■M CATALOGUE OF THE KOHLER k CHASE COLLECTION OF Rare Old Violins INCIvUDING A NUMBER OF CUTS OF SOME OF THE FINEST VIOLINS IN THE woRi^D. These cuts were produced from photographs, which were made from the viowns themsei.ves, and are Absoi,utei.y Correct. It AlySO INCLUDES A LIST OF THE STANDARD VIOLIN AND PIANO MUSIC WHICH WE HAVE IN STOCK. ^- • >• i^ / • . • C'^l'je.a.ir. ^ :. .-. '^ ^ E wish to aniloiiiice''to our many friends and patrons tliat we have just added to our many departments a Department of Old 1[)ioUns and have secured a collection of these fine instruments at the cost of many thousands of dollars, and which have required years of research throughout the entire world to obtain. Hav- ing secured the services of Mr. E. T. Turnky, an expert on this subject and who was for many years connected with Messrs. I^yon & Healy, of Chicago, in this department, we are in position to carry on this branch of our business with the utmost proficiency. What this Collection Includes From the sweet and mellow old German violins at $40.00 to the beautiful Amati and the divine Stradivarius at $5,000.00. An elegant assortment of fine old bows from $10.00 to $125.00. A fine lot of beautiful leather cases for one or two violins, extra bow cases, fine bridges, pegs, tailpieces, in short every thing that a fine violin requires. Our Fine Italian Strings This part of the business is the most important of all the violin's accessories. We have, without a doubt, the finest lot of strings that has ever been brought to the Pacific Coast, and will exercise great care in selecting them for our customers. Every string will be carefully gauged and tested by our expert before it leaves the house, therefore assuring our patrons of perfect results. "Violas Some fine instruments from $25.00 to $350.00. 2 Carlo Bergonzi Grand Pattern (GEO. GUDGEON, ESQ.) # \^ ir 4 t C <- O c VioUn Cellos A few very fine cellos, both German and Frenc'L,; from' $50.00 up and some elegant Italian instruments from ,^3PO.^ the price of the instrument. We will exchange any old violin bought of us wnthin one year, and guarantee every instrument we sell. For the benefit of those who live out of the city, we will send violins on approval for seven (7) days, providing the proper references are furnished. This gives the customer an opportunity to test the instrument before purchasing. We take old violins and cellos in part pa3^ment, and in case a better instrument is desired at any time within a year, v.'e will allow full price for any old violin or cello bought of us, applying the amount on the new purchase so that nothing v/ill be lost in making the exchange. Persons ordering instruments on trial must pay express charges both ways if there is no purchase made. ivill?07? ••• e • * r c • * • DESCRIPTION AND PRICES >;fe*^ -^ -^ ^ ^^ «^ # ^1^^ .f LavrentiusGuadagnmi Pater, q>j^ Sj & alumnus Antonj Stradiiarj "f fecit PI ac en ttc Ajino 174 3 ^-j, ^ 238 Laurentius Guadagnini, Oremona, 1737 Price $2,000 00 A very perfect specimen of one of the greatest violin builders of Cremona. Specimens of his work very rare. Eagerly sought for. It is in perfect condition. No cracks or patches. Back formed of one piece of maple cut on the }-^. Top of even grain spruce. The varnish original and of a rich deep orange red, beautifully shaded and worn. Scroll original. Thick in wood. Beautiful quality of tone, very strong and far carrying. u Francefco Roger Jetto il Per Cremona i^q> Francisco Ruggeri, Cremona, 1700 Price $1,800 00 This maker was a pupil of NicOLO Amati, and occupied a very prominent place in the history of violin making. This violin is a very fine instrument of the NiC0l,0 Amati type, is in a fine state of preservation, and has a robust tone with plenty of quality. The varnish is of a a beautiful amber yellow, the general condition is excellent. !Domimcu5 Montatnana^ Sab Si- $nu(n CrcmonesVenetiis 17^.9. Dominicus Montagnara, 1732 Price ..... |1,500 00 This is a beautiful specimen of this master's work. The model is excellent and the outlines broad; the wood is of the choicest kind ; the tone is remarkable both for strength and quality ; the varnish is of a beautiful red-browm and very attractive. This violin is especially adapted for concert purposes, when a really first-class instrument is desired. It is full size and in a fine state of preservation. Francisco Stradivarius, Cremona, 1742 Price ----- $1,200 00 Francisco Stradivarius inherited all the tools and wood of his father in 1738. He was undoubtedl}^ a great workman and made many beautiful instruments, many of them having been made in the work shop of Antonio Stradivarius. The instruments he made in the years 1740 and 1742, and which remained after his father's death, in the possession of his brother, Paolo, were sold at the same price as those of his father. The condition of this instrument is first-class, there are no patches or new wood and the tone is exquisite through the entire scope. The varnish is of a dark brown order, tinged with red and is altogether a very handsome instrument. 201 Vander Slagher, Holland, 1750 Price $150 00 This violin has a very strong tone and is very brilliant. The model is large and it is in fine condition. We recommend this one as a fine orchestra violin. 202 Sebastian Kloz, Mittenwald, 1700 Price ..... $400 00 The work of this maker is much esteemed and is superior in pattern and style to that of his father, Mathias. The model is of the Am ATI type and the tone is very smooth and rich. The varnish is a brown- ish red, and of good quality. The general condition is excellent. No patches and plenty of wood. 203 Nicolaus Gagliano, Naples, 1740 Price $475 00 This maker belonged to a family of excellent violin makers and his work is much sought by connoiseurs. The wood in this violin is most beautiful. The top is of fine even grain and is all that could be desired as far as wood is conceKied. The back is one piece and but slightly flamed. The tone is rich and very brilliant. This violin is an excellent solo instrument and anyone who is lucky enough to possess it will be proud of it. 204 Nice Old German Price $60 00 This violin was;alaae about the year 1712 and is in good condition. J3me tone is soft and mellow and is just the thing for a student. 205 Hartman, Weymar, 1824 Price ..... $100 00 This is a very good violin of the Stradivarius type and possesses a very powerful tone. The varnish is of a ruddy brown and very good quality. We would recommend this instrument for some orchestra leader on account of its power. 206 Phillip Achuer, Mitten wald, 1809 Price ..... |100 00 This is a very nice violin of the Stradivarius type. The varnish is a deep red and very transparent. The tone is very brilliant, and the quality is all that could be desired for a medium priced instrument. It is very fine for solos. 207 Hartman, German, 1823 Price ..... $75 00 Stradivarius model, good wood and varuish, responds easily and is a good violin for orchestra v/ork. The tone is big and it plays easily. 208 Hulinski, Prague, 1798 Price . . . . . $75 00 This is also a good violin for orchestra. It is in good condition and has a very nice quality of tone. Varnish is deep red very pretty, just the thing for a pupil who wants a nice smooth tone. 209 Michele Deconet, Venice, 1756 Price ..... $400 00 Model of this violin is of the Amati Stradivarius type. Varnish is reddish yellow, very fine. The wood is beautiful, straight and even grained, not too fine. The tone is exceptionally fine, the quality is very velvety and it plays easily. We can recommend this instrument for concert work, as the writer has tried it in a very large hall, and it carries fine. 210 Oarl Grim, German, Berlin, 1820 Price ..... $175 00 This is really a fine violin for anj- purpose. It is in elegant condition and has a beautiful round and rich tone. The varnish is of an amber yellow with a tinge of red in it. The work is exceptionally well executed. The model is that of Stradivarius, it responds easily and is very brilliant. GlUSEPPI GUARNERI DET. GESU, 178: /Ji.r). IIAWLEY, ESQ., HARTFORD. CONN., U. S. A-), ' " > J, J \ >J 211 Thos. Perry, Dublin, 1776 Price ..... $150 00 This maker has certainly turned out many good violins, and some of them command admiration in many respects. The tone of this instrument is sweet and clear, the varnish and workmanship are excellent. He was a fine workman ; copied Nicolas Amati very closely and was sometimes called the Stradivarius of Ireland. 212 Francois Richards, Paris, 1840 Price $80 00 A very nice violin of the Stradivarius type, with large smooth tone. Suitable for most any purpose. Brownish red varnish, good condition. 213 Thos. Perry and Wm. Wilkenson, Dublin, 1811 Price 1125 00 The Wm. Wilkenson mentioned on the label of this violin, became a partner of Thos. Perry about the year 1810, and all the violins after that period bears the firm's name. 214 Oaussin Nicolas, French, 1840 Price ..... $125 00 Large Stradivarius model varnish brownish yellow, good quality, good instrument for orchestra, big brilliant tone. 215 L. Bausch, German, 1829 Price ..... $200 00 The tone of this violin is simply immense, it is very powerful and of fine quality. The model is that of Joseph Guarnerius. The wood is of the finest character and the workmanship excellent. This violin was played in concert by Mr. Adolph Rosenbecker, the noted Chicago violinist, and he said it was an excellent solo violin as well as an orchestra instrument. The varnish is deep red and very handsome. 216 Gio. Bap. Tononi, Boulogne, 1740 Price ..... $500 00 This is an Italian violin, and its maker enjoyed the reputation of having made some excellent instruments. The model is high and the tone is very beautiful, being of a very dark color and is very rich and mellow. We would especially recommend this instrument for a lady, on account of its easy playing qualities. The varnish is of a beautiful amber yellow and plenty of it. 217 Nicolas, French, 1822 Price ..... $150 00 Large flat model, powerful tone and of good quality. Amber yellow varnish, good wood, and in fine condition. 218 Petrus Antonis Delia Casta, Italian, 1767 Price . . . . . $350 00 For tone, both quality and quantity this violin is a beauty, and any one wishing a fine tone instrument would certainly secure a gem in this one. The model is flat and of the Stradivarius character, it plays easy, and carries fine in large hall. 10 219 Budernagle, Germany, 1813 Price $165 00 A fine solo instrument, modeled after Jacobus Stainer. The tone is full and ver}^ sweet, the varnish very nice quality and very pleasing to the eye. 220 Joan Kloz, Mittenwald, 1741 Price ..... $250 00 The Ktoz family has a world wide reputation for their violins, and any one who has one can rest assured they have something good. This violin is in a fine state of preservation and has a lovely tone. The varnish is an amber yellow, and the model is that of the Amati type. 221 Joseph Gagliano, son of Nicolas, Naples, 1700 Price ..... $450 00 A very prominent family in the violin world. Their instruments are much esteemed by connoiseurs, and always bring good prices. This violin has a very clear sweet tone and is beautifully made, fine wood and varnish. 222 Mathias Kloz, Mittenwald, 1695 Price ..... $250 00 A very fine specimen, varnish dark brown. Model is that of Amati, fine condition, sweet and mellow tone. Very fine for solos. 223 Breton, French School, 1850 Price ..... $100 00 Good model and tone, very good condition, a musician's instrument. u 224 Antonis Casini, Italian, 1705 Price ..... .$200 00 Copy of AmaTi. Very fine tone, good quality and very brilliant. A fine student's violin who is doing solo work. 225 Joseph and Antonis Qagliano, Naples, 1786 Price ..... $300 00 This is a high model violin, and the tone is very responsive and velvety, and is a lovely instrument to play. Excellent for lady. 226 G-abriel David Buohstatter, German, 1753 Price ..... $150 00 A beautiful specimen of the German workman, fine tone, splendid varnish and wood. Good for solo work. 227 P. Ficker, >^ size, Tyrolean School, 1760 Price ..... $50 00 A violin with fine tone, very sweet and mellow. For a child. 228 J. B. Vuillaume, French School, 1827 Price ..... ^350 00 A very good specimen, splendid robust tone and fine quality. 229 Li. Lowendall, German, 1889 Price ..... $50 00 Stradivarius model, big tone. Good for orchestra. 12 f Bergonzi Viola. (1721) (JOHN AlJAM, ESQ.) f vSTRADIVARI ViQTvA^ ''S.\^'i (R. BiWyETT. ESQ.) •" ■> j 230 German Violin, % size Price . . . . . $50 00 Good tone, smooth and mellow. For child. 231 Jacob Ranch, German, 1749 Price $125 00 Splendid instrument, large full tone, plays easy, AmaTi model. 232 Carlo Ferd. Landolphns, Italian School, 1783 Price ..... $400 00 This is a ver}' fine specimen of the Italian makers, is in a fine state of preservation and possesses a beautiful singing tone. Fine solo violin. 234 Tomasso Oarcasi, Italian, 1740 Price ..... $350 00 A very fine specimen of this maker's work, which is much sought by violin lovers. The tone is very beautiful and very responsive. The wood and varnish are very handsome and it is just the instrument for an artist. 236 Ferdinand Gagliano, Naples, 1762 Price ..... $500 00 Fine specimen, flat model, back in two pieces of curly maple, peculiarly marked sides very similar wood. Top is of medium grain. Varnish is a rich orange yellow, color entirely original. Perfect condition, no patches or cracks. Very strong tone. 13 237 Nicolas Gagliano, Naples, 1738 Price ..... $250 00 Stradivarius model, flat not high, wood of back and sides rather plain, but of fine quality. Back in two pieces. Top of fine quality. Preservation ver}- fine. Varnish yellowish brown. Strong brilliant tone, 239 Januarius Ventapane, Naples, 1780 Price ..... $300 00 Flat model, beautiful wood, deep red varnish. Perfect condition. No cracks or patches. 240 Franz Hornsteiner, Mittenwald, 1730 Price ..... $160 00 Small Amati model. Brown varnish, handsome wood. Good preservation. 241 Ferdinand Kramer, Vienna, 1719 Price ..... $100 00' Good specimen. Dark red brown varnish, fine qualitj- of wood. Easy playing and responsive. 242 Ferdinand Gagliano, Naples, 1760 Price ..... $350 00 Similar to 236, but not so fine. Orange brown varnish, flat model, handsome wood, strong, far-carrying tone. 243 Jacobus Stainer, 1670 Price ..... |300 00 Beautifully figured back and sides. Dark brown varnish, lion's head. Brilliant and free tone. U 244 Old English Price $100 00 Well made, strong free tone. Orange red varnish, handsome wood. 245 George Adam Guetler, Neukershen, 1840 Price $85 00 Stradivarius model, good workmanship and pre- servation. Brown red varnish. 246 Adam Martin, Adorf, 1835 Price $90 00 Flat model, brown varnish. 247 A. Piedment, Paris, 1830-40 Price $125 00 Small Stradivarius model. Brownish red varnish. Good tone. 248 Old Saxon Violin, 1800-10 Price ..... $50 00 Good wood and varnish. 249 Johann Andreas Htinuner, Schiinbach, 1798 Price ..... $100 00 Flat model, whole back, good condition. Strong free tone. Good business violin, no purfling. 250 Good Old German Violin, dates about 1840 Price $45 00 Flat model, good wood and fair varnish. Brilliant tone. 15 251 Joseph Pauli, Lenz, 1850 Price ..... $75 00 Smooth free tone. Rich orange red varnish, handsome wood. Good condition. 252 Phillippe Aschner, Mittenwald, 1813 Price ..... .$80 00 Dark brown varnish, good wood, excellent condition. 253 Gerard, Paris Price ..... $100 00 I^arge model, deep red varnish, handsome wood in back and sides. Good violin for a musician. 254 Old Saxon Violin, dates about 1830 Price . . . . . $65 00 HOPF style. Brown varnish, good tone. 265 Mathias Placht, Schtinbach, 1744 Price . . . . . $80 00 Small model, well developed, dark brown varnish, good tone. 256 F. Pellunente, Paris, 1833 Price $125 00 Large flat model. Handsome wood, dark red varnish, good condition. 257 Good Old German Violin, date 1840 Price . . . . . $60 00 16 ' O " 258 Andreas Astler, 1770 Price $60 00 AmaTi model, brown varnish, excellent preservation. Strong robust tone. 259 Julius August Lipp, Mitten wald, Tyrol, 1760 Price . . . . . $75 00 Small Stradivarius model, dark brown varnish. Whole back of slightly curled maple. 260 Jos. Paulus Ohrista, 1754 Price ..... $100 00 Small model, dark red varnish, strong free tone. Good appearance, wide grain top. Good violin for musician. 261 Johann Sigel, 1830 Price . . • . . . |50 00 I^arge broad model, dark red varnish, whole back. Strong full tone. 262 Good Old German Violin Price . . . . . $60 00 Excellent condition, possessing sweet tone. 263 George Hornstainer, Mitten wald, 1792 Price ..... $150 00 Hornstainer was one of the foremost of the Tyrolian violin makers. His work is always artistic and his tone of fine singing quality, very sweet. The model is AmaTI. The varnish a dark red and of rich appearance. 17 264 J. Edlenger, Prague Price . . . . . $90 00 Good Bohemian maker. Good workmanship, strong easy playing violin. 266 Johann Stoss, Prague, 1835 Price . . . . . $75 00 Red brown varnish, handsome wood, good condition. Strong correct tone. 266 Anton Schill, Bambach, 1770 Price . . . . , $90 00 High model, good wood and varnish, pleasing tone. 267 Martinus Mathias Fechtl, Vienna, 1792 Price ..... $125 00 FECHTi, was one of that brilliant galaxy of violin builders who made Vienna famous. This is one of his best instruments. The workmanship is of a very high grade. The wood he selected for its brilliant tone qualities and fine appearance. The varnish is of fine quality. In color it is of a dark red brown. It is largely original, and presents a rich appearance. 268 Old German Violin Price ..... $165 00 This is a fine old violin at a moderate price. The tone is brilliant and strong. It is in excellent preservation^ 18 269 Good Old O-erman Violin, 1815 Price $60 00 Good wood and varuish, excellent tone. Nice high model. 270 Made in Saxony about 1850 Price $50 00 Good tone. 271 Alexander Hammel, Adorf, 1790 Price ..... $75 00 Good flat model, dark brown varnish, excellent con- dition, strong free tone. Back of one piece of curly maple. 272 Carlos Frederich Meyer Price . . . . . $75 00 Small pattern, almost % size. Very suitable for a young lady. The varnish is dark brown and very lustrous. The back is formed by one piece of curly maple. It possesses extraordinarily sweet tone quality. 273 German Violin, 1846 Price . . . . . $50 00 Strong free tone. 274 Jacobus Staub, Ausberg, 1785 Price $145 00 GuARNERius model, dark brown varnish. Back in two pieces plain maple, wide edges, irregular inlaying. Brilliant tone. 19 275 Wm. Oonant, Brattleboro, Vt., 1840 Price ..... $50 00 Flat model, dark brown varnish, ornamented back, good wood. Conant was one of the prominent New England makers of his day. 276 Good Example of French Work of 1830 - '40 Price . . . . . $75 00 Whole back, handsome wood, orange red varnish, fine condition. Stradivarius model. 277 Old German Wood of 1840 - 45 Price ..... $50 00 Good condition, dark brown varnish. 278 Gaspard Mengard, Paris, 1827 Price . . , . . $75 00 Orange red varnish, flat model, whole back of curly maple, excellent top. Strong tone. 279 Joseph Kramer, Mittenwald, 1780 Price $125 GO Dark red varnish, medium high model, back in two pieces. Lion's head, curly maple back. Good strong free tone. 280 Hermann Schmidt, Tyrol, 1818 Price ..... $100 00 Red brown varnish, whole back of curly maple, excellent condition, strong full tone. 20 '^%. v^- The "Betts" Stradivari. 1704 l>IR, GEO. H4RT) '> ; 231 Adolph Meyer, Neukershen, 1780 Price $125 00 Good maker. Excellent preservation, back in one piece curly maple, fine grain top, strong tone. 282 Old English Work Price . . . . . $90 00 Excellently made, brown-yellow varnish, handsome wood, strong full tone, back one piece. 283 Johann Christian Oheburg, Stockholm, 1790 Price ..... $75 00 Bird's eye maple, back and sides, whole back, orange red varnish, medium high model. 284 Old Bavarian Violin Price ..... $50 00 285 Anton Oare Merkel, Adorf, 1821 Price . . . . . $75 00 Brown varnish, whole back, plain maple, good con- dition. Am ATI model. 286 J. Diehl, Hamburg, 1860 Price ..... $85 00 Good German maker. 287 Oamillus Oamilli, Mantua, 1731 Price ..... |375 00 Beautiful Amati model, rich brown-yellow varnish, back in two pieces curly maple, plain sides, beautiful tone, no patch in top. 21 288 Peter Gruarnerius, Venice, 1760 Price $350 00 Flat model, long corners, dark red varnish, back in two pieces, beautiful wood, fine work, good condition, large tone. 289 Jos, &; Antonio Gagliano, Naples Price $350 00 Large model, rich dark red varnish, handsome wood, broad grain top, good condition, strong fine concert tone. 290 Carlo Landolphus, Milan Price ..... $250 00 Flat model, light amber varnish, whole back, handsome wood, superb tone. VIOLAS AND CELLOS 235 Viola by Carlo Tononi, Italian, 1744 Price ..... $250 00 This is a very fine viola, in perfect condition. The model is flat and the tone very strong and of good carrying capacity. The varnish is of a very dark brown and very fine. 22 S40 Old German Viola, about 1790 Price $150 00 Amati model, good wood, amber-yellow varnish, tone very sweet and carries well. CE^IvLOS 241 Oennaro Gagliano, Naples, 1750 Price $500 00 Perfectly preserved, original scroll and varnish, beautiful work and wood. Fine robust tone, a first- class solo instrument for an artist. 242 Jo. Bap. Oeruti, Cremona, 1796 Price ..... $400 00 This instrument is simply a beauty. Elegant varnish, fine wood, excellent condition and has a strong tone with plenty of quality. "233 Franz Guisserhof, German, 1810 Price $250 00 A very nice solo instrument. Varnish is very fine, looks like fine Italian, quality of tone is of a very high order. Just the instrument for solo work. Fine state of preservation. M. Hornsteiner, German, 1803 Price $175 00 A very nice orchestra instrument. Very strong tone and carries fine. Plenty of wood, and good workman- ship. Varnish is of light redish yellow and of good quality. 23 FINE OLD WOOD FOR VIOLINS We have some very fine old wood for violins from 40 to 100 3'ears old, which we can sell for reasonable prices considering the article. Our expert will be very glad to correspond with any one who would like information on the subject. We also furnish all kinds of first-class material for violin making, such as necks, ribs, bridges, etc. PRICE LIST OF FINE STRINGS Violin E Italian tested, 3 lengths, each A (( 11 2 D u a 2 E A " not " (( li a 3 2 D (( n n 2 E Padua 3 A u 2 D l( 2 E Lion & Healy, tested German, each Cello A Italian tested, each '* D " A Roman " .^0 30 35 45 25 30 30 30 35 40 30 30 35 30 35 25 30 We handle the celebrated Grim solid silver G string and can recommend them to our patrons as the finest string made. Price $1 25 24 Ax roxro Stradivari. Tenor Antonio Stradivari." {li^i) (Date 1690) . (oBo. Ayt,^, fSQ.'^ /f>Ja(l.e fof the Gr^^nd Duke of Florence) \ , ; ^ > '> } 3 J J J NEW VIOLIN BOWS 334 Pernambuco stick, ebony frog, full German silver lined pearl slide, German silver button. Price . . . . . $4 00 340 Purnambuco stick, very fine copy of Vuillaume, ebony frog, pearl slide full German lined, very fine quality. Price . . . . . $5 00 344 Pernambuco stick, fine copy of Tourte, ebony frog, full German silver lined, fancy wrapping on stick. Price . . . . , $7 50 345 Best Pernambuco octagon stick, very finely balanced, solid silver frog and button, and silver wrapping with leather grip. Price . . . . . $12 00 337 Best Pernambuco stick, round, finely finished, solid silver trii^med, perfectly balanced, very elastic, strong. Price $18 00 We also have a very complete stock of cheaper bows from .$1.00 to $5.00, which are very good for the money. FINE BOWS FOR VIOLIN AND CELLOS BY THE OLD MASTERS 101 Tourt I'aine Price $75 00 A very fine bow for an artist. Is beautifully balanced and has the original frog and screw. 25 102 J. B. Vuillaume Price $40 Oif Very fine. 103 Dominique Pecatte Price . . , . , $50 00 A beauty, very strong. 104 James Tubbs, London Price . . . , , $35 00 Very fine. 105 Old German Price ...... $20 00 A splendid stick for a student. 106 Old French Price ..... $18 Of^ This is ako a very good bow. WHITELAWS CREMONA VARNISH This varnish has attained a celebrity which is world wide on account of its unequaled quality. It possesses the merit of the famous varnish used by the Italian masters, and Mr. Whitelaw. who is an expert chemist, at the cost of endless experiment and research, has succeeded in producing results attained by no other since the secret of Cremona died with the famous Italian makers. With this varnish violins can be coated in a style not possible by any other method known, and with an ease which will be appreciated by those who have tried the usual methods. It is now in the power of the amateur to finish his violin in a style superior to any other modern work. In fact, his varnish will compare favorably with that of the old masters. This is strictly an oil varnish made with amber as a basis. It will not fade in the strongest lights, to the contrary strong light improves its luster. It works very easy as it does not set for fifteen minutes, therefore making it possible to lay it on perfectly even. The wood does not need any preparation. The varnish laid on the clear wood at once forms its ground work, and does not enter into the w^ood at all. PRICE) LIST Single bottles, any color, including box of surfacing and polishing powder. Price $2 00 One bottle is enough for two violins. NEW VIOLINS ITALIAN 160 Imitation, old, very good model and finish. Price $8 00 178 Good copy of Stradivarius. Light brown varnish, well made and fine finish. Price $12 00 27 192 Stradivarius model, light yellow varnish, of very fine quality, big tone, good for orchestra playing Price ..... $15 00 200 Copy of Nicoi/AS Amati, very handsome, well made. Good wood. Price . . . . . $20 00 202 Joseph Guarnerius model, made of old wood and excellent finish. Very fine imitation. Price . . . . . $35 00 184 Copy of Amati. Dark brown varnish, high model, highly polished ebony trimmings. Price . . . . . $10 00 185 Amati copy. Pale amber varnish, ebony trimmings, A beauty for a professional. Price . . . . . $30 00 188 Stradivarius Conservatory, fine model and finish. Price . . , , . $12 50 194 Copy of Cari^o Begorzi, reddish brown color, beauti- ful model. Price . . . . . $20 00- 198 Fine Maggini copy, oil varnish, ruddy brown vamishj fine wood and workmanship. Price . . . . . $22 00 VIOLIN AND PIANO MUSIC ALARD D. Op. 15. 1st Concerto . . . . $4 25 Op. 34. 2d Concerto 2 15 Op. 47. Faust, Fantasie de Gounod . , 1 75 Op. 52. Pastorale et Menuet de Boccherini, Transcription 1 15 BACH, JOir. SEB. Air (on the G string), arr. by A. Wilhelmj 60 Bourree, B minor, arr. by G. Papini . . . 60 Chaconne. arr. by A. Wilhelmj . . . . 1 50 Concerto in G, arr. by F. Spiro . . . . 2 00 4th Sonata in D minor 2 25 BEETHOVEN, L. VAN. Op. 33. No. 1, Bagatelle 50 Op. 40. Violin Romance in G . . . . 75 Op. 46. Adelaide 90 Op. 50. Violin Romance in F . . . . 75 Adagio from the Septette ..... 35 Turkish March 50 Op. 12. No. 3, Sonata in E flat . . . 1 00 BESEKIRSKY, G. Allegro des 1st Concerto de Paganini 2 15 BOCCHERINI, L. Minute Celebre, arr. by G. Papini 50 BRAHMS, JOH Op. 77. Concert .... 5 00 Op. 78. Sonate in G 3 75 Op. 100. Sonate in A 4 00 Op. 108. Sonate in D minor . . . . 4 00 Hungarian Dances, arr. by F. Hermann, in 4 books, each 1 50 The same, arr. by J. Joachim, in 4 books, each 2 50 29 BRUCH, MAX. Op. 47. Kol Nidre Op. 56. Adagio in the Celtic style . Op. 63. Swedish Dances, 2 books each BULL, OLE. Op. 1. Adagio Religiose . Op. 2. Nocturne .... A Mountain Vision .... Polacca Guerriera .... CARRI, FERD. Op. 13. Ave Maria (F. Schubert) Op. 14. Nocturne, Op. 9, No. 2 (Chopin) CHOPIN, F. Op. 9. No. 2, Nocturne, arr. by E. Remenyi The same, arr. by P. Sarasate . " . Op. 63. No. 2, Mazurka, arr. by E. Singer Op. 64. No. 1, Valse, arr. by C. Stor ,nONT, JACOB. Op. 37. 24 introductory studies to Kreutzer's and Rhode's studies . J) VORAK ANTON. Op. 49. Mazurek . Op. 53. Concerto in A minor . Op. 72. Slavische Tanze, 2 books, each DAN BE, J. Op. 17. Berceuse . Attaque du Moulin, 2 transcriptions, each Prayer from Rossini's "Moses" DANCLA, Ij. Duo, Brilliant sur Moise de Rossini . Op. 138. No. 1 Sonata in G, No. 2 Sonata in D No. 3 Sonata in A minor, each . Op. 172. Serenade brilliant, Souvenir de Dieppe DA VID, FERD. Op. 3. 1st Concertino . Op. 15. Variations on Schurbert's " Elegy of Tears " Op. 20. Six Caprices Gondellied 30 DE BE RIOT CH. Airs Varices, No. 1 in D minor No. 2 in D, $1.40; No. 3 in E, $1.40; No. 4 in B flat, $1.40; No. 5 in E, $1.65; No. 6 in A, $1.40; No. Tin E, $1.40; No. 8 in D, $1.40; No. 9 in D, $2.40 ; No. 10 in D, $2.40 ; No. 11 A, $1.65; No. 12 in G, $2.15; No. 13 in D flat $2.15; No. 14in G DE BE RIOT CH. Concertos, No. 1 in D, $2.15 No. 2 in B minor, $3.65 ; No. 3 in E, $3.15; No 4 in D minor, $1.75; No. 5 in D, $2.65 ; No. ( A, $2.15; No. 7 m G, $2.65; No. 8 in D, ,^3.15 No. 9 in A minor, $2.15; No. 10 in A minor Op. 30. Le Tremolo. Caprice on a theme, b\ Beethoven ...... Op. 63. 1st Duo Concertant ERNST, H. W. Op. 16. Bolero . . , . Op. 17. Polonaise de Concert . Op. 18. Le Carnaval de Venise Op. 22. Airs hongrois .... Op. 23. Concert Fis moll .... GADE, N. W. Spring Flower .... GILLET, E. Au Moulin GODARD, BENJ. Concerto Romantique Berceuse " Jocelyn " GOLDMARK, CARL. Op. 11. Suite Op. 43. 2d Suite HANDEL, G. Adagio et Allegro de la Sonate No. 10 Largo, arr. b}' Sarasate .... Sonate A major, arr. by David . HA USER, iM. Op. 17. La Melancolie . HA YDN, J. Andante from Imperial Symphony Ox Minute, arr. Hermann .... 1 00 90 2 15 1 65 2 40 1 00 2 00 75 1 50 2 50 50 1 15 3 00 75 3 15 4 50 75 1 00 1 25 50 35 50 31 HOLLAENDER, G. Op. 10. Romance . Op. 14. Concert Polonaise ... Op. 49. Spanish Serenade HUB A Y, J END. Op. 9. No. 1, Scenes de la Czardas Op. 47. Feu follets HUMPERDINK, E. Hansel aud Gretel. Para phrase, arr. E. Kross JOACHIM, J. Violin Concert in G . KREUTZER, R. Adagio from Concerto in D . LEONARD, H. Op. 2. Souvenir de Haydn . Op. 10. 1st Concerto Op. 29. Don Juan. Fantaisie . LEONCAVALLO, R. Pagliacci. Intermezzo MASCAGNI, P. Cavalleria Rusticana, Intermezzo Sinfonica MASCHERONI, A. Ave Maria, arr. with piano and organ accomp. by Peiniger MAZAS, F. Polonaise Op. 45, No. 1 . . MENDELSSOHN, F. Spring Song, arr. by E Remenyi Op. 64. Third Concerto, arr. by F. David . MOLIQUE, BERNARD. Op. 9. 2d Concerto Op. 19. Russian Melodies MOSZKOWSKI, M. Mazurka in G, arr. by A Delorme Op. 12. No. 2 Spanish Dance . Op. 15. No. 1 Serenata .... MOZART, W. A. Op. 76. Concerto in E flat . Op. 127. Concerto in B flat Larghetto from the Clarinet Quintette, arr. by E. Singer 75 32 MOZART, W. A. Largbetto from the Clarinette Quintette, arr. by Vieuxtemps The same, arr. by Wilhelmj . . . . Rondo Celebre, arr. by A. Herman . Sonatos Nos. 1 to 18, arr. by F. David. Pub- lished separately ; prices ranging from 70c. to MUSIN, OVIDE. Op. 6. 1st Caprice de Concert Op. 7. Valse de Concert .... NACHEZ, TIVIDAR. Op. 14. Danses Tziganes NERUDA, FRANZ, Op. 11. Berceude Slav . ONDRICEK, FRANCOIS. Op. 3. Danses Bohemes FADEREWSKI, J. J. Op. 8. No. 3. Melodic, arr by B. Sauret PAGANINI, N. Op. 6. 1st Concerto in D, arr. by F. David Op. 10. Carnival of Venice Concerto in D, as played by Wilhelmj Variations di bravura del "Moses" di Rossini for violin upon the G string with piano forte or string quartette accomp. POPPER, DAVID. Op. 39. Elfentanz, arr. by B Sauret ....... Papini, G. Danses Hongrois, 3 numbers, each POZNANSKI, I. B. Air de ballet . RAFF, J. Op. 78. Second Grand Sonata Op. 85. Cavatina, arr. by B. Singer Improvisation on the "Liebesfee," by A Wilhelmj REHFELD, F. Op. 58. No. 2, Rondo Capriccioso REINECKE, C. Op. 93. Overture to '' King Man- fred," arr. by F. Hermann . . . . 50 75 75 1 60 1 50 90 1 50 60 1 50 50 4 00 1 25 1 50 1 25 1 00 1 00 75 4 50 75 75 1 25 1 75 EEMENYI, E. Melodie Heroique .... 90 RIESj F. Concerto in E minor . . . . 2 25 RODE, P. Concerto No. 1, arr. by F. Hermann . 2 60 Concerto No. 10, arr. by F. David . . . 2 30 RUBENSTEIN, A. Russian Songs, arr. by F. Hermann 90 SAINT-SAENS, C. Op. 20. Concerto . . . 2 50 Op. 40. Danse Macabre . . , . . 1 60 SARAS ATE, PABLO. Op. 15. Zampa, Mosaique . 190 Op. 20. Zigeunerweisen 1 25 Op. 21. Spanish Dances, Books 1 to 7 and 9, each 2 25 The same, Book 8 3 00 Faust, Fantaisie 1 50 *S^ URET, EMILE. Op. 8. Reverie . . . 1 40 Op. 27. Fantaisie Brilliante on Spanish Airs . 2 50 Op. 40. No. 4, 11 MuHno ..... 1 00 SCHARWENKA, X. Op. 3. Polish National Dances 2 40 Op. 50. Phantasiestuck, arr. by F. Hermann . 50 SCHATZ, CARL. Op. 21. Souvenir of Popular Airs, 20 Nos., each 1 00 Op. 22. Popular Airs, continued, 10 Nos., each 1 00 SCHUBERTH,C. Op. 6. Grand Nocturne Eligiaque 50 SCHUBERT, FRANZ. Op. 137. No. 1 Sonato in D 75 Barcarolle, arr. by E. Remenyi . . . . 1 15 Serenade, arr. by D. Alard .... 50 The same, arr. by E. Remenyi .... 90 SCHUMANN, ROBT. Abendlied, arr. by Wilhelmj 70 Phantasie, arr. by A. Horn . . . . 1 20 SCHLUMMERLIED. Arr. by G. Papini . . . 75 Widmung, arr. by Vogel and I^enz ... 35 34 2 00 2 25 75 2 00 3 75 SGAMBATI, G. Op. 24. Two pieces Andante Can- labile, Serenata Napolitana . . . ' 1 40 Op. 28. Te Deiim Laudamus .... 75 SINGELEE, /. B. All of this author's original morceaux and arrangements in the original editions. SITT, HANS, Op. 21. Concerto No. 2, in A minor 4 00 Op. 39. Scherzo Capriccioso SPOHE, L. Op. 7. 3d Concerto Ramance from Zemire and Azor, arr. by A Wilhelmj ..... STOJOWSKI, SIG. Op. 13. Sonata in G STOE, CARL, Op. 30. Concerto . STRAUSS, JORANN, All of this author's famous dance music. SUPPE, FRANZ VON. Pique Dame. Overture . 140 TARTENI, G, Art of Bowing, 50 variations on a Gavotte Trille du Diable, Sonata, arr. by H. Leonard . THOMAS, EMILE. Fantaisie on Scotch airs, 2 numbers, each ....... THOME, FRANCIS. Simple Aveu .... TACHAIKOVSKY, P. Romance, arr. by F. Her- mann ........ Op. 35. Concerto Op. 37. No. 6 Barcarolle in G minor, arr. by B. Sauret VERDI, G. FalstafF Fantaisie, arr. by A. Hermann La Traviata, arr. by Ketterer and Hermann VIE UXTEMPS, H. Faust de Gounod Fantaisie . Le Trille du Diable, Sonata de Tartini 35 3 10 1 15 1 25 90 •75 5 00 65 1 25 1 65 1 35 1 60 VIEUXTEMPS, H. Op. 6. Air Varie '' 111 Pirata " (Bellini) Op. 10. Grand Concerto Op. 20. Duo Concertant ' * Don Juan " (Mozart) Op. 22. No. 1 Premier Morceau de Salon Op. 25. Grand Concerto VIOTTI, J. B. Concerto No. 18 ... . Concerto No. 22 VOLK.MANN, ROBT. Op. 7. Romance The Russians are Coming, arr. by F. Hermann WAGNER, RICHARD. Meistersinger v. Nurnberg, Fantaisie, arr. by Ad. Hermann . Siegfried, Parapbase, arr. by Wilhelmj Parsifal, Prayer of Amfortas, arr. by A. Heiutz Rheingold, Fantaisie Walkure, Love song by J. Barres Walther's Preslied, Pharapbrase, by A. Wilhelmj WALDTE UFE L, EMILE. Chant d'oiseaux. Waltz WEBER, CARL M. VON. Freischutz Fantaisie, arr. by G. Papini Jubel Overture ...... Rondo Brilliante, arr. by F. W. Kessel WEISS, JUL. All of this author's instructive pieces Fantaisies, etc. . . . * . WEISSENBORN, E. Op. 96. Sehnsucht's Ueder WICHTL, Q. All of this author's compositions WIENIAWSKI, II. Op. 11. Carnaval Russe Op. 17. Legende Kuyawiak. Polish National Dance WILHELMJ, A UG. German Suite a la J. S. Bach Italian Suite a la Paganini Souvenir d'Amerique (Old Folks at Home) WOHLFAHRT, FRANZ. All of this author's in structive pieces .... WORMSER, A. Op. 8. Suite Tsigane YSA YE, E UGENE. Poeme Elegiaque ZARZXCKI, ALEX. Op. 26. Mazurka Op. 34. No. 3, Bn Valsant. 50 4 75 2 25 15 50 60 75 75 65 15 40 90 15 90 40 25 1 00 75 1 15 50 25 00 2 50 3 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 25 75 J. B. GUADAGNINI STORIONI. }T!»? * • • . • • • • • • • • • ( THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. FEB_^ 1946 _/'■ ' . . ^ ' 3O0cf49lWW 1 ^^,., •>. IT? HI — vMI9:- - 7Mav'55t^ i : ' -^.^r^^ :^IFeb^B7r" AM ^ *: 10QA "^ < ^ « 1380 ML846.K6 C037366804 m,n,..^,^,^.'^f LEY LIBRARIES CD373bbflDM DATE DUE Music Library University of California at Berkeley THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY liilllilllilllllllilllillliilllllllllllilll