UC-NRUF $B 550 000 STANFOED'S COMPENDIUM OF GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL (SUPPLEMENTAEY VOLUME) PRINTED BY SPOTTISW'OODE AND CO. LTD., NEW-STREET SQUARE LONDON STANFORD'S COMPENDIUM OF GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL (SUPPLEMENTAKY VOLUME) GLOSSARY OF . GEOGRAPHICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS .' -AND OF WORDS OF FREQUENT OCCURRENCE IN THE \ * COMPOSITION OF SUCH TERMS AND OF PLACE-NAMES ALEXANDER KNOX, B.A., F.R.G.S. ii AUTHOR OF "A GUIDE TO RECENT LARGE-SCALE MAPS' ETC. *^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF J^LIFOK^ LONDON: EDWARD STANFORD 12, 13, & 14, LONG ACRE, W.C. 1904 K'7 ®MB&L >* rye y'^'g UNIVERSITY J OF / INTRODUCTION The Glossary is the outcome of a series of notes taken during a long course of close geographical reading extending over some ten years, and almost entirely restricted to works dealing with extra -European countries. When, however, the collection of terms began to assume fairly large propor- tions, it was thought advisable to add similar terms for the European languages. This is, in brief, the history of the Glossary the compilation of which has involved a very con- siderable amount of labour, apart altogether from the collec- tion of the raw materials. In a pioneer work of this kind small errors will inevitably creep in, however great care may be taken to exclude them ; errors of judgment, too, may possibly in time be brought to light ; the insertion of some few terms may eventually prove to have been superfluous, while the exclusion of some others may be thought to lessen the value of the whole. Time alone can tell. Though in no way responsible for the Glossary, or for any such errors, Dr. A. H. Keane has not only very kindly read the proofs, but has allowed the author to draw, without stint, on his vast fund of knowledge and experience, and has, moreover, by his criticism, both constructive and destructive, added largely to the value of the work ; and, as a matter 204918 VI INTRODUCTION of fact, the paragraphs in this introduction which deal with the law of interchange of consonants in the Indo-European family of languages are from his, pen. The spelling of the terms has been made to conform, as far as possible, with the spirit of the system or code recom- mended by the Eoyal Geographical Society for the spelling of place-names. This code, though capable of considerable improvement, has, in its present form, been in use for some years, and Continental Geographical Societies have formu- lated similar codes on the same lines but with modifications to suit the language in each instance. In the case of languages written in Eoman character the spelling of the terms, as recommended for place-names, undergoes no change ; the terms remain as spelled in those languages. But where any language is written otherwise than in Eoman character, or is not written at all, an approximation to the sounds intended to be conveyed is arrived at by the use of English consonants and Italian vowels. According to this code or convention a is pronounced as in father ; e and ei have the force of a in place, crater, i.e. they are equivalent roughly to the French e, e,e; i is pro- nounced as in ravine, and replaces the English ee (as in deep) which is discarded ; o is pronounced as in the final o in volcano, or as in pole ; u as in true, flute ; y is always a consonant, never a vowel ; qu as in quarry is replaced by kw, otherwise by k ; the sound of ou (as in mountain) and ow (as in tower) is replaced by au or ao ; the simple o is used for the sound ow (as in meadow) ; and thus w is a con- sonant except in the combination aw ; i (as in mine) is replaced by ai, Ch is always pronounced as in church ; ph INTRODUCTION Vll is never used to represent, the sound of /; g is always hard, the soft g being replaced by j, which always has* the force of that letter in jetty ; the r is always rolled ; the sound s in measure is given by zh ; kh is a hard guttural as in loch ; gh another guttural something like the Northumbrian r or the Parisian r ; c is not used, the soft c being represented by s and the hard by k. Every letter is sounded and no super- fluous letters are used. Finally no diacritical marks are allowed except the accent (') to denote stress, and the ordinary short mark to suit one particular instance. These are the main features of the code of the Koyal Geographical Society, which, so far as African words are concerned, has been rigidly adhered to in the Glossary, the final h being retained only in some Arabic words in the combination ah, when it is actually sounded. In transliterating terms from foreign works, the following modifications have been adopted : — 1. German : ch has been replaced by kh; sch by sh, tsch by ch and dsch by j ; ai has been used for the German ei, and oi for eu. 2. French : ou before a vowel has been replaced by w, and otherwise by u : thus the French Ouagadougou would be written Wagadugu ; ai, ay, and eg have been transformed into ei or the simple e, dj has been represented by j, ch by sh, tch by ch. The French eu has been allowed to stand, as the code does not provide for the sound. 3. Italian : c before e or i has been replaced by ch, else- where by k ; g before e and i hjj; gli by lyi ; sch by sk ; sc before e and i by sh ; gu before a, e, i has been repre- sented by gw ; where ci, gi, sci are followed by another vowel, Vlll INTRODUCTION the i has been omitted ; thus the Italian Scioa would be represented by Shoa, and Goggiam by Gojam. Similar changes have been made in words derived from Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, and Scandinavian authors, so as to represent in all cases the actual sound as near as may be. Thus, the Span. Moqui, Chiquito, Quechua, become Moki, Chikito, Kechua, the Deh. Soenda becomes Sunda and so on. In Kafir terms, c, q, and x have been used to represent respectively the dental, palatal, and lateral clicks which are alluded to below. It has been thought advisable, in certain cases, to depart from the strict letter of the code, and to retain the customary diacritical marks, and in some cases the final h — notably in words of Sanscrit, Persian, and Hindi origin, and also in Malay words — where the terms are not actually place-names. When, however, the terms are used in the examples either as place-names or as constituent elements in place-names the diacritical marks have been withheld and the final h withdrawn in accordance with the spirit of the code. The reason for this departure from the conventional rules is threefold and may be best explained by examples. Firstly, the final h has been retained in some cases, as in dih, deh, the Pers. for ' village,' inasmuch as the h is an integral and important factor in the root diha from which dih, deh is drawn ; and, were the h omitted, the derivation would be obscured ; but in Charde (' The Four Villages '), since it is a place-name, the h is omitted and the derivation given. Secondly, the use of diacritical marks is necessary to dif- ferentiate between terms which have different meanings, but, without the marks, would have precisely the same form. INTRODUCTION IX For instance mandal is the Hind, for ' a port ' or ' harbour,' but manual in the same language means ' a district ' : ab-guzar is the Pers. for ' a watercourse,' but ab-guzar for ' a ford,' and so on ; but as with the final h, so with the diacritical marks, when the terms become elements in place-names these marks have been dropped, thus hamim the Pers. for 1 a desert,' but Hamun-i-Sistan without the mark ; batu the Malay for * rock ' and Batu-tujo without the mark, but batu- titi, ' a mile-post,' with the mark, not being a place-name. Thirdly — and this is a point not without importance — those who have some acquaintance with these languages and their subtle niceties cannot only appreciate the exact pro- nunciation, but can also immediately re-transcribe the terms in the original characters. The Glossary being intended as an aid to the reading of maps and geographical works, many words, taken from standard books and maps, have been included the spelling of which does not accord with more recent ideas on the subject, the object being to assist the reader, without assum- ing that he already possesses sufficient knowledge to enable him to recognise a term disguised in what would now be thought an uncanny garb. Thus the forms itam and etam, hwang and hoang, are both given in the Glossary, and in some cases as many as three forms or more occur, as teluk, telok, tullok, but in such circumstances the misspellings are referred to the correct term. Where two or more forms are actually in use, where one term is simply a variant of another, in such cases of dialectic difference all the forms are given ; thus balad, bilad, and bled all appear, and so too gram, garam, and giram, km, krum, korum, and krom, mong, X INTRODUCTION meng, and meung, du, dim, and dhub will all be found. Again, with regard to Chinese words, the spelling depends to a large extent on whether the language is that of the North, of the Mandarins, of the capital— Pekingese in fact — or whether it is the language of the South, of the rest of China, or Nankingese, and the spelling will then further depend on whether the words found were transcribed accord- ing to the system adopted by Wade, or some modification of it, or whether they were rendered into Eoman character in accordance with the system formulated by Von Eichthofen. Thus the chou of Pekingese and Wade becomes chau in Nankingese, according to Von Kichthofen's rendering ; similarly the chiang of the North corresponds with the kiang of the South. In such circumstances, where both forms have been found, both have been inserted, and, in some instances, more than two forms are given, e.g. pe, peh, and pei. Dealing, as it does, with words selected from many languages and from various dialects, scattered over the face of the globe, the Glossary seems to need some kind of binding or cementing material, to join or link together, if not all, at least as many as possible of these languages and tribal or local dialects into groups, since they cannot, from the nature of the case, be brought into closer relationship and so form one homogeneous whole. In a certain limited measure this linking has been accomplished by means of references to cognate terms ; and with the same end in view the paragraphs which immediately follow are devoted to the various changes, principally consonantal changes, which words undergo as they pass from one of a group or family of INTRODUCTION XI languages or dialects to another; and at the same time a few of the marked peculiarities of some of the languages are indicated. Peculiar to the Teutonic branch of the Aryan linguistic family is a general tendency to strengthen the mutes (ex- plosives), and this tendency, acting from remote times, has set up a normal permutation of consonants the law of which, discovered by Erasmus Rask, developed by Jacob Grimm, and completed by Karl Yerner, is commonly known as Grimm's Law of Lautverschiebimg ( ' sound-shifting ' ). By it are primarily affected the organic Aryan soft sonants, b, g, d, which become the hard surds, p, k, t, while the organic surds, p, k, t, become everywhere the hard fricatives, f, h, th. Here the rotation is arrested in the first instance, because these fricatives are incapable of further strengthening. These first shifts were already completed in the prehistoric period, as seen in the consonantal system of Gothic, the oldest known Teutonic language, whose written records date from the fourth century of the new era. But these first prehistoric shifts were not uniform and their vagaries were a cause of much trouble to philologists till the true explanation was discovered by Verner and announced in 1877 (in Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. xxiii. p. 97), as under : 'Aryan k, t, p, first shifted everywhere to h, th, f ; the fricatives thus generated, as well as the surd (voiceless) fricative s inherited from Aryan, then became themselves sonant (voiced) when medial and in sonant company, but remained unchanged immediately after accented vowels.' It is the clause here italicised that constitutes the essence xii INTRODUCTION of Verner's discovery, which for the first time takes into account the important part played by accent in this phonetic system. In general, mutes preceding the accent, being under less control, have double shifting, the voiceless stops passing first to voiceless fricatives, and then to voiced fricatives. But mutes following the accent have only one shift — voiceless stops to voiceless fricatives, except in weak syllables, where the second shift takes place after as well as before the accent. Hence it is that in Teutonic organic k, t, p appear as h, th, f, or as g, d, b, according as they occur after or before the accent, while organic s (voiceless) remains unchanged or arrested after the accent, but becomes voiced (z) before the accent, and it is this voiced s that later becomes r in German, Anglo-Saxon, and especially Norse. Thus Scr. antara=Go^. anthar = A.S.6HheT (for ondher) = Eng. other, with simple shift only (t to th), because the accent precedes. But Scr. antar=(xo£/t. undar=^.#. and Eng. under, with double shift (t through th to d), because the accent follows. So Goth, hausjan for hauzjan = A£. hera,ii= Eng. to hear, voiceless s through voiced s (z) to r. These prehistoric shifts are carried further, but mainly in German and Dutch, in the historic period beginning about the seventh century a.d. Here the voiceless fricatives pass through the voiced fricatives to the voiced explosives : f through v to b ; hard h (ch) through soft h to g; voiceless th through voiced th to d. Thus Goth, tha (voiceless th) = Eng. the (voiced th) = 6rer. der, Dutch de. Here the shift is carried one step forward in Eng. ; and two in Ger. and Dutch, which thus complete the rotation. INTRODUCTION Xlll But A.S. and Eng. in many cases stand at the prehistoric {Goth.) level, as in thorp (voiceless th) = Ger. dorf; Goth. t]laurnus = ^./S , . and Eng. thorn (voiceless th) = Ger. dorn = Dutch, doom ; and always when th is followed by r or w, as in three = Ger. drei; thwart, thwack, &c. In Ger. k of the Gothic period passes through aspiration (ch for kh) to the aspirate (h) ; t through z (written ts) to ss for voiceless s, and voiceless s often to voiced s. Thus Pliny's Amisia (voiceless s) becomes the modern river Ems (voiced s), while the Catti of Tacitus pass through the forms Chatti, Hatsi, to the modern Hessen (Hessians). With these remarks the subjoined table of the more general permutations will become intelligible. And the confusion caused by our present somewhat exuberant phonetic terminology may be obviated by remembering that mutes, explosives, and stops are synonymous terms, having reference to those non-continuous consonants that form a complete vocal stop. These are the labials or lip-letters, p, b ; the gutturals or throat-letters, k, g ; and the dentals or teeth- letters, t, d. These again with the sibilant s may be either voiceless, surd, hard, tenues, or thin (all practically synony- mous terms) ; or else voiced, sonant, soft, flat, lenes, mediae, or smooth (also synonymous terms) ; the former being p, k, t, s, the latter b, g, d, z. Thus the mute, explosive, or stop p is a voiceless, surd, hard, or thin labial ; b, a voiced, sonant, soft, flat, or smooth labial, and so on. Corresponding to these explosives are the fricatives and aspirates p'h, f, v ; k'h, h ; t'h, th, which in Teutonic grow out of the voiceless explosives p, k, t. With other categories, such as palatals and cerebrals, we are not here concerned, XIV INTRODUCTION Explosives, Mutes, or Stops Organic Aryan Sonants, Surds and Fricatives and Aspirates First (pre- historic) Shifts Second (historic) Shifts Sansc. Gr. Latin Gothic A.S. English Old High Ger. Dutch Middle High Ger. New High Ger. Labials . \ Gutturals j Dentals . •] Sibilants . b P bh(h) g k gh(h) d t dh(h) s J8 it 7 K X u T e , N _dr-< -d O w -2 S^ «- >. 53 Is U " ^ d ►» ^ cd » w^h d d n £ > .d fc O « o ° i° d *-2 ^§-dd^ N ^ -> ^ C5 -id h w a b 3 I? o p W £ PQ o, O !? a w 3 S S H rG Son o ^ o § P II ~ > sis INTRODUCTION XXXI It would be impossible, even it were . desirable, to illus- trate the whole of this great number of interchanges by examples bearing directly or indirectly on geography or topography, but many of the more important and more common changes will be found in the following list of equivalents for ' a path,' ' water,' and ' grass ' in various Bantu languages. A Path inZila (Tonga) inZira (Bisa) njira {Go go) nGila (Sagara) Sila (Boondei) nJia (Swahili) inDlhela (Zulu) onDyira (Hereto) onjila (Bihe) nGela (Mbunda) nDela (Rotse) Lila (Kilimane) iPiro (Mozambique) Tsela (Chivana) mPono (Mpongwe) nGia (Dualla) nTele (Fernandian) n Jila (Kongo) Water maNzi (Tonga) Menzi (Bisa) maRenga (Gogo) Meji (Sagara) maZi (Shamhala) mlnzi (Nyanyembe) maDzi (Nika) oMeva (Herero) ovaVa (Bihe) Menya (Mbunda) me I (Botse) maJi (Swahili) Menia (Angola) maZa (Lower Congo) Mesi (Yao) malji (Kilimane) ma Shi (Mozambique) Metse (Cliwana) aNingo (Mpongwe) maDiba (Dualla) ma Chi (Fan) bo Opi (Fernandian) Grass bulzu (Tonga) maNyari (Sagara) mAni (Boondei) maNyasi (Taita) maSwa (Nyanyembe) majani (Swahili) wldzi (Pokomo) wuKhua (Karanga) buSo (Ganda) u-tyAni (Zulu) o-wOnga (Bihe) boAmbo (Mbunda) Mopo (Rotse) ulsu (Angola) ma Nyashi (Mozambique) bo Jang (Chwana) biUlu (Dualla) bUt (Fan) fUta (Kongo) There also occur in the Glossary other examples of these changes, not found in the above list, but illustrating the interchange table on page xxx, such as mwiru, mwitu, ' a forest ' ; mwago, mwako, ' a mountain ' ; inchi, inti, ' a country ' ; makazi, makani, ' a dwelling ' ; diko, liko, ' a landing-place ' ; XXX11 INTRODUCTION mahali, pahali, ' a place ' ; kilila, kirira, kidila, ' an island ' ; and many others. Among the Kafir peoples, i.e. that section or group of Bantu-speaking tribes which includes the Amaxosa, the Amazulu, and the Matabele, certain sounds, called clicks, are in use, which have been traced to an admixture of Hottentot, the roots of the words, in which these clicks occur, not being found in any other Bantu languages. These clicks, which are produced rather by drawing in than by expressing sound, are six in number, and may be divided into three sets, so far as their use in Bantu is concerned, each set consisting of a hard and a corresponding soft click, and known as the dental, palatal, and lateral clicks respec- tively, according to the process by which the sounds are formed. In Hottentot there is also a seventh click known as the cerebral, but this does not occur in the Kafir lan- guages. It is quite impossible, even with the most complicated system of diacritical marks, to represent Chinese words in such a manner as to give the correct sounds to European ears, and this difficulty is aggravated by the existence in the Chinese language of what are called the tones, of which there are four in the mandarin or court language, though six, eight, or even twelve are found in southern dialects. We can only arrive at a very rough approximation, especially when we discard the diacritical signs ; thus the word which we represent by ma, when pronounced in one tone, is the world-wide term for ' mother,' but when another tone is employed it signifies ' a horse,' and in yet another tone it is a terrible oath ; similarly we have ku ■ a pass,' ku ' old,' ku INTRODUCTION XXX111 ' a valley, canal, streamlet,' and ku ' a dam, dike.' Again in the south of China is the province Kwang Tung or ' Broad province east,' as distinguished from Kwang Si or ' Broad Province west,' and here Kwang means ' broad,' Tung ■ east,' and Si ■ west ' ; but in the north there is another Kwang Tung, and this Kwang does not mean ' broad ' nor does this Tung signify ' east,' the meaning of this Kwang Tung being 'The Viceroy's Sword.' Further, we find that the word which we represent by li means ' inner,' ' hamlet,' and a standard measure of length (about two-thirds of a mile) according to the tone employed. To Chinese ears these sounds are as different as ' hall,' ' house,' and ' hut ' to ours, but the ordinary European ear does not discriminate between them, so that there is no course left open to us but to repre- sent the different forms by precisely the same spelling. Allusion has already been made to the Chinese of the mandarins as spelled by Wade, and the language of the rest of the Chinese as spelled according to the system formulated by Von Kichthofen. A few of the more common differences will now be mentioned, as words are variously pronounced in different parts of the country or variously represented by some of the principal authors who have devoted their atten- tion to China. The ch of the mandarin pronunciation, when followed by i, is generally replaced by k, as in chiang, kiang, 'a river,' chiao, kiao, 'a bridge,' though sometimes we find h, s, or ts instead of k, thus ching, hing, sing, ' a well ' or ' the capital of a state,' and Ta tsien lu instead of Ta chien lu, which has also been rendered Tathsianlu. When the ch is followed by any other vowel, it generally remains ■ b XXXIV INTRODUCTION unchanged, except in some instances where it is replaced by t, as in cheng, teng, ' a town,' ' a village,' and this t is variously represented by ts, th, thus tun=tsun=tsen=thun= tien=a village. The hs, which is a sound approximating to the Spanish c as in Ceuta, or to the ti in "the termination -tion of Parisian French, is variously represented by h, ts, sh, and s (especially when followed by i), e.g. hsien, hien, a 'district city,' Hsining or Sining, a town to the east of Koko-nor, hsia, hia, ' lower,' An-hsun or An-shun in the south-west of Kwei-chau, Hsun-chau or Tsun-chau on the Si-kiang. The letters j and n are sometimes interchanged, as in Ju-chen or Nu-chen, the language of the Chin or Gold Dynasty; and Jipen for Nipen, whence Marco Polo's Zipangu (Japan). 1 Another marked peculiarity in the writing of Chinese place-names is the insertion or rejection of ng by various authorities, e.g. Chian=Ki-ngan in Kiang-si, and Ngan-lo = An-lo in Hupe. The representation of such word-elements as the first in Su-mao and Se-chuan appears to point to a considerable divergence of authoritative opinion. In the first case the authorities give Su-mao, Ssu-mao, Semao, and in the second no less than eight forms will be found in works and on maps, all of which carry considerable weight, viz. Se, Si, Su, Ss, Sse, Ssu, Sz, Sze. The principal differences in vowel sounds occur in con- nection with the ou of Wade, which is represented by au 1 This curious substitution of j for w.took place during the Yen or Mongol Dynasty (1260-1366 a.d.) when the mandarin or court language was greatly influenced by the Mongol phonetic system. The change did not spread to Japan, which consequently still retains the n, as in Nip-pon from the original Chinese Nit-pon = the 4 Rising Sun,' the Orient. INTRODUCTION ■ XXXV in some cases, and by u in others ; thus Von Eichthofen and others write chau for Wade's chou, as in Kiao-chou, Kiao-chau ; and kou, ' a pass,' becomes ku. A minor difference is the substitution of e for Wade's a in such word-elements as yuan, yuen, tsuan, tsuen, hsuan, hsuen. In the various Polynesian languages certain consonantal interchanges, which are widespread, may here, in conclusion, be mentioned. The b, f, h, p, and v are frequently found replacing one another, thus bau=vau, ' a stone/ and banua = fenua=hanua=panua=vanua, 'a village.' The r is some- times replaced by n and vice versa, thus ruma=numa, 1 house ' ; and d, 1, and r appear frequently to replace one another, thus legi=regi, 'grass,' and dubu = lubu=ruvu, 1 the deep sea.' The aspirate sometimes gives place to t and sometimes to w, thus hano=tano=wano, ' earth.' On the other hand, the aspirate has ousted s everywhere in Poly- nesia except in the Samoan and Ellis groups. Thus the Samoan island of Savaii (for Savaiki) takes the form of Hawaii in the Sandwich Archipelago ; Havaii in Tahiti ; Havaiki in the Marquesas ; and in the Maori traditions Hawaiki was the land whence came the first inhabitants of New Zealand. Lastly the interchange of k and t ranges over the Pacific Ocean, and explains such forms as kanaka = 'men,' 'natives' (in Hawaii), and tagata (in Samoa, where, however, the t is now reverting to k). Subjoined is a table of the chief sound-shiftings in Polynesia : XXXVI INTRODUCTION Organic ng Marquesas North Marquesas South Tahiti N.Zea- land (Maori) Hawaii (Sand- wich) n Rara- tonga ng Gambier ng Samoa ng ng n n ng k V k< < k < k k < t t t t t k k t t t,k P P P P P P p, b P P V V V V w \v — V V w,f h f f w h — — f h h h h h h i t s r r,« r, ' r, ' r, d 1 r r 1 The Glossary is arranged so that after the Geographical or Topographical term follows the language or dialect to which it belongs, or the locality where it is used, or the name of the tribe in whose vocabulary it is found to be included ; and, in some cases, both the tribe or dialect and the locality are stated when this has been thought advisable. When any term is found in two or more languages, both are given. This portion of the information is printed in italics and enclosed within brackets. Then follows the meaning of the term. If there be an abbreviation for any term officially recognised in connection with any of the Great Topo- graphical Surveys, this will be found, within brackets, immediately after the meaning ; and several terms, which would not otherwise have found a place in the Glossary have been inserted for the express purpose of indicating that such abbreviations are recognised for these terms ; for example, Regione, which is dignified by an abbreviation by the Italians (whereas the corresponding equivalents in the other Latin languages are not similarly honoured), Abbaye, Riviere, &c. Then follow, in many cases, examples and INTRODUCTION XXXV11 references to cognate terms, or to words of similar meaning or the reverse. The Bantu terms, where possible, have been referred to their stems or roots, the prefixes being outset in the margin. Most of the italicised portions of the entries need no explanation, but the following list, showing the geo- graphical situation of some of the less-known tribes, dialects, or localities, may be of use : Language, Tribe, or District Abbadi . Agni . Attie . A-Zande (' Niam-Niam ') . Bafo Bagirmi . . Bakunda Bali . Balung . Bambara . . Bangala . Banjan Bapoto Basari Batta Baule Berta Bihe Boondei Bornu Roughly corresponding geographical situation Upper Egypt, east of Nile Ivory Coast, between the rivers Bandama and Komoe Ivory Coast, west of Komoe R. Between the Ubangi R., the upper Bahr el Ghazal and the upper Shari R. Kamerun, on upper Mungo R. On Shari R., south of Lake Chad North Kamerun, south of Anglo-German boundary Ditto Kamerun, on upper Mungo R. Western Sudan, upper Niger basin (a) Angola, on Anibaka R. and neighbouring Congo region (b) The district round Nouvelle Anvers, Middle Congo Kamerun, west of the upper Mungo R. North of the great Congo bend Western Sudan, the hinterland of the Gold Coast and Togo Benue R. region, Adamawa Central district of the French Ivory Coast colony Eastern Sudan, Darfur Angola, on upper Kwanza R. On the mainland of Eastern Africa opposite Pemba Island South and west of L. Chad xxxviii INTRODUCTION Language, Tribe, o I District Roughly corresponding geographical situation Chamba . . Western Sudan Chinbok . . North Arakan, Chin Hills Chinbon . . Ditto Chong Chia-tse . South China, Yunnan Chung-kia . Shan States Chwana . . Bechuanaland Danakil . . South-western Eed Sea littoral Etbai . Upper Egypt, east of Nile Fan . . French Congo, on upper Ogowe E. Fanti . Gold Coast Fon . . Dahome Fula . West and Central Sudan Galla . The region between Abyssinia, Lake Budolf, and the Tana B. Giryama . . East Africa, near Mombasa Gogo . In Ugogo, central German East Africa Gonja (Gonya) . Northern Gold Coast, on White Volta K. Gurma . French Sudan, north of the Dahome and Togo protectorates Harem . Laos, Siam Ha-tu . South China, Yunnan Hausa . West central Sudan, between the Niger and Bornu Hu-ni . South China, Yunnan Kabile . North Algeria and North Marocco Kamba . . British East Africa, from Mount Kenia to Kilima Njaro Kanem . North-east of L. Chad Kanuri . Bornu, west and south-west of L. Chad Karanga . . Matabeleland, Mashonaland, and regions of L. Ngami and the middle Zambezi E. Ketosh . Eastern Uganda Khas Chos . Laos, Siam Kikuyu . Eastern Uganda, south of Mt. Kenia Kirghiz . North and west of the Caspian Sea, West Siberia, and Pamir uplands Kossova . . Eastern Uganda Kotoko . Southern Bornu (q.v.) Kwenam . . North Arakan INTRODUCTION XXXIX Language, Tribe, ox- District Lomwe Lu-Wanga Magunza Makua Malinke Mandara Mande Mangbattu Man Sung Masai Mentawei Miao-tse . Min-kia . Mittu Mobali . Mondunga Mossi Mpongwe Nandi Nhan Nika Nongo Nung Pai . Pula . Eoshnan Bua . Sagara Senna Serer Shangalla Shignan Shilluk Somali Eoughly corresponding geographical situation Lake Shirwa and Mozambique Eastern Uganda, Nzoia Kiver basin North of the great Congo bend German and Portuguese East Africa Senegal Southern Bornu (q.v.) Western Sudan, upper Niger and region to the south Upper Welle E. Lao-kai, northern Tonking and Yunnan Eastern equatorial Africa Group of islands off S.W. Sumatra coast Kwei-chau, South China South China, Yunnan Upper Nile North of the great Congo bend Ditto French Sudan, within the Niger bend French Congo, on Lower Ogowe and Gabun Es. Eastern Uganda, south of Mt. Elgon Northern Tonking, Yunnan Eastern equatorial Africa, near Mombasa Shan States, Laos Lao-kai, Yunnan Shan States South China, Yunnan Upper Amu Daria (Oxus), south of the Mur- gab, Pamir region On the middle Lualaba (Congo) In Usagara, east-central German East Africa Districts of Senna, Sofala, Tete, Zumbo, Nyasa, and on the Eufiji and Shire Es. Senegal coast, and about Cape Verde Between the Blue Nile and Sobat Es. Upper Amu-Daria (Oxus), north of Wakhan E., Pamir region Upper Nile and Sobat E. Horn of Africa xl INTRODUCTION Language, Tribe, or District Roughly corresponding geographical situation Songhai . . Western Sudan, Middle Niger from Tim- buktu to Say Soninke . . On Senegal E. Taita . Between Kilima Njaro and the Ndara Hills Tamul . . Deccan, Coromandel Coast and North Ceylon Tangut . Kegion about Koko-nor Taungtha . North Arakan Thai . Shan States, Laos Tho . . Lao-kai, Yunnan Tonga . Between the Victoria Falls (Zambezi) and L. Bangweulu Usagara . . See Sagara Welaung . . North Arakan Wolof . . Senegal coast between Senegal E. and Serer Yambo . Upper Sobat E. Yao . . On the tableland between Nyasa and the coast Yayo . South China, Yunnan Yindu Chin . Chin Hills Yoruba . Between Dahome and the Lower Niger Zirian . Deria-i-Zir, Central Kurdistan «1 ** OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS A A {Africa, Welle-Makua region, North of the Equa- tor), a plural personal prefix, people, found in many dialects in this region, e.g. A-Zande, A-Barmbo, A-Bangba, A-Madi, i.e. ' the Zande people,' ' the Barmbo people,' &c. ; equivalent to the Bantu (South of the Equator) Wa, Ba, Ama, Ova (q.v.) Gf the post fixed -bu, -bi, -be (q.v.) A (Africa, Bantu, South of the Equator), a plural personal prefix, people, e.g. A-Kikuyu, ' the people of Kikuyu,' the sing, of which is Mukikuyu, ' a Kikuyu man ' ; A-Kamba, ' the Kamba people ' of the country TJkamba ; Mkamba, ' a Kamba ' ; A- Nyika, ' the Nyika people ' or ' people of the desert ' ; Munyika, ' a man of the desert.' The more usual forms of the Bantu plural personal prefix are Wa, Ba, Ama, Ova (q.v.), as in Wanyamwezi, Basuto, Amazulu, Ovampo, Ovaherero. B GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL o A (Sw.) | A rivulet, e.g. Tornea, Groote Aa, Asa a . Aa (Da., Dch.) J Cf E, Ach, Av. Aachen (Ger.), same word as Aix (q.v.), and Aixe ; hence Aachen = Aix-la-Chapelle. Aacho (Shimasha, Abyssinia), water. Aadad, pi. of Id or Ed (Egijptian Sudan), wells, espe- cially in a desert. Aan (Dch.), at, on, near, e.g. Egmond aan Zee. Aapn (Kabadi, New Guinea), a mountain. Aas, As (Nor., Da.), the ridge of a hill. Cf. As. Ab, Abn (Arab.), father; as a geographical term signi- fies producing, abounding in, large, and is of very- frequent occurrence. Cf. Abbas. Ab (Hottentot). See Ep. Ab (Jaalin, Nubia), a patronymic termination, e.g. Kaliab, Sadab. Ab (Pers., E. Turk.), water, river; e.g. Punjab, 'the land of the five rivers ' ; panj = five. Cf. Doab. Abad, Abadan (Pers.), cultivated (lands), populous, in- habited ; in India this is used as signifying ' abode,' 1 city,' e.g. Allahabad. See Allah. Abaiaj (Abyssinia), a large mass of water; a lake. See Abaiaj also Abba, &c. Ab-amber (Pers.), a cistern ; lit. a ' store of water. : See Ab (Pers.) Cf Ambar. Aban, pi. Meban (Fan, French Congo). See Ban. Aban (Gold Coast), a house built of stone, a palace. Aban-kese (Gold Coast), a fort, castle. Abankor (Sahara), wells in the bed of a river, filled by fil- tration ; or wells in depressions filled by rain-water. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 3 Abarraka {Tuareg, Berber), a road. Abata (Yoruba), a marsh in a plain, a pool. Abata (Yoruba), a park. -Abatu (Congo), a suffix signifying ' direct ' (of roads or streams) . Abba \ Abbala I variants of Abaia (above). Abbata Abbayaj Abbas (Pers.), father, e.g. Abbasabad, ' paternal town or abode.' Cf. Ah. See Abad. Abbaye (Fr.), abbey (Abb e ). Abbazia (It.), abbey (Abb a ). Abdachung (Ger.), slope, declivity. Cf. Abhang. Abe (Iaibo, New Guinea), a path. Aben, pi. Meben (Fan, French Congo). See Ben. Abeng (Tuareg, Berber), a temporary lake, a pond. Aber (Wales and Scotland), the confluence of two rivers, or of a river and the sea, at the mouth of a river, e.g. Abergavenny, Abergeldie, Aberdeen. See Inver. Abetu (Yoruba), a brook, rivulet. Abge (Bornu), a lake of natron. See Sirge. Ab-guzar (Pers.), a watercourse, conduit ; channel. Ab-guzar (Pers.), ford, ferry. Abhang (Ger.), slope, declivity. Cf. Abdachung. Abiad (Arab., N. Africa), the proper form of Abiodh, white, e.g. Bahr-el-abiad, ' the white river,' i.e. the "White Nile. Abiar. See Borj. B 2 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Abiodh (Arab., N. Africa), white ; fern. Beida. See Abiad. Abish-khur (Pers.), a reservoir. See Ab-khana. Ab-jo (Pers.), a rivulet. See Ab. Ab-khana (Pers.), a reservoir. See Abish-khur. Aboe (Gold Coast), a confluence of two streams. Aboli, pi. Meboli (Fan, French Congo). See Boli. Abom (Gold Coast), stony ground. Abomma (Gold Coast), tributary, affluent, branch of a river. Abon, pi. Mebon (Fan, French Congo). See Bon. Abonse (Gold Coast), the bottom of a valley. Abosam (Gold Coast), cliff, crag. Abra (Port.), bay, creek, roadstead. Abrah (Pers.), conduit, canal, watercourse. Abrevadero (Sp.), a watering-place for cattle (Abro). Abrid (Kabile), a road. Abriz (E. Turk.), basin, ditch, depression in which water collects and remains. Absal (Pers.), vineyard, garden. Abshar (Pers.), waterfall, cascade, cataract. Abu (Arab.) See Ab. Abuano (Kerepunu, New Guinea), east. See next entry and Avurigo. Aburigo (Kerepunu, New Guinea), south. See above entry. Abusua-ku (Gold Coast), family, tribe, clan. Abyad (Arab.) See Abiad. Abyar, pi. of Bir (Arab., N. Africa), wells. -Ac (Celtic), a suffix, sometimes patronymic, sometimes possessive, e.g. Langeac. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 5 Acequia (Sp.), a canal. Ach, Ache (Alps), a river, e.g. Salzach. Ach (Gaelic). See Och. Achan (E. Turk.), a place where a gorge opens out into a plain. Achik (Jr. Turk.), salt, bitter, e.g. Achik Bulak, 'bitter- spring ' ; open, e.g. Achik-yilga, ' open valley.' Acquitrino (It.), percolating water, ooze, swamp, bog. Acre (Anglo-Saxon officer), a field, e.g. Long Acre. Ad (Indian, U.S.A.), deer, e.g. Adosia, ' fair-deerland.' Ad, Ado (Somali), white, e.g. Biyo Ado, ' white water,' Burad, ' white hill.' See Biyo, Bur. Ada, Ata (Turk.), an island. Adad (Somali), trees, e.g. Adadle, ' the place where trees grow.' See -Le. Ada- do (Yoruba), an island. Adar (Temashight, Berber), a mountain, mountain spur, lit. a leg. Adar-n-Eghirreu (Sahara), an arm (lit. a leg) of a river, a creek, used to include both the Arab, terms Rejl or Kra and Bot-ho (q.v.) See also Eghirreu. Adar-udar (Hind.), a ditch, or mound of earth thrown up from it to form a boundary. Addi (Eritrea), green; e.g. Dilemmi Island, properly Addi-lem, ' green spot.' Addis (Abyssinia), new, e.g. Addis Abbaba, Addis Harar. Adeb (Arab., N. Africa), a gently sloping hill. Adek (Chinbon), small, applied to a hamlet, as a small village. Adel (Ger.), noble, e.g. Adelsheim, ' noble's home.' GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Adi (N. Chin hills), small, as of a stream, a small river. Adi (Basari). See Gudi. Adler (Ger.), eagle, e.g. Adlerberg. Ado (Danakil and Somaliland), white See Ad. Adosase {Gold Coast), arable land. Adrar {Sahara), a mountain. Aduana {Sp.), a custom house. moAdya {Congo, dialect of Bantu), a house. Af {Somali), an opening, ravine, valley, lit. a mouth, e.g. Afmadu, see Mado. Afae {Gold Coast), a pass, defile. Afam {Gold Coast), district, region. Afan, pi. Mefan {Fan, French Congo). See Fan. Afanin {Arab.), paths, ways. Afelle {Tuareg, Berber), desert, lit. north, i.e. the Sahara. Cf. Agus. AS (Gaelic), water. Affluent (Fr.), tributary stream. Afri (Kabile), a grotto. Ag {Indian, U.S.A.), water's edge, brink, bank, shore. Aga (Galla), rock. Agach (Turkestan), wood, tree. Agadir (Berber), escarpment, rampart, fortification ; pi. Igudar. Agahar (Berber), a river. Cf. Akarka. Agbaiye (Yoruba), the world. Agba-ra (Yoruba), a wooden fortification. Agh (Ireland), a field, from Irish achadh, e.g. Ardagh, 1 the field on the height.' See Ard. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 7 Aghelad (W. Sahara), a defile. Aghil (E. Turk.), an enclosure for flocks. Aghma (Arab.), a desert. Cf. Ama. Aghz (Turk.), an entrance. Agi (Kerepunu, New Guinea), wind. Agib (Marocco), farm, as Agib Sherif, 'royal farm.' Agios,a,on (Greek), holy, sacred, saint. See Hagios. Agmana (Hindi), the east. For other points see XJttar. Agolmin (Berber), pool, pond. Agos (Tagala, Philippine Archipelago), current of a river ; a watercourse. Agrar (Deccan), a village or quarter of a town occupied by Brahmins. Agrish (Kabile), stone, rock*. Agua (Port., Sp.), water, e.g. Aguas Calientes, ' warm waters.' Aguala (Spanish S. America), watering-station, a place where the water is drinkable, water-lock. Agula (Yambo, Upper Sobat B.), marsh land. Agus (Tuareg, Berber), south wind, south, the Northern Tuareg name for the Sahara. Cf. Afelle, Ego. Agy (Hung.), top, summit, peak. Aha (Indian, U.S.A.), water. Cf. Ha. Ahaban (Gold Coast), bush, wood, forest. Ahandu (Lu-Wanga of Awa-Bimi group, Uganda). See Handu. Ahathluo (Indian, U.S.A.), sea. Ahawag (Sahara), a plain. Aha win (Gold Coast), grass. Ahe (Gold Coast), place, locality, situation. GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ahea (Fanti), sand. Ahel, Ahl (Arab.), people, e.g. Ahel es-Sahel, ' coast- people.' Cf Ba, -Bu, Wa, Kel, A. See El, Sahel. Ahemman) y (Gold Coast), a kingdom. Ahidaina (Maw a, New Guinea), south. For other points see Tototaina. Ahlen (Chinook, E. of Mon B.), red. Ahmar (Arab.), red, e.g. Tel el Ahmar, 'red hill'; fern. Hamara. See Hamar. Ah na ku il (Indian, U.S.A.), town, village. Ahoro (Yoruba), ruins. Ahtatalki voarat (Fin.), a mountain. Ahwan (N. Arakan), a village. AT (China), a col, saddle between hills. Aiara (Maiva, New Guinea), a village. kiAiek (Uganda), a ferry. Aigak (Aleut), great, big; e.g. Aigagin, volcano. Aiguille (Fr.), a spire, steeple, peak (Aig l ),e.g. Aiguille d'Argentiere. Aikh, Aik (Arab.), a hard bank. Aikak (Indian, Alaska), a passage between islands, between an island and the mainland, or into a river. Aimak (E. Turk.), a division of a tribe ; means also (in Mongolia) an administrative district, and (in Afghanistan) a group of Turki or Mongol tribes, e.g. Char Aimak, the ' Four Tribes,' about the Herat district west of the Hazara. Ain, En (Arab.), a fountain, spring, source, e.g. Ain Sefra, Engedi. Ainet (Nandi and Eldorobo, Uganda), a river. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 9 Aird {Gaelic Airde), high, height, e.g. Airdrie. See Rie. Cf. Ard. Airilich, Airilghan (E. Turk.), a place where a stream divides into several branches. Ai'ssu (Danakil and Somaliland), grass. Ait (Berber), a tribal prefix corresponding to Ben, Mac, &c, e.g. Ai't-Ijer ; Ait-Sedrat. See Aiyal. Ait (Kabile), a resident, inhabitant. Aix, Aixe (from hat. aquas, acc.pl. of aqua, most French nouns derived from Latin being formed from the accusative case), waters, e.g. Aix-les-Bains, also Aix- la-Chapelle, Aixheim, Aixe-sur-Vienne. Cf. Ger. Aachen, really the same word. Aiya (Shankali, Abyssinia), water. Aiyal (Arab.), a tribal prefix. Cf. Ai't. Aiyari (Hausa), caravan. Ai yaw (Yindu Chin, W. of Won B.), small. Ajelmam (N. Sahara), a lake. Aju (Maju) (German E. Africa), house, e.g. Nyakaju, 1 a village in Nyaka.' See Ju. Ak (Korea), peak, mountain, e.g. An-ak, Chai-ak, Pi-ak. Ak (Turk.), white, e.g. Ak Su=' White Water' =river Oxus. chAka (Giryama), the dry season. dzAka (Nika), a forest. Aka (Japan), red, e.g. Akasaki, 'red cape.' See Saki. Akaba (Arab.), a col or saddle between two hills ; a hill or steep way ; any uninhabited place, wilder- ness. Akakio (Uganda, dialect of Bantu). See Kio. Akalin (Arab.), countries, zones. 10 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Akame {Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Me. mwAkani (Giryama), south. See Mutswerero. Akanika, pi. of Tunika (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Nika. Akar (Sansc), mine, quarry, spring, source. Akarka (Basque), a river. Gf. Agahar. Akau (Hawaii), north. For other points see Kukulu Hema, Hikina, Komohana. Akaya (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Kaya. Akba (Arab., N. Africa), ascent, height, elevation. Akbasha (Abbadi, Etbai), slate-coloured, applied to the rocks of the neighbourhood. Ake (Hu-Ni, China), water. Ake-ja-onna (Yoruba), a cross street, lane. Akena (Kabadi, New Guinea), river. Akere, Aki (Alfur), water. Gf. Wai. Akhal (Somali), house. Akhal (Arab., N. Africa), black, e.g. Akhalkalaki ; fern. Kahala. Akhdar (Arab., N. Africa), green, covered with verdure ; fern. Khadara. Aki. See Akere. Aki (Japan), autumn. Akim a (Pimo Indian, U.S.A. ; Mexico), a river. Akin (E. Turk.), the pouring forth or gushing out of water. Akipi (Elgumi, Uganda), water. Akja (Turk.), white. Cf. Ak. Ak-klut (Eskimo), provisions, ammunition ; e.g. Aklut * the village where provisions may be obtained.' AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 11 Akla (Indian U.S.A.), deep water. mwAko (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a mountain. Cf. Ango. Ako-ban (Gold Coast), a defensive wall, fence, rampart. Akogha, pi. Bekogha (Fan, French Congo). See Kogha. Akropolis (Greek), citadel, fortress. Akroterion (Greek), cape, promontory. A ku (Indian, U.S.A.), a plain. Aku (Maiva, New Guinea), sea. A kum na (Indian, U.S.A.), bog, marsh. Akupaka (Maiva, New Guinea), the deep sea. Akwampo (Gold Coast), a desolate,' bad, impassable way. Akwo (Yambo, Upper Sobat B.), sand. Akyn (E. Turk.) See Akin. Al (Arab.), family, race. Al, Alb, Alp (Aryan languages), high, hill, e.g. Shiffnal, Albania, Alps (cognate with Latin albns, white). Al (Wolof), a forest. dzAl (Fan, French Congo), a village. For pi. see Dzal. Ala (Madagascar), forest wood, thus anala=the place where ' the forest is, e.g. Analasora, ' at the wood where the hedgehogs are found.' See An. Ala (Arab.) upper. Cf Fokani. Ala (Turk.), variegated, e.g. Alatau, 'variegated moun- tain,' because of the stripes and patches of dark rock alternating with snow. Ala (Yoruba), a boundary. I (Loango, Bantu), a village. For pi. see Buala. bwAla) 12 GLOSSAEY OF GEOGRAPHICAL lu Ala (Bantu), a cliff. - Alachuk (Persia), the bee-hive movable dwellings of the Yomut Turkomans, with a wooden framework, usually about 16 feet in diameter, and covered with felt. Alafo (Yoruba), valley, ravine. Alambrado (Spanish S. America), wire fencing fastened to posts. Cf. Alambre, copper wire. Alamu (Nika), wide, broad (river). Alaya (Sansc.), abode, e.g. Himalaya = the abode of snow. See Him. Alb. See Al. Albardon (Spanish S. America), rising ground on the coast or amongst lagoons. Aid (Gaelic Allt), a stream, e.g. Aldcambus, ■ the stream of the bay.' See Cambus. Aldea (Port., Sp.), a village, hamlet, used also in Anglo- Indian for a villa. Ale (Sara, Chad L.), a mountain. Aleb (Arab., N. Africa), a shelving hill. Aleg (W. Sahara), a lake. Alen (N. Chin hills, Taungtha), large, great. Alfa (Arab., N. Africa), & name common to several species of grass; sometimes Haifa, e.g. Wadi Haifa, 1 the valley with the esparto grass.' Alfandega (Port.), custom house. Algus (Hausa), green, as of a forest in leaf. Cf. Chanwa. A\i, pi. Meli (Fan, French Congo). See Li. Alifa (Bagirmi), chief, e.g. Alifa Ba= chief of the river. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 13 Alin (China), a mountain, range. Alizes, Vents- (Fr.), trade winds. Alkube (Songhai), a fortified place. Allah (Arab.), God, e.g. Allahabad, 'the town of God.' See Abad. Alle (Wolof), a desert, a forest. Allt (Gaelic), a stream or brook, e.g. AUt Anavig, near the Kyle of Lochalsh. Cf. Aid. chAlo (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), country, district. umwAlo (Lu-Wanga, Uganda), a field or plantation. -Alonga. See Nini. Alor (Malay), a drain, dike, e.g. Alor Sama, Alor Pongsu in Bagan Serai. Alp. See Al. Alqueria (Sp.), grange, farmhouse ; generally a farm with a house at a distance from neighbours. Also (Hung.), under, lower, e.g. Also Alpar. Alt (Ger.), old, e.g. Altenburg. Alt, Allt (Welsh), a steep place, e.g. Altcar, Alltmawr. Alta (Indian, U.S.A.), swift, running water. Alta,o (It., Sp., Port.), high, e.g. Tierra Alta (Sp.), 'high land.' See entries under Alto-. Altin (E. Turk.), lower, e.g. Altin Tagh. See Astin. Altopiano (It.), an elevated tableland. Altozano (Sp.), a height or little hill. Altun, Altyn (E. Turk.), gold, e.g. Altyn Kiopru. chiAlu (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), country, district. Alugh, pi. Melugh (Fan, French Congo), the portion of a river between two dams, which is emptied in order to catch the fish. See Lugh. 14 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Aluj (Marocco), converts, e.g. Ulad el Aluj, 'the sons of the converts,' as the inhabitants of Agurai are called, being of Spanish gipsy origin. Ahm-ahm {Java), a grassy public square surrounded by trees, which is found in the centre of all towns in Java. Alvenaria (Port.), rough, unhewn stone (building). Alyen (Chinhoyi), large, e.g. Mlet Alyen, 'the big stream.' Alzata (It.), an embankment. Am (Madagascar). See An. Am (Welsh), by, near, e.g. Amlwch, Henllan-am-Goed, ' the old church by the wood.' See Hen, Llan, Coed. Ama (Arab.), a desert. Cf. Aghma. Ama- (Bantu), plur. prefix signifying 'people,' e.g. Amazulu. This is really the article a, followed by the prefix ma. See A. Amagamba, Igamba (dialects of Bantu). See Gamba. Amaji (dialect of Bantu). See Mansi. Amak (Aleut), blood, a name given to islands where walruses are found and killed. Amala (Arab., N. Africa), a province. Aman (N. Chin hills), black, e.g. Aman Var, 'black river.' Aman (Marocco), water. Amantifi (Gold Coast), the upper part of the country ; the high country. Amanzi (Zulu, Kafir), water. See Nzi. Amapiri (dialect of Bantu). See Piri. Amara, Amr (India), immortal, e.g. Amarapura, ' town of the immortals,' Amritsar, ' lake of immortality.' AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 15 -Amatadi (Congo), suffix meaning rocky. See Tadi. Amazagh, Amashagh, Amezdhagh, Emizdegh (dialects of Berber), a village. Cf. Ntamazirt. Amazi (dialect of Bantu). See Mansi. Amb (New Guinea), a house. Amba (Abyssinia), an elevated mountain plateau. imiAmba, mw Amba (Swahili), rock. kiAmba (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a mountain. Ambar (E. Turk.), a granary. Cf. Ab-amber. Ame (Japan), rain. Amensi (dialect of Bantu). See Mansi. Amers (Fr.), landmarks, natural or artificial, on the coast. Amezdhagh (Tuareg, Berber). See Amazagh. -Amiongo (Congo), suffix meaning ' hilly.' See Ongo. Amma-wa (Logon, Chad L. region), the current of a river. Amont (Fr.), up-stream. See Aval. Ampang (Malay), a dam, and to dam. -Ampwena (Congo), suffix meaning 'great.' Amt (Nor.), a county. Amtik (Kabile), a passage. Amud (Somali), earth. A mun hive (Indian, U.S.A.), an island. kiAmvu (Congo, dialect of Bantu), bridge, pier. Amwene (dialect of Bantu). See Mwene. An (China), border, shore. An, And, Ant, Am (Madagascar), all modified forms of Ani, the place where one finds something, or where something is, at, on, in, near, e.g. Ankazobe, ' at 16 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL the big trees,' ' the place where the forest is ' ; Andranomami, 'the place where the sweet water is ' ; Antsahakeli, ' at the little brook ' ; Antananarivo, 1 at the town of thousands or of a thousand dwellings.' See Kazo, Be, Rana, Saha, Keli, Tana, Arivo. An (China, Cochinchina), signifies rest, tranquillity, and occurs in a large number of place-names ; e.g. An-Dien, ' the peaceful rice-field.' Cf Friedenau. An {China), a saddle ; e.g. An-Shan, ' saddle hill.' Ana (Hatu, China), black. kiAna {Congo, dialect of Bantu), farm, garden. mwAna (Upper Congo, dialect of Bantu), an affluent. Anak-ayer (Malay), tributary of a river, lit. ' child of the river,' e.g. Anak-ayer Kaching. See Ayer. Anamghur (Sahara), a watering-place. dzAnche (Nika), a place cleared of wood for cultivation. Ancoradouro (Port.), anchorage. Ancoraggio (It.), a roadstead, anchorage. Ancrage (Fr.), an anchorage. And (Madagascar). See An. luAnda (Nika), an open tract of land. lwAnda (Giryama), prairie, veld. Andar (Armenian), a forest. nlwAndle (Kafir). See Lwandle. Andrefana (Madagascar), west. For other points see Avaratra. Andriana (Madagascar), lord, chief, great man, noble, e.g. Ankaranandriana, ' at the lord's rock.' See An, Kara. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 17 Ane {Gold Coast), west, westward. See Boka. Anemomulos (Neo-Greeh), a windmill. -Anene (Congo), suffix meaning ' great.' Cf. Nene. Ang (Kwenam), a stream. Ang'are (Brit. E. Africa), water, e.g. the river Ang'ares Sinandi. Ange (Kanuri, ChadL.), equivalent to Firki (q.v.) See also Ghadir. Anghi (Tuareg, Berber), torrent, rivulet. Angin (Malay), wind ; Angin-Darat, land-breeze ; Angin- laut, sea-breeze. mwAngo (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a mountain. Cf. Ako. paAngo (Swahili), a cave. Angostura (Sp.), a narrow pass. Angrenzend (Ger.), adjacent, contiguous. Angri (Marocco), a well. Angum (N. Arahan), a valley. Ang vai (Yindu Chin, W. of Mon B.), large. Anhar (Arab.), rivers, streamlets (pi. o/Nahr, stream). kiAnij chiAnU (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), grass. viAni' Aningo (Mpongwe, Bantu). See Ningo. luAnja (Bantu), the sea. nyAnja (Cent. Africa, Bantu), lake, water either of a river or lake. Cf. Anza, Asa. uAnja (Swahili), an enclosure. Ankapahia (Fin), a roadstead. Ankergrund (Ger.), anchorage. c 18 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ankik (Kabile), gorge, col, defile. Anna (Upper Nile), bush, high grass. Annexe (Fr.), a parochial chapel. Ano (Gold Coast), bank, shore. Ansa (It.), a creek, bay. Anse (Fr.), a creek, bay. Ant (Madagascar). See An. Ant (Tibet), end, extremity, e.g. Bhot-Ant, corrupted into Bhutan. See Bhot. Antia (Lomwe, Mozambique), lake, swamp. Antsinanana (Madagascar), east, For other points see Avaratra. Antu (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu). See Ntu. isAntwenka (Zulu, Kafir), a deep reach of water. Anu (Gold Coast), near, alongside of, e.g. Apuanu, near the sea, sea-side, coast. See Apu. Ann (Tuareg, Berber), a deep well. mwAnya (Giryama), a gap. luAnza (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), country, town. nyAnza (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a broad water, lake. See Nyanza, Muanza, Anja, Asa, &c. Ao (Annam), lake, marsh, pond, pool. Ao (Hainan), a mountain. Ao, Awo (Japan), green. See Awo. Ao (China, Siam), bay, creek. Ap (Hottentot). See Ep. Ap (Sansc), water. Apa (Gold Coast), borders, frontiers ; region, district. Apa (Indian, U.S.A.), abounding in cliffs. Apara klippo (Fin.), cliff. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 19 Apatoa {Tahiti), north. See next entry. Apatoerau (Tahiti), south. See preceding entry. Apeliotes (Neo-Greek), east. See Boreas. Apere {Gold Coast), a plan for defence, entrenchment. Api (Malay), fire, e.g. Gunong Api=fire mountain, or volcano. See Gunong. Approdo (It.), a landing-place. Apro (Hung.), little. Apu (Gold Coast), the sea ; Apu Anu, 'the sea-side ' ; Apu Insu, ' sea-water.' See Anu, Insu. Aquilon (Fr.), the north wind. Ar, Aru (Tamul), a river. Ar- (Welsh), 'upon,' e.g. Llanarmon. See Llan. Ara (E. Turk.), middle. Ara (Indian, U.S.A.), a path at a gorge. Ara (Barotong a, Polynesia), house. Aragari. See Oyari. Aragib (Arab., N. Africa). See Argub. Araha (Kerepunu, New Guinea), garden, plantation. Arak, pi. Arkan (Arab.), cavern or cliff. Aral (E. Turk.), an island. Aralcha (E. Turk.), small island. Arara, Karara (Hind.), high steep banks. Araras (Marocco), road, path. Arare (Marovo, Solomon Is.), wind. Arazi (Arab.), lands. Arba (Abyssinia), elephant, e.g. Tulu Arba, 'elephant range ' ; Gara Arba, ' elephant peak.' Arbre (Fr.), a tree (Arb.) Area de Agua (Sp.), reservoir. c 2 20 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ard {Celtic), a height, high, e.g. Ardrossan, Ardnamurchan, 'the height of the great headland.' See Mor, Chan. Cf. Aird. Ardhun (Arab.), earth. Area, Areia (Port.), sand ; from *Lat. arena. Areg, sing. Erg, Arga, dim. Arigat (Arab.), a mass of dunes. See Armath. Arena (It., Sp.), sand. Arenal (Sp.), sandy ground, beach. Arete (Fr.), a sharp rocky crest. Arga, pi. Areg (Arab., N. Africa), a large dune. See Areg, Erg. Argile (Fr.) } Argilla(I^.)j Clay * Argub,pl. Aragib (Arab., N. Africa), branch of a chain of mountains ; spur. Ariawa (Hausa), north. For other points see Kndu, Kuddus, Gabbaz. Arigat (Arab., N. Africa), a small dune. See Areg, Erg. Arik (Turkestan), a small canal, an irrigation canal. Arima (Aroma, New Guinea), earth. Arish (Arab., N. Africa), vegetation on top of a dune ; sometimes the dune itself. Arisha (Arab.), sandy tracts of small extent on the borders of a plateau. Arka (E. Turk.), the back, behind, e.g. Arka Tagh, Arkala. Arkan (Arab.), caverns or cliffs. Arkh (Caucasus), canal. Arkit (Tuareg, Berber), wilderness. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 21 Arl (Ger.), eagle, e.g. Arlberg. Armath (Arab., N. Africa), a group of low dunes, or a single dune of small relief. See Areg. Aro (Mongol), behind, north. For other points see Barong, Jung. chAro (Nika), caravan. Arok (Hung), ditch, trench, valley ; equivalent to .German Graben (q.v .) Arrabalde (Port.), suburb, environs. Arre. See Ere. Arrecife (Sp.), a reef. Arroio (Port.) . a rivulet, brook (A.) Arroyo (Sp.) „ (U.S.A.), the channel of an intermittent stream cut in loose earth. Arsh (Arab., N. Africa), a tribe. Art (E. Turk.), a col with long ascent almost in a straight line. Aru (Tamul). See Ar. Am (Amis, Formosa), river. ch Aru (Gent. Africa, Bantu), country, district. Aruabu (S. Gape, New Guinea), south-east wind.' Arui (Welaung), a hill. Arus (Malay), current of a stream. Arvoredo (Port.), a grove. Aryk (E. Turk.) See Arik. Arz (Arab.), the earth, land. As (Sic), ridge of a hill, chain of hills. Cf. Aas. nyAsa (Gent. Africa, Bantu), lake, water either of a river or lake. Cf. Anja, Anza. 22 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Asaga {Turk.), lower. Asai (Japan), shallow. Asarim, Esalim (Tuareg, Berber), bank of a river. Aselli (Hammer Koki, Abyssinia), a hill. Asfal (Arab.), lower, e.g. Zab-el-Asfal. Of, Tahtani. Asfar (Arab.), yellow, e.g. Jebel es Safra, ' the Yellow Mount.' See Safra, El. Ashagha (Turk.), lower. Another form of Asaga. Ashiret {Turkey in Asia), a clan. Ashkin (Pers.), lands flooded only temporarily, e.g. Ashkinak around Chakansur on Hamun-i-Sistan. See Hamiin. Ashokan (Indian, U.S.A.), rapids. Cf. Koho. kiAsi (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), grass. Asi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), water. See Si. Asiaona (Kabadi, New Guinea), south. Asif (Marocco), a river; the form Assifis also found. Asighele osu (Fan, French Congo), current of a river. Asmak (Turk.), still water. Asogh, pi. Mesogh (Fan, French Congo). See Sogh. Aspro (Neo-Greek), white. _ ' - red, e.g. Dabass, Daarass, 'red clay.' Assa (Danakil),\ ' * ' J Assise (Fr.), stratum. Astillero (Sp.), a dockyard. Astin (E. Turk.), lower. Cf. Altin. Asto (Indian, U.S.A.), a defile. Astyn (E. Turk.) See Astin. Asuad (Arab.), black (sometimes written Aswad). Asu-bonten (Gold Coast), river, stream. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 23 Asu-kon {Gold Coast), bank of a river. Cf. Nsu-ano. Asun afo (Gold Coast), down stream. Asu roki (Gold Coast), the bar of a river. Aswad. See Asuad. Aswanek (Senegal), subject, opp. to Melli, Men, free, e.g. Melinke, ' the free people.' 1 Asya-bad (Pers.), a windmill, lit. 'mill-wind.' At (Indian, U.S.A.), channel, current. Ata (Turk.), an island. Atak (Mongol), low, down, lower, e.g. Atak Habsere, ' lower Habsere.' See Kurban. Atala (Fin), mud. Atalaya (Sp.), an elevated place from which a consider- able view may be obtained ; a watch-tower. Atarpal (Sansc), land that is left uncultivated. Atas (Malay), above, top, summit, surface. Ate (Maiva, New Guinea), a river. Atea (Indian, U.S.A.), a valley, landscape. Atem nu (Chinook, E. of Mon B.), large. Cf. Im nu. Atete-ba (Yoruba), a frontier, boundary. Ath (Irish), a ford, e.g. Athlone. Athmana (Sansc.), the west. Athmas (Sansc), land constantly under cultivation. Atle (Indian, Mexico), water, from Atl, which is Aztec for < water.' Cf. Atte. Atmur (Egyptian Sudan), a desert route. Ato (Venezuela), farmhouse, farm, estate. Atoe-fam (Gold Coast), the west side. Atoll (Maldive anglicised), one or any greater number For another derivation see under -Ke 24 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL of coral islands of little height above the sea, situated on a strip or ring of coral surrounding a central lagoon. Atollon (Fr.), an atoll. ,, (E?iglish), a small atoll on the margin of a larger one. Atraf (Arab.), environs, suburbs. Atsimo (Madagascar), south. For other points see Avaratra. Att (E. Turk.), horse, e.g. Att-bash, 'horse-head peak.' Atte (Indian, Mexico), water, cf. Atle. An (Cambodia), a stream, torrent. An, Aue (Ger.), a meadow, e.g. Reichenau, ' rich meadow,' Goldene Aue, ' golden meadow.' Au (New Guinea), a tree, also in Mekeo dialect ' the sea.' Au (Siam), a bay. Au (Tibet), snows, e.g. Tsangau, ' the snows of Tsang.' Auch (Scotland), a field, e.g. Auchinleck. Auchter (Gaelic Uachdar), upland, upper land, e.g. Auchter- gaven, ■ the upland of the yearling cattle,' Auchter- muchty, * the upper land of the wild sow ' (Muc= sow). Auen (Nissan I., New Guinea), a bank, beach. Auj (Arab.), summit, top. Aul (Kirghiz), tent-village, camp. Aurir (Kabile), a mountain. Aurung (Anglo-Indian), a term applied to the old East India Company's factories, from the Pers. aurang, 1 a place where goods are manufactured ' ; ' a depot for such goods.' AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 25 Aushi (Sahara), tribe, clan, e.g. Aushi n Astafadet. Au stremot (Cambodia), a bay. Autel (Tuareg, Berber), an island. Av (Gaelic), water, e.g. Avoch, 'the field of water.' Cf. Avon. See Och. Ava (Madagascar), grotto, cave, cavern, e.g. Andavadolo, ' the place where the grotto of the dead is ' ; 'at the tomb ' ; Andavakombi, ' at the cavern of the oxen.' See An. Ava (Slav. ; Kurdish), water, river, e.g. Morava ; Av-i-spi, 1 white water.' Aval (Fr.), down stream. See Amont. Avala (Kerepunu, New Guinea), north-west wind. Avalaison (Fr.), a flood, torrent. Avara (Motumotu, New Guinea), north-west wind. Avaratra (Madagascar), north. For other points see Andrefana, Antsinanana, Atsimo. Aven. See Avon. Avivina (Kabadi, New Guinea), wind. Avok (Yindu Chin, W. of Mon B.), white (of snow or a foaming torrent). Avon (Celtic), a river, applied to a large number of British streams. Cognate with Bat. amnis. Cf. Av. Avras (E. Turk.), basin, ditch, depression in which water collects and remains. Avurigo (Kerepunu, New Guinea), west. For other points see Aburigo. Awa- (Bantu Kavirondo, Uganda, Nyasaland), a prefix signifying clan or tribe, e.g. Awawanga, the tribe speaking Luwanga, inhabiting Wanga, one of whom 26 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL is called Mwanga, i.e. an inhabitant of Wanga ; similarly Awankonde, Awamwamba. See Wa, -Wa, A. Awari. See Oyari. Awhea (Gold Coast), sand. Awo, Ao (Japan), green, e.g. Awo fchima, 'green island.' Awoa (Gold Coast), high, lofty. Aworo (Gold Coast), cataract ; the swell of the sea ; surf. Aworo-so (Gold Coast), rapids in a river. Axe. See Wysg, Esk. Ay, pi. Aire (Teutonic), an island (Saxon Ea), e.g. Colonsay. Cf. Ey, Oe. Aya, pi. Meya (Fan, French Congo). See Ya. Ayag (E. Turkestan), under, lower. Ayaw, Tha (Chinbok, E. of Mon R.), small. Ayer (Malay), water, stream ; fresh water ; river ; district on a river ; e.g. Ayer Mati, on the Perak K. Ayer dras (Malay), a rapid over sand or pebbles. Ayer masin (Malay), salt water. Aymak (E. Turk.) See Aimak. Ayua, pi. Meyua (Fan, French Congo). See Yua. Ayun, pi. of Ain (Arab.), sources. Cf. Oyun. [state. Azel (Arab., N. Africa), landed property reserved by the Azenha (Port.), a water mill. Azhebik (Indian, U.S.A.), rock. Azib (Kabile, Marocco), country house, farm. Azrak, Azrek (Arab.), blue; e.g. Bahr el Azrek, 'the Blue Kiver,' i.e. 'the Blue Nile.' isAzulu (Zulu, Kafir), a locality which is the centre of a country. Azzu (Kabile), rock. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 27 B Ba (A-Zande), place. Ba (Arab., N. Africa), a form of Bu=father, It enters into many names, e.g. TJlad-ba-Hammu. See Ulad. Ba- (S. Cent. Africa, Barotseland), prefix meaning a single individual, e.g. Ba-rotse. Cf. English-man. Ba- (Gent. Africa, Bantu), prefix meaning a people, e.g. Ba-ntu, the people ; Mu-ntu, the individual ; i.e. sing. Mu-, pi. Ba-. Cf. Bu, Wa, Kel, Im, Ahel. Ba (Sara, Chad L.), water, a river; e.g. Bamingi; Ba Bai, another name for the Logon E. Cf. Mane. The Ba of the Mandingo or Mande, in the Western Sudan, has the same meaning. Ba (Togo), a road. Baae (Nor.), a sunken rock or shoal. Baaja (Arab., N. Africa), land full of pools. Baak (Dch.), a beacon. Baak, Baake (Da.), a beacon. Bab (Arab.), pi. Biban, Buwab (lit. a door or gate), a passage between dunes ; a narrow strait or gut ; e.g. Bab el Mandeb, 'gate of tears.' Baba (Hausa), great. Baba (Turk.), father, e.g. Babadagh= father mountain. Babchu (Tibet), a small river. Babord (Fr.), port side, i.e. the left side, when one faces the bows of a vessel, or larboard. Bach (Ger.), a brook, rivulet, small rapid stream (B.) Bach (Welsh), small, e.g. Eglwysbach= little church. See Eglwys. ; 28 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Bache (E. Africa), river, stream. Bacino (It.), dock, dry dock, basin (of a river). Back (Sw.), a brook, rivulet, small rapid stream. Bad (Ger.), bath, e.g. Baden, Carlsbad. Bad (Pers.), wind. Bad (Somali), tank, e.g. Badwein, ' big tank.' See Wein. Badala (Mande). See Badla. Badar (Hind.), a large house, a granary raised on piles ; Badar being a cloud. Badara (Mande), on the bank, riverside. Badi (A-Zande), a river. Badie , (Arab.) a desert. Badiya 1 Badla, Badala, Bafala (Mande), lake, marsh, swamp. Baek {Nor., Da.), a brook, rivulet, or small rapid stream. Cf. English Beck. Bser (Icelandic), a farm, village. Bafara (Mande). Another form of Badla (q.v.) Bag (E. Turk.), a village. Baga (Mongol). See Bagha. Bagan (Malay), lit. a quay or landing-place, hence a ferry ; sometimes (e.g. in Wellesley Province) a district ; e.g. Bagan Nior, Bagan Ginting, both on Bernam E. Cf. Ox- ford. Bagar (Hind.), pasture grounds. Bagare (Mossi, French Sudan), a garden. Baggara (E. Sudan), a name given to all cattle-owning nomad Arabs, cowherds. Bagh (Pers.), garden, orchard, grove ; e.g. Baghdad. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 29 Bagha, Baga (Mongol), small; e.g. Baga Uchimuchin. See Ikhe. Gf. Bak (Hung.), Baka. Baghistan (Hind.), garden ground, vineyard. Bagiriwa (Aroma, New Guinea), west. For other points see Walau. Bagwio (Tagala, Philippines), a cyclone or hurricane. Baha {Hind.), a watercourse, channel. Baha (Tagala, Philippines), a flood. Bahandin, Bahai (Philippines) , a house. Bahar (Darfur), north. Gf. Sbah. Bahar (Arab.), lake, sea. Gf. Bahr. Bahari (Swahili), sea. From the Arab. Bahar, Bahr. Bahat (Abbadi, Etbai), a mine. Baheira (Arab.), a lake ; the same word as Bahira (q.v.) Bahia (Port., Sp.), a bay; e.g. Bahia de Todos os Santos, 'bay of all saints.' Bahira (Arab., N. Africa), lake, marshy spot, dim. of Bahar. Bahnhof (Ger.), railway station (Bhf.) Bahr (Arab.), sea, water, river ; e.g. Bahr el Ghazal. See Boheira, Bahar. Baibua (New Guinea), peace, e.g. Jesu Baibua, or Yeku Ngangau, ' the Peace of Jesus,' generally called Yeku (Jesus), where the Iuawaia and Eboa tribes were reconciled. Baida (Arab.), a desert, e.g. Dar el Baida. See Dar Baie (Fr.), bay, gulf. Bailiary (Scotland), the jurisdiction of a sheriff. Baime (A-Zande), river ; from Ba (father) and Ime (water). 30 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Bain (Deccan), a large well. Baiska (Punjab), grazing ground. Bait (Arab.), a house. Baital (Cent. Asia), a mare; e.g. Ak-Baital, 'white mare,' a northerly confluent of the Ak-Su. See Ak. Baiva (laibo, New Guinea), beach. Baixo (Port.), a shoal. Baja (It.), a bay, roadstead. Bajar (Punjab), street, market-place. Bajio (Sp.), a shoal. Bak (Himg.), little. Cf. Bagha, Baka. Bak (Sw.), a beacon, lighthouse. Cf. Bake. Bak (Tibet), west. For other points see Lho. Baka (Mongol), little. Cf. Bagha, Bak. Bakan (Buss.), a lake. Bake (Ger.), a beacon. Cf. Bak. Baken (Buss.), beacon or buoy. Bakere (A-Zande), great. Bakhbakha (Arab., N. Africa), soft spongy ground. Baki-n-Gulbi (Hausa), on the bank, gulbi meaning 1 river ' ; a name frequently given to riverside villages or towns. Baki=bank, side, mouth. Baki-n-Rua (Hausa), bank of a river. See Rua. Bakka (Mossi, French Sudan), marsh, pond. Bakke, Bakki (Da., Icel.), a hill, e.g. Eyrarbakki. Baklan (Buss.), a cormorant, whence Baklanets or Bak- luish, small islands frequented by cormorants. Bako (Mossi), a river. Bal (Gaelic Baile), a town, e.g. Baldernock, 'the town of the stream at the knoll'; Der = Dur (q.v.), Nock AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 31 (Gaelic Cnoc), a hill, knoll; Balcarres, ' the town of the contest.' Bal, Bally, Balla {Irish), an abode, town, e.g. Balbriggan, Ballymena. eBala (Congo, dialect of Bantu). For meaning see Ebala. Bala (Madagascar), enclosure, field, farm, thus ambala = the place where the field is, e.g. Ambalanondr, ' at the sheep field,' Ambalanosi, ' at the goat field.' See An. Bala (Pers.), upper, top, summit, e.g. Bala Murghab. See Pain. Bala (Welsh), the effluence of a river from a lake. Balad (Arab.), a town, village, country, land. See Beled, Bilad, Bled, for other forms. Balagan (Kamchatka), a wooden hut raised on piles to a height of about 10 feet above the ground. Balai (Tagala, Philippines), house. Balchik (Turk.), clay. Bald (U.S.A.), a high rounded knob or mountain top, bare of forest. Bale (Sumatra), the men's house in Batak villages, as distinguished from Lotsung, the general meeting- place of the women. The men's house is also called Sopo. Cf. Human, Ingot Bage. Balgarsun (Mongol), a wall of fortification. Balgas (Mongol), town, large village, e.g. Khara Balgas, 1 black town,' Chagan Balgas, ' white city.' mBali (Upper Congo, dialect of Bantu), people of the west. Balik (Mongol), a town; in E. Turk, a fortification, fortress. Balise (Fr.), a beacon. 32 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Balka (Buss.), a ravine, valley, dell. Balkan (Turk.), a mountain range. Balla. See Bal. Ballewo (Fula), black, e.g. Mayo Ballewo, 'Black Kiver.' Balloch (Gaelic Bealach), a pass, an opening, e.g. Balloch, Ballochmyle, 'bare opening.' Ballut (Arab.), oak, e.g. Deir Ballut in Palestine. See Deir. Bally. See Bal. Balm (Celtic), an overhanging wall of rock, a cave. Balsa (Spanish America), raft, timber float, also a pool of stagnant water. Balta (Neo-Greek), a marsh. Balu (Hind.), sand, gravel. Balu-danda (Hind.), shoal, sandbank. Balza (It.), rock, cliff, precipice. Bam (Pers.), roof, top, story, e.g. Bam-i-Dunya, 'the roof of the world,' applied by the Persians to the Pamirs. Bama=Hama (Japan), beach, shore. Bamba {Hind.) , a well, fount, pump (cf. Port, pompa) . Bamba (W. Africa, between the Niger and the Atlantic), crocodile, e.g. Bambara, ' the people whose idol or fetish is the crocodile.' Cf. Mali, Sa. Hence Bambara (W. Africa, between the Niger and the Atlantic), infidel, Kafir, a term wrongly applied to the Bam- mana, who are Mohammadans. The Bambara of our maps should be Bammana. mBambi (Congo, dialect of Bantu), boundary, frontier. Ban (Gaelic), white, e.g. Bannockburn, 'the stream of the white knoll.' See Nock, Burn. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 33 Ban (Malay), a village ; used also in Laos. Ban (Siam), a house or farm place. Ban, Bun (Somali), an open plain, e.g. Ban-Yero, Ban-Ado See Yer, Ado. Banado (Spanish S. America), marshy land, flooded land, lagoon, a Ban (Fan, French Congo), a garden; ion pi. see Aban. Banc (Fr.), bank, sandbank. See Bank. Banche (Fr.), clay and sand bank under water. Banco (Port, and Sp.), a sand-bank in a stream. Band (Pers.), a dam. Cf. Bund. Band (Serer), a stream. Banda (Songhai), beyond, e.g. Hari Banda = beyond the river (the Aribinda of the maps). Bandar (Pers.), landing-place, sheltered anchorage, harbour, e.g. Bandar Abbas. Bandara (Deccan), shore, coast. Bander (Malay), a town, same word as Bandar (q.v.) Bane (Laos), a village. Bang (Siam), a village. Banga (Songhai), a hippopotamus, e.g. Bangagungu, an island in the Niger River. See Gungu. Bangar (Hind.), high ground, uplands, tableland. Banglata (Danakil), tent, house. Bangu (Songhai), lake, wells. Banhos (Port.), baths. Bani (Sansc), a small forest, wood. Bania (Bulgaria), hot springs. Banjung (Nepal), a mountain without snow, i.e. of less elevation than a Langur (q.v.) D 34 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Bank {Eng.), as a minor form of sub-oceanic relief, a single elevation or submarine mountain rising to within 200 metres of the surface, but not so far as within 11 metres, e.g. Porcupine Bank. Equivalent to Ger. Bank, Fr. Banc. Banka (Buss.), a shoal. Banlieue (Fr.), outskirts of a town. Banquise (Fr.), an iceberg. Banteai. See Pandai. Banti (Hammer Kohi, Abyssinia), a nullah. Banua (Aroma, New Guinea), a village. Gf. Fenua. Banuwa (Malay). See Benua. Banya (Hung.), a mine, e.g. Banya-Nagi — great mine. mBanza (Congo, dialect of Bantu), chief town, city. iBanzana (Kafir), narrow, of a stream or path. Banzi (Kafir), broad, of a stream. Bao (Cochinchina), to guard, keep, preserve; e.g. Boa-Hoa, ' to keep the covenant,' Boa-Thanh, ' to remain flourishing,' districts in Cambodia. Bao (Hainan), a village. Bar (Arab.), territory or country, the land, dry land, e.g. Malabar, Zanzibar. See Zang. Bar (Gaelic). See Barr. Bar (Buss.), the bar of a river. Bara (E. Africa), thorny scrub. Bara (Nika), land, the mainland. Barabido (Mossi), pond, pool. Bara gam (Hind.), a town. Barahi (Hind.), land. Barak (Buss.), barracks. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 35 Barangai (Philippines), a group of from forty to fifty families into several of which a village is divided for purposes of taxation. Barani (Punjab), land dependent on the rainfall only, and not irrigated. Baraque (Fr.), hut, shed, barrack (B que ). Barat {Malay), west, Barat-daia, S.W., Barat-laut, N.W. Baratha (Hind.), land situated in the midst of a jungle; land on which sugar-cane has been grown, hence impoverished. The variant Baetha also occurs. Baraza {Zanzibar), a verandah or outer audience hall. Barca (Sp.), a ferry (Bca.) Barda (Hind.), sandy or light soil. Barka (Barbary States), a rocky place ( = Hamada) ; excellent, fertile ( = Beni) ; storm. Barkhan (Cent. Asia), a sandhill. Baro (Hind.), high jungle grass. Barong (Mongol), left, east. For other points see Aro. Barony {Ireland), a subdivision of a county. Barr (Arab.), dry land. See Bar. Barr, Bar, Var (Gaelic), point, upper part, summit, e.g. Barra (Barray), island, Barrhead, which is merely Barr with its English rendering, head, suffixed ; Dunbar, ' the fort on the point ' ; Craigievar, ' rocky point.' See Dun, Craig. a bar at the mouth of a river, bank of Barra {It.) Barra {Port.) Barra (Sp.) sand. In Brazil Barra is used for the mouth of a stream, e.g. Tres Barras, ' three mouths,' on Paraguay R. b2 36 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Barrabara (E. Siberia) an Aleut native house, sometimes partly underground. Barra-Barra (E. Africa), a road three or four yards wide cut through woods, bramble, grass, &e. Barrabkie (E. Siberia), a hut. Barranca (Sp.), a deep break or hole made by mountain floods. Barranca (Mexico and U.S.A.), a rock-walled and im- passable canon. Barrancas (Venezuela), shelving sandbanks. Barranco (Port.), a ravine, precipice. Barre (Fr.), a bar. Barreira (Port.), ) Barrera (Sp.), j a bar ' barrier ' a turn P ike ' Barri (Sierra Leone), a hall of audience, meeting-place. Barri (Somaliland), east. Cf. Galbed. Barriere (Fr.), gate (B re ). Barrier reef (English), a reef fronting a coast line or encircling an island or group of islands, leaving a deep channel between it and the shore. Cf. Fringing reef. Barrio (Sp.), a suburb, district of a town. Barro (Hind.), a name given to the uplands on the right bank of the Jumna Kiver. Barrow =Beorh (Anglo- Saxo?i), hill, earthwork, fortified town, sepulchral mound. See Berg, Berk. Barth (Albanian), white. Barzan (Pers.), street, lane. Basat (Arab., N. Africa), any broad plain, an open country. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 37 Bas-bas, Basobas (Hind.), a house, dwelling. Basgit (Hind.), a homestead, residence. Bash (Turk.), head, chief. Bash (E. Turk.), head, source of a river, e.g. Bash Kala, ' the Castle at the Head of the Waters.' Bashnya (Buss.), a tower. Basin (Eng.), used, in sub-oceanic relief, for a depression of approximately round form, in which the hori- zontal diameters are about equal. Equivalent to the Ger. Becken ; Fr. Bassin. Basobas (Hind.) See Bas-bas. Bassah (Arab.), a marsh. Bassar (Caucasus), river basin. Basse (Fr.), shoal. Bassin (Fr.), basin, dock (B in ). As a form of sub- oceanic relief see Basin. Basso (Puma, L. Rudolf), water, e.g. Basso Nyiro. Bastide (Fr.), small country bouse (B i(le ), chiefly in Provence. Bastita, Bastia (It.), rampart, fortress. Basn (Songhai), wells. Bat (Hind.), road, highway. eBata (Congo, dialect of Bantu), summit, top, ridge of a hill. Batang ayer (Malay), a river; Batang = a tree stem, see Ayer ; water flowing between trees, hence ' river.' Batch (England), a small stream, e.g. Coldbatch. Baten (Arab.), gentle slope (of mountain, hill, or dune). Baternotu (Tibet), mosquito, e.g. Baternoto Gol, ' Mosquito E.' (the Patagonto of the maps), a very appropriate 38 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL name, mosquitos being a great pest in the Tsaidam. See Gol. Bat-ha (Wadai), a river. Batha (Hind.), running water. Bathan (Hind.), pasture grounds. Batika (Sansc. and Hind.), a villa. Bato (Gurma), ruler of a province. Bato (Madagascar), a modified form of vato, used in composition, rock, thus ambato = the place where the rock is found, e.g. Ambatomena, 'the place where the red rock is.' See An, Mena. Cf. Kara. Batu (Malay), a stone or rock, e.g. Batu-titi, ' a mile- post ' ; Batu-api= ' fire-stone ' (flint). See Api. Also a mountain, e.g. Batu Tujo, Batu Lawing. Batu-brani (Malay), loadstone. Bau (Aroma, New Guinea), stone. Bau (Ger.), a building. PI. Bauten. Baum (Ger.), tree. Baumschule (Ger.), a nursery, plantation. Baw (Siam), pit, shaft, mine. isiBaxa (Zulu, Kafir), a tributary of a river. Bayan (Mongol), rich, prosperous, e.g. Bayan Gol, ' rich stream.' See Gol. Cf. Wayen. Bayan (Tagala, Philippines), town, village ; also county. Baygall (U.S.A.), a swamp covered with growth of bushes. Bayou (U.S.A.), a lake or intermittent stream formed in an abandoned channel of a river ; one of the half- closed channels of a river delta. Bazar (Pers.), a market; whence the European bazaar. AttD TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 39 Bda {Indian, U.S.A.), a river. Be, Bi {Batta, Benue B. region), water, e.g. Benue, 1 Mother of Water,' nue or nuwe being ' mother.' -Be {Chad L. region). See Bu. Be (Gold Coast), a mountain., e.g. A-be-tifi. Be (Madagascar), large, great, many, e.g. Nosi Be, 'big island.' Be (Sara, Chad L.), house made of stone or mud. Cf. Manda. Bealach (Gaelic), a pass, gorge, e.g. Bealach a Goach (W. coast of Scotland). Bear, Beer, Bere (Eng.from Scandinavian). An abode, farm, village, e.g. Shebbear, Kentisbeer. Beam mamara (Kerepunu, New Guinea), north wind. Beau, Bel (Fr.), beautiful, e.g. Beaulieu, 'beautiful place,' Belmont, ' beautiful mountain.' Bebe (Kamerun), near. Bebe (Yoruba), the brink of a precipice. Bee (Normandy), a small stream, e.g. Caudebec. Cf. Beck. Beca (Piedmont), beak, pike, e.g. Beca di Nona Bechi (Hammer Koki, Abyssinia), water. Beck (England), a brook, rivulet, small rapid stream, e.g. Millbeck. Becken (Ger.), a basin. For use as a form of sub-oceanic relief see Basin. Bedd (Welsh), a grave, e.g. Beddgelert. Bedw (Welsh), birch trees, e.g. Llanbedw, ' birch church.' See Llan. Bedzi (Fan, French Congo), the bank of a river. Bee (Indian, U.S.A.), water. 40 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Beek (Dch.), a small rapid stream, rivulet, e.g. Loobeek, Neerbeek. Beer (Eng.) See Bear. Beer (Hebreiv), a well (= Bir), e.g. Beersheba. Beg (Irish ; Highlands), little, e.g. Bally Begg. See Bally. Begaa (Arab., N. Africa), a marshy depression. Beglik, Beklik (Cent. Asia), an administrative division under a Beg. Begraafplaats (Dch.), burial-ground. Behar (Hind.) See Bihar. maBehe (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a forest. Bei (Ger.), near to, e.g. Meidling-bei-Wien. Bei (Hainan), a village. Beida, Beidha (Arab.), white; fern. o/Abiad, Abicyih. Beit (Arab.), a house ; Beit Esh-Shaar, tent. Beiyat (Arab.) a shoal dry at low water. Bek (Eldorobo, Uganda), water. Bekkr (Icelandic), a brook, small rapid stream. Bekleme (Turk.), a guard-post. Bel, Bele (Berta, E. Sudan), rock. Bel (Celtic), a ford, e.g. Belfast. Bel (Turk.), a col. Cf. Gedik. Bela (Punjab), highlands only subject to inundation by very high floods ; cf. Kachcha ; also applied to islands in a river channel. Belaa (Arab., N. Africa), quagmire, marsh. Belad, Beldah (Arab.) See Balad. Belbel (Adamawa), a square in a town. Bele. See Bel. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 41 Bele (Bambara, Malinke), iron, e.g. Beledugu, 'ferrugi- nous country.' See Dugu. Beled (Arab.), a form of Balad (q.v.) Beles (Cent. Asia). See Bilis. Beli (S. Slavonic), white, e.g. Belgrad. See Grad. Bella (Sahara), a village for captives ; another form of Billa (q.v.) Belo (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Lo. Bemasen (Mongolia), a place of commerce, e.g. the Chinese quarter of Urga, called Bemasen by the Mongols. " Ben (Gaelic), a mountain (Scotland), e.g. Ben Nevis ; a hill (Ireland), e.g. Bengower ; a rocky promontory (Ireland), e.g. Bengore. Cf. Pen, Kin, from the same Celtic root cen, cean, head, top, summit. a Ben (Fan, French Congo), a dwelling made of trunks of trees placed horizontally, set apart as a guard- house ; for pi. see Aben. Bench (U.S.A.), a strip of plain, along a valley slope. Bendang (Malay), padi field. Bendar (E. Equatorial Africa), harbour. See Bandar, of which this is a variant. Bender (Arab.), a market town. See Bandar, from which this is borrowed. Bender (Malay), port for trade. See Bandar, from which this is borrowed. Beni (Arab.), sons of; a common prefix to names of villages, e.g. Beni Hassan; signifies excellence, fertility. See Ibn, Barka. oBe nkol (Fan, French Congo), a hill ; for pi. see Obe nkol. 42 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ben na (Indian, U.S.A.), an island. Benua, Banuwa (Malay), land, country, region; hence Orang Benua, ' aborigines,' and thus Benua is ap- plied in Anglo-Indian to the wilder tribes of the Malay Peninsula. „ „ (Philippines), village. „ ,, (Polynesia), land, earth. Benue (Batta), a river, lit. ' Mother of Water.' See Be. Bepo (Gold Coast), mountain, hill. Ber (Songhai), big, great, e.g. Tondi Ber mountain, lit. 'big stone.' Bera (Soninhe), a plain. Bercz (Hung.), a mountain. Bere (Mande), a mountain. Bere (Eng.) See Bear. Bereg (Buss.), the coast. Berg (Anglo-Saxon, Dch., Ger., Da., Nor., Sw.), moun- tain, hill (Ger. B., Nor. Bg.) See Berk. The usual A.-S. forms are beorg, beorh, whence barrow (q.v.) Cf. Bjaerg, Bjerg. Bergerie (Fr.), a sheepfold (B ie ). Bergspitze (Ger.), peak of a mountain, summit. Beri (ChadL. region), a large hamlet, e.g. Beri Shuwabe, 1 the village of the Shuwa people.' See Be, Bu. Also used for an encampment or smaller village. Berk, Berg (Anglo-Saxon), a barrow, e.g. Berkhampstead. See Berg. Berkemi (Sara, Chad L.), north. Berry (Anglo-Saxon), a hill, fortified place, e.g. Dolberry ; corrupted from Barrow (q.v.) See Dol. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 43 Besar (Malay), large, e.g. Chuko Besar, ' great Chuko.' Besh (E. Turkestan), five ; e.g. Besh-arik, Besh-bek, Besh-kent. See Arik, Kend. Beth (Hebrew), a house, e.g. Bethany. Beth (Hind.), sandy unproductive ground. Betha (Arab., N. Africa), a depression. Beting (Malay), a sandbank, a shoal. Bett (Ger), the bed (of a river). Bettws (Welsh), dwelling, village, town, e.g. Bettws-y- coed. See Coed, Y. Beu (Lolo, China), a mountain. Beubeu (S. Gape, New Guinea), the north wind. Beul=Peul=Deul=Teul (Korea), a plain, e.g. Mun-beul, Nan-deul, Nak-teul. Cf. Phyong, Phyeng. Bevaarbaar (Dch.), navigable. mBewe (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a chief. Beyaz (Turk.), white. Bh2L(Burma), new ; e.g. Bhamo (Bha-maw),' New Market.' Bhandar (Punjab), a storehouse. Bhanwar (Hind.), a whirlpool, eddy, revolution. Bharu (Malay), new, frequently applied to villages ; there is also Kampong Bharu in Singapore. Bhathiyal (Hind.), with the current, i.e. down stream, down the river. Bheira (Arab.), a lake. Cf. Birke. Bhil (Anglo-Indian), a marsh or lagoon ; especially used in E. Bengal. See Jhil. Bhot (Tibet), land ; e.g. Bhot-ant (corrupted into Bhutan), ' Land's End,' i.e. the extremity of Tibet. Bhuda (Hind.), light sandy soil. 44 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Bhui (Gaelic), See Bui. Bhum (Cambodia), a hamlet. Bhum (Hind.), land, country, e.g. Birbhum, 'land of heroes.' Cf. Bum. -Bi (Gurma). See -Bu. Biar (Arab.), wells. See Bir. Biban, pi. of Bab (Arab.), gates, denies. Bid (Deccan), street, lane. Bi da me (Indian, U.S.A.), a river. Bidrung (Baluch), saddle, col. Bief, Biez (Fr.), a reach of a river ; a mill-race. Bielki (Siberia), snowy summits. Bihar (Hind.), rugged land full of ravines. Bi iri (Mossi, French Sudan) , sand. Bikar-yilga (Cent. Asia), a cul-de-sac. Bilad (Arab), the land, country; e.g. Bilad es-Sudan= ' Land of the Blacks ' = Negroland = Nigritia = Sudan; is a variant of Balad (q.v.) See El, Sudan. Bilene (Gazaland), plain country, occurring in the river valleys, with a rich covering of humus, and well provided with water. Bilis (Cent. Asia), a pass, e.g. Kara-Bilis, 'black pass.' See Kara. Billa (Bornu), a town, e.g. Billa Kabsharibe, ' the town of the Kabshari people'; see Be, Bu (suffix). Hence Billama, ■ the man of the town,' ' the mayor ' ; see Ma (suffix). Also used as signifying the inhabitants, or, generally, people, e.g. Billangare, Billa Ngare, ■ the Ngare people.' Bily (Bohemia), white (BI.) AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 45 Bimbali (Upper Congo). See Mbali. Bina (A-Zande), a field. Binh (Cochinchina) lit. to equal, found in many place- names ; e.g. Binh-Tien, 'equal in purity.' Binin (Gold Coast), bog, marsh, swamp. Binnen (Dch.), within, inside, e.g. Eemnes Binnen, to dis- tinguish it from Eemnes Buiten (q.v.) Biod. See Abiodh. Bir (Arab.), a well, e.g. Bir Hamam, 'Pigeon's Well,' places being frequently named after living creatures. Bira (Tibet), a river. luBira (Victoria Nyanza region, dialect of Bantu), the king's enclosure in a native town. mBira (Giryama), a tomb. Bire (A-Zande), a forest. Biringa (Mande), country, forest, brushwood, camp. Birke (Arab.), a lake. Cf. Bheira. Birket, pi. Burkak (Arab.), an artificial pool or tank. Birne (Arab.), a pool. Birni (Hausa), town, a capital, e.g. Birni n Kebi. Cf. Gari. Birsa, Bursa (Mande), bush, wood, grass. Bischof (Ger.), bishop, e.g. Bischofsheim. See Heim. Bise (Fr.), north wind, especially the dry north-easter. Bisha, Besha (Pers.), a forest, desert, wilderness. Bisham (Galla), water. Bisigya (Mossi, French Sudan), an encampment. Bissani (Galla), water. uBityi (Zulu, Kafir), a bog, a quagmire. Biyaban (Pers.), a desert, wilderness. Biyo, Biya (Somali), water, e.g. Biyo-foga, 'distant water,' 46 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Biya-ha-Godle, 'water of the place of caves.' See God, Le. Bjserg, Bjerg (Nor., Da.), a mountain (Bg.) Cf. Berg. Blad (Arab., N. Africa), country, a form of Balad. Other forms are Bilad, Beled, Bled (q.v.) Blair (Gaelic), a plain clear of wood, e.g. Blair Athol. Blanc, Blanche (Fr.), white, e.g. Blanc Nez, ' white naze.' Dent Blanche, 'white tooth (peak).' See Nez, Dent. Blanco (Sp.), white, e.g. Cabo Blanco. See Cabo. Blato (S. Slav.), a marsh. Bled (Arab., N. Africa), town, country, a form of Balad (q.v.) See also Bilad, Beled, Blad. Blida (Arab., N. Africa), a small town, dim. of Balad. Blizhni (Buss.), near, e.g. Blizhni I., the nearest to the mainland of the New Siberia Islands. Blod (Friesland), a house. Bluff (U.S.A.), a bluff, as distinguished from a hill, is the escarpment formed by a river running through a tableland. Bo (Nor.), an estate. Boala (Kiriwina, New Guinea), a house. Bobrovia (22, Siberia), an otter island. Bobrovi Kameni (Buss.), sea-otter rocks. Boca (Port, Sp.), } ... _ ,_, % fa mouth or entrance. Bocca (It.), J Bod (Cymric), a house, e.g. Bodmin, Bodwrog. Bod (Nor., Da.), a warehouse. ■ Bode (Yoruba), custom house. Bote, pi. Bodar (Icel), rocks upon which the sea breaks. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 47 Bodi (Madagascar), a modified form of vodi, used in composition, foot, bottom, base ; thus ambodi (for ani vodi) = at the foot of, e.g. Ambodiala, 'at the base of the forest,' Ambodivohitra, 'at the foot of the mountain.' See Ala, Vohitra, An. Boe (Hainan), a village. Bceuf (Normandy), an abode, e.g. Elbceuf. Bogen (Ger.), a bend in a river. Bogha (Gaelic), a sunken rock. Boghaz (Turk.), defile, channel, strait, estuary. Bohangin (Tagala, Philippines), sand. Boheira, dim. of Bahr (q.v.) Bohi (Madagascar), a modified form of vohitra, used in composition, a mountain ; also a village, thus ambohi=the place where the mountain or village is, e.g. Ambohibe, ' on the great mountain,' Ambohi- nialaza, ' at the celebrated village,' Ambohipanja, ' the place where the marshy village is.' See An, Be. Bois (Fr.), a wood (B.), e.g. Bois de Boulogne. Boivi (laibo, New Guinea), island, mountain. Bok (Ebon, Polynesia), sand. Bok (Somaliland, Nogal district), a well. Boka (Egyptian Sudan), capital town. Boka (Gold Coast), east, eastward, leeward. See Ane. mBoka (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a town. Boko (Songhai), a gorge. Bold (Anglo-Saxon, Norse), a house. aBoli (Fan, French Congo), source, ravine ; see Aboli. Bolis (Neo-Greek) , a town ; from Anc. Gr. ttoXls Bolita (Kiriwina, New Guinea) , salt water, sea. 48 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL umBolompo (Kafir), a deep ravine ; a passage between high banks. Boloto (Buss.), marsh, swamp ; Bolotina, marshy place. Bolshoi (Buss.), great, e.g. Bolshayar, flowing into Gulf of Anadyr ; Bolshoi Moszcenica', on Oslika K., trib. of Dnieper. Bolson (U.S.A., Mexico), a basin ; a depression or valley having no outlet, e.g. Bolson de Mapimi. Boma (Bantu), a palisade of poles, stones, &c, serving as a fortification, equivalent to the Kraal (q.v.) of the South, a native chief's village or capital ; applied now also to Government stations. Cf. Boma on the Congo R. estuary. Boma (Pula, China), a mountain. Bombordo (Port ), port side, i.e. the left side or larboard, when one faces the bows of a ship. a Bon (Fan, French Congo), bridge; for pi. see Abon. eBon (Fan, French Congo), a lodging-place, whereat to sleep when on a journey ; for pi. see Ebon. Bon (Siam), upper. Bona (Kamerun), people, race, family, e.g. Bona Basem, Bonaberi. Bonde (Fr.), a sluice. Bondog, Bondok (Tagala, Philippines), a mountain. Bongo (Bornu), a hut with circular mud walls, thatched with straw. Cf. Kusi. Bongo (Songhai), a cape. li Bongo (Congo, dialect of Bantu), market, chi Bongo (Bantu), a small lake. Bool (Somali), ditch or torrent, e.g. Bool Bashiro, near Lugh. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 49 Boomgaard (Dch.), an orchard. Bopo (Nika), a hollow. Boquete (Sp.), a narrow entrance, pass. Bor (Slavonic), a forest, e.g. Bohrau. Bora (Italian origin), a violent north wind common in the upper parts of the Adriatic Sea. Boran (Somali), a trench = Hatakh (q.v.) Borau (A-Zande), people, the same word as Bore. Bord (Fr.), shore, bank, strand. Borde (Provincial, Fr.), a small farm (B rdt ). Bore (Songhai), people, the same word as Borau. See also Boroyo. Boreas, Borras (Greek), north. For other points see Lips, Meses, Skiron, Euros, Apeliotes. Borg (Arab.) See Borj. Borg (Da., Sw.), a castle, e.g. Aalborg, 'eel castle.' Borgata (It.), borough, market town; suburb. Borghetto (It.), a large village or small town. Borgu (Nigeria), grazing land, grass lands, a name given to several districts, as well as to the territory known by the name. Bori (Songhai), fertile lands. Borj (Arab.), a fortified building, a town ranking be- tween Medine (city) and Karie or Beled (village). See Borg. Borj, pi. Biar, Abiar (Arab.), wells. Born (Hesse) a stream, e.g. Hachborn. Cf. Bourne. Borne (Fr.), landmark, boundary. Boromma (Gold Coast), narrow street, lane. Borori (E. Africa), a cattle track, any path or track. E 50 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Borough {England), from Anglo-Saxon burg (an earth- work), a fortified town. Cf. Bury, Brough. Borough (Anglo-Saxon) = beorh, a hill, e.g. Ingleborough. Cf. Berg, Berk, Barrow. Boroyo (Songhai), people. See Bore, Borau. Borras (Neo-Greek). See Boreas. Borro, Borrone (It.), a large ravine. Bos (Cymric), a house, e.g. Boscawen. Bos (E. Turkestan), grey, e.g. Bos-kul, Bos-yilga. See Kul, Yilga. Boscaglia (It.), woods, underwood. Bosch (Dch.), wood, forest, e.g. Braambosch (Holland), Stellenbosch (Gape). Boschveld (Dch.), open plain covered with low bush. Bosco (It.), wood, forest (B.) Bosogha (E. Turk.), gate, entrance. Bosonopo, Bosoropo (Gold Coast), the great sea, ocean. Bosque (Sp.), a tract of land planted with trees and brushwood, a forest. In the Philippines this is used for any wild, uncultivated land. Bosquet (Fr.), grove, thicket. Bostan (E. Turk.), kitchen garden. Bot-ho (Arab.), a creek of water less open than a Rejl or Kra (q.v.) Botogo (Songhai), a marsh. Bottle (Anglo-Saxon, Norse), a house, e.g. Newbottle. Bottom (Anglo- Saxon botm), a dale, a hollow, low ground. „ (U.S.A.), River Bottom or Flat Bottom, the low land, covered with wood, lying between a river and the hills which enclose its valley. UNIVERSITY OF AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 5l iBotwe (Amaxosa), the metropolis, seat of government. Bouche (Fr.), mouth of a river (B che ). Bouee (Fr.), buoy, beacon. Bounon (Neo-Greek), mountain, hill. Bourd (Gaelic Bhuird), flat, e.g. Benabourd, 'table-moun- tain,' one of the Cairngorms. See Ben. Bourg (Fr.), town. Bourne (Anglo-Saxon), a stream, rivulet, e.g. Eastbourne. Gf. Born, Burn. Bouwland (Dch.), arable land. Boven (Dch.), upper, above, e.g. Bovenkerk. Bowal (Fr. Guinea), a rocky plain. Box Canon (U.S.A.), a canon having practically vertical rock sides. Boyon (Tibet), an isthmus, e.g. Kara Boyon, 'black isthmus.' See Kara. Gf. Buyan. Boyuk (Turk.), great, e.g. Boyuk Derbend, in both Eumelia and Eastern Rumelia. Boz (E. Turkestan). See Bos. Brachos (Neo-Greek), a cliff. Brae (Nor.), glacier, e.g. Jostedalsbrae. Brae (Scotch), slope of a hill. Brag (Tibet), rock, a rocky mountain. Branco, a (Port.), white, e.g. Rio Branco, Serra Branca, Brang, Brang-sa (Tibet), station, camp. Brasa (Slavonic), birch, e.g. Braslaf. Brazo (Sp.), an arm of a river. Brdo (8. Slav.), a mountain. Bre (Celtic), a promontory, e.g. Bredon. e2 52 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Break (Icela7idic brekka, a declivity), a hollow among hills ; (Scotch) a division of land in a farm. Breite (Ger.), latitude. Bridal veil-Fall (U.S.A.), a cataract^ of great height and such small volume that the falling water is dissi- pated in spray before reaching the lower stream- bed. Brig (North of Eng.), bridge, e.g. Briggate, Brighouse. Brija (Arab., N. Africa), a small fortified house ; dim. of Borj. Briqueterie (Fr.), a brick kiln (Briq ie ). Brisees (Fr., Mauritius), shooting paths cut in the jungle. Bro (Celtic), a district. Bro (Harem, Indo-China), forest. Bro (Nor., Da., Sw.), a bridge. Brod (S. Slav.), a ford. Bron (Dch., Ger.), source of a stream, e.g. Heilbronn, 1 holy source,' ' holy well.' Bronu (Gold Coast), a street, lane. Brough (England), from Anglo-Saxon burh or burg (an earthwork), a fortified town. Cf Burg, Bury, Borough. Brousse (Fr.), forest, bush. Brttcke (Ger.), a bridge. Brug (Dch.), a bridge, e.g. Burgerbrug, Nieuwebrug. Brughiera (It., Milanese dialect), heath. Brunnen (Ger.), well, stream. Brunnr (Icelandic), a fountain, spring. Bryn (Welsh), a brow, ridge, slope of a hill, e.g. Bryngwyn. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 53 Bu (Arab., Algeria). Added to names of animals, plants, &c, it denotes the place where they abound. In composition it signifies resemblance. Joined to adjectives it means river, e.g. Bu-Merzug=the fertilising river. Bu (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), prefix generally .employed to indicate abstract nouns, e.g. Mu-ntu = a man, Bu-ntu = humanity ; also land, country, e.g. Buganda, Bunyoro. Sec Ba. -Bu, -Be (Chad L. region), a postfix signifying 'people,' e.g. Kanembu, the people of Kanem ; Fulbe (usually written Fula) ; Tibu. Corresponds to the Bantu prefix Ba, Wa, as in Basuto, Waganda. See also Kel, Im, Ahel. The singular is -ma, e.g. Kanema, Kanem-ma, ■ a man of Kanem,' Billama, ' the man of the town, mayor,' Billa meaning 'town'; Ngurubu, pi. of Nguruma, people and person of Nguru. Further west, in Gurma, -bi is found, e.g. Gurmabi, ' the people of Gurma.' Bu (Tibet), middle, between. Buala, Bwala, pi. Mala (Loango). See Ala. Bucht (Ger.), bay, bight, cove. For use as a form of sub-oceanic relief see Embayment. Buda (Slavonic), a hut, e.g. Buda, Budkowitz. Budh (Punjab), old, e.g. old dry beds of branches of the Chenab. Budi (Congo), a papyrus swamp. Budo, Bude, Buda (Yoruba), a camp, e.g. Bude-Eku, Buda- Egba. See Egba. Budu (Mossi, French Sudan), nation. 54 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Bueno, a (Sp.), good, e.g. Buenos Aires, ' fine airs,' Buena Vista, ' good view.' Buff (Galloppa, Abyssinia, and Lokub, L. Budolf), water. Bug {Tibet), cavity, recess ; end. Bugt (Da., Nor., Sw.), bight, bay. Cf. Bucht. Bugu (Mande), an inhabited place of less importance than a capital ; house, cottage. Cf. Dugu. Buhaira (Arab.), a small sea, a lake. Buhne (Ger.), a wharf, quay; a dam to turn the course of a river. Bui, Bhui (Gaelic), yellow, e.g. Ru Bui, ' Yellow Point,' in Loch Alsh. Buira (Arab., N. Africa). See Bwira. Buisson (Fr.), bush, thicket. Buiten (Dch.), outside, without, e.g. Buitenveldert. Buitenplaats (Dch.), a country seat. Buitenverblijf (Dch.), a country house. Bujoko (Yoruba), a dwelling. Buk (Hang Chek, Indo-China), great. Buka (Arab.), a valley between two mountain ranges; a low-lying tract of land ; burial-place of a saint. imBukha (Lu-Wanga, Uganda), cave. Bukhta (Buss.), bay, creek. Bukit (Malay), a hill, e.g. Bukit Hulu Bena. See Hulu. Bukoba. See Wakoba, Koba. Buksem (Gent. Asia), close tangled wood. uBuku (Kafir), a bog, a quagmire. Bui (Chad L. region), white, e.g. Nki Bui, * white water,' a portion of Chad L, AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 55 Bulak (Turk.), spring, source, e.g. Suj-Bulak. Bulakan (Philippines), a country or district where cotton is grown. mBulangiana (Congo, dialect of Bantu), confluence, junction of two streams. Bulli (Somali), a low place where water collects. Bulli Haredle (Somali), a rain-water pool. Hared= rain-water. See Le. Bulshaia (Alaska), great mountain. Bulu (Mande), arm, branch, e.g. Babulu, 'river arm.' See Ba. luBulu (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a small torrent-bed, brook. Bum (Pers.), a country, land, soil, cognate with 8 arise. bhumi. See Bhum. Buluga (Mossi, French Sudan). See Kuluga. Bumanda (Benue B. region), a ford or place of em- barcation. Bun (Irish), mouth of a river, e.g. Bundoran. Bun (Indo-China) , a village. Bun (Mande), house, cottage. Bun (Somali). See Ban. Bunar (Turk.), the source of a river. Bund (Pers.), a dam. Cf. Band. Bundari (E. Africa), harbour, a form of Bandar Bunder (Pers.), a harbour, a form of Bandar. Bundu (Fula), wells, spring, source. Bunga (Galla), an uninhabited desert. Cf. Halla. Bungalow (Anglo-Indian), a corruption of the Hind. Bangla (contrac. from Bangala), the most usual 56 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL class of house occupied by Europeans in the interior of India, being of one story and covered by a pyramidal thatch roof, though a tile roof is sometimes used. . Bungo (Barotseland). See Yungo. Bungu (Ja-Luo, Uganda), forest. Bunguntani (Madagascar), a little round hill. Bunik (Nandi, Uganda), country. Buntu {Celebes), mountain, e.g. Buntu Bila. Bur {Somali), a mountain, e.g. Bur-Mado, Bur-Dap, Gum- bur. See Mado. Bur (Ja-Luo, Uganda), a well. Burak (Arab.), artificial pools or tanks (pi. of Birket). Buran (Cent. Asia), a snowstorm. Biiren (Ger.), an abode, e.g. Amelsbiiren (in Westphalia). The Boh. form is Buren. Burg (Bch.), castle, town, e.g. Doornenburg, Rozenburg. Burg, Burgh (England), an earthwork, a fortified town. Cf. Brough, Bury. Burgo (Port.), a town or castle on a hill ; suburb. Burgos (Bendili, East Africa), white-necked, e.g. Donyo Burgos, ' the white-necked mountain,' the Bendili name for Mt. Kenia. Buri (Danakil), land, dry land; e.g. Buri peninsula in Eritrea. Buri (Siam), a city. Burj (Arab.), a tower. Burn (Anglo-Saxon), a bourn, stream, rivulet, e.g. Blackburn. Cf. Bourne, Born. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 57 Burnu, Burun (Turk.), cape, the French Nez ; point, promontory. See Burun. Buron (Fr.), hut, cottage (B on ), from Old Ger. bur, house. Burrock {from Anglo-Saxon beorg), a small weir or dam in a river. Burrone (It.), a precipice, ravine. Bursa (Mande). See Birsa. Burun (Songhai), king. Burun (Turk.), naze, lit. a nose, e.g. Injeburun. See Burnu. Bury (England), from Anglo-Saxon burh, burg; an earthwork, fortified town. Cf. Brough, Burg, Borough. Bus (Slavonic), a dwelling, e.g. Trebus. Buscione (It.), bush, jungle. Buso (Yoruba), a resting-place, inn. umBuso (Zulu, Kafir), a kingdom. Biistan (Pers.), a garden, especially a flower-garden, from bu, bo, fragrance, and stdn, place. Busu (Yoruba), loose sandy ground. umButiso (Zulu, Kafir). For meaning see Umbutiso. Butte (Fr.), a knoll. „ (U.S.A.), a lone hill rising with precipitous cliffs or steep slopes ; a small isolated Mesa (q.v.) Buttel (Ger.), a house, lit. bailiff, e.g. Wolfenbuttel. Cf. Bottle. Buurt (Dch.), a hamlet, e.g. Bovenbuurt, Geldersche Buurt. BuwabpZ. of Bab (Arab.), gates. Buyan (E. Turk.), saddle, neck, col. Cf. Boyon. Buyan (Buss.), wharf, landing-place (in masculine). Buyuk (Turk.), great, e.g. Buyukdere, on the Bosporus. 58 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Buzuk (E. Turk.), ruined, in ruins. eBwila (Congo, dialect of Bantu), mouth of a river, con- fluence. Bwira, Buira (Arab., N. Africa), little wells. -Bwo, -Bwe (Upper Sassandra B. region), a suffix, meaning village, settlement; e.g. Gogibwo, ' Gogi's village,' Gozrobwe, ' Gozro's village.' By (Da., Nor., Sw.), town, an abode, e.g. Derby, Whitby. Byang (Tibet), north. For other points see Lho. Byeli (Buss.), white, e.g. Byeloye More, ■ the White Sea.' Bye-ma (Tibet), sand. o Caapau (Spanish S. America), a collection of trees ; also a small mound far from a river or spring ; has same meaning as Isla. Cabane (Fr.), a cottage (C ne ). Cabaret (Fr.), a tavern (Cab et ). Cf. Khabarat. Cabeco (Port.), the top of a hill, summit. Cabo (Port., Sp.), cape, promontory, headland. Cacheo, Cachao (Port.), lit. the bubbles on water, so bubbling water, a torrential river, e.g. Cacheo Eiver. Cachimba (Spanish S. America), a shallow well, a spring. Cachoeira (Port.), waterfall, rapids. Caer (Welsh), a fortress ; e.g. Caermarthen. Cafeiere (Fr.), a coffee plantation. Cailloch (Gaelic cailleach), a nun, e.g. Inchcailloch, 'the island of the nuns.' See Inch. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 59 Cairn (Celtic), a stony hill, e.g. Cairngorm. See Gorm. Cait, Caith (Cymric Caeth), narrow, e. g. Pencaitland (Pen- Caeth-Llan), ' head of the narrow enclosure.' See Pen, Llan. Cajon (U.S.A.), a box-canon (q.v.) Cal, Calat (Sp.), a corruption of the Arabic Kalat, ' a castle on a rock,' e.g. Caltabalotta, Calatamisetta. Cala (It.), a bay. Cala (Sp.), a creek or small bay. Calat (Sp.) See Cal. Calata (It.), a slope or declivity. Calcosa (It.), a beaten path, a road. Caldeira (Fr. Port.) See Caldron. Calder (Celtic), a woodland stream. Caldron (Eng.), as a minor form of sub-oceanic relief, a more or less steep depression (q.v.) of relatively small extent, e.g. the Monaco Caldron on the Azores Platean. Equivalent to Ger. Kessel, Fr. Caldeira. Cf. Furrow. Cale de Ferata (Rumania), railway. Caleta (Sp.), a cove. Calle (It.), a way, road, path. Calo (It.), fall, current of a river ; declivity of a hill. Calzada (Sp.), a highway. Cam (Welsh, Gaelic), crooked, e.g. Cam E. Cama (U.S.A.), & small upland prairie. Cama (Port., Sp.), a bed, stratum. Camber (Eng. from Old French), a small dock in a royal yard for unloading timber ; a harbour. GO GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Cambus (Celtic), a bay, bend, e.g. Cambuskenneth ; Ald- cambus, ' the stream of the bay.' See Aid. Caminho (Port.), a municipal or county road, cf. Estrada. Caminho de Ferro (Port.), railway. Camino (Sp.), a road (C.) Camino de Hierro (Sp.), railway. P s } country, open country, country fields. Campagne (JFV.),| Campanario (Sp.),] Campanile (It), \ a stee P le ' tower ' belfr y- Campos abertos (Brazil), 'open plains,' where little is to be seen except herbaceous or scrubby growth. Campos agrestes (Brazil), 'rough plains,' where coarse tufty herbage of greyish colour prevails. Campos cerrados (Brazil), ' closed plains,' having nume- rous small groves, woods, and thickets. Campos geraes (Brazil), 'general plains'; the intermi- nable level or slightly rolling tracts, under short coarse growth, where the landscape is monotonous and seldom relieved by any conspicuous object. Campos mimosos (Brazil), * tender campos,' under soft, fresh, bright green pasturage, suitable for cattle- runs. Campos veros (Brazil), ' true plains,' grassy, treeless, and waterless plateaux. Camus (Gaelic), a bay or creek, e.g. Camus Orasay, in the Hebrides. Canada (U.S.A.), a very small canon. In Argentina this is used for any small depression. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 61 Cancha (Spanish S. America), a spacious flat or open space. Candelas (U.S.A.), a group of candle-like rocky pinnacles. Cangrejal (Spanish S. America), low marshy ground, full of ruts and holes, impassable and difficult of access. Canon (Spanish America), a mountain gorge. Cantera (Sp.), a quarry. Cantiere (It.), a dockyard. Canton (Low Latin Cantonum, a district, province, Fr. Canton, a collection of parishes), a small portion or division of land, a small district constituting a distinct government. Hence Cantonment, quarters for soldiers ; the Swiss Cantons. Caolas (Gaelic), firth, strait, e.g. Caolas na Aird. Cap (Fr., Ger.), cape, headland (C.) Capel (Welsh), a chapel, e.g. Capelcurig. Capella(Por£.),\ Capelle (Ger.), v a chapel. Capilla (Sp.), J Capo (It.), a cape (C.) Capocroce (It.), cross-roads. Capoeira (Brazil), ' aftergrowths,' the jungle that springs up rapidly in abandoned clearings. Capoes (Brazil), ' thickets,' patches of low growth, especially palms, in the damp parts of the grassy Campos (q.v.) Car (Wales), a city, town, e.g. Cardiff. Car (Scotland), a fortified place, e.g. Carstairs. Carabineros (Sp.), a post of military coastguards. 62 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Carraja (It.), a cartway. Carrascos (Brazil), scrub, brushwood. See Capoes, Ser- radoes, Catingas. Carrefour (Fr.), a cross-road (Carref r ). Carretera (Sp.), a high-road. Carrick, Carrig (Ireland), a rock, crag, from the Gaelic carraig, e.g. Carrickfergus, Carrig o Gunnel. Carriere (Fr.), a quarry (Carr e ). Carse (Scotland), low and fertile land adjacent to a river, e.g. Carse of Gowrie. Cartha (Phoenician), an enclosed place, a city, e.g. Carthage. Casa (It., Port., Human., Sp.), a house. Casar (Sp.), a village (Cas.) Cascajo (Sp.), gravel. Cascina (It.), pasture-ground, dairy farm (C ne ). Caserne (Fr.), barracks. Caseta (Sp.), a small house. Casino (It.), a country seat (Cas ). Casotto (It.), a small house, sentry-box (Ct°). Cassine (Fr.), a little country house, box. Castagneto (It.) Castanhaes (Brazil), a forest abounding in chestnut trees. Caster (Anglian), from Latin castra, camp, e.g. Don- caster. Gf. Cester, Chester. Catena (It.), a chain (of mountains). Catingas (Brazil), extensive open woodlands of small growth and with much underwood, affording cover to all kinds of animals. See Campos, Capoes. Cavata (It.), a ditch, moat. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 63 Cay, Key (U.S.A., W. Indies), a comparatively small and low coastal island of sand or coral, from Sp. cayo, e.g. Key West. Cayo (Sp.), rock, shoal, islet. Ceann (Gaelic), head, promontory, e.g. Ceann More, W. coast of Scotland. See More. Cefn (Cymric), a back, ridge, e.g. Cevehnes, Cefnllys. Ceja (Sp.), the summit of a mountain. „ (U.S.A.), the cliff of a Mesa (q.v.) ridge, an escarp- ment. Celt (Welsh), a covert. Cementerio, Cimenterio (Sp.), a cemetery, burial-ground. inCencesha (Amaxosa, Kafir), a rivulet. Cenn (Gaelic), a head, a mountain (pronounced ken), e.g. Kenmore. See More. Cense (Fr.), a small farm (C se ). Cercania (Sp.), neighbourhood; in pi. environs. . Cerny (Bohemian), black (Cr.) Cf. Cherni, Tzerni. Cerrig (Welsh), a crag, e.g. Cerrig-y- Druidion. Cf. Carrick. Cerro (Sp.), a hill or highland which is in general craggy. „ (U.S.A.), a single eminence intermediate between hill and mountain. Cester (Mercian), from Latin castra, camp, e.g. Leicester. Cf. Caster, Chester. Cha, Sha (Indian, U.S.A.), great, e.g. Shawangunk= great wall : Chatemuc = great rocks. Cha (Indian, California), town, village, house. Cha (China), sand, e.g. Kin Cha Kiang, ' the river of golden sand,' i.e. the Upper Yangtse ; also a post- house. Cf. Tarjam. See Kin, Kiang. 64 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Cha (Kurdish) t a mountain. Cha (Tibet), signifies extent, see Cha Lam; also a post- house, resting-place, e.g. Shangcha. Chabet, Chaaba (Algeria), a system of sinuous ravines. See the more usual forms Shabet, Shaaba. Chacra (Spanish S. America), a farm building. Chad. See Tsadhe. Chadir (Gent. Asia), house, e.g. Chadir Tash, 'stone house.' Chagan (Mongol), white, e.g. Chagan Tologai, ■ white head.' Chaget (Indian, Alaska), a river mouth, e.g. Koschaget, 1 the mouth of the Kosna,' na being river. In the lower Yukon district the ch is hardened into k. See Kaget, Kakat. Chah (China), a barrier. Chah (Pers.), well, pit, e.g. Cha-Shirin. Chahi (Punjab.) , land irrigated from wells, whether assisted by canals or river-floods or not. Cf. Nahri. Chai (China), fortified military place, camp. Chai (Shaii States), a village, e.g. Tao Kuan Chai. Chai (Turk.), a river, e.g. Ulu Chai. See Ulu. Chaine (Ft.), a chain of hills (Ch ne ). Chair (Turk.), a meadow. Chak (Pers.), hole, mine. Chak (Indian, California), earth, land. Chaka (Giryama). See Aka. Chaka (Tibet), a lake, e.g. Lima Ringmo Chaka. Chakerem (Cent. Asia), shout-distance. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 65 Cha Lam {Tibet), a ' large road,' high road. See Cha, Lam. Chalet (Fr.), house, Swiss cottage (C.h et ). Chalo, Charu, Chialu (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). See Alo, Aro, Alu. Chamama (W. Sahara), inundated banks of rivers. Chaman (Pers.) f pasture, orchard, diamine (Port.), a chimney, steeple. Chamur (Turk.), mud. Chan (China), resting-stages for the night. Chan (Gaelic), a headland, e.g. Ardnamurchan, ' the height of the great headland.' See Ard, Mor. Chandis (Java), the ancient temples of Central and Eastern Java. Chang (China), village, borough, market ; middle. Chang (China), long (either time or distance), e.#. Chang Chiang, ' long river.' Chang (Pers.). See under Hamun. Chang (Tibet), north, e.g. Chang Pa, 'the men of the north,' a nomad tribe of Tartars called Tagh Lik, or 1 mountaineers ' in E. Turk. See Pa, Tagh, Lik. Changkat (Malay), a hill or rising ground, a small hill, e.g. Changat Jening, Changat Tepus. Chanh (Cochinchina), honest, upright ; e.g. Binh-Chanh, ' equal in probity,' a district in Cambodia. See Binh. Chani (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Kiani. Chanwa (Hausa), green, of a wood in leaf. Cf. Algus. Chap (E. Turk.), a very enclosed ravine. Chapadas (Brazil), ' high ground,' applied vaguely to elevated plateaux, low ridges or serras traversing the Campos (q.v>) See also Taboleiras, Sertoes. F 66 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Chapelle (Fr.), a chapel (Ch lle ). Char (Bengal), a sandbank, also new alluvium brought down by a river ; in Anglo-Indian Churr. Char (Marocco), a village built of houses, not tents. Charde (Pers.), a group of four villages, from char, ' four,' and deh, ' village.' Cf. Char-su." Charneca (Brazil), ' heath,' applied to scrubby open tracts forming a transition from Carrascoes to the Sertoes (q.v.) Charo (Nika). See Aro. Char-su (Pers.), four roads meeting, a market. Cf. Charde, Chauraha. Chart (England), a forest, e.g. Seal Chart. Charu {Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Chalo. Chase (England), an unenclosed hunting-ground, e.g. Cannock Chase. Chashma (Pers.), a fountain, source, e.g. Chasma Gauhir. Chat (E. Turkish), angle, junction of two water- courses. Chat ta ua (Indian, U.S.A.), a hill. Chateau (Fr.), a castle (Ch au ). Chatel (Fr.), a castle, e.g. Neuchatel. Chatemuk (Indian, U.S.A.), great rocks. Chatir (Cent. Asia), another form of Chadir (q.v.) Chau, Chou (China), department, the division of a province ranking above a district and below a sub-prefecture, usually called San Chou; district city. Cf. Hien, Fu. Also means islet. Chau (Cambodia), everywhere, altogether, e.g. Chau-Phu, • everywhere rich,' in Bao-Lok. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 67 Chaufour (Fr.), a limekiln. Chau kong fo (Miao-tse, Kwei-chou), a brook. Chaumine, Chaumiere (Fr.), a small cottage. Chaung (Burma), stream, creek. Chaur (Hind.), a large open space in a forest, an ex- tensive tract of low land. Chauraha (Hind., Pers.), a cross road, the junction of four roads. Cf. Char-su, Chaur being a variant of Char. Chaussee (Fr.), a main road (Ch L ' e ). Chawng (Siam), a strait. Che (China), a dam. Cheaou (China), a bridge. Cf. Chiao, Kiao. Cheap. See Chipping. Chebiri (Hausa), an island. Chede (Nika). See Ede. Chekil (E. Turk.), a steep rock. Chekmeje (Turk.), a bridge. Chel (E. Turk.), a desert. Cheltang (Hang Chek, Indo-China), road. Chema (Tibet), sand. Chemin (Fr.), a road (Ch in ). Chemin de fer (Fr.), railway. Cheminee (Fr.), chimney (Ch n,: ' e ). Chenal (Fr.), a channel (of harbours, &c), a track. For use as a form of sub-oceanic relief see Gully. Cheng (China), a city wall, a city; a walled village or town ; a stage in a journey. Cf. Pu, Tun, Tsun, Chwang. Sometimes written Chen, e.g. Pei-ku- chen, ' north pass borough.' See Pei, Ku. Cheng (Yindu Chin, W. of Mon B.), a valley. F 2 68 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL mChenga (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu), sand. Chengo (Giryama), a camp. Chenu, pi. Chelu (Telegu), a field. Chep. See Chipping. Chergi (W. Sahara), east. Cherni (Buss.), black, e.g. Chernoe More, ' the Black Sea ' ; Chernagora, ' Black Mountain,' i.e. Monte- negro. Cf. Cerny. Chersonesus (Greek), a peninsula. Cheshme (Pers.), source, fountain. Chester (Saxon), from Latin Castra, camp, e.g. Win- chester. Cf. Caster, Cester. Chesu (Songhai), the bank of a river. Chete (Giryama). See Ete. Cheul (Turk.), a desert. Chevalis (Fr.), a ford when the water is low, a passage made with boats when a river is low. Chi (Cent. Africa), a prefix signifying 'big,' e.g. Chiromo =big lip. Chi=Hyeng=Nyeng=Ryeng (Korea), a pass, e.g. Ko- dek-chi. i mi Chi, umuChi (Kossova, Uganda), a town, ma Chi (Fan, French Congo), water. Chi (Batta, Benue B. region), a suffix meaning lan- guage, e.g. Paparohi, ' the language of the Papar people/ Cf. Nchi. in Chi (Swahili), country. Chia (China), a house, home, family; also a cape. Chia {Kurdish), a mountain. Chialu (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Chalo. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 69 Chiang {China), a river, never used for a small stream, though Ho may be applied to a large one. See Kiang. Chiao (China), a bridge ; also a sect, e.g. Chei Chiao, 1 abstinence sect,' applied to Mussulmans. Chibla (Songhai), earth. Chibongo (Bantu). See Bongo. Chico (Sp.), small, e.g. Chico R. There are several rivers of this name in South America. Chidnnda (Senna, Bantu). See Dunda. Chie (China), a street. Chien (China), a thousand ; e.g. Chien Shan, ' the thou- sand peaks.' Chien (China), shallow. Chieng (Laos), a city. Chie-ye (Miao-tse, Kwei-chau), a plain. Chiflik (Turk.), a farm. Chig (Indian, U.S.A.), shore. Chigogo (German East Africa, dialect of Bantu), a kind of banana, e.g. Ngogo, a river rising in or flowing through a banana plantation. See Gogo. Chigunda (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Kirumba. Chikowa (Hausa), flood. maChila (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). For meaning see Machila. Chilezo, pi. Vilezo (Swahili). See Lezo. Chi-li (China), metropolitan. / (China), independent department, i.e. Chi-li-chau J independent of a prefecture; indepen- Chi-li-chou dent departmental city or city of the second order. Cf. Chau. 70 GLOSSAKY OF GEOGKAPHICAL mu Chili (Barotseland, Bantu), a clan, e.g. Muchili Kachi- hombo, ' the clan of fishers.' For pi. see Muchili. Chi-li-ting (China), independent sub-prefecture; a di- vision of a province ranking, immediately after a prefecture, and dependent directly on a circuit. Chilundi {Tonga, Bantu). See Lundi. Chilwa (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Kirwa. Chima (Tula, China), a wood, forest. Chimen (E. Turk), prairie. Chimpolo (Loango), a ravine. Chin (China), a town, lit. a tent ; e.g. Maimachin, ' trade town ' near Kiakhta. Chin (China), gold, e.g. Chin Chuan, ' gold stream.' Chin (Hind.) See Jin. Chin (Korea). See Jin. China (It.), a declivity, slope. Chine (Anglo-Saxon Cinu), a rift, chink; ravine; e.g. Blackgang Chine. Ching (China), a well. Ching (China), the capital of a state. liChinga (Mavia, Mozambique), a small hill. Chinggo (Marovo, Solomon Is.), plantation, garden. Chini (Swahili), depth. Chiniak (Aleut), a rocky, impassable, wretched sea; e.g. Chiniak bay, cape, and island. Chin-toil (Hang Chek, Indo-China), a forest. liChinya (Lu-Wanga, Uganda), an island. Chiopak (Mentawei), a stream. Chipanas (Java), hot springs. Chipping, Cheap, Chep (Eng. from old Teutonic root, meaning ' trade,' ' barter '), market-place, e.g. Chip- ping Norton, Cheapside, Chepstow. See Koping. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 71 Chir (Gaelic chiar), dark brown, e.g. Aberchirder (Aber- chiar-dur), * the confluence of the dark-brown water.' See Aber, Dur. Chirumba (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Rumba. Chirwa (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Kirwa. Chisai (Japan), little, small. Chisi, Dzisi (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). See Si. Chisiwa (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Ziwa. Chisua (Bantu). See Sua. Chit (E. Turk), limit, boundary. Chito (Bantu). See To. Chitumbi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Litumbi. Chiung (China), border waste land. Chlum (Slavonic), an isolated hill. Cho (Annam), a market. Cf. Sho. Cho (Tibet), a lake, e.g. Aru Cho ; Garing Cho. Another form is Tso. mCho (East Africa, dialect of Bantu). For meaning see Mcho. Chog (Tibet), a country, region. Chokel (Hausa), branch of a river ; backwater. Cf Faddama. Chokku (N. Nigeria), rocky, e.g. Chokku-Chokku, in Kabba district, meaning ' rocky-rockjV i.e. very rocky. -Choko (Cent. Africa), a suffix meaning 'little.' Choi (Cent. Asia), a desolate plain. Choi (Punjab), a small hollow. Cf. Chura. Choi (Yambo, Upper Sobat B.), black. Chom (Zirian). See Chum. Chom (Kurdish), a stream. 72 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Chombo (Swahili), a dhow. Chon (Hainan), a village. Also in Korea. iChonde (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a forest. Chong (Siam), a strait. Chong (E. Turk.), great. Chong (Tibet). See Chung. Cho pol {Indian, California), a lake. Chor (Marocco), a fixed Berber village. Chorak {Turk.), a marsh. Chorion (Greek), a village. Chot (Wakhan, Pamirs), a lake. Chota (Hind.), small ; properly Chhota mas., Chhoti,/era., e.g. Chota Nagpur; Chhoti Nadi, a rivulet ('small river '). See next entry. Chota gam (Hind.), a small village. Chou (China), a department ; the capital of a depart- ment. See Chau. Chou (China), a place surrounded by water, island. See Chau. Chu (China) , stream, river. Chu (Tibet), water, river. Chuan (China), stream, river, e.g. Chin Chuan, ' Gold Stream.' Cf. Chuen. Chuang (China), borough, village. Chubar (Tibet), an isthmus. Chu-dog-po (Tibet), a torrent. Chu-dong (Tibet), wells. Chuen (China), a channel, river. Cf. Chuan. Chu henn (hon, hemm) (Laos), a garden. Chukur (E. Turk.), deep. ' AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 73 Chul (Pers., Afghan), desert. Chula (Ja-Luo, Uganda), an enclosure. Chu lu {Indian, California), hill, mountain. Chum, Chom (Zirian), summer hut ; hence Chumbi, suburb. Chu-mig {Tibet), source. Chu-mta {Tibet), bank, shore. Chun {China), an old variable designation correspond- ing with the present prefecture. Cf Chau, Chi-li- Chau, Hien, Fu. Chung {Chin Hills), hill, peak. Cf Tung. Chung, Chong (Tibet), small, e.g. Chong La, 'small pass.' Chung Yuen {China), mainland, chung meaning ' centre,' e.g. Chung Chiang, ' centre river.' Chura {Punjab), a wide hollow. Cf. Choi. Churang {Malay), a creek. Cf Jurang. Churr. See Char. Chusa, Chuja {Tibet), a source of hot springs, e.g. Naisum Chusa. Chusquea {Chili), reeds. Chute {Fr.), waterfall, cataract. Chu-tram {Tibet), river bank. Chu- wo {Tibet), river. Chu-zar {Tibet), a cascade. Chwang {China), a village (agricultural). Cf. Pu, Tun, Tsun, Cheng. Chwang {Chong Chia-tse, Yunnan), a cave. iChweba {Amaxosa, Kafir), a lagoon of still clear water. Chwen {China), a river =Chyen {Korea). Cidade {Port.), a city, town, e.g. Cidade do Recife, ' city of the reef,' 74 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Cienaga (Sp.), a marsh, moor. „ (U.S.A.), an elevated or hillside marsh con- taining streams. Cima (It., Sp.), summit of a mountain (C ma ), e.g. Cima Nove, ' new peak.' Cime (Fr.), top, summit (of a mountain). Cimetiere (Fr.), cemetery (Cim re ). Ciottolato (It.), highway, paved road. Cirque (U.S.A.), a glacial amphitheatre or basin. Citadelle (Fr.), a citadel (Cit le ). Citta (It.), a city, town, e.g. Citta di Castello, ' town of the castle.' Ciudad (Sp.), a city, town, e.g. Ciudad Real, < royal city.' Civita (It.), state, town, in composition, e.g. Civita Vecchia, ' Old Town.' Cjafe (Albanian), mountain top. Clachan (Gaelic), stones, sing, clach ; usually applied to a hamlet or small cluster of houses, probably from the existence of Druidical remains on the site, e.g. Clachantiompan. Gf. Clough. Clairiere (Fr.), a glade. Claugh (Irish). See Clough. Clawdd (Welsh), a ditch, fence, e.g. Caron Isclawdd. See Is. Cleit (Gaelic), a rugged eminence, e.g. Cleit Hianish. Clere (Anglo- Norman), a royal or episcopal residence on a lofty hill, e.g. Highclere. Clocher (Fr.), a belfry, clock-tower. Clogh (Irish). See Clough. Clon (Ireland), a plain surrounded by bog or water, from Irish cluain, e.g. Clonmel. AND TOPOGKAPHICAL TERMS 75 Close (Old Fr. clos, Lat. clausus, shut in, enclosed), an enclosure, courtyard, the precinct of a cathedral. Cloture (Fr.), enclosure, fence. Cloud, Clude (Anglo-Saxon clud, a rock, a hill), a cliff, rock, precipice, e.g. Thorpe Cloud. Clough, Claugh, Clogh (Irish), a stone, e.g. Cloghan, Claughton, Cloughton. Gf. Clachan. Clove (U.S.A.), a gorge, ravine. Coch (Welsh), red. See Goch. Coches (Upper Amazon region), small sluggish channels, leading to the lateral lakes which fringe a river in low swampy country. Coed (Welsh), a wood, e.g. Bettws-y-coed, 'dwelling across the wood.' See Bettws, Y. Cohonk (Indian, U.S. A), grey goose, e.g. Cohonkson = place of wild geese. Coill (Irish), a wood. Col (Fr., Eng.), a neck, an elevated pass. Collado (Sp.), a hill. Colle (It.), a hill (C le ). Colline (Fr.), a hill. Collo (It.), the top, summit (of a mountain.) Coin (Latin, Colonia), a colony, e.g. Lincoln, Cologne. Colto (It.), ploughed land. Colwyn (Welsh collwyn), a hazel grove. Comba (Sp.), a valley. Combe (Celto-Saxon ; Cymric, cwm; A.S., comb, cumb), a hollow between two hills, valley, dingle ; a bowl- shaped valley, e.g. Wycombe. Combe (Fr.), a small valley. 76 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Commune (Fr.), parish, township. Condate (Old Celtic), a confluence of two rivers. Confine (It.), boundary. Contea (It.), a county. Contornos (Port.), environs, suburbs. Contre-digue (Fr.), embankment, dike. Convento (It.), a convent (Conv to ). Cop (Celtic), a hollow, cup, e.g. Warcop. Cop (Saxon), a head, the top of a ridge, crest, e.g. Malcop. Coquilles (Fr.), shells. n z-n. /-n ^x ( a chain or ridge of mountains, a Cordilhera (Port.), , & ~ ,.., /ri x i long elevated and straight tract Cordillera (Sp.), . , ' - v •' I of land. „ „ (U.S.A.), a group of mountain ranges, in- cluding the valleys, plains, rivers, lakes, &c. ; its composite ranges may have various trends, but the Cordillera will have one general direction. „ „ (S. America), a chain of mountains with dis- tinct summits, but closely connected like the links of a chain or the strands of a rope. Corno (It.) j an arm (of a river), peak of a mountain. Corral (Sp.), a court ; in America this is used to denote a cattle-pen, like the Port. Curral ; in Ceylon the term is applied to an enclosure for the capture of wild elephants. Corrego (Brazil), a stream, small river, e.g. CorregoAgua- Fria. Corrente (It.), current, stream. Corso (It.), a long broad street, a thoroughfare, e.g. il Corso (Rome). AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 77 Cortijo (Sp.), farmhouse, grange, country house (Cort.) Cortinal (Sp.), a piece of ground near a village or farm- house, which is generally sown every year. Cos (Indian, U.S.A.), grass. Costa (It., Sp.), coast (C ta ), e.g. Costa Rica, 'rich coast.' Cote, pi. Cotan (Anglo-Saxon), a mud cottage, e.g. Fosscot, Coton. Cote (Fr.), coast. Coteau (Fr.), a small hill or declivity. „ (U.S.A.), an elevated pitted plain of rough surface. Cotiere (Fr.), a range of coast, seaboard. Coto (provincial Sp.), territory, district. Coulee (U.S.A.), a cooled and hardened stream of lava; they occur as ridges of varying length and breadth, but rarely of great height ; a wash or arroyo (q.v.) through which water flows intermittently. Courant (Fr.), current, stream. Cours (Fr.), course, stream, current. Couvent (Fr.), convent (Couv*). Cova (Port.), a ditch. Coxsackie (Indian, U.S.A.), high hills. Cf. duassaick. Cozzo (It.), a spur of a mountain (C zo ). Craig (Cymric), a rock or crag, e.g. Craigruigh. Cf. Carrig. Crau (Savoy), a rock, crag. Crecida (Sp.), the flooding of rivers, in consequence of heavy falls of rain. Crete (Fr.), the crest of a mountain. For use as a form of sub*oceanic relief see Ridge. Crick, Craig (England), a rock, crag, e.g. Cricklade. 78 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Crina (It.), the crest of a mountain. Crique (Fr.), a cove, creek. Crni (8. Slavonic), black. See Cherni. Croes, Crwys (Welsh), a cross, e.g. Croesgoch, 'red cross.' Croft (Anglo-Saxon), a close, or pieqe of enclosed ground adjoining a house ; a small farm. Croix (Fr.), a cross (Cr x ), e.g. Sainte Croix, 'the holy cross.' Crombie (Gaelic), curved, crooked, e.g. Abercrombie, 'the curved confluence.' See Aber. Cromlech (Welsh), a flat stone placed upon two upright stones in the form of a table, set up as a tomb. Crue (Fr.), a freshet or flood. Cruin (Gaelic), round, e.g. Inchcruin, 'round island.' See Inch. Cruz (Port., Sp.) a cross ; e.g. Vera Cruz, ' the true cross.' Crwys (Welsh), See Croes. Csarda (Hung.), an inn (Cs.) Csatorna (Hung.), a canal (Cstn.) Csiri (Hung.), little. Csucs (Hung.), top, summit of a mountain (Cs.) Csun (Tang ut), little. Csup (Hung.), a mountain peak. Csurtia (Tangut), a tower. Cuadra (Spa?iish S. America), a side of Manzana (q.v.) Cuchilhas (Port., Brazil), long low ridges crossing the plains in all directions ; lit. knives. Cf. Cuchillas. Cuchillas (Cuba), an upland plain cut into numerous canons and salients. Cf. Cuchilhas. Cuchillas (Spanish S. America), a chain of mountains. Cuesta (Sp.), rising ground, eminence. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 79 Cuesta (U.S.A.), an ascending slope, a tilted plain or Mesa (q.v.) top. Cueva (Sp.), a cave. Cuik (Cymric cog), a cuckoo, e.g. Penicuik, ' the hill of the cuckoos.' See Pen. Cul, Cull (Gaelic), back, neck, e.g. Culloden, 'the back- lying coast ridge ' ; Culross ' the back or neck of the peninsula.' See Ros. Culebra (Sp.), a snake, e.g. Culebra islands in the West Indies, Culebra K. (Cent. America), Culebra (Peru). Cum (Latin), with ; occurs chiefly when one parish has been added to another, e.g. Whitton-cum-Thurlston. Cumbre (Sp.), top, summit, mountain peak, e.g. Cumbres Altas, ' the high peaks.' Cwm (Welsh), a bowl-shaped valley, e.g. Cwm Bechan. Czerna, Czerny. See Crni, Cherni, Tzerni. Da (Danakil), stone. ' Da (Tibet), the lower part of a lateral valley. urn Da (Amaxosa, Kafir), a boundary. Daal (Butch), a valley, dale, e.g. Rozendaal. See Dal. Daan (Tagala, Philippines), a road. Daba (Somali), foot-hills, e.g. Daba-Ado, 'white hills.' See Ado. Daban (Mongol), col, pass, e.g. DalinDaban, 'the seventy passes.' Pabar (Hind,), a marsh, pool, pond, tank. Dabas (Lohub, L. Budolf), a tree. 80 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Dabba (Egyptian Sudan), small dry portions of land rising out of a marsh. Dabdaba (Arab.), rocky gypseous soil. Dabra (Hind.) See Dabar. Dad (Sever), grass, bush. Dad (Somaliland), people = Rag ; forest = Hedd, e.g. Dadliba, 'lion forest.' uDada (Kafir), a thicket, a jungle. Dadi (Fanti), ground, earth, e.g. Dadiasi. Dadipa (Gold Coast), arable. Dadze (Gold Coast), ground, shore. Dag (Mongol, E. Turk.), rock, a rocky mountain, moun- tain range. Cf. the other forms, Dagh, Tag, Tagh, Tau. Daga (Sara, Chad L.), a lake. Daga, Dagah (Galla, Somali), stone, rock, e.g. Dagaha- Dayer, ' monkey rock,' Dagabur. See Bur. Dagat (Tagala, Philippines), sea. Dagh (Mongol., E. Turk.), a mountain. Cf. the other forms, Dag, Tag, Tagh, Tau. Dago (Ja-Lno, Uganda), a pool. Dahar (Arab.), an almost impracticable mountain tract. Dai=Tai = = 0ki (Japan), large, great. Dai'a=Dhaya (Arab., N. Africa), small depressions, generally with vegetation. Daia, Dea (Hassania), a lake. Daibo (Japan), a fort. Dainu (Indian, U.S.A.), a town. Dair (Arab.), monastery, tavern, e.g. Dair Musa, 'the Moses convent.' Cf Deir. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 81 Daira {India), a village, travellers' rest-house. Dairat, Dairah (Malay), a canton, province, territory. Dak (Indo-China), a river. Dak-chemut (Harem, Indo-China), sea. Dake, Daka (Japan), peak, ridge, summit, e.g. Hodakayama, ' the mountain of the standing ears of corn,' from the appearance presented by its granite towers. Another form is Take (q.v.) Dakha (Soninke), camp, bivouac. Dakhla (Arab.), the entrance to a gorge or defile. Dakhla (Hassania), a stream. Dakhlet (Arab.), country free from sand and surrounded by dunes. Dakhni (Hind.), south. Cf. Junubi. For other points see Uttar. nDako (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a house. Dal (Dch.), a valley, e.g. Berg en Dal in Limburg, Haas- dal. See Daal. Dal, Dol (Celtic), a plain, dale, meadow, e.g. Dalarossie, ' the field at the point,' Dalmahoy, ' the field to the north.' See Ros. Dal (Serer, Wolof), camp, bivouac. Dala, Dla (Mande), lake, marsh, swamp. See Badla. Dala (Ja-Luo, Uganda), town, village. nDala (Congo, dialect of Bantu), the fall of a river after a flood. Dale (Eng.), a valley, e.g. Kirkdale, Lonsdale. Cf. Dell, Thai, Daal. Dalem (Java), the dwelling of the regent. Dalin (Mongol). See under Daban. G 82 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Dalle (U.S.A.), a rapid. Dallol (Niger region, Songhai), large valley which serves for the collection of the rain, and forms a stream, but is usually dry for eight or nine months in the year, e.g. Dallol Mauri, Dallol tfogha. Dalni (Buss.), back, distant (of country), like German Hinter, e.g. Dalni, near Port Arthur. Dalr (Icel.), a valley, e.g. Fnjoskadalr. Dam (Laos, Siam), black. Dam (Teutonic), an embankment, e.g. Rotterdam, 'the dam of Kotte.' Dam (Tibet), a marsh. Dama (Hottentot), conquered, e.g. Damara, mistranslated ' the people who were conquered,' i.e. by the Namakwa. Damara is fern, dual = two Dama women, and is quite wrongly applied to the people, who should be called Damakwa (masc. pi.) Damana (Hausa). See Damuna. Damana (Pers.), the foot of a mountain. The more usual form is Daman, e.g. Daman-i-Koh, ■ skirt of the mountain.' See Koh. Dambo (Cent. Africa), an open patch in a wood or forest ; flat treeless swamp dry in the hot season ; malarial flats. Dambok (Cambodia), a hill. nDambu (Congo, dialect of Bantu), bank (of a river), shore, coast, beach. Dam-bu (Tibet), reeds. Damele (Jibu, Neiv Guinea), flood. Damka (Hind.), a hillock, eminence. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 83 Damm (Ger.), embankment, dam. Damuna, Damana (Hausa), wet season. Dan (Siam), Siamese police or customs station. kuDana (Nika), a path or way branching out of another. Danan (Malay), a lake. Cf. Tasek. Dan-dan (Bambara, Malinke), a mud wall surrounding a town or an enclosure. Cf. Din. muDandando (Nika), a rude bridge. Dane (Japan), a valley. Dang (Hi?id.), a hill, precipice, summit of a mountain. Dang (Tibet), cold, e.g. Dang Cho, ' cold lake.' See Cho. Dang, Dang-sa (Tibet), station, camp. Danga (Hausa), a garden. Dangi (Hausa), a tribe. Dang-po (Tibet), right, direct (of a road). Dankari (Mande), a ford. Da no (Indian, U.S.A.), hill, mountain. Dar (Arab), a large house, an abode, a country, a subdivision of a province, e.g. Darfur ; Dar Dief, ' a house for strangers.' Cf. Knot, Fan. ,, (Hassania), encampment, town, village, really the same word as the above. Dar (E. Equatorial Africa), harbour, contracted from Bandar, e.g. Dar-es-Salam. Dar. See Der. Dara (Pers.), a valley or pass between two mountains ; highway. Darada (Danakil), a river. Darassi (Caucasus), mountain top. Darat (Malay), coast (dry land). Cf. Tepilaut. G 2 84 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Darb (Arab.), a village. Dar-band (Pers.), a difficult pass, literally a ' door-bar,' a barrier, hence Derbend, the barrier between the foot of the Caucasus and the Caspian to bar the nomad Turks from entering Persia. Darbar (Punjab), a Sikh temple, e.g. Darbar Sahib, at Amritsar. Darela (Deccari), a waterfall. Daria, Darya (Pers.), a river, water, sea, e.g. Amu-Dana. Darsena (Sp.), a dock or basin. Darvase (Cent. Asia), a gate ; from next word. Darwaza (Pers.), door. Darya (Pers.) See Daria. Dash, Tash (Turk.), stone, rock, e.g. Tashkurgan. Dashera (Hassania), a village. Cf. Deshera. Dasht (Pers.), steppe, plain, desert, e.g. Dasht-i-Kavir, 'the Great Plain.' See Kavir. Dat (Serer), a road. Dating (Burma), a town. Davan (E. Turk.), a steep col, pass; the same word as Daban (q.v .) ; e.g. Davan-Kum, i.e. sand with a pass running through it. Davara (Motu, New Guinea), sea. Dawng (Siam), a deep forest. inDawo (Kafir), a place, locality. Dayr. See Dair. Dazh (Pers.) t a quicksand. Dazhi (Hausa), a wilderness (not barren), a forest. Dbus (Tibet), middle, between. De (Tibet), country, district, e.g. Jamaata de, north of Namcho ; De Namru, See Sde. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 85 Dea. See Daia. Dealu (Rumanian), a mountain (D.) Deas (Gaelic), south, e.g. Deas Point, Mull of Cantyre. Debba, pi. Dibab (Egyptian Sudan), a small stony hill. Debbabia (Arab.), a misty or foggy place. Debdeba (Arab.), ground which resounds under the tread. Debe (Soninke), a village. iDebi (Amaxosa, Kafir), a shallow in a river. Dechie, Detsie (Gold Coast), mud, e.g. Dechiesu, * on the mud.' See Su. Decouvert (Fr.), an open (country). Deep (Eng.), in sub-oceanic relief, the deepest part of a Depression (q.v.), e.g. the Nero Deep ; opp. to Height (q.v.) Equivalent to Ger. Tief, Fr. Fosse. Defrichement (Fr.), a clearing in a forest. Deg (Wolof), marsh, bog, lake. Dega (Abyssinia), highland. Cf. Kwalla, Nejd. Dega (Indian, U.S.A.), a plain. Degirmen, Dei'rmen, Dermen (Turk.), a mill. Deh, Dih (Pers.), a village. Dehess (Arab.), marshy ground. Deich (Ger.), a dike. Deir (Arab.), a house, monastery, a convent, sometimes in ruins, a variant of Dair. Deirmen (Turk.) See Dagirmen. De jos (Rumanian), lower (d.j.), generally placed after the name ; e.g. Sucin de jos, ' Lower Sucin,' to dis- tinguish it from Sucin de sus, ' Upper Sucin,' both on a tributary of Lapos E., south of Maramaros. Cf. De mijloc. 86 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Dek (Cambodia), iron. Dek (Indian, Alaska), a creek, used chiefly in the Copper K. region ; e.g. Tatondek, ' Taton creek.' Dekame (Dahome), a garden, applied by the natives to the eastern shore of L. Aheme, from its extreme fertility. Dekh (Wolof), a river. Dekhla (Arab., N. Africa), a pass, gorge ; a variant of Dakhla (q.v.) Dekke (Wolof), town, village. nDela (Barotseland), a road, path. Cf. Zila, Zira, Jila, Gila, Tsela Delaa (Arab.), a long mountain ridge. De le ba ron (Indian, California), an island. Dell (Southumbriari), a valley, e.g. Arundel. Cf. Dale, Thai. Delta (Greek), the triangular space occasionally enclosed between the diverging mouths of a river and the sea-coast; so called from its resemblance to the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet (A). Dem (Upper Nile), an Arab factory, town, village, e.g. Dem Ziber, * Ziber's town.' Dema (Chad L. region), large, great, e.g. Kabe Dema. nDema (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), country. De mijloc (Rumanian), middle. Cf. De jos, De sus. Demir (Turk.), iron. Demir-Yeri (Turk.), an anchorage. Den (Annam), black. Den, Dene (Celto- Saxon), a deep wooded valley, e.g. Tenterden. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 87 Dendron (Greek), a tree. Deng (Siam), red, e.g. Sala Deng near Bangkok. Deniz, Dengiz (Turk.), sea ; a large lake. Denkese (Gold Coast), bush, bushy. Denkmal (Ger.), a monument. Denkwan (Galla), a tent. Denkye (Gold Coast), bog, fen, moor. Dent (Fr.), a tooth, peak, e.g. Dent dn Midi. Deo (Annam), a col. Deodhunga (Hind.), God's seat or hill; a name given to any sacred hill. Depression (Eng.), in sub-oceanic relief is enclosed on all sides by elevations of the sea-bed. Equivalent to Ger. Vertiefung. Der, Dar (Gaelic dnr, Welsh dwr), water, e.g. Darent, 1 clear water,' Dart. Der (Somali), long, tall, deep, e.g. Tug Der. See Tug. Dera (Arab.), crest, ridge. Dera (India), house, encampment, e.g. Dera Dun. Dera (Japan), temple (Buddha). nDera (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), road. Cf. Dzira, Zila. Derb (Arab.), a road. Derbend (Pers.) See Darband. Dere (A-Zande), a wall, e.g. Ngaundere. Dere, Derin (Somali), a valley, ravine, e.g. Dere Godle, * the ravine of the cave place.' See God, Le. Dere (Turk.), a valley. Deren (Marocco), a mountain. 88 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Derevnya (Buss.), a village. Derevo (Buss.), a tree. Derigh (Somali), a road = Hilin. Dermen. See Degirmen. Dervent (Turk.), pass, defile ; a variant of Darband (q.v.) Desa (Malay), the country, as distinguished from the town or seat of government ; frequently used for village. Desaguadero (Sp.), an emissary from a lake. Descubridero (Sp.), an eminence or rising ground from which the adjacent country can be overlooked. Desembarcadero (Sp.), landing-place; quay. Deshabite (Fr.), uninhabited, deserted. Deshek (Somali), a lake, e.g. Deshek Wama. Deshera (Kabile), a village. Cf. Dashera. Desht (Pers.), a plain. Cf. Dasht. De sus (Bumanian), upper. See De jos. Dete (Giryama), a chasm. Detsie (Gold Coast). See Dechie. Deyirme (Turk.), a windmill. Dhahr, Dhahret (Arab.), a back, ridge. In Abbadi (Etbai) this signifies ' west,' i.e. of the water-parting. Dhaika (Abbadi, Etbai), a narrow pass. Dhal (Hind.), a declivity, slope. Dharmsala (Nepal, Tibet), a rest-house. Dhaya=Dai'a (Arab.), a small depression, generally with vegetation ; a dried-up pond. kiDhidha (Giryama), a bog. Dhiga (Arab.), a gorge. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 89 Dhiuliba (Upper Niger), water, river; corrupted into Joliba. *Lenfant says that Joliba means ' the river of songs.' Dhmirat (Arab., North Africa), a moderate- sized dune. Dhromo (Smyrna Greek), a road. See Dromos. Dhu. See Du. Di (A-Zande), water, e.g. Pangwadi, 'the water's edge,' 1 bank ' ; Wilidi, ' water's son,' stream. Di (Somali), a valley, e.g. Di-Wiyile, ' rhinoceros valley ' ; another form is De. maDi (Bafo, Kamerun), water. See Mansi, Manzi. muDi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), village. Diaman (Songhai), north. See Jiji, Wene Kame. Diamane (Soninhe), county. maDiba (Kamerun, dialect of Bantu), sea, stream, river ; opp. to Mundi. Dibab, pi. of Debba (Egyptian Sudan), small stony hills. inDibonga (Amaxosa, Kafir), boggy unsound ground. Didi (Harem, Indo- China), small. Die. See Du. Die (Wolof), market, equivalent to the Arab. Sok, Suk. Dien (Cambodia), a rice field, e.g. An-dien, 'tranquil rice plantation,' in Bao-an. See An. Difali (Gurma), the dry season. Diga (It.), a dyke, embankment, mole. Digue (Fr.), a dyke (Dig.) Dih (Pers.), a village ; another form is Deh. Dihat (Pers.), the country. Diho (Motu, New Guinea), south ; lit. south wind. * 'Le Niger,' by Lenfant, Paris, 1903, p. 48. 90 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Diho (Motumotu, New Guinea), west. Diho (Sokotra), water, e.g. Dia Dimax, properly Diho Dim ax. Dijk (Dch.), a dam, e.g. Dijkshoek, Ganzedijk. Dik (Cambodia), water. Diko, Liko (Swahili). SeeKo. Dil (Turk.), isthmus, point, spit of sand. kiDila (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), island. isiDiliya (Amaxosa, Kafir), a vineyard, garden. umDiliya (Amaxosa, Kafir), a vineyard, garden. Dilla (Indian, U.S.A.), a little field. Dille (Central Sudan), watercourse, river ; the Marghi equivalent of the Kanuri Komadugu (q.v.) nDima (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), country. nDimba (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a valley, glen. Dimbadimba (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a little valley; dim. of Ndimba and Dimbila, a valley. Dimbila (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a valley. Dimda (Eldorobo, Uganda), a forest. Din (Bambara, Mande), the wall of an enclosure, usually made of mud. Cf. Dan-dan. Din (Celtic), an elevated post, e.g. London (Londinium) ; other authorities say this is the Long-dun, ' ship- fort ' of the Cymric Celts. See Dun. Dinas (Welsh), a fortress, e.g. Dinas Dinnle, a huge pre- historic mound overlooking the sea, near Carnarvon. Ding (Tibet), depression, col. See Sdings. Dinh (Indo-China) , town of the second order, or pro- vincial capital. Din niau (Siam), clay. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEKMS 91 Din si fong (Siam), chalk* Dintorni (It.), environs. Dinyasi, Manyasi, Manasi, Malashi, Linyasi (Gent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). See Yasi, Nyasi, Nasi, Lashi. Dior (Wolof), a plain. Dioryx (Neo-Greek), a canal ; from Anc. Gr. Siopvyrj. Dip (Hind.), an island. See Lanka, Jingira. Diqne (Sp.), a dock ; a dam with retaining wall. Dirride (Kanuri, Bornu), light forest, with open pasture grounds. Cf. Karaga tselim. Diserto (It.), a desert. Dish (Abbadi, Etbai), low scattered hills. Distretto (It.), a district. Diu, Diva, Dvip (Hind.), island, e.g. Maldives, ' the thousand isles ' ; Lakhadives, ' the hundred thousand isles.' Dinbe (Soninke). See Jnbe. Diude (Fula). See Jude. Diwa (Serer), sea. Diyar (Arab.), a country, region, e.g. Diyar-Bakr (Diarbekr), ' the land of the Bekr,' an Arab tribe, who conquered it in the 7th century. Diz (Pers.), a castle. Cf. Kala. iDiza (Amaxosa, Kafir), a field of stubble. Djnp (Sw.), a deep. Dla (Mande). See Dala. iDlambi (Zulu, Kafir), a wave. inDlandlatn (Zulu, Kafir), a narrow ridge between two precipices. Of THE UNIVERSITY 92 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL inDlela (Kafir), a path, way. Dlinni (Buss.), long, e.g. Dlinnolieskoe Fort in Caucasia. inDlu (Kafir), a house, building. Do (Songhai), sand. Do (Nissan L, Neiv Guinea), wood; forest. Do = To = Syem (Korea), island, e.g. Chin-do, Ko-je-do. Do (Tibet), stone; bottom of a valley; a confluence. Do. See Du. Do, Lo, Ro, Ru (Gent. Africa), an old root meaning ' to flow,' e.g. Domasi (q.v.), ariver,masi meaning 'water.' nDo (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a camp, sleeping-place on a journey, house. Doab (Punjab, Central India), the natural divisions of the Punjab, formed by the five rivers ; lit. two waters ; applied to any country between two rivers, e.g. the Doab between the Ganges and Jumna. Cfi the Greek Mesopotamia. See Ab. Cf. Punjab. Dobang (Tibet), a religious wayside monument. Cf. Kieutigne. iDobela, (Zulu, Kafir), the tide. Dobur, Tubber, Tober (Gaelic Tobar), source, well, stream, e.g. Tobermore or Tubbermore. See More. Doca (Port.) , a dock. Do Chemut (Khas Chos, Indo-China), sea. Dodd (Cymric), a mountain with a round summit, e.g. Great Dodd in Cumberland. Doenyo (East Africa), mountain, e.g. Doenyo Ngai. This is also found as Donyo, Eldonyo. Dog (Tibet), ravine, torrent. Dogana (It.), a custom house. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 93 Dohar (Hind.), the old bed of a river. Doi (Laos, Siam), a mountain. Dokori (Songhai), sand. Dol (Celtic), a plain, e.g. Dolberry, ' the hill on the plain.' See Berry. Dol (Slavonic), a valley. Dolgi (Buss.), long, e.g. Dolgaya Bay in Novaya Zemlya. Dolina (S. Slav.), a valley (Dol.) Dolni (Bohemia), under, lower (Dl.), e.g. Dolni Trnavo, on Morava B. Dolok (Burma), mountain. Dolon (Mongol), seven, e.g. Dolon Nor, ' the seven lakes.' Dom (Buss.), a house. Dom (Upper Nile). See Dum. Domandavo (Bakunda, Kamerun), a house. Domasi (Cent. Africa), a river, from Mazi and do, lo, ro, ru, &c, an old root meaning to flow, as in Lo-mami, Ru-sizi, &c. Domb (Hung.), hill, knoll. nDomba (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a market. Dome (Eng.), as a minor form of sub-oceanic relief, a single elevation or submarine mountain of small area, but rising with a steep angle to a depth more than 200 metres from the surface. Equivalent to Ger. Kuppe, Fr. Dome. Domgha (Arab., N. Africa), a large dune standing out above others. Domo (NiJca), a jutting out of land into the sea, or of a mountain into a plain. 94 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Don {Caucasus), a river. Don (Celto-Saxon). See Dun. Don (Siam), an island. kiDonda (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a mountain. Dong (Cambodia), east; e.g. An-Binh-Dong, An meaning tranquillity, and Binh conveying an idea of equality. Cf Tai. Dong (E. Turk.), hill, mountain, or rounded summit. Dong (Tibet), a deep hollow, gulf, whirlpool. Donnon (Gold Coast), a bend, bay, bight, -Dono (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), suffix meaning < little.' ,Donyo. See Doenyo. Doom (Dch.), thorn, thornbush, e.g. Enkledoorn. Do Phui (Klias Chos, Indo-China), a river. Dor (Tibet), a rock, e.g. Dorkia Lugu Dong, 'the monastery built on a rock looking something like a sheep's head,' lugu being a ' sheep ' and Dong a ' face.' Dorf (Ger), a village (df.), see Dorp. Dorina (Hausa), a hippopotamus, e.g. Ruwa n Dorina, ' the water, pool, of the hippopotamus,' a wide- spread name given by Hausa travellers to any water they may find in the wilderness. Cf. Ngurutuwa. Doro (Japan), mud. Doro (Jibu, New Guinea), mountain, summit. Doroga (Buss.), a road ; Bolshaya doroga, high road. Dorok, Torok (Turk.), a peak. Dorp (Dch., Cape Dch.), a village, e.g. Zeedorp, Villiers- dorp, pronounced Filjisdorp. Cf. Eng. Thorp, and Da. Torp. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 95 Douane (Fr.), a custom-house (D ne ). Dowi {Siam), a mountain. Down (Old Eng.), hill, mound ; long naked tract of hilly land ; sand ridge. Cf. Dun (Celtic), cognate with tun (town, hill, fort, enclosure) ; German Zaung. Doze (Nigeria), rocky hills. Dra, Draa (Arab., N. Africa), a chain of hills or dunes ; also a single rounded hill or mamelon, e.g. Wad Draa, ' the Wad between the hills.' Dra (Arab.), pasturage in a region of dunes. Draeth (Welsh), an estuary, e.g. Trefdraeth. Cf. Traeth. Drangr,£>£. Drangar (IceL), a pointed rock standing alone. Dren (Ebon, Polynesia) , water. n Dried (French Congo, dialect of Bantu), men of the woods. Drift (Cape Butch), a ford, e.g. Rorke's Drift ; in Dutch it means ' current.' Dromos (Constantinople Greek), a road. See Dhromo. Drowo (Slavonic), a wood, e.g. Drewitz. Drug (India), huge rocky pile rising often to an alti- tude of 1,500 feet, sometimes solitary, sometimes in clusters, and generally fortified, e.g. Chitaldrug, Nundidrug. Drum, Drom (Ireland and Scotland), a back or ridge, from the Irish druim, e.g. Dromore, Dundrum ; from the Gaelic droma, e.g. Tyndrum. See Dun, Ty. Drumlin (U.S.A.), a smooth oval or elongated hill or ridge, composed chiefly of glacial detritus. Drumos (Greek), a wood. Dryms {Londonderry). See under Misks. 96 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Dry Wash (U.S.A.), a wash, arroyo (q.v), or coulee in the bed of which there is no water. Dsor (Armenia), a valley. uDsui (Fan, French Congo), a river. Du, Dhu, Dubh, Die, Do (Cornwall, Scotland, Ireland), black, e.g. Poldu, 'black pool/ Dublin, 'black pool,' Glenkindie, ' valley of the black head,' Knockando, 'black hill.' See Pol, Lin, Kin, Knock. Du (Songhai), sand. Duar (India), a pass. Duar, Dwar (Berber), village ; a tent village as opposed to a built village (Karia, Char). Dub (Slavonic), an oak, e.g. Dubrau. Dubu (Motu and S. Cape, New Guinea), a sacred house or platform. Duchi (Benue B. and Sohoto region) , a mountain,hill ; rocks. Dud (Somali), a forest, e.g. Dud-dore, Dud Jer; a ridge, e.g. Dud Subhiyu. Due, Dwe (A-Zande), a ditch. Dufan (Somali), grease or food left round the mouth after eating, e.g. Durie-Dufan. See Durie. Dug (Tibet), uncultivated land, pasturage. Dugu (Mande), country, locality, e.g. Wagadugu; Koma- dugu, 'the place where water is found,' river. Also town, village. Duhat (Arab.), a bay. Duinen (Dch.), dunes, e.g. Loosduinen. Duk (Cambodia), virtue, courage; e.g. Vinh-Duk-Tai, 1 Much virtue West,' in Bao-An, as distinguished from Vinh-Duk-Pong, ' Much virtue East.' AND TOPOGEAPHICAL TEEMS 97 Duk (Wolof), a village. Dum (LoJcub, L. Rudolf), a camp. Dum (Upper Nile), a species of palm-tree, sometimes written Dom. Dumbe (Bambara, Malinke), a bend or curve, e.g. Badumbe, 'river bend.' See Ba. Dumi (Songhai), nation, tribe. Dun, Don (Celto- Saxon), a hill, mound, fort, e.g. London, Dunedin. Dun (India), a valley, e.g. Dera Dun. See Dera. cbiDunda (Senna, Bantu), a detached hill or mountain. Dunde (Soninhe), a mountain. Dundu (Soninhe), a hill. Dune {Ger.), bank or hill of sand, dune. Dung (Tibet), a hill. Dur (Arab., N. Africa), change in orientation of a cliff or plateau ; the plateau itself. Dur (Welsh and Scotch). See Dwr. Dur (Somali), long stiff grass. Gf Geda. Durch (Ger.), through. See next entry. Durchstich (Ger.), a cutting for a railway. Durdur (Somali), a perennial spring. Durie (Somali), dirt, a dirty place. Dusin (Malay), a small village, variant of Dusun (q.v.) Duss (Som-ali), a pass. Dusun (Malay), a village, country as distinguished from town ; also an orchard, e.g. Dusun Kepar, Dusun Lada. Gf. Desa. Dutto (It.), a canal, passage. Duze (Nigeria), a rocky hill. H 98 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Dvor (Buss.), court, courtyard. Dwar (Berber). See Duar. Dwera, Dwira (Arab.), a small house. Dwfr (Welsh), water, stream. Cf. Dyfr. Dwr, Dur (Welsh and Gaelic), water, e.g. Glasdur, Durra, Aberdour. Dyb (Da., Nor.), a deep. nDyela (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a road. Dyfr (Welsh), water, stream; e.g. Dyfrdwy=the river Dee. Of. Dwfr. nDyia (Maginza, Congo), a road. Cf. Zila, Zira. nDyila (Bangala, Congo), a road. Cf. Zila, Zira. Dyke (Eng.from A.S. die), a ditch, e.g. Wansdyke. Dyne (Da.), a down. Dyner (Sw.), downs. Dza (Tibet), clay. Dzaka (Nika). See Aka. kaDzaka (Nika). See Kadzaka for meaning. Dzal, pi. Mai (Fan, French Congo), village. Dzamba (Upper Nile), forest, wood. Dzanche (Nika). See Anche. nDzea (Mobali, Congo), a road. iDzendze (dialect of Bantu), a river. Dzeri (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu). See Eri. Dzi (Nika), earth, land, country, continent. maDzi (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu), water. muDzi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a town, village, hamlet. Cf. Musi. kaDzidzi (Nika), a small creek. luDzidzi (Nika), a creek or cove, AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 99 Dzigha, pi. Migha (Fan, French Congo), confluence. Dziko ) (dialects of Bantu). Seelko. i Dziko Dzira (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), road. Cf. Zila, Zira. Dzisi (dialect of Bantu). See Chisi. Dzitso (Giryama), source, spring. Dzong (Tibet), fortress, chief town of a prefecture. uDzu (dialect of Bantu), grass. See TJdzu. kaDzuho (Giryama, Niha), small river, rivulet kiDzuho (Giryama), affluent, small river, brook. E o E (Saxon), river, stream. Cf. A, Aa, Ach, Av, Ie. Eanua (S. Cape, New Guinea), a village. Cf. Fenua. Eapala (Aroma, New Guinea), the north-west wind. Eavana (S. Cape, New Guinea), west. Eb (Hottentot). See Ep. Ebado (Yoruba), sea-side, river-side, sand, beach. Ebala (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a little clearing made in a place where two roads meet, where a tree has been planted as a shelter or halting-place. See Bala. Ebata (Congo). See Bata. Ebe (Banjan, Kamerun), a wood, forest. Ebe (Yoruba), a hillock. -Ebene (Congo), a suffix meaning great, large. Ebene (Ger.), a plain. Ebon, pi. Mibon (Fan, French Congo). See Bon. Ebor (Masai, E. Africa), white, e.g. Gwaso naEbor, 'the White Biver.' e 3 100 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ebun (Gold Coast), an abyss, depth of the sea. Ebute (Yoruba), a landing-place, wharf. Ebwetu (Lomwe, L. Shirwa), sand. Ebwila (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Bwila. Eccles (Scotland, /row Ekklesia [#.#.]), church, e.g. Eccles- machan, ' the church of St. Machan.' Cf. Eglwys. Ecclesia. See Ekklesia. Echelle (Fr.), the scale of a map. Echelle de Maree (Fr.), tide gauge. Echori (Elgumi, Uganda), a water-hole. Ecluse (-FV.)i a lock of a canal or basin, sluice (E C3e ). Ecueil (Fr.), a reef, rock. Ecurie (Fr.), a stable (Ec ie ). Ed (Egyptian Sudan). See Id. Eddahereth (Jibali, Berber), a hill. Cf. Udherer, Urir. chEde (Niha), a market. Edge (Anglo-Saxon ecg), a sharp point, a narrow part rising from a broader ; the highest part of a moorish and elevated tract of ground of con- siderable extent, generally that which lies between the streams, e.g. Axe Edge, Ipstones Edge, Claverton- Edge. Edogh (Fan, French Congo), deep. Efagh, pi. Bifagh (Fan, French Congo). See Fagh. Efun (Yoruba), chalk, lime. Egan (Yoruba), a dense forest. Egan-Oshusha (Yoruba), thorny, prickly forest. Egba, Ejba (Yoruba), people, e.g. Buda Egba, ' the people's camp.' See Budo, Egbe (Chamba), See Mgabe. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 101 Egbenn. See Mgbenn. Eghasher, Eghzer (Tuareg, Berber), a valley with a torrent. Eghirreu (Tuareg, Berber, and Hausa), a river, the river, the Niger. See Isa. « v /T7 x ) a church (Eg se ). tighse (Fr.), ^ ' _ ^. , , T rr 7 7 x r a church, trom sKKXria-ta, ecclesia. Eglwys ( FW.*),f C/Ec( ; ies Ego, Egoi (Basque), south wind; south ; cf. Agus. Egri (Turk.), crooked (of a stream or road). Egua (Gold Coast), a market-place. Eil (Somali), a deep well, e.g. Eil Sheikh. Cf. El. Eilean (Gaelic), an island, e.g. Eilean Dun, in Ardencaple bay. Einfahrt (Ger.), the entrance to a river or harbour. Eisen (Ger.), iron, e.g. Eisenberg, ' iron mountain.' See next entry. Eisenbahn (Ger.) a railway. kiEji (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a rapid or cataract. Ejidi (Kamerun), the bush ; wood, forest. Ejinga (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a pool left after the fall of a river ; a hole in the bed of a river. See Jinga. Ejman (Ebon, Polynesia), stone. Ejondi, Eyondi, Ejundi (Kamerun, dialects of Bantu). See Jondi. Eka (Indian, U.S.A.), earth. Ekam (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Kam. Ekanda (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Kanda. Ekanga (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Kanga. 102 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ekare (Elgumi, Uganda), a lake. Ekaza (Fan, French Congo). See Kaza. Ekedi (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Kedi. Eken (Mongol), higher; summit; e.g. Eken Habsere, 1 upper Habsere.' See Kurban. Eket (Banjan, Kamerun), house, dwelling. Ekklesia, Ecclesia (Greek), a church. See Eccles, Eglwys. Eko (Gold Coast), lake, pond, pool. Ekobi (Lomwe, L. Shirwa), chalk. Ekogwi (Lomwe, L. Shirwa), a ravine. Ekohlo (Amaxosa, Kafir), the left-hand side. Ekolo (Gold Coast), a hill. Ekserserplads (Nor.), drill-ground. Ekumu (Congo, dialect of Bantu) . See Kumu. Ekundze (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Kundze. Ekunene (Amaxosa, Kafir), the right-hand side. Ekutilu (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Kitulu. Ekwae (Gold Coast), a forest, wood, thicket. El (Arab.), the; when El precedes any dental, liquid except m, or sibilant, i.e. any of the ' solar ' letters, it is assimilated with it for the sake of euphony, though in Arabic writing the El is retained. Thus we have Beled-es-Sudan, Esh-Shark, Hofra-en-Nahas, Um-er-Rbia, &c. The solar letters are t, t (=th in thin), d, dh (= Irish th in thy), r, z, s, sh, s (=Fr. 9), d (hard palatal), t (hard palatal), z (= th in this), 1, n. El (East Africa), a plural prefix corresponding with Wa (q.v.), e.g. El Gonyi. El (Buss.), a fir tree ; adj.; Elevi, Elovi AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 103 El (Somali), a well, e.g. El Dap. Cf. Eil, really the same word. Elabo, Elapo (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Labo, : Lapo. Elamo (Motumotu, New Guinea), a sacred house or platform. El boka (Egyptian Sudan), a capital town. Eldonyo (East Africa). See Doenyo. Eleko (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Leko. Elelenshi (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Lelenshi. Elenga (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Lenga. Eleut (Turk., Mongol). See II. Elevation (Eng.) As a form of sub-oceanic relief this is either entirely surrounded by depressions or is a prolongation of the continental border. Equivalent to the Ger. Erhebung. See Shelf, Rise, Ridge, Plateau. Elf (Sic), a river, e.g. Dal-elf, 'the river of the dale.' Cf. Elv. Eli, pi. Bili (Fan, French Congo). See Li. Eliwa (French Congo Coast). See Liwa. Elian (Scotland), island, e.g. Elian More, ' Great Island,' see More ; Elian nan Ron, ' Seal Island.' Ellap (Ebon, Polynesia), great. Elogh, pi. Bilogh (Fan, French Congo). See Logh. Elondo (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Londo. Elsin (Mongol), sand. Eln, Eru (Cent. Africa), a root meaning ' open water,' e.g. Mweru. Elu (Ibo, Nigeria), top, summit, e.g. Elu Ugu, ' top of the mountain.' 104 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Elv (Da., Nor.), a river. Cf. Elf. Em (Ebon, Polynesia), land. Emba (Lomwe, Mozambique), a house. Emba (Upper Nile), water. Embarcadere (Fr.), landing-stage, terminus (Emb rj ). Embarcadero (Sp.), quay, wharf; port, harbour. Embayment (Eng.), used, in sub-oceanic relief, for a wide and rounded or triangular extension of a Trough (q.v.), or Basin (q.v.), which penetrates the land or a submarine elevation either with a uniform or gradually diminishing depth or which is bounded on the one side by land and on the other by a submarine elevation. Equivalent to Ger. Bucht, Fr. Golfe ; cf. Gully. Embouchure (Fr.), estuary, mouth of a river or affluent (Emb urj ). Emelga (Sp.), a large furrow to serve as a landmark. Emi (Sahara), mountain, rock. Emizdegh (Wargla, Berber), a village. Cf. Amazagh. Empito (Lomwe, Mozambique), a road. Emu (Gold Coast), the interior of a country. Emuk (Eskimo), sea, cf. Muk, Nanimuk. Emumba (Mahua, Mozambique), a house. En (Berber), See In. En (from Gaelic Aan), a river, e.g. Rathen, ' the fort on the river.' See Rath. Encalladero (Sp.), shoal, sandbank. Encaiiado (Sp.), a conduit. Enceinte (Fr,), precincts. Encerradura (Sp.), enclosure. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 105 Enchente (Port.), a flood. Enclave (Fr.), an isolated settlement within the territory of another country, e.g. the French enclave in our Niger territory and the Belgian enclave on the Upper Nile. Encrucijada (Sp.), cross way, cross roads. liEnga (Lu-Wanga, Uganda), a lake. luEnga (Gogo, Bantu), a river. Engabunet (Nandi, Uganda), a cave. Engan (Fan, French Congo), deep, especially of a river. Enge (Ger.), a strait. Engpass (Ger.), pass, defile. Enguololo (Elgumi, Uganda), a river. Eniuma (Kossova, Uganda). See Niuma. Enjira, Chinjira (Kossova, Uganda). See Njira. Enjorai (Masai). See Jorai. Enkulu. See Nkulu. mw Ene \ amw Ene I (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), a chief. umwEne) Ennene (N. New Guinea), water. Enneri (N. Africa), a ravine, river-bed. Ennis (Ireland), an island, e.g. Enniskillen. Cf. Innis, Inch. Enseada (Port.), a bay. Ensenada {Sp.}, a bay; also creek. Enshir (Kabile), a mass of ruins. Entours (Fr.), environs. Entree (Fr.), entrance ; mouth of a river. Entre-voie (Fr.), the six-foot way (of railways). 106 GLOSSAKY OF GEOGKAPHICAL Enua (Polynesia). See Fenua. Enyangha, pi. Binyangha (Fan, French Congo). See Nyangha. Enyi, pi. Binyi (Fan, French Congo). See Nyi. Enyin (Fan, French Congo). SeeTXyin. Eomaka (Kabadi, New Guinea), tide (flowing). Ep (Hottentot), water, river, e.g. Gari-Ep, ' the great river,' i.e. the Orange Kiver. There are also the variants Ab, Ap, Eb, Ob, Op, lb, Ip, Up, e.g. Swakop, Ugab, Kuisip, Hoanib, Khoneb, &c. rivers, and also Molopo. Ep (Korea). See Eup. Epano (Greek), upper, e.g. Epanomeria in Thira. Eparawe (Lomwe, Mozambique), a waterfall. Epiro (Makua, Mozambique), a road. Equipate (Mexico), the light showers which fall in the mountain districts early in the year. Erara (Tuareg, Berber), a large valley. Erazer, Erhazar, Erasa (Sahara), vegetation; wooded; lit. the valley. Erdo (Hung.), wood, forest (E.) Ere, Arre (Musgu, Chad L. region), a river. Ere (Elgumi, Uganda), a village. Erekusu (Yoruba), an island. Ereru (Makua, German East Africa), sand. Erg (Arab.), a dune, a land of dunes. See Areg, Arga. Erhazar (Sahara). See Erazer. Erhebung (Ger.), as a form of sub-oceanic relief, is equi- valent to Elevation (q.v.) dzEri (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu), left (hand). AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 107 Erial (Sp.), uncultivated ground. Erife (Sahara), a strong north-east wind. Eriga (Mahua, German East Africa), a stockade, an enclosure. Erk (Abbadi, Etbai), a crevasse. Ermida (Port.),' , a hermitage, sanctuary. Ermita (Sp.), J 6 Ernik (Buss.), brushwood, underwood. Ero (Yoruba), a caravan. Erobi (Masai, East Africa), cold, e.g. Ngari na Erobi, ' cold water.' Erod (Hung.), a fort. Eroto (Elgumi, Uganda), a road. Erre (Yoruba), a marsh, bog. Errek (Ebon, Polynesia), small. Erto (It.), steep, ascent. Eru, Elu (Gent. Africa). See Elu. luEru (German East Africa, dialect of Bantu), lake. wEru (E. Africa, Giryama), prairie, veld. Erun (Yoruba), the dry season. Erythros (Gree 7c), red, whence Eritrea, the Italian colony on the Eed Sea. Esalim (Tuareg, Berber). See Asarim. Esau (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Sau. Escarpe (Fr.), a bluff. Esclusa (Sp.), lock, sluice. Escob, Escop (Welsh, Cornish), bishop, e.g. Tyrescob, ' bishop's house.' See Tyr. Escollo (Sp.), a rock, reef, shoal. Eseke (Congo, dialect of Bantu) . See Seke. 108 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Esenge (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Senge. Esep (Fan, French Congo). See Isep. Eserva (Tangut), rain. -Eshe (Zambezia, Congo), & termination signifying 1 river,' e.g. Lukoleshe. Esher (U.S.A.), a long winding ridge of sand or gravel ; the deposit from a stream flowing beneath a glacier. Eshi (Turk.), old. See Eski. Eshimu (Congo, dialect of Bantu), beach, shore, coast ; bank of a river (generally spoken of the opposite side). See Shimu. Eshi-nshi (Congo), the inhabitants of a country ; sing. Mushi ; Eshi-Kongo, the inhabitants of the old Kongo kingdom. See Shi. Esika (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Sika. Esk, Exe (from Celtic uisge, wysg), water, stream, e.g. Esk, Exmouth, Usk. Eski (Turk.), old, e.g. Eski Zagra (the Buss. Stara Zagora), as distinguished from Yeni Zagra or ' new Zagra.' Esb (Hung.), rain. Esopus (Indian, U.S.A.), steep coast, or high-walled banks. Espigao (Port.), a sharp point of land without trees. Espigon (Sp.), a kind of wharf or pier. Esse (Yoruba), footpath, track, trail. Estacada (Sp.), palisading on an embankment. Estacion (Sp.), a railway station. Estancia (Argentina), a cattle farm. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 109 Ester o (Sp.), a small creek ; a lagoon. „ (Spanish S. America), low, marshy, inundated land covered with herbs and aquatic plants. Estrada (Port.), a high-road. Estrecho (Sp.), , A strait Estreito (Port.) Esuka (Tangut), a river. Esunsu (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Sunsu. Etakao (Makua, German East Africa), chalk, lime. Etakwa (Makua, German East Africa), a forest. IStale (Fr.), slack (of tide) ; settled (of wind), light breeze. Etam. See Itam, of which it is a misspelling. £tang (Fr.), lagoon, lake, pond (Et g ), e.g. Etang de Berre. Etapa (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Tapa. foape (Fr.), halting-place, stage. Etaras (Tuareg, Berber), a plain. £tat (Fr.), a state. chEte (Giryama), a market. Etela (Fin.), south. For other points see Pohia. Etenta (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Tenta. Eti (Galloppa, Abyssinia), grass. Etiage (Fr.), the low-water mark of a river. IStier (Fr.), a creek which can receive small vessels; a conduit by which salt water enters a lake to be transformed into salt. Etiet (Nandi, Uganda), a bridge. Eti-Odo (Yoruba), beach, waterside. Eto (Indian, U.S.A.), a forest. Etog (Banjan, Kamerun), a village. 110 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL fitoile (Fr.), crossroads (Et le ), lit. a star. Etombwelo {Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Tombwelo. Etoro (Lomwe, L. Shirwa), a desert. Etta (Turkestan), a town. Etukulu (Congo, dialect of Bantu)* See Tukulu. Eukit (Malay), a hill. Eung (Indo-China), a mountain. Eung (Ebon, Polynesia), north. See Rear, Kabelung. Eup, Ep (Korea), a magisterial town=Eumnai=Koel. Euren (Turk.), a ruin. Euros (Greek), south-east. For other points see Boreas. Euyuk (Turk.), a hillock. Ev (Turk.), a house. Evambu (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Vambu. Evanga (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Vanga. Evata (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Vata. Everglade (Florida, U.S.A.), a tract of swampy land covered mostly with tall grass. Evia (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Via. Evwangi (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Vwangi. Ewaso (British East Africa, Bantu), water, river, e.g. Was Ngishu, ' cattle water,' a name given to a salt- lick (q.v .), near Tigrik Kiver, Ewas-os-Soit, ' river of the stone.' See Waso. isEweri (Ketosh, Uganda), a water-hole, well. Ewo-erun (Yoruba), the dry season. Ewo-ojo (Yoruba), the rainy season. Ewukwe (Lu-Wanga, Uganda), east. Cf. Mbo. Ewumba (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Wumba. Exe. See Esk. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 111 -Ey, dim. Eyot, Ait {Teutonic), an island, e.g. Sheppey. Eya (Yoruba), a tribe, or division. Eyalet. See Vilayet. Eyanga (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Yanga. Eyendelo {Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Yendelo. Eyenga (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Yenga. Eyi (Teda, Sahara), water, equivalent to the Terauye Mi, and the Arab. Ma. Eyondi (Kamerun, dialect of Bantu). See Ejondi. Eyot, Ait. See -Ey. Eyrr, Eyrar (Icel.), a narrow low tongue of land. Ezandu (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Zandu. Ezbah (Egypt), a village or hamlet. muEzi (dialect of Bantu), a pool of water. p Fa (Annam, Black B.), a forest. Fa, Fana (Berta, E. Sudan), a mountain. Faa (Polynesia), a valley, e.g. Faa-Nui, ' great valley.' Fabrica (Sp.) f . a factory (Fca.) Fabrica (Port.),\ J v Fab (Welsh), son. Fabrik (Ger.), a factory (Fabr.) Fabrique (Fr.), a manufactory (Fab e ). Fach (Welsh), little, e.g. Llandewyfach. See Llan. Fad (Gaelic), long, e.g. Elian Fada, ' long island.' Fada (Hausa), residence of the king, e.g. Fada n Chirma, 112 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Faddama (Hausa), an arm of a river, creek, a valley ; equivalent to Adar-n-Eghirreu of the Sahara, and includes both the Arab, terms Rejl or Kra and Bot-ho (q.v.) Fadi, Maifadi (Hausa), broad. Fae, Fale, Fare, Vale (Polynesia), a house. Faestning (Da., Nor.), a fort. eFagh (Fan, French Congo), a field, plantation; for pi. see Efagh. Fahavaratra (Madagascar), the rainy season, summer. Fahre (Ger.), a furrow. Fahre (Ger.), a ferry. Fahrte (Ger.), a track, trail. Cf. Vaart. Fahs (Arab., N. Africa), a field. Faidh (Arab., N. Africa). See Feidh. Faija (Arab.), a col. Fair (Gaelic Farr), a sheep, e.g. Fair Isle, ' Sheep Isle ' (Shetland). Fair (Welsh), the Virgin Mary, e.g. Llanfairfechan. See Llan, Fechan. Faire (Sahara), a barren naked plain. See Falat. Faite (Fr.), top, summit, ridge ; Ligne de Faite, ' water- parting.' Faka (Gold Coast), a bay, gulf. Fakai, Fakhi (Sierra Leone), a farm village, as opposed to a permanent village. Fal, Falu (Hung.), a town. Fala (Bambara, Malinke). See Fara. Falaise (Fr.), a cliff. Falat (Arab.), a bare desert. See Faire. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 118 Fale (Polynesia). See Fae. mFalme (Swahili), chief, king. Falu (Hung.), village. Fama (Gurma), ruler of a province. See next entry. Fama-dugu (Mande), a capital town. See Dugu, cf. Serki-Gari. Fan (Upper Nile), a village, land, country, e.g. Kordofan, 1 the land of the Kordo,' equivalent to Arab. Dar (q.v.) Fan (U.S.A.), a mountain delta; a conical talus of detrital material. a Fan (Fan, French Congo), country, applied only to a vast extent, and then not to the country in which one actually is ; for pi. see Afan ; used also for environs. Fana (Berta, E. Sudan), a mountain. See Fa. Fanal (Fr.), \ Fanal (Sp. t Fort), | a lighthouse. Fanar(2W&.), J Fang (China), hamlet, house. Fange (Soninke), a river. Fango (Sp.), mud. Fankhane (Soninke), shore, beach. Fantsakana (Madagascar), well, spring. Fanua (Polijnesia). See Fenua. Fanza (China), a house. Fara (Gonya, Gold Coast), torrents; low-lying land filled with water. Fara, Fala (Bambara, Malinke), a stream. Faraba (Bambara), a valley. I 114 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Faraka (Mande), bifurcation (of roads or rivers). Fararano {Madagascar), autumn. See Fahavaratra. Tare (Polynesia). See Fae. Farellon (Sp.), point, cape, headland; rock or cliff in the sea. Fari (Songhai), field, country. Farihi (Madagascar), a lake. Fari-tani (Madagascar), region. Faro (It., Sp.), a lighthouse. Farol, Pharol (Port.), a lighthouse. Farvater (Buss.), a channel. Fasht (Arab.), a reef of rocks. Fasika, Fasi (Madagascar), sand, e.g. Ifasimena or Fasi- mena, ' the red sand.' Cf. Pasi. See I, Mena. Fastingi (Fin.), a fort. Fatta (It.), dung, track in the bush made by animals. Fatto (Bomu), a house. Fatu (Manahiki and Fakaofu, Polynesia), stone. Faubourg (Fr.), outskirts, suburb (F bg ). Fauci (It.), a strait, mouth of a river. Cf Foce. Fau-fu (China), a buoy. Fauns (from Gaelic Fan), aslope, declivity, e.g. Kinfauns, 1 the head of the slope.' See Kin. Fau-tau (China), roadstead. Fave (Motumotu, New Guinea), stone. Fechan (Welsh), little, e.g. Llanfairfechan. See Llan, Fair. Fedehan (Sokotra), a mountain. Fedi (Nepal), the low ground at the foot of a mountain. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 115 Fegagir, pi. of Foggara (q.v.) Feher (Hung.) white (Fh.) ; e.g. Fehervag, a stream flowing from the Central Carpathians. Feidh, Faidh (Arab., N. Africa), a ravine which becomes a watercourse during the rains. Cf. Sahan, Selat. Feij (Arab., N. Africa), a valley between dunes. Fek (Hung.), camp. Fekete (Hung.), black (Fk.), e.g. Fekete Ardo in the Ugocsa district on the Theiss E. Feld (Ger.), plain open country. Cf. Veld. Feldweg (Ger.) a field road. Fell=Fjeld (Norse), a hillside, e.g. Goatfell (Arran), Skaptafell. Cf. Fjeld. Fels (Ger.), rock, e.g. Drachenfels, ' dragon rock.' Felsabhang (Ger.), declivity or slope of rock. Felsen (Ger.), cliffs, rocks ; also in sing. rock. Felso (Hung.), upper (F.), e.g. Felsb Kaibin, to N. of Waag E. Feng (China), the peak of a hill. Fenmu (China), a tomb. Fenua, Eanua, Enua, Honua, Fanua, Fonua, Vanua, Vanuga, Hanua (Polynesia), land, town, village. Cf. Wanua. iFenya (Bantu) ; for meaning see Ifenya. Ferik (Arab.), village. In E. Sudan ' temporary village.' Ferka (Arab.), a division of a tribe. Ferma (Buss.), a farm. Ferme (Fr.), a farm (F me ). Ferner (Ger.), further (Fr.) Ferrocarril (Sp.), railway. Ferrovia (It.), railway. i 2 116 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Festung (Ger.), fort, fortress. Gf. Vest, Vesting. Feudo (It), a fief (F Jo ). Fiafi {Arab.), solitary wastes. Fial (Arab.), a current of water. Fidh (Arab.), a ravine. Gf. Feidh. ' Field (England), a forest clearing, where the trees have been felled, e.g. Sheffield. From A.S. Feld, cognate with Dch. Veld, Ger. Feld. Fii (Yambo, Upper Sobat B.), water. Fil (Arab.), elephant, e.g. Has el Fil, ' elephant's head ' ; Sin el Fil, ' elephant's tusk.' mFinda (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a forest or wood. Fing (Mande), black, e.g. Baling, ' black river.' See Ba. Gf. Khwa, Ule. Firki (Kanuri), a shallow hollow, where the water collects in the rainy season and drying up gradually leaves a fertile argillaceous soil. See Ange. Firn (Switz., from Ger. firne, ' last year's '), coarse, half- solidified snow. Gf. Neve\ Firth, Frith (Scotch), estuary. Gf. third, three for r shift. Fittri (Kuka, Chad L. region), water, river. See Isa. Fiumara (It.), a river which overflows. Fiume (It.), a river (F.) Fjall, Fjall (Sw., Icel.), mountain, e.g. Blafjall. Fjard (Sw.), frith or long narrow inlet, bay. Gf. Fjord. Fjeld, Fjaeld (Nor.), mountain, e.g. Dovrefjeld. Gf. Fell, Veld. Fjord (Da., Nor.), frith or long narrow inlet. Gf. Fjard, Fjbrdr. Fjbrdr (Icel.), fiord. Flak (Da.), a flat, plain ; a shoal. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 117 Flash (Old Fr. Flasque, Flache), a pool, pond. Fleche (Fr.), a spire ; a sharp peak (lit. an arrow). Flecken (Ger.), market-place, borough, country town. Fleet (England), a creek, inlet, arm of the sea ; lake, lagoon; e.g. Wainfleet. From A.S. fleot, a bay, lit. a place where ships float. Cf. Vliet. Fleur (Normandy), a flowing stream, e.g. Harfleur. Fleuve (Fr.), a large river (Fl.) Cf. Riviere, Ruisseau. Fliegende Fahre (Ger.), boat ferry, or flying bridge (Fl. F.) Fljot (Icel.), a stream, e.g. Hverfisfljot. Floresta (Sp.), forest, thicket. Flot (Fr.), flood. Flur (Ger.), field, meadow, plain. Flurstein (Ger.), a boundary stone. Fluss (Ger.), a river (Fl.) Cf. Strom. Flut (Ger.), flood, inundation. Fo (Thai), a mountain. Foa (Gold Coast), on a river, riverside, e.g. Ada-Foa, • riverside Ada,' on Volta Eiver. Cf. Su. Fobolo (Congo), a ruin. Foce (It.), the mouth of a river. Cf. Fauci. Fod (Hung.) See Fold. Fodsti (Da., Nor.), footpath. Fof (Serer), water. Fogara (Upper Nile), nomad priests. Foggara (Arab., N. Africa), a succession of wells hollowed out on a slope and joined by a subter- ranean passage ; pi. Fegagir. Fokani (Arab.), upper. Cf. Ala. See Fukani, really the same word. 118 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Foko (Madagascar), a tribe. Fold, Fod (Hung.), earth, land. Folverok (Buss.), a small farm. Folyo (Hung), a river (Fl.) Foil (China), wind. Cf. Typhoon. In Siam Foil is used for a squall or rain wind. See Lorn. Fond (Fr.), bottom, ground. Fonda (Sp.), an inn, tavern. Fondak (Marocco), a caravansary. Found frequently as Fonduk. See Fnnduk. Fond d'un bois (Fr.), the heart of a wood. Fondeadero (Sp.), anchorage. Fonderie (Fr.), a foundry (F rie ). Fondo (Songhai), road, path. Fonduk (Marocco). See Fondak. Fontaine (Fr.), spring, source (F ne ). See next words. Fontana (It.), spring, source (Font 11 ). Cf. Hontana, Fontaine. Fonte (Port.), well, spring. Cf. Fontaine, Fuente. Fontein (Dch.), a spring. Cf. Fontaine. Fonua (Polynesia). See Fenna. Force (Northumbrian), a waterfall, e.g. Airey Force. Cf. Norse Foss, Fors. Ford (England), a stream, a shallow part where the stream may be crossed, e.g. Oxford. Fordani, Forodani, Forothani (Nika), custom house. Forde (Hanover), a ford, e.g. Lemforde. Foresta (It), forest, wood, wilderness. Foret (Fr.), a forest (F*). Forge (Fr.), a forge (F* e ). (Nika). See Fordani. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 119 Fork (Anglo-American), a large affluent, e.g. North Fork. Forme de radoub (Fr.), dry dock. Fornace (It), a kiln (Forn ce ). Forodani Forothanii > Fors (Sw.), a waterfall, e.g. Helsingfors. Forst (Ger.), forest, wood. Fort (Fr.), fort, fortress (Ft.) Forte {It), fort, fortress (F.) Cf. Fuerte. Fortha (Swahili), custom house. Fortiere (It.), a rocky place full of seaweed. Fortin (Sp.), a small fort ; field or temporary fortifica- tions. Fortino (It.), a redoubt (Fort no ). Fos (Nor., Da.), a waterfall. Fosca (Sp.), a thick wood or grove. Foso (Sp.), a ditch. Foss (Icel), a waterfall, e.g. Skogar Foss. Fosse (Fr.), a ditch. For use as a form of sub-oceanic relief see Deep. Fosso (It.), a ditch (F so ). Fotoi (Chinese, E. Turk.), a measure of length equal to about 3 versts or 2 miles. Foil, Fu (China), a mound. Foveny (Czec), sand. Foz (Port.), the mouth of a river. Freguezia (Port.), a parish, district. Frei (Ger.), free, e.g. Freiburg. Freo, Freu (Sp.), a strait. 120 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Friede (Ger.), peace, e.g. Friedland. See next entry. Friedhof (Ger.), a burial-ground, cemetery. See Friede. Fringing Reef (English), a coral reef extending from the shore, seldom for a long distance, having little water on it, and no ship-passage between it and the land. Cf. Barrier Reef. Frontiere (Fr.), frontier, limit. Fu (China), a prefecture, the largest subdivision of the modern province ; town of the second order, or district capital, e.g. Yun-nan-fu ; head, e.g. Ping Fu, ' level heads,' Chien Fu, ' pointed heads,' applied to certain Akka tribes in the Shan States, from the head-dresses of the women. Cf. Chau, Hien, King, Ting. See Phu. Fu (Songhai), a house. Fuente (Sp.), a fountain or spring (Fte). Cf. Fonte. Fuerte (Sp.) a fort, fortress. Cf. Forte. Fufu (Nika), a thicket. Fuhrt, Furt (Ger.), a ford, e.g. Frankfurt. Fukai (Japan), deep ; low, e.g. Fukaye island. Fukani (Arab.), upper, e.g. Mogher Fukani, in Algeria, to distinguish it from Mogher Tatani, ' Lower Mogher.' Another form is Fokani. Fula (Mande), two, e.g. Bafulabe, lit. ' two streams/ confluence. Be = to be; cf. Saba. See Ba. Fula (Ghazal region). See Meha. umFula (Kafir), a deep valley, a ravine. luFulo (Nika), a ditch. Fum (Arab., Tripoli), a defile; mouth, e.g. Fum Doga, i.e. the mouth of the Wadi Doga. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 121 Fumarole (U.S.A.), a spring or geyser, which emits steam or gaseous vapours, is the Fr. fumarolle, fumerolle, from Loiv hat. fumariolum (root fumus, smoke). nFumo, Fumu (Congo and Central Africa, dialects of Bantu), chief, king. imFumu mFumu mil Fumu kiFumvu (Taita, Bantu), a detached hill or mountain. Cf Lima. Fundeadouro (Port.), anchorage. Funduk (Tripoli), a warehouse. Cf Fondak. Fune (Japan), a boat. Funga (Mekeo, New Guinea), flood -tide. umFungi (Lu-Wanga, Uganda), a bridge. Fungu (S. and E. Africa), a bank or sandy reef. Fura (Mashonaland) , a river bed; originally 'a hole,' then ' water-hole,' and finally a river bed where holes are dug for water ; a mine. This word has been wrongly equated with the Biblical Ophir. Furche (Ger.), a Furrow (q.v.) Furo (Brazil), a natural narrow channel connecting two lakes or two rivers, e.g. Furo Tajapuro, one of the network of Furos connecting the Para with the Amazon. Furrow (Eng.), as a minor depression (q.v.), in sub- oceanic relief, a valley or channel- like hollow in the continental border (see Shelf), and more or less at right angles to it, e.g. the Indus Furrow, the Ganges Furrow. Equivalent to Ger. Furche, Fr. Sillon. Cf. Caldron. 122 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Furst (Ger.), prince, e.g. Fiirstenwalde, 'prince's wood. Furt {Ger.), a ford. See Fuhrt. Furu, Futo-Furu (Mande), field, garden. Fusa (Albania), a plain. Fuso (Kafir), fallow ground. Fussweg (Ger.), a footpath. Fut (Hung.), the course of a river, current. Futa (Congo), grass, herbage, especially wild ; jungle, scrub. Futaleufu (Araucanian, Patagonia), a large river, the large river, i.e. the Upper Eio Yelcho. Futa= great. Fute (Kanem), west, western, e.g. Beri' Fute, ' western Beri,' to distinguish it from Beri Kura, or ' Great Beri.' Futo-Furu (Mande). See Furu. liFuwukho (Lu-Wanga, Uganda), a ferry. Fuyu (Japan), winter. Fynnon (Welsh), a well, e.g. Fynnon-Asa, ' St. Asaph's Well.' Fyr-Baki (Fin.),& lighthouse, lit. 'beacon-fire.' G Ga (Japan), the indefinite term, ' a,' ' any.' kaGa (French Congo, dialect of Bantu), a mountain, hill, e.g. Kaga Mbale. Gaard, Gard (Da., Nor.), a farm, farmstead, estate (G d ). Gab (Da., Nor.), an open bay ; chasm. Gaba (Galla), market-place. Gabai (Iaibo, New Guinea), ditch. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 123 Gabbaz (Hausa), east. For other points see Ariawa. Gabbi (W. Australia), water. Gabet (Nor.), gap, inlet, passage. Gabogabo (S. Gape, New Guinea), sea. Gabotumu (S. Gape, New Guinea), the deep sea. Gabristan (Gent. Asia), burial-ground. See Stan. Gabuano (Aroma, New Guinea), north wind. Gabungji (Togo), large river. Gaburigo (Aroma, New Guinea), south. For other points see Walau. Gachun (Tibet), a stage in the desert. Gf. Chan. Gad (Hind.), a boundary mark, landmark. Gad (Serer), an encampment. Gad (Somali), a headland, bluff, e.g. Gadki Goble, 'the headland where the gob grows.' Ki being the definite article i, with the connecting letter k. See Le. The gob is a tall thornless tree with smal red edible fruit. Gada (Arab., N. Africa), an elevated plateau, with steep sides, only accessible at certain points. Gadde (Wolof), camp, encampment. Gade (Da., Nor.), a street. Gadh (Sansc.), a fortress, castle. Gadir (Phoenician), an enclosure, e.g. Cadiz. Gado (Tsarisen, Formosa), a mountain. Gadobada (Motu, New Guinea), the deep sea. Gadong (Malay), a house. Gad-pa (Tibet), a cliff. Gadu (Paiwan, Formosa), a mountain. Gagara (Hausa). See Kagara. Gahoste {Indian, U.S.A.), a plain. 124 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Gahri (Hind.), low swampy ground. Gahuen (Arab., North Africa), several little rocky hills in the midst of which is a moist depression with vegetation. Gai (Polish), grove, small wood. Gail, Gayal (Hind.), a road, path. Gair (Gaelic Gearr), short, e.g. Gairloch, ' short loch.' nGaita (Eldorobo, Uganda), a village. Gajjar (Hind.), swampy ground. Gake (Japan), a cliff. Gal (Tibet), a ford. Gala, pi. Galat (Egyptian Sudan), fort on a hill. See Kala, really the same word. Gala (Galla), below, e.g., Galadede. Gala (Singalese), mountain, hill. Galana (Galla), a river, e.g. Galana Sagan. Galbed (Somaliland), west. Gf. Barri. Galeb, Gleb, Garet, pi. Gur. Guiret (Arab.), rocky mounds , with hard calcareous summits. Galit (Burma), communication. Galiyara (Hi7id.), lane, street ; abode. Galle (Ger.), quagmire, pool. Galo (Mande), town, village. Gait (Egypt), reservoir. Gam (Hind.), a village. Gamat (Sansc), a road, path. a ma Gamba ) V (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), mountain. Gamle (Da., Nor.), old (G le ), e.g. Gamle Carlsberg. The Sw. form is Gamla. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 125 Gan {Indian, U.S.A.), a lake. Gana (Bornu), small, e.g. Gana Woshem, flowing into Chad L. ; Gana Gulfei,' 'little Gulfei,' on the Shari E. Ganda (Galla), village. Ganda {Songhai), country. nGandu {Congo, dialect of Bantu), a town. Cf. Ganzu. Gang {Sansc), a river, stream, e.g. Ganges. See Ganga. Gang {Tibet), ice ; spur of a mountain. See Sgang. Ganga {Ceylon, India), a river, e.g. Ganga Pura, 'river town.' See Gang. Gangala {Sansc.), land subject to inundation by the Ganges. Gangara, Gangala {A-Zande), hill, dam, dike, e.g. Gangara na Bojo, ' the hill of the chief Bojo.' Gang-barar {Sansc, Pers.) f alluvial land recovered from a river. Gangri {Tibet), a snow-capped mountain. Ganj {Bengal), a market-town, market, storehouse, whence the Anglo-Indian Gunge. Ganji {Songhai), uncultivated land, forest, desert. Ganon, Gaon, Ganw {Sansc, Hind), village, tow T n, dis- trict. Ganua, Ganwa {Hausa), a ditch. Ganw {Sansc) See Ganon. n Ganzu {Congo, dialect of Bantu), outskirts, the imme- diate vicinity of a town. Cf. Gandu. Gaon {Sansc) See Ganon. Gar {Tibet), camp, permanent camp. The form Sgar also occurs. Gar {Arab.) See Ghar. 126 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Gara (Walamo and Galla, Abyssinia), a mountain range, a hill, e.g. Gara Arba, * elephant range.' ,, (dialect near Lugh), a hill. Gara, pi. Gur (Arab., N. Africa), a rocky peak. Gara (Sansc), a ditch, pit, cavern ; also low land on which water does not lie long. Garam (Sansc.) See Gram. Garan (Hind.), a swamp, morass. Gard. See Yard. Gare (Fr.), wet dock; terminus or platform, station (railway) . Garet (Arab.) See Galeb. Garganta (Sp.), mountain torrent ; a narrow pass be- tween mountains. Garh (Hind.), castle, hill, fort, e.g. Fathgarh (Futigarh), ' fort of victory ' ; fath (Arab.) = victory. Gari (Hausa), land, country, town ; e.g. Sabo-n-Gari, 1 Sabo's town,' Serki-Gari, ' chief town.' See Serki, Seriki. Cf. Birni. Garie (Somaliland) , a group of zeribas ; a village of nomadic shepherds. See Garya. Garika, Gerka (Hausa), a garden. Garita (Sp.), a look-out house. Garmsir (Pers.), winter pasture grounds, hot lands ; from garm, hot, warm. Garra (Irish, Scotch, Manx), a plantation, e.g. Garrane- kinnefeake, ' Kenefec's plantation.' Gars (Arab.), a plantation. Garth (England), an enclosed place, croft, garden, from Icel. gardhr, an enclosure, e.g. Applegarth. See Yard. AND TOPOGKAPHICAL TEEMS 127 Garw (Welsh), Garbh (Gaelic), rough, torrent, e.g. Nantgarw, Yare, ' the rough stream.' Garya (Ober, Somaliland). See Garie. Gasba (Hassania), fort. Cf. Kasba, of which it is a variant. Gasse (Ger.), street, lane, road. Gassi (Arab., N. Africa), stream between dunes ; hard rocky ground covered with flints. Gasthaus (Ger.), inn, tavern. Gat, Gatti (Beccan), bank of a river. Gat (Hung.), dam, dike. Gat (Da., Nor.), gap, narrow inlet, passage. Gata (Japan), a lake near the coast; harbour. Gata (Sw.), a way, street, lane. Gate (England), a passage, road, street, from A.-S. geat, an opening, gap, e.g. Reigate. Gatti (Deccan). See Gat. u Gau (Zulu, Kafir) ; for meaning see Ugau. Gau (China), a harbour. Gau (Teut.), a district, e.g. Breisgau. Sec Gay. Gaubu (Aroma, New Guinea), a tree. Gau Gau (Min-Kia, Yunnan), sea. Gauhani (Hind.), lands situated close round a village ; village. Gauntiya (Hind.), a small hamlet. Gavan (Buss.), a harbour. Gawa (Japan), a river, e.g. Sakada Gawa. Gawi (Chad L. region), firm hard ground, especially such localities in the Lower Shire E. marshes where villages can be built, e.g. the village Gawi. 128 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Gay, Gau (Teutonic), a district, e.g. Spengay. See Gau. Gayal (Hind.) See Gail. Gaz (Cent. Asia), a goose, e.g. Gaz Kul, ' goose lake,' applied by the Kirghiz to all the Pamir lakes. See Kul. Gazovi (Servian), a ford. Gdir (Arab.), a gulf, whirlpool. Ge, Geya (Singalese), a house. See Geh. Gebel (Arab.), a mountain, e.g. Gibraltar. See Jebel. Gebele, El- (W. Sahara), south. See Gharb, Gebli, Shergi, Safel. Geber (Arab.) See Kebir. Gebi (Abyssinia). See Gibe. Gebiet (Ger,), territory, district, province. Gebirge (Ger.), mountain range (Geb.) e.g. Riesengebirge, * giant mountains.' Gebli (Arab., N. Africa), south, a variant of Gebele. See Safel. Gebusch (Ger.), copse, thicket. Ged (Somali), atiee, bush, e.g. Ged-wein, GedGalol. Wein. Geda (Somali), grass, pasture. Cf. Dur. Gedal (Arab.), a meadow. Gede (Soninhe), spring, fountain, well. Gedenkteeken (Dch.), a monument. Gedik (Turk.), a col. Gf. Bel. Gedong (Malay), storehouse, e.g. Gedong Singata, 'an arsenal ' ; whence Anglo-Ind. Godown, warehouse &c. Geh (Hind.), a house, mansion. Gehucht (Dch.), a hamlet. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 129 Geil {Icelandic), defile, narrow glen, a ravine. Gej (Wolof), sea. Geji (Lokub, L. Budolf), a village. Gelah (Arab.), watch towers. Found also as Gelaa in Algeria. Gelli (Welsh), hazel-grove, e.g. Dolgelly. See Dol. Gelman (Kabile), a ravine. Gelta (Kabile), a pond, pool. See Guelta. Gemaa (Arab.), a knoll. Geneza (S. and E. Africa), castle. Gennar (Arab.), a peak. Gentra (Arab., N. Africa). See Guentra. Geo (Shetland's), a rocky creek with precipitous sides, e.g. Klebergeo, as distinguished from Voe, a fiord, and Wick, a broad open bay. Geok (Turk.), blue, e.g. Geok Tepe, 'blue hill.' Gephyri (Neo-Greek), a bridge; from Anc. Ger. ytyvpa. Gera (Algeria), a lake. Gerai'r, pi. of Gurara (q.v.) Gerant (Harem, Indo-China), tree. Gerara (Arab.), a plot of ground. Gerara (Arab., N. Africa). See Gurara. Gereza (Swahili), a fort. Gerhush (Abbadi, Etbai), rotten schist. Geri (Galloppa, Abyssinia), a road. Geri (Masai), striped, e.g. Donyo Geri, ' striped mountain, a Masai name for Mount Kenia. See Lorgenai. Gern (Arab., N. Africa), a peak. Gerrua (Arab.), a bare summit or peak. Gesaa (Arab.), a small embanked plain. K 130 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Gesh (Upper Nile), bush, tall grass. Gestade (Ger.), shore, bank. Geta {Danakil), a road. Gettar {Arab.), a well from which water trickles. Geul, Ghol, Gol {Turk.), a lake. Geya {Singalese). See Ge. Ghaba {Arab., Marocco), scrub, low bush. Ghadir {Arab.), a pool, pond ; in N. Africa equivalent to Firki {q.v.) Ghana {Bomu), little, e.g. Marte Ghana. Ghangakhsu, Ghangeng {Eskimo, Smith Sound), a cape. Ghangerdlnakhsu {Eskimo, Smith Sound), a little fiord. Ghangerdlnkhsoa {Eskimo, Smith Sound), a large fiord. Ghar, Gar, pi. Ghiran {Arab.), a grotto, cavern, e.g. Trafalgar. Ghar {Hind.), house, dwelling ; also clay soil. Gharb, El- {Egyptian Sudan), left bank of the Nile, from the Arab. Gharb, west. Cf. Maghrabi, Maghreb ; see Said, Matla. Ghari {Hind.), valley, ravine. Gharika {Swahili), flood, inundation. From Arab. Ghark, see next entry. Ghark-ab {Arab.), deep water. See Ab. Ghat, Ghant {India), a mountain pass ; range of moun- tains ; a flight of steps for the convenience of bathers ; a passage, road, street. Ghati {Hind.), a strait ; pass ; a slope, gentle incline. Ghant {India). See Ghat. Ghe {Harem, Indo-China), great. Ghede {Java), great. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 131 Ghedir (Arab., N. Africa), a small natural reservoir. Gheghertakhsoa, Gheghertakhsu, Gheghertarong, Ghegherten (Eskimo, Smith Sound), island. Ghelli (Kurdish, Kermanji district), narrow defile, narrow place in a road. Gheo lu (Miao-tse, Yunnan), a forest. Gher (Mongol), the Mongol circular felt tent. Gheridat, dim. of Ghurd (Arab., N. Africa), a small dune. Ghiariccio (It.), the gravelly bed of a river, from Ghiaja, shingle. Ghiem (Marocco), tents, hence a camp. Ghi ta he (Min-Kia, Yunnan), desert. Ghoe (Hainan), a river. Ghol (Turk.) See Geul. Ghorrafa (Arab., N. Africa), a large deep hollow running from dune to dune. Ghubba (Swahili), a bay. Ghukhsoa (Eskimo, Smith Sound), a river. Ghumbur (Somali), a hill ; found also as Gumbur (q.v.) See Bur. Ghunt (Hind.), rent-free lands assigned as endowments of religious establishments. Ghurd, pi. Oghrud (Arab., N. Africa), a large dune. See Gheridat. -Gi (Nupe, Nigeria). See -Ji. Gi (Kanarese, W. coast of Hindustan), north. For other points see Suli, Mutli, Kabli. Gibe (Abyssinia), palace ; sometimes spelled Gebi. Gibi (Hausa), precipice, ravine. K 2 132 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Gibi (Turkana, L. Budolf), water. Gibla (Hassania), south. Cf. Gebli. Gibya (Abba, N. W. o/L. Rudolf). See Gibi (Turkana). [ (Hausa), a dwelling-house, dwelling place, town, Gidda ] I ] e.g. Giddan Serikin Pawa, the n being the sign of the possessive, ' the town of the chief Pawa.' Gierbrug (Dch.), a flying bridge. Gihat, El- (Egyptian Sudan), direction. Gil (Icelandic), a deep narrow glen. Gil (Pers.), clay. nGila (Sagara, Bantu), a path. ' Cf. Zila, Jira, Jila, Dlela, Tsela, Sila. Gilef (Abbadi, Etbai), sandstone. Gilia (It.), clay soil. Gill (Lake District), a ravine, e.g. Aygill. Gilli (W. Australia), a creek. Gimi (Hausa), a village. Cf. TJngwa. Gin (Japan), silver. Ginie (Soninke), cultivated land. Ginna (Abbadi, Etbai) , cushion-shaped or mamillated hills. Ginting (Malay Pen.), the saddle of a hill. Giogaja (It.), a ridge of mountains. Gipfel (Ger.), crest, summit of a mountain. Giram (Sansc.) See Gram. Gird (Pers.), environs. Girewa (Sansc), a low hill ; ravine ; steep pass. Giri (Hind.), mountain, hill, e.g. Nilgiri, 'blue moun- tain.' Cf. Par, Pahar. Girima (Hausa), great. Cf Baba. f ^ OF THE A I UNIVERSITY J V OF A^ I t^ 0I>0GRAPHICAL TEEMS 133 Giriwar (Sansc), a mountain, hill. See Girewar. Girungu (Fr. Congo), ' great water,' large stream. See Ngu. Gisr (Arab.), a dike. Ghmcaja (It.), a place full of reeds and rushes. Gizan, pi. of Goz (Egyptian Sudan), small sandy hills. mGizi (Lusinga and Chula, Uganda), a village. Glas (Celtic), green, grey, blue, e.g. Glascoed, see Coed ; Glenfinglas, ' grey-white valley ' (fin from Gaelic fionn, white) ; Glassalt, ' grey stream.' See Allt. Gleb (Arab.) See Galeb. Gleicher (Ger.), the equator. Glen (Gaelic), a narrow valley, e.g. Glencoe. Of. Glyn. Gletscher (Ger.), a glacier. Glina (Buss.), clay. Gling (Tibet), region, district. Gluboki (Buss.), deep, e.g. Glubokoi in Vilna, S.W. Eussia. Glyn (Ireland, Wales), a glen, narrow valley, e.g. Glynneath. Cf. Glen. Gnai' (Laos), great, large. Gnater (Arab., N. Africa), rocky ridges between depressions. Cf. Hodh. Go (Tibet), head, source of a river. -Go (Japan), suffix equivalent to the German Hinter, e.g. Bigo. Gob (Gaelic), the bill or beak of a bird, e.g. Gob na Crois, Gob na Hoe. Gob (Somaliland), a tall thornless tree with small red edible fruit, e.g. Goble, ' the place where the gob trees grow.' See Le. 134 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Gobiye (Galla), market. Goch (Welsh), red, e.g. Llanbedrgoch. Cf. Coch. SeeLl&n. God (Pers.), lake, e.g. God-i-Zirra. God (Somaliland), a hole, e.g. Godlebile; Godwein, 'great cave.' See Wein, Le. nGodia (Congo, dialect of Bantu), an abyss. Godo (Congo), a town. Godown (Malay), storehouse ; corruption of Gedong (q.v.) Godut (Somaliland), red, e.g. Hell Godut, 'the red well.' See Hell. Goed (Welsh). See Coed. Goend, Gwend, Gwainda (Hind.), suburb; homestead. Goff (Somaliland), dry, e.g. Webi Goff, 'the dry river,' a watercourse which is dry except in the rainy season. See Webi. Gog (Tibet), ruins. Gogeti (Galla), a dry stream bed. Cf. Wadi. chiGogo (German East Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Chigogo for meaning. kiGogo (German East Africa, dialect of Bantu), water. Goila (S. Cape, New Guinea), water. Gok (E. Turk.), green, e.g. Gok Tepe, ' green hill.' See Tepe, Geok. nGoka (Giryama), shore, water's edge, bank. Gokje (Turk.), blue. Cf. Geok, Gok. Gol (Mongol), streamlet, small river, river, e.g. Khara-gol. Gol, Ghol, Geul (Turk.), a lake, e.g. Ak-Gol, ' white lake.' Gola (Slavonic), a wood, e.g. Gollwitz. Gola, Gol (Somali), a peak, e.g. Gola Daga=the rocky peak. See Daga. AND TOPOGKAPHICAL TEEMS 135 Gola (It.), a defile, narrow gorge; lit. 'throat.' Golea, Kolea (Arab.), a small castle, e.g. El Golea. Golets (Buss.), a bare rock. Golf (Ger.), gulf, bay. Golfe (Fr.), gulf, bay. For use as a form of sub-oceanic relief see Embayment. Golfo (It, Port., Sp.), gulf, bay (G.) Goli, Goloi (Buss.), bare (of a rocky mountain, or arid desert). There are no less than ten islands of this name in Alaskan waters alone. Golo (Aroma, New Guinea), mountain. Cf. Olo, Oro oro. Golomyanni (Buss.), a sea breeze. Gome (Nika). See Me. nGome (Congo, dialect of Bantu), water. nGome (Swahili), a fort or castle. Gomito (It.), a creek, an arm of the sea ; lit. elbow. Gon (Indian, U.S.A.), clay-land. Gona, pi. Gonaki (Hausa), a farm, e.g. Gona-n-Berda, • Berda's estate,' n being the sign of the possessive. Gonaki (Sudan), garden-fields. See Gona. Gonda (Hind.), a suburb ; field near a village. Gong (India), a village, e.g. Chittagong, 'the four villages.' Cf. Charde. kiGongo (Gogo, Bantu), a detached hill or mountain ; also in Nyanyemhe and Suhuma. Gonia (Greek), angle, corner. nGono (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu), little. Gonpa (Tibet), a monastery, lit. solitude, e.g. Tuning Chubu Gonpa. Gop-mahal (Arab.), pasture grounds. 136 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Gor (Hammer Kohi, Abyssinia), a road. Gora (It.), aqueduct, mill-dam. Gora (Slav.), hill, mountain, e.g. Czernagora, ' black mountain ' = Montenegro. See Czerni. Goram (Cent. Asia), stony grorn^ Gordo, a (Sp.), broad ; e.g. Punta Gorda, ' broad point.' Gore (A-Zande), left (hand side). Gore (Soninhe), encampment. Gorgo (It.), gorge, whirlpool, abyss. Gorha (Hind.), fields near a village, homestead. Goria {Somali), tree stumps, e.g. Goriale, 'place of tree stumps.' See Le. Gorm {Gaelic), blue, e.g. Bengorm. See Ben. Gornia {Neo-Greek), upper; a Slav loan-word. Gornoi (Buss.), mountainous, e.g. Gornoi island in Sitka Sound, Alaska. Gorny | (Polish, S. Slav.) upper (Grn.) ; e.g. Gorny Gornyi j Toponica on Morava K. Goro (Hung.), great, high. Gorod (Buss.), a burgh, town, e.g. Novgorod, 'new town.' Gf. Grad, Grod. -Gorongo (Cent. Africa), a suffix meaning 'great.' Gorru (Galloppa, Abyssinia), tree. Goru (Songhai), channel, bed of a river. Got (Ja-Luo, Uganda), hill, mountain. Gotara (Hind), rich lands immediately adjacent to a village. Goulet (Fr.), a narrow entrance. Gowa (Kiwai, New Guinea), a passage in a reef. Gowt, Gote {Low German Gote, Ger. Gosse), sluice in AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 137 a sea-embankment for letting out the land-water when the tide is out and preventing the ingress of sea- water, e.g. Winthorpe Gowt. Goz, pi. Gizan (Egyptian Sudan), a small sandy hill, a village built in a sandy plain, e.g. Goz Regeb. isiGquma (Zulu, Kafir), a knoll, hillock. isiGqunyana (Zulu, Kafir), a small hillock. Graba (Marocco), a wood. Graben (Ger.), a ditch, canal ; a term now generally applied to the ' rift ' valleys. For use as a form of sub-oceanic relief see Trench. Grad (Slav.), town, e.g. Belgrad. Gf. Gorod, Grod. See Bel. Graendse (Da., Nor.), boundary. Gf. Grans, Grens, Grenze. Gram (Tibet), a marsh. Gram, Garam, Giram (Sansc, Hind), a village. Gran (Nissan I., New Guinea), a lofty bank. Grand, e (Fr.), great, e.g. Grande-Chartreuse. Grande (Sp.), great, e.g. Rio Grande. Grange (Fr.), a barn (G ge ). Granitsa (Servian), a boundary. Gf. Grenze. Granja (Sp.), a country house (Gr.) Grans (Sw.), a boundary. Gf. Graendse, Grens, Grenze. Grat (Ger.), ridge, the edge of a mountain. Gratz (Slavonic), a town, e.g. Kbniggratz. Gravier (Fr.), gravel. Greda (Sp.), chalk. Greh (Sansc.), house, mansion, abode. Grens (Dch.), a boundary. Gf. Graendse, Grans, Grenze. Grenze (Ger.), a boundary. Gf. Graendse, Grans, Grens, Granitsa. 138 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Grod (Polish), a burgh. Cf. Gorod, Grad. Grog {Tibet), ravine, torrent. Gron-ba (Tibet), stream. Grong (Tibet), a town. Groot (Dch.), great, e.g. Groote Eylandt. Groppa (It.), a hill-top. Gross (Ger.), great (Gr.), e.g. Grosswardein. Grube (Ger), quarry, mine. Gruda (Buss.), a cairn, a pile. Grue (A-Zande), a road. Grun, pi. of Gem (q.v.) Grund (Da., Nor., Sw.), ground, shallow bank, shoal. Grund (Ger.), for use as a form of sub-oceanic relief see Shoal. Grunn (Icel.), shallow ground, shoal. Grus (Arab.), plantations. Gryaz (Buss.), mud. Gu (A-Zande), the; pi. Yo, Ra, or He; e.g. Gungara, 1 the water of the bamboos.' See Ngu. Gu (New Guinea), water, river; other dialects have Ku, U, thus Gu-pa, Ku-pa, U-pa, 'rain-water.' Gua (Mandara), a river. Guad (Spain), ravine, valley, river, from Arabic Wad, e.g. Guadalquivir = Wad el Kebir=' great river.' Guadal (Spanish S. America), a knoll of sand, a dune. Guasso (Guarani, S. America), great ; e.g. I-guasso. Guba (Galla), above. Guba (Buss.), a bay, gulf. Gubat (Tagala, Philippines), a forest, wood. Guberniya (Buss.), a government, province. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 139 Guchi {Japan), a mouth; used in compounds for Kuchi (q.v.) Gudar (Pers.), a pass. Guddi, pi. Dididi (Ghamba), house, dwelling. Gudi, pi. Adi (Basari), house, dwelling. Gue (Fr.), a ford. Guedi (Lokub, L. Rudolf), a road. Guelta (Arab., N. Africa), a hole or basin in the bed of a river. Another and more correct form is Gelta. Guentra, pi. Gnater (Arab., N. Africa), a rocky ridge between depressions. Another and more correct form is Gentra. Cf. Hodb. Gueret (Fr.), land ploughed but not sown. Gugule (Bagirmi, Chad L. region), a shallow water- course. Guha (Sansc), a cave, cavern. Guiang (Yayo, China), a wood, thicket. Guiret (Arab.) See Galeb. Guiret, dim. of Gara (Arab), a small rocky peak. Gujeta (Lokub, L. Budolf), grass. Gul, Gur (Tibet), tent; slope of a mountain. Gulbi (Hausa), ocean, sea, stream, e.g. Gulbi n Kebi. Gulbo (Galloppa, Abyssinia), a nullah. Gully (Eng.), used, in sub-oceanic relief, for a long and narrow extension of a Trough (q.v.) or Basin (q.v.) which penetrates the land or a submarine eleva- tion, either with a uniform or a gradually diminishing depth, or which is bounded on the one side by land and on the other by a submarine elevation, e.g. the Faroe Gully, the Norwegian 140 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Gully. Equivalent to Ger. Rinne, Fr. Chenal. Cf. Embayment. Gum (Abyssinia), mountain. Gumbaz (Cent. Asia), a tomb, e.g. Gumbaz-i-Bozai, ' the tomb of Bozai.' Gumbur (Somali), a hillock, e.g. Gumbur-ta-Jifto, 'the sloping hillock.' Another form of Ghumbur. See Bur. Gumbed (Pers.), cupola, tomb of Mohammedan saint. Gume (Songhai), port, wharf. Gummat, Gumti (Hind.), a tower. Gun (Japan), a division of the country. Gun (Songhai), a gulf. Gun. See Gyun. Guna (Chad L. region), little, e.g. Bediguna, 'little Bedi.' Gund (Kurdish), a village. chiGunda (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), island. mGunda (Swahili, Yao), field, cultivated land. Gune (Soninke), a desert. Gunga (Tibet), an egg, e.g. Gunga Nor, ' egg lake,' see Nor. Gungu (Hausa, Songhai), an island, e.g. Bangagungu, ' hippopotamus island,' in the Niger K. nGungula (Congo, dialect of Bantu), the current of a river. Guni (Hausa), a little village. Gunne (Soninke), a forest. Gunong, Gunon, Gunung (Malay), mountain, e.g. Gunong Bongsu, Gunong Ledang. AND TOPOGEAPHICAL TERMS 141 Gunong Api (Malay), a volcano. See Api. Gunta (Deccan), a tank, pool. Gur (Albanian), stone. Gur (Arab., N. Africa), rocky peaks. Gur (Gent. Asia), a grave, e.g. Ak-Gur, 'white tomb.' See Ak. Gur (Tibet). See Gul. Gurara (Arab., N. Africa), a depression in the form of a basin, where rain-water remains for a consider- able period and induces vegetation ; larger than Dai'a (q.v.) Gure (Songhai), hill, dune. Gurgi (Somali), huts. Guri (Somali), a hut made of herios or mats. Gurna (Arab.), a mountain promontory. Gursi (Deccan), cottage, hut. Gusong (Malay), shoal. Gusu (Songhai), cave, ditch. Gut (England), a passage, channel. Gutsi (Japan), an outlet. nGutu (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a town. Guzar (Pers.), a passage, a ferry. Gwainda (Hind.) See Goend. Gwaso (E. Cent. Africa), stream, water, lake, e.g. Gwaso Nyarok, Gwaso Masa. Gwend (Hind.) See Goend. Gwin (Bambara, Malinke), a mud wall surrounding an enclosure. Cf. Din. nGwongomoka (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a landslip. Gwy (Welsh), water, stream, e.g. Wye, Wey, Medway. 142 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL inGxangxasi (Amaxosa, Kafir), a rapid in a river ; a small waterfall. inGxoboza (Amaxosa. Kafir), a bog, marsh. umGxoboza (Amaxosa, Kafir), swampy ground. Gya, Gyan, Gyi (Tibet, Burma), signifies ' extent,' great, e.g. Gyantse, S.W. of Lhasa, Myitgyi, in Upper Burma. See Myit. Gy'oi, Kyoi (Korea), stream, creek, e.g. Kybi-San, ' moun- tain stream.' Gyun (Burma), an island. Cf. Kyung. Gyun (Tibet), a stream. Gzia (Upper Nile), grass. Ha (Indian, California), water. Cf. Aha. Habe (Indian, U.S.A.), hill, mountain. Habe (Fula). See Kado. Habilat (Arab., N. Africa), a chain of small dunes. Habr (Somali), a tribal prefix, e.g. Habr Gerhaji. Hacienda (Sp.), an estate (Hda). Hada (China), mountain, range. Hadd (Arab.), a spit of sand, or low sandy point. „ (Arab.), a limit, a boundary. Hadi (Madagascar), ditch, trench ; modified to Kadi (q.v.) in composition. Hadilanana (Madagascar), col, saddle. Haf (Sw.), sea, ocean. Hafen (Ger.), a port, e.g. Bremenhafen, ■ port of Bremen.' Hafen (Nor.), a wharf. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 143 Hafir (Arab.), an excavation, ditch. Hagaba (Upper Nile), small cleared arable spots in the midst of wooded or grass land. Hagar (Arab.), a stone, e.g. Dair el Hagar. See Dair. Hage (Da., Nor., Sw.), an enclosure, enclosed pasture. Hagen = Hag (Ger.), a hedge, a place surrounded by a hedge ; park, e.g. Hagendorn. Haghier (SoJcotra), white rocks. Hagios, a, on (Greek), holy, saint, e.g. Hagios Vlasis on Mount Olonos. Found also as Agios. Hagna, Hanya (Arab.), an eddy in a river. See Hania. Ha gurh (Min-Kia, Kwei-chau), house. Hahake (Tonga, Polynesia), east. For other points see Tokelau. Hai (China), sea, sometimes lake, e.g. Wei-Hai-Wei ; Hwang-Hai, ' yellow sea.' Haie (Fr.), a hedge. See next entry. Haigh (England), a place surrounded by a hedge ; a park. Cf. Hay, Haie, Hecke. Hai-kau (China), bight, creek, lit. sea-mouth. See Hai, Kau. Hai-kio, Hai-ko (China), a cape, lit. sea-point. See Hai, Kio, Ko. Hai-mun (China), an estuary, lit. sea-gate. See Mun. Hain (Ger.), grove, wood. Hainya, Hanya (Hausa), road, path. Cf. Turuba. Haishat (Arab., N. Africa), sandy hillocks, covered with vegetation. Hait (Arab.), a wall. Ha i tan (Indian, California), town, village. 144 GLOSSARY. OF GEOGRAPHICAL Hai-tao (China), an island. Lit. 'sea mountain,' see Tao, Hai. Haiti (Santo Domingo and Haiti), mountains. Hai wan (China), a bay. See Hai, Wan. Hai-yau (China), a gulf. Cf. Hai Wan. Hajar (Arab.), stone, rock,, e.g. Hajar Shwaf, 'Mirror Stone,' S. of Chad L., from the polished appear- ance of the rock. mnHaka (Giryama), boundary.' Halat (Arab.), a sandbank dry at low water. Halbinsel (Ger.), a peninsula. Haifa. See Alfa. Hali (Anglo-Saxon), holy, e.g. Halifax, ' holy tress,' i.e. of the Virgin Mary's hair. Halita (Hausa), a dwelling-place. Hall (England), a stone house, from A.S. heall, e.g. Cogge shall. Halla (Shangalla, Abyssinia), an uninhabited desert. Cf. Bunga. Hallal (Egyptian Sudan), a village. Hallier (Fr.), a thicket. Halom (Hung.), a hill. Hals (Da., Nor., Sw), a strip or neck of land. Haltestelle (Ger.), halting-place (H. St.) Ha Luong (Khas Chos, Indo-China), a tree. -Ham (England), suffix meaning house, village, home, farm, e.g. Buckingham. Ham (Bintukwa Indian, U.S. of Colombia), rock. Ham (Cambodia), the jaw; e.g. Ham-Luong, 'Dragon's Jaw,' in Bao-Duk. See Luong. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 145 Hama, Bama (Japan), sand ; low-lying coast, beach shore, e.g. Yokohama. Hamada (Arab., N. Africa), plateau with rocky soil ; calcareous waterless plateau. Hamar, Ahmar, pi. Homer (Arab., N. Africa), red, e.g. Jebel Hamar, 'red mountain.' Cf. Homra. Hameau (Fr.), hamlet (H au ). Hamis, Hamse (Chad L. region), stagnant water, e.g. Hamis bay in S. of Chad L., after which Hager el Hamis, or Mount Hamis, is named. Hamma (Arab.), hot springs. Hammerwerk (Ger.), a foundry. Hamn (Sw.), harbour, haven, e.g. Carlshamn, 'Charles's haven.' Hamraye (Sahara), a bleak open district. See Nega. Hamun (Pers.), a desert ; plain, level ground ; a lake with swampy edges, having a large expanse of water free from reeds, e.g. Hamun-i-Sistan, Hamun-i-Fara, Ashkin being applied to lands only temporarily flooded, Chung, Chang, to water too deep for reeds to grow in, and Naizar to shallows and reed beds. Han (Japan), a clan, tribe. Han (Turk.), grass. Hana (Japan), cape, point. Also means 'flowers,' e.g. Hana Batake, ' the great flower-field.' Handaki (Swahili), ditch, trench. aHandu (Lu-Wa7iga, Uganda), a place. Handu, pi. Kundu (Kihuyu, Bantu) , Bee Ndu. Hang (China), dry, e.g. Hang ho = dry river ; Hang kong pe = desert. In Korea a neck of a hill. L 146 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Han-hai (Mongol), a sea of sand. See Hai. Hania (Arab.), a bend formed by a river, eddy. See Hagna. Hano (Maiva, New Guinea), earth. Hantsana (Madagascar), a precipice. Hanua (Motu, New Guinea), a village. For other dialect forms see Fenua. Hanya (Arab.) See Hagna, Hania, the same word. Hao (China), ditch, trench. Haoz, Hauz (Pers.), tank, reservoir, from the Arabic Haud. See Hauz. Hapotrahana (Madagascar), falls in a river, rapids. Hara (Danahil), a tree. Hara (Japan), moorland. Harad (Sw.), a canton, county, district. Haram (Arab.), a sacred place. Hara (Mongol), prefix meaning black. Cf. Kara. Harana (Madagascar), rock, e.g. Haranandriana, ■ the noble's rock.' See Andriana. The modified form Kara (q.v.) is also used. Hari (Kurdish), mud. Hari (Songhai), water, river, lake, sea. Harifa (Hassania), field, garden. Harimo (Songhai), source, fountain. See Hari. Harmattan (Fanti), a hot wind blowing from the interior of Africa to the Atlantic between Capes Verde and Lopez. Harmina (Fin.), harbour. Hart (Ger.), a forest, e.g. Hunhart. From Harz, a wooded mountain, e.g. Harzgebirge. Hashakut (Indian y U.S.A.), a lake. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 147 Hashi {Japan), a bridge. Hashiet (Hassania), shore, beach. Hashish (Arab.), grass. Hashm (Arab.), a snout, and so a hill in the shape of a snout, e.g. Hashm el Agl, k calf's snout,' Hashm el Dib, ' wolf's snout,' places being frequently named after living creatures. Hasi (Hassania), spring, fountain, wells ; a variant of Hassi (q.v.) Hassadan (Somali), a euphorbia tree, e.g. Hassadanle, 1 the place where the euphorbias grow.' See Le. Hassar (Arab.), a rock. Hasse (Indian, U.S.A.), a river. Hassi (Arab., N. Africa), wells of little depth without masonry ; holes channelled out in the sand at the bottom of which one finds water. In Oran the name is applied to all wells, with and without masonry. Hat (Siam), a rapid over sand or pebbles; sandbank. Hata (W alamo, Abyssinia), water. Hata (Japan), arable land. Hatakh (Somali), a trench = Boran. Ha tats (Indian, U.S.A.), sea. Hatch (England), a hitch-g&te, e.g. Westhatch. Hato (Mongol), stone, stony. Hatoba (Japan), wharf, landing-place. Hatsai (Siam), sandbank. Hatt (Hind.), a market, market-place. Hattia (Sahara), a level valley with vegetation, waste land overgrown with scrub and brushwood. L 2 148 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Haud (Arab.), a reservoir, tank, cistern ; the Persian forms are Haoz, Hauz. Haugh (England), (1) from the Norse haugr (a mound), a mound, cf. Hei, How ; (2) from the Anglo-Saxon haga (lit. hedge, then hedged ground, field) ; low- lying rich lands which are occasionally flooded over. Haugr (Nor.), a mound. Cf. Hei. Haul (Vonum, Formosa), a river. Hauma (Arab.), a district, quarter of a town. Hauptstadt (Ger.), chief city, capital. Haus (Ger.), house (Hs.), e.g. Schaffhausen. Haush (Arab.), a farm. Haut (Fr.), height, top, summit ; upper, e.g. Haute Loire. For use as a form of sub-oceanic relief see Height. Hauteur (Fr.), rising ground, an eminence. Haut-fond (Fr.), a shoal (q.v.) Hauz, Haoz (Pers.), tank, reservoir ; borrowed from Arab. Haud; e.g. Hauz Kalan, 'great pool.' See Kalan. Hav (Da., Nor.), sea, ocean. Haveli (E. Turk.), a homestead. Havn (Da., Nor.), haven, harbour, e.g. Thorshavn; Kjbbenhavn, 'merchants' haven' (Copenhagen). Havod, Hafod (Welsh), a summer hut, a shealing, e.g. Havod-y-Porth. Havuana (Madagascar), a hill. Hawaii (Arab.), environs. Hawili (Arab.), house, dwelling. AND TOPOGKAPHICAL TERMS 149 Hawita (Arab., N. Africa), an enclosure ; a station marked by a tree or by a pile of stones. Hay (England), a place surrounded by a hedge ; a park, e.g. Roundhay. Of. Haigh, Haie, Hecke, Hegge. Hayasi (Japan), a forest, wood. Haz (Hung), a house, dwelling. Hazo (Madagascar), tree. The modified form Kazo (q.v.) is also used. Hazor- (Semitic), an enclosure for cattle in the desert, e.g. Hazar-aman. Hbabchu (Tibet), a small river. Hbrog (Tibet), uncultivated land, pasturage. Hdam (Tibet), a marsh, bog, swamp. Hdam-bu (Tibet), reeds. He, pi. of Gu (A-Zande), the. See Gu. Hebu (Songhai), a market. Hecha (Marovo, Solomon Is.), north-east wind. Hecke (Ger.), hedge, enclosure. Cf. Hegge, Hay, Haigh, Haie, Haugh. Hedd (Somali), a forest, e.g. HeddGodir, ' Koodoo forest.' See Dad. Hedr (Arab., Etbai), a slope. Heferbe, pi. Kefero (Fula), infidel, e.g. Lafare Heferbe, ' Pagan Lafare,' to distinguish it from the neigh- bouring village, Lafare Fulfulda, ' the Fulbe (Fula) Lafare.' Is an Arab, loan word ; see Kafir. Hegge (Dch.), a hedge. Cf. Hecke. Hegy (Hung.), mountain, peak (H.), e.g. Hegy-Allya. Hei, He (China), black, e.g. Hei Lung Kiang, ' Black Dragon river.' See Lung, Kiang. 150 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Hei (Nor.), hill or height, hummock. Gf. Hoi, Hoide, Haugh, Haugr. Heid (Arab.), a mount. Heide (Dch., Ger.), a heath, e.g. Korteheide. Height (Eng.), in sub-oceanic relief, the highest part of a Rise, Ridge, or Plateau (q.v.) if it does not belong to the base of an island ; e.g. the Valdivia Height on the Walfisch Eidge ; opp. to Deep (q.v.) Equivalent to Ger. Hohe, Fr. Haut. Heilig (Ger.), holy, saint, e.g. Heiligenberg, in Baden. Heim (Ger.), a house, e.g. Hochheim. See Hoch. Heir (Arab.), a pearl bank. Hei tu (China), black loam. See Hei, Tu. Hel (E. Turk.), damp, moist. Heli (Welsh), salt, e.g. Pwllheli = salt pool. See Pwll. Hell (Somaliland), a well, e.g. Hell Berdale, the ' well where the Perda plant grows,' see Le ; Hell Godut, ' the red well.' Gf. Hil. Found also as Hel. Hellet (Upper Nile), a village. Hen (Picardy), a home. Hen (Welsh), old, e.g. Heneglwys, ' old church ' ; see Eglwys. Hena (Ceylon), corrupted to chena, high jungle ground cultivated every 5 to 14 years, e.g. Kotahena, 1 timber chena.' Hendura (Arab.), a slope, declivity. Hendere (Kanem), a valley. liHenga (Lu-Wanga, Uganda), a pool, pond. Henshir (Tripoli), a fenced enclosure. Hepaithlao (Indian, U.S.A.), town, village. Herdade (Port.), a mansion or large manor-house. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 151 Herera (Nika), a plain. Herzogthum, Herzogtum (Ger.), a duchy ; lit. duke-dom, from Herzog=duke, and tum=dom. Heuvel (Dch.), a hill, Langenheuvel, Kaatsheuvel. He wi (Indian, California), hill, mountain. Hey. See Hay. Hia (China), a prefix signifying 'lower,' ' smaller,' e.g. Hia Kotu, near Chang Chai in Kwei Chau. Hia (Indian, U.S.A.), a meadow. Hia-kau (China), a strait. See Hia, Kau. Hiang-tsun (China), a village. muHichi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a river. Hien (China), a district city. Cf. Chau, Fu, Hsien. Higashi, Higasi, To (Japan), east. For other points see Hoku. Hihidi (A-Zande), great. Hiki Shiwo (Japan), ebb tide. See Shiwo. Hikifu (Tonga, Polynesia), west. For other points see Tokelau. Hikina (Hawaii), east. For other points see Akau. Hikui (Japan), low, e.g. Hiku Shima. See Shima. Hil (Hind.), mud, ooze. Hil (Bahanwin, Somaliland), an eye; source of spring water, the same as the Arab. Ain and the Somali Hell. Hilin (Somali), a road = Derigh. Hilla, pi. Hallal (Egyptian Sudan), a village. Hima, Him (Sansc), snow, ice, cold, e.g. Himalaya, ' the abode of snow.' Hin (Siam), rock, stone. 152 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL -Hina, -Hini (Indian, N. America), a suffix meaning ' river ' ; e.g. Klehini, Krotahini. Hinigala (Kusage, Solomon Is.), plantation, garden. Hinter (Ger.), hinder, lying behind. See next entry. Hinterland (Ger.), the region inland from the coast; equivalent to the French ' arriere-pays ' ; back country. Hippo (Phoenician), a walled town ; occurs in the ancient names of many towns in N. Africa, e.g. Hippo Regius, the present Bone. Hira (Japan), a plain. Hirhash (Abbadi, Etbai), mica. Hiroi (Japan), wide (of a stream or valley). Hishan (Egyptian Sudan), enclosures. See Hitah. Hissar (Turk.), castle, fort, e.g. Kara-Hissar. See Kara. Is a loan word in Arab, and Pers. Hitah (Arab.), an enclosure. See Hishan. Hithe (England), a wharf ; a small haven or port, from A.S. hydh, a haven, e.g. Queenhithe. Hito (Sp.), a landmark, guide-post. Hittuuk (Indian, U.S.A.), a tree. mHitu (German East Africa, dialect of Bantu), wood, bush, forest. Hiu (China), a cliff. Hiu (China), a market. Hjem (Da., Nor.), home, homestead, village, e.g. Throndhjem, ' throne home,' the place of coronation of Norwegian kings. Cf Heim, Ham. nmHlaba (Kafir), the earth, the world; ground, soil. iHlabati (Amaxosa, Kafir), the earth. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 153 umHlambo {Kafir), a valley. iHlane (Zulu, Kafir), an uninhabited country or district. umHlanhlo (Amaxosa, Kafir), a garden made in the bush. iHlati (Kafir), a forest, jungle. inHlazuka (Zulu, Kafir), a landslip. iHlobo (Kafir), the summer season. Hlong Ku (Chinbon), a valley. Ho (Annam), lake, marsh, pond, pool. muHo (Giryama), a river ; there is also the same word in Nik a. Ho (Hung.), snow. Ho (China), a river, e.g. Hwang-Ho. Cf. Kiang, Chiang. Ho may be applied to any river, Kiang only to a large one. Ho, Hoe (Hainan), a river ; from the above. Hoa (Cambodia), alliance, friendship ; e.g. Bao-Hoa, 1 preserve the alliance,' a district in Cambodia. Hoa (Laos), a boat. Hoai (Burma, Siam), stream. Hoang (China), savages. Hoang (China). See Hwang. Hoblis (Mysore), the subdivision of a Taluk. Cf. Thanas. Ho bune (Japan), sailing vessel. Hoch (Ger.), high, e.g. Hochkirch, ' high church.' See next entry. Hochebene (Ger.), tableland, plateau. See Hoch. Hb'dde (Faroes e), a promontory. Cf. Hofdi. Hodh (W. Sahara), a depression between rocky ridges. Cf. Gnater. Hoe (England), see Hoo; Hoe (Haiiian), see Ho. 154 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ho e est {Indian, U.S.A.), a hill. Hoek (Gape Dch.), a ravine, pass, e.g. Braakhoek. In Dutch, cape, headland. Hoeve (Dch.), a farm. Hof (Ger.), a court-yard; farm, 'country house, e.g. Hofheim. Hofai'rt. Dim. of Hofra (q.v.) Hbfdi (Icel.), promontory or mountain ridge, e.g. Hjorleifshofdi. Cf. Hbdde. Hbfn (Icel.), a haven. Cf. Havn. Hofra (Arab., N. Africa), ditch, trench ; depression among large dunes, e.g. Hofra en Nahas. Hogback (Eng. and U.S.A.), a steep-sided ridge or long hill. Hbhe (Ger.), height. For use as a form of sub-oceanic relief see Height. Hohlweg (Ger.), a hollow excavated way ; narrow pass, defile. Hohu (Hu-Ni, China), a wood, forest. Hoi (Da., Nor.), hill or height. Cf. Hei, Heide, Hoide. Hbide (Nor.), hill, hummock. Cf. Hei, Heide, Hoi. Hoil (Khas Chos, Indo-China), a stream, small river. Hoka (Shinasha, Abyssinia), a river. Hoku, Kita (Japan), north. For other points see Nishi, Sai, Higasi, To, Nan, Minami. Hoi (Dch.), hollow (road), cave. H611 (Icel), a hillock. Hoi lo ma (Indian, California), hill, mountain. Hollow (Anglo-Saxon holh, holg), used in the same sense as Bottom (q.v.), e.g. Danebower Hollow. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 155 Holm (Da., Nor.), island, e.g. Tindholm, ' tooth-island,' Bornholm ; this and the four following entries are all really the same word, derived from an old Teu- tonic root cognate perhaps with hat. collis, culmen. Holm (Ger.), little hill, especially an elevation above the surface of inland waters ; islet. See above. Holm, Holme (Anglo-Saxon), an island in a river, flat ground along the side of a river. See above. Holma (Fin.), an island. See under Holm. Holme (Sw.), an island. See under Holm. Holper (Ger.), a hillock. Holt (Anglo- Saxo?i), a copse, e.g. Sparsholt. Cf. Holz. Holz (Ger.), a copse. Cf. Holt. Homer (Arab., N. Africa). See Hamar. Homowak (Indian, U.S.A.), water flowing out, spring, source. Homra (Arab., N. Africa), red, e.g. El Homra Hamada. Cf. Hamar, Ahmar. Hon (Annam), hill ; island. Hondo, a (Sp.), deep or shallow (really means bottom) ; shoals ; e.g. Honduras. Cf Lat. fundus. Hondu (Songhai), a dune. Hontana (Sp.), fountain, spring. Cf. Fontana. Honua (Polynesia). See Fenua. Hoo (England), a tongue of higher land running out into a plain, e.g. Hoo End. Hoog (Dch.), high, e.g. Hoogveld. Hoogte (Dch.), hill, eminence, rising ground ; e.g. Langhoogte. 156 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Hook (U.S.A.), a low sandy peninsula forming the end of a bay ; e.g. Sandy Hook. Hoorn (Dch.), horn, a peaked peninsula, e.g. TJithoorn, Oudenhoorn. Hoowi (Siam), tributary of a river. Found in early writers for Hue (q.v.) Hor (Shan States), a stream, river. Hora (Abyssinia), lake, e.g. Hora Shale, Hora Korre. Hora (Bohemia), a mountain (Ha.) Horami, Kurremi (Hausa), valley. Horn (Ger.), a peak, e.g. Matterhorn, 'peak of the meadows,' i.e. rising from the meadows. Horni (Bohemia), upper (Hr.), e.g. Horni Micina on the Hungarian Erzgebirge. Horqueta (Spanish S. America), an acute angle formed by a river or brook together with the land included by the stream. Horst (Ger.), a thick wood. Cf. Hurst. Hosere (Hausa), a rocky hill, e.g. Hosere Cholle, ' bird rock.' Cf. Hossere. Hosh, pi. Hishan (Egyptian Sudan), an enclosure. Hoshun (Mongol). See Khoshun. - Hosn (Arab.), a fortress ; a variant of Husn (q.v.) Hoso (Japan), narrow, e.g. Hososhima. See Shima. Hossere (Fula), mountain. Cf. Hosere. Hosya (Tso-o, Formosa), a village. Cf. Noheu. Hot (Harem, Indo-China), a river. Hota (Mongol), town, e.g. Chagan Hota, ' white town Hote (Hu-Ni, China), a mountain. Hotel (Fr.) t mansion, large house, hotel. Hotk (Botuma, Polynesia), stone, rock. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 157 Ho-to (China), town, large village. Ho-tun (China), lighthouse. Cf. Kwang-lau. Houdh (Arab., N. Africa). See Hodh. Cf. Gnater. Hout (Dch.), wood, wooden, Oosterhout, Houtdorp. Hoved (Da., Nor.), head, cape, point. Hovedvej (Da., Nor.), main road, How (Cumbria), mound, e.g. Fox How. Cf. Haugh. Howe (English), a hollow. Hrad (Bohemia), a castle. Hrad (Sansc), pond, lake. Hraun (Icel.), a tract of lava, e.g. Odadahraun, Kjalhraun. Hsi (China), a marsh, bog, swamp. Hsia (China), lower, e.g. Hsia Pu, 'lower citadel.' Cf. Shang. Hsiang (China), a small street, alley; village; region. Hsiao (Shan States), small, e.g. Hsiao Wei Si, 'little Wei Si.' Hsien (China), district; capital of a district = Hien. Hsi Fang (China), the western region, often used for Tibet ; has also an ethnical meaning, being applied collectively to the aborigines of the uplands along W. frontier of China (Anglice Si Fans). Hsue (China), a cave in the side of a hill. Hta (Siam), landing-place, quay. Htoong (Sia?n), field, plain. Hu (China), a lake. Cf. Po. Hn (China), a gorge, e.g. Shi Hu, ' stone gorge.' Hu (So?ighai), a house. Hua (China, Manchuria), flower ; e.g. Sung-Hua-Chiang, 'pineflower river,' i.e. the Sungari. See Sung, Chiang. 158 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Huala (Madagascar), a bay. Huana (Marovo, Solomon Is.), road. Huang (China). See Hwang. Huang tu (China), clay. Hue (Laos, Siam), a mountain stream, tributary. Huerfano (U.S.A.), a solitary hill or cerro (q.v.); the Spanish word means ' orphan.' Hugab, pi. Haguban (Arab., Etbai), a boulder. Hugel (Ger.), a hill. Hu il (Khas Chos, Indo-China), a village. Huis (Dch.), a house, e.g. Druggenhuis, Nijenhuis. , Huk (Da., Nor., Sw.), angle, point, hook of land'. Hulu (Malay), river source ; up-stream, up-country, the interior. Huma (Arab.), a district, quarter. Humedal (Sp.), humid soil, marsh. Hunahuna (Madagascar), a marsh. Hundred (English), a division of a county, supposed to be named from originally containing 100 freemen or families. Hunk (Indian, U.S.A.), a fall or rapid in a stream. Cf. Mohunk. Hunnebed (Dch.), a tumulus. Hun tha (Indian, California), town, village. Huolo (China), a village formerly enjoying autonomy. Hurst (England), a thick wood, e.g. Penshurst. Cf. Horst. Hurst (Sw.), a shrub, a thicket. Hurubbe (Arab.), tank or cistern. Hus, Huus (Da., Nor., Sw.), a house (H 8 ). AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 159 Husn (Arab.), a fortified dwelling. See Hosn. Husun (Swahili), a fort, from the above. Hutan (Malay), a wood ; never aspirated in ' High Malay.' See TJtan. Hlitte (Ger.), cottage, hut. Hutung (Ger.), pasture-ground. Huus. See Hus. Huyen (Annam), town of the fourth order or capital of a sub-district. Hvita (Icel.), white, e.g. Hvita river. Hwang (China), yellow, frequently misspelled Hoang Huang, e.g. Hwang-ho, ' yellow river.' See Ho. Hwe (Shan States), a stream. Hydor (Greek), water. Hyen Gyina-Bea (Gold Coast), harbour, roadstead. Hyrna (Icel.), peak or summit of a mountain. I (China), barbarian, savage. See Jin. I (Madagascar), an article used only with proper names e.g. Ivohibe, ' the great mountain.' See Vohi, Be. I (Nung, Lao-hai), little, small. la (Indo-China) , stream, torrent. Iaki (Fin.), a river. Iar, Ier (Gaelic), west, e.g. Ardersier (Ard-Ros-Ier), ' the high western promontory.' See Ard, Eos. Iarvi (Fin.), a lake. Iavu (Pula, China), water. lb (Hottentot). See Ep. 160 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ibanzana (Kafir). See Banzana. Ibe (Ibo, Nigeria), a place, e.g. Ibe Ahun or Ibe Avun, ' that place,' ' there,' equivalent to Nga. Ibn, pi. Beni (Arab.), son ; as a geographical term it signifies producing, containing, &c, e.g. Ibn Ibrak, near Jaffa. See Beni. Ibotwe (Zulu, Kafir), the metropolis, the seat of government. See Botwe. Ibu (Galla, Abyssinia), a valley. Ich (Gaelic). See Och. Ich, Ichere (Turk.), inner. Ichinga (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Nga. Ichipiri (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Piri. Ichonde (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Chonde. Ichweba (Kafir). See Chweba. Iciba (Kafir), a pool. Id, pi. Aadad (Egyptian Sudan), a well (especially in a desert). Another form is Ed. Ida (Marocco), tribe, district. Idala (Ja-Luo, Uganda). See Dala. Idebi (Kafir). See Debi. Ide-yu (Japan), warm spring. Idiza (Kafir). See Diza. Idlambi (Zulu, Kafir). See Dlambi. Idobela (Zulu, Kafir). See Dobela. Idzendze (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Dzendze. Idziko (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Ziko. Ie (Saxon), river, stream. Cfi E. Iehaf (Arab.), a small mountain group. Ielif ( Wolof), governor. AND TOPOGEAPHICAL TEEMS 161 Ieto (Nandi, Uganda), a place. Ifenya (Zulu, Kafir), a narrow piece of land at the foot of a mountain suitable for cultivation. See Fenya. Ifri (Berber), a grotto, cave, e.g. Jebel Ifren or Yefren, ' the range of the cave-dwellers,' latinised Afer (Tunis), whence Africa. Ifuso (Kafir), fallow ground. See Fuso. Igamba, Amagamba (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Gamba. Igapo (Brazil). See under Igarape. Igarape (Brazil), a small river ; brook ; lit. in Tupi language a ' boat way.' Applied especially to the affluents or feeders of Furos (q.v.) and rising in the Igapos, or marshy tracts of forest. Igboro (Yoruba), a street. Ighazeng, Ighazekhsoa (Eskimo, Smith Sound), strait, channel. Ighil (Kabile), a hill. Ighir (Shilluh, Marocco), a fort, castle, or fortified place, e.g. Agadhir-Ighir. Ighuman (Kabile), reeds. Igidi (Marocco), sand. Igiz (E. Turk.), lofty, elevated. Iglerna (Eskimo, Smith Sound), terrace. Iglesia (Sp.), church, from i/c/cXwcria (ecclesia). Iglu (Eskimo), a house ; e.g. Iglu creek. Igreja (Port.), church. See Iglesia for derivation, Igzer (Kabile), a stream. Ihlabati (Zulu, Kafir). See Hlabati, Ihlane (Zulu, Kafir). See Hlane. M 162 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ihlati, dim. Ihlatana (Kafir). See Hlati. Ihlobo (Kafir). See Hlobo. Ii (Lolo, China), water. Ijara (Arab.), a farm, malje (Kilimane, Bantu), water. mwljo (Giryama) ; for meaning see Mwijo. Ijojo (Amaxosa, Kafir). See Jojo. Ijs (Bch.), ice. Iju (Yoruba), wilderness, desert, ocean. Ikamat (Arab.), house, dwelling. Ikari (Japan), anchor, anchorage. -Ike (Cent. Africa), suffix signifying ' little.' Ike (Japan), pond, pool. Ike (Tibet), east. For other points see Lho. Ikhf (Kabile), cape, promontory. Iki, Ike, Ikhe (Mongol), great, large, e.g. Ike Ussu or Ulan Hoshu in Dolon-nor district. See Yike, Bagha. Iki (Polynesia). See Iti. Ikisu (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Kisu. dzlko (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), country. For other dialects see Ziko. Ikomkulu (Zulu, Kafir). See Komkulu. Ikot (Efik, Old Calabar, Nigeria), a landing-place, beach, e.g. Ikotaba, Ikot Umian. Cf. Ikpa, Ikpere. Ikpa (Yoruba), track, way, path; in Efik, Old Calabar, means ' beach,' e.g. Ama-Ikpa. Cf. Ikot, Ikpere. Ikpakpa (Yoruba), pasture ground. Ikpasse (Yoruba), track, footpath. Ikpere (Ibo, Nigeria), coast, bank. Cf. Ikot, Ikpa. Iku (Mekeo,Neiv Guinea), mountain, peak, headland, cape. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 163 II (Basque), new, e.g. Illiberis, ' new town.' II, pi. Hat (Turk., Mongol), a tribe, especially nomad. Other forms are Ilyat, Eleut, Oliut, the last two being applied collectively to all W. Mongols and their languages, while Ilyat comprises all sorts of tribes — Arab, Persian, Turki, Mongol — in Persia and Afghanistan. II (Buss.), mud. mwlla (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a small affluent, a creek. lie (Ft.), an island, isle (I.) Ilha (Port.), an island. Ilhota (Port.), an islet. Ilije (Turk.), hot springs. Ilindle (Zulu, Kafir). See Ndle. Ilintle (Zulu, Kafir). See Ntle. Iliwa (Zulu, Kafir). See Liwa. Ilizwa (Kafir). See Zwa. Illagul (Fula), an inlet or backwater, creek. Illakei (Tamul), a fortress. Ille (Yoruba), earth, land, ground; a town. Cf. Illu. Ille-babba (Yoruba), fatherland. Ille-ero (Yoruba), an inn. Ille-isho (Yoruba), a watch-tower. Ille-obba (Yoruba), a kingdom, territory. Illeto (Yoruba), a town or village. Illu (Yoruba), nation, country, people, town, village. Illu-keje (Yoruba), a small village, hamlet. Illu-nla (Yoruba), a capital city. Hog (Tagala, Philippines), a river. Ilogan (Tagala, Philippines), the mouth of a river. M 2 164 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Iloha (Kerepunu, New Guinea), cloud. Ilot (Fr.), an islet. Ilundi (dialect of Bantu). See Lundi. Ilyat (Turk., Mongol). See II. Im (Chin Hills), an affix meaning village, lit. a house, e.g. Mkwi Im, Kakh Im, villages near Pushum-tung, S. of Myittha K. See Im nu. Im (Ebon, Polynesia), a house. Im, Em (Sahara), people of, inhabitants, e.g. Imasro- dangh; Emegedesen, 'the inhabitants of Agades.' Cf. Tel, Ahel. kilma (Kamba, Bantu), a detached hill or mountain. Cf. Lima. Imbukha (Lu-Wanga of the Aw a-Bimi group, Uganda). See Bukha. Ime (A-Zande), water. Imfumu, Mfumu, Mufumu, Fumu, pi. Afumu (Gent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). See Fumu. Imiamba (Swahili). See Amba. Imichi, TJmuchi (Kossova, Uganda). See Chi. Imim (Marocco), the mouth of a ravine. Cf. Fum. Imitantato (Zulu, Kafir). See Tantato. Im nu (Chin Hills), an affix meaning ' large village,' lit. many houses, e.g. Tai Im Nu, ' the large village on the Tai K.' See Im. Impanga (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Panga. Impiri (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Piri. In, fern. Tin (Berber) . This is the demonstrative pronoun followed by n ; it is found in many place-names AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 165 e.g. In Hammu, Tin Erkuk. The forms En, Wan, Wen, Ten, Tan are also found. In (Burma), lake. In (Wakhan, Pamirs), a pass. mwlnano (Makua, German East Africa), a boundary. Inaran (Tsarisen, Formosa), a village. Inayan (Puyuma, Formosa), a river. Incencesha (Zulu, Kafir). See Cencesha. Inch (Scotch and Irish), an island, a corruption of Gaelic Innis, e.g. Inchiqnin. Inchi (Swahili). See Chi. Inchike (Gent. Asia), narrow. Indatatakuohaak (Indian, U.S.A.), valley. Indawo (Kafir). See Dawo. Indibonga (Zulu, Kafir). See Dibonga. Indimnalahik (Indian, U.S.A.), lake. Indlandlatn (Zulu, Kafir). See Dlandlatu. Indlela, dim. Indlelanda (Kafir). See Dlela. Indlu (Kafir). See Dlu. Indre (Da., Nor.), inner. Cf. Yder, Inre. Indso (Da., Nor.), a lake. Cf. Insjo. -Indu, -Ndo, -Nandi (Cent. Africa), little (suffix). Inengea (Mekeo, New Guinea), a path. Cf. Keanga. -Ing (Anglo-Saxon), suffix meaning 'meadow,' e.g. Wapping ; used also otherwise than as a suffix, e.g. Sloothby Ings, i.e. ' Sloothby meadows ' ; also a patronymic suffix, ' sons of,' e.g. Reading. Cf. Ingen. -Ing (Indian, U.S.A.), an inflexion signifying in, on, at. Ingebaude (Ger.), a building within an enclosure or wall. 166 GLOSSAKY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ingen (Ger.), sons of, e.g. Tubingen. Cf. -Ing {Anglo- Saxon). Ingone, dim. Ingonono (Zulu, Kafir). See Ngone. Ingot Bage (Su?natra), the rice-stores in the Batak villages. Cf. Bale, B-umah. k Inguna (Bintukwa Indians, U.S. of Colo7?ibia), road, trail. Ingxangxasi (Zulu, Kafi,r). See Gxangxasi. Ingxoboza (Zulu, Kafir). See Gxoboza. Inhlazuka (Zulu, Kafir). See Hlazuka. Inja (Mashonaland) , a prefix meaning 'place of,' e.g. Inja ka Fura, ' water place,' river. See Fura. Inje (Turk.), narrow, e.g. Inje Burun, ' narrow cape,' on the north coast of Asia Minor. See Burun. Injira (Lu-Wanga of the Aiva-Bimi group, Uganda). See Jira. Inkalo (Zulu, Kafir). See Kalo. Inkaya (Bantu). See Kaya. Inkundla (Zulu, Kafir). See Kundla. Innis (Gaelic), an island, e.g. Innismore, 'great island ' ; Innis Beg, 'little island.' Cf. Ennis. See More. Beg. Innqaba (Kafir). See Nqaba. Inqubu (Zulu, Kafir). See Nqubu. Inre (Sw), inner. Cf. Indre. Insel (Ger.), an island. Insi (dialect of Bantu). See Inzi. Insila (dialect of Bantu). See Zila. Insimi (Zulu, Kafir). See Simi. Insirem (Gold Coast), a camp. InsjO (Sw.), a lake. Cf. IndsO. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 1G7 Insu (Gold Coast), water, e.g. Apu Insu, ' sea water,' the sea. See Apu. Insunguzi (Kafir). See Sunguzi. Intatyana (Kafir). See Tatyana. Intendeleko (Zulu, Kafir). See Tendeleko. Interfleuve (U.S.A.) the upland separating two streams having approximately parallel courses. Intile (Zulu, Kafir), a flat strip of country, or a small valley running parallel with a river, and suitable for cultivation. Intiran (Tamul), east ; for other points see Vadakku. Intla (Zulu, Kafir). See Ntla. Intsimi (Zulu, Kafir). See Tsimi. Inuma (Rubiana, Solomon Is.), plantation, garden. Inver- (Gaelic), a prefix meaning the confluence of two rivers, or of a river and the sea, e.g. Inverness ; occurs only in Scotland and Ireland, never in Wales, while the equivalent Aber (q.v.) occurs only in Wales and Scotland, never in Ireland. Invernada (Spanish S. America), good pasture-land especially fitted for fattening cattle. Inwijk (Dch.), creek, inlet, bay. Inxanxasi (Zulu, Kafir). See 'Nxanxasi. Inxiwa (Zulu, Kafir). See Nxiwa. Inxuluma (Zulu, Kafir). See Nxuluma. Inyanza (Lu-Wanga of the Awa-Rimi group, Uganda). See Nyanza. Inyatuko (Zulu, Kafir). See Nyatuko. Inzella (Marocco), the outbuildings of a Kasba (q.v.), for the accommodation of travellers. 168 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Inzi, Insi, Nzio (Gent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). See ffri, Nsi. mlnzi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), water ; for other forms see Mansi. Inzila (Bantu). See Zila; cf. Zira* Inzira (Bantu). See Zira ; cf. Zila. Inzu (Lu-Wanga, Uganda). See Nzu. Ioki (Fin.), a river. Ion (Wolof), a road, path, track. Ip (Hottentot). See Ep. Ipiro (Mozambique). See Piro. Ira (Yoruba), morass, bog, fen. Iri (Mossi), an inhabited place of less importance than a capital. Iril (Kabile), a hill. Iriso (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Isote. Iriwa (Zulu, Kafir). See Riwa. Irmak (Turk.), a river, e.g. Kizil Irmak, 'red river.' See Kizil. mwlru (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a forest, bush. Irzir (Berber), a ravine, dim. Thirzarth. Is (Welsh), lower, e.g. Iscoed. See Coed. Cf. Isaf, Issa. Isa (Songhai), a river, the river, i.e. the Niger. The Songhai Isa, the Yoruba Kwara, the Temashight and Hausa Eghirreu (all applied to the Niger), the Kuha Fittri, the Kotoho Shari, Sari, and also Tsad (Chad) or rather Tsadhe, which is only another pronunciation of Saghe, Sare, all mean ' water,' ' river.' Isa Ber, Isa Haribi, Isa Horno (Songhai), the sea. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 169 Isaf (Welsh), lowest, e.g. Road Isaf, in Kamsey Island. Isaka (dialect of Bantu). See Saka. Isantwenka (Zulu, Kafir). See Antwenka. Isazuzu (Zulu, Kafir). See Azulu. Isep, pi. Bisep (Fan, French Congo). See Sep. Iseweri (Ketosh, Uganda). See Eweri. Ish (N. Africa), a peak. Ishan-omi (Yoruba), tide, current. Ishi (Japan), stone, rock. Isibaxa (Zulu, Kafir). See Baxa. Isidiliya (Zulu, Kafir). See Diliya. Isigquma (Zulu, Kafir). See Gquma. Isigqunyana (Zulu, Kafir). See Gqunyana. Isikaulo (Kafir). See Kaulo. Isikoba (Kafir). See Koba. Isikumbu (Zulu, Kafir). See Kumbu. Isikungu (Zulu, Kafir). See Kungu. Isinene (Zulu. Kafir). See Nene. Isinga (Kafir). See Nga. Isipaluko, dim. Isipalukana (Zulu, Kafir). See Paluko. Isipambusa (Kafir). See Pambusa. Isiqiti (Kafir). See Qiti. Isiqwato (Zulu, Kafir). See Qwato. Isiroqoba (Zulu, Kafir). See Roqoba. Isiteleti (Zulu, Kafir). See Teleti. Isitu (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Situ. Isitya (Zulu, Kafir). See Tya. Isixa (Zulu, Kafir). See Xa. Isixeko (Zulu, Kafir). See Xeko. Isizeba (Kafir). See Zeba. 170 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Isizwe (Kafir). See Zwe. Iskele (Turk.), a landing-place. Isla (Sp.), an island. Isla (Spanish S. America), same meaning as Caapau (q-v-) Isleo (Sp.), an island formed by rocks. Isleta (Sp.), an islet. Iso (Fin.), great, e.g. Isojoki in Vasa. See Joki. Iso (Yoruba), quarter, station. Isoa, Masoa, Uswa (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). See Soa, Swa. Isoba (Zulu, Kafir). See Oba. Isoko (Yoruba), moorage. Isola (It.), an island (I.) Isore (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Sore. Isote, Isore, Iriso (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), grass. See Sote, Sore Riso. Issa (Songhai, Timbuktu), south, lit. the river, the Niger, another form of Isa (q.v.) Issa, Isaf (Welsh), lowest, e.g. Cwnnws Issa. Cf. Is. Issa honno (Songhai), sea. Is sha (Indian, California), water. Issi (Turk.), warm. See next entry. Issik (Turkestan), warmer, e.g. Issik-kul = warmer lake. See Kul. Istmo (It., Sp.), an isthmus. Isua (Fanti), a strait. It (Polynesia). See Iti. Italian (Fin.), eastern. For other points see Pohia. Itale (Bantu). See Tale. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 171 Itam (Malay), black ; often aspirated, Hitam ; e.g. Mt. Itam in the south of the Malay Peninsula. Itametta (Yoruba), a place where three ways meet. Itedo (Yoruba), an encampment. Itegu (Zulu, Kafir). See Tegu. Iterlekhsoa, Iterleng (Eskimo, Smith Sound), bay, gulf. Iti, It, Ngiti, Itiiti, Iki (Polynesia), small, e.g. Maiao-Iti, 'little Maiao.' Itifa (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Tifa. Itiiti (Polynesia). See Iti. Itillemu (Soninhe), bush, wood, grass. Itsiel (Yambo, Upper Sobat B.), house, hut. Itu (Maiva, New Guinea), house. Ivakavaka (Zulu, Kafir). See Vakavaka. Ivando (Fin.), an estuary. Ivavao (Kuvarawan, Pei-po, Formosa), a mountain. Iwa (Burma), a village. Iwa (Japan), rock, rock in the sea. / Iwanda (Lu-Wanga, Uganda). See Wanda. Ixandeka (Zulu, Kafir). See Xandeka. lye (Japan), a house. Iyo (Ja-Luo, Uganda), path, road. Izba (Buss.), a hut. rulzi (Karanga, Bantu), a river, urulzi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a river. Izibuko (Kafir). See Zibuko. Izira (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Zira. Iziwa (Lusinga and Chula, Uganda). See Ziwa. Izwe (Kafir). See Zwe, 172 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ja- (Nilotic Kavirondo, Uganda), a prefix signifying clan or tribe, e.g. Ja-luo. Gf. k Ka, Yaka. Ja (Pers.), a place. Ja (Tibet), signifies extent. Jada (Pers.), a road, pathway. Jadid (Arab.), new, e.g. Trik el Jadid, 'the new road.' Cf Jedid. See Trik. Jaga (Punjab), a place, a spot. Jaghfar (Arab.), a river, either large or small. Jakun (Malay), wild tribes ; applied vaguely both to the Negrito aborigines and to the Malay wild tribes of the Malay Peninsula. Jala (Sansc.), a mass of water, a lake. Jalan (Malay), road. Jali (Arab., N. Africa), palms left without cultivation. Jam (Bintukwa Indians, U.S. of Colombia), snow, whiteness. Jam (Arab.), Jami (Turk.), Jamia (Arab., Palestine), mosque. The Turkish is borrowed from the Arabic, in which language Jam', Jam'a, properly means collection, then assembly, congregation, mosque. This occurs as Jama in Hassania. Jamana (Soninke), country. Jan (Manchuria), a station, post. Jana (Pali), people. Jangal (Sansc, Hind.), forest, wood ; corrupted into 'jungle.' AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 173 maJani (Swahili), grass. Jarita (Hind.), brushwood, undergrowth. Jarnvag (Sw.), railway. Jarur (Arab.), a river, stream. Jarvi (Fin.), lake. Cf. Jaur. Jasor (Slavonic), a marsh, bog. Jatar (Punjab), cultivated land. Jaune (Fr.), yellow, e.g. Fleuve Jaune, i.e. Hwang Ho (q.v.) Jaur (Fin.), a lake. Cf. Jarvi. Jay (E. Turk.), place, spot. Jaza (Slavonic), a house, e.g. Jaschen. Jazar (Arab.), islands. Jazirah (Arab.) See Jezira. Jebel, pi. Jebal (Arab.), a mountain, e.g. Jebel Ahmar, < Bed Mt.' Cf. Gebel. Jedar, Jedir (Arab.), a look-out place on a road, generally made of stones ; the wall of an enclosure ; rampart, fortification. Jedid (Arab.) See Jadid. Jeel (Anglo-Indian), a corruption of the Hind. Jhil, a stagnant sheet of water, mere, lagoon. In East Bengal the form Bheel (q.v.) is used. Jelal (Somali), the dry season. Jelyezo (Ritss.), iron. See next entry and Zhelyezo. Jelyeznaya Doroga (Buss.), a railway. Lit. 'iron road.' Jembatan (Malay), jetty, mole, bridge. Jenan, Jenien (Arab., N. Africa), a garden, e.g. Jenien Bu Resk. Jeni. See Yeni, which is the proper English spelling. Jenien (Arab. f N. Africa). See Jenan. 174 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Jenjub (Turk.), southerly. Jenjun (Manchuria), general-in-chief of a large district, viceroy with both civil and military jurisdiction. nJera (Gent. Africa, Bantu), a road. Cf. Zila, Dzira. Jeram (Malay Peninsula), a rapid in a river, e.g. Jeram Batu Gendang on Perak K. See Batu. Jerf (Arab.), quay, wharf. Jerf (Arab., N. Africa). See Jorf. Jernbane (Da., Nor.), a railway. Jetee (Fr.), a jetty, pier (J 6i ). Jetwela (Congo), the horizon, from Jeta, to revolve, to encircle. Jewun (Indian, U.S.A.), a stream. Jezero (Servian), a lake, e.g. Malo Jezero. (Pol.) Jezioro. Jezira, Zira, pi. Jezair, Zair (Arab.), an island, peninsula, e.g. Algeziras, El Jezire (Mesopotamia). Jhalars (Pwijab), wells. Jhil (Hind.) See Jeel. -Ji, -gi, -zhi (Nupe, Nigeria), a termination signifying ' town,' ' village,' e.g. Kaboji, Ettungi. Ji, Jini (Soninke, Bambara), water. maJi (Gent. Africa, Bantu), water. See Mansi. muJi (Gent. Africa, Bantu), a town. Cf. Musi. nJia (Bantu), a road, path. Cf. Zira, Sila, Jila. Jibal (Arab.), mountains. See Jebel, of the pi. of which this is a variant. Jin (China), a post station. Jiji (Songhai), north. See Diaman, Wene Kame. kiJiji (Swahili), a village, e.g. Ujiji, on Tanganyika; for pi. see Kijiji. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 175 [ (Bantu), a road, path. Cf. Zira, Jia, Sila. onJila j « Jilgha (E. Turk.), a deep straight valley. Jima (Japan), an island, e.g. Awa Jima ; used in com- pounds for Sima (q.v.) See also Shima. Jin (China), men, people, whence ' China,' the Hind. ' Chin,' and the Arabo-Pers. ' Sin,' which gives the classical ' Sinse ' and our ' Sinaean,' ' Sinology.' I- Jin, ' barbarians,' ' barbarian people,' a term ap- plied to all foreigners, now forbidden, by treaty, to be used in official documents. See I. Jin = Chin =Naru== Komi (Korea), a ferry, e.g. Ul-jin. Jinde (Songhai), a tributary of a stream ; confluence ; col, gorge. eJinga (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Ejinga. kinJingela (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a whirlpool, from Jinga, to coil or curl, hence ' an eddy.' Jingere-Ber (Songhai), a mosque. Jingira (Hind.), an island. See Dip, Lanka. Jini (Soninkey. See Ji. Jinna (Yoruba), far distant. Jiojia (Mentawei), water. Jir (Shignan), a mountain. inJiraj (Lu-Wanga, Uganda), path, road; for other nJiraJ Bantu forms see Zila, Zira. Jisr (Arab.), a bridge. kiJito (Swahili), brook, small stream; lor pi. see Kijito. Joch (Switzerland), a pass, ridge (J.) i Jojo (Zulu, Kafir), a sour-grass country ; a moist, damp climate or locality. 176 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Joki (Fin.) j a river. Joki sen (Japan), a steamer. Joki sha (Japan), a railway. Jokull (Icelandic), an ice-covered mountain or plateau, e.g. Myrdalsjbkull, Vatnajbkull. Joliba. See Dhiuliba. Jombo (Swahili), a very large dhow. eJondi (Kamerun), an island. Jong (Tibet), a broad valley ;. also a fort, e.g. Tinkijong, 1 the fort of the Tinki district.' en Jora (Masai, E. Africa), mimosa, pi. Njora, applied to a swamp where these trees grow. Jorf, Jerf (Arab., N. Africa), an escarpment. Joro (Fula), a residence, e.g. Joro Kabdn, ' the residence of the chief Kabdu.' Jozo (Madagascar), a junk, e.g. Anjozobe, ' at the place where there are many junks.' See An, Be. Ju (Korea). See Jyu. Ju, Jo (Pers.), a stream, brook ; from Old Pers. Gni. aJn (German East Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Aju. Jubb (Arab.), a well, pit. Jube (Mande), a ford, e.g. Jubeba, 'river ford.' Cf. Ox- ford. See Ba, Jude. Jude (Fula), a ford. See Jube. Judetzi (Rumania), districts. Jug (Tibet), below; an embouchure. Jui-bar (Pers.), a large river receiving many streams. Juma (Sever, Wolof), a mosque. Cf. Jam. Jumba (Swahili), a palace. eJundi (Kamerun). See Jondi. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 177 Jung (Malay), a large trading vessel; anglicised Junk ; from the Chinese Chwan. Jung (Mongol), right, west. For other points see Aro. Jungle. See Jangal. Junk. See Jung. Junubi (Hind.), south. Of. Dakhni. For other points see Uttar. Jur (Armenia), water. Jurang (Malay), a creek. Cf. Churang. Jurdide (Adamawa), a mosque. Jyu, Ju (Korea), a magisterial town of the first class ; occurs also as Chyu, Chu. Ka (Arab.), a plain. Ka (Congo), small (river), e.g. Ka Bunda, Kabiboko. Cf. Lu. Ka (Congo), an abbreviation of Kazembe, great chief, prince ; e.g. Ka-Tanga, Prince Tanga, now applied to the territory of the chief, in this case situated in S.E. of Congo Free State. Ka (Indian, U.S.A.), a forest. Ka- (Mashonaland), prefix meaning 'great,' e.g. Kafura= great Fura. See Fura. Ka (Min-Kia, Yunnan), high, lofty (of a mountain). Ka (Nilotic Kavirondo, Uganda), a prefix meaning ' clan ' or 'tribe.' Cf. Ja, Yaka. Ka (Shan States), hill people, equivalent to the Moi of Annam. Ka (Soninke), house, dwelling. 178 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ka (Tibet), snow ; also the mouth, banks of a river. Gf. Kaba. Kaa (Arab.), earth, land. Kaai (Dch.), wharf, mole, quay. Kaap (Dch.), a cape. Kaar (Ger.), a little valley encircfed by mountains like an amphitheatre. Kaba (Togo), house, dwelling. Kaba (Tibet), snow. Gf. Ka. Kaba-kum (Turk.), gravel. Kabba (N. Nigeria), stone, rock, hence the name of the province (Kabba), one of the most striking features of which is the large number of isolated peaks ; e.g. the stone of Ieri, the stone of Semarika. Kabbelstroom (Dch.), stream, rivulet, brook. Kabelung (Ebon, Polynesia), west. For other, points see Eung. Kabike (New Guinea), a house. Kabila (Arab., Shahpur, Punjab), a family, being a subdivision of the Muhi, or clan, the Arabic word meaning ' race,' ' tribe.' „ (Swahili), any community of people ; borrowed from Arab. „ (Marocco, Algeria), tribe; applied collectively to the Berbers of the coast, and now to their territory in Algeria (Kabile, Kabilia, dc.) Kabli (Kanarese, W. coast of Hindustan), west. For other points see Gi. Kablunak (Eskimo), white people. Kabr (Somali), graves, e.g. Kabr Ogaden, ' Ogaden graves.' AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 179 Kabulula (Kiriwina, Neiv Guinea), a point of land. Kachcha {Punjab), land annually inundated by the ordinary floods. Cf. Bela. Ka Chia (Miao-tse, Kwei-chau), a cave. Kachor {Mongol), detour, bend, gulf. Kad {Arab.), a shoal. Kadaruka, Kataruka {Hausa), a bridge. See Kaderku. Kadda (Banakil), great, large, e.g. Kaddas Mt. Kadda (New Guinea), a house. Kade {Dch.), quay or dam. Kade (Gonja), an inhabited place of less importance than a capital. Kaderku {Hausa), a bridge. See Kadaruka. Kadi (Madagascar), a modified form of hadi, used in composition, ditch, trench, thus ankadi=' the place where the ditch is,' at the ditch, e.g. Ankadivori, ' at the circular trench,' Hadivor, ' the circular trench.' See An. Kadim (Arab.), old, e.g. Birni Kadim, ' the old capital,' i.e. of Bornu. See Birni. Kadis (Turk.), saint, holy ; from Arab, quds, qudsi, pure, holy. Kad-Jak (Alaska). See Kikhtak. Kado, pi. Hade (Fula), blacks ; autonomous race ; strangers, e.g. Garo-n-Kado. Kadzaka (Nika), a small forest. See Dzaka. Kadzidzi (Nika). See Dzidzi. Kadzuho (Giryama, Nika). See Dzuho. Kaeaona (Kabadi, New Guinea), east. Kaf (Arab.), escarpment. Cf. Kef. N 2 180 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Kafir (Arab.), infidel, pi. Kufra (q.v.), e.g. Kafiristan. Kafr (Arab.) (Hebrew, Caphar), a village, e.g. Kafr et Tin, ' fig village ' ; also a saline swamp. Kafufu (Nika). See Fufu. Kaga (French Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Ga. Kaga (Sara, L. Chad), a forest. Cf. Mbunga. Kagara, Gagara (Hausa), a fortification, barracks. Kaget, Kakat (Alaska, Lower Yukon region), equivalent to Chaget (q.v.) Kahala (Arab., N. Africa). See Akhal. Kahf (Arab.), cave, large cavern. Kah mu ke (Pimo Indian), a town. Kahn (Arab.), a market. Kahnfahre (Ger.), ferry by wherry. Ka ho ku sha ma (Indian, California), valley, ravine. Kai (China, Shan States, Hainan), market, bazaar, e.g. Sin-Kai, ' new market,' the Chinese name for Bhamo. See Sin, Bha, Maw. Kai' (Sahara), the mouth or junction of a stream. Kai (Japan), sea. Kai (Polynesia). See Tai. Kaija (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Kaya. Kaikara (Motumotu, New Guinea), the deep sea. Kaimakam (Turk.), sub-governor of a Kaza (q.v.) The proper form is Kaimakan for Kaimaikin. Kaimen (Nandi, Uganda), west. Cf. Murot. Kaiser (Ger.), emperor, e.g. Kaiserstadt. Kaita (Nandi, Uganda), a town. Kaitya (Cambodia), Buddhist pyramid. Kaiva (Fin.), a rivulet. Kajum (Bornu), grass. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 181 Kakat (Alaska, Lower Yukon region), a river; e.g. Allenkakat, Daklikakat. See Kaget, Chaget, Na. Kakh (Pers.), a palace, villa. Kakir (E. Turk), dry hard ground. Kakkar (Punjab), snow. nKaku (Congo, dialect of Bantu). For meaning see Nkaku. Kala, Kalat, pi. Kila, Kalajat (Arab., Pers.), village, fortress, castle, e.g. Bash-Kala. Cf. Kasr, Gala, Kale. The proper Arab, form is qala't. Kala (Caucasus), cliff, bluff. Kala (Hind.), black, e.g. Kalabagh on the Indus. In Kala (Ketosh and Lu-Wanga, Uganda), a village. Kalajvik (Turk.), a little castle. See Kala. -Kalamba, -Kurumba (Cent. Africa), suffix signifying ' great.' Kalan (Pers.), great, e.g. Mir Kalan, ' big mountain,' Pamir-i-Kalan, ' Great Pamir.' nKalango (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a forest, thicket. Kale (Turk.), castle, e.g. Yeni Kale, ' new castle.' See Kala, really the same word. Kaledets (Buss.), a well. Kali (Malay), a river, ma Kali (German East Africa, dialect of Bantu), bitter. See under Makali. Kalkofen (Ger.), a limekiln (K.O.) Kallar, Kalri (Punjab), land impregnated with salt. Kallar Shor (Shahpur, Punjab), the efflorescence which appears on the surface under the influence of of the UNIVERSITY 182 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL evaporation and capillary attraction whenever there is much salt in the soil. Kalle (Fula), house, cottage. Kallu (Tamul), a rock, cliff. Kalmelo (Songhai), a gorge. inKalo (Zulu, Kafir), a neck or opening in a mountain range. Kalri (Punjab). See Kallar. Kalt (Ger.), cold, e.g. Kaltbad. See Bad. Kalv (Da., Nor.), a detached islet, a small rock or islet alongside a larger one. Cf. The Calf of Man. Kalwa (Deccan), river, watercourse. Kam (Annam), a village. Kam (Dch.), a ridge (of hills). Kam, Kham (Tibet), region, e.g. Tang Kham in Eastern Tibet. eKam (Congo, dialect of Bantu), water.- Kamalig (Tagala, Philippines), a storehouse. Kamana (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Mana. Kamane (Bagirmi, Chad L. region), a shallow water- course. nKambalalu (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a pass between hills. Kame (U".$.^.),asmall hill of gravel or sand made by a glacier. Kamechi (Ketosh, Uganda). See Mechi. Kamen (Buss.), stone, rock, e.g. Kamenitsi point, island, and bay. See next entry. Kamen (S. Slavonic), a stone, boundary (Km.) See above. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 183 Kami (Japan), upper, lit. chief, e.g. Kami-tsu-Ke = upper Ke. Kamish, Kamush (Cent. Asia), reeds. Kamm (Ger.), a crest, ridge. Kamoro (Ja-Luo, Uganda), a place, site. Kamp (Dch.), a camp, e.g. Maleskamp. Kampong (Malay), an enclosure ; collection of houses, village, e.g. Kampong Rantau. See Rantau. Kamush (Cent. Asia). See Kamish. Kan (India), a quarry, mine. Kana, pi. Kanat (Arab.), channel, aqueduct. Kanaal (Dch.), a canal. Kanal (Ger., Buss.), a channel. Kanal (Da., Nor., Sw.), a canal. Kanali (Fin.), a channel. Kanan (Arab.), ridge or spur. Kanan (Sansc), forest, desert. Kanat (Pers. from Arab.), underground conduits. See Kana. Kand (Pers.) See Kend. Kanda (Bambara, Sudan), a country, district. eKanda (Congo, dialect of Bantu), clan, family. Kanda-hela (Singalese), mountain, hill. Kandaki (Hausa), a house. Kane (Japan), metal ; makes Gane in compounds, as Aki Gane, red metal, copper. Kang (China), a mountain ridge ; village. Cf. Keng. Kang (Shahpur, Punjab), a sudden high flood of a river. Kang (Tibet), a house. 184 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL eKanga (Congo, dialect of Bantu), wilderness, barren soil. Kangka (Malay Pen.), Chinese village. Kango, pi. Akango (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a chief. See Ngo. Kang-sar (Tibet), new house, village. Kani, Keni (Kurdish), a spring. maKani (Swahili), a village, dwelling. For other forms see Makao. Ka ni kwi ni ka (Hudson Bay region), long island. Kanisa (Pers,, Swahili), a church. Kanka (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Nka. Kanona (Kabadi, New Guinea), earth. Kant (Dch.), side, edge, brink. Kantara, pi. Knater (Arab.), a bridge. Kao (China), high, lofty. Kao (Siam), hill. ma Kao (Sivahili), a village. For other forms see Makao. Kapa (E. Turk.), cottage, hut. Kapal (Malay), a ship. Kapal-api, 'fire-ship,' i.e. steamer ; kapal-layer, ' sailing-ship ' (layer = sail), kapal-prang, 'battleship' (prang = battle, war). See Api. Ka pe (Indian, California), a river. Kapel (Dch.), ) „ v r chapel. Kapelliya (Buss.),] Kapelle (Ger.), chapel (Kpl.) Kapu (Turk.), gate, pass. Kar (Beja, Nubia), a well, e.g. Tokar, ' The Well,' to being the fern, article ; also ravine, valley. Kar (E. Turk.), snow, e.g. Chum-kar-kashka glacier. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 185 Kar {Tibet), strong castle, citadel. Kara (Turk., Cent. Asia), black, e.g. Kara-hissar, Kara- deniz. See Deniz, Hissar. Kara (Hausa), reeds. Kara (Galla), a road. Kara (Madagascar), a modified form of harana, rock, used in composition, thus ankara = the place where the rock is, e.g. Ankaramalaza, ' at the famous rock,' Ankaranandriana, ' at the nobleman's rock.' Cf. Bato. See An, Andriana. Karaga (Bornu), a wilderness, forest, e.g. Suk el karaga, ' the market in the wilderness,' an Arab hybrid name for Doka; Karaga tselim, 'dark forest,' 1 dense forest.' See Dirride, Suk, Tselim. Karahi, Karhat (Punjab), cultivated land embanked to catch the drainage off higher ground. Karaja (Turk.), black, e.g. Karaja dagh. Cf. Kara. See Dagh. Karan (Ataiyal, Formosa), a village. Karang (Malay), coral reef; any reef or shoal. Karara (Hind.) See Arara. Karaul (Turk.), guard-post; watch-house. Karazana (Madagascar), race, tribe. Kare (Upper Nile), a river. Kare (Mossi, French Sudan), forest, wood, bush. Karez (Pers., Afghanistan), a subterranean canal. Cf. Kana, Kanat. Karhat (Punjab). See Karahi. Kari (Fin.), rock, islet. Kari (Hind.), a river. 186 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Karia (Somali), a village. See below. Karia (Arab.), a built village as opposed to a tent village (Duar). Cf. Beled. Kariba (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu). Cf. Kariva. See Riba. Karifi, Karfi (Hausa), iron, e.g. Koto-n-karfi, ' iron district,' n being the sign of the possessive. See Koto. Karikara (Motumotu, New Guinea), a village. Karin (Somali), a pass, e.g. Karin daga, 'rocky pass.' See Daga. Kariva (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu). See Riva; cf. Riba. Karkarpa (Tibet), rain. Kara (Arab.), a peaked hill. Karnak (Chad L. region), a capital town, e.g. Karnak Logon. Kar-po (Tibet), white, e.g. Lo kar-po in South-eastern Tibet. Cf. Nag-po. Karra (Galla), road, path. Karra (Songhai), a gorge. Karri (Araucanian, Patagonia), green, e.g. Karrileufu, 1 green river.' Karroo (Cape Dch.), from a Hottentot word meaning ' dry place ' ; now a geographical term indicating certain districts ; frequently spelled Karoo. Karta (Fin.), cape, point. Kara (Hind.), a point. Karuba (Kabile), a quarter in a village. Kasa (Fin.), a beacon. Kasa, ill. Kasashi (Hausa), earth, land. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 187 Kasab (Arab.), town, large village. Ka sa ghie (Miao-tse, Kwei-chau), sand. Kasba (Arab.), town, small city ; pi. Ksabi. „ (Arab., Algeria), a citadel. „ (Punjab), a small town. Kash (E. Turk.), bank, shore, border. Ka sho (Indian, California), a lake. Kashun (Mongol), brackish, e.g. Kashun Nor, 'brackish lake.' See Nor. Ka sit cha (Indian, U.S.A.), a bog, marsh. Kasr (Arab.), a castle, a palace, e.g. Kasr el amad, 'the castle of pillars.' Cf. Kala. Kassaba (Turk.), town, ranking between city and village, i.e. between Sheher (Shehr) and Kioi. Kassar (Arab.), a rock either above or below water. Kasteel (Dch.), a castle, ffrom Lat. castellum, for cas- Kastelli (Neo- Greek), a-j terulum=a small fort, from castle. (.castrum. Kastro, Kastron (Neo-Greek), castle, fortress, e.g. Neo- kastro, ' new castle.' Kasuku (Chad L. region), a market, e.g. Uje kasukula. Kasulo (Upper Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Sulo. Kata (China), places where there were boundaries. Kata (Japan), a lake near the coast. Katah, Katat (Arab.), a patch of rocks. Katai (Beni Amer, Suakin), a pass. Katama (Abyssinia), town, village. Kataruka (Hausa). See Kadaruka. Kather (Mongol), land, territory, place. Katilish (E. Turk.), confluence. 188 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Kato (Greek), lower, e.g. Kato Rotamia in Elis. Katome (Indian, California), sea. Katsa (Indian, California), grass. Katsi (Nigeria), farming, e.g. Bafum Katse = the district of Bafum where farming is chiefly carried on. Katta (Cent. Asia), large, e.g. Katta Kurghan. See Kurghan. Kattik (E. Turk.), hard, firm (ground). Kan (China), mouth of a river. Kaudi (Bornu), a yard set apart for weaving cotton. Kau iho (Hawaii), a place. Kauit (Tagala and Bisayan, Philippines), a creek, bend, or hook ; frequently used to name a point. Kau le (Min-Kia, Yunnan), stream. Cf. Kurh, Churh. isiKaulo (Kafir), a boundary. Kaum, Kom (Punjab), a people, race, tribe, family, or kinsfolk. Kauponki (Fin.), a town. Kauritupe (Motumotu, New Guinea), east. Cf. Seipi. Kaus (Arab.), the winter south-east winds of the Persian Gulf. Cf. Sharki. Kavara (Kabadi, New Guinea), sea. Kavarapakana (Kabadi, New Guinea), the deep sea. Kavir (Pers. from Arab. Kebir, q.v.), great, e.g. Dasht-i- Kavir, the * Great (Salt) Desert.' Kavo (Neo-Greek), cape, promontory ; loan word from Ital. Capo. Kavuru (Motumotu, New Guinea), grass. Kaw (Malay), an island. Kawa (Tibet), snow. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 189 Kawa (Japan), stream, river, e.g. Shira-Kawa. Cf. Ko gawa. See Ko. Kawala (Malay), mouth of a river. Kaya, maKaya, inKaya, aKaya, Kaija, Tuaija (Cent. Africa, Bantu dialects), a town. Kaya (Hausa), thorn, thorn bush. Kaya (Nika), a village fortified with jungle. Kaya (Turk.), bluff, cliff; rocky (Kayalik). Kaza (Turk.), a sub-district forming part of a Sanjak, and itself sometimes -composed of several Nahies. eKaza (Fan, French Congo), market. Kazarma (Buss.), barracks ; is the Fr. caserne, from Ital. caserna. Kaze (Japan), wind. Kazerne (Dch.), barracks. See Kazarma. maKazi (Swahili), a village; for other forms see Makao. Kazo (Madagascar), a modified form of hazo, used in composition, a tree, thus ankazo = the place where the tree is, at the tree, e.g. Ankazobe, ' at the many trees,' ' the place where the forest is.' See An, Be. Kbab (Arab., N. Africa). See Kubba. Kber, pi. Kobnr (Arab.), a tomb. Ke (Tibet), neck, gorge. -Ke, -Nke (West Africa, Upper Niger B. region), people, e.g. Mandinke, ' the people of Mande ' ; Malinke, the people whose fetish or idol is Mali, the hippopotamus. 1 Kea (Marquesas), stone. Keao (Hainan), a bridge. Keanga (Mekeo, New Guinea), a path. Cf. Inengea. 1 For another derivation see under Aswanek, 190 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Kear {Breton), house, village, town (K.) Cf. Ker. Keber, Geber (Arab., N. Africa), a tomb. Kebir (Arab.), great, e.g. Tel el Kebir, Guadalquivir (Wad el Kebir). See Tel, Guad, Wad. Kechil (Malay), little, e.g. the river Spatang Kechil, ' little Spatang,' a tributary of Spatang K. Ked (Armenian), a river. Keda (Kiriwina, New Guinea), a path, Kadaveako, ' wide path,' Kadakikita, * narrow path.' See under Valu, for similar use of veako, kikita. Kedar (Sansc.), a field ; mountain. [ (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), a river, o Kedi j Kediat (Senegambia), a mountain. Kees (Ger.), a glacier. Kef, pi. Kifane (Arab., N. Africa), peak, rock ; a rocky steep escarpment. Keffi (Sahara), a stockade, which is placed round many villages. Kefr (Arab.), a village. Another form of Kafr (q.v.) Kei (Dch.), stone, flint. Kei (Formosa), a river. Keiweg (Dch.), a pebbled road. Kekur (Alaska andE. Siberia), a pinnacle rock, any high isolated rock or island. The word is supposed to be of Kamchatkan origin. Kei (Berber, Sahara), people, inhabitants; people settled in a place, as opposed to nomadic tribes ; e.g. Kei Tidik, ' the people of Tidik,' Kel-owi, &c. Cf. Ba, -Bu, Im, Wa, Ahel. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 191 Kelang (Malay), a mill. Keleipua (Meheo, New Guinea), an island. Kelet (Hung.), the east. Keli (Madagascar), little, applied frequently to place- names, e.g. Fampolrakeli on E. coast. See Sana. Kell (England), a place where water flows forth. Kella (S.W. Abyssinia), a guarded gate in fortifica- tions. Keluba (Sahara). See Kuleba. Kem (Mongol), a river. Kemtsa (Polish), lowland ; a small island. Ken (Japan), a governmental district, prefecture. Ken (Gaelic). See Cenn. Kend, Kent (Pers.), a village, e.g. Tashkend, Besh-Kent. See Tash, Besh. Found also as Kand. Kendik (E. Turk.), a hillock. Keng (Burma), a city. Keng (China), ditch, stream. * Keng (Siam), a rapid over rocks. Keni (Kurdish). See Kani. Kenia, Kenya (a corruption of a Masai word), mist, applied to the mountain, from the mist in which it is frequently enveloped. Kenie, Kenye (Bambara), sand, e.g. Kenieba, ' the river with the sandy bottom,' Keniekho, meaning the same. See Ba. Kho. Kenise (Arab.), a church, from Hebrew Keneseth, synagogue. Kenkenu (Benue B. region), a shallow hollow or depression, where water is obtainable. 192 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Kent. See Kend. Kent is Buss, in which Pers. d shifts to t. Cf. Tash-Kent. Kenye (Bambara). See Kenie. Keo (Hainan), a bridge. Kepaana (Kabadi, New Guinea), beach, shore. Ker (Breton), a fortress (K.) Cf. Kear, Caer. Ker (Senegal), a village. Kerabeb. See Kerbnb. Kerbnb, pi. Kerabeb (Arab., N. Africa), a place where one finds spherical water-worn stones of all sizes. Kerekere (S. Cape, New Guinea), beach, shore. Kereksur (Mongol), a barrow mound. Kererut (Nandi, Uganda), a valley. Kerim (Mongol), village. Cf. Khoto, Knre. Keringet (Nandi, Uganda), a wall. Kerk (Dch.), a church, e.g. Kerkhof, Giekerk. Cf. Kirk. Ker nor (Harem, Indo-China), a house. Kerspel (Dch.), parish, diocese. Kessel (Ger.), a basin ; lit. kettle ; for use as a minor form of sab-oceanic relief see Caldron. Kessnr (Sahara), a desert village. See Ksar, Ksur. Keten (Dch.), a chain, range (of mountains). Ketit (Nandi, Uganda), a tree. nKeto (Swahili), depth (of a stream or lake). Ketsil (Malay Ben.) See Kechil, of which Ketsil is a variant. Kette (Ger.), a chain (of mountains). Kettingbrug (Dch.), a suspension bridge. Kettle Hole (U.S.A.), a long-sided depression in sand or gravel ; a hole in the bed of a stream. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 193 Keugh (Armenian), a village. Keur (Senegal). See Ker. Keurfaz (Turk.), a gulf. Cf. Kiurfez. Kevuni (Tamul), a fortified place. Key (U.S.A., W. Indies). See Cay. K'ha (Indian, California), water. Cf. Ha, Aha. Kha (Chin Hills), a river, e.g. Mali Kha, the Myitgyi of the Burmese. Cf. Khe. See Mali, Myit, Gyi. Khabarat (Pers.), a tavern ; whence Fr. Cabaret. Khadar (Hind.), low lands fit for rice-growing. Khadara (Arab., N. Africa). See Akhdar. Khal (Bengali), a creek. Khalanga (Sansc), a park. Khalga (Mongol), a gate, hence Kalgan. Khalij (Arab., N. Africa), a confined, contracted ravine. Khallett (Arab.), ravine or dell. Kham (Laos), gold, e.g. Ban Vang Kham. See Ban. Kham (Tibet). See Kam. Khamal (Cent. Asia), wind. Khampa (Tibet), a corruption of Kyampo, nomad, applied by civilised Tibetans to the wilder races that exist along the northern part of the tableland abreast of Nan and Utsang. Khamsin (Arab.), a hot southerly wind in Egypt which lasts from April to June. The term means fifty, in reference to the fifty days that this wind generally prevails. Khan (Arab., Perso-TurJc.), inn, tavern. See Khani. Khan (Sansc), a mine. Khan (Tangut), snow. o 194 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Khana {Turk.), a house. Khand (India), country, e.g. Baghelkhand=the country of the Baghelas. Khandak (Arab.), trench, ditch. Khandal (Deccari), an open plain. Khane (Pers.), a house, e.g. Gau-Khane, ' the abode of cows,' a name given to a tract of jungle on the Zenda-Rud. Khanga, Khanget, pi. Kheneg (Arab.), a gorge. Khangah (Punjab), the tomb of a holy man or saint (Fakir or Pir). Khani (Neo-Greek), inn, hotel ; from Perso-Turk. Khan, Khana. Khao (Siam), a mountain, hill. Khar (Tibet), a fort, e.g. Dingri Khar. Khara (Mongol), black, e.g. Khara-TIsu, 'black water.' See Chagan, TJsu. Kharanja (Hind.), a pavement. Khare (Soni?ike), marsh, bog ; lake. Kharfu (Wolof), west. See Ngelendu. Khargosh (Gent. Asia), a hare, e.g. Khargosh Pamir, ' hare Pamir.' Khari (E. Africa), a creek. Kharif (Sudan), the rainy season. See Kheril Khatal (Hind.), springtide. Khaur (Arab.) See Khor. Khe (Annam), river, stream ; torrent. Cf. Kha. Khele (Hassania), a desert. Khelwa (Arab., N. Africa), hermitage, a place of • retreat ; cavern, AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 195 Kheneg (Arab.) See Khanga. Khera (Hind.), a village ; the land immediately adjacent to a village. Kherif (Sudan), rainy season, generally from June to September. Kheshem (Arab.), point, lit. nose; rocky promontory. Khet (Cambodia), province, district. Khet (S arise. ,), a field ; a field of battle ; a holy place. Khets (Shignan and Boshnan), a river. Khevi (Caucasus), a dell. Khi (China), streamlet, small river. Khiao (China), a bridge, frequently written Kiao. Khittat (Arab.), country, region. Khlon (Siam), mud. Khlong (Siam), canal, creek. Khnak (Marocco), a pass. Kho (Cambodia), an island. Kho (Kwenam), a village. Kho (Senegal), a stream ; variant Ko. Kho (Nhan, Lao-kai), great, large. Khoar (Tangut), a town. Khobe (Soninke), a fort. Khoh (Hind.), a cavern, abyss. Khoi (Hottentot), men, e.g. Khoikhoin, ' men of men,' i.e. the Hottentots. As a suffix it takes the form of Kwa, e.g. Nama-Kwa (Namaqua) = the Nama people. Khol (Serer), a field, garden. Kholan (Serer), a plain. Kholle, Khole, dim, Kule (Mande), a stream, branch of a river. o 2 196 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Khollelleme (Soninke), a stream, branch of a river. Kholm (Buss.), a hill. Khop (Hind.), a cave, fissure. Khor, Khaur, pi. Kheran (Arab.), a creek or narrow inlet of the sea ; a strait ; also a deep channel between shoals. „ (E. Africa), a tidal salt-water inlet. „ (Egyptian Sudan), a stream bed, e.g. Khor er Ramie, ' Sandy Khor.' See Ramla. Khora (Neo-Greek), a small town. Cf. Khorio. Kho Ral (Welaung), a valley. Khorbet, pi. Khrub (Arab.), a river. Cf. Khor. Khord (Hassania), a plain. Khori (Hind.), a narrow way, an alley. Khorio (Neo-Greek), a village, small town; from Old Greek ^copos, ^copiov. Cf. Khora. Khos (Pers.) See Khus. Khoshun, Koshung, Hoshun (Mongol), flag or tribe, being a subdivision of an Aimak or principality. Cf. the Tonkin g division into flags or tribes. Since the seventeenth century all the Mongols subject to China are constituted in 41 Aimaks and 226 Khoshuns. Khot (Sudan), a district or subdivision of a Dar (q.v.) Khotat (Welaung), a village. Kho tien (Kwenam), a valley. -Khoto (Mande), old or put on one side, applied to a settlement or village which has been deserted. Khoto (Mongol), town, village. Cf. Kerim, Kure. Khotum Bulak (Mognol), hot spring. See Bulak. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 197 Khou {China) , mouth of a river or of a pass, often used to designate a place situated at the mouth of a river or pass, and frequently written Kow, Kan (q.v.) See Kou. Khrub (Arab.) See Khorbet. Khrur 1 (Arab.), gulf, embouchure. Knur J Khurab (Arab.), ruins, pi. of Khurbe. Khure (Mongol), an encampment, e.g. Ikhe Khure, ' great encampment.' Khus, Khos (Pers.), sweet, e.g. the well Khusab, ' sweet water ' ; pronounced, in Sarhaddi, Khwash. See Ab. Khusukei (Wolof), a ford. Khutor (Buss.), a farm. Khuwar. See Khor. Khwa (Mande), white, e.g. Bakhwa (on French maps Bakhoy), 'white river.' See Ba. Cf. Fing, Ule. Khwash. See Khus. Ki- (Congo, Nik a), a diminutive prefix, e.g. the station in the Congo Free-State Kilonga ; longa = a small plate. -Ki (China), dam, dike ; market. Ki (Japan), tree, forest. Ki- (E. Central Africa, Bantu), a prefix signifying kind of, sort of ; language, e.g. Ki-Swahili, the language of the Wa-Swahili (' coast people '). -Ki (Songhai), a suffix meaning language. Cf. Nchi, Chi. Kia (China), hamlet, house. Kiai (China), frontier, boundary. Kiaiek (Uganda). See Aiek. 198 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Kia-kio {Hainan), a bridge. Cf. Kiao. Kia-lan {Hainan), a market. Kiamba {Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Amba. Kiamvu {Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Amvu. Kiana {Congo, dialect of Bantu). „ See Ana. Kiang {Shan States), a city; the equivalent of the Burmese Keng and the Siamese Chieng. Kiang {China), a great river. Cf. Ho, Chiang (note). Kiang {E. Turk.), large, broad. Kiani, Chani, Viani {Cent. Africa, Bantu dialects). See Ani. Kiao {China, Hainan), a bridge. Cf. Kia-Kio, Khiao. Kiasi. See Yasi. Kibali (Mangbattu), river, stream. Kibitka {Cent. Asia), a tent. Kibogo {Upper Nile), a mountain. Kibri {Arab., Upper Nile), forest, wood. Kibula {Swahili), north. See Snheli, Kusini for other points. Kichik {E. Turk.), small ; a ford. Kicsi (Hung.), little. Kidhidha {Giryama). See Dhidha. Kidila {Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Dila. Kidonda (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Donda. Kidzuho {Giryama), brook. See Dzuho. Kie {China), street, road. Kieji {Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Eji. Kies {Ger.) gravel, e.g. Kiesenbach in Saxe- Weimar. Kieutigne {Tibet), a religious monument, superior to the Dobang {q.v.) AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 199 Kiezel (Dch.), gravel. Cf. Kies. Kifar (Arab.), an extensive desert. Kifumvu (Taita, Bantu). See Fumvu. Kighteik. (Alaska). See Kikhtak. Kigogo (German East Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Gogo. Kigongo (Gogo, Bantu). See Gongo. Cf. Lima, Eima. Kiham (Borneo), a rapid m a river. Kihittuun (Indian, U.S.A.), sea. Kiima (Kamba, Bantu). See Ima. Kijiji,^. Vijiji (Swahili). SeeJiji. Kijito, pi. Vijito (Swahili). See Jito. Kik (Indian, California), water. Kikhtak, Kightak (Inuit, Alaska), an island. This has been corrupted into Kad-Jak, Kodiak, Kudiak. Kiko (Giryama). See Ko. Kiknlue (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Kulue. Kil (Celtic), a cell, shrine, church, burying-place, e.g. Kilkenny, Columbkille ; is the hat. cella. Kil (Dch.), a channel. Kil (Sw.), Kile (Nor., Da.), a creek, a cove. Kila ) 1- (Arab., Pers.), castle, fortress. Cf. Kala. Kilela, Kirira, Kidila (Cent. Africa, Bantu dialects), an island. Cf. Ziwa. See Lela, Rira, Dila. Kilele (Swahili). See Lela. Kilian (Malay), a mine, e.g. Kilian Bharu, Kilian TJlu Temelong, 'the mine at Temelong source.' See Uln. Kilima (Swahili). See Lima; cf. Rima. 200 GLOSSAEY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Kilisa, Kilisse {Levant, Nubia), a church, from i/acXwaia (ecclesia), affording an argument in favour of the former existence of Christianity in the Mohamma- dan places where it is found in use. Kill (U.S.A.), a creek. Kille (Songhai), race, tribe. Kille (Soninke), a road, path, track. Kilwa (Cent. Africa), a lake. Kima (E. Turk.), ferry boat. Kimpambwila (Congo, dialect of Bantu), division, branch- ing of a river ; confluent. See Mpambwila. Kin (Celtic), head, upper part, e.g. Kinsale, Kinloch. Cf Ben, Pen, Ken. Sale = brine, i.e. tide. Kin (China), gold, e.g. Kin Cha Kiang, 'the river with golden sand' (Yangtse). See Cha, Kiang. Kin (Tangut), snow. Kinara (Pers.), beach, shore. Kinasat (Arab.), shoa], sandbank. Cf. Najwah. King (China), capital city, e.g. Peking, Nanking. See Pe, Nan. Cf. Chau, Hien, Fu. Kinga (Sara, Chad L.), a palisade. King-chi-chan (China), a peninsula. uKingo (Sioahili), the edge (of a precipice). Kiniafungo (Nika). See Niafungu. Kinjingela (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Jingela. Kinkhenna (Soninke), west. Cf. Sindom. Kintombo (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Ntombo. Kio (China), cape, point. Kio (Hainan), a bridge. Cf. Kiao. Kio, Kyo (Japan), a town, capital, e.g. Tokio. See To. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 201 akaKio (Uganda, dialect of Bantu), cross-ways. Kioi (Turk.), village, hamlet. Kir (E. Turk., Kirghiz), a place where two plains meet ; a hill, peak. Kir (Shilluk), a river. Kirche (Ger.), a church, e.g. Kirchdorf, 'church village.' Kirchhof (Ger.), a churchyard (Khf.) See Hof. Kirh (Indian, California), earth, land. Kirima (Nika). SeeRima,; cf Kilima, Gongo. Kirira (dialect of Bantu). See Rira. Kir i vi ra (Indian, California), town, village. Kirk (Northumbrian and Lowland Scotch), church, e.g. Kirkcudbright. Cf. Kirke, Kirche. Kirk (E. Turkestan), forty, e.g. Kirk-gas, Kirk-saj. Kirke (Da., Nor.), a church (K e ). Cf. Kirche, Kerk, Kirk. Kirkko (Fin.), a church. Cf Kirche, Kerk, Kirk. Kirmzi (Turk.), red. Cf Kizil. Kirumba, Chirumba, Chigunda (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). See Rumba, Gunda. Kirwa, Chirwa, Chilwa (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), an island. Kis (Hung.), little, e.g. Kis-Barath, Kis-Ber. Kishlak (Cent. Asia), a winter village ; winter pasture. Kisia, Kizia (Nika). See Sia, Zia. Kisima (Swahili). See Sima. Kisiwa, pi. Visiwa (Swahili). See Siwa. iKisu (Cent. Africa, Bantu), a country. Kita (A-Zande), winter. Kita (=Hoku) (Japan), north. For other points see Hoku. 202 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Kitalu, pi. Vitalu (Swahili). See Talu. Kit chawan {Indian, U.S.A.), a large flowing stream. Kiti (Masai, East Africa), little, e.g. Ngari Kiti. Kitir (T a gala, Philippines), a street. Kitsulu (Giryama). See Tsulu. Kittuun {Indian, U.S.A.), a river. Kituntu (German E. Africa). See Tuntu. Kiurfez (Turk), a bay. Cf. Keurfaz. Kivosho (Giryama). See Vosho. Kivuko, pi. Vivuko (Swahili). See Vuko. Kizil (Turk.), red, e.g. Kizil Kum, ■ red sand,' the plain E. of Aral Sea. Kjed (Armenian), a river. Kladbishche (Buss.), a cemetery. Kladovaya (Buss.), a storehouse, magazine. Kla kan. (Indian, California), grass. Klana (Malay), a title implying jurisdiction on the mainland. Klei (Dch.), clay, marl. Klein (Dch., Ger.), small (KL), applied to numerous place-names. Klemme (Ger.), a narrow pass. Kletter (Icel.), rock. Klich u (Indian, California), earth, land. Klinse (Ger.), cleft, gap. Klip (Dch.), cliff, rock, reef. Klippe (Ger.), bluff, cliff. Klippoia (Fin.), rocks ; a loan word from Sw . klippa. Klong, Klawng (Malay, Siam), stream, torrent ; creek ; canal. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 203 Klong (Thai), a tidal stream. Kloof (Gape Dch.), a ravine, valley, gap. Cf Kluft. Klooster (Dch.), convent, monastery, e.g. Gerkesklooster. Cf. cloister. Kluft (Dch.), a crevice ; parish, ward ; e.g. Kalekluft, Ruigekluft. Kluft (Ger.), a ravine. Klupu (Fin.), rock, shoal. Knater (Arab.) See Kantara. Knock (Gaelic), a hill, e.g. Knockduff. See Nock, Knoll, Knol, Knowl (Anglo-Saxon cnol), the top of a hill, hillock, a small elevation, used both by itself and in compounds, e.g. Anchorsknoll, Dryknowl. Knott (England), a small round hill, e.g. Ling Knott. Knowl. See Knoll. Knude (Da., Nor.), a bluff, steep bank. Ko (China), a belvedere. Ko (China), a cape, point. Cf. Kio. chiKo (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), ferry, ford. See riKo. diKo (Swahili), a landing-place. See liKo. kiKo (Giryama), a market for ivory and cattle. liKo (Swahili), a landing-place. See diKo. riKo (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), ferry, ford. See chiKo. Ko (Dahome), marsh, mud, e.g. the wooded depression north of Allada ; Ko river =' mud river.' Cf Modder R. See Lama. Ko- (Japan), a prefix signifying ' little,' ' small.' See Ko Gawa, the dim. of Kawa. . 204 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ko=Kosui (Japan), a freshwater lake. Ko (Khas Chos, Indo-China) , a mountain peak. Ko (Senegal). See Kho. Kob (Serer), desert ; forest. isiKoba (Kafir), a forest of yellow- WQod trees. Kobsun (Mongol), reeds. Kobulo (Malinke), a stream. Koda, Kodda (Mittu), a river, stream. Kodiak (Alaska). See Kikhtak. Kodolo (Congo), a town, village. Kodra (Albania), a hill. Koel (Korea), a magisterial town. See Eup. Koe-si (Hainan), a market. Ko-gawa (Japan), stream. Lit. * small river.' Cf. Kawa. Kogel (Ger.), hill-top, hill, kopje. aKogha (Fan, French Congo), tall grass ; for pi. see Akogha. Kogi, pi. Koguna (Hausa), brook; also lake, river. Kogo, pi. Koguna (Hausa), a cave. Cf. Kami. Koh (Persia), mountain, e.g. Koh-i-stan. Cf. Kuh. See Stan. Cf. Kohinoor= mountain of light. Koh (China), rocky peak, headland. Koh (Siam, Cambodia), an island. Koho (Indian, U.S.A.), waterfall, cascade, e.g. ' The Cohoes ' on the Hudson R. It is noticeable that a cascade near Spa (Liege) is called by this name, though, of course, a mere coincidence. Cf. Ashokan. Koi, Keui (Turk.), a village. Koia (Kiriwina, New Guinea), a mountain. AND TOPOGEAPHICAL TERMS 205 Koira (Songhai), a town. Kok (Siam), open jungle, generally of small hardwood trees. In Korea a valley. See Kol. Koka (Congo), path, highway. Kokai (Korea), a pass. Kokany (Hung.), mountainous. Koko (Gold Coast), hill, mountain. Cf. Pampa, Pempe. Koko (Tibet), blue, e.g. Koko nor, ' blue lake,' Koko kutul, 1 blue pass.' Another form is Kuku. See Kutul, Nor. nKoko (Congo, dialect of Bantu), river, stream, brook. Kokochela (Lomive, L. Shirwa), sterile ground. Kol (E. Turk.), valley, ravine; a hill connecting a mountain with a plain. Valley, village in Korea. Ko le (Indian, California), grass. Kolea (Arab.) See Golea. Kolk (Dch.), abyss, whirlpool. Koll (Cent. Asia), reservoir =Kul, lake. Kolo, Makolo (Cent. Africa), a chief, king. luKolo (Giryama), tribe, clan. Kolo (Mande) old or put on one side. See Koro. Kolo (Marovo, Solomon Is.), ocean. Kolo, Kolon, Kolongo (Bambara, Malinke), wells, spring, source. luKolonga (Boondei, Bantu), a river. Kolpos (Greek), a gulf. Kom (Mossi, French Sudan), water. Cf. Komadugu. Kom (Punjab, Shahpur), a tribe, divided into Muhi or clans. Cf Zat. See Kaum. Kom (Tripoli), a hillock, mound, e.g. Kom en Ngus. See El. 206 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Komadugu (Kanuri, Bornu), lit. 'water-place,' a mass of water, either a river or a lake. The real name of the ' Komadugu,' shown on the maps as flowing east to L. Chad, is Waube. ' Komadugu Waube ' means simply ' river Waube ' ; similarly Komadugu Ngala= river Ngala. Cf. Bugu, Kom. Komatagui (Motu, New Guinea), tide (flowing). Komb (Serer), a market. Komi (Korea), a ferry. See Jin. Kome (Greek), a village. iKomkulu (Amaxosa, Kafir), a kingdom, dominion. Komohana (Hawaii), west. For other points see Akau. Kompe (Soninke), house, cottage. Kompong (Cambodia), a village; the same word as Kampong (q.v.) Kon (Indo- China), a village. Kon (Sierra Leone), head, top, summit. muKondo (Nika), a track, narrow path, trail. Kone (Motu, Neiv Guinea), beach, shore. Kong (China), a temple, palace. Kong (Hainan), a river. Kong (Hainan), a road, path. Kong (Indo-China), a mountain. nKong'e) (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), a river, miKong'ej stream. Kongerige (Nor., Da.), kingdom. Kong-ka (Tibet), summit of a hill. Kongo (Mande), country ; forest, brushwood ; mountain. Konig (Ger.), king, e.g. Konigsberg. Konke, Konkili (Mande), a mountain. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 207 Konko {Nigeria), a club- (house) used as a toll-bar. Konkosu {Mande), a village, place of cultivation. Konnyi brod {Buss), a horse ford. Konton {Gold Coast), bay, bight, gulf. Koogi {Hausa), stream, river, e.g. Koogi n Tagelafi. Koonde, pi. Makoonde {Swahili), field, cultivated land. Kop {Dch.), head, hill, e.g. Gerverskop, Tekkop. Cf. Kopf. Kopec {Bohemian), a mountain (Kpc.) Kopf {Ger.), head, top, peak, summit (K.), e.g. Schnee- kopf, ' snow head.' Cf. Kop, Kopje. Kbping (Sw.), trading-place, market, borough, e.g. Norrkbping, Sbderkbping (Northern and Southern Mart). See Chipping. Kopje {Cape Dutch), a small mountain, hill. Cf. Kop. Koppi, Koppe {Gold Coast), a village. Kopru, Kiopru {Turk.), a bridge, e.g. Altin Kiopru. Kor {Hammer Koki, Abyssinia), a tree. Kora {Bornu), great. Koram {Cent. Asia), stony ground ; the moraine of a glacier. Kor ami {Hausa), a dale, valley. Koramma {Hausa), a river, stream. Korchma {Buss.), a tavern, inn. Kore {Pers.), a channel. Kori {Japan), a department or subdivision of a pro- vince. Cf. Kuni. Korit {Nandi, Uganda), a village. -Koro {Mande), suffix signifying old, put on one side, e.g. Sikoro, ' old village,' Kulikoro. Cf. Kolo. Korum, Krum {Togo), a town. See Km. 208 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Kosa (Buss.), a sand-spit. Kosh (E. Turk.), two, double, e.g. Kosh-arik, Koshkul. Kosh (E. Turk.), stage, place where a caravan camps. Koshlash (E. Turk.), a confluence. See Kosh. Koshung (Mongol). See Khoshun. Ko siwo, Ko shiwo (Japan), neap tide. Kosogo (Mossi, French Sudan), a rapid in a river. Kosorho (Mossi, French Sudan), a valley. Kososobe (Hausa), precipice ; valley. Kossabulugu (Mossi, French Sudan), sea. Kosui=Ko (Japan), a freshwater lake. Kosun (Mongol), a desert. Kot (India), a fort, e.g. Noakot, 'new fort.' See Kote. Kot (Korea), promontory, e.g. Chyu-rang-kotinPhyeng-an. Kot (Nandi, Uganda), a house. Kota (Malay), a fort or stockade. Also found in Tagala (Philippines) as Kotta, ' the walls of a fort.' Kote (India), a fort, e.g. Sealkote. See Kot. Kotel, Kotal (Pers.), a col or pass, e.g. Lundi Kotal. Koti (Gold Coast), large, rank, luxuriant. Kotl (Slavonic), a kettle or combe. Koto (Bambara), old, e.g. Tukoto, 'old bush.' Koto (Hausa), a region, district, e.g. Koto-n-karfi. See Karifi. Koto-jigonron (Yoruba), deep valley, ravine. Kotok (Swahili), a spring, lit. bubbling water. Koto-oke (Yoruba), a valley. Kottek (Cent. Asia), dead forest. Kou (China), a mountain pass, e.g. Nan-kou, 'south pass.' See Nan, Khou, Ku. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 209 Kovna (E. Turkestan), old, e.g. Kovna-daria, Kovna- shahr. See Daria, Shahr. Kow, Kau (China), mouth (of a river), e.g. Hankow, properly Han-kau. Koyan (Turk.), bight, cove. Koye (Turk.), a well. Kozep (Hung.), middle (Kp.) ; e.g. Kozep Apso, on Theiss R. Found also misspelled as Kosep. Kpakpa (Yoruba), grass field ; a plain newly burnt ; pasture land. Kpo (Cambodia), high, lofty, upper. Kpotokpoto (Yoruba), a bog, marsh. Kra (Arab.), an open creek of water. Cf. Rejl, Bot-ho. Kraal (Cape Dch.), a cattle fold, a collection of native huts, a chief's capital. Cf. Boma, Zeriba. Krantz (Cape Butch), cliff, precipice. Krasni (Buss.), red, e.g. Krasnovodsk. See Sk, Voda. Kraton (Java), a palace. Kreb (S. Tunis), sandy hills covered with vegetation. Kreek (Dch.), bay, cove, creek. Kreide (Ger.), chalk. Cf. Krijt. Kreis (Ger.), a district or circle. Kreits (Dch.), a district or circle. Krepost (Buss.), castle, fort, fortress. Kreuzbaum (Ger.), a turnpike. Krijt (Dch.), chalk. Cf. Kreide. Krits (Dch.), summit, top. Krocht (Dch.), hill, hillock. Kroft (Dch.), a hillock. Kroj {Albanian), source, spring. See Krua. 1? 210 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Krom (Tibet), market, bazaar. Krom. See Km. Krom (Dch.), crooked, e.g. Kromvoort; with many bends (of a river or road). Kron-ba (Tibet), stream, river. Krong (Indo-China) , a river. Km, Krum, Krom, Korum, Kuru {Togo, Ashanti, Agni), town ; an inhabited place of less importance than a capital, e.g. Attakm, Kokokrum, Odukrom. Krua (Albanian), source, spring. See Kroj. Krugli (Buss.), round, e.g. Kruglolieskoe. Kmin (Dch.), summit, top. Kruis (Dch.), a cross, e.g. Kruisdorp. See Dorp. Krutoyar (Buss.), steep banks, from Krutoi, steep; e.g. Krutoi island, point, and cape. Ksar, pi. Ksur (Arab., N. Africa), village, fortified or surrounded with walls, in the Sahara oases. „ (Hassania), a village. Ksetra (Cambodia), a province. Ksob, Kseb (Arab.), reeds. Ksur (Arab., N. Africa). See Ksar. Ku- (Bantu), a prefix applied generally but not exclu- sively to such rivers as may be considered ' arms ' of others, e.g. Kubango, Kuanza, Kunene. Ku (China), valley, canal, streamlet, small river. Ku (China), a dam, dike. Ku (China), a pass, e.g. Ku pei ku, ' old north pass.' See Kou, Pei, and Ku (below). Ku (China), old. See above. Ku (New Guinea). See Gu. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 211 Ku (Pers.), broad street, square, market-place. Kua (Gold Coast), plantation, farm. Kuahini (Hawaii), mountain, hill. Kuala (Malay). See Kwala. Kuan (China), an official, e.g. Ta-Kuan-Chiang, ' Great Official river.' See Ta, Chiang. Kuan (China), fortified military place, camp. Kubba, Kuba, pi. Kbab (Arab., N. Africa), a cupola; chapel or shrine surmounted by a cupola in honour of a saint ; generally brilliantly white and visible at a great distance. Kubbat (Arab.), a deep-water bay or inlet. Kubbe, Kubbet (Arab.), dome ; the same word as Kubba, e.g. Kubbe-i-subs, * green dome.' Kubi (Korea), a bend, curve, e.g. Kubini. Kubr, pi. Kubur (Arab.), a tomb. Kubu (Malay), a stockade, fort. Kubu (Sojighai), a wood, bush, forest. Kucher (Asia Minor), nomad (tribes). Kuchi (Japan), mouth ; makes Guchi in composition, as Kawa Guchi, ' the river's mouth.' See Kawa. Kuchuk (Turk.), little, e.g. Kuchuk Derbend. See Derbend. Kuda (Tamul), bay. See Kuddawa. Kudana (Nika). See Dana. Kuddawa (Singalese), bay. See Kuda, which is really the same word. Kuddus, Kudu (Hausa), south. For other points see Ariawa. Kudia, Kudiat (Arab.), a hill, generally a small hill. Kudiak (Alaska). See Kikhtak. p 2 212 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Kudil (Tamul), a hut. Kuduk (E. Turk., Mongol), wells, e.g. Ulan Knduk. See Ulan. Kudulungu (Congo), an elevated plateau. Kudunia (Hausa), a hill. Cf. Tuclu, Tsanni. Kue (China), promontory, cape. Knfra (Arab.), pi. of Kafir (q.v.), e.g. the oasis of Kufra, and other oases, so named from their pagan in- habitants, the Tibus. Kufriat (Egyptian Sudan), old ruins. Kuguli, Kngnri (Mossi, French Sudan), stone. See next entry. Kuguri zugu (Mossi), mountain-top, summit. Kuh (Pers.), mountain, cf. Koh, one form being more usual in the east, and the other in the west ; is from Zend root knp, to swell, hence anything huge, bulky, e.g. Kuh-i-ckasma-o-chah-shirin, ' the hill of fresh- water wells and springs.' See Chasma, Chah. Kuh-sar (Pers.), a mountainous country. See Sar, Zar. Ku il (Khas Chos, Indo-China), little, small. Kuitahuun (Indian, U.S.A.), a hill. Kuka, Kukawa, Kukwa (Bornu), baobab trees, e.g. Kuka on Chad L. mKuka (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a river. Ku-kon (China), a gorge, a narrow pass. nKuku (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a torrent, stream, current. Kukulu hema (Hawaii), south. For other points see Akau. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 213 Kukwa (Bornu). See Kuka. Kill (E. Turk, and Mongol.), a lake, e.g. Kara Kul. See Kara. Kulah (Aral.), a castle. Cf. Kulle. Kulao (Annam), an island. Kule (Mande). See Kholle. Kuleba, Keluba (Sahara), a high mountain- top, equiva- lent to the Thniye, Tnie of other districts. Kuli (Abbadi, Etbai), low hills. niKuli (Mozambique), a waterfall. Kuliba (Turk.), hut, cottage. Kulichkof (Buss.), snipe. Applied to several islands in Alaskan waters. Kuliliak (Aleut.), sorrow, anguish ; e.g. Kuliliak bay. Kuliugiak (Alaska), rocky and round ;. applied usually to islands. Kulla (Arab.), top, summit (of a mountain). Kulle (Turk.), a tower. Cf. Kulah. Kulo (Ja-Luo, East Uganda), a river. Kulu (Bambara, Malinke). See Kuru. -Kulu, -Kuru, -Nkuru (diaUcts of Bantu), a suffix mean- ing ' great,' e.g. Kibokulu. luKuluf (Gent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), a mountain. nKuluj Cf. Lima. Kulu chenga (Mossi, French Sudan), a river, great river. kiKulue (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), the sani-clouds of the Kikwa valley. Kuluga, Buluga (Mossi, French Sudan), wells. Kulugu (Chad L. region), a place where water is found ; a lake, marsh, swamp, dead river. Cf. Tebki. 214 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Kulukira (Nika). See Lukira. -Kulungwa, -Kurungu (Gent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), a suffix meaning ' great.' nKuluntu (Loango), a chief; for^Z. see Nkuluntu. Kum (Turk.), sand, e.g. Kizil Kum. See Kizil. Kuma (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Ma. i si Kumbu (Zulu, Kafir) , a hollow place between hills, a col. Kumchi (Hausa), impenetrable forest, thicket. uKumkani (Amaxosa, Kafir), a king, chief. Kummene (New Guinea), water. Kumo (Japan), clouds. Kumsal (Buss.), a bank of sand. eKumu (Congo, dialect of Bantu), the bank of a river, coast, shore. Kumur (E. Turk.), coal. Kumush (E. Turk.), silver. Kun (Korea), a prefecture, a subdivision of a Pu (county or department), e.g. Kun-syu, ' a district magis- trate.' Kund (India), a province, e.g. Bundelkund. Kund (Sansc), an abyss, pool, spring. Kunda (Gambia), a town, e.g. Baja Kunda. Kunda (Sierra Leone). See Kundo. inKundla (Zulu, Kafir), the area of a kraal (q.v.) Kundo, Kunda (Sierra Leone), head, source, e.g. Tembe- kunda, ' the source of the Tembe Eiver.' Kundu (Kikuyu, Bantu). See Handu, Ndu. Kundubulu (Congo), a small hill. eKundze (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a mountain. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 215 isiKungu (Amaxosa, Kafir), a place of assembly. Kuni (Japan), province, lit. country. Gf. Kori. maKuni (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a forest, wood. Kuny-ho (Hung.), a hut. Kuo (Annam), mouth, estuary. Kuo (China), a nation, state ; government. Ku-on (Hainan), a path. Ku-pa (Siam), savages. See I. Ku pau (Miao-tse, Kwei-chau), a mountain. Kuperan (Tamul), north. See Vadakku. Kuppe (Ger.), top, summit, peak, ridge. For use as a form of sub-oceanic relief see Dome. Kupruk (E. Turk.), a bridge. Cf. Kopru. Kur (Wolof), house, dwelling. Kura (Harem, Indo- China) , road, path. Kura (Kanem), great, e.g. Beri Kura, ' large village.' See Beri. Kurban {Mongol), three, e.g. Kurban Habsere, 'the three Habsere,' i.e. the three Habsere mountain peaks, called respectively Atak Habsere, ' lower Habsere,' Eken Habsere, ' upper Habsere,' and Tumta Habsere, 1 middle Habsere ' ; Kurban Tara, ' the three days desert.' Kurduduffi (Hausa), a pond, pool, small lake. Kure (Mongol), a village. Cf. Khoto, Kerim, Khure. Kuret (dialect near Lugh, Somaliland), a hill. Kurgan (Buss.), a tumulus, barrow. Kurghan (E. Turk.), a fort, e.g. TashKurghan. See Tash. Kurh (Min-Kia, Yunnan), a river. Kurm, pi. Kurum (Arab), a vineyard. Kuro 216 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Kurmi, Kurimi (Hausa), forest, wood, bush, e.g. Kunnin Kaduna, ' the forest on the Kaduna Kiver,' the final n being the sign of the possessive. Kuril (Arab.), a horn or peak. Kuro (Gold Coast), town, village./ Cf. Kru. (Japan), black, e.g. Kuro Siwo, ' black stream,' answering in the Pacific to the Gulf Kuroi 1 Stream of the Atlantic ; Kurodake, ' dark v peat.' See Siwo, Dake. Kuro-kese (Gold Coast), a large town, city, capital. Kurpi (Turk.), a bridge. Cf. Kopru. Kurremi (Hausa). See Horami. Kuru, Kulu (Bambara, Malinke), a mountain. Kuru (Togo, Ashanti, Agni). See Kru. -Kuru (dialect of Bantu). See -Kulu. Kuruk (Mongol), dry, e.g. Kuruk Tagh. See Tagh. Kurum (Arab.), vineyards, pi. of Kurm. -Kurumba (Cent. Africa). See -Kalamba. -Kurungu (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See -Kulungwa. Kurye, Kuryet (Arab.), a village. Kush (Gent. Asia), killer, e.g. Hindukush, so called from the frequent deaths of the Hindu merchants at- tempting to cross its passes. Kusi (Bornu), a hut built entirely of stone. Cf. Bongo. Kusini (Swahili), south. See Suheli, Kibula. Kuso (Songhai), fine dusty soil. Kusr (Arab.), house, tower. Kust (Belt.), coast, shore. See Kiiste, Kyst. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 217 Kiiste (Ger.), coast. See Kust, Kyst. Kut (Hung.), a stream. Kut (Buss.), the head of a gulf. Kut (dialect near Lugh, Bomaliland), clayey ground. Kut (Ja-Luo, East Uganda), island. Kuta, Kota (Malay), a fortress. Kutale (Bambara), new, e.g. Sukutale, ' Newtown.' See Su. Cf. Koro. Kutel (E. Turk.), a col, a saddle. Kutemba (German East Africa, dialect of Bantu), to ascend, e.g. Butembo, a village which is situated on the top of a hill. See Temba. eKutilu (Congo, dialect of -Bantu), a place of assembly. Kutsano (Giryama). See Tsano. Kutsi (Japan), an outlet. Kutul (Tibet), corrupted from Pers. Kotal (q.v.), a pass, e.g. Koko Kutul, ' blue pass.' See Koko. Kutun (Mongol), a town, e.g. Nomoron Kutun, ' the town on the river Nomoron.' Kuva (Nilca), a fence, stockade. Kuyu (Turk.), wells. Kuzu (Sara, Chad L.), a village. Kwa (Modunga, Congo), a road, path. Kwa (E. Cent. Africa), a village, town, e.g. Kwa Mtesa, 1 Mtesa 's town.' Kwa (Hainan), a sub-prefecture. Kwa (Hottentot), a postfix meaning ' people,' e.g. Korakwa, Namakwa, Grikwa ; is really the mas. plur., written also qua, e.g. Namaqua-land. Kwa (N. Chin hills), a village. 218 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Kwala, Kwalla (Malay), the embouchure of a river; the place of junction between two rivers; a river, river mouth, e.g. Kwala Bernam, Kwala Gula. Kwalla (Abyssinia), lowland, opp. to Dega. Kwan (China), custom house, mountain pass, a forti- fication, garrison village. Kwa-nam (Hainan), a river. Kwang (China), broad, e.g. Kwang Si, 'broad (province) west,' or western broad (province) ; similarly Kwang Tung = 'broad province east.' Kwang (Pai, China), a mountain. Kwang-lau (China), a lighthouse. Cf. Ho-tun. Kwara ( Yoruba), a river, water, the river, i.e. the Niger, fre- quently written Quarra and Quorra in error. See Isa. Kwenda (Swahili), depth (of a river or the sea). Kwikk (Eskimo), a river, dual Kwik, pi. Kwit. Kwikuru (German East Africa), a chief town. Kwiya (Hausa), a ridge (of hills). Kwonu (Gurma), a river. Kwori (Hausa), furrows, boundaries. Kwurmi, pi. of Kurmi (q.v.) Kyams (Tibet), house, castle. Kyla (Fin.), a village. Kyog (Tibet), bend, detour, gulf; sinuous. Kyrka (Sw.), a church. Cf. Kirk, Kerk. Kyshlak (E. Turk.) See Kishlak. Kyst (Nor., Da.), coast. Cf. Kust, Kuste. Kyung (Burma), an island. Kybi, Gybi (Korea), a stream, creek, e.g. Kybi-Pong, Kydi-San. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 219 -La (Gent. Africa), a suffix, applied to things, not per- sons, meaning ' great.' La (Congo), height, altitude, elevation. La (Lolo, China), boat. La (Min-Kia, Yunnan), south. For other points see Pen. La (Tibet), a col, pass ; usually placed after the name, e.g. Chang-la, 'north pass,' see Chang, though some- times at the beginning, e.g. La-sar, ■ new pass.' Cf. Mongol Daban, E. Turk. Davan, Chinese Ling. Laag (Dch.), bed, stratum; as adj. low, e.g. Laag Soeren, Laag Zutem. Laager (Cape Dch.), a camp formed by arranging wagons end on, so as to enclose a space. Laagte (Dch.), valley, glen. Laam (Siam), bay ; bend in a river. Laba (Somali), two, e.g. Laba Gumbur Mado, ' the two black hillocks.' See Gumbur, Mado. Lablab (Hind.), sand, gravel. e Laba (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), country. Cf. eLapo. Lab-tse (Tibet), stones marking a road. Labuan (Malay), anchorage, harbour; more properly Labuhan. Lac (Fr.), a lake (L.) Cf. Lago, Lajo. Lacu (Neo-Greek), a lake. Lacuna (It.), a lagoon, stagnant pool. Cf. Lagume. Lada (S. Cape, New Guinea), cloud. 220 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ladrillal, Ladrillar (Sp.), a brickfield, brick-kiln. Laepa (Motumotu, New Guinea), a mountain. Lag (Tibet), arm, bay. Laga (Galla), river, stream. Laggan (Gaelic lagan), a small hollow,*e.#. Laggan (Inver- ness-shire). Lagham (Chad L. region), a river. Lago (It.), a lake (L.), e.g. Lago Maggiore, 'greater lake.' Lagume (It.), a broad pool of stagnant water, a marshy place. Gf. Lacuna. Laguna (It., Sp.), a lagoon, lake. Lagune (Fr.), a lagoon (Lag.) Lahi (Nine and Tonga, Polynesia), great. Lahti (Fin.), bight, bay. Lahun (Sierra Leone), land, country, e.g. Karelahun, pronounced Kailaun. Lai (Cambodia), a helm, rudder ; e.g. An-Lai, in Bao-An. See An, Bao. Lai (Motu, New Guinea), wind. Lai (Thai, Pai), a mountain. Laida (Buss.), a shoal which dries. Lai gheng (Miao-tse, Yunnan), hamlet. Lailai (Mbau, Fiji), small. Laili (Miao-tse, Kwei-chau), a field. Laja (Sp.), a flat rock. Lak (Hung.), a dwelling. Lak (Hung.), lake, pond. . Laka (Hausa), mud. Lakar-kot (Arab.), a stockade. -Lakh (Pers.), a suffix meaning 'place.' AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 221 Lalaga (Mossi, French Sudan), wall, fortifications. Lalap (Malay), swamps. Lalasi (8. Cape, New Guinea), north-west wind. Lalo (Nika), a neighbourhood, locality = Arab. Dar. Lalum (Malay), water. Lam, Lam-kha (Chin hills', Tibet), path, way, the way. nLam (Fan, French Congo). For meaning see Nlam. Lama (Port.), mud, e.g. the wooded depression north of Allada (Dahome), known to the natives as Ko (q.v.) Lambardar (India), village headman. umLambo (Kafir), a river. nLambu (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a flat shore beside a river, beach, bank ; course of a river. Lamorde (Adamaiva), the house or seat of a Lamido or governor. Cf. Ribago. Lampong (Malay), buoy. Lan (Brittany), a church, e.g. Landivisiau, * the church of St. Tivisiau.' Cf. Llan. Lan (Celtic), a plain, e.g. Lanthwaite. See Thwaite. Lan (China), market-place. Lan (Sw.), a county. Lan (Yoruba). See Nla. Lanark (Gaelic), a forest glade. Landa (It.), down, heath, moor. Landas (Tagala, Philippines), a way, road. Lande (Fr.), sandy grounds (L de ), e.g. The Landes. Lande (Ger.), landing-place, quay, pier. Landgut (Ger.), country estate, manor. Landschaft (Ger.), region, district, province. Landschap (Bch.), province, country, canton. 222 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Landstadt (Ger.), a country town. Landungsplatz (Ger.), wharf, landing-place. Landweg (Dch.), country road. Landzunge (Ger.), a spit. Lang (Annam), a village. Lang (China), waves. Lang, Lange (Ger.), long, e.g. Langenberg, ' long mountain.' Lang (Siam), lower, e.g. Lang Suan (Swan), in the pen- insula, south of Tenasserim. Langa (Congo), to inundate, swamp, flood; a camp, regular resting-place for travellers. Langar (E. Turk.), a resting-house for travellers. Lange (Ger.), longitude. mLango (East Africa, dialect of Bantu), a channel. Langtao (Siam), the bar of a river. nLangu (Loango, dialect of Bantu), water. Langue (Fr.), a tongue or neck of land. Langur (Nepal), a lofty snow-capped mountain. Cf. Banjung. Lanka (Hind.), island. See Dip, Jingira. Lankh (Serer), sand. Lansi (Fin.), western. For other points see Pohia. Lao (China), old, e.g. Lao Sung Ling, ' old pine pass ' ; a misspelling is Liao. See Sung, Ling. Cf. Lau. Lao (Hainan), a path. Lao (Nung, Lao-kai), great, large. Lapa (Madagascar), a palace. eLapo (Cent. Africa, Bantu), country. Cf. eLabo. Lapong, Lapang (Malay), an opening in the land. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 223 Laraga (Aroma, New Guinea), a garden. Larg (Gaelic learg), a hill, slope, e.g. Largs. Las (Somali), a shallow well or sand-pit, e.g. Las Anod, 'milk well,' Las Dibbra. maLashi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), grass ; for other dialect forms see Dinyasi. Lat (Siam), a short cut. Latala (Cent. Africa), a forest. Lath (Hi?id.), an obelisk, minaret, vertical beam of oil- press. Lathe (Eng. from A.S. ladh), a part or division of a county, comprising several hundreds (q.v.) ; occurs now only in Kent, where there are still five lathes. Latifondo (It.), a large farm, extensive estate. Latse (China), a saw-peaked range of hills. Cf. Sierra. Lau (China), a tower ; pronounced with a different tone means 'old.' See Lao, Liao. Lauba (Aroma, New Guinea), a cloud. Laubholz (Ger.), a leafy wood; opposed to Nadelholz, pointed needle-like (pine) foliage. Lauf (Ger.), a stream, course, current ; cf. laufen, to run. Laugith (Ebon, Polynesia), sea. Laulabada (Motu, New Guinea), south-east wind. Laut, Lautbesar (Malay), the sea, ocean. Lauter (Ger.), clear, e.g. Lauterbrunnen, 'clear foun- tains.' Lavanambu (Sa?isc), the sea. Lavan-Khani (Sansc), a salt mine. Law (Anglo-Saxon), a hillock, mound, rising ground, e.g. Moodlaw. Cf. Low. 224 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Lax, Laks (Nor.), salmon ; e.g. Laxvoe, Laxay. See Voe, Ay. Lazar (Hassania) , a marsh, bog. Le (Danakil), water. Le (Anglo-Fr.), beside, near, e.g. Houghton le Street, from lez, les (q.v.) ■Le {Somali), a suffix signifying locality ; e.g. Adadle, 'the place of Adad (i.e. trees).' Lea (Anglo-Saxon), a meadow or grassy plain. Ley, Leigh are other forms. Lea (Hainan), a mountain. Leac (Gaelic), slate, slab ; e.g. Leac Ban, Leac Lee point. See Ban, Lee. Leben (Ger.), a place to live in. Led (Buss.), ice ; see next entry. Ledyanaya gora (Buss.), an iceberg. See Gora. Lee (Anglo-Saxon hied, a shelter), the side of a ship opposite to that from which the wind blows, so any shelter or sheltered spot, e.g. Alder Lee, Lees Moor. Lee (Gaelic le), smooth, e.g. Lochlee, ' smooth lake.' Cf. Rie. Lee wa (Indian, California), sea. Lefai'a (Arab., N. Africa), a place infested by horned vipers. Legi (Congo), a road. Legi (Kerepunu, New Guinea), grass. Le go (Indian, California), a lake. Lehibe (Madagascar), great, large. Lei (Dch.), schist. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 225 Lei (Upper Nile), water. Leidi (Fula), country, district. Leigh (England, S.W.), a meadow, pasture; e.g. Bud- leigh. ; a variant of Lea. Lei hsien chu (China), telegraph. Leite (Ger.), a mountain slope, declivity. Leito (Port.), the bed of a river. Leix (from Nor., Da. Lax), salmon ; e.g. Abbey Leix. Lejbishche, Lezhbishche (Buss.), a seal-breeding place, a ' rookery ' ; lit. a place of rest. Lek (Laos), iron. Lek (Siam), small. eLeko (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a town. kiLela (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), an island. kiLele (Sivahili), a summit, peak. eLelenshi (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a plain ; level, flat. Leleu (Mentawei), a hill. Lell (Nissan I., New Guinea), a road, path. Lem (Siam), a cape, headland, point. eLenga (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a place where the grass has been beaten down by a great concourse of people. Lenger (Turkestan), a station or rest-house. See Langar. Lenpu (N. Arahan), large. Ler (from Icel. Leir), mud, e.g. Lerwick, ' mud bay.' Ler (Da., Nor., Sic), mud, e.g. Lersund. Ler (Armenia), a mountain. Les (Fr.), near, beside, e.g. Aspres-les-Veynes ; is a variant of lez (q.v.) Lesaw (iV". Chin hills), a river. Q 226 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Leste (Sp.), the east wind, east ; the L is here really only the article. Lette (Gironde), a pool formed after rain (L te ). Letto (It.), the bed of a river. Leuchtturm, Leuchtthurm (Get.) , lighthouse. Cf. Lichttoren. Leufu (Araucanian, Patagonia), river, e.g. Karrileufu, ' green river.' Levante (It.), east, eastern region, lit. 'rising' (of the sun). Level (Latin libella, through French), a gutter for water to run in. Levu (Mbau, Fiji), great; e.g. Vanua Levu. Lewaya (Ceylon), a salt-pan. -Ley (England), an open place in a wood, e.g. Dudley. See Lea, Leigh. Lez (Fr.from Latin latus, 'side,' Provencal latz, laz), near, by, beside, obsolete except in place-names, e.g. Plessis-lez-Tours, ' Plessis near Tours,' Saventhem- lez-Bruxelles, ■ Saven them near Brussels.' Variants are le and les (q.v.) \ (Swahili) , a buoy ; for pi. see Chilezo, Mlezo. mLezoj Lha (Tibet), god, genius, spirit ; e.g. Lhasa, ' the seat of the divine intelligence.' See Sa. Lho (Tibet), south. For other points see Byang, Bak, Nub, Ike, Shar. Li (China), a hamlet of twenty-five families. Li (China), inner. Cf. Nui. Li (China), a measure of length = one- third of a mile. eLi (Fan, French Congo), a tree; ior pi. see Eli. AND TOPOGKRAPHICAL TEEMS 227 uLi (Fan, French Congo), a clearing in a forest. Lia (Hind.), land which is annually flooded. Liang (Chungkia, Thai), a road. Liao (China), distant, e.g. Liao-Ho, ' distant river,' Liao- Yang, 'remote sun (light).' See Lao. Liba (Somali), lion. See under Shabel. maLiba (Congo, dialect of Bantu), water. Libongo (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Bongo. Lichinga (Mavia, Mozamb.) See Chinga ; cf. Litumbi. Lichinya (Lu-Wanga, Uganda). See Chinya. Licht (Ger.), light ; e.g. Lichtenstein. See Stein. Lichttoren (Dch.), a lighthouse. Cf. Leuchtturm. Lid (Anglo-Saxon hlidh), a slope, side of a hill, Latin clivus, e.g. Warning Lid in North Sussex. nLidi (German East Africa, dialect of Bantu), a ravine. Lido (It), shore, bank. Lienga (Lu-Wanga, Uganda). See Enga. Liesnoi (Buss.), woody, applied to many place-names in Alaskan waters. Properly Lyesnoi (q.v.) Lietnika (Buss.), summer village. Properly Lyetnika, see Lyeto. Lieu (Fr.), place, e.g. Beaulieu. See Beau. maLifa (Bakundu, Kamerun), water. Lifuwukho (Lu-Wanga, Uganda). See Fuwukho. Ligne de faite (Fr.), a water-parting or divide between two or more river basins. See Faite. Lihenga (Lu-Wanga, Uganda). See Henga. Lik (Tibet), people, tribe, e.g. Tagh Lik, < mountaineers,' a nomad tribe of Tatars. See Tagh. Likete (Ebon, Polynesia), a place, locality. q2 228 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Li kiari (Gurma), wells. Liko (Stoahili). See Diko, Ko. Lilang (Chong-Chia-tse, Yunnan), mountain. Lilbaden (Jibali, Berber), a mountain. LiUa (Sw.), small (lil. or !.), e.g. Lilla Lulea Elf. Cf. Stor. Lille (Nor., Da.), small (L le ), e.g. Lille Belt, 'the Little Belt.' kiLima (Swahili), hill, detached mountain, mound, e.g. Kilima Njaro. mLima (East Africa, dialect of Bantu), a mountain. Liman (Turk.), harbour, port.] These are really the same Liman (Buss.), an estuary. Y Greek word, borrowed in Limen (Greek), harbour, port. J Russian and Turkish. Limitrophe (Fr.), neighbouring, bordering. Limne (Greek), a lake. Limo (Prov. Sp., Ital.), mud, from Bat. limus, mud, slime. Lin, Ling (China), grove, wood, forest ; imperial tomb ; e.g. Yu Lin, ' elm forest.' Lin, Lyn, Linn, Lynn (Gaelic, linne, Irish, linn, a pool ; Anglo-Saxon, Minna, a brook), a spring, pool, especially one under a waterfall, source of a river, precipice, ravine, e.g. Dublin, ' Black Pool ' (dubh= black) ; King's Lynn, Linmouth or Lynmouth; Corra Linn, near Lanark. See Llyn. Lin (Pai, Yunnan, China), earth. Lina (Aroma, New Guinea), tide (flowing). Linani (Kossova, Eastern Uganda), forest. Lind (Icelandic), a well. Ling (China), chain of hills ; a height not peaked ; a pass over a mountain ridge, e.g. Nanling. See Nan. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 229 Ling {Punjab), a stone pillar which is supposed to represent the god Shiva. Ling (Tibet), region, district ; also a garden, e.g. Nam- ling, from Nam (q.v.), sky, the monastery being on a high hill with a garden at the foot. Lingara (A-Zande), a village. Lingua (It.), a small promontory, tongue. Linn. See Lin. Linyasi (Cent. Africa, dialect of B antic). See Dinyasi. Linyi (Hausa), a slave village. Cf. Rumde. Lipa (Slavonic), lime-tree, e.g. Leipzig, originally a Slav settlement. Lips (Greek), south-west ; really the S.-W. wind (sirocco). For other points see Boreas. Lirova (Lu-Wanga, Uganda). See Rova. Lis (Gaelic), a garden, e.g. Lismore, ' great garden.' See More. Lis (Irish), a fort made of earth, e.g. Listowel. Lisiere (U.S.A.), a strip of country along the coast; lit., in French, a selvage. Lit (Fr.), bed, stratum ; bed of a river. Litala (Lu-Wanga, Uganda). See Tala. Lithos (Greek), stone. Litiwa (Ketosh, Eastern Uganda). See Tiwa. Litulo (Lu-Wanga, Eastern Uganda), a mound. Litumbi, Chitumbi (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), mountain, large hill. See Tumbi. Cf. Lima. Liva (Turk.), subdivision of a Vilayet (q.v.) eLiwa (French Congo coast, dialect of Bantu), lake. iLiwa (Zulu, Kafir), a precipice, cliff. 230 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ljiceni (Albanian), lake. Ljongs (Tibet), a broad valley. Llan- (Welsh), a prefix meaning enclosure, church, e.g. Llangollen. Llanadas (Patagonia), gently sloping plains, at such an altitude above the level of a river as to be free from floods. Llano (Sp.), a plain, level ground. Llearn (Armenian), a mountain. Llena (Sp.), alluvion, overflow of rivers. Llyn (Welsh), a pool, lake, e.g. Llyn Mymbyr. See Lin. beLo (Congo, dialect of Bantu), part of a town ; a cluster of houses in a town. Lo (Gent. Africa), an old root meaning ' to flow,' e.g. Lomami. Cf. Do, Ro, Ru. See Domasi, Elu. Lo (Dagboma, Mossi), village. Lo (Hainan), a path. Lo (Man Sung, Lao-Kai), great, large. Lo (Ja-Luo, Eastern Uganda), sand. nLo (Fan, French Congo) ; for meaning and pi. see Nlo. Lo (Lolo, China), boat. maLoa (Kossova, Eastern Uganda), ground. Lob (Da., Nor.), channel, passage, fairway. Locatnre (Provincial Fr.), farm, holding. Loch (Ireland and Scotland), a lake, a sheet of fresh water ; bay or arm of the sea. The original Gaelic and Irish are both loch, though the latter is now usually written lough ; is cognate with A.S. lagu, sea, lake, and with hat. lacus, whence A.S. lac, Eng. lake. AND TOPOGKAPHICAL TEEMS 231 Lode (England), a reach of water in a canal. Lodo (Span., Port), mud, from hat. lutum, whence Lutetia Parisiorum (Paris). Loe (Paz, Yunnan, China), a mountain; is a variant of Loi (q.v.) Logar (Port.), a village. eLogh (Fan, French Congo), grass; lor pi. see Elogh. Loi (Shan States), a hill. See Loe. Lokko (Yoruba), on board, aboard, e.g. Port Lokko. Lo kill lo (Indian, California), a valley. Lolo (Songhai), a road. Lorn wow (Siam), north wind; lorn tapow, south wind; lorn tawan-ok, east wind ; lorn tawan-tok, west wind ; for points of compass see Nua. See also Fori. Loma (Sp.), rising ground in the midst of a plain ; hill, hillock, knoll. Lon (Annam), great, large. Lonar (Hind.), salt lands ; a place where salt is pro- duced; from Ion, salt; cf. Sansc. lavanakar, a salt-pit. Londe (Congo), a hill ; used only in composition, e.g. eshi-londe, highlanders. eLondo (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a back current, an eddy. Long (S. Chin hills and Borneo), stream, river, e.g. Maunglong, Thet Long. muLonga (dialect of Bantu), a river. uLongo (Giryama), clayey soil. nLonki (Fan, French Congo), below, the direction to- wards which a river flows. Loo (Belgium), an open place in a wood, e.g. Waterloo. 232 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Lorgenai {Lake Rudolf district, East Africa), black stones, e.g. Donyo Lorgenai, 'the mountain of black stones,' a Masai name for Mount Kenia. Lotsitsi (Becliuana, Bantu). See Tsitsi. Lotsung (Sumatra). See under Bale. Lough (Ireland). See Loch. Lovoka (Madagascar), a bay. Low (England, from Anglo-Saxon hlaw), a mound, hill, rising ground, e.g. Ludlow, High Low in the Peak district. Cf. Law. Lu- (Bantu), a prefix frequently applied to the roots to form the names of rivers, e.g. Luapula, Lualaba, Lukugu. Lu (China), a road, a way. Lu- (Congo, Uganda, dec, Bantu), a prefix applied to the root to denote the language ; e.g. Luwanga, the language of the Wawanga. See Wa. -Lu (Congo), river, e.g. Sankulu. Cf. Ka, Ru. Luala (Bantu). See Ala. Luanda (Nika). See Anda ; cf. Lwanda. Luang (Siam), yellow, e.g. Luang Prabang. Cf. Luong. Luanja (Bantu). See Anja. Luanza (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Anza. Lubira (Victoria Nyanza region). See Bira. Lubok (Malay), a pool; deep holes in the sea ; lake, river, a reach of a river ; a recess or bight in the winding of a river, e.g. Lubok Ajung, Lubok Pangku Alor. Lubu (Kerepunu, New Guinea), sacred house or platform. Lubulu (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Bulu. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 233 Luchau (Eolo, China), a wood. luLuchi (Ketosh, Eastern Uganda), a river. Luda (Buss.),' a, rock or reef out of water. Ludide, Lutite (Nika), small, little. Ludzidzi (Nika). See Dzidzi. Luenga (Gogo, Bantu). See Enga. Lueru (German East Africa, dialect of Bantu) . See Eru. Lufulo (Nika). See Fulo. Lugan (Malinke, Senegal), cultivated land. Lugar (Sp.), a village or small town ; any place; from hat. locus. Lugga (Galla), a nullah. aLugh (Fan, French Congo) ; for meaning see Alugh. Luharano (Madagascar), source, fountain, spring. Luhasaha (Madagascar), a valley. Luhatona (Madagascar), the dry season, spring. Luj (Arab.), the ocean; an abyss. Luji (Arab.), the sea. Lujja (Arab.), deep water, the middle of the sea. Lukala (Ketosh and Eu-Wanga, Eastern Uganda). See Kala. kuLukira (Nika), a road made by the traffic of cattle. Lukku (Fin.), a rock. Lukolo (Giryama). See Kolo. Lukolonga (Bantu). See Kolonga. Lukulu, Nkulu ( Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu) . See Kulu. Luluchi (Ketosh, Eastern Uganda). See Luchi. Lum (England, Welsh Hum = that which projects), a chimney ; also a woody valley, a deep pool, e.g. The Lum near Leek in the Peak district. 234 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Lum (Yambo, Upper Sobat B.), grass. Lumbu (Hausa), a garden. Lumi (Albanian), river, stream. Lumpor (Malay), mud; sometimes found as Lumpur. Lun (Khas Ghos, Indo-China), house, abode. Lun (Tibet), wind. Lund (Nor., Da.), a grove ; e.g. Lundgarth. See Garth. chiLundi (Tonga, Bantu), a detached hill or mountain. iLundi (Bantu), a high mountain, a detached hill. Lunengenenge (Congo, dialect of Bantu) . See Nenge-nenge. Lung (China), a dragon, e.g. Hei Lung Kiang, ' Black Dragon Kiver.' Cf. Luong. See Hei, Kiang. Lunga (Tibet), ditch, valley. Lungma (Tibet), a river. Cf. Lungpa. Lungma (Tibet), coarse grass. Lung-pa (Tibet), a straight valley; also river; cf. Lungma; also one's country (Hind, mulk, loan word from Arab.) Luogo (It.), place, site. Luong (Cambodia), a dragon, e.g. Ham-Luong, ' Dragon's Jaw ' in Bao-Duk. Cf. Lung. It also means ' sweet,' e.g. Phui Luong, ' Sweet Wealth,' in Bao- Duk. Luong (Laos), yellow. Cf. Luang, of which it is another form. Luong (E. Siam, Annam), great, large. Luoto (Fin.), a shoal. Lupa (Tagala, Philippines), land. Lupata (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu). See Pata. Lupiri (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Piri. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 235 Lusese {Bantu). See Sese. Lusolo (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Solo. Lut (Pers.), bare, naked, e.g. Dasht-i-Lut, ' bare steppe,' Lutite (NiJca). See Ludide. Luvanga (Nika). See Vanga. Luvila (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Vila. Luwi (Bua, Bantu). See Wi. Luwongo (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Wongo. Luzi, Nguzi (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). See Zi. Lwanda (Giryama). See Anda. uLwandle (Kafir), the sea. Davis gives u as the prefix, but Torrend renders it ulw-Andle. 1 Lye (English), a siding, offset, or loop from a main line of railway; from A.S. licgan. Lyen (Welaung, Kwenam), large, great. Lyeng, Lyong (Korea). See Nyeng. Lyes (Buss.), a forest. See next entry. Lyesnoi (Buss.), wooded, woody. The adjective of lyes Occurs misspelled as Liesnoi (q.v .) Lyeto (Buss.), summer. Lyn, Lynn. See Lin. Lys (Da., Nor.), light (colour), e.g. Lysned. M M-. See Ma (S. Cent. Africa). Ma (Arab), water. Ma (hidian, U.S.A.), large water expanse. 1 See Kaffir-English Dictionary, by W. J. Davis, and A Comparative Grammar of the South- African Bantu Languages, by J. Torrend, S.J. 236 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ma {Indian, California), earth, land. Ma- (Loango), king, a prefix followed by the name of the country, e.g. Ma Loango = King, of Loango. Ma (Motumotu, New Guinea), water. Ma-, M- (S. Gent. Africa, Barotseland), the people, e.g. Marotse. Gf The English. % See Ba-. Ma (Tibet), down, low. See Mad. -Ma (Central Sudan), a singular suffix, e.g. Kanema, i.e. Kanem-ma, 'a man of Kanem.' See -Bu. kuMa (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a place. Ma'a, Maka (Samoa, Niue and Tonga, Polynesia), stone. Maader (Arab., N. Africa), lowland, covered with vegetation. Maadie (Upper Nile), a ferry boat ; below the Cataracts it is used for a large freight and passenger boat. Maap (S. Africa), muddy. Maar (Iceland), a cauldron-shaped depression. Mabar (Arab.), pass, ferry, ford. Mabehe (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Behe. Macchia (It.), jungle, thicket. Machar (Celtic machair), a plain, e.g. Machars (Wig- town). Gf. Mauch, and see Maghera. Machi (Japan), town ; street. Machi (Fan, French Congo). See Chi. Machila (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a conveyance, consisting of a canvas hammock hung on a long bamboo pole, carried by two men. See Chila. Mad (Tibet), low country. See Ma, Smad. Madan (Arab.), a mine, quarry. See Maden. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 287 Madeira (Port.), wood, timber, wooden (building), e.g. Madeira I., Madeira R. Cf. Madera. Maden (Turk.), a mine. See Madan. Mader (Arab.), a moist locality. Mader (Pers.), mother, e.g. Mader Kuh, 'mother hill.' Madera (Sp.), timber, wood, the same word as Madeira. Madhaiya (Hind.), cottage, hut. Madhya (Sansc), middle, e.g. Madhya-desh = the part of India comprising Allahabad, Agra, Delhi, Oude, &c. Madhne (Arab.), a minaret. Madi (Bafo, Kamerun). See Di. Madiba (Kamerun, dialect of Bantu). See Diba ; opp. to Mundi. Madina, Medine (Arab.), a city. See Medine. Mado, Madu, Madoba (Somali), black, applied to a valley that is dark and shady, e.g. Afmadu. See Af. Madrasa (Cent. Asia, Persia, India), a college; loan word from Arab, darasa, to read. Maduk, Madugu (Mande, West Sudan), the house of a king, palace. See Dugu. Madzi (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu). See Dzi. Madzi-Manji (Giryama), sea. Mae (Hang Gheh, Indo- China) , a tree. Ma el ma (Arab.), a source. See Ma. Maen (Welsh), a large stone, e.g. Maen y Prenfol, near Lampeter. Maes (Welsh), a field, a heath, e.g. Maesbury. See Bury Mafana (Madagascar), hot, e.g. Ranomafana, ' hot water.* See Rano. Mafaza (Arab.), a desert, 238 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL • » Mafitsi. See Mafutsi. Mafutsi (Hausa), ferry, landing-place, wharf. Mag (Gaulish), a field, e.g. Marmagen. Mag (Hind.), road, path, way ; from. Sansc. marg, road. Mag (Serer, Senegal), a river. Magala (Somali), a town, e.g. Magala Sahil, ' coast town,' i.e. Berbera. Magangamu (Hausa), confluence, equivalent to the Fula Tepe. Magas (Hung.), great, high (Mg.), applied to a large number of towns and villages. Magdumat (Darfur), a province under a Magdum or governor. Magh (Irish), a field, e.g. Armagh. Maghera (Irish), a plain, a field, e.g. Magherafelt. Maghrabi (Arab.), western, relating to North Africa. Cf. Gharb. Maghreb (Arab.), west. Cf. Gharb. Maghribi (Swahili), west ; borrowed from the Arabic maghreb. Cf. Gharb. Magrem (Arab., N. Africa), meeting, junction, e.g. Magrem el Buhur, ' the meeting of the waters,' the Arab, name of No L. See Bahr. Magu iesiva (S. Cape, New Guinea), tide (flowing). Magura (Bumanian), a wooded height (Mgr.) Maha (Sansc, Hind.), great, e.g. Mahanadi. Sec Nadi. Mahal (Arab.), place, building, house, mansion. Mahal el kufr (Egyptian Sudan), old ruins. See Kufr. Mahallah (Cent. Asia) a quarter of a town. Mahanke (Indian, U.S.A.), earth, land. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 239 Mahareb (Wadai), the round bell- shaped huts of Wadai, made of reeds, as opposed to Reri, the Wadai name for the portable Arab huts. Maha-van (Same), a large forest. See Van. Mahifohifo (Nine, Polynesia), west. For other points see Tokilau. Mahigen (Arab.), a whirlpool, eddy. Mahjar (Arab.), rocks which impede the current of a stream. Mahrusa (Arab.), a garrison or fortified place. Mai (Bantu), water ; probably not originally Bantu, but from Arabic Ma. Mai (Motumotu, New Guinea), river. Mai (Siam), new. Maidan (Arab., Pers., India, Abyssinia), plain, open field, place d'armes. ,, (Marocco), an open space on which to practise horsemanship, usually found in front of every castle. This is the original meaning, from Arab. mada, meda, to be moved or agitated. Mai'en (Upper Nile), bush, tall grass. Maifadi (Hausa). See Fadi. Maije (Kilimane, Bantu). See Ije. Mai-ma (China), trade, e.g. Maimachin, ' trade town,' near Kiakhta ; chin = town. Maing (Burma), a town of the fourth order or sub- district capital. Another form of Meng (q.v.) Mainji (dialect of Bantu). See Mansi. Mainya, pi. of Baba (Hausa), great. Maio (Fula). See Mayo. (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Ji. 240 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Maireveina (Motu, Neio Guinea), east. Maison (Fr.), house (M on ). Maiya (Equatorial Nile), a backwater, e.g. Maiya Bita Signora, named after the great traveller Miss Tinne. Another form is Maya (q.v.) Majani (Swahili). See Jani. Majen (Arab.), a natural reservoir. Maji aMaji Makali (German East Africa, dialect of Bantu), bitter, e.g. Marenga Makali (Kiver)= bitter water. See Kali. Makan (Arab), a house, dwelling. Makani (Galla), a village. From the Arab, makan (?). Makao, Makazi, Makani (Swahili). See Kao, Kazi, Kani. Makaya (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Kaya. Makazi' (Swahili). See Kazi. For other forms see Makao. Makbar (Arab.), burying-place, tomb, monument. Makhade (Arab.), a ford. Makkoren ( West Sudan), great, large, e.g. AutelMakkoren; Imakoren, ' large island ' formed by the Niger River. Makop (Bali, Kamerun), wood, forest. Makro (Greek), long, e.g. Makri Yalo, a bay in Crete. Makta (Arab.), a ford. Makua, Makwa (A-Zande), river, stream. Makuni (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Kuni. Mai (Hung.), mountain, e.g. Kiralymal=K6nigsberg. Mai (Fan, French Congo). See Dzal. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 241 Mala, pi, of Buala (Loango). See Ala. Mala (Slav.), little. Cf. Malo, Mali, Maly. Maladrerie (Fr.), lazaretto (Mal re ). Malai (Tamul), mountain, hill. Malaila (Mekeo, New Guinea), north. Malan (Hind.), a path. Malang, Mallang (Malay), rocks visible at high water, e.g. Malang Sakit Mata. Malanga (Nine, Polynesia), south. For other points see Tokilau. Malashi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Dinyasi. Mali (Chin Hills), great, e.g. Mali Kha, ' great river,' the Myit Gyi of the Burmese. Gf. Nmai. See Myit, Gyi, Kha. Mali (S. Slavonic), little. Gf. Malo, Mala, Maly. Mali (W. Africa, between the Niger and the Atlantic), hippopotamus, e.g. Malinke, the people whose fetish or idol is the hippopotamus. See Ke, Nke; cf. Bamba, Sa. Maliba (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Liba. Maliba mokru (Upper Nile), river, stream. Malifa (Bakwidu, Kamerun). See Lifa. Malj (Albanian), mountain range. Malka (Galla), a river. Cf. Melka. Malmala (Hind.), brackish (water). Malnad (India, Mysore), hill country, applied generally to the Manjarabad and Nagar ranges. Malo (Buss., Servia?i), small, e.g. Malo Jezero, ' little lake.'' Cf. Mala, Mali, Maly. See Jezero. Maloa (Kossova, Eastern Uganda). See Loa. R 242 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Maly (Buthenian) , small (ML), e.g. Maly Ksiaz, N. of Cracow. Cf. Mala, Mali, Malo. Mamakating (Indian, U.S.A.), a great standing heap, mound. Mambo (Zambezia), chief, king. Mamelon (Fr.) lit. pap, breast ; a rounded hill. Man (Celtic), district, e.g. Manchester. See Chester. Man (Korea), bay, e.g. Nan-to-Man = Goshkevich bay. Man (Shan States), a village. Man (Shan States), new, e.g. Man-Maw, 'New-Market,' the Shan name for Bhamo. See Bha, Maw. Man (Tamul), earth, land. Mana (Bambara), a cliff, e.g. Manaule, ' red cliff.' See Ule. Mana \ kaMana .__ Y (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), river, lake. mu Mana -Mana, -Manavi (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu) , a suffix meaning ' little.' Mana (S. Cape, New Guinea), wind. Manahinj (Indian, U.S.A.), a spring. Mananga (Gazaland), sandy waterless tracts, above the level of the river valleys, covered with thorny scrub. See Nanga. Mananyaro (Amis, Formosa), a village. Manarokta (Indian, U.S.A.), forest, wood. Manasi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Dinyasi. -Manavi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See -Mana. Manbate (Sara, Chad L.), a house made of wood. Cf. Be. AND TOPOGKAPHICAL TEEMS 243 Mandal (Hind.), a fountain; a port, harbour. Mandal (Hind.) , circle, sphere ; the solar disk ; the heavens ; a round tent ; a district ; from Sansc. mandanla, a disk. Mandan (Deccan), the world. Mandap (Sansc, Hind.), a shed*; temple, pavilion. Mandhi (Sansc, Hind.), a cottage ; small temple ; shrine ; hermit's cell. Mandi (Hind.), market ; a shop, storehouse for sale of goods by auction or on commission. Manding (Wolof), a desert, wilderness. Mandir (Sansc, Hind.), house, mansion, palace, temple. Mane (Sara, Chad L.), water, cf. Tutu; river, cf. Ba. Manene (Congo, dialect of Bantu) . See Nene. u Mango (Kafir), the ridge of a country; an elevated tract of land. Mangrullo (Spanish S. America), watch-tower, a signal staff fixed in the branches of a tree. Manhattan (Indian, U.S.A.), rapids. Mania (Banjan, Kamerun), water. Manigua (Cuba), a tropical forest. Manji (Bali, Kamerun). See Nji. Mankala (Arab.), a day's journey; a halting-place ; a way through mountains. Cf. Manzil. Mankiala (Fin.), isthmus. Manse (Low Latin, mansa, a farm), a house or dwelling with or without land ; a dwelling-house reserved for a minister ; Capital Manse, a manor-house. Mansi, Manzi, Menzi, Amensi, Amazi, Minzi, Amaji, Maji, Mazi, Mezi, Madzi, Mainji, Mari (Cent. Africa, E 2 244 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL dialects of Bantu), water. See Nzi, Nsi, Dzi, Ji, Hi, Zi, Mazi. Mantiase {Gold Coast), a subordinate town ; a dependent of a leading town. Manufacture {Fr.), factory (Manuf re ). Manyasi {Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Dinyasi. Manyata {East Africa, Masai), the villages of the Masai. Manza {Senegambia), a king or sovereign, hence Kassa- manza, ' chief of the emigrant Kassa people,' cor- rupted into Kasamansa, or Casamance. Manzana {Spanish S. America), a block of houses in the form of a square, there being a street at each side. Manzi {dialect of Bantu). See Nzi. Manzil {Arab.), a day's journey ; an inn ; a dwelling ; boundary. From Nazala=to alight. Cf. the other forms Menzil, Munsil, Mankala. Mao {Fula). See Mayo. Maol {from Gaelic maol, bare), a headland, e.g. Maol Dubh, in Loch Leven. See Dubh. Ma pa {Indian, U.S.A.), water. Mape {Mekeo, New Guinea), coast. Mar {Abba, N.W. of Budolf L.), a road. Mar {Arab.), a saint (Christian). Mar {Sp., Port.), sea. Cf Mare, Mer, Mari, Mere. Mar (Woloj), a stream. Mara {A-Zande), iron, applied to ferruginous districts. Marabut {North Africa), a saint ; monk ; a monument erected in honour of a saint, generally a chapel or shrine with a cupola. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 245 Marafiari, Warafiari. See Rafiari. Marago (Ki-Mrima, East Africa). See Rago. Maraira (Maiva, New Guinea), north wind. Marairana (Kabadi, New Guinea), north wind. Marais (Fr.), swamp, marsh (M s ). Marakat (Arab.), a shoal with soft bottom. Maraovai (Motumotu, New Guinea), tide (flowing). Marca (It.), boundary, frontier, a loan word. See Mark. March (Eng., Scot.), border, frontier ; cf. the ' Warden of the Marches.' From A.S. mearc (whence the border kingdom of Mercia) and Goth, marka (whence the Marcomanni, the ' border men '). See Mark. Marche (jFV.), market. Mare (Bumania), great, e.g. Stobodzieya Mare, on Pmth B. Mare (Fr.), pool, pond. Mare (It.), sea. Cf. Mar, Mer, Mari, Mere. Marea (Maiva, New Guinea), sacred house or platform. Marea (Sp.), tide; sea-shore. Maree (Fr.), tide. Maremma (It.), down, fen, salt-water marsh. Marenga. See Renga. Marevo (Buss.), mirage. Marfag (Arab., N. Africa), promontory, cape. Cf. Menkeb. Marhaiya. See Marhi. Mar hi (Hind.), a variant of Mandhi (q.v.) Mari (dialect of Bantu). See Mansi. Mari (Fin.), sea. Cf. Mar, Mer, Mare, Mere. Marigot (Senegal), a corrupted Jolof Word, shallow creek, arm of a river. Cf. Faddama, Adar-n-Eghirreu, Rejl, Kra, Bot-ho. Now used in French works. 246 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Marina (It.) f sea-coast, shore, strand. Marjal (Sp.), fen, woodland, marsh. Mark (Indo-European), a boundary, e.g. Denmark, Altmark ; Mercia, the ' Marches.' Is cognate with Eat. margo, margin, frontier. Mark (Scotland), a forest, e.g. 'Markinch, ' the forest island.' See Inch. Markaz (Arab.), a halting-place. Markt (Ger.), market-place, e.g. Neumarkt, ' Newmarket.' Marmaro (Hausa), source, spring. Marne (Fr.), clay, marl. Marra (Galla), house, dwelling. Marraraba (Hausa), bifurcation (whether of roads or streams), division, equal division, half way. See Saba. Marsa (Arab.), a port, e.g. Marsala, Marsa Zafran. Marsch (Ger.), marsh, moor. Mart (Hung.), bank, shore, coast. Martha, Marta (Nestorian Christian), village, hamlet. Marn (Sansc.), a region destitute of water, desert, sands. Marwa (Abbadi, Etbai, Upper Egypt), quartz. Marz (Pers.), region, district. Mas (Provence), small country house (M.) Masa (Bubiana, Solomon Is.), a reef. Masabki (Hausa), a lodging-place. Masakin (Arab.), mansions, habitations. Masalik (Arab.), ways, paths. Masanza (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Sanza. Masar (Cent. Asia), a saint's tomb. Masara (Arab.), a mill. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 247 Mashhad (Arab.), a burying-place, monument. Mashrik (Arab.), the east. See Matla. In Hind. Mashrak. doMasi (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Mazi, Domasi. Masidi (Hausa), inn, resting-place. Masika (E. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Sika. Masima (Swahili). See Sima. Masjid (Arab.), a mosque. Maskara (Arab.), a camp. Maslak (Arab.), a path, track. Massa-dugu , (Mande), capital. See Dugu, Su. JxLassasu Masseria (It.), a farm (Mass a ). Massstab (Ger.), scale (of a map). Masua (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Isoa. Masumba (Gongo, dialect of Bantu). See Sumba. Maswa (Arab.), a dwelling, habitation. Mat (Swiss), a field, e.g. Andermat; same as Matt. Mata (Por*.), ) , _ ,, . . , \ bush, thicket, copse. Mata (Sp.), J . * Mata (Barotonga, Polynesia), great. Matadi (Gongo, dialect of Bantu). See Tadi. Matal (Carolines), waterways. Matala (Fin.), a reef. Ma- tail (China), jetty, port. Ma-teii (China), mouth, estuary. Math (Albanian), great. Matiu (Maiva, New Guinea), a tree. Mati (Marovo, Solomon Is.), sand. „ (New Georgia, Solomon Is.), a reef. Matiyara (Sansc), arable land. 248 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Matla (Arab.), the east. See Gharb, Said, Mashrik. Cf. Mutli. Matsi, Matsu (Japan), town, village, e.g. Matsuye in Shimane, Matsuda near Tokyo. Matswerero (Giryama). See Tswerero. Matt (Swiss), a meadow, e.g. Andermatt, sometimes spelled Mat. Ma-tu (China), a road constructed in European fashion. Matu (Samoa), north wind ; Itu i Matn, north, lit. ' north side.' For other points see Sasa'e, Sisifo, Tonga. Matuntngge (Indian, U.S.A.), bog, marsh. Mauch (Gaelic magh), a plain, e.g. Mauchline, ' the plain with the pool ' ; cf. Machar, Magh. See Lin. Maudzn (dialect of Bantu). See Udzu. Mauer (Ger.), a wall. Mauna (Polynesia), mountain; other forms are Maua, Maunga, Munga. Mauta (Motumotu, New Guinea), south-east wind. Mavro (Neo-Greek), black, e.g. Mavri Thalassa, the ' Black Sea.' Maw (Burma), a market, e.g. Bhamo, properly Bha-maw, ' New-market.' See Bha, Man. Mawa (Arab.), dwelling, abode, habitation. Mawarid (Arab.), a watering-place. See Ma. Mawn (Kwenam), a hill. Mawr, Mor (Celtic), great, e.g. Penmaenmawr, Benmore. See Ben, Pen, Maen. Maya (Albanian), mountain. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 249 Maya [Upper Nile), a name applied to the shallow lagoons formed in the swamps, which bound the lower Bahr-el-Jebel. See Maiya. Mayak (Buss.), a lighthouse, beacon tower. Mayo (Fula), a river, e.g. Mayo Kebi ; other forms are Mao, Maio. Maz- (Pers.), mountain, e.g. Mazandaran, 'within the mountains.' Mazar (E. Turk.), a saint's tomb. Mazaraat (Arab.), cultivated lands. Mazi (Lusinga, Chula, Uganda). See Zi. aMazi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), water. For other forms see Mansi, Si, Zi. Maziko (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Ziko. biMbali (Upper Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Bali. Mbambi (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Bambi. Mbanga (Ghazal region), royal station, zeriba. Mbanza (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Banza. Mbeka (Congo), precipice, cliff. Mbel (Serer, Senegal), lake, marsh. Mbenge (Kamerun), west. See Pongo. Mbewe (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Bewe. Mbia (A~Zande), a mountain. Mbin (Serer, Senegal), house, dwelling. Mbira (Giryama). See Bira. muMbo (Lu-Wanga, Uganda), west. Mboka (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Boka. Mbotu (Marovo, Solomon Is.), hill. Cf. Mbutu. Mbu (Congo), sea, ocean. Mbua (Kamerun), rain. 250 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Mbulangiana {Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Bulangiana. Mbunga (Sara, Chad L.), a tree. Cf. Kaga. Mbutu (Kusage, Solomon Is), hill. Cf. Mbotu. Mchenga (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu). See Chenga. Mcho (E. Africa), occasional showers which fall through a month or six weeks in June and July. Mdima (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Dima, Dema. Mdo (Tibet), the end of a valley, confluence. Me (Attie, Ivory Coast), running water, river. Me (Nigeria), palm oil, e.g. Bafum-me = the portion of Bafum where palm oil may be collected. See Katse. Me (Siam), a river, e.g. Menam, Mekong. Me (Songhai), bank of a river. Me (Tibet), low country. akaMe (Congo, dialect of Bantu), water. go Me (Nika), an overhanging rock. Mea (Cambodia), gold. Mea (Motumotu, New Guinea), cloud. Mea (Botuma, Polynesia), small. Meal (England, East Coast), a sandhill. Meall (Gaelic), a lump, e.g. Meall Beg island. Meban (Fan, French Congo). See Aban. Meben (Fan, French Congo). See Aben. Meboli (Fan, French Congo). See Aboli. kaMechi (Ketosh, Eastern Uganda), water. Medalla (Lomwe, Mozambique), road. Medine (Arab.), city, ranking above Borj (a town) ; another form of Madina (q.v.) Medzim (Fan, French Congo), water. Meer (Ger.), sea, e.g. Schwarzes Meer, ' the Black Sea.' AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 251 Meerbusen (Ger.), a gulf. Meerenge {Ger.), a strait, eng= narrow. Me fan (Fan, French Congo). See Afan, Fan. Megalo (Greek). See Megas. Megas, -ale, -alo (Greek), great, e.g. Megalokhorio in Eurytania, Megalo Vonrno Mt. Cf. Magas. See Khorio. Megh-agam, Megh-kal (Sansc.), the rainy season. Megheta (Arab.), a natural cistern, generally in the bed of a wadi. Of. Ain, Bir. Megiskun (Hudson Bay region), a fish-hook, a name given to a branch of a river, from its shape. Meha (Ghazal region), the lagoons formed by the river overflowing its banks ; called also Fula. Cf. Mela. Mehareg (Arab., N. Africa), a burnt place, a denuded spot, a depression without outlet surrounded by vertical cliffs. Mehm (Indian, California), water. Mei (China), coal. Meidan, Medan (Pers.), plain, a plain open space. Corrupt Persian forms of Maidan (q.v.) Meierhof (Ger.), farm. Mejaz (Arab.), a ford, a ferry. Cf. Makta. Mejebed (Arab.), a caravan route, composed of several Mrai'r (q.v.) Mejra (Arab.), a canal, channel, stream, current. Mekam (Arab., N. Africa), a space surrounded by stones in honour of a saint. Mekebb (Arab.), an affluent. Mel (Buss.), a shoal. 252 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Mel (Somali), place. The Somali article is a, i, or u, always placed after the word and connected with it by certain letters, in this case by t, thus melta, melti, meltu ; further, the combination It is always changed into sh, thus, mesha = meshi = meshu = the place. Gf. Le. Mela (Ghazal region), the lagoons formed by the river overflowing its banks = Meha (q.v.) Melahtei (Nubia), bare, e.g. Jebel Melatei, 'bare moun- tain.' Melaina (Greek). See Melas. Melas, -aina, -an (Greek), black, e.g. Cape Melano. Melha (Marocco), salt. Meli (Fan, French Congo). See Ali. Meli (Senegal), free, opp. to Aswanek, subject, e.g. Melinke, the free people. Melka (Arab.), confluence, junction. Melka (Galla, Abyssinia), a ford. Gf. Malka. Melki (Buss), shallow. Mellah (Marocco), the Jewish quarter of a town. Mellem (Da., Nor.), middle, e.g. Seen Mellem Smaaldene, in Vordingborg bay. Melli (Senegal). See Meli. Melnitsa (Buss.), a mill. Melrir (Algeria, Tunisia), quicksand, e.g. Shott Melrir. See Shott. Pronounced by the Arabs Melghigh. Gf. Mat = Ghat. Should be spelled Melrhirh or Melrir. Melugh (Fan, French Congo). See Lugh, Alugh. Memnite (Indian, California), a lake. Men (China), a gate, e.g. Ta Men Chie, 'main gate street.' AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 253 Mena {Madagascar), red, e.g. Ampasimena, ' on the red sand,' Ambatomena, ' at the place where the red rock is.' See An, Pasi, Bato. Menda (Fan, French Congo). See Nda. Mendere (Mossi, French Sudan), source, spring. Mendhra (Arab.), a post of observation. uMendo (Zulu, Kafir), a highway, a public road. Menea (Arab.), a strong castle difficult of approach. Meng (Burma), a town of the fourth order or sub- district capital. See Meung, Mong, Muong. Mengku (Mongol), a snowy peak. Mengub (Arab., N. Africa), dug out with a pick ; a place where there is a subterranean watercourse pierced for water. Menhel, pi. Menahel (Arab.), a place for watering cattle. Menhir (Brittamj), a large raised stone or monolith dating from the New Stone Age. From Celtic maen, stone ; hir, long. Menikon (Indian, U.S.A.), a town, village. Menkeb (Arab., N. Africa), promontory, cape. Cf. Marfag. Mennikere (Indian, U.S.A.), sea. Menotene (Indian, U.S.A.), a town. Menzen (Fan, French Congo). See Nzen, Zen. aMensi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), water; for other dialects see Mansi. Menzi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), water. Cf. Mansi. Menzil (Arab.) See ManziL 254 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Mer (Fr.), sea, e.g. Mer Morte, ' the Dead Sea.' Merabut (Tripoli), a saint's tomb = Marabut of Algeria. Merageb (Arab., N. Africa). See Mergeb. Merah (Malay), red, e.g. Cape Merah, ' Eed Cape,' Borneo and Java. Meraku (Tamul), west ; for other points see Vadakku. Mercato (It.), market-place. Mere (Anglo-Saxon, Eng.), a lake, marsh, e.g. Mersey, Windermere ; cognate with Welsh mor ; Lat. mare ; Ger. meer. Mergeb, pi. Merageb (Arab., N. Africa), a culminating point ; hill ; look-out. Gf. Merkeb, really the same word. Merima (Swahili). See Rima. Gf. Lima. Merj (Arab.), meadow, plain. Merjah-tue (Arab.), marsh, bog. Merkeb (Sahara), hill, mound, lit. a high seat, e.g. Merkeb Said n Ali. Gf. Mergeb. Mers, Mersa (Arab.), anchorage, port ; another form of Marsa. Mesa (Sp.), flat or level surface on the top of a hill or mountain, tableland ; a landing-place, lit. a table. ,, (U.S.A.), a flat-topped mountain bounded on at least one side by a steep cliff. Meses (Neo-Greek), north-east. For other points see Boreas. Mesha, Meshi, Meshu (Somali). See Mel. Meshera (Arab., N. Africa), a pond, pool. Meshgeg, pi. Meshgegin (Arab., N. Africa), clayey soil. Mesh-hed (Arab.) See Mashhad. UNIVERSITY OF AND TOPOGKAPHICAL TEEMS 255 Meshra (Arab.), wharf ; port ; a ford ; watering-place for cattle, e.g. Meshra er-Rek. Meshta (Arab.), winter quarters. Mesita (Sp., U.S.A.), a small Mesa (q.v.) Mesjid (Arab.), a mosque. Meso (Hung.) See Mezb. Mesogh (Fan, French Congo). See Sogh. Meson (Sp.), an inn, tavern. Mesos (Greek), middle, e.g. Mesopotamia, ' the land between the rivers.' See Potamos. Cf. Doab. Metagh (Fan, French Congo), soil, earth. Metairie (Fr.), small farm (Met ie ). Metallef (Arab., N. Africa), labyrinth, difficult passage. Metamore (Marocco), a granary. Metemma (Abbadi, Etbai, Upper Egypt), a hollow or bottom. Meuang (Siam), a state. Meung (Shan States), district, or chief town of a district =Mong. See Meng, Muong. Meya (Fan, French Congo). See Aya. Meyua (Fan, French Congo). See Ayua. Mezemelin (Arab., N. Africa). See Smala. Mezi (dialect of Bantu). See Mansi. Mezo (Hung.), field. Sometimes misspelled Meso. Mezrah (Arab.), sown land, arable land. Mfalme (Swahili). See Falme. Mfinda (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Finda. Mfumu (dialect of Bantu). See Fumu. Mgabe, pi. Egbe (Chamba), a large river. Mgbenn, pi. Egbenn (Basari), large river. 256 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Mgizi (Lvsinga, Chula, Uganda). See Gizi. Mgo (Tibet), head, source of a river. Mgunda (Swahili, Yao). See Gunda. Mhari (Deccan), house, mansion, palace. Mhitu (German East Africa). See Hitu. Mi (Cambodia), good, e.g. Mi-hoa, 'good alliance,' in Bao-thuan. Mi (Lolo, China), earth, land, soil. Mi (Indian, California), a house ; Yo Mi, a village. Mi (Terauye, Sahara), water. See Eyi. Mia (Arab., N. Africa), a hundred ; e.g. Wad Mia is the wad of a hundred affluents or a hundred sources. Mia (Syriac), water, e.g. Mia Khwara, 'the white water.' Mian (Pers.), middle, e.g. Miandoab or Marhametabad in N.E. Persia. See Doab. Cf. Mesopotamia. Mianzi (Swahili), bamboos or large reeds, e.g. Mianzini. Miao, Miau (Tibet, China), a temple, e.g. Lama Miao, 1 Lama temple.' Mibar (Arab.), pass ; ferry, ford. Mic (Rumanian), little (Mc.) Cf. Micu. Michi (Japan), road, path. Michi-shiwo (Japan), flood-tide. See Shiwo, Micu (Rumania), small. See Mikros, Mic. Midden (Dch.), middle, e.g. Midden Beemster. Cf. Mittel. Midzu (Japan), water, fresh water as opposed to sea water. Another form is Mitsu. Cf. Umi. Midzu-umi (Japan), freshwater lake. See Umi, Midzu. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 257 Migha (Fan, French Congo). See Dzigha. Miho (Lolo, China), earth, soil, land. Mijlpaal (Dch.), a milestone, lit. mile-^o^. Cf. Milepael. Mikagano (Lomwe, Shirwa L.), a boundary. Mikha (Pula, China), earth. Mikongo (Cent. Africa), forest, bush. Mikong'e (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Kong'e. Mikros, a, on (Greek), little, small, e.g. Mikros Han Ioannis on the Gulf of Saloniki. Milepsel (Da., Nor.), a milestone (M.) Cf. Mijlpaal. Mimana (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Mumana. Mimipik (Indian, U.S.A.), pond, pool. Min (China), the people. Cf. Jin. Mina (Sp., Ital., Port.), a mine. Minami (Japan), south = Nan (q.v. for other points). Minamoto (Japan), source, spring. Minar (Arab.), minaret, obelisk. Minato (Japan), haven, harbour, port. Mine (Indian, U.S.A.), water, e.g. Minnehaha, 'laughing water.' Mine (Japan), peak, summit; mountain. Mine, Minet (Arab.), harbour, port. Minhaj (Arab.), highway, road ; a wide street. Minhal (Arab.), a watering-place. Miniake (Indian, U.S.A.), good land. Miniera (It.), a mine. Minster (England), a monastery; from A.S. mynster, contract, of Lat. monasterium. Mintik (Berta, E. Sudan), a pass. Minzi (dialect of Bantu). See Inzi. 258 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Miongo (Co?igo), highlands. Mipaka (dialect of Bantu). See Mpaka. Mir (Pers.), a mountain, e.g. Mir Kalan, 'big mountain.' Miri (Motumotu, New Guinea), beach, shore. Mirigini (Motu, New Guinea), north wind. Mirim (Prazil), little, e.g. Laguna 1 Mirim. Miruru {Motumotu, New Guinea), wind. Mis, Mios (New Guinea), island. Misaki (Japan), cape, promontory. See Saki. Misezo (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Msezo. Misks (Londonderry), the ridges of bog, which alternate with ridges of sand, called Dryms, on the seaboard near Lough Foyle. Misr (Arab.), Egypt, Cairo ; any large city. Missidi (French Guinea), a mosque. Mitang (Hu-ni, China), a mountain. Miti (Indian, U.S.A.), a town. Miti, Muti, pi. of Mti (Zambezia), trees. Mitija (Arab.), a plain crowned by mountains. Mitsa (Hu-ni, China), earth, land. Mitsanga (Giryama), sandy soil. Mitsuru (Lu-Wanga, Uganda), a forest, wood. Mitsu-umi (Japan), freshwater lake. Mitsu is another form of Midzu (q.v.) See Umi. Mittel (Ger.), middle, between (Mt.), e.g. Mittelmeer = the Mediterranean Sea. Cf Midden. -Mint (Eskimo). See -Mute. Miya (Japan), a temple. Miyi (Somaliland), jungle; Miyigi, 'the jungle.' Mji, pi. Miji (Swahili), a village. . AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 259 Mjung (Tibet), below ; embouchure. Mkar {Tibet), a fort. Mkuka (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Kuka. Mlango (E. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Lango. Mlet (Chinbon), a river, e.g. Mlet Alyen, ' the big river.' Mlezo, pi. Milezo (Swahili), a buoy. Mlima (E. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Lima. Mlin ) (Slavonic), a mill (M.), e.g. Mlinek. Mlyn Mo (China), sea, e.g. Shamo, ' the sand sea,' i.e. Gobi. Mo (Indian, U.S.A.), a spring. Moadya (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Adya. Moana (Fahaofu, Polynesia), sea. Modara (Singalese), mouth of a river. Modder (Dch.), mud, e.g. Modder Eiver. Moel (Wales), a bare hill summit with a conical outline, e.g. Moel Siabod. Moelje (Dch.), a mole. Moeras (Dch.), marsh, bog, morass; from moer=moor, mire ; cf. Ger. Morast. Moghreb (Arab.), west. See next entry. See also Gharb for other points. Moghreb-el-Aksa (Arab.), far west; the Arab name of Marocco. Mogila (Russ.), a barrow, tumulus. Moha (Upper Nile), a mountain. Mohu (Marovo, Solomon Is.), west wind. Mohunk (Indian, U.S.A.), great hill. Cf. Hunk. Moi* (Annam), savages, hill-people, equivalent to the Ka of the Shan States. 3 2 260 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Moi-he-nn (Hainan), market, market-place. Moinho (Port.), a mill. Mojon (Sp.), a landmark. Mok (Korea), neck of a hill, e.g. Mok-Pho. Moki (Bakundu, Kamerun), a village. Mole (Fr.), pier, mole. Molen (Dch.), a mill, e.g. Molendijk. Molhe (Port.), mole, pier. Molima (Swahili), a hill. See Lima. Cf. Rima. Molino (It., Sp.), a mill (M°). Mblle (Da., Nor.), a mill. Molo (It.), pier, mole. Momasa (Mossi, French Sudan), grass. Monadh. (Gaelic), hill, e.g. Monadh Liadh, Inverness. Monadnock (U.S.A.), an isolated hill or mountain rising above a plain. Monaster (Ireland, Greece), a monastery, e.g. Monas- terevin. Cf. Minster, and Fr. Monastere. Mond, Monde (Dch.), mouth of a river, e.g. Dendermonde. Cf. Mund. Monde (Fr.), world. Mone (Mentawei), a plantation. Money (Ireland), a brake or shaw ; from Irish muine ; e.g. Moneymore. Mong (Burma), a town of the fourth order or sub- district capital. See Meng, Meung, Muong. „ (Shan States), district or chief town of a district. Mongo (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Ongo. Mongwa (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Ongwa. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 261 Moni (Gaelic monadh), a hill, e.g. Monimail, properly Monadh-Maol, * bare hill ' ; Monifieth, properly Monadh-Feidh, 'hill of the deer.' See Maol. Mono (Sara, Chad L.), small. Monsoon. See Musin. Mont (Fr., Gaelic), a hill (M*). Montagna (It), a mountain range (M gna ). Montagne (Fr.), a mountain (]M> ne ). Monte (It., Port., Sp.), a mountain (M.) ; also (Sp.) wood, forest. Moor, More (England), peaty land, marsh ; e.g. Black- more; from A.S. mor, cognate with Old Ger. muor. Mor. See Mawr. Morast (Ger.), morass, marsh. Cf. Moeras. Morder (Arab.), a deep pool. More (Gaelic mor), great; e.g. Glen More. Cf. Mawr. More (England). See Moor. More (Buss.), sea. Morfa, Morva (Welsh), a marsh, e.g. Penmorfa. Morfog (Arab., N. Africa), a bend in a river; a bend in a valley where there is vegetation. Mori (Japan), a wood. Morne (American), small mountain. Morros (Venezuela), hills on the Savannah. Morva. See Morfa. Moryana (Buss.), a sea breeze. Morzhesovia (Buss.), a walrus island. Mosea (Gold Coast), gravel. Moss (Anglian), a bog ; e.g. Chat Moss, Goldsitch Moss; from A.S. meos; cf. Ger. moos. 262 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Most (Slavonic), a bridge ; e.g. Babimost. Mot (Mongol), many, e.g. Golmot, ' many rivers.' See Gol. Mo ta (Indian, California), a town. Motu (Polynesia), island, e.g. Motu-iti, 'little island.' Motun (Mongol), a tree. Mouillage (Fr.), anchorage. Moulin (Fr.), a mill (M in ). Moutiers (Old Fr.), a monastery. From Lat. through Provencal Mostier, e.g. Moutiers-les-Mauxfaits. Mouvemente (Fr.), undulating (ground). Moya (Shilluk, Sobat B. region), a pool. Moye (Arab.), water. Mpaka, pi. Mipaka (Swahili). See Paka. Mpambu (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Pambu. kiMpambwila (Congo, dialect of Bantu). For meaning see Kimpambwila. Mpatantwer (Gold Coast), a steep place. -Mpiti (Cent. Africa), a suffix meaning ' great.' Mpo-ano (Gold Coast), sea shore, coast. Cf. Nsu-ano. Mpwa (Swahili). See Pwa. Mrai'r, pi. of Mrira (Arab.), paths. See Mejebed. Mrara (Arab.), a cavern. Mrima (E. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Rima. Mrira (Arab.) See Mrai'r. Mrittika (Sansc), earth, clay, soil. Msangu (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Sangu. Mseb (Arab.), the mouth of a harbour or river. Mser (Arab.), a journey, a road, e.g. Mser ben wan. Msezo, Misezo (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Msif (Arab.), summer quarters or camp. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 263 Msil {Arab.), current of a river or in the sea. Msinje (dialect of Bantu). See Sinje. Msitu (dialect of Bantu). See Situ. Mta, pi. Mita (Swahili). See Ta. Mtengo (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu). See Tengo. pa Mtengo (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu), woods, in the woods. See Pa. Mti, pi. Miti (Loango). See Ti. Mfotpl Mito (Swahili). See To. tiMto (Uganda, dialect of Bantu), a forest; lit. trees. Mto (Turk.), high, lofty. Mtso (Tibet), lake; is the same word as tso (q.v.), m being mute. Mtu, pi. Watu (Swahili). See Tu. Mu-, Ngu- (Cent. Africa, Bantu), a singular prefix signifying a person ; Mu-ntu, an individual of the Ba-ntu people. Gf. Ma, Ba Mu (China), wood, trees. Mu, pi. Miu (Congo), the sea. Mu (Tibet), limit, boundary. Mua (N. Chin Hills), a hill. Muakbash (Abbadi, Etbai, Upper Egypt), slate-coloured (of the rocks in the region). Muang (Malay Pen.), province, township. Muaong (Khas Chos, Harem, Indo-China), town, village. Muara (Borneo), river mouth. Muata {Balunda, Bantu, Angola, and Congo), master, chief, e.g. Muata Yamvo. Muba (Kiwai, New Guinea), a cape. Muchili, pi. Michili (Barotseland, Bantu). See Chili. 264 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Mudandando (Nika). See Dandando. Mudargag (Abbadi, Etbai, Upper Egypt), a hill rising steeply from a level plain. Mudi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Di. Cf. Musi. Mudir (Turk.), governor of a Nahij or parish. Mudiri, Mudirah (Upper Nile), a prefecture, e.g. of Khar- tum ; an administrative department of a province. The more usual form is the Arab. Mudiria. Mudzi (dialect of Bantu). See Musi, Dzi. Muelle (Sp.), a mole, jetty. Muen (Tawigtha, Arakan), a hill. Muezi (dialect of Bantu). See Ezi. Mufumu (dialect of Bantu). See Fumu. Mugharah, pi. Mughair (Arab.), a cave. Muhaka (Giryama). See Haka. Muhana (Hind.), the mouth of a river; channel or bed of a river ; an estuary ; confluence of two rivers. Muhi (Shahpur, Punjab), a clan, being a subdivision of a Kom or Zat (tribe). Muhichi (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Hichi. Muhiku (Lomive, Mozambique), a forest, wood. Miihle (Ger.), a mill (M.), e.g. Altmiihl. Muho (Giryama). See Ho. Mui (Annam), cape, promontory. Muide (Dch.), mouth, e.g. Ijmuiden. Muiru (Nika). See Iru. Muis, Mys (Buss.), a cape, headland. Muiza (Buss.), country house, villa. Muk (Eskimo), water; cf. Emuk, Nanimuk. Muka (Galla), a tree. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 265 Mukam (Arab.), a sacred station or shrine. Muki (Balun. Kamerun), a village. Mukim (Malay), a parish. Mukom (Kamerun), slave; a bush-dweller, as opposed to a coast-dweller. Mukondo (NiJca). See Kondo. Mukurri (Kamerun), a mountain. Mul (Korea), mountain stream, e.g. Mul-Kubi in Ham- gyong- Mulde (Ger.), a Trough (q.v.) Mulk (Arab., Hind.), kingdom, country. Mull, Maol (Gaelic), a headland ; e.g. Mull of Cantyre. See Maol. Mullen (Irish), a mill, e.g. Mullingar. Mulonga (dialect of Bantu). See Longa. Mumana, Mimana, Umbana (Gent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), a river. See Mana. Mumbo (Lu-Wanga, Eastern Uganda). See Mbo. Mumir (Arab.), passage, pass; ford. Mumpanga (dialect of Bantu). See Panga. Mun (Bagirmi), intermittent, e.g. Mun Ba, ' the inter- mittent river.' Mun (China), a gate. Another spelling is Men (q.v.) Munara (Giryama). See Nara. Mund (Da., Nor., Ger.), mouth (of a river), e.g. Swakop- mund. Cf. Mond, see Op. The Sw. form is Mund, Mun. Munda (Giryama), cultivated ground, a farm, garden. SeeNda. Mundi (Kamerun), town, land ; opp. to Madiba. Miindung (Ger.), mouth of a river. See Mund. 266 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Mungar, Mongar (Arab., N. Africa), steep slope at the extremity of a mountain or plateau. Munja (Kamerun), sea, stream. Munju (Chamba), water. Munsil (Arab.), camp, bivouac ; the same word as Manzil. Minister (Ger.), minster (q.v.), e.g. Miinsterberg. Munte (Bum.), mountain, hill. Muong (Indo-China, Siam), town of the third or fourth order, or capital of a district or sub-district. In Laos Muong prefixed to the name of a village denotes that the place is the seat of a native chief. These villages are always inhabited by Laotians only. Villages without the prefix Muong may be inhabited by Khas, as the hill tribes are collectively called. See Meng, Meung, Mong. Muongo, Mwongo (Loango). See Ongo. Mur (Fr.), a wall. Gf. Muro, Muur. Mura (Japan), a village. Murabba (W. Australia), salt water. Murdha (Sansc, Hind.), summit, top, head. Muren, Murin (Mongolia, Tibet), stream, river; large river, e.g. Ulan-Muren=the Eed Kiver. See Ulan. Murima (Giryama). See Rima. Murira (Giryama). See Rira. Muro (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Ro. Muro (Sp., Ital., Port.), a wall. Gf. Mur, Muur. Muronga (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Ronga. Murot (Nandi, Uganda), north. Gf. Kaimen. Murui (Mongolia, Tibet), tortuous, e.g. Murui-osu (usu), ' tortuous river,' the upper Yangtse. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 267 Murun tsiraka (Madagascar), beach. Mums (Mongol), river, the river. Mus (Hind.), land along the high banks of rivers. Musafir-khana (Arab., Pers.), a house for the reception of travellers. Musattah (Arab.), level; an open plain. Musi, Muzi, Muji, Umuzi, Mudzi (Gent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). See Dzi, Ji, Si, Zi. Musin (Arab.), season; whence Eng. monsoon, either through the Ital. monsone or Span, monzon. Musinji, Msinje (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Sinje. Musitu (dialect of Bantu). See Mwitu. Muskeg (U.S.A.), a bog or marsh. Muskiikul (Indian, U.S.A.), grass. Muskuta (Indian U.S.A.), low plains. Musoir (Fr.), mole or pier-head, a term largely used by engineers. Musselim (Turk.), governor of a city. Mussun (Mongol), ice. Cf Muz. -Mut (Eskimo). See -Mute. Mutatago (Giryama). See Tatago. -Mute, -Mut, -Miut (Eskimo), people, collection of people, encampment, e.g. Akmute, Paimute, Yachergamut, 1 the Ak, Pai, and Yacherk peoples or villages ' ; Tubuktuligmiut, ' the Tubuktulig people.' See Tulik. Mutesarrif (Turk.), the governor of a Sanjak (q.v.) Mutesarriflik (Turk.), the government of a Mutesarrif, a Sanjak; also an independent Sanjak, i.e. one not under a Vali of a Vilayet (q.v.) 268 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Mutha (Nika). See Tha. Mu-ti (China), pasture land. Muti, Miti (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu). See Ti. Mutli (Kanarese, W. coast of Hindustan), east. For other points see Gi. Muto {Mavia, Mozambique), river. Mutswerero (Giryama), west. Another form is Utswerero. See Mwakani. Mutua, Abatua (Gent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). See Tua. Mutulu (dialect of Bantu). See Tulu. Muur (Deli.), a wall. Gf. Mur, Muro. Muvaka (Nika). See Vaka. Muvu (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Vu. Muvumbi (Giryama). See Vumbi. Muvunbi (Giryama). See Vunbi. Muwat (Arab.), waste land. Muwu, pi. Miuwu (Congo), sea, ocean. Muyisi (Lomwe, Shirwa L.), damp ground fitted for the growth of rice. Muz (E. Turk.), ice, e.g. Muztagh, 'the ice mountain.' Cf Mussun. Muzi (dialect of Bantu). See Musi. Muzik (Arab.), a strait. Mvitu (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Mwitu. Mvogh (Fan, French Congo), country, applied to the territory of a tribe or collection of villages. Cf. Si, Fan. Mvumi (German East Africa), sand. Mwago (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Mwango. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 269 Mwakani (Giryama). See Akani. Mwako (dialect of Bantu). See Ako. Mwamba (pi. Miamba), ITmwamba, Imiamba (Gent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). See Amba. Mwana (Upper Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Ana. Mwango, Mwago, Mwako (Gent. Africa, dialects of Bantu) . See Ango, Ako. Mwanya (Giryama). See Anya. Mwe (N. Arakan), hill. Mwene, TJmwene, Amwene (Gent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). See Ene. Mwijo (Giryama), wilderness ; district once devastated by war or pestilence and no longer inhabited. See Ijo. Mwila (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Ila. Mwinano (Mahua, German E. Africa). See Inano. Mwiru (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Iru. Mwitu, Musitu,Msitu,Isitu,TJmusitu(Cew^. Africa, dialects of Bantu) . See Witu, Situ. Mwongo, Muongo (Loango). See Ongo. Mya- (Zambezia), a prefix meaning ' place.' Cf. Nya. Myestechko (Buss.), a market town. Myesto vuigruzki (Buss.), a landing-place. Myit (Taungtha, Arakan), river, e.g. Myittha. Mynydd (Welsh), mountain, e.g. Mynydd Mawr, Car- narvonshire. See Mawr. Myo (Burma), town of the second order or provincial capital. Mzinda (Cent. Africa). See Zinda. 270 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL N -Na, -No, -Nu (Indian , Alaska), a river, e.g. Tonzona, Tateno, Echeatnu. See Chaget, Kaget. Na (Siam), field; in Laos, rice field. Naaki (A-Zande), a wood. Naam (Arab.), a desert. Naauw (Dch.), narrow, e.g. Naauwpoort. See Poort. Naauwte (Dch.), pass, defile. Nab, Nabb (England, from Icel. nabbi, a knot), top or summit of a rock or mountain ; a rising ground, e.g. Higher Nabb in the Peak district. Nach (Ger.), to (direction of road) (n.) Nach (Tangut), wood, forest. Nad (Mysore) =Hobli (q.v.) Nada (Japan), inlet, tract of open sea, sea. Nadaha (Hind.), a canal. Nadelholz (Ger.), fir, pine woods. See Laubholz. Nadi (Hind.) a creek, a river; e.g. Mahanadi ; see Maha. Cf. Nullah. Nadi (Motu, New Guinea), stone. Nadi, pi. Nadiyo (Pali), a river. Nadi-tir (Hind.), bank of a river. Nador, Nazor (Aral.), an observatory. Nadu (Telegu), a country. Naes (Nor., Da.), ness, cape. Cf. Ness, Neus. Nag (Somali), jungle. Nagah (Egypt), an encampment, either temporary or permanent. Nagai (Japan), long, e.g. Nagai, near Tokyo. See Nangai. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 271 Nagar, Nagari, Naggar {India), a town, city, e.g. Ahmadnagar ; Nagarkot. Nagara (Malay) . See Negri, Nagri. Nagaropant (Sansc, Hind.), a suburb. See Nagar. Naghsal (Mongol), a forest. Nagor. See Nagar, of which it is a variant. Nag-po (Tibet), black. Cf. Kar-po. Nagri (Malay), town of the second order, or provincial capital ; borrowed from the Indian Nagar. Nags (Tibet), a forest. Nagy (Hung.), great (N.), e.g. Nagy-koros. Nahaj (Arab.), way, road, path. Another form of Nahj. Nahij, Nahie (Turk.), a parish, a subdivision of a Kaza, under a Mudir. Nahiya (Arab.), territory, country, district ; coast, shore. Nahj (Arab.), a road. See Nahaj, which is another form. Nahr (Arab., Turk.), a river, perennial stream. PI. Anhar. Nahri (Punjab), land ordinarily irrigated by canals. Cf. Chahi. Nai (Ainu, Sakhalin), river, e.g. Poronai, 'Big river.' Nai (Korea), mountain stream, e,g. Kui-Nai. Naig (Indian, U.S.A.), sand. Naiposha (Masai, East Africa), lake ; another form of Naivasha, the p sound being changed to the / (v) sound. Nairi (Mossi, French Sudan), capital town. Nairobi (Masai, East Africa), cold water; name of a station on the Uganda railway. Naistan (Pers.), a sugar plantation. Naivasha (Masai, East Africa), a lake, name of a lake 272 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL and railway station in Eastern Uganda. See Naiposha. Naizar (Pers.) See under Hamun. Naji (Mosso, China), black water. Najwah (Arab.), shoal, sandbank. Cf. Kinasat. Nak (Indian, U.S.A.), land, earth/ soil. Naka (Japan), middle. See next entry for example. Naka umi (Japan), inland sea. See Umi. Nakb (Arab.), col, saddle. Nakhil (Arab.), a date grove. Nakhsa (Eskimo, Smith Sound), flat country. Nakla (Arab.), a subordinate village belonging to an estate. Nala (Hind.), a ravine, rivulet, canal, gutter, furrow ; anglicised Nullah. Nali (Punjab), long narrow depressions. Cf. Vahal. Nallo (Nissan L, New Guinea), bush, forest. Nalu (Aroma, New Guinea), water. Nam (Chin Hills), a village. Nam (Korea), south, southern, e.g. Nam-San. Nam (Mongol, Tibet), heaven, sky, e.g. Drolma Nam Tso, 1 the heavenly Lake Drolma.' See Tso. Nam (Shan States, Siam), river, stream, water, e.g. Nam Kong or Nam Kawng = Sal win K. Nam (Chong-Chia-tse, Yunnan) t earth. Nam (Ja-Luo, Uganda), great water, lake. Namaga (Mongol), springs. Nam-chemut (Hang-chek, Indo-China), sea. Namchutu (Mongol), prairie land. Namekha, Namik (Mongol), source, spring, fountain. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 273 Namen (Botel Tobago Islands, Formosa), a village. Nam luong (Black B. region, Indo-China), a river. Namma (W. Australia), small natural reservoir, formed, after rain, in the granite formation. Nammonkoro (Gold Coast), a narrow path, a pass. Nam-ta (Upper Bed B. region, Indo-China), a river. Namwago (Lomwe, Mozambique), hill. Nan (Carolines), place, e.g. Nanmetal, ' the place of Metal or waterways ' ; Nan Moluchai, ' the place of cinder heaps,' left by the workmen who assisted the demi-gods to construct the breakwater or ring and the islets within, i.e. the atoll. Nan (China), south, e.g. Nanking, ' the southern capital.' Of. Pe, Si, Tung. See King. Nan (Japan), south, southern =Minami. See Nishi, Sai, Hoku, Kita, Higasi, To for other points. Cf. Nam. Nana (French Congo), a river. -Nandi (Cent. Africa). See Indn. Nan fang (Miao-tse, Kwei-chau, South China), south. For other points see Ngthai Luh. maNanga (Gazaland, dialect of Bantu). See Mananga. Nangai (Japan), long ; Tokyo dialect for Nagai (q.v.) Nanimuk (Eskimo), lake. Cf. Muk, Emuk. Nant (Cymric), a valley, brook, e.g. Nant-frangcon. Nanu (Kerepunu, New Guinea), water. Naos (Greek), temple, shrine. Na po (Indian, California), town, village. Nappa (W. Australia), fresh water. Nappe (Fr.), a sheet (of water). muNara (Giryama), a tower. T 274 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Narok (Masai, East Africa)," black, e.g. Gwaso Narok, 1 black river.' Gf. Nyiro, Nyuki. See Gwaso. Nam (Korea), ferry, e.g. Chyu-Naru in Kang-non. Nas (Arab.), people. Has (Somali), breast, a pointed hillock, e.g. Nas Godki, ' the hillock of the cave.' See God ; i is the article, k the joining letter. Nasala (Abbadi, Etbai, Upper Egypt). See Nasla. Nasb (Abbadi, Etbai, Upper Egypt), a bluff. Nascente (Port.), a well or spring. Nase (Ger.), a naze, lit. a nose. Gf. Ness. Nasheb (Pers.), declivity, hollow. Nashi (Arab.), the winter north-east winds of the Persian Gulf. - ma Nasi (Cent. Africa i dialect of Bantu), grass. For other dialect forms see Dinyasi. Nasla, Nasala (Abbadi, Etbai, Upper Egypt), a peak. Naslud (Buss.), a pool of water on ice. Nasua (Botuma, Polynesia), place. Nat (Hind), a pillar, obelisk, the Carnatic country. Natenga (Mossi, Erench Sudan), capital, town. Natsu (Japan), summer. Nau-ei (Siam), small. See Nawi, another form. Naulochos (Greek), harbour. Naurah (Arab.), a waterwheel. Naus (Greek), a ship, e.g. Nauplia. Navam (Tamul, Deccan), rainy season. Navolok (Buss.), a bluff, cliff. Nawah (Arab.), environs, district ; coast, shore. Naw-dan (Pers.), a dock, aqueduct. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 275 Nawi (Siam), small." Nawng (Siam), a swamp, lake. Na yach (Indian, U.S.A.), forest, bush. Nayak (Indian, U.S.A.) See Nyak. Nazri-dargah (Arab.), land given as an endowment to places of religious worship. Nbia (A-Zande), rock, mountain ; Na-nbia, ' over rock,' * flowing over rock,' hence a stream ; thus the term is frequently applied to rivers, e.g. Nbia Daragumba. -Nchi (Batta, Benue B. region, Adamawa), a suffix mean- ing language, Chi in some dialects, e.g. Damanchi, ' the language of the Dama people ' (not to be con- founded with the Dama people of S. -W.Africa). Nda, pi. Menda (Fan, French Congo), a native hut. muNda (Giryama), cultivated ground, a farm. pa Nda (Swahili), a bifurcation, whether of roads or streams. Ndako (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Dako. Ndala (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Dala. Ndambu (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Dambu. Ndap (Bali, Kamerun), a house, dwelling. Nde (Ibo, Nigeria), the one who, those who, e.g. nde ulo, 1 the man in the house,' ' the man who has the house,' ' proprietor,' nde ahia, ' traders,' ' merchants ' ; occurs in many place-names, e.g. Nde Akala, Nde Okpo, &c. Ndela (Barotseland, dialect of Bantu). See Dela. Ndema, Mdima (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). See Dema, Dima. Ndera (dialect of Bantu). See Dera, and for other forms see Nzila. T 2 276 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ndimba (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Dimba. iliNdle (Zulu, Kaffir), an uninhabited place, a moor. Ndo (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Do. -Ndo (Cent. Africa). See Indu. Ndokh (Wolof), water. Ndomba (Congo, dialect of Bantu).* See Domba. Ndried (French Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Dried. haNdu, pi. ru-Ndu (Kikuyu, Eastern Uganda, Bantu), a place. Ndyela (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Dyela. Ndyia (Maginza, Congo), a road. See Dyia. Ndyila (Bangala, Congo), a road. See Dyila. Ndzea (Mobali, Congo), a road. See Dzea. Ne (Tibet), a residence. Nebak (Arab.), pi. of Nebka (q.v.) Nebenfluss (Ger.), a tributary stream. Nebka (Arab.), fine sandy soil; a small dune. PL Nebak. Neder (Dch.), nether, low, e.g. Koningrijk der Neder- landen, the ' kingdom of the Netherlands.' Nedre (Nor.), lower (nd.) Neg (Wolof), house, cottage. Nega (Sahara), a bleak open district. See Hamraye. Negri, Nagara (Malay). See Nagri. Negro (It., Port., Sp.), black, e.g. Rio Negro. Nei (China), inner, e.g. Nei-Hsing-An, ' the Inner Khingan M ts ,' as opposed to Wei-Hsing-An, 'the Outer Khingan M ts .' Ne-i (Mangbattu), a road. Nejd (Arab.), highland. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 277 Nek (Dch.), a saddle of land between hills, a col, e.g. Laing's Nek. Nekopi (Mangbattu), a mountain. Nemai'o (Mangbattu), river, stream. Nemiri (Marocco), stones, e.g. Tisi Nemiri, ' the hill of stones.' -Nene (Cent. Africa), suffix, meaning 'great.' Cf. Anene. isiNene (Zulu, Kafir), the right-hand side. ma Nene (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a highway, lu Nengenenge (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a precipice. Neo, Neos (Greek), new, e.g. Neokastro, ' New castle.' Nepese (Indian, U.S.A.), a lake. Nepoto (Mangbattu), marsh, swamp. Nero (Neo-Greek), water. Nes (Icel.), ness, promontory, e.g. Snsefell Nes. See"Fel\ ; Snae = snow. Cf. Ness, Neiis, Nez. Neskotak (Indian, U.S.A.), bad swamp. Nesos, Nisi, Nisia (Greek), island, islands. "Ness (Scotland, from Nor. naes), a nose, headland. Cf. Neus, Nes, Nez. Neu (Ger.), new, e.g. Neu-Brandenburg. Neus (Dch.), promontory, lit. nose. Cf. Ness. Nev, Nav, Nan (Pers.), new, e.g. Nevshehr, ' new town.' Nevado (S. America), a snow-capped peak. Neve (Switzerland), half -solidified snow. Cf. Firn. Nez (Fr.), nose, cape, point, e.g. Blanc Nez. Cf. Ness. Neza (Arab., N. Africa), a mass of stones to mark the spot where some one has died. Nezala (Marocco), inn, caravansery. Nfnmo (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu). See Fumo. 278 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Nga (I bo, Nigeria), a place, e.g. Ngahun (for Nga Ahun), that place, there ; equivalent to Ibe. ichiNga (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), island, i si Nga (Kafir), thorn country, a plot or locality where the mimosa grows. paNga (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), country. For other forms see Panga. Ngaa (Sara, Chad L. region), land, earth. Ngada (Kaniuri, Bornu, Chad L. region), the current of a river. Ngaita (Eldorobo, Uganda). See Gaita. Ngalisu (Marovo, Solomon Is.), east wind. Ngaljam (Kanuri, Bornu, W. of Chad L), a swampy shallow creek or backwater, equivalent to the Hausa Faddama and the Sel of Adamawa. Ngan (Annam), a river. Cf. Nge, Ngoi. Ngandu (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Gandu. Ngangau (Neiv Guinea), peace, e.g. Yeku Ngangau, ' the peace of Jesus,' the place where the Inawaia and Eboa tribes were reconciled, generally referred to as Yeku (Jesus). Nganzu (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Ganzu. Ngari (Masai, East Africa), water, e.g. Ngari na Nyuki, * red water.' Ngas (Sever, Senegal), well, spring. Ngas {Tibet), wood, forest. Ngaufate (Chad L. region), an encampment. Nga-ya (Hainan), a prefecture. Nge (Burma), small, e.g. Myit Nge. See Myit. Nge (Burma), a river. Cf. Ngan, Ngoi. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 279 Ngele (Sara, Chad L. region), grass. Ngelendu (Wolof), south. See Kharfu. Ngesa (Fula), field, garden. Ngi (Miao-tse, Kwei-chau, South China), narrow (of a pass or stream). Ngila (Usagara, Ger. East Africa, Bantu). See Gila. Ngira Bomu (Giryama and Ketosh, Uganda), highway, path, road. Ngo (Kamerun), a cold wind. kaNgo (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a chief; iox pi. see Kango. Ngoa (A-Zande), tree, a wood. Ngodia (Congo), an abyss. Ngoi (Annam), a river. Cf. Ngan, Nge. Ngoka (Giryama). See Goka. Ngolo (Chad L. region), large, great, e.g. Kabe Ngolo. Ngome (Congo), water. Ngome (Swahili), fort, castle. Ngon (Bali, Kamerun), a village. iNgone (Zulu, Kafir), a bend in a river ; an arm of a river ; creek, inlet. -Ngono (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Nini. Ngono, Gn- (Zambezia), little. Ngthai lull (Miao-tse, Kwei-chau), w T est. See next entry and Nan Fang. Ngthai ta (Miao-tse, Kwei-chau) , east. See above entry. Ngu (Cent. Africa, Bantu). See Mu. Ngu (Banda, A-Zande), water, e.g. the rivers Bungu, Ngubi. * This is also found, with the vowel * Superville in La Gtographie, viii. 1903, p. 22. 280 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL modified, in the middle, as well as at the beginning or end of a word, e.g. Gungara, ' the water of the bamboos,' Bangoran. See Gu. Cf. Girungu. Ngume (A-Zande), sand. Ngungula (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Gnngnla. Nguru (Bor?iu), wild beast, hippopotamus, e.g. Nguru- tuwa, ' the place of the hippopotamus,' a name very frequently given to villages. Cf. Dorina. Ngutu (Cent. Africa), a town. Nguzi (dialect of Bantu). See Zi. -Ngwa (Eskimo, Smith Sound) has a diminutive force. Ngwongomoka {Congo), a landslip. Nho (Annam, Laos), little, small, e.g. Ban Tanho, on the Se Nan, a tributary of the Nam Khong. See Ban ; Ta= pagoda. Ni (Yayo, China), earth; mud. Nia (Jibu, New Guinea), a path ; also ' water.' Nia ba (Annum), confluence. kiNiafungo (Nika). a wood, forest. Niakh ( Wolof), grass. Niam-niam (Cent. Africa), cannibals, applied to the tribes inhabiting the A-Zande plateaux. Nianam (N. of Budolf L.), river, water ; sometimes applied to Eudolf itself. Nianset (Nandi, Uganda), sea, lake. Cf. Nyanza. Nieder (Ger.), nether, lower, under; applied to nume- rous place-names, e.g. Nieder Sitten. Cf. Neder. Niedernng (Ger.), low country or ground. Nie (Miao-tse, Kwei-chau), shallow. Niem (Basari), water. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 281 Nieuw (Dch.), new, applied to numerous place-names, e.g. Nieuw Dordrecht. Nif-enser (Arab.), a mountain. Nij-jot (Sansc, Hind.), lands cultivated by the pro- prietors or revenue-payers for their own profit. akaNika (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a river. Nika (Bangweulu L. region), a wide salt plain. These plains constitute the main wealth of the region. Nikuli (Makua, Mozambique). See Kuli. Nilas (Buss.), newly formed autumnal ice. aNingo (Mpongwe, Gabun B. district, Bantu), water. -Nini, -Nono, -Alonga, -Ngono (Cent. Africa, dialects of Ba?itu), a suffix meaning 'little.' Niraksh (Sansc, Hind.), the Equator; lit. 'no latitude.' Nir-jal (Sansc, Hind.), a desert. Nir-jhar (Sansc, Hind.), a cascade, torrent. Nirum (Lokub, Budolf L.), a nullah. Nishan (Pers.), beacon; lit. any sign, mark, or signal. Nishi, Nisi, Sai (Japan), West. For other points see Hoku. Nisi (Neo-Greek), island. Nisi (Japan). See Nishi. Nit (Wolof), people. eNiuma (Kossova, Eastern Uganda), a house. Niveau (Fr.), level. Niwan (Sansc), low (ground). Nizki, Nizky (Buss., Bohemia), low (Nz.) Njarga (Fin.), a promontory. Njera (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Nzila. Nji (Bafo, Kamerun), a road. See Njira 282 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL maNji (Bali, Kamerun), a road. See Njira. Njia (Bantu). See Jia. Njia Panda (Swahili), cross-roads, or where three roads meet. See Jia, Nda. Njila (Bantu). See Jila. Niira ^ •; (Zambezia, Uganda, dialects of Bantu), road, chiNjira ■ path ^ J{m Nji e Njira ) Nju (Togoland), water. kaNka (Congo, dialect of Bantu), brushwood, thicket, jungle of bushes. Nkaku (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a dam made in a stream, in which one or two waterways are left ; a weir. See Kaku. Nkalango (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Kalango. Nkambalalu (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Kambalalu. Nkant (Harem, Indo-China), a mountain. -Nke (Mande, West Sudan, Sahara) signifies ' inhabi- tants,' e.g. Tawatinke, the people of Tawat. Cf. Ke. Nki (Bafo, Kamerun), a village. Nki (Chad L. region), water, e.g. Nki Tselim, 'black water,' applied to a portion of the lake. Nkoko (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Koko. Nkokonoa (Gold Coast), the brink of a river or lake. Nkol, pi. Minkol (Fan, French Congo), a mountain. Nkol ntogh, pi. Nkol mitogh (Fan, French Congo), a small mountain. Cf. Obe Nkol. Nkong'e, Mikong'e (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). See Kong'e. Nkot, pi. Nkor (Fan, French Congo), zigzag (of a road). Nkuku (Congo), a torrent, stream ; current. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 283 Nkulu (dialect of Bantu). See Kulu. e Nkulu ) (Gent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), a road. Gf. o Nkulu { Zila, Zira. Nkuluntu, pi. Bakuluntu (Loango). See Kuluntu. -Nkuru (dialect of Bantu). See -Kulu. Nkwammoe (Gold Coast), a well-made road. Nkyerekyera (Gold Coast), dry land, a barren desert. Nla (Yoruba), great, big, e.g. Omi Nla, 'big water' ; in some combinations becomes Lan, e.g. Omi Lano, ' the big water over there.' Nlam (Fan, French Congo), country ; applied to the territory of a village; cf. Mvogh; a hamlet or group of huts in connection with a larger village. Nlambu (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Lambu. Nlangu (Loango, dialect of Bantu). See Langu. Nlidi (German East Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Lidi. Nlo, pi. Milo (Fan, French Congo), a river. Cf. Oton, Osu ; see Lo. Nlo nen (Fan, French Congo), a great river, like the French Fleuve. Nlonki (Fan, French Congo). See Lonki. Nmai (Chin Hills), bad, inferior, e.g. Nmai Kha, the Myit Nge (Gyi), or ' Little Eiver,' of the Burmese. Cf. Mali. -No (Indian, Alaska). See -Na. No (Japan), a plain. No (Nhan, Lao-kai, Indo-China), little, small. Nobori (Japan), a mountain. Nock (Irish and Gaelic, Cnoc), a hill, e.g. Bannockburn, ' the stream of the white knoll ' ; see Ban, Burn. The Anglicised form is Knock, e.g. Knockbride, Knocklong. 284 GLOSS AEY OF GEOGKAPHICAL Nogo (Bozo, Mande) village. Noheu (Tso-o, Formosa), a village. Noir (Fr.), black; e.g. Noirmoutier island. Noko (Hammer Koki, Abyssinia), water. Norn (Hainan), a river. Noma (Mangbattu), forest, wood. Nong (Cambodia, Siam), lake, marsh, pond, pool. Noni (German East Africa), white clay, e.g. Kanoni (a river in Bukoba). -Nono. See -Nini. Noord (Dch.), north. Nopi (Mangbattu), bush, tall grass. Nor (Mongolia, Tibet), lake, e.g. Koko-Nor, ' blue lake,' Wayan-Nor, 'rich lake,' Tosu-Nor, 'butter lake.' Cf. Nur, Tso. Nord (Fr., Ger., Da., Nor., Siv.), north. Noria (Pers.), a waterwheel. Norre (Da.), adj. north (N re ). See S0nder, Oster, Vester, Syd. Norte (It., Sp.), north. See Ovesto (It.) Nos (Buss.), a cape, headland. Nosi (Madagascar), island, e.g. Nosi Be, 'great island.' Anosi, ' the place without islands ' ; also means sheep, e.g. Valanosi, ' sheep-field.' Notch (U.S.A.), a short defile through mountains. Noto (Port., Sp.), south wind. Notos (Greek), south. For other points see Boreas. Novo (Port., Buss.), new, e.g. Porto Novo, Novgorod. See Gorod. Novy, Novi (Bohemian), new (Nv.), e.g. Novi Selo. inNqaba (Kafir), a stronghold, tower, fortified place. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 285 umNquba (Zulu, Kafir), an encampment. iNqubu (Zulu, Kafir), a bend in a river. Nrata (Mahua, Mozambique), lake, swamp. Nsan (Fan, French Congo), street, the Fan houses being arranged on both sides of a single street, which forms the village. Nse, pi. Ese (Chamba), a road. Nseghe (Fan, French Congo). See Seghe. Nshi (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Shi. Nsi (Bali, Kamerun), water. iNsi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), country. ma Nsi « . [(Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), water. amaNsij v J Nsua, Suwa (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). See Sua. Nsu-akyi (Gold Coast), the other side of the river, beyond the river. Nsu-aniwa (Gold Coast), well, spring. Nsu-ano (Gold Coast), bank, shore of a river, of a lake or of the sea. Cf. Mpo-ano. Nsuku (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Suku. Nsulu (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Sulu. Nsu-noa (Gold Coast), land or country by the side of a river. Nsuvila (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Suvila. Ntaba (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Taba. Ntak (Wolof), shore, beach. Ntaka (Cent. Africa and Congo, Bantu). See Taka. Ntamazirt (Sus, Berber), a village. Cf. Amazagh. Ntando (Cent. Africa, Bantu). See Tando. Nteleka (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Teleka. 286 GLOSSARY' OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ntetele {Fan, French Congo), steep. Nti (Swahili). See Ti. iNtla (Zulu, Kafir), the top, summit (of a moun- tain). iliNtle (Zulu, Kafir), an open, uninhabited country, a wilderness. kiNtombo (Congo, dialect of Bantu), the season of the late heavy rains. Ntoto (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Toto. aNtu (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu), people. baNtu (Bantu), the people, humanity. See Ba. Nu (Fon, Dahome), mouth, e.g. Kotonii (for Kutonu), ' the dead mouth of the lagoon,' referring to the sand bar which blocks the entrance ; Ku = dead. See To. -Nu (Indian, Alaska). See -Na. Nua (Siam), north ; for other points see Tai, Tawan-ok, Tawan-tok, and for winds see Lorn. Nua (West Australia), sand. Nuail (Marocco), thatched huts. Nub {Tibet), west. For other points see Lho. Nuba (Arab), a garrisoned position. Nuch (Indian, U.S.A.), water. Nudo (Sp.), a mountain knot. Nue, Nuwe (Batta, Benue B. region), mother, e.g. Benue ' Mother of waters.' See Be. Nuevo (Sp.), new, e.g. Golfo Nuevo, Valle Nuevo. Nui (Annam), a mountain. Nui (China), inner. Cf. Li, Nei. Nui (Maori), great, e.g. Awanui in Mongonui county. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 287 Nui (Marquesas, Hawaii), great, e.g. Faa-nui, 'great valley,' Nukb (Arab.), a pass. Nukunuku (Mbau, Fiji), sand. Nullah (Giryama), a chasm. Nullah (India, Anglo-Indian), a creek. Cf. Nada, Nala. Num (Nongo, Shan, Laos), water. Numa (Japan), a swamp. Numa (New Guinea), a house. Numba, pi. Simba (Zambezia), a house, e.g. Simbabwe, 1 a house of stones ' (one of the derivations pro- posed for the Zimbabwe monuments in Bhodesia). Nunatak (U.S.A.), a rock island in a glacier. Nuovo (It.), new, e.g. Monte Nuovo, to the west of Cumae. Nur (Arab.), light, e.g. Nurpur, 'town of light.' Nur (Mongol), a lake. Cf. Nor. Nusa (Java, New Georgia, Solomon Is.), an island. Nushei's (U.S. of Colombia, Bontukwa Indian), large huts used as a meeting-place. Nuwe (Batta, Benue B. region). See Nue. Nuyi, pi. Nutulu (Telegu, Deccan), a well. Nvoa (A-Zande), grass. Nvoi (A-Zande), forest, wood. Nwhea (Gold Coast), sand. iNxanxasi (Zulu, Kafir), a waterfall. iNxiwa (Zulu, Kafir), the site of an old village or homestead. iNxuluma (Zulu, Kafir), a large village or kraal. Ny (Da., Sw.), new, e.g. Nyborg in Fiinen I. 288 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Nya (Tanganyika region), a prefix meaning ' place.' Cf. Mya. Nyaba (Congo), swamp, marsh, any muddy place. Nyag (Tibet), a little col. Nyagga (Kikuyu, East Uganda), beautiful, e.g. Kirima Nyagga, ' beautiful mountain,' the Kikmju name for Mount Kenia. Nyak (Indian, U.S.A.), comer, point, angle. eNyangha (Fan, French Congo), a lagoon or open marsh, not covered with grass. Cf. Nzam ; tor pi. see Enyangha. Nyanja, Nyanza, Nyasa (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), lake ; water either of a river or lake. See Anja, Anza, Asa. Nyanza (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Nyanja, Anza. i Nyanza (Lu-Wanga, Uganda), great water; lake. Nyasa (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Nyanja, Asa. Nyasi (Siuahili), grass, reeds. diNyasi, li Nyasi, ma Nyasi (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), grass. See also Dinyasi for other forms. iNyatuko (Zulu, Kafir), a footpath. Nyeng, Nyong, Ryeng, Ryong, Lyeng, Lyong (Korea), a pass. eNyi (Fan, French Congo), island. For pi. see Enyi. Nyika, Nika (Nika, Giryama), wilderness ; lit. unin- habited borderlands ; uplands. Cf. Tanganyika. Nyila (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a road. Cf. Zila, Nzila. eNyin (Fan } French Congo), the sea. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TEEMS 289 Nyiro (Masai, East Africa), grey, brown; e.g. Gwaso Nyiro, ■ grey river.' Cf. Narok, Nyuki. See Gwaso. Nyit (Burma), stream, torrent. Cf. Myit. Nyondo (German East Africa), a forge hammer, e.g. Manyonda, ' a village with many forges.' Nyong (Korea). See Nyeng. Nyua (dialect of Bantu). See TJa. Nyuki (Masai, East Africa), red ; e.g. Ngari na Nyuki, 1 red water.' Cf Narok, Nyiro. See Gwaso. Nza (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Za. Nzadi (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Zadi. Nzala (Marocco), a Government post-house ; a small col- lection of huts enclosed in zeriba ; a halting-place. Nzam,pZ. Minzam (Fan, French Congo), a marsh covered with grass, &c. Nzann, pi. Ezanu (Basari), a road. Nzanza (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Zanza. Nze, pi. Minze (Bedzi) (Fan, French Congo), a bridge. Cf. Abon. Nzen, pi. Minzen (Fan, French Congo). See Zen. amaNzi (Kafir), water. maNzi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), water. iNzi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), country, dis- trict. Nzige (Upper Nile), a lake. Nzila, Inzila, Insila, Izira, Dzira, Inzira, Njera, Ndera (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). Cf. Nyila ; see Zila, Sila, Zira, Jera, Dera. Nziri (Arab.), a barren spot. Nzonza (Congo, dialect of Bantu) . See Zonza. u 290 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL iNzu (Lu-Wanga, Eastern Uganda), a house, Nzulu (Zulu, Kafir), deep. (Japan), great/ large = 0ki=Tai= Dai, e.g. shiwo (q.v.) ; Jigoku, ' great hell,' a name given gene- rally to the solfataras or hot sulphur springs of Tateyama and other localities. (Da., Nor.), island. 6 (Hung.), old, e.g. 0-becse. 6 (Sw.) island, e.g. Faro (Baltic), ' sheep island.' Cf. Ey (Saxon Ea). Oaia (S. Gape, New Guinea), garden. Oase (Ger.), oasis (q.v.) Oasis (Lat. from Coptic through Greek), a fertile spot in a desert ; originally only applied to the Libyan desert, but now generally. The Greek form is avacris, which is doubtfully referred to a Copt, (late Egyptian) word 0uahe = a dwelling- place. Ob (Hottentot). See Ep. Ob, Oban (Gaelic), creek, haven, e.g. the harbour of Obb, in the Hebrides ; Oban. Oba (Turk.), a summer village. isOba (Zulu, Kafir), a plantation of sugar-cane. Obalama (Servian), bank (of a river). Obaska (Hudson Bay region), grassy narrows. Cf. Opatawaga. Obba (Yoruba), king, chief. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 291 Obe nkol, pi. Abe nkol (Fan, French Congo). See Be nkol ; cf. Nkol ntogh. Ober (Ger.), upper (0.) ; applied to numerous place- names, e.g. Ober Ammergau. Oberflache (Ger.), surface. Oberland (Ger.), highlands. Oberlauf (Ger.), the upper course (of a river). Oblast (Buss.), province. Obo (Fanti, Gold Coast), stone. Obo (Mongol), piles of stones for marking a road. Obo (Kiwai, New Guinea), water, topo obo, 'fresh water,' obo oriro, 'flood-tide,' auo obo ogo, 'flood,' obo bobo, ' lagoon.' Oboi (Iaibo, New Guinea), a passage through a reef. Obon (Gold Coast), valley, bed of a river. Obonka (Gold Coast), channel, ravine. Obstplantage (Ger.), nursery, orchard. Obsun (Mongol), pasturage. Obuku (New Georgia, Solomon Is.), a river. Och, Ich, Ach (Gaelic), a field, e.g. Avich, Avoch, 'the field of the water or stream,' Ardoch, ' high field,' Achray, ' smooth field.' See Av, Ard, Ray. Odam (Tamul, Deccan), torrent, flood. Odan (Fanti, Gold Coast), an abode. Odan (Yoruba), a plain, a grass field. Odanah, Otanung, Odanugh (Indian, U.S.A.), a town. Odanugh. See Odanah. Odde (Da., Nor.), a point, a tongue of land. Ode (Berber), a valley, e.g. Tiggeroden or Tiggerurtin. Odi (Yoruba), a walled fortification round a town ; fort. u 2 292 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL diegu, pi. Ti dieti (Gurma, French Sudan), town, village. Odo {Yoruba), district, division, e.g. Odo Ofi, Odo Itu. Odo (Yoruba), brook, river, e.g. Odo Oli, Odo Oyi. Oeagi (S. Cape, New Guinea), a tee. Oeo (Maiva, New Guinea), a mountain. Oever (Dch.), shore, coast, bank (of a river), e.g. Den Oever in Drente and North Holland. Of (Eastern Sudan), a mountain. fai (Tahiti), stone. Ofer. See Over. O-fu-hye (Gold Coast), boundary, frontier. Ofweam (Gold Coast), the current or swiftest part of a river. Og (Tibet), down, below. Oga (Indian, U.S.A.), a place. Ogbon (Yoruba), ditch, valley. Oghrud, pi. of Ghurd (Arab., N. Africa), large dunes ; a small number of dunes in a mass. Ogi (W r alamo, Abyssinia), a road. Ogiri (Yoruba), a wall. Ogla, Oglat (Arab., N. Africa), the junction of several wells in the same spot ; a place where one is sure to find water ; large deep wells ; wells. Ogo (Somali), above, upper, e.g. Ogo, the upper region, the high land, behind the Guban, or N. Somali coastal plain. Ohi (Indian, U.S.A.), a mountain. Ohicho (Lomwe, Shirwa L., Nyasaland), east. See Om irimana. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 293 Oi (E. Turk.), a hollow, depression. Oikos (Greek), a house. Oinan (Mentawei Island, S.W. Coast Sumatra), water. Oinet (Na?idi, Eastern Uganda), a well. Ojo (Yambo, Upper Sobat B.), a road. -Ok (Alaska), a diminutive termination, e.g. Tyonok village, i.e. ' the village of the little chief.' Ok (Indian, U.S.A.), a forest. Ok (Hind.), a house, dwelling, asylum. Oka (Galla), grass. Oka (Gold Coast), ditch, trench, canal ; the bed of a river ; a bay, creek. Oka (Japan), land. Oke (Yoruba), hill, mountain, Oke Tede, Oke Amo; in Ibo, Nigeria, a boundary. Okedi, Ekedi (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). See Kedi. Oki (Japan), large, great, e.g. Oki Shima. Cf. See Shims. Oki (Japan), anchorage. Okla (Indian, U.S.A.), water. Okpinle (Yoruba), termination of the earth, land or territory. Oku (Gold Coast), gap, chasm, abyss, precipice. Okun (Yoruba), sea, salt water. Okunda (Cent. Africa), a forest. Okwan (Gold Coast), way, road, path. Ola (Mongol), mountain. See Ula. Olare (British East Africa), a salt-lick (q.v.), e.g. Olare le lang'alang, ' the salt-lick of many crossings,' 294 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL i.e. to which access can only be had by crossing the neighbouring meandering river many times. Lang = to cross. Olindoror (Nandi, Uganda), east. Oliut (Turk., Mongol). See II. . Olkhon (Buriat, Bussia in Asia), dry. Olo (Kerepunu, New. Guinea), mountain. Cf. Golo. Olon (Mongol), a ford. Olos (Mo7igol), people, tribe. Oltre (It.), beyond. Olua (Ja-Luo, Uganda), a tree. Olumata (Kiriwina, New Guinea), beach, sandy beach. Olusi (Lomwe, Mozambique), river. Omamma (Gold Coast), a small town or state. Omantan (Gold Coast), an independent state; a mother state. me kutl (Indian, California), island. Omi (Yoruba), water, e.g. Omi Nla, ' big water,' Omi Lano, 1 the big water over there.' See Nla. Om irimana (Lomwe, Shirwa L. ; Makua, Ger. E. Africa), the south. See Ohicho. Omm (Arab.) See Umm, of which it is another form. Ommodo (Yoruba), brook, rivulet. Omo (China), a lake. Omstreek (Dch.), the surrounding country, environs. Omut (Indian, U.S.A.), land. Omwa (Upper Nile), a mountain. On (Indian, U.S.A.), a hill. On (Japan), august, e.g. Ontake, ' august peak,' the south peak of the Japanese Alps. See Take. \(Loango, dialects of Bantu), a mountain. AND TOPOGKAPHICAL TEEMS 295 Onder (Dch.), lower, under, e.g. Onderdijk. Ondri (Madagascar), sheep, e.g. Ambalanondri, ' at the sheep field,' Antsahaondri, 'in the sheep valley.' See An, Bala, Saha. One (Kerepunu, New Guinea), beach, sand ; the forms Onetai, Oneone occur also in Polynesia. mOngo (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a forest. mOngo (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a river. mOngo (Congo, dialect of Bantu), hill, mountain ; down ; ascent; plateau. muOngo m Onwgo Ongot (Tagala, Philippine Archipelago), cape, point. mOngwa (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a town. Oni (Madagascar), river. Frequently placed at the end of the name. There is also the form Ona, and sometimes Ena. Oniesanu (Gurma, French Sudan), a river. Onjila (Herero, Bantu). See Jila. Onkulu, Enkulu (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu). See Nkulu. Onland (Dch.), waste land. Onna (Yoruba), road, street, way, path. Onsen (Japan), warm spring. Onvaarbar (Dch.), unnavigable (of a river). Oost (Dch.),e&st. Op (Dch.), on, e.g. Bergen op Zoom. Op (Hottentot). See Ep. Opararini (Lomwe, Shinva L.), north. Oparashe (Indian, U.S.A.), a hill. 296 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Opatawaga (Hudson Bay region), sand narrows. Cf. Obaska. Oplagshavn (Da., Nor.), a loading-place not possessing the privileges of a regular port or town ; a harbour or dock for bonded goods. Optrek (Dch.), a resting-place. Or (Anglo-Saxon), the shore of a river or of the sea, e.g. Bognor, Windsor. Orang (Malay), a man or human being ; people. See next entry. Orang Utan (Malay), savages, lit. men of the woods. See Utan. Oras (Rumania), town; genitive Orasului. Ordi (Turk.), encampment ; a variant of Urdn (q.v.) 0re (Nor.), an ear or low point ; sands or sandbanks at the mouth of a river or in a bay. Oret (Nandi, Uganda), path, road. Orgo (Mongol), tent. Ori (New Guinea), cloud. Oririmela (Lomwe, Shirwa L.), deep water. Orishon (Yoruba), spring, fountain. Orman (Turk.), forest, wood. Ormos (Greek), bay, roadstead. Oro (Madagascar), edge, brink, shore, e.g. Amorombe, 1 at the great shore.' See An, Be. Orogongo (Kossova, Uganda). See Rogongo. Orok (Mongol), a clan. Oromo (Kiivai, New Guinea), river. Oromoito (Kiwai, New Guinea), coast, Obo oromoito, the sea, lit. coast water. See Obo. AND TOPOGKAPHICAL TEEMS 297 Orooro {Motu, New Guinea), mountain. Cf. Golo. Oros (Greek), mountain, hill. Orove (Mpongwe, Bantu). See Rove. Ort (Ger.), place, spot, locality. Orta (Hung.), middle, e.g. Orta Arad on Maros E., a tributary of Theiss E., Orta Dombouar, to S.E. of Platten L. Oru (Motumotu, New Guinea), a garden. Orurondo (Her -ero, Bantu). See Rondo. Os (Indian, U.S.A.), pebble, drift. Osambene (Gent. Africa), a forest. Osanu (Gurma, French Sudan), a road. Osen (Buss.), autumn. shiwo (Japan), spring tide. Cf. siwo. SeeO, Shiwo. Oshoro (Yoruba), cascade, cataract. Oshusu (Yoruba), a grove. Osiago (Gurma), the rainy season. Osin (Yoruba), left (hand). siwo (Japan), springtide. Cf. shiwo. See 0, Siwo. Oso, Osso (Fanti, Gold Coast), big, great, e.g. Ogbomoso. Ospizio (It.), hospice (Osp°). Ossu (Mongol), a river, e.g. Tsahan Ossu, ' White Eiver.' See Tsahan. There is also the Manchurian form Ussu (q.v.) Cf TJsu. 0st (Da., Nor.), east. Ost (Ger.), east. Ostang (Turkestan), water channel, ditch. 0ster, 0stre (Da., Nor.), adj. east (0 r ). Osteria (It.), inn, hotel (Ost a ). Ostrog (Buss., Kamchatka), a village. 298 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Ostrov (Buss.), island. Osu (Fan, French Congo), the sea; also Osu, pi. Asu, the water of a river, the river itself. See Su; cf. Nlo, Oton. Osua (Kiwai, New Guinea), summit. Osyp, Obsyp (Buss.), a landslip. Ot (Ja-Luo, Uganda), house. Ota (Lomwe, Shirwa L.), the west. Otainahe (Indian, U.S.A.), a town. Otaiwai (Indian, U.S.A.), a town. Otako (Makua, Ger. E. Africa), a desert. Otanung (Indian, U.S.A.) See Odanah. Otdyel (Buss., Caucasia), an independent district. Otebwet (Nandi, Uganda), a pool. Oti (Makua, Ger. E. Africa), the east. Oti (Motumotu, New Guinea), earth. Otlin (Buss.), the ebb tide. Oto (Nubia), water. Otok (Mongol), tribe, clan. Oton, pi. Aton (Fan, French Congo). See Ton ; cf. Nlo, Osu. Otra (E. Turk.) See Utra. Ottar (from Gaelic oitar), a low promontory, e.g. Dunottar, 'the fort on the low promontory.' See Dun. Otton (Yoruba), right (hand). See next entry. Ottoto (Yoruba), the north, with the face to the west, i.e. the right-hand side. Oud, Oude (Dch.), old, e.g. Oud Maas E. Quest (Fr.), west. AND TOPOGKAPHICAL TEEMS 299 Oules (Fr. from Latin olla, ' pot '), the semicircular escarpments over which streams fall at immense heights, which are a distinctive feature of the French Pyrenees. Ova (Damar aland), Bantu prefix signifying 'people,' e.g. the Ova Mpo of Ovampoland ; Ova Herrero, 1 the merry people ' of Hereroland. Ova corre- sponds to the Wa, Ba, Vua, &c. of other Bantu languages. Ova (Turk), plain. Ovava (Bihe, Angola, Bantu). See Va. Over, Ofer. Ufer (Ger.), a shore, beach, bank of a river, e.g. Hanover. Overalpisch (Dch.), transalpine. Overhaal (Dch.), a ferry. Overpad (Dch.), a cross-path, cross-road. Ovest (It.), west. Ovrag (Buss.), a ravine. 0vre (Da., Nor.), upper (6v.), e.g. Ovrebb. wai (Indian, California), a town. wo (Gold Coast), the drying up of a river. Owo (Yoruba), cowries, e.g. the town of Owo, Oworo. Oya (Singalese), a river. Oyak (Brazil), a river. Oyaki (Brazil), a little river. Oyapok (Brazil), a large river, e.g. the Oyapok. Oyari, Yari, Awari, Aragari (Brazil), large river, the great river. Oyasa, Wasa, Wesa (Brazil), straight river. Oye (Yoruba), the Harmattan wind. 300 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Oyun, pi. of Am (Arab.), sources. Cf. Ayun. Ozero (Buss.), a lake. Pa- (Cent. Africa, Bantu), locative prefix, at, village of. Pa (China), temporary embankment, digues volantes. Pa (Maori), a stockade. Pa (Siam), a wood. -Pa (Tibet), a suffix signifying people, tribe, e.g. Bod-pa, Dru-pa. Pa (JJte, Colorado, dc), water. Paadje (Cape Dch.), a path. Paango (Swahili). See Ango. Pachcham (Hind.), west. For other points see Uttar. Pad (Dch.), road, path. Pada (Pali), place. Padang (Malay), plain, open space, e.g. Padang Sibagus, Padang Susa, Padang Langgin. Padela (Servian), division (administrative). Padun (Buss.), a waterfall, cataract. Padurea (Buss.), a forest. Paese (It.), country, region, town. Paesello (It.), a small town. Pag (Kan-su), garden, wood. Pag-ra (Tibet), a wall of stones, entrenchment. Pah, Pa' (Malay), father, e.g. Pah-tani or Patani, ■ Tani's father,' the founder of the N. Malay States, called Patani. Pa ha (Indian, California), water, river. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 301 Paha (U.S.A.), a long ridge of fine loamy material deposited from a stream, which has cut a channel in a melting glacier. Pahar, Par (Hind.), mountain, hill. Cf. Giri. Pahli (Fin.), bay, gulf. Pai (China), white, e.g. Chang Pai Shan, 'ever-white mountain,' see Shan; Pai Shui Chiang, 'white- water river,' a name given to a section of the Upper Yangtse, see Shni, Chiang. Pailler (Fr.), a farmyard. Pain (Pers.), lower. See Bala. Pai'opan (Yambo, Upper Sobat B.), village, country. Pajonal (Spanish S. America), marshy land, on which bulrushes, reeds, &c, grow. Pak (Eskimo). See Puk. Pak (Malay, Siam), confluence. Pak (Malay, Cambodia), mouth, estuary. mPaka (Swahili), boundary, limit ; for pi. see Mpaka, Pakan (Malay), market town. Cf. Pasar. Pakdandi (Deccan), a footpath. Pakhns (Da., Nor.), a warehouse. Paknam (Siam), the mouth of a stream, whether it falls into the sea, a lake, or a larger river. See Pak, Nam. Pakso (Fin.), bluff, cliff. Pal (Punjab), cultivated land, embanked to catch the drainage off higher ground. Pala (Ja-Luo, Uganda), a wall. Palaeo, Palaios, a, on (Greek), old, ancient, e.g. Palaeo or Vradeton mountains. Palais (Fr.), a palace. 302 GLOSSAKY OF GEOGKAPHICAL Palanka {Turk.), fort, fortress. Palast (Ger.), a palace. Palavanua (Marovo, Solomon Is.), village, place. See Fenua. Pale (Yambo, Upper Sobat B.), great. Palier (Fr.), a landing-place. Palisade (U.S.A.), a picturesque extended rock .cliff rising precipitately from the margin of a stream and of columnar structure, e.g. The Palisades, New York. uPalla (German East Africa, dialect of Bantu), a rock, cliff. Pallala (Pali), a pool. Palli (Tamul), a village. Palude (It.), marsh, moor. isiPaluko (Zulu, Kafir), a valley or stream that branches off from another. Palus (Lat., Fr.), marsh, moor, fen. In Fr. used only in the expression Palus Meotide = Palus-Meotis = Sea of Azov. Palya (Hung.), a road ; Vaspalya, railway. mPambu (Congo, dialect of Bantu), the junction or forking of roads. isiPambusa (Kafir), a by-path, lane. Pampa (Gold Coast), hill, hillock. Cj. Pempe, Koko. Pampas (S. America), the great grass plains of Argentina. Pampero (Sp.), a violent westerly or south-westerly wind which sweeps over the pampas of Argentina. Pamtengo (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu). See Mtengo. Pamyatnik (Buss.), a monument. AND TOPOGKAPHICAL TEEMS 308 Pan {China), mountain, hill. Pan (Gape Dch.), a pool, a place where a pool has been. Pana (Paiwan, Formosa), a river. Cf. Panna. Panda (Swahili). See Nda. Pandai, Banteai (Cambodia), fortress. Pang (Burma), confluence. Pang (Shan States), a camp, encampment. Pang (Tibet), height. ,, „ prairie land. Panga, im Panga, mu Panga (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), country. See Nga. Panga, im Panga (Giryama), cave, chasm. Pangalanes (Madagascar), the portions of land inter- vening between the lakes or lagoons on the N.E. coast of Madagascar. Pangkalan (Malay), landing-place; mart; e.g. Pangkalan Badak, P. Balak, P. Bujal. Also Pengkalan (q.v.) Pangua (Mekeo, New Guinea), village. Cf. Vanua. Pangwadi (A-Zande), bank; from Pangwa, edge, and Di, water. Cf. Wilidi. Pani (Hind.), water, e.g. Panigong, 'water village.' Panj (Pers.), five, e.g. Punjab. See Ab. Cf. Doab. Panjang (Malay), long, tall, e.g. Padang Panjang. See Padang. Panna (Shan States), a district. Panna (T saris en, Formosa), a river. Cf. Pana. Panne (Indian, U.S.A.), a valley. Pant (Welsh), a hollow or valley, e.g. Pantglas, Pant-y- groes ; groes = croes (q.v.) Pantalan (Tagala, Philippine Archipelago), mole, jetty. 304 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Pantano (It.), a marsh (Pant no ). Pantano (Sp.), stagnant water, marsh. Pantei (Malay), coast, beach, shore. Pao (China), an outpost ; also a subdivision of a Su or township. Papandajan (Java), a forge, a name given to volcanic craters. Papeterie (Fr.), paper mill (Pap ie ). Par, Pahar (Hind.), mountain, hill. Cf. Giri. Para (Indian, Brazil), a river, sea, e.g. Paraguay, Parahiba, ' bad river,' Parakatu, ' good river.' Para (Hind.), a quarter of a town, a ward, village. Param (Tamul), bank, shore. Parana (Brazil), a branch out of the main stream of a river ; side channel between islands ; lateral branch of a river. From Indian Para, river, sea. Pare (Fr.), a park (P.) Parco (It.), a park. Pared (Sp.), a wall. Parian (Philippines), a market, bazaar. Parit (Malay), a drain, ditch, trench, moat, canal. Pariu (Bumania), rivulet, brook (Par.) Paroisse (Fr.), a parish, parish church. Parque (Port., Sp.), park, an enclosed wood. Part (Hang.), bank, shore, coast. Pas (Fr.) channel, e.g. Pas de Calais ; passage, defile, e.g. Pas de la Cere. Pasanggrahan (Java), equivalent to the Anglo-Indian Bungalow (q.v.) Pasar (Malay), market, corruption of Bazar (q.v.) AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 305 Pasi {Madagascar), a modified form of fasi, fasika (q.v.), used in compounds, sand, thus ampasi = at the place where the sand is, e.g. Ampasimena, ' on the red sand ' ; Ampasindava, ' where the great stretch of sand is.' See An, Mena. Pdsir (Malay), sand, a reach of sand, e.g. Pasir Gebo, Pasir Salak. Paso (Sp.), a pass. Passaat (Dch.), trade wind. Passage (Fr.), ferry (P^ e ). Passatwind (Ger.), trade wind, monsoon. Passe (Fr.), a channel. Passo {It, Fort.), a pass (P so ). Past (E. Turk.), low. Cf. Post. Pat (Indian, U.S.A.), a hill. luPata (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu), a gorge. Patak (Hung.), brook, rivulet (P.) Patam (Tamul, Deccan), a city, contracted from Patanam, e.g. Seringapatam. Path (Sansc, Hind.), a road, highway. Patik (E. Turk.), marsh, moor, swamp. Patkak (E. Turk.), marsh, moor, swamp. Pattan (Sansc), a city, town. Patte-d'oie (Fr.), the intersection of several roads. Patti (India), a division of a village. Pattik (Mongol), marsh, swamp. Pa tzu (Yunnan), a cultivated valley. Pau ga (Miao-tse, Yunnaii), hill. Paul (Hind.) See Pol. Pau-tai (China), a fort. x 306 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Pavilion (Fr.), pavilion, summer house (P on ). Paya (Burma), a temple. Paya (Malay), swamp, marsh. Pays (Fr.), country. Pe (A-Zande), bush, tall grass. Pe (China), north, e.g. Peking, 'the northern capital.' Cf. Peh, Nan, Si, Tung. See King. Peage (Fr.), toll-house. Peak, Pike (England), allied to the words beak, spike, e.g. Peak in Derbyshire, Pike o' Stickle. Peam (Cambodia), mouth, estuary. Pecze (Hung.), boundary mark. Pedhiadha (Neo-Greek), a plain. Pedra (Port.), a rock or stone. Peel (Celtic), a stronghold. Peh (China), e.g. north, Peh Fang in Miao-tse, Yunnan. Cf. Pei, Pe, merely different spellings. Pei (China), north. Cf. Peh, Pe, which are merely different spellings. Pek (Nandi, Uganda), water. Pekan (Malay), a village, lit. a place for buying and selling. Pela (Singalese), a hut. Pema (Tibet), sand. Pempe (Gold Coast), a hillock, knoll, smaller than Pampa (q.v.) Pen (Welsh), a head, hence a mountain, e.g. Penmaen- mawr, Pennigant, Pennine. Cf. Ben, Kin. Pen (Min-kia, Kwei-chau), north. For other points see La, Turh, San. AND TOPOGKAPHICAL TEEMS 307 Peiia (Sp.), a rock or large stone. Penghulu (Malay Pen.), district or village headman. Pengkalan (Malay), mart, e.g. P. Balak ; landing place, e.g. P. Pajak in Wellesley Province. See Pangkalan. Peng la (Min-kia, Yunnan), a lake. Penisola (It.), a peninsula. Penon (Sp.), a rock or rocky mountain. Penong (Cambodia), savages. Pente (Fr.), declivity, slope. Penyi (Ja-Lno, Uganda), country. Perebor (Buss.), rocks in a river. Perede (Gold Coast), a plain. Peresheek (Buss.), an isthmus. Perevoz (Buss.), a ferry. Perm£tang (Malay), ranges of low sandhills which mark the ancient sea boundaries ; high ground ; a water- shed ; e.g. Permatang Bogak in Province Wellesley. Pertuis (Fr.), opening or strait. Pesak (Servian), sand. Cf. Pesok. Peschani (Bass.), sandy. Pesok (Buss.), sand. Cf. Pesak, the same word. Petaukunk (Indian, U.S.A.), a fall. Peth (Beccan), a village, small town. Petit (Fr.), little; applied to many place-names. Petobeg (Indian, U.S.A.), bog. Petra (Greek), a rock. Cf. Piatra, Piedra, Pierre. Peuk (Korea), north, northern, e.g. Peuk-Dong. Pfad (Ger.) a path. Pfalz (Ger.), a palace, high official residence; palatinate. Pfan (Upper Nile), a village. x 2 308 GLOSSAEY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Pferdebahn (Ger.), horse-tramway. Pha (Indo-China, Black B. region), a forest. Phai (Man Sung, Lao-kai), little, small. Phanos (Greek), light, beacon. Phare (Fr.), lighthouse (Ph.) ; Phare Flottant, lightship. Pharol (Port.), lighthouse (Farol). * Pharos (Greek), lighthouse. Phieng (Hang Chek, Indo- China), a town. Pho (China), a market. Pho (Korea), anchorage, river bank, e.g. Chemulpho, Mokpho. Pho (Thos, Annam), a mountain. See Phu (note), Fo. Phong (Cambodia), custom, e.g. Phong-Mi, 'good custom,' in Bao-Khanh. See Mi. Phra (Siam), a pagoda. Phrair (Siam), a tributary of a river. Phu (Annam), town of the third order, district capital. (This occurs in all French books and maps dealing with the region. Cf. Chinese Fu.) Phu, Phui (Cambodia), rich, wealth, e.g. Phui-Kwoi, kwoi conveying an idea of nobility, noble. Phu (Siam, Indo-China), hill, mountain. See Pho. Phu (Tibet), a lateral valley. ♦ Phybng, Phyeng (Korea), a plain, e.g. Phyong-An. Cf. Beul. Pi (Ja-Luo, Uganda), water. Piaggia (It.) , rising ground, the seashore. Piano (It.), a plain (P no ). Piatra (Bumanian), a rock. Cf. Petra, Piedra, Pierre. Pic {Fr.), a peak (P.) Picacho (Sj).), top, summit. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 309 Picacho {U.S.A.), a peaked butte (q.v.) Picada (Spanish S. America), mountain pass ; ford of a river which can only be passed by horsemen ; path. Pico (Port., Sp.), a peak. Picco (It), a peak (P co ). Pie (Min-kia, Yunnan), low. Pied (Fr.), foot, e.g. Piedmont. Cf. Ital. Piemonte. Piedra (Sp.), a rock. Cf. Petra, Piatra, Pierre. Piena (It.), flood or overflow of waters. Pierre (Fr.), stone. Cf. Petra, Piatra, Piedra. Pigh gnai (Indian, U.S.A.), hill. Pihara (Maiva, New Guinea), stone. Pi-hu (Tibet), fort, post of observation. Pijlerbrug (Dch.), a pier, pillar bridge. Pike. See Peak. Pila (Tibet), a river. Pill (England), an inlet or pool capable of holding vessels to unload, e.g. Pill (Somerset). Cf. Pool, Pwll. Pimb (Serer, Senegal), a mountain. Pimb aneu (Serer, Senegal), a hill, a small mountain. Pin (Fr.), a pine or fir tree, e.g. tie des Pins. Ping (China), a plain. Piongo (Marovo, Solomon Is.), a river. Piramnn (Pers.), environs. Piri amaPiri (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), a mountain, e.g. Pirikwamba, to the west of northern Nyasa. Cf. Lima, Bima. ichiPiri v im Piri In Piri rnPiri 310 GLOSSAKY OF GEOGKAPHICAL iPiro (Mozambique, dialect of Bantu), a road, path. Cf. Zila, Zira. Pisang (Malay), banana; used in place-names, e.g. Pulo Pisang, banana island. Pisholina (Servia), a marsh. Pishtak (Cent. Asia), an arched facade. Pi si (Min-kia, Yunnan), wind. Piska (Indian, California), sea. Piste (Fr.), a track, trail. Pistyll (Welsh), a waterfall, e.g. Pistyll-y-Cain. Pit (Gaelic pitht), a hollow, e.g. Pitcairn, ' the hollow of the cairn.' Pitch (W. of England), slope, declivity, top of a hill. Pi te nge (Min-kia, Yunnan), a plain. Piton (Fr.), a peak. Pitth (Ja-Luo, Uganda), a mound. Piz (Tyrol), equivalent to Beak, Pike, e.g. Piz Mortiratsch. Pjert (Armenia), a castle, fort. Plaats (Dch.), a place or spot. Plache (Ger.), a plain, flat country. Plage (Fr.), shore, beach. Planina (S. Slav.), a mountain. Piano inclinado (Port.), a patent slip. Planiibergang (Ger.), a level crossing. Plateau (Fr.), used not only in Fr. but also in Eng. and Ger. as a form of sub-oceanic relief for a steep Elevation (q.v.) of large extent in which the length and breadth do not greatly differ. It may rise from the depressions of the ocean, or, as in the case of the Azores Plateau, from a Rise (q.v.) On AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 311 dry land Plateau = Tableland ; e.g. the Anahuac Plateau (Mexico). Plau {Cambodia), a road. Playa (Sp.), shore, beach, coast. „ (U.S.A.), an alkali^flat ; the dried bottom of a temporary lake without outlet ; an alluvial coast- land, as distinguished from a beach. Plaza (Sp.), square or market place, fortified town. „ (U.S.A.), an open valley-floor, the flat bottom of a narrow canon. -Pie. See Polis. Pleme (Montenegro), tribe, clan. Plon, Plun (Slavonic), a plain, e.g. Plbner See. Plot (Buss.), a floating landing-place, raft. Plou, Phi, Pleu, Plo, Pie, Pla (Breton ploue), village or parish. Cf. Welsh Plwyf. Phi (Upper Sassandra B. region), white, e.g. Ibo Phi, ' the White Ibo B.' Plur (Armenia?i), a hill. Plwyf (Welsh), a parish. Pneuma (Greek), wind. Pnom (Cambodia), a mountain, e.g. Pnom Penh. Po (China), a lake, cf. Hu ; swamp. Po- (China), a prefix meaning 'white.' See Pai. Po (Indian, U.S.A.), water. Po (Tibet), summit of a mountain. Another form is Spo. Poa (Nika), the coast. Poali holma (Fin.), a peninsula. Poblado (Sp.), town, village. Pochtamt (Buss.), post office. 312 GLOSSARY OP GEOGRAPHICAL Pocoson (U.S.A.), a swamp. Podere (It.), an estate (Pod e ). Podo (Kiwai, New Guinea), hill, mountain. Podvodnitsa (Buss.), shoals covered at extremely low tide. Poe (Maiva, New Guinea), beach, shore. Poggio (It), a cliff (Ps io ). Pogost (Buss.), a parish. Pohaku (Hazvaii), stone. Pohia (Fin.), north. For other points see Etela, Itahan, Lansi. Pointe (Fr.), a point (P te ). Poio (Tagala, Philippine Archipelago), island. Po ka (Indian, U.S.A.), a river. Po kwa (Indian, U.S.A.), a lake. Pol (Neo-Greek), see Polis ; (Gaelic), see Poll. Pol, Paul (Hind.), a gate, a quarter of a city having its own gateway. Pol, Peul (Korea), a plain, e.g. Pol-La-Do, Pol-Hang-Ni. Po-la (Indian, California), a river, lit. running water. Pola (Mentawei Island, S.W. Coast Sumatra), earth. Polden (Buss.), south. For other points see Syever. Polder (Dch.), a tract of land reclaimed from the sea by means of high embankments. Pole (Celtic), an inlet, pool, e.g. Bradpole. See Poll. Polei (Indo-China) , a village. Polis, Poli, Pol, Pie (Greek), city, town, e.g. Philippopolis, Tripoli, Sevastopol, Constantinople. Poll, Pol, Puill (Gaelic), Pol (Cornish), pool, bay, e.g. Poll Scut (Hebrides), Puill Cro (Islay Sound), Polmont, ' the hill by the pool.' Cf. Pole. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 313 Polnaya voda (Buss.), high, water. See Voda. Polovodye (Btiss.), the high waters of spring-time. Poluostrov (Buss.), a peninsula. Poly (Greek), much, many, e.g. Polydendri, ' a place of many trees,' in Agya. Polyana (Buss.), field-ice ; also field, forest clearing. Polye (S. Slav.), open country, fields. Pom (Siam), a fort. Porno (Fin.), a bar of a harbour or river. Ponchak (Malay), the peak of a hill. Pondok (Malay), a shed or hut. Ponente (It.), west, west wind, Pongo (Kamerun), north. See Mbenge. Pont (Cape Dch.), a ferry. Pont (Fr.), a bridge (P 1 ). Pont (Welsh), a bridge, e.g. Pontaberglaslyn, Penpont, 1 head or end of the bridge ' ; is a loan word from hat. pons. See Aber, Glas, Llyn, Pen. Pontal (Port.), a point or promontory. Ponte (It., Port.), a bridge (P te ). Pool (England), an inlet or pool, e.g. Poole, Liverpool. Poo lok (Indian, California), a lake. Poort (Cape Dch.), an opening between mountains, lit. gate, e.g. Karoo Poort. Popoa (Bubiana, Solomo?i Is.), village, place. Po pi (Indian, U.S.A.), a spring. Popoka (Aztek), smoke, e.g. Popocatepetl, ' the mountain of smoke.' See Tepetl. Pore (India), a city. Anglicised from Pur (q.v.) Pori (German East Africa), bush, forest. 314 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Poro (Ainu, Sakhalin), great, big, e.g. Poronai, ' big river.' See Nai. Port(i bolt, bar. Serra (Port.), a mountain ridge; lit. = & saw. Serradoes (Brazil), ' high woods,' stunted tracts on the dry, unproductive uplands. See Carrascos, Capoes, Catingas. Serrania (Sp.), a mountainous district, a ridge of mountains. See Sierra. Sertoes (Brazil), ' backwoods,' suggestive of waste land, wilderness, rather than woodlands, and applied to both Taboleras and Chapadas (q.v.) See also Campos. luSese (Bantu), sand. Sesmo (Sp.), a division of territory in some Spanish provinces. Set (Anglo- S axon), a settlement, e.g. Dorset. Seter (from Nor. Saeter), a chalet, e.g. Ellanseter. Seto (Japan), strait, channel. Sett. See Sudd. umSetuluka (Kafir), a sideling place on a road, which is at so acute an angle that a vehicle in passing would be in danger of sliding down. Seuil (Fr.), sill (as of a dock). Asa form of sub-oceanic relief equivalent to Rise (q.v*) Sewat (Deccan), summit, top. [ (Gent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), forest, bush. miSezoj Sgang-ka (Tibet), summit of a hill ; s is mute. See Gang. Sgar (Tibet), camp, permanent camp ; is the same word as Gar (q.v.) ; s is mute. See under Rdo. Sgeir (Gaelic), a rock in the sea, e.g. Ruadh Sgeir. Cf. Sker. 346 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Sgor (Gaelic), a peak, e.g. Sgor Dearg in the isle of Skye. Sha (China), sand, sandbank, e.g. Shamo, ' the Sand Sea,' i.e. Gobi. Sha (Indian, U.S.A.) See Cha. Shaaba (Arab., Algeria), system of sinuous ravines ; another form of Shaba (q.v.) Shab (Arab.), a rocky shoal. Shaba (Arab., N. Africa), a ravine. See Shaaba. Shabel (Somali), leopard, e.g. Shabele, i.e. Shabel-le, 'the place of leopards.' Many places in Somaliland are named after living creatures and trees, e.g. Libale, 1 the place of lions,' Warabale, ■ the place of hyaenas,' Shimbirale, ' the place of birds,' Goble, ' the place where the Gob trees grow.' See Le. Shabet (Arab.), a basin surrounded by mounts, e.g. Shabet el Akhera ; a plain, e.g. Shabet el Ahir, ' the plain of Air.' Shah-bandari (Turk.), a buoy. Shahid (E. Turk.), a martyr, the tomb of a martyr. Shahr (Pers.),a, town, the proper form of Shehr (q.v.) Shair. See Sher. Shakata (Yoruba), fen, bog, morass. Shal-ma (Tibet), schistose debris. Shamal (Arab.), the prevailing north-west winds of the Persian Gulf. Shamama (W. Sahara), inundated banks ; more fre- quently written Chamama. Shaman (Siberia, Alaska), a medicine man, e.g. Shaman village, island, and point. Shamba (Nika), a plantation. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 347 Shan (China), hill, mountain, range, e.g. Tian Shan, of. San ; island. Shang {China), upper, e.g. Shang-pu, 'upper citadel.' Cf. Hsia. Shang (Korea), grotesque signposts. Shang (Tangut), wood, forest. Shan-hu (China), coral. Shan-tau (China), bluff, cliff. Cf. Tsiau-pi. Shan-ting (China), a mountain chain. Shao (China), small, e.g. Shao-ho, ' small river.' Shar (Pers.), a whirlpool, eddy. Shar (Tibet), east. For other points see Lho. Shar (White Sea region), long narrow gulf, strait. Shara- (Mongol), a prefix meaning yellow, e.g. Shara Muren, ' Yellow Eiver,' Shara Gol, ' Yellow Stream.' Sharaki (Egypt), land unirrigated and therefore un- taxed. Shari (Arab.), a highway. Shari, Sari (Kotoko, South Bornu, Chad L. region), water, river. See Isa, Sara. Shark (Arab.), the east. See Said, Safel, Gharb for other points. „ (Arab., Egyptian Sudan), the right bank of the Nile, from the above. Sharki (Arab.), the winter south-east winds of the Persian Gulf, from Shark. Cf. Kaus. Sharki (Turk.), east, from Arab. Shark. Sharm (Arab.), a port. Sharon (Hebrew), a plain. Sha-sien (China), shoal. 348 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Shat (Arab.), fresh water, river, e.g. Shat el Arab, the combined Tigris and Euphrates. Sha-tan (China), sandbank, bar. See Sha, Tan. Shaw (England), a shady place, a wood, e.g. Bagshaw. Shbar (Hassania), a mud wall surrounding an enclosure. She (China), a reef of rocks ; also a monastery ; stone ; a fortification. She (Formosa), thje headquarters of a native tribe. Shealing (Scotland), a highland cottage. Sheanyi (Lu-Wanga, Eastern Uganda), an enclosure. Sheb (Pers.), descent, declivity. Sheba (Arab.), a ravine, watercourse. Shebika, dim. of Shebka (q.v.) Shebka (Arab.), a network of ravines ; a country greatly intersected by ravines, e.g. the Shebka of Mzab. Shehar, Shehr (Pers.), a town, e.g. Eski Shehr, 'old town.' Eski (Turk.) = old. Sheikh (Arab.), chief, elder, saint, e.g. Sheikh Hussein. Shejera (Arab.), a tree. Shelf (Eng.), used, in sub-oceanic relief, for the portion of the continental border which extends seaward from tide-marks, sinking very gradually as a rule to the depth of about 100 fathoms, and then suddenly falling steeply to a great depth ; e.g. the British, Sunda, and Newfoundland Shelves. Equivalent to Ger. Schelf, Fr. Socle or Plateau Continental. Shemal (Arab.), north, north wind. Shemal (E. Turk.), wind. Shenyi, Mshenyi (German East Africa, dialect of Bantu) sand, e.g. Kashenyi, a town in Kyanya. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 349 Sher (Arab., N. Africa), barley, e.g. Wad Sher, * barley valley.' See Wad. Shergi (W. Sahara), east. Cf. Gebele, Gebli. Sheria (Arab.), a small footpath. Sherm (Arab.), a creek or small cove. Shershaf (Arab.), a cliff. Shershar (Arab.), a cascade. Shet (Icelandic hjalt), high, e.g. Shetland, ' high land.' She-tan (China), a reef of rocks. See She. Shi (China), market-place, market, e.g. Ma-shi-tai, 1 horse market terrace.' See Tai. Ma = horse. Shi (China), stone, e.g. Shi-hu, ' stone gorge.' Shi (Miao-tse, Kwei-chau, and Min-kia, Yunnan), new, e.g. Chin-shi-min, west of Yao Ngan. nShi (Congo, Bantu), region, state ; earth, ground. Shib (Arab.), a mountain pass, ravine. Shibi (Korea), house, usually built round a quadrangle. Shidle (Somaliland), a rocky place. See Le. Shiiro (Lu-Wanga, Eastern Uganda), market. Shikulu (Lu-Wanga, Eastern Uganda), hill, moun- tain. Shili (Mongol), a grassy hill. Shima (Congo), pool, pond, well. Shima (Japan), island, Tokyo dialect for Sima (q.v.) Shimal (Arab.) See Shemal. Shimbira (Somali), birds. See under Shabel. Shimo (Japan), lower, e.g. Shimo-tsu-fsa, ' lower Fusa.' Shimo (Swahili), ditch, pit, excavation. eShimu (Congo, dialect of Bantu). See Eshimn. Shina (Syriac), cliff, e.g. Tura Shina. See Tura. OP THE UNIVERSITY 350 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Shinarkh (Arab.), a promontory. Shinden {Japan), certain paddy-lands brought into cultivation since the last survey. Shing (Tibet), a tree. Shir (Yambo, Upper Sobat B.), the rainy season. Shire (England), something shorn off, a division, county. Shiroi (Japan), white, e.g. Shirokubi Saki. Shitong (Hainan), market, market town. Shitta (Sudan), winter (October-March), autumn. Shitu-dianza (Manchuria), a stony valley. Shiu (China, Japan), province, district. Shiu ia (Min-kia, Yunnan), snow. Shivala (Punjab), a pillar- like temple of the god Shiva. Cf. Ling. Shiver (E. Turk.), marsh ground with vegetation. Shivu (Congo), the cold season. Shiwo (Japan), tide; Tokyo dialect for Siwo (q.v.) See Hiki Shiwo. Shlieng (Cambodia), rain. Sho (Cambodia, Cochinchina), market. See Cho. Shoal (Eng.), a single Elevation (q.v.), or submarine mountain rising to within eleven metres of the surface, e.g. Adler Shoal. Equivalent to Ger. Grund, Fr. Haut Fond. Similar to Reef. Shong (Tibet), excavation, small lateral valley. Shor (C. Asia, Punjab), salt, land impregnated with salt. Shorrafa (Arab.), local rain, places watered by local rains. Shott (Arab., N. Africa), bank, shore ; a large river ; a vast stretch of salt water ; a saltpan ; a muddy depression without vegetation. This is really the AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 351 Arab. Shat (pronounced shut) (q.v.), of which Chott (Shott) is the Fr. spelling. Shrui (Cambodia), a cape. Shua (Annam), a pagoda. Shuf (Arab.), a prominent or culminating point. Shui (Annam), stream, torrent. Shui (China), water, e.g. Kiang shui, ' waters of the Kiang.' Shukf, Shukif (Arab.), a cliff (cleft). Shui (Tibet), a track, road. Shuma (Servian), a forest. waShumba (German East Africa, dialect of Bantu). See Washumba. Shur (Arab.), low clay hills. Shur, Shor (Per s.), brackish ; cf Sansc. Kshara = very bitter. Shura (Kaffa, Abyssiyiia), black. Shurh kwie (Min-kia, Yunnan), mountain. Shushet (Arab.), a slight undulation. Shushitna (Alaska), a great muddy river, the great muddy river, the Shushitna. See Na. Shut (Persia), a salt-water river. Si (China), west, western, e.g. Kwang-si. Cf Tung, Pe, Nan. See Kwang. Si (Fan, French Congo), the world; a large tract of country. Cf. Fan. Si (Hainan), a village. Si (Lolo, China), a wood. Si (Mashonaland), a prefix meaning 'small,' e.g. Sifura, ' small Fura.' See Fura. a Si (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), water. See Mazi, Mansi, Zi. 352 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL chiSi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), island. mil Si (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), town, country. Cf. Musi. Si (Bambara, Malinhe), town, village, e.g. Sikoro, ' old village.' See Koro. Sia (China), lower. Sia, Zia (Nika), a reservoir, lake. kiSia, -zia (Nika), a small lake. -Sia (Tripoli), a plural termination signifying people, inhabitants, population, e.g. Ghadamsia, 'the in- habitants of Ghadames.' Cf. Senussia, 'the followers of Senussi.' Siah (Pers., Afghan), black, e.g. Siah Koh. Cf. Siya. See Koh. Siao (Yunnan), little, small, e.g. Siao Kwen-keu, near Yao Ngan. Siao-ho (China), a rivulet, lit. 'little river.' Siao-tao (China), an island, small island, islet. See Tao. Sibansho (Japan), guard-house. Side (England), a slope, declivity, or ascent, e.g. Cross- land Sides near Hartington ; from A.S., side (root sid, long, extended). Sidzau (Lolo, China), a wood, forest. Sierra (Sp.), a rugged mountain range with serrate outline ; from sierra = a saw. Sif, pi. Siuf (Arab., N. Africa), an extended dune with thin ridge ; winding low dunes. Sifa (Arab.), sandy beach. Sigaram (Tamul, Deccan), summit of a mountain. Sighi (Turk.), a bank, shoal. AND TOPOGKAPHICAL TEEMS 353 Signal (Ft.), signal (S al ). Siipu (Indian, U.S.A.), a creek, cove. Sika, eSika {Congo, dialects of Bantu), a house. maSika (East Africa, dialect of Bantu), the rainy season (end of March to end of May). Sikka (Arab., N. Africa), a road. Sil (Gent. Asia), a sudden flood or inundation. Sil (Korea), a valley, e.g. Sil-Lyeng, Chara-Sil. (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a road. Cf. Zila. inSila Silanga (Philippines), a channel, strait, passage ; in the southern islands this is used for ' a bay.' Also used to convey the meaning ' small, low islands.' Silla (Fin.), a bridge. Sillon (Fr.), a furrow, ridge. For use as a form of sub- oceanic relief see Furrow. Sima (Japan), island ; makes Jima sometimes in com- pounds, e.g. Awa jima, ' Awa island.' See Shima, Jima. Sima (Tangut), sand. kiSima (Swahili), a well, pi. maSima. Simba (Zambezia), pi. of Numba (q.v.) inSimi (Zulu, Kafir), a piece of cultivated ground. Simpang (Malay), a crossing, e.g. Simpang Lima, a station on the new Perak railway. Sin (Amharic), an elephant's tusk, applied to a mountain peak. Sin (China), a walled village. Sin (China), new, e.g. Sin-kai, 'New Market,' the Chinese name for Bhamo, properly Bhamaw. See Kai, Bha, Maw. A A 354 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Sin (Arabo-Pers.) See Jin. Sinavi (Motu, New Guinea), a river. Sindom (Soninke, Fr. Sudan), south. See Kinkhenna. Sing (China), a spring, fountain. Sing (Tibet), a place covered with short grass, a marsh. imSingakazi (Kafir), a very powerful stream of water, a flood. Singha (Malay), a place of call, e.g. Singapore or Singhapura, ' the city of the place of call.' Other authorities give Sinha (Same.), lion, thus Singapore, 'lion city.' See Pura. nluSingi (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a forest. Sinikh (Turk.), ruined, in ruins, m Sinje muSinje Siora (Eskimo, Smith Sound), sand. Siper (Albania), upper. Siphandon (Laos), ' The Four Thousand islands,' a name given to the group at Khong on the Mekong. Sipil (Chinese Turkestan), fortification, wall of a town. Sir (Arab.), a fold. Sir (Hind.), head, summit, e.g. Sir Daria, the ' Head Stream ' (Jaxartes). Cf. Sirdar ; see Sar. Sira (Madagascar), salt, e.g. Antsirabe, ' the place where there is much salt.' See An, Be. Siranga (Bubiana, Solomon Is.), a road. Sirge (Bornu), a lake of natron. See Abge. Sirik (Mongol), a valley. Sirkar (India), a district or division. Siro (Japan), palace, castle ; white. (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), a river. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 355 Siro (Nandi and Ja-Luo, Uganda), a market. Sirocco, Scirocco (It.), a hot oppressive wind coming from Northern Africa over the Mediterranean to Sicily and Italy. Sirt (Turk.), a ridge. Sisifo (Samoa), west. For other points see Matu. Sisim (Agni, Ivory Coast), a village, place of cultivation. Sitch, Sich (England), a watercourse, a little current of water, which is dry in summer, a gutter ; from A.S. sic, sich, a furrow, watercourse, e.g. Goldsitch Moss. See Moss. Sitlal (Azteh), a star, e.g. Sitlaltepetl, ' star mountain,' the Orizava of the maps. See Tepetl. Sitt (Arab.), lady, female saint. iSitu\ mSitu (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), forest, wood, muSituf thicket. Cf Witu. umuSitu/ Siuf, pi. of Sif (q.v.) Siwa (Mt. Kenia region), swamp, applied to the Lorian swamp. chiSiwa (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), island. See Ziwa. kiSiwa (Swahili), island ; for pi. see Kisiwa. Siwo (Japan), tide, current. Cf. Shiwo. Siya (Pers.), black. Cf. Siah. Sjo (Siv.), sea. -Sk (Buss.), a suffix meaning 'town,' e.g. Omsk. Skala (Hung.), rocks (Ski.) Skam (Tibet), barren, dry. Skandse (Da.), fort. Cf. Schans. A A 2 356 GLOSSAKY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Skar (Sw.), a skerry, a rock .at times covered by water. See Skjaer. Skard (Icel.), a ravine. Ske (Tibet), a neck or gorge. Skip (from Da., Nor. Skib.), a ship, e.g. Skipness, ' ship point.' See Ness. Cf. Skipper. Skiron (Neo-Greek), north-east. For other points see Boreas. Skjaer, Skaer (Da., Nor.), a skerry, a rock at times covered by water. See Skar. Skole (Da., Nor.), a school (S ke ). Skopelos (Greek), rock, e.g. Skopelos Islands north of Eubcea (Negropont). Skov (Da., Nor.)> a wood, forest. Slaak (Dch.), a channel, passage. Sliabh, Slievh (Irish), a mountain, e.g. Slievh Beg, Sle- mish. Gf. Slieve, Slieu. Slib (Dch.), mud, ooze, e.g. Slibbroek. Slide (U.S.A.), the exposed surface left in the track of a landslide, as a landslip is called in the States. Slieu (Manx), a mountain. Cf. Sliabh, Slieve. Slieve (Gaelic), a mountain, e.g. Slieve Bloom. Cf. Sliabh, Slieu. Sloboda, Slobodka (Bass.), a suburb, village (SI.) Slot (Da., Nor.)) ~. .. ta x a palace, castle. Cf. Ger. Schloss. Slott (Sw.) J * J Sluis (Dch.), a sluice, dam, e.g. Zwartsluis, Buitensluis. See Zwart, Buiten. Cf. Sluss Sluit (Cape Dch.), a ditch, gutter, stream. Sluse (Da., Nor.), Sluss (Sw.), a lock, sluice. Cf. Sluis. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 357 Smad (Tibet), low country. See Ma, Mad; s is mute. Smala, Zmala, pi. Zemul or Mezemlin (Arab., N. Africa), the camp of a great chief. See Zmala. Smeida, Smid, Smidet (Arab.), an isolated low dune. Smid. See Smeida. Snee (Da., Nor.), snow, e.g. Sneehaetten. Sneeuw (Deli.), snow, Sneeuwbergen. Sno (Sw.), snow. Cf. Snee. Snyeg (Buss.), snow. So (Agni, Ivory Coast, Maude), place, town, village, e.g. Assikasso, Aboisso. Cf. Su, Tenga. So (China), a guard-house ; military station of less im- portance than a Wei (q.v.) ; a fortified military place, camp ; town, village. So (Fin.), the mouth of a river, estuary. So, Sjo (Da., Nor.), sea. iSoaj (Cent. Africa, dialects of Bantu), grass. See maSoaj Sua, Suwa, Swa. Soa (Madagascar), beautiful, good, e.g. Soarano, ' good water,' Soakazo, ' beautiful tree.' Cf. Tsara. See Rano, Kazo. * Soaks (W. Australia), shallow wells in granite formation. Soane (Kusage, Solomon Is.), a road. Sobba (Arab., N. Africa), a cascade. Soberga {Mongol), a pagoda, e.g. Chagan Soberga, 'white pagoda.' See Chagan. Spbod, Sjobod (Da., Nor.), a warehouse abutting on the water. Socken (Sw.), a parish. Cf. Sogn. Socle (Fr.), shelf (q.v.) 358 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Sbder (Stv.), adv. south, e.g. Sbderhamn, ( south haven.' aSogh (Fan, French Congo), a fall, rapid; for pi. see Asogh. Sogn (Da., Nor.), parish. Cf. Socken. Sok (Marocco), district, place ; country market, e.g. Sok el Arba, a place where* a market is held on Wednesdays, or the 4th day. Similar place-names are found for other days of the week. See Suk. Sokaki (Smyrna Greek), a street. Sokke (Soninhe, Senegal), grass. Soko, pi. Masoko (Swahili), market. Sol (Fr.), soil, ground. Solano (Sp.), a hot, oppressive south-east wind, the local Spanish name for Sirocco (q.v.) Solo (Botuma, Polynesia), a mountain, hi Solo (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a river; in Yao (Nyassaland) this is luSulo, pi. nSulo. See Sulu. Somed (Arab.), a rocky round hill. Sommet (Fr.), summit (Som.) Sommo (It.), summit, top. Son (Cambodia), mountain, e.g. Long-Son, ' Flourishing Mountain,' in Bao-Hue. Son (Siam), confluence. Sonder (Da.), south (S r ). See Syd, Norre, for other points. Song (Annam), a river. Son-ni (Hainan), a path. Sono (Cent. Africa), grass. See Sore, Sote. Sopa (Lolo, China), a mountain. Sopak (Mentawei I., S.W. Coast Sumatra), a stream. So pan (Indian, U.S.A.), a valley. AND TOPOGBAPHICAL TEEMS 359 Sopi (Kiriwina, New Guinea), water. Sopka (Buss,), a small separate hill ; a volcano. Sopo (Sumatra). See under Bale. Sore (Mossi, French Sudan), a road. iSore (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), grass. See Sote. Sorgente (It.), a source (Sorg te ). Soro (Songliai), a minaret. Sosobi (Hausa), a ravine. iSote (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), grass. See Sore. Source (Fr.), source, spring, fountain. Speco (It.), a cave, cavern. Spelonk (Dch.), a cave; from Bat. spehmca=cave. Spi (Kurdish), white, e.g. Av-i-spi, ' white water.' See Ava. Spiaggia (It.), the sea shore, coast. Spiti (Neo-Greek), a house. _ , ( summit : top of a mountain, crest : Spits (Dch.) \ . „ v 1 equivalent to Beak, Pike, Spit, e.g. Spitz- Spitze (Ger.) I/ 1 „ ., ' I bergen, Oertler Spitz. Spo (Tibet), summit of a mountain ; same word as Po (q.v.) ; s is mute. See under Rdo. Sponda (It.), the bank of a river. Spoor (Dch.), track, trail. See next entry. Gf. Spur. Spoorweg (Dch.), railway. See Spoor, Weg. Spruit (Dch.), a small stream. Gf. Rivier; is cognate with Eng. Sprout. Spui (Dch.), a sluice, lock. Spur (Ger.), track, trail. Gf. Spoor. Squero (It.), a dockyard. Sra (Cambodia), reservoir, tank. Srok (Cambodia), a canton. 360 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Sron (Gaelic), a nose, promontory. Sronsron (Gold Coast), summit, highest point. Stable. See Staple. Stack (from Icel. Stakkr), a high isolated rock, usually columnar ; sometimes corrupted into Stag. Stad (Da., Nor., Dch., Sw.), a city, large town. Cf. Stadt, Stede. Stadhuis (Dch.), a townhouse, town hall. Stadt (Ger.), a city, town, e.g. Kronstadt. Cf. Stad, Stede. Staff (Scandinavian staphi), pillars, e.g. Staffa, properly Staffey, ' the island of pillars,' from the columnar formation of the basalt of which it is composed. Cognate with A.S. staef= staff. See Ey. Stag. See Stack. Stagno (It.), a pool, marsh. Stah (Arab.), a plateau. Cf. Stei'hat. Staith (Anglo-Saxon staedh, bank, shore, Icel. stbdh, a harbour, roadstead), a landing-place, an elevated railway staging from which coal-trucks discharge their loads into cars or vessels beneath. Stak (Da., Nor.), a heap, stack (of stones). Cf. Stack. Stam (Dch.), a tribe, race ; cognate with Eng. stem. Cf. Ger. stamm. Stan (Pers.), a suffix of locative meaning, place, e.g. Hindustan, Kafiristan, Afghanistan. Stan (Buss.), a station, camp. Stanitsa (Buss.), a Cossack village. Stanitsa (Servian), a station, railway station. Stanovishche (Buss.), a station, camp. Stantsiya (Buss.), a station, AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 361 Staple {England), a market, e.g. Barnstaple, Staplegrove, Stapleford ; Low Ger. stapel = a pile of goods for sale, a warehouse. Stari (Buss.) ) old (Str.), e.g. Stara Zagora, the Stary (Bohemian) J Turkish Eski Zagra. See Eski. Statte (Ger.), place, spot. Cf. Stead, Stede. Stazione (It.), a station (Staz e ). Stead (England), a place, e.g. Hampstead; from A.S. stede = a place. Cf. Stad, Stadt, Stede, Statte. Stede (Dch.), a town, place, spot. Cf. Stead. Steeg (Dch.), a lane, alley. Steen (Dch.) stone, rock, e.g. Steenbergen. Cf Sten, Stein. Steep (Indian, U.S.A.), earth, land. Steg (Dch.), ) - ... ,, ' x f a narrow wooden bridge, path. Steg (Ger.), J & F Steig (Ger.), a path. Steiger (Dch.), a pier, quay, landing-place. Stei'hat (Arab., N. Africa), a plateau. (7/. Stah. Steil (Dch., Ger.), steep, precipitous. See next entry. Steilabfall (Ger.), escarpment. See Steil. Cf. Abhang. Stein (Ger.), stone, e.g. Ehrenbreitstein, ' broad stone of honour.' Cf Steen, Sten. Steinbruch (Ger.), a quarry. Stelle (Ger.), place, site. Sten (Da., Nor., Sur.), stone, rock. Cf Steen, Stein. Steno (Greek), narrow, e.g. Steno Pass. Steppe (from Buss.), a vast treeless plain, prairie ; the Buss, form is Step (pronounced ' stepp '), and is ap- plied generally to grassy, saline, and sandy tracts. 362 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Steptoes (U.S.A.), island-like areas in a sea of lava. Ster (Icel. stadr), a stead, seat, dwelling, e.g. Ulster. Stieng (Indo-China), savages, applied now to hillmen N.-E. of Saigon, though originally the name of a tribe of hillmen. Stiert (Da.), a spit of land. Cf. Stjert. Stift (Ger., Da., Nor., Sw.), diocese ; religious founda- tion, monastery, &c. Stirpeto (It.), a brake. Stjaert, Stjert (Da., Nor.), a tail or spit of land. Cf. Stiert. Stob (Scotland), stump, e.g. Stobo, properly Stobol, 'the hollow of stobs or stumps,' Stobs Castle. Stock. See Stoke. Stoep (Cape Dutch), a masonry platform with steps in front of a house. Stoke, Stock (England), a stockaded place; from A.S. stocc = post, stem ; e.g. Basingstoke, Woodstock. Cf. Stow. Stolp (Buss.), pinnacle rock. Stong, Tong (Tibet), a desert. The s is mute. Stoommolen (Dch.), a steam mill. Stor, Store (Da., Nor., Sw.), large, great (St.), e.g. Stor Aa, Store Belt. Stora (Sw.), large, great (st.), e.g. Stora Lulea Elf. See Lille. Stow (England), a place, a stockaded place, from A.S. stow = a place ; e.g. Chepstow. Cf. Norse st6 ; Lithuanian stowe. Straat (Dch.), a street. See next entry. Straatweg (Dch.), a high road. See Straat, Weg. Strada (It.), a road. See next entry. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 363 Stradone (It.), a high road. See Strada. Strand (Dch., Eng., Ger.), beach, shore. Strasse {Ger.), a street. Strath (Gaelic), a broad valley with a river flowing through it, e.g. Strathclyde, Strathmore. See More. Gf. Welsh Ystrad. Strauch (Ger.), shrub, bush, small tree. Strecke (Ger.), a stretch or reach of a river ; region. Strelka (Buss.), a sandspit. Stretto (It.) f a strait, defile. Strom (Ger.), a stream. Gf. Fluss. Strom (Nor., Da., Sw.), river-current, stream of the tide. Strombett (Ger.), the bed of a river. See Strom, Bett. Stromschnelle (Ger.), a rapid in a river. See Schnelle. Strudel (Ger.), an eddy, whirlpool. Struya (Buss.), eddy water, current. Stung (Cambodia), a rapid over sand or pebbles, river, e.g. Stung Treng. Su (China), a township, e.g. Kan-su. -Su (Ashanti), a suffix signifying ' on a river,' e.g. Prasu, ' the town on the Pra B.' Cf. Foa. Su (Mande, Fr. Sudan), an inhabited place of less im- portance than a capital. Cf. So, Tenga. Su (Turk.), water, river ; e.g. Ak-su, ■ white water ' (the Oxus). oSu (Fan, Fr. Congo) ; for meanings &ndpl. see Osu. Sua (Mandara, South Bornu), a well. chiSua (Bantu), an island in a river. nSua (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), an island; for other form see Nsua. 364 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL uSua (Zambezia, dialect of Bantu), grass. See Swa, Suwa, Soa. Suan (Abbadi, Etbai, Upper Egypt), flint. Suba {Arab.), a province. Subs (Pers.), green, e.g. Kuba-i-Subs, 'green dome.' Subsolano (Sp.), south-east wind. *See Solano. Suckanissing (Indian, U.S.A.), black stone place, e.g. Suckatunkanuk. Sud (Fr., Sp.), Stid (Ger.), south. Sudan (Arab.), blacks, thus Beled es Sudan, ' the land of the blacks,' Nigritia or Negroland. See Beled, El. Sudar (Hung.), a peak. Of. Sugar. Sudd (Upper Nile), a luxuriant growth of vegetation, which blocks the Bahr el Ghazal and Nile as far as Sobat K. junction annually from September to January, and at times for years together ; was cleared in 1900-1901, and measures are now being taken to keep the navigation open. Suduga (Mossi, French Sudan), a cascade, waterfall. Suf (Arab.), wool, e.g. Urn Suf, ' mother of wool,' i.e. the plant Vossia, tall reeds with white fluffy heads, which, with papyrus, cover an enormous area of the Ghazal swamps. Suf (Wolof), cultivable land, sand. Sugar (Hung.), a peak. Cf. Sudar. Sugur (Moro, E. Archipelago), a bay. Sun (Abbadi, Etbai, Upper Egypt), granite. Suhaili (Arab.), the much-feared south-west winds of the Persian Gulf. Suheli (Swahili), south. See Kusini, Kibula. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 365 Silk (Arab.), a market. Another form of Sok (q.v.) Sukhaya voda (Buss.), low water. See Voda. Sukhoi (Buss.), dry. nSuku (Congo, dialect of Bantu), inlet, bay, gulf, creek. Sul (Port.), south, e.g. Rio Grande do Sul, ' great river of the south.' Sulagh (E. Turk.), a place where there is water. Suli (Kanarese, W. coast of Hindustan), south. For other points see Gi. kaSulo (Upper Congo, dialect of Ba?itu), a source of a stream. nSulu (Congo, dialect of Bantu), brook, stream. See Solo. Sum (Mongol), monastery. Suma (Arab.), a minaret. Suma (S. Slav.), a forest, bush. Sumale (Bambara, Fr. Sudan), fresh, e.g. Jisumale, ' fresh water ' ; ji= water. maSumba (Congo, dialect of Bantu), the kraal or village of a chief. Cf. Boma, Zeriba. Sumbi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a lake. uSumbi (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a river, stream. Sum-do (Tibet), a confluence. See Do. Sumpf (Ger.), a marsh, bog. Sun (Hainan), a path, road. Sund (Da., Stv.), a sound. Sung (China), pine tree, e.g. Sung-Hua-Chiang, 'Pine- flower river,' i.e. the Sungari in Manchuria ; Lao- Sung-Ling, ' old pine pass.' See Chiang, Lao, Ling. Sung (Chinbori), a hill, small mountain. 366 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Sungar (Afghanistan), a small stone erection, made for the purpose of obtaining cover. Sungi, Sungei (Malay), a river, stream. inSunguzi (Kafir), a path passing through a forest, over- shadowed by trees ; a path overgrown by luxuriant vegetation. eSunsu (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a cape or headland. Sunt (Upper Nile), the mimosa tree. Suong (Laos), high, lofty, upper. Super (Latin), above, upon, on, e.g. Weston-super-Mare, ' Weston-on-Sea ' ; mare = sea. Cf. Sur. Supo (Gold Coast), an island. Sur (Arab.), a rampart, wall. Sur (Fr.), on, upon, e.g. Chalons-sur-Marne. Cf. Super. Surkh (Pers.), red, e.g. Surkh-ab, ' red river.' See Ab. Susuka (Bubiana, Solomon Is.), a lagoon. nSuvila (Congo, dialect of Bantu), inlet, an arm of the sea. Suwa (dialect of Bantu). See Nsua. Svaty (Bohemian), saint (Sv.) Cf. Szent, Svent. Sveta (Bohemia), saint. Svoboda (Buss.), a suburb (Sv.) See Sloboda. Svyatoi (Buss.), holy, e.g. Svyato Island ; there are two of this name in the Caspian Sea. uSwa (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), grass. See Sua, Suwa. Swade (Fula), bush, wood, underwood, grass. Swale (U.S.A.), a slight marshy depression in land which is generally level. This is really an Old English term, still current in many districts in the sense of low ground, valley, moor, &c. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 367 Swef (Lohub, Rudolf L.), a hill, eminence. Swi (Hainan), a village. Syd {Da., Nor.), south. Cf. S0nder. See Norre for other points. Syever (Buss.), north. For other points see Polden, Yug, Vostok, Zapad. Syssel (Iceland), a district, a county, e.g. Strandir Syssel. Syug-salmak (Korea), grotesque sign-posts. Szallas (Hung.), a hamlet, village (SzL), lit. lodgings. Szel (Hung.), breadth, end, boundary, limit. Szent (Hung.), saint (Szt.) Also Svent. Sziget (Hung.), an island (Szig.) Also island town, town at the confluence of rivers. Szuksen (Ta?igut), a river. Sych (Welsh), dry, e.g. Sychnant Pass. Syem, Syom (Korea), island, e.g. Syem-Gang, y mute. Ta (Burma), a wood, forest. Ta- (China), a prefix signifying 'great,' e.g. Ta-kiang, 'Great Eiver,' i.e. the Yangtse ; . Wu-ta-cha-shan, ' the five great tea hills ' of the Shan tea district. See Kiang, Shan. Ta, Tah (China), a lofty tower, pagoda. Ta (Japan), rice-land. Ta (Miao-tse, Kwei Chau, South China), deep. Ta (Shan States), a ferry. Ta (Siam), a landing-place; mouth, estuary. mTa (Swahili), -a district of a town ; for pi. see Mta. Taarn (Da., Nor.), a tower. 368 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Taba {dialect of Bantu, Gallaland), a mountain. Cf. the Thaba of Basutoland. nTaba (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a swamp, marsh. Tabarit (Tuareg, Berber), a road. Taberna (Sp., Port.), an inn; from hat. taberna = booth, , stall, inn. Tabia (Turk.), a battery. Tabo (Hausa), mud. Taboleicas (Brazil), 'platters,' very flat and dry her- baceous plains. Cf. Campos. Tada (Hind.), an island. Tadakt (Tuareg, Berber), a hill. Tademai't (Berber, N. Africa), a height, summit; a long Gara (q.v.) maTadi (Congo, dialect of Bantu), stones or rocks, hence the name of the town Matadi on the Congo estuary. Tafariki (Hausa), a road, way. Taftan (Persia), boiling, hence the name of the volcano Kuh-i-Taftan, 'boiling mountain,' known locally as Chehel-Tau, « the mountain of the forty Beings.' Tafelberg (Dch), tableland, a 'table mountain.' Tag (Tibet), rock, a rocky mountain. Cf. Tagh, Dagh, Tau, for other forms. Tagama (Tuareg, Berber) , a forest, wood. Tagaye (Soninke, Fr. Sudan), a mud- wall surrounding an enclosure. Tagh (Turkestan), a mountain. See Tag, Dagh, Tau, for other forms. Tagit (Kabile), a plain. Tahama (Arab.), lowland. Cf. Nejd. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 369 Tahi (Polynesia). See Tai. Taho (Motu, New Guinea), west. Tahsil, Tehsil (India), a subdivision of a district, under a Tahsildar or sub-collector. Tahtani (Arab.), lower, e.g. Moghar Tahtani, ' Lower Moghar.' Cf. Asfal, Fukani. Tahune, pi. Tawahin (Arab.), a mill. Tai (China), a terrace, plateau, eminence, e.g. Shi-tai, 'market terrace.' Tai (China, Amoy dialect), great. See Typhoon. Tai (Japan), large, great ; equivalents are Dai, 0, Oki. Tai (Siam), south ; for other points see Nua. Tai, Kai, Tahi (Polynesia), sea. Tai (Tibet), a fort. Taiga (Siberia), the belt of ' virgin forest ' lying to the south of the Tundras (q.v.) Tak (Annam), a rapid over rocks in a river. Taka (E. Turk., from Pers.) f the ibex, e.g. Min-taka pass. nTaka (Congo ; Brit. Cent. Africa, Bantu). In the former region this means ' ground which is always moist ; marshy ground'; in the latter it means 'country.' Takai (Japan), high, lofty, tall. Cf. Take. Take (Japan), peak, ridge, hill, e.g. Yarigatake, 'the spear peak.' Other forms are Daka, Dake (q.v.) Cf. Takai. Takht (Pers.), throne, seat, e.g. Takht-i-Suleiman, ' Solo- mon's Throne,' a mountain in Afghanistan. Taki (Japan), a waterfall. Cf. Takai. Tako (Kamerun), a mountain. Taksibt (Kabile), a fortified position. B B 370 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Tal (India), lake, e.g. Naini-Tal. See Talab. Tal (New Guinea), a house. Tal (Welsh), front, end, e.g. Tal-y-bont, Tal-y-llyn. Tala, Talat (Arab.), a path up a mountain or ravine. Tala (Kabile), source, fountain, spring. Tala (Mongol), a plain. Tala (Tibet), a marsh. liTala (Lu-Wanga, Uganda), town. Talab (Pers.), a lake, pond, tank, reservoir. Talao (Hind.), tank, reservoir, is the Hind, form of the Pers. Talab (q.v.) Talaoro (Marovo, Solomon Is.), north wind. Ta-lat (Siam), a market. Talat (Arab.) See Tala. Taldik (E. Turk.), straight, e.g. the river of that name. Tale (Siam), a lake. iTali (Bantu), the side of a river, bank. Ta ling (Khas Chos, Indo-China), a rice-field. Tall (Arab.), a hill. Other forms are Tel, Tell. Talla (Indian, U.S.A.), a town. Talla (Punjab), low-lying land on which grass grows well. kiTalu (Swahili), an enclosure with a stone fence ; iovpl. see Kitalu. Taluk (Madras), a subdivision of a district. Cf. Tahsil. Tam (Indo-China), a stream, torrent. Tarn (E. Turk.), a wall. eTam (Fan, French Congo), pond, small lake ; see Etam. Tambaga (Malay), copper ; from Hind, tanba (pro- nounced tamba) = copper. Tamda (Kabile), a pond, pool. Tamozhnya, Tamojnya (Buss.), custom-house. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 371 Tampon (Fr.), buffer, e.g. IStat Tampon = buffer state. Tamurt (Kabile), country, region. Tam-son (Hainan), a market. Tan (Berber). See In. Tan (Cambodia), new, e.g. Tan-Ki, in Bao-Duk. Tan (China), rapids in a river. In Laos Tang. Tan (Indian, Alaska), cape, point, used especially in the neighbourhood of Cook Inlet. Tan (Welsh), below, under, e.g. Tan-y-bwlch, 'below the pass.' Tana (Madagascar), used in composition for tanana, place, village, town ; thus antana = at the place, at the village, e.g.. Antananarivo, at the place of thousands. See An. Tana (Pokomo, E. Africa), a river, stream, e.g. the river of that name. Tanah (Malay), earth ; country, land, e.g. Tana Kaling, ' the land of the Kaling, ' i.e. Hindustan ; Tana Sa- brang, 'the land across the water,' i.e. Hindustan. Ta-nam (Pai, Shan States), a river. Ta-nan (Indian, California), water. Tanan (Alaska), mountain men, e.g. Tanana, ' the river of the mountain men,' properly Tanan-na. See Na. Tanao (Indo-China), lake, marsh, pond. nTando (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), a mountain. Tang (China), lake, marsh; sea. Tang (Laos), a rapid in a river. Cf Tan (China). Tang (Pers., Afghan), a defile, e.g. Bartang, ' narrow passage.' Tang (Shan States), a road, path. BB 2 372 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Tang (Tibet), a large flat valley ; steppe. Tang, Tangi (Kurdish, Kermanji dialect), a narrow defile or narrow place in a road. Tanga (Mossi, Fr. Sudan), village, place of cultivation ; mountain. Tanganyika (Cent. Africa), the shining plain or desert ; water ; hence the lake of that name. See Nyika. umTangala (Zulu, Kafir), a stone fence. Tange (Da., Nor.), a tongue or strip of land. Tangi (Icel.), a tongue of land. Tangik (Aleut.), island, dim. Tangidak. Tangkuban (Java), reversed, turned upside down, e.g. Tangkuban-prahu, * an upturned canoe,' a name given to mountains because of their shape. u Tango (Kafir), a fence, hedge. Tangong, Tanjong (Malay), a point, cape ; a contraction of tanah-ujong, lit. ' land's end ' ; tunah=land ; ujong= point, tip, end. Tangnra (Kabile), a peak. Tangwani (Gurma, Fr. Sudan), a mountain. Tanh (Indo-GJiina) , a town of the second order, or pro- vincial capital. Tani (Japan), a valley. Tani (Madagascar), country, region, district. Tanimbari (Madagascar), a rice-field. Tanjong (Malay). See Tangong. Tank (U.S.A.), a pool or waterhole in a wash. Tano (Motu, New Guinea), earth. imiTantato (Zulu, Kafir), stones placed as stepping-stones for crossing a stream, AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 373 umTantato {Kafir), a bridge, any contrivance for crossing a river. Tanut {Berber), wells. Tanya {Hung.), hamlet, halting-place, an inn (Tn.) Tanzuna (Madagascar), a cape, promontory. Tao (China), an island. Lit. mountain. See Tail. Tao (Korea), the head prefecture in a circuit. Taong-ji (Burma), a mountain. Cf. Taung. eTapa (Gent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), forest. Tapera (Spanish S. America), a solitary dwelling, espe- cially in the middle of a field and completely iso- lated. Taphos (Greek), a tomb. Tapki, Tepki (Hausa), swamp, pool, marsh. Cf Tebki, Kulugu. Tappa (India), an assessment circle. Tapu (Hind.), an island, a shoal. Tar (Indian, U.S.A.), rock, stone. Tar (E. Turk.), narrow; strait; a narrow gorge. Tara (Maori), rock, stone, e.g. Tarawera, ' burnt rocks.' Tara (Mongol), desert, e.g. Kurban Tara, 'the three (days) desert.' Cf. Taren. See Kurban. Taraf (India), a subdivision of a village. Tarai (Hind.), a marsh, meadow; an island. Taram (E. Turk.), the dividing of a river into several arms. Tarasham (Sahara), a house, dwelling. Tarbat, Tarbert (Gaelic tairbeart), an isthmus, e.g. Tarbat in N.E. of Ross and Cromarty, Tarbert in Argyllshire. Taren (Mongol), cultivation, cultivated land. Cf. Tara. 874 GLOSSAKY OF GEOGKAPHICAL Tarf (Arab.), a cape, promontory, headland. Tari (Korea), bridge, e.g. Tari-Dong, Tari-Bahoi. Tarik, pi. Turuk (Arab.), a road, way. See Trik. Tarim (E. Turk.), cultivated ; probably from Taram, i.e. cultivated by means of irrigation. Tarim (Gent. Asia), river, stream, *the river. Tarjam (Tibet), a -postho\ise= Chinese Cha. Tarn (England), a small mountain lake, especially one without affluents or effluent, e.g. Blentarn; from Norse tjarn = pool. Taru (Singalese), mouth of a river. Tasarnormeng, Taseraktedling, Tasiuza (Eskimo, Smith Sound), lake. Tasek (Malay), the sea, ocean ; lake. Gf. Danau. Tash, Tashrah (Turk.), outer, e.g. Tashlite in Bosnia. Tash (E. Turk.), stone, e.g. Tash Kurgan, ' stone tower.' Tashkun (E. Turk.), inundation, flood. Tashlik (Turk.), stony, rocky, rough. Tashrah (Turk.) See Tash. Tasi (Songhai), sand. Tasik (Malay), lake, marsh, pool. Tasili (Sahara, N. Africa), plateau, applied to several upland districts, e.g. the Tasili of the Azjer Tuaregs. Tat (Deccan), fortification of a city; environs. Tat (Punjab), declivity ; bank of a river. Tata (Fula, Mande, Serer, Wolof, West Sudan), a mud wall surrounding an enclosure. muTatago (Giryama), a bridge. Tatani. See Tahtani. inTatyana (Kafir), a small mountain. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS .375 Tau {Gent. Asia, Caucasus), mountain, e.g. Ak-tau, 1 white mountain ' ; mountain- top. Cf. Tagh, Tag, Dagh. Tau (China), island, head. Same word as Tao. Taui (Nissan I., Neiv Guinea), a plantation. Taung (Burma), mountain, hill. Cf. Taong-ji. Tau-tu (China), clay. Tawahin, pi. of Tahune (q.v.) Tawan-ok (Siam), east, lit. 'rising sun, sunrise'; for other points see Nua. Tawan-tok (Siam), west, lit. * sunset ' ; for other points see Nua. Tawf (Upper Nile), an island of floating sudd (q.v.) Tawil (Arab.), long, e.g. Wadi el Tawile, ' the long vale.' Tazirt (Kabile), a mill. Tcsu, Chsiu (Tangut), water. Tea (Hainan), a prefecture. Tea-gna (Hainan), mountain. Teawent (Tuareg, Berber), a ford. Tebbad (Turkestan), the violent hurricanes which sweep over the Turkoman steppe, carrying with them clouds of impalpable sand. Tebki (Sahara), a pond. Cf. Kulugu, Tepki. Techenie (Buss.), current, stream of tide. Tedrag (Tuareg, Berber), a little hill. Tefes (Serer, Senegal), shore, beach. Tefsedt (Kabile), a place in ruins. Tegift (Tuareg, Berber), a sandhill. iTegu (Zulu, Kafir), a bay ; estuary. Tehsil. See Tahsil. 376 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Teich (Ger.), a pond, ditch. Tei-haku (Japan), an anchorage. uTeka (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), grass. Tekan, Tekra (Hiiid.), a height, elevation ; rising ground. Tekiye. See Tekke. Tekke, Tekiye (Turk.), a Mohammedan convent. Tel (Arab.), a hill ; another form of Tell (q.v.) ; e.g. Tel el Kebir. See Kebir. Telaga (Java), a lake. Telak (Malay), a bay. See Teluk. Tele (Samoa and Fallaofu), large, great, e.g. Nuutele I., S.E. of Upolu I. nTeleka (Congo, dialect of Bantu), a cascade or water- fall. isiTeleti (Zulu, Kafir), a street. Tell, pi. Tellul (Arab.), a mound, especially one covering ruins ; e.g. Tell-Lo in Babylonia. See Tel. Teluk (Malay), a bay, haven, harbour, e.g. Teluk Bharu; cf. Tillo ; the misspellings Telok, Tullok are also frequently found ; in standard Malay the word is pronounced t'luk. kuTemba. See Kutemba for meaning. Tembe (Bantu), a fortification built round a town, formed of two walls about 10 ft. high, 10 ft. apart, roofed, and divided into rooms facing inwards. The outer wall is covered with clay and is loop- holed. Tembe (German East Africa, dialect of Bantu), a dwelling. See Kutemba. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 377 Tembladeral {Spanish S. America), bog, which presents the appearance of a pasture. Temborari (Swahili), coastal plain. Of, Sahel. Temdint (Mzabi, Berber), a town. Temir (Turk.) See Demir. Temura (Tripoli, Berber), a town, pi. Timdinin. Ten (Wolof), spring, fountain ; wells. Ten (Berber). See In. Tena odh lum me (Indian, California), town, village ; lit. many houses. inTendeleko (Zulu, Kafir), a fence round an enclosure. Tendrn (Madagascar), summit, top. See next entry. Tendrumbuhitra (Madagascar), a mountain peak. See Tendrn ; Buhitra m Vohitra (a. v.) See also Bohi. Tenere (Tuareg, Berber), a desert plain. Tenga (Mossi, Fr. Sudan), country ; an inhabited place of less importance than a capital. Cf Su, So. Tenghi (Cent. Asia), a narrow glen-path. Tengo (Cent. Africa, dialect of Bantu), bush. Cf. T'hengo and next entry. mTengo, nTengo (Dialects of Bantu), a tree. See Tengo. Tengri (E. Turk.), heaven, e.g. Tengri Nor. Cf. Mongol Nam. See Nor. Tenia, Teniet (Arab.), a mountain path, defile; col. Tenkai' (Mossi, Fr. Sudan), village, place of cultivation. Tenne (Mossi, Fr. Sudan), kingdom. Tennnsha (Arab.), a steep summit. eTenta (Congo, dialect of Bantu), brow, top of a hill. Tennta (It.), a holding (Ten ta ). Tepe (Fula), junction, confluence. 378 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Tepe (Turk.), a hill, e.g. Ak-tepe, 'white mountain.' SeeKk. Tepetl (Aztek), mountain, e.g. Popokatepetl, ' the moun- tain of smoke,' Sitlaltepetl, ' star mountain.' See Popoka, Sitlal. Tepilaut (Malay), coast, seaboard* lit. margin (tepi) of the sea (laut). Cf Darat. Tepki (Hausa). See Tapki. Tera (Japan), a temple (Buddha). Terbia (Arab.), a bog, marsh. Terku (Tamul), south; for other points see Vadakku. Termino (Sp.), boundary, landmark ; district of a town. Terp (Dch.), an artificial mound. Terra (It., Port.), earth, land. Terrain (Fr.), ground. Terre (Fr.), earth, land. Terrein (Dch.), ground. Terreinhelling (Dch.), the slope of ground. Terrera (Sp.), a declivity, a sloping piece of ground. Terrontera (Sp.), a break in a mountain. Terumbe (Malay Pen.), a coral reef. Tet, pi. Tittawen (Tuareg, Berber), source. Cf. Thit. nTetele (Fan, French Congo) ; for meaning see Ntetele. Tethedderth (Kabile), a village. Cf. Themmurth, Ntama- zirt, Emizdegh, Amazagh. Teto (Hung.), a peak (T.) Teton (U.S.A.), a rocky mountain crest of rugged aspect. Tetsu (Japan), iron. muTha (Nika), a district or part of a town, a township. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS 379 Thaba (Bechuana and Basuto lands), mountain, e.g. Thaba Nchu, Thaba Bosigo. Thak (Annam), a rapid in a river. Thake (Fiji), east. For other points see Vua liku. Thaksult (Berber), a plateau, pi. Thiksulin. Thai (Ger.), a valley, dale, e.g. Langenthal, 'long valley.' Thai (Punjab), dry land, ford, mound, sandhill (Th.) Thala (Berber), fountain, source, pi. Thiliwa. Thalassa (Greek), the sea, e.g. Mavri Thalassa, ' the Black Sea.' Mavri = black in Neo-Greek. Tha-le (Siam), sea, lake. Thalweg (Ger.), the line followed by the waters of a valley ; the middle line of a river. See Thai, Weg. Than (China), rapids in a river. Than (Tangut), a plain. Thanas (India), a subdivision of a Tahsil (q.v.), a police circle. Thang (Siam), a road, path. Thanh (Cambodia), thriving, prosperous, e.g. An-Thanh in Boa-An, an conveying the idea of tranquillity. Thanthan (Botuma, Polynesia), sand. Theerofen, Therofen (Ger.), a tar-pit (T.O.) Themmurth (Berber), a town. Cf. Tethedderth. T'hengo (Cent. Africa), a forest. Cf. Tengo. Theva (Mbau, Fiji), south. For other points see Vua liku. Thifnua (Siam), north. See Thit-tai, Thit-tawan-ok, Thit-tawan-tok. Thing (China), sub-prefectural city. Thit (Berber), eye, source, jt?Z. Thitawin. Cf. Tet. 380 GLOSSARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL Thi-thort-samor (Siam), anchorage. Thit-tai (Siam), south. Cf. Thifnua for other points. Thit-tawan-ok (Siam), east. Cf. Thifnua for other points. Thit-tawan-tok (Siam), west. Cf. Thifnua for other points. Thniye, Tnie (Sahara), a winding mountain pass, a mountain top, e.g. Thniye Twennin. Cf. Kuleb, Keluba of other districts. Tho- (Nilotic Kavirondo, Uganda), a prefix signifying language, e.g. Tho-luo, the language of the negro tribe Ja-luo. See Ja. Thok (Tibet), a goldfield. Thorn (Cambodia), great, large. Thon (Ger.), clay. Thorpe, Thorp (England), a village, e.g. Althorp, Win- thorpe. From A.-S. thorp, cognate with Goth. thaurp, Icel. throp, Ger. Dorf. Cf. Throp. Is per- haps cognate with Gr. ^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TRIXTED BY ■FOTT1SWOOD1 AND CO. LTD., NKW-STRKKT SQUARE LONDON 14 DAY USE RBTUKN TO DeIk FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. Thi, book is due on the last date stamped below, or Th.s book « ou e dMe ^ which renew ^. Renewed books ate subject to immed^aterecalL ?8Nov6UC !.■■.■■ > _— **£&*- « 41/5 1 I J D21A-50m-8'61 iri7!15»10)476B General Library University of California *%i