University of California • Berkeley In Memory of FRANCIS OVERSTREET KELSEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A SYSTEM OF COMMON SCHOOLS, IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA; ANt) OTHER ACTS PROVIDING FOR THE REVENUE OF THE SAME, WITH EXPLANATORY FORMS. -o^- BY JOHN G. MAKVIN, LL. B, UPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. ■O^ SACRAMENTO : PRINTED AT THE DEMOCRATIC STATE JOURNAL OFFICE 1852. m- 1K4 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A SYSTEM COMMON SCHOOLS, STATE OF CALIFORNIA; AND OTHER ACTS PROVIDING FOR THE REVENUE OF THE SAME, WITH EIPLANATOEY FOEMS. BY JOHN G. MARVIN, LL. B., SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. SACRAMENTO ; PRINTED AT THE DEMOCRATIC STATE JOURNAL. OFriCK, 1852. PREFACE. The laws of the past session of the Legisla- ture contained in this pamplet, are the first effect- ive efforts that have been made on the part of the State, for the establishment and support of Free Com- mon Schools. They are based upon the following Article of the Constitution : ARTICLE IX. EDUCATION. Sec. 1. " The Legislature shall provide for the election, by the people, of a Superintendent of Public Instruction, who shall hold his office for three years, and whose duties shall be prescribed by law, and who shall receive such compensation as the Legislature may direct. Sec. 2. The Legislature shall encourage, by all suitable means, the promotion of intellectual, scientific, moral, and agricultural im- provement. The proceeds of all lands that may be granted by the United States to this State for the support of Schools, which may be sold or disposed of, and the 500,000 acres of land granted to the new States under an Act of Congress distributing the proceeds of the Public Lands among the several States of the Union, approved A. D. 1841 ; and all estates of deceased per- sons, who may have died without leaving a will, or heir, and also such per cent, as may be granted by Congress on the sale of lands in this State, shall be and remain a perpetual fund, the interest of which, together with all the rents of the unsold lands, and such other means as the Legislature may provide, shall be inviolably appropriated to the use of Common Schools throughout the State. Sec. 3. The Legislature shall provide for a system of Common Schools, by which a School shall be kept up and supported in each district, at least three months in every year ; and any school district neglecting to keep up and support such a School, may be deprived of its proportion of the interest of the public fund during such neg- lect. Sec. 4. The Legislature shall take measures for the protection, improvement, or other disposition of such lands as have been, or VI. maybe hereafter reserved or granted by the United States; or any person or persons, to this State for the use of a University ; and the funds acruing from the rents or sale of such lands, or from any other source for the purpose aforesaid, shall be and remain a permanent fund, the interest of which shall be applied to the sup- port of said University, with such branches as the public con- venience may demand, for the promotion of literature, the arts and sciences, as may be authorized by the terms of such grant. And it shall be the duty of the Legislature, as soon as may be, to pro- vide effectual means for the improvement and permanent security of the funds of said University." By section 3rd of the above Article, anclsection 4th, page 7, of the School law, it will be seen that the in- habitants of each School district, are required to sup- port a School for three months during the year, to en- title them to their distributive portion of the reven- ue of the School fund. It is to be hoped that all of the requirements of the School law will be complied with, since upon them, depend the value and usefulness of our Common Schools. Under the existing statutory provisions, it is esti- mated that not less than $80,000 w^ll accrue during the present year for distribution, among those districts which comply with the law. Separate Blanks will be prepared and furnished the County Superintendents for distribution, with all con- venient despatch. JOHN G. MARVIN, Vallejo, May 15, 1852. Sup. Pub. Instruction. Correction.— In Forms Nos. X and XI, pages 19 and 20, insert four instead of fiye years. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A SYSTEM OF COMMON SCHOOLS. The People of the State of California represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : ARTICLE I. OFFICERS. Sec. 1. The Governor, the Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, and the Surveyor General of the State, shall constitute, and are hereby constituted a Board of Education. The Governor shall be the President, and the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be the Secretary of the said Board. Sec. 2. The County Assessor of each and every county in this State, shall be, and he is hereby constituted the Superintendent of Common Schools within and for his county, (a) Sec. 3. In each of the towns, cities and villages in this State, except as otherwise provided by this act, there shall be three Com- (o) N. B. Section 2 was in the engrossed bill that passed, but was accidentally omitted in the enrolled bill. [2] missioners of Common Schools, who shall be amiuallj elected at the general election, and in the same manner, as Justices of the Peace. Sec. 4. The three Commissioners of Common Schools, men- tioned in the last preceding section, alone, or any two of them, in conjunction with the County Superintendent of Common Schools, or a Justice of the Peace of the town, city or village, shall con- stitute a Board of Commissioners of Common Schools for such town, city or village, as the case may be. Sec. 5. A Constable in each town, city and village, duly elect- ed and qualified as such, to be selected and designated by the Board of Commissioners of Common Schools for such town, city or village, shall be the Common School Marshal therein, to take the census of the children residing within his precinct. ARTICLE II. SCHOOL YEAR. Sec. 1. The Common School year shall commence on the first day of November, and end on the last day of October. ARTICLE III. duties and pov^ters or officers. Sec. 1. The Marshals designated and selected by the Boards of Commissioners under the provisions of this Act, for the respec- tive towns, cities and villages, shall in the month of October, an- nujEilly, take a specific census of all the children within their res- pective precincts, between the ages of four and eighteen years, specifying the names of the childi-en, of the parents or guardians of such children, and the town, city, village and School District, within which they reside, and make full report thereof, in writing, under oath, to the County Superintendent of Common Schools, and deliver a true copy thereof to the Boards of Commissioners in and [3] for their respective towns, cities or villages, by the tenth day of November next thereafter. Sec. 2. The Boards of Commissioners of Common Schools of the several towns, cities and villages, shall have power, and it shall be their duty, within their respective jurisdictions : 1. To select and designate, by writing, under their hands, one of the Constables within their respective jurisdictions, to be the Common School Marshal to take the census of the children. 2. To constitute and define, and from time to time to alter the boundaries of Common School Districts-, and fix the location of School houses, in accordance with the expressed wishes of a majority of the qualified electors within such boundaries ; but in case a ma- jority of such voters shall not agree therein, then, and in that case, the said Board of Commissioners shall, in their discretion, consti- tute such Common School Districts, define the boundaries thereof, and fix the locations of School Houses according to their own best judgment, and make definite reports thereof in writing, under their hands, to the County Superintendent, within ten days thereafter. 3. To audit and certify to the Superintendent of Common Schools, all accounts payable out of the State or county school fund, specifying what portion of said school fund is chargeable with the same. 4. To superintend the erection and repairs of all School Houses in the several Common School Districts, or appoint a Building Committee in such districts respectively, for that purpose, who shall be subject to the instructions and supervision of such Board of Commissioners of Common Schools; to distribute the blank forms, laws and instructions received by them from the county superintendent to the common school marshals and teachers, who shall be by the provisions of this Act entitled to receive the same. 5. To hold meetings so often as they shall deem necessary for the examination of persons proposing to become Common School [4] Teachers, under the provisions of this Act ; and to grant certifi- cates of approbation and recommendation to such as they shall find, on a rigid and thorough examination and investigation, to be persons of good moral character, of sufficient learning and abili- ty for teaching, having a special regard to their ability to impart knowledge — and to no others — and to revoke any such certificate at pleasure. All such certificates shall remain in force during one year from and after their respective dates, unless sooner revoked, and no longer; and any certificate, otherwise granted, shall be void. 6. To employ and fix the salaries and terms of service of the Common School Teachers. 7. To suspend or expel from any such Common School, with the advice of the Teacher, any pupil who will not submit to the rea- sonable and ordinary rules of order and discipline therein. 8. To apportion the Common Schools among the members of the Board, in such manner that at least one of the said Commission- ers shall visit and ascertain the character, progress and prospects of each school, and report the same to the full Board, once a quarter. 9. To carry out and execute their powers and duties, as confer- red and imposed by this Act, in accordance with the instructions of the State Board of Education, and in manner and in form as shall be prescribed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. 10. To make and keep a record of all their official acts and de- cisions, and a strict and particular account of all bills audited and certified to the county superintendent; said record and account, together with the vouchers relating thereto, shall be sub- ject, at all times, to the inspection and examination of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, or the County Superinten- dent of Common Schools. [5] 11. To report to the County Superintendent of Common Schools of their respective counties, on or before the 15th day of November, annually, the amount of all expenditures on account of schools in their respective precincts, during the previous school year, ending on the last day of October ; and the manner in which the same shall have been expended, specifying what portion and amount thereof has been expended for the services of legally qualified Teachers ; the amounts which, during that time, shall have been raised in the several Common School Districts, by subscription or otherwise, and allowed to such qualified Teachers, as salary or compensation ; the names of the Teachers employed ; the time of service, and the salaries paid to each ; the number of pupils taught, and the average attendance and progress of the pupils in each school organized and taught under the provisions of this Act, and such other statistics as shall be required by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. 12. And, at the close of their official term, to deliver over their Book of Records, and all papers, books, blanks, and documents in their hands, as such Commissioners, to their successors in office, and take their receipt for the same, which receipt shall be filed with the County Superintendent. Sec. 3. The County Superintendent of Common Schools in and for each County, shall have power, in accordance with the principles and provisions of this Act, and the instructions of the State Board of Education, and of the Superintendent of PubUc Instruction : 1. To exercise a general supervision over the interests of Com- mon Schools in his County, and to give to the Commissioners of Common Schools, the Common School Marshals, and Common School Teachers, such aid and counsel as may be important to the prosperity of the Schools. 2. To distribute promptly to the Commissioners of Common Schools, such blank Reports, Forms, Laws and instructions as shall [6] be deposited in his office by the Superintendent of Pubhc Instruc- tion — for the use of the Commissioners, Teachers and Marshals, and any other officers within the several counties entitled to the same. 3. To draw his warrants on the County Treasurer in favor of, and deliver the same to, the persons holding accounts audited and certified by the Boards of Commissioners of Common Schools, un- der the provisions of this Act ; Provided, that no such warrant shall be drawn until full and correct returns shall have been made to him by said Board of Commissioners. 4. To appoint, upon the passage of this Act, three qualified electors of each town, city and village, within his county (unless otherwise provided by law,) to be Commissioners of Common Schools therein, until the next general election, who shall exercise all the powers, and perform all the duties hereinbefore conferred and imposed upon Commissioners of Common Schools, until super- seded by an election, and from time to time to fill, by such appoint- ment, any vacancy which shall occur in any Board of Commision- ers of Common Schools, until a new election. 5. To keep on file in his office the Reports of the Common School Marshals and of the Commissioners of Common Schools, received by him, and to record the material parts thereof, together with all his official acts as such County Superintendent of Common Schools, in a book to be provided for that purpose, and at the close of his official term, to deliver over to his successor, such records, and all documents, books and papers belongmg to his department, and take his receipt for the same, which shall be filed in the office of the County Treasurer. 6. To make full report in writing, annually, in the month of November, for the school year, ending on the last day of October next previous thereto, to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and deliver a copy thereof to the County Treasurer of his Coun- [7] ty, in such form and manner as shall he prescribed hy the said Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sec. 4. The Common School moneys in the County Treasuries, shall be apportioned among the several towns, cities, and villages, in proportion to the number of children residing therein, between the ages of five and eighteen years, as shown by the last previous reports of the Common School Marshals, and other officers charg- ed therewith ; and no School District shall be entitled to any por- tion of the Common School moneys, in which there shall not have been taught, by a legally qualified Teacher, a Common School for three months, withm the year ending on the last day of October, and one half of the compensation of said Teacher paid by the in- habitants of said district. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the County Treasurer of each and every county : 1. To receive and hold, as a special deposit, all Common School moneys, whether received by him from the State Treasury or rais- ed by the County, for the benefit of Common Schools, and to keep a separate account thereof, and of their disbursements. 2. On receiving any Common School moneys for distribution, to notify the County Superintendent of Common Schools, of the amount thereof, and the shares to which the several towns, cities, villages, and School Districts are entitled, under the provisions of this Act. 3. To pay over, on the warrant of the County Superintendent, duly endorsed by one or more of the commissioners aforesaid, and by the teacher or other persons to whom due, the several amounts of Common School moneys to which each district shall be lawfully entitled. 4. And on or before the fifteenth day of November, annually, to make full report of the Common School moneys received into the County Treasury, within the School year ending on the last day of October next previous thereto, with a particular statement of the disbursement of the said School moneys, and of any amount of such School moneys which may remain in his hands for dis- ti'ibution, at the close of such School year, to the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the State Treasurer to receive, and hold, as a special deposit, all Common School moneys paid into the Treasury, and to pay them over only by order of the State Board of Education upon the warrant of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, under the Common Seal of the said Board of Education, to the county Treasurers ; and such warrants, duly endorsed by the County Treasurers, shall be the only valid vouch- ers in the hands of the State Treasurer for the disbursement of the said common school moneys. Sec .7. The school moneys distributed to the various Counties of this State from the State School Fund, shall not be issued for any other purpose than the payment of the salaries of qualified Teachers under this Act ; and no portion of said fund shall either directly or indirectly, be paid for the erection of school houses, the use of school rooms, furniture or any other contingent expen- ses of common schools. Sec. 8. Not less than fifty per cent, of the school fund raised by county tax and paid into the county treasury, shall be paid for any other purpose than the payment of qualified teachers ; and the residue of the moneys distributed to the several districts. — From the County school fund may be appropriated, for the pur- chase of a district school library, to build a district school house, or such other contingent expenses of the school, as the School Com- missioners of each district shall determine. [9] ARTICLE IV. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public In- struction, and he is hereby empowered, by and with the advice, and subject to the supervision of the State Board of Education. 1. To prepare and cause to be published in connection with this Act, suitable instructions and fonns for the direction of the Super- intendents, Commissioners, Marshals, and Teachers of common schools ; and to cause to be deposited in the office of each County Superintendent a sufficient number of copies, (in his discretion,) of this Act, and of the said instructions and forms for the supply of the common school officers therein. 2. By lectures and by letters, publications and personal inter- views with the friends of popular education in the State, to endeav- or, to the extent of his ability, to disseminate intelligence among the people in relation to the methods and value of education, and especially in relation to common schools, and to endeavor to secure the sympathies and co-operation of the people in all Educa- tional measures which may be adopted by the Legislature. 3. To open a correspondence with Officers and Boards of Edu- cation in other States, and by means of the exchange of letters and reports with them, to make himself acquainted with the progress of educational movements and the details of public school systems in other States, to the end that the best possible system of education may be adopted for this State. 4. To exercise a general supervision over such Normal Schools, Teachers Institutes, and High Schools, as may by law be estab- lished. 5. Immediately after the State Treasurer shall have made his annual report, as hereinbefore required, to apportion to the several counties, towns, cities, villages and school districts, the amount of [10] school moneys in the State Treasury to which each shall be enti- tled under the provisions of this Act, and thereupon to make a record thereof in the book of records to be kept by the State Board of Education, and furnish to each County Treasurer and to eaxjh County Snperintendent an abstract of such apportionment, specify- ing the amounts of common school moneys to which the several towns, cities, villages and school districts are entitled ; and with such apportionment, to furnish to each County Treasurer his war- rant on the State Treasurer, under the Seal of the State Board of Education, for the amount of school moneys in the State Treas- ury to which such County shall be legally entitled, under the ap- portionment above specified, and take such County Treasurer's receipt for the same. 6. To present to the Legislature at the commencement of the next session, and thereafter annually at the commencement of each session, a full report of the condition of Public Instruction in the State, the number and grade of schools in each county, the number of children in each county, between the ages of five and eighteen years ; the number of such attending common schools, under the instruction of teachers qualified and employed under the provisions of this Act ; the amount of common school moneys apportioned to each county ; the amount thereof expended in teacher'^s salaries j the erection and repairs of common school houses j in the purchase of common school libraries and apparatus ; the amount of moneys raised and expended in and by any county, town, city, village or school district for the support of common schools therein under the instruction of teachers holding valid certificates from the Boards of Commissioners of common schools, and duly employed and reported by such Commissioners as hereinbefore provided, together with auch suggestions as he may de&m it expedient to make., in relation Ill] to the construction of school houses, the improvement and bet- ter management of common schools, the qualifications of common school teachers, the character and kinds of school books most suit- able for use in common schools, the ways and means for raising funds for the support of common schools and providing suitable, houses therefor, and for the promotion of the general interests of education throughout the State 7. And to superintend the printing and distribution of his annual reports in such manner as the Legislature shall from time to timo direct. ARTICLE V. CITIES. Sec. 1. The common council of each and every incorporated city in this State shall be, and hereby are authorized and empow- ered : 1st. To raise annually, by tax upon the real estate and per- sonal property within the city, as estimated by the city assessors, whatever amount of money shall be requisite, not to exceed three cents on each $100 of valuation, for the support of a competent number of free common schools therein, and providing and furnish- ing suitable houses therefor. 2. To provide, by ordinance, for the collection, custody and disbursement of the moneys thus raised, by city tax, for school purposes. 3. To provide, by ordiuance, for drawing from the county treasury, on the warrant of the county superintendent of common schools, the common school moneys to which such city shall be en- titled, under the provisions of this Act, and for the custody and disbursement of such common school moneys, in accordance with the previsions of this Act [12] 4. To provide, by ordinance, for tlie examination of common school t3acliers, the regulation of common schools within the city, the census or enumeration of the children, and for making the an- ual and other reports to the County Superintendent of common schools. 5. To provide, by ordinance, for the election or appointment of a city board of education and Superintendent of common schools, and prescribe their powers and duties, and — 6. To ordain all such rules and regulations as they may deem expedient and necessary for the promotion of the interests, pros- perity and usefulness of the common schools within the city; Pro- vided, that the common council shall not make any ordinance nor do any act which shall be in conflict with the principles or provisions of the constitution of the State or of any act of the Legislature. Sec. 2. No board of commissioners, nor marshals elected or appointed under the foregoing provisions of this Act, shall have any jurisdiction or control, within the chartered limits of any city which shall have provided for the support, regulation and manage- ment of common schools therein, under the provisions of this chapter. ARTICLE VL SCHOOLS. Sec. 1. No common school shall receive any benefits or immu- nities under the provisions of this Act, unless such school shall be instructed by a teacher or teachers duly examined, approved and employed '< y competent and lawful authority, as hereinbefore pro- vided, nor unle:s such schools shall be free from all denominational and sectarian bias, control and influence whatsoever. Sl:c. 2. The boards of commissioners may cause the common schools, within their respective jurisdictions, to be divided into primar}^, secondary and grammar schools, having reference to the proficiency of the pupils, and to employ competent and legally qualified teachers for the instruction of the different departments, whenever they shall deem such division into departments necessary. [18] Sec. 3. No scliool book, nor other book of a sectarian or de- nominational character, shall be intoiucsd or used in anj common school instituted under the provisions of this Act. ARTICLE VII. COUNTIES. Sec. 1. Each and every county in this State is hereby empow- ered and authorized to raise annually, by special tax, (in the same manner that other county taxes shall be levied,) upon the real es- tate and personal property within the county, an amount of money not exceeding three cents on each ^100 of valuation, for the sup- port of common schools therein, and for providing suitable houses and purchasing libraries and apparatus for such common schools. Sec. 2. All moneys raised by county tax as above provided, for common school purposes, shall be paid into the county treasury as a special deposit, and shall be apportioned by the County Superin- tendent of common schools among the towns, cities, villages and school districts in the county, upon the basis provided by this Act for the apportionment of the State school moneys, and drawn from the county treasury, in the same manner. ARTICLE VIII. teachers. Sec. 1. No teacher shall be entitled to any portion of the public common school moneys hereinbefore provided for, as compensation or salary for services rendered, unless such teacher shall have been duly employed by competent authority, nor unless such teacher shall have had, during the whole time of such service, such certifi- cate of competency and approval as is provided by this Act, in full force and effect, and bearing date within one year next before the services aforesaid shall have been rendered, nor unless such teacher shall have made report in manner and form as shall be prescribed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. [W] Sec. 2. A State convention of common school teachers, com- missioners of common schools, county and citj Superintendents of common schools, may be holden annually at the State Capitol on the call of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, who shall pre- side at such convention. Sec. 3. Such State convention may discuss and recommend improvements in teaching and the management of schools, and a series of school books for use in the common schools throuorhout the State, and such other topics and subjects as shall be brought before the convention by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. ARTICLE IX. PRINTING. Sec. 1. Any printing called for by this Act, shall be executed in the form and manner and at the prices prescribed by law for other State printing, and shall be paid for in like manner out of the general fund, upon the bill for the same being certified to by the Board of Education. ARTICLE X. repeal. Sec. 1. The act entitled '*an Act concerning common schools and public instruction," approved May 1, 1851, is hereby re- pealed. Signed May 3d, 1852. RICHARD P. HAMMOND, Speaker of the Assemhly. SAMUEL PURDY, President of the Senate, John Bigler, Governor. [15] FORMS. The following forms have been drawn to assist school officers in carrying out the provisions of the preceding Act, and to secure uniformity so far as is practicable : NO. I. Appointment of a School Commissioner, By authority of law, I do hereby appoint you a Commissioner of Common Schools in , to hold your office until the next general election, and to exercise all the powers and perform all the duties conferred by law upon such an officer, by virtue of the appointment. 185 . County Superintendent of Com. Schools. Note. — By reference to Act I, Sec. 2, of the School Act, it will be seen that the County Assessors are the County Superintendents of Common Schools, and that they have the power of appointing the School Commissioners. See page 6, rale 4. NO. IL Certificate of Election of a Commissioner of Common Schools. To oi* Greeting ; This certifies that you, the said , were at the general election, held on the day of , A. D. 185 5 chosen to the office of Commissioner of Common Schools of (the town or city as the case may be,) and are by vir- tue of said election fully authorized and empowered to discharge all the duties of said office, and to exercise all the powers thereto belonging, according to law* [16] NO. III. Appointment of a Common School MarshuL We, the undersigned. Commissioners of Common Schools for , in the county of , appoint , a duly elected and qualified Constable, Common School Mar- shal to take the census of the children in said and county. , ) Commissioners ,[ of 5 ) Com. Schools. 185 . Note. — See Sec. 6, page 2, and Sec. 2, Art. V. NO. IV. Certificate of Qualification to keep a School, We, the undersigned. Commissioners of Common Schools, here- by certify, that we have personally examined and are satisfied that is of good moral character and pos- sesses suflficient learning and ability to teach and impart knowl- edge, and govern a school, we therefore grant to this our certificate, which shall remain in force during one year from date, unless sooner revoked. , ) Commissioners ,[ of , ) Com. Schools. 185 . NoTE.--See Bule 6, page 4, and Sec. I. [17] NO. V. Form for annulling a Certificate, Whereas the Cominissioners of Common Schools, for the of , did, on the day of , A. D. 185 , issue to a certificate of qualification as a Teacher in said : now know ye that, upon further investigation and trial, the said has been found deficient and unqualified, (or has refused to conform to the regulations made by law ;) we do there- fore declare the said certificate to be annulled and void from this date, of which all persons, whose duty it is to employ teachers of common schools, are hereby requested to take notice. , ) Commissioners ,[ of , ) Com. Schools. County of 185 . Note.— It would be proper that notice of the annulling should be given to the County Superintendent. NO. VI. Form of a Receipt of the County Supei^intendent of Common Schools, Received of , County Superintendent of Common Schools, all documents, hooks and papers belonging to his office, as such Superintendent. County Superintendent Com. Schools. 185 . Note. — The law requires this receipt to be filed in the office of the County Treasurer. See page 6, Rule 5. [18] NO. VII. Form of a Receipt of the Commissioners of Common Schools under Art, III, Sec, 2, Rule 12. Received of , Commissioners of Common Schoojs for , the book of records, and all papers, books, blanks and documents remaining in their hands as such Commissioners* , ) Commissioners ,[ of , ) Com. Schools. A. D. 185 , NO. VIII. Form of a Report of the Commissioners of Common Schools to the County Superintendent for the County of , Town or City of , in relation to the Bounda- ries and J^umher of School Districts. We, the undersigned, Commissioners of Common Schools in the county and aforesaid, in conformity with law, do teport : That the whole number of School Districts in our is , and are bounded as follows : District No. I, (here describe the boundaries, and location of school-houses.) , ) Commissioners ,[ of , ) Com. Schools. 185 . . Not«.-^Thi8 report must b« made to the County Superinteadent withiateu aays after the division into districts is agreed upon. See page 3, Enle 2. mi NO. IX. Form of County Superintendenfs Warrant upon the County Treasurer, No. 185 . The Treasurer of the County of will pay to the order of dollars on account of . $• County Superintendent Com. Schools. Note. — See Rule 3d, pages 6 and 7, NO. X. CENSUS RETURNS. Report of the Common School Marshal to the County Superin- tendent for the School-year ending October Slst, 185 . 2 u o a I flT3 2^ O eS i ^ •^5S V4-1 -»J • O O Cm (^ SO 03 rj ^ '3 es a> o s . —4 *^ Form o/^ an Affidavit to he appended to the Census Returns, County of , > ^^^ On this day of A. D« 185 , personally appeared before me the undersigned, a Justice [20] of the Peace for the county and aforesaid, a duly appointed Common School Marshal, whose signature is hereunto subscribed, and being sworn according to law, made oath that the facts set forth in the above Report are just and true according to the best of his knowledge and belief. Justice of the Peace. Common School Marshal for Note. — This Report must be made out in duplicate. See Art. Ill, Sec. 1. NO. XI. Report of the Commissioners of Common Schools to the County Superintendent for the County of , {Town, City or Village of ,) from 185 , to 185 . o o eeO! 52J ^ > c o »- 3 OJ OJ TJ o p. ^ -4. rSi c3 bf) © n &0 03 w Sc3 :.. I ° § C P 3 O ♦J CJ *' fli o Note. — When the above blank is filled up, which must be done on or before November 15th, of each year, the following certificate should be appended. See page 5, Rule 11. We, the undersigned. Commissioners of Common Schools for the county (town or village) aforesaid, certify, on honor, that the [21] above is a true statement of the condition of the Common Schools. 5 ) Commissioners of , ) Com. Schools. To Esq., County Superintendent of Common Schools. Note. — The Commissioners will accompany their Report as above with such remarks as they may think the interest of the Common School system in their town or city may require. This will enable the County Superintendent to fur- nish the State Superintendent with valuable information for his Annual Report. The report must be made on or before the loth day of November, annually. NO. XII. Report of the County Treasurer to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the County of , from , 185 to 185 . &0 2 ^> a> "^ fl ^ PJ © O OS " S o*^ 1 ^ .; s 'i's g fl 5 C3 S ,Q i . ei t- ;5 'it II II 0) '*-' u -s ? s ■" s c« « 1 o « O j-H T3 a a M a 1' l-i e2- < <«j [22] Form of an Affidavit to he appended to the above Report, County of •>} „ ' > ss. On this day of , A. D. 185 5 personally appeared before me the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace for the county and afore- said, , County Treasurer for said county, whose signature is hereunto subscribed, and being dulf sworn made oath that the facts set forth in the above re- port are just and true, according to the best of his knowledge and belief. Justice of the Peace. , Esq., County Treasurer. Note. — See page 7, Sec. 5. [23 I ^ OQ V 53 ^ ^ i O '^ rs ►5S o o • l^c t—t CQ X § 6 O "te. 8 ^ 1 ^ ^ 6 >» ^ t^ ^ ^ o '^ ^ g "S •S tj *fe> 1 ^«d s ^ <*-< §^ •S8an:)tpu8Jxa jo ^unoui^ I^^ox •S9UBX1SS JO :^unooot} no s^dpOQj iixi JO ^nnoraB i«;ox 'IIAX 098 'I 'UY aapunpa -ssasgB Aqvlowl xooqos jo (junorav iC^jadojd aiqBx^:^ jo uoi^'btixtja •sasodjnd xooqos aoj passassTi x^:^ X^unoo jo ^unoray •sxooqog uotauio^ JO saauoTssiiuiuoo aq^ jo saiu-Bjsj •aounpua!^:^^ aSBaaA'c ^w^d •sixiS JO aaqninM 1 •sXoq JO jaqranxE 'looqos JO ap^ar) •jaqo^a^ jo aotAaas jo araix •jaqo^a:^ qoB8 piT?d qjuora jad sau^i^jg 1 • •paifoidraa saaqoisa:^ jo sauiBXE 00 tH •sn:jT5aisddt} put? sauBjqix looqos aoj papuadxa (^unorav •sasnoq xooqos JO saicdaj Jo s:^uaa 'uoi^ -oaja aq^ ui papuadxa i^unoaiv 1 'SjaqDBa^j p.d pa« 'asiMjaq^^o jo uoi:^dijosqn8 i;q pasiBj (junoray 'XOoqos Suipua^^j-B sxtdnd jo -o^j •uaa^qSia puB aAg jo saS^ aq'^ naaAi^jaq uajpxiqo jo -o^j J •paAiaoaj uaaq aA'eq s^jodaj qoiqii raoaj aaquin^ o •'^OTj'^STp JO aaqranu jo arat?^ •891(^10 io snjAO'i JO sain«^ [24] Form of an Affidavit to he appended to the preceding Repart. County of , ) On this day of , A. D. 185 , personally appeared before me the undersigned, a Jus- tice of the Peace for the county and afore- said, , County Superintendent of Common Schools for said county, whose signature is hereunto subscribed, and being duly sworn made oath that the facts set forth in the above Report are just and true according to the best of his knowledge and belief. Justice of the Peace. Superintendent of Common Schools. Note. — The County Superintendents are desired to fill the preceding Report, and add thereto such accompanying observations as they may think will pro- mote the interests of education in their counties and the State. It is desirable to know the kind of school books used, with a view to the introduction, as soon as practicable, of a uniform series throughout the State. Too great impor- tance cannot be placed upon the necessity of prompt and efi&cient school organ- izations under the provisions of the School Act, and regular returns made dur- ing the month of November to the Superintendent of Public Instruction. See page 6, Rule 6. [25] .a 6 6 .^ 00 s o I © •pasti g^ioog looqog •raonAi jfq put? *pa^T8U looiiog uaqA araix 1 •siooqog uoranioo JO sjauotssiraraoo jo sara^^ © 45 s © eDucpaa^^B i^iiBp sSeaaAy •looqog JO ap^ag •©oaBnui^no^ jo auiix J •aoaBajua jo q^vq «♦-< unoi-iarj o qsiui-dcj S) •UDua.i J ^ :5i3aat) © p£3 •ui:H{1 +3 uaqaSiv •Ai%QVaOQr) g •iCtnouoaisvf J ifajsiraaqf) oiuojaqu A'-ioQsiH , CQ iCqdosoim^i 1 Bangui Nj i 2 uopnooia 1 a'BraiuBjr) qsiiSug; H-3 •oi^araq'^i.iv iCqdtJ.cSoar^ 1 .s 2 •SatpBaa XqdBjSoq^JO O ^ •sait3i\[ © •soitJinaj s •eSv 1 ^1 o •siidujjo sarat?^ ^ •siidnajo-o^l I ^ , o © tl r/D © o X3 ^ G c3 1 H s O TJ • ® 4^ ■3 Cm o li •B "no 1 il s a 5^ as © «.-^ ra o^z; +3 Ci-r i*s o (3 >k