403 + s + * * * **''* * +**<* s **'* ^ + + + r + * * ir '+ * + r **- + +* -*****'*''***'' _ .,_ " ' iw 'a* , THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID CONTRIBUTIONS TO CONCHOLOGY.-VOL 3. S ~Y 1ST O IsT TT 1ML TT OF THE SPECIES OP STREPOMATIM (MELANIANS; OF THE UNITED STATES; WITH CRITICAL OBSERVATIONS ON THEIR AFFINITIES, AND DESCRIPTIONS OF LAND, FRESH WATER AND MARINE MOLLTJSOA.. BY GEORGE W. TRYON, JR., MEMBER OP THB ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OP PHaADBLPHIA, COBRESPOXDUTO KEMBB* OP THE BOSTON SOCIETY OP NATURAL HISTORY, THE HEW YORK LYCECJt OF NATURAL HISTORY, THB CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF NATURAL 8CLBNCE8, 4C. NEW YORK: BAILLIERE BROTHERS, 520 BROADWAY. LONDON : H. BAILLIERE, 219 REGENT STREET. PARIS : J. B. BAILLIERE ET FILS, RUE HAUTEFEUILLE. MADRID: C. BAILLY-BAILLIERE, CALLE DEL PRINCIPE. VMa, TO ISAAC LEA, LL.D., THIS VOLUME, Treating of a subject which he has so fully illustrated by his many publications, extending through a long series of years, is RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED in recognition of the love of Science and personal regard which induced him to spend many hours of valu- able tune in assisting the Author in its preparation. M363799 PREFACE. The major part of the following volume is occupied by an attempt to give a synonymy of the species of Strepomatida of the United States Though supplied with abundant material, and having, besides, access to all the principal collections of these shells, for the purposes of study and comparison, yet the subject is so vast, the species so numerous, and generally scf variable, that the author cannot feel that confidence in having well performed the task he had undertaken, which he would like to experience. The results of my investigations, such as they are, are presented hi the hope that they will not prove entirely useless to those who shall pursue the study of these very interesting animals. We would advise those who shall possess this volume, to have inserted alternate blank leaves, in binding it, for the purpose of adding species that may hereafter be described, and for corrections of the synonymy. We have given a very full Index of species, arranged alphabetically, under the various genera and subgenera adopted by us. This Index will be found much more complete and useful than those given by Mr. Reeve, and by Dr. Brot, as it includes a very large number of species described since the publication of those gentlemen's works. April 15th t 1865. CONTENTS. 1 Contributions towards a Monography of the Order Pholadacea, with Descriptions of New Species 9 2. Descriptions of Two New Species of Fresh Water Mollusca, from Panama 12 3. Description of a New Exotic Melania 13 4. Descriptions of New Species of Fresh Water Mollusca, belonging to the Families Amnicolidae, Valvatidse, and Limnaeidae ; inhabit- ing California 13 5. Description of a New Species of Pleurocera 17 6. Description of a New Species of Teredo, from New Bedford, Mass. 17 7. Descriptions of Two New Species of Mexican Land Shells 18 8. Synonymy of the Species of Strepornatida^, a Family of Fluviatile Mollusca, inhabiting North America. Parti 19 9. do. do. do. " 2 35 10. do. do. do. u 3 61 11. do. do. do. " 4, 73 12. Additions to Synonymy of Strepomatidae .? 91 Index., , 93 (from Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philada., May, 1863.) Contributions towards a Monogratfhy of the order of PHOLADACEA, with. Descriptions of new Species. No. 2. BY GEORGE W. TRYON, JR. Additions to Bibliography. Deshayes, G. P. Letter in Zeit. fur Malak. p. 44, March, 1845. Dufo, M. H. " Observations sur les mollusques marins, terrestres et fluviatiles des iles Seychelles et des Amirantes." Ann. des Sc. Nat. p. 221, 1840. Fischer. P. Note surl'animal du Jouannetia Cumingi, snive de la description d'e deux especes nouvelles du meme genre. Journ. de Conchyl. p. 371, Oct., 1862. Jonas, J. H. Bemerkungen iiber einige der von Lamarck in seiner Hist. Natur. des Anim. s. Vertebr. aufgefiibrten Conchylien Arten, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Zusiitze des Hernn, Deshayes. Zeit. fur Malak. p. 135, Sept., 1844. Conchyliologische Notizen. Zeit. fiir Malak. p. 182., Nov., 1845. Stimpson, Win. On the genus Diplotbyra, Am. Jour. Science, p. 445, May. 1863. Descriptions of Species. KOCELLARIA DEXTIFERA, Dufo. Gastrochxna dentifera, Dufo. Ann. des Sc. Nat. p. 221, 1840. Shell smooth and very thin, having an apophysis in the anterior part of each valve, and having also in each valve, but at the posterior extremity, a rounded and soldered piece. Hab. Madrepores, Seychelles and Admiral Islands. Very rare. JOUANNETIA DUCHASSAINGI, Deshayes. Jouannetia Duchassaingi, Deshayes, Fischer, Journ. Conchyl. p. 375, 1. 15, f, 3 T Oct., 1862. u Testa globosa, solidissima, alba, valvis antice callo solido, longitudinaliter striato. munitis ; area antica longitudinaliter costata. transversim dense striata; area postica subtile et oblique striata : appendiculo postico valvae dextrae elon- gato, lato, rotundato, intus, laevi ; impressionibus muscularibus latis, crassis. lamellas prominentes forrnantibus. Diam. anter. post. 50 mill. Alt. 41 " Hab. Panama. (Coll. DeshayesO Obs. This fine species, which surpasses in its size the Jouan. pectinata, be- longs to the group of Jouan. Cuminigi ; its specific characters are entirely dif- ferent, so that it is impossible to confound it with that species." JOUANNETIA VIGNONI, Fischer. Jouannetia Vignoni, Fischer, Journ. de Conchyl. p. 376, t. 15, f. 4, Oct., 1862. u Testa rotundato-ovata globosa, solidiuscula, valvis antice callo inflato munitis; area antica radiatim costata, transversim et valide striata; area postica late sulcata (in valva dextra,) dense et transversim striata (in valva sinistra ;) appendiculo valvte dextrae elongato, rostrato, ad margines serrato ; impressionibus muscularibus posticis planis. Diam. anter. post. 10 millim. Alt. 7 10 Hab. West Coast of Africa. (Captain Vignon.) Obs. This -curious species approaches to the group of J. globosa and pec- ttna-ta. It is remarkable for the development of the posterior appendage of the left valve, the inflation of the callous portion, &c. The above two species are interesting additions to a genus which has hitherto been quite limited in species. The discovery of two (possibly three) new species of Pholadacea inhabiting the West Coast of North America, occur- ring within a few months, proves the truth of the remarks I made on this subject in the Proc. A. N. S., 1862, that, "greatly as the number of species have been increased by modern research, it is evident, from the general diffusion of the Order throughout the world, and from the incompleteness of our researches in those regions, which appear most to abound in them, . . . that the number at present known must be indeed a very small proportion of those which future investigation will probably reveal to us." ZIEPH^SA GABBII, Tryon, plate 1, fig. 1. Shell large, transverse, obliquely divided by a deep furrow proceeding from the umbonal apex to the basal margin and forming a corresponding rib on the internal surface of the valve. Posteriorly to the furrow the shell is marked only by growth lines which, in crossing it, are elevated into sharp ribs, in which character they are continued to the anterior margin. The portion of the shell anterior to the radiating furrow is ornamented with numerous longitudinal ribs, approximating in pairs and rendered acutely scabrous at the intersection of the rib- like growth lines. Ventral anterior margin emarginate. Dorsal anterior margin reflected and closely appressed over the beaks. Posterior dorsal margin declining somewhat to the quadrately rounded posterior lateral end. Color white. Dimensions. Length l\ inch ; breadth 2 inch. Breadth anterior to furrow 9-10 inch ; posterior to furrow 1| inch. Hab. Coast of Japan ? W. M. Gabb. My cabinet. Observations. This species is very closely allied to Z. crispata of our Atlantic coast, but may be distinguished by its more numerous and more scabrous ribs, by its greater proportionate width and the very disproportionate size of its an- terior and posterior areas. Can this be the species which Dr. Carpenter, in his Catalogue of our west Coast Mollusca, refers with doubt to Z. crispata ? In the exchanges of com- merce it may have been brought there, or, (no strange distribution in this family) it may even exist on both shores of the Pacific. I received a single valve, somewhat mutilated, from our fellow member, Mr. Wm. M. Gabb, now of San Francisco, Cal., and name it after him, in recognition of the active service he is rendering to the science of Cotichology in his adopted State. XYLOTRYA SBTACEA, Tryon, plate l,fig. 2, 3. Shell large, of nearly equal length and breadth. Beaks high, narrow, in- curved, and thickened, the apex lower than the auricle, which is long, moderately wide, extending more than half the length of the valve and joining the medial portion by a rounded obtuse angle. Anterior area obliquely triangular, not more than half the length of the auricle, its upper edge protected by a rib culmina- ting dorsally in a sort of knob. The anterior margin of the medial portion of the valve is straight, forming an acute angle with the triangular area; the posterior margin is oblique and somewhat convex. The junction of the auricle is marked externally by a depression of the surface, and internally by a pro- jecting ledge. Apophysis short, oblique, broad. Base of valve tuberculate internally. The valve is white, tinged with pink anteriorly and slightly glossy. The anterior area, which is separated from the body by a deep, narrow, sulcation, is sculptured by about thirty sharply cut, prominent, transverse ribs. The body is marked, first, by a narrow longitudinal area which is closely striate; then by 11 a narrow double rounded rib, the surface of which is triangularly striate; then by a depressed space equally wide, with its sides accurately defined, and trans- versely sculptured. The whole surface of the body and auricle posteriorly is unmarked, except by growth lines, and the depression of surface at the com- mencement of the latter. Pallet large ; the jointed portion about the same length as the stalk, rather wide, with lateral extremities acuminate and inclining upwards. Sides of the joints fringed. These joints number about sixteen or eighteen. Stalk very slender and rounded. Dimensions. Length and breadth of valves about inch. Length of pallets \\ inch. Breadth of upper portion of pallets about inch. ffab. Bay of San Francisco, Cal. Rev. J. Rowell. My cabinet and cabinet of Mr. Rowell. Observations. The valves of this species bear a very strong resemblance in size and form to T. megotara, Hanley. From X. bipennala, Turton, it is dis- tinguished by the basal margins of the auricle and anterior area not being on the same transverse line, and by its broader, more closely jointed and shorter pallets. From X. cucullata, Norman, it is distinguished by its different surface mark- ings and the sharp angle of the anterior area with the body. -T. fimbriata has a shorter pallet and much smaller and differently formed valve; the same may be said of X. minima. X. Stutchburyi has very fine striae on the anterior area, and the pallets also differ. The latter, in the present species, are somewhat like those of X. palmulata, Lam., but are longer than in that species ; and differ in the relative length and diameter of the stalks, and also by their fringed joints. Our fellow member, Dr. A. L. Heermann, informed me some time since, of the existence of a shipworm at San Francisco, which, at the period of his visit there, (several years ago,) was committing great ravages in the destruction of the wharves of that city. It appears since to have become rare, and it was only after diligent inquiry ttiat my friend, Mr. Gabb, found specimens in the collec- tion of Rev. J. Rowell, who kindly sent me one. Note on Diplothyra. la Am. Journ. Science and Arts, May, 1863, p. 455, is a note by Dr. Stitnp- son on my genus Diplothyra, in which he asserts its identity with Martesia, upon the ground that the additional dorsal valve is not a generic character, being sometimes -developed by Martesia cuneiformis. Although many of the speci- mens of Diplothyra Smithii do not exhibit the double dorsal valve, I attribute it to the suppression or abortion of that appendage, and regard the double valve as the normal condition of the genus and species. The shells which possess it are generally the largest and best examples, and its non-appearance in others is not surprising when we consider the character of the substance in which they reside, and the evident compression and distortion of many of the speci- mens. The species of the family Pholadidse are very liable to distortion and to the suppression or division of their dorsal plates ; for instance, in Dactylina dactylus they are frequently not developed at all ; in Martesia striata several specimens before me exhibit incipient stages of a division of the umbonal plate into three, but I certainly would not on this account doubt the generic distinct- ness of Penitella, which is characterized by having three valves. If Dr. Stimpson's M. cuneiformis, when perfect specimens are selected, exhibit dorsal valves corresponding with my figure of D. Smithii , then either M. cunei- formis must be a Diplothyra, or else the specimens alluded to are not veritable cuneiformis. I have very closely examined many specimens of cuneiformis, striata, tbtecta, etc., but have not detected a second proper umbonal valve upon them. Mr. S. P. Woodward, some years since, regarded the differences in the urn- 12 booal plates as expressing specific value only, but his theory has since found no supporters. I have closely re-examined all the Pholades in my collection, and weighed anew the value of the specific and generic characters, and the result is a renewed conviction that D. Smithii is a very distinct species and that Diplothyra possesses in its umbonal plates a good generic character. Note on Penicillins. In a review of my work on Pholadacea, published in the American Journal of Science, Prof. Gill suggests that Penicillinx be elevated into a family, distinct from Gastrochscnidif, on account of the development of tentacles on the mantle-margin of the animal of the former. I have reviewed the subject and find no reason to alter the conclusions to which I originally arrived, namely, to regard this difference in the animal, in connection with differences in the shell, as possessing the value of a subfamily. Indeed, Prof. Gill has himself separated, as a subfamily only, (Ceriplia&insf) our American JfeZonum*, which differ from the exotic species in having a mantle with a plain instead of fringed or tentaculate margin. Descriptions of two new Species of Fresh Water Mollusca, from Panama. BY GEO. W. TRYON, JR. 1. PLANORBIS FIELDII, Tryon, plate 1, fig. 4, 5. Description. Shell small, moderately thick, polished, unmarked excepi by growth lines. Whorls three, almost equally convex above and below, and rapidly enlarging. Spire not much depressed, umbilical region of moderate width and not deep. Outer lip regularly rounded and almost equally expanded above and below the plane of the volutions. The aperture is slightly oblique. Dimensions. Diam. maj. G, min. 4 millim. Alt. 2J millim. Hob. Panama. Capt. Field, U. S". N. Coll. A. N. S. ; my coll. Observations. This species resembles some varieties of PL deflectus, Say, in which the whorl is not deflected at the aperture ; but it differs in the sides being regularly rounded instead of carinate, as in that species, and also in the dila- tion of the aperture above and below the plane of the shell, in this respect re- sembling somewhat PL corpuhntus, Say. PL Panamensis, Dunker, is a very different shell from Fieldii, being more de- pressed, differently sculptured, etc. Capt. Field presented to the Academy about a dozen specimens of this species, together with a new Amnicola (herein described,) and a few specimens of Succinea recisa, Morelet, all collected by himself at Panama. 2. AMNICOLA PANAMENSIS, Tryon. plate 1, f. 6 Description. Shell conical, smooth and shining, consisting of four rapidly increasing, very convex whorls. Sutures deeply impressed ; spire prominent, apex acute. Aperture rounded ; umbilical region slightly perforate. Dimensions. Length 4j millim. Diameter 3 millim. Hab. Panama. Capt. Field, U. S. N. ; coll. A. N. S. Observations. This shell is very like A. decisa, Hald., in form, but the whorls are more convex and the aperture nearly rotund. It also resembles A. Cincin- natiensis, Anth., which is, however, a more slender species. The shell is smaller than either of the above. T think this is the first species of Amnicola found upon the Isthmus. 13 Description of a new Exotic Melania. BY GEORGE W. TRYON, JR. MELANIA. HELENJE, Tryon, t. 1, f. 7. Description. Shell turretted, whorls eight or nine, angulated in the middle, rather flattened above, convex below, sutures deeply impressed. Surface spirally nodulously ridged, the nodules running into waved longitudinal ribs. Aperture narrow, a little produced in frCnt, contracted behind. Outer lip sinuous, angulated in the middle. Dimensions. Length 20 mill. Diam. 8 mill. Hab. Philippine Islands. My cabinet. Observations. This shell is allied to Mdania perfecta, Mousson. from Java, but differs in being angulated, and in having a longer, narrower aperture;, it is also a little smaller and the apicial whorls are sculptured, not smooth. Since the above description was written, I have observed in the collection at the Academy fine specimens of Melania Mauiensis, Lea, the sculpturing of which somewhat resembles this species, but they are much stouter, more obtuse shells, with the periphery not angulated. Descriptions of new Species of Fresh Water Mollusca, belonging to the Families AMNICOLID.E, VALVATID.E and LIMN.EIDJE ; inhabiting Cali- fornia. BY GEO. W. TRYON. JR. The following species of Sttells sent to me by my friend Mr. Wm. M. Gabb, were pi'incipally collected by Rev.J.Rowell, of San Francisco, a gentleman who has devoted much time to the study of the Mollusca of the State of California. It is not without considerable hesitation that I propose new species in genera wherein the variations of form, due to climatal and other influences. v are so great, and where the geographical distribution is frequently so extended ; and it ia only after very extensive comparisons with the related species which have already been characterized, that I select for description those among the suite sent to me which appear to be most distinct, leaving others unnamed, until a more extended exploration of the State shall give us a more perfect knowledge of the extent and relations of the Molluscous fauna inhabiting its waters. A considerable number of shells belonging to the above families, appear to inhabit the entire breadth of the continent; adding to these the forms u taiaed to be peculiar to Oregon and California, we find already decided indica- tions that these States form the metropolis of the fresh-water Pulmono- branchiates of North America. I have added to the descriptions of new species, a list of those already described, which have been sent to me by Mr. Gabb, because, in mo.=t the localities are new and interesting. AMXICOLID-E, Tryon. 1. AMNICOLA ROWELLII, Tryon, t. 1, f. 8, 9. Description. Shell depressed, wider than high, consisting of three and a half whorls, which are regularly convex and rapidly enlarging: spire small, bat little elevated, apex acute, sutures well marked; base convex, except that the region surrounding the umbilicus is flattened and inclining towards the axis, its outer boundary, consequently, is marked by an angle ; umbilicus small but very distinct ; aperture half ovate, the labrum well rounded and thin, the labium but slightly rounded, thickened, elevated from the body-whorl, forming an acute angle with the labrutn above, and not impinging on the umbilicus. Surface marked with close, regular, minute striae, which become enlarged in 14 the flattened umbilical region into sharp crowded lines visible without a glass. Color light horn or yellowish, operculum darker. Operculum paucispiral, the lines of accretion very distinct and regular. Dimensions. Length 2-5 mill. Diam. maj. 4. mill., min. 3 mill. Length of apert. 2 mill., breadth 1| mill. Hab. Clear Lake, California. Rev. J. Ho well. My cabinet and cabinet of Mr. Rowell. Observations. This species cannot be compared with any other hitherto described, being much more depressed, and widely distinct in the form of the umbilical region. IL may possibly form a species of the genus Somatogyrus, recently proposed by my friend, Mr. Theo. Gill, for a small Mollusc from Iowa, which I described in the Proceedings of the Academy for September, 1862. 2. POMATIOPSIS BINNEYI, Tryon, t. 1, f. 10. Description. Shell minute, elongated, consisting of four to five very convex whorls ; apex somewhat obtuse ; aperture ovate or nearly suborbicular, both lips rounded ; umbilicus very small. Color light-hojn. Dimensions. Length 3 mill. Diam. 1-6 millim. Length apert. 1-25 mill., breadth 1 mill. Hab. Bolinas, California. Rev. J. Rowell. My cabinet and cabinet of Mr. Rowell. Observations. Seven specimens of this very small and exceedingly fragile species were sent to me ; they exhibit, however, all the stages of growth from the very young to adult form. None of them retained the operculum. It is much smaller than any other species of Pomatiopsis, and is not likely to be confounded with any of them. It approaches nearest in form to two Euro- pean species of Bythinia, B. acuta and B. viridis-: the former, however, has a more lengthened, acute spire, and the latter is a more robust and veniricose shell. AMNICOLA PROTEA, Gould, from Colorado Desert, described in Proc. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. v. 129, Oct., 1855, (read Dec. 20, 1854,) is the same as Melania exigua t Conrad, from same locality. Described in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 269, Feb., 1855. (Read Feb. 13tb, 1855.) The shell belongs to a new genus of the family Amnicolidae. Some small fossil shells sent to me by my friend, Dr. F. B. Meek, appear to belong to the same genus. Of course Mr. Conrad's specific name will take precedence over that of Dr. Gould. VALVATID^E. 3. VALVATA VIRENS, Try on, t. 1, f. 11. Description. Shell turbiniform, consisting of four well rounded whorls, spire elevated, apex acute, sutures deeply indented ; periphery almost angulated ; umbilicus very wide ; aperture oval or nearly round, the peristome merely touching the body above. Surface closely striate. Color varying from brilli- ant to dark green. Dimensions. Height 5 mill. Diam. maj. 5 mill., min. 4 mill. Length, apert. 2-5 mill., breadth 2 mill. Hab. Clear Lake, California. Wm. M. Gabb. My cabinet and cabinet of Mr. Gabb. Observations. A number of specimens of this species are before me, most of them being about two-thirds grown. It has no American analogue. LIMN^EID^E. 4. LiMNuEA ADELINE, Tryon, t. 1, f. 12. Description. Shell thin, semi-transparent, body whorl large, wide, convex ; spire small, consisting of five convex volutions, attenuating rapidly to an acute apex, sutures impressed; inner lip thin, reflected, but not covering the umbili- 15 cal fissure, which is narrow ; columella twisted ; color light-horn, polished within the aperture, outer lip tinged with red within. Dimensions. Length 14 mill. Diam. maj. 85 mill. Length of aperture 9 millim., width 5 millira. Hab. San Francisco, California. Rev. J. Rowell. My cabinet and cabinet of Mr. Rowell. Observations. This shell is nearly allied to L. catascopium, Say, and perhaps more nearly to L. intermedia, Mich., of Europe. From the former it maybe dis- tinguished by being more fragile, more transverse, with a smaller, more rapidly attenuating spire, but principally by the presence of an umbilical fis- sure, which in catascopium is entirely concealed by the appreseion of the la- bium. In this and other respects it is very near to L, intermedia, which, how- ever, has a shorter spire, of fewer volutions. I name this species after my sister. Miss Adeline S. Tryon, who has evinced much interest in conchological pursuits. 5. LIMN^A TRASKII, Tryon, t. 1, f. 13. Description. Shell elongated, the spire drawn out and apex acute. Whorls six, convex, almost shouldered, sutures deeply impressed. Aperture small, oval, labrum well rounded, labium slightly rounded, not appressed below, nor covering the umbilicus, which, though small, is very distinct. Color light-horn or cinereous. Dimensions. Length 16 mill., diam. 8 mill. Length of aperture T mill. : breadth 5 mill. Hab. Mountain Lake, California. Rev. J. Rowell. My cabinet and cabinet of Mr. Rowell. Observations. At first I was disposed to regard this shell as a variety of L. proximo,, Lea, but a comparison with the type specimens of that species shows the following differences : the volutions are not so oblique, and are more rounded, the aperture is also more rounded and the shell is umbilicated. Named in honor of Dr. J. B. Trask, one of the pioneers of Californian Conchology. CAPERATA, Say. San Francisco. Oakland. FRAGILIS, Linn. San Francisco. Mountain Lake. LIMN.BA UMBROSA, Say. San Francisco. Mountain Lake. LIMN.EA REFLEXA, Say. Mountain Lake. 6. PHYSA GABBII, Tryon, t. 1, f. 14. Description. Shell large, thin, closely striated by the lines of growth ; body whorl inflated, its upper half flattened so that the labrum appears angulated in the middle ; spire moderate, apex acute, whorls six, convex, with distinct sutures. Color light corneous, very much polished within ; lip margined with red. Dimensions. Length 25 mill., diam. 13 mill., length of aperture 15 mill., breadth 8 mill. Hab. Mountain Lake, California ; Rev. J. Rowell. Santa Ana River, Los Angelos Co., California; Wm. M. Gabb. My cabinet and cabinets of Mr. Rowell and Mr. Gabb. Observations. Several specimens of this fine large species were communicated to me by my friend Mr.Wm. M. Gabb, after whom I take great pleasure in nam- ing it. It is a much larger, thinner species than Ph. heteroslropha, Say, and is at once distinguished by the peculiar flattening of the superior portion of the body whorl. The same character will also distinguish it from Ph. bullata, Gould, in which species the aperture moreover is proportionately longer. PHYSA GYRINA, Say. Mountain Lake. PHYSA COSTATA, Newcomb. Clear Lake. (Original loc.) PHYSA HUMEROSA, Gould. Colorado Desert. (Orignal loc.) 16 PHYSA VIRGATA, Gould. Santa Ana River, Los Angelos Co. PHYSA HETEROSTROPHA, Say. Dry Creek, Butte Co. Clear Lake, Centerville, Oakland. 7. ANCTLUS FRAGILIS, Tryon, t. 1, f. 15. Description. Shell very small and fragile, sides nearly parallel or slightly in- curved in the middle, but diverging anteriorly; ends rounded. Apex elevated, acute, curved backwards, with about two-thirds of the shell anterior to it. Dimensions. Size of the largest specimen. Length 4 mill., breadth 1-15 mill., heigth 1 mill. Most of the specimens do not exceed two-thirds of these dimensions. Rob. Laguna Honda, California. Rev. J. Rowell. My cabinet and cabi- net of Mr. Rowell. Observations. This species is smaller, thinner, and wants the convex lateral margins of our Anc. rivularis, Say. It agrees with that shell, however, in the greater width of its anterior end, while in the shape of its lateral margins it resembles Anc. parallelus, Hald. It is much the smallest of our species. PLANORBIS AMMON, Gould. Pajaro River, Monterey Co. PLANORBIS TRIVOLVIS, Say. Mountain Lake. PLANORBIS GKACILENTUS, Gould. Mountain Lake. PLANORBIS VEMICULARIS, Gould. Mountain Lake. PLANORBIS ORERCDLARIS, Gould. Mountain Lake PLANORBIS NEWBKRRYI, Lea. Clear Lake. 17 (From Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philada., Oct. and NOT., 1863.) Description of a New Species of PLEUBOCEBA. BY GEORGE W, TRYON. JR. PLEDROCERA PLICATUM, Tryon, t. 2, f. 6. Description. Shell ovate-conical, spire attenuate, the upper whorls closely plicate, the lower ones smooth or obsoletely concentrically striate. Whorls but slightly convex, sutures well impressed. Colo':- light green, with usually a lighter band below the sutures, and ornamented with narrow or broad brown bands. Aperture canaliculately produced ; outer lip thin ; columella twisted. Dimensions, L. -7, diam. -35 inch. Hab. Nashville, Tenn. Remarks. I owe to Dr, Gould the opportunity of describing this beautiful little species. It differs from P. grossum, Anth., in being more slender, different in color, and in having bands. The aperture is not nearly so large, proportionally, and the plicae are finer. Description of a new species of TEBEDO, from New Bedford, Mass. BY GEORGE W. TRYON, JR. TEREDO THOMSONII, Tryon, t. 2, f. 3, 4, 5. Description. Valves convex, longer than wide ; the body rather stout. Anterior auricle moderate, obliquely sub-triangular; the posterior auricle small, not very wide, short, somewhat reflected outwards. The dorsal margin does not rise above the beak, and the basal margin does not extend so far down the body, (which it joins almost at right angles,) as the anterior area. The transverse sculpture of the anterior area is sharply sculptured, and becoming much more crowded towards its basal margin. The body, which is surmounted by a narrow beak, and terminates below rather obtusely, has the usual depressed narrow radiating area much more depressed than in the other species, only obsoletely sculptured, and defined anteriorly by a quite prominent rib. The separation of the posterior auricle is determined by a rather strong sulcation. Internally, the shell is glossy and rather smooth ; the posterior auricle overhangs, with a sharp, nearly straight projection. Immediately above this it is concave, then convex ; and is marked by semicircular strong growth lines. Beak with an oblique tubercle. Body with a well developed depression corresponding to the radiating area outside. The usual internal rib is scarcely developed, but the posterior tubercle is very prominent. Apophysis thin, blade-shaped, a little wider at its termination, situated obliquely to the direction of the body, with one edge turned slightly towards it. Pallets obliquely, or sometimes regularly, obovate. The style is short and directed backwards. The margins of the blade are convex, sometimes regularly rounded, and sometimes heart-shaped at the end. From tbe style an elevated ridge extends around a portion of each side of the blade, and is smooth, while the centre, extending to the end, is lunately striate. The style extends in the form of a lamina through the centre of the other side of the blade. Tube not concamerated, rather thick, and frequently much twisted. Hab. Marine Railway and Cedar Buoys, Harbor of New Bedford, Mass. J. H. Thomson. Station. Three or four feet below low water mark. Observation. This new species of Teredo differs from all the others in the very small proportionate size of the posterior auricle, and its not extending basally as low down as the anterior area, in the depressed obsoletely sculp- tured radiating area of the body, and the corresponding internal depression 18 and in many other minor respects. The pallets are not unlike those of T. dilatala, Stimpson, but the shell differs very much. I am much indebted to my valued correspondent, John H. Thomson, Esq., of New Bedford, for over a hundred specimens of this species, and take great pleasure in dedicating it to him as a slight recognition of the services which he has rendered to most of the Conchologists of the United States. In a recent letter, referring to this species, he writes, " I am sorry to say that their name is legion, even the Cedar buoys in the Harbor only last one season. Teredo navalis, Linn. Accompanying the above were a few valves and tubes of this species. Xylotrya fimbriata, Jeffreys. I also found among the New Bedford Teredse, two pallets, apparently belonging to this species. Xylotrya setacea, Tryon. Mr. Gabb writes to me that this Californian species, which I supposed was quite rare, when I described it, is committing great ravages in the harbor of San Francisco, and is unfortunately very numerous in individuals. Descriptions of two new species of Mexican Land Shells. BY GEORGE W. TRYON, JR. HELIX R^MONDI, Tryon, t. 2, f. 1. Description. Shell narrowly umbilicated, thin, turbinately globose. Epi- dermis very thin, light corneus, with a single narrow chestnut band encir- cling the periphery and visible just above the sutures of the spire. Substance of shell thin and appearing smooth to the naked eye, but under a lens minutely punctate. Whorls four, slightly convex, the last rounded, scarcely descending. Base of the shell convex, but with a narrow angle around the umbilicus. Aperture rotundately semi-lunar ; lip slightly expanded and reflected ; the margins not approaching on the columella, which is entirely free from callus. Dimensions. Diam. niaj. 17. min, 15, alt, 12 mill. Habitat. Cinaloa, near Mazatlan. Auguste Remond. Observations. This pretty species resembles, in some respects, H. Trypan- omphala Pfr. from " Sierra Maestra, Mexico," but evidently differs somewhat in form, and particularly in that of the lip. I name it after our Corresponding Member, M. Auguste Remond, of the Calfornia Survey, who collected it and kindly sent it to me for description. The two specimens before me are almost precisely alike in form and size. Helix ventrosula, Pfr. Near Mazatlan ; M. Remond. Not previously reported from the West Coast of Mexico. Glandina-turris, Pfr. Near Mazatlan, M. Remond. CYCLOTUS COOPERI, Tryon, t. 2, f. 2. Description* Shell widely umbilicate, globosely turbinate, rather thick, covered with a corneous epidermis, unmarked except by crowded and rather deeply cut growth lines. Spire conoidal, more or less depressed. Whorls 4^ to 5, convex. Lip simple, straight, acute; the junction of the margins scarcely angulated, and merely touching the body of the shell above. Aperture white and shining within. Operculum ? Dimensions. Diam. maj. 16, min. 14, alt. 12 mill. Long, apert. 7 mill. Habitat. Cinaloa, near Mazatlan. Auguste Remond. Observations. This species is not unlike G. translucidum, Sby., in form, but has a wider umbilicus, is much thicker in texture, and the growth lines are strongly impressed. Named after Dr. J. G. Cooper, Zoologist of the California State Geological Survey. 19 Synonymy of the species of STREPOMATID JE, a Family of Fluviatile Mollusca, inhabiting North America. Parti. BY GEORGE W. TRYON, JR. The following synonymy of the very numerous species of North American shells, heretofore considered Melanians, is offered as the result of a year's study of the extensive collections of the Smithsonian Institution and of the Academy of Natural Sciences, as well as those of Messrs. Lea, Haldeman, Anthony, and Gould, together with my own, and several smaller collections. The present publication is preliminary to that of a complete illustrated Monograph of the Family, prepared at the request of the Smithsonian Insti- tution, (the MSS. of which is nearly completed) ; and is intended to i nvite criticism. Naturalists are requested to communicate to the author, without delay, any information they may possess regarding any of the species. As many of these species, being rare, have not been sufficiently studied to determine satisfactorily their true position with regard to allied forms, or in other words, their range of variation, it is particularly requested that Natur- alists residing near localities inhabited by the Strepomatidce, would collect and transmit to the Smithsonian Institution, extensive suites of specimens, for which, if desired, a named suite will be returned. Family STREPOMATIDCE, Haldeman. Strepomatidce, Hald., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Sept. 1863. Melaniana, Lam., Extr. d' un Cours., 1812. Hist. Anim. Sans. Vert., vi. p. 163, 1822. Edit. 2, viii. p. 425, 1838. Deshayes, Encyc. Meth., iii. p. 431 and 553, 1832. Reeve, Zool. Proc., p. 76, 1841. Conch. Syst., ii. p. 119, 1842. Sowerby, Conch. Man. , Ed. 2, p. 187, 1842. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 185, 1845. Melanidce, (part) Latreille, Fam. Nat., 1825. Lea, Proc. Philos. Soc., iii. p. 164, 1843. Melaniance, (part) Swainson, Malacol, p. 198, 340, 1840. Melaniadce, (part) Gray, Syn. Brit. Mus., 1840. Turton's Manual, ed. 2, p. 79, 85. Zool. Proc., part 15, p. 152, 1847. Melaniidce, (part) Adams, Genera, p. 293, 1854. Oeriphasince, Gill, Proc, Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 34. 35, Feb. 1863. Synopsis of Genera. A. Aperture produced into a more or less obvious canal in front. Trypanos- tomoid Section. 1. Shell fusiform, inflated, spire and canal produced, columella without deposit of nacre Genus lo, Lea. Shell conical or oval, canal not so much produced Subgenus Pleurocera, Raf. 2. Shell oval, or turbiniform, or fusiform, with a revolving row of nodules on the periphery, canal short. Colu- mella callously thickened above and below Genus Angitrema, Hald. Shell oval or oblong, smaller, either smooth or adorned with nodules around the upper portion of the body whorl Subgenus Lithasia, Hald. Canal retrorse Subgenus Strephobasis, Lea. 20 B. Aperture merely angulated in front, with no canal, and the columella per- fectly plain, not twisted, frequently callously thickened above. Goniobasic Section. 3. Shell heavy, oval, oblong, or turrited, aperture entire above Genus Goniobasis, Lea. 4. Aperture with a sutural, pleurotomose slit above Genus Schizostoma, Lea. C. Aperture entire and rounded in front. 5. Shell oval, heavy, columella callously thickened above Genus Anculosa, Say. Genus 10, Lea. lo, Lea, Trans. Phil. Soc., iv. p. 122, 1831. Sowerby, Conch. Man. 2d Edit., p. 167, 1842. DeKay, Moll. New York, p. 103, 1843. Hermannson, Indicis Generum Malacozoorum, p. 562, 1846. lo, Lea, (sp.) Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc., pt. 15, p. 153, 1847. Jay, Catalogue, 4th Edit., p. 277, 1852. H. and A. Adams, Genera i. p. 299. Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. p. 290, 1859. Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p, 69, 1860. Reeve, Monog. lo, April, 1860. Binney, Check List, June, 1860. Brot, Cat. Syst. des MSlaniens, p. 29, 1862. Melafusus, Swainson, Malacol. p. 201, 341, 1840. Woodward, Manual, p. 131, 1851. Fusus, (sp.) Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1st series, v. pt. 1, p. 129, Nov., 1825. Melania, (sp.) Catlow and Reeve, Conch. Nomenc., 1845. SPECIES. A. Shell smooth or only slightly tuberculate. 1. I. flu vial is, Say. Fusus jftuvialis, Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. p. 129, Nov. 1825. Conrad, New Fresh Water Shells, p. 12. lojluvialis, Say, Binney, Check List, No. 400. Pleurocerajluvialis, Say, Haldeman, Iconog. Encyc., ii. p. 84. lofluviatilis, Say, Woodward, Manual, t. 8, f. 27. Hanley, Conch. Misc., t. 6, f. 50. Reeve, Monog. lo, t. 1, f. 5. Brot, List, p. 29. lofusiformis, Lea, Phil. Trans., iv. p. 122, t. 15, f. 37. a. b. Obs., i. p. 132. RaveneL Cat., p. 11. Reeve, Monog. lo, t. 1, f. 6. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 103. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit. , p. 277. Troost, Cat. lo tenebrosa, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 34, April, 1841. Phil. Trans., ix. p, 17. Obs. iv. p. 17. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 29. Binney, Check List, No. 404. lo verrucosa, Reeve, Monog. lo, t. 1, f. 2, April, 1860. Brot, List, p. 29. 2. I. inermis, Anthony. lo inermis, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Feb. 1860, p. 70. Binney, Check List, No, 401. Reeve, Monog. lo, t. 3, f. 21. lo lurida, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. lo, t. 3, f. 20. B. Shell spinose. 3. I. spinosa, Lea. lo spinosa, Lea, Philos. Trans., v. p. 112, t. 19, f. 79. Obs., i. p. 224. Troost, Cat. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 29. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 277. Binney, Check List, No. 402. Reeve, Monog. lo, t. 1. f. 7. lo gibbosa, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. lo, t. 3, f. 17. lo recta, Anthony, Reeve. Monog. lo, t. 3, f. 21. Jo rhombica, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. lo, t. 3, f. 16. 21 4 I. brevis, Anthony. lo brevis, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Feb. 1860, p. 69. Binney, Check List, No. 399. Reeve, Monog. lo, t. 1. f. 4. lo Spirostoma, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Feb. 1860, p. 70. Binney, Check List, No. 403. Reeve, Monog. lo, t. 1, f. 1. 5. I. turrit a, Anthony. lo turrita, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Feb. 1860, p. 69. Binney, Check List, No. 405. Reeve, Monog. lo, t. 3, f. 19. Spurious Species. lo nodosa, robusta, variabilis, Spillmanii, modesta, viridula, gracilis, nobilis, of Lea. These are species of Pleurocera. Subgenus PLEUROCERA, Rafinesque. Pleurocera, Rafinesque, Jour, de Phys. Bruxelles, tome 88, p. 423, 1819, Blainville, Diet. Sc. Nat., xxxii. p. 236, 1824, xli. p. 376, 1826, Man. Malacologie, p. 441, 1825. Rang, Man. Conchyl. p. 374, 1829. Menke. Syn. Method, Edit. 2, p. 43, 1830. Ferussac, Bull. Zool., p. 93, 1835. Sowerby, Conch. Man. Edit. 2, p. 231, 1842. Hermannson, Indicis Gen. Malacoz., i. p. 296. 1846. Haldeman, Iconog. Encyc., p. 84. Ceriphasia, Swainson, Malacol., p. 204, 342, 1840. Gray, Syn. Brit. Mus., 1844. Hermannson, Indie. Gen. Mai., i. p. 208, 1846. Gray, Zool. Proc. pt. 15, p. 153, 1847. H. and A. Adams, Genera, Recent, Moll. i. p. 297, 1854. Chenu, Manuel de Conchyl. i. p. 288, 1859. Telescopella, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc., pt. 15, p. 153, 1847. Elimia, (part) H. and A. Adams, Genera, i. p. 300, 1854. Chenu, Man. de Conchyl .i. p. 290, 1859. Megara, (part) H. and A. Adams, Genera, i. p. 306, 1854. Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. p. 293, 1859. Trypanostoma, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 169, April 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., 2d ser. v. pt. 3, p. 268, March, 1863. Obs., ix. p. 90, March, 1863. Melania, (sp.) of authors. Binney, Check List. Reeve, Monog. Mel., Nov., 1859, to June, 1861. Brot, Cat. Syst., p. 30, 1862. SPECIES. A. Tuberculate. 1. P. alveare, Conrad. Melania alveare, Conrad, New Fresh Water Shells, p. 54, t. 4, f. 7, 1834. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 94. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 272. Binney, Check List, No. 11. Brot, List, p. 30. Hanley, Conch. Misc., t. 8, f. 74. Megara alveare, Conrad, Chenu, Manual, i. f. 2022. Melania torquata, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 242, Dec., 1842. Philos. Trans, ix. p. 27. Obs., iv. p. 27. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 271. Melania pernodosa, Lea, Philos. Proc. iv. p. 105, Aug., 1845. Philos. Trans, x. p. 66, t. 9, f. 49. Obs., iv. p. 66, t. 9, f. 49. Binney, Check List, No. 202. Melania nupera, Say, (young) American Conchol. pt. 1, t. 8, middle figure. Melania producta* Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 243, Dec., 1842. Philos. Trans., ix. p. 28. Obs., iv. p. 28. Wheatley, Cat. Shells, U. S., p. 26. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 217. Brot, List, p. 36. Melania grossa,* Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 59, Feb., 1860. Brot, List, p. 40. Reeve, Monog. f. 411. * M. productum unAgrossa are the young of & large variety of alveare. 22 2. P. Foremani,* Lea. Melania Foremani, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 242. Philos, Trans., ix. p. 27. Obs., iv. p. 27. Binney, Check List, No. 111. Brot. List, p. 30. Reeve, Monog., f. 432. Melania Foremanii, Lea, Wheatley, Cat. Shells, U. S., p. 25. 3. P. undulatum,f Say. Melania undulata, Say, New Harmony Dissem., p. 261. Reprint, p. 17. Binney's Edit., p. 142. Reeve, Monog., f. 307. Haldeman, Am. Jour. Sci., xlii. p. 216, Dec., 1841. Anthony's List, 1st and 2d Edit. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 92. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 275. Binney, Check List, No. 281. Brot. List, p. 31. Hanley, Conch. Misc., t. 1, f. 10. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 189. Megara undulata, Say, Chenu, Man. Conchyl. i. f. 2Q25, 4. P. excuratum, Conrad. Melania excurata, Conrad, New Fresh Water Shells, p. 49, t. 4, f. 6, 1834. Anthony, List, 1st and 2d Edit. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 273. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 96. Binney, Check List, No. 103. Melania excurvata,% Conrad, Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Melania rorata, Reeve, Monog. Mel., sp. 306. Brot. List., p. 31. lo Spillmanii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 394, 1861. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 348, t. 39, f. 215. Obs. ix. p. 170. 5. P. mon il iferum,|| Lea. Trypanostoma moniliferum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 172, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 295, t. 36, f. 125, March, 1863. Obs., ix. p. 117. lo nodosa, Lea, Proc. Acad. Sci. p. 393, 1861. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 346, t. 39, f. 212, March, 1863. Obs., ix. p. 168. lo variabilis,^ Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 393, 1861. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 347, t. 39, f. 214, March, 1863. Obs., ix. p. 169. 6. P. nobil e, Lea. Melania nobilis, Lea, Philos. Proc., iv. p. 165, Aug., 1845. Philos. Trans, x. p. 65, t. 9, f. 48. Obs., iv. p. 65. Binney, Check List, No. 179. 7. P. ro bus turn,** Lea. lo robusta, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 393, 1861. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 346, t. 39, f. 213, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 168. B. Sulcate.\\ 8. P. c a nalic u la t u m, Say. Melania canaliculata, Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., ii. p. 175, January, 1821. * = Prasinatum, Conrad ? f = Canaliculatum, Say? j Thetpyical excuratum differs widely enough from undulatum Say, but there exist intermedi- ate forms of a nature to petplex the naturalist. Among these may be mentioned ponderosum, Anth., (dux, Lea) with the tubercles and canal nearly obsolete, and the revolving striae vevy faint, so that the surface of the shell appears at first sight to be flat and smooth ; also annuliferum, Con., in which the revolving lines are more strongly developed. These shells partake of one general type, and form a natural group of closely related species at the least. \ Juvenile shell. | Not so narrow in its proportions as excuratum, more frequently banded, and having the upper whorls of the spire smooth, whereas in excuratum they are striate. This difference is more apparent in comparing young specimens. f Juvenile shell. ** Not so much angled on the periphery as undulatum, with the inferior portion of the body whorl longer and more convex. It bears the same general relation to undulatum as Troostii does to canaliculatum ; and the four may be but one species. ft The deep sulcus which distinguishes Mr. Say's Melania canaliculata in its typical form, shades off so gradually into a smooth flattened surface, that not only is it difficult to arrange the species of this group, but it is even doubtful whether many of the species which are placed in other groups are really distinct. 23 Binney's Reprint, p. 65. Binney, Check List, No. 45. DeKay, MolL N. Y., p. 94. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Ravenel, Cat., p. 11. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 273. Anthony, List, 1st and 2d Edit Kirtland, Report Zool. Ohio, p. 174. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 185. Brot, List, p. 30. Reeve, Monog. Mel., sp. 304. Ceriphasia canaliculata, Say, Chenu, Manuel, Conchyl. i. f. 1959. Melania cornea,* Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., ii. p. 176, January, 1821. Bin- ney's Reprint, p. 70. Binney, Check List, No. 65. Reeve, Monog. Mel., sp. 252. DeKay, Moll., N. Y., p. 95. Ravenel, Cat., p. 11. Haldeman, Monog. Limniades, No. 7, p. 4 of Cover. Brot. List, p. 30. Kirtland, Rep. Zool. Ohio, p. 174. Anthony, List, 1st and 2d Edit. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 273. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 186. Melania substricta,\ Haldeman, Snppl. to Monog. of Limniades. Strombus Sayi, Wood, Index Testaceol. Suppl., t. 4, f. 24. Melania Sayi, Wood. Short and Eaton, Notices, p. 82. Anthony, List, 1st and 2d Edit. Melania Sayi, Ward. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Melania Sayii, Ward. Kirtland, Rept. Zool. Ohio, p. 174. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 274. Higgins, Cat., p. 7. Melania Sayii, Deshayes, Catlovr, Conch. Nomenc., p. 188. Melania exarata, Menke, Syn. Meth., p. 135, 1830. Binney, Check List, No. 100. Melania ligata, Menke, Syn. Meth., p. 136, 1830. Binney, Check List, No. 162. Melania auriscalpium, Menke, Syn. Meth., p. 136, 1830. Binney, Check List, No. 25. 9. P. filum,t Lea, Melania filum, Lea., Philos. Proc., iv. p. 165. Philos. Trans., x. p. 62, t. 9, f. 41. Obs., iv. p. 62. Binney, Check List, No. 109. Brot, List, p. 30, Reeve, Monog. Mel., sp. 402? Elimiafilum, Lea, Chenu, Man. Conchyl. i. f. 1980. 10. P. po nde ros um, Anthony. Melania ponderosa, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.. Feb., 1860, p. 59. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 213. Brot, List, p. 59. Trypanostoma dux, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 170, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 283, t. 36, f. 105. Obs., ix. p. 105. 11. P. olivaceum, Lea. Trypanostoma oliraceum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 172, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 290, t. 36, f. 117. Obs., ix. p. 112. 12. P. Troostii,|| Lea. Trypanostoma Troostii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 171, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 285, t. 36, f. 107. Obs., ix. p. 107. Trypanostoma viride,^ Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 172. 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 291, t- 36, f. 119. Obs., ix. p. 113. Trypanostoma ligatum,** Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 171, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 288, t. 36, f. 114. Obs., ix. p. 110. * Juvenile shell. t Proposed under the impression ih&iconica, -was preoccupied. j Distinguished from canaliculatum by its more elevated spire, more prominent carina, and flat- tened whorls. It almost entirely replaces canaliculatum in the waters of Tennessee, and if ape- cificially identical with that species, must at least be distinguished as a local variety. f Appears to be doubtfully distinct from canaliculatum, excuratum, 4c. It is doubtful, indeed, whether the whole group contains more than one species. y More inflated and more convex than canaliculatum, with the inferior half of the body whorl longer and more convex. ^ ** Young shells of Troostii in different stages of growth. 24 13. P. m or i forme, Lea. Trypanostoma moriforme, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 172, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci,, v. pt. 3, p. 290, t. 36, f. 118. Obs., ix. p. 112. 14- P. Pybasii, Lea. Trypanostoma Pybasii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 172, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 289, t. 36, f. 115. Obs., ix. p. 111. 15. P. Showalterii, Lea. Trypanostoma Showalterii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 172, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 293, t. 36, f. 122. Obs., ix. p. 115. C. Angulate, striate below the periphery. 16. P. Thorntonii,* Lea. Trypanostoma Thorntonii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 170, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 284, t. 36, f. 106. Obs., ix. p. 106. 17. P. infrafasciatum, Anthony. Melania infrafasciata, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 57, Feb., 1860. Binney. Check List, No. 148. Brot. List, p. 30. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 301. 18. P. Postellii,t Lea. Trypanostoma Postellii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 171, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 286, t. 36, f. 110. Obs., ix. p. 108. 19. P. incurvum,t Lea. Trypanostoma incurvum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 171, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 286, t. 36, f. 309. Obs., ix. p. 108. 20. P. Alabamense, Lea. Trypanostoma Alabamense, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 171, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 288, t. 36, f. 113. Obs., ix. p. 110. 21. P. Florencense,|| Lea. Trypanostoma Florencense, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 171, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 287, t. 36, f. 112. Obs. ix. p. 109. 22. P. canalitium, Lea, Trypanostoma canalitium, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 175, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci,, v. pt. 3, p. 292, t. 36, f. 121. Obs., ix. p. 114. 23. P. Clarkii,ir Lea. Trypanostoma Clarkii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 171, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 285, t. 36, f. 108. Obs., ix. p. 107. 24. P. Anthonyi, Lea. Trypanostoma Anthonyi, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 172, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 293, t. 36, f. 123. Obs., ix. p. 115. 25. P. prasinatum, Conrad. Melania prasinata,** Conrad, Am. Jour. Sci., 1st ser. xxv. p. 342, t. 1, f. 14, January, 1834. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 274. Binney, Check List, * This species is shorter in the canal, has broader bands, and wants the tubercles ofmoniliferum, which it otherwise much resembles, f Distinguished from infrafasciatum by its whorls being more flattened, and by its narrow form. t Differs from Postellii by its singularly incurved edge of the outer lip. | Very distinct from the preceding two species in the more developed spire and canal. |j Inhabits the waters of Indiana, also. No. 20, (Alabamense) may prove to be the young of this species. f Doubtfully distinguished from canalitium by its broader proportions, better developed carina and recurved canal. ** The figure given by Mr. Conrad is not a good representation of this species. 25 No. 216. Brot, List, p. 33. Callow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 188. DeKay Moll. N. Y., p. 98. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 403, Melania incrassata, Anthony, Ann. Lye. N. Y., vi. p. 99, t. 2. f. 17, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 144. Brot. List, p. 34. Trypanostoma Hartmanii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 173, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 270, t. 36, f. 80. Obs. ix. p. 92. Trypanosioma Jayi, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 173, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 270, t. 36, f. 81. Obs., ix. p. 92. 26. P. t o r t u m, Lea. Trypanostoma tortum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 174, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 275, t. 36, f. 89. Obs., ix. p. 97. 27. P. dignum, Lea. Trypanostoma dignum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 273, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 350, t. 39, f. 219. Obs., ix. p. 172. D. Carinate, striate Pleurocerce. 28. P. bicostatum, Anthony. Melania bicostata, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 56, February, 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 33. Brot. List, p. 30. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 246. Melania rigida* Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 62, February, 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 229. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 270. 29. P. subulare, Lea. Melania subularis, Lea, Philos. Trans., iv. p. 100, t. 15, f. 30. Obs., i. p. 110, t. 15, f. 30. Ravenel, Cat., p. 11. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 92, t. 7, f. 138. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 275. Binney, Check List, No. 257. Brot, List, p. 35. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 428. Whiteaves, Canad. Naturalist, viii. p. 102, April, 1863. 30. P. subulaeforme, Lea. Trypanostoma subulceforme. Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 174, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 289, t. 36, f. 116. Obs., ix. p. 111. 31. P. Henry an urn,* Lea, Trypanostoma Henryanum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 272, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 351, t. 39, f. 222. Obs., ix. p. 173. 32. P. Lewisii,f Lea. Trypanostoma Lewisii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 172, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 292, t. 36, f. 120. Obs., ix. p. 114. 33. P. annu lifer um, Conrad. Melania annulifera, Conrad, New Fresh Water Shells, p. 51, t. 8, f. 2, 1834. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 272. Binney, Check List, No. 17. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 94. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Brot. List, p. 30. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 185. Reeve,* Monog. Melania, sp. 308. Melania annulata, Conrad, Jay, Cat., 2d Edit., p. 455. Melania Ordiana, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 242, Dec., 1842. Philos. Trans, ix. p. 26. Obs., iv. p. 26. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 191. Brot, List, p. 30. 34. P. Brumbyi, Lea. Melania Brumbyi, Lea, Philos. Trans., x. p. 298, t. 30, f. 5. Obs., v. p. * Juvenile shell, t Probably the young of sulula? forme. I This may only be a striate form of elevcttum, Say. Mr. Reeve's figure represents the variety described by Mr. Lea as Md. Ordiana. 26 54. Binney, Check List, No. 40. Brot. List, p. 30. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 277. 35. P. Currierianum, Lea. Trypanostoma Currierianum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 155, May, 1863. E. Plicate Pleuroceras. 36. P. Sycamorense, Lea. Trypanostoma Scyamorfnse, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 175, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 283, t. 36, f. 104. Obs., ix. p. 105. 37. P. pi i cat urn, Tryon. Pleurocera plicatum, Tryon, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Oct., 1863. F. Smooth, Angulate Pleurocerce. 38. P. elevatum,* Say. Melania elevata, Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., ii. p. 176, Jan'y, 1821. Bin- ney, Reprint, p. 70. Binney, Check List, No. 97. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 273. Lapham, Cat. Moll. Wisconsin, p. 368. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 96. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 186. Brot. List, p. 30. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 442. Ceriphasia elevata, Say, Chenu, Manuel, i. f. 1961. Melania elongata, Lea, Philos. Trans., iv. p. 121, t. 15, f. 29. Obs., i. p. 130. Troost, Cat. Binney, Check List, No. 99. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Brot, List, p. 30. Ceriphasia elongata, Lea, Chenu, Manual, i. f. 1959. 39. P. gr ad a turn, Anthony. Melania gradata, Anthony, Ann. Lye. N. Y., vi. p. 112, t. 3, f. 12, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 130. Brot. List, p. 30. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 261. Melania eximia,\ Anthony, Ann. Lye. N. Y., vi. p. 107, t. 3, f. 7, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 106. Brot. List, p. 58. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 408. Trypanostoma curtatum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 155, May, 1863. 40. P. aratum, Lea.J Melania aratum, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 242, Dec., 1842. Philos. Trans., ix. p. 24. Obs., iv. p. 24. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p, 98. Brot, List, p. 30. Melania exarata, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 14, Feb., 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 183, t. 6, f. 44. Obs., iii. p. 21. Troost, Cat. Binney, Check List, No. 101. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 186. 41. P. lativittatum, Lea. Trypanostoma lativittatum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 273, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 352, t. 39, f. 223. Obs., ix. p. 174. 41, a. P. strictum, Lea. Trypanostoma strictum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 272, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 352, t. 39, f. 224. Obs., ix. p. 174. 42. P. mode stum, Lea. lo modesta, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 394, 1861. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 348, t. 39, f. 216. Obs., ix. p. 170. * Lewisii may prove to be a variety of this species. t Juvenile shell. 1 = Preceding? $ P. latimttatum has a line below the angle of the periphery, which this species has not. 27 43. P. Leaii, Tryon.* lo viridula, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 394, 1861. Jonr. Aoad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 349, t. 39, f. 218. Obs., ix. p. 171. 44. P. fastigiatum, Anthony. Melania fastigiata, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye., vi. p. 113, t. 3, f. 13, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 108. Brot. List, p. 30. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 302. 45. P. Tuomeyi, Lea. Trypanostoma Tuomeyi, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 171, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 287, t. 36, f. 111. Obs., ix. p. 109. 46. P. g r a c i 1 e, Lea, lo gracilis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 394, 1861. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 349, t. 39, f. 217. Obs., ix. p. 171. 47. P. Spillmanii, Lea. Trypanostoma Spillmanii, Lea, Proc, Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 173, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 271, t. 36, f. 82. Obs., ix. p. 86. 48. P. planogyrum, Anthony. Melania planogyra, Anthony, Ann. Lye. N. Y., vi. p. Ill, t. 3, f. 11, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 207. Brot, List, p. 30. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 382. 49. P. pyrenellum, Conrad. Melania pyrenella, Conrad, New Fresh Water Shells, p. 52, t. 8, f. 5, 1834. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 99. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 226. Brot, List, p. 30. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 303. 50. P. Conradi,f Tryon. 51. P. regular e, Lea. Melania regularis, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 12, Feb., 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 170, t. 5, f 16. Obs., iii. p. 8. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 94. Higgins, Cat. Troost, Cat. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 274. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Binney, Check List, No. 227. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 188. Brot, List, p. 30. Ceriphasia regularis, Lea, Chenu, Manuel, i. f. 1956. 52. P. validum, Anthony. Melania ralida, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 59, Feb., 1860. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 282. Brot, List, p. 33. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 317. G. Smooth species, not angulated. 53. P. glandulum, Anthony. Melania glandula. Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 60, Feb., 1860. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 124. Brot, List, p. 39. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 393. Melania glans, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye., vi. p. 123, t. 3, f. 23. March, 1354. 54. P. Chris tyi,t Lea. * The name viridula being preoccupied by Mr. Anthony, I gladly avail myself of the opportu- nity to dedicate this species to a gentleman who. by his immense labors pursued during a period of nearly forty years, with their splendid results, has done more for the science of Conchology, than any other American Naturalist. f This name is proposed for a long slender gpecies, with flattened whorls and brown color, which Mr. Anthony has extensively distributed as pyrenettum, Conrad. Mr. Lea has regarded it as doubtfully identical with his elongatum. t Distinguished from labiatum principally by its more ponderous, flattened volutions. 28 Trypanostoma Christyi, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 173, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, 272, t. 36, f. 83. Obs., ix. p. 94. 55. P. la Ma turn,* Lea. Trypanostoma labiatum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 173, 1862. Jottr. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 272, t. 36, f. 84. Obs., ix. p. 94. Trypanostoma pallidum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 174, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 275, t. 36, f. 90. Obs., ix. p. 97. 56. P. neglectum, Anthony. Melania neglecta, Anthony, Ann. Lye. N. Y., p. 128, t. 3,f. 29, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 173. Brot. List, p. 34. Currier, Shells of Grand River Valley, Mich., 1859. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 247. 57. P. vest it urn, Conrad. Melania vestita, Conrad, New Fresh Water Shells, p. 57, t. 8, f. 12, 1834. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 101. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 287. Brot. List, p. 31. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 322. Melania mucronata,] Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 119, 1861. Trypanostoma mucronatum, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 277, t. 36, f. 93. Obs., ix. p. 99. 58. P. strigosum, Lea. Melania strigosa, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 13, Feb., 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 175, t. 5, f. 24. Obs., iii. p. 131. DeKay, Moll., N. Y., p. 95. Troost, Cat. Binney, Check List, No. 250. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 188. Brot. List, p. 38. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 320. 59. P. tenebrocinctum, Anthony. Melania tenebrodncta, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 58, Feb., 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 266. Brot. List, p. 31. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 271. Trypanostoma parvum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 174, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 276, t. 36, f. 91. Obs., ix. p. 98. 60. P. Vanuxemii, Lea. Trypanostoma Vanuxemii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat Sci., p. 175, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 280, t. 36, f. 98. Obs. ix. p. 102. 61. P. Chakasahaense, Lea. Trypanostoma Chakasahaense, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 175, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v., pt. 3, p. 280, t. 36, f. 99. March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 102. 62. P. Knoxense, Lea. Trypanostoma Knoxense, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 175, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 281, t. 36, f. 101. Obs. ix., p, 103. 63. P. a 1 1 i p e t u m , Anthony. Melania altipeta, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye., vi. p. 87, t. 2, f. 5. Binney, Check List, No. 442. Brot. List, p. 34. Reeve, Monog. Mel., sp. 280. 64. P. hastatum, Anthony. Melania hastata, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye,, vi. p. 85, t. 2, f. 3, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No, 136. Brot. List, p. 31. Reeve, Monog. Mel., sp. 394. * Larger than neglectum, Anth., also more convex, lighter in color and differing in the form of the canal. The typical pallidum in Mr. Lea's collections appears distinct, but I have seen numer- ous specimens collected in different parts of Ohio which connect the two species. f Having seen author's types of vcstitum, I have no doubt that mucronatum is the same species. Mr. Lea's description refers to the shell when not fully grown ; it is curious that in his description he mentions six whorls, and in his " Remarks " he gives it eight, while his figure exhibits ten. 29 65. P. Lyonii, Lea. Tr.ypanostoma Lyonii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 155, May, 1863. 66. P. vi rid alum, Anthony. Melania viridula, Anthony, Ann. Lye. N. Y., vi. p. 84, t. 2, f. 2, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 293. Brot. List, p. 31. Reeve, Monog. Mel., sp. 243. 67. P. u n c i a 1 e, Haldeman. Melania uncialis, Hald., Monog. Limniades, No. 4, p. .3 of Cover, Oct. 5, 1841. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 275. Binney, Check List, No. 279. Brot. List, p. 37. Reeve, Monog. Mel. sp. 435. 68. P. su gill at urn,* Reeve, Melania sugillata, Reeve, Monog. Mel., sp. 319, September, 1860. Brot. List, p. 31. 69. P. str iatum, Lea. Trypanostoma striatum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 173, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 294, t. 36, f. 124. Obs. ix., p. 116. Trypanostoma rostellatum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 272, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 353, t. 39, f. 225. Obs. ix., p. 175. 70. P. Knoxvillenae,t Lea. Trypanostoma Knoxvillense, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 173, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 274, t. 36, f. 87. Obs. ix., p. 96. 71. P. White!, Lea. Trypanostoma Whitei, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 173, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 272, t. 36, f. 85. Obs. ix., p. 95. 72. P. attenuatum, Lea. Trypanostoma altenuatum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 174, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 274, t. 36, f. 88. Obs. ix., p. 96. 73. P. Est abrookii, Lea. Trypanostoma Estabrookii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci., p. 173, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 273, t. 36, f. 86. Obs. ix., p. 95. 74. P. m o d e s t u m , Lea. Trypanostoma modestum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci., p. 174, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 276, t. 36, f. 92. Obs. ix., p. 98. 75. P. luteum, Lea. Trypanostoma luteum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 273, 1863. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3. p. 350, t. 39, f. 220. Obs. ix., p. 172. Trypanostoma Carolinens6, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 273, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 351, t. 39, f. 221. Obs. ix., p. 173. 76. P. curvatum, Lea. Melania curvata, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii., p. 243. Philos. Trans, ix., p. 28. Obs. ix., p. 28. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Brot. List, p. 30. Binney, Check List, No. 81. 77. P. simplex, Lea. Trypanostoma simplex, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.. p. 174, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 277, t. 36, f. 94. Obs. ix., p. 99. 78. P. bivittatum, Lea. Trypanostoma bivittatum, Lea, Proc. Aead. Nat. Sci., p. 175, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 279, t. 36, f. 97. Obs. ix., p. 101. * This shell appears to he very closely allied to wnct'ak. judging from the figure. 1 1 doubt whether this is distinct from Sycsmtofaise. 30 79. P. trivittatum, Lea. Trypanostoma trivittatum, Lea,, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 175, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt.3, p. 282, t. 36, f. 102. Obs. ix., p. 104. 80. P. t u r g i d u m , Lea. Melania turgida, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 82, Oct. 1841. Philos. Trans, ix., p. 18. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Binney, Check List, No. 278. Brot. List, p. 33. 81. P. minor, Lea. Trypanostoma minor, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p, 174, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 278, t. 36, f. 95. Obs. ix., p. 100. 82. P. pumilum, Lea. Trypanostoma pumilum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 174, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 279, t. 36, f. 96. Obs. ix., p. 101. 83. P. Tennessee~nse, Lea. Trypanostoma Tennesseense, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 175, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 281, t. 37, f. 100. Obs. ix., p. 103. 84. P. t r o c h u 1 u s , Lea. Trypanostoma trochulus, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 175, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 282, t. 37, f. 103. Obs. ix., p. 104. Genus ANGITREMA, Haldeman. Angitrema, Haldeman, Cover of No. 2, Monog. Limniades, Jan. 1841. Potadoma, Swainson, sp. H, & A. Adams, Genera i., p. 299, 1854. Glotella, Gray, Zool. Proc., pt. 15, p. 154, 1847. lo, Lea, (sp.) H. & A. Adams, Genera, i. p. 299, 1854. Chenu, Man. Conchyl. i. p. 290, 1859. Reeve, Monog. lo, April, 1860. Brot, Syst. Cat. Mel., p. 29, 1862. Lithasia, Haldeman, sp. H. & A. Adams, Genera of Recent Mollusca, i. p. 308, 1854. Anculotus, Say, (sp.), Jay, Cat. Shells., 4th Edit., p. 276, 1850. Melania, (sp.) Authos. A. Body whorl with a coronal of tubercles. 1. A. geniculata, Haldeman. Lithasia geniculata, Haldeman, suppl. to No. 1, Monog; of Limniades, Oct. 1840. Binney, Check List, No. 299. Anculotus genicnlatus, Haldeman, Jay, Cat. Shells, 4th Edit., p. 276. Hanley, Conch. Misc. t. 5, f. 41. Reeve, Monog. Anculotus 1. 1, f. 7. Leptoxis geniculata, Haldeman, Brot, List, p. 24. Lithasia genicula, Lea, Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. 2. A. Salebrosa, Conrad. Melania salebrosa, Conrad, New Fresh Water Shells, p. 51, t. 4, f. 5, 1834. Chenu, Reprint, p. 24, t. 4, f. 13. Dekay, Moll. N. Y., p. 100. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26, Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 274. Anculotus salebrosus, Conrad, Reeve, Monog. Anc. 1. 1, f. 6, (bad figure.) Leptoxis salebrosa, Conrad, Brot. List, p. 25. Lithasia salebrosa, Conrad, Binney, Check List, No. 303. 3. A. subglobosa, Lea. Lithasia subglobosa, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 55, Feb. 1861. Jour. Aead. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 261, t. 35, f. 70. Obs. ix., p. 83. 4. A. T u o m e y i , Lea. Lithasia Tuomeyi, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 55, Feb. 1861. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, t. 35, f. 68. Obs. ix., p. 81. Anculotus Florentianusj Lea, Reeve, Monog. Anc. t. 1, f. 4. 31 A. Body whorl encircled above the aperture by two rows of tubercles, of which the inferior one is most prominent. 5. A. Jay ana, Lea. Melania Jayana, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 83. Philos. Trans, ix., p. 20. Obs. iv., p. 20. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S. p. 25. Jay, Cat. Shells, 4th Edit., p. 274. Binney, Check List, No. 154. lo Jayana, Lea, Brot. List, p. 29. Melania robulina, Anthony, Bost. Proc. iii., p. 363, Dec. 1850. Binney, Check List, No. 230. lorobulina, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. lo, species 15. C. Body whorl with a central row of tubercles. 6. A. rota, Reeve. lo rota. Reeve, Monog. lo, species 13, April, 1860. Brot, List, p. 29. 7. A. armigera, Say. Melania armigera, Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1st ser., ii. p. 178, Jan. 1821. Binney's Reprint, p. 71. Binney, Check List No. 21. Dekay, Moll. N. Y., p. 93. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 272. Troost. Cat. Wheatley, Cat. Shells, U. S., p. 24. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 185. Hanley, Conch. Misc. Melania, t. 7, f, 60. lo armigera, Say, Reeve, Monog. lo, fig. 11. 8. A. Duttoniana, Lea. Melania Duttoniana, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 15. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 189, t. 6, f. 54. Obs. iii., p. 26. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. Ib6. Binney Check List, No. 92. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 273. lo Duttoniana, Lea, Reeve, Monog. lo, fig. 9. Brot. List, p. 29. lofasciolata, Reeve, Monog. lo, fig. 14. 9. A. stygia, Say. Melania sty gia, Say, New Harmony Dissem., p. 261, Aug. 28, 1829. Reprint, p. 17. Binney's Reprint, p. 142. Binney, Check List, No. 251. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 275. Dekay, Moll. N. Y., p. 93, Reeve, Monog. Mel. sp. 400. Brot. List, p. 40. Melania tuberculata, Lea, Philos. Trans, iv., p. 101 t. 15, f. 31. Obs. i p. 111. Dekay, Moll. N. Y., p. 93. Wheatley, Cat. Shells. U. S., p. 27. Binney, Check List, No. 277. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 275. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc, p. 189. Juga tuberculata, Lea, Chenu, Man. Conchyl. i. f. 2017. Melania Spixiana, Lea, Philos. Trans, vi. p. 93. Obs., v. p. 93. Melania nodata, Reeve, Monog. Mel. fig. 422. 10. A. funiculata, Reeve. lo funiculata, Reeve, Monog. lo, t. 2, f. 8. April, 1860. Brot, List, p. 29. 11. A. lima, Conrad. Melania lima, Conrad, New Fresh Water Shells, p. 54, t. 8, f. 8, 1834. Chenu, Reprint. Dekay, Moll., N. Y. p. 97. Wheatley, Cat. Sheila U. S., p. 26. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 274. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 187. Brot, List, p, 33. Anculotus lima, Conrad, Reeve, Monog. Anc. 1. 1, f. 1. Lithasia lima, Conrad, Binney, Check List, No. 300. 12. A. v e r r u c o s a , Rafinesque. Pleuroceraverrucosa, Rafinesque, Annals of Nature, p. 11, 1820, Melania nupera, Say, Ne\v Harmony Dissem. p. 260. Amer. Conch. Pt. 1. t. 8, f. 1, 2. Binney's Reprint, p. 157, t. 8. Chenu's Reprint p. 16. t. 2, f. 3. Dekay, Moll. N. Y. p. 97. Wheatley, Cat. Shells. U. S. p 26 Brot. List, p. 40. Jay, Cat. Shells, 4th Edit. p. 274. 32 Anculotus nuperus, Say, Reeve, Monog. Anc. t. 1, f. 5. Lithasia nupera, Say, Binney, Check List, No. 302. Melanopsis semigranulosa, Deshayes, Encyc. Meth. Vers. ii. p. 438. Lam- arck, Anim. Sans. Vert. 2d edit. vii. p. 491. Sub-genus LITHASIA, Haldeman. Lithasia, Haldeman, Supp. to Monog. Limniades, No. 1, Oct. 1840. Binney, Check List, Feb. 1860. Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, p. 54, Feb., 1861. Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v, p. 258 and 354, Mar. 1863. Observa- tions ix. p. 80 and 176. Lithasia, Haldeman, (part.), H. & A. Adams, Genera 1, p. 308, Feb. 1854. Lithasia, Lea, 1845, Chenu, Man. Conchyl. i. p. 296, 1859. Megara (part.) Adams, Genera, i. p. 306, Feb. 1854. Anculotus (part.) Say, Gray, Genera, Zool. Proc. pt. 15, p. 153, 1847. Reeve, Monog. Ancul., Apr., 1860. Anculosa and Melania (Sp.) Auct. JSPECIBS. A. Shell large, oval, inflated. 1. L. fuliginosa, Lea. Melania fuliginosa, Lea, Philos. Proc. Philos. Trans, viii. p. 170, t. 5, f. 17. Obs. iii. p. 8. DeKay Moll. N.Y., p. 94. Troost, Cat. Wheatley, Cat. Shells, U. S. p. 25. Binney, Check List, No. 113. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 186. Brot. List, p. 40. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 401. 2. L. Florentiana, Lea. Melania Fforentiana, Lea, Philos. Proc. Philos. Trans, viii. p. 188, t. 6, f. 53. Obs. iii. p. 26. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 99. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Binney, Check List, No. 110. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 186. Brot. List, p. 40. 3. L. venusta,* Lea. Melania venusta, Lea, Philos. Proc. Philos. Trans, viii. p. 187, t. 6, f. 52. Obs., iii. p. 25. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 99. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit. p. 275. Troost, Cat. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Binney, Check List, No. 285. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 189. Brot. List, p. 40. Reeve, Monog. Mel., kp. 315. 4. L. dilatata, Lea. Lithasia dilatata, Lea, Proc. A. N., S. p. 55, 1861. Jour. A. N. S., v. pt. 3, p. 260, t. 35, f. 69. Obs. ix. p. 82. 5. L. imperialis, Lea. Lithasia imperialis, Lea, Proc. A. N. S., p. 55, 1861. Jour. A. N. S , v. pt. 3, p. 258, t. 35, f. 67. Obs. ix. p. 80. B. Shell small, compact oval-elliptical. 6. L. vitatta, Lea. Lithasia vittata, Lea, Proc. A. N. S., p. 273, 1862. Jour. A. N. S., v. pt. 3, p. 354, t. 35, f. 67. Obs. ix. p. 176. 7. L. Showalterii, f Lea. Lithasia Showalterii, Lea, Proc. A. N. S., p. 188, 1850. Jour. A. N. S., v. pt. 3, p. 262, t. 35, f. 72. Obs. ix. p. 84. Melania Showalterii, Lea, Reeve, Monog. sp. 423. Brot, List. p. 33. * More cylindrical, lighter colored, and more ponderous, though not so large as L. Florentiana. f More cylindrical than vittata, with the aperture wider, lip more curved, and the spine shorter and more rapidly accuminate. 33 fl . L. n u e 1 e a , Lea. Lithasia nuclea, Lea, Proc. A. N. S., p. 188, 1860. Jour. A. N. S., v. pt. 3, p. 263, t. 35, f. 73. Obs. ix. p. 85. Binney, Check List, No. 301. Mdania nuclea, Lea, Reeve, Monog.. sp. 423. Brot. List., p. 33. 9. L. uucleola, Anthony. Mni iiia nucl < o' a, Anthony. Proc. Boston, Soe. N. H. iii. p. 360, Dec. 1850. Binney, Check List, No. 181. Brot, List, p. 40. Reeve, Monog. sp. 348. 10. L. u n d o s a , Anthony, Mlania undosa, Anthony Ann. N. Y. Lye., vi. p. 124, t. 3, f. 25, Mar. 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 2bO. Brot. List p. 39. Reeve, Monog. Mel. sp. 447. Melania varinodosa, Anthony, MSS. Reeve, Monog. sp. 268. Brot. List, p. 39. 11. L. obovata, Say. Mdania oborata, Say, New Harmony Dissem. No. 18, p. 276, Sept. 9, 1829. Reprint, p. 18, 1840. Barney's liepriut, p. 143. DeKay, Moll. N. Y. p. 98. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. IfcS. Jay, Cat., 2d Edit. p. 45. Anculotus oboi-atus, Say, Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., page 276. Reeve, Monog. Mel. fig. 21. Leptoxis oborata, Say, Hald. Monog. L pt. p. 2, t. 1. f. 27 34. Binney, Check List, No. 374. Brot. List p. 25. Lithasia obovata, Say, Chenu, Manuel i. f. 2056 8. Anculosa obovta, Say, Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Melania H'JdretHana,* Lea, Philos. Proc. Philos. Trans, viii. p. 164, t. 5, f. 1. Ubs. iii. p. 2, t. 5, f. 1. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 92. Wheat- ley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Binney, Check List, No. 138. Catlow, Conch. Nornenc. p. Ib7. 12. L. consanguinea, Anthony. Melania consanguinea, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. vi. p. 125, t. 3, f. 26, Mar. 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 66. Brot. List, p. 39. Anculotus coiisanyuintus, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Auc. sp. 2. C. Shell obliquely flattened. Melania eompacta, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye., vi. p. 122, t. 3, f. 22, Mar. 18:>4. Binuev, Check List, No. 62, Brot, List, p. 32. Reeve, Monog. sp. 343. 14. L. obliqua, Anthony, MSS. D. Shell sub-cylindrical. 15. L. b r e v i s , Lea. Alelania brevis, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 242. Philos. Trans, ix. p. 26. Obs. iV. p. 26. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S. p. 24. Binney, Check List, No. 38. Brot, List, p. 32. Reeve, Monog. sp. 344. Anculosa solida, Lea, Phil. Proc. ii. p. 243. Philos. Trans, ix. p. 29, t. 9, f. 29. Obs. iv. p. 29. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S. p. 28. Leptoxis solida, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 384. Brot, List, p. 25. Milania trivittata. Reeve, Monog. sp. 420. * Young Shell. 34 16. L. fusiformis, Lea. Lithasia fusiformis, Lea, Proc. A. N. S. p. 54, 1861. Jour. A. N. S., v. pt. 3. p. 261, t. 35, f. 71. Obs. ix. p. 71. 17. L. Downiei, Lea. Lithasia Downiei, Lea, Proc. A. N. S., p. 273, 1862. Jour. A. N. S., v. pt, 3, p. 354, t. 39, f. 227. Obs. ix. p, 176. Sub-Genus STREPHOBASIS, Lea. Strephobasis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 98, Apr. 1861. Jour. A. N. S., v. pt. 3, p. 264 and 355. Obs. ix. p. 86, 177. Megara, (sp.) H. & A. Adams, Genera i. p. 306, Feb. 1854. A. Shell ovate-conical. 1. Strephobasis curta, Haldeman, Melania curta, Haldeman, Monog. Limniades, No. 3, p. 3 of Cover. Bin- ney Check List, No. 80. Brot. List, p. 32. Reeve, Monog. sp. 345. Melania solida, Lea, Philos. Proo. iv. p. 9, f. 27. Obs. iv. p. 57. Binney, Check List, No. 245. Brot, List, p. 31. Reeve, Monog. Melania, f. 454. Strepholasis solida, Lea, Jour. A. N. S., v. pt. 3, p. 266, t. 35, f. 77. Obs. ix. p. 88. 2. Strephobasis, pumila, Lea. Melania pumila, Lea, Philos. Proc. iv. p. 166, Aug. 1845. Philos. Trans, x. p. 60, t. 9, f. 36. Obs. iv. p. 60. Binney, Check List, No. 223. Brot. List. p. 33. Reeve, Monog. sp. 446. 3. Strepho. c a r i n a t a, Lea. Strrphobasis carinata, Lea, Proc. A. N. S. p. 273, 1862. Jour. A. N. S., v. pt. 3, p. 355, t. 39, f. 228. Obs. ix. p. 177. B. Shell cylindrical. 4. Strepho. olivaria, Lea. Strephobans olivaria, Lea, Proc. A. N. S., p. 273, 1862. Jour. A. N. S., v. pt. 3, p. 356, t. 39, f. 229. Obs. ix. p 178. f>. Strepho. plena, Anthony. Melania plena, Anthony, Ann. Lye. N. H. New York, vL p 121, t. 3, f. 21, Mar. 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 210. Brot, List, p. 33. Reeve, Monog. Mel. sp. 450. Strephobasis Spillmanii, Lea, Proc. A. N. S., p. 96, 1861 Jour. A. N. S. v. pt. 3, p. 264, t. 35, f. 74. Obs. ix. p. 86. 6. Strepho. c o r n e a , Lea. Strephobasis cornea, Lea, Proc. A. N. S., p, 96, 1861. Jour. A. N. S., v. pt. 3, p. 265, t. 35, f. 75 Obs. ix. p. 87. 7. Strepho. eorpulenta, Anthony. Me'ania corpulenta, Anthony, Ann. Lye. N. H., vi. p. 127. t. 3, f. 28, Mar. 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 70. Brot. Li t, p. 32^ 8. Strepho. bitjeniata, Conr. Melania bitfuniata, Conrad, New Fresh Water Shells, p. 52, t. 8, f.,6, 1834. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 94. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 34. Brot. List, p. 32. Hanley, Conch. Misc. t. 8, 'f. 73. Anculotus bit&niatus, Conrad, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus t. 3, f. 25. Strephobasis Clarkii, Lea, Proc. A. N. S., p. 66, 1861. Jour. A. N. S., v. pt. 3, p. 265, t. 35, f. 76. Obs. ix. p. 87. 35 Synonymy of the Species of STREPOMATID.E, a Family of Fluviatile Mollusc* inhabiting North America. Part 2. BY GEORGE W. TRYON, JR. Goniobasic Section. Genus GONIOBASIS, Lea. Goniobasis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 262, May, 1862. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci, v. pt. 3, p. 217, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 39. Ceriphasia, Swainson, (sp.) H. and A. Adams, Genera i. p. 298, Feb. 1854. Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. p. 290, 1859. Pachycheilus, Lea, (sp.) H. and A. Adams, Genera i. p. 298, Feb. 1854. Potadoma, Swainson, (sp.) II. and A. Adams, Genera i. p. 299, Feb. 1854. Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. p. 290, 1859. Elimia, (sp.) H. and A. Adams, Genera i. p. 300, Feb. 1854. Chena, Man. de Conchyl. i. p. 290, 1859. Melasma, (sp.) H. an4 A. Adams, Genera i. p. 300, Feb. 1854. Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. p. 292, 1859. Hemisinus, Swainson, (sp.) H. and A. Adams, Genera i. p. 302, Feb. 1854. Juga, (sp.) H. and A. Adams, Genera i. p. 304, Feb. 1854. Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. p. 293, 1859. Megara, (sp.) H. and A. Adams, Genera i. p. 306, Feb. 1854. Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. p. 293, 1859. Pieurocera, Rafinesque, Haldeman, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. p. 274, 1863. Melania, (sp.) Auct.* SPECIES. A. Shell spirally ridged. 1. G. procissa, Anthony.f Melania procissa, Anthony, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y. vi. p. 109, t. 3, f. 9, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 218. Brot, List, p. 59. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 342. B. Shell tuberculate or nodulous. 2. G. g ratios a, Lea. . Melania gratiosa, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p, 122, May, 1861. Goniobasis gratiosa, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 241, t. 35. f. 43. March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 63. 2a. G. lachryma, Anthony. J Melania lachryma, Anthony, Reeve, Monog, Melania, sp. 473, May, 1861. Brot, List, p. 32. 3. G. gibber os a, Lea. Goniobasis gibberosa, Lea, Proc^ Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 266, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 312, t. 37, f. 155, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 134, t. 37, f. 155. * Mr. Lea is the first naturalist who has properly defined this genus, and his name Goniobasix must therefore stand, in preference to any of the prior names given to artificial sections by the Messrs. Adams. Of course these gentlemen are wrong in including species of this genus in the genera Pachy- cheilus, Ceriptosia, Potudoma and Hemisinus, which are all intended to embrace very different groups of species. Prof. Haldeman is also mistaken in placing here the Pieurocera of Rafinesque a genus which undoubtedly = Trypanostoma, Lea. t This may be only an elevated form of Anculosa canalifera, Anthony. t This species and the preceding (gratiosa) are identical. Both descriptions bear the same date of publication, and I am therefore unable to decide which has priority. 86 4. G. n u b i 1 a, Lea.* Melania nubila, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 118, 1861. Goniobasis nubila, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 235, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 57. 5. G. v a r i a n s, Lea.f Melania varians, Lea, Proc, Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 120, 1861. Goniobasis varians, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 219, t. 34, f. 2, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 41. G. G. H y d e i i, Coiirad. Melania Hyddi, Conrad, New Fresh- Water Shells, p. 50, t. 8, f. 1, 1834. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 248. DeKay, Moll. N. York, p. 93. Wheat- ley, Cat. Shells U. S. p. 25. Binney, Check List, No. 141. Melania Hijdei, Conrad, Jay, Cat. Shells, 4th edit. p. 273. Brot, List, p. 32. Hanley, Conch. Misc. t. 1, f. 3. Melania Hydii, Conrad, Catlow, Conch. Nomene. p. 187. 7. G. decorata, Anthony. Melania decorata, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 55, Feb. 1860. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 251. Binney, Check List, No? 86. Brot, List, p. 32. Goniobasis Tryoniana ,$ Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 272, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 342, t. 38, f. 207, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 164, t. 38, f. 207. Goniobasis granata, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 272, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 343, t. 38, f. 209, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 165. 8. G. cselatura, Conrad. Melania c&latura, Conrad, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. iv. p. 154, Feb. 1849. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. i. pt. 4, p. 278, t. 38, f. 3, Jan. 1850. Binney, Check List, No. 58. Brot, List, p. 32. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 245. Goniobasis Stewardsoniana, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 272, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 344, t. 38, f. 210, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 166. Goniobasis Tryoniana, Lea, Description in part. 9. G. o c c a t a, Hinds. Melania occata, Hinds, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. xiv. p. 9. Zool. Voy. Sulphur. Mollusca, ii. p. 56, t. 15, f. 5. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc: p. 188. Brot, List, p. 34. Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p* 81, April, 1856. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 267. . Juga occata, Hinds, Chenu, Man. de Cohchyl. i. f. 2016. Melania Shastaensis,\\ Lea, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 318. / 10. G. cat en aria, Say. Melania catenaria, Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. ii. p. 379, Dec. 1822. Binney, Reprint, p. 111. Binney, Check List, No. 52. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 336. DeKay, Moll. N. York, p. 93. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S. p. 24. Gibbes, Rep't. S. Carolina, p. 19. Jay, Cat. 4th edit. p. 273. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 185. Brot, List, p. 34. * Closely allied to G. oliva, Lea, but is larger, longer and tuberculate. f Nearly always tuberculate, and shouldered below the sutures. $ G. decorata is a young shell, and, as is usual in this group, is sharply angulated % at the peri- phery. G. granata represents a half grown shell, and here the angle is almost obsolete, while G. Tryoniana is the mature form. The entire identity of these several descriptions is proved by a series of over two hundred specimens before me, Mr. Lea's figure of Tryoniana belongs here, but his description of that species is made to include the next species, csdatura, Conr. The green variety of granata is a shell of much heavier texture, and may prove distinct. Half grown shell of csdatura. \\ The Shastaensis of Mr. Lea is a very different shell, and certainly ought never to have been confounded with this species, which it does not resemble in any particular. 37 Melania sublirata,* Conrad, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 2d ser. i. pt. 4, p. 277, t. 38, f. 1, Jan. 1850. Brot, List, p. 37. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 339. Melania Floridensis,\ Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 334. Brot, List, p. 34. 11. G. catenoides,.}: Lea. Melania catenaria, Lea, Proc. Philos. Soc. i. p. 289. Oct. 1840, (preoc.) Melania caienoides, Lea, Philos. Trans, viii. p. 228, t. 6, f. 60. Obs. iii. p. 66. DeKay, Moll. N. Y. p. 101. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S. p. 24. Jay, Cat., 4th edit., p. 273. Binney, Check List, No. 53. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 185. Brot, List, p. 34. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 298. Elimia catenoides, Lea, Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. f. 1982. 12. G. Etowahensis, Lea. Melania Etowahensis, Lea, Reeve, Monog. Mel. sp. 426, May, 1861. Brot, List, p. Goniobasis Canbui, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. P- 271, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 340, t. 38, f. 204, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 162. 13. G. Hallenbeckii, Lea.|| Goniobasis Hallenbeckii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 271, 1862. Jonr. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 33$, t. 38, f. 203, March, 1S63. Obs., ix. p. 161. Melania Hallenbeckii, Lea, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 332. 14. G. Boykiniana, Lea. Melania "Bot/kiniana, Lea, Proc. Philos. Soc. i. p. 289, Oct. 1840. Philos. Trans, viii. p. 228, t. 6, f. 59. Obs. iii. p. 66. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 100. Wheatley. Cat. Shells U. S. p. 24. Heeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 77. Jay, Cat. Shells, 4th edit. p. 273. Binney, Check List, No. 37. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 185. Brot, List, p. 34. Elimia Boykiniana, Lea, Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. f. 1978. 15. G. Bentoniensis, Lea.^ Goniobasis Bentoniensis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 271, 1862. Jour. * Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 336, t. 38, f. 198, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 158. 16. G. papillosa, Anthony. Melania papillosa, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 467, May, 1861. Brot, List, p. 34. Goniobasis Downieana, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 272, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 341, t. 38, f. 206, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 163. 17. G. Couperii, Lea. Goniobasis Couperii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 271, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 341, t. 38, f. 205, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 163. 18. G. inclinans, Lea. Goniobasis inclinans, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 267, 1362. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 318, t. 37, f. 166, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 140. * f I have seen several author's examples of catenaria, and they uniformly represent shells not adult. As I have not seen specimens of sublimta anl Floriden&is, I rely on the figures and des- criptions only, in considering them to be the adults of the same species. J G. catenoides may prove to be a variety only of catenaria and I at first united them,but I have recently come to the conclusion that they are distinct species, though nearly allied. \ I presume it was Mr. Lea's first intention to describe this species under the name of Etowah- cnsis, as a specimen is before me which that gentlemen sent to Mr. Anthony under that name. This ven specimen was sent to Mr. Reeve and published by him, prior to the publication of din- byi by Mr. Lea. It is extremely difficult to distinguish this species from varieties of papillosa, Anth. | Dr. Brot considers this a synonym of Boykiniana., but it ib very different. TJ" Doubtfully distinct from papillosa, Anth. 38 19. G. Postellii, Lea. Melania Postellii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 166, July, 1858. Binney, Check List, No. 214. Brot, List, p. 34. Melania Porteliii, Lea, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 427. Goniobasis Postellii, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 343, t. 38, f. 208, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 165. 20. G. arachnoidea, Anthony. Melania aracknoidea, Anthony, Ann, Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., vi. p. 95, t. 2, f. 14, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 19. Brot, List, p. 34. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 83. Melania intertexta, Anthony,* Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 62, February, 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 151. Brot, List, p. 34. Reeve, Monog. Me- lani, sp. 296. 21. G. Conradi, Brot.f Melania Conradi, Brot, List, p. 36. Melania symmetrica, Conrad, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., iv. p. 155, Feb., 1849. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., i. pt. 4, p. 278, t. 38, f. 5, Jan., 1850. Binney, Check List, No. 260. 22. G. c a r ini f era, Lam. Melania carinifera, Lamarck, Anim. sans Vert. Deshayes, Anim. sans Vert., 2d edit., viii. p. 433. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 48. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 185. Brot, List, p. 36. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp, 273. Melania bella,% Conrad, New Fresh- Water Shells, Appendix, p. 6, t. 9, f. 4, 1834. Binney, Check List, No. 29. Brot, List, p. 36. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 269. Melania perangulata, Conrad, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., iv p. 154, Feb., 1849. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., i. pt. 4, p. 278, t. 38, f. 6. Binney, Check List, No. 199. Brot, List, p. 36. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 285. Melania pcrcarinata, Conrad. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., iv. p. 155, Feb., 1849. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., 2d ser., i. pt. 4, p. 278, t. 38, f. 10. Binney, Check List, No. 200. Brot, List, ,p. 36. Melania nebulosa, Conrad, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., iv. p. 155, Feb., 1849. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., i. pt. 4, p. 278, t. 38, f. 9. Binney, Check List, No. 172. Brot, List, p. 36. Melania bella-crenata, Haldeman, Monog. Limniades, No. 4, p. 3 of cover, Oct. 5, 1841. Jay, Cat., 4th ed., p. 273. Binney, Check List, No. 30. Brot, List, p. 36. Melania monilifera, Anthony, Jay, Cat., 4th ed., p. 474. C. Shell plicate. 23. G. obes a, Anthony. Melania obesa, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 469, May, 1861. Brot, List, p. 33. 24. G. blanda, Lea. Melania blanda, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 122, 1861. Goniobasis blanda, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 242, t. 35, f. 44, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 64, t. 35, f. 44. * Half-grown shell. f Dr. Brot proposed the name Conradi for this species, as symmetrica is preoccupied by Prof. Haldeman. I doubt whether it is distinct from G. carinifera, Lam. J That all the species here quoted are synonyms of carinifera does not admit of doubt. The epecies is rather a variable one in respect of proportions and ornamentation. \ The name of this species must be changed because preoccupiwd by Mr. Lea himself. 25. G. substricta, Haldeman.* Melania substricta, Haldeman, Monoer. Limniades, vii. p. 4 of cover, Jany., 1844. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Binney, Check List, No. 256. Brot, List, p. 36. 26. G. aequalis, Haldeman.f Melania tpqnalis, Haldeman, Monog. Limniades, No. 4, p. 3 of cover, Oct. 5, 1841. Jay, Cat , 4th ed., p. 272. Binney, Check List, No. 7. 27. G. semigradata, Reeve. Malania semigradata, Reeve, Moneg. Melania, sp. 472, May, 1861. Brot, \ List, p. 33. 28. G. carinocostata,J Lea. Melania carinocostata, Lea, Philos. Proc., iv. p. 165, 1845. Philos. Trans., x. p. 62, t. 9, f. 40. Obs. iv. p. 62. Binney, Check List, No. 49. Brot, List, p. 35, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 333. ' Goniobasis strenua, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 267, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. ? v. pt. 3, p. 316, t. 37, f. 161, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 138. Goniobasis Ltiduana, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 268, 1S62. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 322, t. 38, f. 173, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 144. Melania scabrella, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 388. Melania scabriuscula, Brot, List, p. 36. 29. G. Lecontiana, Lea. Melania Lecontiana, Lea. Philos. Proc., ii. p. 13, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 177, t. 5, f. 29. Dekay, Moll. N. York, p. 96. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Brot, List, p. 35. Jay, Cat., 4th edit., p. 274. Binuev, Check List, No. 160. Catlow, Conch. Nornenc., p. 187. Melasma Lecontiana, Lea. henu, Man. Conchyl., i. f. 2002. 30. G. cadus, Lea.|( Goniobasis cadus, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 272, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 345, t. 38, f. 211, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 167. 31. G. obtnsa, Lea. IT Melania obtusa, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 13, Feb., 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 176, t. 5, f. 28. Obs. iii. p. 14. Dekay, Moll. New York, p. 96. Binney, Check List, No. 183. Troost, Cat. Shells Tennessee. Wheatley, "Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 188. Brot, List, p. 59. 32. G. a m o e n a. Lea. Goniobasis amcena, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 268, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 323, t. 38, f. 175, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 145, t. 38, f. 175. 33. G. T u om e y i, Lea. Goniobasis Tuomcyi, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 266, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 3 r. pt. 3, p. 311, t. 37, f. 153, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 133. * Somewhat like gracuis, Lea, but is a stouter, more ponderous species. t Allied to carinocwtata, Lea, but in that species the plica axe terminated by an acute angle or rib on the body whorl and the spire is angled or carinate. J A very variable species. The M. scabrelki of Anthony is a half-grown shell ; in which state the plicae and carinae are more distinct than in the adult form. ftmraBa being preoccupied by an European author, M. Brot changed the name to scal>riuscula. % Mr. Koeve's figure 404 does not represent this species ; it is nearer to dccorata, Anthony. This shell is closely allied to carinocostata and a>i/ ed toY;. obtufa, but appears to differ in not being so cloeely plicate as that species. It may possibly zr Lecontiana. ^ IB this the young shell of cadus or carinocostata f 40 34. G. C h r i s t y i, Lea. Goniobasis Ckristyi, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 269, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 328, t. 38, f. 185, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 150. Goniobasis instabil-is, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 269, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 329, t. 38, f. 186, March, 1863. Obs. ix, p. 151. 35. G. interveniens, Lea.* Goniobasis interveniens, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 268, 1862. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 320, t- 38, f. 169, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 142. 36. G. olivella, Lea. Goniobasis olivella, Lea, Proceed. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 269, 1862. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 327, t. 38, f. 182, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 149. 37. G. interrupt a, Haldeman. Melania interrupta, Haldeman, Supplement to No. 1, Monog. Limniades, Oct. 1840. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Jay, Cat., 4t edit., p. 274. Brot, List, p. 34. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 398. Goniobasis ornatella, Lea, Proceed. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 269, 1862. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 326, t. 38, f. 181, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 148. 38. G. crispa, Lea.f Goniobasis crispa, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 269, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 326, t. 38, f. 180, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 148. 39. G. f o rm osa, Conrad.J Melania formosa, Conrad, New Fresh- Water Shells, Appendix, p. 5, t. 9, f. 3, 1834. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Binney, Check List. No. 112. Melania formosa, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 387. Brot, List, p. 35. 40. G. xnediooris. Lea. Goniobasis mediocris, Lea, Proceed. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 269, 1862. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 326, t. 38, f. 179, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 148. 41. G vesicula, Lea. Melania vesicula, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 118, 1861. Goniobasis vesicula, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 242, t. 35, f. 45, March, 1863. Obs. ix % p. 64. 42. G. Duttonii, Lea. Goniobasis Duttonii, Lea, Proceed. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 266, 1862. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 314, t. 37, f. 158, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 136. 43. G. laqu eat a, Say. Melania laqueata, Say, New Harmony Disseminator, p. 275, September, 1829. Say's Reprint, p. 17. American Conchology. No. 5, t. 47, f. 1. Binney's edition, pp. 143 and 200. Binney, Check List, No. 158. De- Kay, Moll. New York, p. 97. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Jay, Cat., 4th ed., p. 274. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 281, 288? Brot, List, p. 35. Catlow, Conch. Nomeiic., p. 187. * Very like Curreyana, Lea, in the -plicae, but differs in form. f More convex and with more regular striae than G. nassula, Conrad. ..,: Close to G. nassula, Conrad, but is striate, and the aperture is more rounded. g Differs from G. Tuomeyi, Lea, in the form of the aperture. The specimeng before me are nvt all two-banded, some of them being without bands, and of a light yellowish color. 41 Melania monozonalis, * Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 13, February, 1841. Philos . Trans., viii. p. 178, t. 6, f. 31. Obs. iii. p. 16. DeKay, Moll. New York, p. 96. Binney, Check List, No. 168. Troost, Cat. Shells Ten- nessee. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 187. Brot, List, p. 40. 44. G. Pybasii, Lea. Goniobasis Pybasii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 266, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 313, t. 37, f. 157, March, 1863. Obs., ix. p. 135, t. 37, f. 157. 45. G. i n d u t a, Lea. Goniobasis induta, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 267, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 319, t. 37, f. 166, March, 1863. Obs., ix. p. 141. 46. G. v er si pell i 3,f Anthony. Melania versipellis, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 60, February, 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 286. Brot, List, p. 59. Reeve, Monog. Me- lania, sp. 436. 47. G. gracilis,t Lea. Melania gracilis, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 12, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 168, t. 5, f. 11. Obs. iii. p. 6. DeKay, Moll. N. York, p. 94. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 128. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 187. Brot, List, p. 38. Potadoma gracilis, Lea, Chenu, Manuel de Conchyl., i. f. 1968. 48. G. paucicosta, Anthony. Melania paucicosta, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 57, February, 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 198. Brot, List, p. 36. Reeve, Monog. Me- lania, sp. 255. 49. G. tenebrosa, Lea. Melania tenebrosa, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 13, February, 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 176, t, 5, f. 26. Obs. iii. p. 14. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 95. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Binney, Check List, No. 267. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 189. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 443. Brot, List, p. 39. 50. G. c o r a c i n a, Anthony. Mdania coracina, Anthony, Bost. Proc., iii. p. 361, Dec., 1850. Binney, Check List, No. 67. Brot, List, p. 58. Melania Sellersiana, Lea, Philos. Trans., x. p. 299, t. 30, f. 8. Obs., v. p. 55. Binney, Check List, No. 239. 51. G. i nt er s i ta, Haldeman. Melania intersita, Haldeman, Monog. Limniades, No. 4, p. 4 of cover, Dec. 28, 1841. Binney, Check List, No. 150. Brot, List, p. 35. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 376. 52. G. co lu me 11 a. Lea. Melania colamella, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 13, Feb., 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 179, t. 6, f. 33. Obs. iii. p. 17. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 96. Binney, Check List, No. 60. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 186. Brot, List, p. 35. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 441. *This is only a rather wide, young specimen of laqueata, as I have ascertained by the inspection of some hundreds of specimens of that species. t Versipellis resembles a young laqueata, but its texture is quite heavy although small. j Described by Mr. Lea as a smooth species, but among a hundred perfect specimens before me, over eighty are more or less plicate on the spire. 42 53. G. bland a, Lea. Melania blanda, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 13, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 79, t. 6, f. 34. Obs. iii. p. 17. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 97, Binney, Check List, No. 36. Troost, Cat. Shells Tennessee. Wheat- ley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 185. Brot, List, p. 35. 54. G. nit e n s, Lea. Melania nitida,* Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 14, February, 1841. Melania nitens, Lea, Philos. Trans., viii. p. 182, t. 6, f. 40. Obs. iii. p. 20. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 98. Binney, Check List, No. 178. Troost, Cat. Shells Tennessee. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 187. Brot, List, p. 36. 55. G. m u t a t a, Brot. Melania Deshayesiana,\ Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 27>, September, 1860. Melania mutata, Brot, List, p. 37. 56. G. sutu rails, Haldeman. Melania suturalis, Haldeman, Suplement to Monog. Limniades, No. 1, Oct., 1840. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Jay, Cat., 4th ed., p.' 275. 57. G. mutabilis,t Lea. Goniobasis mutabilis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 270, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 331, t. 38, f. 189, March, 1863. Obs., ix. p. 153. 58. G. Viennaensis, Lea. Goniobasis Viennaensis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 267, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 315, t. 37, f. 160, March, 1863. Obs., ix. p. 137. 59. G. Curreyana, Lea. Goniobasis Curreyana, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 13, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 180, t. 6, f. 36. Obs., iii. p. 18. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Binney, Check List, No. 79. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 97. Reeve, Monog/ Melania, sp. 286. Troost, Cat. Shells, Tennessee. Cat- low, Conch. Nomenc., p. 186. Brot. List, p. 35. Melasma Curreyana, Lea, Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. f. 2003. 60. G. costifera, Haldeman. Melania costifera, Haldeman, Monog. Melania., No. 2, p. 3 of Cover, Jan. 1841. Binney, Check List, No. 72. Brot, List, p. 34. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 440. 61. G. Deshayesiana, Lea. Melania plicatula,\\ Lea, Proc. Philos. Soc., ii. p. 14, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 182, t. 6, f. 41, Obs., iii. p. 20. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 274. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 188. Brot, List, p. 34. Melasma plicatula, Lea, Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. f. 1998. Melania Deshayesiana, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 242, Dec. 1842. Philos. Trans., ix. p. 24. Obs., ix. p. 24. DeKay, Moll. N. Y. p. 98. Wheat- ley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Troost, Cat. Shells Tennessee. Jay, Cat. Shells, 4th Edit., p. 273. Binney, Check List, No. 88. Brot, List, p. 34. * Preoccupied. t Preoccupied by Mr. Lea, and the name changed to mutata by M. Brot. i Very closely allied to suturalis, but differs in the form of the aperture. g Differs from Curreyana by its more numerous plicae, more acuminated spire, and by the mouth being more rounded at base. B Preoccupied, and changed to Deshaytsiana. 43 Melania Deshaysii, Lea, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 330. 62. G. Abbevillensis, Lea. Goniobasis Abbevillensis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 268, 1862. Jouru. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 323, t. 38, f. 174, Mar. 1863. Obs., ix. p. 145. 63. G. Doolyensis, Lea. Goniobasis Doolyensis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 266, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 315 t. 37, f. 159., Mar. 1863. Obs., ix. p. 137. 64. G. inconstans.t Lea. Goniobasis inconstans, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei., p. 269, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 325, t. 38, f. 178, Mar. 1863. Obs., ix. p. 147. 65. G. continens, Lea. Goniobasis continens, Lea, Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 268, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., pt. 3, p. 324, t. 38, f. 176. Mar. 1863. Obs., ix. p. 146. Goniobasis prohtaria, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 268, 1862. Jour. Acad. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 325, t. 38, f, 177, Mar. 1863. Obs., ix, p. 147. 66. G. viridicata, Lea. Goniobasis viridicata, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci., p. 268, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 322, t. 38, f. 172, Mar, 1863. Obs., ix. p. 144. 67. G. purpurella, Lea. Giniobasis purpurella, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 269, 1862* Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 327, t. 38, f, 183, Mar. 1863. Obs., ix. p. 149. (58. semicostata, Conrad. Melania semicostata, Conrad, New Fresh-Water Shells, App. p. 7, t. 9, f. 6, 1834. Binney, Check List, No. 241. Brot, List, p. 59. 69. G. d i s 1 o c a t a , Ravenel. Melania dislocata, Ravenel, Cat. Shells, p. 11, 1834. Binney, Check List, No. 90. Brot, List, p. 35. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 380. Goniobasis Lindsleyi, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 267, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 319, t. 37, f. 167, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 141. 70. G. paupercula, Lea. Goniobasis paupercula, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat Sci., p. 268, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 324, t. 38, f. 176, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix., p. 146. 71. G. corneola, Anthony. Melania corneola, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 61, Feb. 1860. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 68. Brot, List, p. 35. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 456. 72. G. n a s s u 1 a , Conrad. Melania nassula, Conrad, New Fresh- Water Shells, p. 55, t. 8, f. 9, 1834. Binney, Check List, No. 171. DeKay, Moll. New York, p. 97. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 274. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Brot, Lis't, p. 34. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 412. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 187. 73. G. p e r s t r i a t a , Lea. Melania perstriata, Lea, Philos. Trans., x. p. 296, t. 30, f. 2. Obs., v. p. 52. Binney. Check List, No. 203. Brot, List, p. 36. II doubt whether this is more than the young of Doolyensis. g = dislocata, young? 5 44 74. G. rugosa, Lea. Melania corrugata, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 13, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans, viii. p. 177, t. 5, f. 30. Obs., iii. p. 15. Troost, Cat. Shells Term. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Melania rugosa* Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 237, Dec. 1842. Philos. Trans, viii. p. 248. Obs.. iii. p. 86. DeKay, Moll. New York, p. 96. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 235. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 188. Brot, List, p. 34. 75. G. costulata, Lea. Melania costulata, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 14, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans, viii. p. 181, t. 6, f. 39. Obs., iii. p. 19. Binney, Check List, No. 73. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 98. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 273. Troost, Cat. Shells Tennessee. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Reeve, Mo- nog. Melania, sp. 272, 360. Brot, List, p. 35. 76. G. cine r el la, Lea. Goniobasis cinerella, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 269, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 328, t. 38, f. 184, Mar. 1863. Obs., ix. p. 150. 77. G. Edgariana, Lea. Melania Edgariana, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 14, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 180, t. 6, f. 37. Obs., iii. p. 18. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 97. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 273. Binney, Check List, No. 94. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 430. Wheat- ley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 186. Melasma Edgariana, Lea, Chenu, Man. de Conchyl, i. f. 1997. 78. G. c a 1 i g i n o s a , Lea. Melania. caliginosa, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 15, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 189, t, 6, f. 56. Obs., iii. p. 27. Wheatley, Cat, Shells U. S., p. 24. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 293. DeKay, Moll. New York, p. 100. Binney, Check List, No. 44. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 273. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 185. Brot, List, p. 34. 79. G. no dul o s a, Lea. Melania nodulosa, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 15, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 190, t. 6, f. 57. Obs., iii. p. 28. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 108. Binney, Check List, No. 180. Troost, Cat. Shells Tennessee. Wheat- ley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 188. Brot, List, p. 34. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 276. 80. G. g 1 a u c a , Anthony. Melania glauca, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 57, Feb. 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 125. Brot, List, p. 35. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 389. Goniobasis Lyonii, Lea. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 266. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci.. v. pt. 3, p. 313, t. 37, f. 156, Mar. 1863. Obs., ix. p. 135. 81. G. diffi cilia, f Lea. Goniobasis difficilis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 267, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 317, t. 37. f, 163, Mar. 1863. Obs., ix. p. 139. 82. G. s p a r u s , Lea. Goniobasis sparus, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 267, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 316, t. 37, f. 162, Mar. 1863. Obs., ix, p. 138. Goniobasis cerea, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 268, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 321, t. 38, f. 171, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 143. * Preoccupied. } Resembles G. glaiica, but the whorla are more convex. G. baculum is more cylindrical than i Ihis species. 45 83. G. T h o r n t o n i i , Lea. Qoniobasis Thorntonii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 268, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 320, t. 38, f. 168, Mar. 1863. Obs., ix. p. 142. 84. G. c a n c e 1 1 a t a ,* Say. Melania oincdlata, Say, New Harmony Disseminator, p. 260, Aug. 1829. Say's Reprint, p. 16. Binney's Edit., p. 141. Binney, Check List, No. 46. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 93. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Brot, List, p. 34. 85. G. c i r c i n c t a , Lea. Melania circincta, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 15, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 187, t. 6, f. 51. Obs., iii. p. 25. DeKay, Moll., N. Y., p. 99. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Catlow. Conch. Nomenc., p. 186. Brot, List, p. 31. Reeve, Monog. Melania. sp. 289. Melania circinnata, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 54. Juaa circinnata, Lea, Checu, Man. de Conchyl., i. f. 2015. 86. G. a t h 1 e t a , Anthony. Melania athleta, Anthony, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., vi. p. 83, t. 2, f. 1, Mar. 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 23. Brot, List, p. 34. Reeve, Monog. Mel., sp. 258. 87. G. curvicostata, Anthony. Melania curvicostata, Anthony, MSS. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 462. Brot. List, p. 35. Melania densecostata, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 465. Brot, List, p. 35. 88. G. s t r i a t u 1 a , Lea. Melania striata^ Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 15, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 186, t. 6. f. 49. Obs., iii. p. 24. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Wheat- ley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. Juga striata. Lea, Chenu. Man. de Conchyl. i. f. 2018. Melania striatula, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 237, Dec. 1842. Philos. Trans. viii. p. 248. Obs. iii. p. 86. DeKay, Moll. New York, p. 99. Jay. Cat. 4th Edit., p. 275. Binney, Check List, No. 249. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 188. Reeve, Monog. Melania, gp. 466. Brot, List, p. 35. 89. G. t r i p a r t i t a , Reeve. Melania triparlita, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 364, Dec. 1860. Brot, List, p. 37. 90. G. de cora, Lea. Melania decora, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 14, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 181, t. 6, f. 38. Obs., iii. p. 19. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 98. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 85. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 292. Catlow, Conch* Nomenc. p. 186. Brot, List, p. 35. 91. G. c r e b r i c o s t a t a , Lea. Melania crebricostata, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 13, Feb. 1841. Philoa. Trans., viii. p. 179, t. 6, f. 35. Obs., iii. p. 17. DeKay, Moll. New York, p'. 97. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 273. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Wheat- ley Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 374. Binney. Check List, No. 74. Brot, List, p. 35. Mclasma crebricostata, Lea, Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. f. 1999. * I am unable to find specimens of this shell in any of our cabinets, and as it has never be figured, I assign it the poeitioa it occupies in this catalogue from the description only. f Name preoccupied. 46 92. G. comma, Conrad. Melania comma, Conrad, New Fresh Water Shells, p. 53, t. 8, f. 7, 1834. Wheatley, Cat. Shells IT. S., p. 24. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 107. Binney, Check List, No. 61. DeKay, Moll. New York, p. 95. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 273. Brot, List, p. 35. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 186. 93. G. a c u t a , Lea. Melania acuta, Lea. Philos. Trans., iv. p. 101, t. 15, f. 32. Obs. i. p. iii. Troost, Cat. Shells Tennessee. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Binney, Check List, No. 4. Brot, List, p. 3. Reeve, Monog, Melania, sp. 274. 94. G. subcylindracea, Lea. Melania subcylindracea, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 12, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 169, t. 5, f. 14. Obs., iii. p. 7. DeKay, Moll. New York, p. 94. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Binney, Check List, No. 253. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 188. Brot, List, p 39. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 399. 95. G. baculum, Anthony. Melania baculum, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 98, t. 2. f. 16, Mar. 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 27. Brot, List, p. 34. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 431. 96. G. c o n c i n n a ,* Lea. Melania concinna, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 14, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 183, t. 6, f. 42. Obs. iii., p. 21. DeKay, Moll. New York, p. 98. Troost, Cat. Shells Tennessee. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 186. Binney, Check List, No. 63. Brot, List, p. 34. 97. G. eliminata, Anthony, Melania eliminata, Anthony, Ann. New York Lye. Nat. Hist., vi., p. 97, t. 2, f. 15, Mar. 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 98. Brot, List, p. 34. 98. G. t ere s, Lea. Melania teres, Lea, Philos. Proc.. ii. p. 13, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 176, t. 5, f. 27. Obs., iii. p. 14. DeKay, Moll. N^w York, p. 96. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Binney, Check List, No. 269. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 275. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 189. Brot, List, p. 35. Melania terebralis,] Lea, Philos. Proc., ii, p. 13, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p, 178, t. 6, f. 32. Obs., iii. p. 16. DeKay, Moll. New York, p. 96. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S. ; p. 27. Binney, Check List, No. 268. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 189. Brot, List, p'. 36. 99. G. gracillima, Anthony. Melania gracillima, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 62, Feb. 1860. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 129. Brot, List, p. 36. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 437. 100. G. C 1 a r k i i , Lea. Melania Clarkii, Lea, Philos. Trans., x. p. 297, t. 30, f. 4. Obs., v. p. 53. Binney, Check List, No. 56. Brot, List, p. 34. Reeve, Monog. Me- lania, sp. 356. 101. G. DeCampii, Lea. Goniobasis DeCampii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 154, May, 1863. * Extensively distributed by Mr. Anthony as M. comma, Conrad, yariety. f- Half grown shell of G. teres. 47 102. G. abbre via t a, Anthony. Melania abbreviata, Anthony, Bost. Proc., iii. p. 360, Dec., 1850. Binney, Check List, No. 4. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 424. Melania elegantula, Anthony, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., vi. p. 103, t. 3, f. 2, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 96. Brot, List, p. 32. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 346. Melania coronilla, Anthony, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., vi. p. 126, t. 3, f. 27, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 69. Brot, List, p. 32. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 418. Melania chalybsea, Anthony, Brot, List, p. 37. 103. G. p lie if era, Lea. Melania plicifera, Lea, Philos. Trans, vi. p. 93, t. 23, f. 90. Obs. ii. p. 93. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Jay, Cat., 4th ed., p. 274. Binney, Check List, No. 211. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 284. Cooper, Report, p. 374. Brot, List, p. 36. Gould, Moll. Expl. Exped., p. 143, f. 165. Melasma plicifera. Lea, Chenu, Manuel, i. f. 2001. 104. G. s i 1 i c u 1 a, Gould. Melania silicula, Gould, Bost. Proc., ii. p. 224, June, 1847. Otia Concho- logica, p. 46. Moll. Expl. Exped., p. 141, f. 164, 164a. Cooper, Re- port, p. 374. Binney, Check List, No. 243. Brot, List, p. 52. Melania Shastaensis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., viii. p. 80, April, 1856. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 242. Cooper, Report, p. 374. Goniobasis Shastaensi*, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 337, t. 38, f. 199, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 159. Melania rudens, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 224, May, 1860. Brot, List, p. 105. G. nigrina,* Lea. Melania nigrina, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 80, April, 1856. Goniobasis nigrina, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 302, t. 37, f. 137, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 124. Binney, Check List, No. 177. 106. G rubiginosa, Lea. Goniobasis rubiginosa, Lea, Proceed. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 270, 1862. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci , v. pt. 3, p. 333, t. 38, f. 193, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 155. 107. G. B a i r d i a n a, Lea. Goniobasis Bairdiana, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 267, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 317, t. 37, f. 164, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 139, t. 37, f. 164. D. Shell angulate. 108. G. troc h if ormis,f Conrad. Melania trochiformis, Conrad, New Fresh-Water Shells, p. 56, t. 8, f. 11, 1834. DeKay, Moll. New York, p. 100. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Binney, Check List, No. 275. Brot, List, p. 31. 109. G. cristata,J Anthony. Melania cristata, Anthony, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., vi. p. 108, t. 3, f. 8, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 77. Brot, List, p. 32. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 413. 110. G. cr u da, Lea. Goniobasis cruda, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 270, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 332, t. 38, f. 190, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 154. * Differs from silicula in being more cylindrical, with the apical whorls carinate. f The figure of this species in Mr. Conrad's work is not recognizable, but it will probably be fouid to ~ cristata. Anth., young. J =: proteus, Lea ? 43 111. G. Whitei, Lea. Goniobasift Whitei, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 266, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 310, t. 37, f. 151, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 132. 112. G. c a st a, Anthony. Melania casta, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., vi. p. 100, t. 2, f. 19, March, 1854. Binney, Check ListJ No. 50. Brot, List, p. 32. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 381. 113. G. rho mbic a, Anthony. Melania rhombica, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., vi. p. 116, t. 3, f. 16, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 228. Brot, List, p. 38. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 347. 114. G. an gul at a, Anthony. Melania angulata* Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., vi. p. 117, t. 3, f. 17, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 14. Brot, List, p. 37. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 386. Melania cinnamomea, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 379. Brot, List, p. 35. Goniobasis intercedens, Lea, Proceed. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 265, 1862. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 305, t. 37, f. 143. Obs. ix. p. 127. 115. G. Bridgesiana, Lea. Goniobasis Bridgesiana, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 265, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci.,v. pt. 3, p. 305, t. 37, f. 142, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 173, t. 37, f. 142. 116. G. c u b i c o i d e s, Anthony. Melania cubicoides,^ Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 60, Feb., 1860. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 78. Brot, List, p. 39. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 445. 117. G. Spill man i i, Lea. Goniobasis Spillmanii, Lea, Proceed. Acad. Nat Sci., p. 264, 1862. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 302, t. 37, f. 138, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 124. 118. G. p 1 e b e i u s, Anthony. Melania pUbejus, Anthony, Bost. Proc., iii. p. 362, Dec., 1850. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 414. Melania plebeius, Anthony, Binney, Check List, No. 209. Melania plebeia, Anthony, Brot, List, p. 38. 119. G. o p a c a, J Anthony. Melania opaca, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 58, Feb., 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 189. Brot, List, p. 38. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 384. Melania iostoma, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 62, February, 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 152. Brot, List, p. 31. Reeve, Monog. Me- lania, sp. 351. Melania nigrostoma$ Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 463, 367. Brot, List, p. 38. 120. G. pal lidul a, Anthony. Melania pallidula, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., vi. p. 115, t. 3, f. 15, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 197. Brot, List, p. 38. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 417. * Juvenile shell. The adult is described under the names of cinnamomea and interce.de.ns. t The longitudinal ribs attributed to this species by Mr. Anthony are very faint on the type shell, and do not exist at all on other specimens. J = moidea, Lea. / G. ebenum of Lea appears to be more rounded in the base of the aperture, and the periphery not angulated ; still it may be the same. J Young specimens. 49 121. G. v i c i n a,* Anthony. Melania vicina, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., vi. p. 114, t. 3, f. 14, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 288. Brot, List, p. 39. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 291. 122. G. Spartenburgensis,f Lea. Goniobasis Spartenburgensis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 265, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., 2d ser., v. pt. 3, p. 307, t. 37, f. 147, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 129. 123. G. modesta, Lea. Melania modeita. Lea, Philos. Proc., iv. p. 166, Aug., 1845. Philos. Trans., x. p. 60, t. 9 7 f. 34. Obs. iv. p. 60. Binney, Check List, p. 36. E. Whorls very strongly carinated. 124. G. p ag o di for mis, Anthony. Melania pagodiformis, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., vi. p. 106, t. 3, f. 6, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 195. Brot, List, p. 36. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 260. Melania torulosa, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., vi. p. 110, t. 3, f. 10. March, 1854. Biuney, Check List, No. 273. Brot, List, p. 37. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 370. 125. G. Gerhardtii, Lea. Goniobasis Gerhardtii, Lea, Proceed. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 270, 1862. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 330, t. 38, f. 187, March, 1863. Obs., ix. p. 152. Goniobasis infuscata, Lea, Proceed. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 270, 1862. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 330, t. 38, f. 188, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 152. 126. G. oblita, Lea.J Melania oblita, Lea, Philos. Trans., x. p. 298, t. 30, f. 6. Obs. v. p. 54. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 182. Brot, List, p. 36. 127. G. a cutocarinata, Lea. Melania aeutocarinata^ Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 14, Feb., 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 184, t. 6, f. 46. Obs. iii. p. 22. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 99. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 5. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 185. Brot, List, p. 36. Elimia aeutocarinata. Lea, Chenu, Manuel de Conchyl., i. f. 1979. F. Body whorl bi-multiangulaled. 128. G. tabulat a, Anthony. Melania tabulata, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., vi. p. 118, t. 3, f. 18, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 262. Brot, List, p. 39. 129. G. Catawbae a,|| Haldeman. (MSS.) 130. G. vi ttata, Antbonr. Melania vittata, Anthony, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., vi. p. 89, t. 2, f. 7, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 294. Brot, List, p. 37. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 262. * Described as from Alabama, but all the specimecs before me are labelled "Kentucky" by Mr. Anthony, and I think the latter habitat is correct. t I fear the Northern specimens of this species are not distinct from depygis, Say. t Differs from tymmetrica. in being striate. | This shell is believed by Prof. HaMeman to simplex, Say, but I doubt it. Aeutocarinata. it is true, it! not always cariiiate, but, it appears to me, is always narrowly lengthened. | A wider specie^ than others of the group ; none of the specimens are handed. 50 Melania pulcherrima* Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 58, Feb., 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 222. Brot, List, p. 37. Reeve, Monog. Me- lania, sp. 336. 131. G. sub angu la t a,f Anthony. Melania subangulata, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., vi. p. 91, t. 2, f. 9, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 252. Brot, List, p. 31. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 242. Melania paula, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 122, 1861. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 244, t. 35, f. 48, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 66. 132. G. symmetrical Haldeman. Melania symmetrica, Haldeman, Monog. Lim., No. 4, p. 3 of Cover, October 5, 1841. Binney, Check List, No. 261. Jay, Cat., 4th ed., p. 275. Brot, List, p. 35. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 328. Melania imbricata, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., vi. p. 105, t. 3, f. 5, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 142. Brot, List, p. 36. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 259. Melania bicineta, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 56, Feb., 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 31. Brot, List, p. 36. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 327. Melania assimilis, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 60, Feb. 1860. Brot, List, p. 36. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 464. Melania axsimilis, Lea, (mistake,) Binney, Check List, No. 22. Goniobasis (fchtensis, Lea, Proc. Acad, Nat. Sci., p. 270, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 334, t. 38, f. 194, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 156. Goniobans Barrattii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 271, 1862. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 335, t. 38, f. 196, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 157. 133. G. iota, Anthony. Melania iota, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 86, t. 2, f. 4, March, 1854. Brot, List, p. 36. Binney, Check List, No. 153. 134. G. nigrocin eta, Anthony. Melania nigrocincta, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 90, t. 2, f. 8, March, 1854. Brot, List, p. 36. Binney, Check List. 135. G. te eta, Anthony. Melania tecta, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 105, t. 3, f. 4, Mar. 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 265. Brot, List, p. 37. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 253. Goniobasis macella, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 270. 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 333, t. 38, f. 192, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 155. 136. G. h y b r i d a,g Anthony. Melania hybrida, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 60, Feb. 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 140. Brot, List, p. 36. Melania subcarinata, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 282. 137. G. fu s co cincta, Anthony. Melania fuscodncta, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 120, t. 3, f. 20, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 118. Brot, List, p. 40. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 415. 138. G. congesta,|| Conrad. * G. pulcherrima is the juvenile form. t Differs from vittata, Anth., in having a more rounded aperture. J The various synonyms of this species, inhabiting North and South Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee, are all characterized by an identical form, although varying somewhat in color. Hav- ing examined several hundred specimens, I find them to vary so much in that respect that I cannot unite any of the so-called species. \ Differs from symmetrica in being more cylindrical, with the whorls more flattened. I) I can obtain no information regarding this species excopt the meagre description. It has never been figured, and I cannot find specimens in our cabinets. 51 Melania congesta, Conrad, Amer. Jour. Sci., 1st ser. xxv. p. 343, Jan. 1834. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 96. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Binney, Check List, No. 64. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 273. Brot, List, p. 36. G. Short clavate, smooth species. 139. G. auriculaeformis, Lea.* Melania auriculxformis, Lea, Philos. Proc., iv. p. 166. Philos. Trans., x. p. 62, t. 9, f. 39. Obs. iv. p. 62, t. 9, f, 39. Binney, Check List, No. 24. Brot, List, p. 32. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 409. 140. G. Nick lini ana, Lea. Melania Nickliniana, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 12, Feb., 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 171, t. 5, f. 18. Obs. iii. p. 9. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 95. Reeve, Monog. Melania., sp. 375. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 187. Leptoxis Nickliniana. Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 371. 141. G. aterina, Lea.f Goniobasis aterina, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 155, May, 1863. 142. G. Bin n ey a 11 a, Lea. Goniobasis Binneyana, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 266, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 310, t. 37, f. 152, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 132. 143. G. ebenum, Lea.J Melania ebenum, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 12, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 166, t 5, f. 7. Obs, iii. p. 4. DeKay, Moll. New York, p 93. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 273. Binney, Check List, No. 93. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 350. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 186. Brot, -List, p. 31. Anculotus ebenum, Lea, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus t. 4, f. 31. Melania brunnea, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 92, t. 2, f. 10, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 41. Brot, List, p. 39. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 319. Melania Paula, Anthony, Brot, List, p. 40. 144. G. V au xi a na, Lea. Goniobasis Vauxiana, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 265, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 309, t. 37, f. 150, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 131. 145. G. lar vaef o r mi s, Lea. Melania larvseformis, Lea, MSS., Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 357, Dec , 1860. Brot, List, p. 38. 146. G. au ri com a, Lea. Goniobasis auricoma, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 265, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 308, t. 37, f. 148, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 130. 147. G. glabra, Lea.g Melania glabra, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., ii. p. 82, Oct., 1841. Philos. Trans., ix. p. 18. Obs. iv. p. 18. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Binney, Check List, No. 123. Brot, List, p. 38. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 439. 148. G. graminea, Haldeman, MSS. 149. G. gibbosa, Lea. Melania gibbosa, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 34, April, 1841. Philos. Trans, x. *This shell reminds us of a young olivvla. Con., but differs from that species in texture, t Differs from ebenum, Lea, in being smaller, narrower, and more angulate at the periphery. J Lighter olored and more rounded than iostoma, Anthony. Mr. Lea considers that species to be identical with ebfnum. I Simplex, Say ? 52 p. 301, t. 30, f. 12. Obs. v. p. 57, t. 30. f. 12. Binney , Check List, No. 121. Brot, List, p. 40. 150. G. Van ux e m ii, Lea. Goniobasis Vanuxcmii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 265, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. p. 307, t. 37, f. 146. Obs. ix. p. 129. 151. G. c o g n a t a, Anthony. Melania cognata, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 60, Feb., 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 59. Brot, List, p. 39. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 458, 152. G. Ge orgian a, Lea. Goniobasis Georgiana, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 265, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 308, t. 37, f. 149. Obs. ix. p. 130. 153. G. abrupt a, Lea. Melania abrupta, Lea, Philos. Proc., iv. p. 165. Philos. Trans., x. p. 59, t. 9, f. 32. Obs. iv. p. 59, t. 9, f. 32. Binney, Check List, No. 2. Brot, List, p. 37. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 397. 154. G. d e p y g i s, Say. Melania depygis, Say, New Harmony Disseminator, p. 291. Say's Reprint, p. 19. Am. Conchology, Part 1, t. 8, f. 4, 5. Binney's Reprint, p. 145 and 157, t. 8. Binney, Check List, No. 87. Lapham, Cat. Moll. Wis- consin. Kirtland, Am. Jour. Sci. Kirtland, Rep. Zool. Ohio, p. 174. Shaffer, Catalogue. Higgins, Catalogue. Anthony, List, 1st and 2d Edit. Sager, Rept. Michigan Moll., p. 15. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S. p. 25. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 89, t. 7, f. 135. Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 32. Jay, Cat. Shells. 4th Edit., p. 273. Adams, Am. Jour. Sci., xl. p. 366. Adams, Thompson's Hist. Vermont, p. 152. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 186. Brot, List, p. 37. Deshayes, Lamark, Anim. sans. Vert., viii. p. 441. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 373. Melania occulla, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 5, Feb., 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 185. Brot, List, p. 38. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 254. 155. G. live s c ens, Menke. Melania livescens, Menke, Syn. Meth., p. 135, 1830. Binney, Check List, No. 163. Gould, Lake Superior, p. 245. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 274. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 229. Brot, List, p. 38. Currier, Shells of Grand River Valley, Mich., 1859. Melania Niagarensis* Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 12, Feb., 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 173, t. 5, f. 21. Obs. iii. p. 11. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 90. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Binney, Check List, No. 175. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 187. Brot, List, p. 38. Currier, Shells of Grand River Valley, Mich. Bell, Canad. Naturalist, iv. pt. 3, p. 213, June, 1859. Melania napella, Anthony, Bost. Proc., iii. p. 362, Dec., 1850. Binney, Check List, No. 170." Brot, List, p. 59. Melania cuspidata, Anthony, Bost. Proc., iii. p. 362, Dec., 1850. Binney, Check List, No. 83. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 283. Melania correcta, Brot, List, p. 39. 156. G. Milesii, Lea.f Goniobasis Milesii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 154, May, 1863. 157. G. simplex, Say. Melania simplex, Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. p. 126, Sept., 1825. Binney's Edition, p. 115. Binney, Check List, No. 244. Dekay, Moll. N. Y., p. *In considering this species to be the same as Uvescens, I am sustained by the opinion of almost every American Conchologist. f Larger, more convex, and of thinner texture than livesc&ns. 53 100. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Reeve, Monog. Melaaia, sp. 148. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 275. Brot, List, p. 38. Melania Warderiana, Lea,* Philos. Proc., ii. p. 14, Feb., 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 185, t. 6, f. 47. Obs. iii. p. 23. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 99. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 189. Binney, Check List, No. 297. Brot, List, p. 39. Reeve, Monopr. Melania, sp. 353. Melania Wardiana, Lea, Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S , p. 27. Potadoma Warderiana, Lea, Chenu. Manual de Conchyl., i. f. 1972. Melania densa, Anthony, Bost. Proc., iii. p. 360. Dec., 1850. Binney, Check List, No. 89. Brot, List, p. 31. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 250. 158. G. Potosiensis, Le.i.f Melania Potosiensis, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 14, Feb., 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 184, t. 6, f. 45. Obs. iii. p. 22. DeKay, Moll. N. Y. ( p. 99. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Binney, Check List, No. 215. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 188. Brot, List, p. 36. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 295. 159. G. tort a, Lea. Melania torta. Lea, Philos. Proc. iv. p. 165, Aug. 1845. Philos. Trans., x. p. 58, t. 9, f. 30. Obs. iv. p. 58. Binney, Check List, No. 272. Brot, List, p. 39. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 377. 160. G. S af for d i, Lea. Melania Saffordi, Lea, Philos., Trans, x. p. 300, t. 30, f. 10. Obs. v. p. 56. Binney, Check List, No. 236. Brot, List, p. 38. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 365. Melania virens, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye, Nat. Hist. vi. p. 93, t. 2, f. 11, Mar, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 289. Brot, List, p. 40. 161. G. Newberryi, Lea. Goniobasis Newberryi, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. March 20, 1860. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 300, t. 37, f. 135, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 122. Binney, Check List, No. 174. Brot, List, p. 38. 162. G. bul bosa,t Gould. Melania bulbosa, Gould, Bost. Proc. ii. p. 225, July, 1847. Otia Concholo- gica, p. 46. Moll. Expl. Exped. p. 142, f. 163, 163a. 1852. Binney, Check List, No. 43. Brot, List, p. 58. 163. G. Lithasioides, Lea. Goniobasis Lithasioides. Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., May, 1863. 164. G. infantula, Lea. Goniobasis infantula, Lea, Proc. lead. Nat. Sci., May, 1863. 165. G. Louisville nsis, Lea. Goniobasis Loui&villcnsis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., May, 1863. H. Smooth, elevated species. 166. G. p u 1 c b e 1 1 a ,| Anthony. Melania pulchella, Anthony, Bost. Proc. iii. p. 361, Dec. 1850. Biggins, Cata- logue, p. 7. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 257. Binney, Check List, No. 221. Brot, List, p. 38. Currier, Shells of Grand River Valley, Mich. * I am much indebted to Prof. Haldeman for the opportunity of studying the excellent suite of specimens collected by himself in Holston River, which conclusively proves the identity of these gpecics. f Were it not for the wide difference of habitat, I should suspect this to be the same as simplex of Say. jThis gpecies is exactly similar in outline to Mr. Lea's Newberryi. but none of the specimens of bulbosa that I have seen, (including Dr.GouLl's types), exhibit the slightest indication of bands, while Mr. Lea declares his species to be always banded. Shell more elevated than depygis, which it resembles ia color and ornamentation. 54 167. G. c i n e r e a , Lea. Goniobasis cinerea, Lea, Proc. Aad. Nat. Sci., p. 265, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 306, t. 37, f. 145. Obs. ix. p. 128. 168. G. gracilior, Anthony. Melania gracilis, * Anthony, Cover of No. 4. Haldeman's Monog. Limniades, Dec. 28, 1841. Shells of Cincinnati, 1st Edit. Newberry, Proc. Amer- ican Association for Adv. of Science, v. p. 105. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 273. Melania gracilior, Anthony, Ann. N. Y, Lye Nat. Hist. vi. p. 129, t. 1, f. 5, 1854. Higgins, Cat. p. 7. Binney, Check List, No, 127. Reeve, Mo- nog. Melania, sp. 244. Melania gracilis, Lea, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 369. 169. G. Etowahensis,! Lea. Goniobasis Elowahensis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 264, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 299, t. 37, f. 133, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 170. G. translucens, Anthony, (MSS.) 171. G. ovoidea,J Lea. Melania ovoidea, Lea, Philos. Proc. iv. p. 167, Aug. 1845. Philos. Trans., x. p. 61, t. 9, f, 38. Obs. iv. p. 61. Binney, Check List, No. 193. Brot, List, p. 38. 172. G. gr a t a , Anthony. Melania grata, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 61, Feb. 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 131. Brot, List, p. 34. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 433. Goniobasis Prairiensis,% T .-ea, Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci., p. 264, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sc., v. pt. 3, p, 299, t. 37, f. 132., Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 121. 173. G. quadricincta, Lea, (MSS). 174. G. flava, Lea. Goniobasis flava, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 264, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 303, t. 37, f. 139, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 125. 175. G. tenebrovittata, Lea. Goniobasis tenebrovittata, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 264, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 301, t. 37, f. 136, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 123. 176. G. ten era, Anthony. Melania tenera,\\ Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 407, Apr. 1861. Brot, List, p. 39. Goniobasis Brumbyi, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 263, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 296, t. 37, f. 127, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 118. G. s p u r c a ,^" Lea. Melania spurca, Lea, Philos, Proc. iv. p. 166, Aug. 1845. Philos. Trans., x. p. 59, t. 9, f. 31. Obs. iv. p. 59. Binney, Check List, No. 248. Brot, List, p. 31. 178. G. Elliottii, Lea. Goniobasis Elliottii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 271, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p 338, t. 38, f. 201, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 160. * Preoccupied by Mr. Lea. t Preoccupied for a nodose species, also from Georgia. tMr. Reeve's figure 405, intended for this species, represents a species of Lithaaia. gMr. Lea described this species under the misapprehension that the wider shell, which he now proposes to call quadricincta, was the species described as grata by Mr. Anthony, whereas, Mr . Anthony's types are of the narrow form. I G. ttne.ro. is the young shell. t Mr. Reeve's figure 340 does not represent this species. 55 179. G. pallescens, Lea. Melania pallescens, Lea, Philos. Proc. iv. p. 166, Aug. 1845. Philos. Trans., x. p. 63, t. 9, f. 43. Obs. iv. p. 63. Binney, Check List, No. 196. Brot, List, p. 31. Goniobasis inosculata* Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 270, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 334, t. 38, f. 195, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 156. 180. G. par v a, Lea. Goniobasis parva, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 264, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 297, t. 37, f. 129, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 119. 181. G. Ocoeensis,f Lea. Melania Ocoeenxis, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 12, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii , p. 169, t. 5, f. 13. Obs. iii. p. 7. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 94. Troost, Cat. Shells Tennessee. Brot, List, p. 38. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Callow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 188. Melania Ocoensis, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 186. Potadoma Ocoensis, Lea, Chenu. Man. de Conch, i. f. 1969. 182. G. Anthony i, Lea. Goniobasis Anthonyi, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.,p 264, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci , v. pt. 3, p. 303, t. 37, f. 140, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 125. 183. G. Cahawbensis, Lea. Melania Cahawbensis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 121, 1861. Goniobans Cahawbensis, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 223, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 45. 184. G. Estabrookii, Lea. Goniobasis Estabrookii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 264, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 298, t. 37, f. 131, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 120. 185. G. G a b b i a n a , Lea. Goniobafis Gabbiana, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 265, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 304. t. 37, f. 141, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 126. 186. G. sub s olid a.* Lea. Melania subsolida, Philoa. Proc. ii. p. 12, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 168, t. 5, f. 12. Obs. iii. p. 6. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Binney, Check List, No. 255. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 94. Catlow, Conch. Nomeno. p. 188. Brot, List, p. 39. Melania sordida, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 12, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 170 t. 5. f. 15. Obs., iii. p. 8. DeKny, MJ1. N. Y., p. 94. Reeve, Mo- nog. Melania, sp. 449. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 275. Troost, Cat. Shells Tennessee. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 188. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Binney, Check List, No. 246. Brot, List, p. 33. Potadoma sordida, Lea, Chenu, Manuel de Conchyl. i. f. 1971. Melania perfusca, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 82, Oct. 1841. Philos. Trans., ix. p. 18. Obs. iv. p. 18. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U.S., p. 26. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 274. Binney, Check List, No. 201. Brot, List, p. 31. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 354. Melania incurta, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 300. Brot, List, p. 38. 187. G. cl a v a e f o r m is, Lea. Melania clavseformis, Lea, Philo?. Proc. ii. p. 12, Feb. 1841. Pbilos. Trans, viii. p. 168, t. 5, f. 10. Obs., iii. p. 6. DfKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 93. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 273. Trooft. Cat. Shells Tennessee. Wbeatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Reeve, Monog. Melaina, sp. 396. Binney, "Check List, No. 57. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc, p. 186. Brot, List, p. 37. *I regard this as the half grown shell of pallescens. t Mr. Reeve's figure 335 does not represent this species. j An extensive suite of specimens before me, furnished through the kindness of Messrs. Gould and Haldeman, convinces me that the above descriptions all apply to one vaiiabie epeciee. 56 188. G. castanea, Lea. Melania castanea, Lea, Pbilos. Proc. ii. p. 11. Philos. Trans., viii., p. 164, t. 5, f. 2. Obs, iii. p. 2. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 92. Troost, Cat. Shells Tennessee. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp, 337. 189. G. Cumberlandiensis, Lea. Goniobasis Cumberlandiensis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 155, May, 1863. 190. G. funebralis,* Anthony. Melania funebralis, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 56, Feb. 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 114. Brot, List, p. 38. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 372. 191. G. a d 11 s t a , Anthony. Melania adusfa, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 55, Feb. 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 2. Brot, List, p. 3V. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 338. 192. G. furva, Lea. Melania furva, Lea, Philos. Trans., x. p. 299, t. 30, f. 7. Obs., v. p. 55. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 115. Brot, List, p. 38. 193. G. dubiosa, Lea. Melania dubiafi Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 11, Feb. 1841. Melania dubiosa, Lea, Philos. Trans., viii. p. 166, t. 5, f. 6. Obs. iii. p. 4. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 93. Binney, Check List, No. 91. Troost Cat. Shells Tennessee. Wbeatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 273. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 186. Brot, List, p. 37. 194. G. laevigata,{ Lea. Melania, latvis, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 237, Dec. 1842. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 248. Obs. ii. p. 86. Melania Iscvigata, Lea, Proc. Philos. Soc. ii. p. 237. Philos. Trans., vii. p. 165, t. 5, f. 3. Obs. iii. p. 3. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 187. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 459. Melania Leaii, Brot, List, p. 34. 195. G. interline at a, Anthony, (MSS.) 196. G. Oh ioensi s, Lea. Goniobasis Ohioensis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci , p. 265, 1852. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 306, t. 37, f. 144. Obs. ix. p. 128. 197. G. b r e v i s p i r a , Anthony. Melania brevitpira, Anthony, Bost. Proc. iii. p. 361, Dec. 1850. Binney, Check List, No. 39. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 474. Brot, List, p. 37. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 263. 198. S. semicarinata,|| Say. Melania semicarinata, Say, New Harmony Disseminator, p. 261. Reprint, p. 16. American Conchology, Part 5, t. 47, f. 4. Binney's Reprint, p. 142, 200. Binney, Check List, No. 240. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 100. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 368. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S. p. 27. Jay, Cat. Shells 4th Edit., p. 275. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc, p. 188. Brot, List, p. 38. Kennicott, Trans. Ills. State Agricul. Soc. p. 595. * Narrower and more lengthened than the nearly allied G. adusta. It has not the pale yellow- ish sutural band of that species. f Preoccupied. II doubt whether this is more than an immature stage of dubiosa. | Proposed by Jir. lirot, because Iscvigata is preoccupied in Melania; but that name must Stand, as it is not preoccupied in Goniobasis. | The shells included in the above extensive synonymy present some variation in form and co- loration, but in an examination of several thousand specimens I was umible to separate the so- called species satisfactorily. G. semicaritiata, Say, is the young shell, which, when old, varies in form, being narrow in angvttiipira and exilis, and broader in the other syuon>ms. The specie* inhabits an extensive range of country. 57 Melania angustispira, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 55, Feb. I860. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 16. Brot, List, p. 3V. Melania angusta, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 359. Melania exilis, Haldeman, suppl. to No. 1 Monog, Limniades, Oct. 1840. Melania rufula, Haldeman, Monog. Limniades, No. 2, p. 3 of Cover, January, 1841. Binney, Check List, No. 234. Brot, List, p. 39. Melania Kirtlandiana, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 11, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii., p. 165, t. 5, f. 4. Obs. iii. p. 3. Anthony, Cat. 1st Edit. Higgins, Cat. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 92. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 361. Binney, Check List, No. 155. Brot, List, p. 36. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc, p. 18 T. Melania Kirtlandia, Lea, Philippi, Beschreib, Neuer Conchyl. Melania, t. 3. f. 8. Melania data, Anthony, Bost. Proc. iii. p. 362, Dec. 1850. Binney, Check List, No. 95. Brot, List, p. 37. Reeve, Monog. Melauia, sp. 331. Melania bicolorata, Anthony, Bost. Proc. iii. p. 361, Dec. 1850. Binney. Check List, No. 32. Brot, List, p. 58. Melania bicolor, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Melania, ap. 265 Melania inornata, Anthony, Bost. Proc. iii. p. 360. Dec. 1850. Melania sieccmulafa, Anthony, Bost. Proc. iii. p. 363, Dec. 1850. Binney. Check List, No. 258. Brot, List, p. 59. Melania varicosa, Ward, Haldeman, Monog. Limniades, Part iii. p. 3 of Cover, Mar. 13, 1854. Anthony, List, 1st and 2d Editions. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 275. Binney, Check List, No. 284. Catlow, Conch. Nooienc. p. 189. Melania livida, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 434. Brot, List, p. 30. Goniobasis Grosvenorit, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 263, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 297, t. 37, f. 128, Mar. 1863. Obs. Lr. p. 119. Melania babylonica* Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 14, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 183, t. 6, f. 43. Obs. iii. p. 21. DeKay, Moll, N. Y., p. 98. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S. p. 24. Binney, Check List, No. 26. Cat- low, Conch. Nomenc. p. 185. Brot, List, p. 36. 199. G. Haldemani, Tryon, (MSS.) Melania acuta, Lea, Bell, Canadian Nat. iv. pt. 3, p. 213. Lewis, Bost. Proc. vi. p 2. Melania exilis, Haldeman, Adams, Moll. Vermont. 200. G. cu rvilabris, Anthony. Melania curvilabris, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 102, t. 3, f. 1 Mar. 1354. Binney, Check List, No. 82. Brot, List, p. 31. Reeve,' Monog. Melania, sp. 378. 01. G. inform is, Lea. Gonioba-ns informis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 154, May, 1863. 202. G. v it t ate 11 a, Lea. Goniobasis vitiatclla, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 155, May, 1863. 203. G. Alexandrensi s, Lea. Melania Alexandrcnsis, Lea, Philos. Proc. iv. p. 167. Philog. Trans x p 61, t. 9, f. 37. Obs. iv. p. 61. Binney, Check List, No. 8. Brot', List, p. 37. 204. G. Hal ei an a, Lea. Melania Haleiana, Lea, Philog. Proc. iv. p. 167, Aug. 1845. Philos Trane x. p. 60. t. 9, f. 35. Obs. iv. p. 60. Binney, Check List, No. 134. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 406. 205. G. rubella, Lea. Goniobasis rubella, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 270, 1862. Jour. Acad Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 332, t. 38, f. 191, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 154. * A scalariform monstrosity. 58 206. G. spin el la, Lea. Goniobaxis spinella, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 264, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sc., v. pt. 3, p. 298, t. 37, f. 130, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 120. 207. G. Draytonii, Lea. Goniobasis Draytonii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 264, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 300, t. 37, f. 134, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 122. Goniobasis nigrina, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc., p. 263, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 299, t. 37, f. 133. Obs. ix. p. 121. 208. G. p r o x i m a , Say. Melania proximo,, Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 126, Sept. 1825. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 275. Binney's Edit, of Say, p. 115. Binney, Check List, No. 220. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 99. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Gibbes' Report, p. 19. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 274. Brot, List, p. 38. Melania carinata* Ravenel, Cat. p. 11, 1834. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Binney, Check List, No. 47. Melania Taitiana, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 11, Feb., 1841. Philos. Trans, viii. p. 165, t. 5, f. 5. Obs. iii. p. 3. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 92. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Jay, Cat., 4th edit., p. 275. Binney, Check List, No. 264. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 189. Reeve, Monog. Mela- nia, sp. 444. Brot, List, p. 37. Melania rufa, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 12, Feb., 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 167, t. 5, f. 8. Obs. iii. p. 5. Troost, Cat. Shells Tennessee. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Catlow, Conch. Ncmenc., p. 188. Melania rufescens, Lea, DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 93. Jay, Cat., 4th edit., p. 274. Binney, Check List, No. 233. Brot, List, p. 37. Melania approximata, Haldeman, Monog. Limniades, No. 4, p. 4 of Cover, Dec. 28, 1841. Jay, Cat,, 4th edit., p. 272. Binney, Check List, No. 18. Brot, List, p. 36. Melania abjectafi Haldeman, Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 341. Brot, List, p. 34. Goniobasis rubricata, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci., p. 271, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 335, t. 38, f. 197. Obs. ix. p. 157, t. 38, f. 197. I. Striate species, spire elevated. 209. G. Virgini c a, Gmelin. Buccinum Virgmica, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. . Green, Trans., Alb. Inst., i. p. 135. Wood, Index Test., t. 24, f. 154. Paludina Virginica, Say, Nicholson's Encyc., iii. t. 2, f. 4. Melania Virginica, Say, Am. Conch., pt. 5, t. 47, f. 2. App. to Long's Exped., ii. p. 265. Binney's Edit., p. 131 and 199. Binney, Check List, No. 291. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 189. Philippi, Neu'er Conchylien Melania, t. 2, f. 12. Hildreth, Am. Jour. Science, xxxi. p. 53. Sager, Rept. Zool. Mich., p. 15. Conrad, Am. Jour. Science, N. S., i. p. 407. Haldeman, Rupps Hist. Lancaster County, Pa,, p. 479. Haldeman, Am. Jour. Sci., xli. p. 22. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 90, t. 7, f. 141. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S.. p. 27. Hartman, Catalogue Shells Chester Co., Pa/ Brot, List, p, 35. Girard, Proc. National Inst., i. No. 2, p. 82. Jay, Cat,, 4th edit., p. 275. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 321. Limnsca Virginica, Say, Short and Eaton, Notices, p. 82. Juga Virginica, Say, Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. f. 2019. Melania multilineata, Say, Jour. Acad. Nat Sci., ii. p. 380, Dec. 1822. Am. * I make this a synonym on the authority of Dr. Jay. 1 1 doubt whether this shell really came from Arkansas, although the established geographical distribution of proximo, is very great. 59 Conchology, pt. 5, t. 47, f. 2. Binney's Edit., p. Ill and 199. Binney, Check List, No. 169. DeKay, Moll. Kept, to Regents, p. 32. Moll. N. York, p. 97. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Hartman, Cat. Shells Chester Co., Penna. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 187. Girard, Proc. Nat. Inst., i. No. 2, p. 82, March, 1856. Philippi, Neiier Con- chyl. Melania, t. 2, f. 13. Melania auriscalpium,* Menke. Melania curta, Menke, Syn. Meth., p. 135, 1830. Melania fasciata, Menke, Syn. Meth., p. 136, 1830. Melania bizonalis, DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 91, t. 7, f. 140, a, b. 1843. Binney, Check List, No. 35. Melania Buddii, DeKay, Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 24. Melania gemma ,f DeKay, Moll. N* Y., p. 91, t. 7, f. 142, 1843. Binney, Check List, No. 119. Brot, List, p. 38. Melania striggilata, Muhlfeldt,J in Litt. Melania inemta, Anthony, Bost. Proc., iii., p. 362, Dec., 1850. Binney, Check List, No. 145. Brot, List, p. 58. 210. G. sulcosa, Lea.g Melania sulcosa, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 14, Feb., 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 185, t. 6, f. 48. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 99. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 189. Binney, Check List, No. 259. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Brot, List, p. 35. Ceriphasia sulcosa, Lea, Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. f. 1957. 211. G. Buddii, Lea. Mtlania Buddii, Lea, Philos. Proc. iv. p. 165. Philos. Trans, x. p. 64, t. 9, f. 44. Obs. iv. p. 64. Binney, Check List, No. 42. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 273. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 324. 212. G. Troostiana, Lea. Melania Troostiana, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 34, April, 1841. Philos. Trans., p. 92, t. 23, f. 86. Obs. ii. p. 92. DeKay, Moll. N. York, p. 100. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Binney, Check List, No. 276. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit,, p. 275. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 189. Brot, List, p. 35. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 339. 213. G. 1 a t i t a n s, Anthony. Melania latitans, Anthony, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, vi. p. 88, t. 2, f. 6, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 159. Brot, List, p. 34. 214. G. p or re eta, Lea. Goniobasis porrecta, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci., p. 155, May, 1863. 215. G. sculptilis, Lea. Melania sculptilis, Lea, Philos. Trans., x. p. 297, t. 30, f. 3. Obs. V. p. 53, t. 30, f. 3. Binney, Check List, No. 238. Brot, List, p. 38. 216. G. crenatella, Lea. Melania crenatella, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 268, t. 35, f. 79, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. . Binney, Check List, No. 76. Brot, List, p. 34. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 457. * Prof. Haldeman was the first naturalist who identified the various descriptions of Menke with Virginica. Philippi has since figured some of these as varieties of that species. t This shell has been referied both to Virginica and to depygis by American Authors. I do not give a confident opinion as to its proper place. About bizonalis of DeKay there can be no douht. t Teste Philippi, Neuer Conchyl. g When perfect specimens of this shell are obtained, it may prove to be a Pleiarocera instead of Goniobasis. 6 61 Synonymy of the Species of STREPOMATID.E, a Family of Flnviatile Kollnaca inhabiting North America. Part 3. BY GEORGE \V. TRYON, JR. Genus SCHIZOSTOMA, Lea. Sihizostoma, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 242, Dec. 1842, iv. p. 167, Aug. 1845. Philos. Trans, x. p. 67,1847.. Obs. iv. p. 41, 1847. Proc. Acad. :N r at Sci., May, 1860. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 245, Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 67. Schizocheilus, Lea, Philos. Trans, x. p. 295, 1853. Obs. v. p. 51, 1853. Gyrotoma, Shuttleworth, Mittheil, Naturforsch. Bern. p. 88, July 22, 1845. Adams, Genera, i. p. 305, Feb.. 1854. Gray, Guide to Mollusca, i. p. 103, 1857. Chenu, Man. de Conchy!, i. p. 293, 1859. Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 63, Feb., 1860." Binney, Check List, June, 1860. Brot, List, p. 27, 1862. Melatoma, Anthony, Gray, Zool. Proc., p. 153, 1847. Woodward, Manual, p. 131, 1851. Reeve, Conch. Icon.. Mar., 1860. Apella, Mighels, MSS. SYNOPTICL TABLE OF SPECIES.* Fissure direct, narrow, and deep. Fissure oblique, short, and wide. 1. Shell striate or ridged, a. Shell conical, spire lengthened, sharply carinate. 1. S. Carin if er u m, Anthony. 15. S. p a g o d u m, Lea. S. Showalterii, Lea. 16. S. pyramidatum, Shutt. 2. S. castaneum, Lea. 17. S. W* e t u m p k a e n s e, Lea. S. ornafa, Anth. S. pagoda, Lea, of Reeve. b. Shell conic-cylindrical ; spire obtuse, not carinate. 3. S. o v o i d e u m, Shnttleworth. 18. S. Al ab am e nse, Lea. 19 S. Antho ny i, Lea. 4. S. e x c i s u m, Lea. 20. S. b a b y 1 o n i c u m, Lea. Spillmanii, Lea. c. Shell globosely-ovate, spire moderate. 5. S. p u m i 1 u m, Lea. 21. S. B u d d i i, Lea. Globoswn, Lea. S. funiculatum, Lea. Alabamensc, Lea, of Reeve, S. pagodum, Lea, of Reeve. Showalterii, Lea, of Reeve. 2. Shell smooth, d. S'- ell elliptic. 6. S. e 1 1 i p t i c u m, Anthony. 7. S. 1 a c i n i a t u m, Lea. e. Shell quadrately cylindrical. 8. S. amp lu m, Anthony. 22. S. dem iss um, Anth. 9. S. n u c u 1 u m, Anthony. S. ffarlmann, Lea. 23. S. cons trie turn, Lea. S. rectum, Anth. *The SchizosbimsR contain two nearly equal groups, characterized respectively by a narrow direct, and an ublique, short. wi.Je flit. In the above table the opposite species in the two groups are generally exactly siirilir except in the character of th slit! 62 10. S. cylindraceum, Mighels. 24. S. s alebr osum, Anth. S. robusium, Anth. S. rectum, Anth., of Reeve. f. Shell ovate, whorls obliquely flattened, spire obtuse. 11. S. b u Ib osu m, Anthony. 25. S. glandu lum, Lea. S. ovalis, Anthony. 26. S. i n c i s u m, Lea. 12. S curtum, Mighels.* S. virens, Lea. S. quadratum, Anthony. S. obliquum, Anthony. 13. S. glan s, Lea. g. Shell globose. 14. S. sphaericum, Anthony. SPECIES. 1. S. c ar in i fe ru m, Anthony. Gyrotoma carinifera, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 66, Feb., 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 310. Brot, List, p. 27, Melatoma cariniferzim, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Melatoma, t. 2, f. 13. Schizostoma Showal(erii,-f Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 93, Mar., 1860. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., t. 35, f. 49, Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 68. Gyrotoma Showalterii, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 334. Brot, List, p. 28. 2. S. castaneum, Lea. Schizostoma ca.-itaneum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 186, May, 1860. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, t. '35, f. 50. Obs. ix. p. 69. ^ Gyrotoma castanea, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 311. Brot, List, p. 27. 3. S. o v o i d e u m, Shuttle-worth. Gyrotoma ovoidettm, Shuttleworth, Mittheil., Bern. Nat. GeselL, No. 50, p. 88, July 22, 1845. H. & A. Adams, Genera, iii. t. 32, f. 4. 4. S. e x c i s u m, Lea.J Melania excisa, Lea, Philos. Proc., p. 242, Dec., 1842. Philos. Trans, ix. 1846. Jay, Cat., 4th edit., p. 273. Schizostoma cxcisa, Lea, Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S. p. 28. Gyrotoma excisa, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 317. Brot, List, p. 27. Melatoma excisum, Lea, Reeve, Monog. sp. 2. 5. S. p u mil u m, Lea. Schizostoma pvmdum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 187, May, 1860. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, t. 35, f. 57, Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 74. Gyrotoma pumilit, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 328. Brot, List, p. 27. Schizostoma ylobosum^ Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 187, May, 1860. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, t. 35, f. 58, Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 74. G.t/rotoma alobosa, Lea, Biriey, Check List, No. 321. Brot, List, p. 27. Melatoma globosum, Lea, Reeve, Monog. t. 3, f. 18. Melatoma Alabamense, Lea, of Reeve, Monog. sp. 20. Melatoma Showaiterii, Lea, of Reeve, Monog. sp. 23 ? 6. S. e 1 1 i p t i c u m, Lea.|| Melatoma tlVpticum, Anthony r MSS. Reeve, Monog., t. 3, f. 21, Apr. 1861. Gyrotoma elliptica, Anthony, Brot, List, p. 2 1 ?. * Synonym of bulbomm ? f Mr. Reeve's figure 23 of Melatoma [Showalterii does not represent this species, but S. pumi- lum, Lea. J .Mr. Reeve an 1 DC. Brot, place ovoideum, Shutt., in the synonymy of this species. As T have no means of comparing specimens of the latter with Mr. Lea's species, I have preferred to sep- arate them at present. S. Babylonicum is a larger, wider, more robust species. $ The young of pumilum. || Distinguished from bulbosum, Anth., by its more lengtheneJ form, and by the regularly con- vex outline of the body whorl and spire. 63 7. S. laciniatum, Lea. Schizostoma laciniatum, Lea, Philos. Proc. iv. p. 167, Aug., 1845. Philos. Trans, x. p. 69, t. 9, f. 57, 1853. Gyrotoma laciniata, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 324. Brot, List, p. 27. 8. S. am plu m, Anthony. Gyrotoma ampla, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 66, Feb., 1860. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 306. Brot, List, p. 27. Melatomd amplum, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. t. 3, sp. 16. 9. S. n u c u 1 u m, Anthony. Melatomi nucula, Anthony, M33. Reeve, Mouog. t. 3, f. 19, Apr., 1861. Gyrotoma nucula, Anthony, Brot, List, p. 27. 10. S. cy li ndra ceu m,* Mighels. Schizostoma cylindracea, Mighels, Bost. Proc. i. p. 189, Oct., 1844. Gyrotoma cylindracea, Miill.,^ Binney, Check List, Xo. 315. Gyrotoma cylindracea, "Gould, Brot, List, p. 27. 11. S. bulb o sum, J Anthony. Gyrotoma bulbosa, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 65, Feb., 1860. Bin- ney, Check List, Xo. 309. Brot, List, p. 27. Melatoma bulbosum, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. sp. 22. Gyrotoma ovalis, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci., p. 65, Feb., 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 325. Brot, List, p. 27. 12. S. curtum, Mighels. Sckizostoma curta, Mighels, Bost. Proc. i. p. 189, Oct., 1844. G;jr6toma curta, Mighels, Binney, Check List, Xo. 314. Gyrotoma curta, Gould, Brot, List, p. 27. 13. S. glans,|| Lea. Schizostoma glans, Lea, Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci., p. 186", May, 1860. Jour. Acad. Xat. Sci., v. pt. 3, t. 35, f. 52, Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 70. Gyrotoma glans, Lea, Binney, Check List, Xo. 320. Brot, List, p. 27. 14. S. s p h ae r i c u m, Anthony. Melatoma sphsericum, Anthony, MSS., Reeve, Monog. sp. 8, Apr., 1861. 15. S. pagoda,^" Lea. Schizostoma pagoda, Lea, Philos. Proc. iv. p. 167, Aug., 1845. Philos. Trans., x. p. 67, t. 9, f. 52, 1853. Gyrotoma pagoda, Lea, Chenu, Manuel, i. f. 2020. Binney, Check List, Xo. 327. Brot, List, p. 27. 16. S. p y r a m i d a t u m, Shuttleworth.** Gyro'oma pyramidatum, Shuttleworth, Mitt. Bern. Nat. Gesell., No. 50, p. 88, July 22, 1845. Binney, Check List, No. 329. Brot, List, p. 27. 17. S. Wet umpka e n se, Lea. Schizostoma Wetumpkaense, Lea, Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci., p. 187, May, 1860. Jour. Acad. Xat. Sci., v. pt. 3, t. 35, f. 56, Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 73. Gyrotoma Wetumpkaensis, Lea,- Binney, Check List, Xo. 336. Brot, List, p. 28. Melatoma Wetumpkaense, Lea, Reeve, Monog. t. 3, f. 17. * I have not seen this species. t Typographical error. j Having examined many specimens of bulbosum and avalis, I find no difference of specific weight. 1 have not seen this species. inflate! heavier, much lighter in color, not so strongly striated, and with narrower bands than S. globosum, Anth. In a very fine specimen before me, the body whorl is disposed to be tuberculate below the suture. ^ Mr. Reeve figures two distinct species for this shell; his fig. 1 a. is S. Wetumpkaense, Lea, and fig. 1 b. is S. Buddii, Lea. **I hare seen no authentic specimens of this species. 64 Melatoma ornata,* Anthony, MSS., Reeve, Monog. fig. 11. Melatoma pagoda. Lea. Reeve, Monog. fig. 1, a. (not 1 b). 18. S. A 1 a b a m e n s e,f Lea. Schizostoma Alabamense, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 187, May, 1860. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, t. 35, f. 54. Obs. ix. p. 72. Gyrotoma Alabamensis, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 305. Brot, List, No. 27. '19. S. An th onyi, Reeve. Melatoma Anthonyi, Reeve, Monog. sp. 12, Apr.. 18G1. Gyrotoma Anthonyi, Reeve, Brot, List, p. 27. 20. S. b aby 1 on i c u rn, Lea. Schizostoma babylonicum, Lea, Philos. Proc., iv. p. 167, Aug., 1845. Philos. Trans, x. p. 68, t. 9, f. 54. Gyrotoma babylonicum, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 307. Chenu, Manuel do Conchyl. i. f. 2021. Brot, List, p. 27. ? Melatoma babylonicum. Lea, Reeve, Monog. sp 0. Schizostoma Spillmanii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.. p. 54. Feb., 1861. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3. t. 35, f. 55. Obs. ix. p. 72^ 21. S. Buddii, Lea.* Schizostoma Buddii, Lea, Philos. Proc. iv. p. 167, Aug., 1845. Philos. Trans. x. p. 68, t. 9, f. 53. Gyrotoma Buddii, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 308. Brot, List, p. 27. Schizostoma funiculatum, Lea, Philos. Proc., iv. p. 167, Aug., 1845. Philos. Trans, x. p. 69, t. 9, f. 56. Gyrotoma funiculata, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 318. Brot, List, p. 27. Melatoma funiculatum,^ Lea, of Reeve, Monog., sp. 5. Melatoma pagoda, Lea, of Reeve, Monog., sp. 1, b. 22. S. d em is sum, || Anthony. Gyrotoma demissa, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 64, Feb., 1860. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 316. Brot, List, p. 27. Melatoma demissum, Anthony, Reeve, Monog., sp. 9. Schizostoma Hartmanii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 187, May, 1860. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, t. 35, f. 51. Obs. ix. p. 69. Gyrotoma Hartmanii, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 322. Brot, List, p. 27. 23. S. c o n s t r i c t u m,1[ Lea. Schizostoma constrictum, Lea, Philos. Proc., iv. 'p. 167, Aug., 1845. Philos. Trans., x. p. 68, t. 9, f. 55. Gyrotoma constricta, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 302. Brot, List, p. 27. Gyrotoma recta, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci , p. 64. Feb. 18tiO. Binney, Check List, No. 331. Brot, List, p. 27. Melatoma rectum, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. sp. 10, not sp. 7, a. 24. S. sale bro su m, Anthony.** Gyrotoma salebrosa, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 66, Feb., 1860. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 333. * Never published by Mr. Anthony, who sent a specimen with label attached, marked " Proc. A. N. S.," to Mr. Reeve. Mr. Reeve, misled by this reference, refers in his description to Anc. tirnada, Anthony, and consequently assigns North Carolina as the habitat. No species of Schizos- toma is known to exist out of Coosa River, Alabama. /S'. ornatu is the young of Wetumpkaense. fMr. Reeve's figure 20, intended for this species, I refer to S. babylonicum, Lea. Alabamcnse is distinguished from babylonicum by the regularity of its striae. JMr. Reeve's figure (3) of this speecies is a Goniobasis Iseta, Jay. ?This figure does not so well represent funiculatum as fig. 1, b, intended for S. pagoda. if Mr. Lea, (Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3), makes this species to equal his S. constrictum. I do not consider them the same; constrictum is longer and narrower. fl Mr. Reeve's figure 7, a, represents rather a smooth variety of salebrosum, Anth. **In a large number of specimens before me, the distinctive features of salebrosum and robustum become so completely and insensibly merged together that I cannot separate them, and believe them to be identical. 65 Melatoma salebrosum, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. sp. 8 and 15. Gyrotoma robusta, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 67, Feb., 1860. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 332. Brot, List, p. 28. Melatoma robustum, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. sp, 14, a, b. Melatoma rectum, Anthony, of Reeve, Monog. sp. 7, a. 25. S. g 1 a n d u 1 a,*Lea; Schizostoma qlandula, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 187, 1860. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, t. 35, f. 53, Mar., 1863. Obs. iz. p. 71. Gyrotoma glandula, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 319. Brot, List, p. 27. 26. S. incisum,f Lea. Anculosa (Schizostoma} incisa, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 243, Dec., 1842. Philos. Trans, ix. p. . Schizostoma incisa, Lea, Wheatley, Cat. Shells, U. S. p. 28. Hanley, Conch. Misc. Melania, t. 5, f. 44, 45. Gyrotoma incisa, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 323. Brot, List. p. 27. Melatoma incisum, Lea, Reeve, Monog. sp. 4. Melania incisa, Lea, Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 274. Leptoxis incisa, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 363. Haldeman, Monog. p. 2, t. 1, f. 2426. Gyrotoma quadrata, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 65, Feb., 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 330. Melatoma quadratum, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. fig. 7, b, (not 7 a, or 8). Schizostoma virens, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 187, 1860. Jour. Acad. Xat. Sci., v. pt. 3, t. 35, f. 59. Obs. ix. p. 75. Gyrotoma virens, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 335. Brot, List, p. 28. Gyrotoma obliqua, Anthony, MSS. Species unknown to me. Gyrotoma conica, Shuttle-worth, (ubi) Brot, List, p. 27. 3d Section : aperture entire and rounded below. Genus ANCULOSA, Say. Anculosa, Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., ii. p. 178, Nov. 1821. Conrad, Am. Jour. Sci. xxv. p. 342, 1834. Muller, Syn. Test. Viv. p. 39, 1836. Swainson, Manual Malacol. 1840. Haldeman, Suppl. to Monog. Limniades, Oct. 1840. Sowerby, Conch. Manual, Edit. 2, p. 66, 1842. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S. p. 27, 1845. Lea, Philos. Trans, ix. p. 14, 1846. Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 67, Feb. 1860. Anculosa, Conrad, Hermannson Indices Gener. Malac. i. p. 51, 1846. Anculotus, Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 1, p. 128, Aug. 1825. Conrad, New Fresh Water Shells, p. 62, 1834. Couthuoy, Bost. Jour. ii. p. 184, Feb. 1839. Anthony, Bost. Jour., iii. p. 278, Jan. 1840. DeKay. Moll. X. York, p. 101, 1843. Chenu, Bibl. Conch, i. iii. Conrad, p. 26, 1845. Gray, Ge- nera, Zool. Proc. xv. p. 153, 1847. Woodward, Manual, i. p. 131, 1851. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 276, 1852. Reeve, Conch. Iconica, Sept. 1860. Ancylotus, Say, Hermannson, Indices. Gen. Mai. i. p. 51, 1846. ??Leptozis, Rafinesque, Journ. de Phys. Ixxxviii. p. 424, 1819. Haldeman, Mo- nog. Lept. H. & A. Adams, Genera, i. p. 307, Feb. 1854. Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. p. 294, 1859. Binney, Check List, p. 10, June, 1860. Brot, List, p. 23, 1862. Mudalia, Haldeman, Suppl. to Monog. Limn., Oct. 1840. Nitocris, H. & A. Adams, Genera, i. p. 308, Feb. 1854. * Closely allied to S. incisum, but may be distinguished by being heavier, of different color, higher spire, and more convex outline. t Mr. Lea, (Obs. ix. p. 67), considers quadratum , Anth.. to be a synonym of his S. incisum, in which decision I entirely agree with him. To these I unite S. virens, Lea, which I find to be the young shell of the same species. 1. Nodulous species. 1. A. Anthonyi, Budd. Anculosa Anthonyi, Budd, Redfield, Ann. Lye. X. Hist., vi. p. 130, t. 1, f. 6, Apr., 1854. Leptoxis Anthonyi, (Budd) Redfield, Brot, List, p. 23. Binney, Check List, No. 341. Anculotus Anthonyi, (Budd) Redfield, Reeve, Monog. Anc. t. 2, f. 17. 2. A. p 1 i c a t a, Conrad. Anculotus plicatus, Conrad, New Fresh -water Shells, p. 61, t. 8, f. 18, 1834. DeKay, Moll. N. York, p. 103. Jay, Catalogue. 4th Edit., p. 276. Reeve, Monog. t. 3, f. 22. Anculosa plicata, Conrad, Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. Leptoxis plicata, Conrad, Binney, Check List, No. 379. Haldeman, Monog. Lept., p. 3, t. 2, f. 3539. Anculosa bella, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 83, Oct., 1841. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. Anculosa tuberculata, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 83, Oct.. 1841. Phil. Trans. , ix. p. 21. Obs., iv. p. 21. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. Binney, Check List, No. 392. Anculotus Smaragdinus, Reeve, Monog. t. 3, f. 23, Apr., 1860. 2. Sulcate species. 3. A. Sh o w alt e r ii, Lea. Anculosa Showalterii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 93, 1860. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., 2d Ser., v. pt. 3, p. 255, t. 35, f. 62, Mar., 1863. Obs., ix. p. 77, t. 35, f. 62. Leptoxis Showalterii, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 385. Brot, List, p. 25. Anculotus sulcosus, Anthony, MSS., Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 6, f. 44, Apr., 1861. Leptoxis sulcosa, Anthony, Brot, List, p. 26. 4. A. c a n a 1 i f e r a, Anthony. Anculosa canalifera, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 68, Feb., 1860. Anculotus canaliferus, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 5, f. 39. Leptoxis canalifera, Anthony, Binney, Check List. No. 345. Brot, List, p. 24. 3. Striate species. 5. A. 1 i 1 1 o r i n a, Haldeman. Anculosa littorina, Haldeman, Spec. Number of Monog. Cover of No. 1, Mo- nog., July, 1840. Leptoxis littorina, Haldeman, Monog. Lept., p. 4, t. 4. f. 110. Binney, Check List, No. 368. . Brot. List, p. 24. Melania pilula, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 15, Feb., 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 186, t. 6, f. 50. Obs., iii. p. 24, t. 6, f. 50. DeKay, Moll. N. York, p. 99. Troost, Cat. Moll. Tennessee. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Binney, Check List, No. 204. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 188. 6. A. c o s t a t a,* Anthony. Anculotus costatus, Anthony, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., iii. p. 278, t. 3, f. 1, Jan., 1840. DeKay, Moll. N. York, p. 102, t. 7, f. 139. Reeve, Monog. Ancu- lotus, t. 5, f. 41. Anculosa costata, Anthony, List of Shells of Cincinnati, 2d Edit. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. Leptoxis costata, Anthony, Binney, Check List, No. 349. Melania occidentalis, Lea, Philos, Proc., ii. p. 12, Feb., 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 172, t. 5, f. 20. Obs., iii. p. 10, t. 5, f. 20. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., * M. occidentalis, Lea, is the mature form, and costata the young, of this species. They are not identical with trilineata, Say, as supposed by Prof. Haldeman. The latter species is not found in the upper Ohio, where costata abounds. 67 p. 95. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 2.6. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 274. Binney, Check List, No. 184. Catlow, Conchologist's Nomenc., p. 188. 7. A. rub i gin os a, Lea. Anculosa rubig : nosa, Lea, ii. p. 83, Oct., 1841. Philos. Trans., ix. p. 20. Obs., iv. p, 20. Anculotus rubiffinosus, Lea, Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 276. Reeve, Monog. An- cul., t. 2, f. 12, t. 6, f. 47. Leptoxis rubiginosa, Lea, Haldeman, Monog. Lept., f. 59 to 70. Binney. Check List, No. 383. Chenu, Manuel, i. f. 2035, 2036. Anculosa Griffithiana, Lea, Philos. Proc., ii. p. 83, Oct., 1841. Philos. Trans., ix. p. 20. Obs., iv. p. 20. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. Anculotus GriffUktiamu, Lea, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 1, f. 8. Leptoxis Grijfithiana, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 362. 4. Angulated species. 8. A. d i s s i m i 1 i s, Say. Paludina dissimilis, Say, Nicholson's Encyc., 3d Am. Edit., 1819. Anculotus dissimilis, Say, Ravenel, Cat., p. 11. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p, 276. Reeve, Monog. Ancul. t. 4, f. 27. Anculosa dissimilis, Say, Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. Haldeman, in Ruppell's Lancaster County, p. 479. Leptoxis dissimilis, Say, Haldeman, Monog. Lept., p. 4, t. 4, f. 85 100. Brot. List, p. 24. Binney, Check List, No. 355. Helix subcarinata, Wood, Index, Test. Lister, t. Ill, f. 5. Anculotus carinatus, DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 101, 1843. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 276. Anculosa carinata, DeKay, Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. Lepioxis carinata, DeKay, Binney, Check List. No. 343. Brot, List, p. 24. Variety a. Anculosa carinata, Lea, Proc. Philos., ii. p. 34, Apr.. 1841. Philos. Trans., ix. p. 15. Obs. iv. p. 15. Leptoxis carinata, Lea, Binney, Check List ; No. 344. Anculosa, variabilis, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 34, Apr. 1841. Philos. Trans. ix. p. 15. Obs. iv. p. 15. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S. p. 28. Leptoxis variabilis, Lea, Chenu, Manuel, i. f. 2037 39. Binney. Check List, No. 394. 'Brot, List, p. 26. Haldeman, Monog. Leptoxis, p. 4, t. 4, f. 1029. Variety b. Anculotus nif/resccns, Conrad, New Fresh Water Shells, p. 64, t. 8, f. 17, 1834. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 102. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S. p. 28. Jay, Cat.. 4th Edit. p. 276. Leptoxis niarescens, Conrad, Binney. Check List, No. 372. Anculotus trivittatus, DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 102, t. 7, f. 137, 1843. Leptoxis trivittata, DeKay, Binney, Check List, No. 390. Variety c. Anculotus monodontoides, Conrad, New Fresh-Water Shells, p. 61, t. 8, f. 16, 1834. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 102. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 276. Wheat- ley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. Reeve, Monog. Anc. t, 5, f. 37. Mudalia monodontoides, Conrad, Chenu, Manuel, i. f. 2046 S. Leptoxis monodontoides, Conrad, Haldeman. Monog. Leptoxis, p. 5, t. 4, 5 f. 124133. Binney Check List, No. 370. Anculotus dentatus, Couthuoy, Am. Journ. Sci. xxxvi. p. 390, July, 1839. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. ii. p. 185, t. 4, f. 7, Feb. 1839. Reeve, Monog. Anc. t. 5, f. 36. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 102. Jay, Cat., 3d Edit., p. 63. Anculosa dentafa. Couthuoy, Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. Lepioxis dentata, Couthuoy, Binney, Check List, No. 352. Anculosa dentata, Lea, Philos Proc. ii. p. 34, Apr. 1841. Leptoxis dentata, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 353. Anculosa (Mudalia) affinis^ Haldeman, Monog. Limniades, Cover of No. 3, Mar, 13th, 1841. Anculolus affinis, Haldeman, Reeve, .Monog. Anculotus, t. 6, f. 53. Leptoxis affinis, Haldeman, Binney, Check List, No. 337. Brot, List, p. 23. 9. A. d i 1 a t a t a,* Conrad. Melania dilatata, Conrad, New Fresh-Water Shells, Appendix, p. 6, t. 9, f. 5, 1834. Anculotus dilatatus, Conrad, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 5, f. 38. Anculosa dilatata, Conrad, Am. Journ. Science, n. s., i. p. 407. Hanley, Conch. Misc. t. 5, f. 38. Mudalia dilatata, Conrad, Chenu, Manuel de Conchyl. i. f. 2043 5. Leptoxis dilatata, Conrad, Haldeman, Monog. Leptoxis, p. 4, t. 4, f. Ill 120. Binney, Check List, No. 354. Brot, List, p. 24. Melania Rogersii,^ Conrad, New Fresh- Water Shells, Appendix, p. 7, t. 9, f. 7, 1834. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 274. Anculotus Rogersii, Conrad, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 4, f. 28. Leptoxis Rogersii, Conrad, Binney, Check List, No. 382. Anculotus carinatus, Anthony, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., iii. pt. 3, p. 394, t. 3, f. 5, July, 1840. Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 5, f. 42. Leptoxis carinata, Anthony, Binney, Check List, No. 342. Anculotus Kirtlandianus, Anthony, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., iii. pt. 3, p. 295, t. 3, f. 4, July, 1840. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 276. Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 4, f. 29. Anculosa Kirtlandiana , Haldeman, Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. Melania inflata, Lea, Philos. Trans, vi. p. 17, t. 23, f. 98. Obs. ii. p. 17. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Binney, Check List, No. 147. Leptoxis rapazformis, Haldeman, Monog. Leptoxis, p. 4, t. 4,f. 123. Brot, List, p. 25. 10. A. corpulent a, % Anthony. Anculosa corpulenta, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 68, Feb. 1860. Anculotus corpulentus, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 1, f. 9. Leptoxis corpulenta, Anthony, Binney, Check List, No. 348. Brot, List, p. 24. 11. A. melanoides, Conrad. Anculotus melanoides, Conrad. New Fresh-Water Shells, p. 64, t. 8, f. 19, 1834. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 102. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 6, f. 48. Leptoxis melanoides, Conrad, Haldeman, Monog. Leptoxis, p. 5, t. 5, f. 145, 146. Binney, Check List, No. 369. Anculosa {Mudalia) turgida, Haldeman, Supplement to No. 1, Monog. Lim- niades, Oct. 1840. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. Leptoxis turgida, Haldeman, Monog. Leptoxis, p. 5, t. 5, f. 151. Binney, Check List, No. 393. Brot, List, p. 26. 5. Shell smooth, globose, or flattened above. 12. A. trilineata, Say. Melania trilineata, Say, New Harmony Dissem., No. 18, p. 227, Sept. 9, 1829. Say's Reprint, p. 19, 1840. Binney's Edition, p. 144. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 189. * I had at first united this to dissimilis, and I am yet doubtful whether it is really distinct from that protean species. f Young of dilatata. In placing all these specific names together as synonyms, I am sustained by the decisions of Mr. Lea, (Philos. Trans. Tiii. p. 171,) Haldeman, Monog. Leptoxis, and Anthony, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. i. p. 5. J Most nearly allied to the heavy, obsoletely angulated form of dissimilis. 69 Anculosa trilineata, Say, DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 100. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Jay, Cat. Shells, 3d Edit., p. 62. Anculotus trilineatus, "Say, Jay, Cat., 4th Edit.* p. 276. Reeve, Monog. An- culotus, t. 5, f. 4L b. Leptoxis trilineafa, Say, Haldeman, Monog. Leptoxis, p. 5, t. 5, f. . Bin- ney, Check List, No. 3S9. Brot, List, p. 26. Variety. Melania viriJis,* Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 12, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans.. X viii.p. 172, t. 5,f. 19. Obs. ii. p. 12. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 95. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Binney, Check List, No. 292. Cat- low, Conch. Nomenc. p. 189. 13. A. s u b g 1 o b o s a, Say. Melania subglobosa, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Scd. v. p. 128, Sept. 1825. Bin- ney's edit. p. 116. Binney, Check List, No. 254. Catlow. Conch. No- menc. p. 188. Jay, Cat. 3d Edit., p. 62. Anculotus subqlobosus, Say, Conrad, New Fresh- Water Shells, p. 60, t. 8, f. 14. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 103. Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 1, f. 10. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 276. Anculosa subglobosa, Say, Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. Leptoxis subglobosa, Say, Haldeman, Monog. p. 3, t. 2, f. 4058. Chenu, Manuel de Conch/1, i. f. 204042. Binney, Check List, No. 387. Brot, List, p. 25. Melania subglobosa, Lea, Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn., p. 42. Anculosa gibbota, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 34, Apr. 1841. Philos. Trans, ix. p. 15. Obs. iv. p. 15. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. Anculotus gibbosus, Lea. Reeve, Mono":. Anculotus, t. 1, f. 3. Leptoxis gibbosa r Lea, Biuney, Check List, No. 361. Brot, List, p. -". Melania globula,^ Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 12, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans. viii. p. 174, t. 5, f. 22. Obs. iii. p. 12. DeKay, Moll. N Y., p. 95. Troost, Cat. Shells, Tennessee. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Binney, Check List, No. 126. Catlow, Couch. Nomenc. p. 187. Variety. Anculosa tintinnabulum\, Lea, Philos. Proc. iv. p. 167, Aug. 1845. Philos. Trans, x. p. 67, t. 9, f. 51. Obs. iv. p. 67. Anculotus tintinnabulum, Lea, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 2, f. 13. a, b. ? M-lania rir'/afa, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 13, Feb. 1841. Philos. Trans. viii. p. 175, t. 5, f. 25. Obs. iii. p. . DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 95. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Binney, Check List, No. 290. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 189. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. 14. A. praerosa, Say. Melania prcerosa, Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. ii. p. 177, Jan. 1824. Binney's Edit., p. 70. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 188. Sowerby, Conch. Man. f. 314. * In treating virMis as a synonym of trilfneata, I agree with the opinions expressed by Messrs. Ilaldeinan, Brot, Binney and Anthony. The two former gentlemen, t'jrether with Dr. Jay. con- M IT c-tstatus, Anthony, and oecidentalis. Lea. as synonyms also. In this opinion I cannot coin- cide. The two species appear to me to be well separate! by the costse of Mr. Anthony's species, and the uniformly smooth surface of trilineatus. Mr. Reeve's figure of trilineatiis is very poor ; the bands are so represented as to appear like ribs. It is by no means rer'niri that trilin?ata is an Anculosa.. Its general appearance suggests affini- ties with the Amnicolidse, to which family several small species, hitherto considered to be Ancu- losse, have been recently removed. It differs from all the Ainnicrise, however, in its colored bands. Mr. Lea's _!/. >//-,' //, is the Var. B. of Mr. Say's description of trilineata. f Juvenile shell. 1 Distinguished by possessing three brown bands or rows of maculations. It is a beautiful variety. Young shell of var. tintinndbulum. 70 Anculotus prcerosus, Say, Conrad, New Fresh-Water Shells, p. 59, t. 8, f. 13. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 276. Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 2, f. 15, 16. Anculotus pnem'jrsa, Say, Woodward, Manuel, t. 8, f. 28. Anculosa prcerosa, Say, Ravenel, Cat. p. 11. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. Anthony, List, 1st and 2nd Edits. Kirtland, Rep. Zool. Ohio, p. 174. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 103. Leptoxis prasrosa, Say, Haldeman, Monog. Lept. p. 2, t. 1, f. 118. Cheuu, Manuel, i. f. 203034. Binney, Check List, No. 380. Brot, List, p. 25. Melania anyulosa*, Menke, Syn. Meth., 1st Edit., p. SI, 1828. 2nd Edit. p. 135, 1830. Binney, Check List, No. 15. Melania cruentata, Menke, Syn. Meth., 1st Edit., p. 80, 1828. 2nd Edit. p. 134, 1830. Melonia ovularis, Menke, Syn. Meth., 1st Edit., p. 80. 2nd Edit. p. 134. Binney, Check List, No. 194. Melanopsis neritiformis, Deshayes, Encyc. Meth. Vers. ii. p. 438, No. 14. Aniin. Sans. Vert., 2nd Edit., viii. p. 492, 1838. Anculotus angulatus,^ Conrad, New Fresh- Water Shells, p. 60, t. 8, f. 15, 1834, Dekay, Moll. N. Y., p. 102. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 27. Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 6, f. 51. Jay, Cat. Shells, 4th Edit., p. 276. Leptoxis angulata, Conrad, Binney, Check List, No. 340. Melania Cincinnaliensis$, Lea, Philos. Proc. i. p. 66, Dec. 1838. Philos. Trans, viii. p. 190, t. 6, f. 58. Obs. iii. p. 28. Jay, Cat. 4th Edit., p. 273. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 186. Anculotus Cincinnatiensis, Lea. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 95. Troost, Cat. Shells Tenn. Leptoxis Cincinnatiensis, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 346. 15. A. c r a s s a, Haldeman. Anculosa crassa, Haldeman, Monog. Limniades, No. 4, p. 3 of Cover, Oct. 5, 1841. Anculotus crassus, Haldeman, Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 276. Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 2, f. 14. Leptoxis crassa, Haldeman, Monog. Lept. p. 2, t. 1, f. 19 23. Binney, Check List, No. 350. Brot, List, p. 24. 16. A. t ae n i a t a, $ Conrad, Anculotus tceniatus, Conrad, New Fresh-Water Shells, p. 63, 1834. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 103. Jay, Cat., 4th Edit., p. 276. Reeve, Monog. An- culotus, t. 6, f. 50, non t. 2, f. 15. Anculosa taniata, Conrad, Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. Leptoxis tceniata, Conrad, Haldeman, Monog. Leptoxis, t. 3, f. 71 73. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 388. Brot, List, p. 26. Anculosa cooscensis, \\ Lea, Proc. Acad, Nat. Sci. p. 54,1861. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt.3, p. 257, t. 30, f. 65, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 76. 17. A. T r o o s t i a n a, Lea, Anculosa Troostiana, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 34. Philos. Trans, ix. p. 15. Obs. iv. p. 15. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. Anculotus Troostianus, Lea, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 4, f. 30. Leptoxis Troostiana, Lea, Haldemau, Monog. Leptoxis, p. 4, t. 3, f. 81. Binney, Check List, No. 391. Brot, List, p. 26. * The yarious descriptions by Menke and Deshayes all certainly belong to this species, as Messrs. Haldeman and Anthony long ago decided. f This is a half grown shell which still retains the angle on the periphery in Alabama, while, in specimens of more northern location, it is only visible in the quite young. J Undoubtedly the quite young shell of prserosa. ^Intermediate in form between rubiginosa and prserosa and distinguished by its elongated body whorl, concavely flattened around its upper half. I) Young Shell. 71 18. A. pinguis, Lea. Melania pinguis, Philos. Trans, x. p. 301, t. 30, f. 11. Obs. v. p. 57. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 206. Brot, List, p. 40. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp! 355. 19. A. pisum, HaMeman. Leptoxis pisum, Haldeman, Monog. Lept. p. 4, t. 3, f. 82. Binney, Check List, No. 378. Brot, List, p. 25. 20. A. contort a, Lea. Anculosa contorta, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 187, 1860. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 258, t. 35, f. 66, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 80. Leptoxis contorta, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 347. Brot, List, p. 24. 21. A. vittata, Lea. Anculosa vittata, Lea. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 188, 1860. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 256, t. 35, f. 63, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 78. Leptoxis vittata, Lea, Binuey, Check List, No. 397. Brot, List, p. 26. 22. A. pi anospira, Anthony. Melania plano-pira, Anthony, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., vi. p. 123, t. 3, f. 24, Mar. 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 208. Brot, List, p. 40. Hanley, Couch. Misc. Melania, t. 8, f. 67. Anculotus planospira, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 2, f. 11. 23. A. a m p 1 a, Anthony. Anculosa a'mpla, Anthony, Ann. N. Y., Lye. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 159, t. 5, f. 22, 23. Leptoxis ampla, Anthony, Binney, Check List, No. 339. Brot, List, p. 23. Variety a. Anculofa elegans, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 69, Feb. 1860. Anculotus elegan*, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 6, f. 49. Leptoxis elegans, Anthony, Binney, Check List, No. 356. Brot, List, p. 24. Variety b. Anculosa formosa, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 187, I860. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 254. Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 76. Leptoxis formosa, Lea, Binney. Check List, No. 358. Brot, List, p. 24. 24. A. z e b ra,* Anthony. Anculosa zebra, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 69, Feb. 1860. Anculotus zebra, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. t. 6, f. 52. Leptoxis zebra, Anthony, Binney, Check List, No. 398. Brot, List, p. 26- 25. A. p i c t a, Conrad. Anculofapic'a, Conrad, Am. Jour. Science, 1st Ser., xxx. p. 342, t. 1, f. 15, Jan. 1S34. Wheatley, Cat. Shell (J. S., p. 28. Hanley, Conch. Misc. Melania, t. 5, f. 39. Anculotus pictus, Conrad, New Fresh- Water Shells, p. 62, 1834. Reeve, Monosr. Anculotus, t. 3, f. 20. Jay, Cat. 4th Edith,, p. 276. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 103. Lfptoxis picta, Conrad, Haldeman, Monoc. Lept. t. 3, f. 74 80. Binney, Check List, No. 377. Brot, List. p. 25. Ancnfosa Foremani, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 243, Dec. 1842. Philos. Trans. ix. p. 29. Obs. iv. p. 29. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 28. L'-pfoxis Foremani, Lea, Binnny, Check List, No. 359. Anculosa flammatn, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 243. Philos. Trans, ix. p. 30. Obs. iv. p. 30. * Differs in form from picta. Con , but s> imv.-h resembles in coloring the variety fiammata, (U-icribel by Mr. Lea, that I doubt whether it is distinct. 72 Anculotus flammatus, Lea, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 3, f. 18. Leptoxis flammata, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 357. 26. A. o rn at a, Anthony, Anculosa ornata, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 67, Feb. 1860. Anculotus ornatus, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Auculotus, t. 3, f. 24. Leptoxis ornata, Anthony, Binney, Check List, No. 375. 27. A. Lewis ii, Lea. Anculosa Lewisii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 54, 1861. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 257, t. 35, f. 64, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 79. 28. A. s qualida, Lea. Anculosa sgualida, Lea, Philos. Proc. iv. p. 167, Aug. 1845. Philos. Trans, x. p. 66, t. 9, f. 50. Obs. iv. p. 66. Anculotus squalidus, Lea, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 3, f. 26 ? Leptoxis squalida, Lea, Binney, Check List, No. 386. Brot, List, p. 25. 29. A. pa tula, Anthony. Anculosa patula, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci. p. 68, Feb. 1860. Anculotus patulus, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 4, f. 32. Leptoxis patula, Anthony, Binney, Check List, No. 376. Brot, List, p. 25. 30. A. v i r i d u 1 a,* Anthony. Anculosa viriduln, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 68, Feb. 1860. Anculotus viridulus, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 4, f. 34. Leptoxis viridula, Anthony, Binney, Check List, No. 396. 31. A. h um e ros a, ? Anthony. Paludina humerosa, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 71, 1860. 32. A. li gat a, f Anthony. Anculosa ligata, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 67, Feb. 1860. Anculotus liyatus, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 3, f. 19. Leptoxis ligata, Anthony, Binney, Check List, No. 367. Brot, List, p. 24. 33. A. turbiiiata, Lea. Anculosa turbinata, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 54, 1861. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3. p. 254, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 76. Doubtful and Spurious Species. A. (Paludina) nuclea, Lea, = Amnicola. A. (Paludina) virens, Lea, = Amnicola. A. Spixiaua, Lea, Ree\'e and Brot, = Angifretna. A. incisa, Lea, Haldeman, Monog., = Schizostoma. A. cingenda, Anthony, MSS., = young of carinata, Lea, a variety oidlssimilis. A. planulata, Lea, Wheatley, Cat. Shells, p. 28, Alabama, (deso. not pub- lished.) = ampla, Anth. ? '? Mel. camicrta,Ravenel, Cat. p. 11, Yadkin River, N. C. ? Mel. costata, Ravenel, Cat. p. 11, Dan River, Va. =dissimilis. ( ! ? A. subcarinata, Raven' 1, Cat. p. 11, Susquehannah, = dissiniilis. ? -4. infe<7ra,Sap, = Somafoyyra. A. subglobosa, Say, = Somatogyra. A. (Paludina) altilis, Lea, = Somatogijra. Paludina altilis, Ravenel. = Somatoyyra, * Mr. Reeve thinks this =.Rogf.rsii. Conr., and Dr. Brot belieyesit to be dilatata, Conr. Although it approaches very closely to diliitata. ir i-< a distinct species. It occurs also in North Carolina. t ('lose to Coossensis, Lea, (tiGnioij., Conr.) but is more constricted, has three bands only, and is not maculate. It is stouter and more cunical. 73 Synonymy of the Species of STREPOMATID JE, a Family of Fluviatile Mollusca inhabiting North America. Part 4. BY GEORGE W. TEYON, JR. The first, second and third parts of this paper* included all the species then known to science, except a peculiar group, of about sixty species of Gonio- basis, inhabiting principally the Coosa River, Alabama. The species of this group are distinguished from others of the genus by their heavy, bulbous or cylindrical, or pupaeform shapes, and their very short spires. I was not sat- isfied that they belonged to the genus Goniobasis, and therefore reserved them for further study. Mr. Lea has since eliminated from this group principally, his excellent ge- nus Eurycailon, which still leaves most of the species, however, in Goniobasis. Finding that I am still unable to make a satisfactory separation, I have con- cluded to finish the synonymy, treating these shells as Goniobases. I avail myself of this opportunity to publish those additions and corrections in the synonymy of the first three parts, which the kind assistance of my friends, and particularly of Mr. Lea, together with my own investigations have enabled me to make. Including the species of the present paper, my Catalogue now embraces about five hundred species and-three hundred synonymsf. 10, Lea. 1. I. fluvialis, Say. lofiuviatilis, H. and A. Adams' Genera i. p. 299. Brot, Malaco Blatt. ii. p. 114, July, 1860. lo fusiformis, Lea, Chenu, Man. Conchyl. i. f. 1977. lo fusiformis, Say, H. and A. Adams' Genera i. p. 299. To tenebrosa, Lea, H. and A. Adams' Genera i. p. 299. Troschel, Archiv fur Naturgesch. ii. p. 130, 1843. 3- I. sp inos a, Lea. lo spino'sa, Lea, Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. f. 1973. Morcb, Yoldi. Cat. p. 56. Adams' Genera i. p. 299. PLEUROCERA, Raf. 1. P. alveare, Con. Melania alveare, Conr., Miiller, Synopsis, p. 46, 1836. Megara alveare, Con., Adams' Genera i. p. 306. Megara torquata, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 306. lo pernodosa, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 299. 2. P. F o r e m a n i, Lea. Gyrotoma Foremani, Lea, ? Adams' Genera i. p. 305. 3. P. u n d u 1 a t u m, Say. Melania undulata, Say, Brot, Mai. Blatt. ii. p. 106, July, 1860. Megara undulata, Say, Adams' Genera i. p. 306. 4. P. excujatum, Conrad. Melania excurata, Conr., Miiller, Synopsis, p. 43, 1836. Proceedings Acad. Nat. Sciences, Nov., 1863, p. 306; Feb., 1864, p. 24; April, 1864, p. 92. jThe species, published by Mr. Lea in the Proceedings of the Academy for 1864, are not all in- cluded in this paper, as the short diagnoses do not allow me to place them in a satisfactory manner. As soon as the full descriptions and figures are published in our Journal, I will indicate their proper places in this list. 8 74 6. P. nob ile, Lea. lo nobilis, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 299. 8. P. canaliculatum, Say. lo canaliculate, Say, Morch, Yoldi, Cat. p. 56. Ceriphasia canaliculata, Say, Adams' Genera i. p. 297. Mdania cornea, Say, Sowerby, Mollusca, Fauna Boreali Ameiicana, iii. p. 316, 1836. Gyrotoma conica, Say, Adams' Genera i p. 305. Mdania Sayi, Deshayes, Encyc. Meth. Vers. ii. p. 427, 1830. 9. P. filum, Lea. Elimiajilum, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. 11. P. oli vaceu m, Lea. This species should follow No. 21. 16a. P. trivittatum, Lea.* Synonymy, Part 1st, No. 79. 17. P. fastigiatum, Anthony. Synonymy, Part 1st, No. 44. 28. P. unciale, Haldeman. P. unciale, Hald , Synonymy, Part 1st, No. 67. P. bicostatum &nd riyidum, Anth., ibid. No. 28. P. sugillatum, Reeve, ibid. No. 68. G. oblita, Lea, Synonymy, Part 2, No. 126. 29. P. subulare, Lea. Ceriphasia subularis, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 297. 29a. P. intensum, Anthony. Melania intensa, Anthony, Reeve, Monog. sp. 371. Brot, List, p. 30. 33. P. annuliferum, Conrad. Melania annulifera, Conr., Miiller, Synopsis, p. 44. Ceriphasia annulifera, Conr., Adams : Genera i. p. 297. Ceriphasia Ordiana, Lea, ibid. p. 297. 38. P. elevatum, Say. Elimia elevata, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. Ceriphasia elongata, Lea, ibid. p. 297, not Ceriph. elevata, Say, of Chenu, Man. i. f. 1961. 40. P. a r a t u m, Lea. Ceriphasia exarata, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 297. 44. P. fastigiatum, Anthony. Should be No. 17a. 49. P. pyrene Hum, Conrad. Melania pyrenella, Conrad, Miiller, Synopsis, p. 45. 51. P. regular e, Lea. Ceriphasia regularis, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 297. 55. P. labiatum, Lea. 55a. P. pallid urn, Lea.f .57. P. vest itum, Conrad. t * Perhaps = Thwntonii. f After a thorough examination of the specimens of labiatum and pattidum, I incline to the be- lief that they are distinct. J G. spinalis, Lea, may be identical with this species. 75 Melania vestita, Conrad, Miiller, Synopsis, p. 47. 57a. P. lugubre, Lea. Melania lugubris, Lea, Philos. Proc. iv. p. 166, August, 1845. Phjlos. Trans. x. p. 58, t. 9, f. 29. Obs. iv. p. 58. Binney, Check List, No. 164. Brot, List, p. 31. Goniobasis spurca, Lea, Synopsis, Part 2d, No. 177. Ceriphasia spurca, Lea, H. and A, Adams' Genera i. p. 297. 58a. P. pic turn, Lea. Melania picta, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 82, Oct., 1841. Philos. Trans, be. p. 19. Obs. iv. p. 19. Wheatley, Cat. Shells, U. S. p. 26. Binney, Check List, No. 205. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 290. Melania picturata, Reeve,* Errata to Monog. Melania. Brot, List, p. 38. 63a. P. Ocoe*ense, Lea. Goniobasis Ocoeensis, Lea, Synonymy, Part 2d, No. 181. C7. P. u n c i a 1 e, Haldeman. Synonymy, Part 1st, = No. 28, 68. P. s n g i 1 1 a t u m, Reeve, Synonymy, Part 1st, = No. 28. 76. P. cur v a turn, Lea. Gyrotoma curvata, Say, ? Adams' Genera i. p. 305. 79. P. trivittatum, Lea. Synonymy, Part 1st, = No. 16a. 83. P. opaca, Anthony. G. opaca, iostoma and nigrostoma, Anthony, Synonymy, Part 2d, No. 119. P. Tennesstense, Lea, Synonymy, Part 1st, No. 83. ANGITREMA, Haldeman. 1. A. geniculata, Haldeman. Lithasia genicula, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 308. 2. A. s a 1 e b r o s a, Conrad. Melania salebrosa, Conrad, Miiller, Synopsis, p. 44. Lithasia salebrosa, Conrad, Adams' Genera i. p. 308. 5. A. Jay an a, Lea. lo Jayana, Lea, Brot, Mai. Blatt. ii. p. 115, July, 1860. lo robulina, Anthony, Chenn, ManueJ. de Conchyl. i. f. 1976. Adams' Ge- nera i. p. 299. 7. A. armigera, Say. lo armigera, Say, Adams' Genera i. p. 299. 8. A. D u 1 1 o n i an a. Lea. Jo Duttoniana, Lea, Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. f. 1974. Adams' Genera, i. p. 299. 9. A. stygia, Say. lo tuberculata, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 299. 11. A. 1 i m a, Conrad. Melania lima, Conr. Miiller, Synopsis, p. 46. Megara lima, Conr., Adams' Genera i. p. 306. 12. A. verrucosa, Rafinesque. Potadoma depygis, Say, Chenu, Manuel de Conchyl. i. f. 1970. Lithasia semigranulosa, Deshayes, Adams' Genera i. p. 308. * AB Pkurocera, the name of picta is not preoccupied. 76 LITHASIA, Haldeman. 1. L. fuliginosa, Lea. Leptoxis fuliginosa, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. 2. L. Florentiana, Lea. Io Florentiana, Lea, H. and A. Adams' Genera i. p. 299. 9. L. n u c 1 e o 1 a, Anthony. L. obliqua, Anthony, Synonymy, Part 1st, No. 14, 11. L. obovata, Say. Lithasia obovata, Say, Adams' Genera i. p. 308. Leptoxis Hildrethiana, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. 14. L. obliqua, Anthony. Synonymy, Part 1st, = L. nucleola, Anthony, No. 9. STREPHOBASIS, Lea. 1. S. curta, Haldeman. Megara solida, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 306. 2. S. pumila, Lea. Megara pumila, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 306. 8. S. b i t a e n i a t a, Conrad. Melania bitcsniata, Conrad, Miiller, Synopsis, p. 45. GONIOBASIS, Lea. 2. G. g r a t i o s a, Lea. 2a. G. lachryma, Anthony. Both=EoRYCJELON. 3. G. gibberosa, Lea. =EURYC,ELON. 4. G. n u b i 1 a, Lea. 6. G.Hyde ii, Conrad. Melania Hydeii, Conrad, Miiller, Synopsis, p. 44. 8. G. c a e 1 a t u r a, Conrad. 8a. G. Stewardsoniana, Lea.* 8b. G. flavescens, Lea.f Goniobasis flavescens, Lea, Proo. Acad. Nat. Sciences, p. 271, 1862 Journal Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 339, t. 38, f. 202, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 161. 10. G. catenaria, Say. Elimia catenaria, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. 11. G. c at en o ides, Lea. Elimia catenoides, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. 14. G. Boykiniana, Lea. Elimia Boykiniana, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. Juga Troostiana, Lea, Chenu, Man. de Conchyl. i. f. 2017. 22. G. carinifera, Lamarck. Elimia bella, Conrad, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. *Differs from G. cfdatura in color, being dark green. It is also a more inflated species, with shorter spire. fNearly allied to cselatura, but is narrower, more cylindieal and lighter in color. 77 22a. G. abbreviata, Anthony. Melania abbreviata, Anth., Bost. Proc., iii. p. 360, Dec., 1850. Binney, Check List, No. 433. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 424. Melania elegantula, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lye., vi. p. 103, t. 3, f. 2, Mar., 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 96. Brot. List, p. 32. Reeve, Monog. Melania sp. 346. Melania coronilla, Anth., Ann. Lye., N. H., New York, vi. p. 126, t. 3, f. 27, Mar., 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 69. Brot. List, p. 32, Reeve, Monog. Mel., sp. 418. Melania chalybcea, Anth., Brot. List, p. 37. 226. G. vesicula, Lea. Synonymy, Part. 2, No. 41. 25. G. s u b s|t r i c t a, Haldeman. Synonymyj Part 2=No. 31. G. obtusa, Lea. 28. G. carinocostata, Lea. Elimia carinocostata, Lea, Adams' Genera, i. p. 300. 28a. G. strenua, Lea. G. Leidyana, Lea. G. carinocostata, Lea, Synonymy, Part 2. 286. G. perstriata, Lea. Synonymy, Part 2, No. 73. 29. G. Lecontiana, Lea. Melasma Lecontiana, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. 30. G. cadus, Lea. Synonymy, Part 2=G. obtusa, Lea, No. 31. 31. G. obtusa, Lea. G. substricta, Haldeman, Synonymy, Part 2, No. 25. G. cadus, Lea, Synonymy, Part 2, No. 30. 34. G. C h r i s t y i, Lea, is a Synonym of No. 37. 37. G. interrupt a, Haldeman. G. Christyi, Lea. G. instabilis, Lea. Synonymy, Part 2, No. 34. G. ornatella, Lea, is a Synonym, of No. 39. 39. G. formosa, Conrad. G. ornatella, Lea, Synonymy, Part 2, No. 37. 41. G. vesicula, Lea. See No. 22, 6. 43. G. 1 a q u e t a, Say. Melasma laqueata,.Sa.y, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. 47. G. gracilis, Lea. Potadoma gracilis, Lea, H. and A. Adams' Genera i. p. 299. 53. G. bland a, Lea. Melasma blanda, Lea, Adams- Genera i. p. 300. 54. G. nit ens, Lea. Melasma nitens, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. 55. G. mutata, Brot.* 59. G. Curreyana, Lea. Melasma Curreyana, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. *Much resembles G. difficilis, Lea, No. 81. 78 61. G. Deshayesiana, Lea. Melasma plicatula, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. Melasma Deshayesiana, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. 69a. G. L i n d s 1 e y i,* Lea. Syn. otdislocata, Rav., Part 2, Synonymy, No. 69. 72. G. nassula, Conrad. Melania nassula, Conr., Muller, Synopsis, p. 46. G. Edgariana, Lea, Synonymy, Part 2, No. 77. Melasma Edgariana, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. 75. G. oostulata, Lea. Melasma costulata, Lea, 'Adams' Genera i. p. 300. 77. G. Edgariana, Lea. Vide, No. 72. 78. G. oaliginosa, Lea. Elima caliginosa, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. 79. G. n o d u 1 o s a, Lea. Elimia nodulosa, Lea, Adams' Genera, No. 300. 80. G. glauca, Anthony. = G. athleta, Anthony, No. 86. 84. G. cancellata, Say. Elimia cancellata, Say, Adams' Genera i. No. 84. 85. G. circincta, Lea. Juga circincta, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 294. 86. G. a t h 1 e t a, Anthony. O. glauca, Anthony, Synonymy, Part 2, No. 80. 88. G. stria tula, Lea. Juga striata, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 304. 91. G. crebicostata, Lea. Melasma crebricostata, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. 92. G. c o m m a, Conrad. Melania comma, Conr., Muller, Synopsis, p. 45. Melasma comma, Conr., Adams' Genera i. p. 300. 93. G. a c u t a, Lea. Ceriphasia acuta, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 297. 94. G. subcylindracea, Lea. Potadoma subcylindracea, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 299. 96. G. cone inn a, Lea. Melasma concinna, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. 103. G. plicifera, Lea. Melania plicifera, Lea, Troschel, Archiv fur Naturgesch. ii. p. 227. Melasma plicifera, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. 104. G. si lieu la, Gould. Juga silicula, Gould, Adams' Genera i. p. 304. 108. G. trochiformis, Conrad. Melania trochiformis, Conr., Muller, Synopsis, p. 47. * The aperture is differently shaped from dislocata. The plicae are also more crowded, and decussated by one or two lines under the suturts. Ilia. G. ex pa us a, Lea.* 118 . G. plebeins, Anthony. = G.sordida, Lea, No. 186. 119. G. opaca, Anthony. = Pleurocera opaca, Anthony, No. 83. 123. G. modes ta, Lea.f 124. G. p a g o d i f o r m i s, Anthony. = G. aeutocarinata, Lea, No. 127. 125. G. Gerhardtii, Lea.J 126. G. obi it a, Lea. = Pleurocera unciale, Hald., Synonymy, Part 1, No. 28. 127. G. aeutocarinata, Lea. G. pagodiformis, Anthony. G. toruJosa, Anth., No. 124. Elimia aeutocarinata, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 300. 129. G. Catawbaea, Haldemau. Goniobasis Catawbcea, Hald., Amer. Jour. Conch, vol. 1, No. 1, Feb. 25, 1865. 132. G. s y m m e t r i c a, Haldeman. Ceriphasia symmetrica, Hald. Adams' Genera i. p. 297. 138. G. congest a, Conrad. Melania congesta, Conr., Miiller, Synopsis, p. 43. 139. G. auriculae formis, Lea. Megara auriculaeformis, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 306. 140. G. Nickliniana, Lea. Leptoxis Nickliniana, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. 143. G. ebenurn, Lea. Nitocris ebena, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 308. Melania brunnea, Anth.= G. sordlda, Lea, No. 186. 148. G. graminea, Haldeman. Goniobasis graminea, Hald., American Journ. Conch, i. No. 1. Feb. 25, 1865. 150. G. V a n u x e m i i, Lea. Changed to G. Prestoniana, Proc. Acad., 1864, p. 3, Vanuxemii being preoccupied. = G. simplex, Say, No. 157. 153. G. abrupt a, Lea. Leptoxis abrupta, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. 154. G. d e p y g i s, Say. Potadoma depygis, Say, Adams' Genera i. p. 298. 155. G. live seen s, Menke. Potadoma Niagarensis, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 299. 157. G. simplex, Say. G. subsolida, Lea, No. 186, cxcl. synonyms. *Very closely allied to, or perhaps=G ! . Whitei, No. 111. fPerhap3 == Pfewrocra luguhris, Lea. JThis is probably the same as G. semigradata, No. 27. Mr. Lea agrees with me in considering this species distinct from iostoma, Anth.; and also in making brunnea a synonym ofsordida, instead of ebenum . 80 G. Vanuxemii, Lea, No. 150. Pachycheilus simplex, Say, Adam3' Genera i. p. 298. Potadoma Warderiana, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 299, Chenu, Manuel, i. f. 158. G. Potosiensis, Lea. Elimia Potosiensis, Lea, H. and A. Adams' Genera i. p. 300. 160a. G. virens, Anthony.* Syn. of G. Saffordi. Synonymy, Part 2d, No. 160. 167. G. cinerea, Lea.f 170. G. translucens, Anthony. Goniobasis translucens, Anthony, Am. Journ. Conch, i., Feb. 25, 1865. 171. G. ovoidea, Lea. Potadoma ovoideus, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 299. 173. G. quadricincta, Lea. Goniobasis quadricincta, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Apr. 1864, p. 112. 177. G. s pure a, Lea. = Pleurocera, No. 57a. 181. G. Ocoeensis, Lea. Potadoma Ocoeensis, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 299. = Pleurocera, No. 63a. 184. G. Estabrookii, Lea. = G. dubiosa. 186. G. sub sol id a, Lea. = G. simplex, Say, No. 157. Potadoma subsolida, Lea, H. and A. Adams' Genera i. p. 299. 186a. G. s ordida, Lea. Potadoma sordida, Lea, H. and A. Adams' Genera i. p. 299. G. plebeia, Anth., Synonymy, Part 2d, No. 118. G. brunnea, Anth., Synonymy, Part 2d, No. 143. 187. G. clavaeformis, Lea. Melasma clavaeformis, Lea, H. and A. Adams' Genera i. p. 300. 191. G. a dust a, Anthony. G. Cumberlandiensis, Lea, Synonymy, Part 2d, No. 189. G. funebralis, Anthony, Synonymy, Part 2d, No. 190. 193. G. dubiosa, Lea, G. Estabrookii, Lea, Synonymy, Part 2d, No. 184. 194. G. laevigata, Lea. Potadoma Icevigata, Lea, H. and A. Adams'. Genera i. p. 299. 195. G. interlineata, Anthony. Goniobasis interlineata, Anthony, Am. Jour. Conch, vol. i., Feb. 25, 1865. 196. G. Ohiensis, Lea.J 197. G. brevispira, Anthony. Melasma brevispira, Anth., Adams' Genera i. p. 300. * Appears to be distinct from G. Saffordi. The shell is less solid, the aperature is not exactly of the Fame form, and the c olor is lighter and more brilliant. f.Vlost likely the locality given for this species is incorrect. It is probably identical with pulchella, Anthony. J Probably = G. semicarinata, Say. No. 198. 81 198. G. semicarinata, Say. Juga exilis, Hald., Adams' Genera i. p. 304. Ceriphasia Kirtlandiana, Adams' Genera i. p. 297. Potadoma inornatus, Adams' Genera i. p. 299. 199. G. Hald em an i, Tryon. Goniobasis Haldemani, Tryon, Am. Journ. Conch, i., Feb. 25, 1865. 203. G. A 1 e xa n d r e n s i s, Lea.* Ceriphasia Alexandrensis, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 297. 204. G. Haleiana, Lea. Ceriphasia Haleiana, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 297. 208. G. p r o x i m a, Say. Juga proxima, Say, Adams' Genera i. p. 304. 20Sa. G. rufescens, Lea. t Potadoma rufescens, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 299. 209. G. Virginica, Gmel. Buccinum Virginica, Gmel. Syst. Nat. p. 3505. Schroter, Einleit. i. p. 414, 1783. Martini, Berlin Mag. iv. p. 348, t. 10, f. 48. Schreibers, Ein- leit. Conchyl. t. 113, f. 7. Melania Virginica, Say, Villa., Cat. Syst. p. 36, 1841. lo Virginica, Say, Morch, Yoldi Cat. p. 56. Ceriphasia Virginica, Gmel., Adams' Genera i. p. 297. Juga Virginica, Say, Adams' Genera i. p. 304. Juga multilineata, Say, Adams' Genera i. p. 304. 210. G. Sulcosa, Lea. Ceriphasia sulcosa, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 297. 211. G. Buddii, Lea. Juga Buddii, Say, H. and A. Adams' Genera i. p. 304. 212. G. Troostiana, Lea. Melania Troostiana, Lea, Troschel, Archiv fur Naturgesch. ii. p. 227. Juga Troostiana, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 304. J. Heavy, pupceform or cylindrical species. 217. G. cylindrac e a, Conrad. Melania cylindracea, Con., New Fresh-Water Shells, p. 55, t. 8, f. 10, 1834. Miiller, Synopsis, .p. 47, 1836. Binney, Check List, No. 84. Melania ctjlindrica, Con., Wheatley, Cat. Shells, U. S., p. 25. Reeve, Mo- nog. Melania, sp. 311. Brot, List, p. 32. Melania oppugnata, Lea, Philos. Trans, x. p. 300, t. 30, f. 9. Observations, v. p. 56. Binney, Check List, No. 190. 218. G. p u p o i d e a, Anthony. \ Melania pupoidea, Anthony, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., vi. p. 104, t. 3, f. 3, April, 1854. Brot, List, p. 33. Biniiey, Check List, No. 224. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 249. Melania propinqua, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 119, 1861. Goniobasis propinqua, Lea, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 234, t. 34, f. 29, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 56. * May be a Pleurocera. t This is a longer and narrower species than G. proximo, the color is also darker. t Without the large series of specimens before me, I should have acquiesced in the institution of propinqua as a distinct species ; but I find every grade of form between the two. The shorter forms approach closely to olivula, Con., with which they have been confounded. They are dis- tinguished by difference in color, and principally of texture, olivuto being much heavier. 82 219. G. lit a, Lea.* . Melania lita, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, 1861, p. 121. Goniobasis lita, Lea, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 239, t. 34, f. 40, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 61. 220. G. fall ax, Lea. Melania fallax, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, 1861, p. 120. Goniobasis fallax, Lea, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 231, t. 34, f. 24, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 53. 221. G. inosculata, Lea.f Goniobasis inosculata, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 263, 1862. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 296, t. 37, f. 126, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 118. 222. G-. Alabamensis, Lea. Melania Alabamensis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1861, p. 121. Goniobasis Alabamensis, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 232, t. 34, f. 26, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 54. 223. G. rara, Lea. Melania rara, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 121, 1861. Goniobasis rara, Lea, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 220, t. 34, f. 3, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 42. 224. Gr. pun ice a, Lea. J Melania punicea, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 119, 1861. Goniobasis punicea, Lea, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3. p. 232, t. 34, f. 27, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 54. 225. G. pudica, Lea. Melania pudica, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 222, t. 34, f. 7, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. 226. G. fabalis, Lea. Goniobasis fabalis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 266, 1862. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 311, t. 37, f. 154, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 133. 227. G. Shelbyensis, Lea Melania Shelbyensis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 121, 1861. Goniobasis Shelbyensis, Lea, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 228, t. 34, f. 18, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 50. 328. G. fume a, Lea. Melania fumea, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1861, p. 123. Goniobasis fumea, Lea, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 222, t. 34, f. 6, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 44. 229. G. aequa, Lea. Melania cequa, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1861, p. 122. Goniobasis cegua, Lea, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 240, t. 34, f. 41, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 62. 230. G. s o 1 i d u 1 a, Lea. Melania solidula, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1861, p. 121. Goniobasis solidula, Lea, Journ, Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 230, t. 34, f. 23. Obs. ix. p. 52. *I doubt whether this is distinct from G. Haysiana. In all the specimens I have examined, the aperture is white within, instead of purple as described by Mr. Lea, f The whorls are more convex and brighter in color than G. fallax. This species is constantly ornamented by four dark bands. 1 Very closely allied to pudica, if not identical with that species. | Differs from pudica in the form of the aperture, the whorls are also flatter. 83 231. G. olivnla, Conrad. Melania olivula, Con., Am. Jonrn. Science, 1st Series, xxv. p. 342, t. 1, f. 13, Jan., 1834. Mailer, Synopsis, p. 42, 1836. Wheatley, Cat. Shells, U. S., 26. DeKay, Moll. New York, p. 98. Jay, Cat. Shells, 4th Edit. p. 274. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 455.* Bianey, Check List, No. 188. Brot, List, p. 33. Hanley, Conch. Miscellany, t. 1, f. 2. Megara olivula, Con., Chenu, Mannel, i. f. 2027. Adams' Genera i. p. 306. Melania olivata, Con., Jay, Cat. 3d Edit. p. 45. Catlow, Conch. Nomeno. p. 188. Melania propria, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, 1861, p. 123. f Goniobasis lepida, Lea, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, v. pt. 3, p. 227, t. 34, f. 17, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 49. 232. G. fascinans, Lea. Melania fascinans, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, p. 119, 1861. Goniobasis fascinans, Lea, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 229, t. 34. f. 20, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 51. 233. G. Showalterii, Lea. Melania Showalterii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, 1861, p. 120. Goniobasis Show-alter ii, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 220, t. 34, f. 4. Obs. ix. p. 42. 234. G. clansa, Lea. Melania clansa, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, 1861, p. 120. Goniobasis clausa, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Y. pt. 3, p. 231, t. 34, f. 25, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 53. 235. G. ere per a, Lea. Melania crepera, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1861, p. 123. Goniobasis crepera, Lea, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 240, t. 34, f. 42, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 62. 236. G. a b s c i d a, Anthony. Melania abscida, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, 1860, p. 56. Binney, Check List, No. 435. Brot, List, p. 32. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 395. 237. G. Vanuxemiana, Lea. Melania Vanuxemiana, Lea, Proc. Philos. Soc. ii. p. 242, Dec., 1842. Philos. Trans, ix. p. 25. Obs. ix. p. 25. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 453. Brot, List, p. 33. Melania Vanuxemensi*, Lea, Wheatley, Cat. Shells, U. S., p. 27. Binney, Check List, No. 283. Megara Vanuxemiana, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 306. 238. G. Coosaensis, Lea.J M>lania Coosaensis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1861, p. 118. Goniobasis Coosaensis, Lea, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, v. pt. 3, p. 234, t. 34, f. 30. March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 56. 238. G. rubicund a, Lea. Melania rubicunda, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, 1861, p. 118. Goniobasis rubicunda, Lea, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 235 t. 34, f. 32, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 57. 240. G. Haysiana, Lea. M-:lania Haysiana, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 242, Dec., 1842. Philos. Trans. * ReeTC figures for this shell also sp. 309, but the figure does not represent the species, f Preoccupied. Showalterii and fascinans are also probably synonyms of olivula. Differs from G. Haysiana in the form of the apertnre. 84 ix. p. 25. Obs. iv. p. 25. Wheatley, Cat. Shells, U. S., p. 25. Jay, Cat. Shells, 4th Edit. p. 273. Binney, Check List, No. 137. Brot, List, p. 32. Brot, Mai. Blatt. ii. p. 108, July, I860.* Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 310. Hanley, Conch. Miscel. Melania, t. 1, f. 6. Megara Haysiana, Lea, Chemi, Manuel, i. f. 1981. Adams' Genera i. p. 306. 241. G. arctata, Lea. Melania arctata, Lea, Philos. Proc. iv. p. 166. Philos. Trans, x. p. 64, t. 9. f. 46. Obs. iv. p. 64. Binney, Check List, No. 20. Brot, List, p. 32. Megara arctata, Lea, Chenu, Manuel, i. f. 2024. Adams' Genera i. f. 306. 242. G. a m p 1 a, Anthony. Melania ampla, Anthony, Ann. N. Y. Lyceum, vi. p. 93, t. 2, f. 12, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 13. Brot, List, p'. 39. Reeve, Monog. Mela- nia, sp. 312. Melania Hartmaniana, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, 1861. Goniobasis Hartmanii, Lea, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 218, t. 34, f. 1, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 40. 243. G. mellea, Lea. Melania mellea, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, 1861, p. 120. Goniobasis mellea, Lea, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 224, t. 34. f. 10, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 46. 244. G. a m b u s t a, Anthony. Melania ambwta, Anthony, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 94, t. 2, f. 13, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 12. Brot, List, p. 39. Reeve, Monog. Mela- nia, sp. 352. 245. G. laeta, Jay. Melania laeta, Jay, Cat. Shells, 3d Edit. p. 122, t. 7, f. 11, 1839. Jay, Cat. Shells, 4th Edit. p. 274. Wheatley, Cat. Shells, U. S., p. 26. Binney, Check List, No. 156. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc. p. 187. Brot, List, p. 32. Melania robusta, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 83, October, 1841. Philos. Trans. ix. p. 19. Obs. iv. p. 19. Wheatley, Cat. Shells, U. S., p. 26. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 231. Melatoma Buddii, Lea,f Reeve, Monog. Melatoma, sp. 3. Melania ta>niolata,% Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, 1860, p. 59. Bin- ney, Check List, No. 263. Brot, List, p. 31. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 392. 246. G. h a r p a, Lea. Melania harpa, Lea, Philos. Proc. iv. p. 166, August, 1845. Philos. Trans. x. p. 64, t. 9, f. 45. Obs. iv. p. 64. Binney, Check List, No. 135. Brot, List, p. 32. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 313, 314. Megara harpa, Lea^ Adams' Genera i. p. 306. Melania textilosa, Anthony, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 101, t. 2, f. 20, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 270. Brot, List, p, 40. Reeve, Moiiog. Melania, sp. 391. 247. G. oliva, Lea.|| * Dr. Brot considers arctata, robusta, brevis and basalis synonyms. fit is curious that Mr. Reeve has figured and described this shell for the Schizostoma (Mdatoma,} Buddii, Lea. 1 Half grown shell. It presents a very different appearance from the adult. 1 Half grown shell. (This shell is narrower than G. laeta, resembling harpa in form ; but the aperture 5s wider and more rounded below. It is very closely allied to G. ezcawta, which is a smooth species, however . 85 Melania oliva, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 242, 1842. Philos. Trans., ix. p. 27. Obs. iv. p. 127. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 26. Binney, Check List, No. 187. Brot, List, p. 33. Megara oliva, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 306. 248. G. p rot ens, Lea. Melania proteus, Lea, Philos. Proc. iv. p. 166, 1845. Philos. Trans., x. p. 57, t. 9, f. 28. Obs. iv. p. 57. Binney, CheckList, No. 219. Brot, List, p. 33. , Juga proteus, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 304. 249. G. grisea, Anthony. Melania grisea, Anthony, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, 1860, p. 61. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 390. Brot, List, p. 32. 250. G. cult a, Lea. Melania culta, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, p. 121, 1861. Gonioba&is culta, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. p. 13, p. 237, t. 34, f. 36. Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 59. Melania suavis,* Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 169, 1861. Goniobasis suavis, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 228 t. 34, f. 19. Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 50. 251. G. luteola, Lea. Melania luteola, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 119, 1861. Goniobasis luteola, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 230, t. 34, f. 22, Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 52. Melania straminea,^ Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1861, p. 121. Goniobasis straminea, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 227, t. 34, 16, Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 49. 252. G. g r a v i d a, Anthony. Melania gravida, Anth., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 59, Feb., 1860. Reeve, Monog. Melania. Brot, List. 253. G. g e r m a n a, Anthony. Melania germana, Anth., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 61, Feb., 1860. Binney, Check List, No. 120. Brot, List, p. 40. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 383. 254. G. v a r i a t a, Lea. Melania variata, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 119, 1861. Goniobasis variata, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 224, t. 34, f. 11, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 46. 255. G. ovalis, Lea. Melania ovalis, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 242, Dec. 1842. Philos. Trans, ix. p. 25. Obs. ix. p. 25. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S. p. 26. Binney, Check List, No. 192. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 448 and sp. 309. t Megara ovalis, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 306. Melania copiosa, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 122, 1861. Goniobasis copiosa, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 239, t. 34, f. 39. Obs. ix. p. 61. Melania orbicula, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 118, 1861. Goniobasis orbicula, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p, 238, t. 34, f. 37, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 60. 256. G. virgulata, Lea. Melania virgulata ,f Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 119, 1861. * Young shell. fYoung shell, j Figured as olivula, Conr., but name corrected in Errata. Goniobasis virgulata, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 223, t. 34, f. 9, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 45. Melania glandaria* Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 120, 1861. Goniobasis glandaria, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 226, t. 34, f. 14, March, 1863. Obs. ix. p. 48. 257. G. clara, Anthony. Melania clara, Anth., Ann. N. Y. Lye. vi. p. 119, t. 3, f. 19, March, 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 55. Brot, List, p. 32. 258. G. in flat a, Haldeman.f Melania inftata, Hald., Cover of No. 3, Monog. Limniades, March, 1841. Binney, Check List, No. 146. Brot, List, p. 40. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 410. 259. G. fusiformis, Lea. J Melania fusiformis, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 12, Feb., 1841. Philos. Trans., viii. p. 167, t. 5, f. 9. Obs. iii. p. 5. DeKay, Moll. N. Y., p. 93. Troost. Cat. Shells Tenn. Wheatley, Cat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Binney, Check List, No. 117. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 186. Brot, List, p. 40. 260. G.bellula, Lea. Melania bellula, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 122, 1861. Goniobasis bellula, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 237, t. 34, f. 35, Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 59. 261. G. calculoides, Lea. Melania calculoides, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 118, 1861. Goniobasis calculoides, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 238, t. 34, f. 38, Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 60. 262. G.ba sali s, Lea, Melania basalis, Lea, Philos. Proc. iv. p. 166. Philos. Trans., x. p. 59, t. 9, f. 33. Obs. iv. p. 59. Binney, Check List, No. 28. Brot, List, p. 32. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 471. Anculotis basalis, Lea, Reeve, Monog. Anculotus, t. 5. f. 40. Megara basalis, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 306. 263. G. Lewis ii, Lea. Melania Lewisii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 118, 1861. Goniobasis Lewisii, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 243, t. 35, f. 46, Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 65. 264. G. ellipsoides, Lea. Melania gracilior, Lea,|| Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1861, p. 118. Goniobasis ellipsoides, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 234, t. 34, f. 31, Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 56. 265. G. elliptic a, Lea. Melania elliptica, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 118, 1861. Goniobasis elliptica, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 225, t. 34, f. 13, Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 47. 266. G. bullula, Lea. Melania bullula, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 121, 1861. * This is the young, and glandaria the adult shell of the same species." t Differs from G. virgulata by its obtusely angled whorls and somewhat diamond-shaped aper- ture. JMuch like G. ambusta when young, but more inflated, and the aperture more obtusely rounded below. g Resembles glandaria, but is thinner, the outer lip is more expanded, and the aperture rather larger. It is closely allied also to fusiformis, Lea. | Preoccupied. 87 Goniobasis bullula, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 221, Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 43, t. 34, f. 5. 267. G. excavata, Anthony.* Melania excavata, Anthony, Ann. Lye. N. Y., vi. p. 99, t. 2, f. 18, Mar., 1854. Binney, Check List, No. 102. Brot, List, p. 32. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 385. JK>8. G. purpurea, Lea. Melania purpurea, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. p. 120. . Goniobasis purpurea, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 225, t. 34, f. 12, Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 47. 269. G. q u ad r i v i 1 1 a t a, Lea. Melania quadrivittata, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1861, p. 119. Goniobasis quadrivittata, Lea. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 225, Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 48. 270. G. p r o p r i a, Lea. Melania propria, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 118, 1861. Goniobasis propria, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 229, t. 34, f. 21, Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 52. 271. G. n eg at a, Lea. Goniobasis negata, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 271, 1862. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 337, t. 38, f. 200, Mar. 1863. Obs. ix. p. 159. 272. G. i m p r e s s a, Lea. Melania impressa, Lea, Philos. Proc. ii. p. 83, Oct. 1841. Philos. Trans , ix. p. 19. Obs. iv. p. 19. Wheatley, Gat. Shells U. S., p. 25. Jay, Cat. Shells, p. 274. Binney, Check List, No. 143. Brot, List, p. 32. Reeve, Monog. Melania, sp. 316, 349. Hanley, Conch. Miscel. Melania, t. 8, f. 69. Megara impressa, Lea, Chenu, Manuel i. f. 2023, Adams' Genera i. p. 306. Melania crebristriata, Lea,f Philos. Proc. iv. p. 166., Philos. Trans., x. p. 65, t. 9, f. 47. Obs. iv p. 65. Binney, Check List, No. 75. Catlow, Conch. Nomenc., p. 186. Brot, List, p. 32. Megara crebristriata, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 306. 273. G. pergrata, Lea.J Melania pergrata, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 122, 1861. Goniobasis pergrata, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 243, Mar.. 1863 Obs. ix. p. 65. 274. G. capillaris, Lea. Melania capillaris, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 122, 1861. Goniobasis capillaris, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. pt. 3, p. 236 t 34 f 34 Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 58. EURYOELOX, Lea. Eurycxlon, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 3, Jan., 1864. 1. E. u m b o n a t a, Lea. Goniobasis umbonata, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 3, 1864. 2. E. Mi d a s, Lea. Melania Midas, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 119, 1861. Goniobasis Mida*, Lea, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., v. pt. 3, p. 233 t 34 28 Mar., 1863. Obs. ix. p. 55. *Mr. Anthony's type specimen exhibits unmistakable evidence of diseased growth fThe difference in the number of striae pointed out by Mr. Lea, is not a good distinctive charac- ter ; they vary much in number on undoubted specimens ofimpressa. G. crebristriata ia not full grown. JI fear this is only a variety of impressa. 3. E. g r a t i o s a, Lea. Goniobasis gratiosa, Lea, Synonymy, Part 2, No. 2. 3a. E. 1 a c h r y m a, Anthony. Goniobasis lachryma, Anthony, Syn., Part 2, No. 2a. 4. E. gib bero sa, Lea. Goniobasis gibberosa. Lea, Syn., Part 2, No. 3. 5. E. nubila, Lea. Goniobasis nubila, Lea, Syn., Part 2, No. 4. 6. E. A n t h o n y i, Budd. Anculosa Anthonyi, Budd., Syn., Part 3, No. 1. T. E. c r a s s a, Haldeman. Anculosa crassa, Hald.^Syn., Part 3, No. 15. Leptoxis crassa, Hald., Adams' Genera i. p. 307. Anculosa pisum* Hald., Syn., Part 3, No. 19. Leptoxis pisum, Hald., Adams' Genera i. p. 307. 8. E. turb i n at a, Lea. , Anculosa turbinata, Lea, Syn,, Part 3, No. 33. MESESCHIZA, Lea. Meseschiza, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 2, Jan., 1864. 1. M. Grosvenorii, Lea. Meseschiza Grosvenorii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 2, Jan. 1864. SCHIZOSTOMA, Lea. 3. S. ovoideum, Shuttleworth. Gyrotoma ovoidea, Shutt., Adams' Genera i. p. 305. 4. S. excisum, Lea. Gyrotoma excisa, Lea, Adama' Genera i. p. 305. 7. S. laciniatum, Lea. Gyrotoma laciniata, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 305. 10. S. c y 1 i n d r a c e u m, Mighels. Gyrotoma cylindracea, Migh., Adams' Genera i. p. 305. 12. S. c u r t u m, Mighels. Gyrotoma curia, Migh., Adams' Genera i. p. 305. 15. S. p agoda, Lea. Gyrotoma pagoda. Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 305. 16. S. p y r a m i d a t u m, Shuttleworth. Gyrotoma pyramidatum, Shutt., Adams' Genera i. p. 305. 20. S. b a b y 1 o n i c u m, Lea. Gyrotoma babylonicum, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 305. Gyrotoma funiculata. Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 305. 23. S. c o n s t r i c t u m, Lea. Gyrotoma constricta, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 305. 26. S. incisum, Lea. Gyrotoma incisa, Lea, Adama' Genera i. p. 305. Young shell. ANCULOSA; Say. 1. A. An t hon y i, Budd. 2. A. pi ic ata, Conrad. Anculotus plicatus, Courad, Miiller, Syaopsis, p. 40, 1836. Lf-ptoxis phcata, Conrad, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. 5. A. 1 i 1 1 o r i n a, Haldeman. Melanin pdula, Lea, Adams' Gen ra i. p. 307. 6. A. costata, Anthouy. Nitociis coslata, Lea, H. and A. Adams' Genera i. p. 308. Nitocris cccidentalis, Lea, Adams' Gei era i. p. 308. 7. A. ru b i g inosa, Lea. Anculosa rubiginosa, Lea, Brot, Mai. Blatt., ii. p. Ill, July, 1840. Ltptoxu rubiyinosa, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. Griffilhiana, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. 8. A. e a r i n a t a, Brng.* A. dissimilis, Say, Synopsis, Part 3. -ttulmus carinatus, Brug., Ency. Mttb.. vers, i. p. 301, 1792. ris disannuls. Say, Adams' General, p. 308. Lepioxis dissimitix, Say, Chenu, Manuel, i. f. 2049 54. Lister t. 11., f. 5 nd t. 112, f. 6. Petiver, Gazophyl, t. 104, f. 67. jMlocris carinala, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 308. Lepioxis variabilis, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. Anculotus nigrescent, Conrad, Miiller, Synopsis, p. 36, 1836. Leptoxis nigrescens, Conrad, Adams' Geaern i. p. 307. Leptoxis trivittala, DeKay. Adams' Genera i. p. 307. Anculotus monodontoides, Conrad, Miiller, Synopsis, p. 41, 1836. Nitocris monodontoides, Conrad, Adams' Genera i. p. 308. Nitocris dcntata, Couth., Adams' Genera i. p. 308. 9. A. dil ata t a, Conrad. Nitocris dilalaia, Conrad, Adams' Genera i. p. 308. Leptoxis dilatatus, Conrad, Cbenu, Manuel, i. f. 2043 5. Nitocris Rogersii, Conrad. Adams' Genera i. p 308. Nitocris Kirtlandianu.*, Anthony, Adams' Genera i. p. 308. Nitocris inflatus, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 308. Mdania inftata, Lea, Troschel, Archiv fur Xaturgesch. ii. p. 226. 11. A. melanoides, Conrad. Nitocris melanoides, Conrad, Adams' Gecera i. p. 308. Anculotus melanoides, Conrad, Miiller, Synopsis, p. 42, 1836. Leptoxis turgida, Hald., Adams' Genera i. p. 307. Leptoxis viridis, Lea, Adams-' Genera i. p. 308. 13. A. s u b g 1 o b o s a, Say. Leptoxis subglobosa, Say, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. Leptoxis gibbosa, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. Leptoxis globula, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. Leptoxis tintinnabulum. Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. Leptoxis virgata, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. 14. Apraerosa, Say. Anculosa prsero&a, Say, Synonymy, Part 3. Leptoxis prterosa, Say, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. Morch, Toldi, Cat., p. 56. *IIas 27 years priority orer dissimilis. 9 90 Lithosia meritiformisj Desh., Adams 1 Genera i. p. 308. Anculotus angulatus, Conrad, Muller, Synopsis, p. 40, 183G Leptoxis angulata,) Conrad, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. 15. A. tfr a s s a, Haldeoaan. =Eurycselon. A.pisum, Hald., Synonymy, Part 3, No. 19. Leptoxis pisum, Hald., Adams' General, p. 307. 16. A. t a e n i a t a, Conrad. Anculotus tseniatus. Conrad, Muller, Synopsis, p. 41, 1836. Leptoxis txniata, Conrad, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. 17. A T r o o s t i a n a, Lea. Leptoxis Troostiana, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. 25. A. p i c ta, Conrad. A nculosa picta, Conrad, Muller, Synopsis, p. 39, 1836. Lr.ptoxix picta, Conrad. Ad ims' Genera i. p. 307. Leptoxis flammita t Conrad, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. 28. A. squal i d a, Lea. Leptoxis squxlida, Lea, Adams' Genera i. p. 307. 29. A. p a t u 1 a, Anthony. ,=dilalata ) Conrad.? 30. A. v i r i d u 1 a, Anthony. = tilatata, Conrad.? 33. A. turbinata, Lea. = Eurycxlon* 91 ADDITIONS TO SYNONYMY OF STREPOMATIDJE. PLEUROCERA, Rafinesque. 2a. P. Lesley!, Lea. Trypanostoma Lesleyi, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 4, 1S64. 12a. P. a f f i n e , Lea. Trypanostoma affine, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 4, 1864. 39a. P. cinctum, Lea. Trypanostoma cinctum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 112, 1864. 396. P. carinatum, Lea. Trypanostoma carinatum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 4, 1864. 52a. P. cylindraceum, Lea. Trypanostoma cylindraceum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 4, 1864, 53a. P. subrobustum, Lea. Trypanostoma subrobustum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 4, 1864. 54a. P. Roanense, Lea. - Trypanostoma Roanense, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 4, 1864. 546. P. univittata, Lea. Trypanostoma univittata, Lea, Prt>c. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 112, 1864. 636. P. cornea, Lea. Trypanostoma cornea, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 112, 1864. 63c. P. venustum, Lea. Trypanostoma venustum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 112, 1864. 83a. P. napoideum, Lea. Trypanostoma napoideum, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 112, 1864 STREPHOBASIS, Lea. 7a. St. Lyonii, Lea. Strephobasi* Lyonii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Scu, p. 5, 1864, 92 GONIOBASIS, Lea. 9a. G. Albanyensis, Lea. Goniobasis Albany ensis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 4, 1864. Ha. G. viridostriatus, Lea. Goniobasis viridostriatus, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 4, 1864. 28c. G. Smithsoniana, Lea. Goniobasis Smithsoniana, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 112, 1864. 28d. G. Emeryensis, Lea. Goniobasis Emeryensis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 3, 1864. 112a. G. subrhombica, Lea. Goniobasis subrhombica, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. Ill, 1864. 125a. G. fraterna, Lea. Goniobasis fraterna, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. Ill, 1864. I79a. G. Roma, Lea. Goniobasis Roma, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. Ill, 1864. 185a. G. p ul la, Lea. Goniobasis pulla, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 112, 1864. 233a. G. pupseformis, Lea. G. pupaformis. Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 112, 1864. SCHIZOSTOMA, Lea. 23a. S. Showalteriana, Lea. Schizostoma Showalterii, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 112, 1864. 93 I3STID ABBEVLA.TIONS. Anc., Anculosa. Ang., Angitrema. E., Eur., Eury- cselon. G., Goniobasis. L., Lithasia. M., Mesescliiza. P., Pleurocera. Sch., Schizostoma. St., Strephobasis. Abbevillensis, (G.) Lea, 43' abbreviata, (G.) Anth., 47, 77 abjecta, (G. ) Hald., 58 abrupta, (G.; Lea, 52, 79 abscida, (G.) Anth., 83 acuta, (Bithinia) 14 acuta, (G.J Lea, 46, 78 acuta, (G.J Lea, Bell., 57 acutocarinata, (G.) Lea, 49, 79 Adelinae, CLimnaea) Tryon, 14 adusta, (G.) Anth., 56, 80 aqua, CG.) Lea, 82 qualis, CG.) Hald. 39 affine, (P.) Lea, 91 affinis, (Anc.) Hald., 58 Alabamensis, (G.) Lea, - 82 Alabamense, (P.) Lea, 24] Alabatnense, (Sch.) Lea, 64 Alabamense, (Sch.) " Reeve, 62 Albanyensis, CG.) Lea, 92 Alexandrensis, CG.) Lea, 57, 81 altilis, CGillia) Lea, f 72 al'ilis, CGillia) Rav, 72 llipetura,(G .) Auth., 8 alveare, CP.) Conr. 21, 73 Amama, (G.) Lea, 39 ambusta, CG.) Anth., 86 ampla, CAnc.) Anth., 71 ampla, (G.) Anth., 84 amplum, (Sch.) Anth, 63 angulata, (G.) Anth., 48 angulatus, CAnc.) Conr., 70,72,90 angulosa, (Anc.) Menke, 70 angusta, (G.) Anth., Reeve, 57 angustispira, (G.) Anth., annulatum, (P.) Conr., annuliferum, (P.) Conr., 22, Anthonyi, (Anc.) Budd, Anthonyi, (E.) Budd., Anthonyi, (G.) Lea, Anthonyi, (P.) Lea, Anthonyi, (Sch.) Reeve, approximata, (G.J Hald., arachnoidea, (G.) Anth., aratum, (P.) Lea, arctata, (G.) Lea, armigera, (Ang.J Say, assimilis, CG.) Anth., assimilis, (G.) Lea, Binney, aterina, CG.) Lea, athleta, (G.) Anth., attenuatum, (P.) Lea, auriculaeformis, (G.) Lea, auriscalpium, (G.) Menke, babylonica, C^O Lea, babylonicuni, (Sch.) Lea, baculum, CG.) Anth., Bairdiana, CG.) Lea, Barrattii, CG.) Lea, basalis, (G.) Lea, bella, (Anc.) Lea, bella, CG.) Conr. bellacrenata, (G.) Hald., bellula, CG.) Lea, Bentoniensis, CG.) Lea, bicincta, CG.) Anth., bicolorata, (G.) Anth., 62, 56,57 25 25, 74 66, 89 88 55 24 64 58 38 26, 74 84 31,75 50 50 51 45, 78 29 51, 79 23, 59 57 64,88 44,46 47 50 84,86 66 68,73 38 86 37 50 57 bicostatum, (P.) Anth., 25, 74 Binneyana, (G.) Lea, 51 Binneyi, (Pomatiopsis; Tryon, 14 bipennata, (Xytotrya; Turton, 11 bitaeniata, (St.; Con. bivittatum, (P.) Lea, bizonalis, (G.) DeKay, blanda, (G.) Lea, Boykiniana, (G.) Lea, brevis, (G.) Lea, brevis, (lo) Anth., brevis, (L.) Lea, brevispira, (G.) Anth., Bridgesiana, (G.) Lea, Brumbyi, (G.; Lea, Brumbyi, (P.) Lea, brunnea, (G.) Anth., Buddii, (G.) DeKay, Buddii, (G.) Lea, Buddii, (Sch.) Lea, Buddii, (Sch.) Lea, Reeve, Buddii, (G.^ Say, Adams, Buddii, (G.) Lea, Reeve, bulbosa, (G.) Gould, bulbosum, (Sch.; Anth., bullata, (Physa) Gld., bullula, CG.) Lea, 34, 76 29 59 38, 42, 77 35,76 84 21 33 56, 80 48 54 25 79,80 59 59,81 63, 64 64 81 84 53 62, 63 15 86,87 51 cadus, (GO Lea, 39, 77 cahawbensis, (G.; Lea, 55 cselatura, (G.) Conr., 36, 76 calculoides, (G.; Lea, 86 caliginosa, (G.) Lea, 44, 78 canaliculatum, (P.; Say, 22, 33, 74 canalifera, (Anc.; Anth., 35, 66 canalitium, (P.) Lea, 24 Canbyi, (G. j Lea, 37 cancellata, (G.; Say, 46, 78 caperata, (Limnaea) Say, 15 capillaris, (G.) Lea, 87 carinata, (Anc.; Anth., 68 carinata, (Anc.; Brug., 89 carinata, (Anc.) DeKay, 67 carinata, (Anc.) Lea, 67, 89 carinata, (Anc.) Rav., 72 carinata, (G.; Rav., 58 carinata, (St.) Lea, 34 carinatum, (P.) Lea, 91 carinifera, (G.) Lam., 38, 76 cariniferum, (Sch.; Anth., 62 carinocostata, (G.) Lea, 39, 77 Carolinense, (P.) Lea, 29 casta, (G.) Anth., 48 castanea, (G.; Lea, 56 castaneufn, (Sch.) Lea, 62 catascopiurn, (Liranaea; Say, 15 Catawbaea, (G.) Hald., 49, 79 catenaria, (G.; Lea, 37 catenaria, (G.) Say, 36, 96 catenoides, (G.; Lea, 38, 76 cerea, (G.) Lea, 44 Chakasahaense, (P.) Lea, 28 chalybaea, (G.; Anth., Brot., 47, 77 Christyi, (G.; Lea, 40, 77 Christyi, (P.) Lea, 27 Cincinnatiensis,(Amnicola; Anth. 12 Cincinnatiensis,(Anc.; Lea, 70 cinctum, (P.; Lea, 91 cinerea, (G.; Lea, 54, 80 cinerella, (G.; Lea, 44 cingenda, (Anc.; Anth., 72 cinnamomea, (G.) Anth., 48 circincta, (G.) Lea, 45, 78 clara, (G.) Anth., 86 Clarkii, (G.) Lea, . 46 Clarkii, (P.; Lea, 24 Clarkii, (St.; Lea, 34 clausa, (G.; Lea, clavaeformis, (G.; Lea, 55, 80 cognata, (G.) Anth. 52 columella, (G.) Lea, 41 comma, (G.; Conr., 46, 78 compacta, (L.; Anth., 33 concinna, (G.; Lea, 46, 78 congesta, (G.; Conr., 50, 79 conica, (P.; Say, 23,. 74 conica, (Sch.; Shutt., 65 Conradi, (G.; Brot, 38 Conradi, (P.; Tryon, 27 consanguinea, (L.; Anth., 33 constrictum, (Sch.; Lea, 64, 88 continens, (G.) Lea, 43 contorta, (Anc.; Lea, 71 Cooperi, (Cyclotus; Tryon, Coosaensis, (Anc.; Lea, 70, 72 Coosaensis, (G.; Lea, 83 copiosa, (G.; Lea, 85 coracina, (G.; Anth., 41 cornea, (P.) Lea, 91 cornea, (St.; Lea, 34 corneola, (G.) Anth., 43 coronilla, (G.; Anth, 47, 77 corpulenta, (Anc.; Anth., 68 corpulentus, (Planorbis; Say, 12 corpulentis, (St.; Anth., 34 correcta, (G.) Brot, 52 corrugata, (G.^Lea, 44 costata, (Anc.; Anth., 66, 69, 89 costata, (Anc.) Rav., 72 costata, (Physa; Newcomb, 15 costifera, (G.) Hald., 42 coetulata, (G.; Lea, 44, 77 95 Couperii, (GO Lea, 37 crassa, (Eur.J Hald., 70, 88 crebricostata, (G.) Lea, 45, 78 crebristriata, (G.) Lea, crenatella, (G.) Lea, 59 crepera, (G.) Lea, 83 crispa, (G.) Lea, 40 crispata, (Zirphaea) 10 crist&ta, (G.) Anth., 47 cruda, (G.) Lea, cruentata, CAnc.) Menke, 70 cubicoides, (G.) Anth., 48 cucullata, (Xylotrya) Norman, 10 culta, (GO Lea, ' 85 Cumberlandiensis, (G.) Lea, 56, 80 Cumingii, (Jouannetia) 9 cuneiformis, (MartesiaJ 11 Curreyana, (GO Lea, 40, 42, 77 Currierianum, (P.) Lea, 26 curta, lG.) Menke, 69 curta, (St.) Hald., 34, 76 curtatum, (P.) Lea, 26 curtum, (Sch.) Mighels, 63, 88 curvatum, (P.) Lea, 29, 75 curvicostata, (GO Anth., 45 curvilabris, (G.) Anth., 57 cuspidata, (GO Anth., 52 cylindracea, (G.) Con., 81 cylindraceum, (P.) Lea, 91 cylindraceum, (SchO Mighels, 63 cylindrica, (G.) Con., Wheatley, 81 Decampii, (G.) Lea, 46 decisa, (Amnicola) Hald., 12 decora, (G.) Lea, 45 decorata, (GO Anth., 36, 39 deflectus, (Planorbis) Say, 12 demissum, (SchO Anth., 64 densa, (GO Anth., 53 densecostata, (G.) Reeve, 45 dentata, (AncO Couth., 67, 89 dentata, (Anc.) Lea, 68 dentifera, (Rocellaria) Dufo, 9 depygis, (G.) Say, 49, 52, 53,59, 79 debygis, (G.) Say, Chenu, 75 Deshayesiana, (G.) Lea, 42, 78 Deshayesiana, (G.) Reeve, 42 difficilis, (GO Lea, 44,77 dignum, (P.) Lea, 25 dilatata, (Anc.) Conr., 68, 72, 89, 90 dilatata, (L.) Lea, 32 dilatata, (Teredo) Stimpaon, 18 dislocata, (GO Rav., 43, 77 dissimilis, (Anc.) Say, 67, 68, 89 Doolyensis, (GO Lea, 43 Downieana, (GO Lea, 37 Downiei, (LO Lea, 34 Draytonii, (GO Lea, 58 dubia, (GO Lea, 56 dubiosa, (G.) Lea, 56, 80 Duchassaingi, (Jouannetia) |Desh., 9 Duttoniana, (Ang.) Lea, 31, 75 Duttonii, (G.) Lea, 40 22,23 dux, (L.) Lea, 48, ebenum, (GO Lea, Edgariana, (G.) Lea, elata, (GO Anth., elegans, (Anc.) Anth., elegantula, (G.) Anth. t elevatum, (T.) Lea, Adams, elevatum, (P.) Say, 25, Emeryensis, (G.) Lea, eliminata, (G.) Anth., Elliottii, (G.) Lea, ellipsoides, (G.) Lea, elliptica, (G.) Lea, ellipticum, (Sch.) Lea, elongatum, (PO Lea, 26, Estabrookii, (G.) Lea, Estabrookii, (P.j Lea, Etowahensis, (GO Lea, exaratum, (PO Menke, exaratum, (P.) Lea, excavata, (G.) Anth., excisum, (Sck.J Lea, excuratum, (P.) Conr., 22, excurvatum, (P.) Conr., exigua, (Melania) Conr., exilis, (G.) Hald., 56, exilis, (G.) Hald., Adams, eximium, (PO Anth., expansa, (G.) Lea, 51,79 44, 77 57 71 47,77 74 26,76 92 46 54 86 86 62 27,74 55,80 29 37,54 23 26,74 84, 87 62, 88 23,73 22 14 57,81 57 26 79 fabalis, (GO Lea, 82 fallax, (GO Lea, 82 fasciata, (G.) Menke, 59 fascinans, (GO Lea, 83 fasciolata, (Ang.) Reeve, 31 fastigiatum, (P.) Anth., 27, 74 Fieldii, (Planorbis) Tryon, 12 filum, (P.J) Lea, 23, 74 fimbriata, (Xylotryaj 11, 18 flammata, (Anc.) Lea, 71, 90 flava, (GO Lea, 54 flavescens, (G.) Lea, 76 Florencense, (P.) Lea, 24 Florentianus, (Ang.) Lea, Reeve, 30 Florentianus, (L.) Lea, 32, 76 Floridensis, (G.) Reeve, 37 fluvialis, (Io) Say, 20, 73 Foremanii, (Anc.) Lea, 71 96 Foreman!!, (P.) Lea, 22, 73 formosa, CAncJ Lea, 71 formosa, (G.) Anth., Reeve, 40 formosa, (G.; Conr., 40, 77 fragilis, (Ancylus) Tryon, fragilis, (Limnsea) Linn., 15 fraterna, CG.) Lea, 92 fuliginosa, (L.) Lea, 32, 76 fumea, (G.) Lea, 82 funebralis, CG.) Anth., 56, 80 funiculata, (Ang.; Reeve, 31 funiculatum, CSch.) Lea, 64, 88 furva, (GJ Lea, 56 fuscocincta, (G.) Anth., 50 fusiformis, if G.) Lea, 86 fusiformis, (lo) Lea, 20, 73 fusiformis, (L.) Lea, 34 Gabbiana, (G.) Lea, 55 Gabbii, (Thysa) Tryon, 15 Gabbii, CZirphsea; Tryon, 10 gemma, (G.) De Kay, 59 genicula, (Ang.; Lea, 30, 75 geniculata, CAng.) Hald,, 30, 75 Georgiana, CG.) Lea r 52 Gerhardtii, (G.) Lea, 49, 79 germana, CG.) Anth., 85 gibberosa, (E.J Lea, 35, 76, 88 gibbosa, (Anc.) Lea, 69, 89 gibbosa, CG.; Lea, 51 gibbosa, (lo) Anth., 20 glabra, CG.) Lea, 51 glandaria, (G.) Lea, 86 glandulum, (P.) Anth., 27 glandulum, (Sch.) Lea, 65 glans, (P.) Anth., 27 glans, (Sen.) Lea, 63 glauca, CG.; Anth., 44, 78 globosum, (Sch.) Anth., 63 globosum, CSch.) Lea, 62 globula, (Anc.) Lea, 69, 89 gracile, (P.) Lea, 27 gracilior, CG.; Anth., 54 gracilior, (G.) Lea, 86 gracilis, (G.) Lea, Reeve, 54 gracilis, (lo) Lea, 21, 27 gracilis, CG.; Anth. 54 gracilis, (G.) Lea, 39 1 , 41, 77 gracillima, (G.) Anth., 46 gradatum, (P.) Anth., 26 graminea, (G.) Hald., 51, 79 granata, CG.) Lea, 36 grata, CG.) Anth., 54 gratiosa, (E.) Lea, 35, 76, 88 gravida, CG.) Anth., 85 Griffithiana, CAnc.; Lea, 67, 89 grisea, (G.) Anth., 85 grossum, (P.) Anth., 17, 21 Grosvenorii, (G.) Lea, Grosvenorii, (Mes.; Lea, 88 gyrina, (Physaj) Say, 15 Haldemani, (G.; Tryon, 57, 81 Haleiana, (G.) Lea, 57, 81 Hallenbeckii, CG.; Lea, 37 harpa, (G.) Lea, Hartmaniana, CG.) Lea, 84 Hartmanii, CG.) Lea, 84 Hartmanii, (P.) Lea, 25 Har.tmanii, (Sch.) Lea, 64 hastatum, (P.; Anth., 28 Haysiana, CG.; Lea r 82, 83, 84 Helenas, (Melania; Tryon, 13 Henryanum, (P.; Lea, 25 heterostropha, CPhysaJ Say, 15, 16 Hildrethiana, CL.) Lea, 33, 76 humerosa, (Anc.; Anth., 72 humerosa, (Physa) Gould, 15 hybrida, (G.) Anth., 50 Hydei, (G.) Con., 36, 76 imbricata, (G.; Anth., 50 imperialis, (L.; Lea, 32 impressa, CG.; Lea, 87 incisum,. (Sch.) Lea, 65, 88 inclinans, CG.) Lea, 37 inconstans, CG.; Lea, 43 incrassatum, (P.) Anth., 25 incurta, CG.) Anth., Reeve, 55 incurvum, (P.) Lea, 24 induta, CG.) Lea, 41 inempta, CG.) Anth., 59 inermis, (lo) Anth., 20 infantula, (G.; Lea, .53 inflata, (Anc.) Lea, 68, 89 inflata, (G.) Hald., informis, CG.) Lea, 57 infrafasciatum, (P.) Anth., 24 infuscata, (G.) Lea, 49 iuornata, (G.; Anth., 57, 81 inosculata, (G.) Lea, 55, 82 instabilis, (G.; Lea, 40,77 integra, CAnc.) Say, 72 intensum, (P.; Anth., 74 intercedens, CG.) Lea, 48 interlineata, (G.; Anth., 56, 80 intermedia, CLimnsea; Mich., 15 interrupta, (G.) Hald., 40, 77 intersita, (G.; Hald., 41 intertexta, (G.; Anth., 38 interveniens, (G. ) Lea, 40 iostoma, (P.) Anth., 48, 51, 75, 79 iota, (G.) Anth., Jay ana, (Ang.) Lea, .; Lea, Kirtlandia, (G.) Lea, Philippi Kirtlandiana, (Ang.) Anth Kirtlandiana, (G.) Lea, Knoxense, (P.) Lea, Knoxvillense, (P.; Lea, labiatum, (P.) Lea, laehryma, (E.) Anth., laciniatum, (Sch.) Lea, laeta, (G.)Jay, laevigata, (G.) Lea, laevis, (G.) Lea, laqueata, (G.) Say, larvaeformis, (G.) Lea, latitans, (G.) Anth., lativittatum, (P.) Lea, Leaii, (G.) Brot, Leaii, (P.) Tryon., Lecontiana, (G.) Lea, Leidyana, (G.) Lea, lepida, (G.) Lea, Lesleyi, (P.) Lea, Lewisii, (Anc.) Lea, Lewisii, (G.) Lea, Lewisii, (P.) Lea, ligata, (Anc.) Anth., ligatum, (P.) Menke, ligatum, (P.) Lea, lima, (Ang.j Conr., Lindsleyi, (G.) Lea, lita, (G.) Lea, Lithasioides, (G.) Lea, littorina, (Anc.) Hald., lirescens, CG.) Menke, livida, (G.; Reeve, Louisvillensis, (G.) Lea, lugmbre, (P.) Lea, lurida, (Io) Anth., luteola, (G.) Lea, luteum, (P.) Lea, Lyonii, (G.) Lea, Lyonii, (P.) Lea, Lyonii, (St.) Lea, macella, (G.) Lea, Mauiensis, (Melania) Lea, mediocris, (G.) Lea, megotara, (Teredo) Hanley, Melanoides, (Anc.) Conr., mellea, (G.) Lea, 97 50 Midas, (E.) Lea, 87 Milesii, (G.) Lea, 52 31,75 minima, (Xylotrya) 11 25 minor, (P.) Lea, 30 modesta, (G.) Lea, 49, 79 ippi, 57 modesta, (Io) Lea, 21 L., 68, 89 modestum, (P.) Lea, 26,29 57, 81 monilifera, (G.) Anth., Jay, 38 28 moniliferum, (P.) Lea, 22 29 monodontoides, (Anc.) Conr., 67,89 monozonalis, (G.) Lea, 41 27, 28, 74 moriforme, (P.) Lea, 24 35, 76, 88 mucronatum, (P.) Lea, 28 63,88 multilineata, (G.) Say, 58,81 84 mutabilis, (G.) Lea, 42 56, 80 mutata, (G.) Bret, 42,77 56 40,77 napella, (G.) Anth., 52 57 59 napoideum, (P.) Lea, nassula, (G.) Conr., 40, 91 43, 77 26 navalis, (Teredo) Linn., 13 56 nebulosa, (G.) Conr., 38 27 negata, (G.) Lea, 87 39,77 neglectum, (P.) Anth., 28 39,77 neritiformis, (Anc.) Deah M 70,90 83 Newberryi, (G.) Lea, 53 91 Niagarensis, (G.) Lea, 52 72 Nickliniana, (G.) Lea, 57, 79 86 nigrescens, (Anc.) Conr., 67,89 25,26 nigrina, (G.) Lea, 47,58 72 nigrocincta, (G.) Anth., 50 23 nigrostoma, (P.) Anth., 48, 75 23 nitens, (G.) Lea, 42, 77 31,75 nitida, (G.) Lea, 42 43,77 nobilis, (Io) Lea, 21 82 nobile, (P.) Lea, 22, 74 53 nodulosa, (G.) Lea, 44, 78 66, 89 nodata, (Ang.) Reeve, 31 "52,79 nodosa, (Io) Lea, 21 57 nodosa, (P.) Lea, 22 73 nubila, (G.) Lea, 36, 76, 88 75,79 nuclea, (Am.) Lea, 72 20 nuclea, (L.) Lea, 33 85 nucleola, (L.) Anth., 33, 76 29 nuculum, (Sch.) Anth., 63 44 nupera, (Ang.) Say, 31 29 nupera, (P.) Say, 21 91 obesa, (G.) Anth., 38 50 obliqua, (L.) Anth., 33,76 13 obliqua, (Sch.) Anth., 65 40 oblita, (G.) Lea, 49, 74, 79 y, 11 obovata, (L.) Say, 33,76 , 68,89 obtecta, .(Martesia) 11 84 obtusa, (G.) Lea, 39,77 98 occata, (G.) Hinds, 36 planoapira, (Anc.) Anth., 71 occidentalis, (Anc.) Lea, 66, 69, 89 planulata, (Anc.) Lea, 72 Ocoeensis, (G.) Lea, 55, 75, 80 plebeius, (G.) Anth., 48, 79, 80 occulta, (G.) Anth., 52 plena, (St.) Anth., 34 Ohioensis, (G.) Lea, 56, 80 plicata, (Anc.) Conr., 66, 89 oliva, (G.) Lea, 84, 85 plicatula, (G.) Lea, 42, 77 olivaceum, (P.) Lea, 23, 74 plicatum, (P.) Tryon, 17, 26 olivaria, (St.) Lea, 34 plicifera, (G.) Lea, 47, 78 olivata, (G.) Conr., Jay, 83 ponderosum, (P.) Anth., 22, 23 olivella, (G.) Lea, 40 porrecta, (G.) Lea, 59 olivula, (G.) Conr., 51, 81, 83, 85 Portellii, (G.) Lea, Reeve, 38 opaca, (P.) Anth., 48, 75, 79 Postellii, (G.) Lea, 38 oppugnata, (G.) Lea, 81 Postellii, (P.) Lea, , 24 orbicula, (G.) Lea, 85 Potosiensis, (G.) Lea, 53,80 Ordianum, (P.) Lea, 25, 74 praemorsa, (Anc.) Say, Woodward, 70 ornata, (Anc.) Anth., 72 praerosa, (Anc.) Say, 69,89 ornata, (Sch.) Anth., 64 Prairiensis, (G.) Lea, 54 ornatella, (G.) Lea, 40, 77 prasinatum, (P.) Conr., 22,24 ovalis, (G.) Lea, 85 Prestoniana, (G.) Lea, 79 ovalis, (Sch.) Anth., 63 procissa, (G.) Anth., 35 ovoidea, (G.) Lea, 48, 54, 80 producta, (P.) Lea, 21 ovoideum, (Sch.) Shutt., 62, 88 proletaria, (G.) Lea, 43 ovularis, (Anc.) Menke, 70 propinqua, (G.) Lea, 81 propria, (G.) Lea, 83, 87 pagodiformis, (G.) Anth., 49, 79 protea, (Amnicola) Gld., 14 pagoda, (Sch.) Lea, 63, 88 proteus, (G.) Lea, 47, 85 pagoda, (Sch.) Lea, Reeve, 64 proxima, (Limnaea) Lea, 15 pallescens, (G.) Lea, 55 proxima, (G.) Say, 58, 81, 85 pallidum, (P.) Lea, 28, 74 pudica, (G.) Lea, 82 pallidula, (G.) Anth., 48 pulchella, (G.) Anth., 53, 80 palmulata, (Xylotrya) Lam., 11 pulcherrima, (G.) Anth., 50 Panamensis, (Amnicola) Tryon, 12 pulla, (G.) Lea, 92 Panamensis, (Planorbis) Dunker, 12 pumilum, (P.) Lea, 30 papillosa, (G.) Anth., pumilum, (Sch.) Lea, 62 parva, (G.) Lea, 55 pumilum, (St.) Lea, 34, 7G parvum, (P.) Lea, 28 punicea, (G.) Lea, 82 patula, (Anc.) Anth., 72, 90 pupoidea, (G.) Anth., 81 paucicosta, (G.) Anth., 41 purpurea, (G.) Lea, 87 paula, (G.) Lea, 50, 51 purpurella, (G.) Lea, 43 paupercula, (G.) Lea, 43 Pybasii, (G.) Lea, 41 pectinata, (Jouannetia) 9 Pybasii, (P.) Lea, 24 perangulata, (G.) Conr., 38 pyramidatum, (Sch.) Shut., 63, 88 percarinata, (G.) Conr., 38 pyrenellum, (P.) Conr., 27, 74 perfecta, (Melania) Moussoa, 13 perfusca, (G.) Lea, 55 quadratum, (Sch.) Anth., 65 pergrata, (G.) Lea, quadricincta, (G.) Lea, 54, 80 pernodosa, (P.) Lea, 21, 73 quadrivittata, (G.) Lea, 8T perstriata, (G.) Lea, 43, 77 picta, (Anc.) Conr., 71 rapaeformis, (Anc.) Hald., 68 pictum, (P.) Lea, 75 rara, (G.) Lea, 82 picturata, (P.) Reeve, 75 rarinodosa, (L.) Anth., Reeve, 33 pilula, (Anc.) Lea, 66, 89 recisa, (Succinea) Morelet, 12 pinguis, (Anc.) Lea, 71 recta, (lo) Anth., 20 pisum, (Eur.) Hald., 71, 88, 90 rectum, (Sch.) Anth., 64 planogyrum, (P.) Anth., 27 rectum, (Sch.) Anth., Reeve, 65 99 reflexa, (Limnaea) Say, regulare, (P.) Lea, Remondi, (Helix) Tryon, rhombipa, (G.) Lea, rhomb ica, (Io) Anth., rigidum, (P.) Anth., Roanense, (P.) Lea, robulina, (Ang.) Anth., robusta, (lo) Lea, robustum, (P.) Lea, robustum, (Sch.) Anth., robusta, (G.) Lea, Rogersii, (Anc.) Conr., Romae, (G.) Lea, roratum, (P.) Reeve, rostellatura, (P.) Lea, rota, (Ang.) Reeve, Rowellii, (Amnicola) Tryon, rubella, (G.) Lea, rubicunda, (G.) Lea, rubiginosa, (Anc.) Lea, rubiginosa, (G.) Lea, rubricata, (G.) Lea, rudens, (G.) Reeve, rufa, (G.) Lea, rufescens, (G.) Lea, mfula, (G.) Hald., rugosa, (G.) Lea, 15 27,74 18 48 20 25, 74 91 31, 75 ! 21 22 64, 65 84 68, 72, 89 92 22 29 31 13 57 83 67, 70, 89 47 58 47 58 58, 81 57 44 Saffordi, (G.) Lea, 53, 80 salebrosa, (Ang.) Conr., 30, 75 salebrosa, (Sch.) Anth., 64 Sayi, (P.) Desh., 74 Sayi, (P.) Ward, 23 Sayi, (Strombus) Wood, 23 scabrella, (G.) Anth., Reeve, 39 scabriuscula, (G.) Brot, 39 sculptilis, (G.) Lea, " 59 Sellersiania, (G.) Lea, 41 [ eemicarinata, (G.) Say, 56, 80, 81 j semicostata, (G.) Conr., semigradata, (G.) Reeve, 39, 79 semigranulosa, (Ang.) Desh., 32, 75 setacea, (Xylotrya) Tryon, 10, 18 Shastaensis, (G.) Lea, 47 Shastaensis, (G.) Lea, Reeve, 36 Shelby ensis, (G.) Lea, 82 I Showalteriana, (Sch.) Lea, 92 I Showalterii, (Anc.) Lea, 66 Showalterii, (G.) Lea, 83 Showalterii, (L.) Lea, 32 Showalterii, (P.) Lea, 24 Showalterii, (Sch.) Lea, 62 silicula, (G.) Gould, 47, 78 implex, (G.) Say, 49,51, 52, 53, 79, 80 simplex, (P.) Lea, ' 29 smaragdiaus, (Anc.) Reeve, 66 Smithii, (Diplothyra) Tryon, 11 Smithsoniana, (G.) Lea, 92 solida, (L.) Lea, 33 solida, (St.) Lea, 34, 76 solidula, (G.) Lea, 82 sordida, (G.) Lea, 55, 79, 80 Spartenburgensis, (G.) Lea, 49 spams, (G.) Lea, sphaericum, (Sch.) A&th., 63 Spillmanii, (G.) Lea, 48 Spillmanii, (Io) Lea, 21 Spiilmanii, (P.) Lea, 22, 27 Spillmanii, (Sch.) Lea, 64 Spillmanii, (St.) Lea, 34 spinalis, (P.) Lea, 74 spinella, (G.) Lea, 58 spinosa, (Io) Lea, 20, 73 spirostoma, (Io) Anth., 21 Spixiana, (Ang.) Lea, spurca, (G.) Lea, 54 spurca, (P.) Lea, 75, 80 squallida, (Anc.) Lea, 72, 90 Stewardsoniana, (G.) Lea, 36, 71 straminea, (G.) Lea, 85 strenua, (G.) Lea, 39, 77 striata, (G ) Lea, 45, 78 striata, (Martesia) 11 striatula, (G.) Lea, 45, 78 striatum, (P.) Lea, 29 strictum, (P.) Lea, 26 strigillata, (G.) Muhlfeldt, 59 strigosum, (P.) Lea, 28 Stutchburyi, (Xylotrya) 11 Stygia, (Ang.) Say, 31, 75 suavis, (G.) Lea, 85 subangulata, (G.) Anth., subcarinata, (Anc.) Rav., 72 subcarinata, (Anc.) Wood, 67 subcarinata, (G.) Anth., Reeve, 50 subcylindracea, (G.) Lea, 46, 78 subglobosa, (Anc.) Say, 69, 89 subglobosa, (Ang.) Lea, 30 subglobosa, (Pal.) Say, 72 Bublirata, (G.) Conr., 37 subrhombica, (G.) LejR, 92 subrobustum, (P.) Lea, 91 subsolida, (G.) Lea, 55, 79, 80 substricta, (G.) Hald., 39, 77 substrictum, (P.) Hald , 23 subulaeforme, (P.) Lea, 25 subulare, (P.) Lea, 25, 74 succinulata, (G.) Anth., 57 sugillatum, (P.) Reeve, 29, 74, 75 sulcosa, (Anc.) Anth., 66 sulcosa, (G.) Lea, 59, 81 100 suturalis, (G.) Hald., 42 Sycamorense, (P.) Lea, 26, 29 symmetrica, (G.) Conr., 38 symmetrica, (G.) Hald., 49, 50 tabulata, (G.) Anth., 49 taeniata, (Anc.) Conr., 70, 72, 90 taeniolata, (G.) Anth., 84 Taitiana, (G.) Lea, 58 tecta, (G.) Anth., 50 tenebrocinctum, (P.) Anth., 28 tenebrosa, (G.) Lea, 41 tenebrosa, (Io) Lea, 20, 73 tenebrovittata, (G.) Lea, 54 tenera, (G.) Anth., 54 Teunesseense, (P.) Lea, 30, 75 terebralis, (G.) Lea, 46 teres, (G.) Lea, 46 textilosa, (G.) Anth., 84 Thomson!!, (Teredo) Tryon, 17 Thornton!!, (G.) Lea, 45, 74 Thornton!!, (P.) Lea, 24 tintinnabulum, (Anc.) Lea, 69, 89 torquata, (P.) Lea, 21, 73 torta, (G.) Lea, 53 tortum, (P.) Lea, 25 torulosa, (G.) Anth., 49, 79 translucens, (G.) Anth., 54, 80 translucidum, (Cyclotus) Sby., 18 Traskii, (Limnaea) Tryon, 15 trilineata, (Anc.) Say, 66, 68, 69 tripartita, (G.) Reeve, 45 trivittata, (Anc.) De Kay, 67, 89 trivittata, (L.) Lea, 33 trivittatum, (P.) Lea, 30, 74, 75 Irochiformis, (G.) Conr., 47, 78 trochulus, (P.) Lea, 30 Troostiana, (Anc.) Lea, 70, 90 Troostiana, (G.) Lea, 59, 76, 81 Troostii, (P.) Lea, 22, 23 Tryoniana, (G.) Lea, 36 Trypanomphala, (Helix) Pfr., 18 tuberculata, (Anc.J Lea, 67 tuberculata, (Ang.) Lea, 31, 75 Tuomeyi, (Ang.) Lea, 30 Tuomeyi, (G.) Lea, 39,40 Tuomeyi, (P.) Lea, 27 turbinata, (Eur.) Lea, 72, 88, 90 turgida, (Anc.) Hald., 68, 89 turgidum, (P.) Lea, 29 turris, (Glandina) Pfr., 18 turrita, (Io) Anth., 21 Ucheensis, (G.) Lea, 50 umbonata, (G.) Lea, 87 umbrosa, (Limnaea) Say, 15 unciale, (P.) Hald., 29, 74, 75, 79 undosa, (L.) Anth., 33 undulatum, (P.) Say, 22, 73 univittata, (P.) Lea, 91 validum, (P.) Anth., 27 Vanuxemensis,(G.)Lea,"Wheatley,83 Vanuxemiana, (G.) Lea, 83 Vanuxemii, (G.) Lea, 52, 79 Vanuxemii, (P.) Lea, 28, 80 variabilis, (Anc.) Lea, 67, 89 variabilis, (Io) Lea, 21 variabilis, (P.) " 22 varians, (G.) Lea, 36 variata, (G.) Lea, 85 varicosa, (G.) Ward, Vauxiana, (G.) Lea, 51 ventrosula, (Helix) Pfr., 18 venusta, (L.) Lea, 32 venustum, (P.) Lea, 91 verrucosa, (Ang.) Raf., 31, 75 verrucosa, (Io) Reeve, 20 versipellis, (G.) Anth., 41 vesicula, (G.) Lea, 40, 77 vestitum, (P.) Conr. t 28, 74 vicina, (G.) Anth., 49 Viennaensis, (G.) Lea, 42 Vignoni, (Jouannetia) 9 virens, (Am.) Lea, 72 virens, (G.) Anth., 53, 80 virens, (Sch.) Anth., 65 virens, (Valvata) Tryon, 14 virgata, (Anc.) Lea, 69, 89 virgata, (Physa) Gld., 16 Virginica, (G.) Gmel., 58,81 virgulata, (G.) Lea, 85, 86 viride, (P.) Lea, 23 viridicata, (G.) Lea, 43 viridis, (Anc.) Lea, 68 viridis, (Bithinia) 14 viridostriatus, (G.) Lea, 92 viridula, (Anc.) Anth., 72, 89, 90 viridula, (Io) Lea, 21 viridula, (P.) Lea, 27 viridula, (P.) Anth., 29 vittata, (Anc.) Lea, 71 vittata, (G.) Anth., 49, 50 vittata, (L.) Lea, 32 vittatella, (G.) Lea, 57 Warderiana, (G.) Lea, 53, 80 Wardiana, (G.) Lea, Wheatley, 53 Wetumpkaense, (Sch.) Lea, 63, 64 Whitei, (G.) Lea, 48, 79 White!, (P.) Lea, 29 zebra, (Anc.) Anth., 71 Proc.AN.S. Pkdada,. 1863. Plate 1. 12. 2. 11. 13. 15. 1. Zirf)has&Gal)bvi. 2, 3. ^Xylotryasefjuxa,. 4,5 .Planorbis FieljdH. 6.Amnir0Ia. Pajtcunensis. 7. MelaniasJIelencLe. 8,$ \Amicola; Rowedii- lO.PomMtiopsis Sinn^-j. 71. Valvctta virens T2.Lunnaea Adelinae. 13. Limnaea, Trasldi. U.Ptysa Cbvi. 15-Ajwyhjus fragtiis. Proc^L N. A Plata Aa. . Plate 2, 5. . E.J. Nolan. del. ^2,fycl0tuLA Cooperi Tlwrnsonn 6. PROSPECTUS OF THE M E R I JOURNAL OF CONCHOLOGY. THE undersigned proposes to issue, early in next rear, the first number of a quarterly publication bearing the above title. Believing that the status of Conchology in the United States is such as to justify and demand a special exponent, and rely- ing on the enthusiastic love of the Science which distinguishes its votaries for a generous and liberal support, he willingly assumes the responsibility of publisher, together with the cer- tainty of present pecuniary loss, which must necessarily attend an undertaking of this nature. It is surely not expecting too much, to depend upon the , unanimous and hearty support, and unremitting effort of those interested in Conchology, to increase our Subscription List as rapidly as possible ; and perhaps on our part, it may be deemed almost superfluous to say, that after paying the ex- penses of the publication of the Journal as now projected, any surplus funds remaining, will be expended entirely either on its enlargement, or in providing more abundant illustration. The American Journal of Conchology will be published quarterly in numbers of about 100 pp. each, printed on fine heavy paper, making a volume of 400 pp. per annum. Each number will contain at least two carefully executed Lithographic Plates, colored by hand, and also the Portrait and Autograph of a distinguished American Conchologist. 2 Prospectus of the The Literary contents ot the Journal will consist of Descriptions of New Genera and Species. Articles on Geographical, Bathymetrical and Geological Distribution. Anatomical Papers. Synonymy and Classification. Elaborate Reviews of New Books. Editor's Table: Including Notices of all Works published, and of all Concho- logical Papers in American and foreign periodicals, and Transactions of Learned Societies, with interesting extracts from them and synopses of their contents Announcements of < new works in preparation Notices of the various public and private Museums Of Collections for sale or ex- change Answers to Inquiries of Correspondents Obituary. idiP Conchologists are earnestly requested to contribute papers immediately, as the first number of the Journal will be published as soon as a sufficient quantity and variety of MSS. is at our disposal. UEOKGE W. TEYON, JB., H25 Market Street. Philadelphia. November 30, 1864. American Journal of Conchology. TERMS. Subscriptions in advance, Ten Dollars per annum. The work will be sent throughout the United States post paid. Single Numbers for sale at Three Dollars each. In Europe all the principal booksellers and shell dealers will receive subscriptions and supply the Journal. (P. O. address) 186 (TEOKGE W. TRYON, JR., 625 Market St., Philadelphia, Enter my name on the Subscription List for copies of the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CONCHOLOGY. For the year 1865. and thereafter, until I order it to be dis- continued. (Name.) Subscription payable on delivery of the first number of the Journal. RETURN TO* LOAN PERIOD 1 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW 1 lir.lNTERUBRARYUOAN MAR fi 12fi9 mm/ AC PAI IF RFRK UNIV. Or wW.ll ., Dtnn. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DDO, 15m, 2/84 BERKELEY, CA 94720