'"" i i 1 ii if ' ii 3 1822 00210 2663 NI E.nsi.rv (it CAI IFORNIA ,AN UK r,o II 3 1822 00210 2663 THE UNIVERSITY L!Bf?AI?Y ^in Of- CAiJFOKiMA, bAN DIEGO LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA of tije late as tofll as tfje of tfjat POMnalist, Sdjolm* mrtr K VITT t C CO., 77 cfi 789 Broadway, N. Y. f , 1885. ORDER OF SALE. FIRST SESSION, SECOND SESSION, THIRD SESSION, FOURTH SESSION, Lots i to 325 Lots 325 to 600 - Lots 601 to 925 - Lot 926 to the End CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and, if any dispute arise, between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent, on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money if required; in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again a/id re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or other- wise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendors, on or before delivery; in default of which Messrs. GEO. A. LEAVITT & Co. will not hold themselves responsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Book, Painting, Engraving, Print, Furni- ture, Works of Art, or any other article, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are ex- posed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. All books are presumed to be perfect unless otherwise expressed, and are collated as far as practicable when catalogued ; but the sale of any book or books cannot be invalidated on account of any stained, foxed, torn, mended, facsimile, written on, stamped, or short leaves of text, plates, maps or diagrams, or want of title, frontispiece, table of contents, index, or list of plates, or on account of the publica- tion of any subsequent volume, supplement, appendix or plates. All manuscripts and autographs, all magazines and reviews, all books in lots, and all pamphlets in lots or volumes, all single volumes or sets, will be sold with all their faults, imperfections and errors of description. The sale of any illustrated book, lot of prints or drawings, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the number of volumes or pieces, or other errors of description. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by Public or Private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if they think fit. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO. CATALOGUE LIB IR -A- POKTBR C. BLISS 1'rrsiilrnt of the American Philological Society, Literary Kditor of tlu- AVrc \'o> k Hf>;ilJ, Kditor of Johnson's "American Encyclopaedist," etc., etc., etc. VE li Y R ARE " N QOJ .LECTION SPANISH AMERICANA MEXICAN A GATHERED BY HIM WHILE HOLDING UNITED STATES DIPLOMATIC POSITIONS MEXICO, PARAGUAY AND ELSEWHERE AND SOUTH: TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, "JULY 2]tli and 28th, 1885, at 2. SO and 7. SO P. M., Each Day, LEAVITT ART GALLERY AND Book Sale Rooms, 787 AND 789 BROADWAY, OPPOSITE GRACE CHURCH AND ON THE - "W^est Coimear of East GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO., Auctioneers, NEW YORK, 1885. Orders to Purchase Executed FKEE OF CHARGE by the Auctioneers. The Books will be on Exhibition THREE DAYS before the Sale. PORTER C. BLISS. The following account of the life of the late Porter C. Bliss, who died on the morning of Monday, February 2nd, 1885, appeared in the columns of the New York Times shortly before his death under the caption of "A Remarkable Career Inci- dents in the Life of an American Journalist Varied Adventures Tortured in South America A Man of Many Tongues and Accomplishments " : " Porter Cornelius Bliss, A. M., who is now lying on a cot in St. Luke's Hospital, under treatment for aneurism, has had a more eventful and interest- ing career than that of almost any other American journalist, and some portions of his history read more like chapters from a romance than the record of adven- tures in real life. Mr. Bliss is but 46 years old, having been born on the Cat- taraugus Reservation of Seneca Indians, in Erie County, this State, Dec. 28, 1838. He studied at Hamilton and Yale, and in iS6o began his travels by a tour through Maine, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, undertaken in the service of several Boston societies, to investigate the condition of the Indian tribes, a subject in which he had taken a deep interest from boyhood. After fulfilling this commission, in 1861, he went to Washington, hoping to secure a position in the Interior Department, which would give him the opportunity to continue his studies of the Indians beyond the Mississippi ; but, although he went to President Lincoln armed with recommendations from such men as Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes and the historian Bancroft, he only suc- ceeded in securing a clerkship in the department, a position of which his ener- getic nature soon wearied, and, when General James Watson Webb was made Minister to Brazil, in the latter part of 1861, Mr. Bliss was appointed his pri- vate secretary. In 1862, when General Webb surrendered his office, Mr. Bliss, instead of returning with him, made a trip to Buenos Ayres, and three days after arriving there he was commissioned by the Argentine Republic to explore the Indian country known as the Grand Chaco, an immense desert inhabited by Indian tribes He spent eight months in this service, and during that time acquainted himself with various Indian dialects, and studied the antiquities of the country and the habits of the natives. The results of his explorations were published by the Government, and are standard authorities on the Indian tribes of the Grand Chaco. " Fora short time after this Mr. Bliss edited a monthly periodical in Buenos Ayres, which was called the River Plattc Magazine. Then he went to Para- guay, where his friend Charles A. Washburne was serving as United States Minister. Mr. \Vashburne made him his private secretary in i366, and he was appointed by President Lopez to write a history of Paraguay. While this work was in progress, Lopez declared war against Brazil, Uruguay and the Argentine Republic, and from this event the trouble of the young historian began. Knowing that he had come from Brazil, the Paraguay detectives suspected him of hostility to I.o;:ez, and his footsteps were dogged for weeks and months. Finally the archives of the Government were closed to him, and he was informed that his contract was at an end, and that he would not be paid for his work. Minister Washburne in the meantime had offered his mediation between Lopez and the enemy, and secured a treaty with the understanding that if I.opez would leave the C'vi:itry his life should be spared. This Lope/, declined to do, and the enemy bu;nij.irded the city. Mr. Washburne had resigned his position as Minister, and a boat was prepared to take him away. Mr. Bliss started for this boat, but was captured by the police of Lopez, with a Mr. Masterson, and thrown into a dungeon until night, when both were strapped to the backs of mules and carried to the army headquarters, a day's journey. Here they were scourged and tortured by want of food and persecuted in every conceivable way to force them to confess that they had conspired against Lope/ and his Govern- ment. Mr. Bliss's head was tied to his feet for hours at a time, and as an even more cruel form of torture he was laid on his face and a terrible pressure was put on the small of his back. He had been arrested on September 10, iS6S, and it was December 10, a period of three months, before he w.n finally relieved from imprisonment and persecution, on the demand of the United States Govern- ment, enforced by an American squadron " When Mr. Bliss reached Washington , after his rough experience in Para- guay, he was made translator to the State Department, a position which his extensive knowledge of languages qualitied him excellently to fill. He had learned Spanish in three weeks, and he had a remarkable talent for acquiring languages and dialects. At his request the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House investigated the charges made against him in Paraguay by the Lopez Government and declared them unfounded. After serving a few months as translator, he took editorial charge of the Washington Chronicle, in the Winter of 1869. and held this position until July, 1870, when President Grant appointed him Secretary of Legation to Mexico. In this capacity he served uniil July, 1874 two years under Minister Thomas H. Nelson, of Indiana, and iwo under the Hon. John \V. Foster, now Minister to Spain. Here, while attend- ing to his clerical work as Secretary, he found time to study and write on the history, geography and condition of Mexico and on American enterprises in that republic. He served as interpreter between Generals Kosecrans and Palmer, the first promoters of an American railroad in Mexico, and the Gov- ernment of the country, ?nd did a great deal of clerical work for England, France and Spain, who had no representatives in Mexico at the time. For three months at the close of 1872 he served as acting Minister or Charge d'Affaires in the absence of the Minister. He became an active member of the Mexican Geographical an.l Statistical Society, and was Chairman of the Com- mittee on Archaeological Explorations, in which capacity he visited and excav- ated the sites of the most remarkable ruins in the Valley of Mexico, reports on which were published in the bulletins of the Society. In the midst of all these arduous duties he still found time to do something for humanity's sake. He succeeded in saving from execution three prominent officers of the insurrection- ary forces headed by General, now President, Diaz, in the revolution of 1872. These officers had been captured, tried by a drum-head court-martial, and con- demned to death within forty-eight hours at the City of Puebla. One of them, a Colonel Meyer, was an Argentine by birth, and had rendered distinguished services to the Union Army during our own civil war, and the State Depart- ment on this account had once before interceded for him and secured his release from imprisonment. Mr. Bliss, after spending an entire day fruitlessly in the attempt to interest the Cabinet officers in the fate of the condemned men, tinally at eleven o'clock at night, when they were to be shot at daybreak, almost forced his \vay into the presence of President Juarez, and succeeded in getting the execution suspended by a telegraphic order. President Juarez died himself within two weeks of that time, and the officers were released. For this service Mr. Bliss received the personal thanks of General Diaz. " In the Summer of 1874 Mr. Bliss came to this city and became one of the o.fice editors of Johnson's Encyclopaedia, taking charge of the biographical department and contributing largely to several of the others. Over 1,500 of the biographies in this work were written by him, and the larger and more important ones bear his signature. He also contributed articles on Sanskrit and Portuguese literature, and on many other subjects requiring special prepar- ation and learning. When the Encyclopaedia was completed, in 1877, Mr. Bliss undertook, as editor and part proprietor, the management of a literary periodical, which he called the Library Table, but the time was unfavorable for such a publication and the venture proved disastrous. In 1878 he wrote for Hubbard Brothers, publishers, of Philadelphia, a history of the Russo-Turkish war, which ended that year, entitled " The Conquest of Turkey," and later in the same year became one of the editors of the New York Herald, having charge at first of the biographical department, and writing many hundreds of biographies of living men of note for future use. He also wrote editorials and geographical, historical and statistical sketches, for which his great range of information especially fitted him. In 1879 he again visited South America for the Herald, going this time to the west coast as war correspondent at the beginning of the war between Chili, Peru and Bolivia. He spent a great deal of time at Arica and Tacna, the headquarters of the Peruvian and Bolivian armies, and became a great favorite with Presidents Prado, of Peru, and Daza, of Bolivia. During this visit to South America he had several notable adven- tures, one of which was sustaining by himself a bombardment by the Peruvian monitor Huascar, while inside the hull of the abandoned man-of-war Watcree, which had been carried inland nearly a mile by the great tidal wave of which accompanied the earthquake of 1869. Mr. Bliss had walked out to the Watcree to inspect her. Just as he was about to enter the hull he heard a loud report, and a shell whizzed by him. Turning toward the sea he saw that the ffnascar was engaging in target practice and using the Wattrce as the target. With the instinct of the correspondent he scrambled into the hull and remained there two hours, until the bombardment ceased, accurately timing the shells and writing a report of his sensations. "Mr. Bliss returned to New York in 1879, and two years later went to Mexico on a gold-hunting expedition on his own responsibility and in behalf of some friends. During this trip he underwent great hardships in the rough mountainous regions of Southern Mexico, being on horseback for forty days in the height of the rair.y season, and suffering from exposure and lack of food. !t was here that he sowed the seeds of the disease from which he is now suffer- ing, and from the effects of which he has twice before been confined in St. Luke's Hospital. Since his return he has been unable to do any work except during a few months in 1883, when he acted as editor of the AYr; 1 Haven Morning News. Mr. Bliss was President of the American Philological Society, of this city, in 1879 and 1880, and is a member of the American Society for the Advancement of Science, of the American Antiquarian Society, of the American Ethnological Society, and of the American Oriental Society. For many years he has been a diligent and enthusiastic student of Oriental antiqui- ties, particularly relative to Assyria, Babylonia and Egypt, and has more than on':o been on the point of undertaking an expedition to these regions, but was prevented by unforeseen circumstances." CATALOGUE COSTA (C.\ Demanda Personalmente; also other Pamphlets, principally lethal, printed in /acatecas, 1841-42. 12010, half sheep. 2 .l-'sop; SALLUST; PLINY; OVID'S Metamorphoses; SF.XKCA; and oth.cr Latin Works. Together 15 vols. 3 ACOSTA (Joseph). Historia Natural y Moral de las Indias. 2 vols. 4to, half roan. Madrid, 1792 " Justly esteemed for its intrinsic merit." FIELD. 4 AHUMAPA Y VILLALON. Sermones. 4to, half sheep. n. p., n. d. 5 ALAMAN (Lucas). Liquidacion C.eneral de la Dcuda Esterior de la Republica Mexicana. Imperial Svo, roan. Mexico, i 845 This author was a native of Guanajuato in Mexico, was born in 1702 and died i?54- He occupied some of the highest offices in the Mexi" can Government. 6 ALAMAN. Disertaciones sobre la Historia de la Republica Mejicana. Portraits, maps and fac-similes (some foxed}. 3 vols. Svo, sheep, gilt. Mexico, 1844-49 Very scarce and out of print. Sold for $ 2s. 6d. at Puttick & Simpson's, 1869. 7 ALAMAN. Historia de Mejico. Portraits am? plates (sonic foxed}. 5 vols. (./'. e., $75) for 1 8 THE BLISS LIBRARY. only six of the above " Tratados " in his 1868 catalogue, and stated " De Bure, in whose time only five parts were known, speaks of their excessive rarity. Richarderie has no other particularisation of parts than those noticed by De Bure; nor was Llorente, in his notice of the works of Las Casas, better informed, as he only mentions the first five. " The above copy contains seven parts ! ! So complete a collection of these rare pieces is not to be found, and very seldom in such fine condition. They attracted great attention throughout the Christian world when they first appeared, the first and most important one having been translated and printed in Latin, Spanish, German. Italian, French and English. The Carter-Brown Library, in Providence, possessed forty different editions of the Brevis- sima Rclacion in various languages. " The character of Las Casas may be inferred from his career. He was one of those to whose gifted minds are revealed those glorious moral truths which, like the lights of heaven, are fixed and the same for ever. He was a reformer, and had the virtues and errors of a re- former. He was inspired by one great and glorious idea. This was the key to all his thoughts, all that he said or wrote, and to every act of his long life. It was this which made him reckless of obstacles, led him to count too confidently on the cooperation of others, animated his discussion, sharpened his invective, too often steeped his pen in the gall of personal vituperation, led him to gross exaggeratian, and a blind credulity of evil that rendered him unsafe as a counsellor, and unsuc- cessful in the practical concerns of life. . . . The best commentary on his character is the estimation which he obtained in the court of his sovereign. A liberal pension was settled on him after his last return from America, which he chiefly expended on charitable objects. No measure of importance relating to the Indians was taken without his advice. He lived to see the fruits of his efforts in the positive amelio- ration of their condition, and in the popular admission of those great truths which it had been the object of his life to unfold." PRKSCOTT, History Conquest of Mexico, Vol. I., p. 377. 156 CASTILLO Y BERENGUER (J. F. de). Historia Grande, Real y Discursos Politicos. 321110, vellum. Madrid [1747] 157 CAST AN O (B., S. /.). Breve Noticia de la Vida del, por P. THOMAS DE ESCALANTE. Portrait. 410, half sheep. Mexico, 1679 2, Bibliotheca Mejicana, 1869. / 158 CASTILLO VELASCO (}. M. del). Apuntamientos para el estudio del Derecho Constitucional Mexicano. Thick 8vo, half morocco, gilt. Mexico, 1871 Presentation copy, with MS. inscription to Porter C. Bliss. 159 CASTKI.AR Emilio). La Civilizacion. 4 vols. in 2. 8vo, half sheep. Mexico, 1868-69 THE BUSS LIBRARY. 19 160 CASTRILLO (Hernando). Magia Natvral o Cicncia de Filosofia Ocvlta. 410, half sheep, ^some pp. stained). Trigueros, 1649 A rare and curious work on magic and theosophy. 161 CASTILLO (F. M. Del). Obras Completas. J'or trait. Svo, half sheep. Mexico, 1872 162 CASTRO (P. de). Defensa de la Tortura. 410, half sheep. Madrid, 1778 An apology for the use of the rack. 163 CANONES KT DECRETA Concilii Tridentini, Hispali, [1753] ; NUNEZ, Explicacion al Decreto del S. C. Tridentino, Leon, 1687 ; Sexti Libri Decretalium (no title). Together 3 vols. Half sheep. 164 CAXTON (Wm.). Life by C. KNIGHT, cuts ; and Mind amongst Spindles. 2 vols. in i. 321110, half calf. London, 1844 165 CEBALLOS (Ramon de). Vindicacion de Mejico. Imperial Svo, half sheep. Madrid, 1856 166 CENTAUR NOT FABULOUS. Front. Svo, calf. London, 1755 167 CERTAMEN CIENTIFICO que El Colegio de S. Ildefonso de Mexico dedica el Primer Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. i6mo, half sheep. Mexico, 1825 With the above are bound up three others pamphlets, of which one is Bocanegra's " Disertacion apologetica del Sistema Federal." 168 CERVANTES. El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote. Por- trait. 4 vols. 321110, cloth. Argamasilla, 1863 169 CERVANTES. El Buscapie. i6mo, half sheep. Cadiz, 1848 170 CHARLEVOIX (P. F. X. de). Histoire de I'lsle Espagnole ou de S. Domingue. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 4to, half sheep (portions of Vol. T. in bad condition). Paris, 1730 RARK. Father Charlevoix accomplished results in his investiga- tions which seem marvellous in the vast accumulation of facts which his pen has illustrated. 171 CHATEAUBRIAND. Viaje a la America. 2 vols. 32mo, old sheep. Paris, 1836 172 CHEVALIER (M.). Le Mexique. i2mo, half sheep. Paris, 1864 173 CHESNEY (George). Indian Polity, a View of the -System of Administration in India. Svo, cloth. London, 1868 20 THE BLISS LIBRARY, 174 CHOMPRE (M.). Diccionario Abreviado de laFabula. 321110, vellum. Madrid, 1783 175 CHRONICA SERAPHICA. Vols. 2 to 7 inclusive. Folio, vellum, red edges. Madrid, 1684-1729 Written by Damian Cornejo and Eusebio Gonzalez de Torres. 176 CIGALA. Carta Segunda Feyjoo. 32010, half sheep (no title). Mexico, 1759 177 CIRCULARES del Ministerio de Guerra y Marina. Folio, half sheep. Mexico, 1867-70 178 CLARENDON (Edward, Earl of). History of Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. 8 vols. 8vo, calf. Oxford, 1826 179 CODIGO FUNDAMENTAL de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. i6mo, sheep. Mexico, 1847 1 80 CODIGO DE COMMERCIO de Mexico; MENDIVIL, Derecho Mer- cantil Mexicano; Reglamente y Arrancel de Corredores; El Commercio Interior de la Republica. 4 vols. in i. 8vo, half roan. Mexico, 1854 181 CODIGO DE JUSTICIA Militar del Ejercito Frances traducido al Castellano de Orden de S. M. El EMPERADOR MAXI- MILIANO I. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1864 182 COHEN (J.). Etudes sur 1'Empired'Allemagne. 8vo, sewed, uncut. Paris, 1879 183 COLECCION DE BAN DOS. A large collection of broad- side proclamations, pronunciamentos, issued in Mexico from 1848 to 1853. i vol. thick folio. An excessively rare lot of nearly 1,100 broadsides. Vide also lot 1085. 184 COLECCION GENERAL de Documentos tocantes a la Perse- cucion de los Regulares, 1644-60. Vol. 2. 4to, sheep. Madrid, 1768 185 COLECCION DE OBRAS Y OPUSCULOS. Pertenecientes a la Milagrosa Aparicion de la Bellisima Imagen de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe que se Venera en su San Santuario Extramuros de Mexico. Front. 4to, half sheep. Madrid, 1785 1 86 COLECCION DE PRAGMATICAS, Cedulas, etc. Vol. i. 410, sheep. Madrid, 1794 1X7 COLFCCION DE DECRETOS y Ordenes que han Expedido las Cortes Ordinarias, 1810-1814. 5 vols. 4to, half roan. Madrid, 1820 THE B/JSS LIBRARY. 21 r8S COLKCCJON DK PAPF.LF.S. El Pensador Mexicano and other periodicals, tracts, etc. 410, sheep. Mexico, i .Sao- 21 189 COI.KCCION DK DECRETOS del Congreso Mexicano, 1821-25 and of Puebla, 1826-28. Together 4 vols. Uniform mottled sheep. Mexico and Puebla, i<.). 321 KKKRY (G. "Louis de Bcllenuire"]. Costal 1'Indien - Scenes de la Guerre de 1'Independance du Mexique. Post Svo, half roan. Paris, 1862 322 FIELD (G.). Outlines of Analogical Philosophy. 2 vols. Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1839 323 FIRST SETTLERS of New England. Front, (foxed }. i6mo, half sheep. Boston, n. d. 324 FITZGERALD (J. E.). Charter and Proceedings of Hudson's Bay Company. Map. i6mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1849 325 FLORENCIA [Francisco de, S. J.]. Milagrosa Invencion Imagen de Nuestra Senora de los Remedies de Mexico. Curious front, with woodcut. 4to, half sheep. Seville, 1745 This author was a native of Florida, born 1620. He dedicated him- self chiefly to the pursuit of historical literature. His " History of the Order of Jesus " in Mexico is his most esteemed and rarest work. 326 FLORENCIA. Zodiaco Mariano. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1755 i is., Futtick and Simpson, 1869. 327 FLORENCIA. La Estrella del Norte de Mexico. 410, vellum. Madrid, 1785 327* FLORENCIA. The Same, half sheep. 328 FLORENCE of Worcester. Chronicle. Post Svo, half morocco. London, 1854 329 FOLGAR (A. M. de). Sermones Panegyricos, Predicados en la Imperial Ciudad de Mexico. 4to, half sheep. Madrid, 1753 330 FORMULARIO MANUAL de las Ceremonias de Militar orden de Calatrava. Portrait of CARLOS III. 321110, sheep. Puebla, 1783 330* FORO (El.). One bundle of Nos. Mexico, 1873-74 331 FOWLER (G.). Three Years in Persia. Fronts. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. London, 1841 332 FRADERSDORFF, ARNOLD and BROWNE. Copious Phraseo- logical English-Greek Lexicon. Svo, cloth. London, 1860 32 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 333 FRENCH (B. F ). Historical Collections of Louisiana, Part i, Facsimiles, N. Y., 1846; The Same, Part 2, Facsimile map, P/iila., 1850 (a few pp. stained) ; The Same, Part 5, steel portrait, N. Y., 1853 ; Historical Col- lections of Louisiana and Florida, Second Series [His- torical Memoirs and Narratives, 1527-1702], N. Y., 1875. Together 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. This collection is remarkable for the immense amount of material relating to the aborigines of America, being almost wholly composed of memoirs and narratives in the language of the original explorers. 334 FUENTE (Vincente de la). La Sofia de los Conventos. 8vo, half sheep. Mexico, 1870 335 FUEROS DE VIZCAYA (Los). i6mo, half sheep. Mexico, 1869 Reprint of the Medina edition of 1575. 336 FULLER (T.). Worthies of England. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth (some pp. soiled). London, 1840 337 FULTON (Robert). Life of, by CADWALLADER D. COLDEN. Portrait. Royal 8vo, boards (broken and stained). LARGE PAPER. N. Y., 1817 |ACETA IMPERIAL DE MEXICO. Oct. 2, 1821 [Vol. i, No. i], to Dec. 31, 1822. 2 vols. 4to, half sheep (i vol. wormed). Mexico, 1821-22 339 GACETA DIARIA DE MEXICO, Jan. i to April 29, 1826 (120 Nos.). 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1826 340 GAGE (T.). Nueva Relacion que contiene los Viages en la Nueva Espana. 2 vols. i2mo, Spanish sheep (MS. names on title). Paris, 1838 Thomas Gage's work is of the highest linguistical interest, as the few rudiments of the Indian tongue called Poconehi which this translation contains form the most complete treatise that has ever been made on that Aboriginal American language. 341 GALAXY (The). 122 Parts, 8vo, sewed. N.'Y., 1866-76 342 GALVEZ (Matias de). Solemnes Exequias del. Portrait. 4to, limp vellum. Imprenta Mexicana, 1785 The obsequies of this distinguished representative of the Spanish Monarchy in Mexico were celebrated in the Cathedral of Mexico March 5, 1785. THE BLISS LIBRARY. 33 343 GAMBOA (F. X. cle). Commentaries on Mining Ordinances of Spain translated by R. HKATHMEI.D. 2 vols. royal Svo, boards, uncut. London, 1830 344 GAMBOA (Ramon). Informe benemerito de la Patria d AN- TONIO LOPKZ DK SANTA ANNA. Svo, boards. Mexico, 1849 345 GARCIA DE LA CONCEPC1ON (J.). llistoria Beth- lehemiticia Vida Exemplar y. Admirable del Venerable Siervo de Dios y Padre Pedro de San JOSKPH BETANCVR, Fvndadar de el Regvlar Institvto de Bethlehen en las Indias Occidentales. Thick folio, half sheep. Sevilla, 1723 HARK. Sold for 3 i;s. 6d. at Puttick & Simpson's in June, 1869. 346 GARNIER (J.). Economic Politique. 121110, half morocco. Paris, 1848 347 GARNEAU (F. X.). History of Canada, with Illustrative Notes by Bell. Portrait and map. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. Montreal, 1866 348 GARSIA GALLECO (I. A.). De Expensis et Meliorationibvs. Small folio, half roan. Complvti, 1578 349 GARZA Y BALLESTEROS (L. de la, Archbishop of Mexico}. Various Pamphlets by. i vol. 410, half sheep. Mexico, 1851-59 350 GAZETA DE BUENOS AYRES, Aug. 30, 1810 Dec. 31, 1810. i vol. 4to, vellum. Buenos Ayres, 1810 351 GAZETA DE BUENOS AYRES. A Collection of Nos. of the same from Nov. 5, 1811, to 1812, also of the ye.irs 1815 and 1816, and bound up with which are Nos. of other periodicals, pamphlets, etc. 5 vols. folio. 352 CELL (Sir William). Topography of Rome and its Vicinity. With illustrations and separate mounted map. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1834 " I leave topography to classic Gell.'' BYRON. 353 GENOVES (F.). Sermon Panegirico de SAN PEDRO MARTIR por el Restablecimiento del Santo Tribunal de la Inquisicion. 4to, old sheep. Manila, 1817 354 GERONIMO DE SAN JOSEPH (Fr.). Historia del Venerable Padre Fr. IVAN DE LA CRUZ, Primer Descalzo Carmelita. 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1641 34 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 355 GLASS (George). History of Discovery and Conquest of Canary Islands. Map. 2 vols. i2mo, sheep. 'London, printed for A. Pope and J. Swift, in the Strand, 1767 With account of trial and execution of murderers of Capt. Glass. 356 GLOBO (El). Jan. n, to Oct. 31, 1869. Thick oblong 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1869 357 GODWIN (Parke). Ancient Gaul. 8vo, cloth [library mark on title.] N. Y., 1860 358 GODOY (Manuel). Memorias de. 5 vols. ismo, marbled sheep. Paris, 1839 The salacious Prince of Peace. 359 GOMEZ GAYOSO (Benito Martinez). Gramatica de la Lengua Castellana. 32mo, vellum. Madrid, 1743 360 GONZALEZ DE CASTRO ^C. B., Archbishop of Manila]. Paren- tacion Funeral, etc. 4to, vellum. Puebla, 1731 361 GOYA Y MUNIAIN (J.). Catecisimo Catolico Trilingue del P. PEDRO CANISIO. 4to, Spanish sheep. n. p., 1798 362 GRACIAN (L.). The Critick. Svo, calf. London, 1681 363 GRADUS AD PARNASSUM. 2 vols. Svo, old vellum. Lugduni, 1765 364 GRANADOS Y GALVEZ (F. J.). Tardes Americanas, Gobierno Gentil y Catolico ; breve y particular Noticia de toda la Historia Indiana. 410, half sheep (wormed). Mexico, 1778 VERY RARE. 4 153., Puttick & Simpson, 1869. "A curious work relating to the early history of the Mexicans, un- known to Clavigero, and not mentioned by Meusee." RICH. 365 GREENLEAF (Simon). Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists by Rules of Evidence. Svo, half sheep. Boston, 1846 366 GRENVILLE (M. de). Pintura de la Inglaterra. 4to, half sheep. Madrid, 1771 367 GROSE (Francis). Provincial Glossary, with Collection of Local Proverbs and Popular Superstitions. 4to, cloth. London, 181 1 It is said of this author that his literary attainments were far exceeded by his good humor, his conviviality and friendship. 368 GUERRERO (F.). Viage a la Ciudad Santa de Jerusalem. 321110, half sheep (stained). Valladolid, 1785 777/1 BLISS LIBRARY. 35 369 Gu\\ DE HACIKNDA de \;i Republica Mexicana. 2 vols in i. 32mo, half sheep. Mexico, 1825 370 d UM I LI, A (Joseph). Kl Orinoco illustrado y defendido Historia Natural Civil y Geographica de este Gran Rio. Plate. 4to, half sheep (2 pp. mended and some foxed i. Madrid, 1745 371 GUMILLA. Histoire Naturclle, Civile, tt Gcographique dc 1'Orenoque. Map. 3 vols. 24010, calf, red edges. Avignon, 1758 372 GURIDI ']. M.). Apologia de la Aparicion de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe de Mejico. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1X20 373 GURIDI. The Same. 374 GUTIERREZ DAVILA El. P. Julian). Memorias His- toriras de la Congregacion de el Oratorio de la Ciuclad de Mexico. ^ vols. in i. Thick 410, half roan. Mexico, 1736 2 is., Puttick & Simpson, 1869. 375 376 i'ADRIANI a Mynsicht. Thesaurus et Aramenta- rium Medico-Chymicum. i6mo, half sheep. Venice. 1606 HALL (Basil). Voyages in Chili, Peru, Mexico, etc. 3 vols. 321110, half calf. Edinburgh, 1826-27 377 HAMILTON (W. J.). Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus and Armenia. Plates^ fac-similes and cuts. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1842 378 HAKLKIAX MISCELLANY. Selection from. 410. London. 1793 379 HARO v PERALTA (I. N. de, Archbishop of <}fcxico). Carta Pastoral. 4to, half sheep (mounted title). Mexico, 1777 380 HARO v PF.RAI.TA. Funebre Ceremonia y Exequias. 4to, vellum. Mexico, 1802 381 HARO Y PERALTA. Constituciones Formo por. 4to, vellum. Mexico, 1777 382 HARF.'S Northern and Central Italy; GREGG'S Commerce of Prairies; SOUTHEY'S Cowper; etc. 'I'ogether 13 vols. Cloth. 383 HARRIS (W. C.). Highlands of /Ethiopia. Illustrations. some colored. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London. 1*44 36 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 384 HASSEY (O.). Enquiridion de las Raices Griegas. Small 4to, half roan. Mexico, 1870 385 HARTMANN (E. de). Philosophic de 1'Inconscient. 2 vols. Svo, half morocco. , Paris, 1877 386 HAWES (Joel). Tribute to Memory of Pilgrims. 24010, boards. Hartford, 1830 387 HAZARD (Samuel). Annals of Pennsylvania, 1609-1682. Thick Svo, cloth. Phila., 1850 388 HEEREN'S Ancient History; KAMES on Education; Suffolk Traveller; Life of Archbishop CHICHELE ; SOUTHEY'S Doctor; etc. Together n vols. Half leather. 389 HEBREW GRAMMAR by STUART and Lexicon by GIBBS; GREY'S Hebrew Method; GREENFIELD'S Book of Genesis in Hebrew; WILSON'S Hebrew Grammar. Together 4 vpls. Svo. 390 HEREDIA (J. M.). Miscelanea, Periodico Critico y Literario Segunda Epoca. 321110, half sheep (binding damaged). Toluca, 1831 391 HERNANDEZ Y BARRUTIA (C.). Caracteres Fisicos y Morales de los Natives y Habitantes de Esta Isla. 4to, half sheep. Habana, 1821 392 HERNANDEZ (J. M. P.). Estadistica de la Republica Meji- cana. 4to, half sheep. Guadalajara, 1862 393 HERODOTUS; HOMER'S Iliad and Odyssey; MULLKR'S Litera- ture Ancient Greece; BLAND'S Greek Anthology; LIVY; etc. Together 13 vols. Cloth. ANTONIO DE HERRERA'S GREAT WORK. 394 HERRERA (Antonio de). Historia General del Mundo de XVII. anos del Tiempo del Senor REV DON FELIPE II., el Prudente clesde el ano de MDLIIII. hasta el de MDLXX. Armorial cuts on titles. 3 vols. 4to, limp vellum (stained). Valladolid, 1606-12 Heircra's word is, and will always be. of great use to all who write upon South America, as a great number of the documents to which he had access are no longer in existence." Mt T Nox. 395 HERRERA. Historia General de las Indias Occidentales o de los Hechos de los Castellanos en la Islas y Tierra firmc del Mar Oceano. Numerous plates, engrarrd titles, ftr. 4 vols. folio, half sheep (a few pp. stained and im- print of title of Vol I. cut off). Amberes, 1728 THE /i/./SS LIBRARY. 37 396 HERREZUELO (Miguel\ Disertacion Teologico Juridicn. 4to, half sheep. Madrid, 1820 397 HIDALGO (Miguel!. Compendio Historico, Sacro-Profano, Teologico-Dogmatico y Filisofico-Christiano. 410, half sheep (stained). Mexico, iSoi 398 HILDRETH (R.). History of the United States. Yols. i and 2. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1X49 399 HISTORIA de la Gloriosa Revolucion de Paris en 1X30. 32mo, sheep. Paris, 1830 400 HISTORIA GENERAL DE LOS VIAGES, /. c., i. Yiages Antiguos en Mexico y Peru, 2 vols. ; 2. KOEMPFEK, Yiages Antiguosen Filipinas y Japon, 2 vols. ; 3. MENADKZ PINTO, Viages Antiguos en Asia, 2 vols.; 4. Viages de GAMKI.I.I CARERI, 2 vols. Together 8 vols. 4to, uniform half roan. Madrid, 1773-81 401 HISTORIA GENERAL, etc. Voyages to Africa, etc. 410, vellum. Madrid, 1763 402 HISTORIA GENERAL, etc. Conquista del Peru, Dutch and French Voyages to Asia, etc. 4 vols. 410, mottled sheep. Madrid, 1771 83 403 HISTORY OF MADAGASCAR ; CUMI:F.KI.A\I>'S First Planting of Nations ; ROBERTSON'S Greek Thesaurus ; HUNT'S Lingua Arabica ; etc. Together 6 vols. 404 HISTORIADORFS PRIM1TIVOS de Indias. 2 vols. 4to, half sheep, gilt. Madrid, 1852-53 Includes works of Cortes. ( 'lOinara, Alvarado, (iodoy, Oviedo, Caveza de Vaca, B. D. del Castillo. Jerez, Cieza de I. eon and Zarate. With MS. Indices. 405 HISTORIADORF.S de Sucessos Particulares. Tonio primero. Royal Svo, half morocco. Madrid, 1852 406 HISTORY OF MILITARY TRANSACTIONS of British Empire in Indostan from 1745. 4to, boards, uncut. London, 1763 407 HOOKE (Col.). Secret History of Negotiations in Favor of the Pretender. 8vo. London, 1760 With the above are bound up 49 numbers of the " Mercurius I'oli- ticus," from June 12 to Nov. 27, 1705. 408 HOLTON (D. P. and F. K.). Family Records of WIN?LO\V and their Descendants. Vol. I. l\n-traits* \ licet pedigrees, etc. Thick Svo, cloth. N. Y.. 1877 409 HOLY BIBLE. Thick Svo, old russia (covers loose and no back). London, 1817 3 S THE BLISS LIBRARY. 410 HOMEDES ( Fr. Buenaventura}. El Materialista Convertido. 2 vols. in i. 4to, sheep. Mexico, 1827 411 HONE (W.\ Ancient Mysteries Explained. Cuts. 8vo, cloth. London, 1823 412 HONORATO DE SANTA MARIA (Fr., Carmelite]. Reflexiones sobre las Reglas y sobre el uso de la Critica. 4 vols. in 2 Mottled sheep (wormed). Mexico, 1792 413 HOTCHKIN (J. H.). History of Purchase and Settlement of Western New York. Front. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1848 414 HUET (P. D.). Historia del Comercio y cle la Navegacion de los Antiguos. 410, sheep. Madrid, 1793 415 HUMBOI.DT (A. de). Ensayo Politico sobre la Isla de Cuba, 7'aris, 1827; Viage a las Regiones Equinocciales del Nuevo Continente por HUMBOLDT y BONPLAND, Vols. 2-5, fan's. 1826; HUMBOLDT'S Minerva Ensayo Politico sobre El Reyno de Nueva Espana, Madrid, 1818. Together 6 vols. 8vo. 416 HUMBOLDT'S Cosmos, 3 vols.; Ultimate Generalization; LEE'S Anecdotes of Birds, Reptiles and Fishes; EARTH'S What is Mesmerism; DICK'S Sidereal Heavens; etc. To- gether 1 1 vols. Cloth. 417 HURST (J. F.). History of Rationalism. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1865 CAZBALCETA (J- G -)- Coleccion de Docu- mentos para la Historia de Mexico. Plates. Vols. i and 2. 4to, half red roan, gilt. Mexico, 1858-66 Contains, besides many other documents, the History of Padre Motolinia, complete. 419 II.USTRADA CATOUCO Mexicano. Vol. r. Svo, half sheep. Mexico, 1847 420 Il.LVSTRIVM POETARVM FLORES. PerOcTAUIANUM MlRAN- DUI.UM collecti, etc. 32mo, half roan (wormed, etc.). Lvgdvni, 1590 421 INDICK GENERAL de los Libros Prohibidos. 4to, sheep. Madrid, 1844-48 422 I.\m< ADOR de la Federacion Mexicana. Vols. i, 2 and 3. 8vn, half sheep. Mexico, 1833-34 THE HLISS /.//,' A' AKY. 39 UNIQUE MEXICAN MANUSCRIPT. 423 1NNINEMIL IT/IN < >NCAN M< )TLN K PI A OCCKN- TETL TLAMAHLN CO L LI, etc., etc . A VI.KV i i KI..I * SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MANUSCRIPI \VKIIIKN ON M/MK 750 1'AGKS IN AN ADMIXTURE OK MEXICAN, SPANISH \ND LATIN AND OK A RKLIC.IOCS CHARACTER KOR INK \:>\-. <>i THE PRIESTHOOD. 410, vellum (binding damaged and some of the pages stained . 424 INNOCENT III. (Pope). De C'onteniptv Mundi. 321110, cloth. I.uj^duni, 1561 425 IRVINC. ('!'.). Conquest of Florida, by DE Soio. J/. i2mo, cloth. N. \'., 1X51 426 [IRVIXC; (Washington). | History of New York by " Diedrich Knickerbocker." 8vo, half calf (back loose and stamped with library mark). C.lasgow, 1X21 427 ISLA (|. V. de). Descripcion de la Mascara o Mogigan.ua. 321110, half sheep (stained). Madrid, 17X7 428 ISLA. Cartas de JUAN DE LA ENCINA. 321110, sheep. Madrid, n. d. 429 ISOLINA la ex-Figurante por " Facundo." Illustrated. Svo, half sheep. Mexico, 1X71 430 ITURBIDE (A. de, Emperor of Mexico}. '1 ranslacion a Mexico de las Ceinzas de. Plates and portrait on India. Imperial Svo, sewed. Mexico, 1^49 431 IUSTINIAN. Institutionvm Libri IIII. Rubricated. 321110, half sheep (MS. on title and part of index short). Lvgdvni. 1607 432 IZQYIKRDO (S.). Pra^tica de los Kxercicios Kspirituales de nuestro padre SAN IGNACIO. On thick paper and ,v//// plates by Moreno. Square 161110, half sheep. Mexico, 1756 RARE. 4 33 HSPSHAMES' Shadow and Substance; STEPHEN'S At- torney in Search of Practice; WIKOI-T'S Ad- ventures Roving Diplomatist; WE.NIH 1.1 PHIL- LIPS' Speeches and Lectures; etc. Together 6 vols. i2tno, cloth. 40 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 434 JAY (John) and HAMILTON (A.). Lives. 24010, cloth. N. Y., 1841 Below the steel portraits in above are inserted original signatures of Jay and Hamilton. RARE JESUIT MEXICAN MANUSCRIPTS. 435 JESUITS. CLAVE INDICE YNDIVIDUAL DEL AR- CHIVO DE ESTE Coi-EGIO DE LA Co.MPAMA DE JESUS nom- brado Spiritu Santo que se Fundo- Ano. 1857 n. n. Porel M. Y. S. C. D. MELCHIOR DE COBARRUBIAS se principio Yaccavo esta Obra, etc. With illuminated title, and curious drawing in gold and colors, representing ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA, Jesuit emblems, etc. 4to, sheep, with flap. An interesting relic, illustrating the History of the Order of Jesus in Mexico. 436 ILLUMINATED VELLUM DOCUMENT, bearing the signatures of FRANCISCUS RETZ, General of the Order of Jesus, and of LEONARD SCHIDERER, Secretary; also the seal of the order. Dated Rome, August 30, 1736, and ad- dressed to EMMANUEL DE SAINT JOHN, Founder of the College of Chiguagua, formerly St. Philip's, Mexico. 437 JESUITS. Constituciones del Collegio de S. IGNACIO DE LOYOL \ de Mexico. Fine portrait of S. Ignatiiis of Loyola. 4to, limp vellum (wormed and 2 pp. short). Madrid [1766] 438 JESTS TORRES (Mariano de). Obras Literarios. 4to, half morocco, gilt. Morelia, 1867 Author's presentation copy, with inscription. 439 JICOTENCAL. Plate. 2 vols. in i. 32010, half sheep (stained and torn title). Phila., 1826 440 JOHXES (A. J.). Philological .Proofs of Original Unity and Recent Origin of Human Race. 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 441 JOHNSTON and ROBERTSON. Historical Geography of the Clans of Scotland. Maps (one large, folded and mounted). 4to, cloth. Edinburgh, 1872 442 JONES (J. S.). Defence of Revolutionary History of North Carolina from JEFFERSON'S Aspersions. 121110, cloth. Boston, 1834 443 JONES (Sir William). Memoirs of Life, Writings and Corre- spondence of, by LORD TEIGNMOUTH. Fine portrait. 410, calf. London, 1804 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 4, 444 JOSH UK S. BARTOI.OMK (Fr. Carmtlita). Ml Duelo de la Inquisicion. 410, half sheep. Hound up with the above is "Apologia del Santo Tribunal de la Inquiscion." 445 JOSEPH US. Works, according to the French Translation of D'ANOILI.Y, also the Minbasy of I'mi.o JUD/KUS. Por- trait, maf> and illustrations. Folio, calf (binding damaged^. London, inS} 446 JOVELLANOS (Gaspar de). A sus C'onipatriotos Memoria. 4to, half sheep. Coruna, 1811 447 JUNIUS. PARKER (E. H.) Claims of FRANCIS to Authorship of JUNIUS Disproved, etc. i2mo, boards. London, 1828 448 JUNIUS Discovered by FREDERICK GRIKFIN. 161110, cloth. Boston, 1854 449 JUNIUS. GRAHAM (J. A.). Memoirs of TOOKK and proof identifying him as author of JUNIUS. Portrait and fac- simile. Svo, boards. N. Y., 1828 450 JUNIUS. Another copy (no portrait). 451 JUNIUS. Identity of. Portrait. Svo, boards. N. V., 1818 45 2 EljggSSAH-GE-GA-GAH-BOWH (GEORGE COPEWAY). Life, History and Travels of. J*ortrait. i2mo, boards. Phila., 1847 453 KANT (I.). Critique of Pure Reason. Post Svo, cloth. London, 1872 454 KELLY (Rev. John). Grammar of the Antient Gaelic, or Language of Isle of Man. Svo, cloth. Douglas, i. 70 455 KETCHUM (Wm.).. Authentic and Comprehensive Hi - tory of Buffalo. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. Buffalo, 1864-05 456 KEY (T. H.). Language Its Origin and Development. 8\ r o, cloth (with Library stamps). London, 1874 457 KENDALL (G. W.). Narrative of Texan Santa Fe Expe- dition. Fronts, and map. 2 vols. 121110, cloth (some pp. foxed). X. V., 1844 458 KINNEIR (J. M.). Journey through Asia Minor, Armenia, and Koordistan. Map. Svo, calf. London, 1818 459 KNOLLES (Richard). The General! Historic of the Turkes. Engraved front. Thick folio, old calf. (London], 1631 42 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 460 KOHLRAUSCH (F.). History of Germany. Royal 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1845 461 KRISHNA CHANDRA GHOSA. Anecdotes translated from the Persian. English and Persian text on opposite pages. 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1838 462 KUMARA SAMBHAVA KALIDAS^; Carmen Sanskrite et Latine edidit A. F. STENZLER. Facsimile Sanskrit text with Latin translation. 4to, cloth. Berlin and London, 1838 ;E.). Historia de los Estados Uni- dos. 2 vols, 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1870 LAEMMERT (E. and H.). Catalogos clos Livros. i6mo, boards. Rio de Janeiro, n. d. 465 LAFRAGUA (J. M.). Memoria de la Primera Secretaria de Estado, etc., de Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 410, half roan. Mexico, 1847 l los., Puttick and Simpson, 1069. 466 LAMENTOS POLITICOS del Pobrecito Holgazan, etc.* 32mo, half sheep. Cadiz, 1820 467 LARRAMENDI (Manuel de). Antigueded y Univer- salidad del Bascuenze en Espana. 32mo, half sheep, (stained). VERY RARE. Salamanca, 1728 468 LARRAMENDI. El Impossible Vencido Arte de la Lengua Bascongada. 32mo, roan, gilt edges. VERY RARE. Salmanaca, 1729 469 LARENAUDIERE'S Mexique et Guatemala; LACROIX'S Perou. Maps. 8vo, half morocco, (title mended). Paris, 1843 470 LARRANAGA ( B. J. de;. Poema Heroyco en Celebridad de la Colocacion de la Estatua de CARLOS QUARTO Rey de Espana y Emperador de las Indias. 4to, Spanish sheep. [Mexico], 1804 The author was " Tesorero Mayordomo de la N. C. de Mexico." Delepierre gives an account in his " Revue Analytique," of a very rare prospectus of an unpublished poem of this would-be new Virgil. 471 LARKS ('IV. Lecciones de Derecho Administrative. Svo, boards. Mexico, 1852 472 LAS CASAS (B.). Destruccion de las Indias Occidentals. 321110, half sheep. Phila., 1821 472* LAS CASAS. The Same, sheep. THE BLISS LIBRARY. 43 473 LAS CASAS (Christoval tie). Vocobvlario de las dos Lengvas Toscana y Castellana. 410, half sheep (stained and title torn). RARE. Seville, 15X3 474 LASSEI'AS (U. U.). De la Coloni/.aeion de la Baja Cali- fornia, Mexico, 1859; also Ci AVIJEKO (!'. J. ). Histona de la Antigua o Bajo California, Mexico, 1X52. 2 vols. in i. 4to, half sheep. Mcjico, i8;2-59 2 3s., Puttick and Simpson, iS(Vj. 475 LASO ;F.). El Atlas Abreviado. Maps and engraved front. 321110, half roan. Amberes, 1711 476 LATRAGUA (J. M.). Memoria que en Cuinplimiento del Precepto Constitucional prescnto al Septimo Congreso de la Union. Numerous tables. Small folio, roan, gilt. Mexico, i '^7 3 Presentation copy to Porter C. P>Iiss, with MS. inscription of Latrajjua, Minister of Foreign affairs. 477 LAZCAXO V F. X., Professor en Acadcinia Mexicana . Opusculum Theophilosophicum de IVincipatu. 410, lia!t" sheep. RARE. Mexico, 1 750 478 LKA (Menry C.\ Superstition and Force. i^ino, cloth, uncut. I'hila., 1870 479 LKAKK (\V. M.). Travels in Northern Greece. Vols. i. 2 and 4. Svo, tree marbled calf. London, 1835 480 LEDESMA (Alonso de). Epigramas y Hieroglificos. 321110, half sheep (foxed). Madrid. 1625 481 LEDESMA (C. de). Compendio de las Excelencias de la Serafica sagrada Tercera Orden que fundo Xuestro 1'. S. FRANCISCO. 321110, half morocco. VERY RARE. Mexico, 1690 482 LEGIPONT (O.). Itinerario en que se Contiene el modo de hacer con utiledad los Viages a Cortes Estrangeras. Svo. vellum. RARE. Valencia, 1 759 483 LEOPOLD (E. F.). Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum. 321110, half morocco. Leipsic. 1850 484 LERDO DE TEJADA (C. M.). Memoria Presentada al Kxmo. Sr. Presidente Sustituto. 'I'hick small folio, half sheep. Mexico. 1X57 485 LERDO DE TEJADA. Memoria Presentada al Kxmo. Sr. Presidente Sustituto. Thick small folio, half roan. Mexico, 1857 44 THE BLISS LIBRARY. LESCARBOT'S "NEW FRANCE," PARIS, 1611. 486 LESCARBOT (MARC). HISTOIRE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE, contenant les navigations, decouvertes, et habita- tions faites par les Francois es Indes Occidentales & Nou- velle France souz 1'avoeu 1'authorite de noz Rois Tres Chretiens, et les diverses fortunes d'iceux en 1'execution de ces choses, depuis cent ans jusques a hui. En quoy est comprise 1'Histoire Morale, Naturelle & Geographique de la dite province. Avec les Tables & Figures d'icelle. Par MARC LESCARBOT Advocat en Parlement Temoin ocu- laire d'vne partie des choses ici recitees. Four maps, one of which is in Jac-simile. 8vo, calf, gilt (some pp. slightly water-stained). Paris, chez lean Millot, MDCXI. RARE. " Seconde Edition, reveuc, corrigee et augmentee par 1'Au- theur. '' Title. Lescarbot's History was translated into English by Erondelle, and published in London without date. A copy of the first French edition was priced by Ellis and White in 1879 at .45. " This author," says Charlevoix, " has collected with much care all that had been written before him touching the first discoveries of the French in America; all that had occurred in French Florida; the expe- dition of the Chevalier de Villegagnon to Brazil; and the first settle- ment of Acadia by Mr. de Monts. He seems sincere, sensible and impartial." History of New France, Vol. i, p. 75. 487 LEVY (Pablo . Notas Geographicas y Economicas sobre la Republica de Nicaragua. With large colored map. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. Paris, 1873 488 LEWES' History of Philosophy, Vol. i; KIDDER'S Brazil, Vol. 2; STONE'S Life of BRANT, Vol. i; RAWLINSON'S Herod- otus, Vols. i, 2 and 4; STUART-GLENME'S Morning-Land, Vol. i; HERVE'S Turkey and Greece, Vol. 2. Together 8 vols. 8vo. cloth. 489 LEWIS (Sir G. C.). Origin and Formation of the Romance Languages. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1862 490 LEY para Justicia en los Tribunales y Juzgados del Fuero Comun. 410, half sheep. Mexico, 1858 THE RL/SS LI BRAKY. 15 THE LAWS OF SPAIN AND THE INDIES. 491 LEYES. RECOPILACION OK I.AS LEVES DES ros REYNOS HF.CHA POR MANDADO DK I.A MAGESTAD C.vmi.- K:A DEL KEY DON FELIPE SE(JUNIK). 3 vols. thick folio, limp vellum. Madrid, 1640 1723 VERY RARE. All the editions are so rare that it is with the greatest difficulty -that a copy can now be obtained even in Spain. 492 LEYES. RECOPILACION DK LEYES m Los KEYNOS DE LAS INDIAS MANDADAS IMPRIMIR v Pur.i.icAK TOR I.A MAGESTAD CATOLICA DEI, REY DON CARLOS II. NUESTRO SENOR. 4 vols. folio, old Spanish calf, gilt. Madrid, 1774 VERY RARE. The 1791 edition of the above sold for 4. H>S. at the Bibliotheca Mejicana sale at Puttick & Simpson's in 1860.. As rare as the preceding lot. 493 LEYES. NOVISIMA RECOPILACION DK LAS I.EVES DE ESPANA. 6 vols. folio, mottled sheep, red edges. VERY RARE. Madrid, 1805-29 494 LIBKO de Oracion Comun. 161110, cloth. N. V., 1865 495 LIVES of Chief Fathers of New England, /. c. JOHN COT- TON, by A. W. M'CLURE; THOMAS SHEPHERD, by JOHN A ALBRO; INCREASE MATHER and SIR WII.LIAM PHIPPS, by ENOCH POND; JOHN ELIOT, by NEHEMIAH ADAMS. 4 vols. \2rno, cloth. Boston, 1870 Library' Edition of 100 copies. 496 LINSCHOTEN. NAV1GATIO ac Ltinerarivm IOHANMS HVGONIS LINSCOTAIN in Orientalem sive Lvsitanorvm In- diam, etc.; also UESCRIPTIO totivs C.vineae Tractvs, Corigi, etc.. etc. 2 vols. in i. ll'it/i c/igrarcd title*, por- trait, and heraldic plate. Folio, calf. Hagae Comitis, 1599 VERY SCARCE. "A treasure of all the learning relating to the Kast and West Indies." F. MULLER. 497 Luis XV. Oracion Funebre, por LUCAS CAMPOS v OTA/U. 32mo, half sheep. Madrid, 1778 498 LIPPINCOTT'S Magazine. 52 Parts, 8vo, sewed. Phila., 1868-70 499 LITTELL'S Living Age. 998 Parts, 8vo, sewed. Boston, 1844-76 4 6 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 500 LIVY; Records of Past; etc. Together 8 odd vols. 501 LLORENTE (J. A.). Disertacion sobre el poder de los Reyes Espanoles, etc. 4to, half sheep (wormed). Mexico, 1826 502 LOBERA DE AVILA (Luys). Vergel de Saindad, 2 vols.; Libro de Pestilecia; Libre de las quatro cufermidades; Libro de Experiecias de Medicina. 5 vols. in i. Old calf. Toledo, 1542-44 RARE old Spanish black letter on Alchemy, Astrology, Medicine, etc. Title mounted, and some leaves stained. 503 LOBO (E. G.). Selva de las Mosas. 321110, half sheep. Cadiz, 1717 504 LONDON ATHENAEUM for the Year 1866. Thick 4to, half calf, cloth sides. London, 1866 505 LONGINUS. The Sublime. 8vo, old calf. London, 1800 506 LONG WORTH'S Year Among Circassians, 2 vols.; TENNENT'S Belgium, 2 vols.; JOKAI'S Hungarian Sketches; HETTNER'S Athens and Peloponesse. Together 6 vols. i2mo, cloth. 507 LOPEZ DE AYALA fDon I.). El Sacrosanto y Ecumenico Concilio de Trento. 4to, half sheep. Madrid, 1785 508 LOPEZ (Gregorio). LAS SIETE PARTIDAS DEL SABIO REY DON ALONSO EL NONO, NAEUAMENTE GLOSADAS FOR EL LlCENCIADO GREGORIO LOPEZ DEL CONSEJO REAL DE INDIAS DE su MAGESTA, CON su REPORTORIO MUY COPIOSO, ASI DEL TEST como de la Glosa. 8 vols. in 4. Folio, half morocco (one title short and some pp. stained). VERY RARE. Salamanca, 1576 509 LORENZANA Y BiNTRON (F. A., Arzobispo de Mexico}. Cartas Pastorales y Edictos. 410, half sheep. RARE. Mexico, 1770 510 LOSADA (J. M. de). Poesias. i6mo, half sheep, gilt. Mejico, 1850 511 Los REYES (J. de). Margarita Serafica. 32010, half sheep. [Title torn.] Mexico, 1786 512 LUYS DE GRANADA (R. P. Maestro Y.,de/a Ordcn de Sancto Domingo}. D'octrina Christiana, etc. 5 vols. in i. Thick 410 (one title soiled and a few pp. short.) Salamanca, 1586 This comprises two distinct works with additions. THE /V,/.V.V LIBRARY. 47 513 LUIS DK C.RANADA. Obras de, an. I Villa \ Virtudes de LlJIS DK GRANADA por Mr.NOX. 9 Vols. 4to, sheep. Madrid, 1730 514 I, LILLY (Rayinondus, theurgist). 1'laxa Universal clc Todas C'iencias Varies. 410, half sheep. Perpinan, 1629 RAKK. With lacking pa^es added in MS. 515 LY/RIAGA (Juande, Comissario General de Nucva A\/v/ /;unteJ front. 410, sheep (wormed and some pp. stained . VKKY RAKK. Mexico, /w/W J/er<\ic>< t/t' la ViuJa Jc Jtcrnanlo L'aliifnm, 16X6 516 LYON (Capt. ('.. K.I Journal of Residence and Tour in Mexico. 2 vols. 121110, boards, uncut. London, iSj.S ACARTNEY (Karl of). Public Life of. by JOHN BARROW. Portrait (f(>.\n/). 2 vols. in i. Thick 4to, cloth. London, 1X07 518 McCui.LOCH (J. R.). Practical, Theoretical and Historical Diclionary of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. Maps. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 519 MADEIRA. Description of Island of. i6mo, half calf. London, i ;S^ 520 MADRID (J. F. de). Guatimoc o Guatimocin. i^mo, (jld sheep. Madrid, 1835 521 MAGARIXOS CF.RVANTKS (A.). Estudios sobre el Rio de la Plata. 1 6mo, half sheep (slightly stained). Paris, 1854 522 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY'S Collections Second Series. Svo, cloth (back damaged). Cambridge, 1877 523 MALDONADO (F. G.). Cantares de la Melancolia. I'ortrait. 410, half slieep. Mexico, i.S53 524 MALO (1. Garcia). Politica Natural. 321110. sheep. Mexico, 1822 525 MALO. La Politica Natural. 321110, sheep. Mexico, 1822 526 MALTK-BRUN. Universal Geography. Plate*. .; vols. royal Svo, sheep. Phila., 1827-29 527 MANIKKSTO del Rev de Espana respecto a la Inglaterra. 4to, half sheep. Madrid, 1779 48 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 528 MANUEL DE SANTA TERESA (Fr.). Instructorio Espiritual de los Terceros, Terceras y Beatas de Mestra Senora del Carmen. 321110, vellum. Mexico, 1787 529 MAPS of Mexico, Iowa, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, etc. Together 16 pieces. Cloth. 530 MAPS of Virginia, Arkansas (on parchment), Maine, Minne- sota, Wisconsin, etc. Together 10 pieces, in roan covers. 531 MARCHENA (J.). Manual de Inquisidores. i6mo, sheep. Madrid, 1822 532 MARIA ANA AGUEDA DE S. IGNACIO (Madre Sor}. Devo- ciones Varias. Plate. 321110, vellum. Puebla, 1791 533 MARIGNV (T. de). Three Voyages in Black Sea to Coast of Circassia. Front. Svo, cloth, uncut (back damaged). London, 1837 534 MARKHAM (Clements R.). Life of the Great LORD FAIR- FAX, Commander-in-Chief of the Parliament of England. Portrait, map, plans and illustrations. Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1870 535 MARMIER (X.). Cartas Sobre la America. 2 vols. Svo, half sheep. Mexico, n. d. 536 MARTINEZ DE MARCILLA (L.). Cronicon de Chris- tiuno Adricomio Delfo. 4to, half sheep. Madrid, 1679 537 MARTINEZ DE LA PARRA (J.). Luz de Verdades Catolicas y Explicacion de la Doctrina Christiana que sig- nienclo la Costumbre de la Casa Professa de la Compania de Jesus de Mexico, etc. 410, half roan (title mounted). VERY RARE. Barcelona, 1701 538 MASSON (Ernesto). Olla Podrida Condimentada en Mexico. Portrait. Svo, half sheep. Paris, 1864 539 MATHER (Cotton). Magnalia Christi Americana. Vol. i. Svo, sheep. Hartford, 1820 540 MAYANS Y SISCAR (G.). El Orador Christiano. 321110, vel- lum. Valencia, 1786 541 MAYHEW (Experience). Lives of Pious Indian Women. I-'ront. (name on back). 241110, half sheep. Boston, 1830 542 MAZARREDO SALAZAR (J. de). Instrucciones y Senales para el Regimen y Maniobras de Escuadra. Plates. Svo, half sheep. Mexico, 1825 THE B/.ISS LIBRARY. V) 543 MKJIA. Memoria que el C. (leneral de Division l^nacio Mejia, Ministry cle (luerra y Marina present a al 7". Con greso Constitutional. Maps and tables. Thick royal Svo, half morocco. Mexico, 1873 Presentation copy to 1'orter C. Hliss, with original letter insert re I, as well as MS. inscription. 544 MELENDEZ (Ivan). Tresoros Verdaderos de las Yndias, en la Historia dela gran Prouincia de San Ivan P.avti-4a del Peru, etc., etc. Vol. i. Large plate (turn . Folio, old sheep. VERY HARK. Rome, nSi 545 MKI.ISH (John). Military and Topographical Atlas of the U. S., including the Britisli Possessions and Florida. Folded and colored maps. Svo, half roan. Phila., 1X15 546 MELVIL (Sir James, of Halhill}. Memoirs. Svo, calf. Edinburgh, 1735 547 MEMORIA de Guerra y Marina. 1X39-46, 1849-52. TaMes and plans. 2 vols. royal Svo, half roan. Mexico, 1X39-52 548 MKMORIA de Guerra y Marina. Royal Svo, half roan. Mexico, iS6<; 549 MKMORIA del Ayuntamiento de 1870. Svo, half morocco. Mexico, 1871 550 MEMORIA de Fomento, Colonization, Industria y Comercio. J'lates, maps, etc. Royal Svo, half roan. (2 copies.) Mexico, 1 808 551 MKMORIAS. The Same. 1X68-69. Maps, etc. Royal Svo, half roan. Mexico, 1X70 552 MEMORIA del Secretario de Estado. 121110, half sheep. Mexico, i -^50 553 MEMORIA sobre la Conveniencia, Utilidad y Necesidad. .;to, half roan. Mexico, it-c'-i 554 MEMORIA de Hacienda sobre Casas de Moneda en la Repub- lica. Imperial Svo, half sheep. Mexico, 1X49 555 MEMORIAS sobre el estado de la Hacienda Publica, 1X25-29. Thick 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1825-20 555* MEMORIA. The Same, for 1X44. 410, half sheep. 555** MEMORIAS. The Same, for 1X50-52. 4to, half sheep. 556 MEMORIA de los Principals Ramos de la Policia Urbana y de los Fondos de la Ciudad de Mexico. 4to. half roan. Mexico, 1864 5 o THE BLISS LIBRAR V. 557 MEMORIA. The Same. Red roan, gilt. LARGE PAPER. 558 MEMORIA leida por el C. Gobernador del Estado. 4to, half roan. Vera Cruz, 1871 559 MEMORIAS de Justicia de la Republicana Mexicana, 1823-35. i vol. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1823-35 560 MEMORIA del Ministerio de Justicia y Negocios Eclesiasticos for 1850 and 1851. 2 vols. imperial 3vo, roan gilt. Mexico, 1850-51 561 MEMORIA. The Same, for 1849-52. i vol. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1849-52 562 MEMORIA. The Same. 1844. 4to, sprinkled sheep. Mexico, 1844 563 MERCADO (A. F.). Libro de los Codigos. Thick 8vo, half sheep. Mexico, 1857 564 MERCURIC PERUANO. Vols. 6, 7 and n. 410, vellum and half sheep. Lima, 1792-94 565 METEYARD (Eliza). Group of Englishmen, 1795 to I $ l 5i being Records of the Younger WEDGWOODS and their Friends. Fac-simile and view. 8vo, cloth. London, 1871 566 MEXICANO (El). Libre Potosinense. Nos. i to 85 inclusive (Feb. Dec., 1828.) 4to, Spanish sheep. San Luis Potosi, 1828 567 MEXICAN WAR. Executive Documents. Thick Svo, sheep. Washington, 1848 568 MICKLEBURGH (J.). Index to Principal Places in the World. 4to, cloth. London, 1844 569 MICH ELENA Y ROJAS (F.). Exploration oficial por la priinera vez desde el Norte de la America del Sur. Maps. Thick royal Svo, half sheep. Brussels, 1867 570 MILTON. JOANXIS MILTONI Angli Defensio pro populo Anglicano contra CLAUDII ANONIMI, alias SALMASH Defensionem Regiam. 410, calf (rebacked). London, 1651 RAKE, original edition, with fine plate of the arms of the British Republic on title. 571 MINERO MEXICANO (El). One bundle of Nos. Mexico, 1873-74 572 MINGUET (P.). Juego de Manos. Cuts. 321110, half sheep (pp. lacking). Madrid, 1778 TJJK BLISS LIBRARY. 51 573 MINOT ((I. R.). Continuation of History of Province of Massachusetts Hay. Vol. i. Svo, sheep. Hoston, 1798 The second volume was published in 1803, after the death of the author. 574 MISCKI.AXF.A. A miscellaneous collection of pamphlets in Spanish, on Freemasonry, education, legislation, etc. 410, half sheep. Mexico, 1X65-6,'-$ 575 MISCELLANEA. Collection of pamphlets in Spanish, mostly pastoral letters and ecclesiastical. Printed in Rome, Puebla and Mexico, 1856-61. Svo, half roan. 576 MOLESWOKTII (W. N.). History of England from 1X30- 1874. 3 vols. crown Svo, cloth. London, 1X74 577 MOLINERO (Don Caralampio del Cerro). Cartas. 161110, half sheep. Mexico, 1860 MOLINA'S RARE MEXICAN VOCABULARY, 1571. 578 MOLINA (PADRE FRAY ALOXSO UK). VOCABULARK ) EN LENGVACASTELLANA Y MEXICANA. 4 to, morocco (some pp. mended). Mexico, Antonio de Spinosa, is?i KXTRRMKI.Y RAKK. In the earlier editions of lirunet's Manual, this work is mentioned as being the earliest specimen of American printing known. Lord Kingsborough's copy of the 1571 Molina cost him ^50, /. r., $250. It was afterwards marked by Thorpe, of London, in 1843, for 2$, /. ., $I4O. The author, Molina, a native of Spain, was taken in early life to Mexico (1523), where he soon learnt the Mexican language, and even as a child acted as interpreter between the first missionaries and the native Indians. He afterwards devoted his life to the propagation of useful knowledge in the Mexican language, and his known works bear testimony to his great zeal. 579 MOLINA. Another copy. With numerous MS. notes in the margins. 410, half morocco (portions of prefatory pages short, also last page of Index). 580 MOLINA. DKSCRIPCION DHL REYNO DE GALIZIA. 410, half sheep. Mondonedo, Augustin dc Paz Acabose, 1550 BLACK LKTTKR and FACF.SSIVKI.V RAKK. A few pp. are in MS. facsimile. There is no title, but the colophon gives the (.late 1550, although in the prologue 1551 is named. With this rare work is bound up the even rarer black letter "GLOSA RKUGIOSA v MTV CHRISTIANA sobre las coplas de PON- JORGE MANRIQUK que confeca. Recuerde el Alma dormida Agora de nueuo por su autor corregida y emendata." There is neither date nor colophon. On the title is a figure of Death, with a coll'm under his arm, and surrounded by the skulls of potentates. 52 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 581 MOLINA (G. I.). Saggio sulla storia Naturale del Chili. Map. 8vo, half sheep. Bologna, 1782 582 MOLINA. Compendio de la Historia Civil del Reyno de Chile. 4to, half sheep (no title and 2 pp. preface short). 583 MONTIEL (Julian). Flores y Lagrimas Poesias. Portrait. i6mo, half sheep. Mexico, 1861 584 MONTUFAR fj. J. M.). Compendio Mystico Moral de Flores Eucharisticas. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1750 585 MONITOR CONSTITUCIONAL (El) and El MONITOR REPUBLICANO. Jan. 16, 1846, to Dec. 31, 1851. Bound up in 12 vols. Atlas folio, large oblong 410, etc., half roan. Mexico, 1846-51 Files of Mexican newspapers are of the greatest rarity. There is not as complete a set in the U. S. for the period it covers as this copy. Its proper place is the Library of Congress. 586 MORA (J. A. de). Anagrammas en Aplauso y Gloria de la Concepcion Purissima de Maria Senora Nvestra. 321110, vellum. Mexico, 1731 135., Puttick & Simpson, 1869. 587 MORAL Y CASTILLA DE ALTRA (J. A.). Platicas Doctrinales. 4to, half sheep. Puebla, 1796 At the end of the above is a Sermon preached by the same author at Tehuacan on January 19, 1783. 588 MORELL (T.). Enchiridion ad Verborum Copiam, etc. 32mo, half sheep. RARE. Lvgdvni, 1551 589 MORENO (G.). Reglas Ciertas para Juezes. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1732 15 shillings Bibliotheca Mejicana, 1869. 590 MOREAU DE JONNES (A.). Elements de Statistique. i2mo, half morocco. Paris, 1856 591 MOSS (J. AV.). Manual of Classical Bibliography. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (one cover loose). London, 1837 592 MONRO (Rev. Vere). Summer Ramble in Syria. Fronts. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1835 593 MOYA (Antonio de). Rasgo Heroyco: Declaracion de las Empressas, Armas y Blasones. 4to, half sheep. RARE. Madrid, 1756 594 MUERTE POLITIC A de la Republicana Mexicana por FRAN- CISCO IBAR. 4to, Spanish sheep. Mexico, 1829 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 53 595 MUGICA Y OSORIO (J.). Memoria del Kstado de I'uebla en 1X49. Tables. Royal 8vo, half calf. Mexico, 1849 596 MULLKR'S Science of Language, Second Series; FKKI MAN'S Historical Essays, Second Series; Old Merchants of N. Y., Vols. 2 and 4; WATKRTON'S Natural History, 1'irst Series. Together 5 vols. Cloth. 597 MUNDO Ni'K.vo; El Ahui/otc; America Illustrada; and other illustrated newspapers in Spanish. (One bundle.) 598 MUNGINA (C. de Jesus, Bishop of Mechoacan-. Instruc- ciones Pastorales. Svo, half sheep. Mexico, 1*57 599 MUNGINA. Manifesto dirige a la Nacion Mejicana. Impe- rial Svo, half sheep. (2 copies.) Morelia, 1X51 600 MUNGINA. Del Derecho Natural. 4 vols. i6mo, mottled sheep. Mexico, 1849 601 MUNGINA. Estudios Oratorius u Observaciones Criticas. 4to, half sheep. Morelia, 1841 602 MUNGINA. Coleccion de Opusculos. Imperial Svo, half sheep. Morelia, 1850 603 MUNGINA. Curso de Jurisprudencia Universal. 121110, roan. Morelia, 1844 604 MYSTICA CIUDAD de Dios Tercera Parte. Plates. Folio, old sheep. Amberes, 1755 |AIMBOURG. History of Arianism. 2 vols. 4 to, old calf. London, 1728-29 NAPIER (\Y. F. P.). History of Peninsular War. 6 vols. Svo, half calf (imperfect). 607 NAVARRO (J. R.). Guirnalda Poetica. Selecta Coleccion de Poesias Mejicanas. Svo, half sheep. Mexico, 1853 608 NAVIGATION! ET VIAGGI DA R A MUSK). Maps and cuts. 2 vols. folio (binding damaged and loose, also title of Vol. i short.) Venice, Giunta, 1554-59 VERY RARE. Includes voyages of Da Mosto, I.opez, Barthema, Alvarez, Barbosa, Cartier, Cortes, Ullo, Nizza, Nunez, Peter Martyr, etc., etc. Also Delia Conquista del Peru. 609 NEPRIXA (A. de). CHRONICA DE LOS MUY AI.TOS v ESCI.A- RECIDOS REYES CATHOLICOS DON FERNANDO Y DONA YSABEL DE GLORIOSA MEMORIA. 4to, mottled sheep. Valladolid, 1565 Excessively rare and with title inserted in MS. 54 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 610 NF.IRA (M de). Maria o la Conversion de una Familia Pro- testante. i6mo, half sheep. Mexico, (854 6 1 1 NEVE Y MOLINA (L. de). Diccionario y Arte del Idioma Othomi. 321110, half sheep. Mexico, 1863 i 7s. , Bibliotheca Mejicana, 1869. Otomi is a dialect of the Mexican Indians of the North West of the Valley of Anahuac. 612 NEW WELT (DiE) DER LANDSCHAFTEN UND INSU- LEN so DEN ALTEN HOCHBERUMBTEN WELTPUNDIGTEN UND WELTBESCHRIEBEN ALS PTOLOMEO, STRABONI, POMPONII, MELA, DIONISIO, etc., unbekant sind gewest, etc., etc. Folio, wooden boards (some pp. stained.) Strassburg, 1534 RARE and black letter. A Collection of the earliest voyages and travels. 613 NEW TESTAMENT revised and corrected by the Spirits. 8vo, cloth N. Y., 1 86 1 614 NICHOLS (T.). Handy Book of the British Museum. Pro- fusely illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, 1870 615 NICOI.INI (N.). Principios Filosoficos y Practices de Dere- cho Penal. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1864 616 NICKOLLS (J.). Ventajas y Desventajas de la Francia y la Gran Bretana. 321110, half sheep. RARE. Madrid, 1771 617 NIEBUHR (B. G.). Lectures on History of Rome. Portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 618 NIEREMBERGIUS (J. E.). Historia Natvrse Maxime Peregrince. Curious illustrations, many of rare American animals, birds and reptiles. Folio, limp vellum. Antwerp, 1635 RARE. This author published a work printed in the City of Mexico in 1643. 619 NINO (Fr. J.). Aphorismi Superiorum. 321110, sewed. Matriti, 1773 620 NORIEGA (Juan de). Vindicacion de. 410, half sheep. Mexico, 1821 621 NORTH BRITISH REVIEW. 64 parts. 8vo, sewed. N. Y., 1846-69 622 NOTICIOSO GENERAL, June 12, 1820, to Oct. 24, 1823. 4 vols. 4to, sheep and half sheep (stained). Mexico, 1820-23 THE BUSS LIBRARY. 55 623 NOVKNA DK MARIA SAM ISIMA. 321110, half sheep. Pucbla, 1X34 624 NUMISMATIC. BARTHE (J. B.). Medallas de la 1'n.clnma- cion (It- ISABEL II. rortraits and plates. i6mo, halt" *hci-p. Madrid, 1X41 625 NUNEZ DK HARO (Archbishop of Mexico). Past.,rd de. 4to, half sheep (no title). Mexico, 1776 626 NUNEZ (Antonio). Comolgador Penitente de la I'urissi- ma. 321110, half sheep. RARK. Puebla, 1690 627 NUNEZ. Distribucion de las Obras Ordinarias. 410, boards, with silk loops and yellow buttons. Mexico, 1712 628 NUNEZ (Ignacio). Esquisses Historiques, Politiques et Sta- tistiques de Buenos Ayres. Map. 121110, half sheep. Paris, 1826 629 NUEVO VIAJERO Universal en America. i6mo, roan. Barcelona, 1833 BSEQUIO AMISTOSO dedica a las Senor- itas Mexicanos. 321110, half sheep. Mexico, 1849 631 OBSERVADOR CATOLICA. Periodico Religiose, Social y Lit- erario. Vols. i, 2 and 3. 8vo, sheep. Mexico. 1848-49 632 OBSERVADOR (El) de la Republica Mexico. Vols. i and 3, " Segunda Epoca " of the same. Vols. 2 and 3. To- gether 4 vols. 4to, Spanish sheep and half sheep. Mexico, 1827-30 633 OBSERVADOR JUDICIAL y de Legislacion. Vols. i and 3. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1842-43 634 O'CALI.ACIHAN (E. B.). Documentary History of New Vork State. Maps and facsimiles. 4 vols. thick Svo, cloth. Albany, 1849-^1 635 OCIOS DE ESPANOLES EMIGRADOS PERIODICO. April, 1824 [No. i], to Aug., 1826. 5 vols. Svo, half sheep. 636 OCKLEY (Simon). History of the Saracens. 2 vols. Svo, calf. London, 1718 637 OFFICIUM PARVUM BEATAE MARL-K VIRiilNIS Hebraice, Graece, Latine, Hispanice, Anglice, (rallice, Germanice, Italice. Front, of B. V.M.of Guadulupc. Svo, royal gilt, edges gilt. Mexico. 1870 5 6 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 638 OLD AND NEW. 54 parts. 8vo, sewed. Boston, 1870-74 639 ORACIONES CIVICAS, etc. Rare Mexican pamphlets, princi- pally political. Thick 8vo, half sheep, gilt. Among these are " Composiciones pronunciadas en los gloriosos aniversarios de Nuestra Independencia," Mexico, 1850; " Catastrofe de Iturbide," etc. Some are printed at Mexico, others at Guadalaxara, etc., and are dated 1825-56. 640 ORDENANZES y Reglamentos Espanoles. 4to, half sheep. This consists of five distinct works printed at Lima. 1773-99, an d Madrid, 1794-99. With numerous. MS. Notes. 641 ORDENANZA de Ingenieros de Marina. Fine heraldic plate. 4to, half sheep. Madrid, 1772 642 ORDENANZAS de Contratacion de Bilbao. Folio, sheep. Madrid, 1796 643 ORDENANZAS Municipales de Zacatecas. 4to, half sheep. Zacatecas, 1826 With the above are bound up other pamphlets printed in Mexico, Guadalajara and Zacatecas, 1823-29. 644 ORDENANZA de la Renta del Tabaco. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1846 645 ORDENES y Resoluciones porel Ministerio de Justicia. 12010, half sheep. Mexico, 1855 646 ORDONEZ (C. J.). Manual para la Infanteria de Linea. i6mo, sheep. Mexico, 1843 647 ORQUESTA (La). From Dec. 3, 1864, to June 30, 1869. A'umerous humorous cartoons. 4 vols. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1864-69 A scarce collection of the Mexican Punch. The caricatures are very curious and have an especial interest in respect of events occurring during the French Intervention and the reign of the Emperor Max- imilian. 648 ORQUESTA (La). With humorous cartoons. i bundle of Nos. Mexico, 1867-68 649 ORSI (J. A.). Historia Eclesiastica. Vols. 3, 5-7, 9, 11-17, 19-21. Together 15 vols. 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1 754-59 650 ORTEGA (F.). Poesies. 32010, half sheep (imperfect). 651 ORTIZ (L. G.). Poesias. i8mo, half sheep. Mexico, 1856 THE HL/SS UHRARY. 57 THE RARE FRENCH TRANSLATION OF OSORIUS, 1587. 652 OSORIUS (H ). Histoire de Portugal, rontenant les rntre- prises. navigations, et gestes im'-morahles des Portugallois, tant en la conqueste des Indes Orientates . . . qu\'-s guerres d'Afrique et autres exploits, depu is I'an 1409, sous EMMAN- UKI. 1., JKAN III. et SKHASTIAN I. da noni. Trad, du Latin ... et mise en Francois par S. (I(). Thick 161110, half sheep. Paris, (i. Je la Xoiif, 15X7 HARK. French translation of this important hook on the history of Brazil, the voyages of Ma^ellancs, Cabral. Casp. dc I.cmos, etc. . with the Continuation from L. Casta^ncde anil other historians. Good copy, but somewhat stained by water, etc.. in the first and last leaves. The under margin of the title and the last leaf are partly cut off. 653 OVIEDO (J. A. de, Jtcetor isft> Jc la Pueblo). Re-la del Gloriosa S. Augustin. 4to, vellum (wormed). Puebla, 1721 RARE. The endeavors made to have the celebrated Palafox. Bishop of Puebla and Vice Roy of Mexico, canonized nut with jjreat oppo- sition from the Order of Jesus. Yet he was a second Las C'asas in representing to the Spanish Government the wretched condition of the Indians and in advocating amelioriation. 5 8 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 660 PALAFOX. Vida Interior o Confessiones del Ilustrissimo, Excelentismo Y.V. Siervo de Dios Don JUAN DE PALAFOX Y MENDOZA. 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1772 RAKE. Don Juan de Falafox y Mendo/a is described on the title as: " de los supremos consejos de Indias, y Aragon, Obispo de la Puebla de los Angeles y de Osma. Arzobispo electo de Mexico, Virrey, y Capitan General de Nueva Espana, &c. " 66 1 PALAFOX. Gvia y Aliento del Alma Viadora. 32mo, half sheep (upper margins cut). VERY RARE. Bruselas[i682] 662 PALAFOX. Carta del, al INOCENCIO X. Small 4to, half sheep. Madrid, 1766 663 PALAFOX. Carta del. Portrait. i2mo, half sheep (stained). Mexico, 1841 664 PALOU (F., of Mexico]. Relacion Historia dela Vida y Apostolicas Tareas del Venerable PADRE FRAY JUINPERO SERRA y de las Misiones que Fundo en la California Sep- tentrional, etc. 410, half sheep. Mexico, 1787 RARE. i 135., Puttick & Simpson, 1869. A very curious work containing important matters on the History of California. Father Serra was born November 24, 1713, in the Island of Majorca, passed 36 years in the missions of California, and died in the odor of sanctity August 28, 1784, aged 70 years, nine months and four hours. " Relation interessante. Les exemplaires en sont peu repandus dans nos contrees." BRUNET. 665 PAPELES VARIOS. 2 vols. old half sheep, gilt. Contains pamphlets, mostly scientific, among which are Gonzalez, Parhelion Marianum, Mexico, 1758; Spallarossa, Disertacion Physico- Medica, 3 vols.; Relacion Historica del Kxtraordinario Phenomeno Medico, 1763; Pablo, Agua Mineral de San Bartholome, Mexico, 1772; Pons,TriunfodelaMedicina,i753; Bartolache, Lecciones Matematicas, Mexico, 1769; Carta Familiar de un Sacerdote, Mexico, 1765; De Leon's Estirpe Vespasiana, Mexico, 1784, etc., etc. 666 PARAPILLA et Autres ceuvres Libres et galantes de M. B**. 241110, calf. A Florence, 1784 Erotic and scarce. 667 PAREDES (loxACio DE). PROMPTUARIO MANUAL MEXICANO. 4to, half sheep. Mexico,i759 Rare and in the Mexican language. ^5 I2s. (>d., Bibliotheca Mcjicana, 1869. 668 PKKKDKS (G.). Almanaque Peruano y Guia de Forasteros 1810. 321110, sheep. THE BUSS LIBRARY. 59 669 PARKMAN (Francis). The Jesuits in North America in the 1 7th Century. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Boston, 1X68 670 PARKMAN. Pioneers of France in New World, f'o/trait and maps. \ 21110, half calf, gilt. Boston, 1X68 671 PARR A (J. G. de la). Importantissimas y Verdadcras Resoluciones para Ecclesiasticos, etc. 410, vellum. VERY SCARCE. Mexico, 1730 672 PARSEE LAWS. Dastur Nameh Kisrawi. 8vo, half calf. Calcutta, 1X^4 673 PARTE de la Ordenanza General de Correos del 1794. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1X36 674 PASTON LETTERS with Notes by FENN. Facsimiles and cuts. 2 vols. square i6mo, half calf. London, 1840 675 PATRICK (Symon, Bishop}. Commentary upon Historical Books of Old Testament. Portrait, 2 vols. folio, old calf. London, 1732 676 PATRICK. Parable of the Pilgrim. 410, old sheep. London, ;6;o 677 PATTEN (J. A.). Lives of Clergy of New York ami Brook- lyn. Steel portraits. 410, cloth. N. Y., 1874 678 PAYNO x Manuel, Ciudano Mexicano]. El Fistol del Diablo. Illustrations. 7 vols. i6mo, half calf. Mexico, 1859-60 679 PAYNO. Meinoria de Hacienda Presentada al Escmo Sr, Presiclente de la Republica. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1857 680 PAYNO (C. M.). Mexico y sus Cuestiones Financieras con la Inglaterra, la Espana y la Francia. 4to. half roan. Mexico, 1862 681 PAZ (Ireneo). La Piedra del Sacrificeo. 410, half sheep. Mexico, 1871 682 PENNY CYCLOPAEDIA Vols. 1-14; 17-2; Sup. T - Cuts. Together 12 vols. Imperial 8vo. half calf (some vols. damaged). London, 1833-51 683 PENA Y PENA (Manuel de la). Lecciones de Practica Forense Mejicana. 3 vols. 8vo, half sheep (one vol. stained). Mexico. 1835-39 684 PERALTA (Antonio de). Dissertationes Scholasticae de Sacratissima Virgine Maria. 321110, half sheep. VERY RARE. Mexico, 1721 60 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 685 PEREZ (FA Catecismo de la Doctrina Cristiana en lengua Otomi. 410, half sheep. Mexico, 1834 With the above is bound up ' Manualito Otomitica," by Perez. i 6s., Puttick & Simpson, 1869, without the last named. 686 PEREZ (Manuel). CATECISMO MEXICANO. 410, half sheep (no title). Mexico, 1723 VERY RARE, and in Mexican and Spanish. ,15 IDS., Puttick & Simpson, 1869. 687 PERIODICO OFFICIAL del Imperio Mexicano. July 21, 1863 (Vol. i, No. i), to Dec. 31, 1864. Thick large 4to, half roan. Mexico, 1863-64 687* PERIQUILLO SARNIENTO (El)-por el " Pensador Mexicano." 56 humorous plates. 4 vols. in 2. i6mo, half sheep. Mexico, 1865 i 55. 6d., Puttick Simpson, 1869. A curious novel written by M. F. de Lizardi at the end of the last century, and illustrative of cus- toms and life in Mexico at that time. 688 PKRRY (T. S.). English Literature in the Eighteenth Cen- tury. Crown Svo, cloth. N. Y., 1883 689 PETERBOROW (Earl of). Account of his Conduct in Spain. Svo, calf. London, 1707 690 PETERSON'S Ladies' National Magazine. 27 Parts. Svo, sewed. Phila., 1861-63 691 PETISCO (J.). Gramatica Grieja. 321110, half sheep. RARE. Villagarcia, 1759 692 PKZUELA (L. R.\ Memoria presentada a S. M. El Empera- dor. Plates an.i maps. 4to, half morocco. Mexico, 1866 693 PICAZO fMiguel). Regla y Constituciones del Orden Ter- cero del Real y Militar de Nuestra Senora de la Merced. 321110, old sheep. RARE. Mexico, 1752 694 PIE/AS CUKIOSAS sobrc el Negocio de los Jesuitas en Fran- cia. 321110, half sheep. Pamplona, n. d. 695 PIMENTEL (F.). Cuadro Descriptive y Comparative de las Lenguas Indigenas de Mexico. 2 vols. Svo, half sheep, gilt. Mexico, 1862-65 2 2s., Bibliotheca Mejicana, 1869. 6-/j PIMKNTEL. The Same. Vol. i. 697 PIMENTEL. Situacion Actual de la Raza Indigena de Mexico. Svo, half sheep, gilt. Mexico, 1864 THE Ji/./SS UXKARY. (n 698 PIMKNTKI,. La Raza Indigena de Mrxico. Svo, half mor- occo. Mexico, 1864 699 PINTO (Fenian Mende/). Ilistoria Oriental de las I'ere- grinaciones de, etc., tradv/ido de Portv^vcs en Castellano por el Licenciado FRANCISCO DE HERKKKA MAI.DI s.\im. 4to, half sheep. Madrid, \(>2j VKRY RARE. Some of the prefatory pages a ic mciidi-d and lack- ing portions added in MS. 700 PIZARRO (Nicolas). El Monedero-Novela. 410, half sheep. Mexico, 1 86 1 701 PI/ARRO. Catecismo de Moral. 8vo, boards. Mexico, 1868 702 PLAN GENERAL de Estudios. Several pieces in i vol. .jto, calf. Mexico, iS^ 703 Pi, \\ A MAYOR del Kjercito. 410, green roan. Mexico, 1850 704 PLAUTE. Comedies de, traduites en Yers par le Mis. DK BKI.I.OY. Crown Svo, mottled calf, gilt. Paris, 1X69 705 POBEDA. Poesias de 1). FRAN-CISCO POKED A, el Trovador Cubano. Portrait. 4to, half sheep. Sagua la Grande, | 1863) 706 PoiNSKi'T (J. R.). Notes on Mexico. Svo, half calf (no map). London, 1825 707 POI.YBIUS. Translated by HAM pros. 2 vols. Svo, boards. Oxford, 1823 708 PARCACCHI (T.). L'lsole Pit) Famosc del Mondo. /;//- graved titles and maps, including curious American. Folio, limp vellum. RARE. Yen ice, 1590 709 PORT AS (Rafael de). Defensa de los Interesses (ienerales de Yucatan. Svo, half sheep. Merida, iS69 710 PORTILLA (A. de la). Espana en Mexico. Svo, half sheep. Mexico, iS;r 711 POSADAS (A.). Concertatio Philosophica. Svo, sheep. Mexico, 1834 712 PRACTICA de la Devocion con el Glorioso Patriarcha San Joseph. 481110, half sheep. Mexico, 1081 713 PRADT (De, Archbishop]. Tres Meses Ultimos de la America Meridional. Svo, sheep. Hurdeos, 1817 714 PRELLER (L.). Griechische Mythologie. 2 vols. Svo, sewed, uncut. Berlin, 1872-75 6 2 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 715 PRESCOTT (W. H.). Historia de la Conquista del Peru. Portraits and map. 2 vols. 8vo, half roan. VERY SCARCE. Mexico,, 1850 716 PRESCOTT. Conquista de Mexico. Plates, some colored, and illuminated titles. 3 vols. Svo, half roan (one cover damaged). Mexico, 1844-46 717 PRESCOTT. Life, by GEORGE TICKNOR. Portrait. Crown Svo, cloth. Boston, 1864 718 PRIETO (G.). Origen, Vicisitudes y Estado Rentas Generales de la Federacion Mexicana. Royal Svo, half sheep. Mexico, 1850 719 PRIME'S Memoir of MURRAY; L. E. LANDON'S Life and Remains ; Life of RUTHERFORD ; British India ; etc. Together 7 vols. Cloth. 720 PROPAGADOR MERCANTIL. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1833-34 721 PROPRIUM FESTORUM quse in Mexicana EcclesiaCelebrantur, etc. 4to, sheep. Mexico, 1835 722 PROYECTO de Codigo Penal. 4to, half sheep. Madrid, 1821 723 PROYECTO de Codigo Penal de Jalisco. 4to, half sheep. Guadalajara, 1826 724 PROYECTOS para el Arreglo del Ejercito. A collection of Mexican pamphlets. 4to, half sheep. Mexico and Queretaro, 1830-49 725 PROYECTO de Codigo Penal de la Baja California. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, Ponce de Leon, 1871 726 PROYECTO de Codigo Penal para el distrito Federal y Terri- torio de la Baja California. Imperial Svo, half sheep. Mexico, 1871 727 PUMPELI.Y'S Across America and Asia; JOHNSTON'S China and Japan; DE FOREST'S European Acquaintances; AN- DERSON'S Lake Ngami; MADDEN'S Egypt and Mohammed Ali; Handbook for India and Egypt. Together 6 vols. 121110, cloth. 728 PUTNAM (Israel). Essay on Life of, by HUMPHREYS. i6mo, sheep (soiled). Middletown, 1794 729 PUTNAM'S Magazine. 18 Parts, Svo, sewed. N. Y., 1868-70 THE JJ/./SS LIBRARY. 63 73 HSS5l l ' AI)ER1)() I)K '- AS NORTHS oi'E EN VALLA DOLID TUNO su M AGESTAD DI i. LMI-KKADMK V Rl.Y Nl'ES'lRO Si:.\OR Kl. AM) DE IS2}; LAS LEYES v PREMATICAS KI-.U.K* in c HAS POR sus MAGESTADES EN LAS CORTES g. MADAKON H\/I i< V NZIERO EN LA ClUDAD DE TOLEDO. ll'it/i fitlf tl-'- nwrial btarings on titles. 2 vols. in i. 410, half morocco (wormed). Burgos, 1526 29 OF THE HIGHEST RARITY. These important transactions of the early sixteenth century Cortes of Valladolid and Toledo are full of references to the then newly discovered America. 731 QUINTAN A (M. J.). Vidas de Espanolcs Celcbres Svo, half sheep. Madrid, 1811 732 QUINONES (J. G.). Descripcion de las Demostracioncs con que la muy Noble y muy Leal Ciudad de la Puebla de los Angeles Segunda de este Reyno de Nueva Espana, etc. [Puebla |, 1809 \Vith the above is bound up a Sermon preached in Puebla Cathedral by Father Martinez. 733 QUEVEDO (Francisco de). Las Tres Mosas Ultimas Castel- lan as Segvnda Cvmbre del Parnaso Espanol. 410, half sheep (wormed). RARE. Madrid, 1716 734 QUEVEDO. Visiones y Visitas de TORRES (a few pp. short); Buena Astrologia; El Hermitano; etc. 410. Madrid, n. d. RADICAL (The). 42 Parts. Svo, sewed. Boston, 1 8(16-71 RALEGH (Sir Walter). Life of, together with his Letters now First Collected. By EDWARD EDWARDS. Portrait, fac-similes, etc. 2 vols. Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1868 737 RAMIREZ (D. J. lsl.,of Mexico}. Celesta y Ellas, etc. 161110, cloth. Paris, 1864 738 RAMIREZ (I.). Impugnacion de FRANCISCO PIMF.NTEL. 161110, half roan. Mexico, 1872 739 RAMIREZ (Jose F.). Memorias Negodacones Documentos de las Differencias que han suscitado entre Mexico y los Estados Unidos. Thick folio, half sheep. Mexico, 1853 64 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 740 RAMIREZ. Memorias de las Differencias entre Mexico y los Estados Unidos. [Tehuantepec Canal difficulty.] Thick royal Svo, half sheep (charred). Mexico, 1853 741 RAMIREZ. The Same. Roan, gilt edges. 742 RANDALL'S Hy. New York State; KALE'S Kanzas and Ne- braska; MAY'S Anti-Slavery Conflict; Hy. of Mendon Association; HALL'S Statistics of West; etc. Together 9 vols. Cloth. 743 READE (Winwood). Martyrdom of Man. 121110, cloth. London, 1872 744 REED ^T- W.). History of the REED Family in Europe and America. Portraits. Svo, cloth. Boston, 1861 745 REALES EXEQUIAS de la Serenissima Senora Da. YSABEL FARNECIO Princesa de Parma y Reyna de la Espanos. Curious Mexican etchings and large folded plate. 410, half sheep. RARE. Mexico, 1767 746 REBER'S Christ of Paul; Anti-Janus; ROGERS' Psalms in Hebrew; MILLS' Ancient Hebrews; NEWMAN'S Phases of Faith; FEUERBACH'S Essence of Religion; etc. Together 10 vols. i2mo, cloth. 747 RECREO de las Familias. Portraits and plates. Svo, half sheep. Mexico, 1838 748 RECUEIL DES VOYAGES qui ont servi a 1'Etablissement et aux Progres de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales. Maps, plates, etc. 12 vols. i2mo, calf (rubbed and some plates foxed). RARE. Rouen, 1725 749 RECUEIL DE VOYAGES au Nord. Vols. 5 and 7. i2mo, sheep. Amsterdam, 1724-25 Includes " Relation de la Louisiana," " Troisierae Relation de Hennepin," etc. 750 REGISTRO TRIMESTRE o Coleccion de Memorias de Historia Literatura Ciencias y Artes. Vol. i. Plates. 410, half sheep. Mexico, 1832 751 REGISTRA YUCATECO. Vol. i. Plates. Svo, half sheep (6 pp. short). Merida, 1846 Edited by Dr. Justo Iverra and containing numerous historical, anti- quarian and other articles relating to Yucatan. 752 REGLA de N. P. S. AUGUSTIN. 4to, vellum. [ Mexico], 1774 THK BUSS LIBRARY. 65 753 REGLAMENTO par las Milicias de Infantcria y Caballcria tic Cuba. 321110, half sheep. Lima, 1703 754 RKGI.AMKNTO y Aranceles Realcs para el Common io Libre de Kspana a Indias. //< heraldic plate of regal Spanish arms. 4to, sewed. Madrid, 1778 755 REGLAMENTO de la Suprema Corte Marcial de la Republica Mexicana. 410, sheep. Mexico, 1X57 756 REGI.AMENTO del Derecho de Consumo. Svo, half roan. Mexico, 1X42 757 RKGi.AMKNTode la Rentade Papel Sellado. Svo, half sheep. Mexico, 1X64 758 REGLAMEXTO de Garitas de Esta Capital. 321110, boards. Mexico, 1867 759 RENACIMENTO (El). Portraits and plates. 2 vols. in i. .jto, half sheep. Mexico, 1869 760 RENGGER and LOMPCHAMP. La Revolucion de Paraguay. i6mo, sheep. Paris, 1828 761 RENNELL (James). Memoir of a Map of Hindustan. Map. 4to, calf (title cut and MS. notes^,. London, 1792 762 RENNELL. Treatise on the Comparative Geography of Western Asia. 2 vols. Svo, half calf. London, 1831 763 RENTAS y Bienes Eclesiasticos, also other pamphlets on ecclesiastical property. Svo, half sheep. Mexico and Guadalajara, 1833-47 764 REPERTORIO MEXICANO. June 2, 1827 (/. f ., Vol. i, No. i), to March 25, 1828. 2 vols. folio, half sheep 'wormed). RARE. Mexico, 1827-28 765 RESTREPO (J. M.). Historia de la Revolucion de la lle- publica de Columbia, io vols. i6mo and 410 half ru^.-ia atlas. Together n vols. Paris, 1827 766 RETIRO ESPIRITUEL. 321110, vellum (wormed). Salamanca, i 726 767 REVISTA CINTIFICA de Mexico. Vol. i. J'ort raits. Ro\ - al 8vo, half sheep (imperfect). 768 REVISTA MENSUAL de la Sociedad Promovedora de Mejoras Materiales. Map and plates, (i vol.) Imperial Svo, half roan. Mexico, 1852 769 REYNEL HERNANDEZ (M.). El Peregrine con (ana. 32mo, half sheep (wormed, and some margins cut down'. Mexico, 1755 66 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 770 RIBADENEYRA (A. J. de). El Passatiempo. 3 vols. 8vo, half roan. RARE. Madrid, 1752 771 RIGVEDA SANHITA LIBER PRIMUS Sanskrite et Latine edidit FRIDERICUS ROSEN. 4to, cloth. London, 1838 772 RIGVEDA, traduction de A. LANGLOIS. Royal 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1870 773 RIGVEDA, Die Hymnen des, Mandala i-x, herausgegeben von THEODOR ANFRECHT. 2 vols. 8vo, paper, uncut. Bonn, 1877 774 RINCON (General Manuel). Manifesto que dirige a sus Com- patriotas. Royal 8vo, half sheep. Mexico, 1839 775 Rio DE LA PLATA. Noticias Historicas, Politicas y Estadisti- cas. Folded maps. 8vo, half sheep. London, 1825 776 RIPOLDA Y PAREDES. Catecismo Mexicano. Coat of arms of Archbishop of Mexico. 32010, half sheep (stained). Mexico, 1758 RARE. An Eighteenth Century Mexican Catechism. 777 RIPALDA (G. de). La Doctrina Christiana. 4to, half sheep (torn title). RARE. Puebla, 1784 778 RIVADENAYRA y BANiENTOS (A. J. dej. Compcndio Maunal del Real Patronato. Portrait. 4to, old calf (no title). Madrid, 1755 779 RIVA PALACIO (Vincente, General}. Memoria Presentada a la H. Legislatura del Estado de Mexico. Maps. 4to, half sheep. Toluca, 1871 780 RIVA PALACIO. Vuelta de los Muertos. 8vo, half sheep. Mexico, 1870 781 RIVA PALACIO and MATEOS (Don Juan A.). Libras Her- manas Obras Dramaticas. 8vo, half sheep. Mexico, 1871 782 RIVAS (M. J. de la). Grammatical Construccion de los Hymnos Ecclesiasticos. Woodcuts. 321110, half sheep. RARE. Mexico, 1738 783 RIVERA y Rio (Jose). Flores del Destierro - Composiciones Liricas, Leyendas, Baladas, Traducciones, etc., etc. 410, half sheep. Mexico, 1868 784 RIVERA y Rio. Esqueletos Sociales. Lithographs. 410, half roan. Mexico, 1870 785 RIVERA M. G.). Concilio III. Provincial Mexicano. Thick 8vo, sheep. Mexico, 1859 77//c 7//./.V.V I.IKKARY. 67 786 Ruix (T.I Apuntes Poeticos. Portrait, 321110, half sheep. Mexico, iH66 787 ROBKRTSON (J. P. and W. P.). Letters on South America. 3 vols. i2ino, cloth. London, 1X43 788 ROBERTSON (W.). Histoire du Regnc de 1'Kmpereur CHARLES QUINT. 3 vols. Svo, half sheep. Paris, 1X22 789 ROBERTSON. History of Scotland. 3 vols. post Xvo, half calf, gilt. London, 1X31 790 ROBERTSON. History of America. Maps and plat,-. 4 vols. in 2. Svo, half roan. London, 1822 791 ROBINSON (W. I).). Memorias de la Rcvolucion de Mexico. Portrait of Mina and map. Xvo, half roan. London, 1824 792 ROBINSON (H. C.\ Diary, Reminiscences and (Correspond- ence. 2 vols. i6mo, cloth. Boston, 1X70 793 ROHLES (J. de). Ratio 'Accentuurn. 32010, cloth. Toleti, 1552 794 RODRIGUEZ Y Cos (J. M.). El Anahuac Ensayo Epico. 161110, half sheep. Mexico, 1X53 IDS. , Puttick & Simpson, 1869. 795 ROGERS (T. J.). Biographical Dictionary of Departed Heroes, Sages and Statesmen of America. Xvo, sheep. Easton, 1X24 796 ROGERS (Major Robert). Journals of, containing an Ac- count of the Several Excursions he made under the Gen- erals who commanded upon the Continent of North Amer- ica during the Late War. 121110, calf. ' Dublin, 1769 RARE. At the end is added " Historical Account of the Expedition against the Ohio Indians in the Year 1764." The writer commanded the provincial troops or rangers during the French wars in America. 797 ROMO (J. J., Opispo de Canarias}. Indepenclencia Constante de la Iglesia Hispana. 321110, half sheep. Mexico, 1X4.; 798 ROSA (L. de la). Memoria de la Hacienda de la Republica Mexicana. Royal Svo, half sheep. Mexico, 1X46 799 ROSA. Cultivo del Maiz in Mexico. Colored plate. Xvo, half calf. Mexico, 1X46 800 ROSIGNIOLI (C. G.). Noticias Memorables de los Exercicios Espirituales de S. IGXACIO DE LOYOLA. 410, half calf. Madrid, 1694 68 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 80 1 Ross' Eastern Question; SMELLIE'S Philosophy Natural Hy. ; BEAUFORT'S Aramaina; WOODARD'S Shipwreck Narrative; WAKEFIELD'S Translation of New Test., 2 vols. ; etc. To- gether 8 vols. 8vo, boards. 802 ROUSSEAU (J. J.). Emilio o de la Educacion. 3 vols. i2mo, sheep. Burdeos, 1821 803 ROVIGO (Due de). Memoires de, pour Servir a PHistoire de 1'Ernpereur NAPOLEON. 8 vols. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1828 804 ROZA (Felix de la). Ordenanza Particular de Conductores. 4to, vellum. Lima, 1805 805 RUSSIAN and French Dictionary; National Proverbs in Five Languages; RACINE'S Latines; etc. Together 7 vols. 806 RUSSELL (W.). Eccentric Personages. 12 mo, cloth. N. Y., 1866 807 RUSSELL (William, Lord}. Life. Portrait. 2 vols, Svo, boards. London, 1820 808 RYCAUT (Sir Paul). History of the Turks. Portraits. Folio, old calf (some pp. stained). London, 1700 AAVEDRA FAXARDO ''Diego). Idea de un Principe Politico y Christiano Representada en Cien Empressas. Curious illustrations of emblems. 4to, vellum. Valencia, 1695 RARE EDITION. One of the best works on emblems. 810 SAAVEDRA'S Corona Gotica ; AMAR'S Literature Espanola ; Hermanos de la Hoja ; GARAO'S Instruido de la Naturelza; etc. Together 7 odd vols. 811 SABIDURIA (La). O relaciories del Hombre. Por un Amer- icano. 4to, half sheep. Vera Cruz, 1827 812 SAENZ DE LA PENA (A., of Tlaxcala}. MANVAL DK i. os SANTOS SACRAMENTOS CONFORMS AL RITVAL de PAOLO QVINTO. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1642 VKRY RAKK. Some pp. mounted and mended. The above work was compiled by the orders of Juan de Palafox, Bishop of I'uebla, Archbishop of Mexico, etc. 813 SAGKA 'Ramon de la). Estudios Coloniales con aplicacion a la Isla de Cuba. 8vo, boards. Madrid, 1845 Tf/K Bf./SS LIBRARY. 69 814 SAHAGUN (Bernardino de). HISTOKIA (JF.NKK \i. DK I.AS COSAS DK NUKVA ESJ'ANA. 3 vols. 8vo, mottled sheep, yellow edges. Mexico, 1X29-30 QlHTK SCARCE. .5 1 7s. 6d., Puttick A: Simpson, 1*60. This wonderful work, to which the entire life of i-ather Sahagun was devoted, is beyond question the most important, as it is the most authentic, history of events, transpiring in the New World before its discovery by Columbus. All that relates to the n li^ion-, customs. government and wars of the A/tecs, was examined in a manner so critical, so patient and thorough that no history was ever conceived or brought forth with more labor. 815 SAHAGUN. Historia de la Conquista de Mexico. 410, sheep (stained). Mexico, iSj9 RAKK. This is a new version or recension of the last book of Sahagun's History, written by himself at a distance of twenty years from the time of composing his original work. Sahagun was one of the earliest of the Spanish missionaries. His work, published by Bustamente, for the first time, is of the utmost value for the history of the native Mexican civilization and customs. The work of Ixtlilxuchit!, as edited and published by Bustamente, is a supplement to the history of Sahagun. 816 SAIXT SIMON. Doctrine de, Caticisme Politique, etc. 2 vols. Svo, half roan. Paris, 1831-41 817 SALAS (Pde., S. f.}. Thesaurus Tlispano Latinus. 4(0, half sheep (with MS. on back of title . Valencia. 1090 818 SAMAXIKGO (F. M.). Fabulas en Verso Castellano. 410, half sheep (wormed". Valencia, 1781 819 SAMAXIF.GO. The Same. r6mo, sheep. Isla de Leon, 1X10 819* SAMAXIF.GO. The Same. 161110. sheep. X. V., 1826 820 S. ALBERTO (J. A. de, Archbishop of La riata}. Cartas Pastorales. Svo, half sheep. Madrid. 1793 821 SAN AXASTASIO (Juan de). Coloquios Cain-nico Morales. 4to, sheep. Mexico, i^io 822 SAN ANTONIO J. F. de). C'lmmicas de la Apostolira Provincia de San Gregorio de Religiosos Pescalxos de N. S. P. S. FRANCISCO en las Islas Philipinas, China, Japon, etc. Parte Tercera de la Celeberrima Scraphica Mission de Japan. Curious cngra~-c- cion a Cliristo, 1724; Novena de la Santa Veronica, i~2<) ; Nou-nadr Santa Rita do Casia, 1710; Jesus Maria y Joseph, Novi-na, 171'); No vena de Maria de I.oreto; and others of the same character, all of whit li were printed in the City of Mexico early in the irith century. 837 SARIXAXA (S. M.). Troy as Mexicanas. 410, half sheep. Mexico, 18^0 838 SARTORIUS ("A.). Importancia de Mexico para la Emigra- cion Alemana; a/so, Geografia Animada por A. DKS E>s AK i s. Plates of costume. 2 vols. in i. 410. Mexico, 18^2 839 SAVARV. Lettres sur 1'Egypte. 3 vols. 8vo, spani-h calf. Paris, i;;S 840 SAVIU.F. (Geo., Marquis of Halifax]. Miscellanies. 121110, calf. London, 1717 841 SAY (J. li.). Catecismo de Economia Politica. 161110, sheep. Madrid, iSjj 842 SAYCE (Rev. A. H.). Elementary Grammar of Assyrian Language in Cuneiform Type. 4to, cloth. London, n. d. 843 SCHERZER ^K. von). Weltindustrien. Svo, paper. Stuttgart, 18 So 844 SCHWARZ (Joseph, Rabbi}. Geography and Historical Sketch of Palestine. Maps and numerous engravings. 8vo, clotli. Phila., 1850 845 SCOTT ^Winfield). Memoirs. Portraits. 2 vols. unio, cloth. N. V., iS(>4 846 SCHULZ (A.). Influence of Welch Tradition upon Litera- ture of Germany, France and Scandinavia. 8vo, board>. Llandonery, 1841 847 SELGAS (Jose). Delicias del Nuevo Paraiso. 321110, cloth. Madrid, 1871 848 SEN EX (John). MODERN GEOGRAPHY. A Collection curious iSt/i centurv maps. Tall narrow folio, old sheep. 849 SENTEXCIAS pronunciadas por los Tribunales y Jugados de la Republica Mexicana. Segunda Parte. 8vo, half sheep. Mexico, 1850 j2 THE 3LISS LIBRARY. 850 SERMONES. A Collection of Mexican Sermons, i vol. 4to, half sheep. Among these are some by Alancmo, 1694; by Quinlela, 1769; by Vergara, 1770; by Adame, 1781; by Valdes, 1786; by Del Real, 1785; by Murto, 1795; and by Rodriguez, 1799, a ^ f which were printed in the City of Mexico and bear the above dates on the titles. 851 SERMONES VARIOS. A Collection of Spanish Sermons mostly printed at Valencia between 1711-77. Portraits. 4to, sheep. 852 SERMONES PANEGYRICOS. A Collection of Sermons in Span- ish, printed in Mexico and Puebla between 1715-92. i vol. 4to, half blue sheep. 853 SERMONES de N. S. Guadalupe. 410, half sheep (wormed). A very rare collection of sermons preached in honor of the Blessed Virgin of "Guadalupe de Mexico" and printed in the City of Mexico, 1732-61. 854 SERMONES PANEGIRICOS MEXICANOS. Miscellaneous Collec- tion of Sermons in i vol. 4to, half purple sheep. Mexico, 1802-21 855 SERMONES POLITICOS CONTRA LOS INSURGENTES. 4to, half roan. Includes Oration by J. B. D. Calvillo, Mexico, 1808; Sermon by R. Casaus Torres y Lasplazas, Mexico, 1808; Solemne Accion de Gracias en la Metropolitana de Mexico, Mexico, 1809; Sermon by J. M. Ponce de Leon, Mexico, 1809; Manifesto of the Bishop of Puebla, Mexico, 1812; Sermon by F. Roxas y Andrade, Mexico, 1815; Sermon of Luis Canasco y Enciso, Mexico, 1815. 856 SHAIRP'S Culture and Religion; Church History; etc. To- gether 7 vols. Cloth. 857 SHAKERS. Summary View of the Milennial Church. 121110, sheep. Albany, 1848 858 SHAKESPEARE. English of, by G. L. CRAIK. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1869 859 SHUFELDT (R. W.). Explorations and Surveys for Ship Canal, Isthmus of Tehuaritepec. Maps. 4to, cloth. Washington, 1872 860 SICARDO (J.). Admirable Vida de la Gloriosa B. RITA DE CASSIA. Plate. 4to, half sheep. Geneva, 1688 RARE. 861 SIERRA (J.). Lecciones de Derecho Maritimo Internacional. Imperial 8vo, half sheep. Mexico, 1854 THE BUSS LIBRARY. 7; 862 SIKKKA. Proyecto de un Codigo Civil Mexicano. 8v<>, half sheep. Mexi. o, | i,s 59 | 863 SIGI.O DII./ v Nt'EVE (K.). One bundle of unbound Nos. Mexico, 1873 864 SILVIO PKLLICO. Mis Prisiones. i6mo, sheep. Paris, 1835 865 SII.ICKO (C. M.). Memoria de la Secretaria de Kstado y del Despacho de Fomento, Colonizacion, Industria y Coinerrio de la Republica Mexicana. Numerous t/es. Thick 410, roan, gilt edges (rubbed). Mexico, 1X57 866 SIMON (].}. Lexicon Manuale Hebraicuin et Chaldaicum. Front. Thick 8vo, half sheep. Halle, 1795 867 SISMONDI (]. C. L. S. de). Literature of South of Europe. 8vo, half calf. N. V., 1827 868 SITUACION Politica de America. 8vo, half sheep. Northampton, 1828 869 SLANG DICTIONARY. Crown 8vo, cloth (cover loose). London, 1874 870 SMITH (G.). Assyrian Eponym Canon. 8vo, cloth. London, n d. 871 SMITH (Win.). Dictionary of the Bible. Numerous cut*. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth (not uniform and backs damaged). Boston, 1860-63 872 SMYTH'S Modern History Lectures ; XOKDKN'S Description of Essex ; OLIPH ANT'S Transcaucasian Campaign ; ARNOLD'S Modern History Lectures; BIRCH'S Egypt; CREIGHTON'S Age of Elizabeth ; GAIRUNKR'S Thirty Years' War and Lancaster and York. Together 8 vols. Cloth. 873 SOLAMA (J. G.). Delitos y Penas. 8vo, half sheep. Mexico, 1844 With tlie above are bound up other miscellaneous pamphlets printed at /acatecas and Mexico, 1838-44. 874 SOLEMNES EXEQUIAS. 4to, half sheep. A collection of obituarial brochures. Among them are those of Ciuema Facheco, Captain General of Nesv Spain buried in Mexico, 1799, with portrait and view of catafalque; of Archbishop l)c Haro of Mexico, printed at Mexico, 1802 ; of Bishop Moriana of Michoachan, 1810 ; and also a funeral oration preached iSil by Father Xenon, and printed at Mexico. 74 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 875 SOLEMNE ACCION cle Gracias. 8vo, sheep. Mexico, [1814] 876 SOLIS (Antonio de). Comedias de. 410, half sheep (upper margin cut down). Madrid, i6i 877 SOLORZANO PEREIRA (Don Juan de). Politica In- diana dividida en Seis Libros. Folio, half sheep (a few pp. stained). Amberes, 1703 Rare and a very important work on Spanish America, being a digest of the whole body of laws relating to the native inhabitants, of whose true condition it furnishes the best account extant. 878 SO.\IERVILE (A.). Historyof British Legion and War in Spain. Portrait (stained}. 8vo, cloth (cover loose). London, 1839 879 SOXORA (Marques de). Informe General al Excmo. Sr. Virrey Frey D. ANTONIO BUCARELY Y URSUA. Tables with facsimiles. Imperial 8vo, half calf. Mexico, 1867 This work was printed for private circulation by the Emperor Maxi- milian. The Marquis de Sonora was sent by the Spanish Court as Visitor General to Mexico. The above named volume gives an account of the result of his visit. * pf3 ss., Puttick & Simpson, 1869. 880 SORIA (F. de). Manual de Exercicios. 321110, vellum. RARE. Puebla, 1741 88 1 SORIA. Manual de Exercicios para los Desagravios de Christo. 32mo, half sheep (stained and some pp. mended). Puebla, 1780 882 SOSA (F. de P.). Manual cle Biografia Yucateca. 161110, half sheep. Merida, 1866 Presentation copy to I'orter C. Bliss with MS. of author. 883 SOSA. Magdalena Leyenda Historica. Svo, half sheep. Mexico, 1871 Presentation copy to Porter C. Bliss from the author. 884 SOTO (Juan). Memoria del Ministerio de Guerra y Marina. 4to, half morocco (2 copies). Mexico, 1857 885 SPARKS (Jared). Library of American Biography New Series. Vols. i to 15 inclusive. Engraved vignette por- trait titles. i6mo, cloth. Boston, 1848 886 SPKDALIERI (Nicolas). Derechos del Hombre. 4to, sheep. Mexico, 1824 887 SPENCER (Edmund). Travels in the Western Caucasus. E routs, (foxed}. 2 vols. Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1838 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 75 888 SPENCER (Herbert). Principles of Biology. 2 vols. 121110, cloth. N. V., 1X71 889 SQUIRE'S PLUTARCH; CICERO; LCCRETIUS ; etc. Together 12 vols. Full leather. 890 STANHOPE (George). Christian Religion Asserted against Jews, Infidels and Hereticks. 410, old calf. London, 1702 891 STANYAN'S Grecian History; COLLIN'S Literal Prophecy; Universal Traveller ; Mnemonika; etc. Together 14 vols. Full leather. 892 STATUTA ECCLF,SI.-E MEXICAN/E necnon onlo in Choro Servandus Curante Vallisoletanoc Ecclesia; Capitulo Sumptus Suppedilante Illmo. ac Rino. D.M.D.F. ANTONIO A SANCTO MICHAELE Episcopo Mechoacanense, etc. 410, Spanish sheep. RARE. Mexico, 1797 893 STEPHENS' "Basque Provinces, 2 vols.; MURE'S Tour in Greece, 2 vols.; MALCO.M'S Asian Travels, 2 vols. To- gether 6 vols. 121110, cloth. 894 [STERNE] Alas poor Yorick, a Funeral Discourse by " Chris- topher Flagellan," 1761 ; Memoir of THOS. CHLT.P, ; LINN'S Remarks on MORE'S Address, N. Y., 1793; New and Concise History of French Revolution ; Three Pamphlets on DR. JOHNSON ; LAVATER'S Remonstrances, N. Y., 1799 '> SEARSOX'S Poems, Phila., 1797. i vol. Svo, half cloth. 895 [STEVENS.] Tehuantepec Railway and Historical and Geo- graphical Notes, 1453-1869, by HENRY STEVENS. 2 vols. in i. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1869 Presentation copy, with MS. inscription. 896 STEVENS (Capt. John). New Spanish Grammar. Svo, calf. London, 1725 897 STILLINGFLEET (E.). Rational Account of Christian Faith. 4to, half sheep. London, 1662 898 STIRLING (J. H.). SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON, being the Phil- osophy of Perfection. Svo, cloth. London, 1865 899 ST. IVAN CLIMACO. Libro de, por Luvs DE GRANADA. 32ino, boards (stained). RARE. Yallaclolid, 1583 900 ST. JOANNES CHRISOSTOMUS. Commentarius in epistolam ad Galatas. i6mo, half sheep. n. p., 1527 76 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 901 ST. JOHN (J. A.). Egypt and Mohammed All. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1834 902 STOBO (Robert, Major of Virginia Regiment], Memoirs. Map. 32010, cloth. Pittsburgh, 1854 903 STONE (Wm. L.). Life of JOSEPH BRANT. Thayenden- egea, including Border Wars of the American Revolution. Portraits, plates, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1838 904 STONE. Uncas and Miantonomoh. 24010, cloth. N. Y., 1842 905 STRABO. Geography of, literally translated, with Notes. 2 vols. post Svo, half morocco, gilt. London, 1854 906 STRAUSS (D. F.). Life of JESUS. Vols. i and 2. Svo, half calf, gilt. London, 1846 907 STUART'S Hebrew Chrestomathie ; PIKE'S Hebrew Lexicon ; HENDERSON'S Syriac Lexicon. Together 3 vols. 908 STUCKLE (H.). Interoceanic Canals. Maps. Svo, cloth (3 copies). N. Y. 1870 909 STUDENT AND SCHOOLMATE. 23 Nos. Svo, sewed. Boston, 1863-64 910 SUMARIO de la Constitucion de Inglaterra. 32010, half sheep. [Mexico], 1825 911 SUMMERS (James). Rudiments of Chinese Language. Front. i6mo, cloth. London, 1864 912 SUSA. Cuneiform inscriptions, from the Ruins of Susa. Oblong folio, half morocco. ACITUS. Annalium Libri sedecim. 321110, half calf ''soiled). Lugduni, 1551 TACON (Miguel, General]. Relacion de la Isla de Cuba. 32010, sheep. Mexico, 1838 915 TAHITI. Annuaire de. 16010, boards. Tahiti, 1859 916 TALES from American History. Front, (foxed]. 32010, half roan. N. Y., 1829 9ry TANCO (L. E.]. Aparicion de la Virgen de Guadalupe. 32010, cloth. Mexico, 1866 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 77 TAPIA ZENTENO'S HUASTECA LANGUAGE. 918 TAPIA ZENTENO (C. de). XOTU.IA OK I.A LANMJA HUASTKCA. 410, half sheep. Mexico, 1767 This very rare volume was printed by the orders and at the expanse of the then Archbishop of Mexico. The Huasteca are Mexican Indians, on the Northeast of Vera Cru/. /ii. ?s., Hibliotheca Mejicana. Concerning this work see Hrasscur de IJourhourjj, liibliotheque. No. 140. 919 TAYLOR'S Words and Places; SWINTON'S Word Analyser ; CRAIK'S English Language; TOUN'S Analysis Derivative- Words. Together 4 vols. 920 TERRADAS (Jose). Vindicacion de. 4to. Mexico, n. d. With the above are bound up Xos. of the " Gaceta del (lobierno de- Mexico, " 1820-21, etc. 921 TESORO de Historiadores Espanoles. Portrait. Svo, sheep. Paris, 1X40 Includes works of Mendoza, Moncada anil Melo. 922 THEODORETUS. Eplanationes in Duodecim Prophetas, etc. 32mo, half sheep. RARK. Lvgdvni, IS33 923 THIRLWALL (Connop). History of Greece. 2 vols. royal Svo, half calf. N. V., 1845 924 THOMAY (I., S. J.\ El Ano Santificado. 32010, vellum. Mexico, 1757 925 THOMS (W. J.). Human Longevity. Crown Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1873 926 THOMPSON'S Review of AXDROS ; SHEPHERD'S Parable Ten Virgins ; Bakhtiar Rameh ; Sir JOHN BOWRINC.'S Hymns ; GOETHE'S Sorrows of Werter ; etc. Together 16 vols. 927 THOMPSON (Z.). History of Vermont. 24010, boards. Burlington, iS;S 928 THOMSON (T.). Western Himalaya and Tibet. Map and plates (one foxcd\ Svo, cloth, uncut. Loiulon, 1852 929 THOMPSON (Waddy). Recollections of Mexico. Svo, cloth, uncut (title written on). N. V., 1846 930 TOLAND f'John). Life and Writings, also Xaxarenus, Appendix to TOLAND Tetradymus. i vol. 8vo, old calf. London, 1 7 18-22 78 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 931 TOREXO (El Conde de). Historia del Levantamiento, Guerra y Revolucion de Espana. 3 vols. Svo, sheep (i vol. water-stained). Madrid, 1839 TORQUEMADA'S MONARCHY OF THE INDIES, 1723. 932 TORQUEMADA (Juan de). Veinte i vn Libros Rituales i Monarchia Indiana con elorigemy guerras de los Tndios Occidentales, etc., etc. Engraved titles and map. 3 vols. 4to, half roan, gilt. Madrid, 1723 ' ' This history is without question the most complete in respect to the antiquity of Mexico of any hitherto published." CLAVIGERO. Juan de Torquemada, whom Alaman calls the " I, ivy of New Spain," studied in Mexico, where he took the habit of St. Francis and became the Provincial of the Order for that country- He wrote his " Indian Monarchy," after having collected everything which he could find that related to the history of the country, and the customs, man" ners, laws, etc., of its aboriginal inhabitants. This work forms a col- lection, indispensable to all who desire to know much of the ancient history of Mexico and its inhabitants, as well as to all those writers who extract their material from the stores of others. The edition of 1723 is the most complete, having been edited by the indefatigable Barcia, and is preferred by scholars to the first edition, printed in 3 volumes at Madrid in 1613. 933 TORNEL Y MENDIVIL (D. J. J.). Aparicion de Nuesta Senora de Guadalupe de Mexico. 2 vols. in i. Svo, sheep, Mexico, 1849 i 2s., Puttick & Simpson, 1869. One of the best authorities on the history and theology of the miraculous GUADALOUPAXA of Mexico, founded upon the alleged appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Juan Diego, the Indian, in 1531: This subject has become one of the Stock Institutions of Mexico, and its history and influence seem to pervade all others. 934 TRIGUF.ROS (I.). Memoria de los Ramos Municipales. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1867 935 TRUMBULL (Henry). History of Discovery of America. Folded front. Svo, half bound (loose cover). Boston, 1835 936 TURNBULI, (P. E.). Austria. 2 vols. Svo, boards, uncut. London, 1840 937 TURNER'S Companion to Genesis; DE WETT'S Introduction to New Test.; etc. Together 9 vols. Svo, cloth. 938 Two REPUBLICS (The), and other newspapers in English. (One bundle.) THE A/./.Y.V /.//.' KA AT. 79 I.I.OA (Antonio de). NOTIC1AS AMKKICANAS. 4to, sheep. Madrid. 1772 1 hesc secret memoirs in whit h <.-\h distinguished the informants. 1). Jor^e Juan and I). Antonio ile I'lloa." SAI.VA. 940 UU.OA. Noticias Americanas. 410, mottled sheep. Madrid, 1792 941 UNANNE (J. II.) (liua Politica Ecclesiastira y Militardcl Virreynato del Peru. Map and plates. 321110, sheep. 942 UPPK.R (CANADA. Statistical Sketches by a P>ark \voodMiian. 161110, half roan (stamp on title). London, 1832 943 URNKNA (J. G. de, ContaJor Je Quenlas dc M t:\iio, etc.}. Delineacion del Punto de Longitud del (ilobo, etc. 410, vellum. RARK. Madrid, 1740 944 URTASSU.M (Juan de). Interesses de Inglaterra. 321110, half sheep (wormed). Seville, [ 1741 ] 945 U. S. NAVAL EXPEDITION to Southern Hemisphere. Vol. i Chile by GILLISS. Plates. 4to, sheep. Washington, 1855 946 U. S. EIGHTH CENSUS, 2 vols. ; X. Y. State Colonial History Documents, Vol. 10; CONYBEARK and Hi>\vso\'s St. Paul, Vol. 2; WHITWORTH'S Trade of Cireat Britain. Together 5 vols. 947 U. S. FOREIGN RELATIONS, 1873; British Alk., 1879. To- gether 3 vols. Cloth. A1LLANT (J.). Numismata Imperatortim Roman- orum Praestantiora a Julio C'aesare ad Posthu- mum et Tyrannos. ^\'nu-fi>us numismatic illus- trations. 2 vols. 410, half calf. I.utetiiv Parisiorum, 1094 KARK. A large number of addenda to the text uf this valuable numismatic work are added in MS. 948* VALEJO (Don Josef Ignacio'. Vtda de la Madrc ik- Dios y Siempre Virgen Maria. J'ortraits. J vols. in i. 410^ half sheep. Cessna, 1779 RARE. The author is described on the title as '' 1'resbitcro. natural del Opispado de Guadalaxara en el Reino de Mexico." 8o THE BLISS LIBRARY. 949 VALLADARES (Antonio). Historia Geografica Civil y Politica de la Isla de S. Juan Bautista de Puerto Rico. 4to, half sheep. RARE. Madrid, 1788 950 VALLE (C. R.). Coleccion de las Obras Poeticcas. 3 vols. in i. i2mo, half roan, gilt. Mexico, 1869-70 951 VALERII MAXIMI Dictorum Factorumque Memorabilium, Libri IX. Engraved title. 32mo, half roan. Amstelodami, Elzevir, 1690 952 VALERIANUS (J. P., Bellunensis}. Hieroglyphica sive de Sacris ^Egyptiorum Aliarumque Gentium Literis. Portrait and numerous other illustrations. 2 vols. in i. Thick 4to, old calf (wormed . Frankfort, 1678 953 VALVERDE (A. S.). Idea de la Valor de la Isla Espanola y Utilidades. 4to, sprinkled sheep. Madrid, 1785 With the above is bound up " La America vindicada de la Colum- nia de haber sido Madre del Mai Venereo," Madrid, 1785. 954 VAN DE VELDE (C. W. M.). Narrative of Journey through Syria and Palestine. Fronts, and maps. 2 vols. Svo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1854 955 VARGAS Y PONCE (Jose de). Services de Cadiz des de 1808 a 1816. 4to, sheep. Cadiz, 1818 956 VARIEDADES. Reglamentos, Miscellaneous Pamphlets. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1781-1865 957 VARIEDADES. Sermones Panegiricos Siglo XIX. A col- lection of Sermons printed at Mexico and Puebla between 1804-69. 410, half sheep. 958 VARIEDADES. Colegio de Abogados de Mexico. A collec- tion of brochures printed at Mexico 1806-68 relating to the National College of Abogados of Mexico. 4to, half sheep. 959 VARIEDADES Derecho Eclesiastico. 4to, half sheep. A collection of brochures relating to ecclesiastical affairs in Mexico, published from 1812-60. 960 VARIEDADES. Patronato y Bienes Eclesiasticos. A collec- tion of pamphlets relating to ecclesiastical property in Mexico, printed at Mexico, Puebla, Guadalaxara and Madrid between 1822-50. 410, sheep. 77//1 Ji/./SS LIHKARY. X, 961 VARIEDADES Industria Fabril. A collection of pamphlets relating to industrial subjects; printed in Mexico and Puebla between 1X29-45. 410, half sheep. 962 VAKIEDADES. Documentos Judiciales. A collection of trials, judicial arguments, etc., printed at Mexico between 1830-51. 410, half sheep. 963 VARIEDADES. Opusculos Militares. A collection of pam- phlets on military affairs in Mexico, and printed between 1X33 and 1844. 8vo, half sheep. 964 VARIEDADES. Pastorales de los Ar/.obispos tie Guadalajara. 4to, half sheep. Guadalajara, 1768 1871 965 VARIEDADES. Derecho Politico. Royal 8vo, half sheep. A collection of rare pamphlets mostly published in the City of Mex- ico between 1839-71 on political subjects, etc. 966 VARIEDADKS. Collection of Pamphlets relating to Yucatan and printed at Merida and Mexico, 1843-70. 8vo, half roan. 967 VARIEDADES. Documentos Judiciales. A collection of legal pamphlets, trials, etc., printed in Mexico and Guanajuato, 1846-63. 410, half sheep. 968 VARIEDADES. Opusculos Militares. Royal Svo, half calf. A collection of pamphlets relating to Mexican military affairs printed in Mexico between 1848 and 1862. 969 VARIEDADES. Academia de San Carlos. Royal Svo, half sheep. A collection of brochures relating to the Academy of Saint Car, '-, printed in the City of Mexico, 1850-71. 970 VARIEDADES. Asunto Limantour. Royal 8vo, half sheep. Mexico, 1855-04 Includes Cuatro Palabros al Abate Testory por Bustamente; Ocuroso que Monjardin presento al Norma; Alegato de Buena Frueba; Senteii- cia por Monjardin contra Limantour: and other brochures relating to the Limantour litigation. 971 VARIEDADES. Alegatos Juridicos, 1864-67. Svo, half sheep. A collection of pamphlets, consisting of legal arguments, trials, etc., printed in the City of Mexico. 82 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 972 VEGA (El Inca Garcilaso de la). LA FLORIDA DEL' INCA HlSTORIA DEL AOELANTADO HERNANDO DE SOTO >' el Ensaio Chronologico escrito por DON GABRIEL DE CAR- DENAS Y CANO. Folded pedigree. 2 vols. in i. Old sheep (wormed). Madrid, 1723 The author was the son of one of the conquerors of Peru, Garlicaso de la Vega, by the daughter of the Inca Hualpa Tapac and sister of Huayna Capac Inca, the last native monarch of Peru. He was so proud of both paternal and maternal origin, that while he assumed the Spanish name of the first, he was careful to assert his Incarial descent, lie was evidently a gentleman of refinement and possessed of much more learning than was usually acquired by the conquestados them- selves . That one of Indian blood and a descendant of the proud races of the Incas should have been the most industrious and careful his- torian of the evil fortunes of his race and the chronicler of the victories of their conquerors ma}* well excite our surprise. 973 VEGA. Historia General del Peru. 13 vols. 24mo, sheep. Madrid, 1800-1 " A striking and interesting book, showing much of the spirit of the old Chronicles." TlCKNOR. 974 VEGARA (Miguel de). Vida Interior del JUAN DE PALA- FOX Y MENDOZA, Archbishop of Mexico. 410, half sheep. RARE. Seville, 1691 975 VELASCO Y PIMENTEL (B. F. de, Duque de Frias]. Deleyte de la Discrecion, etc. 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1764 976 VELASCO (A. A. de). Renovacion de la Imagen de Christo en la Iglesia de San Joseph en Mexico. 1'late. 4to, half sheep. Mexico, 1790 977 VELEZ (Rafael de). Preservatio contra la Irreligion. 410, half sheep. Mexico, 1813 978 VERES (A. de). Aurora Alegre. Plate. 321110, half sheep. RARE. Mexico, 1727 979 VERDAD (La). Revista Universal. One bundle. Mexico, 1854 980 VESTIGES OF CIVILIZATION; Philosophic and Scientific Ulti- matum; WOODHULL'S Principles of Government; Cata- logue of Smithsonian Indian Gallery; etc. Together 6 vols. 7Y//i li/./SS LIBRA KY. 83 981 VETANCORT (Augustin de, Mexicano]. TK.ATKO MI.XI- CANO Descripcion Breve de los Svccessos Exemplarcs His- toricos Politicos Militares y Reli^iosos del Nuevo Mundo Occidental de las Indias. Small folio, sheep. Mexico. 1698 VERY KAKK. A copy sold at auction by Puttick & Simpson, of Lon- don, in 1861, produced ^13, /'. e , nearly $70. The author was born in the City of Mexico in the year 1620. In early life he joined the Order of St. Francis. He spent his entire life among the Indians, whose love and good will he obtained by his untiring zeal for their welfare. 982 VEYTIA LINAGE (J. F., oydor dc la Real Atidicncia \ Chancil- lena de Mexico, etc.}. Declamacion Oratnria y ale^ato Juridico, etc. Folio, half calf. n. p., n. d. ios., Puttick & Simpson, 1869. 983 VIAJES de Orden Supreme, 1853-55. 8vo, half roan. Mexico, 1857 984 V1DAL (Joseph, S. J.}. Memorias Tiernas con los Dolores de la Virgen. 321110, vellum. VERY RARE. Mexico, 1686 985 VIDAL. The Same. Half sheep. Mexico, 16X6 986 Vic.n, (J. M.). Flores de Analmac-Composiciones Poeticas. Thick Svo, half sheep. Guadalajara, 1866 987 VILAPLANA(H.). Novenario de W. S. del Pueblito. riate. 321110, half sheep (no title). Mexico, 1761 Hermenigildo Vilaplana was the " Cronista del Colegio de la Santa Cruz de Queretaro." 988 VILAPLANA. Enchiridion Canonico-Morale de Confessario. 321110, half sheep. Mexico, 1764 989 VILAPLANA. Centinela Dogmatico-Moral. 4to, vellum. (2 copies.) Mexico, 1767 990 VILAPLANA. Enchiridion Canonico-Morale. 4to, half roan. Mexico, 1765 991 VILLA R y BERMUDEZ DE CASTRO (Pedro\ Derechos de los Hijos Naturales. i6mo, sheep. Mexico, 1850 992 VILLA SENOR v SANCHEZ (J. A. de). Theatro Ameri- cano Descripcion General de los Reynos y Provincias de la Nueva Espana y Sus Jurisdicciones. Plate. 2 vols. imperial Svo, half roan. Mexico, 1746 VERY RARE, with many rare MS. notes in the margins. d. Bibliotheca Mejicana, 1869. Yilla-Senor was Accountant-General of New Spain, and by that means had access to official information. Robinson says " Until the publication of flnmboldt's ' Political Kssay on New Spnin ' this was considered the most important statistical account of the country that had been published." 84 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 993 VILLANUEVA (J. L.). Observiciones Critica sobre la Obra del. 321110, sheep. Guadalajara, 1829 994 VILLANUEVA. Poema de San Prospero contra los Ingratos. i6mo, half sheep. Madrid, 1783 995 VILLERGAS (J. M.). Paralelo entra la Vida Militar de ESPARTERO y la de NARVAEZ. 8vo, half sheep. Madrid, 1850 996 VILLARBEL (Gaspar de). Govierno Eclesiastico-Paci- fico y Union de los dos Cuchillos Pontifico y Regio. With fine portrait of Cardinal Molina, Bishop of Cuba. 2 vols. thick folio, limp vellum. RARE. Madrid, 1738 997 ViNCENDON-DuMOULiN and DESGRAZ. lies Marquises ou Nonka Hiva. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1843 998 VIOLLET LE Due. Antiguedades Americanas. Illustra- tions. 8vo, boards (no title). 999 VIRGIL. 32mo, half sheep. Villagarsiai, 1760 1000 VIVIEN (L.). Atlas Universel. Colored plates. Atlas folio, half calf, gilt. Paris, 1827 icoi Vivo (B., Consul en la Haband]. Tratado Consular. 8vo, half sheep. Mexico, 1850 1002 VOLNEV (C. F.). Simplification des Langues Orientales. 8vo, half sheep. Paris, an III. 1003 VOLNEY. Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats Unis d'Amerique. Map. 8vo, sheep. Paris, 1822 1004 Voz DE LA RELIGION (La). Illustrations. (One bundle.) Mexico, 1851-53 1005 |g^jpg|ig ADS WORTH (B.). Guide for the Doubting. i6mo, old sheep (no title). With autograph of " John Adams " on end paper. 1006 I" ,T3 WAKEFIELD (Gilbert). Memoirs. Fine mczzo- tinto portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1804 1007 WALSH (R.). Essay on Ancient Coins, Medals and Gems. Plates (stained]. i2mo, cloth. London, 1830 1008 [WARBURTON (G.).J Conquest of Canada. 2 vols, 1 2 mo, cloth. N. Y., 1850 777 /> /U.iSS HHRARY. S- 1009 WARD (15.). Proyecto Economico. 410, half sheep. Madrid, 1779 1010 WASMIN(;TON (George). Life of, in Latin, by CLASS. /,-. trait, i zmo, boards. \ \ , x-,- ioi i WATSON (Elkanah). Men and Times of the Revolution, including Travels, 1777-1842. Svo, cloth. N. V., 1X5^, 1012 WEBSTKR (J.). Travels through Crimea, Turkey anil Kgypt. Fronts. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (a few |>p. stained). London, i\3o 1013 WELLINGTON'S Life and Exploits; GLADSTONE'S MKTIAM. FARADAY; CAGK'S Life of CARI. RITTKK; CIIAS. CAI.D- WELL'S Autobiography; etc. Together 7 vols. Cloth. 1014 WKLSKORD (H.). Mithridates Minor, or an Essay on Lan- guage. Svo, cloth. London, 1848 1015 WENTWORTH (Zara). Hermit's Cave. 4 vols. 121110, boards. London, 1821 1016 WESTMINSTER REVIEW, 1830-61. 7 odd vols. half leather. 1017 WESTMINSTER REVIEW. 158 parts. 8vo, sewed. N. Y., .834-72 1018 WHITELOCKE (Lieut.-C.en., Commanicr-in-Chicf of South American Forces]. Proceedings of a (ieneral Court Mar- tial held at Chelsea Hospital, Jan. 28, 1808, etc. Plan and map. 2 vols. Svo, half calf. RARE. London, 1808 1019 WHITELOCKE (Bulstrode). Journal of Swedish Embassy in Years 1653 and 1654. 2 vols. Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 18^ 1020 WHITMAN (Z. G.). Historical Sketch of Ancient and Hon- ourable Artillery Company from 1637. Svo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1 8 jo 1021 WHITMORE (W. H.). American Genealogist. Svo, cloth (back damaged). Albany, 1868 1022 WHISTON on Revelation, KNIGHT'S History of Baptists; Memoirs of GEN. BURN; WARBURTON'S Divine Legation of MOSES; etc. Together 10 vols. Full leather. 1023 WILBRAHAM (R.)- Travels in Trans-Caucasian Provinces of Russia. Plates. Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1839 86 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 1024 WILKINSON (James, General}. Memoirs of My Own Times. 3 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut (some pp. stained). Phila., 1816 1025 WILLIAMS (Eleazar). Common Prayer in Mohawk Lan- guage. i6mo, cloth. N. Y., 1867 1026 WINTHROP (John). History of New England from 1630 to 1649, from his Original Manuscripts, with Notes by JAMES SAVAGE. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1853 1027 WINTHROP (Robert C). Life and Letters of JOHN WINTHROP from his embarkation for New England, 1630, to his Death. Portrait and fac-similes. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1867 1028 WISEMAN (Cardinal). Hipatia. 2 vols. 321110, half sheep. Mexico, 1861-62 1029 WOLFF (J.). Narrative of Mission to Bokhara, 1843-45. Plates. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1845 1030 WOLLASTON. Religion of Nature. Portrait. 410, calf (cover loose). London, 1731 1031 |Ey3353|IMENEZ (luan). Exercisios Divinos revelados al venerable Nicholas Eschio. 48mo, half sheep. VERY RARE. Puebla, 1690 1032 XIMENO (J.). Opusculo sobre los Catorce Casos Reserv- ados y otras tantas Excomuniones Sinodales del Concilio Mexicano en 1585. 321110, half sheep. Mexico, 1816 1033 XIMENES (J. A.). Descenso y Humillacion de Dios. Plate. 32mo, half sheep. Mexico, 1769 RARE. Unmentioned by Brunet. 1034 thJ?'^&M|ALE NOTABLES. Portraits, after pen and ink sketches by "Squills." 410, boards. St. Louis, 1872 1035 YGLESIAS (J. M.). Memoria de Justicia. Folio, half sheep. Mexico, 1870 [036 YLAKREGUI (J. S.). Datos de los Trabajos Astronomicos y Topograficos. Maps. 410, half sheep. Mexico, 1850 77//i /f/./.V.V I.IHRARY. 87 1037 YKOI.O CAI.AK (Nicolas de). Primera Parte de la Politic.! de Escripturas de. .}to, limp vellum (imperfect). | ? Mexico j, 160 i With the book-plate of the " Bibliotheca Magni Mexican! Con- ventus S. 1*. N. S. Francisci. 1038 (BS2|ALDIVAR (L. C!.). Diccionario de la l.c^isla- cion Mexicana. Folio, half morocco. Mexico, iV./.V.V UHRARY. Ky 1059 COI.ECCION de Aranceles para los Tribniiales, Juzgados. 4to. Mexico, 1X55 1060 PkiK.ro (G.). Economia Politica. Thick Sy<>. Mexico, 1X7 1 1061 FIGUEREDO (Juan de). Arte de 1 .cngna Oui< Ima, etc. 321110 (stained, no title and index pp. short). Lima, 1754 This rare volume of sonic- 500 pa^i-s includes FijjiK-rcilo's Iw-trina Christiana in Quichuan ; Vocabulario del Imlio. al laslillaiM y del Castellano al Indico ; Figueredo's Yocabiilurio dr l,i l.en^ua I'hinchay- suyo, etc. 1062 WKST (S). Animadversion on Marriage. Svo. Kishkill, 1779 1063 CASTRO (J. M.). Triunfo de la Verdad en favor de \'A Proy;reso. 8vo. Merida, 1X70 1064 SANTA FK. Colonias de. 161110. Kosario, 1864 1065 UI.I.OA i^J. de). Noticias Americanas. //'//// rar<- inserted plate of Alontejuma, Cortes, etc. 410. Madrid, 1792 1066 APOLOC.IA del Asnoo, por un Asnologo. 8vo. Asnopolis, 18269 1067 CHIHUAHUA. Decretos y Ordenes. 410. Chihuahua, 1827 1068 LKFKVRE (E.). Documentos, oficiales reco^idos en la Secretaria Privatla de Maximiliano. \"ol. 2. 8vo. Hruselas, 1869 1069 NUKVO LEON. Decretos del Estado de. 321110. Monterey, 1832 1070 RIC-VKDA (Der) oder.die Heiliyen Hymnen der Brahmana, in's Deutsche von A. Ludwig. Vol. i. Thick 4to. Prague, 187(1 1071 VIAN.V ZAVOLA (F. L. de). Reglamente para precaver y extinguir en Mexico los Incendios. 410. Madrid, i;^2 1072 EEKMKJO (I. A.). Vida Privada, Politica y Social en Par.i- guay. Front. i6mo. M.'.drid, 1873 1073 HERNANDEZ v DAVALOS (J. E.). Facsimiles de Hidalgo, Allende, Morelos, etc. 4to. Mexico, 1871 1074 DERECHO (Ely. Periodico de Jurisprudencia. \'ol. i. 4ti>. Mexico, 1868 1075 FAGES (E.). Noticias Estadisticas sobre Tuspan. Royal Svo. Puebla. 1855 1076 GUEVARA (B. L. de). Manifesto que en real Convento de Religiosas de Jesus Maria de Mexico. 4to. Mexico, 1771 9 o THE BLISS LIBRARY. 1077 SCHRADER (E.). Die Assyrisch Babylonischen Keil- inschriften. Plate. 8vo. Leipzig, 1872 1078 STAMM (F. L.). Denkmaler der Gothischen Sprache. 8vo. Paderborn, 1874 1079 PAUSANIAS. Descriptio Graecise. 2 vols. i6mo. Leipzig, 1870-75 1080 MACEDO (Joaquin Manoel de). Anno Biographico Bra- zilerio. 3 vols. 4to. Rio de Janeiro, 1876 1081 SEBASTIAN DE APARIZIO, Retrato del Beato, a col- lection of plates. 4to. RARE. Some exhibiting illustrations of Chickimecos Indians, etc. 1082 VENTURA DE RIAULICA. Razon Filosofica y Razon Catolica. 4to. Mexico, 1853 1083 ALVARDO (F.). Cartas del Filosofo Rancio. 2 vols. folio. Mexico, 1851-52 1084 BATRES (L.). Centre America. Folio. San Jose de Costa Rica, 1879 1085 BANDOS. A large and rare collection of pronuncia- mentos, broadsides, etc., and being all issued by the Mexican Government during the years 1844, 1845 an< ^ 1846, with manuscript index. One thick folio volume, sewed. See lot 183. 1086 NICOLAI (Nicolo de). Navigation! et Viaggi. Curious full-page plates. Folio (some pp. soiled and torn). RARE. , Venice, 1580 1087 ARRII.LAGA (B. de). Informe que dreron les Senores BARCENA, ECHABE y SAENZ prior y consules del real tribunal del Consulado de Mexico. Folio. Mexico, 1818 10-88 ORDENANZAS de la Fiel Executuria formadas para su Gobierno por la Muy Noble y Muy Leal Imperial Ciudad de Mexico. Folio (soiled somewhat). Mexico, 1755 1089 ISABEL DE BRAGANZA (Reina). Relacion de la Ejecutado en la Siempre Fiel Cuidad de Mexico. Large plate of catafalque. Folio. Mexico, 1820 In the same Dernoslraciones Funebres de la Reina Madre Maria I.uisa de Borbon ; Kxequias Funerales de I Jon Carlos Cuarto de iiorbon ; also Oration on the same, all Mexico, 1820. THE JU.1SS I.JtiRARY. ,,, 1090 JESUS CORONA (F. de). Cudigo Civil del Estado de- Veracruz Llavc. 8vo. Vcracru/., iS6S 1091 LAKRAGUA (J. M.}. Negocios Pcndientes entre Mexico y Kspana. 8vo. I'oissy, iH;; 1092 GARCIA DK I.A LKNA (C). kccomerulacion y Dcfensa del Famoso Vino Malaguena " Pedro Ximen.'' I'/atc. 410. Malaga, 1792 1093 LASSAGA (J. L. de) and VELASQUEZ DK LK.ON fj.). Repre- sentacion que a Nombre de la Mineria de esta N'ueva Espana. Folio. Mexico, 1774 1094 REvn.LAGKir.no (Conde de). Instruction al Marques de las Amarillas and others. Folio. 1095 LECHKORD (T.). Plain Dealing, or News from New England, with Introduction and Notes by J. HAMMOND TRUMBULL. 4to, uncut. Boston, \'-'(>i Xo. (j of 285 copies, limited edition. 1096 DAY BREAKING if not the Sun Rising of the Gospel with the Indians of New England, 1647. 410. N. V., 1865 No. 22 of Sabin's reprint of 250 copies. 1097 SHEPARD (T.). Clear Sunshine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New England, 1648. 4to. N. Y., iS6 5 No. 32 of Sabin's reprint of 250 copies. 1098 WHITFIELD (H.). Strength out of Weakness, or Glorious Manifestation of Further Progress of Gospel among Indians in New England, 1652. 410. N. V.. 1X65 No. 13 of Sabin's reprint of 250 copies. 1099 NEW ENGLAND'S F'irst Fruits, 1643. 4to. N. \ ., 1865 No. 13 of Sabin's reprint of 250 copies. 1 100 ORCUTT (Samuel). History of Town of Wolcott, Connec- ticut, from 1731 to 1874. Royal Svo, uncut. U'aterbury, 1^74 HOT SQUIER (E.). The Chalchikiutl of Mexico and Central America. Cuts. Svo. N. \., 18 92 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 1 102 AY ETA (Francisco). Discurso Legal qve propone el PADRE FR. FRANCISCO AYETA, procurador General de la Orden de N. O. S. Francisco de la Regular Observancia de todas las Provincias de los Reinos de las Indias por la la Provincia de Quito. Fn la Controversia qvc le ha movido el Doctor D. SANCHO DE ANDRADE Y FIGUER'OA Opispo de dicha Provincia; y su Provisa el Doctor D. PEDRO DE ZUMARRAJA. Folio (some pp. soiled). [Mexico, n. d.j EXTREMELY RARE, but without printer's name, date or place. A similar brochure to the above and by the same author sold for ^g gs. at the Bibliotheca Mejicana sale, 'J une > 1869. 1 103 VALASQUEZ (D. F.). Por El Capitan y Sargento Mayor DON FRANCISCO ANTONIO DE MEDINA PICAJO Cavallero de el Orden de Santiago Tesorero proprietario de la Real Casa de Moneda de Mexico, etc., etc. Folio. VERY RARE. [Mexico, n. d.j 1104 BRAZIL. Large mounted map of; map of " Laghi di Mes- sico"; and other maps, etc. (i bundle.) 1 105 CONTRATO DE AssociAciON para la Republica de los Estados unidos del Anahuac, and other Mexican political brochures of 1823. Together 6 pieces. Folio, sewed. Mexico and Guadalaxara, 1823 1106 DIARIO DE LOS DEBATES Quinto Congreso Consti- tutional de la Union, 4 vols. ; The Same, Sexto Congreso, 2 vols. Together 6 vols. Thick folio. Mexico, 1871 [icy FERROCARIL de Veracruz a Mexico. Documentos Oficiales. 2 pieces. 8vo. Mexico, 1870-72 1108 TROVADA DE MEJICO, la Isla de Cuba, etc. 5 pieces. i6mo. Madrid, 1870 1109 FAKNHAM (Luther), Glance at Private Libraries, Boston, 1855 ; WOODWARD, TURNER, OAKWOOD and other Cata- logues. 8 pieces. 8vo, sewed. ir:o SALMAGUNDI; DAVIDSON'S Eminent Radicals of Parlia- ment ; JOHNSON'S Political Comedy of Europe ; etc. To- gether 14 pieces. i in HINMAN'S Santee Sioux Journal; PERRY'S Sixteen Saviors ; etc. Together 20 pieces. 1 1 12 FREMONT (John C.), Life; Life of Zachary Taylor ; Gen. Scott's Life ; Yale College Catalogue ; etc. Together 26 pieces. THE /)V,/.V.V LIHRAKY. 9? 1113 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN ; American Journal of Philology; etc. Together 19 pieces. 1114 MEXICAN GOVERNMENTAL Pl >N T N< I A M E.V TOS, Broadsides, Brochures, etc. A rare collection, issued between the years 1856-62, and bound up in 6 voU. .jto ( sewed. 1115 HoVELACQUE (Abel). La Linguistu|ue. Small Svo. Paris, 1X76 1116 BOWDEN (John). Two Letters from, to Ki v. E/K A SIII.KS. 2 parts in i. Svo. Newhaven, 17X8 89 1117 DICKINSON (R.). Geographical and Statistical View of Massachusetts Proper. Svo. Greenfield, 1X1^ nt8 WAKKKIKKD (G.). Examination of TOM PAINK'S Age of Reason. Svo (foxed). lioston, 1794 1119 WORD TO THE WISE, or Bishop CLOYXE'S Exhortation to Roman Catholic Clergy. Svo. lioston, 1750 1 1 20 THEORY OF AGENCY. Svo. lioston, 1771 1 1 21 EL DOLOR REY. Sentimento de N. Catholic.. Mon- archa el Senor D. Fernando VI. en Muerte de Nuestra Reyne. Plate. 4to. VERY KARK. Goatemala, 1759 i i 22 APELLO (I. C. de). Vozes del Desengano para la Pcni- tencia. 4to (stained). Mexico, 1699 EXCESSIVELY RARE. 1123 BUSS (P. C.). HISTOKM SECRETA DE I.A MISIOV DEI, ClUDADINO NORTE AMKRiGANO CHARLES A. WASH- BURNE, etc. Svo ^'323 pages). | Paraguay, 1868] VERY RARK. This remarkable curiosity of literature was written by Porter C. BHss while a prisoner in Paraguay. He wrote this book by the orders of President Lope/, and to keep him at work was from time to time tortured. Mr. Washburne devoted a considerable space in his " History of Paraguay " to tell the story of the extraordinary circum- stances under which the volume was written. No more curior,-. work was ever compiled, and by it Mr. Bliss saved his life. 1124 SANCHEZ (M.). RegladeN. S. P. FRANCISCO, jto (soiled). Mexico, 1725 1125 BULA DE VIVOS para los Reinos de Indias y Bienio de 1820 y 1821. Broadside. A papal bull of indulgence, with the mine of the grantee " Maria Josefa Luisa Marlines" added in MS. 1126 VALDE U.NDIQUE Venerandum Apprime a cutulis tarn max- ime, etc., etc. Folio. VERY RARK. Mexico. 1702 94 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 1127 BELLVGA (Cardinal de). Sacra Ritvvm Congregatione, etc. 2 pieces. Folio. Typis Zinghi et Monaldi, 1721 1128 BELKNAP (Jeremy). Answer to PAINE, 1795, and Sermons on the Sabbath, 1801. 2 pieces. 8vo. Boston, 1795-1801 1129 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE. Examen Critique des Voyages dans 1'Amerique Septentrionale de CHALELLUX. 8vo> stained. Londres [Paris], 1786 1130 SECOND LETTER from Minister to his Dissenting Parishion- ers. Svo (foxed). Boston, 1734 1131 SAN KOKF Tsou RAN TO SETS ou Apercu General de Trois Royaumes. Svo. Paris, 1832 Translated from the Japanese-Chinese by Klaproth. 1132 GARDINER (John). Speech on Expediency of Repeal- ing the Law against Theatrical Exhibitions within this Commonwealth. Plate. Svo, uncut. Boston, 1792 1133 HERRERA (J. J. de). Discorso; also a quantity of unbound matter in Spanish. (One bundle.) 1134 MEXICO. A large number of folio brochures in Spanish and mostly printed in the City of Mexico between the years 1794 and 1853. (One bundle.) Some of these are of great rarity. 1135 GIBSON (E., Bishop of London]. Pastoral Letter. Svo. Boston, 1730 1136 THEORY OF AGENCY. Svo. Boston, 1771 1137 JOGUES (Isaac, S. J.}. Narrative of Captivity among Mo- hawk Indians, with Memoir by J. G. SHEA. Svo. N. Y, 1857 Includes " Description of New Netherland in 1641-43." 1138 BIBLIOTHECA DiABOLiCA, most Valuable Books relating to the Devil. Illustrations. Royal Svo. N. Y., 1874 1139 ALAMANJ' LERDO DE TEJADA. Vida y Escritos del Rev- erendo Padre Fray MANUEL DE SAN JUAN CHRISOSTOMO Carmelita de Mexico. Portrait and view. Royal Svo. Mexico, 1854 1140 BUSTAMENTE (C. M.). Historia del Einperador D. Agus- tin de Iturbide. Svo (stained). Mexico, 1846 1141 PEREZ (F.). Catecismo de la Doctrina Christiana en Len- gua Otomi. 4to. (2 copies.) Mexico, 1834 THE IJSS LIBRARY. 95 1142 PRONUNCIAMIENTE dc PKROTK per el General ANTONIO I.oi'i:/ DK STA. ANNA. 8v<>, sheep. Mexico, 1X29 1143 Co.NsnrucioN POLITICA de Estado dc Mexico. 161110, red roan. Mexico, 1X27 1143* HARTLEY (T.). Mistakes concerning Religion, etc., and Dell's Christ's Strength. 2 vols. in i. 8vo. Germantown, 1759-60 Both the above were printed by Christopher Sower. 1 144 DISCURSO HISTORICO en Apojo del Trabajo Libre and Pro- yecto de Ley. 2 vols. in i. 4to, half roan. Mexico, 1870-7 i 1145 PEDRO DK LA PUENTE. Reflexiones sobre el Bando de 25 de Junio Ultimo. 4to, sheep. Mexico, 1812 1146 CAPMANY (A. de). Centinela contra Franceses, and other Spanish pamphlets. Together 12 pieces. 1 147 QUERETARO. Pamphlets relating to, and printed in the City of Queretaro, Mexico. Together 8 pieces. 1148 PUEBLA. Coleccion de los Decretos del Estado de Puebla and other brochures printed in the City of Puebla, Mexico, between 1816 and 1873. Together 39 pieces. 1149 MANIFESTO DEL GENERAL SANTA ANNA and other bro- chures printed in the City of Vera Cruz between 1829 73. Together 9 pieces. 1150 MEXICO. A bundle of rare folio and quarto brochures broadsides, etc., principally relating to Mexico and printed between the years 1808 and 1873. (One bundle.) 1151 GUANAJUATO, Constitucion Politica del Estado de, and other pamphlets, printed at Guanajuato, 1851-67. To- gether 1 1 pieces. 1152 SAN LUIS POTOSI. Brochures, printed at San Luis Potosi between 1853 and 1869. Together 10 pieces. 1153 HOMAS FUNEBRES del Obispode Michoacan, 1851; Defensia de Plaza de Morelia dirije al BAZAINE; and other pam- phlets, also printed at Morelia/Mexico, 1847-65. Together 1 6 pieces. 1154 APOLOGIA DE LA INQUISICION; La Casta Susana, and other miscellaneous Spanish brochures. Together 21 pieces. 1155 TOLUCA. Miscellaneous pamphlets, printed at Toluca, Mexico, between 1831-70. Together 15 pieces. 96 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 1156 ZACATECAS. Miscellaneous pamphlets, printed at Zaca- tecas between 1829 and 1871. Together 19 pieces. 1157 OAJACA, Codigo Civil del, and other pamphlets, printed at Oajaca and Monterey, 1829-73. Together 1 8 pieces. 1158 SPANISH PAMPHLETS. Miscellaneous lot of, printed in Mexico, Central and South America, and Cuba. To- gether 6 1 pieces. 1159 GUADALAJARA. A collection of miscellaneous pam- phlets in Spanish relating to Mexican affairs, and printed at Guadalajara between the years 1824-73. Together 77 pieces. 1160 JALAPA. " Coleccion de Decretos y Ordenes de Vera Cruz," and other brochures, printed at Jalapa between 1825 and 1873. Together 24 pieces. 1161 INFORME de la Comision Pesquisidora, Mexico, 1874; In- forme del Secretario de Gobierno, Bogota, 1852; Core- spondencia de la Legacion Mexicana en Washington, 1860-68. Vols. 3 and 4, etc. Together 7 pieces. 1162 YUCATAN. " Informe sobre las Frecuentes Revoluciones Ocurridas en Yucatan,'' and other pamphlets, etc., relating to Yucatan, printed either at Merida or Mexico between 1831-72. Together 55 pieces. 1163 U. S. REPORT on Present Condition of Mexico, 1862; Treaty between U. S. and Mexico, 1848; PILE'S Argument on Awards against Venezuela; FREMONT'S Upper Cali- fornia, 1848; WISLIZENUS' Tour to Northern Mexico; etc. (One big bundle.) 1164 MEXICAN BROADSIDES. A curious, unique and rare collection of Pronunciamentos, Edicts, Governmental Orders, Bulls of Indulgence, etc., etc., dating from 1798 to 1871. (One bundle.) Tliis rare collection includes many examples, with original signatures, official seals, etc. 1 165 MEXICAN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTS, or " Memor- ias." A Miscellaneous and Valuable Lot, printed between 1823 and 1872, inclusive. Together 87 pieces (in 2 big bundles). Folio, 410 and 8vo. 1166 EGUIARA Y EGUREN'S La Nada Contrapvesta, Mex- ico, 1727; and other pamphlets printed in the City of Mexico between 1761 and 1787. Together 6 pieces. 4to. THE ///,/.V.V LIBRARY. nl 1167 HEREDIA (]. I.). Sermon Panegirico de Nuestra Senora deCovadurga, Mexico, 1807; and other 410 brochures mostly printed in the City of Mexico between 1800-1809. To- gether 27 pieces. Ti68CAMPIO Y RIVAS, Expediente Promorvido, Afrxico, 1810; and a Collection of brochures mostly printed in the City of Mexico between 1810 and 1819. Together 58 pieces. 1169 MEXICANA. A large Collection comprising several hundred brochures mostly printed in the City of Mexico between the years 1820 and 1880. (One large bundle.) Among these pamphlets are some of great rarity. 1170 MARQUEZ (L.). Manifesto a la Nacion Mexicana; Gran Banquete en Nueva York al Ministro de la Republica Mejicana; and other pamphlets in Spanish. Together 10 pieces. 1171 DEMIRARE in Terra Ccelum, curious front., Mexico, 1783; ACUNA, Oratio PRINCIPI ALBERTE Decata, 1595; etc. To- gether 8 pieces. 1172 MACHIAVKL, Le Prince; LE SAGE, Le Diable Boiteux; ROUSSEAU, Contrat Social; CONDORCET, Progres de 1'Es- prit; etc. Together 15 pieces. 1173 LETOURNEAU, La Biologic; GAUTIER'S Voyage en Es- pagne; SAISSET'S Philosophic Religieuse; etc. Together 10 vols. 1174 AMERIKANISCHEN PRESIDENTENWAHL von 1876; Mexiko; ScHWEGLEk'sMontanismus; KARLOWITSCH'S Entwickelung des Nihilismus; etc. Together 9 pieces. 1175 MALESPINE'S Etats Unis en 1865; Le Mexique; VARF.LA'S Mexique et la France; JOLLI VET'S Annexion du Texas; L'Empereur du Mexique; L'Amerique du Sud; COR- TA'S Mexique; etc. Together 10 pieces. 1176 TEHUANTEPEC, La Cuestioncle; SHUFELDT'S Isthmus of Tehuantepec; and other pamphlets relating to the Panama and Tehuantepec Canals. Together 9 pieces. 1177 RAM MOHUM ROY'S translation of the Moonduk Opunishud, Calcutta, 1819; Hindu Grammar; TAKUR'S Bengali Vocab- ulary; and other Hindostanee and Oriental pieces. To- gether 22 pieces. 98 THE BLISS LIBRARY. 1178 ANAHUAC, Map of, 1780; Plan of Guadalajara; and another map. 3 pieces. 1179 MASONRY. BERAUD'S La Frac Masoneria y la Prensa Catolica de Mexico; Spanish- Ritual of Apprentice and Fellow Craft. Together 3 pieces. 1 1 80 CENTRAL AMERICA. Folio brochures printed in or relating to Gautemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Salvador, etc. Together 14 pieces. 1181 MASONRY. Examen Critico de las Causas de le Persecu- cion de las Francmasons, and Segunda Defensa de los Fracmosanes. 2 pieces, 4to. RARE. Mexico, 1822 1182 LARRAXZAR (M.). Noticia Historica de Soconusco. i6mo. (2 copies, one stained.) Mexico, 1843 1183 OTOMI LANGUAGE. Catacismo de la Doctrina Cristiana en Otomi por PEREZ. 4to. Mexico, 1834 1184 ORDENANZAS para el Gobierno del Hospicio de Pobres de la Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, 1806; and other folio brochures printed in City of Mexico between 1803 and 1839. Together 19 pieces. Folio. Mexico, 1803-39 1 185 EGLHARA y EGUREN, Relectio Exponens, Mexico, 1725; VEGA, Sermon Panegyrico, Mexico, 1757; MONSEU, Memo- rias de San Benedicte XL, Mexico, 1738; Tabla de Santa Iglesia Cathedral Metropolitana de Mexico, 1758; CALDE- RON, Tiernos Afectos, Mexico, 1754; TRASPUESTO, Fructos de la Oliva Seraphica, Mexico, 1753. Together 6 pieces. Mexico. 1725-58 1186 PAREDES, Sermon Panegyrico, Mexico, 1761; RODRIGUEZ, El Pais Afortunado, Mexico, 1768; ZABALA, Carta de Con- suelo, Mexico, 1762; ARCE Y MIRANDA, Sermones, Tomo Tercero, Mexico, 1761. Together 4 pieces. Mexico, 1761-62 1187 HIDALGO y COSTILLA, Revolucion Mejicana, Vol. 2; Ro- SADO'S Pequeno Tratado; ROMERO'S Seccion del Gran Jurado; Leyes y Decretos; etc. nvols. Mexico, 1851-69 1188 ZAVAI.A (L. de). Ensayo Historico de las Revoluciones de Mexico, 1808-30. 2 vols. 4to. Mexico, 1845 1189 PARAGUAYO INDEPENDIENTE, Vol. 2. Ascuncion, 1859 1 190 BANDA (L.). Estadistica de Jalisco. Folio. Guadalajara, 1866 THE n/JSS UJiRARY. 9<) 1191 BOLF.TIN DE LAS L.F.YKS. Nos. I - 1 0. IO parts, Svo. Mexico, 1X65 1192 Ir.LF.siAS (J. M.). Revista Historicas sobra la Itrrvendon Francesa en Mexico, 2 vols., Mexico, 1*67 ; Intrigas Kuropeas en Mexico ; etc. Together 6 vols. 1193 PA/, Amor y Suplicio o la Gran Tenochltlan, />/r/A-.r ; PIZARRO'S El Moneclero, etc. (One bundle.) 1194 ENSAYOS LITKRARIOS de la Sociedad Netzahualcoyotl. i2mo. Mexico, 1X69 1195 JULIA Novela de Costumbres Mexican, 2 vols., Affxiii>, 1869 ; RAU'S ALKJANDRO DE HUMKOLDT, 2 vols., JA-.v/^v, 1873. Together 4 vols. 1196 SEMANARIO POLITICO y Literario de Mejico, Tomo I., Mexico, 1820; Varies Impresos, Afexico, 1815, etc. To- gether 2 vols. 4to. 1197 REPERTORIO NACIONAL. 410, sewed. Asunsion, 1843 1198 ILLUSTRADOR MEXICANO, Vol. i, Nos. i to 30, 1823 ; Gaceta Diaria de Mexico, etc., 1823 25. Together 2 pieces. 1199 PELLIZICO (El). Nos. i-io, 1871,300! I, a Bruja, N< s. i- 7. Together 17 Nos. ' 1200 OBSERVADOR CATOLICO. Vols. i and 2, in 60 Nos. Mexico, 1848 1201 ZALDIVAR (L. G.). Diccionario de la I.egislacioii Mexi- cana. 2 vols. in 40 parts. 410, sewed. Mexico, 1868-71 1202 NOTICIOSO GENERAL, i bundle of Nos. Mexico, 1819 1203 GAZETA DE MEXICO, i bundle of Nos. Mexico, 1808-10 1204 MEXICAN and other miscellaneous pamphlets, in Spanish. Together 66 pieces. 1205 NEW ENGLAND AND AMERICAN iSth and i 9 th Century Sermons, and other theological pamphlets. To- gether 6 1 pieces. Svo. 1206 LIVES of POLK, FILLMORE, WIN-FIELD SCOTT, HARRISON, etc. Together 13 pieces. Svo, sewed. 1207 FRANCO-AMERICAN TREATY of Commerce ; Mina del Tago Mexico ; etc. Together 4 pieces. ioo THE BLISS LIBRARY. 1208 BYNG (Admiral), Expedition, 1718-20 ; Letter from EDMUND BURKE ; etc. Together 22 pieces. 1209 MEXICAN and other Spanish miscellaneous pamphlets. Together 66 pieces. 1 2 10 MEXICANA. A miscellaneous collection of 4to and 8vo pamphlets, etc., in Spanish, printed in the City of Mexico between the years 1870 and 1879. Together 245 pieces in 2 bundles. 1 21 1 MEXICANA. A similar lot, but printed in the City of Mexico between 1860 and 1869. Together 292 pieces in 3 bundles. 1212 MEXICANA. A similar lot, but printed in the City of Mexico between 1850 and 1859. Together 462 pieces in 3 bundles. 1213 MEXICANA. A similar lot, but printed in the City of Mexico between 1840 and 1849. Together 214 pieces. 1214 MEXICANA. A similar lot, but printed in the City of Mexico between 1830 and 1839. Together 151 pieces. 1215 MEXICANA. A similar lot, but printed in the City of Mexico between 1820 and 1829. Together 212 pieces. 1216 MEXICANA. A similar lot, but printed in the City of Mexico between 1810 and 1819. Together 53 pieces. 1217 MEXICANA. A similar lot, but printed in the City of Mexico between 1800 and 1809. Together 35 pieces. 1218 MEXICANA. A very rare lot of i8th century brochures, and all printed in the City of Mexico. Together 31 pieces. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO. 787^ 789 BROADWA) OPPOSITE GKACK CHURCH NORTH-WEST CORNER OF EAST TENTH STREET, Devote their attention exclusively to the Sale by Auction of WORKS OF ART, AUTOGRAPHS, COINS AND KI:cLa-S of T_i-fce:ira:r?;y- IF > :r'o;pe:c"b;y-.. ALSO, tales of Furniture and Household Effects at Residences of Owners. (LIBRARIES CATALOGUED AND SOLD. PAINTINGS CATALOGUED AND SOLD. COLLECTIONS OF COINS CATALOGUED AND SOLD. COMING BOOK, COlNj^JPOSTAGE STAMP SALES. [CATALOGUE IN PREPARATION For sale this Season. Tlie ALOXZO CHAPFF^LIv LIBRARY; CATALOGUE IN PREPARATION For Sale this Season. THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE JOHN M. CUYLER, U. S. A.,| of Morristown, New Jersey, to which is added a MEDICAL LIBRARY. CATALOGUE NOW READY. To be Sold July i6th and i7th. % A SPLENDID COLLECTION OF ORIENTAL COINS. <] An edition of this Valuable Catalogue, with several heliotype plates, illustrating the principals coins or types, will be issued, and the descriptions will be so full as to make the Catalogue a work of easy reference to the large class of American Collectors who have not the time off opportunity of consulting the many works on the subject published in Foreign languages. Orders for the ordinary and illustrated edition of the Catalogue, and for the sale, will be executed by Glio. A. LKAYITT & Co., by Coin dealers generally, and by the compiler, the well! known numismatic and antiquarian expert, Mr. ED. FROSSARU, Irvington-on-Hudson, or 785! and 789 Broadway, New York. CATALOGUE NOW READY To be Sold July 24th. A Collection of Fine Postage Stamps, U. S. Coins, Autographs, Etc. CATALOGUE IN PREPARATION For Sale in the Fall. TIIK LIBRARY AND PRINTS or TIIK LATH STOIRIRS, ZEscgJ f !Xo. 2.'{ Monroe Place, I5rookl\ 11, l.onji Island. CATALOGUE IN PREPARATION For Sale in the Fall. HKIM, TIIK Remarkable <'ollcrl ion of n-arl> I i\<> Thousand Volumes of Patristic Writ u ^tic.-il IIi tory and Cucholic I'lu-oloxy, as woll as modern Euri'|>i-;ui .mil Anirrii-.-ui Standanl Works [/urchasol l>y the late . lisq., for the use of his sou Tin- lOU( .rk. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. A A 000005845 3 Unive Soi Li