock, agent gS.OO First assistant agent 74.00 Second assistant agent 64.00 Tona-wanda, agent 70.00 Assistant agent 66.00 No. Tona-u'anda, a^nt 74.00 Assistant agent 68.00 Beach Ridge, agent and operator 71.00 Mapleton, agent 64.00 LaSalle, agent 74.00 Echota, agent 82.00 Suspension Bridge, ticket agent 89.00 (SD), operator and clerk 76.00 Operator and clerk 75,00 Operator and clerk 75.00 FVeight House, operator and clerk.. 81.00 Lewiston, agent and operator 70.00 Freight agent 78.00 Harriet, freight agent 108.00 BUFFALO DIVISION SIGNAL STATIONS. Rate per Tower, No.. Class and Position. Month. Depew (45 B), sigi-ialman $85.00 Signalman 85.00 Signalman 85.00 Buffalo (47 A), signalman 88.00 Signalman 88.00 Signalman •. . 88.00 (47A C), signalman.. 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 (48 E), signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Rate per Tower, No., Class and Position. Month. (49 E> , signalman $ 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 (50 EJ, signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 (51 F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 (52 B>, signalman 85.00 Sig-nalman 85.00 Signalman 85.00 (53 A^ , signalman 88.00 Signalman 88.00 Signalman 88.00 (53), day director Night director (54 A), signalman 88.00 Signalman 88.00 Signalman 88.00 (B F^ signalman 75."«0 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 (C I), signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 (F G> , signalman 72.00 Signalman :. 72.00 Signalman '. '. 72.00 (G F), signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 (H G>. signalman 72.00 Signalman 72.00 Signalman 72.00 (I G). signalman 72.00 Signalman 72.00 Signalman 72.00 (55 E), signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 (T I), signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 (V I) , signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 (PRR&BC) Jet., signalman 68.00 Signalman 68.00 Tonawanda (57 G), signalman 72.00 Signalman 72.00 Signalman 72.00 Jet. (G), signalman 72.00 Signalman 72.00 Signalman 72.00 N. Tonawanda (ER2 G), signalman... 72.00 Signalman " 72.00 Signalman 72.00 (EIR3 F) , signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 Signalman 75.00 (LL I), signalman 67.00 Signalman 67.00 (58 D) . signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 (58A E) , signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 (59 E), signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 427 Rate per Tower, No., Class and Position. Month. Gratwicli (60 G>, signalman $72.00 Signalman 72.&0 Signalman 72.00 LaSalle (61 G), signalman 72.00 Signalman 72.00 Signalman 72.00 Niagara Falls (63 E), signalman 77.00 Signalnum 77.00 Signalman 77.00 Suspension Bridge (65 A), signalman. 88.00 Signalman 88.00 Signalman 88.00 (65), leverman 76.00 Leverman 76.00 Buffalo Creek (BC D), signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 Signalman 80.00 West Seneca (D A), signalman 88.00 Signalman 88.00 Signalman 88.00 Bay View (BV E), signalman 77.00 Signahnan 77.00 Signalman 77.00 West Seneca Yard OfRce, operator. . . . 90.00 Operator 90.00 Operator 80.00 Relief operator and signalman 92.00 ADIRONDACK DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Middleville, agent $ 66.00 Newport, agent 66.00 Poland, agent 68.00 Prospect Jet., agent. » 66.00 Remsen, operator 70.00 Hinckley, agent 72.00 Forrestport, agent 71.00 AVhite Lake, agent 71.00 Operator 66.00 Operator 66.00 McKeever, agent 71.00 Fulton Chain, agent 68.00 Operator 68.00 Operator 68.00 Operator 68.00 Carter, agent - 72.00 Big Moose, agent 66.00 Operator 66.00 Operator 66.00 Beaver River, agent 66.00 Nehasane, agent 68.00 Long Lake West, agent 68.00 Operator 66.00 Operator 66.00 Hor.^eshoe, agent 66.00 Childwold, agent 68.00 Piercefleld. agent 66.00 Tupper Lake Jet., agent 105.00 Ticket agent and operator 77.00 Operator 71.00 Operator 71.00 .Sar.anac Inn, agent 68.00 Lake Clear Jet., agent 68.00 Operator 68.00 Operator 68.00 Saranac Lake, ticket agent 95.00 Freight agent 88.00 Operator 71.00 Operator 71.00 Gabriels, agent 66.00 Lake Kushaqua. agent 66.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. l^on Lake, agent $ 66.00 Operator 66.00 Mountain View, agent ' 66.00 Owls Head, agent 70.00 Malone Jet., operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Constable, agent 66.00 Athelstan, agent 71.00 Operator 66.00 Operator 66.00 Hundingdon, agent 71.00 Operator 66.00 Operator 66.00 St. Stanislas, agent 66.00 Valleyfield, agent 75.00 Operator 68.00 Operator .v 66.00 Cecile Jet., agent 73.00 Operator 66.00 Operator 66.00 St. Timothee, agent 66.00 Beauharnois, agent 66.00 Operator 66.00 Chatequauay, agent 66.00 Rainbow, agent 60.00 Brandreth, agent 66.00 Raquette Lake, agent 66.00 Relief agent 105.00 ST. LAWRENCE DIVISION. Sacketts Harbor to Newton Falls. Rate per Station and Position. " Month. Sacketts Harbor, agent and operator..? 66.00 Watertown Jet., operator 71.00 Operator 71.00 Operator ; 71.00 (Q), operator 80.00 Operator 80.00 Operator 80.00 Watertown, ticket agent 97.00 Operator 67.00 Black River, agent and operator 73.00 Felts Mills, agent and operator 68.00 Operator 65.00 Great Bend, agent and operator 71.00 Natural Bridge, agent and operator.. 66.00 Harrisville, agent and operator 65.00 Jayville, operator 65.00 Oswegatchie, agent and operator 66.00 Benson Mines, agent and operator.... 66.00 Operator 65.00 Newton Falls, agent and operator.... 66.00 Operator 65.00 Calcium to Massena. Calcium, agent and operator $ 68.00 Roots, operator 65.00 Operator 65.00 Operator 65.00 Evans Mills, agent and operator 66.00 Operator 65.00 Philadelphia, agent 108.00 Operator 70.00 Operator r-. 70.00 Operator 70.00 Ticket agent 72.00 Antwerp, agent and operator 78.00 Operator 66.00 Keenes, agent and operator 68.00 428 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. llatoon, operator $ 65.00 Operator 65.00 Operator 65.00 G. & O. Jet., operator 67.00 Gouverneur, agent 108.00 Operator 68.00 Operator ^ 66.00 Operator 66.00 Richville, agent and operator 66.00 Operator 65.00 DeKalb Jet., agent 86.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 . Canton, agent 95.00 Operator 68.00 Operator 66.00 Wood.s, operator 65.00 Operator 65.00 Operator , 65.00 Eben, agent and operator 66.00 Operator '. 65.00 Potsdam, agent 95.00 Operator 68.00 Operator 66.00 Operator 66.00 Sisson, operator 67.00 Norwood, operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Operator ' 70.00 Plum Brook, agent and operator 67.00 Ma.ssena, agent 106.00 Operator 70.00 Operator ^... 70.00 Operator , 70.00 Emeryville to Edwards. Emeryville, agent and operator $ 65.00 Talcville, agent and operator 65.00 Edwards, agent and operator 65.00 Brownvllle to Cape Vincent. Brownville, agent $ 90.00 Operator and clerk 72.00 Operator 68.00 Dexter, agent '. . . . 80.00 Limerick, agent and operator 68.00 Chaumont, agent and operator 66.00 Three Mile Bay, agent and operator.. 65.00 Rosiere, agent and operator 66.00 Cape Vincent, agent and operator.... 88.00 Utica to Ogdensburg and DeKalb Junction. Marcy, agent and operator $ 66.00 Operator 65.00 Stittville, agent and operator 67.00 Operator , 65.00 Operator 65.00 Operator 65.00 Holland Patent, agent and operator.. 66.00 Operator 65.00 Barnevald, agent and operator 66.00 Operator 65.00 Operator 65.00 Prospect, agent and operator 66.00 Operator 65.00 Remsen, agent 75.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Alder Creek, agent and operator 67.00 Smith, operator 65.00 Operator 65.00 Boonville, agent 66.00 Operator 66.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Denley, agent and operator $ 66.00 Port Leyden, agent 66.00 Operator 65.00 Lyons Falls, agent 66.00 Operator '. . 65.00 Operator 65.00 Glenfield, agent and operator 68.00 Operator 66.00 Martinsburg, agent and operator 66.00 Lowville, agent 100.00 Operator 68.00 Operator 66.00 Castorland, agent and operator 66.00 Operator 65.00 Deer River, agent and operator 66.00 Operator 65.00 C. & C. Jet., agent and operator 68.00 Carthage, ticket agent 80.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Herrings, operator 66.00 Sterlingville, agent and operator 68.00 River Gate, agent and operator 68.00 Theresa, agent and operator 66.00 Redwood, agent and operator 66.00 Operator 66.00 Oakvale, agent and operator ., . . 66.00 Hammond, agent and operator 66.00 Operator 66.00 Brier Hill, agent and operator 66.00 Morristown, agent and operator 76.00 Operator 65.00 Operator 65.00 Ogdensburg, ticket agent 88.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Heuvelton, agent and operator 66.00 Operator 66.00 Rensselaer Falls, agent and operator. 66.00 Orleans Corners, agent and operator.. 68.00 LaFargeville, agent and operator. . . . 71.00 Clayton, agent 67.00 Operator 66.00 Relief agent 105.00 Relief agent 105.00 ONTARIO DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Lewiston Heights, agent $66.00 Model City, agent 66.00 Tower, operator 65.00 Ransomville, agent 68.00 Operator 65.00 Elberta, agent 66.00 Wil.son, agent 68.00 Operator 65.00 Burt, agent , 68.00 Operator 65.00 Appleton, agent 66.00 Barker, agent 66.00 Operator 65.00 Millers, agent 66.00 Lyndonville, agent '. 68.00 Operator 65.00 Operator 65.00 Operator 65.00 Ashwood. agent 66.00 ^Vaterport. agent 66.00 Carlton, agent 66.00 Brice, agent 66.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 429 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Kendall, agent $ 68.00 Operator 65.00 Morton, agent 66.00 Hamlin, agent 68.00 Operator 65.00 Walker, agent 66.00 Hilton, agent 68.00 Operator 65.00 Operator 65.00 Greece, agent 66.00 Charlotte, operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Webster, agent 68.00 Operator 66.00 Operator 66.00 Union Hill, agent 66.00 Fruitland, agent 70.00 Ontario, agent 68.00 Operator 66.00 Williamson, agent 70.00 Operator 66.00 East Williamson, agent 66.00 Sodus, agent 70.00 Operator 66.00 Alton, agent 66.00 North Rose, agent 68.00 Operator 65.00 Wolcott, agent 72.00 Operator , 70.00 Red Creek, agent 68.00 Operator '. 66.00 Operator 65.00 Sterling, agent 76.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 65.00 Crocketts, agent 66.00 Hannibal, agent 66.00 Operator 65.00 Furniss, agent 66.00 Oswego Shops, operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Paul, operator 66.00 Scriba, agent 66.00 Operator 65.00 New Haven, agent 66.00 Mexico, agent 80.00 Operator 66.00 Operator 66.00 Daysville, agent 66.00 Pulaski, agent 81.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 70.00 Operator 68.00 Fulton, agent 110.00 Operator 68.00 Operator (joint) 40.80 Operator (joint) 39.60 Phoenix, agent 68.00 Operator 66.00 Fernwood. agent 66.00 Operator 65.00 Mapleview, agent 66.00 Operator 65.00 Operator 65.00 Parish, agent - 66.00 Operator 65.00 Morse, agent 66.00 Operator 65.00 Mallory, agent 66.00 Operator 65.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Central Square, agent (joint O. & W.>$ 44.00 Tower, operator 68.00 Operator 68.00 Operator , 68.00 Brewerton, agent 66.00 Operator 65.00 Operator 65.00 Clay, agent 66.00 Operator 65.00 Woodard, agent 71.00 Operator 66.00 Operator 66.00 Liverpool, agent 66.00 Rome (MO), operator 66.00 Blossvale, agent 67.00 Operator 65.00 McConnellsville, agent 68.00 Camden, agent 89.00 Operator 68.00 Operator 66.00 Westdale, agent 66.00 Operator 65.00 Operator 65.00 Humaston, operator 66.00 Williamstown, agent 66.00 Operator 65.00 Kasoag, agent 68.00 Operator .^ 65.00 Lacona, agent 81.00 Operator 67.00 Operator 66.00 Altmar, agent 66.00 Operator 65.00 Mansville, agent 67.00 Operator 65.00 Pierrepont Manor, agent 68.00 Operator 66.00 Operator 65.00 Adams, agent 92.00 Operator 67.00 Operator 66.00 Adams Center, agent 68.00 Operator 65.00 Operator 65.00 Rices, agent 66.00 Operator 65.00 Richland, operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Operator ". . 75.00 Oswego (KO), operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Relief agent 105.00 ROCHESTER DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. ^Month. Solvay, agent and operator $ 65.00 Fairmount, agent and operator 70.00 Camillus, agent and operator 74.00 Operator and clerk 68.00 Martisco, freight agent 83.00 Operator and clerk 68.00 Operator and clerk 68.00 Halfway, agent and operator 71.00 Rkanoateles, freight agent 81.00 Operator and clerk 71.00 Sennett, agent and operator 71.00 Auburn, ticket agent 94.00 Operator and clerk 71.00 Operator .and clerk 71.00 Relius, agent and operator 71.00 430 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Cayuga, ticket and freight agent $ 77.00 Operator and bridge tender 71.00 Operator and bridge tender 71.00 Operator and bridge tender 71.00 Lehigh Crossing', signalman 63.00 Signalman 63.00 Seneca Falls, freight agent 100.00 Ticket agent and operator 73.00 Ticket clerk and operator 69.00 Waterloo, freight agent 80.00 Ticket agent and operator 72.00 Geneva, ticket agent 88.00 Ticket clerk and operator 71.00 Ticket clerk and operator 71.00 Oaks Corners, agent and operator 71.00 Phelps, freight agent 77.00 Ticket agent and operator 74.00 Clifton Springs, freight agent 75.00 Ticket agent and operator 72.00 Operator and clerk 69.00 Shortsville, freight agent 74.00 Ticket agent and operator 74.00 Chapin, agent and operator 73.00 Canandaigua, ticket agent - 88.00 Mertensia, agent and operator 68.00 Victor, freight agent 74.00 Operator and clerk 71.00 Operator and clerk 71.00 Fishers, agent and operator 74.00 Pittsford, freight agent 74.00 Operator and clerk 71.00 Brighton, freight agent 85.00 Rochester (N), first trick operator.... 85.00 Second trick operator 84.00 Third trick operator 84.00 Fourth trick operator 84.00 Center Park, ticket agent 68.00 Jay St. (SS 29 A), first trick operator 75.00 Second trick operator 75.00 Third trick operator 75.00 Elmgrove, agent and operator 71.00 Spencerport, freight agent 78.00 Operator and clerk 71.00 Operator and clerk 71.00 Operator and clerk 68.00 Adams Basin, agent and operator 76.00 Brockport, freight agent 86.00 Ticket agent and operator 76.00 Ticket clerk and operator 70.00 Holley, freight agent 83.00 Ticket agent and operator 72.00 Fancher, agent and operator 72.00 Operator and clerk 68.00 Operator and clerk 68.00 Albion, freight agent 102.00 Ticket agent 74.00 DY Tower, first trick operator 71.00 Second trick operator 71.00 Third trick operator 71.00 Eagle Harbor, freight agent 73.00 Knowlesville, agent and operator 72.00 Operator and clerk 68.00 Operator and clerk 68.00 Medina, freight agent 105.00 Ticket agent and operator 76.00 Ticket clerk and operator 71.00 Ticket clerk and operator 71.00 Middleport, freight agent 80.00 Ticket agent and operator 71.00 Operator and clerk 68.00 Operator and clerk 68.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month., freight agent $ 71.00 Operator and clerk 71.00 Operator and clerk 68.00 Operator and clerk 68.00 Lockport, ticket agent 81.00 Ticket clerk and operator 68.00 Tower (SS B), opr. and signalman.. 72.00 Operator and signalman 72.00 Operator and signalman 72.00 West Lockport, ticket agent 60.00 Lockport Jet., agent and operator.... 71.00 Operator 68.00 Opera tor 68.00 Cambria, agent and operator 71.00 Sanborn, freight agent 74.00 Operator and clerk 68.00 Holcomb, agent and operator 70.00 Operator and clerk 68.00 Ionia, agent and operator 68.00 West Bloomfield, agent and operator.. 68.00 Honeoye Falls, freight agent 77.00 Ticket agent and operator 68.00 West Rush, agent and operator 68.00 Caledonia, agent and operator 73.00 LeRoy, freight agent , 79.00 Ticket agent and operator 70.00 Stafford, agent and operator 68.00 East Pembrook, agent and operator.. 68.00 Pembrook, agent and operator 68.00 Akron Falls, agent and operator 72.00 Clarence Center, agent and operator. . 69.00 Transit, agent and operator 68.00 Getsville, agent and operator 68.00 Alexander, agent 60.00 Attica, agent 73.00 Barnard, agent and operator 76.00 Operator and clerk 66.00 Relief agent 105.00 PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. Fal! Brook. Rate per Station and Position. Month. (WD), operator $ 73.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Junius, agent and operator 80.00 (GY>, operator 77.00 Operator 77.00 Operator 77.00 Earl, agent and operator 80.00 Operator 73.00 Dresden, agent and yardmaster 96.00 Operator 76.00 Operator 76.00 Operator 76.00 Penn Yan, agent 120.00 Ticket agent and operator 77.00 Himrods Jet., operator 74.00 Operator 74.00 Operator 74.00 Agent 72.00 Dundee, agent 74.00 Operator and clerk ' 66.00 Ellis, operatorv 73.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Barnes, agent and operator 78.00 Reading Center, agent and operator. . 78.00 Watkins, agent 86.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 431 Station and Position. Month. Rate per Beaver Dams, agent and operator. .. .$ 80.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 YD Tower, operator 74.00 Operator 74.00 Operator 74.00 Corning (CG), chief clerk and operator 84.00 Operator 84.00 (FN), operator 84.00 Operator 84.00 (WK>, operator 80.00 Operator 80.00 Operator 80.00 Presho, agent and operator 82.00 Lindley, agent and operator 82.00 Operator 80.00 Operator 80.00 Lavvrenceville, agent 82.00 Operator 77.00 Operator 77.00 Operator 77.00 Beeman, operator 76.00 Tioga, agent and operator 81.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Hammond, operator 76.00 (BX) , operator 80.00 Operator 80.00 Operator • -80.00 IMiddlebury, agent and operator 82.00 Wellsboro Jet., agent and yardmaster 86.00 Operator 78.00 Operator 78.00 Operator 78.00 Wellsboro, agent 100.00 Operator 74.00 Operator '. 74.00 Antrim, agent and operator 72.00 Ansonia, agent 82.00 Operator 76.00 Tiadaghton, agent and operator 78.00 DI Tower, operator 80.00 Operator 80.00 Operator 80.00 Pine, operator 76.00 Blackwell, agent and operator 81.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Cedar Run, agent and operator 81.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Slate Run, agent and operator 81.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 (CH), operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Jersey Mills, operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 AVaterville, agent and operator 81.00 Operator ' 73.00 Ramsey, operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 JS Tower, operator 82.00 Operator 82.00 Operator 82.00 .Tersey Shore, freight agent 112.00 Ticket agent 84.00 Larrys Creek, agent and operator.... 80.00 Operator 73.00 Linden, agent and operator 8000 Operator 70.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. NB Tower, operator | 76.00 Operator 76.00 Operator 76.00 (NY>, operator 80.00 Cowanesque Branch. Nelson, agent and operator $ 66.00 Elkland, agent 82.00 Operator 67.00 Osceola, agent and operator 60.00 Knoxville, agent 70.00 Operator 67.00 Cowanesque, agent and opr. (joint) . . 33.00 Westfield, agent 72.00 Operator 67.00 Potter Brook, agent and operator.... 66.00 Harrison Valley, agent 69.00 Operator 66.00 ■Mills, agent and operator 66.00 Ulysses, agent (joint) 41.00 Operator (joint) 35.00 Relief agent 105.00 PENN DIVISION. Beech Creek. lElate per Station and Position. Month. Jersey Shore Jet., operator $86.00 Operator 84.00 Operator 84.00 YA Tower, signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Avis, agent and operator 81.00 Brown's Tower, signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Signalman 82.00 Youngdale, agent and operator 81.00 Lock Haven, agent 86.00 Operator 76.00 Mill Hall, agent 94.00 Operator 77.00 Beech Creek, agent 84.00 Operator 76.00 Monument, agent 'and operator 81.00 Orviston, agent 82.00 Operator 76.00 Ivato, operator 76.00 Snow Shoe, agent and operator 81.00 Gillintown, agent and operator 81.00 Gorton, operator 76.00 Viaduct, operator 81.00 Windburne, agent 81.00 Operator 76.00 Munson. agent 84.00 Operator 76.00 Hawk Run, operator and yardmaster. 90.00 RU Tower, leverman 60.00 RG Tower, leverman 60.00 Leverman 60.00 Phillipsburg, agent 100.00 Operator 76.00 IMorrisdale. agent and operator 76.00 Wallaceton, agent and operator 76.00 Bigler. agent and operator 76.00 Woodiand, agent and operator 81.00 WB Tower, operator 80.00 Operator 80.00 Operator 80.00 DY Tower, operator 80.00 Oper.ator 80.00 Operator 80.00 Clearfield, agent 115.00 432 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Dimeling, agent and operator $ 78.00 MD Tower, leverman 60.00 Leverman 60.00 Madera, agent and operator 76.00 Irvona, agent and operator 76.00 Mitchells, agent and operator 78.00 Kerrmoor, agent and operator 78.00 Curry Run, agent and operator 78.00 WJ Tower, trick operator 75.00 Trick operator 75.00 Trick operator 75.00 Mahaffey, agent 110.00 Operator 76.00 Dowler Jet., trick operator 73.00 Trick operator 73.00 Trick operator 73.00 Burnside, agent and operator 76.00 WS Tower, operator 81.00 Glen Campbell, agent and operator. . . 70.00 Arcadia, agent and operator 78.00 Lumber, agent and operator 78.00 Operator 73.00 CW Tower, operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Gray, operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Operator ^ 73.00 Walton, operator .' 73.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Deer, operator $ 73.00 Operator 73.00 Mowry, operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Karthaus, agent and operator '. 78.00 Operator 73.00 Cataract, operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Birch, operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 SX Tower, operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 76.00 Relief agent 105.00 classif!cation and rates of sig- nal STATIONS. Class A $88.00 Class B 85.00 Class C 82.00 Class D 80.00 Class B 77.00 Class F 75.00 Class G 72.00 Class H 71.00 Class I 67.00 Class J 66.00 New York Central Line West of Buffalo (ALL RULES EFFECTIVE JUNE 10, 1916, EXCEPT Nos. VII, X AND XVII, AND THE ADDITIONAL RULES GOVERNING THE ILLINOIS DIVISION, WHICH ARE EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1916.) (RATES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1916.) RULE I. This schedule applies to telegraphers, tele- phoners, towermen, agents and others, whose positions are shown in the attached wage scale. RULE II. Promotion will be governed by seniority on divisions; seniority will date from the last time of entering the service covered by this schedule. The senior applicant will receive the promotion when, in the judgment of superintendent, ability is sufficient; in case ability of senior applicants is not considered sufficient they will, if they so desire, be allowed not exceeding fourteen days in which to post on the duties of the position applied for before decision may be rendered dis- qualifying such applicants. Transfers from one division to another will be made only when employes of suffi- cient ability are not available on the division where vacancy exists. When employes are transferred to another division or to posi- tions or service not covered by this schedule, they will retain their seniority rights for one year from date of said transfer. Leave of absence, not to exceed three months, may be granted on request, but not more than one extension of three months, or a total of six months in a one-year period will be granted except that in case of em- ployes serving as committeemen for their organizations, extensions will be, and in case of sickness may be, made to suit the circumstances. RULE III. Seniority will only be effective when va- cancies occur or new positions are created or in case of reduction in force. Seniority lists of employes covered by this schedule will be prepared by superintendent and re- vised semi-annually and a copy furnished the general chairman during January and July of each year. Employes laid off on account of reduction of force will, if competent, be given employ- ment on other divisions, when there are vacancies, in preference to employing new men. RULE IV. Employes covered by this schedule declin- ing to accept promotion, will not lose their rights to future promotion, in their turn. Employes covered by this schedule pro- moted and found incompetent will take their place on the extra list, but will retain their seniority rights. Schedules and Wage Scales. 433 RULE V. Employes covered by tliis schedule will not be suspended or dismissed from the company's service without just cause; in case of suspension or dismissal, if the em- ploye thinks the decision is unjust he will have the right, within ten days, to refer the case by written statement to the proper official, and within ten days after receipt of said statement, his case shall haVe thor- ough investigation, at which he may be present and represented by one or more employes of his own selection. If not satis- fied with the result, he shall have the right to appeal; in case suspension or dismissal is found unjust, he shall be reinstated and paid for all time lost. RULE VI. Employes covered by this schedule, at- tending court or investigation by direction of an official of the company, when per- sonally not at fault, will be allowed their regular salary and necessary expenses while away from home. RULE VII. Where more than ten cells of local bat- tery are in use, telegraphers will not be required to clean them, nor will they be required to attend switch lamps at points where there are other employes available for that duty. Where, in accordance with above rule, an agent or operator in this schedule is required to care for switch lights located more than five hundred feet from his office, he shall receive fifty (50) cents per light additional compensation for care thereof, with a minimum of three dollars ($3.00) per month. RULE VIII. When a vacancy occurs or a new position is created, employes covered by this sched- ule on that division will be notified by wire or letter and nc permanent appointment made until all men have- been notified and five days after the issuance of such notice, during which period they may file applica- tion for the position. A permanent appoint- ment will be made within twenty-five (25) days after date of notification, and appli- cants will be notified who is assigned to the position. An employe assigned to such position forfeits all rights to the position he vacates until such position has been once permanently filled. Salary of new positions will be fixed in conformity with positions of similar class provided for in this schedule. RULE IX. At the maximum, twelve hours, including a meal hour, will constitute a day's work. ^Tiere the- work requires division into three tricks, eight hours will constitute a day. Where two or more telegraphers are em- ployed at the same time in towers or other offices, they may not all be relieved at the same hours. The hours of work shall be consecutive, but will be arranged to suit the company's service. When service conditions permit, employes covered by this schedule will be allowed a reasonable time to eat, and in case they work more than nine hours they will be allowed one hour for meal. The hour to be taken shall be between five-thirty (5:30) and eight (8:00) o'clock, or between eleven- thirty (11:30) and two (2:00) o'clock, and if not allowed the meal hour, it will be paid for at overtime rate. RULE X. Salaries shall be based on the regular working day of the month. Overtime pro rata v/ill be paid for all hours worked on Sundays. RULE XI. When twelve hour men are required to work extra hours in order to attend trains or to perform telegraphic service, additional time, after twelve hours for the purposes above mentioned, will be paid for at over- time rate. RULE XII. Overtime will be paid pro rata, with a minimum of thirty-five (35) cents per hour, for extra hours worked, by order of proper official in excess of the regular assigned hours. In computing overtime the actual time worked will be paid for. Overtime will not be allowed unless overtime slips are mailed to the proper official within forty- eight hours from the time of service. When overtime is not allowed, notice with expla- nation will be given. RULE XIII. Employes covered by this schedule, called for work outside of assigned hours of duty, after being relieved, and having left their oflice, will be allowed fifty (50) cents for the first hour, or fraction thereof. After the first hour, overtime rate will be paid. RULE XIV. Employes covered by this schedule, per- forming duties at wrecks, washouts, snow blockades, or similar emergency offices, will receive pay at overtiir>£ rate and necessary expenses; time to be computed from the time called for until return. RULE XV. When employes covered by this schedule are transferred or accept a bulletined posi- tion, they will be furnished free transpor- tation for themselves, wholly dependent members of families, and effects, and will be allowed pay while making transfer, rate of pay to be based on position from which transfer is made. RULE XVI. Regularly assigned employes covered by this schedule, when required to do extra work at other than their own office, will receive the compensation applied to the posi- tion they fill with minimum of the overtime rate; also necessary expenses not exceeding one dollar ($1.00) per day. Extra employes will only receive the same rate of pay as applies to the position they fill. RULE XVII. Employes working more than nine (9) con- .secutive hours per day. who hare been in the service one year or more, will be allowed seven (7) days' vacation annually with pay. After three (3) years in the service, ten (10) days' vacation annually will be allowed with pay. 434 Schedules and Wage Scales. Employes wlio work nine (9j hours or less per day, after being' in the service two (2) years or more, will be allowed seven (7) days' vacation annually with pay. ADDITIONAL RULES FOR THE ILLINOIS DIVISION. RULE I. Employes under this agreement required to run pumps, will be allowed ten dollars (.$10.00j per month, in addition to regular wages for the service. RULE IL Employes under this agreement shall not be required to clean local batteries where more than six cells are in use. ERIE DIVISION. Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Athol Springs, A. & 27c $ 78.00 Lake View, A. & 26c 75.00 First trick L. & 36c 76.00 Second trick L. & 35c 72.00 Third trick L. & O '..35c 72.00 Derby, A. & O .26c 75.00 Angola, first trick L. & O ...36c 76.00 Second trick L. & 35c 73.00 Third trick, L. & 35c 73.00 Farnham, A. & 27c 77.50 Irving, A. & 27c 77.50 Silver Creek, first trick L. & 0..36c 76.00 Second trick L. & 35c 73.00 Third trick L. & 35c 73.00 Dunkirk Station, day 30c 87.00 Dunkirk Tr., first trick L. & 0..39c 81.00 Second trick L. & O.. 37c 77.00 Third trick L. & 37c 77.00 Canadaway, first trick O. & S. T.33c 69.00 Second trick O. & S. T 33c 69.00 Third trick O. & S. T 33c 69.00 Westfield Depot, day T. A. & 0.33c 95.00 Westfleld Tr., first trick L. & 0.37c 77.00 Second trick L. & 35c 73.00 Third trick L. & 35c 73.00 Ripley, day T. A. & 27c 78.00 State Line, A. & 27c 78.00 North East, first trick L. & 0..37c 77.00 Second trick L. & 35c 73.00 Third trick L. & 35c 73.00 Harbor Creek, A. & 28c 81.00 Wesleyville Tr., first trick L. & 0.38c 80.00 Second trick L. & 36c 75.00 Third trick L. & 36c 75.00 P. & E. Cross., first trick L. & O.40c 84.00 Second trick L. & 38c 79.00 Third trick L. & 38c 79.00 Erie Station, first trick O 44c 92.00 Day O 41c 85.00 Day O 41c 85.00 Second trick 40c 84.00 Third trick 40c 84.00 Dock Junction, first trick L. & 0.38c 80.00 Second trick L. & O 36c 75.00 Third trick L. & O 36c 75.00 Swanville, A. & 27c 78.00 Pairview, A. & 25c 73.00 Girard Jet., first trick L. & 0...36c 76.00 Second trick L. & 35c 73.00 Third trick L. & 35c 73.00 Springfield, A. & 25c 73.00 Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Conneaut, day T. A. & 30c $ 85.00 Night T. A. & O 24c 70.00 Amboy, first trick L. & O 36c 76.00 Second trick L. & O 35c 73.00 Third trick L. & 35c 73.00 Kingsville, A. & 25c 73.00 Ashtabula (W> Tower First trick L. & 36c 76.00 Second trick L. & 35c 73.00 Third trick L. & 35c 73.00 Geneva Station, day T. A. & 0..29c 83.00 Unionville, A. & 26c 75.00 Madison, agent 26c 76.00 Madison Tr., first trick L. & 0..36c 76.00 Second trick L. & O 35c 73.00 Third trick L. & 35c 73.00 Perry, A. & O 27c 77.00 Painesville Depot, day T. A. & 0.29c 84.00 Painesville Tr., first trick L. & 0.39c 82.00 Second trick L. & 38c 80.00 Third trick L. & 38c 80.00 Mentor, agent 24c 70.00 Willoughby, agent 26c 74.00 Assistant agent 21c 60.00 Willoughby Tr., first trick L. & 0.36c 76.00 Second trick L. & 35c 73.00 Third trick L. & 35c 73.00 Wickliffe, A. & 26c "76.00 Regular relief agent 94.00 Regular relief leverman .. 90.00 Valley Branch. Laona, A. & 17c $ 47.50 Lily Dale, A. & 17c 47.50 Cassadaga, A. & 21c 60.00 Stnman 12c 35.00 Moons, A. & 17c 47.50 Sinclairville, A. & 20c 57.50 Stnman 12c 35.00 Gerry, A. & 21c 60.00 Falconer, A. & 24c 70.00 T. C. & O 23c 65.00 Frewsburg, A. & 20c 57.50 Russell, A. & 21c 60.00 Stnman 12c 35.00 North Warren, A. & 21c 60.00 Stnman 13c 36.50 Warren, T. A. & 23c 65.00 Irvineton, A. & 20c 57.50 Young.sville, A. & 22c 62.50 Stnman 12c 35.00 Garland, A. & 20c 57.50 Grand Valley, A. & 21c 60.00 Fieldmore Springs, A. & 21c 60.00 Titusville. T. A. & 23c 65.00 TOLEDO DIVISION. Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. (BR) Tower, first trick L. & 0..39c $ 81.00 Second trick L. & 36c 76.00 Third trick L. & 36c 76.00 Collinwood Shops, day C. & O 28c 80.00 Collinwood (NDj Off. first trick 0.41c 86.00 Second trick 40c 83.00 Third trick 40c 83.00 Collinwood Adams Ave. Tower First trick L. & O r...39c 82.00 Second trick L. & 37c 77.00 Third trick L. & 37c 77.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 435 Rate for Rate • Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Berea, first trick L. & 36c $ 76.00 Second trick L. & O 35c 72.00 Third trick L. & O ..35c 72.00 Olmsted Falls, A. & O ' 26c 75.00 Shawville, A. & 26c 75.00 Elyria Coal Chutes, first trick 0.88c 80.00 Second trick 36c 75.00 Third trick 36c 75.00 Elyria Jet., first trick L. & O 39c 81.00 Second trick L. & 36c 76.00 Third trick L. & 36c 76.00 Amherst, first trick L. & 36c 76.00 Second trick L. & O 35c 72.00 Third trick L. & 35c 72.00 Vermilion, first trick S. T. & 0.35c 72.00 Second trick S. T. & 34c • 70.00 Third trick S. T. & 34c 70.00 Ceylon, first T. A. & 36c 75.00 Second trick 32c 67.00 Third trick O 32c 67.00 Huron, first trick T. A. & 36c 75.00 Second trick T. C. & 32c 67.00 Third trick 32c 67.00 Sandusky, B. & O. Tower Day L. & 24c 70.00 Night L. & 24c 70.00 Sandusky Station, first trick 0..36c 85.00 Second trick O'. 34c 80.00 Bay Jet. Tje., first trick L. & 0..37c 77.00 Second trick L. & O 37c 77.00 Third trick L. & 37c 77.00 Venice, A. & 24c 70.00 Bay Bridge, agent 25c 73.00 First trick S. T. & 35c 72.00 Second trick S. T. & 34c 70.00 Third trick S. T. & 34c 70.00 Day drawbridge tender 23c 65.00 Night drawbridge tender 22c 62.00 Danbury, first trick S. T. & O 35c 72.00 Second trick S. T. & 34c 70.00 Third trick S. T. & 34c 70.00 Gypsum, A. & 24c 70.00 Port Clinton, first trick S. T. & 0.35c 72.00 Second trick S. T. & 34c 70.00 Third trick S. T. & 34c 70.00 Day drawbridge tender 23c 67.00 Night drawbridge tender 22c 62.00 La Carne, A. & 27c 77.00 Oak Harbor, agent 28c 80.00 First trick S. T. & 35c 72.00 Second trick S. T. & 34c 70.00 Third trick S. T. & 34c 70.00 Rocky Ridge, A. & 26c 75.00 Graytown, A. & 26c 75.00 First trick O. & S. T 35c 72.00 Second trick O. & S. T 34c 70.00 Third trick O. & S. T 34c 70.00 Martin, agent 28c 80.00 First trick O. & S. T 35c 72.00 Second trick O. & S. T 34c 70.00 Third trick O. & S. T 34c 70.00 Millbury, agent 26c 75.00 First trick L. & 36c 76.00 Second trick L. & 35c 72.00 Third trick L. & 35c 72.00 Oberlin, day T. A. & 36c 85.00 Night T. C. & 30c 70.00 Oberlin Tower, day L 20c 58.00 Night L 20c 56.00 Kipton, A. & 26c 75.00 Wakeman, agent 26c 75.00 Collins. A. & 26c 75.00 Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Norwalk, day T. A. & 36c $ 85.00 Night T. C. & 31c 73.00 Bellevue, day T. A. & 34c 80.00 Night T. C. & 30c 70.00 Clyde, first trick T. A. & 39c 82.00 Second trick T. C. & 34c 70.00 Third trick T. C. & O 34c 70.00 Fremont, first trick 34c 80.00 Second trick T. C. & 31c 72.00 Fremont (Electric Xing), day L..20c 58.00 Night L 20c 56.00 Lindsey, A. & O 26c 75.00 Elmore, agent 25c 73.00 Genoa, agent 27c 77.00 Genoa (Electric Xingj, day L 20c 58.00 Night L 20c 56,00 Short Line Jet. Tower First trick L. & O 35c 72.00 Second trick L. & O 33c 68.00 Third trick L. & 33c 68.00 Parma Tower, first trick L. & O. .30c 63.00 Second trick L. & O 30c 63.00 Third' trick L. & 30c 63.00 Regular relief agent 95.00 Re8^lla^ relief leverman 84.00 L. E. & P. RAILROAD. Rate for Sunday Station and Position. Work. Marcy, first trick Ph. C. & L 34c Second trick Ph. C. & L 33c Third trick Ph. C. & L 33c Northfield, first trick A. & Ph. C.32c Second trick Ph. C 32c Third trick Ph. C 32c Hugo, first trick A. & Ph. C 32c Second trick Ph. C 32c Third trick Ph. C 32c Rate per Month. $ 70.00 68.00 68.00 67.00 67.00 67.00 67.00 67.00 67.00 MICHIGAN DIVISION. Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Vickers, first trick L. & 37c $ 77.00 Second trick L. & 35c 73.00 Third trick L. & O....' 35c 73.00 Oakdale Ave., first trick L 37c 77.00 Second trick L 36c 76.00 Third trick L 36c 76.00 Fassett Street, first trick L 34c 71.50 Second trick L 33c 69.00 Third trick L 33c 69.00 Maumee River Bdg., first trick L.36c 75.00 Second trick L 36c 75.00 Third trick L 36c 75.00 Wabash Tower, first trick L. . . . . .37c 78.00 First trick L 36c 75.00 Second trick L 37c 78.00 Second trick L..." 36c 75.00 Third trick L 37c 78.00 Broadway, first trick L 35c 74.00 Second trick L 34c 70.00 Third trick L 33c 69.00 Swan Creek, first trick L 37c 77.00 Second trick L 36c 76.00 Third trick L 35c 74.00 Air Line Junction, operator 27c 78.00 Nasby Tower, first trick L. & O. .37c 77.00 Second trick L. & O 35c 73.00 Third trick L. & 35c 73.00 436 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Montli. Holland, first trick A., O. & S. T..37c $ 77.00 Second trick O. & S. T 34c 71.00 Third trick O. & S. T 33c 69.00 Swanton, freight agent 23c 67.00 First trick T. A. & 32c 74.00 Second trick T. C. & 29c 69.00 Delta, freight agent 26c 75.00 First trick T. A. & 32c 74.00 Second trick T. C. & 29c 69.00 Wauseon, Wabash Tower, day L.21c 59.00 Night L 21c 59.00 Wauseon, D. T. & L Tower First trick L. & O 37c 78.00 Second trick L. & 35c 73.00 Third trick L. & 35c 73.00 Wauseon Station, day T. A. & 0.29c 83.00 Pettisville, A. & O 26c 74.00 Archbold, agent 25c 71.00 Day O. & C 29c 69.00 Night 29c 69.00 Stryker, agent 25c 71.00 Day T. A. & 32c 74.00 Night T. C. & 29c 69.00 Bryan Tower, first trick L. & O. .37c 77.00 Second trick L. & 35c 72.00 Third trick L. & 35c 72.00 Melbern, A. & 26c 74.00 Edgerton, day T. A. & 28c 81.00 First trick S. T. & 34c 71.50 Second trick S. T. & 34c 71.50 Third trick S. T. & 34c 71.50 Butler, Wabash Tower, day L 21c 59.00 Night L 21c 59.00 Jiutler Station, day T. A. & O 26c 74.00 Waterloo Station, day T. A 23c 67.00 Waterloo Tr., first trick L. & O. . .37c 78.00 Second trick L. & 35c 73.00 Third trick L. & 35c 73.00 Corunna, A. & 31c 73.00 Day T. C. & 29c 69.00 Kendallville, day T. A 29c 83.00 First trick L. & 37c 77.00 Second trick L. & O ' 35c 72.00 Third trick L. & 35c 72.00 Brimfield, A. & O ..26c 74.00 Wawaka, A. & 26c 74.00 Ligonier, first trick T. A. & O..40c 84.00 Second trick T. C. & 0......34c 70.50 Third trick T. C. & 34c 70.00 Millersburg, A. & 27c 78.00 Goshen Depot, day T. A 28c 79.00 Goshen Tower, first trick. L. & 0.37c 77.00 Second trick L. & O 35c 72.00 Third trick L. & 35c 72.00 Wagon Works, 1st trk T. A. & 0.43c 89.00 Second trick T. C. & 34c 71.00 Third trick T. C. & 34c 70.00 West Toledo, A. & 32c 92.00 (Zj Tower, first trick L. & O 39c 82.00 Second trick L. & 37c 77.00 Third trick L. & 37c 77.00 Vulcan Tower, first trick L 34c 70.00 Second trick L 34c 70.00 Third trick L' 34c 70.00 Regular relief towerman, To- ' ledo Territory '. . . . 60.00 Sylvania, A. & 32c 75.00 C. & 29c 68.00 Ottawa Lake, A. & 26c 75.00 Riga. A. & 24c 70.00 Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Blissfleld, agent 26c $75.00 First trick T. A. & 35c 72.00 Second trick T. C. & 33c 68.00 Third trick T. C. & 33c 68.00 Grosvenor, A. & 25c 72.00 Palmyra, A. & 24c 70.00 I.ienawee Junction, agent 26c 75.00 First trick T. A. & 36c 75.00 Third trick T. C. & O 33c 68.00 Adrian, Wabash Tower, day L..21c 59.50 Night L 21c 59.50 Adrian Station, first trick O 42c 87.50 Second trick O 36c 76.00 Third trick O .' 34c 71.00 Adrian, D. T. & J. Tower, day L.20c 58.00 Night L 20c 58.00 Cadmus, A. & 25c 72.00 Clayton, A. & 31c 73.00 Day C. & 29c 68.00 Hud-son, day T. A. & 34c 81.00 Night T. C. & O .29c 68.00 Pittsford, A. & 32c 77.00 Day C. & 29c 68.00 Osseo, A. & O 30c 70.00 Operator 26c 62.00 Hillsdale, first trick 41c 86.50 Second trick 36c 76.00 Third trick 33c- 68.00 Ft. Wayne Jet., first trick L. & 0.36c 75.00 Second trick L. & 34c 70.00 Third trick L. & 34c 70.00 Jonesville, day T. A. & 33c 78.00 Night T. C. & 30c 70.00 Jonesville G.W. Off., ass't A. & 0.24c 70.00 Allen, A. & 25c 73.00 Quincy, agent 2Sc 80.00 Day T. A. & O 33c 78.00 Night T. C. & 29c 68.00 Coldwater, day T. A. & 40c 83.00 Night T. C. & O 33c 68.00 Day C. & 33c 68.00 Batavia, A. & O , 24c 70.00 Bronson, agent 27c 78.00 T. A. & 33c 78.00 Night T. C. & 29c 68.00 Burr Oak, agent 27c 78.00 Day T. A. & 33c 78.00 Night T. C. & 29c 68.00 Sturgis, day T. A. & 35c 83.00 Night T. C. & 29c 68.00 Klinger Lake, A. & 24c 68.00 White Pigeon, first trk T. A. & 0.37c 78.00 Second trick T. C. & 34c 70.00 Third trick T. C. & 33c 68.00 Vistula, A. & 24c 70.00 Bristol, A. & 36c 75.00 Da V C. & O 33c 68.00 Night C. & 33c 68.00 Con.ctantine, A. & 27c 78.00 Day stationman 19c 56.00 Three River.s. day T. A. & O 35c 83.00 Night T. C. & 29c 68.00 Aloorepark, A. & 24c 70.00 Flowerfield. A. &0 24c 70.00 Schoolcraft, agent 25c 73.00 Day C. & 23c 65.00 Kalamazoo, first trick C. & O 35c 72.08 Second trick C. & 35c 72.00 Third trick C. & 34c 70.00 Kalamazoo South Yard, day 0..24c 68.00 Cooper, day 23c 65.00 Plainwell, agent 25c 72.00 Day C. & 24c 70.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 437 Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Otsego, day T. A. & 27c $ 78.00 Allegan, day T. A. & 33c 78.00 Operator 26c 62.00 Hopkins, A. & 25c 72.00 Hilliards, A. & 24c 70.00 Dorr, A. & 24c 70.00 Byron Center, A. & 24c 68.00 Wentworth, day 23c 65.00 Grand Rapids, first trk T. A. & 0.41c 86.00 Second trick T. C. & 36c 75.00 Third trick C. & 34c 70.00 Middlebury, A. & 24c 68.00 Shipshewana. A. & 24c 68.00 WESTERN DIVISION. Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Elkhart Station, day 44c $91.50 First trick 41c 85.00 Second trick 38c 80.00 Third trick 38c 80.00 Elkhart (B) Off., first trk L. & 0.39c 82.00 Second trick L. & 37c 77.50 Third trick L. & 36c 75.50 Elkhart (B. C.) Off., day 30c 86.50 Elkhart (W. G.) Office First trick L. & 38c 79.00 Second trick L. & 36c 75.00 Third trick L. & O 36c 75.00 Osceola, A. & 27c 78.00 Mi.shawaka, day T. A. & 30c 86.00 South Bend, day 30c 87.50 Three I. Cross., first trick L. & 0.37c 77.00 Second trick I.. & O .'. . .35c 73.00 Third trick L. & 35c 73.00 Lydick Tower, first trick L. & 0.36c 75.00 Second trick L. & 35c 72.00 Third trick L. & 35c 72.00 New Carlisle, A. & 30c 87.50 Day helper and O 24c 68.50 Rolling Prairie trick A., O. & S. T 40c 84.00 Second trick T. C. O. & S. T.34c 71.50 Third trick T. C, O. & S. T.34c 71.50 L. E. & W. Crossing First trick O. & L : 37c 77.00 Second trick O. & L 35c 74.00 Third trick O. & L 35c 73.00 P. M. Crossing, first trick L. & 0.37c 77.00 Second trick L. & 35c 73.00 Third trick L. & 35c 73.00 Pinola, agent and C. D. foreman.27c 76.50 Durham, first trick O. & S. T 34c 71.50 Second trick O. & S. T 34c 71.50 Third trick O. & 3. T 34c 71.50 Oti.s. first trick O. & L 37c 77.00 Second trick O. & L 35c 73.00 Third trick O. & L 35c 73.00 Burdick, A. & 26c 76.00 Chesterton, 1st trk T. C, C. & 0.25c 72.00 Second trick T. C. & 24c 69.50 Porter, first trick C. & 18c 38.00 Second trick C. & 17ic 36.50 Third trick C. & 17ic 36.50 Norwood, first trick O 34c 71.50 Second trick 33c 69.00 Third trick 33c 69.00 First trick L 31c 65.00 Second trick L 31c 65.00 Third trick L 31c 65.00 Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Millers, first trick A. & 37c % 76.50 Second trick T. C. & 34c 70.00 Third trick T. C. & 34c 70.00 Pine, first trick O. & L, 40c 82.50 Second trick O. «& L.\ 37c 77.50 Third trick O. & L 37c 77.50 Indiana Harbor First trick T. A. & 30c 86.00 Second trick T. C. & 27c 77.50 B. & O. Tower, day L 29c 84.00 Night L 29c 84.00 West Tower, first trick L 40c 84.00 Second trick L 40c 84.00 Third trick L 38c 79.00 Whiting Tower, first trick L 37c 78.00 Second trick L 36c 76.00 Third trick L 36c 75.00 South Chicago, first trick O. & L.38c 80.00 Second trick O. & L 38c 80.00 Third trick O. & L 38c 80.00 71st St., first trick O. & L 38c 80.00 Second trick O. & L 38c 80.00 Third trick O. & L 38c 80.00 Bnglewood, day 30c 86.50 Stock Yards Ofl^ce, day C. & O..30c 86.50 Regular relief operator 85.00 Regular relief towerman 86.00 FRANKLIN DIVISION. Rate for Sunday Station and Position. Work. Oil City, first trick T. A. & O 40c Second trick O., T. & Frt. C. .35c Third trick O. & C 34c Reno, A. & 24c Franklin, first trick 38c Second trick 35c Third trick O. & C 34c Polk, A. & 24c Clerk 21c Polk Jet. Tr., 1st trk O., L. & C.36c Second trick L. & 35c Third trick L. & 35c Raymilton, first trick A. & O 24c Sandy Lake, A. & 24c Stoneboro, first trick 40c Second trick 36c Third trick 34c Clarks Mill, A. & 24c Hadley, A. & 24c, first trick L. & 37c Second trick L. & 35c Third trick L. & 35c Osgood, agent 29c Day T. A., O. & C 27c Jamestown, agent 27c Day O. & C 27c Simons. A. & 23c Andover, T. A. & 20c Tower, first trick L. & 38c Second trick L. & 36c Third trick L. & 36c Thorn Hill, first trick L. & O 37c Second trick L. & 36c Third trick L. & 36c Doughton Jet., first trick L. & 0.37c Second trick L. & 36c Third trick L. & 36c Coalburg, day A. & 24c Brookfield. first trick L. & O 37c Second trick L. & 35c Third trick L. & 35c Rate per Month. $ 82.50 72.50 70.00 70.00 80.00 72.50 70.00 70.00 60.00 76.00 74.00 74.00 70.00 70.00 82.50 75.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 77.50 73.00 73.00 82.50 77.50 78.00 78.00 65.00 58.00 78.50 75.00 75.00 77.50 75.00 75.00 77.50 75.00 75.00 70.00 77.50 74.00 74.00 438 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Tyrell, A. & 25c $ 72.50 Fowler, A. & 25c 72.50 Kinsman, T. A. & 27c 77.50 Wiiliamsfield, A. & 26c 75.00 Leon, A. & 25c 72.50 Dorset Station, A. & 25c 72.50 Tower, first trick L., O. & C 38c 80.00 Second trick L. & 36c 76.00 Third trick L. & 36c 76.00 Jefferson, first trick T. A. & 0..34c 80.00 Second trick T. C. & 30c 70.00 Carson,- first trick L. & 37c 77.50 Second trick L. & 36c 75.00 Third trick L. & 36c 75.00 (OD> Tower, first trick L 38c 80.00 First trick L 37c 77.50 Second trick L 38c 80.00 Second trick L 37c 77.50 Tliird trick L 38c .80.00 Third trick L 37c 77.50 Ashtabula Harbor Bridge, day L.24c 68.00 Night L 24c 68.00 (.SDj Depot, first trick 30c 86.00 Ashtabula West Yard, day O 25c 72.50 Latimer, first trick L. & 37c 77.50 Second trick L. & O 35c 73.00 Third trick L. & 35c 73.00 Belmar, T. A., O. & C 24c 70.00 Van, A. & O 24c 70.00 Elmo, A. & O 24c 70.00 Shippenville, A. & O 24c 70.00 Limestone, A. & 24c 70.00 Sutton, A. & O ■ 24c 70.00 Regular relief agent 90.00 DETROIT DIVISION. Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Detroit Prt. Office, O. & C 26c $ 76.00 Trenton Interl. first trick L. & 0.38c 80.00 Second trick L. & O 36c 76.00 Third trick L. & 36c 76.00 Trenton, A. & 27c 77.00 Rockwood, day A.,0. & pumpman.39c 82.00 DN. T. A. & O 34c 70.00 Third trick 33c 68.00 Newport, first trick A. & 37c 77.00 Second trick O. & C 33c 68.00 Third trick 33c 68.00 Monroe (Elec. Csg.), day L 16c 45.00 Night L 16c 45.00 Monroe, first trick T. A. & O 41c 85.00 Second trick O. & T. C 35c 73.00 Third trick 33c 68.00 Vienna, first trick A. & 35c 73.00 Second trick O. & C 33c 68.00 Third trick O. & C 33c 68.00 Monroe (P. M. Csg.), day L 22c 62.00 Night L 21c 60.00 Strasburg, agent 22c 64.00 Ida, A. & 25c 71.00 Petersburg, A. & 25c 71.00 Deerfield, A. & 26c 75.00 Lenawee Jet., 2d trk T. C. & 0.35c 72.00 Tecumseh, day T. A. & 26c 75.00 DN. T., Frt. C. & 22c 62.00 Clinton, A. & 25c 73.00 Day O. & C 29c 68.00 DN. O. & C 29c 67.00 Manchester, day T. A. & 34c 80.00 DN. T., Frt. C. & 29c 68.00 Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Norvell, A. & 30c $ 71.00 DN. O. & C 29c 67.00 Napoleon. A. & 25c 73.00 Ogden, A. & 22c 63.50 Jasper, A. & 24c 70.00 Weston, A. & 25c 72.00 Morenci, A. & 30c 85.00 Fayette, A. & O 26c 76.00 LANSING DIVISION. Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Lansing, T. A. & 27c $ 78.00 Dimondale, A. & 25c 72.50 Eaton Rapids, A. & O 30c 86.00 Stationman 19c 54.00 Springport, A. & 28c 81.00 StationmaCn 17c 49.00 Devereaux, A. & 24c 69.00 Albion, agent 34c 96.50 O. & C 27c 77.50 Homer, A. & 27c 78.50 Stationman 17c 49.00 Litchfield, A. & 27c 78.50 .Stationman 19c .55.00 Jackson, day O. & C 26c 75.00 Night O. & C 24c 68.00 Horton, agent 23c 65.00 Hanover, A. & 34c 81.00 C. & 27c 62.50 Mosherville, A. & 26c 76.00 Bankers, A. & 24c 69.00 Reading, A. & 31c 90.00 C. & 23c 65.00 Montgomery, agent 26c 74.00 Day C. & 27c 62.50 Night C. & O 27c 62.50 Ray, A. & 26c 75.00 Stationman 18c 51.00 Fremont, A. & 37c 88.00 C. & 28c 65.00 Angola, agent 32c 92.00 Day T. A. & 35c 83.00 DN. O. & C 28c 66.00 Pleasant Lake, agent 29c 84.00 Day O. & C 28c 66.00 Night 27c 63.50 Summit, A. & O 24c 70.00 Auburn, agent 32c 91.00 Day T. A. & 7 35c 83.00 DN. O. & C 30c , 70.00 Auburn Jet., A. & O 36c 83.50 C. & 25c 58.00 New Era, A. & 23c 65.00 Fort "Wayne, first trick O. & C..194c 40.50 Second trick O. & C 19ic 40.50 Third trick O. & C 19c 39.50 North Yard, operator llic 32.50 North Adams, A. & 31c 73.50 C. & O 27c 62.50 Jerome, A. & 24c 67.50 Somerset Center, A. & 23c 65.00 Somerset, A. & 23c 65.00 Woodstock, agent 21c 61.50 Brooklyn, A. & 24c 70.00 Stationman 17c 49.00 Bridgewater, A. & 24c 68.50 Saline. A. & 26c 75.00 Stationman 17c 49.00 Ypsilanti. A. & 32c 93.00 O. C 22c 62.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 439 Dundee Branch. Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Moscow, A. & O..- 23c $66.00 Addison, A. & 25c 71.00 Stationnian 17c 50.00 Onsted, A. & 25c 71.00 Stationman 17c 50.00 Tipton, A. & 22c 62.50 Tecumseh Jet., agent 29c 84.50 First tricli O. & C .33c 69.00 Second trick O. & C 33c 68.00 Third trick O. & C 33c 68.00 Ridgeway, A. & O . .' 21c 61.50 Britton, A. & O ..23c 65.00 Rea, A. & 22c 62.50 ALLIANCE DIVISION. Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Newton, Falls, A. & 24c $ 70.00 C. & 20c 56.00 Palmyra, A. & 24c 67.50 Davis, A. & 23c 66.00 Deerfleld, A. & 24c 70.00 North Benton, A. & 23c 66.00 Alliance Yards, first trick O 35c 73.50 Second trick 31c 65.00 Third trick 30c 62.50 Mt. Union, A. & 24c 68.00 Freeburg, A. & 32c 67.50 Second trick 29c 60.00 Third trick O., 29c 60.00 Paris, A. .fe 24c 67.50 Minerva, agent , 26c 76.00 First trick C. & 31c 65.00 Second trick C. & O 31c 65.00 Third trick C. & 30c 63.00 Augxista, A. & 24c 67.50 Watheys, Blk. O 21c 60.00 Meclianicstown, A. & 24c 67.50 Wattsville, A. & 23c 66.00 Bergholz, agent 26c 76.00 First trick C. & 31c 65.00 Second trick C. & 31c 65.00 Third trick C. & 30c 63.00 Amsterdam, agent 24c 70.00 li^rst trick C. & 31c 64.00 Second trick C. & 31c 64.00 Third trick C. & 30c 63.00 Gormano, A. & 23c 67.00 Hopcdale, A. & 23c 67.00 Piney Fork, A. & 26c 76.00 First trick C. & 31c 65.00 Second trick C. & O 31c 65.00 Third trick C. & 30c 63.00 Dillonvale, A. & 32c 75.00 C. & 28c 65.00 ILLINOIS DIVISION. Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Olivers, first trick 36c $76.00 Second trick 35c 74.00 Third trick 35c 74.00 Ginger Hill, first trick 25c 59.00 Second trick 25c 59.00 North Liberty, A. & O 24c 68.00 Tower, day L 19c 55.00 Night O. & L 23c 66.00 Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Posilicn. Work. Month. Walkerton, agent 28c $ 81.00 trick 31c 64.00 Second trick 31c 64.00 Third trick 31c 64.00 Hamlet, A. & 26c 75.00 Knox, agent 30c 85.00 First trick 28c 65.00 Second trick O 27c 63.00 North Judson, agent 30c 87.00 First trick 34c 70.00 Second trick 32c 67.50 Third trick 31c 66.00 San Pierre, A. & 22c 63.00 Gates 5.00 Tefft, A. & 22c 63.00 Wheatfield, A. & 28c 66.00 Pump 10.00 Second trick 27c 63.00 DeMotte, A. & 22c 63.00 Illinoi, A. & 23c 65.00 C. & E. I. Jet., first trick O. & L.33c 68.00 Second trick O. & L 33c 68.00 Third trick O. & L 33c 68.00 Momence, A. & 36c 84.00 C. & 31c 73.00 Exline, day O, 23c 65.00 Kankakee, operator 35c 83.00 Operator 33c 77.00 Goodrich, A. & 23c 65.00 Union Hill, A. & 22c 62.00 Pump 10.00 Reddick, A. &. 25c 72.00 Dwight, A. & 38c 89.00 C. & 32c 74.00 Budd, A. & O 23c 65.00 Streator, first trick O 36c 76.00 Second trick O 35c 74.00 Third trick 36c 76.00 Milla, day 23c 65.00 Lostant Tower, day L 19c 55.00 Night O. & L 23c 67.00 Station. A. & O 25c 73.00 McNabb, A. & O 24c 68.00 Granville, agent 28c 81.00 First trick 33c 69.00 Second trick O 32c .67.00 Third trick 31c 64.00 Moronts, A. & 24c 68.00 De Pue, agent 32c 91.00 First trick O. & C 31c 66.00 Second trick O. & C 31c 66.00 Third trick O. & C 31c 66.00 Howe, T. C. & O , 23c 66.00 Seatonville. A. & 36c 76.00 Second trick O 30c 63.00 Third trick 30c 63.00 Ladd. agent 30c 85.00 First trick 32c 67.00 Second trick 32c 67.00 Gib-son, operator 38c 89.00 Operator .38c 89.00 Highlands Tower, day L 22c 62.00 Night L. & 23c 67.00 Highlands, A. & 23c 66.00 St. John, A. & O 25c 73.00 Cook, A. & 24c 68.00 North Hayden, agent 24c 68.00 Night O 21c 59.00, "a. & 22c 64.00 Schneider, agent 34c 97.00 Tower, first trick O. & L 36c 76.00 Second trick O. & L 36c 76.00 Third trick O. & L 36c 76.00 440 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Conrad, A. & 29c $67.00 Second trick 25c 69.00 Enos, A. & 23c 67.00 Morocco, agent 25c 72.00 Pump 10.00 Tower, first trick O. & L 31c 66.00 Second trick O. & L 31c 66.00 Third trick O. & L 31c 66.00 Ade, A. & 24c 70.00 Kentland, agent 30c 87.00 Operator 24c 70.00 Sheff, agent 32c 91.00 Tower, first trick O. & L 35c 74.00 Second trick O. & L 35c 74.00 Third trick O. & L 35c 74.00 FVee, A. & 23c 67.00- Dunn, A. & 32c 67.00 Second trick 30c 63.00 Third trick 30c 63.00 Handy, A., O. & L 38c 80.00 Second trick O. & L 31c 66.00 Third trick O. & L 31c 65.00 Rate for Rate Sunday per Station and Position. Work. Month. Tah, A. & 33c $ 69.00 Pump 10.00 Second trick 30c 63.00 Third trick 30c 63.00 Stewart, A., O. & L 24c 68.00 Night L 19c 55.00 Sloan, agent 23c 65.00 Tower, first trfck O. & L 31c 65.00 Second trick O. & L 31c 65.00 Third trick O. & L 31c 65.00 Allison, A. & 24c 68.00 Campbell, A. & 33c 68.00 Pump 10.00 Second trick 30c 63.00 Third trick O .■ 30c 63.00 F. H. WILSON, General Superintendent. P. M. SMITH, General Superintendent. Approved: A. S. INGALLS, Asst. General Manager. The New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Company (EFFECTIVE MARCH 1, 1916.) WAGE SCALE. Minimum rate of pay for positions shown herein shall be $65.00 per month, exclusive of overtime. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Buffalo, city ticket office $ 97. 20 Buffalo Jet., first trick operator (mgr.) 80.50 Middle trick operator 74.50 Second trick operator 74.50 Third trick operator 74.50 Tifft Yard, first trick operator 74.50 Second trick operator 74.50 Third trick operator 74.50 West Seneca, first trick operator 70.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Angola, first trick operator 70.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Irving, second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Silver Creek, first trick operator 74.50 Second trick operator 74.50 Third trick operator 74.50 West End Double Track First trick opr. and targetman . . 80.50 Second trick opr. and targetman.. 80.50 Third trick opr. and targetman.. 80.50 Dunkirk Depot, day operator 77.25 Brocton, agent 77.25 Clerk and operator 70.00 Brocton Yard, fir:;t trick operator 74.50 Second trick operator 74.50 Third trick operator 74.50 Portland, agent and operator 86.00 Westfleld, agent 90.00 First trick operator 70.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Station and Position. Rate per Month. Ripley, agent $ 90.00 First trick operator. . : 70.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 State Line, agent 68.00 North East, first trick operator 72.00 Second trick operator 72.00 Third trick operator 72.00 Moorheads, agent and -operator 70.00 Harbor Creek, agent and operator 72.00 Erie, day operator and ticket agent.. 80.50 Second trick operator 74.50 Third trick operator 74.50 Cascade, first trick operator 72.00 Second trick operator 72.00 Third trick operator 72.00 Esmer, first trick operator 72.00 Second trick operator 72.00 Swanville, agent and operator 72.00 Fairview, agent and operator 74.50 Wallace Jet., first trick operator.... 74.50 Second trick operator 74.50 Third trick operator 74.50 Girard, agent 70.00 Elk Creek, agent 65.00 Thornton Jet., agent and operator. . . . 74.50 Second trick opr. and targetman . . 70.00 Third trick opr. and targetman.. 70.00 Springfield, agent and operator 72.00 Crayton, agent and operator 70.00 Conneaut Dlsp. Off., first trick opr... 84.75 . Second trick operator 84.75 Third trick operator 84.75 Relief agent 97.20 Copiers 84.75 Conneaut Yard, first trick opr. (mgr. ) 80.50 Middle trick operator 74.60 Second trick operator 74.60 Third trick operator 74.60 Schedules and Wage Scales. 441 Rate per Station and Position. Month. King-sville, agent and operator $ 77.25 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Ashtabula, clerk and operator 74.00 Ashtabula Siding:, first trick operator. 70.50 Second trick operator 70.50 Third trick operator 70.50 Saybrook, agent and operator 70.00 Geneva, agent and operator 94.00 Unionville, agent and operator........ 70.00 Madison, agent 75.50 First trick operator 70.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Perry, agent and operator 72.00 Painesville, first trick operator 70.50 Second trick operator _..... 70.50 Third trick operator 70.50 Mentor, agent and operator 74.50 Willoughby, agent and operator 88.50 Night operator 70.00 Wickliffe, agent and operator 74.50 Euclid, agent 90.75 First trick operator 70.50 Second trick operator 70.50 Third trick operator 70.50 Woodland, first trick operator 74.50 Second trick operator 74.50 Third trick operator 74.50 East End Double Track, first trick opr. 74.50 Second trick operator 74.50 Third trick operator 74.50 Cleveland Gen. Office, manager 104.75 - Operators 94.00 Operators 82.00 Cleveland Disp. Office, relief agent... 97.20 Copiers 84.75 Cleveland Yard, first trick opr. (mg*'.) 84.75 Second trick operator. . •. 84.75 Third trick operator 84.75 Operator 84.75 Rocky River, a gent 90.00 First trick operator 74.50 Second trick operator 74.50 Third trick operator 74.50 Dover, agent and operator '72.00 Avon, agent and operator 72.00 Sheffield, day operator and clerk 74.50 South Lorain, clerk and operator 75.50 East Lorain, first trick operator 74.50 Second trick operator 74.50 Third trick operator ( 74.50 Vermilion, agent 83.00 First trick operator 70.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Berlin Heights, agent and operator 70.00 Shinrock, agent and operator 72.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator - 70.00 Avery, agent and operator 74.50 Kimball, agent 74.00 First trick opr. and targetman 70.50 Second trick opr. and targetman.. 70.50 Third trick opr. and targetman.. 70.50 Bellevue Yard, first trick opr. (mgr.) 80.50 Middle trick operator 74.50 Second trick operator 74.50 Third trick operator 74.60 Bellevue Depot, first trick operator. . 80.50 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Colby, agent and operator $ 72.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Green Springs, agent and operator.... 70.00 Green Springs Jet. First trick opr. and targetman.. 74.50 Second trick opr. and targetman.. 70.00 Third trick opr. and targetman.. 70.00 Old Fort, agent and operatoi- 72.00 Narlo, agent and operator 90.00 Clerk and operator 65.00 Maple Grove, agent and operator 77.25 Second trick opr. and targetman.. 70.00 Third trick opr. and targetman.. 70.00 Hers, agent and operator 70.00 Fostoria, first trick operator (mgrr.).. 80.50 Second trick operator 74.50 Tliird trick operator 74.50 Arcadia, Agent and operator 72.00 Second trick operator 70.00 IMortimer, agent 85.00 First trick operator 70.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 McComb, agent 32.50 First trick operator 70.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Townwood, agent and operator 70.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Leipsic Jet., first trick operator 80.50 Second trick operator 74.50 Third trick operator 74.50 West Leipsic, agent and operator. . . . 90.00 Millers City, agent and operator 72.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Kiefersville, agent and operator 68.50 Continental, first trick operator 80.50 Second trick operator 74.50 Third trick operator 74.50 Oakwood, agent and operator 74.50 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Melrose, agent and operator 68.50 Broughton, agent and operator 74.50 T^atty, first trick opr. and targetman.. 70.00 Second trick opr. and targetman.. 70.00 Third trick opr. and targetman.. 70.00 Briceton, agent and operator 72.00 Worstville, agent and operator 68.50 Payne, first trick operator 70.50 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Edgerton. agent and operator 72.00 New Haven, agent 85.00 First trick operator 70.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Ft. Wayne Disp. Off., first trick opr. 84.75 Middle trick operator 84.75 Second trick operator 84.75 Third trick .operator 84.75 Middle trick operator 84.75 Relief agents 97.20 Copiers 84.75 Ft. Wayne Yard, first trick opr. (mgr.) 80.50 Second trick operator 74.60 Third trick operator 74.50 Dunfee, agent and operator 72.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Raber, agent and operator 68.50 Peabody, agent and operator 32.00 442 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rato per Station and Position. Month. South Whitleyr agent $ 75.00 trick operator 70.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Sidney, agent and operator 72.00 Packertown, agent and operator 72.00 Claypool, agent 82.50 First trick operator 70.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Burket, agent and operator 72.00 Alentone, agent and operator 77.25 Tippecanoe, agent and operator 72.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Argos, agent 75.00 First trick operator 70.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Hibbard, agent and operator 82.75 Second trick opr. and targetman.. .70.35 Third trick opr. and targetman.. 70.35 Burr Oak, agent and operator 70.00 Ober, agent and operator 68.50 Knox, agent 102.50 First trick operator 74.50 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Brems, agent and operator 72.00 Thomaston, agent, opr. and targetman 72.00 South Wanatah, agent 75.00 First trick opr. and targetman.. 70.00 Second trick opr. and targetman.. 70.00 Third trick opr. and targetman.. 70.00 Valparaiso, agent 97.00 First trick operator 70.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 Wheeler, agent and operator 72.00 Hobart, agent 90.00 First trick operator 70.00 Second trick operator 70.00 Third trick operator 70.00 South Gary, agent 81.00 Day operator and targetman 68.50 East End Double Track, first trick opr. 74.50 Second trick operator 74.50 Third trick operator 74.50- Osborn, first trick operator 72.50 Second trick operator 72.50 Third trick operator 72.50 Hammond, first trick operator 74.50 Second trick operator 74.50 Burnham, agent 84.00 Day operator 74.50 Stony Island, first trick opr. (mgr.;.. 80.50 Middle trick operator 74.50 Second trick operator 74.50 Third trick operator 74.50 U. S, Yards, clerk and operator 72.50 Chicago, freight house 94.00 ■City Office 94.00 A.«st. city ticket agent and opr... 85.25 RULE I. The following rules will apply to employes of the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Rail- road at the positions shown in the accom- panying wage scale. When additional position.^ of like character are ^created compensation, duties and hours of .'-•ervice will be arranged in conformity with positions of the same relative impor- tance covered by this schedule. RULE II. Promotions or assignments shall only be made when vacancies occur or when new positions are established, and shall be gov- erned by fitness and age in the service, de- termination of the matter to be in accord- ance with Rule 127, Company Book of Rules. At the end of each calendar month notice shall be given by bulletin of all vacancies in positions shown in the wage scale. The oldest telegrapher in the service applying for any one position with sufficient ability will be entitled to the assignment. All bulletins of vacancies will be sent to all offices shown in the wage scale, and the proper official will acknowledge receipt of all applications by letter notice, specifying the successful applicants, sending copy to local chairman. Applications for such positions must be made within ten (10> days, assign- ments to be made within three (3) days thereafter, and same to be filled within twenty (20) days from date of bulletin. Telegraphers in general office, Cleveland, Ohio, will be advanced according to seniority as vacancies occur, and only the last trick advertised. In case of reduction of force they will be set back in the same order in which they entered the office, retaining sen- iority on the division from which trans- ferred. Vacancies in last trick in this office will be advertised on all divisions. Vacancies in agencies will be bulletined for seven (7) days at the time such vacan- cies occur, application to be made within ten (10) days and position to be filled within twenty "(20) days after date of bulletin. Applications may be made for one or more vacancies. Those declining promotion to any position will not forfeit right to it or any other position when va.cancies occur. In the event of a reduction of force at any tele- graph station, the telegraphers at that sta- tion will move back on tricks according to age in service, retaining their rate of pay, and it shall be the junior telegrapher in the service who shall be displaced at that station. In increasing the force at any sta- tion, the last trick will be considered the new position and will be filled in accordance with the first paragraph of this rule, the telegraphers at such stations moving up on tricks. Telegraphers whose positions have been abolished may take the positions of the youngest regular appointed telegrapher and retain their seniority. A list of telegraphers covered by this schedule will be prepared semi-annually on the first day of January and July, or as soon thereafter as practicable, according to age in the service, and four copies furnished the telegraphers' committee. A telegrapher may obtain his standing on application to the superintendent of telegraph. RULE III. No telegrapher will be suspended or dis- charged without just cause. Within ten days of suspension or discharge, if telegra- pher chooses, he will have the right to be heard by the proper division officer, and will have the right to summon witnesses Schedules and Wage Scales. 443 who will have a fair and impartial examina- tion. In cases of conflicting testimony, those' whose evidence conflicts, may be examined tog-ether. If exonerated from blame, he will be reinstated and paid for time lost. He .«hall be notified as promptly as possible of the decision made. He has the privilege of appealing to higher offlcers of the com- pany. RULH IV. (Effective August 1st, 1916.) Telegraphers will only be required to per- form such work on Sundays as may be necessary to protect the company's interest, but when required to perform any service on Sundays will be paid overtime pro rata based on calendar month for all such serv- ice in addition to their regular wages. The Sunday hours shall be within the regularly assigned weekday hours and shall be con- , secutive. An allowance of 50 cents will be paid for reporting on duty for Sunday service, this to Include the first hour's service. This al- lowance does not apply if entire trick is worked. RULE V. Telegraphers covered by this agreement who have been in the service for one year or longer, and who are required to be on duty daily, will be permitted to enjoy the same privilege and under the same condi- tions -as to vacations as employes in other departments of the service, namely twelve (12) working days in any one year. In the case of extra operators, not regularly as- signed, where they have worked 75 per cent of the time in any one year, con- .^ideration will' be given as to vacation al- lowance. When a regularly assigned telegrapher is relieved for a period of one (1) week or more, the next ranking telegrapher in the office affected will be entitled to fill the position during such absence, provided such changes can be made within the hours of service law, but will not be entitled to any overtime or other allowance for doubling in order to make such changes. This does not apply to relief of agents, except where the service of relief agent is not avail- able. RULE VI. Telegraphers acting as witnesses, or at- tending court under instruction from any official of the company, will be allowed their expenses and the actual time which would have been earned by them if on duty. If .such attendance is outside of regularly as- signed hours, actual time at overtime rate will be allowed; and all mileage and other fees earned by such attendance shall be re- mitted to the company. RULE VII. At stations where one telegrapher is em- ployed in 24 hours. eleven consecutive hours commencing between 6:00 and 8:00 a. m. or 6:00 and 8:00 p. m., including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. In two-i.trick offices nine (9) consecutive hours, including meal hour, shall constitute a day's work. In three (3) or more trick offices, eight (8) consecutive hours without any right of meal time shall constitute a day's work. On tricks of over nine (9) hoiu-s the meal hour shall be between 11:30 and 1:30, day or night. If not relieved sixty (60) con- secutive minutes within the time specified, one hour overtime will be allowed. "When meal hour is missed, thirty (30) minutes will be allowed for lunch at first oppor- tunity. Time for meals on tricks of eight (8> hours or less will be granted when it can be done without detriment to the service. Dispatcher will advise telegrapher when al- lowing him to go, how long he may be out, and if this is not done, time will be one hour. Agents required to perform any service after expiration of regular assigned hours will be allowed overtime computed as per Rule XIV. RULE VIII. Telegraphers employed at stations will be required to do a reasonable amount of sta- tion work when it does not interfere with their telegraph duties, and any telegrapher considering himself overworked may com- plain to the superintendent and, if com- plaint is well founded, relief will be granted. RULE IX. Telegraphers will not be required to at- tend switch lamps or scrub depots, oflSces or outbuildings where there are other em- ployes available for this duty. They will not be required to clean snow from station platforms. At points where telegraphers are required to handle switch lamps, street lamps or rail- road crossing lamps, the telegrapher having charge of same will be allowed additional compensation at the rate of fifty cents per month for each lamp, with a minimum of one dollar per montia for such work. At points where telegraphers are re- quired to handle crossing gates, each teleg- rapher handling same will be allowed ad- ditional compensation of five dollars ($5.00) per month for* such work. RULE X. Telegraphers working extra will receive the same compensation as applies to the position they fill, and when deadheading by order of proper official to working points, will be allowed full pay for actual time con- sumed on train going and returning, the basis for such pay being the salary of the employes relieved. Thirty minutes and less than sixty min- \ites will be considered one hour, less than thirty minutes will not be counted, time to be computed from time train is due to leave until arrival at destination. When regularly assigned telegraphers are transferred from their regular positions to work extra in some other town or city, they will be paid $1.00 per calendar day for ex- penses in addition to the regular rate of pay, computed until they return to their regular position or are relieved; when trans- ferred to work extra in the same office in the same city or town, no expense allowance .shall be made; when transferred to work extra in another office in the same town or city, they shall be paid only the increased expense, if a.ny, reasonably and actually in- curred, not exceeding, however, $1.00 per 444 Schedules and Wage Scales. day. When telegraphers working in the same office are temporarily transferred from one trick to another, by order of the com- pany, the change shall be so made as to prevent such telegrapher from losing any time. When telegraphers covered by this agree- ment are transferred to accept a bulletined position or otherwise by order of the com- pany, they will be furnished free transpor- tation for themselves, families and effects, and will be allowed pay while in' transit, at the rate to be received in the new po- sition. An allowance not exceeding fifteen dollars (?15.00> per month for expenses will be made to regular relief agents. RULE XI. Telegraphers sumrhoned to perform any service outside of regular hours will be al- lowed seventy-five cents (75c) for the first hour or fraction thereof. If held on duty longer than one hour, overtime rate will be allowed for each succeeding hour. RULE XII. Overtime will be allowed telegraphers for all hours worked in excess of regular estab- lished hours, and will be paid for at the minimum rate of thirty-five cents (35c) per hour. When the regular rate is higher than the overtime rate, overtime will be paid pro rata. Overtime will not be aHowed, unless over- time slips are sent to proper official within forty-eight (48) hours from the time of serv- ice. When overtime is not allowed, notice with explanation will be given. RULE XIII. Telegraphers performing duties under emergency conditions at temporary offices .shall receive three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) per day of ten (10) hours, or less, with overtime after ten (10) 'hours, at reg- ular overtime rate, and will be allowed one dollar (fl.OOj per day for expenses. RULE XIV. In computing overtime, thirty (30) minutes and less than sixty (60) minutes will be considered one hour. Less than thirty (30) minutes shall not be counted. Telegraphers will be promptly notified when claims for overtime or compensation on any other ac- count are not allowed. RULE XV. Telegraphers who are required to give bond, will not be required to pay the pre- mium on such bond. RULE XVI. There will be no permanent trading of positions. Telegraphers who exchange posi- tions will still hold their original positions and in case of vacancj', it will be the orig- inal position that will be bulletined. RULE XVII. ,Whon ten (10) or more cells of battery are in use at a station, telegraphers will not be lequired to clean them. RULE XVIII. Telegraphers who have been in the serv- ice for two years or more, except in case of sickness or disability will, if conditions per- mit, be granted leave of absence for ninety (90) days upon request and at the end of that time or before may resume their reg- ular position, losing only the actual time off duty. Only one such ninety (90) day leave of absence will be granted in any one year. Representatives of the telegraphers acting in such capacity will be granted leave of absence when desired. RULE XIX. Telegraphers who have been in the service one year or longer will be furnished division annual passes; ten years or longer, system a.nnual passes. RULE XX. The following positions shown in the wage scale shall not be subject to the provisions of Rules TV, VII, XI and XII, relative to overtime and hours of service: Westfield agent Ripley agent Elk Creek agent Madison agent Euclid agent Rocky River agent Vermilion agent Kimball agent Narlo clerk and operator Mortimer agent McComb '. agent New Haven agent South Whitley agent Claypool agent Argos agent Knox agent South Wanatah agent Valparaiso agent Hobart agent Burnham agent RULE XXI. It is agreed that thirty (30) days' notice will be given by either the telegraphers or the company of a desire to deviate from this schedule. A. W. JOHNSTON. Asst. to the President. Cleveland. Ohio. September 1, 1916. For the Telegraphers: F. P. COWLEY, General Chairman. Schedules and Wage Scales. 445 New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad Wilkesbarre & Eastern Railroad (EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1917.) In settlement of matters in controversy between the New York, Susauehanna & Western R. R., and the Wilkesbarre & East- ern R. R., and their employes designated in Article I of this agreement, and the attached wage scale, which have been submitted to mediation, the following agreement has been reached between the above-named com- panies and the committees representing their above-described employes. ARTICLE I. Effective October 1, 1917, the following rules will govern the service of employes re- quired to perform the duties of a telegrapher (whether termed agent, assistant agent, or clerk) and telephone operators connected with the movement of trains; alsc such ex- clusive agents and others whose positions are included in the wage scale. ARTICLE II. When new positions are created, the com- pensation therefor will be fixed in conformity with that paid for similar positions. In the event that telephoners are substi- tuted for telegraphers as specified in this agreement, the same rules and compensa- tion will apply to them. ARTICLE III. Employes suspended or dismissed, may refer their case by written statement to the superintendent; within ten days, if possible, after the receipt of said statement, the case will have a thorough investigation and a decision will be given. Employes involved are allowed to choose one or more employes in their class of service in good standing to represent them at the investigation, and may be present and hear all the evidence in the case. "WTien the result of the investi- gation is unsatisfactory, and the facts justify, the right to appeal is conceded. When found blameless, the employe shall be rein- stated and receive full pay for the time lost. ARTICLE n^ All employes are in line for promotion, advancement depending upon faithful dis- charge of duties and capacity for increased responsibility. Where ability and conduct permit, seniority rules will govern. Seniority will date from the last date of entering the .=;ervice of the company. ARTICLE V. When vacancies occur or new positions are created they will be promptly advertised by "23" message, rates of pay and hours of service being specified in the advertisement. When it is impractical to send these notices by wire, they will be sent by train mail. It will be the practice to fill such vacancies by the promotion of employes in the telegraph and telephone service when the qualifica- tiaps of such employes will permit. This rule will apply to copiers and telegraphers in superintendent's office. Employes are always at liberty to apply for any position in the service for which they consider themselves qualified and their applications will be given due consideration when vacancies occur. The right to reject any applicant who may be considered un- suited for the position in question is re- served. ^ Positions known to be temporarily vacant thirty days or more, or that will remain vacant for an indefinite period after thirty days; temporary vacancy, shall be given to the oldest eligible and qualified applicant for same, provided such temporary assign- ment can be made without impairing the service. No pay for deadheading will be allowed in filling such temporary vacancies, A statement showing location, position, rates of pay and hours of service for adver- tisable positions will be prepared and a copy submitted to each ofllce on the division, to- gether with a copy of these rules. ARTICLE VI. Any employe declining to accept promotion does not forfeit his rights to the same or any other position he may be entitled to under seniority when a vacancy occurs, or a new position is created. ARTICLE VII. A vacancy will be filled within ten days after it occurs by the appointment of the man entitled to it, five days being allowed in which to apply for a position after it is advertised. ARTICLE VIIL Any employe accepting a position under Article VII, finding it Is unsuitable, may re- sume his former position within ten day.s after he vacated the same. After the ex- piration of ten days, he will take his place on the extra list, but with his seniority rights intact. Any employe taking an agency under Ar- ticle VII, finding it unsuitable, may, within ten days, take his place on the extra list, with seniority rights intact. ARTICLE IX. At offices where more than three teleg- raphers are employed, exclusively for tele- graph service, when service will permit, ten consecutive hours, including meal hours, will constitute a day's work; meal hours being so arranged that one telegrapher will be on duty at all times. 446 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE X. At offices where two telegraphers are em- ployed, twelve consecutive hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. At offices where but one telegrapher is employed, twelve consecutive hours, includ- ing meal hour, will constitute a day's work; the company reserving the right to arrange the hours to suit the service. When it is impossible to relieve a telegrapher for meal hour, overtime will be paid for meal hour. Where meal hour is allowed, relief for same will be given between the fifth and seventh hours after starting work, unless otherwise arranged by mutual local agree- ment. ARTICLE XL . At offices where six-hour tricks are reg- ularly established, employes will be allowed overtime after six hours' continuous service; at offices where eight-hour tricks are reg- vilarly established, overtime will be allowed after eight hours' continuous service; at offices where eight or nine hours optional tricks or regular nine-hour tricks are estab- lished, overtime will be allowed after nine hours' continuous service. At offices where ten-hour tricks or twelve- hour tricks are established, overtime will be allowed after ten hours, or twelve hours' continuous service, respectively, and will be paid for at the rate of 30 cents per hour, un- less the pro rata rate is higher, when over- time will be paid for at the pro rata rates. In computing overtime, thirty minutes and less than sixty minutes will be considered an hour; less than thirty minutes will not be counted. Overtime will not be allowed unless over- time slips are mailed to superintendent's of- fice within forty-eight hours from the time of service. Employes w411 be notified within five days when overtime is not afiowed as per overtime slips, with reason for disallow- ance. ARTICLE XII. Employes summoned to service outside of regular hours after being excused by the train dispatcher or leaving the office for the day. will be allowed regular overtime rate, with minimum allowance of two hours' pay. ARTICLE XIII. Employes will not be required to attend pumping engines at points where there are other emr,>loyes available for that duty. ^^'^len so required the compensation will be fixed accordingly. ARTICLE XIV. Employes will not be required to attend switch lights at points where there are other employes available for that duty. When con- ditions require the above work to be done outside of regular working hours, the time required will be determined and overtime authorized as per Article XI. are closed, either permanently or tem- porarily, employes so displaced may take any position that merit, ability and seniority entitles them to, except that agents are not to be displaced. ARTICLE XVI. Employes deadheading to working points by order of proper officials will receive pay for one-half the actual time consumed on trains in going and returning, the basis of compensation being the salary of the em- ploye relieved; thirty minutes and less than sixty minutes will be considered an hour. Less than thirty minutes will not be counted. ARTICLE XVII. Employes attending court or other busi- ness for the company will be paid their reg- ular rates of pay per day, and when called to leave home, necessary expenses will be paid. ARTICLE XVIIL Employes leaving the service of their de- partment to accept service in other depart- ments will forfeit their seniority after an absence of ninety days. ARTICLE XIX. Extra employes will receive the same com- pensation as the person they relieve. Em- ployes holding regular positions, when sent to work in other offices temporarily, will not receive any less compensation than their regular position entitled tl#m to. Regular employes while in service away from home station will be allowed their necessary ex- penses. ARTICLE XX. The standard trick arrangement, where two nine and one six-hour tricks are estab- lished, is to be one of the following proposi- tions: First proposition: 7 a. m. to 4 p. m first trick 4 p. m. to 10 p. m second trick 10 p. m. to 7 a. m third trick Second proposition: 6 a. m. to 3 p. ni first trick 3 p. m. to 12 midnight. .second trick 12 mid. to 6 a. m third trick Third proposition: 7 a. m. to 4 p. m first trick 4 p. m. to 1 a. m second trick 1 a. m. to 7 a. m third trick These hours will not be deviated from un- less there is some special reason therefor. The working hours are to be continuous. ARTICLE XXI. Employe.s working nine hours or moi-e per day, will be granted seven days' vacation an- nually with pay, for each full year of such .service since January 1, 1917. ARTICLE XV. Employes transferred to new locations by order of proper officials will receive pay for the necessary time lost in transferring and free transportation for themselves, depend- ent members of their families and household goods. When the force is reduced or offices ARTICLE XXII. Telegraphers will be allowed leave of ab- sence so far as is consistent with good serv- ice and will be relieved and furnished trans- portation without unnecessary delay when they wish to appeal to an official of the company. Schedules and Wage Scales. 447 ARTICLE XXIII. Leave of absence will not be granted for more than ninety days except in cases of sickness, injury or to employes serving on committee or company business. ARTICLE XXIV. A roster showing the seniority standing of each employe covered herein will be fur- nished for each division and a copy of same furnished each office annually. Rate per Station and Position. Hours. Month. J. C. Dispr. Off. (JD), two O. C. . . 8 $ 75.00 Homestead (KA), one A. 11 72.00 Babbitt (SO), One A 10 83.00 One C. 10 62.00 Undercliff Jet. (WS), three O. L... 8 75.00 Undercliff (GW), one L 8 70.00 Two L 8 65.00 Little Ferry (FY), one A. 11 95.00 Ridgefield Park (RP), one A. 0...11 65.00 Bogota (FO), one A. 11 85.00 Hackensack Tower (HX), one O. L. G 8 65.00 Two O. L. G 8 63.00 Maywood (MW), one A. 12 65.00 Rochelle Park (RO), one A. O 12 63.00 Passaic Jet. (PC), one A 12 73.00 Two O. C 9 58.00 Dundee Lake, one A 11 60.00 Vreeland Avenue (VA), one A. O. .12 80.00 Paterson, Broadway (RS;, one L. . 8 68.00 Two L 8 63.00 One A. T. C. 12 93.00 One O. T. C 12 55.00 Paterson City (CH), one T. C. 0...12 75.00 One T. C 12 50.00 Riverside Tower (RD), three O. S. G 8 70.00 Riverside (RV), one A. 11 70.00 Hawthorne, one A 11 58.00 North Paterson (NPj, one A 12 85.00 One CO. S 9 75.00 Two C. O. S 9 73.00 Midland Park (MP;, one A. O 13 70.00 Wortendyke (W), one A. 9 68.00 Two O. C... 9 63.00 Wyckoff (WY), one A. 12 70.00 One O. C. S 12 60.00 Campgaw (CG), one A. O. S 9 68.00 Two O. C. S 9 60.00 Oakland (DK), one A. O. S 9 68.00 One C. O. S 9 63.00 One C. O. S 9 60.00 Pompton Lakes (PO). one A 12 80.00 Three O. C. S 9 65.00 Butler (BA), one C. O. S 9 70.00 Two C. O. S 9 65.00 Charlotteburg (CB^ one A. O. S...12 70.00 One O. C. S 12 58.00 Newfoundland (NW), one A 12 60.00 Three O. C. S 9 60.00 Oak Ridge (OG), one A. O. S. .,...12 68.00 Stockholm (CS), one A. O. S 9 68.00 Two O. C. S ,..-. 9 60.00 Beaver Lake (BS), one A. O. S... 9 73.00 Two O. C. S 9 65.00 Ogdensburg (NS), one A. 12 70.00 Franklin Furnace (RA), one A. O. .12 75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Hours. Month. Hamburg (HM). one A. 12 $ 75.00 One O. C 12 53.00 (DC), one A. 12 70.00 One O. C 12 55.00 Hanford (MIT;, one A. 12 75.00 Sparta (SA), one A. 12 68.00 Sparta Jet. (SJ), one A. 9 60.00 Two O. C 9 50.00 Warbasse (BJ), one A. O. S 12 68.00 Halsey (VI) , one A. 12 68.00 Swartswood (WD), one A. 9 65.00 Two O. C 9 flf.OO Stillwater (AR), one A. 12 63.00 Marksboro (MO), one A. 12 68.00 Blairstown (BN), one A. 12 70.00 One O. C 9 65.00 Two O. C 9 63.00 Vails (AV;, one A. 12 65.00 Hainesburg (RU), one A. 12 85.00 Hainesburg Jet. (H;, three O. C 9 63.00 Columbia (CO;, one A. 12 65.00 Dunfield (DF), one A. 12 60.00 Water Gap (WG>, one A. 12 60.00 Stroudsburg (BG;, one C. 11 63.00 Bartonville (B;, one A. 9 60.00 Reeders (R;, one A. 12 80.00 Tannersville (RN;, one A. 12 60.00 Pocono Summit (SU;, one A. 0...12 63.00 Naomi Pines (NA), one A. 12 65.00 Pocono Lake (SF;, one A. jO 12 70.00 Clifton (LH;, one A. 12 60.00 Langon (G;, one A. 12 60.00 Suscon (AD;, one A. 12 65.00 Hillside Jet. (D;, one A. 12 70.00 Moosic (CN), one A. 9 75.00 Plains (PS), one A. 12 63.00 Yatesville (SY;, one A. 12 105.00 KEY. A — Agent. AO — Agent operator. C— Clerk. O— Operator. G — Gates. L — Leverman. S — Signalman. T — Telephone. TC — Telephone clerk. The above rules and wage scale shall be effective October 1, 1917, and shall continue in force for one year from that date, and thereafter subject to thirty days' notice in writing by either party to the other, request- ing a change in the same. New York, SeptembeV 29, 1917. For the Railroads: A. J. STONE, Vice-President. For the Telegraphers: A. N. KEIM, Chairman, Telegraphers' Committee. Witness: G. W. W. HANGER, Member LT. S. Board of Mediation and Conciliation. 448 Schedules and Wage ScAiiES. The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company Agreement Between Said Company and All the Telegraphers Employed by It. ARTICLE L Employes Represented. (a) All employes, except train dispatchers, assigned by proper authority to telegraph service of any character or duration, signal station directors, signalmen, and levermen, shall be governed by the provisions of this agWement. (h) Telephone operators who handle train orders, or block or report trains by tele- phone, shall be governed by the provisions of this agreement. (c) Agents, as shown on the accompany- ing wage scale, who are not required to telegraph, shall also be governed by the provisions of this agreement. ARTICLE II. Discipline and Investigations. An employe as designated in Article I who has been disciplined shall have the right to a hearing if he requests it. If suspended pending investigation, it shall be held within .?even days from date of suspension; when not found at fault as charged, he shall be allowed to resume his duties and be paid for the time lost. The employe affected may be accompanied by a co-employe of his choice at hearings or investigations. When hearings or investigations result unfavorably to an employe, he shall have the right, either in person, or through a committee of employes of the same class, to appeal to the higher officers of the company in their respective order up to the general manager. Result of hearings or investigations shall be furnished the employe affected within thirty days. ARTICLE III. Promotion According to Seniority and Ability. (a) Employes as designated in Article I are in line for positions, or for promotion, within the jurisdiction of their division su- perintendent. Seniority and ability to fill position bid, or applied for, shall determine the selection. In case the position is not awarded to the senior applicant, he shall be notified why the position cannot be awarded him. (b) The company, through the proper offi- cers, shall determine the fitness of the em- ploye designated in Article I to fill the posi- tion bid, or applied for; provided that the senior applicant shall be given a fair and impartial examination for such position, if he requests it. (c) Any employe designated in Article I, feeling himself aggrieved on account of the decision, will have the right of appeal, per- sonally, or through a committee of the same class, to the higher officers in their regular order up to the general manager. ARTICLE IV. Time Limit on Appeals. An appeal from any decision as to dis- cipline, pay, or .application of any of the articles of this agreement must be made within thirty days from the date of the deci- .'^ion. This article to apply on each succes- sive appeal from one officer to another in order as mentioned in Articles II and III. ARTICLE V. Vacancies and Additional Positions. (a) When a vacancy occurs, or an addi- tional position is created, the superintendent of the division shall, within five days, notify, by bulletin, all einployes as designated in Article I, on his division, who may, within ten days from date of bulletin, file an appli- cation for the position. At the end of twenty days- from date of bulletin the appointment and assignment shall be made. Bulletins shall be numbered consecutively from the first of each year and shall show the as- signments made on the previous bulletin. (b) When a man bids in a position he will not be allowed to bid for his former position until it has been once filled and again be- comes vacant. ARTICLE VI. Temporary Positions. (a) Temporary positions or vacancies, ex- cepting positions of agent, and agent oper- ator, of thirty days or more shall be bul- letined as a temporary position to all em- ployes as designated in Article I, on that division, who may within five days from date of bulletin, file an application for the position. Within ten days of date of bul- letin an assignment shall be made in ac- cordance with Article III. (b) Temporary positions or vacancies of agent, and agent operator, of ninety days or more, shall be bulletined as a temporary position to all employes as designated in Article I, on that division, who may within five days from date of bulletin, file an ap- plication for the position. Within ten days of date of bulletin an assignment shall be made in accordance with Article III. (c) Should the employe under the above leave of absence fail to return to the serv- ice, the position • shall be bufietined in ac- cordance with Article V when the date of his retirement is determined. (d) When a temporary position is discon- Unued the employe holding same shall revert to his former position. ARTICLE VII. Notification by Superintendents of Non-Tele- graph Vacancies, (a) Superintendents shall, within five days, notify by. bulletin all employes designated in Article I of vacancies, in station agencies, ticket agencies, and assistant agencies, hot .<-hown in the accompanying wage scale, and where salary did not exceed $30.00 per week on April 26, 1913; provided, that when, weekly salary of any such position becomes in excess of $35.00, this rule .shall no longer apply. Employes as designated in Article I may make application for such positions. Schedules and Wage Scales. 449 which applications shall be given considera- tion in accordance with paragraph (b> of Article III. (b) Employes designated in Article I tak- ing' such positions shall retain their senior- ity, but may assert it only by filing applica- tions for vacancies. ARTICLE VIIL Applications for Positions in the General Telegraph Office. (a) Applications from competent employes in the telegraph service for positions in the g:eneral telegraph office, (NH;, may te made to the superintendent of telegraph. Applica- tions should be filed to be available before vacancies occur. Applications will be con- sidered in accordance with paragraph (b; of Article in. (h) A telegraph operator who accepts a position in accordance with paragraph (a) of this article may, in the case of the abolition of such position, return to the division on which he was previously employed, with his full roster rig-hts. ARTICLE IX. Notification of Successful Bidder, A letter of notification shall be sent to the successful bidder for a position and a copy of this communication shall be sent to the local chairman of the division. ARTICLE X. Seniority List. A seniority list consisting of all employes as designated in Article I of this agreement shall be issued by the company and each local chairman shall be furnished with a copy for his division: a copy shall also be sent to each office on the division. This ros- ter shall be revised annually as of Jan- uary 1st. ARTICLE XI. Seniority of Promoted Employes. (a; An employe as designated in Article I promoted to a position outside of the class of scivice covered by this agreement since January 28, 1905, shall retain his seniority while in the service of the company, but may a.'?sert it only by reverting to the extra list on the division from which promoted, and'" filing application for vacancies. Sen- iority .shall not be accumulative while hold- ing promotion. Acceptance of Positions as HIgh-Tension Electric Switchboard Operators, (b) Employes a.s designated in Article I accepting positions of high-tension electric switchboard operator shall retain their sen- iority, but may assert it only by reverting to the extra list on the division froin which promoted and filing application for va- cancies. Seniority shall not be accumulative while holding sucla positions. ARTICLE XII. Transferring From One Division to Another. An employe as designated in Article I may transfer from one superintendent's division to another superintendent's division with the approval of the superintendents and the telegraphers' general committee. In such cases the employe making the transfer will go on the extra list, but shall retain three- fourths of his former seniority and will have the right to bid on bulletined positions. ARTICLE XIII. Right of Displaced Employe. (a) When a position is abolished, the em- ploye as designated in Article I, who is af- fected, shall have the privilege of asserting his seniority right to any schedule position on the division which he is coinpetent to fill, provided that he shall not displace any employe who has been in the service more than three years. The employe so displaced to assert his seniority for the position which lie is competent to fill held by any junior employe, and so on until the youngest em- ploye is displaced or displaced employes cease to assert the privilege. (b) In the event of there being no employe with less than three years' service holding a scheduled position and not required to telegraph, an employe whose position is abolished and who is not a telegraph oper- ator, may displace the youngest employe in thfe same branch of service who is not re- caiired to telegraph, or revert to the extra list. (c; In the event of there being no em- ploye with less than three years' service holding a scheduled position, the employe whose position is abolished may displace the youngest employe holding a scheduled posi- tion or revert to the extra list. (d> Seniority rights under this article must be asserted within ten days. ARTICLE XIV. Compensation for Additional Positions. When additional positions are created, compensation and hours shall be fixed in conformity with positions of the same class on that subdivision covered by this agree- ment. ARTICLE XV. Overtime. (a) When the train or telegraph service requires the attention of an employe as designated in Article I, beyond the hours specified in the wage scale, overtime shall be granted according to Article XVI of this agreement. (b> The time consumed in the handling of baggage and other work incidental to the proper attendance on the last train and closing of stations to be included in com- puting overtime. ARTICLE XVI. Computing Overtime. Overtime shall be paid pro rata, with a minimum of thirty-five cents' (35c) per hour, and shall be computed on minute basis. ARTICLE XVII. Meal Hour. Employes as designated in Article I, ex- cept those employed in signal stations, whose hours of duty are ten or more, shall be allowed one hour for meals between 11:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m., and 11:00 p. m. and .1:00 a. m. If required to work any portion of their meal hour, they shall receive one 450 Schedules and Wage Scales. hour's extra compensation at the regular overtime rate, and be allowed thirty minutes for lunch as soon thereafter as possible. ARTICLE XVIII. Relief or Emergency Work in Other Than Regular Positions. (a; Emplojes as designated in Article I who hold regular positions shall not be re- quired to cover a position of a greater num- ber of hours than their own when the serv- ice can otherwise be maintained. (b> While engaged in relief or emergency work employes shall be paid whichever rate per hour is the higher, that of the regular position, or that of the position required to be covered. (c) Employes as designated in Article I, holding regular positions, shall, when re- quired to do relief or emergency work in other than their regular positions, be paid continuous time at the rate of the regular positions from the time of leaving their home station until the time for commencing duty, and when relieved from such work, shall be paid from the time relieved until the arrival at home station. (6) While away from home employes shall be allowed legitimate expenses and if, at the end of the period during which relief or emergency work is performed, total earnings of employes, exclusive of the time consumed in traveling, are less than would have been received had they remained in their regular positions, the difference shall be allowed them. ARTICLE XIX. Calls. Employes as designated in Article I re- quired to report for any service, before or after their regular assigned hours, shall be paid sixty cents the first hour or fraction thereof, and overtime rate thereafter. ARTICLE XX. Summoned for Court Investigations and Examinations. (a) Employes as designated in Article I summoned as witnesses for the company in the courts or in similar service, shall receive their stated rate of wages while in attend- ance, and necessary traveling expenses. (b) Employes summoned by the company lo attend investigations, when no time is lost and not found subject to discipline, shall receive continuous time at their stated rate of wages from the time of leaving home sta- tion until arrival at home station, but no traveling expenses. When day Is lost they shall receive their day's pay and necessary traveling expenses. (c) Employes summoned by the company for examinations, except for promotion or for positions bid for, shall be paid for any working time lost. ARTICLE XXI. Switch Lights, (a) Employes as designated In Article I, required to care for switch or signal lights, shall be paid 15 cents per week for each light cared for. This does not include train order signal lights. If any lights are ex- tinguished, employes designated in this ar- ticle shall relight them without extra com- pensation. Highway Crossings. (b) Employes as designated in Article I, required to protect highway crossings, shall be paid 75 cents per week for same. Care of Station Buildings, Ete. (c) Employes as designated in Article I, located in stations, shall not be required to scrub floors, clean windows or woodwork, where it is practicable for the company to arrange for others to do this work. At such stations, section men will be assigned to as- sist the agents in removing snow from sta- tion, platforms and grounds, wherever pos- sible. Care of Signal Station Buildings, Switches, Etc. (d) Employes as designated in Article I, located in interlocking signal station^, shall not be required to clean or oil interlocking machines or switches, nor to scrub floors, clean windows or woodwork. ARTICLE XXII. Qualifying in Signal Stations. (a) Employes as designated in Article I, bidding in a signal station carrying a higher rate of pay, or for the purpose of advance- ment, or bidding in a new position, shall be allowed the regular rate of pay while qual- ifying on such position, the superintendent to be the judge of the length of time re- quired to qualify. (b) Employes on the extra list, assigned to relief work at signal stations, if not qualified, shall be paid' for time while post- ing, at rate of position sent to cover. ARTICLE XXIII. Hours for Superintendents' and General Offices. Nine consecutive hours including meal hour, or eight consecutive hours without allowance for meals, shall constitute a day's work for operators in superintendents' of- fices, and in the general office, (NH), at the option of the superintendents. ARTICLE XXIV. Release From Regular Positions for Extra List. Employes as designated in Article I, hold- ing regular positions, and giving notice of a desire to relinquish same and go on the extra list, shall be relieved and placed on the extra list within thirty days with full rights. ARTICLE XXV. Applications for Position of Train Dispatcher. Applications from competent employes for positions of train dispatcher may be made to the superintendents of their respective divisions, and such applications will be given consideration in the order of seniority. Ap- plications should be filed to be available be- fore vacancies occur. Note — Consideration means consideration, only — not necessarily assignment to the position. Schedules and Wage Scales. 451 ARTICLE XXVI. . Leave of Absence. Leave of absence for longer than thirty (lays shall not be granted except In special cases, and then only with the approval of the superintendent. ARTICLE XXVII. Term Passes. (a> Employes covered by this agreement will be granted term passes. (b) Employes as designated in Article I performing service for more than one divi- sion, or in otflces not assigned to a division, will be granted passes over the same terri- tory as an employe on any one division. ARTICLE XXVIII. Free Transportation of Household Goods. An employe as designated in Article I, when transferred by order of the company, or to accept a bulletined position, shall be furnished free transportation for himself, dependent members of his family, and household goods, when it can be lawfully done. ARTICLE XXIX. Vacations. (a) Employes as designated in Article I, working more than nine consecutive hours per day, who have been in the service one year or more, will be allowed seven days' vacation annually with pay. After three years in the service, ten days' vacation an- nually will be allowed with pay. (b) Twelve hour signalmen who have been in that service continually for one year or more, shall be given two weeks off each year without loss of pay. (c) Choice of dates for leave of absence as provided in this article shall be given ac- cording to seniority, except that applica- tions for leave of absence filed between Jan- uary 1st and March 1st, inclusive, each year, shall be given preference over applications received later. (d) An employe not relieved as provided in this article shall receive the deferred re- lief in the following calendar year, and in the event of termination of employment shall be paid for deferred relief at regular rate. ARTICLE XXX. Transfer of Accounts., When station accounts are transferred from one employe to another, each employe shall be paid at the regular daily rate for that station for the time required to make the transfer; but in no case for less time than one day. ARTICLE XXXI. Sunday Service. (a) Employes as designated in Article I, located at .stations .shall be excused from Sunday viwrk as far as possible without loss of pay. (b> When six-day men are ordered to work on Sunday they will be allowed one- half day for reporting once or twice, and one day for a total of over five hours' service. ARTICLE XXXII. Schedule and Agreement to Be Printed. , These articles and rates of pay shall be piinted by the company in book form and copies shall be furnished to all employes designated in Article I. ARTICLE XXXIII. No Increase in Hours, Nor Decrease in Pay. The provisions of this agreement and the specifications of this wage schedule shall not Ije changed to cause an increase of hours of service, or a decrease in wages, except as provided for in Article XXXIV of this agreement provided, where two or three em- ployes as designated in Article I, are " re- quired to cover the service consecutively a material change in conditions would warrant the abolition of one or two of said positions, the company may re-arrange the hours of service and compensation of the remaining position or positions in conformity with posi- tions of the same class, covered by this agreement, the local chairman to be notified of all changes. Note — This article will not be construed to mean any reduction in wages. ARTICLE XXXIV. Length of Time to Remain In Effect. This agreement covering rules and the attached wage scale shall be effective Jan- uary 2, 1917, and shall be carried out in good faith by all parties interested and shall con- tinue in force for one year from that date, and thereafter subject to thirty days' notice in writing by either party to the other, re- questing a change in the same. For the New York, New Haven & Hart- ford R. R. Co., C. L. BARDO, General Manager. For the Employes' Committee, L. J. ROSS, General Chairman. M. W. HANDY, General Secretary. WAGE SCALE. *Indicates six days. NEW YORK DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Grand Central, operator 8 $23.20 Operator 8 • 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Dispatchers' Office, manager 8 24.20 Operator '8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Car distributor 8 24.50 Pier 39, East River, opr. elk 9* 19.50 Harlem River Branch. Rungay Street S.S. No. 3 (149th St.), signalman, swbd. opr... 8 $ 20.80 Signalman, switchboard opi'. . . 8 19.75 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 19.75 452 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rata per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Oak Point S.S., signalman 8 $ 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Leverman, switchboard opr. . . 8 20.30 Leverman, switchboard opr... .8 20.30 Leverman, switchboard opr. . . 8 20.30 Westchester Avenue, ticket agent. 12 17.75 Bronx River Draw, draw tender.. 8 22.75 West Farms Jet., signalman 8 22.75 Signalman .' 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 West Farms Station, agent 12 20.00 Van Nest Station, agent 12 23.00 Morris Park, agent 12 16.00 Westchester, agent 12 17.10 Signalman, switchboard opr. . . 8 22.75 Signalman, switchboar-d opr... 8 22.50 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 22.50 Baychester, agent 12 17.75 City Island, agent operator 12 21.75 Pelham Manor, agent operator. . .12 21.75 Woodside, agent 12 17.00 Woodlawn to Devon. Woodlawn, freight agent 12 19.50 South Mount Vernon S.S., signal- man, switchboard operator.. 8 22.75 Signalman, switchboard opr. . . 8 22.50 Signalman, switchboard opr. . . 8 22.50 Movmt Vernon, ticket agent 12 26.25 Operator ticket clerk 12 20.00 Operator clerk 12 18.50 Signalman, switchboard opr. . . 8 19.15 Signalman, switchboard opr. . . 8 18.55 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 18.55 Pelham, agent operator 12 20.50 New Rochelle Jet. S.S., signalman. 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Leverman, switchboard opr. ...8 20.30 Leverman, switchboard opr... 8 20.30 Leverman, switchboard opr... 8 20.30 New Rochelle, ticket agent ...12 27.50 Operator ticket clerk 12 19.75 Operator 12 12.25 New Rochelle Yard S. S., sig 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Leverman r . . . 8 20.30 Leverman 8 20.30 Leverman 8 20.30 Larchmont, agent 12 20.25 Mamaroneck, sig'lman, swbd. opr. 8 21.60 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 20.90 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 20.90 Freight agent 12 18.75 Operator ticket clerk 12 17.75 Operator ticket clerk 12 17.25 Harrison, signalman, swchbd. opr. 8 19.15 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 18.55 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 18.55 Agent 12 20.50 Operator ticket clerk 12 17.75 Rye, agent 12 24.25 Operator ticket clerk 12 17.75 Operator ticket clerk 12 17.50 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 22.75 Signalman, .switchboard opr... 8 22.50 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 23.50 » Rate pel Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Port Chester, ticket agent 12 $ 26.25 Operator ticket clerk 12 20.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 18.75 Freight agent 12 31.00 Signalman 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Leverman, switchboard opr... 8 20.30 Leverman, switchboard opr... 8 20.30 Leverman, switchboard opr... 8 20.30 Greenwich, freight agent 12 23.50 Signalman, switchboard opr. . . 8 20.75 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 20.05 Signalman, switchboard opr. . . 8 20.05 Ticket agent 12 22.50 Operator ticket clerk 12 17.75 Cos Cob, agent 12 18.25 Operator clerk 12 17.25 Load dispatcher 8 27.50 Load dispatcher 8 27.50 Load dispatcher... 8 27.50 Assistant load dispatcher 8 25.50 Assistant load dispatcher 8 25.50 Assistant load dispatcher..... 8 25.50 Riverside, signalman 8 21.70 Signalman 8 21.20 Signalman 8 21.20 Agent operator 12 _ 18.25 South Beach, agent operator 12 18.25 Stamford, ticket agent 12 26.50 Operator ticket clerk 8 19.00 Operator ticket clerk 8 19.00 Operator ticket clerk 8 17.80 Stamford S.S. 38, signalman 8 24.25 Signalman 8 24.25 Signalman 8 24.25 Leverman 8 21.50 Leverman 8 21.50 Leverman 8 21.50 Leverman, switchboard opr... 8 21.00 Leverman, switchboard opr... 8 21.00 Leverman, fewitchboard opr... 8 21.00 Glenbrook, agent 12 16.50 Noroton, agent operator 12 18.25 Darien, agent 12 18.25 Operator clerk 12 17.25 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 22.75 Signalman, switchboard opr. . . 8 22.50 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 22.50 Roway ton, agent 12 18.25 South Norwalk, ticket agent 12 20.50 Operator ticket clerk 8 19.00 Operator ticket clerk 8 19.00 Signalman 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signnlman 8 22.50 Leverinan, switchboard opr... 8 20.30 Leverman, switchboard opr... 8 20.30 Leverman, switchboard opr... 8 20.30 Westport, agent 12 21.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 17.25 Green Farm, agent..,. 12 16.00 Signalman, switchboard opr. . . 8 22.75 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 22.50 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 22.50 Southport. agent -...12 19.00 Operator ticket clerk l9 17.25 Fairfield, agent 12 20.00 Operator clerk 12 17.25 Burr Road, signalman, switch- board operator 8 22.75 SignaliTian, switchboard opr... 8 22.50 Signalnran, switchboard opr. . . 8 22.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 453 Rate per Sta(ion and Position. Hrs. Week. Signal Station 58 (Bridgeport), signalman, switchboard opr. . 8 $ 22.75 Signalman, .switchboard opr. . . 8 22.50 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 22.50 Bridgeport Frt. House, opr. clerk. 10 18.50 Bridgeport Pass. Station, opr 12 19.25 Signal Station 60 (Bridgeport), signalman 8 20.00 Signalman 8 19.25 Signalman 8 19.25 .'Signal Station 62 (Bridgeport), signalman, switchboard opr. 8 22.75 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 22.50 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 22.50" Freight Yard Office (East Bridge- port), operator clerk 12 18.50 Signal Station 63 (East Bridge- port), sig'lman, sw-bd. opr.. 8 22.75 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 22.50 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 22.50 Stratford, agent operator 12 18.50 New Canaan Branch. Springdale, agent operator 12 17.25 New Canaan, agent operator 12 23.50 Danbury Branch. Winnipauk, agent operator 12 18.25 South Wilton, agent operator 12 17.50 Wilton, agent operator 12 19.75 Cannondale, agent operator 12 18.25 Georgetown, agent operator 12 20.25 Branchville, agent operator 8 18.75 Operator clerk S 17.25 Operator clerk 8 17.25 Topstone, agent operator 12 18.25 Redding, agent operator 12 18.25 Bethel, agent operator 12 24.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 18.75 Ridgefield Branch. Ridgefield, agent 12 23.00 Regular Relief Employes. Regular Relief, agent operator. .. .12 25.50 Signalman operator 12 22.75 Signalman operator 12 22.75 Signalman operator 12 22.75 Signalman operator 12 22.75 NEW HAVEN DIVISION. Devon to Waterford. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Devon, sig'lman, switchboard opr. . 8 $ 22.75 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 22.50 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 22.50 Agent 12 15.00 Milford, agent 12 22.50 Operator clerk 12 18.50 Woodmont, agent operator 12 18.00 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 22.75 Signalman, switchboard opr. . . 8 22.50 Signalman, switchboard opr. . . S 22.50 West Haven, agent 12 21.00 Signal Station 75, signalman, switchboard operator 8 24.25 Signalman, switchboard opr. . . 8 " 24.25 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 24.25 Head leverman 8 24.25 Head leverman 8 24.25 Head leverman 8 24.25 Second leverman 8 21.50 Second leverman S 21.50 Second leverman S 21.50 Leverman 8 19.15 Leverman 8 19.15 Leverman 8 19.15 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Dispatchers' Office, operator 8 $23.20 Operator 8 _23.20 Operator 8 "23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Car distributor 10 27.00 New Haven, W. U. operator 8 21.50 W. U. operator 8 20.00 Signal Station 78, signahnan 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Leverman 8 20.30 Leverman 8 20.30 Leverman 8 20.30 Signal Station 79, signalman, .switchboard operator 8 22.75 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 22.50 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 22.50 Leverman 8 20.30 Leverman 8 20.30 Leverman 8 20.30 Cedar Hill, agent 12 19.50 Signal Station 80, signalman, switchboard operator 8 22.75 Signalman, switchboard opr... 8 22.50 Signahnan, switchboard opr... 8 22.50 Leverman 8 20.30 Leverman 8 20.30 Leverman 8 20.30 East Haven, signalman 8 18.90 Signalman 8 18.50 Signalman 8 18.50 Agent operator 12 17.50 Branford, freight agent 12 22.50 Ticket agent operator 12 17.50 Signalman 8 18.90 Signalman 8 18.50 Signalman 8 18.50 Pine Orchard, agent. . . .' 12 15.00 Stony Creek, agent operator 12 18.50 Leetes Island, agent operator 12 17.50 Signalman 8 18.90 Signalman 8 18.50 Signalman 8 18.50 Guilford, agent operator 12 22.50 Signalman 8 19.70 Signalman 8 19.30 Signalman 8 19.30 East River, agent 12 17.50 Madison, agent operator 12 18.50 Signalman 8 18.90 Signalman 8 18.50 Signahnan 8 18.50 CHnton. signalman 8 18.90 Signalman 8 18.50 Signalman 8 18.50 Agent operator 12 20.00 Westbrook, agent operator 12 18.00 Signalman 8 18.90 Signalman 8 18.50 Signalman 8 18.50 Saybrook ,Tct., agent operator. .. .12 24.00 Operator clerk 12 18.50 Signalman 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 I ,.\ nie, signalman 8 18.90 Signalman 8 18.50 Signalman 8 18.50 Agent operator 12 20.00 454 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. South Lyme, agent 12 $17.50 Signalman 8 18.90 Signalman 8 18.50 Signalman 8 18.50 East Lyme, signalman 8 18.90 Signalman 8 18.50 Signalman 8 18.50 Agent operator 12 20.50 Air Line Junction to Columbia. Northford, agent operator 12 $ 18.00 East Wallingford, agent operator. 12 18.50 Middlefleld, agent operator 8 20.00 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Rockfall, agent operator 12 18.00 Portland, agent operator 12 22.00 Cobalt, agent operator 12 18.00 Easthampton, agent 12 21.00 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Lyman Viaduct, agent operator. . .12 17.50 Westchester, agent operator 12 18.00 Amston, agent operator 8 18.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Leonard's Bridge, agent 12 13.00 Chestnut Hill, agent operator 12 17.50 Colchester Branch. Colchester, agent operator 12 $18.50 New Haven to Shelburne Falls. Highwood, operator clerk 8 $ 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Mt. Carmel, agent operator 12 20.00 Cheshire, agent 12 20.00 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Milldale, agent operator 12 19.00 Southington, agent 12 24.00 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Plainville, ticket agent operator.. . 8 21.00 ' Operator clerk 8 19.00 Operator clerk 8 18.00 Farmington, agent operator 8 19.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Avon, agent operator 12 19.50 Simsbury, agent 12 24.05 Operator clerk 8 18.00 Simsbury, operator clerk 8 18.00 Operator clerk 8 18.00 Granby, agent operator 12 19.00 Congamond, agent operator 8 20.00 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Southwick, agent operator 12 18.00 Westfield, assistant agent opr. ...10 23.10 Southampton, agent operator 8 18.00 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Northampton, operator clerk 8 18.00 Operator clerk 8 18.00 Operator clerk 8 1 8.00 South Deerfleld. .Tgent operator. . .12 19.00 Conway, agent operator 12 1 6.00 New Hartford Branch. Unionville, agent operator 12 $22.00 Operator clerk J2* 15-50 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Collinsville, agent operator 12 $ 22.00 Operator clerk 12* 15.50 Pine Meadow, agent operator 12 18.50 New Hartford, agent operator. .. .12 20.60 Holyoke Branch. Holyoke, operator clerk 12 $18.00 Williamsburg Branch. Florence, agent operator 12 $ 20.50 Leeds, agent 12 12.25 Haydenville, agent operator 12 17.50 Williamsburg, agent operator 12 20.50 Turners Falls Branch. Turners Falls, agent operator 12 $ 23.00 Regular Relief Employes. Regular relief, agent operator. .. .12 $ 25.50 Agent operator 12 25.50 Signalman operator 12 22.75 Signalman operator 12 22.75 HIGHLAND DIVISION. Bridgeport to Pittsfield. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Trumbull, agent 12 $ 17.25 Long Hill, agent operator 12 17.25 Stepney, agent operator 12 18.25 Botsford, agent operator S 19.25 Operator clerk 8 17.75 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Newtown, agent operator 12 19.25 Operator clerk 12 18.00 Brookfield Jet., agent 12 20.25 Operator clerk 8 18.25 Operator clerk 8 17.75 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Brookfield, agent operator 12 18.25 Still River, agent operator 12 18.75 New Milford, agent 12 25.00 Operator ticket clerk 8 19.50 Operator ticket clerk 8 18.75 Operator ticket clerk 8 17.50 Merwinsville, agent operator 12 18.25 Woodrow, agent 12 13.25 Kent, agent 12 17.75 Operator clerk 12* 14.75 Cornwall Bridge, agent operator.. 12 18.25 West Cornwall, agent operator 12 18.25 Lime Rock, agent operator 12 19.25 Falls Village, agent operator 12 18.25 Canaan, operator clerk 8 19.85 Operator clerk 8 18.75 Operator clerk 8 18.00 Ashley Falls, agent operator 12 19.25 Sheffleld, agent operator 12 19.25 Great Barrington. operator clerk. . 9 19.50 Operator clerk 9 18.00 Van Deusenville, agent operator. . 8 18.25 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Housatonic, agent operator 12 21.00 Operator clerk 12* 16.75 Stockbridge, agent operator 12 18.50 Operatoi- clerk 12* 17.50 Hurlburt (South Lee), agent opr. .12 17.25 operator ticket clerk 12 18.75 Niagara (Lenoxdale), agent opr... 12 18.25 I.,enox, agent operator 12 25.00 Pittsfield, operator clerk 12 17.25 Hawleyvllle to Litchfield. Roxbury. agent operator 12 $ lO.TTi Wa.shington, agent operator 12 18.25 New Preston, agent operator 12 18.25 Schedules and Wage Scales 466 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Romford, agent 12 $ 11.00 Bantam, agent 12 18.50 Litchfield, agent operator 12 20.50 State Line Branch. West Stockbridge, agent operator. 12 $ 19.75 Waterbury to Danbury. Allerton Farms, agent operator. .12* $ 16.75 Towantic, block operator 8 17.50 Block operator 8 17.50 Block operator 8 17.50 Oxford, agent operator 12 19.75 Operator clerk 12 17.25 .Southbury, agent operator 12 20.00 Operator clerk 8 17.00 Sandy Hook, agent operator 8 19.25 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Hawleyville (SS 201), signalman.. 8 18.50 Signalman 8 18.50 Signalman 8 18.50 Ha^vleyville, operator clerk 10 20.25 Hawleyville Jet. (SS), signalman. 8 18.25 Signalman 8 18.25 Signalman 8 18.25 Berkshire Jet. (SS), signalman 8 18.25 Signalman 8 18.25 Signalman 8 18.25 Danbury, ticket agent 10 24.00 Operator 8 20.35 Operator 8 20.35 Operator 8 20.35 Operator 8 19.25 Operator 8 19.25 Watertown Branch. Oakville, agent operator 12 $19.00 Watertown, agent operator 12 19.00 Botsford to New Haven. Stevenson, agent operator 8 $16.75 Operator clerk 8 16.25 Operator clerk 8 16.25 Shelton, agent 12 27.50 Operator clerk 12 19.00 Orange, agent 12 18.00 Devon to Winsted. Derby Junction S. S., signalman.. 8 $ 19.35 Signalman 8 19.35 Signalman 8 19.35 Derby, operator clerk 10* 16.00 Ansonia, ticket agent 12 21.25 Operator 8 18.50 Operator 8 18.25 Operator 8 17.50 Seymour, agent 12 26.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 19.00 Beacon Falls, agent 12 18.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Naugatuck, ticket agent opr 12 $ 20.25 Union Citv, agent operator 12 20.25 Bank St. Jet. S. S., signalman 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Leverman 9 18.50 Leverman ;.. 9 18.50 Dispatchers' Office, operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Car distributor 10 27.00 Highland Jet. S. S., signalman... 8 21.00 Signalman .• S 20.00 Signalman 8 20.00 Rata per Station and Position Hrs. Week. Waterville, agent operator 12 $20.25 Operator clerk 12 18.25 Thomaston, operator ticket clerk.. 12 19.25 East Litchfield, agent operator. . .12 17.75 Torrington, ticket agent operator. 8 20.75 Operator clerk 8 18.00 Winsted, operator ticket clerk.... 8 21.25 Operator ticket clerk 8 18.75 Operator ticket clerk 8 17.50 Regular Relief Employe. Regular relief, agent operator. .. .12 $ 25.50 HARTFORD DIVISION. Springfield to Air Line Junction. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Springfield, signalman 8 $ 21.00 Signalman 8 21.00 Signalman 8 20.50 (Summer St.), operator clerk.. 10* 19.00 Thompsonville, operator clerk 12 19.00 Windsor I.,ocks, operator clerk.... 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.00 Operator clerk 8 17.00 Windsor, agent 12 22.00 Operator clerk 12* 16.00 Hartford (Branch Sw.), opr. clerk 8 18.00 Operator clerk 8 18.00 (SS 214), signalman 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 8 20.00 Leverman 8 20.00 Leverman 8 20.00 (SS 215), signalman 8 19.50 Signalman 8 19.25 Signalman 8 19.00 (West Side), operator 8 19.50 Operator i . 8 19.50 Operator 8 18.00 (Passenger), W. U. operator 10 17.00 (Dispatchers' Office), operator.. 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Car distributor 10 27.00 Newington, agent 12 18.00 Berlin, ticket agent operator 8 21.00 Operator clerk 8 18.75 Operator clerk 8 17.75 Meriden, ticket agent operator. .. .12 30.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 21.00 Operator freight clerk 8 18.75 Operator freight clerk 8 17.75 Operator freight clerk 8 17.75 Wallingford, operator clerk 8 18.75 Operator clerk 8 17.75 Operator clerk 8 17.75 North Haven, agent operator 12 20.00 Suffield Branch. Suffleld. agent operator 12 $20.00 Saybrook Point to Hartford. Saybrook Point, agent operator. . .12 $ 21.00 Essex, agent 12 20.50 Operator clerk 12* 15.60 Deep River, agent operator 12 18.00 Chester, agent 12 18.00 Hadlyme, agent 12 12.00 East Haddam. agent 12 18.00 Operator clerk 12 15.50 Arnolds, agent 12 11.50 Haddam, agent operator 12 17.50 Higganum. agent operator 12 19.00 456 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Middletown, ticket agent operator. 12 $ 25.00 Operator clerk S 20.00 Operator clerk. 8 18.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Signalman 8 20.25 Sig-nalman 8 19.50 Signalman 8 18.50 Cromwell, agent operator 12 16.00 Operator clerk 8 17.00 Operator clerk 8 17.00 Operator clerk 8 17.00 Rocky Hill, agent opeiator 12 21.00 Wethersfleld, agent operator 12 18.00 Hartford, State St., tkt. agt. opr. .12 19.50 Columbia to Highland Junction. Hop River, agent operator 12 $ 19.00 An^over, agent operator 8 19.00 Operator clerk 8 18.00 Operator clerk 8 17.25 Steels, block operator 8 17.00 Block operator 8 17.00 Block operator 8 17.00 Bolton, agent operator 12 17.50 Club House, block operator 8 17.00 Block operator 8 17.00 Vernon, agent 12 17.50 Vernon Cabin, opr. switchman. . .12 18.75 Vernon Jet. S. S., signalman 8 19.50 Signalman 8 19.25 Signalman 8 19.00 Talcottville, agent 12 14.50 Manchester, freight agent 12 27.50 Ticket agent operator 8 19.00 Operator clerk 8 18.00 Buckland, agent 12 16.00 Burnside Jet. S. S., signalman... 8 . 19.50 Signalman 8 19.25 Signalman 8 19.00 East Hartford, yd. off., opr. clerk. 8 18.00 Operator clerk 8 18.00 East Hartford, ticket agent opr. ..12 17.50 Elmwood, agent 12 16.50 New Britain, operator clerk 9 18.50 Operator clerk 9 18.50 Forostville, operator clerk 12 18.50 Bristol, freight agent 12 28.25 Ticket agent operator 12 24.00 Operator clerk 8 19.25 Operator clerk 8 19.25 Operator clerk 12* 15.50 Terryville, agent 12 20.00 Operator clerk 12 18.00 Springfield Branch. Armory, agent 12 $ 23.10 Operator clerk 10* 17.00 E. Longmeadow, agent operator. . .12 17.00 Hazardville, agent operator 12 21.00 Melrose, agent operator 12 17.50 Broad Brook, agent operator 12 18.50 E. Windsor, agent 12 15.50 E. Windsor Hill, agent operator.. 12 17.00 South Windsor, agent 12 16.00 Rockville Branch. Rockville, freight agent 12 $25.00 Ticket agent operator 12 19.50 Ellington, agent 12 12.00 Regular relief, agent operator 12 $ 25.50 Regular relief, agent operator 12 25.50 Regular relief, agent operator 12 25.50 NEW LONDON DIVISION. Waterford to South Auburn. * Rato per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Waterford, agent 12 $ 15.50 Signalman ^ 19.25 Signalman 8 18.85 Signalman 8 18.85 New London, frt. yd., signalman. 8 20.75 Signalman 8 20.75 Signalman 8 20.75 Dispatchers' Office, operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Car distributor 10 27.00 W. U. operator, N. L 12 17.60 Thames River D.B., signalman... 8 22.25 Signalman 8 22.00 Signalman 8 22.00 Groton, signalman 8 18.00 Signalman 8 17.50 Signalman 8 17.50 Agent 12 18.50 Midway (West End), signalman.. 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Agent 12 20.75 (Yard), operator 12 19.00 Operator 12 19.00 (East End), signalman 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Noank, agen^ operator 12 17.00 Mystic, signalman 8 19.25 Signalman 8 18.85 Signalman 8 18.85 Agent 12 24.50 Operator ticket clerk 12 16.50 Stonington. agent 12 22.75 Operator ticket clerk 12 16.50 Signalman 8 19.25 Signalman 8 18.85 Signalman 8 18.85 Westerly, signalman 8 19.25 Signalman 8 18.85 Signalman 8 18.85 Bradford, agent operator 12 20.25 Signalman 8 18.90 Signalman 8 18.50 Signalman 8 18.50 Wood River Jet., agent 12 20.75 Signalman 8 18.90 Signalman 8 18.50 Signalman 8 18.50 Carolina, agent 12 15.00 Shannock, agent 12 16.50 Signalman S 18.90 Signalman 8 18.50 Signalman 8 18.50 Kenyons, .agent operator 12 17.50 Kingston, agent ...12 29.50 Operator ticket clerk 12 17.75 Signalman 8 19.70 Signalman 8 19.30 Signalman 8 19.30 Slooums, agent 12 16.50 Signalman 8 18.90 Signalman 8 18.50 Signalman 8 18.50 Wickford Jet., agent operator 12 24.50 Signalman 8 19.25 Signalman 8 18.85 Signalman 8 18.85 Schedules and Wage Scales. 457 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Davisville, signalman 8 $ IS. 90 Signalman 8 18.50 Signalman 8 18.50 Agent 12 17.50 East Greenwich, signalman 8 19.25 Signalman 8 , 18.85 Signalman 8 18.85 Agent 12 25.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 16.50 Cowesett. aj:ent 12 15.00 Apponaug, signalman 8 18.90 Signalman 8 18.50 Signalman 8 18.50 Agent 12 18.00 Hills Grove, signalman 8 18.90 Signalman 8 18.50 Signalman 8 18.50 Agent 12 18.50 Norwood, agent 12 16.00 WIckford Branch. Belleville, agent 12 $ 14.25 Wickford Ldg., agent 12 18.00 Groton to South Worcester. Navy Yard, agent operator 12 $ 18.00 Gales Ferry, agent operator 12 18.00 Norwich, ticket agent operator. ... 8 22.00 Operator clerk 8 19.25 Operator clerk 8 18.00 Gi-eenville, agent 12 13.00 Tafts, agent operator 8 17.75 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.00 Shetucket, block operator 9 17.00 Block operator 9 17.00 Reades, block operator 9 17.00 Block operator 9 17.00 Jewett City, agent 12 19.50 Operator clerk 8 17.75 Operator clerk S 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.00 Bishops, block operator 9 17.00 Block operator .^ 9 17.00 Central Village, agent op'eratoi-. . . S 18.00 Operator clerk. 8 17.75 Operator clerk. 8 17.75 'vVauregan, agent 12 15.75 DanieLson, agent 12 23.50 Operator clerk 8 17.75 Operator clerk 8 17.25 Dayvilie, agent 12 20.00 Operator clerk 12 18.00 Putnam, ticket agent operator. .. .12 21.50 Signalman 8 20.50 Signalman 8 20.25 Signalman .- 8 19.50 Block operator 8 17.25 Block operator 8 17.25 Block operator S 17.25 West Thompson, agent operator.. 12 18.00 Grosvenordale, agent .12 14.00 North Grosvenordale, agent 12 19.50 Operator clerk § 18.00 Operator clerk 8 17.25 Webster, freight agent 12 27.00 Ticket agent operator 9 21.00 Operator clerk 9 19.25 Operator clerk 9 17.75 Oxford, agent operator 9 19.25 Operator clerk 9 17.00 North Oxford, agent 12 il.50 Maywood Siding, block operator.. 12 17.50 Auburn, agent operator 9 18.50 Operator clerk 9 17.00 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Southbridge Branch. East Webster, agent 12 $11.50 Quinebaug, agent 12 17.00 Sandersdale, agent 12 11.50 Southbridge, ticket agent opr 12 18.50 Regular Relief Employes. Regular relief, agent operator 12 $ 25.50 Regular relief, agent operator. .. .12 25.50 PROVIDENCE DIVISION. Auburn to Readville. Rata per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Auburn, agent 12 $ 25.75 Operator clerk 12 19.25 Signalman 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Blmwood, signalman 8 19.50 Signalman 8 19.00 Signalman 8 19.00 Agent 12 17.50 Cranston Street, agent 12 16.50 Wes-tminster St. S. S., signalman. 8 19.50 Signalman 8 19.00 Signalman 8 19.00 Atwell Ave., agent 12 16.00 Brayton Ave. S. S., signalman 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman .8 22.50 Leverman 8 21.00 Leverman 8 21.00 Leverman 8 21.00 Train Dispatchers' Office, operator 8 23.20 Operator S 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Operator S* 19.90 Car distributor 10 27.00 Rta. Master's Office (Prov.), opr. .10 19.50 Promenade St. S. S., signalman.. 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Leverman ■ 8 21.50 Leverman 8 21.50 Orme St. S. S., signalman 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Leverman 8 21.00 Leverman 8 21.00 Northup Ave. Yard, operator 8 19.50 Operator 8 19.50 Operator 8 19.50 Northup Ave. S. S.. signalman... 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Leverman 8 21.00 Pawtucket (Woodlawn S. S.), sig. . 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Boston Switch S. S.. signalman... 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Newport Road S. S., signalman... 8 19.50 Signalman 8 19.00 Signalman 8 19.00 Hebronville, agent 12 16.50 East Junction S. S., signalman... 8 21.00 Signalman 8 20.50 Signalman 8 20.60 458. Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Dodgeville, agent 12 $ 15.50 Olive St. S. S., Attleboro, sig- 8 21.50 Sig'nalman 8 21.25 Signalman 8 21.25 Park St. S. S., Attleboro, sig 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 West Mansfield, agent 12 17.50 Signalman 8 19.50 Signalman 8 19.00 Signalman 8 19.00 East Foxboro. agent 12 16.50 Signalman 8 19.50 Signalman 8 19.00 Signalman g 19. OO Sharon Heights, agent operator.. 12 19.75 Signalman g 19.50 Signalman g 19^00 Signalman ..•....., g 19^00 Sharon P;t S. S., signalman g 19.50 SignalmUn g 19.00 Signalman g 19I00 Sharon, agent operator 12 I8.50 Canton Junction, signalman 8 22.75 Signalman g 22 50 Signalman g 22 50 A&ent 12 22.00 Dedham Road S. S., signalman... 8 19.50 Signalman g 19.00 Signalman g jg'op Valley Falls to Worcester. Valley Falls, signalman s $22 75 Signalman g 22^50 Signalman g 22.50 Agent operator.. 9 22^00 Operator clerk 9 IS.'JZ Operator clerk 9 igl75 Operator clerk 9 ig^ys Lonsdale, agent operator 12 22.00 Operator clerk ; 12 Igioo Berkeley, agent operator 12 ig^so Ashton, agent operator 12 ig.oo Albion, agent operator 12 18.50 Manville, agent operator 12 22.00 Operator clerk 12 18.00 Woonsocket, ticket agent operator 9 24.00 Operator ticket clerk 9 19.75 Operator 12 16^75 River St. Sta., ticket agt. opr. ..12 20.50 Woonsocket, signalman g 20.50 Signalman g 19 50 Signalman g 19 5Q Black-stone, agent 12 24.50 Operator ticket clerk 9 . ig.75 Operator ticket clerk 9 18.50 Operator ticket clerk 9 ig.oo Millville, agent 12 22^00 Operator ticket clerk 12 ig.75 Uxbridge, agent 12 21.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 18.75 Whitlns, agent 12 25.50 Operator ticket clerk 12 18.75 Northbridge, agent operator 12 21.00 Operator clerk 12 17.75 Farnumsville, agent operator 12 17.50 Saimdersville, agent operator 12 18.00 Millbury, agent 12 22.00 Operator clerk 12 17.60 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Worcester: Southbridge St. S. S., signalman 8 $ 19.50 Signalman , 8 19.00 Signalman ' 8 19.00 Jackson St. S. S., signalman 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Fi-anklin St. S. S., signalman... 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Southgate St., block operator. . .12 17.50 Hope Branch. South Auburn, agent 12 $ 15.00 Pettaconsett, agent 12 14.00 Sockanosset, agent 12 17.25 Howard, agent 12 17.50 Pontiac, agent 12 20.00 Operator clerk 12 18.75 Bast Natick, agent 12 15.00 Westcott, agent .; 12 15.00 Clyde, agent 12 ' 21.25 Operator clerk 12* 16.50 Phenix, agent 12 15.50 Harris, agent operator 12 19.75 Arkwright, agent 12 16.00 Hoi)e, agent operator 12 ' 20.75 South Providence Branch. South Providence, agent 12 $25.50 Willlmantlc Branch. Dike St., agent operator 12 $ 18.75 Cranston, agent operator 12 19.75 Operator clerk. 12 17.50 Oaklawn, agent operator 12 17.50 Natick, agent operator 12 19.50 Operator clerk 12 17.50 Riverpoint, agent operator 9 19.75 Operator clerk 9 17.25 Centerville, agent 12 22.00 Operator clerk 12 18.00 Quidnick, agent operator 12 18.75 Anthony, agent 12 17.50 Washington, agent operator 9 18.50 Operator clerk 9 17.50 Coventry, agent operator 12 18.25 Summit, agent operator 12 17.75 Greene, agent operator 12 17.75 Oneco, agent operator 12 17.50 Sterling, agent 12 19.50 Operator clerk 12 17.50 Moosup, agent 12 22.00 Operator clerk 12 18.00 Plainfield, agent 12 22.00 Operator clerk signalman 8 17.75 Operator clerk signalman 8 17.75 Operator clerk signalman 8 17.00 Canterbury, agent 12 10.50 Lisbon, agent operator 12 16^75 Versailles, agent operator 12 19.50 Baltic, agent 12 19.75 Operator clerk 12 17.50 South Windham, agent operator.. 12 17.50 Harrisvllle Branch. Olneyville, agent operator ...12 $ 23.00 Manton, agent operator 12 18.00 Certerdale, agent operator 12 18.75 Leverman 10 17.00 Leverrnan 10 17.00 Esmond, agent 12 17.50 Georgiaville, agent operator 12 18.00 Stillwater, agent operator 12 18.00 SCHEDUf.ES AND WaGE ScALES. 459 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Tarklin, agent operator 12 $18.00 Oakland, agent operator 12 18.75 Providence to Bristol and Fall River. .•-^eekonk River S. S., signalman... 8 $ 23.75 Signalman 8 19.80 Signalman 8 19.80 Water St. S. S., signalman 8 21.50 Signalman 8 21.00 Signalman 8 21.00 Rast Providence, agent 12 17.50 Signalman 8 22.00 Signalman 8 21.75 Signalman 8 21.75 Wharf, operator clerk 10* 15.00 Riverside, agent operator 12 19.25 West Barrington, agent operator. 12 19.75 Nayatt, agent operator 12 17.50 Barrington, agent operator 12 18.25 Warren, agent 12 23.50 Operator ticket clerk 9 19.75 Operator ticket clerk 9 18.75 Signalman 9 21.00 Signalman 9 21.00 Bristol, agent operator 9 25.00 Operator ticket clerk 9 19.75 Operator ticket clerk 9 18.75 Constitution St., ticket agent... 12 14.00 Touisset, agent operator 12 18.50 .'^outh Swansea, agent operator. . .12 18.50 East Providence to East Junction and Valley Falls. Waterman Ave., signalman 8 $ 19.00 Signalman 8 18.75 Signalman 8 18.75 Rumford, agent 12 17.00 Phillipsdale. agent 12 25.00 Darlington, ngent 12 25.00 Franklin Branch. Adamsdale, agent 12 $13.00 Adamsdale Jet., S. S., signalman.. S 19.00 Signalman 8 18.50 Abbots Run, agent....- 12 13.00 Arnolds Mill.s, agent operator 12 17.00 Wrentham, agent 12 13.00 Wrentham Branch. North Attleboro, operator clerk.. 12 $15.25 Plainville, agent operator 12 18.50 Wrentham, agent operator 12 19.75 Pondville, agent 12 15.00 Walpole Heights, agent operator.. 12 19.50 Bird Mills (East Walpole), agent. 12 25.00 Operator clerk 12 20.40 Morrills, agent operator 12 17.50 Attleboro Branch. Chartley, agent operator ^ 12 $18.00 Barrowsville, agent... 12 16.50 Stoughton Branch. Canton, agent operator 12 $ 22.00 Stoughton, operator ticket clerk. . 9 17.50 Operator ticket clerk 9 17.25 Regular Relief Employes. Regular relief, agent operator. .. .12 $ 25.50 Regular relief, agent operator 12 25.50 Rfgular relief, agent operator 12 25.50 Regular relief, signalman operator. 12 22.75, BOSTON DIVISION. Boston to Hyde Park. Rate per .Stalion and Position. Hrs. Week. I >i.-;p;itchers' OfRce, operator 8 $23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 - 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Car distributor. 10 27.00 Broadway S. S., signalman 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Leverman 8* 18.00 Castle Square S. S., signalman... 8 19.50 Signalman 8 19.00 Back Bay, W. U. operator 12 14.25 Signalman 8 21.50 Signalman 8 21.50 Signalman 8 19.00 Chickering S. S., signalman 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Leverman 8* 18.00 Leverman 8* 18.00 Leverman 8* 18.00 Roxbury, ticket agent 12 19.00 Heath Street, agent 12 19.00 Boylston Street, agent 12 25.00 Signalman 8 19.50 Signalman 8 19.00 Signalman 8 19.00 Jamaica Plain, ticket agent 12 20.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 19.00 Forest Hills, agent 12 22.00 Signalman 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Leverman 8 21.00 Mount Hope, agent 12 18.00 Clarendon Hills, agent 12 16.00 Signalman 8 19.50 Signalman 8 19.00 Hazelwood, agent 12 16.00 West Roxbury Branch. Roslindale, agent 9 $ 18.00 Highland, agent 9 16.00 West Roxbury, ticket agent 12 16.00 Signalman 9 19.75 Signalman 9 18.75 Spring St., agent 12 20.00 Dedham, operator clerk 9 18.50 Operator clerk 9 18.50 Readville Branch. East Dedham, agent 12 $21.00 Boston to Provincetown. South Boston S. S., director 8 $ 27.00 Director 8 27.00 Director 8 27.00 Leverman 8 21.50 Leverman 8 21.60 Leverman 8 21.50 Leverman 8 21.50 Leverman 8 21.50 Leverman 8 21.50 Leverman 8 21.50 Leverman 8 21.50 Leverman 8 21.50 Leverman 8 21.50 Leverman 8 21.50 Master Mechanic's Of., opr. elk. .12* 18.00 460 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per fetation and Position. Hrs. Week. Crescent Ave., agent 12 $ 16.00 Southampton St. S. S., signalman 8 21.50 Signalman 8 21.50 Signalman g 19.00 Savin Hill, agent 12 le^OO Harrison Square, signalman S 22.75 Signalman g 22.50 Signalman ' g 20 00 Agent 12 23.00 Neponset, agent 12 22.00 Signalman g 21 50 Signalman g 20.50 Signalman g • jg qq Atlantic, ticket agent operator. . .12 19.00 Signalman g 22.75 Signalman g 22 50 Signalman • '//_ g 2o!o0 Norfolk Downs, agent 12 I6.00 Wollaston, agent 12 23.00 Quincy, ticket agent 9 21.00 Ticket clerk 9 igi50 Braintree, ticket agent operator.. 12 2l!50 Signalman g 22.75 Signalman [g 22^50 Signalman 8 22 50 Leverman g* ig.oo Leverman g* ig OO South Braintree, ticket agent opr.l2 2o!50 Operator clerk. . . , 9 20.00 Operator clerk 9 2o!oO Yard S. S., signalman g 18.00 Signalman g ^g qo Signalman g ^g^oo Junction S. S., signalman g ig'oo Signalman g 18.00 Signalman g jgQo Braintree Highlands, signalman.. 8 19^50 Signalman g 19.00 Signalman g 19.00 Holbrook, agent operator 12 18.00 Avon, agent operator 12 is. 00 Montello, ticket agent operator.. 12 19.00 Brockton, signalman 8 22.75 Signalman g 22.50 Signalman g 2o!oO Ticket agent operator 12 25.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 19.00 Ca.mpello, ticket agent operator.. 12 19.00 Signalman g 19.50 Signalman g 1900 Signalman g 19. oo Matfield, agent operator 12 18.00 Signalman 12 16.50 Westdale, agent operator 12 18.00 Signalman 12 16.50 Stanley, agent opr. signalman. . .12 18.50 Bridge-water, agent 12 24.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 19.00 Titicut, agent operator 12 18.50 Middleboro, signalman 12 18.00 Signalman 12 17.00 Operator clerk 8 18.00 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.00 Rock, agent operator 12 17.00 South Middleboro, agent operator. 12 17.00 Tremont, agent 12 23.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 18.00 South Wareham, agent 12 16.00 Parker Mills, agent 12 12.95 Wareham, agent 12 22.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 17.50 Rata per Station and Position. Hrs. "Week. Onset, agent 12 $ 21.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 17.50 Buzzards Bay, agent 12 23.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 17.50 Signalman 8 19.80 Signalman 8 19.30 Signalman 8 19.30 Bourne, agent 12 17.00 Sampson (Bournedale), agent 12 15.06 Sagamore, agent operator 12 21.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 18.50 Sandwich, agent 12 18.50 Operator ticket clerk 12 17.50 Royal (East Sandwich), agent.... 12 13.60 Clement (W. Barnstable), agent.. 12 21.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 17.50 Barnstable, agent operator 12 18.00 Yarmouth, agent operator 9 20.00 Operator clerk 9 16.50 Operator clerk 9 16.50 Pass River, agent operator 12 17.00 South Dennis, agent operator 12 18.00 Norman (North Harwich), agent.. 12 18.00 Harwich, agent operator 12 21.00 Brewster, agent operator 12 17.50 East Brewster, agent operator. .. .12 17.00 Orleans, agent operator 12 20.00 Kastham, agent 12 12.95 Hastings (N. Eastham), agent. ..12- 17.00 South Wellfleet, agent 12 12.95 Wellfleet, agent operator 12 20.00 South Truro, agent 12 12.95 Truro, agent 12 12.95 Moorland (N. Truro), agent opr. .12 18,00 Provincetown, agent 12 25.00 Operator clerk 12 18.50 Mattapan Branch. Fields Corner, agent 12 $16.00 Ashmont, agent 12 16.00 Cedar Grove, agent 12 15.00 Shawmut Jet. S. S., signalman.. 9 19.50 Signalman 9 18.50 Milton, agent 12 25.00 Mattapan, agent operator ;. 9 22.00 Operator clerk 9 17.50 West Quincy Branch. Mont Clair, agent 12 $ 12.95 East Milton, agent 12 17.10 West Quincy, agent 12 23.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 18.00 Braintree to Kingston. Weymouth, agent operator 12 $ 20.00 Weymouth Heights, agent 12 16.00 Fast Weymouth, agent operator. .12 23.00 Operator clerk 12 1^.50 Hingham, agent 12 25.00 Operator clerk 12 18.50 Nantasket Jet., operator clerk 10 17.50 North Cohasset, agent 12 18.00 Cohasset, agent ..12 21.00 Ticket agent operator 9 18.00 Operator ticket clerk 9 17.50 Beechwood, agent 12 12.95 North Scituate, agent operator. .. .12 18.75 Egypt, agent operator 12 18.00 Scituate, agent operator 12 18.75 Greenbush, agent operator 12 19.00 North River, agent operator 12 17.50 Sea View, agent operator 12 17.50 Center Village, agent 12 12.95 Marshfield, agent operator 12 ' 18.50 Green Harbor, agent 12 12.95 Schedules and Wage Scales. 461 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Duxbury, agent operator 12 $ 18.00 Standish, agent operator 12 18.00 Island Creeli, agent 12 12.95 South Braintree to Plymouth. South Weymouth, agent operator. 12 $ 19.50 North Abington, agent 12 23.00 Ticket clerk operator 12 19.50 Abington, agent 12 17.00 Whitman, agent 12 25.00 Ticket agent operator 9 19.50 Operator ticket clerk 9 17.50 North Hanson, agent 12 14.00 Bryantville, agent operator 12 18.00 Burrage, agent 12 16.50 Monponsett, agent 12 14.00 Halifax, agent operator 12 17.50 Plympton, agent operator 12 18.00 Kingston, agent operator 12 21.00 Operator clerk 12 16.50 Seaside, agent 12 18.50 North Plymouth, frt. agent opr. ..12 25.00 Plymouth, agent operator 12 28.00 Ticket clerk operator 9 19.50 Operator clerk 9 19.00 Nantasket Beach Branch. Nantasket, agent operator 9t $ 17.50 Clerk operator 9t 16.50 Allerton, agent operator 12 18.00 Pemberton, agent operator 9t 17.50 Clerk operator 9t 16.50 Hanover Branch. Rockland, agent 12 $ 22.00 Ticket agent operator 12 16.50 Circuit St., agent 12 18.50 Perry, agent operator 12 16.50 Hanover, agent operator 12 20.00 Bridgewater Branch. East Bridgewater, agent opr 12 $ 21.00 Darby Branch. Nemasket, agent. 12 $ 12.95 North Carver, agent 12 17.50 Darby, agent 12 12.95 Falrhaven Branch. Marion, agent operator 12 $18.50 Mattapoisset, agent operator 12 18.50 Falrhaven, agent 12 23.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 17.50 Woods Hole Branch. Cataumet, -agent operator 12 $ 18.00 Williams (N. Falmouth), agt. opr. .12 18.00 Long View (W. Falm'h), agt. opr. .12 18.00 Falmouth, agent operator 12 23.00 Operator clerk 12 18.50 Woods Hole, agent 12 21.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 17.50 Hyannis Branch. Hyannis, agent operator 12 $ 25.00 Operator ticket clerk 9 17.00 Operator ticket clerk 9t 17.00 Chatham Branch. South Harwich, agent 12 $ 12.95 South Chatham, agent 12 12.95 Chatham, agent operator 12 21.00 Regular Relief Employes. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Regular relief, agent operator 12 $ 25.50 Regular relief, agent operator 12 25.50 Regular relief, agent operator 12 25.50 Regular relief, signalman opr 12 22.75 tSummer position only. MIDLAND DIVISION. Boston to Columbia. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Dispatchers' Office, operator 8 $ 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Car distributor 10 27.00 Firj-.t St. Yard Office, operator elk. 8 19.00 Operator clerk 8 18.50 Operator clerk 8 18.00 South Bay Jet. S. S., signalman.. 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Leverman 8* 18.00 Dudley Street, agent '.12 17.25 Bird Street, agent 12 17.25 Mt. Bowdoin, agent operator 12 18.00 Harvard St., agent 12 17.25 Dorchester, agent operator 9 18.00 Operator clerk 9 16.50 Morton St., agent 12 15.00 Blue Hill Ave., agent operator 12 17.25 River St., agent 12 15.00 Readville, operator clerk 12 19.00 Shops, operator clerk 9* 18.50 S. S. 180, signalman 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman .- 8 22.50 S. S. 181, signalman 8 22.75 Signalman S 22.50 Signalman 8 22.60 Leverman 8 21.00 Leverman 8 21.00 S. S. 234, signalman 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.50 Leverman \ 8 21.00 Leverman 8 21.00 Hyde Park, agent 12 24.00 Ashcroft, agent 12 12.00 Endicott, agent 12 12.00 Eslington, agent 12 10.00 Ellis, agent 12 9.40 Norwood Central, ticket agt. opr. .12 21.00 Norwood Jet. S. S., signalman 8 19.50 Signalman 8 19.25 Signalman 8 19.00 Winslows, agent 12 20.50 Highland Lake, agent 12 14.00 Norfolk, agent operator 12 18.00 City Mills, agent 12 14.50 Franklin, freight agent 12 27.50 Ticket agent operator 8 19.50 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Operator clerk 8 17.00 Signalman f 19.50 Signalman 8 19.25 Signalman 8 19.00 Millville Heights, agent operator.. 12 17.75 East Douglas, agent >12 19.50 Operator clerk 9 17.60 Operator clerk 9 17.60 Operator clerk 9 17.00 Douglas, agent operator 12 17.60 Douglas Jet. S. S., signalman 12 19.00 462 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. East Thompson, agent opr. sig-. . . 9 $ 18.00 Operator clerk signalman 8 17.00 Thompson, agent operator 12 17.75 Pornfret, agent operator 12 19.00 Abington, agent 12 17.00 Operator clerk 12 17.50 Eliots, agent operator 12 17.75 Hampton, agent operator 12 17.75 Clarks Corners, agent 12 17.00 Operator clerk 12 17.50 North Windham, agent operator.. 12 17.75 Willimantic, operator 8 20.00 Operator 8 19.00 Operator 8 19.00 Columbia, operator switchman.... 8 17.75 Operator switchman 8 17.75 West Roxbury to Douglas Junction. West St. (Needham Jet.), agt. opr.l2 $ 18.75 Signalman 9 19.75 Signalman 9 18.75 Ch.arles River, agent operator 12 17.50 Dover, agent 12 17.00 Farm Street, agent 12 11.00 Clicquot, agent ." 12 20.00 Minis, agent operator 12 18.50 Medway, agent operator 12 .19.25 West Medway, agent operator 12 19.25 Caryville, agent 12 15.50 North Bellingham, agent 12 15.25 Midland (Bellingham Jet.), A. 0..12 18.00 Forestdale, agent 12 - 15.25 Slatersville, agent operator ..12 19.00 Nasonville, agent operator 12 17.50 Glendale, agent 12 15.25 Whipple, agent 12 15.25 Harrisville, agent operator 12 19.50 Pascoag, agent operator 12 21.50 Operator clerk 12 17.75 Needham Branch. Needham, agent operator 12 $21.00 Operator clerk 12 17.75 Carterville (Needham Hts.), A. 0..12 ■ 20.00 Newton Upper Falls, agent 12 25.00 Operator clerk 12* 18.00 Ashland Branch. Unionville, agent 12 $ 11.75 Milford, operator clerk 9 17.50 Hopkinton, agent 12 18.00 Ashland, agent 12 15.00 Regular Relief Employes. Regular relief, agent operator 12 $ 25.50 Regular relief, signalman opr 12 22.75 OLD COLONY DIVISION. Rato per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Randolph, agent operator 12 $21.00 North Stoughton, agent 12 14.00 South Stoughton, agent 12 16.50 Stoughton Jet., signalman 8 19.50 Signalman 8 19.00 Signalman 8 19.00 Operator clerk 12 20.00 N'orth Easton. agent operator 12 25.00 Fasten, agent operator 12 16.50 Signalman 12 16.00 Raynhnm, agent opr. signalman. .12 19.00 Rata per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Whittenton 'Wye, signalman S $ 16.00 Signalman 8 16.00 Signalman 8 16.00 Weir Village, agent 12 14.00 North Dighton, agent operator. .. .12 19.00 Segregansett, agent 12 11.50 Dighton, agent operator 12 19.00 Operator clerk 12* 15.00 Somerset, agent operator 12 18.00 Somerset Jet., signalman 12 20.00 Steep Brook, agent 12 11.50 Fall River, operator clerk 8 18.50 Operator clerk 8 18.00 Operator clerk 8 17.50 Central Street S. S., sig-nalman. . . 8 22.75 Signalman S 22.50 Signalman 8 20.00 Ferry Street, ticket agent opr. ...12 22.50 Operator ticket clerk 12 18.00 Tiverton, agent operator 9 19.50 Operator clerk 9 17.00 Bristol Ferry, agent operator 12 18.00 Portsmouth, agent operator 12 18.00 Mellville, agent operator 12 18.00 Middletown, agent operator 12 18.00 Newport, ticket agent operator. .. . 9 23.00 Operator ticket clerk 9 19.50 Lowell to New Bedford. Lowell, operator clerk 12 $17.00 Chelmsford, agent operator 12 19.50 Byams (S. Chelmsford), agent opr.l2 17.50 Carlisle, agent 12 11.55 Acton, agent operator 12 17.50 Raymond (N. Sudbury), agent opr. 12 17.50 Svidbury, agent operator 12 17.50 Nobscot, agent operator 12 17.50 Framingham Centre, signalman.. 8 19.50 Signalman 8 19.00 Signalman 8 19. OT) Agent operator 12 20.00 Operator clerk .' 12 18.00 Framingham (N. End), signalman 8 20.00 Signalman 8 20.00 Signalman 8 20.00 Operator clerk 12 21.50 Sherborn, agent operator 12 18.00 Medfield Jet., agt. opr. signalman. 9 20.50 Operator clerk signalman 9 19.50 Medfield, agent operator 12 20.00 Operator clerk 12 18.00 Walpole, freight agent 12 24.00 Ticket agent operator 12 20.00 Signalman 8 21.75 Signalman 8 20.75 Signalman 8 20.00 Cedar (Walpole Jet.), A. O. S.... 8 20.50 Operator clerk signalman 8 19.00 Operator clerk signalman 8 19.00 South Walpole, agent operator 12 18.00 Foxboro, agent operator 12 24.00 Mansfield Yard, signalman 8 21.00 Signalman 8 20.00 Signalman 8 20.00 Junction, signalman 8 22.75 Signalman 8 22.50 Signalman 8 22.60 Leverman -. 8 21.00 Leverman 8 21.00 Leverman 8 21.00 Operator clerk 8 19.25 Operator clerk 8 19.25 Operator clerk., .' 8 19.25 Norton, agent operator 12 20.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 463 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Cranes, agent 12 $ 14.00 S. S. 352 (Attleboro Jet.), sig 8 19.50 Signalman 8 19.00 Signalman 8 19.00 Whittenton, agent 12 17.00 Whittenton Jet., signalman 8 19.50 Signalman * 8 19.00 Signalman 8 19.00 Taunton, ticket agent 12 25.00 Operator clerk 10* 16.50 Dispatchers' Office, operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Operator 8 23.20 Car distributor ....10 27.00 Weir Jet., agent operator sig 8 19.00 Operator clerk signalman 8 18.00 Signalman clerk 8 16.00 Weir Branch, freight agent 12 24.00 Middleboro Jet., signalman 12 19.00 Myricks, agent opr. signalman... 9 18.50 Operator signalman 9 18.00 East Freetown, agent operator. .. .12 17.00 Braleys, agent operator 12 17.00 Acushnet, agent operator 12 18.50 New Bedford, ticket agent 12 25.00 Operator clerk 9 19.50 Operator /ticket clerk 9 19.50 .Framlngham Center to Fitchburg. Fayville, agent operator 12 $18.00 Southboro, agent 12 20.00 Operator ticket clerk 12 19.50 Marlboro Jet., agent opr. sig 9 20.00 Operator clerk signalman 9 19.00 Talbot, agent operator 12 18.00 Northboro, agent operator 12 21.00 Operator -clerk 12* 16.50 Berlin, agent operator 12 18.00 Carters, agent operator 12 18.00 Bolton, agent 12 17.00 Pratts Jet., agt. opr. signalman. .12 19.00 Leominster, freight agent opr 12 26.50 Ticket agent operator 12 19.00 South Fitchburg, agent 12 13.00 Fitchburg, signalman (joint) 8 18.55 Signalman (joint) 8 18.55 Signalman (joint) 8 18.55 Operator clerk 12 19.00 Fall River Branch. Crystal Spring, agent 12 .$16.25 Assonet, agent operator 12 18.50 Middleboro Branch. East Taunton, agent 12 $18.00 Operator clerk 12 16.50 Operator clerk 12t 16.50 Marlboro Branch. Marlboro, freight agent 12 $25.00 Ticket agent operator 9 19.50 Operator ticket clerk 9 18.00 Sterling Branch. Sterling, agent 12 $16.25 Watuppa Branch. Flint Village, agent 12 $ 12.80 Watuppa, operator clerk 12 18.00 Easton Branch. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. West Bridgewater, agent opr 12 $17.50 Cochesett, agent operator 12 16.50 Eastondale, agent operator 12 16.50 South Easton, agent 12 18.50 Regular Relief Employes. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Week. Regular relief, agent operator 12 $ 25.50 Regular relief, signalman opr 12 22.75 GENERAL OFFICE. Rate per Station and Position. Week. New Haven Gen. Offlce,§ manager $ 25.85 Operator 24.20 Operator 24.20 Operator 24.20 Operator 24.20 Operator 24.20 Operator 24.20 Operator 24.20 Operator 24.20 Operator 24.20 Operator 24.20 Operator 24.20 Operator 24.20 Operator 24.20 Operator 24.20 §Hoin-s as per Article XXIII. NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN & HARTFORD RAILROAD. tJoint East Taunton — Norton, In settlement of the matters in controversy between the New York, New Haven & Hart- ford Railroad Company and its employes designated in Article I of this agreement, and the attached wage scale, which have been submitted to mediation, the following agreement has been reached between the above-named company and the committee representing its above-described employes. ARTICLE I. Employes Represented. (a) All employes, except train dispatchers, assigned by proper authority to telegraph service of any character or duration, signal .'station directors, signalmen, and levermen, shall be governed by the provisions of this agreement. (b) Telephone operators who handle train orders, or block, or report trains by tele- phone, shall be governed by the provisions of this agreement. (c) Agents, as shown on the accompany- ing wage scale, who are not required to telegraph, shall also be governed by the pro- visions of this agreement. ARTICLE II. Discipline and Investigations. An employe, as designated in Article I, who has been disciplined shall have the right to a hearing if he requests it. If sus- pended pending investigation, it shall be held within seven days from date of sus- pension; when not found at fault as charged. 464 Schedules and Wage Scales. he shall be allowed to resume his duties and be paid for the time lost. The employe affected may be accompanied by a co-em- ploye of his choice at liearings or investiga- (ions. When hearing- or investigations result unfavorably to an employe, he shall have the right, either in person, or through a committee of employes of the same class, to appeal to the higher officers of the company in their respective order vip to the general manager. Result of hearings or investiga- tions shall be furnished the employe affected within thirty days. ARTICLE III. Promotion According to Seniority and Ability. (a) Employes, as designated in Article I, are in line for positions, or for promotion, witiiin the jurisdiction of their division superintendent. Seniority and ability to fill position bid, or applied for, shall determine the selection. In case the position is not awarded to the senior applicant, he shall be notified why the position cannot be awarded him. (b) The company, through the proper- offi- cers, shall determine the fitness of the em- ploye, as designated in Article I, to fill the position bid, or applied for; provided that the senior applicant shall be given a fair and impartial examination for such position if he requests it. (c) Any employe, as designated in Article I, feeling himself aggrieved on account of the decision, will have the right of appeal, personally, or through a committee of the same class, to the higher officers in their regular order up to the general manager. ARTICLE IV. Time Limit on Appeals. An appeal from any decision as to dis- cipline, pay, or application of any of the articles of this agreement must be made within thirty days from the date of the de- cision. This article to apply on each suc- cessive appeal from one officer to another in order as mentioned in Articles II and III. ARTICLE V. Vacancies and Additional Positions. (a) When a vacancy occurs, or an addi- tional position is created, the superintendent of the division shall, within five days, notify, by bulletin, all employes, as designated in Article I, on his division, who may, within ten days from date of bulletin, file an appli- cation for the positon. At the end of twenty days from date of bulletn the appointment and assignment shall be made. Bulletins shall be numbered consecutively from the first of each year and shall show the assign- ments made on the previous bulletin. (b) When a man bids in a position he will not be allowed to bid for his fornner position until it has been once filled and again be- comes vacant. ARTICLE VI. Temporary Positions, (a) Temporary positions or vacancies, ex- cepting positions of agent and agent oper- ator, of thirty days or more, shall be bulle- tined as a temporary position to all enn- p'-oyes, as designated in Article I, on that division, who may within five days from date of bulletin, file an application for the posi- tion. Within ten days of date of bulletin an assignment shall be made in accordance with Article III. (b> Temporary positions or vacancies of agent, and agent operator, of ninety days or more, shall be bulletined as a temporary position to all employes, as designated in Article I, on that division, who may within five days from date of bulletin, file an appli- cation for the position. Within ten days of date of bulletin an assignment shall be made in accordance with Article III. (c) Should the employe under the above leave of absence fail to return to the service, the po.sition shall be bulletined in accordance with Article V when the date of his retire- ment is determined. (d) When .a temporary position is discon- tinued the employe holding same shall revert to his former position. ARTICLE VII. Notification by Superintendents of Non- Telegraph Vacancies. (a) Superintendents shall, within five days, notify, bj'' bulletin, all employes, designated in Article I, of vacancies in station agencies, ticket agencies, and assistant agencies, not shown in the accompanying wage scale, and where salary did not exceed thirty dollars per week on April 26, 1913; provided, that when weekly salary of any such position becomes in excess of thirty-five dollars, this rule shall no longer apply. Employes, as designated in Article I, may make applica- tion for such positions, which applications shall be given consideration in accordance with paragraph (h) of Article III. (b) Employes, as designated in Article I. taking such positions shall retain their sen- ioriry, but may assert it only by filing appli- cations for vacancies. ARTICLE VIIL Applications for Positions in the General Telegraph Office.- (a) Applications from competent employes in the telegraph service for positions in the general telegraph office, "NH", may be made to the superintendent of telegraph. Appli- cations should be filed to be available before vacancies occur. Applications will be con- sidered in accordance with paragraph (b; of Article TIL (b) A telegraph operator who accepts a position in accordance with paragraph (a) of this article, may, in the case of the aboli- tion of such position, return to the -division on which he was previously employed, with his full roster rights. ARTICLE IX. Notification of Successful Bidder. A letter of notification shall be sent to the successful bidder for a position and a copy of this communication shall be sent to- the local chairman of the division. ARTICLE X. Seniority List. A seniority list consisting of all employes, as designated in Article I, shall be Issued by Schedules and Wage Scales. 465 the company and each local chairman shall .be furnished with a copy for his division; a copy shall also be sent to each office on the division. This roster shall be revised annu- ally as of January first. ARTICLE xr. Seniority of Promoted Employes. (a) An employe, as designted in Article I, promoted to a position outside of the class of service covered by this agreement since January 28, 1905, shall retain his seniority while in the service of the company, but may assert it only by reverting to the extra list on the division from which promoted, and filing application for vacancies. Senior- ity shall not be accumulative while holding promotion. Acceptance of Positions as High Tension Electric Switchboard Operators. (b) Employes, as designated in Article I, accepting positions of high tension electric switchboard operator shall retain their sen- iority, but may assert it only by reverting to the extra list on the division from which promoted and filing application for vacan- cies. Seniority shall not be accvimulative while holding such positions. ARTICLE XII. Transferring From One Division to Another. An employe, as designated in Article I, may transfer from one superintendent's divi- sion to another superintendent's division with the approval of the superintendents and the telegraphers' general committee. In tiuch cases the employe making the transfer will go on the extra list but shall retain three-fourths of his former seniority and will have the right to bid on bulletined positions. ARTICLE XIII. Right of Displaced Employe. (a) When a position is abolished, the em- ploye, as designated in Article I, who is affected, shall have the privilege of asserting his seniority right to any scheduled position on the division which he is competent to fill, provided that he shall not displace any em- ploye who has been in the service more than three years. The employe so displaced to assert his seniority for the position which he is competent to fill, held by any junior employe, and so on until the youngest em- ploye is displaced, or displaced employes cease to assert the privilege. (b) In the event of there being no employe with less than three years' service holding a .scheduled position and not required to tele- graph, an employe whose position is abol- ished and who is' not a telegraph operator, may displace the youngest employe in the same branch of service who is not required to telegraph, or revert to the extra list. (c) In the event of there being no employe with less than three years' service holding a .■-•cheduled position, the employe whose posi- tion is abolished may displace the youngest employe holding a scheduled position, or revert to the extra list. (dj Seniority rights under this article must "be asserted within ten days. ARTICLE XIV. Compensation for Additional Positions. When additional positions are created, compensation and hours shall be fixed in conformity with positions of the same class on that sub-division covered by this agree- ment. ARTICLE XV. Overtime. (a) When the train or telegraph service requires the attention of an employe, as designated in Article I, beyond the hours specified in the wage scale, overtime shall be granted according to Article XVI of this agreement. (b; The time consumed in the handling of baggage and other work incidental to the proper attendance on the last train and clos- ing of stations to be included in computing overtime. ARTICLE XVI. Computing Overtime. Overtime .shall be paid pro rata, with a minimum of thirty-five cents per hour, and shall be computed on minute basis. ARTICLE XVII. Meal Hour. Employes, as designated in Article I, ex- cept those employed in signal stations, whose hours of duty are ten or more, shall be allowed one hour for meals, between 11:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m., and 11:00 p. m. and 1:00 a. m. If required to work any portion of their meal hour, they shall receive one hour's extra compensation at the regular overtime rate, and be allowed thirty minutes for lunch as soon thereafter as possible. ARTICLE XVIII. Relief or Emergency Work In Other Than Regular Positions. (a) Employes, as designted in Article I, who hold regular positions, shall not be required to cover a position of a greater number of hours than their own when the service can otherwise be maintained. (h) While engaged in relief or emergency worlc, employes shall be paid whichever rate per hour is the higher, that of the regular position, or that of the position required to be covered. (c) Employes, as designated in Article I, holding regular positions, shall, when re- quired to do relief or emergency work in other than their regular positions, be paid continuous time at the rate of the regular positions from the time of leaving their home station until the time for commencing duty, and when relieved from such work, shall be paid from the time relieved until the arrival at home station. (d) While away from home, employes shall be allowed legitimate expenses and if, at the end of the period during which relief or emergency work is performed, total earnings of employes, exclusive of the time consumed in traveling, are less than would have been received had they remained in their regular positions, the difference shall be allowed them. ARTICLE XIX. Calls. Employes, as designated in Article I, re- quired to report for any service, before or 466 Schedules and Wage Scales. after their regular assigned hours, shall be paid sixty cents the first hour or fraction thereof, and overtime rate thereafter. ARTICLE XX. Summoned for Court, Investigations, and Examinations. (a) Employes, as designated in Article I, summoned as witnesses for the company in the courts or in similar service, shall receive their stated rate of wages while in attend- ance, and necessary traveling expenses. (b) Employes summoned by the company to attend investigations, when no time is lost and not found subject to discipline, shall receive continuous time at their stated rate of wages from the time of leaving home station until arrival at home station, but no traveling expenses. When day is lost, they shall receive their day's pay and necessary traveling expense. (c) Employes summoned by the company for examinations, except for promotion or for positions bid for, shall be paid for any ■working time lost. t ARTICLE XXI. Switch Lights. (a) Employes, as designated in Article I, required to care for switch or signal lights, shall be paid fifteen cents per week for each light cared for. This does not include train order signal lights. If any lights are extin- guished, employes, as designated in this arti- cle, shall relight them without extra com- pensation. Highway Crossings. (b) Employes, as designated in Article I, required to protect highway crossing, shall be paid seventy-five cents per week for same. Care of Station Buildings, Etc. (c) Employes, as designated in Article I, located in stations, shall not be required to scrub floors, clean windows or woodwork, where it is practicable for the company to arrange for others to do this work. At such stations section men will be assigned to assist the agents in removing snow from station platforms and grounds, wherever possible. Care of Signal Station Buildings, Switches, Etc. (d) Employes, as designated in Article I, located in interlocking signal stations, shall not be required to clean or oil interlocking machines or switches, nor to scrub floors, clean windows or woodwork. ARTICLE XXII. Qualifying In Signal Stations. (a) Employes, as designated in Article I, bidding in a signal station carrying a higher rate of pay, or for the purpose of advance- ment, or bidding in a new position, shall be allowed the regular rate of pay while qual- ifying on such position, the superintendent to be the judge of the length of time re- quired to qualify. (b) Employes on the extra list, assigned to relief work at signal stations, if not qualified, shall be paid for time while post- ing, at rate of position sent to cover. ARTICLE XXIII. Hours for Superintendents' and General Offices. Nine consecutive hours, including meal hour, or eight consecutive hours, without allowance for meals, shall constitute a day's work for operators in superintendents' offices and in the general office, "NH", at the option of the superintendents. ARTICLE XXIV. Release From Regular Positions for Extra List. Employes, as designated in Article I, hold- ing regular positions, and giving notice of a desire to relinquish same and go on the pxtra list, shall be relieved and placed on the extra list within thirty days with full rights. ARTICLE XXV. Applications for Position of Train Dispatcher. Applications from competent employes for positions of train dispatcher may be made to the superintendents of their respective divisions, and such applications will be given consideration in the order of seniority. Ap- plications should be filed to be available l^efore vacancies occur. Note. — Consideration means consideration only. — not necessarily assignment to the po- .sition. ARTICLE XXVI. Leave of Absence. Leave of absence for longer than thirty days shall not be granted except in special cases, and then only with the approval of " the superintendent. ARTICLE XXVII. Term Passes. (a) Employes covered by this agreement will be -granted term passes. (b) Employes, as designated in Article I, performing service for more than one divi- sion or in offices not assigned to a division, will be granted passes over the same terri- tory as an employe on any one division. ARTICLE XXVIII. Free Transportation of Household Goods. An employe, as designated in Article I, when transferred by order of the company, or to accept a bulletined position, shall be furnished free transportation for himself, dependent members of his family, and house- liold goods, when it can be lawfully done. ARTICLE XXIX. Vacations. (a> Employes, as designated in Article I., working more than nine consecutive hours per day, who have been in the service one year or more, will be allowed seven days' vacation annually with pay. After three years in the service, ten days' vacation an- nually will be allowed with pay. (b) Twelve-hour signalmen who have been in that service continually for one year or more shall be given two weeks off each year without loss of pay. (c) Choice of dates for leave of absence as provided in this article shall be given Schedules and Wage Scales. 467 according to seniority, except that applica- tions for leave of absence filed between January first and March first, inclusive, each year, shall be given preference over appli- cation received later. (d) An employe not relieved as provided in this article shall receive the deferred re- lief in the following calendar year, and in the event of termination of employment shall be paid for deferred relief at regular rate. ARTICLE XXX. Transfer of Accounts. When station accounts are transferred from one employe to another, each employe shall be paid at the regular daily rate for that station for the time required to make the transfer; but in no case for less time than one day. ARTICLE XXXI. Sunday Service. (a) Employes, as designated in Article I., located at stations, shall be excused from Sunday work as far as possible without loss of pay. (b) When six-day men are ordered to work on Sunday they will be allowed one- half day for reporting once or twice, and one day for a total of over five hours' service. ARTICLE XXXn. Increase. The railroad company grants an amount equal to 10 per cent of the total of the weekly salaries of all employes included in the attached wage scale (less the sum of such weekly salary increases as have been granted to any such Employes since February 1, 1916>, to be applied as an increase of the present weekly rates of pay of employes covered by the attached wage scale. The sum to be distributed at joint conferences of the representatives of the railroad com- pany and the committee representing the above class of employes. ARTICLE XXXIII. Positions, Salaries and Hours of Service. The attached wage scale, showing posi- tions, weekly salaries, and hours daily, is mutually agreed to. ARTICLE XXXIV. Schedule and Agreement to Be Printed. These articles and rates of pay shall be printed by the company in book form and copies shall be furnished to all employes, as desigrnated in Article I. ARTICLE XXXV. No Increase in Hours, Nor Decrease in Pay. The provisions of this agreement and the specifications of this wage schedule shall not be changed to cause an increase of hours of service, or a decrease in wages, except as provided for in Article XXXVI. of this agree- ment; provided, where two or three em- ployes, as designated in Article I., are re- quired to cover the service consecutively, a material change in conditions would warrant the abolition of one or two of said posi- tions, the company may re-arrange the hours of service and compensation of the remain- ing position or i>ositions in conformity with positions of the same class, covered by this agreement, the local chairman to be notified of all changes. Note: — This article will not be construed to mean any reduction in wages. ARTICLE XXXVI. Length of Time to Remain in Effect. This agreement, covering rules and the at- tached wage scale, shall be effective Janu- ary 2, 1917, and shall be carried out in good faith by all parties interested, and shall continvie in force for one year from that date, and thereafter, subject to thirty days' notice in writing by either party to the oth^r, requesting a change in the .same. ARTICLE XXXVII. Settlement for the Year 1916. In lieu of the request of the employes that the agreement be made retroactive to March 31, 1916, the company grants an amount of $50,000 in full settlement for the year 1916 — the distribution of this sum to be made by the joint action of the otRcers of the com- pany and the committee representing the employes, to employes, as designated in Ar- ticle I., who are in the employ of the com- pany on the date of this agreement, on a pro rata basis according to months in the employ of the company during the period from February 1, 1916. to January 1, 1917. For the purpose of this distribution, em- ployes shall be considered in the employ of the company if absent any portion of the period on account of sickness, leave of ab- sence, or committee work. Employes occu- pying positions which are placed in the wage schedule as a result of this agreement shall not share in this distribution. For the N. Y., N. H. and H. R. R. CO.: C. L. BARDO, General Manager. For the Employes' Committee: L. J. ROSS, General Chairman. M. W. HANDY, General Secretary. New York. N. Y., February 8, 1917. Witness: G. W. W. HANGER. Member, United States Board of Mediation and Conciliation. 468 Schedules and Wage Scales. New York, Ontario & Western Railway Company It is the purpose of the following rules to institute a consistent system of promotion, and to give preference to men of experience now in the service. ARTICLE I. Tlie following rules and rates of pay will govern the station, tower and telegraph service: Seniority will be the rule of promotion in the station, tower and telegraph service when merited by faithful discharge of duty, and when the employe has the experience, and has shown the capacity for increased responsibility. The same rule will" apply when station force is reduced or transferred. ARTICLE II. A division record or lineal list of em- ployes in the station, tower and telegraph service will be kept, which will be accessible during office hours to any employe whose name is on such list. Seniority, hereafter, will date from the time employe qualified as agent, operator or towerman. ARTICLE III. At stations where the agent is not re- quired to be an operator, the selection of agent may be governed by local conditions. Due consideration, however, will be given to questions of seniority, other qualifications permitting, in filling any position. ARTICLE IV. An agent or operator, when employed or promoted, will be required to pass an ex- ainination on the books of rules, time table, special rules, station accounts and reports, and such other subjects as may be necessary to determine his qualifications for the posi- tion, and to have a certificate from one of the company's medical examiners to the ef- fect that he has no defects of hearing or eye- sight, or other physical disability, which will incapacitate him from such service. ARTICLE V. The superintendent will give seven days' notice of all vacancies in the positions of agents, operators or towermen (including suminer or season positions) to those em- ployes of his division who are eligible, and opportunity for them to make application for such positions before filling them per- manently. Notice of vacancies will be given promptly after vacancies occur. A letter showing list of applicants, and to whom position has been awarded, will be sent to the general chairman. Tlie general chairman will be advised of resignations and their causes, and also of leaves of absence, when granted to employes covered by these rules. An employe declining promotion does not forfeit any rights of seniority. ARTICLE VI. No employe will be suspended without cause or discharged without a hearing or investigation, which will be given promptly. Employes, when discharged or suspended, will receive due notice to that effect within a reasonable time after investigation. Employes, regularly relieved from duty by the superintendent, will not be held re- sponsible during their absence. Any employe, who may have been sus- pended, and afterward found blameless, will receive full pay for time lost. ARTICLE VII. Employes will be granted leave of absence on their request as soon as practicable, whenever they wish to appeal to any offlcer of the company. The right to appeal to any officer is ac- corded to all employes. Leave of absence will be limited to sixty days, except in case of sickness or other disability, but may be extended at the dis- cretion of the superintendent. No leave of absence will be granted to enter the service of another railroad com- pany. Any employe who has been in the service three months will, upon leaving, receive a service card, or letter, stating employment, time of service and cause of leaving. ARTICLE VIII. The minimum rate, except as specified in rate table, for agents, operators and tower- men, who are required to handle train or- ders, and who do not live in company's apartments, will be seventy dollars ($70.00) per month. When new positions are created, notice will be given, and the rates will conform to rates paid at similar positions in the serv- ice. When eight hours' service is established at any point, the men holding the present positions will have preference, day man hav- ing first choice, and night man second choice, the remaining position being filled as per Rule No. 5. ARTICLE IX. In the station and telegraph service, tw-elve consecutive hours or less, including meal hours, will be a day's work. At stations where there are two or more operators, the hours for duty will be ar- ranged so as not to require the services of any one of them more than nine consecutive hours. At stations where only one man is em- ployed, the monthly rates have been made to cover the regular service as established by the train schedule which the employe is required to attend, but when such train schedule extends over more than twelve hours, he will be allowed at the rate of thirty cents (30c) per hour, thereafter, for actual time on duty in excess of twelve hours. ARTICLE X. Operators on duty at wrecks, washouts, snow blockades, or other emergency offices, will receive four dollars ($4.00) per day of eight hours or less. Schedules and Wage Scales. 469 Operators, called by proper authority for extra duty at their stations, after their day's work is performed, wilt be allowed pro rata of regular pay, and not less than one-half day for the time so engaged. Operators required to work beyond their established hours will be allowed pro rata of their regular pay, and not less than thirty cents (30c) per hour. Time slips covering extra time for special service must be sent daily to the superin- tendent for approval and check, and sent by him to the time clerk, and employes notified when such time is not allowed. ARTICLE XL Agents or operators holding regular posi- tions, when detailed for temporary work at other than their regular stations or posi- tions, will receive no less than the regular relief operator's or relief agent's wages, as the case may be. Agents or operators attending court or business of the company by order of the superintendent, will be allowed their regular rate of pay and actual expenses. ARTICLE XII. After one year's service, agents and oper- ators working seven days per week, will be granted one day off per full month's service, without loss of pay. Employes relieved for their vacation, as per schedule agreement, shall receive the commissions of their office while being re- lieved. ARTICLE XIII. When a position is abolished the em- ploye affected may displace only the young- est employe in service holding a permanent position. When a position has been abolished and restored within one year, employes affected may return to their former positions if they desire. If not, the position will be bulletined as per Article V. Positions restored after one year will be considered as new posi- tions. The exchange of positions, which may be permitted by the superintendent, should be limited to a period of three months. A relief agent and a relief operator will be provided on each division. Notice of these positions will be given as per Article V, and positions will be as- signed only to men capable of relieving at all stations, either as agent or operator, as may be required. When not assigned to other duties, they will perform such service as the superintendent may direct. Under ordinary circumstances they will be ex- pected to retain the position at least one year. ARTICLE XIV. It is the policy of the company to furnish employment for disabled employes at such work as they may perform without danger to public safety or the company's property. The within rules and rates of pay of agents and operators, as shown in the col- umn of rates, have been agreed upon by the railway company and a committee of its employes. The rates will take effect on June 1, 1917, and win continue in force until June 1, 1918, and thereafter until superseded. Either party shall give to the other thirty days' notice of a desire to revise such rates. J. H. NUELLE, General Supreintend«nt. L. R. CONNER, Chairman of Committee. July 1, 1903. Revised Aug. 1, 1905. Revised Aug. 1, 1907. Revised Aug. 1, 1910. Revised April 1, 1913. Revised April 1, 1916. Revised June 1, 1917. WAGE SCALE. *Not a telegraph station. SOUTHERN DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Firthcliffe, agent and operator $ 65.00 *Orrs Mills, agent 45.00 Meadow Brook, agent 68.00 Operator 70.00 Little Britain, agent and operator 70.00 *Rock Tavern, agent 45.00 Burnside, agent and operator 68.00 Burnside Tower, first operator 73.00 Second operator 73.00 Third operator 73.00 Campbell Hall, agent 108.00 First operator and ticket agent. . . . 86.00 Second operator 73.00 Third operator 73.00 *Stony Ford, agent 68.00 Crystal Run, agent 60.00 Operator 70.00 INIechanicstown, agent and operator... 60.00 *Middletown, Main St., ticket agent.. 65.00 Middletown Tower, first operator 73.00 Second operator 73.00 Third operator 73.00 Middletown, agent 135.00 Ticket agent and operator 92.00 I'^rsl operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Crawford Junction, first operator 73.00 Second operator 73.00 *Fair Oaks, agent 30.00 *Winterton, agent 50.00 Bloomingburgh, agent and operator. . . 68.00 Bloomingburgh Tower, first operator.. 86.00 Second operator. 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Mamakating, agent and operator 70.00 Mamakating Tower, first operator.... 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Summitville, agent 108.00 First operator 73.00 Second operator 73.00 Third operator 70.00 Mountain Dale, agent 60.00 First operator 70.00 Second operator 70.00 Woodridge, agent 60.00 First operator 73.00 Neversink Tower, first operator 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Fallsburgh. agent and operator 103.00 First operator 73.00 Second operator 73.00 470 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Luzon, agent and operator .$ 60.00 Operator 73.00 Ferndale. agent and operator 68.00 Liberty, agent 103.00 First operator and ticket agent... 86.00 Second operator 75.00 Tiiird operator 70.00 Parksville, agent and operator 60.00 Livingston Manor, agent 65.00 First operator 81.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 77.00 Roscoe, agent 60.00 First operator 73.00 Second operator 70.00 Third operator 70.00 Cooks Falls, agent and operator. ...... 68.00 First operator 70.00 Second operator 70.00 ITortons. agent 60.00 Trout Brook, agent and operator 68. OT) East Branch, agent 75.00 First operator 70.00 Second operator 70.00 Fish's Eddy, agent 65.00 Wheeler Tower, first operator 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Cadosia, first operator 81.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 77.00 Day operator 77.00 Apex, agent and operator 70.00 Second operator 70.00 Third operator 70.00 Rock Rift, agent and operator 68.00 Beerston, agent and operator 70.00 Walton, agent 120.00 Ticket agent and operator 77.00 First operator 73.00 Second operator 73.00 Third operator 70.00 Walton (Bridge St.), ticket agent 60.00 Hamden, agent and operator 70.00 ' Delancey. agent 60.00 Delhi, agent 60.00 First operator 70.00 Second operator 70.00 Northfield, agent and operator 68.00 Second operator 70.00 Third operator 70.00 Merrickville, agent 55.00 Franklin, agent and operator 68.00 Operator 70.00 Maywood, agent and operator 73.00 First operator 70.00 Second operator 70.00 "Youngs, agent. „„ 40.00 South Unadilla, agent and operator.. 68.00 Operator 70.00 Southern Division, relief agent 108.00 Southern Division, relief operator.... 97.00 NORTHERN DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Sidney, first operator $ 81.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 73.00 New Berlin Junction, agent and opi-. . . 70.00 Rockdale, agent and operator 70.00 Mount Upton, agent and operator.... 60.00 *PvOckwells Mills, agent 45.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. *Holmesville, agent $ 45.00 South New Berlin, agent and operator 60.00 New Berlin, agent and operator 75.00 Operator 70.00 Edmeston, agent and operator 60.00 Operator 70.00 Parker, agent and operator 65.00 Guilford, agent and operator 70.00 Summit, first operator 65.00 Second operator 70.00 Third operator. 65.00 Oxford, agent and operator 65.00 Norwich, ageiat 120.00 Ticket agent 73.00 Galena, agent and operator 70.00 *Sherburne 4 Corners, agent 25.00 Smyrna, agent and operator 65.00 Earlville, agent 43.00 First operator 35.00 Second operator 35.0(1 Third operator 35.00 Randallsville, agent and operator 81.00 First operator 75.00 Second operator 73.00 Third operator 70.00 Eaton, agent and operator 65.00 Morrisville, agent and operator 65.00 Whites Corners, first operator 70.00 Pratts, agent and operator 65.00 Munns, agent and operator 68.00 Valley Mills, agent and operator 65.00 Kenwood, agent and operator 65.00 Oneida, agent ~ 125.00 Ticket agent and operator 81.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 70.00 Durhamville. agent 60.00 *State Bridge, agent 40.00 Fish Creek, agent and operator 70.00 Fish Creek Tower, first operator 70.00 Second operator 70.00 Third operator 70.00 Sylvan Beach, agent and operator.... 81.00 First operator 73.00 North Bay, agent and operator 70.00 Jewell, agent and operator 63.00 Cleveland, agent and operator 68.00 Bernhards, agent and operator 68.00 Constantia, agent and operator 70.00 *West Monroe, agent 45.00 Central Square, agent and operator.. 44.00 Caughdency, agent and operator 63.00 Pennellville, agent and operator 65.00 Fulton, agent 108.00 First operator 70.00 Second operator 70.00 Fulton Broadway, agent 81.00 Minetto, agent and operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Oswego, agent 120.00 First operator and ticket agent... 81.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 73.00 Northern Division, relief agent 103.00 Northern Division, relief operator.... 92.00 P. J., M. & K. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Monticello, agent and operator $108.00 .Saint Joseph, agent and operator.... 70.00 *Hartwood, agent 50.00 ♦Oakland, agent 50.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 471 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Port Jervls, agent $ 92.00 Operator 70.00 Valley Junction, agent and operator.. 70.00 Wurtsboro, agent and operator 70.00 *Phillipsport, agent 55.00 ♦Spring Glen, agent 58.00 Ellenville, agent 103.00 First operator 70.00 Second operator; 70.00 Napanoch, agent and operator 65.00 *Wawarslng, agent. 55.00 Kerhonkson, agent and operator 60.00 Operator 70.00 Accord, agent and operator 65.00 Kyserike, agent and operator 68.00 High Falls, agent and operator 73.00 First operator 70.00 Second operator 70.00 Cottekill, agent and operator 70.00 Hurley, agent and operator 68.00 Kingston, agent 108.00 First operator 75.00 Second operator 73.00 UTICA -DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Hamilton, agent and operator $ 60.00 Operator 70.00 Pecksport, first operator 70.00 Second operator 70.00 Third operator 70.00 Bouckville, agent and operator 60.00 Solsville, agent and operator 60.00 Oriskany Falls, agent and operator. . . . 60.00 Deansboro. agent and operator 60.00 Franklin Springs, agent and operator 70.00 Clinton, agent and operator 81.00 Operator 70.00 Ticket agent 65.00 *Kirkland, agent 30.00 Clark Mills, agent and operator 65.00 Westmoreland, agent and operator.... 70.00 *Bartlett, agent 35.00 Rome, agent 108.00 Operator and clerk 70.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. New Hartford, agent and operator....? 81.00 Utica, agent 130.00 First operator 75.00 Second operator 70.00 Engine House, operator 70.00 SCRANTON DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Hancock, agent and operator $70.00 Second operator 70.00 Third operator 70.00 Starlight, agent and operator 68.00 Preston Park, agent and operator. . . . 68.00 Operator 70.00 Lakewood, agent and operator 68.00 Poyntelle, agent and operator 68.00 Second operator 70.00 Third operator 70.00 Orson, agent and operator 70.00 Pleasant Mount, agent and operator. . 70.00 Operator 68.00 Forest City, agent and operator.. 75.00 First operator 70.00 Second operator. 70.00 Carbondale, agent 125.00 Ticket agent and operator 70.00 Jermyn, agent and operator •75.00 Jermyn Transfer, agent 125.00 Operator and clerk 70.00 Archbald, agent and operator 75.00 Winton, agent and operator 75.00 Peckville, agent and operator 75.00 Olyphant, agent and operator 7fe.00 Operator 70.00 Dickson, agent and operator 75.00 Throop, agent and operator 75.00 Providence, agent and operator 75.00 Park Place, agent 86.00- Operator and clerk 70.00 Diamond Crossing, first operator 70.00 Second operator 70.00 Third operator 70.00 Sibley, agent 81.00 Rcranton Division, relief agent 97.00 Norfolk & Western Railway Company OFFICE OF GENERAL MANAGER. Roanoke, Va., May 1st, 1917. Effective May 1st, 1917, the following rates of pay and regulations for telegraphers will govern : When additional telegraph positions are created, compensation will be fixed in con- formity with positions of the same class. No reduction from present raets of pay nor increase of hours will be made, except when changed conditions make it neces- sary, and ten (10) days' notice will be given telegraphers affected. ARTICLE r. Employes required to perform telegraph service of any character or duration, agent- telegraphers, telephoners, agent-telephoners, whose duties Include the handling of train orders or the blocking of trains by tele- phone, and other employes included in this schedule of wages, will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of this agreement, irrespective of title by which designated or character of service performed. A-RTICLE II. Telegraphers are in line of promotion, their advancement depending upon faith- ful discharge of duty and their capacity for increased respori.<^ibility. When ability and character permit, seniority will have preference. The proper official of the rail- way company will determine the fitness of telegraphers for advancement. When a vacancy occurs, or a new posi- tion is created, on a superintendent's divi- 472 Schedules and Wage Scales. sion. telegraphers will be notified, announc- ing location and rate of pay, and they shall make application for the position within ten (10> days after notification, and such position will be permanently filled at the expiration of twenty (20) days. A telegrapher shall not be eligible to a position vacated by him until same shall have been advertised the second time, un- less there are no other applicants. Seniority will be affected when vacancies occur, new positions are created, or a posi- tion abolished. When a position is abol- ished, the telegrapher affected may displace any junior telegrapher who has not been in the service five (5) yeafs, or go on the extra list, retaining his seniority. In the event there are no telegraphers in service younger than five (5) years, the youngest telegrapher may be displaced. The trading of positions will not be per- mitted. Employes from the telegraph service filling the position of cashier, ticket seller, or baggage agent, will retain their seniority rights, which may be asserted only by filing application for vacancies or new positions. If a telegrapher assigned to a position becomes incapacitated or unable, to fill the position, he will be assigned to the extra list and will retain his seniority. Seniority lists of telegraphers will be furnished by the superintendent to an em- ploye designated by the telegraphers in January and July of each year. ARTICLE III. All vacancies occurring in division offices, except the first, second and third tricks, will be advertised. When a telegrapher is as- signed to the fourth trick, he will be in line of promotion to the third trick when vacant, advancing to the first trick as vacancies occur, and when competent will be entitled to the first vacancy in the dis- patching force. In reduction of force in division offices, the men will be set back in regular order through the first to the last trick, respec- tively. This includes dispatcher, but does not affect managers of division offices. Telegraphers in general office, Roanoke, Virginia, will be advanced as vacancies occur, and only the last trick advertised. The senior man in office will be given preference in the assignment of hours as vacancies occur, when practicable, but this is not to apply to temporary vacancies. In arranging temporary hours made vacant by absence of regular men, Sundays or holi- days, preference will be given the oldest men so far as practicable, the same to be determined by the manager. In case of re- duction of force, they will be set back in the same order in which they entered the office, retaining seniority on the divi- sion from which drawn. "Vacancies in this office will be advertised on all divisions. ARTICLE IV. When a telegrapher is relieved for a period of one week or more, the next rank- ing telegrapher in the office affected, if competent and sufficiently bonded, will be entitled to fill the position during such absence, but will not be entitled to over- time for doubling through on this account. This does not apply to the relief of agents, except when the service of a regular relief agent is not available. » When an extra telegrapher relieves a regular telegrapher, he will fill the posi- tion until the regular telegrapher resumes duty, or the position is advertised and filled. Seniority will apply to extra men as far as practica-ble in the assignment of such work on their respective divisions. ARTICLE V. Trick train dispatchers will be in line of promotion, their seniority to date from the time actual duty as a train dispatcher begins. The oldest dispatcher in the serv- ice will be given preference in the assign- ment of tricks on his superintendent's divi- sion as vacancies occur, or when forces are reduced. ARTICLE VI. Eight (S> consecutive hours, with neces- sary time for making transfers, will con- .stitute a day's work for trick train dis- patchers. When trick train dispatchers are re- quired to go over their respective district or attend court in behalf of the company, they will receive regular pay and actual expenses. ARTICLE VII. At offices where two or three tricks are worked, eight (8) consecutive hours and time to make transfer will constitute a day's work. At offices where more than three tricks are worked, eight (8) hoiws will constitute a day's work, the manager of said office to determine the hours. Should a trick be split, it shall be done but once, and then at meal hour, and not to exceed one hour. At offices where one trick is worked, nine (9> consecutive hours or less, including one hour for meals, will constitute a day's work. Telegraphers working more than eight (8) hours will be granted not less than one hour for meals between 6:00 a. m. and 9:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m. and 2:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m. and 8:00 p. m., and 11:00 p. m. and 2:00 a. m. When this cannot be given, one hour overtime will be allowed. When telegraphers are required to re- main on duty longer than their regular hours, they will be paid overtime until re- lieved. When telegraphers are required to re- turn after the expiration of regular hours, they will remain on duty until finally re- lieved, and will be paid 65 cents for. the first hour or less, and regular overtime rates thereafter. ARTICLE VIII. Overtime will be paid at the rate of 40 cents per hour, except where the regular rate of pay exceeds the overtime rate, in which case overtime will be paid pro rata. In computing overtime, thirty (30) minute."? or less will not be counted; thirty-one (31) minutes to sixty (60) minutes will be counted one hour, and so on. Telegraphers will be furnished with proper blanks for reporting overtime. Overtime must be reported within forty-eight (48) hours. Schedules and Wage Scales. 473 ARTICLE IX. All telegraphers will be excused from Sunday duty so far as possible, and no deduction shall be made from their pay on that account. ARTICLE X. Telegraphers required to perform Sun- day service and who have been assigned to a regular position for a period of two years or more, will be allowed fifteen (15) days' leave of absence each year without loss of pay. Telegraphers entitled to vacation as above, and who have been put back on extra list through no fault of their own, will continue to receive their vacation, provided they ac- cept a regular position when "offered. ARTICLE XI. Telegraphers will not be disciplined or discharged from the service of the company without just cause and will be given a prompt hearing (within five [5] days if prac- ticable) before the investigation committee as now constituted, and they will be entitled to a representative of the telegraphers in the employ of the company. The superintendent will be present at such investigation when- ever practicable. When a telegrapher has been disciplined or discharged, and upon investigation has been found not responsible, he will receive pay for time lost on said account. In the event a grievance cannot be satisfactorily adjusted with the superin- tendent such telegrapher will have a right of appeal to higher ofiicials, up to and in- cluding the general manager. ARTICLE XII. Telegraphers required to do pumping will receive fifteen dollars ($15.00) per month extra compensation. Telegraphers in charge of coal wharves will receive five dollars ($5.00) per month extra compensation. ARTICLE XIII. Telegraphers moving under orders be- tween stations by the approval of the proper official will receive the same com- pensation as when on duty, and will be furnished transportation for their families and household effects. Not less than one hour overtime will' be paid for each such movement. Leave of absence will be granted teleg- raphers upon application to the proper offi- cial when possible for period not exceeding sixty (60) days, and they will lose only the actual time off duty. When relief is granted for more than thirty (30) days, the relieving telegrapher will receive the regular pay at such stations. ARTICLE XIV. Telegraphers, while attending court or being held to attend court in behalf of the company, will receive six dollars ($6.00) per calendar day, be furnished with transporta- tion, and will pay their o\Vn expenses; they to turn in their court tickets, received from the clerks of courts, ot the railway com- pany's representative. ARTICLE XV. No change will be made in the rules and regulations without thirty (30) days' notice. A. C. NEEDLES, General Manager. WAGE SCALE. General Office, Roanoke. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Roanoke (GM), first operator $115.00 Second operator 108.00 Third operator 102.00 Fourth operator 102.00 Fifth operator 102.00 Sixth operator 102.00 Seventh operator 102.00 Eighth operator 102.00 Others 103.00 NORFOLK DIVISION. ' Rate per Station and Position. Month. Norfolk, first operator $ 95.00 Second operator 95.00 Third operator 95.00 Suffolk, first operator 83.00 Second operator.... 83.00 Third operator 83.00 Windsor, agent and operator 81.00 Dwight, first operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Ivor, agent and operator 81.50 Wakefield, agent and operator 97.00 Operator and clerk 75.00 Waverly, agent and operator 97.00 First operator 75.00 Disputanta, agent and operator 85.00 Poe, first operator 81.50 Second operator 81.50 Third operator 81.50 Petersburg, first operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Hopewell, operator and ticket seller.. 91.00 .Jack, first operator 81.50 Second operator 81.50 Third operator 81.50 Sutherland, agent and operator 80.00 Church Road, agent and operator 80.00 Agent and operator 87.00 Ford, agent and .operator 92.00 Wilson, agent and operator 92.00 Wellville, agent and operator 87.00 Blackstone, agent and operator 125.00 First operator and ticket seller. . . . 89.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 81.00 Nottoway, agent and operator 87.00 Crewe (RG), agent and operator 103.00 Assistant agent and operator 81.00 (K) , train dispatchers 166.00 First operator 98.00 Second operator 98.00 Third operator 98.00 Fourth operator 98.00 Burkeville, first operator 92.00 Second operator 92.00 Third operator 92.00 Rice, agent and operator 88.00 iU Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Montii. Farmvllle, agent and operator $131.00 First operator and ticliet seller.. 99.00 Second operator and ticltet seller. . 87.00 Third operator and ticket seller... 87.00 Prospect, agent and operator 93.00 Pamplin, agent and operator 92.00 Fii-st operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Abilene, first operator 78.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 78.00 Prospect, agent and operator 86.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Elam, first operator 81.50 (End D. T.), second operator 81.50 Third operator 81.50 Pamplin, agent and operator 85.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Abilene, first operator 72.00 Second operator 72.00 Third operator 72.00 Evergreen, agent and operator 80.00 Appomattox, agent and operator 85.00 Operator and clerk 75.00 Spout Springs, agent and operator 80.00 Phoebe, first operator 83.00 Second operator 83.00 Third operator 83.00 Concord, agent and operator 85.00 James, first operator 72.00 Second operator 72.00 Third operator 72.00 Lynchburg (X), first operator and lev. 89.00 Second operator and leverman . '. . . 89.00 Third operator and leverman 89.00 Fourth operator 89.00 Fifth operator 89.00 Posm, first operator 72.00 Second operator 72.00 Third operator 72.00 Thaxton, agent and operator 96.00 Montvale, agent and operator 89.00 Villamont, first operator 81.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 81.00 Blue Ridge, agent and operator 92.00 Bonsack, agent and operator 89.00 Tower, first operator 83.00 Second operator 83.00 Third operator 83.00 Lynchburg 12th St., agent and opr.. 108.00 Rustburg, agent and operator 78.00 Gladys, agent and operator 78.00 Brookneal, agent and operator 81.00 Second operator. 78.00 Clarkton, agent and operator 78.00 Nathalie, agent and operator. 78.00 Houston, agent and operator. 87.00 South Boston, agent and operator.... 130.00 Operator and clerk 92.00 Denniston, agent and operator. 54.00 Roxboro, agent and operator 98.00 First operator 78.00 Second operator 78.00 Rougemont, agent and operator 78.00 Second operator 78.00 Nathalie, agent and operator 72.00 Houston, agent and operator 80.00 South Boston, agent and operator.... 116.00 Operator and clerk 85.00 Denniston, agent and operator 50.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. ■ Roxboro, agent and operator $ 90.00 Fir.'jt operator and clerk 72.00 Second operator '. 72.00 Rou.gemont, agent and operator 72.00 Second operator 72.00 Willardville, agent and operator 72.00 Second operator 72.00 Durham, operator and clerk 80.00 Second operator 76.00 Relief agents on line 110.00 Telegraphers at ends of double track (three tricks) 81.50 SHENANDOAH PIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Roanoke (UD), train dispatchers $166.00 First operator 98.00 Second operator 98.00 Third operator 98.00 Others 98.00 Hollins, agent and operator 81.00 Cloverdale, agent and operator 87.00 Second operator 75.00 Troutville, agent and operator 91.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 75.00 Nace, agent and operator 81.00 Lithia, agent and operator 81.00 Second operator < 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Buchanan, agent and operator 94.00 First operator 79.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Solitude, first operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Kino, operator 75.00 Natural Bridge, agent and operator... 92.00 Glasgow, agent and operator 92.00 First operator 81.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 79.00 Buffalo Forge, agent and operator.... 81.00 Loch Laird, first operator 79.00 Second operator 79.00 Third operator 79.00 Buena Vista, agent and operator 110.00 First operator and ticket seller 80.00 Second operator and ticket seller.. 75.00 Riverside, agent and operator 73.00 Midvale, agent and operator 73.00 Second operator 69.00 Third operator 69.00 Vesuvius, agent and operator 80.00 Second operator 69.00 Lofton, operator 69.00 Cold Spring, agent and operator 77.50 Second operator 69.00 Third operator 69.00 Stuarts Draft, agent and operator 86.00 Day operator 72.00 Lyndhurst, agent and operator 75.00 Basic, agent and operator 110.00 First operator 77.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 1^.50 Crimora, agent and operator 81.50 Sampson, operator 69.00 Grottoes, agent and operator SO. 00 Second operator 69.00 Third operator 69.00 Port Republic, agent and operator.... 80.00 Schedules and Waue Scales. 475 Rate per Station and Position. Month. fjcwis, operator $ 69.00 Island Ford, agent and operator 75.00 Elkton, agent and operator 103.00 First operator 87.00 Second operator 76.00 Third operator 76.00 Shenandoah, agent and operator 94.00 First operator 96.00 Second operator 96.00 Third operator 96.00 Ingham, operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Stanley, agent and operator 88.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator .' 75.00 Luray, agent and operator 103.00 First operator 81.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 78.00 Rileyville, agent and operator 81.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 75.00 Eentonville, agent and operator 81.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Manor, operator 75.00 Front Royal, agent and operator 108.00 First operator 78.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Riverton, agent and operator 98.00 Tower, first operator 81.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 81.00 Boyce, agent and operator 84.00 Berryville, agent and operator 90.00 First operator and ticket seller... 75.00 Second operator 72.00 Third operator 72.00 Rippon, agent and operator 77.50 Second operator 72.00 Third operator 69.00 Charlestown, agent.... 90.00 First operator and ticket seller. . . . 75.00 Second operator 72.00 Shenandoah Junction, first operator... 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Shepherdstown, agent 90.00 First operator and ticket seller 75.00 Second operator 72.00 Third operator 69.00 Antietam, agent and operator 75.00 Second operator 69.00 Grimes, operator 69.00 St. James, agent and operator 75.00 Second operator 69.00 Starkey, agent and operator 75.00 Second operator 69.00 Third operator 69.00 Boones Mill, agent and operator 77.50 Second operator 69.00 Wirtz, agent and operator 73.00 Agent and operator 79.00 Rocky Mount, agent and operator 90.00 First operator 78.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 l.annahan, operator 75.00 Ferrum, agent and operator 85.0fl Henry, agent and operator 84.00 Second operator 75.00 l^hilpott, agent and operator 81.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Bassett, agent and operator $ 90.00 Second operator 75.00 Koehler, agent and operator 98.00 Day operator 75.00 iNIartinsville, agent and operator 114.00 First operator. 84.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 75.00 Ridgeway, agent and operator 81.00 First operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Price, agent and operator 81.00 Second operator 75.00 Stoneville, agent and operator 84.00 Mayodan, agent and operator 92.00 Madison, agent and operator 87.00 Second operator 75.00 Pine Hall, agent and operator 81.00 Second operator 75.00 Walkertown, agent and operator 75.00 Second operator 69.00 Winston-Salem, first operator 88.00 Second operator 88.00 Third operator 88.00 Relief agents on line 110.00 Telegraphers at ends of double track (three tricks) 81.50 RADFORD DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Roanoke (MH>, first operator $88.00 Second operator 88.00 Third operator 88.00 (R), train dispatchers 166.00 (KD), first operator 98.00 Second operator 98.00 Third operator 98.00 Fourth operator 98.00 Others 98.00 (DOj, first operator 97.00 Second operator 97.00 Third operator 97.00 (WB>, first operator 81.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 81.00 (NR>, first operator 89.00 (End D. T.), second operator 89.00 Third operator 89.00 Salem, agent and operator 114.00 Elliston, agent and operator 92.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 81.00 Shawsville, agent and operator 87.00 Arthur, first operator 81.00 Second operator .^ 81.00 Third operator 81.00 Christiansburg, agent and operator... 114.00 Assistant agent and operator 103.00 (BX>, first operator 94.00 Second operator 94.00 Third operator 94.00 Vicker, agent and operator 87.00 Walton, first operator 89.00 Second operator 89.00 Third operator 89.00 Pepper, agent and operator 82.50 (End D. T.), second operator 81.50 Third operator 81.50 (.'owan, first operator 72.00 Belspring, agent and operator 82.50 (End D. T.), second operator 81.50 Third operator 81.50 476 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Dry Branch, first operator $ 81.50 (End D. T.), second operator 81.50 Third operator 81.50 Eg'g'leston, agent and operator 85.00 Tower, first operator 81.50 (End D. T.), second joperator 81.50 Third operator. . .*. 81.50 Pembroke, agent and operator 80.00 Tower, first operator 72.00 Second operator 72.00 Third operator 72.00 Ripplemead, agent and operator 82.50 (End D. T.), second operator 81.50 Third operator 81.50 Curve, first operator 72.00 Second operator 72.00 Third operator 72.00 Pearisburg, agent and operator 90.00 Tower, first operator 81.50 (End D. T.), second operator 81.50 Third operator 81.50 Narrows, agent and operator 86.00 Ingleside, agent and operator 87.00 Blake, first operator 81.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 81.00 Ada, agent and operator 84.00 East Radford, first operator 98.00 Second operator 98.00 Third operator 98.00 New River, agent and operator 81.00 Second operator 78.00 Dublin, agent and operator 93.00 Second operator , 78.00 Third operator 78.00 Pulaski, first operator 97.00 Second operator 97.00 Third operator 97.00 Clark, first operator .' 78.00 Second operator 78.00 Max Meadows, agent and operator.... 101.00 Second operator 78.00 Wytheville, agent and operator 104.00 First operator and ticket seller... 84.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 78.00 Crockett, agent and operator 87.00 Second operator 78.00 Rural Retreat, agent and operator.... 104.00 First operator 78.00 Second operator 78.00 Groseclose, agent and operator 81.00 Secgnd operator ; 78.00 Crockett, agent and operator 80.00 Second operator 72.00 Rural Retreat, agent and operator.... 96.00 First operator 72.00 Second operator 72.00 Groseclose, agent and operator 75.00 Second operator 72.00 Atkins, agent and operator 80.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 72.00 Marion, agent and operator 100.00 First operator and ticket seller. . . . 81.50 Second operator. 72.00 Seven Mile Ford, agent and operator. . 75.00 Second operator 72.00 Chilhowie, agent and operator 85.00 Second operator 72.00 Glade Spring, agent and operator. . . . 95.00 First operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Plasterco, agent and operator $ 76.00 Saltville, agent and operator 100.00 Operator and clerk 72.00 Meadow A^'iew, agent and operator.... 80.00 Second operator 72.00 Abingdon, agent and operator 105.00 Assistant agent and operator 89.00 First operator and clerk 81.50 Second operator and clerk 78.00 Allisonia, agent and operator 87.00 Foster Falls, agent and operator 87.00 Austinville, agent and operator 81.00 Ivanhoe, agent and operator 87.00 Fries, agent and operator 92.00 Galax, agent and operator 98.00 Operator and clerk 78.00 Relief agents on line 125.00 Telegraphers at ends of double track (three tricks) 89.00 POCAHONTAS DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. BUiefield (NM), train dispatchers $155.00 (BF) , manager ' 115.00 First operator 95.00 Second operator -93.00 Third operator 93.00 Others 90.50 Graham, agent and operator 100.00 Assistant agent and operator 85.00 Tower, first operator 89.00 Second operator 89.00 Third operator 89.00 Falls Mills, agent and operator 80.00 Bluestone, first operator 89.00 Second operator 89.00 Third operator 89.00 Pocahontas, operator and ticket seller 88.00 Cooper, agent and operator-. 77.50 Coaldale, first operator 89.00 Second operator 89.00 Third operator 89.00 Elkhorn, agent and operator 86.00 North Fork, agent and operator 100.00 Keystone, agent and operator 80.50 Eckman, agent and operator 80.00 Yard oflace, first operator 77.50 Second operator 77.50 Third operator 77.50 East Vivian, agent and operator 88.00 West Vivian, agent and operator 85.00 Welch, agent and operator 114.00 Operator and ticket seller 89.00 Tug. first operator 97.00 Second operator 97.00 Third operator 97.00 Wilcoe (WC), agent and operator 87.00 (GO), first operator 84.00 Second operator 84.00 Gary, agent and operator 89.00 Second operator 84.00 Davy, agent and operator 87.00 Roderfield, agent and operator 87.00 laeger, agent and operator 103.00 Tower, first operator 92.00 Second operator 92.00 Third operator 92.00 English, agent and operator 84.00 War. agent and operator 92.00 Berwind, agent and operator 92.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 477 Rate per Station and Position. Month. ' War Eagle, first operator $ 91.00 (End D. T.), second operator 91.00 Third operator 91.00 Joe, first operator 91.00 (End D. T.), second operator 91.00 Third operator 91.00 Glen Alum, agent and operator 87.00 Devon, agent and operator 92.00 Second operator 84.00 Delorme, agent and operator 87.00 Matewan, agent and operator 83.00 East Williamson, first operator 89.00 Second operator 89.00 Third operator 89.00 Williamson, agent and operator 100.00 Stone, agent and operator 80.00 Bramwell, agent and operator 90.00 Simmons, agent and operator 85.00 Montcalm, agent and operator 80.00 Mora, agent and operator 80.00 rip Top, agent and operator 80.00 Burks Garden, operator 72.00 Tazewell, agent and operator. 96.00 Fir-st operator 77.50 Pounding Mill, agent and operator.... 77.50 Cedar Bluff, agent and operator 85.00 Richlands, agent and operator 85.00 First operator 75.00 Second operator 72.00 Third operator 72.00 Swords Creek, agent and operator.... 80.00 Honaker, agelit and operator 81.50 Finney, agent and operator 80.00 Second operator 72.00 Third operator 72.00 Cleveland, agent and operator 80.00 Swords Creek, agent and operator 87.00 Honaker, agent and operator 89.00 Second operator 78.00 Finney, agent and operator 87.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 78.00 Cleveland, agent and operator 87.00 Kiser, agent and operator 81.00 Carterton, agent and operator 84.00 Castlewood, agent and operator 87.00 Boody, first operator • 78.00 Second operator 78.00 St. Paul, agent and operator 111.00 Second operator 81.00 Virginia City, agent and operator 81.00 Second operator •, 78.00 Vane, first operator 78.00 Coeburn, agent and operator 92.00 First operator 81.00 Second " operator 81.00 Third operator 81.00 Toms Creek, operator 84.00 Tacoma, agent and operator 81.00 Norton, first operator 97.00 Second operator. 97.00 Third operator 97.00 Relief agents on line 125.00 Telegraphers at ends of double track (three tricks) 89.00 SCIOTO DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Chattaroy, agent and operator $ 81.50 Nolan, agent and operator 81.50 Naugatuck, agent and operator 83.00 Tower, first operator :.. 85.00 Second operator 85. ©ft Third operator 85.00 Rata Per Station and Position. Month. Dingess, agent and operator $ 9300 ^Vilsondale, agent and operator 80.00 Dunlow, agent and operator 80.00 Wayne, agent and operator 90.00 Second operator 75.00 Kermit, agent and operator 81.50 Crum, agent and operator 81.50 Second operator 75.00 Glenhayes, agent and operator 81.50 Second operator 75.00 Fort Gay, agent and operator 88.00 Second operator 75.00 Prichard, agent and operator 81.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Kenova Tower, first operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operatot- 85.00 Frt. House, operator and clerk 84.00 Ironton Tower, first operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Hanging Rock, agent and operator.... 93.00 Agent and operator 101.00 Wheelersburg', agent and operator. . . . 71.00 Sciotoville, agent and operator 94.00 Portsmouth (DI), train dispatchers... 166.00 (KM), manager 125.00 First operator 101.00 Second operator 101.00 Third operator 101.00 Fourth operator 101.00 Others 98.00 Portsmouth Frt. Office, opr. and clerk 96.00 Vera Tower, first operator 92.00 Second operator 92.00 Third operator 92.00 Lucasville, agent and operator 89.00 Wakefield, agent and operator 71.00 Piketon, agent and operator 101.00 Glen Jean, agent 50.00 Tower, first operator 92.00 Second operator 92.00 Waverly, agent and operator 103.00 Omega, agent 63.00 Renick Tower, first operator 92.00 Second operator 92.00 Third operator 92.00 Kingston, agent and operator 98.00 Circleville Tower, first operator 92.00 Second operator 92.00 Third operator 92.00 (CX) Tower, first operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 McDermott, agent and operator...... 80.00 Otway, agent and operator 80.00 Rarden, agent and operator 80.00 Second operator 72.00 Third operator 72.00 Peebles, agent and operator 90.00 Second operator 72.00 Lawshe, agent and operator 75.00 Seaman, agent and operator 77.00 Winchester, agent and operator 85.00 Macon, agent 58.00 Sardinia, agent and operator 92.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 tiillsboro. agent and operator 98.00 Mt. Oreb. agent and operator 81.50 Williamsburg, agent and operator.... 85.00 478 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Batavia, agent and operator $ 81.50 Second operator 72.00 Perintown, agent and operator 72.00 Newtown, agent and operator 75.00 Idlewild, operator and clerk 88.00 Relief agents on line 110.00 Telegraphers at ends of double track (three tricks) 81.50 Mt. Oreb, agent and operator 89.00 Eastwood, first operator 78.00 Second operator 78.00 AVilliamsburg, agent and operator.... 92.00 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Afton, first operator $ 78.00 Second operator 78.00 Batavia, agent and operator 92.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 78.00 Perintown, agent and operator 78.00 Second operator 78.00 Newtown, agent and operator 81.00 Second operator 78.00 Idlewild, operator and clerk 96.00 Relief agents on line 125.00 Telegraphers at ends of double track (three tricks) 89.00 North Texas Frisco Lines St. Louis, San Francisco & Texas Railway Company Fort Worth & Rio Grande Railway Company Brownwood, North & South Railway Company AVERY TURNER and G. H. SCHLEYER, Receivers The following regulations and wage scale will govern station employes upon these lines (above named), effective March 1st, 1914: Telegraphers held on duty in the per- formance of any service required by the company longer than the number of hours constituting a day's work will be allowed overtime therefor. Overtime shall be com- puted pro rata on stated salary, but in no case less than 35 cents per hour. Telegra- phers called to service or directed to return to office for any reason outside of work hours, shall receive 50 cents for the call or return and first hour's service, and regu- lar overtime thereafter; except when re- quired for such service within one hour either before or after regular hours, they shall receive 35 cents for same and first hour's service and regular overtime there- after. Overtime tickets will be rendered for the actual time worked as above, within forty-eight hours from the time service is performed. If, for any reason, such over- time is not allowed, telegrapher will be so advised w^ithin five days, stating reason. When ordered to attend court, telegra- phers will be allowed for time lost, and. If away from home station, will be allowed necessary expenses, the company being en- titled to their mileage and witness fees. Telegraphers performing service at wrecks, washouts, or other' temporary offices, will receive $2.00 per day and necessary ex- penses and 35 cents per hour overtime. When telegraphers are called for such serv- ice while on duty, the above compensation will cover all regular duties performed on the same day. Regularly assigned telegraphers required to leave their home stations to do relief work, shall, if the rate of pay for that serv- ice is higher than his regular rate, re- ceive the higher rate, and in any event shall suffer no loss in wages, and in addi- tion .shall receive 50 cents per day for expenses. If called for such service while on duty the pay for that day's work shall be at the higher rate. When an employe transfers from oite sta- tion to another station on these lines with the authority of proper official, he will re- ceive free transportation for himself, family and household goods, if not prohibited by law. To obtain promotion, intelligent and cour- teous discharge of duty and capacity for greater responsibility will govern. When these are sufficient, telegrraphers longest in continuous service will liave preference in filling of vacancies and newly created posi- tions. In event a telegrapher feels he has been discriminated against he shall have the right to appeal the case to the assistant superintendent. When vacancies occur or new positions are created, telegraphers will be notified within five days by bulletin to be posted in offices. Telegraphers will be given five days from date of such notice in which to make application for such positions. Telegraphers will not TDe suspended, given demerit marks or dismissed from the com- pany's service, without just cause. In case of suspension or dismissal, if any teleg- rapher thinks his sentence unjust, he will have the right, within ten days, to refer his case by written statement to assistant superintendent. Within ten days of the re- ceipt of the notice his case shall have a thorough investigation by the proper officer of the company, at which time he may be present, if he so desires, and also be repre- sented by any disinterested employe of his choice. In case he is not satisfied with the result of such investigation, he shall have the right to appeal to the general manager. In case of intoxication or insubordination, dis- mis.«al will follow without hearing, as above provided for. In case suspension or dis- missal is found to be xmjust, he will be reinstated and paid for full time lost. Employes leaving the service of the com- pany will receive a clearance card, stating Schedules and Wage Scales, 479 term of service, capacity in which employed, and whether leaving the service voluntarily or otherwise. If discharged, cause of dis- missal will be shown. So far as the business will permit, teleg- raphers will be excused Sundays without re- duction of pay. At stations where the agent, is also telegrapher and where no other teleg- raphers are employed, he will be excused from service on Sunday, except that he will be required to attend passenger trains that receive and discharge passengers or mail at his station, unless other force at that sta- tion can be so arranged as to partly or en- tirely relieve him from meeting passenger trains on Sunday. Where a station that has been closed is reopened, the salary will be the same as pro- vided in schedule at time of closing. When telegraphers are added to the force the sal- ary paid will not be less than the lowest salary shown in wage scale in that office if two or more telegraphers are already em- ployed there, except agent telegrapher in opening new stations. Any telegrapher feeling himself competent to handle agencies other than those enu- inerated in this schedule is invited as well as other employes, to make application for vacancies at those stations. WAGE SCALE. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Denison, three oprs. and clerks, each.$ 70.00 Sherman North Yards, three teleg- raphers, each 75.00 Sherman Freight house, opr. and clerk 72.50 Dorchester, agent and operator 55.00 Gunter, agent and operator 60.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Celina, agent and operator $ 80.00 Operator and clerk 60.00 Prosper, agent and operator... 60.00 Frisco, agent and operator 60.00 Dallas Coml Office, opr. and clerk 85.00 Pt. Worth Gen'l Office, manager 100.00 Ft. Worth West Yards, three teleg- raphers, each 70.00 Ft. Worth Freight House, operator and clerk 90.00 Cresson, agent and operator 60.00 Granbury, agent and operator 95.00 Two operators and clerks, each... 62.50 Tolar, agent and operator 55.00 Bluffdale, agent and operator, rib mail pay 62.50 Stephenville, three oprs. and elks., ea. 62.50 Dublin, cashier and operatof 85.00 Two operators and clerks, each... 62.50 Proctor, agent and operator 45.00 Hasse, agent and operator 40.00 Comanche, cashier and operator 80.00 Two operators and clerks, each... 60.00 Blanket, agent and operator 55.00 Brownwood, three oprs. and elks., each 70.00 Winchell, agent and operator 55.00 Rochelle, agent and operator 60.00 Brady, operator and clerk 65.00 Mercury, agent and operator 55.00 Menard, operator and clerk 65.00 L. M. McCOOL, G. H. SCHLEYER, Gen. Mgr. for Receivers. Accepted by: B. C. DODD, Representative for Station Employes of the Receivers. Northern Pacific (RULES AND WAGE SCALE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1918.) *See rulings in back of schedule. RULE I. Telegraphers Defined. (a) The term "telegraphers" as used in this schedule means employes assigrned by proper authority to regular telegraph and telephone duties, to all other positions named in the wage scale and to such additional positions as may be agreed upon from time to time. (b) The company will continue to promote telegraphers to positions of train dispatchers and exclusive agents as far as practicable and in line with th& good of the service. RULE II. Seniority Rights, Promotions, Transfers and Relay Offices Defined. (a) Telegraphers' seniority will rank from the date of their last employment on their respective divisions, except as provided in Clause t-.3 and f-4*. Telegraphers will not be permitted to displace, by exercising their seniority rights, the present incumbetits as of September 1, 1916, of exclusive agency and (CS) positions which are included in the schedule. Incumbents of exclusive agency and (CS) positions not hitherto in the schedule will bte placed on the seniority list as of Septem- ber 1, 1916, but with reference to each other they will take precedence in the order in which they were employed. In making promotions, where ability is sufficient, seniority will prevail — manage- ment to decide. All assignments to exclusive agency posi- tions will be subject to the approval of the traffic department. (b) Telegraphers will not retain their sen- iority for more than three (3) months on leave of absence, except in case of sickness, or for more than six (6) months after being promoted to any position outside of this schedule. Telegraphers who are either on a leave of absence or have been promoted to a position outside of the schedule will not be permitted to return and work for a few days for the sole purpose of holding their rights.* (c) Telegraphers transferred from one division to another will rank from date of 480 Schedules and Wage Scales. transfer on seniority list of division to which transferred. (dj Telegraphers reinstated at any time within six (G) months after being discharged will resume seniority held prior to such dis- charge. (e) The following are designated as relay offices, and will be considered as a unit in connection with promotions, as per Clause f-2: St. Paul (NPJ, Fargo (FO;, Dickinson (DX), Helena (HN;, Spokane (SF), Tacoma (BY;, and Portland (V). (i) 1. When vacancies occur, except in re- lay offices, telegraphers on the division will be promptly notified of such vacancies and will make application within seven (7> days from receipt of notice of such vacancies.* 2. In relay offices, when vacancies occur, they will be bulletined by wire and teleg- laphers must make application by wire within forty-eight (48> hours from receipt of notice of such vacancies, except vacancies which pay the minimum or which are due directly or indirectly to a change in hours or to the application of Rule II, Clause (h), which will be bulletined only in the offices where such vacancies occur.* Relay teleg- raphers desiring to transfer from one office to another for positions that are not bul- letined, should file an application with the superintendent of telegraph. 3. Telegraphers on the line desiring to en- ter the relay service may file an applicatiorf' with the superintendent of telegraph and when vacancies occur in the relay offices which cannot be filled from the relay divi- sion, the telegraphers on the line who have applied will be notified and the positions filled in accordance with Rule Il-a. Teleg- raphers thus entering the relay service will retain the seniority on their division which they had at the time they left their division and must remain in the relay service unless laid off on account of reduction of force or in accordance with Rule Il-h, or transferred back to the line in accordance with Rule II-f-4. 4. Telegraphers in the relay service desir- ing to enter service on the line may file an application with the superintendent of tele- graph, stating the location and character of position desired, and when vacancies occur in line positions which cannot be filled by telegraphers in the line service, the teleg- raphers in the relay service who have ap- plied will be notified and the positions filled in accordance with Rule II, Clause (a). Telegraphers thus entering the line service will retain the seniority in the relay divi- sion which they had at 4;he time they left the relay service and must remain in line service unless laid off on account of reduc- tion of force or in accordance with Rule II, Clause (h), or transferred back to the relay division in accordance with Rule II-f-3. 5. Telegraphers who bid on bulletined posi- tions will not be permitted to cancel such bids after the time limit of the bulletins has expired, but must accept the assignments made or go on the extra list. A telegrapher who exercises his seniority in bidding from one position to another v/ill not be permitted on the following bulletin to bid in the posi- tion vacated. 6. Telegraphers, except in relay offices, will not be permanently assigned until the ex- piration of seven (7; days from the date of bulletin and assignments and transfers will be made not -later than thirty (30> days from the date of the bulletin, except as in para- graph 7, unless the telegrapher entitled to the position is unable to file an application on account of leave of absence, sickness or other bona fide cause.* 7. Telegraphers in relay offices will not be permanently assigned until the expiration of forty-eight (48) hours from date of bul- letin and assignments and transfers will be made not later than fifteen (15) days from the date of the bulletin unless the teleg- rapher entitled to the position is unable to file an application on account of leave of ab- sence, sickness or other bona fide cause.* (g) The superintendent will furnish the local chairman annually, upon application, a copy of the official seniority list. (h) When a telegrapher is transferred or promoted, and after a fair trial is found in- capable, he will take his place on the list of applicants, without pay, until there is a va- cancy to which he may be appointed, and will then resume his previous seniority. (i) Telegraphers declining to accept pro- motion to any position do not forfeit their seniority. (j) In the event of reduction of force on a division, the last man to enter the service will be the first laid off, and in the event of re-employment, the last man laid off will be given work first, if available. (k) Seniority will be effective only when vacancies occur, new positions are created or when positions are closed. When positions are closed, the incumbents tliereof, if com- petent, will have the right to any position on the division where located, at that time filled by telegraphers who are their juniors in the service. 'When telegraphers have been displaced, or where an office has been closed, giving telegraphers the right to any position on the division over telegraphers who are their juniors in service, such telegraphers must exercise their rights within fifteen (15) days or go on the extra list.* RULE III. New Positions. (a) When new positions are created, com- pensation will be arranged in conformity with positions of same class as shown in this schedule. (b) The placing in the schedule of new exclusive agency positions that may be created from time to time will be considered and agreed to in conference. Conferences to determine the placing of these positions in the schedule will be held between the super- intendent and the local chairman, the deci- sions of such conferences to be approved by the superintendent of telegraph. The gen- eral chairman may be present at all such conferences. (c) When an agent telegrapher position is changed to an exclusive agency, the in- cumbent thereof will be given the new posi- tion, and it will be placed in schedule unless objection is raised by the superin- tendent, in which case a conference will Schedules and Wage Scales. 481 be held, as provided for in Clause (b), and if it is decided at such conference that the position should not be included in the sched- ule the incumbent thereof may exercise his seniority as provided for in Rule II, Clause (k>. (d) When an exclusive agency position which is in the schedule is changed to an agent telegrapher position, the incumbent thereof will be given the new position if he is capable of performing the necessary tele- graph duties. Otherwise, he will exercise his seniority rights as provided in Rule n, Clause (k). RULE IV. Discipline, Investigations, Time Limits on Complaints or Appeals. (a) Telegraphers charged with offenses in- volving their suspension or discharge will be advised in writing of the nature of the offense charged. Telegraphers will make their complaints in writing. (b) Telegraphers will not be suspended or discharged without proper cause. When they consider they have been unjustly treated, thpy will have the right to appeal to the next higher ofHcer of the company up to the general superintendent. If the deci- sion of the general superintendent is not satisfactory, telegraphers will have the right to appeal to the superintendent of telegraph, whose decision, when approved by the gen- eral manager, shall be final. In case a teleg- rapher has been suspended or discharged, and after investigation is fovmd not at fault, he will be reinstated and paid for all time lost; where discipline is found to be too severe, he will be reinstated without loss of seniority. (c) Investigation is to be held within ten (10) days after written request by person disciplined, and such request must be made within ten (10) days or the case will be con- sidered closed. (d) Telegraphers may be represented by a co-employe at any or all investigations if they so desire. RULE V. Care of Stations, Switches, Switch Lamps and Pumps. (a) Telegraphers will not be required to scrub stations or outbuildings, clean plat- forms or yards, or attend lawns and gardens, except that at offices where no freight or t;cket bu.siness is involved, they shall keep interior of office premises in neat condition. (b) At points where no section men are located, telegraphers will care for switch lamps and will be allowed four dollars ($4.00) per month for the care of four or less such lamps, and fifty (50) cents per month for each additional lamp. At all times, in case of the extinguishing of switch lamps, teleg- raphers must light them or notify the proper employes that they require attention. (c) Telegraphers required to run pumps will be paid ten dollars ($10.00) per month for gasoline pumps and fifteen dollars ($15.00) per month for steam pumps. (d) Telegraphers, except towermen, who have regularly assigned duties of throwing switches, shall be paid two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per month for such service in addition to rate shown in wage scale. RULE VI. Week Day Office and Meal Hours Defined. (a) Where but one telegrapher is em- ployed, eight (8) hours of actual service as- .signed within ten (10) consecutive hours, in order to provide a meal hour and a split of one hour, will constitute a working day. The meal hour will be provided between 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m., or between 11:30 p. m. and 1:30 a. m. No trick will be split more than once, the meal hour not to be considered a split. At points where an ex- clusive agent and but one telegrapher are employed, the telegrapher position will be- considered a one-man position, and the rules applicable to one-man positions will govern. (f)) Where two telegraphers are iemployed, eight (8) hours of actual service assigned within nine (9) consecutive hours, in order to provide a meal hour, will constitute a working day. A meal hour will be provided between 5:30 a. m. and 7:30 a. m., or be- tween 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m., or be- tween 5:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m*., or between 11:30 p. m. and 1:30 a. m. At points where an exclusive agent and two telegraphers are employed, the telegraphers' positions will be considered as two-man positions and the lules applicable to two-man positions will govern. (c) Where three (3) telegraphers are em- ployed, eight (8) consecutive hours of serv- ice will constitute a working day. At points where an exclusive agent and three teleg- raphers are employed, the telegraphers' posi- tions will be considered as three-man posi- tions and the rviles applicable to three-man positions v.nll govern. (d) 1. Where more than three (3) teleg- raphers are employed, and in the offices listed in Rule H, Clause (e), eight (8) hours of actual service, which at the company's option may be worked consecutively or within nine (9) consecutive hours, when it is necessary to provide a meal hour, will constitute a working day. 2. Telegraphers in relay offices, as listed in Rule U, clause (e), will not be required to work more than two (2) hours overtime in any twenty-four (24) hour period; except, that in cases of general prostration of wires, they may be required to work four (4) hours' overtime. (e) Ten (10) hours of actual service as- signed within a period of eleven (11) con- secutive hours, in order to provide a meal hour, will constitute a working day for ex- clusive agency positions. The meal hour will be provided between 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. (f) When agent duties are involved, serv- ifc shall not begin before six (6:00) o'clock a. ^n. nor after eight (8:00) o'clock a. m. RULE VII. Overtime, Calls, Meal Hours Curtailed. (a) *TelGgraphers. except as provided in Clause (b), required to remain more than the hours as hereinbefore provided, will be allowed overtime pro rata, with a minimum 482 Schedules and Wage Scales. of forty-five cents (45c) per hour. Teleg- raphers called for extra service of any char- acter will be allowed not less than one hour overtime at a minimum of sixty-five cents (65c) for the initial hour, additional time after the initial hour to be paid for on the basis of their salary, with a minimum of forty-five cents (45c) per hour. If pro rata salary basis is more than sixty-five cents (65c) per hour, it will apply to the initial and successive hours. In computing over- time, less than thirty (30) minutes will be neglected and thirty (30) minutes and less than one hour will be considered an hour. (b) Telegraphers in the following offices will be allowed overtime pro rata with a minimum of sixty cents (60c) per hour: Saint Paul, (NP). Livingston, (VS). Minneapolis, (MS). Helena, (HN). Duluth, (DU). Missoula, (MD). Staples, (SO). Paradise, (PD). Dilworth, (DH). Spokane, (SF). Fargo, (FO). Pasco, (PA). Jamestown, (J). Ellensburg, (EIB). Mandan, (A). Seattle, (CTF). ^ Dickinson, (DX). Tacoma, (BY). Glendive, (GI). Tacoma. (WR). Forsyth, (FT). Portland, (V). Billings, (BG). In computing overtime the actual over- time worked during the month shall be totaled and less than thirty (30) minutes in the total shall be neglected, and thirty (30) minutes and less than one hour shall be considered an hour. (c) 1. Telegraphers will be excused from Sunday and holiday duties as much as the condition of business will permit. 2. Telegraphers in offices listed in Rule II, clause (e), will be paid pro rata overtime for all work performed on Sunday and the following holidays, namely: New Year's. Fourth of July, Thanksgiving. Christmas. 3. Telegraphers in one-man positions, whose weekday hours are dennefl in Ru'p Vl-a, when required to perform, within their weekday assignments of hours, any service on Simday will be paid sixty-five (65> cents overtime for each Initial hour or fraction thereof and pro rata overtime for successive hours. Telegraphers required to work their entire weekday assignments of hours on Sunday will be paid pro rata overtime for the initial and successive hours. Overtime will be paid in accordance with Rule Vll-a, for all service performed on Sunday outside of the weekday assignment of hours. Over- time will be paid in accordance with Rule Vll-d when telegraphers are not allowed sixty (60) consecutive minutes for a meal between 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m., or be- tween 11:30 p. m. and 1:30 a. m. In comput- ing overtime less than thirty (30) minutes will be neglected and thirty (30) minutes and than one (1) hour will be consid- ered an hour. 4. Telegraphers in offices other than those covered by clauses (c)-2 and (c)-3, when required to perform within their week day assignment of hours, any service on Sunday, will be paid pro rata overtime for such serv- ice. Sunday hours shall be arranged in not to exceed two periods with a minimum of one hour for each period and will be as- signed and not subject to temporary changes. Overtime will be paid in accordance with Rule "Vll-a for all service performed on Sun- day outside of the Sunday assignment of hours. Where two telegraphers are em- ployed, overtime will be paid in accordance with Rule VTI-d when telegraphers are not allowed sixty (60) consecutive niinutes for a meal in the periods specified in Rule Vl-b. In computing overtime less than thirty (30) minutes will be neglected and thirty (30) mintites and less than one (1) hour will be considered an hour. (d) Telegraphers who are not allowed sixty (60) consecutive minutes for one meal during working hours, as provided In Rule VI, will receive one hour regular overtime, as pro- vided in Clauses (a) and (b) of Rule VII, for each meal hour missed or curtailed at the company's Instance, and will be allowed twenty (20) minutes for lunch as soon there- after as possible. (e) All pro rata overtime for each month in the year will be computed on a twenty- ,six (26) day basis. (f) Overtime will not be allowed unless overtime slips are mailed to the superin- tendent within twenty-four (24) hours from the time the service is performed. Teleg- raphers will be notified within three (3) days when overtime is not allowed, as claimed by overtime slips. RULE VIII. Special Work. (a) Telegraphers attending court, or de- tailed on any business for the company other than relief work, shall receive compensation at the same rate as If in regular service, and, if away from home, reasonable ex- penses. If attending court, time and ex- penses will be certified by the company's attorneys. (b) Telegraphers who are filling regularly assigned permanent positions, when called upon to perform temporai-y relief work at another station, will be paid one dollar ($1.00) per day extra. Overtime slips must be mailed to superintendent daily.* RULE IX. Transfers. Telegraphers transferred from one station to another, under orders, including transfers for promotion, shall receive pay for the time lost in transferring on the basis of rate of pay of the position they vacated: also free transportation for themselves, dependent members of their families and household goods. When transfers are made for the accommodation of telegraphers, no compen- sation will be allowed for time consumed in making such transfers.* RULE X. Commercial Commissions. A commission of ten per cent (10%) of the "This Line" receipts will be allowed man- agers on business handled for commercial telegraph companies at Northern Pacific re- porting offices. RULE XI. Telegraphers' Privileges and Concessions. fa) 1. Telegraphers who are occupying company buildings rent fre« will not be re- Schedules and Wage Scales. 483 quired to pay for this privilege during the existence of this schedule, and such teleg- raphers will be furnished fuel and illuminat- ing oil free. 2. Living accommodations furnished by the company at various stations will be definitely assigned by the superintendent and consid- ered as belonging to the different positions in the following order: Agent, first teleg- rapher, second telegrapher and third teleg- rapher. (b) Where stations are remodeled or re- built, the company reserves the right to dis- continue living accommodations. (c) Telegraphers employed at points where there is no store, will be given free freight rates from the nearest available towru on the division, on supplies for their personal and family use. (d) Special privileges, such as ice, fuel or other supplies, must be arranged with the superintendent in each individual case. (e) Where surety bonds are reqviired by the company, it will pay the premium. (f) Telegraphers will be furnished the free use of typewriters in the following offices: St. Paul, (NP), Spokane, (SF). and Tacoma, (BY). The company reserves the right to require of telegraphers working in these of- fices proficiency. in the use of typewriters. RULE XII. Unassigned Telegraphers. Telegraphers held for service, but not as- signed, shall be paid for service on the basis of the rate that attaches to the position to which they are ultimately assigned. RULE XIII. Status of General Chairman and General Secretary and Treasurer. (a) In case the telegraphers select one of their number as salaried chairman, he will be considered in the service of the company as to rank and rights of promotion and will retain the same rights he would have gained if in actual service. (b) In case the telegraphers select one of their number as salaried secretary and treas- urer, he will be considered in the service of the company as to rank and rights of promo- tion and will retain the same rights he would have gained if in actual service. RULE XIV. Conferences. If a meeting with the general officers is desired a written notice, together with a statement of matters to be considered, must be forwarded to the superintendent of tele- graph at least fifteen (15) days before the date at which conference is desir^ed, and a date and time will be fixed within the suc- ceeding fifteen (15) days. RULE XV. Interpretation of Rules. In case of a misunderstanding as to the meaning or application of any of these rules, the telegraphers will have the right of appeal to the next higher officer of the company up to the general superintendent. If the deci- sion of the general superintendent is not satisfactory, telegraphers will have the right of appeal to the superintendent of telegraph. v/hose decision, when approved by the gen- eral manager, shall be final. RULE XVI. General. This schedule for telegraphers will be ef- fective January 1, 1918, and will govern until otherwise ordered. Nothing contained herein shall be held to conflict with or nullify the transportation rules of the railway company. WAGE SCALE. RELAY OFFICES. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. St. Paul, General Office (NP), mgr.- wire chief $155.00 Assistant chief 125.00 Night chief 125.00 Late night chief 120.00 Day telegraphers (five) 112.50 Early night telegraphers (four) . . . 112.50 Late night telegrapher (three) . . . . 112.50 Other telegraphers 110.00 Fargo (FO), manager wire chief 150.00 Assistant chief 120.00 Night chief 125.00 Late night chief 120.00 Telegraphers 110.00 Dickinson (DX), manager wire chief. 150.00 Assistant chief 120.00 Night chief 125.00 Late night chief 120.00 Telegraphers 110.00 Helena (HN), manager wire -chief.... 155.00 Assistant chief 120.00 Night chief 125.00 Late night chief 120.00 Telegraphers (two) 112.50 Other telegraphers 110.00 Spokane (SF), manager wire chief... 155.00 Assistant chief 120.00 Night chief 125.00 Late night chief 120.00 Telegraphers (three) 112.50 Other telegraphers 110.00 Tacoma (BY), manager wire chief... 155.00 Assistant chief 120.00 Night chief 125.00 Late night chief 120.00 Telegraphers (five) 112.50 Other telegraphers 110.00 Portland (V), manager telegrapher. . . 117.50 LAKE SUPERIOR DIVISION. Ratej)er Station and Position. Month. Ashland, telegrapher $ 80.00 Iron River, telegrapher 77.50 Brule, agent telegrapher 82.50 Maple, agent telegrapher 80.00 Superior, East End, telegrapher 80.00 Superior, Central Ave., first teleg 82.50- Second telegrapher 82.^0 Third telegrapher 82.50 Duluth (DU), manager telegrapher... 107.50 Other telegraphers 100.00 Anton, telegrapher 77.50 Wrenshall, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 77.50 Zebulon, agent tele^apher 80.00 484 Schedules and Waoe Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Cromwell, agent telegrapher $ 80.00 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Wright, agent telegrapher 80.00 Tamarack, agent telegrapher 80.00 McGregor, agent telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher -. 80.00 Third telegrapher 80.00 Kimberly. agent telegrapher 80.00 Aitkin, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 80.00 Third telegrapher 80.00 Deerwood. first telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher .80.00 Third telegrapher 80.00 Pillager, .agent telegrapher 80.00 Motley, agent telegrapher S2.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 West Duluth, first telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 82.50 Third telegrapher 82.50 Carlton, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Mahtowa, agent telegrapher 80.00 Barnum, agent telegrapher 80.00 Moose Lake, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegraphs*- 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Sturgeon Lake, agent telegrapher 80.00 Willow River, agent telegrapher 80.00 Finlayson, agent telegrapher 82.50 Groningen, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 77.50 Hinckley, first telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher .' 87.50 Pine City, agent 82.50 First telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher.... 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Rock Creek, agent telegrapher 80.00 Rush City, agent 72.50 First telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher 80.00 Third telegrapher 80.00 Harris, agent telegrapher 80.00 North Branch, agent 87.50 Telegrapher 80.00 Stacy, agent telegrapher 80.00 Wyoming, agent telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher 80.00 Third telegrapher 77.50 Forest Lake, agent telegrapher 82.50 Hugo, agent telegrapher 80.00 Morgan Park, agent telegrapher 77.50 New Duluth, telegrapher 77.50 Fond du Lac, agent telegrapher 80.00 Cloquet. telegrapher 87.50 Grantsburg, agent telegrapher 87.50 Chicago City, agent telegrapher 77.50 Lindstrom, agent telegrapher 82.50 Center City, agent telegrapher 82.50 Shafers, agent telegrapher 77.50 Taylors Falls, agent telegrapher 82.50 Ironton. telegrapher 87.50 ST. PAUL DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. White Bear, first telegrapher $ 87.50 - Second telegrapher .• 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. St. Paul, Third St., first telegrapher. .$ 87.50 Second telegrapher 82.50 St. Paul, Asst. Supt. Office, teleg 92.50 St. Paul, Mississippi St., first teleg- rapher T. man 97.50 Second telegrapher T. man 97.50 Third telegrapher T. man 97.50 Telegrapher 87.50 Como, telegrapher 77.50 Minneapolis (MS;, manager teleg 102.50 Other telegraphers 97.50 Northtown, first telegrapher '92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Coon Creek, agent 77.50 First telegrapher T. man 90.00 Second telegrapher T. man 90.00 Third telegrapher T. man 90.00 Anoka, first telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher.;.' 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Dayton, agent telegrapher 82.50 Elk River, first telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 80.00 Third telegrapher 80.00 Big Lake, agent telegrapher '. . . . . 87.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Becker, agent telegrapher '. . . 87.50 Clear Lake, agent telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 St. Cloud, first telegrapher T. man 92.50 Second telegrapher T. man 92.50 Third telegrapher T. man 92.50 Sauk Rapids, agent telegrapher 87.50 Sartell, agent 82.50 First telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 Rice, agent 82.50 First telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Roya.lton, agent 87.50 First telegrapher 77.50 .Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Gregory, agent telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Little Falls, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Darling, agent telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Randall, agent telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Gushing, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Lincoln, ageni telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Fhilbrook, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Stillwater, agent telegrapher 85.00 Fort Ripley, agent telegrapher 77.50 Swanville, agent telegrapher 80.00 Burtrum. agent telegrapher 77.50 Grey Eagle, agent telegrapher 77.50 Sauk Center, telegrapher 82.50 Westport, agent telegrapher 77.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 485 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Villard, agent telegrapher SO.OO Glenwood, agent 90.00 Telegrapher 80.00 Starbuck, agent telegrapher 80.00 Cyrus, agent telegrapher 77.50 Morris, agent telegrapher 87.50 MINNESOTA DIVISION. Rato pfer Station and Position. Month. Staples (SO), manager telegrapher. .. .$100.00 Other telegraphers 95.00 Staples (CS;, telegrapher 97.50 Staples Yard, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Aldrich, agent telegrapher..; 80.00 Verndale, agent telegrapher 85.00 Wadena, first telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher 80.00 Third telegrapher 80.00 Bluffton, agent telegrapher 80.00 New York Mills, agent telegrapher... 85.00 Perham, agent 87.50 First telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Frazee, agent 87.50 Telegrapher 82.50 Detroit, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Audubon, agent telegrapher 82.50 Lake Park, first telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher 80.00 Third telegrapher 77.50 Manitoba Jet., agent teleg. T. man... 87.50 Second telegrapher T. man 85.00 Third telegrapher T. man 85.00 Hawley, agent 82.50 Telegrapher 80.00 Muskoda, agent telegrapher 80.00 Deer Creek, agent telegrapher 77.50 Henning, agent telegrapher 80.00 Vining, agent telegrapher 77.50 Clitheral, agent telegrapher 77.50 Battle Lake, agent telegrapher 82.50 Underwood, agent telegrapher 82.50 Fergus Falls, telegrapher 82.50 Foxliome, agent telegrapher 77.50 Breckenridge, agent telegrapher 90.00 Wahpeton, telegrapher 87.50 Mooreton, agent telegrapher 80.00 Barney, agent telegrapher 77.50 Wyndmere, agent telegrapher 85.00 De Lamere, agent telegrapher 80.00 Milnor, agent telegrapher 87.50 Gwinner, agent telegrapher 77.50 Stirum, agent telegrapher 77.50 Crete, agent telegrapher 77.50 Great Bend, agent telegrapher 77.50 Hitterdal, agent telegrapher 77.50 Ulen, agent telegrapher 80.00 Syre, agent telegrapher 77.50 Twin Valley, agent telegrapher 85.00 Gary, agent telegrapher 80.00 Fertile, first telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 Crookston, telegrapher 77.50 Red Lake Falls, agent telegrapher.... 92.50 East Grand Forks, first telegrapher. . . 95.00 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Grand Forks, telegrapher $87.50 Meckinock, agent telegrapher 77.50 Gilby, agent telegrapher 80.00 Honeyford, agent 77.50 Forest River, agent telegi'apher 87.50 Voss, agent telegrapher... 77.50 Grafton, telegrapher 90.00 Drayton, agent telegrapher 87.50 Bowesmont, agent telegrapher 77.50 Joliette, agent telegrapher 77.50 Pembina, first telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 77.50 FARGO DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Dilworth (DH>, manager telegrapher. $102.50 Other telegraphers. .' 97.50 Milwaukee Crossing, 1st teleg. T. man 85.00 Second telegrapher T. man 82.50 Third telegrapher T. man 82.50 Haggart, agent telegrapher 87.50 Mapleton, agent telegrapher 90.00 Casselton, first telegrapher 87.^0 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 85.00 Wheatland, agent telegrapher 90.00 Buffalo, agent telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 85.00 Third telegrapher 85.00 Tower City, agent 90.00 Telegrapher 85.00 Koldok, first telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher. 77.50 Oriska, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Alta. first telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 77.50 1 Third telegrapher 77.50 Valley City, manager telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Berea, agent telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 .'^■anborn, first telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher 85.00 Third telegrapher 85.00 Eckelson, agent 90.00 First telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Spiritwood, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 77.50 Thii-d telegrapher 77.50 Bloom, first telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Horace, agent telegrapher 80.00 Warren, agent telegrapher 80.00 Davenport, agent telegrapher 85.00 Leonard, ager^,t telegrapher 80.00 Sheldon, agent telegrapher 92.50 Buttzville, agent telegrapher 80.00 Lisbon, telegrapher 82.50 Elliott, agent telegrapher 80.00 Englevale, agent telegrapher 85.00 Verona, agent telegrapher 85.00 LaMoure, telegrapher 85.00 Berlin, agent telegrapher 82.50 Medberry, agent telegrapher 80.00 486 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. ' Month. Edgeley, telegrapher $ 85.00 Deisem, agent telegrapher 80.00 Jud, agent telegrapher 82.50 Alfred, agent telegrapher 80.00 Gackle, agent telegrapher 82.50 Streeter, agent telegrapher 85.00 Embden, agent telegrapher 80.00 Alice, agent telegrapher 80.00 Nome, agent telegrapher 82.50 Kathryn, agent telegrapher 82.50 Hastings, agent telegrapher 82.50 Litchville, agent telegrapher 87.50 Marion, agent telegrapher 87.50 Dazey, agent telegrapher ;-. 82.50 Walum, agent telegrapher 80.00 Hannaford, agent telegrapher 85.00 Cooperstown, agent telegrapher 92.50 Jessie, agent telegrapher 80.00 Binford, agent telegrapher 85.00 McHenry, agent telegrapher 90.00 DAKOTA DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Jamestown (J), manager telegrapher. $105.00 Other telegraphers 100.00 Jamestown Yard, first telegrapher 97.50 Second telegrapher 97.50 Third telegrapher 97.50 Berner, telegrapher 82.50 Eldridge, agent telegrapher 82.50 Windsor, agent telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 85.00 Third telegrapher 85.00" Cleveland, agent telegrapher 87.50 Medina, agent telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 82.50 Third telegrapher. 82.50 Crystal Springs, telegrapher 82.50 Tappen, agent telegrapher 85.00 Dawson, agent 92.50 First telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Steele, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 85.00 Third telegrapher 85.00 Driscoll, agent telegrapher 87.50 Sterling, agent telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 85.00 Third telegrapher 85.00 McKenzle, agent telegrapher 92.50 Burleigh, agent telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher 82.50 Third telegrapher 82.50 Bismarck, first telegrapher 97.50 Second telegrapher 97.50 Third telegrapher 97.50 Ypsilanti, agent telegrapher 80.00 Montpelier, agent telegrapher 80.00 Adrian, agent telegrapher 80.00 Dickey, agent telegrapher 82.50 Grand Rapids, agent telegrapher 80.00 Glover, agent telegrapher , 80.00 Buchanan, agent telegrapher 82.50 Pingree, agent telegrapher 82.50 Edmunds, agent telegrapher 80.00 Melville, agent telegrapher 80.00 Carrington, telegrapher -. 85.00 Barlow, agent telegrapher 80.00 New Rockford, telegrapher 80.00 Sheyenne, agent telegrapher 90.00 Oberon, agent telegrapher 92.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Minnewaukan, agent telegrapher $ 87.50 Brinsmade, agent telegrapher 85.00 Leeds, agent telegrapher 92.50 ■ Woodworth, agent telegrapher 82.50 Pettibone, agent telegrapher 82.50 Robinson, agent telegrapher 82.50 Tuttle, agent telegrapher 82.50 Arena, agent telegrapher 82.50 Wing, agent telegrapher 82.50 Regan, agent telegrapher -; 82.50 Wilton, agent telegrapher 95.00 Sykeston, agent telegrapher 82.50 Heaton, agent telegrapher 80.00 Bowdon, agent telegrapher 85.00 Chaseley, agent telegrapher 80.00 Hurdsfield, agent telegrapher 82.50 Goodrich, agent telegrapher 87.50 Denhoff, agent telegrapher 82.60 McClusky, agent telegrapher 90.00 Mercer, agent telegrapher 82.50 Turtle Lake, agent telegrapher 85.00 Flora, agent telegrapher 80.00 Maddock, agent telegrapher 87.50 Hesper, agent telegrapher 80.00 Esmond, agent telegrapher 85.00 Temvik, agent telegrapher 80.00 Hazelton, agent telegrapher ,85.00 Huff, agent telegrapher.. '82.50 Fort Rice, agent telegrapher -. . 82.50 Cannon Ball, agent telegrapher 82.50 Solen, agent telegrapher 82.50 Timmer, agent telegrapher 82.50 Flasher, agent telegrapher 87.50 Carson, agent telegrapher 82.50 Heil, agent telegrapher 82.50 Elgin, agent telegrapher 87.50 New Leipzig, agent telegrapher 85.00 Burt, agent- telegrapher 82.50 Mott, telegrapher 82.50 Sanger, agent telegrapher": 82.50 Fort Clark, agent telegrapher 82.50 Stanton, agent telegrapher 82.50 » Hazen, agent telegrapher 87.50 Beulah, agent telegrapher 87.50 Zap, agent telegrapher 82.50 Golden Valley, agent telegrapher 82.50 Dodge, agent telegrapher 82.50 Halliday, agent telegrapher 82.50 Werner, agent telegrapher 85.00 Dunn Center, agent telegrapher 87.50 Killdeer, agent telegrapher 92.50 Telegrapher 80.00 YELLOWSTONE DIVISION. Rato per Station and Position. Month. Mandan (A), manager telegrapher $110.00 Two telegraphers 105.00 Other telegraphers 100.00 Sweet Briar, agent telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Judson. agent telegrapher 92.50 New Salem, agent 95.00 First telegrapher _. . 92.50 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Sims, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Almont, agent telegrapher 92.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 487 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Curlew, first telegrapher $ 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher. 87.50 Glenullen, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Hebron, agent 95.00 First telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Richardton, agent f . . 95.00 Mrst telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Taylor, agent telegrapher 92.50 Gladstone, agent telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Lehigh, agent telegrapher. 87.50 South Heart, agent telegraphei* 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Zenith, agent telegrapher 87.50 Belfield, agent 95.00 First telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Fryburg, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Sully Springs, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher^ 87.50 Third telegrapher. . ^ 87.50 Medora, agent telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Demores, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Sentinel Butte, agent ' 95.00 First telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Beach, first telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Yates, agent telegrapher 90.00 Wibaux, agent 92.50 First telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Hodges, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 AUard, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Glendive (GI), manager telegrapher.. 120.00 Two telegraphers 110.00 Other telegraphers.. 105.00 Colgate, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Hoyt, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Conlin^ first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Fallon, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Terry, first telegrapher $ 90.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Zero, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher , 87.60 Tusler, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 tMiles City, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Horton, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Hathaway, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Rosebud, agent 95.00 First telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Forsyth (FY;, manager telegrapher.. 110.00 Two telegraphers 102.50 Other telegraphers 100.00 Howard, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher §7.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Sanders, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.60 Hysham, agent telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Myers, agent telegrapher 87.50 Big Horn, agent telegrapher §7.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Custer, agent 92.50 First telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Waco, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Pompey's Pillar, agent telegrapher. .♦ 90.00 Second telegrapher .* 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Worden, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Huntley, agent 100.00 First telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Stipek, agent telegrapher 87.50 Intake, agent telegrapher 87.50 Savage agent telegrapher 92.50 Sidney, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Golva, agent telegrapher 87.50 Carlyle, agent telegrapher 87.50 OUie, agent telegrapher 87.50 MONTANA DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Billings Passenger Depot, first teleg..$ 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 fAt Miles City when telegraphers are also ticket clerks the rate will be $10.00 above rate shown. 488 Schedules and Wage Scales. - Rate per Station and Position. Month. Billing's (BG), n^anager telegrapher. . .$132.50 Second telegraphei' 110.00 Third telegrapher 107.50 Other telegraphers 105.00 -Mos.sniain, agent telegrapher T. man.. 95.00 Second telegrapher T. man 92.50 Third telegrapher T. man 92.50 Laurel Yard (KDj, manager teleg. . . . 105.00 Other telegraphers 102.50 Laurel (AU>, first telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Park City, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Rapids, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Columbus, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Merrill, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Reed Point, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Grey Cliff, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Big Timber, first telegrapher 92.50 Second" telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Springdalc, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher '. 87.50 Mission, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher.' 87.50 Livingstoii (VS), manager telegrapher 135.00 Second telegrapher 110.00 Third telegrapher 107.50 Other telegraphers 105.00 Muir, first telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 West li5nd, first telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Chestnut, agent telegrapher 90.00 Bozeman, first telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher • 95.00 Belgrade, agent telegrapher 97.50 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Manhattan, agent 97.50 First telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher. 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Logan, first telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher .- . . . lOO.OO Third telegrapher 100.00 Trident, agent telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Lombard, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Toston, agent telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Rata per Station and Position. Month. Townsend, agent $ 85.00 First telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Winston, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher _ 87.50 Third telegrapher ." 87.50 Louisville, agent telegrapher 87.50 East Helena, agent 100.00 First telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Three Forks, agent telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Willov.' Creek, agent telegrapher 90.00 Sappington, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Cardwell, agent telegrapher 90.00 Whitehall, agent 97.50 First telegrapher 97.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Spire Rock, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Homestake, agent telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher -. 87.50 MU Transfer, first telegrapher 97.50 Sec-ond telegi-apher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Butte (W), first telejraph^ 105.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Silesia, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher ~. . . . 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Joliet, agent telegrapher 92.50 RobeFts, agent telegrapher 90.00 Red Lodge, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Edgar, agent telegrapher.. 87.50 Fromberg, agent telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Bridger, telegrapher 90.00 Clyde Park, agent telegrapher 90.00 Wilsall, agent telegrapher 90.00 Emigrant, agent telegrapher 87.50 Gardiner, agent 82.50 Telegrapher 87.50 Norris, agent telegrapher 90.00 Harrison, agent telegrapher 87.50 Pony, agent telegrapher 87.50 Waterloo, agent telegrapher 87.50 Twin Bridges, agent telegrapher 90.00 Sheridan, agent telegrapher 90.00 Alder, agent telegrapher 90.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN DIVISION. Rate per Station and^Position. Month. Helena Yard, first telegrapher $102.50 Second telegrapher 102.50 Third telegrapher 102.50 G. N. Crossing, first teleg. T. man..., 92.50 Second telegrapher T. man 92.50 Third telegrapher T. man 92.50 Birdseye, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 489 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Austin, agent telegrapher $ 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Weed, telegrapher 87.50 Skyline, first telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Blossburg, agent telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrH)her 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Elliston, agent telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Avan, agent telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Garrison, first telegrapher 97.50 Second telegrapher 97.50 Third telegrapher 97.50 Gold Creek, agent telegrapher 90.00 Drummond, agent 92.50 First telegrapher 97.50 Second telegrapher 97.50 Third telegrapher 95.00 Bearmouth, agent telegrapher 92.50 Clinton, agent telegrapher 90.00 Bonner, agent telegrapher 95.00 Missoula (MD), manager telegrapher. 120.00 Second telegrapher 110.00 Third telegrapher 110.00 Other telegraphers 105.00 (MA), first telegrapher 97.50 Second telegrapher 97.50 Third telegrapher 97.50 DeSmet, agent telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Frenchtown, agent telegrapher 90.00 Lothrop, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Rivulet, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Iron Mountain, agent telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 St. Regis, agent telegrapher 97.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 DeBorgla, agent telegrapher 90.00 Saltese, agent telegrapher 90.00 Lookout, telegrapher 87.50 Larson, agent telegrapher 90.00 Mullan, agent 97.50 Telegrapher 97.50 Wallace, telegrapher 102.50 Burke, agent telegrapher 97.50 Lo Lo, agent telegrapher 87.50 Florence, agent telegrapher 87.50 Stevensville, telegrapher 92.50 Victor, agent telegrapher 87.50 Woodside, agent telegrapher 87.50 Hamilton, telegrapher 95.00 Darby, agent telegrapher 90.00 Hall, agent telegrapher 87.50 Phillipsburg, agent telegrapher 95.00 Marysville, agent telegrapher 90.00 Silver Bow, agent • 110.00 First telegrapher 97.50 Second telegrapher 97.50 Third telegrapher 97.50 Stuart, agent telegrapher '..... 87.50 Warm Springs, agent telegrapher 90.00 Deer Lodge, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 97.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Evaro, agent telegrapher $ 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Arlee, agent telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Ravalli, agent ■. 87.50 First telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Dixon, agent telegrapher 95.00 Perma, agent telegrapher 95.00 Reman, agent telegrapher 90.00 Poison, agent telegrapher 95.00 IDAHO DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Paradise (PD>, manager telegrapher $105.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Plains, agent 95.00 First telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Eddy, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.5'^ Thompson Falls, agenff. 87. 5C Telegrapher 90.00 Kildee. first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Trout Creek, agent telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 90.09 Third telegrapher 90.00 Noxon, agent telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Heron, agent telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Cabinet, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Clark's Fork, agent telegrapher 92.50 Hope, agent 92.50 First telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Kootenai, agent telegrapher 100.00 Yard, first telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher 97.50 Third telegrapher 97.50 Sand Point, telegrapher 97.50 Cocolalla, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Granite, agent telegrapher 90.00 Athol, agent telegrapher 90.00 Ramsey, agent telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Rathdrum, agent telegrapher 100.00 /^Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Hauser, agent telegrapher 90.00 Velox, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Trvin. agent telegrapher 90.00 Yardley, telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher 97.50 Third telegrapher 97.50 Spokane (CS), telegrapher 97.50 490 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Marshall Tower, first teleg. T. man...$ 97.50 Second telegrapher T. man 97.50 Third telegrapher T. man 97.50 Marshall, agent 90.00 Cheney, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Spangle, agent telegrapher 87.50 Plaza, agent telegrapher 87.50 Rosalia, agent telegrapher 92.50 Oakesdale, agent telegrapher 92.50 Belmont, agent telegrapher 87.50 Garfield, agent telegrapher 95.00 Palouse, telegrapher 87.50 Pullman, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Moscow, telegrapher 87.50 Troy, agent telegrapher 90.00 Kendrick, agent telegrapher 90.00 Juliaetta, agent telegrapher 90.00 Farmington, agent telegrapher 90.00 Johnson, agent telegrapher 87.50 Colton, agent telegrapher 87.50 Uniontown, agent telegrapher 90.00 Genesee, agent telegrapher 92.50 Lenore, agent telegrapher 87.50 Peck, agent telegrapher 87.50 Oro Fino, agent telegrapher 92.50 Greer, agent telegrapher 87.50 Kamiah, agent telegrapher 92.50 Kooskia, agent telegrapher 87.50 Stites, agent telegrapher 95.00 Medical Lake, agent telegrapher 87.50 Reardon, agent telegrapher 95.00 Davenport, agent telegrapher 90.00 Creston, agent telegrapher 95.00 Wilbur, agent telegrapher 100.00 Telegrapher 90.00 Almira, agent telegrapher 95.00 Hartline, agent telegrapher 92.50 Coulee City, agent telegrapher 97.50 Telegrapher ." 90.00 Post Falls, agent telegrapher 87.50 Coeur d'Alene, agent telegrapher 87.50 PASCO DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Tyler, agent telegrapher *$ 87.50 Fishtrap, agent telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Sprague, agent 87.50 First telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 90.00 Keystone, agent telegrapher 87.50 Tokio, telegrapher. 87.50 Ritzville, first telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 92.50 Paha, agent telegrapher 87.50 Lind, first telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Providence, first telegrapher 87.50 • Second telegrapher.. 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Cunningham, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Hatton. agent telegrapher 90.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Connell, agent $ 87.50 First telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Mesa, agent telegrapher 90.00 Vale, telegrapher 87.50 Eltopia, agent telegrapher 90.00 Glade, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher. .^ 87.50 Third telegrapher ■? 87.50 Pasco Yard, first telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Pasco (PA), manager telegrapher 120.00 Second telegrapher 107.50 Third telegrapher 107.50 Other telegraphers 105.00 (CS), telegrapher 100.00 Kennewick, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Vista, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher....'. 87.50 Third telegrapher. '. 87.50 Badger, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Kiona, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher ,. 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Gibbon, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Prosper, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 I Third telegrapher 92.50 Mabton, agent 90.00 First telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Satus, agent telegrapher 87.50 Toppenish, first telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Wapato, first telegrapher 95.00 » Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 90.00 Parker, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Yakima, first telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Selah, telegrapher 90.00 Pomona, agent telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Wymer, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Thrall, agent telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Wheeler, agent telegrapher 87.50 Schrag, agent telegrapher 87.50 Attalia, agent telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Eureka, agent telegrapher 92.50 Lamar, agent 87.50 Walla Walla, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Dixie, agent telegrapher 87.50 Waitsburg, agent telegrapher 90.00 Dayton, agent telegrapher 112.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 ScheduijES and Wage Scales. 491 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Athena, agent telegrapher $ 87.50 Helix, agent telegrapher 90.00 Pendleton, frt. off., telegrapher 102.50 Zillah, agent telegrapher 90.00 Buena, agent telegrapher 90.00 Granger, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Outlook, agent telegrapher 87.50 Sunnyside, telegrapher 87.50 Grandview, telegrapher 87.50 Naches, agent telegrapher 87.50 SEATTLE DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Ellensburg (EB), manager teleg $105.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Thorp, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 82.50 Third telegrapher 82.50 Cle Elum, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher ' 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Easton, agent 90.00 First telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher. •. 92.50 §Martln, first telegrapher ,^_^. 82.50 Second telegrapher 82.50 Third telegrapher 82.50 JStampede, first telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher 82.50 Third telegrapher 82.50 Kennedy, first telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher 82.50 Third telegrapher 82.50 Lester, agent 87.50 First telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Eagle Gorge, agent telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 82.50 Third telegrapher 82.50 Palmer Jet., telegrapher 82.50 Kanaskat, agent 90.00 First telegrapher • 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Ravensdale, agent telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher 82.50 Third telegrapher 82.50 tEast Auburn, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 tAuburn Yard, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 jPuyallup, first telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 tSumner, telegrapher 85.00 tAuburn Depot, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 tKent, telegrapher 85-00 jBlack River, agent telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher 82.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. tSeattle: Spokane Ave., first teleg. T. man...$ 92.50 Second telegrapher T. man 92.50 Third telegrapher T. man 92.50 (CF), manager telegrapher 110.00 Other telegraphers 105.00 (CS), telegrapher 95.00 tFremont, telegrapher 85.00 fUniversity, telegrapher 82.50 Bothel, agent telegrapher 87.50 Woodinville, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 85.00 Third telegrapher 85.00 Maltby, agent telegrapher 85.00 Snohomish, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 90.00 Machias, agent telegrapher 87.50 Hartford, agent telegi-apher 92.50 Second telegrapher 82.50 Arlington, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Bryant, agent tellgrapher 85.00 McMurray, agent telegrapher 90.00 Big La-ke, agent telegrapher 90.00 Clear Lake, agent telegrapher 90.00 Sedro Woolley, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Wickersham, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 82.50 Acme, agent telegrapher 85.00 Deming, agent telegrapher 82.50 Nooksack, agent telegrapher 82.50 Sumas, telegrapher 90-00 Roslyn, telegrapher .ll'ln Renton, agent telegrapher nk Wilburton, agent telegrapher 85.00 Redmond, agent telegrapher 87.50 Issaquah, agent telegrapher S7.,50 Preston, agent telegrapher S.o.OO Snoqualmie, agent telegrapher 85.00 North Bend, agent telegrapher 85.00 Lowell, first telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher 82.50 Third telegrapher 8^50 Everett, first telegrapher ; 9^-5" Second telegrapher 92.50 Tliird telegrapher 9^-^" Oso, agent telegrapher 8^-o" Darrington, agent telegrapher 87.bu Bellingham, telegrapher 9U.uu TACOMA DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. tReservation, first telegrapher $ 90.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher • • • • 90.00 Tacoma'(WR), manager telegrapher. 110.00 Other telegraphers lo^-"" tStadium, first telegrapher 87-o" Second telegrapher » '•»" Third telegrapher ^l-"^ tMcCarver St.. first telegrapher 87.ou Second telegrapher «3-^" Third telegrapher «*>•"" § Where telegraphers are also required to handle tunnel rescue apparatus, the rate will be $10.00 above rate shown. t Puget Sound Division. 492 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Sixth Ave., agent telegrapher $ 90.00 Second telegrapher 85.00 Thii-d telegrapher 85.00 Rteilacoom, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 85.00 Third telegrapher 85.00 Nisqually, agent 87.50 First telegrapher .' 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 St. Clair, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 85.00 Third telegrapher 85.00 Chambers Prairie, agent telegrapher. 90.00 Second telegrapher 85.00 Third telegrapher 85.00 Tenino, first telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher 85.00 Third telegrapher 85.00 Bucoda, agent telegrapher 87.50 Centralia, first telegrapher 97.50 Second telegrapher 97.50 Third telegrapher 97.50 Chehalis, telegrapher 85.00 Napavine, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 85.00 Winlock, telegrapher 87.50 Vader, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegra.pher 85.00 Third telegrapher 85.00 Castle Rock, telegrapher 87.50 Kelso, telegrapher 87.50 Kalama, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 85.00 Third telegrapher 85.00 Woodland, telegrapher 87.50 Ridgefield, agent telegrapher 87.50 Vancouver Jet., telegrapher 85.00 tTacoma, 15th St. Tower: First telegrapher T. man 87.50 Second telegrapher T. man 87.50 Third telegrapher T. man 87.50 tSouth Tacoma, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 85.00 Lakeview, agent telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 85.00 Roy, agent telegrapher 85.00 Yelm, agent telegrapher .• 85.00 Rainier, agent telegrapher 85.00 "West Tenino, telegrapher 87.50 Enumclaw, agent telegrapher 87.50 Puckley, agent telegrapher 87.50 South Prairie, agent 87.50 Telegrapher 85.00 Orting, agent telegrapher 87.50 Burnett, agent telegrapher 87.^0 Wilkeson, agent telegrapher 90.00 Carbonado, agent telegrapher 85.00 Fairfax, agent telegrapher 85.00 Murray, agent telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 85.00 Third telegrapher 85.00 American Lake, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Olympia, first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Little Rock, agent telegrapher 8t.00 Gate, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 85.00 Third telegrapher 85.00 • ' Rate per Station and Position. Month. Oakville, agent telegrapher $ 85.00 Second telegrapher 85.00 Malone, agent telegrapher 85.00 Elma, first telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 87.50 Satsop, agent telegrapher 85.00 Montesano, first telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher 85.00 Third telegrapher 85.00 Aberdeen Jet., first telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher 85.00 SHoquiam, first telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Carlisle, agent telegrapher 85.00 Moclips, agent telegrapher 85.00 Cosmopolis, agent telegrapher 95.00 Rochester, agent telegrapher 85.00 Littell. agent telegrapher 85.00 Adna, agent telegrapher 85.00 Dryad, agent telegrapher 85.00 Doty, agent telegrapher 85.00 Pe Ell, agent telegrapher 87.50 Frances, agent telegrapher 87.50 Lebam, agent telegrapher 87.50 Raymond, telegrapher 92.50 South Bend, telegrapher .*. . 92.50 Battle Ground, agent telegrapher 87.50 Tacolt, agent telegrapher 87.50 § At Hoquiam, when telegraphers are also ticket clerks, the rate will be $5.00 above rate shown. t Puget Sound Division, For the Company: M. H. CLAPP, Supt. of Telegraph. Approved : J, M. RAPELJE, Gen. Mgr., Lines East of Paradise. E. C. BLANCHARD, Gen. Mgr., Lines West of Paradise. For the Telegraphers: SAM JOHNSON, General Chairman. B. E. NASON, Secretary. SCHEDULE RULINGS' IN CONNECTION ■ WITH THE DIFFERENT RULES. RULE 2-a. Telegraphers' seniority will date from the time they actually begin to work; that is, from the time they begin to draw pay on their respective divisions, except ,that should there be two or more telegrapliers employed on the same day^^their respective scnjority rights will be decided at the time by the chief dispatcher, based on the cir- cumstances in connection with their em- ployment, and the telegraphers concerned advised. RULE 2-b. In case where a telegrapher is assigned to other duties temporarily, or is granted a leave of absence, the position thus left will not be considered vacant and will not Schedules and Wage ScAiiEs. 493 be bulletined, but will continue to belong to the regular telegrapher during his tem- porary- assignment or leave of absence and his position will be filled from the extra list. In such cases there will be no ob- jection to advancing temporarily the other telegraphers at that office. For example, the first trick telegrapher at Allard is needed temporarily as a dispatcher or an exclusive agent, or he is granted a leave ojf absence; -in either case the first trick at Allard will not be considered vacant, but the second trick telegrapher may, at the discretion of the chief dispatcher, be ad- vanced to the first trick, the third trick advanced to the second trick and the extra telegrapher required to work the third trick until the regular telegrapher returns. Telegi-aphers returning from temporary as- signments or leaves of absence will resume their regular positions. Unless telegraphers who are temporarily promoted to positions outside of the schedule return to their former positions within six (6) months, and those who are granted leaves of absence return within three (3) months, as provided in the rules, their positions will be con- sidered vacant and will be bulletined in the regular manner. RUUS 2-f-l. When issuing bulletins, they will be num- bered consecutively, commencing with No. 1 on the first of each year, and each bul- letin will state the assignment that was m.ade on the previous bulletin. For example: Bulletin No. 1. There is a vacancy in the position of third trick telegrapher at Allard. Tele.g- raphers desiring this position will make application in writing to this office within seven (7) days. (Chief Dispatcher.) Bulletin No. 2. There is a vacancy in the position of third trick telegrapher at Terry. Teleg- raphers desiring this position will make application in writing to this office within seven (7) days. Bulletin No. 1, third trick at Allard, assigned to J. C. Smith. (Chief Dispatcher.) RULE 2-f-l AND k. When telegraph offices are opened tem- porarily, due to the opening of gravel pits, ice fields, temporary increase in business, or other causes, the provisions in the rules will not apply, unless such offices are main- tained .for a period of more than three (3) months, when the positions will be bulle- tined. RULE 2-f-2. In the offices listed in Rule 2, clause (e), •the hours will be specified for all tricks, the tricks numbered, and, if any changes are made in the hours of the tricks, the posi- tions so changed will be considered closed and the new assignments will be considered new positions and will be bulletined only in the office where such changes occur. Telegraphers whose hours are changed, or positions discontinued, will have the right to exercise their seniority only in the office where located and only the youngest man, when displaced, will have the right to exer- cise his seniority in an office other than the one in which he is located. It is under- stood that should ^^y telegrapher be dis- placed through the operation of the senior- ity rights of a telegrapher from another re- lay office, the telegrapher displaced, or other telegraphers that may be displaced, will have the right to exercise their senior- ity rights in any relay office. RULE 2-X-Q AND 7. Telegraphers, except in relay offices, who have been promoted to positions outside the schedule or who are granted leaves of ab- sonce must leave their addresses with the chief dispatcher, and the chief dispatcher will, as far as possible, forward bulletins to telegraphers who are away, and such telegraphers will exercise their rights if they so desire, the same as if they were in regular service. Telegraphers in relay offices who have been promoted to positions outside the schedule, or who are granted leaves of absence, will leave their addresses with both the manager of the office in which they are employed and the superin- tendent of telegraph. In cases, however, where the telegraphers cannot be reached, this will not prevent them from exercising their rights after they return to service. RULE 5. 1. Telegraphers in main line terminal yards will not be required to weigh cars, except that in emergencies such duties may be required oi telegraphers temporarily. 2. Telegraphers in main line terminal yards will not be required to card cars, look after ice boxes and heaters in refrig- erator cars and check yards. RULE 7-a. In case the arriving time of a train as shown on the time card is within the first twenty-nine (29) minutes after the teleg- rapher's regular assigned hours, the teleg- rapher will be paid overtime if he ia re- quired to meet the train. In case a train is scheduled to arrive within the teleg- rapher's assigned hours and is late, over- time will be paid as provided in the rules, less than thirty (30) minutes being neg- lected and thirty (30) minutes and less than one hour being considered an hour. RULE 8-b. It is understood that in no case will telegraphers be allowed to waive the one dollar ($1.00) per day extra when entitled to this extra compensation. RULE 9. "V^Tien offices are closed and positions dis- continued, the company will pay for the time lost in making the transfers necessary on account of the telegraphers exercising their seniority rights and electing to take positions held by telegraphers their juniors in service. This ruling will apply to all telegraphers affected by the discontinuance of a position. Any transfers made for the accommodation of the telegraphers will, ac- cording to the present rule, be made with- out expense to the company. 494 Schedules and Wage Scales. Miscellaneous Rulings. 1. In every instance dispatchers will en- deavor to plan train movements to enable them to issue orders to train crews at open telegraph offices. Trainmen will not be re- quired to take orders over the telephone except in case of necessity to avoid unrea- sonable delay that could not be anticipated by dispatcher. Where telegraphers are on duty any portion of the day or night, train and engine men will be required to call such telegraphers, if available, for emergency service. 2. It is understood that the company agrees to withhold its consent to the prac- tice of trading of tricke except temporarily in cases of emergencies. 3. Where the handling of United States mail becomes burdensome to a telegrapher, he may take the matter up with the proper official and a prompt investigation will be held at that station, at which the telegrapher may have a co- employe of his choice pres- ent, and if the complaint is well founded relief will be afforded. Northwestern Pacific Railroad Company (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1915.) The following rules, regulations and rates of pay will be applicable to the positions in station service specified in attached sched- ule, Article XXL ARTICLE I. Additional Positions. Section 1. When new offices are estab- lished or additional positions created, com- pensation will be in conformity with posi- tions of the same class on the division in which located. ARTICLE II. Promotion. Section 1. All men filling positions in schedule attached will be regarded as in line for promotion, advancement depending upon faithful discharge of duty and capacity for increased responsibility. When merit and ability are satisfactory, seniority will govern preference. (See Note.) Sec. 2. Should vacancy occvir In a position of minor importance at a station, bid for same by a competent employe in a lower grade of service at such point may be given preference. Note. — ^Agencies at station marked with a star (*) in schedule attached require special qualifications, possession of which must gov- ern selection, rather than seniority, although latter will be given due consideration. ARTICLE III. Seniority. Section 1. Position on seniority list will date from last time of entering service, and extend over division where employed. Sen- iority lists will be revised January and July of each year, and copy thereof furnished by superintendent on request of any agent. ARTICLE rV. Bulletining Vacancies. Section 1. Should positions outlined in Article XXI become vacant, or should sim- ilar positions be created, if such positions remain vacant or are to be maintained for a period of thirty (30) days or more, they may be temporarily filled at discretion of the company, but such vacancies must be bulletined at all offices on the division within ten (10) days. Applications must be filed within ten (10) days thereafter, and per- manent assignment will be made within thirty (30) days from date of bulletin. ARTICLE V. Hours of Service. Section 1. Hours of work for men in sta- tion service handling train orders and com- ing under the provisions of the Federal Law will be arranged to conform therewith. Sec. 2. At stations where only one such man is employed, eleven (11) hours' actual service within a period of thirteen (13) con- secutive hours will constitute a day's work. Sec. 3. At stations which are operated thirteen (13) consecutive hours or less, and at which two men handling train orders are employed during the same period, twelve (12) consecutive hours. Including meal hour, will constitute a day's work for such men. Sec. 4. At stations operated more than thirteen (13) consecutive hours, where two or more men handling train orders are em- ployed in consecutive periods of duty, ten (10) hours, including meal hour, will con- stitute a day's work for such men. Sec. 5. At all stations, for men whose service does not come under the provisions of the Federal Law, eleven (11) hours' actual service within a period of thirteen (13) con- secutive hours will be considered a maximum day's work. Sec. 6. Should men specified above be required to remain .on duty in excess of the hours prescribed, they will receive overtime as hereinafter provided. Hours stated are maximum, and when service will permit, will be shortened. ARTICLE VI. Overtime. Section 1. Overtime will be paid on basis per hour of one thiee-hundredths of monthly wage, with a minimum of twenty-flve (25) cents per hour. In computing overtime, less than thirty (30) minutes will not be counted. Thirty (30) minutes and less than one hour, will be counted one hour. Sec. 2. If an agent or assistant handling train orders is called after office hours, fifty (50) cents will be paid for each call, this to cover payment for the first hour's service, after which overtime will be paid for as above. Sec. 3. Men in station service whose hours are not fixed by the Federal Law will be paid overtime as above after twelve (12) hours only when such extra service is or- dered by superintendent, or his authorized representative. Sec. 4. Men in station service whose duties include handling train orders, required Schedules and Wage Scales. 495 to remain on duty after their regular as- signed hours, will be given authority by the dispatcher for overtime resulting therefrom. Sec. 5. When overtime is authorized as per sections 3 or 4, overtime ticket must be mailed to the superintendent within twenty- four (24) hours after the service has been performed. ARTICLE VII. Meal Hour. Section 1. At one man stations handling train orders, dispatcher will endeavor to allow meal hour between the fourth and sixth hour after going on duty. If, owing to emergency, such men are not allowed such meal period, they will receive one hour over- time in lieu thereof, and given thirty (30) minutes to eat. Sec. 2. At stations where more than one man is employed, agent will be expected to arrange the meal periods so that each man will have ample time for same, different periods to be assigned so that station will not be closed. ARTICLE \ail. Sunday and Holiday Work. Section 1. Office hours on Sundays and holidays will be arranged to allow employes as much time off as the service will permit. This article will be liberally interpreted by the company. ARTICLE IX. Attending Court. Section 1. Men in station service attend- ing court or detailed on other business for the company will be allowed regular salary and necessary expenses while away from their home station, expenses incurred in connection with service at court to be cer- tified by the company's legal representative. ARTICLE X. Emergency Service. Section 1. Men in station service handling train orders or messages at wrecks, wash- outs, or in similar emergencies will be allowed regular pay and their legitimate ex- penses while away from home station. ■ ARTICLE XI. Extra and Relief Service. Section 1. Relief agents will receive salary of the man relieved, minimum pay to be $2.50 per day, with twenty-five (25) cents additional for each hour worked exceeding ten (10), such rate to also apply in case of extra men attending court or serving at wrecks, washouts, etc. Sec. 2. Relief men will be paid for time traveling to a position, but not for the return trip. ARTICLE XII. Clearance. Section 1. Men in station service holding positions specified in Article XXI who have been employed ninety (90) days or more, will be given clearance, stating time and character of service and cause for leaving. ARTICLE Xni. Transfers and Exchanges. Section 1. Men in station service holding positions specified in Article XXI may trans- fer from one division to another, retaining one-third (%) of their seniority, or may exchange positions and seniority with the consent of their superintendents. ARTICLE XIV. Transportation. Section 1. When an employe in station service holding position specified in Article XXI is transferred to accept a bulletined position, he will be given free transportation for himself, family and household goods, so far as the company is legally empowered to do so. If transferred by order of the com- pany, or to obtain promotion to which enti- tled, he will be paid for time lost as per salary of position vacated. ARTICLE XV. Care of Station. Section 1. Agents in charge of stations will be required to keep the interior of such stations, and platforms pertaining thereto, in a neat and cleanly condition. Such agents Avill also be held responsible for the condition of station grounds and outbuildings, sufla- cient help, if not provided at the station, being arranged for by the superintendent. ARTICLE XVI. Discharge or Discipline. Section 1. Men in station service will not be discharged or disciplined without inves- tigation, to be ordinarily held withyi five (5) days, but may be suspended pending same. They shall have right of appeal to higher officials in regular order, if dissatisfied with decision. If found blameless, will be re- instated and paid for all time lost. At all hearings, a co-employe of their own choice may be present. ARTICLE XVII. Express and Commercial Telegraph Service. Section 1. Men in station service required to serve express or commercial telegraph companies may appeal to their superintend- ent, in case of disagreement with officers of such companies. Sec. 2. In case express agency is with- dr.awn from any station, the compensation of the agent will be readjusted to conform to the rate paid at other stations of similar class on the Division where the railroad agent does not also act as express agent. ARTICLE XVIII. Other Duties. Section 1. Agents or office assistants in station service required to run pumps will receive a minimum extra compensation of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per month for steam pumps, and ten dollars ($10.00) per month for gasoline pumps, but when consistent with economy, such service will be performed by men specially assigned. Sec. 2. At stations where other employes are not available for this service, agents will be held responsible for the lighting and putting out of switch lights, the lamps to be filled and trimmed by men specially assigned. 496 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE XIX. Vacations. Section 1. Men in station service who have been in such employ for the Northwest- ern Pacific at least two years, and whose average weekly hours of service equal or exceed sixty-six (66) exclusive of meal hours, will be granted an annual vacation of two (2) weeks under full pay, providing the time for such vacation be selected when men can be spared. It is understood that when- ever the work of a station can be handled during the absence of such men by the remainder of the force, they will so arrange. ARTICLE XX. Section 1. Agents will be furnished copy of these rules and regulations as a part of their office records and will be held respon- sible for same. ARTICLE 'XXI. Schedule of pay per calendar month. Guar- anteed minimum salaries exclusive of ex- press and other commissions. WAGE SCALE. *S6e note in Article II. fExpress and other commissions have been considered in fixing salaries. SOUTHERN DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. *San Francisco, agent $150.00 Chief clerk 100.00 Cashier 90.00 Revising clerk 90.00 Bilhng clerks 75.00 •Tiburon, agent 110.00 Assistant 70.00 Assistant 80.00 Assistant 70.00 Freight clerk 70.00 Seal clerk 70.00 San Rafael, agent 120.00 Freight clerk 80.00 Ticket clerk 80.00 Ticket clerk 75.00 Ticket clerk 75.00 Freight clerk 65.00 Baggageman 65.00 tlgnacio, agent 95.00 Assistant 80.00 tNovato, agent 65.00 Assistant 60.00 ♦Petaluma, agent 125.00 Chief clerk 90.00 Ticket clerk 80.00 Freight clerk 75.00 Freight clerk 70.00 Freight clerk 65.00 Baggageman 60.00 tPenn Grove, agent 65.00 tCotati, agent 80.00 Assistant 40.00 ♦Santa Rosa,' agent 130.00 Freight clerk 85.00 Ticket clerk 80.00 Cashier 75.00 Bill clerk 65.00 Receiving clerk 60.00 Baggageman 60.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Fulton, agent $ 85.00 Assistant 65.00 TWindsor, agent 65.00 Baggage and wareh'm'n (summer) 50.00 *Healdsburg, agent 115.00 Assistant 85.00 Baggageman 60.00 tLytton, agent 55.00 i Geyserville, agent 65.0.0 Baggage and warehouseman 50.00 Cloverdale, agent 95.00 Assistant 70.00 Bag, and warehouseman (summer) 50.00 tHopland, agent 60.00 Assistant 60.00 Baggage and warehouseman 50.00 Ukiah, agent 105.00 Assistant 75.00 Clerk .-. 70.00 *Wimts, agent 135.00 Assistant agent 90.00 Assistant 80.00 Assistant 75.00 Bill clerk 70.00 Baggageman 65.00 Hilton, agent (summer) 75.00 Rionido, agent (summer) 75.00 tGuerneville, agent 70.00 Assistant -. . 55.00 Sebastopol, agent 105.00 Assistant 70.00 Schellville, agent 125.00 Assistant agent 90.00 Assistant 80.00 ■^''arehouseman 65.00 tVineburg, agent 80.00 Sonoma, agent 95.00 Assistant 70.00 tGlen Ellen, agent 65.00 SausaUto, agent 100.00 Ticket clerk 80.00 Ticket clerk (assistant) 60.00 Freight clerk 75.00 Mill Valley, agent S&.OO Assistant 65.00 Warehouseman 65.00 tCorte Madera, agent 70.00 fLarkspur, agent 70.00 Kentfleld, agent 60.00 Ross, agent 85.00 San Anselmo, agent 105.00 Freight clerk 85.00 Ticket clerk 80.00 Ticket clerk 75.00 Transfer clerk 70.00 Baggageman 60.00 West End, ticket agent 60.00 B Street, ticket agent 60.00 tManor, agent 75.00 tSan Geronimo, agent 65.00 tPoint Reyes, agent 65.00 Assistant 50.00 tMarshall, agent 50.00 i Tomales, agent 65.00 tValley Ford, agent 65.00 Bodega Roads, agent.'. 50.00 fOccidental, agent 70.00 Camp Meeker, agent (summer) fMonte Rio, agent 75.00 Operator (summer) 65.00 Assistant (summer) 60.00 tDuncan Mills, agent 70.00 Assistant 50.00 tCazadero, agent 65.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 497 NORTHERN DIVISION. Rata per Station and Position. Month. tLongvale, agent $ 75.00 Assistant 50.00 tDos Rios, agent 75.00 Assistant 65.00 Spy Rock. I.slancl Mountain. Keltawalca. Alder Point. tFort Seward, agent 75.00 Assistant 70.00 South Forl^, agent 75.00 Assistant 70.00 Shively, agent 75.00 Assistant 70.00 Elinor, agent 70.00 Scotia, agent 90.00 A-ssistant 70.00 Warehouseman 60.00 Alton, agent 75.00 Assistant 70.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Fortuna, agent $ 80.00 Assistant 70.00 Fernbr jdge, agent 80.00 Assistant : 75.00 tLoleta, agent 75.00 Assistant 70.00 South Bay, agent 85.00 Assistant 70.00 *Eureka, agent 125.00 Cashier 90.00 Assistant cashier 75.00 Bill clerk • 60.00 Bill clerk 55.00 Freight clerk 70.00 Areata, agent 80.00 Assistant 70.00 Fieldbrook, agent 70.00 Trinidad, agent 75.00 Carlo tta, agent 70.00 W. S. PALMER, Pi-esident and General Manager. Oregon Short Line Railroad Company (EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1917.) ARTICLE I. Jurisdiction. ^ Telegrapher Defined. This schedule applies to all telegraphers (except train dispatchers, and second and third tricks in Pocatello "PC" and third trick in Salt Lake "VN"'), having assigned hours of any duration for telegraph service of any character, and to such agencies as are incorporated in the accompanying wage schedule. Article XVII. (The term "teleg- raphers" hereinafter used includes such po- sitions as are covered by the foregoing.) ARTICLE n. Seniority. Qualifications for Promotion. Telegraphers will be regarded in line of promotion, advancement depending upon faithful discharge of duty, loyalty to the company's interests, and capacity for in- creased responsibility. When merit and ability are sufHcient, seniority will govern. Rights. Rights to date from last time of entering service and extend over division where em- ployed. Main Offices. Office seniority, except managers, will gov- ern in Salt Lake "SA" and Pocatello "CA" offices. Telegraphers in Salt Lake "SA" of- fice will hold rights and be shown on senior- ity lists of Montana Division and Utah Divi- sion Sandy to McCammon including branch- es; those in Pocatello "CA" office will hold rights and be shown on seniority lists of Idaho Division and Utah Division Pocatello to Granger including Pocatello yard and branches. Lists. At the beginning of January and July of each year, superintendents will prepare and file in their offices, open to inspection, lists of telegraphers according to ' seniority, and copies will be furnished each station and connmitteemen. ARTICLE III. Vacancies. When Bulletined. Bulletins covering all vacancies in posi- tions covered by Article XVII, and all new po.sitions created that would come within the provisions of this schedule, will be issued on the first day of each month to all offices on the division. Bidding. Applications must be filed within fifteen days and positions filled within thirty days from date of bulletin. Assignments to be shown on succeeding bulletin. Withdrawal of Application. An application cannot be withdrawn after bulletin closes; when assigned must accept or go on extra list, retaining seniority. When Incompetent. If transferred and found incompetent, telegraphers will be placed on extra list, retaining seniority. If Promotion Declined. Rights will not be forfeited when promo- tions are declined. Non-Scheduled Positions. Telegraphers promoted to non-scheduled positions, if reduced, may resume their for- mer seniority on division from which pro- moted. ARTICLE IV. Transfers. Exchange of Positions. Telegraphers may transfer from one divi- sion to another, retaining three-fourths of 498 Schedules and Wage Scales. seniority, or may exchange positions, with consent of suj)erintendents. Transfers on same division not permissible. ARTICLE V. Positions Created — Reduction in Force. New Positions. When positions are created, compensation will be arranged in conformity with positions of the same class on the same district. Reductions. When necessary to reduce the number of telegraphers, they will be laid off according to seniority list taken, in inverse order. The telegrapher relieved may displace only the junior regrularly assigned telegrapher on the division (provided that his seniority entitles him to same) or return to the extra list, retaining his seniority in either case. Teleg- raphers laid off will be given preference when force is Increased, if available. In Salt Lake "SA" and Pocatello "CA" ofTices, the last man assigned will be the first man reduced. ARTICLE VI. Discipline. Investigations. A telegrapher will not be disciplined with- out investigation (ordinarily within five days) at which a co-employe of his choice may be present. Right of Appeal. If dissatisfied with decision, may appeal In writing to higher officials within thirty days. If found blameless, will be reinstated and paid for time lost. Access to Officials. Telegraphers are privileged to call upon proper officials in connection with matters pertaining to their employment or positions. ARTICLE VII. Hours of Service — Meal Hours. Hours Constituting a Day. Eleven hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day where only one telegrapher performs telegi-aph duties. Nine hours, without meal hour, or ten hours, with meal hour, will constitute a day where two or more perform telegraph duties, except that in Salt Lake "SA" and Pocatello "CA" offices, nine hours, including one hour for meal, will constitute a day. iVIeal Hour. Telegraphers assigned in excess of nine hours will be allowed one hour for meal within a spread of two hours nearest middle of trick. When meal hour is curtailed, one hour overtime, pro rata, minimum forty cents, and twenty minutes in which to pro- cure lunch, as soon thereafter as practicable, will be allowed. Sunday and Holiday Hours. When not required, telegraphers will be excused Sundays and holidays. When re- quired, not more than five hours in the aggregate will constitute a day for telegra- phers working in excess of nine hours (ex- clusive of meal hour). In Salt Lake "SA»' and Pocatello "CA" offices four hours will constitute a day Sundays and holidays, ex- cept that by mutual agreement, the equiva- lent — or eight hours each alternate Sunday — may be arranged. When required to work in excess of such hours, overtime will be allowed, pro rata, with minimum specified for that office. Holidays Designated. July 4th, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Split Tricks. Split tricks not permissible, except that on Sundays and holidays tricks may be split where telegraphers work in excess of nine hours (exclusive of meal hour) as mentioned above. ARTICLE VIII. Overtime. Overtime Rates. Telegraphers required to remain on duty in excess of specified hours will be paid overtime, pro rata, with a minimum of forty cents per hour, except in Salt Lake "SA" and Pocatello "CA" ofl^ces, where the min- imum will be fifty cents per hour. How Computed. Overtime will be computed on the basis of actual hours worked; less than thirty min- utes will not be counted; thirty minutes or more will be counted one hour. Extra Calls. If called outside of regular hours, seventy cents will be allowed for each call and. if service exceeds one hour, overtime after the first hour will be allowed with the minimum specified. ARTICLE IX. Emergency Service. How Paid For. Telegraphers at derailments, washouts, snow blockades or other similar service, will receive four dollars ($4.00) per day of ten hours or less, to be computed from time called to leave imtil returned, deducting time relieved from duty. Overtime pro rata; no other compensation. ARTICLE X. Relief Work — Attending Court. Extra Telegraphers. Extra telegraphers will receive same sal- ary as the telegraphers they relieve. Regular Telegraphers. Regular telegrapher used for relief work will receive the higher salary of the two positions. Court. Telegrapher attending court, or absent on other business of the company, will receive regular salary and necessary expenses while away from home. ARTICLE XI. Transfers (Deadheading) and Transpor- tation. Extra Telegraphers Transferred. Extra telegraphers, who have performed initial service, traveling at the instance of the company, will receive forty cents per Schedules and Wage Scales, 499 hour for necessary time consumed in dead- heading, with a minimum of six hours for each movement. Regular Telegraphers Transferred. Regular telegraphers transferred from one station to another vmder orders or on bul- letin, will receive pay for time lost in trans- ferring on basis of rate of position vacated. When Not Paid For, When transfers are made for the accom- modation of telegraphers, no compensation will be allowed for time consumed in making such transfers. Transportation. As far as it can legally do so, the company will transport to new location families and household goods of telegraphers free, ARTICLE XII. Rejected Time. Notification. When time Is not allowed, claimants will be advised reason therefoi». ARTICLE XIII. Care of Stations, Duties of Telegraphers. Telegraphers will be required to keep the interior of stations and platforms pertaining thereto in neat condition, except where warehousemen or helpers are employed, when these duties will devolve iipon the latter. Will not be required to do any work, other than the ordinary duties of an agent, outside of the station building, except as above noted. ARTICLE XIV. United States IVlail — Watch Inspection. Handling U. S. IVlail. At any offlce where the United States mail is excessive or, for any other reason, a telegrapher considers himself overworked, and complaint is made to the proper official, a prompt investigation will be held at that station, and, if the complaint is well founded, relief will be granted. Watch Inspection. Telegraphers will be exempt from watch inspection at all stations where standard clocks are maintained. ARTICLE XV. Service Letters. When Furnished. Telegrapher leaving the service, who has been employed thirty days or more, will be given a letter stating time and character of service and cause of leaving. ARTICLE XVI. Copies of Schedule. To Whom Furnished. All offices covered by this schedule will be furnished a copy of same, which will form a part of the station records. Telegraphers in the service will also be furnished a copy upon application. ARTICLE XVII. Schedule of Pay per Calendar Month. (* In filling star agencies, where each applicant may be considered qualified by both the operating and traffic officials, sen- iority will rule.) WAGE SCALE. UTAH DIVISION. Main Line. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Sandy, agent telegrapher $100.00 Telegrapher 85.00 *Murray, agent 140.00 Telegrapher 90.00 Salt Lake (SA): General Office, Manager 155.00 Chief operator first 125.00 Chief operator second 120.00 Chief operator third 117.50 First telegrapher 110.00 Second telegrapher 110.00 Third telegrapher 110.00 Salt Lake (VN), first telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 (C), first telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Woods Cross, agent telegrapher 90.00 'Farmington, agent telegrapher 95.00 Kaysville, agent telegrapher 95.00 Layton, agent telegrapher 95.00 Clearfield, agent telegrapher 95.00 Roy, agent telegrapher 95.00 Hot Springs, agent telegrapher 85.00 Telegrapher 85.50 Willard, agent telegrapher 87.50 *Brigham, agent 150.00 First telegrapher.. 90.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Bakers, agent 90.00 Honeyville, agent telegrapher 87.50 Dewey, agent telegrapher 87.50 Telegrapher 85.50 Collinston, agent telegrapher 87.50 Cache Junction, agent 105.00 First telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher..... 90.00 Trenton, agent 90.00 Cornish, agent telegrapher 90.00 Weston, agent telegrapher 87.50 Telegrapher 85.50 Dayton, agent telegrapher 85.00 Telegrapher 85.50 Garner, agent telegrapher 85.00 Coulam, agent telegrapher 85.00 Oxford, agent telegrapher 85.00 Downey, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Marsh Valley, telegrapher 85.50 Arimo, agent telegrapher 85.00 500 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Pocatello (CA): Relay Office, Manager $135.00 Chief operator first 125.00 Chief operator second 120.00 Chief operator third 117.50 First telegrapher 110.00 Second telegrapher 110.00 Third telegrapher 110.00 Pocatello (PO) Office 100.00 Inkom, agent telegrapher , 80.00 *McCammon, agent 105.00 First telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Lava Hot Springs, agent telegrapher. 80.00 Blaser, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Bancroft, agent 85.00 First telegrapher 85.50 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Alexander, agent 85.00 First telegrapher 85.50 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Soda Springs, agent 100.00 First telegrapher 85.50 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Novene, first telegrapher 85.50 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 *Montpelier, agent 120.00 'First telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Pegram, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Cokeville. agent 100.00 First telegrapher 85.50 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Sage, agent telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Fossil, agent telegrapher ,85.00 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Hodges Pass Tun., first telegrapher. . 85.50 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 *Kemmerer, agent 135.00 First telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Diamondville, agent telegrapher 110.00 Telegrapher 85.50 Opal, agent 80.00 First telegrapher 85.50 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Malad Branch. Tremonton. agent telegrapher $ 85.00 Garland, agent telegrapher 85.00 Portage, agent telegrapher 85.00 Malad. agent 100.00 Telegrapher 87.50 Cache Valley Branch. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Mendon, agent telegrapher $85.00 Wellsville, agent telegrapher 85.00 Hyrum, agent telegrapher 85.00 Logan, telegrapher 85.50 Smithfield, agent telegrapher 85.00 Richmond, agent telegrapher 85.00 Webster, agent telegrapher 85.00 Franklin, agent telegrapher 85.00 Preston, agent 90.00 Telegrapher 87.50 Grace Branch. Grace, agent telegrapher $80.00 Paris- Branch. Paris, agent telegrapher $ 80.00 Cumberland Branch. Cumberland, agent $100.00 Telegrapher 85.50 Kemmerer Branch. North Kemmerer, telegrapher $ 90.00 MONTANA DIVISION. Main Line. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Port Hall, agent telegrapher !.$ 85.00 "'Blackfoot, agent; 150.00 First telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher •. 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Firth, agent telegrapher ' 87.50 Shelley, agent 95.00 First telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Idaho Falls, first telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Roberts, agent telegrapher 85.00 Hamer, agent telegrapher 85.00 Camas, agent telegrapher 815.00 Dubois, agent 110.00 First telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Spencer, . agent 83.00 Telegrapher 85.50 Humphrey, telegrapher 85.50 ]\Ionida, agent telegrapher 85.00 Telegrapher 85.50 *Lima, agent 105.00 First telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Dell, agent telegrapher 85.00 Red Rock, agent telegrapher 87.50 Armstead, agent 95.00 First telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 ♦Dillon, agent 150.00 First telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Bond, agent telegrapher 87.50 Glen, agent telegrapher 87.50 Melrose, agent telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Divide, agent telegrapher 87.50 Telegrapher 85.50 Feely, agent telegrapher 87.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 501 Mackay Branch. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Arco, agent $ 80.00 Telegrapher 85.50 Moore, agent telegrapher 85.00 Mackay, agent 85.00 Telegrapher 85.50 Aberdeen Branch. Pingree, agent telegrapher $82.50 Sterling, agent telegrapher 82.50 Aberdeen, agent telegrapher 80.00 Yellowstone Branch. Ucon, agent telegrapher $ 85.00 Rigby, agent 95.00 Telegrapher 85.50 Thornton, agent telegrapher 82.50 Rexburg, agent 90.00 Telegrapher 85.50 Sugar City, agent •■ 85.00 Telegrapher 85.50 *St. Anthony, agent 90.00 Telegrapher 87.50 Ashton, agent 85.00 Telegrapher 87.50 Island Park, agent telegrapher 85.50 Trude, agent telegrapher 85.50 * Yellowstone, agent 125.00 First telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher 85.00 Snake River Belt Line. lona, agent telegrapher $ 82.50 Ririe. agent telegrapher 90.00 Newdale, agent telegrapher 90.00 Menan, agent telegrapher 85.00 Victor Branch. Marysville, agent telegrapher $ 82.50 Drummond, agent telegrapher 85.00 Tetonia, agent telegrapher 80.00 Driggs, agent telegrapher 85.00 Victor, agent telegrapher 85.00 IDAHO DIVISION. Main Line. Rato per Station and Po.sition. Month. American Falls, agent ? 80.00 First telegrapher 85.50 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Wapi, first telegrapher 85.50 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Minidoka, agent 130.00 First telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Kimama, agent telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Owinza, first telegrapher 85-50 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Dietrich, agent telegrapher....'. 85.00 Shoshone, agent 140.00 First telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Gooding, agent 130.00 First telegrapher 85.50 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Bliss, agent $ 80.00 First telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 King Hill, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 85.50 - Third telegrapher 85.50 *Glenns Fen-y, agent .' 110.00 First telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Hammett, agent telegrapher 80.00 Medbury, telegrapher 85.50 Reverse, telegrapher 85.50 Mountain Home, agent 90.00 First telegrapher 85.50 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Orchard, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher '. 8-5.50 Owyhee, telegrapher 85.50 ' Kuna, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Nampa (Q) Office, first telegrapher. . 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 *Caldwell, agent 150.00 First telegrapher 85.50 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 Notus, agent telegrapher 80.00 Parma, agent telegrapher 82.50 Nyssa, agent 80.00 Telegrapher 85.50 *Ontario, agent 85.00 First telegrapher 85.50 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85.50 *Payette, agent 125.00 First telegrapher 85.50 Second telegrapher 85.50 *Weiser, agent 150.00 First telegrapher 85.50 Second telegrapher 85.50 Third telegrapher 85-50 Twin Falls Branch. Rupert, agent $ 80.00 Telegrapher 85.50 Heyburn, agent telegrapher 80.00 Burley, agent SO.OO Telegrapher ^ 85.50 Milner, agent telegrapher 80.00 Murtaugh, agent telegrapher 85.00 Hansen, agent telegrapher 85.00 Kimberly, agent telegrapher 80.00 Twin Falls, first telegrapher 87.50 Filer, agent 80.00 Telegrapher 83.50 Buhl, agent ; 80.00 Telegrapher 85.50 North Side Branch. Paul, agent telegrapher $ 80.00 Hazelton, agent telegrapher 80.00 Eden, agent telegrapher 80.00 Jerome, agent 100.00 Telegrapher 85.50 Wendell, agent telegrapher 80.00 Oakley Branch. Oakley, agent telegrapher $ 80.00 502 Schedules and Wage Scales. Marshfield Branch. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Marshfield, agent $ 80.00 Rogerson Branch. Holhster, agent telegrapher ,$ 95.00 Rogerson, agent telegrapher 95.00 Ketchum Branch. Richfield, agent telegrapher .$80.00 Picabo, agent telegrapher 80.00 Bellevue, agent telegrapher 80.00 Hailey, agent telegrapher 95.00 Ketchum, agent telegrapher 85.00 Hill City Branch. Fairfield, agent telegrapher $ 80.00 Hill City, agent telegrapher '. . 85.00 Idaho Northern Branch. Middleton, agent telegrapher $ 80.00 Emmett, agent 80.00 Telegrapher 8.1.50 Montpnr, agent telegrapher 80.00 Horseshoe Bend, agent telegrapher... 80.00 Banks, agent telegrapher 80.00 Smiths Ferry, agent telegrapher 80.00 Cascade, agent telegrapher 80.00 Donnelly, agent telegrapher 80.00 Lakeport, agent telegrapher 85.00 Murphy Branch. Murphy, agent $ 80.00 Boise Branch. Meridian, agent telegrapher $ 90.00 Bioise, first telegrapher '. 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Homedale Branch. Homedale, agent telegrapher $80.00 Oregon Eastern Branch. Valo, agent $ 85.00 Telegrapher 85.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Harper, agent telegrapher $ 80.00 Juntura, agent telegrapher 80.00 Riverside, agent telegrapher 85.00 Crane, agent telegrapher 80.00 Brogan Branch. Brogan, agent telegrapher $ 80.00 Payette Branch. Fruitland, agent telegrapher $ 82.50 New Plymouth, agent telegrapher.... 82.50 Homestead Branch. Robinett, agent telegrapher $ 80.00 Homestead, agent telegrapher 90.00 ARTICLE XVIIL Changes and Termination. Agreement. This schedule supersedes all previous schedules and rules governing rates of pay and working conditions of telegraphers and shall remain in effect until thirty days' notice in writing shall have been given by either party to the other of a desire to change or terminate same or any part thereof. Subordinate to Legislation. It is understood that this schedule is superseded by and subordinate to any sub- sequent municipal. State or Federal legis- lation. F. H. KNICKERBOCKER, General Superintendent. M. H. BROWN, Superintendent of Telegraph. R. H. WAGNER, For the Telegraphers. Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company (EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1916.) ARTICLE I. Service. Telegrapher Defined. This schedule applies to all employes occu- pying positions listed in Article XIX, who will be known as telegraphers within the meaning' of this schedule. Positions Created. When like positions are created, compen- sation will be arranged in conformity with similar class on same district, and they will be filled in accordance with the provisions of this schedule. ARTICLE II. Promotion and Rights. Qualifications for Promotion. Telegraphers will be regarded in line of promotion to all agencies and telegraph posi- tions, advancement depending upon faithful discharge of duty and capacity for increased ■•■esponsibility. When merit and ability are sufficient, seniority will govern. Rights. Rights to date from last time of entering service and extend over division where em- ployed. Non-Schedule Positions. Agents, agent telegraphers, telegraphers and telegrapher clerks will have the right to make applications for any non-scheduled position and their applications will be fully considered. Telegraphers promoted to non-scheduled positions, if reduced, may resume their for- mer seniority on division from which pro- moted, and if reduced within six months, may resume their former positions. Schedules and Wage Scales. 503 ARTICLE III. Main Office Seniority. Office Seniority. Office seniority, except managrers, will gov- ern in the following' offices: Portland "P"', Seattle "OW", Spokane "AU", Umatilla and Huntington. The resultant vacancy of teleg- rapher in these offices will be bulletined on all divisions. Bulletining Vacancies in "P" Portland. Vacancies arising in any of the offices, except "P" office Portland, will be bulletined over the entire system. Vacancies in "P" office Portland will first be bulletined to the other offices mentioned in this article, and if not filled will then be bulletined over the entire system. ARTICLE IV. Vacancies. Bulletins General. Bulletins of all vacancies in positions as shown in Article XIX of this schedule, will be issued within ten days to all offices on the division. Bulletins will be issued in main offices In accordance with Article III, and the re- sultant vacancy of telegrapher in these of- fices will be bulletined by division superin- tendents. Applications. Applications must be filed within ten days and positions filled within thirty days from date of bulletins. Bidding In Former Positions. Telegraphers will not be permitted to bid in their former positions until it has once been filled and again becomes vacant. When Incapable. If transferred and found incapable, teleg- rapher will be placed on extra list, retain- ing seniority. Rights will not be forfeited when promotion is declined. Local chairman representing the telegra- phers will be notified promptly of assign- ments. ARTICLE V. Transfers and Exchanges Between Divisions. Telegraphers may transfer from one divi- sion to another, retaining three-quarters of seniority, or may exchange positions and seniority from one division to another with the consent of the superintendent. ARTICLE Vr. Reducing Forces. When necessary to reduce the number of telegraphers they shall be laid off according to seniority list taken in inverse order. The telegrapher relieved may displace any junior regularly assigned telegrapher (provided that his seniority entitles him to the same), or return to the extra list, retaining his seniority in either case. Telegraphers when laid off ^rill be given preference when force is increased, when immediately available. Old Telegraphers Given Preference. Telegraphers, when laid off from any divi- sion, will be given preference over new em- ployes when necessary to employ teleg- raphers on other divisions. ARTICLE VII. Seniority Lists. At the beginning of January and July of each year the superintendent will prepare and file in his office, open to inspection, a list of telegraphers according to seniority, and will furnish each telegraph office a copy. Superintendents will also furnish copy to the general chairman and local chairman representing the telegraphers. Seniority Lists Portland "P". Telegraphers in Portland "P" office will be carried on the seniority list of the division from which they came to that office. In case a telegrapher should come to that office direct without having worked on any divi- sion, he shall be shown on the First Divi- sion list. ARTICLE VIII. Discharge or Discipline. Investigations. Telegraphers will not be discharged, sus- pended or given demerit marks without a just and sufficient cause, nor without a fair and impartial investigation. Telegraphers who believe they have been unjustly disci- plined, suspended or demerited, have the right, within five days, to appeal in regular order to the higher officials' of the company. They will have the right to review all cor- respondence in connection with the investi- gations, and also to be present with an em- ploye of their own choice at all meetings which might be called in connection with " same. If final investigation results in the accused being declared innocent, his record will be cleared accordingly and he will also be paid for all time lost in connection with the case. Service Letters. Telegraphers leaving the service who have been employed thirty days or more will be given a letter stating time and character of service, and cause of leaving. ARTICLE IX. Hours of Service. Hours Classified. When thirteen hours' service is permitted, eleven hours, including meal hour, will con- stitute a day. At Portland "P", Umatilla, Spokane "AU" and Seattle "OW nine hours, includ- ing one hour for meals, will constitute a day. At all other offices where three or more telegraphers are employed, nine hours with- out meal hour, or ten hours with meal hour included, as conditions may require, will con- stitute a day. Split Tricks. Split tricks not permissible. Meal hours not to be considered a split. Sunday Work. When not required, telegraphers will be excused Sundays and holidays. When re- quired, not more than five hours will con- stitute a day for telegraphers working in excess of nine hours. In Portland "P" three hours will constitute a day for Sun- days and holidays, except that by mutual agreement eight hours every third Sunday 504 Schedules and Wage Scales. may be arranged. When required to work in excess of such hours, overtime will be allowed at rate specified for that office. Holidays. Holidays: July Fourth, Thanksgiving-, Christmas and New Year's. ARTICLE X. Meal Hours. Telegraphers, except those assigned nine hours or less without meal hour included, will be allowed one hour for meal within a spread of two hours and thirty minutes nearest the middle of trick. Meal Hours Curtailed. . When meal hour is curtailed for telegra- phers on duty in excess of nine hours, one hour overtime pro rata, minimum thirty-five cents, and twenty minutes in which to pro- cure lunch, as .soon thereafter as practicable, will be allowed. ARTICLE XI. Rate for Overtime. Telegraphers required to remain on duty in excess of specified hours will be paid overtime pro rata with minimum of thirty- five cents per hour, except the following offices, where a minimum for all overtime will be fifty cents per hour: Portland "P", Umatilla, Spokane and Seattle. Basis Computing Overtime. Overtime will be computed upon the basis of actual hours worked; less than thirty minutes will not be counted, thirty minutes or more will be counted one hour. Calls. If called outside of regular hours, sixty cents will be allowed for each call, and if the service exceeds one hour, overtime pro rata after the first hour will be allowed, with minimum specified. When time is not allowed, claimants will be advised reasons therefor. ARTICLE XII. Attending Court. Telegraphers attending court, or absent on otiier business for the company, will be allowed regular salary and legitimate ex- pense while away from home station. ARTICLE XIIL Salary of Relief Telegrapher. Telegraphers will receive the same salary as telegraphers they relieve. ARTICLE XIV. Emergency Service. Regular telegraphers performing service at wrecks, washouts or in other emergency cases, will have their expenses paid by the company in addition to their wages. Extra Telegraphers. Extra telegraphers performing such serv- ice will have their expenses paid and will be paid the minimum telegrapher's rate. ARTICLE XV. Transfers. Telegraphers transferred from one sta- tion to another under orders, including transfers for promotion, shall receive pay for time lost in transferring on basis of rate of position to be assumed. Transportation. As far as it can legally do so, the com- pany will transport to new location, their families and household goods free. When transfers are made for the accom- modation of telegraphers, no compensation will be allowed for time consumed in mak- ing such transfer,?. ARTICLE XVI. Care of Stations. Telegraphers will be required to keep the interior of stations and the platform per- taining thereto in neat condition, except where warehousernan and helpers are em- ployed, when these duties will devolve upon the latter. Telegraphers will not be re- quired to do any work other than the ordi- nary duties of an agent, outside of station building, except as above stated, except at points where no section men are located. ARTICLE XVII. Copy of Rules. All telegraph offices will be furnished a copy of these rules. ARTICLE XVIII. Access to Officials. Any telegrapher, accompanied by a co- employe of his choice if he desires, shall have access at all reasonable times to the proper officials in regular order for the con- sideration of any matters pertaining to his employment, which he thinks merits con- sideration. ARTICLE XIX. WAGE SCALE. FIRST DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Portland Gen. OflSce, early night chief. $112.50 Late night chief ! 110.00 Telegraphers (seven) 100.00 Telegraphers (all others) 97.50 Portland (SO), first telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 85.00 Portland (SU), telegrapher and clerk. 80.00 Albina Yard Off., first teleg. and clerk 85.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 85.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Kenton, agent telegrapher 87.50 Fairview, agent telegrapher 80.00 Troutdale, agent telegrapher 72.50 Telegrapher and clerk 75.00 Telegrapher and clerk 75.00 Corbett, agent telegrapher 77.50 Bridal Veil, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 75.00 Bonneville, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 75.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 75.00 Cascade Locks, agent telegrapher 75.00 Wyeth, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second telegrapher 75.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 505 Rate per Station and Position. ' Month. Hood River, first teleg. and clerk $ 85.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 80.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 80.00 Mosier, agent telegrapher 65.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 75.00 The Dalles Depot: First telegrapher and ticket clerk 85.00 Second telegrapher and ticket clerk 80.00 Third telegrapher and ticket clerk 80.00 The Dalles Yard Off., first telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher 80.00 Third telegrapher 80.00 Sherman, agent telegrapher 77.50 Biggs, second telegrapher and clerk.. 77.50 Third telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Quinton, agent telegrapher 77.50 Arlington, agent T 80.00 First telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 77.50 Third telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Heppner Junction, agent telegrapher. . 80.00 Messner, agent telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Irrigon, agent telegrapher 80.00 Umatilla, telegrapher 102.50 Second telegrapher 97.50 Third telegrapher ." 95.00 Gateway, agent telegrapher.... 80.00 Madras, agent telegrapher 80.00 Wasco, agent telegrapher 75.00 Moro, agent telegrapher 75.00 Grass Valley, agent telegrapher 75.00 lone, agent telegrapher 77.50 Heppner, telegrapher and clerk 75.00 Seattle, telegraphers (three) 95.00 Black River Jet., first teleg. towerman 80.00 Second telegrapher towerman 80.00 Third telegrapher towerman 80.00 Tacoma Local Frt. Off.,' teleg. and elk. 80.00 Galvin, agent telegrapher 75.00 Independence, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 75.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 75.00 Saginaw, agent telegrapher 75.00 Montesano, agent telegrapher 87.50 Cosmopolis, telegrapher and clerk. . . . 75.00 Aberdeen, telegrapher and clerk 82.50 Telegrapher and clerk 80.00 Olympia, telegrapher and clerk 77.50 SECOND DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Hermiston, agent telegrapher $ 77.50 Hinkle, first telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Stanfield, agent telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Echo, agent telegrapher 80.60 Second telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Third telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Rieth, first telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 87.50 Third telegrapher 87.50 Pendleton, first telegrapher and clerk 87.50 Second telegrapher and clerk 87.50 Third telegrapher and clerk 87.50 Gibbon, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Third telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Rato per Station and Position. Month. Duncan, agent telegrapher $ 80.00 Second telegraplier 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Huron, telegrapher 77.50 Meacham, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Third telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Kamela, agent telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 80.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 80.00 Hilgard, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 77.50 La Grande, Disp. Off., first telegrapher 92.50 Second telegrapher 90.00 Union Junction, agent telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Third telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Telocaset, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Third telegrapher and clerk 77.50 North Powder, agent telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Third telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Haines, agent telegrapher 82.50 Baker, first telegrapher and clerk.... 85.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Pleasant Valley, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Third telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Durkee, agent telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Third telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Huntington, manager 100.00 First telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Imbler, agent telegrapher 77.50 Elgin, agent telegrapher 80.00 Wallowa, agent telegrapher 72.50 Enterprise, agent telegrapher 72.50 Joseph, agent telegrapher 72.50 THIRD DIVISION. Rato per Station and Position. Month. Wallula, first telegrapher and clerk..? 80.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 80.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 80.00 Attalia, agent telegrapher 77.50 Page, telegrapher 77.50 Ayer Junction, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Third telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Kennewick, telegrapher and clerk.... 75.00 Benton City, agent telegrapher 75.00 North Prosser, agent telegrapher 75.00 Granger, agent telegrapher 80.00 Donald, agent telegrapher 75.00 North Yakima, teleg. and ticket clerk 87.50 Adams, agent telegrapher 80.00 Athena, telegrapher and clerk 75.00 Weston, agent telegrapher 80.00 Milton, telegrapher and clerk 75.00 Walla Walla. Disp. Off., telegrapher.. 90.00 Prescott, agent telegrapher 75.00 Starbuck, first telegrapher 77.50 Second telegrapher 77.50 Third telegrapher 77.50 Touchet, agent telegrapher 77.50 Waitsburg, telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Dayton, telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Ponieroy, telegrapher and clerk 77.50 506 Schedules and Wage Scales. FOURTH DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Hooper Junction, agent telegrapher. i$ 77.50 Marengo, agent telegrapher 82.50 Second telegrapher and clerk 80.00 • Third telegrapher and clerk 80.00 Cheney, second telegrapher and clerk. . 77.50 Third telegrapher and cferk 77.50 Spokane, first telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 92.50 Third telegrapher 92.50 Hay, agent telegrapher 75.00 La Crosse, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Third telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Winona, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Third telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Endicott, agent telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Diamond, agent telegrapher 77.50 Colfax, telegrapher and clerk 77".50 Elberton, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Garfield, telegrapher and clerk 80.00 Tekca, first telegrapher and <^erk 80.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 80.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 80.00 Latah, agent telegrapher 77.50 Fairfield, agent telegrapher 77.50 Rockford, agent telegrapher 77.50 Mica, agent telegrapher .' 80.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Dishman, agent telegrapher 80.00 Telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Kahlotus, agent telegrapher 75.00 Connell, agent telegrapher 75.00 St. Johns, agent telegrapher 77.50 Thornton, agent telegrapher 77.50 Rate per • Station and Position. Month. Albion, agent telegrapher $ 77.50 Pullman, telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Moscow, telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Plummer, telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Harrison, telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Rose Lake, agent telegrapher 77.50 Enaville, agent telegrapher 85.00 Telegrapher and clerk 77.50 Murray, agent telegrapher 72.50 Wardner, telegrapher and clerk 80.00 Wallace, telegrapher and ticket clerk. . 90.00 Amwaco, agent telegrapher 75.00 ARTICLE XX. Changes or Termination. This schedule supersedes all previous schedules and rules governing rates of pay and working conditions of telegraphers and shall remain in effect until thirty days' notice in writing shall have been given by either party to the other of a desire to change or terminate the same or any part thereof. It is understood that this schedule is sub- ject to any change made necessary by sub- sequent municipal, state or federal legis- lation. M. J. BUCKLEY, General Superintendent. E. A. KLIPPEL, Superintendent Telegraph. Approved : J. P. O'BRIEN, A^ice-Presideiit and General Manager. Pere Marquette Railway Company (EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1917.) ARTICLE I. Employes required to perform telegraph sei-vice of any character, also agents in charge of stations where telegraphers are employed, will be considered as telegraphers within the meaning of this schedule. ARTICLE II. Telegraphers will not be suspended or dis- charged without just cause. When a teleg- rapher is suspended or discharged for an al- leged fault, he will have a fair and impartial trial within ten days after filing his request therefor with the proper ofl!icial. If not satisfied with the decision rendered, he will have the privilege of appealing to higher otRcials and in each instance may be accom- panied by his general chairman or one or more of his co-employes. If suspended for an investigation, such investigation shall be held within ten days without such request. If found blameless he will be reinstated and paid for lost time. ARTICLE IIL All vaco.ncies and new positions created will be immediately bulletined by "23" mes- sage over the superintendent's district, and telegraphers will be allowed ten days in which to make application for same. (a) The system shall be divided into two separate districts. No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1 district to include all offices in the United States; No. 2 district to include all oflSces in Canada. Seniority will not extend be- tween districts Nos. 1 and 2. The right to promotion will be governed by seniority over each respective district. (b) When a telegrapher is transferred by order of the proper authority he will receive transportation for himself, family and house- hold goods and will sufTer no loss of schedule salary while in transit and making such transfer. Xc) When a telegrapher is transferred and after a fair trial found incapable, he will take his place on the extra list but he will retain his seniority rights. Telegraphers de- clining to accept promotion to any position do not forfeit their rights to it or any other position when vacancy occurs. (d) When a telegrapher resigns or is dis- charged and is re-employed within six months he will take his place on the extra list and will retain his seniority rights. Schedules akd Wage Scales. 507 (e) Seniority in any case only to take ef- fect when new positions are created or vacancies occur. (f) A list of telegraphers on superin- tendent's district will be prepared according to seniority, posted in the telegraph office at division headquarters, and revised annu- ally. This list to be open for inspection of telegraphers upon request. (g) If a position in the attached wage scale is abolished the telegrapher so dis- placed will be entitled to the position held by the junior permanently located telegra- pher in the promotion territory. ARTICLE IV. Telegraphers atteftding court or investiga- tion by request of proper official of this com- pany shall receive compensation as when on regular duty, and if away from home, all necessary expenses. ARTICLE V. When telegraphers are required to take care of switch or semiphore lamps, they will be allowed three dollars ($3.00) per month extra compensation for six or less such lamps, and fifty (50) cents for each addi- tional switch or semaphore lamp. ARTICLE VI. All telegraphers securing employment with this company shall have, upon application, all service letters or recommends which may be taken up, returned to him within thirty days of the time of his employment. Teleg- raphers leaving the service of this company will, on request, be given a service letter stating capacity in which employed, length of service and reason for leaving. ARTICLE VII. Telegraphers performing duties at tem- porary offices, wrecks, etc., shall receive their regular wages and reasonable expenses. Telegraphers will be allowed eight hours' rest out of every twenty-four hour period upon making request. ARTICLE VIII. The minimum salary of telegraphers shall be sixty dollars ($60.00) per month. Commis- sions paid by this company may be computed as part payment of such minimum salary, but commissions paid by other companies shall not be so included. ARTICLE IX. Where but one telegrapher performing telegraph service is employed, twelve (12) consecutive hours, with one (1) hour off for meal, shall be considered a day. Where more than one telegrapher is em- ployed, ten (10) consecutive hours, with one (1) hour off for meal, shall be considered a day. One hour will be allowed for dinner, commencing between 11:30 a. m. and 12:30 p. m. If telegraphers are required to work through the meal hour, they shall receive one (1) hour overtime as per Article X. ARTICLE X. Telegraphers required to remain on duty beyond their specified hours in performance of any service rendered by the company will be allowed overtime at the regular rate per hour, with a minimum compensation of thiity (30) cents per hour. In computing overtime, less than thirty minutes will not be counted; thirty minutes and less than sixty minutes will be counted as one hour. All telegraphers, when required, will report for duty on Sundays at a stated time, and if held for service will be paid at the regular overtime rate, with a minimum of one (1) hoiir. If telegraphers are called to perform service before, or are required to return after their regular hours, they will be paid pro rata, with a minimum of fifty (50) cents for the first hour, regardless of whether used or not. Neither overtime or special calls will be allowed unless statement is mailed to the proper official within forty-eight (48) hours from the time service is performed. Telegra- phers will be informed if overtime as claimed is not allowed. Statements for the attend- ance of regular trains will not be necessary. Such time will be included in the monthly statement. ARTICLE XI. Telegraphers will be granted leave of absence from time to time for the purpose of attending their meetings, providing such absence does not interfere with the business of the company, and they will be granted necessary transportation over the lines of the Pere Marquette Railway. Telegraphers ticting on committee or boards of adjustment will be relieved withovit unnecessary delay and furnished transportation to and from places of meetings. ARTICLE XII. There will be sufficient number of relief agents employed on each division. When a regular telegrapher is called upon to do re- lief work temporarily he will receive the salary of the man relieved, provided that it is not less than his own, and fifty (50) cents per day expenses while away from his regular station. Extra telegraphers doing relief work will receive same compensation. All points where men are employed less than seven days, extra telegraphers will receive fifty (50) cents per day for expenses. ARTICLE XIII. Telegraphers in general offices, also day and night offices, whose hours of duty begin between the hours of 5:00 a. m. and 2:00 p. m., will be considered day telegraphers. ARTICLE XIV. Telegraphers who have been employed with the company for two (2) consecutive years or longer will be allowed seven (7) days' leave of absence each calendar year, with full pay. If the company finds it in- convenient to grant a leave of absence, the telegrapher shall be paid for seven (7) days' extra service at Tiis regular rate. The company shall decide the time when vaca- tions will be granted. Applications shall be made three (3) months in advance of the time de.<5ired to be absent. 508 Schedules and Wage Scales. Station and Position. Grand Rapids, chief operator.. Operators Night chief Wyoming, first operator Second operator Third operator Grandville, agent operator Second operator Third operator Jennison, agent operator Hudsonville, agent operator Vriesland, agent operator Zeeland, agent and operator. . . Operator clerlt Waverly, first operator Second operator Tliird operator Holland, first opr. and clerk... Second operator and clerk Third operator and clerk.. East Saugatuck, agent operator Second operator and clerk Third operator and clerk. . New Richmond, agent and opr. Fennville, agent operator Second operator and clerk Third operator and clerk . . Bravo, agent operator Pullman, agent operator Grand Junction, agent First operator and clerk. . Second operator and clerk Third operator and clerk . . Breedsville, agent operator Bangor, agent operator Operator clerk < . JVIcDonald, agent operator Hartford, agent First operator and clerk. . Second operator and clerk Third operator and clerk. . Watervliet, agent operator.... Operator clerk Coloma, agent operator Operator clerk Riverside, agent operator Second operator and clerk Third operator and clerk . . Benton Harbor, first operator. . Second operator Third operator Berrien Springs, agent operator Buchanan, agent operator St. Joseph, opr. ticket clerk.. Stevensville, agent operator. . Second operator and clerk Third operator and clerk. . Bridgcmau, agent operator Sawyer, agent operator Second operator clerk Third operator clerk New Buffalo, agent operator. . Second operator Third operator Michigan City, first operator.. Second operator Third operator Porter, agent First operator Second operator Third operator L.aPorte, agent operator Operator clerk Hanna, agent operator 6.30 6.45 Ex. Com- Rate Ex. Com- Rate mission, per Mo. Station and Position. mission, per Mo. $120.75 Wellsboro, agent operator..... $ 1.90 $83.38 .... 97.75 La Crosse, operator clerk 74.75 .... 103.50 Allegan, agent operator 92.00 86.25 Hamilton, agent operator 23.60 69.00 86.25 Fillmore, agent operator 7.05 69.00 86.25 West Olive; agent operator 6.40 69.00 $5.70 78.20 Grand Haven, agent operator 97.75 69.00 Operator clerk 74.75 63.25 Muskegon, operator clerk 80.00 12.00 63.25 North Yards, first operator 83.37 61.00 71.87 Second operator 78.20 48.00 63.25 Third operator ■ 72.45 92.00 Whitehall, agent operator 26.25 86.25 74.75 Montague, agent operator.... 25.85 63,25 86.25 New Era, agent operated 23.70 63.25 86.25 Shelbv, agent operator 77.60 63.25 86.25 Operator clerk 69.00 78.20 Mears, agent operator 38.25 63.25 69.00 Hart, .agent operator 103.30 74.75 69.00 Operator clerk 69.00 69.00 Pentwater, agent operator 78.20 63.25 Brunswick, agent operator 12.00 69.00 63.25 Holton, agent operator 14.60 69.00 69.00 Fremont, agent operator 98.00 78.20 Operator clerk 72.50 69.00 Woodville, agent operator 5.00 69.00 63.25 Sparta, agent operator 35.00 86.25 63.25 Kent Citv, agent operator 21.35 70.00 21.50 63.25 Casnovia, agent operator 14.30. 74.75 14.85 72.45 Grant, agent operator 24.75 74.75' 69.00 First operator clerk 71.90 .... 63.25 Second operator clerk 63.25 63.25 Eailey, agent operator 9.40 69.10 16.00 66.12 Newaygo, agent operator 31.40 80.50 98.00 74.75 Operator clerk 71.90 74.75 White Cloud, agent operator , 97.75 4.75 69.00 First operator 77.62 37.55 86.25 Second operator 77.62 74.75 Third operator 69.00 69.00 Bitely, agent operator 9.30 71.88 69.00 Operator clerk 66.12 45.35 74.75 Peacock, agent operator 5.00 71.88 74.75 Wellston, agent operator 8.95 69.00 38.70 74.75 Kaleva (joint), agent operator 4.40 38.80 63.25 ^ First operator 34.50 8.30 69.00 Second operator 34.50 63.25 Third operator 32.12 63.25 Henry, agent operator 74.75 86.25 Thompsonville, agent operator 13.85 80.50 86.25 First operator 71.88 86.25 Second operator 69.00 66.12 Third operator (joint; 34.50 69.00 Bendon, agent operator 3.50 69.00 85.00 Interlochen, agent operator.... 1.70 74.75 69.00 Grawn, agent operator -4.30 69.00 63.25 Boardman, first operator 80.50 63.25 Second operator 80.50 60.00 Third operator 80.50 63.25 Williamsburg, ageni operator.. 12.25 80.50 63.25 Elk Rapids, agent operator 86.25 63.25 Rapid City, agent operator 3.90 80.50 74.75 Alden, agent operator 10.55 80.50 69.00 Bellaire, agent operator 18.80 80.50 63.25 Operator clerk 70.00 78.^0 Central Lake, agent operator.. 23.50 80.00 72.45 Operator clerk 63.25 72.45 Ellsworth, agent operator 10.50 74.75 1.40 115.00 Charlevoix, first operator clerk 74.75 69.00 Second operator clerk 74.75 69.00 Operator cashier 7C.00 69.00 Bay Shore, agent operator 4.25 69.00 108.00 Petoskey, first operator clerk 77.63 60.37 Second operator clerk 77.63 .75 80.50 Third opr. clerk (summer) 69.00 12.05 48.60 12.60 78.50 29.40 1.35 Schedules and Wage Scales. 509 Ex. Com- Rate Station and Position. mission, per Mo. Kalaska, agent operator $ 1.55 $ 77.63 Detroit, chief operator 120.75 Operators '. . ^ 97.75 Nig-ht chief operator 103.50 Rougemere Yards, first opr 78.20 Second operator 78.20 Third operator 78.20 Stark, agent operator 3.25 69.00 Plymouth, first operator 80.50 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Salem, agent operator 5.20 74.75 South Lyon, agent operator.... 14.85 80.50 Second operator clerk 69.00 Third operator clerk .'.. 66.12 Brighton, agent operator 31.30 69.00 Operator clerk 66.12 Howell, agent operator 85.00 Operator clerk 71.88 Fowlerville, agent operator 85.00 Operator clerk 71.88 Webberville, agent operator 67.00 67.00 Williamston, agent operator 86.25 Second operator clerk 74.75 Third operator clerk 63.25 Okemos, agent operator 3.30 69.00 North Lansing, operator clerk 83.38 Delta, agent operator 1.50 69.00 Grand Ledge, first opr. clerk 80.50 Second operator clerk 74.75 Third operator clerk 69.00 Mulliken, agent operator 17.50 63.25 Sunfield. agent operator 22.40 69.00 Operator clerk 69.00 Woodbury, agent operator.... 3.90 74.75 Lake Odessa, agent operator... 40.35 80.50 Operator clerk 69.00 Olarksville, agent operator 9.65 69.00 Elmdale. agent operator 2.85 77.63 Second operator clerk 69.00 Third operator clerk 69.00 Alto, agent operator 8.85 60.38 Pox, agent operator 69.00 Seymour, first operator! 71.88 Second operator 71.88 Third operator 71.88 Ottawa Yard, first operator 86.25 Second operator 80.50 Erie, agent operator 2.40 66.12 Monroe, agent operator 94.87 Second operator clerk 74.75 Third operator clerk 66.12 Steiner, agent operator 66.12 Carleton, agent operator 7.65 80.50 Operator clerk 69.00 New Boston, agent operator... 6.85 74.75 Nort.hville, agent operator 95.00 Operator' clerk 69.00 Novi, .5 gent operator 4.70 69.00 Wixon (joint), agent operator 3.30 40.25 Second operator 37.47 Third operator 31.63 Milford, agent operator 36.00 80.00 Operator clerk 69.00 Hi.ghland, agent operator 10.80 71.87 Clyde, agent operator 8.50 71.87 Rose Center, agent operator... 3.40 69.00 Holly, agent 97.75 First operator 74.75 Second operator 71.87 Third operator 63.25 Qrand Blanc, agent operator.. 9.40 71.87 Ex. Com- Rate Station and Position. mission, per Mo. Flint, first operator $80.50 Second operator 80.50 Third operator 78.20 Otisville, agent operator $ 9.10 63.25 Otter Lake, agent operator.... 1.75 60.37 Fostoria, agent operator 13.40 69.00 Mt. Morris, agent operator 8.30 74.75 Clio, agent operator 85.00 Second operator clerk 69.00 Third operator clerk 63.25 Birch Run, agent operator 16.25 74.75 Bridgeport, agent operator... 1.65 74.75 Saginaw Yards, first operator. . ..^ 77.62 Second operator 77.62 Third operator 77.62 Saginaw (GO), chief operator .... 120.75 Operators 97.75 Night chief operator 103.50 So. Bay City, operator clerk 83.38 Operator 75.90 Mershon, agent operator 5.95 77.62 Mershon Tower, first operator 80.50 Second operator 80.50 Third operator 80.50 Freeland, agent operator...... 20.85 73.00 Midland, agent 126.50 Operator ticket clerk 78.78 Sanford* agent operator., 13.55 73.60 North Bradley, agent operator 5.45 69.00 Coleman, agent operator 92.00 Operator clerk 74.75 Mt. Pleasant, agent operator 97.75 Operator cashier 74.75 Beaverton, agent operator 32.50 70.00 Clare (joint), opr. ticket clerk 37.38 Harrison, agent operator 63.25 Farwell. agent operator 9.85 74.75 Lake, agent operator 6.55 69.00 Olivers, agent operator 69.00 Sear.s, agent operator 8.35 69.00 Evart, agent operator 59.50 86.25 Operator cashier 77.63 Hersey. agent operator 10.45 74.75 Reed City, agent operator 103.50 Chase, agent operator 5.85 69.00 Baldwin, operator ticket clerk .... 80.50 Baldwin Tower, first operator 74.75 Second operator 69.00 Third operator 69.00 Branch, agent operator 5.35 69.00 Walhalla, agent operator 2.75 74.75 Fountain, agent operator 11.20 69.00 Freesoil, agent operator. 16.00 69.00 Manistee, operator clerk 78.78 Second operator 74.75 Custer, agent operator 22.90 63.25 Scottville, agent operator 56.75 80.50 Ludington, opr. ticket clerk 80.00 Ludington Yards, first operator .... 74.75 Second operator 74.75 Hemlock, agent operator 15.05 63.25 Merrill, agent operator 29.50 69.00 Wheeler, agent operator 9.80 63.25 Breckenridge, operator.. 28.20 70.00 St. Louis, agent operator 95.00 Operator cashier 75.00 Alma, agent 130.00 First operator (joint) 37.38 Second operator (joint) 37.38 Third operator (joint) 34.50 Elwell, agent operator 7.20 66.12 Riverdale, agent operator 60.00 Vestaburg, agent operator.... 13.05 66.12 510 Schedules and "Wage Scales. Ex. Com- Rate Station and Position. mission, per Mo. Edmore, agent $58.60 $ 86.25 First operator clerk 74.75 Second operator clerk... 74.75 Third operator clerk 69.00 McBrides, agent operator 11.50 66.12 Stanton, agent Operator 33.75 80.00 Operator clerk 66.12 Sidney, agent operator 8.10 66.12 Greenville, agent 126.50 First operator clerk ticket .... 77.63 Second operator clerk rate 75.00 Third operator clerk 66.12 Operator cashier 77.63 Belding, agent 100.00 Operator ticket clerk 74.75 Operator cashier 74.75 Operator bill clerk 74.75 Moseley, agent operator 4.85 69.00 Lowell, agent 83.75 90.00 First operator cashier 74.75 Second operator clerk 66.00 Freeport, agent operator 14.45 63.25 Blanchard, agent operator 17.90 63.25 Remus, agent operator 19.05 75.00 Weidman. agent operator 16.60 66.12 Mecosta, agent operator 15.35 75.00 Barryton, agent operator 13.65 66.12 Rodney, -agent operator 5.10 66.12 Big Rapids, agent operator 92.00 Operator cashier 74.75 Six Lakes, agent operator 11.15 69.00 Lakeview, agent operator ..... 83.38 Operator clerk 66.12 Coral, agent operator 13.85 69.00 Trufant, agent operator 12.80 69.00 Gowen, agent operator 4.95 * 69.00 Orleans, agent operator 9.95 69.00 Sheridan, agent operator 6.50 69.00 Fenwick, agent operator 60.00 Ionia, operator ticket clerk 78.20 Second opr. ticket clerk 78.20 Night operator clerk 77.63 Lyons, agent operator ■. . 7.95 69.00 Portland, agent operator 94.00 Operator clerk 74.75 Gera, agent operator 5.10 66.12 Vassar, agent operator 17.95 80.50 Operator clerk 74.75 Mayville, agent operator 36.40 74.75 Silverwood. agent operator .6.80 66.12 Clifford, agent operator 5.30 80.50 Marlette, agent operator 56.30 80.50 Operator cashier 74.75 Brown City, agent operator 45.60 80.00 Operator cashier 75.00 Melvin, agent operator 8.30 69.00 Avoca, agent operator 15.05 66.12 Yalfe, agent operator 60.35 80.00 Operator cashier 69.00 Port Huron, first operator 86.25 Second operator 74.75 Fairgrove, agent operator 14.25 66.12 Reese (joint), agent operator.. 9.70 37.38 Operator clerk 35.94 Unionville, agent operator 33.00 63.50 Akron, agent operator 12.30 75.00 Sebewaing, agent operator 119.70 69.00 Operator cashier 75.00 Bay Port, agent operator 125.50 60.00 Pigeon, agent operator 29.20 75.00 Elkton, agent operator 27.10 63.25 Bad Axe, agent 83.25 90.00 First operator clerk 69.00 Second operator clerk 69.00 Ex. Com- Rate Station and Position. mission, per Mo. Kinde, agent operator. $36.40 $ 63.25 Grindstone City, agent operator 36.60 63.25 Port Austin, agent operator... 39.60 69.00 Ubly, agent operator 29.25 75.00 Palms, agent operator 6.05 75.00 Minden City, agent operator.. 25.35 63.25 Ruth, agent operator 16.40 63.25 Harbor Beach, agent operator 56.35 74.75 Operator clerk 66.15 Port Hope, agent operator 27.45 60.00 Deckerville, agent operator. . . . 42.50 74.75 McGregor, agent operator 14.40 69.00 Carsonville, agent operator.... 35.80 74.75 Sandusky, agent operator 24.50 80.50 Applegate, agent operator 16.90 69.00 Croswell, agent operator 78.35 74.75 Operator cashier 71.88 Jeddo, agent operator 6.40 66.12 Memphis, agent operator 11.75 69.00 Almont, agent operator 14.10 70.00 "Walkerville, operator clerk 74.75 McGregor, agent operator 2.50 71.87 Harrow, agent operator 53.60 65.00 Kingsvllle, agent operator 68.85 69.00 Ruthven, agent operator 61.50 60.00 Leamington, agent operator 90.00 Operafor clerk 71.87 Wheatley, agent operator 75.05 66.12 Coatsworth, agent operator.... 24.20* 63.25 Merlin, agent operator 45.00 69.00 Blenheim, agent operator 97.75 First operator clerk 69.00 Second operator clerk 66.12 Ridgetown, agent operator.... 68.90 74.75 Operator clerk 71.87 Highgate, agent operator 18.40 65.00 Muirkirk, agent operator 7.85 60.38 Rodney, agent operator 17.55 69.00 West Lome, agent operator 19.00 69.00 Operator clerk 60.38 Dutton, agent operator 40.30 69.00 Shedden, agent operator 8.85 63.25 Talbot, day operator. 74.75 St. Thomas (Q) Office First trick operator 100.00 Second trick operator 86.25 Rondeau, agent operator 31.00 90.00 Operator clerk 60.38 Chatham, operator cashier 92.00 Operator clerk 74.75 Dresden, agent operator 72.80 74.75 Wallaceburg, agent 103.50 First operator clerk 74.75 Second operator clerk 60.38 Sombra, agent operator 21.70 65.00 Courtwright, agent operator. . . 10.40 69.00 Sarnia, day operator clerk 80.50 Night operator glerk 73.03 The foregoing rules and rates of pay will be effective from July 1st, 1917. Thirty days' notice from either party will be required if any change is desired. For the Pere Marquette Railway Company: A. L. GRANDY, Assistant General Manager. For the Telegraphers: R. M. BURR. General Chairman. Approved: FRANK H. ALFRED, President and General Manager. ' SCHEDUI^S AND WaGE ScALES. 511 Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Company (EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1917.) 1. Any employe required to telegraph or telephone in connection with train service in such positions as are shown in the following wage scale becomes a party to this agree- ment. New positions similar to those in the following schedule will be added to it. 2. A list of telegraphers in actual service .shall be compiled in order of seniority, and a copy of same shall be furnished each tele- graph office. This list shall be revised semi- annually. 3. Telegraphers, by accepting employment in other branches of the service, shall not forfeit their seniority, but may assert it only by filing applications for vacancies or new positions within six months. 4. Telegraphers who have been in the service of the company two years or more, upon due notice to the superintendent of telegraph, may be given leave of absence for not to exceed ninety days at any one time, and not more than-a total of six months in two years, and at the end of period of leave or before, If desired, upon making applica- tion to the proper officer, may resume their employment at their regular positions with- out losing their seniority. 5. From date of signing this agreement all vacancies occurring, new positions created or emergency offices, shall be filled by teleg- raphers when they are available. 6. When a vacancy occurs or a new posi- tion is established. It shall be advertised by bulletin for seven (7) days, whereupon it .shall be given to the man oldest in the serv- ice who has the ability to assume the duties and who makes application, in writing, within the time specified for bulletining. Ap- plicants receiving advertised positions shall be notified and placed within seven (7) days, or if not placed within seven (7) days, pay as per Rule 19 shall apply. 7. When no application is received for a vacancy the proper official will temporarily assign a suitable person to the position, who, if a regular man, shall not receive less than his regular rate of pay, and when the position to which he is temporarily assigned pays more than his regular position, he shall receive the regular rate at that office, and in addition, when kept away from home, shall be paid $1.50 per day for expenses. 8. A telegrapher holding a regular posi- tion .and going to any other office to work extra must, after working in that office three (3) months, be permitted to resume duty at his regular position for one (1) month, and if he does not retvirn to his regular position it shall be declared vacant and be advertised. Telegraphers so affected shall be placed on the extra list, and can assert their seniority only by filing applications for vacancies or new positions, and cannot bid on the position they made vacant until it is advertised the second time. 9. A telegrapher required to work at any other office than tho; one to which he Is regularly assigned, shall be paid at the higher rate. If required to work at an office where he is kept away from home, he shall be paid .$1.00 per day in addition to the regu- lar rate. If not kept away from home, he shall be paid for any additional expense to which he may be put in going to and from the office to which temporarily assigned. 10. Offices moved one mile or less will not be considered as new offices and will not be advertised. 11. AJl telegraphers shall be considered in the line of promotion, advancement depend- ing upon the faithful discharge of duty, com- petency and capacity for increased responsi- bility. When the necessary qualifications are equal, seniority shall govern in the promotion of employes. The proper official of the com- pany shall determine the fitness for employ- ment and advancement. Seniority shall be reckoned from the last date of entering the service as a telegrapher. 12. Telegraphers shall not be suspended or dismissed from the service without just cause. In case of suspension or dismissal, if a telegrapher thinks his sentence unjust, he shall have the right within five (5) days to refer his case, by written statement, to the superintendent, and within seven (7) days of the receipt of this statement his case shall have a thorough investigation by the proper oflEicial (provided it does not in- terfere with the company's business), at which he must be present; and if he so de- .sires, he may be represented by three em- ployes of the telegraph department. Any witness or witnesses who may have per- sonal knowledge, of the case may also be called to testify at the hearing. In case a suspension or dismissal Is found to have teen unjust, the employe so sus- pended or dismissed shall be paid for the time lost by such suspension or dismissal at the same rate of pay he was receiving when relieved. 13. When offices are closed or telegraphers are displaced by men older in the service, telegraphers so affected shall have the right to choose any other position in accordance with their seniority, providing they possess the necessary fitness and ability. Telegra- phers dismissed; or removed from their regu- lar positions, and reinstated as per Rule 12. mu&t return to the positions held when dis- missed or removed, and all telegraphers af- fected by such reinstatement will return to the position they formerly held. A telegrapher removed from a position which he is not capable of holding shall not be permitted to displace a regular man. 14. Telegraphers who have been in the service for six (6) consecutive months and leave, shall, if requested, be given a letter by the superintendent telegraph stating the time of service, capacity employed and cause of leaving. 15. The minimum salary of telegraphers shall be $65.00 per month. 512 Schedules and Wage Scales. 16. In reducing the force, the necessary qualifications being equal, those youngest in the service shall be dispensed with first. When new positions are created the com- pensati^pn shall be fixed in conformity with positions of similar class. 17. In three- triclc ofiices eight consecutive hours shall constitute a day's work. In general telegraph office, Pittsburgh, eight hours shall constitute a day's work. In two-trick offices nine consecutive hours shall constitute a day's work. In one-trick offices ten hours, exclusive of meal hour, shall constitute a day's work. 18. Overtime shall- be paid for at the rate of thirty-five cents per hour for every con- secutive hour worked until relieved. When the regrilar rate is higher than the overtime rate, overtime shall be paid pro rata. In computing overtime actual minutes shall be counted. Employes summoned to service be- fore or after being excused by proper author- ity, or leaving the office for the day, shall be paid fifty cents for the first hour or frac- tion thereof, and the regular overtime rate thereafter. 19. Telegraphers qualifying for regular positions shall do so at their own expense; after they have satisfied the officials of the company of their ability to fill the position, they shall be placed within seven (7) days, and if not placed within seven (7) days they shall be paid at rate of position applied for until their case is adjusted. Telegraphers qualifying under orders for emergency work shall be paid one-half time at the rate of the office where they are regularly employed' for the actual number of hours so engaged. 20. Telegraphers required to perform emer- gency service, such as at wrecks and land- slides, shall receive pay at the rate of their regular positions and in addition $1.50 per day expenses. 21. When a telegrapher is called to attend court, or to be absent on other business for the company (except investigations held by officers of the company), full time and reasonable amount for expenses while away from home shall be allowed. 22. All telegraphers who have been in the service of the company one year and less than two years, shall have seven (7) days' annual leave with pay, or in lieu thereof seven (7> days' additional pay. AH telegraphers who have been in the service of the company two years or more, shall have fifteen (15) days' annual leave with pay, or in lieu thereof fifteen (15) days' additional pay. 23. Telegraphers desiring to exchange tricks temporarily will be permitted to do -SO if request is granted by the superin- tendent telegraph. 24. Telegraphers shall not be required to clean batteries. 25. These rules, together with the rates of p.iy hereby made effective, shall be printed in pamphlet form and' a copy furnished each telegrapher. 26. This agreement shall take effect May 1st, 1917. and shall continue in force subject to thirty (30) days' notice in writing from either party to the other requesting a change in same. For the Telegraphers: T. H. ALEXANDER, H. H. KREISER, C. H. SNYDER. For the Company: A. D. BROWN, General Superintendent. L. A. LEE, Superintendent Telegraph. Approved: J. B. YOKE, General Manager. fOperator and clerk. ♦Interlocking. JAgent and operator. WAGE SCALE. ♦ Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Haselton N Tower (N), first trick $ 93.00 Second trick 93.00 Third trick 93.00 Yard Office (Z), first trick -. . . . 83.00 Second trick 83.00 Third trick 83.00 State Line Tower (CA), first trick *85.00 Second trick *85.00 Third trick *85.00 Edenburg (DN), day trick tSO.OO WA Tower (WA), first trick *78.00 Second trick •78.00 Third trick *78.00 New Castle Junction (J), first trick... *93.00 Second trick *93.00 Third trick *93.00 SD Tower (SD), first trick *78.00 Second trick *78.00 Third trick *78.00 West Pittsburgh (MO), day trick tSO.OO Wampum (W), day trick $93.00 BX Tower (BX). first trick *85.00 Second trick »85.00 Third trick *85.00 West Ellwood Jet. (OD), day trick... $93.00 •TA Tower (JA), first trick *86.00 Second trick »86.00 Third trick *86.00 College Tower (CO), first trick *98.00 Second trick -. . . . *98.00 Third trick *98.00 College (CG), day trick $85.00 Beaver Falls (FS), day trick t98.00 PO Tower (PO), first trick *75.00 Second trick *75.00 Third trick *75.00 JM Tower (JM), first trick *93.00 Second trick *93.00 Third trick *93.00 Beaver (BR), day trick t83.00 GX Tower (GX), first trick *98.00 Second trick •98.00 Third trick *98-00 QA Tower (QA), first trick *98.00 Second trick *98.00 Third trick *98.00 Aliquippa (Q). day trick , $86.00 South Heights (SN), day trick $88.00 StooPg Ferry (SY), day trick $83.00 Schedules and Wa(je Scales. 513 Rate Per Station and Position. ' Month. MR Tower (MR), first trick $*98.00 Second trick *98.00 Third trick *98.00 FM Tower (FM), first trick....''. *103.00 Second trick *103.00 Third trick *103.00 McKees Rocks Gen. Yard Office (MA) First trick 83.00 Second trick 83.00 Third trick 83.00 Round House (RH), day trick fSO.OO CH Tower (CH>, first trick *105.00 Second trick *105.00 Third trick *105.00 McKees Rocks (KS), da.v trick $90.00 DX Tower (DX). first trick *11S.00 Second trick *118.00 Third trick ." *118.00 Pittsburgh (DE; 100.00 34th Street Tower (DU), first trick 86.00 Second trick 86.00 Third trick 86.00 HM Tower (HM>, first trick *91.00 Second trick *91.00 Third trick *91.00 Homestead (HD>, day trick +93.00 Rankin (XN), first trick t83.00 Second trick t83.00 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Belle Vernon Jet. (BV>, first trick $*98.00 Second trick *98.00 Third trick *9S.00 Boston (BN) , day trick $93.00 Scott Haven Scales (SH), night trick.. fSS.OO .Jacobs Creek (JC), first trick tS3.00 Second trick t83.00 Third trick t83.00 Whitsett Junction (^VH>, day trick. . . . $83.00 Fuller (FR), day trick $85.00 Dickerson Run (MC), first trick 88.00 Second trick 88.00 Third trick 88.00 Glassport (US), day tri.k $83.00 HU Tower (HLT), first trick *98.00 Second trick *98.00 Third trick *98.00 Elizabeth (QN), day trick $83.00 Monong-ahela (MY), first trick $83.00 Second trick $83.00 Monessen (UN), first trick $86.00 Second trick $86.00 Downer Junction (DJ), first trick.... $83.00 Second trick $83.00 Third trick $83.00 Newell, Yard Office (NE), first trick. . . $83.00 Second trick $83.00 Third trick $83.00 Newell (MH), day trick $98.00 Quebec Central Railway (EFFECTIVE AUGUST 15, 1917.) RULES. 1. Any station employes except train dis- patchers, agents at Quebec, Levis and Sher- brooke, whether termed agents, assistant agents, or otherwise performing telegraph duties, will be considered a telegrapher. 2a. The right of promotion of telegrapliers as per Article I shall extend over the main line and branches. b. All promotions under this clause will be governed by merit and ability, of which the superintendent shall be the judge. Any applicant senior to the man receiving the appointment may appeal from the decision of the superintendent if he considers him- self unfairly treated. Where merit and ability are sufficient the telegraphei- longest in the service shall have the preference. 3a. In case of a vacancy occurring, or of a new position being created for which teleg- raphers are eligible under this schedule, it will be advertised for ten days by bulletin sent by "23" message to all stations, during which time applications ma>' be made. Interpretation to Rule 3, Clause (a): "Po- sition of assistants paying the minimum sal- ary will not be advertised or assigned to any operator permanently, hut seriior opeia- tor will be given preference to suih posi- iions when not employed at more important stations." b. Permanent appointments will be marie within thirty days thereafter. In the event of the senior opei-ator not accepting the vacancy, it may be assigned to the next senior applicant without further advertising. 4. A telegrapher shall not be disciplined or dismissed without cause. Any case of dismissal thought to be unjust may be re- ferred by the telegrapher in writing to the superintendent, after which he will be given a hearing within ten days. The aggrieved party may be present at all Investigations, and may be accompanied by a fellow em- ploye of the same class. In the event of this investigation proving unsatiiSfactor.v, the case may be appealed to the higher officials in regular order. If the accused is found blameless, his record will remain as previ- ous thereto and he will receive pay for all time lost. 5a. Telegraphers who have filled the posi- tions of agents continuously for one year or more will be entitled to two weeks' vacation each year, full pay being allowed. This va- cation to be granted when convenient, the time to be at the option of the superintend- ent. Vacation allowarrce will also be ex- tended to other operators who have been in tlie company's employ for four years or nuae, upon recommendation of agents. b. When consistent with good service, telegraphers may also be allowed temporary leave of absence and receive transportation over their respective divisions upon applica- tion to the superintendent, providing that The company is not put to any additional expense. 6. When a telegrapher is transferred by order of the proper official he will receive free transportation for himself, family and 514 Schedules and Wage Scales. household goods, and will suffer no loss of time. 7. A telegrapher called upon to attend court or an investigation at the request of the proper official of the comp'any, will re- ceive the same compensation as if on duty. If away from home he will be allowed rea- sonable expenses, any witness fees which may accrue to him being retained by the company. 8. A telegrapher performing duties at wrecks, washouts, or other emergencies will receive regular wages and reasonable ex- penses. 9. A telegrapher will not be required to teach telegraphy, nor will a telegrapher teach telegraphy on the company's premises without permission from the superintendent. 10a. Telegraphers required to work on Sundays will be paid pro rata on schedule wages, based on thirty days per month, but jn no case at less than thirty cents per hour, with a minimum compensation of forty cents for each call, for which one hour's service shall if required be rendered. b. An agent or assistant required to at- tend regular passenger trains on Sundays will be paid thirty cents for one hour's serv- ice for each train, it being understood that thirty minutes before a,ctual arrival and thirty minutes after actual departure of such train will cover the one hour in ques- tion. He will, however, be expected to attend to other trains requiring his atten- tion during that hour without extra remu- neration. 11. Eleven consecutive hours including meal hours will constitute a day's work for all telegraphers, overtime to be paid pro rata, based on thirty cents per hour, less than thirty minutes not to count, thirty min- utes or over to count as one hour. The hours of duty of all telegraphers will be specified ,and will commence between 6:00 and 9:00 a. m. when possible. It will be the duly of agents at stations where there are one or more assistants to so regulate the service of employes that the company's business will have attention without unnec- essary extra time. 12. Special calls at night upon agents or telegraphers will be paid for at the same schedule rates as provided for under service on Sunday. 13. Telegraphers will be allowed to accept commissions from express and telegraph companies doing business on the railway. 14. Tickets for all overtime and for attendance on regular passenger trains on Sundays, provided for in this schedule will be made by the agent and sent to the chief train dispatcher within forty- eight hours from the time service is performed. These will be checked by the chief train dispatcher and returned to the agent, who will attach them to the monthly pay rolls on which the extra time is shown. 15. Telegraphers will be exempt from cutting or piling wood. They will also be exempt from shoveling snow in the morning, but after platform has once been cleared it will be their duty to keep it in this condi- tion. 16. Telegraphers will be granted free transportation and leave of absence to attend their meetings when fiuch Jvbsence will not interfere with the service of the company, and provided the company is not put to any additional expense. 17. A seniority list of telegraphers, cov- ered by Article 1 of this schedule will be revised and re-issued by the company an- nually and will be subject to correction on proper representation from any telegrapher within thirty days. 18. When a position is abolished the telegrapher affected shall be entitled to dis- place the junior permanently located agent or operator as the case may be. 19. Relieving agents to be paid salary of station they are relieving with their monthly rate as a minimum. 20. Day and night assistants at Dudswell Jet., Thetford Mines, Trlng Jet. and Valley Jet. will work full time on Sundays the same as week days. 21. Junior assistants will be paid a mini- mum of $1.90 per day for the first year, when they will receive senior rates on quali- fying. 22. The scale of wages to agents includes dwelling, where same is not provided by the company $5.00 will be allowed monthly. 23. This agreement will remain in effect for one year from date, and thereafter until terminated by either party after thirty days' notice. WAGE SCALE. AGENTS. ♦Dwelling, light and fuel. Rate per Station Month. Ascot *$70.00 East Angus *95.00 Dudswell Jet •100.00 Bishop's Crossing *70.00 Marbleton 65.00 Weedon *85.00 St. Gerard *70.00 Garthby *72.50 DisraeU *90.00 Coleraine *70.00 Black Lake *90.00 Thetford Mines *90.00 Robertson *82.00 Leeds *70.00 East Broughton *75.00 Tring Jet 105.00 Valley Jet 110.00 St. Mary 77.50 Sootts 77.50 St. Henedine *72.50 St. Anselme *80.00 St. Henry Village *65.0O Carrier Jet *90.0n St. Victor *70.00 St. Ephrem *75.0O St. Evariste •■ *80.00 Courcelles *75.00 St. Sebastian ■•. *65.00 St. Samuel *65.00 St. Cecile 65.00 St. Joseph *7r.50 Beaucevllle *77.50 St. George *85.00 Morisset *72.5a St. Rose *67.50 St. Germaine *67.50 St. Justine *67.50 St. Sabine *67.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 515 Rate Per Station Month. St. CamiUe *$ 67.00 Daaquam 67.50 Lake Frontier 70.00 First relieving- agent 90.00 Second relieving agents 80.00 ASSISTANTS. *Per month. Rate per Station and Position. Day. East Angus, day $ 2.75 Night 2.55 Dudswell Jet., day 2.70 Night 2.60 Weedon, day 2.50 Night 2.30 St. Gerard, night 2.30 Disraeli, day 2.65 Night 2.55 Black Lake, day 2.65 Night 2.50 Thetford Mines, freight clerk *90.00 Day 2.60 Night 2.70 Robertson, day 2.55 Leeds, night 2.30 East Broiighton, night 2.30 Rate per Station and Position. Day. Tring Jet., day $ 2.85 Night 2.75 Night 2.50 Valley Jet., day 2.85 Night 2.75 Night 2.50 St. Mary, day '. 2.50 Night 2.30 Scott.s, day 2.50 St. Anselme, day 2.30 Carrier Jet., day 2.65 Levis, day 2.85 St. Evariste, day 2.50 Courcelles, day 2.30 St. Joseph, day 2.50 Beauceville, day 2.50 St. George, day 2.50 Morisset, day 2.30 St. Camille, day 2.30 Daaquam, day 2.30 Lake Frontier, day 2.30 Day 2.30 J. P. DUGAL, For the Telegraphers. J. T. REID, Superintendent. Sherbrooke, October 3, 1917. The Quebec, Montreal & Southern Railway Company Napierville Junction Railway Company (EFFECTIVE MAY ^. 1917.) The following rules will be observed in the employment of agent telegraphers and teleg- raphers as per schedule. ARTICLE I. Employes assigned to telegraph service, except train dispatchers, handling train or- ders, as shown in the following wage scale shall be governed by the provisions of this circular. ARTICLE n. Roster. A roster of employes as defined under Ar- ticle I will be prepared and a copy of same will be furnished each offlce annually. ARTICLE III. Promotion. AJl promotions under this class will be governed by merit and ability, of which the superintendent shall be the judge. Where those are sufficient, the telegrapher longest in the service shall have the preference. ARTICLE IV. Positions — How Filled. Vacancies or newly created positions will be advertised within ten days for a period of ten days by telegraph or circular letter to all employes; at the end of this second ten days the appointment and assignment will be made under the terms of Article III. All temporary positions of more than thirty days' duration, excepting in case of sickness, will be advertised and filled as above. In the event of the senior applicant not accepting the vacancy it may be handed to the next senior applicant without further advertising. Vacancies, or new positions, except in cases of emergency, will be assigned to men on extra board, who will hold same while position is being advertised and assigned. ARTICLE V. Meal Hours. Dispatchers will relieve employes coj^ered by this circular for not less than thirty min- utes and not to exceed one hour for meals between the fifth and seventh hour on duty. ARTICLE VI. Discipline and Appeals. (a) No entries will be made against an employe's record until he has been notified of same. (b) Employes will be furnished an abstract of their record on request. (c) Employes will not be suspended or discharged, except in serious cases where fault is apparent beyond reasonable doubt, until they have a hearing before the proper otFicials, and during such hearing they may be assisted by fellow employes of their choice. 516 Schedules and Wage Scales. (dj If found innocent lie shall be paid for time lost. (e) Hearings and decision will be given with as little delay as possible. Appeals must be made within thirty days. ARTICLE VII. Regular Men Doing Extra Work. Employes detailed to perform service at other than their regular position will receive the compensation of the position to which they are temporarily assigned, but in no case a less amount than the compensation of their regular position. ARTICLE VIII. New Positions. When new positions are created compen- sation will be arranged in conformity with positions of the same class covered by this schedule. When the duties of any position are materially increased compensation will be adjusted in accordance with positions of same class. First advertisements for above positions will show rates of pay. ARTICLE IX. Extra IVlen. Men on extra board will be worked first in, first out. Where it is impossible to get the employe who is first out to a position in time the first available man shall be used, and the man entitled to the work will be sent to take the office as soon as possible, this conditional that ttie vacancy will extend over a sufficient length of time to warrant making such a change. The man so used, tout of his turn, goes to the foot of the extra list. ARTICLE X. , Seniority Riglits. Employes absent by permission or account of sickness upon returning to duty will have the rights to displace any junior employe from any position if .such position has been bid in during their absence, and shall have all the rights they would have had had they been on duty. Employes taking advantage of the above rule must make their choice within fifteen days from date of reporting for duty. (The intent of this article is to provide for displacement in the interest of an employe who is actually away from the property and therefore could not have placed a bid). ARTICLE XI. Loss of Seniority Rights. Employes leaving service in this depart- ment to accept service in other department will forfeit their seniority rights after an absence of ninety days. ARTICLE XII. Relief. Employes will be granted leave of ab- sence so far as is consistent with good serv- ice, and will be relieved as soon as possible after application for same is made. ARTICLE XIII. IVIoving. Employes bidding in positions will be granted free transportation to a suitable point on the Q. M. & S. Ry., and Napier- ville Junction Ry. Co.'s for themselves and dependent members of their family and household goods, if lawful. Such arrangements to be made after nego- tiation with the superintendent. ARTICLE XIV. Attending Court. Emplojes attending court or on any other bu.^iness for the company other than that covered by this circular to which they are assigned by proper authority will be paid their regular rates of pay per day, and if called on to leave home necessary expenses will be paid. Mileage and other fees to be turned over to the company. ARTICLE XV. Committee IVIen. Committee men will be granted necessary leave of absence and transportation and will retromptly as practicable, after vacancies occur or new positions created. The appli- cant assigned to such position will not be permitted to make application for his former position until same has been once filled and again becomes vacant. RULE XI. Twelve (12j hours will constitute a day's work for exclusive agents. If kept on duty or required to remain on duty for additional service they will be paid overtime at the T-ate of sixty cents (60c) per hour. RULE XII. Students will not be allowed at any offlce of the company without permission from the proper oflicer, and in no case will there be allowed more than one student in any office. RULE XIII. No changes will be made in these rules and reguiat'ons, and scale of wages without thirty days' written notice. Rates of Pay for Exclusive Agents. Rate per Station. Month. Glen Allen $ 95.00 A shland 105.00 Rutherglen 95.00 Penola 95.00 Milford 110.00 Wdodslane 95.00 Guinea 95.00 Summit 95.00 Brooke 95.00 Widewater 95.00 Q-.iantico 110.00 Cherry Hill 95 00 Occoquan 105.00 Lorton 90.00 Accotink 75.00 FVanconia 95.00 Relief agents 105.00 W. D. DUKE, General Superintendent. TELEGRAPHERS. RULE I. This schedule applies to all telegraph and telephone operators and levermen. Tele- phone operators are those who by the use of the telephone perform the duties of a tele- graph operator. 522 Schedules and Wage Scales. RULE II. (a) Operators advanced to agents will not lose their standing- as operators. (b) Regxilar operators will be paid their regnlar salaries when traveling under orders. (c) When a regular operator is called upon to work at a place other than his regular position, he will be paid one dollar ($1.00) per calendar day for expenses. (d> When a regular operator is moved temporarily, he will be paid the salary apply- ing to the position he fills, but not less than his regular salary. RULE ni. (a) Operators will be regarded as in line of promotion; advancement dependng upon faithful discharge of duty and capacity for Increased responsibility. Where ability Is equal, seniority will have preference. (b) When regular positions are abolished, or oflfices closed, the operators affected will be eligible to any position to which their seniority and merit give them the right; such right to be exercised within fifteen (15) days. RULE n''. (a) Operators will be granted leave of ab- sence only when it can be done without detriment to the service. RULE V. (a) Wlien vacancies occur or new positions are created, they will be advertised within ten (10) days, and accepted or declined within ten (10) days. The position will be assigned within thirty (30) days. The ap- plicant assigned to such position will not be_ permitted to make application for his former position until same has been once filled and again becomes vacant. (b) In filling vacancies known to be of fifteen (15) days or more duration, the oldest competent extra operator in the service will be given preference. RULE VI. (a) -Regular operators called upon to work extra away from their regular offices in case of accident will be paid sixty cents (60c) per hour. Time to be computed from the time they leave home until they return home. (b) Operators not employed as agents re- quired to perform the duties of an agent in addition to their duties as operator, will be paid extra at the rate of sixty cents (60c) per hour. RULE VII. (a) Operators will not be disciplined with- out just cause, and have the right to appeal if they consider their discipline unjust, or that they have been discriminated against; and may select an operator who Is on the same road to be present, and both will be allowed to see and hear all the evidence bearing on the same. (b) Operators relieved for investigation will be given a prompt hearing, and. if found blameless, their lost time will be allowed. (c) Operators attending court, or while being held from duty to attend court In behalf of the company, will be paid their regular salaries and reasonable expenses. RULE VIII. Regular operators who have been in the service of the company for a period of not less than two (2) years, and who are re- quired to work on Sundays and legal holi- days, will, upon request, be granted a leave of absence of fifteen (15) days annually orj full pay, or in lieu thereof fifteen (15) days' pay. RULE IX. Students will not be allowed at any office without permission from proper officer, and in no case will there be allowed more than one student in any office. RULE X. (a) At offices where two or more operators are employed, eight (8) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. (b) Overtime will be paid at the rate of sixty cents (60c) per hour, except where the regular rate of pay exceeds the overtime rate. In which case overtime will be paid pro rata. (c) In computing overtime less than thirty (30) minutes will not be counted; thirty (30) minutes or more and less than one hour to be counted one hour. (d) Overtime will not be allowed unless reported to the superintendent of telegraph within forty-eight (48) hours, and .operators will he notified when overtime is not allowed. Overtime slips to be used as at present. RULE XI. Eight (8) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work for aU levermen. Overtime will be paid at the rate of thirty-five cents (35c) per hour. Levermen, upon request will be granted a leave of absence of ten (10) days annually on full pay or in lieu thereof ten (10) days' pay. RULE xn. No change will be made in these rules and regulations and scale of wages without thirty (30) days' written notice. WAGE SCALE. Rate per Station and Position. Month. (K) Office, Richmond, first operator. .$105.00 Second operator 105.00 Third operator 105.00 (MO) Office, Richmond (8 hrs.), oper- ator and clerk 92.00 Clopton. first operator and clerk 96.00 Second operator and clerk 96.00 Third operator and clerk 96.00 (JR) Block Station, first operator 96.00 Second operator 96.00 Third operator 96.00 (BN) Block Station, first operator 96.00 Second operator • ■ 96.00 Third operator 96.00 Freight Depot, Richmond (9 hours), operator and clerk 90.00 (AC) Block Station, first operator 96.00 Second operator 96.00 Third operator 96.90 Doswell, first operator 96.00 Second operator 96.00 Third operator 96.00 (RX) Block Station, first operator 81.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 81.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 523 Rate per Station and Position. Month. (MA) Block Station, first operator $ 81.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 81.00 FVedericksburg, first operator 96.00 Second operator 96.00 Third operator : 96.00 (CS) Block Station, first operator 81.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 81.00 Quantico, first operator 81.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 81.00 (C^V) Block Station, first operator... 81.00 Second operator 81.00 Third operator 81.00 (AF) Block Station, first operator 96.00 Second operator 96.00 Third operator 96.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. (X) Block Station, first operator $ 96.00 Second operator 96.00 Third operator 96.00 (RO) Block Station, operator 96.00 Second operator 96.00 Third operator 96.00 Potomac, Yard, first operator 100.00 Second operator 100.00 Third operator 100.00 Fourth operator. . ._ 100.00 Potomac Transfer (9 liours), operator and clerk 90.00 Massaponax (10 hours), operator and clerk 95.00 Relief operator 95.00 Leverman (AF), three men 60.00 C. W. GULP, Superintendent Transportation. Rutland Railroad Company (EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1917.) 1. The following- rules and rates of pay will apply to all positions shown in the fol- lowing wage schedule: 2. A roster of the agents and operators covered by Rule 1 will be prepared and a copy of same furnished each oflHce annually. 3. All employes covered by Rule 1 are in line for promotion on the entire road accord- ing to their length of .service, depending upon their general good conduct, faithful discharge of duties and ability to assume in- creased responsibility, the assistant super- intendent to be the judge of the qualifica- tions. 4. When permanent vacancies occur or new positions of agent operator or operator are created they will be advertised within ten (10) days for a period of ten (10) days, and will be assigned within ten (10) days thereafter, and all bidders advised. 5. Any employe covered by these rules shall not be suspended or discharged with- out just cause. In case any employe is sus- pended or discharged for reasons which he may consider unjust he shall have the right to take the matter up with his immediate superior officer within two weeks. Failing to adjust the matter he may call upon any other employe of good standing on the same district, or a committee representing the em- ployes covered by Rule 1 to represent him. In case he is dissatisfied with the result of the investigation he shall have the right to appeal his case in the regular order to the highest ofRcial of the company. If upon investigation an employe is relieved of the charges against him he shall receive full pay for the time lost. 6. Twelve consecutive hours or less, in- cluding meal hour, will constitute a day's work. The hours of service to be arranged to suit the requirements. 7. "When the train or telegraph service re- quire the attention of an employe beyond the regular established hours overtime will be allowed pro rata with a minimum of twenty- five cents (25c) per hour. In computing over- time thirty (30) minute.s or less will not be counted, over thirty (30> and less than sixty (60) will be counted one hour. Requests for overtime must be filed within twenty-four (24) hours from time service is performed. Overtime slips will be provided. Note — This overtime rate effective July 9, 1917. 8. Dispatchers will relieve employes for not less than thirty (30) minutes nor more than one (1) hour for meals between 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. ; if unable to do so one hour's overtime will be paid and thirty (30) minutes allowed as soon as possible thereafter. This rule not to apply to employes working less than ten (10) hours per day. 9. In case an operator is called by proper authority for extra duty before or after reg- ular hours he will be allowed fifty cents (50c) for the call, and if held on duty longer than one hour, overtime rate will apply after the first hour. 10. Employes attending court or on other business for the company to which they are assigned by proper authority will be paid their regular rates of pay per day. If called on to leave home, necessary expenses will be paid, mileage and other fees to be turned over to the company. 11. Employes detailed to perform tem- porary service at other than their regular position will receive the salary of the posi- tion to which they are temporarily assigned, but in no case a less amount of salary than their regular position, and will be allowed at the rate of $1.00 per day for the time thus employed for necessary expenses. 12. When new positions are created com- pensation and hours will be arranged in con- formity with the positions of same class covered by this schedule. First advertise- ments of such positions will show working hours and rates of pay. 13. Employes transferring from one posi- tion to another by order of the company will be furnished free transportation for de- pendent members of their families and household goods, if lawful. 524 Schedules and Wage Scales. 14. Employes will be granted leave of ab- sence so far as may be consistent with good service, and will be relieved as soon as pos- sible after application. 15. When it becomes necessary to reduce the force it shall be the practice so far as possible with due regard to the qualifications of the men, to displace the youngest man in the service, holding a regular position, provided such position has not been held more than two (2) years. 16. Committeemen will be granted neces- sary leave of absence and transportation, and will retain their roster rights. G. L. R. FRENCH, General Superintendent. Approved: GEO. T. JARVIS, Vice-President and General Manager. FIRST DISTRICT. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Clarendon, agent and operator $ 60.00 Wallingford, agent and operator 61.00 Operator and clerk 60.00 So. Wallingford, agent and operator.. 53.00 Danby, agent and operator 59.00 East Dorset, agent and operator 68.00 Manchester, agent 93.00 First trick operator and clerk 67.00 Second trick operator and clerk... 67.00 Sunderland, agent and operator 60.00 Arlington, agent and operator 55.00 Operator and clerk 64.00 Shaftsbury, agent and operator 66.00 So. Shaftsbury, agent and operator. . . 61.00 No. Bennington, first trick operator and clerk 73.00 Second trick operator and clerk.. 68.00 Third trick operator and clerk... 65.00 Bennington, operator and ticket clerk 78.00 Petersburgh. agent and operator 60.00 Berlin, agent and operator 41.00 Oper.ator and clerk 60.00 Stephentown, agent and operator 68.00 Lebanon Springs, agent and operator. 60.00 New Lebanon, agent and operator... 57.00 Brainard, agent and operator 67.00 Old Chatham, agent and operator 60.00 Chatham, first trick operator and elk 77.50 Second trick operator and clerk. . . 68.00 SECOND DISTRICT. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Isle La Motte, agent and operator. .. .$ 61.00 North Hero, agent and operator. 55.50 Grand Isle, agent and operator 55.50 South Hero, agent and operator 55.50 Burlington, first trick opr. and elk. 70.00 Second trick operator and clerk... 70.00 Shelburne, agent and operator 75.00 Operator and clerk 65.00 Charlotte, agent and operator 53.00 No. Ferrisburgh, agent and operator. 59.50 Perrisburgh, agent and operator 41.00 Vergennes, agent and operator 90.00 Second trick operator and clerk... 65.00 Third trick operator and clerk... 63.00 New Haven Jet., agent and operator. 58.00 Operator and clerk 68.00 Beldens, agent and operator 53.00 Rata per Station and Position. Month. Middlcbury, agent $ 90.00 First trick operator and clerk 71.00 Second trick operator and clerk.. 64.50 Third trick operator and clerk.... 64.50 Salisbury, agent and operator 61.00 Leicester Jet., agent and operator.... 63.50 Brandon, agent and operator 55.00 First trick operator and clerk 67.00 Second trick operator and clerk... 65.00 Florence, agent and operator 66.00 Pittsford, agent and operator 65.00 Proctor, agent and operator '..... 55.00 Operator and clerk 71.00 Ctr. Rutland, agent and operator 66.00 Rutland (Q), operator 72.00 (RX), first trick operator 72.-00 Second trick operator 72.00 Third trick operator 72.00 E. Clarendon, agent and operator 59.00 Cuttlngsville, agent and operator 64.00 E. Wallingford, agent and operator.. ~ 62.00 Mount Holly, agent and operator 57.50 Summit, agent and operator...' 63.00 Second trick operator 63.00 Third trick operator 63.00 Hepldville, agent and operator 61.00 Ludlow, agent and operator 90.00 Operator and clerk 66.00 Proctorsville. agent and operator...:. 62.00 Cavendish, agent and operator 62.00 Gassets, agent and operator 65.00 Chester, agent and operator 56.00 Operator and clerk 65.00 Ft. Ticonderoga, agent and operator.. 65.00 Orv,-ell. agent and operator 58.50 Shoreham, agent and operator 53.50 Whiting, agent and operator 53.50 THIRD DISTRICT. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Ogdensburg, first trick opr. and clerk. $ 68.00 Second trick operator and clerk... 66.50 Third trick operator and clerk.... 61.00 Lisbon, agent and operator 53.00 Madrid, agent and operator 60.00 Kjiapps, agent and operator 63.00 Winthrop, agent and operator 64.00 Second trick operator and clerk.. 65.00 Third trick operator and clerk. . . 65.00 No. Lawrence, agent and' operator. . . 56.50 Moira, agent 62.00 First trick operator and clerk 68.00 Second trick operator and clerk... 65.00 Third trick operator and clerk.... 65.00 Brushton, .agent and operator 58.00 Bangor, agent and operator 51.00 Malone, first trick operator and clerk. 74.00 Second trick operator and clerk.. 70.00 Third trick operator and clerk... 66.00 Burke, agent and operator 57.50 Chateaugay, agent and operator 53.00 Operator and clei-k 66.00 Chcrubusco, agent and operator 69.50 Second trick operator and clerk... 65.00 Third trick operator and clerk.... 65.00 Clinton Mills, agent and operator 58.00 Ellenburgh, agent and operator 64.00 ^Forest, agent and operator 62.00 'Altona, agent and operator 63.00 Second trick operator and clerk. . 64.00 Third trick operator and clerk...! 64.00 Mooers Forks, agent and operator 55.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 525 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Mooers Jet., agent and operator .$ 67.50 Operator and clerlv 63.00 Clianiplain, agent and operator 49.00 Operator and clerk 65.00 Point, first trick opr. and elk. 67.50 Second trick operator and clerk. . . 67.50 Third trick operator and clerk 64.50 Station and Position. Alburgh, first trick opr. and clerk. . Second trick operator and clerk Third trick operator and clerk.. Noyan Jet., day opr. and towerman. Night operator and towerman... Rate Per Month. $ 61). 00 69.00 69.00 67.00 68.00 San Antonio & Aransas Pass Railway Company (EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 1915.) The following rules and rates of pay will govern employes covered by Article I. ARTICLE I. Employes, other than train dispatchers, required to perform telegraph service, and telephone operators required to receive or transmit train orders or block trains, also those other employes whose salaries are in- cluded in the appended wage scale, will be governed by these rules. (The above does not apply to employes required to use tele- phone temporarily or in emergencies.) ARTICLE II. (a) Seniority will date from the last date of entering the service of this company. (b) Seniority is effective when vacancies occur or new positions are created. (c) Promotion will be in the order of sen- iority, those longest in service having pref- erence, provided merit, ability, record and character are equal, except that agents at competitive stations will be chosen from employes in service, whose particular fitness for securing business, together with recom- mendation from the traffic department, will be considered in addition to the above quali- fications. (d) Vacancies and new positions will be advertised promptly to all offices and will be filled in accordance with paragraphs (a), (h) and (c). The positions will be held open ten (10) days and if possible will be filled within thirty (30) days. (e^ Employes declining promotion do not forfeit seniority rights. (f) Employes who do not receive the pro- motion their seniority entitles them to, will, at their request, be furnished a statement of their record which will give the reason for passing them. If an appeal is desired it must be made within ten (10) days. (g) An employe assigned to a position by bulletin or otherwise, and, after a fair trial, found incompetent to fill the position, will, if otherwise qvialified, be placed on the extra list, retaining his seniority. (h) When necessary to reduce the force, or when a regular position is abolished, men losing their positions by reason thereof will go on the extra list, retaining their seniority until some regular position opens up for which they can apply. (\) Seniority list of employes covered by this agreement will be furnished to chairman of employes' committee during January and July of each year. (jj An employe covered by this agreement hereafter promoted or transferred to position of train dispatcher, manager, any position in station service, traveling auditor in station service, chief clerkship in general offices and in superintendent's offices, or to any official position in the service of the company, will retain his seniority for six (6^ months. If unable to fill the position, or desiring to relinquish it, he may within ninety (90) days return to the position he formerly held. (k) Senior extra telegraphers when avail- able and competent, will be used in prefer- ence to junior extra telegraphers. Extra telegraphers will not be permitted to displace other extra telegraphers tempo- rarily filling bonded positions. (1) When a regular position is bulletined all extra men will be required to sign for same, and the extra man to whom it is awarded will be required to accept the posi- tion. Failing to sign for the position will forfeit his right to pay for deadheading in relief service as provided for in Article XIV. ARTICLE III. (a) At stations where the agent is re- quired to do the telegraphing, or at stations where but one operator is employed, elevea (11) consecutive hours, commencing between six (6:00) a. m. and eight-thirty (8:30^ a. m., or six (6:00) p. m. and eight-thirty (8:30> p. m., including one (1) hour for meals, will constitute a day's work. In the dispatcher's office ten (10) consecutive hours, with one hour off for meal, will constitute a day's work. (h) Where two operators are employed at a station, their hours on duty will not ex- ceed eight (8) hours each; their hours on duty may be arranged with an intermission of not to exceed two (2) hours. (c) Where three operators are employed at a station, their hours on duty will not exceed eight (S) hours and will be continu- ous; trick to commence not earlier than seven (7:00) a. m. (d) On Sundays and legal holidays em- ployes will be excused from duty so far as practicable without detriment to the service. At station where the agent is also teleg- rapher and where no other telegraphers are employed, and at stations where only one telegrapher, v/ho is not agent, is employed, .such agent or telegrapher will not be re- quired to work more than five (5> hours in the aggregate on Sunday. If required by competent authority to work more than five (5; hours, in the aggregate, overtime will be allowed at the rate of thirty-five (35) cents per hour for all time in excess of five (5j hours. No overtime will be allowed when 526 Schedules and Wage Scales. these hours are exceeded on account of wire faihire. Telegraphers trill not be required to transmit telegraphic car reports on Sun- day, except when, by reason of wire failure, the Saturday car reports had not been sent. ARTICLE IV. Except where operators work a continuous eight (8) hour trick, employes will be allowed one hour for meals between the hours of eleven-thirty (11:30) a. m. and one-thirty (1:30> p. m. When necessary to work thirty (30) minutes or more of their meal hour, one hour overtime will be allowed and thirty minutes will be given at first opportunity for meals. ARTICLE V. (a) The minimum salary of operators shall be seventy dollars ($70.00) per month. (This does not apply to agent telegraphers.) (b) The minimum salary of agent teleg- raphers will be sixty ($60.00) dollars per month. (c> The minimum salary of relief agents shall be eighty ($80.00) dollars per month. ARTICLE VI. When a new position is created, the salary will conform with positions of a similar class. ARTICLE VIL Employes attending court as witnesses, or on investigations, for this company will be allowed all time lost. Including commis- sions, necessary transportation and actual expenses not exceeding two and 50-100 dol- lars ($2.50) per day for board and lodging, while away from their home station. ARTICLE Vni. For duty at wrecks, washouts, fires or similar emergencies, operators will be paid a minimum of three ($3.00) dollars per cal- endar day for eleven (11) hours or less on duty, and overtime at the rate of thirty- five (35) cents per hour for all time on duty in excess of eleven (11) hours in any calendar day; and if taken from a regular position, any actual expenses while away from their home station. When operators are called for such service while on duty, the above compensation will cover all regu- lar duties performed on the same day. ARTICLE IX. Operators assigned to accompany work trains will be paid at the rate of two dol- lars and fifty cents ($2.50) per day of eleven (11) hours or less on duty, and over- time at the rate of thirty-five (35) cents per hour. ARTICLE X. Employes covered by this agreement re- quired to run gasoline pumping engines, will be allowed ten ($10.00) dollars per month for such work, in addition to their regular pay. ARTICLE XI. Employes will not be required to serve ex- press companies for a less rate of compen- sation than that allowed them during the year 1914. In case the express agency is withdrawn from any station, unless by request of the agent affected, the compensation of the agent will be readjusted to conform to the rate paid at other stations of similar im- portance where the railroad agent does not act also as express agent. ARTICLE XII. (a) Employes covered by this agreement who are required to remain on duty to per- form telegraph service or to meet and at- tend trains after their regular working hours, when the time is continuous with their regular working hours, will be allowed overtime at thirty-five (35) cents per hour. (b) Employes covered by this agreement called for service or directed to return to office for any reason outside of working hours, shall receive fifty (50) cents for the call (or return) and first hour's service, and regular overtime thereafter, except that when required for such service within one hour either before or after regxilar hours, they shall receive overtime at the rate of thirty-five (35) cents per hour. (c) Employes assigned to meet regular trains outside of their established hours of service, shall receive twenty-five (25) cents for meeting the trains, and if delayed^ more than one hour for such purpose they will receive overtime at the rate of thirty-five (35) cents per hour. If any telegraphing is done, they will be paid as per paragraph (b). This does not apply to agents at non- telegraph stations. (d) In computing overtime, less than thirty minutes will not be counted, thirty minutes will constitute one hour, one hour and thirty minutes, two hours, etc. (e) Employes will be promptly notified when claims for overtime or compensation on any account are not allowed. ARTICLE XIII. (a) When employes are transferred- from one position to another, the company will furnish such tran.sportation for themselves, families and personal effects as the law permits. (b) Employes transferred by order of the company or to accept an advertised posi- tion, will be allowed the necessary regular pay while in transit and making such trans- fer, rate of pay to be based on position from which transfer is made. (c) Wlien temporarily transferred to a position paying a lower rate than his regu- lar assignment, he will be paid the rate of his regular salary. When transferred to a position paying a higher rate, he will be paid the rate applying to such position. (d) When temporarily taken from regular position and home station to perform other service, will be allowed one ($1.00) dollar per day for expenses, in addition to regu- lar rate of pay while away from home station. (e) Employes desiring to be checked in after leave of absence, will give superin- tendent of transportation at least five (5) days' advance notice, and if check is de- layed by the company thereafter, will re- ceive pay for such additional time as held out of service. Schedules and Wage Scales. 527 ARTICLE XIV. Extra telegraphers who have been in the service one year will be paid for the time actually consumed in deadheading while go- ing to fill a position in relief service, at the rate of twenty-five (25) cents per hour. This will not apply to extra telegraphers deadheading to assert seniority rights over other extra telegraphers. ARTICLE XV. Unlimited leave oX absence will be granted in case of sickness. ARTICLE XVI, Leave of absence, not exceeding ninety (90) days, will be granted on request when possible, upon proper notice, and transpor- tation furnished over the lines of this com- pany so far as the law permits. ARTICLE XVII. Employes covered by this agreement will not be required to attend switch lights, or other fixed signal lights except train order signals. ARTICLE XVIII. Employes required to serve express com- panies or commercial telegraph companies, have the right to complain of unsatisfactory treatment at the hands of such companies, and will receive due consideration from the railroad company. ARTICLE XIX. J (a) Employes will not be disciplined or discharged except for just cause. If an employe considers that he has been unjustly dealt with, he will, within five (5) days, make a written statement of his case to the superintendent of transportation, who, within ten (10) days, will give him a hear- ing and decision. At this hearing the em- ploye may have a representative of his own selection who will be an employe in the service of this company and in the same gi-ade of the service. If dissatisfied with the decision he may appeal to the higher officers In their order; each appeal shall be made in writing within ten (10) days after each decision is rendered. If, after the investigation, the charges are not sustained, he will be reinstated with his seniority and allowed pay for all time lost. (b) Employes dismissed from the service may be reinstated within six (6) months with their seniority rights, but can only take such positions as are open to them when returned to service. ARTICLE XX. This agreement is not intended to change any rate of pay or commissions now paid unless so specified, nor, except by mutual consent, impair any privileges now in ei^ect and not herein enumerated. ARTICLE XXI. There will be no change in the foregoing articles, or reduction in the subjoined wage .scale, until after thirty (30) days' notice has been given by either party to the other. WAGE SCALE. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Houston, day telegrapher $ 87.50 Blodgett, telegrapher 70.00 Clodine, agent telegrapher. . . 65.00 Fulshear, agent 'telegrapher. . 72.50 Simonton, agent telegrapher. 65.00 Agent 40.00 Wallis, agent 80.00 Chesterville, agent 40.00 Eagle Lake, agent 110.00 Day telegrapher 75.00 Altair, agent telegrapher 67.50 Rock Island, agent teleg 70.00 Sheridan, agent telegrapher. . 60.00 Sublime, agent 40.00 Hallettsville, agent 85.00 First trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher. 70.00 Third trick telegrapher. . . 70.00 Sweet Home, agent teleg 60.00 Yoakum (Q), day clerk telg. . 95.00 First trick telegrapher. . . 90.00 Second trick telegrapher. 90.00 (YD), first trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher.. 75.00 Cuero, agent 110.00 First trick telegrapher... 75.00 Second trick telegrapher. 70.00 Third trick telegrapher. . 70.00 Yorktown, agent 100.00 Day telegrapher 70.00 Noi-dheim. agent telegrapher. 70.00 Runge, agent telegrapher 75.00 Day telegrapher ^ 72.50 Kenedy, agent 85.00 First trick telegrapher... 75.00 Second trick telegrapher. 75.00 Third trick telegrapher... 75.00 W. U. teleg. (11 hours).. 70.00 Karnes City, agent teleg 75.00 Falls City, agent telegrapher. 75.00 Poth, agent 50.00 Floresville, agent 80.00 Day telegrapher 72.50 Calaveras, agent telegrapher. 65.00 Saspamco, agent 45.00 Elmendorf, agent telegrapher 65.00 San Antonio (WS): First trick telegrapher... 85.00 Second trick telegrapher. 85.00 Third trick telegrapher.. 83.00 (RH) , telegrapher 70.00 (GO), day telegrapher 92.50 Waco, first trick telegrapher. 75.00 Second trick telegrapher. 75.00 Third trick telegrapher.. 72.50 Chilton, agent telegrapher... 70.00 Lott, agent telegrapher 75.00 Travis, agent 40.00 Rosebud) agent! 80.00 Day telegrapher 70.00 Burlington, agent telegrapher 65.00. Ben Arnold, agent 40.00 Cameron, agent 110.00 First trick telegrapher. . . 75.00 Second trick telegrapher. 72.50 Third trick telegrapher.. 72.50 Rockdale, agent 110.00 Rockdale, day teleg. cashier. . 80.00 Lexington, agent telegrapher. 70.00 Lincoln, agent telegrapher... -65.00 Giddings. agent 105.00 Northrup, agent 40.00 528 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Winchester, agent telegrapher $ 65.00 ^Vest Point, agent telegrapher 80.00 Mulldoon, agent 40.00 Flatonia, agent 112.50 Day telegrapher 72.50 Flatonia Tower, First trick telegrapher... 77.50 Second trick telegrapher.. 77.50 Third trick telegrapher.. 77.50 Moulton, agent telegrapher.. 75.00 Shiner, agent telegrapher.... 80.00 Kerrville, agent 95.00 Center Point, agent teleg 65.00 Comfoit, agent telegrapher.. 70.00 Fredericksburg Junction, Agent telegrapher ;)0.00 Waring, agent 40.00 Boerne, agent telegrapher. . . • 70.00 Pettus, agent telegrapher.... 67.50 Normanna, agent telegrapher 67.50 Beeville, agent 120.00 Day telegrapher 72.50 Skidmore, agent 75.00 trick telegrapher... 75.00 Second trick telegrapher. . 72.50 Third trick telegrapher.. 70.00 St. Paul, agent 40.00 Sinton, a,gent 110.00 Sinton, day telegrapher 75.00 Taft, agent telegrapher 70.00 Gre.gory, agent telegrapher. , 75.00 Portland, agent telegraphei . . , 60.00 Corpus Christi, day teleg 75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Aransas Pass, agent .$110.00 Day telegrapher 75.00 Rockport, agent telegrapher.. 90.00 Mathis, agent telegrapher.... 75.00 Sandia, agent telegrapher.... 60.00 Orange Grove, agent 40.00 Alfred, agent 40.00 Alice, agent 110.00 Day telegrapher 70.00 Premont, agent telegraphei.. 65.00 Fulfurrias, agent telegrapher 100.00 Gonzales, agent 115.00 Day telegrapher 70.00 Slayden, agent ;i5.00 Ottine, agent telegrapher.... 65.00 I.uling, agent 85.00 Day telegrapher 70 00 Lockhart. agent 1 10.00 Day telegrapher 70.00 For the Employes: S. S. SOOY. E. B. HILL. For the San Antonio & Aransas Pass Rail- way Company: J. C. REISTER, Supt. Transportation. Approved : J. S. PETER, ' 1st V. P. & Genl. Mgr. Revised January 1, 1916. Seaboard Air Line Railway Company (RATES OF PAY EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 191"/.) (RULES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 1917.) (SUPERSEDING SCHEDULE DATED JUNE 1, 1916.) ARTICLE I. These rules and regulations will apply to telegraph operators, telephone operators and such other employes as are shown in the wage scale attached hereto. ARTICLE II. (a) Employes covered by this agreement will be regarded as in line of promotion, advancement depending upon the faithful discharge of their duty and capacity for increased responsibility. Where competent seniority will have preference. Seniority to date from entrance in the service, and will attach to the division on which employed. (b) Seniority is effective when a vacancy occurs or a new position is created, except as otherwise provided in this article, and the superintendent will advise each office on his division of the vacancy: it will be filled in accordance with the seniority clause of this agreement, but will not be permanently filled until ten days have elapsed, and will be filled within thirty days. (c) Employes declining promotion to any position, do not forfeit rights to it, or any other position when a vacancy occurs. (d) If an employe, as per Article I, as- signed to a position, becomes incapacitated or unable to fill the position, he will be assigned to the extra list and will retain his seniority. _ (e) In the event of a reduction of force, or when a position is_ abolished, the employe affected may displace any junior employe covered by this schedule or go on the extra list; provided that no employe will be dis- placed who has three or more years' senior- ity. In the event there are no employes in the service with less than three years',, sen- iority, the youngest employe may be dis- placed. (f ) An employe discharged and re-employed within six months will not lose his seniority, but if not re-employed until after six months shall have elapsed he will rank as a new man. (g) Seniority list of employes on each divi- sion will be prepared by the superintendent January 1st and July 1st, each year, and a copy furnished the general chairman. ARTICLE III. Rates of wages for positions not, included in the wage scale will be based on rates paid at similar stations. Schedules and Wage Scales. 529 ARTICLE IV. (a) Employes will not be suspended or discharged from the service of the company without just cause, and will be given a hear- ing within ten days, before an investigating committee as now constituted. They may be represented before such committee by an employe of their own selection. When an employe has been suspended or discharged, and, upon investigation, is found not guilty of the charge preferred, he will be reinstated with the consent of the division superintend- ent and the local chairman of the division upon which he is employed, and paid at his regular rate for time lost. (b> In the event a difference cannot be satisfactorily adjusted with the superintend- ent, the employe will have the right of appeal. If an appeal is taken it must be in writing, and within thirty days. ARTICLE V. For attending court as a witness for this company, employes covered by this agree- ment will be paid their regular wages: the company will furnish transportation and al- low reasonable expenses for board and lodg- ing while away from their homes; the com- pany will be entitled to certificates for wit- ness fee in such cases. ARTICLE VI. (a) At offices where one telegraph or tele- phone operator is employed, nine consecutive hours, commencing between six-thirty (6:.30j and eight-thirty (8:30) a. m., or p. m.. in- cluding meal hour, shall constitute a day's work. (b) At offices where two or more telegraph or telephone operators are employed.^ eight consecutive hours shall constitute a' day's work. (c> The rate of pay for overtime will be forty (40j cents per hour, or pro rata rate where that is higher. (6) Doubling will be paid for at regular overtime rates. Service performed at acci- dents, washouts, or temporary offices, will be paid for at regular overtime rates, time to be computed from the time they are called to report until they return. Ce) "V^Tien employes, as per Article I, are taken from their regular position to work extra, they will be allowed one dollar ($1.00) per day for expenses in addition to the regular pay of the position at which they may be doing extra work. (f) In computing overtime, less than thirty (30) minutes will not be counted; thirty (30) minutes or over and less than sixty (60) iuinutes will be counted as one hour. (g) Employes will be notified by the com- pany, without delay, when claims for over- time, or for compensation on any other ac- count, are not allowed. (h) Article VI does not apply to exclusive station agents. ARTICLE VII. (a) "SVhen employes covered by this agree- ment are required to remain on duty after regular hours to perform any service re- Quired by the company, they will be paid therefor at overtime rates. This does not. apply to exclusive station agents. (b) When employes covered by this agree- ment are required to report at a specified time after regular hours, 'they wiU be allowed an emergency call therefor, as per next suc- ceeding paragraph. (c) For emergency call after being re- leased for the night, seventy-five (75) cents will be paid for the call and first hour, and pay thereafter at overtime rates. ARTICLE VIII. (a) When an employe is temporarily transferred to a position paying a lower rate of wages than his regular assignment, he will be paid at the rate of his regular wages; when transferred to a position paying a higher rate of wages, he will be paid at the rate of wages applying to such position. (b) Employes, as per Article I, moving imder orders, or by the approval of the proper officer, will be furnished free trans- portation for themselves, families and ef- fects, and will be allowed regular pay while in transit and making such transfer; rate of pay to be based on position from which transfer is made. ARTICLE IX. (a)" Leave of absence and free transporta- tion, in accordance with the general regu- lations of the company, will be granted; provided, however, that employes who have been in the service of the company for one year or more, will, if conditions permit, the company to be the judge, be granted leave of absence for ninety days upon request, and at the end of that time, or before, may resume their regular positions. Not more than one such leave of absence shall be given in any consecutive period of two years. (b) Employes who have been in continuous service of the company for a period of two or more years, who are required to perform any Sunday or legal holiday service, and v.^ho have a regular assignment, will be granted fifteen (15) days' vacation each year without los.s of pay. Employes entitled to vacation as above and who have been put back on extra list through no fault of then- own, will receive their vacation. ARTICLE X. Telegraph and telephone operators will be allowed one hour for meals between 11:30 p. m. and 1:30 a. m., and 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. If not relieved for meals, one hour overtime will be allowed therefor. This not to apply to telegraph or telephone oper- ators working less than nine hours. ARTICLE XI. Employes covered by this agreement will not be required to handle switch larnps. ARTICLE XII. Trading of positions will not be permitted without the consent of the local cha'rman and the approval of the superintendent. ARTICLE XIII. All telegraph and telephone operators will be excused from Sunday duty as far as pos- sible and no deduction will be made from their pay on that account. 530 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE XIV. Employes covered by this agreement will not be required to clean main or local bat- teries where ten or more cells are used, nor will they be required to scrub floors or clean windows. ARTICLE XV. Employes promoted to train dispatchers or other olflcial positions will retain their sen- iority, as per Article II. ARTICLE XVI. Employes, as per Article I, will not be required to employ necessary help at their own expense. ARTICLE XVII. Employes, as per Article I, serving as gen- eral chairman, local chairman and general committeemen will be relieved promptly on request and granted such leave of absence as may be necessary to enable them to handle their business. ARTICLE XVIII. This agreement will not change any rate in effect or commission paid by other com- panies. ARTICLE XIX. (a) Trick train dispatchers will be in line of promotion, their seniority as trick train dispatchers to date from the time assigned to a regular trick. The oldest dispatcher in the service will be given preference in the assignment of tricks on their respective divi- sions as vacancies occur, or when forces are reduced, qualifications to govern. (Note. — Employes already in the service will be given preference in filling train dis- patchers' positions, when, in the judgment of the superintendent, they are equal in merit.' capacity and qualifications to other applicants.) (b) Eight (8) consecutive hours, with nec- essary time for making transfers, will con- stitute a day's work for trick train dis- patchers, except on districts where less than three trick train dispatchers are employed nine (9) consecutive hours, with necessary time for making transfers, will constitute a day's work. (Note. — This not to be construed to extend the hours from eight (8) to nine (9), except where this practice has heretofore existed.) (c) "When regular assigned trick train dis- patchers are required to go over their dis- tricts, or attend court on behalf of the com- pany, they will receive regular pay and actual expenses. (d) Trick train dispatchers will not be suspended or discharged from the service of the company without just cause, and will be given a hearing within ten days before an investigating committee as now constituted. They may be represented before such com- mittee by an employe of their own selection. When a dispatcher has been suspended or discharged, and, upon investigation, is found not guilty of the charge preferred, he will be reinstated with the consent of the division superintendent and the local chairman of the division vipon which he is employed, and paid at his regular rate for time lost. (e) In the event a difference cannot be satisfactorily adjusted with the superintend- ent, the dispatcher will have the right of appeal. If an appeal Is taken it must be in writing, and within thirty days. (f) Leave of absence and free transporta- tion, in accordance with the general regula- tions of the company, will be granted; pro- vided, however, that dispatchers who have been in the service of the company for one year or more, will, if conditions permit, the company to be the judge, be granted, leave of absence for ninety days upon request and at the end of that time, or before, may resume their regular positions. Not more than one such leave of absence shall be given in any consecutive period of two years. (g) Trick train dispatchers who have been in continuous service of the company for a period of two or more years, who are re- quired to perform any Sunday or legal holi- day service, and who have a regular assign- ment, will be granted fifteen (15) days' vaca- tion each year without loss of pay. Dispatchers entitled to vacation as above and who have been put back on extra list through no fault of their own, will receive their vacation. (h) Train dispatchers required to work longer than their regxilar hours will be paid overtime pro rata. ARTICLE XX. There will be no change in the foregoing articles and rates of pay until after thirty days' notice has been given by either party. L. C. FRITCH, General Manager. D. MAT. Chairman Telegraphers' Committee. WAGE SCALE. VIRGINIA DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Norfolk (GO), manager $139.00 Assistant manager 123.00 First operator 100.00 Second operator •. 100.00 Third operator 100.00 Fourth operator 100.00 Fifth operator 100.00 Sixth operator 100.00 Seventh operator. 100.00 Portsmouth (CD), manager. 105.00 Operator ticket agent 83.00 Yard, first operator 90.00 Second operator 83.00 Third operator 83.00 Bowers Hill, agent operator 78.00 Suffolk (joint), first operator 54.67 Second operator 50.67 Third operator 37.50 Kilby (joint), agent operator 50.00 Purvis, agent operator 77.00 Carrsville, agent operator 77.00 Franklin, clerk operator 80.00 Handsom, agent operator 80.00 Newsom, agent operator 86.00 Boy kins, agent operator 100.00 Second operator 75.00 Branchville, agent operator 89.00 Margaret, agent operator 80.00 Seaboard, agent operator 91.00 Gumberry (joint), agent operator 47.00 Garj'sburg, agent 60.00 Schedules and "Wage Scales'. 531 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Weldon, agent $105.00 First operator 80.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Conway, agent operator 70.00 Severn, agent 52.00 Poteeasi, agent operator 68.00 Woodland, agent 52.00" Rich Square, agent operator 75.00 Roxobel, agent operator 67.00 Kelford, agent operator 45.00 Lewiston, agent operator 81.00 Roanolie Jet., agent operator 100.00 Clerk operator 77.00 Thelma, agent operator 92.00 Littleton, agent 100.00 First operator 77.00 Second operator 75.00 Vaughn, agent operator 92.00 Macon, agent operator 90.00 Warren Plains, agent operator 92.00 Clerk operator 62.00 Creedmoor, agent operator 81.00 Durham, clerk operator 80.00 Oxford, agent operator 100.00 Louisburg, agent operator 110.00 Hermitage, first operator 83.00 Second operator 83.00 Third operator 83.00 Richmond, B St., first operator 83.00 Second operator 83.00 Third operator 83.00 Ticket Office, operator 83.00 Rocketts Jet., first operator 77.00 Second operator 77.00 Third operator 77.00 South Richmond, agent 105.00 Chester, agent operator 80.00 Petersburg, first operator 86.00 Second operator 86.00 Third operator 86.00 Burges, agent operator 77.00 Dinwiddle, ageiit operator 80.00 Butterworth, agent 83.00 DeWitt, agent operator 80.00 McKenney, agent operator 85.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Kress, agent. 74.00 Alberta (joint), agent 47.00 First operator 38.50 Second operator 38.50 Third operator 38.50 Warfield, agent operator 80.00 Cochran, agent operator 80.00 Grandy, agent operator 80.00 Skelton, agent operator 80.00 LaCrosse, agent operator 83.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Bracey, agent operator 80.00 Paschall, agent operator 80.00 Wise, agent 45.00 Norlina, agent 105.00 First operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Ridgeway, agent operator 82.00 Manson. agent 66.00 Middleburg, agent operator 80.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Greystone, agent operator 78.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Henderson, first operator $ 82.00 Second operator 82.00 Third operator 82.00 Kittrel), agent operator '. . . . 83.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Franklinton, agent 100.00 First operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Youngville, agent operator 89.00 Clerk operator 77.00 Wake Forrest, agent 97.00 First operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Neuse, agent operator. 83.00 Millbrook, agent operator 77.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Raleigh, J St., first operator 90.00 Second opera ^or 90.00 Third opern • 90.00 Raleigh, first op or 98.00 Second operat 92.00 Third operator. . 92.00 Fourth operator 92.00 Clerk operator 104.00 First trick dispatcher 160.00 Second trick dispatcher 160.00 Third trick dispatcher 160.00 Fourth trick dispatcher 160.00 Fifth trick dispatcher 160.00 Fifth trick dispatcher 160.00 Block, first operator 80.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Method, first operator $ 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Fetner. first operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Cary, agent 85.00 Apex, agent 97.00 First operator 78.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 78.00 New Hill, agent operator 83.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Merry Oaks, agent operator 84.00 Moncure, agent operator 86.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Pittsboro, agent operator 82.00 Colon, agent operator 86.00 Sanford, agent 105.00 First operator 80.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 78.00 Lemon Springs, agent operator 79.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Cameron, agent 88.00 First operator 79.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 75.00 532 SCHEDUIvES AND WaGE ScALES. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Vass, agent operator $ 83.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Southern Pines, agent 77.00 First operator 82.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 78.00 Aberdeen, agent 102.00 First operator 78.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 78.00 Keyser, agent operator 79.00 Second operator 75.00 Hoffman, agent operator 82.00 Second operator 75.00 Marston, agent operator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Hamlet (HY), first operator 87.00 Second operator 87.00 Third operator 87.00 (H^ manager 100.00 First operator 93.00 Second operator 93.00 Third operator 93.00 Fourth operator '. . 93.00 First trick dispatcher 160.00 Second trick dispatcher 160.00 Third trick dispatcher 160.00 Fourth trick dispatcher 160.00 Fifth trick dispatcher 160.00 Sixth trick dispatcher 160.00 Clerk, operator 90.00 Agent 100.00 Osborne, agent operator 75.00 Kollocks, agent operator 84.00 Cheraw, agent 124.00 First operator 82.00 Second operator 78.00 Patrick, agent operator 77.00 Middendorf, agent operator 77.00 xVIcBee, agent 105.00 First opecator 75.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Bethune, agent operator 79.00 Cassatt, agent operator 77.00 Camden, agent 110.00 Camden, first operator 85.00 Second operatoi- 79.00 Third operator ■. 79.00 Lugoff, agent operator 78.00 Blaney, agent operator 77.00 Cohn-nbia, first operator 92.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator : 85.00 Cayce, first operator 83.00 Second operator 83.00 Third operator. 83.00 Hilton, first operator 78.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator , 78.00 Navassa, first operator 79.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator. . . ; 75.00 Acme, agent operator 84.00 Council, agent operator 78.00 Clarkton, agent operator 84.00 Blandenbcro, agent operator 84.00 Lu'mberton, agent 110.00 First operator 77.00 Second operator 77.00 Laurinburg, agent 105.00 First operator 77.00 , Rato per Station and Position. ' Month. Maxton, agent. $ 70.00 First operator 76.00 Laurel Hiil, agent operator 79.00 Rockingham, agent 110.00 First operator 79.00 Second operator 79.00 Pee Dee, agent operator 80.00 Second operator 76.00 Third operator 76.00 Lilesville, agent operator 84.00 Second operator 77.00 Wadesboro, agent 105.00 First operator 80.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Polkton, agent operatoi- 84.00 Second operator 76.00 Peachland, agent operator 81.00 Second operator 75.00 Marshville, agent operator 88.00 Second operator 77.00 Third operator 77.00 Wingate, agent operator 81.00 Second operator 75.00 Monroe, day opr. ticket agent 90.00 Night operator ticket agent 81.00 Third operator 81.00 Matthews, agent operator 80.00 Charlotte, first operator -. . 89.00 Second operator 82.00 Third operator 82.00 Mount Holly, agent operator 84.00 Stanley, agent operator 80.00 Lincolnton, agent 110.00 Clerk operator 77.00 Cherryville, agent operator 82.00 Shelby, agent operator 105.00 Clerk operator 77.00 Lattimore, agent operator 61.00 Ellenboro, agent operator 85.00 Caroleen, agent operator 95.00 Clerk operator 73.00 Bostic, agent operator 100.00 (YD>, first operator 77.00 Second operator 77.00 Rutherfordton, agent operator 83.00 EAST CAROLINA DIVISION. Rato per Station and P'osition. Month. Gibson, agent operator 96.00 Gibson, agent operator ' $ 96.00 Clerk operator 70.00 Clio, agent operator 110.00 Little Rock, agent operator .75.00 Dillon, clerk operator 75.00 Mullins, agent operator 110.00 Smithboro, clerk operator 70.00 Eulonia, agent operator 70.00 Poston, agent operator 80.00 .Second operator . 75.00 Third operator 75.00 Johnsonville, agent operator 75.00 Hemingway, agent operator 73.00 Henry, agent operator 70.00 Nesmith, agent operator 70.00 Andrews, agent operator 105.00 First operator 77.00 Second operator 77.00 Third operator 77.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 533 Rato per Station and Fosition. Month. Charleston, clerk operator 3 80.00 Clerk operator 80.00 First trick dispatcher 160.00 Second trick dispatcher 160.00 Third trick dispatcher 160.00 Georgetown, agent operator 135.00 Pamplico, agent _ operator 85.00 Florence, clerk operator 75.00 Darlington, agent operator 110.00 Hartsville, clerk operator 75.00 Lydia, agent operator ;.... 70.00 Bishopville, agent operator 105.00 Sumter, agent operator 118.50 Lamar, agent operator 80.00 Timmonsville, agent operator 125.00 Pine Grove, agent operator 70.00 Stokes, clerk operator 70.00 Meggetts, agent operator 90.00 Lobeco, agent operator 70.00 Clerk operator 70.00 • Pritchard, agent operator 70.00 GEORGL^ DIVISION. Rato per Station and Position. Month. Waxhaw, agent operator $100.00 Catawba, agent operator 85.00 Second operator 70.00 Third operator 70.00 Port Lawn, agent operator 75.00 Great Falls, agent operator 80.00 Edgemoor, agent operator 85.00 Chester, agent 115.00 operator 85.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Pride (joint), agent operator 50.00 Carlisle, agent operator 80.00 Whitmire, agent operator 100.00 Clerk operator : 77.00 Clinton, first operator 85.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Mouritville, agent operator 80.00 Cross Hill, agent operator 100.00 Greenwood, first operator 90.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Abbeville, agent 115.00 First operator 73.00 Second operator 68.00 Shops, first operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Calhoun Falls, agent operator 88.00 Heardmont, agent operator 74.00 Middleton, agent operator 74.00 Elberton, first operator 88.00 Second operator ' 80.00 Third operator ' 80.00 Oglesby, agent operator 72.00 Berkelej', agent operator 100.00 Comer, agent operator 100.00 Second operator 70.00 Colbert, agent operator 80.00 Hull, agent 36.00 Athens, first operator 82.00 Second operator 82.00 Third operator 82.00 Bogart, agent operator 75.00 Statham, agent operator 85.00 Rato per Staiion and Position. Month. Winder, agent $11.1.00 First operator 83.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Auburn, agent operator 75.00 Dacula, agent operator 75.00 Lawrenceville, agent 100.00 First operator 80.00 Second operator 78.00 Third operator 70.00 Loganville, agent operator 73.00 CJrayson, agent operator 45.00 G'oster, agent operator 73.00 Lilburn, agent operator 73.00 Tucker, agent operator 73.00 Howell, first operator 90.00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator 90.00 Atlanta (DI), first trick dispatcher... 160.00 Second trick dispatcher 160.00 Third trick dispatcher 160.00 Fourth trick dispatcher 160.00 Fifth trick dispatcher 160.00 Sixth trick dispatcher 160.00 (A), clerk operator 105.00 P^irst operator 93.00 Second operator 93.00 Third operator 93.00 Fourth operator 90.00 Floyd, agent 33.00 Night operator 70.00 Hiram, agent 33.00 Dallas, agent operator 85.00 Hanlin, agent operator 75.00 Rockinart, agent 105.00 Rockmart, first operator Si.OO Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 Fish, agent operator 75.00 Aragon, agent operator 80.00 Powder Springs, agent operator 75.00 Cedartown, first operator 80.00 Second operator 75.00 Third operator 70.00 Esom, agent operator 75.00 Borden Springs, agent operator 75.00 Piedmont, agent operator 100.00 Second operator 70.00 Third operator 70.00 Tredegar, agent operator 7.'i.0'» Wellington (joint), agent 53.00 ■First operator 42.00 Second operator 42.00 Third operator 42.00 Ohatchie, agent operator 80.00 Ragland, agent operator 100.00 Second operator 70.00 Coal City, agent operator 105.00 Second operator 70.00 Third operator 70.00 Odenville, agent operator 80.00 Sanie, agent operator 80.00 Alton, agent operator 80.00 Birmingham, first operator SO. 00 Second operator 90.00 Third operator " 90.00 Cartersville, agent operator 105.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Stilesboro, agent operator 70.00 Taylonsville, agent operator 70.00 Pell City, agent operator 100.00 Jacksonville, agent operator 80.00 Irondale, agent operator 68.00 534 Schedules and Wage Scales. SOUTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Rate per Station ancl Position. Month. Swansea, agent operator $ 87.00 Woodford, agent operator 75.00 North, agent operator 100.00 Clerk operator 50.00 Livlngton, agent operator 70.00 Neeces, agent operator 75.00 Noi-way, agent operator 92.00 Denmark, agent operator 100.00 Olar, agent operator 86.00 Ulmers, agent operator 77.00 Sycamore, agent operator 71.00 Fairfax (joint), agent 52.50 First operator 44.00 Second operator 40.50 Third operator 40.50 Estill, agent operator 100.00 Clerk operator 71.00 Scotia, agent operator 71.00 Garnett, agent operator 75.00 Clyo, agent operator 75.00 Rincon, agent operator 73.00 Ways, agent operator 77.00 Rlcehoro, agent operator 80.00 Warsaw (joint), agent operator 44.00 Townsend, agent operator 73.00 Thalman (joint), first operator 40.00 Second operator 40.00 Third operator 40.00 White Oak, agent operator 73.00 Woodbine, agent operator 85.00 Kingsland, agent operator 80.00 Yulee, agent operator 85.00 Second operator 80.00 Third operator 80.00 F. & J. Junction, operator.. 85.00 Jacksonville, first trick dispatcher.... 160.00 .Second trick dispatcher 160.00 Third trick dispatcher 160.00 Fourth trick dispatcher 160.00 Fifth trick dispatcher 160.00 Clerk operator 100.00 (JA), manager 121.00 First operator 101.00 Second operator 100.00 Third operator 100.00 West Jacksonville, first operator 94.00 Second operator '. 94.00 Third operator 94.00 Baldwin, agent 94.00 First operator 86.00 Second operator '. 86.00 Third operator 86.00 McClenney, agent operator 90.00 Glen St. Mary, agent operator 72.00 Sanderson, agent operator 84.00 Olustee, agent operator 77.00 Watertown, agent operator 95.00 Lake City, agent 115.00 (Joint), ticket agent and operator.. 50.00 Ticket agent and operator 45.00 Welborn. agent operator 87.00 Houston, agent operator 75.00 Live Oak, ticket agent and operator. . 90.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Ellaville, ageft operator 85.00 Falmouth, agent operator 68.00 Lee, agent operator 75.00 Madison, agent 107.00 First operator 83.00 Second operator 78.00 Greenville, agent operator 102.00 Aucilla, agent operator 70.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Drlfton, agent operator $ 77.00 Monticello, agent operator 112.00 Lloyds, agent operator 77.00 Capitola (joint), agent operator 39.50 Chairs, agent 40.00 Tallahassee, first operator. . . . , 80.00 Second operator 80.00 Midway, agent operator 70.00 Quincy. agent 112.00 First operator 80.00 Second operator 80.00 Gretna, agent operator 70.00 ALABAMA DIVISION. Rato per Station and Position. Month. Savannah, first trick dispatcher $160.00 Second trick dispatcher 160.00 Third trick dispatcher 160.00 (SA), first operator 100.00' Second operator 96.00 Third operator 96.00 (Yard), first operator 92.00 Second operator. 92.00 Third operator 90.00 Fllabelle, agent operator 68.00 Lanier, agent operator ^.. 76.00 Pembroke, agent operator 83.00 Groveland, agent operator 72.00 Daisy, agent operator 72.00 Claxton, agent operator 90.00 Hagan, agent operator 75.00 Bellville, agent operator 72.00 Collins, agent 105.00 First operator. . ■. 84.00 Second operator 75.00 Lyons, agent operator 90.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Vldalia, agent 120.00 Ticket agent operator 98.00 Clerk operator 85.00 Clerk operator 85.00 Ailey, agent operator 80.00 Glenwood, agent operator 80.00 Alamo, agent operator 80.00 Helena, agent operator ' 11". 00 Milan, agent operator 81.00 Rhine, agent operator 76.00 Abbeville, agent 105.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator 80.00 Rbchelle, agent operator 95.00 Pitts, agent operator 95.00 Seville, agent operator 70.00 Cordele, agent 120.00 Leslie, agent operator 80.00 Cobb, agent operator 70.00 Huntington, agent operator 68.00 Americus (Shops), first operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Plains, agent operator 90.00 Preston, agent operator 70.00 Richland, agent. 95.00 Ticket agent operator 87.00 Clerk operator 85.00 liUmpkin, agent operator 90 00 Louvale, agent operator 68.00 Union, agent operator 68.00 Omaha, agent operator 75.00 Pittsview, agent operator 75.00 Hurtsboro, agent operator 90,00 Schedules and Wage Scales. — 535 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Rutherford, agent operator $ 68.00 Hannon, agent operator 68.00 Fort Davis (joint), agent operator... 69.00 Sledges, agent operator 69.00 Montgomery, clerlt operator 90.00 Yard, first operator 95.00 Second operator 90.00 Columbus, clerk operator 90.00 Cusseta, agent operator 69.00 Weston, agent operator 69.00 Parrott, agent operator 76.00 Dawson, agent 115.00 Clerk operator 85.00 Sasser, agent operator 75.00 Fitzgerald, agent operator 115.00 Ocilla, agent operator 90.00 FLORIDA DIVISION. Rate per Station and FC'sition. Month. Tampa, first trick dispatcher $160.00 Second trick dispatcher 160.00 Third trick dispatcher 160.00 Clerk operator 105.00 First operator 105.00 Second operator 100.00 Limonia, agent operator 60.00 Brandon, agent operator. 75.00 Oliphant, agent operator 87.00 Plant City (joint), ticket agt. and opr. 54.00 First operator 42.00 Second operator 47.00 Zephyrhill, agent operator 81.00 Dade City, agent operator 90.00 Rerdell, agent operator 70.00 Bushnell, agent operator 88.00 Panaisoffkee, agent operator 65.00 Coleman, agent operator 86.00 Wildwood, agent 122.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 85.00 Oxford, agent operator 80.00 Summerfield, agent operator 80.00 Belleview, agent operator 75.00 Ocala, agent 132.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Third operator 89.00 Anthony, agent operator 84.00 Citra, agent operator 84.00 Hawthorne, agent operator 82.00 Campville, agent operator 74.00 Waldo, agent 122.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Hampton (joint) agent operator $ 53.00 (^lerk operator 42.00 Starke, agent 122.00 First operator 85.00 Second operator 85.00 Lawtey, agent operator 84.00 Highland, agent operator 77.00 Crawford (joint), agent operator 43.00 Callahan, agent operator 83.00 Farnandina, ticket agent and operator 95.00 Boyette, agent operator 72.00 Wimauma, agent operator 78.00 Parrish, agent operator 80.00 Ellenton, agent operator 73.00 Terra Ceia, agent 60.00 Palmetto, agent operator 110.00 Manatee, agent operator 100.00 Bradentown, agent operator 110.00 Clerk operator 84.00 Oneco, agent operator 65.00 Sarasota, agent operator 115.00 Clerk operator 84.00 Mulberry, agent operator 87.00 Bartow, agent operator 115.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Lake Wales, agent operator 78.00 Leesburg, agent operator 110.00 Clerk operator 75.00 Eldorado, agent 50.00 Tavares, agent operator 92.00 Clerk operator 75.00 Zellwood, agent operator 75.00 Plymouth, agent operator 60.00 Apopka, agent operator 84.00 Orlando, agent 125.00 Clerk operator 75.00 Oviedo, agent operator 60.00 Gainesville, clerk operator 89.00 Archer, agent operator 95.00 Meredith, agent operator 72.00 Otter Creek, agent operator 75.00 Bronson, agent operator 7' Time shall be computed from time of leaving starting point until return thereto, except when relieved for rest or assigned to service elsewhere. ARTICLE V. (a) When practicable, telegraphers, ex- cepting those performing duties of lever- men, shall be allowed one hour for meals between 11:30 and 1:30, day and night; when not allowed the meal .hour between 11:30 and 1:30, day and night, they shall be paid therefor, and thirty minutes shall be allowed for lunch, at first opportunity. (b> On eight-hour tricks no allowance will be made for meals. ARTICLE VI. Telegraphers required to care for switch lamps shall be paid 50 cents per lamp per month. ARTICLE VII. Telegraphers instructed to attend court on business of these or other railroad or telegraph companies or investigations in which they are not involved, shall be paid (salary and commission) for time lost, and if away from home station, shall be allowed neces.sary expenses. The companies will be entitled to their mileage and witness fees. ARTICLE VIII. Telegraphers will be excused from Sun- day work as far as work will permit. At stations where the agent is also the teleg- rapher and where no other telegraphers are employed, agent will not be required to work to exceed six hours in the aggregate on Sunday. If required, by competent authority, to work more than six hours, overtime at regvilar rate will be allowed, as per Article III (a). ARTICLE IX. Service certificates and letters of recom- mendation taken up for investigation shall be returned to telegrapher within sixty days. ARTICLE X. (a) When a change causes telegrapher to move, he will be furnished transporta- tion for himself, family and household goods, when not in violation of the law. (b) Telegraphers transferred by the company, or to accept bulletined positions, will be allowed regular pay while in transit and in making such transfers; rate of pay to be based on position vacated. 544 Schedules and Wage Scales. (c> A regularly assigned telegrapher re- quired by the company to perform relief work shall be paid for each calendar day lost making the transfer, and performing relief work, at the rate applicable to his regular position, and, in addition, $1.00 per calendar day shall be allowed for expenses while away from his home station. (d) A regularly assigned telegrapher re- turning to dvity from leave of absence who gives five days' advance notice to his super- intendent as to date he will be ready to resume duty, shall, if transfer is delayed, be reimbursed at rate applicable to his regular position for each calendar day in excess of live, from the date fixed. (e) A telegrapher who vacates a position will not be permitted to apply for that vacancy until it has been assigned under bulletin and again vacated. ARTICLE XI. (a) Competency and fitness for position and seniority will govern in promotion of telegraphers. (b) Superintendent or, in case of teleg- raphers on pay-roll of superintendent of telegraph, superintendent of telegraph shall be the judge as to competency and fitness. If a telegrapher assigned to a po- sition is, in the judgment of superintendent or superintendent of telegraph, unable to satisfactorily fill such position, he will, if otherwise qualified, be placed on extra list and will retain his seniority. (c) Telegraphers desiring positions in relay ofHces will file applications for saine with superintendent of telegraph, and these applications will be considered as vacancies occur or additions are made to the force. (d) Telegraphers shall have seniority on the division to which assigned at time of employment, and seniority shall be as of the date of employment; a telegrapher declin- ing promotion shall not lose his seniority. (e) St. Loviis Sovithwestern Railway, in- cluding leased, operated and independent lines, and St. Louis Southwestern Railway of Texas, including leased, operated and in- dependent lines, each comprise one divi- sion, except that relay offices on pay-roll of superintendent of telegraph are common to and a part of both divisions. (f) A telegrapher promoted or trans- ferred to position of train dispatcher, man- ager, any position in station service, travel- ing auditor in station service, chief clerk- ship in general offices and in superin- tendents' offices, or to any official position in the service of these companies, or a telegrapher employe of these companies elected to represent employes, will retain his seniority as telegrapher as earned of that date. (This not to be retroactive.) (g) Permanent vacancies and permanent new positions shall be promptly bulletined to all offices on the division, and in relay offices on pay-roll of superintendent of telegi-aph, shall be pi-omptly bulletined to all offices on both divisions: and the senior telegrapher making' written application within live days from date of bulletin will be assigned if. in the judgment of superin- tendent or superintendent of telegraph, he is competent. An agent at a regnlar tele- graph station to whom the duties of teleg- rapher are assigned or withdrawn, will not be disturbed in his position by reason of such changed duties. (h) In the reduction of force at an office where two or more telegraphers are em- ployed, the junior telegrapher in that office will be displaced and the lowest salary abolished, and in increasing the force at such office, same will be filled as per section "g" of this article. A telegrapher displaced in reduction of force may displace the junior regula.rly assigned telegrapher on a division, provided his seniority will permit, or be placed on extra list, and will retain his seniority; except that a telegrapher re- leased from temporary new position or special service, may return to the position which he vacated to accept svich service. (i) Trading positions will not be per- mitted. (j; In January and July of each year seniority lists of telegraphers will be furnished by superintendent and superin- tendent of telegraph to general chairman of employes' committee. ARTICLE XII. (a) Telegraphers shall not be discharged or otherwise disciplined except for just cause. (b) Should a telegrapher who has been discharged or otherwise disciplined, con- sider such action or other treatment un- just, he may within five days after such action or other treatment, individually or through telegraphers who are employes of these companies, appeal in writing to superintendent, except that telegraphers on pay-roll of superintendent of telegraph may appeal in writing to superintendent of telegraph. If not satisfied with decision of superintendent or superintendent of tele- graph, the telegrapher may, within five days after such decision, appeal in writing to general manager, whose decision will be made within reasonable time. (c) If appeal is made, telegrapher shall be given a fair and impartial hearing, at which he or telegraphers in the employ of these companies, representing him. or both, may be present. (d) A telegrapher suspended from the service, pending investigation, ,or who has made a written complaint of unjust treat- ment, .shall be given a hearing and decision within ten days. (e) If telegrapher is found to be without fault, he shall be reinstated and be paid for time lost. ARTICLE XIII. Telegraphers leaving the service shall, on request, be given a service certificate stat- ing time of service and capacity in which employed. ARTICLE XIV. Telegiaphers employed at stations will be uiuler the immediate control of the agent, and shall perform such duties pertaining to tiie work of the .station as may be re- fiui'j-ed. ARTICLE XV. Tvlegraphers will not be required to clean main or local batteries at stations where more than twelve cells are used: and will not be required to scrub offices, waiting looms or outlniildings. but will be required |o see that t.hey are kept clean. Schedules and Wage Scales. 545 ARTICLE XVI. At stations where more than one teleg- rapher is employed, the day or first trick tele&rapher will be manager of the tele- graph oflfice, except where other arrange- ment is made by superintendent of tele- graph. ARTICLE XVII. There shall be no discrimination against a telegrapher on account of his being a member of a railway labor organization or on account of his serving on telegraphers' fommittee. ARTICLE XVIII. WAGE SCALE. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. St. Ix)uis (GO), operator $102.50 Illmo (SO), two operators 97.50 Operator 92.50 Fornfelt, three clerk operators 70.00 Rockview, three levermen operpctors.. 70.00 Mesler, operator 70.P0 Ardeola, agent operator 72.50 Avert, operator 70.00 Zeta, agent operator 72.50 Idalia, agent operator 80.00 Dexter Jet., three clerk operators.... 72.50 Dexter, agent 110.00 Cashier operator 82.50 Bernie, agent operator 70.00 Maiden, agent ; 125.00 Clerk operator 80.00 Clerk operator 75.00 Clerk operator 72.50 Parma, agent 80.00 Clerk operator 70.00 Lilbourn, agent operator 85.00 Clerk operator 70.00 New Madrid, cashier operator 82.50 LaForge, agent operator 70.00 E.ast Prairie, agent operator 70.00 Wyatt, agent operator 67.50 Birds Point, cashier operator 72.50 Campbell, agent 105.00 Clerk operator 75.00 St. Francis, agent operator 72.50 Clerk operator 72.50 Clerk operator 70.00 Piggott, agent 60.00 Clerk operator 72.50 Greenway, agent operator 65.00 Rector, agent operator 60.00 Clerk operator 72.50 Clerk operator 70.00 ]\Iarmaduke. agent operator 60.00 Clerk operator 72,50 Paragould, clerk operator 82.50 Clerk operator 75.00 Cierk operator 72.50 Cardwell, agent operator 60.00 Arbyrd, agent operator 67.50 Hollywood, agent operator. 67.00 Hornersville, agent 55.00 Cashier operator 70.00 Blytheville, agent operator 120.00 Brookland, agent operator 60.00 .Tonesboro, three operators 82.50 Otwell, operator 70.00 Weiner, agent operatpr 70.00 Fisher, agent operator 62.50 Hickory Ridge, agent operator 67.50 Tilton, agent operator 67.50 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Fair Oaks, agent operator $90.00 Two clerk operators 75.00 Hunter, agent operator 75.00 Clerk operator 70.00 Fargo, agent operator 70.00 Brinkley, agent 80.00 Clarendon, agent 125.00 Three clerk operators 72.50 Roe, agent operator ■ 65.00 Stuttgart, clerk operator 75.00 Two clerk operators 72.50 Almyra, agent operator 65.00 DeWitt, agent 55.00 Clerk operator 70.00 Gillett, agent operator -60.00 Fairmount, agent operator 70.00 LaGrue, agent operator 70.00 Coy, agent operator 70.00 England, agent 55.00 Clerk operator 75.00 Keo, agent operator 65.00 Scotts, agent operator 67.50 Argenta (AY), clerk operator 77.50 (GN), clerk operator 82.50 Humphreys, agent operator 67.50 Wabbaseka, clerk operator 70.00 Altheimer, agent 85.00 Clerk operator 72.50 Sherrill, agent operator 70.00 Rob Roy, agent operator 82.50 Pine Bluff (CB), five operators 102.50 (FD), clerk operator '. 80.00 Kedron, operator 70.00 Rison. agent operator 70.00 Kingsland, agent operator 65.00 Fordyce, agent 70.00 Three clerk operators 72.50 Thornton, agent operator 60.00 Bearden, agent operator 85.00 Millville, agent operator.... 55.00 Eagle Mills, agent operator 65.00 Kent, operator 70.00 Camden, clerk operator 80.00 Two clerk operators 75.00 Buena Vista, agent operator 65.00 Stephens, agent operator 67.50 Milner, operator 70.00 McNeil, agent operator 85.00 Waldo, agent operator 85.00 Buckner, agent operator 67.50 Stamps, agent 60.00 Clerk operator 72.50 Lewisville. agent operator 70.00 Two clerk operators 72.50 Bradley, agent operator 65.00 Plain Dealing, agent operator 60.00 Benton, agent operator 65.00 Shreveport, three clerk operators 75.00 Garland City, agent operator 65.00 Texarkana, three operators 82.50 Redwater, agent operator 70.00 Maud, agent operator 65.00 Corley, clerk operator 70.00 Bassetts, agent operator 70.00 Naples, agent operator 60.00 Omaha, agent operator 65.00 Clerk operator 70.00 Cookville, agent operator 65.00 Mt. Pleasant, agent 135.00 Manager operator 100.00 Two operators 90.00 Winfield, agent operator 60.00 Mt. Vernon, agent 60.00 Clerk operator 70.00 546 and Wage Scales. \ Rato Per Station and Position. Month. Saltillo, agent operator $ 60.00 Weaver, clerk operator 70.00 Sulphur Springs, agent 125.00 Clerk operator 72.50 Commerce, three operators 80.00 Wolfe City, agent 110.00 Cashier operator 80.00 Whitewright, agent operator 75.00 Tom Bean, agent 'operator 65.00 Sherman, clerk operator 77.50 Greenville, clerk operator 80.00 Clerk operator 77.50 Clerk operator 75.00 Josephine, agent operator 65.00 Nevada, agent operator 78.00 Wylie, agent operator 100.00 Piano, agent 115.00 Cashier operator 80.00 Addi.son, agent operator 75.00 Dallas (DVJ. operator 82.50 (FTj. clerk operator 75.00 Carrollton, agent 90.00 Grapevine, agent operator '. 75.00 North Ft. Worth, two clerk operators. 80.00 Fort Worth (YD), clerk operator 77.50 (FD). clerk operator 82.50 Pittsburg, agent 125.00 Cashier operator 85.00 Clerk operator 72.50 Bettie, agent operator 62.50 Gilmer, agent 125.00 Cashier operator. . .' 85.00 Clerk operator 72.50 Clerk operator 75.00 Winona, agent operator 65.00 Tyler (QN^ three operators 85.00 (CG), three operators 102.50 Flint, agent operator 65.00 Bullard. agent operator 60.00 Mt. Selman. agent operator 62.50 Jacksonville, cashier operator 85.00 Craft, agent operator 67.50 Dialville. agent operator 60.00 Rusk, agent 120.00 Cashier operator 80.00 -Alto, agent 60.00 Clerk operator 75.00 Wells, agent operator 78.00 Liifkin, clerk operator 77.50 Clerk operator 75.00 Huntington, agent operator 77.50 Broaddus, agent operator 67.50 Ratcliff, agent operator 75.00 Chandler, agent operator 62.50 Brownpboro, agent operator 62.50 Murchison. agent operator 62.50 Athens, agent •. . . . 125.00 Cashier operator 85.00 Clerk operator 75.00 Clerk operator 72.50 Malakoff. agent operator 75.00 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Trinidad, agent operator $ 67.50 Kerens, agent operator _ 60.00 Corsicana, clerk operator 80.00 Two clerk operators 77.50 Barry, agent operator 65.00 Blooming Grove, agent operator 77.50 Frost,, agent operator 75.00 Mertens, agent operator 77.50 Brandon, agent operator 70.00 Hillsboro, cashier operator 87.50 Purdon, agent operator 62.50 Dawson, agent operator 72.50 Hubbard, clerk operator 72.50 Mt. Calm, agent operator 82.50 Axtell, agent operator 65.00 I. & G. N. Crossing, three lev.-oprs. .. 72.50 East Waco, clerk operator 80.00 Two clerk operators 77.50 Waco (A), clerk operator 80.00 McGregor, cashier operator 80.00 Oglesby. agent operator 65.00 Gatesville, clerk operator 72.50 Ireland, agent operator 65.00 Hamilton, agent 115.00 Cashier operator '. 80.00 Clerk operator - 70.00 Lamkin, agent operator 67.50 Gustine, agent operator ^ 62.50 Comanche, agent T 125.00 Cashier operator 75.00 Carlton, agent operator 60.00 Alexander, agent operator 72.50 (b) When commissions accruing to any position are entirely removed, immediate ad- justment of salary will be made conforming to positions of a similar class on the division where located. ARTICLE XIX. Telegraphers and others, concerned will be funiished a copy of these rules and regula- tions. ARTICLE XX. (a) These rules and regulations super- sede all former rules and regulations and special rulings in conflict therewith. (b) No changes shall be made in these rules, regulations and rates of pay until after thirty days' notice. For the Companies: W. J. WILLIAMS, Sup't Telegraph. For the Employes: H. C. FRIZIELLE, E. E. NETTLES. Approved: W. T. TYLER, General Manager. February 27th, 1917. Schedules and Wage Scales. 547 Southern Railway System LINES WEST The Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway Company (EFFECTIVE MARCH 1, 1917.) Adopted July, 1906 Amended Aug., 1907 Amended March, 1910 Amended July, 1911 Amended March, 1913 The following rules and regulations will govern rates of pay and conditions of service of agent-operators, telegraph operators, tele- phone operators and other employes speci- fied herein, and will supersede rules and rates of pay inconsistent therewith. ARTICLE I. Promotion. (a) Preference for promotion shall be given to the employes who have been longest in the service, provided they are equal in mer't", capacity and qualifications to other employes in the service. (b) Agent-operators and operators will be eligible for promotion to train dispatching and station service positions, provided they are qualified. ARTICLE II. Service Age. (a) Service age will be effective and will date from the last time entering service. (b) Service age will apply when vacancies occur, new positions are created, positions abolished or conditions materially changed in accordance with Clause (f) of this article. (c) The service age lists will be prepared by the superintendent twice a year, copies of which will be sent to all employes affected, who are in actual service. (d) New positions or permanent vacan- cies will, be bulletined within five (5) days to all offices; offices which cannot be reached conveniently by mail will be notified by wire; within ten (10) days from date of bulletin employes desiring the position will make application therefor, failing to do which they will not be eligible for position until another vacancy occurs; such position will be filled within thirty (30) days when practicable. (e) Temporary positions or vacancies for a period of thii'ty (30) days or more will be bulletined to all extra employes within two (2) days; the oldest extra employe desiring such position will be assigned to it within seven (7) days provided he is competent, reliable and makes application for it within two (2) days from date of bulletin. (f) When offices or positions are abol- ished, the force is reduced or material changes made in conditions, any employe eiffectcd, if capable, will have the privilege of accepting within fifteen (15) days, any position covered by this schedule to which his seniority entitles him, provided in doing so he will not displace any employe who has been in the service more than five (5) years; in the event there are not any employes in the service younger than five (5) years, the youngest employe may be displaced. Trad- ing positions will not be permitted. (g) An employe who accepts and is as- signed to a bulletined position will not be eligible to the position vacated by him until it has been filled and re-bulletined. (h) If an employe assigned to a position becomes incapacitated or is unable to prop- erly fill the position, he will, if retained, be assigned to the extra list, and will retain his seniority. (i) When necessary to reduce force, em- ployes will be laid off in the reverse order of their employment, the last man employed to be laid off first. Provided they respond within ten (10) days after date of notice, men so laid off will retain their service age and be given work when needed in prefer- ence to new men. (j) When a temporary position or va- cancy of less than thirty (30) days occurs, it shall be awarded to the oldest available extra employe if he is competent. (k) Employes covered by this agree- ment who are dismissed and re-employed within six (6) months, may not lose their sen-ice age but if over six (6) months has elapsed after dismissal and before re- employment they will rank as new. men; if cases are under consideration between offi- cers of the company and the committee at expiration of the six (6) months period, time limit will be extended to cover such cases. (1) When a vacancy occurs in a relay office, it will be available to the employes in that office and will be awarded to the oldest applicant, if capable. The last trick in a relay office will, when a vacancy oc- curs, be bulletined to all operators, but the superintendent of telegraph will select the men to fill such positions, employes applying therefor to be considered first. Paragraph (.f) of this article will not apply when operator to be displaced is an employe in a relay office; if positions are abolished or force reduced in relay offices, the em- ployes affected will be assigned to the extra list. (m) Employes occupying positions when they are first placed in the schedule will not be displaced by reason of their service age. ARTICLE III. Hours and Overtime. (a) At offices where but one agent- operator or operator is employed, ten (10) consecutive hour.s, exclusive of meal hour, will constitute a day's work, which will commence from 6:00 a. m. to 8;00 a. m. or 548 Schedules and Wage Scales. from 6:00 p. m. to 8:00 p. m.; eleven (11) con- secutive hours, not including meal hour, shall constitute a day's work for exclusive station agents or levermen coming under this arrangement; when it can be arranged without detriment to the service, agent- operators or operators may be relieved be- fore the expiration of the ten (10) hour period. (b) Where two operators are employed, nine (9) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. (c) Where three or more operators are employed, eight (8) consecutive hours, ex- clusive of time required to make office transfer, will constitute a day's work. (d) When required by competent author- ity to remain on duty in excess of the regu- lar number oX hours, they will be paid over- time at the rate of forty (40) cents per hour; when required to double, overtime will be paid for at the rate of forty (40) cents per hour, except that where the pro rata rate is higher it will apply. (e) For emergency calls or meeting trains after being relieved, they will be paid fifty (50) cents for the call and first hour and forty (40) cents for each hour held on duty thereafter in excess of regular hours. (f) In computing overtime, anything less than thirty (30) minutes will not be counted; thirty (30) minutes and less than sixty (60) minutes will be counted one (1) hour. (g) Forms for reporting overtime will be furnished all offices; overtime will not be allowed unless claim is forwarded to the chief train dispatcher within forty-eight (48) Iiour.? after the overtime is made; if not allowed, the claimant will be prompti> notified. (h) Employes will receive pay at the usual rates for the time they are required to lose by reason of the company desiring to change working hours. ARTICLE IV. Meal Hours. Operators assigned to tricks in excess of nine (9) hours per day will be allowed one (1) unbroken hour between 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m., or 11:30 p. m. and 1:30 a. m. for meals, but before leaving their offices they must obtain permission from the train dis- patcher to do so; when the time above men- tioned cannot be allowed for meals, they ■shall be paid for one (1) hour at overtime rates; when it can be arranged without det- riment to the service, sufficient time will be allowed to get lunch. (Note: This article does not apply to em- ployes who are not required to perform telegraph or telephone service, but they will be given sufficient time to get meals.) ARTICLE V. Attending Court. Employes required to attend court as wit- nesses for the company will be allowed reg- ular schedule pay, transportation to and from, and j-easonable expenses when away from home; if any lime is not lost, they will be allowed pay at overtime rates for the time consumed in attending court out- side of their hours of service; all witness or mileage fees, etc., to be paid the com- pany. ARTICLE VI. Sunday Duty. Agent-operators and operators will be excused from duty on Sundays whenever it is practicable without detriment to the service. ARTICLE VIL Leave of Absence — Vacation. Leave of absence will be granted, when practicable, upon proper request. Agent-operators or operators who have been in continuous service of the company for two (2) years or more, who have regu- lar assignments, will, upon written request, be granted leave of absence of fifteen (15) days annually without reduction of pay; if request for leave of absence is declined, they will receive pay at regular schedule rates for fifteen (15) days in addition to their regular com.pensation. ARTICLE VIII. Emergency Offices. For performing duties at places o.f acci- dent, washout, or similar emergency offices, operators will be compensated at their regu- lar schedule rates of pay, and in addition a reasonable amount for necessary expenses incurred, including time consumed in travel- ing to and from, provided, however, they shall not at the same time receive com- pensation for duty at their regular offices. ARTICLE IX. Transfers. When a regularly assigned employe is temporarily transferred to a position paying a lower rate of pay than his regular assign- ment, he will be paid at the schedule rate of his regular wages; when transferred tem- I)orariiy to a position paying a higher rate of pay, he will be paid at the rate of wages applying to such position; when a regularly assigned employe is transferred from his regular position to another position tem- porarily to work extra, he will be paid one dollar ($1.00) per calendar day for expenses in addition to his regular schedule rate of pay, computed until he returns to his regu- lar position or is relieved. Employes transferred will be furnished free transportation for themselves, depend- ent .families and effects and will be paid at regular schedule rates for time lost, rates of pay to be based on positions from which transfers are made. ARTICLE X. New Offices. ■When new positions are created or new offices established, compensation will be fixed in conformity with the rates of pay of similar positions. ARTICLE XI. Discipline. Employes will not be suspended or dis- missed without an investigation, which will be made, if practicable, within five (5) days; they will have the privilege of taking with them an employe in similar class of service, provided he is in good standing. If found blameless, they will be reinstated and paid Schedules and Wage Scales. 549 for time lost; if suspended or dismissed, they will be advised as to the cause. Employes called upon to testify in the investigation of cases in whicli they are not in a)iy way concerned, will V)o paid for lime lost. An employe feeling- an in.iustice has been done him may submit his case for review and shall have the privilege of appealing to the next ranking officer, provided such ap- peal is made in writing within ten (in> days after the decision is rendered. ARTICLE XII. Pumps. Agent-operators or operators who are re- quired to run pumps regularly will be paid ten dollars ($10.00) per month, extra com- pensation; when required to remain on duty longer than their regular assigned hours or called after being relieved from duty to per- form such service, they shall be paid over- time at the rate of" forty (40c) cents per horn*. ARTICLE XIII. Crossing Gates. Agent operators or operators who are re- quired to operate crossing gates in addition to their other duties, will be paid five ($.5.00) dollars per month additional compensation. ARTICLE XIV. Cleaning Batteries. Operators will be held responsible for the condition of batteries, but will not be re- quired to clean them where there are more than ten (10) cells without additional com- pensation for two hours at overtime rate in each sixty (60) day period. ARTICLE XV. Attending Switch Lights. (a) At stations where sectionmen reside or porters or helpers are employed, agent- operators or operators will not be required to attend switch lights, but they will see that they are kept burning. (b) At stations where agent-operators or operators are required to care for switch lights they will be allowed fifty (r)0c) cents per light per month. ARTICLE XVI. Change. Thirt.v (.30) days' notice will be given of any contemplated change in these rules and regulations. HORACE BAKER, General Manager FIRST DISTRICT. Station and Position. Month. Rate per Cincinnati (QA), day opr. and clerk.. $ SO. 00 (DI). operator andleverman. 80.00 Operator and 80.00 Operator and leverman 80.00 (MO) Tower, opr. and leverman.... 7iJ.00 Operator and leverman T.'i.OO Operator and leverman T.'j.OO Krlanger, agent operator 80.00 Devon, agent operator 71 .00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Richwood, agent operator $ 71.00 Walton, agent operator 75.00 Bracht, agent 45.00 Crittenden, agent operator 72.00, agent operator 71.00 Dry Ridge, agent operator 75.00 Williamstown, agent operator 80.00 (WS) tower, operator and leverman 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Mason, agent 45.00 Blanchet, agent operator 71.00 Operator 71.00 Corinth, agent operator 80.00 Hinton, agent operator 71 .00 Sadleville, agent operator 74.00 Operator 71.00 Operator 71.00 Rogers Gap, agent operator 71.00 Delaplain, agent. 40.00 Georgetown (GT), opr. and leverman. 80.00 (GT), operator and leverman 80.00 (GN) , operator and clerk 7.3.00 Greendale, agent operator 71.00 Lexington (RX), operator 78.00 Operator 78.00 Operator 78.00 Nicholasville, operator 72.00 Operator 72.00 Operator 72.00 Wilmore, agent operator 75.00 High Bridge, agent operator 72.00 Operator 71.00 Operator 71.00 Operator 71.00 Burgin, agent 87.00 Operator and gateman 73.00 (SJ) Tower, operator and leverman. . . 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 SECOND DISTRICT. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Da-nville (DV), operator $ 90.00 Operator 00.00 Operator 90.00 Operator and wire chief 95.00 (D), operator 82.00 Operator 82.00 Operator 82.00 Junction City, agent 67.00 Operator and leverman 40.00 Moreland, agent operator 77.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 McKinney, agent opr. and leverman.. 80.00 Operator and leverman 73.00 Operator and leverman 73.00 Kings Mountain, agt. opr. and lever. 73.00 Operator and leverman 73.00 Operator and leverman 73.00 "VVaynesburg, agent operator 73.00 Eubank, agent opr. and leverman.... 77.00 Operator and leverman 73.00 Operator and leverman 73.00 Science Hill, agent opr. and leverman 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Somerset, operator and clerk 75.00 Operator and clerk 75.00 Ferguson Shops, operator and clerk.. 72.00 550 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. (US) Junction, operator and leverman.$ 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Tateville, agent and pumper 70.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 (KDj Tower, operator and leverman.. 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Greenwood, agent operator 75.00 Cumberland Falls, agent operator. . . . 79.00 (CB) Tower, operator and leverman.. 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Plat Rock, agent operator 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Whitley, agent 50.00 Stearns, agent operator 92.00 Operator and clerk 75.00 Pine Knot, agent operator 75.00 Silervllle, agent 50.00 Winfield, agent operator 75.00 Oneida, agent operator 100.00 Operator 75.00 Helenwood, agent operator 75.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 New River, agent operator 79.00 Robbins, agent operator 79.00 (RO) Tower, operator and leverman.. 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Rugby Road, agent 49.00 Glen Mary, agent operator 79.00 (HF) Tower, operator and leverman . . 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Sunbright, agent operator 80.00 Operator 75.00 Annadel, operator 75.00 Lancing, agent operator 80.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 Operator and leverman 79.00 (C\V) Tower, operator and leverman.. 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Nemo, agent operator 78.00 Oakdale (UN), operator 82.00 Operator 82.00 Operator 82.00 (GF) Tower, operator and leverman 82.00 Operator and leverman 82.00 Operator and leverman 82.00 THIRD DISTRICT. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Harriman Jet., day opr. and leverman. $ 79.00 Emory Gap, operator and clerk 73.00 (KG) Tower, operator and leverman.. 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Rockwood, agent 82.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Roddy, agent operator 75.00 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Spring City, agent operator $ 75.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Evensville, agent operator 73.00 Dayton, operator and leverman 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Graysville, agent operator 73.00 Coulterville, agent opr, and pumper.. 77.00 Sale Creek, agent operator 73.00 Bakewell, agent 54.00 Rathburn, agent operator 80.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Operator 73.00 Melville, agent operator 73.00 Operator and clerk 73.00 Boyce, agent operator and leverman.. 45.00 Operator and leverman 38.00 Operator and leverman 38.00 Citico Junction, operator and leverman 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Operator and leverman 75.00 Citico, operator 82.00 Operator ,. 82.00 Operator 82.00 RELAY OFFICES. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Cincinnati (G), second telegrapher wire chief $112.00 Third telegrapher wire chief 102.00 Operator 97.00 Operator 97.00 Operator 97.00 Operator 92.00 Operator 92.00 Operator 92.00 Operator 92.00 Operator 92.00 Chattanooga, second telegrapher wire chief 98.00 Third telegrapher wire chief 94.00 Operator 85.00 Operator 85.00 Operator 85.00 Operator 85.00 HIGH POINT, RANDLEMAN, ASHEBORO & SOUTHERN R. R. ATLANTIC & YADKIN RAILWAY YADKIN RAILROAD CAROLINA & TENNESSEE SOUTHERN RAILWAY NORTHERN ALABAMA RAILWAY EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1917. PREAMBLE. Thi.s schedule applies to all telegrapher.s, telephone operators, also such levermen and .station agents as are specified in the wag<- schedule. and Wage Scales. 551 ARTICLE I. Promotion. (a) Preference in promotion or retention in the service on the respective divisions Khali be given to the employes who have been longest in the service, provided they are, in the judgment of the proper officers of the company, equal in merit, capacity and qualifications to other employes in the so-vice. (b) Telegraphers declining promotion do not forfeit seniority rights to any other position when vacancies occur. (c) If, after a fair trial, a telegrapher is found incompetent he will be placed on the extra list until reassigned, with seniority remaining unimpaired. ARTICLiE II. Vacancies, fa) When vacancies occur, or new posi- tiuns are created, they will be bulletined within ten days to all offices on the division, and telegraphers will be given ten days in which to apply therefor. Such positions will be permanently filled within thirty days after the vacancy occurs. (b) In filling teniporary vacancies known to be of thirty days or more duration, the olf.est competent extra telegrapher will be given preference. (c) In filling temporary positions known to be of not more than four (4) calendar months' duration, the oldest competent extra telegrapher will be given preference. (d) When positions are alx)lished, or offi- ces closed, telegraphers so affected will be eligible to any position on their respective divisions to which their seniority and quali- fications entitle them, and will be required to avail themselves of this rule within thirty days. ARTICLE III. Reduction of Force. Telegraphers thrown out of employment by reason of reduction of force will be given consideration for employment on other divisions covered by this agreement in preference to telegraphers not in the service. Telegraphers shall have the right to decline such transfer if they choose to do so. ARTICLE IV. Seniority. (a) Seniority will be effective and will date from the last time entering the service on the respective divisions. (b) Seniority lists will be prepared by the superintendents of their respective divisions • annually, a copy of which will be furnished to all employes affected who are in actual service on said divisions. ■ (c) Telegraphers transferred from one di- vision to another shall rank as new em- ployes on seniority list of division to which transferred, and will forfeit seniority on division from which transferred. Trading positions or seniority standing will not bo permitted. (d) A telegrapher discharged and re- employed within si.K months will not lose his seniority, but if not re-employed until after six months shall have elapsed he will rank as a now man, except in special cases. (e) Telegraphers voluntarily leaving the service will rank as new men if re-employed. (f) Telegraphers promoted to official po- sitions will not lose their rights, but while serving in such official positions they will not be considered as telegraphers. Their seniority, however, will continue to accu- mulate. (g) In case telegraphers who have been prom.oted to positions not covered by the schedule desire for any reason to return to a scheduled position they may exercise their rigiits only by bidding on vacancies. ARTICLE V. Leave of Absence. Leave of absence for period not exceeding five days may be granted upon verbal re- quest. Application for leave of absence ex- ceeding five days must be made in writing and approved by division officers. Except in case of sickness or disability, telegraphers will- not be granted leave of absence in excess of ninety days and retain their seniority rights. ARTICLE VL Hours of Service. (a) At offices where only one telegrapher is employed, ten (10) consecutive hours, in- cluding meal hour, shall constitute a day's work. (b) Eleven (11) consecutive houi's, includ- ing meal hour, shall constitute a day's work for exclusive station agents. (c) Twelve (12) consecutive hours, includ- ing meal hour, shall constitute a day's work for exclusive levermen where not more than two are employed. fd) Eight (8) consecutive hours shall con- stitute a day's work where two or more telegraphers are employed. (e) At stations where only one telegrapher is employed the hours of service will begin between 6:30 a. m. and S:00 a. m. ARTICLE VII. Calls and Overtime. (a) Telegraphers called or instructed to come on duty before or after regular as- signed hours will be paid sixty (60) cents for each call and first hour or fraction thereof and regular overtime rates there- after until .relieved. The word ^'instructed" being considered a call. (b) Tele.grapheris required by competent authority to remain on duty after regular assigned hours will be paid regular overtime rates; provided, however, that no overtime will be paid to levermen or exclusive agents except when required to meet trains after the expiration of their regular assigned hours. (c) Overtime rates will be forty (40) cents per hour, except in relay offices and Knox- ville "K" office, where the rate will be forty-five (45) cents per hour; provided, however, that in all cases where the regular rate is higher, overtime will be paid pro rata. (d) In computing overtime, less than thirty minutes will not be counted. Thirty minutes or less than sixty minutes will be counted one hour. (e) Forms for reporting overtime will hi furnished all offices by tke company. When 552 Schedules and Wage Scales. overtime is not allowed telegraphers will be promptly notified as to cause. ARTICLE VIII. Meal Hours. Te^egraphprs working ten consecutive hours per day will be allowed sixty con- secutive minutes between 11:30 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. for midday meal, and between 11:30 p. m. and 1:00 a. m. for midnight meal. When sixty consecutive minutes can- not be allowed, one hour overtime will be allowed in lieu thereof. ARTICLE IX. Vacation. Telegraphers who have been in continuous service of the company for a period of two or more years who are required to perform any Sunday or legal holiday service and who have a regular assignment will be granted fifteen days vacation each year without loss of pay. Telegraphers entitled to vacation as above and who have been put back on extra list through no fault of their own will receive their vacations. ARTICLE X. Court. Telegraphers required to attend court as witnesses for the railway company will be allowed regular pay, transportation to and from; and reasonable expenses, including any net los« in express commission during the period of court attendance; a receipt from relief agent to be sent in with other court attendance papers showing amount paid relief agent. All court fees, etc., to be paid to the railway company. ARTICLE XL Sunday Duty. Telegraphers will be excused from Sunday and legal holiday duty so far as practicable without detriment to the service, and when so excused no deduction shall be made from their wages. ARTICLE XII. Switch Lamps. (a) At stations, offices or places where a section foreman or a member of his force resides, telegraphers will not be required to attend switch or block signal lamps. (b) At stations, offices or places where a section foreman or a member of his force does not reside, telegraphei-s will be paid one dollar and twenty-five cents each for the first two lamps and seventy-five cents for each additional lamp per month. Where there are more than six lamps, special ar- rangement will be made. (c) Telegraphers will, in all cases, look after the train-order lamp. ARTICLE XIII. New Offices. When new positions are created, compen- sation will be fixed in conformity with the rates of other positions of similar class. ARTICLE XIV. Pumps. Telegraphers required to run pumps will be paid not less than ten dollars per month exlrn compensation for such service. ARTICLE XV. Relay Offices. All relay offices under the immediate jurisdiction of the superintendent of tele- graph will maintain separate seniority lists, without regard to any superintendent's op- erating division; telegraphers promoted to such offices, from any division, shall retain seniority on the division from which pro- moted, up to the date of transfer. The superiritendent of telegraph, or his author- ized representative, shall select telegraphers for service in these offices, as far as practi- cable, from employes in the service. Teleg- raphers desiring positions in relay offices will file written application for same with the superintendent of telegraph, and such application will be considered as vacancies occur or additions are made to the force. ARTICLE XVI. Emergency Offices. For performing duties at wrecks, wash- outs, or similar emergency offices, teleg- raphers will be compensated at their regu- lar rate of pay, and in addition a reasonable amount for expenses incurred, including time consumed in traveling to and. from. Provided, however, they shall not at the same time receive compensation for duties at their regular office. ARTICLE XVII. Transfers. (a) Telegraphers transferred on their re- spective division by direction of the com- pany will be furnished free transportation for themselves, families and effects, and will be allowed regular pay while in traJisit and making such transfer, rate of pay to be based on position from which transfer is made. fb) When a telegrapher is temporarily transferred to a position laying a lower rate of wage than his regular assignment, he will be paid at the rate of his regular wages. (c) When transferred temporarily to a position paying- a higher rate of wage, he will be paid at the rate applying to position to which transferred. (d) When, by competent authority, a telegrapher is sent from his regular office to another office to work extra, he will be paid one dollar per calendar day for ex- penses, in addition to his regular pay, com- puted until he returns to his regular posi- tion; provided, that telegraphers will not be paid twice for the same service. ARTICLE XVIII. Discipline. Telegraphers will not be discharged • or demerited without an investigation, which will be made by the proper officer within five days, if possible, and in their presence. They will have the privilege of brmglng to such investigation one employe in similar class of service, of their own selection, pro- vided such employe is in good standing on his division. If found blameless, they will be paid for lost time. If discharged or de- merited, they will be furnished with a writ- ten statement giving cause. Schedules and Wage Scales. 553 Telegraphers, feeling an injustice has been done them, may always submit their case to their superior officer for consideration and review, and shall have the privilege of ap- pealing to the next ranking officer, provided such appeELl is made in writing within thirty days after the reviewing officer has rendered his decision. ARTICLH XIX. Service Letters. Telegraphers employed by this company will, upon application, have returned to them all service cards and letters of recommenda- tion which may have been taken up for inspection. ARTICLE XX. Students. No telegrapher will be allowed to keep students in any office of the company with- out written permission from the chief dis- patcher, and in no case will there be allowed more than one student in any office; and should reasonable objection be made against any student he shall be removed. ARTICLE XXI. Cleaning Batteries and Stations. Telegraphers will not be required to clean main or local batteries where ten or more cells are used, nor will they be required to cleau platforms or outbuildings at stations of more than three rooms. ARTICLE XXII. Outside Switches. Telegraphers required to go outside of offices to handle switches will be paid $4.00 per month for one or two switches and $2.00 per month for each additional switch for this service. ARTICLE XXIII. General. This agreement will not change any rate in effect or commissions paid by other com- panies, nor repeal any privileges hitherto enjoyed by the employes and not herein specified. The company will, upon application, fur- nish each telegrapher in the service with a copy of this agreement and all amendments, rulings and supplements thereto. ARTICLE XXIV. Termination. No change will be made, by either party, in these rules, regulations, or schedule of wages, without thirty days' written notice. W. N. FOREACRE, General Manager, Lines East. H. BAKER, General Manager, Lines West. G. R. LOYALL, Assistant Vice-President. For the Telegraphers: H. G. ALEXANDER, General Chairman, TrlcmnplieLs' Com- mittee. J. W. BURGESS, General Secy, and Treas. Telegrapli- ers' Committee. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. WASHINGTON DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Alexandria (Dispatcher's OfBce), four telegraphers $ 95.00 Alexandria, one clerk telegrapher.... 72.00 Cameron Run, three teleg. levermen.. 90.00 Manassas, three telegraphers 87.00 Bristow. agent operator 60.00 Nokesville, agent operator 83.00 Calverton, three telegrapher levermen 87.00 Warrenton, one clerk telegrapher 67.00 Bealeton, agent operator 80.00 Remington, agent operator 83.00 Culpeper, three telegraphers 80.00 Winston, agent operator 60.00 Rapidan, agent operator 80.00 Orange, three telegraphers 87.00 Somerset, agent operator 83.00 ■Weyburn, three telegraphers 77.00 Barboursville, agent operator 83.00 Proffit, agent operator 83.00 Charlottesville (Jt. C. & O. Ry.), three telegraphers 50.00 One leverman 55.00 North Garden, agent operator 83.00 Covesville, agent operator 83.00 Mile Post 131.5, three telegraphers 77.00 Mile Post 137, three telegraphers 78.00 Rockflsh, agent operator 87.00 Elma, agent operator 80.00 North Shipman, three telegraphers... 78.00 Shipman, agent operator 83.00 Arrington, agent operator 87.00 Tye River, agent operator 87.00 New Glasgow, agent operator 83.00 Amherst, agent operator 87.00 Monroe, three telegraphers 90.00 Haymarket, agent operator 67.00 Thoroughfare, agent operator 65.00 The Plains, agent operator 85.00 Marshall, agent operator 78.00 Rectortown, agent operator 78.00 Delaplane, agent operator 78.00 Markham, agent operator 70.00 Linden, agent operator 70.00 Front Royal, agent operator 85.00 Two clerk telegraphers 65.00 Riverton, agent operator 80.00 Strasburg Yard, three clerk telegs... 75.00 Strasburg Jet., agent operator 82.00 One clerk telegrapher 70.00 Woodstock, agent operator 85.00 One clerk telegrapher 65.00 Edinburg, agent operator 75.00 Mt. Jackson, agent operator 75.00 New Market, agent operator 75.00 Timberville, agent operator 70.00 Broadway, agent operator 75.00 Harrisonburg, two telegraphers 70.00 Fairfax, station agent 55.00 Montpelier, station agent 60.00 Gilbert, station agent 60.00 Clifton, station agent 65.00 Manassas, station agent 87.00 Catlett, station agent 55.00 Calverton, station agent 75.00 Warrenton, station agent 90.00 Midland, station agent 55.00 Brandy, station agent 65.00 Culpeper, station agent 90.00 Mitchell, station agent 55.00 Rio, station agent 45.00 554 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Sweetbriar, station agent ...$60.00 Monroe, station agent 80.00 Gainesville, station agent 55.00 Toms Brook, station agent 55.00 Linville, station agent 55.00 Burke, station agent 55.00 Faber, station agent 45.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Spencer, station agent $ 95.00 Glen Raven, station agent 70.00 Graham, station agent 90.00 East Durham, station agent 75.00 Efland, station agent 55.00 DANVILLE DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Leftwich, one telegrapher $ 75.00 Lynchburg (C. & O. Crossing Joint), One telegrapher leverman 48.00 Two telegrapher levermen 47.00 Durmid, one telegrapher 75.00 Montview, three telegrapher levermen 85.00 Clarion, agent operator 75.00 AltaVista, agent operator 100.00 Gretna, three clerk telegraphers 80.00 Chatham, two cl»rk telegraphers 80.00 Dry Fork! agent operator 80.00 White Oak, one telegrapher 75.00 Fall Creek, agent operator 75.00 Dundee, three telegrapher levermen... 85.00 Danville, three telegraphers 95.00 Stokesland, three telegrapher leverm'n 80.00 Pelham, agent operator 90.00 RufRn, agent operator 95.00 Reidsville, two clerk telegraphers 85.00 Brown Summit, agent operator 90.00 One clerk telegrapher.... 75.00 Pomona, three telegrapher levermen.. 90.00 Jamestown, agent operator 80.00 High Point, three telegraphers 78.00 Lexington, three clerk telegraphers.. 78.00 Linwood, agent operator 75.00 Spencer (North Yard), three telegs. .. 80.00 Spencer (Middle Yard), one teleg 95.00 Three telegraphers 90.00 Spencer (MY South Yard), three teleg- raphers 75.00 Salisbury, three telegraphers 90.00 Gibsonville, agent operator ,80.00 Elon College, agent operator 80.00 Burlington, three clerk telegraphers.. 75.00 Graham, one clerk telegrapher 75.00 Haw River, agent operator 90.00 Mebane, agent operator 85.00 Efland, one clerk telegrapher 65.00 Hillsboro, agent operator 85.00 University, agent operator 70.00 Chapel Hill, agent operator 85.00 East Durham, three telegrapher lev... 80.00 Morrisvilie, agent operator 65.00 Gary, agent operator 75.00 Garner, agent operator 70.00 Auburn, agent operator 70.00 Clayton, agent operator 85.00 Wilsons Mills, agent operator 70.00 Selma, one clerk telegrapher 75.00 Princeton, agent operator 70.00 Goldsboro, one clerk telegrapher 80.00 Winesap, station agent 55.00 Lawyers, station agent 60.00 Evington, station agent 70.00 Motley, station agent 50.00 Hurt, station agent 60.00 Sycamore, station agent 60.00 Gretna, .station agent 90.00 Whittles, station agent C5.00 Chatham, station agent 90.00 Benaja, station agent 55.00 RICHMOND DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. • Month. Ringgold, agent operator $ 65.00 Sutherlin, agent operator 70.00 Pace, agent operator 70.00 News Ferry, agent operator 70.00 South Boston, one clerk telegrapher. . 95.00 Three clerk telegraphers 77.00 Scottsburg, agent operator 80.00 Clover, agent operator 80.00 Randolph, agent operator 80.00 Saxe, agent operator 70.00 Drakes Branch, agent operator 90.00 Keysville, one clerk telegrapher 82.00 Two clerk telegraphers 77.00 Meherrin, agent operator 80.00 Green Bay, agent operator 75.00 Burkeville, one clerk telegrapher 72.00 Jetersville, agent operator 75.00 Two clerk telegraphers 65.00 Amelia, agent operator 85.00 Chula, agent operator 75.00 Mattoax, agent operator 70.00 INToseley, agent operator 80.00 Midlothian, agent operator. 75.00 Bon Air, agent operator '. 72.00 Richmond (Dispatcher's Office), two clerk telegraphers 95.00 South Richmond, one clerk teleg 75.00 Quinton, agent operator 70.00 Tunstall. agent operator pumper....'. 80.00 Lester Manor, agent operator 80.00 West Point, one clerk telegrapher 80.00 Chase City, agent operator , 100.00 One clerk telegrapher 75.00 Clarksville, agent operator. 90.00 One clerk telegrapher. 70.00 Jeffres, agent operator 82.00 Two clerk telegraphers 70.00 Bullock, agent operator 65.00 Stovall, agent operator 75.00 Oxford, one clerk telegrapher 80.00 Stem, agent operator 70.00 Henderson, one clerk telegrapher 75.00 South Boston, station agent 110.00 Wolf Trap, station agent 45.00 Key-sville, station agent 100.00 Hallsboro, station agent 60.00 White House, station agent 60.00 Fort Mitchell, station agent. 50.00 Soudan, station agent 50.00 Henderson, station agent 100.00 Lyons, station agent 42.00 Dorset, station agent 40.00 Sweet Hall, station agent 35.00 Ontario, station agent 40.00 Oxford, station agent 100.00 NORFOLK DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Norfolk, two telegraphers $ 95.00 Pinner.s Point, one telegrapher 80.00 West Norfolk, agent operator 85.00 Suffolk, one cleric telegiapher 70.00 Holland, agent operator 85.00 Schedules and Wage Scai^es. 555 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Franltlin, one clerk telegrapher $ 80.00 Courtland, agent operator 85.00 Pope, agent operator 55.00 Capron, agent operator 80.00 Drewryville, agent operator 65.00 .'Vrringdale, agent operator 75.00 Emporia, one clerk telegrapher 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 Yale, agent operator pumper 65.00 Homeville, agent operator 55.00 Waverly, agent operator 70.00 Spring Grove, agent operator 55.00 Claremont, agent operator 85.00 One clerk telegrapher 70.00 Pleasant Shade, agent operator 55.00 Edgerton, agent operator 70.00 Lawrenceville, three clerk telegs 80.00 Charlie Hope, agent operator 55.00 Brodnax, agent operator 80.00 LaCrosse, agent operator 75.00 South Hill, agent operator 85.00 One clerk telegrapher 70.00 Baskerville, agent operator 65.00 Boydton, agent operator 80.00 South Clarksville. agent operator 75.00 Buffalo Jet., agent operator 75.00 Virgilina, agent operator 80.00 Denniston, agent operator 55.00 Cunningham, agent operator 55.00 Milton, agent operator 80.00 Shoulders Hill, station agent 45.00 Suffolk, station agent 110.00 Franklin, station agent 100.00 Adams Grove, station agent 50.00 Emporia, station agent 100.00 Savedge, station agent 50.00 Lawrenceville, station agent 100.00 Union Level, station agent 50.00 Semora, station agent 50.00 Blanche, station agent 50.00 WINSTON- SALEM DIVISION. Rate per Station and. Position. Month. Guilford College, agent operator. .,... .$ 65.00 Kernersville, agent operatoi- 78.00 Winston-Salem, one telegrapher 90.00 Eethania, agent operator 45.00 Rural Hall, agent operator 75.00 Donnaha,, agent operator 64.00 Siloam, agent operator 66.00 Rockfdrd, agent operator 71.00 Crutchfield. agent operator 60.00 Elkin, agent operator 76.00 Ronda, agent operator 60.00 Roaring River, agent operator 58.00 No. Wilkesboro, one clerk telegrapher 78.00 (/"lemmons, agent operator 65.00 Advance, agent operator 70.00 Mocksville, agent operator 86.00 Cooleemee Jet., agent operator 75.00 Cooleemee Mills, agent operator 85.00 Woodleaf, agent operator 54.00 Mt. Ulla, agent operator 62.00 Huntersville, agent operator 71.00 Corneliu.'?, agent operator 73.00 Davidson, agent operator 78.00 Mooresville, one clerk telegrapher.... 80.00 Taylorsville, agent operator 85.00 North Wilkesboro. station agent 83.00 Mooresviilo. station ugent 85.00 .'angley, agent operator 80.00 Bath, agent operator 75.00 Hamburg (Yard Office), two elk. teleg. 90.00 One clerk telegrapher 86.00 Clearwater, agent operator 70.00 Edgefield, one clerk telegrapher 65.00 Aiken, agent operator 90.00 Edmund, agent operator 65.00 Pelion, agent operator 70.00 Perry, agent operator 75.00 Wagoner, agent operator 75.00 Seivern, agent operator 55.00 Sally, agent operator 70.00 Springfield, agent operator 78.00 Blackville, one clerk telegrapher.... 85.00 Two clerk telegraphers 71.00 Barnwell, one clerk telegrapher...... 60.00 Kline, agent operator 69.00 Allendale (joint), one clerk telegrapher 37.50 Barton, agent operator 68.00 Lena, agent operator 69.00 Furman, agent operator 69.00 Tillman, agent operator 69.00 Fort Mill, station agent 90.00 Woodward, station agent 50.00 Winnsboro, station agent 87.50 Ridgeway, station agent 85.00 Batesburg, station agent 90.00 .lohnston, station agent 90.00 Graniteville, "Station agent 80.00 lOdgefleld, station agent 90.00 Steedman, station agent 55.00 Blackville, station agent 95.00 Barnwell, station agent 80.00 Tarboro. station agent 28.00 Pineland, station agent 25.00 SPARTANBURG DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Dawkins, agent operator .$ 65.00 Blair, agent operator 65.00 Shelton, agent operator 75.00 Carlisle, agent operator 70.00 Santuc, agent operator 65.00 L^nion, ticket agent telegrapher 88.00 One clerk telegrapher 73.00 One clerk telegrapher 70.00 Ivockhart Jet., agent operator 73.00 .lonesville, agent operator 75.00 One clerk telegrapher 62.00 Pacolet, one clerk telegraphei- 67.00 Whitestone. agent operator 65.00 E. Spartanburg, agent operator 70.00 Spartanburg (Dispatcher'.s Office), two clerk telegraphers 95.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 557 Rate per - Station and Position. Month. Spartanburg (Passenger Station), three telegraphers .$ 8.5.00 Hayne, three telegraphers 88.00 Bookman, agent operator 66.00 Alston, agent operator 75.00 Two clerk telegraphers 68.00 Peak, agent 'operator 60.00 Pomaria, agent operator 73.00 Prosperity, agent operator 88.00 Newberry (Joint C. N. & L.), one clerk telegrapher 50.00 Silverstreet, agent operator 53.50 Chappells, one clerk telegrapher 62.00 Ninety-six, agent operator 85.00 One clerk telegrapher 67.00 Greenwood (Joint C. & W. C), one clerk telegrapher 50.00 Hodges, agent operator 88.00 Abbeville, one clerk telegrapher 60.00 Shoals, agent oprator 80.00 Donalds, agent operator 85.00 Honea Path, one clerk telegrapher... 67.00 Belton, one clerk telegrapher 72.00 Willianiston, agent operator 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 67.00 Pelzer, one clerk telegrapher 67.00 Piedmont, one clerk telegrapher 67.00 Belton, station agent 85.00 Piedmont, station agent 8.^.00 Pacolet, station agent 85.00 Liockhart, station agent 58.00 Chappells, station agent 80.00 Honea Path, station agent 90.00 Pelzer, station agent 88.00 Abbeville, station agent 100.00 ITnion, station agent 100.00 Newberry, station agejit 100.00 Greenwood, station agent lO.o.Oo Hayne, station agent 93.00 CHARI.ESTON DIVES ION. Rate per Station and Po.'ition. Month Chajleston (Dispatcher's Office), three telegraphers $ 9.O.00 Ten Mile, agent operator 67.00 Ladson, agent operator 67.00 Summerville, ticket agent telegrapher 83.00 Two clerk telegraphers 75.00 Ridgeville, agent operator 80.00 Pregnalls, agent opeiatoi- SI. 00 St. George, agent operator 80.00 Reevesville, agent operator 78.00 Branchville, ticket agent telegrapher 87.00 Two clerk telegraphers 82.00 Rowesville, agent operator 80.00 Orangeburg, ticket agent telegrapher. 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 73.00 St. Matthews, one clerk telegrapher.. 71.00 Port Motte, agent operator 80.00 Kingville, agent operator 85.00 One clerk telegrapher 75.00 Hopkins, agent operator 68.00 Williston, agent operator 83.00 Bamberg, one cleik telegra'Pher 73.00 Windsor, agent operator 71.0'J Montmorenci, agent operator 71.00 Aiken, one clerk telegrapher 76.00 Toume.v, agent operator 55.00 Sumter, one clerk telegrapher 80.00 Hagood, agent operator 70.00 Boykins, agent operator 70.00 Camden, one clerk telegrapher 76.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Kershaw, one clerk telegrapher $ 75.00 Heath Springs, agent operator 78.00 I^ancaster, agent operator 100.00 One clerk telegrapher 68.00 Catawba Junction, agent operator. . . . 75.00 Rock Hill, two clerk telegraphers.... 85.00 York, one clerk telegrapher 70.00 Sharon, operator 70.00 Hickory Grove, agent operator 68.00 Smyina, agent operator 62.00 Kings Creek, agent operator 65.00 Earl, . agent operator 65.00 Shelby, ticket agent telegrapher 80.00 Lattimore, agent operator 62.00 P'orrest City, agent operator 85.00 Rutherfordton, agent operator 82.00 Gilkey, agent operator 63.00 Union Mills, agent operator 64.00 Thermal City, agent operator 64.00 Elko, agent operator 71.00 Denmark, three clerk telegraphers... 76.00 Summerville, station agent 85.00 Denmark, station agent 85.00 Aiken, station agent 95.00 Sumter, station agent 115.00 Claremont, station agent 58.00 Camden, station agent 100.00 St. Matthews, station agent 86.00 Bamberg, station agent 83.00 Branchville, station agent 92.00 Orangeburg, station agent 110.00 Jamison, station agent 50.00 Kershaw, station agent 90.00 York, station agent 93.00 Shelby, station agent 100.00 ASHEVILLE DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Majolica, three telegraphers $77.00 Barber, two telegrapher levermen.... 80.00 One telegrapher leverman 78.00 One leverman maintainer 68.00 Cleveland, agent operator 83.00 ]\hnwood. agent operator 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 77.00 Statesviile, two clerk telegraphers.... 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 Eufola, agent operator 80.00 Catawba, agent operator 83.00 T~vvo clerk telegraphers 78.00 Claremont, agent operator 83.00 Newton, two clerk telegraphers 80 00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 Oyama, one telegrapher 77.00 Plickory, two clerk telegraphers .... 80 0'» One clerk telegrapher 78.00 Connelly Springs, agent operator .... 85.00 One clerk telegrapher 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 1 >rexel, agent operator 83.00 One clerk telegrapher 80.00 Morganton, two clerk telegraphers... 80.00- One clerk telegrapher 7S.0(j Glen Alpine, agent operator 85.00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 Bridge water, one clerk telegrapher.. 80.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Nebo, a,gent operator 80. On One clerk telegrapher 77.00 Marion, two clerk telegraphers 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 558 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Clinchcross, agent operator $90.00 Greenlee, two telegraphers 77.00 Old Fort, two clerk telegraphers 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 Dendron, three telegraphers 77.00 Coleman, three telegraphers 77.00 Ridgecre&t, agent operator 83. Oo Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Black Mountain, two elk. telegraphers 80.00 Swannanoa, agent operator 83.00 One clerk telegrapher . ." SO.Oo One clerk telegrapher 78.00 Azalea, agent operator 83.00 Two clerk telegraphers 7S-0(> Biltmore, two clerk telegraphers 80.00 One clerk telegi-apher 78.00 Asheville, one telegrapher 95.00 Two telegraphers 90.00 One telegrapher 85.00 Murphy Junction, three telegrapher.s 77.00 Buena Vista, three telegraphers 80.00 Arden, agent operator 80.00 Fletchers, agent operator 83.00 One clerk telegrapher 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 Hendersonville, two clerk telegraphers 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 Flat Rock, agent operator 83.00 One clerk telegrapher 77.00 Tuxedo, agent operator 80.00 Saluda, one clerk telegrapher 80.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Melrose, three telegraphers 80.00 Tryon, one clerk telegrapher 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 77.00 Landrum, agent operator 83.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Campobello, agent operator 83.00 One clerk telegrapher 80.00 Inman, agent operator 83.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Barbel-, station agent 80.00 Newton, station agent 80.00 Conover, station agent 50.00 Hickory, station agent 95.00 Hildobran, station agent 50.00 Valdese, station agent 48.00 Morganton, station agent 95.00 Bridgewater, station agent 85.00 Marion, .station agent 95.00 Old Fort, station agent 93. Oo Black Mountain, station agent 83.00 Biltmore, station agent . . .85.00 Hendersonville, station agent 88.00 Saluda, station agent 80.00 Tryon, station agent 83.00 TRANSYLVANIA DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Horseshoe, agent operator .$ 63.00 Pisgah Forest, agent operator 75.00 One clerk telegrapher 60.00 Brevard, one clerk telegrapher 80.00 Rosman, agent operator SO.OO One clerk telegrapher 60.00 Lake Toxaway, agent operator 70.00 MURPHY DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Hominy, agent operator $ 63.00 Canton, one clerk telegrapher 79.00 One clerk telegrapher 75.00 One clerk telegrapher 68.00 Clyde, agent operator 74.00 Lake Junaluska, agent operator .... 73.00 Waynesville, one clerk telegrapher.... 77.00 One clerk telegrapher 72.00 Ilazlewood, agent operator 81.00 Balsam, agent operator 70.00 Two clerk telegraphers 62.00 Willits, agent operator 66.00 Addie, agent operator 78.00 Sylva, agent operator 83.00 Dillsboro, agent operator ..: 73.00 Whittier, agent operator 73.00 Ela, agent operator 73.00 Bryson, agent operator 90.00 One clerk telegrapher 76.00 Bushnell, agent operator 78.00 Almond, agent operator 69.00 Nantahala, agent operator 63.00 Topton, agent operator 75.00 Andrews, one clerk telegrapher 73.00 One clerk telegrapher 65.00 Murphy, agent operator ,. . 86.00 One clerk telegrapher 75.00 Andrews, station agent 85.00 Canton, station agent 92.00 Waynesville, station agent 92.00 KNOXVILLiF DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Bristol, one telegrapher $ 88.00 Vance, one telegrapher 77.0it Bluff City, agent operator 87.00 One clerk telegrapher 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 Piney Flats, agent operator 78. Oo One clerk telegrapher 76.0') ^Vatauga, agent operator 76.00 •lohn.son City, three clerk telegraphei-s 85.00 Jonesboro, one clerk telegrapher 78.00 Telford, agent operator 80.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Limestone, agent operator 80.00 Afton, agent operator 80.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Greeneville, three clerk telegraphers.. 82.00 Rader, agent operator 77.00 Two clerk telegraphers 77.00 Midway, agent operator 78.00 Mohawk, agent operator 80.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Bulls Gap, agent operator 90.00 Three telegraphers • 84.00 Whitesburg, agent operator . . ., 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 Russellville, agent operator 80.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Morristown, three clerk telegraphers 88.00 New Line, three telegrapher levermen 82.00 Talbott, agent operator 77.00, Jefferson City, agent operator 80.00 -New Market, agent operator 78.00 Mascot, agent operator 80.00 Knoxville ("K" Office), one teleg 105.00 Three telegraphers 96.00 Knoxville ("KY" Office), one teleg.. 90.00 Two telegraphers 88.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 559 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Knoxville ("Coster" Office), three telegraphers $ 80.00 Bearden, agent operator 80.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Ebenezer, three telegrapher.s 80.00 Concord, agent operator 80.00 Two telegraphers 78.00 Boyd, one telegrapher 78.00 Lenior City, three telegraphers 82.00 Loudon, three telegraphers 80.00 Philadelphia, three telegrapher.s 80.00 Sweetwater, one telegrapher 82,00 Two telegraphers 80.00 Ileagan, three telegraphers 80.00 Niota, agent operator 80.00 One clerk teelgrapher 78.00 Hutsell, three telegraphers 80.00 Athens, agent operator 85.00 Coile, three telegraphers 80.00 Iticeville, agent operator 79.00 Sanford, three telegraphers 80.00 Charleston, one clerk telegrapher .... 80.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Ta.sso, agent operator 82.00 Two clerk telegraphers 80.00 Cleveland, three clerk telegraphers... 88.00 McDonald, agent operator 80.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Roe Junction, three telegraphers 80.00 Witt, agent operator 78.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 White Pine, three clerk telegraphers.. 80.00 Rankin, three telegraphers 80.00 Yalu, three telegraphers 80.00 Newport, agent operator 85.00 Bridgeport, agent operator 82.00 Two clerk telegraphers 80.00 Wolf Creek, three telegraphers 80.00 Del Rio, three telegraphers 80.00 Paint Rock, three telegraphers 80.00 Hot Springs, one clerk telegrapher... 82.00 Two clerk telegraphers SO. 00 Runion, agent operator . 78.00 Sandy Bottom, three telegraphers.... 80.00 Barnard, agent operator 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 Nocona, three telegraphers 80.00 Marshall, agent operator 87.00 Rollins, three telegraphers 80.00 Volga, three telegraphers 80.00 Alexander, agent operator 82.00 Two clerk telegraphers 80.00 Craggy, agent operator 85.00 Two clerk telegraphers 80.00 Chuckey. station agent 60.00 Greene ville, station agent 90.00 Jonesboro, station agent 80.00 AJpha, station agent 45.00 Strawberry Plains, station agent 55.00 Lenior City, station agent 85.00 Loudon, station agent 82.00 Philadelphia, station agent 65.00 Sweetwater, station agent S.'i.OO Calhoun, station agent 50.00 Charleston, station agent ' 75.00 Cleveland, station agent 110.00 White Pine, station agent 75.00 Rankin, station agent 35.00 Del Rio, station agent 70.00 Paint Rock, station agent 35.00 Hot Springs, station agent 87.00 Mosheim, station agent 48.00 COSTER DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Powell, agent operator $70.00 Heiskell, agent operator 72.00 Two telegraphers 70.0o Clinton, agent operator 95.00 Two clerk telegraphers 80.00 Marlow, agent operator 70.00 Oliver Springs, agent operator 80.00 Harriman, three clerk telegraphers... 78.00 Coal Creek, two clerk telegraphers.... 78.00 Vasper, agent operator 70.00 LaFoUette, agent operator 95.00 One clerk telegrapher 75.00 Careyville, agent operator 90.00 Buckeye, agent operator 70.00 Elk Valley, agent operator 73.00 Newcomb, agent operator 80,00 Jellico (Joint L. & N. R. R.), one clerk telegrapher 42.00 Clairfield, agent operator 75.00 Corryton (Joint), agent operator 45.00 Luttrell, agent operator 75.00 Washburn, agent operator 70.00 Lone Mountain, agent operator 80.00 Taswell, agent operator 80.00 Arthur, agent operator 50.00 Tiprell, station agent 105.00 One clerk telegrapher 80.00 Pruden, agent operator 80.00 Coal Creek, station agent 90.00 APPALACHIA DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. per month. Mountain City, agent operator $73.00 Shouns, agent operator 65.00 Butler, agent operator 75.00 Hunter, agent operator 68.00 Elizabethton, one clerk telegrapher. . . 80.00 Bristol (General Office), one teleg... 80.00 Bristol (Dispatcher's Office), one clerk telegrapher 90.00 Benham, agent operator 80.00 Mendota, agent operator 80.00 Hilton, agent operator 80.00 Moccasin Gap, agent operator 71.00 Two clerk telegraphers 66.00 Gate City, one clerk telegrapher 75.00 Albert Yard, three clei'k telegraphers 70.00 Speers Ferry (Joint with C. C. & 6.), one clerk telegrapher 35.00 Clinchport, agent operator 80.00 Glenita, one telegrapher 67.00 Duffield, agent operator 80.00 Tito, one telegrapher 64.00 Oreton, agent operator 70.00 Big Stone Gap, agent operator .87.00 Appalachia, three clerk telegraphers. 80.00 Imboden, agent operator 68.00 Keokee, agent operator 90.00 St. Charles, one clerk telegrapher.... 70.00 Church Hill, agent operator 80.00 Stoney Point, agent operator 70.00 Surgoinsville, agent operator 8Q.00 Bureni, one telegrapher 68.00 Coran, one clerk telegrapher 70.00 Rosersville, agent operator 80.00 Neva, station agent 38.00 Elverton, station agent 38.09 St. Charles, station agent 105.00 Elizabethton, station agent 85.00 Gate City, station agent 80.00 560 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Speers Ferry (.Joint with C. C. & O.) station agent $ 45.00 Jasper, station agent 50.00 Appalachia, station agent 125.00 MEMPHIS DIVISION. • Rate per Station and Position. month. Stevenson, agent operator $93.00 Two clerlt telegraphers 73.60 F^aclcler, agent operator 73.00 Hollywood, agent operator 73.00 Scottfeboro, agent operator 90.00 Lafkinsville, agent operator 75.00 Lim Rock, agent operator 74.00 Woodville, agent operator 74.00 Paint Rock, agent operator 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 73.00 Ciurley, agent operator .. 75.00 Huntsville, one clerk telegrapher. . . . 90.00 Two clerk telegraphers 85.00 Madison, agent operator 78.00 Decatur, one telegrapher 82.00 Two telegraphers 81.00 Hillsboro, agent operator 83 00 Courtland, agent operator 78.00 Town Creek, agent operator 78.00 Leighton. agent operatoi- 78.00 Tuscumbia, one clerk telegraphei-. . . . 76.00 Florence, agent operator .'. . 103.00 Loyall, one telegrapher 93.00 TWO telegraphers 83.00 Cherokee, agent operator 78.00 luka, agent operator 90.00 Two clerk telegraphers 73.00 Burnsville, agent operator 75.00 Glens, agent operatoi- 73.00 Cypi-ess, one telegrapher 73.00 Pocahontas, agent operator 75.00 Middltton, one clei-k telegrapher 76.00 Two clerk telegraphers ; . 73.00 Saulsbury, agent operator 78.00 Grand Junction, one clerk teleg 83.00 (Joint) one clerk telegrapher 41.00 LaGrange, agent operator 77.00 Moscow, agent operator 7G.00 One clerk telegrapher 73.00 Rossville, agent operator 73.00 CoUiersville. agent operator 85.00 Two clerk telegraphers 73.00 Germantown, agent operator 73.00 Forrest, one telegrapher 82.00 Two telegraphers 79.50 Memphis (Dispatcher's Office), one clerk telegrapher 95.00 One clerk telegrapher -. 93.00 Riverton .Junction (.Joint N. A.), agent operator 36.00 Middleton, station agent 73.00 Somerville, station agent 68.00 \\ illiston, station agent 58.00 Wheeler, station agent 68.00 Tuscumbia, station agent 93.00 Noi-mal, station agent 75.00 Frownsboro, station agent 48.00 T5elle Mina. station agent 48.00 Barton, station agent 48.00 Trinity, station agent 40.50 Chewalla, station agent 41.00 Rogers Springs, station agent 43.00 ATLANTA DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. j\Ionth. Citico, three telegraphers $ 87.00 East Chattanooga, agent operator. . . . 80.00 jMissionary Ridge, three telegrapher levermen 85.00 Ooltewah, three teleg. levermen 88.00 Apison, agent operator 82.00 Cohutta, agent operator 84.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Varnell, agent operator 84.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 "Waring, three telegraphers 77.00 Dalton, one clerk telegrapher 83.00 Two clerk telegraphers 80.00 Phelps, three telegraphers 77.00 Hill City, agent operator 82.00 Sugar Valley, agent operator 84.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Oostanaula. agent operator 80.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Plainville. agent operator 84.00 Shannon, agent operator 80.00 Two clerk telegraphers 77.00 Forrestville, agent operator 86.00 Two Clerk telegraphers 80.0i> Rome, two telegraphers ._ 87.00 One telegrapher .' 85.00 Rome Tower, two teleg. levermen.. 87.00 One telegrapher leverman 85.00 Atlanta Junction, two telegraphers... 78.00 Liindale, agent operator ' 85.00 Silver Creek, three teleg., levermen. . . 83.00 Brice. three telegraphers 77.00 Seney, agent operator 82.00 Aragon, agent operator 85.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Rockmart, three clerk telegraphers. .. . 80.00 Braswell, agent operator 80.00 Two clerk telegraphers 77.00 McPhorson, three telegraphers 77.00 Dallas, ihree clerk telegraphers 80.00 Hiram, agent operator 84.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Powder Springs, agent operator 85.00 Austell, three telegrapher levermen . . 88.00 Chattahoochee, agent operator 85.00 Inman Yards, three telegraphers 92.00 Lawrence, agent operator 64.00 Cedar Bluff, agent operator 77.00 Round Mountain, agent operator 64.00 Gadsden, one clevk telegrapher 85.00 Alabama City, agent operator lOO.OO Roseland, agent operator 85.00 Constitution, three teleg. levermen... 80. OC Ellenwood. agent operator leverman.. 84.00 Two clerk teleg. levermen 79.00 Stockbridge, agent operator leverman. 86.00 Two clerk teleg. levermen 79.00 Flipnen, agent operator leverman.... 84.00 Two clerk teleg. levermen 79.00 McDonough,- agent operator 95.00 Three telegrapher levermen 80.00 Locust Grove, agent operator 85.00 Three telegrapher levermen 79.00 Jenkinsburg, agent operator leverman 84.00 Jackson, agent operator 98.00 Three telegrapher levermen 79.00 Flovilla, agent operator 85.00 Sandy, three telegrapher levermen 79.00 Berncr, agent operator leverman 82.00 Two clerk telegrapher leverman.. 79.00 Juliette, agent operator 85.00 Three telegrapher levermen 79.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 561 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Dames Ferry, three teleg. levermen. .$ 79.00 IloUon, three teleg. levermen 79.00 Macon (Freight Yard), three cleric telegraphers 86.00 Bullard, agent operator 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 77.00 Adams Park, agent operator 78,00 AVest Lake, agent operator 80.00 Cochran, three clerk telegraphers 80.00 Hawkinsville, one clerk telegrapher. . 78.00 Empire, agent operator leverman.... 95.00 Two clerk teleg. levermen 83.00 Gresston, agent operator 78.00 Eastman, three clerk telegraphers 80.00 Chauncey, agent operator . . . : 84.00 Helena, three telegraper levermen... 85.00 McRae, agent operator 85.00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 Scotland, agent operator 80.00 Towns, agent operator 78.00 Lumber City, three clerk telegraphers 80.00 Hazelhurst, three clerk telegraphers. 80.00 Graham, agent operator 80.00 Baxley, three clerk telegraphers 80.00 Surrency, agent operator 82.00 Odum, agent operator 82.00 Everett (Joint with S. A. L.), one clerk telegrapher 38.00 Rockmart, station agent 95.00 Dallas, station agent 85.00 Austell, station agent 95.00 Howell, station agent 85.00 Cochran, station agent 90.00 Eastman, station agent 90.00 Helena, station agent 88.00 Lumber City, station agent 90.00 Hazlehurst, station agent 90.00 Baxley, station agent 90.00 Holton, station agent 40.00 Dames Ferry, station agent 40.00 Rex, station agent...' 50.00 Mount Pleasant, station agent 50.00 Ooltewah, station agent 73.00 Tyner, station agent 45.00 Reeves, station agent 31.00 Hawkinsville, station agent 115.00 Everett (Joint), station agent 45.00 BIRMINGHAM DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Lithia Springs, agent operator $82.00 Douglasville, three elk. telegraphers 80.00 Winston, agent operator 80.00 Carroll, one telegrapher 77.00 Villa Rica, agent operator 92.00 Three clerk telegraphers 80.00 Temple, agent operator 87.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Bremen, three clerk telegraphers .... 80.00 XA'Taco, agent operator 80.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Tallapoosa, three clerk telegraphers.. 80.00 Muscadine, agent operator 80.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Edwardsville, agent operator 80.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Heflin, operator 92.00 Two clerk telegraphers SO. 00 Iron City, agent operator 80.00 Chooolocco, agent operator 80.00 Two clerk telegraphers 79.00 Rato per Station and Position. Month. DcArmanville, agent operator $ 80.00 Oxanna Junction, three telegraphers. . 84.00 Byniuns, agent operator 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 McFall, agent operator 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 Lincoln, agent operator 92.00 Three clerk telegraphers 79.00 Riverside, agent operator 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 Pell City, agent operator 92.00 Three clerk telegraphers 79.00 Cook Springs, three telegraphers 77.00 Brompton, agent operator 80.00 Leeds, three clerk telegraphers 79.00 Weems, three telegraphers 80.00 Irondale, agent operator 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 Woodlawn' Jet., three telegraphers 82.00 Birmingham (Dispatcher's OfHce), two telegraphers 93.00 Finley, three telegraphers 85.00 Ensley, one clerk telegrapher 88.00 Mulga, agent operator 70.00 Valley Creek, one clerk telegrapher..., 88.00 Coalburg, agent operator 90.00 Two clerk telegraphers 80.00 Republic, agent operator 82.00 Brookside, agent operator 92.00 Two clerk telegraphers 79.00 Jefferson, three telegraphers 78.00 Blossburg, agent operator 96.00 Littleton, agent operator 90.00 Two clerk telegraphers 79.00 Flat Top, agent operator 61.00 Bryan, agent operator 77.00 Burnwell, two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Warrior Siding, one telegrapher 77.00 Cordova, two clerk telegraphers 79.00 Parrish, three clerk telegraphers 79.00 Oakman, one clerk telegrapher 79.00 Corona, agent operator : . . . 95.00 One clerk telegrapher 80.00 Berry, agent operator 80.00 Bankston, agent operator 78.00 Fayette, one clerk telegrapher 79.00 Covin, agent operator 80.00 Kennedy, agent operator 83.00 Millport, agent operator 83.00 Fernbank, agent opeiator 80.00 Anniston (L. & N. Jet.), two telegs. . 78.00 Anniston (Artillery, No. 2), two telegs. 78.00 Douglasville, station agent 92.00 Bremen, station agent 92.00 Fruithurst, station agent 55.00 Seddon, station agent 55.00 Eden, station agent 55.00 Leeds, station agent 92.00 Maxine, station agent 55.00 Cardiff, station agent 55.00 Red Star, station agent 65.00 Fayette, station agent 92.00 Belk, station agent 55.00 Steens, station agent 55.00 Woodlawn, station agent 95.00 East Birmingham, station agent 95.00 Thoma.s, station agent 95.00 Woodward (Joint), station agent 50.00 Cordova, station agent 95.00 Parrish, station agent 95.00 Oakman, station agent 95.00 562 Schedules and Wage Scales. i COLUMBUS DIVISION. Rata per Station, and Position. Month. Riverdale, agent operator $ 63.00 Fayetteville, agent operator 78.00 Woolsey, agent operator 62.00 Zebulon, agont operator 72.00 Meansville, agent operator 70.00 Yatesville, agent operator 80.00 Culloden, agent operator 76.00 Roberta, agent operator 74.00 Fort Valley, agent operator 100.00 One clerk telegrapher 65.00 Luella, agent operator 60.00 Concord, agent operator 76.00 Molena, agent operator 73.00 Woodbury, agent operator 86.00 One clerk telegrapher 68.00 Warm Springs, agent operator 75.00 One clerk telegrapher 67.00 Shiloh, agent operator 67.00 Waverly Hall, agent operator 75.00 Ellerslie, agent operator 67.00 Columbus, one clerk telegrapher 87.00 One yard clerk telegrapher 82.00 Williamson, station agent 82.00 MOBILE DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Atlanta Jet., one telegrapher $ 78.00 Cave Springs, agent operator 78.00 Rock Run, agent operator 80.00 Spring Garden, agent operator 73.00 Piedmont, agent operator 85.00 Jacksonville, agent operator 85.00 Oxford, agent operator 90.00 Munford, agent operator 70.00 Talladega, one clerk telegrapher 75.00 Barclay (Joint with B. & A.), agent operator , 38.00 Childersburg, agent operator 90.00 Wilsonville, agent operator 75.00 Columbiana, agent operator 80.00 Calera (Joint with L. & N.), three telegraphers 28.00 Montevallo, agent operator 92.00 Wilton, agent operator ' 85.00 Two clerk telegraphers 72.00 Ashby, agent operator 73.00 Randolph, agent operator 78.00 Maplesville, agent operator 90.00 Stanton, agent operator 75.00 Riderville, agent operator 75.00 Plantersville, agent operator 75.00 Burnsville, agent operator , 75.00 Selma (Yard), one clerk telegrapher.. 83.00 Two clerk telegraphers 81.00 Selma (Dispatcher's Office), one teleg- rapher 93.00 Selma, ticket agent operator 95.00 One clerk telegrapher 75.00 Marion Junction, agent operator 83.00 Two clerk telegraphers 72.00 Union town, agent operator 92.00 One clerk telegrapher 73.00 Faunsdale, one clerk telegrapher ' 70.00 Demopolis, one clerk telegrapher 75.00 Lilita (Joint S. & C), agent operator. 48.00 Marion, agent operator 95.00 Newberne, agent operator 75.00 Greensboro, agent operator 92.00 Akron (Joint A. G. S.), three clerk telegraphers 39.00 Aldrich, agent operator 75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Maylene, agent operator $ 75.00 Gurnee Junction, agent operator 83.00 Two clerk telegraphers 72.00 Marvel, agent operator 92.00 Garnsey, agent operator ' 85.00 Seymoui', two telegraphers 72.00 Coleanor, agent operator 77.00 Piper, agent operator 92.00 Ardela, one telegrapher 72.00 Belle Ellen, agent operator 92.00 Hargrove, agent operator 73.00 Safford, agent operator 70.00 Catherine, agent operator \ 70.00 Lamison, agent operator 75.00 Kimbrough, agent operator ^. . . 85.00 Pine Hill, agent operator 80.00 Thomasville, agent operator 92.00 One clerk telegrapher 70.00 Fulton, agent operator 82.00 Suggsville, agent operator 75.00 Jackson, agent operator 92.00 Wagar. agent operator 73.00 Calvert, agent operator 78.00 Satsuma, agent operator 73.00 Mobile, one clerk telegrapher 90.00 Kymulga, station agent 52.00 Fremont, station agent 50.00 Faunsdale, station agent 85.00 Coatopa, station agent 52.00 Alberta, station agent 50.00 Gastonburg, station agent t.. 55.00 Arlington, station agent 55.00 Sunny South, station agent 50.00 Dickenson, station agent 52.00 Whatley, station agent 68.00 Walker Springs, station agent 52.00 Carson, station agent 50.00 Toinette, station agent 52.00 Mt. Vernon, station agent 60.00 Scott Station, station agent 40.00 Talladega, station agent 100.00 Gallion, station agent ' 45.00 Sawyersville, station agent " 40.00 Brierfield, station agent 40.00 Hamburg, station agent 40.00 ST. LOUIS AND LOUISVILLE DIVISIONS. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Louisville (Dispatcher's Office), three clerk telegraphers ' $ 90.00 New Albany, three telegraphers 84.00 Duncan, three telegraphers 79.00 Georgetown, agent operator 78.00 Crandall, agent operator , 78.00 Corydon Jet., agent operator 78.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Depauw, agent operator 78.00 Milltown, three clerk telegraphers 79.00 Marengo, agent operator 78.00 One clerk telegrapher 78.00 English, agent operator , 78.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Taswell, agent operator 78.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Eckerty, agent operator 78.00 Birdseye, agent operator 78.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 St. Anthony, agent operator 78.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Huntingburg, three telegraphers 86.00 Woods, one telegrapher 77.00 Velpen, agent operator 78.0Q Schedules and Wage Scales. 563 Rato per Station and Position. Month. Kart■^velI Jet., three telegraphers $77.00 Winslow, agent operator 78.00 Ayshire, three telegTaphers 77.00 Oakland City (Joint), one clerk teleg. 41.00 Two clerk telegraphers 78.00 Francisco, agent operator 78.00 East Junction, three telegraphers 77.00 Princeton (Dispatcher's Office), two clerk telegraphers 90.00 Becks, one telegrapher 77.00 Mt. Carmel, three clerk telegraphers.. 80.00 Belmont, agent operator 70.00 Albion, agent operator 90.00 Two clerk telegraphers 76.00 Golden Gate, agent operator 70.00 Fairfield, agent operator 95.00 Two clerk telegraphers 76.00 Wayne City, agent operator 70.00 One clerk telegrapher 76.00 Mt. Vernon, three clerk telegraphers.. 80.00 Dix, agent operator 60.00 Walnut Hill, agent operator 68.00 Bartelso, agent operator 64.00 Germantown, agent operator 70.00 Albers, agent operator 65.00 New Baden, three clerk telegraphers. 76.00 Millers, one clerk telegrapher 78.00 Belleville, one clerk telegrapher 76.00 Belleville Jet., one clerk telegrapher. . 76.00 Cooper, two telegraphers 76.00 East St. Louis, one clerk telegrapher 78.00 Dubois, agent operator 65.00 .Jasper, one clerk telegrapher 76.00 Dale, agent operator 68.00 Lincoln City, agent operator 80.00 One clerk telegrapher 76.00 Gentryville, agent operator 63.00 Boonville, one clerk telegrapher 76.00 Chandler, agent operator 70.00 Evansville, one clerk telegrapher 78.00 Chrisney, agent operator 65.00 Rockport, agent operator 98.00 Troy, agent operator 68.00 Tell City, agent operator : . . 88.00 Cannelton, agent operator 83.00 St. Louis (Genl. Supt. Office), one elk. telegrapher 93.00 Coapman, three telegraphers 86.00 Louisville (Freight Station), one elk. telegrapher 78.00 Louisville (Fourth Avenue), three telegraphers 85.00 Louisville (Floyd Street), three teleg- raphers • 78.00 Buechel, agent operator 78.00 Jeffersontown, agent operator 78.00 Fisherville. agent operator 78.00 Two clerk telegraphers 74.00 Veeehdale, agent operator 78.00 Shelbyville, three clerk telegraphers.. 78.00 Hempridge, agent operator 78.00 Waddy, agent operator 78.00 Two clerk telegraphers 74.00 Avenstoke, agent operator 76.00 Alton, agent operator 78.00 Lawrenceburg, three elk. telegraphers 78.00 Salvisa, agent operator 78.00 Harrodsburg, three clerk telegraphers 78.00 Tyrone, one clerk telegrapher 70.00 Versailles, one clerk telegrapher 78.00 Midway, agent operator 88.00 Milltown, station agent 86.00 Huntingburg, station agent 100.00 Jasper, station agent 93.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Bluford, station agent $ 50.00 Tyrone, station agent 88.00 Oakland City (Joint), station agent... 52.00 Mt. Vernon, station agent 100.00 Boonville, station agent 100.00 Shelbyville, station agent 93.00 Harrodsburg, station agent 100.00 Milner, station agent 52.00 Versailles, station agent 93.00 Lawrenceburg, station agent 100.00 McBrayer, station agent 52.00 New Baden, station agenA 80.00 Clark, station agent 37.50 Princeton, station agent 100. 00 Mt. Carmel, station agent 105.00 Sims, station agent 40.00 Keenes, station agent 40.00 Tennyson, station agent 40.00 Russellville, two clerk telegraphers... 73.00 Isbell, agent operator 73.00 Spruce Pine, agent operator 78.00 Bear Creek, agent operator 78.00 Phil Campbell, agent operator 78.00 Haleyville, three telegraphers 73.00 Delmar, one telegrapher 73.00 Natural Bridge, one telegrapher 73.00 Lynn, agent operator 75.00 Nauvoo, agent operator 78.00 Gamble, one telegrapher 73.00 Jasper, three clerk telegraphers 73.00 Riverton Jet. (Joint), agent operator.. 37.00 Riverton, agent operator 79.00 Paissellville, station agent 98.00 Haleyville, station agent 88.00 HIGH POINT, RANDLEMAN, ASHEBORO AND SOUTHERN RAILROAD.. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Asheboro, one clerk telegrapher $ 75.00 Randleman, agent operator ■ 85.00 Asheboro, station agent 85.00 Trinity, station agent 55.00 Cumnock, agent operator , 56.00 Gulf, agent operator., 80.00 Goldston, agent operator 60.00 Bear Creek, agent operator 56.00 Bonlee, agent operator 73.00 Ore Hill, agent operator 53.00 Siler City, agent operator 70.00 Liberty, agent operator 70.00 Climax, agent operator 68.00 Millsboro, agent operator 57.00 Cedar Falls, agent operator 55.00 iT'ranklinville, agent operator 70.00 Ramseur, agent operator 80.00 Summerfield, agent operator 56.00 Stokesdale, agent operator 61.00 .Madison, agent operator 80.00 Walnujt Cove, agent operator 80.00 Germanton, agent operator 56.00 Pinnacle, agent operator 55.00 Pilot Mountain, agent operator 70.00 Mt. Airy, one clerk telegrapher 80.00 King, station agent 40.00 Mt. Airy, station agent 95.00 Granite Quarry, agent operator 80.00 Rockwell, agent operator 70.00 Gold Hill, agent operator 70.00 New London, agent operator 75.00 Albemarle, agent operator 100.00 Norwood, agent operator 80.00 Badin, agent operator 85.00 Richfield, station agent 55.00 564 Schedules and Wage Scales. CAROLINA & TENNESSEE RAILWAY. SOUTHERN Ratci per Station and Position. Month. Ritter, station agent $6.5.00 Fontana. station agent 50.00 SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Relay Offices. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Washington, D. C, second telegrapher wire chief .- $116.00 Third telegrapher wire chief 114.00 Assistant wire chief 104.00 Three telegraphers 97.00 Seven telegraphers 94.00 Greensboro, N. C, second telegrapher wire chief 105.00 Third telegrapher wire chief 102.00 Four telegraphers 94.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Charlotte, N. C, second telegrapher wire chief $112.00 Third telegrapher wire chief 105.00 Assistant wire chief 100.00 Fifteen telegraphers 94.00 Cohunbia, S. C, second telegrapher wire chief 98.00 Third telegrapher wire chief 96.00 Two telegraphers 94.00 Atlanta, Ga., second telegrapher wire chief 112.00 Third telegrapher wire chief 102.00 One telegrapher 98.00 Two telegraphers 96.00 Seven telegraphers 94.00 Birmingham, Ala., second telegrapher wire chief 98.00 Third telegrapher wire chief 96.00 Two telegraphers 94.00 Southern Pacific Company (Pacific System.) (EFFECTIVE SEPTEjVIBER 1, 1917.) The following rules, regulations, and rates of pay will govern telegraphers on Pacific System: ARTICLE I. (a) Employes, other than train dispatch- ers, reciuired to perform telegraph service of any character, or duration, also employes lo- cated at stations required to transmit and receive telegrams or train orders by tele- phone, telegraph or by any other mechanical device, staff operators, and agents and other employes in charge of stations in- corporated in wage schedule, and at stations which are opened as such will be considered as "'telegraphers" within the meaning of this agreement, irrespective of location or title by which designated or character of service performed. Location of telegraphers for service will be considered as "stations" within the meaning of this agreement. (b) No employe except telegraphers will be permitted to receive or transmit train orders at points where telegraphers are lo- cated, except in case of emergency, in which case the telegrapher if not on duty, but availaole will be paid special call as provided for in Article V, Section (k). Telegraphers will register address with dispatcher and if not at such address, • this section not to apply. ARTICLE n. Positions covered by this agreement will be filled by telegraphers taken from the telegraphers' official seniority list. When additional positions or ofRces are created, or character of their duties has been materially increased, compensation will be fixed in conformity with positions of the same class in schedule on the division where located. When general, relay, or dispatchers' of- fices are established rates of pay for inan- agers, wire chiefs and telegraphers will be same as salaries paid at other general, re- lay and dispatchers' offices covered by this agreeement on district located. ARTICLE III. (a) Regular assigned telegraphers will re- ceive one da.y's pa>' within each twenty-four hours, according to location occupied or to which entitled, if ready for service and not assigned to a location, or if required on duty less than the required minimum num- ber of hours as per location, except on Sun- days and holidays. (h) A regular assigned telegrapher is one who is assigned to a position by bulletin. ARTICLE IV. (a) Telegraphers will receive the same salary in relief service as the telegrapher they relieve. (b) Extra telegraphers who have per- formed initial service when deadheading at the company's instance to perform service at any point, and returning therefrom will be paid 2 cents per mile except when dead- heading to displace their juniors in the service. (c) Senior extra telegraphers when avail- able and competent will be used in prefer- ence to junior extra telegraphers. .Junior extra telegraphers will not be displaced on vacancies of thirty days or less. After they have worked a vacancy thirty days, senior extra telegraphers will be allowed to displace them except that in general, re- lay, or dispatchers' offices displacements may be made at any time. Schedules and Wage Scales. 565 (d) Regular telegraphers may do relief work for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days without losing their asisigned position, but where competent extra telegraphers are available the extra telegraphers will be given the preference. Regular telegraphers will be paid one ($1.00) dollar per day for expenses while used in such service when necessary to leave their home station. ARTICLE V. (a) At stations where one telegrapher is employed ten (10) consecutive hours (in- cluding one hour for meal and one addi- tional hour to be allowed in consecutive order between the fourth and seventh hours on duty) shall constitute a day's work on week days, for telegraphers. Under this section, if either hour is missed or curtailed, one hour's overtime will be paid. If both hours are missed or curtailed, two hours' overtime will be paid. (b) Wliere two or more telegraphers are employed eight (8) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work on week days for telegraphers, provided that nine (9) consecu- tive hours including a meal hour will con- -stitute a day's work on week days for agents performing no wire work. (c) Eight consecutive hours will consti- tute a day's work on week days for copyists and telegraphers at dispatchers' and super- intendents' offices. (d) Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays are weeK days within the meaning of this agreement. (e) Except as provided for in Article VI. in cases of emergency, telegraphers shall be allowed not less than thirteen consecu- tive hours' rest within each twenty-four- hour period, provided that in cases or emergency they shall have not less than ten consecutive hours' rest within each twenty- four-hour period. The twenty-four-hour period wherever mentioned in this agreement to begin at the time service commences. (f) At stations where but one telegrapher is employer, if a day office, the hours o.f service shall begin between six (6:00) a. m. and eight (8:00) a. m. At stations where two telegraphers ire employed the hours of service for agents or first trick telegraphers shall begin betweeri six (6:00) a. m. and eight (8:00) a. m. At stations where three or more teleg- raphers are employed the hours of service for the agent or first trick telegrapher wIlJ' commence at eight (8:00) a. m. At stations where agent is not requirea to telegraph, his hours shall begin between six (6:00) a. m. and eight (8:00) a. m. ^V^lere agent is required to telegraph, he will be known as first trick telegrapher. Telegraphers, the greater part of whose assigned hours are between six (6:00) a. m. and six (6:00) p. m. will be considered day telegraphers within the meaning of tiiis a.greement. At stations wheie wire chiefs are enipIo.Ncd llie hours of first wire chief to be eight (8:00) a. m. to four (4:00) p. ni.:>second wire chief, four (4:00) p. m. to twelve n2:()0) midnight, and third wire chief, twelve (12:00) mid- night to eight (8:00) a. m. (g) Except as provided for in section (a> of this article, and except at stations whore eight (8) consecutive hours constitute a day's v/ork, day or night telegraphers who are not allowed sixty (60) consecutive minutes between eleven-thirty (11:30) and one-thirty (1:.30) day or night, will receive one hour's overtime for each meal hour missed or cur- tailed at the company's instance within the time specified herein. When the hours are so arranged that a meal hour is not de- sired by telegrapher as provided above, a meal hour of sixty (60) consecutive minutes between six (6:00) a. m. and eight (8:00) a. m. or six (6:00) p. m. and eight (8:00) p. m. will be arranged and telegraphers will receive one hour overtime for each meal hour missed or curtailed at tlie company's instance on account of the requirements of the service. (h) Telegraphers who are required to work a full meal hour shall be allowed thirty (30) minutes for lunch within one hour a.fter the meal hour period designated in sections fa) and (g) of this article or paid an additional hour overtime. Telegraphers will not be required to work in excess of eight (8) consecutive hours with- out a meal hour, but if requirements of the service make it impossible to release a telegrapher at expiration of eight (8) cori- secutive hours' service, double the rate of overtime will be paid for first hour worl:ed after eight (8) consecutive hours' service, computed on basis of second paragraph of Section (j) of this article. Telegraphers who have worked eight con- secutive hours without a meal hour and required to return for service will be allowed special call for the first hour. (i) Telegraphers will be allowed overtime when required to remain on duty in per- formance of any service required by the company longer than the number of hours constituting a day's work, according to lo- cation, or outside of their regular hours designated as the beginning and ending of tlie standard day's work according to lo- cation. Telegraphers will be assigned so as to bring them on duty not less than thirty (30> n^inutes prior to arriving time of any pas- .'-fnger train they are required to work. (j) Except as provided for in Article VI, the rate of overtime shall be based on the telegrapher's monthly salary (exclusive of Sundays) according to location, but in no case less than fifty (50c) cents per hour. Overtime on articles in this agreement will be computed on an eight (8) hour basis. In computing overtime fractions of an hour less than twenty (20) minutes will be ignored, fractions of an hour comprising twenty (20) minutes or over will be counted as one hour. (k) Telegraphers, when called for service by proper authority for any purpose before or after regular a.'^signed hours will be paid one dollar ($1.00) for each call, and if kept on duty longer than one hour they shall receive overtime pro rata at regular salary, but not less than the minimum specified in this agreement. Minimum pay for service on Sundays and Iiolidays will be one call. Overtime pro rata 566 Schedules and Wage Scaj^es. to be based on a calendar working: day month. If assigned week day hours for Sunday and holiday service, the salary for such service will be one day's pay. If assigned one-half week day hours for Sunday and holiday service, pro rata over- time rate will be paid. If not assigned hours for Sunday and holiday service, call will be paid for first hour, pro rata overtime rate will be paid for additional service performed. (1) Telegraphers will be notified by the company in all cases without delay when claims for overtime or for compensation on any other account are disallowed, with rea- 6ons why not allowed. ARTICLE VI. (a) "BD" San Francisco, "HU" Los Ange- les and "DW" Portland offices will herein be referred to as general telegraph offices. (b) At general telegraph offices eight (.8) consecutive hours without a meal hour shall constitute a day's work on week days for telegraphers. (c) At "BD" San Francisco and "HU" Los Angeles and "DW" Portland, positions except manager, first, second and third wire chiefs, will be numbered consecutively as telegraphers have bid into these positions. When additional positions are created at any general telegraph office they shall be given the next higher number to the last position created in that particular office. (d) At general telegraph offices when po- sitions are vacated they shall be bulletined to such divisions as stated in Section (o) of this article. (Bulletin will read, "Position No in office is vacant, and Idds will be received for same until "). (e) At general telegraph offices, office hours except for managers and wire chiefs will be arranged in accordance with the number of the position which telegraphers hold, position No. 1 to have first choice, po- sition No. 2, second choice, and so on, of the hour.s arranged by the management. (f) At general telegraph offices when re- duction in force is necessary the highest numlaered position shall be reduced first and so on, inversely. (g) At general telegraph offices when a position as wire chief is abolished, the wire chief so affected shall have the right to dis- place the telegrapher holding the highest numbered position in that office, or exercise his seniority right on division from which promoted. (h) When necessary to work additional telegraphers in any general telegraph office, extra men may be used to fill such positions. Superintendent of telegraph will wire divi- sion superintendents within forty-eight (48) hours to issue bulletin in regular manner immediately, such bulletin to close within ten (10) days, assignment to be made within five (5) days. (i) In any telegraph office on the system where automatic printers are in use. teleg- raphers will be used in the operation of s.'une, except punching. WluTC automatic printers ;ire used there ^]-\:\\\ he a position designated as "telegra- pher-mechanician," who will be in charge of IH'inter equipment. In ofl!ices where more than one automatic printer is in use, there shall be the required number of positions designated as "telegra- pher-clerks," to cover the entire period that such automatic printers are in operation, one telegrapher- clerk to be asigned to each automatic printer so operated. Telegrapher-mechanician and telegrapher- clerks shall receive compensation shown in wage scale. ij) At any telegraph office on the system where five (5) or more telegraphers are employed, two (2) hours overtime in any twenty-four (24) hour period on week days shall be the maximum amount of overtime required of each telegrapher, except that in case of a general prostration of circuits, when four (4) hours' overtime shall be the maximum amount of overtime required of each telegrapher. (k) At general telegraph offices on Sun- days and holidays, where six (6) or more telegraphers are employed, telegraphers will not be required to work more than four (4) consecutive hours' overtime, and where less than six (6) telegraphers are employed, telegraphers will not be required to work more than six (6) consecutive hours' over- time except in emergency. (1) At general telegraph offices where telegraphers are required to work overtime on Sundays and hohdays, they will be as- signed hovirs, thirty-six (36) hours in ad- vance, according to the number of the posi- tion they hold, first, second and third wire chiefs having preference to telegraphers holding position No. 1. Telegraphers when filling wire chief's position on Sundays and holidays, will be paid wire chief's pro rata overtime rating. (m) At general telegraph offices overtime for telegraphers shall be pro rata based on monthly salary, exclusive of Sundays, but not less than sixty (60) cents per hour. (n) Telegraphers taking initial service with the company in "BD", San Francisco, shall have the choice of either Coast or Western divisions: similar initial service in "HU", Los Angeles, telegraphers' seniority will be carried on Los Angeles division: similar initial service in "DW", Portland, telegraphers' seniority wil be carried on Portland division. This right must be exercjsed at time of entering service and general chairman notified. (o) Positions vacated or created in "BD", San Francisco, will be bulletined to all offices •covered by this agreement. Positions in "HU", Los Angeles, will be bulletined to all offices on the Southern district, and positions in "DW", Portland, will be bulletined to all offices oil the Northern district. Telegra- phers shall have the right to file for these positions. Assignments to be made as pro- vided for in Article XIV. ARTICLE VII. (a) At stations where multiplex apparatus is. in use at which throe (3) or more teleg- raphers are r-inplo.ved, there will be positions designated as manager, and the required number of wire chiefs to cover the entire twenl.N-foui- (24) hour period. (b) At stations where storage batteries or accumulators are maintained and telegra- phers are required to take readings of spe- Schedules and Wage SCiVLES. 567 oific gravity, voltage oi- amperage or re- charge them, each telegi-apher so handling sliall bo paid an additional monthly wage of live ($5.00) dollars for the first five hundred (500> cells or less, and two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50> for each additional two hundred and fifty (250; cells or less of storage bat- teries or accumulators so handled. ARTICLE VIII. (a) Telegraphers will not be required to serve express companies for a less rate per cent extra compensation than that allowed them during the year 1906. In case the express agency is withdrawn from any station, the compensation of the agent will be leadjusted to conform with the rate paid at other stations of similar im- portance on the division where railroad agent does not act also as an express agent. (b) Telegraphers who are required to ren- der commercial accounts will be considered manager and receive two-thirds (%) of the total commission, balance of commission to be prorated to other telegraphers who re- ceive and transmit commercial business. (c) Telegraphers required to serve express or commercial telegraph companies will have the right to complain of unsatisfactory treatment at the hands of said companies • ind will receive due consideration from the railroad company. ARTICLE IX. (a) Telegraphers will not be required to fuel, wipe, turn or start fires in locomotives, measure oil in tanks of engines, unload coal "I- wood, bed stock cars, patrol tracks or turn bridges, throw switches (other than in regular switch towers), shovel snow, clean coaches, scrub stations, platforms, or outside closets, wash windows^ run pumps, or fill water cars. Where additional station force other than telegraphers are employed and are on duty before eight (8:00) a. m., telegraphers will not be required to sweep out offices and waiting rooms. (b) The handling of L. C. L. freight re- ceived and forwarded at any station in ex- cess of five thousand (5,000) pounds per day, Itascd on an average of thirty (30) days .shall not be required of telegraphers without additional station help to handle. Agents will be authorized to call on section foremen for assistance in handling heavy or bulky freight. (c) Telegraphers will not be required to uttend switi'h lights. If such lights within their view which should be burning are ex- tinguished they must relight them. (d) Telegraphers will not be required to clean batteries at stations where more than ten (10) cells are used. (e) Telegraphers at division or sub-division terminals, or at junction points where train- master, terminal trainmaster, yardmaster, or others are in charge of yard, Avill not be tcquircd to handle train boards, train crews, iir leave office to call train or engine crews, or be held responsible for the starting of trains. It i.'? understood under this that ('•legraphers will not be required legularly to crews fit any station. (f) Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy, nor admit students to their offices, nor will telegraphers teach teleg- raphy without permission from the com- pany. (g) If on any trick, at any station U. S. mail exceeds five hundred (500) pounds, or twenty (20) pouches, sacks or pieces per day based on an average of thirty (30) days, telegrapher on that trick will not be re- quired to handle. (h) Telegraphers will be exempt from watch inspection at stations where standard clock is provided. ARTICLE X. (a) At stations where living quarters, either in station buildings, cars or separate buildings have heretofore been furnished telegrapners together with allowances of fuel, ice and other supplies without expense to themselves, such concessions will not be withdrawn by the company, after the adop- tion of this agreement, and in case agent does not desire use of same, first trick or day telegrapher, second trick telegrapher, or third • trick or night telegrapher in order named will be entitled to above named con- cessions without expense or payment there- for. Where living quarters cannot be secured at isolated points, the company shall pro- vide suitable quarters without charge for each telegrapher, and in addition furnish fuel, ice and water free of charge. Where wood is furnished as fuel for office or waiting rooms, telegraphers will not be required to saw and cut same. Sufficient coal or wood and ice will be furnished by the company whenever climatic conditions require. (b) At stations where telegraphers report to the proper officer unsanitary water con- ditions, the company will correct same if found to be as represented. . (c) Telegraphers employed at stations where there are no stores will be given free freight rate from points where stores are located on the same division for all provisions, not to exceed one hundred (100) pounds pe^ week for each telegrapher so far as the company may legally do so. ARTICLE XI. (a) Regular telegraphers moving from one station to another under orders or to take assignment, will receive pay for time in transferring, according to location after transfer, also free transportation for them- selves, dependent members of their family and household goods. (b) WTien transfers of stations are made at the company's instance, or in case of dis- ability or leave of absence not to exceed two i'Z) per year, each telegrapher will re- ceive one day's pay in each twenty-four (24) hour period during such transfer at rate of position being transferred. When offices are closed and positions dis- continued, the comp.any will pay for time lost in making the ti-aiisfers necessary on account of telegraphers exerci.sing their seniority rights and electing to take posi- tions held by telegraphers their juniors in the service. 568 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE XII. Telegraphers attending court or detailed on other business for the company, will be allowed regular salary and in addition the equivalent of commissions earned by his re- lief, also legitimate expenses while away from home. ARTICLE XIII. (a) Telegraphers' official seniority list will consist of all regularly -assigned occupants of the positions covered by this agreement, and telegraphers on the extra list on the date this agreement becomes effective. None but telegraphers who enter schedule positions after the adoption of this agree- ment will be added to the telegraphers' offi- cial seniority list. (b) Seniority rights will be confined to railroad divisions and will not be inter- changed between divisions except as pro- vided for in article XV. (c) Staff operators will have preference for all vacancies in staff offices. Telegra- phers may bid for vacancies in staff offices, but seniority as telegraphers will not be considered in filling the vacancy. Their seniority as staff operators to date from date of entering staff service. Telegraphers accepting positions in staff offices will not lose their seniority thereby. (d) All train dispatchers entitled to senior- ity at the time of adoption of the 1908 agree- ment and telegraphers since promoted as such, will retain their seniority after the adoption of this agreement, provided that dispatchers who have performed no service in schedule positions since 1908 will not be entitled to seniority on telegraphers' official seniority list. In future, telegraphers accepting positions as train dispatchers will not hold their as- signed schedule positions in excess of jiinety (90) days as provided for in article IV, and will not be permitted to file applications for ^■acancies while employed as train dispatch- ers. ARTICLE XIV. (a) Telegraphers will be regarded as in line of promotion, advancement depending upon faithful discharge of duties and capac- ity for increased responsibilities. Where ability is sufficient, seniority will have the preference. (b) The company, through the proper offi- cial, will determine the fitness of telegra- phers to fill all positions in this agreement. (c) Any telegrapher feeling himself ag- grieved on account of such decision will have the right of appeal personally or through the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, to the higher officials in regular order. (d) Telegraphers will be notified by the company every thirty (30) days when posi- tions are created or vacancies occur on the divisions where located, and telegraphers may file application for the same within fif- teen (!.')) days from the date of notification. All applications for vacancies to be made in duplicate, one copy of which will be returned to applicant previous to close of bulletin as an acknowledgment of receipt. Permanent ;ippointnients to be made within ten (10) days after close of bulletin. (e) When positions are created, bulletins will state hours and rate of compensation. Bulletins will show the previous month's assignment. At any station where man- ager, first, second or third wire chiefs are employed, when such positions are vacated or created they will be bulletined as such. (f) Failure to file for a bulletined position will not work any forfeiture of rights to file for any position on any subsequent bulletin, but if application is made, applicant will be required to accept the position filed for if his application is confirmed by the com- pany. (g) If a telegrapher assigned to a position proves inconapetent, he will drop back to the extra list, retaining his seniority rights. ARTICLE XV. (a) Telegraphers, on account of ill health of themselves or dependent members of their families, may transfer from one division to another with the approval of the company. Provided, that telegraphers making such transfer will furnish physician's certificate in duplicate, previous to transfer, one copy to be furnished local chairman Order of Rail- road Telegraphers on division to which transferred. In such cases the telegraphers making the transfer will go on the extra list, but will retain three-fourths- (%) of his former seniority, and will have the right to file into bulletined positions as per article XIV. No application for vacancies will be accepted by the company until telegrapher has actually performed service on the divi- sion transferred to. (b) Any telegrapher may exchange posi- tion and seniority with a telegrapher on an- other division with the approval of the company. W!here exchanges are made teleg- raphers exchanging positions will not be permitted to transfer back (as per section (a) of this article) within two (2) years from date of exchange to division from which exchange was made without forfeiture of one-half (1/^) of their seniority. (c) Telegraphers transferred from one di- vision to another, will not De required by reason of such transfer, to undergo an ad- ditional physical examination, except as pro- vided for in section (a) of this article, will be given free transportation for themselves, dependent members of their families and household goods, except when the same would conflict with the Federal laws. (d) Telegraphers will not be permitted to exchange positions or seniority with other telegraphers on the same division. ARTICLE XVI. The local chairman of the Order of Rail- road Telegraphers on each division will be furnished official seniority lists, by the com- pany, in January and July of each year, showing .all telegmphers on the division witli their location and occupation. ARTICLE XVII. (a) Telegraphers securing employment with the company will, within ninety (90) days of date of employment, have returned to them all certificates of service, letters of recommendation and other papers which Schedules and Wage Scales. 569 have been furnished by them for investiga- tion, and said telegraphers, if required, will make and forward copies with the original, said copies to be retained by the company. (b) Any telegrapher may inspect his dis- cipline record file at any tim,e. He may as- sign in writing- to the local chairman of the local board of adjustment the right to in- spect his discipline record file in the adjust- ment of grievances. (c) Telegraphers leaving the service of the company who have been in its employ sixty (60) days or more, will be given certificates of service and paid promptly. If dismissed, service letter will show specific reason. If detained more than three (3) days awaiting pay, after having given ten (10) days' notice or on account of having been dismissed, they will be paid for each day in excess of three (3) days on basis of wages allowed at last position occupied. It is understood that this does not apply if the delay is due to accounting irregularities. (d) Telegraphers who have left the service voluntarily or otherwise, when re-employed will rank from last date of employment, but nothing in this article will be construed as abrogating the rights of telegraphers re- instated any time after discharge. ARTICLE XVIII. (a) Telegraphers will not be dismissed from the company's service without fair and impartial hearing unless telegraphers waive such hearing, if suspended pending investigation such investigation will ordi- narily be held within ten (10) days from date of suspension, and telegraphers at in- vestigation or hearing may be accompanied by a telegrapher of his choice (other than a general officer of his organization), in the employ of the company and on same senior- ity district. Telegrapher accompanying an- other telegrapher who is under investigation does so at his own expense. Telegraphers found not guilty, as charged, will be rein- stated and paid for all time lost. (b) Telegraphers dissatisfied with the re- sult of the investigation have the right, without prejudice, to appeal to the super- intendent of telegraph and other general officers of the company in regular order, either in person or through the Order of Railroad Telegraphers. (c) A transcript of investigations and hear- ings will be furnished by the company to the telegrapher affected, if requested. (d) Telegraphers who have been in the service of the company three (3) months or more and are dismissed, will be given free transportation to either end of the division where employed, as they may elect. (e) If a meeting with the superintendent of telegraph is desired, written notice, to- gether with statement of matters to be' considered, will be forwarded to the super- intendent of telegraph or other general offi- cers, in regular order, by the general chair- man Order of Railroad Telegraphers, and date and time will be arranged for -confer- ence without unreasonable delay. ARTICLE XIX. (.a) When necessary to reduce the num- ber of telegraphers they will be laid off ac- cording, to the seniority list, taken in in- verse order, connnencing with the junior extra telegrapher, regular telegraphers mov- ing back to the extra list in the same man- ner, except as provided for in Article VI. (b) Telegraphers who are laid off will have the preference when necessary to employ telegraphers on any division included in this agreement. (c) A telegrapher losing his assigned posi- tion through no fault of his own will if ability is sufficient, be allowed one displace- ment of either the youngest assigned agent, or day telegrapher, or night telegrapher, provided the telegrapher displaced is his junior in the service. This right must be exercised within a period of ten (10) days, except as provided for in Article VI. (d) Positions covered by this agreemient which have been closed thirty (30) days or more and re-opened will be considered new positions. (e) In reducing the number of positions at stations except as provided for in Article VI, section (g), last position established shall be abolished first, and hours of re- maining trick or tricks changed to cover the required number of hours that the office is to remain open. ARTICLE XX. (a) Telegraphers will not be discriminated against for serving on boards of adjustment for the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, will be granted leave of absence, be relieved without delay and furnished transportation for such purpose. The local chairman of each division will be given transportation over the company's lines, granted leave, of absence and relieved without delay when he desires to attend to business of the organization. (b) Telegraphers elected as representa- tives to the grand division or holding office in the grand division of the Order of Rail- road Telegraphers employed on any part of the system covered by this agreement, will be granted leave of absence and re- lieved without delay to attend to any busi- ness in connection with their position as such representatives or officers of the grand division and will be furnished transportation over the lines covered by this agreement; necessary leave of absence will be granted in case of official promotion either with the company, or Order of Railroad Telegraphers, provided that telegraphers accepting official promotion with the railroad company will forfeit their assigned positions at the ex- piration of ninety (90) days and will not be. permitted to file application for vacancies in schedule positions as provided for in Ar- ticle XIV, section (d). (c) Telegraphers who have been in the service of the company as telegraphers for a period of five (5) years or more will be granted leave of absence for six (6) months or one year with retention of seniority rights and assigned positions; application for such leave of absence to be approved by the as- sistant general manager. Positions of teleg- 570 Schedules and Wage Scales. raphers granted six (6) months' or one year's leave of absence will be bulletined show- ing length of vacancy. If telegraphers re- turn prior to expiration of leave, they will go on the extra list until leave of absence has expired, they will then resume their assigned positions. If a telegrapher fails to return after six (6) months' or one year's leave of absence the position will be bulle- tined as a permanent vacancy. (d) Other leaves of absence will be granted not to exceed sixty (60) days and an ex- tension of thirty (30) days will be granted at the discretion of the superintendent, ex- cept in case of sickness or disability when telegraphers will be granted indefinite leave of absence. ARTICLE XXI. (a) Telegraphers required to work Sun- days and the following holidays — New Year's, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas, will receive overtime as per Ar- ticles V and Vl for all. service performed. Sunday and holiday hours if assigned will be within the hours of week-day service, except as provided for in Article VI. Telegraphers will receive not less than a special call for Sunday or holiday assign- ments. Should holidays named above fall on Sunday, the day following will be consid- ered a holiday. (b) Telegraphers will not be required to work on holidays, except as provided for in Section (a) of this article, only when abso- lutely necessary to protect the company's interest. This article will be very liberally interpreted by the company. • (c) Where two or more telegraphers are employed and the condition of service will permit, one telegrapher may be used on alternate Sundays, except as provided for in Article VI. ARTICLE XXII. (a) At stations where telegraphers are lo- cated in addition to the agent and are re- quired to perform other than telegraphic duties, such other duties will be reasonable and just, but such other service shall not interfere with the telegrapher's duties to the telegraph department. (b) Telegraph positions which have not in- volved the performance of clerical or station duties heretofore will not include the per- formance of clerical or station duties here- after, unless a radical change in commercial conditions takes place at the station af- fected making necessary a reduction in op- erating expenses. (c) When a telegrapher considers himself overworked, any complaint to the proper officers will be carefully considered and If well founded, relief will be granted. ARTICLE XXIIL (a) Regular telegraphers taken from their assigned positions to be used at derailments, washouts, or similar emergency offices, will receive salary of regular position, but in no ease less than four ($4.00) dollars per day. Extra telegraphers when used in similar pcrvicc will receive four ($4.00) dollars per day. (b) Nine (9) consecutive hours including a meal hour will constitute a day's work in such service. The company will provide shelter, board and lodging without charge. (c) Time going to and from scene of emer- gency to be included in service for day in which deadheading is performed; but in no case will telegraphers receive less than one day's pay within each twenty-four (24) hour period while so engaged. ARTICLE XXIV. (a) Typewriters will be furnished and maintained by the company at all general, relay and dispatchers' offices or other offices where telegraphers are required to use them. (h) Telegraphers, who, through no fault of their own, are lequired to leave their sta- tions to attend examination or instruction cars, at the company's instance, will be al- lowed legitimate expenses while away from home and where they lose time they will be paid their regular salary. (c) Telegraphers required by the company to leave their stations to go to other points to receive their pay check will be paid over- time as provided for in Article V for time consumed in so doing. (d) Telegraphers will be given peiTnission by the dispatcher to leave the^r position after assigned hours when practicable. ARTICLE XXV. All officials of the Southern Pacific System, Division No. 53, Order of Railroad Telegra- phers, will be certified to the company in writing by the general chairman and general secretary, over the seal of the division before being recognized as representatives of the organization. ARTICLE XXVI. All telegraphers will be furnished by the company copies of this agreement, and when leaving the service will return same to prop- er officer or forfeit one ($1.00) dollar. The general chairman. Order of Railroad Telegraphers, will be fvirnished without delay copies of all amendments, rulings and sup- plements to this agreement. WAGE SCALE. Guaranteed minimum salaries per month for telegraphers, exclusive of ticket, express or other commissions, or deductions of any character other than hospital dues. At the following named stations, the con- currence of the traffic department shall be secured to appointments before assignments are made: Coast Division: Redwood City, Santa Cruz, Watsonville Junction, Watsonville, South San Francisco. Stockton Division: Atwater, Madera, Mer- ced, Modesto, Oakdale, Turlock, Tracy. San Joaquin Division: Exeter, Lindsay, Poirterville, Selma, Tulare. Los Angeles Division: Anaheim, Golton, I^ong Beach, Ontario, Oxnarda, Santa Bar- bara, San Bernardino, Ventura. Tucson Division: Bowie, Lordsburg. Portland Division: Corvallis, Grants Pass, Mar.shfield, Medford, Roseburg, Oregon City, Portland (.Jefferson Street). Schedules and Wage Scales. 571 Shasta Division: Ashland, Klamath Falls. Sacramento Division: Biggs, Gridley, Oro- ville, ^Voodland. AVestern Division: Bay Point. Hayward, Martinez, Pittsburg, San Leandro, Vacaville, .Suisun- Fairfield. Salt Lake Division: Lovelock, Palisade, Wabuska. Wells. Westwood, Golconda. Positions marked with a star (*) are filled jointly by the traffic and operating depart- ments. These positions will be bulletined when vacancies occur, and telegraphers will have the right to make application for the same, and their applications will be consid- ered and given preference; all things being equal, fitness and ability together with sen- iorit>' to govern. GENERAL OFFICES. Rate per Station and Position. Month. .^an Francisco (BD), manager $157.00 First wire chief 135.00 , Second wire chief 130.00 Third wire chief 130.00 Telegrapher mechanician 135.00 Telegrapher clerk 125.00 Telegraphers 125.00 One telephone message operator.. 85.00 Los Angeles (HU), mgr. and 1st W. C. $145.00 Second wire chief 130.00 Third wire chief 130.00 Telegrapher mechanician 135.00 Telegrapher clerk 125.00 Telegraphers 125.00 Portland (DW>, mgr. and 1st W. C. ..$135.00 Second wire chief 125.00 Third wire chief 125.00 Telegraphers 125.00 COAST DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Alma, agent and telegrapher $85.00 Aptos, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Aromas, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Bay Shore, agent 85.00 Yard, first telegrapher 110.00 Second telegrapher 110.00 Third telegrapher 110.00 Belmont, agent 85.00 Ben Lomond, agent and telegrapher. . 85.00 Boulder Creek, agent and telegrapher. 100.00 Bradley, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Campbell, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Capitola, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Casmalia, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Chualar, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Colma, agent 95.00 Concepcion, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Coyote,- agent and telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Del Monte Jot., agent and telegrapher 110.00 Telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Edna, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Felton, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Gaviota, agent and telegrapher........ 90.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Gilroy, agent and telegrapher $135.00 First telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Glenwood, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Goleta, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Gonzales, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Guadalupe, agent and telegrapher.... 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Hollister, agent and telegrapher 130.00 Telegrapher and clerk 100.00 King City, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Laurel, agent 85.00 Lawrence, agent 80.00 Lompoc, agent and telegrapher 120.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Lompoc Jet., agent and telegrapher.. 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Tnird telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Los Gatos, agent and telegrapher 135.00 Telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Mayfleld, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Menlo Park, agent 110.00 Metz, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Millbrae, agent 85.00 Monterey, agent and telegrapher 125.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Morganhill, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Mountain View, agent 115.00 Naples, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Oceano, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Ocean View, agent 95.00 Pacific Grove, agent and telegrapher. 105.00 Palo Alto, agent 135.00 Paso Robles, agent and telegrapher..: 125.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Redwood City, agent and telegrapher. 135.00 First telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Salinas, agent 135.00 First telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 San Ardo, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 90.00 San Bruno, agent and telegrapher.... 90.00 San Carlos, agent and telegrapher.... 85.00 San Francisco (MS), first telegrapher. 110.00 Second telegrapher 110.00 (ND), first telegrapher 120.00 Second telegrapher 120.00 Third telegrapher 125.00 Fourth telegrapher 120.00 One telephone message operator.. 95.00 San Jose Pass. Station,* agent 140.00 First telegrapher 110.00 Second telegrapher 110.00 Third telegrapher 110.00 San Lucas, agent and telegrapher.... 90.00 San Luis Obispo, Disp. of., first teleg. 120.00 Second telegrapher 120.00 Third telegrapher 120.00 San Martin, agent and telegrapher.... 90.00 San Mateo, agent 130.00 San Miguel, agent and telegrapher.... 110.00 Santa Claia, agent and telegrapher. . . . 135.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 m Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. . Santa Cruz, agent and telegrapher. .. .$150.00 First telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Santa Margarita, agent and teleg 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Soledad, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Sargent, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Serrano, agent and telegrapher 90.00 South .San Fi-ancisco, agent and teleg. 145.00 Sudden, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Sunnyvale, agent 115.00 Templeton, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Tres Pinos, agent and telegrapher.... 85.00 Watsonville, agent and telegrapher... 140.00 Telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Watsonville Jet., agent and teleg 135.00 First telegrapher 110.00 Second telegrapher 110.00 Third telegrapher 110.00 West San Jose, agent and telegrapher 110.00 Wright, agent and telegrapher 85.00 STOCKTON DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Acampo, agent and telegrapher $ 90.00 Athlone, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Atwater, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Berenda, agent and telegrapher *. 85.00 Ceres, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Chowchilla, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Clements, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Crovirs Landing, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Dos Palos, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Elk Grove, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Farmington, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Firebaugh, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Florin, agent and telegrapher 70.00 Gait, agent and telegrapher 110.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Gustine, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Hickman, agent and telegrapher 80.00 lone, agent and telegrapher 140.00 Telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Kerman, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Lathrop, agent and telegrapher 110.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Livingston, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Lockeford, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Lodi,* agent 150.00 First telegrapher and clerk 110.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Los Banos, agent and telegrapher 110.00 First telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Madera, agent and telegrapher 140.00 First telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Manteca, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Mendota, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. arerced, agent and telegrapher $150.00 First telegrapher and clerk 110.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Milton, agent and telegrapher 115.00 Modesto, agent and telegrapher 150.00 First telegiapher and clerk 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Montpellier, agent and telegrapher.... 90.00 Newman, agent and telegrapher 110.00 Oakdale, agent and telegrapher 145.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Patterson, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Peters, agent and telegrapher '. . . 85.00 Raymond, agent and telegrapher. 85.00 Ripon, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Salida, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Stockton (KN), first telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher 105.00 Third telegrapher 105.00 (BR), manager 130.00 First telegrapher 120.00 Second telegrapher 120.00 Third telegrapher 120.00 Tracy, agent •. 150.00 First telegrapher. 115.00 Second telegrapher .-. . , 110.00 Third telegrapher 110.00 Fourth telegrapher 110.00 Turlock, agent 150.00 First telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Valley Spring, agent and telegrapher.. 115.00 Volta, agent and telegrapher 85.00 'Wallace, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Waterford, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Westley, agent and telegrapher 90.00 SAN JOAQUIN DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Fresno,* agent $210.00 Manager and first wire chief 120.00 Second wire chief 115.00 Third wire chief 115.00 Telegrapher 110.00 Telegrapher 110.00 Bakersfield, * agent 185.00 Manager and first wire chief 135.00 Second wire chief and telegrapher 125.00 Third wire chief and telegrapher. 125.00 Telegrapher 120.00 Telegrapher 120.00 Telegrapher 120.00 Coalinga, agent and telegrapher 160.00 Telegrapher and clerk 115.00 Exeter, agent and telegrapher 105.00 First telegrapher and clerk i . . 98.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Porterville, agent and telegrapher.... 145.00 First telegiapher and clerk 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Mojave. agent 155.00 First telegrapher 120.00 Second telegrapher 110.00 Third telegrapher 110.00 Fourth telegrapher 110.00 Fifth telegrapher 110.00 Sixth telegrapher 110.00 Owenyo, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Schedules and Wage Scales, 573 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Haii/ord,* agent and telegrapher $160.00 First telegrapher and clerk 110.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Waits, agent and telegrapher 140.00 Visalia,* agent and telegrapher 150.00, Telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Selma, agent and telegrapher 125.00 First telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Clovis, agent and telegrapher 110.00 Telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Lindsay, agent and telegrapher 130.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Lemoore, agent and telegrapher 125.00 Telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Armona, agent and telegrapher 115.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Searles. agent and telegrapher 95.00 Sanger, agent and telegrapher 115.00 Telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Reedley, agent and telegrapher 115.00 Telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Diniiba, agent and telegrapher 115.00 Telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Lancaster, agent and telegrapher 100.00 First telegrapher and clerk 98.00 ' Second telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Strathmore, agent and telegrapher... 110.00 Tulare, agent and telegrapher 130.00 First telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Kingsburg. agent and telegrapher 95.00 Telegrapher and clerk 98.00 McKittrick, agent and telegrapher.... 130.00 Fowler, agent and telegrapher 95.00 First telegrapher and clerk "98.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Tehachapi, agent and telegrapher. . . . 115.00 First telegrapher and clerk 103.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 103.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 103.00 Malaga, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Goshen Junction, agent and teleg 115.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Farmersville, agent and telegrapher. . 90.00 Tipton, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Pixley, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Earlimart, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Delano, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Telegrapher and clerk 98.00 McFarland, agent and telegrapher. . . . 90.00 Famoso, agent and telegrapher 96.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Gosford, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Buttonwillow, agent and telegrapher. 90.00 Friant, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Springville, agent and telegrapher. . . . 90.00 Terra Bella, agent and telegrapher.... 95.00 Ducor, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Caruthers, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Raisin City, agent and telegrapher... 95.00 Hardvvick, agent and telegrapher {tO.OO Rivcrdale, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Helm, agent and telegrapher 95.00 San .Joaquin, agent and telegrapher. . . 90.00 Tranquility, agent and telegrapher.... 90.00 Stratford, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Henrietta, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Huron, agent and telegrapher $ 95.00 Edison, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Second telegi-apher and clerk 98.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Caliente, agent and telegrapher 95.00" Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Woodford, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Rosamond, agent and telegrapher. . . . 98.'00 Telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Palmdale, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Acton, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Ravenna, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Lang, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Inyokern, agent and telegrapher •. 95.00 Brown, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Cartago, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Lone Pine, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Oil Junction, telegrapher 98.00 Sivert, telegrapher 98.00 Bena, telegrapher 98.00 Bealville, first telegrapher 98.00 Second telegrapher 98.00 Third telegrapher 98.00 Rowen, first telegrapher 98.00 Second telegrapher 98.00 Third telegrapher 98.00 Marcel, first telegrapher 98.00 Second telegrapher 98.00 Third telegrapher 98.00 Proctor, telegrapher 98.00 Cameron, telegrapher 98.00 Larose, telegrapher 98.00 Warren, telegrapher 98.00 Fram, telegrapher 98.00 Vincent, first telegrapher 98.00 Second telegrapher 98.00 Third telegrapher 98.00 SUNSET railway. (Rules and rates of pay effective only dur- ing operation of Sunset Railway by Southern Pacific Co.) Rate per Station and Po.sition. Month. Taft, agent $175.00 Telegraphei' and clerk 115.00 Fellow.'^, agent and telegrapher 145.00 Maricopa, agent and telegrapher 133.00 Telegrapher and clerk 115.00 LOS ANGELES DIVISION. Rate per Station and Po.sition. Month. Alhambra, agent $ 85.00 Anaheim, agent and telegrapher 130.00 Telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Amos, first telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Arcadia, agent and telegrapher ^ 85.00 Banning, agent and telegrapher 125.00 574 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Bassett, agent and telegrapher $ 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Bea,umont, agent 110.00 First telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher 105.00 Third telegrapher 105.00 Bertram, first telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Bloomington, agent and telegrapher.. 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Brawley, agent and telegrapher 145.00 Telegrapher and ticket clerk 105.00 Buena Park, agent and telegi-apher. . . 100.00 Burbank, agent and telegrapher 110.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Cabazon, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Calexico, agent and telegrapher 155.00 Telegrapher and clerk. . .• 105.00 Calipatria, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Camarillo, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Carpinterio, agent and telegrapher... 100.00 Telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Charter Oak, agent 85.00 Chatsworth, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.. 90.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Chino, agent and telegrapher 125.00 Coachella, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Colton, agent and telegrapher 160.00 First telegrapher 110.00 Second telegrapher 110.00 Third telegrapher 110.00 Fourth telegrapher 110.00 Fifth telegrapher 110.00 Compton, agent and telegi-apher 95.00 Covina, agent and telegrapher 125.00 Telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Crafton, agent 85.00 Declez, agent and telegrapher 95.00 I>owney,* agent and telegrapher 95.00 Duarte, agent and telegrapher 90.00 El Casco, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 El Centro, agent 155.00 Telegrapher and clerk 105.00 El Monte, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Edom, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Fillmore, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Florence, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Glamis, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Guasti, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Heber, agent 90.00 Highgrove, agent and telegrapher. ... 100.00 Imperial, agent and telegrapher 140.00 Telegrapher and clerk 105.00 tndio, agent . . . . ' 125.00 First telegrapher 120.00 Second telegrapher 120.00 Third telegrapher 120.00 Fourth telegrapher 120.00 Fifth telegrapher 120.00 Iris, telegrapher 100,00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Irwindale, agent $ 85.00 Lankershim, agent and telegrapher... 100.00 Lomo Linda, agent 75.00 Long Beach, agent and telegrapher. . . 135.00 Lordsburg, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Los Alamitos, agent and telegrapher.. 100.00 Los Angeles (NG), manager 1.30.00 First telegrapher 120.00 Second telegrapher 120.00 Third telegrapher 120.00 Los Angelos (WD), telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Mecca, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Monrovia, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Montalvo, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Moorpark, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Newhall, agent and telegrapher...... 100.00 Newport Beach, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Niland, agent 140.00 First telegrapher and clerk 110.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 110. OO Third telegrapher and clerk 110.00 Nordhoff, agent and telegrapher 100.00 , Norwalk, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Ogilby, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.!... 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Ontario, agent and telegrapher 145.00 First telegrapher and cashier 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Owensmouth, agent and telegrapher. 100.00 Oxnard, agent and telegrapher 145.00 First telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Palm Springs, agent and telegrapher. 105.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Pasadena,* agent 145.00 Piru, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Pomona,* agent and telegrapher 145.00 First telegrapher and cashier 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk. 100.00 Puente, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Redlands,* agent and telegrapher 150.00 Telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Redlands Junction, agent and teleg..'. 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Rh erside,* agent and telegrapher.... 155.00 Telegrapher and clerk 90.00 River Station, ticket agent and teleg. 115.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 115.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 115.00 .Salton, .igent and telegrapher... 105.00 Telegrapher 100.00 San Bernardina, agent 145.00 Telegrapher and clerk 105.00 San Dimas, agent 85.00 San Fernando, agent and telegi-apher. 125.00 First telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100. OO Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 San Gabriel, agent and telcgrap'ier. . . 90.00 San Pedro,* agent 175.00 First telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk...*. 90.00 Santa Ana,* agent and telegrapher... 145.00 Telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 575 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Srinta Barbara, agent $160.00 First telegrapher and clerk 110.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 110.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 110.00 Santa Paula, agent and telegrapher... 125.00 Telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Santa Susana, agent and telegrapher. 95.00 Saticoy, agent and telegrapher •. 100.00 Saugus, agent and telegrapher 110.00 First telegrapher 110.00 Second telegrapher 110.00 Third telegrapher 110.00 Simi, agent 80.00 Seeley, agent 9.5.00 Shorb, agent and telegrapher 105.00 First telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Somis, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Strathearn, telegrapher 90.00 Summerland, agent and telegrapher... 100.00 Thermal, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Tropico, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Tustin, agent 85.00 Van Nuys, agent and telegrapher 110.00 Ventura, agent and telegraphei- 135.00 First telegrapher and cashier 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Villa Park, agent 85.00 Walnut, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Telegrapher and clerk 90.00 West Anaheim, agent and telegrapher 100. 00 Whitewater, agent and telegrapher... 105.00 Whittier, agent and telegrapher 110.00 Wilmington, agent and telegrapher... 110.00 Wister, telegrapher 100.00 Zelzah, agent and telegrapher 95.00 TUCSON DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Aden, agent and telegrapher :iil00.00 Second telegrapher 96.00 Third telegrapher 96.00 Afton, telegrapher 96.00 .\mado, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Araby, first telegrapher 100. OO Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Aztec, agent and telegraphei' 109.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 l^.eiison,' agent 160.00 First telegrapher and cashier 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Bosque, first telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrfipher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Bowie, agent '. 165.00 First telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 I 'am.bray. agent and telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher 96.00 Third telegrapher 96.00 C.'isa Grande, agent and- telegrapher. . 120.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 110.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 CochiSe, a^ent and telegrapher 130.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Beming,* agent $175.00 First telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Dome, agent and telegrapher 109.00 Second telegrapher ' 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Dragoon, agent 110.00 First telegrapher and clerk lOO'.OO Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Enid, telegrapher 100.00 Esmond, first telegrapher 96.00 Second telegrapher 96.00 Third telegrapher 96.00 Estrella, agent and telegrapher 10-"). 00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Fairbanks, agent and telegrapher.... 120.00 Gage, agent and . telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher .' . 96.00 Third telegrapher ,. ; 96.00 Gila, agent ..'...; 135.00 First telegrapher and clerk 115.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 112. Ofl Third telegrapher and clerk 112.00 Fourth telegrapher and clerk 112.00 Fifth telegrapher and clerk 112.00 Sixth telegrapher 112.00 Huachuca, agent and telegrapher 110.00 Jaynes, first telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Lanark, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Lordsburg, agent 165.00 First telegrapher 115.00 Second telegrapher 112.00 Third telegrapher 112.00 Fourth telegrapher 112.00 Fifth telegrapher 112.00 Sixth telegrapher 112.00 Maricopa, agent 150.00 First telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 106.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Fourth telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Mescal, agent 100.00 Second telegrapher : 96.00 Third telegrapher 96.00 Mohawk, agent and telegrapher 109.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Myndus, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Pantano, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Patagonia, agent and telegrapher 110.00 Picacho, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Piedra, first telegrapher lOO.on Second telegrapher lOO.on Third telegrapher 100.00 Raso, telegrapher 96.00 Red Rock, agent 12O.0n First telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Rillito, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher lOfl.on Third telegrapher 1 00.00 Sahuarita, agent and telegrapher 105.00 San Simon, agent and telegrapher 106.00 Second telegrapher 96.00 Third telegrapher 96.00 576 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Sentinel, agent and telegrapher $109.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Separ, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher 96.00 Third telegrapher 96.00 Sibyl, telegi-apher 96.00 Steins, agent and telegrapher 106.00 Second telegrapher 9€.00 Third telegrapher 96.00 Strauss, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher 96.00 Third telegrapher 96.00 Tucson (UN), manager and 1st wire chief 140.00 Second wire chief and telegrapher 130.00 Third wire chief and telegrapher. 130.00 Telegraphers 125.00 Vail, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Wellton, agent and telegrapher 109.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Willcox, agent 145.00 First telegrapher and clerk 110.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 105.00- Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Yuma, agent 175.00 Yuma (BY), first telegrapher 125.00 Second telegrapher 120.00 Third telegrapher 120.00 Fourth telegrapher 120.00 Fifth telegrapher 120.00 Sixth telegrapher 120.00 PORTLAND DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Albany,* agent $150.00 First telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Second telegrapher and clerk...... 98.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Alpine, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Aurora, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Banks, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Bay City, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Beaverton, agent and telegrapher.... 90.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 82.50 Third telegrapher and clerk 82.50 Black Rock, agent and telegrapher... 80.00 Brooklyn, ticket agent and telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Brownsville, agent and telegrapher... 90.00 Buxton, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Canby, agent and telegrapher. 90.00 Telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Carlton, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Central Point, agent and telegrapher.. 90.00 Coburg, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Cochran, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Telegrapher and clerk 80.00 Comstock, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Coquille, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Telegrapher and clerk 80.00 Corvallis, agent and telegrapher 140.00 Telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Cottage Grove, agent and telegrapher 120.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Creswell, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Cushman, agent and telegrapher. .... 80.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Dallas, agent and telegrapher $120.00 Telegrapher and clerk 88.00 Detroit, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Divide, telegrapher 85.00 Dillard, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Dole, telegrapher 85.00 Drain, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Enright, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Eugene,* agent 150.00 First telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Falls City, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Forest Grove, agent and telegrapher.. 95.00 Telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Gaston, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Gervais, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Glendale, agent and telegrapher 95.00 First telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Gold Hill, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Grants Pass, agent 150.00 First telegrapher and clerk.- 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Halsey, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Harrisburg, agent and telegrapher.... 90.00 Hillsboro, agent and telegrapher 120.00 (BO), first telegrapher and clerk.. 88.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 88.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 88.00 (MS), first telegrapher and clerk.. 88.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 88.00 Hubbard, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Hugo, telegrapher 85.00 Independence, agent and telegrapher.. 95.00 Jefferson, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Junction City, agent 110. OO First telegrapher 98.00 Second telegrapher %8.00 Third telegrapher 98.00 Lafayette, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Lebanon, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Leland, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Lowell, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Marcola, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Marion, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Marshfleld, agent 136.00 McMinnville, agent and telegi-apher. . . 115.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 88.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 88.00 Medford, agent 150.00 First telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 98.00 Merlin, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Mill City, agent and telegrapher 90.00 M'olalla, agent and telegrapher 55.00 Monmouth, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Monroe, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Mt. Angel, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Myrtle Creek, agent and telegrapher. . 90.00 Myrtle Point, agent and telegrapher. 85.00 Newberg, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Telegrapher and clerk ^ 85.00 North Bend, agent and telegrapher. . . 120.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 577 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Noti, agent and telegrapher $ 85.00 Oakland, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 85.00 Third telegrapher and clerk.... 85.00 Oakridge, agent and telegrapher. . . . 80.00 Oregon City, agent and telegrapher. . 105.00 First telegrapher and clerk.... 85.00 Second- telegrapher and clerk.... 85.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Oswego, agent and telegrapher.'... 90.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 85.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Philomath, agent and telegrapher. . . . 80.00 Portland (KC), first telegrapher.... 120.00 Second tel^rapher 115.00 Third telegrapher 115.00 Ti'ourth telegrapher 115.00 Portland, agent and telegraijher 115.00 (.Jefferson St.), teleg. and clerk.. 95.00 Pollard, telegrapher 85.00 Powers, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Reedsport, agent and telegrapher. . . . 80.00 Riddle, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 85.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Rockaway, agent and telegrapher. . . . 80.00 Ro.seburg, agent 150.00 (Z), first telegrapher 115.00 Second telegrapher 115.00 Third telegrapher 115.00 Salem, ticket agent and telegrapher. . 110.00 Second telegrapher and clerk. . . . 98.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 08.00 Shedd, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Sheridan, and telegrapher 85.00 Sherwood, agent and telegrapher. . . . 85.00 Silverton, agent and telegrapher. . . . 90.00 Telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Springfield, agent and telegrapher. . . . 98.00 Telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Summit, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Sutherlin, agent and telegrapher. . . . 85.00 Tillamook, agent and telegrapher. ... 120.00 Telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Timber, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Second telegrapher and clerk. . . . 85.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Toledo, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Turner, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Wendling, agent and telegrapher. . . . 85.00 \^''est Fork, agent and telegrapher.-. . . 85.00 Second telegrapher and clerk. . . . 85.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 85.00 West Scio, agent and telegrapher. . . . 80.00 Wlieeler, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrajjher and clerk.... 85.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Whiteson, agent and telegrapher. . . . 80.00 Willamina, agent and telegrapher. . . . 90.00 Wolf Creek, agent and telegraphei>. . 80.00 Woodburn. agent 120.00 First telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 92.00 Third telegrapher and clerk.... 92. Op Yanuina, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Yoncalla, agent and telegrapher. . . . 85. on SHASTA DTVISIOX. Station and Position. Ager, agent and telegraplnei-. . . . Anderson, agent and telegrapher Rate per Month. . .$ 90.00 . . 115.00 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Ashland, agent .$140.00 First telegrapher 120.00 Second telegrapher 115.00 Third telegrapher 115.00 Fourth telegrapher 115.00 Bray, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Castella, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Chiloquin, agent and telegrapher.... 95.00 Coram, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Cottonwood, agent and telegrapher.. 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk. . . . 88.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 88.00 Delta, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Dorris, and telegrapher 95.00 Dunsmuir, agent 130.00 (DR), mgr. and first wire chief. . 125.00 Second wire chief and telegrapher 120.00 Third wire chief and telegrapher 120.00 Fourth telegrapher 120.00 Bdgewood, agent and telegrapher. ... 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk. . . . 88.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 88.00 Gazelle, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Gerber, agent 140.00 First telegrapher 110.00 Second telegrapher 110.00 Third telegrapher 110.00 Fourth telegrapher 110.00 Grass Lake, telegrapher 88.00 Hilt, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Telegrapher and clerk 88.00 Hornbrook, agent and telegrapher. . . 120.00 First telegrapher and clerk 97.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 95.00 Third telegrapher and dark 95.00 Kennet, agent and telegrapher 130.00 First telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95,00 Keswick, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Klamath Falls, agent 150.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Lamoine, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Macdoel, agent and telegrapher. ..... 90.00 Mt. Hebron, agent and telegrapher. . 90.00 Montague, agent and telegrapher. . . . 125.00 First telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Pitt, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Red BlOff, agent 140.00 First telegrapher and clerk...?. 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 105.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Redding, agent 150.00 First telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 105.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Shasta Springs, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Sims, telegrapher 88.00 Siskiyou, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 88.00 Third telegrapher 88.00 Sisson, agent ' 140.00 First telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Smithson, telegrapher 88.00 Steinman. telegrapher 88.00 Weed, agent ■ • • 140.00 First telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Second telicgrapher and clerk.... 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 578 Schedules and "Wage Scales. SACRAMENTO DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Andover, first telegrapher $100.00 Second telegrapher 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Arbuckle, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Auburn, agent and telegrapher 145.00 Telegrapher 100.00 Biggs, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Blue Canon, agent 130.00 First telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher 105.00 Third telegrapher 105.00 Blue Canon Jet., first staff O. & Sw. T. 85.00 Second staf¥ O. & Sw. T 85.00 Third staff O. & Sw. T 85.00 Boca, agent and telegrapher 115.00 Brighton, agent and telegrapher.... 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Champion, first staff operator 67.00 Second staff operator [ ei.OO Third staff operator 67 00 Chico.* agent 16o!oO First telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 105.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Colfax, agent 150.00 First telegrapher and clerk 110.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 110.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 110.00 Corning, agent and telegrapher 120.00 Crystal Lake, first staff operator 67.00 Second sl^ff operator 67.00 Third staff operator 67.00 Cisco, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Clipper Gap, agent and telegrapher. . 95.00 Diamond Springs, agent and teleg. . 90.00 Dunnigan, agent and telegrapher.... 95.00 Durham, agent and teelgrapher ; . 95.00 Dutch Flat, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Eder, first staff operator. . .• 67.00 Second staff operator '. 67^00 Third staff operator .., 67^00 El Dorado, agent 85^00 Emigrant Gap, agent and telegrapher 10o!oO Second staff operator 67.00 Third staff operator 67.00 Fair Oaks, agent and telegrapher 9o!oO Florision, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Folsom, agent and telegrapher 110.00 Fulda, first staff operator 67.00 Second staff operator 67^00 Third staff operator 67.00 Pruto, agent and telegrapher 70.00 Germantown, agent and telegrapher. . 95.00 Gold Run, agent and telegrapher.... 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Gridley, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Pir.cjt telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Hamilton, agent and telegrapher.... 95.00 Honcut, agent 85.00 Hood, agent 85^00 Knights Landing, agent and teleg. . . . 90.00 Lake View, first staff operator 67.00 Second staff operator 67.00 Third staff operator 67.00 Latrobe, agent and telegrapher 95,00 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Lincoln, agent and telegrapher $120.00 Second telegrapher and clerk. . . . 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk.'. .... 95.00 Live Oak, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Loomis, agent and telegrapher 115.00 Los Molinos, agent and telegrapher. . 75.00 Magalia, agent 85.00 Marysville,* agent 165.00 First telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 105.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Maxwell, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Midas, first telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher '. . 95.00 Mystic, telegrapher ^.^ 95.00 Newcastle, agent and telegrapher. ... 140.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Orland, agent and telegrapher 120.00 Telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Oroville, agent and telegrapher 135.0^0 Paradise, agent 85.00 Palermo, agent 85.00 Penryn, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Placer^'ille, agent and telegrapher. . . . 135.00 Reno,* agent 175.00 Telegrapher 110.00 Rocklin, agent and telegrapher 110.00 Roseville; agent 140.00 Manager and first telegrapher. . . . 120.00 Second telegrapher 115.00 Third telegrapher 115.00 Fourth telegrapher 115.00 Fifth telegrapher 115.00 Smart, agent and telegraplier. . 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Soda Springs, agent and first staff opr.- 75.00 Second staff operator 67.00 Third staff operator ' 67.00 Spruce, first staff operator 67.00 Second staff operator 67.00 Third staff operator 67.00 Stirling City, agent and telegrapher. . 85.00 Summit, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk. ... 105.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Shingle Springs, agent 85.00 Sacramento (H), mgr. and first W. C. 140.00 Second wife chief and telegrapher 130.00 Third wire chief and telegrapher 130.00 Telegraphers 125.00 Tamarack, first staff operator 67.00 Second staff operator 67.00 Third staff operator. 67.00 Tehama, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Towle, agent and telegrllpher 95.00 Truckee, agent 140.00 First telegrapher and clerk 110.00 Second telegrapher and clerk.... 110.00 Third telegrapher and clerk.... 110.00 Troy, first telegrapher • 100.00 Second telegrapher ^ 100.00 Third telegrapher 100.00 Verdi, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Vina, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Walnut Grove, agent and tejegrapher. 100.00 Wheatland, agent and telegrapher.... 95.00 Williams, agent 110.00 Willows, agent 140.00 First telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk. . . . 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 579 Rate per Station and Position. Month. WoodlaYid, agent $140.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 ?'olo, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Yuba City, agent and telegrapher.... 90.00 Yuba Pass, first staff operator 67.00 Second staff operator 67.00 Third staff operator ,67.00 Zamora, agent and telegrapher 90.00 WESTERN DIVISION. Rato per Station and Position. ]Month. Alviso, agent and telegrapher $ 85.00 Agnew, agent and telegrapher. ^ 85.00 Russell, agent 75.00 Telegrapher 90.00 Remount, telegrapher 90.00 Mt. Eden, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Alvarado, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Martinez, agent and telegrapher 130.00 First telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Avon, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Turn bridge 10.00 Bay Point, agent and telegrapher.... 120.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Pittsburg, agent and telegrapher 120.00 First telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk. ...... 95.00 Antioch, agent and telegraph6r 95.00 Brentwood, agent and telegrapher. . . . 85.00 Byron, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Bethany, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Benicia, agent and telegrapher 130.00 First telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and" clerk, j 100.00 Suisin-Fairfield, agent and telegrapher 140.00 First telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Elmira, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Dixon, agent and telegrapher 110.00 First telegrapher and clerk....... 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Davis, agent and telegrapher 135.00 First telegrapher and towerman.. 110.00 Second telegrapher and towerman 110.00 Third telegrapher and towerman. 110.00 Cordelia, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Napa Junction, agent and telegrapher 95.00 South Vallejo, agent and telegrapher. 120.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Napa,* agent and telegrapher 145.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Yountville, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Oakville, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Oakland- Pier, telegraphers 120.00 One telephone mes!?age operator. . 80.00 West Oakland, first teleg. and clerk.. 110.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Elmhurst. agent and telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk....... 9'. 00 San Leandro, agent and telegrapher.. 120.00 Telegraptier and clerk 90.00 Telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Lorenzo, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Hayward, agent and telegrapher 130.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Rate per Station and Position. * ' Month. Decoto, agent and telegrapher % 90.00 Niles, agent 130.00 First telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk : 100.00 Milpitas, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Sunol, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Pleasanton, agent and telegrapher 110.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Livermore, agent and telegrapher 130.00 First telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Altamont, agent and telegrapher. 95.00 Second telegi-apher 90.00 Third telegrapher 90.00 Stege, agent 105.00 Richmond,* agent 160.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 San Pablo, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Pinole, agent 90.00 Vallejo Junction, agent and teleg 95.00 Crocket, agent and telegrapher 115.00 Port Costa, agent 155.00 First telegrapher 110.00 Second telegrapher 105.00 Third telegrapher 105.00 Newark, agent and telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 90.00 Rvitherford, agent and telegrapher.... 85.00 Calistoga, agent and telegrapher 125.00 Vacaville, agent and telegrapher 125.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Winters, agent 125.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Esparto, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Guinda, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Concord, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Walnut Creek, agent and telegrapher. 90.00 Danville, agent and telegrapher 90.00 Elverano, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Kenwood, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Santa Rosa,* agent and telegrapher.. 145.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Telegrapher and clerk 95.00 SALT LAKE DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. - .Month. Ogden, mgr., 1st W. C.,' teleg. mech. . .$140.00 Second wire chief 130.00 Third wire chief 130.00 Telegraphers T 125.00 West AVeber, agent and telegrapher.. 105.00 Promontory Point, ag^nt and teleg. . . 100.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Midlake, first telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Lakeside, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Lemay, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher. 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Lucin Junction, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher 96.00 Third telegrapher 96.00 Tecoma, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Montello, agent and telegrapher 125.00 First telegrapher 115.00 Second telegrapher 115.00 Third telegrapher 115.00 580 Schedules and Wage Scales, Rate per Station and Position. Month. Loray, first telegrapher $ 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 (5bbre, agent and telegrapher 140.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Fenelon, first telegrapher ^.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Moor, first telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Wells, agent and telegrapher 110.00 First telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Deeth, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Halleck, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Elko,* agent 150.00 First telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Carlin, agent 125.00 First telegrapher 115.00 Second telegrapher 115.00 Third telegrapher 115.00 Fourth telegrapher 115.00 Fifth telegrapher 115.00 Palisade, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk .". 100.00 Beowawe, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Mosel, first telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Battle Mountain, agent 145.00 First telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Valmy, agent and telegrapher - 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Golconda, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 100.00 Iron Point, telegrapher 95.00 Winnemucca,* agent 150.00 First telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk. . 105.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 'Rose Creek, telegrapher 95.00 Imlay, agent 135.00 First telegrapher 115.00 Second telegrapher 115.00 Third telegrapher 115.00 Nenzel, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 96.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 96.00 Lovelock, agent and telegrapher 145.00 Second telegrapher and clefl< 105.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Toy, telegrapher 95.00 Parran, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 95.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Hazen, agent T. $125.00 First telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Fernley, agent and telegrapher 115.00 Second telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Third telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Clark, first telegrapher 95.00 Second telegrapher 95.00 Third telegrapher 95.00 Sparks, manager 130.00 First telegrapher 125.00 Second telegrapher .-. 125.00 Third telegrapher 125.00 Fourth telegrapher 125.00 Fifth telegrapher 125.00 Corinne, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Kelton, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Fallon, agent and telegrapher 130.00 Wadsworth, agent and telegrapher... 105.00 Wendel, agent and telegrapher 130.00 Litchfield, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Susanville, agent and telegrapher 120.00 Westwood, agent and telegrapher 120.00 Mound House, agent and telegrapher. 115.00 Dayton, agent and telegrapher..^.... 100.00 Churchill, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Wabuska, agent and telegrapher 130.00 Schurz, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Thorne, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Luning, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Mina, agent and telegrapher 135.00 Telegrapher and clerk 105.00 Mt. Montgomery, agent and teleg 100.00 Benton, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Laws, agent and telegrapher 120.00 Zurich, agent and telegrapher 100.00 Kearsarge, agent and telegrapher.... 100.00 Keeler, agent and telegrapher 105.00 AGREEMENT. It is understood and agreed by and be- tween the Southern Pacific Company, Pacific System, and the general committee repre- senting the telegraphers employed on the said system, that the rates and schedule of pay. conditions and' terms of employment, service and promotion herein specified for the telegraphers employed on said System, will be in effect from and after September 1, 1M7, provided that if commercial or other conditions change materially. the_ company reserves the right to abolish an office, or reduce the force without notice, to conform to such modified conditions, and said South- ern Pacific Company, Pacific System, on its part, and the telegraphers aforesaid, on their part, do hereby agree that they will perform their several duties and stipulations provided for in this agreement, and it is further agi-eed that in the event of either party to this agreement desiring a change in any one or more particulars, they will give thirty days' notice of the same to the other party. This supersedes previous agree- ment and rulings thereon, and is made sub- Schedules and Wage Scales. 581 ject to any subsequent Municipal, State or Federal legislation. For the Southern Pacific Company, (Pacific System) : R. McINTYRE, Asst. to Vice-Pres. and Gen. Manager. E. L. KING, Superintendent of Telegraph. For the Order of Railroad Telegraphers: T. T. CULL, General Chairman. P. E. WALTERS, •W. C. WATSON, J. E. HANLON, E. L. CARTT, General Committee. INTERPRETATION OP RULES. f— a. This rule not to apply to stations that are closed, except for caretaker who does not make reports. V— a. In computing overtime for additional hour, Section (j). Article V to apply. 5— h. Telegraphers who have worked eight (8) consecutive hours without a meal, if re- quired to continue on duty, will be given double time for the ninth hour and pro rata oveitime for additional hours worked after the ninth hour. If a telegi-apher has worked but eight (8) hours and nineteen (19) min- utes, the nineteen (19) minutes would not constitute ap hour's overtime. If worked twenty (20) minutes or over, to be figured the same as though he worked the full hour. Telegrapher released at the expiration of eight (8) hours' consecutive service with instructions to return after taking his meal hour or if called to return after completing his eight (8) consecutive hour trick will be allowed a special call for the first hour worked. V— i. Telegrapher brought on duty less than thirty (30) minutes prior to arrival time of any passenger train they are required to work, will be paid a special call therefor. Under this section, if a telegrapher's hours began between 6:00 a. m. and 8:00 a. m., and for the company's convenience, in order to continue him on duty later in the after- noon, he were brought on at 6:15 a. m. to meet a passenger train due at 6:30 a. m., giving him but fifteen minutes to perform the various duties necessary before the ar- rival of such train, he would receive a special call. To avoid a special call he should be brought on at 6:00 a. m. or thirty (30) min- utes prior to the arrival of the train. V— k. Sunday hours may be regularly assigned within the week-day assignment, that is, assigned in advance. For illustration: if a telegrapher is only required on duty four (4) hours on Sunday and those hours can be regularly assigned, or if he is only required on duty two (2) hours on Sunday and those hours can be regularly assigned, he will receive overtime pro rata for such actual hours worked. If he is only assigned, how- ever, to one hour's service on Sunday, the minimum he would receive would be one special call. If telegrapher is assigned on Sunday, the same hours he worked on week days, he is paid one day therefor. A teleg- rapher may be called for service as many times as desired on Sunday, provided, a special call is paid for each time called. If it is only desired to have him meet one train in the morning and one in the afternoon, he would receive two (2) calls for Sunday service. VIII— a. It is agreed that, when telegraphers are required to handle express at stations where rate of express commissions has been re- duced by the Wells Fargo Co. since 1906, former express commission rate as of 1906 will be re-established, or the difference be- tween former rate and present rate made up by the Southern Pacific Company, on and after the adoption of this contract. IX— h. This does not relieve telegraphers of neces- sity for providing themselves with standard watch. It merely relieves telegraphers, at point where standard clock is maintained in the office where they work, from reporting to the watch inspector for watch inspection. Should such telegrapher be assigned to an- other position and no standard clock is pro- vided, he would come under the regular watch inspection rules. XVII— b. This is not intended to cover personal record files or other private correspondence relative to any telegrapher. It refers to the Brown System of discipline record only. XIX— e. To reduce force at stations, last position estabhshed would be abolished first. Hours of remaining tricks to be arranged to cover necessary hours' service. When changes in hours exceed five (5) hours on any position, they will be considered new positions, and bulletined. XXI— a. Sunday and hoHday hours, if assigned, will be within the week-day period. This refers to assignments of hours on those days, ex- cept as provided for in Article VI. Assigned hours are to be hours assigned for duty on Sundays and recognized holidays within the period of week-day service with a minimum of one special call. 582 Schedules and Wage Scales. Southern Pacific-Louisiana and Texas Lines THE GALVESTON, HARRISBURG & SAN ANTONIO RAILWAY CO. TEXAS & NEW ORLEANS RAILROAD CO. LOUISIANA WESTERN RAILROAD CO. MORGAN'S LOUISIANA & TEXAS RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP CO. IBERIA & VERMILLION RAILROAD CO. (EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 1914.) AGREEMENT. The following rules, regulations and rates of pay will govern only employes covered by this agreement, as specified in Article I. ■V\Tien additional positions are created, compensation and duties will be fixed in conformity with positions of the same class in this schedule on the district where lo- cated. ARTICLE I. "Telegrapher" Defined. (a) Employes, other than train dispatch- ers, required to perform telegraph service of any character or duration; also agents and other employes who are filling positions in- corporated in wage scale, and employes re- quired or assigned to receive train orders by telephone, will be considered as telegra- phers within the meaning of this agreement, irrespective of location or title by which designated or character of service performed. (b> Positions covered b^" this agreement will be filled by telegraphers taken from the telegraphers' official seniority list and the incumbents will be considered as regular telegraphers. ARTICLE II. Minimum Day. (a) Regular telegraphers will receive one day's pay within each twenty-four hours, according to location occupied or to which entitled, if ready for service and not as- signed to a location or if required on duty less than the required minimum number of hours as per location. Notice to Be Given When Reporting for Work. (b) Agents on leave of absence on their own account will give five days' and teleg- raphers twenty-four hours' advance notice when ready for duty before time can be claimed. ARTICLE III. Extra Telegraphers in Relief Work. " (a) Extra telegraphers will receive the same salary in relief service as do the teleg- raphers they relieve. Seniority to Govern. (b) Senior extra telegraphers, when avail- able and competent, will be used in prefer- ence to junior extra telegraphers. Deadheading. (c) Extra telegraphers who have been in the service ninety days will be paid for the time consumed in deadheading in relief serv- ice. This will not apply to telegraphers deadheading to assert seniority rights over other extra telegraphers. Office Seniority in Relief Work. (dj When a temporary vacancy occurs, telegraphers at station affected may be per- mitted to move up and the extra telegrapher placed on last position temporarily vacated, provided, however, no claims for time lost on account of these changes will be allowed. Regular Telegraphers Not to Do Relief Work, (e) When competent extra telegraphers are available, regular telegraphers will not be required to do relief work, except as provided in section (d) of this article. ARTICLE IV. "Station" Defined. (a) Location of telegraphers for service will be considered as "stations" within the meaning of this agreement. Standard Time-. (b) "Standard Time" (Central or 90th Meridian) will be 'considered as the time refei-red to in this agreement. ARTICLE "V. Length of Day at Exclusive Day or Night Offices. Eleven consecutive hours' service, com- mencing not earlier than 6:00 a. m., and terminating not later than 8:00 p. m. for day telegraphers and not earlier than 6:00 p. m. and terminating not later than 8:00 a. m. for night telegraphers, including sixty con- secutive minutes for one meal, as provided in Article XII, will constitute a day's work for telegraphers at stations where one or more day telegraphers are located and at which no night! telegi'aphers are located, or for night telegraphers at stations where one or more night telegraphers are located and at which no day telegraphers are lo- cated, except as specified in Articles VIII and IX. ARTICLE VI. Length of Day at Continuous Service Stations. Eight consecutive hours' service without a meal hour, as provided in Article XII, or ten consecutive hours' service, inclviding six- ty consecutive minutes for one meal, as pro- vided in Article XII, will constitute a day's work for telegraphers at stations where one or more day and one or more night telegra- phers are located, except as specified in Articles VIII and IX. -First trick to com- mence not earlier than 6:00 a. m. Schedules and Wage Scales. 583 -ARTICLE VII. Split Tricks. (a) Eight hours' service will constitute a day's work for telegraphers working split or irregular tricks at any station. No tricks will be split more than once. Where Established. (b) Split tricks will not be established at stations where less than three telegraphers are located. ARTICLE VIII. Length of Day at Dispatching Stations. Eight consecutive hours' service without a meal hour, as provided in Article XII, or ten consecutive hours' service, including sixty consecutive minutes for one meal, as pro- vided in Article XII, will constitute a day's work for telegraphers located at dispatching stations. First trick to commence not earlier than 7:00 a. m. ARTICLE IX. Length of Day at General and Relay Offices. Nine and one-half consecutive hours' serv- ice, including thirty consecutive minutes for one meal, within the periods specified In Article XII, will constitute a day's work for telegraphers located at New Orleans "WS" station, Houston "HN" station, San Antonio "N" station, and El Paso "RK" station on week days. First trick to commence not earlier than 7:00 a. m. Sunday Hours. On Sunday three consecutive hours' serv- ice within regular working hours, to be per- formed as the company may elect, will con- stitute a day's work for day telegraphers located in the above stations. A telegrapher, the greater part of whose assigned hours fall between 6:00 a. m. and 6:00 p. m., will be considered a day telegrapher within the meaning of this article. ARTICLE X. Rest. (a) Telegraphers will be allowed at least eight consecutive hours' rest within each twenty-four hours at stations where one telegrapher is located; at least ten consecu- tive hours' rest within each twenty- four hours at station where two telegraphers are located, and at least twelve consecutive hours' rest within each twenty-four hours at stations where three or more telegraphers are located, except in case of wreck" or washout; the twenty-four hour period to begin at the time service first commences on each day. Minimum Periods of Rest Not to Be Consecutive. (b) Telegraphers who are allowed only the minimum number of hours' rest. will not be required to take two such minimum periods of rest or any part thereof, within less than sixteen hours apart at stations where one telegrapher is located; nor within less time than fourteen hours apart at stations where two telegraphers are located; nor within less than twelve hours apart at stations where three or more telegraphers are located. Advance Notice to Be Given, (c) Telegraphers will give two hours' ad- vance notice when they desire to claim the benefit of this article. ARTICLE XI. Special Call. (a) Telegraphers when called for service by proper authority, for any purpose, before or after regular hours, will be paid 50 cents for each call; and if kept on duty longer than one hour, shall receive overtime pro rata at regular salary, but not less than minimum specified in this agreement. Regular Overtime. (b) Telegraphers will be allowed overtime when required to remain on duty in per- formance "of any service required by the company longer than the number of hours constituting a day's work, according to loca- tion. Rate for Overtime. (c) The rate of pay for overtime will be based on the telegrapher's monthly salary according to location, but in no case less than thirty cents per hour. How Computed. (d) In computing overtime, fractions of an hour less than thirty minutes will be ignored, fractions of an hour comprising thirty minutes or over will be considered as an hour. Time Not Allowed. (e) Telegraphers will be notified by the company as promptly as possible when claims for overtime or for compensation on any other account are disallowed and reasons therefor. ARTICLE XII. Regular Meal Hour. (a) Day or night telegraphers who are not allowed sixty consecutive minutes for one meal between 11:30 and 2:30, day or night, will receive one hour overtime for each meal hour missed or curtailed at the company's instance. Meal Hour on Irregular Tricks. (b) Where the hours are so arranged that a meal hour is not desired, .as provided above, a meal hour of sixty consecutive min- utes between 5:00 a. m. and S:00 a. m. and 5:00 p. .m. and 8:00 p. m. will be arranged and telegraphers will receive one hour over- time for each meal hour missed or curtailed at the company's instance on account of the requirements of the service. ARTICLE Xin. Express Commissions. (a) Telegraphers will not be required to serve express companies for a less rate of compensation than that allowed them during the year 1913. Removal of Express from Station. (b) In case the express agency is with- drawn from any station (unless by the re- quest of agent affected) compensation of the agent shall be readjusted to conform to the rate paid at other stations of similar importance on the division, where the rail- 584 fSCHEDULES AND WaGE SgaLES. road agent does not act also as expiep agent. Proper Treatment to Be Accorded. (c) Telegiaphers required to serve express companies or commercial telegraph com- panies will have the right to complain of unsatisfactory treatment at the hands of said companies, and will receive due consid- eration from the railroad company. ARTICLE XIV. Duties Telegraphers Will Not Be Required to Perform. (a) Telegraphers will not be required to wipe, coal, wood, turn or start fli-es-in loco- motives, unload coal, bed stock cars, patrol track, turn bridges (except Des Allemands and Boeuf;, throw switches (other than from station buildings or switch towers), shovel snow, clean coaches, scrub platforms, sta- tions or outside closets. Extra Labor for Turning Bridges. (b) Telegraphers will be allowed a reason- able amount for extra labor when necessary to assist in turning bridges at Des Allemands and Boeuf. Attending Sv^^itch Lamps. (c) Telegraphers will not be required to attend switch lamps. Telegraphers who ob- serve switch lights extinguished which should be burning are required to either light them or to notify the j^roper employes that they require attention. Care of Station Buildings. (d) At stations where helpers are not em- ployed, telegraphers will be allowed a rea- sonable amount for employment of extra labor for scrubbing floors and washing win- dows of station buildings, but in cases where telegraphers are occupying station buildings, the allowances for scrubbing floors and wash- ing windows will not apply to the living rooms o.ccupied by the telegrapher. Care of Batteries. (e) Telegraphers will not be required to clean main or local batteries at stations where more than ten cells are used. Teaching Telegraphy. (f) Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy nor admit students to their offices, nor will telegraphers teach telegraphy without permission from the company. ARTICLE XV. Emoluments. Telegraphers who are occupying company buildings, rent free, or who are receiving allowances of fuel, ice or other supplies without expense to themselves, will not be required to pay for these privileges after the adoption of this agreement. ARTICLE XVI. Transferring. (a) Regular telegraphers transferred from one station to another under orders, or to obtain promotion to which entitled, will re- ceive pay for time lost in transferring, ac- cording to location after transfer, also free transportation for themselves, dependent members of their families and household goods when same can be furnished legally. Time Allowed During Transfer. (b) Telegraphers will receive pay while l>eing checked into or out of a station un- der bulletin or at the instance of the com- pany. It is understood that a telegrapher being checked out when laying off of his oWn accord and being checked in after hav- ing laid off of his own accord will not be considered a transfer at the company's in-, stance. ARTICLE XVIL Court Service. (a) Telegraphers attending court or de- tailed on other business at the instance of the company will be allowed regular salary, actual express commissions, not to exceed .$2.00 per day, and legitimate expenses while away from home. , Wreck, Washout and Emergency Service. (b) Regular telegraphers taken from their assigned positions to be used at derailments, washouts or , similar emergencies, will re- ceive salary of regular position; but in no case less than three ($3.00) dollars per day. Extra telegraphers when used in similar service will receive not less than three ($3.00) dollars per day. Length of Day. (c) Ten hours' service, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work in such service. Time Allowed Going to and From Emergency Service. (d) Time going to and from scene of emer- .gency will be included in service for day in wliich deadheading is performed; but in no case will telegraphers receive less than one day's pay within each twenty-four hours while so engaged. ■• ARTICLE XVni. Who Shall Appear on Seniority List. (a) Telegraiphers' official seniority list will consist of all regularly assigned occupants of the positions covered by this agreement and telegraphers on the extra list on the date of this agreement becomes effective. Additions to Seniority List — Promoted Dis- patchers Retain Seniority. (b) None but telegraphers hereafter em- ployed to fill positions covered by this agree- ment will be added to the telegraphers' offi- cial seniority list; provided, telegraphers in the telegraph service of this company con- tinuously for two or more years, promoted to the position of train dispatcher, hereto- fore or hereafter, may retain their rights on the telegraphers' official seniority list. When Seniority Starts. (c) Seniority of telegraphers will date from time of last entering service in positions classified in Article I. It is understood that this does not conflict with Article XXII. ARTICLE XIX. Promotion, (a) Telegraphers will be regarded as in line of promotion to positions covered by Schedules and Wage Scales. 585 this schedule, advancement depending upon the faithful discharge of duties and capacity foi" increased responsibilities; where ability is sufficient, seniority will have preference. Filling Vacancies by Bulletin. (b) The local chairman of each division will be notified by the company on the first day of each month when positions are cre- ated, or vacancies occur on the division where located, and telegraphers may file claim for same within thirty days from such notification. At the expiration of such pe- riod permanent appointment will be made. Bulletins will show assignments, and when new positions are created will state the rate of compensation. Failure to Take Promotion. (c) Failure to file for a bulletined posi- tion will not result in forfeiture of seniority rights; but if application is made, and con- firmed by the company, applicant will be re- quired to accept the position applied for. Prompt Assignment. (d) Telegraphers assigned to positions on bulletin by proper authority will be placed in their assignment within fifteen days of such assignment, if possible. When Telegrapher Proves Incompetent. (e) If a telegrapher assigned to a position under bulletin proves incompetent, he will drop back tO' the extra list, retaining three- fourths of his seniority rights. Any teleg- rapher filing out of a position will not be permitted to file into the same position on next bulletin, except he be the only appli- cant therefor. Relief Agents. (f) One or more positions of extra relief agents may be created on each superintend- ent's division and will be bulletined and filleu in accordance with this article, but should no competent applicant apply, the company may fill same with an unassigned telegrapher; provided, regular assigned teleg- raphers filing into such positions may retain their regular assigned positions. Telegraphers Declining to Serve as Relief Agent. (g) Regular assigned telegraphers declin- ing to serve as extra relief agents when called upon In case of emergency by the proper division officer, will forfeit their rights to apply for a regular agency as provided for in this article, unless with the approval of the proper division officer. Compensation of Relief Agents. (h) Regular telegraphers serving as relief agents will receive the same salary as do the telegraphers they relieve, but in no case less than the salary of their regular as- signed positions. All Applications to Be Considered. (i) The claim of any telegrapher for pro- motion, whether he has previously filled the position or not, will be considered. Senior- ity and ability to fill the position claimed, will determine the selection. Company to Judge as to Ability of Telegraphers. (jj The companj-, through the proper offi- cers, will determine the fitness of telegra- phers to fill all positions in this agreement, but any telegrapher feeling himself aggrieved on account of such decision will have the right to appeal successively to the highest official of the company vested with the au- thority for handling such matters, either in person or through the Order of Railroad Telegraphers. Seniority Rights Confined to Divisions, (k) Seniority rights will be confined to railroad divisions, and will not be inter- changed between divisions except as provided in Article XX. "Seniority" Defined. (1> Where the word "seniority" is used in this agreement, it shall refer to date of em- ployment as shown on the official seniority list. ARTICLE XX. Transferring One Division to Another. (a) Telegraphers, on account of ill health of themselves or families, inay transfer from one division to another, with the approval of the company. In such cases, the telegra- pher making the transfer will go on the extra list; but will retain three-fourths of his former seniority, and will have the right to file into bulletined positions, as provided in Article XIX. Exchanging Positions. (b) Telegraphers on different divisions may exchange positions and seniority, with the approval of the company. (c) Telegraphers transferring from one di- vision to another will not be required to undergo an additional physical examination, and will be given free transportation for themselves, dependent members of their fam- ilies and household goods; where not pro- liibited by law. Not to Apply to Telegraphers on Same Division. (d) Telegraphers will not be permitted to change positions or seniority with another telegrapher on the same division. ARTICLE XXI. Seniority Lists to Be Furnished. The local chairman of the Order of Rail- road Telegraphers on each division will be furnished an official seniority list by the company on January 1 and July 1 of each year, showing all telegraphers on the divi- sion with their location and occupation. ARTICLE XXII. Service Letters — Telegraphers Re-employed. Telegraphers leaving the service of the company, who have been in its employ ninety days, will be given cleaiance cards if re- quested. Telegraphers who have left the service voluntarily or otherwise, when re- employed, will rank from the last date of employment, but nothing in this article will be construed as abrogating the rights of telegraphers reinstated at any time after discharge. 586 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE XXIII. Discipline. (a) Telegraphers will not be suspended or discharged or demerits entered against their records without just and sufficient cause, and in the case of discharge, division offi- cers will investigate the case carefully be- fore permanently removing a telegrapner from the service. Investigation. (b) Any telegrapher suspended or dis- charged shall be entitled to a fair and im- partial investigation, and if found blame- less of charges against him, will be rein- stated and paid for all time lost on such account. Right of Appeal. (c) Telegraphers dissatisfied with the re- sults of the investigation have the right, without prejudice, to appeal successively to the highest orricer of the company, vested with authority for handling such matters, either in person or through the Order of Railroad -Telegraphers. ARTICLE XXIV. Reduction in Force. (a) When necessary to reduce the num- ber of telegraphers they will be laid off ac- cording to the seniority list, taken in inverse order, commencing with the junior extra telegrapher; regular telegraphers moving back to the extra list in the same manner. Increasing Force. (b) If ability is , sufficient and otherwise acceptable, telegraphers who are laid off will have the preference (if application is made) when necessary to employ telegraphers on any of the divisions included in this agree- ment. Right to Displace Junior Telegraphers. (c) A telegrapher losing his assigned posi- tion through no fault of his ^pwn will have the right (if ability is sufficient) to displace the youngest assigned telegrapher on the seniority list; provided the telegrapher dis- placed is his junior in the service. ARTICLE XXV. Sunday and Holiday Work. Telegraphers will not be required to work on Sundays or holidays, except when abso- lutely necessary to protect the company's interests. This article will be liberally in- terpreted by the company. ARTICLE XXVL Service on Board of Adjustment. (a) Telegraphers will not be discriminated against for service on boards of adjustment for the Order of Railroad Telegraphers and will be granted leave of absence and be re- lieved as soon as practicable and furnished transportation over the company's lines for such purpose. Privileges of Local Chairman. (b) The local rhairman of each division will be given transportation over his divi- sion and will be granted leave of absence and be relieved as soon as practicable when he desires to go over his division on busi- ness of the organization. Privileges of Telegraphers Holding Office in Grand Division, (c) Telegraphers elected as representatives to the grand division, or holding any office in the grand division of the Order of Rail- road Telegraphers, employed on any part of this system, will be granted leave of ab- sence and relieved as soon as practicable to attend to any business in connection with their positions as such representatives or officer of the grand division, and will be furnished transportation for such purposes over the company's lines. ARTICLE XXVIL Exclusive Agents. (a) At telegraph stations, telegraphers shown as "agent" in the wage table of this agreement will not be required to perforin telegraph duties hereafter unless a change in commercial conditions takes place at the station or stations affected, making such change necessary. Duties of Operator and Clerks. - (b) At stations where telegraphers are lo- cated, in addition to the agent, and are required to perform other than telegraphic duties, such other duties will be reasonable and just, and will be clearly defined in writ- ing by the agent, but such other service will not interfere with the telegrapher's duties to the telegraph department. Posi- tions requiring the performance of clerical dutie.s are shown in the wage table as "operator and clerk." Overwork. (c) When a telegrapher considers himself overworked and complains to the proper officials, it will be carefully considered, and if well founded, relief will be granted. Leave of Absence. (d) Unlimited leave of absence will be granted in case of sickness or in case of official promotion, whether with the com- pany or the organization. Other leave of absence will not be granted to exceed sixty days, with an extension of thirty days, at the discretion of the division officer, except that a telegrapher who has been in the service three years or more may be granted leave of absence for ninety days, with an extension of ninety days, at the discretion of the division officer. It is understood leave of absence will not be granted to any telegrapher for the purpose of accepting employment as a telegrapher on any other railroad. ARTICLE XXVni. Official Representatives of O. R. T. All officials of Division No. 53, Order of Railroad Telegraphers, on the above men- tioned lines, will be certified to the com- pany in writing by the general chairman or the general secretary before being recog- nized by the company as representing the organization. ARTICLE XXIX. Copies of Agreement to Be Furnished. The local chairman of the Order of Rail- road Telegraphers will be furnished by the Schedules and Wage ScAiiES. 587 company with copies of this agreement and future amendments and supplements thereto. ARTICLE XXX. Running Pumps. Telegraphers required to run pumps will receive a minimum extra compensation of twenty-five (|25.00) dollars per month for steam and fifteen ($15.00) dollars per month for gasoline pumps. ARTICLE XXXL General and Relay Offices. (a) The provision of this article will ap- ply to New Orleans "WS", Houston "HN", San Antonio "N" and El Paso "RK" offices only. How Vacancies Will Be Filled. (b) Positions vacated or created in Hous- ton "HN" office will be bulletined on the T. & N. O. division and the Galveston and Victoria divisions of the G. H.' & S. A. Railway, and telegraphers employed on said divisions will be -eligible thereto. Positions vacated or created in New Orleans "VVS" office will be bulletined on the Louisiana Lines and telegraphers employed on said lines will be eligible thereto. Positions va- cated or created in San Antonio "N" office will be bulletined on the Houston division of the G. H. & S. A. Railway, and telegra- phers employed on that division will be eli- gible thereto. Positions vacated or created in El Paso "RK" office, will be bulletined on the El Paso division of the G, H. & S. A. Railway, and telegraphers employed on that division will be eligible thereto. Seniority to Be Retained. (c) Telegraphers employed in any of the above offices will be carried on the seniority list of the division from which promoted and will have the right to file into bulle^ fined positions on the division from which promoted. Seniority of Telegraphers in "HN" Office. (d) Telegraphers employed iin Houston "HN" office who have not been proinoted from some division will be carried on the seniority list of the T. & N. O. division and the Galveston division of the G. H. & S. A. Railway, and will have the right to file into bulletined positions on said division. Positions to Be Numbered. (e) Positions in the offices covered by this article will be numbered with regular assigned hours. Bulletins and Assignment. (f) Positions when created or vacated will appear on bulletins, showing number and hours the position covers and the ap- plicant as.'signed to the position will work those hours; provided, this shall not pre- vent a -change in hours. It is not intended that this shall prevent the company from obtaining the best possible talent for the above offices. Changed Hours. (g) When necessary to change hours of one or more telegraphers in above offices, the telegrapher working the changed hours will not be required to come on duty earlier or later than the telegrapher work- ing the preceding or following trick. Reduction in Force, (h) When necessary to reduce the number of telegraphers in the above offices, they will be laid off according to the official seniority list, taken in inverse order. WAGE SCALE. Guaranteed minimum salaries per month for telegraphers, exclusive of ticket, express or other commissions, or deductions of any character other than hospital dues and bond premiums. Positions inarked with a star (*) are filled jointly by the operating and traffic depart- inents. These positions will be bulletined when vacancies occur, and telegraphers will have the right to make application for the same, and their applications will be consid- ered according to ability. LOUISIANA LINES. Rate per Station and Position. Month. New Orleans (WS), Manager $115.00 Operator 105.00 Operator 105.00 Algiers, night operator 85.00 Avondale, first trick operator 82.50 Second trick operator 75.00 Third trick operator 75.00 Boutte, agent and operator 80.00 Des Allemands, agent and operator. . . . 85.00 Raceland, agent < *82.50 Lockport, agent *87.50 Bowie, agent and operator 85.00 Second trick operator and clerk.. 72.50 Third trick operator and clerk.... 72.50 Lafourche, agent and operator 87.50 Schriever, agent 100.00 Operator 82.50 Chacahoula, agent 65.00 Donner. agent and operator 82.50 Night operator and clerk 72.50 Gibson, agent and operator 82.50 Boeuf, agent and bridge tender 80.00 Morgan City, agent *107.50 Night operator 75.00 Berwick, agent and operator 80.00 Patterson, agent and operator 95.00 Niglit operator and clerk 72.50 Bayou Sale, agent and operator 90.00 Second trick operator and clerk.. 72.50 Third trick operator and clerk. . . 72.50 Franklin, agent 107.50 Operator and clerk 75.00 Baldwin, agent and operator 95.00 Adeline, agent 58.00 Jeanerette, agent and operator 102.50 New Iberia, agent ♦142.50 Operator and clerk 75.00 Cade, agent and operator 87.50 Second trick operator and clerk.. 72.50 Third trick operator and clerk... 72.50 Broussard, agent and operator 85.00 Lafayette, agent *127.50 First trick operator 95.00 Second trick operator 95.00 Third trick operator 95.00 Scott, agent and operator 80.00 588 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Pwayne, agent and operator $ 90.00 Second trick operator and clerk.. 72.50 Third trick operator and clerk... 72.50 Crowley, agent *127.50 Operator and clerk 75.00 Estherwood, agent and operator 80.00 Midland, agent and operator 85.00 Mermentau, agent and operator 85.00 Jennings, agent 105.00 Operator and clerk 75.00 Iowa, agent and operator 85.00 Roanoke, agent and operator 85.00 Welsh, agent 90.00 First trick operator and clerk... 72.50 Second trick 'operator and clerk.. 72.50 Third trick operator and clerk... 72.50 Lake Charles, agent *127.50 First trick operator 85.00 Second trick operator 77.50 Third trick operator 77.50 West Lake, agent *85.00 Sulphur, agent and operator 80.00 Edgerly, agent and operator 85.00 Vinton, agent and operator 77.50 Second trick operator and clerk.. 72.50 Alexandria, agent ' *127.50 Operator and clerk 72.50 Cheneyville, agent 115.00 First trick operator and clerk... 72.50 Second trick operator and clerk.. 72.50 Third trick operator and clerk... 72.50 Golddust, agent and operator........ 77.50 Washington, agent and operator 85.00 Opelousas, agent *107.50 Operator and clerk 72.50 Sunset, agent and operator 85.00 Carencro, agent and operator 85.00 Breaux Bridge, agent and operator. . . . 90.00 Arnaudville, agent and operator 80.00 St. Martinsville, agent and operator.. 95.00 Eunipe, agent and operator 92.50 Iota, agent and operator 77.50 Gueydan, agent and operator 80.00 Kaplan, agent and operator 77.50 Abbeville, agent 112.50 Operator and clerk., , 72.50 Houma, agent *95.00 Thibodeaux, agent and operator 95.00 Napoleonville, agent and operator.... 80.00 Lake Arthur, agent and operator 75.00 T. & N. O. AND GALVESTON DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Echo, first trick operator $ 92.50 Second trick operator 92.50 Third trick operator 92.50 Orange, agent *135.00 Operator and clerk 92.50 Beaumont, fjrst trick operator 92.50 Second trick operator 92.50 Third trick operator 92.50 China, agent and operator 80.00 Village Mills, agent 58.00 Woodville, agent and operator 87.50 Colmesneil, agent and operator 87.50 Rockland, agent and operator 95.00 Cushing, agent and operator 82.50 Huntington, agent and operator 82.50 Jacksonville, agent. *132.50 Frankston, agent and operator 82.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Athens, agent .n07.50 First trick operator and clerk... 80.00 Second trick operator and clerk.. 75.00 Mabank, agent and operator 80.00 Kemp, agent and operator 82.50 Kaufman, agent 107.50 First trick operator and clerk... 80.00 Second trick operator and clerk.. 75.00 Crandall, agent and operator 80.00 Sabine, agent and operator 95.00 Port Arthur, s^gent *132.50 Nome, agent an(k operator 90.00 Sour Lake, agents , . *95.00 Felecia, operator 75.00 Devers , agent and operator 80.00 Liberty, agent and operator 95.00 Second trick operator and clerk.. 75.00 Third trick operator and clerk... 75.00 Dayton, agent and operator 82.50 Crosby, agent and operator 82.50 Operator and clerk. . . ._ 75.00 Houston (HD), first trick operator.... 95.00 Second trick operator 95.00 Third trick operator 95.00 Harrisburg, first trick opr. and tower'n 80.00 Second trick opr. and towerman.. 80.00 Third trick opr. and towerman.. 80.00 West La Porte, agent and operator.. 82.50 Seabrook, agent and operator. . , 80.00 Strang, operator 75.00 Texas City Jet., first trick opr. and towerman 77.50 Second trick opr. and towerman.. 77.50 Third trick opr. and towerman.. 77.50 Galveston, first trick opr. and clerk.. 87.50 Second trick operator and clerk. . 87.50 Third trick operator and clerk... 87.50 Houston (HNh manager 120.00 First trick operator 105.00 Second trick operator 105.00 Third trick operator 105.00 Fourth trick operator 105.00 Fifth trick operator 105.00 Sixth trick operator 105.00 Seventh trick operator 105.00 Eighth trick operator 105.00 Ninth trick operator 105.00 Tenth trick operator 105.00 Eleventh trick operator 105.00 Twelfth trick operator 105.00 Thirteenth trick operator 105.00 Fourteenth -trick operator 105.00 VICTORIA DWISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Beasley, agent and operator $ 72.50 .Hungerford, agent and operator 77.50 Palacious, agent and operator 71.50 Operator and clerk 72.50 Blessing, agent and operator 82.50 Markham, agent and operator 82.50 Bay City, agent *115.00 Operator and clerk 77.50 Van Vleck, agent and operator 77.50 Pledger, agent and operator 70.00 Wharton, agent *112.50 Operator and clerk 77.50 Pierce, agent and operator 70.00 El Campo, agent and operator 110.00 Operator and clerk 72.50 Louise, agent and operator 70.00 Ganado. agent and operator 77.50 Schedules and, Wage Scales. 589 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Edna, agent and operator $ OO.Od Operator and clerk 72.50 Beeville, agent and operator 105.00 Berclair, agent *45.00 Goliad, agent and operator 90.00 Fannin, agent *45.00 Port Lavaca, agent and operator 90.00 A^ictoria, agent *140.00 Operator (VI) 90.00 Thomaston, agent and operator 70.00 Cuero, agent *118.00 Operator and clerk 77.50 Westhoff, agent and operator 75.00 Smiley, agent and operator 77.50 Nixon, agent and operator SO.OO Stockdale, agent and operator 77.50 Sutherland Springs, agent and oper.. 75.00 Lavernia, agent and operator 75.00 Note: — The company reserves the right to fill the position as operator in "VI" office at Victoria with a man competent to do extra dispatching. HOUSTON DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. V/est Junction, first trick operator $ 80.00 Second trick operator 80.00 Third trick operator 80.00 Missouri City, agent and operator 82.50 Sugarland, agent and operator 102.50 Richmond, agent 92.50 Operator and clerk 80.00 East Bernard, agent and operator 87.50 Operator and clerk 77.50 Eagle Lake, agent 122.50 First trick operator and clerk... 82.50 Second trick operator and clerk.. 80.00 Columbus, agent *102.50 Glidden, agent and operator 107.50 Second trick operator 95.00 Third trick operator 95.00 La Grange, agent 115.00 ■Weimar, agent 102.50 . Operator and clerk 80.00 Schulenburg, agent 120.00 First trick operator and clerk... 80.00 Second trick operator and clerk.. 77.50 Engle, agent and operator 82.50 Flatonia, agent and operator 105.00 Waelder, agent 95.00 Operator and clerk 80.00 Harwood, agent and operator 95.00 Gonzales, agent 110.00 Operator and clerk 80.00 Luling, agent 120.00 First trick opr. and towerman... 85.00 Second trick opr. and towerman.. 85.00 Third trick opr. and towerman... 85.00 Kingsbury, agent and operator 90.00 Seguin, agent 122.50 First trick operator and clerk... 82.50 Second trick operator and clerk.. 80.00 Third trick operator and clerk... 77.50 Marion, agent and operator 95.00 Schertz, agent and operator 82.50 San Antonio (N), manager 115.00 Operator 102.50 (DS), first trick operator 102.50 Second trick operator 102.50 Third trick operator 102.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. (QS), first trick operator and clerk. .$102.50 Second trick operator and clerk. . 102.50 Third trick operator and clerk.. 102.50 (MC), operator and clerk *105.00 Macdona, agent *70.00 Lacoste, agent and operator 70.00 Second trick operator and cleik.. 77.50 Third trick operator and clerk... 77.50 Dunley, agent *65.00 Hondo, agent 102.50 Operator and clerk 82.50 D'Hanis, agent and operator 85.00 Sabinal, agent and operator 107.50 Second trick operator and clerk. . 80.00 Third trick operator and clerk... 77.50 Knippa, agent and operator 85.00 Uvalde, agent *120.00 First trick operator and clerk... 82.50 Second trick operator and clerk.. 80.00 Cline, agent and pumper *65.00 Spofford, agent 95.00 First trick operator and clerk. . . 82.50 Second trick operator and clerk. . 80.00 Third trick operator and clerk... 77.50 Eagle Pass, agent *150.00 Operator and clerk 82.50 Standart, agent *53.50 Del Rio, agent 122.50 First trick operator 97.50 Second trick operator 97.50 Third trick operator 97.50 Note: — Operators at West Junction will receive $5.00 per month additional so long as they are required to throw switches. Note: — Clerical work that will be re- quired of telegraphers in San Antonio "QS" office will consist only of handling train board, and so long as this work is required of them, additional allow- ances will be made monthly as follows: First trick telegrapher, $10.00; seqond and third trick telegraphers, $5.00 each. EL PASO DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Comstock, agent and operator $100.00 Langtry, agent and operator 92.50 Second trick operator and clerk.. 85.00 Third trick operator and clerk. . . 85.00 Pumpville, operator 85.00 Dryden, agent and operator 92.50 Sanderson, agent . .- 117.50 First trick opr. and ticket clerk.. 97.50 Second trick opr. and ticket clerk 97.50 Third trick opr. and ticket clerk.. 97.50 Longfellow, operator 85.00 Tesnus, operator 85.00 Marathon, agent 100.00 First trick operator and clerk... 85.00 Second trick operator and clerk.. 85.00 Third trick operator and clerk. . . 85.00 Alpine, agent 100.00 First trick operator and clerk... 90.00 Second trick operator and clerk. . 90.00 Third trick operator and clerk... 90.00 Marfa, agent 100.00 First trick operator and clerk... 85.00 Second trick operator and clerk. . -85.00 Third trick operator and clerk. . . 85.00 590 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. A'alentine. agent $105.00 First trick opr. and ticket clerk.. 95.00 Second trick opr. and ticket clerk 95.00 Third trick opr. and ticket clerk. . 95.00 Lobo, operator 85.00 Hot Wells, operator 85.00 Sierra Blanca, agent 100.00 First trick opr. and ticket clerk.. 90.00 Second trick opr. and ticket clerk 90.00 Third trick opr. and ticket clerk.. 90.00 Torcer, operator 85.00 Finlay, first trick operator 85.00 Second trick operator 85.00 Third trick operator 85.00 Fort Hancock, agent and operator... 95.00 Second trick operator and clerk.. 87.50 Third trick operator and clerk. . . 87.50 Fabens, agent and operator 95.00 Second trick operator 85.00 Third trick operator 85.00 Clint, agent 100.00 Operator and clerk 87.50 Ysleta, agent and operator 95.00 El Paso (RK), manager 115.00 First trick operator 105.00 Second trick operator^ 105.00 Third trick operator 105.00 Fourth trick operator 105.00 Fifth trick operator 105.00 Sixth trick operator 105.00 Seventh trick operator 105.00 Note: — Cleiical work required of teleg- rapher operators, and ticket clerks at Sierra Blanca, Valentine and Sanderson ■will consist only of selling tickets and checking baggage. HOUSTON & TEXAS CENTRAL RAIL- ROAD COMPANY. Agreement. The following rules, regulations and rates of pay will govern only employes covered by this agreement, as specified in Article 1. When additional positions are created, compensation and duties will be fixed in conformity with positions of the same class in this schedule on the district where lo- cated. ARTICLE L "Telegrapher" Defined. Any employe assigned to the duties of a telegraph operator, at any station, whether termed agent or otherwise, as specified in wage scale, will be considered as a teleg- rapher. ARTICLE XL Discipline. (a) Telegraphers will not be suspended or discharged or demerits enteied against their records without Just and sufficient cause, and In the case of discharge, division offi- cers will investigate the case carefully be- fore permanently removing a telegrapher from the service. Investigation. (b) Any telegrapher suspended or dis- charged shall be entitled to a fair and im- partial investigation, and if found blameless of charges against him, will be reinstated and paid for all time lost on such account. Right of Appeal. (c) Telegraphers dissatisfied with the re- .'-■ults of the investigation, have the right, without prejudice, to appeal successively to the highest officer of the company vested with the authority for handling such mat- ters, either in person or through the Order of Railroad Telegraphers. Presenting Grievances. (d) Telegraphers having grievances will present them_within ten days from the date they are first aggrieved. In the event of their failure to do so, their rights to make complaints shall cease. ARTICLE III. Promotion. (a) Telegraphers will be regarded as in line of promotion, advancement depending upon the faithful discharge of duty and capacity for increased responsibility; where ability is sufficient, in the judgment of the proper division official, seniority will have the preference. Filling Vacancies. (b) In the event of vacancies occurring or new positions being created, for which telegraphers are eligible under t4ais schedule, such positions will be advertised by bulletin sent to all stations every 30 days; applica- tion may be filed for such positions within 15 days, and at the expiration of 15 days permanent appointments will be roade. Temporary Vacancies, fc) Temporary vacancies of 30 days or longer will be bulletined. Failure to Apply for Bulletined Position. (d) Lf a telegrapher fails to apply for a position advertised by bulletin, he will not lose thereby any seniority rights, but can- not thereafter claim the same position until a vacancy occurs. Seniority Lists to Be Furnished. (e) The local chairman of the Order of ^Railroad Telegraphers on each division will be furnished with an- official seniority list by the company every six months, showing all telegraphers on the division, with their location and occupation. ARTICLE rV. Transferring. (a) Regular telegraphers transferred from one station to another under orders,, or to obtain promotion to which entitled, will receive pay for time lost in transfening, according to location after transfer, also free transportation for themselves, depend- ent members of their families and household goods when same can be furnished legally. Time Allowed During Transfer. (b) Telegraphers will receive pay while being checked into or out of a station under bulletin or at the instance of the company. It is understood that a telegrapher being checked out when laying off of his own accord and being checked in after having laid off of his own accord, will not be con- sidered a transfer at the company's instance. Schedules and Wage Scales. 591 ARTICLE V. Wreck, Washout and Emergency Service. (a) Regular telegraphers taken from their assigned positions to be used at derail- ments, washouts or similar emergencies, will receive salary of regular positions; but in no case less than three ($3.00) dollars per day. Extra telegraphers when used in sim- ilar service will receiv'e not less than three ($3.00) dollars per day. Length of Day. (b) Ten hours' service, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work in such service. Time Allowed Going to and from Emergency Service. (c) Time going to and from scene of emergency will be included in service for day in which deadheading is performed; but in no case will telegraphers receive less than one day's pay within each twenty-four hours while so engaged. ARTICLE VI. Length of Day at One Man Stations. (a) At offices where one telegrapher Is employed, twelve consecutive hours, com- mencing at 7:00 a. m. or 7:00 p. m., including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. Length of Day Where Two or More Men Are Employed. (b) At offices where two or more tele?;- raphers are employed, nine consecutive hours' service ,or ten consecutive hours, in- cluding meal hour, will constitute a day's work. Split Tricks. (c) Eight hours' service will constitute a day's work for telegraphers working split or irregular tricks at any station. No tricks will be split more than once. ARTICLE VIL Overtime. (a) When telegraphers are required to re- inain on duty in excess of the number of hours con.stituting a day's work as provided for in article VI, in performance of any services required by the company, they will be paid overtime pro rata, but in no case less than thirty cents per hour. Special Call. (b) When telegraphers are required to re- port at a specified time before or after regu- lar hours, they will be allowed fifty cents for the first hour or fraction thereof, and over- time pro rata, but not less than thirty cents per hour for each succeeding hour held on duty. ^ Meal Hour. (e) Telegraphers will be allowed. sixty con- secutive minutes for meals between 11:30 p. m. and 1:00 a. m.. and 11:30 a. m. and 1:00 -p. m. If not relieved within the time speci- fied, one hour overtime will be allowed. ARTICLE VIIL Meeting Regular ^r Deiaved Trains Outside of Regular Hours. Not less than one hour's time will be allowed for meeting regular or delayed trains outside of regular hours. Overtime for this service will be allowed on basis of regular .salary, but in no case less than thirty cents per hour. ARTICLE IX. Method of Computing and Turning in Over- time. In computing overtime, except as provided for in Article VIIL less than thirty minutes will not be counted; thirty minutes or over will be considered as an hour. Overtime must be reported by telegraphers in writing to the superintendent within 48 hours from the time such service is performed. Teleg- raphers will be notified by the company with- out delay when claims for overtime or com- pensation on any other account is disallowed. ARTICLE X. Court Service. Telegraphers attending court or otherwise absenting themselves on other business for the company, on proper^authority, will be allowed full time at their regular rate of pay, and their necessary expenses during such service while away from their home station. ARTICLE XL Clerical Work. JWhere telegraphers are required to per- form clerical service in addition to their other duties, the service required by the agent will "be such as can be attended to without neglect of duty to the telegraph service. ARTICLE XII. Service Letters. "When requested, telegraphers leaving the service will be furnished with a letter stat- ing the length of service and cause of leav- ing, within five days of such request. ARTICLE XIII. Seniority Confined to Divisions. Seniority rights will be confined to division in charge of each superintendent. ARTICLE XIV. Teaching Telegraphy. Telegraphers will not be requii-ed to teach telegraphy, nor will telegraphers teach teleg- raphy on the company's premises without the written permission of the superintendent of telegraph. ARTICLE XV. Sunday Work. Office hours on Sunday will be arranged to allow the employes as much time off as the service will permit. This article will be liberally interpreted by the company. ARTICLE XVI. Reduction in Force or Closing Stat'on. A telegrapher losing his assigned position by reason of reduction of forces or closing of station, will have the right to displace the youngest assigned telegrapher, retain- ing at the same tirne all of his seniority rights. 592 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE XVII. Senior Extra Telegraphers to Have Pref- erence. Senior extra telegraphers, when available and competent, will be used in preference to junior extra telegraphers. ARTICLE XVIII. Employes Entitled to Appear on Seniority List. None but telegraphers hereafter employed to fill positions covered by this agreement will be added to the telegraphers' offlci?! seniority list; provided, telegraphers in the telegraph service of this company continu- ously for two or more years, promoted to the position of train dispatcher, heretofore or hereafter, may retain their rights on the telegraphers' official seniority list. WAGE SCALE. FIRST DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Houston (HQ), first trick operator $100.00 Second trick operator 100:00 Third trick operator 100.00 (MN), operator and clerk 100.00 Bellaire, first trick opr. and towerman 80.00 Second trick opr. and towerman.. 80.00 Third trick opr. and towerman... 80.00 Cypress, agent and operator 70.00 Night operator and clerk 70.00 Hockley, agent and operator ; . . 7S.50 Waller, agent and operator 80.00 Prairie- View, agent and operator 70.00 Hempstead, first trick operator and Western L^nion manager 85.00 Second trick opr. and clerk 80.00 Third trick operator and clerk.... 80.00 Navasota, first trick opr. and t'man. 80.00 Second trick opr. and towerman. 79.00 Third trick opr. and towerman... ^ 79.00 Courtney, agent and operator 75.00 Millican, agent and operator 73.00 Wellborn, agent and operator 76.00 College, agent and operator 77.50 Bryan, first trick opr. and towerman 77.50 Second trick opr. and towerman.. 77.50 Third trick opr. and towerman... 77. 5( Benchley, agent and operator 75.00 Hearne (G), first trick operator 97.50 Second trick operator 97.50 Third trick operator 97.50 11^ Calvert, first trick operator and West- ern Union manager 72.50 Second trick operator and clerk... 70.00 Hammond, agent and operator 72.50 Bremond, first trick operator and Western Union manager 87.50 Second trick opr. and ticket clerk 80.00 Third trick opr. and ticket clerk. 77.50 Kosse, agent and operator 80.00 Thornton, agent and operator • 80.00 Groesbeeck, agent 85.00 First trick operator and Western Union manager 70.00 Second trick opr. and clerk 70.00 Mexia, first trick opr. and towerman 77.50 Second trick opr. and towerman.. 75.00 Third trick opr. and towerman... 75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Wortham, agent and operator $ 80.00 Richland, agent and operator 76.50 Corsicana, first trick operator 80.00 Second trick opr. and clerk 77.50 Third trick opr. and clerk 77.50 Rice, agent and operator 80.00 Ennis (NS), day opr. and W. U. mgr. 71.50 (FN), operator and clerk 100.00 (JO), first trick operator 100.00 Second trick operator 100.00 Third trick operator 100.00 Palmer, agent and' operator 82.50 Ferris, agent 110.00 ■ Operator and clerk 70.00 Hutchins, agent and operator 82.50 Dallas (Z), operator and clerk 85.00 (DS), first trick operator 82.50 Second trick operator 82.50 Third trick operator 82.50 (BY), operator and clerk 92.50 Richardson, agent and operator 75.00 Piano, first trick opr. and towerman. 72.50 Second thick opr. and towerman.. 72.50 Third trick opr. and towerman... 72.50 Allen, agent and operator 76.00 McKinney, operator and clerk 78.50 Melissa, agent and operator 76.00 Anna, agent and operator 80.00 Van Alstyne, agent ". . 82.50 Operator and clerk 72.50 Howe, agent and operator 80.00 Sherman, first trick opr. towerman.. 82.50 Second trick opr. and towerman.. 80.00 Third trick opr. and towerman... 80.00 Denison, first trick opr. and clerk. . . . 85.00 Second trick opr. and clerk 77.50 Third trick opr. and clerk 77.50 lola, agent and operator 71.00 North Zulch, agent and operator '71.00 Normangee, jigent and operator 71.00 Robbins, agent and operator 71.00 Jewett, agent and operator 71.00 Personville, agent and operator 71.00 Reagan, agent and operator 75.00 Marlin, operator and clerk... 72.50 Perry, agent and operator 70.00 Reisel, agent and operator 70.00 Waco, operator and clerk 80.00 ^V^axahachie, first trick opr. and clerk 77.50 Second trick opr. and clerk 72.50 Midlothian, agent and operator 95.00 Operator and clerk .'. . . 72.50 Mansfield, agent and operator 82.50 Britton, agent and operator 72.50 Fort Worth, first trick opr. and clerk 87.50 Second trick opr. and clerk 85.00 Third trick opr. and clerk 85.00 Lancaster, agent 75.00 NOTE — ^Vacancies in "HQ" office Houston will be bulletined over entire system. NOTE — Positions as operator and clerk in Houston "MN" and Dallas "BY" offices will not be bulletined. While these positions do not come under, the jurisdiction of the O. R. T., it is understood that telegraphers off the seniority list assigned to them will re- tain their seniority. Schedules and Wage Scales. 593 SECOND DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Chappel Hill, agent and operator $82.00 Buiton, agent and operator • 80.00 Carmine, agent and operator 82.00 Ledbetter, agent and operator 80.00 Giddings, agent 90.00 First trick operator, Western Un- ion manager and ticket clerk.... 77.00 Second trick opr. and ticket clerk 77.00 Third trick opr. and ticket clerk 77.00 Paige, agent and operator 77.51) McDade, agent and operator 75.00 Elgin, first trick- operator, towerman, clerk and Western Union mgr. . 78.50 Second trick opr. and toweiman.. 78.50 Third trick opr., towerman, elk. 78.50 Rata per Station and Position. Month. Manor, agent and operator $ 84.00 Leander, agent and operator 72.50 Liberty Hill, agent and operator 72.50 Bertram, agent and operator 80.00 Burnett, agent and operator 80.00 Fairland, agent and operator 70.00 Marble Falls, agent and operator 80.00 Kingsland, agent and operator 72.50 Llano, operator and clerk 80.00 Lampasas, operator and clerk 55.00 Dime Box, agent and operator 70.00 Caldwell, operator and_ clerk 76.00 NOTE — It is understood that salary of operator and clerk at does not stand as a minimum. Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Railway (EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 1916.) The following rules and wages will govern the telegraphers on the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway. When additional telegraphers' positions are created, compensation will be fixed in conformity with that for position of the same class as shown by this schedule. ARTICLE I. All employes assigned by proper authority to railway telegraph or telephone service of any character or duration, and also the station agehts incorporated in the accom- panying schedule of wages, and linemen, will be considered as telegraphers within the meaning of this, schedule, and are so called herein. ARTICLE II. (a) The right of promotion of telegra- phers will extend over the entire system, and will be governed by merit, fitness and ability; where these are sufficient, the senior telegrapher will be given the prefei'ence. (b) A telegrapher's seniority will date from the time he last entered the service as a telegrapher. The seniority of a teleg- rapher employed on lines under construc- tion, or absorbed by the coinmission, will date from his last appointment as a teleg- rapher on such lines. When newly con- structed lines are taken over by the oper- ating department, all telegraphers' posi- tions will be considered vacant, and any telegrapher in line of promotion to them will have fifteen days within which to make application for the same. (c) All vacancies and permanent ap- pointments will be immediately advertised by "23" message over the system. .When' vacancies in positions not shown in the accompanying schedule of wages are bulle- tined, the bulletin will state rate of com- pensation. Applications for vacancies must be made within ten days from date of bul- letin. A telegrapher declining to accept promo- tion in any instance does not forfeit his rights to the same or any other position he may be entitled to under seniority when a vacancy occurs. A telegrapher on leave of absence when a vacancy occurs will not be debarred from clairriing position and re- ceiving the appointment on resuming duty, if entitled to it. A vacancy will be filled within thirty days after it occurs by the appointment of the man entitled to it. When a vacancy occurs the superintendent of traffic will fill the same by appointing the senior man, who, as per clause (a) hereof, is entitled to the position, but this will not prevent any telegrapher senior to the man so appointed claiming his rights under clause (a) hereof to the position, provided he flies his protest within ten days after the appointment has been bulletined as above, and such telegrapher will be compensated by the commission for any loss of revenue sustained by not duly receiving the appoint- ment to which he is entitled. (d) Telegraphers in the employ will be given preference in filling vacancies or op- enings on extensions or new lines. (e) In case of reduction in the number of telegraphers employed, the junior teleg- raphers will be the first dispensed with. (f) The commission will not abolish posi- tions incorporated in Article XXVII, except in case of a reduction of staff. A telegra- pher holding such a position, so abolished, will receive fourteen days' notice of the .same, and will be entitled to the position then held by the junior- permanently located telegrapher, but will retain his seniority rights. (g) A complete list of all telegraphers em- ployed by the' commission, showing their seniority standing, will be kept on file in the respective train dispatching offices, open to the inspection of all telegraphers con- cerned. This list will be subject to correc- tion on proper representation from any teleg- rapher, and a copy of it. corrected to date, will be furnished the general chairman at the beginning of each year. fh) Telegraphers will have the exclusive right to any position incorporated In the accompanying wage schedule, also any new telegraphers' positions created by the ab- 594 Schedules and Wage Scales. sorption of other lines, or the construction of new lines, when vacancies in such posi- tions occur. (i) Telegraphers will also be eligible and considered in line of promotion to the posi- tion of agent at any of the stations not incorporated in the accompanying wage schedule, which have been omitted in view of conditions which may be impracticable or unfair to fill these positions exclusively from one branch of the service. (j) The right of promotion of train dis- patchers will be governed by merit and abil- ity; these being sufficient, the senior train dispatcher to have the preference. The or- der of promotion of train dispatchers will be from senior relieving dispatcher to trick dispatcher, and from trick dispatcher to chief dispatcher. The seniority of a train dispatcher will date from the time he was appointed a trick dispatcher, unless by his own request he takes another position in the service, un- der which circvimstances his seniority as a train dispatcher will date from the time he was last appointed as a trick dispatcher. A train dispatcher will retain his seniority standing in the ranks of the agents and operators. Relieving dispatchers will be appointed from telegraphers on the road, if available, in accordance with clause (c)- of this ar- ticle, and will be allowed sufficient time, without pay, to learn the work of train dispatching, under a regular trick dispatcher, such time not to exceed one week. In the event of a vacancy occurring in a train dispatcher's position, or chief dis- patcher's position, or a new train dispatch- er's position created, the senior train dis- patchers ill order of seniority will have the refusal of the same. ARTICLE III. No telegrapher will be suspended (except for investigation), disciplined or discharged until his case has been investigated, and he has . been proven guilty of the offense charged against him, the decision in such case to be arrived at within ten days from the date of his suspension. If a telegrapher is found blameless in the matter under in- vestigation, he will be paid at schedule rates for the time lost and extra expenses while attending such investigation, if away from home, and be reinstated. If detained more than ten days awaiting such investigation at the commission's instance, he will be paid schedule wages for the time in excess of ten days, whatever the decision may be. Teleg- raphers may have the assistance of a co- telegrapher at investigation if they so de- sire. A written statement setting forth the re- sult of an investigation and the -reasons thereof will be furnished by the commission ' to the local board of adjustment, if re- quested by it. - ARTICLE IV. Lack of conveniences, such as school fa- cilities, etc., will be taken into considera- tion in locating telegraphers, but only when this can be done without infringing on the rights of their seniors in the service. ARTICLE V. Telegraphers serving on boards of adjust- ment representing telegraphers will be re- lieved without unnecessary delay (such de- lay not to exceed ten days), and will be furnished free flrst-class transportation over this railway's line for such purpose. ARTICLE VI. Telegraphers will be granted free first- class transportation and leave of absence to attend their meetings, and the leave of* absence will not exceed two days, and will only be granted when it will not interfere with the reqiiirements of the traffic, and the service, provided the commission is not thereby put to additional expense. ARTICLE VII. When a telegrapher is transferred by or- der of the proper official, he will suffer no loss in schedule wages in consequence there- of, and will be allowed reasonable time (not to exceed four days, and without pay), to arrange for the shipment of his household effects. ■ ARTICLE VIII. Telegraphers attending court or investiga- tion at the request of the proper official of the commission, will have their extra expenses paid by the commission, 4n addi- tion to their schedule wages. ARTICLE IX; Telegraphers required to work at wrecks, washouts and slides, will, in inclement weather, be provided with shelter and be paid necessary expenses while away from home. ARTICLE X. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy nor admit students, not mem- bers of the station staff, to their offices. ARTICLE XL A telegrapher securing employment with the commission will within thirty days from the date of employment have returned to him all service cards and letters of recommen- dation which have been taken up by the commission, except any previously issued by the commission. ARTICLE XII. A telegrapher leaving the service of the coinmission will, on request, within five days, be furnished with a certificate by the proper official, stating term or terms of service, capacities in which employed, and whether discharged or leaving of his own accord. If discharged ,cat>ee of dismissal will be stated. If detained more than five days awaiting such certificate, he will be paid schedule wages for all time in excess of five days. Un- less otherwise requested, this certificate will be mailed to the telegrapher at the place of last employment. ARTICLE XIII. (a) Telegraphers will be exempt from .shoveling snow, stencilling cars, sifting coal a.shes, tending flower gardens, scrubbing sta- tions, cutting or piling wood, pumping, en- gines, windmills, handling government mail, fires under tanks (except at New Liskeard), Schedules and Wage Scales. 595 signal levers (unless such are placed within the telegraph office), inspecting or icing re- frigerator cars, filling- or lighting heaters' at junction, terminal or turn-around points, and points of transfer to or from boats and barges. They will also be excused from putting freight in shed without proper assistance. (b) Telegraphers will be exempt from lighting switch lamps at points where it can be done by other employes. At places where telegraphers are required to light switch lamps, they will be paid $4.00 per month for six or less lights, and 50c per month for each additional light. (c) Nothing in this article will relieve telegraphers from their responsibility under the rules. Telegraphers will keep train order signal clean, in good condition, and lighted when required, without extra compensation. ARTICLE XIV. At stations where agent's wages are based on free dwelling, light and fuel, the dwelling will be provided with a cellar, summer kitchen, well or cistern, and be reserved ex- clusively for the use of the agent andjiis family, unless he elects to reside else- where, and in the event of so electing, the day and night operator, respectively, will have the next offer of same. When wood is supplied for fuel, it will be cut in lengths not exceeding twenty inches. A telegrapher occupying one of the com- mission's dwellings, who is dismissed from the service, will be allowed to retain posses- sion of the dwelling until he has been paid all moneys due him by the commission, and the commission will keep its dwelling in good repair. Occupants must keep such dwellings and their surroundings clean, and must pay for repairs other than those due ,to ordi- nary wear and tear. ARTICLE XV. When circumstances make it necessary for telegraphers to work on Sunday, they will be paid extra for such service at overtinne rates as per clause (d) of Article XIX, with a minimum compensation of 50 cents for each call for which one hour's service, if re- quired, shall be rendered. If called more than twice, he will receive a full day's pay. Telegraphers will be notified Saturdays on leaving duty if they will be required for duty the following Sunday, except positions termed "operators and ticket clerks." ARTICLE XVI. Telegraphers will not be responsible for errors occurring in orders or instructions af- fecting the movement of trains which have been received or transmitted by telephone, until such time as proper telephone train dispatching equipment has been installed. ARTICLE XVII. Permanently located telegraphers required to do relief work will be allowed the salary of the telegrapher relieved, provided it is not less than his own, and expenses, as per Article XXVII, on production of voucher. ARTICLE XVIII. Railway telegraphers handling commercial telegraph or telephone business will be al- lowed ten per cent commission on all Temis- kaming and Northern Ontario Railway tele- graph or telephone earnings, and on con- necting lines with which we check direct. The income accruing to the station on ac- count of telegraph or telephone commis- sions will be equitably divided between the telegraphers performing the service, the agent to be entitled to not less than one- third of the total amount. ARTICLE XIX. ■ (a) Ten consecutive hours' service, in- cludmg meal hour, will constitute a day's work for all telegraphers, except North Bay "BY" office, where eight consecutive hours, without meal hovir, will constitute a day's work. The hours of duty of all agents where there is no operator will commence between the hours of 7:00 a. m. and 9:00 a. m. (b) Telegraphers working more than eight hours per day will be allowed sixty consecutive minutes in which to procure meals between the hours of 7:00 a. m. and 9:00 a. rn., 12:00 noon and 2:30 p. m., 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m., and midnight and 2:30 a. m., provided only one meal hour will be al- lowed. Nothing herein will prohibit a dis- patcher from granting telegraphers two meal hours when kept on duty beyond their regu- lar hours, the intention being to grant regu- lar meal hours so far as the business of the commission will permit. (c) No telegrapher will be required to work what is known as a "split ti-ick", a meal hour not being considered a "split triok". (d) Telegraphers will be allowed overtime at the -rate of time and ono-half, according to salary, based on twenty-six days per month, any portion of an hour, thirty min- utes or over, will be counted as an hour, any portion less than thirty minutes will not be counted, except that telegraphers when required to remain on duty aftei^egu- lar hours, i£ detained fifteen minute^ will be allowed one hour overtime for the first hour or any portion thereof. (e) Telegraphers when called by propei authority for any purpose, before or after regular hours, will b"fe paid a minimum oi fifty cents for each call, but in no case will the compensation be less than for one hour's overtime, and if kept on duty longer th^n one hour, will rec*-ive overtime as per clause (d) hereof. When called more than once between the hours of 11:00 p. m. and 6:00 a. m., they will be paid continuous overtime from the time of the first call until finally relieved. (f) The regular hours of duty will be specified by the superintendent of traffic in writing for all telegraphers. If required for service outside of these hours, telegraphers will be given an official order as authority and excused in the same manner. fg) Overtime will not be allowed unlesv" overtime tickets are mailed to the proper official within forty-eight hours from the time the service is performed. If overtime as claimed is not allowed, telegraphers will be notified in writing within ten days from the time s*ch service is performed, setting foith the reason for the disallowance. Teleg- 596 Schedules and Wage Scales. raphers will number overtime tickets con- secutively for each month. ARTICLE XX. Eight consecutive hours' service will con- stitute a day's work for all train dis- patchers. Train dispatchers will not be required to do clerical work that will interfere with the proper handling of their trains. ARTICLE XXI. If a telegrapher considers himself over- taxed, his statement to that effect to the proper official will be carefully considered, and i.f found well founded relief will he granted. ARTICLE XXII. When the handling of express and com- mercial telegraph business (for which a commission payment is allowed) is with- drawn from any telegrapher, the wages will be adjusted to conform with that of similar stations in the same locality where such work is not performed by them, the salary adjustment to date from the time the com- mission was withdrawn. ARTICLE XXIII. When a telegrapher is assigned to a posi- tion, and, after a fair trial, is found in- competent, he will take his place on the extra list, retaining his seniority rights. ARTICLE XXIV. Train dispatchers will be allowed three weeks' leave of absence each year with full pay. Other telegraphers, after one year's serv- ice, will be allowed two weeks' leave of absence each year with full pay, such pay to be withheld by the commission until telegrapher has returned from second vaca- tion, and resumed duty. If the commis- sionafinds it inconvenient to grant leave of absence during any year to a telegrapher entitled to it under this rule, the telegrapher shall, at his option, receive either compen- sation at his regular salary for the period, oi- in the next year additional leave of ab.'jenre for a like pei'iod. Application for leave of absence filed in January of each year will be given the pref- erence in order of seniority of applicants, and applicants will be advised in February of dates allotted them. January applicants will have pre.ference over late applicants, and applicants after the thirtieth of Sep- tember will not be entitled to salary com- pensation if the commission is unable to relieve them in that year. The commission will, as far as practicable, relieve all applicants during the summer season, if so desired. In the event of .a telegrapher being difi- charged or leaving the service on proper notice, before the deferred leave of absence is obtained, he will be paid his salary for same. ARTICLE XXV. Telegraphers will be granted transporta- tion of their household goods and passes or reduced rates and leave of ab^nce in ac- cordance with the general regulations of the commission as established from time to time. ARTICLE XXVL Applications may be made to the super- intendent of traffic for the revision of sched- ule. ARTICLE XXVII. Relieving dispatcher $135.00 Tiick dispatcher (first and second yr.) 140.00 Trick dispatcher (after two years) 160.00 Relieving dispatchers after one year's ac- cumulative service as such will take the rating of a regular trick dispatcher. Re- lieving dispatcher.s will receive actual ex- penses, not to exceed one ($1.00) dollar per day, when away from headquarters. Relieving dispatchers, when not engaged as such, will be employed either at "RS" office or at North Bay "BY" office, ie order of seniority. The minimum monthly salaries for teleg- raphers other than train dispatchers will be as follows: Agents $8,=). 00 Relieving agents 90.00 Operators 78.00 Linemen 90.00 Linemen will receive actual expenses, not exceeding one ($1.00) dollar per day, when away from headquarters. Relieving agents and operators will re- ceive expenses at the rate of one ($1.00) dollar per day for the first fourteen days, when relieving agent or operator on vaca- tion. The same to apply at each station at which they work while away from head- quarters. D. F. Rate per Station and Position. & L. Month. North Bay (RS), operator No $105.00 (BY), first operator No 93.00 Second operator No 93.00 Third operator No 93.00 North Bay Junction, agent No 160.00 Widdifield, agent and operator. .Yes 85.00 Tomiko, agent and operator. .. .Yes 85.00 Night operator No 78.00 Redwater, agent and operator. .Yes 85.00 Temagami, agent and operator.. Yes 90.00 Latchford, agent and operator. .Yes 100.00 Night operator No 78.00 Cobalt, agent Yes *150J)0 Day operator and ticket elk. No 103.00 North Cobalt, agent and opr....Yes 91.00 Haileybury, agent Yes 140.00 Day operator and ticket elk. No 94.00 New Liskeard, agent F.&L. 145.00 Day operator and ticket elk. No 90.00 Night operator No ^ 78.00 Uno Park, agent and operator. .Yes 85.00 Thornloe, agent and operator. . .Yes 85.00 Earlton Junction, agent and opr.Yes 100.00 Elk Lake, agent and operator. . .Yes 100.00 Heaslip, agent and operator. . . .Yes 85.00 Englehart, agent Yes 125.00 Day operator and ticket elk. No 100.00 Night operator No 95.00 Charlton, agent and operator. . .Yes 95.00 Dane, agent and operator .Yes 85.00 Swastika, agent and operator. . .Yes 100.00 Bourkes, operator No 78.00 Matheson. agent Yes 100.00 Night operator '. No 78.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 597 D. F. Rate per Station and Position. & L. Month. Porquis Junction, agent Yes $105.00 Day operator and ticket elk. No 90.00 Night operator No 78.00 Iroquois Falls, agent Yes 107.00 Operator No 80.00 Porcupine, agent and operator. .Yes 95.00 South Porcupine, agent Yes 120.00 Day operator and ticket elk. No 90.00 Schumacher, agent and operator. Yes 105.00 Timmins, agent Yes 135.00 Day operator and ticket elk. No 90.00 Night operator No 80.00 Cochrane, agent Yes *145.00 Day operator and ticket elk. No 103.00 Night operator No 95.00 *Inelude.s $15.00 account manager, com- mercial telegraph. Superintendent of traffic will be the judge in appointing the agent at North Bay Junction. ARTICLE XXVIII. Agent will be allowed $15.00 per month, if dwelling, fuel and light are not allowei? at any station, except stations so specified in Article XXVIL ARTICLE XXIX. There will be no change in the foregoing rules and wages, except on thirty days' notice. (Signed) For the railway: J. L. ENGLEHART, Chairman. W. H. MAUND, Secretary-Treasurer. W. A. GRIFFIN, Superintendent of Traffic. For the telegraphers : R. WORKMAN, Chairman Telegraphers' Committee. Tennessee Central Railroad Company H. W. STANLEY and W. K. McALISTER, Receivers The following rules and regulations will govern rates of pay and conditions of serv- ice of agent operators, telegraph operators, telephone operators and other employes specified herein, and will supersede rules and rates of pay inconsistent therewith. No employes other than those covered by this schedule will be permitted to handle train orders at places where telegraphers are located, except in emergency. ARTICLE I. Promotion. (a) Telegraphers will be regarded as in line for promotion, advancement depending on faithful, intelligent and courteous dis- charge of duty and capacity for gi-eater re- sponsibility. Preference for promotion shall be given to the employes who have been longest in the service, provided they are qualified. (b) Telegraphers will be eligible for pro- motion to train dispatching, and station^ service positions, provided they are quali- fied. (c) A telegrapher declining to accept pro- motion does not forfeit seniority. ARTICLE IL Sen iority — Vacancies, (a) Service age will be effective and will date from the last time entering the service as a telegrapher. (b) Service age will apply when vacancies ocCur, new positions are created, or posi- tions are abolished. Trading positions will not be permitted. • Cc) New positions or permanent vacancies will be bulletined within five (5) days to all offices; within ten (10) days from date of bulletin employes desiring the position will make application therefor; failing to do so, they will not be eligible for such position. Stich position will be filled withm thirty (30) days when practicable. (d) Temporary positions or vacancies for a period of thirty (30) days or more will be bulletined to all extra telegraphers within two (2) days; the oldest extra operator de- siring such position will be assigned to it within seven (7) days, provided he is com* petent, reliable and makes application for it within two (2) days from date of bulletin. (e) When a temporary position or vacancy of less than thirty (30) days occurs, it shall be awarded to the oldest available teleg- rapher on extra board, provided he is com- petent in the judgment of the proper officer of the company. (f) When positions are abolished or the force reduced, the telegrapher relieved, which in the case of reduction of force shall be the youngest man in the service in that particular office, shall have the privilege of asserting his seniority rights to any schedule position and will be required to select some position within thirty (30) days or go on the extra list; provided that he shall not displace any telegrapher who has been in the service over five years. In the event there are not any telegraphers in the ■service younger than five years, the young- est telegrapher in the service may be dis- placed. The man displaced by him to as- sert his seniority for position held by any junior telegrapher in point of service, an(J so on until the youngest man is relieved, or displaced men cease to assert the privilege. (g) A telegrapher who accepts and is as- signed to a bulletined position will not be eligible to the position vacated by him until it has been filled and re-bulletined. 598 Schedules and Wage Scales. (h) If a telegrapher assigned to a position becomes incapacitated or is unable to prop- erly fill the position, he will, if retained, be assigned to the extra list and hold his seniority. (i) Telegraphers laid off as provided in Section (f) of this article, will retain their service age, provided they respond within ten (10) days after notice, and will be given work when needed in preference to new men. (j) Telegraphers who are dismissed and re-employed within six (6) months may not lose their service age, but if over six (6) months have elapsed after dismissal and before re-employment they will rank as new men; if cases are under consideration be- tween officers of the company and the com- mittee at the expiration of the six (6) months' period, time limit will be extended to cover such cases. (k) The service age lists will be prepared by the superintendent in January and July of each year and sent to the chairman. (1) Telegraphers who are absent who.n positions are bulletined and assignments made, may within ten (10) days after their return, assert their seniority and displace telegrapher assigned to such position. The telegrapher displaced will be permitted to return to the last position he held or go on extra list. Any other telegrapher displaced account such change will enjoy the same privilege. (m) Employes occupying positions when they are first placed in the schedule will not be displaced by reason of their service age. ARTICLE III. Hours of Service — Meal Hours — Overtime. (a) At offices where but one agent oper- ator or operator is employed, twelve fl2) consecutive hours, unless otherwise speci- fied in the wage schedule, commencing be- tween' 6:00 and 8:00 a. m. or p. m., includ- ing meal hour, will constitute a day's work. When it can be arranged without detriment to the service, agent operators or operators may be relieved by train dispatcher before the expiration of the twelve (12) hour period. (b) At offices where two (2) or more telegraphers who handle train orders are employed, nine (9) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. (c) Nine (9) consecutive hours will con- stitute a day's work jfor telegraphers in dis- patchers' offices. •(d) Eight (8) hours will constitute a day's work for telegraphers working split tricks at any office. No trick will be split more than once. (e) Telegraphers assigned to tricks in ex- cess of nine (9) hours per day will be al- lowed one (1) hour between 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m., or 11:30 p. m. and 1:30 a. m. for meals, but before leaving their offices they must obtain permission from the train dis- patcher to do so. When the time above mentioned cannot be allowed for meals, they shall be paid for one (1) hour at overtime rates and allowed sufficient time to get lunch at the first opportunity. (Note — This article does not apply to em- ployes who are not required to perform telegraph service, but they will be given sufficient time to get meals.) (f) Telegraphers required to remain on duty by instructions of the train dispatcher in excess of their regular established hours will be paid overtime. (g) For emergency calls, after being re- lieved, telegraphers will be paid fifty (F,0c) cents for the call and first hour, and regular overtime rate thereafter for each hour held. (h) In computing "overtime, anything less than thirty (30) minutes will not be counted; thirty (30) minutes and less than sixty (60) minutes will be counted one (1) hour. (i) Overtime will be paid for at the rate of thirty (30c) cents per hour. (j) Overtime will not be allowed unless claim is forwarded to the chief train dis- patcher within forty-eight (48) hours after the overtime is made; if not allowed, the claimant will be promptly notified. ARTICLE IV. Emergency Work. Telegraphers performing duties at wrecks, washouts, slides or other similar emergency office, will receive a minimum of $2.50 per day of nine (9) hours or less, and overtime at regular overtime rates. Time to be com- puted from time they start until they re- turn, except for such time as they inay be relieved from duty; provided, however, - they shall not at the same time receive com- pensation for their duty at their regular offices. ARTICLE V. New Offices, (a) When new positions are created or new offices established, compensation will be fixed in conformity with the rates of pay of similar positions. ARTICLE VI. Attending. Court. Telegraphers attending court at request of the company shall be allowed net com- pensation which would have been earned by them at their station, with necessary expenses while they are away from home. ARTICLE VII. Sunday Duty. Telegraphers will be excused from Sunday and holiday duties as much as the condi- tions of business will permit and without reduction of pay. ARTICLE VIII. Commissions. At stations where express or telegraph commissions are being paid, no reduction in the percentage will be made, except on thirty (30) days' notice and by agreement between both parties. ARTICLE IX. Service Record Letter. Telegraphers who have been in the service sixty (60) days or more, will, when leaving the service, be furnished upon request, a letter from the proper official stating term of service, capacity in which employed and whether discharged or leaving the service of their own accord. Schedules and Wage Scales. 599 ARTICLE X. Students. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy nor admit students to their offices, nor will telegraphers teach teleg- raphy without permission from the company. ARTICLE XI. Operating Pumps. Telegraphers who are required to operate pumps will receive $10.00 per month extra compensation. Where it is possible to do so, telegr.iphers will be relieved from this work. ARTICLK XII. Attending Sw/itch Lights. (a) At stations where section men reside, nr porters or helpers are employed, teleg- raphers will not be required to tend switch lights, but they will see that they are kept burning. (b) At stations where telegraphers are re- quired to care for switch lights they will be allowed fifty (50c) cents per light per month. ARTICLE XIII. Transfers — Transportation. (a) When a regularly assigned employe is temporarily transferred to a position pay- ing a lower rate of pay than his regular assignment, he will be paid at the schedule rate of his regular wages; when transferred temporarily to a position paying a higher rate of pay, he will be paid at the rate of wages applying to such position; when a regularly assigned employe is transferred from his regular position to another positioji to work extra, he will be paid one ($1.00) dollar per calendar day for expenses in addi- tion to his regular schedule rate of pay. Telegraphers so transferred will suffer no loss of time in making the transfer. (b) Telegraphers transferred will be fur- nished free transportation for themselves, dependent members of their families, and household goods; when possible to do so, transfer will be arranged so as to avoid loss of time. A.RTICLE XrV. Discipline. (a) Telegraphers will not be suspended or dismissed from the service without an in- vestigation, which will be made, if prac- ticable, within five (.^) days; they will have the privilege of taking with them an em- ploye in similar class of service, provided he is in good standing. If found blameless, they will be reinstated and paid for time lost; if suspended or dismissed, they will be advised as to the cause. (b) Employes called upon to testify in the investigation of cases in which they are not in any way concerned, will be paid for time lost. (c) An employe feeling an injustice has been done him may submit his case for i-eview and shall have the privilege of ap- pealing to the next ranking officer; provided such appeal is made within ten (10) days after decision is rendered. Appeal to be made in writing. ARTICLE XV. Leave of Absence. Leave of absence will be granted, when practicable, upon proper request. ARTICLE XVI. Schedule Change. Thirty (30) days' notice will be given of any contemplated change in these rules and regulations. H. R. MANBY, Superintendent. Approved : H. W. STANI;EY, W. K. McALISTER, Receivers. Accepted for telegraphers, C. C. WIMSETT, Chairman. WAGE SCALE. Rate Per Station and position. Month. Emory Gap, operator clerk $ 70.00 Operator clerk 55.00 Rockwood, agent 100.00 Operator clerk 50.00 AValdensia-Ozone, agent operator 62.50 Ci-ab Orchard, agent operator 52.50 Dorton, agent 45.00 Crossville, agent operator.. t- 65.00 Operator clerk 50.00 Isoline, agent operator 52.50 Mayland, agent operator .«•... 55.00 Monterey, agent 85.00 Operator clerk 60.00 Operator clerk 65.00 Operator clerk 60.00 Crawford, agent operator 60.00 Wilder, agent operator 55.00 Davidson, agent operator 100.00 Algood, agent 75.00 Operator clerk 50.00 Cookeville, agent 75.00 Operator clerk 55»00 Operator clerk 50.00 Double Springs, agent 30.00 Baxter, agent operator 55.00 Silver Point, operator clerk 50.00 Buffalo Valley, agent operator 50.00 Carthage Junction, agent operator... 52.50 Operator 50.00 GordonsvUIe, agent 35.00 Carthage, agent operator 62.50 Operator clerk 50.00 Hickman, agent 25.00 Brush Creek, agent operator v. 50.00 Watertown, agent 65.00 Operator clerk 52.50 Operator clerk 52.50 Lebanon, agent 110.00 Operator clerk 85.00 Operator clerk 55.00 Mt. Juliet, agent operator 50.00 Southern Junction, operator 62.00 Operator 62.00 Di.spatcher's Office, operator clerk 95.00 Ashland City, agent operator 65.00 Clarksville, operator clerk 65.00 600 Schedules and Wage Scales. The Texas & Pacific Railway J, L. LANCASTER and PEARL WIGHT, Receivers (EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1917.) ARTICLE I. Employes Included. This schedule applies to all telegraph oper- ators, excepting managers "GO" Dallas, "AF" Marshall, "FH" New Orleans, tele- phone operators who handle train orders, and to all agents who are required to perform telegraph service; also to the following ex- clusive agents: The positions marked with an asterisk will be bulletined only, so that competent employes may enjoy promotion, and agents and telegraph operators feeling competent may apply for same, which appli- cations will be given careful consideration, but such appointment will rest with the company. Applicants for managership "NY" Fort Worth must qualify with the superin- tendent of telegraph before being accepted. Exclusive agents are not subject to nor affected by the provisions of articles cover- ing hours of service, meal hour, overtime and transfers. Fort Worth Division. *Clarksville Pilot Point *Denison *Whitesboro *Bonham Strawn *Denton *Weatherford Tioga *Mingus Aubrey . *Cisco ^ *Honey Gfove Collinsville E astern Division. Arlington Edgewood ♦Wills Point *Terrell *Grand Saline * Long-view Forney ♦Atlanta ♦Jefferson Cypress South Mansfield Natchitoches Rio Grand e Division. *Baird Midland ♦Sweetwater ♦Pecos Colorado Merkel *Big Spring ♦Roscoe Louisiana Division. *Boyce *Addis Lecompte New Roads *Bunkie ♦White Castle *Melville ♦Donaldsonville ♦Crowley ♦Plaquemine *Opelousas ARTICLE II. Seniority and Promotion. (a) Employes will be regarded in line of promotion and advancement dependent upon faithful discharge of duty and capacity for increased responsibility. Where these, in the judgment of the company, are sufficient, seniority will have preference. An employe making application for a vacancy or newly created position to which his seniority en- titles him will, if not assigned to such posi- tion, be given the reason in writing, if re- quested, (b) When an employe is transferred or promoted and after a fair trial is found in- capable, he will take his place on the extra list, retaining his seniority rights. (c) An employe declining promotion to any position does not forfeit seniority rights. (d) Except as provided in Article XVI-B, seniority will date from date of last entering the service of the company in this depart- ment, and will extend over superintendent's division on which employed. On terminals, division seniority will follow the jurisdiction of division superintendent, except open posi- tions in "NY" Ft. Worth office will be bulle- tined and subject to bids from telegraphers on Eastern and Ft. Worth Divisions. (e) ,A11 offices under jurisdiction of sviper- intendent of telegraph shall maintain separate seniority without regard to any superintendent's operating division; tele- graph operators promoted to either of these offices shall retain rights on the division from which promoted. The superintendent of tele- graph or authorized representative Shall se- lect telegraph operators for service in these offices. Telegraph operators desiring posi- tions in these offices are expected to file applications for same with the superin- tendent of telegraph, and these applications will be considered as vacancies occur or ad- ditions are made to the force. (f) Seniority will be effective only when vacancies occur or new positions are cre- ated. Vacancies and new positions will be advertised promptly to all offices on the division on which they occur and will be filled according to paragraph (a). Vacancies will not be filled permanently sooner than ten days, but will be filled within thirty days. (g) Senior extra telegraphers will be used in preference to junior extra telegra- phers; provided, however, no junior extra telegrapher shall be displaced by a senior extra telegrapher until the junior telegrapher has^ held the job on which he is then en- gaged t«n days. (h) When a regular position is abolished, the employe relieved shall have the privilege of asserting his seniority rights to any schedule position on the division, and will be required to select some position within thirty days, or go on the extra list; provided that he shall not displace any telegrapher -who has been in the service over three years. The man displaced by him to assert his seniority to position held by any junior telegrapher in point of service, and so on until the youngest man is relieved, or dis- placed men cease to assert the privilege. (i) Seniority lists of telegraphers will be furnished by the superintendent of each division to local chairmen of each division in January and July of each year. (j) Trading positions will not be per- mitted; provided at points where two or more telegraphers are employed, when tem- porary vacancies occur, office seniority will be permitted if desired; the relief man tak- Schedules and Wage Scales. 601 ing the less desirable position. This change will not impose any additional expense on the company. (k) An employe covered by this agree- ment, on account of ill-health of themselves or families, may transfer from one division to another, with the approval of the com- pany. In such cases the telegrapher mak- ing the transfer will go on the extra list, but will retain one-half of his seniority rights, and will have the right to flle into bulle- tined positions as per Articles I and II. ARTICLE III. Grievances and Appeals. (a) An employe covered by this agree- ment will not be suspended or discharged without just cause. If he considers the disci- pline un.iust he has the right, within five dajs of the date of the decision, to make a written statement of his case to the super- intendent, and in five days after the receipt of such statement will be given a hearing, at which he may have one or more employes (but not more than three) of his own selec- tion present. (b) In case he is dissatisfied with the decision he shall have the right, within a period of five days, to appeal to the next superior officer, who will grant a hearing within five days from receipt of such an ap- peal, and so on. (c) In the event the charges against him are not sustained, he will be reinstated and paid for all time lost. ARTICLE IV. Hours of Service. (a) At points where one employe covered by this agreenient is employed, eleven con- secutive hours, commencing between 6:00 and 8:00 o'clock, day or night, and including the meal hour, will constitute a day's work. (b) At points where two or more em- ployes covered by this agreement are em- ployed, nine consecutive hours will consti- tute a day's work, except in terminal of- fices, dispatchers' offices, division points, relay and general offices, and at points where three straight telegraphers are located, eight hours will constitute a day's work. Said eight hours must not be split more than once. ARTICLE V. Meal Hours. Employes covered by this agreement whose hours of duty are more than nine per day, will be allowed sixty consecutive minutes, day or night, for meals, commencing be- tween 11:30 o'clock and 12:30 o'clock. If not relieved within the time specified, one hour overtime will be allowed. When meal hour is missed thirty minutes will be allowed at first opportunity for meals. Employes whose hours of duty are nine will be allowed thirty minutes for lunch. ARTICLE VI. Overtime, (a) When employes covered by this agreement are required to remain on duty in the performance of any service required by the company in excess of the regular number of hours constituting a day's work. they will be paid overtime at the regular overtime rate. (b) Except as provided in paragraphs (c) and (d> of this article, the regular overtime rate will be 35 cents per hour. When the regular rate is higher, overtime will be paid pro rata. (c) A^Tien an employe covered by this agreement is called or instructed to come on duty between the hours of 9:00 p. m. and '6:00 a.' m., he shall receive 60 cents for the first hour or fraction thereof, and regular rate of overtime for all time held after the first hour. When called or instructed to come on duty other than between the hours above speci- fied, will be allowed 50 cents for the first hour or fraction thereof, and regular over- time rates for all time held after the first hour. When the regular rate is higher over- time will be paid pro rata. (d) Doubling will be paid for at regular overtime rates. Service performed at acci- dents, washouts or temporary offices, will be paid for at regular overtime rates, time to be computed from the time called until re- turned; provided pro rata overtime shall apply in all cases when higher than regular rate. (e) In computing overtime less than thirty minutes will not be counted; thirty minutes and over, and less than sixty min- utes, will be counted as one hour. (f) Employes will be notified within ten days when claims for overtime compensa- tion are not allowed. ARTICLE VII. Transfers. (a) An employe covered by this agree- ment transferred by the direction of an officer of the company, or to accept an ad- vertised position, will, upon proper applica- tion, be furnished free transportation for himself, family and household goods to a reasonable extent, where it can be legally done; and such einploye will suffer no loss of pay while in transit and making such transfer. Rate of pay to be based on position from which transfer is made. (b) When an employe covered by this agreement is temporarily transferred to a position paying, a lower rate than his regular assignmen-t, he will be paid at a rate of his regular wages; when temporarily transferred to a position paying a higher rate, he will be paid at the rate applying to such po- sition. N ARTICLE VIII. Leave of Absence. Telegraphers elected as representatives of the system division, employed on any part of the system covered by this agreement, will be granted leave of absence and relieved without delay, to attend to any business in connecUon therewith, and will be furnished transportation over the lines covered by this agreement; necessary leave of absence will be granted in case of official promotion either with the company or Order of Railroad Telegraphers. Other leaves of absence will not be granted to exceed ninety days, except in cases of sickness or disability, leave will be extended as may be necessary up to twelve months. 602 Schedules and "Wage Scales. ARTICLE IX. Sunday and Legal Holiday Service. (a) On Sunday three consecutive hours' service performed in "GO" office Dallas, and "FH" office New Orleans, will constitute a day's work. (b) Telegraphers will be excused from Sunday and holiday duties as much as con- ditions of business will permit. (c) At stations wiiere the agent is also the telegrapher, and where no other telegra- phers are employed, agent will not be re- quired to work more than six hours in the aggregate on Svmday; Sunday hours to be within the spread of the assigned work day hours; if required by competent authority to work more than six hours, overtime at regvilar rate as per Article VI, paragraph (b), will be allowed for the hours worked in excess of six. ARTICLE X. Relief Work. Regularly assigned telegraphers will not be required to perform relief work except in cases of emergency, and in consequence thereof will suffer no reduction in their regu- lar compensation; will be allowed $1.00 per day for expenses while away from their regular assigned positions. ARTICLE XI. Switch Lights. Employes covered by this agreement re- quired to attend switch lights shall receive $5.00 per month extra compensation for same. ARTICLE XII. Pumps. Employes covered by this agreement re- quired to run ^imps will be allowed $10.00 per month for such work in addition to their regular pay. ARTICLE XIIL Cleaning Buildings. Cars, Outhouses and Batteries. (a) Employes covered by this agreement will not be required to clean local and main line batteries where more than eight cells are located, but will, until lineman arrives, draw off solution when too strong, and sup- ply cells with water and vitrol when needed. (b) Employes covered by this agreement will not be required to scrub floors, clean outbuildings, bed or clean box and stock cars, but will see that their stations are kept neat and clean. ARTICLE XrV. Attending Court. Employes covered by this agreement, re- quired by the instruction of an officer of the company to attend court or investigations, will be paid their regular wages for all time lost, and actual expenses while away from home. ARTICLE XV. Bond Premiums. The company will pay premiums on bonds required of employes covered by this agree- ment, in the handling of company busi- ness. ARTICLE XVI. Accepting Official Positions. (a) Any employe covered by this agree- ment accepting an official position with this company, or with the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, and assigned to service in con- nection with the Texas & Pacific Railwaj', will retain his rights on his division, and to the position he vacates, during the incum- bency of the official position. (b) Any employe covered by this agree- ment accepting a position on his division as trick dispatcher, clerk to chief dispatcher, exclusive agency not covered by this agree- ment, cashier or chief clerk to station agent, will retain seniority rights up to the time of accepting such position. If he desires to again re-enter the service in this depart- ment, he will file into bulletined positions as per Article II, paragraph (f), or take his place on the extra list. Provided a telegra- pher covered by this agreement ntay accept temporary dispatching for a period not to exceed six months without impairing his seniority and will retain rights to the posi- tion he vacates. ' ARTICLE XVII. Service Letters. Telegraphers who have been in tJie serv- ice sixty days or more will, when leaving the service, be furnished, upon request, a letter from the proper official, stating term of serv- ice, capacity in which employed, and whether discharged or reaving the service of their own accord. ARTICLE XVIIL Positions and Rates of Pay. Positions and rates of pay covered by this agreement, as per Article I, will be shown in the subjoined wage scale. ARTICLE XIX. Additional Positions. When additional positions are created, compensation will be fixed in conformity with positions of same class. ARTICLE XX. Copy of Agreement to Be Furnished. The company will furnish each employe with copy of this agreement and all amend- ments and supplements thereto. ARTICLE XXI. Standard Time Pieces. Telegraphers will be exempt from provi- sions of Circular No. 3, February 1st, 1917. ARTICLE XXIL Additional Help. When an employe covered by this agree- ment considers himself overworked, smE complains to the proper offi,cer, it will be carefully considered, and if well-founded, re- lief will be granted. ARTICLE XXIII. Duration of Schedule. The parties hereto mutually agree that the above agreement and subjoined wage scale, as to rules and rate of pay, be ef- fective as of August 1st, 1917, and shall con- Schedules and Wage Scales. 603 tinue in force for one year from that date, and thereafter subject to thirty days' notice by or to said railroad; but such notice may be given before the expiration of said year. Station and Position. Rate per Month. WAGE SCALE. LOUISIANA DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. New Orleans (DS>, operator $102.50 Operator 102.50 Operator 102.50 Waggaman, agent operator 87.50 Operator 80.00 Operator 80.00 Luling. agent operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Hahnville, agent operator ._ 75.00 Killona, agent operator..." 75.00 Edgard, agent operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Vacherie, agent operator 96.50 Operator 75.00 St. James, agent operator 87.50 Operator 75.00 Operator ' 75.00 Burton, agent operatoi' 85.00 Donaldsonville, agent 110.00 Operator 90.00 Operator 88.00 Operator 88.00 McCall, agent operator 75.00 White Castle, agent 90.00 Operator 77.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Bayou Goula, agent operator 75.00 Plaquemine, agent 110.00 Operator 90.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Addis, agent 130.00 Manager 7 102.50 Operator 92.00 Operator 92.00 Grosse Tete, agent operator 77.50 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Rosedale, agent operator 75.00 Maringouin, agent operator 82.50 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Fordoche, agent operator 78.00 Operator 75^00 Operator 75.00 Melville, agent 105.00 Operator 78.00 Operator 77.00 Operator 77.00 Palmetto, agent operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Operator .* 75.00 Rosa, agent operator -r 75.00 Morrows, agent operator 88.<)0 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Bunkie, agent 125.00 Operator 79.00 Operator 77.00 Operator 75.00 Meekers, agent operator 75.00 Lecompte, agent operator 85.00 Operator 77.00 Lamorie, agent operator $ 75.00 Moreland, agent operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Alexandria (WH) Office, operator 92.00 Operator 92.00 Operator 92.00 Alexandria (X) Office, operator 92.00 Operator 92.00 Operator 92.00 Boyce, agent 110.00 Operator i)3.00 Operator 92.00 Operator 92.00 La Fourche Branch. Belle Alliance, agent operator $ 70.00 Plattenville, agent operator 70.00 Ratliff, agent operator 75.00 Chula, agent operator 70.00_ Roger, agent operator 70.00 Thibodaux, agent operator 90.00 Napoleonville Branch. Paincourtville, agent operator $ 70.00 Napoleonville, agent operator ....77.00 Port Allen Branch. Port Allen, agent operator $100.00 I.obdell, agent operator 70.00 Chaniberlin, agent operator 74.00 Glynn, agent operator 75.00 New Roads, agent 90.00 Operator 77.00 Morganza, agent operator 75.00 Batchelor, agent operator 75.00 Lettsworth, agent operator 70.00 Torras, agent operator 75.00 Black Hawk, agent operator 67.50 Shaw, agent operator 67.50 Deer Park, agent operator 71.00 .Teffris, agent operator 72.00 Opelousas Branch. Port Barre, agent operator $ 67.00 Opelousas, agent 125.00 Church Point, agent operator 8.3.00 Branch, agent 40.00 Rayne, agent operator 92.50 Crowley, agent '* 102.00 Avoyelles Branch. Evergreen, agent operator $ 68.00 Cottonport, agent operator 85.00 Moreauville, agent operator 70.00 Hamburg, agent operator 62.00 Simmesport, agent operator 67.00 Woodside, agent operator 67.00 Longbridge, agent operator 68.00 Mansura, agent operator 70.00 Marksville, agent operator 85.00 Eunice Branch. St. Landry, agent operator $ 67.00 Villg Platte, agent operator 80.00 Chataignier, agent operator 67.00 Eunice, agent operator 112.50 EASTERN Main DIVISION. Line. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Chopin, agent operator $ 75.00 Derry, agent operator 80.00 604 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per . Station and Position. Month. Cypress, agent $ 80.00 Operator 81.70 Operator 77.70 Operator 77.70 Provencal, agent operator 92.00 Victoria, agent operator 75.00 Robeline, agent operator ■, . . 95.00 Marthaville, agent operator 80.00 Sodus, agent operator , 105.00 Operator 77.50 Operator 75.00 Pelican, agent operator 77.50 Oxford, agent operator 75.00 South Mansfield, agent 130.00 Operator 79.00 Grand Cane, agent operator 92.00 Gloster, agent operator 79.00 K^eithville, agent operator 70.00 Shreveport (SH). operator 85.00 Reisor, agent operator 78.00 Operator 77.50 Operator 77.50 Greenwood, agent operator 70.00 Waskom, agent operator 87.50 Operator 75.00 Operator ' 75.00 Jonesville, agent operator 75.00 Scottsville, agent operator 77.50 Sulphur, agent operator 76.00 Queen City, agent operator 76.00 Springdaie, operator 75.00 Atlanta, agent 108.00 Operator 77.00 Operator 77.00 Operator 77.00 Bivins, agent operator 75.00 Kildare, agent operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Lodi, agent operator 76.00 Jefferson, agent '. 125.00 Operator 77.00 Operator 77.00 , Operator 77.00 Woodlawn, operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Abneys, operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Hallsville, agent operator 80.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Liongview Junction, manager 100.00 Operator 94.00 Operator 94.00 Operator 94.00 Longview. agent 150.00 Gladewater, agent operator 85.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Big Sandy, agent 115.00 Operator 87.00 Operator 82.00 Operator 82.00 Hawkins, agent operator 78.00 Bryan, operator 75.00 Lake Fork, operator 75.00 Mineola, manager 95.00 Operator 92.50 Operator 92.50 Operator 90.00 Grand Saline, agent operator 140.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Edgewood, agent operator $ 95.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 AVills Point, agent 105.00 Operator 84.00 Operator 84.00 Operator 84.00 Elmo, agent operator 75.00 Terrell, agent 132.50 Operator 80.00 Operator 75.00 Operator .'. . 75.00 Lawrence, agent operator 75. UO Forney, agent 103.00 Operator ■. ■ 75.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Mesquite, agent operator ...'. 82.00 Operator 75.00 Fair Grounds, operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Dallas (AS), operator 91.00 Operator '. 91.00 Operator , y 91.00 Biowder, operator 75.00 Operator ^ 75.00 Operator ' 75.00 Eagle Ford, agent operator 92.00 Grand Prairie, agent operator 85.00 Swope, operator 75.00 Arlington, agent 103.00 Operator 77.00 Handley, agent operator 75.00 Manchester, operator 75.00 Natchitoches Branch. Natchez, agent operator % 70.00 Natchitoches, agent 117.00 Operator 70.00 Powhattan, agent operator 71.00 Lake End, agent operator 71.00 Hanna, agent operator 70.00 Armistead, agent operatoi- 70.00 Gahagan, agent operator 70.00 Grand Bayou, agent operator 77.50 Operator 70.00 Westdale, agent operator 70.00 Howard, agent operator 70.00 Caspiana, agent operator 70.00 Gayles, agent operator 70.00 Lucas, agent operator 70.00 Operator 70.00 Cut Off Junction, operator 72.50 T. S. & N. -Branch. Fouke, agent operator $ 73.50 Doddridge, agent operator 73.50 Ida, agent operator 77.50 Mira, agent operator 73.50 Hosston, agent operator 77.50 Gilliain, agent operator 75.00 Belcher, agent oper^ftor 77.50 Uni, agent ofJerator 57.00 Dixie, agent operator . ; 72.50 FORT WORTH DIVISION. kate per Station and Position. Month. Nash, agent operator $ 77.50 Hooks, agent operator 78.50 New Boston, agent operator 100.00 Dekalb, agent operator 95. UO Schedules and Wage Scales. 605 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Avery, agent operator $ 85.00 Annona, agent operator 90.00 Clarksville, agent 135.00 Operator "" 78.50 Operator ; 75.00 Bagwells, agent operator 78.50 Deli'oit, agent operator .*. . . 92.50 Blossom, agent operator 90.00 Paris, operator 87.50 Operator 83.50 Operator 83.50 Brookston, agent operator 78.50 Petty, agent operator 82.50 Honey Grove, agent 135. Om Operator 78.50 Windom, agent operator 85.00 Dodds, agent operator 85.00 Bonham, agent 137.50 Operator 87.50 Operator 83.50 Operator 83.50 Ei'tor, agent operator 78.50 Savoy, agent operator 78.50 Bells, operator 87.50 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Denison, agent 135.00 Operator 82.50 Sherman, operator 92.50 South Mayde, agent operator 78.50 Whitesboro, agent 135.00 Manager 96.50 Operator 90.00 Operator 85.00 Operator 85.00 Collinsville, agent 97.50 Operator 76.00 Operator 75.00 Tioga, agent 92.50 Operator 76.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Pilot Point, agent 115.00 Operator 79.50 Operator 75.00 Aubrey, agent -. 100.00 Operator 76.00 Operator 75.00 Mingo, operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Denton, agent 135.00 Operator 88.50 Operator 84.50 Operator 84.50 Argj^le, agent operator 78.50 Operator 76.00 Roanoke, agent operator 87.50 Operator 76.00 Operator 75.00 Keller, agent operator 78.50 ^Vatauga, agent operator 82.00 Operator 76.00 St. L. SW. Crossing, agent operator.. 78.00 Operator 78.00 Operator 78.00 Belt Junction, operator 78.00 Operator 78.00 Operator 78.00 Ft. Worth (FC), operator 97.50 Operator 97.50 Operator 97.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. (FN), operator ."*. $ 95.00 Operator .'. 95.00 Operator 95.00 Benbrook, agent operator 77.50 lona, operator 75.00 Aledo, agent operator 78.50 Weatherford, agent 130.00 Operator 87.50 Operator 83.50 Operator 83.50 Millsap, agent operatoi' 80.00 Brazos, agent operator 77.50 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Santo, agent operator . . . .' 80.00 Gordon, agent operator 80.00 Mingus, agent 115.00 Operator 87.50 Operator 87.50 Operator 87.50 Strawn, agent 95.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Ranger, agent operator 90.00 Operator 75.00 Operator •• 75.00 Operator 75.00 Eastland, operator 90.00 Operator 75.00 Cisco, agent 130.00 Operator 77.50 Operator 77.50 Operator 77.50 Putnam, agent operator 80.00 RIO GRANDE DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Baird, agent $125.00 Operator 92.50 Operator 92.50 Operator 92.50 Clyde, agent operator 87.00 Abilene, operator 79.50 Operator 77.50 Operator 77.50 Tye, agent operator 77.50 Merkel, agent 115.00 Operator 75.00 Operator 75.00 Trent, agent operator 87.00 Eskota, agent operator 82.00 Sweetwater, agent 150.00 Operator 82.50 Operator 80.00 Operator 80.00 Roscoe, agent 108.50 Operator 81.50 Operator 75.00 Loraine, agent operator 87.00 Colorado, agent 122.00 Operator 81.50 Operator 77.50 Operator 77.50 Westbrook, agent operator 82.00 latan, agent operator 82.00 Coahoma, operator 82.00 Big Spring, agent 110.00 Operator 95.00 Operator 93.90 Stanton, agent operator 90.00 606 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Midland, -agent $132.50 Operator 89.50 Operator 89.50 Operator 89.50 Odessa, ag-ent operator 92.50 Operator^ 87.50 Monahans, agent operator 90.00 Operator 87.50 Operator 87.50 Pj'ote, agent operator 90.00 Barstow, agent oprator 92.50 Pecos, agent 137.50 Operator 89.00 Operator 89.00 Toyah, operator 93.00 Operator 93.00 Operator 93.00 Kent, agent operator 90.00 Van Horn, agent operator 100.00 Operator 87.50 Operator 87.50 Allamore, agent operator 87.50 El Paso, operator 105.00 Operator 105.00 Operator 105.00 OFFICES UNDER SUPERINTENDENT TELEGRAPH. Rate per Ol^ice and Position. Month. Dallas (GO), chief operator $110.00 Operator 105.00 Operator 105.00 Operator 105.00 Operator 105.00 Operator 105.00 Operator 105.00 Rate per Office and Position. Month. Ft. Worth (NY) , manager $129.00 Night chief operator 100.00 Operator .^ 97.50 Operator 97.50 Operator ". . 97.50 Operator 97.50 Operator 97.50 (Q), operator 100.00 Marshall (AF), wire chief 107.00 Assistant wire chief 107.00 Operator 102.50 Operator 94.00 Operator 94.00 Operator *. .' 90.00 FRANK TREiMBLE, Superintendent of Telegraph. Approved ; J. H. ELLIOTT, General Manager. For the Telegraphers: P. O. RUTHVEN, Acting General Chairman. R. E. CECIL, J. P. ABNEY, G. S. LITTLEFIELD, Committee. Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad Company WALTER L. ROSS, Receiver (EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 1917.) ARTICLE I. All employes performing the duties of a telegrapher, including agent- telegraphers performing combined duties, and telephone operators handling train orders, also such station agents and other employes as are specified in the wage scale, will be con- sidered telegraphers within the meaning of this agreement. ARTICLE II. When new positions are created these rules and regulations will apply to them, and in fixing compensation similar positions, re- sponsibilities arid salaries will be considered. ARTICLE III. The rights of promotion for telegraphers will extend over the line as a unit. To ob- tain promotion, faithful, intelligent and cour- teous discharge of duty and capacity for greater responsibility will govern. Ability being sufficient, men longest in continuoiis service will have preference. In event the oldest employe is not assigned, he shall have the right to appeal. ARTICLE IV. In case of reduction of force, the youngest assigned telegrapher will be reduced first. In re-employing such men seniority will govern, subject to the provisions of Article III. ARTICLE V. All vacancies will be bulletined within five days to all employes, and no positions filled permanently within less than ten days after issuance of bulletin, but will be filled within thirty days. When transferred, and after a fair trial telegraphers are found incapable, they will be assigned to the extra list, re- taining their seniority. ARTICLE VI. Seniority will be effective only when va- cancies occur or new positions are created, and will be effective from the date last en- tering the service. Schedules and Wage Scales-. 607 A telegrapher shall not be eligible to re- turn to a position vacated by him until same shall have been advertised a second time, unless there are no other applicants. Telegraphers declining promotion do not forfeit seniority rights to this or any other position when a vacancy occurs. Telegraphers leaving the service forfeit all seniority rights and will be re-employed only as new men. Trading positions will not be permitted. ARTICLE VII. Seniority lists will be prepared and fur- nished to all employes by the general super- intendent semi-annually. ARTICLE VIII. Telegraphers "vvill not be disciplined or discharged except for a just cause, and will be given a fair and impartial hearing as soon as practical, if requested, and they will be entitled to a representative in the employ of the company present, and will be notiiled result of investigation promptly. When a telegrapher has been disciplined or discharged, and upon investigation it has been found that he was not at fault, he will receive full pay for time lost on said ac- count and be reinstated with all seniority rights. In the event a grievance cannot be satisfactorily adjusted with the general superintendent, the right of appeal to higher officers in their regular order is conceded. ARTICLE EX. At offices where but one telegrapher is employed twelve (12) consecutive hours, in- cluding two meal hours, will constitute a day's work, commencing between 6:00 and 9:00 a. m. or between 6:00 and 9:00 p. m. When three telegraphers are employed, eight (8) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. Telegraphers working more than eight (8) consecutive hours will be allowed one hour for meals after having been on duty as much as five (5> hours. If regular meal is missed, time will be allowed for lunch at first opportunity. When necessary to curtail this time less than one hour, one hour will be allowed. No overtime will be allowed for time con- sumed in making proper transfer with re- lieving telegrapher. ARTICLE X." Telegraphers required to perform service outside of their regular assigned hours will receive overtime at the rate of 35 cents per hour. Thirty minutes or less will not be counted; more than thirty minutes will be counted one hour. Telegraphers called or instructed to come on duty before or after their regular assigned hours will be allowed 50 cents for first hour or any part thereof, and overtime thereafter. Telegraphers will respond promptly to all calls. Overtime must be reported to the general superintendent within forty-eight hours after service has been performed. ARTICLE XI. Special effort will be made to relieve or reduce working hours of telegraphers on Sundays and holidays, without reduction in pay. ARTICLE XII. Regularly assigned telegraphers required to attend court or coroner's inquest by the company, away from their place of resi- dence, will be paid their regular wages and furnished transportation to and from their place of residence, and will be allowed actual expense, not exceeding $3.00- per day, • the company being entitled to their mileage and witness fees. ARTICLE XIIL Regularly assigned telegraphers perform- ing duty at wrecks, washouts or other emer- gency offices, will be paid regular salaries and actual expense, not exceeding $3.00 per day, while away from home. ARTICLE XIV. When telegraphers are transferred they will be given transportation for themselves, families and household goods, and suffer no loss of pay in excess of one day. ARTICLE XV. Telegraphers who have been in the serv- ice sixty days or more will, in leaving the service, be given, upon reqviest, a letter from the proper official, stating time of service, capacity in ^hich employed, and whether leaving the service of their own accord or discharged. If discharged, the specific cause will be stated. Telegraphers, upon application, will have returned to them all service cards and letters of recommendation which may have been taken up for inspection. ARTICLE XVI. Where bonds are required of telegraphers, the company will pay the premium thereon. ARTICLE XVIL Telegraphers desiring to be checked in after expiration of leave of absence, will give the general superintendent at least five days' notice, and if not then checked in and delayed thereafter, wjU receive pay for such additional time as they are held out of serv- ice, and will be considered out of service in case they do not give five days' notice prior to expiration of leave of absence of date they will report for duty. Leave of ab- sence will not be granted for any period exceeding ninety days, except in cases of sickness or accident to the employes or their families. ARTICLE XVIII. When telegraphers covered by this agree- ment are temporarily transferred from their assigned positions to a position paying a lower rate than the regular assignment, or when temporarily transferred to a position paying a higher rate, they will be paid their regular salary plus actual additional expense incurred by transfer, not exceeding $1.00 per day. A temporary transfer in the above case is understood not to exceed twenty days; if transferred from regular position and held for a period exceeding twenty days for the , convenience of the company, the higher pay 608 Schedules and Wage Scales. for the position will govern, plus actual ad- ditional expense not exceeding $1.00 per day ARTICLE XIX. The company will furnish each telegrapher in the service with a copy of this agreement, and all amendments, rulings and supple- ments thereto. ARTICLE XX. It is distinctly understood that when this agreement goes into effect, if any wrong or injury has been done to any one or more persons or the management, both parties are at all times ready to take up and consider, with a spirit of fairness, such grievances. ARTICLE XXL The positions of telegraphers employed in the general offices at Frankfort will be con- sidered as coming under this schedule in so far as seniority obtains. There will be no loss of seniority on account of occupying such positions. Vacancies in these positions will not be advertised, but will be filled by selection from line telegraphers or by em- ploying new men. WAGE scale. Rate Per Station and Position. , Month. Toledo General Offlce, telegrapher. .. .$ 81.00 M. C. Junction, first clerk telegrapher 76.00 Second clerk telegrapher 76. OQ, Third clerk telegrapher 76.00 Copeland Tower, first clerk- telegrapher 75.00 Second clerk telegrapher 75.00 Third clerk telegrapher 75.00 Maumee. agent telegrapher 65.00 Waterville, agent telegrapher ^. . 75.00 First clerk telegi-apher 60.00 Grand Rapids, agent telegrapher 60.00 McClure, agent telegrapher 57.50 Grelton, agent telegrapher 59.00 Malinta, agent teleg. (50%) 42.50 Clerk telegrapher 62.50 Clerk telegrapher . . .^ 62.50 New Bavaria, agent telegrapher 59.00 Pleasant Bend, agent telegrapher.... 52.00 North Creek, agent telegrapher...... 56.50 Continental, first clerk telegrapher... 72.r>0 Second clerk telegrapher 72.50 Third clerk telegrapher 72.50 Dupont, agent telegrapher 52.00 Cloverdale, agent telegrapher (50%).. 35.00 Fort Jennings, agent telegrapher. 57.50 Delphos Yard, first clerk telegrapher.. 75.00 Second clerk telegrapher 75.00 Third clerk telegrapher 75.00 Delphos Station, clerk telegrapher.... 75.00 Venedocia. agent telegrapher 56.50 Ohio City, first clerk telegrapher 67.50 Second clerk telegrapher 67.50 Third clerk telegrapher 67.50 Willshire, agent telegrapher 62.50 Decatur, first clerk telegrapher 70.1)0 (Relay Phone Office), 2d clerk teleg. 70.00 Third cleik telegrapher 70.00 Craig-ville, agent telegrapher 55.00 Bluffton, first clerk telegrapher 67.50 Second clerk telegrapher 67. .50 Third clerk telegi-apher 67.-j0 Liberty Centre, agent telegrapher 65. eo Warren, agent telegrapher 77.50 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Van Buren, first clerk telegrapher $ 70.00 Second clerk telegrapher 70.OO Third clerk telegrapher 70! 00 Landess, agent telegrapher 56.50 Marion, first clerk telegrapher 80.00 Second clerk telegrapher 80.00 Third clerk telegrapher 80.00 Swayzee, agent telegrapher 70.00 Clerk telegrapher 64.00 Sims, agent telegrapher 65.00 Greentown, agent telegrapher 77.50 Kokomo, first clerk telegrapher 80.00 Second clerk telegrapher 80.00 Third clerk telegrapher 80.00, Russiaville, agent telegrapher .' 72. 5o' Clerk telegrapher 65.00 Forest, agent telegrapher 6000 Michigantown, agent telegrapher 60.00 Clarks Hill, agent 75.00 Second clerk telegrapher 80.00 Kirkpatrick, agent telegrapher 57.50 Linden, agent 72.50 First clerk telegrapher 70.00 Second clerk telegrapher 70.00 Third clerk telegrapher 70.00 New Richmond, agent telegrapher.... 57.50 Wingate, agent telegrapher 57.50 Mellott, agent telegrapher _. . 57.50 Gates, agent telegrapher *. . 55.00 Silverwood, agent telegrapher 52.50 Cayuga, agent 87.50 Second clerk telegrapher (50%) . . 42.00 Third clerk telegrapher (50%)... 42.00 Humrick, agent telegrapher 77.50 Ridge Farm, agent 62.50 First clerk telegrapher 70.00 Second clerk telegrapher 70.00 Third clerk telegrapher . . .": 70.00 Metcalfe, agent telegrapher 65.00 Clerk telegrapher 60. 0( Brocton, agent telegrapher 60.00 Clerk telegrapher 60.00 Oakland, agent telegrapher 77.50 Rardin, agent telegrapher 52.50 Ruhston, agent telegrapher 52. .SO Fair Grange, agent telegrapher 52.50 Charleston Yard, first clerk teleg. . . . 75.00 Second clerk telegrapher 75.00 Third clerk telegrapher 75.00 Charleston Depot, cashier telegrapher SO. (10 Clerk telegrapher 70.00 Lerna, agent telegiapher 75.00 Second clerk telegrapher 65. OC Third clerk telegrapher 65.00 Trilla, agent telegrapher 57.50 Neoga, agent 80.00 First clerk telegrapher 70.00 Second clerk telegrapher 65.00 Third clerk telegrapher 65.00 Stewardson, agent tele,a:rapher 60.00 Cowden, agent telegrapher ....f 65.00 Herrick, agent telegrapher 57.50 Ramsey, first clerk telegrapher 65.00 Second clerk telegrapher 70.00 Third clerk telegrapher 70.00 Bingham, agent telegrapher 52.50 Fillmore, agent telegrapher 40.00 Chapman, agent telegrapher 60.00 Coffeen, agent telegrapher 65.00 Clerk telegrapher 60.00 Donnellson, agent telegrapher 60.00 Panama, agent telegrapher 75.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 609 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Sorento, agent $ 85.00 First clerk telegrapher 70.00 Second clerk telegrapher 70.00 Third clerk telegrapher 70.00 New Douglas, agent telegrapher 72.50 Alhambra, agent telegrapher 60.00 Kaufman, agent telegrapher 52. .lO Edwardsville, second clerk teleg 65.00 Third clerk telegrapher 65.00 Olen Carbon, agent telegrapher 60.00 Madison Yard, first clerk teleg 76.00 Second clerk telegrapher 76.00 Third clerk telegrapher 76.00 East St. Louis, telegraphei- 78.50 Clerk telegrapher 67.50 A. G. F. A. Office, telegrapher 76.00 ARTICLE XXII. The foregoing rules and rates of pay are effective as of November 1st, 1917, and shall continue in force for one year .from that date, and thereafter subject to thirty (30) days' notice by either party to the other. TOLEDO, ST. LOUIS & WESTERN RAIL- ROAD COMPANY. By L. HINKLE, General Superintendent. TELrEGRAPHBRS. By HIRAM S. WALTERS, By J. V. LIVBSEY. Toledo & Ohio Central (EFFECTIVE MARCH 1, 1917.) (Superseding Agreement of February 16, 191C.) ARTICLE I. All telegraph operators, telephone opera- tois, also station agents specified in this schedule, will be considered "telegraphers"' within the meaning of these articles, irre- spective of the title by which designated or the character cf service performed, and will be governed by the regulations and paid at the rates specified herein. When new positions are created, the provisions of this agreement will apply and the wages will be fixed to conform to positions of similar class. ARTICLE n. Telegraphers will be regarded in line for promotion and where ability is sufficient, according to the judgment of the proper officer of the railway company, seniority will prevail. Seniority rights will be effective when va- cancies occur, or when new positions are cieated. Seniority rights will date from the last time of entering the .service. Vacancies and new positions will be bul- letined within ten days to all offices on the division and will be filled in accordance with this article, and eligible employes will be given eight (8) days in which to apply for same, and such positions will ordinarily be filled within thirty days. The chairman of the telegraphers' com- mittee will be given a list of telegraphers who apply for positions on bulletins and assignments to same. In the event of reduction of force, reten- tion in service will be governed by seniority, together with merit, capacity and qualifica- tions, based on the judgment of the proper officer of the company. When a regular telegrapher's position is discontinued, the telegrapher thereb\- displaced will be enti- tled, if qualified, to the position held by the .\oungest regularly assigned telegrapher. Telegraphers will retain their seniority on the extra list. Telegraphers refusing promotion will not seniority. ARTICLE III. Should a telegrapher regard the discipline iinposed on him as unjust, he may submit a written statement of the facts and argu- ments to the general committee within fif- teen (15) days, and if in the judgment of the committee an injustice has been done, then the said committee and the head of the department shall jointly and fully consider the case. Should the committee fail to get a satis- factory decision from the head of the depart- ment, the iTiatter may be referred to the general superintendent for his consideration. ARTICLE IV. (a) At stations where one man constitutes the station force or office force, the regular hours asi far as practicable will be from 7:00 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. Twelve consecutive hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day's woriv. The houi's will be fixed by the superintendent to begin between 5:30 and 8:30 a. m. or p. m. (b) At ofl[ices where two men are employed and seventeen hour service maintained, eight and one-half consecutive hours will consti- tute a day's work. (c) At offices where three men are em- ployed, eight and one-half consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. ARTICLE V. Telegraphers ordered by proper authority to remain on duty for telegraphic service, or meeting trains, in excess of the regular number of hours constituting a day's work, as provided in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c), of Article IV, will be paid overtime at the rate of thirty-five (35c) cents pei- hour fo'' such service. If called to the oflice after completing regular hours of service, as per paragraphs (a), (b) and (c), of Article IV, they will be paid fifty-five (.t5c> cents foi- the call, including the first hour, and thirty- five (35c) cents for each succeeding hour held on duty thereafter. 610 Schedules and Wage Scales. \ In computing- overtime, less than thirty (ZO) minutes will not be counted; thirty (30^ minutes and less than sixty (60) minutes will be counted one hour. ARTICLE VI. Regularly assigned teleg-raphers required by the company to attend court, or to be absent from home on company business, will be allowed regular pay, transportation and reasonable actual expenses, with a maximum of $2.00 per day of twenty-four hours. All witness fees to go to the company. ARTICLE VII. Telegraphers working more than nine hours per day will be allowed sixty minutes for iTieals, beginning between 11:15 and 12:45 o'clock, day and night. When time cannot be allowed, they will be paid one hour over- time, and will be allowed forty-five (45) minutes for lunch as soon thereafter as I)racticable. ARTICLE VIII. Telegraphers will be excused from Sunday duty as far as possible, and no deduction will be made from their pay on that account. ARTICLE. IX. Telegraphers who have held regular posi- tions for three or more years, and are re- quired to perform service on Sundays, will be given ten (10) days' vacation each year without loss of pay. If they cannot be relieved, ten (10) days' pay will be allowed at regular rate. ARTICLE X. Telegraphers will be granted leave of ab- sence from time to time, provided such leave of absence does not interfere with the busi- ness of the company, and will be granted necessary tran.sportation over the T. & O. C. Railway. ARTICLE XI. Telegraphers transferred by order of the company, or to accept bulletined positions, will be fiunished free transportation for themselves, wholly dependent members of their families and effects, and will be al- lowed regular pay while in transit and mak- ing transfer at the rate of pay from which transfer is made. When regularly assigned telegiaphers are transferred from theii regular positions to work extra, the.v will be paid one ($1.00) dol- lar pel' calendar day. in addition to their regular rates of pay. computed until tiiev return to their legulai- po;-!itions or are relieved. This not to apply when the assignment does not necessitate a change in place of residence. ARTICLE XII. Telegraphers required to handle switch lights will be paid one ($1.00) dollar per Inmp per month for two or less lamps and fifty (.'lOc) rents per month for each additional lamp. ARTICLE XIII. Telegraphers required to operate pumps will be allowed extra compensation of seven dollars am! fifty cents ($7.50) per month. ARTICLE XIV. Claims for overtime and extra compensa- tion must be made on blanks furnished for that purpose, or in writing within forty- eight (48) hours after the service is per- formed. If for any reason overtime is not allowed, claimant will be promptly notified ARTICLE XV. Telegraphers will not be required to wear any uniform except the regulation cap. ARTICLE XVI. A revised seniority list will be furnished to telegraphers' committee during January and July of each year. ARTICLE XVII. Where more than seven (7) cells of local battery are in use, telegraphers will not be required to clean them. ARTICLE XVIII. Telegraphers handling railroad crossing targets will be allowed extra compensation of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per month. ARTICLE XIX. Where other employes are available, teleg-- raphers will not be required to clean station platforms or grounds o;" scrub waiting rooms. ARTICLE XX. Office seniority will prevail in message po- sitions in "FD" and "FH" offices, Columbus, and "Z" office, Bucyrus, and vacancies will be filled in accoidance with paiagraph (a) of Article II. ARTICLE XXL Telegraphers will be furnished with a copy of this agreement. There will be no change in the foregoing rules, or the rates of pay shown in wage schedule, except upon thirty (SO) days' notice by either party. WAGE SCALE. ♦Includes compensation as per Article XIII. flncludes compensation as per Article XVIII. WESTERN DIVISION. Rate per .Station and Fosition. Month. Toledo (GO), day operator $ 81.00 Main St., agent 85.00 Yard E, day operator 77.00 Whitmore, first trick operator ,. 79.50 Second trick operator 77.00 Third trick operator 77.00 HickOK, first trick opr. and towerman 77.00 Second trick opr. and towerman.. 77.00 Third trick operator and towerman 76.00 Lime City, agent and operator 71.00 Dunbridge. agent and operator 71.00 Sugar Ridge, agent and operator 71.00 Bowling Green, first trick opr. and elk. 72.00 Second trick operator and clerk... 72.00 Third trick operator and clerk.... 72.00 Portage, agent and operator 71.00 Mungen, operator 66.00 Cygnet, agent and operator 76.00 Mortimer, agent and operator 81.00 Findlay. first trick operator 72.00 Second trick operator 72.00 Third trick operator 72.00 Beagle, first trick operator 66.00 Second trick operator 66.00 Schedules and Wage SciVLES. 611 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Arlington, agent and operator $ 70.00 Williamstown, agent and operator.... 69.00 Dunkirk, agent and operator 76.00 Blanchard, agent and operator 70.00 Kenton, first trick operator and clerk 72.00 Second trick operator and clerk... 72.00 Third trick operator and clerk.... 72.00 ^Vest Mansfield, 1st trick opr. and elk. 69.00 Second trick operator and clerk... 66.50 Raymonds, agent and operator 68.50 Otter, operator 66.50 Marysville, first trick opr. and clerk.. 72.00 Second trick operator and clerk. . 72.00 Third trick operator and clerk.... 72.00 Arnold, agent and operator 71.00 Kile, agent and operator 71.00 Second trick operator and clerk... 66.50 Third trick operator and clerk 66.00 Anilin, agent and operator 66.00 West Columbus, first trick operator.. 79.50 Second trick operator 77.00 Third trick operator 77.00 Columbus (FD), first operator 85.00 Second operator 80.00 Night operator 75.00 (FH), first operator 81.00 Second operator 76.00 St. Marys Branch. East Liberty, agent and operator $ 60.00 Zanesfleld, agent and operator *73.50 Bellefontaine, operator and clerk 69.00 Lewistown, agent and operator 68.50 Lakeview, agent and operator *72.50 Santa Fe. agent and operator 66.00 Wapakbneta, operator and clerk 66.50 St. Marys, operator and clerk 74.00 Night operator and towerman .... 69.00 EASTERN DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Stanley, first trick opr. and towerman. $ 77.00 Second trick opr. and towerman.. 77.00 Third trick opr. and towerman. . . . 76.00 Moline, operator 66.00 Stony Ridge, first trick agent and opr. 71.00 Second trick operator and clerk... 66.50 Third trick operator 66.00 Luckey. agent and operator 71.00 Pemberville, first trick agent and opr. 76.00 Second trick operator and clerk.. 66.50 Third trick operator 66.00 Prairie Depot, agent and operator.... 71.00 Operator and clerk 66.50 Hatton, first trick agent and operator 71.00 Second trick operator and clerk. . . 66.50 Third trick operator 66.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Fostoria, first trick operator $ 72.00 Second trick operator 72.00, Third trick operator 72.00 Landgraf, first trick operaor 66.00 Second trick operator 66.00 Third trick operator 66.00 New Riegel, agent and operator 71.00 Berwick, first trick operator t72.00 Second trick operator t72.00 Third trick operator t72.00 McCutchenville, agent and operator... 68.50 Sycamore, agent and operator 67.50 Spore, agent and operator 66.00 Bucyrus (Z), day operator 80.00 Night operator 75.00 Mt. Gilead, agent and operator 80.00 Fulton, agent and operator 68.50 Marengo, agent and opeiator 66.00 Bennington, first trick operator 66.00 Second trick operator.... 66.00 Third trick operator .;. 66.00 Centerburg, agent and operator 75.00 Croton, agent and operator 68.50 Johnstown, agent and operator 70.00 Operator and clerk 66.50 Alexandria, agent and operator 68.50 Clemons, first trick operator 66.00 Second trick operator 66.00 Third trick operator 66.00 Granville, agent and operator 81.00 Operator and clerk 66.50 Hebron, agent and operator 71.00 Millersport, agent and operator 71.00 Corning Division. Broad Street, first trick operator $ 76.00 Second trick operator 73.50 Schiller St., 1st trick opr. and towerm. 66.50 Second trick opr. and towerman.." 66.50 Steelton, first trick operator 66.00 Second trick operator 66.00 Third trick operator 66.00 Truro, operator 71.50 Brice, agent and operator 68.50 Pickerington, agent and operator...,. 68.50 Basil, agent and operator 71.00 Baltimore, agent and operator 70.00 Thurston, first trick operator 74.00 Second trick operator 71.50 Third trick operator 71.00 Pleasantville, agent and operator 76.00 Operator and clerk 66.00 Rushville, agent and operator 71.00 Clay Bank, first trick operator 66.00 Second trick operator 66.00 Third trick operator 66.00 Moxahala, agent and operator 75.00 Rendville, agent and operator 71.00 Operator and clerk 66.00 Corning, first trick operator 79.50 Second trick operator 77.00 Third trick operator 77.00 612 Schedules and AVage Scales. The Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo i (EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 1916.) ARTICLE L Telegrapher.? and telephone operators who handle train orders, or messages, in con- nection with train movement shall be con- sidered as telegraphers within the meaning of this schedule, and nothing in this article is to be considered as meaning that persons holding such positions enumerated below, shall be ineligible for promotion to any agency or other position.s in the company's service, for which he may be considered qualified. ARTICLE IL When additional telegraphers' positions are created, compensation will be fixed in conformity with positions of the same class in this schedule. ARTICLE III. (a) Where but one telegrapher is em- ployed, eleven consecutive hours, including meal hour, .shall constitute a day's work. (b) Where two telegraphers are employed, ten consecutive hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. (c) At offices where more than two teleg- raphers are employed not inore than ten consecutive hours' service, including meal hour, or at the company's option, eight con- secutive hours without meal hour, shall con- stitute a day's work. It is understood that the present eight-hour day of the three telegraphers at Aberdeen will be continued. (d) If a tel'egi'apher is required to remain on duty longer than the number of hours necessary to constitute a day's work, he will be paid overtime as per Article IV. ARTICLE IV. (a) Telegraphers will be allowed overtime based on their regular sa'ary. The rate per hour will be determined by dividing the monthly rate by the number of hours re- quired for the month's work, provided that the rate per hour will in no case be less than 25 cents. Allowance will be made for the actual tiine of service computed to the nearest five minutes. (b) Overtime will not be allowed unless overtiine tickets, consecutively numbered, are mailed to the proper official within forty-eight hours from time service is per- formed; if overtime as claimed is not al- lowed, telegraphers will be notified in Avrit- ing within ten days from the time such service is performed, setting forth the reason for disallowance. ARTICLE V. Overtime will be allowed for service re- quired between 12:01 a. m. and 11:59 p. m., Sunday, provided, however, that day teleg- raphers are expected to report to the dis- patcher at an appointed hour on Sunday without overtime allowance unless held for work, in which case they will be allowed not less than one hour. Day telegraphers will be expected to ascertain, w.ithout com- pensation, that their relief reports for duty Sunday night. ARTICLE VI. When telegraphers are called to their of- fices outside of their regular hours of duty, by the proper authority, the compensation for one hour's work or less will be 50 cents. If required to work for more than one hour, overtime will be paid as per Article IV. ARTICLE VIL One hour will be allowed for dinner, when consistent, to telegraphers between th,e hours of 12:00 noon and 2:00 p. m. If less than one hour is allowed, one hour's over- time pro rata will be allowed, but in no case less than 25 cents, except as provided for in Article IV. ARTICLE VIII. Telegraphers who are required to care for switch or seinpahore lamps will be allowed $4.00 per month for six lamps or less and 50 cents per month for each additional lamp. When telegraphers are required to operate switches, they will be paid $5.00 per month extra compensation, which will in'clude at- tending to lamps pertaining to said switches; this to apply only at the end of double track. ARTICLE IX. Telegraphers who are required by the company to be absent from duty to attend court or other business of the company, will be allowed their regular salary and neces- sary expenses while so required. ARTICLE X. Telegraphers will be allowed leave of ab- sence to attend their meetings and to serve on boards of adjustment so far as is con- sistent with good service, provided the com- pany is not put to any additional expense thereby. ARTICLE XI. Telegraphers who have served three con- tinuous years will be allowed two weeks' leavei of absence each year with pay, or will be paid two weeks' extra' compensation if telegrapher cannot be relieved. Vacations will be granted only when relief can be pro- vided without detriment to the service and applications will be dealt with in order of seniority of the applicants. All applications must be filed prior to the first day of April each j'ear. ARTICLE XIL When a telegrapher is transferred from one position t.o another he will receive free transportation over this company's line for himself, his immediate dependent family, and a reasonable amount of household goods, and he will be allowed continuous time while Ihe transfer is being made at the rate of the position which he is leaving. This al- lowance is to cover time used in making the transfer in accordance with instructions, and is not designed to cover time lost if the employe remains out of service to pack his goods or for other reasons. Schedules and Wage Scales. 613 ARTICLE XIII. Complete lists of all telegraphers in service in the order of seniority will be kept posted or on file in the superintendent's office, open to the inspection of all concerned. Any employe who considers that his standing- is incorrectly shown must protest in writing within thirty days, otherwise the seniority lists will remain unchanged. Due allowance may be made for an employe who is off duty during the thirty days following the posting of the lists. Amended lists will be posted during January and June of each year. The relative standing of the seniority list will be determined by the date of last em- ployment as telegrapher, except that an employe who resigns or is dismissed froni the service may be reinstated provided he returns to service within one year. ARTICLE XIV. All vacancies and permanent appointments will be advertised by bulletin or inessage to all stations. Applications must be made within five days from the date of the bulletin and will be considered in order of seniority of the applicants. The assigjiment will be determined by merit, fitness and ability. Where these are sufficient the senior teleg- rapher will be given preference. The super- intendent will be the judge as to the ability of the applicant. Failure to apply for a vacancy does not affect seniority. When a telegrapher is transferred or promoted and after fair trial is found Incompetent or unsatisfactory, he will take his place on the extra list, but retain his seniority. Seniority will be effective only when vacancies occur and new positions are created. ARTICLE XV. If a position covered by this schedule is abolished, the man displaced will be entitled to the position held by the junior telegrapher permanently assigned. ARTICLE XVI. Telegraphers will not be suspended or dis- charged without just cause. When they con- sider that they have been unjustly treated, they will have the right to appeal to the superintendent and assistant to the presi- dent, in order named, and may be accom- panied, if they desire, by a fellow employe in good standing. In case a telegrapher has been suspended or discharged, and after investigation is found not at fault, he will be reinstated and paid for all time lost. Any objection to a decision must be handed in at once and no allowance will be made for time lost between the date of such decision r.nd the date on which appeal for rehearing is made. ARTICLE XVII. A telegrapher leaving the service of the company, will, on request, within five days, be furnished with a statement containing information a.^ shown in the company's rec- ords showing term of service and the capac- ity in which employed, and showing whether discharged or leaving of his own accord. In cases of dismissal the reason may be stated. ARTICLE XVIIL Telegraphers will not be required to scrub waiting room.?, offices or outbuildings, clean or disinfect stock cars. Whenever possible, section men will assist in the cleaning of snow from station platforms, but telegra- phers are not relieved from responsibility for seeing that this work is done. ARTICLE XIX. When a regularly assigned telegrapher is required to do temporary relief work away from home, he will be paid the salary of the telegrapher whom he is relieving, pro- vided, however, it is not less than his own. A regularly assigned agent doing temporary relief work, will be allowed 50 cents per day expenses while away from his assigned posi- tion. WAGE SCALE. *Including house rent. tSee Note (d). Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Coyle, agent and telegrapher $ 80.00 Night telegrapher 71.50 Fenwick, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Silverdale, agent and telegrapher *57.50 Smithville, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Night telegrapher 60.00 Grassies, agent and telegrapher 60.00 Vinemount, agent and telegrapher.... 62.50 Stoney Creek, agent. and telegrapher. . 60.00 Kinnear, agent and telegrapher 70.00 Night telegrapher 62.50 Hamilton (H), day telegrapher 72.50 Night telegrapher 65.00 Aberdeen, first trick telegrapher 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Jerseyville, agent and telegrapher.... 65.00 Brantford, day teleg. and ticket clerk 72.50 Night telegrapher and clerk 60.00 Scotland, agent and telegrapher 67.50 Port Davidson, agent and telegrapher 55.00 Dunnville, day telegrapher and clerk. .,62.50 Port Maitland, agent and telegrapher. 65.00 Night telegrapher 60.00 Relief agent and telegrapher t70.00 Note (a) — Where the words "agent and telegrapher" appear in above list, they refer to a joint position where the duties are per- formed by one person. Note (b) — If the duties of agent and teleg- rapher at any station are separated, the telegrapher will be paid a rate corresponding to that of the night telegrapher at such sta- tion. If there is no night telegrapher at the station, the rate of the day telegrapher will be fixed as per Article II of this agreement. Note (c) — The position of night telegrapher at Hamilton "H" office to be left vacant to provide, at the option of the company, posi- tion for relief train dispatcher when not otherwise emplo>ed. When relief train dis- patcher is set back, this position to pay 15.00 additional per month. Note (d) — The relief agent will be allowed 50 cents per day expenses while away from headquarters. Headquarter.^; will cover all work Kinnear to Dundas, both inclusive. 614 Schedules and Wage Scales. ARTICLE XXI. The levermen at Dundurn Street interlock- ing plant, Hamilton, will be paid as follows: First leverman $65.00 per month. Second leverman.... 65.00 per month. Third leverman 60.00 per month. Based on an eight-hour day for the num- ber of calendar days per month. Overtime pro rata. Vacations will be granted as per Article XI of this agreement. ARTICLE XXH. These rviles and rates of pay will become effective December 1, 1916, and will remain in effect until December 31, 1918, and there- after until either party gives notice of desire to change. F. F, BACKUS, Asst. to the President. The Trinity & Brazos Valley Railway Company J. W. ROBINS, Receiver (EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1917.) It is hereby understood and agreed be- tween the management and the telegraphers that the following rules and rates of pay will apply, govern and control telegraphers in the employ of the Trinity & Brazos "Valley Railway Company: When new positions are created, compen- sation and duties will be arranged in con- formity with positions of the same as shown in this schedule. ARTICLE I. Telegrapher Defined. Any person performing the duties of teleg- rapher at any station, whether termed agent, cashier or otherwise, shall be considered a telegrapher, except train dispatchers and operators in "HS" ofRce, Houston. ARTICLE IL Exclusive Agencies. The management desires that competent employes may enjoy the benefit of promotion, and vacancies will be published of any changes in agencies at Waxahachie, Corsi- cana, Teague, Cleburne, Hillsboro, Hubbard and Mexia, and telegraphers feeling compe- tent of filling vacancy are invited to make application for position. ARTICLE III. Seniority and Promotion. Telegraphers will be regarded as in line for promotion, advancement depending upon faithful discharge of duty and capacity for increased responsibility. When these are sufficient, seniority will govern. The com- pany, through the proper officers, will deter- mine the fitness of telegraphers to fill any position in this agreement, but any telegra- pher feeling himself discriminated against will have the right to appeal in writing to the highest officers in regular order. Seniority will date from last time of enter- ing service, and will be effective, as outlined below, when vacancies occur, new positions created, positions abolished or force reduced. Vacancies and new positions will, within five . (5) days, be bulletined to all offices, bulletin to state salary. Telegraphers will be given ten (10) days from date of bulletin to file application, and such positions will be filled within ten (10) days after applica- tions are closed. When positions are abolished or force re- duced, telegrapher affected may displace any junior telegrapher, except those who have been assigned to a regular position continu- ously three years or more, or go on the extra list, retaining his seniority. In event there are no telegraphers in the service younger than three (3) years, the youngest telegra- pher may be displaced. Telegraphers transferred and after a fair trial found' incapable, will, with seniority unimpaired, displace the youngest man in regular service. Telegraphers may, with seniority unim- paired, accept service with this company in any capacity. Trading of positions between telegraphers will not be permitted. ■A seniority list will be issued during Jan- iiary and July of each year and furnished each telegrapher. ARTICLE IV. Notice of Reduction. Telegraphers with families who have been assigned regular positions one year or longer will be given ten (10) days' notice if cut off through reduction of force or abolishing of position. ARTICLE V. Discipline. Telegraphers will not be discharged or otherwise disciplined without just cause. In case a telegrapher believes he has been un- justly discharged or disciplined, he will have the right to appeal his case in writing to the superintendent, who will grant a rehear- ing within ten (10> days. If dissatisfied with decision rendered, or no hearing is given, telegrapher will have the right to appeal to the general manager, and if found' to bo unjustly discharged will be reinstated and paid for time lost. Telegraphers will have the right to be represented at investigations by a telegrapher who is in the employ of the company. Telegraphers taken out of the service for investigation shall be given a hearing within five (5) days. Intoxication or insubordination shall be cause for dis- charge without Investigation. If a telegrapher is ordered to perform service contrary to the articles enumerated herein, he shall be so ordered in writing and shall obey, but may protest to the officer Schedules and Wage Scales. 615 giving the order, and at the earliest oppor- tunity thereafter shall refer the matter to such higher ofRcial of the company as in llie premises may be proper, as well as chairman of the telegraphers' committee. Charges against any telegrapher must be made in writing and such employe will have the privilege of examining such charges. ARTICLE VI. Telegraphers on Committee Business. Telegraphers on committee business, when such business has reference to grievances concerning this company and its telegra- phers, will be granted leave of absence and furnished transportation over this company's lines. ARTICLE VII. Service Letters. Telegraphers leaving the service will be given service letter, which will show term of service, capacity in which employed and whether discharged or resigned. If dis- charged, such letter will state reason. Teleg- raphers entering service will, vipon applica- tion, have returned to them all letters of recommendation or service letters which may have been filed for inspection. ARTICLE VIIT. Leave of Absence. Telegraphers will be granted leave of ab- sence not to exceed sixty (60> days, and fur- nished transportation over the lines of this company, except in case of sickness, when leave of absence will be granted for four months. If still unfit for duty, further extension of leave will have to be secured. • ARTICLE IX. Transportation. Employes and the immediate dependent resident members of their families shall en- joy the same privileges in regard to com- plimentary trip transportation as granted employes of other departments. ARTICLE X. Extra Work. Where ability is sufficient, telegraphers liolding seniority rights and who happen to be on the extra list through no fault of their own, will be given preference in doing extra work, seniority to govern as per Article II. When an extra telegrapher relieves a reg- ular telegrapher, he will fill the position until the regular telegrapher resumes duty or the position is bulletined and filled. ARTICLE XI. Hours of Service. At offices where one telegrapher is em- ployed during the day time only and where no night office is maintained, or where one telegrapher is employed during the night and no day telegrapher is employed, ten (10) consecutive hours, including time for meal, as per Article XII. will constitute a day's work, commencing between the hours of 7:00 .Tnd 9:00 o'clock a. m. or p. m., as the case may be. At offices where two telegraphers are em- ployed, nine (9) consecutive hours, including time for meal, as per Article XII, will con- stitute a day's work. (This does not apply io dispatchers' offices.) At dispatchers' offices and at offices where three or more telegraphers are employed, eight (8) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. Telegraphers will be relieved from duty on Sundays or legal holidays as much as pos- sible, and no deduction shall be made from their pay on that account. ARTICLE XII. Time for Meals. Telegraphers whose hours of service are ten (10) consecutive hours, will be allowed one hour of this time for meal, commencing and ending between the hours of 11:30 and 1:30, day or night, as the case may be. Telegraphers whose hours of service are nine (9) consecutive hours, will be allowed thirty (30) minutes of this time for lunch. Telegraphers whose hours of service are eight (8) or less consecutive hours, will not be allowed any time off for meals. When time for meal or lunch as mentioned above is not allowed between times named, telegraphers will be paid one hour overtime, at the rate of twenty-five (25) cents per hour, and allowed twenty (20) minutes for lunch as soon thereafter as possible. ARTICLE XIII. Overtime. (a) Telegraphers required to remain on duty, by competent authority, in excess of their regular established hours, will be paid overtime pro rata, but in no case less than thirty-five (35) cents per hour. In comput- ing overtime, less than thirty minutes will not be counted; thirty minutes or over will be counted one hour. (b) Telegraphei-s called to the office out- side of their regular hours will be allowed fifty (50) cents for the first hour or any part thereof except when they live in the depot, when they shall receive thirty-five (35) cents for first hour or any part thereof. If kept on duty more than one hour, overtime will bo paid as per paragraph (a). (c) Telegraphers assigned to meet regular trains outside of their established hours of service shall receive twenty-five (25) cents for meeting the train. If delayed jnore than one .hour for such purpose, shall receive overtime as per paragraph (a). (d) Telegraphers will be notified promptly when overtime or compensation for any ac- count is not allowed. (e) Overtime slips must be sent in to superintendent of telegraph within forty- eight hours after service is performed. ARTICLE XIV. Attending Court. Telegraphers attending court as witnesses in the interest of the company shall receive same compensation as if on regular duty, and in addition their legitimate expenses if away from home station. ARTICLE XV. Emergency Offices, Wrecks, Etc. Telegraphers on duty at wrecks, washouts nr similar emergency offices will be paid $3.00 per day for ten hours or less, time to 616 Schedules and Wage Scales. be computed from time they are called to start until they return, except deductions will be made for time relieved from duty for rest, and, in addition, actual expenses, not to exceed two dollars ($2.00> per day. ARTICLE XVL Relief Service. Telegraphers serving as relief men will receive the same salary as do the telegra- phers they relieve, but In no case less than the salary of position from which they were removed to perform relief service. Teleg-raphers holding regular positions, who are required to perform relief service away from home station, shall be allowed necessary expenses, not exceeding two dol- lars ($2.00) per day. ARTICLE XVII. Transferring. When telegraphers are transferred from one position to another, under orders, or to obtain promotion, they will receive pay for time lost in transferring, according to loca- tion before transfer. When transferred as above, or reinstated to the service, free tiansportation will be allowed themselves and families and surh personal effects as the law will permit trans- ported free. ARTICLE XVIII. " Clerical and Other Duties. Telegraphers who are listed in this sched- ule as straight telegraphers, who are re- quired to perform clerical or other duties in addition to telegraphing, will not b6 given such other duties as will interfere with the telegrapher's duties to the telegraph depart- ment. When a telegrapher considers himself overworked and complains to the proper offi- cials, it will be carefully considered, and if well foimded. relief will be granted. ARTICLE XIX. Running Pumps, Etc. Telegraphers required to run pumps will receive a minimum extra compensation of twelve and one-half dollars ($12.50) per month for steam and ten dollars ($10.00) per month for gasoline pumps. Telegraphers required to fire heating fur- naces will receive a minimum extra com- pensation of ten dollars ($10.00) per month. ARTICLE XX. Minimum Salary. The minimum pay for telegraphers will be seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per month. ARTICLE XXL WAGE SCALE. *Express and telegram commissions. tExpress one-half of commission. JExpress commission. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Cleburne, cashier and telegrapher $ 90.00 Covington, agent and telegrapher *80.00 Osceola, agent and telegrapher *80.00 Hillsboro, cashier and telegrapher.... 95.00 Bynum, agent and telegrapher *80.00 Malone, agent and telegrapher +85.00 Hubbard, cashier and telegrapher.... +90.00 Cooledge, agent and telegrapher *85.00 Cashier and telegrapher 85.00 Mexia, cashier and telegrapher t90.00 Waxahachie, cashier and telegrapher. 9,3.00 Clerk and telegrapher 75.00 Reagor Springs, agent and telegrapher JSO.OO Bardwell, agent and telegrapher *90.00 Emhouse, agent and telegrapher *80.00 Corsicana, cashier and telegrapher.... 100.00 Clerk and telegrapher 85.00 Navarro, agent and telegrapher *80.00 Streetman, agent and telegrapher.... *90.00 Kirvin. agent and telegrapher *80.00 Teague, cashier and telegrapher 90.00 Donie, agent and telegrapher *80.00 Newby, agent and telegrapher....'... *95.00 Concord, agent and telegrapher +80.00 Flynn, agent and telegrapher *S0.00 Normangee, agent and telegrapher. . . . *90.00 North Zulch, agent and telegrapher... J90.00 lola, agent and telegrapher J85.00 Singleton, agent and telegrapher *85.00 Shiro, agent and telegrapher *90.00 Richards, agent and telegrapher *90.00 Dobbin, agent and telegrapher *85.00 Tomball, agent and telegrapher *85.00 Louetta, agent and telegrapher 75.00 North Houston, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Note. — Where express commissions are taken away, an adjustment will be made. ARTICLE XXII. Schedules to Be Preserved. A copy of these rules and regulations will be furnished by the company to each teleg- rapher for file in his office for the benefit of all telegraphers concerned, and it shall be the duty of each telegrapher to preserve same and turn it over to his successor the same as other company propei'ty of the station. ARTICLE XXIII. Revision. The foregoing rules and rates of pay will take effect August 1. 1917, and will continue in force for one year, and thereafter imtil thirty (30) days' notice has been given to or received from employes of telegraph de- partment of desire for revision. For the Telegraphers: C. H. CROCKETT, Chairman. For the Company: J. W. ROBINS, Receiver. Schedules and Wage Scales. 617 The Ulster & Delaware Railroad Company (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1. 1918.) The following' schedule of rates of pay foi' -station agents and telegraphers, and rules governing same, will be effective January 1, 1918. A Day's Work. Twelve consecutive hours or less, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. The hours of service will be arranged to meet the requirements. Overtime. Overtime will be allowed for all hours worked in excess of the regularly established hours, and will be paid for at the rate of 25 cents per hour. If regular rate is higher than overtime rate, regular rate will apply. In computing overtime for fractions of an hour, thirty minutes or more will be counted as one hour; less than thirty minutes will not be counted. Overtime will apply only to time made in performance of telegraph work or when em- ployes are held on duty to cover train serv- ice. WAGE SCALE. Station and Position. ■Rate per Month. Rondout Freight Station, agent $ 80.00 Passenger Station, telegrapher 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Kingston Freight Station, agent 90.00 Yard Office, telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher 75.00 West Hurley Station, agent 60.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Ashokan, agent 60.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Cold Brook, agent 65.00 Mt. Pleasant, agent 65.00 Phoenicia, agent 68.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Shandaken. agent 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Big Indian, agent 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Pine Hill, agent. 60.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Grand Hotel Station, agent 68.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Fleischmann's, agent 58.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 .Ai'kville. agent 73.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Tolep-rapher 65.00 Haloottville, agent 65.00 Roxbury. agent 60.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Grand Gorge, agent 68.00 Telegrapher 65.00 South Gilboa, agent 70.00 Stamford, agent 58.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Hobart. agent 58.00 Telegrapher 65.00 South Kortright. agent 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Station and PosUion. Rate per Month. Bloomville. agent $ 58.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Kortright Station, agent 65.00 East Meredith, agent 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Davenport Center, agent 65.00 Oneonta, agent 100.00 Yard Office, telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Lanesville, agent 65.00 Edgewood, agent 65.00 Kaaterskill .Jet., agent 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Tanner.sville, agent 68.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Haines' Falls, agent 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Laurel House Station, agent 60.00 Kaaterskill, agent *85.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Hunter, agent 58.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Telegrapher 65.00 Relief agent 95.00 Relief telegrapher 80.00 *Rate of $85.00 applies during the months of June, July. August and September; rate of $65.00 applies during the remaining months of the year. RULE L A roster of agents and telegraphers will be prepared and a copy furnished each office annually. Each employe will be entitled to retain the position which he holds when the roster is established. RULE II. Agents and telegraphers are in line for inomotion according to their seniority and ability. The company, through the proper official, may determine the qualifications of any employe for a given position. Any employe feeling himself aggrieved on account of any decision will have the right to appeal personally or through a committee of the same class to the superintendent. An appeal from any decision as to discipline, pa.v. or application of the rules tnust be made within ten days of, the date of the decision. If the investigation results favorably to an he will be allowed to resume his former position, will retain his former posi- tion on the rostei-. and will be paid for time lost. .Seniorit.v will apply from the date of last entering the service as agent or telegrapher. RULE III. Vacancies or newly created positions will be immediately advertised for a period of seven days. a1 the end of which time ap- pointment will be made under the ternxs of Rule IL Tempor:ii->- summer or season positions, exceeding thirty days in duration, will also 618 Schedules and Wage Scales. be immediately advertised for a period of seven days, at the end of which time ap- pointment will be made under the terms of Rule II. An employe declining promotion does not forfeit his seniority rights. RULE IV. Leaves of absence will be limited, except in cases of illness, to six months. Positions vacant, except on account of ill- ness, for more than six months will be con- sidered permanent vacancies and will be so advertised. When an agent or telegrapher holding a . permanent position is granted leave of ab- sence or expects to be absent from other causes for a period exceeding thirty days, the position will be posted as a temporary one and an assignment will be made in accordance with Rule II. Should an employe under the above men- tioned leave of absence eventually leave the service, the position will then be posted as a permanent one and an assignment will be made in accordance with Rule II. Agents and telegraphers leaving the serv- ice of this department to accept service in the train dispatchers' office will retain their seniority rights. Agents and telegraphers leaving the service of this department to accept service in a department other than the train dispatchers' office will forfeit their seniority rights. RULE V. Employes holding regular positions who accept temporary assignments may, at the close of the temporary assignments, claim their regular positions. RULE VI. When a reduction in force is made the youngest employe shall be displaced first, and when a position is abolished the em- ploye affected shall have the choice of posi- tions to which his seniority entitle him, except that he cannot displace another em- ploye who has held his position five years or more. Employes shall exercise their dis- placement rights within thirty days after date of displacement. RULE VII. Agents and telegraphers ,will be allowed one hour for meals between 11:00 o'clock in the morning and 2:00 o'clock in the after- noon. If required to work any portion of their meal hour, they will receive one hour's overtime. This rule does not apply to employes working eight and nine hour positions. RULE VIII. Agents and telegraphers, after one year in the company's service, will be granted annual passes, it being understood that no agent or telegrapher will leave his home station without first giving notice to the chief train dispatcher. RULE IX. Agents and telegraphers regxilarly assigned to positions who are temporarily detailed to other positions, which necessitate their boarding and lodging away from home, will receive not less than the lowest authorized relief agent's or relief telegrapher's rate, respectively. When temporarily detailed to other than the above, they will receive the salary cover- ing the position to which they are tempo- rarily detailed, but not less than the salary of their regular positions. Telegraphers who are acting as station helpers and who may be assigned to perform telegraphic duty will receive the rate of pay of the telegrapher's position to which they may be assigned. RULE X. Employes called by proper authority for extra duty before or after a day's or night's work is done will be allowed 50 cents for the first hour or fraction thereof and regular overtime rates thereafter. RULE XI. Agents and telegraphers will be allowed to examine their respective records. RULE XII. These rules, regulations, and rates of pa.\- will continue in force until a notice of thirty days is given of a desire to change same. R. O' SULLIVAN, Superintendent. For Agents and Telegraphers: M. L. KLEIN. Chairman. Union Pacific Railroad Company (EFFECTIVE ARTICLE I. Jurisdiction — Telegrapher Defined. This schedule applies to all employes occu- pying positions listed in Article X. who will be known as telegraphers within the mean- ing "of this schedule. ARTICLE IL Compensation at New Positions. When positions are created, compensation will be arranged in conformity with similar class on .>?ame district. JULY 1. 1917.) Adjustments Of. When commissions accruing to any posi- tion are materially reduced or entirely re- moved, prompt adjustment of salary will be made. ARTICLE III. Seniority — Qualifications for Promotion. Telegraphers will be regarded in line of promotion depending vipon faithful discharge of duty, capacity for increased responsibility and seniority. Schedules and Wage Scales. 619 Rights. Rights to date from last time of entering: service and extend over division where em- ployed and will be effective only when va- cancies occur or new positions are created. Vacancies — Regular and Temporary — When Bulletined. Bulletins of vacancies, except agencies at Council Bluffs, 10th Ave., and U. P. Trans- fer, Omaha, South Omaha, Kansas City, Denver, Cheyenne and O&den, numbered consecutively, wiU be issued on the first and fifteenth day of each calendar month to all offices on the division; temporary vacancies of sixty days or more will be bulletined as such on supplementary bulletins. How Applied For. Applications in duplicate must be filed with the superintendent within ten days, dupli- cate to be returned to applicant acknowledg- ing receipt. When Filled— Who Notified. Positions to be filled within thirty days from date of bulletin. Local chairman will be notified promptly of assignments. Withdrawal of Application. An application cannot be withdrawn after bulletin closes; when assigned must accept Of go on extra list, retaining seniority. Star Agencies. In filling star agencies, where each appli- cant may be considered qualified by both the operating and traffic officials, seniority will rule. When Incapable. If transferred and found incapable, will be placed on the extra list, retaining seniority. If transferred a second time and fails, will be dismissed. If Promotion Declined. Rights will not be forfeited where promo- tion is declined. Office Seniority. Office seniority, except managers, will gov- ern in the following offices: Omaha "U", Grand Island "GE", North Platte "NO", Cheyenne "N", Laramie, Rawlins, Green River, Evanston, Ogden, Kansas City "GN", Ellis and Denver "UD" and "CG", but shall not affect telegiaphers assigned prior to Oc- tober 1, 1910. Exchange of Positions. Telegraphers may exchange positions and seniority between divisions with consent of the superintendents. Exchanges on same division not permissible. Reducing Forces. In reducing forces, telegrapher affected will return to his former position; having no former position, inay take place of the youngest assigned man. Non-Scheduled Positions. A telegrapher promoted through direct line of advancement to a non-scheduled posi- tion, may, if position abolished, resume his former seniority on division from which pro- moted and, if aboli-shed within six months, may resume his former position. Rights must be claimed within thirty days after date of abolition. Seniority List.. At tlie beginning of each calendar year the superintendent will prepare and file in his office, open to inspection, a list of teleg- raphers according to seniority. ARTICLE IV. Discipline — Service Letter — Investigations. A telegi-apher will not be disciplined without investigation (ordinarily within five days), at which a co-employe of his choice may be present. Right of Appeal. If dissatisfied with decision, may appeal in writing to superintendent within thirty days. If dissatisfied with his decision, inay appeal. If found blameless, will be reinstated and paid for time lost. Service Letter. Telegraphers leaving the service who have been employed thirty days or more, will be given a letter stating time and character of service and cause of leaving. ARTICLE V. Extra Service — Transportation — Emergency Service. Telegraphers at wrecks, washouts, snow blockades or other similar service, will re- ceive $4.00 a day of ten (10) hours or less to be computed from time called to leave until return, deducting time relieved from duty; overtime pro rata; no other compen- sation. Regular Telegraphers Used for Relief. When a regular telegrapher is used for relief work, except as provided in paragraph 3 of Article III, he will receive the higher salary of the two positions and necessary expenses while away from home. Compensation of Regular Relief Agents. The salary of regular relief agents shall be $107.50 a month except when relieving where the regular rate is higher, when the higher late shall apply. Attending Court. Telegraphers attending court or absent on other business for the company, will be allowed regular salary and necessary, ex- penses while away from home. Deadheading — Regular Telegraphers. Regular telegraphers transferred will be allowed, while in transit and making such transfei', rate of position vacated. Deadheading — Extra Telegraphers. Extra telegraphers who have performed initial service, traveling at the instance of the company, will receive 40 cents an hour for necessary time consumed in deadheading, with a minimum of six hours for each juovement. Transportation to New Location. So far as it can legally do so, the company will transport to new location telegraphers' families and household goods free. 620 Schedules and Wage Scales. Transportation of Supplies. To stations where supplies cannot be pro- cured, so far as it can legally do so. the company will transport free by freight, from any point on the division, supplies for exclu- sive personal and family use. ARTICLE VI. Station Help — Care of Station. Telegrapher will be required to keep the interior of stations and platforms pertaining thereto in a neat condition except where warehousemen or helpers are employed, when these duties will devolve upon the latter. Will not be required to do any work, other than the ordinary duties of an agent outside of the station building, except as above stated. Scrubbing. Will not be required at reporting sta- tions (agencies) to scrub stations, outbuild- ings, or wash windows. Excessive Station Work. At any office where the U. S. mail is excessive or, for any other reason, a teleg- rapher considers himself overworked and complaint is made to the proper official, a prompt investigation will be held at that station at which he may have a co-employe of his choice present and, if the complaint is well founded, relief will be granted. ARTICLE VII. Hours of Service — Meal Hours — Hours Classified. Eleven hours, including meal hour, and commencing betwen 6:00 and 8:00 a. m. or p. m. at main line stations and between 6:00 and 9:00 a. m. or p. m. at branch line sta- tions, will constitute a day where only one telegrapher performs telegraph duties. Nine hours will constitute a day where two or more perform telegraph duties, except that in Omaha "U". Cheyenne "N", Green River, Ogden, Kansas City "GN" and "FY", and Denver "UD" and "CG" offices, eight and one-half hours, including thirty minutes for meal, will constitute a day. Meal Hours. Telegraphers assigned in excess of nine (9) hours, will be allowed one hour for meal within a spread of two (2) hours nearest middle of trick. Overtime If Curtailed. When meal hour is curtailed, one hour overtime pro rata, minimum 40 cents, and twenty minutes in which to procure lunch, as soon thereafter as practicable will bfe allowed. Sunday and Holiday Hours. When not required, all telegraphers will be excused Sundays and holidays. When required, five (5) hours will constitute a day for telegraphers working in excess of nine (9) hours, except that in Omaha "U", Chey- enne "N", Green River, Ogden, City "GN" and "FY", and Denver "UD" and "CG" offices, four (4) hours will constitute a day Sundays and holidays. Same to Be Assigned. All Sunday and holidays hours to be as- signed within the regular Aveekday period and not subject to temporary change. When required to work in excess of such hours, overtime will be allowed pro rata with min- imum specified for that office. Holidays — Split Tricks. Holidays: July 4th, Thanksgiving, Christ- mas and New Year's. Split tricks not per- missible. ARTICLE A^III. Overtime — Overtime Rates. Telegraphers required to remain on duty in excess of specified hours will be paid overtime pro rata with minimum of 40 cents an hour except in the following offices, where the minimum will be 50 cents: Omaha "U", Cheyenne "N", Green River, Ogden, Kansas City "GN" and "FY", and Denver "UD" and "CG". How Computed. Overtime will be computed upon the basis of actual hours worked; less than thirty minutes will not be counted; thirty minutes or more wil be counted one hour. Calls. If called outside of regular hours, 70 cents will be allowed for each call and, if the service exceeds one hour, overtime after the first hour will be allowed with tl>e minima specified. Who Are Permitted to Handle Train Orders. No employe except train dispatchers and telegraphers will he permitted to handle train orders at points where telegraphers are located except in einergency, in which case the telegrapher, if not on duty, but available for duty, will be paid for the call. Rejected Time. When time is not allowed claimants will be advised reasons therefor. ARTICLE IX. Watch Inspection — Who Exempt. Telegraphers will be exempt from watch inspection at stations where standard clock is provided. ARTICLE X. WAGE SCALE. NEBRASKA DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Omaha Gen. Ofs., Mgr., first teleg $156.00 C. O., first telegrapher 124.20 Second telegrapher 120.00 Third telegrapher 118.80 First telegrapher 108.00 Second telegrapher 108.00 Third telegrapher 108.00 Phone, first telegrapher 81.00 ( FR) , first telegrapher 99.35 Second telegrapher 93.35 Third telegrapher 93.35 (YD), first telegrapher 93.95 Second telegrapher 93.95 Third telegrapher 93.95 South Omaha, first telegrapher 91.80 Gilmore .Junction, first telegrapher.... 77.75 Second telegrapher 77.75 Third telegrapher 77.75 Gilmore, agent telegrapher 75.60 Papillion, agent telegrapher 86.40 JMillard, agent telegrapher 75.60 Schedules and Wage Scales. 621 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Lane, first telegrapher $77.75 Second telegrapher 77.75 Third telegrapher 77.75 Elkhorn, agent telegrapher 78.30 Waterloo, agent telegrapher 86.40 Valley, agent 94.50 First telegrapher 88.55 Second telegrapher 88.55 Third telegrapher..'' 88.55 Fremont, agent ♦151.20 First telegrapher 88.55 Second telegrapher 88.55 Third telegrapher 88.55 Ames, agent telegrapher 75.60 North Bend, agent 88.55 First telegrapher 83.15 Second telegrapher 83.15 Rogers, agent telegrapher 75.60 Schuyler, agent *99.90 First telegrapher 85.30 Second telegrapher 85.30 Third telegrapher 85.30 Richland, agent telegrapher 75.60 Columbus, agent *151.20 First telegrapher 91.80 Second telegrapher 91.80 Third telegrapher 91.80 Duncan, agent telegrapher 75.60 Silver Creek, agent telegrapher 86.40 Clarks, agent telegrapher 88.55 Central City, agent •129.60 First telegrapher 85.30 Second telegrapher 85.30 Third telegrapher 85.30 Chapman, agent telegrapher 85.30 Relief, agent telegrapher 107.50 Second District. Grand Island, agent *$162.00 Yard, first telegrapher 93.95 Third telegrapher 93.95 (GE), Mgr., first telegrapher 104.75 (GEk first telegrapher 99.35 Second telegrapher 99.35 Third telegrapher 99.35 Phone, first telegrapher 75.60 Second telegrapher 75.60 Alda, agent telegrapher 75.60 Wood River, agent telegrapher 87.50 Shelton, agent telegrapher 88.55 Gibbon, agent 87.50 First telegrapher 77.75 Second telegrapher ' 77.75 Third telegrapher 77.75 Buda, agent telegrapher 75.60 Kearney, agent *145.80 First telegrapher '. 88.55 Second telegrapher 88.55 Third telegrapher 88.55 Odessa, agent telegrapher 75.60 Elm Creek, agent telegrapher 87.50 Second telegrapher 77.75 Third telegrapher 77.75 Overton, agent telegrapher 87.50 Lexington, agent 75.60 First telegrapher 85.30 Second telegrapher... 85.30 Third telegrapher '' 85.30 Cozad, agent 88.55 First telegrapher 83.15 . Third telegrapher 83.15 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Willow Island, agent telegrapher $ 75.60 Gothenburg, agent 88.55 First telegrapher 85.30 Second telegrapher 85.30 Third telegrapher 85.30 Brady Island, agent telegrapher 83.70 Second telegrapher 77.75 Third telegrapher 77.75 Maxwell, agent telegrapher 86.40 Relief, agent telegrapher 107.50 Beatrice Branch. Yutan, agent telegrapher $72.90 Mead, agent telegrapher 64.80 Wahoo, agent telegrapher 91.80 Third telegrapher 75.60 Weston, agent telegrapher 67.50 Touhy, agent telegrapher 64.80 Valparaiso, agent telegrapher 81.00 Third telegrapher 75.6O Agnew, agent telegrapher 64.80 Raymond, agent telegrapher 67.50 Lincoln, agent *140.40 First telegrapher 102.60 Princeton, agent telegrapher 67.50 Cortland, agent telegrapher 72.35 Pickrell, agent telegrapher 64.80 Beatrice, agent *135.0O First telegrapher 81.00 Second telegrapher 81.00 Stromsburg Branch. Loma, agent telegrapher $64.80 Brainard, agent telegrapher 72.90 David City, agent 83,70 First telegrapher 75.05 Rising City, agent telegrapher 72.90 Shelby, agent telegrapher 79.90 Osceola, agent 81.00 First telegrapher 75.05 Stromsburg, agent ♦99.35 First telegrapher 80.45 Polk, agent telegrapher 72.35 Hordville, agent telegrapher 67.50 Norfolk Branch. Oconee, agent telegrapher $64.80 Platte Center, agent telegrapher 83.70 Tarnov, agent telegrapher 64.80 Humphrey, agent telegrapher 91.80 Madison, agent 85.30 First telegrapher 75.60 Norfolk, agent *135.00 First telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 77.75 Albion Branch. Monroe, agent telegrapher $64.80 Genoa, agent 83.70 First telegrapher 72.90 St. Edward, agent telegrap>ier 81.00 Boone, agent telegrapher 64.80 Albion, agent 83.70 First telegrapher 75.05 Cedar Rapids Branch. Fullerton, agent telegrapher $ 81.00 First telegrapher 72.90 Belgrade, agent telegrapher 70.20 Cedar Rapids, agent telegrapher 72.90 Primrose, agent telegrapher 67.50 Spalding, agent telegrapher 83.15 First telegrapher 75.05 622 Schedules and Wage Scales. Ord Branch. Rate per Station and Position. Month. St. Libory, agent telegrapher $ 64.80 St. Paul, agent 86.40 First telegrapher 80.45 Elba, agent telegrapher 64.80 Cotesfield, agent telegrapher 64.80 Scotia, agent telegrapher 70.20 North Loup, agent telegrapher 69.10 Ord, agent i *86.40 First telegrapher 75.05 Loup City Branch. Dannebrog, agent telegrapher $ 74.50 Boelus, agent telegrapher 72.35 Rockville, agent telegrapher 67.50 Loup City, agent '. 83.70 First telegrapher 75.60 Pleasanton Branch. Poole, agent telegrapher $ 69.10 Pleasanton, agent telegrapher 70.20 Kearney Branch. Riverdale, agent telegrapher $ 64.80 Amherst, agent telegrapher 69.10 Miller, agent telegrapher 69.10 Sumner, agent telegrapher 69.10 Eddyville, agent telegrapher 69.10 Lomax, agent telegrapher 64.80 Oconto, agent telegrapher 69.10 Callaway, agent telegrapher 79.90 Arnold, agent telegrapher 69.10 Stapleton, agent telegrapher 85.15 Hastings and Northwestern. Hayland, agent telegrapher $ 69.10 WYOMING DIVISION. Third District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. North Platte, agent *$145.80 (NO>, Mgr., first telegrapher 104.75 First telegrapher 99.35 Second telegrapher 99-35 Third telegrapher 99.35 Dispr. Ofs., third telegrapher 99.35 Phone, first telegrapher 75.60 Second telegrapher 75.60 Yard, first telegrapher 93.95 Second telegrapher 93.95 Third telegrapher 93.95 Hershey, agent telegrapher 87.50 O'Fallons, first telegrapher. . / 77.75 Second telegrapher 77.75 Third telegrapher , 77.75 Sutherland, agent telegrapher 87.50 Paxton, agent telegrapher 87.50 Ogallala, agent 88.55 First telegrapher 81.00 Second telegrapher. 81.00 Third telegrapher 81.00 Brule, agent telegrapher 79.40 Big Springs, agent telegrapher 81.00 Julesburg. agent 94.50 First telegrapher 90.70 Second telegrapher 90.70 Third telegrapher ' . 90.70 Chappell. agent 88.55 First telegrapher 81.00 Lodge Pole, agent telegrapher 83.70 Second telegrapher 77.75 Third telegrapher 77.75 Sunol, agent telegrapher 75.60 Relief, agent telegrapher 107.50 Fourth District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Sidney, agent *$135.00 First telegrapher 90.70 Second telegrapher 90.70 Third telegrapher 90.70 Phone, first telegrapher 75.60 Potter, agent telegrapher 82.10 Second telegrapher 77.75 Third telegrapher 77.75 Kimball, agent 88.55 First telegrapher 81.00 Second telegrapher 81.00 Third telegrapher 81.00 Bushnell, agent operator 85.30 Pine Bluffs, agent 87.50 First telegrapher 81.00 Egbert, agent telegrapher '... 79.40 Second telegrapher 77.75 Third telegrapher 77.75 Burns, agent telegrapher 85.30 Second telegrapher 77.75 Third telegrapher 77.75 Hillsdale, agent telegrapher 79.40 Second telegrapher 77.75 Third telegrapher 77.75 Durham, first telegrapher 77.75 Second telegrapher 77.75 Third telegrapher r 77.75 Archer, first telegrapher 77.75 Second telegrapher 77.75 Third telegrapher 77.75 Fifth District. Cheyenne (N), Mgr., first telegrapher$121.50 (N), C. O., first telegrpher 113.40 Second telegrapher 113.40 Third telegrapher 113.40 (N>, first telegrapher 108.00 Second telegrapher 108.00 Third telegrapher 108.00 Phone, first telegrapher 75.60 Second telegrapher 75.60 Yard, first telegrapher 102.60 Second telegrapher 102.60 Third telegrapher 102.60 Borie, first telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Granite Canon, agent telegrapher 89.10 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Buford, agent telegrapher 94.50 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Sherman, first telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Dale Creek, first telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Hermosa, agent 94.50 First telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher. 86.40 Sixth District. Laramie, agent *$151.20 Mgr., first telegrapher 113.40 First telegrapher 102.60 Second telegrapher 102.60 Third telegrapher 102.60 Phone, first telegrapher 75.60 Second telegrapher 75.60 Hosier, agent telegrapher 89.10 Schedules and Wage Sc/VLes. 623 Rate per Station and Position. Month. I^ookout, telegrapher $86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Rock River, agent 94.50 First telegrapher. . .* 89.10 Second telegrapher 89.10 Third telegrapher 89.10 ]\redicine Bow, agent telegrapher 94.50 Second telegrapher 89.10 Third telegrapher 89.10 Hanna, agent 108.00 First telegrapher '. 89.10 Second telegrapher 89.10 Third telegrapher..; 89.10 AValcott. agent 105.30 First telegrapher 91.80 Second telegrapher 91.80 Third telegrapher 91.80 Fort Steele, agent telegrapher 89.10 Relief, agent telegrapher 107.50 North Platte Branch. Keystone, agent telegrapher $ 76.70 Lewellen, agent telegrapher 76.70 Oshkosh, agent telegrapher 76.70 Lisco, agent telegrapher 76.70 Broadwater, agent telegrapher 76.70 Northport, agent telegrapher 76.70 McGrew. agent telegrapher 76.70 Melbeta, agent telegrapher 76.70 Gering, agent *76.70 First telegrapher 79.40 Haig, agent telegrapher 76.70 WESTERN DR^ISIOK. Seventh District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Rawlins, agent *$151.20 Mgr.. first telegrapher 108.00 First telegrapher 102.60 Second telegrapher 102.60 Third telegrapher 102.60 PJione, first telegrapher 75.60 Second telegrapher 75.60 Riner, second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Wamsutter. agent 105.30 First telegrapher 91.80 Second telegrapher 91.80 Third telegrapher 91.80 Red Desert, first telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Tipton, first telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Table Rock, first telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Bitter Creek, agent 94.50 First telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Black Buttes. first telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Point of Rocks, agent 91.80 First telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Thayer Junction, first telegrapher.... 91.80 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Rock Springs, agent *$178.2(i First telegrapher 94.50 Second telegrapher 94.50 Third telegrapher 94.50 Eighth District. Green River, agent *$151.20 Mgr., first telegrapher 118.80 C. O., second telegrapher 110.50 Third telegrapher 110.50 First telegrapher 108.00 Second telegrapher 108.00 Third telegrapher 108.00 Phone, first telegrapher 75.60 Second telegrapher '. 75.60 Granger, agent 108.00 First telegrapher 97.20 Second telegrapher 97.20 Third telegrapher 97.20 Church Buttes, first telegrapher 86.40 Hampton, second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Carter, agent 97.20 First telegrapher 89.10 Second telegrapher 89.10 Third telegrapher 89.10 Bridger, third telegrapher 86.40 LeRoy, first telegrapher 86.40 Spring Valley, agent telegrapher 94.50 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 A.spen. third telegrapher 86.40 Altamont, first telegrapher 86.40 Knight, first telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Relief, agent telegrapher 107.50 Ninth District. Evanston. agent *$140.40 Mgr., first telegrapher 108.00 First telegrapher 102.60 Second telegrapher 102.60 Third telegrapher 102.60 Wahsatch. agent telegrapher 89.10 Second telegrapTier 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Ca.stle Rock, agent telegrapher 89.10 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Echo, agent 105.30 First telegrapher 89.10 Second telegrapher 89.10 Tihrd telegrapher 89.10 Devil's Slide, agent 99.90 First telegrapher •. 91.80 Morgan, agent 94.50 First telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Peterson, agent telegrapher 89.10 Second telegrapher 86.40 Gateway, first telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher.. 86.40 North Uintah, agent telegrapher 89.10 Ogden. Mgr.. first telegrapher 145.80 C. O., first telegrapher 113.40 Second telegrapher 113.40 Third telegrapher 113.40 First telegrapher 108.00 Second telegrapher 108.00 Third telegrapher 108.00 Superior Branch. Superior, agent telegrapher $108.00 624 Schedules and Wage Scales. Park City Branch. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Coalville, ag-ent telegrapher .$91.80 Park City, agent *108.00 First telegrapher 91.80 KANSAS DIVISION. Eastern District. Rate per Station and Position. . Month. Kan. Cy. (GN), Mgr., first telegrapher. $123.30 C. O.. first telegrapher 113.40 First teleg-rapher 108.00 Second teleg-rapher 108.00 Third telegrapher 108.00 (Z), third telegrapher 108.00 (FY), first telegrapher 108.00 Second telegrapher 108.00 Armstrong, ag-ent telegrapher 97.20 C. R. I. & P. Jet., first telegrapher 89.60 Second telegrapher 89.60 Third telegrapher 89.60 Muncie, agent telegrapher 75.60 Edwardsville. agent telegrapher 75.60 Bonner Springs, agent 97.20 First telegrapher 75.60 Second telegrapher 75.60 Third telegrapher 75.60 Lenape, agent telegrapher 75.60 Lin-wood, agent 91.80 First telegrapher 75.60 Second telegrapher 75.60 Third telegrapher 75.60 Lawrence, agent *135.00 First telegrapher 83.70 Second telegrapher 83.70 Third telegrapher 83.70 Williamstown, agent telegrapher 75.60 Perry, agent telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 75.60 Third telegrapher 75.60 Grantville, agent telegrapher 75.60 Topeka, agent *162.00 Mgr., first telegrapher 91.30 Second telegrapher 91.30 Third telegrapher 91.30 Menoken, agent telegrapher 78.30 Second telegrapher 78.30 Silver Lake, agent telegrapher 75.60 Rossville, agent telegrapher 83.70 Second telegrapher 75.60 St. Mary, agent 86.40 First telegrapher 75.60 Belvue. agent telegrapher 75.60 Wamego, agent 86.40 First telegrapher 75.60 Second telegrapher 75.60 Third telegrapher 75.60 St. George, agent telegrapher 7.'i.60 Manhattan, agent *151.20 Mgr.. first telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Ogdensbnrg, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second telegrapher 75.60 Ft. Riley, agent 86.40 First telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher.... 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Junction City, agent *151.20 Mgr., first telegrapher 99.90 Second telegrapher 91.80 Third telegrapher 91.80 Relief, agent telegrapher 107.50 Western District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Chapman, agent telegrapher $86.40 Detroit, agent telegrapher 86.40 Abilene, agent *135.00 First telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Solomon, agent *86.40 First telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Salina, agent *172.80 Mgr., first telegrapher 99.90 Second telegrapher 91.80 Third telegrapher 91.80 Bavaria, agent telegrapher 72.90 Brookville, agent telegrapher 78.30 Carneiro, agent telegrapher 75.60 Kanopolis, agent 83.70 First telegrapher 75.60 Ells-worth, agent 91.80 First telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Black Wolf, agent telegrapher 75.60 Wilson, agent 91.80 First telegrapher 75.60 Dorrance, agent telegrapher 83.70 Second telegrapher .". . . 75.60 Third telegrapher 75.60 Bunker Hill, agent telegrapher 78.30 Russell, agent 91.80 First telegrapher 75.60 Second telegrapher 75.60 Third telegrapher 75.60 Gorham, agent telegrapher 75.60 Walker, agent telegrapher 72.90 Victoria, agent telegrapher 81.00 Hays, agent 91.80 First telegrapher 75.60 Second telegrapher 75.60 Third telegrapher 75.60 Yocemento, agent telegrapher 72.90 Ellis, agent *102.60 Mgr., first telegrapher 99.90 First telegrapher 91.80 Second telegrapher 91.80 Third telegrapher 91.80 Relief, agent telegrapher 107.50 Leavenworth Western Branch. Easton, agent telegrapher $ 67.50 "Wnnchester, agent telegrapher 72.90 Arrington, agent telegrapher 67.50 Holton. agent 83.70 First telegrapher 70.20 Circleville, agent telegrapher. 72.90 Soldier, agent telegrapher 67.50 Havensville, agent telegrapher 70.20 Onaga, agent 86.40 First telegrapher 75.60 Second telegrapher 75.60 Third telegrapher 75.60 Wheaton, agent telegraphei- 70.20 Blaine, agent telegrapher 72.90 Fostoria, agent telegrapher 67.50 Olsburg, agent telegrapher 70.20 Leonardville, agent telegrapher 70.20 Green, agent telegrapher 70.20 Idana, agent telegrapher 67.50 Miltonvale. agent telegrapher 78.30 Leavenworth Branch. Lansing, agent telegrapher $ 78.30 Tonganoxie, agent telegrapher 72.90 Schedules and Wage Scales. ()25 Topeka Branch. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Grove, agent telegrapher $ 70.20 Delia, agent telegrapher 70.20 Second telegrapher 70.20 Emmett, agent telegrapher 70.20 Second telegrapher 70.20 Duluth, agent telegrapher 70.20 Lillis, agent telegrapher 70.20 Second telegrapher 70.20 Frankfort, agent 86.40 First telegrapher 72.90 Second telegrapher 72.90 Winifred, agent telegrapher 70.20 Manhattan Branch. Stockdale, agent telegrapher $ 67.50 Garrison Crossing, agent telegrapher. . 86.40 Randolph, agent telegrapher 72.90 Cleburne, agent telegrapher 70.20 Irving, agent telegrapher 72.90 Blue Rapids, agent 86.40 First telegrapher 72.90 Schroyer, agent telegrapher 67.50 Marietta, agent telegrapher 67.50 Oketo, agent telegrapher 72.90 Barneston, agent telegrapher 72.90 Blue Springs, agent telegrapher 81.00 Holmesville, agent telegrapher 67.50 Junction City Branch. Alida, agent telegrapher $64.80 Milford, agent telegrapher 70.20 Wakefield, agent 81.00 First telegrapher 70.20 Clay Center, agent *108.00 First telegrapher 75.60 Morganville. agent telegrapher 72.90 Clifton, agent telegrapher 78.30 Vining, agent telegrapher 70.20 Clyde, agent telegrapher 86.40 Concordia, agent *91.80 First telegrapher 75.60 Talmo, agent telegrapher 70.20 Bellville, agent *108.00 First telegrapher 75.60 Solomon Branch. Niles, agent telegrapher $ 70.20 Bennington, agent telegrapher 72.90 Minneapolis, agent 86.40 First telegrapher 72.90 Delphos, agent telegi-apher 75.60 Glasco, agent telegrapher 75.60 Simpson, agent telegrapher 72.90 Asherville, agent telegrapher 70.20 Beloit, agent *108.00 First telegrapher 75.60 McPherson Branch. Assaria, agent telegrapher $ 67.50 Lindsborg, agent 86.40 First telegrapher 70.20 McPher.son, agent telegrapher *108.00 Plalnville Branch. Culver, agent telegrapher $ 70.20 Tescott, agent telegrapher 70.20 Beverly, agent telegrapher 70.20 Lincoln Center, agent 108.00 First telegrapher 72.90 Vesper, agent telegrapher 70.20 Sylvan Grove, agent 78.30 First telegrapher 70.20 Lucas, agent 72.90 First telegrapher 70.20 Rate per Station and Position. Month. l.,uray, agent telegrapher $ 70.20 Waldo, agent telegrapher 70.20 Paradise, agent telegrapher 70.20 Natoma. agent telegrapher 72.90 Codell. agent telegrapher 70.20 Plainville, agent 86.40 First telegrapher 75.60 Second telegrapher 75.60 Third telegrapher 75.60 COLORADO DIVISION. Ellis District. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Ogallah, agent telegrapher $72.90 Wakeeney, agent 91.80 First telegrapher 75.60 Second telegrapher 75.60 Collyer, agent telegrapher 72.90 Quinter, agent telegrapher 75.60 Buffalo Park, agent telegrapher 72.90 Grainfleld, agent telegrapher 75.60 Second telegrapher 75.60 Grinnell, agent telegrapher 72.90 Oakley, agent 97.20 First telegrapher 86.40 Second telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Winona, agent telegrapher 91.80 McAllaster, agent telegrapher 72.90 Third telegrapher 75.60 Sharon Springs, agent 102.60 First telegrapher 89.10 Second telegrapher 89.10 Third telegrapher ^. . 89.10 Hugo District. Weskan, agent telegrapher $ 72.90 Cheyenne Wells, agent telegrapher.... 78.30 Second telegrapher 75.60 Third telegrapher 75.60 Kit Carson, agent telegrapher 78.30 Second telegrapher 75.60 Aroya, agent telegrapher 78.30 Hugo, agent 102.60 First telegrapher 89.10 Second telegrapher 89.10 Third telegrapher 89.10 Denver District. River Bend, agent telegrapher $ 78.30 Cedar Point, third telegrapher 75.60 Agate, agent telegrapher 78.30 Second telegrapher 75.60 Deer Trail, agent 83.70 First telegrapher 75.60 Second telegrapher 75.60 Third telegrapher 75.60 Byers, agent telegrapher 83.70 Strasburg, agent telegrapher... 75.60 Third telegrapher 75.60 Bennett, agent telegrapher 81.00 Watkins, agent telegrapher 78.30 Second telegrapher 75.60 Third telegrapher 75.60 Relief, agent telegrapher 107.50 Northern District. Denver (UD). Mgr.. first telegrapher . .$135.00 C. O., first telegrapher 113.40 Second telegrapher 113.40 Third telegrapher 113.40 First telegrapher 108.00 Second telegrapher 108.00 Third telegrapher 108.00 (CG), first telegrapher 108.00 Second telegrapher 108.00 626 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Pullman, agent telegrapher $105.30 Second telegrapher 97.20 Third telegrapher. 97.20 Denver U. S. Yards, agent. 135.00 Hazeltine, agent telegrapher 75.60 Brighton, agent 91.80 First telegrapher , 81.00 Second telegraphei- 81.00 Third telegrapher 81.00 Lupton, agent telegrapher 91.80 Second telegrapher 81.00 Pla,tteville, agent telegrapher 83.70 Second telegrapher 75.60 Gilcrest, agent telegrapher 75.60 La Salle, agent 102.60 First telegrapher 89.10 Second telegrapher 89.10 Third telegrapher 89.10 Evans, agent telegrapher 81.00 Greeley, agent , *151.20 First telegrapher 89.10 Second telegrapher 89.10 Third telegrapher 89.10 Lucerne, agent telegrapher 75.60 Eaton, agent 102.60 First telegrapher 86.40 Third telegrapher 86.40 Ault, agent 89.10 First telegrapher 78.30 Pierce, agent telegrapher 80.75 Second telegrapher 75.60 Third telegrapher 75.60 Nunn, agent telegrapher 75.60 Carr, agent telegrapher 80.75 Second telegrapher 75.60 Third telegrapher 75.60 Speer, first telegrapher 77.75 Second telegrapher 77.75 Third telegrapher 77.75 Julesburg District. Kersey, agent telegrapher $ 83.70 Hardin, agent telegrapher 81.00 Orchard, agent telegrapher 81.00 Weldon, agent telegrapher 81.00 Fort Morgan, agent 97.20 First telegrapher 78.30 Second telegrapher 78.30 Snyder, agent telegrapher 81.00 Union, agent telegrapher 81.00 Second telegrapher 75.60 Third telegrapher 75.60 Merino, agent telegrapher 81.00 Second telegrapher 75.60 Third telegrapher 75.60 Atwood, agent telegrapher 75.60 Sterling, agent •151.20 First telegrapher 89.10 Second telegrapher 89.10 Third telegrapher 89.10 Rate per Station and Position. Month. lliff, agent telegrapher $ 81.00 Crook, agent telegrapher 81.00 Sedgwick, agent telegrapher 81.00 Denver Northern District. St. Vrains, agent telegrapher $ 78.30 Dacono, agent telegrapher 78.30 Frederick, agent telegrapher 75.60 Gowanda, agent telegrapher 75.60 Dent, agent telegrapher 78.30 Colby Branch. Zurich, agent telegrapher $ 70.20 Palco, agent telegrapher 70.20 Bogue. agent telegrapher 70.20 Hill City, agent telegrapher 70.20 Penokee, agent telegrapher 70.20 Morland, agent telegrapher 70.20 Hoxie, agent telegrapher 70.20 Menlo, agent telegrapher 70.20 Colby, agent telegrapher 89.10 Boulder Branch. Erie, agent telegrapher $ 78.30 Port Collins Branch. Kelim, agent telegrapher $ 75.60 Fort Collins, agent *151.20 First telegrapher 89.10 Greeley Branch. Cloverly, agent telegrapher $ 75.60 Briggsdale, agent telegrapher 75.60 ARTICLE XI. Agreement. Changes and Termination. This schedule supersedes all previous schedules and rules governing rates of pay and working conditions of telegraphers, and shall remain in effect until thirty days' notice in writing shall have been given by either party to the other of a desire to change or terminate the same or any part thereof. Subordinate to Legislation. It is understood that this schedule is superseded by and subordinate to any sub- sequent municipal, state or federal legisla- tion. P. F. FRBNZER, Superintendent Telegraph; Approved: E. STENGER, General Superintendent. E. L. STUMP, For the Telegraphers. Schedules and Wage -Scales. The Virginian Railway Company 627 (EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 1917.) Effective September 1st, 1917, the follow- ing rates of pay and regulations for teleg- raphers will govern: ARTICLE I. Definition of Telegrapher. (a) Emplojes required to perform tele- graph service of any character or duration, agent-telegraphers, telephoners, agent-tele- phoners, whose duties include the handling of train orders or blocking of trains, also other employes, if included in this schedule of wages, will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of this agreement. When necessary, telegraphers will be required to perform clerical duty. Additional Positions. (b) When additional positions are created, compensation will be fixed in conformity with positions of the same class. ARTICLE II. Promotion. (a) Telegraphers are in line of promo- tion, advancement in their line of work de- pending upon faithful discharge of duty and their capacity for increased responsibil- ity. When ability and character will permit, seniority will have preference. The proper official of the railway company will deter- mine the fitness of telegraphei-s for ad- vancement. Vacancies. (b) When a vacancy occurs or a new po- sition is created on a superintendent's divi- sion, telegraphers will be notified, announc- ing the location and rate of pay, and they shall make application for the position within five days after date of notification, and such position may be permanently filled at the expiration of ten days. Advertising Vacancies. (c) All vacancies occurring in division of- fices, except the first and second tricks, will be advertised. ^Vhen a telegrapher is as- signed to the third trick he will be in line of promotion to the second trick when vacant, advancing to the first trick as vacancies occur, and will be entitled to the first va- cancy in the dispatching force, if compe- tent. Reduction Dispatchers' Force. (d) In the event of reduction in dispatch- ers' force, dispatchers so reduced will take standing according to their rights as telegra- phers, but will retain their seniority as dis- patchers. Eligibility. (e) A telegrapher shall not be eligible to return to a position vacated by him until same shall have been advertised a second time, unless there are no other applicants. Seniority, (f; Seniority will be effective when va- cancies occur, new positions are created, or a position abolished. When a position is abolislied, the telegrapher affected may dis- place an^ junior telegrapher who has not been in the service three (3) years, or go on the extra list, retaining his seniority. In the event there are no telegraphers in serv- ice younger than three (3> years, the young- est telegrapher may be displaced. Filling Other Positions. (g) Employes from the telegraph service filling the position of cashier, ticket seller, baggage agent or car agent, will retain their seniority rights, which may be asserted only by filing application for vacancies or new positions. Incapacitated. (h) If a telegrapher assigned to a posi- tion becomes incapacitated or unable to fill his position, he will be assigned to the extra list and will retain his seniority. Reduction of Force. (i) Telegraphers laid off on account of re- duction of forces will have preference ac- cording to seniority on the division on which they were employed and will be given em- ployment on other divisions in preference to persons not in the service. If transferred to another division their age in service shall date from date first employed, but their seniorit>' shall date from time transferred. Seniority List. (j; Seniority list of telegraphers will be furnished by the superintendent to the local chairman of their respective divisions in January and July of each year. ARTICLE III. Day's Work Eight Hours. (a) At offices where two or more tricks are worked, eight consecutive hours and time to make transfer will constitute a day's work. Day's Work Nine Hours. tb^ At offices where one trick is worked, nine consecutive hours or less, including one hour for meals, will constitute a day's work. IVleal Hours. (c> Telegraphers working more than eight hours will be granted not less than one hour for meals between 6:00 a. m. and 9:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m. and 2:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m. and 8:00 p. m., and 11:00 p. m. and 2:00 a. m. When this cannot be given, one hour overtime will be allowed. Overtime. (d) When telegi-aphei-s are required to remain on duty longer than their regular 628 Schedules and Wage Scales. \ hours, they will be paid regular overtime rate until relieved. Calls. (e) When telegraphers are required to re- turn after the expiration of regular hours, they will remain on duty until finally re- lieved and will be paid 75 cents for the first hour or less and regular overtime rate there- after. Overtime Rate. (f) Actual overtime will be paid at the rate of 45 cents per hour, except where the regular rate of pay exceeds the overtime rate, in which case overtime will be paid pro rata. Reporting Overtime. (g) Overtime must be reported within forty-eight hours. Should any discrepancy appear, notice will be given. ARTICLE IV. Mileage, Extra Telegrapher. (a) An extra telegrapher sent from his regular headquarters, or any office, to work extra at other offices, by order of the chief train dispatcher, will be paid one cent and a half per inile, going and returning. Mileage, Regular Telegrapher. (b) When a regular telegrapher is sent ftom his office to another office by the chief train dispatcher to work extra, he will be paid two cents per mile, going and returning, and $1.00 per calendar day for his expenses until he returns to his regular position, in addition to his regular pay. In case the office he goes to pays a higher rate than his regular office, he will be paid the higher rate. Station Transfer. (c) Agents will not be reqviired to lose time while the station is being transferred. ARTICLE V. Sunday Work. (a) Telegraphers will be excused from Sunday duty so far as possible, and no de- duction shall be made from their pay on that account. ARTICLE VI. Discipline. (a) No telegrapher will be suspended or discharged from the service of the company without just cause, and will be given a prompt hearing within five days, if practi- cable, and will be notified promptly of the decision rendered. He may have at his in- vestigation an employe in good standing, and if he considers his punishment unjust, he may appeal within ten days, in writing, personally, or by his representative, from the superintendent to the general superin- tendent, and from the general .superintendent to the general manager, and if, upon in- vestigation, it is found the punishment is unjust, he will be reinstated and paid for full time lost. ARTICLE VIL Pumping. (a) Telegraphers required to run pymps will receive extra compensation at the rate of $15.00 per month. Cleaning Station. (b) Labor will be furnished to wash win- dows and scrub the floors of buildings oc- cupied by telegraphers, when needed. ARTICLE VIII. Leave of Absence. (a) It is understood that a leave of ab- sence will be granted only when it can be done without detriment to the service. (b) A leave of absence will not be granted in any calendar year for a longer period than ninety, days, except as herein provided. A leave of absence will be granted in case of sickness or injury for a period to cover such sickness or injury. A leave of absence will be granted members of committees rep- resenting employes covered by this agree- ment, to cover period of committee work. A leave of absence may be granted to em- ployes who have been in the service three years or longer to attend college, said leave to cover college term. If a telegrapher accepts an advertised position during his leave of absence he must fill the position within thirty days. (c) "\^Tien relief is granted the relieving telegrapher will receive not less than the regular pay at such station. ARTICLE IX. Attending Court. (a) Telegraphers, while attending court, or being held to attend court in behalf of the company, will receive $6.50 per calendar day, be furnished with transportation, and will pay their own expenses, they to turn in their court ticket received from the clerk of the court to the railway company's repre- sentative. Commission on Western Union Telegrams. (b) Telegraphers handling commercial telegrams will be allowed a commission of five per cent of this line casli receipts. The railway company will discontinue paying this commission should the Western Union Telegraph Company at a later date agree to pay the telegraphers a commission of ten per cent on all commercial telegraph business handled by them. .VRTICLE X. Annual Vacation. (a) All telegraphers who are required to work fifteen or more Sundays per year and have been in the service of the company two yeai-s or longer, will be allowed fifteen days' vacation annually on full pay. (b) When vacation cannot be allowed by the company as required by this article, compensation, in addition, will be allowed to cover the vacation period. ARTICLE XI. Agreement. (a) The company, on its part, and the telegraphers, on their part, agree with each other that they will perform^ the several stipulations and duties required as to these rules and regulations. Notice of Change. (b) If either party desires a change in the articles set forth in this agreement, the SCHEDUr;ES AND WaGE ScaLES. 629 other party shall be given thirty days' notice, in writing', setting- forth the desired change or changes to be made. WAGE SCALE. FIRST AXD SECOND DIVISIONS. Rato Per Station and Position. Month. Sewalls Point, first telegrapher clerk... $ 90.00 Second telegrapher clerk 90.00 Third telegrapher clerk 90.00 Norfolk (GO), telegrapher 102.00 Carolina, first telegrapher leverman.. 88.00 Second telegrapher leverman 88.00 Third telegrapher leverman 88.00 South Norfolk, first telegrapher lev... 85.00 Second telegrapher leverman 85.00 Third telegrapher leverman 85.00 South Branch, ticket clerk 95.00 Suffolk, agent telegrapher 95.00 Burdette, agent telegrapher 78.00 Sedley, agent telegrapher 78.00 Sebrell, agent telegrapher 78.00 Second telegrapher clerk 77.00 Third telegrapher clerk 77.00 Jarratt, agent telegrapher 95.00 P'irst telegrapher leverman 80.00 Second telegrapher leverman 80.00 Third telegrapher leverman 80.00 Purdy, agent telegrapher 78.00 Adsit, agent telegrapher 78.00 Dolphin, agent telegrapher 78.00 Dundas, agent telegrapher 78.00 Kenbridge, agent telegrapher 95.00 First telegrapher clerk 78.00 Victoria, first telegrapher clerk 98.00 Second telegrapher clerk 98.00 Third telegrapher clerk 98.00 Meherrin, agent telegrapher 80.00 Abilene, agent telegrapher 78.00 Cullen, agent telegrapher 78.00 Phenix, agent telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher clerk 77.00 Third telegrapher clerk 77.00 Aspen, agent telegrapher 78.00 Brookneal, agent telegrapher 85.00 AltaVista, agent telegrapher 100.00 Telegrapher clerk 77.00 Seneca, agent telegrapher 78.00 Second telegrapher clerk 77.00 Third telegrapher clerk 77.00 Huddleston, agent telegrapher 84.00 Second telegrapher clerk 77.00 Third telegrapher clerk 77.00 Stone Mountain, agent telegrapher.... 78.00 Moneta, agent telegrapher 84.00 Goodview, agent telegrapher 78.00 Roanoke (RO), first telegrapher clerk 95.00 Second telegrapher clerk 95.00 Third telegrapher clerk 95.00 Relief agent 110.00 THIRD AND DEEPWATER DIVISIONS. Rato Per Station and Position. Month. Salem, agent telegrapher $ 93.00 Telegrapher clerk 82.00 Pagg, telegrapher 82.00 Rato Per Station and Position. Month. EUett, agent telegrapher $ 87.01) Merrimac, agent telegrapher 87.00 Whitethorne, agent telegrapher 87.00 Second telegrapher clerk 83.00 Third telegrapher clerk 83.00 Eggleston, agent telegrapher 87.00 Pembroke, agent telegrapher 87.00 Norcross, first telegrapher clerk 81.00 Second telegrapher clerk 81.00 Third telegrapher clerk 81.00 Rich Creek, agent telegrapher 87.00 Kelleysville. first telegrapher clerk... 81.00 Second telegrapher clerk 81.00 Third telegrapher clerk 81.00 Princeton (SO), first telegrapher clerk 98.00 Second telegrapher clerk 98.00 Third telegrapher clerk 98.00 Gardner Jet., agent telegrapher 86.00 Rock, telegrapher 83.00 Kegley, agent telegrapher 85.00 Second telegrapher clerk 83.00 Third telegrapher clerk 83.00 Matoaka, agent telegrapher 93.00 Telegrapher clerk 85.00 Clarks Gap, first telegrapher 83.00 Second telegrapher 83.00 Third telegrapher 83.00 Micajah, first telegrapher 83.00 Second telegrapher 83.00 Third telegrapher 83.00 Herndon, agent telegrapher 89.00 First telegrapher clerk 83.00 Second telegrapher clerk 83.00 Third telegrapher clerk 83.00 Bud, first telegrapher clerk 83.00 Second telegrapher clerk 83.00 Third telegrapher clerk 83.00 Mullens, agent telegrapher 100.00 Cashier 83.00 First telegiapher clerk 86.00 Second telegrapher clerk 86.00 Third telegrapher' clerk 86.00 Maben, agent telegrapher 89.00 First telegrapher clerk 83.00 Second telegrapher clerk 83.00 Third telegrapher clerk 83.00 Slab Fork, agent telegrapher 89.00 Second telegrapher clerk 83.00 Third telegrapher clerk 83.00 Lester, agent telegrapher 90.00 Surveyor, agent telegrapher 85,00 Second telegrapher clerk 83.00 Third telegrapher clerk 83.00 Eccles, agent telegrapher 89.00 First telegrapher clerk 83.00 Second telegrapher clerk 83.00 Third telegrapher clerk 83.00 Harper, agent telegrapher 86.00 Pax. agent telegrapher 92.00 First telegrapher clerk 83.00 Second telegrapher clerk 83.00 Third telegrapher clerk 83.00 Bishop, agent telegrapher 86.00 Page, agent telegrapher 120.00 First telegrapher clerk 90.00 Second telegrapher clerk 90.00 Thiid telegrapher clerk 90.00 630 Schedules and Wage Scales. WINDING GULF BRANCH. Rate Per Station and Po.sition. Month. Amigo, agent telegrapher $ SO. 00 Besoco, agent telegrapher S9.00 Tarns, agent telegrapher 89.00 Woodbay, agent telegrapher S9.00 Second telegrapher clerk 83.00 Third telegrapher clerk 83.00 Sophia, agent telegrapher 89.00 Pemberton, agent telegrapher 93.00 Cashier 83.00 First telegrapher clerk 84.00 Second telegrapher clerk 84.00 Third telegrapher clerk 84.00 WHITE OAK BRANCH. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Oak Hill, agent telegrapher $ 90.00 Relief agent 110.00 For the Vif&inlan Railway Co.: (Signed) G. N. MACDOUGALD, Superintendent Telegraph and Signals. For the Telegraphers: (SigTiedr H. W. HIX, General Chairman. Approved: E. E. KERWIN, Vice-President. Wabash Railway Company (EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 1917.) RULE I. Telegrapher Defined. All employes performing telegraph or tele- phone duties, whether termed agent, teleg- rapher, telephoner, leverman, agent and telegrapher or telephoner, clerk and teleg- rapher or telephoner, leverman and telegra- pher or telephoner, or otherwise, and all other employes shown in Rule XXIV herein, except train dispatchers and operators of telephone exchanges, will be considered telegraphers under these rules. Exclusive agents, enumerated in Rule XXIV, shall not be subject to the provisions of Rules HI, IV and V. No employes other than those covered by this schedule, and train dispatchers, will be permitted to handle train orders at places where telegraphers are located, where the telegrapher is available, or can be located without delay to the train. RULE II. Salary and New Positions. A. The salary of each position, exclusive of express and Western Union commissions and other allowances, will be as designated in Rule XXIV, and when additional positions are created the compensation will be fixed in conformity with positions of similar class provided for in this schedule. B. When express and Western Union commissions are discontinued at any office, thereby reducing the average monthly com- pensation paid to any position, prompt ad- justment of the salary affected will be made, conforming to rates paid for similar posi- tions. RULE III. Basis of a Day's Work. A. At stations where but one telegrapher is employed in twenty-four hours, eleven consecutive hours, commencing between 6:00 and 8:00 a. m., or between 6:00 and 8:00 p. m., will constitute a day's work. B. Where agent-telegraplier and one telegrapher are employed, nine consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. C. Wliere two straight telegraphers only, or where three or more telegraphers are em- ployed, eight consecutive hoiu's will consti- tute a day's work. D. At three-trick offices only, first trick will begin at 7:00 or 8:00 a. m., and other tricks in accordance therewith. RULE IV. Meal Hour. Telegraphers working tricks of more than nine hours wiU be allowed one full hour foi- meals between 11:30 and 1:30, day and night, each day, and when they cannot be excused between these hours, they will be paid pro rata, with a minimum of 35 cents per hour, and allowed one hour for ineals as soon thereafter as practicable. No time will be allowed for meals on tricks of nine hours or less, unless it is conven- ient to do so. RULE V. Overtime. A. Telegraphers required to remain on duty after the expiration of regular hours will be paid overtime pro rata, with a mini- mum of 35 cents per hour, except at "GM" St. Louis, "MD" Detroit, "AH" Forrest, and division telegraph offices at Montpelier, Peru, Decatur, Springfield and Moberly, where the minimum will be 50 cents per hour. B. Telegraphers required to return to of- fice outside of the established hours will be allowed 50 cents for the first hour or any part thereof, and pro rata, with a minimum of 35 cents per hour, thereafter. C. Telegraphers required to remain con- tinuously on duty after the established hours to attend passenger trains, will be allowed 35 cents for the first hour or any part there- of, and at overtime rates thereafter. D. Telegraphers required to double will be paid for excess time as overtime, as per paragraph A. E. In computing overtime, except in case of the hour as per paragraphs B and C, thirty minutes or less will not be counted, and fractions of an hour over thirty minutes will be counted a full hour. F. Clainns for overtime or extra service .should be presented to the chief dispatcher within forty-eight hours from time service Schedules and Wage Scales. 631 was performed, and no such claims will be allowed when not presented earlier than in the month following the month in which the service was performed. G. Telegraphers will be notified when overtime or claims for extra service are not allowed, and a reason given therefor. RULE VI. Vacations. Telegi-aphers who have been in the service of the company five years and under ten years, will be granted seven days' vacation each year with full pay, or seven days' ad- ditional pay in lieu thereof. Telegraphers who have been in the service of the com- pany ten years or over, will be granted ten days' vacation each year with full pay, or ten days' additional pay in lieu thereof. It is understood this rule becomes ef- fective January l', 1918. RULE VII. Sunday Work. Telegraphers will be excused from work on Sunday, Christmas, July 4th, New Year's Day, Labor Day, Decoration Day and Thanksgiving Day, without reduction in pay, as far as possible. At stations where only an agent-telegra- pher is employed, he will be excused from service on above days, except that he will be required to attend passenger trains that receive or discharge passengers at his sta- tion, during regular working hours. RULE VIII. Special Service. Telegraphers performing service at wrecks, washouts or other similar emergency offices, will' receive a minimum of $3.50 per day of ten consecutive hours or less, and overtime at overtime rates thereafter. Time to be computed from time of leaving- regular place of employment until return thereto. RULE IX. Transfers. A. Regular telegraphers transferred by order of the company, or to accept bulle- tined positions, will be paid for time neces- sary to make the change on basis of posi- tion vacated. B. Telegrapher deadheading, by order of the company, will be allowed 35 cents per hour for time required by train to make the deadhead trip a.nd return to his head- quarters, with a minimum of three hours. Note: Paragraph B not to apply when al- lowances are made under paragraph A. C. When a regularly assigned telegrapher is temporarily assigned to a position paying a lower rate than his regular position, he is to be paid at his regular wage.'!. If trans- ferred to a position paying a higher rate, he shall receive such higher rate of pay and be allowed $1.00 per day additional for ex- penses while filling such temporary assign- ment, if called away from regular assigned station. D. Telegraphers will be furnished free transportation for themselves, their familie.'=; and household goods, when transferring from one position to another. E. Telegraphers on leave of absence, in returning to work, where auditor's transfer is necessary, shall report for duty to proper official and receive the regular compensa- tion of station, if not checked in within five days of such notice. RULE X. Reporting for Duty, Leave of Absence. A limit of ninety days will be placed on leave of absence for telegraphers. When a telegrapher is on leave of absence regard- less of the length of same, he shall, unless prevented Vjy his own illness, or that of his immediate family, report for duty at expira- tion of same. In case he fails to do this, his position will be declared vacant, and he will be placed on the extra list. In case he fails to report for duty within ten days after being placed on extra list, he shall then be taken off the seniority list. It is understood, however, that this does not apply to members of the general com- mittee while on committee work. RULE XI. Operating Pumps, Etc. A. Telegraphers required to operate elec- tric, gas or steam pumps will be paid $5.00 to $10.00 per month for such service, in ad- dition to their regular salary, such compen- sation to be fixed according to length of time required to perform such service. B. Telegraphers handling crossing gates, crossing bells, flagging crossings or handling main line switches at end of double track, will be allowed $5.00 per month in addition to regular salary. , RULE XII. Care of Depots, Switch Lamps, Etc. Telegraphers will not be required to scrub offices or waiting rooms, wash windows, clean station platforms or grounds, oil inter- locking plants, or clean snow from frogs or switches, except in cases of emergency, nor to handle switch, block or signal lamps, but will see that they are kept burning. Telegraphers will be required to care for train order signal lamps, and will see that their stations are kept neat and clean. RULE XIII. Cleaning Battery. Telegraphers will not be required to clean main or local batteries at stations where more than ten cells are in use. RULE XIV. Attending Court, Etc. Telegraphers attending court or inquests by instructions of the superintendent will be paid full salary for time lost and reasonable expenses if away from home; if no time is lost, actual time at overtime rates will be allowed while so engaged, the company to receive the witness fees. Telegraphers at- tending company investigations will be paid full rates for time lost when not found at fault. RULE XV. Promotion and Rights. A. Telegraphers will be in line for promo- tion, according to their term of service, de- 632 Schedules and Wage Scales. pendent upon faithful discharge of their du- ties, and ability to assume increased re- sponsibilities. Other qualifications being equal, the teleg- rapher long-est in service on the division where employed shall have preference. B. When a vacancy occurs in an ex- clusive agency, where the salary is $125.00 or more per month, station employes eligible to the position will have a right to make ap- plication, and be considered for promotion, according- to their age in the service. When a telegrapher is used as an exclusive agent or train dispatcher temporarily, he will not thereby forfeit his regular assign- ment, which will be filled subject to his re- turn by the oldest competent man on the extra list. C. When a. vacancy occurs or a new po- sition is created on any division, all teleg- raphers in service on that division shall be notified by bulletin within ten days, and telegraphers will be allowed ten days in which to make application for such position, and position will be permanently filled within thirty days from date of vacancy, and teleg- rapher thus assigned will be notified in writ- ing and the local chairman furnished with a copy of the assignment. D. A telegrapher who declines to accept promotion shall not thereby forfeit his sen- iority rights, but shall not hold rights to a position which he has declined until the posi- tion is again vacant. E. When a telegrapher is transferred and, after a fair trial, is found to be incompe- tent to fill the position to which he is as- signed, he shall be transferred to the extra list, but will retain his seniority rights. F. Telegraphers vacating a position will not be reappointed to such position, except upon a subseqvient vacancy. G. In the case of reduction of force in any office, the trick most affected by the re- arrangement of hours will be considered abolished, and telegrapher affected will be given thirty days' notice prior to abolish- ment of tricks, when it is practical to do so, and the local chairman given copy of such notice. H. When a position is abolished the teleg- rapher affected shall have privilege of re- placing the junor regularly assigned teleg- rapher on the division, or being transferred to the extra list. I. Telegraphers' seniorit.x- rights will date from the last time of entering the service and will extend over each division superin- tendent's district only. J. Vacancies in "GM" oflice, St. Louis, will be bulletined on all divisions and teleg- rapher accepting position in that office will hold division rights while working there. K. Telegraphers will not be permitted to give up a regular position and go on the extra list, nor to trade positions, and when assigned to a bulletined position, will be re- quired to accept it. RULE XVL List of Telegraphers. A list of telegraphers will be *kept on file in the chief dispatcher's office, and will be corrected on January 1st and July 1st of each year, and will be open to inspection of teleg- raphers interested. Local chairman will be furnished copies. RULE XVII. Discipline. A. Telegraphers will not be suspended, re- moved or dismissed from the service of the company without just cause. In case of sus- pension, removal or discharge of a telegra- pher, he may, if he desires, have a thorough investigation by the proper officer; such de- sire shall be signified in writing within ten days of the date of suspension, removal or discharge, and the investigation shall be be- gun as soon as possible, but within ten days of date of such notice, and proceed with as little interruption as possible, until com- pleted. The telegrapher shall have full op- portunity to present his case and offer testi- mony, and may be accompanied by a fellow- employe. If the suspension, removal or dis- missal is found to have been without just cause, the employe shall be reinstated and paid for time lost. Telegraphers will have the right to appeal any case to the higher officials in their regular order up to the general manager. B. All complaints made by one employe against another must be made in writing and the papers shall be open to inspection. C. Telegraphers will not be assessed fines for breakage. RULE XVIII. Employment. ^Mien it becomes necessary to employ ad- ditional men, superintendents will, so far as practicable, employ men from other divi- sions of the system who are satisfactory and have a good record. RULE XIX. Service Letters. A. When telegraphers who have been in the service three months or more leave the employ of the company, they shall, if they so desire, be furnished a service letter, show- ing length and kind of service rendered and whether leaving on account of resignation or dismissal. B. Telegraphers securing employment with this company will, within thirty days from date of employment, have returned to them all service cards, letters of recom- mendation and other papers which have been furnished by them to the company for in- vestigation. RULE XX. Copy of Schedule. A. Each telegrapher will be furnished with a copy of this schedule and all amend- ments and supplements thereto. B. Whenever a ruling is made by an offi- cial of the company having jurisdiction over the system, affecting the interpretation of any of the articles of this schedule, the general chairman of the telegraphers will be furnished a copy of such ruling. RULE XXI. Telegraphers and Officers to Confer. When differences as to the schedule and practices under it arise, it is deemed best for the telegraphers and local officials to Schedules and Wage Scales. 633 confer individually, and in a fair spirit dis- pose of the matters. If, however, employes desire to present their views to any officer of the company by means of a committee selected from telegraphers in the employ- ment of the company, service on such com- mittees will not prejudice the standing- of any telegrapher. RULE XXIL Transportation. Transportation for long and continuous service will be issued to telegraphers on the following' basis: Five to ten years' continuous service — good for self on division on which em- ployed. Ten to fifteen years' continuous service — - good for self and wife on division on which employed. Fifteen years or more continuous service — good for self, wife and minor dependent children over the system. RULE xxiir. Changes in Schedule, Etc. No rate, rule or part of rule in this schedule will be eliminated, annulled or changed without the approval of the general manager and general committee, and after thirty day.s' notice. RULE XXIV. WAGE SCALE. (EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1. 1917.) GENERAL OFFICES. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. St. Louis (GM) Office, manager $130.00 Telegraphers 105.00 DETROIT DIVISION. Exclusive Agencies. Rato per Station and Position. Month. Hand .$67.50 Romulus *55.00 Milan *60.00 Britton 77.00 Adrian 1 25.00 Franklin *40.00 Montpelier 125.00 Wolcottville 95.00 Lakeville *45.00 North Liberty 100.00 Crocker *50.00 Gary 125.00 ToUeston 125.00 Aetna .* 100.00 Telegraphers. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Detroit (Twelfth St.), manager $100.00 Telegraphers 100.00 *Joint office. Rates shown are Wabash proportion. The payment of commission on ticket sales is discontinued. Oakwood (BO), trick telegrapher $ 87.50 Second trick telegrapher 87.50 Third trick telegrapher 87.50 Rato per Station and Position. Month. Romulus, first trick teleg. ]everman..$ 77.50 Second trick teleg. leverman 77.50 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 77.50 Belleville, agent telegrapher 82.50 Willis, agent telegrapher 75.00 Whittaker, agent telegrapher 75.00 Milan, first trick teleg. leverman *45.00 Second trick telegrapher leverman *45.00 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. *45.00 Cone, agent telegrapher 75.00 Britton, first trick teleg. leverman.... 75.00 Second trick telegrapher leverman 75.00 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 75.00 Holloway, agent telegrapher 75.00 Adrian, first trick teleg. and ticket agt. 90.00 Second trick teleg. and ticket clerk 85.00 Third trick teleg. and ticket clerk 85.00 Sand Creek, agent telegrapher 75.00 Ennis, agent telegrapher 75.00 North Morenci agent telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Munson, agent telegrapher 75.00 Franklin, first trick teleg. leverman... 75.00 Second trick telegi-apher leverman 75.00 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 75.00 Alvordton, agent telegrapher 85.00 Kunkle, agent telegrapher 75. 0€ Montpelier (NG), manager 105.00 Telegrapher (5:00 a. m. job; 97.50 Telegraphers 95.00 Edon, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Hamilton, agent telegrapher 77.00 Ashley, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 Stroh, agent telegrapher 88.00 Helmer, agent telegrapher 77.00 South Milford, agent telegrapher 75.00 Wolcottville, telegrapher leverman.... *39.50 Telegrapher leverman 79.00 Topeka, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Benton, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 New Paris, agent telegrapher 85.00 Foraker, agent telegrapher 75.00 Wakarusa, agent telegrapher $ 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Wyatt, agent telegrapher 75.00 Pine, agent telegrapher 77.00 North Liberty, first trick telegrapher. . 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 80.00 Magee, agent telegrapher leverman... 75.00 Second trick telegrapher leverman 72.50 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 72.50 Westville, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Crocker, trick teleg. leverman... *40.00 Second trick telegrapher leverman *40.00 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 75.00 Aetna, telegrapher 77.00 634 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Gary, trick telegraphei' $ 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 85.00 Third trick telegrapher 85.00 Tolle.ston, telegrapher 85.00 PERU DIVISION. Rate per Exclusive Agencies. Month. Butler $ 90.00 Napoleon 107.50 Defiance 125.00, New Haven 107.50 Huntington 125.00 Wabash 125.00 Peru 125.00 Logansport 125.00 Clymers *47.50 Delphi 95.00 T^afayette 140.00 Attica 125.00 Williamsport 80.00 West Lebanon 82.50 Danville 140.00 Telegraphers. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Toledo (DQ), telegrapher $82.50 Yard, first trick telegrapher 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 85.00 Third trick telegrapher 85.00 Gould, first trick teleg. leverman.... 77.50 Second trick telegrapher leverman 77.50 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 77.50 Maumee, agent teleg. leverman 87.50 Second trick telegrapher leverman 72.50 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 72.50 Wauseon, agent telegrapher 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 West Lenity, agent telegrapher 77.50 Blakesley, agent telegrapher 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 (GS Tower), first trick telegrapher.. 70.00 Second trick telegrapher 70,00 Butler, second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 St. Joe. agent telegrapher 75.00 Spencerville, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 Grabill. agent telegrapher 95.00 Whitehouse, agent telegrapher 87.50 Liberty Center, agent telegrapher.... 87.50 Napoleon, second trick telegrapher.... 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Okolona. agent telegrapher 82.50 Defiance, first trick teleg. and clerk.. 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Cecil, agent telegrapher *50.00 Antwerp, agent telegrapher 92.50 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Woodburn, agent telegraphei' 87.50 New Haven, first trick telegrapher. . . . 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Ft. Wayne, first trick telegrapher.... 87.50 Second trick telegrapher 87.50 Third trick telegrapher 87.50 Hugo, first trick teleg. leveiman * 75.00 Second trick telegrapher leverman 75.00 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 75.00 Roanoke, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 Rate per Station and I'osition. Month. Huntington, first tiick teleg. ticket clk.$ 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 80.00 Andrews, agent telegrapher 85.00 Yard, telegrapher 70.00 Lagro, agent telegrapher 77.50 Wabash, first trick teleg. ticket clerk. . 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 80.00 Rich Valley, agent telegrapher 72.50 Peru Junction, first trick teleg. lev'm'n 75.00 Second trick telegrapher leverman 75.00 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 75.00 (Z Office) . manager 105.00 Telegraphers 95.00 West Peru Yard, first trick telegrapher 80.00 , Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 80.00 New Waverly, agent telegrapher 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 Logansport. first trick telegrapher.... 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 80.00 Clymers, first trick" teleg. leverman... 80.00 Second trick telegrapher leverman 80.00 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 80.00 Rockfield, agent telegrapher 72.50 Delphi, first trick telegrapher.....'... 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 80.00 Buck Creek, agent telegrapher 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 Lafayette, first trick telegrapher 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 82.50 Third trick telegrapher 82.50 West Point, agent telegrapher 77.50 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 Attica, first trick telegraphei- clfrk... S'.On Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 80.00 Covington, agent telegrapher '80.00 Williamsport, first trick telegrapher.. 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick' telegrapher 72.50 West Lebanon, first trick telegrapher 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 State Line, agent telegrapher 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 Danville, first trick telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 80.00 Tilton, first trick telegrapher 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 85.00 Third trick telegrapher 85.00 DECATUR DIVISION. Rate nor Exchisive Agencies. Month. Orland $ 77.00 Brisbane •50.00 Manhattan 93.00 Streator 115.00 Pontiac 102.50 Gibson 105.00 Forrest 115.00 Mansfield 80.00 Lodge *38.50 Monticello 105.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 635 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Bement .$11.t.0(1 Tolono 100.00 Taylorville 125.00 Litchfield 125.00 Mt. Olive 110.00 Staunton 110.00 Edwardsvillc Junction 100.00 Granite City 110.00 Telegraphers. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Chicago (47th St.), first trick teleg-...$ 87.50 Second triclc telegrapher 87.50 Third trick telegri'apher 87.50 Landers, telegrapher 80.00 Ashburn, agent telegrapher 88.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Chicago (Ridge Tower), first trick te- legrapher leverman 82.50 Second trick telegrapher leverman 82.50 Third trick telegrapher leverman . . 82.50 Chicago Ridge, agent telegrapher.... *45.00 Orland, first trick telegrapher 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Marley, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Steele and New Lenox, agent teleg.. *40.00 Brisbane, first trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Manhattan, first trick telegrapher.... 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Symerton, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 71.50 Ballon, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Ritchie, agent telegrapher 75.00 Essex Tower, first trick teleg. I'man 75.00 Second trick telegrapher leverman 75.00 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 75.00 Essex, agent telegrapher 75.00 Reddick, agent telegrapher 75.00 Telegrapher leverman 75.00 Campus, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Emington, agent telegrapher 75.00 Saunemin, agent telegrapher 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 AVing. agent telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Forrest, first trick telegrapher 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 82.50 Third trick telegrapher 82.5(i Ptreator. telegrapher clerk 72.50 Cornell, agent telegrapher 75.00 Pontiac. telegrapher clerk 72.50 Sti-awn. agent telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 .Sibley, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Gibson, first trick telegrapher 77.50 Second trick telegrapher 77.50 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Foosland, agent telegrapher $ 75.0i'i Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Lotus, agent telegrapher *38.00 Osman, agent telegrapher 75.00 Lodge, first trick teleg. leverman.... 75.00 Second trick telegrapher leverman 75.00 Third trick telegrapher leverman. . 75.00 Monticello, telegrapher clerk 80.00 Bement, first trick telegrapher 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 82.50 Third trick telegrapher 82.50 I..ovington, agent telegrapher 80.00 Sullivan, agent telegrapher 95.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Windsor, agent telegrapher 77.00 Strasburg, agent telegrapher 71.50 Stewardson, agent telegrapher 71.50 Shumway, agent telegrapher 75.00 Effingham, agent telegrapher 72.50 Catlin, agent telegrapher 75.00 Fairmount, agent telegrapher 77.00 Homer, agent telegrapher 82.50 Sidney, agent telegrapher 95.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Urbana, agent telegrapher 110.00 Champaign, agent telegrapher 110.00 Philo, agent telegrapher 80.00 Sadorus, agent telegrapher 80.00 Ivesdaie, agent telegrapher 85.00 Milmine, agent telegrapher 75.00 Cerro Gordo, agent telegrapher 77.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 East Decatur, first trick telegrapher. . 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 85.00 Third trick telegrapher 85.00 (JO Office), first trick telegrapher... 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 85.00 Third trick telegrapher 85.00 (XD Office), manager 115.00 Telegraphers 95.00 (Mercer Street), first trick teleg- rapher leverman 80.00 Second trick telegrapher leverman 80.00 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 80,00 Allen, first trick teleg. leverman 75.00 Second trick telegrapher leverman 75.00 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 75.00 Boody, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Blue Mound, agent telegrapher 80.00 Stoningtono. agent telegrapher 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 77.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Taylorville, first trick teleg. ticket elk. 82.50 Second trick teleg. ticket clerk.... 82.50 Third trick teleg. ticket clerk 82^0 Palmer, agent telegrapher 75.00 Morrisonville. agent telegrapher 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Harvel, agent telegrapher 75.00 Raymond, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Hone.v Bend, agent telegrapher 75.00 Litchfield, first trick telegrapher 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 82.50 Third trick telegrapher 82.50 Mt. Olive, telegrapher 77.00 636 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Karnes, first triclv telegraptier $ 77.00 Second tricic telegraplier 77.00 Third triclt telegrapher 77.00 Staunton, telegrapher 77.00 Worden, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Carpenter, agent teleg-rapher 75.00 Ed\vaid.sville Jet., first trick teleg 77.50 Second trick telegrapher 77.50 Third trick telegrapher 77.50 Edwardsville, agent telegrapher 107.50 Poag, agent telegrapher 75.00 Mitchell, second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Nanieoki, agent telegrapher *30.00 Granite City, first trick teleg. tkt. elk. 80.00 Second trick teleg:. ticket clerk... 80.00 Third trick teleg. ticket clerk 80.00 Brooklyn, first trick teleg'rapher 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 85.00 Third trick telegrapher 85.00 East St. Louis (K Office), telegrapher 85.00 SPRINGFIELD DIVISION. Rate per Exclusive Agencies. Month. Jacksonville $130.00 Bluffs 110.00 Riverton 100.00 Telegraphers. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Harristown, agent telegrapher $75.00 Niantic, agent telegrapher 77.00 Illiopolis, agent telegrapher 85.00 Lanesville, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 71.50 Buffalo, agent telegrapher 75.00 Dawson, agent telegrapher ,77.50 Riverton, first trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Springfield (JN Office), manager 105.00 First tiick telegrapher.... 95.00 Second trick telegrapher 95.00 Third trick telegrapher 95.00 lies, first trick teleg. leverman 80.00 Second trick telegrapher leverman 80.00 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 80.00 Curran, agent telegrapher 75.00 Bates, agent telegrapher 75.00 Berlin, agent telegrapher 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 71.50 Alexander, agent telegrapher 82.50 Arnold, agent telegrapher 75.00 Jacksonville, first trick telegrapher... 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 82.50 Third trick telegrapher 82.50 Bluffs, first trick telegrapher 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 85.00 Third trick telegrapher 85.00 ■\'alley City, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 71.50 Griggsville, agent telegrapher 100.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 71.50 Maysville, agent telegrapher 75.00 Pittsfield, agent telegrapher 115.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. New Salem, agent telegrapher $ 75.00 Baylis, agent telegrapher 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Barry, agent telegrapher 100.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 71.50 Kinderhook, agent telegrapher 77.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 71.50 East Hannibal, first trick telegrapher toll collector 77.50 Second trick teleg. toll collector. . . 77.50 Third trick teleg. toll colector 77.50 Meredosia, agent telegrapher 72.50 Versailles, agent telegrapher 70.00 Mt. Sterling, agent telegrapher 110.00 Clayton, agent telegrapher 77.50 Camp Point, agent telegrapher 75.00 Quincy, first trick telegrapher clerk... 85.00 Second trick telegrapher clerk 80.00 Bowen, agent telegrapher 71.50 Denver, agent telegrapher 70.00 Carthage, agent telegrapher 85.00 MOBERLY DIVISION. Rato per Exclusive Agencies. • Month. Delmar $120.00 Ferguson 120.00 Montgomery 77.50 Macon l20.00 Moulton 115.00 St. Charles 120.00 Mexico • 125.00 Columbia 125.00 Moberly 135.00 Kirksville 125.00 Centralia 88.00 La Plata 105.00 Telegraphers. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. St. Louis (P Office), telegrapher $ 85.00 Luther, first trick telegrapher 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 85.00 Third trick telegrapher 85.00 Ewing Avenue, teleg. yard clerk 80.00 Vandeventer, agent telegrapher 95.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Page Avenue, first trick teleg. lev'man 85.00 Second trick telegrapher leverman 85.00 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 85.00 Ferguson, first trick telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 80.00 Bridgeton, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 71.50 St. Charles, agent telegrapher 88.00 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 80.00 St. Peters, agent telegrapher 77.50 O'Fallon, agent telegrapher 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Gilmore, agent telegrapher *50.00 Second trick telegrapher- 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 Wentzville, agent telegrapher 72.50 Foristell, agent telegrapher 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 SVright, agent telegrapher 72.50 Schedules and Wage Scales. 637 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Truesdale. agent telegrapher $ S2..50 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 71.50 Pendleton, agent telegrapher 72.50 .Jone.sburg. agent telegrapher 72.50 High Hill, agent telegrapher 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.50 Third trick telegrapher 77.50 New Florence, agent telegrapher 75.00 Montgomery, first trick telegrapher... 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.50 Third trick telegrapher 77.50 Wellsville, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Martinsburg, agent telegrapher 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Benton City, agent telegrapher 72.50 Mexico, first trick telegrapher -. . . 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 80.00 Thompson, agent telegrapher 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 Centralia, first trick telegrapher 77.50 Second trick telegrapher 77.50 Third trick telegrapher 77.50 r"olumbia, telegrapher clerk 90.00 Sturgeon, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Clark, agent telegrapher *42.50 Second trick telegrapher leverman *39.50 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. *39.50 Renick, agent telegrapher 72.50 Moberly (GO Office), manager 105.00 Telegraphers 95.00 Jacksonville, agent telegrapher 72.50 Macon, first trick telegrapher 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 77.50 Third trick telegrapher 77.50 Atlanta, agent telegrapher 75.00 LaPlata, first trick telegrapher 77.50 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Kirksville, first trick telegrapher 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 77.50 Green Top, agent telegrapher 75.00 Queen City, agent telegrapher 75.00 Glenwood, agent telegrapher 75.00 roatesville. agent telegrapher 72.50 Moulton, first trick telegrapher 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 82 50 Third trick telegrapher 82.50 West Grove, agent telegrapher 80.00 R'oomfleld. agent telegrapher 92.50 TTdell, agent telegrapher 72.50 Moravia, agent telegranher 75.00 Tjovilia, agent telegrapher 71.50 Bvissey. agent telegrapher 71.50 Tracy, agent telegrapher 75.00 Cordova, agent telegrapher 71.50 Percy, agent telegrapher 71.50 Runnells, agent telegrapher 75.00 WESTERN DIVISION. Rate per Exclusive Agencies. Month. Hunt-sville $ 85.00 Palisburv iT^.no Brunswick 120.00 CarroUton 125.00 Excelsior Springs 120.00 Chillicothe 120.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Gallatin ,$lo:i.OO Stanberry 120.00 Maryville 120.00 Shenandoah 120.00 Telegraphers. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Moberly (DS Office), telegraphers $ 95.00 (NE Office), first trick telegrapher.. 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 85.00 Third trick telegrapher 85.00 Huntsville, first trick teleg. leverman. 77.50 Second trick telegrapher leverman 75.00 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 75.00 Clifton, agent teleg. leverman 80.00 Second trick telegrapher leverman 75.00 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 75.00 Salisbury, first trick teleg. leverman.. 77.50 Second trick telegrapher leverman 75.00 Third trick telegrapher leverman.. 75.00 Glasgow, agent telegrapher 80.00 Keytesville, agent telegrapher 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Dalton, agent telegrapher 72.50 Brunswick, first trick telegrapher 85.00 Second trick telegrapher 85.00 Third trick telegrapher 85.00 Dewitt, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Miami, agent telegrapher 75.00 Wakenda, agent telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 71.50 CarroUton, first trick telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 77.50 Third trick telegrapher 77.50 Orrick, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Excelsior Springs Junction, agt. teleg. 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Excelsior Springs, telegrapher clerk. . 82.50 Missouri City, agent telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 71.50 South Liberty, agent telegrapher 72.50 Kansas City (KN Office), first trk. tel. 85.00 Second trick telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Third trick telegrapher and clerk 85.00 Triplett, agent telegrapher 72.50 Whitham, agent telegrapher 71.50 Chillicothe, first trick telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Lock Springs, agent telegrapher 72 50 Gallatin, first trick telegrapher 77.50 Second trick telegrapher 77.50 Third trick telegrapher 77.50 .Jameson, agent ' telegrapher 72.50 Pattonsburg. agent telegrapher 87.50 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 McFall, agent telegrapher 75.00 Darlington, agent telegrapher 77.50 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 71.50 Stanberry. first trick telegrapher 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 82.50 Third trick telegrapher 82.50 Marvville. fir.=t trick telegrapher 77.50 Second trick telegrapher 77.50 Third trick telegrapher 77.50 AVilcox, agent telegrapher 70.00 638 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Burlington Jet., agent telegraplier. . . .$ 87.50 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Elmo, agent telegrapher 75.00 Blanchard, agent telegrapher 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Coin, agent telegrapher 77.50 Shenandoah, first trick telegrapher... 77.50 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Imogene, agent telegrapher 77.00 Malvern, agent telegrapher 77.50 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Silver City, agent telegrapher 75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Mineola, agent telegrapher .f 72.50 East Switch, first trick telegrapher. . . . 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 82.50 Third trick telegrapher 82.50 T. J. JONES, General Superintendent. Approved: S. E. COTTER, General Manager. O. C. NASH, General Chairman, Teleg- raphers. Western Maryland (EFFECTIVE APRIL 15, 1917.) ARTICLE I. Effective April 15, 1917, the following aiticles and rates of pay wiU govern and apply to all employes covered by Article II of this agreement. ARTICLE XL (a) All employes assigned by proper au- thority to railway telegraph or railway tele- phone service of any character or duration and also the station agents incorporated in the accompanying schedule of wages, will be considered telegraphers within the mean- ing of this schedule and are so called herein. (b) "When new positions are created or conditions materially changed at an office, the wages will be fixed to conform with positions of the same class or character as are already specified in the wage scale. ARTICLE III. (a) Employes designated by Article II are in line of promotion, advancement depend- ing upon faithful discharge of duty, and ca- pacity for increased responsibility. When qualifications are equal, seniority will have preference. (b) When a station where an exclusive agent is employed becomes vacant, it shall be advertised in the regular way and filled by the oldest applicant capable, whether he be an operator or clerk, and not by em- ploying outside parties — proper officers to pass upon capability of applicant. (c) The company, through the proper offi- cial, will determine the fitness of the em- ploye designated in Article II to fill the position bid or applied for. (d> Any employe designated in Article II, feeling himself aggrieved on account of the decision, will have the right to appeal, personally, or through a committee of the same class, to the higher officials in their regnilar order to the president. ARTICLE IV. (a) When a vacancy occurs or a new po- sition is created on a seniority division, the employes will be notified within 10 days of the location and rate of pay, and they shall make application for the position within ten days after notification and such position will be permanently filled within 20 days from date of advertisement. Seniority effective only when vacancies occur, new positions are created or a position is abolished. (b) Employes as per Article II will not be permitted to withdraw their applications after the expiration of the time lirriit as set for filing applications. (c) The telegraph positions in "G" office Hagerstown and "KN" office Elkins, and three of the positions in "GM" oflSce Cum- berland, will be omitted from advertise- ment and held for train dispatchers. ARTICLE V. (a) Employes relieved by reduction of force shall have the right to positions in the same branch of service covered by this schedule on their respective divisions, for which they are competent and to which their seniority entitles them, but they shall assert their seniority within 10 days. Pro- vided, however, this shall not apply to sum- mer offices or positions of like character. (b) When offices are moved from one loca- tion to another, if the distance exceeds two miles and not beyond the location of another office, the individual employe or employes at the original location shall have the right to elect within three days .from the date of the change whether they will follow the office. If they decide not to follow the office, para- graph (a) applies. (cj Employes as per Article II accepting employment in other departments of the service, shall not forfeit their seniority, but may assert it only by first re-entering any class of departments covered by this sched- ule; by going on the extra list, and then filing applications for vacancies or new po- sitions. ARTICLE VI. (a) When a temporary new position is created, or a vacancy occurs that exceeds (10 days' duration, such position or vacancy will be duly advertised within this time and filled by the oldest applicant who will fill such positions until the regular man re- siimes duty, or such position becomes abol- ished, when said applicant will drop back to his previous position, retaining seniority Schedules and Wage Scales. 639 rights. Such vacancies will be termed "tem- porary positions." The trading of positions will not be permitted, except in emergencies and by permission of the proper official and not to exceed a period of 30 days. (b) Position of train dispatcher will be rated as "temporary position." The positions these dispatchers are drawn from will be advertised as "temporary positions." ARTICLE VII. Seniority lists of employes covered by this agreement will be furnished by the proper ofRcial to the general chairman during the months of January and July of each year. ARTICLE VIII. When an extra agent or telegrapher re- lieves an agent or telegrapher holding a regular position he will fill the position until the regular employe resumes duty, or imtil the position is advertised and filled. ARTICLE IX. (a) When a telegrapher or agent teleg- rapher relieves an agent or agent -telegraph- er, he shall receive the salary of such po- sition. (b> A regular employe covered by Article II sent from his regular headquarters or any office to work extra at other offices, by order of the proper official, will be guaran- teed while on the extra assignment an in- crease of not less than $1 per day over his regular position and as per Article IX. ARTICLE X. (a) At offices where 3 or more tricks are worked 8 consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. (b) At offices where 1 trick is worked, also where 2 tricks are worked, 11 consecutive hours or less, including time for meals, will constitute a day's work. ARTICLE XI. Employes performing service in connec- tion with the movement of trains and work- ing inore than 9 hours, will be released not earlier than 11:30 a. m. or p. m., or later than 12:30 p. m. or a. m., 45 minutes for meals, and given more time when prac- ticable. Employes not released for meals as above will be allowed one hour overtime on that account and 30 minutes for meals at the first opportunity. ARTICLE XII. When employes are required to remain on duty longer than the regular hours, they will be paid overtime rates until relieved. ARTICLE XIII. When employes are required to return to their respective duties after the expiration of regular hours, they will remain on duty imtil relieved, and will be paid 50 cents for the first or fractional part of an hour and regular overtime rates thereafter. Over- time will be paid at the rate of 35 cents per hour, and, in computing overtime. 30 minutes and less than 60 minutes will be considered an hour; less than 30 minutes will not be counted. ARTICLE XIV. (a) Employes covered by Article II work- ing over nine hours, and who are not re- lieved from Simday duty and who have been in the service of the company 2 .\ ears or more, shall have fifteen days' annual leave with pay, or in lieu thereof fifteen daws' pay. (b) Employes covered by Article II work- ing 9 hours or less and who are not re- lieved from Sunday duties, and who have been in the service of the company two years or more, shall have 10 days' annual leave with pay, or in lieu thereof, ten days' pay. (c> The 15 and 10 days respectively to be actual time, and with employes who have to be checked out and in, vacation will be- gin with the day following relief, and termi- nate with the day preceding date employe is checked in. ARTICLE XV. (a) Employes as per Article II will not be suspended (except pending investigation) or dismissed without impartial trial, unless they waive it. If suspended pending in- vestigation they will be given trial by prop&r official within 10 days from date of sus- pension, will be entitled to be present at all investigations interested and inay be rep- resented by a committee of employes. In the event of this investigation or trial re- sulting unsatisfactorily the saine may be appealed to higher officials to the president. (b; Decisions will be rendered by the com- pany as soon as possible after trials are held, and if the charge be unfounded and the accused not guilty, they will be re-in- stated to all former rights and paid for all lost time. Suspensions will date from time relieved. Employes dismissed from the serv- ice of the company and reinstated within 1 year shall not lose their seniority. ARTICLE XVI. Employes designated in Article II who have been in the service 1 year or more when moving under instructions by the proper officials, will receive the same com- pensation as when on duty, and will be fur- nished transportation for the dependent members of their families and household effects. ARTICLE XVIL Extra employes when competent will not be displaced by other extra employes, ex- cept when necessary to protect the require- ments of the service, or for the purpose of equalizing time between such employes. ARTICLE XVIII. Leave of absence will be granted to em- ployes covered by this agreeinent upon ap- plication to the proper official, whenever possible, and they will lose only the actual time off duty. More than 6 months leave of absence in any one year will not be granted except in case of sickness or physi- cal disability. At the end of that time or before, if it is desired, they may resume their original position without losing senior- ity rights. ARTICLE XIX. Telegraphers performing duties at wrecks, washouts or similar service shall receive $3 640 iSCHEDULES AND WaGE ScALES. per day of 11 hours or less. Should a teleg- rapher be called from his regular duty to ' perform this service he will be allowed time for this service only. ARTICLE XX. Telegraphers working temporary ends of double track on line, or within yard lirnits, shall receive $3 per day and overtime. This will not apply to positions advertised in accordance with articles IV and VI. ARTICLE XXI. Employes as per Article II while attend- ing court, or being held to attend court in behalf of the company, or when attending company investigations in which they are not directly involved, will receive their regu- lar rate of pay for time lost and legitimate ■ expenses. ARTICLE XXII. Employes covered by Article II will not .be required to teach telegraphy nor admit students to their office. ARTICLE XXIII. These articles and rates of pay will be printed in book form by the company and copies of same delivered within 60 days to the general secretary and treasurer. ARTICLE XXIV. House rent and fuel for employes desig- nated in Article II living in company's houses will remain as heretofore. ARTICLE XXV. This agreement will be carried out in good faith by all parties interested and con- tinue in force until 30 days' notice in writ- ing shall be given by either party to the other requesting- a change in the same. S. ENNES. General Manager, for the Company. W. H. GILL, General Chairman, for the Telegraphers. Hagerstown, Md.. May 3, 1917. WAGE SCALE. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Baltimore, operator first trick $ 84.00 Operator second trick 84.00 Operator third trick 76.00 Port Covington, clerk and operator.... 65.00 "Walbrook, operator first trick 68.00 Operator second trick 68.00 Operator third trick 68.00 Arlington, agent and operator 85.00 Leahig'h, operator first trick 65.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 Sudbrook, agent and operator 65.00 Roslyn. agent and operator 65.00 Kirk, operator first trick 73.50 Operator second trick 73.50 Operator third trick 73.50 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Owings Mills, agent and operator $ 71.00 Glyndon, agent and operator 71.00 Emory Grove, operator first trick 68.00 Operator second trick 68.00 Operator third trick 68.00 Lawndale, operator 65.00 Westminster, operator first trick 70.00 Operator second trick 68.00 Operator third trick 65.00 New Windsor, agent and operator 90.00 Union Bridge, operator first trick 68.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 Keymar, agent and operator 73.00 Emmitsburg Junction, agent and opr... 73.00 Thurmont, operator first trick 67.00 Operator second trick 67.00 Operator third trick 67.00 Blue Ridge, agent and operator 75.00 Highfield, agent and operator 73.00 Operator second trick 68.00 Operator third trick 65.00 Buena Vista, agent and opei-ator 73.00 Pen Mar,' agent and operator 73.00 Operator second trick 68.00 Edgemont, agent and operator..^ 73.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 Sniithsburg, agent and operator 85.00 Bissel, operator first trick 65.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 North Junction, operator first trick. . . . 77.50 Operator second trick 77.50 • Operator third trick 77.50 Hampstead, agent and operator 69.00 Millers, operator 65.00 Glenville, agent and operator 65.00 Porters, agent and operator 72.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 Spring Grove, agent and operator.... 75.00 Thomasville, agent and operator 73.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 York, operator first trick 75.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Hanover, operator first trick 80.00 Operator second trick 74.00 Operator third trick 71.00 Clerk and operator 65.00 New Oxford, operator 65.00 Gettysburg-, operator first trick 73.00 Operator second trick 68.00 Operator third trick 68.00 McKnightstown, agent and operator. . . 65.00 Fairfield, agent and operator 65.00 Hagerstown (G), operator first trick... 85.00 Operator second trick 85.00 Operator third trick 85.00 Split trick 85.00 (SO, operator first trick 75.00 Operator second trick 75.00 Operator third trick 75.00 (YD), operator flist trick 70.00 Operator second trick 70.00 Operator third trick 70.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 641 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Williamsport, agent $100.00 Operator first trick 70.00 Operator second trick 68.00 Operator third trick 68.00 Charlton, agent and operator 68.00 Clearspring, agent and operator 73.00 Big Pool, agent and operator 73.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 Cherry Run, agent 100.00 Operator first trick 68.00 Operator second trick 68.00 Hancoclt, operator first trick 65.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 Pearre, agent and operator 71.00 Jerome, operator first trick 65»00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 Town Creek, agent and operator 65.00 Oldtown, operator first trick 73.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 North Branch, operator first trick.... 65.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 Wingerton, operator first trick .-. 68.00 Operator second trick 68.00 Operator third trick 68.00 Con Boy, agent and operator 73.00 Operator second trick. 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 Brandon, operator first trick 65.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 Chambersburg, operator and T. S.... 65.00 Culbertson, operator first trick 65.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third ti-ick 65.00 Shippensburg, operator and clerk 65.00 Operator and ticket seller 63.00 Waynesboro, operator and ticket seller 65.00 Cumberland (GM^ operator first trick 85.00 Operator second trick 85.00 Operator third trick 85.00 Operator extra - 85.00 Ridgley, operator first trick 68.00 Operator second trick 68.00 Operator third trick 68.00 Virginia Avenue, agent and operator.. 73.00 My Block Station, operator first trick. 68.00 Operator second trick 68.00 Operator third trick 68.00 Rawlings, agent and operator 68.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 Keyser, agent and operator 73.00 Westernport, agent 79.00 Operator and clerk 70.00 Luke, agent and operator 85.00 W. Va. C. Jet., operator first trick 73.00 Operator second trick 73.00 Operator third trick 73.00 Barnum, agent and operator 65.00 Shaw, agent and operator 73.00 Operator second trick 68.00 Operator third trick 68.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Blaine, agent and operator ,$ 68.00 Operator and clerk 65.00 Harrison, agent and operator 70.00 Operator second trick 68.00 Operator third trick 68.00 Elk Garden, agent and operator 68.00 Schell, agent and operator 68.00 Gorman, agent 70.00 Operator 65.00 Bayard, agent and operator 70.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 Dobbin, agent and operator 73.00 Henry, agent and operator 68.00 Fairfax, operator first trick 68.00 Operator second trick 68.00 Operator third trick 68.00 Thomas, agent 100.00 Ticket agent and operator 79.00 Operator second trick 73.00 Operator third trick 70.00 Davis, agent 89.00 Operator and clerk 85.00 Hendricks, agent 95.00 Operator first trick 70.00 Operator second trick 68.00 Operator third trick 68.00 Hambleton, agent and operator 79.00 Parsons, agent 79.00 Operator and clerk 70.00 Montrose, operator first trick 70.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 Elkins, operator and clerk 90.00 R. C. Junction, agent and operator. . . 75.00 Harding, agent and operator 75.00 Junior, agent and operator 75.00 Beverly, agent and operator 79.00 Mill Creek, agent and operator 79.00 Huttonsville, agent and operator 79.00 Bowden, agent and operator 65.00 Bemis, agent and operator 68.00 Glady, agent and operator 68.00 Burner, agent and operator 68.00 G. C. Junction, operator first trick.... 77.50 Operator second trick 77.50 Operator third trick 77.50 Vale Summit, agent and operator 68.00 Midland, agent and operator 68.00 Lonaconing, agent and operator 68.00 Frostburg, agent and operator 100.00 Colmar, operator first trick 67.00 Operator second trick 67.00 Operator third trick 67.00 Deal, agent and operator 70.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 Meyersdale, agent and operator 110.00 Garrett, agent and operator 73.00 Rockwood. agent and operator 73.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third trick 65.00 Confluence, agent and operator 70.00 Operator second trick 65.00 Operator third triclt 65.00 Ohiopyle, agent and operator 70.00 Greenwood, operator first* trick 65.00 Operator second trick 65.00 642 Schedules and Wage Scales. Western Pacific (EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 1917.) ARTICLE I. Any employe required to perform the duties of a telegraph operator, and such other agents as are incorporated in Article XVI, except train dispatchers, will be con- sidered a telegrapher within the meaning of this schedule. When new positions are created, hours of service and compensation will be fixed in conformity with similar class on same dis- trict, and they will be filled in accordance with the provisions of this schedule. ARTICLE! II. When a vacancy occurs, or new position created, the same will be bulletined on the superintendent's division to all employes covered by this schedule, within ten days from date of vacancy and for a period of ten days. At the expiration of thirty days from date of vacancy, a permanent assign- ment will be made. Bulletin of newly created positions will show salary. Temporary positions estab- lished, which are expected to last over sixty days, will be bulletined, bulletin to so state. Office seniority will govern in "GO" office, San F^-ancisco, The last vacancy in this office will be bulletined on all divisions. Regularly assigned telegraphers may do relief work for a period not exceeding ninety days without losing assignments. Where competent extra men are available, they will be used for relief work in preference. ARTICLE III. Telegraphers will be regarded in line of promotion, advancement depending upon faithful discharge of duty and capacity for increased responsibility. WTiere these are sufficient, seniority will have preference. Seniority rights to date from last time of entering service and extend over division where employed. If transferred and found incapable, teleg- rapher will revert to extra list, retaining seniority. Seniority rights will not be for- feited when promotion is declined. ' When regular positions are abolished, the telegrapher affected may displace the young- est regularly assigned telegrapher on the division, or revert to the extra list, retain- ing .seniority rights in either case. Telegraphers may transfer from one di- vision to another with the approval of the company. In such cases the telegrapher making the transfer will go on the extra list, but will retain three-fourths of his former seniority, and will have the right to file application for bulletined positions. Seniority list will be prepared and filed in the superintendent's office, open to in- spection, and a copy furnished each tele- graph office at the beginning of January and July of each year. Telegraphers promoted to train dispatch- er's positions will retain their seniority rights. Telegraphers may make application for non-scheduled positions, and their applica- tions will be considered. Telegraphers ac- cepting non-scheduled positions will retain seniority rights to six months thereafter, and may return to former positions within sixty days thereafter. ARTICLE IV. Leave of absence will not be granted for more than ninety days except in case of injury or sickness. Committeemen engaged in work of their ofganization will retain seniority rights. ARTICLE V. The hours of service for telegraphers com- ing under the provisions of the federal law will be arranged to conform therewith. Where thirteen hours' service is permit- ted, twelve hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day. At all other offices, where two or more telegraphers are employed, nine hours with- out meal hour, or ten hours with meal hour included, as conditions may require, will con- stitute a day. Split tricks not permissible. Meal hour will not be considered a split. Telegraphers, except those assigned nine hours or less without meal hour included, will be allowed one hour for meal within a spread of two hours and thirty minutes nearest the middle of the trick. When meal hour is curtailed for teleg- raphers on duty in excess of nine hours, one hour overtime pro rata, minimum thirty- five cents, and twenty minutes in which to procure lunch, as soon thereafter as prac- ticable, will be allowed. ARTICLE VI. Office hours on Sundays and holidays will be arranged to allow telegraphers as much time off as service will permit. This article will be liberally interpreted by the corn- pany. At one-man stations, telegraphers required to work more than six hours on Sunday will be paid oventime therefor as per Article VII. This may be worked consecutively or in two periods of three hours each if neces- sary to meet regular passenger trains, pro- vided that in all cases the Sunday assign- ment will be within the spread of the as- signed week-day hours. ARTICLE VII. Telegraphers required to remain on duty in excess of specified hours will be paid overtime pro rata, with a minimum of thirty- five cents per hour. In computing overtime, less than thirty minutes will not be counted. Thirty minutes and less than sixty minutes will be counted one hour. If called outside of specified hours, sixty cents will be allowed for each call, and, if the service exceeds one hour, overtime pro ScHEDUIiES AND WaGE ScALES. 643 rata after the first hour will be allowed, with inininiuin specified. "When claims for overtime are disallowed, notification will be given claimant, stating reasons therefor. ARTICLE Vlir. Telegraphers attending court, or absent on other business by order of the company, will be allowed regular salary and legiti- mate living expenses when away from home station. ARTICLE IX. When telegraphers are required to per- form emergency service away from regular telegraph offices, necessitated by obstruc- tion of the road, they will be allowed $3.50 per day of ten hours or less, to be com- puted from time -called to leave until re- turn, deducting time relieved from duty. ARTICLE X. / Teleg.-apliers who are required to operate pumps will be allowed $15.00 per month extra. ARTICLE XI. Telegraphers transferred from one station to another under orders, including transfers for promotion, shall receive pay for time lost in transferring, on basis of rate of pay of positions they are leaving. As far as it can legally do so, the company will furnish free transportation to new location for families and household goods. Free freight rates will be allowed on sup- plies for exclusive personal and family use between points within any state when not in violation of the law of such state. At points where provisions and supplies cannot be procured, free freight rates will be al- lowed when it can be legally done on such supplies for personal use between points on division where located. Applications for the above privileges should be made on super- intendent. ARTICLE XII. A telegrapher leaving the service will be furnished service letter promptly, stating term of service, capacity in which employed, and reason for termination of service. The employe in question will sign the service letter in duplicate as being a correct state- ment of the cause of his leaving. Such letter will be mailed for delivery to the telegrapher at place of last employment, un- less otherwise requested. ARTICLE XIII. At points where the company now fur- nishes living quarters, together with fuel, light and water, such privileges will continue to be furnished free. ARTICLE XIV. Telegraphers will not be discharged, sus- pended, nor given demerit marks, except whore fault is apparent, without a thorough inve.'jtigation by proper officials. Ordinarily- such irvestigation will be held within five days after the alleged offense has been com- mitted. The employe shall have full opportunity to present his case and offer testimony, and may be accompanied by a fellow employe. When a decision is rendered, if the teleg- rapher believes it unjust, he may, within fifteen days from date of such decision, take up his case on appeal (submitting in writing reasons for, appeal) to the next higher offi- cial in authority, whose decision shall be subject to appeal. If the suspension or dis- missal shall be found to have been without just cause, the employe shall be reinstated and paid for time lost. Any telegrapher, accompanied by co-em- p!o,\-e if he desires, will be given a hearing by the proper officials in regular order, for consideration of any matter pertaining to his employment, which he believes merits consideration, providing such official is ad- vised at least five days in advance, in writ- ing, of the matter or matters that such telegrapher may want to present. ARTICLE XV. All telegraphers will be furnished a copy of these rules and rates of pay. ARTICLE XVI. WAGE SCALE. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. San Francisco (GO), manager $111.65 Telegrapher 106.15 Telegrapher 106.15 Oakland (MD), telegrapher 95.15 Telegrapher 95.15 Telegrapher 95.15 Fruitvale, agent and telegrapher 90.75 San Leandro, agent and telegrapher... 90.75 Hay ward, agent and telegrapher 93.50 Decoto, agent and telegrapher 79.75 Niles, agent and telegrapher 77.00 Pumper 15.00 Sunol, agent and telegrapher 79.75 Pleasanton, agent and telegrapher.... S8.00 Livermore, agent and telegrapher.... 93.50 Telegrapher 79.75 Telegrapher 79.75 Carbona, agent and telegrapher 79.75 T^yoth. agent and telegrapher 79.75 Nile Garden, agent and telegrapher.. 79.75 Stockton, telegrapher 95.15 Telegrapher 95.15 Telegrapher 95.15 Kingdon. agent and telegrapher 79.75 Thornton, agent and telegrapher 79.75 Franklin, agent and telegrapher 79.75 Jeffery Shops. Sacto. telg. and clerk.. 93.50 Sacramento (SRj. telegraphers 99.00 Plea.Tant Grove, agent and telegrapher 77.00 Pumper 15.00 Marysville, telegrapher 88.00 Telegrapher 88.00 Palermo, agent and telegrapher 88.00 Oroville (YD), telegrapher 95.15 Telegrapher 95.15 Telegrapher 95.15 Oroville (VI). teleg. and ticket clerk.. 95.15 Telegrapher and ticket clerk 95.15 Berry Creek, agent and telegrapher... 82.50 Pulca. agent and telegi-apher„ 82.50 Telegrapher 79.75 Telegrapher 79.75 644 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Beklen, agent and telegrapher $ 82. 5n Telegrapher 79.75 Telegrapher 79.75 Keddie, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Telegrapher 82.50 Telegrapher 82.50 Telegrapher 82.50 Quincy Junction, agt. and telegrapher 82.50 Telegrapher 79.75 Spring Garden, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Telegrapher 79.75 Sloat, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Blairsden, agent and telegrapher 88.00 Clio, agent and telegrapher 79.75 Portola, agent 110.00 Telegrapher 96.25 Telegrapher 96.25 Telegrapher 96.25 Hawley, agent and telegrapher 93.50 Chilcoot, agent and telegrapher 77.00 Pumper 15.00 Telegrapher 79.75 Omira, agent and telegrapher 77.00 Pumper 15.00 Doyle, agent 86.90 Telegrapher 79.75 HackstafC, agent 93.50 Telegrapher and clerk 82.50 Telegrapher 79.75 Calneva, agent and telegrapher 77.00 Pumper 15.00 Sand Pass, telegrapher. 79.75 Gerlach, agent 110.00 Telegrapher 96.25 Telegrapher 96.25 Telegrapher 96.25 Sulpliur, agent and telegrapher 85.25 Antelope, telegrapher 85.25 Jungo, agent and telegrapher 88.00 Pronto, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Pumper 15.00 Winnemucca, telegrapher 96.25 Telegrapher 96.25 Telegrapher 96.25 Golconda, agent and telegrapher 88.00 Pumper 15.00 Red House, agent and telegrapher.... 93.50 Kampos, telegrapher 85.25 Dunphy, agent and telegrapher 85.25 Beowawe, agent and telegrapher 90.75 Palisade, agent and telegrapher 90.75 Carlin. agent and telegrapher 90.75 Telegrapher 85.25 Elko (K), telegraphers 101.75 Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Halleck, agent and telegrapher $ 85.2'j Deeth, agent and telegrapher 90.75 Wells, agent and telegrapher 90.75 Telegrapher 85.25 Telegrapher 85.25 Tobar, agent and telegrapher 90.75 Shafter, agent and telegrapher 110.00 Telegrapher 85.25 Telegrapher 85.25 Wendover, agent 115.00 Telegrapher 96.25 Telegrapher 96.25 Telegrapher 96.25 Salduro, telegrapher 85.25 Knolls, telegrapher 85.25 Low, agent and telegrapher 85.25 Delle, agent and telegrapher 88.00 Telegrapher 85.25 Telegrapher 85.25 Grants, agent and telegrapher 90.75 Garfield, telegrapher 85.25 Loyalton Branch. Beckwith, agent $ 55.00 Loyalton, agent 55.00 ARTICLE XVII. The foregoing rates of pay, rules and regu- lations herein set forth constitute in its entirety the agreement between the company and its telegraphers, which agreement, in its entirety, will take effect September 1, 1917, and remain in effect thirty days and there- after until the expiration of thirty days' notice in writing served by one party hereto vipon the other, which notice shall state the change or changes desired. It is understood that this agreement is subject to any change made necessary by subsequent municipal. State or Federal legis- lation. The W^estern Pacific Railroad Company: By (Signed) K. M. NICOLKS Superintendent of Telegraph. Approved: (Signed) E. W. MASON. General Superintendent. For Telegraphers: (Signed) V. W. BREEDING. General Chairman. The Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company The Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railroad Company West Side Belt Railroad Company RULE I. Telegrapher Defined. All telegraphers, agent telegraphers, tele- phoners, agent telephoners, and all employes of similar or lower grades required to per- form telegraph or telephone service, whose duties include the handling of train orders and the blocking of trains ; and any other employes included in the schedule of wages, will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of this agreement, irrespective of title by which designated or character of service performed. RULE II. Basis of Day's Work. (a) In three or more trick ofBces, eight (8) consecutive hours shall constitute a day's work. Schedules and Wage Scales. 645 (b) In two (2) trick offices, where the service is directly in connection with the movement of trains, nine (9) consecutive hours shall constitute a day's work. (c) In one trick offices, and also in two (2) trick offices, not connected with move- ment of trains, ten (10) hours, exclusive of meal hours, shall constitute a day's work. (d) The meal hour shall commence be- tween eleven (11:00) a. m. and twelve-thirty (12:30) p. m., or between eleven (11:00) p. m. and twelve-thirty (12:30) a. m. (e) Employes not released for meals within the time limits named will be allowed one (1) hour overtime on that account, and thirty (30) minutes for meals at the first oppor- tunity. (f) Except as relieved for meals, the ten (10) hours shall be consecutive. RULE III. Promotion Rights. (a) Telegraphers will be regarded in linc^ of promotion, the right of promotion to be governed by merit, fitness and ability, the proper official to determine. When these are sufficient the senior telegraphers will be given the preference. (b) Seniority will date from the last time of entering the service, and will extend over all divisions, but will only be effective when vacancies occur or new positions are created. (c) When vacancies occur or new positions are created, they will be advertised within fifteen (15) days for a period, of seven (7) days, and will be filled within fifteen (15) days thereafter. (d) A telegrapher who declines to accept promotion shall not thereby forfeit his sen- iority rights, but shall not hold any right to the position which he has declined imtil it is again vacated. (e) When a temporary position is created to exist for a period of thirty days or not to exceed ninety days, it will be advertised as a temporary position. (f) When a permanent position is to be vacated for thirty days or more it shall be advertised as a temporary position, and if bid in by a permanently located telegrapher he shall hold his right to his previous posi- tion at the expiration of such vacancy, it being understood that the previous position in question will not be advertised. (g) When telegraphers are transferred by their own request and after a fair and im- partial trial are found incompetent to fill the position to which they have been assigned, they will be transferred to the extra list but will retain their seniority. (h) When the hours of an office are changed from a two (2) or three (3) to a one (1) trick basis, the employes thereby affected may a.^sert their seniority, and the remaining trick at the office advertised. (i) When hours are changed from a one (1) to a two (2) or three (3) trick basis, all tricks will be advertised, unless employe fill- ing tVie one trick has held it at least a year and desires to retain either of the three tricks. (j) In case a telegrapher bids iri an adver- tised position and is displaced, or the posi- tion aboH.shed before he assumes duty he shall have the right to bid on the position he vacated. (k) When a telegrapher bids in a position and declines to accept same, he relinquishes all rights to his present position which shall be advertised and filled in accordance with clause (c), Rule III. Such telegrapher shall be transferred to the extra list, but shall not thereby forfeit his seniority rights. Such telegrapher shall not be eligible to the position vacated by him until the same shall have been advertised the second time, unless there are no other applicants. (1) When a position is abolished, the teleg- rapher so displaced will be entitled to the position held by any junior telegrapher, but must assert his rights within ten (10) days from date his position was abolished. This .same rule to apply in seniority displace- ments. This will not apply to the closing of temporary positions. Exchanging posi- tions will not be permitted. (m) In case of reduction in the number of telegraphers employed, the last man to enter the service will be the first man to be laid off. (n) Telegraphers may apply for one or more vacancies, specifying choice. (o) Men for appointive agencies will be chosen from official seniority lists of teleg- raphers, as far as practicable to do so. RULE IV. Seniority List. A seniority list, including all employes who hold rights as telegraphers will be kept on file in office of the superintendent, will be corrected on January 1st and Jvily 1st of each year, and will be open for inspection by telegraphers interested. The local chair- man will be furnished copies. RULE V. Overtime. (a) Telegraphers required to remain on duty after the expiration of regular hours for any service whatever, will be paid over- time at the rate of thirty-five (35) cents per hour, except where regular rate exceeds overtime rate, in which case overtime will be paid pro rata. (b) In computing overtime actual minutes will be counted. (c) Telegraphers summoned for duty out- .'ide of assigned hours, will be allowed fifty (50) cents for the first hour or fraction thereof, and thirty-five (35) cents per hour thereafter. RULE VI. Special Service. Telegraphers performing service at wrecks, washouts or other similar emergency offices, will receive a minimum of $3.50 per day of ten hours or less, and overtime at the same rate, time to be computed from the time called for at the regular place of employment until the return thereto. RULE VII. Transfers. When telegraphers regularly employed and covered by this schedule are transferred or ficcept a bulletined position, they will be furnished free transportation for themselves, wholly dependent members of their families and effects, when legally permissible, and will be allowed pay for time necessary to 646 Schedules and Wage Scales. make transfer, rate of pay to be based on position from which transfer is made. RULE VIII. Attending Court, Inquests, Etc. Telegraphers attending court or inquests hy instruction of the company, will be paid full salary for the time lost, and reasonable expenses if away from home. If no time is lost, actual time at overtime rates will be allowed while so engaged. The company shall receive the witness fees. RULE IX. Discipline. Telegraphers will not be suspended, re- moved or disinissed from the service of the company without a just cause. In case of suspension, removal or discharge of a teleg- rapher, he inay, if he desires, have a thor- ough investigation by the proper officer; such desire shall be signified in writing within ten days of the date of suspension, removal or discharge, and the investigation will begin as soon as possible, but within ten days of the date of such notice, and proceed with as little interruption as possible until com- pleted. The telegrapher shall have full op- portunity to present his case and offer testi- mony and may be accompanied by a fellow employe. If the suspension, removal or dis- missal is found to have been without just cause, the employe shall be reinstated and paid for time lost. Telegraphers will have the right to appeal any case to the higher officials in their regii- lar order, up to and including the general manager. RULE X. Special Duties. Telegraphers will not be required to scrub waiting rooins, offices or outbiiilding.s; and where telegraphers are required to attend one, or not to exceed two, switch lamps, or handle switches, crossing targets or crossing- gates operated outside of offices, will be al- lowed $5.00 per month extra compensation. Where telegraphers are required to handle over two switch lamps, they will be paid one dollar ($1.00) per month for each addi- tional lamp. RULE XI. Vacations. All telegraphers who have been ,in con- tinuous service as telegraphers for one year or more shall have annual vacations with pay as follows: Those who have been in the service of the company more than one year, and less than two years, seven (7) days; and those over two years, twelve (12) days, or, in lieu thereof, pay for those respective periods when required by the company to forego such vacations. Vacation periods shall be requested during January of each year, and such request must be in chief dispatcher's office not later than Feb- ruary 5th, and will be granted according to seniority. Vacations are to start April 1st of each year. Agents and telegraphers listed in schedule of wages working nine (0) hours or morp. .will be relieved from Sunday duty as much as possible, and will be guaranteed at least two Sundays off each month. Such 3 gents and telegraphers who are not relieved two Sundays each month will be paid therefor at pro rata rate, a minimum of 50 cents. In event of operator receiving more than two calls on his relief Sunday, he will be paid a minimum day's pay in addition to his regular monthly salary. RULE XII. Students. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy or receive students into their of- fices, nor will they be permitted to receive students into their offices without permission from the superintendent. RULE XIII. Additional Positions. When additional telegraphers' positions are created, compensation will be fixed to conform with position of like class as shown in this schedule. RULE XIV. Bonded Employes. Telegraphers who are not agents bvit are required to give bond, will not be required to pay premium, on such bond. RULE XV. Taking Care of Batteries. Telegraphers at Homestead, Norwalk Yard, Lodi, Harmon, Brewster, Sherrodsville, Adena, Pine Valley, Hopedale, Rook, Coal Docks, Canton and Run Junction, and at all other offices where there are more than eight (8) cells, will not be required to take care of batteries. RULE XVI. Passes. Annual system passes will be furnished telegraphers who have been in the service one year or more. RULE XVII. IMInlmum Rate of Pay. Minimum rate of pay for telegraphers will be seventy dollars ($70.00) per month. RULE XVIII. (a) Upon adoption of the foregoing sched- ule and rules, all previous schedule and rules will be void. (b) This agreement will take effect Febru- ary 1. 1917, and will be carried out in good faith by all parties interested, and will con- tinue in force until terminated by thirty days' written notice to either party by the other. The Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Co. : By (Signed) H. W. McMASTBR, Vice-President and General Manager. The Pittsbvn-gh & West Virginia Railway Co. and West Side Belt Railroad Co. By (Signed) J. G. CODE, General Manager. The Telegraphers: By (Signed) J. O. PEOPLES, General Chairman. Schedules and Wage Scales. 647 WAGE SCALE. CLEVELAND DIVISION. Rate Per Station and Position. Month. Cleveland (XN>, telegrapher $95.00 (DS>, telegrapher 75.00 Coal Docks, first trick telegrapher.... 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 82.50 Third trick telegrapher 82.50 93rd St., first trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Bedford, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Falls Jet., agent and telegrapher 75.00 Chagrin Falls, agent and telegrapher. 80.00 Twinsburg, agent and telegrapher.... 75.00 Night telegrapher 70.00 Moran, agent and telegrapher 70.00 Kent, first trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Mogadore, first trick telegrapher 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Congress Lake, telegrapher 70.00 Telegrapher 70.00 Hartville, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Ivliddlebranch, agent and telegrapher. 77.50 Canton Yard, first trick telegrapher.. 77.50 Second trick telegrapher 77.50 Third trick telegrapher 77.50 Navarre, agent and telegrapher 85.00 Run Jet., first trick telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 80.00 Justus, telegrapher and clerk 72.50 Beach City, agent and telegrapher.... 72.50 Dundee, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Barr, agent and telegrapher 70.00 Sugar Creek, agent 77.50 Telegrapher and clerk 70.00 Baltic, agent and telegrapher 77.50 Chili, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Fresno, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Coshocton, telegrapher and clerk 72.50 Dresden, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Ellis, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Zanesville, telegrapher and clerk 72.50 Osnaburg, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Minerva Jet., telegrapher and pumper 70.00 Minerva, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Carrollton, telegrapher and clerk 70.00 Dell Roy, agent and telegrapher 72.50 TOLEDO DIVISION. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Toledo (MC), day telegrapher $ 72.50 Ironville, first trick telegrapher 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 82.50 Third trick telegrapher 82.50 Curtice, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Williston, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Trowbridge, agent and telegrapher... 75.00 Limestone, agent and telegrapher.... 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 70.00 Third trick telegrapher 70.00 Oak Harbor, agent 80.00 Telegrapher and clerk 70.00 Kingsway, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Porter, night telegrapher 70.00 Fremont, telegrapher and clerk 75.00 Clyde, agent 80.00 Day telegrapher 70.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Bellevue (V), first trick telegrapher. .$ 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Monroeville, agent 80.00 Telegrapher and clerk 70.00 Norwalk Yard, first trick telegrapher. SO. 00 Second trick telegrapher 80.00 Third trick telegrapher 80.00 Huron Jet., first trick telegrapher 77.50 Second trick telegrapher 77.50 Third trick telegrapher 77.50 Milan, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Huron, telegrapher and clerk 80.00 So. Yard, night telegrapher 70.00 Hartland, agent 77.50 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Clarksfield, agent and telegrapher. . . . 75.00 Miner, night telegrapher 70.00 Brighton, agent and telegrapher 75.00 So. Lorain, day telegrapher 75.00 Spencer, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Lodi, first trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Smithville, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Orrville Jet., first trick telegrapher... 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Dalton, agent and telegrapher 75.90 Massillon, telegrapher and clerk 70.00 Brewster (BX), first trick telegrapher 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 82.50 Third trick telegrapher 82.50 (D), manager wire chief teleg 90.00 Night wire chief telegrapher 87.50 Telegrapher 85.00 Telegrapher 85.00 Telegrapher 85.00 Harmon, first trick telegra.pher 82.50 Second trick telegrapher 82.50 Third trick telegrapher 82.50 Bolivar, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Zoar, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Dewey, night telegrapher 70.00 Valley Jet., agent 90.00 Day telegrapher 72.50 Somerdale, agent and telegrapher 77.50 New Cumberland, agent and teleg 77.50 Sherrodsville, agent 80.00 First trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Bowerston, agent 80.00 Telegrapher and clerk 72.50 Scio, agent 77.50 Jewett, agent 80.00 First trick telegrapher 72.50 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Pittsburgh Jet., day telegrapher 70.00 Adena, agent 85.00 First trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Provident, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Neff, agent telegrapher and pumper. . 80.00 Trolls, agent telegrapher and pumper 80.00 Long Run, day telegrapher 70.00 Pine Valley, first trick telegrapher. . 77.50 Second trick telegrapher 77.50 Third trick telegrapher 77.50 648 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Warrenton, agent and telegrapher $ 80.00 Second trick telegrapher 72.50 Third trick telegrapher 72.50 Yorkville, agent and telegrapher . 85.00 Terminal' Jet., second trick telegrapher 75.00 Brilliant, agent and telegrapher 72.50 Mingo Yard, first trick telegrapher 75.00 Second trick telegrapher 75.00 Third trick telegrapher 75.00 Relief agent 110.00 Relief agent 110.00 Brewster, C. C. to chief dispatcher.. 92.50 THE PITTSBURGH & WEST VIRGINIA RAILWAY COMPANY, WEST SIDE BELT RAILROAD COMPANY. Rate per Station and Position. Month. Hopedale, Ohio, agent and teleg $ 77.50 Second trick telegrapher and clerk 72.50 Third trick telegrapher and clerk. 72.50 Smithfield, Ohio, agent and teleg 75.00 Rate per Station and Position. Month. Minge, Ohio, first trick teleg. and elk. $75.00 Second trick telegrapher and clerk 75.00 Third trick telegrapher and clerk. 75.00 Penowa, Pa., agent and telegrapher. . . 75.00 Avella, Pa., agent and telegrapher. . . . 85.00 Second trick telegrapher and clerk 72.50 Hickory, Pa., agent and telegrapher. . 75.00 Gwendolen, Pa., agent and telegrapher 75.00 Bridgeville, Pa., agent and telegrapher 77.50 Carnegie, Pa., agent and telegrapher. . 70.00 Rook, Pa., agent and telegrapher 80.00 Second trick telegrapher and clerk 72.50 Third trick telegrapher and clerk. 72.50 BJ Tower, first trick teleg. and lev. . . 75.00 Second trick teleg. and leverman. 75.00 Third trick teleg. and leverman.. 75.00 Pittsburgh, telegrapher 90.00 West Liberty, agent and telegrapher.. 80.00 Castle Shannon, agent and telegrapher 82.50 Longview, agent and telegrapher 75.00 Bruceton, agent and telegrapher 80.00 piairton, agent and telegrapher 105.00 Mifflin, agent and telegrapher 80.00 Relief agent 110.00 Winnipeg Joint Terminals (EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 1917.) The following rules and wages will govern the block operators and switch tenders (combined position) on the Winnipeg Joint Terminals: ARTICLE I. All employes assigned by proper authority to service in the block and switchtenders' stations (combined position) of the Winnipeg Joint Terminals will be considered block operators and switchtenders (combined posi- tion) within the meaning of this agreement and are so-called herein. ARTICLE II. (a) The right of promotion of block oper- ators and switchtenders (combined position) will extend over the Winnipeg Joint Ter- minals, and will be governed by merit, fit- ness and ability; where these are sufficient the senior employes in the service will be given the preference. (b) Seniority of employes in this .service will date from the time they last entered the service of Winnipeg Joint Terminals. (c) In case of reduction in the number of employes in this service the junior employe will first be dispensed with. If their serv- ices were satisfactory, they will on applica- tion get a reference from the manager. (d) A complete list of all employes in this service of the Winnipeg Joint Terminals, showing their seniority standing, will be kept on file in the general yard office, open to inspection of all employes concerned. This list will be subject to correction on proper representation from any such employe con- cerned, and a copy corrected to date will be furnished the committee at the beginning of each year. ARTICLE in. No such employe shall be suspended (ex- cept for investigation), discharged or disci- phned until his case has first been investi- gated and he has been proven guilty of the offense charged against him, the decision to be arrived at within three days of such suspension. If an employe is found blame- less in matter under investigation, he will be paid at the schedule rates for time lost, and be reinstated. If detained more than three days awaiting such investigation at the company's instance, he will be paid schedule wages for the time in excess of three days whatever the decision may be. A written statement setting forth the results of an investigation and the reasons thereof will be furni.shed by the company to the local board of adjustment if reaue.sted by it. ARTICLE IV. Employes .serving on boards of adjustment representing other employes will be relieved without imnecessary delay. ARTICLE V. Employes attending court or investigation at the request of the proper official of the company, on presentation of receipted bills, will have their extra expenses paid by the company in addition to their schedule wages. ARTICLE VI. An employe leaving the service of the company will on request at manager's office within five days be furnished with a certifi- cate by the proper official, stating term or terms of service, capacities in which em- ployed, and whether discharged or leaving the service of his own accord. If discharged, cause of dismissal will be stated. If detained Schedules and Wage Scales. 649 more than five days awaiting such certificate he will be paid schedule wages for all time in excess of five days. ARTICLE VII. The company will keep offices in good repair. Employes must keep such offices and their surroundings clean. ARTICLE VIII. (a) At offices where one or more block operators and switchtenders (combined posi- tion) are employed, ten consecutive hours shall constitute a day's work. (b) Overtime will be computed pro rata on schedule wages based on twenty-six days per month. (c) Block operators and switchtenders (combined position) required to work more than twenty- six days per month will be paid extra pro rata on schedule salaries for such service based on twenty-six days per month. (d) Employes who have been continuously in this service four years or more for the Winnipeg Joint Terminals, will be granted two weeks' of absence each >ear with f u 11 pay. ARTICLE IX. If an employe considers himself overtaxed his statement in writing to that effect to the proper ofTicial will be carefully considered, and if well founded relief will be granted. ARTICLE X. Application may be made direct tp the manager for general revision of schedule. ARTICLE XI. Minimum monthly wages for combined po- sition of block operator and switchtender will be $80.00. ARTICLE XII. There will be no change in the foregoing rules and rates of pay except on thirty days' notice. M. B. MURPHY, Terminals Manager. F. H. SAVAGE, W. P. "V\''ATSON, J. H. BOUCHER, Committee. Yazoo & Mississippi Valley ARTICLE I. Employes Included. 1. All employes performing the duties of a telegrapher, except train dispatchers, whether termed operator, agent operator or otherwise; also station agents and levermen, specified in the schedule of wages, will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of these articles. 2. Telephone operators whose duties in- clude the handling of train orders, or the blocking of trains by telephone; also agent telephoners and telephone message operators specified in the scliedule of wages, will be considered telegraphers within the meaning of these articles. No employes other than those covered by this schedule of wages and train dispatchers will be permitted to handle train orders at places where telegraphers are located, except in emergency, in which case the telegrapher will be paid for the call. Train dispatchers shall reiwrt to chief dispatchers all orders so issued, and the telegrapher entitled to the call shall be notified. ARTICLE II. Promotions — Vacancies — Seniority. 1. Telegraphers will be regarded as in line for promotion, advancement depending on faithful, intelligent and courteous discharge of duty and capacity for greater responsi- bility Where these are svifficient. seniority will govern. 2. When a vacancy occurs, or a new posi- tion is created, telegraphers will be notified within five (5) days by bulletin, and vacancy or new position filled within twenty-five (25) days, in accordance with section 1 of this article. The successful applicant to be al- lowed the higher rate of pay of the two offices after expiration of twenty-five (25) days, until transfer is made. Telegraphers, must file application within ten (10) days of the date of the bulletin. The proper official shall acknowledge receipt of all applications by letter notice, specify- ing the successful applicant, copy of which shall be sent the local chairman. 3. Temporary positions or vacancies of thirty (30j days, or over, where total com- pensation is sixty dollars ($60.00) or more, will be bulletined as such and filled in accordance with section 2 of this article, the succesful applicant's position to be filled by the oldest competent telegrapher on the extra list. The senior extra telegrapher shall have preference of all extra work, if available and competent; but if filling a vacancy at the time a junior telegrapher is assigned, the junior telegrapher may hold the position for a period of ten (10) days from the time he commenced work on the position, when he can be displaced by the senior telegrapher. 4. Seniority list of telegraphers will be furnished by the superintendent to an em- ploye dCFignated by the telegraphers in Jan- uary and July of each year. 5. Telegraphers permanently transferred from cne division to another will be consid- ered as new men on the division to which they go, and will rank accordingly. 6. When telegraphers are transferred, and after a fair trial are found incompetent, they will be placed on the extra list, but will retain their seniority. 7. A telegrapher declining to accept pro- motion does not forfeit seniority. S. When positions are abolished or the force reduced, the telegrapher relieved, which in the case of reduction of force shall be the youngest man In the service In that 650 Schedules and Wage Scales. particular office, shall have the privilege of asserting- his seniority rights to any schedule position on the division, and will be Required to select some position within thirty (30) days or go on the extra list; provided that he shall not displace any telegrapher who has been in the service over three years. The man displaced by him to assert his Nseniority for position held by any junior telegrapher in point of service and so on iintil the youngest man is relieved, or dis- placed men cease to assert the privilege. 9. Whenever a telegrapher on a division accepts a non-schedule position, or is granted leave of absence without impair- ment of rights, a record shall be made in the superintendent's office and a copy fur- nished local chairman. If such telegrapher does not return to a schedule position within six (6> months, he will forfeit his seniority rights. This rule will not be applicable to telegra- phers absent on account of sickness, nor to the general chairman and general secretary and treasurer of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers. 10. Except as per section 8, seniority will only be effective when vacancies occur, or new positions are created, and trading posi- tions will not be permitted. ARTICLE III. Discipline — Grievance — Appeal. 1. Telegraphers will not be disciplined or discharged from the service without just cause and until after a fair and impartial investigation. When wanted for investiga- tion the telegrapher shall be given sufficient advance notice, stating specific charges; If suspended pending investigation, they shall be given a hearing within ten (10) days before the board of inquiry, -as now consti- tuted, and, when practicable, the superin- tendent will be present. If, after investiga- tion, telegraphers be fovmd not at fault, they shall receive full pay for the time lost. The result of investigation shall be made known within ten (10) days. 2. All grievances which may exist must be taken up with the superintendent in writing within thirty (30) days after occurrence. 3. In the event that any grievance cannot be satisfactorily adjusted with the superin- tendent, the telegraphers shall have the right to appeal to the general superintendent and from him to the general manager. 4. Telegraphers reporting direct to the superintendent of telegraph shall have the light to appeal to the general manager. 5. A telegrapher called in for investigation may be accompanied by a telegrapher of his choice, in the employ of the company, and they may remain throughout the entire hear- ing if they so desire. ARTICLE IV. Service Record Letter. Telegraphers who have been in the service sixty (60) days or more, will, when leaving the service, be furnished, upon request, a letter from the proper official stating term of service, capacity in which employed, and whether discharged or leaving the service of their own accord. ARTICLE V. Emergency Work. Telegraphers performing duties at wrecks, washouts, slides, snow blockades or other similar emergency office, will receive a min- imum of $2.75 per day of eight (8) hours or less, and overtime at regular overtime rates, and actual expenses while away from home. Time to be computed from time they start until they return, except for such time as they may be relieved from duty. ARTICLE VI. Hours of Service — Rest — Meal Hours. 1. At offices where but one telegrapher is employed, except as provided in section 3, ten (10) consecutive hours, cominencing be- tween 6:30 and 8:30 a. m. or p. m. and including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. 2. At offices where two telegraphers are (mployed, except as provided in section 3, and they both work days, ten (10) consecu- tive hours, commencing between 6 :30 and 7:30 a. m. and including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. At offices where two telegraphers are em- ployed, covering a period of more than thir- teen hours per day, and they both handle train orders, eight (8) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. At offices where two telegraphers are em- ployed, ten (10) consecutive hours, com- inencing between 6:30 and 7:30 a. m. for day telegraphers and between 6 :30 and 7 :30 p. m. for night telegrapher, and including meal hour, will constitute a day's work. (At an office where an exclusive agent or an exclusive leverman, or both, and an oper- ator are employed, the operator is under section 2, paragraph 1 or 3.) (At an office where an exclusive agent or an exclusive leverman and two operators are employed, the operators are under sec- tion 2, paragraph 2.) 3. Twelve (12) consecutive hours, includ- ing meal hour, will constitute a day's work for exclusive levermen. Eleven (11) consecutive hours or less, as indicated in the wage scale, including meal hour, "will constitute a day's work for exclu- sive agents. (Exclusive agents are those designated in the schedule as agent, and do not include those designated as agent operator.) 4. At offices where three or more telegra- phers are employed, exclusive of those cov- ered by section 3, eight (8) consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. First trick to commence at or between 7:00 and 8:00 o'clock a. m. (This does not apply to offices covered by section 5.) 5. Eight (8) consecutive hours will consti- tute a day's work for telegraphers in "GO" office. Memphis. 6. Eight (8) consecutive hours will consti- tute a day's work for telegraphers in dis- patchers' offices. 7. Nine (9) consecutive hours, including meal hour, will constitute a day's work for telephone message operators. 8. Seven (7) hours' service will constitute a day's work for telegraphers working split tricks at any office. No trick will be split more than once. Schedules and Wage Scales. 651 9. Telegraphers, except those working nine (9; consecutive hours, or less, per day, will be allowed one (1) hour for meals between 11:30 and 2:00 o'clock, day or night. If on account of wire work, or meeting or blocking trains, their time is curtailed, one (1) hour overtime will be allowed, and if regular meal is missed, thirty (30j minutes for lunch will be allowed at first opportunity. 10. If telegraphers are required to meet trains or deliver train orders within one (1^ hour after expiration of their regular hours, they will receive thirty-five (35> cents (or pro rata if schedule wage is higher) for such service, remaining on duty one (1) hour if necessary, and if detained more than one (1) hour will receive overtime thereafter. 11. At one-man stations, where the teleg- rapher is employed night.s, a similar arrange- ment will be effective. 12. After sixteen (16) consecutive hours' service, telegraphers will be allowed eight hours' rest. ARTICLE YU. Overtime — Extra Calls. 1. The regular overtime rate at all offices, except "GO" office, Memphis, will be thirty- five (35) cents per hour, at "GO" office, Memphis, it will be fifty (50) cents per hour. If schedule ^vage is higher, overtime will be paid pro rata. Regular overtime rate for telephone message operators will be thirty- five (35) cents per hour. 2. Telegraphers required by superintend- ent, train dispatcher or chief dispatcher to remain on duty, for any purpose, in excess of their regulai' established hours will be paid overtime. 3. Telegraphers called or instructed to come on duty by competent authority outside of regular established hours, except as pT-o- vided in section 10 of Article VI, will be allowed sixty-five (65) cents for the service and first hour, and regular overtime there- after. 4. In computing overtime, thirty (30) min- utes or over will not be counted. Over thirty (30) minutes and up to one hour and thirty minutes (1 hour and 30 minutes) will be counted one hour. ARTICLE VIII. Attending Court. Telegraphers attending court at request of the company shall be allowed net compensa- tion w'hich would have been earned by them at their station, with necessary expenses while they are away from home. ARTICLE IX. Investigation. When telegraphers lose time on account of investigation of any cause for which they are not at fault, they will be paid for time lost. ARTICLE X. Transfer — Transportation. 1. Telegraphers transferred by order of the company, or to accept bulletined positions, will be furnished with free transportation for themselves, their families, and household goods, and will suffer no loss of pay. 2. When granted leave of absence, the out- going and incoming telegraphers will each be paid for the full day of fii-st transfer. On return transfer, only the outgoing teleg- rapher will be paid. 3. Telegraphers desiring to be checked in- after leave of absence will give the superin- tendent at least five (5) days' advance no- tice, and if check is delayed thereafter, will receive pay for such additional time as they are held out of the service. ARTICLE XI. Operating Pumps. Telegraphers who ai'e required to operate gasoline pumps will receive $12.50 per month extra compensation. Where it is practicable to do so, telegraphers will be relieved from this work. ARTICLE XII. Cleaning Battery, Station, Etc. 1. Telegraphers shall not be required to clean main or local battery at stations where more than ten (10) cells are used. 2. Telegraphers shall not be required to scrub floors, wash windows, or clean out- buildings, but will see that their stations are kept neat and clean. ARTICLE XIII. Attending Interlocking or Switch Lights. 1. At stations where section men reside or porters or helpers are employed, telegraphers will not be required to attend interlocking or switch lights, but they will see that they are kept burning. 2. At stations where telegraphers are re- quired to care for interlocking or switch lights they will be allowed seventy-flve (75) cents per light per month. ARTICLE XIV. Students. Telegraphers will not be required to teach telegraphy nor admit students to their offices nor v/ill telegraphers teach telegraphy with- out permis.sion from the company. ARTICLE XV. Discrimination. Telegraphers will not be discriminated against foi- service on the board of adjust- ment. ARTICLE XVI. Returning Service Cards and Letters of Recommendation. Telegraphers employed by the company will, upon application, have returned to them all service cards and letters of recom- mendation which may have been taken up for inspection. ARTICLE XVIL New Positions — Compensation. 1. When additional positions are created, the compensation will be fixed in conformity with positions of similar class provided for in this schedule. 2. AVhen nn agent telegrapher's position covered by this schedule becomes a non- telegraph station the rate of pay will not be reduced. ARTICLE XVIIL Sunday and Holiday Work. 1. Telegraphers shall be excused from Sun- day and holiday duties as much as the con- ditions of business will permit. 652 Schedules and Wage Scales. 2. Telegraphers in offices under the juris- diction of superintendent of telegraph, re- quired to work on Sunday or a holiday, will be paid pro rata for all Sunday and holiday work. All such work to be consecutive. Holidays referred to are: New Year's, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. 3. Telegraphers in offices other than those covered by section 2, required to work on Sunday, will be paid pro rata for such serv- ice. Sunday service shall be arranged in not to exceed two periods within the spread of the weekday hours and with a minimum of one hour for each time they report. 4. The Sunday hours will be assigned and not subject to temporary, changes ; for all service performed outside of such assigned hours, overtime will be allowed as per over- time rules. ARTICLE XIX. Minimum Rate of Relief Agent. The salary of relief agents shall not be less than $100.00 per month. Wben relieving at stations where the regular rate is higher, the higher rate will be paid. When the posi- tion is created on a division it shall be bulletined and filled in accordance with sec- tions 1 and 2 of Article II. • ARTICLE XX. Relief Work. Regular assigned telegraphers wlio are re- quired to perform releif work, and in conse- quence thereof suffer a reduction in their regular compensation, will be paid an amount sufficient to reimburse them for such loss, and in all cases will be allowed $1.00 per day for expenses while away from their regular assigned stations. ARTICLE XXI. Commissions. At stations where ticket, express or tele- graph coinmissions are being paid, no reduc- tion in the percentage will be made except on thirty days' notice, and by agreement between both parties. ARTICLE XXII. U. S. Mall. At stations where tlie United States mail is so heavy as to require additional expense to handle same, the company will assume said expense. ARTICLE XXIII. Annual Leave of Absence. Telegraphers working ten (10) hours or more, and those employed at "GO" office, Memphis, will be allowed fifteen (15) days' leave of absence annually without loss of pay. If the company finds it inconvenient to grant the aforesaid leave of absence dur- ing any year to a telegrapher entitled to it under this rule, the telegrapher shall at his option receive compensation at his regular salary rate for the leave of absence period to which he may be entitled, or in the next following year shall receive additional leave of absence for a like period. It is mutually agreed that at stations where ticket com- missions are paid, that such commissions shall be considered a part of the salary. ARTICLE XXIV. Company Furnish Copy of Schedules. Each telegrapher shall be furnished by the company with a copy of this schedule and all amendments and supplements thereto. ARTICLE XXV. Expiration of Agreement. There shall be no change in these rules and rates of pay except upon thirty (30) days' notice. A. E. CLIFT, General Manager. For the Telegraphers: L. M. ELLIOTT, Chairman. J. S. LEVI, Secretary. WAGE SCALE. General Office. Rato per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Memphis (GO), chief operator 8 $137.50 Assistant chief operator 8 122.50 Assistant chief operator 8 122.50 Operator 8 112.50 Operator , 8 110.00 Operator 8 110.00 Other operators 8 100.00 Telephone message operator.. *9 60.00 MEMPHIS DIVISION. Clarksdale District. Rato per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Nonconnah, first operator 8 $lt)0.00 Second operator 8 100.00 Third operator ". 8 100.00 Lakeview, agent operator 10 . 77.50 Walls, agent operator 10 75.00 Lake Cormorant, agent operator.. 10 , 75.00 First operator leverman 8 97.00 Second operator leverman 8 97.00 Third operator leverman 8 97.00 Robinsonville, agent operator 10 85.00 Hollywood, agent operator 10 74.00 Tunica, agent operator 10 80.00 Operator clerk 10 95.00 Clayton, agent operator.. 10 70.00 Dundee, agent operator 10 80.00 Lula, agent 10 115.00 First operator 8 90.00 Second operator 8 87.00 Third operator 8 87.00 Coahoma, agent operator 10 80.00 Day operator 10 90.00 Clover Hill, agent operator 10 67.50 Lyon, agent 10 46.50 Clarksdale, ticket agent 11 122.00 First operator 8 100.00 Second operator 8 97.50 Third operator 8 97.50 Alligator, agent H 42.50 Duncan, agent operator 10 75.00 Shelby, agent operator 10 86.00 Operator clerk 10 95.00 Merigold, agent operator 10 87.50 Tallahatchie District. Banks, agent operator 10 $ 72.00 Prichard, agent operator 8 80.00 Second operator 8 87.00 Third operator 8 87.00 Schedules and Wage Scales. 653 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Savage, agent opei-ator 10 $ 80.00 Sarah, agent operator 10 85.00 Crenshaw, agent operator 8 HO. 00 Second operator 8 87.00 Third operator 8 87.00 Sledge, agent operator 10 80.00 Darling, agent operator 10 76.50 Marks, agent operator 10 92.00 Lambert, agent 10 85.00 First operator 8 94.00 Second operator 8 92.00 Third operator 8 92.00 %'ance, agent operator 10 77.00 Tutwiler, agent 10 80.00 First operator 8 96.00 Second operator 8 93.50 Third operator 8 93.50 Sumner, agent operator 10 85.00 Webb, agent operator 10 77.00 Swan Lake, agent operator 8 80.00 Second operator 8' 90.00 .Third operator 8 87.00 Glendora, agent operator 10 77.00 Minter City, agent operator 10 95.00 Philipp, agent operator 10 75.00 First operator 8 90.00 Second operator 8 87.00 Third operator 8 87.00 Money, agent operator... ...10 72.00 (rreenwood, first operator 8 100.00 Second operator 8 97.50 Third operator 8 97.50 Sidon, agent operator 10 77.00 Cruger, agent operator 8 70.00 Second operator 8 90.00 Third operator 8 87.00 Tchula, agent operator ......10 85.00 Day operator clerk ..10 90.00 Greenwood District. Tlolcomh. agent operator 10 $ 82.50 Tchula District. Tjcxhigton, agent operator 10 $ 95.00 Day operator clerk ...'....10 87.50 Charleston District. Charleston, agent operator 10 $ 77.00 Ktfie, agent operator 10 59.00 Macel, agent operator ■ 10 59.00 Sunflower District. Mattson, agent operator 10 $85.00 Dublin, agent operator 10 75.00 Rome, agent operator 10 72.50 Parchman. agent operator 10 77.50 Drew, agent operator 10 77.00 Ruleville. agent oeprator 10 77.00 Doddsville. agent operator 10 85.00 Blaine, agent 11 46.00 Sunflower, agent operator 10 75.00 Moorhead, agent operator 10 100.00 Inverness, agent operator 10 75.00 Isola, .agent operator 10 75.00 Belzoni. agent operator 10 102.00 Silvpr City, agent operator 10 64.00 Helena District. Jonestown, agent 11 $ 80.00 Helena, operator ticket clerk 10 102.50 Relief agent 100.00 VICKSBURG DIVISION. Cleveland District. „ , Rato per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Cleveland, agent lO $150.00 P'irst operator 8 91.50 Second operator 8 91.50 Third operator 8 91.50 Boyle, agent operator 10 78.00 Shaw, agent operator 10 88.00 Operator cashier 10 100.00 Helm, agent operator 10 79.00 Elizabeth, agent operator 10 98.00 Leland, agent 10 110.00 Operator ticket clerk 8 101.50 Second operator 8 91.50 Third operator 8 91.50 Areola, agent operator 10 72.00 Hollandale, agent operator 10 80.00 Percy, agent operator 10 78.00 Nitta Yuma, agent operator 10 72.50 Anguilla, agent operator 10 69.00 RoHing Fork, agent 10 90.00 First operator 8 91.50 Second operator 8 91.50 Third operator 8 91.50 Gary, agent operator 10 81.00 Valley Park, agent operator 10 78.50 Floweree, day operator 10 85.00 Redwood, agent operator 10 81.00 Dirt Pit, day operator 10 85.00 Riverside District. Fi-iars Point, agent operator 10 $ 79.00 Stovall, agent operator 10 59.50 Farrell, agent operator 10 32.00 Sherard, agent operator 10 62.00 Green Grove, agent 11 42.00 Hillhouse, agent operator 10 67.00 Deeson, agent operator 10 73.00 Perthshire, agent operator 10 66.00 Gunnison, agent operator 10 74.00 Rosedale, agent operator 10 100.00 Operator cashier 10 100.00 Beulah, agent operator 10 72.00 Benoit, agent operator 10 76.50 Day operator 10 82.50 Scott, agent operator 10 85.00 Lamont, agent operator 10 80.00 Metcalfe, agent operator 10 69.00 Greenville, operator 8 100.00 Avon, agent operator 10 61.50 Erwin, agent operator 10 63.50 Hampton, agent operator 10 81.00 Glen Allen, agent 10 82.50 Grace, agent operator 10 76.00 Silver Creek District. Holly Bluff, agent operator 10 $ 62.50 Louise, agent operator 10 68.50 Midnight, agent operator 10 59.50 Kimball Lake District. Pace, agent operator 10 $ 65.00 Yerger Branch. Trail Lake, agent operator 10 $ 61.50 Tribbett, agent operator 10 53.00 NEW ORLEANS DIVISION Vicksburg District. Station arid Position. Vicksburg, day ticket agent opr. . . 8 Night ticket agent operator. . . 8 Rato per Hrs. Month. . . 8 $110.00 100.00 654 Schedules and Wage Scales. Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. (XN), first operator 8 $00.00 Second operator 8 90.00 Third operator 8 90.00 Cedars, agent operator 10 80.00 Yokena, agent operator 10 75.00 Allen, night operator 10 80.00 Port Gibson, agent 10 129.00 Day operator 10 90.00 Russum, agent operator 10 68.00 Lorman, agent operator 10 67.00 Harriston, agent 10 105.00 First operator 8 90.00 Second operator 8 90.00 Third operator 8 90.00 McNair, agent operator 10 78.00 Hamburg, agent operator 10 75.00 Roxie, agent operator 10 80.00 Knoxville, agent operator 10 71.00 Rosetta, agent operator 10 79.00 Stephenson, agent operator 10 90.00 Gloster, agent operator 10 95.00 First operator 8 85.00 Second operator 8 85.00 Third operator 8 85.00 Centerville, agent operator 10 72.00 Day operator 10 85.00 Norwood, agent operator 10 68.00 Wilson District. Wilson, agent operator 10 $115.00 (HD), operator 8 95.00 McManus, agent operator 10 67.00 Ethel, agent operator 10 90.00 Slaughter, agent operator 10 94.00 Zacharj^ agent operator 10 71.00 Baker, agent operator 10 69.00 Baton Rouge, first operator 8 95.00 Second operator 8 95.00 Third operator 8 95.00 St. Gabriel, agent operator 10 70.00 Geismar, agent operator 10 65.00 Burnside, agent operator 8 77.00 Second operator 8 85.00 Third operator 8 85.00 Convent, agent operator 10 63.00 Rate per Station and Position. Hrs. Month. Timberton, agent operator 10 $71.00 Lutcher, agent operator 10 57.00 Day operator 10 90.00 Gramercy, agent operator 10 75.00 Night operator 10 85.00 Garj-ville, agent operator 10 71.00 Day operator 10 90.00 Reserve, agent operator 10 63.00 First operator 8 85.00 Second operator 8 85.00 Third operator 8 85.00 La Place, agent operator 10 58.00 Destrehan, agent operator 10 90.00 St. Rose, agent operator 10 57.00 Natchez District. Raymond, agent operator 10 $ 69.00 Learned, agent operator 10 69.00 Utica, agent opei:ator 10 88.00 Day operator 10 85.00 Myles. agent operator 10 60.00. Carlisle, agent operator 10 58.00 Hermanville, agent operator 10 80.00 Pattison, agent operator 10 68.00 Red Lick, agent operator 10 59.00 Fayette, agent operator 10 88.00 Stampley, agent operator 10 60.00 Stanton, agent operator 10 60.00 Natchez, day ticket agent opr 8 107.00 Night ticket agent operator. . . 8 97.00 Clinton District. Clinton, agent operator 10 $80.00 Woodville District. Lindsay, agent operator 10 $60.00 Sara, agent operator 10 100.00 Woodville, agent operator 10 80.00 Baton Rouge District. Denham Springs, agent opera tor.. 10 $ 69.00 Corbin, agent operator 10 69.00 Doyle, agent operator 10 65.00 Albany, agent operator 10 20.75 Goodbee, agent operator 10 62.00 The Zanesville & Western Railway Company (EFFECTIVE IVIARCH 1, 1916.) (Superseding Agreement of .June 1, 1912.) ARTICLE I. AJl telegraph operators, telephone oper- ators and station agents specified in this schedule will be considered "telegraphers" within the meaning of these articles, irre- spective of the title by which designated or the character of service performed, and will be governed by the regulations and paid at the rates specified herein. When new posi- tions are created, the provisions of this pgreement will apply and the wages will be fixed to conform to positions of similar class. ARTICLE II. Etiiployes covered by this schedule will be regarcled in line of promotion and where ability is sufficient, according to the judg- ment of the proper officer of the railway company, seniority will prevail. Seniority rights will be effective when vacancies occur, or when new positions are created. Seniority rights will date from the last time of entering the service. Vacancies and new positions will be bulle- tined within ten (10) days to all offices on the division and will be filled in accordance with this article, and eligible employes will be given five (5) days in which to apply for same, and such positions will ordinarily be filled within thirty days. In the event of reduction of force, reten- tion in service will be governed by seniority, logpther with merit, capacity and qualifica- tions, based on the judgment of the proper officer of the company. Employes will retain their seniority on the extra list. Telegra- phers refusing promotion w'ill not lose sen- iority rights. Schedules and Wage Scales. 655 ARTICLE III. Should an employe regard the discipline imposed on him as unjust, he may submit a written statement of the facts and argu- ments to the general committee within one (1) month, and if in the judgment of the committee an injustice has been done, then the said coinmittee and the head of the em- ployes department shall jointly and fully consider the case. Should the committee fail to get a satis- factory decision from the head of the said employes department, the matter may be leferred to the general superintendent for his consideration. ARTICLE rV. (a) At stations where one man constitutes the station force, or office force, the regular hours, as far as practicable, will be from 7:00 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. Twelve hours, in- cluding meal hour, will constitute a day's work. The hours will be fixed by the super- intendent to begin between 5:30 and 8:30 a. m. or p. m. (b) At offices where two men are employed and eighteen-hour service maintained, nine consecutive hours will constitute a day's work. ' ' (c) At offices where three men are em- ployed, nine consecutive hours will consti- tute a day's work. ARTICLE V. When ordered by proper authority to re- main on duty for telegraphic service, or meeting trains, in excess of the regular num- ber of hours constituting a day's work, as provided for in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of Article IV, they will be paid overtime at the rate of thirty cents (30c) per" hour for such service. If called to the office after completing regular hours of service, as per paragraphs (a), (b) and c) of Article IV, they will be paid fifty-five cents (55c) for the call including the first hour, and thirty cents (30c) for each succeeding hour held on duty thereafter. In computing overtime, less than thirty (30) minutes will not be counted; thirty (30) minutes and less than sixty (60) minutes will be counted one hour. ARTICLE VI. Regularly assigned telegraph operators re- quired by the company to attend court or be absent from home on company business, will be allowed regualr pay, transportation and reasonable actual expenses, with a max- imum of $2.00 per day of twenty-four hours. All witness fees to go to the company. ARTICLE Vn. Telegraphers working more than nine hours per day will be allowed sixty minutes for meals, beginning between 11:00 and 1:00 o'clock, day and night. When this time can not he allowed, they will be paid one hour overtime for such meal hour. ARTICLE VIII. Telegraphers will be excused from Sunday duty as far as possible and no deduction will be made from their pay on that account. ARTICLE IX. Employes covered by this schedule will be granted leave of absence from time to time, provided such leave of absence does not interfere with the business of the company, and will be granted necessary transportation over the Z. & W. Railway. ARTICLE X. Employes coveted by this schedule trans- ferred by order of the company will be fur- nished free transportation for themselves, wholly dependent members of their families, and effects, and will be allowed regular pay while in transit and making transfer at the rate of pay from which transfer is made. ARTICLE XI. Employes covered by this schedule re- quired to handle switch lights will be paid one dollar ($1.00) per lamp per month for two, or less, lamps and fifty cents (50c) per lamp per month for each additional lamp. ARTICLE XII. Claims for overtime and extra compensa- tion must be made on blanks furnished for that purpose, or in writing, within forty- eight (48) hours after the service is per- foi-med. If for any reason overtime is not allowed, claimant will be promptly notified. ARTICLE XIII. Telegraphers will not be required to wear any uniform' except the regulation cap. ARTICLE XIV. A* revised seniority list will be furnished to telegraphers' committee during January and July of each year. ARTICLE XV. Where more than ten (10) cells of local battery are in use, employes, covered by this schedule will not be required to clean them. ARTICLE XVI. Employes covered by this schedule will be furnished with a copy of it. There will be no change in the foregoing rules, or the rates of pay shown in wage scale, except upon thirty (30) days' notice by either party. WAGE SCALE. Rate per Station and Position. Month. New Salem, agent and operator $ 60.00 Thornville, agent and operator 62.50 Glenford. agent and operator 66.00 Mt. Perry, agent and operator 60.00 White Cottage, agent and operator... 60.00 Darlington, first trick opr. and tower. 52.50 Second trick opr. and towerman.. 52.50 Third trick opr. and towerman... 52.50 South Zanesville, agent and operator. 62.50 Cannelville, agent and operator 56.50 Saltillo, agent and operator 66.00 Tropic, agent and operator 65.00 Sayre, agent and opera,tor 62.50 Drakes, operator and clerk 67.50 Hemlock, agent and operator 56.50 Shawnee, agent and operator 70.00 The Zanesville & Western Railway Co. : By C. L. GARDNER. Superintendent. For the Telegraphers: C. B. MOORE, F. C. SOLIDAY, Columbus, Ohio, March 1, 1916. 656 Express Agreements. Agreements With Express Companies AdamsExpress Company Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad. Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad of Indiana. ARTICLE I. Effective. September 1, 1916, the following rules and rates of pay will govern agents who act jointly for the Adams Express Com- pany and the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway and the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway of In- diana. ARTICLE II. A commission of ten per cent (10%) will be paid agents on all Adams Express business handled. A commission of ten per cent (10%) will be paid on all Southern Express business handled. Commission agents will be paid ten per cent (10%) on one-half of the gross business done with other express companies. When it is necessary to incur expense of wagon service, office rent, transfer between trains, etc., allowance may be made as may bo agreed upon. When the commissions do not exceed seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) per month, a guarantee of seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) per month will be paid. When the commissions exceed seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) per month, and do not exceed ten dollars ($10.00) per month, a guarantee of ten dollars ($10.00) per month will be paid. ARTICLE III. At points where agents are required to transfer express matter to or from other lines or trains, they will be paid the follow- ing salaries for such service in addition to their regular commissions: Bremo, Va $ 15.00 Warren, Va 125^*^ Balcony Falls, Va 22.50 Eagle Mountain, Va 22.50 Ronceverte, W. Va 160.00 Durbin, W. Va.> 15.00 Quinnimont, W. Va 60.00 Gauley, W. Va 25.00 Paint Creek Jet., W. Va 35.00 Logan, W. Va 20.00 Shelby, Ky 20.00 Beaver Creek, Ky 20.00 Elk Horn City, Ky 20.00 Meadow Creek, W. Va. (at C. & O. platform) 17.50 AKTICLE IV. Agents will be paid thirty-three and one- third per cent (33 14%) on all money order fees collected and money orders sold, and ten per cent (10%) on money orders issued in making returns on paid C. O. D.'s. ARTICLE V. Any commission due agents on error let- ters will be allowed or deductions made, as the case may be. ARTICLE VI. Agents win not be required to contri- bute to the employes' liability fund. ARTICLE VII. Agents required to attend court on ac- count of the Adams Express Company will be allowed six dollars ($6.00) per day for such service. ARTICLE VIII. Upon application to superintendent agents will be furnished a reasonable number of paster franks covering personal ex- press shipments over the line of the Adams Express Company. Agents will be expected to render loyal assistance in advancing the interests of the Adams Express Company, observe its rules and be prompt in rendering reports and settlements. ARTICLE IX. All controversies arising between the Adams Express Company and its agents herein represented, which cannot be satis- factorily adjusted otherwise, may be re- ferred to the superintendent and chairman of the express agents' committee for ad- justment. ARTICLE X. Joint railway and express agencies herein represented will not be separated unless mu- tually agreed between the company and the committee representing the express agents. ARTICLE XI. . This memorandum of arrangements to remain in effect subject to thirty (30) days' notice to be given in writing by either party. For Adams Express Company: By F. A. VAN DENBERG, Supt. By A. D. BROSIUS, Supt. By C. F. BARRETT, Supt. For Adams Express Agents: By H. S. SHUEY, Chairman Express Committee. Approved: L. E. HICKS. General Chairman. The Virginian Railway. ARTICLE I. Effective September 1st, 1917, the follow- ing rules and rates of pay will govern agents who act jointly for the Adams Ex- press Company and the Virginian Railway Company: ARTICLE II. A commission of ten per cent (10%) will be paid agents on all Adams Express busi- ness handled. A commission of ten per cent (10%) will be paid on all Southern Express business handled. Commission agents will be paid ten per cent (10%) on one-half of the gross busi- ness done with other express companies. Express Agreements. 657 AVhen it is necessary to incur expense of wagon service, office rent, transfer between trains, etc., allowance may be made as may be agreed upon. When the commissions do not exceed seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) per month, a guarantee of seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) per month will be paid. When the commissions exceed seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) per month, and do not exceed ten dollars ($10.00) per month, a guarantee of ten dollars ($10.00) per month will be paid. ARTICLE in. At points where agents are required to transfer express matter to or from other lines or trains, they will be paid the fol- lowing salaries for such service in addition to their regular commission: Station. Per Month. AltaVista, Va $ 12.50 Bishop, W. Va 10.00 Jarratt, Va 12.50 Matoaka. W, Va 35.00 Mullens, W. Va 35.00 ARTICLE IV. Agents will be paid thirty-three and one- third per cent (33%%) on all money order fees collected on money orders sold, and ten per cent (10%) on money orders issued in making returns on paid C. O. D.'s. ARTICLE V. Any commission due agents on error let- ters will be allowed or deduction made, as th« case may be. ARTICLE VI. Agents will not be required to contribvite to the employes' liability fund. ARTICLE VII. Agents required to attend court on ac- count of the Adams Express Company will be allowed six dollars ($6.00) per day for such service. ARTICLE VIII. Upon application to superintendent, agents will be furnished a reasonable number of paster franks to cover shipments of purely a personal nature over the lines of the Adams Express Company. The Adams Ex- press Company, through its superintendent, reserves the right to pass on the number of franks issued and also as to whether the shipment conies within the meaning of personal. Agents will be expected to render loyal assistance in advancing the interests of the Adams Express Company, observe its rules and be prompt in rendering reports and set- tlements. ARTICLE IX. All controversies arising between the Adams Express Company and its agents herein represented, which cannot be satis- factorily adjusted otherwise, may be re- ferred to the superintendent and chairman of the express ag-ents' committee for ad- justment. ARTICLE X. Joint railway and express agencies herein represented will not be separated unless mutually agreed between the company and the committee representing the express agents. ARTICLE XI. This memorandum of arrangements to re- main in effect for one year from September 1, 1917, and to continue in effect thereafter subject to thirty (30) days' notice, to be given in writing by either party. For Adams Express Company: (Signed) F. A. VAN DENBERGH, Superintendent. For Adams Express Agents: (Signed) H. W. HIX. Canadian Express Company CANADIAN GOVERNMENT LINES. Memorandum of agreement between the Canadian Express Company and its agents on the Canadian Government Railways, known as the Intercolonial Railway and Prince Edward Island Railway, effective May 1st, 1914. ARTICLE I. The following rules and schedule of com- missions are hereby agreed 'to for agents on the Canadian Government Railways, known as the Intercolonial Railway and Prince Edward Island Railway (who also act as commission agents of the Canadian Express Company), except in cases where .special, or extra, services are performed, such as collection and delivery by vehicle, or transfer at junction points. At such points the express company may readjust the ex- isting arrangements so as to apply the agreed schedule rates of commission for the ordinary express work, and in addition thereto a specific sum per month to cover such special, or extra, work as may be from time to time agreed to with the superin- tendent of the express company. ARTICLE II. Montreal and East, on or reached over Canadian Gov. Rys., outwards 15% Montreal and East, on or reached over Canadian Gov. Rys., inwards 10% South and West of Montreal to Detroit, Pt. Huron & No. Bay, outwards 10% South and West of Montre9,l to Detroit, Pt. Huron & No. Bay. inwards 10% West and North of North Bay 5% On foreign business the agreed rate of commission to the transfer point on one- half of through charges. Carload Shipments: When shipments are made in carloads, loaded by shipper, or un- loaded by consignee, commission will be al- lowed on one-half the charges, but not to exceed three dollars ($3.00) per car. ARTICLE III. A minimum compensation of thirty-three and one-third per cent (33%%) of the com- pany's charges collected will be paid on all money orders, except as provided in clause Article IV. 658 Express Agreements. ARTICLE IV. A minimum compensation of ten per cent (10%; will be paid on all charges on money orders issued in payment of C. O. D.'s and collections. Canadian Express Company, By JOHN PULLEN, President. On Behalf of Agents: R. A. MCMILLAN, Actg. Chairm., J. J. TRUENOR, GEO. MORIN, Committee. Montreal, May 11th, 1914. Canadian Northern Express Company Canadian Northern Railway. Rules and rates of commission for railway telegraphers taking effect January 1st, 1917. The following rules and rates of commis- sion will govern the railway express agents on the Canadian Northern Railway System, commission to be computed on "our charges" only : (1) 10% on traffic between offices of this company east of but not including Port Ar- thur, Ont. (2) 10% on traffic between offices of this company west of anc including; Por i Arthui Ont. (3) 5% on traffic between offices of this company, one of which is west of Port Ar- thur (inclusive) and the other east thereof. (4) Foreign business: 2^/^% on through waybills to or from offices of other express companies. (5) Carload shipments: A maximum commission of $3.00 per car when shipments are made in carload lots and loaded by .s^hippers. (6) Paid C. O. D.'s and collections: When returns are made by money order a com- mission of 10% of the return charge will be allowed: Note: Commissions on paid C. O. D.'s and collection charges will be taken credit for on money order report. (7) Agents at the undermentioned trans- fer points will receive the following monthly allowances for transfer serviced Aldred Jet. (when transfer is made)..$ 2.50 Bannockburn 2.50 Brockville Jet 10.00 Tweed 2.50 Yarker '. . . . 10.00 Garneau Jet 10.00 Avonlea .- 5.00 Belmont 5.00 Big Valley 3.50 Camrose 5.00 Canora 6.00 Dalmeny -. 3.00 Emerson Jet 5.00 Greenway 3.00 Hallboro 5.00 Hudson Bay Jet 5.00 Lampman 2.50 Lochearn 2.50 Maryfleld 5.00 Munson 5.00 Ochre River $ 2.50 Radville 6.00 Russell 2.50 Scarth 5.00 Somerset 3.00 gprague 3.00 Stetler 3.50 Swan River 5.00 Vegreville 5.00 Warman 15.00 Grand Mere Jet 10.00 Linton Jet 5.00 Riviere a Pierre 10.00 Accepted for the Canadian Northern Express Company: W. C. MUIR, General Superintendent. Accepted for the Telegraphers: L. F. MUNCEY, General Chairman. Central Canada Express Company Edmonton and Dunvegan Railway. Rules and rates of commission for railway telegraphers taking effect July 1st, 1917. The following rules and rates of commis- sion will govern the railway express agents in the employ of The Central Canada Express Company: 1. Ten per cent of total express charges on all forward way bills. 2. Five per cent of total express charges on all received way bills. 3. The above commissions apply on both through and local billing. 4. The maximum commission of $3.00 per car when shipments are made in carload lots and loaded by shippers. 5. Paid C. O. D.'s and collections: When returns are made by money order a commis- sion of ten per cent of the return charge will be allowed. Commissions on paid C. O. D.'s and collection charges will be taken credit for on money order report. Accepted for the Central Canada Express Company: C. DOWLING. Accepted for the Telegraphers : C. B. FRENCH. Dominion Express Company Canadian Pacific Railway. Quebec Central Railway. Dominion Atlantic Railway. Rules and rates of commission for joint agents. Dominion Express Company and Canadian Pacific Railway, taking effect July 1st, 1911. It is hereby agreed that the instructions to express agents paid by commission be altered to read as follows: Division of territory and rates of commis- sion: The following are the divisions of ter- ritory and the rates of commission allowed. Express Agreements. 659 Unless otherwise arranged with superin- tendents, agents must charge their commis- sions accordingly, and on "our charges" only. Agents in British Columbia and Alberta: GV2% on all business to and from all other offices. Agents in office in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontaria, west of and including Sudbury: 9% on business to and from all other of- fices. Agents at office east and south of Sudbury: 11% on all business to and from offices in same territory, and 5% on business to and from all other offices. Note: Western express offices in Maine and Vermont will be regarded as Dominion express offices so far as computing commis- sion is concerned. Goods in bond: On waybills for goods which are billed to any inland port of entry, to be passed through customs and then re- billed to destination, the agent at port of entry and destination will each receive com- mission at one-half the regular rates. It will be necessary for the agent at port of entry to distinguish between customs charge and ex- press charges when rebilling such ship- ments. Both amounts must be shown i?j "advance charges" column, distinguishing the charges by the words "our charges" (or O. C.) and "expenses." Exception will be made in case goods are received on through waybills as provided for under "foreign business." Carload shipments: When shipments are made in carloads and loaded by shippers, commission will be allowed on one-half of charges, but not to exceed $3.00 a car. Foreign business: Agents will be allowed commission for China, Japan or Australia and European business, and on through way- bills of other companies on one-half the through charge; at the same rate allowed on business to and from seaport or trans- fer point at which such business is trans- ferred to this company. Note; No commission will be allowed on charges for marine insurance or on charges for other companies. Outside money order offices will make up their own reports and deliver them to sta- tion agent ready to be put on train. All agents will be allowed ten per cent of return charges of paid C. O. D.'s and col- lections when returns are made by money order. Waybills covering shipinents covered by stamps will show amount represented by stamps placed on shipment, and receiving agent will be allowed commission at regular rates. Agents will not be required to carry ex- press funds on their person. W. S. STOUT, President Dominion Express Company. G. D. ROBERTSON, For the Express Agents. Southern Express Company Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic. Atlantic Coast Line. Alabama Great Southern Augusta Southern. Charleston and Western Carolina. Central of Georgia. Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific. Danville and Western. Georgia and Florida. Georgia Southern and Florida. Mobile and Ohio. New Orleans and North Eastern. Norfolk Southern. Northern Alabama. Seaboard Airline. Southern. Southern Railway in Mississippi. On the foregoing- railroads it has been agreed as follows: Effective August 1st, 1917, the following rules and rates of pay will govern the South- ern Express Company's agents who are jointly employed as railroad and express agents: ARTICLE I. This schedule applies solely to express agents as above designated. ARTICLE II. Commissions on total business received and forwarded, based on previous year's business, will be paid as follows: When commissions do not exceed fifty dol- lars per month, ten per cent. When commissions exceed fifty dollars per month but not more than seventy-five dollars per month, nine per cent. When commissions exceed twenty-five dollars per month but not more than one hundred dollars per month, eight per cent. When commissions exceed one hundred dollars per month, seven per cent. When commissions do not exceed ten dol- lars per month, a guarantee of ten dollars per month will be paid. ARTICLE III. At points where agents are required to transfer express matter to or from other lines or trains, they will be paid a minimum of ten dollars ($10.00) per month for such service. ARTICLE IV. It shall be optional with agents as to whether or not they accept shipments to be forwarded on Sunday, except in cases of emergency, and will be otherwise excused from express duties as far as possible on this day. ARTICLE V. All grievances and claims for loss or dam- age arising between the Southern Express Company and its agents herein represented, which cannot be satisfactorily adjusted otherwise, maj' be referred to the superin- tendent and general chairman representing such employes for adjustment, with the right of appeal reserved, provided an amicable adjustment cannot be reached. 660 Express Agreements. ARTICLE VI. The Southern Express Company will pay the premiums on the bond of agents covered by this agreement. ARTICLE VII. When necessary porters will be provided on trains, or arrangements made with train crews to assist in loading and unloading freights. When this cannot be done other arrangements will be made. ARTICLE VIII. Agents are expected to observe all rules of the express companj^ render their reports and account for collections promptly, and do all in their power to advance the interest of the express company and popularize its service. ARTICLE IX. Agents will be allowed to deduct their commissions at the close of each report. ARTICLE X. Agents will not be expected to meet trains at unreasonble hours. ARTICLE XI. Employes covered by this agreement will be paid $8.00 per day while attending court on account of the express company for such service. ARTICLE XII. These rules are not to be construed so as to reduce compensation at points where the rates of pay are in excess of the above rates. ARTICLE XIII. A commission of fifty per cent will be paid on all money orders and travelers' checks. The following named rates will be paid on C. O. D. checks issued in payment of C. O. D.'s: Where the charges amount to 15 cents the company will pay the agents 3 cents: 20 cents, 4 cents; 25 cents, 5 cents; 30 cents, 6 cents; 35 cents, 7 cents; 40 cents, 10 cents; 60 cents, 12 cents; and proportion- ately on C. O. D.'s in excess of $300.00. ARTICLE XIV. No change will be made in the foregoing articles until after notice of thirty days, in writing, has been given. Norfolk & Western Railway. Effective August 1917, the following rules and rates of pay will govern the Sovith- ern Express Company agents who are jointly employed as railway and express agents on the Norfolk & Western Railway: ARTICLE I. This schedule applies solely to express agents, as above designated, who have hith- erto been paid upon a commission basis. ARTICLE II. A commission of ten per cent (10%) will be paid on all business handled, forwarded and received, the present method of way- billing to remain in effect. When the commissions do not exceed $8.50 per month a guarantee of $8.50 per month will be paid. A commission of fifty per cent (50%) will be paid on the revenue derived from the sale of money orders and travelers' checks. A commission of twenty per cent (20%; will be paid on the revenue derived from the sale of C. O. D. checks. Commission agents will be allowed eight per cent (8%; over and above the amount of their monthly commission fees. ARTICLE III. At points where agents are required to transfer express matter to or from other lines or trains, they will receive a compen- .''ation in accordance with the volume of business so handled, and a minimum pay of ten dollars ($10.00) per month will be al- lowed. ARTICLE IV. All disputed claims for loss and damage arising between the Southern Express Com- pany and its agents herein represented which cannot be satisfactorily adjusted otherwise, may be referred to the superintendent and the general chairman, representing such em- ployes, for settlement. ARTICLE V. Agents will not be required to forward express matter on Sunday, except in cases of emergency, such as medicine packages, and will be otherwise relieved of express duties as far as possible on this day. ARTICLE VI. Porters will be provided on trains by the express company, or arrangements made with the trainmen to assist agents in load- ing and unloading baggage and express, when found necessary. ARTICLE VII. Agents are expected to observe all rules of the express company, render their reports promptly, account for paid C. O. D.'s promptly, and do all in their, power to ad- vance the interests of the express company nnd popularize its sei-vice. ARTICLE VIII. These rules are not to be construed .so as to reduce compensation at points where the rate of pay is in excess of the above. ARTICLE IX. Express agents covered by this schedule, while attending court or being held to attend court in behalf of the company, will receive six dollars ($6.00) per calendar day, be fur- nished with transportation, and will pay their own expenses. ARTICLE X. In cases of vacancies on the line of the Norfolk & Western Railway, the express company will not discriminate against any Norfolk & Western agent, and no agent will be displaced without just cause. ARTICLE XL This agreement to remain in effect until thirty (30) days' notice is given, in writing, by either party to the other. Signed: R. A. BUCKNER, For Express Company. Signed: C. B. LANE. For Express Agents. Express Agreements. 661 Virginia & Southwestern Railway. Effective June 1, 1912, the following rules and rates of pay will grovern the Southern Express Company's agents who are jointly employed as railroad and express agents on the above named railroad: ARTICLE I. This schedule applies solely to express agents as above designated, who have hith- erto been paid upon a commission basis. ARTICLE II. When, without detriment to the business of the railroad or express company, the express business can be conducted by joint agents, and such joint agents are employed, ten per cent (10%) of the gross earnings of the Southern Express Company (on all busi- ness handled, foreign and local, received and forwarded), will be paid the agent as com- pensation for his own and the services of others in conducting the agency; and when such expenses are incurred allowance will be made for wagon deliveries, office rent, or transfer between trains, as may be agreed upon. When commissions do not exceed seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) per month, a guarantee of seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) per month will be paid. When commissions exceed seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) per month, and do not exceed ten dollars ($10.00) per month, a guarantee of ten dollars ($10.00) per month will be paid. When commissions exceed ten dollars ($10.00) per month and do not exceed twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50) per month, a guarantee of twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50) per month will be paid. ARTICLE III. At points where agents are required to transfer express matter to or from other lines or trains, they will be paid a minimum of seven and one-half dollars ($7.50) per month for such service. ARTICLE IV. It shall be optional with agents as to whether or not they accept shipments to be forwarded on Sunday, except in cases of emergency, and will be otherwise excused from express duties as far as possible on this day. ARTICLE V. All grievances and claims for loss or dam- age arising between the Southern Express Company and its agents herein represented, which cannot be satisfactorily adjusted otherwise, may be referred to the superin- tendent and general chairman representing such employes for adjustment, with the right of appeal reserved, provided an amicable adjustment cannot be so reached. ARTICLE VI. During that period the express company undertakes the bonding of employes, the bond premium now being twenty-five cents (25c) per hundred dollars; this rate will not be increased without the consent of the committee representing such agents herein specified — the amount of bond to be fairly based upon the amount of business handled; provided, that the minimum bond shall be $500.00. ARTICLE VII. Agents are expected to observe all rules of the express company, render their re- ports, account for collections promptly, and do all in their power to advance the inter- ests of the express company and popularize its service. ARTICLE VIII. The present method of computing agents' commissions being the only satisfactory way of preventing errors, disputes and mixtures in accounts, it will be continued, with the promise that every effort will be made to effect settlement during the succeeding month. Duplicate vouchers, showing earnings, will be prepared and one copy furnished to agents. ARTICLE IX. These rules are not to be construed so as to reduce compensation at points where the rate of pay is in excess of the above rates. ARTICLE X. No change will be made in the foregoing articles until after notice of thirty (30) da>s, in writing, has been given. For Southern Express Company: By E. M. WILLIAMS, General Manager. By J. B. HOCKADAT, General Manager. For Southern Express Agents: By O. R. DOYLE, Cornmitteeman. Western Express Company Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic. PREAMBLE. Effective January 1, 1912, the following rules and rates of pay will govern the West- ern Express Company's agents who are jointly employed as railway and express agents on the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway, and the Duluth. South Shore & Atlantic Railway: ARTICLE I. (A) When the agent of the railway com- pany is employed by the express company, ten per cent of the local revenue and five per cent of the charges on through billing will be paid. (B) Carload shipments: When shipments are made in carloads, and are loaded and unloaded by shipper and consignee, com- mission will be allowed on one-half of West- ern Express Company's revenue thereon, with a maximum payment of $3.00 per car. Note: Charges on waybills to and from offices of the Western Express Company in the states of Maine, Vermont, Idaho and Washington will be considered through busi- ness thereon paid at the rate allowed on through billing. 662 Express Agreements. ARTICLE II. Thirty-three and one-third per cent of the Western Express Company's earnings on money orders issued by agents will be paid, except on such as are issued in payment of C. O. D.'s and collections. On money orders issued in payment of C. O. D.'s and collec- tions, ten per cent commission of Western Express Company's earnings thereon will be paid. ARTICLE III. The premium on surety bonds furnished for the protection of the express company will be paid by the employe when his com- pensation paid by the express company av- erages $5.00 or more per month. When his compensation paid by the express company averages less than $5.00 per month, the ex- press company will pay the bond premium. ARTICLE IV. No change will be made in the foregoing articles imtil after thirty days' notice in writing has been given. (Possession and Control of Rail and Water Transportation Systems) pp tfte ^resiibent of tjje ®niteb ^tate^ of America ^ proclamation w HEREAS the Congress of the United States, in the exercise of the consti- tutional authority vested in them, by joint resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives, bearing date April 6, 1917, resolved: • That the state of war between the United States and the Imperial German Government which has thus been thrust upon the United States is hereby for- mally declared; and that the. President be, and he is hereby authorized and di- rected to employ the entire naval and military forces of the United States and the resources of the Government to carry on war against the Imperial German Government; and to bring the conflict to a successful termination, all of the resources of the country are hereby pledged by the Congress of the United States. And by joint resolution bearing date of December 7, 1917, resolved: That a state of war is hereby declared to exist between the United States of America and the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Government; and that the President be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to employ the entire naval and military forces of the United States and the resources of the Govern- ment to carry on war against the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Govern- ment; and to bring the conflict to a successful termination, all the resources of the country are hereby pledged by the Congress of the United States. And whereas it is provided by section 1 of the Act approved August 29, 1916, entitled "An Act making appropriations for the support of the Army for the flscal year ending June 30, 1917, and for other purposes," as follows: The President, in time of war, is empowered, through the Secretary of War, to take possession and assume control of any system or systems of transporta- tion, or any part thereof, and to utilize the same, to the exclusion as far as may be necessary of all other traffic thereon, for the transfer or transportation of troops, war material and equipment, or for such other purposes connected with the emergency as may be needful or desirable. And whereas it has now become necessary in the national defense to take possession and assume control of certain systems of transportation and to utilize the same, to the exclusion as far as may be necessary of other than war traffic thereon, for the transportation of troops, war material and equipment therefor, and for other needful and desirable purposes connected with the prosecution of the war; Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States, under and by virtue of the powers vested in me by the foregoing resolutions and statute, and by virtue of all other powers thereto me enabling, do hereby, through Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War, take, possession and assume control at 12 o'clock noon on the twenty-eighth day of December, 1917, of each and every system of transportation and the appurtenances thereof located wholly or in part within the boundaries of the continental United States and consisting of railroads, and owned or controlled systems of coastwise and inland transportation, engaged in general transportation, whether operated by steam or electric power, including also terminals, terminal companies and terminal associations, sleeping and parlor cars, private cars and private car lines, elevators, warehouses, telegraph and telephone lines and all other equipment and appurtenances commonly used upon or operated as a part of such rail or com- bined rail and water systems of transportation; — to the end that such systems of transportation be utilized for the transfer and transportation of troops, war material and equipment, to the exclusion so far as may be necessary of all other traffic thereon; and that so far as such exclusive use be not necessary or desirable, such systems of transportation be operated and utilized in the performance of such other services as the national interest may require and of the usual and ordinary business and duties of common carriers. It is hereby directed that the possession, control, operation and utilization of such transportation systems hereby by me undertaken shall be exercised by and through William G. McAdoo, who is hereby appointed and designated Director General or Railroads. Said Director may perform the duties imposed upon him, so long and to such extent as he shall determine, through the Boards of Directors, Receivers, officers and employes of said systems of transportation. Until and except so far as said Director shall from time to time by general or special orders otherwise provide, the Boards of Directors, Receivers, officers and employes of the various transportation systems shall continue the operation thereof in the usual and ordinary course of the business of common carriers, in the names of their respective companies. Until and except so far as said Director shall from time to time otherwise by general or special orders determine, such systems of transportation shall remain subject to all existing statutes and orders of the Interstate Commerce Commission, and to all statutes and orders of regulating commissions of the various states in which said systems or any part thereof may be situated. But any orders, general or special, hereafter made by said Director, shall have paramount authority and be obeyed as such. Nothing herein shall be construed as now affecting the possession, operation and control of street electric passenger railways, including railways commonly called interurbans, whether such railways be or be not owned or controlled by such railroad companies or systems. By subsequent order and proclamation, if and when it shall be found necessary or desirable, possession, control or operation may be taken of all or any part of such street railway systems, including subways and tunnels; and by subsequent order and proclamation possession, control and operation in whole or in part may also be relinquished to the owners thereof of any part of the railroad systems or rail and water systems, possession and control of which are hereby assumed. The Director shall as soon as may be after having assumed such possession and control enter upon negotiations with the several companies looking to agreements for just and reasonable compensation for the possession, use and control of their respective properties on the basis of an annual guaranteed compensation, above accruing depreciation and the maintenance of their properties, equivalent, as nearly as may be, to the average of the net operating income thereof for the three-year period ending June 30, 1917, — the results of such negotiations to be reported to me for such action as may be appropriate and lawful. But nothing herein contained, expressed or implied, or hereafter done or suffered hereunder, shall be deemed in any way to impair the rights of the stockholders, bondholders, creditors and other persons having interests in said systems of trans- portation or in the profits thereof, to receive just and adequate compensation for the use and control and operation of their property hereby assumed. Regular dividends hitherto declared, and maturing interest upon bonds, deben- tures and other obligations, may be paid in dile course; and such regular dividends and interest may continue to be paid until and unless the said Director shall from time to time otherwise by general or special orders determine; and, subject to the approval of the Director, the various carriers may agree upon and arrange for the renewal and extension of maturing obligations. Except with the prior written assent as said Director, no attachment by mesne process or on execution shall be levied on or against any of the property used by any of said transportation systems in the conduct of their business as common car- riers; but suits may be brought by and against said carriers and judgments rendered as hitherto until and except so far as said Director may, by general or special orders, otherwise determine. From and after twelve o'clock on said twenty-eighth day of December, 1917, all transportation systems included in this order and proclamation shall conclusively be deemed within the possession and control of said Director without further act or notice. But for the purpose of accounting said possession and control shall date from twelve o'clock midnight on December 31, 1917. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done by the President, through Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War, in the District of Columbia, this 26th day of December, in the year of (Seal.) our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, and of the inde- pendence of the United States the one hundred and forty-second. WOODROW WILSON, By the President: ROBERT LANSING, NEWTON D. BAKER, Secretary of State. Secretary of War. (No. 1419.) I NDEX Railroads. Page Alabama and Vicksburg 5 Ann Arbor 6 Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic S Atlantic Coast Line 11 Bay of Quinte 13 Baltimore & Ohio 15 Bang-or and Aroostook 33 Bessemer and Lake Erie 36 Boston Terminal 39 Boston Elevated 40 Boston and Maine 43 Boston and Albany 52 Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh 57 Buffalo and Susquehanna 60 Canadian Government Eastern Lines 62 Canadian Government Western Lines.... 70 Canadian Northern Eastern Lines 75 Canadian Northern Western Lines 82 Canadian Pacific 94 Central of Georgia 121 Central Vermont 12C Chesapeake and Ohio 129 Chicago and Alton 139 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy 144 Chica.?:o and Eastern Illinois 163 Chicago Great Western 170 Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville 175 Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul 170 Chicago and North Western 199 Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific 219 Chicago, Terre Haute and Southeastern. .237 Chicago, St. Paul, Minneaiiolis -.lud Omaha 240 Chicago, Peoria and St. lx)Uis 246 Cincinnati, Indianapolis nnd Western 247 Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis 251 Colorado Midland 262 Colorado & Southern 264 Delaware and Hudson 266 Denver and Rio Grande 271 Detroit, Toledo and Ironton 275 Dominion Atlantic ; 277 Duluth South Shore and Atlantic 279 Duluth, Winnipeg and Pacific 282 Elgin, Joliet and Eastern 285 Erie 286 Esquimau and Nanaimo 294 Evansx ille and Indianapolis 295 Fort Worth and Denver City 29S Georgia Southern and Florida 299 Georgia and Florida 302 Grand Trunk 303 Railroads. Page Grand Trunk Pacific 317 Gulf Coast Lines 322 Hocking Valley 326 Hahfax and Southwestern 330 Illinois Central 332 International and Great Northern 344 Iowa Central 349 Kanawha and JMichigan 352 Kansas City Southern 354 Kansas City, Mexico and Orient 358 Lake Erie and Western 360 Maine Central 363 Midland. Valley 36S Minneapolis and St. Louis 369 Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie 374 Missouri and North Arkansas 383 Missouri, Oklahoma and Gulf 385 Missouri Pacific 386 Michigan Central 401 Mobile and Ohio 408 NeW York Central Lines East 433 New York Central Lines TV^est . ) 432 New York, Chicago and St. Louis 440 New York, Susquehanna and Western. .. .445 New York, New Haven and Hartford. .. .44S New York, Ontario and Western 468 Norfolk and Western 471 North Texas — Frisco Lines 47.S Northern Pacific 479 Northwestern Pacific 494 Oregon Short Line 497 Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navi- gation Co 502 Pere Marquette 506 Pittsburg and Lake EJric 511 Quebec Central 513 Quebec, Montreal and Soutliern 515 Quincy, Omaha and Kansas City 518 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Poto- mac 521 Rutland 523 San Antonio and Aransas Pass 52G Seaboard Airline. 528 St. Louis and San FYancisco 535 St. Louis Southwestern 543 Southern 547 Southern Pacific, Pacific System 564 Southern Pacific. Louisiana and Texas lines 582 Temiskaming and Northern Ontario 593 Tennessee Central 597 Texas and Pacific 61:0 INDEX— Continued Railroads. Toledo, St. Louis and Western 606 Toledo and Ohio Central 609 Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo 612 Trinity and Brazos Valley 614 Ulster and Delaware 617 Union Pacific 618 Virginian 627 Railroads. Page Wabash 630 Western Maryland 638 Western Pacific 642 Wheeling and Lake Erie 644 Winnipeg Joint Terminals 648 Yazoo and Mississippi Valley 649 Zanesville and Western 654 Agreements With Express Companies Railroads. Page Alabama Great Southern 65S Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic 659 Atlantic Coast Line 659 Augusta Southern 659 Canadian Government Lines 657 Ca nadian Northern 658 Canadian Pacific 658 Central of Georgia 659 Cliarleston and Western Carolina 659 Chesapeake and Ohio 656 Chesapeake and Ohio of Indiana 656 Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pa- cfic 659 Danville and Western 659 Dominion Atlantic 658 DuJuth, South Shore and Atlantif 661 Edmonton and Dunvegari 658 Railroads. Page Georgia and Florida 659 Georgia Southern and Florida 659 Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste Marie 661 Mobile and Ohio 659 New Orleans and North Eastern 659 Norfolk Southern 659 Norfolk and Western -. 660 Northern Alabama 659 Quebec Central 658 Seaboard Airline 659 Southern 659 Southern in Mississippi 659 Virginian 656 Virginia and Southwestern 661 I'resident's Proclamation 663 MEMORANDA MEMORANDA T RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT T0«-^ 202 Main Library ' LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 < b ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW " n. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6 BERKELEY, CA 94720 ^^ ffiNj^,^ DEPARTMENT HOME USE irary ue dote. 5y^M|MMp|Dl|Low FORM NO. D06, "^'"^^s^S^^-.Ka. ITCGO UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY UCBEBKEtEyLIBBABlEs ■m B0030l73t.a