Q A J ^^ '^ ll UC-NRLF S I $B 532 fl31 EXCHANOB JlIN 14 1917 DIFFERENTIAL INVARIANTS UNDER THE INVERSION GROUP BY GEORGE WALKER MULLINS Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements FOR the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty op Pure Science, Columbia University PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER. PA. 1917 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/differentialinvaOOmullrich DIFFERENTIAL INVARIANTS UNDER THE INVERSION GROUP BY GEORGE WALKER MULLINS Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements FOR the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in THE Faculty of Pure Science, Columbia University PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRfNTINQ COMPANY LANCASTER. PA. 1917 -MS 7 ■!l?<' • " DIFFERENTIAL INVARIANTS UNDER THE INVER- SION GROUP. Introduction. The object of this paper is to study the differential invariants that arise under the continuous transformation group of six parameters, known as the inversion group of the plane, and given by the equations of transformation (Q!iYi+Q!272)(a:^+y^) + («i+/3m+j32T2)a;-(ata+ffi72-/327i)y+/9i X = F = (7i''+72^)(x2+2/2)+2TiX-272y+l (a27i -aiYz) (x^+y^) + (a2+/327i -/3i72)x + (ai— /3i7i -/3272)y+i8s (7i^+72')(x2+2/2)+27ia;-272j/+l Inversion geometry for the most part has been studied syn- thetically, in connection with the theory of functions of a complex variable satisfying the general linear fractional transformation group 72 + Thus it is known that the families of minimal lines, circles, and logarithmic equiangular double spirals remain invariant under Ge.t The justification for the study of the group from the stand- point of differential geometry, aside from the classification or codification of the invariants under the group, is the bringing to light of some new properties of the logarithmic double spirals. In part one, the Lie theory is employed in finding the differ- ential invariant (I5) of lowest order, while in part two the inter- pretation of this invariant is given by making use of a certain family of bicircular quartic curves. Furthermore the differential equation of the logarithmic equiangular double spirals is found *See Holzmiiller: Theorie der Isogonal Verwandenschaften; also Cole, " Linear Functions of a Complex Variable," Annals of Mathematics, Vol. V: No. 4. t Throughout this paper we shall refer to the inversion group as Gt. 3 360599 4 . '-. ": :/: V'. Difmrential In\^ariants under and expressed in terms of 1 5, and from this differential equation, certain properties of the family are deduced. Part three is concerned with differential invariants of order six. Here again other properties of the double spiral are found. Finally, part four deals with differential invariants, intrinsically expressed, and with the classification of invariants, of order higher than the sixth. I. The Absolute Differential Invariant of Lowest Order. 1. The six independent infinitesimal transformations gener- ating the inversion group, Ge, may be taken as, A solution of the complete system [2] of differential equations formed by equating to zero, each of the above five-fold extended independent infinitessimal transformations of G^ is a differential invariant of lowest order under Ge* Extending the infinites- imal transformations Uif [i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], fivefold and equating each to zero we have for E Bx "' dy ■ * See: Lie-Scheffers, Continuierliche Gruppen. THE Inversion Group. 5 "" dx^y dy^^ dy' y dy" ^^ dy'" "^^ di/- ^^ dy^ "' ^2^' " ^'^ ^ " ^"^2/ fy - %(! + 2/") ^ + [2^2/" - 6y2/'2/" -2y'{\+y'')^, + {W''-^yy'''-SyyY'-'^'^y'Y]^, + [80:2/- + lOi/^^ - I2yy'y- - SOyy'Y^ - SOy'Y^ - myyy" - 20yy"" - dOy"^^ = 0, 2^2/^ + if - ^') ^ - 2x(l + y'') f-, - [2yy" + Qxy'y" n] ^ - [42/2/-+ 6a:2,"^+8a^2/'2/-'+122/'^"] ^ /..///21 ^/ - [62/2/- + lOxyY- + 182/"2 + 20a:2/"2/'" + 24yy"'] ^^ - [182/2/^ + I2xy'y^ + 40z/'2/'^ + mxy"y'^ + SOy"y"' jn2, ^f -^20xy'"\^^ = 0. In order to obtain a solution of the complete system of differential equations 2, in the simplest manner, it will be necessary to find first the differential invariants under the Hauptgruppe.* 2. Let us make use of Lies' differential parameter theory and assume that ^ is a differential invariant under the Hauptgruppe. By extending each of the infinitesimal transformations Ui{f) [i = 1, 2, 3, 4] three-fold and then with respect to

y"t- + \^y"J'\ ^ = 0, y dy" ^ dy'" y dy'^ ^ dy- ^' - 22/(1 + y") ^ + \2xy" - ^yy'y" - 2y'{\ + y")] ^ + [Axy'" - Gyy'" - SyyY" - l2y'Y] ^^ dy'" 2J': + [Qxt- - lOyy'r- - 20y'Y' + 4y"'] ^ Differential Invariants under + [Sxy^ + lOy'^ - I2yy'y^ - dOyy'Y'' — SOy'Y^ - UOy'y'Y' - ^Oyy"" - 30i/"^]^ = 0, - 2a:(l + y'') ^ - [2yy" + Qxy'y- + 2(1 + y") ^ - [W + ^xy'" + ^xy'y"' + l^y'y"] ^, - [18yr + l2xyY + 40y'^^^ + SOa;?/"?/- + SOy'Y and S' is in turn reducible to.* + 20xy'-']^^=0, -2/ . ^/ S'^ [4y'"(l + 2/'^ - 122/'2/"»] - 2y'"^ dy' dy'^ df df + [i02/-(i + y") - Wy"y"' - W"]^. = 0, * It is known that the complete system of linear partial differential equa- tions, Ai(f) = 0, Aiif) =0, • • •, Ar(f) = 0, has the same solutions as the system Bkf = ftkiAJ + pLkzAsf + • • • fXkrArf [fc = 1, 2, 3 • • • r], where the fi'a are functions of the variables provided + 0. Serret-Scheffers: Lehrbuch der Diff. u. Int. Rech., Vol. III. If aiss = m = ms = ftw = 1, /XM = M«3 = 2z, fiu = 3y', mss = M3« = ws = /^ = M« = p« = 0, MM = — 2y', H63 = 2y, uti = — 2y, S' reduces to S". Mil M12 • • Mir M21 M22 • • M2r Mrl Mr2 • • Mrr THE Inversion Group. 9 - 2(1 + y") ^, - Uy'y" ^,+ [AyV - 2py'y"' - \2yy" - W']^y- [302/'y- - SOy'Y' -402/yy"-302/y'^]^=o. The following change in variables in S" is suggested by Corollary I, section two. Let zi = y', 22 = y", dp Sy'y'" - y"'{l + y") ^'~ds~ y'" dp (Sy"' - 2y'y"') d + y") (v'Y'' - ^y'"') (1 + 1/")' ^'-Pds- y'" y (Pp Wy"'y''' - Qy"" - y'Y)a + y")' //4 ds^ y'" {y"Y' + ^y'y"" - ^yy'r'')a + y")' + y^n {2y'y"' - ^y'y"^{^ + y") -t- ym In consequence of this change 2" becomes 2z3^^+(5z4 + 223^)^^=0, 2z3 ^^ + (3z4 + 223^) ^^ + (4z5 + 6Z3Z4 - 223) —^ = 0, and reducing 2'" to its equivalent involution system, we have 423'^ + (8Z3Z5 - 1524' - 423^24 - 423* - 523^)^ = 0. 023 dZr, The solution of S»^ is 42325 — 524^ — 423^24 + 423* — 423^ Z3 C. 10 Differential Invariants under If we pass now to the original variables, we have for the solution* of the system S As'"''' where A3 = ^y'y" - y"'{l + y") and A5 = Wr - 52/-=')(l + y"Y + iWy'VY^ - Wy"Y-\-2>0y"Y--4Qy'y""){l+yy +^Qy"Y'Ky"- 2) {l+yy+ ISOyYY'a - y") (1+2/'') -452/"«(l + Qy"-Sy% The following results may now be stated: Theorem II. The first absolute differential invariant (the one of lowest order) under Ge is of order five and, symbolically expressed is As/As^ = h- For symmetry of notation let us write the differential equation of the minimal lines 1 -\- y'^ = as Ai = 0. The differential equation of the circles of the plane is A3 = 0. We may think, of Ai and A3 as the first and second relative differential invariants under Gq. For I5 = 0, A5 must be zero. Hence, Corollary I. The third relative differential invariant under Gt w A5 = 0. In part two the integral curves of A5 = will be found. II. The Interpretation of h and the Logarithmic Equi- angular Double Spirals. 1. For an interpretation of 1 5 we turn to the family of bicircular quartic curves, given by the equation Q: {x'-^fy-{-{ax + by){x'+y') + cx' + 2djcy + ef + 2fx + 2gy+h = 0. * Of course any function of As/As* is a solution of S. We shall however speak of the simplest form of a solution, as ' the ' solution. Likewise we shall call the simplest form of an invariant of order n ' the fundamental ' invariant of order n. THE Inversion Group. 11 It is known that the family Q remains invariant under G^* Let us suppose that under Ge the curve c: y = cix + c^x^ + Czx^ + • • • is transformed into the curve C: Y= CiX + C2Z2 + CzX' H , where both c and C are assumed to be analytic in the neighborhood of the origin. The relation between the coefficients of c and the successive derivatives at the point in question is 1 1 .2 .3 ..-n^""^" and similarly for C 1 1 . 2 . 3 ••• n r« = C„. lf,mQ,f=g=h = 0,Q has a double point at the origin and its equation becomes Q': (a;2 + y^y + (ax + by){x'' + y^) + ca^ + 2dxy + ey^ = 0. Since there are five independent constants in Q', one member of the family may have contact of order five with c at the origin P, and this curve will serve as the geometric image for the fifth derivative. Expressing the fact that a member of the family Q' may osculate c at P we have Q' subject to the five conditions 1. c+2y'd + y"e^0, 2. (1 + y")a + 2/'(l + y")b + y"d + yY'e = 0, 3. 12(1 + yy+ I2y'y"a + W + I82/V - ]h -\-4y'''d+[Sy'"+4yy"]e = 0, 4. 2iy'y"a + y") + Wy"' + ^y'> + W" + Qy'Y' + ^y'y"']h + y'^d + [2y'Y' + y'y'^]e = 0, 5. 240i/'2/'"(l + 2/'^) + l^Qy"\l + Bi/'^) + {2,0yY- + my"y"']a + [152/- + 45i/'V^" + l^Oyyy + 452/"']6 + Qy-d + [15^''2/>v + IO2/"" + Qyy]e = 0. If 6 is the angle between the two branches of Q' that pass through ♦Casey: On Bicircular Quartics, Royal Irish Academy, Transactions, Vol. 24. 12 Differential Invariants under P we may write (6) Cot "^ "^ ^ Vd2 - ce * Since angles are preserved under G^ it is evident that ^ is a function of As/As^. On solving equations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for c, d and e and substituting in (6) we have ® Cot0=-2^. From Theorem II and equation (6') we have Theorem III. 7/, under the inversion group G^, the curve c: y = cix + 023^ + c^pc^ + • • • he transformed into the curve C: Y= CiX + C2Z2 + CzX^ • • • {where c and C are analytic in the neighborhood of the origin P) the angle 6 between the branches of the osculating bicircular quartic having a double point at P, remains invariant and 2. It is known that the family of the 00^ logarithmic double spirals of the plane distribute themselves under the inversion group into 00 ^ families of co^ curves each, each one of the co^ families being called a family of logarithmic equiangular double spirals. In such a family, the angle between the polar axis and the inflectional tangent is the same for each curve of the family. Intuitively we may expect Ag/Aa^ = h to be the equation of the 00* logarithmic double spirals, where h is a function of the angle just mentioned. The equation of the logarithmic double spirals in so-called bipolar coordinates is (7) ri/r2 = Vl-e^*. If the coordinates of the poles are (a, b) and (c, d) equation (7) expressed in rectangular cartesian coordinates becomes ^7,^ {x-ay-^(y-by (x - cY -\- {y- dy = ke 2A t>.n-i {d-b)x+(a-c)y + bc- ad {x'-{-f)-ia+c)x-ib+d)y + ac + bd' THE Inversion Group. 13 If we put — 71 ,72 a = o . » . = 7i' + 72'' 7i'+722' ^ — (oClPl 4- + [2y"' + ^y'Y' + ^y'y"']h + y'^^d^WY'+y'r^le = 0, 19. 2402/'2/"'(l + y'^) + 180y'"(l + ^") + myY + 60i/"t/'"]a + [152/- + ^^y'^ + imy'y"y"' + ^by"^]b + 62/vcZ + [Iby'Y + IO2/"" + 62/'2/v]e = 0, * Prof. E. J. Wilczynski has used the term ' penosculants ' to denote a class of curves for which the order of contact falls short of the maximum by a single unit. 20 Differential Invariants under 20. 60y'2/-(i + y'^ + noy'Y'a + ^y") + \Wy"' + Wr + 152/''^- + 102/"'']a + [3r + 92/'y + ^hy'y"r^ + 452/"^'" + 302/'2/""]6 + y'd + [32/'V + 52/'"2/J^ + 2/y ']e = 0, and this set of linear equations is satisfied if and only if the de- terminant D vanishes, the columns of D being (1) 12(1 + yy 2^y'y"{\ + y"^ 240^y"(l + 2/") + 1802/"^(1 + y") 602/'2/-(l + y'^ + l20y"y"'iX + 32/") + ISOz/Y'' (2) (3) (4, 5, 6) i + y" Wy" ^y'y'" + 32/"^ ZOyY- + 602/''^"' 62/y + iW'y'^ + 102/"" 2/'(l + y") 62/" + 182/'y' 2y"' + 62/'y " + 92/'2/"' 15^'^ + 452/'V'^ + 1802/'2/'y " + 452/'" 3r + 92/'y + 452/'^"^^- + 452/"V" + 2>0y'y"" \ 1 2^' 2/", 2/" 2/y', 42/'" 32/"' H- 42/'2/"', 2/iv 2y"y"' + 2/'2/*", 62/- 152/"2/- 4- IO2/"" + 62/'2/^ 2/vi 3y'y _|. 5y'"2/'" + 2/'2/"' Geometrically it is evident that D is of the form J{If>, h)- Upon evaluation and substitution we have D = SAiAslAaAg' - 3A3'A5] THE Inversion Group.'-, ; ', l^ ''';].' \'\\it\ and the necessary and sufficient condition for a " bicircular quartic point of coincidence/' analytically expressed, is (21) A3A5' - SAs'As* = 0. Again consider the bicircular quartic Q: {x' + y') + (ax + hy){x'' + y') + cx^ + 2dxy + ey^ + 2fx -\-2gy+h = 0. If at the point P, (0, 0), Q be given contact of order seven with the curve c, i, e., if Q osculate c at P, the coefficients of Q can be expressed in terms of y', y", • • • y""". On expressing the con- dition for osculation and solving for g, and h, it is found that ^ = gr = 0, if AsAs' — 3A3'A5 = 0, and we have as a corollary to theorem VIII. Corollary I. At a " bicircular quartic point of coincidence " the osculating bicircular quartic has a double point at the point of osculation. If rp be eliminated from equation (14') by differentiation, equation (21) is obtained and we have Corollary II. The logarithmic double spirals are curves, all of whose points are " bicircular quartic points of coincidence." Corollary III. At any point on a logarithmic double spiral, the osculating bicircular quartic has a double point at the point of osculation. In the last two corollaries we have new properties of the logar- ithmic double spiral. IV. Differential Invariants Intrinsically Expressed. Differential Invariants of Order Higher than the Sixth. 1. According to the change of variables in part one, section three, the first absolute differential invariant may be expressed as ^^^^ {dp/dsy ~^'' * Ai = and A3 = appear as extraneous solutions in finding the condition for such points. "22: ■ Differential Invariants where p is the radius of curvature and 5 is the arc length. Simi- larly the differential parameter for G^ may be written p{d(p/ds)/{dp/ds). The intrinsic differential equation of the oo^ logarithmic equi- angular double spirals is Equation (23) expressed in terms of the first four successive radii of curvature p, pi, p2 and pi, becomes (24) 4p3Pip2 - 10p2Pi2p - 5p2V + 15pi^ - 4piV + 8piV Cot 2x1/ = 0, and we have Theorem IX. At any point on a logarithmic equiangular double spiral, the first four successive radii of curvature satisfy the relation expressed by equation (24). 2. The general expression for the fundamental differential invariant of order n is readily found. If we put A3A5'— SAa'As = 06, we have for the fundamental invariant of order six AiQ^3~^^l^\ Again if 67 represents the numerator of the fraction found by taking the derivative of h with respect to x, we have for the fundamental invariant of order seven AiOzAs"*. It is easy to generalize this process. If then 0„ be the numerator of the fraction formed by taking the derivative, of the funda- mental differential invariant of the (n — l)st order, with respect to X, we have AiGnAa-^^^-^^^ = j^^ and we have Theorem X. The most general differential invariant of the rUh order, under G^, is of the form and every invariant family of ^ curves is the solution of a differ- ential equation of the nth order, expressible in the above form. VITA. George Walker Mullins. Born Fayetteville, Ark., Feb. 11, 1881. Graduate University of Arkansas, A.B., 1904; Columbia University, M.A., 1913. Professor of Mathematics, Simmons College, Abilene, Texas, 1905-1912. Student University of Chicago, Summer Sessions, 1907, 1909, 1910. Graduate Student and Instructor in Extension Teaching, Columbia University, 1912-1913. Instructor in Mathematics, Barnard College, Colum- bia University, 1913-. Member of the American Mathematical Society. Grateful acknowledgment is made to Prof. Edward Kasner for his helpful suggestions and encouragement in the prepara- tion of this paper. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 6IVIay'65AA f^tC'D LD J0l16'65-3PM 1 1972 G 1 W6 KEC'DLP AUG 3 Q72-1 PM 3 B LD 21A-60m-3,'65 (F2336sl0)476B General Library Uaivenity of California Berkeley Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 ■*=y UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY it