POPULAR GUIDE LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class A POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. POPULAR GUIDE TO THE H EAVENS A SERIES OF EIGHTY-THREE PLATES, WITH EXPLANATORY TEXT & INDEX. BY SIR ROBERT STAWELL BALL, LL.D., F.R.S., \ LOWNDEAN PROFESSOR OF ASTRONOMY AND GEOMETRY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. OF THE DIVERSITY D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY, 23 MURRAY AND 27 WARREN STREETS, NEW YORK. GENERAL PREFACE. THE object of the present work is to provide a popular guide to the study of the sky by furnishing a summary of our present knowledge of the Solar system, a guide to the positions of the planets for the first half of the present century, a series of star maps, some examples of the finest achievements in the art of drawing and photographing celestial objects, and a list of interesting objects which may be observed with small telescopes. In the text will be found a descriptive account of the plates, and of the methods of using the maps and tables. It is, however, desirable to draw attention in this place to certain characteristics of the work, and to make my acknowledgment to the friends who have kindly assisted me. In 1892 I edited an atlas of the celestial bodies which has long been out of print. Though this atlas bore my name yet as explained in the preface it was largely due to my friend Dr. Rarnbaut. The question of a new issue of the work having arisen, it was deemed better to recast the book completely, and the present volume is the result. The star maps carefully drawn by Dr. Rarnbaut having been corrected for the changes obviously required by the lapse of 12 years have been retained, so have also the maps of the Moon, drawn by the late Mr. Elger. But the advance of Astronomical portraiture has rendered it necessary to supersede most of the remaining plates by new material. This has involved so many changes in the text that the book is substantially a new one, and is now arranged in such a manner as may, I hope, entitle the book to be called a Popular Guide to the Heavens. The map of Mars is reduced from the large map made by Mr. A. E. Douglass, published in Volume II. of the Annals of the Lowell Observatory. The drawings of Jupiter on plate 9 have been copied from Dr. O. Lohse's obser- vations, in the third volume of the Astrophysiklische Observatoriuin at Potsdam. The drawings of Jupiter's satellite are from a paper by Professor Barnard, published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The drawing of Saturn, plate 10, by Professor Barnard, is reproduced from a drawing also published in the Monthly Notices. 179892 vi. PEEFACE. The photograph of the great sunspot of 1898 September is reproduced from a photograph taken at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, for which I am indebted to the kindness of the Astronomer Royal. The drawings of the Solar Prominences on plate 12 are from a paper by Herr Fenyi, in the Aslrophysical Journal ; the picture of the Solar Prominence photographed by Professor Barnard is from the report of the Yerkes Observatory Eclipse Expedition to Wadesboro', U.S.A., published in the same journal. The map of the paths of Solar Eclipses, 1901-1950, has been prepared from the series of maps in Dr. Oppolzer's great work, Canon der Finsternisse. The photographs of typical Solar Coronae on plate 16 are selected from the series of Eclipse photographs brought together by the Royal Astronomical Society. Plate 17, the drawing of Donati's Comet, by the late Professor Bond, is from the splendid volume of observations of that comet in the Annals of the Harvard College Observatory. I am indebted to Professor Barnard for the use of the comet photographs in plate 18, which are selected from the series of his photographs published by the Royal Astronomical Society. I owe to him also the photograph of a region of the Milky Way in plate 81, taken from the same series. For the permission to reproduce the two comet photographs of plate 19, I must thank the Astronomer Royal of England and the Astronomer Royal at the Cape, respectively. I am greatly indebted to Professor Hale, Director of the Yerkes Observatory of the Uuiversity of Chicago, and to Mr. Ritchey, Astronomer at that observatory, who took the photographs, for permission to use the three photographs of the Moon, plates 20, 21, 22 ; the photographs of the nebulae in Orion and Andromeda, plates 73 and 47, and the drawings of the nebulae round Nova Persei. The photographs of that star and of the region in which it appeared I owe to Mr. Stanley Williams, of Brighton. My friend Mr. W. E. Wilson kindly allows me to use the photographs of the Cluster in Hercules, and of the nebula in Cygnus, forming plate 75, which were taken by him at his observatory at Daramona, county Westmeath. To Professor Campbell, Director of the Lick Observatory, I owe permission to reproduce the three photo- graphs of the spiral nebula in Canes Venatici, the Ring nebula in Lyra, and the Dumb- bell nebula in Vulpecula, made with the Crossley Reflector by his lamented pre- decessor, Professor J. E. Keeler. Plate 80, of the Pleiades Cluster, is taken from a photograph by the brothers Henry, published in a report of the Paris Observatory ; and for the photograph of the nebulae in that cluster I am indebted to the late Dr. Isaac Roberts, of Crowborough. Sussex. Plate 83, illustrating the adoption of Standard Time, and the line where the date changes, has been made from information kindly furnished by the Hydrographer to the Admiralty, PREFACE. Vll. The work involved has been very onerous, and I could not have undertaken it had I not been so fortunate as to have had the aid of Mr. Arthur Hinks, M.A., Chief Assistant at the Cambridge Observatory. To Mr. Hinks I am indebted for the selection of the new plates, as well as for the preparation of the text which accompanies them. I would like to record my thanks to him for all his skill and zeal. CAMBRIDGE, ROBERT S. BALL. November, 1904. CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE v. vii. CHAPTER I. THE CELESTIAL SPHERE AND THE SOLAR. SYSTEM. The Celestial Sphere The Seasons The Horizon and the Zenith Refraction ~Diurnal Parallax Annual Parallax Apparent Daily R-otation^of the Heavensj J&ging andJSfittijioj. The Signs of the 2odiac^-TIie~ Orbits of the Inner Planets- The OrrTits of the Outer Planets Bode's Law ' ... 1-6 CHAPTER II. THE PLANETS AND SATELLITES. The Size of the Planets Phases of the Planets and of Saturn's Rings Systems of Satellites Map of Mars Jupiter and Satellite I. Saturn 7-13 CHAPTER III. THE SUN; ECLIPSES OF THE SUN AND MOON. The Sun Paths of Spots Across the Sun's Disc Phases of the Moon Lunar and Solar Eclipses-Paths of Total Eclipses of the Sun 1901-1950 Typical Solar Corouse 15-19 CHAPTER IV. COMETS. Donati's Comet Holmes' Cornet and the Andromeda Nebula Comet a 1893 IV. (Brooks) Comet 1901 I. Comet b 1902 III. (Perrine) 21-23 CHAPTER V. THE MOON. The Moon Place of the Moon The Lunar Charts Catalogue of Lunar Objects ... 25-33 * CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. THE SKY MONTH BY MONTH AND THE INDEX TO THE PLANETS. The Monthly Maps Table to find the Aspect of the Heavens at any given Month and Hour of Night Table of Planetary Phenomena Mercury Venus Index to Venus Mars Index to Mars Jupiter Index to Jupiter Saturn Index to Saturn The Naming of an Unknown Planet 35-48 CHAPTER VII. THE STAR MAPS. The Maps Variable Stars Algol Variables Short Period Variables Irregularly Variable Stars Temporary or "New" Stars Meteor Showers Precession ... 49-58 CHAPTER VIII. STAR CLUSTERS AND NEBULA. The Great Nebula in Orion The Great Nebula in Andromeda The Great Star-Cluster in Hercules and a Nebula in Cygnus The Spiral Nebula in Canes Venatici The Dumb-Bell Nebula The Ring Nebula in Lyra The Pleiades The Milky Way around the Star Cluster Messier 11 Nova Persei and the Nebula in Motion ... 59-64 CHAPTER IX. SELECT LIST OF TELESCOPIC OBJECTS. Distance of the Stars Distance of Star in Light Years Velocity of Star at Right Angles to the Line of Sight Brightness of Stars compared with the Sun Masses of the Stars compared with the Sun Spectroscopy Spectroscopic Binaries Cata- logue and description of objects 65-81 APPENDIX Standard Time 82 INDEX. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATE 1. THE CELESTIAL SPHERE 2. THE SEASONS AND THE TIDES 3. THE INNER PLANETS 4. THE OUTER PLANETS 5. THE SIZE OF THE PLANETS 6. PHASES OF THE PLANETS AND OF THE RINGS OF SATURN 7. SYSTEMS OF SATELLITES 8. MAP OF MARS 1896-97. A. E. DOUGLASS, LOWELL OBSERVATORY 9. JUPITER AND SATELLITE I. 0. LOHSE ; E. E. BARNARD - 10. SATURN, JULY 2ND, 1894. E. E. BARNARD - 11. A GUEAT SUN SPOT, 1898, SEPT. HTH. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH - 12. (a.) SOLAU PROMINENCES DRAWN WITH THE SPECTROSCOPE BY J. FENYI, 1895, JULY 15TH (6.) SOLAR PROMINENCES PHOTOGRAPHED BY E. E. BARNARD DURING THE TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN, 1900 MAY 23RD 13. PATHS OF SPOTS ACROSS THE SUN'S Disc 14. ECLIPSES, AND PHASES OF THE MOON 15. PATHS OF TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSES, 1901-1950 - 16. THE SOLAR CORONA. PHOTOGRAPHED DURING TOTAL ECLIPSES OF THE SUN : (1) 1871, DEC. 12TH (2) 1882, MAY UTH (3) 1893, APRIL 16TH (4) 1878, JULY 29tH-(5) 1889, JAN. IST (6) 1900, MAY 23RD - 17. COMET OF DONATI, OCT. STH, 1858. G. P. BOND, HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY 18. HOLMES' COMET AND THE ANDROMEDA NEBULA BROOKS' COMET, 1893, IV. OCT. 20TH AND 21ST. E. E. BARNARD - " 19. PERRINE'S COMET, 1902, III. 30m. REFLECTOR, ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH GREAT COMET OF 1901, MAY 4TH, MCCLEAN TELESCOPE, ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE 20. THE MOON, REGION OF THE MARE SERENITATIS, G. W. RITCHEY, 40-iN. REFRACTOR, YERK.ES OBSERVATORY 20A. KEY MAP TO DITTO - 21. THE MOON. REGION OF CLAVIUS AND TYCHO, G. W. RITCHEY, 40-iN. REFRACTOR, YERKES OBSERVATORY 2lA. KEY MAP TO DITTO 22. THE MOON. REGION OF COPERNICUS, G. W. RITCHEY, 40-m. REFRACTOR, YERKES OBSERVATORY To follow page 6 To follow page 14. To follow page 20. To follow page 24 To follow page 34 Xll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 22A. KEY MAP TO DITTO 23. CHART OF THE MOON, FIRST QUADRANT 24. ,, ,, SECOND - 25 - . THIRD J-To follow page 34 26. t ,, ,, FOURTH ,, 27-38. THE MOON, SRD DAY TO 14TH DAY 27A-38A. KEY MAPS TO DITTO 39-50. MONTHLY STAR MAPS, JANUARY TO DECEMBER To follow page 48 51-70. GENERAL STAR MAPS, SECTIONS 1-20 - - ~| 71. NORTHERN INDEX MAP - - \-To follow page 53 72. SOUTHERN ,, ,, 73. THE GREAT NEBULA IN ORION, G. W. RITCHEY, 2-FT. REFLECTOR, YERKES OBSERVATORY 74. THE GREAT NEBULA IN ANDROMEDA (M. 31), G. \V. RITCHEY, 2 FT. REFLECTOR, YERKES OBSERVATORY 75. PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN WITH 24 IN. REFLECTOR, W. E. WILSON, DARAMONA, IRELAND : (1) THE GLOBULAR CLUSTER IN HERCULES (2) AN IRREGULAR NEBULA IN CYGNUS 76. SPIRAL NEBULA IN CANES VENATICI (M. 51), J. E. KEELER, CROSSLEY REFLECTOR, LICK OBSERVATORY 77. THE RING NEBULA IN LYRA (M. 57), J. E. KEELER, CUOSSLEY REFLECTOR, LICK OBSERVATORY 78. THE DUMB-BELL NEBULA IN VULPECULA, J. E. KEELER, CROSSLEY REFLECTOR, LICK OBSERVATORY - To follow page 64 79. THE NERJJL.E IN THE PLEIADES, ISAAC ROBERTS, 20-iN. REFLECTOR, CROW- BOROUGH, SUSSEX - 80. THE PLEIADES, FROM PHOTOGRAPH BY P. AND P. HENRY, PARIS OBSERVATORY 80A. KEY PLATE, TO DITTO - 81. THE MILKY WAY AROUND THE STAR CLUSTER, MESSIER 11, E. E. BARNARD, 6-iN. PORTRAIT LENS, LICK OBSERVATORY - 82. NOVAPERSEI PHOTOGRAPHS BY A. STANLEY WILLIAMS, BRIGHTON. (1) BEFORE THE APPEARANCE OP THE NOVA ; (2) THE NOVA TUB MOVING NEBULA SUR- ROUNDING NOVA PERSEI. DRAWN BY G. W. RITCHEY FROM PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN WITH 24-IN. REFLECTOR, YBliKES OBSERVATORY : (3) 1901, SEPTEMBER 20TH ; (4) 1901, NOVEMBER 13TH 83. STANDARD TIME . - - - - - To follow page 82 CHAPTER 1. PLATES 1 y Capricornus. 20 to 150 ... IV. Si Leo. 300 to 330 ... X. ^ Aquarius. 50 to 180 ... V. "B Virgo. 330 to 360 ... XL X Pisces. PLATE 3. THE ORBITS OF THE INNER PLANETS. In the attempt to represent the orbits of celestial bodies on maps or charts, it must always be remembered that, except in the case of orbits which happen to lie in the same plane it is impossible to depict on any drawing the veritable position of more than one. We are obliged to resort to some process of a more or less artificial character. For instance, we take the plane of the Ecliptic, that is, the Earth's orbit, as the plane of the paper, and then we simply lay down on it the orbits of the other bodies, notwithstanding that their planes are inclined to the Ecliptic. The points in which the real orbit passes through the plane of representation are called the Nodes, the ascending node being that at which the planet passes from the southerly to the northerly side of the plane. Each orbit may be conceived to be turned around its line of nodes till its plane coincides with the Ecliptic. It is thus tha Plate III. is produced. The path which every planet describes is an ellipse, and the Sun is situated in one of the two foci of the ellipse, S or H. The longest diameter of the ellipse, P A, which passes through the two foci, is called the major axis; the diameter X Y, at right angles to it, is the minor axis, and the two intersect in the centre, 0, of the ellipse. The points A and P are the Apsides of the ellipse. We will suppose the Sun is in the focus Y TEE ELLIPSH. THE CEBITS OF THE INNER PLANETS. 5 S in the figure, and that a planet is describing, under its attraction, the ellipse. The ellipse is called its orbit. The point P, nearest to the Sun, is the Perihelion of the orbit ; the point A, farthest away, is the Aphelion. The half major axis, P, which is also equal to the distance S X, is called the mean distance. The ratio of O S to O P is the eccentricity of the orbit ; the smaller this ratio is, the more does the ellipse resemble a circle. The orbits of the more important planets all have small eccentricities. It will be convenient to give here the symbols which are in use for the Sun, Moon, and Planets, and certain other signs used occasionally in this work. Explanation of Astronomical Symbols and Abbreviations. O The Sun. > 190 f- Pro E- C. Pickering announced the confirmation of the discovery of a ninth satellite of Saturn, nailer ' ' n P hot S ra P hs m ls99 - Its period is about 1 years, and its distance from Saturn about 8,000,000 THE SATELLITES OF UKANUS : Mean distance from Periodic Time. Centre of Planet. Days hrs. mins. sees. Ariel 120,000 miles 2 12 29 21 Umbriel 167,000 4 3 27 37 Titania 273,000 8 16 56 30 Oberon 365,000 13 11 7 6 THI: SATELLITK OF NEPTUNE : (Nameless) 221,500 5 21 2 38 The satellites of Mars are a remarkable pair. The inner, Phobos, is the only satellite that revolves faster than its primary rotates. In consequence of this, it must rise in the west, and set in the east. The outer satellite, Deimos, revolves in a period so little greater than that of the planet that it goes through all its phases twice between the times of rising and setting. The four well known satellites of Jupiter are almost always called by their numbers ; their names, which have almost fallen into disuse, are therefore placed in brackets. The fifth satellite, discovered by Barnard in 1892, still remains without a name. Recent measures have given the following values for the diameter of the four large satellites of Jupiter, and of Titan, the largest of the satellites of Saturn. I. 2,500 miles. III. 3,600 miles. II. 2,200 IV. 3,300 Titan ... 2,900 miles. But it is very probable that, on account of the effect of irradiation, these diameters may be several hundred miles too large. The diameters of the other satellites of our system are, for the present, beyond the reach of measurement. If we measure the amount of light they reflect from the sun, and make some assumption as to their albedo, or light reflecting power, we can estimate roughly the probable diameters of the others. One finds that the Phobos and Deimos are probably about 10 and 30 miles in diameter, the fifth satellite of Jupiter, 100. PLATE 8. MAP OF MARS. The selection for this work of a representation of the surface of the planet Mars is a matter of great difficulty. Observers of Mars are divided into two camps those who see the canals and those who do not. The former are in the strong position that they are perfectly 12 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. sure that they see what they represent in their drawings ; the latter declare that under the finest possible conditions of observation, and with the most perfect instruments, they can see nothing resembling the straight markings which are known as canals. And further, they bring forward experiments which make it clear that irregularly disposed markings imperfectly seen, give the effect of straight streaks, by an optical illusion. The interest which has been excited by the speculations based upon the drawings of these apparently artificial markings makes it impossible to present a chart of Mars in which the canals are omitted. We give, therefore, a reproduction of the chart of Mars made at the Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, by Mr. A. E. Douglass, from a study of all the drawings made there by various observers during the opposition of 1896-97. At the same time it is necessary to give the caution that some of the very best observers deny altogether the truth of this representation of the planet. Our difficulty is increased by the fact that there are two rival systems of nomenclature for the features of Mars an earlier system in which the so-called lands and seas are named after modern Astronomers Herschel, Leverrier, Dawes, &c., and a later, in which the names are taken from classical geography and mythology. The later system seems likely to prevail, and we have adopted it in the present work. It is useless to give a catalogue of some 400 names of markings whose very existence is in dispute. We confine ourselves therefore to naming some of the more prominent features, to which a number is affixed in the plate. 1. Fastigium Aryn. 13. Mare Tyrrhenium. 2. Margaritifer Sinus. 14. Syrtis Minor. 3. Mare Erythraeum. 15. Syrtis Major. 4. Aurorae Sinus. 16. Cerberus (Canal). 5. Ganges (Canal). 17. Marc Icarium. 6. Lunae lacus. 18. Edom promontorium. 7. Solis lacus. 19. Hellas. 8. Sirenius lacus. 20. Ausonia. 9. Mare Sirenum. 21. Trivium Charontis 10. Eumenides (Canal). 22. Orcus (Canal). 11. Mare Cimmerium. 23. Pyriphlegethon. 12. Charontis lacus. 24. Mare Chronium. It should be understood that in the unsteady air of England it is almost hopeless to expect to see many of the finer details. Not even in the most favourable climates are they to be seen always, or all at once. And much training of the eye is required before it is fit to decide for or against the existence of these details on the very verge of invisibility. PLATU 9. JUPITER AND SATELLITE I. Owing to the absence of permanent features on Jupiter it is not possible to give a map of the planet. From year to year the position and breadth of the belts change, the tints of the surface change, and the shape and character of the spots change. Under these circum- stances the best that can be done is to present drawingsof the planet which are typical, yet possess features of more than average interest. We therefore select a set of drawings covering the period when the '' great red spot " was most conspicuous. It was first seen in July 1878, and JUPITER. 13 in the following year it was the most conspicuous feature on the planet (Figs. 4, 5, 6). In 1880 and 1881 it changed but little (Figs. 7, 8, 9, 12), but after that began, to fade ; and at the present time it is visible only as an indentation or scar on the southern equatorial belt. It was evident almost from the first that its period of rotation was not the same as that of the average spot in the belt near it. These gained 22 sees, upon it at each rotation. And though the spot is more or less permanent its own time of rotation has changed by 6 s , and for these facts no satisfactory theory has been suggested. The satellites of Jupiter were the first discoveries made with the telescope, and they remain the most beautiful and interesting objects that a small telescope can show. Their eclipses and occupations and transits over the planet's disc are predicted in the Nautical Almanac year by year, to which reference may be made also for the configuration of the satellites each night. With a very powerful telescope the phenomenon of the transit of satellite I. is very curiously varied. The figures are from drawings made by Prof. Barnard at the Lick Observa- tory. It had been noticed that when Satellite I. was crossing the disc of the planet, is sometimes appeared double and sometimes very elongated. The drawings supply the explanation. The satellite, not unlike its primary, has a bright equatorial region and darker poles. When it is projected upon a dark belt of a planet the former alone is seen ; when upon a bright belt the latter. The drawing made November 19, 1893, shows the phenomena most completely. The satellite was seen against the boundary separating a bright from a dark belt ; and it was also partly superposed upon its own shadow. It is scarcely necessary to add that, since the whole apparent diameter of the satellite is little more than a second of arc, it requires the finest telescope and skill to see what is here shown. PLATE 10. SATURN. We are indebted again to Professor Barnard and the Lick telescope for the drawing which has been chosen to illustrate the appearance of the planet Saturn. Although spots are sometimes seen upon the planet, they are uncommon, and the surface markings are usually no more than a few vague dusky belts ; the interest lies in the rings. In looking at the plate we must imagine the sun behind us and a little to the left. The shadow of the ball is seen upon the rings (at the right hand limb) and the shadow of the rings is seen upon the ball (above). The Cassini division was plainly visible all round, but the Encke division in the outer ring was not visible at the time ; it seems to be a thin place in the ring rather than an actual division. The dusky, or crape ring, showed steely blue against the sky, and at its inner edge was so transparent that the planet could be seen through it. Where it joins the inner ring there is no division, but the two rings merge rapidly the one into the other. The brightest part of the whole is the outer edge of the inner bright ring. Since this drawing was made the rings have opened out to their fullest extent, and are now (1903) closing in again as the planet approaches the interesting point in its orbit where the rings are seen edgewise. ^^AARV^ 'UNIVERSITY^ CALIFOR*^ 3 o a CO g 8_ in h Q. D i li i (15) CHAPTER III. PLATES 11 & 12. THE SUN. A very important branch of the work of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, is the daily record, by photography, of the number and size of the spots which appear upon the Sun's surface. To fill the gaps caused by cloudy weather in England photographs are taken also in India and Mauritius, and are sent home to Greenwich, so that there are very few days in the year for which there is no record. The purpose of this continuous survey of the Sun is to determine the laws which govern the changes in the area and position of the spots. It is well-known that the number of spots reaches a maximum about every eleven years ; that at the beginning of each new period the spots are found in higher solar latitudes than at the end ; and that there is an unmistakable, but unexplained, connection between the frequency of Sun spots, of displays of the Aurora Borealis, and of terrestrial magnetic storms. One of the finest Sun-spot photographs ever taken at Greenwich is reproduced, by permission of the Astronomer Royal, in Plate 11. The structure of the group is very complex. Every large spot is accompanied by a crowd of smaller spots, which change comparatively quickly. A large regular spot consists of two well-defined portions the black central -umbra and the surrounding grey penumbra. In the latter, the bright granules which form the photosphere of the Sun are elongated and drawn in towards the centre of the spot, making the structure of the photosphere somewhat like thatch. Very frequently bright bridges are thrown across from one side to the other, and this is generally the prelude to the filling up of the spot. Sun spots are the seat of tremendous activity in the layers of glowing gas lying above the photosphere. The most remarkable of the gaseous prominences, which stand out above the limb of the Sun when it is totally eclipsed, are almost always associated with spots lying beneath them. The lower part of Plate 12 is the reproduction of a photograph taken by Prof. Barnard and Mr. Ritchey during the total eclipse of 1900 May 28th. These prominences are outbursts of hydrogen, calcium, and occasionally of other metallic vapours, which are often thrown up from the surface of the Sun with enormous velocities. The prominences are conspicuously seen during a total eclipse because the glare in our atmosphere, which ordinarily surrounds the Sun, is then for the moment removed. The application of a spectroscopic method now enables us to abolish the effect of this glare at any time, and it is possible to make a daily record of the prominences. The upper part of Plate 12 is a reproduction of a set of drawings of a single prominence made in this manner by Herr Fenyi, at Kalocsa in Hungary, on 1895, July 15. His des- cription is as follows. At 7.10 a.m., Greenwich M.T., a very delicately formed prominence stood precisely on the place where a considerable group of Sun spots was passing out of sight round the limb (Fig. 1). When Fig. 2 was drawn at 7.40, the form of the prominence was 16 POPULAR GUIDE TO THK HEAVENS. changing with extraordinary rapidity. Determinations of the velocity with which parts of the prominence were moving gave results up to 500 miles per second. Fig. 3 was drawn at 8.7 ; Fig. 4 at 8.30, when the prominence had reached its greatest height of about 100,000 miles. At 8.45 its shape had changed very much, and at 9.35, when Fig. 6 was drawn, the great protuberances had completely gone, and the prominence had returned to nearly its appearance of 2i hours before. PLATE 13. PATHS OF SPOTS ACROSS THE SUN'S DISC. By the rotation of the Sun on its axis, the spots appear to be carried across the disc, along paths parallel to its equator. The axis, around which the Sun rotates, is inclined to the ecliptic at an angle of 82 45'. The inclination of the Sun's equatorial plane to the ecliptic is therefore 7 15'. The ascending node of the Sun's equator is the point at which a spot on the equator of the Sun would be carried by the Sun's rotation from the southern to the northern side of the ecliptic, and the longitude of the node is the angle which the direction of this point makes with the direction of the First Point of Aries as seen from the Sun's centre. The actual value of the longitude of the ascending node is 74. Its position is marked on Plate 2. Plate 13 shows the paths along which the spots appear to travel at different dates. They are here represented as actually on the face of the Sun, and not as seen through the inverting telescope that the astronomer ordinarily uses. On December 6th, the Earth is in the line of nodes, and, consequently, in the plane of the Sun's equator, and the paths pursued by the spots will therefore appear projected into straight lines. Again, on June 5th, when the Earth is in the opposite point of its orbit, it will be again in the plane of the Sun's equator, and the paths of the spots will again appear projected into straight lines. On March 4th, the Earth, being then 90 from the node, will be depressed below the Sun's equator by an angle of 7 Q 15', and the paths of the spots will appear as ellipses of considerable curvature, with their convexities towards the north ; while, on September 6th, from the op- posite point of the orbit, the same curves will reappear, only that they will now be convex towards the south. From March till June, and from September till December, the curvature is decreasing, while in the intervening periods corresponding changes take place in the opposite direction. We may describe these changes in a somewhat different way by saying that on June 5th and December 6th both poles of the Sun are visible just on the edge of its disc ; from June to December the north pole only is visible j and from December to June the south pole only can be seen. By the " position angle of the Sun's axis," is meant the angle which the projection of the northern half of the Sun's axis on its apparent disc makes with the meridian passing through the Sun's centre, reckoned positive towards the eastern, and negative towards the western side of the disc. If the observation is made at noon, it is the angle which the direction of the axis makes with the vertical, when the image is viewed projected on a sheet of paper placed behind the eyepiece of an inverting telescope. If the observer's back be turned towards the THE SUN. 17 Sun, the position angle will be positive when the upper half of the axis leans towards the right, and negative when it leans towards the left. On such a projection the cardinal points, N., S., E., W., lie just as they do in an ordinary terrestrial atlas. On January 5th and July 6th, the position angle of the Sun's axis is Zero ; from July 6th it gradually increases in a positive direction until it reaches its greatest value, viz. : + 26 20', on October 10th. From this date it gradually diminishes till January 5th, alter which it becomes negative, reaching its greatest negative value, viz. : - 26 20', on April 5th, and returning once more to Zero on July 6th. PLATE 14. PHASES OF THE MOON: LUNAR AND SOLAR ECLIPSES. Phases of the Moon. The hemisphere of the Moon that is turned towards the Sun is, of course, brilliantly lighted ; the other hemisphere is dark. As the Moon moves in its orbit round the Earth, the illuminated side is turned towards us in varying proportions; and the relation between the phases thus produced and the relative positions of Sun, Earth, and Moon is shown in the upper part of the plate. When the Moon is but a few days old, and appears as a thin crescent, it frequently happens that part of the Moon which is not lit directly by the Sun is seen faintly shining by the reflected " Earth-light," an appearance known as " the old Moon in the new Moon's arms." Eclipses of the Moon. The Sim throws behind the Earth a dark cone of shadow, which reaches a long way beyond the path of the Moon, and if it had happened that the path of the Moon lay precisely in the ecliptic, then, at every full Moon, she would pass through this shadow, and be totally eclipsed. Since, however, the Moon's path makes a small angle with the ecliptic, she usually passes a little above or below the cone of shadow, and escapes eclipse. But, from time to time, the Moon is crossing the ecliptic just about the time of full, and then a partial or total eclipse occurs, and is visible over the whole of that hemisphere of the Earth which is at the moment turned away from the Sun and towards the Moon. It lollows that a total eclipse of the Moon being visible, whenever it occurs, over at least half the Earth is not a very uncommon spectacle. Eclipses of the Sun. The Sun also throws behind the Moon a dark cone of shadow ; smaller than that thrown behind the Earth, because the Moon is smaller ; but just long enough, on the average, to reach the Earth. When the Moon is nearest the Earth, the cone of shadow may cover a space about 170 miles broad ; and, with the motion of the Moon, this shanow-patch sweeps quickly over the Earth. Within the shadow-belt, for a few minutes, the Sun is just a little more than completely obscured by the Moon, and there is a total eclipse of the Sun. When the Moon is iarthest from the' Earth, the shadow-cone does not reach the Earth, so that from no point can the Sun be seen completely obscured ; at best, there is a ring of Sun showing all round the Moon, and the eclipse is annular, At points lying outside the belt of totality, or of annularity, the Sun may be partially obscured by the Moon, and there is a partial eclipse. But the limits within which any eclipse at all is visible are far within the boundary of the whole hemisphere of the Earth which is turned towards the Sun, and consequently eclipses of the Sun of any kind are much more rarely seen at any one place than are eclipses of the Moon. 18 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. PLATE 15. PATHS OF TOTAL ECLIPSES OF THE SUN, 1901-1950. In his great work, "Canon der Finsternisse," Prof. Oppolzer has given maps of the paths of the Moon's shadow over the surface of the Earth for all the total and annular eclipses of the Sun between the years 1207 B.C. and 2162 A.D. From this work Plate 15 has been prepared, showing the tracks of the total eclipses visible between 1901 and 1950 A.D. At the western end of each line the eclipse begins at sunrise ; the point in the middle of each line, where the eclipse is at noon, is marked by a circle ; and at the eastern end of the line the eclipse begins at sunset. An examination of these curves will show in a striking way the repetition of eclipses in a period of about eighteen years and eleven days, which period, known to the Chaldeans, is called the Saros. Take, as an example, the Great Eclipse of 1901 May 18th, occuring at inid-day in long. 97 E., lat. 2 5'. We have on our Plate three eclipses of this series, viz. : Lat. Long. 1901 May 18 ... Eclipse at mid-day in 97 E. 2 S. 1919 29 ... 18 W. 4 N. 1937 June 8 ... 131 W. 10 N. And later eclipses of the same series are : 1955 June 20 ... Eclipse at mid-day in 117 E. 15 N. 1973 30 ... 6 W. 19 N. 1991 July 11 ... 105 W. 22 N. The centre of the track of the eclipse is gradually moving north, and is at each repetition about seven hours, or 105, farther west in longitude. Let us take as another example the history of the eclipse which will be total in England in June, 1927. The dates of the three eclipses of this series represented on our Plate are : 1909 June 17. | 1927 June 29. | 1945 July 9. The first begins in Siberia, crosses close to the North Pole, and runs down the west coast of Greenland. The second begins in the Atlantic, south-west of Ireland, crosses Great Britain, runs up Norway, through the Arctic Ocean, and ends south of Behring Straits. The third begins in Canada, crosses Greenland and northern Norway, and ends in Central Asia. It will be seen that the circumstances of the path of an eclipse are very complex, especially when its centre is in high latitudes, and the reason for this may be readily under- stood if one looks at a globe, tilted with respect to the Sun, according to the time of the year of the eclipse, and considers how the shadow of a body, the Moon, passing between the Sun and the globe would cut across the tilted lines of latitude and longitude. PLATE 16. TYPICAL SOLAR CORONAE. By far the most beautiful feature of the totally-eclipsed Sun is the corona of pale white light which Hashes out as soon as the dazzling photosphere is completely covered by the TYPICAL SOLAR COR01OE. 19 Moon. In the three or four minutes which is the average duration of totality it is almost impossible to draw or describe the very complex structure of this appendage of the Sun. But, for the last twenty-five or thirty years, almost every eclipse has been successfully photographed. A reference to Plate 15 will show the arduous character of the journeys which are often involved in eclipse-observation. The six photographs which are reproduced in Plate 16 were taken as follows : 1. 1871. Dec. 12. H. Davis. Baikul, India. 2. 1882. May 17. Abney aud Schuster. Egypt. 3. 1893. April 16. J. Kearney. Fundium, W. Africa. 4. 1878. July 29. W. Harkness. Wyoming. 5. 1889. Jan. 1. W. H. Pickering. California. 6. 1900. May 28. E. E. Barnard. Wadesborough, N. Carolina. The photographs have been arranged in two sets, in which it will be seen that the corona is of distinctly different types. In the first set 1871, 1882, 1893 the corona is fairly equally distributed right round the limb of the Sun ; in the second set 1878, 1889, 1900 the corona has large equatorial extensions, aud at the poles it is broken up into short, distinct streamers. Further, it will be noticed that the interval between successive photographs in each set is about eleven years the sun-spot period; the first set fall near the times of sun-spot maximum, the second near times of sun-spot minimum. Not very much is known of the nature of the corona. The streamers shine largely, if not entirely, by reflected light from the Sun, and must, therefore, be composed of small particles. Diffused amongst them, but probably not sharing in their radial structure, is an unknown gas called, for convenience, " coronium." That some of the detailed structure of the corona is connected with underlying sun-spots and prominences is certain. But the most significant fact is the evident dependence of the forces which determine the form of the corona upon the same cause, whatever it may be, which produces the periodicity of the sun- spots, disturbance of the magnet, and aurorae. The corona and prominences alike are ordinarily invisible to us, because they are not nearly so bright as the flare in our atmosphere which seems to surround the Sun. The spectroscope has made it possible to observe the prominences continuously ; but, up to the present, no method has been found of viewing the corona except during the rare minutes of a total eclipse. Plate 12. BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. SOLAR PROMINENCES. Drawn with the spectroscope by J. FENYI, 1895, July 15th. SOLAR PROMINENCES. PhotoHraohed by E. E. BARNARD durina the Total Eclipse of the Sun. 1900, May 28th. > x\>^ i: ' x^ 'UNIVERSITY of BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. Plate 16. (21) CHAPTER IV. PLATE 17. DONATI'S COMET. This, the most famous comet of the 19th Century, was discovered by Donati at Florence, on June 2nd, 1858, as a small telescopic object approaching the Sun. Not for nearly three months did it become visible to the naked eye, but thence, right up to the time of its perihelion passage, at the end of September, it grew rapidly in brightness until its starlike nucleus was as bright as the Pole star. During September its tail was directed nearly towards the Earth, and, though bright, was seen so much foreshortened that its effect was greatly marred ; but as the comet passed perihelion and began to recede from the Sun, its path, by good fortune, was most favourably placed. The splendid plumed tail then lay almost at right angles to the line of sight, and its whole length was for the first time displayed. Other comets have had longer tails, though this was more than forty million miles long, but none have surpassed Donati's comet in beauty. The main tail, the curved plume, was of the type shown afterwards by the spectroscope to consist of hydrocarbons ; the thin straight streamers are of the hydrogen type. Evaporated, apparently, from the nucleus of the comet by the heat of the Sun, the particles of the tail are repelled from the Sun by some force whose nature is still problematical, and driven backwards from it with a speed which must be comparable with that of the speed of light itself. On the evening of October 5th, Donati's comet was at its best, when its motion involved the bright star Arcturus in the brightest part of its tail, through which the star shone imdimmed. Our plate, which was drawn by Prof. Bond, at the Harvard College Observatory, shows Arcturus close to the comet's head, while its tail sweeps up between the Great Bear and the Northern Crown. PLATE 18. No. 1. HOLMES' COMET AND THE ANDROMEDA NEBULA. On Nov. 6, 1892, Mr. Edwin Holmes discovered in London a comet which was in many ways remarkable. When found it was close to the great nebula in Andromeda, and its motion was so slow that, throughout the month of November, it could be photographed on the same plate with the nebula. Plate 18 is a reproduction of a photograph taken at the Lick Observatory, on November 10th, by Professor Barnard, who describes the comet as 22 POPULAR GUIDE TO, THE HEAVENS. "round, and sharply defined like a planetary nebula, with a symmetrical, nebulous atmosphere surrounding it for some distance." The after-history of this comet is very curious. By the middle of December, it had grown so exceedingly faint and ill-defined that scarcely any telescope could show it. But, in the middle of January, it suddenly brightened up, and condensed into a small, hazy, star-like object, after which it again became diffuse, and finally vanished. The comet's orbit was equally remarkable. It lay entirely between Mars and Jupiter, in the zone of the minor planets ; and it has even been suggested that the comet was not a comet at all, but the result of some celestial accident such as a collision which had befallen an asteroid. Nos. 2 AND 3. COMET a 1893, IV. (BROOKS.) This comet, though small and, as a visual object, insignificant was, in some ways, the most remarkable comet that has yet been studied by photography. The plate is a reproduc- tion of part of a series of photographs taken by Professor Barnard at the Lick Observatory. The motion of the comet was towards the north-east, the left-hand top corner of the picture. On 1893, Oct. 20th, the tail was straight, but gradually widening towards the end ; on the next day, the date of the second picture, it had been completely transformed. The tail is very much distorted, as if the matter of which it is formed had encountered some resistance. On the following day, October 22nd, the tail was completely wrecked, and large portions of it were detached. In our ignorance of the way in which a comet's tail is produced and main- tained, it is scarcely possible to say anything definite by way of explanation of these changes. That the comet had encountered some resisting medium is a plausible conjecture, but nothing more. PLATE 19. COMET 1901. I. The Great Comet of 1901, visible in the Southern Hemisphere, was by far the finest comet that had been seen for twenty years. It appeared very suddenly on April 24th, and was discovered independently by several persons in South Africa and Australia. It was then at perihelion, and visible only just before sunrise, but during the succeeding days it passed, apparently, still closer to the Sun, and was lost in the daylight. By May 3rd it was sufficiently clear of the Sun to be visible in the evening twilight, and on May 4th the photograph, from which Plate 19 is made, was taken at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, with the Victoria telescope, in twilight. The tail is noticeably unsymmetrical, streaming from each side of the nucleus, but much more strongly on the south-west side. About this time there appeared on the same side a long, straight, faint tail, making an angle of about 30 with the axis of the main tail, and as the comet got away from the Sun into darker sky, this tail could be traced for about 25, the extreme length of the main tail being about 7. COMETS. 23 COMET b 1902. III. (PERRINE.) This was an excellent example of the kind of comet which raises false hopes when it is reported in the papers as " visible to the naked eye." At its brightest it was little more conspicuous than the Andromeda nebula, witli which few people are familiar as a naked-eye object. ; in the telescope, it was an almost formless patch of light, with a vague tail. The photograph taken at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, on Sept. 29, 1902 shows the tail strongly cleft. Six divisions can be counted in the original from which the plate was made. This photograph was made with an exposure of 62m. The comet was in rapid motion amongst the stars, and the telescope with which the photograph was made was kept pointed precisely to it ; in consequence of this, the stars appear as trails, and give a precise idea of the amount by which the comet had moved during the hour which was needed to secure this picture. O < O < f- z < a: > < a: m u LJ OQ J u _2 J a - 2 c be v ^ 1 S 5 ft O < uj a: 5 UJ ^ o O ca O O uj >: * o o X y z UJ UJ C - O - O* { \l O a: U uj c/l trt OD Lj O Z j a: < on > uj o Du o (25) CHAPTER V.THE MOON. PLATES 20, 21 & 22. The three photographs here reproduced were taken at the Yerkes Observatory with the great telescope, temporarily converted into a photographic telescope by the device of photo- graphing through a screen of yellow glass in contact with the plate. Plate 20 shows the region of the Mare Serenitatis and the Apennines. The Mare is more than 400 miles across, and is singularly free from Craters. The appearance in the photograph of the curious serpentine ridge towards its western border is a good example of the importance of selecting the right moment for studying any particular lunar object. When the photograph was taken this ridge was conspicuous : had it been taken a few hours later the ridge would have disappeared. It is really very low, so that it soon loses its shadow, and as soon as that happens it is no longer distinguishable. The bright, white spot Linn has a long history. It was drawn by old observers as a deep crater. For many years it has been merely a bright spot, with scarcely any depression at all. Opinions differ widely as to the reality of any change ; perhaps, on the whole, the evidence is in favour of something having happened. But the doubt as to the trustworthiness of the old observations emphasises the value of photographs such as these, which could scarcely give a wrong verdict on such a point. Craters differ much in their brightness ; Alfraganus and Dionysius have exceptionally brilliant walls ; Julius Csesar and Boscovich are very dark. The boundary of Julius Csesar towards Sosigenes has a broken down and denuded appearance ; the deep valley alongside it has probably been formed by the fusion of several craters, which are frequently found three or four in a row close together. The Apennines and the Caucasus of the Moon are mountainous regions much more resembling those of the Earth than do the lunar mountains in general. The peaks run up to 18,000 and 20,000 feet, and the N.E. boundary of the Apennines is a very steep cliff, not well shown in the photograph, which shows it under a setting sun. There is a curious contrast between the craters Archimedes and Aristillus. The former, though 50 miles in diameter, has its crater floor only some 600 feet below the plain outside. Its walls, about 5,000 feet high, look broken and denuded, and the crater has the appearance of having been filled up nearly to the brim by an outflow of lava. In Aristillus, on the contrary, the depth from brim to floor is 11,000 feet ; the central peak and terraces are preserved, and the plain all round is covered as if with the debris of relatively late eruptions. In Plate 21 we have a picture of the most rugged and broken part of the Moon's surface. The crater Tycho at sunrise, as shown here, is relatively undistinguished, though of such size that Mont Blanc would stand on its floor, and from its summit it would not be possible to see over the crater wall. But as the Moon gets toward full, while most of the other craters become hard to see Clavius, for example, almost entirely disappears under the perpendicular illumination Tycho stands out conspicuously brilliant, the centre of a system of radiating bright streaks, whose nature is a mystery. They go straight across mountains and plains ; there is only one well-marked case, Saussure, in which the streak seems to turn aside to avoid a mountain. 26 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. It is curious that in the district around Clavius the western walls of the craters are generally higher than the eastern. In Clavius itself, a peak of the western wall stands 17,000 feet above the floor, and the deepest of the smaller craters within is 6,000 feet deep. At the extreme bottom of the picture, below and to the left of Pitatus, is the Straight Wall, recognised only by its shadow. The wall is almost perfectly straight, 60 miles long, and about 1,000 feet high. It is much steeper on the east than on the west side, and is, perhaps, better called a cliff than a wall. PLATE 22. In Copernicus and the region around it we find lunar scenery on the grandest scale. The crater itself is about 60 miles in diameter ; the highest peak is more than 12,000 feet above the floor ; the central mountain above 2,000 feet high. The successive terraces of the wall are said to resemble those of the crater of Teneriffe : the ridges running down on to the plain suggest outpourings of lava. To the north is Mt. Carpathus with an enormous c'eft. To the west the whole plain is riddled like a sieve with small craters. The line of these small craters running north and south, and becoming at the north end a deep cleft, suggests the question : Are these small craters formed along a pre-existing cleft, or is the cleft, as we see it, formed by the amalgamation of a number of small craters in a line ? PLACE OF THE MOON. From the monthly maps, 39 50, the positions of the Moon at different periods in the lunation can be learned. In the first place, it is to be noted that our Satellite lies always in or close to that part of the sky marked as the " Track of the Planets." When it is full the Moon is in opposition, and comes on the meridian at midnight, and hence we have the following rule : Look out the monthly map for the month in question, then the full Moon lies in that part of the heavens where the " Track of the Planets " crosses the central meridian, already defined to be the line drawn on the map from the North point to the South point. Example 1. In what Constellation does the full Moon appear in September 1 Solution. The answer is given by Plate 47, where the " Track of the Planets " crosses the central meridian in Pisces, which indicates the required position. Example 2. When is the full Moon near the Pleiades ? Solution. Plate 49 shows the Pleiades on the central meridian, and accordingly November is the answer to the question. To find the position of the Moon at the time of the first quarter, the following is the method. Look out the monthly map for three months preceding the given date, then the constellation in or near which the Moon lies at the first quarter is shown at the intersection of the " Track of the Planets " with the central meridian. Example. In what constellation does the first quarter Moon appear in June ? Solution. The map three months earlier is Plate 41 for March. This shows the inter- section of the " Track of the Planets " and the central meridian in Virgo, which is accordingly the answer required. To find the position of the Moon at the time of the last quarter, the following is the method. Look out the monthly map for three months following the given date, then the Constellation in or near which the Moon lies at the last quarter is shown at the intersection of the " Track of the Planets " with the central meridian. THE MOON. 27 Example. In what constellation does the last quarter Moon appear in July 1 Solution. The map three months later is Plate 48, which shows that the constellation is Aries. It ought to be observed that, on account of the rapid motion of the Moon, only a rough indication of its place can be expected from the process here given, and that the accuracy will be greater the nearer the phase in question happens to the middle of the month. The foregoing problems can also be solved by the more general method now to be described. The Table of Moon Age shows the position in the heavens which the Moon occupies at any age in any month. The use of this Table is as follows. Enter the table in the verticle column bearing the name of the month. Then take the age in that column nearest the given age, and the figure at the left on the same row gives the number of the monthly map in which the region where the Moon is situated lies on the " central meridian " where the " Track of the Planets " crosses it. THE TABLE OF MOON AGE. Map. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 39 14 12 10 7 5 3 29 25 23 20 18 16 40 17 14 12 10 7 5 3 27 25 23 21 19 41 19 16 15 12 10 8 5 2 28 25 23 21 42 22 19 17 14 12 10 8 5 1 26 24 43 25 22 21 16 14 12 10 7 4 2 28 26 44 27 25 23 18 16 14 11 9 7 4 2 29 45 29 27 25 20 18 16 14 11 9 7 5 2 46 2 27 25 21 18 16 14 11 9 7 4 47 5 2 29 27 24 20 18 16 14 11 10 7 48 7 4 3 27 23 20 18 16 14 12 9 49 10 7 5 3 27 23 20 18 16 14 11 50 12 9 8 5 2 27 23 20 18 16 14 Example 1. Where does the Moon lie when four days old in October ? Solution. The October column in the Table of Moon Age being referred to, the sixth figure from the top gives 4, the age of the Moon, and the figure at the end of that row on the left is 44. This monthly map shows that the Moon must then be in or near Sagittarius. Example 2. What will be the age of the Moon when on the meridian at 10 P.M. in August ? Solution. At 10 P.M. in August, the heavens will be as in Plate 45. Therefore we refer to the row for Map 45 in the Table of Moon Age, which shows, under the column August, that the moon must then be about 11 days old. Example 3. Determine when the Moon, at the first quarter, has a specially high altitude. Solution. The heavens must be as in Plate 49, which refers us to the last row but one of the Table. For the Moon to be 7 days old we look under the column February, in which month the heavens are as in Plate 49 about 6 P.M. POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. PLATES 23 TO 38. THE LUNAR OBJECTS. TERMINOLOGY OF LUNAR QUADRANTS. Moon in Inverting Telescope. For the study of the Lunar formations, Plates 23 to 38 have been specially drawn. As the astronomical telescope shows the Moon turned upside down, and with right and left interchanged, the maps of our Satellite are represented accord- ingly. The four quadrants (Plates 23, 24, 25, 26) are designated in the manner shown in the annexed figure. For ob- servations of theMoon, the "terminator"' or boundary between light and shade, is the place where the objects are best seen, and Plates 23 38 of the present Atlas have been arranged to facilitate observation of the Lunar formations on the terminator at various ages, from new to full. The terminators for each day of a lunation are marked on the quad- rants; the morning terminator being that when the Sun is rising on the ob- ject in question. The quadrants also enable the latitudes and longitudes of Lunar objects to be found. As the Moon is so much more con- veniently observed from new to full, than from full to new, it is the former series of changes that have been more particularly provided for. The tele- scopic view of the Crescent Moon, 3 days old, is shown in Plate 27. On the oppo- site page an index outline is given on which each of the formations receives a special number or letter. The name of the formation may be found by looking out the number or letter in the Catalogue of Lunar formations ; but for greater convenience in reference, the names of the chief objects visible in each phase are set out on the Index outline as well. As the Moon grows day by day, the terminator changes, and an ever varying series of objects is presented. A special Plate is therefore given for each day of the Moon's age, from the 3rd up to the 14th, when the Moon is full. Before the third day the Moon is so close to the Sun that observations cannot be made with advantage. Suppose, for instance, that the Moon is 9 days old. The observer then refers to Plate 33. On the terminator, a little below the middle, he notes a fine crater, and desires to learn its name. The Index outline assigns the Number 380, and the list on the margin shows that this feature is named " Copernicus." The observer will be able to trace the same object with lessening detail up to the time of Full Moon. See Plates 34 to 38. From the comparison of any one of these Plates with the figure on this page, it appears that Copernicus must lie THE MOON. 29 in the " Second Quadrant" or on Plate 24, where the great crater will be found again as No. 380, a conspicuous object at 20 East longitude, and 10 North latitude. Along the top of Plate 24 are shown the positions of the terminators at corresponding ages of the Moon. It will be noted that the morning terminator on the 9th day passes through Copernicus. So also does the evening terminator on the 24th, so that if the observer desires to study Copernicus when illuminated by the sunlight from the opposite side, he may repeat his observation 15 days later. As another illustration, let us suppose the Moon to be 4 days old, and that after com- paring the Moon with Plate 28 we desire to know the name of that large round dark patch, a little below the centre, which lies midway between the limb and the terminator. The Index outline shews it marked A, and from the reference to the margin or to the Catalogue the object is identified as the Mare Crisium. It is represented in Plate 23 as A. near the top at the left. To show the mode of representing the ranges of Lunar mountains, we may suppose the stu- dent to be looking at the Moon a little after the first quarter, say on the eighth day, as on Plate 32. He notices a remarkable formation a little below the centre. The Index outline labels this object c, and the margin shows that we are looking at the lunar Apennines. Plate 24 exhibits the Apennines pointing towards Copernicus. Suppose that a view of some particular formation of known name be specially desired, the process is as follows. Look it out in the Index at the end of this volume, the first reference is to the quadrant, and the next is to the plate where the object is represented on the terminator. Thus, for instance, to find the position of Plato. The Index shows first of all that it lies on Plate 24, that is, in the Second Quadrant. The next reference is to Plate 32, which shows the object lying near the terminator when the Moon is 8 days old. There are further references to 33, 34, and 35, where the object is also visible. The evening terminator on Plate 24 shows that when this object is suitably placed for observations with the opposite illumination, the Moon is about 23 days old. The subsequent references in the Index are to those pages of the Introduction in which the object is mentioned. The beginner should, however, be apprised that even with the assistance which it is hoped that these maps will afford him, considerable pains are often required to identify the lunar objects. In the first place, various causes produce what are known as librations of the Moon, whose effect is that the Moon does not always turn precisely the same face toward us. The maps are accommodated to a state of mean libration, and the student must not be surprised if he finds an object sometimes higher and sometimes lower than its position in the map would have led him to expect. These changes often produce considerable variations in the appearance of the lunar formations. It must also be remembered that the age of the Moon cannot be always exactly that of the map which comes nearest to it. This will often involve considerable alterations in the appearance of the lunar formations from those which they present at the exact phase which the map depicts. The elucidation of the several points which thus arise will afford much interesting occupation, and will, it is hoped, lead the student to a close acquaintance with the beautiful scenery of our Satellite. 30 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. CATALOGUE OF LUNAR OBJECTS. Figures refer to the Number of the Crater or similar formation, capital letters refer to the so-called " Seas," and small letters refer to the Mountain Ranges and isolated Mountains. 1 Langrenus. 2 Kastner. 3 Vendelinus. 4 Maclaurin. 5 Hecataeus. 6 Ansgarius. 7 Petavius. 8 Wrpttesley. 9 Palitzsch. 10 Ease. 11 Lerendre. 12 Wilhelra Humboldt. 13 Phillips. 14 Furnerius. 15 Stevinus. 16 Snellius. 17 Adams. 18 Marinus. 19 Fraunhofer. 20 Oken. 21 Vega. 22 Pontecoulant. 23 Biela. 24 Hagecius. 25 Boussingault. 26 Boguslawsky. 27 Schomberger. 28 Webb. 29 Messier. 30 Lubbock. 31 Godenius. 32 Guttemberg. 33 Magelhaens. 34 Colombo. 35 Cook. 36 Santbech. 37 McClure. 38 Crozier. 39 Bellot. 40 Borda. 41 Reichenbach. 42 Rheita. 43 Neander. 44 Metius. 45 Fabricius. 46 Janssen. 47 Steinheil. 48 Vlacq. 49 Rosen berger. 50 Nearchus. 51 Hommel. 52 Pitiscus. 53 Mutus. 54 Manzinus. 55 Censorinus. 56 Torricelli. 57 Capella. 58 Isidorus. 59 Madler. 60 Bolmenberger. 61 Rosse. 62 Fracastorius. 63 Piccolomini. 64 Stiborius. 65 Riccius. 66 Rabbi Levi. 67 Zagut. 68 Lindenau. 69 Nicolai. 70 Biisching. 71 Buch. 72 Hypatia. 73 Delambre. 74 Tlieon Senr. 75 TlieonJunr. 76 Taylor. 77 Alfraganus. 78 Kant. 79 Theophilus. 80 Cyrillus. 81 Catharina. 82 Tacitus. 83 Beaumont. 84 Descartes. 85 Abulfeda. 86 Almanon. 87 Geber. 88 Abenezra. 89 Azophi. 90 Sacrobosco. 91 Fermat. 92 Polybius. 93 Pons. 94 Pontanus. 95 Gemma Frisius. 96 Poisson. 97 Aliacensis. 98 Werner. 99 Apianus. 100 Playfair. 101 Blanchinus. 102 La Caille. 103 Delaunay. 104 Faye. 105 Donati. 106 Airy. 107 Argelander. 108 Parrot. 109 Albategnius. 110 Hipparchus. 111 Ilalley. 112 Hind. 113 Horrocks. 114 Rhseticus. 115 Reaumur. 116 Walter. 117 Nonius. 118 Fernelius. 119 Stotler. 120 Faraday. 121 Maurolycus. 122 Barocius. 123 Clairaut. 124 Licetus. 125 Cuvier. 126 Bacon. 127 Jacobi. 128 Lilius. 129 Zach. 130 Kinau. 131 Pentland. 132 Curtius. 133 Simpelius. 134 Miller. 135 Schubert. 136 Apollonius. 137 Firmicus. 138 Azout. THE MOON. 31 CATALOGUE OF LUNAR OBJECTS continued. 139 Ne ;er. 140 C- aid ncet. 141 Belmim. 142 La Peyrouse. 143 Hanno. 144 Le Gentil 145 Tannerus. 146 lluggms. 147 Timoleou. 148 Zeno. 149 Schwabe. 150 Ilunsen. 151 Alhazen. 152 Picard. 153 Pierce. 154 Tarun tins. 155 Secchi. 156 Proclus. 157 Maskelyne. 158 Jansen. 159 Vitruviiis. 160 Maraldi. 161 Cauchy. 162 Eininart. 163 Oriani. 164 Plutarch. Ki5 Seneca. 166 Macrobius. 167 Cleomedes. 168 Tralles. 169 Burckhardt. 170 Hahn. 171 Berosus. 172 Gauss. 173 Geuiinus. 174 Bernouilli. 175 Messala. 176 Berzelius. 177 Hooke. 178 Schumacher. 179 Struve. 180 Mercurius. 181 Franklin. 182 Cepheus. 183 Oersted. 184 Shuckburgh. 185 Chevallier. 186 Atlas. 187 Hercules. 188 Endynrion. 189 De la Rue. 239 Conon. 190 Strabo. 240 Mauilius. 191 Thales. 241 Ukert. 192 Gartner. 242 Triesnecker. 193 Deiuocritus- 243 Hyginus. 194 Arnold. 244 Agrippa. 195 Moigno. 245 Godin. 196 Peters. 246 Ritter. 197 Meton. 247 Sabine. 198 Euctemou. 248 Dionysius. 199 Challis. 249 Manners. 200 Main. 250 Arago. 201 Gioja. 251 Ariadseus. 202 Scoresby. 252 Silberschlag. 203 Barrow. 253 De Morgan. 204 W. C. Bond. 254 Cayley. 205 Christian Mayer. 255 W he well. 206 Archytas. 256 Calippus. 207 Aristoteles. 257 Thesetetus. 208 Eudoxus. 258 Cassini. 209 Alexander. 259 Aristillus. 210 Egede. 260 Autolycus 211 Great Alpine Valley. 261 Hosting. 212 Grove. 262 Lalande. 213 Mason. 263 Herschel. 214 Plana. 264 Ptolemanis. 215 Burg. 265 Alphonsus. 216 Baily. 266 Arzachel. 217 Daniell. 267 Alpetragius. 218 Posidomus. 268 Lassell. 2l9 Chacornac. 269 Davy. 220 Le Monnier. 270 Guerike. 221 Roeiner. 271 Parry. 222 Bond. 272 Bonpland. 223 Maury. 273 Fra Mauro. 224 Littrow. 274 Thebit. 225 Newcoinb. \ 275 Straight Wall. 226 Dawes. 276 Birt. 227 Plinius. 277 Purbach. 228 Ross. 278 Regiomontanus. 229 Maclear. 279 Hell. 230 Sosigenes. 280 Pitatus. 231 Julius Caesar. 281 Hesiodus. 232 Boscovich. 282 Gauricus. 233 Taquet. 283 Wurzelbauer. 234 Menelaus. 284 Sasserides. 235 Sulpicius Gallus. 285 Ball. 236 Bessel. 286 Lexell. 237 Linue. 287 Nasireddin. 238 Aratus. 288 Orontius. 32 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. CATALOGUE OF LUNAR OBJECTS continued. 289 Pictet. 290 Saussure. 291 Tycho. 292 Heinsius. 293 Wilhelin I. 294 Longomontanus. 295 Street. 296 Maginus. 297 Deluc. 298 Clavius. 299 Cysatus. 300 Moretus. 301 Short. 302 Newton. 303 Gruemberger. 304 Cabeus. 305 Casatus. 306 Klaproth. 307 Wilson. 308 Kircher. 309 Bettinus. 310 Zuchius. 311 Segner. 312 Blancanus. 313 Schemer. 314 Weigel. 315 Rost. 316 Bailly. 317 Schiller. 318 Bayer. 319 Pingre. 320 Hausen. 321 Phocylides. 322 Wargentin. 323 Schickard. 324 Drebbel. 325 Inghirami. 326 Hainzel. 327 Lehmann. 328 Lacroix. 329 Piazzi. 330 Lagrange. 331 Fourier. 332 Vieta. 333 Doppelmayer. 334 Lee. 335 Vitello. 336 Clausius. 337 Capuanus. 338 Cichus. 339 Mercator. 340 Campanus. 341 Kies. 342 Bullialdus. 343 Lubiniezky. 344 Nicollet. 345 Hippalus. 346 Agatharchides. 347 Gassendi. 348 Herigonius. 349 Letronne. 350 Mersenius. 351 Cavendish. 352 Byrgius. 353 Eichstadt. 354 De Viccr. 355 Ramsden. 35b Billy. 357 Hansteen. 358 Sirsalis. 359 Fontana. 360 Zupus. 361 Cruger. 362 Rocca. 363 Grimaldi. 364 Damoiseau. 365 Riccioli. 366 Lohrmann. 367 Hermann. 368 Flamsteed. 369 Wichmann. 370 Euclides. 371 Landsberg. 372 Gambart. 373 Sommering. 374 Schroter. 375 Pallas. 376 Bode. 377 Reinhold. 378 Hortensius. 379 Milichius. 380 Copernicus. 381 Stadius. 382 Eratosthenes. 383 Gay Lussac. 384 Tobias Mayer. 385 Kunowsky. 386 Encke. 387 Kepler. 388 Bessarion. 389 Reiner. 390 Marius. 391 Hevel. 392 Cavalerius. 393 Gibers. 394 Cardanus. 395 Kraftt. 396 Vasco de Gania. 397 Seleucus. 398 Marco Polo. 399 Archimedes. 400 Beer. 401 Timocharis. 402 Lambert. 403 Pytheas. 404 Euler. 405 Diophantus. 406 Delisle. 407 Caroline Herschel. 408 Carlini. 409 Leverrier. 410 Helicon. 411 Kirch. 412 Piazzi Smyth. 413 Plato. 414 Tinmis. 415 Birmingham. 416 Epigenes. 417 Goldschmidt. 418 Anaxagoras. 419 Fontenelle. 420 Philolaus. 421 Anaximenes. 422 J. J. Cassini. 423 Condamine. 424 Maupertuis. 425 Bianchini. 426 Sharp. 427 Mairan. 428 Foucault. 429 Harpalus. 430 J. F. W. HerscheL 431 Anaximander. 432 Pythagoras. 433 South. 434 Babbage. 435 (Enopides. 436 Robinson. 437 Cleostratus. 438 Xenophanes. THE MOON. 33 CATALOGUE OF LUNAR OBJECTS continued. 439 Repsold. 440 Harding. 441 Gerard. 442 Lavoisier. 443 UlughBeigh. 444 Lichtenberg. 445 Briggs. 446 Otto Struve. 447 Aristarchus. 448 Herodotus. 449 Wollaston. 450 Schiaparelli. 451 Gruithuisen. 452 Brayley. 453 Galileo. 454 Horrebow. MOUNTAIN RANGES AND ISOLATED MOUNTAINS. a Alps. b Caucasus. c Apennines. d Carpathians. e Sinus Iridum Highlands. / Hsemus. g Pyrenees. h Altai Mountains. t Riphsean Mountains. j La Hire. 'k Mt. Taurus. I TeneriS'e Range. Mountains near the Limb : D'Alembert Mts. on the east limb, extending from S. lat. 19 to N. lat. 12. The Cordilleras near the east limb, extending from S. lat. 23 to S. lat. 8. The Rook Mountains on the east limb, extending from S. lat. 39 to S. lat. 16. The Doerfel Mountains on the south-east limb, extending from S. lat. 80 to S. lat. 57 The Leibnitz Mountains extend from S. lat. 70 on the west limb to S. lat. 80 on the east limb. Humboldt Mountains on the west limb, extending from N. lat. 72 to N. lat. 53. m Straight Range. n Percy Mountains. o Harbinger Mountains. Hercynian Mountains. Pico. Piton. Mt. Argaeus. Mt. Hadley. Laplace Promontory. Mt. Huygens. Mt. Bradley. MARIA or SEAS A Mare Crisium. B , Fcecunditatis. C , Australe. D , Humboldtianum. E , Tranquillitatis. F , Nectaris. G Lacus Somniorum. H Mortis. J Mare Serenitatis. K Frigoris. L Imbrium. M Vaporum. N Sinus JEstuum. P MediL Q Mare Nubium. R Sinus Iridum. S Oceanus Procellarurn. T Mare Humorum. V Palus Somnii. W Sinus Roris. X Palus Nebularum. Y Mare Smythii. Z Palus Putredinis. BALLS POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS Key to Plate 20 AJfraganus Taylor Sabine, O Tkeon. Jim. ZTuwn, Sv Bitter O O Dionysiu* Arago ( JGodin, Agrtppa, Sosigeries ^J ( p Janten. Boscoviah, O SERENITATIS Cononi M . ,> . Pf ^K***** BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS I Mo i "<^_ X Cysati. o 'o SCLUSSUJV (9. \ WtUiebn V oO, O O O o Wurz eii> cajucr Key to Plate 21 -Merfajtor J Plate 21. .V-H W*& THE MOON. REGION OF CLAVIUS AND TYCHO. G. W. RITCHEY, 40-in. Refractor. YERKES OBSERVATORY. Key Map. THE MOON 3rd Day. To face Plate 27. 25. Bovssingault. 22. Ponttcoulant. 19. Fraunhofer. 14. Furnerius. 12. W. Humboldt. 7. Petavius. 3 rd Day A Mare Crisium. B ,, Facunditatis. C ,, Australe. D ,, Hvmboldtianum . 1 1. Legendre. 5. Hecataus. 3. Vendelinus. I. Langrenus, z. Kastner. 136. Apollonius. 137. Firmicus. 139. Neper. 140. Condor cet. 152. Picard. 151. AiAaten. 153. Peirce. 167. Cleomedes. 169. Burckhardt. 173. Geminus. 172. Gauss. 175. Messala. 180. Mercurius. 188. Endymion. BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. 3*? DAY. Plate 27. Key Map. THE MOON 4th Day. To face Plate 28. 26. Boguslawsky. 25. Bovssingault. 22. Pontlcoulant. 49. Rosenberger. 46. Janssen. 45. Fabricivs. A Mare Crisium. B ,, Faecunditatis. C ,i Australe. D i> Humboldtianum. 44. Metius. 14. Furnerivs. 15. Stevinui. 43. Neander. 41. Reichenbach. 1 6. Snellius. 7. Petavius. 36. Santbech. 34. Colombo. 3. Venddinuf. 31. Godenius. 32. Guttcmberg. i. Langrenvs. 30. Lubbock. 29. Messier. 155. Secchi, 136. Apollonius. 154. Taruntius. 152. Picard. 153. /V*r. 156. Proclus. 1 66. Macrobius. 167. Cleomedes. 169. Burckhardt. 173. Gauss. 176. Beruelius. 175. Messala. 181. Franklin. 185. Chevaliier. 186. yi//aj. 180. Mercurius. 188. Endymion. 189. V /'a/aj Somnii. g. Pyrenees Mis. BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. 4-T? DAY. Plate 28. George Ph-dip A Son.,L*? Key Map. THE MOON 5th Day. To face Plate 29. 27. Schombcrger. 54 Manzinus, 53. Mittus. 49. Rosenberger. 48. Vlacq. 52. Pitiscus. A Mare Crisium. B ,, Ftecunditatis. E ,, Tranquillitatis. F ,, Nectans. D Mzr* Hvmboldtianum. G Locus Somniorvm. H Mortis. 46. Janssen. 45. Fabricius. 44. Metius. 14. Fumtrius. 64. StiboHus. 63. Piccolomini, 62. Fracastorius. 36. Santbech. 7. Petavius. 3. Vendelinui. 31. Godenius. 32. Guttemberg. I. Langrenvs. 58. Isidorus. 57. Capella. 29. Messier. 159. Vitruvius. 220. Z> Monnier. 221. Roemer. 219. Chacornac. 224. Littrow. 218. Posidonius. 214. Plana. 187. Hercules. 186. ^4//aj. 188. Endymion. 189. Z>* Za ^a^. 198. Euctemon, g. TA^ Pyrenees. k. Taurus Mts. BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. TV DAY. Plate 29. UNIVERSITY OF Key Map. THE MOON 6th Day. To face Plate 30. 126. Bacon. 121. Maurolycus. 71. Buck. 64. Stiborius. 65, Riceius. A jl/ar Crisium. B ,, Fcecunditatis. D ,, Humloldtianvm. E ,, Tranquillitatis. F A/are Nectaris. G Locus Somniorum. H Mortis. J Mare Serenitatis. 66. 67. 63- 93- 62. 90. 91. 81. 82. 80. 59- 79- 72. 247. 246. 250. 229. 228. 227. 226. 236- 220. 219. 218. 208. 207. 197. 202. Rabbi Levi. Zagvt. Piccolomini . Pans. Fracastorius. Sacrobosco. Per mat. Catharina. Tacitus, Cyrillus. Madler. Theophilus. Hypatia, Sabine. Ritter. Arago. Maclear. Ross. Plinius. Dawes. Bessel. Le Monnier. Chacornac. Posidonius. Eudoxus. Aristoteles. Meton. Scoresby. g. The Pyrenees. h. Altai Mts. k. Taurus Mts. 8. Mt. Argaeus. BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. 6T? DAY. Plate 30. GeargeP/uhp & Son.L' Key Map. THE MOON 7th Day. To face Plate 3l. 132. Curtius. 129. Zach. 128. Lilivs, 124. . Licetus. 123. Clairaut. 121. Maurolycus. A A/a^-tf Crisium. B ,, Fcecunditatis. E Tranqttillitatis. G acj Somniorum. F A/artf Nfctaris. K Frigoris, M Vaporum* J ,, Strenitatis. 119. StSfler. 118. Fernelius. 97. Atiacensis. 98. Werner. 99. Apianus. 100. Playfair. xoi. Blancfiinus. 105. Donati. 106. ^/y. 86. Almanon* 85. Abulfeda. 109. ita. in. Halley. no. Hipparckus. 113. HorrocJu. 114. Rhaelicus. 245. Godin. 244. Agrippa. 242. Triesnecker. 232. Boscovich. 231. Julius -Caesar. 240. Manilius. 233. Taquet. 234. Menelaus. 236. 5wjtf/. 237. Linnet. 257. Thecetetu*. 256. Calippus. 209. Alexander. 208. Eudoxus. 207. Aristotetes. H Locus Mortis. X /Wwj Nebularum, M A/ar Vaporum. b 7/i* Caucasus, f. The Heemus Mts. k. rAr Tizaraj J//j. BALLS POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. 7T? DAY. Plate 31. Tiden GwgraphicailrisUtate. . Key Hap. THE MOON 8th Day. To face Plate 32. 300. Moretus. 297. Deluc. 296. Maginus. 290. Saussure. 116. Walter. 285. Ball. P Sinus Medii. M ,, sEstuum. J A/ar Serenitatis. L ,, Imbrium, X /Witf Nebularum. 2. ,, Putredinis. K A/r Frigoris. 278. Regiomontanus. 277. Purbach. 274. 7"A Mauro. 372. Gambart. 377. Reinhold. 381. Stadius. 380. Copernicus. 382. Eratosthenes. 383. Cox LMSSOC. 403. Pytheas. 401. Titnocharis. 402. Lambert. 399. Archimedes. 413. /'^fe. 419. Fcmienelle. 417. Goidschmidt. 418 Anaxagoras. a. b. 7*^ Caucasus Mta. c. The Apennines. BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. T? DAY. Plate 33. Tfi&Lnndon G&ographi-cai Institute Key Map. THE MOON 10th Day. To face Plate 34. 302. Newton. 312. Bla.ncan.us. 313. Sckeiner. K Mare Frigoris. L , , Imbrium, P Sinus Medii. Q *Mare Nubium. R Sinus Jridum, 298. Clavius. 2 g I Tycho. 315. Host. 293 . Wilhelm I. 294. Longomonianus. 292. Heinsius. 326. Hainsel. 338. r r '7SS^ 337- Cichus. Capuanus. O z *\ 355 ' Ramsden. 231 <^>2.9A\ 339- (T) , o r , 2C 340. Merc a tor. Campanus. Q Q 333 (\3^ 34 1 ' Kies. fcu. ^ ^ > *-^> J35 Ci ^ OTW Hippalus. 342. O^^iV \ ^4^' P) M /TO ^ 370. Bullialdus. Lubiniezky. Euclides. ty N 371- U Occx ^ 7 , 3 , /7 _ 380. Landsberg. Rcinhold. Copernicus. (^ p 3 8 4 Tobias Mayer. V ^ ^"? 383- X // / o O 580 403- < Q / o^ * 84 1 402- Gay Lussac. Pytheas. Lambert. /^" ** d 1 404. Euler. 40i. Timocharis. , O^<92. *^ / --^ c-> T ( yw r\ *" f** Archimedes. 407. Caroline Herschel, 409. Leverrier. 4 a90/J 4 20 V. , w /l ~J Helicon. ^--'^^~~^~ S~^) ^^' Plato. 433- Condamirte. 419. Fontenelle. 420. Philolaus. a. The Alps. b. The Caucasus. r. / c. The Apennines. U. / >rom. Laplace. d. The Carpathians. q- BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. IOT" DAY. Plate 34. Tke,Londoru Geographical, fasUln Key Map. THE MOON llth Da 5 To face Plate 35. 305. Casatus. 306. Klaproth. 307. Wilson. 309- Bettinus. 311. Segner. 313. Scheiner. L Mare Imbrium. K ,, Frigoris. Q Nubium. R Sinus Iridum. S Oceanus Procellarum. T .d/are Humorum. b. TA* Caucasus. c. 7^ /a/^. 429. Harpalus. 43. /. -F. IF. Herschel. 420. Phitolaus. 421- Anaximenes. i. Riphaan Mis. q. /'jVo. r. Piton Mountain. U. Prom. Laplace. BALL'S PbPULAft GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. MT? DAY. Plate 35. ffeoryefhdtf Sr Son,!,'? Key Map. THE MOON 12th Day. To face Plate 36. 317. Schiller, 318. Bayer. 321. Phocylidei. 323. Schickard. 327. Lthmann. 332. Vieta. Day 351. Cavendish. 350. Mersenius. 347. Gassendi. 359. Fontana. 356. 5*Y/y. 357. Hansteen. 349. Letronne. 368. Flamsteed. 386. .&;. 389 Reiner. 387 .r/A?r. 390. Marius. 447. Aristarchus . 448. Herodotus. 404. Euler. 449. Wollaston. 427. Mairan. 426. Sharp. 425. Bia.nch.ini. 423. Condamine, 419. Fonteneile. 431. Anaximander. 420. Philolaus. 421. Anaximenes. K Mare Frigoris. L Imbrium. Q Nubium. S Oceanus Procellariim. T Mare Humor-urn. e. The Sinus Iridum Highlands. H. Prom. Laplace. BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. I2T. H DAY. Plate 36. ThzLoncLan. Gs^yraphiccdhsUtate Key Map. THE MOON 13th Day To face Plate 37. 321. PkocyKdes. ^ Schickard. 332. Plfte, 322. Wargentin. 3 3 9 . />,<,,-. 35*- Cavendish. 325. Inghirami. 33O La grange . 35. Merseniui. raatn 3S9- 73 ,, Da\ 361- Fontana. Criiger. 362. Rocca, 363- Grimalai. 366. V S?^f aj Lohrmann. 391- " ^ \ 392. [ toy.9 1 397- Hevel. Cavalerius. Seleucus. V (} K -* /-7 \ 44-8. 1 ^ \ ^ \ Herodotus. 447- 445- rj ^ \ r* 432. Aristarchus. Briggs. Pythagoras. L Mare Imbrivm. Q ., Nttbium. R Sinus Iridum. S Oceanus Procellarttm. T Mare Humorum, W 5mj Roris. 6. TA/ 5rwJ Iridum Highlands. u. Prom. Laplace. BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. 13- DAY Plate 37. Key Map. THE MOON ,14th Day. To face Plate 38. 316. Bailly. 321. Pkocylides. 322. Wargentin. K A/rtre Frigoris. L Afarn, South or at Sidereal Time 234 The Lond^JT'i. Geapraphi&il Irisa OF THE "NIVERSITY BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THEHEAVENS Plate 44 Jan?' 10. A. M (Daylight] F&b? a A.M. M.u-clv 6. A.M. April 4-, A.M. May 2, A.M. Jwr^e. June Midnight and also as follows July 10. P.M. Aiy! 8 . P. M. Sf.ptT 6. P oar 4. P. M. 2. P. M South or at Sidereal Time 17> 37 m " BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS Plate 45 Jan r v Noon (tttLylight) />/,:' 10. A.M. M,i,:-h 8. A.M. A/>ril 6 AM M, Jl July Midnight and a,2.s0 /.< fttunf 4. A.M. 2. July MuJniijht Septr 8. P. M. Oct." 6. P.M. JVov!' 4 P. M fDayliffht, Dec.! 2PM. South or at Siclei-ealTime 19 h 37 m 2 3 4 UN' BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS Plate 4 6 Jan? 2. P.M.fDaylif/lit; Fehr N&Ofl* March. 10, AM. " April May August Midnight and, also us follows July 2. A.M. ? Midniaht ^ South or at Sidevejaiime 2 ' ' **" ' - *r t> ^ f . or - (UNIVERSITY \ OF BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS PI ate 47 September Midnight also a.s follows J:tn .-' 4. P M/ FeV 2. P. M. Murch Nofin April 10.A..M Xnv 8. A M. Jun<- H. A. If Sozith or at SidercalTime orge Philip BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS Plate 48 Jan? 6, P. M Fcl? 4. P M.(DayKyhbl Xarah -?, P M. April \',>,m Xa.ij W. A.M. Ju.ne 8. A . M. October Mi o an J. also fis fodowy July 6, A Aug? 4, A. ,!/ . Sept r 2. A.M. OctT Midrdaht Nm. r LO.P.'M. M . South or at SiderealTime'l 11 37 1 ! 1 The- IioruiaTi, GeoffrapJiLcaL OP THE UNIVERSITY OF BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS Plate 49 Jan? 8. P.M. Frb? 6. P.M. Ma.r-.-Ji 4. P April Z.P M. Ma.\ Niton June 10. A.M. November Midniplit o O7i.cZ also CLS folltrws JWy 8, A M. (Daylight I Autjt 6, A.M. Sep'tr 4. A.M. 2, A.M. yht South or at Sidereal Time LoncUm, GeoffraphLcal In,sta#u BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TOTHEHEAVENS Plate 50 December Midnight mul ditto us Follows South or at SiderealTime 5 1 . 1 37 m 2 a <; Geerge Philip & rhe- London. GeagraphLcaL (49) CHAPTER VII. TEE STAR MAPS. PLATES 51 TO 70. The student who has made himself familiar with the appearance and movements of the Constellations, and has acquired a facility in identifying the brighter Stars, will soon feel the need of something further. More especially will this be the case if he has the use of a telescope of even moderate dimensions ; and it is to meet these requirements that the Star Maps on Plates 51 to 70 have been prepared The first step in drawing a map is to decide on the nature of the projection to be employed. It must be understood that no flat maps can give a perfectly faithful representation of a curved surface, and whatever method of projection is resorted to, the result must represent the surface in a more or less distorted form. The Stars appear to be situated on the surface of a sphere, and however we may attempt to depict them, we cannot include any large portion of the sphere exactly as it appears to the eye. The form of projection which I have used in these maps is that known as the conical projection, and in adopting it I follow Argelande; who employed this method in his great Durchmusterung Atlas, which represents more th;m 300,000 Stars in the Northern Hemisphere alone. Imagine two cones touching the sphere around the circle of 45 declination, north and south. These are intersected by tangent planes at the Poles, and by a cylinder touching the sphere around the Equator; see ad- joining figure. Each star on the sphere is joined to the centre, and the joining line when produced necessarily cuts some one of the enveloping surfaces in a point which is the projection of the star. The equatorial girdle and the two cones are each divided into six equal parts, which admit of being laid out flat ; and the eighteen parts thus obtained, together with the two polar planes, make up the twenty maps which represent the entire sphere. The top and bottom margins of each of these maps, with the exception of the first and last, are divided so as to read Right Ascensions. Only the hour lines have been drawn on the maps, so as to avoid overcrowding, and for the same reason only the circles corresponding to every tenth degree in Declination have been given. But by the aid of the divisions around the margin, it is easy to read the position of a star, or to enter any desired object with all requisite accuracy. For this purpose it will be found convenient to copy the scale in Declination, which is given on the margin of each map, on the edge of a sheet of paper. If, then, it is desired to enter on the map the position of any object (say a comet) whose R. A. and Declination are known, it is only neces- sary to set this sheet of paper so that the graduated edge cuts the top and bottom circles at 50 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. the R.A. of the object, and to put a dot on the map at the point of the scale corresponding to its Decimation. In the same way the position of any object entered on the map may be read off. In the case of maps 51 and 70, the method of reading off positions is somewhat different In these the declination scale will be found on the radius corresponding to O h -, 6 h -, 12 h - or 24h. This scale should be rotated around the centre until it passes through the star whose position is required. The R.A. will then be found at the point of the circumference where the scale cuts it, and the Declination will be read from the scale itself. The epoch for which the places are given is 1880. It has been arranged that each zone of maps overlaps those north and south of it for a distance of five degrees in Declination, and each map of a zone overlaps those preceding and following it for a space of 40 mins. in R.A. In order to avoid breaking up conspicuous star groups, I have made the zero, from which the hour circles are measured, pass through the centre of the first map (No. 52) of the inter- mediate zones, while the same circle divides the first and last maps of the equatorial zone- By this mode of dividing the heavens it has been found possible to comprise each of the more striking configurations of stars within a single map. The only exception is the great square of Pegasus, which will be found on Plates 52, 58, and 63. For convenience in passing from one map to another, the numbers of the plates which represent adjacent portions of the sky have been printed just inside the margin. In the construction of these maps I have followed, to a great extent, the Uranometrie Generate of Houzeau. It contains all the stars visible to the naked eye under the most favour- able circumstances, and the number amounts to nearly 6,000. In the nomenclature of the stars, however, I have departed considerably from Houzeau, doing away in general with letters (other than those of the Greek alphabet), and substituting, wherever possible, Flamsteed's numbers. I have followed Houzeau throughout in the estimation of star magnitudes, as by so doing I obtained a uniform system over the whole sky, both in the Northern and Southern Hemi- spheres, determined by a single observer in the same climate and within a short time. His work, besides, is more recent than that of Argelander, Heis, or Behrmann. I have further, for simplicity, limited the number of magnitudes given by Houzeau to six, namely, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, which will be found sufficient for all ordinary purposes. These I have indicated on the maps themselves, as shown by the scale at the foot of each map, where, in addition to the size of the dot representing the star, its magnitude is denoted by the number of rays diverging from it. Thus all stars of the first magnitude possess 6 rays, those of the second magnitude 5 rays, and so on. The magnitude of a star may be found by subtracting the number of the rays from seven, except for the sixth magnitude, in which case the single ray has been omitted, stars of this class being represented by a simple dot. Throughout the maps a large number of the stars will be found accompanied by the letter D. This signifies that the star, though appearing as a single body to the naked eye, is in reality double. This does not however denote necessarily any physical connection between the two stars, but merely that the point of light thus characterized will be found to break up into two with the aid of a small telescope. In many cases there is a real connection ; the two stars form a binary pair, and revolve round their common centre of gravity under the action of their mutual gravitation ; a number of the most interesting cases will be found in the list of select telescopic objects. In other cases, the connection is merely apparent ; the stars happen to be nearly in the same direction as seen from the solar system ; but they are probably at very different distances from us. THE STAR MAPS. 51 VARIABLE STARS. A number of stars will be found in the maps marked (Var.), which indicates that their light is not constant, but is subject to fluctuations, in some cases perfectly regular, so that their times of greatest brightness can be predicted to the minute ; in other cases, more or less regular, so that their maxima can be predicted to within a week or a month ; in yet other cases, so irregular that no law has yet been found for their variation. In the following tables I have given those variable stars which are plainly visible to the naked eye at least at their maximum brightness. They may be easily identified from the star maps. There are many hundreds of variable stars which never rise to naked eye brilliancy, but for their identification means more elaborate than those of the present work are required. Without detailed charts of the fainter stars it is very hard to find them. For information regarding them the student is referred to the lists published in the Companion to the Observatory; for their identification one needs the star maps of Argelander's Durchmusterung, and of the Cordoba Durchmusterung, or, better still, the Atlas of Variable Stars, published by Father Hagen, of Georgetown, D.C. "ALGOL" VARIABLES. There is a small class of stars whose type of variation is characteristic, and of which the explanation is certain. The stars are partially eclipsed by a dark companion revolving round them. Algol is the typical star, which has given its name to the group. The type of variation of a variable star is best shown by the light curve. The light curve of an invariable star is a horizontal straight line. A decrease of magnitude is shown by the line dipping down, and if the curve is carefully drawn, so that equal distances horizontally denote equal intervals of time, while equal intervals vertically denote equal changes of magnitude, the curve is a complete representation of the light variability. Thus, for Algol, the light curve is drawn thus : Mag. ao- 30 I9O3 Dec IO II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 52 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVEXS. and the interpretation is as follows. Daring the greater part of the time the light of Algol is uniformly of magnitude, 2'3 ; but every 2 d. 20 h. 49 m. the star drops down to magnitude 3'6, and without pausing regains its original light, the whole change occupying 9h. 20m. The figure further shows minima are predicted for 1903 (December 12th, at about 9 o'clock in the evening, and for December 15th, at 6 o'clock). The three Algol variables which are visible to the naked eye are : Name. R.A. Decl. *W%. Period. j8 Persei (Algol) 3 h - 0- +40 29' 2'3 to 3'6 2 d - 20 h - 49 m X Tauri 3 54 + 12 9 3'4 to 4'2 3 22 52 ^Librae 14 55 82 5'0 to 6.2 2 7 51 These may be readily found from the star maps ; and the times when they undergo eclipse may be found in the Companion to the Observatory. SHORT PERIOD VARIABLES. Our second class comprises stars which are regularly variable in periods of not many days, but whose variation is not due to eclipse by a dark companion. In many cases the spectroscope has shown that these stars are binary, and it is probably so in all ; but the way in which the duplicity of the star explains its variation is quite uncertain. The light variation is continuous, and by the shape of the light curves, these short period variables are divided into two classes. In the first, the rise to maximum is steep and the fall to minimum gentle ; in the second the curve is symmetrical. The two types may be represented thus : THE STAR MAPS. 53 The following is a list of short period variables which rise above naked eye brightness. They may be found upon the maps whose numbers are given in the last column. R.A. Decl. h. m. Geminorum 6 57 4- 20 45' V Puppis 7 55 - 48 5 N Velorum 9 28 - 56 30 I Carinse 9 42 - 61 57 X 3 Sagittarii 17 40 - 27 47 W 7l Sagittarii 17 57 - 29 35 YSagittarii 18 14 - 18 55 K Pavonis 18 45 - 67 23 /SLyrse 18 46 + 33 13 RLyme 18 52 + 43 48 T> Aquihe 19 46 +0 42 S Sagittse 19 51 +16 19 TVulpecula? 20 46 +27 48 o Cephei 22 55 + 57 48 In case the limits of variation are not well determined, the magnitudes are given in round numbers. Range. Period in Days. Map. m. m. 3'7 to 4'5 10'15 59 4-4 to 5'2 2-25 66 3'4 to 4'4 Not well known 66 37 to 5'2 35'05 66 4 to 6 7-01 68 4'8 to 5'8 7'59 68 5'8 to 6'6 577 62 4'0 to 5'5 9'10 69 3'4 to 4'5 12-91 57 4'0 to 47 46'4 57 3'5 to 47 7-18 62 5 '6 to 6'4 8-38 62 5'5 to 6'5 4-44 57 37 to 4'9 5.37 52 LONG PERIOD VARIABLES. These stars have periods which average between 300 and 400 days, and only one regular variable is known to have a period greater than 600 days. Almost all these stars show at maximum bright lines of hydrogen in their spectra ; they are mostly capricious in their behaviour, rising higher at some maxima than at others, and sinking lower at some minima. Nothing is certainly known as to the cause of their variability, but there is no reason to suppose that it is due in any way to a companion. The more conspicuous of the long period variables are as follows : R.A. h. m. 2 13 6 8 7 10 Decl. Ceti (Mira) 2 13 3 32' ? Geminorum 6 8 + 22 32 Lo Puppis 7 10 - 44 27 R Carhue 9 29 - 62 15 R Hydra) 13 23 - 22 40 X Cygni 19 46 + 32 37 R Cassiopeise 23 52 + 50 43 Where the magnitude given is followed by a colon ( : ) it is subject to irregularity. Range. Period in Map. Days. 3 : to 9 : 331 58 3'2 to 4 : 231 59 3'5 to 6'3 140 66 5 : to 10 : 309 66 4: to 97 425 61 5 : to 13-5 406 57 5 : to 12 429 52 IRREGULARLY VARIABLE STARS. The stars in the first three classes vary in periods which are, on the whole, the less regularly followed the longer the period. We now come to a class of stars which fluctuate so irregularly that no law of variation has yet been discovered. In such cases the magnitudes given are generally the highest and lowest which have been observed, and there is every probability that the range may be exceeded at some time or another. 54 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. T Ceti a Cassiopeia? P Persei t Aiiri "roe a Orionis U Hydra 11 Carinee (/ Argus) W Bootis R Corona; g Herculis a Herculis u Herculis R Scuti .. B.A. h. in. 16 34 2 57 4 53 5 49 10 32 10 40 14 38 15 44 16 25 17 9 17 13 18 41 Decl. -20 44' + 55 53 + 38 22 + 43 38 + 7 23 - 12 46 -59 3 + 27 2 + 28 32 + 42 8 + 14 32 + 33 14 - 5 50 Range. 5 to 7 2'2 to 2'8 3'4 to 4'2 3'0 to 4'5 0-5 to 1-4 4'5 to 6 >1 to 7'4 5'2 to 6.1 5'8 to 13'0 5 to 6 3'1 to 3'9 4'6 to 5'4 5 to 9 Map. 58 52 53 53 59 60 67 56 56 56 62 56 62 TEMPORARY OR "NEW" STARS. So called " new " stars are stars that have suddenly appeared once, and then faded away They all seem to follow essentially the same course. They blaze up very suddenly, gradually fade away, often with fluctuations, then appear to turn into small gaseous nebulae, and finally, as has recently been shown, become merely very faint stars, very probably their original condition. There is no theory that satisfactorily accounts for more than a part of the facts known about them. The following is a list of temporary stars which have been observed, arranged in order of discovery. Greatest br. R.A. h. in. 1880. 1572 Tycho's Nova in Cassiopeia >1 018 1604 Nova in Serpentarius, discovered by Fabricius ... >1 17 23 1670 Nova in Vulpecula, discovered by Anthelm 3'0 1943 1848 Nova Ophiuchi, discovered by Hind 5'5 1653 1860 Nova Scorpii, discovered by Auwers in the cluster Messier 80 7'0 1610 1866 Nova Coronse, discovered by Birmingham 2'0 1555 1876 Nova Cygni, discovered by Schmidt 3'2 21 37 1885 Nova Andromedae, discovered by Hartwig in the Andromeda Nebula 7'0 037 1887 Nova Persei, No. 1., discovered on Harvard photographs by Mrs. Fleming, 1895 9'0 1 54 1891 Nova Aurigae, discovered by Anderson, January, 1892, and afterwards found on a photograph taken at Harvard, December 10th, 1891... 4 '5 5 24 1893 Nova Normae, discovered by Mrs. Fleming on Harvard photographs 7 1520 1895 Nova Carinae, discovered by Mrs. Fleming on Harvard photographs 11 3 1895 Nova Centauri, discovered by Mrs. Fleming on Harvard photographs 7'2 13 33 1898 Nova Sagittarii, discovered by Mrs. Fleming, 1899 47 18 55 1899 Nova Aquilse, discovered by Mrs. Fleming on Harvard photographs, 1900 7 1901 Nova Persei, discovered by Anderson O'O 323 1903 Nova Geminorum, discovered by Turner; on Oxford Astrographic Chart plates 7 636 Decl. + 63 29' -21 22 + 27 1 -12 43 -22 41 + 26 15 + 42 18 + 40 37 + 56 9 + 30 21 -50 9 -61 18 -31 2 -13 19 + 43 30 + 30 4 Map. 52 62 57 62 62 56 57 52 53 53 68 67 67 62 53 54 THE STAK MAPS. 55 METEOR SHOWERS. In some of the maps will be found an asterisk, closely accompanied by a date. This marks a region from which meteors may be expected about the date in question in the lan- guage of the meteor observer, it is the radiant point of a meteor shower. It may be well, however, to caution the beginner against expecting too much of a display from such a shower. For most othe points a dozen meteors in the night rank as a rich display, and in many years the radiants are almost completely quiescent. Many of the radiants seem to be persistent, furnishing occasional meteors throughout the year : a fact for which no easy explanation is forthcoming ; for if the meteors of one radiant really belonged to one system, one would oxpect that radiant to shift during the year, as the radiant of the Perseids is supposed to do. For information as to the smaller and sparser showers reference may be made to the memoir by Mr. Denning (Memoirs, Royal Astron. Soc., Vol. LIIL). A list of radiant points is given in the Companion to the Observatory. We may limit ourselves here to four principal showers. The LYRIDS. April 19-22. R.A. 18h. 8m., Declination + 34* In some years this radiant gives a number of meteors ; in others they are almost entirely absent. The PERSEIDS. August 9-11. R.A. 3h. Om., Declination + 57 These are the well-known August meteors, which are, on the whole, the most reliable shower of the year. They leave long, yellow streaks. For a month before the date of maximum, similar meteors appear from radiants lying to the west of the above place, and it is believed that they are a real case of a moving radiant. The LEONIDS. November 12-14. R.A. lOh. Om., Declination + 23 This shower is visible more or less every November, giving swift meteors with greenish streaks. For a number of centuries they had given brilliant displays every 33 years, but in 1899 and 1900 the expected display completely failed. It is fairly certain that the swarm had been perturbed by the planet Jupiter. There is reason to believe that the swarm was captured and introduced into the solar system by the planet Uranus in the year 126 A.D. The ANDROMEDIDS. November. R.A. Ih. 40m., Declination + 43. This is the shower associated with the lost Biela's Comet. Rich displays may be expected with some certainty every thirteen years. Of late years the perturbations of the planet upon the swarm have had the effect of throwing back the date of maximum and number of days, and it is impossible at present to give exact dates for the future. PLATES 71 AND 72. As I have already pointed out, the region of the sky which corresponds to any one of the general series of maps, is indicated by the dotted lines in the series of monthly maps (Plates" 39 to 50). This, however, is chiefly useful at localities about the latitude of the British Islands. For the convenience of those living in other latitudes, to whom it is hoped this Atlas will recommend itself, as well as to enable the student at home to choose the maps suitable for his purpose with greater rapidity, I have added the Northern and Southern Index Maps (Plates 71 and 72). In these the principal constellations are marked, and the outlines of each map of the general series, with the numbers of the corresponding plates in bold figures. Each Index Map includes from the Pole to 25 beyond the Equator, so that both contain the series of Equatorial maps. Around the circumferences is marked each hour of R.A. The Declination is not indicated, but it can be ascertained with sufficient accuracy for the purpose of finding the required map by remembering that the Equatorial zone extends to 25 Declination, and the intermediate zones to 70 Declination, while each zone overlaps that above and below it by 5. 56 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. PRECESSION. The Precession of the Equinoxes, or the slow motion of the Earth's axis, in Consequence of which the intersection of the Equator with the Ecliptic travels along the latter, brings about a constant change in the R. A. and Declination of the Stars from year to year. It is thus clear that the values of these quantities as read from the maps will only be strictly accurate at the epoch for which the maps are drawn. In order to find the R.A. and Declination for any other date, it is necessary to apply a correction for this precessional effect, and if it is desired to mark upon the maps the position of any star or other object whose co-ordinates are given for a date different from that of the Atlas, a similar correction must be applied. It must, however, be borne in mind that no change takes place from this cause in the relative position of the stars, the effect being merely to give the whole system of Right Ascension and Declination circles a shift, and thus to alter the positions of all the stars with regard to them. For accurate astronomical work, the correction for precession must in general be computed to a small fraction of a second, and elaborate tables have been prepared to facilitate this operation ; but for all purposes coming within the scope of the present work, the following tables will be found amply sufficient. That given on the next page contains the correction to the R.A. for 10 years' precession. The quantity found in the table is to be added, with the sign there indicated to the R.A. at any time, in order to obtain the K.A. for an epoch 10 years later, or it is to be subtracted to find the R.A. at an epoch 10 years earlier. For intervals other than 10 years a proportional allowance must be made. The top and bottom lines contain the Declination, and the first and last columns the R.A. For most purposes it will be sufficient in finding the precession to take the R.A. to the nearest whole hour, and the Declination to the nearest multiple of 10 degrees. If the star is situated in the Northern Hemisphere, we find its Declination in the first or last line, and run the eye down the corresponding column till we reach the line which contains the star's R.A. in the first column ; the corresponding figure in the table is the precession in R.A. for 10 years. If the star is in the Southern Hemisphere, we look for its Declination as before, but we find its R.A. in the last column. The second table, containing the correction to the Declination for 10 years, is still more simple. We have merely to enter it with the nearest hour of R.A. in the extreme columns, and we find in the central column the corresponding correction to the Declination. For all R.A.'s found on the left side the correction is positive, and negative for all those on the right side. The signs of the precessions given in both tables show the correction necessary to bring the star's place up to a subsequent date ; to bring it back to an earlier date the signs must be altered. The table of precession in R.A. extends to 70 north and south of the Equator, so that it is applicable to all the stars except those around the North and South Poles, contained in Plates 51 and 70. THE STAR MAPS. TABLE FOR PRECESSION IN R.A. 57 R.A.forN.Decl. 10" 20 30 40 50 60 70 R.A.forS.Decl. h. h. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. h. h. 18 or 18 + 0-51 + 0-47 + 0-43 + 0-38 + 0-33 + 0-25 + 013 -O'lO 6 or 6 19 17 51 47 43 39 33 26 14 08 5 , 7 20 16 51 48 44 40 35 28 18 -0-02 4 , 8 21 15 51 48 45 42 38 32 24 + 0-08 3 , 9 22 14 51 49 47 45 42 38 32 -21 2 , 10 23 13 51 50 49 48 46 44 41 35 1 , 11 12 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 , 12 1 11 51 52 53 54 56 58 61 67 23 , 13 2 ., 10 51 53 55 58 61 64 70 82 22 , 14 3 9 51 54 57 60 64 70 78 0-94 21 , 15 4 8 51 55 58 62 67 74 85 1-04 20 , 16 5 7 51 55 59 64 69 77 88 1-10 19 , 17 6 6 + 0-51 + 0-55 + 0-59 + 0-64 + 070 + 078 + 0'90 + 1-12 18 , 18 E.A. forN.Decl. 10 20 30 40 l> 50 60 70 R.A.forS. Decl. TABLE FOR PRECESSION IN DECLINATION. R.A. Precession. R.A. h. h. h. h. or 24 + 0'06 - 12 or 12 1 23 05 13 11 2 22 05 14 10 3 21 04 15 9 4 20 03 16 8 5 19 01 17 7 6 18 00 18 6 Example The star Capella is situated in 1880 in R.A. 5 h. 8 m., Declination + 45'9 : find what its R.A. and Declination will be in 1905. Entering the first Table with R.A. 5 h., and Declination 50, we find 10 years' precession in R.A. is + 077 m. Hence the corresponding correction for 25 years will be to the nearest whole minute + 2 m. Entering the second Table with R.A. 5 h., we find 10 years' precession in Declination is + 0- 01, hence to the tenth of a degree the correction for 25 years is negligible, so that we find in 1905 R.A. = 5 h. 8 m. + 2 m. = 5 h. 10 m., and Decimation = + 45 '9. If it were required to find the place of the star at the beginning of the century (i.e., 80 years previously), we have to multiply + 0'77 m. and + 0'01 by - 8, and we find the cor- rections 6m. and 0'l, so that the place of this star in 1800 is R.A. 5 h. 2 m., Declina- tion + 45'8. As another example, let us find the R.A. and Declination of <" Draconis in 1940. Its place in 1880 is 17 h. 38 m. ; + 68'8. We find from the Tables O'lO m. as correction for 10 years' precession, and 0'00 as the correction in Declination ; we thus obtain for 1940 R.A. = 17 h. 38 m. 0'6 m. = 17 h. 37 m. to the nearest minute, and Declination + 68'8. 53 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. Once more, suppose that in 1950 it is announced that a comet has been seen in R.A. 3 h. 42'9 m., and Declination + 23'96. We find the precession in R.A. and Declination from the tables to be, for 10 years, + 0'58 m. and + 0'03. Hence, to bring the place back to 1880, we have the correction 4'1 m. and 0'21. We thus have Comet's R.A. h. m. 1950 3 42-9 Correction for Precession... 4*1 Comet's Declination. + 23-96 0-21 18SO. 3 33-8 + 23-75 That is to say, the place occupied by the comet is indicated on these maps by the figures just found for 1880, so that it would be found at the time of the announcement in the centre of the group of the Pleiades. The star maps of this work were drawn for the Epoch 1880, and as has been already explained, they no longer give the R.A. and Declination of the stars as they are measured to-day. It will be convenient if we add a table showing how much the system of circles should be shifted on each map relatively to the stars, to make them approximately right for the Epoch 1900, to which for a number of years the places of the stars will generally be referred. The following table gives the number of the map, and the amount the system of circles must be shifted in millimetres. 52. 0'4 right. 0.2 down. 58. 0'4 right. 0.2 down. 64. 0'4 right. 0.2 down. 53. 0'6 , 0.1 59. 0'4 , 0.0 65. 0'3 0.1 54. 0'6 , 0.1 up 60. 0'4 , 0.2 up 66. 0'3 0.1 up 55. 0'4 , 0.2 61. 0'4 , 0.2 67. 0-4 0.2 56. 0'3 0.1 62. 0'4 , 0.0 68. 0'6 0.1 57. 0'3 , 0.1 down. 63. 0'4 , 0.2 down. 69. 0-6 0.1 It will be seen that for the purposes of these maps the change is almost insensible. a; < i- to I G? RS/ry, UNIVERSITY OF x^l f u N ] v THE VERSI'TY OF QRHi^' r See Plate 58 ' '$ !2 '2 ' -o V> '2 '*? '53 '8 \\\ i i i i i i i t i i II 1 l l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 .! 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 7 *** ? r s ^r *5 J* ^ ti i * / . ^. - = ^ ^ ^ V5 * T s? 4- SS*. g - s> [^ i * . / ' F: ' L q - H . N. S ^t 1 1 *. i I * W ' % 4' , >- * => ^,-1 CO ^j 1 8 ^ U*- a^K? ^ aff* <>> ^ a**!?^ ^Z = / 4 < / * .-' Vn ,-'' f >o .^ r D = m ^ = fO i in V- rf ^ .-" o *fe^js ? ' 1 ! . ' S ^ & ? * ' te * . s en ^ _ a; -i s ?l C ^^ - \L^ K. o" "S . ^*^^**C o 4^ ^ 4* ^ s _ w a \ K ^-^^^-0 v\ v \. ^ *=?. 4) _ * * \ i / jf \ ^\ wj\ %n ^si n t ^* ? * ^^- - S " ^T v'* /^Sc^. ^Jl 3/ \| , \\ 1. t __ -^-*- ! . (A -F ', \ a - \ \ fr ^ ' \ * -J ^ i \ v> ; v E* " ic.it ^ !8>\ * ' 5- ' v -\ ...'' H - JJ ii ^\ /''' . "\ -s- / ~ H p. _ * 1 o -**- to ? ^ ^s v^7 fe? ^... - I> j; vj- i ^ ^ & a i , ... f i>x/ ? -A *i - ^ ? l r X | ' \ ^ /x, . o - _ ys -\7- / ^HK ^- "*" '' ti 1 A ^ ' ^ !.* ? >4F >. ' x *^\ / * '"' / \ f A* ^ Sf rS ~ 7^-^^^s \ ** ! ^^ * ^^< Uj/ o_z <0 v? ^-A -3Z- fy ' ^<|k ^\ *. E$ ^ L / ^ v \ *? ? * a-" '~^~~ ^^^-^js* H - > 'fe : ^ R' z * > >\ A 5 . / * . 4 * ^r o < 5 -4 ipr* -^ = H F = f / - 5 R. X : E- ^ X * UJ = ^ ^* ~ ,-H * u . " \ ^ ^ ^ < - i S $. o ! ^^ \ O . S3 4) - %/* , : is ""- x v "7 - ? tj -. - T * e '' ^ CO (^ 1 .. V v ' ... CO cd o (? N ~ P-i v r u _ OQ - ^X J i .t- a ^ / *" S ; * 3 / t ?xl /^ N iiai/ ^ ^ ^* fe S ^x <" *" * v x o a No: . UJ <0 u'y 7 * * r-8 - s - E ?l *5 1 b / * 2 \ ,\.^? \ . o / . /o / ^i t/5 - ^^ a ^ ^ S - CO 3 ,. p < J -0 * S u * . 8~ - j L- 1 . i- ' ~0 i i i 1 *! 1 II f 1 II 1 1 1 ! 1 N jo o uj 'o "ik o ""^ "2 g ^J 09 a^TBM 33 S o CD See Plate 36 0. 5E < H- cn See Hate 60 1 1 T 1 1 1 l- I-i >. B- \ , i V - \t; -. -* K: H OF THE VtRSlTY, OF See Plate 61 b 0- S t CO THE .VERSfTY tf) CD n} i i O-i S- O- < Si OH < I- 0} OF . VERSITY !i BALLS POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS NORTHERN INDEX MAP Plata 71 ^ (reogmphioaL OF UNIVERSITY ULLS POPULAR GU.DE TO TKE HEAVENS SOUTHERN INDEX MAP Plate 72 il A * 2 Z J 4 Seorye-PhOifi The. L&ntlon* GecgrmphiGaL (59) CHAPTER VIII. PLATE 73. THE GREAT NEBULA IN ORION. The Great Nebula which lies around the central star in the Sword of Orion is dimly visible to the naked eye as a blurring of the star disc. In the telescope it is a splendid object, full of intricate detail. But to bring out its full beauty we must, as always with the nebula?, photograph it. It is shown then as an object of extraordinary complexity, but without any obvious plan. Enclosed in it are .many stars which certainly belong to it, and are not merely seen by chance in the same direction ; for they share a typical spectrum whose characteristic is lines of helium which are strong also in the nebula itself. The nebula shown in the plate is only the brighter and central portion of a much larger structure whose existence has recently been made clear, an immense spiral winding about the whole constellation of Orion. In a sense, then, the more familiar nebula is to be ranked with the spiral nebulae, yet it is clearly distinguished from them by its spectrum, which shows that the light of the nebula comes from luminous gas, hydrogen, and helium, and the gas hitherto undetected upon Earth which has been called nebulum. Of the real size and distance of the nebula practically nothing is known, beyond the fact that it is certainly immensely distant and large. And in this, as in many nebulas, we find black holes with edges surprisingly sharp which are very hard to explain, except upon the highly speculative assumption that they represent dark material structures of some kind interposed between us and the shining nebula. In this, as in all pictures taken with reflecting telescopes, the discs of the brighter stars are disfigured by rays which are of purely instrumental origin. This plate, and the one that follows, were taken at the Yerkes' Observatory, Chicago, by Mr. Ritchey, with a reflecting telescope of two feet aperture made in the workshops of the Observatory. They owe a part of their beauty to the fact that the negatives have been reduced in the bright central portions which are inevitably over-exposed during the long time that is required to photograph the faint outlying portions of the nebula. Only by such a process is it possible to show on one plate the details both of the central and the remote parts of the nebula. PLATE 74. THE GREAT NEBULA IN ANDROMEDA. In a telescope of moderate power this Great Nebula appears almost structureless, a soft elliptical mass of light steadily brightening towards the centre. In a large telescope, under 60 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. exceptionally fine conditions, its outlying portions are seen to be furrowed with dark passages. But no eye has ever seen directly a hundredth part of the structure that is revealed by photo- graphy. Surrounding the central nucleus, which remains structureless, are a number of fainter rings, or perhaps more probably the convolutions of a spiral it is almost impossible to say which and the whole is mottled with brighter patches and perforated with dark holes of remarkable sharpness. The light of the nebula is such as would be given by vast numbers of stars crowded together that is to say, the spectrum is continuous, the light is white. But in the present state of knowledge it is altogether premature to argue from that, that the nebula is really an enormous system of stars very far away. The most we can say is that its composition is certainly very different from that of the gaseous nebulae. PLATE 75. THE GREAT STAR-CLUSTER IN HERCULES AND A NEBULA IN CYGNUS. The photographs reproduced in this plate were taken by Mr. W. E. Wilson, at his observatory at Daramona, Westmeath, with a two-foot reflector. Star-clusters may be roughly divided into two classes : loose and condensed. Of the former, the Pleiades cluster is the most conspicuous example. (See Plates 79 and 80.) The stars in it do not crowd towards the centre ; on the contrary, the density of stars in the centre of that cluster is less than the density in the surrounding sky ; but the individual stars are brighter. In a globular cluster, on the other hand such as the Hercules cluster small stars are so crowded towards the centre that, in all but the largest instruments, they become indistinguishable from one another. PLATE 76. THE SPIRAL NEBULA IN CANES VENATICI. This, the most famous of the Spiral Nebula, had its true character first recognised by Lord Rosse with his great reflector at Parsonstown in Ireland. We are so happily situated with respect to it that we get a fair side view of it, and can trace in considerable detail how its branches are interlaced and studded with condensations which look as if they are on the way to become stars. Recent photographic work has shown that a large proportion of the nebulae, both known and hitherto unknown, are spirals, and this form must now be considered almost the rule instead of the exception. This photograph, and the two following, were taken at the Lick Observatory by the late Professor Keeler, with the three foot Orossley Reflector, which was mounted at Baling by the late Dr. Common, sold to Mr. Crossley, of Halifax, and afterwards presented by him to the Lick Observatory, in order that it might be worked under skies more favourable than those of England. NEBULA. 61 PLATE 77. THE DUMB-BELL NEBULA. It is a striking illustration of the power of photography in depicting nebulae, that it has brought out a distinct resemblance between the Dumb-bell in Vulpecula and the Ring in Lyra, which could hardly have been suspected from the visual appearance of those objects- If we imagine the nebulosity, which exists inside the Ring, to shine a little more brightly, so that it fills up the Ring, and at the same time imagine the tendency towards thinning out at the ends of the longest diameter to be a little more pronounced, we shall see how easily the Ring might be transformed into the Dumb-bell. Both are gaseous, and both have a central star. It is difficult to resist the conclusion that the two nebuloe are closely related in kind. PLATE 78. THE RING NEBULA IN LYRA. The Ring Nebula in Lyra can be easily found. It lies in the line from /3 to 7 Lyrse, about one third of the distance from /3 to 7. It may be seen with a telescope of a few inches aperture, but it is doubtful if any telescope in the world, excepting perhaps Lord Rosse's reflector when in its finest condition, has ever shown to the eye so much as is presented in the photograph here reproduced, which was taken by Prof. Keeler at the Lick Observatory, with the Crossley Reflector. The central star, which is so conspicuous on the photograph, is barely visible in the largest telescopes. It is much brighter photographically than visually, probably because its light is composed chiefly of those rays of short wave length to which the plate is sensitive but the eye nearly insensitive. The photograph shows quite plainly that the ring is not uniformly bright ; there are even some indications that it is composed of several interlacing or over-lapping rings, and it is remarkable how the ring thins out at the ends of its longest diameter. With longer exposures the centre of the ring fills up, and the nebula becomes a disk. It follows that the ring-like appearance is in a sense deceptive ; that the real shape of the nebula is something like a hollow shell of gas, of which the borders look brighter, perhaps, because one is then looking through a greater depth of the shining matter : but this is at best a conjecture. What is certainly known is that the matter which shines is of the nature of self-luminous gas, giving a bright line spectrum. About the distance and the real size of the object very little is known, but it is practically certain that were our solar system placed in the centre of it, it would all lie within the space covered by the photographic image of the central star. A fine example of a nebula with no central condensation is that in Oygnus. (No. 6992 in Dreyer's New General Catalogue.) Irregular and far-stretching nebulae such as this are not uncommon in the Milky Way. They are probably all gaseous, and seem to belong to a class altogether different from the spiral nebulae. 62 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. PLATES 79 & 80. THE PLEIADES. Plates 79 and 80 are representations of the Pleiades made with telescope? of different types. Plate 79 is from a photograph obtained by Dr. Isaac Eoberts with his reflecting telescope of 20 inches aperture and 98 inches focal length a ratio of aperture to focal length of about 1 : 5. Such an instrument is the most efficient kind of telescope for photographing faint nebulosity, and with similar instruments at different observatories the photographs of plates 73 to 78 have also been obtained. Plate 80 is engraved from a photograph made at the Paris Observatory by the Brothers Henry with the .refracting telescope of 13 inches aperture and 135 inches focal length, which is the standard pattern in use at eighteen obser- vatories cooperating in making the photographic chart and catalogue of the heavens. Such an instrument is not so suitable for photographing faint nebulae ; but it makes better photo- graphs for measurement. And in presenting a series of the best pictures of some of the most beautiful objects in the sky, one must not fail to call attention to the other branch of astronomical photography, the making of plates which are not so pictorially effective, but which are more suitable for accurate measurement. Year by year the measurement of photographs replaces the older method of measurement at the telescope, and at the present time (1903) several observatories have nearly finished their share of the great International Photographic Catalogue of Stars mentioned above, which will include the places of about 2,000,000 stars. The Pleiades cluster is the finest example of a loose cluster of bright stars intermixed with nebulosity. And in this cluster the nebulosity is of a very remarkable character. It takes the form in many places of long straight wisps connecting directly the brighter stars. In examining Plate 79 care must be taken not to confuse these' with the eight symmetrical rays proceeding from each of the brighter stars, which are caused by an instrumental defect unavoidable in reflecting telescopes. Taking the key map to Plate 80 as a guide we may trace on Plate 79 the straight extension of nebula from Electra towards Alcyone, the ray proceeding from below Electra straight through the stars numbered 1 and 7, and the remarkable ray which runs from star No. 10 in a straight line through several stars above Alcyone and close below 24. Of a somewhat different character, yet still with a marked tendency to arrangement in straight lines, is the nebula which involves Maia and Merope. Even apart from the evidence of the connecting nebula, there is little doubt that the Pleiades is a real cluster of bright stars, and not a chance gathering of stars seen nearly in the same direction but at very different distances from us. Of relative motion among the stars of the group there is little or none ; but the whole group is drifting together at the rate of about 9" of arc per century past the other stars in the neighbourhood. PLATE 81. THE MILKY WAY, AROUND THE STAR-CLUSTER MESSIER n. This is a reproduction of one of the celebrated photographs of the " star clouds " of the Milky Way, taken by Professor Barnard at the Lick Observatory in 1889. His description NEBULA. 63 of it is as follows : "The small cluster, Messier 11, lies on the upper or north edge of the neck of the large cloud, and looks like a nucleus. The western side of the great cloud has several rather sharply-marked indentations and several detached masses of stars. The star j3 Aquilae, on the upper north edge of the great head, has two curious sprays of stars extending from it, giving the appearance of a ram's horns. The great star-cloud seems to be made up of very small stars, apparently very uniform in size. Near the lower right-hand corner of the plate is shown a beautiful bright nebulous star The nebulosity about this star is somewhat elliptical. It was discovered on the plates of 1899, and is quite noticeable visually. The bright star near the N.E. edge of the plate is X Aquilae. The great star-cloud seems to stretch out to and surround this star." No less striking than the brilliant clouds of stars are the dark holes and lanes which pierce them. These sharply-defined vacuities are characteristic features of the star-clouds, and they give some cause for suspicion that there may exist in space regions of light-stopping material which cut out the light of the stars beyond. It is difficult otherwise to account for the existence of so many well-defined empty spaces in a field of stars otherwise so rich. PLATE 82. NOVA PERSEI AND THE NEBULA IN MOTION. The appearance of a new star in Perseus was first observed by Dr. Anderson at Edinburgh, on 1901, Feb. 21, at G-.M.T. 14h. 40m. The star was then of magnitude 27. On the previous night a photograph had been taken by Mr. Stanley Williams at Brighton which showed stars down to the 12th magnitude, but no trace of the Nova. It is, therefore, certain that in little more than 24 hours the star must have increased in brightness more than ten thousand times. On Plate 82 we have the photograph above mentioned ; and, for comparison with it, a second photograph taken after the appearance of the star. So promptly was the discovery made and the news circulated that on the evening of February 22nd the star was under observation all over . the northern hemisphere, and it was found that the brightness was still increasing. But in a few days it began to fail rapidly though with very strongly-marked fluctuations until by midsummer it was invisible to the naked eye while its spectrum, as is usual in such cases, had become that of a gaseous nebula. In spite of the enormous amount of information which was given by this outburst unsurpassed since the days of Tycho Brahe it does not seem that we are much nearer an understanding of its cause. But one thing seems to be clear ^-the outburst of a new star is not due to the collision of two dark bodies which are thereby raised to a transcendant heat. Almost more remarkable than the star itself was the nebula which was discovered around it in the autumn of 1901. The first satisfactory photograph of it was obtained at the Yerkes Observatory on September 20th. On November 7th and 8th a photograph obtained at the Lick Observatory showed that parts of the nebula were in rapid motion ; and the same thing was found independently at the Yerkes Observatory on the 9th and 13th. In the lower portion of our plate diagrams drawn to scale from the original negatives show these changes unmistakeably. If the pointed structures, lettered a and e, are compared on the two diagrams, and reference made to the surrounding stars and the scale at the side, it 64 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. will be seen at once that these points have moved about a minute of arc in six weeks. Such a rate of motion is unprecedented, and many theories have been advanced to account for it. The most generally accepted theory is that there was around the star a complicated nebula too faint to be photographed until it was lit up by the burst of light which proceeded from the star ; and, that the motion which was observed was not a real motion of the nebula itself, but the effect of successive lighting-up of different parts of the nebula as the light passed outwards over it. It is scarcely possible otherwise to acconnt for a motion which must have been at least very nearly equal to the velocity of light itself. BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. Scale : Minutes of Arc. I Plate 73. fO 20 THE GREAT NEBULA IN ORION. G. W. RITCHEY. 2-ft. Reflector, YERKES OBSERVATORY. BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAV Scale : Minute: of Arc. _1 L_ Plate 74. 10 20 SO 60 THE GREAT NEBULA IN ANDROMEDA. (M. 31 ) G. W. RITCHEY. 2-ft. Reflector, YERKES OBSERVATORY - L o U D Qi Z uJ O OS "" UJ < D dl UJ ~ I z H < BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. Scale : Minutes of Ar Plate 76. SPIRAL NEBULA IN CANES VENATICI. (M. 51) J. E. KEELER. Crossley Reflector, LICK OBSERVATORY. BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HFAVCNS Plate 77. Scale : Minutes of Arc. J | I THE RING NEBULA IN LYRA. (M. 57.) J. E. KEELER. Crossley Reflector. LICK OBSERVATORY. BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. Scale : Minutes of Arc. Plate 78. IO THE DUMB-BELL NEBULA IN VULPECULA J. E. KEELER. Crossley Reflector. LICK OBSERVATORY BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. 10 20 Scale : Minutes of Arc. 30 40 Plate 79. JO 6O THE NEBUL/E IN THE PLEIADES. ISAAC ROBERTS, 20-in. Reflector.Crowborough.Sussex. V - '^. ^^ V o' BALL'S POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVFNS Plate 81. a _L 9 _L THE MILKY WAY AROUND THE STAR CLUSTER MESSIER II E. E. BARNARD, 6-in. Portrait Lens. LICK OBSERVATORY Plate 82 Scale : Degrees. 1901, February 20th. Before appearance of Nova. 1901, February 28th. The Nova. NOVA PERSEI. Photographs by A. STANLEY WILLIAMS, Hove, Sussex. Scale : Squares are Two Minutes of Arc. N N THE MOVING NEBULA SURROUNDING NOVA PERSEI. 1901, September 20th. 1901, November 13th. Drawn by G. W. RITCHEY. from Photographs taken with the 24-in. Reflector, YERKES OBSERVATORY. A SELECT LIST OF STARS, STAR CLUSTERS, AND NEBULA. (67) CHAPTER IX. A SELECT LIST OF STARS, STAR CLUSTERS, AND NEBULAE. In preparing a list of objects which are suitable for observation with small instruments the author naturally turns in the first place to Admiral Smyth's "Celestial Cycle" for suggestions ; and for the results of the most modern work upon those objects to Miss Clerke's " Problems in Astrophysics," Dr. See's " Evolution of the Stellar Systems," and Prof. Simon Newcomb's " The Stars : A Study of the Universe " ; to the " Companion to the Observatory," the publications of the Royal Astronomical Society, and the scientific journals. The student will find more extensive lists of interesting objects in Mr. Gore's " The Stellar Heavens." An attempt has been made in these notes to give some of the most recent results for the distance, mass, &c. of the star systems. A very brief summary of the principles from which these results have been deduced is here given : Distance of the Stars. Astronomers find it convenient to express the distance of a star from the solar system by a quantity which is the apparent angular radius of the Earth's orbit as seen from the star ; this quantity is called the annual parallax of the star. For example, the annual parallax of a Centauri, our nearest stellar neighbour, is 0"'75 ; that is to say, the radius of the Earth's orbit, as viewed from the star, would subtend an angle of three-quarters of a second of arc. Since a unit of length viewed at a distance of 200,000 units makes an angle of a second of arc very nearly, we have the following convenient rule : To find how many million times farther away than the Sun any given star is : Take the number expressing its annual parallax in seconds of arc ; multiply it by five ; and find the reciprocal of the product. This is the number of millions required. For example : The parallax of Capella is 0"'09. The reciprocal of 5 times 0'09 is about 2j. Hence Capella is about 2j million times as far away as the Sun. Distance of Star in Light -Years. We have seen that astronomers generally express the distance of a star in terms of its annual parallax, always a very small angle, which decreases as the distance of the star increases. It is inconvenient to try to express the distances in the ordinary astronomical unit of length, the distance of the Earth from the Sun ; the numbers are too large. But the distance which light travels in one year makes a unit of convenient size. Thus, since according to the best determination, the time taken by light to travel the distance R from QQ POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. the Earth to the Sun is 498'46 sees., in one year (365d. 5h. 48m. 46s.) light travels about 3,300 R. This is called a light-year. And a star which has a parallax of 1" is distant 206,265 R. Hence light would take 3'26 years to come from that star to the Earth. And for any other star whose parallax expressed in seconds of arc is given, the time 3'26 taken by light to come from it to our system is allax 3'26 Example : The parallax of Capella is 0"'09. Hence light takes -^ ^ = about 36 years on its journey. Velocity of Star at Right Angles to the Line of Sight. This can be found when the star's parallax and proper motion are known. If the star has a parallax of 1" and a proper motion of l'', it moves during the year a distance at right angles to the line of sight equal to the radius of the Earth's orbit,' that is, about 92,900,000 miles. This corresponds to a speed of 2'94 miles per second. If for any star we multiply this number by the annual proper motion, and divide by the parallax, we get the velocity of the star at right angles to the line of sight. Example : a Lyrte. Proper motion 0"'36 ; parallax O'"08. Velocity at right angles to line of sight = x 2 '94 = about 13 miles per second. 0'08 Brightness of Stars Compared with the Sun. To give an account of the methods of comparing the relative brightness of the Sun and stars would be beyond the limits of the present work. But the formula which represents the relation is comparatively simple. If *r is the parallax of the star, m its magnitude, -and r the ratio of its light to the light of the Sun removed to the distance of the star 4 1 logr = JQ (5 log-- m.). Example : For Procyon we have mag. 0'47, parallax 0"'33 ; whence log. r = 0'77, r = 5'9 It should be noticed that estimates of this kind are very much affected by small changes in the adopted value of the parallax of the star, and are therefore necessarily rather uncertain. Masses of the Stars Compared with the Sun. Can bs found only for binary stars. When a binary star has completed enough of a revolution to make it possible to compute all the circumstances of its apparent orbit, it is possible to compute the shape and position of the real orbit, which will differ from the apparent orbit, unless it happens to lie square to the line of sight ; we also know its size in seconds of arc. If, in addition, we know the parallax, i.e., the distance of the star, we know the length of the major axis of the real orbit in terms of the distance of the Earth from the Sun. For example : The major axis of the real orbit of the companion of Sirius about that star subtends to us an angle 8"'03 ; the major axis of the Earth's orbit round the Sun subtends at A SELECT LIST OF STARS, STAR CLUSTERS; AND NEBULA. 69 the distance of Sirius the angle 0"'37 (the annual parallax). Hence the distance of its 8 '03 companion from Sirius is --r- times, = 217 times the distance of Earth from Sun. The (j'o I companion of Sirius revolves in 52'2 years. It follows from an extension of Kepler's 3rd law, (21'7Y ! that mass of Sirius + companion = ; 2 - mass of Sun + Earth. The mass of the Earth is \&2t A)" negligible compared with that of the Sun, and we have, therefore, on reducing the fraction, Mass of Sirius + companion = 37 times mass of Sun. Spectroscopy. Without entering into the complicated theory and methods of spectrum analysis, it is possible to indicate broadly the facts upon which spectroscopic determinations of various kinds are based. When the source of light is transparent glowing gas, the spectrum consists of a number of isolated bright lines. When the source of light is a glowing solid body, the spectrum consists of a continuous rainbow band of colour, with no details at all. It is visible from the red to the violet ; below the red it can be detected by its heating effects ; beyond the visible violet it continues for some distance to affect the photographic plate. If the hot solid body is overlaid by cooler layers of gas, dark absorption lines appear in the continuous spectrum, in the exact places where bright lines would be seen were that gas shining alone. Upon this fact rests the possibility of determining what substances are present in the vapours surrounding the Sun and stars, and in the nebulae. If iron, for example, is vapourised in the electric arc its spectrum consists of bright lines. In the spectrum of the Sun are found dark lines corresponding exactly in position with each one of these bright lines. The conclusion is that iron exists in a state of vapour above the Sun, relatively cooler than the glowing solid particles in the photosphere below. In a similar way the presence of a great number of other elements is detected in the Sun and stars. Again, if hydrogen is made to glow electrically in a vacuum tube its spectrum consists of certain bright lines. In the spectrum of a gaseous nebula bright lines are found in the same positions. It follows that hydrogen is shining in the nebula. But the comparative positions of these lines remain fixed only so long as the sources of light are at rest with respect to one another. If a star is in motion with respect to the Earth all the lines of its spectrum are slightly shifted towards the violet if the star is approaching, towards the red if it is receding. By measuring the amount of this shift it is possible to decide what is the velocity of approach or recession of the star. Spectroscopic Binaries. The velocities of a great number of stars relative to the solar system have been measured by this method. In a great many cases the velocity has been found to vary regularly in a definite period. The conclusion is that the star is in orbital motion round the centre of gravity of itself and a companion. In the majority of cases the companion does not give enough light to affect very much 70 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. the spectrum of the principal star. In some cases, however, the two stars are nearly of the same brightness. Then one star will necessarily be approaching while the other is receding, and vice versd ; and the spectrum will be doubled, each star will show its own set of dark lines, which will alternately close up on and open out from each other, and in such cases the duplicity of the star is obvious, without need of reference to the positions of comparison lines obtained terrestrially. If the velocities in their orbits of the components of a binary are known, and the period of revolution, it is possible to calculate the real size of the orbits, and thence the masses as above. In the case of spectroscopic binaries one cannot usually solve the problem completely, but can determine that the mass of the pair must be at least as much as a certain quantity. 35 Piscium. Oh. 10m. + 8 13'. A fine, double star, 6th magnitude white, and 8th magnitude purplish. The components appear to be relatively fixed, in position angle 150, and distance 12". Globular Cluster 47 Toucani. Oh. 20m. - 72 39'. A magnificent cluster containing about 1,500 stars within a radius of about 3'. Visible to the naked eye as a hazy star, of light equivalent to 4 magnitude. The cluster contains six variable stars. Nebula M. 31 Andromedae. Oh. 37m. + 40 43'. One of the most splendid nebulae in the sky, but not very interesting as a telescopic object. The best way to see nebulae in the telescope is to set the instrument just ahead of the nebula and allow it to drift into the field. If close attention is paid it is possible to see in the Andromeda nebula certain dark and apparently straight lanes ; otherwise the nebula appears almost structureless, fading away gradually from the bright centre. Its real complicated structure can only be seen well in the photographs (see Plate 74), where it appears as a fine spiral seen obliquely with a great deal of curious detail. Its spectrum is continuous, and dark lines are suspected in it j it is not, therefore, it would seem, one of the transparent gaseous nebulae. i] Cassiopeia. Oh. 43m. + 57 17'. A binary star of rapid motion, and large parallax. Magnitude 3 and 7$ ; distance 5'"68 ; position-angle 226'4 (Maw, 1903'2). Its period is 196 years, and its parallax is 0"20. From these data it may be concluded that the mass of this pair of suns is 1'8 times the mass of our Sun, that their luminosity is together about equal to that of the Sun, and that their mean distance apart is 41 times the distance of the Earth from the Sun. But the caution should be given that all such deductions may be considerably modified by a small change in the value of the parallax adopted ; and the numbers must be taken as examples of the kind of information that these researches will give us, rather than as absolutely determined quantities. a Ursse Minoris (Polaris). lh. 23m. + 88 46'. The Pole Star is the best known and most practically important star in the sky. On account of its proximity to the North Pole of the sky it appears to the eye to be almost A SELECT LIST OF STARS, STAR CLUSTERS, AND NEBULAE. 71 devoid of the ordinary daily movement of the stars about the Pole. The -actual diameter of the small'circle which it describes daily is 2 25' (1903), about five times the apparent diameter of the Moon. The Pole Star can easily be found by the aid of the "pointers," a and /3 Urste Majoris. It is a standard 2nd magnitude star, with a small 9th magnitude companion distant 19" in position-angle 212. It has been shown quite recently by Campbell that the Pole Star is a spectroscopic binary, with a period of very nearly four days, and a slow orbital motion of four miles per second. But irregularities have been found in this motion, and it seems probable that Polaris has two dark companions. y Arietis. lh. 48m. + 18 49'. This star is interesting as having been discovered as a double star by Hooke, as early as 1664, when he was observing the Comet of that year "a like instance to which I have not else met with in all the heavens." Magnitude 4*2, 4'4 ; distance 8"'3 ; position-angle 358. Easily visible with a small telescope. a Piscium. lh. 57m. + 2 17'. A fine double star ; components about 3 and 4 magnitude ; distance 3|" ; position-angle 359. 7 Andromedae. lh. 58m. + 41 51'. One of the finest double stars in the sky. Magnitude 2|, yellow, and 5^, blue green. Distance 10"'2 ; position-angle 62. The blue star is itself a binary, distance 0"'45 (1903), a difficult object at present in any telescope less than 12-in. aperture. The period of this small binary is 55 years, and the eccentricity of its orbit is very great. In 1890 the stars were only two or three-hundredths of a second apart, and no telescope could separate them. i Trianguli. 2h. 7m. + 29 50'. An exquisite double star, of which the primary is yellow, 5th magnitude, and the companion blue, 7th magnitude. Distance about 3"'5, and position-angle 75. During the 80 years in which the star has been under observation there has been a slight diminution in position-angle and increase in distance, so the star is probably a very slow binary. The Star Clusters in Perseus. 2h. 12m. + 56 41'. A splendid pair of clusters of bright stars, visible to the naked eye as a bright patch in the Milky way, on the line joining a Persei with S Cas-iopei;)e, at about three-fifths of the distance from the former. The preceding cluster contains two bright stars of the 7th magnitude and a beautiful "horse-shoe" of 9th and 10th magnitude stars. The cluster which follows about 3m. on the same parallel is not so fine, but contains two conspicuous triangles of stars. o (Mira) Ceti. 2h. 14m. - 3 26'. A very remarkable variable star discovered three hundred years ago by the German astronomer Fabricius, who was the first observer of sun spots with the telescope. It varies 72 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. in a period of 330 days, more or less, from about the 3rd magnitude (on the average) down to 9 ; it is impossible to define its behaviour accurately since no two successive cycles are similar. The student will readily find its place with reference to other stars from the charts, and will find great interest in observing its variations. Persei. 2h. 37m. + 48 49'. An interesting triple star A of the 4th, B and C of the 10th magnitudes. A and B are affected with the same proper motion, amounting to nearly 1" annually, and probably form a binary system. Distance 17"'4, position-angle 299 (1900). C is at distance 80", and position- angle 225 (1900), and does not share the proper motion of the other two, so that they are rapidly separating from it. 7 Ceti. 2h. 38m. + 2 49'. A beautiful double star, A3'0m. yellow, and B 6 '8m. b'ue, with common proper motion. Probably a slow binary. Distance 3'"5 ; position angle 292. (1899). 9 Eridani. 2h. 55m. - 40 41'. A fine double star for southern observers, magnitudes 3'5 and 5'5 ; distance 8"'2 ; position angle 85. It is practically certain that this pair, now a star of the 3rd magnitude to the naked eye, is identical with Ptolemy's " Last of the river " and with the Achernar of Al-Sufi, who describes it as of the first magnitude. This is one of the clearest cases of a star having lost a large percentage of its light within historical times. ]3 Persei (Algol). 3h. 2m. + 40 34'. The most famous variable star in the sky. Every 2d. 21h. its light suddenly begins to diminish from magnitude 2'4, until in a little over 4 hours it has sunk to 3'6 ; without any appreciable pause it then rises again in nearly the same time to its normal brightness. The conjecture that this is due to an eclipse by a dull companion has been confirmed by the spectroscope. Algol is thus a spectroscopic binary whose plane passes nearly through the solar system. This being determined we have the following data : Velocity of Algol in orbit 26 miles per second ; radius of orbit 1,000,000 miles. Diameter of bright star about 1 ,000,000 miles ; of dull companion about 800,000. In default of a knowledge of the mass of the companion we cannot determine the separation in miles of the two stars, but they must be relatively very cl%e together, only a few million miles apart. If we assume that the two stars have the same density, their masses are nearly in the ratio of 2 : 1, and their distance apart about 3j million miles. They, like all eclipsing variables, seem to be a great deal less dense than the Sua The Pleiades. Central Star, Alcyone. 3h. 41m. + 23 48'. The well known naked eye cluster of bright stars, seen to greatest advantage in a telescope of low magnifying power. Most of the brighter stars have a common proper motion, and form, without doubt, a real group. Although the cluster is so rich in bright stars it contains actually fewer fainter stars than equal areas of the surrounding sky. The cluster is full of nebulosity which has an apparent connection with the stars. (See Plate 79). A SELECT LIST OF STARS, STAR CLUSTERS, AND NEBUL.E. 73 a Tauri (Aldebaran). 4h. 30m. + 16 18'. This star, Mag. 1'2, conspicuous for its ruddy colour, is the principal object in the group of the Hyades. (Map 59). Its proper motion is 0"'19 and parallax 0"'12, whence its light is about 23 times that of the Sun, and its motion across the line of sight about 4 miles per second. An occupation of Aldebaran by the Moon, which not infrequently occurs, is a striking phenomenon. a Aurigae (Capella). 5h. 9m. + 45 54'. One of the brightest stars in the sky. Newall and Campbell found independently that it is a spectroscopic binary, components unequally bright, but nearly equal in mass, moving in orbits of radius about 50,000,000 miles in a period of 104 days ; joint mass about seventeen times Sun. The parallax of the stars has been carefully determined as 0"'08 ; and this implies that the stars give together about 130 times as much light as the sun ; they must there- fore be much brighter mass for mass. From the data just given it is easy to see that they might be seen telescopically as a double star with distance 0"'l, and the Greenwich observers believe that they have seen the star elongated though not clearly divided. Proper motion 0"'43 ; annual parallax 0"'08, whence its velocity at right angles to the line of sight is about 16 miles per second. Nebula M. i Tauri. oh. 29m. + 21 57'. The " Crab " nebula, so called by Lord Rosse because of the claw-like protuberances which he observed. In a small telescope it is not very interesting ; but it is famous as the object which induced Messier to draw up his celebrated catalogue of nebulae, by the numbers of which the brighter nebulae are known to this day. The Crab Nebula is No. 1. Orionis. 5h. 29m. - 5 28'. A splendid multiple star involved in the brightest part of the great nebula in Orion. Four bright stars, of magnitude 6, 7, 7i, and 8, are the well-known " trapezium." There are a number of fainter stars included in the group. (T Orionis. 5h. 34m. - 2 39'. A very fine multiple star. In small telescopes it presents the appearance described by Sir William Herschel of " a double-treble star, or two sets of treble stars almost similarly situated." Larger instruments show a number of other stars, and Burnham has found that the brightest star is itself double, and a rapid binary. Orionis. 5h. 36m. - 2 0'. This, the following of the three stars in Orion's belt, is a fine double, with a distant faint companion. The components of the double are of magnitude 2 and 6 ; distance 2"'4 ; position-angle 156, slowly increasing. The faint companion, magnitude 10, is in position- angle 9, at distance 57". 74 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. Cluster M. 37 Aurigae. 5h. 46m. + 32' 31'. A magnificent cluster of small stars, loose and little condensed. It does not appear that there is any nebulosity in this cluster, though in small instruments the crowd of small stars presents the appearance of it, " Even in smaller instruments extremely beautiful, one of the finest of its class. Gaze at it well and long." Webb. a Orionis (Betelgueuse). 5h. 50m. 4 7 23'. A bright yellowish-red star, whose light is somewhat variable, about 0'9 usually. Like nearly all stars in the constellation of Orion it has a small proper motion, 0"'027 per annum, and a small parallax, 0" - 024. It follows that this star gives several hundred times the light of the Sun, but its motion across the line of sight is slow, about 3 miles per second. |3 Aurigae. oh. 52m. + 44 56'. Telescopically a single star. But the lines in its spectrum appear alternately double and single every 48 hours, and the displacement indicates a relative velocity of 150 miles a second. It follows that the star is double, with components nearly equally bright, revolving in a period of just less than 4 days. The orbit is somewhat eccentric ; the stars are at least 7,500,000 miles apart, and their combined mass 4| times that of the Sun. Star Cluster M.35 Geminorum. 6h. 3m. + 24 21. '. A fine and bright, but loose cluster of stars, without much trace of the condensation towards the centre which characterizes a globular cluster. II Monocerotis, 6h. 24m. - 6 57'. A very striking triple star, A of the 5th magnitude, B and C of the 6th. B is in position angle 131 and distance 7" ; C in 120, distance 9|". There is no evidence of relative motion in this system. a Canis Majoris (Sirius). 6h. 41m. - 16 34'. The brightest star in the sky, Mag. - T6, of large proper motion, and large parallax. Irregularities in its proper motion suggested that the star must have a companion, which was discovered in 1862. Its magnitude is about 9, but it is visible only in the largest telescopes being very hard to see on account of its nearness to the brilliant primary. In 1903'! its distance was 6"'3, in position angle 128. The parallax of Sirius as determined by Gill and Elkin is 0"'37. The period of the companion is 52 years, and mean distance from Sirius 8" '03- From these data we may conclude that the total mass of the pair is 3'7 times that of the Sun, but their combined light is 32 times ; that their distance apart is 22 times that of the Earth from the Sun. From the irregularity in the proper motion of Sirius it may further be, shown that Sirius is only about twice as massive as its companion, though it is 10,000 times as bright. The great intensity of the light of Sirius, 30 times that of the Sun, with only 2| times its mass, and the dimness of the companion are very remarkable. a Geminorum (Castor). 7h. 28m. -f 32 6'. A very fine double star, one of the best objects for small telescopes. Magnitude 2'0 and 2'8 ; distance (1902) 5"7 ; position angle 223. Period of revolution about 1,000 years. The A SELECT LIST OF STARS, STAR CLUSTERS, AND NEBULA. 75 interest of this system has been greatly increased by the discovery that the fainter component is a spectroscopic binary with a heavy dark companion. Period 2 95 days ; velocity of bright star in orbit 22 miles per second ; radius of orbit at least 1,800,000 miles. a Canis Minoris (Procyon). 7h. 34m. + 5 29'. One of our nearer neighbours among the stars. Annual parallax 0'"33 ; proper motion 1"'25 ; Mag. 0'47, whence its light is about six times that of the Sun, and its velocity at right angles to the line of sight about 1 1 miles a second. A binary star with a faint but relatively very massive companion, whose presence first became known by the large irregularities which its attraction produces in the motion of the principal star. The disturbing companion was at last discovered with the great Lick telescope in 1895. Its mass is about equal to that of the Sun, but the light that it gives is very much less, perhaps about one-thousandth. 4 Cancri. Sh. 6m. + 17 59'. One of the most remarkable multiple stars in the heavens. It is composed in the first place of two stars, A and B, of the 5 and 57 magnitude respectively, whose orbit has been well determined. These two revolve around each other, in a period of 60 years, at a distance of less than 1", and are accompanied by a third star, C, of 5 '5 magnitude, which revolves around the centre of gravity of all in an opposite direction. From irregularities in the motion of C, which take place in a period of 17| years, it i-i concluded that it is but a satellite of an invisible body around which it revolves in that time, describing an ellipse with a radius of about one-fifth of a second, and that the two together circle around A and B in 600 or 700 years. Cluster M.44 Cancri. Sh. 34m. + 20 21'. A large and loose cluster of stars known as Prsesepe, or the Bee-hive. To the naked eye it appears as a nebulous patch of light a little south preceding 7 Cancri. A fine object in small telescopes. Hydrae. 8h. 42m. + 6 50'. A beautiful triple star. A and B are respectively of the 4th and 6th magnitude, and are so close that only the most powerful telescopes can separate them. Position-angle 23", distance 0"'13 (1902), yellow. The companion C is 7th magnitude, blue, in position-angle 234, distance 3"'47 (1902). a Leonis (Regulus). lOh. 3m. + 12 27'. This bright star (magnitude 1'23) has quite a large proper motion, 0"'27 per annum, but a small parallax, 0"02, whence it follows that its light must be equal to that of 1,000 of our Suns. 7 Leonis. lOh. 14m. + 20 22'. A very fine double star, orange yellow. Magnitude 2 and 4 ; distance 3" '81 ; position angle 1157 (1903.8, Lewis). Binary with a period of about 400 years. 76 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. Planetary Nebula H. IV. 27 Hydrae. lOh. 20m. - 18 8'. A typical planetary nebula, whose light is equal to that of an 8th magnitude star. Admiral Smyth describes it as "resembling Jupiter in size, equable light, and colour," though of course it is not nearly so bright. Its spectrum consists of bright lines, and it is therefore gaseous. i] Argus. 10h. 41m. - 59* 10'. This, one of the most remarkable stars in the sky, set in the middle of one of the most remarkable nebulae, is unfortunately too far south to be visible in European latitudes. During the 18th and early part of the 19th centuries it was a naked-eye star between the 2nd and 4th magnitude. In 1837 it rose quickly in brightness to first magnitude, faded a little, and in 1843 rose very nearly to the brightness of Sirius. In the following 30 years it sank steadily to magnitude 7, where it remains. Its spectrum is of the peculiar type associated with the temporary stars, and it seems to differ from them principally in being semi-permanent. Planetary Nebula M. 97 Ursae Majoris. lib. 9m. + 55 34'. In small telescopes a faintly luminous disc about the size of Jupiter. In very large telescopes it appears to have a very complicated structure. The Earl of Rosse found two condensations surrounded by spirals in opposite directions, from which it obtained the name of the " Owl Nebula." This, like nearly all planetary nebulae, gives a spectrum of bright lines, and is therefore gaseous. I Ursae Majoris. lib. 13m. + 32 6'. A beautiful double star, rather close for small telescopes. Magnitude 4 and 5 ; distance 2"'3; position-angle 144 (1902). Period about 60 years. The brighter component has been shown to have a variable velocity in the line of sight, which shows that there is a third star in the system, but the data are not yet complete. This star was one of the first stars recognized as binary, having components which move about their common centre of gravity in accordance with the law of universal gravitation, and it was actually the first whose orbit was computed on gravitational principles. i Leonis. lib. 19m. + 11 5'. A rather close double star. A, 4th magnitude, pale yellow, and B, 7i magnitude, blue. Position-angle 53 ; distance 2"'17 (1900). There is considerable relative motion, and it is almost certainly a binary. 24 Comae. 12h. 30m. + 18 56', A fine, but wide, double star. A, 5^ magnitude, orange, and B, 7 magnitude, blue. Position-angle 271 ; distance 20". The colours form " a striking and beautiful contrast." a Crucis- 12h. 21m. - 62 33'. This, the brightest star in the Southern Cross, is a very fine triple star. Magnitudes 1'5, 1'8, and 6 ; the bright stars a fairly close pair, distance 5"'0, position-angle 118; and the fainter, distant 90" in position-angle 202. The parallax of the bright stars is 0"'05. A SELECT LIST OP STARS, STAR CLUSTERS, AND NEBULA. 77 y Virginia. 12h. 37m. - 54'. A most interesting binary system, consisting of two stars of the 3rd magnitude ; distance 5"'74 ; position-angle 328'l (1902). Period about 194 years. Its orbit is very eccentric. In 1831 the distance was 1"'5, and in 1832 Sir John Herschel predicted that within the next year or two it would close up to such an extent that " none but the very finest telescopes will have any chance of showing this magnificent phenomenon." This prediction was verified in 1836, when the Dorpat refractor alone was able to elongate the star. a Canum Venaticorum. 12h. 51m. + 38 52'. A very easy and interesting double, showing no signs at present of a binary character. Magnitude 3 and 6 ; distance 19" '8 ; position-angle 227. This star was named Cor Caroli by Halley, at the suggestion of the court physician, who believed that it appeared more brilliant than usual on the evening before the return of King Charles II. to London. Ursae Majoris. 13h. 20m. + 55 27'. Probably the best known double star in the sky, and certainly one of the easiest to find and most effective to look at in a small telescope. It is the middle star of the Bear's Tail. Magnitude 2'1 and 4'2 ; position-angle 147'4 ; distance 14"'4 ; revolution very slow. The larger star of this pair is itself double, though telescopically single. It was the first discovered spectroscopic binary. Both components are bright, and of nearly equal magnitude. They revolve in 20 clays 14 hours, in an eccentric orbit ; their combined mass is at least four times that of the Sun, and they are many times more luminous. About 11' away is the 5th magnitude star, Alcor, forming, with Ursse, the best-known example of a naked-eye pair. a Virginia. 13h. 20m. - 10 38'. A first magnitude star whose spectrum is shifted backwards and forwards every four days by an amount denoting a revolution at the rate of 57 miles a second round the common centre of gravity of itself and a companion whose spectrum is just perceptible. Combined mass at least 2j times Sun. Globular Cluster Centauri. 13h. 21m. - 46 57'. The finest cluster of its kind in the sky, containing about 6,000 stars in a space of about 20' diameter. Visible to the naked eye as a hazy comet-like object, giving as much light as a 4th magnitude star. The cluster contains 125 variable stars, of which 98 have periods less than 24 hours. Cluster M. 3 Canum Venaticorum 13h. 38m. + 28 53'. A very fine cluster of stars of the llth magnitude and fainter, not very easily resolvable with small telescopes. This cluster is extraordinarily rich in variable stars ; no less than 132 out of 900 stars examined are regularly variable, many of them in very short periods. a Bootis (Arcturus). Hh. llm. + 19 42'. The brightest star of the northern sky, with the very large proper motion of 2"'27 per year, which in the course of 1,600 years carries it across a space in the sky equal the apparent 78 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS. diameter of the Sun or Moon. Yet its parallax with respect to the fainter surrounding stars is small only 0" 026 (Chase), whence it follows that its velocity at right angles to the line of light is about 200 miles a second, and its light is many hundred times that of the Sun. a Centauri. 14h. 33m. - 60 25'. A splendid binary star. Components of the first magnitude ; distance 2l'"6 ; position- angle 211 (1902). Period 81 years. This is the nearest star to the Solar System, with a parallax 0"75. The masses of the stars are very nearly equal, and one of them is in spectrum and in mass an almost precise counterpart of our Sun. The semi-major axis of the orbit is 23'6 times the length of the distance from Earth to Sun, or about a mean between the distances of Uranus and Neptune. Bobtis. Hh. 41m. + 27 30'. A most beautiful binary star. Magnitude 3, yellow, and 6|, blue ; distance 2'"65 ; position-angle 328'4 (1900.5). Bootis. 14h. 47m. + 19 31'. A very interesting binary star of great eccentricity of orbit. A, magnitude 45, yellow ; B, magnitude 6'5, purple. According to See's orbit, published in 1896, the period is 128 years ; but inasmuch as the place predicted from his orbit for 1903.5 was 154'7, 1"'25, whereas at that time it was measured as 186'9, 2" "36, it is evident that this orbit requires modification. Cluster M. 5 Librae. 15h. 14m. + 2 27'. A globular cluster of faint stars remarkable for the number which are variable, about one in eleven, in periods mostly about 12 hours. a Coronas. 16h. llm. + 34 7'. An interesting binary star, with a period probably about 400 years. A, 6th magnitude, yellow ; B, 7th magnitude, bluish. Position-angle 210 ; distance 4"'38 (1900). The stars were at their closest about 1830, when their distance was only a little more than 1" ; since that time they have been gradually opening out, and will continue to do so yet for about 100 years. a Scorpii. 16h. 23ra. - 26 13'. This fine reddish first magnitude star, the heart of the Scorpion, has a green 7th magnitude companion at a distance of 3", in position-angle 270 ; but it is not easy to see on account of the glare of the bright star. Herculis. 16h. 38m, + 31- 47'. A rapid binary star, which has performed more than three complete revolutions since it was discovered by Sir William Herschel on July 18th, 1782. A is 3rd magnitude, yellow ; and B is 6th magnitude, bluish. Its period is about 35 years, and the greatest separation of A SELECT LIST OP STARS, STAR CLUSTERS, AND NEBULAE. 79 the components l". The companion passed periastron last in 1899 at a distance of 0"'5 ; since then it has opened out considerably, and a recent observation gives position-angle 205'6, distance 1"'04 (1902'5). There is considerable evidence that the companion varies in colour from red to blue. Globular Cluster M. 13 Herculis. 16h. 38m. + 36 37'. The finest globular cluster in the northern sky, and effective even in a small telescope, thoiigh the richest parts of the cluster can scarcely be resolved in the largest instruments. The whole contains at least 5,000 stars, of which only two of a thousand examined proved to be variable. /ii Scorpii. 16h. 45m. - 37 53'. Shown by the spectroscope to be a binary star with the short period of 34 hours 42 minutes. The two components have at maximum a relative velocity of nearly 300 miles a second ; this gives their separation as at least 6,000,000 miles ; and this their combined mass as at least 15 times that of the Sun. a Herculis. 17h. 10m. + 14 30'. One of the finest coloured double stars. Magnitudes 2|, orange, and 6, blue ; distance 4"'88 ; position-angle 112'l (1901*5). The position-angle is very slowly diminishing. Nebula M. 17 Sagittarii. 18h. 15m. - 16 15'. The Omega or Horse-shoe Nebula. This is one of the nebulae that can be seen with comparatively small optical power. It is gaseous. Nebula and Cluster M. 8 Sagittarii. 17h. 58m. - 24 22'. A magnificent irregular nebula in a very rich field of stars, too far south to be well seen in the latitude of England, where it rises only from 10 to 15 above the southern horizon. In a fine climate it is easily visible to the naked eye, and Gore speaks of it as " a glorious object with a 3-in. refractor in the Punjaub." Planetary Nebula H. IV. 37 Draconis. 17h. 59m. + 66 38'. One of the most conspicuous planetary nebulse in the sky, of a decided pale blue colour, looking, as do all such objects, very much like a star out of focus. Gaseous. This object lies close to the north pole of the ecliptic. a Lyrae (Vega). 18h. 34m. + 38 41'. The second brightest star of the northern sky. A very white star, in whose atmosphere hydrogen is conspicuously absorbent. Proper motion 0"'36 ; annual parallax 0"'08 ; whence its light is about 100 times that of the Sun, and its velocity at right angles to the line of sight about 13 miles per second. Lyrae. 18h. 41m. + 39 30', A double star with components about 3' apart, separated to a good eye on clear moonless nights, and beautifully seen in an opera glass. A 3-in. telescope will show that each of the 80 POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HEAVENS stars is itself a double, distance 2|" and 3". Between the two pairs are three smaller stars visible in a 4-in. telescope. Nebula M, 57 Lyrse. 18h. 50m. + 32 54'. The famous Ring Nebula, very easy to find on the line between /3 and y Lyrae. In a small telescope it appears as a faint ring, " a nebula with a hole in it " ; in large instruments it is seen that the central opening is not entirely clear of nebulosity. Exactly in the centre is a star which is very faint in the largest instruments, but which photographs comparatively easily. For the picture of it made with a very powerful photographic telescope see Plate 77. ft Cygni. 19h. 27m. + 27 45'. The finest coloured double star in the sky for small telescopes. Magnitudes 3, yellow, and 5, blue. Distance 34"'2 ; position-angle 55'2. a Aquilse (Altair). 19h. 46m. + 8 36'. Magnitude 0'95 ; parallax 0'"23 ; whence the light is about eight times that of the Sun. a Capricorn*. 20h. 13m. - 12 51'. A fine pair of stars of the 3rd and 4th magnitude, about 6' apart, and easily separable to the naked eye. The preceding star has a 9th magnitude companion, distant about 45" in position-angle 221 ; and the following a 9th magnitude companion, distant 154" in position- angle 156. There are also several faint closer companions to these stars, and the whole form a very fine group. y Delphini. 20h. 42m. + 15 46'. An easy double star. Magnitudes 4, yellowish, and 5, bluish ; distance 11" '2 ; position- angle 270 '6 ; relative motion, if any, very slow. 6l Cygni. 21h. 2m. + 38 13'. A double star. Magnitudes 5*3 and 5'9 ; distance 22" ; position-angle 125 (1900). Famous as the first star whose distance was determined. The pair has a very large common proper motion of over 5" per year, which pointed it out as probably near to the Solar System. The mean of the best determinations of its parallax is 0"'39 ; it is therefore, with one rather doubtful exception, the nearest star in the northern sky. Its light takes nearly 8 years to reach us, and the two stars together give only about one-tenth the light of the Sun. // Cygni. 21h. 40m. + 28 18'. A fine double star, probably a binary, a good test for a small telescope. Magnitudes 4 and 5 ; distance 2"'60 ; position-angle 122'l (Lewis, 1901 '9). There is a companion, magnitude 7 ; distant 209", in position-angle 57, which does not form part of the system. Since they were observed by Sir William Herschel in 1779, the pair has closed up from a separation of 7" to its present distance. A SELECT LIST OF STARS, STAR CLUSTERS, AND NEBULA. 81 Aquarii. 22h. 24m. - 32'. A well-known and striking double star, easy to find in the centre of a triangle of naked- eye stars ; probably binary of long period. Magnitudes 4 and 4 ; distance 3" g l ; position- angle 321 (1899'9, Maw). 3 Cephei. 22h. 25m. + 57 54'. A remarkable double star, of which the brighter component is variable from 37m. to 4'9m. in a period of 5d. 8h. 48m., and is a spectroscopic binary of the same period. But the variation of light is not due to an eclipse, since at the time of minimum the motion in the line of sight is at a maximum. The variation is nevertheless undoubtedly due to the influence of the dark companion, possibly something of the nature of a tidal disturbance. This star is typical of quite a numerous class of variable stars of short period, which are probably all spectroscopic binaries of the same type. All have the characteristic that the rise in light is much quicker than the decline. (T Cassiopeise 23h. 54m. + 55 12'. A fine double star. A, magnitude 5, white, and B, magnitude 7i, blue. Position-angle 324 ; distance 3"'0. 82 POPULAR (5UIDE TO THE HEAVENS. PLATE 83. STANDARD TIME. As soon as communication by railway and telegraph is established in a country, it is convenient to adopt throughout the country a uniform system of time. Very usually the time adopted has been at first the mean time of the capital. But as communication between different countries increases, great inconvenience arises when allowance has to be made for a difference of adopted time involving an odd number of minutes and seconds. A large number of countries and states have therefore adopted a standard system of time based upon that of Greenwich, and differing from it by an exact number of hours, with occasionally an odd half hour. Plate 83 shows the system of standard time adopted throughout the world, so far as it depends upon Greenwich. In Europe the time is generally that of Greenwich or one hour fast of it. Quite recently France has prepared to adopt Greeewich Time, and the only countries not included in the system are Portugal, Russia, Turkey, and Greece. The time one hour fast on Greenwich is known as Mid. Europe Time ; that two hours fast as Eastern Europe Time. In the United States and Canada there are five divisions. Inter-Colonial or Atlantic Time is four hours slow, Eastern or New York is five hours, Central six hours, Mountain seven hours, and Pacific Time eight hours slow on Greenwich. On the 180th meridian the time is 12 hours different from Greenwich, and provision has to be made for the change of date. Since it would be very inconvenient to use a different date in different islands of the same group, the " date line" does not follow exactly the 180th meridian, but is drawn in a zig-zag course to avoid land. The greatest departure from the meridian is in the North Pacific Ocean, where the line takes a wide sweep west to give the Aleutian Islands the American date and then turns sharply eastward of the 180th meridian to avoid the extreme eastern portion of Siberia. To the east of the line the date prevails which has come round via America ; to the west the date that has come by the Old World. Thus in the extreme east of Siberia the date is more than a day ahead of that in the Aleutian Islands. (83) INDEX. PAGE. ABENEZRA, Lunar Object No. 88, PI. 26 30 ABERRATION. An apparent displacement of a star, arising from the progressive movement of light combined with the orbital movement of the Earth. ABNEY, Sir W., Photograph of Solar Corona, PL 16 19 ABULPEDA, Lunar Object No. 85, PL 26, 31 30 ACHROMATIC. Applied to a combination of lenses which conduct rays of diiferent colours to the same focus. ADAMS, Lunar Object No. 17, PI. 26 30 ^ESTUUM SINDS, in Moon, N, PL 24, 32, 33 33 AGATHARCHIDES, Lunar Object No. 346, PL 25, 35 32 AGRIPPA, Lunar Object No. 244, PL 23, 31 31 AIRY, Lunar Object No. 106, PL 26, 31 30 ALBATEGNIUS, Lunar Object No. 109, PL 26, 31 30 ALCYONE, in Pleiades, PL 80 62, 72 ALDEBAEAN or a TAURI, PL 59 73 ALEXANDER, Lunar Object No. 209, PL 23, 27, 31 31 ALFRAGANDS, Lunar Object No. 77, PL 26 25, 30 ALGOL, or /3 PERSEI, remarkable Variable Star, PL 53 51,72 ALGOL VARIABLES .51, 52 ALHAZEN, Lunar Object No. 151. PL 23, 27 31 ALIACENSIS, Lunar Object No. 97, PL 26, 31 ... 30 ALMANON, Lunar Object No. 86, PL 26, 31 30 ALPETRAGIUS. Lunar Object No. 267, PL 25, 32, 33 31 ALPHONSDS, Lunar Object No. 265, PL 25, 32, 33 31 ALPINE VALLEY, GREAT, Lunar Object No. 211, PL 23, 32 31 ALPS, Lunar Mountains, a, PL 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 35 33 ALTAI, Lunar Mountains, A, PL 30 33 ALTITUDE. The elevation of a body above the horizon, expressed in angular measure. ANAXAGORAS, Lunar Object No. 418, PL 24, 33 32 ANAXIMANDER, Lunar Object No. 431, PL 24, 36 32 ANAXIMENES, Lunar Object No. 421, PL 24, 35, 36 . 32 ANDERSON, T. D., Discovery of Nova Persei 63 ANDROMEDA, PL 52, 71. ANDROMEDA, Great Nebula in, M. 31, PL 18, 52, 74 21,59,70 ANDROMEDA, R, regularly Variable Star, PL 52 41 ANDROMEDA, Nova 1885, PL 52 54 ANDROMEDA, 7, a Double Star, PL 52, 53 ... 71 ANDRDMEDIDS, Meteor Shower 5, 55 ANNUAL PARALLAX, PL 1 3 ANNULAR ECLIPSE OF SUN, PL 14 17 ANNULAR NEBULA, M. 57, in Lyra, PL 57, 78 61 ANOMALY. The angle subtended at the Sun by a Planet, and the point of its orbit nearest the Sun, called the perihelion. ANSGARIUS, Lunar Object No. 6, PL 26 30 ANTARES or a SCORPII, PL 68 78 ANTLIA, PL 66, 67. APENNINES, Lunar Mountains, c, PL 20, 24, 32, 33, 34, 35 25,33 APERTURE. When applied to a telescope, means the diameter of the object glass. APHELION. The point of a Planet's orbit which is furthest from the Sun 5 APIANUS, Lunar Object No. 99, PL 26, 31 30 APOGEE. The point of the Moon's orbit which is most distant from the Earth. APOLLONIUS, Lunar Object No. 136, PL 23, 27, 28 30 APSE. In a planetary orbit the apses are the points otherwise known as perihelion and aphelion 4 APUS, PL 68, 70. AQUARII, , a Double Star, PL 63 81 AQUARIUS, PL 63, 64, 69, 71, 72 3 AQUILA, PL 62, 63, 71, 72. , a, (Altair) 80 , j, regularly Variable Star, PL 62 53 , Nova 1899 54 ARA, PL 68, 72. ARAGO, Lunar Object No. 250, PI: 23, 30 .31 ARATUS, Lunar Object No. 238, PI . 23 31 ARCHIMEDES, Lunar Object No. 399. PL 24, 32, 33,34,35 25,32 84 INDEX. ARCH YTAS, Lunar Object No. 206, PI. 23 31 ARCTURUS or a BOOTIS, PI. 55, 56, 61 77 ARG.EUS, Lunar Mountain, s, PL 30 33 ARGELANDER, Durphmusterung Atlas 51 ARGELANDSR, Lunar Object No. 107, PI. 26 30 ARGUS, T) Variable Star 54,76 ARIADJEUS, Lunar Object No. 251, PI. 23 31 ARIEL, Satellite of Uranus, PI. 7 11 ABIES.IP1. 52, 53, 58, 71, 72. ARIBTIS, y, a Double Star, PI. 58 71 ARISTARCHUS, Lunar Object No. 447, PL 24 36, 37,38 33 AlUSTlLLUS, Lunar Object No. 259, PL 23, 32, 33 25, 31 ARISTOTELES, Lunar Object No. 207, PL 23, 30, 31 '. 31 ARNOLD, Lunar Object No. 194, PL 23 .' 31 ARZACHEL, Lunar Object No. 266, PL 25, 32, 33 31 ASCENDING NODE of Planetary Orbit, PI. 3,4... 5 ASTEROIDS, PL 4 6 ASTRONOMICAL SYMBOLS 4 ATLAS, Lunar Object No. 186, PL 23, 28, 29, 30 31 AURIGA, PI. 53, 54, 71. AURIGA, Cluster in, M. 37. PL 53 74 AURIGA, a, Capella, Binary Star 73 AURIGA, /3, Spectroscopic Binary 74 AURIGJE, Nova 1891, PL 53 54 AURIGA, e, irregularly Variable Star 54 AURORA SINUS, on Mars, PL 8 12 AUSONIA, on Mars, PL 8 12 AUSTRALE, MARE, in Moon, C, PL 26, 27, 28 33 AUTOLYCUS, Lunar Object No. 260, PL 23, 32, 33 31 Axis MAJOR OF ELLIPTIC ORBIT 4 Axis MINOR OF ELLIPTIC ORBIT 4 Axis, POLAR, PI. 1 1 AZIMUTH. The angle between a point on the horizon and the north or south. AZOPHI, Lunar Object No. 89, PL 26 30 AZOUT, Lunar Object, No. 138, PL 23 .. ,. 30 BABBAGE, Lunar Object No. 434, PI. 24 32 BACON, Lunar Object No. 126, PL 26, 30 30 BAILLY, Lunar Object No. 316, PL 25, 38 32 BAILY, Lunar Object No. 216, PL 23 31 BALL, Lunar Object No. 285, PL 25, 32 31 BERNARD. E. E . Drawing of Jupiter's Satellite I., PI. 9 13 BARNARD, E E., Drawing of Saturn, PL 10 . . 13 BARNARD, E. E., Photograph of prominences, PL 12 15 BARNARD, E. E., Photograph of Solar Corona PL 16 .' 19 BARNARD E. E., Photograph of Holmes' Comet, PL 18 ' 21 BARNARD, E. E., Photograph of Milky Way PI- 81 \ 62 BAROCIUS, Lunar Object No. 122, PL 26 30 BARROW, Lunar Object No. 203, PL 23 31 BAYER, Lunar Object No. 318, PL 25, 35, 36 ... 32 BEAUMONT, Lunar Object No. 83, PL 26 30 BBER, Lunar Object No. 400, PL 24 32 BEHAIM, Lunar Object No. 141 31 BELL, Mr. J. HIND. See Preface. BELLOT, Lunar Object No. 39, PL 26 30 BBRNOUILLI, Lunar Object No. 174, PL 23 .. . 31 BEROSUS, Lunar Object No. 171, PL 23 31 BERZELIUS, Lunar Object No. 176, PL 23, 28 ... 31 BESSARION, Lunar Object No. 388, PL 24 32 BESSEL, Lunar Object No. 236, PL 23, 30 31 BETTINUS, Lunar Object No. 309, PL 25, 35 32 BIANCHINJ, Lunar Object No. 425, PL 24, 35, 36 32 BIELA, Lunar Object No. 23, PL 26 30 BIELA'S COMET, Orbit of, and of Meteors of November 27th, PL 3, 4 5 BILLY, Lunar Object No. 356, PL 25, 36 32 BINARY STAR. A Double Star whereof the two components are found to be revolving around each other. BIRMINGHAM, Lunar Object No. 415, PL 24 32 BIRT, Lunar Object No. 276, PL 25 31 BLANCANUS, Lunar Object No. 312, PL 25, 34... 32 BLANCHINUS, Lunar Object No. 101, PL 26, 31 30 BODB, Lunar Object No. 376, PL 24 32 BODE'S Law of Planetary Distances 6 BOGUSLAWSKY, Lunar Object No. 26, PL 26, 28 30 BOHNENBERGER, Lunar Object No. 60, PL 26 ... 30 BOND, G. P., Drawing of Comet of Donati, PL 17 21 BOND, G. P., Lunar Object No. 222, PL 23 31 BOND, W. C., Lunar Object No. 204, PL 23 31 BONPLAND, Lunar Object No. 272, PL 25, 33 ... 31 BOOTES, PL 55, 56, 61, 71. BOOTIS, a, or ARCTUHUS, PL 55, 56, 61 -77 BOOTIS, e, a Double Star, PL 56 78 BOOTIS, 5, a Double Star, PL 61 78 BOOTIS, W. .Variable Star, PL 56 54 BORDA, Lunar Object No. 40, PL 26 30 BOSCOVICH, Lunar Object No. 232, PL 23, 31 25, 31 INDEX. 85 BOUSSINGAULT, Lunar Object No. 25. PI. 26, 27, 28 .' 30 BRADLEY, Lunar Mountain, 10, PL 23 33 BKAYLEY, Lunar Object No. 452, PI. 24 33 BRIGGS, Lunar Object No. 445, PI. 24, 37, 38 ... 33 BRIGHTNESS of Stars compared with Sun 68 BROOKS' COMET, 1893, IV.. PI. 18 22 BUCK, Lunar Object No. 71, PI. 26, 30 30 BULIJALDUS, Lunar Object No. 342, PI. 25, 34 32 BURCKHARDT, Lunar Object No. 169, PI. 23, 27 31 BURG, Lunar Object No. 215, PI. 23 31 BUSCHING, Lunar Object No. 70, PL 26, 30 30 BYRGIUS, Lunar Object No. 352, PL 25 32 CABEUS, Lunar Object No. 304, PL 25 32 CALIPFUS, Lunar Object No. 256, PL 23, 31, 32 31 CALLISTO, Satellite of Jupiter, PL 7 10 CAMELOPARDALUS, PL 51, 53, 54. CAMPANUS, Lunar Object No. 340, PL 25, 34 ... 32 CANCER, PL 54, 59, 60. CANCER, Cluster M44, PL 60 75 CANCRI, , Multiple Star 75 CANES VENATICI, PL 55, 56. CANES VENATICI, Spiral Nebula in, PL 55, 76... 60 CANIS MAJOR, PL 59, 66, 71, 72. CANIS MAJORIS a, or SIRIUS, PL 59 74 CANIS MINOR, PL 59, 72. CANIS MINORIS, a. (Procyon) Binary Star 75 CANUM VENATICORUM, M. 3, Cluster 77 CAN DM VENATICORUM, , (Cor Caroli), Double Star 77 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, R. Observatory, Photo- graph of Comet, 1901, I., PI. 19 22 CAPELLA, or a AURIGA, PL 53 '73 CAPELLA, Lunar Object No. 57, PL 26, 29 30 CAPRICORNDS, PL 63, 69, 71, 72. CAPRICORNI, a, Pair of Stars 80 CAPUANUS, Lunar Object No. 337, PL 25, 34, 35 32 CARDANUS, Lunar Object No, 394, PL 24, 38 32 CARINA, PL 66, 67, 70. CARINJE, ;, Variable Star, PL 67 54 CARING, I, regularly Variable Star 53 CARING, R, regularly Variable Star 53 CARING, Nova 1895, PL 67 54, 76 CARLINI, Lunar Object No. 408, PL 24, 34 32 CARPATHIANS, Lunar Mountains, d, PL 24, 34, 35 33 CASATUS, Lunar Object No. 305, PL 25, 35 32 CASSINI, Lunar Object, No. 258, PI. 23, 32 31 CASSINI, J. J., Lunar Object No. 422, PL 24, 32 32 CASSIOPEIA, PL 51, 52, 53, 71. CASSIOPEIA:, o, Variable Star, PL 52 54 CASSIOPE^;, R, regularly Variable Star, PL 52 53 CASSIOPEIA, rj, Double Star, PL 52 70 CASSIOPEIA, ff, a Double Star 81 CASSIOPEIA, Nova 1572, PL 52 54 CATHARINA, Lunar Object No. 81, PL 26, 30 ... 30 CAUCASUS, Lunar Mountains, b, PL 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 25, 33 CAUCHY, Lunar Object No. 161, PL 23 31 CAVALERIUS, Lunar Object No. 392, PL 24, 37, 38 32 CAVENDISH, Lunar Object No. 351, PL 25, 36, 37 32 CAYLBY, Lunar Object No. 254, PL 23 31 CENSORINUS, Lunar Object No. 55, PL 26 30 CENTADRUS, PL 67, 68, 72. CENTAURI, u>, Globular Cluster 77 CENTAURI, a, Binary Star 78 CENTAURI, Nova 1895, PL 67 54 CENTRAL MERIDIAN. The line joining the north point to the south point on one of the Monthly Maps in this Atlas. CEPHEI, S, regularly Variable Star, PL 52 53, 81 CEPHEUS, Lunar Object No. 182, PL 23 31 CEPHEUS, PL 51, 52, 57, 71. CERBERUS (Canal), on Mars, PL 8 12 CERES, diameter of 8 CETI, T, Variable Star, PL 63, 64 54 CETI, 7, a Double Star, PL 58 72 CETI, v, a Double Star, PL 58 48 CETI, o, (Mira), Variable Star, PL 58 53, 71 CETUS, PL 58, 63, 64, 71, 72. CHAMELEON, PL 70. CHACORNAC, Lunar Object No. 219, PL 23, 29, 30 31 CHALLIS, Lunar Object No. 199, PL 23 31 CHARONTIS LACUS, on Mars, PL 8 12 CHARTS FOR SUN SPOT OBSERVATIONS, PL 13 ... 16 CHART OF MARS, PL 8 11 CHEVALLIER, Lunar Object No. 185, PL 23, 24, 28 31 CHRISTIAN MAYER, Lunar Object No. 205, PI 23 31 CICHUS, Lunar Object No. 338, PL 25, 34 32 CIRCINUS, PL 68. CIRCLE (Great). A circle which divides the sphere into two equal portions. CIRCLES OF THE SPHERE CIRCUMPOLAR STARS 3 CLAIRAUT, Lunar Object No. 123, PL 26, 31 ... ( CLAUSIUS, Lunar Object No. 336, PI. 25 32 CLAVIUS, Lunar Object No. 298, PL 21, 25, 26, 33,34 35 32 86 INDEX. PAGE. CLEOMEDES, Lunar Object No. 167, PI. 23, 27, 28 31 CLEOSTRATUS, Lunar Object No. 437, PI. 24, 38 32 CCELUM, PI. 65. COLOMBO, Lunar Object No. 34, PI. 26, 28 30 COLUMBA, PI. 65, 66, 72. COMA BERENICIS, PI. 55, 61. COM^B BERENICIS, 24, a Double Star, PI. 61 76 COMET OF BIELA, PI. 3 5 COMET OF BROOKS, 1893, PI. 18 22 COMET OF DONATI, Oct. 5, 1858, PI. 17 21 COMET OF PERRINE, 1902, III., PI. 19 23 COMET OF HOLMES, 1892, PI. 18 21 COMET OF 1882, PI. 4 _ 6 COMET I., 1866, Orbit of, PI. 3 5 COMET III., 1862, Orbit of, PI. 3 5 COMET I., 1901, PL 19 22 COMPANION TO THE OBSERVATORY 51 COMPARATIVE SIZES OF THE PLANETS, PI. 5 7 CONDAMINE, Lunar Object No. 423, PI. 24, 34, 35,36 32 CONDORCET, Lunar Object No. 140, PI. 23, 27 31 CONICAL PROJECTION FOR STAR MAPS 49 CONJUNCTION. Used of two planets when they have the same longitude, viewed from the Sun. CONON, Lunar Object No. 239, PI. 23 31 COOK, Lunar Object No. 35, PI. 26 30 COPERNICUS, Lunar Object No. 380, PI. 22, 24, 33, 34, 35 24, 32 COR CAHOLI, a Double Star 77 CORDILLERAS, Lunar Mountains 33 CORDOBA, Durchmusterung Atlas 51 COROLLA, PI. 69. CORONA BOREAHS, PI. 56, 71. CORONA OF SUN, PI. 16 18 CORONA a, a Double Star, PI. 56 78 CORONA II. , irregularly Variable Star, PI. 56 54 CORONET., Nova, 1866, PI. 56 54 COHONIUM, Unknown Gas in Sun 19 CORVUS, PI. 60, 61, 71, 72. CRATER, PI. 60, 67, 71, 72. CRISIUM MARE, Lunar Sea, A, PL 23, 27, 28, 29,30,31 33 CROZIEB, Lunar Object No. 38, PI. 26 30 CRUGER, Lunar Object No. 361, PI. 25, 37 32 CRUX, PI. 67, 72. CRUCIS, a, Brightest of Southern Cross 76 CULMINATION, The passage of a heavenly body across the meridian. CURTIUS, Lunar Object No. 132, PI. 26, 31 30 PAGE. CUVIER, Lunar Object No. 125, PI. 26 ............ 30 CYGNI, /3, a Double Star, PL 57 ..................... 80 CYGNI, p, a Double Star, PL 57 ..................... 80 CYGNI, x. regularly Variable Star, PL 57 ......... 53 CYGNI, 61, a Double Star, PL 57 ..................... 80 CYGNI, Nova 1876, PL 57 .............................. 54 CYGNUS, PL 52, 57, 71. CYGNUS, Nebula in, PL 7o ........................... 60 CYRILLUS, Lunar Object No. 80, PL 26, 30 ...... 30 CYSATUS, Lunar Object No. 299, PL 25, 33 ...... 32 D'ALEMBERT MTS., Lunar Object .................. DANIELL, Lunar Object No. 217, PL 23 ............ DAMOISEAU, Lunar Object No. 364, PL 25 ...... DATE, Change of, PL 83 ................................. DAVIS, H., Photograph of Solar Corona, PL 16 DAVY, Lunar Object No. 269, PL 25 ............... DAWES, Lunar Object No. 226, PL 23, 30 ......... DECLINATION. The angular distance of a celes- tial body from the Equator ..................... DEIMOS, one of the Satellites of Mars, PL 7 ...... DELAMBRE, Lunar Object No. 73, PL 26 ......... DE LA RUE, Lunar Object No. 189, PL 23, 28, 29 DELAUNAY, Lunar Object No. 103, PL 26 ......... DELISLE, Lunar Object No. 406, PL 24, 35 ...... DELPHIN, PL 63, 71, 72. DELPHINI, 7, a Double Star, PL 63 ............... DELUC, Lunar Object No. 297, PL 25, 32 ......... DEMOCRITUS, Lunar Object No. 193, PI. 23 ...... DE MORGAN, Lunar Object No. 253, PL 23 ...... DESCARTES, Lunar Object No. 84, PL 26 ......... DESCENDING NODE OF ORBIT OF PLANET, PL 3, 4 DE Vico, Lunar Object No. 354, PI. 25 ............ DIONE, Satellite of Saturn, PI. 7 ..................... DftNYSius, Lunar Object No. 248, PL 23 ...... 25 DIOPHANTUS, Lunar Object No. 405, PL 24, 35 DIP of the horizon DISTANCE OF THE STARS .............................. DIURNAL PARALLAX ...................... . ............. DOERFEL MOUNTAINS, Lunar Object ............... DONATI, Lunar Object, No. 105, PL 26, 31 ...... DONATI'S COMET, Oct. 5th, 1858, PL 17 ......... DOPPELMAYER, Lunar Object No. 333, PL 25, 35 DORADO, PI. 65, 70, 72. DOUGLASS, Mr. A. E., Map of Mars, PL 8 ...... DRACO, PI. 51, 55, 56, 57, 71. DRACO, Planetary Nebula in, H IV. 37, PL 51, 56,57 ................................................... DREBBEL, Lunar Object No. 324, PI. 25 ............ DUMB-BELL NEBULA, in Vulpecula, PL 77 ...... 10 30 31 30 32 80 32 31 31 30 5 32 H , 31 32 2 67 2 33 30 79 32 61 INDEX. 87 EARTH, Dimensions of and position oi Axis, PI. 5 7 EARTH-LIGHT on Moon 17 EARTH, Periodic Time of, PI, 3. ECCENTRICITY OF A PLANETARY ORBIT, PI. 3 ... 5 ECLIPSES, PL 14 17 ECLIPTIC. The apparent path of the Sun among the Stars, PI. 1 1 EDOM PROMONTORIUM, on Mars, PL 8 12 EGEDB, Lunar Object No. 210, PI. 23 31 EICHSTADT, Lunar Object No. 353, PI. 25, 38 ... 32 EINMART, Lunar Object No. 162, PL 23 31 ELECTHA, in Pleiades, PI. 80 62 ELEMENTS, -Used of a Planet's Orbit 4 ELGER, MR. T. GWYN. See Preface. ELLIPSE. The form of a Planetary Orbit 4 ELONGATION. The apparent angular distance of a body from its centre of motion. ENCELADUS, Satellite of Saturn, PL 7 11 ENCKE, Lunar Object No. 386, PI. 24, 35, 36 ... 32 ENCKE'S COMET, PL 4 6 ENDYMION, Lunar Object No. 188, PL 23, 27, 28, 29 31 EPIGENES, Lunar Object No. 416, PL 24, 32 32 EQUATOR (Celestial). The great Circle midway between the Poles, PL 1 1 EQUATORIAL. A Telescope mounted so as to follow a Star in its apparent daily motion. EQUINOX. Either of the points on the Equator at which the Sun crosses in its annual course among the Stars 1 EQUULEDS, PI. 63 ERATOSTHENES, Lunar Object No. 382, PL 24, 33, 34 32 ERIDANUS, PL 58, 59, 64, 65, 71, 72. ERIDANI, 9, Double Star 72 EROS, small Planet, PL 3 5 EUCLIDES, Lunar Object No. 370, PL 25, 34, 35 32 EUCTEMON, Lunar Object No. 198, PL 23, 29 ... 31 EUDOXUS, Lunar Object No. 208, PL 23, 30, 31 31 EULER, Lunar Object No. 404, PL 21, 34, 35, 36 32 EUMENIDES (Canal), on Mars, PL 8 12 EUROPA, Satellite of Jupiter, PI. 7 10 FABRICIUS, Lunar Object No. 45, PI. 26, 28, 29 30 FACUL^E. Patches on the Sun which are brighter than other parts of the photosphere. F^CUNDIT ATIS MARE, in Moon , B, PL 27-31 33 FARADAY, Lunar Object No. 120, PL 26 30 FASTIGIUM ARYN, on Mars, PL 8 12 FAYE, Lunar Object No. 104, PL 26 30 FENYI, Drawings of prominences, PL 12 15 FERMAT, Lunar Object No. 91, PI. 26,30 30 FERNELIUS, Lunar Object No. 118, PL 26,31 ... 30 FERMICUS, LunarObject No. 137, PL 23, 27 30 FIRST point of Aries 1 FLAMSTEED, Lunar Object No. 368, PL 25, 35, 36 32 Foci of an elliptic orbit 4 Focus. A point where converging rays meet. FOMALHAUT (a Piscis Australis), PL 64, 72 FOOTANA, Lunar Object No. 359, PL 25, 36, 37 32 FONTENELLE, Lunar Object No 419, PL 24, 33, 34, 36 32 FORNAX, PL 65. FOUCAULT, Lunar Object No. 428, P1.24 ...' 32 FOURIER, Lunar Object No. 331, PL 25 32 FRACASTORIUS, Lunar Object No. 62, PL 26, 29, 30 30 FBA MAURO, Lunar Object No. 273, PI. 25, 33 31 FRIGORIS, MARE, in Moon, PL 23, 31-36, 38 33 FRANKLIN, Lunar Object No. 181, PL 23, 28...... 31 FRAUNHOFER, Lunar Object No. 19, PL 26, 27 30 FURNERIUS, Lunar Object No. 14, PL 26, 27, 28 29 . .30 GALILEO, Lunar Object No. 453, PL 24 33 GAMBART, Lunar Object No. 372, PI 24, 33 32 GANGES (Canal), on Mars, PL 8 12 GANYMEDE, Satellite ol Jupiter, PL 7 .... 10 GASSENDI, Lunar Object No. 347, PL 25, 35, 36 32 GARTNER, LunarObject No. 192, PL 23 31 GAURICUS, Lunar Object No. 282, PL 25, 33 31 GAUSS, Lunar Object No. 172, PL 23, 27, 28 31 GAY LUSSAC, Lunar Object No. 383, PL 24, 33, 34,35 32 GEBER, Lunar Object No. 87, PL 26 30 GEMINI, PL 54, 59, 71, 72. GEMINORUM, a (Castor), a Double Star, PL 54 74 GEMINORUM, r], Variable Star, PL 54, 59 53 GEMINORUM, , regularly Variable Star, PL 54, 59 53 GEMINORUM, M. 35, Star Cluster 74 GEMINORUM, Nova 1903, PL 54 54 GEMINUS, Lunar Object No. 173, PL 23, 27 31 GEMMA FRISIUS, Lunar Object No. 95, PL 26 ... 30 GERARD, Lunar Object No. 441, PL 24 33 GIBBOUS, Planet when so called, PL 6 8 GIOJA, Lunar Object No. 201, PL 23 31 GODENIUS, Lunar Object No. 31, PL 26, 28, 29 30 GODIN, Lunar Object No. 245, PL 23, 31 31 INDEX. GOLDSCHMIDT, Lunar Object No. 417, PI. 24, 32 33 32 GREAT ALPINE VALLEY, Lunar Object No. 211, PI. 23, 32 31 GREENWICH, Royal Observatory, Photograph of Sun, PI. 11 15 GREENWICH, Royal Observatory, Photograph of Perrine's Comet, 1902, PL 19 23 GHIMALDI, Lunar Object No. 363, PL 25, 37, 38 32 GROVE, Lunar Object No. 212, PL 23 31 GRUEMBERGEU, Lunar Object No. 303, PL 25 ... 32 GRUITHUISEN, Lunar Object No. 451. PL 24, 35 33 GRUS, PL 64, 69, 72. GUERIKE, Lunar Object No. 270, PL 25, 33...... 31 GUTTEMBERG, Lunar Object No. 32, PL 26, 28, 29 .. . 30 HADLEY, Lunar Mountain, t 33 H^MUS, Lunar Mountain,/, PL 23, 31, 32 33 HAGECIUS, Lunar Object No. 24, PL 26 30 HAGEN'S Atlas of Variable Stars 51 HAHN, Lunar Object No. 170, PL 23 31 HAINZEL, Lunar Object No. 326, PL 25, 34, 35 32 HALLEY, Lunar Object No. Ill, PL 26, 31 30 HALLEY'S COMET, PL 4 6 HANNO, Lunar Object No. 143, PL 26 31 HANSEN, Lunar Object No. 150, PL 23 31 HANSTEEN, Lunar Object No. 357, PL 25, 36 ... 32 HARBINGER MOUNTAINS, in Moon, o, PL 24 33 HARDING, Lunar Object No. 440, PI. 24 33 HARKNESS, W., Photograph of Solar Corona, PI. 16 19 HARPALUS, Lunar Object No. 429, PI. 24, 35 ... 32 HASE, Lunar Object No. 10, PI. 26 30 HAUSEN, Lunar Object No. 320, PL 25 32 HEAVENS, Sphere of the 1 HECATJEUS, Lunar Object No. 5, PL 26, 27 30 HEINSIDS, Lunar Object No. 292, PL 25, 33, 34 32 HELICON, Lunar Object No. 410, PL 24. 34 32 HELL, Lunar Object No. 279, PL 25 SI HELLAS, on Mars, PL 8 12 HENRY, Photographs of Pleiades, PL 80 62 HERCULES, PL 56, 57, 62, 71. HERCULES, Globular Cluster in, M. 13, PL 75, 76 79 HERCULES, Lunar Object No. 187, PL 23, 29 ... 31 HERCULIS, a, irregularly Variable Star, PL 62... 62 HERCULIS, o, a Double Star, PL 62 79 HERCULIS, g, Variable Star, PL 56 54 HBRCULIS. u, Variable Star, PI. 56 54 HKRCULIS, , a Double Star, PL 56 .. .78 HERCYNIAN MOUNTAINS, in Moon, p, PL 24 ... 33 HERIGONIUS, Lunar Object No. 348, PL 25, 35 32 HERMANN, Lunar Object No. 367, PL 25 32 HERODOTUS, Lunar Object No. 448, PL 24, 36, 37,38 33 HERSCHEL, J. F. W., Lunar Object No. 430, PL 24, 35 32 HERSCHEL, Lunar Object No. 263, PL 25, 32 ... 31 HERSCHEL, CAROLINE, Lunar Object No. 407, PI. 24, 34 32 HESIODUS, Lunar Object No. 281, PL 25, 33 ... 31 HEVEL, Lunar Object No. 391, PL 24, 37, 38 ... 32 HILDA. One of the Minor Planets, PI. 4 6 HIND, Lunar Object No. 112, Pi. 26, 31 30 HIPPALUS, Lunar Object No. 345, Pl/25, 34, 35 32 HIPPARCHUS, Lunar Object No. 110, PL 26, 31, 32 30 HOLMES' COMET, PL 18 21 HOMMEL, Lunar Object No. 51, PL 26 30 HOOKE, Lunar Object No. 177, PL 23 31 HORIZON, PL 1 2 HOROLOGIUM, PL 65. HORREBOW, Lunar Object No. 454, PI. 24 33 HORROCKS, Lunar Object No. 113, PL 26., 31, 32 30 HORTENSIUS, Lunar Object No. 378, PI. 24, 35 32 HOUR ANGLE. The angle between the meridian and a great circle from the pole to a celes- tial body. HOUZEAU, Star Places given by 50 HUGGINS, Lunar Object No. 146, PL 23 31 HUMBOLDT MOUNTAINS, Lunar Object 33 HUMBOLDTIANUM MARE, in Moon, PL 23, 27, 28, 29, 30 33 HUMBOLDT, W., Lunar Object No. 12, PL 26, 27 30 HUMORUM MARE, in Moon, T, PL 25,35,36,37,38 33 HUYGENS, Lunar Mountains, v, PL 23 33 HYADES, a group in Taurus, PL 71, 72. HYDRA, PL 59, 60, 61, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72. HYDRA, Planetary Nebula in, H IV. 27, PL 60 76 HYDROS R., regularly Variable Star, PL 61 53 HYDR* U., Variable Star, PL 60 54 HYDRA; e, a Double Star, PL 60 75 HYDRUS, PL 64, 65, 70, 72. HYGINUS, Lunar Object No. 243, PL 23 31 HYPATIA, Lunar Object No. 72, PL 26, 30 30 HYPERION, Satellite of Saturn, PL 7 11 IAPETUS, Satellite of Saturn, PL 7 11 IMBRIUM MARE, in Moon, L, PL 24, 32-38 33 INDEX TO THE PLANETS ... . 37 INDEX. 89 INDUS, PI. 64, 69, 70, 72. INFERIOR CONJUNCTION 9 INGHIRAMI, Lunar Object No. 325, PL 25, 37, 38 32 lo, Satellite of Jupiter, PL 7 ' 10 IRIDUM SINUS, in Moon, R, PL 24, 34, 35, 37, 38 33 IRREGULARLY VARIABLE STARS 53 ISIDORUS, Lunar Object No. 58, PL 26, 29 ... . 30 JACOBI, Lunar Object No. 127, PL 26 30 JANSEN, Lunar Object No. 158, PL 23, 28 31 JANSSEN, Lunar Object No. 46, PL 26, 28, 29... 30 JULIUS C.ESAR, Lunar Object No. 231, PL 23, 31 25, 31 JUNO, diameter of 8 JUPITER, Dimensions of, PL 5 7 JUPITER, Drawings of, PL 9 12 JUPITER, First Satellite, Drawings of, PL 9 ... 13 JUPITER, Howtofind 44 JUPITER, Index to 44, 45 JUPITER IN OPPOSITION 38 JUPITER, Orbit of, PI, 4 6 JUPITER, Rotation Period of 7 JUPITER, Satellites of, PI. 7 ... ...10, 11 KANT, Lunar Object No. 78, PL 26 30 KASTNER, Lunar Object No. 2, PL 26, 27 30 KEARNEY, J., Photograph of Solar Corona, PL 16 19 KEELER, J. E. , Photograph of Spiral Nebula in Canes Venatici, PL 76 .f. 60 KEELER, J. E., Photograph of the Dumb-bell Nebula, PL 77 61 KEELER, J. E., Photograph of Ring Nebula in Lyra, PL 78 61 KEPLER, Lunar Object No. 387, PL 24, 35. 36... 32 KIES, Lunar Object No. 341, PL 25, 34 32 KINAU, Lunar Object No. 130, PL 26 30 KIRCH, Lunar Object No. 411, PL 24 32 KIRCHER, Lunar Object No. 308, PL 25 32 KLAPROTH, Lunar Object No. 306, PL 25, 35 ... 32 KRAFKT, Lunar Object No. 395, PL 24, 38 32 KUNOWSKY, Lunar Object No. 385, PL 24, 35... 32 LACAILLE, Lunar Object No. 102, PL 26 30 LACERTA, PL 52. LACROIX, Lunar Object No. 328, PL 25 32 LACUS MORTIS, in Moon, PL 23, 29, 30, 31 33 LACUS SOMNIORUM, in Moon, PI. 23, 29, 30, 31 33 LAGUANGE, Lunar Object No. 330, PL 25, 37, 38 32 LA HIRE, j, Lunar Mountain 33 LALANDE, Lunar Object No. 262, PL 25, 33 31 LAMBERT, Lunar Object No. 402, PL 24, 33, 34 35 32 LANDSBERG, Lunar Object No. 371, PL 24, 25, 34, 35 32 LANGRENUS, Lunar Object No. 1, PI. 26, 27, 28, 29 30 LA PEYROUSE, Lunar Object No. 142 31 LAPLACE PROMONTORY, in Moon, u, PL 24, 34, 35,36,37 '. 33 LASSELL, Lunar Object No. 268, PL 25 31 LATITUDE. The angular distance of a heavenly body from the Ecliptic. LAVOISIER, Lunar Object No. 442, PL 24 33 LEE, Lunar Object No. 334, PL 25, 35 32 LEGENDRE, Lunar Object No. 11, PL 26, 27 30 LE GENTIL, Lunar Object No. 144, PL 25 31 LEHMANN, Lunar Object No. 327, PL 25, 36 ... 32 LEIBNITZ MOUNTAINS, Lunar Object 33 LE MONNIER, Lunar Object No. 220, PL 23, 29, 30,35 31 LEO, PL 54, 55, 60, 71, 72. LEO MINOR, PL 54, 55. LEONIDS, Meteor Shower, PI. 4 5, 55 LEONIS, a, (Regulus) 75 LEONIS, y, a Double Star, PL 54, 60 75 LEONIS, i, a Double Star, PL 60 76 LEPUS, PL 59. 65, 71, 72. LETRONNE, Lunar Object No. 349, PL 25, 35, 36 32 LEVERRIER, Lunar Object No. 409, PL 24, 34... 32 LEXELL, Lunar Object No. 286, PI. 25 31 LIBRA, PL 61, 62, 68, 71,72. LIBRA, Cluster M. 5 78 LIBRAE, S, Algol Variable, PL 61 52 LIBRATION The swinging of the Moon by which we can sometimes see a margin beyond the half which is commonly directed towards us. LICETUS, Lunar Object No. 124, PL 26, 31 30 LICHTENBERO, Lunar Object No. 444, PL 24 ... 33 LIGHT YEARS 67 LILIUS, Lunar Object No. 128, PL 26, 31 30 LINDENAU, Lunar Object No. 68. 'PL 26 30 LINNE, Lunar Object No. 237, PL 20, 23, 25, 31 31 LITTROW, Lunar Object No. 224, PL 23 31 LOHRMANN, Lunar Object No. 366, PL 25, 37, 38 32 LOHSE, Dr. 0. , on Jupiter. See Preface. LONG PERIOD VARIABLES ... 53 90 INDEX. LONGITUDE. If a great circle perpendicular to the Ecliptic be drawn through any celestial body, its longitude is the angle from the vernal equinox measured towards the east to the foot of the perpendicular. LONGITUDE OF PERIHELION, PI. 3. LONGOMONTANUS, Lunar Object No. 294, PI. 25, 33,34 / 32 LOWELL OBSERVATORY, Map of Mars, PI. 8 12 LUBBOCK, Lunar Object No. 30, PI. 26, 28 30 LUBINIEZKY, Lunar Object No. 343, PL 25, 34... 32 LUNA; LACUS, on Mars, PL 8 12 LUNAR OBJECTS 28 LUNATION. The period from one new Moon to to the next. 29'5305879 days. LUPUS, PL 68, 72. LYNX, PI. 54. LYRA, PI. 57, 71. LYRA, Annular Nebula, PL 57, 78 61, 80 LYRA; a, or VEGA, PL 57 79 LYRA; t , a Double-double Star, PI . 57 79 LYR.S; j3, regularly Variable Star, PI. 57 53 LYRA;, R., Variable Star, PL 57 53 LYRID METEOR SHOWER ., 55 MACLAUIUN, Lunar Object No. 4, PI. 26 30 MACLEAR, Lunar Object No. 229, PI. 23, 30 31 MACROBIUS, Lunar Object No. 166, PI. 23, 28 ... 31 MADLER, Lunar Object No. 59, PL 26, 30 30 MAGELHAENS, Lunar Object No. 33, PL 26 30 MAGINUS, Lunar Object No. 296, PL 25, 32, 33 32 MAI A, in Pleiades, PL 80 62 MAIN, Lunar Object No. 200, PL 23 31 MAIRAN, Lunar Object No. 427, PL 24, 35, 36... 32 MALUS, PI. 60, 66. MANILIUS, Lunar Object No. 240, PL 23, 31 ... 31 MANNERS, Lunar Object No. 249, PL 23 31 MANZINUS, Lunar Object No. 54, PL 26, 29 30 MARALDI, Lunar Object No. 160, PL 23, 29 ... 31 MARCO POLO, Lunar Object No. 398, PL 24 ... 32 MARE AUSTRALE, C, in Moon, PL 26, 27, 28 ... 33 MARE CHRONIUM, on Mars, PL 8 12 MARE CIMMERIUM, on Mars, PL 8 12 MARE CRISIUM, A, in Moon, PL 23, 27, 28, 29, 30,31 '. 33 MARE ERYTHRA;UM, on Mars, PL 8 12 MARE FA:CUNDITATIS, in Moon, B, PL 26, 27-31 33 MARE FRIGORIS, K, in Moon, PI. 23, 31, 36, 38... 33 MARE HUMBOLDTIANUM, in Moon, D, PL 23, 27, 28,29,30 33 MARE HUMORUM, in Moon, T, PL 25, 35, 36, 37 38 \ 33 MARE TCARIUM, on Mars, PL 8 12 MARK IMBRIUM, in Moon, L, PL 24, 32-38 33 MARE NECTARIS, in Moon, F., PL 26, 29. 30, 31 33 MARE NUBIUM, in Moon, Q, PI. 25, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 ' 33 MARE SERENITATIS, in Moon, J, PL 20, 23, 30, 31,32 25 33 .MARE SIRENUM, on Mars, PL 8 12 MARE SMYTHII, in Moon, Y, PL 23, 27 33 MARE TRANQUILLITATIS, in Moon, E, PL 23, 29, 30,31 33 MARE TYRRHENIUM, on Mars, PL 8 12 MARE VAPORUM, in Moon, M, PL 23, 31 33 MARGAHITIFER SINUS, on Mars, PL 8 12 MARINUS, Lunar Object No. 18, PI. 26 30 MARIUS, Lunar Object No. 390, PI. 24, 36 32 MARS, Chart of, PL 8 11 MARS, Dimensions, &c., PL 5 7 MARS, How to find 42 MARS, Index to 42, 43 MARS IN OPPOSITION 38 MARS, Orbit of, PI. 3, 4 5 MARS, Periodic time of, PL 2; MARS, Phases of, PL 6 8 MARS, SATELLITES of, PL 7 10 MASKELYNE, Lunar Object No. 157, PL 23 31 MASON, Lunar Object No. 213, PL 23 31 MASSES of Stars compared with Sun 68 MAUPERTUIS, Lunar Object No. 424, PL 24 32 MAUROLYCUS, Lunar Object No. 121, PL 26, 30, 31 30 MAURY, Lunar Object No. 223, PL 23 31 McCLURE, Lunar Object No. 37, PL 26 30 MEAN DISTANCE OF A PLANET 5 MEDII SINUS, in Moon, P, PL 24. 32, 33, 34 33 MEDUSA, PI 4 6 MENELAUS, Lunar Object No. 234, PL 23, 31 ... 31 MENSA, PL 70. MERCATOR, Lunar Object No. 339, PL 25, 34 32 MERCURIUS, Lunar Object No. 180, PL 23, 27, 28 31 MERCURY, Dimensions of, PL 5 7 MERCURY, Orbit of, PL 3 ... 5 MERCURY, Periodic time of, PL 2. MERCURY, when to be seen, 38, 39 MERIDIAN. At any place the Celestial Meridian is the great circle through the Poles and the Zenith. INDEX. 91 MERIDIAN (CENTRAL). Means in this Atlas the line joining the Nortli point to the South point on the monthly maps. MEROPE, in Pleiades, Ph80 62 MERSENIUS, Lunar Object No. 350, PI. 25, 36, 37 32 MESSALA, Lunar Object No. 175, PI. 23, 27, 28 31 MESSIER, Lunar Object No. 29, PI. 26, 28, 29 ... 30 METIUS, Lunar Object No. 44, PI. 26, 28, 29 30 METON, Lunar Object No. 197, PI. 23, 30 31 MICROMETER An instrument for the measure- ment of small quantities. MiCRoscoi'iUM, PI: 69. MILICHIUS, Lunar Object No. 379, PI. 24, 35 32 MILLER, Lunar Object No. 134, PI. 26 30 MILKY WAY, Photograph around Cluster M. 11, PI. 81 62 MIMAS, Satellite of Saturn, PI. 7 11 MOIGNO, Lunar Object No. 195, PI. 23 31 MONOCEROS, PI. 59,60: MONOCEROTIS, 11, a Triple Star, PI. 59 74 MONTHLY MAPS OF STARS, PI. 39-50 35 MOON, Elger's drawings of, PI. 23-38. MOON, Key Map of Objects, PI. 27-38. MOON, List of Lunar Objects 30-33 MOON, List of Mountain Ran jes 33 MOON, List of Seas in 33 MOON, Mountains near limb of 33 MOON, Orbit of, PL 7 10 MOON, Photographs of, PI. 20, 21, 22 25 MOON, Plates of, at different Phases, PI. 27-38. MOON, Sectional Charts of, PI. 23-26. MOON, Table for finding Place with Age 27 MOON'S PHASES AND ECLIPSES, PI. 14 17 MORETUS, Lunar Object No. 300, PI. 25, 32, 33... 32 MORTIS LACUS, in Moon, PI. 23, 23, 30, 33 33 MOSTIXG, Lunar Object No. 261, PI. 25, 32, 33 ... 31 MUSCA, PI. 67, 70. MUTUS, Lunar Object No. 53, PI. 26, 29 30 NADIR. The point of the celestial sphere be- neath out feet to which a plummet points. NASIREDDIN, Lunar ObjectNo.287, PI. 25 31 NEANDER, Lunar Object No. 43, PI, 26, 28 30 NEAP TIDE, Cause of, PI. 2 3 NEARCHUS, Lunar Object No. 50, PI. 26 30 NEBDLARUM PALUS, in Moon, X, PI. 23, 31, 32 33 NECTARIS MARE, in Moon, F, PI. 26, 29, 30, 31 33 NEPER, Lunar Object No. 139, PI. 23, 27 31 NEPTUNE, Dimensions of, PI. 5 7 NEPTUNE, Orbit of, PI. 4 6 NEPTUNE, Satellite of, PI. 7 11 NEWCOMB, Lunar Object No. 225, PI. 23 31 NEWTON, Lunar Object No. 302, PI. 25, 34 32 NEW MOON, Plate 7. NEW STARS 54 NICOLAI, Lunar Object No. 69, PI. 26 30 NICOLLET, Lunar Object No. 344, PI. 25, 33 ... 32 NODE. A point in which an Orbit intersects the plane to which it is referred. NONIUS, Lunar Object No. 117, PI. 26 30 NORMA, PI. 68. NORM*;, Nova 1893, PI. 68 54 NUBIUM MARE, in Moon, Q, PI. 25, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 33 NUTATION. A small oscillation in the direction of the Earth's axis, due to the fact that the forces producing precession do not act uni- formly. OBERON, Satellite of Uranus, PL 7 11 OBLATE. Applied to a globular body flattened at the poles, like the Earth. OBLIQUITY OF THE ECLIPTIC. The inclination of the Ecliptic to the Equator. OBSERVATORY, Companion to the (quoted) 67 OCCULTATION. Applied to the passage of the Moon over a star, or of Jupiter over one of his satellites. OCEANUS PROCELLARUM, in Moon, S, PI. 24, 35, 36,37,38 33 OCTANS, PI. 70. (ENOPIDES, Lunar Object No, 435, PI. 24 32 OERSTED, Lunar Object No. 183, PI. 23 31 OKEN, Lunar Object No 20. PI. 26 30 OLBERS, Lunar Object No. 393, PL 24, 38 32 OPHIUCHI, Nova 1848, PI. 62 , 54 OPHIUCHUS, PI. 62, 68, 71, 72. OPPOLZER, Work on Eclipses 18 OPPOSITION a Planet is in opposition to the Sun when its longitude differs from that of the Sun by 180. Symbol lor opposition... 5 ORBIT. The track pursued by a planet round the Sun, or by a Satellite round its primary planet. ORCUS (Canal), on Mars, PI. 8 12 ORIANI, Lunar Object No 163, PL 23 31 ORION, PI. 59, 71, 72. ORION, Great Nebula in, PI. 73 59 ORIONIS, a, or BETELGEUX, PI. 59, Variable... 54, 74 ORIONIS, 8, Multiple Star 73 92 INDEX. ORIONIS, Z, Triple Star, PI. 59 73 ORIONIS, ff, MultipleStar 73 ORONTIUS, Lunar Object No. 288, PI. 25 31 PALITZSCH, Lunar Object No. 9, PL 26 30 PALLAS, Lunar Object No. 375, PL 24, 32 32 PALLAS, minor Planet , diameter of 8 PALUS NEBULARUM, in Moon, X, PL 23, 31, 32 33 PALUS PUTREDINIS, in Moon, Z, PL 23, 32 33 PALUS SOMNII, in Moon, V, PL 23, 28, 29 33 PARALLAX. The difference in direction between the positions of a heavenly body as seen from two different points, PI. 1 2 PARALLELS. Circles parallel to the Equator, having one of the Poles as centre. PARROT, Lunar Object No. 108, PL 26 30 PARRY, Lunar Object No. 271, PL 25, 33 31 PATHS OF SPOTS ACROSS THE SUN'S Disc, PL 13 16 PAVO, PL 68, 69, 70, 72. PAVONIS, K, regularly Variable Star, PI. 69, 70 53 PEGASUS, PL 52, 57, 58, 63, 71, 72. PEIRCE, Lunar Object No. 153, PL 23, 27, 28, 29 31 PENTLAND, Lunar Object No. 131, PL 26 30 PERCY, MTS., in Moon, n, PL 25 33 PERIHELION OF A PLANETARY ORBIT 5 PERIODIC TIME IN A PLANETARY ORBIT 2 PERRINE'S COMET, 1902, III., PL 19 23 PERSEI, /3, or ALGOL, regularly Variable Star, PL 53 51, 72 PERSEI, 0, a Triple Star, PL 53 72 PERSEI, p, Variable Star, PL 53 54 PERSEI, Nova 1887, PL 53 54 PERSEI, Nova 1901, PL 53 54 PERSEI, Nova 1901, Photographs of Star and surrounding Nebula, PL 82 63 PF,RSEIDS, Orbit of, PL 3 5 PERSEIDS, Meteor Shower 3,55 PERSEUS, PL 52, 53, 71. PERSEUS, Great Clusters in, PL 52, 53 71 PERTURBATION. A disturbance in the orbit of a heavenly body caused by some other attrac- tion besides that which chiefly controls the motion. PETAVIUS, Lunar Object No. 7, PL 26, 27, 28, 29 30 PETERS, Lunar Object No. 196, PL 23 31 PHASES OF THE MOON, PL 14 17 PHASES OF THE PLANETS, PL 6 8 PHILLIPS, Lunar Object No. 13, PI. 26 30 PHILOLAUS, Lunar Object No. 420, PL 24, 34, 35, 36 '....' 32 PHOBOS, Satellite of Mars, PL 7 10 PHOCYLIDES, Lunar Object No. 321, PL 25, 36, 37, 38 32 PHOEBE, Satellite of Saturn n PHCENIX, PL 64, 65, 72. PIAZZI, Lunar Object No. 329, PI. 25, 37, 38 ... 32 PICARD, Lunar Object No. 152, PL 23, 27, 28, 29 31 PICCOLOMINI, Lunar Object No. 63, PL 26, 29, 30 30 PICKERING, W. H., Photograph of Solar Corona, PI 16 19 Pico, Lunar Mountain, q, PL 24, 33, 34. 35 33 PICTET, Lunar Object No. 289, PL 25 32 PICTOR, PL 65, 66. PINGRE, Lunar Object No. 319, PL 25 32 PISCES, PL 52, 58, 63, 71, 72 3 PISCIS AUSTRALIS, PL 64, 69, 72. PISCIUM, 35, Double Star, PL 58, 63 70 PISCIUM, a, Double Star, PI. 58 71 PITATUS, Lunar Object No. 280, PL 25, 33 31 PITISCUS, Lunar Object No. 52, PL 26, 29 30 PITON, Lunar Mountains, r, PL 24, 34, 35 33 PLANA, Lunar Object No. 214, PL 23, 29 31 PLANET, Naming an unknown 48 PLANETS, Inner, PL 3 4 PLANETS, Comparative Sizes of, PL 5 7 PLANET, Mean Distance of a 5 PLANETARY PHENOMENA 38 PLANETS, Symbols for the 5 PLATO, Lunar Object No. 413, PL 24, 32, 33, 34, 35 29, 32 PLAYFAIR, Lunar Object No. 100, PL 26, 31 ... 30 PLEIADES, Photographs of Stars and Nebulae, PL 79-80 62 PLEIADES, PL 53, 58, 71, 72, 79, 80 72 PLINIUS, Lunar Object No. 227, PL 23, 30, 31... 31 PLUTARCH, Lunar Object No. 164, PL 23 31 POISSON, Lunar Object No. 96, PL 26 30 POLAR Axis, PL 1 1 POLE STAR, as a Double Star, PL 51 ....*. 70 POLYBIUS, Lunar Object No. 92, PL 26 30 PONS, Lunar Object No. 93, PL 26, 30 30 PONTANUS, Lunar Object No. 94, PL 26 30 PONTECOULANT, Lunar Object No. 22, PL 26, 27, 28 30 POSIDONIUS, Lunar Object No. 218, PL 23, 29, 30 31 POSITION ANGLE OF THE SUN'S A xis 16 PR^SEPE CANCRI a Cluster, PL 54, 60 75 INDEX. 93 PKKCESSION IN DECLINATION, Table of 57 PRECESSION in R. A., Table of 57 PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES. An alteration in the position of the Equinoxes, due to a continuous revolution of the pole of the Equator round the pole of the Ecliptic, in about '26,000 years 56 PRIME VERTICAL, PI. 1. PROCELLARUM OCEANUS, in Moon, S, PI. 24, 35, 36,37,38 33 PROCLUS, Lunar Object No. 156, PI. 23, 28, 29 31 PROMINENCES on the Sun, PI. 12 15 PROMONTORY, LAPLACE, in Moon, u, PL 24, 34, 35, 36, 37 33 PTOLEM,>:US, Lunar Object No. 264, PL 25, 32, 33 31 PUPPIS, PI. 59, 60, 66. PUPPIS L 2? regularly Variable Star, PL 66 53 PUPPIS V, Variable Star, PL 66 53 PURBACH, Lunar Object No. 277, PI. 25, 32 31 PUTREDINIS PALUS, Z, in Moon, PL 23, 32 33 PYRENEES, in Moon, g. PL 26, 28, 29, 30 33 PYHIPHLEGETHON, on Mars. PL 8 12 PYTHAGORAS, Lunar Object No. 432, PL 24, 37, 38 32 PYTHEAS, Lunar Object No. 403, PL 24, 33, 34 32 QUADRATURE. The position of a heavenly body when 90 from the Sun.... 5 RABBI LKVI, Lunar Object No. 66, PL 26, 30... 30 RADIANT POINT. The point on the heavens from which the Shooting Stars, in a shower of such bodies, appear to diverge. RAMBAUT, Dr. Arthur A. See Preface. RAMSDEN, Lunar Object No. 355, PL 25, 34, 35 32 REAUMUR, Lunar Object No. 115, PL 26 30 RED SPOT ODJUPITER, PI. 9 12 REFRACTION. The bending of a ray of light on passing from one medium into another 2 REFRACTIONS, Table of 2 REGIOMONTANUS, Lunar Object No. 278, PL 25, 32 - 31 REGULARLY VARIABLE STARS 51 REICHENBACH, Lunar Object No. 41, PL 26, 28 30 REINER, Lunar Object No. 389, PL 24, 38 32 REINHOLD, Lunar Object No. 377, PL 24, 33, 34, 35 32 REPSOLD, Lunar Object No. 439, PL 24, 38 33 RETICULUM, PL 65, 70. PAGK. RETROGRADE applied to the motion of a planet or satellite when it is in the direction oppo- site to the general direction of motion. RH.KTICUS, Lunar Object No. 114, PL 26, 31 ... 30 RHEA, Satellite of Saturn, PI. 7 '.. 11 RHEITA, Lunar Object No. 42, PI. 26 30 RICCIOLI, Lunar Object No. 365, PL 25, 38 32 RICCIUS, Lunar Object No. 65, PL 26, 30 30 RIGHT ASCENSION 1 RIPH/EAN MOUNTAINS, in Moon, i, PL 25, 35 ... 33 RITCHEY, G. W., Photograph of prominences, PL 12 15 RITCHEY, G. W., Photographs of the Moon, PI. 20, 21, 22 25 RITCHEY, G. W., Photograph of Orion Nebula, PL 73 59 RITCHEY, G. W., Photograph of Andromeda Nebula, PL 74 '59 RITCHEY, G. W., Nova Persei Nebula,, PL 82 ... 68 RITTER, Lunar Object No. 246, PL 23, 30 31 ROBERTS, Isaac, Photograph of Nebulae in Pleiades, PL 79 62 ROBINSON, Lunar Object No. 436. PL 24 32 ROCCA, Lunar Object No. 362, PL 25, 37, 38 ... 32 ROMER, Lunar Object No. 221, PL 23 31 ROOK MOUNTAINS, Lunar Object 33 RORIS SINUS, in Moon, W, PL 24, 37, 38 33 ROSENBERGER, Lunar Object No. 49, PL 26, 28, 29 30 Ross, Lunar Object No. 228, PL 23, 30 31 ROSSE, Lunar Object No. 61, PL 26 30 ROST, Lunar Object No. 3150P1. 25, 34, 35 32 SABINE, Lunar Object No. 247, PL 23, 30 31 SACROBOSCO, Lunar Object No. 90, PL 26, 30 ... 30 SAGITTA, PL 62, 63. SAGITTJE, S, Variable Star, PL 6^2 53 SAGITTARII, X 3, regularly variable Star, PL 68 53 SAGITTARII, Wyi regularly Variable Star, PL 68,69 53 SAGITTARII, Nova 1898, PL 62 54 SAGITTARII, Y, Variable Star PL 62 53 SAGITTARIUS, PL 62, 68, 69, 72- 9 SAGITTARIUS, Nebula M. 17 in, PL 62 79 SAGITTARIUS, Cluster M. 8 in, PL 62, 69 79 SANTBECH, Lunar Object No. 36, PL 26, 28, 29 30 SAROS, The Eclipse Cycle 18 SASSERIDES, Lunar Object No. 284, PL 25, 33... 31 SATELLITES, Systems of, PL 7 ,.. 10 SATURN, Description of Orbit of, PL 4 g 94 INDEX. SATURN, Description of, PI. 10 13 SATURN, Dimensions of Rings, PI. 5 7 SATURN, Drawing of, PI. 10 13 SATURN IN OPPOSITION, to 1950 38 SATURN, Index to 46, 47 SATURN, Orbit of, PI. 4. SATURN, Phases of Rings, PI. 6 9, 38 SATURN, Satellites of, PI. 7 11 SAUSSURE, Lunar Object No. 290, PI. 25, 32, 33 25, 32 SCHEINER, Lunar Object No. 313, PI. 25, 34, 35 32 SCHIAPARELLI, Lunar Object No. 450, PI. 24 ... 33 SCHICKARD, Lunar Object No. 323, PI. 25, 36, 37,38 32 SCHILLER, Lunar Object No. 317, PI. 25, 35, 36 32 SCHOMBERGER, Lunar Object No. 27, PI. 26, 29 30 SCHROTER, Lunar Object No. 374. PI. 24, 32 ... 32 SCHUBERT, Lunar Object No. 135, PI. 23 30 SCHUMACHER, Lunar Object No. 178, PL 23 31 SCHUSTER, A., Photograph of Solar Corona, PI. 16 19 SCHWABE, Lunar Object No. 149, PI. 23 31 SCORESBY, Lunar Object No. 202, PI. 23, 30 31 SCORPII, T.Nova (1860), PL 61, 62.68 54 SCORPII, a, or ANTARES, PI. 68 78 SCORPII, IJL, Spectroscopic Binary ^.. 79 SCORPIO, PI. 61, 62, 68, 72. SCULPTOR, PL 58, 64. SCUTI, R., Variable Star, PL 62 54 SEASONS, Cause of, PL 2 1 SECCHI, Lunar Object No. 155, PL 23, 28 31 SEGNER, Lunar Object No. 311, PL 25, 35 32 SELEUCUS, Lunar Object No. 397, PL 24, 37, 38 32 SENECA, Lunar Object No. 165, PL 23 31 SERENITATIS MARE,- in Moon, J, PI. 23, 30, 31, 32 33 SERPENS, PL 56, 61, 62, 71, 72. SERPENTARII, Nova 1604, PI. 62 54 SEXTANS, PL 60. * SHARP, Lunar Object No. 426, PL 24, 35, 36 32 SHORT, Lunar Object No. 301, PL 25 32 SHORT PERIOD VARIABLES 52 53 SHUCKBURGH, Lunar Object No. 184, PI. 23 . . 31 SIDEREAL DAY 35 SILBERSCHLAG, Lunar Object No. 252, PL 23 31 SIMPELIUS, Lunar Object No. 133, PI. 26 30 SINUS ^ESTUUM, in Moon, N, PL 24, 32, 33, 34... 33 SINUS IRIDUM, in Moon, R, PI. 24, 34, 35, 37, 38 33 SINUS IRIDUM HIGHLANDS, in Moon, e, PL 24, 35, 36 - 37 ' ' 33 SINUS MEDII, in Moon, P, PL 24, 32, 33 33 Six us RORIS, in Moon, W, PL 24, 37, 33 . 33 SIRENIUS LACUS, on Mars, PI. 8 ... 12 SIRIUS, Binary Star ................. 7-4 SIUSALIS, Lunar Object No. 358, PL 25 .32 SMYTH, PIAZZI. Lunar Object No. 412, PI. 24 ' 32 SMYTHII MARE, in Moon, Y, PL 23. 27*.. 33 SMYTH'S CELESTIAL CYCLE ......... ... ' QJ SNELLIUS, Lunar Object No. 16, PI. 26, 28 ' 30 SOLAR CORONA, Description of, PI. 16.... jg SOLAR PHENOMENA, Corona and Prominences ; . .......................................... 15,18 SOLIS LACUS, on Mars, PL 8 ......... 12 SOLSTICES. The points of the Ecliptic attained by the Sun at Midsummer and Midwinter, PL 1 1 SOMMERING, Lunar Object No. 373, Pi. 24, 32 32 SOMNH PALUS, in Moon, V, PI. 23, 28 ... 33 SOMNIORUM LACUS, in Moon, G, PL 23.. 29, 30, 31 33 SOSIGENES, Lunar Object No. 230, PL 23 25 SOUTH, Lunar Object No. 433, PI. 24.... ' 32 SPECTROSCOPY gg SPECTROSCOPIC BINARIES gg SPHERE, Circles of the, PL 1. SPHERE OF THE HEAVENS j SPRING TIDE, PL 2 3 STADIUS, Lunar Object No. 381, PI. 24, 33 32 STAR MAPS, PL 51-72. STAR MAPS, Description of 49-58 STAR MAPS, correction Jor Precession 58 STARS, Variable, Lists of ....51-54 STEINHEIL, Lunar Object No. 47, PL 26 30 STEVINUS, Lunar Object No. 15, PL 26, 28 . 30 STIBORIUS, Lunar Object No. 64, PL 26, 29, 30... 30 STOFLER, Lunar Object No. 119, PL 26, 31 30 STRABO, Lunar Object No. 190, PL 23 31 STRAIGHT RANGE, Lunar Mountains, m, PL 24 33 STRAIGHT WALL, Lunar Object No. 275. PL 25, 33 31 STREET, Lunar Object No. 295, PL 25 32 STRUVE, Lunar*0bject No. 179 *.. . 31 STRUVE, Otto, Lunar Object No. 446, PL 24, 38 33 SULPICIUS GALLUS, Lunar Object No. 235, PL 23, 31 31 SUMMER SOLSTICE, PL 2 i SUN, Corona of, PL 16 y .'.... 18 SUN, Eclipse of, PL 14 .'. 17 SUN, Node of Solar Equator, PL 3. SUN, Paths of Spots across face, PL 13 16 SUN, Paths of Total Eclipses, PI. 15 18 SUN, Photograph of Sun Spot, PL 11 15 SUN, Prominences surrounding, PL 12 . ,15 INDEX. 95 SUN SPOT, Photograph of, PI. 11 15 SYKTIS MINOR, on Mars, PI. 8 12 SVRTIS MAJOR, on Mars, PI. 8 12 TACITUS, Lunar Object No. 82, PI. 26, 30 30 TANNERUS, Lunar Object No. 145, PI. 26 31 TAQUET, Lunar Object No. 233, PI. 23, 31 31 TARUNTIUS, Lunar Object No. 154, PI. 23, 28, 29 31 TAURI, a, or ALDEBARAN, PI. 59 73 TAURI, X, Algol Variable, PI. 58, 59 52 TAURUS, Lunar;Moimtains, k, PL 29, 30, 31 ... 33 TAURUS. PI. 53, 58, 59, 71, 72. TAURUS, Nebula, M. 1 in, PI. 53, 59 73 TAYLOR, Lunar Object No. 76, PI. 26 30 TELESCOPIUM, PL 68, 69. TEMPORARY STABS 54 TENERIFFE RANGE, Lunar Mountains, I, PI. 24 33 TERMINATOR OF MOON 28 TETHYS, Satellite of Saturn, PI. 7 11 THALES, Lunar Object No. 191, PI. 23 31 THE^ETETUS, Lunar Object No. 257, 23, 31, 32... 31 THEBIT, Lunar Object No. 274, PI. 25, 32, 33... 31 THEON, JUN., Lunar Object No. 75, PI. 26 30 THEON, SEN., Lunar Object No. 74, PL 26 30 THEOPHILUS, Lunar Object No. 79, PL 26, 30... 30 TIDES, PL 2 3 Tisucus, Lunar Object No. 414, PL 24, 32 32 TIM*:, Standard, PL 83 82 TIMOCHARIS, Lunar Object No. 401, PL 24, 33 34, 35 32 TIMOLEON, Lunar Object No. 147, PL 23 31 TITAN, Satellite of Saturn, PL 7 11 TITANIA, Satellite of Uranus, PI. 7 11 TOBIAS MAYER, Lunar Object No. 384, PL 24, 34, 35 32 TORRICELLI, Lunar Object No. 56, PL 26 30 TOTAL ECLIPSE OF SUN, PL 16 18 TOUCANA, PL 70. TOUCANI, 47, Globular Cluster 70 TRALLES, Lunar Object No. 168, PL 23, 28 31 TRANQUILLITATIS MARE, in Moon.E, PL 23,29, 30, 31 33 'TRANSIT. The passage of a celestial body across a fixed line, of a planet across the Sun, or of one of his satellites across Jupiter. TRIANGULA, PL 52, 53, 71. TRIANGULI i, a Double Star, Pi. 52, 53 71 TPIANGULUM, PL 68, 70, 72. TRIESNECKER, Lunar Object No. 242 PI 23 31 '** 31 TRIVIUM CHARONTIS. on Mars, PI. 8 ... ]2 TURNER, H. H. , Discoverer of Nova Geminorum 54 TYCHO, Lunar Object No. 291, PI. 21, 25, 33, 34 25.32 UKERT, Lunar Object No. 241, PI. 23 31 ULUGH BEIGH, Lunar Object No. 433, PL 24 ... 33 UMBRIEL, Satellite of Uranus, PI. 7 n URANOMETRIE GENERALE of HOUZEAU f>0 URS.E MAJORIS, , a Double Star, PI. 55 76 URS.E MAJORIS, , a Double Star, PL 55 77 URSA MAJOR, PL 51, 54, 55, 56, 71. URSA MAJOR, Planetary Nebula, M. 97, PL 55 76 URSA MINOR, PL 51, 56, 71. URS.E MINORIS, a, as a Double Star, PL 51 70 URANUS, Dimensions of, PL 5 7 URANUS, Orbit of, PI. 4 6 URANUS, Satellites of, PL 7 11 VAPORUM MARE, in Moon, M, PI. 23, 31 ......... 33 VARIABLE STARS ....................................... 51-55 VASCO DE GAMA, Lunar Object No. 396, PL 24 VEGA, Lunar Object No. 21, PL 26 ............... VEGA, or a LYR.W, PL 57 .............................. 32 30 79 63 VELOCITY of Star at right angles to line of Sight VELA, PL 66, 67. VELORUM N., Variable Star, PL 66 ............... 53 VENDELINUS, Lunar Object No. 3, PL 26, 27, 28, 29 ................................................... 30 VENUS, as an Evening Star ........................... 38 VENUS, as a Morning Star ........................... 38 VENUS, Dimensions of, and position of Axis, PL 5 ... .............................................. 7 VENUS, how to find .................................... 40 VENUS, Index to ....................................... 39-41 VENUS, Orbit of, PL 3. VENUS, Periodic Time of, PL 3. VENUS, Phases of, PL 6 ................................. 8, 9 VERTICAL, PRIME, PL 1. VESTA, diameter of ....................................... 8 VIETA, > unar Object No. 332, PL 25, 36, 37 ... 32 VIRGINIS, a, (Spica), Spectro.scopic Binary ...... 77 VIRGINIS7, a Double fctar. PL 61 .................. 77 VIRGO, PL 60, 61,71, 72 .............................. 3 VITELLO, Lunar Object No. 335, PL 25, 35 ...... 32 VITRUVIUS, Lunar Object No. 159, PI. 23, 29 31 VLACQ, Lunar Object No. 48, PI. 26, 29 ...... 30 96 INDEX. TAKE. VOLANS, PI. 66, 70. VULPECDLA, PI. 57, 62, 6:j. VCLPECUL.S;, Nova, 1670, PI. 57 54 VULPECULA, Dumb-bell Nebula in, PI. 57,62, 77 61 "VULPECUUE T., regularly Variable Star, PI. 57 53 WALTER, Lunar Object No. 116, PL 26, 32 30 WAKGENTIN, Lunar Object No. 322, PI. 25,37,38 32 WEBB, Lunar Object No. 28, PI. 26 30 WEIGEL, Lunar Object No. 314, PI. 25 32 WEKNER, Lunar Object No. 98, PI. 26, 31, 32 30 WHEWELL, Lunar Object No. 255, PI. 23 ol WICHMANN, Lunar Object No. 369, PI. 25, 35 32 WILHELM I., Lunar Object No. 293, PI. 25, 33, 34 32 WILHELM HUMBOLDT, Lunar Object No. 12, PI. 26,27 30 WILLIAMS, A. STANLEY, Photographs of Nova Persei, PI. 82 63 WILSON, W. E., Photographs of Cluster in Hercules and Nebula in Cygnu?, PI. 75 ... 60 WILSON, Lunar Object No. 307, PL 25, 35 32' WOLLASTON, Lunar Object No. 449, PL 24, 36... 33- WROTTESLEY, Lunar Object No. 8, PL 26 30 WUR/ELBAUER, Lunar Object No. 283, PL 25, 33 31 XENOPHANES, Lunar Object No. 438, PL 24, 38 32' ZACH, Lunar Object No. 129, PL 26. 31, 32 30- ZAGUT, Lunar Object No. 67, PL 26, 30 30' ZENITH. The point of the celestial sphere directly overhead to which a plumb line points. ZENO, Lunar Object No. 148, PI, 23 31 ZODIAC. A belt on the heavens within which the larger planets chiefly remain. It is practically what is marked on the Monthly Maps as the "Track of the Planets." ZODIAC, Signs of the 4 ZUCHIUS, Lunar Object No. 310, PL 25 32 ZUPUS, Lunar Object No. 360, PI. 25 32. ,, n u '933 6 i90ct'63AO *C'o Lo 13Apr52Ll! *-V33