^ x werine> THE FLY ON THE WHEEL Vhich would you like' " ? (p. 49) THE FLY ON THE WHEEL By KATHERINE CECIL THURSTON Author of "The Masquerader," "The Gambler," "The Circle," etc. NEW YORK DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY 1908 COPYRIGHT, 1907, 1908 By KATHERINE CECIL THURSTON Published, September, 1908 TO NANCE 2138616 CHAPTER I IT was an April morning in the Irish town of Water- ford ; beyond the suburbs, the grass lay thick and green upon the country-side in the virgin freshness of the spring, and the chestnuts glinted with the delicate sheen of bursting leaves ; but in the streets the dust of March was whirling to the April breeze, powdering the narrow byways with a cloak of grey, eddying in a mad dance along the open spaces. Portion of this dusty, characteristic, sparsely popu- lated town is dedicated to business the business of the shops ; a second and more important portion of it is given over to the quays, from whence a constant traffic is carried on with the hereditary enemy, Engand; while a third part, that holds itself aloof from com- merce, is to be reckoned as half residential, half pro- fessional. It is to this third quarter that the eye of the story-seeker must turn on this April morning ; for it is here, in Lady Lane, a thoroughfare as long and narrow as a Continental street, composed of tall old houses with square-paned windows and mysterious hall doors giving entry to vast and rambling interiors that the story, comedy or tragedy, is to find its stage; here, in the dining-room of one of the flat- fronted houses, that the student of human nature is to 2 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL take his first glance at Stephen Carey hero, so far as middle-class Irish life produces heroes, of the antici- pated romance. A man's room, one would have said at half a glance, moreover, the room of a man self-made ! There was no art, no beauty suggested or displayed ; but there was comfort of a solid kind in the fire that burned ruddily in the grate, and in the breakfast-table that stood awaiting occupation. A man's room, although a closed work-basket stood on the sideboard, and the china on the table indicated breakfast for two. And this first impression would have proved correct ; for if the title of man be won by work, by patience, by a spirit that holds firm in face of great odds, then Carey's room was unquestionably the property of a man ; for he had carved his own path to worldly suc- cess, hewing it from the rough material by days of toil and nights of thought. . Carey was a type, a type of that middle class which by right of strength has formed its huge republic, and spread like a net over civilisation invincible, in- dispensable as the vast machines from which it has sucked its power. It is as parent of this new republic that the nineteenth century will go down to futurity ; and it is from the core of this new republic, virile in its ambition, tyrannical in its moral code, jealous of its hard-won supremacy, that we have garnered such men as Carey the men of steel, drawn from the great workshops, tempered, filed, polished to fit the appointed place; helping to move the mighty engine of which THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 3 they are the atoms, useless if cast out from its mechan- ism. There is no corner of the civilised world over which the ubiquitous army of this republic has not marched. Even in countries where advance is slowest and change most subtle in its inroads even in Ireland, where the people still instinctively bend the knee to the fetish of old name, and the aristocrats, dwindling year by year, hug their pride the closer for decay this in- vasion of the middle classes has become a fact raised above denial. A century ago the rich Irish trader, the manufacturer, even the lawyer or the doctor un- less by chance he could produce a pedigree held little place in the social scheme ; but to-day his grand- daughters flaunt it with the best in the world of sport and the vaster world of education. True, the entry to these new pastures is through a gate that still stands barely ajar and hangs upon rusty hinges, but there is incentive in the thought of a forced passage, and the constant sight of a social Mecca stirs this section of a naturally indolent community to unprecedented action. For this, the well-to-do shopkeeper gives his son a profession ; for this, the successful doctor sends his boys to an English university ; for this, the mother of a large family stints and saves to educate her daughters abroad. It is not an exalted class: it is a class held together by material ambitions and common ideals ; but it is a section of society strong in its own narrow purpose an outpost in the great progress. 4 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL From this class Stephen Carey had come, as the new, strong grass shoots up between the cobble-stones of an ancient street. His story was that of many another Irishman the story of a boyhood bred upon false con- ceptions, and a youth called upon before its time to grapple with realities. The eldest of seven brothers, he was the son of a builder, a man of dogged, taciturn nature who had risen from obscurity to a position of consideration. Forty years ago, Barny Carey had been a well-known figure in Waterford commercial life, and there were few of the older business men who could not still recall his large, pale face, his shock of sandy hair, and the short, thick-set figure invariably clothed in an ill-fitting frock-coat. But despite the fact of a large acquaintance, not one among his fel- low-townsmen could recall an intimacy with Barny ; there had been something daunting in the man's re- serve, something deterring in his proud, silent stub- bornness that had precluded friendship ; and not even the workmen by whose toil he had mounted the ladder of success, or the sons in whom the core of his heart centred, had known what it was to hold him in affection. Yet it was these sons these seven sons on whom his whole inarticulate nature had bent and spent it- self. There are always these chinks in the hard man's armour, and it is the business of Fate to search them out with cunning shafts. For himself, Barny Carey had made no secret of the fact that he was a common man, the son of a mason, trained in his youth to the THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 5 mason's trade ; he had accepted it as a thing defined, and had made no move to alter or ignore it. But with his sons it was to be a different matter. His sons were to be gentlemen ! This was his dream his dream as he had worked in his office, his dream as he had watched his buildings rising story upon story, monuments to his success. Stephen Stephen, the first born was to be a lawyer ; the law had always appealed to Barny as something impressive and formidable, and his soul yearned to see Stephen deal in justice as he himself had once dabbled in mortar and bricks ; Joseph, the second son, was to be a priest, for God had been generous to him, and he must not grudge his offering to the church ; Tom, the third, was to be an architect ; Barny, his namesake, was to be a civil engineer; Maurice was to go into a bank, and Patrick to sea ; while for Frank, the young- est, there was but one possible career being a seventh son, he must, in pursuance of time-honoured supersti- tion, become a doctor. So he had lived in his schemes, uncomprehended and unloved, meting out education with a liberal hand ; and in due time Stephen had been articled to a solicitor, Joseph had been sent to May- nooth, and Tom had gone to Dublin to study for his profession. Then it had been, in the very weaving of the plot, that the threads had tangled. The tale of how a busi- ness, apparently impregnable, can be undermined by any one of the contingencies that arise in commerce is too long and too immaterial to the story in hand to 6 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL be followed here. It must suffice that one bad year had followed another, that money had become scarcer, that Barny Carey had been forced to draw upon his re- serves. At first his dogged nature had refused to see facts as they really were; then the gravity of the situation had forced itself home, and common- sense had whispered that it would be wiser to re- call Tom and put new blood into the business ; but the old narrow pride that had become as the breath of Barny's life had risen to scout the suggestion and so had come the beginning of the end. Money had been needed and still more money: he might have borrowed, for his credit in Waterford was good, but here again the stubbornness had been tyran- nical. He had never gone into debt, and he would not begin in his old age ! So in pride and silence he had taken the infinitely more risky course he had de- parted from his previous scheme of safe investment, and had begun to speculate. There is no need to describe the first plunge and the first failure; the second plunge, necessitated by the first, and in turn the second failure: it is depressing in its commonness. All that really concerns is that within two years Barny Carey died, broken by secret anxieties; and that Stephen, just crossing the threshold of life, woke from the imaginary position of a rich man's heir to the reality of finding himself guardian to six brothers, only one of whom was self- supporting. What Stephen did in that tremendous crisis, rather THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 7 what he did in the long toilsome years, when the ac- tual crisis was passed and the daily burden was still to be carried, is among the unwritten records of hero- ism. In plain words, he worked as men only work in such circumstances, garnering the spoils saved from the wreck with a hand almost miserly in its rigid severity, stinting himself to the point of penury that his brothers might not turn back from their allotted paths; and in his own career struggling, struggling unceasingly, turning an impassive face to the slaps of fortune, grasping unquestioningly at every help- ing hand. Until now the story-seeker, looking into his room at Lady Lane, finds a man of thirty-eight a citizen with a wife and three children a solicitor with a growing practice a matured controlled, suc- cessful Stephen Carey, possessing but one responsibil- ity remaining from the past Frank, the youngest brother, the seventh son, still studying medicine in Paris in fulfilment of Barny Carey's dream. CHAPTER II THE hour of nine was proclaimed by a clock some- where in the town ; and a moment after, the announce- ment was made further patent by the cessation of a dozen mass bells that, for a quarter of an hour, had been chiming from north and south, east and west. In this newly made silence the door of the empty din- ing-room in Lady Lane opened slowly, to admit a ser- vant carrying a tray of eatables for the prospective breakfast. She entered the room in a leisurely, easy fashion, moved forward to the table, and, still holding the tray, allowed her eyes to wander to the window and become riveted upon two errand-boys, who had de- liberately set down their baskets to play a game of marbles in the narrow roadway. With the calm ab- sorption of the born idler, she would have remained in- definitely rooted to the spot, regardless of the boiled eggs and bacon that were fast growing cold, but that the sound of steps in the hall outside brought her forci- bly back to the realisation of duty. In obvious per- turbation she twisted round, almost overbalancing the tray ; then, with equal suddenness, she gave a little gasp of relief. "Gracious, ma'am, I thought you were the master!" she explained. "I was just seein' how them boys of Clery's do be idlin' their time. 'Tis a fright, surely !" The person addressed was Mrs. Stephen Carey THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 9 Daisy Carey, blue-eyed, fair-haired, girlish in face and figure, despite five years of domesticity and the three babies in the nursery upstairs. She was attrac- tive, distinctly attractive as she stepped into the room ; but it was a passive attractiveness the sleek, unin- spiring attractiveness of one whose days are full of small concerns, and who is obviously content to shape the future on the pattern of the past. Moving for- ward to the breakfast-table, she seated herself in her accustomed place, and picked up two envelopes that lay upon her plate. "Are these all the letters, Julia?" she asked. "I thought I'd have got three." "Them are all this mornin', ma'am, except the mas- ter's. I took him up seven with his tea." "Oh, well, put the things on the table! And, Julia "What, ma'am?" "See that nurse gets her breakfast soon, will you? Baby cried a lot last night, and she didn't get much sleep. She must want a cup of tea." "All right, ma'am! She can come down now; I'll stop above with the children." "Oh, will you ? That would be awfully good of you ! Thanks very much !" "Not at all, ma'am ! Why wouldn't I?" Julia set down the breakfast things, paused to straighten her cap, which always drooped a little to one side or the other, and departed, closing the door behind her. Left to herself, Daisy began to open her letters. The 10 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL action was not very enthusiastic, for she knew by the envelopes exactly where they came from, and could even have hazarded a very shrewd guess as to what each contained. One was from her aunt, the Reverend Mother of a convent in the County Clare ; the other was a bill from a local dressmaker. She opened the former first, and, propping it against the sugar-bowl, began to skim the thin sheets covered with close writ- ing, while she mechanically poured herself out a cup of tea and took an egg from the stand in the middle of the table. But presently her attention wandered, and her gaze, as Julia's had previously done, strayed to the window, through which the shrill voices of the boys came raised in dispute over their game. She sat for a minute or two in idle, uninterested contempla- tion ; then, as in the servant's case, her truant wits were recalled by the sound of a step, and, turning sharply round, she bent forward in a listening atti- tude. The steps drew nearer, and with the confirmation of their sound she rose from her seat, moving so hastily that the nun's letter fluttered down from its upright position, and picking up a cover-dish that stood upon the table, carried it across the room and set it in the fender. She was seated again, and apparently absorbed in the dressmaker's bill, when the door opened and her husband walked into the room. There was nothing dramatic in Stephen Carey's en- trance, nor was the man himself arresting by right THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 11 of mere personal appearance. In figure he was tall beyond the average, but lean and a trifle ungainly; and his face hard, strong, and clean-shaven was too obviously the lawyer's face to lend itself to ex- pression ; his mouth alone of all the features gave promise of hidden emotions in its wide, thin-lipped flexibility, and for the rest, a well-shaped nose that broadened at the nostrils, a square jaw, and a crown of rough red hair made up a rather commonplace ex- terior. Yet, despite the lack of physical attractions, the man was a personality. You felt it instantly he came into a room, and, moreover, you felt that others felt it. He was one of those beings to whom it is given to claim consideration by a frown service by a single word. As he came forward now, carrying a bundle of open letters in his hand, his wife knew without looking up that, for some unknown reason, his anger had been roused ; and with a sense of uneasi- ness, her mind sped over the possible household inci- dents that might have annoyed him. The baby's crying- last night ! Julia's habitual lateness in the filling of his morning bath and the making of his morning tea ? This dread of having displeased him was subtly most subtly indicative of Carey's position in his own house ; for though he rarely lost his temper, and still more rarely gave proof of its loss, the whole house- hold from Daisy herself to the little four-year-old Ted, just beginning to form conclusions as to those about him each and all were imbued with the dislike of irritating him. 12 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL Five years ago, with the taking of this high-ceiled, many-roomed house, Carey had faced the problem of his marriage, for in middle-class Ireland the choos- ing of a wife follows the making of a home by a nat- ural sequence of events. It has been illustrated that he was by necessity a practical man ; he was also a man self-satisfying, and to a great extent self-cen- tred; and when it came to a question of marriage, it was scarcely to be expected that he would lose his heart or even his head though neither was it to be expected that he would choose carelessly. His idea of a wife had the faint savour of Orientalism so frequently to be found in his country and his class. A wife, in his opinion, was useful possibly attractive as well, but fundamentally useful ; a chattel, a being to be clothed and fed and housed to the best of man's ability, but beyond that hardly to be considered; and he had looked round his little world much as the Eastern might have studied the slave-market. Age and ugliness, even when compensated for by money, he had dismissed from his consideration with the contempt of his race for physical disability, and when at last his eye and his choice had fallen upon Daisy Norris, the daughter of one of the richest men in Waterford, it was not, as gossip had unanimously held, entirely an affair of ducats ; there had been pride in the matter, too, and a subconscious self-approba- tion for Daisy had pretty blue eyes, pretty fair hair, and was barely turned twenty. The fruit of that attitude was visible now on this THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 13 spring morning, as he seated himself at breakfast ; for Daisy, without a word, poured out his tea and pushed the cup across the table, then rose again and carried the cover-dish back from the fire. "Will you have some bacon?" she asked in a low,, pretty, rather mincing voice. "I was keeping it hot for you !" Carey looked up, as if seeing her for the first time ; and in the light from the window the strong line of his jaw showed prominently. "No!" he answered shortly ; then his glance fell again to the letters in his hand, and he burst suddenly into speech. "I de- clare I'm sorry the children aren't girls, if this is the return boys make you !" "Is that from Paris? Is it from Frank?" "Yes ! It is from Frank !" He answered her ques- tion abruptly, in the deep masterful voice from which he had never troubled to expel the native intonation. "And what is it about?" He ignored the words, and, with abrupt irrelevance, rapped out a query of his own. "How much did old Dan Costello leave his daugh- ter?" Surprise and behind the surprise, extreme curiosity gleamed in Daisy's eyes, but she answered in the native roundabout way. "Why, nothing, of course! What would an accountant in a bank have to leave? Don't we all know her aunt is supporting her?" "And where is she now? The girl, I mean." "Why here, in Waterford. She and the aunt came 14 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL back from France on Monday. I know, because Mary saw them both at the ten o'clock mass yesterday." Carey gave a short sarcastic laugh. "Oh !" he said. "Then I expect there isn't much we couldn't find out about Miss Isabel Costello! I suppose Mary could tell us the price of her gloves and the size of her shoes." Daisy said nothing; for it was a fact, testified to by many a characteristic scene, that her unmarried sister Mary and Stephen were actively antagonistic. She felt no impulse to defend her absent relative ; in- cidentally, because Mary Norris was so exceedingly capable of defending herself, but particularly because her curiosity was still aflame and prompting concil- iatory action. For a while she remained silent, in the hope that Carey would unburden himself without prompting ; then at last, as the hope faded, she deli- cately approached the subject. "I wonder if Frank saw the Costellos at all, while Miss Costello was taking Isabel away from school! 'Twas funny, their all being in Paris at the same time !" "Funny! I don't think I'd call it funny! Listen to this!" Carey caught up the letter that he had been brooding upon, and, without comment or ex- planation, began to read aloud: "DEAR STEPHEN, I write this because it's only fair to tell you that, since you heard from me last, some- thing very important has happened to me. I am en- THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 15 gaged to be married! I suppose you know that old Miss Costello of Waterf ord came over to Paris a fort- night ago to take her niece home from a convent school. Well, I came across her by the merest chance the first day she was here ; and as she seemed rather out of it with the language and one thing or another, and as 'twas nice to see any familiar face I made myself civil. The end of it all is that I've been going about with her and her niece for the last ten days ; and that Isabel and I have fallen in love with each other, and have decided to get married as soon as ever I can make a way for myself. Of course I expect you will be awfully upset when first you read this, and will think me an awful fool ; but don't answer too soon, for I don't mean to spring it on you and I think you'll understand when you see Isabel. Any way, as I say, take time to think it over ! And don't imagine I'm forgetting how much I'm in your debt and always will be. Your affectionate brother, "FRANK. "P.S. Give my love to Daisy and the boys. I hope she will be nice to Isabel ; it's dull for her living with Miss Costello. "P.P.S. Of course all this is strictly private. "F. J. C." Carey read the letter to the end without comment ; then he rolled it into a ball and flung it across the room into the fire. 16 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "In love!" he ejaculated with biting contempt. "In love !" Daisy's eyes had remained wide open in the effort to grasp, whole and entire, this astounding news ; now her pretty mouth opened as well. "What are you going to do?" Carey glanced at her. "Do ? Break the whole thing off, like you'd lop a dead branch from a tree!" He drew his cup toward him, swallowed some of his tea, and, with absent-minded annoyance, helped himself to some of the bacon he previously refused. "Do you think it's for this I'm making a doctor of liim?" he demanded after a moment, not especially of his wife, but of the world in general. "Do you think it's for this that I've saved him from sweating in some Waterford office perhaps even standing behind a counter?" He was very angry when he alluded thus openly to the monetary straits from which he had emerged ; and outbursts of passion had not been frequent enough in the five years of marriage to eliminate the slight, fas- tidious shudder with which Daisy met the revelations. She drew herself up now with a faintly affected move- ment, indicative of her own superior refinement. Carey caught the action. "Oh, it's all very well for you !" he said, "but I can tell you, people like Frank, who are dependent on others for their bread and but- ter, had best see which side the butter is put on at. A man with a position to make has nothing to do with love. Love! Rot!" THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 17 As the last expressive word left his lips, the door of the dining-room opened again, this time to admit a small, fair-haired girl in a neat tailor-made dress r wearing a straw hat, and carrying a prayer-book un- der her arm. "Good-morrow, Daisy ! Good-morrow, Stephen [ How awfully late you are !" With an absolute lack of ceremony she came forward, threw her prayer-book on the table, and began to pull off her gloves. "I'm too early for the ten mass," she announced, "so I thought I'd come in for a minute." Daisy looked up. "How is father's cold?" "Oh, gone, or as good as gone. He had a Turkish bath last night." Carey raised his head. "Frightfully dangerous for a man with your father's weak heart." Mary Norris sniffed disdainfully. "We'd all haVe weak hearts if we had time for them. I'd have one myself if I hadn't to do the housekeeping. Daisy, do you know who I met while ago?" "No. Who?" "The Costello girl and the aunt!" Daisy almost started. "Oh, Mary ! And did you speak to them?" "Speak to them? Of couse I did. I was simply dy- ing to see her properly." "Well, and what is she like? Do tell us!" In the keenness of her interest Daisy pushed back her chair, leaving her tea unfinished. Mary waited a moment, with the lingering enjoy- 18 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL ment of the adept in relating a piece of gossip. ""Well," she said judiciously, "to begin with, she's as different as anything from the lanky little thing she used to be before she went to school. She's aw- fully curious-looking, and yet she's awfully taking. She has lovely teeth, and a queer sort of light in her eyes, different from other people. Oh, and do you know what?" "No." "She's asked to the Fair Hill dance and she's go- ing to come out at it ! I believe Mrs. Burke knew her father long ago: the Costellos were a good family in Wexford, you know, though they were as poor as church mice. I wonder if she'll give Isabel a dress. 'Twould be a charity of she did, for I'm sure she has to wear the aunt's old clothes." Before she had finished, Daisy turned impulsively to Carey. "Oh, Stephen, isn't that lovely! I'll see her splendidly at Fair Hill." Mary's sharp green eyes followed her sister's. "Surely Stephen isn't interested in the dance?" "No, Stephen is not interested," Carey replied, rising from the table and walking across the room. At the door he looked back. "Daisy, remember that that let- ter is private." Daisy said nothing; and as soon as he had disap- peared into the hall, Mary came quickly round the table and perched herself on the arm of her chair. "What on earth is the matter with him?" she asked. Daisy looked behind her with a certain furtiveness. THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 19 "Wait a second and I'll tell you." "It's all right. He'll be ages getting his coat." "Well, you'll be most fearfully surprised!" "What at? Do tell me!" "Am not I telling you ? Oh, you will be surprised !" "Go on, go on !" "Stephen has had a letter from Frank, saying that he met the Costellos in Paris." "Good gracious ! And they never said a word about him, though I told them I was coming in here !" "Didn't they? That was deep!" "Why deep?" "Because Frank says " "Oh, hurry !" "I am hurrying ! It's you that keep on interrupting. Frank met them ten days ago in Paris, and ever since he's been with them morning, noon, and night; until the end of the whole thing is that he has fallen head over ears in love with Isabel Costello and actually wants to marry her ! Now, what do you say to that ?" Mary stared at her sister. "I never in all my life heard anything to equal it !" She gave each word its full and separate value. "Why, she hasn't a penny to bless herself with !" "Not a farthing." "Stephen must be simply " "Ssh! I hear him. Don't for your life pretend that I told you." Mary gave her a withering glance. "Do you think I'm a fool, Daisy?" She picked up her gloves and 20 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL prayer-book, and was sauntering slowly toward the door when Carey entered. "Hallp! Going?" he said. "Only up to the nursery." She swung out of the room, and they heard her run upstairs. Carey advanced a few paces. His overcoat was on, and he was carrying his hat in his hand. "Daisy," he said, "have you answered that invitation of the Burkes' yet?" Daisy raised her eyebrows, for all social matters usually lay within her undisputed demesne. "No. Why?" "I suppose I'm included in it?" "Of course ! But they know you never go to dances." Carey slowly buttoned up his coat. "I have been thinking," he said ; "and it seems to me that it's very little good tackling Frank until I've seen the girl. It's the girl who must be squared first of all. I've thought it out, and you may as well accept this invitation for me as well as for yourself." Once again in this morning of surprises Daisy's blue eyes opened widely. "But, Stephen " she ex- claimed. No answer was vouchsafed by Carey. Having given his commands, it was not his way to justify them by reasons. Without looking again at his wife, he passed out of the room and down the hall; and a moment after, the closing of the outer door announced to all whom it might concern that the master spirit had left the house. CHAPTER III A MATTER of small significance, one would say, that a man should announce his intention of going to a dance! But we are dealing with a small world. To the ant a grain of sand represents an appreciable por- tion of its own environment ; and in his family circle, Carey's acceptance of Mrs. Michael Burke's invita- tion made a definite stir of excitement. The hall door had barely closed upon him when Daisy had flown up the stairs to impart the news to her sister ; and Mary, in the intervals of swinging the sec- ond child, Francis, to and fro on the rocking-horse in the nursery, had replied with the terse comment, "You take my word for it, Daisy, he's got his back up!" There had been a good deal of unvarnished truth in this blunt sentence, for in her way Mary Norris was a person of discernment. She shared with Daisy indeed, with the whole female section of her set an extraordinary and far-reaching curiosity; but with her, inquisitiveness was supported by a moral courage and an instinct for a secret so marked that mere love of scandal was raised to a fine art. Women feared her, and yet leaned upon her ; but men feared her and fought shy of her, for there was a satirical humour in her smile and a sharpness in her eye that made her a very lively companion, but left you with an un- comfortable suspicion that, having amused you at the 22 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL expense of your neighbours, she only awaited your departure to pillory you for the benefit of others. All things are grist to the mill of such professed gossips as Mary Norris the meanness of so-and-so's hus- band, the neglected condition of so-and-so's children, the terrible stories that so-and-so's servants have told in their new situations. Petty and contemptible, per- haps ! And yet for the class in which it thrives, this network of scandal has a meaning and a result. Life carried on under the microscope has a curiously re- straining effect upon the units that compose it : by a high moral standard you may influence the man whose aims and ideals are already elevated, but by the whole- some tonic of his fellow-man's criticism you touch every class of human being. This knowledge that other eyes are for ever peering into his holy of holies is a factor to be reckoned with in the life of the Irish townsman; and it may be a question for the sceptic whether his indisputable moral integrity would flour- ish as notably elsewhere as it does in its present re- stricted atmosphere. A fortnight went by, during which Stephen Carey never once alluded to the coming festivity, and Daisy lived in a ferment of excitement concerning her new dress ; the question of whether she would have her hair done at the hairdresser's or at home ; the continu- ous speculations as to who had, or had not, been in- cluded in the Burkes' invitation list. The actual mo- ment of fruition when all doubts were to be set at rest, all conjectures dissolved into certainty found 23 the Lady Lane household in the usual excitement that such an event provokes. Mary Norris, who was to accompany the Careys to the dance, arrived with her portmanteau at five o'clock, and retired at once to the large back bedroom that was to be her property for the night, and in which Daisy's new red dress was al- ready laid out upon the bed, flanked by a pair of high- heeled slippers, open-work stockings, and a fan, for the sisters still retained the habit, borrowed from their childish days, of dressing together for any note- worthy entertainment. Mary entered the room followed by Julia, and paused at once to examine the finery. "It's lovely, Miss Mary, isn't it?" Julia hazarded, setting down the portmanteau. Mary said nothing. "The mistress is afraid 'tis the way 'twill be too bright. But sure, as I was sayin', there's no tellin' colours by gaslight !" "No !" Mary agreed, mentally considering the effect of the red next her own forget-me-not blue dress. "Will you be havin' a cup of tea, Miss Mary? And will I put a match to the fire?" "Oh yes, do, Julia. I have to crimp my hair! But I don't know about tea. What time will the mistress be in?" She took off her gloves, threw them on the table, and began in a businesslike way to unpack her things. "Oh, she can't be long now, miss. She's gone this good while." 24 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL Julia knelt down before the fireplace, applied a match to the sticks, and blew vigorously upon the flame. " 'Tis the way this kindlin' is damp !" she added to herself. "And sure I'm tired of tellin' Bridget to put it over the range. Miss Mary, I sup- pose 'twill be a grand ball?" "Oh, yes, 'twill be a splendid dance. There are over a hundred asked, and there's to be a band and a sit- down supper. I hope 'twon't rain, though!" Mary glanced anxiously towards the window as she drew her dress from its wrappings. "I suppose 'tis the garden you're thinkin' of? There's a grand garden at Mr. Burke's." Mary reddened. "Nonsense, Julia !" But Julia had the privileges of eight years' service in the Norris family, so she looked back over her shoulder without perturbation. "Ah, go on, Miss Mary ! Sure, 'tisn't dancin' the whole time you'd be on a fine spring night like this !" "Indeed, I hope it is, if I have partners." Julia smiled knowingly to herself as she rose, previous to departing ; then she made a sudden gesture of de- lighted admiration, as she caught sight of the glories of the blue dress. "Oh, Miss Mary! But that's somethin' like! And the lovely little silver bow-knots on the blue silk ! 'Tis like a Blessed Virgin's altar, it is !" "Yes, I think it's nice," Mary agreed, not quite cer- tain that the simile was flattering; then she looked quickly round, as the door behind her opened. "Oh, THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 25 here's the mistress ! Well, Daisy, I'm waiting ages !" Daisy came into the room laden with little tissue- paper parcels, which she deposited on a chair before kissing her sister. "I'm just dead!" she announced. "I tried five shops for a black aigrette for my hair, and had to get a bit of tulle in the end. Waterford is a terrible place! But what do you think of the dress? Is it fearfully bright?" She twisted round eagerly toward the bed. "N-no." "You think it looks brighter than it did at Mrs. Walsh's yesterday?" "Well, you can't even see yourself properly at Walsh's, to say nothing about colours ! I don't know why you go to such a dingy old hole." "She cuts very well !" "Not at all! That's your imagination." "Indeed, it isn't ! You said yourself my brown was the nicest dress I ever had. And anyway, Mary, I think it's rather mean of you now, when it's too late, to be making me dissatisfied. I suppose the dress is awful !" Her voice trembled a little with a mingling of disappointment, annoyance, and fatigue. "Per- haps I'd better wear my old pink !" "Don't be silly, Daisy !" "I'm not silly! You'd be sillier if you were in my place ! I don't think I'll go at all !" Silence reigned after this announcement, while Mary began to take down her long fair hair. 26 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "Lilly O'Farrell has a dress exactly the same colour as yours!" Daisy announced at last. "I saw it yes- terday at Walsh's." Mary looked round, her mouth full of hairpins. "I'm sure I don't care how many people have the same coloured dress !" she said indistinctly. "I hate to be remarkable !" Daisy coloured at the thrust. "It's better to be remarkable than dowdy. Julia, what are you waiting for?" She turned suddenly on the servant. "Nothin', ma'am! Only to hear when you'll be takin' your tea." "Oh, bother tea ! I don't want any." Mary hurriedly took the hairpins out of her mouth. "Nonsense, Daisy ! Don't be absurd ! You know we'd like tea unless, of course, you want to have dinner with Stephen !" "You know very well I'd hate to have dinner with Stephen !" "Well, for goodness' sake let us have the tea!" Daisy's attitude relaxed a little. "All right ! Very well!" "And what'll we have?" "Well, we could have some ham and there are "That would be lovely ! Ham, Julia and cakes -- and, Julia, don't forget the mustard !" "All right, Miss Mary! And when will you be wantin' it, ma'am?" THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 27 Daisy looked at her sister. "In half an hour?" she suggested. "Or now?" The expressions on both their faces wavered, until finally they laughed. "Very well !" Daisy said. "Now, Julia, please!" In silence they watched her go ; then Mary shook out her long mane of hair and, taking up a crimping- tongs, carried it to the fire and placed it between the bars. "I wonder who'll be there?" she said for the fiftieth time. "Owen Power will, anyway !" Mary bent forward, and busied herself rather un- necessarily over the position of the tongs. "How do you know?" "I met Josephine Power when I was trying Sheehy's for the aigrette, and she told me Owen and Jim are both going." Mary took out the smoking tongs and, carrying it to the dressing-table, began to pass it through her hair. "A great condescension on Owen's part, I'm sure ! Oh, bother ! I've singed my hair." For a while Daisy remained silent, watching her sister as she made a succession of journeys between the table and the fire ; then at last, as Mary knelt down once more before the hearth, she walked across the room and suddenly put her arm about her shoulder. "Polly, do you like him still?" Mary turned and looked up at her, her face flushed 28 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL and half aggressive. "I'd be very sorry to trouble myself about any man !" "I know ! But, still " "What?" "Well, you know he likes you." "Indeed I don't !" "Nonsense! You know it right well. What about the picnic at Woodstown in October? 'Twas ten o'clock when you and he got back." "Well, I had a puncture and we had to mend it." They both laughed, but almost immediately Mary became serious again. "I wonder if he'll ask me for a dance, Daisy? 'Twill be so horrible if he doesn't." Daisy's more malleable nature bent instantly to the softer tone. "As if he wouldn't !" she said. "Oh, it's never safe to be sure." "Nonsense !" Mary stared hard into the fire, as though the riddle of her future was open and readable in the heart of the coals. "Men are awfully queer, Daisy," she said at length. "You can never be sure of a man." "Nonsense ! All men marry, if they can afford to ; and and if they like any one." A frown of impatience crossed Mary's white fore- head, and a little tinge of contempt lifted the corner of her mouth. She shook back her hair, as if about to retort with some scrap of the worldly wisdom she had acquired, no one knew where ; but on the spur of the moment her impulse changed. "Ah, well !" she said. "'Twill be all the same in a hundred years! Here's Julia and the tea!" CHAPTER IV THE dance was to begin at nine an hour unusually late and fashionable for an Irish town ; and at half- past eight the hired car that was to convey the Careys to Fair Hill was already drawn up in Lady Lane. It is a peculiarity of the town of Waterf ord that no closed vehicle plies for hire in the streets ; so when those of its inhabitants who are not blessed with car- riages fare forth after dark on duty or on pleasure, they resort by necessity to the livery stables, from which issue vehicles that for the most cogent of rea- sons avoid the searching eye of day. It may be a brougham that answers to the demand a relic of former glory, moth-eaten and tottering to its fall, or a hansom-cab that has drifted like a piece of flotsam from the sea of London life, or perhaps it may be a "covered car" that can trace its antecedents to Lim- erick or to Cork. To those who have not actually travelled in such a vehicle, the name "covered car" is a mere figure of speech, conveying nothing, and de- manding definition: outwardly, it has the appearance of a large square box, one end of which has been knocked out and replaced by a low door, a step, and a pair of funeral curtains ; inwardly, it is possessed of two seats, upon which the passengers sit vis-a-vis, clinging to straps that depend from the small win- dows set like port-holes on either side of the driver's 30 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL seat. A drive in a covered car is never likely to be forgotten, for a haphazard abandonment of life and limb marks it from the first moment to the last, when by an ingenious movement of the jarvey the horse is pulled round, vigorously backed, and the wheels of the car collide with fearful violence against the kerb. Such a conveyance Daisy and Mary found awaiting them when they emerged from the house at a quarter to nine, arrayed in long, light dust-coats and wear- ing woollen wraps over their heads ; and immediately the hall door was opened, the driver a disreputable individual in a tall hat several sizes too large for him and a coachman's coat from which most of the silver buttons had disappeared hurried forward, thrusting a lighted pipe into his pocket. "Wait a minute, ma'am ! Wait a minute ! I'll back her!" "Oh, don't !" Mary cried. "Don't back at all ! We'll get in as it is." "Oh, sure, whatever you like, Miss Norris! 'Tis equal to me. I'm on'y thinkin' of ye'er feet on the muddy road though, after all, 'tis more dust than mud it is." Neither took any notice of this mixed statement, but as hastily as possible beat past his dirty assisting hand, and seated themselves high up under the win- dows of the car, to protect their skirts as far as might be from subsequent contact with Carey's feet. "I feel awfully nervous !" Daisy announced, when at last the driver had reluctantly returned to his horse's THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 31 head, to tie up a broken piece of harness. "I wonder if my hair is straight ? I wish to goodness I had gone to Davitt's after all. I'm sure it's hideous." "Not at all ! It's all right !" Mary said without look- ing at her. "I wonder if I'll have any partners?" "You will, of course! Anyway, it doesn't matter to you. You're married." Daisy turned round indignantly. "Oh, indeed, doesn't it?" Then she paused, as Carey appeared in the open doorway, and in the diversion of interest her anger died. "How well Stephen looks in evening dress !" she exclaimed involuntarily. "That's a matter of taste." Mary stooped to gather in her frills ; and as she raised her head, she added in a louder voice, "For goodness' sake, Stephen, hurry ! We won't get a single partner." Carey came slowly across the pavement, buttoning up his coat. "All right ! Go on now !" he called to the driver, as he placed his foot on the step. With his added weight, the shafts rose and the car dropped back to what was its typical angle. "Good heavens !" Mary exclaimed. "You're a fright- ful weight !" "Twelve stone ! Why aren't you sitting at the same side?" She looked at him with scorn. "On account of our dresses, of course !" Further controversy was cut short by the starting of the car, which was accomplished by much noisy 32 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL admonition from the driver and sundry backings and false starts on the part of the horse, before they could pass triumphantly down the street at a respectable trot. For the first ten minutes a cramped and uncom- fortable silence reigned; then at last, as they came within appreciable distance of the steep ascent that led to Fair Hill, Carey spoke again, moving his legs painfully. "Of all the abominable tortures man ever invented," he said, "covered cars are the worst ! This decides me. I'll have that motor of Leader's." At the tremendous announcement Daisy jumped round in her seat, forgetful even of her dress. "Oh, Stephen, you don't mean it? Will you really? How lovely ! How perfectly lovely ! I don't know how I'll sit in it, the first day we go out; I'll be so terribly proud!" Mary lifted her chin. "They say it nearly beggared Leader!" "So much the, better for me ! He paid a thousand for the car, and now he'll be glad to get four hundred for it." "Oh, but the buying isn't all ! Old Mr. Hayse told me the other day, as a dead secret, that it costs him five hundred a year, with petrol and repairs and things." "Well, old Hayse is as blind as a bat and drives at fifty miles an hour. If you knew the compensation cases I've settled for him out of court, you'd say five hundred was doing it rather cheap. Here we are at THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 33 the hill ! I'll walk up, Daisy !" He opened the door of the car without calling to the driver, and let him- self out. As the horse started forward in appreciation of the lightened weight, Daisy thrust her head out of the car. "Stephen ! Stephen !" "Yes! What?" "You'll meet us at the door of the dancing-room?" He assented, and stepped back to the side of the road, as a large one-horse carriage, crowded to its fullest extent, dashed proudly past the hired car ; and, at the same moment, Mary caught Daisy's arm and drew her back into the shadows. "Don't hang out like that, Daisy! It looks so badly !" "Why? Whose car was it?" "The Powers', of course! Didn't you see?" When Carey's foot dropped from the step of the car to the hard roadway, he drew a breath unmistakably pregnant with relief. Whether the relief depended entirely upon a release from a cramped position, or whether it had for inspiration a subtler sense of loos- ened bonds, it is for the psychologist to say. Certain it is that he felt more free of outlook and more in- dividually independent after Daisy's appeal had melted into silence and Daisy's pretty anxious face had been merged in the darkness of the car. Not that he cherished an opinion of himself as a man 34 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL shackled by matrimony ; nor that we, who would fol- low his story, must think of him as such ! Love, and the conditions engendered by love, had never loomed large enough upon his horizon to be considered as factors capable of mending or marring his existence. His feelings, as he stiffened his shoulders to the as- cent of the hill, were simply the feelings of a man who has been freed from a position that wearied him, and who, as a matter of reaction, turns with zest to his personal concerns. A task awaited him to-night, a task self -set and therefore acceptable ; and all action even action so tame as that which he antici- pated had its own incentive power. He reached the summit of the hill almost as soon as the covered car ; but, jealous of his stolen solitude, he did not follow it up the avenue of chestnuts that glinted a faint green against the April night sky, but paused outside the gates to look back over Waterford, lying half- veiled in vaporous fog. The scene was eloquent, as are all Irish scenes touched with an unnamed pathos, wrapped in that mystery from which memory can draw such innumera- ble and binding threads ; and as he looked down upon the clustering roofs and pointing spires, he stepped unthinkingly into that region of sentiment to which, by right of birth, every Irishman holds a key, and into which his feet turn instinctively the moment the rein of self-restraint is loosed. As in the windings of a dream, his mind sped back over the years of his youth to the days when, as a THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 35 little red-haired boy, he had followed his father's workmen up their scaffoldings, and had looked out over this same city of roofs and spires, weaving with a child's imagination picture upon picture of the world beyond the confines that formed his home. The subject of these pictures had always been the same, always the wonderful, fabled world where name and fortune awaited the adventurous. But fate and time between them had clipped the wings of the soaring dreams ; the boy, with his ugly, clever little face and preternaturally observant eyes, had slowly grown to manhood without sight of that great Beyond: had slowly grown to manhood, and to the conscious compromise with ambition that men of his country and of his class are daily and yearly driven to make. In Ireland, the bread of expediency is the staff of life, and Stephen Carey had early seated himself at the frugal board. If now, in these later days, a ghost of the lost ambition ever glided behind his chair, pointing a wavering hand towards the great market-place of life, where the fountains flow to quench all thirsts, only his eyes saw the passing of the shade : none guessed that for a moment his achieve- ments shrank to their true proportion, and the good substantial bread became as ashes in his mouth. Out of the vaporous mist the phantom rose with its train of stifled hopes pressing up against him, whis- pering inaudible words, proffering intangible em- braces. But his mood to-night was aggressive rather than depressed; he shook off the clinging presence, 36 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL and set his face towards reality, pictured by the long line of budding trees and beyond them, by the large square house ablaze with light. The hall door of Fair Hill was hospitably open as he drew level with the house, and he saw as on a stage the lighted interior the fine square hall, built within the last five years, and possessing not a fragment of romance; the rugs of expensive texture and vivid colouring; the palms standing upon ugly pedestals of glazed pottery, each detail significant, each be- traying in its own proportion the taste and the social standing of Michael Burke, successful dealer in but- ter, justice of the peace under the new regime, kindli- est, most honest, least intellectual of men. Burke himself passed across the lighted hall as Carey mounted the steps, and paused to greet him. "You're very fashionable, Stephen," he cried, "but better late than never! Where are the ladies?" "Oh, they're here ! I walked up the hill. How does this sort of thing suit you ?" Michael Burke made a comical face. "Well, to tell the truth," he said, "there's great temptation in the thought of my old pipe upstairs. But when the young people begin to grow up, Stephen, faith, pipes and the rest must go empty ! You'll be in the same boat yourself some day, when you have three young men waiting to be settled." Carey laughed indulgently, for he liked Michael Burke, with his odd turns of speech, his homely ways, and sterling character. "I suppose so !" he agreed, THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 37 "I suppose so, indeed! Where am I to leave my coat?" "Oh, upstairs ! Upstairs ! My little snuggery has been turned inside-out for a dressing-room. Up with you ! You know the way. There's the first dance be- ginning, and Ellen will be wanting me ! Don't be long, though !" With a nod and a friendly smile, the little man disappeared through a velvet-draped doorway into a room from which the first bars of a waltz were floating out into the hall. A very few minutes sufficed to relieve Carey of his hat and coat, and presently he was back again in the hall, following the direction his host had taken. The dancing-room was already full of whirling couples when he made his appearance ; and, pausing inside the door, he was compelled to make one of a little group of young men and girls who had hurried down from the dressing-room at the first sound of the music, but who were reserving themselves for the second dance, while they criticised their fellow-guests. One or two heads were turned as he appeared, and a couple of youths muttered a diffident "Good-night, Mr. Carey !" but the girls of the group scarcely no- ticed him. In their world, the married man hardly exists as an independent being, for he is a thing ap- propriated, labelled, laid irrevocably on the shelf. For the first few moments his presence had a damping ef- fect, but very soon the animal spirits of the party rose above the shy silence, and set them chattering again like a band of sparrows. 38 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "I tell you what, though, she's awfully pretty!" The man who spoke was Owen Power, a young bar- rister of handsome face and consequential manners, who paid periodical visits to his people in Waterford, and who was supposed to bring with him from Dublin an air of fashion and advancement not locally to be acquired. "Owen is struck!" put in a heavy youth, in a dull, drawling voice. "What'll somebody else say?" cried a girl of seven- teen, with a dazzling complexion, and bright, im- pertinent eyes. "Shut up, Amy !" The heavy youth had a brother's privileges, and used them ungallantly. Amy laughed and tossed her head. "All right ! I'll say nothing but I'll think the more !" The brother growled something unintelligible, and at the same time Power adjusted his pince-nez and leant forward. "Here she is ! And, I say, doesn't she dance !" "Who is she dancing with?" "I can't see." "It's Willie Neville!" "No, it isn't !" "Yes it is, though!" The girls peered over each other's shoulders in a fever of curiosity. "I say !" Power cried again, "I say, doesn't she dance! She puts me in mind of the Spanish dancer we had in Dublin for a week last year." "Oh, well, she's nearly foreign as it is !" Amy mur- THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 39 mured. "Half the Wexford people have Spanish blood. Here she is !" The word "foreign" attracted Carey, who had been absently trying to single out his wife's red dress in the crowded room. It touched him to interest, and instinctively he turned to find the object of the de- scription. Out of the heterogeneous crowd that twisted and reversed and backed in a frenzy of energetic joy, his eyes alighted upon one figure and remained arrested, while in his mind Power's words found a sudden and strenuous echo. She could dance! She certainly could dance ! By ordinary judgment, she was merely a girl of twenty ; but in that moment she might have been a flower swaying in the wind, a young animal stretching itself to the sun, a bird in its first flight, anything fresh from Nature's hand, pulsing with the delight of living and knowing itself alive. She skimmed down the room, unconscious of the partner whose arm en- circled her ; she saw nothing beyond the stirring per- spective of light and colour, heard nothing but the swaying music of the waltz that swelled and faded in waves of sound. She swept past the little group in the doorway, totally unaware of its existence, and for one instant Carey looked down into her face. But it was only for an instant: immediately he drew back against the wall, with a curious, half-shamed sense of having looked upon something not meant for his gaze. For the essence of womanhood, intimate and un- 40 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL guarded, lay in the flushed cheeks, the half -closed eyes and parted lips. To rid himself of the sensation, he turned abruptly to Power. "Who is that, Power?" he asked. "The girl in white?" Power answered with his eyes upon the retreating couple. "That's old Miss Costello's niece just back from school." The last bars of the waltz crashed out, and a laugh- ing, excited crowd made a rush for the door. Carey stepped aside to let it pass ; and then slowly, as though acting upon some half-formed thought, he walked down the ballroom to where Mrs. Michael Burke was holding a little court. CHAPTER V VERY slowly Carey walked down the room to where a group of twelve or fourteen elderly women, arrayed in dark silk dresses and wearing lace caps, were gath- ered about their hostess, closely observant of the scene being enacted before them. Every guest in the ball- room, with his or her genealogical tree, was accurately known to each of these spectators, and a running fire of comment and criticism kept pace with their vari- ous actions. A little tremor of interest and curiosity passed over the group when Carey's approach was signalled, and glances of speculation were rapidly ex- changed, heads brought closer together, and voices discreetly lowered. With a man's innate sensitiveness to observation, he made haste to single out his hostess and shelter behind her greeting. Not that he had any affection for Mrs. Michael Burke ; on the contrary, it was a never-failing source of wonder to him how kindly, commonplace Michael could ever have chosen such a mate, for Mrs. Burke was what, in her particular set, is known as "very grand," which, literally translated, conveys the impression of a vast and unlovable superiority of man- ner, coupled with definite social ambitions. In his feeling of vague dislike Carey shared a common opin- ion, for not even Burke's own relations had ever, in the twenty odd years of his married life, arrived at 42 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL the point of feeling at home with Mrs. Michael. Her invitations to Fair Hill were never refused, for such invitations implied a certain social distinction, but the uncultured band of relatives never outgrew the nervous sense of the hostess's critical eye, and a sigh of relief invariably escaped them when the large iron gates, aggressive in their prosperous coating of white paint, clanged behind them and they were free to breathe their own less rarefied air. This same consciousness of cold criticism fell now upon Carey as he clasped her long, thin hand, encased in a well-fitting black kid glove, for her actions and bearing could convey to a nicety the precise esteem in which a guest was held. As the daughter of a bank manager, she was obliged in the present instance to look askance at Carey's antecedents, though, as the wife of a successful trader, she granted him the meed of praise due to his self-earned position. In his case, circumstances balanced each other. He had been un- fortunately brought up, but he had married well. Her fingers closed round his with a certain degree of cordiality, and her thin face relaxed into a smile. "Good evening, Mr. Carey! I have just been talk- ing to your wife ; she danced the first dance with my cousin, Surgeon-Major Cusacke. He's stationed at the Curragh, you know. Such a nice fellow ! I must introduce you to each other." She spoke in a high, clipped voice, from which the brogue had been care- fully eliminated, a voice that, in its studied preci- sion, had something in common with his wife's. THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 43 The similarity struck Carey, flashing across his mind with a slight, sharp contempt. Usually, he was not a little proud of Daisy's social advantages, but this reflection of them in a woman who was antagonistic to him jarred upon his senses, still tingling from con- tact with elemental things. Dropping Mrs. Burke's hand, he answered quickly and indifferently. "Oh, Cusacke ! I met him at the Tramore races last year." Mrs. Burke was sensible of the little slight, but she prided herself on being a hostess and a woman of the world; and, whatever her silent criticism of his man- ners, she gave no outward expression of it. "And what about yourself, Mr. Carey? Are you going to play cards? Or can we persuade you to dance? There are plenty of pretty girls here but the men are always wanted." Carey laughed. "Old married men like me?" She smiled the chilly smile that was thought the es- sence of good taste. "Oh, you mustn't be running yourself down ! Let me find a partner for you. But, of course, you know everybody here!" "Indeed I don't! It makes me feel quite old seeing all these children who were in the nursery in my danc- ing days." "What nonsense! There's nobody here you don't know unless, perhaps, Dan Costello's daughter. You remember the Costellos ? Dan was with my father in the bank in Enniscorthy before he was moved here." 44 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "Oh, yes, I remember him. A dark, excitable little man." "Yes. The greatest fool that ever lived. If you made a king of Dan Costello, he'd be begging in the streets the week after! He hadn't a grain of sense." "Who was it he married?" "Don't you remember? He ran away with a Miss Dysart of Derryvane. 'Twas the talk of the County Wexford for a year after. Her father cut her off without a penny; and, they say, she used to have to turn Dan's old coats for herself when he was done with them ! But all the Wexford people are queer !" Carey laughed. "And what about the girl?" "Oh, Isabel! Isabel is pretty. Perhaps you saw her, though. She was dancing the first dance." "I saw her, yes !" He was careful to answer indif- ferently. "And what did you think of her? She's curious- looking, isn't she?" He made no reply. "Your wife and your sister-in-law admire her greatly. I must introduce you to her. I wonder where she's gone to !" "She's half-way down the room, standing near the door." Carey still kept his voice studiedly uncon- cerned, for he dreaded Mrs. Michael Burke as we dread all powerful influences, the workings of which we do not understand. "Oh, is she? We'll go and find her, then." She ex- THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 45 cused herself to the nearest of the matrons, and sailed down the room, with Carey following in her wake. As they drew near to Isabel Costello, she was stand- ing by the wall, the centre of a group of men, her head thrown slightly backward, so that the light from the chandeliers fell full upon her rounded chin, her parted lips, and white, flawless teeth. More than ever, she suggested the young animal stretching itself to the warmth and comfort of the sun to the caresses of life ; and this subtle, indescribable impression came home to Carey interwoven with her physical being lying like a shadow in the blackness of her hair, danc- ing like a will-o'-the-wisp in her hazel eyes. At the moment that they paused beside her, she was holding up her programme, the pencil poised in her hand, for dancing eyes roving from one man's face to another, in transparent joy at the exercise of power. "Well, I can't give it to you all!" she was saying in a clear voice. "I can't give it to you all unless I divide myself up into little bits ! And, even then, only the person who got my feet would have a good dance !" She laughed, once more displaying her strong, white teeth. "Isabel ! Here's somebody I want to introduce to you!" She turned at once at sound of Mrs. Burke's voice, the laughter still on her lips. "Mr. Carey ! Miss Costello ! And don't dance too much, Isabel! Your aunt will be blaming me if you look washed-out to-morrow." 46 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL A flash of amusement shot irresistibly from the girl's radiant eyes to Carey's, and involuntarily he re- sponded to it, as he acknowledged the introduction; but the opening bars of the next waltz came swinging down the room as he bent his head, and before he could speak the little group of men became clamorous again. "Well, Miss Costello, and who is to have the dance?" "I asked first, you know !" "Indeed, you didn't, Jack! 'Twas I! Wasn't it, Miss Costello?" "Well, I asked last. And the last shall be first, you know !" Owen Power pushed his way to the front with a confident smile. Again Isabel looked from one face to the other. "I tell you what I'll do !" she said suddenly. "I'll give the dance to Mr. Carey and then none of you can be jealous!" Like a flash she wheeled round upon Stephen. The demand in her glance was so strong, the whole onslaught so sudden, that no thought of resistance suggested itself to him. Without a word he stepped forward and put his arm round her waist, swinging her out into the circle of dancers that was rapidly filling the room. It was five years or more since he had danced, but few Irishmen are awkward in an art that comes to them more or less naturally. He guided her carefully down the room, testing his powers, exercising his memory, anxious not to do himself discredit ; then, THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 47 as he gained the farther end, and passed the group of matrons, the spirit of the moment suddenly entered into him, as the music quickened and he felt the strong supple body of his partner brace itself in response. A thrill passed through him, dispersing a long apathy ; his position and his responsibilities were mo- mentarily submerged in the sense of sound and mo- tion ; his arm instinctively tightened, drawing the girl closer, and with one impulse they spun out into the centre of the room. For several minutes they danced in silence; then at last they paused by the door where they had first met. They looked at each other, and she gave a breathless little laugh. "How well you dance!" "I don't ! 'Twas you made me." She coloured with pleasure. "Do I dance well, then?" "Well? You dance wonderfully." "I learnt at the convent in Paris from a French teacher. We weren't supposed to learn waltzes, but she taught me. There's nothing so heavenly as danc- ing, is there?" Carey looked at her, engrossed in some thought of his own. Her face changed and darkened. "But perhaps you didn't enjoy it?" she added, swift as lightning in her change of tone. "Didn't I?" His eyes were still upon hers. The blood rose quickly to her face, chasing away the 48 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL shadows. "Then perhaps it's only that you're trying to be nice to me, because it's my first dance?" The tone of the voice, the utterance of the words, were charged with unconscious coquetry. The sense of exhilaration swept over Carey afresh, as though her light fingers had lifted the dry record of his days and her light breath had blown the dust from the pages. "Could I be nice even if I tried?" His tongue, un- used to the tossing of words, brought out the question awkwardly stupidly, it seemed to him ; and he looked to see her lip curl. But, so fine is the net by which fate snares, she liked the embarrassment in his voice; she liked his evident unfitness for the game of give and take. It was ex- citing to put it to the test to step forward, sounding his interest to retreat, daunted by the mystery that shrouds the unknown personality. Her feminine in- tuition recognised the essential the man in Carey, and her feminine instinct rose to meet it. Premature instinct, perhaps, in a girl of twenty ! But mentally, as well as physically, the admixture of southern blood was marked by early development. As her body was built upon gracious lines, so her mind had already flowered, where others lay folded in the bud. "You are nice even without trying." She felt her pulses throb at her own daring, and the sensation was delight. Carey took a step forward. "You'll have to justify THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 49 that !" he said quickly. "You'll have to give me an- other dance." Without a word, she handed him her programme; and as they bent over the little card, their heads close together, their shoulders all but touching, she was conscious that her heart was beating faster than it had beaten all the evening, exciting though the even- ing had been. "Which would you like?" "This!" He drew a line through a dance in the middle of the programme. "And now, where will we go?" As he handed her back the card, some crashing chords came down the room, indicating the end of the second waltz, and in response, half a dozen couples stopped at the door, and hurried out into the hall. The first to halt were his sister-in-law, Mary, and young Power; and as they passed, Mary's keen eyes swept over his face and Isabel's. "Daisy waited ten minutes for you !" she remarked as she went by. Isabel looked after her in surprise. "Mary Norris didn't seem to know me !" "Oh, you'll get used to that ! It's a habit of Mary's to kiss people one day and cut them the next." Isabel's surprise was turned upon him. His tone, his expression, his bearing had all changed as if by magic. He had drawn back into a shell of reserve, as though in the moment of expansion some antago- nistic influence had blown across his mind. 50 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "Let us get out of this crowd," he added in the same curt voice. In the hall and on the stairs some chattering girls and their attendant youths had already found seats ; but the hall door was open, offering a tempting view of dark trees and deserted pathways. Carey paused and looked towards it. "I suppose you'd be afraid to go out?" Isabel's momentary depression flared to excitement. "Afraid? What would I be afraid of?" "Oh, I don't know. Wet feet, I suppose. All girls' shoes are paper." She withdrew her fingers from his arm, and, with her head held high, led the way across the hall and out on to the gravelled pathway. A little titter of laughter came from the stairs ; she heard it and stopped. "Were those people laughing at me?" "No. Why?" "No reason. Only I could kill any one who laughed at me !" Carey looked at her through the darkness her graceful figure bent slightly towards him, her muslin skirt held high above her white satin slippers. "Do you always have such fiery sentiments ?" he was drawn to ask. "Oh, I feel things, yes !" "Then I'm afraid you're going to dislike me, Miss Costello !" There was no mistaking that his reason and his THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 51 will forced him to snatch this opportunity, while his inclination stretched out detaining hands ; and when such a conflict is waged in a man's mind, his expres- sion is apt to be unnecessarily cold, his tone unneces- sarily harsh. At his words, Isabel's head went up again, with the action of a young deer scenting danger. "Hate you? Why?" "Let us walk on, and I'll try to tell you !" In silence they turned and passed down the avenue she brimming with uneasy curiosity, he girding him- self to the attack. "Do you mind if I smoke?" "No, I don't." He took out a cigarette, and lighted it with the care of a man whose thoughts are upon other matters ; then he threw the lighted match away into the under- growth, where it flared for a moment and went out with a little splutter. "Miss Costello, I had a letter the other day from my brother Frank." She stopped. "From Frank?" "Yes. He wrote and told me." "Told you ?" Her voice faltered. "Yes. Told me that you and he are engaged." "Oh," she cried naively, "and he never said a word to me about having written ! I suppose he was afraid you'd be angry. Were you angry?" Carey tightened the buckles of his armour. "I was !" he said. "Very angry." 52 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "And why?" Challenge and defiance leaped at him suddenly. He could feel her nerves quiver to her thought. "Why? Oh, because a sensible man can't help being angry when he sees an act of folly ; and this is folly, you know utter folly." Isabel's muslin dress slipped from her fingers and trailed upon the ground. "Why?" "Oh, because Frank has no money, no influence nothing in the world that could justify his marrying." She looked down. "I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if the girl he wanted to marry had money of her own ?" she asked in a very low voice. Manlike, he walked into the trap. "It certainly would make things more practicable." In a flash she was round upon him again, her pride and anger aflame, her sense of wounded dignity blaz- ing in her eyes. "Oh, I see! I see! I'm not good enough for your brother!" Involuntarily he put out his hand. "I never said that!" She gave a sharp little laugh. "Didn't you? It sounded very like it. I'm not good enough not rich enough for him ! He must wait till he can make a bet- ter match !" With a little gasp, her voice broke. "But, my dear child " "I'm not a child! I'm twenty and old enough to manage my own affairs. And I can tell you one thing ! I can tell you one thing, and that is that I'd rather die now than break off my engagement! I'd THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 53 rather die now than break it off even if I didn't care a pin for Frank!" Carey looked at her passionate face, in which the eyes gleamed black and bright ; and again he was stirred, as though a current of electricity had coursed along the rut of his commonplace life. "Very well!" he said. "Then I suppose we declare war? I have a will of my own, too, you know!" She met his eyes, half curious, half amused. "Yes," she said with defiant seriousness. "We do. We de- clare war !" He bent his head in acceptance of the defiance ; and, without another word, turned on his heel and began to walk slowly back towards the house, leaving her to follow as she pleased. There was no chivalry in the action ; it was a case of the elemental man following his instinct. But all human drama is built upon the primitive; and the fewer the stage accessories, the sooner the arrival of the psychological moment. CHAPTER VI THE noonday sun was streaming into Isabel Costello's bedroom when she woke to the world on the day fol- lowing the dance. Under ordinary conditions one can comfortably lie abed in Waterford until ten o'clock; and when a crushed muslin dress, a broken fan, and satin slippers with soles worn shiny from dancing, testify to a night of wild activity, there is no limit to the thraldom of sleep. She woke slowly, drawing in with each half-conscious breath the confused, agreeable sense of something vaguely exhilarating in the immediate past. Her first action was to raise her arms above her head and lazily stretch herself; her next, to sit up, shake back the great plait of black hair that had fallen over her shoulder, and look round the little room that still held the unfamiliarity of new surroundings. The curtains of the one window had been pulled back, and the spring breeze blew in, carrying with it the scent of wallflowers from the small front garden. There is magic in the scent of wallflowers such magic as lies in spices and cedarwood to call up pictures from the treasure-house of imagination, and Isabel closed her eyes to the ugly Victorian furniture that ham- pered the little room, to the grey wallpaper that even the sun could not fade into brightness, and in a mo- ment she was skimming down the ballroom at Fair THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 55 Hill, tingling again with the joy of movement and the intoxication of success. For this was her in- heritance, her birthright this power to vibrate like a fine instrument to every passing touch ; it was patent in the flash of her smile in the sudden frown in the threat and the caress that ousted each other continu- ously in the depths of her eyes. She was Irish, but Irish with the blood of Spain reliving in her veins from a forgotten generation. And of such a com- pound, what results? Throw oil upon water, and you induce passivity ; cast it upon fire, and the flames laugh back into your face ! She was a Celt in imag- inativeness, in fatalism, in pride ; but in her reckless- ness, in her vitality, there was the beat of warmer blood the call of a race, more intense, more tem- pestuous than Nature ever placed upon northern shores. Still drinking in the soft, moist air filled with the subtle scent, she dropped back upon the pillows, lost in retrospect ; then slowly and reluctantly her eyelids lifted, as her quick ear caught a step on the corridor outside. A moment later, the handle of her door was turned, and her aunt, Miss Costello, walked into the room, carrying a tray on which rested some thick pieces of bread and butter, a brown glazed teapot, a milk jug, and a cup and saucer. She was a thin, dried-up lit- tle woman of fifty-five, with a brown and prematurely wrinkled skin, sharp black eyes, and wispy black hair. In her case, the alien blood had run to asceticism and 56 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL a nervous unpractical activity that had worn her out before middle age. She came up to her niece's bed now with a haste that suggested a multitude of af- fairs claiming her attention, and set down the tray so quickly that everything rattled. "Well, Isabel! Good-morrow! What hour was it at all when you got in?" Isabel put up her mouth very graciously for her aunt's kiss. When her nature was submerged in pleas- ant or exciting recollection, she overflowed with affec- tion towards the world at large. " 'Twas five o'clock, Aunt Teresa." "Five! What on earth were you doing till five? It must have been broad day !" " 'Twas, nearly !" Isabel laughed at the remembered pleasure. "Did you enjoy yourself?" "Enjoy myself! I never in all my life enjoyed my- self so much." "And did you keep the car the whole time? I won- der what sort of a bill Loughlan will make out !" "The car? Oh, the car was there at two, but they wouldn't hear of my going away. I came back with the Powers." Miss Costello looked impressed, and, drawing herself up, smoothed the frill of the black alpaca apron she always wore. "Oh, indeed! The Powers! That was very nice for you." " 'Twas, in a way." THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 57 "Indeed it was ! The Powers are very well off ; and Mrs. Power is very good position. She was a daugh- ter of Mr. Knox-Nash of Gallybanagher." "So she told me while we were driving back ! But, Aunt Teresa " "What?" "Do you know who I met last night?" "No. Who?" "Frank's brother." "What ! Stephen Carey ! You don't say so ! Why, I thought* he never went to parties." Isabel's thick black eyelashes drooped over her eyes. "Why shouldn't he go to parties?" "Oh, because he's married and settled down." "But he's not old." "He's thirty-eight. Did he dance last night?" "Of course he did! Why wouldn't he dance when he's able to ?" Her eyes flashed up to her aunt's face. "Oh, I don't know! Only a man with a wife and three children has generally something better to do than to be losing his night's sleep. Oh, but I forgot ! There's a letter for you from Paris." She began to search hastily in her apron pocket. "Ah, here 'tis ! I knew I put it in !" Isabel took the thin foreign envelope and laid it un- opened on the tray. Miss Costello's sharp eyes caught the movement. "Why won't you read it?" she asked. "There's time enough !" "Oh, is that the way? In my young days, a girl 58 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL didn't take a man's letters as coolly as that. But per- haps I ought to go !" Isabel flashed round upon her angrily. "As if I ever thought of such a thing ! I know what's in the letter, that's all. And when you know what's in a letter you're not very excited to open it at least I'm not!" Her aunt's face looked disturbed. "Isabel, you don't tell me you're getting tired of him?" "I didn't tell you so." "Well, I only hope your head wasn't turned last night !" "What on earth would turn my head?" At her niece's darkening brow, Miss Costello was thrown into nervous confusion. "My dear child, noth- ing! Only I suppose you danced with all the young men with with Owen Power and the rest of them." Isabel laughed, her good-humour restored by the absurdity of her aunt's idea. "Oh, no, Aunt Teresa ! Mr. Power didn't turn my head. I don't like beauty men. And, look! To please you, I'll open Frank's letter!" With an incredibly swift turn of the fingers, she tore the letter open and, before Miss Costello could remonstrate, began to read it aloud. "Listen, Aunt Teresa ! 'DEAREST ISABEL, Thanks for your nice letter. I am still very lonesome, as you can understand ; and I think of you every minute, and wish all our walks and talks could come over again. You are in my mind always. Do you often think of me? THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 59 " 'I have written to my brother Stephen, telling him about you, but I'm afraid he is not very well satisfied, as I have not heard from him yet. Let me know if you meet any of the family. It worries me a bit not to know what they think ; but Stephen is a queer chap, all for getting on in life, and not giving way to senti- ment ' " Isabel stopped suddenly in her reading. "Is that all? I hope there'll be no unpleasantness with the Careys." "Oh, that's all! It goes on for ages in the same sort of way. Aunt Teresa?" "What?" "What has Daisy Norris grown up like? I didn't see her last night." "Daisy Norris! Oh, she's pretty and, of course, she's rich." "Rich !" Isabel tossed her head. "As if that mat- tered !" "It mattered a good deal to Stephen Carey." "Why?" "Oh, because he had a hard enough life of it in the beginning. Many a time his brothers would have been in the workhouse only for the way he slaved. Your poor father knew it through the bank." "And he married Daisy Norris for her money?" Miss Costello looked shocked. No Irishwoman likes her insinuations put into blunt speech. "I wouldn't say that to anybody, Isabel, if I were you. There's no doubt, of course, that Daisy's money wasn't in his 60 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL way ; but, all the same, 'tis an ugly thing to be saying about any man, that he married for money." "Well, was he in love with her?" "Oh, how do I know? I suppose he was. 'Tis hard to say those things." "And was she satisfied?" "How satisfied?" "Satisfied with that sort of a bargain? I know I wouldn't be." Miss Costello looked at her niece with that half -pa- thetic perplexity that the old so often bring to bear upon their study of the young. In the long tale of years that had made up her own life she could find no key to the nature that looked at her from Isabel's restless eyes. "I can't make you out, Isabel!" she said at length. Isabel turned on her side, and the plait of black hair fell again over her shoulder. "What I mean, Aunt Teresa, is that if I was rich, and was going to marry a man like Mr. Carey, I'd take very good care that he didn't marry me for my money alone." Miss Costello smiled uncertainly. "Would you in- deed? And how would you manage it?" "Oh, I can't tell how, but I would !" Her eyes turned to the window, and then flashed back again. "What a fool she must have been !" she added suddenly ; then, seeing her aunt's shocked face, she put up her hand in a pretty gesture of deprecation. "Auntie! Auntie! Don't look so shocked! It's THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 61 only that I like fighting for things, and I can't imag- ine other people not liking it too." A look akin to horror tightened Miss Costello's thin lips. "Don't, Isabel, dear ! 'Tisn't right to be say- ing things like that. Girls in Waterford don't talk like that." "Why?" "Well, it wouldn't be thought nice. You'd get the name of being odd." "But why?" The repetition stung Miss Costello to annoyance. "Ah, don't be silly, child! You know very well that a girl must do what other people do 'specially if she has no money. Saying queer things is nearly as bad as doing them. If you want to make nice friends, and be taken up by people richer and in better so- ciety than yourself, you'll have to be particular." "I don't care whether people take me up or not. I'm poor, I know ; but I'm not a beggar to be patronised." "Ah, there you are again ! Running away with every word I utter ! I never said you were a beggar. I don't know where you get such ugly words." "Well, they're true words, aren't they?" "Maybe! But it won't always be enough for you that things are true. I tell you people here have a certain notion of what other people ought to be, and if you differ from that, they just leave you where you are." Isabel considered this statement. This, then, was what she had returned to from the long probation of 62 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL school life, first in Dublin and later in Paris! This weighing of words ! This bondage in a free world ! Her restless spirit rose up, swiftly antagonistic and rebellious. "Aunt Teresa, I'll never do it !" she exclaimed. "I'll never never do it ! I can't cut out my life on a sort of pattern. It must be what I want it to be, or noth- ing at all. Oh, I wish I had died last night! The world is horrid the day after things !" She put her hands over her face in an impulse of despair as sud- den and real as her excitement had been. Miss Costello looked frightened and flurried. Life had presented a new and unwelcome problem in this grown-up niece, and she shrank constitutionally from responsibility. "Isabel, dear! Isabel, dear don't!" she said help- lessly. "That's not the way to be looking at things at all. Say a prayer to Saint Philomena to help you to be sensible ! Be a good child now, and say a little prayer !" Isabel dropped her hands, showing a flushed and de- fiant face. "I'm not a child, Aunt Teresa ! And I've given up Saint Philomena: she never does anything for me now." She almost trembled at her own temerity as she made the statement, for veneration of the saints and firm belief in their friendly intercession is the very breath of life in such places as convent schools ; and, moreover, she knew that she was treading sac- rilegiously upon Miss Costello's most sacred ground. But rebellion was alive within her. "I don't think it's THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 63 much good praying against things like that," she added. "How could the saints have time to bother whether I'm sensible or not?" "Isabel, I'm shocked at you! If your poor father could only hear you ! A man that said his rosary every night of his life !" The demon of insubordination stirred in Isabel, prompting retaliation. "If he hadn't said so many prayers," she said irreverently, "perhaps he might have got promotion in the bank and left me better off." For one moment Miss Costello looked down on her in speechless anger; then, by an agitated exercise of the control her religion taught her, she turned and walked out of the room. As the door closed, Isabel's bravado evaporated. "Aunt Teresa !" she called suddenly. "Aunt Teresa, come back ! I'm sorry !" But by keeping her indignation within bounds, Miss Costello felt that she had done enough. At the sound of her name in Isabel's quick, emotional voice, she paused on the corridor, murmured a prayer for her niece's spiritual guidance, and silently passed down the narrow stairs. CHAPTER VII LAST mass, celebrated at twelve o'clock, is the im- portant event of Sunday in an Irish Catholic town. Almost medieval in its pomp and pride, it presents a curious contrast to the drab-hued life outside the Church ; for within the precincts there is colour for a dozen pictures, were there artists to paint them. Splendid vestments, cloth of gold, wax lights, and the glory of flowers are blent together in an atmos- phere clouded with incense; while over the heads of the congregation, making the impression audible, the organ whispers or thunders the majesty of the Eternal. It was Isabel Costello's fourth Sunday in Waterford, and in the bench nearest the altar she sat beside Miss Costello, who might have posed for the spirit of re- ligious fervour as she knelt, rigid in her plain black dress, armed with long brown rosary beads, and a ponderous prayer-book. It would mislead from the outset to say that Isabel was religious ; yet it would be overstating the case to say that she was devoid of the religious sense. Every tenet of the Roman Catholic Church she ac- cepted with unquestioning belief, because to her imag- ination those tenets were fixed as the stars in heaven ; but in her composition there was nothing of the as- cetic. Pray she could and frequently did with THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 65 a passionate fervour of supplication; but she pre- ferred the priedieu of an oratory to the bare floor of her own room, and her moments of devotion were usu- ally inspired from without rather than from within. She sat now in the clouded atmosphere, and her thoughts, freed by the music of the organ, flowed out upon the stream of her fancy. Her prayer-book lay open before her, but her eyes were not following the prayers : she sat, as she had sat a hundred times in the convent chapel, weaving the dream that all youth weaves ; but with this difference, that in the convent chapel the dreams had been tinged with the pearl and silver of dawning things, and now the light of a wak- ing world was touching them to rose and gold. There was life to be lived now ! She no longer stood expec- tant in a realm of ideals. Vaguely moved by these imaginings, she stood up and knelt down, mechanically noting the chanting of the priests, the silences of the choir, and the fresh bursts of music from the organ, while her mind travelled back over the ground she had covered, from this mass in the Waterford cathe- dral to the day in Paris when love had confronted her in the guise of the first man she had known. For it was love the image, the abstraction that had broken down her defences on the evening that she had stood by the window of the hotel salon with Frank Carey, and looked down into the narrow street, where the asphalt shone like ice in the white light of the electric lamps, and the stumbling of the cab-horses and the cracking of whips rose mingling with excited 66 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL street cries. There had been a sense of fate in the air that evening. She remembered looking across at the opposite houses and thinking how like they were to painted houses upon the stage, with their flat fronts and shuttered windows ; then that first recollection was rent by the newer, stronger memory of Frank's arm thrust suddenly about her waist, and Frank's unex- pected kiss upon her cheek. Rough, untempered love-making it would have been to the mind of the experienced, but to the girl released a week before from a convent school it had seemed the knowledge of life ; and Frank Carey, the freckled, sandy-haired boy, had taken on the glamour of romance in that mo- ment of daring. Reflected in the mirror of her thoughts, he had ap- peared before her in that moment as the knight storm- ing the castle of his lady-love. And now ? The organ spoke low, dropping to the note of question, and her cheeks reddened as though human lips had propounded a riddle. Now? She looked at the figures of the three priests officiating at the mass that was drawing to its close, and suddenly the vision of the avenue at Fair Hill rose up before her mind the avenue with the chestnut buds silhouetted against the night sky and the first stars dappling the darkness. The blessing was given, and the congregation stood up for the last gospel. Isabel rose with the rest, and knelt again for the final prayers ; then at last, the service ended, the three priests disappeared into the mysterious regions behind the altar, the organist THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 67 struck the first chord of the solemn march, and the stream of people began to pour into the aisle. It was some time before Miss Costello had finished her private devotions, and the church was fast empty- ing when she and Isabel rose to depart. They were almost the last to emerge from the church and step out upon the flagged space guarded by railings that shuts the cathedral from the street and makes a tempting loitering place for those whose duty lies behind them. Isabel's first impression as she came out into the light was of a crowd broken up into little knots of two and three, and of a number of voices exchanging conflicting greetings ; her next, the con- sciousness of Miss Costello pulling at her sleeve with nervous anxiety. "Isabel! Isabel! Don't you see Mrs. Power salut- ing you?" Isabel turned sharply. "No, I don't, Aunt Teresa ! Where?" "Over there, by the steps. Look now! She's smil- ing at you." Isabel turned, half reluctantly, in the direction in- dicated, and then the blood rose hotly to her face, for Mrs. Power was the centre of a party formed by Mary Norris and Daisy and Stephen Carey. "Go on, Isabel!" urged Miss Costello; "she wants to speak to you. You ought to thank her for driving you home that night ; 'twould be only polite." Isabel didn't seem to hear her aunt's persuasion, and it is doubtful whether the pleadings would have met 68 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL with any response had not Mrs. Power made a for- ward movement, and settled the question for herself. "Ah, my dear child, how are you? I haven't seen you since the dance !" she said, pushing a way through the intervening people, and extending a friendly hand. "What have you been doing these weeks past? And here's your aunt, too ! How are you, Miss Cos- tello? You ought to have been at Fair Hill that night: you really ought. There were no two opin- ions about it, your niece was the belle. She could have filled her programme twice over; even my own hus- band lost his heart. I can tell you I was quite jeal- ous." She gave a pleasant laugh, drawing the girl into her favour with a motherly tone and glance. Meanwhile a moment of indecision had fallen on the little group she had deserted. With many misgivings Daisy was asking herself whether she should or should she not make advances towards this possible disturber of her husband's projects? But as she hesitated be- tween uncertainty as to Carey's views and the instinc- tive desire to stand in with Mrs. Power in all social matters, Stephen decided the point by stepping for- ward and greeting Isabel. "How are you, Miss Costello?" Isabel started at the sound of her name ; and turn- ing, gave her hand in a silence born of sudden and uncontrollable shyness. "How are you?" he said again, a little awkwardly. "We haven't seen you since the dance. Let me in- THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 69 troduce my wife! I think you know my sister-in- law!" For a swift second Daisy looked at Isabel, Isabel at Daisy, appraising each other sweepingly, as women do; then Daisy held out her hand. "How are you?" she said. "We used to know each other long ago. I remember you as well as anything at a children's party at the Burkes' when I was ten; and you cried because I fell over you in 'Blindman's Buff.' " "Oh, yes ! I remember too." Isabel laughed. "I was only five, but I remember as well as anything that you and your sister had blue dresses and fair plaits tied with blue. I envied you fearfully." Daisy echoed the laugh, and Mary Norris strolled slowly forward. "How are you?" she said, using the inevitable greeting. "How did you enjoy the dance? You seemed to be having a grand time, as far as I could see." "The dance? Oh, 'twas splendid! I loved it !" Isa- bel looked straight in front of her, conscious that Carey's eyes were watching her with half -unwilling interest. "And who did you like best?" Try as she might, Mary could not hide the half -malicious lifting of the corner of her mouth. Isabel turned. "Oh, old Mr. Burke, of course !" she said with native readiness. Carey laughed. "Good ! Take my advice, Miss Cos- tello. Don't let them draw you!" 70 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL Mary's smile deepened as she saw Isabel colour ; and Isabel, conscious both of the smile and of her own blush, glanced round confusedly. "We we ought to be going," she said. "Where's Aunt Teresa?" "Here ! Here, my dear, gossiping with me ! You're right to remind us how idle we are. Daisy, I'll run in with you to Lady Lane for a minute." Mrs. Power wheeled round upon them with her large, placid per- sonality and homely smile. Daisy made a, hasty little gesture of pleasure and gratification. "Oh, do! Do, Mrs. Power!" Then, as she saw Mrs. Power look promptingly towards Isa- bel and Miss Costello, she added in a less enthusiastic voice "And you, Miss Costello ! Won't you come in for a minute too?" Miss Costello looked confused. "It's it's very kind of you, Mrs. Carey, I'm sure ! Very kind of you !" "Only we must go straight home," Isabel added promptly. Swift in the gaining of an impression as in the prompting of an instinct, she had heard the hesitancy and felt the doubt in Daisy's mind. Miss Costello looked nervous, and Daisy slightly of- fended "Oh, of course if you are busy " she said. "We are. We promised to be back. Didn't we, Aunt Teresa?" At her niece's glance poor Miss Costello wavered hopelessly. "We are. We did," she said. "It's very kind of you, but " "Good-bye! You see we must go. Good-bye, Mrs. THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 71 Power ! Good-bye !" In turn Isabel shook hands with Daisy, Mary, Mrs. Power and, last of all, with Carey. For the one fleeting second that her hand rested in his, she glanced up at him a quick, bright look dif- ficult to read ; then, leaving her aunt to follow as best she could, she turned and walked out into the street. As Miss Costello beat a hurried retreat, Daisy, whose eyes were upon Isabel's straight, lithe figure, spoke her thoughts. "She's queer, isn't she?" she said in a slow, meditative way. "Queer?" Mary cried. "I think she's the coolest person I ever met in my life. I can tell you I wouldn't like to be in the aunt's shoes." Mrs. Power put her hand on Mary's arm. "Ah, now, Mary, make excuses ! What is she but a child 1" "A very wide-awake child, Mrs. Power!" "Ah, no, Mary ! I don't think so." "Don't you? Wait and see!" Mary turned, and began to make her own way through the crowd of loiterers. "And you, Stephen? What do you think of her? I like a man's opinion on my own sex." Carey turned, roused from a brown study. "I?" he said. "Oh, I don't pretend to understand women, Mrs. Power." CHAPTER VIII MEANWHILE, Isabel and her aunt were making their way up the hill that led to New Town, where Miss Costello's small house stood behind its patch of gar- den. For several minutes after they had parted with the Careys neither of them spoke ; but at last, as their goal drew within sight, Isabel felt her sentiments no longer to be controlled. "Aunt Teresa," she said suddenly, "I don't know I really don't know how you can go on like that." Miss Costello half paused in her hurried walk. "Like what ?" she demanded. "Oh, not having a bit of pride! Not seeing when people don't want you!" "Don't want me? But the Careys wanted us Daisy Carey herself asked us." Isabel tossed her head contemptuously. "Yes. Asked us because Mrs. Power was nice to us and Mrs. Power is good position. Do you think she'd have done it except for that ? Indeed she wouldn't !" Poor Miss Costello was crushed, nevertheless she made a fight for her own attitude. "Well, I think you ought to have gone in, all the same. You'll have to be friendly sooner or later, if you're to be one of the family." "I may never be one of the family!" "Isabel!" TH FLY ON THE WHEEL 73 "Oh, well, I didn't mean that." Miss Costello heaved a sigh of relief for even this small mercy. "Of course not!" she said, to reassure herself. "Of course not. Not when you can count on Frank. I'm sure the poor fellow is devoted enough !" Once more Isabel's chin was contemptuously raised. "Would you like to be going to marry a 'poor fel- low'?" "You're very absurd, child! You know I didn't mean it like that. I'm sure Frank is very talented." "Talented, indeed ! I'll tell you what Frank is. He's j ust a shadow of his brother. Only for his brother he wouldn't be there at all. I found that out since I came home." "The shadow of his brother? Indeed, I don't agree with you. I think Frank Carey has plenty of clever- ness of his own; and I'd much prefer him myself to Stephen. He's a great deal pleasanter in his manner." "Weak people are nice to everybody, because they haven't courage to be anything else !" Isabel made this pronouncement as they were passing through the garden-gate, and, having made it, she stepped aside into the small grass-plot, to gather a handful of violets, while Miss Costello hurried into the house, where the one servant of the establishment was awaiting her superintendence in the cooking of the early dinner. The flowers gathered, Isabel made her own way in- doors, passing up the narrow stairs to her cramped bedroom. Her first action on entering the room was 74 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL to cross to the dressing-table, peer closely into the mirror at her own reflection, and, taking off her hat, to throw it carelessly on the bed. She could not have explained her mood, but she felt restless and half angry. Nothing definite had hap- pened to displease her, but it was precisely this nega- tive condition of circumstances that left her dis- turbed. She would have everything fire or sun battle or ecstasy; the calm, the uneventful she ban- ished from her toleration with an unsparing definite- ness. Having thrown her hat aside, she lingered for a while by the dressing-table, her fingers drumming on the white cloth that covered its mahogany surface, her eyes dark and brooding; then, forced to action by some prompting thought, she slowly opened one of the table drawers and drew forth a blotter filled with odd sheets of note-paper and envelopes of varying sizes; and unearthing a pen and a pot of ink from some dark recess, placed the whole collection upon the table. Her next move was to pull forward a chair and seat herself upon the edge of it, and this action was typical of her mood : the fact that she did not approach her task squarely showed that it was unwelcome, for to the things that were congenial she went straight as a bird in its flight, heart and soul, mind and body one undivided impulse. With her neck uncomfortably twisted and her elbow resting on the table, she dipped the pen into the ink, THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 75 made a blot on the white cloth, and, drawing forward a sheet of paper, wrote the words "Dearest Frank." For a long time she remained looking at this accom- plished work and striving to connect it with herself. She looked at the words and wondered looked at them again, and wondered again. Why had the writ- ing of a letter become a thing so irksome? She re- called her first note to Frank how the blood had flooded her cheeks at the mere fact of putting a man's name upon paper how every shy and halting ex- pression had meant a separate sensation. Why had all this changed? Why had the excitement, the glamour fallen from the whole idea, as colours might fade from a picture? A wave of impatience trembled across her mind. She felt angry she felt cruel. Suddenly seizing the paper, she tore the letter in two, as though by the act she could inflict some punishment upon the unconscious author of her disaffection ; then with equal suddenness she lifted her head in a listen- ing attitude, for her quick ears had caught the sound of footsteps on the little gravel-path, footsteps that were followed almost immediately by a knock on the hall door. Visitors were few and far between at the little house at New Town, and involuntarily she rose and ran to the window. She pulled back the starched and torn lace curtain, and leant forward curiously; then as precipitately she drew back again, all the anger, all the waywardness gone from her face, every feature lighted up with sudden interest. 76 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL She sat down on the side of her bed, her hands clasped, her heart beating quickly, as she heard the slipshod steps of the servant shuffle down the hall, heard the door open, and heard the visitor's peremp- tory demand for Miss Costello. Next, she was con- scious of two pairs of feet going down the passage and of the shutting of the parlour door, followed by a perfectly audible and flurried explanation between the servant and Miss Costello in the back regions of the house; then lastly, she distinguished her aunt's steps on the creaking stairs, and a moment later saw her excited face round the corner of the bedroom door. "Isabel !" she exclaimed, almost before, she had en- tered the room. "Isabel, do you know who's below?" Isabel sprang to her feet. "S-sh, Aunt Teresa! He'll hear you." "It's Stephen Carey." "I know." "What on earth can he want? What do you think he can want?" "How do I know!" Isabel hid the light that was dancing in her eyes. "Am I an awful object? I was just in the middle of making the apple-dumpling. It's a queer hour, in- deed, for a person to be calling ; he might have waited till three o'clock !" She came forward into the room, her hair a little more untidy than usual, a check apron covering her black dress, and a dab of flour on her cheek testifying to her recent labours. "Let me look at myself !" she added, going up to the dressing-table, THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 77 and proceeding without permission to smooth her hair with Isabel's brush. At any other moment this would have called forth an indignant protest from the owner, but Isabel was too excited now to give heed to the niceties of prop- erty, and, coming forward graciously, she even helped to pull down Miss Costello's sleeves, and herself un- tied the apron strings and dusted the flour from her face. "Will I do now? I declare I am as flurried as any- thing, being called away like that in the middle of the dumpling! I only hope Lizzie will be able to go on with it." To this string of words Isabel paid not the slightest attention; but, having made her aunt presentable, pushed her unceremoniously towards the door. But Miss Costello refused to cross the threshold. "You'll come with me, won't you? Oh, Isabel, you'll come with me?" Isabel looked down, coquetting with herself. "I don't know." "Oh, Isabel, do! Be a good girl, and do!" "Very well, I'll come after you." "Ah, come now !" "No; afterwards." "Very well! Will I do?" "You're splendid." "Well, don't be long!" She nodded a last injunc- tion; and, still full of nervous trepidation, made her way downstairs. 73 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL Isabel stood on the tiptoe of interest as she heard her descend the stairs and open the parlour door, but her strained ears caught only the confused murmur of a greeting, followed by the closing of the door; and at this sign of privacy she turned back into the room, and for the second time since her return from mass walked up to the mirror and studied her appearance. This time the face that looked back into her own was alive and joyous, and as she brushed her ruffled hair, the sense of power and energy rose within her. Money was scarce in the small household, and in consequence her wardrobe was of the scantiest ; but with the unquenchable instinct of adornment, she took a bow of cherry-coloured tulle from a drawer and pinned it at the neck of her pink muslin dress. As she was in the act of arranging it, steps sounded again upon the stairs, this time awkward and shuf- fling, and presently a knock fell timidly on the door. "What is it? Come in !" she called. The door opened an inch or two, and the face of Lizzie the servant appeared at the aperture. "Miss Isabel," she gasped, "Miss Costello is wantin' you below in the parlour; and she says you're to be as quick as you can." Lizzie was newly from the country, and as yet raw material. "All right! Only I wish you'd come into a room, Lizzie, when a person tells you to." "I will, miss ! Yes, miss !" Lizzie backed incon- tinently down the stairs, overcome by embarrassment. Isabel, very nearly as agitated as the maid, put an- THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 79 other pin into the tulle bow and hurried across the room and out into the corridor; but pride would not allow her to run down the stairs, though her feet danced to be off, and she reached the parlour door with a very dignified demeanour. As she turned the handle and entered, however, a little of the dignity evaporated, for the scene was not quite what she had anticipated. At the mahogany table that wellnigh filled the little room, Miss Cos- tello and Carey were seated upon two of the stiff horsehair chairs that had come, with Isabel herself, as a legacy from the improvident Dan. Carey was sitting bolt upright, looking resolute and uncomfort- able; while his companion, in a condition of obvious perturbation, was nervously plaiting and unplaiting the fringe of the table-cloth. As Isabel appeared, Carey rose. "I suppose you are rather surprised to see me again," he began. Isabel said nothing: if there was a difficult moment to be faced, she decided that he must bear the brunt of it. Miss Costello stirred agitatedly in her seat. "I'm afraid Mr. Carey hasn't come on a very pleasant mis- sion, Isabel." "No. No, I'm afraid I haven't. But won't you sit down?" In the same determined silence Isabel accepted the chair he drew forward for her; and resting her el- bows on the table, clasped her hands under her chin. Carey, still obviously ill at ease, dropped back into 80 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL his own seat and made a fresh essay. "I hadn't in- tended to do this to come here like this," he said; "but I realised in the last three weeks that it mightn't be very easy to find an opportunity of seeing you, and so I decided to to make the plunge." Isabel bent her head in acknowledgment that the words were meant for her, and Miss Costello gave a fluttering sigh. The difficulties placed in his way seemed to brace Stephen, for he suddenly cast aside his conciliatory tactics, and made a headlong rush for his point. "Of course you know why I have come," he said. Isabel, offended by this bluntness, opened her eyes. "How could I know?" At the little touch of artificiality he lost patience. "Oh, don't make light of the matter !" he said quickly. "Frank is serious to me." In an instant Isabel was as angrily sincere as he. "And do you think he's not serious to me ? Have you any right to suppose that?" "Not serious, indeed!" Miss Costello murmured. "When I think of the prayers I have said and the candles I have lighted, that we might all be guided to do right!" Isabel gave her a withering glance and turned again upon Carey. "After all, it must be more serious to me than to anybody " "Except Frank himself." "How do you mean?" "Well, I mean that marriage must be more impor- THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 81 tant to a man than to a woman not in the senti- mental sense, perhaps, but in the ordinary, practical, everyday sense. After all, if a woman likes to make a poor marriage she does it with her eyes open and she finds compensations ; it's the man who does it blindly, and it's the man who sinks under it. I know what I'm talking about." "Some of the happiest couples have been poor!" ejaculated Miss Costello. "Look at my poor brother !" Carey refrained from making use of the weapon placed in his hands, and merely said: "Don't forget that your brother is dead, Miss Costello, and that death casts a sort of glamour over things." She heaved a sigh. "Ah, Dan was a saint!" she murmured to herself. "A saint !" "But poor people can be happy," Isabel cried. "Poor people can be happy. I'd rather be a beggar ten times over, than make what they call here a 'good match.' I think it's much more to be despised to sell yourself as if you were a sheep or a horse than to marry because you care." "Isabel! Isabel!" "Be quiet, Aunt Teresa! I will say what I think. You hate me to marry Frank because I have no money ; but if I was rich you'd let us get married to- morrow, even if I was lame or blind. You think of nothing but money money and position. You live in a little, little world, where if people ever do feel anything, they're afraid to say so!" Carey, watching the expressions darkening and 82 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL lighting her face, leant suddenly across the table. "Miss Costello," he said, "I thought exactly the same as that, when I was your age. When I was twenty I thought Waterford the narrowest hole on God's earth, and myself the one man who was going to step outside it. But " he gave a quick, despondent shrug of the shoulders "I went under when the time came. I went under like the rest. There's a big machine called expediency, and we are its slaves. We oil it and polish it and keep it running, every man and woman of us ; and if by any chance one of us puts his hands behind his back and says he won't feed the monster any more, what happens? Does the machine stop ? Not at all ! It's the deserter who goes under ; the machine roars on louder than before. It's only by pandering to it that we live ; and the man who has oiled his own particular wheel is in duty bound to see that those dependent on him learn to oil theirs. This brother of mine belongs to me: I've fathered him and trained him and educated him, and I'll see him have a fair start. You must understand my position ! You must see my point of view ! I'm writ- ing to Frank to-night ; let me tell him that you have accepted my decision?" Isabel kept her hands obstinately locked, her eyes obstinately lowered. "Let me write that to-night? Frank isn't a boy with a great deal of character; he's not the boy to make a way for himself." "He cares for me." THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 83 "I have no doubt he does. But no romantic man ever made a fortune." Her eyes blazed again. "I don't want a fortune. I told you that." "I see ! Then it's no use ? The sensible thing doesn't appeal to you?" "No, it does not. I hate the sensible thing." "All right! I'm sorry! You force me to do what I don't like to do." "What's that?" Isabel stood up. "You force me to tell Frank that unless he breaks off this engagement I must stop supplies. It's very unpleasant, but there's nothing else for it. I've done what I could." He rose rather stiffly from his chair. Isabel paled, then reddened violently. "You you would do that?" she said. "For his own good, yes. I told you the matter was serious to me." "Oh, Mr. Carey, you wouldn't !" cried Miss Costello. "You surely wouldn't! Think of the poor fellow's feelings ! Young people will be young people, you know !" "Stop, Aunt Teresa ! Mr. Carey, do you think that when you write to Frank, he'll break off our engage- ment?" Carey hesitated. "Frank is not strong-minded." "That means you do think it? You think he'll give me up at a word from you?" "Certainly not that. But he is dependent on me; he hasn't a penny of his own and a man must live." 84 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "And suppose he writes back that he doesn't care a pin about your money?" Carey began to move slowly towards the door. "On his own head be it, then!" he said. "I'll have done my best. I'm sorry I should have had to offend you." He hesitated and looked back at her. But Isabel would not meet his eyes. "Won't you say good-bye? I am sorry though you may not believe it." "Good-bye!" She did not look up or hold out her hand. "Good-bye, Miss Costello !" He turned to the older woman. "Good-bye, Mr. Carey! I suppose you're acting for the best; but indeed I must say you're hard very hard." He did not attempt to shake hands with her; and, passing out of the room in silence, he went quietly down the hall, and let himself out by the small front door. Instantly he was gone, Miss Costello's feelings broke all bounds. "Oh, Isabel," she cried, "what a fright- ful thing! What a terrible thing! A good match like that slipping away before our very eyes ! What a pity your poor father wasn't more saving not that he had anything to save! But if only you had a little money now, how different things would be! To think that a son of old Barny Carey the builder should have it in his power to despise one of the Costellos !" THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 85 Isabel stood for a moment listening to her aunt with pale lips and eyes black with passion ; then all at once she brought her hands together with a fierce gesture. "Aunt Teresa," she said, "if you say one word more you'll drive me stark, staring mad!" And before Miss Costello had time to recover from her surprise, she had vanished from the room. CHAPTER IX FOR a week inaction oppressed Isabel's life; then the atmosphere lifted. A letter arrived from Paris. With the arrival of this letter everything was altered ; it was as if a cloud had been dispersed, per- mitting the sun of activity to shine forth again and fill her world. She read it in the morning, while Miss Costello was at the ten o'clock mass ; and, armed with sudden decision, she did not wait to peruse the pages a second time, but, pinning on her hat, sallied forth from the house, on fire with the sense of adventure. The Waterford streets are not very remarkable either for business activity or beauty at ten o'clock in the morning, but romance is a matter of soul, not of surrounding; and as she threaded her way down the incline of streets from New Town to the Mall, her senses were attuned to the lilt of her thoughts, and her heart kept time like a dancer's feet. At the corner of the Mall she stopped to give a penny to a blind beggar, and the man's eloquent flow of blessings seemed the last note in the paean of tri- umph. For she was about to commit an act of dar- ing, she was about to outrage that conventionality in which the members of her set moved and breathed ; and as she swung along the streets, she recalled Carey's outburst in the little parlour, his simile of the great, insistent machine of expediency ; and as added THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 87 stimulus the vision of herself rose up one of the fearless few with hands metaphorically locked, refus- ing to feed the monster. Crossing one or two of the more important thor- oughfares, she passed at last into one of the quieter, narrower streets that in every town are stamped with the seal of the professions, and over which an air of privacy is gathered like a garment. With eager and yet hesitating steps she threaded her way along the deserted footpath, taking quick, sidelong glances at the windows carefully screened from the vulgar gaze, until at last the name of "Stephen Carey, Solicitor," displayed in black letters on grated ironwork, brought her to a standstill. With an involuntary impulse she glanced up and down the silent street ; then, with slightly nervous haste, she turned in at the open doorway. A dark and dusty passage confronted her as she stepped in out of the daylight, but a door at its farther end gave renewed hope, for there again Carey's name was blazoned forth, and, hurrying for- ward, she knocked twice on the glass panel. For a moment she waited, listening intently ; then, as no sound reached her, she spurred her courage and turned the handle. The room into which she stepped was Carey's outer office, and to a first glance it looked almost as unat- tractive as the passage that led to it. The ceiling was high ; the walls bare, save where they were fitted with shelves; the only pieces of furniture two high 88 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL desks placed in the middle of the room. A reedy youth of eighteen or nineteen was seated at one of these desks, a pen behind each red ear, his long legs twined round an office stool ; at sound of the opening door he looked round casually, only to be transfixed with surprise at sight of the intruder. Isabel coloured angrily at his open-eyed stare. "I want to see Mr. Carey," she announced promptly. "Is he here?" The youth took a third pen from between his teeth. "You can't see him," he said in a drawling voice that seemed to part grudgingly with its words. "Is he here?" "Yes, he's here." "Then why can't I see him?" "Well, you can't, for he's engaged." Isabel, who was no respecter of persons, made haste to probe this statement. "What is he doing?" she demanded. The youth, nonplussed by such directness, was drawn to answer directly. "Well, he's talking to the head clerk." At this, Isabel's assurance flowed back in full meas- ure. "Is that all!" she said contemptuously. "Go and tell him at once that somebody wants him!" The youth wriggled on his stool. "Oh, I don't know that I can do that," he demurred. "Are you a client?" Isabel ignored both the objection and the question. "Where is he?" she asked. THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 89 He indicated a second door. "In there, in his pri- vate office." She acknowledged the information by a nod of her head. "Very well! Then I'll tell him myself," she said; and, leaving the youth too amazed for protest, she crossed the room, and without more ado knocked peremptorily on the inner door. There was a slight pause; then came a sound of steps, followed by the opening of the door, and the head clerk, a fair man with a short beard and near- sighted eyes, looked out impatiently. "What do you want, Thomas?" he said, but seeing the intruder, he broke off. "Oh, I beg your pardon ! What can I do for you?" "Can I see Mr. Carey ? My name is Costello. Per- haps you'll tell him that I'm here." "Certainly, certainly I will." The clerk glanced be- hind him hesitatingly, then stepped aside, as he saw Carey rise quickly from his desk and come across the room. The surprise that had crossed Stephen's face at the sound of Isabel's voice was still visible as he pushed past the clerk and threw the door wide; and in that first unguarded second she seized upon the certainty that the surprise was not unpleasant. "I suppose I oughtn't to have come ! But I wanted to see you, and I couldn't think of any other place." Carey laughed, as he took her hand and drew her into the office. "You can go on with that deed, All- 90 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL man !" he added ; and the head clerk withdrew, closing the door. She had taken him unprepared, and in the moment of surprise it seemed that he was once more the Stephen Carey of the Fair Hill dance the real man, unshackled by convention. Her spirits soared high. She looked into his face, echoing his laugh. "But I shouldn't have come, should I?" "You shouldn't unless you want legal advice !" She took the chair he pushed forward for her, watching him seat himself at the large flat-topped desk where he transacted all his work. "You can guess why I came, can't you?" "Another battle?" She made no reply ; but, smiling under the half -quiz- zical, half-questioning gaze of his eyes, slipped her hand into her pocket and pulled out a thin foreign envelope. " 'Twas for this. I wanted to show you this." She held out the letter, and, as it passed from her hand to his, she sank back again into her chair, ap- parently absorbed in a study of the black tin boxes lining the walls, in reality listening with sharp in- tensity to the rustle of the paper between his fingers. She stayed quite motionless while he drew the sheet of paper from its envelope, and while he turned the first page ; then, unable to restrain her curiosity, she moved in her seat and shot a swift glance at him as he sat with head bent and body leaning forward. THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 91 As if conscious of the glance, he looked up. "So you wanted me to read this?" She nodded. He folded the letter and refolded it, drawing out the creases mechanically, while his eyes fixed them- selves upon the papers crowded on his desk. "So this is Frank's answer to me? He cares noth- ing for me or for my money, so long as you stick to him!" He spoke in a low voice, so low that it was impos- sible to follow its expression; and Isabel, watching his immobile face, felt her courage falter. "Are you very disappointed?" He looked up at her again, and his glance was the hard, cold glance with which he had always scanned his failures. "Oh, I acknowledge myself beaten!" The colour leaped into her face the red banner of success. This was the moment for which she had lived as she swung along the streets, and her whole spirit rose now to meet it. With one of her swiftest ges- tures, she stood up and walked across to him. "Mr. Carey," she said, the nervous note of tense ex- citement thrilling in her voice, "Mr. Carey, why do you treat me as if I was a sort of enemy? Why do you speak to me as if I was trying to bring Frank to ruin, just out of spite? Why have you never asked me to break off with him as as a sort of favour as a sort of kindness?" She looked down at him, her finger-tips resting on the desk, her face brimming with expression. 92 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "Why haven't you ever thought that I might do it to help you to please you?" Carey glanced up. "I suppose I only know one way of getting things." She threw back her head. "And you think women like that way?" He was silent. It did not come to him to tell her that all his life he had commanded, not asked of, women. "Don't you think if you had asked, things might have been different?" "I never ask." "Ask now!" The words were almost a whisper a whisper in which he could hear the catch and quiver of her breath. He twisted round in his seat. "What do you mean by that?" "What I say. Ask now !" Native suspicion ousted the surprise in his face. "I don't like being made a fool of !" Isabel drew herself up. "And do you think I came here to make a fool of you ? I'll tell you why I came ! I came to tell you that you can keep Frank that I don't want him that I'm done with him." In the immeasurable relief of the moment Carey jumped up. "You mean that?" he cried. "You actu- ally mean that?" "I do mean it ; yes." They stood for a moment looking at each other in the quiet office he absorbed by the news, she ob- THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 93 servant of him. In the crucial moments of life it is always the woman who puts the eternal "Why?" Man, the active, the unanalytical, who deals in re- sults. It never touched Carey's mind to question the motives that had prompted this act of renunciation, the tangled feelings that had prompted this change of front: if he saw Isabel in the affair at all, it was merely as the exponent of an unlooked-for generosity a creature who had proved herself strangely sensi- ble by falling in with his own views. The subtler compliment went altogether unobserved. "It's it's very generous of you," he said at length. "What can I say?" "I don't ask you to say anything. I'm not doing it for thanks." "And Frank? Have you thought of Frank?" "I'll write to Frank to-night." Carey's face changed. "He'll be very much cut up, remember ! He'll do all sorts of things. He'll prob- ably threaten to kill himself when he first hears this." Isabel smiled. "First? You're not very compli- mentary." "Oh, it has nothing to do with you. It's only that I know Frank. As for compliments, I can't pay them, but I'd like to ask you to forgive me for a lot of things ; and I'd like, I'd like, if it's possible, to be friends." Her glance, quick and warm, flashed to him. "You're sincere when you say that?" "Yes. I am." 94 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL She held out her hand in a swift, free gesture. "Then I'll go. I wanted you to say it. Good-bye !" He took her fingers in his hard, strong grasp. "Good-bye ! And thanks !" This was their parting. No promise of a future meeting, no suggestion of all that was yet to come. A favour given, a favour received; a clasp of the hands, and an inarticulate sense of mutual under- standing. CHAPTER X HAD Isabel been the most industrious weaver of plots, instead of the most heedlessly spontaneous of beings, she could not have fitted impulse to action with better social results than when she decided to renounce Frank Carey ; for on the fourth day after her visit to Stephen she received an almost affectionate note from Daisy, asking her to excuse a short invitation and dine at Lady Lane at six o'clock. The conscious- ness of a calamity averted breathed in every line of the commonplace little letter, although outwardly it expressed nothing beyond an effusive regret that they had only met once since Isabel's return to Water- ford. Isabel was going through the last stages of a try- ing scene with Miss Costello on the subject of her great decision when the letter was brought in; and, having read it, she tossed it across the table with a little smile of malicious satisfaction. "You wanted me to get on with the Careys, so you ought to be satisfied now! I couldn't have done the two things !" Miss Costello sighed heavily. "Easy for them to be nice to you now !" she said, as she put the note down. "Indeed, when I was a girl, it wasn't to be taking things into my own hands like that I would !" Isabel gave a still louder sigh. "You've said that 96 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL ten times, Aunt Teresa! I don't suppose you were ever like me, or that I will ever be like you." "Indeed you won't! No one but your father's daughter would have thrown away such a chance as that!" "Well, would you rather I didn't go to the Careys' ?" "I didn't say so. I suppose half a loaf is better than no bread though indeed 'twas very different society your grandmother was in in the County Wexford!" Isabel rose from the horse-hair arm-chair in which she was sitting huddled up. "Is it evening dress, I wonder !" "Evening dress! What for?" "Nothing! I was only wondering! At school, the girls used to dress for dinner when they were home on the holidays." "Well, you won't find many in Waterford dressing for their dinner. I suppose old Barny Carey would turn in his grave with pride if he saw people sitting at his son's table in evening dress !" "Well, what'll I wear then?" "Your white blouse, I suppose." "Oh, auntie, it's awfully dirty!" "Wear your pink, then." "But he saw me in that on Sunday !" She said the words unthinkingly; then paused, blushing. But Miss Costello was not observant. "Is it Stephen Carey?" "Yes." "And do you think he'd see what you had on? He's THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 97 not a bachelor, that he'd be noticing girls' clothes 1 Wear your pink!" Isabel accepted the decision, not because she had nothing further to urge upon the subject, but because the scanty condition of her wardrobe was eloquently present to her mind. So in her pink muslin dress, with a sailor hat covering her hair and a dark ulster hiding her finery, she started that evening from New Town as the city clocks were striking half-past five. There is no necessity for a chaperon at any hour in an Irish town, and it would be looked upon as ex- travagance for a young girl of Isabel's position to drive to a dinner-party. On foot, therefore, and alone she started for Lady Lane, and with the cool evening air blowing up from the river, and the thought of the enterprise acting as a stimulus, it was an undertaking full of interest. Much of portent centred round this invitation, for in the Careys' set young girls are not usually asked out to dine; they have their allotted place at dances and at evening parties, but dinners are generally dull affairs reserved for the married of the community, and this invitation of Daisy's was a mark of special and premeditated grace at once a balm for previous coldness and a promise of future favour. As Isabel approached the house, her steps became slower; and as she crossed the road she looked up at the windows, wondering which was Carey's the place where he smoked, where he read, where he thought those strange, circumscribed thoughts that he had 98 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL expressed in her aunt's parlour. Slowly, and with her mind full of question, she mounted the steps and rang the bell. The door was opened to her by Julia, whose face was red from excitement and services rendered to the cook, and whose cap and apron were aggressively starched in honour of the evening's festivity. "You'll take off your hat and jacket, won't you, Miss Costello?" she said, proud to display her recog- nition of the guest. "Thanks! Yes." "All right so! You can leave them in the spare room. I'll show you the way up." She piloted Isabel up the wide staircase, where the walls were devoid of pictures but betrayed the ostenta- tious prosperity that new paint and paper argues in Ireland. On the first landing they passed the door of the drawing-room, which was half open, and through which the loud sound of laughter and voices came rather dauntingly to the visitor. On the second floor Julia opened the door of a bedroom the same bed- room in which Daisy and Mary had dressed on the night of the dance and Isabel looked round curiously as she stepped across the threshold and began to un- fasten her coat. It was a large room, bare of wall and high of ceil- ing, as are so many Irish rooms, possessing the lofty, square-paned windows of another generation, that rattle to every passing wind and permit the daylight to search out every cranny and recess with merciless THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 99 rigour. Here, too, as in the hall downstairs, there was a veil of ugly modernity thrown over the char- acter of the place : two or three pieces of fine old fur- niture stood against the walls, but in glaring contrast to their dark solidity, a new brass bedstead flaunted its existence, while curtains of limp art muslin hung from the massive cornices of the windows. Isabel condemned the taste that had conceived these decora- tions, as she handed her coat to the servant and went across to the dressing-table to take off her hat. "If I had her money!" she thought; and she heaved a sigh. "Would you like a comb, Miss Costello? Though indeed 'twould be a sin to touch your hair." "No, thanks ! I don't want a comb." Isabel looked into the glass, twisting up a stray lock or two, while Julia watched her with burning interest. "I suppose you're glad to be back again, miss ? You were a long time away at school," she suggested, un- able to suppress her curiosity. "Oh, yes; I'm glad." "I suppose you don't remember me, Miss Costello, though I remember you?" Isabel looked round. "How do you remember me?" Julia was satisfied, having at last drawn forth some expression of interest. "Oh, indeed 'tis well I remem- ber you when you were a little thing. You were like a gipsy, I remember so dark. Me and the other girls at Mr. Nagle's used to be admiring you that time." 100 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "Did you live at the Nagles'?" "Indeed I did, miss. I lived there seven years before I went to Mr. Morris's." Isabel looked reflective. "I remember the Nagles' big gate just opposite our house," she said. "Fancy your being there !" Then a new look crossed her face. "Did you ever see my mother?" she asked in a lower tone. Julia's face became sympathetic at once. "No, miss ; God be merciful to her ! I never saw Mrs. Cos- tello, though many a time I remember Mary Ahern, the cook, telling me the handsome-looking lady she was, and the terrible way poor Mr. Costello was broke up after her. I believe 'tfs walking the roads all night he used to be, till they were afraid his mind wouldn't hold out. But, God bless us, there's the hall-door bell again! I must go. Are you ready, miss ?" Silenced by the thought of the shadow that had darkened her house, Isabel followed the maid out of the room and down the stairs ; but at the door of the drawing-room the moment with its immediate de- mands ousted the past, and her mind swung back to the thought of the ordeal to come. With the flurried consciousness of the unanswered bell, Julia threw open the drawing-room door, made an unintelligible murmur that might have been taken for the guest's name, and hurriedly withdrew, leaving Isabel alone upon the threshold. For a moment she stood uncomfortably aware of THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 101 a very large room, filled with a multitude of chairs, cabinets, mirrors, and small tables, and of a group of three men and three women gathered round the fire-place at its farthest end: then, to her in- tense relief Daisy Carey separated herself from the little circle and came forward with effusive haste. "Oh, Isabel ! How are you ! How nice of you to come. Stephen isn't here yet he telephoned from the office that he'll be a little late. You know Mrs. Power and Mary ! Let me introduce Father Cun- ningham and Father Baron and my brother, Tom!" With a friendliness in striking contrast to her previ- ous manner, she took Isabel's arm and drew her into the party. Isabel herself, rather confused by this change of attitude, bowed vaguely to the two priests and to a fair-haired boy of twenty, and suffered Mary, who was evidently following Daisy's lead, to touch her cheek with the semblance of a kiss. "How are you, Isabel ! Were you in time for your appointment on Sunday?" Isabel coloured, and was glad to sink into the chair that Tom Norris pushed forward for her. To her great relief, nobody took any further notice of her, and presently the little group dropped back into its former order, and the conversation she had interrupted was taken up again. "What we want in this movement is organisation!" said Norris. 102 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "What you want in every movement is money, if you ask me!" said Mary. "Oh, you mustn't bring in a mercenary spirit, Miss Norris," objected Father Cunningham, the younger of the two priests, who had a pale, eager face and wore the gold cross of the total abstinence pledge on his black watch-chain. "Oh, you needn't remonstrate with her," Norris broke in. "It's sickening to think of what women could do and don't, just because the thing isn't fashionable !" "I think it's sickening to be called a 'woman' by your own brother!" Norris laughed involuntarily. "But seriously, Polly," he said, "look what you and Daisy could do, if you cared a straw! You could start classes in private houses, like they do in London." "Public houses suit the scholars here ever so much better. Don't they, Father Cunningham?" "Oh, well, of course, if that's your attitude " Norris shrugged his shoulders. "But, Tom," Daisy put in plaintively, "how on earth could I do anything with Stephen and the children?" "Well, Mary hasn't any children!" "I like that! As if I hadn't a father -worse than thirty children ! I'd like to see how many lectures you'd give, and how many classes you'd attend, if you had to mend father's socks! Here's Stephen, Daisy! I heard the hall door shut." This announcement put a stop to further argument, THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 103 and a few minutes afterwards Carey himself entered. He looked very tall and strong in the fading daylight that filled the room, and as he joined the little circle it seemed that he brought with him a breath of the outer air, the vitality and energy of the outer world. He took Isabel's hand first of all, and although his greeting was ordinary, the friendly pressure of his fingers banished her diffidence, and she unconsciously lifted her head, looking out upon the scene with re- newed self-confidence. There was a moment or two of fragmentary talk, then Daisy rose; and, without preserving any par- ticular order, the party straggled out of the room and downstairs. In the dining-room the big gasalier above the dinner-table was blazing with light, and on the table itself a display of the old cut glass for which Waterford is famous cast back the light from its facets, while the silver, of which Daisy was justly proud, was burnished to look its best. The higher refinements of civilisation may not be found in such households as the Norris's and the Careys', but an amazing number of valuable articles are handed down from generation to generation in these middle-class families, and the pantry of many an Irish housekeeper would fill the collector with envy. When the party had sorted itself out and the seats round the large table were all occupied, it proved that Isabel's place was between young Norris and Father Baron. Very little was said while the soup and fish were eaten, for a meal in Ireland usually means a meal ; 104 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL but when the cover was removed from a joint of beef, and Carey entered on the task of carving, ideas began to stir again and the hum of opinions to make itself heard. "Well, Father James, you were very silent up in the drawing-room!" Norris remarked, leaning across Isabel. "How is the movement going on down at Scarragh?" Father James Baron was a man of sixty-eight, with a high colour, grizzled hair, and a wide mouth tem- pered with the love of his kind. He was priest of the smallest and most insignificant parish in his diocese, and a man of little worldly polish; but something deeper than the learning of books looked out of his small eyes, and when he spoke his listeners attended, however homely the words might be. There was true metal in the man, and it could be felt without explana- tion that it had been tempered in the furnace. He turned slowly now, and looked at Tom with the humorous indulgence of a father to his child. *'Well ! well ! well !" he said slowly. "And is it a lit- tle place like Scarragh you're going to turn your hand to now?" "We must have every place interested, Father James," Norris retorted quickly. "No place is too small. What we want is undivided interest." Isabel could restrain her curiosity no longer. "What is it you're talking about?" she said. "I'd simply love to know !" Norris's face lighted up, full of enthusiasm at once. THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 105 "Why, the great new movement," he said. "The Gaelic movement. Haven't you heard of all it's do- ing?" "The Gaelic movement?" "Yes," put in Mary across the table, "all the chil- dren in the National Schools can say their prayers in Irish now, and in a lot of the towns they've written up the name of the streets in Irish. It gives them quite a nice foreign look for tourists !" "Indeed, Mary, you're too hard on them," said Mrs. Power amiably. "You ought to be very glad that your brother has such nice quiet tastes, instead of betting and playing cards like so many of the young men." She heaved a placid sigh, recalling her own son's peccadillos, which she was far too lazily indul- gent to check. Carey looked up from cutting the last piece of beef. "Take a hint from that, Mary," he said. "Marry a man with nice quiet Gaelic tastes !" Mary coloured with annoyance, and was about to make a sharp retort, when her brother seized the si- lence to urge his own opinions. "Don't listen to them, Miss Costello!" he said earnestly. "It's people like them that have kept Ireland where she is. We'd have been a nation long ago a nation in the commercial and intellectual sense only for the poisonous spirit of depreciation that's spread over every honest effort to raise the country. Look at Stephen ! He's an in- telligent man, and yet he wouldn't raise a finger " "Steady, Tom ! I had both my hands to the plough 106 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL once only we called it the Land League then, not the Gaelic movement. You'll always have young men, you know; but Ireland won't be changed by that." "I don't think you're right, Mr. Carey," broke in Father Cunningham with the quick heat of the zealot. "The Land League, of course, was purely political. This is altogether different. It's when you begin to educate a country that you begin to progress." "No doubt !" said Carey. "But are you prepared to educate Ireland? You might teach the new generation to talk in German, as far as that goes, but unless you allowed its mind to run in German grooves, you'd be leaving it exactly where it was. Are you going to teach the new generation to express itself in differ- ent sounds, or are you going to give it new ideas to express? That's the question, as I see it." "The proper vehicle of expression must be the native tongue," said Norris hotly. "Once teach the people to speak and write in the natural language of the country, and you'll soon have the national spirit wak- ing up. Why has Ireland one of the most poetic countries in the world no modern national litera- ture? Simply and solely because she was thrown back again into infancy by being made to think and speak and write in a new language, when she was practically a fully developed nation !" "Wait a minute, Tom!" Carey paused in the cut- ting of his own dinner. "You people hold that when England robbed us of our language, she threw us THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 107 back into a sort of national childhood out of which we are now slowly struggling?" "Certainly ! Certainly, we do ! I'd like to know if any one can refute it!" "Very well! And what are you trying to do your- selves? You're trying with might and main to do what England did in the penal days ! You're send- ing Ireland back to school !" He took up his tumbler and drank some water with the hasty manner of a man whose temper is stirred. "Now that she has been trounced into learning her English, for goodness' sake, let her do what she can with that, instead of set- ting her down to a dead language ! If you want ad- vancement, let it be educational by all means ; but let the education be modern ! Souse the country with modern thought Spencer and Huxley, Haeckel and Kant and be hanged to sentimentality !" There was silence after his outburst. Daisy looked frightened; Father Cunningham excited; and the older priest anxious. "Those are dangerous writers, Mr. Carey," said Father Cunningham. "I'd be very sorry to see Catho- lic Ireland reading such men as Haeckel." "That sounds like weakness ! If you are sure of your flock, you shouldn't be afraid of new pastures." "A dangerous doctrine!" A retort rose to Carey's lips, but on the instant of its utterance his eye caught Father Baron's, and, with a curious change of attitude, he shrugged his shoulders and dropped the aggressive tone. 108 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "Well, Father James, and what's your opinion?" he substituted. Father Baron looked infinitely relieved. "Well, Stephen," he said slowly, "I think, after all, 'tis good for young men to be at something, so long as it isn't mischief; but I'm inclined to agree with you that whether it's Young Ireland or the Land League or the Gaelic movement, 'twill all be the same in a hundred years !" Carey laughed, half despondently, half sarcastically. "That's it !" he said. "That's it ! 'The brave days when we were twenty-one' !" His voice dropped ; and Isabel, who alone among the party was listening to his words and not to his opinions, shot an involuntary glance at him from under her lashes, and by a swift flash of intuition it seemed to her that in imagination she could hear the whirr of the great machine of which he had discoursed in the room at New Town. Except for a feeble murmuring of gossip between Daisy and Mrs. Power, conversation flagged after this, while the meat was removed and a pudding placed upon the table, for no Irishman can be impersonal when his feelings are seething; and under the out- ward appearance of conviviality, one could feel Father Cunningham and Norris thirsting to break bounds. At last the pudding gave way to dessert; the cloth was removed, fruit and port were placed upon the table, and Julia withdrew for the last time. As the door closed upon her, Tom took a handful THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 109 of walnuts from a dish, and began to crack them os- tentatiously. "I'd like to know, Stephen," he said in an aggressive voice, "what exactly you mean when you talk about sentimentality?" Daisy made a hasty little movement, and locked appealingly at Mrs. Power. "They're going to begin again !" she said in a whis- per. "I think we'll go upstairs, unless anybody wants fruit." Mrs. Power and Isabel disclaimed all wish to eat, and the three stood up simultaneously, while Mary, who was nothing if not leisurely, rose last of all, picked up a handful of raisins, and strolled slowly after them to the door. CHAPTER XI "WHAT fools men are!" said Mary, as she calmly mounted the stairs in Daisy's wake, putting one raisin after another into her mouth. "Look at Tom ! He's really awfully clever, and father spent a fortune on educating him; and what does he go and do now just when he might be of some use to Daisy and me but take up this Gaelic thing! Teaching the people, indeed ! As if they didn't know far too much as it is! I'm sure it's harder to get servants every year." "Indeed, that's true," Daisy agreed, as they passed into the drawing-room. "Only yesterday nurse actu- ally refused to take baby out, because she had been kept awake the night before. And I pay her eigh- teen pounds a-year !" "My dear, much too much ! I never gave a nurse more than fourteen and never would." "But what's the good of that, Mrs. Power, when they won't come for less?" "You should be firm," advised Mrs. Power, whose management of her own establishment was lax in the extreme. Daisy sank into a low chair, and began to twist the rings on her pretty, useless-looking fingers. "I do try," she murmured, "but really, you know, they're awful and children are such a responsibility." THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 111 Mrs. Power laughed, as she sank into a seat. "Three children a responsibility ! Look at me, with nine ! But we mustn't be talking about responsibilities, or we'll be making the girls afraid to get married at all !" Mary, who was eating her last raisin, glanced round at this. "Indeed, you won't find me marrying, Mrs. Power." Mrs. Power smiled with superior wisdom. "We all said that once, Mary. But you'll be caught one of these days, all the same." "Well, then, I have still to meet the man!" Daisy and Mrs. Power exchanged a swift glance, to which Mary considerably pretended to be blind. "Isn't that a bad compliment, now, to the Waterford men, Miss Costello?" said Mrs. Power, turning to Isabel and drawing her into the conversation. "I hope you aren't going to be so fastidious." The suggestion was a little awkward, considering the secret shared by three of the party as to Isabel's broken engagement, but Isabel received it frankly and without embarrassment. "I don't know that I'll ever marry anybody, Mrs. Power." Mrs. Power looked up at her, as she stood behind Daisy's chair; and something a little lonely, a Tittle aloof in the solitary figure and the uncommon face, touched her motherly nature. "Ah, my dear, I won't have you saying that !" She put out her hand and took possession of Isabel's. "I'll find a husband for you whether you like it or not !" Isabel flushed, her expression softening, her eyes 112 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL lighting at the kindly thought for her welfare. "Oh, thank you !" she said. "I mean, thank you for caring whether I get married or not !" Mary gave a faint little laugh. Isabel's flush deepened, but from a new emotion. "Why did you laugh?" she said, turning quickly round. Mary looked at her coolly. "Oh, no reason ! It just amused me." "Why?" "No reason!" Mrs. Power felt the hand she was holding tremble, and she pressed it soothingly. "Don't mind Mary !" she said. "She doesn't mean half she says. Arid, indeed, if you don't marry, it won't be the men's fault. I'll venture to say that." "I'd only marry for one reason," Isabel said sud- denly, "and if I hadn't that reason, all the people in the world couldn't persuade me." "And what's that?" Daisy asked curiously. "The reason of caring for the person." Daisy laughed. "Love in a cottage?" she suggested a little patronisingly. Isabel's dark eyes flashed. "If I cared, I'd marry a beggar ; and if I didn't care, it wouldn't matter to me if the person was a king." The three listeners fell silent for a moment. To Mrs. Power, with her long life and superior experi- ence, Isabel's declaration seemed merely the folly of a jwung girl just out of school; while to Daisy it ap- THE FLY ON THE WHEEL US peared the cunning of one who had lately been worsted in a vital social encounter ; to Mary alone out of the party, it suggested something more offering sudden glimpses into the depths and shallows of the nature behind the words. Isabel looked round from one face to the other. "I suppose I oughtn't to have said that !" Mrs. Power laughed and patted her hand. "My dear child, say anything you like! But you have plenty of time to be thinking of love! And that re- minds me, I told Josephine to write you a little note, asking you up to tennis. You have seven boys of mine still to meet, you know." Isabel thanked her by a look ; and Daisy, influenced at once by the fact of the invitation, drew her chair nearer. "Indeed, we all want to see more of Isabel," she said. "She mustn't be a stranger any more. Mary, will you ring for tea? I don't know what they can be doing downstairs." And so the talk became less personal; and with the arrival of tea, the two married women drifted towards the table on which Julia placed the tray. As Daisy filled up the cups, their voices imperceptibly dropped to the gossiping key. and Isabel and Mary found themselves shut out into an undesired companionship. Taking their cups from Daisy, they wandered away, as in duty bound, towards the other end of the room. Mary was the first to break the silence. "I'm sorry if I was nasty while ago," she said, laying her cup on 114 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL the top of the piano. In the few moments that had passed since Mrs. Power's invitation, she had decided that a little trimming of sails would be necessary if her boat and Isabel's were to float upon the same waters. "Everybody is a bit cross now and then, don't you think?" Isabel, fully conscious of her own erratic moods, saw an impulse of remorse in the words, and met it gen- erously. " 'Twas nothing !" she said. "I was nasty, too. Let us forget about it !" "Yes; I want to. Do you play?" "No." "Do you mind if I play?" "Oh, no! I love music." Mary seated herself at the piano and began to play passing carelessly from classical music to the new- est comic song. She played well, almost brilliantly, with a hard, sharp touch; and as she played, she looked up at Isabel, who was leaning over the piano and watching her with interested eyes. "Is there any- thing you'd like? I can play most things by ear." Isabel hesitated; then she said, "Play that waltz, 'Amoureuse.' ' Immediately Mary complied, and after a few bars looked up again. "They played that at Fair Hill. 'Twas the waltz you danced with Stephen." "Yes, I know." There was another pause, and again Mary's quick green eyes were lifted. "How do you get on with Stephen?" THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 115 Isabel drew back a little. "Get on with him? Oh, I don't know ! All right, I think." "And what do you think of him?" "Think of him? How?" "As a person." "Oh, I I don't know." Mary looked down at the keys, and the waltz became slower. "He's a queer fish Stephen ! He hates the very sight of me." "Why?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Perhaps I see through him more than other people do and he hates being seen through." Isabel's lips parted in quick question, but they closed again at the sound of an opening door. "Oh, here they are !" she said. Mary glanced over her shoulder at the four men entering the room. "Yes, here they are when they want their tea !" And the waltz came to a conclusion with a few crashing chords. The last words of the discussion were evidently hot upon the men's lips, and Norris and Father Cunning- ham made at once for the tea-table, where Tom, with a careless nod to Daisy, poured out two cups of tea. "Well, I think we did for them!" he said in a low voice. "We didn't leave Stephen a leg to stand on." The young priest stirred his tea thoughtfully. "I don't like your brother-in-law's views," he said. "They're dangerous views for an influential man." 116 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL Tom laughed. "Oh, Stephen doesn't mean all he says !" "Perhaps not! I hope not!" "Of course not! You're a regular pessimist some- times." Father Cunningham still stirred his tea absent-mind- edly. "He's a very able man !" he said in the same musing undertone. "Able? You may say that! There are few men the equal of Stephen, when he cares to show it. Hallo ! They're not going, are they? Is it as late as that?" "Indeed, it is, Tom!" Mrs. Power caught the last words, as she rose to say good-bye. "It's time for all good people to be thinking of their homes." "What nonsense, Mrs. Power ! The night is young !" " 'Tis, Tom for young people. But 'tis time for me to be thinking of my family." "Indeed you needn't trouble about your family! You'll find them all playing bridge." She laughed good-naturedly. "All the more reason to go home and pack them off to bed. Good-night, Daisy! It's been a delightful evening." Daisy protested prettily: "Oh, no, Mrs. Power! You're not going ! Please don't go !" "I must, dear. I must, really. I promised to be back early. But don't let me break up the party!" But the going of one guest set the minds of the others tending towards departure, and one by one ex- cuses were made. Father Cunningham had a six THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 117 o'clock mass to say next morning; Father Baron had to catch the last train to Scarragh ; and finally Isabel pleaded that Miss Costello would be expecting her soon after ten. In a very few minutes all the good-byes had been said, and the four women had left to seek the spare room and the guests' wraps. "Your dinners are always such a success, Daisy !" Mrs. Power murmured, as she tied her bonnet-strings. "I don't know how it is, but somehow you have the knack of entertaining." Daisy, who had no more knowledge of entertaining than a child of three, smiled delightedly at the harm- less flattery. "Indeed, I don't know!" she demurred, "I don't think I do much !" "Ah, you say that! But I must be off! How is Miss Costello going home? It would be nothing for me to drive round with her, if she hasn't told anybody to call." "Oh, no !" Isabel protested. "It's altogether out of your way; 'twas too kind of you to do it the night of the dance." "Not at all! The horse hasn't been out before to- day, and a little exercise would do him good." "Oh, no, Mrs. Power," Daisy expostulated. "Tom will take Isabel home." Mrs. Power smiled knowingly. "Ah, well then, I wouldn't take her for the world ! Good-night, Daisy, dear! Mary, I think Josephine is expecting you up to-morrow! Good-night, my dear I'll have to call 118 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL you Isabel Miss Costello is altogether too stiff!" She kissed all three in turn, and then bustled out of the room and down to the hall, where she had another effusive farewell with Carey, Norris, and the two priests. When the door closed on her, Carey turned to Daisy. "Who's going to take Miss Costello home?" "Tom is," Mary interposed before her sister could reply. "Oh! All right!" Carey turned aside and joined Father Baron ; while Mary's eyes, maliciously humor- ous, flashed over Isabel's face. "It's too bad !" Isabel said quickly. "I could easily go by myself." "Oh, Tom won't mind, I assure you !" "What's that, Polly?" "I'm saying that you don't particularly object to seeing girls home." Tom laughed. "Not if Miss Costello is one of them ! Are you ready now, Miss Costello? I won't keep you a minute." He disappeared into the recesses of the hall, and returned with his cap on and his arm through the sleeve of his coat. "Now we're ready !" he announced cheerfully. "Give me a lift, Father John !" Father Cunningham helped him into his coat, while Carey went forward to open the hall door. Isabel kissed Daisy and Mary, shook hands with the priests, and then followed Tom, who had already THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 119 stepped out into the street, humming a patriotic tune. On the threshold Carey put out his hand. "Good-night, Miss Costello ! We hadn't a word at all this evening." Isabel said nothing. "Next time, perhaps !" "Perhaps !" She looked up and they both smiled. "Good-night !" "Good-night!" The hall door closed, and she was alone with Norris. They turned out of Lady Lane in silence, but as they crossed the Mall he broke forth once more in his usual enthusiastic spirit. "Well, Miss Costello, and what do you think of your native town, now that you are back again?" "Well, it seems rather strange," Isabel answered thoughtfully, "or I am strange, I don't know which it is." Tom nodded sagely. "Do you know, I felt just the same myself," he confided to her, "when I came home from college. There's no use denying it, you know, it seems a bit narrow at first." "And you have to squeeze down to fit it ?" "Ah, well, no ! Ah, no ! I wouldn't say that. You know, we're an interesting people, Miss Costello, wherever we are only it doesn't show up at first in places like Waterford." Isabel did not at once subscribe to this, and Tom branched off into a new channel. "Tell me, now," 120 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL he said, "weren't you at school in Dublin, before you went abroad?" "Oh, yes, ever since my father died. I only went to France two years ago." "And did they take any interest at all there in the new movement? Did they open your minds at all to the future of Ireland?" Isabel laughed. "I don't know that they opened our minds to anything." "There you are !" Tom threw out his arms in vivid despair. "There you are ! How on earth are we go- ing to form the nation when women are turned out in batches year by year with French and German at their fingers' ends, and no more knowledge of their own language than infants in arms !" Isabel laughed again. "I don't know about fingers* ends !" she said. "I was able to say my prayers in French when I went to Paris, but that was about all." "What a shame !" Tom cried, following his own train of thought. "The most receptive years of your life lost ! But it's not too late, you know ; it's not too late! I wish, Miss Costello, you'd interest yourself in the cause. If we could only induce the educated women to take it up seriously, we could move moun- tains." "And do you think it will do any real good?" Isabel ventured. "Good?" He turned on her, aflame with enthusiasm in a moment the enthusiasm that has sent Irishmen down to death in the wake of lost causes for more THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 121 generations than one cares to count. "Good? Why, it's going to make a nation of us ! It's going to lift us to the level of the rest of Europe! It's the one movement that has really touched the bed-rock of things that has a sound and true foundation. I'm not tiring you?" He looked up, as he felt her steps slacken. "Oh, no ! It's only that we're here. This is my aunt's." His face fell. "Oh, I wish I could have told you more! The walk was miserably short. But let me ring the bell for you !" He strode up the little path before her, and rang the bell loudly. "Does it interest you at all?" he asked, as he turned to say good-night. "Oh, I think it's it's most interesting." "I'm so glad. I'm so glad. I must talk to you again. Good-bye! And thanks for a most delightful walk !" He wrung her hand cordially, and turned away, as they heard the chain being taken off the door. As he walked down the path, the door itself was opened, and Miss Costello's face appeared in the aper- ture: almost before she had seen her niece, she broke volubly into speech. "Oh, Isabel !" she cried. "I thought you'd never be back! Such a time as I have had! There's a tele- gram for you that came at eight o'clock. I half thought of sending Lizzie up with it to the Careys', but then I didn't." 122 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "Thank goodness, you didn't!" said Isabel, as she walked into the hall. "Well, here 'tis now, any way!" She held out the orange envelope. "Open it! Open it, and see what it is ! I have an awful sort of a feeling that it's from Frank." "From Frank? Nonsense!" But Isabel turned a little pale as she walked towards the gas-jet, tearing the envelope open. For a moment she stood reading the message with a calm that reduced Miss Costello to despair; then she held out the thin pink paper. "You're quite right, Aunt Teresa!" she said in a dazed voice. "It is from Frank. He's got my letter, and he's coming back to see me. He'll be here to- morrow." CHAPTER XII THE arrival of this telegram from Frank Carey had something of the force and decimating power of a bomb exploding in peaceful surroundings. Under any circumstances the coming of a telegram causes excitement in such households as Miss Costello's ; but when the fateful envelope holds within it such news as this, excitement cools before actual panic. Isabel's first desire was to sink into the solitary chair that graced the hall ; but that being already in pos- session of her aunt, she was forced to accept the near- est substitute, which proved to be the lowest step of the stairs ; and from this coign of vantage she looked out blankly upon the situation. "To-morrow!" she ejaculated. "To-morrow! That means he'll get in by the boat at some unearthly hour in the morning !" Miss Costello, who was still scrutinising the tele- gram, answered from her own thoughts. "He handed this in just before the boat left," she said. "He's actually on his way now." Isabel made a gesture of despair. "What'll his brother think !" she cried. "He'll think I didn't prop- erly break it off. Oh, what on earth possessed him to do such a thing ! What on earth possessed him !" "Your letter, of course! I must say I feel for the poor fellow!" 124 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "And why should my letter make him do such a thing? I think it's mean I think it's downright mean to come in on us like this ! Never to give us a chance of writing never to give us a chance of stop- ping him !" Her voice rose with her distress, and, urged to action, she stood up suddenly. "I won't see him when he does come !" she announced. "I don't see why I should ! You can see him for me, and tell him I meant every word I wrote, and that nothing in the world would make me take it back. Why should I have to see him? Why should he tor- ment me like this, just because I don't want to marry -him?" Miss Costello, finding no pertinent answer, resorted to strategy. "If you really want to get rid of him," she said, " 'twould be ever so much quicker to talk to him yourself. It's so hard for another person to get a man to see reason." Isabel considered the statement. "Well, perhaps so !" she admitted reluctantly. "Perhaps so! I suppose so !" She crossed the hall, took up her bedroom can- dle, and, to her aunt's unfeigned surprise, walked up- stairs without further remark. That night she slept but little, tossing from side to side of her uncomfortable bed, and the early hours of the following morning found her waiting in the parlour, listening with high-strung nerves to every sound that might presage the unwelcome guest. To those who would call Isabel cruel in the meeting of this crisis, one might point to the law of all created THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 125 things. There is no cruelty in the cat that crouches, all grace, all deft agility, to pounce upon a bird ; nor is there cruelty in the bird, hopping bright and vig- ilant to destroy a lower life for its own sustenance. Each is alive, and each to the utmost limit of its power exercises its gift. Such was Isabel to be judged as such. As she sat on the old horsehair sofa, her fingers nervously drumming out a tune upon its slippery surface, there was no regret in her mind there was scarcely even pride at the thought that her sentence could bring a man hurrying across two countries to plead his cause with her: her racing thoughts sped to one question how would this new contingency affect her own life? In the midst of her cogitations a car stopped on the road outside, the garden gate clicked and swung upon its hinges, and her fingers slipped inert from the back of the sofa in sudden acknowledgment that the crisis was at hand. She was standing when the parlour door opened, her arms hanging by her sides, her head lifted in nervous expectancy, and almost before her mind had grappled with the situation, she caught a vision of Lizzie's face, scared and inquisitive, and behind it Frank's colourless, jaded, unfamiliar from want of sleep and lack of a razor. It is the details of a scene that call to the imagination in critical moments ; and it was the detail of the unshaven chin that sprang to Isabel's mind with the rapidity and force of a light- ning shaft. It might be subtly flattering in its testi- 126 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL mony of unsparing haste, but as a fact it was revolt- ing, chaining her feet to the ground, making it im- possible even to hold out her hand. The door closed upon the servant; Frank hesitated for a moment, then took an uneven step forward. "Isabel! Have you nothing to say to me? I've come all the way from Paris !" The words were pa- thetic, and there was pathos in the weak, emotional face in the hollow eyes, in the protruding lower lip that seemed on the verge of quivering; but these things went down, marks as black as the unshaven chin, against the hapless lover. "Isabel! What does it all mean? Haven't you a word to say ?" Then, and only then, did Isabel conquer her repug- nance. "Oh, why did you come back?" she cried in- distinctly. "Why did you come back at all ?" "Why? You know why!" He made an ungainly forward movement, and caught one of her hands. "Isabel, what is it ? Don't try to get away !" "Let me go, Frank ! Let my hand go !" "No, I won't let it go. I have a right to hold it. We're engaged still." "We are not engaged." She wrenched her hand away. "Isabel ! What's the meaning of it all? It's Stephen who's done this!" She flushed to her temples. "It is not! He has nothing to do with it!" "Then who has?" THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 127 "No one." "That's ridiculous ! Something must have happened to change you like this. In Paris you cared for me in Paris you were willing enough to marry me." She stood with her eyes averted, an obstinate line showing round her mouth. "Isabel, some one has done this !" Suddenly her glance flashed up to his. "Nobody has done it," she said sharply. "If you want to know the truth, it's because I don't care for you any more because I'm tired of you because I'd rather die than marry you now !" This onslaught, so sudden and vehement, seemed to sober him, as a shock might sober a drunken man. He turned very white and subsided into a chair that stood by the centre table. There he sat for a long time, huddled and inarticulate, until slowly, imper- ceptibly, the Celtic flair for an emotional situation prompted him to action. The prompting was en- tirely instinctive, and his response to it entirely un- conscious ; but a world of suggestion was conveyed by the slow straightening of his body, by the slow move- ment of his ringers, as they groped cautiously towards his waistcoat pocket and fumbled there in a blind, clumsy search. Isabel, strung to emotion herself, and attuned to receive the subtlest impression, felt her heart give a hard, quick throb. "Frank, what have you there in your pocket ? What are you doing?" 128 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "Nothing." "But I see you fumbling with something. What is it? What is it?" A gleam of satisfaction, overstrained and hysteri- cal, flickered in Frank's eyes; he threw a glance of triumph at her frightened face. "All right so!" he said suddenly. "I'll tell you what it is. It's some- thing that'll end the business for me, if you want to know. A fellow isn't a doctor for nothing." He pulled out a little phial containing half a dozen tabloids, and held it up before her. It is impossible to tell in what spirit of bravado or youthful conceit he had provided himself with this weapon, but he launched it now with full effect. "Oh, no, a fellow isn't a doctor for nothing !" he re- peated. "I have only to swallow one of these, and I can tell you, women and the rest won't matter much to me !" Isabel stared, then she made a little rush forward. "Frank ! Frank, don't be a fool !" She had wrested the phial from him before he thought of resistance, and stood, half laughing, half panting. "Frank, Frank, 'tisn't worth that !" Then she paused again, newly dismayed, for Frank in a moment of acute reaction had thrown his arms out across the table, and burying his face in his sleeve, had broken suddenly into boyish hysterical sobs. For a couple of minutes she stood petrified; then a sense of shame for him urged her to words. THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 129 "Frank, don't ! Don't ! I'm sorry !" "But do you care for me, that's the thing ? Do you care?" She was silent. "Do you care?" He lifted a face grotesquely marred by emotion, weariness, and tears. "Oh, you don't ! I can see you don't ! I'm sick of life !" His head dropped back again. "No, Frank, you're not !" She girded up her cour- age and slipped the little bottle surreptitiously into her pocket. "It's only that you are worn out, that you don't know what you're saying." He buried his head still lower. "Frank, look here ! Wait till till you have had something to eat " She looked distractedly round for inspiration. "Wait till you have had your breakfast, and you'll feel a different person." He looked up indignantly. "Breakfast! Well, if that isn't like a woman! Breakfast, when a fellow's, life is smashed!" But Isabel glanced quickly behind her, at the same moment giving his sleeve a jerk, to rouse him to self- control. "Frank, here's Aunt Teresa!" she whis- pered hurriedly. "Frank, pull yourself together!" But Frank had gone beyond the sense of shame, and he turned towards the opening door without attempt 1 ing to wipe either the tears or the grime of travel from his face. "Well, Miss Costello, I suppose you are against me, too?" 130 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL At sight of him Miss Costello threw up her hands in sympathetic dismay. "Oh, my poor boy ! My poor boy ! Is it as bad as that ?" At the unexpected tone, Frank's self-pity welled up anew. "I'm glad somebody feels the injustice of it! Though, so far as I'm concerned, it's all up with me ! I'm done for!" "Oh, don't say that ! Don't say that, Frank !" He shook his head. " 'Tis the truth and she knows it." "Indeed, I don't !" Isabel broke in. "I hope you're more of a man than that." Miss Costello looked from one to the other in tremulous consternation. "Oh, what an unfor- tunate business it all is !" she wailed. "And it was all so nice and settled, till that brother of yours interfered." Frank flared up. "I thought so !" he cried, turning upon Isabel. "I thought so! So it is Stephen I have to thank for it." Isabel stood mute and rebellious. "I believe you weren't telling the truth while ago," he added quickly. "I believe you care for me all the time, and that Stephen worked on you and made you do it. Isabel, tell me ! Miss Costello, ask her to tell me!" They both turned on the girl, standing defiant and apart. "Isabel, you cared for me in Paris ! Miss Costello, you know she cared for me then !" THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 131 "Indeed I do. Indeed I do, Frank. Isabel, why can't you answer the poor fellow!" Still Isabel stood obstinately mute. "Isabel, was it Stephen? Did Stephen play on you?" "No!" She shot the word at him with fierce vehe- mence. "Then what was it? For God's sake, what was it? You can't throw a man away like an old glove, with- out any reason." "I gave you a reason." "It wasn't enough. You can't tire of a person in a few weeks unless, of course," he stopped suddenly, and a gleam of suspicion lit his eyes, "unless you fall in love with somebody else." Isabel turned on him, swiftly furious, the blood mounting to her face. "How dare you say that!" "I didn't say it. But I believe now that it's the secret or why should you get as red as that? I believe you're throwing me over because there's an- other man." The two looked at each other aggressively, while Miss Costello turned aside to mutter an ejaculatory prayer. "Some other man has been making love to you." "No other man has made love to me." "Oh, Frank, don't now!" put in Miss Costello agi- tatedly. "Sure, what other man could she meet? We're like nuns in a convent here." "Be quiet, Aunt Teresa !" Isabel stamped her foot. 132 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "No man has made love to me," she repeated, looking at Frank. "But you are in love with some man?" Her eyes flashed recklessly. "If I said 'yes* would you leave me alone?" "I suppose I would," he said huskily. "Yes, I would." "Very well, then ! Think it, if you like !" Without waiting for his comment, heedless of her aunt's horrified cry of "Isabel !" she swung out of the room, banging the door behind her. CHAPTER XIII WITH Isabel's violent departure a lull fell upon the scene the dead lull that envelops the sailing-ship when the wind drops at sea. Such personalities as hers are scarcely conducive to peace, but their with- drawal has a property of making remaining things seem singularly dull. With the closing of the door, Frank's vehemence dropped from him, and he rose from his seat in a limp, inexpressive way. "I suppose I I had best go?" he said vaguely. Miss Costello offered no assistance. She was look- ing nervously towards the door, while her fingers kept locking and unlocking. "It's no good my staying here, is it? I I suppose I'll go down to Lady Lane." He pushed back his chair and took a turn or two up and down the room. Miss Costello, whose one desire centred round the thought of flight, jumped at the last suggestion. "Oh, do! Do! I'd advise you to. There's nothing like going to the fountain-head." He gave a dreary laugh. "Well, she's the fountain- head and you heard what she said." "Oh, I did ! I did, indeed. But I wouldn't be put- ting any pass on that at all, Frank. I give you my solemn pledge not another man but you ever said a word to her. Have a good talk with your brother, 134 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL and 'twill be all right yet, please God !" In her anx- iety to be quit of the situation, she was ready to hold out any hope, reasonable or the reverse. Frank took another turn, and then stopped opposite to her. "Well, anyway you can tell her that, whoever he is, he'll never care for her more than I did." He took up his hat and overcoat, and, without any at- tempt at farewell, walked out of the room. Lady Lane was empty, save for one or two loiterers, when the outside car that had driven Frank from New Town drew up in front of his brother's house, and there were only half a dozen pairs of eyes to observe him get down and walk slowly up the steps to the hall door; but Stephen Carey, breakfasting with Daisy, heard the clatter of hoofs and the stopping of the car, and looked up from his morning paper. "Wasn't that a car?" Daisy, whose mind was already flying to possible contingencies, dropped the little bit of toast she was buttering, and ran to the window. "Oh, Stephen, it's an outside car with a bag and a coat on the seat! And there's the hall-door bell! Who on earth can it be at this hour? And I'm in this awful old dress!" As she stood panic-stricken at the thought of an unexpected guest, the dining-room door opened with- out ceremony and Julia put her head into the room. "Mr. Carey, 'tis Mr. Frank!" she announced in a voice charged with excitement. THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 135 "Frank!" Daisy cried, as Stephen wheeled round in his chair in blank astonishment; but her surprise melted to consternation, as she caught sight of the apparition of weariness and despair. Carey rose abruptly. "It's all right, Julia!" were his first words. "And shut the door after you." Then he turned on his brother. "What the devil is the meaning of this?" By strong measures he had played father to the six boys left in his charge, for the authority of an elder brother is a thing that needs upholding; and as he looked down now on the weak, jaded figure of Frank, the old methods presented themselves uncon- sciously. For the first moment Frank cowered; then his out- raged sense of manhood struggled to the surface. "I want fair treatment, Stephen," he said indistinctly. "That's what I want." "Oh!" Stephen was very laconic, very hard; and, turning to Daisy, he added in the same brusque tone, "If you've finished your breakfast, Daisy, you may as well go." With the utmost reluctance Daisy moved towards the door. She would have bartered many things for the privilege of overhearing this conversation, but here again habit was strong, and it did not occur to her to disobey. As she passed Frank, she held out her hand. "How are you, Frank ?" she said in her pretty, precise voice. She made this proffer of friendship partly from the 136 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL sense of conventionality, but also from an overmaster- ing desire to see his face at closer quarters. He muttered some unintelligible remark, and dropped her hand almost as soon as he had taken it. "Close the door after you !" Stephen said remind- ingly ; and without further hesitancy Daisy went. Left alone, the brothers faced each other, each conscious that antagonism lurked in the other's eyes. "Well," said Carey at last in a measured way, "so you have taken the liberty of throwing up your studies to come back here and demand fair treatment? Now, would you mind telling me what you call fair treat- ment?" Frank visibly weakened at this deliberate attack. In a long absence one is apt to underestimate the strength of such men as Carey, and to face it again with disorder of one's forces. "I think I'm I'm entitled to the rights of a man, Stephen." "Indeed! The rights of a man?" Frank braced his limp muscles. "I mean, Stephen," he blurted out, "that I'm not a schoolboy that I'm twenty-three that I have as good a right to live as you or or any other man." "Did I ever object to your existence?" "Oh, you know what I mean that I have as good a right as anybody else to do what I like with my life, without being bullied and threatened and " "Sit down!" said Carey peremptorily. "This isn't THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 137 a time for heroics. Tell me in the fewest possible words what in God's name brought you back !" From the instinct of long obedience, rather than from any conscious admission of weakness, Frank subsided into the nearest chair. "Go on now! What brought you?" "Your letter." "Oh!" Again Carey was laconic. "Yes, your letter. I know that I'm a lot younger than you, Stephen, and I know that I owe you a lot of money " "Steady ! Steady !" "Oh, well, I know that you've done a heap for me. But, all the same, I couldn't let any man, even if 'twas my own father, dictate to me whether I am to marry and who I am to select." Carey was silent. "And so, when I got your letter and Isabel's letter, I knew that something was wrong, and I came back to see what it was." "And have you found out?" "Yes, I have. I went up to New Town the first thing. I saw her and her aunt." "Well?" At the thought of his recent adventure, Frank's bravado flickered and went out. "Oh, what I might have expected, I suppose. She doesn't want any more of me." A fresh expression passed over Carey's face, ban- ishing the aggressive look. "Ah, well," he said more 138 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL kindly, "you mustn't be too cut up !" He walked round the table, and with a new generosity put his hand on the other's shoulder. "I suppose I was a bit rough in my letter, but then I always am like that. Cheer up, boy! We'll be good friends yet, for all this business !" But Frank bent his head and edged away from the friendly hand. "It's no good, Stephen ! It's done for me." The pressure of Carey's hand became heavier, and he twisted the boy round in his seat. "What do you mean by that?" Frank kept his eyes lowered. "I mean what I say. I'm done for! I'm not going to stick on, in the face of this !" Stephen's brow darkened and the line of his mouth became hard. "Look here, Frank," he said, "don't come to me with any of that rot. It won't work with me. While you're in this house you're going to be- have as a rational being. I'll send you upstairs pres- ently to have a hot bath and a shave. And to show how little I give for your threats, I'll lend you one of my razors !" The cool, sarcastic tone stung Frank out of his lethargy, as Carey had meant it should. "I think you're a brute !" he blurted out. "And she's as bad." Carey laughed. "Come, come! Be a man! As for the girl, she's thinking of you more than of herself." THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 139 Frank gave a bitter echo of the laugh. "Of me, in- deed! That's all you know about it." "I know she's a sight too good for you ! She's got more spirit and sense than ever you will have." "Spirit ! Sense ! If that was all, do you think I'd care ? Do you think I'd give in like this ? It's being thrown away like an old glove chucked for some other fellow that takes the heart out of you!" In the pause that followed, Carey turned away and walked slowly to the mantelpiece. "Another fellow?" he said. "What do you mean by that?" Frank was too absorbed to notice anything of the tone in which the words were said. "I mean what I say no more and no less," he said. "If you think it's sense that has made her do this, you know very little about women." "That's quite probable." "The less the better for you ! Spirit and sense, in- deed! Why, with her own lips she told me that she doesn't care a brass farthing for me that she's throwing me over for somebody else." Carey leant his elbow on the mantelpiece. "And who is the somebody else?" "You may be sure I didn't ask. What does it matter whether it's Willie Neville or Owen Power, or who the devil it is, so long as it isn't me?" Carey turned round abruptly. "Do you think that a girl like that would throw herself away on an ass like Neville or an empty-headed coxcomb like Power?" 140 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "Why not? Power is a lady's man. Ask Daisy or Mary if he isn't!" "But it's ridiculous on the face of it! She hasn't seen any of them half a dozen times !" Frank gave another of his dreary laughs. "A lot that has to do with it! I only met her three times, when I was crazed about her." Carey stood pondering these words of wisdom. "That's the way with women!" Frank broke out again. "You see if she isn't engaged before a month is out! After all, Power is a better match than me, any day!" "That'll do, Frank ! That'Udo! We've had enough of this." Stepping to the side of the fireplace, Carey pulled the bell peremptorily. The door opened with suspicious alacrity, and Julia appeared. "Take Mr. Frank up to my room," he ordered. "Get him some hot water for shaving, and then fill the bath!" For a moment Frank looked as though about to re- bel, but a glance at Julia's inquisitive face deterred him, and he rose mechanically. "I won't want any breakfast, Stephen," he said, "so you needn't order any." "All right !" Carey agreed unfeelingly. "We'll call you for lunch." As the door closed, he turned back again to the fire- place, and his expression was a curious mingling of irritation and eome other motion, less easily defined. THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 141 With a wide, characteristic gesture, he threw out his arms and, resting both elbows on the mantel-board, stood staring down into the grate. For a while he re- mained in this attitude of thought ; then, with an ab- rupt movement, he threw up his head, as though im- patience of the world had concentrated into im- patience of himself. "Pshaw ! Women !" he said with deep disgust. CHAPTER XIV IT was not for a moment to be supposed that such a piece of news as Frank Carey's sudden return, with all its subsequent developments, could be lost to Waterford ears. By eleven o'clock half the Careys' friends were posted in details of the affair, true or false as the case might be; and at half -past eleven Mary Norris appeared at Lady Lane, alert to follow the trail of gossip. It was Daisy herself who opened the door to her familiar knock; and, taking her arm in mysterious silence, she drew her into the now empty dining-room. "Well," she said, breathless with her own news, "have you heard anything?" Mary pulled off her chamois gloves and tossed them on to the table, where the remains of breakfast bore witness to a demoralised household. "Anything?" she said. "Well, I should think I have!" "Wait a minute!" Daisy ran back and closed the door carefully. "Now, what is it? What are people saying?" "Saying? What aren't they saying?" "Oh, Mary, what?" "Well, first of all, the Buckleys joined me after mass, simply brimming over with curiosity, and asked me if it was true that Frank Carey had met Isabel THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 143 Costello while she was at school and had followed her over here, and that Miss Costello herself had turned him out of the house at nine o'clock this morning? That was bad enough, goodness knows ! but then, just as I was coming down Lady Lane, who should rush out at me but that horrid old Miss Green to say that she had heard Frank was barely recovering from malaria and had been ordered back to his native air, and that she had seen him herself arriving this morn- ing, looking like a person risen from the grave! Oh, I've had a time of it, I can tell you ! But what's the truth, Daisy? What on earth is it? Is he honestly here?" Daisy had sunk into a chair under the weight of her sister's information, and now she looked up with be- wildered eyes. "Oh, yes, it's true enough! He's up- stairs now, walking up and down his room and groan- ing out loud. I think he's half off his head." Mary made a gesture of contempt. "Frank always was a fool! But what on earth has brought him back?" "Honestly, I hardly know! Stephen was so cross after being shut in here with him for half an hour, that he banged out of the house as if everything in the world was upside down." "And didn't he explain? Didn't he say anything?" "Oh, I saw him for about two minutes, and he just muttered something about Frank being an ass, who couldn't take 'No,' for an answer and that I was to hold my tongue about the whole business." 144 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "Upon my word!" was Mary's expressive comment. Then she turned her head sharply. "Hallo, Daisy! Wasn't that the hall-door bell?" Daisy looked aghast. "Oh, no, surely! Would I have time to run upstairs?" "You wouldn't; I hear Julia opening." "Heavens! And if it's anybody, she'll have them in here in two seconds! And look at the state I'm in ! And look at the table !" Her voice quivered with consternation. Mary held up a warning finger. "Listen ! I be- lieve it's Mrs. Power ! Yes, it is !" "Oh, how absolutely sickening ! What an idiot Julia is!" Then Daisy turned, all smiles, as the dining- room door opened. "Oh, Mrs. Power ! How are you !" Mrs. Power came forward with both hands out, and kissed her effusively. "My dear !" she cried, "I can't tell you how relieved I am to see you looking so well ; I hear you've gone through a terrible lot ! How are you, Mary ! I saw you at mass ; but you're like quick- silver, I can never overtake you. And now, Daisy, what on earth is it all about?" Daisy drew forward a chair, at the same time trying distractedly to decide how much she should reveal and how much she should withhold. "Won't you sit down, Mrs. Power!" "Thank you, dear! And now tell me everything from the very beginning." Here Mary stepped into the breach. "But, Mrs. THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 145 Power," she said, "the worst of it is that we know so little ourselves. Won't you first tell us what you have heard?" "Heard? My goodness, Mary! What haven't I heard? But just tell me, Daisy, is it really true that he met her in Paris and fell in love with her there?" "He did meet her in Paris with her aunt," Daisy admitted guardedly. "And are they engaged? Do tell me that! Are they engaged?" "No, Mrs. Power. They are not." Mrs. Power leant back in her chair. "Exactly what I said myself! It's just the gossip of a place like this. But there you are ! You can't stop people say- ing nasty things." "What about?" Daisy was up in arms. "What about, Mrs. Power?" "Oh, well, 'tisn't worth noticing things like that. I never listen to them myself." "Still, I'd rather know them. What are people say- ing?" "Oh well, indeed, Daisy, they're saying things about you and Stephen. But, as I say "About us?" "About Daisy?" Mary cried. "What on earth for?" Mrs. Power arranged the strings of her bonnet. "Well, I'll give it to you, word for word. What I heard was that Frank and Isabel Costello were en- gaged, and that when Isabel came back to Water- ford, Daisy put her foot down and wouldn't hear of 146 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL the match because she has no money ; and that Stephen vas seen going into Miss Costello's on Sunday after last mass. Mind you, I'm only repeating what I heard!" "Oh !" Daisy stamped her foot with vexation. "Oh, how annoying ! How sickening !" "Of course it is, my dear ! But there you are !" "I wonder if Isabel herself spread the story 1" "Oh, fie, Mary ! As if she'd do such a thing !" Mary shrugged her shoulders. "Oh, how annoying! How annoying!" Daisy said again. "Ah, now don't ! You'll make me sorry I told you at all. Make the best of it! Make up your mind what you're going to do!" "I don't know what to do. Stephen will be furious." "Will I give you a bit of advice?" "Do! Oh, do! You're awfully good at knowing the right thing." Daisy revived at the prospect of help. "Well, then, my advice is to be as nice as ever you can to Isabel. Ask her here while you are in town; and as soon as you go out to Kilmeaden have her to stay with you there." "Oh, Mrs. Power, not Kilmeaden!" Mary cried. "She needn't have her at Kilmeaden !" "And why not, dear?" "Because Daisy always has who she likes there. It's the country and and "Oh, I don't know, Mary!" Daisy objected suddenly. THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 147 "Perhaps Mrs. Power is right. After all, if we have her here, people won't notice it so much; but if we ask her to Kilmeaden they'll say she must certainly be friends with us." "That's it, Daisy ! That's what I say. And now, like a good girl, tell me about Frank. He really is here, isn't he?" "Oh, yes ; he's upstairs now ! He wanted a rest, you know, after the journey." "Poor fellow! To be sure he did! I suppose Stephen is delighted to have him back?" "Oh oh, yes ! Delighted." "And, Daisy, dear " Mrs. Power drew her chair close to Daisy's and dropped her voice to the confi- dential key. "Daisy, dear, tell me now if it's at all true that he's really in love with her?" Daisy hesitated, mindful of Stephen's warning, mindful too of Mary's deterring eyes; then the un- speakable joy of imparting such a story broke down all barriers. "Mrs. Power," she said, "it's the most deadly se- cret, and there isn't another person living that I'd tell it to ; but if you'll give me your solemn promise not to breathe a word of it " And so the story was told. Before a week had passed all Waterford knew for a certainty that Isabel Costello and Frank Carey had seriously contemplated marriage; and that, for some unknown reason, Frank had returned unexpectedly to his native town, and was now in hermit-like seclu- 148 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL sion in Lady Lane with his engagement, and pre- sumably his heart, irrevocably broken. Now, what- ever the secret streams that may issue from a wound dealt by Cupid, only one expression of opinion is likely to be obtained from the public a deep and pro- tracted study of the lady in the case. So while Frank, lovelorn and disconsolate, pined in his solitude, Isabel saw new vistas opening in her social world, and the ten days that followed the eventful morning found her playing tennis at the Powers', croquet at the Burkes', and being initiated into the mysteries of cards at the Nevilles' and the Norris's. Everywhere she went she was stared at, whispered about, and made much of for a girl who has broken an engagement in an atmosphere where marriage is not easy of at- tainment must of necessity have a claim to considera- tion. There is a good deal of the child in the Celtic nature, in the sense that the eyes and the ears are caught by the passing show; and that, also like the child, the sound of a new drum will send the feet rac- ing down a side street at the heels of a fresh crowd. Some of the mothers may perhaps have had secret mis- givings, wondering in their own minds whether it was entirely right that a girl should be socially in evi- dence while her rejected lover was in the same town; but if they had doubts, their sons had none, and their daughters, from sentiment or expediency, saw fit to have none either and Isabel was the attraction of the hour. For Isabel herself this success was not without re- THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 149 suit. As on the night of her first dance, she expanded in the sun of admiration, as the butterfly spreads its wings to the summer heat. On a larger stage she en- acted again the scene that Carey's first coming had interrupted on the night at Fair Hill, when the little group of men had clamoured for her programme. In those pleasant days she tasted adulation for the first time, knowing the joy of giving and withholding, seeing the moves in that subtle game where the head directs while the heart beats steady ; and all the time there was the consciousness that, sooner or later, the real man would step out from this background of shadows, drawing her with him into the real world; and as she laughed and talked and jested this con- sciousness was alive, a flame burning out of sight, ready to leap up and scorch. Some day, some mo- ment, the call would come, and her nature would flow out, an unsluiced current flooding towards the sea. And in the meantime? In the meantime, she was young and she was alive! CHAPTER XV ALTHOUGH Isabel had been going to and fro for nearly a fortnight in the Careys' intimate circle, she had heard no definite news of Frank. Either from that hyper-sensitiveness that the Irish feel about ap- proaching a delicate subject, or because there was no real friendship to warrant the intrusion, people avoided the matter altogether or skirted carefully round it when she happened to be present; so, al- though she knew vaguely that Frank was still at Lady Lane, she was entirely ignorant of the mental conflict that was going forward between the brothers. Carey she had not seen since the night of the din- ner-party; from Frank himself no word came; and Mary and Daisy preserved a resolute silence on the subject. It was not until the eleventh day that the position was made clear to her. She had been playing tennis all the afternoon, and only returned to New Town to hurry through the tea, that in such households as Miss Costello's takes the place of dinner, before changing her dress for an evening party at Fair Hill. She was flushed with exercise and in high spirits when she entered the house, and the gay tune of a song that had caught her fancy rose to her lips as she crossed the little hall and laid her tennis racket on the old- , fashioned hat-stand. THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 151 "Miss Isabel," ventured the slovenly maid who had admitted her, "there's a letter for you. It come by the last post, an' I put it in the drawer in the stand." "For me, Lizzie? Who from, I wonder!" Isabel hastily pulled the drawer open and took up the en- velope bearing her name. The handwriting was un- familiar, but the post-mark was Waterford, and her first feeling was of relief that at least it was not from Frank. Then suddenly, by the suggestion of ideas, a flash of intuition enlightened her: she blushed, and with an almost nervous haste put the letter unopened into her pocket. "Is tea ready, Lizzie?" Lizzie, who cherished romantic ideas, looked disap- pointed. "Oh, yes, miss! Tea is on," she said. "Is Aunt Teresa in the parlour?" "Yes, miss ; she's goin' on wid it." Isabel received the information with a nod, and passed into the little sitting-room. At sound of her entry Miss Costello looked up from her meal, which consisted of strong tea, bread and butter, and a boiled egg. "Well, Isabel!" she said, "you seem very pleased with yourself. Did you win the game of tennis?" At another time Isabel would have replied that she had played seventeen games and won eleven ; but now she merely walked round the table and imprinted a kiss on Miss Costello's forehead. "I did grandly, auntie. 'Twas a lovely day." 152 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "Who was there? Will you have an egg for your tea, or would you like a chop cooked?" "An egg will do." Isabel seated herself and began to cut a round of bread from the loaf on the table. "Well, and who was there? I never knew such a girl! You don't tell a person a thing." "Oh, auntie, indeed I do!" "Well, then, who was there to-day?" Miss Costello rose and, opening the door, called down the passage "Lizzie, boil another egg !" "Well?" she repeated, as she seated herself again. "Oh, let me see! The Nevilles and the Cranes and some of the Power boys and Mary Norris." "And who did you play with?" "With Willie Neville some of the tune, and some of the time with Owen Power." "With Owen Power? And how did Mary Norris like that? Everybody said last year that he was go- ing in for her." "Well, I don't think he spoke two words to her to- day." Miss Costello's black eyes took a hurried survey of her niece. "Isabel," she said severely, "I hope you're not a flirt." "Aunt Teresa !" Isabel's temper flared up, and then, for some mysterious reason, died down again, and was replaced by a sunny laugh. "Why, auntie ?" she sub- stituted in a coaxing voice. "Because you ought to be very careful after what has happened." THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 153 "Why?" "Because people might talk." At this juncture Lizzie entered with the egg, and Isabel was helped to a cup of the strong tea ; but im- mediately they were alone again she reverted to the subject. "Auntie," she said, "I told you before that I don't mind one scrap whether people talk or not. I sup- pose it's my nature, but it doesn't seem to me to mat- ter, as long as you can please yourself and be happy, whether people speak about you or don't. I try and try to work myself up into being terrified of their talk, but it's no good. I can't." She paused in her healthy consumption of bread and butter, and stared into her aunt's face with hei* bright, eager eyes. "Am I very queer, Aunt Teresa?" Miss Costello stirred her tea nervously, for she dis- liked these searching questions. "Well, any priest will tell you that you must consider your neighbours !" "I know. But supposing your neighbours don't seem half as real to you as you seem to yourself? Supposing you can't keep thinking of whether this is wrong, or that is wrong, no matter how hard you try?" "Your conscience will tell you that." Isabel was silent for a moment: then the question- ing glance flashed back to her aunt's face. "Auntie, what exactly is conscience?" Miss Costello dropped her spoon in perfectly un- affected horror. "Good gracious, child! You don't 154 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL mean to tell me that the nuns didn't teach you that?" "Of course they taught me in a set sort of a way, but that's not what I mean at all ! I mean how do you really and truly know when a thing is right or wrong?" Miss Costello's lips tightened. "Do you mean to say you don't know when you commit a sin?" "Oh, I'd know if I told a lie, and I'd know if I stole anything, of course, because 'twould be a fact, and I couldn't help knowing it. But what I mean is that I don't feel things to be wrong here." She touched her breast lightly. "I remember the nuns in Dublin used to talk about people having 'qualms of conscience,' but I never really understood what it meant. Am I very queer?" Miss Costello finished her tea hurriedly. "Yes, you are," she said agitatedly ; "and a young girl like you has no business at all to talk about such things. Leave them to those that know better." She set down her cup with a rattle and, leaving her niece to ponder her words of wisdom, walked out of the room. Left alone, Isabel took her letter from its hiding- place and looked at it, turning it over and over in her hand ; then with a little smile, meant for herself alone, she slipped it back into her pocket and finished her tea with a certain slow enjoyment. In her own room, with the door locked, she at last felt free to dethrone imagination for reality, and, sitting on the side of her bed, she drew the letter THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 155 forth once more and slowly opened the envelope. A minute sufficed for the reading of the enclosure, a very short, very commonplace note, which merely ran "DEAR Miss COSTEKLO, I have at last brought my brother to see reason, and he will go back to Paris to- night. I did not write before, because I had nothing definite to report. Believe me, sincerely yours, "STEPHEN CAREY." The first feeling that coursed through her mind was keen disappointment: the curtness, the formality of the letter came like sharp blows on the malleable soil of her sensitiveness. He might have said a word of gratitude! He might have sent one kind message! She sprang from the bed in sudden anger, tossed the letter upon the dressing-table, and with quick, resent- ful movements began to take down her thick black hair and re-dress it for the night's festivity. Her fingers worked rapidly, brushing, coiling, pinning, the long black strands, until at last the work was done ; then, with the same resentful haste, she slipped off the blue cotton skirt she had been wearing, and, throwing open the door of her wardrobe, stood con- sidering what she should put on. The choice was not very extensive: she looked at the white cashmir and the blue serge, her uniform dresses that had been lengthened for her by a New Town dressmaker since her return from school, but both were instantly con- 156 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL demned ; next came the pink muslin, but that had seen considerable service in the last few weeks and already drooped pathetically; next, she scanned a couple of blouses, and a black alpaca skirt that had belonged to her aunt, but her eye was full of disfavour, and turned instinctively to the last remaining garment a plain, mauve, linen dress, more suitable for morning than for evening wear, but which fitted her well, and found added value in her estimation by reason of being her latest acquisition. She had worn this dress on the morning of her in- terview with Frank, and at another time, perhaps, the disagreeable association would have made her shrink from it; but to-night her anger and disap- pointment gave immunity from such superstition, and without hesitation she took the skirt from its hook and slipped it over her head. A few minutes com- pleted her preparations ; and with a last glance into the mirror at her flushed face and rebellious eyes, she took her way towards the door; but at the door she stopped, hesitated, and with an air half -defiant, half- shy, went back to the dressing-table and picked up Carey's offending letter. As if ashamed of her weak- ness, she thrust it surreptitiously into her pocket ; and as it slipped into the hidden recess, her fingers touched something smooth and cold, and the expression of her face altered suddenly memory striving with sur- prise, as she withdrew her hand and brought to light the little bottle she had wrested from Frank a week ago, and had forgotten in the stress of newer events. THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 157 She stood for a moment, unpleasantly moved by the sight of this small object. With the fascination of all deadly things, the harmless-looking tabloids held her gaze: she looked at them with a close, repugnant curiosity; she shook the bottle until they rattled against the glass ; she even withdrew the cork and al- lowed one to roll out upon her palm. She looked at it, as it lay there, one key of the many that could open the great gate, and for a mo- ment the shadow of its potency fell on her chillingly. The personal contemplation of death had always been abhorrent to her; with an almost superstitious dread, her keen vitality had always recoiled from it. Death existed, certainly! Existed for the old, for the ex- hausted, for the unfit, but not for health and youth not for such as she ! She stood for a moment longer, magnetised by the small white tabloid in her hand: then, by some curi- ous working of the mind, an overwhelming repug- nance surged over her ; she dropped it back among its fellows, ran across the room to a cupboard in the wall, and, thrusting the bottle into a drawer, locked it out of sight. CHAPTER XVI MANY emotions chased each other through Isabel's mind as she made her way to Fair Hill; and as she walked into the room set aside for the guests' wraps, the little group of girls already assembled glanced round at her expressive face with the mingled curi- osity, admiration, and uncertainty that she always aroused. Mary Norris, who had taken up her position at the dressing-table, saw her in the mirror, and addressed her without turning round. "Hallo, Isabel ! Is that a new dress?" Isabel laughed. "Nearly new," she said. "And is the mauve by way of mourning?" "Mourning? How?" Mary carefully took a little powder from a box on the table and dabbed it on her cheeks. "The king is dead ! Long live the king !" she said in her most ag- gravating voice. "Mary is sarcastic, so she's putting on powder," said Amy Hennessy, the pretty girl with the im- pertinent eyes, who had criticised Isabel on the night of her first dance. Mary turned round indignantly. "This isn't pow- der, Amy, it's crushed starch." No one offered to challenge this Jesuitical statement; but Amy pushed past her to the glass. THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 159 "Well, let me see my hair, anyway! What's to go on here to-night?" "Bridge for those who have brains to play it," said Mary promptly ; "and the garden for those who haven't. Would you like a loan of my fur coat, Amy?" There was a little titter of laughter at this, for it was diplomatic to be amused by Mary's sallies. "No, thank you, Mary !" Amy retorted. "The con- servatory will be quite good enough for me." There was a fresh laugh ; and chatting and chaffing, the band of girls departed, leaving Mary and Isabel alone. Mary put in a hairpin or two, and settled the black velvet ribbon at her neck. "Frank Carey is gone back to Paris!" she an- nounced. "I know," said Isabel. "Who told you? 'Twas only to-day Stephen got him to see reason ; and he shipped him off this even- ing, before he could change his mind." "I know. Mr. Carey wrote to me." Isabel took up a comb and arranged her hair, which had been blown into untidiness by her walk. "Oh!" Mary stole a quick glance at her. "That was a condescension of Stephen's! Was the letter more than two lines long?" "I didn't count." "You should have. Stephen's private letters always 160 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL make me feel that he's missing the six-and-eightpence. Are you ready?" Passing out of the bedroom and down the stairs, the first person they came upon was Owen Power, loung- ing in a wicker chair in the hall and flirting with Amy Hennessy. Immediately they appeared, he looked up, and, with a superb lack of courtesy, turned his back on his companion, and came slowly towards them. "Well, Mary!" he said. "Well, Miss Costello, you look very fit after your tennis !" Isabel, still smarting under Mary's sarcasms, seized childishly upon the opportunity to retaliate. "How could I be tired," she said, "when I had such a good partner ?" Mary glanced at her, amazed by the encouragement of her tone, and Power gave a self-conscious laugh. "Oh, I don't know about that ! I don't know about that!" He laughed again and twisted his short moustache. "What are you going to do to-night? I think myself it's much too hot for cards." He looked directly into her eyes ; and then, bidden by some twinge of con- science, turned to Mary, including her in the question. Mary flushed, but her glance met his with level cold- ness. "Oh, do you think that ?" she said. "I'm long- ing for a game myself. I'd be very sorry indeed to give up bridge for anything you could find in this house." With a quick, contemptuous nod, she passed him, and crossed the hall to the dining-room. The two, left to themselves, were silent for a mo- THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 161 ment, then Power gave another empty laugh. " 'Mary, Mary, quite contrairy !' " he quoted. "But that needn't spoil things for us." Isabel hated him for the words ; but she hated Mary Norris more, so she ignored the lesser feeling and an- swered with a smile "What are we going to do?" "Go out in the garden, of course, as soon as you've said how d'you do to the dragon!" They crossed the hall, as Mary had done, and passed into the dining-room, where Mrs. Burke and her two daughters were hovering about a table set out with tea and coffee. Groups of people were clustering round the good things, eating and talking, while in the distant corners of the room others were already sitting down to cards under the direction of Michael Burke. As Isabel entered the room at Power's side, her mind suddenly leaped to interest, for the first person her eyes lighted upon was Stephen Carey, bending down to catch the voluble chatter of a little old lady in a grey silk dress. Carey was here, then! She smiled at Mrs. Burke, without hearing her greetings. Would he turn his head? Would he see her? The questions crossed and recrossed her mind in unanalysed con- fusion. She took her tea from Power's hand, laughing at some jest of his. Life was interesting again full of zest, full of possibility. She lingered over her tea, her eyes glancing sur- 162 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL reptitiously towards the tall figure and the charac- teristic head, while her tongue ran on in a stream of careless talk. At last she was compelled to set her cup down. "Won't you have any tea, Mr. Power?" she asked, hoping for an excuse to linger. Power looked worldly-wise. "Not me!" he whis- pered. "I've had a whisky upstairs in the old man's room. Are you ready?" She nodded. After all, Carey was in the house ! They must meet, sooner or later! "Yes, I'm quite ready," she said, and with the buoyant sense that everything was still to come, she followed Power, as he edged round the table and out into the hall. At the open hall-door they paused, and he looked at her. "Well," he said; "and so I'm to have a talk with you at last !" She laughed. "A talk? What have you got to say?" "Ah, wait and see! I have plenty to say to you!" He led the way down the steps, and as they crossed the gravelled drive he took out his cigarette case. "Do you mind if I smoke? Or, perhaps, you'll have a cigarette yourself? All the girls here smoke, only they don't pretend it." Isabel's eyes opened. "Do they, really? We used to smoke at school whenever we got the chance, but I thought they were too good here." "Lord, no ! Won't you have one ?" THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 163 Her eyes flashed. "I'd love to! Do you think I might?" "Why not? Come down here, and not a soul will see !" He pointed to a long dark alley leading off the avenue. For a moment she looked doubtful ; then, casting her misgivings aside, she turned as he directed. The path, which was known as "The Lover's Walk," was thickly hemmed in by cedars and laurels, which even in dry weather kept the ground damp and the air moist and close. "It's a funny place!" she said, as they made their way onward. "I don't think I like it." "Oh, it's all right ! It's a bit of the old garden the only bit that has managed to hold on through Michael's improvements." "I don't think I like it. It has a creepy feel." He laughed and edged a little nearer to her. "Afraid of ghosts, what?" "Ghosts ! as if I believed in ghosts !" Her voice was nervously sharp. "Aren't you going to give me the cigarette?" "Do you want it so soon?" "Of course I do. I came for it, didn't I?" Without further demur he took two cigarettes from his case, and putting one between his lips, struck a match. "You light yours from mine! Matches splutter so much in here." He handed her the remaining cigarette, which she raised somewhat hesitatingly to her lips. 164 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "I think I'll have the match," she said. "I tell you 'twill go out. It's as damp as anything under these trees." "Well, I think I'd rather " "What nonsense ! Come along !" He made his own cigarette glow, and bent his face towards hers. Half-uncertainly she stepped towards him. "That's no good ! You must pull on it. Look here, stand nearer !" He put his hand on her shoulder, and as the two cigarettes glowed he looked straight into her eyes. "Do you know what an awfully pretty girl you are?" * Isabel laughed, shaking his hand from her shoulder. "Am I?" "Are you, indeed? I should think you are. But I'll tell you what you are, too. You're a flirt." "Why should you say that?" "Why? Doesn't all Waterford know how you chucked poor Frank Carey?" "And because all Waterford says it, it must be true?" "Well, seeing is believing! Come now! Admit!" Isabel looked at him, and a certain triumph half- excited, half-nervous marked her sense of conquest. "And suppose I do admit?" "Well, what do you think?" With a ready move- ment he caught her hand. She freed herself sharply, and her laugh rang out high and excited. "Listen!" she said quickly. THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 165 "Listen! There's somebody coming somebody com- ing up the path." They both looked round, struck into silence by steps on the wet ground. Power muttered something uncomplimentary to all intruders, and Isabel gave a little gasp. "Why, it's Mr. Carey !" she said. Carey came towards them down the dark path: he was walking very slowly and smoking a cigar. Reach- ing them, he half -turned as if to retrace his steps, but Isabel stopped him. "Mr. Carey! Aren't you going to speak to us?" His eyes travelled from the cigarette between her fingers to the shadowy figure of her companion. "It's so dark " he said, "I scarcely knew " "Oh, it's me me and Mr. Power." "Ah! Good-night, Power!" "Good-night!" Power said ungraciously. "I sup- pose you're like us found the house too hot !" "Yes, I thought I'd desert for a while. I had no smoke after dinner to-night. But I mustn't inflict my company on you !" He was turning again, but Isabel took an impulsive step forward. "But but we'd like you to stay." He paused. "Oh, no ! Two is company, you know !" "Well, if you won't stay, we'll go back with you." Carey laughed. "Will Mr. Power subscribe to that?" Power ground his heel silently into the path. "Of course he will!" Isabel answered. "Rather !" Power said rudely. "I must go back to 166 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL the house, anyway. They'll be looking for me for bridge." "I see. And will Miss Costello go back too?" "No!" Isabel answered for herself. "I'll stay on with you: I want to finish my cigarette." With os- tentatious calm, she led the way back to the avenue and, replacing the cigarette between her lips, stepped to Carey's side, while Power ran up the steps and en- tered the house. As he disappeared, Carey looked down at her. "I can't make you out !" he said in a slow, deep voice. "Why?" He answered by another question. "Do you know that I saw you before you saw me?" "Just now?" He nodded. "Oh!" She flicked the ash from her cigarette. "Don't you think you might wait till that poor beg- gar is decently out of the country before you begin turning other heads?" She stood silent. "Why do you flirt with men like Power? Why do you give them the chance to talk about you?" Her lashes lifted, and she shot a swift glance at him. "I don't know." "You don't know?" "Something makes me." He stared at her angry, perplexed, attracted. "Do you like this chap, Power?" "No." THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 167 "Then, good heavens, why do you let him take you out into the garden in this conspicuous way give you cigarettes actually make love to you under the eyes of anybody who might happen to pass by?" "He wasn't making love." With an attempt at bravado, she raised the cigarette again ; but before it could touch her lips, Carey seized it from between her fingers and threw it away among the bushes. She stared at him, and her pulses gave a sudden unaccountable throb. "Why did you do that?" "Because if nobody else will stop you from making a fool of yourself, I will." The words and the tone were harsh, but they had the inestimable worth of things wrung spontaneously from the speaker. Carey had never been so near to her as in that moment of anger. "And do you mind whether I make a fool of myself or not?" For one second he seemed on the brink of speech; then he turned away, avoiding her questioning eyes. "Never mind!" he said. "Come into the house!" CHAPTER XVII IT was the day following the evening party at Fair Hill and Mrs. Michael Burke's "At Home" day. She was waiting in solemn state in the big drawing- room, while her daughters, Aileen and Angela, flitted here and there, altering the position of a flower-vase, rearranging a book or a paper, lowering or raising the Venetian blinds. Aileen and Angela Burke were what is best described as "nice girls." Round-faced, red-cheeked, ridiculously like their father, they had all the sterling qualities of Michael Burke; and, like him, lived under the iron rod of their mother's rule. As they moved hither and thither now about the showy room, they kept up a little whispered duologue, which they interrupted every minute to take furtive glances at the stiff -backed chair in which Mrs. Burke sat reading a novel. "I wonder if any one will come to-day !" Angela, the younger and brighter-looking of the two, remarked, as she drew a peacock-feather fire-screen into prom- inence. "Wasn't last night awful?" "I didn't think 'twas bad." "Of course you didn't! You were sitting on the stairs with Tom Norris. 'Twas very different for me, having to play bridge all night with old Cusacke. Oh, dear ! I'm sick of my grand relations !" Mrs. Burke, whose hearing was as sharp as a needle, THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 169 looked up from her book. "What are you talking about, children?" "Nothing, mother 1" "Then come down here near me, Angela ! I heard a ring at the door. If this is any one, Aileen, you can pour out the tea." "All right, mother !" Mrs. Burke opened her book again. "I think Henry Cusacke may turn in later," she said. "If he does, I hope you'll be nice to him. It's lonesome for the poor fellow away from his regiment." Angela, who had obediently dropped to a stool at, Mrs. Burke's feet, pouted her red lips. "But, mother, I don't like him." Mrs. Burke patted her cheek. "Nonsense, darling! You know nothing at all about your own mind. Just do as I tell you. Why, here's Mrs. Carey ! How nice of you to come, Mrs. Carey ! And Mr. Norris ! And Miss Norris!" She rose and greeted the guests with just the due amount of artificiality, while Daisy and Mary rustled forward, carefully arranging their dresses as they sank into their chairs. "I suppose Stephen hasn't been here yet, Mrs. Burke?" Daisy said. "No. Is Mr. Carey coming?" "Yes. He promised that he'd call for us in the motor." She could scarcely conceal the pride that the announcement caused her. Mrs. Burke looked a little patronising. "Oh, the new motor? I hear he drives it himself now. I hope 170 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL he finds it more satisfactory than poor Mr. Leader did." Daisy smiled graciously at what she considered Mrs. Burke's natural jealousy. "Oh, it's the greatest suc- cess, Mrs. Burke. I'm afraid 'twas poor Mr. Leader's own fault that he had so much trouble with it. It takes somebody who understands these things " "No doubt, indeed! I hope you weren't tired last night." "Tired? We were just saying as we came up the avenue what a lovely party it was. Weren't we, Mary?" "That's what we want, Mrs. Burke, you know !" Tom broke in; "that old spirit of sociality that's dying out in Ireland. I agree with my sister that I never enjoyed myself so much in all my life as I did last night." Aileen Burke blushed hotly behind the big silver urn. Mrs. Burke condescended to smile at his compliment. Tom might not be the pinnacle of maternal ambition, but, failing other schemes, he was not to be despised. "That's very kind of you, Mr. Norris," she said af- fably. "I wish everybody was as easily pleased. Will you make yourself useful now, and help the girls with the tea?" With great alacrity Tom retired to the tea-table, and presently the sound of muffled laughter gave proof of his awkwardness and Aileen's chaffing criticism. As the cups were being passed round by Angela, the THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 171 door opened again, and Mrs. Power large, florid, and smiling came forward into the circle. "Well, Ellen, I hear there never was such a party ! Josephine can talk of nothing else. How are you, Daisy, dear? How are you. Mary? And Aileen and Angela?" In her motherly way she kissed all the girls, and then shook hands with Norris. "Indeed, Tom, I heard all about you ; but we won't tell tales out of school !" Aileen once more sought shelter behind the urn, and Mrs. Burke gave one of her hard laughs. "What did Owen think of our bridge?" she asked, tactfully turn- ing the subject. "I expect we seem very much be- hindhand after Dublin." "Indeed I didn't see Owen since last night. He went on to some poker party or other, after bringing Josephine home, and he wasn't up this morning when I was going out to mass." Mrs. Burke said nothing, but her face was eloquent in criticism of Mrs. Power's family management. Mary Norris laughed suddenly. "Oh, indeed, Owen was enjoying himself last night, Mrs. Power! Wasn't he, Aileen?" It was Mary's first contribution to the conversation, and it was given in her most telling vein. Aileen Burke gave an embarrassed little laugh. "I didn't see him at all, Mary." "Didn't you? Oh, he had a very good time last night." Mrs. Burke looked severe. "I thought Owen was playing bridge all the time." 172 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "Oh, not all the time, indeed, Mrs. Burke ! He was out in the garden first." "Who with, Mary?" asked Mrs. Power. Mary tossed her head. "Oh, I'm not going to say who with; but they went down the Lover's Walk, and Lillie O'Farrell saw them both smoking cigarettes." "Both smoking, did you say, Miss Norris?" Mrs. Burke asked, her back stiffening perceptibly. "I can scarcely believe that any girl in my house would do such a thing as smoke." Mary, who consumed many cigarettes a day in the privacy of her own room, looked becomingly grave. "Not in the house, Mrs. Burke. I said in the garden." Mrs. Burke's lips tightened. "I confess I don't see much difference between the two! And I'd like to know who the girl was." Aileen and Angela, themselves conscious of stolen smokes, drew away behind the sheltering figure of Mrs. Power, but Tom Norris came forward into the group. "Don't, Polly !" he said. " 'Twould be mean. After all, what's in a cigarette?" "Oh, nothing but a little paper and a bit of tobacco if the girl happens to be pretty !" "I think there's a great deal, Mr. Norris, if you ask me," said Mrs. Burke severely. "I know that people are getting more lax every day, but for my part, I'd be very sorry indeed to see a daughter of mine smok- ing." THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 173 "Oh, I don't know!" said Tom stoutly. "I don't see any harm in it." "Perhaps she picked up the habit abroad!" put in Daisy in her pretty, mincing voice. Mrs. Burke jumped to a quick conclusion. "Abroad?" she said. "Abroad? Why, then it must have been Isabel! Miss Norris, was it Isabel?" Mary shrugged her shoulders. " 'Twasn't I let the cat out of the bag, anyway !" Daisy laughed a little. "Suppose I oughtn't to have said it ! But, really, Isabel seems to be getting her- self so much talked about lately " " That it doesn't matter how much more you say ?" added Tom. "How like a woman !" "For goodness' sake, Tom, talk about something you understand!" said Mary irritably. Tom became mute, and retired again to the tea-table, while Mrs. Burke drew her chair nearer to Daisy's. "I believe people are talking rather too much about Isabel," she said in a lower tone. "Is it true, now, Mrs. Carey, that she really did treat your brother-in- law badly ?" Daisy dropped instantly to the confidential key. "Well, indeed, Mrs. Burke, I don't like to say any- thing, but poor Frank looked more like a ghost than anything else that morning that he came down from New Town. I hardly knew him when he walked into the dining-room." "Yes, indeed, and everybody in Waterford is saying 174 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL that 'twas the Careys broke off the match," put in Mary. "It's awfully hard on Daisy." "And who minds what people say, Mary?" said Mrs. Power. "Not mind, indeed! You have to mind." "Indeed you have," Daisy added. "A professional man like Stephen can't afford to be talked about: that's why it's doubly hard on me." "Well, Daisy, I told you how you could stop all talk." "I know, Mrs. Power. By asking her to the house." "And then have her going on like she did last night !" Mary supplemented. "Miss Norris, I insist on knowing where she smoked the cigarette," said Mrs. Burke, recalled to the thought of her own grievance. "In the garden, Mrs. Burke. Lillie O'Farrell went out for a couple of minutes with one of the Goulding boys, and while they were walking up and down in front of the house, Isabel came out with Owen. Lillie says she was flirting dreadfully; and she heard him offer her a cigarette." "But what's in that, Mary !" Mrs. Power exclaimed. "Owen is always chaffing and going on. Who knows she ever smoked at all?" "Oh, yes, she did." "How do you know? Did Lillie follow them?" "Not very likely that she would!" "Then how do you know?" THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 175 "I heard. Oh, there was a good deal more, only I don't want to say." "Oh, Polly, do tell us !" Daisy cried. But Mary closed her lips. "No; I won't tell any more." "But, Miss Norris, do you think that's quite fair? Surely, when there is anything to tell, it's our duty to tell it for the good of others." Mary smiled enigmatically. "Sometimes, perhaps, Mrs. Burke," she said, "but not always. Don't you think we ought to be going, Daisy ? I'm sure Stephen had a puncture or something, and you know I have that appointment at Mrs. Clarke's." "Oh, wait a little longer !" Mrs. Burke urged. "He'll be here presently. You never can be up to time with a motor." Daisy looked inclined to yield, but Mary intervened again. "But dressmakers don't take that into account, Mrs. Burke," she said ; "and I have to try on a new dress at Mrs. Clarke's." Daisy rose reluctantly, and Tom tore himself away from Aileen. "What sort of a dress is it, Mary?" asked Mrs. Power good-naturedly, interested, and forgetful of the preceding passage of arms. "Oh, it's only a linen for Kilmeaden, Mrs. Power. We're going down in a fortnight, you know." "Oh, yes ! And I'm wanting Stephen to let me give a little dance at Lady Lane the night before we go," 176 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL announced Daisy, as she shook out her skirt and ar- ranged her feather boa. "Everything will be put away for the summer, and it wouldn't be a bit of trouble." "Oh, Mrs. Carey, can't you persuade him?" cried Aileen and Angela simultaneously. " 'Twould be sim- ply heavenly !" "Of course he'll let you, Daisy," said Mrs. Power. "Stephen is the soul of good-nature." "If I were you, Mrs. Carey," advised Mrs. Burke, "I'd send out the invitations and not tell him a word about it till it was all settled. Men have nothing to do with these things !" Mary laughed sarcastically. "Say that to Stephen Carey, Mrs. Burke! Are you coming, Daisy?" They shook hands all round, and with a great deal of chattering and laughter, left the room. "I ought to be going too, Ellen," said Mrs. Power, rising. "Nonsense, Kate! Sit down." "Ah, no ; I must really ! I have a lot of visits that are hanging over me for months ; and anyway, I don't like to keep the horse standing. Good-bye, Ellen! Good-bye, girls! When are you coming to Skerry- beg? You're great strangers to us." "Indeed, it's too much amusement they have," said their mother. "Aileen is giving up her painting alto- gether; and as for Angela, she never touches the piano." "Perhaps they're beginning to think of other things ! , THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 177 I know a little bird whispered to me that it wouldn't be long before we heard something about an engage- ment. Well, good-bye !" She passed out of the room, smiling and nodding. "I don't know how Kate Power can bring herself to be so vulgar," said Mrs. Burke as the door closed. "And what a fool she has been over those spoiled, worthless sons of hers !" "Mother, wouldn't it be lovely if the Careys give the dance?" said Angela, her mind bent on her own affairs. "Indeed, if they do, your father will have to take you! I can't lose another night's rest." The girls exchanged a glance of secret joy, for it was a red-letter day when Michael Burke played guardian. "Mother," said Aileen suddenly, "do you think that was true about Isabel?" Mrs. Burke looked severely judicial. "Well, I'd certainly be very sorry to believe everything Mary Norris says," she replied; "but I have thought more than once myself that Isabel is rather free-and-easy in her manner for Waterford." "She's very pretty," said Angela with unconscious philosophy. "She's too dark for my taste. Besides, Angela, re- member 'handsome is that handsome does.' ' "Listen ! Listen, mother !" Aileen cried. "I hear a motor. There's a motor coming up the avenue." "Oh, it must be Mr. Carey ! They must have gone 178 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL the short cut and missed him 1" Angela rushed to the window. "It is ! It is, mother ! And guess guess do guess who's with him? Aileen, come here! Quick!" Aileen flew across the room to her sister's side, over- turning a footstool as she went. "What, in the name of goodness, is the matter ?" ex- claimed Mrs. Burke crossly. "One would think you never saw a motor in your lives !" With a crunching of gravel, the car sped round the house, and a little cry of excitement and interest es- caped the girls. "Aileen! Angela! What on earth is it?" But before either could collect herself sufficiently to give a coherent answer, the door of the drawing-room was thrown open, and Isabel Costello, with her eyes dancing and her hair blown into elf-locks, walked into the room, followed by Stephen Carey. CHAPTER XVIII FOR one moment there was silence in the large draw- ing-room ; then Mrs. Burke rallied her social qualities and met the situation. "Isabel! And Mr. Carey! This is a surprise. A very pleasant surprise!" she finished with scrupulous politeness. Carey stepped forward rather hurriedly. "Isn't my wife here?" he said, as he took her hand. "No; Mrs. Carey has just gone; she took the short cut through the fields. Miss Norris had an appoint- ment at the dressmaker's." "And, of course, nothing is so important as a dress- maker, Mr. Carey," said Angela, as the two girls came forward, stealing furtively curious glances at Isabel. The news of Daisy's departure seemed to disconcert him. He glanced round, almost as though he con- templated flight. "She might have waited," he said. "I told her I'd be as soon as I could." "Indeed, he was flying up the hill when he met me," supplemented Isabel. "I felt quite guilty for stop- ping the car even for a minute though the lift was too tempting to refuse." Womanlike, it was she who made the explanation of their presence the explana- tion that instinct told her would be needed. 180 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "I should think so, indeed !" said Aileen kindly. "I wish I had been walking up the hill !" Mrs. Burke looked a little severe. "Won't you have a cup of tea, Mr. Carey, now that you are here?" Again Carey looked round uncomfortably. "Oh, I don't know that I ought !" Then as his eyes strayed round the room they lit upon Isabel, and uncon- sciously his expression wavered. "Well, thanks, Mrs. Burke!" he said. "Thanks! I will have a cup." "I'm glad you altered your mind ! Aileen, see after Mr. Carey. Isabel, come here and sit near me." With the shepherding instinct of the mother, she drew the object of most danger to her own side. "Well, Isabel, and how do you like motor-cars ?" she asked, her eyes, piercing as gimlets, searching the girl's face. "Oh, I simply adore them, Mrs. Burke ! This is the first I was ever in, and I thought it was like heaven." Mrs. Burke gave one of her stiff little smiles. "I hope heaven will be more peaceful, Isabel." Isabel threw back her head. "Oh, do you, Mrs. Burke? I don't. I wouldn't care a bit for anything that was all peace and quiet." "You mustn't say that, Isabel!" "Why? Is it any harm?" "Well, it's a little irreverent, isn't it?" "Is it? I didn't mean it to be. It only seems to me that heaven must be like all the loveliest things on earth, only a thousand times better." THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 181 "The prophet's heaven?" said Carey, smiling, as he handed her her tea. Mrs. Burke coughed nervously. "I don't think girls ought to discuss theology, Mr. Carey. But perhaps I'm old-fashioned." "Is this theology?" said Carey innocently. She stiffened her shoulders. "Oh, you know what I mean. All that girls need know is that they must say their prayers and never give bad example." Isabel drank her tea, striving to keep a still tongue ; while Mrs. Burke, pleased at what she considered her well-timed reproof, turned to Carey with greater friendliness. "Well, Mr. Carey, so you're off to Kilmeaden soon ?" Isabel looked up. This was the first she had heard of the Careys' departure to the country. "Yes," said Carey. "My wife is anxious to get down early this year and come back in September. We found Kilmeaden rather damp last October." "That'll be very nice! And you'll find the motor a great- convenience, instead of having to drive up to town." "Will you shut up the house in Lady Lane, then?" Isabel asked. "Oh, my wife puts in a charwoman, in case any one wants to come to town for a night. But we live altogether at Kilmeaden though I come up every morning to the office." "Ah, there's no place like the country ! It's so good for the children," put in Mrs. Burke. 182 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL Isabel finished her tea hastily, and Carey laughed a little awkwardly. "Oh, yes!" he said; "yes!" "And what fine little fellows they are ! I met them on the road the other day with the nurse. But Mrs. Carey tells me you're thinking of giving a little party before you go?" "Oh, mother, she only said they were talking of it." "But that's the same thing, isn't it, Mr. Carey?" said Angela, looking up at him with her good-na- tured smile. " 'Twouldn't be one bit of trouble, you know, once the house is upset. You'll let Mrs. Carey give it, of course. You will, now? Won't you?" "Oh, do, Mr. Carey !" chimed in Aileen. "We were saying only yesterday that there wouldn't be another' dance this summer." Carey looked at Isabel. "Miss Costello, won't you stand up for me? It isn't fair, you know! Two to one!" "Oh, indeed, Isabel would love it! Wouldn't you, Isabel?" Isabel's eyes met Carey's. "Mr. Carey knows I adore dancing." "And she's only had one dance since she came home. Oughtn't that soften your heart?" "Angela, you're very tormenting! Let Mr. Carey alone !" "But, mother, it's his duty! What has he a big house for, if 'tisn't to give parties?" "Indeed, you're a great tease ! I wonder Mr. Carey puts up with you. Isabel, how is your aunt?" THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 183 At this decisive changing of the conversation the topic of the dance was dropped. "Oh, she's very well, Mrs. Burke, thanks !" answered Isabel. "Only she has one of her bad headaches to- day. She said I was to excuse her. Only for it, she'd have come up with me." "Oh, poor thing! And what is she doing for it?" "Nothing." "Nothing? What a mistake!" Mrs. Burke did a little amateur doctoring on homoeopathic lines, and took great pride in the results. "The minute you go home, Isabel, tell her she is to take a tumbler of soda- water with the juice of a lemon in it ; and if she's not well in half an hour, she's to send up to me for a globule. Now, don't forget ! How many simple cures there are, Mr. Carey, if we only knew them!" "Yes, indeed!" Carey murmured. "You may well say so ! I believe myself that it only requires a little faith and plenty of cold water to do away with doctors altogether ! Isabel, you won't for- get my message." "Did you ever hear how mother gave father a Turk- ish bath in hjis own room?" whispered Angela to Carey. "Never." She waited until her mother was launched upon an- other series of directions to Isabel, then she looked up at him, her round face brimming with humour. "It was long ago," she whispered, "one time father had a cold. He was too bad to go out, so mother 184 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL thought she'd give him a sort of Turkish bath in the house, with blankets and a spirit-lamp. He fought against it like anything, of course but, you know, mother always has her way." Carey nodded. "Well, father gave in; but just as everything was arranged and he was packed up in the blankets, some people called to see mother. As luck would have it, who should they be but Wexf ord people that she hadn't seen for years, so she told poor father to keep quite quiet and not to imagine the lamp was too high. an8 that she'd just run down and say 'How d'you do?' and be back again before he knew she was gone!" Here Angela went into an irrepressible titter of laughter. "Well, what do you think happened? She went down, and in three minutes she was buried in all the old scandals that had happened in Wexford for the last twenty-five years, with every bit of thought of father gone out of her head !" Carey, seeing the picture of Michael, over the lighted spirit-lamp, powerless under his weight of blankets, went off into a peal of laughter. Mrs. Burke looked round. "Is Angela amusing you, Mr. Carey? She's a terrible chatterbox, I'm afraid" "Miss Angela is very entertaining, Mrs. Burke," he said "I think she ought to be given her dance. Miss Angela, what was the end?" Angela looked at him mischievously. "Oh, father had escaped back to bed by the time she came up," THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 185 she whispered, "but most of the blankets were still on fire ! But you won't go back of your word about the dance ? Promise now, you won't !" At this juncture Isabel stood up. "I think I must be going," she said. "Good-bye, Mrs. Burke!" To everybody's surprise Carey put down his cup and rose also. "What, Mr. Carey ! Are you going too ?" "If Miss Costello will let me, I'll drive her home." Isabel turned to him, all pleasure, all delight, in a moment. "Oh, no! Why should I?" "But why not? A foretaste of heaven is food for the soul !" She laughed yieldingly. "I am sure it will be very pleasant for her to be driven home," Mrs. Burke put in rather frigidly. "Don't forget about the lemon for your aunt's head, Isabel." "No, Mrs. Burke !" Isabel's mind was speeding to other things as she shook hands all round. "Good-bye," cried Angela cordially. "Good-bye!" added Aileen. "We'll come out and see you off." "No, children, I think you'd better not! There's a treacherous fog these evenings, and you both had sore throats last week." The girls looked disappointed, but neither offered to oppose the mandate. "Well, we'll look at you through the window," said Aileen. 186 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "And don't forget the dance, Mr. Carey!" Angela cried, as the two guests disappeared into the hall. The setting in motion of the engines was the work of a moment, and with a good deal of skill and pre- cision Carey swept his car round the open, gravelled space at the corner of the house. In a vague flash he saw the faces of the Burke girls pressed against the drawing-room window, but the im- pression passed with the presence of the house, and he drew a quick, deep breath of relief. "What a woman !" he said. "What an atmosphere !" It was remarkable that he spoke his thoughts as though he were alone, that by some hidden link of comradeship he did not question whether Isabel would understand. "Yes, I know!" she said quickly. "Don't you feel that you can't stand it for one second longer that you must get up and scream in the very middle of what she's saying?" Unconsciously Carey checked the pace of the car, and they passed almost slowly through the gates. "Good God!" he said, "I've sometimes felt that no man in his senses would stand this life for a single year ! Talk of rats in a trap !" They swerved out into the. high-road ; but instead of turning down the steep hill that led directly into Waterford, he drove straight on, making a detour. Isabel sat with her hands clasped loosely in her lap, every nerve quivering to the moment. THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 187 "Have you wanted to get out into the world, then?" she said. "Yes ! Lord, yes ! There was a time But what's the good " Her glance dropped to his hands, strong and steady on the steering wheel. "Won't you tell me?" she whispered. "I'd love to hear." There was nothing to alarm in the low, enticing voice, and he yielded, half unconsciously, to its per- suasion. "Oh, it's only that I built my castles once !" he said, "and that, with half a chance, I might have made my way. A man isn't a man in a place like this ! What sort of a life is it ? Stagnation. The same round, the same faces, the same work, autumn, winter, and spring, and in the summer Kilmeaden !" He gave one of his sarcastic laughs. "But if you liked you could go away you have money." For answer he increased the speed of the car, send- ing it spinning forward. "Miss Costello," he said, "look at the rut at the side of this road ! If I ran the car into that rut, we'd have to get ropes and men and horses to drag her out 'twouldn't help her one atom that she's forty horse-power in herself." She grasped the simile, and followed it up. "Yes, but you'd get the car out, however you man- aged it !" "Ah, you're right there! And perhaps I've had thoughts for myself too." She felt her senses quicken at the sudden fire that 188 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL touched his voice, glowing up through his words, and her impetuous nature leaped to a response. "Oh, I wish you weren't going away !" Carey reddened reddened as though no span of years or tale of responsibilities had sealed the book of his youth. "Why do you say that ?" he asked in a low, controlled voice, from which he resolutely shut out the eagerness, the curiosity that were welling in his mind. "I don't know. Because because you're different from the others and I'll miss you." The subtle flattery moved him. "You'll miss me? Do you mean that?" She nodded silently ; and as he turned to catch her expression, his glance rested on her eyes, with their thick black lashes on her warm mouth on the elf- locks blown across her smooth, soft cheek; and the things of the world, the things he had denied, surged up overwhelmingly. "You oughtn't to miss me," he said unevenly. " 'Tis I ought to miss you." Isabel looked down. "I wish you weren't going P' " 'Twon't be for long ; I'll see you again soon." Her glance flashed back to his, quick and eager. "How?" The little whispered word sent his blood racing through his veins, and for one fierce moment the temptation to say "I'll be alone at the office every day" rose insistently ; but with a sudden shame at his own thought he flung it aside. THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 189 "My wife is going to ask you out to Kilmeaden," he said instead. "Me? To Kilmeaden?" She flushed to her temples with swift, incredulous delight. "Yes. You'll come, won't you?" Unconsciously he slackened speed again. Her glance fell. He misinterpreted her silence. "Oh, but you must come," he said quickly. "I won't allow you to refuse. Look here! I'll make you a promise! You like the car. Well, I'll take you for such drives as you'll never forget! Will that tempt you?" Isabel still looked down at her clasped hands, her colour coming and going. "Isabel !" It was the first time he had used her name, though she had long ago ceased to be "Miss Costello" to all his people, and she started, as though he had touched her, the hot tide of blood rushing back into her face. The car was barely moving; he bent closer to her. "You're not angry ? Say you will come !" Then at last she met his glance, her own eyes alight with sudden exultation. "I'm not angry I will come." CHAPTER XIX "LISTEN, Mary! Will this do?" Daisy looked up from the flimsy little walnut escritoire that was her special pride, and smoothed out a sheet of pink note- paper that she had just covered with round, childish writing. "Go on ! What is it? Mary was tucking a white muslin collar that was to adorn her linen dress at Kilmeaden, and the attention she gave to Daisy was divided. "Can't you listen, then! 'Dear Isabel, I am writ- ing to ask you to join us on Thursday evening at about eight. We are having a few people here, as it's our last night before going to Kilmeaden.' ' Daisy put down the note and looked across at her sister. "I must say that, you know. If I said it was a dance, half Waterford would be indignant be- cause they weren't asked." "Well, go on!" " 'Also, I am very anxious to have you with us for a few days in the country. It will only be a sort of family party ; but if you don't mind that, I wish you would arrange to come out for a week. We could fix about it on Thursday. With kind regards to Miss Costello, I am, yours sincerely, Daisy Carey.' It sounds fearfully abrupt, doesn't it?" Mary was threading her needle. "Not at all!" she THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 191 said conclusively. "It's too agreeable, if you ask me!" "Oh, Polly !" "Yes, 'tis. And I think you're a great fool, Daisy, to be led into asking her at all." Daisy folded the pink note and slowly put it into an envelope. "ItV awfully hard always to do the right thing," she complained. "I'm sure I don't want her any more than you do, but I can't have the Nevilles and the Cranes and all that crowd saying we ruined her chances ; and you know they have said it !" Strengthened by her argument, she fastened the envelope and addressed it. Mary pursed up her lips and began a fresh tuck. "Well, I hope it's for the best !" Daisy looked at the envelope, weakening again. Mary kept silent. "Polly, why on earth can't you say something?" "I never give advice where it isn't wanted. You can do what you like, of course; I'm sure, I only hope you won't regret it." "Don't say things like that! They depress me." "Don't be depressed without cause you may have it some time." "Mary, what on earth is the matter with you to- day?" But Mary was not disposed to be communicative; and presently, having waited in vain for some sign, Daisy in common justification of herself was com- pelled to ring for Julia and send her letter to the post. 192 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "Well, it's gone now, any way !" she said with relief. "For goodness' sake, let us forget it, and talk about the dance!" She got up from her desk and came round to Mary's side. "Polly, I wonder if 'twould be better, after all, to have a 'sit down' supper?" "Supper ! What on earth for? Isn't it a 'Cinderella' dance?" "Yes, but you know they won't go at twelve." "I didn't say they would. But as long as they know it's 'Cinderella,' they know they'll get nothing to eat. Indeed, I'd be long sorry to give them anything but tea and coffee and ices." "Stephen insists on chicken and ham at least." "What nonsense! A lot Stephen knows about it!" "Well, I can't help it. He says men must have some- thing to eat." "Rubbish! If men have something to drink, it's much more to the purpose." "Polly, how can you!" Daisy looked shocked. Mary let her sewing lie idle in her lap. " 'Pon my word, Daisy," she said, looking up at her sister, "you're like a girl at school ! How on earth a married woman with three children can keep on being shocked at this, and shocked at that, like you do, is more than I can understand! Do you really think life is all visiting and dressing and fussing over babies?" Daisy looked deeply offended. "I think you say very queer things sometimes, Mary! I don't think a nice woman ought to want to know anything outside THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 193 her home and I'm sure Stephen wouldn't wish me to." Mary's lip curled. "Oh, that's quite likely ! There's nothing so convenient to the ordinary man as an ig- norant wife." Daisy flushed. "I'm as well educated as you, Mary though I may not read Tolstoy and Zola, and those horrible foreign writers." Mary laughed. "Oh, Fm not talking of mathemat- ics or Euclid; I know you passed your exams, at school." "What do you mean, then?" "Never mind ! Wasn't that a ring at the hall door ?" In a moment the little skirmish was forgotten. Mary rolled up her work and thrust it behind a vase ; while Daisy flew to the glass over the mantelpiece to ar- range her hair. "Who can it be?" "How do I know? Sit down, for goodness' sake!" As they made a rush for their respective chairs, the door opened. "Why, it's only Father James !" Daisy cried in a tone of relief, and they both rose and went forward towards the door. Father Baron came into the room with his usual de- liberate slowness, and put out a hand to each of them. "Well ! Well ! Well ! A very dull visitor, I suppose !" "Indeed, no!" Daisy cried. "We were just dread- ing 'twas some woman. Come in, Father James ! Were you down with Stephen?" 194 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL He allowed himself to be drawn into the room. "In- deed, I had lunch with him," he said; "and he told me he'd be on here after me. And how is Miss Mary ?" He turned his small, dark, kindly eyes from Daisy's face to her sister's with a glance of absolute goodwill. Mary looked up at him frankly, for in the light of the old man's simplicity her sarcasm always lost point. "As well as we can expect to be in this world, Father James." "Oh, come, come, Mary!" he cried. "That's not the way to talk ! It's for the like of me to be saying that, with my sixty-ninth birthday coming on next week, and my poor bones eaten up with the rheuma- tism! It's a shame for her now, Daisy, isn't it?" "Oh, Daisy will agree with you! We were fighting when you came in." He looked from one to the other with a smile. "And what harm if you were!" was his characteristic re- tort. "Sure, life wouldn't be worth anything at all if it wasn't for a fight now and again. Hard words break no bones!" They both laughed at his unanswerable philosophy. "You're awfully funny, Father James! I believe you'd find an excuse for Lucifer !" "Well, child, and maybe I would," he said. "Daisy, am I going to see the sons at all?" Daisy flushed with pleasure. "Oh, would you like to? I'll run up for them! I won't be a minute! They'd love to see you." She hurried across to the door, attractive at once in her spontaneous natural THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 195 pride in the thought of her children. "I won't be long ! I won't be a minute !" she cried as she disap- peared. As the door closed upon her, Father Baron turned again to Mary. "Well, child," he said affectionately, "I don't think I saw you since that night of that din- ner-party! Is Master Tom as busy as ever, regen- erating the country?" "As silly as ever, you mean, Father James!" "Ah, now ! Ah, now !" he said gently. "We mustn't judge any one too quick, Mary! And tell me what about that little gipsy that was here ? I asked Stephen to-day if it's true what they're saying about her and Frank, but he didn't seem to like the question, so I didn't press it." "Oh, Isabel Costello ! I'm sick of her very name !" Father James looked grave. "Mary ! Mary ! Mary ! Is that the child that made her first confession to me!" "Oh, well, I can't help it, Father James!" "And what has the poor gipsy done?" "I can't explain to you. She is different from the rest of us." He smiled indulgently. "And perhaps a little change is no harm !" "Or it may be great harm, Father James." He glanced at her searchingly, but when he spoke again it was in the same gentle tone. "Ah, well!" he said; "it's not for us to judge her, Mary. The poor child will meet her own troubles." 196 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL It was Mary's turn to look shrewdly at him. "What makes you say that, Father James?" "Well, I only saw her the once, of course and I'm open to make a mistake; but it struck me then that maybe life wouldn't be too easy for her. She's one, God help her, that'll be asking too much from it!" Mary walked slowly across the room, and took her muslin collar from behind the vase. "Father James," she said with apparent irrelevance, "how did you think Stephen Carey looking?" Whatever may have been Father Baron's thought, his answer was non-committal. "Indeed, we had so much to talk about, Mary," he said, "that I didn't take any great notice. But here's Daisy with the children !" As he spoke, the door opened and Daisy entered, smiling and unaffected, with one small boy walking close to her skirts and another, a couple of years younger, held in her arms. "I'm so sorry, Father James, Baby is asleep ! But I brought you Ted and Francis." "Well ! Well ! Wasn't that bad manners of Master James, now? To be asleep after his namesake com- ing all the way from Scarragh to see him! I don't think Ted would do a thing like that." In this round- about, tactful way he banished any shyness the elder boy might feel, and drew him into speech before he was aware. "I think Baby is a silly fellow," he said, stepping THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 197 from his mother's side, and looking up into the priest's face. "He's asleep half the day." Father James put his hand on the small red head, with a touch as gentle as a woman's, and raised the intelligent, freckled little face. "Is he, now, Ted?" he said thoughtfully. "Is he, now?" Then he shook off the momentary gravity that the child's presence had aroused, and turned to- wards the second boy, who was hiding a very fair head against his mother's shoulder. "Well, young man," he said, making no attempt to touch him, "and what do you think about this brother of yours?" The child raised his face an inch or two, and took a sidelong look at the priest. "Come, now! Come, now, love! Speak to Father James ! That's a good boy !" Very gently Daisy set him down on the ground, pushing him slowly for- ward. "Shake hands, now, and give him a kiss !" Overpowered by the shyness that is the charm of many Irish children, Francis clung to her fingers, pressing close to her skirts for protection. But the old priest understood the childish heart far too intimately to make any onslaught; so, quietly turning his back, he moved to a distant chair, from which he beckoned confidentially to Ted. "All right! Very well!" he said. "But I think I know somebody that'll have a ride on Father James's horses. Come, Ted ! We're going to take the horses out. Come, now! What are their names?" 198 THE FLY ON THE WHEEL "I know ! I remember, Father James ! 'Trample- the-Daisy' and 'Spatter-the-Dew' !" In high delight, Ted rushed forward and placed himself between the old priest's knees, looking up excitedly into his face. Father James smiled down at him in as much pride as if he were his own son. "That's it, Ted ! That's right! Come, now, they're wild to be off! Pick up the reins like a man." He began to move his feet to imitate the movements of an impatient horse. Ted, flushed with excitement and earnestness, put his round little hand on the cheap black cord that served the priest as a watch-chain. "Well, now! Which will you have?" " 'Trample-the-Daisy,' Father James !" "All right! Up you go!" He hoisted him tri- umphantly on to one knee, where he sat astride, with tightened legs and hands that gripped the watch- chain for life or death. But a shriek of protest from the other end of the room stopped the game, as Francis, with outstretched arms and unsteady feet, lurched forward, followed by his mother. Reaching the priest's side, he put one fat hand on the vacant knee, and looked up into his face with bright, shy eyes. "Me yide, too!" he said. For an instant Father James looked down into the anxious little face ; then with an infinitely gentle movement he lifted the child and held him close. "Why, then, indeed you will !" he said. "You'll ride the best horse in Father James's stable the best THE FLY ON THE WHEEL 199 horse vacant," he added, seeing Ted's face fall. "And that's