OS* REESE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Received^. . _ . ^*&.&$L $dLt_ _ _ i88/_, Shelf No.___ ^ /_-/-- ' ' Tzi HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING AND MAN UAL FOR WATER SUPPLY ENGINEERS. PUBLIC FOUNTAIN, CINCINNATI. PRACTICAL TREATISE ON WATER-SUPPLY ENGINEERING: RELATING TO THE HYDROLOGY, HYDRODYNAMICS, AND PRACTICAL CONSTRUCTION OF WATER-WORKS, IN NORTH AMERICA. WITH NUMEROUS TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS, BT J. T. FANNlM^ v C.Bf,/y^ MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN SECOXD EDITIOIST. NEW YORK: D. VAN NOSTRAND, PUBLISHER, 23 MURRAY STREET & 27 WARREN STREET. 1878. ^ v COPYKIGHT, 1877, BY J. T. FANNING. // Electrotyped by Printed by SMITH & McDOTJGAL. H. J. HEWETT PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. THE author having been informed by the Publisher of this treatise that he has already had the sheets of a second edition struck off, and is about to hand them to the binder, gladly avails himself of the opportunity to thank his professional friends in practice and in training for the honor they have conferred, by taking up the first edition ere it is scarce six months out of the press, and to thank the scientific press generally for their kind criticisms and commendations; and he is especially glad to have opportunity so early to call attention to some typographical errors in the first edition, and to ask the purchasers to make the proper corrections therein, viz. : In 423, p. 423, equation 28, one h t was omitted. It should read, P l = $w 9 \Ji, sec (7i, 3 tan 2 < + c 2 2 )* f 2 . In the Appendix, p. 597, the decimal point in the weight per cubic inch of metals is one place too far to the left; thus, the weight of aluminum is printed .00972, but should read .0972. No one can regret so much as the author that other duties have prevented a thorough revision and improvement of the work, so that it may be more worthy of so generous a reception. J. T. F. WATER SUPPLY ENGINEERING. ERRATA. Page 225. In line 10 the equation should read v 249. The eighth line from the bottom should read : In which h" = the resistance head in feet. " 266. In equation 19 insert the sign + before m in each of the three equations of v. " 273. In line 15, after the word equation, strike out the words, " double the subdivisor 9," and sub- stitute, to find the new value of v. Also, in line 20 strike out the word " zero," and substitute the word unity. " 289. In the foot note, after the word deduct, substi- tute the following : from the total length, in feet, 'an amount equal to one-tenth the head upon the weir, in feet. Reduce the total length a like amount for each end contraction. ' 380. In table 80 the two equations of Q at heads of columns, are to change places. " 487. In equation 20 place a decimal point before the divisor, thus : .33338. . 528. In table 108, in the four columns of cubic feet per minute, on this page, remove the decimal point one place further to the right. PREFACE. fT^HERE is at present no sanitary subject of more general -- interest, or attracting more general attention, than that relating to the abundance and wholesomeness of domestic water supplies. Each citizen of a densely populated municipality must of necessity be personally interested in either its physiological or its financial bearing, or in both. Each closely settled town and city must give the subject earnest consideration early in its ex- istence. At the close of the year 1875, fifty of the chief cities of the American Union had provided themselves with public water sup- plies at an aggregate cost of not less than ninety-five million dollars, and two hundred and fifty lesser cities and towns were also provided with liberal public water supplies at an aggregate cost of not less than fifty-five million dollars. The amount of capital annually invested in newly inaugurated water-works is already a large sum, and is increasing, yet the entire American literature relating to water-supply engineering exists, as yet, almost wholly in reports upon individual works, usually in pamphlet form, and accessible each to but compara- tively few of those especially interested in the subject . Scores of municipal water commissions receive appointment each year in the growing young cities of the Union, who have to inform themselves, and pass judgment upon, sources and systems vi PREFACE. of water supply, which are to become helpful or burdensome to the communities they are intended to encourage accordingly as the works prove successful or partially failures. The individual members of these "Boards of Water Commis- sioners," resident in towns where water supplies upon an extended scale are not in operation, have rarely had opportunity to observe and become familiar with the varied practical details and appa- ratus of a water supply, or to acquaint themselves with even the elementary principles governing the design of the several different systems of supply, or reasons why one system is most advanta- geous under one set of local circumstances and another system is superior and preferable under other circumstances. A numerous band of engineering students are graduated each year and enter the field, many of whom choose the specialty of hydraulics, and soon discover that their chosen science is great among the most noble of the sciences, and that its mastery, in theory and practice, is a work of many years of studious acquire- ment and labor. They discover also that the accessible literature of their profession, in the English language, is intended for the class-room rather than the field, and that its formulae are based chiefly upon very limited philosophical experiments of a century and more ago but partially applicable to the extended range of modern practice. Among the objects of the author in the compilation of the following pioneer treatise upon American Water-works are, to supply water-commissioners with a general review of the best methods practised in supplying towns and cities with water, and with facts and suggestions that will enable them to compare in- telligently the merits and objectionable features of the different potable water sources within their reach ; to present to junior and assistant hydraulic engineers a condensed summary of those ele- mentary theoretical principles and the involved formulas adapted to modern practice, which they will have frequently to apply, together with some useful practical observations ; to construct and gather, for the convenience of the older busy practitioners, PREFACE. vii numerous tables and statistics that will facilitate their calcula- tions, some of which would otherwise cost them, in the midst of pressing labors, as they did the author, a great deal of laborious research among rare and not easily procurable scientific treatises ; and also to present to civil engineers generally a concise reference manual, relating to the hydrology, hydrodynamics, and practical construction of the water-supply branch of their profession. This work is intended more especially for those who have already had a task assigned them, and who, as commissioner, engineer, or assistant, are to proceed at once upon their recon- noissance and surveys, and the preparation of plans for a public water supply. To them it is humbly submitted, with the hope that it will prove in some degree useful. Its aim is to develop the bases and principles of construction, rather than to trace the origin of, or to describe individual works. It is, therefore, prac- tical in text, illustration, and arrangement ; but it is hoped that the earnest, active young workers will find it in sympathy with their mood, and a practical introduction, as well, to more pro- found and elegant treatises that unfold the highest delights of the science. Good design, which is invariably founded upon sound mathe- matical and mechanical theory, is a first requisite for good and judicious practical engineering construction. We present, there- fore, the formulae, many of them new, which theory and practical experiments suggest as aids to preliminary studies for designs, and many tables based upon the formulas, which will facilitate the labors of the designer, and be useful as checks against his own com- putations, and we give in addition such discussions of the elemen- tary principles upon which the theories are founded as will enable the student to trace the origin of each formula ; for a formula is often a treacherous guide unless each of its factors and experience* coefficients are well understood. To this end, the theoretical dis- cussions are in familiar language, and the formulas in simple ar- rangement, so that a knowledge of elementary mathematics only is necessary to read and use them. viii PREFACE. We do by no means intimate, however, that an acquaintance with elementary theories alone suffices for an accomplished en- gineer. It is sometimes said that genius spurns rules, and it is true that untutored genius sometimes grapples with and accom- plishes great and worthy deeds, but too often in a bungling manner, not to be imitated. In kindly spirit we urge the student to bear in mind that it is the rigorously trained genius who oftenest achieves mighty works by methods at once accurate, economical, artistic, and in every respect successful and admirable. J. T. F. BOSTON, November, 1876. CONTENTS. SECTION I. COLLECTION AND STORAGE OF WATER, AND ITS IMPURITIES. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. PAGE 25. Art. i, Necessity of Public Water Supplies. 2, Physiological Office of Water. 3, Sanitary Office of Water Supplies. 4, Helpful Influence of Public Water Supplies. 5, Municipal Control of Public Water Supplies. 6, Value as an Investment. 7, Incidental Advantages. CHAPTER II. QUANTITY OF WATER REQUIRED. PAGE 31. Art. 8, Statistics of Water Supplied. 9, Census Statistics. 10, Approximate Consumption of Water. n, Water Supplied to Ancient Cities. 12, Water Supplied to European Cities. 13, Water Supplied to American Cities. 14, The Use of Water Steadily Increasing. 15, Increase in Various Cities. 16, Relation of Supply per Capita to Total Population. 17, Monthly and Hourly Variations in the Draught. 18, Ratio of Monthly Consump- tion. 19, Illustrations of Varying Consumption. 20, Reserve for Fire Extinguishment. CHAPTER III. RAINFALL. PAGE 45. Art. 21, The Vapory Elements of Water. 22, The Liquid and Gaseous Succes- sions. 23, The Source of Showers. 24, General Rainfall. 25, Review of Rainfall Statistics. 26, Climatic Effects. 27, Sections of Maximum Rain- fall. 28, Western Rain System. 29, Central Rain System. 30, Eastern Coast System. 31, Influence of Elevation upon Precipitation. 32, River Basin Rains. 33, Grouped Rainfall Statistics. 34, Monthly Fluctuations x CONTENTS. in Rainfall. 35, Secular Fluctuations in Rainfall. 36, Local Physical and Meteorological Influences. 37, Uniform Effects of Natural Laws. 38, Great Rain Storms. 39, Maximum Ratios of Floods to Rainfalls. 40^ Volume of Water from given Rainfalls. 41, Gauging Rainfalls. CHAPTER IV. FLOW OF STREAMS. PAGE 65. Art. 42, FJtood Volumes Inversely as the Areas of Basins. 43, Formulas for Flood Volumes. 44, Table of Flood Volumes. 45, Seasons of Floods. 46, Influence of Absorption and Evaporation upon Flow. 47, Flow in Sea- sons of Minimum Rainfall. 48, Periodic Classification of available Flow. 49, Sub-surface Equalizers of Flow. 50, Flashy and Steady Streams. 51, Peculiar Watersheds. 52, Summaries of Monthly Flow Statistics. 53, Minimum, Mean, and Flood Flow of Streams. 54, Ratios of Monthly Flow in Streams. 55, Mean Annual Flow of Streams. 56, Estimates of Flow of Streams. 57, Ordinary Flow of Streams. 58, Tables of Flow, Equivalent to given Depths of Rain. CHAPTER V. STORAGE AND EVAPORATION OF WATER. PAGE 84. STORAGE. Art. 59, Artificial Storage. 60, Losses Incident to Storage. 61, Sub-strata of the Storage Basin. 62, Percolation from Storage Basins. 63, Rights of Riparian Owners. 64, Periodical Classification of Riparian Rights. 65, Compensations. EVAPORATION. 66, Loss from Reservoir by Evaporation. 67, Evaporation Phenomena. 68, Evaporation from Water. 69, Evaporation from Earth. 70, Examples of Evaporation. 71, Ratios of Evaporation. 72, Resultant Effect of Rain and Evaporation. 73, Practical Effect upon Storage. CHAPTER VI. SUPPLYING CAPACITY OF WATER-SHEDS. PAGE 94. Art. 74, Estimate of Available Annual Flow of Streams. 75, Estimate of Monthly available Storage Required. 76, Additional Storage Required. /7, Utilization of Flood Flows. 78, Qualification of Deduced Ratios. 79, Influence of Storage upon a Continuous Supply. 80, Artificial Gathering Areas. 81, Recapitulation of Rainfall Ratios. CHAPTER VII. SPRINGS AND WELLS. PAGE 102. Art. 82, Subterranean Waters. 83, Their Source, the Atmosphere. 84, Po- rosity of Earths and Rocks. 85, Percolations in the Upper Strata. 86, The Courses of Percolation. 87, Deep Percolations. 88, Subterranean CONTENTS. Reservoirs. 89, The Uncertainties of Subterranean Searches. 90, Re- nowned Application of Geological Science. 91, Conditions of Overflow- ing Wells. 92, Influence of Wells upon each other. 93, American Ar- tesian Wells. 94, Watersheds of Wells. 95, Evaporation from Soils.-^ 96, Supplying Capacity of Wells and Springs. CHAPTER VIII. IMPURITIES OF WATER. PAGE 112. Art. 97, The Composition of Water. 98, Solutions in Water. 99, Properties of Water. zoo, Physiological Effects of the Impurities of Water. 101, Mineral Impurities. 102, Organic Impurities. 103, Tables of Analyses of Potable Waters. 104, Ratios of Standard Gallons. 105, Atmospheric Impurities. 106, Sub-surface Impurities. 107, Deep-well Impurities. 108, Hardening Impurities. 109, Temperature of Deep Sub-surface Waters. no, Decomposing Organic Impurities. in, Vegetal Organic Impurities. 112, Vegetal Organisms in Water-pipes. 113, Animate Or- ganic Impurities. 114, Propagation of Aquatic Organisms. 115, Purify- ing Office of Aquatic Life. 116, Intimate Relation between Grade of Organisms and Quality of Water. 117, Animate Organisms in Water- pipes. 118, Abrasion Impurities in Water. 119, Agricultural Impuri- ties. 120, Manufacturing Impurities. 121, Sewage Impurities. 122, Impure Ice in Drinking- Water. 123, A Scientific Definition of Polluted Water. CHAPTER IX. WELL, SPRING, LAKE, AND RIVER SUPPLIES. PAGE 139. WELL WATERS. Art. 124, Locations for Wells. 125, Fouling of Old Wells. SPRING WATERS. 126, Harmless Impregnations. 127, Mineral Springs. LAKE WATERS. 128, Favorite Supplies. 129, Chief Requisites. 130, Impounding. 131, Plant Growth. 132, Strata Conditions. 133, Plant and Insect Agencies. 134, Preservation of Purity. 135, Natural Clarifi- cation. 136, Great Lakes. 137, Dead Lakes. RIVER WATERS. 138, Metropolitan Supplies. 139, Harmless and Beneficial Impregnations. 140, Pollutions. 141, Sanitary Discussions. 142, Inadmissible Polluting Liquids, 143, Precautionary Views. 144, Speculative Condition of the Pollution Question. 145, Spontaneous Purification. 146, Artificial Clari- fication. 147, A Sugar Test of the Quality of Water. xii CONTENTS. SECTION II. FLOW OF WATER THROUGH SLUICES, PIPES, AND CHANNELS. CHAPTER X. WEIGHT, PRESSURE, AND MOTION OF WATER. PAGE 161. Art. 148, Special Characteristics of Water. 149, Atomic Theory. 150, Molec- ular Theory. 151, Influence of Caloric. 152, Relative Densities and Volumes. WEIGHT OF WATER. 153, Weight of Constituents of Water. 154, Crystalline Forms of Water. 155, Formula for Volumes at Differ- ent Temperatures. 156, Weight of Pond Water. 157, Compressibility and Elasticity of Water. 158, Weights of Individual Molecules. 159, In- dividual Molecular Actions. PRESSURE OF WATER. 160, Pressure Propor- tional to Depth. 161, Individual Molecular Reactions. 162, Equilibrium destroyed by an Orifice. 163, Pressures from Vertical, Inclined, and Bent Columns of Water. 164, Artificial Pressure. 165, Pressure upon a Unit of Surface. 166, Equivalent Forces. 167, Weight a Measure of Pressure. 168, A Line a Measure of Weight. 169, A Line a measure of Pressure upon a Surface. 170, Diagonal Force of Combined Pressures Graphically Represented. 171, Angular Resultant of a Force Graphically Repre- sented. 172, Angular Effects of a Force Represented by the Sine and Cosine of the Angle. 173, Total Pressure. 174, Direction of Maximum Effect. 175. Herizontal and Vertical Effects. 176, Centres of Pressure and of Gravity. 177, Pressure upon a Curved Surface, and Effect upon its Projected Plane. 178, Centre of Pressure upon a Circular Area. 179, Combined Pressures. 180, Sustaining Pressure upon Floating and Submerged Bodies. 181, Upward Pressure upon a Submerged Lintel. 182, Atmospheric Pressure. 183, Rise of Water into a Vacuum. 184, Siphon. 185, Transmission of Pressure to a Distance. 186, Inverted Syphon. 187, Pressure Convertible into Motion. MOTION OF WATER. 188, Flow of Water. 189, Action of Gravity upon Individual Molecules. 190, Frictionless Movement of Molecules. 191, Acceleration of Motion. 192, Equations of Motion. 193, Parabolic Path of Jet. 194, Velocity of Efflux Proportional to the Head. 195, Conversion of the Force of Grav- ity from Pressure into Motion. 196, Resultant Effects of Pressure and Gravity upon the Motion of a Jet. 197, Equal Pressures give Equal Velocities in all Directions. 198, Resistance of the Air. 199, Theoretical Velocities. CHAPTER XI. FLOW OF WATER THROUGH ORIFICES. PAGE 194. Art. 200, Motion of the Individual Particles. 201, Theoretical Volume of Efflux. 202, Converging Path of Particles. 203, Classes of Orifices. CONTENTS. xiii 204, Form of Submerged Orifice Jet. 205, Ratio of Minimum Section of Jet. 206, Volume of Efflux. 207, Coefficient of Efflux. 208, Maximum Velocity of the Jet. 209, Factors ol the Coefficient of Efflux. 210, Prac- tical Use of a Coefficient. 211, Experimental Coefficients. (From Michel- otti, Abbe Bosset, Rennie, Castel, Lespinasse, General Ellis.) 212, Co- efficients Diagramed. 213, Effect of Varying the Head, or the Proportions of the Orifice. 214, Peculiarities of Efflux from an Orifice. 215, Mean Velocity of the Issuing Particles. 216, Coefficients of Velocity and Contraction. 217, Velocity of Particles Dependent upon their Angular Positions. 218, Equation of Volume of Efflux from a Submerged Orifice. 219, Effect of Outline of Geometrical Orifices upon Efflux. 220, Vari- able Value of Coefficients. 221, Assumed Mean Value of Efflux. 222, Circular Jets, Polygonal do., Complex do. 223, Cylindrical and Divergent Orifices. 224, Converging Orifices. CHAPTER XII. FLOW OF WATER THROUGH SHORT TUBES. PAGE 213. Art. 225, An Ajutage. 226, Increase of Coefficient. 227, Adjutage Vacuum, and its Effect. 228, Increased Volume of Efflux. 229, Imperfect Va- cuum. 230, Divergent Tube. 231, Convergent Tube. 232, Additional Contraction. 233, Coefficients of Convergent Tubes. 234, Increase and Decrease of Coefficient of Smaller Diameter. 235, Coefficient of Final Velocity. 236, Inward Projecting Ajutage. 237, Compound Tube. 238, Coefficients of Compound Tubes. 239, Experiments with Cylindri- cal and Compound Tubes. 240, Tendency to Vacuum. 241, Percussive Force of Particles. 242, Range of Eytelwein's Table. 243, Cylindrical Tubes to be Preferred. CHAPTER XIII. FLOW OF WATER THROUGH PIPES, UNDER PRESSURE. PAGE 223. Art. 244, Pipe and Conduit. 245, Short Pipes give Greatest Discharge. 246, Theoretical Volume from Pipes. 247, Mean Efflux from Pipes. 248, Sub- division of the Head. 249, Mechanical Effect of the Efflux. 250, Ratio of Resistance at Entrance to the Pipe. RESISTANCE TO FLOW W*THIN A PIPE. 251, Resistance of Pipe-Wall. 252, Conversion of Velocity into Pressure. 253, Coefficients of Efflux from Pipes. 254, Reactions from the Pipe-Wall. 255, Origin of Formulas of Flow. 256, Formula of Resist- ance to Flow. 257, Coefficient of Flow. 258, Opposition of Gravity and Reaction. 259, Conversion of Pressure into Mechanical Effect. 260, Measure of Resistance to Flow 261, Resistance Inversely as the Square of the Velocity. 262, Increase of Bursting Pressure. 263, Acceleration and Resistance. 264, Equation of Head Required to Overcome the Re- sistance. 265, Designation of h" and /. 266, Variable Value of m. 267, Investigation of Values of m. 268, Definition of Symbols. 269, Experi- xiv CONTENTS. mental Values of the Coefficient of Flow. 270, Peculiarities of the Coeffi- cient (m)of Flow. 271, Effects of Tubercles. 272, Classification of Pipes and their Mean Coefficients. 273, Equation of the Velocity Neutralized by Resistance to Flow. 274, Equation of Resistance Head. 275, Equation of Total Head. 276, Equation of Volume. 277, Equation of Diameter. 278, Relative Value of Subdivisions of Total Head. 279, Many Popular Formulas Incomplete. 280. Formula of M. Chezy. 281, Various Pop- ular Formulas Compared. 282, Sub-heads Compared. 283, Investiga- tions by Dubuat, and Coloumb, and Prony. 284, Prony's Analysis. 285, Eytelwein's Equation of Resistance to Flow. 286, D'Abuisson's Equation of Resistance to Flow. 287, Weisbach's Equation of Resistance to Flow. 288, Transpositions of an Original Formula. 289, Unintelligent Use of Partial Formulas. 290, A Formula of more General Application. 291, Values of v for Given Slopes. 292, Values of h and h! for Given Velocities. 293, Classified Equations for Velocity, Head, Volume, and Diameter. 294, Coefficients of Entrance of Jet. 295, Mean Coefficients for Smooth> Rough, and Foul Pipes. 296, Mean Equations for Smooth, Rough, and Foul Pipes. 297, Modification of a Fundamental Equation of Velocity. 298, Values of c 1 . 299, Bends. 300, Branches. 301, How to Economize Head. CHAPTER XIV. MEASURING WEIRS, AND WEIR GAUGING. PAGE 277. Art. 302, Gauged Volumes of Flow. 303, Form of Weir. 304, Dimensions. 305, Stability. 306, Varying Length. 307, End Contractions. 308, Crest Contractions. 309, Theory of Flow over a Weir. 310, Formulas for Flow, without and with Contractions. 311, Increase of Volume due to Initial Velocity of Water. 312, Coefficients for Weir Formulas. 313, Discharges for Given Depths. 314, Vacuum under the Crest. 315, Ex- amples of Initial Velocity. 316, Wide-crested Weirs. 317, Triangular- Notch Weirs. 318, Obstacles to Accurate Measures. 319, Hook Gauge. 320, Rule Gauge. 321, Tube and Scale Gauge. CHAPTER XV. FLOW OF WATER IN OPEN CHANNELS PAGE 299. Art. 322, Gravity the Origin of Flow. 323, Resistance to Flow. 324, Equa- tions of Resistance and Velocity. 325, Equation of Inclination. 326, Co- efficients of Flow for Channels. 327, Observed Data of Flow in Channels. 328, Table of Coefficients for Channels. 329, Various Formulas of Flow Compared. 330, Velocities of Given Films. 331, Surface Velocities. 332, Ratios of Surface to Mean Velocities. 333, Hydrometer Gaugings. 334, Tube Gauges. 335, Gauge Formulas. 336, Pitot Tube Gauge 337, Woltmann's Tachometer. 338, Hydrometer Coefficients. 339, Henry's Telegraphic Moulinet. 340, Earlier Hydrometers. 341, Double Floats. 342, Mid-depth Floats. 343, Maximum Velocity Floats. 344, Relative Velocities and Volumes due to Different Depths. CONTENTS. SECTION III. PRACTICAL CONSTRUCTION OF WATER-WORKS. CHAPTER XVI. RESERVOIR EMBANKMENTS AND CHAMBERS. PAGE 333. Art. 345, Ultimate Economy of Skillful Construction. 346, Embankment Foun- dations. 347, Springs under Foundations. 348, Surface Soils. 349, Con- crete Cut-off Walls. 350, Treacherous Strata. 351, Embankment Core Materials. 352, Peculiar Pressures. 353, Earthwork Slopes. 354, Re- connaissance for Site. 355, Detailed Surveys. 356, Illustrative Case. . 357, Cut-off Wall. 358, Embankment Core. 359, Frost Covering. 360, Slope Paving. 361, Puddle Wall. 362, Rubble Priming Wall. 363, A Light Embankment. 364, Distribution Reservoirs. 365, Application of Fine Sand. 366, Masonry Faced Embankment. 367, Concrete Paving. 368, Embankment Sluices and Pipes. 369, Gate Chambers. 370, Sluice Valve Areas. 371, Stop-valve Indicator. 372, Power required to Open a Valve, 373, Adjustable Effluent Pipe. 374, Fish Screens. 375, Gate Chamber Foundations. 376, Foundation Concrete. 377, Chamber Walls. CHAPTER XVII. OPEN CANALS.-PAGE 370. Art. 378, Canal Banks. 379, Inclinations and Velocities in Practice. 380, Ice Covering. 381, Table of Dimensions of Supply Canals. 382, Canal Gates. 383, Miners' Canals. CHAPTER XVII I. WASTE WEIRS. PAGE 377. Art. 384, The Office and Influence of a Waste-Weir. 385, Discharges over Waste-Weirs. 386, Required Lengths of Waste- Weirs. 387. Forms of Waste-Weirs. 388, Isolated Weirs. 389, Timber Weirs. 390, Ice-Thrust upon Storage Reservoir Weirs. 391, Breadths of Weir-Caps. 392, Thick- nesses of Waste-Weirs and Dams. 393, Force of Overflowing Water. 394, Heights of Waves. CHAPTER XIX. PARTITIONS AND RETAINING WALLS. PAGE 390. Art. 395, Design. 396, Theory of Water-Pressure upon a Vertical Surface. 397, Water Pressure upon an Inclined Surface. 398, Frictional Stability xvi CONTENTS. of Masonry. 399, Coefficients of Masonry Friction. 400, Pressure Lever- age of Water. 401, Leverage Stability of Masonry. 402, Moment of Weight Leverage of Masonry. 403, Thickness of a Vertical Rectangular Wall for Water Pressure. 404, Moments of Rectangular and Trapedoidal Sections. 405, Graphical Method of Finding the Leverage Resistance. 406, Granular Stability. 407, Limiting Pressures. 408, Table of Walls for Quiet Water. 409, Economic Profiles. 410, Theory of Earth Pressures. 411, Equation of Weight of Earth Wedge. 412, Equation of Pressure of Earth Wedge. 413, Equation of Moment of Pressure Leverage. 414, Thickness of a Vertical Rectangular Wall for Earth Pressure. 415, Sur- charged Earth Wedge. 416, Pressure of a Surcharged Earth Wedge. 417, Moment of a Surcharged Pressure Leverage. 418, Pressure of an Infinite Surcharge. 419, Resistance of Masonry Revetments. 420, Final Resultants in Revetments. 421. Table of Trapezoidal Revetments. 422, Curved-face Batter Equation. 423, Back Batters and their Equations. 424, Inclination of Foundation. 425, Front Batters and Steps. 426, Top Breadth. 427, Wharf Walls. 428, Counterforted Walls. 429, Ele- ments of Failure. 430, End Supports. 431, Faced and Concrete Revet- ments. CHAPTER XX. MASONRY CONDUITS. PAGE 431. Art. 432, Protection of Channels for Domestic Water Supplies. 433, Examples of Conduits. 434, Foundations of Conduits. 435, Conduit Shells. 436, Ventilation of Conduits. 437, Conduits under Pressure. 438, Protection from Frost. 439, Masonry to be Self-sustaining. 440, A Concrete Con- duit. 441, Example of a Conduit under Heavy Pressure. 442, Mean Radii of Conduits. 443, Formulas of Flow for Conduits. 444, Table of Conduit Data. CHAPTER XXI. MAINS AND DISTRIBUTION PIPES. PAGE 446. Art, 445, Static Pressures in Pipes. 446, Thickness of Shell resisting Static Pressure. 447, Water-Ram. 448, Formulas of Thickness for Ductile Pipes. 449, Strengths of Wrought Pipe Metals. 450, Moulding of Pipes. 451, Casting of Pipes. 452, Formulas of Thickness for Cast-iron Pipes. 453, Thicknesses found Graphically. 454, Table of Thicknesses of Cast- iron Pipes. 455, Table of Equivalent Fractional Expressions. 456, Cast- iron Pipe-Joints. 457, Dimensions of Pipe-Joints. 458, Templets for Bolt Holes. 459, Flexible Pipe-Joint. 460, Thickness Formulas Com- pared. 461, Formulas for Weights of Cast-iron Pipes. 462, Table of Weights of Cast-iron Pipes. 463, Interchangeable Joints. 464, Charac- teristics of Pipe Metals. 465, Tests of Pipe-Metals. 466, The Preserva- tion of Pipe Surfaces. 467, Varnishes for Pipes and Iron Work. 468, Hydraulic Proof of Pipes. 469, Special Pipes. 470, Cement-lined and CONTENTS. xvii Coated Pipes. 471, Methods of Lining. 472, Covering. 473, Cement Joints. 474, Cast Hub Joint. 475, Composite Branches. 476, Thickness of Shells for Cement Linings. 477, Gauge Thickness and Weights of Rolled Iron. 478, Lining, Covering, and Joint Mortar. 479, Asphaltum- Coated Wrought-iron Pipes. 480, Asphaltum Bath, for Pipes. 481, Wrought Pipe Plates. 482, Bored Pipes. 483, Wyckoff's Patent Pipe. CHAPTER XXI I. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS, AND APPENDAGES. PAGE 493. Art. 484, Loss of Head by Friction. 485, Table of Frictional Heads in Pipes. 486, Relative Discharging Capacities of Pipes. 487, Table of Relative Capacities of Pipes. 488, Depths of Pipes. 489, Elementary Dimensions of Pipes. 490, Distribution Systems. 491, Rates of Consumption of Water. 492, Rates of Fire Supplies. 493, Diameter of Supply Main. 494, Diameters of Sub-mains. 495, Maximum Velocities of Flow. 496, Comparative Frictions. 497, Relative Rates of Flow for Domestic and Fire Supplies. 498, Required Diameters for Fire Supplies. 499, Duplica- tion Arrangement of Sub-Mains. 500, Stop-Valve Systems. 501, Stop- Valve Locations. 502, Blow-off and Waste Valves. 503, Stop-Valve De- tails. 504, Valve Curbs. 505, Fire Hydrants. 506, Post Hydrants. 507, Hydrant Details. 508, Flush Hydrants. 509, Gate Hydrants. 510, High Pressures. 511, Air Valves. 512, Union of High and Low Services. 513, Combined Reservoir and Direct Systems. 514, Stand Pipes. 515, Fric- tional Heads in Service-Pipes. CHAPTER XXII I. CLARIFICATION OF WATER. PAGE 530. Art. 516, Rarity of Clear Waters. 517, Floating Debris. 518, Mineral Sedi- ments. 519, Organic Sediments. 520, Organic Solutions. 521, Natural Processes of Clarification. 522, Chemical Processes of Clarification. 523, Charcoal Process. 524, Infiltration. 525, Infiltration Basins. 526, Ex- amples of Infiltration. 527, Practical Considerations. 528, Examples of European Infiltration. 529, Example of Intercepting Well. 530, Filter Beds. 531, Settling and Clear-Water Basins. 532, Introduction of Filter-Bed System. 533. Capacity of Filter Beds. 534, Cleaning of Filter Beds. 535, Renewal of Sand Surface. 536, Basin Coverings. CHAPTER XXIV. PUMPING OF WATER. PAGE 557. Art. 537, Types of Pumps. 538, Prime Movers. 539, Expense of Variable Delivery of Water 540, Variable Motions of a Piston. 541, Ratios of Variable Delivery of Water. 542, Office of Stand-Pipe and Air- Vessel. xviii CONTENTS. 543, Capacities of Air -Vessels. 544, Valves. 545, Motions of Water through Pumps. 546, Double-Acting Pumping Engines. 547, Geared Pumping Engines. 548, Costs of Pumping Water. 549, Duty of Pumping Engines. 550, Special Trial Duties. 551, Economy of a High Duty. CHAPTER XXV. SYSTEMS OF WATER SUPPLY. PAGE 585. Art. 552, Permanence of Supply Essential. 553, Methods of Gathering and Delivering Water. 554, Gravitation. 555, Choice ot Water. 556, Pumping with Reservoir Reserve 557, Pumping with Direct Pres- sure. LIST OF TABLES. Table No. Page 1. Population, Families, and Dwellings in Fifty American Cities. ....... 32 2. Water Supplied, and Piping in several Cities 38 3. Water Supplied in years 1870 and 1874 39 4. Average Gallons of Water Supplied to each Inhabitant 40 5. Ratios of Monthly Consumption of Water in 1874 43 6. Mean Rainfall in different River Basins 51 7. Rainfall in the United States 53 8. Volumes of Rainfall per minute for given inches of Rain per twenty- four hours 62 9. Flood Volumes from given Watershed Areas 67 10. Summary of Rainfall upon the Cochituate Basin 72 11. Summary of Rainfall upon the Croton Basin 72 12. Summary of Rainfall upon the Croton West-Branch Basin 73 13. Summary of Percentage of Rain Flowing from the Cochituate Basin. . . 73 14. Summary of Percentage of Rain Flowing from the Croton Basin 73 15. Summary of Percentage of Rain Flowing from the Croton West-Branch Basin 74 16. Summary of Volume of Flow from the Cochituate Basin 74 17. Summary of Volume of Flow from the Croton Basin 74 18. Summary of Volume of Flow from the Croton West- Branch Basin 75 19. Estimates of Minimum, Mean, and Maximum Flow of Streams 75 20. Monthly Ratios of Flow of Streams 76 21. Ratios of Mean Monthly Rain and Inches of Rain Flowing each Month 77 22. Equivalent Volumes of Flow for given Depths of Rain in One Month. 82 23. Equivalent Volumes of Flow for given Depths of Rain in One Year. . . 83 24. Evaporation from Water 89 25. Mean Evaporation from Earth 89 26. Monthly Ratios of Evaporation from Reservoirs 92 27. Multipliers for Equivalent Inches of Rain Evaporated 92 28. Monthly Supply to and Draft from a Reservoir (with Compensation). . 96 29. Monthly Supply to and Draft from a Reservoir (without Compensation) 97 30. Ratios of Monthly Rain, Flow, Evaporation, and Consumption 101 31. Percolation of Rain into One Square Mile of Porous Soil m 32. Analyses of Various Lake, Spring, and Well Waters 117 33. Analyses of Various River and Brook Waters 118 34. Analyses of Various Streams in Massachusetts 120 35. Analyses of Various Water Supplies from Domestic Wells 121 xx LIST OF TABLES. Table No. p age 36. Artesian Well Temperatures 1 1 1 1 4 , , , 4 4 127 37. Analyses of Various Mineral Spring Waters 143 38. Weights and Volumes of Water at Different Temperatures 166 39. Pressures of Water at Stated Depths 172 40. Correspondent Heights, Velocities, and Times of Falling Bodies 190 41. Coefficients from Michelotti's Experiments with Orifices 198 42. Coefficients from Bossut's Experiments with Orifices 199 43. Coefficients from Rennie's Experiments with Orifices 199 44. Coefficients from Lespinasse's Experiments with Orifices 201 45. Coefficients from General Ellis's Experiments with Orifices 203 46. Coefficients for Rectangular Orifices (vertical) 205 47. Coefficients for Rectangular Orifices (horizontal) 206 48. Castel's Experiments with Convergent Tubes 217 49. Venturi's Experiments with Divergent Tubes 219 50. Eytelwein's Experiments with Compound Tubes 220 51. Coefficients of Efflux (c) for Short Pipes 227 52. Experimental Coefficients of Flow (m) by Darcy 237 53. Experimental Coefficients of Flow (m) by Fanning 238 54. Experimental Coefficients of Flow (m) by Du Buat 238 55. Experimental Coefficients of Flow (m) by Bossut 238 56. Experimental Coefficients of Flow (m) by Couplet 239 57. Experimental Coefficients of Flow (m) by Provis 239 58. Experimental Coefficients of Flow (m) by Rennie 239 59. Experimental Coefficients of Flow (m) by Darcy 240 60. Experimental Coefficients of Flow (m) by General Greene and others. . 240 61. Tabulated Series of Coefficients of Flow (m) 242 62. Coefficients for Clean, Slightly Tuberculated, and Foul Pipes 248 63. Various Formulas for Flow of Water in Pipes 254 64. Velocities (v) for given Slopes and Diameters 259 65. Tables of h and K due to given Velocities 264 66. Values of c v and c for Tubes 267 66a. Sub-coefficients of Flow (*:') in Pipes. 271 67. Coefficients of Resistance in Bends 274 68. Experimental Weir Coefficients 288 69. Coefficients for given Depths upon Weirs 289 70. Discharge for given Depths upon Weirs 290 71. Weir Coefficients by Castel , 291 72. Series of Weir Coefficients by Smeaton and others 291 73. Coefficients for Wide Weir-crests 294 74. Observed and Computed Flows in Canals and Rivers 307 75. Coefficients (m) for Open Channels 308 76. Various Formulas for Flow in Open Channels 310 77. Weights of Embankment Materials 341 78. Angles of Repose, and Frictions of Embankment Materials 345 79. Dimensions of Water Supply and Irrigation Canals 373 80. Waste-Weir Volumes for given Depths 380 81. Lengths and Discharges of Waste-Weirs 381 f ' '" LIST OF TABLES , xxi Table No. Page 82. Thicknesses of Masonry Weirs and Dams 387 83. Heights of Reservoir and Lake Waves 388 84. Coefficients of Masonry Frictions 396 85. Computed Pressures in Masonry 403 86. Limiting Pressures upon Masonry 404 87. Dimension of Walls to Retain Water 406 88. Dimension of Walls to Sustain Earth 420 89. Thicknesses of a Curved-face Wall 422 90. Hydraulic Mean Radii for Circular Conduits 442 900. Coefficients (m) for Smooth Conduits 444 91. Conduit Data 445 92. Tenacities of Wrought Pipe Metals 451 93. Thicknesses of Cast-iron Pipes 455 930;. Thicknesses of Cast-iron Pipes as used in several Cities 456 94. Parts of an Inch and Foot expressed Decimally 457 95. Dimensions of Cast-iron Water-pipes 461 96. Flange Data of Flanged Cast-iron Pipes 462 97. Various Formulas for Thicknesses of Cast-iron Pipes 466 98. Weights of Cast-iron Pipes 468 980;. Weights of Cast-iron Pipes as used in several Cities 469 99. Thicknesses of Wrought-iron Pipe Shells 486 100. Thicknesses and Weights of Iron Plates 488 101. Frictional Head in Pipes 495 102. Relative Discharging Capacities of Pipes ; 5 103. Depths to lay Water-pipes in different Latitudes 502 104. Elementary Dimensions of Pipes 54 105. Maximum Advisable Velocity of Flow in Pipes 508 106. Diameters of Pipes to supply given Numbers of Hose Streams 510 107. Experimental Volumes of Fire Hydrant Streams. 520 108. Frictional Head in Service Pipes 528 109. Dimensions of Filter-beds for given Volumes 554 no. Piston Spaces for given Arcs of Crank Motion ... 562 in. Ratios of Piston Motions for given Crank Arcs 5 6 4 112. Costs of Pumping in Various Cities 575 113. Special Trial Duties of Various Pumping Engines 580 114. Comparative Consumptions of Coal at Different Duties 581 115. Fuel Expenses for Pumping compared on Duty Bases 581 116. Comparison of Values of Pumping-Engines on Fuel Bases 583 LIST OF FULL PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Public Fountain, Cincinnati 2 Gateway, Chestnut Hill Reservoir, Boston 24 Pumping Station, Toledo 31 Diagram of Pumping, Annual 43 Pumping Station, Millwaukee 45 Diagrams of Rainfall 55 Diagrams of Rainfall 57 Diagrams of Secular Rainfall 59 Section and Plan of Pump-House 65 Reservoir Embankment, Norwich 84 Intercepting Well, Prospect Park, Brooklyn 102 Pumping Station, New Bedford 139 Stand-Pipe, Boston 160 Pumping Station, Manchester. 213 Compound Duplex Pumping Engine 223 Measuring Weir, for Turbine Test 277 Fairmount Turbines and Pumps, Philadelphia 332 Distributing Reservoir. 333 Compound Inverted Pumping-Engine 377 Conduit Sections 431 Cylindrical Penstock 440 Forms of Pipe-Sockets and Spigots 446 Branch, Reducer and Bend 478 Double-Faced Stop-Valves 493 Plan of a Pipe System 505 Flush Fire Hydrants 521 Pumping-Engine, No. 3, Brooklyn 557 Cornish Plunge-Pump 563 Compound Beam Pumping-Engine, Lynn 567 Geared Pumping-Engine, Providence 573 Hydraulic Power Pumping Machinery, Manchester 585 Jonval Turbine 593 WHOLE NUMBER OF ILLUSTRATIONS 180 APPENDIX. Page Metric Weights and Measures 593 Table of French Measures and United States Equivalents 594 Cubic Inch, and Equivalents 595 Gallon, and Equivalents 595 Cubic Foot, and Equivalents 595 Imperial Gallon, and Equivalents 596 Cubic Yard, and Equivalents 596 Table of Units of Heads and Pressures of Water, and Equivalents 596 Table of Average Weights, Strengths, and Elasticities of Materials 597 Formulas for Diameters and Strengths of Shafts 599 Trigonometrical Expressions 599 Trigonometrical Equivalents 600 Table of Sines, Tangents, &c 601 What Constitutes a Car Load 602 Lubricating Compounds for Gears 602 Compound for Cleaning Brass 602 Iron Cement, for Repairing Cracks in Castings 602 Alloys, Table of 603 Velocities of Flow in Channels, that Move Sediments 604 Tensile Strengths of Cements and Mortars 605 Dimensions of Bolts and Nuts 606 Weights of Lead and Tin-lined Service-Pipes 607 Meters and Meter Rates - 608 Resuscitation from Death by Drowning 609 if LIBRA RY X 1 UNIVERSITY OF jj I CALIFORNIA. ./' SECTION I. COLLECTION AND STORAGE OF WATER, AND ITS IMPURITIES, CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. 1. Necessity of Public Water Supplies. A new or an additional water supply is an inevitable necessity when- ever and wherever a new settlement establishes itself in an isolated position ; again whenever the settlement receives any considerable increase ; and again when it becomes a great metropolis or manufacturing centre. In all the wonderful and complex transformations in Nature, in the sustenance of all organized beings, and in the convenience and delight of man, water is appointed to perform an important and essential part. Life cannot long exist in either plant or animal, unless water, in some of its forms, is provided in due quantity. Wholesome water is indispensable in the preparation of all our foods ; clear and soft water is essential for promot- ing the cleanliness and health of our bodies; and pure water is demanded for a great variety of the operations of the useful and mechanic arts. 2. Physiological Office of Water. Of the three essentials to human life, air, water, and food, the one now 26 INTRODUCTORY. to be specially considered, water ^ has for its physiological office to maintain all the tissues of the body in healthy action. If the water received into the system is unfit for such special duty, all the animal functions suffer and are weak- ened, air then but partially clarifies the blood, food then is imperfectly assimilated, and the body degenerates. Vigor is essential to the uniform success and happiness of every individual, and strength and happiness of the people are essential to good public morals, good public government, and sound public prosperity. Sanitary improvements are, therefore, among the first and chief duties of public officers and guardians, and have ever been the objects of the most earnest thought and labor of great public philanthropists. 3. Sanitary Office of Public Water Supplies. Water has thus far proved the most effectual and econom- ical agent, as sanitary scavenger, in the removal from our habitations of waste slops and sewage, and also the most effectual * and economical agency in the protection of life and property from destruction by fire. The necessity of a judiciously executed system of public water-supply increases as the population of a town increases; as the mass of buildings thickens ; as the lands upon which the town is built become saturated with sewage, and the individual sources within the town are polluted; as the atmosphere over and within the town is fouled by gases * We need refer to but one of many experiences, viz. : At Columbus, Ohio, the average loss by fire for the four years preceding the completion of the public water- works was -f 3 ^ of one per cent, of the valuation. The average loss during the first four years after the completion of the works was y 1 ^, and during the fifth year, from April 1, 1875, to April 1, 1876, was yW of the valu- ation. These statistics show a probable saving in the first four years of upward of one-half million dollars, and in five years of more than the entire cost of the water-works. f ' ' HELPFUL INFLUENCE OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES. 27 arising therefrom ; and as the dangers of epidemics, fevers, and contagious diseases increase. 4. Helpful Influence of Public Water Supplies. No town or city can submit to a continued want of an adequate supply of pure and wholesome water without a serious check in its prosperity. Capital is always wary of investment where the elements of safety and health are lacking, and industry dreads fre- quent failures and objectionable quality in its water supply. It is true that considerations of profit sometimes induce the assembling of a town where potable waters are procur- able with difficulty, but in such cases the lack is sure to prove a growing hindrance to its prosperity, and before the town arrives at considerable magnitude, its remedy will present one of the most difficult problems with which its municipal authorities are obliged to cope. In the experience of all large and thriving cities, there has come a time when an additional or new and abundant water supply was a necessity, terribly real, that would not be talked down, or resolved out of existence by public meetings, or wait for a more convenient season; a time when it was not possible for every citizen to supply his household or his place of business independently, or even for a majority of the citizens to do so, and when prompt, united, and systematic action must be taken to ensure the health, prosperity, and safety of the people. Such stern necessity often appears to present difficulties almost insur- mountable by the available mechanical and financial re- sources of the citizens. Out of such simple but positive necessities have grown the grandest illustrations, in our great public water sup- plies, of the benefits of co-operative action, recorded in the annals of political economy. Out of such simple necessi- 28 INTRODUCTORY. ties grew some of the most magnificent and enduring con- structions of the powerful empires of the Middle Ages, the architectural grandeur of which the moderns have not attempted to surpass. 5. Municipal Control of Public Water Supplies. The magnitude of the labors to be performed and the amount of capital required to be invested in the construc- tion of a system of water supplies invariably brings into prominence the question, Shall the construction, operation, and control of these works be entrusted to private capital, or shall they be executed under the patronage of the muni- cipal authorities and under the direction of a commission delegated by the people? The conclusion reached in a majority of the American cities has been that the works ought to be conducted as public enterprises. They have been believed to be so intimately connected with the public interests and welfare as to be peculiarly subjects for pub- lic promotion ; and that, under the direction of a commis- sion appointed by the people to study and comprehend all their needs, to consider, with the aid of expert advice, and to suggest plans, the works would be projected on such a liberal and comprehensive scale as would best fulfil the objects desired to be attained, and that the true interests of the people would not be subordinated to mere considera- tions of profit. Further, that if the works when complete were operated under municipal care, their standard and effectiveness would more certainly be maintained; their extension into new territory might keep pace with and encourage the growth of the city ; they might not, by excessive rates, be made to oppress important industries ; their advantages might more surely be kept within the reach of the poorer classes ; they might more economically be applied to the adornment of INCIDENTAL ADVANTAGES. 29 the public buildings and grounds ; and that they might, when judiciously planned, constructed, and managed, be- come a source of public revenue. Nearly all the objects desirable to be attained in a pub- lic water supply have, however, been accomplished, in numerous instances that might be cited, under the auspices of private enterprise. 6. Value as an Investment. The necessary capital honestly applied to the construction of an intelligently and judiciously planned effective public water supply has almost invariably proved, both directly and indirectly, a remunerative investment. Many, though not all, of our American Water-supply Reports, show annual incomes from water-rates in excess of the combined annual operating expenses and interest on the capital expended. In addition to this cash return, there are in all cases benefits accruing to the public, usually exceeding in real value that of the more generally recog- nized money income. 7. Incidental Advantages. The construction of water- works is almost sure to enhance the value of property along its lines, under its protection, and availing of its conve- niences. There is, also, a perpetual reduction* in the * In a recently adopted schedule of the National Board of Underwriters, there are additions to a minimum standard rate in a standard city, which is provided with good water supply, fire alarm, police, etc., as follows, termed deficiency charges : Minimum standard rate of insurance of a standard building. . 25 cents. If no water supply add 15 If only cisterns, or equivalent " 10 If system is other than gravity " 05 If no fire department " 25 If no police organization " 05 If no building law in force " 05 The financial value of the enhanced fire risk, as deduced by the Board from an immense mass of statistics, and the additional premium charged on the 30 INTRODUCTORY. yearly rates of insurance. The substitution of soft water for hard water, as almost all waters are, results in a mate- rial reduction in the daily waste accompanying the prepa- ration of foods, in laundry and cleansing operations, in the production of steam power, and in many of the processes employed in the useful arts. There are many industries, the introduction of which are of value to a community, that cannot be prosecuted with- out the use of tolerably pure and soft water. To save the annual aggregate of labor required to convey water from wells into and to the upper floors of city tenements or resi- dences, is a matter of no inconsiderable importance ; but paramount to all these is the value of the sanitary results growing out of the maintenance of health, and the induce- ment to cleanliness of person and habitation, by the con- venience of an abundance of water delivered constantly in the household, and the enhanced safety to human life and to property from destroying flames, accompanying a liberal distribution of public fire hydrants under adequate pressure throughout the populous districts. most favorable buildings, is 60 per cent, without good water- works, and 40 per cent, if only fire cisterns are provided. ?;:;:) f I, I B R A R Y UNIVKUS1TY OF CHAPTER II. QUANTITY OF WATER REQUIRED. 8. Statistics of Water Supplied. One of the first duties of a Commission to whom has been assigned the task of examining into and reporting upon a proposed supply of water for a community, is to determine not only what is a wholesome water, but what quantity of such wholesome water will be required, and adequate for its present and prospective uses. In many cases, this problem is parallel with the deter- mination of a product from two factors, one of which only is a known quantity. Oftea all factors must be assumed. The total number of inhabitants, the total number of dwellings, and the total number of manufacturing and commercial firms can be obtained without great difficulty, and it can safely be assumed that eighty per cent, of all these within reach of a new and improved water supply will be among its patrons within a few years after the intro- duction of the new supply ; but how much water will be required for actual use, or will be wasted, per person, per dwelling, or per firm, is always quite uncertain. Rarely can any data worthy of confidence respecting these quantities be obtained. The practice, therefore, gen- erally is, to obtain statistics from towns and cities already supplied, and to attempt to reduce these to some general average that will apply to the case in hand. 9. Census Statistics. In a small portion of the water- supply reports there is given, in addition to the total quan- 32 QUANTITY OF WATER REQUIRED. tity of water supplied, the number of families supplied ; in other reports, the number of dwellings, or the number of fixtures of the several classes supplied, and occasionally the population supplied, or the total population of the municipality. In the investigations for facts applicable to a new sup- ply, when information must necessarily be culled from various water reports, it is often desirable to know the populations of the places from which the reports are re- ceived, their number of families, persons to a family, num- ber of dwellings and persons to a dwelling, so as to be able to reduce their water-supply data to a uniform classifica- tion. We therefore present an abstract from the United States Census for the year 1870, giving such information respecting fifty prominent American cities : TABLE No- 1 . POPULATION, FAMILIES, AND DWELLINGS IN FIFTY AMERICAN CITIES, IN THE YEAR 1 870. CITIES. SIZE.* POPULATION. FAMILIES. DWELLINGS. Number. Persons to a family. Number. Persons to a dwelling Albany N. Y 20 23 6 7 3 ii 33 26 47 69,422 53,180 267,354 250,526 396,099 117,714 39,634 48,956 28,323 298,977 216,239 14,105 10,147 49,929 48,188 80,066 22,325 7,897 9,098 6,i55 59,497 42,937 4.92 5-24 5-35 5.20 4-95 5-27 5.02 5.38 4.60 5-3 5-4 8,748 8,347 40,35 29,623 45,834 18,285 6,348 6,861 4,396 44,620 24,55 7-94 6.37 6.63 8.46 8.64 6-44 6.24 7.14 6.44 6.70 8.81 Allegheny, Penn Baltimore, Md Boston Mass Brooklyn N. Y Buffalo, N. Y Cambridge, Mass Charleston S C Charlestown, Mass .... Chicago 111 Cincinnati, Ohio * This column expresses the order of size as numbered from largest to smallest ; New York, the largest, being numbered 1. STATISTICS OF FIFTY AMERICAN CITIES. 33 POPULATION, ETC., IN FIFTY AMERICAN CITIES (Continued). CITIES. SIZE. POPULATION. FAMILIES. DWELLINGS. Number. Persons to a family. Number. Persons to a dwelling Cleveland Ohio .... 15 42 44 18 5 34 27 17 38 45 14 3i 49 32 *9 39 13 2 5 9 i 37 2 16 41 21 36 24 22 10 48 35 4 29 40 28 46 12 43 30 92,829 3l>274 30,473 79*577 26,766 37,180 48,244 82,546 32,260 28,921 J oo,753 40,928 28,233 40,226 71,440 32,034 105,059 50,840 191,418 942,292 33*579 674,022 86,076 3i4 I 3 68,904 33*930 51,038 62,386 149*473 28,235 35' 92 310,864 43*05! 3i*5 8 4 46,465 28,804 109,199 30,841 41,105 18,411 5*790 6,109 I5* 6 36 5,216 7,427 9,200 16,687 5*585 5*287 J 9,!77 7,649 6,100 7,824 14,226 6,301 21,631 10,482 39*13^ 185,789 7*048 127,746 16,182 6,632 J 4,775 6,932 9,792 12,213 30,553 5, OI 3 6,642 59,43i 8,677 6,457 9,302 5*793 2i,343 5*8o8 8,658 5.04 5-40 4-99 5.09 5.13 , 5.oi ' 5-24 4-95 5.78 5.47 5.25 5-35 4.63 5.H 5.02 5.o8 4.86 4.85 4.89 5.07 4.76 5.28 5.32 4.74 4.66 4.89 5.21 5-" 4.89 5.63 5.28 5.23 4.96 4.89, 5.00 4.97 5.12 5-31 4-74 16,692 5* 011 5,6n 14,688 2,687 6,688 7,820 9,867 5*424 3,443 14,670 6,362 4,625 6,408 13,048 5,738 14,350 8,100 33,656 64,044 4,653 112,366 14,224 4,836 9,227 6,294 8,033 11,649 25,905 4,56i 5,646 39*675 7,088 6,069 5,893 4,799 '9*545 5*398 4,922 5.56 6.24 5-43 5-42 9.96 5.56 6.17 8.37 5-95 8.40 6.87 6.43 6.10 6.28 5.48 5.58 7.32 6.28 5-69 14.72 7.22 6.01 6.05 6.50 746 5-39 6.35 5.36 5-77 6.19 6.21 7-84 6.07 5.20 7.88 6.00 5-59 5-7 1 8-35 Columbus Ohio Dayton, Ohio Detroit, Michigan Fall River Mass Hartford, Conn Indianapolis Ind Jersey City NT Kansas City Mo Lawrence, Mass Louisville, Ky Lowell, Mass Lynn, Mass Memphis, Tenn. . . . Milwaukee, Wis Mobile, Ala Newark, N. J New Haven, Conn New Orleans, La. . New York, N. Y Paterson, N. J Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Portland, Me Providence, R. I Reading, Pa. . Richmond Va Rochester, N Y San Francisco, Cal .... Savannah, Ga Scranton, Pa St. Louis, Mo Syracuse, N. Y Toledo, Ohio Troy, N. Y Utica NY .... Washington, D. C Wilmington Del . . Worcester Mass 34 QUANTITY OF WATER REQUIRED. 1O. Approximate Consumption of Water. In American cities, having well arranged and maintained sys- tems of water supply, and furnishing good wholesome water for domestic use, and clear soft water adapted to the uses of the arts and for mechanical purposes, the average consumption is found to be approximately as follows, in United States gallons : (a.) For ordinary domestic use, not including hose use, 20 gallons per capita per day. (b.) For private stables, including carriage washing, when reckoned on the basis of inhabitants, 3 gallons per capita per day. (c.) For commercial and manufacturing purposes, 5 to 15 gallons per capita per day. (d.) For fountains, drinking and ornamental, 3 to 10 gallons per capita per day. (e.) For fire purposes, -f$ gallon per capita per day. (/.) For private hose, sprinkling streets and yards, 10 gallons per capita per day, during the four dryest months of the year. (g.) Waste to prevent freezing of water in service-pipes and house-fixtures, in Northern cities, 10 gallons per capita per day, during the three coldest months of the year. (h.) Waste by leakage of fixtures and pipes, and use for flushing purposes, from 5 gallons per capita per day upward. The above estimates are on the basis of the total popu- lations of the municipalities. There will be variations from the above approximate general average, with increased or decreased consumption for each individual town or city, according to its social and business peculiarities. WATER SUPPLIED TO ANCIENT CITIES. 35 The domestic use is greatest in the towns and cities, and in the portions of the towns and cities having the greatest wealth and refinement, where water is appreciated as a luxury as well as a necessity, and this is true of the yard sprinkling and ornamental fountain use, and the private stable use. The greatest drinking-fountain use, and fire use, and general waste, will ordinarily be in the most densely- populated portions, while the commercial and manufactur- ing use will be in excess where the steam-engines are most numerous, where the hydraulic elevators and motors are, on the steamer docks, and where the brewing and chemical arts are practiced. The ?atio of length of piping to the population is greater in wealthy suburban towns than in commercial and manu- facturing towns. Some of these peculiarities are brought out in a follow- ing table of the quantity of water supplied and of piping in several cities, which is based upon the census table hereto- fore given and upon various water-works reports for the year 1870. The general introduction of public water- works, on the constant-supply system, with liberal pressures in the mains and house-services, throughout the American towns and cities, has encouraged its liberal use in the households, so that it is believed that the legitimate and economical domes- tic use of water is of greater average in the American cities than in the cities of any other country, at the present time, and its general use is steadily increasing. 11. Water Supplied to Ancient Cities. The sup- plies to ancient Jerusalem, imperial Rome, Byzantium, and Alexandria, were formerly equal to three hundred gallons per individual daily ; and, later, the supplies to Nismes, 36 QUANTITY OF WATER REQUIRED. Metz, and Lyons, in France, and Lisbon, Segovia, and Seville, in Spain, were most liberal, but a small proportion only of the water supplied from these magnificent public works was applied to domestic use, except in the palaces of those attached to the royal courts. 12. Water Supplied to European Cities. In the year 1870, the average daily supply to some of the leading European cities was approximately as follows : CITIES. IMP. GALLONS. London, England 2Q Manchester " ....... *7 2/1 Sheffield " 2Q Liverpool, " ^y . 27 Leeds, " 21 Edinburgh Scotland . . ?o Glasgow " . o w 4.O 7Q 40 30 Geneva Switzerland 16 16 18 * r- In the year 1866, public water supplies * were, in vol- ume, as follows, in the cities named : CITIES. POPULATION. SUPPLY PER CAPITA. Hamburg Prussia . 2OO,OOO 34. sfals. Altona " C2,OOO 20 " Tours France 42.OOO 22 " Ansrers. " Toulouse, " IOO,OOO 13-5 " Nantes " II2,OOO 13.6 " Lyons, " ^OO.OOO 22 " ///Ji.6 * Vide Kirkwood's " Filtration of River Waters." Van Nostranfl, N. Y., 1869. WATER SUPPLIED TO AMERICAN CITIES. 37 Prof. Rankine gives,* as a fair estimate of the real daily demand for water, per inhabitant, amongst inhabitants of different habits as to the quantity of water they consume, the following, based upon British water supply and con- sumption : RANKINE'S ESTIMATE FOR ENGLAND. IMP. GALLONS PER DAY. Least. Average. Greatest. Used for domestic purposes 7 I O Washing streets, extinguishing fires, sup- plying fountains, etc Trade and manufactures Waste under careful regulations, say .... Total demand 2 2 22 !* 2 7? 13. Water Supplied to American Cities. The lim- ited use of water for domestic purposes in many of the European cities during the last half century, led the engi- neers who constructed the pioneer water-works of some of the American States to believe that 30 gallons of water per capita daily would be an ample allowance here ; and in their day there was scarce a precedent to lead them to anticipate the present large consumption of water for lawn and street sprinkling by hand-hose, or for waste to prevent freezing in our Northern cities. The following tables will show that this early estimated demand for water has been doubled, trebled, and in some instances even quadrupled ; and this considerable excess, to which there are few exceptions, has been the cause of much annoyance and anxiety. * " Civil Engineering," London, 1872, p. 731. 38 QUANTITY OF WATER REQUIRED. In the year 1870, the average daily supply to some of the American cities was as follows, in United States gallons : TAB LE No. 2. WATER SUPPLIED AND PIPING IN SEVERAL CITIES, IN THE YEAR 1870. CITIES. POPULA- TION IN 1870. SUPPLY PER PERSON, DAILY AVERAGE SUPPLY PER FAMILY, DAILY AVERAGE. SUPPLY PER DWELLING, DAILY AVERAGE. TOTAL DAILY SUPPLY, AVERAGE. TOTAL MILES OF PIPE MAINS. MILES OF PIPE PER 1,000 INHABITANTS. Baltimore Boston 267,354 2 CO C 26 Gallons. 52.81 60 T C Gatfons, 282.53 7 T 2 >rft Gallons. SS^S co8 87 Gattons. 14,122,032 T C O7O AOO Miles. 214 IOA Miles. 0.80 7& Brooklyn .... Buffalo ^G U ,0^ IJ 396,099 117 7 I A. JU. l^j 47.16 c.8 08 3 1 ^-7 233-44 206 08 5 uo -7 407.46 2*7/1 QA A 0> U / U ,T- UU 18,682,219 6 8^8 7O7 1 y4 *s8 c6 0.65 o 48 Cambridge . . . Charlestown. . Chicago . 1 A /,/ x ^f 39,634 28,323 208 0.7*7 43-90 43-90 62 "^2 220.38 201.94 2 T -2 A T O/ T-^T- 273-94 282.72 A -1 *J A U J O oo o u 60 25 24.0 1.64. 0.90 o 81 Cincinnati . . . Cleveland Detroit ^yjy// 216,239 92,829 7Q C77 40.OO 33- 2 4 f\A 2/1 o 1 o-47 201.60 167.53 2^6 08 4 i /-54 352.40 184.81 -jxig 18 10,812,609 3,085,559 51 T 2 A.Q "? 132 5 I 2Q 0.6 1 o-54 i 61 Hartford / yo / / 27 180 **H*^ 6c 81 32Q 71 26 C QO , j. j.^,q.y^ 2 Ad.7 OOO ^y 4.8 T SO Jersey City. . . Louisville .... Montreal, Can. O/> i> Cleveland. Cincinnati. Chicago. Detroit. Jersey City. Louisville. Montreal. Jsj o >H te 4) Philadelphia. 1 1856 i8c7 8 55 4.6 1858 . . 8 22 16 71; 1859 1860 .... 1861 . ii 14 16 OO 40 43 4."? 48 52 r-2 / D 77 1862 .... 17 IQ ?Q T-O 4.4. JO r8 14. 186* A / 22 ^y 2 I oy AJ D^ r8 12 1864 i86c 26 2Q 22 22 TO 41 4.2 57 c c 77 14 17 62 1866 . . . ee *y 3? 22 4.-? a 60 / / A / 17 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 Oo 59 62 62 60 4. 58 ci oo 36 43 46 47 ^6 24 25 27 33 76 40 TO 5 f 62 63 73 64 6 7 61 64 7^ 84 A / J 5 16 18 29 IQ 49 cc 62 68 84 90 8"; 4 6 5 1 5 1 55 cc 127 I^O 1872 . . ce 61 so 4.O 60 75 8? QQ 22 ce 88 CA 174. i873 1874 DO 58 60 60 60 55 r8 43 A r dC / 75 81 90 87 86 22 24. t 60 66 104 56 r8 138 T-?,8 *Y/*r' TO T-D "/ 16. Relation of Supply per Capita to Total Pop- ulation. In the larger cities there are generally the great- est variety of purposes for which water is required, and consequently a greater average daily consumption per cap- ita. Exceptions to this general rule may be found in a few suburban towns largely engaged in the growth of garden truck, and plants, and shrubs for the urban markets, in which there is a large demand for water for purposes of irrigation. In the New England towns and cities the average daily consumption and waste of water according to population is approximately as follows : MONTHLY AND HOURLY VARIATIONS. 41 Places of 10,000 population, 35 to 45 gallons per capita. " " 20,000 " 40 to 50 " " " 30,000 " 45 to 65 " " " 50,000 " 55 to 75 Places of 75,000 population and upward, 60 to 100 gal- lons per capita. 1 7. Monthly and Hourly Variations in the Draught. The data heretofore given relating to the daily average consumption of water have referred to annual quantities reduced to their daily average. The daily draught is not, however, uniform throughout the year, but at times is greatly in excess of the average for the year, and at other times falls below. It may be twenty to thirty per cent, in excess during several consecutive weeks, fifty per cent, during several consecutive days, and not infrequently one hundred per cent, in excess during several consecutive hours, independ- ently of the occasional heavy drafts for fires. Diagrams of this daily consumption of water in the cities usually show two principal maxima and two principal minima. The earliest maximum in the year occurs, in the Eastern and Middle States, about the time the frost is deepest in the ground and the weather is coldest, that is, between the middle of January and the first of March, and in New England cities this period sometimes gives the maximum of the year. The second maximum occurs usually during the hottest and dryest portion of the year, or between the mid- dle of July and the first of September. The two principal minima occur in the spring and autumn, about midway between the maxima. Between these four periods the pro- file shows irregular wavy lines, and a profile diagram continued for a series of years shows a very jagged line. To illustrate the irregular consumption of water, we FIG. 1. Chicago. Brooklyn. Cincinnati. Montreal -uiaip lad suo^S uoiitiui jo 'o NJ RATIO OF MONTHLY CONSUMPTION. 43 have prepared the diagrams, Fig. 1, of the operations of the pumps at Chicago, Brooklyn, Cincinnati, and Montreal, during the years 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874. 18. Ratio of Monthly Consumption. The varia- tions in draught, as by monthly classification, in several prominent cities, in the year 1874, have been reduced to ratios of mean monthly draughts for convenience of compar- ison, and are here presented ; unity representing the mean monthly draught for the year : TABLE No. 5. RATIOS OF MONTHLY CONSUMPTION OF WATER IN 1874. CITIES. c 4J 6 fe 1 I I jj >> "3 i > bi> P < & $ > o % 1 Brooklyn. . . 1.029 I.I32 971 .892 .941 1.008 1.069 1.034 1.044 .987 .919 974 Buffalo. . . 1.008 I.OO7 .0.60 .941 983 9 6 3 996 1.020 ,1.044 I.OII 1.040 1. 000 Cleveland. . .883 .901 .850 .871 .992 1.180 1.181 .206 1.058 I.OOI .942 915 Detroit .856 .80 7 90S .844 1.029 1.065 1.051 .I6 7 1.171 1.115 .987 1.003 Philadelphia .850 .844 834 .898 1.056 1,199 1.289 145 1.091 .990 952 .853 Chicago . . . .862 .844 .904 .904 .942 .942 1.171 193 1.162 1.039 .966 1.029 Cincinnati.. .792 .762 .778 .80 I.OII 1.217 1.207 .257 1.302 1.058 .960 799 Louisville. . .842 .819 .848 .841 .960 1.192 1.207 .223 1.202 1.138 940 .876 Montreal. . . .864 959 943 1.025 .916 .907 I.IOI 151 1.096 1.043 .971 1.023 Mean. . . .887 .897 .888 .897 .960 1-075 1.144 I.I55 I.I30 1.042 .964 .941 There is also a very perceptible daily variation in each week, and hourly variation in each day, in the domestic consumption of water. The Brooklyn diagram shows that the average draught in the month of maximum consumption was in 1872, fifteen per cent, in excess of the average annual draught ; in 1873, seventeen per cent, in excess ; in 1874, thirteen per cent, in excess. A Boston Highlands direct pumping diagram lying "be- fore the writer shows that the average draught at nine o'clock in the forenoon was thirty-seven per cent, in excess 44 QUANTITY OF WATER REQUIRED. of the average draught for the three months, and that at eight o'clock A.M. on the Mondays the draught was sixty per cent, in excess of the average hourly draught for the three months. The maximum hourly draught indicated by the two diagrams taken together is nearly seventy -five per cent, in excess of the average throughout the year. 19. Illustrations of Varying Consumption. In illustration, we will assume a case of a suburban town re- quiring, say, an average daily consumption for the year of 1,000,000 United States gallons of water, and compute the maximum rate of draught on the bases shown by the above- named diagrams, thus: GALLONS PER DAY. GALLONS PER MlN. CUBIC FEET PER MlN. Average draught per year I OOO OOO 6o4 A. 02 8 Add 17 per cent, for max. monthly average draught making I,OI7,OOO 7O6 2 Q-7 I Add to the last quantity 10 per cent, for the max weekly average draught making. . I O27 I7O 7iq 2 QC q Add to the last quantity 37 per cent, for the max hourly average draught making I <1O7 222 Q72 2 I2O O Add to the last quantity 23 per cent, for the max. hourly av. draught on Mondays, making 1,730,883 1,202.0 i*yy 160.7 The experience of nearly every water-supply shows that the maximum draught, aside from fire-service, is at times more than double the average draught. 2O. Reserve for Fire Extinguishment. In addi- tion to the above, there should be an ample reserve of water for fire service, and extra conduit and distribution capacity for its delivery. There is a possibility of two or three fires being in progress at the same time, in even the smaller cities, requiring at least twelve hydrant streams, or say 300 cubic feet of water per minute, for each fire. PUMPING STATION, MILWAUKEE. CHAPTER III. RAINFALL. 21. The Vapory Elements. The elements of water fill the ethereal blue above and the earth crust beneath. They, with unceasing activity, permeate the air, the rocks, the sand, the fruits we eat, and the muscles that aid our motion. Since first "there went up a mist from the earth," the struggle between the ethereal elements and earth's internal fire, between the intense cold of space and direct and radiated heat enveloping the face of the earth, has gone on unceasingly. 22. The Liquid and Gaseous Successions. If we hold a drop of water in the clear sunshine and watch it intently, soon it is gone and we could not see it depart ; if we expose a dish of water to the heat of fire, silently it disappears, and we know not how it gathered in its activity ; if we leave a tank of water uncovered to the sun and wind, it gradually disappears, and is replenished by many showers of summer, still it departs and is replenished by snows of winter. Under certain extreme conditions it may never be full, it may never be exhausted, the rising vapor may equal the falling liquid, as where " the rivers flow into the sea, yet the sea is not full." 23. The Source of Showers. Physical laws whose origin we cannot comprehend but whose steady effects we observe, lift from the saline ocean, the fouled river, the moist earth, a stream of vapor broad as the circuit of the globe, 46 RAINFALL. but their solid impurities remain, and the flow goes up with ethereal clearness. From hence are the sources of water supply replenished. From hence comes the showers upon the face of the earth. 24. General Rainfall. But there is irregularity in the physical features of the earth, and unevenness in the temperature about it, and the showers are not called down alike upon all its surface. Upon the temperate zone in America enough water falls in the form of rain and snow to cover the surface of the ground to an average depth of about 40 inches, in the frigid zone a lesser quantity, and in the torrid zone full 90 inches, and in certain localities to depths of 100 and 150, and at times to even 200 inches. We recognize in the rain an ultimate source of water supply, but the immediate sources of local domestic water supply are, shallow or deep wells, springs, lakes, and rivers. The amplitude of their supply is dependent upon the avail- able amount of the rainfall that replenishes them. In cases of large rivers, and lakes like the American inland seas, there can be no question as to their answering all demands, as respects quantity, that can be made upon them, but often upon watersheds of limited extent, margins of doubt demand special investigations of their volumes of rainfall, and the portions of them that can be utilized. 25. Review of Rainfall Statistics. Looking broadly over some of the principal river valleys of the United States we find their average annual rainfalls to be approxi- mately as follows : Penobscot, 45 inches ; Merrimack, 43 ; Connecticut, 44 ; Hudson, 39 ; Susquehanna, 37 ; Koanoke, 40; Savannah, 48; Appalachicola, 48; Mobile, 60; Mis- sissippi, 46 ; Rio Grande, 19 ; Arizonian Colorado, 12 ; Sac- ramento, 28 ; and Columbia, 33 inches ; but the amount of rainfall at the various points from source to mouth of WESTERN RAIN SYSTEM. 47 river is by no means uniform ; as, for instance, upon the Susquehanna it ranges from 26 to 44 inches ; on the Eio Grande, from 8 to 37 inches ; and on the Columbia, from 12 to 86 inches. 26. Climatic Effects. The North American Continent presents, in consequence of its varied features and reach from near extreme torrid to extreme polar regions, almost all the special rainfall characteristics to be found upon the face of the globe ; and even the United States of America includes within its limits the most varied classes of climato- logical and meteorological effects, in consequence of its range of elevation, from the Florida Keys to the Rocky Mountain summits, and its range of humidity from the sage-bush plains between the Sierras and Wahsatch Mountains, and the moist atmosphere of the lower Mississippi valley, and from the rainless Yuma and Gila deserts of southern Cali- fornia to the rainy slopes of north-western California and of Oregon, where almost daily showers maintain eternal verdure. 27. Sections of Maximum Rainfall. The maxi- mum recorded rainfall, an annual mean of 86 inches, occurs in the region bordering upon the mouth of the Columbia River and Puget Sound. A narrow belt of excessive hu- midity extends along the Pacific coast from Vancouver's Island southerly past the borders of Washington Territory, Oregon and California, to latitude 40. Next in order of humidity is the region bordering upon the Delta of the Mississippi River and the embouchure of the Mobile, whose annual mean of rain reaches 64 inches. Next in order is a section in the heart of Florida of about one-half the breadth of the State, whose mean annual rain reaches 60 inches. 28. Western Rain System. The great northerly ocean current of the Pacific moves up past the coast of RAINFALL. China and the Aleutian Islands and impinges upon the North American shore, then sweeps down along the coast of Washington Territory, Oregon and California ; and from its saturated atmosphere, flowing up their bold western slopes, is drawn the excessive aqueous precipitations that water these regions. Their moist winds temper the climate and their condensed vapors irrigate the land, so that the southerly portion of the favored region referred to is often termed the garden of America. Fig. 2 is a profile, showing a general contour across the Worth American Continent, along the thirty-ninth parallel of latitude. FIG. 2. A. Pacific Ocean. B. Coast Ran'ge. C. Sierra Nevada. D. Wahsatch Mountains. E. Rocky Mountains. F. Mississippi River. G. Alleghany Mountains. H. Blue Ridge. I. Atlantic Ocean. ELEVATION. feet. a. Sacramento City 82 b. Carson City 4,629 c. Salt Lake Region 4,382 d. Colorado River e. Colorado City 6,000 f. St. Louis 481 g. Cincinnati 582 h. Washington 70 The California coast range and the western slope of the Sierra Nevadas are the condensers that gather from the prevailing westerly ocean breezes their moisture. From thence the winds pass easterly over the Sierra summit almost entirely deprived of moisture, and yield but rarely any rain upon the broad interior basin stretching between the bases of the Sierra and Wahsatch Mountains. Upon the CENTRAL RAIN SYSTEM. 49 arid plains of this region, above the Gulf of California, whose average annual rainfall reaches scarce 4 inches, the winds roll down like a thirsty sponge. Further to the east, the western slopes of the Wahsatch and Eocky Mountains lift up and condense again the west- ern winds, and gather in their storms of rain and snow. In the lesser valley "between these mountains, 12 to 20 inches of rain falls annually, and the tributaries of the Colorado Eiver gathers its scanty surplus of waters and leads them from thence around the southerly end of the Wahsatch Mountains past the Yuma Desert to the Gulf. Over the summit of the Eocky Mountains onward moves the westerly wind, again deprived of its vapor, and down it rolls with thirsty swoop upon the Great American Desert, skirting the eastern base of the mountains. Farther on, it is again charged with moisture by the saturated wind-eddy from the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. The great Pacific currents of water and wind, and the extended ridges and furrows of the westerly half of our Continent lend their combined influence, in a marked man- ner, to develop its special local and its peculiar general climatic and meteorological systems. 29. Central Rain System. A second system of anti- trade winds bears the saturated atmosphere of the Gulf of Mexico up along the great plain of the Mississippi. Its moisture is precipitated in greatest abundance about the delta, and more sparingly in the more elevated valleys of the Eed and Arkansas rivers upon the left, and the Tennes- see and Ohio rivers upon the right. Its influence is per- ceptible along the plain from the Gulf to the southern bor- der of Lake Michigan, and easterly along the lower lakes and across New England, where the chills of the Arctic polar current sweeping through the Gulf of St. Lawrence 4 50 RAINFALL. and down the Nova Scotia coast into Massachusetts Bay, throws down abundantly its remaining moisture. 30. Eastern Coast System. A third system en- velops Florida, Georgia, and the eastern Carolinas, espe- cially in summer, with an abundance of rain. A fourth subordinate system shows the contending thermic and electric influences of the warm and moist atmosphere from the Gulf Stream, flowing northerly past, and of the cooler atmosphere from the polar current flowing southerly upon the New England coast, where an abundant rain is distributed more evenly throughout the seasons than elsewhere upon the Continent. 31. Influence of Elevation upon Precipitation. The influence of elevation above the sea-le/el is far less active in producing excessive rain uponao ranges and high river sources than upon other continents and some of the mountainous islands, being quite subordi- nate to general wind currents. Upon the mountainous island of Guadaloupe, in latitude 16, for instance, a rainfall of 292 inches per annum at an elevation of 4500 feet is recorded. Upon the Western Ghauts of Bombay, at an elevation of 4,500 feet, an average rainfall for fifteen years is given as 254 inches. On the southerly slope of the Himalayas, northerly of the Bay of Bengal, at an elevation of 4,500 feet, the rainfall of 1851 was 610 inches. These localities all face prevailing saturated wind currents. 32. River-basin Rains. A study of some of our principal river valleys independently, reveals the fact that their rainfall gradually decreases from their outlets to their more elevated sources. RIVER-BASIN RAINS. 51 In illustration of this fact, we present the following river- valley statistics relating to the principal basins along the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts. TABLE No. 6. MEAN RAINFALL ALONG RIVER COURSES, SHOWING THE DECREASE IN PRECIPITATION OF RAIN AND MELTED SNOW FROM THE RIVER MOUTHS, UPWARD. ST. JOHN'S RIVER. NAME OF STATION. SUMMER. WINTER. YEAR. DISTANCE FROM MOUTH. St. Johns Inches. IO Inches. 14 Inches. ci Miles (approximate). c ) Distances from Average ra.in Fort Kent.. 12 10 16 * the Atlantic A.I inches. MERRIMACK RIVER. Newburyport . Lawrence Manchester . , Concord . . 12 19 II II* 12 II II 9 41 45 45 41 25 I ^/^P* Average rain, 43 inches. CONNECTICUT RIVER. i-i iq 4Q 4~) Middletown. ...... ii 12 46 oe Hartford IO II 44 4O Hanover i i 4O 1 80 II 8 16 21* Sound. 44 inches. HUDSON RIVER. New York City Poughkeepsie Hudson Albany 12 12 10 9 10 9 8 44 40 35 36 81 re Distances from _' J > the Atlantic "5 I Ocean. 145 J Average rain, 39 inches. SUSQUEHANNA RIVER. Havre de Grace .... Harrisburg 13 12 10 g 44 AQ 5 7O Lewi sb u rg II 8 e vy 7Q William sport IO 7 1Q I4O Owego 8 6 24. 2OO Elmira. . 7 4 26 200 ram, 37 inches. RAINFALL. MEAN RAINFALL ALONG RIVER COURSES (Continued). MISSISSIPPI RIVER. NAME OF STATION. SUMMER. WINTER. YEAR. DISTANCE FROM MOUTH. Delta Inches. 20 20 18 14 II 8 ii 13 14 ii ii Inches. 18 16 15 16 15 15 12 8 5 3 T Inches. 60 60 60 56 55 42 42 42 38 30 25 Miles IO^ 95 190 240 350 560 700 850 1 100 1200 IW> approximate). Distances from - the Gulf of Mexico. Average rain, 46 inches. Baton Rouge June, of Red River . . Vicksburg Memphis Cairo St Louis Dubuque Lacrosse St. Paul's . . Brownsville June. Peeos River El Paso Albuquerque Astoria Walla-Walla Boise City . . Fort Hall .... RIO GRANDE. 37 18 12 3 Distances from Mexico. Average rain, 19 inches. COLUMBIA RIVER. 86 44 5 6 20 13 12 275 I Distances from Average rain, 600 Pacific Ocean. 33 inches. Reference to the above, from among the principal river valleys, is sufficient to show that the oft-made statement, that "rain falls most abundantly on the high land," is applicable, in the United States, to subordinate watersheds only, and in rare instances. 33. Grouped Rainfall Statistics. The following table gives the minimum, maximum, and mean rainfalls, according to the most extended series of observations, at various stations in the United States. They are grouped by territorial divisions, having uniformity of meteorological characteristics. RAINFALL IN THE UNITED STATES. TABLE No. 7. RAINFALL IN THE UNITED STATES. (Front Records to 1866 inclusive.) GROUP 1. Atlantic Sea-coast from Portland to Washington. STATION. LAT. LONG. HEIGHT ABOVE SEA. YEARS OF RECORD MlN. ANNUAL RAIN. MAX. ANNUAL RAIN. MEAN ANNUAL RAIN. Oardiner Me. 44.lo' 6O4 1864 1860 1856 1852 1848 1844 1840 1832 1824 1820 1816 1812 ; CURVES OF SECULAR FLUCTUATIONS IN RAINFALL. 60 RAINFALL. rainfall here occurs oftenest in December and the minimum oftenest in July. 35. Secular Fluctuations in Rainfall. Diagram 5 illustrates the secular fluctuations in the rainfall through a long series of years in the Atlantic system and in the central Mississippi system. It presents the successions of wet and dry periods as they vibrate back and forth about the mean of the whole period. The extreme fluctuation is in the first case twenty-eight per cent., and in the second case thirty per cent. 36. Local, Physical, and Meteorological Influ- ences. The above statistics give sufficient data for deter- mining approximately the general average rainfall in any one of the principal river-basins of the States. There are local influences operating in most of the main physical divisions, analogous to those governing rainfall in the grand atmospheric systems. Referring to any local watershed, and the detailed study of such is oftenest that of a limited gathering ground tribu- tary to some river, we have to note especially the mean temperature and capacity of the atmosphere to bear vapor, the source from which the chief saturation of the atmos- phere is derived, the prevailing winds at the different sea- sons, whether in harmony with or opposition to the direction of this source, and if any high lands that will act as con- densers of the moisture lie in its path and filch its vapors, or if guiding ridges converge the summer showers in more than due proportion in a favored valley. A careful study of the local, physical, and meteorological influences will usually indicate quite unmistakably if the mean rainfall of a subordinate watershed is greater or less than that of the main basin to which its streams are tributary. There is rarely a sudden change of mean precipitation, except at the GREAT RAIN STORMS. 61 crest of an elevated ridge or the brink of a deep and narrow ravine. 37. Uniform Effects of Natural Laws. When studies of local rainfalls are confined to mean results, neglecting the occasional wide departures from the influence of the general controlling atmospheric laws, the actions of nature seem precise and regular in their successions, and in fact we find that the governing forces hold results with a firm bearing close upon their appointed line. But occasionally they break out from their accustomed course as with a convulsive leap, and a storm rages as though the windows of heaven had burst, and floods sweep down the water-courses, almost irresistible in their fury. If hydraulic constructions are not built as firm as the ever- lasting hills, their ruins will on such occasions be borne along on the flood toward the ocean. 38. Great Rain Storms. In October, 1869, a great storm moved up along the Atlantic coast from Virginia to New York, and passed through the heart of New England, with disastrous effect along nearly its whole course. Its rainfall at many points along its central path was from eight to nine inches, and its duration in New England was from forty to fifty-nine hours. In August, 1874, a short, heavy storm passed over east- ern Connecticut, when there fell at New London and at Norwich twelve inches * of rain within forty-eight hours, five inches of which fell in four hours. Such storms are rare upon the Atlantic coast and in the Middle and West- ern States. Short storms of equal force, lasting one or^two hours, are more common, and the flood effects from them, on hilly * From data supplied by H. B. Winship, Supt. of Norwich Water-works. 62 RAINFALL. watersheds, not exceeding one or two square miles area, may be equally disastrous, and waterspouts sometimes burst in the valleys and flood their streams. 39. Maximum Ratios of Floods to Rainfalls. When the surface of a small watershed is generally rocky, or impervious, or, for instance, when the ground is frozen and uncovered by snow, the maximum rate of volume of flow through the outlet channel may reach two-thirds of the average rate of volume of rain falling upon the gathering- ground. 40. Volume of Water from given Rainfalls. The rates of volume of water falling per minute, for the rates of rainfall per twenty-four hours, indicated, are given in cubic feet per minute, per acre and per square mile, in the follow- ing table : TABLE No, 8. VOLUME OF RAINFALL PER MINUTE, FOR GIVEN INCHES PER TWENTY- FOUR HOURS. RAINFALL PER 24 HOURS. VOLUME PER MINUTE ON ONE ACRE. VOLUME PER MINUTE ON ONE SQ. MILE. RAINFALL PER 24 HOURS. VOLUME PER MINUTE ON ONE ACRE. VOLUME PER MINUTE ON ONE SQ. MILE. Inches. Cu.feet. Cu.feet. Inches. Cu. feet. Cu.feet. O.I .252 l6l.33 I 2.521 1613.33 .2 -54 322.67 2 5.042 3226.67 3 .756 484.01. 3 7-563 4840.00 -4 1.008 645-33 4 10.084 6453-33 5 1.264 806.67 12.605 8066.65 .6 I-5IS 968.00 6 15.126 9689.99 7 I-765 1122.73 7 17.647 II2 93-33 .8 2.IO7 1290.67 8 20.168 12906.66 9 2.269 I450.OO 9 22.689 14529.99 10 25.210 i6i33-33 41. Gauging Rainfall. A pluviometer, Fig. 6, is used to measure the amount of rain that falls from the sky. It is a deep, cylindrical, open-topped dish of brass. Its top GAUGING RAINFALL. 63 FIG. 6. edge is thin, so it will receive just the rain due to the sec- tional area of the open top. A convenient size is of two inches diameter at a, and at b of such diameter that its sectional area is exactly one-tenth the sec- tional area at #, or a little more than one-half inch. When extreme accuracy is re- quired, the diameter at a is made ten inches and at b a little more than three inches, still maintaining the ratio of sectional areas ten to one, the displacement of the meas- uring-rod being allowed for. This rain-gauge should be set vertically in a smooth, open, level ground, and the grass around be kept smoothly trimmed in summer. The top of a ten-inch gauge is set at about one foot above the surface of the ground, and of smaller gauges, clear of the grass surface. The gauge should be placed sufficiently apart from buildings, fences, trees, and shrubs, so that the volume of rain gathered shall not be augmented or reduced by wind- eddies. If such a situation, secure from interference by animals or by mischievous persons, is not obtainable, the gauge may be set upon the flat roof of a building, and the height above the ground noted. The measuring-rod for taking the depth of rain in b is graduated in inches and tenths of inches, so that when the sections of a and b are ten to one, ten inches upon the rod 64 RAINFALL. corresponds with one inch of actual rainfall, and one inch on the rod to one-tenth inch of rain, and one-tenth on the rod to one-hundredth of rain. Snow is caught in a cylindrical, vertical-sided dish, not less than ten inches diameter, melted, and then measured as rain. Memorandums of depths of snow "before melting, with dates, are preserved also. It has been observed at numerous places, that elevated pluviometers indicated less rain than those placed in the neighboring ground. When there is wind during a shower, the path of the drops is parabolic, being much inclined in the air above and nearly vertical at the surface of the ground. A circular rain-gauge, held horizontally, presents to inclined drops an elliptic section, and consequently less effective area than to vertical drops. The law due to height alone is not satisfactorily estab- lished, though several formulae of correction have been suggested, some of which were very evidently based upon erroneous measures of rainfall. The observed rainfall at Greenwich Observatory, Eng- land, in the year 1855, is reported, at ground level, 23.8 inches depth ; at 22 feet higher, .807 of that quantity, and at 50 feet higher, .42 of that quantity. The observed rainfall at the Yorkshire Museum, Eng- land, in the years 1832, 1833, and 1834, is reported, for yearly average, at ground level, 21.477 inches ; at 44 feet higher, .81 as much, and at 213 feet higher, .605 as much. Unless vigilantly watched during storms, the gauges are liable to overflow, when an accurate record becomes impos- sible. Overflow cups are sometimes joined to rain-gauges, near their tops, to catch the surplus water of great storms. OHAPTEE IT. FLOW OF STREAMS. 42. Flood Volume Inversely as the Area of the Basin. A rain, falling at the rate of one inch in twenty- four hours, delivers upon each acre of drainage area about 2.5 cubic feet of water each minute. If upon one square mile area, with frozen or impervious surface, there falls twelve inches of rain in twenty-four hours, and two-thirds of this amount flows off in an equal length of time, then the average rate of flow will be 215 cubic feet per second. Any artificial channel cut for a stream, or any dam built across it, must have ample flood-way, overfall, or waste-sluice to pass the flood at its maximum rate. The rate of flood flow at the outlet of a watershed is usually much less from a large main basin than from its tributary basins, because the proportion of plains, storage ponds, and pervious soils is usually greater in large basins than in small, and the flood flow is consequently distrib- uted through a longer time. In a small tributary shed of steep slope the period of maximum flood flow may follow close after the maximum rainfall ; but in the main channel of the main basin the maximum flood effect may not follow for one, two, three, or more days, or until the storm upon its upper valley has entirely ceased. 43. Formulae for Flood Volumes. The recorded flood measurements of American streams are few in number, but 5 66 FLOW OF STREAMS. upon plotting such data as is obtained, we find their mean curve to follow very closely that of the equation, Q = 200 (M)*, (I) in which M is the area of watershed in square miles and Q the volume of discharge, in cubic feet per second, from the whole area. Thus the decrease of flood with increase of area is seen to follow nearly the ratio of two hundred times the sixth root of the fifth power of the area expressed in square miles. Among the Indian Professional Papers we find the fol- lowing formula for volume, in cubic feet per second : Q = cx27(M). (2) in which c is a co-efficient, to which Colonel Dickens has given a mean value of 8.25 for East Indian practice. Testing this formula by our American curve, we find the following values of c for given areas : Area in sq. miles. . . Value of c i. 7.41 z. 9-33 3- 10.68 4- 11.76 6. 13.46 8. 14.83 10. 15.96 IS- 18.26 20. 20.11 30- 23.02 40. 25-33 5- 27.28 75- 31.26 100. 34.38 Mr. Dredge suggests, also in Indian Professional Papers, the following formula : Q ts 1300 ^| (3) in which L is the length of the watershed, and M the area in square miles. Our formula, modified as follows, gives an approximate flood volume per square mile, in cubic feet per second : TABLE OF FLOOD VOLUMES. 67 in which M is the area of the given watershed in square miles. 44. Table of Flood Volumes. Upon the average New England and Middle State basins, maximum floods may be anticipated with rates of flow, as per the following table: TABLE No. 9. FLOOD VOLUMES FROM GIVEN WATERSHEDS. AREA OF WATER- SHED. FLOOD DISCHARGE FOR WHOLE AREA, Q = 200 (M)*' FLOOD DISCHARGE PER SQUARE MILE, 200 (M)* M. FLOOD DISCHARGE PER ACRE. Sg. Miles. Cu. Feet per Second. ' Cu. Feet per Second. Cu. Feet per Minute. 0-5 112 225.00 21.15 i 2OO 2OO.OO 18.75 2 356 178.20 l6 -75 3 500 166.53 ^.65 4 635 IS9-2S 14.96 6 890 148.37 J 3-94 8 II 3 I 141.42 13.29 10 I3 6 3 136.26 12.80 *5 IQIO 127-33 11.97 20 2428 I2I.4O 11.41 25 2925 Iiy.OO II. OO 30 3404 H3-47 10.66 40 4326 108.15 10,16 5 5208 104.16 9.82 75 734 97-39 9- I 5 IOO 9282 92.82 8.72 200 16542 82.71 7-77 300 23190 77.30 7.26 400 29480 73.70 6.93 500 355 71.00 6.67 600 41320 68.87 6.46 800 5 2 5 20 65-65 6.16 IOOO 63260 63.26 5-94 1500 88680 59.12 5-55 2000 112600 56.30 5-29 3000 158000 52.67 4.94 400O 200800 50.20 4.72 5000 241800 48.36 4-54 68 FLOW OF STREAMS. 45. Seasons of Floods. Great floods occur only when peculiar combinations of circumstances favor such, result. A knowledge of the magnitude of the floods upon any river, and of their usual season, is invaluable to the director of constructions upon that stream, to enable him to take such precautionary measures as to be always prepared for them. Such knowledge is also requisite to enable him to compute the storage capacity required to save and utilize such flood, or to calculate the sectional area of waste weir required upon dams to safely pass the same. Long rivers, having their sources upon northern moun- tain slopes, have usually well-known seasons of flood, de- pendent upon the melting of snows ; but small watersheds in many sections of America are subject to flood, alike, at all seasons. 46. Influence of Absorption and Evaporation upon Flow. The rainfall upon the Atlantic coast and upon the Mississippi valley appears comparatively uniform when noted in its monthly classification, but the ability of any one of their watersheds to supply, from flow of stream, a domestic demand equal to its mean flow is by no means as uniform. We have seen that, according to the statistics quoted, the consumption of water is not as uniform, when noted by monthly classification, as is the monthly rainfall. When lesser classifications of rainfall and consumption are com- pared, there is scarce a trace of identity in their plotted irregular profiles. Evaporation, though comparatively uniform in its monthly classification, is very irregular as observed in its lesser periods. In the spring and early summer, when vegetation is in CLASSIFICATION OF RAINFALL AVAILABLE IN FLOW. 69 most thrifty growth, the innumerable rootlets of flowers, grasses, shrubs, and forests, gather in a large proportion of rainfall, and pass it through their arteries and back into the atmosphere beyond reach for animal uses. 47. Flow in Seasons of Minimum Rainfall. In gathering, basins having limited pondage or available storage of rainfall, the flow from minimum annual, and minimum periodic rainfall demands especial study. Occa- sionally the annual rainfall continues less than the general mean through cycles of three or four years, as is indicated in the above diagram of curves of secular rainfall. The mean rain of such cycles of low-rainfall is occasionally less than eight-tenths of the general mean. We have selected for data upon this point the rainfall records of twenty-one stations, of longest observation in the United States, at various points from Maine to Louisiana and from California to Sitka. The computation gives the annual rainfall of the least three-year cycle at any one of these points as .67 of the general mean annual rain at the same point, and annual rainfall of the greatest three-year low cycle as .97 of the general mean at the same point. An average of all these stations gives the three-year low cycle rainfall as .81 of the average mean annual rainfall. 48. Periodic Classification of Rainfall Available in Flow. Next, the rainfall and the portion of it that can be made available, demands especial study in its monthly, or less periodic classification. It is desirable to know the ratio of each month' s average fall to the mean monthly fall for the year, and the percentage of this fall that is exempted from absorptions by vegetation and evaporations into the atmosphere, and that flows from springs, and in the streams, since it is ordained by Nature that the lily and the oak with their seed, shall first be supplied and the atmospheric 70 FLOW OF STREAMS. processes be maintained, and the surplus rain be dedicated to the animal creation, as their necessities demand and ingenuities permit them to make available. 49. Sub- surface Equalizers of Flow. The inter- stices of the soils and the crevices of the rocks were filled long ages ago, and now regularly aid in equalizing the flow of the springs and streams without, to any considerable extent, affecting the total annual flow, yet their influence is observable in cycles of droughts when the sub-surface water level is drawn slowly down. The substructure of each given watershed has its indi- vidual storage peculiarities which may increase or diminish the monthly flow and degree of regularity of flow of its streams to an important extent. If a porous subsoil of great depth and storage capacity is overlaid with a thin crust of soil through which water percolates slowly, a great flood-rain may fall suddenly over the nearly exhausted sub-reservoir and be run off to the rivers without replenishing appreciably the waning springs, or increasing their flow as would an ordinary slow rainfall. On the other hand, if its surface soil is open and absorb- ent, it may be able to receive nearly the whole flood and distribute it gradually from its springs. The early sealing over of the subsoil by winter frosts before the usual subterranean storage has accumulated from winter storms, or a shedding of the melting snows in spring by a like frost-crust, may result in a diminished flow of the deep springs in the following summer. Subsoils that exhaust themselves in ordinary seasons are comparatively valueless to sustain the flow in the second and third years of cycle droughts. Steep and impervious earths yield no springs, but gather their waters rapidly in the draining streams. SUMMARIES OF MONTHLY FLOW STATISTICS. 71 50. Flashy and Steady Streams. Upon the steep and rocky watersheds of northern New Hampshire, we find extreme examples of ''flashy" streams that are furious in storm and vanish in droughts. Upon the saturated sands of Hempstead Plains on Long Island, N. Y., we find an opposite extreme of constant and even flow, where a great underground reservoir co-extensive with its supplying watershed, feeds its streams with remark- able uniformity. Almost all degrees of constancy and fickleness of flow are to be found in the several sub-section streams of any one of our great river basins. 51. Peculiar Watersheds. The extremes or results from peculiar watersheds, are in all cases to be considered as extremes when their individual merits and capacities of supply are investigated, and the investigation may often take the direction of determining the relations of its results to results from a general mean, or ordinary watershed, especially as respects its mean temperature, its mean hu- midity of atmosphere, the direction from whence its storms come, the frequency of its storm winds, the extent of its storms in the different seasons, the imperviousness or the porosity of its soils and rocks, the proportions of its steep, gently undulating, and flat surfaces, and also it is to be observed if it can be classed among those rare instances in which one watershed is tributary as giver to or receiver from another basin, involving an investigation of its geo- logical substructure. 53. Summaries of Monthly Flow Statistics. We have analyzed some valuable statistics of monthly rainfalls, and measured flow of streams in Massachusetts and New York State, which are too voluminous for repro- duction here, and present the deduced results. The records 72 FLOW OF STREAMS. are, first, from a report by Jos. P. Davis, C. E., relating to the watershed of Cochituate Lake, which has. supplied the city of Boston with water until supplemented in 1876 from the Sudbury River watershed ; second, from a table com- piled by Jas. P. Kirkwood, C. E., relating to the watershed of Croton River above the Croton Dam ; and third, from a paper read by J. J. R. Croes, C. E., before the American Society of Civil Engineers, July, 1874, relating to the water- shed of the West Branch of the Croton River. The summaries are as follows : TABLE No. 1O. SUMMARY OF RAINFALL UPON THE COCHITUATE BASIN. Average annual, 55.032 inches ; average monthly, 4.586 inches. d t | 1 i 1 i !> H- 5 < t g 1 in in Mean Minimum 3-69 4-03 .08 5-35 4.58 5.69 2 66 3-9 .58 5-23 I. O6 4.91 3.81 .64 5-86 5.26 2.6^ 3-52 Maximum 7-85 Jo 8.44 "34 8.25 5.96 14.12 12.36 8.49 9-50 8,S4 5.98 Ratio of monthly mean... .806 .878 1.167 .008 I.24.I .67* 1. 141 1.070 .8qi I.^OO 1. 147 .768 TABLE No. 11. SUMMARY OF RAINFALL UPON THE CROTON BASIN. Average annual, 46.497 inches ; average monthly, 4.227 inches. c > > 1 VH Pi < 1 o i , ^>> *3 i i fci 3 <5 U C/D |j > o fc ' 1 Mean Minimum.. in. *'$ in. 3- J 5 in. ?% in. 3.12 2 4.8 in. 6.40 A 78 in. 4.58 /. 4-31 /. 6.03 in. 5-30 in. 4.70 in. 3-83 r*. 3-60 i 86 Maximum 4 .?8 5-03 5.6? 4-32 TO. 18 2.51 6.19 8.12 .9.21 13.35 8.7! 5.36 6.86 Ratio of monthly mean .625 8 & & tj Q, <3 >, i, >, 3 ! 1 a i fc 1 Mean in. -\ 16 /, in. in. , 84 in. c og in. in. in. in. in. *. in. o jg Minimum Maximum 1.44 4.5i 1.22 6.40 2.55 4.27 3.01 5-45 2.30 8.79 4-32 2.06 5-73 3-43 5-5 2 5-10 10.04 1.44 3.69 2.15 9.46 2-43 4-35 1.49 5.96 Ratio of monthly mean .733 .767 1.296 .718 1-633 1.136 1.070 1-257 951 .818 793 783 TAB L E No. 13. SUMMARY OF PERCENTAGE OF RAINFALL FLOWING FROM THE COCHIT- UATE BASIN. Average percentage of average annual rainfall flowing off, 45.6. I 1 S3 ij a !>> "3 i, to I .1 1 1 y Q in. in. in. in. 80 s in. *. in. in. iV*. in. 26 ; in. 27 8 in. 64 i Minimum Maximum 33 79 %' 159 44 153 39 124 20 76 8? 9 39 14 27 J 3 39 10 80 20 42 ^ Ratio of monthly i =;6 ,c8 .61 1.41 TABLE No. 14. SUMMARY OF PERCENTAGE OF RAINFALL FLOWING FROM THE CROTON BASIN. Average percentage of average annual rainfall flowing off, 57.47- i Xi i J3 !M OH ! | d i ^, "3 i t# ! 1 > o K o Q Mean in. 70 68 in. in, 86.72 . 80.60 in. 48. 4.5 in. 4S-O2 in. 21. 02 z. 19.45 in. 30.10 in. 81.13 in. 60.40 in. 62.12 Minimum Maximum 49.0 123.4 62.1 lOJ.O 21.9 147.4 53-5 125.7 42.8 ,S6.4 18.6 67.4 8-5 29.6 8.4 42.2 IO.2 92.0 7.6 366.5 36.3 94-i 39-o 94-5 Ratio of monthly mean . . i 386 .840 .783 .369 .338 5 2 4 1.412 1.051 1.081 74 FLOW OF STREAMS. TABLE No. 15. SUMMARY OF PERCENTAGE OF RAINFALL FLOWING FROM THE CROTON WEST-BRANCH BASIN. Average percentage of average annual rainfall flowing off, 70.98. d rt H> 1 cj Jv* < | i i > >, 3 H- > bb 3 < 1 ti o i * 1 in in ir Mean 102.8 71.1 158.9 II7.2 80.5 44-8 19.0 24.6 26.6 30.4 78.9 97.0 Minimum.., Maximum 17.7 186.6 59- 103.9 103.0 209.1 93- 2 158.4 46.7 100.3 !}.6 71.2 7-3 3i-4 & 3-3 39-8 II. 2 56.3 4-5 1 10. 2 65-6 140.8 Ratio of monthly mean 1.448 I.OOI 2.238 1.651 i.i34 .636 .267 347 375 . 42 8 1. 112 1.367 TABLE No. 16. SUMMARY OF VOLUME OF FLOW OF RAINFALL FROM THE COCHITUATE BASIN (in cubic feet per minute per square mile). I ,Q 1 O >, a c5 N- j>> 3 1 > bb 3 < "cL 8 > g Q Mean .... cu.ft. 99.17 37-99 245.12 cu.ft. 150.42 58.29 301.90 cu.ft. 174.76 91.60 242.52 cu.ft. 169.80 70.44 369.40 cu.ft. 131.80 67.14 321.11 cu.ft. 44.27 18.28 85.49 cu.ft. 45.27 21.34 154-57 cu.ft. 49-15 21.34 109.29 cu.ft. 42.84 4-30 99.48 cu.ft. 62.45 36-43 123.34 cu.ft. 75-9 47-32 I0 5-39 ,*.//. 78.94 40.07 164.98 Minimum Maximum Ratio of monthly mean 1.058 1.605 1.865 1.812 1.406 .472 .483 524 457 .666 .809 .842 TABLE No. 17. SUMMARY OF VOLUME OF FLOW OF RAINFALL FROM THE CROTON BASIN (in cubic feet per minute per square mile). d i > cu.ft. 91.48 48.08 127.71 1 cu.ft 147.69 40.65 293.01 1-317 1 < 1 cu.ft. 164.49 108.25 298.98 i lj cu.ft. 115.12 34-9 224-33 j>> 3 H-> cu.ft. 48.37 10.46 81.76 $ , A 8 i) >, s fcJb g < tl & o > o fe Q Mean cu.ft. 158.95 35.08 347-88 1.041 cu.ft\cu.ft. cu.ft. 185.191290.56 272.60 47.16 203.58 146.04 378.90 390.83 463.98 cu.ft. 161.60 26.19 394.92 cu.ft. 103.86 45.18 202.02 cu.ft. 40.02 19.26 _8*56 .262 cu.ft. 103.12 9.06 281.04 .676 cu.ft. *47-59 5-i6 477-22 .967 cu.ft. 96.26 27-48 277.26 cu.ft. 107.85 5-92 203.28 c*.//. 164.07 50.88 299.16 1.075 Maximum . . Ratio of monthly mean 1.213 1.904 1.786 1.059 .680 .631 .707 53. Minimum, Mean, and Flood Flow of Streams. An analysis of the published records of volumes of water flowing in the streams in all the seasons has led to the fol- lowing approximate estimate of volumes of flow in the aver- age Atlantic coast "basins : The minimum refers to a fifteen days' period of least summer flow. The mean refers to a one hundred and twenty days' period, covering usually July, August, September, and October, beginning sometimes earlier, in June, and ending sometimes later, in November. The maximum refers to flood volumes. TABLE No. 19. ESTIMATES OF MINIMUM, MEAN, AND MAXIMUM FLOW OF STREAMS. Mm. in cu. ft. per sec. per sq. mi. Mean in cu. ft.'per sec. per sq. mi. Max. in cu ft. per sec. per sq. mi. Area of watershed, i sq. mi. 083. I.OO 2OO tt tt 10 ii .1 99 I 3 6 tt it 2 5 tt .11 .98 117 tt it 5o n .14 97 104 it n 100 " .18 95 93 it it " 250 ti 2 5 .90 80 if ii 500 it 30 .87 7 1 it ti " IOOO ii 35 .82 63 it it " 1500 n 38 .80 59 it ii " 2000 n 79 5 6 76 FLOW OF STREAMS. This table refers to streams of average natural pondage and retentiveness of soil, Ibut excludes effects of artificial storage. The fluctuations of streams will be greater than indicated by the table when prevailing slopes are steep and rocks impervious, and less in rolling country with pervious soils. 54. Ratios of Monthly Flow in Streams. A care- ful analysis of the published records of monthly flow of the average Atlantic coast streams leads to the following ap- proximate estimate of the ratio of the monthly mean rain- fall that flows down the streams in each given month of the year, in which due consideration of the evaporation from soils and foliage in very dry seasons has not been neglected. TABLE No. 2O. MONTHLY RATIOS OF FLOW OF STREAMS. I 1 1 _j I < i i h s bb 1 i V) i i si Q Ratio of flow . 1.65 1.50 1.65 i-45 .85 75 35 25 30 45 i. 20 1.60 Here unity equals the mean monthly flow, or one-twelfth the mean annual flow. To compute, approximately, the inches depth of rain flowing in the streams each month, one-twelfth the mean annual rain, at the given locality, may be multiplied by the ratios in the following table. For illustration, a mean annual rain of 40 inches depth, giving 3.333 inches mean monthly depth, is assumed, and the available flow of stream expressed in inches depth of rain is added after the ratios. MEAN ANNUAL FLOW OF STREAMS. 77 TABLE No. 21. RATIOS OF MEAN MONTHLY RAIN, AND INCHES OF RAIN FLOWING EACH MONTH. 4 1 1 (X ci c 3 i > *3 bb 3 ft 1 1 Ratios of mean monthly rain Inches of rain .825 750 .825 725 425 375 .175 .125 ISO .225 .600 .800 flowing 2.75 2.50 2-75 2.41 I.4I 1.25 0.59 0.41 0.50 0.75 2.OO 2.66 Eight - tenths of same 2.20 2.00 2. 2O i-93 ...3 I.OO 0.47 0-33 0.40 O.6o 1. 60 2.13 For low-cycle years, use eight-tenths ( 47) the available monthly depth of rain flowing. tf 55. Mean Annual Flow of Streams. When month- ly data of the flow of any given stream is not obtainable, it may ordinarily be taken upon average drainage areas, for an annual flow, as equal to fifty per cent, of the annual rainfall. Or, for different surfaces, its ratio of the annual rain, including floods and flow of springs, is more approximately as follows : From mountain slopes, or steep rocky hills 80 to .90 Wooded, swampy lands 60 to .80 Undulating pasture and woodland 50 to .70 Flat cultivated lands and prairie 45 to .60 Since stations for meteorological observations are now established in or near almost all the populous neighbor- hoods, and some of the stations have already been estab- lished more than a quarter of a century, it is easier to obtain data relating to rainfall than to the flow of streams. In fact, the required data relating to a given stream is rarely obtainable, and the estimates relating to the capacity and 78 FLOW OF STREAMS. reliability of the stream to furnish a given water-supply must necessarily be quite speculative. 56. Estimates of Flow of Streams. In such case, an estimate of the capacity of a stream to deliver into a reservoir, conduit, or pump-well is computed according to some scheme suggested by extended observations and study of streams and their watersheds, and long experience in the construction of water supplies. The first reconnoissance of a given watershed by an ex- pert in hydrology will ordinarily enable him to judge very closely of its capacity to yield an available and suitable water supply ; for his comprehension at once grasps its geological structure, its physical features and its usual meteorological phenomena, and his educated judgment supplies the necessary data, as it were, instinctively. If the estimate of flow of a stream must be worked up from a survey of the watershed area and the mean annual rainfall, as the principal data, then recourse may be had to the data and estimates given above, relating to the question, for average upland basins of one hundred or less square miles area. In illustration, let us assume a basin of one square mile area, having a forty-inch average annual rainfall, and then proceed with a computation. This is a convenient unit of area upon which to base computations for larger areas. The ratios of the three-year low rain cycles gives their mean rainfall as about eight-tenths of the general mean rainfall. We assume it to be eighty per cent. The mean annual flow of the stream we assume to be fifty per cent, of the annual rainfall. Eight-tenths of fifty per cent, gives forty per cent, of the annual rainfall as the annual available flow of the stream, and forty per cent, of the forty inches rainfall gives an equivalent of sixteen inches of rainfall ESTIMATES OF FLOW OF STREAMS. 79 flowing down the stream annually. The monthly average flow is then taken as one-twelfth of sixteen, or one and one- third inches. Our estimated monthly percentage of mean flow, as given above ( 54), is sometimes much in excess and sometimes less than the monthly average. Flows less than the mean are to be compensated for by a proportion- ate increase of storage above the mean storage required. The monthly computations are as follows : _ 40 inches x 50 percent, x .8 = 1.333 12 months inches average available rain monthly. This average mul- tiplied by the respective ratios of flow in each month gives the inches depth of available rain flowing in the respective months, thus: MEAN MONTHLY RAINFALL. January.. 1.333 February March April May June July August September October ,.. November December . . INCHES DEPTH OF AVAILABLE RAIN FLOWING EACH MONTH. Again, uniting the constants, we have - ^ =.0333, which, multiplied by the respective ratios of monthly flow, thus : Jan., .0333 x 1.65 = ,055, etc., gives directly the mean ratio of the low cycle annual rainfall that is available in the stream each month. 80 FLOW OF STREAMS. Jan Feb. . . March. April . May. . . June.. July... Aug... Sept. . . Oct.... Nov. . . Dec.. 40 nches FLOW IN Cu. FT. PER MINUTE PER SQ. Mi. IN EACH MONTH. 055 = 2.20 inches depth = 116.60 .050 = 2.00 = 106.00 055 = 2.20 116.60 .0483 = 1-93 = 102.29 .0283 = 1.13 = 59-89 .025 - 1. 00 = 53-oo .012 = 47 = 24.91 .0083 = 33 = 17.49 .OIO = .40 21.20 .015 = .60 = 31.80 .040 i. 60 = 84.80 0533 = 2.14 = II342 Total, 16.00 inches. Mean, 70.67 cu. ft. 57. Ordinary Flow of Streams. Mr. Leslie has proposed* an arbitrary rule for computing the "average summer discharge" or " ordinary" flow of a stream, from the daily gaugings, as follows : " Range the discharges as observed daily in their order of magnitude. "Divide the list thus arranged into an upper quarter, a middle half, and a lower quarter. " The discharges in the upper quarter of the list are to be considered as floods, and in the lower quarter as minimum flows. " For each of the gaugings exceeding the average of the middle half, including flood gaugings, substitute the average of the middle Jialf of the list, and take the mean of the whole list, as thus modified, for the ordinary or average discharge, exclusive of flood-waters" This rule applied to a number of examples of actual measurements of streams in hilly English districts gave computed ordinary discharges ranging from one-fourth to * Minutes of Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. X, p. 327. TABLES OF FLOW. 81 one-third of the measured mean discharge, including floods. The ordinary flow of New England streams is, at an average, equivalent to about one million gallons per day per square mile of drainage area, which expressed in cubic feet, equals about ninety-two cubic feet per minute per square mile. The above computation for the average flow in low cycle years gives a little less than eight-tenths of this amount, or seventy-one cubic feet per minute per square mile as the average flow throughout the year, and a little less than one- fourth this amount as the minimum monthly flow.* 58. Tables of Flow Equivalent to Given Depths of Rain. To facilitate calculations, tables giving the equivalents of various depths of monthly and annual rain- falls, in even continuous flow, in cubic feet per minute per acre, and per square mile, are here inserted. Greater or less numbers than those given in Tables 22 and 23 may be found by addition, or by moving the decimal point ; thus, from Table 22, for 40.362 inches depth, take Depth, 30 inches = 1590.204 cu. ft. 10 " = 530.068 " .3 = 15.902 .06 " = 3.180 " .002 " = .106 " 40.362 inches = 2139.460 cu. ft. To reduce the flows in the two tables to equivalent vol- umes of flow for like depths of rain in ONE DAY, divide the flows in Table 22 by 30.4369 (log. = 1.483400), and divide the flows in Table 23 by 365.2417 (log. = 2.562581). * Some useful data relating to the flow of certain British and Continental streams may be found in Beardmore's " Manual of Hydrology," p. 149 (Lon- don, 1862). FLOW OF STREAMS. TABLE No. 22. EQUIVALENT VOLUMES OF FLOW, FOR GIVEN DEPTHS OF RAIN IN ONE MONTH.* DEPTHS OF RAIN IN ONE MONTH. EQUIVALENT FLOW IN CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE PER ACRE. EQUIVALENT FLOW IN CU- BIC FEET PER MINUTE PER SQUARE MILE. EQUIVALENT FLOW IN CU- BIC FEET PER MONTH PER SQUARE MILE. Inches. .01 .00083 530 23,232 * .02 .O0l66 1. 060 #6,464 03 .00248 1.590 69,696 .04 .00331 2.I2O 92,928 5 .00414 2.650 Il6,l6o .06 .00497 3.180 I39.392 .07 .00580 3.710 162,624 .08 .00662 4.240 185,856 .09 .00745 4.770 209,088 .1 .00828 5-3007 232,320 .2 .01656 IO.60I4 464,640 3 .02484 15.9020 696,960 4 .03312 21.2027 929,280 5 .04140 26.5034 I,l6l,6oo .6 .04968 31.8041 i,393>9 20 7 .05796 37-I048 1,626,240 .8 .06624 42.4054 1,858,560 9 .07452 47.7061 2,090,880 1.0 .0828 53.0068 2,323,200 2 .1656 106.0136 4,646,400 3 .2484 159.0204 6,969,600 4 3312 212.0272 9,292,800 5 .4140 265.0340 11,616,000 6 .4868 318.0408 13,939.200 7 5796 371.0476 16,262,400 8 .6624 424.0544 18,585,600 9 7452 477.0612 20,908,800 10 .828 530.068 23,232,000 20 1.656 1060.136 46,464,000 3 2.484 I59O.204 69,696,000 * One month is taken equal to 30.4369 days. TABLES OF FLOW. 83 TABLE No. 23. EQUIVALENT VOLUME OF FLOW, FOR GIVEN DEPTHS OF RAIN IN ONE YEAR.* DEPTHS OF RAIN IN ONE YEAR. EQUIVALENT FLOW IN CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE PER ACRE. EQUIVALENT FLOW IN CU- BIC FEET PER MINUTE PER SQUARE MILE. EQUIVALENT FLOW IN CU- BIC FEET PER YEAR PER SQUARE MILE. Inches. .01 .000069 .0442 23,232 .02 .000138 .0883 46,464 03 .000207 1325 69,696 .04 .000276 .1767 92,928 5 .000345 .2209 Il6,l6o .06 .000414 .2650 X 39>39 2 .07 .000483 .3092 162,624 .08 .000552 3534 185,856 .09 .OOO62I 3976 209,088 .1 .00069 .4417 232,320 .2 .00138 .8834 464,640 3 .002O7 1-3252 696,960 4 .00276 1.7669 929,280 5 00345 2.2086 1,161,600 .6 .00414 2.6503 I >393>9 2 <> 7 .00483 3.0921 1,626,240 .8 .00552 3.5338 1,858,560 9 .OO62I 3-9755 2,090,880 I.O .0069 4.4172 2,323,200 2 .0138 8.8345 4,646,400 3 .0207 13-2517 6,969,600 4 .0276 17.6689 9,292,800 5 0345 22.0862 11,616,000 6 .0414 26.5034 1 3>939>2oo 7 .0483 30.9206 16,262,400 8 055 2 35-3379 18,585,600 9 .0621 39-755 1 20,908,800 10 .069 44.1723 23,232,000 20 .T 3 8 88.3447 46,464,000 30 .207 132.5170 69,696,000 40 .276 176.6894 92,928,000 50 345 220.8617 116,160,000 60 .414 265.0340 139,392,000 * One year is taken, equal to 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes. CHAPTEE V. STORAGE AND EVAPORATION OF WATER. STORAGE. 59. Artificial Storage. The fluctuations of the rain- fall, flow of streams, and consumption of water in the differ- ent seasons of the year, require almost invariably that, for gravitation and hydraulic power pumping supplies, there shall be artificial storage of the surplus waters of the sea- sons of maximum flow, to provide for the draught during the seasons of minimum flow. A grand exception to this general rule is that of the natural storage of the chain of great lakes that equalizes the flow of the St. Lawrence River, which furnishes the domestic water supply of the City of Montreal and the hydraulic power to pump the same to the reservoir on the mountain. When the mean annual consumption, whether for do- mestic use, or for power and domestic use combined is nearly equal to the mean annual flow of the supplying watershed, the question of ample storage becomes of su- preme importance. The chief river basins of Maine present remarkable examples of natural storage facilities, since they have from six to thirteen per cent., respectively, of their large watershed areas in pond and lake surfaces. 60. Losses Incident to Storage. There are losses incident to artificial storage that must not be overlooked ; for instance, the percolation into the earth and through the embankment, evaporation from the reservoir surface and from the saturated borders, and in some instances constant draught of the share of riparian owners. RIGHTS OF RIPARIAN OWNERS. 85 61. Sub- strata of the Storage Basin. The structure of the impounding basin, especially when the water is to fill it to great height above the old bed, is to be minutely examined, as the water at its new level may cover the edges of porous strata cropping out above the channel, or may find access to fissured rocks, either of which may lead the storage by subterranean paths along the valley and deliver it, possibly, a long distance down the stream, or in a mul- titude of springs beyond the impounding dam. If the water carries but little sediment of a silting nature, this trouble will be difficult to remedy, and liable to be serious- ly chronic. 62. Percolation from Storage Basins. Percolation through the retaining embankment is a result of slighted or unintelligent construction, and will be discussed when con- structive features are hereafter considered. (See Reservoir Embankments.) 63. Rights of Riparian Owners. The rights of riparian owners, ancient as the riparian settlements, to the use of the water that flows, and its most favored piscatory produce, is often as a thorn in the impounded s side. What are those rights 1 The Courts and Legislatures of the man- ufacturing States have wrestled with this question, their judges have grown hoary while they pondered it, and their attorneys have prospered, and yet who shall say what riparian rights shall be, until the Court has considered all anew. Beloe mentions* that it is a "common (British) rule in the manufacturing districts to deduct one-sixth the average rainfall for loss by floods, in addition to the absorption and evaporation, and then allow one-third of the remainder to * Beloe on Reservoirs, p. 12. London, 1872. 86 , STORAGE AND EVAPORATION OF WATER. the riparian owners, leaving two-thirds to the impounders. In some instances this is varied to the proportion of one- quarter to the former and three-quarters to the latter." The question can only be settled equitably upon the basis of daily gaugings of flow, through a long series of years. A theoretical consideration involves a thorough investigation of its geological, physical, and meteorological features. There is no more constancy in natural flow at any season than in the density of the thermometer's mercury. The flow increases as the storms are gathered into the chan- nel, it decreases when the bow has appeared in the heavens ; it increases when the moist clouds sweep low in the valleys, it decreases under the noonday sun ; it increases when the shadows of evening fall across the banks, it decreases when the sharp frosts congeal the streams among the hills. 64. Periodical Classification of Riparian Rights. The riparian rights subject to curtailment by storage might be classified by periods not greater than monthly, though this is rarely desirable for either party in interest, but they should be based upon the most reliable statistics of monthly rainfall, evaporation, and flow, as analyzed and applied with disciplined judgment to the particular locality in question. 65. Compensations. In the absence of local statistics of flow, it may become necessary, in settling questions of riparian rights, or adjusting compensation therefor, to esti- mate the periodic flow of a stream by some such method as is suggested above in the general discussion upon the flow of streams, after which it remains for the Court to fix the proportion of the flow that the impounders may manipulate for their own convenience in the successive seasons, and the proportion that is to be passed down the stream regularly or periodically. EVAPORATION PHENOMENA. 87 EVAPORATION. 66. Loss from Reservoir by Evaporation. Losses by evaporations from the surfaces of shallow storage reser- voirs, lakes and ponds are, in many localities, so great in the summer and autumn that their areas are omitted in compu- tations of water derivable from their watersheds. This is a safe practice in dry, warm climates, in which the evapora- tions from shallow ponds may nearly or quite equal the volume of rain that falls directly into the ponds. Marshy margins of ponds are profligate dispensers of vapor to the atmosphere, usually exceeding in this respect the water surfaces themselves. 67. Evaporation Phenomena. Evaporation is the most fickle of all the meteorological phenomena, and its action is so subtle that we cannot observe its processes. Its results demonstrate that the constituents of water are con- stantly changing their state of existence from that of gas to liquid, liquid to gas, liquid to solid, and solid to gas. The action takes place as well upon polar ice fields or mountain snows, as upon tropical lagoons, though less in degree. The active vapors that form within the waters or porous ice, silently emerge through their surfaces and proceed upon their ethereal mission, and are not again recognizable until they have been once more united into cloud and condensed into rain. The rapidity with which water, snow, and ice are con- verted into vapor and pass off by evaporation is depend- ent upon the temperature of the water and atmosphere, but more especially upon their relative temperatures, and upon the dryness and activity of the atmosphere. The formation of vapor in a body of water is supposed to be at its mini- mum when the atmosphere is moist and the atmosphere 88 STORAGE AND EVAPORATION OF WATER. and water are quiet and of an equal low temperature, and most active when the atmosphere is dryest and hottest and the wind brisk and water warm. M. Aime Drian observed that "when the temperature of the dew point is higher than that of the evaporating sur- face, water is deposited on that surface," which action he styles negative evaporation. Undoubtedly the cool surfaces of deep waters condense moisture in summer from warm moist atmospheres wafted across them, and thus at times are gaining in volume while popularly supposed to be losing by evaporation. When winds blow briskly across a water surface, large volumes of unsaturated air are presented in rapid succession to attract its vapors, and the wave motion increases the agita- tion of the body and permits its vapors to escape freely. The atmosphere has, however, its limit of power to ab- sorb vapor for each given temperature, and when it is fully saturated it can receive no more without depositing an equal amount, or until its temperature is raised. 68.' Evaporation from Water. In an instructive paper upon rainfall and evaporation, by Mr. A. Golding, State Engineer at Copenhagen, quoted* by Beardmore, we find some valuable measurements of evaporation in the different seasons, from which the following, relating to evaporation at Emdrup, is extracted. * Vide Beardmore's Hydrology, p. 269 d. London, 1862. EVAPORATION FROM EARTH. 89 TABLE No. 24. EVAPORATION FROM WATER AT EMDRUP, DENMARK. N. Lat. S54 I// ? E - Long i234 // from Greenwich. YEAR. d ci 1 < Ijl ! bJD P i g o 1' 3 o In. In. In. In. In. \ In. In. In In. In In In. In 1849 1850 i.i i.i o-3 0-3 1.8 1.2 2.5 4.1 | 5-8 4-5 5-6 tl 4.0 4.8 2.6 2.4 i.i 1.6 0.9 0.9 0.6 O.2 29-5 29.1 1851 1852 o.S 0.7 0.4 o.S 0. 7 0.8 2.4 4.2 4.8 3-8 4.6 e 4-5 2-7 2-7 5 7 0.6 0.8 0-5 0-5 28.4 29.4 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 o-5 I.O o.S 0.7 O.I 0.9 i.i 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.5 1.2 0.6 I.O 3-2 1.2 2.1 4.1 6.2 3-3 4-5 , 2.6 4.1 2.8 4.6 4.1 6.6 5.1 4.3 5-9 4-2 4-3 4.1 4.0 4-3 2.8 2.6 2.8 2.O 3.2 .1 .2 4 0.9 4 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.1 0.7 o-5 0.4 26.9 27.9 25-1 24.0 29.9 1858 0.4 0.7 1.2 3-i 5.1 6.1 4.9 5-6 2.8 .6 0.7 0.4 30.6 1859 o-5 0.7 4-3 5-8 5-3 3-8 1.8 I.O 0.7 o-3 26.4 Mean . . 0.7 o.5 0.9 2.0 3-7 5-4 5-2 4-4 2.6 1-3 0.7 0-5 27.9 Ratio . . .301 .215 .387 .860 1.592 , 2.323 2-37 1.892 1.118 559 .301 .215 Mean.. Mean Evaporation from Short Grass, 1852 to 1859 inclusive. 0.7 | 0.8 | 1.2 1 2.6 | 4.1 | 5.5 | 5.2 | 4.7 | 2.8 | 1.3 | 0.7 0.5 | 30.1 Mean Evaporation from Long Grass, 1849 to 1856 inclusive. Mean.. | 0.9 1 0.6 | 1.4 | 2.6 | 4.7 | 6.7 | 9.3 | 7.9 | 5.2 | 2.9 | 1.3 Mean Rainfall at same Station, 1848 to 1859 inclusive. Mean.. | 1.5 | 1.7 ] i.o | 1.6 | 1.5 | 2.2 | 2.4 | 2.4 | 2.0 | 2.3 | 1.8 21.9 TABLE No. 25. 69. Evaporation from Earth. MEAN EVAPORATION FROM EARTH, AT BOLTON LE MOORS,* LANCASHIRE, ENG., 1844 TO 1853, INCLUSIVE. Lat. 533o" N. ; Height above the Sea, 320 Feet. c ci h- jd > 3 H- > $ i $ 1.28 599 i 1 i 25.65 Mean . . Ratio. . . 0.64 .299 0-95 .444 1-59 739 2.59 I.2I2 4.38 2.049 3.84 1.796 4.02 1.887 3.06 I-43I 2.02 945 0.81 379 0.47 .220 Mean Rainfall at same Station, 1844 to 1853 inclusive. Mean..] 4.63 | 4.03 j 2.25 | 2.22 | 2.23 | 4 7 | 4-32 | 4-77 [ 3-79 [ S-o? | 4.64 | 3-94 | 45-96 * Beardmore's Hydrology, p. 325. 90 STORAGE AND EVAPORATION OF WATER. MEAN EVAPORATION FROM EARTH, AT WHITEHAVEN, CUMBERLAND, ENG., 1844 TO 1853 INCLUSIVE. Lat. 54 30" N. ; Height above the Sea, 90 feet. 1 4 h | tgi & < t>> _>, 3 H- > fe 8 Q "3 5 Mean. Ratio . . 0.95 39 I. 01 4 J 5 1.77 .727 2.71 1.113 4.11 1.689 4-25 1.746 4- I 3 1.697 3-29 1-352 2 . 9 6 i. 216 i. 7 6 723 1.25 513 1.02 .419 29.21 Mean Rainfall. at same Station, 1844 to 1853 inclusive. Mean..] 5.1 [ 3.4 [ 2.5 ] 2.2 [ 1.9 | 3.1 | 4.3 | 4.3 | 3.! [ 5.3 | 4.5 [ 3.8 | 43 . 5 7O. Examples of Evaporation. Charles Greaves, Esq., conducted a series of experiments upon percolation and evaporation, at Lee Bridge, in England, .continuously from 1860 to 1873, and has given the results * to the Insti- tution of Civil Engineers. The experiments were on a large scale, and the very complete record is apparently worthy of full confidence. The evaporation boxes were one yard square at the sur- face and one yard deep. Those for earth were sunk nearly flush in the ground, and that for water floated in the river Lee. The mean annual rainfall during the time was 27.7 inches. The annual evaporations from soil were, mini- mum 12.067 inches ; maximum 25.141 inches ; and mean 19.534 inches : from sand, minimum 1.425 inches ; maxi- mum 9.102 inches; and mean 4.648 inches: from water, minimum 17.332 inches ; maximum 26.933 inches ; and mean 22.2 inches. Some experimental evaporators were constructed at Dijon on the Burgundy canal, and are described in Annales des Fonts et CTiausses. They are masonry tanks lined with zinc, eight feet square and one and one-third feet deep, * Trans. Inst. Civil Engineers, 1876, Vol. XLV, p. 33, RATIOS OF EVAPORATION. 91 and are sunk in the ground. From 1846 to 1852, there was a mean annual evaporation of 26.1 inches from their water surfaces against a rainfall of 26.9 inches. At the same time a small evaporator, one foot square, placed near the larger, gave results fifty per cent, greater. Observations of evaporation from a water surface at the receiving reservoir in New York indicated the mean annual evaporation from 1864 to 1870 inclusive as 39.21 inches, which equaled 81 per cent, of the rainfall. On the West Branch of the Croton River, an apparatus* was arranged for the purpose of measuring the evaporation from water surface, consisting of a box four feet square and three feet deep, sunk in the earth in an exposed situation and filled with water. The mean annual evaporation was found to be 24.15 inches, or about fifty per cent, of the rainfall. The observations were made twice a day with care. The maximum annual evaporation was 28 inches. Evaporations from the surface of water in shaDow tanks are variously reported as follows : At Cambridge, Mass., one year, 56.00 inches depth. " Salem, " " " 56.00 " " Syracuse, N. Y., " " 50.20 " * " Ogdensburgh, N. Y., " " 49.37 " " Dorset, England, three " 25.92 " " Oxford, " five " 31.04 " " Demerara, three " 35.12 " " Bombay, five " 82.28 " 71. Katios of Evaporation. In the eastern and mid- dle United States, the evaporation from storage reservoirs, having an average depth of at least ten feet, will rarely exceed sixty per cent, of the rainfall upon their surface. * Vide paper on " Flow of the West Branch of the Croton River," by J. Jas. R. Croes. Traus. Am. Soc. Civ. Engrs., July, 1874, p. 83. 92 STORAGE AND EVAPORATION OF WATER. The ratio of evaporation in each month to the monthly aver- age evaporation, or one-twelfth the annual depth, is esti- mated to be, for an average, approximately as follows : TABLE No. 26. MONTHLY RATIOS OF EVAPORATION FROM RESERVOIRS. a i 35 ctf 6 u c 3 H- , jA "3 > ) < 2.00 ! 1 > o fe cJ Q 35 Mean ratio.. .. 3 50 .80 MS I. 7 1.85 1.45 75 5 The following ratios of the annual evaporation from water surfaces are equivalent to the above monthly ratios, and may be used' as multipliers directly into the annual evaporation to compute an equivalent depth of rain in inches upon the given surface in action. Beneath the ratios are given the equivalent depths for each month of 40 inches annual rain, assuming the annual evaporation to equal sixty per cent, of the rainfall, or 24 inches depth. TABLE No. 27. MULTIPLIERS FOR EQUIVALENT INCHES OF RAIN EVAPORATED. , i ij 1 c 3 i , >> 3 t be I 1 $ i * 1 H Ratio of annual evapora- tion .0667 .1208 1667 1208 Equivalent depth of rain 6 1.0 i 6 2 AIM I.O 12. Kesultant Effect of Kaiii and Evaporation. For the purpose of comparing the effects upon a reservoir replenished by rain only, let us assume the available rain- fall to be eight-tenths of 40 inches per annum, and the ratios of mean monthly rain, and the ratios of annual rain in inches depth, to be as per the following table : PRACTICAL EFFECT UPON STORAGE. 93 1 t 1 < 1 i 3 > i t < ! g > o fe 1 Ratio of aver. monthly rain 75 .83 .00 I.IO 1.30 i. 08 1. 12 1.20 I. 00 95 j -93 .84 Ratio of .8 of 1 annual rain. .0625 .0692 .0750 .0917 .1083 .0900 0933 .1000 .0833 .0792 .0775 .0700 Equiv. inches of rain 2.00 2.21 2.40 2-93 3.47 2.88 2.99 3-20 2.67 .2.53 2.48 224 Comparing, in the two last tables, and their lowest columns, the inches of gain by rainfall upon the reservoir, supposing the sides of the reservoir to be perpendicular, and the inches of loss from the same reservoir by evaporation, we note that the gain preponderates until June, then the loss preponderates until in November. 73. Practical Effect upon Storage. Since the prac- tical value of storage is ordinarily realized between May and November, the excess of loss during that term is, practically considered, the annual deficiency from the reser- voir chargeable to evaporation. We compute its maximum in the following table, commencing the summation in June, all the quantities being in inches depth of rain. I 1 3* i I >- I ! 1 3 > o 25 1 Gain by rain- inches 2.00 2.21 240 2.93 347 2.88 2.99 3.20 2.67 2.53 2.48 2.24 Loss by evapo- j ration inches Diff eren c e .60 .70 1 .00 i. 60 2.90 3-40 3-70 4.00 2.90 1.50 1. 00 0.70 inches Max. deficiency -)-I.40 + I.SI + 1.40 + I-33 +0-57 0.62 0.71 0.80 -0.23 +0.97 + 1.48 + 1.54 after June 0.62 1-33 2.13 2.36 1.39 + 0.09 .... If the classification is reduced to daily periods instead of monthly, the maximum deficiency, according to the above basis, will in a majority of years exceed three inches. CHAPTEE VI. SUPPLYING CAPACITY OF WATERSHEDS. 74. Estimate of Available Annual Flow of Streams. Applying our calculations in the last chapter, of available flow of water from the unit of watershed, one square mile, and modifying it by the elements of compensation, storage, evaporation, and percolation, we then estimate mean annual quantities of low-cycle years, applicable to domestic con- sumption, as follows : Assumed mean annual rainfall 40 inches. Flow of stream available for storage, 40 per cent, of mean rain = 16 inches of rain. This available rain is applied to : ist. Compensation to riparian owners, say 16.8 p. c. of mean rain = 6.72 in. of rain. 2d. Evaporation from surface of storage reservoir, u 2.4 " " " " = .96 " " " 3d. Percolation from storage reservoir, " 2.4 " " ' " = .96 " " " 4th. Balance available for consumption, 18.4 4t " " " = 7 . 3 6 u " u Total 40 per cent. 16 inches. The 7.36 inches of rain estimated as available from a 40-inch annual rain equals 17,098,762 cubic feet of water, which is equivalent to a continuous supply of seven cubic feet per day (= 52.36 gals.) each, to 6,692 persons. By applying to the annual results the monthly ratios, and thus developing the monthly surpluses or deficiencies of flow, we shall have in the algebraic sum of the deficien- cies the volume of storage necessary to make forty per cent, of the rainfall available, and this storage must ordinarily approximate one-third of the annual flow available for storage. MONTHLY AVAILABLE STORAGE REQUIRED. 95 75. Estimate of Monthly Available Storage Re- quired. Computation of a supply, and the required storage ; applied to one square mile of watershed as a unit of area. Assumed data: Population to be supplied. 6,500 per- sons, consuming 7 cubic feet per capita daily,. each ; Mean annual rainfall, 40 inches, and eight-tenths = 32 inches of rain, in the low-cycle years ; Available flow of stream, fifty per cent. . of eight-tenths of rain = 16 inches ; Compensation each month, .168 of one-twelfth the mean annual depth of rain = .56 inches each month uniformly ; Evaporation annually from the reservoir surface , only, sixty per cent, of the depth of mean annual rain, or 24 inches ; and monthly, sixty per cent, of one-twelfth the annual evaporation = 2 inches. Area of storage reservoir, .04 square mile,* or 25.6 acres, with equivalent available draught of ten feet for that sur- face. The evaporation of two inches from four hundredths of a square mile = .08 inch from one square mile. Volume of percolation assumed to equal volume of evaporation from the reservoir surface. The monthly ratios will be multiplied into P " = '<* - ^r the monthly flow. 40 in. mean rain =- = 3.3333 in. for monthly compensation. * .04 x - - ' ' - = .08 in. for monthly evaporation from reservoir. 12 months " = .08 in. for monthly percolation from reservoir. 6500 x 7 cu. ft. x 30.4369 days = 1,384,879 cu. ft. for monthly con- sumption. * A unit of reservoir area, for each square mile unit of watershed. 96 SUPPLYING CAPACITY OF WATERSHEDS. TABLE No. 28. MONTHLY SUPPLY TO, AND DRAFT FROM, A STORAGE RESERVOIR. MONTH. Jan. | Feb. | Mar. j Apr. j (* May | June -j July | Aug. ] Sept. | Oct. -j Nov. | Dec. | MONTHLY FLOW. cubic feet. MONTHLY COMPEN- SATION. cubic feet. MONTHLY EVAPORA- TION FROM RESER- VOIR. cubic feet. MONTHLY PERCOLA- TION FROM RESER- VOIR. cubic Jeet. MONTHLY DOMESTIC CONSUMP- TION. cubic feet. SURPLUS. cubic feet. DEFICIENCY. cubic feet. Gain, Ratio, 1.65 5,111,040 Ratio, 1.50 4,646,400 Ratio, 1.65 5,111,040 Ratio, 1.45 4490,746 Ratio, .85 2,632,186 Ratio, .75 2,323,200 Ratio, .35 1,084,934 Ratio, .25 773,626 Ratio, .30 929,280 Ratio, .45 1,393,920 Ratio, 1.20 3,717,120 Ratio, i. 60 4,955,386 Loss. Ratio, .168 1,300,992 .168 1,300,992 .168 1,300,992 .168 1,300,992 .168 1,300,992 .168 1,300,992 .168 1,300,992 .168 1,300,992 .,68 I,3OO,992 .168 I,3OO,992 .168 I,3OO,992 .168 1,300,992 Loss. Ratio, .30 55,757 35 65,050 5 92,928 .80 148,685 i-45 269,491 1.70 315,955 1.85 343,834 2.OO 371,712 L45 269,491 75 I39,39 2 So 92,928 35 65,050 Loss. Ratio, .30. 55,757 35 65,050 So 92,928 .80 148,685 i.45 269,491 1.70 315,955 1.85 343,834 2.00 371,712 i-45 269,491 75 139,392 5 92,928 35 65,050 Used. Ratio, 1.05 1,454,123 1. 10 1,523,367 .90 1,246,391 .85 1,177,147 .90 1,246,391 1.00 1,384,879 1.20 1,661,855 1.25 1,731,099 1.05 1,454,123 .90 1,246,391 85 1,177,147 95 1,315,635 2,311,507 1,691,941 2,447,497 1,715.237 454,119 994,581 2,565,581 3,037,889 2,364,817 1,432,247 1,053.125 2,208,659 Totals 37,272,270 T5,6lI,9O4 2,232,072 2,232,072 16,618,548 11,427,966 10,849,234 From certain localities no claim will arise for diversion of the water, or the diversion may be compensated for by the payment of a cash bonus, in which case the proportion of rainfall applicable to domestic consumption will be a little more than doubled, and approximately as follows, neglecting percolation from the storage reservoir. MONTHLY AVAILABLE STORAGE REQUIRED. 97 The monthly ratios will here be multiplied into, 40 in. x .8 x .^o p. c. /- - = 1.3333 m - for tne monthly flow. /, / 12 months , ^ / /J 40 in. x .60 p. c. .04 x - = .08 m. for monthly evaporation fronvfraservoir. . g % <5 s 3 3