A CHECK LIST OF BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORIES AND GENERAL CATALOGUES OF AMERICAN COLLEGES BY EVA ALICE COLE, Columbia University Library Reprint from NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD 1915 [Reprinted from the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record^ January, 1915.] A CHECK LIST OF BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORIES AND GENERAL CATALOGUES OF AMERICAN COLLEGES. BY EVA ALICE COLE, Columbia University Library. All research workers in genealogy and biography who have occasion to consult the standard biographical dictionaries realize very soon the many omissions in even the most comprehensive of such works and recognize the necessity of supplementing them with other works which furnish information, however brief, about the persons whose names were omitted from the more general works. Such excellent compilations as the Dictionary of National Biography ^and Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography, from the very nature of the case omit more names than they include, since they furnish information about well known individuals only and omit those who were obscure or had only a local or very special celebrity. If the desired biographical data about such individuals are to be found, something more than the general biographical dictionaries must be consulted. For such cases the various college biographical catalogues and alumni lists often furnish " first aid " and sometimes provide the full information desired. The college biographical dictionary is by no means a new type of reference book. Perhaps the most famous book of this class is Anthony a Wood's Athena Oxonienses, first published in 1690-91, and revised and supplemented in later editions. To the value of that early work the many references to it as source material in the great Dictionary of National Biography bear eloquent wit- ness. Of only less value is the companion work on early Cam- bridge graduates, Cooper's Athena Cantabrigienses, first issued in 1857, and completed by the publication of an index volume in 1913. Although the Dictionary of National Biography has been compiled since the publication of the Athena Cantabrigienses in 1857, Cooper's work is by no means superseded as a reference tool since by actual count it contains data on some 700 Cambridge graduates of the sixteenth and early seventeenth century whose names are not included in the larger general work. American colleges have not been backward in the publication of biographical data of their graduates, as the various " General Catalogues," ' Biographical Directories," "Alumni Lists " re- corded below will show. Unfortunately the same degree of fulness of data and excellence of articles is not always attained or even attempted. Such lists vary from the brief alumni directory of some new western college which attempts merely to record the name, year of graduation and address of each alumnus, to the very detailed and satisfactory biographies included in the six imposing volumes of Mr. Franklin B. Dexter's Yale Biogra- phies and Annals. Yet even the more meagre list has its use, and the reference library which has an extended collection of such catalogues and directories is in the possession of a reference tool of great value in biographical and genealogical research. The present list of such publications is based upon a collection which during the past two years has been formed in the General Reading Room of Columbia University, supplemented by certain titles supplied through the courtesy of the Library of the Bureau of Education at Washington. It includes 152 titles representing 123 American and Canadian colleges and universities, and while comprehensive makes no claim to completeness. As it is intended as a preliminary check list it gives only brief information about each title and does not attempt to supply full cataloguing in- formation. Date of publication has been given to indicate how recent the information is and pagination to show the extent of the work, and the asterisk is used to differentiate lists which contain some biographical data, however meagre, from those which are merely directories of names and classes. The compiler of the list will be very glad to receive infor- mation about additional titles not included in her list, with a view to adding them in a later edition. * Indicates biographical material. ' Acadia University, Wolfville, N. S. *Records of the Graduates, 1843-1908. 192 p. 1909. t Andover Theological Seminary, Cambridge, Mass. *General Catalogue, 1808-1908. 570 p. 1909. *Necrology, 1880-1914. 32 nos. Alabama, University of, University, Ala. Register of Officers and Students, (1831-1901). 505 p. 1901. Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. General Catalogue, 1821-1910. 226 p. 1910. *Biographical Record, 1821-96. 2 vols. 1883-1901. *Obituary Records, 1864-1913. 48 nos. List of Non-Graduate Students, 1822-71. 1878. Address List, 1912. Antioch College, Yellow Springs, O. Alumni Register (1857- 1911). 16 p. 1911. Arkansas, University of, Fayetteville, Ark. List of Alumni, 1876-1913. 39 p. 1913. Bates College, Lewiston, Me. *General Catalogue of Officers and Graduates, 1863-91. 95 p. 1893. Baylor University, Waco, Tex. Alumni Directory, 1854-1914. 96 p. 1914. Beloit College, Beloit, Wis. Register and Directory of the Alumni (1851-1910). 81 p. 1911. Boston University, Boston, Mass. Historical Register, 1869-1911. 363 p. 1911. , Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. *General Catalogue, 1794- 1912. 494 p. 1912. Address List. 72 p. 1912. ' Brown University, Providence, R. I. ^Historical Catalogue, 1754- 1914. 789 p. 1914. Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Register of Alumnae and Former Students (1888-1911). 144 p. 1912. Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa. Alumni Catalogue, 185 ir- 1910. 117 p. 1910. California, University of, Berkeley, Cal. Directory of Graduates, 1864-1910. 268 p. 1911. Chicago, University of, Chicago, 111. Alumni Directory (1861-1913). 406 p. 1913. Cincinnati, University of, Cincinnati, O. Alumnal Register, 1874- 1902. 48 p. 1902. Clark College, Worcester, Mass. Roll of Graduates, 1905-12. 20 p. 1913. Colby College, Waterville, Me. *General Catalogue, 1820-1909. 246 p. 1910. Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y. *General Catalogue (1822- 1904). 288 p. 1905. Colorado, University of, Boulder, Col. General Catalogue, 1877- 1910. 59+134 p. 1911. Columbia University, New York, N. Y. General Catalogue, 1754-1912. 1151 p. 1912. Columbian University (see the George Washington University). Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Ten Year Book, No. 4, 1868- 1908. 793 p. 1908. Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. ^General Catalogue (1769- 1911). 839 p. 1911. Davidson College, Davidson, N. C. Semi-Centennial Catalogue, 1837-1887. 194 p. 1891. Denison University, Granville, O. *General Catalogue (1840- 1907). Part II of Memorial Volume, 1907, pp. 174-286. DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind. *Alumnal Record (1840- 1910) 352 p. 1910. Earlham College, Earlham, Ind. Alumni Catalogue, 1862-1910. 108 p. 1910. Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa. Catalogue of Officers and Students, 1787-1903. 224 p. 1903. General Theological Seminary, New York, N. Y, (Alumni, 1822- 1913.) ^In Catalogue, 1913-14, PP- 69-108. Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. List of Graduates. 101 p. 1909. George Washington University, Washington, D. C. Historical Catalogue, 1821-1891. 214 p. 1891. Alumni Catalogue. 108 p. 1905. Georgia, University of, Athens, Ga. General Catalogue, 1785- 1901. 244 p. 1901. Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. Catalogues (1814-93). 88 p. 1893- Directory of Living Graduates. 40 p. 1913. Hampden-Sidney College, Hampden-Sidney, Va. General Cata- logue, 1776-1906. 246 p. 1908. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Quinquennial Catalogue, 1636-1910. 757+151 p. 1910. Directory (Catalogue of Living Students). 1639 p. 1913. Haverford College, Haverford, Pa. *Biographical Catalogue, 1833-1900. 296 p. 1900. Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y. General Catalogue, 1825-1897. 254 p. 1897. Addresses of Alumni and Former Students. 50 p. 1914. Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Directory and Decennial Record (1849-1909). 115 p. 1909. Idaho, University of, Moscow, Ida. (Graduates, 1896-1911.) In 2oth Annual Catalogue, 1911-12, pp. 249-271. Illinois, University of, Urbana, 111. * Alumni Record (1872-1912). 921 p. 1913. Alumni Directory of the College of Engineering (1872-1913). 201 p. 1913. Illinois State Normal University, Normal, 111. (Alumni Register, 1860-1907.) In Semi-Centennial History, 1907, pp. 251-344. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. Register of Graduates, 1830-1910. 241 p. 1911. Iowa, State University of, Iowa City, la. Alumni Register, 1847-1911. 271 p. 1911. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Graduates and Fel- lows, 1876-1913. 145 p. 1914. Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Mich. ^Historical Catalogue, 1851-1902. 99 p. 1903. Kansas, University of, Lawrence, Kan. Alumni Catalogue (1873- 1913)- 175 P- 1914. Kentucky, Central University of, Danville, Ky. General Cata- logue. 260 p. 1890. Lafayette College, Easton, Ea. *Biographical Catalogue, 1832- 1912. 814 p. 1913. Leland Stanford Junior University, Stanford University, Cal. Alumni Directory and Ten Year Book, No. 2, 1891-1910. 321 p. 1910. Lewis Institute, Chicago, 111. Alumni. 75 p. 1913. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La. (Roll of Graduates, 1869-1911.) In 1912 Annual Catalogue, pp. 278-293. McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, 111. *General Cata- logue (1830-1912). 242 p. 1912. Madison University (now Colgate). (*General Catalogue, 1819- 71.) In Jubilee Volume, 1872, pp. 188-503. McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Graduates. i66p. 1909. McMaster University, Toronto, Canada. (Alumni). In Calen- dar, 1913-14, pp. 150-176. Maine, University of, Orono, Me. Alumni Directory, 1872-1913. 102 p. 1914. Marietta College, Marietta, O. *General Catalogue, 1835-1901. 163 p. 1901. Maryland, University of, Baltimore, Md. Historical Catalogue, 1807-1907. 2 vols. ,1907. Maryland Agricultural College, College Park, Md. Alumni Record. 93 p. 1907. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. Register of former Students (1864-1911). 536 p. 1912. Miami University, Oxford, O. *General Catalogue, 1809-1909. 40+427 p. 1910. Michigan, University of, Ann Arbor, Mich. General Catalogue, 1837-1911. 1095 p. 1912. Death Notices, 1912-1914. a nos. Michigan College of Mines, Houghton, Mich. *Graduates (1888- 1909). 118 p. 1910. Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt. *General Catalogue, 1800- 1900. 295 p. 1901. Minnesota, University of, Minneapolis, Minn. Directory of Alumni, 1873-1912. 194 p. 1912. Mississippi, University of, University, Miss. Historical Catalogue, 1849-1909. 406 p. 1910. Missouri, University of, Columbia, Mo. Directory of Alumni (1846-1910). 262 p. 1911. Monmouth College, Monmouth, 111. (Alumni, 1858-1910.) In 55th Annual Catalogue, 1911, pp. 107-184. Montana, University of, Missoula, Mont. (Register. of Alumni, 1898-1912.) In the 1 8th Register of the University, 1913, pp. 166-173. Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Boze- man, Mont. (Alumni, 1902-12.) In 2oth Annual Cata- logue, 1912-13, pp. isi-^- Moores Hill College, Moores Hill, Ind. (Alumni.) In Semi- centennial Catalogue, 1906, pp. 52-60. Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. General Catalogue, 1837-1911. 374 p. 19". Mount Union College, Alliance, O. General Alumni Catalogue. 61 p. 1904. Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa. (*Biographical Record.) In Quarter-Centennial Memorial Volume, 1892, pp. 169-518. Nebraska, University of, Lincoln, Neb. Alumni Directory, 1869- 1912. 222+66 p. 1912. New Brunswick Theological Seminary, New Brunswick, N. J. *Biographical Record, 1784-1911. 304 p. 1912. New York University, New York, N. Y. *General Alumni Cata- logue, 1833-1907. 3 vols. 1906-08. North Carolina, University of, Chapel Hill, N. C. Catalogue of Officers and Students, 1789-1889. 242 p. 1889. Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. Alumni Mailing List (Liberal Arts, 1859-1909). 114 p. 1909. Alumni Mailing List (Dental School, Chicago, 1890-1907). 54 p. 1908. Norwich University, Northfield, Vt. *Historical Catalogue, 1819- 1911. 3 vols. 1911. Roster of the Graduates and Past Cadets, 1819-1907. 85 p. 1907. Oberlin College, Oberlin, O. *General Catalogue, 1833-1908- 184+1187 p. 1909. Ohio State University, Columbus, O. Alumni Register, 1878- 1912. 464 p. 1912. Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, O. roth Quinquennial Catalogue, 1844-1894. In Fifty Years of History, 1895, pp. 251-547. Alumni Directory (1846-1911). 208 p. 1911. Oregon, University of, Eugene, Ore. General Register, 1873- 1910. 141 p. 1911. Ottawa, University of, Ottawa, Can. (List of Graduates, 1872- 1912.) In Calendar, 1913-14, pp. 100-117. Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kan. (Roll of Alumni, 1886-1913.) In 49th Annual Catalogue, 1914, pp. 104-116. Park College, Parkville, Mo. Alumni, 1879-1912. 26 p. 1912. Pennsylvania, University of, Philadelphia, Pa. *Biographical ^ Catalogue, 1749-1893. 567 p. 1894. Pitfsburg, University of, Pittsburg, Pa. Alumni Directory, 1787- 1910. 221 p. 1910. Pomona College, Claremont, Cal. Alumni Directory (1894-1912). 24 p. 1913. Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. General Catalogue, 1746- 1906. 544 p. 1908. Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Alumni Register, 1875-1911. 128 p. 1912. Ripon College, Ripen, Wis. General Catalogue, 1851-1900. 71 p. 1900. Rochester, University of, Rochester, N. Y. *General Catalogue, 1850-1911. 248 p. 1911. Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. General Catalogue, 1766- 1909. 361 p. 1909. Alumni and Students (Class and Address List), 1766-1911. 115 p. 1911. St. Lawrence University, Canton, N. Y. General Catalogue, 18561910. 119 p. 1910. Simmons College, Boston, Mass. Register of Graduates (1903-13). 27 p. 1914. Smith College, Northampton, Mass. *Alumnae Catalogue, 1875- 1910. 398 p. 1911. Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. *Alumni Historical Cata- logue, 1873-1892. 108 p. 1905. Register, 1862-1914. 221 p. 1914. Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. * Alumni Record and General Catalogue, 1835-1910. 3 vols. 1899-1911. Texas, University of, Austin, Tex. Historical Catalogue of the Alumni, 1884-1901. 200 p. 1902. Tufts College, Tufts College, Mass. Register of Alumni and Officers (1857-1911). 194 p. 1912. Union Theological Seminary, New York, N. Y. *General Cata- logue, 1836-1908. 26-4-394 p. 1908. Union University, Schenectady, N. Y. Historical Catalogue, 1795-1907. 3 vols. 1907. Alumni Register (Union College Living Alumni). 134 p. 1913. U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. ^Biographical Register, 1802-1910. 5 vols. 1891-1910. (List of Graduates, 1802-1902.) In Centennial of U. S. M. A. 1904, vol. 2, pp. 397-433- Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. *General Catalogue, 1861- 1910. 412 p. 1910. Vermont, University of, Burlington, Vt. ^General Catalogue, 1791-1900. 260 p. 1901. Virginia, University of, Charlottesville, Va. Historical Cata- logue. 2 vols. 1904. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va. Alumni Register (1875-1911). 223 p. 1912. Wake Forest College, Wake Forest, N. C. General Catalogue, 1834-1891. 199 p. 1892. Washington, State College of, Pullman, Wash. (Alumni, 1897- 1912). In 22nd Annual Catalogue, 1913, pp. 356-390. Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, Pa. *Biogra- phical and Historical Catalogue, 1802-1902. 714 p. 1902. Washington College, Chestertown, Md. (Graduates, 1783-1913.) In Catalogue, 1913-1914, pp. 96-115. Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. (Alumni, 1862-1903.) In Bulletin of the Washington University Association, 1904, pp. 160-196. Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. General Cata- logue, 1749-1888. 245 p. 1888. Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. *Wellesley College Record, 1875-1912. 3+339- !9 12 - Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. *Alumni Record (1831- 1911). 63+931 p. 1911. Address List. 120 p. 1914. Westminster College, Fulton, Mo. General Catalogue, 1853-1911. 67 p. 1911. Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. *Biographical Annals (1795-1865). 665 p. 1871. General Catalogue, 1795-1910. 263 p. 1910. Non-Graduates, 1797-1910. 97 p. 1910. *Obituary Records, 1865-1913. Alumni Register (Class and Address List of Living Alumni). 142 p. 1914. Winthrop Normal and Industrial College of South Carolina, Rockhill, S. C. Register of Alumnae (1887-1911). 84+35 p. 1911. Wisconsin, University of, Madison, Wis. Alumni Directory, 1849-1911. 449 p. 1912. Wyoming, University of, Laramie, Wyo. (Addresses of Alumni, 1891-1911.) In 1912 Catalogue Number, pp. 241-260. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Catalogue of the Officers and Graduates, 1701-1910. 582 p. 1910. *Biographies and Annals, 1701-1815, by Franklin B. Dexter. 6 vols. 1885-1912. *Obituary Records, 1860-1914. 54 nos. *Biographical Notices, 1816-1884, by Franklin B. Dexter. 411 p. 1913. Directory of the Living Graduates. 676 p. 1914. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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