R A 98 &3 A4 1879 Public Health ^RKEIEY IIBRARY UC-NRLF $B bME 2D2 >:::iS::^i:^«^:ri^^<>^^ LAWS AND ORDINANCES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OP THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF THE City of St. Louis. 1879. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH: Hon. henry OVEllSTOLZ, Maj^or and Presiding Officer. CHAKLES W. FRANCIS, ■ LESLIE A. MOFFETT, Health Commissioner. From Board of Police Commissioners . W. B. CONERY, M. D. JOS. SPIEGELHALTER, M. D. JOHN H. LIGHTNER, *" From City Council. CLERK OF HEALTH COMMISSIONER AND BOARD OF HEALTH: ROBERT LUEDEIQNG, M. D. DISPENSARY PHYSICIAN: ASSISTANT DISPENSARY PHYSICIAN: A. C. ROBINSON, M. D. G. W. CARSON, M. D. ASSISTANT CLERK: RECORD CLERK: JNO. J. FITZWILLL\M. MORRIS JACKS. SANITARY OFFICERS: FIRST SANITARY OFFICER: GEORGE HOMAN, M. D. ASSISTANT SANITARY OFFICERS: R. H. O'BRIEN, M. D. J. H. MOORE, M. D. HENRY REMNITZ. SUPERINTENDENT CITY HOSPITAL:^ ^ SUPERINTENDENT FEMALE HOSPITAL. D. V. DEAN. M. D. // , , ^, ^^^Jl'' '- JP. V. SCHENCK, M. D. II UNlVLR? ' lj O '-" / SUPERINTENDENT INSANE ASYLUM :>^C^ j^ SUPERINTENDENT POOR HOUSE: N. DEV. HOWARD, M. D. ^-^i;i_>^ — ^ g tAYON. Times Printing House. # -^ 9 ARTICLE XII OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS RELAT- ING TO THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. SKCTION. 1. Health Commissioner; his official term and bond. 2. Board of Health; meetings, quo- rum, etc. 3. Duties of Commissioner ; appoint- ment of employes ; may examine premises; shall obey orders of Board, and report annually to Mayor. 4. Nuisances to be reported to Com- missioner ; births, marriages and deaths to be registered; Com- missioner to have charge of hospitals, asylums, etc. 5. Superintendents of hospitals and employes, how appointed. 6. Abatement or removal of nuisances ; notification to owners: cost of SECTION. abatement to be assessed as a special tax. 7. Contracts for the abatement of nuisances. 8. Proclamation by Mayor in time of epidemics; authority of Com- missioner and Board of Health in such cases, etc. 9. Commissioner's record and ac- counts. 10. Duties of physicians in reference to burial certificates. 11. Weekly report of interments to be made to Health Commissioner. 12. Penalty in case of burial without certificate. 13. Penalty for failure to make weekly report of interments. 14. Record of proceedings of Board. 1^^ wb L Section 1. There is hereby created a Health Department of the City of St. Louis, which shall be managed, directed and con- trolled as provided by this Charter and by ordinances of the City of St.. Louis, by a Board of Health as hereinafter provided, and by an officer who shall be denominated the Health Commissioner. He shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the approval of the Council, and shall perform such duties as may be provided by this Charter and by ordinance. He shall hold his office for the the term of four years, and until his successor is duly qualified, be subject to removal by the Mayor as other officers, and shall possess the same qualifications as the Mayor, and shall give bond in such sum as shall be ordained by the Assembly, with at least two sufficient sureties, for the faithful performance of his duties. Sec. 2. There is also hereby created a Board of Health, which shall consist of the Mayor (who shall be its presiding officer), the presiding officer of the Council, a Commissioner of Police, to be designated by the Mayor, and two regular practicing physicians, who shall possess the same qualifications as the Mayor. The OftO^^n 4 Laws and Ordinances Health Commissioner shall be a member of said Board, and, m the absence of the Mayor, the presiding officer. The Board shall meet twice in each week during the year. They may be convened in special session at any time by the Mayor, Health Commissioner, or by any two members of the Board, upon written iiotitication served iwelve hours before the date of said meeting. Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transac- tion of business, and it shall have power to adopt rules and regu- lations for its government. Sec. 3. The Health Commissioner shall have general super- vision over the public health of said city, and see that its regula- tions, and the laws and ordinances of said city in relation thereto, are enforced and observed, and for that purpose he is authorized and empowered to make such rules and regulations, with the approval of the Board, not inconsistent with this Charter or any city ordinance or law of this State, as will tend to preserve and promote the health of said city ; to appoint such employes, with the approval of the Board of Health, as may be necessary for the execution of his orders ; to enter into or authorize and require any employe or police officer to enter into and examine, in the day time, all buildings, lots and places of every description within the city, and to ascertain and report to him the condition thereof, so far as the public health may be affected by it; to declare and abate nuisances in such manner as may be provided herein, or by ordinance; but all condemnations must first be approved by the Board of Health, whose action thereon shall be final. He shall obey all orders not inconsistent with this Charter and city ordinances, emanating from the Board of Health, and shall annually report to the Mayor the general operations of his department during the year then ended, with such suggestions for the improvement of the same as he shall consider expedient. Sec. 4. It is made the duty of all police officers to observe the sanitary condition of their districts, and through the Chief of Police to" report to the Health Commissioner promptly any nuis- ance or accumulated filth found to exist in any portion of .the city. The Health Commissioner shall provide for the registration of all births, deaths and marriages occurring within the city ; shall have charge of all city hospitals, quarantine, insane asylums, morgue and city dispensary, and with the advice and counsel of said Board of Health make all necessary rules for the government thereof. Sec. 5. There shall be a Superintendent of the City Hospital, a Superintendent of the Female Hospital, a Superintendent of the Insane Asylum, and a Superintendent of Quarantine when necessary, who shall perform their duties under the general super- visiou of the Health Commissioner, and shall be appointed by the Governing the Health Departinent. 5 Mayor, with the approval of the Board of Health; but all other employes shall be appointed by the Health Commissioner, and approved \yy the Board of Health, except such as may be tempo- rarily in the employ of the Health Commissioner, Sec. 6. In order to effect the abatement of nuisances or removal of accumulated filth, the Health Commissioner shall have power, whenever in his opinion such nuisance or tilth exists, and after officially so declared of record by the Board of Health, to notify the owner or owners thereof, or his or their agents, to abate or remove the same, either by filling up, draining, cleaning, puri- fying or removing same, as the case may be, which notice shall be served upon the owner or agent having charge of said property, in the same manner as writs of summons are required to be served in civil cases. If the owner, who shall have been so served with such notice, shall fail within the time indicated in such notice, which shall be discretionary with said Health Commis- sioner, to comply with such order, or fail to show good cause to said Health Commissioner why he cannot or ought not to comply with such order, for which purpose he shall be entitled to be heard before said Health Commissioner and Board of Health, if he so request it, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars ; and the nuisance shall be abated, and special tax bills rendered against the property in same manner as against non- residents, except that notice by advertisement shall not be nec- essary. If such service cannot be made for the reason that the owner, agents, or other persons having charge of the property upon which the nuisance may exist, cannot be found in the city, of which fact the return upon such notice of the officer serving the same shall be conclusive evidence, then the Health Com- missioner shall cause such notice to be published in the newspapers doing the city printing, for two consecutive days (Sundays excepted). And if within two days after the service of such notice, or after its publication as aforesaid, such nuisance shall not be abated, or the order observed by the owner, then the Health Commissioner may order the same to be done as hereinafter directed; and the cost of the same, when fully completed^ shall be ascertained under the direction of the President of the Board of Public Improvements, in the same manner as special tax bills for street improvements : and the amount thereof shall be assessed as a special tax against the property so improved, or upon which such work has been done, in the name of the owners thereof, of which the books of the Assessor shall be proof, and the certified bills of such assessment shall describe therein the property upon which the work was done. Said bills shall be recorded and shall be collected and paid as provided in this Charter in relation to 6 Laws and Ordinances the collection of other special tax bills, and shall be a lien on said property, and the Heath Commissioner shall keep a record of his proceedings in all cases of abatements ordered by him. Sec. 7. All contracts for work contemplated by this section on which special tax bills are to be issued, shall be entered into by the President of the Board of Public Improvements, in the name of the city, based on the estimates of the cost by the Presi- dent of the Board of Public Improvements, accompanied by reports of surveys and profiles, in cases requiring the same in the judgment of such President, and shall be approved by the Mayor and registered in the office of the Comptroller. Sec. 8. Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of the Mayor that any malignant, infectious or contagious disease or epidemic is prevalent in the city, or will probably become so, he may make proclamation of such fact to the inhabitants ; and after such proclamation the Health Commissioner, with the approval of the Board of Health, may have power, by order, to take all steps and use all measures necessary to avoid, suppress or miti- gate such disease, without the intervention of the Assembly, in the same manner and as effectually as the Assembly could itself do by ordinance ; and may employ such officers, agents, servants and assistants, establish temporary hospitals, provide necessary furniture, medical attendance and nurses, as in the opinion of the said Commissioner, with the advice and counsel of said Board of Health, may be necessary and advisable; Pr^ovided, That the amount expended shall not exceed the appropriation for Health Department. The Health Commissioner shall have and exercise such power until he shall declare, or until the Mayor shall pro- claim, that the epidemic or disease, in view of which the procla- mation was made, is no longer imminent or prevalent, whereupon the said power shall cease. Sec. 9. Said Health Commissioner shall keep a record of his acts and orders ; shall file all petitions, documents and papers be- longing to the office, and shall keep a correct account in full of all receipts and expenditures, and shall make rules and regula- tions for the government of his subordinates, copies of such records, documents, rules and regulations, when authenticated by his clerk, shall be presumptive evidence in any court of justice of the facts therein contained ; Provided, such rules and regula- tions are not inconsistent with this Charter or ordinances. Sec. 10. For the purpose of carrying the provisions of this article into effect, every physician who may practice medicine in the City of St. Louis shall, when a patient dies under his care, make out two certificates, stating the name, age, sex, color and place of birth, and place and date of death, together with the name of the disease of which said person died, one of which he Governing the Health Department, 7 shall, without delay, deposit in the office of said Health Commis- sioner, and the other he shall give to the undertaker of the funeral, to be delivered by him to the person who has control of the graveyard in which the body is buried. And if any physician or undertaker refuse or omit to do as aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay five dollars to the use of the City of St. Louis, to be re- covered as provided for in section twelve of this article. Sec. 11. All overseers, sextons, or other persons who may have control over public graveyards in the City of St. Louis, shall make a weekly report to the Health Commissioner of all interments during the week in the graveyard whereof they are such overseer or sexton respectively. Said report shall specify the names and ages of the persons interred, sex, color and place of birth, and place and date of death, and also the disease of which said persons died. Sec. 12. If any overseer, sexton, or other person having control of a graveyard, shall permit any person to be interred in said graveyard without a certificate stating the name, age, sex, color, place of birth, place and date of death, together with the disease of which said person died, signed by the physician who attended said person, he shall forfeit and pay a sum not less than five nor more than twenty dollars, to be recovered as in other cases of misdemeanor, before any court or officer having competent jurisdiction. Sec. 13. If any overseer, sexton, or other person charged with the performance of such duty, fail or neglect to make to the Health Commissioner such report of weekly interments, he shall forfeit and pay not less than twenty dollars for every such failure, to be recovered in like manner as provided in the last preceding section. Sec. 14. The Board of Health shall keep a full and correct record of its proceedings and acts, and the clerk of said Health Commissioner shall act as the clerk of the said Board. [10,311.] AN ORDINANCE establishing and regulating the office of Health Commissioner, defining his duties and powers, and fixing his salary and bond. Whereas, an emergency has arisen, there being, no ordinance in existence establishing and regulating the office of Health Com- missioner, defining his duties and powers, and fixing his salary and bond, and. Whereas, the Charter of the City of St. Louis provides that the Municipal Assembly shall prescribe the duties and fix the bonds of all officers ; therefore this ordinance shall take efiect and be in full force from and after its approval by the Mayor.' [■|be i L 8 Laws and Ordinances Be it ordained hy the Municipal Assembly of the City of St, Louis, as follows : Section 1. There is hereby created the office of Health Com- missioner. Said Health Commissioner shall be appointed b}^ the Mayor, with the approval of the Council ; he shall perform such duties as may be provided by the Charter and ordinances of the City of St. Louis. He shall hold his office for the term of four years, and until his successor is duly qualified, and be subject to removal by the Mayor or Council, as other city officers, and shall possess the same qualifications as the Mayor. Sec. 2. The Health Commissioner shall have general super- vision over the public health of the city, and see that its regula- tions, and the laws and ordinances of said city in relation thereto are enforced and observed, and for that purpose is authorized and empowered to make such rules and regulations, with the approval of the Board of Health, not inconsistent with the Charter, or any city ordinance or law of the state, as will tend to preserve and promote the health of said city, and to appoint such employes, with the approval of the Board of Health, as may be necessary^ for the execution of his orders ; to enter into or authorize and require any employe or police officer to enter into and examine, in the day-time, all buildings, lots, and places of every description, within the city, and to ascertain and report to him the condition thereof, so far as the public health may be afiected by it ; to de- clare and abate nuisances in such manner as may be provided by the Charter, or by the ordinances of the city ; but all such con- demnation must first be approved by the Board of Health, whose action theron shall be final, and shall provide for the registration of all births, deaths and marriages within the city, shall have charge of all City Hospitals, Quarantine, Insane Asylum, Morgue, and City Dispensary, and with the advice and counsel of the Board of Health, make all necessary rules for the government thereof. He shall obey all orders not inconsistent with the Charter and city ordinances emanating from the Board of Health, and shall annually report to the Mayor the general operations of his de- partment during the year then ended, with such suggestions for the improvement of the same, as he shall consider expedient. Sec. 3 The Health Commissioner shall keep a record of all his acts and orders, and shall file all petitions, documents and papers belonging to his office, and shall keep a correct account in full of all receipts and expenditures, and shall make rules and regula- tions for the government of his subordinates. Copies of such records, documents, rules and regulations, when authenticated by his clerk, shall be presumptive evidence before any court of justice of the facts therein contained ; Provided, such rules and Governing the Health Department, 9 regulations are not inconsistent with the Charter or ordinances of the city. Sec. 4. The Health Commissioner shall receive a salary of three thousand dollars a year, payable monthly, and shall, before entering upon the duties of his office give a good and suf- ficient bond in the sum often thousand dollars, conditioned as the bonds of other city officers, and to be approved by the Mayor. Sec. 5. The Health Commissioner shall devote his entire time to the duties of his office. Sec. 6. All employes appointed by said Health Commissioner shall be citizens of the United States, and shall have been resi- dents of the City of St. Louis for at least two years next pre- ceding their appointment. Approved May 29, 1877. [10,330.] AN ORDINANCE creating and establishing the Health De- partment and Board of Health of the City of St. Louis, defining the powers and duties of the Board and their compensation, pro- viding for the clerk of the Health Commissioner and Board of Health, prescribing his duties, fixing his bond and salary, provid- ing for the fixing of the wages of employes, to establish a Dispen- sary, providing for the appointment of Dispensary physician, and an apothecary, and to repeal article 1, chapter 12 of the Re- vised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, approved March 31, 1871. Whereas, An emergency has arisen, there being no ordinance in existance establishing and regulating the Health Department of the City of St. Louis, and defining its powers and duties, and Whereas, the Charter of the City of St. Louis prescribes that such a department shall be created, and that the Municipal Assem- bly shall by ordinance prescribe the powers and duties ; therefore, this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage. Be it ordained hy the Municipal Assembly of the City of 8t, Louis, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created a Health Department for the City of St. Louis, which shall be managed, directed and con- trolled as provided for by the Charter and ordinances of the City of St. Louis by a Board of Health and by a Health Commissioner. Sec. 2. The Board of Health, as hereby constituted, shall consist of the Mayor, who shall be its presiding officer, the pre- siding officer of the Council, a Commissioner of Police, to be 10 Laws and Ordinances designated by the Mayor, and two regular practicing physicians, who shall possess the same qualifications as the Mayor, and who shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council. The Health Commissioner shall be a member of the Board, and, in the absence of the Mayor, the presiding officer. The Board shall meet twice in each week during the year. They may be convened in special session at any time by the Mayor, Health Commissioner, or by any two members of the Board, upon a written notification, served twelve hours before the date of said meeting. Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Board shall have power to adopt rules and regulations for its government. In case of the absence of both the presiding officers of the Board, as established by this ordinance, and also the Health Commissioner, from any regular or special meeting, the other members are hereby empow- ered and authorized to organize the Board, and conduct their business by electing a presiding officer ^?'o tempore. Sec. 3. The members of the Board of Health shall hold their office for the term of four years and until their successors are duly elected or appointed and qualified ; Provided, however, that the first appointments under this ordinance shall hold their office until the first Tuesday in April, 1879, only. They shall, except the Mayor, Health Commissioner, President of the Council and Police Commissioner, receive a salary of five hundred dollars each, per annum, payable monthly. Sec. 4. The Board of Health shall cause to be kept in suitable books, a full and correct record of its proceedings and acts. They shall also cause to be kept a full and correct account of all expenses incurred by their authority, specifying the amounts, why, and when, and how incurred, for what purpose applied, and also a correct account of moneys received by them from whatever source. They shall also cause to be kept a book for the registra- tion of all physicians who have complied with all ordinances governing physicians and shall furnish a copy of the same to any druggist or apothecary applying therefor. Before any money is paid out, the accounts therefor shall be examined and approved by a majority of the Board, and signed and approved by the Presi- dent or Health Commissioner, and attested by the clerk, and such accounts if so certified, shall be audited by the Auditor in the same way other accounts are audited and he shall draw his warrants on the Treasurer for such amounts according to law ; but all articles of every kind and description that may be required in any and all of the institutions and departments under the charge of the Board of Health shall be purchased as may be provided for by the Charter and ordinances. Governing the Health Department. 11 Sec. 5. The Health Commissioner shall appoint some fit and competent person, who shall possess the qualifications as pre- scribed by section 10, article 4 of the Charter, as clerk of the Health Commissioner, and such appointment shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Health. The Clerk of the Health Commissioner shall act as the clerk of the Board of Health. Said clerk shall receive a salary of eighteen hundred dollars per year, I payable monthly, and shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, give a good and sufficient bond in the sum of five thousand dollars, conditioned as the bond of other city officers, and be* ap- proved by the Mayor and Council. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to attend at the office of the Board of Health and of the Health Commissioner, attend all meetings of the Board, record its proceedings in suitable books, issue its orders, sign all notices and attest all copies of papers and proceedings, and to do and perform all such duties iis may be required of him by the Board of Health and the Health Commissioner. He shall also keep a record of all acts and orders of the Health Commissioner, shall file all petitions, documents and papers belonging to the office of Health Conynissioner and Board of Health, and shall keep a cor- rect account in full of all receipts and expenditures in said offices and a strict account of all moneys and effects that may come into his possession, and he shall devote his time to the duties of his office. Sec. 8. Article 1, chapter 12, of the Eevised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, approved March 31, 1871, is hereby re- pealed. Approved July 17, 1877. [11,061.] AN OKDINACE providing for the government and manage- ment of the Hospitals and Dispensary and Insane Asylum, and to repeal ordinance No. 10,366, entitled <«An ordinance providing for the government and management of the Hospitals and Morgue of the City of St. Louis, the appointment of the Superintendents and assistants, fixing their salaries and prescribing their duties, and to repeal article five, chapter twelve, of the Revised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, approved March thirty-tirst, eighteen hun- dred and seventy-one, and to repeal ordinance number eight thousand nine hundred and ten, entitled "An ordinance to authorize the establishment of a City Hospital for Females," approved June seventeen, eighteen hundred and seventy-four." Also to repeal ordinance number ten thousand three hundred and twenty-eight, entitled "An ordinance establishing and regulating the office of Superintendent of the Insane Asylum," approved July seventeenth, 12 Laws and Ordinances eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, and to repeal sections six and seven of ordinance number ten thousand three hundred and thirty, entitled "An ordinance creating the Health Department and Board of Health," approved July seventeenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, and to repeal ordinance number ten thousand three hundred and thirty-four, entitled and '*An ordinance establishing and regulating the management of the Insane Asylum," approved July thirty-first, eighteen hundred seventy-seven, and to repeal article five, chapter twelve of the Revised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, approved March thirty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and to repeal ordinance eight thousand nine hundred and ten, entitled "An ordinance to authorize the establishment of a City Hospital for Females," approved June seventeenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four. Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of St, Louis, as follows : Section 1. The Health Commissioner shall have general super- intendence and management over all the City Hospitals, Dispen- saries and Insane Asylum that now are, or hereafter may be, established. Sec. 2. All requisitions for supplies or repairs for the Hospi- tals, Dispensary and Insane Asylum shall be approved by the Health Commissioner, and all accounts against said Hospitals, Dispensary and Insane Asylum, when signed by the Health Com- missioner, shall be examined, approved and signed by a majority of the Board of Health, and certified to by the president or Health Commissioner and attested by the clerk, whereupon the Auditor shall draw his warrant upon the Treasurer therefor. If the Board of Health find any articles have been purchased (or repairs made) on requisitions signed by the Health Commissioner which thej^ do not deem necessary, they shall, if a majority of the Board so decide, refer the whole matter to the Mayor, who shall take such action as he shall think proper. Sec. 3. The Health Commissioner, with the advice and approval of the Board of Health, shall prescribe the condition of admission to, and make all necessary rules for the government of, the Hospitals, Dispensaries and Insane Asylum. Sec. 4. There shall be a Superintendent of the City Hospital, a Superintendent of the Female Hospital, a Superintendent of the Insane Asylum, and, when necessary, a Superintendent of Quar- antine ; said superintendents shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the Board of Health, and subject to con- firmation by the Council, and shall perform their duties under the general supervision of the Health Commissioner, and shall hold Governing the Health Department, 13 their offices for the term of four years, from the first Tuesday of April, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, and until their succes- sors are appointed and qualified. Said superintendents shall each give a bond to the city in the sum of five thousand dollars, con- ditioned upon the faithful discharge of their duties and accounting for all property to the city which comes into their possession or under their control. Said bond shall be secured by two or more securities, who shall beholders of unincumbered real estate in the City of St. Louis, and shall be approved by the Mayor and Council. Sec. 5. The Superintendents shall be physicians in good standing, and of recognized professional knowledge and ^kill, and graduates of some reputable medical school. The Superintend- ents shall have supervision of the management of the institutions under their respective charge, and shall have control of the officers and employes in said institutions, and shall have power to dis- charge any of said employes, or to suspend any of the assistant physicians or other officers engaged at said institutions for neglect of dnty or gross violation of the rules. When the Superintend- ents shall find it necessary to discharge any employe, or suspend any assistant physician or other officer, they shall report the fact of such discharge or suspension, and the cause of such action to the Health Commissioner. If the Health Commissioner does not approve of the action of the Superintendents in the discharge or suspension of any officer or employe, he shall refer the whole matter to the Board of Health, which shall take such action as it shall deem proper. The Superintendents shall have entire con- trol of the patients in their respective institutions, and shall be responsible for their welfare and the care taken of them, subject to the rules prescribed by the Health Commissioner. The Super- intendents shall live in the institutions and shall devote the whole of their time to the services of the institutions. The Superin- tendents and their wives and children shall receive boarding and washing at the institutions, and may, with the approval of the Health Commissioner, keep a horse of their own, and the Super- intendents are alone authorized to discharge patients from the institutions. Sec. 6. The Health Commissioner, with the approval of the Board of Health, may appoint one or more assistants to the Superintendents of the hospitals and Insane Asylum to serve for one year, unless sooner removed by the Health Commissioner ; said assistants shall be graduates of some regular medical school, and shall perform such duties as may be required of them; they shall receive boarding and washing at the hospital, but no salary shall be allowed said assistants. One of said assistants shall speak the German and English languages fluently. 14 Laws and Ordinances Sec. 7. Students of medicine, when accompanied by a pro- fessor of any of the medical colieires in this city, all of whose faculty are registered physicians, as provided by ordinance num- ber ten thousand three hundred and eighty-six, may be admitted to the wards and lecture rooms in the hospital at such hours and days of the week as may be designated by the Health Commis- sioner ; but no lecture shall be held in the presence of the patients in said hospitals. The Health Commissioner shall desig- nate to the respective medical schools visiting said hospital, the days and hours they will be respectively allowed to visit said hospital. The Health Commissioner shall have power to suspend the exercise of the privilege herein granted to medical schools, for any violation of established rules, or for any failure to comply with the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 8. No surgical operation shall be performed in any of the hospitals belonging to the City of St. Louis without the con- sent and indorsement of the Superintendent thereof, nor shall any capital operation be performed in such hospital without the con- sent and indorsement of the Superintendent, and upon consulta- tion with one of the consulting physicians or one of the medical members of the Board of Health, except in cases of emergencies. Sec. 9. No clinical lectures shall be delivered at the bedside of the patients, or in any ward set apart for and occupied by them. Sec. 10. Convalescent patients may be required to perform such labor about the hospitals as may be demanded of them ; pro- vided the Superintendent is satisfied that such labor will not retard recovery. Sec. 11. No male patient shall be received in the Female Hospital under any circumstances. Sec. 12. The Female Hospital shall be used exclusively for the reception of females, and all the inmates committed to said hospital may be employed at such needle work or other useful industry as they may be able to perform, and any convalescent inmate so desiring may, with the permission of the Health Com- missioner, remain a sufficient length of time to enable her to pro- cure employment, or until she can be placed in communication with her friends. Sec. 13. The institution heretofore known as the *« Social Evil Hospital and House of Industry," shall be hereafter known and designated as the Female Hospital. Sec. 14. Whenever it shall be necessary to send to any of the hospitals any child under ten years of age, the Health Com- missioner shall have the power, if he thinks proper, to allow the parent to go to the hospital and remain and nurse said child. Sec. 15. The Superintendent of the City Hospital shall have charge and care of the convicts iu the Workhouse, and shall re- Governing the Health Department, 15 ceive a salary of twenty -two hundred dollars per annum, payable monthly. The Superintendent of the Female Hospital shall have medical charge of the health of the inmates of the City Poor House, and shall receive a salary of twenty-two hundred dollars per annum, payable monthly. Should the Board of Health at any time find it necessary to appoint a Superintendent of Quar- antine, they shall report their action to the Municipal Assembly, who thereupon shall fix his compensation. The Superintendent of the Insane Asylum shall receive a salary of two thousand dol- lars per annum, payable monthly. Sec. 16. The Health Commissioner may, with the approval of the Board of Health, establish a dispensary at his office and else- where, for the purpose of dispensing medical advice and medicines to such applicants as are sick and indigent. The Health Com- missioner shall appoint two competent persons as dispensary physi- cians and two competent persons to serve as apothecaries. Said appointments shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Health. The salary of the dispensary physician shall be twelve hundred dollars per annum, and that of his assistant nine hundred dollars per annum, payable monthly. The salaries of the apothe- caries shall be eight hundred dollars per annum, payable monthly. The Dispensary physician shall have charge and care of the health of the inmates of the Jail, and the medicine for such patients shall be furnished from the Dispensary. Sec. 17. The building on Arsenal street heretofore know as the *' County Insane Asylum," and acquired by the City of St. Louis by the ratification of the Scheme and Charter, is hereby established and shall be known as the Insane Asylum of the City of St. Louis. / Sec. 18. All insane persons who may be found within the City of St. Louis, and who may become a charge upon the city for care and support, shall not be kept or confined in any of the city hospitals, but shall be sent to the Insane Asylum, and be kept there until it can be determined by the Board of Health what dis- position to make of said person, but no person shall be admitted to the Insane Asylum under the provisions of this section unless they have been first examined by a physician of the Health De- partment and found fit subjects for treatment in the Insane Asylum. Sec. 19. Before any citizen or other person shall secure the admission of any indigent insane person to the Insane Asylum, they shall first make oath before the Board of Health, which oath shall be duly attested by the presiding officer and clerk of the Board, and made of record in the proceedings of said Board. Said oath shall specifically set forth that the person for whom ad- mission is sought to the asylum is entirely destitute of any 16 Laws and Ordinances financial means to compensate the city for his or her keeping in the Insane Asylum, and if a minor, that his or her parents or guardians are unable and destitute of the financial means to com- pensate the city for his or her keeping in the Insane Asylum of the City of St. Louis. Sec. 20. Ordinance number 10,366, entitled <'An ordinance providing for the government and management of the hospitals and Morgue of the City of St. Louis, the appointment of the superintendents and assistants, fixing their salaries and prescrib- ing their duties, and to repeal article 5, chapter 12, of the Kevised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, approved March 31, 1871 ; and to repeal ordinance number 8,910, entitled *«An ordinance to authorize the establishment of a City Hospital for Females," approved June 17, 1874; ordinance number 10,328, entitled '*An ordinance establishing and regulating the office of Superintendent of the Insane Asylum, approved July 17, 1877 ; ordinance num- ber 10,334, entitled "An ordinance regulating the management of the Insane Asylum of the City of St. Louis," approved July 31, 1877 ; and sections six and seven of ordinance number 10,330, entitled **An ordinance creating and establishing the Health Department and Board of Health, defining the powers and duties of the Board and their compensation, providing" for the clerk of the Health Commissioner and Board of Health, pre- scribing his duties, fixing his bond and salary, providing for the fixing of the wages of employes, to establish a dispensary, pro- viding for the appointment of dispensary physicians and apothe- cary, and to repeal article one, chapter 12, of the Revised Ordi- nances of the City of St. Louis, approved March 31, 1871, are hereby repealed. Approved April 5, 1879. [10,978.] AN ORDINANCE establishing quarantine station and author- izing and defining quarantine regulations for the City of St. Louis, and to repeal article six of chaptei twelve of the Revised Ordin- ances of the City of St. Louis, approved March thirty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. Whereas, clause six of section twenty-six of article three of the Charter of the City of St. Louis empowers the Municipal Assembly to establish and enforce quarantine laws and regulations to prevent the introduction and spread of contagious diseases ; therefore, Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of St. Louis, as follows: Section 1. The Health Commissioner, by and with the appro- val of the Board of Health, is hereby authorized and empowered Governing the Health Department. 17 to establish and enforce special or general quarantine regulations within the limits of the City of St. Louis, whenever in his judg- ment the sanitary interest of the city demand the same. Sec. 2. Quarantine regulations are hereby defined to apply as follows : First, to all passengers and their baggage. Second, to passengers or baggage respectively. Third, to freight of any one kind or character, or different varieties of freight differing in kind, (character, substance or material ; the extent of the inhibi- tion or prohibition upon passengers or freight coming from any part of the United States into the City of St. Louis, shall be de- termined by the Health Commissioner and approved by the Board of Health, and when so determined and approved it shall be made of record in the proceedings of the Board. Sec. 3. Whenever the Health Commissioner shall be in pos- session of reliable and satisfactory information that any malignant, infectious or contagious disease is epidemic in any portion of the country with which the City of St. Louis has communication, he may estjiblish and enforce quarantine regulations against such portion of the country, and he may determine and regulate to what extent, in what manner and by whom any communication or business transactions may be had with such portion, either by the citizens of such portion of the country or of the City of St. Louis, and he shall establish such stringent and necessary rules and regulations as may be required to prevent the introduction or spread of such disease ; and to that end he is hereby authorized to employ such person as he may deem necessary and all the ac- tions of the Health Commissioner under the provisions of this section must be approved by and recorded in the proceedings of the Board of Health, otherwise the Health Commissioner shall have no power to act in the premises. Sec. 4. Whenever the Health Commissioner shall declare that any malignant, infectious or contagious disease is prevalent in an epidemical form in any portion of the country, and the same is approved by the Board of Health, he shall immediately, or as soon thereafter as possible, notify in writing every express com- pany, transfer company, teamster, steamboat company, or water craft and railroad coippany doing business at the wharf, or in the City of St. Louis, and engaged in the transportation of freight and passengers to or from the City of St. Louis to any portion of such country through their representatives or principal officers, or masters, owners, managers, conductors, teamsters, or directors, that quarantine regulations have been established and will be rigidly enforced against such portion of the country, stating the method and the conditions by and upon which they may transmit or carry passengers or freight to or from the City of St. Louis ; and also the kind or character of freight that is prohibited from 3 18 ' Laws and Ordinances entering the city, and all other regulations that may have been established by the Health Commissioner and approved by the Board of Health in relation to the subject matter. Every officer, master, manager, owner, director, conductor or teamster of any express company, transfer company, team, steamboat company or other water craft and railroad company after having received such notice, failing or refusing in whole or in part to comply with the restrictions and conditions of the quarantine regulations as estab- lished by the Health Commissioner and approved by the Board of Health, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof before either of the Police Justices of the City of St. Louis, shall be fined in a sum not less than fifty nor more than ^\e hundred dollars, to be collected and paid as other fines and penalties for misdemeanors are now provided for by law. Sec, 5. No steamboat or other water-craft, or railroad train, consisting of locomotive and one car or more, coming from any portion of the country infected with any malignant, infectious or contagious disease in an epidemical form, and bound for the City of St. Louis, shall land at the wharf or discharge its freight or passengers within the limits of the City of St. Louis without first having obtained a permit to do so from the Health Commissioner, or some other officer designated by him ; and any captain, owner or master or conductor of any steamboat or other water-craft or railroad train landing at the wharf or discharging freight or pas- sengers within the City of St. Louis without first having obtained a permit as heretofore designated, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before either of the Police Justices of the City of St. Louis, shall be fined in a sum not less than fifty nor more than ^yq hundred dollars, to be col- lected and paid as all other fines for misdemeanors are now pro- vided for by law. Sec. 6. All emigrants, passengers or others recently from shipboard or elsewhere, and all sick, diseased or unclean persons, with their baggage and stores, may, on their arrival in the City of St. Louis, be sent to the quarantine station provided by the city for such purposes, whenever in the opinion of the Health Commissioner the same is deemed necessaij^by him, and approved by the Board of Health. Sec. 7. Whenever an order of the Health Commissioner in relation to the quarantine regulations of the City of St. Louis is approved by the Board of Health, a cojjy of the same shall be made out and attested by the clerk and presiding officer thereof, and transmitted to the Board of Police Commissioners, who shall enter the same of record upon the minutes of the Board, and shall cause a copy of the same to be transmitted to the commanding officer of each police district and sub-district, and such command- Governing the Health JDej^artmeni, 19 ing officer shall cause said order to be read at least twice to the officers and patrolmen of the force at each district , and the Board of Police Commissioners are further directed to instruct the officers of the force to aid and assist the Health Commissioner, or any officer or employe designated by him in the enforcement of the quarantine regulations whenever requested to do so. Sec. 8. Any person or persons failing or refusing to comply with the quarantine regulations of the City of St. Louis, as established by the Health Commissioner and approved by the Board of Health, or any person or persons resisting by force or otherwise the enforcement of the quarantine regulations in the City of St. Louis, established and approved as aforesaid, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, before either of the Police Justices of the City of St. Louis, shall be fined in a sum not less than ten nor more than ^nq hundred dollars for each oifense. Sec. 9. The grounds purchased by the City of St. Louis from Augustus Langkopt by deed bearing date July seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, are hereby established as a permanent quarantine station for the City of St. Louis, and there shall be established and maintained at said station a permanent hospital for the reception and accommodation of such persons, emigrants or others as may be placed therein by proper authority. Sec. 10. Article six of chap tar twelve of the lievised Ordin- ances of the City of St. Louis, approved March 31, 1871, is hereby repealed. Approved January 30, 1879. [10,998.] AN ORDINANCE in relation to the Health Department, authorizing the Health Commissioner to remove all malignant, in- fectious or contagious cases of disease from all hotels, boarding- houses, tenement houses, and in certain cases from private resi- dences. Whereas^ clause six of section twenty-six of article three of the Charter provides that the Mayor and Assembly shall have power to establish and enforce quarantine law and regulations to prevent the introduction and spread of contagious diseases, to establish and regulate hospitals, and to secure the general health of the in- habitants by any measures necessary; therefore. Be it ordained hy^ the Municipal Assembly of the City of St. Louis, as follows: Section 1. Whenever the Health Commissioner shall become apprised or" informed that any person or persons residing in any 20 Laws and Ordinances hotel, boarding-house, or tenement house within the limits of the City of St. Louis are suffering from any malignant, infectious or contagious disease which in his opinion or the opinion of any med- ical officer of the Health Department may endanger the lives of the citizens, it shall be his duty to make or cause to be made an ex- amination of the said person or persons, and the disease they are suffering from or afflicted with, and from and after such examina- tion, if he shall deem the same necessary, he shall cause said per- son or persons to be removed from the said hotel, boarding-house, or tenement house to the hospital provided by the city for the treatment of all such diseases. Sec. 2. Whenever the Health Commissioner shall become ap- prised or informed that any person or persons residing in any private residence, house or dwelling within the limits of the City of St, Louis are suffering from any malignant, infectious or con- tageous disease, which in his opinion, or the opinion of any medi- cal officer of the Health Department may endanger the lives of citizens, and which from the surroundings of the premises, the size of the house, and the number of persons residing therein, would make it impossible to isolate the said person or persons so afflicted from all connection or contact with other persons residing in the same house (except the nurses) it shall be his duty to make or cause to be made, an examination of the premises and the surround- ings, and also an examination by a medical officer of the Health Department of the said person or persons, and the disease they are suffering from or afflicted with, and from and after such examination o^ the premises and the person or persons, if he shall deem the same necessary, he shall cause said person or persons to be removed from said private residence, house or dwelling, to the hos- pital provided by the city for the treatment of all such diseases, pro- vided that the Health Commissioner shall permit one member of the family of the sick person to accompany the sick person to the hospital, there to remain as a nurse until such sick person is dis- charged from the hospital. Sec. 3. Whenever an}^ residence or portion of the city to the extent of one residence, or one or more blocks or squares of ground shall in the opinion of the Health Commissioner be infected, with any malignant or infectious or contageous disease he shall have the power, by and with the approval of the Board of Health, to cause the said residence, block or blocks or squares of ground to be vacated by the residents or inhabitants thereof, for the purpose of disinfecting and fumigating the same, or if this is not deemed expedient or judicious by the Health Commissioner he shall have the power and authority to close up the street or streets in front of and surrounding the said residence, block or blocks or squares of ground, and to prohibit the residents and inhabitants of the said Governing the Health Department. 21 residence, block or blocks or squares of ground from passing in or out, to or from said premises, except under such rules and regu- \ lations as may be prescribed by the Health Commissioner and ap- proved by the Board of Health, and to continue and remain so until the Health Commissioner or the Board of Health shall order the restrictions removed. Sec. 4. The keepers of all hotels and boarding-houses, and the agents and owners of all tenement-houses, or private resi- dences or dwelling-houses, having any person or persons in their hotels, boarding-houses, tenement-houses, or private residence or dwelling-houses suffering from or afflicted with any malignant, infectious or contagious disease, after they shall have become acquainted with the fact, or are apprised of the same, shall imme- diately notify the Health Commissioner at his office, in the City Hall, stating the name of the person or persons so afflicted, their age and residence or location, and such other facts or information as they may be in possession of. Any such keeper, owner or clerk of any hotel or boarding-house, or any such agent or owner of any tenement-house, private residence or dwelling-house, fail- ing to notify the Health Commissioner of any person or persons being afflicted with any malignant, contagious or infectious dis- ease, after having become aware, apprised or informed of the same, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof, before either of the Police Justices of the City of St. Louis, shall be fined in a sum not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars, to be collected and paid as other fines for misdemeanors now provided for by law. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Police Department of the City of St. Louis to notify the Health Commissioner of the exist- ence of any malignant, infectious or contagious disease, whenever or wherever they, in their judgment, consider or believe the same to exist, and also to assist the Health Commissioner or his officers or employes, whenever called upon to do so, while in the dis- charge of their duties by virtue of the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 6. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or interfering with, or hindering, or obstructing the Health Commissioner or his officers or employes, in the exer- cise of their authority or duties as provided by this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before either of the Police Justices of the City of St. Louis, shall be fined in a sum not less than twenty nor more than one hun- dred dollars, to be collected and paid as other fines for misde- meanors are now provided for by law. Approved March 3, 1879. 22 Laws and Ordinances [10,H15.] AN ORDIiVACE in relation to the Health Department in rela- tion to physicians practicing in the City of St. Louis giving notice of contagious diseases. Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of St, Louis, as follows : Section 1. It shall be the duty of each and every practicing physician of the City of St. Louis : First, To report to. the Health Commissioner, or nearest police station, every case of small-pox or contagious disease he may be called on to attend within limits of the city or within ten miles thereof, within twelve hours after he shall have examined the patient, with the number of the house, the name of the occupant and the street. Second, Whenever re- quired by the Health Commissioner to report to him at such times and in such forms as he may prescribe the number of per- sons attacked with any pestilential, contagious or infectious disease, attended by such physicians, within twelve hours next preceding, and the number of persons attended by such physician who shall have died within twelve hours next preceding such re- port of any pestilential, contagious or infectious disease. Sec. 2. Whenever any physician shall report to the Health Commissioner any case of small-pox or contagious disease in any dwelling or building in the City of St. Louis, the Health Com- missioner shall have the power, whenever in his opinion it is necessary, to cause to be placed on the outside of any building or dwelling or door of any room a printed placard giving notice of the existence of such contagious disease. Any person who shall remove such placard placed by order of the Health Commission- er shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be fined not less than five nor more than' twenty-five dollars. Sec. 3. Any practicing physician who shall neglect or refuse to perform the duties required of him by this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 4. The parents or guardians *of children attending any private or public school who shall permit them to attend school after it becomes known to the said parents or guardians that any of their family are infected with any infectious or contagious disease shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be fined in a sum of not less than three nor more than ten dollars. Sec. 5. Any principal or teacher of any private or public school in the City of St. Louis, having official or authentic infor- mation of the existence of any infectious or contagious disease in Governing the Health Department. 23 the family of any pupil attending said school shall immediately cause the removal of said pupil from said school, and until he (or she) shall have undoubted proof of the premises where the family reside being disinfected and the disease eradicated. Any failure on the part of any principal or teacher complying with the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof be fined in a sum not less than three nor more than ten dollars. Approved February 19, 187^. [10,321.] AN ORDINANCE in relation to the sale of poisons and to repeal article three, chapter twelve, of the Revised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, approved March thirty-first, eighteen hun- dred and seventy-one, and also to repeal ordinance numbered eight thousand and seventy-seven, entitled ** an ordinance in rela- tion to the sale of poisons," approved July eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. Be it ordained hy the Municipal Assembly of the City of St. Louis, as follows : Section 1. It shall not be lawful for any person to sell any drugs, medicines, chemicals or any other article which may prove fatal or injurious when taken internally or used externally by any person if taken in such quantities that it is possible for any person to take such medicine, drug or other article by mistake without discovering such rnistake unless the same shall be plainly labeled *' poison," and with the name of the article in addition to the word " poison," such label shall contain a skull and cross- bones, so as to indicate to any person handling such article that it is poisonous, and in no case shall any poisonous article be sold to a minor or other irresponsible person. Sec. 2. No person shall be permitted to sell any drug, medi- cine or other article which is known by the medical profession to produce abortions or that may have a tendency to destroy the human foetus. Sec. 3. The befor^ named sections shall not apply to pre- scriptions of graduates of any medical school that have registered at the office of the Board of Health ; a list of the names of the resident physicians of the city shall be furnished any druggist or apothecary within the city limits, on application to the Board of Health. Sec. 4. No apothecary, druggist or other person within this city shall sell or permit to be sold at retail or wholesale, except to dealers in such articles, any poisonous drug or substance. 24 Laws and Ordinances i except the same shall have been prescribed or ordered by a phy- sician for the use of the sick, or the person desiring to obtain the same shall have first been furnished with a written permit from the Board of Health. Sec. 5. It shall. be the duty of every physician within the city, prescribing or ordering for external use any poisonous drug or substance, to state in his prescriptions or orders in plain writ- ing '' for e?:ternal use," and no apothecary or druggist shall de- liver any article thus ordered without the same being properly labeled with the words *' for external use." Sec. 6. Any apothecary, druggist or other person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than $300 for each and every off'ense, to be recovered for the use of the city of St. Louis before any court or oflicer having competent jurisdiction. Sec. 7. Article 3, chapter 13, of the Revised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, approved March thirty-first, eighteen hun- dred and seventy-one, and ordinance numbered eight thousand and seventy-seven, entitled "An ordinance in relation to the sale, of poisons," approved July eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-two are hereby repealed. Approved July 7, 1877. [10,326.] AN ORDINANCE in relation to vital statistics, and to repeal article 4, chapter 12, of the Revised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, approved March 31, 1871. Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of St, Louis, as follows: Section 1. The Health Commissioner shall provide for the registration of all births, deaths and marriages occurring within the city of St. Louis, and for that purpose it shall be the duty of every physician and midwife to report weekly to the Health Com- missioner, at or before the hour of four o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday of each and every week, in accordance with printed forms to be furnished by said Health Commissioner, a statement of the sex and date of birth of every child born in this city where they have attended the birth of such child ; and in case no physi- cian or midwife attended the birth of any child born in this city, then, and in that case, it is hereby made the duty of the father or mother to make such report to the Health Commissioner. Sec. 2. All persons authorized by law to solemnize marriages shall report every marriage solemnized by them within the limits Governing the Health Dejpartrnent. 25 of the City of St. Louis to the Health Commissioner, within ten days from the time said marriage has been solemnized. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of every physician and person engaged in the practice of medicine in the City of St. Louis to report to the Health Commissioner the death of any person under their care or treatment, when the person died, and with such par- ticulars as the Health Commissioner may prescribe ; and it shall also be the duty of the Coroner of the City of St. Louis to make a weekly report to the Health Commissioner of all inquests and all deaths within the City of St. Louis, coming within his official knowledge. Sec. 4. Every person whose duty it is to make any of the reports prescribed by this ordinance shall make the same within the time as prescribed, and any person who shall fliil to make such report, or to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than ten nor more than one hun- dred dollars, to be recovered as in other cases of misdemeanor before any court having competent jurisdiction. Sec. 5. The Health Commissioner shall weekly transmit to the Kecorder of Deeds of the City of St. Louis a transcript copy of all births and marriages on file in his office, having occurred during the week last past, and the same shall be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds at the expense of the City of St. Louis, and it shall be the duty of the Recorder of Deeds to compare the same with the reports as provided by the act of the Legislature relating thereto. Sbc. 6. Article four, chapter twelve of the Revised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, approved March 31, 1871, is hereby re- pealed. Approved July 9, 1877. [10,S29.] AN ORDINANCE to provide for the keeping of mprtuary records, establishing rules and regulations governing Sextons and Cemeteries, and to carry out the provisions of sections 10, 11, 12 and 13 of article 12 of the Charter of St. Louis, relating to the Health Department, and to repeal article 7, chapter 12 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis. Approved March 31, 1871. Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly oj the City of 8t. Louis, as follows : Section 1. Every physician who may practice medicine in the City of St. Louis shall, when a patient dies under his care, 26 Laws and Ordinances make two certificates, stating the name, age, sex, color and place of birth, and exact locality and date of death, together with the name of the disease of which said person died, one of which he shall, without delay, deposit in the office of the Health Commissioner, who shall register and file the same in his office, and the other he shall give to the undertaker of the funeral, to be delivered by him to the person who has control of the graveyard in which the body is buried. And it shall not be lawful for any person who may have charge or control of any graveyard or cemetery in the City of St. Louis, to receive said certificates or allow any person to be buried in any graveyard or cemetery under their control unless said certificates have first been countersigned by the Health Commissioner or his clerk. Aud if any physician or undertaker refuse or omit to do as aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay five dollars to the use of the City of St. Louis, to be recovered as provided for in section 3 of this ordinance. Sec. 2. All overseers, sextons or other persons who may have control over public graveyards in the City of St. Louis, shall make a weekly report to the Health Commissioner of all inter- ments during the week in the graveyard whereof they are such overseer or sexton, respectively. Said report shall specify the names and ages of the persons interred, sex, color and place of birth, and exact lacality and date of death, and also the diseases of which said persons died, and the name and residence of phy- sician who signed the' certificate. Sec. 3. If any overseer, sexton, or other person having con- trol of a graveyard, shall permit any person to be interred in said graveyard without a certificate, stating the name, age, sex, color, place of birth, place and date of death, together with the disease of which said person died, signed by the physician who attended such person and countersigned by the Health Commissioner or his clerk, he shall forfeit and pay a sum not less than five no more than twenty dollars, to be recorered as in other cases of misde- meanor before any court or officer having competent jurisdiction. Sec. 4. If any overseer, sexton, or other person, charged with the performance of such duty, fail or neglect to make to the Health Commissioner such report of weekly interments, he shall forfeit and pay not less than twenty dollars for every such failure, to be recovered in like manner as provided in the last preceding section. Sec. 5. The sextons of the several cemeteries shall deliver to the Health Commissioner at his office, their weekly reports as provided for in section 2 of this ordinance, at or before the hour of 4 o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday of each and every week, and any sexton failing or refusing so to do shall forfeit and pay a Governing the Health Dejpartment. 27 fine ot ten dollars for each such failure or refusal, to be recovered as provided for in section 3 of this ordinance. Sec. 6. The Health Commissioner shall furnish each overseer or sexton of any graveyard with a blank book, with appropriate columns to enter the facts and records required by this ordinance to be recorded ; and such overseer or sexton shall enter in such books all the certificates received from any undertaker or physi- cian ; such books shall be, and always remain, the property of the city of St. Louis. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of all overseers, sextons, or other persons who may have control over the public graveyards of the City of St. Louis, to include in their weekly report to the Health Commissioner, as provided for in section two of this ordi- nance, the name and place of residence of each physician from whom has been received a cer4;ificate on which any person has been interred in the graveyards under their charge, and the num- ber of certificates given by each and every physician, and for whom given, and any overseer, sexton or other person having charge of a public graveyard, failing or refusing to comply with the provisions of this section, shall forfeit and pay a fine of ten dollars for every such failure or refusal, to be recovered as pro- vided for in section three of this ordinance. Sec. 8. The Health Commissioner shall cause to be printed a sufficient number of blank certificates, setting forth in suitable columns the facts required, as prescribed in section one of this ordinance, which certificates shall be kept in the office of Health Commissioner, and shall be delivered to registered physicians in person only, and said physicians' names shall be inscribed on the back of each certificate so delivered, and it shall not be lawful for any physician to issue or use any other form of certificate for interment except such form as shall be prescribed and issued by the Health Commissioner. Sec. 9. When the removal of any dead person beyond the city limits is desired, a permit therefor shall first be obtained from the Health Commissioner, who shall issue said permit upon the certificate of the physician under whose care the person died. Sec. 10. Article 7, chapter 12, of the Revised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, approved March 31, 1871, is hereby re- pealed. Approved July 17, 1877. [10,386.] AN ORDINANCE in relation to the Health Department, and to regulate the practice of medicine and surgery and midwifery in the City of St. Louis, and to regulate the issue of burial certificates. 28 Laws and Or^dinances Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of St. Louis, as follows : Section 1. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person to practice medicine or surgery in the City of St. Louis who shall not first have received the degree of doctor of medicine from some medical college or university duly established under and by virtue of the laws of the state or country in which the same is situated ; Provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any person who may now be authorized to practice medicine or surgery by virtue of existing laws of the state in relation thereto. Sec. 2. Every person who shall hereafter engage in the practice of medicine or surgery in the City of St. Louis, shall before en- tering upon such practice file a copy of his or her diploma in the oflSce of the Health Commissioner, which shall be subscribed and sworn to by the person filing the sa;me, and thereupon, the Health Commissioner, or his clerk, shall enter the name of such person, the date of filing the said copy, the date of his or her diploma and the name and location of the school or university granting such diploma, in a book to be kept by the Health Commissioner for that purpose, and shall require the person filing such copy to sub- scribe his or her name in said book. Sec. 3. Ever}^ person now practicing medicine or surgery in this city, or who shall commence the practice of medicine or surgery in this city before the passage of this ordinance, shall register his or her name in the book described in the preceding section in the office of the Health Commissioner, and shall exhibit his or her diploma to the Health Commissioner for inspection at the time of such registration, but shall not be required to file any copy of the same, and thereupon the Health Commissioner shall enter in said book all the facts as required in the preceding sec- tion. Sec. 4. Whenever the Health Commissioner has reason to be- lieve that the diploma shown, or claimed to be in the possession of the person presenting the same, or the copy thereof has been pur- chased, or has not been issued to the person presenting the same, or that the medical school or university purporting to have issued the same, is not a medical school or university in good standing, he shall refuse to allow the person presenting the diploma or the copy thereof to register, but shall forthwith refer the matter with all the facts in the case, to the Board of Health, who, after a hearing, shall decide whether said person shall be allowed to register, and if the Board of Health shall so decide, it shall direct the Health Commissioner to allow said person to register, but if in the opinion of the Board of Health said person should not 1)0 allowed to register, the Health Commissioner shall not permit said person to register. Governing the Health Department. 29 Sec. 5. Every person who shall practice or attetapt to prac- tice medicine or surgery in this city without first having complied with the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than five hundred dollars. Sec. 6. It shall not be lawful for the Health Commissioner or his clerk to sign any burial certificate signed by any other than a registered physician. Sec. 7. If any overseer, sexton or other person having control of a graveyard, shall permit any person to be interred in said graveyard without a certificate signed by a registered physician and countersigned by the Health Commissioner, or his clerk, he shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than five hun- dred dollars, to be recovered as in other cases of misdemeanor, before any court or oflicer having competent jurisdiction. Sec. 8. Hereafter it shall not be lawful for any person to practice midwifery, unless such person shall first register her name and place of abode, in a book in the office of the Health Commissioner, kept for that purpose, but no person shall be allowed to register as a midwife, who .shall not first either file a diploma from some school of midwifery in good standing, or a certificate signed by at least two registered phy- sicians, which certificate shall state that the party named in the certificate, is in their opinion qualified to practice midwifery, and any person who shall practice or attempt to practice mid- wifery without first having complied with the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and upon con- viction shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 9. Nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed as to permit any druggist to engage in the practice of medicine or surgery, without having first filed with the Health Commissioner a diploma, or a certified copy thereof, in accordance with the pro- visions of the first three sections of this ordinance. Approved October 20, 1877. [10,990.] AN ORDINANCE regulating cemeteries and the interment of the dead within the limits of the City of St. Louis. Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of /St. Louis, as follows : Section 1. The following named cemeteries, as now estab- lished within the limits of the city, are hereby recognized and 30 Laws and Ordinances authorized as legal and proper places for the interment of persons who may die in the City of St. Louis, or who may be brought to the city for burial, namely : First, Bellefontaine Cemetery ; second, Old Picker's, or Holy Ghost Cemetery; third, Rock Spring Cemetery ; fourth, Wesleyan Cemetery ; fifth. The Western alias Western Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery; sixth ( Bremen- Saxon Cemetery; seventh. Calvary Cemetery; eighth, Holy Trinity Cemetery; ninth, St. Paul's Evangelical Cemetery; tenth, St. Peter's and Paul's Cemetery; eleventh, Episcopal Ceme- tery ; twelfth. Public Cemetery at City Poor House ; thirteenth, St. Matthews's Cemetery ; and all other cemeteries established and now in use within the present city limits, of not less than two acres in extent. Sec. 2. None of the above named cemeteries, or any other that may hereafter be established bylaw, shall extend their limits, unless permission to do so has been authorized by ordinance. Sec. 3. From and after the passage of this ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to lay out or establish a public or private burying ground within the limits of the City of St. Louis, unless the authority to do so shall have first been granted by ordinance. Sec. 4. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to bury the body of any deceased person anywhere within the limits of the City of St. Louis, except in a cemetery duly authorized and recognized as a public or private burying ground, and within the meaning of and as provided for by this ordinance, except by special permission granted by the Health Commissioner. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall upon convic- tion be fined not less than one hundred dollars, to be recovered for the use of the City of St. Louis, as in other cases of misde- meanor, before any court or officer having competent jurisdiction. Sec. 5. Any owner or owners, or his, or their agents, or any tenant, or any other person who shall bury, or permit to be buried, the body of any deceased person on any lot of ground within the limits of the city, except the same be authorized as a cemetery, except by special permission of the Health Commissioner, shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than two hundred and fifty, nor more than five hundred dollars, to be recovered for the use of the City of St. Louis, as in other cases of misdemeanor, before any court or officer having com- petent jurisdiction, and such persons shall be subject to a like tine for each and every day the body of any deceased person shall remain interred in said lot. Sec. 6. If the body of any deceased person or persons be found buried on any lot of ground in the City of St. Louis, the owner or agent of which cannot be found, it shall be lawful, and Governing the Health Department, 31 it is hereby made the duty of the Health Commissioner to cause said body or bodies to be disinterred and buried in the public burying ground. Provided, however, the provisions of this sec- tion shall have no application to the remains of deceased persons which have been interred prior to the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 7. All cemeteries shall be in charge of a sexton or over- seer, and the name of such sexton or overseer shall be certified to and recorded in the oflSce of the Health Commissioner by the person or persons owning or controlling such cemetery. Sec. 8. No body of any deceased person shall be buried in any cemetery within the limits of the City of St. Louis at a less depth than six feet below the surface of the ground. Provided, that the provisions of this section shall not be applied to cases where burial vaults or tombs have been, or may be, erected for the reception of deceased persons. Sec. 9. Every person who shall convey or remove or assist in conveying or removing the body of any deceased person (whether such person shall have died in the city or shall have been brought to the city after death) outside of the limits of the city without first having obtained from the oflice of the Health (yommissioner permission so to do, shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than two hundred and fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, to be recovered for the use of the City of St. Louis, as in other cases of misdemeanors, before any court or officer having competent jurisdiction. Provided, that the provisions of this section shall have no application where bodies in course of transportation pass through St. Louis on their way from one point to another. Sec. 10. Every person who shall willfully destroy, disfigure or injure any wall, fence, hedge, monument, tomb-stone, tree or shrubbery, around or within any cemetery, graveyard or burial ground, or shall use such a cemetery, graveyard, or burial ground for any other purpose than a burying ground, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined not less than twenty nor more than five hundred dollars, to be re- covered for the use of the City of St. Louis, before any court or officer having competent jurisdiction. Sec. 11. The Health Commissioner shall not issue a permit to bury the body of a person elsewhere, except upon the certificate of a physician given at the place of death, or the certificate of the Coroner of St. Louis. Sec. 12. It shall not be lawful for any person to carry the body of any deceased person to any of the cemeteries or burying grounds within the limits of the City of St. Louis, or for any sexton or other person in charge of said cemetery or burying ground to receive the body of any deceased person, unless accompanied 32 Laws and Ordinances by a burial certificate, properly signed and certified to by the Health Commissioner, or his clerk. Sec. 13. Every person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, for which no penalty has been provided, shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than ten nor^more than five hundred dollars, to be recovered for the use of the City of St. Louis before any court or officer having competent jurisdiction. Sec. 14. Nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed or understood as repealing or alterins: any of the provisions or por- tions of ordinance ten thousand three hundred and twenty-nine, entitled, **An ordinance to provide for keeping mortuary records and establishing rules and regulations governing sextons and cemeteries," approved July the seventeenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven. Approved February 12, 1879. [10,358.] AN ORDINANCE providing for the abatement of nuisances, defining the manner how, and by whom, said nuisances shall be abated and removed, and how the expense of same shall be paid for, and also providing for the destruction of property which shall have been declared by the Board of Health dangerous to the Health of the inhabitants of the city, and also providing what steps and measures shall be taken in case any malignant or conta- gious disease is prevalent in the city, and repealing all ordinances, and parts of ordinances, conflicting herewith. Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of St. Louis^ asfolloios : Section 1. In order to effect the abatement of nuisances or removal of accumulated filth, the Health Commissioner shall have power, whenever in his opinion such nuisance or filth exists, and after officially so declared of record by the Board of Health, to notify the owner or owners thereof, or his or their agents, to abate or remove the same, either by filling up,, draining, clean- ing, purifying or removing same, as the case may be, which notice shall be served upon the owner or agent having charge of such property, in the same manner as writs of summons are required to be served in civil cases. If the owner, who shall have. been so served with such notice, shall fail, within the time indicated in such notice, which shall be discretionary with said Health Commis- sioner, to comply with such order, or fail to show good cause to said Health Commissioner why he cannot, or ought not to, com- ply with such order, for which purpose he shall be entitled to be Governing the Health Defpartment, 33 heard before said Health Commissioner and Board of Health, if he so requests it, he shall be deemed guilt}^ of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars ; and the nuisance shall be abated, and special tax bills rendered against the property in same manner as against non-residents, ex- cept that notice by advertisement shall not be necessary. If such service cannot be made for the reason that the owner, agents or other persons having charge of the property upon which the nuis- ance may exist, cannot be found in the city, of which fact the re- turn upon such notice of the officer serving the same shall be con- clusive evidence, then the Health Commissioner shall cause such notice to be published in the newspapers doing the city printing, for two consecutive days (Sundays excepted). And if within two days after the service of such notice, or after its publication as aforesaid, such nuisance shall not be abated, or the order ob- served by the owner, then the Health Commissioner may order the same to be done as hereinafter directed ; and the cost of the same, when fully completed, shall be ascertained under the direc- tion of the President of the Board of Public Improvements, in the same manner as special tax bills for street improvements, and the amount thereof shall be assessed as a special tax against the property so improved, or upon which" such work has been done, in the name of the owners thereof, of which the books of the As- sessor shall be proof, and the certified bills of such assessment shall describe therein the property upon which the work was done. Said bills shall be recorded and shall be collected and paid as pro- vided in the Charter in relation to the collection of other special tax bills, and shall be a lien on said property, and the Health Commissioner shall keep a record of his proceedings in all cases of abatements ordered by him. Sec. 2. All contracts for work contemplated by this ordinance on which special tax bills are to be issued, shall be entered into by the President of the Board of Public Improvements, in the name of the city, based on the estimates of the cost by the Presi- dents of the Board of Public Improvements, accompanied by. reports of surveys and profiles, in cases requiring the same in the judgment of such President, and shall be approved by the Mayor and registered in the office of the Comptroller. Sec. 3. It is made the duty of all police officers to observe the sanitary condition of their districts, and through the Chief of Police to report to the Health Commissioner promptly, any nuisance or accumulated filth found to exist in any portion of the city. Sec. 4. Whenever any bedding, clothing, putrid or unsound meat, beef, pork, fish, hides or skins of any kind, decayed or unsound vegetables, oriruit, or any other article found within the 34 Laws and Ordinances City of St. Louis, which in the opinion of the Health Commission- er, shall be dangerous to the health of the inhabitants thereof, and which shall be officially so declared of record by the Board of Health, the Health Commissioner shall have the power and authority to cause to be destroyed any and all such articles above named, in such manner as he may direct, and he may employ such persons as he may deem proper to remove or destroy such articles, and every person who shall in any manner resist or hinder any person so employed, shall be deemed guilty of a misdeuieanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than ^yq, nor more than one hundred dollars, and all such fines when collected shall be paid into the City Treasury. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Board of Health, whenever the Health Commissioner has officially notified said Board, or when any complaint has been made to said Board by any citizen, that any business, trade or profession carried on by any person or persons or corporations in the City of St. Louis, is detrimental to public health, or wherever any nuisance or filth exists on the property of any person or corporation, to notify such person or persons or corporations to show cause before said Board of Health, at a time and place to be specified in such notice, why the same should not be abated, discontinued or removed ; which notice shall not be valid unless served at least five days before the time specified in such notice (except in case of epidemic or pestilence, when the Health Commissioner, with the approval of the Board of Health, may by general order direct a shorter time), and may be served by 1 aving the same at the place of business or residence of the parties to be aifected thereby, or their agents, by some officer or person duly qualified to certify to such notice ; and all notices of this kind issued by the Board of Health shall be signed and certified to by the person or officer delegated to make such service. If such notice cannot be given for the reason that the owner, agents or other persons named in such notice cannot be found in the city, of which fact the return upon such notice of the officer or person serving the same shall be conclusive evidence, then the Board of Health shall cause such notice to be published in the newspapers doing the city printing for two consecutive days, Sundays excepted. At the time fixed in said notice the parties may appear in person, by attorney, or cause may be shown by affidavit, and if in the opinion of the Board of Health and Health Commissioner, no good and sufficient cause be shown why the said nuisance, business, trade or profession should not be abated, discontinued or removed, the Health Commissioner shall order the said parties to abate, discontinue or remove the same within such time as the Health Commissioner may deem reasona- Governing the Health Department. 35 ble and necessary. If, upon the hearing of the affidavits, and the evidence adduced in the case, tho Board shall find the facts to be in favor of the parties before them, and so decide, the case shall be dismissed. Sec. H. Any person or persons failing or refusing to obey such order of said Health Commissioner shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than twenty nor more than five hundred dollars ; and such person or persons shall be subject to like fines, for each and every day he, she or they, shall continue such nuisance, business, trade or profession after the expiration of the time specified in the order of the Health Commissioner for the abatement, removal or dis- continuance of the same. . The fines mentioned in this ordinance shall be collected as other fines, and paid into the City Treasury. Sec. 7. Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of the Mayor that any malignant, infectious or contageous disease or epidemic is prevalent in the city, or will probably become so, he may make proclamation of such fact to the inhabitants ; and after such proclamation, the Health Commissioner, with the approval of the Board of Health, may have power by order, to take all steps and use all measures necessary to avoid, suppress or mitigate such disease, without the intervention of the Assembly, iu the same man- ner and as effectually as the Assembly could itself do by ordin- ance, and may employ such officers, agents, servant and assistants, establish temporary hospitals, provide necessary furniture, medi- cal attendance and nurses, as in the opinion of the said Commis- sioner, with the advice and counsel of said Board of Health may be necessary and advisable ; provided, that the amount expended shall not exceed the appropriation for the Health Department. The Health Commissioner shall have and exercise such power un- til he shall declare, or until the Mayor shall proclaim that the epi- demic or disease, iu view of which the proclamation was made, is no longer imminent or prevalent, whereupon the said power shall cease. Sec. 8. Whenever one or more resident tax-payers, living in the immediate vicinity of any pond or ponds of putrid or stagnant water, shall notify the Health Commissioner that said pond or ponds are a nuisance by being dangerous to life, detrimental to the health of the neighborhood in which they are situated, it shall be the duty of the Health Commissioner to examine or cause to be examined the same, and report the result of such examination and all the facts connected therewith to the Board of Health within a reasonable length of time after such examination is made. If, after a careful inquiry into the same, the said Board of Health shall decide that said pond or ponds are a nuisance, and dangerous to life, detrimental or injurious to the health of the neighborhood ; i. 36 Laws and Ordinances due notice having been given to the owner or owners, agents, representatives of the property whereon said ponds are situated, as provided for by section 5 of this ordinance, the Board of Health shall officially declare the same a nuisance, and the Health Com- missioner shall order the abatement of the same. The Health Commissioner thereupon shall notify the owner, owners, agents or representatives, as provided for in section 5 of this ordinance, of the action of the Board of Health in the premises, and it shall be the duty of the Health Commissioner to see that said nuisance or nuisances are abated, either by filling or draining. If the owner, owners, their agents or legal representatives refuse or neglect to comply with the order of the Health Commissioner, or fail in any manner to abate the said nuisances within a given time, the Health Commissioner shall report the same to the President of the Board of Public Improvements, who shall at once proceed to abate the same as provided for by sections 1 and 2 of this ordinance. Sec. 9. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved August 14, 1877. [10,805.] AN ORDINANCE concerning the construction of privies, sinks, basins and stationary tubs and their connection with sewers, and prescribing the duties of the Health Commissioner, in rela- tion thereto and repealing ordinance number ten thousand three hundred and sixty -one, entitled '* An ordinance concerning the construction of privies and their connection with sewers, and pre- scribing the duties of the Health Commissioner in relation there- to, and repealing sections one, two, three, four, five and six, of article two of chapter twelve of the Revised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, approved March thirty -first, eighteen hundred and seventy-one," and repealing sections one, two, three, four, five and six, of article two of chapter twelve of the Revised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, approved March thirty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of jSt. Louis f as follows: Section 1. Each and every tenement within this city, except such parts which are not laid out in blocks, or where streets have not been opened, used as a dwelling house or factory shall be fur- nished with a suitable privy, the vault of which shall be sunk under ground at least ten feet deep and walled up with brick or stone, except in cases where said privies are connected with dis- trict or public sewers, and shall be so constructed that the iuside / I Governing the Health Department. 37 of the same shall be at least two feet distance from the line of every adjoining lot, unless the owner of the adjoining lot shall otherwise agree, and also the same distance from every street, lane or avenue, and no privy shall be constructed at vjiriance with these regulations, except by special permission of the Health Commissioner. Sec. 2. The Health Commissioner being satisfied that any tenement is not provided with a suitable privy, and that such l)rivy is a nuisance, and after it shall have been officially declared a nuisance by the Board of Health, shall serve a written or printed notice of such action thereon and shall direct and order that a proper and lawful privy shall be constructed or that such privy vault shall be cleaned and put into good sanitary condition for such tenement within a time to be designated by the Health Commissioner, not less than five days from the date of service of •such notice to the owner thereof or his agent or the tenant occu- pying said premises, which notice shall be served upon the owner, tenant or agent having charge of such property in the same man- ner as writs of summons are required to be served in civil cases. If the owner, agent or tenant, who shall have been so served with such notice, shall fail within the time indicated in such notice, which shall be discretionary with said Health Commissioner, to comply with such order, or fail to show good cause to said Health Commissioner why he can not or ought not to comply with such order, for which purpose he shall be entitled to be heard before said Health Commissioner and Board of Health, if he so requests it, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall be fined not less than twenty nor more than five hundred dollars, to be recovered for the use of the City of St. Louis, before any court or officer having competent jurisdiction. The owner, tenant or agent shall be subject to like fine, for each and every day he, she or they shall continue to refuse to obey said order of said Health Commissioner after the expiration of the time specified in the order of the Health Commissioner for the abatement of the same. Sec. 3. The vaults or privies in or belonging to all residences, factories, mills and warehouses located on a line of any street or alley through which there is a public, private or district sewer, shall be connected by the owners, tenants or lessees of said prop- erty with such public, district or private sewer, when possible, whenever required to do so by order of the Health Commissioner, approved by the Board of Health, and so declared of record, which notice or order shall be served upon the owner, tenant or agent having charge of such property, in the same manner as writs of summons are required to be served in civil cases, and if the owner, tenant or agent, who shall have been served with such notice, shall 38 Laws and Ordinances fail within the time indicated in such notice, which shall be discre- tionary with said Health Commissioner, to comply with such order, or fail to show good cause to said Health Commissioner, why he cannot or ought not to comply with such order, for which pur- pose he shall be entitled to be heard before said Health Commis- sioner and Board of Health, if he so request it, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined not less than twenty nor more than five hundred dollars, to be recovered for the use of the City of St. Louis before any court or officer having competent jurisdiction. Sec. 4. No privy within the limits of the City of St. Louis, as they existed in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-five, shall be emptied between the fifteenth day of May and the fifteenth day of October, unless the Health Commissioner shall be satisfied that the same is absolutely necessary for the health and comfort of the inhabitants, and in such case they shall be thoroughly cleaned by vault cleaners only, upon a permit obtained from the Health Commissioner, for which the party applying shall pay the sum of twenty-five cents, and the Clerk of the Health Commissioner shall keep a full record of all permits thus issued, and report the same to the Comptroller and pay the same into the City Treasury once every week. No privy shall be emptied at any other time than between the hours of twelve p. m. and four a. m., unless by special permission or order from the Health Commissioner. Sec. 5. The owner or occupant of any premises where tubs or other vessels are used in a privy, shall not permit such tubs or other vessels to remain more than one day without being emptied. Sec. 6. All sinks, basins and stationary tubs in every hotel, lodging, tenement, boarding house, or other dwelling, in the City of St. Louis, shall be provided with proper stench traps, directly under each sink, basin, or stationary tub, so connected with waste or soil pipe, and so constructed as directed by the Health Com- missioner, approved by the Board of Health, and with the traps so adjusted as to prevent the escape therefrom of foul odors and gases. Sec. 7. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, for which no special penalty has been provided, shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than twenty nor more than five hundred dollars, to be recovered for the use of the City of St. Louis, before any court or officer having competent jurisdiction. Sec. 8. Ordinance 10,361, entitled ** An ordinance concern- ing the construction of privies and their connection with sewers, and prescribing the duties of the Health Commissioner in relation thereto, and repealing sections one, two, three, four, five and six, of article two of chapter twelve of the Revised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, approved March 31, 1871, and sections one, two. Governing the Health Department. ^ 39 three, four, five and six of article two of chapter twelve of the Revised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, approved March 31, 1871," are hereby repealed. Approved July 5, 1878. [10,617.] AN ORDINANCE in relation to streets, sidewalks, gutters and private alleys, and to repeal article eleven of chapter twelve of the Revised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis. Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of St. Louis, asfolloivs: Section 1. The owners, or agents, or occupiers of tenements and vacant lots, owned by them, under their charge or occupied by them, shall keep the sidewalks and gutters in front of and adjoining their property clean, and also all the private alleys in the rear of or adjoining the property owned by them, clean to the center of such alley, and after any fall of snow to cause the snow to be immediately removed from the sidewalk, fronting their respective lots, into the carriage way of the street. Any person failing to comply with the requirements of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof be 'fined not less than five nor more than twenty dollars. Sec. 2. No person shall deposit any dead animal, or excre- ments, or filth from privies, or any hay or straw, or refuse vege- tables, or dirt, or rubbish of any kind or description, or any kitchen slops, or manure, upon any streets, alleys or public or private property in this city. Any person found guilty of vio- lating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof be fined not less than five nor more than fifty dollars. Provided, that nothing in this section shall be so construed as to include manure deposited upon any private property for the purpose of cultivating the same. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the police within their respec- tive districts, to watch for and arrest persons throwing or permit- ting to be thrown from their premises into any street, alley, market place, sidewalk or gutter any filth or other matter prohibited by section two of this ordinance. Sec. 4. The police shall examine the condition of the streets and alleys within their respective districts from time to time, and report to the Street Commissioner, through the Police Commis- sioners, such as need repairing, they shall also observe within their respective districts the cleaning of the streets, alleys, ave- nues, market places and public squares of the city, and report to the Street Commissioner, through the Police Commissioners, such as need cleaning. IH as r L 40 Laws and Ordinances Sec. 5. Article eleven, chapter twelve, of the Kevised Ordi- nances of the City of St. Louis, approved March thirty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, is hereby repealed. Approved February 19, 1878. [10,750.] AN ORDINANCE to secure the general health of the inhabit- ants of the City of St. Louis, and to provide for the abatement of nuisances on the public streets and alleys of the City of St. Louis and to provide for the carrying out of necessary sanitary measures. Whereas, It is provided in clause 6, of section 26, of article 3, of the Charter of the City of St. Louis, that the Municipal As- sembly shall have power by any measure necessary to secure the health of the inhabitants of said city and to prevent and abate nuisances on public property, and Whereas, There is no ordinance now in existence in relation to the above, and in the judgment of the Municipal Assembly an emergency exists, therefore this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the Oily of St. Louis, as follows: Section 1. Whenever, in the opinion of the Health Commis- sioner, preservation of the health of the inhabitants of the City of St. Louis, or any portion thereof, requires steps to be taken to remove any causes that in his opinion are dangerous to the lives of the citizens of St. Louis, or* where, in his opinion, certain public work is necessary to be done in a sanitary point of view, or where there exists any ponds on the dedicated streets or alleys of the City of St. Louis, which ponds, in the opinion of the Health Commissioner, are nuisances and detrimental to the public health, it shall be his duty to make a report to the Board of Health, setting forth all the facts in the case, which facts shall specify what matters, in his opinion, are deleterious to the public health, in what locality of the city they are situated, their char- acter and cause and the manner, in his opinion, in which they should be removed, and, when possible, the estimated cost of the work proposed to be done. Sec. 2. The Board of Health, whenever the Health Commis- sioner shall make any report to them, as provided for in section 1 of this ordinance, shall make a careful inquiry into the same, and if, in the opinion of the Board of Health, the sanitary meas- ures recommended by the Health Commissioner are necessary and proper to be carried out, they shall so officially declare the same Governing the Health Department, 41 of record, and shall direct the work to be done in the manner as provided for hereafter in this ordinance. Sec. 3. Whenever any sanitary measures are to be carried out or work to be done as provided for in this ordinance, the Board of Health shall by order direct the President of the Board of Public Improvements to cause said work to be done in the man- ner and by means as shall be indicated by the Board of Health, and the cost of said work, when fully completed, shall be certi- lied to by the President of the Board of Public Improvements, and shall be approved and signed by a majority of the Board of Health, and when so signed and approved shall be paid out of the fund set apart for the abatement of nuisances on public property, and for specific sanitary measures. Sec. 4. If, in the opinion of the President of the Board of Public Improvements, the work to be done, or the method pro- posed by the Board of Health for such work, are not judicious or practicable, he shall so notify the Board of Plealth, giving his reasons therefor and his recommendations in the premises, and if, in the opinion of the Board of Health, such reasons and opinions of the President of the Board of Public Improvements are reasonable and proper, they may order the work to be done in the manner indicated by the President of the Board of Public Improvements. Approved May 18, 1878. [10,375.] AN OliDINANCE to prohibit the sale of any kind of diseased, corrupted, adulterated or unwholesome provisions and the sale of adulterated drugs or medicines. Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of St. Louis^ asfolloivs : Section 1 . Whoever shall sell any kind of diseased, corrupted, adulterated or unwholesome provisions, or meat to be used for food or drink, without making the same known at the time of sale to the purchaser, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 2. Whoever shall adulterate, for the purpose of sale, any bread, milk or other article of food or drink whatever, with any substance injurious to health, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 3. Whoever shall adulterate, for the purpose of sale, any liquor or fluid used or intended for drink, with substances poison- ous or injurious to health, and whoever, in this city, shall sell any such liquor or fluid so adulterated, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. 42 Laws and Ordinances Sec. 4. Whoever shall adulterate, for the purpose of sale, any drugs or medicines, or sell any adulterated drugs or medicines, without making the same known at the time of sale to the pur- chaser, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 5. Whoever shall sell or offer for sale any milk adulter- ated with water or other substance, or any milk produced from diseased cows, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 6. All persons violating any of the provisions of the fore- going sections of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hun- dred dollars, to be recovered for the use of the City of St. Louis before any court or officer having competent jurisdiction. Approved September 25, 1877. [10,383.] AN ORDINANCE authorizing and empowering the Board of Health of the city of St. Louis to do all acts and perform all functions which have heretofore been done and performed by the County Court of the County of St. Louis, in relation to the admis- sion of deaf and dumb persons to the Missouri Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, and the admission of blind per- sons to the Missouri Institution for the Education of the Blind. Be it ordained by the Mum,cipal Assembly of the City of 8t. Louis, as follows : Section 1. The Board of Health of the City of St. Louis is hereby authorized and empowered to do all acts and perform all functions which have heretofore been done and performed by the County Court of the County of St. Louis prior to the adoption of the Scheme for the separation and reorganization of the govern- ment of the City and County of St. Louis, and the adjustment of their relations in reference to the admission of deaf and dumb persons to the Missouri Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, and the admission of blind persons to the Missouri Institution for the Education of the Blind. Sec. 2. The Board of Health is hereby authorized and em- powered to execute and carry out all existing laws, and such laws as may hereafter be passed by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri which confer any power or require the performance of any duty by County Courts in reference to the admission of deaf and dumb and blind persons to the institutions provided by the State for their education. Sec. 3. There being no ordinance in existence in relation to the subject matter referred to in sections one and two of this ordinance, in the opinion of the Municipal Assembly it is deemed Governing the Health Department. 43 that an emergency exists, therefore this ordinance shall take eiFect and be in full force from and after its passage. Approved October 11, 1877. / [10,062.] AN ORDINANCE to repeal ordinance number six thousand seven hundred and forty-five, entitled "An ordinance to repeal ordinance six thousand and sixteen, entitled *An ordinance to amend ordinance number five thousand four hundred and thirty- three,'" and to provide for the removal of the carcasses of dead animals from the streets of the City of St. Louis. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of St. Louis: Section 1. It shall be the exclusive privilege and duty of the River Rendering Company of St. Louis, for a period of eight years from and after the passage of this ordinance, to remove out of the city and beyond the jurisdiction of the Board of Health as now or as may be hereafter established, the remains and car- casses of every dead horse, mare, mule, ox, steer, cow, ass, hog, goat, dog or other animals within ten hours after a report shall be made to the said River Rendering Company by the Chief of Police, or any authorized agent of the Board of Health ; and appropriate them to their own use, observing every care, and using the utmost precaution that the carcasses of said animals be conveyed away in the most unoffensive manner possible, causing them to be covered with tarpaulins or otherwise. The drivers of the teams conveying away said carcasses shall not stop on the way unless detained by some unforeseen accident under a penalty of not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offence, which fine shall, upon the conviction of any driver or drivers of such teams be recovered and enforced as other fines before the Police Justice. Sec. 2. The River Rendering Company shall cause to be re- moved and placed upon a receiving boat or boats of suitable size, strength and dimensions, all carcasses and remains of dead animals mentioned in section one of this ordinance, within six hours after a report shall be made to said River Rendering Com- pany, in conformity with the provisions of said section one ; and no rendering or manufacturing upon such receiving boat or boats shall be done inside the city limits, and only in such manner and in such place as may be designated by the Board of Health, and so that no nuisance may be created thereby ; provided, however, that during the winter months, when the river is blocked with ice, such steam rendering or manufacturins: may be done in such 44 Laws and Ordinances manner, in such place and at such hours as may be designated by the Board of Health. Sec. 3. The River Rendering Company shall, before being authorized to perform the duties and enjoy the privileges granted by this ordinance, execute to the city of St. Louis a bond, with good and sufficient securities, in the sum of five thousand dollars, to be approved by the Mayor and filed and preserved in the office of the City Register, conditioned for the faithful and punctual performance of the duties imposed by the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Police Department to notify the River Rendering Company, their officers or agents, of the whereabouts of every animal carcass which they may find or of the existence of which within the city limits they may be informed, as soon as possible, and within six hours of their being so notified it shall be the duty of said River Rendering Company to remove the same in the manner specified in section one of this ordinance ; and, upon the faihire of said company to so remove the carcass of any dead animal within the time so specified, the Manager or Chief Officer thereof shall be subject to a fine of ten dolhirs for the first offence, and for every subsequent offence twenty dol- lars, to be recovered as other fines before the Police Justice. Sec. 5. The River Rendering Company, or any person, co- partnership of persons or corporation who shall remove the car- cass or carcasses of any dead animalor animals not slain for the purposes of human food, shall give a bond of five thousand dol- lars as a guarantee that none of the product of any carcass speci- fied in section one of this ordinance shall be employed or utilized for purposes of human food, and that all grease and other pro- ducts rendered or manufactured or packed for use or transporta- tion, to or from market in the city of St. Louis or elscAvhere, shall be branded with a burning brand as follows : "Product of dead animals, St. Louis." Sec. 6. Hereafter it shall not be lawful for any person, co- partnership of persons or corporation, except the River Render- ing company, to remove the carcasses of any dead animals as specified in this ordinance, without first having oi)tained a permit so to do from the Clerk of the Board of Health, said permit specify- ing date, when, and person to whom issued, the kind of carcass or animal to be removed, the place to and from which the same is to be taken, and the character of the products to be derived from the same. Sec. 7. The River Rendering Company shall have free use of the levee for the receiving boats provided for in section 2 of this ordinance, at not less than two suitable places, one of which shall be near the northern and one near the southern portion of the city, Governing the Health Department. 45 such places to be designated by the City Engineer, with the ap- proval of the Board of Health. Sec. 8. Any failure of the River Rendering Company to com- ply with or fulfill any of the provisions of this ordinance, or when so reported to the City Council by the Board of Health, and upon the recommendation of said Board of Health, this ordinance may be amended, altered or repealed. Sec. 9. The River Rendering Company, at the time of filing the bonds provided for in sections 3 and 5 of this ordinance, shall also file their written acceptance of the provisions of this ordi- nance. Sec. 10. Any person or persons violating any of the provis- ions of this ordinance, shall be adjudged guilty of a misdmeanor, and on conviction thereof before the Police Justice, shall be fined in a sum not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars for each of- fence. Sec. 11. Ordinance No. 6,745, entitled <'An ordinance to re- peal ordinance No. 6,016, entitled 'An ordinance to amend ordi- nance luunber five thousand four hundred and thirty-three, and to provide for the removal of the carcasses of dead animals from the streets of the City of St. Louis," is hereby repealed. Approved July 7, 1876. [10,325.] AN ORDINANCE to provide for the removal of slops and to repeal article ten 'of chapter twelve of the Revised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, approved March 31, 1871. Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of St. Louis, as foUoivs: Section 1. The Board of Health is hereby authorized and instructed to contract for the removal of slops from the streets, alleys and roads within the City of St. Louis, in such manner and under such conditions as said Board of Health may deem expe- dient, to be specified in the contract, and the said contract shall be awarded to the lowest and best bidder, after advertising for proposals in the papers doing the city printing for not less than five days ; said advertisement shall be made by and under the supervision of the Register. Sec. 2. The word slops is intended to mean all refuse matter and articles, whether vegetable or animal, thrown out or rejected from the kitchens of the inhabitants of the city. Sec. 3. The Board of Health shall order and direct to what point and in what manner the slops shall be removed. 46 Laws and Ordinances Sec. 4. If the contractor refuses or neglects to remove the slops in the manner as provided by contract and nnder the regu- lations as prescribed by the Board, he shall forfeit and pay not less than ten per cent of the amount due him. Should the amount then due be insufficient to cover all expense caused by reason of such failure to comply with his contract, then, in that event, the bondfsmen shall be responsible for any deficiency and the Board of Health shall have the right to annul said contract. Sec. 5. Whenever the contractor fails or neglects to perform his work or whenever the Board of Health shall have annulled said contract, the Board of Health it hereby authorized to pro- vide by private contract for the removal of slops. All contracts for such removal shall be temporary, and only until a public letting can be had. Such private contract shall contain clauses that one months' pay be always kept in arrears until its termin- ation ; that for neglect of removal it may be annulled by the Board of Health, and if so annulled, whatever pay then in arrears and due shall be forfeited by the contractor and the city shall not be liable therefor. Sec. 6. The contract for the removal of slops shall be for not more than the term of three years, and the contractor is required to enter into a bond with the city in the penal sum of five thou- sand dollars, with not less than two good securities, owners of unincumbered real estate in the City of St. Louis, to be approved by the Mayor, for the faithful performance of his contract. The Board of Health is directed to deduct ten per cent, from the amount due said contractor on his monthly payment until the same shall amount to one thousand dollars, which sum shall be retained until the full completion of the contract. Sec. 7. The Board of Health is authorized to certify to the Auditor, on or before the tenth of each month, the amount due said contractor, and the Auditor is instructed to draw his warrant on the Treasurer in favor of said contractor for the same, payable out of the appropriation for the removal of slops. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the police to see that all slops are removed from the premises of private citizens, and any failure on the part of the slop contractor to do this under the terms of the contract, shall at once be reported to the Health Commis- sioner. Sec. 9. Article 10, chapter 12, of the Revised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, approved March 31, 1871, is hereby re- pealed. [10,830.] AN ORDINANCE amendatory of ordinance number ten thou- sand seven hundred and fifty-seven. Governing the Health Dejpartment. 47 Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of St. Louis, as follows: Section 1. Section one of ordinance nnmber ten thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven is hereby amended to read as follows : I On the first Monday of April and October of each year the several elected and appointed ofiicers, clerks, employes, and all persons holding office in the corporation of the City of St. Louis, shall make a full and accurate return list of all property of whatever kind or nature in their said office, or that may come into their possession during their term of office, or that comes to them in any way after they have become qualified and taken charge of their said office ; and which return list shall embrace, in tabular form, the name, number, kind of article, for what purpose used, C(jndition and full description and general remarks attached to each entry in order to render full satisfaction as regards the same. Approved August 20, 1878. [11,063.] AN ORDINANCE to transfer the control of the Morgue from the charge of the Health Commissioner to the Coroner, providing for its management, the appointment of its officers and fixing their salaries. WJiei'eas, by section four of article twelve of the Charter of the City of St. Louis, it is provided that the charge of the Morgue shall be under the Health Commissioner ; and. Whereas, it is provided in section thirty-two of article three of the Charter of the City of St. Louis, that the Assembly shall have the^power, by a vote of three-fourths of the members of each House, to transfer and distribute the powers and duties, in part or in whole, of any office provided for in the Charter to another; and it being the opinion of the Municipal Assembly that the charge and control of the Morgue should more properly belong to the office of Coroner; therefore, Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of St. Louis, as follows : Section 1. The. control and management of the Morgue is hereby transferred from the charge of the Health Commissioner to the Coroner, and after the passage of this ordinance the Health Commissioner shall relinquish, and the Coroner shall assume, the control of the Morgue. Sec. 2. The Coroner, by and with the approval of the Mayor, shall make all necessary rules for the government of the Morgue. 48 Laws and Ordinances Sec. 3. The Morgue shall be in charge of the Superintendent, appointed by the Coroner and approved by the Mayor, and shall be open at all hours of the day and night for the reception of bodies. The exhibition hall shall be open daily from sunrise to sunset, when a body is in the Morgue that has not been recognized. Sec. 4. The Superintendent shall have full charge and control of the Morgue building and all property therein contained, and shall keep a record-book in the office of the Morgue in which citi- zens may record the names of missing friends and describe their person and clothing, and give the address to which information respecting them may be sent. Sec. 5. All bodies brought to the Morgue shall remain, if they are not recognized, in the hall of exhibition seventy-two hours, or longer if deemed necessary by the Coroner. The clothing shall also be exhibited near the body, and shall remain exposed twenty days longer if the body has not been recognized, Bodies when identified shall be immediately withdrawn from ex- hibition and placed in a private room subject to the act of the Coroner. Sec. 6. On the first day of each month the Coroner shall make a report to the Health Commissioner, who shall present the same to the Board of Health at its next session, giving the follow- ing details : First — Date of reception of identified bodies. Second — Name, age, profession and residence of deceased. Third — Cause of death. Fourth — Mode of death. Fifth— Hour of death. Sixth — Place of death. Seventh — By whom removed. Eighth — Name of undertaker. Ninth — When it can be learned, the place where the body has been buried. Sec. 7. The Coroner shall also furnish a statement of bodies not identified, as follows : First — A succinct description of the body and whether male or female. Second — Probable age, and whether white or colored. Third — Mode of death. Fourth — Place where found. Sec. 8. The Coroner shall make requisitions on the Commis- sioner of Supplies for all articles needed for the Morgue, but said requisitions must in all cases be first approved by the Mayor. Whenever any repairs are needed the Coroner shall make a repair requisition on the President of the Board of Public Improve- ments ; said requisition shall first be approved by the Mayor. Sec. 9. The Coronor shall cause to be kept in suitable books a full and correct account of all the expenses of the Morgue. Before any money is paid the accounts shall be examined and ap- proved by the Mayor. Sec. 10. The Coroner may, by and with the approval of the Mayor, appoint one assistant to the Superintendent. Governing the Health Department. 49 Sec. U. The salary of the Superintendent shall be nine hun- dred dollars per annum, payable monthly. The salary of the assistant shall be six hundred dollars, payable monthly. Approved April 5, 1879. [10,320.] AN ORDINANCE in relation to insane persons and paupers, and to repeal article 8, chapter 12, of the Revised Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, approved March 31, 1871. Be it ordained hy the Municipal Assembly of the City of St. Louis, asfolloiDs: Section 1. The president, directors or owners of any rail- road, and the conductor in charge of any railroad car, or train of railroad cars, or the master or person in charge of any steamboat or other vessel, or the owner or driver of any wagon or vehicle, who shall bring into the city of St. Louis a person or persons who are insane or paupers, who are likely to become a charge to the city, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convic- tion thereof be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than three hundred dollars for each and every oifense, in addition to which penalty the person so ofl:ending shall be required to enter into bonds before the Police Justice of not less than ^yq hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, to defriay the expenses of the insane or paupers thus brought, so long as they remain in the city. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Board of Police Commis- sioners to instruct the police to report to the Chief of Police any violation of this ordinance. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Marshal or policemen, whenever complaint is made before the Police Justice of a viola- tion of any of the provisions of this ordinance, to arrest the offender forthwith, and bring such oflTender without delay .before the Police Justice for trial. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Marshal and police if any lunatic, idiot or persons of unsound mind be found by them with- in the City of St. Louis, unprotected by guardian or friend, to take such person in custody and give notice thereof forthwith to the Board of Police Commissioners and the President thereof shall immediately notify the Health Commissioner, whose duty it shall be to take charge of such idiot, lunatic or insane person and place such person in the Insane Asylum of the City of St. Louis and to report to the Board of Health his action thereon and all facts and information regarding such idiot, lunatic or insane person that may come to his knowledge. 50 Laws and Ordinances, Sec. 5. Article 8, chapter 12 of the Kevised Ordinance of the City of St. Louis, approved March thirty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, is hereby repealed. Approved July 7, 1877. [10,348.] AN ORDINANCE establishing and regulating the Poor House of the City of St. Louis, and providing for the management thereof. Be it ordained hy the Municipal Assembly of the City of bt. Louis, as follows ; Section 1 . The building known as the County Poor House, situated on Arsenal street, and acquired by the City of St. Louis by the ratification of the Scheme and Charter, is hereby establish- ed, and shall be known as the Poor House of the City of St. Louis, and shall be kept for the reception and accommodation of the indigent and decrepit persons who from physical inability or from any other cause are incapacitated from supporting themselves, and such only shall be placed therein by competent authority. Sec. 2. The Health Commissioner shall have the general supervision and management of the Poor House, and shall exer- cise a general control over all the officers and employes connected with or employed at the same. He shall make all necessary rules and regulations for the government and management of the Poor House, subject to the approval of the Board of Health. He shall appoint all assistants, except the Superintendent, determine the number to be employed, whether male or female, and shall fix their daily compensation, subject to the approval of the Mayor. He shall examine all accounts against the Poor House, and if he finds them correct, shall certify and state upon them specifically by what authority the account was incurred. All such accounts, when so certified, shall be presented to the Comptroller, and if he finds them correct and properly authorized, he shall so certify up- on them, and the Auditor shall audit the same and draw his war- rant therefor upon the Treasurer, and charge the same to the fund appropriated for the maintenance of the Poor House. Sec. 3. The Health Commissioner shall prescribe the condi- tions for admission to and discharge from the Poor House, subject to the approval of the Board of Health, but no person shall be admitted to the Poor House as an inmate who shall not have re- sided in the City of St. Louis at least one year next preceding the date of application for admission. Governing the Health Department, ' 51 Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Health Commissioner to make such rules and regulations as shall be approved by the Board of Health as will establish a system whereby the persons admitted to the Poor House shall respectively earn what they re- ceive to the extent of their ability ; Provided, that this section shall not be so construed as to exclude from the Poor House such indigent persons entitled to admission asnnay be unable to work ; Provided y also, that no minor in good health, over eight years of age shall be maintained at the Poor House ; but it shall be the duty of the Health Commissioner and Board of Health to make suitable provisions for such minors whereby they shall be placed in some family until they ai-rive at the age of eighteen years. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Health Commissioner to re- port to the Municipal Assemby, at its first session in each year, a particular and detailed account of the affairs of the Poor House, together with such suggestions or recommendations as may to him seem proper. Approved August 10, 1877. [10,359.] AN OEDINANCE establishing and regulating the office of Superintendent of the Poor House, prescribing his duties and fixing his bond and salary. Be it ordained by the Municipal Asse7nbly of the City of /St. Louis, as follows : Section 1. There is hereby created and established the office of Superintendent of the Poor House. Sec. 2. The Superintendent of the Poor House shall be ap- pointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council, and shall hold his office for four years, and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Provided, that the first appointment, under this ordinance, shall be for two years only. Sec. 3. The Superintendent of the Poor House shall have the general management of the Poor House, and control of all em- ployes thereat. He shall have power to suspend or discharge any employe for neglect of duty or gross violation of the rules and regulations. When he shall so suspend or discharge any one, he shall immediately report the fact of such suspension or discharge, and the cause thereof, to the Board of Health, which shall take such action on the matter as shall to it seem proper. He shall execute and carry out all rules and regulations which may be made by the Health Commissioner, approved by the Board of Health, and shall be responsible for the care and welfare of the inmates of the Poor House. 52 ' Laws and Ordinances Sec. 4, The Superintendent of the Poor House shall give bond to the City of St. Louis in the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned upon the faithful discharge of his duties and account- ing for all property of the city which may come into his possession or under his control. Said bond shall l)e secured by two or more sureties, who shall be owners of unincumbered real estate in the City of St. Louis, and shall be approved by the Mayor and Council. Sec. 5. The Superintendent shall possess all the qualifications prescribed in section ten, article four, of the Charter. He shall reside at the Poor House, and shall receive his board and washing at the Poor House. He shall devote all his time to the discharge of the duties of his office. Sec. 6. The salary of the Superintendent of the Poor House shall be at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum, payable monthly, whi(^h sum shall be in full for all services of an official nature. Approved August 14, 1877. [10,420.] AN ORDINANCE amendatory of ordinance number ten thou- sand three hundred and forty-eight, entitled '*An ordinance establishing and regulating the Poor House of the City of St. Louis, and providing for the management thereof." Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of St. Louis, as follows: Section 1. Amend section two to read as follows : Sec. 2. The Health Commissioner shall have the general supervision and management of the Poor House, and shall exerr cise a general control over all the officers and employes connected with or employed at the same. He shall make all necessary rules and regulations for the government and management of the Poor House subject to the approval of the Board of Health. He shall appoint all assistants except the Superintendent, determining the number to be employed, whether male or fi^male, and shall fix their daily (U)mi)ensation, subject to the a})pr()val of the Mayor. He shall examine all accounts against the Poor House, and if lie finds them correct shall so certif}'. All such accounts, when so certified, shall be audited and paid as provided by charter. Approved November 24, 1877. Governing the Health Department. 53 [10,538.] AN ORDINANCE regulating the cutting of ice from the ponds, sink-holes and sloughs within the limits of the city. Whereas, an emergency has arisen, there being no ordinance in existence regulating the cutting of ice within the limits of the city, therefore this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage. Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the Cit^ of St, Louis, as follows: Section 1. No person, tirm or corporation shall cut or take any ice from any pond, sink-hole or slough within the limits of city without first having obtained a permit from the Health Com- missioner so to do. Sec. 2. Except where it may otherwise be provided for in this ordinance, the Health Commissioner shall only grant permits to cut or take ice from the ponds, sink-holes or sloughs within the limits of the city, when he is satisfied that said ice cut from said ponds, sink-holes or sloughs is not to be used, sold or given away for drinking purposes, but that the ice taken from such ponds, sink-holes or sloughs is to be only used for the cooling of articles, and for no other purpose whatever. Sec. 3. Any person desiring to cut ice from any pond, sink- hole or slough within the limits of the city, shall make an appli- cation to the Health Commissioner for a permit to do so, stating the locality of the pond, sink-hole or slough from which the ice is proposed to be cut, and the purpose for which the ice is to be used and the locality within the city where the ice is to be stored. Sec. 4. Before the Health Commissioner shall issue any such permit he shall require the parties to file a good and sufiicient bond in the sum of two thousand dollars, with two or more good securities, to be approved by the Mayor; said bond shall provide that the ice cut from the pond, sink-h6le or slough, for which a permit has been granted by the Health Commissioner, shall not be sold or used by him or them for drinking purposes, and that it is to be stored in the locality mentioned in the permit, and that any violation of the provisions and stipulations as provided for in the permit shall work a forfeiture of the bond and the same shall be collected and paid into the Treasury of the city for the benefit of the City of St. Louis. Sec. 5. All permits to cut ice as provided for by the ordi- nance shall be signed by the Health Commissioner, attested by the Clerk of the Board of Health and countersigned by the City Register and Comptroller, and for all such permits the Health 54 Laws and Ordinances Commissioner shall charge a fee of one dollar, which he shall account for and pay into the City Treasury. Sec. 6. No permit shall he issued to cover more than one block in the old city limits, nor more than one acre in the new or extended limits. Sec. 7. The Health Commissioner may at any time, by and with the approval of the Board of Health, recall such permit if any of the rules or orders of the Health Commissioner are vio- lated. Sec. 8. It is hereby made the duty of the police officers to arrest any person found cutting or removing imy ice from any pond, sink-hole or slough, within the limits of the city, who have not first obtained a permit from the Health Commissioner as pro- vided for in this ordinance. Sec. 9. Whenever any person, firm or corporation desire to cut ice or to grant or sell the privilege of cutting ice from any pond or sink-hole situated on their own property, and when they believe that the ice from said pond or sink-hole is clean and pure, and fit and proper to be used for other purposes than the cooling of articles, they shall make application to the Health Commis- sioner for a permit to do so, and if upon examination by the Health Commissioner, or by a proper officer authorized by the Health Commissioner, to make the examination, the Health Com- missioner is satisfied that the ice proposed to be cut is clean, and fit and proper to be used for other purposes besides the cooling of articles, he shall grant a permit to the parties applying to cut said ice ; but said permit shall state where the ice is to be stored, but when the permits are granted as provided for in this section no bond shall be required of the parties, but a fee for the permit shall be charged as provided for in section five of this ordinance. Sec. 10. All parties bringing ice into the City of St. Louis from a less distance than ten miles from this city shall file a state- ment with the Health Commissioner, which statement shall be sworn to ; said statement shall specify the locality from which the ice has been brought and when cut, and if in the opinion of the Health Commissioner said ice is only fit for the cooling of articles he shall require said parties to give a bond and comply with all the provisions as provided for in section four of this ordinance. If in the opinion of the Health Conmiissioner said ice is clean and fit and proper to be used for any purpose whatever, he shall grant a permit to such parties in the same manner as provided for in section nine of this ordinance. Any person bringing or storing ice within the limits of the city without having obtained a permit so to do, as provided for in this section, shall he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than fifty nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars, to be Governing the Health Department, 55 recovered as in all the cases of misdemeanor, before any court having competent jurisdiction. Sec. 11.. Any person, firm or corporation found guilty of violating this orclinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be lined not less than fifty nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars for each and every violation of this ordinance, to be recovered as in all other cases of misde- meanor before any court of competent jurisdiction. Approved February 1, 1878. [10,377.] AN ORDINANCE establishing ancT fixing the salaries of the officers and employes of the Health Department not heretofore fixed by ordinance. Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of St, 8t, Louis, as follows: Section 1. The several officers and employes of the Health Department, hereinafter named, shall receive the following com- pensation per annum, payable monthly, for their services, to-wit : Steward, Insane Asylum, one thousand dollars; clerk at the City Hospital, six hundred dollars; clerk at the Insane Asylum, five hundred dollars; steward of the Female Hospital, who shall also /l)erform the duties of clerk and storekeeper, eight hundred dol- lars ; eiis^ineer of the City Hospital, nine hundred dollars ; en- gineer of the Insane Asylum, nine hundred dollars ; engineer of the Poor House, nine hundred dollars ; engineer of the Female Hospital, seven hundred dollars; all of whom shall be licensed and practical engineers; firemen at the City Hospital, Insane Asylum, Poor House, and Female Hospital, four hundred and twenty dollars each ; assistant engineers at the City Hospital, Insane As3'lum, Poor House, and Female Hospital at the rate of six hundred dollars each for the time for which they are employed, all of whom shall be licensed and practical engineers; carpenters at the City Hospital, Insane Asylum, Poor House, and Female Hospital, live hundred and forty dollars each; druggist at the City Hospital, six hundred dollars ; druggist at the Insane Asylum, four hundred and twenty dollars ; druggist at the Female Hospital, four hundred and twenty dollars ; an assistant physician at the Poor House, who shall act as the druggist, five hundred dollars ; ward-master at the City Hospital, four hundred and twenty dol- lars ; whitener and plasterer at the City Hospital, four hundred and eighty dollars ; dining-room master and storekeeper at the City Hospital, four hundred and twenty dollars ; hall-master at the City Hospital, four hundred and twenty dollars ; nurses in the L 56 Laws and Ordinances male department at the Insane Asylum, three hundred and thirty- six dollars each ; nurses in the female department at the Insane Asylum, three hundred dollars each ; nurses at the City Hospital, Female Hospital and Poor House, two hundred and forty dollars each ; clerk at the Poor House, who shall also perform the duties of storekeeper, six hundred dollars ; one chief cook at the City Hos.pital, Insane Asylum and Poor House, six hundred dollars each ; cooks at the Female Hospital, three hundred dollars each ; one chief seamstress at the City Hospital, Insane Asylum, Poor House and Female Hospital, three hundred dollars each; male watch- men at the Insane Asylum, four hundred and forty dollars each ; female watch at the Insane Asylum, three l)undred and sixty dollars each ; watchman at the Female Hospital, four hundred and twenty dollars ; female night nurse at the Female Hospital, three hundred dollars ; night watchman and nurse at the Poor House, five hundred and forty dollars ; one chief laundress at the City Hospital, Female Hospital and Poor House, two hundred and forty dollars each ; one chief laundress at the Insane Asylum, three hundred dollars ; assistant laundresses at the Insane Asylum, two hundred and forty dollars each; and at the City and Female Hospitals, one hundred and eighty dollars each ; one hostler at the Insane Asylum and at the Female Hospital, three hundred dollars each ; male attendants in the insane wards at the Poor House, three hundred and thirty dollars each ; female attendants in the insane wards at the Poor House, three hundred dollars each ; driver of the dead wagon and small-pox ambulance, five hundred and forty dollars ; ambulance driver of the wngon for the Female Hospital, Insane Asylum and Poor House, the duty to be performed by the one person, five hundred and forty dollars ; driver of the provision wagon from the Poor House to or from any public institution, four hundred and twenty dollars ; and all drivers of ambulances and all other wagons shall be required to assist in taking care of their horses, and vehicles, if necessary ; male hall-masters in the Insane Asylum four hundred and twenty dollars each ; hall superintendents in the female department at the Insane Asylum throe hundred and sixty dollars each ; matrons at the Insane Asylum and Poor House, three hundred dollars each ; assistant cook at the City Hospital, two hundred and forty dollars, and the chief cook at the City Hospital shall superintend the cooking for the officers thereof; male and female help at the City Hospital, Insane Asylum, Poor House and Female Hospital, one hundred and eighty dollars each ; gardeners at the Insane Asylum, Poor House and Female Hospital three hundred dollars each ; steward of the Quarantine and Small-pox Hospital, the duty to be perforriied l)y one man, six hundred dollars ; male nurse at the Small-pox Hospital three hundred and sixty dollars ; female nurse at the Small-pox Hospital three I Governing the Health Department. 57 Imi.uitid dollars ; watchman at Quaiautiiie, three hundred and sixty dollars ; bakers at Poor House, fiye hundred and forty dollars each ; two assistant physicians at the Insane Asylum, three hun- dred dollars each. All the above named officers and employes shall receive, in addition to their salaries as mentioned in section one of this ordinance, their board and washing in the institutions in which they are employed. Sec. 2. The following officers and employes of the Health Department hereinafter named shall receive the following com- j)ensation per annum, payable monthly, for their services, to-wit : One assistant clerk in the office of the Board of Health and Health Commissioner, one thousand dollars ; one record clerk in the Health Commissioner's Office, nine hundred dollars; sanitary officers, in the Health Commissioner's Office, one at twelve hundred dollars and three at nine hundred dollars each, one ambulance driver for the City Dispeysary, seven hundred and twenty dollars ; one Superintendent' of the Morgue, nine hundred dolfJtrs ; one assistant at the Morgue, shall also be the driver of the ambulance for the Morgue, six hundred dollars ; night watchman and nurse at- the City Hospital, seven hundred and twenty dollars ; but none of the officers or employes mentioned in this section of this ordinance shall receive board or washing in any o*f the city institutions. Approved October 3, 1877. [10,314.] AN ORDINANCE establishing the office of Commissioner of Supplies, regulating its management and the manner of purchasing all articles needed by the several departments of the City of St. Louis ; defining the duties of the Commissioner, and fixing his salary and bond. Whereas^ An emergency exists, there being no ordinance now in existence establishing the office of Commissioner of Supplies, defining the duties of said Commissioner, or fixing his salary and bond ; and Whereas^ The Charter of the City of St. Louis, in section twenty-nine, article four, provides that all articles needed by the city in its several departments shall be purchased by the Commis- sioner of Supplies, therefore this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage. Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of St. Louis ^ as folloivs: Section 1. There is hereby created and established the office of Commissioner of Supplies, who shall hold his office for the 58 Laws and Ordinances term of two years, by virtue of his first appointment under this ordinance, and for four years by virtue of subsequent appoint- ments thereafter and until his successor is duly appointed and qualified. The Commissioner of Supplies shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Council ; he shall be a citizen of the United States ; he shall have been a resident of the City of St. Louis at least three years next preceding his appointment ; he shall receive a salary of thirty -five hundred dollars a year, payable monthly, and shall give a bond of fifty thousand dollars, with not less than three good securities who shall be holders of unincumbered real estate within the City of St. Louis ; said bond to be approved by the Mayor and Council. The condition of said bond shall be that said Commissioner shall honestly and faithfully execute and perform the duties of his office as prescribed by law and ordinances; that he will not, directly or indirectly, be in an}'^ manner interested in the sale of any article to the City of St. Louis ; that he will not directly or indirectly, receive any bribe, gift or consideration of any kind from any person or persons who have been, are now, or likely to be, engaged through his depart- ment in furnishing any supplies or selling any article to the City of St. Louis. Sec. 2. The Commissioner of Supplies shall purchase all arti- cles needed by the city in its several departments, in such manner and under such regulations as may be provided by ordinance. He shall purchase all articles, so far as practicable, by advertising for proposals. All i)urchases made by him without advertising for proposals shall be approved by the Comptroller before the same shall become binding on the city. In advertising for proposals to furnish supplies, quantity and quality of all articles shall be fully stated, and any bidder may bid for any one article named. The award for each article shall in all cases be made to the lowest bidder therefor. The Commissioner of Supplies shall furnish to the bidders printed blanks, which shall be filled up by the bidders with the price of the article to be furnished, and shall, in specify- ing the quantity and quality of any article, recite the advertise- ment. AH bids shall be sealed and opened at an hour and place to be stated in the advertisement for proposals, in the presence of as many of the bidders as may desire to be present, and shall be subject to the inspection of bidders. All bids having any alteration or erasure upon them shall be rejected. The Commis- sioner of Supplies shall reserve the right to reject any and all bids. All contracts shall be approved by the Mayo? before they shall become binding on the city. Sec. 3. The Commissioner of Supplies shall, in the month of June of each year, advertise for proposals and enter into contract on the part of the City of St. Louis, for furnishing, for Che period Governing the Health Department, 59 of oue year, all fuel, milk and ice that may be required for the use of the City Hospital, Insane Asylum, Poor House, Female Hospital, Workl^use, Jail, House of Refuge, City Hall, Court House, Fire Engine Houses and other city offices ; the articles to be delivered as required, from time to time, at the different insti- tutions and departments of the city, and he shall require a good and sufficient bond for the faithful performance of said contracts, which shall be approved by the Mayor. Sec. 4. The Commissioner of Supples shall, in the month of June of each 3^ear and every three months thereafter, advertise for proposals and enter into contract on the part of the City of St. Louis for furnishing for the period of three months all meat, butter, lard, fish, eggs, poultry, bread, gasoline, flour, corn meal, hay, corn, oats and ground feed required for the use of the Health Department, Workhouse, House of Refuge, Jail, Fire Depart- ment, and all other departments ; the articles to be delivered as required from time to time at the different institutions and depart- ments of the city, and he shall require a good and sufficient bond for the faithful performance of said contracts subject to the approval of the Mayor. Sec. 5. All perishable articles, such as fruit and vegetables, that may be required for the use of the Hospitals, Insane Asylum, Poor House, Workhouse, and House of Refuge, shall be purchased by the Commissioner of Supplies at the best possible rates on the requisition signed by the proper officer in charge of the above named city departments ; all of which purchases shall be approved by the Comptroller before they shall be binding on the city. Sec. 6. Whenever any institution or department of the city through the officer in charge thereof shall make a requisition on the (Commissioner of Supplies for any bedding, household goods, furniture, dry goods, clothing, tinware, hardware, harness, ma- chinery, tools, stoves, carpets, building material, surgical instru- ments, surveying instruments, stationery and books ; when the amount to be purchased will exceed the sum of one hundred dollars for any one article, the Commissioner of Supplies will advertise for proposals and enter into contract on the part of the City of St. Louis for the furnishing of such articles ; but other- wise the Commissioner of Supplies shall purchase such articles at the best possible market rates, on the requisition signed by the officer in charge of the department where such articles are needed. Sec. 7. In the months of January, ApriH July and October the Commissioner of Supplies shall give public notice in the news- papers doing the city printing, that on the fifth day from the date of the notice he will receive proposals for furnishing the City Hospital, Female Hospital, Insane Asylum, Small-Pox Hospital, L (50 Laws and Ordinances Poor House, Workhouse, House of Refuge and Jail with such groceries and drugs, not otherwise contracted for, as may be needed for the use of said institutions duringfcthe next three months ; and for the information of bidders he shall have prepared printed lists of the articles, and quantity required for each insti- tution. The requisitions for groceries and drugs for each institu- tion shall each be separate. ^ Sec. 8. The Commissioner of Supplies shall purchase the engines and other apparatus for the suppression or extinguishment of fire and protection of life and property, that may be needed by the Fire Department, when the purchase of such articles are recommended by the Chief of the Fire Department and approved by the Mayor ; Pi^ovided, however, that the Municipal Assembly shall have by ordinance provided for and appropriated the funds to meet said purchase. Sec. 9. The Commissioner of Supplies shall purchase all horses, mules, wagons, carts, ambulances and buggies, that mixj be needed for the several Institutions on Departments Of the city ; Provided i that before making said purchases, that the requisitions for same shall be signed by the officer in charge of the depart- ment where such articles are needed, and approved by the Mayor. Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Supplies to personally examine the articles that have been purchas d. by him and delivered to the several Institutions or Departments of the city, and see if the said articles are of the standard kind and quality as required by the terms of sale ; where he shall find in- ferior articles have been delivered he shall at once reject all such articles, and shall not certify the bill for the same for payment, and report all the facts to the Mayor. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Supplies, whenever supplies of an^^ sort are furnished to any Institution or Department of the City Govern- ment to send with such supplies a memorandum stating the quan tity, quality, weight or measure and price of each article sent, which memorandum shall be returned to the Commissioner of Supplies with the indorsement thereon of the Superintendent or other person in charge of the Department or Institution as to its correctness, ex(;ept in respect to the price thereof. The Com- missioner of Supplies shall keep all such memorandums or re- ceipts as vouchers for any payments he may make, either for goods purchased in the open market or under advertisement. Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Supplies to approve, if corrgct, all bills for supplies furnished the city, whether purchased under any contract with the city or otherwise. If a bill is made under any contract, the Commissioner of Sup- plies shall state on the bill the date of the contract and the date of the approval by the Mayor. If the bill is not made under Governing the Health Department. 61 any contract it shall be approved by the Comptroller and a certi- fied copy of the requisition for the articles mentioned in said bill shall be attached to the same. The Auditor shall not audit and allow any bills for supplies unless the foregoing provisions are complied with. ^EC. 12. The Commissioner of supplies, by and with the con- sent and approval of the Mayor, shall employ such clerks and assistants that may be needed for the proper management of his department. Sec. 13. The Commissioner of Supplies shall require all par- ties contracting through his department to give good and suffi- cient bond for the faithful performance of said contracts, to be approved by the Mayor, and all contracts shall contain a clause that the articles to be furnished are to be delivered to the various city institutions or departments free of charge for transportation, and that the city shall allow no charge for packages. Sec. 14. When the Commissioner of Supplies tinds any party engaged in selling or delivering any article to the city, who has failed or refuses to comply with the terras of his contract or agreement, or when a party fails to make restitution to the City of St. Louis for any loss the city has met by failure or neglect on his part to comply with the terms of this agreement, then the Commissioner of Supplies, with the consent and approval of the Mayor, shall decline to receive any further bids from said party for any articles to be furnished to the city. Sec. 15. The Commissioner of Supplies shall, every three months, or oftener, if deemed necessary, advertise in the news- papers doing the city printing, for at least three days, for pro- posals for the purchase of all surplus, condemned or other refuse property under his control. Said advertisement shall state speci- fically the character and quality of the article or articles to be disposed of, the time and place, when and where the bids shall be opened, with the right reserved to the Commissioner to reject any or all bids ; Provided, that any rejection or award of bids be done by and with the consent and approval of the Mayor. Sec. 16. The money received from the sale of all surplus, condemned or other refuse property, shall, within one week from the day of sale, be paid by the Commissioner into the City Treas- ury, taking the Treasurer's receipt in triplicate therefor, and filing one of those receipts with the Comptroller and one with the Audi- tor. Sec. 17. The Commissioner of Supplies shall have his office in the City Hall, or some building belonging to thje city, to be designated by the Mayor, and devote his entire time to the duties of his office during business hours. 62 Laws and Ordinances » Sec. 18. As soon as the Commissioner of Supplies shall be appointed and qualified, the Register shall turn over to said Com- missioner all goods, stationery and property in his possession and belonging to the city, which in contemplation of law is to be in custody of said Commissioner, and take his receipt therefor. Approved June 14, 1877. [10,934.] AN ORDINANCE establishing and regulating the office of Com- missioners on Charitable Institutions and defining the powers and duties thereof. JSe it ordained by the Munioipal Assembly of the City of /St. Louis ^ as follows: Section 1. Within thirty days after the first Tuesday in April, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, the Mayor shall ap- point five Commissioners on Charitable Institutions, subject to confirmation by the Council. They shall hold the office for a term of four years, and until their successors are duly appointed and qualified. On the first Tuesday of April, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, and every four years thereafter, the Mayor sl^all make appointments as herein provided. The Commissioners shall possess the qualifications required by section 10, article 4, of the Charter, and the appointments shall be made in such a manner that, as far as practicable, there shall not be a majority belonging to any one relijrious'sect or i)olitical party. Sec. 2. Before entering upon their duties, the said Commis- sioners shall respectively take and subscribe to an oath before some Judge or Justice of the Peace or the Register, that he pos- sesses all the qualifications prescribed for his office by the Charter, that he will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Missouri, and the Charter and ordinances of the Cit}^ of St. Louis, and that he will faithfully demean himself in office. Sec. 3. The Mayor shall assign a suitable room in the City Hall for the use of the Commissioners, in which they shall hold a meeting at least once in each month. They shall elect from their number a President, who shall hold his office during the time for which the Commissioners are appointed and until his successor is elected and qualified. They may make such rules and regulations for the transaction of their business as they may deem expedient, not inconsistent with the Charter and ordinances of the city. The Assistant •Secretary of the Council shall act as Secretary of the Commissioners, and shall perform all clerical duties necessary for the transaction of their business. r Governing the Health Department. 63 Sec. 4. The Commissioners on Charitable Institutions shall have a general visitatorial supervision over all penal and charit- able institutions, supported wholly or in part b}^ the city, and shall have full authority at all times to inspect and examine the condition of such institutions, financially and otherwise ; to inquire and examine into their methods of instruction and the ofovern- meut, treatment and management of their inmates ; the official conduct of managers, superintendents and all other officers and employes of the same ; the receipts and expenditures of money ; the condition of the buildings, grounds and other property comiected therewith, and into all other matters pertaining to their usefulness 'and good management; and for these pur- ])()ses they shall have free access to the grounds, buildings and all books and papers relating to said institutions, and all per- sons, now or hereafter in any manner connected with the same, are hereby directed and required to give snch information and afford such facilities for inspection as the said Commissioners may require, and any neglect or refusal on the part of any officer or ])ersoii connected with such institution to comply with the require- ments of this section, shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and npon conviction thereof, before either of the Police Justices of the City of St. Louis, shall subject the offender to a penalty for each and cvely refusal, of a sum equal to one-tenth of the amount annnally paid such person as wages or salary. They shall have power, by a unanimous vote, to remove any appointed officer or employe of such iistitutions, and shall in case of such removal notify the Mayor and request him to fill the vacancy ; but he shall have no power to reappoint any person so removed by the Commissioners. Prcvlded^ however, that before any such removal shall be made the person accused shall have a full, open and impartial hearing l)efore the Commissioners. Sec. 5. The said Commissioners are hereby authorized and required at least once in each month, and as much oftener as they may deem necessary, to visit all the charitable, penal, reformatory and correctional institutions supported wholly or in part by the city, and ascertain whether the moneys appropriated for their use are, or have been, judiciously and economically expended; whether the objects of the several institutions are being accom- plished and the inmates humanely and properly treated, whether the laws and ordinances in relation to them are fully complied with, and the various other matters referred to in the fourth section of this ordinance. Such visitations shall be made at irregular intervals and without previous notice or information to any of the officials or employes of the institutions visited. They shall report in writing through the Mayor to the Municipal Assembly at the opening of each annual session of the same, or 64 Laws and Ordinances oftener if they deem it necessary, the result of their investiga- tions, together with such other information and recommendations as they may deem proper, and they shall recommend to the As- sembly such ordinances as they may deem necessary for the wel- fiire of the persons under their supervision and in the interest of the city. Sec. 6. Until an appropriation is made for this purpose the Comptroller shall furnish to the said Commissioners necessary ac- count books, blanks and stationery. Sec. 7. The said Commissioners or any one of them shall appear before any committee of either House of the Municipal Assembly that may require their attendance. Sec. 8. Whenever any of the institutions under the super- vision of the Commissioners desire an appropriation for any purpose, other than their usual expenses, they shall inquire care- fully and fully into the ground of such want, the purpose or pur- poses for which it proposes to use the same, the amount which will be required to accomplish the desired object, and into any other matters conne<!ted therewith, and shall report to the Mu- nicipal Assembly the result of such inquiries together with their own opinions and conclusions relating to the whole subject. Sec. 9. No one of said Commissioners shall be directly or indirectly interested in any contract for building, repairing or furnishing any of the institutions under their supervision, nor shall any officers of such institutions be eligible to the office of Commissioner herein created. No money shall be paid by any city officer, nor shall the city be in any manner liable upon any contract made in violation of this section, or in which either of said Commissioners shall after the inaking thereof become directly or indirectly interested, and any Commissioner violating the pro- visions of this section shall thereby vacate his office. Sec. 10. The failure on the part of any Commissioner ap- pointed under this ordinance to attend any three successive regular meetings during any calendar year, except in case of sickness or absence from the city, may be treated by the Mayor as a resigna- tion of such non-attending Commissioner, and the vacancy be filled. The annual reports of the Commissioners shall give the names of each Commissioner present at each of the regular meetings. Sec. 11. The Commissioners shall receive no compensation for their time or services, but the actual expenses of each while engaged in the performance of the duties of their office, and any actual outlay required in examinations or investigations, on being made out and certified to by a majority of the Commissioners at a regular meeting, if approved by the Mayor, shall be paid out of a fund appropriated for that purpose. Approved December 28, 1878. Governing the Health Department. 65 [10,390.] AN ORDINANCE to prohibit the opening and working of stoiie quarries, location and operation of brick kilns, and the erection and carrying on of soap factories, slaughter-houses, bone or rendering factories and establishments where articles are pro- duced and manufactured, the manufacturing of which is injurious to the public health, or which emit offensive odors to the extent of creating a nuisance to the surrounding inhabitants, within three hundred feet of any dwelling-house, built and inhabited before such opening, location or erection, without the consent in writing of the owner and of the occupant of every such house. Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of St. Louis, as follows: Section 1. Hereafter no stone quarry shall be opened, or brick kiln located, or soap factory, slaughter-house, bone or ren- dering factory, erected within the distance of three hundred feet of any dwelling-house, built and inhabited, before such opening, location or erection, without the consent in writing of the owner and of the occupant of every such house. Any per- son, company of persons, firm or corporation violating any or either of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars. Sec. 2. It shall not be lawful for any person, company of per- sons, firm or corporation, to work a stone quarry or operate a brick kiln, or carry on a soap factory, slaughter-house, bone or rendering factory, opened, located or erected after the passage of this ordinance, within the distance of three hundred feet of any dwelling house, built and inhabited before such opening, location or erection, without the consent in writing of the owner and oc- cupant or occupants of every such house. Any person, company of persons, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars for each and every day such stone quarry, brick kiln, soap factory, slaughter-house, bone or rendering factory is worked, operated or carried on without such consent. Sec. 3. It shall not be lawful for any person, corporation or firm to erect any building for the purpose of manufacturing or producing any article, or to manufacture or produce any article, the manufacturing of which is injurious to the public health, or which in the manufacture thereof emits an ofiensive odor to the extent of creating a nuisance to the surrounding inhabitants, with- Q6 Laws and Ordinances out first having obtained the consent of all the owners and resi- dents within the distance of three hundred feet from such contem plated building. Approved October 20, 1877. PORTIONS OF THE CHARTER APPLICABLE TO THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT. CLAUSE 6, SECTION 26 OF ARTICLE 3 OF THE CHARTER DEFINING POWERS OF MUNICIPAL ASSEMBLY. Sixth — To establish and enfoi'ce quarantine laws and regula- tions ; to prevent the introduction and spread of contagious dis- eases ; to establish and regulate hospitals, and to secure the general health of the inhabitants by any measure necessary ; to regulate stone quarries and quarrying of stone, and the slaughter- ing of animals ; provide for the erection, management and regu- lation of slaughter-houses ; prevent the driving of stock through the city : prohilut the erection of soap factories, stock yards, and slaughter-houses, pig pens, cow stables and dairies, coal oil and vitrol factories within prescribed limits, and to remove and regu- late the same ; and to regulate or prevent the carrying on of any business which may be dangerous or detrimental to the public health, or the mamifactiire or vending of articles obnoxious to the health of the inhabitants ; and to declare, prevent and abate nuis- ances on public or private property and the causes thereof; and the Mayor, whenever in his opinion a nuisance exists, on public or private property, or whenever a nuisance has been so declared by ordinance or resolution of the Board of Health, is authorized to abate and remove such nuisances, and the cause thereof in a summary manner, at the cost of the o\Vner or occupant of the premises where the nuisance, or the cause thereof may be, and for that purpose may enter upon and take possession of any premises or property where such nuisance may exist or be produced. SECTION 44, ARTICLE 4 OF THE CHARTER. Sec. 44. All questions of difference between the officers of the city att'ecting their relative powers and duties may be referred by either of them to the Mayor, who shall examine and determine such questions, and his decision shall be final as between such officers. SECTION 14, ARTICLE 4 OF THE CHARTER. Sec. 14. The Sheriff*, Coroner and Marshal may have such deputies as may be provided by ordinance. The assistants of any Governing ike Health Department, 6*? officer shall hold their position during good behavior, unless otherwise provided by ordinance, but may be removed for cause by the Mayor, or by the officer under whom they work, at his pleasure. All offices of the several departments of the city shall be in the City Hall or some other building owned by the city, unless otherwise specially provided by the Assembly. SECTION 11, ARTICLE 16 OF THE CHARTER. Sec. 11. Any member or officer of either house of the Assem- bly, and any officer of the city, and any member or officer of any board organized under or in connection with the city government pursuant to any law of this State, who shall in his official capacity, or under color of his office, knowingly or willfully, or corruptly vote for, assent to, or report in favor of, or allow or certify for allowance, any claim or demand against the city or any depart- ment thereof, or against any such board as above mentioned, which claim or demand shall be on account or under color of any contract or agreement not authorized by or in pursuance of the provisions of this charter, or any claim or demand against the city or any department thereof, or any such board as aforesaid, which claim or demand, or any part thereof, shall be for work not in fact performed for and by authority of said city or such board, or for supplies or materials not actually furnished thereto, pursuant to law or ordinance, and every such member or officer as aforsaid, who shall knowingly vote for, assent to, assist or otherwise permit or aid in the disbursement or disposition of any money or property belonging to the city or any department thereof, or held by or in charge of any such board as aforesaid, to any other than the spec- ific use or purpose for which such money or property shall be, or shall have been received or appropriated, or collected or authorized by law to be collected, shall upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment in the city jail for not more than one year, or by fine not less than two thousand, nor more than ten thousand dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment, or by imprison- ment in the city jail for not less than six months, and by fine of not less than five hundred, nor more than five thousand dollars. SECTION 6 ARTICLE 7 OF THE CHARTER. Sec. 6. The Water Commissioner may require owners or lessees, or their agents, of houses, stores and other buildings in the city, or in such parts thereof as he is ready to supply, to take out license for the use of water for such house, store or building, ac- cording to the rates and assessment as fixed by ordinances of the city for the use of water, whenever the Board of Health of the City of St. Louis shall, by order duly made, declare that the use of water from the Waterworks of the city in any such .SS Laws and Ordinances. house, store or building, is demanded as a sanitary measure for the preservation of the health of the inmates or inhabitants of such house, store or building ; and the said rate and assessment shall be paid by all such proprietors, owners or lessees, or their agents, as well by those who consent as by those who refuse to place in their houses, stores and buildings the water pipe to con- vey the same, and shall be payable whenever the Assessor of Water Rates shall have notified the proprietor, owner, lessee, or his or her agent, of the readiness of said Water Commissioner to supply such house, store or building with water as aforesaid. The parties who fail or neglect to comply with the provisions of this section, shall be subject to penalties as may be provided by ordinance. INDEX PAGE. Article XII of the Charter of the City of St. Louis relating to the Health Department . . • ^ An ordinance (10311) establishing and regulating the office of the Health . Commissioner 7 An ordinance (10330) creating and establishing the Health Department and Board of Health 9 An ordinance (11061) providing for the government and management of the Hospitals, Dispensary and Insane Asylum 11 An ordinance (10978) establishing Quarantine Station and authorizing and defining quarantine regulations 16 An ordinance (10998) in relation to the Health Department, authorizing the Health Commissioner to remove malignant, infectious or conta- gious disease 19 An ordinance (10615) in relation to the Health Department in relation to physicians practicing in the City of St. Louis giving notice of con- tagious diseases 22 An ordinance (10321) in relation to the sale of poision 23 An ordinance (10326) in relation to vital statistics 24 An ordinance (10329) to provide for keeping of mortuary records, estab- lishing rules and regulations governing sextons of cemeteries 25 An ordinance (10386) in relation to the Health Department and to regu- late the practice of medicine and surgery and midwifery, and to regulate the issue of burial certificates 27 An ordinance (10990) regulating cemeteries and the interment of the dead 29 An ordinance (10358) providing for the abatement of nuisances 32 An ordinance (10805) concerning the construction of privies, sinks, basins, stationary tubs and their connection with sewers 36 An ordinance (10617) in relation to streets, sidewalks, gutters and private alleys 39 An ordinance (10750) to secure the general health of the inhabitants of the city and to provide for abatement of nuisances on streets and alleys. . 40 An ordinance (10375) to prohibit the sale of any kind of diseased, cor- rupted, adulterated or unwholesome provisions and the sale of adul- terated drugs or medicines 41 An ordinance (10383) authorizing and empowering the Board of Health to do all acts and perform all functions heretofore performed by the County Court, in relation to admission of deaf and dumb persons and blind persons into Missouri institutions for their education 42 An ordinance (10062) to provide for the removal of dead animals 43 Index — Continued . PAGE. An ordinance (10325) to provide for the removal of slops 45 An ordinance (10830) elected and appointed officers, clerks and employes to make property list returns 46 An ordinance (11063) to transfer control of the Morgue from the Health Commissioner to the Coronor and providing for its management, etc. 47 An ordinance (10320) in relation to insane persons and paupers 49 An ordinance (10348 and 10420) establishing and regulating the Poor House and providing for its management 50-52 An ordinance (10359) establishing and regulating the office of Superinten- dent of Poor Hoj^e, prescribing duties and fixing bond and salary. . . 51 An ordinance (10538) regulating the cutting of ice from ponds, sink-holes and sloughs 53 An ordinance (10377) establishing and fixing salaries of officers and em- ployes of the Health Department not heretofore fixed by ordinance. . 55 An ordinance (10314) establishing Commissioner of Supplies regulating the manner of purchasing articles, etc 57 An ordinance (10934) establishing and regulating the office of Commis- sioner of Charitable Institutions 62 An ordinance (10390) to prohibit the opening and work of stone quarries, etc., carrying on soap factories, slaughter-houses, bone and rendering factories, etc 65 Clause 6, section 26, article 3 of Charter defining powers of Municipal Assembly 66 Questions of difference between officers to be refer red to Mayor 66 Assistants of any officer to hold position during good behavior unless otherwise provided, etc 60 Any officer or person connected with the city who shall corruptly certify to an account or bill shall be fined and imprisoned 67 Water Commissioner may require owners, agents or occupants of houses, etc., to take out water license whenever Board of Health declare the use of water in said premises a sanitary measure 67 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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