B, 0, LAWYER DALL THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Be 0, PAJEKft. DALLAS, TEXAS v_x" / /' 5 c^ r? & I y I X HKXX PITMAN ATTIIOK AMERICAN PITMAN SHORTHAND The JV e tv P r a c f t c'a I SHORTHAND AN U S] COMPLETE and Compre- **^ hensi-Ve Exposition of ~/~HO -R THA ^f 7> adapted _for use in Schools, Col- leges and _for Home Instruction E V I *? E T> E T) I T I O PREFACE. With every great revolution comes the necessity for a change of means and methods adapted to the new condi- tion of affairs. The great revolution in business which has been wrought by the general introduction of shorthand and typewriting in office work, found the mechanism of schools entirely inadequate for the suitable preparation of stenographers. Improvement has been made, but still every good book for instruction in shorthand is a boon both to teachers and to those who propose to make ste- nography their means of earning a living or winning an honorable record in the great army of high-class workers. J~ If excuse were needed, this is our only excuse for present- n ing the Xew Practical Manual of Shorthand. It gives the a= general principles of the Pitman system, with such changes ^ as time and use have proved most necessary, and outlines a -7 method of teaching shorthand which is the outgrowth of long experience. It is confidently believed that the diligent s 1 " student will find in the following pages a smooth road to ^ the acquisition of a successful and fascinating study. NOTE TO REVISED EDITION. The cordial endorse- ment which has been given to this book by Shorthand 3 teachers, together with the results of its work in our own fc school, as shown in the successful careers of our Shorthand " students, have led us to undertake a revision of its con- tents, by which we have improved some important features of the original and added about twenty-five pages of new material. We now present this revised edition with the hope that it may continue the good work already accomplished by the earlier editions. CONTENTS. PAGE. V Introduction, - - Elementary Sounds, i Exercise on Analysis, - 2 Consonant Alphabet, - 7 Joined Consonants, - - 13 First Position Vowels, - 14 Second " 17 Third " " 19 Use of Upward and Downward r, - - - 21 Use of Upward and Downward /, - 22 Review Exercises, - 22 Circle s and z, - 24 Circle sez, - - 26 Review Exercises, - - 26 Loops st, zd and sir, 28 When to use Circles and Loops, ----- 30 The Initial w Hook, - 32 Semicircles w and_y, 32 Heavy m, - - - 34 Tick h,- - - 34 Review Exercises, - - 36 Word-signs (ist list), - 37 Phrases, ----- 38 Word-signs (2d list), - 40 Word-signs (jd list), 42 Straight Double Conso- nants, - - 42 Curved Double Conso- nants, - 46 Triple Consonants, - - 48 The n Hook, - - - - 50 The / or v Hook, - - 52 S Added to Final Hooks, ----- 52 Double Con. Word-signs, 54 Ticks, the, a, an and and, 54 Review Exercises, - - 56 The Large w Hook, 57 Ml, nl, rl, and tr, - 58 The Large Final Hooks, 60 The s-shim curl, - 60 The Halving Principle, 62 The Doubling Principle, 66 Special Vocalization, - 66 W T ord-signs (5th list), - 68 Half-length Word-signs, 70 Prefixes and Affixes, 72 Word-signs (7th list), 74 Review Exercises, - - 76 Table of Appendages, - 78 Table of Word-signs, - 80 Formation of Outlines, 84 Consonant Outlines, - 83 Contracted Outlines, - 92 Phrasing, - 94 Conclusion, - 103 Writing Exercise, - - 104 Material for Practice, - 128 Punctuation, - 128 Business Letters, - - 129 Legal Testimony, - 140 Eulogy on Washing- ton, - 144 Self-Reliance, - - 146 Exercises in Shorthand, 148 Abbreviations, - 168 Phrases, - 170 INTRODUCTION. The system presented on the following pages is that of Pitman, with the addition of the Munson hook for thr and a few other modifications which have been found of special value. It is not, however, to add to the already large num- ber of systems that this work has been prepared, but to present principles already well established, in such a man- ner that they may be the most easily learned, and used with the best possible results. To this end, the principles have been arranged in the most natural order, and are illustrated by outlines for words as they are actually used in reporting, so that the student does not learn one form, and then find, in some subsequent lesson, that it is necessary to change for some other form. As phonography is a representation of the sounds of the language, it is necessary that the student learn to recog- nize sounds quickly and correctly. The exercises on analysis of words have proved of great value in this respect. The vowels are classified as finally to be used, in this way avoiding a large amount of unnecessary work, and the confusion, in the mind of the student, that has heretofore resulted from the fact that he learned the vowels as long, short, and diphthongs, and when they were well in mind, vi INTRODUCTION. found it necessary to dispense with that division and learn them in a different order; namely, first, second, and third position. As it is very desirable that first impressions be correct, and as the first thing necessary to determine in writing shorthand is the position of the accented vowel of each word, it follows that the only division of the vowels which the student should know, is that of position. This new grouping of the vowels prevents much hesitation in writing, as well as much illegibility. The position of outlines is also taught from the beginning, so that the old stumbling blocks " Corresponding Style " and " Reporting Style " are removed. No change is made from the former to the latter, but the whole scheme is a gradual development of the reporting style. Through- out the book, great emphasis is put upon legibility, and the use of the various appendages is so presented as to con- tribute very materially to this important object, as well as to the other requirement of phonography; namely, speed. Unnecessary and difficult word-signs have been eliminated, yet enough are given for the most rapid work. The principles of phrasing and the formation of outlines are so explained and illustrated as to make it possible for the student to develop the utmost skill in reporting. ELEMENTARY SOUNDS. 1. An alphabet should have a character for each elemen- tary sound of the language it professes to represent. If any considerable speed is desired in writing, these char- acters should be the simplest possible, and the most easily formed should be assigned to the most frequently occur- ring sounds. 2. A moment's thought will readily show that the long- hand in common use is very defective in all the above particulars. It is most ridiculous to teach young children that k-n-o-w spells no; in-e-i-g-h-e-d, wad ; a-c-/t-e, ak ; s-t-r-a-i-g-h-t, strat ; p-h-l-e-g-m, flem ; or even t-a-k-e, tak. Attention is called to this unreasonable mode of spelling in order that a perfect alphabet may be better understood and appreciated. 3. The basis upon which the present system of short- hand is constructed is that each elementary sound is always represented by the same character, and that a given char- acter shall always represent the same sound. The spelling, therefore, is entirely phonetic and without any regard to longhand. Thus, the word w-e-i-g-h-e-d is written with the marks which represent the sounds of w-a-d ; a-c-h-e, with those which represent the sounds of a and k ; and all other words in the same manner. 2 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 4. Before a word can be written in shorthand it must be analyzed that is, separated into its elementary sounds and in order that the student may learn to do this readily, the Exercise on Analysis of Words should be thoroughly practiced. 5. The consonants should not be pronounced as in long- hand, but should be given the exact sounds as heard in words ; e. g., do not say be, and de, but the pure consonant sounds as heard at the end of ebb and aid. The vowels should also be pronounced precisely as heard in the words in which they are used. Thus, bad should not be spelled be-Ci-de, but, ~b-a-d. 6. All words given in the exercise below should be studied as follows : i. Pronounce the word distinctly and correctly. 2. Sound the elements slowly. 3. Cover the "word" column with a slip of paper and pronounce the elements until the correct word is suggested. 4. Cover the "ele- ments " column and analyze the words. Rapid analysis is necessary in writing shorthand. Correct synthesis is essen- tial in reading shorthand. Therefore, the student should not hurry over these words, but, on the other hand, give them his very best attention. Exercise on Analysis of Words. Word. Elements. Word. Elements. make m-a-k came k-a-m take t-a-k same s-a-m lake 1-a-k jail j-a-1 rake r-a-k sail s-a-1 bake b-a-k chaise sh-a-z shake sh-a-k bathe b-a-th name n-a-m wait w-a-t fame f-a-m days d-a-z gale g-a-1 age a-j PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Word. Elements. Word. Elements, lathe 1-a-th paw P-a rage r-a-j talk t-a-k maze m-a-z chalk ch-a-k Yale y-a-1 bought b-a-t sake s-a-k caught k-a-t chain ch-a-n fall f-a-1 mat m-a-t tall t-a-1 rat r-a-t fawn f-a-n nap n-a-p thaw th-a catch k-a-ch dawn d-a-n gag g-a-g gnaw n-a thatch th-a-ch gall g-a-1 smash s-m-a-sh thorn th-a-r-n that th-a-t paws p-a-z vamp v-a-m-p pause p-a-z hatch h-a-ch gauze g-3-z bank b-a-ng-k wroth r-a-th thank th-a-ng-k feet f-e'-t tank t-a-ng-k meat m-e-t far f-a-r team t-e-m jar j-a-r beat b-e-t palm p-ii-m ream r-e-m calm k-a-m leap 1-e-p dark d-a-r-k teaze t-e-z park p-a-r-k seize s-e-z farm f-;i-r-m weep w-e-p czar z-ii-r thee th-e arm ii-r-m these th-e-z harm h-a-r-m shear sh-e-r .hark h-a-r-k heath h-e-th yard y-a-r-d teeth t-e-th psalm s-a-m year y-6-r saw s-a ease e-z PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Word. Elements. Word. Elements. pet p-S-t hit h-I-t fetch f-S-ch dig d-I-g met m-g-t fill f-I-1 desk d-g-s-k still S-t-J-1 yet y-g-t list 1-I-s-t cent s-g-n-t ship sh-I-p wet W-g-t chip ch-I-p sent s-g-n-t dish d-I-sh saith s-g-th ditch d-i-ch then th-e-n witty w-I-t-I egg e-g thin th-I-n death d-g-th sing s-I-ng tenth t-g-n-th this th-I-s gem j-g-m live 1-I-v check ch-e-k note n-o-t shell sh-g-1 rote r-o-t yellow y-e-l-o wrote r-o-t vent v-e-n-t boat b-o-t pile p-1-1 goat g-o-t mile m-I-1 joke j-6-k dime d-l-m doze d-o-z fine f-i-n sows s-o-z kind k-I-n-d wore w-o-r tithe t-i-th yore y-o-r smile s-m-I-1 fop f-6-p chime ch-I-m shop sh-5-p vine v-I-n knot n-5-t wind (v.) w-I-n-d dog d-6-g pyre p-I-r volley v-5-l-I wire w-I-r shoddy sh-5-d-I vice v-I-s lodge 1-5-j dip d-l-p watch w-5-ch pit p-I-t yon y-o-n PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Word. Elements. yacht food y-o-t f-ob-d ooze ob-z noose n-oo-s cool k-ob-1 boom b-ob-m moon m-ob-n boot b-ob-t hoot h-ob-t poor rouge p-ob-r r-ob-zh goose booth g-ob-s b-ob-th took t-6t)-k shook sh-ob-k book b-cTo-k good cook g-dt>-d k-(jb-k push nook p-db-sh n-db-k wool w-dt)-l full f-do-1 rude r-u-d view v-u new n-u jury pewter duly huge June feud j-u-r-I p-u-t-u-r d-u-l-I h-ii-j j-u-n f-u-d juice j-u-s up Q-p Word, cup judge thumb bur sir young were vision verse won one murky buzz does loves shoves but chum tub toy coy decoy annoy noise voice rejoice enjoy point voyage loiter doily now Elements. k-u-p j-u-j th-u-in b-u-r p-u-g s-u-r y-u-ng w-u-r v-i-zh-u-n v-u-r-s w-u-n w-u-n m-u-r-k-I b-u-z d-ti-z 1-u-v-z sh-u-v-z b-fi-t ch-u-m t-u-b t-oi k-oi d-e-k-oi a-n-oi n-oi-z v-oi-s r-e-j-oi-s g-n-j-oi p-oi-n-t v-oi-a-j 1-oi-t-u-r d-oi-l-I n-ow PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Word. Elements. Word. Elements. how h-ow variety v-a-r-I-e-t-I towel t-ow-e-1 inform I-n-f-a r-m pound p-ow-n-d ivory i-v-6-r-I downy d-ow-n-I purify p-u-r-I-f-l house h-ow-s revive r-e-v-1-v cows k-ow-z tarry t-a-r-I shout sh-ow-t thorough th-u-r-5 mouth m-ow-th sketch s-k-e-ch thousand th-ow-z-a-n-d besides b-e-s-i-d-z vouch v-ow-ch sarcasm s-a-r-k-a-z-m wound w-ow-n-d deposit d-e-p-5-z-I-t thou th-ow absence a-b-s-S-n-s know n-o opposite 6-p-o-z-I-t bask b-a-s-k welcome w-g-1-k-u-m bulky b-ii-1-k-I witness w-i-t-n-g-s office O-f-I-S harmony h-a-r-m-o-n-I opaque o-p-a-k hammock h-a-m-5-k enougth e-n-u-f impeach I-m-p-e-ch namely n-a-m.-1-I harangue h-a-r-a-ng desire d-e-z-I-r hemlock h-e-m-l-5-k repose r-e-p-o-z exercise 6-k-s-u-r-s-l-z scheme s-k-e-m judgment j-u-j-m-e-n-t utmost u-t-m-o-s-t warehouse w-a-r-h-ow-s policy p-o-l-l-s-I payments p-a m-e-n-t-s agency a-j-e-n-s-I certainly s-u-r-t-e-n-1-I window w-I-n-d-o amendment a-m-e-n-d-m-6-n-t depth d-e-p-th security s-e-k-u-r-i t-I width w-I-d-th citizens s-i-t-I-z e-n-z obtain o-h-t-a-n sufficient s-ii-f-i-sh-e-n-t secure s-e-k-u-r unkindness u-n-k-I-n-d-n-e-s months m-u-ri-th-s ignorance i-g-n-o-r-a-n-s notary n-d-t-a-r-i arrangement a-r-a-n-j-m-e-n-t PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 7 Consonant Alphabet. 7. It has been said that the characters representing these elementary sounds should be the simplest possible, and, therefore, the straight line is used as far as it can be to ad- vantage, as follows : Phonograph. Element. Sound represented. Initial, Final. \ represents sound of P as heard in pet and in cap. \ " " B " " bet " cab. " " T " " team " met. | " " D " " deem " mad. / " " Ch " " chest " church. s " " J " " jest " page. " " K " " cane " took. - " " G " " gain " nag. 8. K and g (not pronounced as in longhand, but as sounded in the words given above under " Sound repre- sented ") are written from left to right, and the other pho- nographs given above, from top down. The characters should be made the same length as those in this book, one- sixth of an inch, and must be of uniform length. Be specially careful to make k and g just as long as the other phonographs, and let them rest on the line of writing. T and (fare perpendicular to the base line. Be very careful not to slant them to the right. 9. The best way to memorize the phonographs is to make each one many times, pronouncing the sound represented as you make the corresponding mark. It will be easy to remember which sounds have light phonographs and which heavy, if you observe that the light marks represent light or whispered sounds, and the heavy marks represent heavy 8 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. or pronounced sounds. Notice that the position of the vo* cal organs is the same in pronouncing the sound repre- sented by\as in that represented by\, the only difference being that the latter is given more force. There is the same similarity in each pair of the consonants. Exercise on Consonants. \\ I// \ /_\l/_ _ I _ \ / \ /_/_/ \ \ / I _ \ / _ \ \ I // L 10. The exercise above should first be read aloud by the student and each character traced with a dry pen or other point, as its name is pronounced, after which it should be written several times in the notebook. Pursue the same course with each of the shorthand exercises that follow. 11. When two or more consonants are joined, the pen must not be lifted from the paper until the end of the com- bination is reached. Each consonant must be written in the same direction as when standing alone. 12. The consonant outline of a word consists of the phono- graphs which represent the consonant sounds of that word, made without lifting the pen. 13. An outline composed entirely of horizontal strokes should rest on the line of writing. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 9 14. An outline composed of one or more horizontals fol- lowed by one down stroke should rest on the line. 15. When an outline is composed of two down strokes, the first should rest on the line and the second extend be- low the line. 16. When two straight consonants are joined, such as p-p, k-k, d-d, they should be made with a single movement of the pen, and double the length of the single stroke. 17. Write carefully the consonant outlines of the follow- ing words : Take, bake, peck, choke, dug, beg, tug, jug, check, catch, pitch, cheap, badge, dog, dodge, page, chalk, keep, cape, judge, duck, batch, depot, peg, pipe, babe, cake, keg, tube, age, gauge, bag, baggage, gape, decay. 1 8. Having thoroughly mastered the eight straight pho- nographs, and having learned how to combine them into consonant outlines, the student is ready to learn, in the same way, the following phonographs: Phonograph. Element. Sound represented. Initial. Final. V_ represents sound of F as heard in foam and in life. ^ " V ( Th " ( tii \ S ) J " " Sh ; zh 19. Each phonograph given above is one-quarter of a circle, and should therefore curve uniformly from beginning to end. vine " live. thigh both. thy bathe. seen " case. zeal " cause. shake " rush. azure " rouge. io PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 20. The general direction of /and v is the same as/. The general direction of th, th, s and z, is the same as /. The general direction of sh and zh is the same as ch. 21. By locating each of these curved characters (as well as those given later) on one of the above circles a perfect picture will be formed in the mind's eye, and there will be less danger of making any two of them so that they can- not be distinguished one from the other. 22. All of the above phonographs are always made from the top down, except sti, which, when standing alone, is always made from top down, but when joined to other strokes is made in the most convenient direction. 23. Read the following exercise carefully, tracing each character with some pointed instrument. Copy same in your notebook. Exercise on Consonants. ^^ ( C ))^> ( ) ( ) W XV. C \ ^ I ( /J/J ) ) k ( ) J^( ) J VA ( ( PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. n 24. Write the consonant outlines of the words given in the following exercise : Faith, five, fife, tooth, death, fetch, vouch, tithe, ask, espy, above, shabby, shadow, shove, dizzy, veto, shaky, defy, path, both, bathe, sheaf, asp, shape, cash, tissue, depth, fussy, posy. 25. The student will now complete the consonant pho- nographs by learning the following: Phonograph. Element. Sound represented. Initial. Final. ( represents sound of L as heard in lay and in fail. ~^ " " R " " ram " fair. " R " " ray " tarry. s-~~\ " " M " " make " came. " " N " " neck " seen. ^^ " " Ng " " ink " sing. ~^\ " " W " " way " midway. f~ " " Y " " yes. " " H " " hate. 26. The second character given in this list is called down- ward r and the third is called upward r. Their proper use will be explained later. Upward r and h are invariably written from bottom up. L is always written from bottom up when alone, but when joined to other strokes is some- times written up and sometimes written down. The hori- zontal characters, k,g, m, ti, and ng, are written from left to right. 27. The general direction of / and y is the same as ch. The general direction of downward r and w is the same as /. 12 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 28. Make the stroke in h perfectly straight, and the short line forming the hook at the bottom of h should be parallel with the stroke. 29. Upward r and h should be made at the same angle as the up strokes in the script m and ch at the same angle as the down strokes in the same letter. Thus: /fyty 30. When standing alone upward r is distinguished from ch by the slant. f /^ upward r, / ch. 31. When joined to other strokes, upward r is distin- guished from ch by the difference in direction, upward r being made from bottom up, and ch, from top down. 32. Read the exercise on the following page, tracing each character and observing the following facts: When two characters, extending in the same direction, are joined, they are made with a single motion of the pen. See lines i and 2. The first up or down stroke rests on the line. See line 3. There should be an angle between such com- binations as/-#, !-m, etc. See line 4. When two conso- nants do not form a distinct angle, they are so blended that the point of joining cannot be seen. See lines 5 and 6. 33. Copy the exercise on Joined Consonants, next page, several times. Transcribe the same exercise ; that is, write it in longhand. From the transcription, write in shorthand without reference to the book until the whole page has been written. Compare your characters with those in the book, making the necessary corrections. Practice the cor- rected outlines many times. When the student has mastered all the explanations, and followed all the directions previously given, he may write Exercise No. i, page 104. JOINED CONSONANTS, 14 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. First Position Vowels. 34. The ordinary alphabet is defective not only in its representation of the consonants, as we have seen, but also in its vowels. The a, e, i, o, u scale, is not sufficient to ex- press all the vowel sounds of the English language, and is therefore abandoned and one more complete adopted in its stead. 35. The vowels and diphthongs are divided in shorthand into three classes; namely, first position, second position, and third position. The first position vowels are so called because they are represented by characters placed always at th ; beginning of some consonant. They are as follows : a I 5 i oi i c i 1 r r eat thaw it odd die toy 36. The correct sound of the first heavy dot is heard in me. The correct sound of the first heavy dash is heard in awl. The correct sound of the first light dot is heard in it. The correct sound of the first light dash is heard in on. The correct sound of the first angle pointing downward is heard in my. The correct sound of the first angle pointing upward is heard in boy. Thus, the six first-place vowels occur in regular order in the sentence, " He saw it on my boy." 37. Repeat the above sentence many times, pronouncing each word very carefully. Then pronounce the vowels many times slowly and accurately. 38. Remember that the first-place vowels must be placed at the beginning of all strokes, and will, therefore, always be placed at the bottom of// and upward r, and at the bot- tom of sh and / when they are made from bottom up, and at the left of k, g, m, n and ng. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 15 39. Dash vowels are written at right angles to the stroke but should not touch it. When good angles would result, /and ot may be joined to the beginning of a stroke, as in ^^ z ^/> sf~ oil. 40. It must be constantly kept in mind that these vowels do not represent longhand letters, but sounds, and each vowel always the same sound; thus, the first heavy dot stands for long e, as heard in beat, but not for the short vowel sound as heard in bet. ^ stands for long /', as heard in mile, but the vowel in mill is the first light dot. 41. The order of reading is the natural order; namely, all uprights from left to right, and all horizontals from top down. Thus, a vowel placed at the left of / is to be read before the /, and a vowel at the right of /, after it. There- fore, represents e-t (eaf), and represents t-e (tea] ; represents e-k (eke*) and - - represents k-e (key). 42. Outlines of all words containing first position vowels are written in the first position. The first position for up- right outlines is half a stroke above the line of writing, and for horizontal outlines a stroke above the line. If an outline contains more than one upright consonant, the first up or down stroke takes position. 43. When first-place vowels come between two strokes they are placed after the first stroke. 44. All the consonants of a word are written first and the vowels inserted afterwards. Read from the next page the words containing first posi- tion vowels. Transcribe same. From the transcription, write in shorthand. Compare and correct. Re-write the words with which you made errors. Re-write the entire page, and again correct. Continue writing from the long- hand and comparing with the engraved page until you can write the entire page without an error. Write Exercise No. 2. page 104. i6 / *"'' FIRST POSITION VOWELS. r c L ...... /c / v x" y v I V \ " L \ y ') >7 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 17 Second Position Vowels. 45. There are four second-place vowels. They are repre- sented by dots and dashes placed at the middle of some consonant, and are as follows: \ '\ ate oat ebb up 46. The correct sound of the second heavy dot is heard in may. The correct sound of the second heavy dash is heard \r\ go. The correct sound of the second light dot is heard in ebb. The correct sound of the second light dash is heard in up. These four second-place vowels occur in regular order in the following sentence: " They go yet up." 47. Repeat the above sentence many times, pronouncing each word very carefully. Then pronounce the vowels many times, slowly and carefully. 48. When second-place vowels come between two strokes, the long ones, a and o are placed after the first stroke, and the short ones e and u are placed before the second stroke. 49. All words containing second-place vowels are written in the second position that is, resting on the line of writing. Words containing vowels of different positions should be put in the position of the accented vowel. See lines 10 and 1 1. The method of practice for the next page should be the same as that given for the first position vowels. Write Exercise No. 3, page 105. SECOND POSITION VOWELS. X....1' LL t \A L.k .-/ PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 19 Third Position Vowels. 50. There are six third-place vowels. They are repre- sented by characters placed at the end of some consonant, and are as follows : _ ! A i do a do ow _) A - arm ooze tack took out few 51. The third-place vowels are heard in regular order in the following sentence: "Arthur, move that book round you." 52. Repeat the above sentence many times, pronouncing each word very carefully. Then pronounce the vowels many times slowly and accurately. 53. When third-place vowels come between two strokes, they are placed before the second so as to keep the vowel out of the angle. V- s - balm, not V ^, because this might be read beam. 54. All words containing third-place vowels are written in the third position ; nainelv, through the line for uprights, and under the line for horizontals. 55. Forty sounds (twenty-four consonant and sixteen vowel) have now been brought to the student's attention, and a sign given to represent each. These sounds should be repeatedly pronounced, until any word in the language can be separated into its elementary sounds. Every word as it falls upon the ear must be analyzed before it can be written in shorthand. It will be found excellent practice to thus analyze any words seen in print or heard in con- versation. The exercise on analysis of words, pages 2-6. should now be reviewed. Practice the engraved page in the same manner as di- rected for first and second oosition vowels. Write Exercise No, 4, page 105. 20 THIRD POSITION VOWELS, _ \ , . . >. . \ -t l^---\_v-^--t^l--\^ --^-<-->--7--?---v,---- 1 - 8 /__ / A A A/ A | y A A/ A m...^...]^ ..H 12 -, J. ^.- .J-.....J h i3_ __.T^X.. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 21 Use of Upward and Downward R. 56. The sound represented by upward r is the same as that represented by the downward r, and it is not, there- fore, the sound of a word that determines which one shall be used. 57. There are two things upon which the use of ^lpward and downward r depend; namely, the angle at the joining with other strokes, and the vowel. 58. In order to secure good angles the following rules should be observed: I. Use downward r before m: ~^V * See line i, page " 23- II. Use upward r before t, d, ch, j, /, v, th, tfi, ;z, or ng : A A, /1/\ A. A A/ See line 2, page 23. III. Use -upward r after upward r or m. See line 3, page 23. 59. In reading shorthand in which the vowels are not in- serted (explained hereafter) great assistance is derived from the observation of the following rules: I. When a word bcginswith the sound of r, use upward r. S\\ rope, -< ' write. See line 4. II. When a word begins with a vowel sound followed by r, use doivnward r. ~"^ ark, ^\ herb. See line 5. III. When a word ends with the sound of r, use down- ward r. \^ par, [~ tore. See line 7.. IV. When a word ends with a vowel sound preceded by r, use upward r, Vf berry, \S tarry. See line 8. These last four rules are to be applied in all cases where they do not clash with the three given above them. 22 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Use of Upward and Downward L. 60. L should be made from the top down in the follow- ing cases: I. When a word begins with a vowel followed by /-/, 1-g, l-m, /-;/, or l-ng. See line 13. II. When a word ends with the sound of /, and the con- sonant preceding it is/, z/, or upward r. See line 14. r"~~~^"' . ^ naif, i Nellie, < / wrongly. 6r. When / is the only stroke in the outline, and in all cases not mentioned in the above three rules, make / from bottom up. One other direction with regard to /will be given in Par. 73. Practice the following page in the manner directed fcr previous engraved pages, after which write Exercise No. 5, page 1 07. Review Exercises. 1. What should the characters of an alphabet represent? 2. How should the characters be assigned to the sounds? 3. Are these things true of the longhand alphabet now in use ? 4. Give some examples of ridiculous spelling as used in longhand. 5. How are words spelled in shorthand? 6. What is a consonant outline ? 7. In what direction is sh written when standing alone? 8. In what direction is /written when standing alone? 9. How are // and upward r written ? 10. How are the horizontal characters written? 11. What caution is given with regard to li? 12. How can upward r be distinguished from ch when standing alone ? 13. How can upward r be distinguished from ch when joined to other strokes ? 14. Give the sounds of the consonants used in shorthand. UPWARD AND DOWNWARD R AND L, b \ _v x 24 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Circle S and Z. 62. As has been said, frequently recurring sounds must be represented in shorthand by easily formed characters. 63. 6" and z are sounds that occur more frequently than any other pair. They must, therefore, be represented by the easiest possible mark a small circle. 64. This circle may be joined at the beginning or end of any stroke. When used at the beginning of an outline it always represents the sound of s. When used at the end of an outline it represents the sound of either s or z. 65. When the circle begins an outline it is read first. vp | side. See lines 3 and 4. 66. When the circle ends an outline it is read last. ^ does. See line 2. 67. The writer should constantly bear in mind that it is the stroke which he vocalizes, and place the vowel on the same side of the stroke that he would if no circle were attached. Thus: eat, "\up, ' oak , /-^aim, f ale, ' oar, I seat, x \sup, o_!_soak, 6" Lx \same, fe sale, ' > soar, 68. When a circle is attached to a single stroke, either at the beginning or at the end, it is written as follows: I. On the right side of down straight strokes. II. On the left side of up straight strokes. III. On the upper side of horizontal straight strokes. IV. On the inside of curves. 69. When the circle comes between two strokes it is written as follows: [line 7. I. Between two straight strokes, outside the angle. See II. Between a straight stroke and a curve, inside the curve. See line 8. III. Between two curves, generally inside the first curve. (Continued en page 26 ) WORDS CONTAINING CIRCLES, 2 5 _0 L \3 \. 9 9 1 V) -X- . ^A ^A. , I -r ....A...L ^.r r ^ ^ C _ G _/ \^JA . V C j 13... ..XD. z6 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Circle Sez. 70. The circle may be made double its usual size to rep- resent two sounds of s or z, as follows: ses, sez, zes, zez. These sounds are heard in the following words, recess, cases, possess, roses. See line II. 71. The circle s may be added to the sez circle. See line 13. 72. When no vowel is written within the sez circle, the vowel e is understood; but any other vowel maybe ex- pressed by inserting the desired vowel within the circle. See line (4. 73. When / comes before s-n make the / downward. ^T^x fawn. (Refer to Par, 61.) After practicing the engraved page in the usual manner, write Exercise No. 6, page 107. Review Exercises. \j. Ffow are the vowels and diphthongs divided in short- h :\ n d ? \f>. Why are first-place vowels so called? 17. Give the sounds of the first-place vowels. Give the sentence containing them in regular order. 18. At which end of a consonant are first-place vowels always written ? (9. How are dash vowels written with reference to the strokf: to which they are placed? 20. At which side of an upright stroke must a vowel be placer! to have the vowel read first? 21. At which side of a horizontal stroke must a vowel be placed to have the vowel read first? PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 27 22. In what, position should the outline of a word contain- ing a first-place vowel be written ? 23. What is the first position for outlines containing up- right strokes * 24. What is the first position for outlines composed of horizontal strokes 25. Give the sounds of the second-place vowels. Give the sentence containing them in regular order. 26. In what position should the outline of a word contain- ing a second-place vowel be written ? 27. What is the second position ? 28. What determines the position of words containing vowels of two different positions 29. Give the sounds of the third-place vowels. Give the sentence containing them in regular order. 30. In what position should the outline 'A a word contain- ing a third-place vowel be written ; 31. What is the third position for outlines containing up- right strokes ; 32. What is the third position for outlines composed of horizontal strokes- 33. How many elementary sounds are represented in shorthand - 34.. Give all the consonant sounds. Give a!! the vowel sounds. "5. Upon what two tilings does the use of upward and downward r depend - 56. Give the rules depending upon the anyle. 3~. Give the rules depending upon the vowel. yl. Give the rules for upward and downward /. 59. What pair of Consonants occurs more frequent!}- than any other. 40. What is the contraction for s or z? 41. When tile small circle > used at the beinning of an 28 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Loops st, zd, str. 74. The consonants ^ and / occur frequently without a vowel between the s and /, and in such cases may be repre- sented by a small loop one-half the length of the stroke to which it is attached. The loop should be very narrow. 75. The st loop is written on the same side of the differ- ent strokes as the circles s and sez ; namely, right side of down straight strokes, left side of up straight strokes, up- per side of horizontal straight strokes, and inside of curves. 76. An outline containing a loop is vocalized and read in the same manner as one containing a circle; that is, the vowel is placed and read with reference to the stroke, and if the loop begins the outline it is read before every thing f and if it ends the outline it is read after every thing. See line 5. 77. The small loop may also be used to represent zd. See line 8. 78. The st loop may also, when convenient, be written in the middle of an outline. See line 9. But the following stroke must not cut. through the one to which the loop is attached. 79. A large loop extending about two-thirds the length of the stroke to which it is attached, placed upon the same side as the st loop, and vocalized and read like it, repre- sents the sounds str. 50. The loop str is used only at the end of outlines. 51. The circle s may follow either the st or the str loop. See line 1 1. 82. Be careful to make the st loop very thin and the str loop wider, in order that they may be distinguished. Prepare the lesson in the usual manner and write Exer- cise No. 7, page 108. WORDS CONTAINING LOOPS, 29 I , / ./. / C_JL^ ^ W ! f 3 f~"^ x^P xs": X 4.__ ^ x- ^ ^ X -U i .~L '^ ^ ^ ..1. b-../ 11. 12 - fe 30 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. When to Use Circles and Loops. 83. Since the circles and loops not only increase the speed in writing shorthand, but add to its legibility, we, of course, use them whenever possible. We have, therefore, only to learn the cases where we cannot use them. 84. As it is impossible to vocalize circle s, whenever a vowel is placed to s, we must use the stroke; hence the following Rules for the Use of Stroke S. a. When a word begins with a vowel immediately fol- lowed by s, use the stroke. (Line i.) ' b. When a word ends with a vowel immediately preceded by s, use the stroke. (Line 2.) '' c. When there are two necessary vowels between s and a preceding or following consonant, use the stroke. See line 5. 85. The rules for the use of the circle representing the sound of z are the same as for s, except that when a word begins with the sound of z we use the stroke. See line 6. There are two reasons for using the stroke z at the begin- ning of words; first, because so few words begin with the sound of z that it is not necessary to use the more con- tracted form, and second, because words of rare occurrence are not easily read unless very fully written. '/ 86. The loop for st cannot be used when the word ends with a vowel preceded by st, nor when there is a vowel be- tween the s and /. See line 7. Do not neglect to practice the next page in the following manner, i. Read. 2. Copy. 3. Transcribe. 4. Write from transcript. 5. Correct. 6. Read from your own writing. Repeat 4, 5, and 6 many times or until there are no correc- tions to be made and until you can both write and read without hesitation. Write Exercise No. 8, page 108. WHENTOUSECIRCLESAND LOOPS, 3 / A., V i: -o 32 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. The Initial W Hook. '^7. A small hook written at the beginning of /, upward r, m, and n, represents /, and it is written on the inside of the three curves, 6 wl, cT~^ wm, <^- wn, and on the left-hand side of upward >, c/ x wr. 88. The initial hook w, like the initial circle s, is read first and the vowels are placed and read with reference to the stroke. 89. The circle s maybe written within the w hook, as follows : 6 swl, e/'swr, 6T~\ swm, ^_^ swa. 90. When the circle is written within the hook, the circle should be commenced in the same direction as the begin- ning of the stroke to which the hook and circle are at- tached. 91. The sound of h need not be represented when it comes before the w hook. Weal and wheel 'are written -6 and are readily distinguished by the context. See line 5. 92. The student will observe that the first sound in wheel, when, whim, where, and, in fact, all words that in longhand commence with wh, is //. 93. W, before all strokes, except /, upward r, m, and n, is written with a semicircle curving either to the left or right. *L 94- Use the semicircle curving to the left, providing it makes a good angle with the following stroke (see line 6); if not, use the one curving to the right. See line 7. Be- fore /', g or ng, the semicircle w must always curve to the right, thus : 3 w-k, } w-g, ^_^- w-ng. > 95- A semicircle curving upward or downward may be used to represent the sound of y. See line 8. Use which- ever semicircle makes the better angle. WORDSCONTAININGWANDY. 33 .a. vf ^/l \ A -L J. L 14.. 34 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 96. The circle s may be written within the semicircles. See line 9. ,NT'97. When a word begins with a vowel followed by w or y\ the strokes must be used. See line ro. 98. When the stroke is more conveniently written, or makes a more suggestive outline, it should be used in pref- erence to the semicircle. See line 11. 99. Make the semicircles very small ; not more than one- quarter the length of a stroke. 100. Make the initial w hook small, and do not allow the beginning of the hook to curve in toward the stroke or it may be mistaken for the circle s. Practice page 33 as usual. Write Exercise No. 9, page i io Heavy M. 101. M may be made heavy to represent the sound oirnp (see line i) or mb. See line 2. 102. The heavy in represents mp much more frequently than mb, and, therefore, in reading, mp should always be tried first. If that does not give the word, try mb. Tick H. 103. A short tick made in the direction of ch (always down) and one-quarter as long as ch, represents k. See line 5. fcjr 104. It, however, can only be used to advantage before 'the following strokes: k,g, m, mp, downward r, w, I, p, b, s and r. 105. The tick // at the beginning of an outline is read first. 106. The tick h may be used in the middle of an outline if it makes a good angle with both the preceding and fol- lowing stroke. 107. In a few words of frequent occurrence h may be omitted. See line 1 1. Apply directions given at bottom of page 30 to the ex- ercise on the next page. Write Exercise No. 10, page no. HEAVY M AND TICK H. 35 ./..i. *Y 14. 36 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Review Exercises. 42. When the small circle is used at the end of an outline. what is represented by it, and how is it read ? 43. Can the circle be vocalized ? 44. On which side of a single straight stroke is the circle written? On which side of a curve? 45. How is the circle written when it comes between two strokes ? 46. What sounds are represented by the large circle? 47. What is represented by a small loop? 48. When the st loop is written in the middle of an out- line, how must the following stroke be made? 49. What is represented by a large loop ? 50. When must the stroke be used for s? 51. When must the stroke be used for z? 52. To what strokes is the initial w hook attached ? 53. What may be written within the w hook ? 54. When a circle is written within a hook how should the circle be commenced? 55. What is the first sound in such words as when, whim, and where ? 56. What contraction is used for w when it occurs before strokes other than /, r, m, and n ? 57. What contraction represents the sound of yf 58. When should the strokes for w and_y be used? 59. What is represented by heavy m? 60. Which occurs the more frequently? 61. Describe the tick h. 62. Before \vaat strokes is the tick h used? PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 37 Word-Signs. 108. Some words occur much more frequently than others. In fact, one-half of any subject-matter is made up of less than two hundred words frequently repeated. 109. These very frequently occurring words must be represented by very easily formed characters. A single motion of the pen must be made, as far as possible, to rep- resent a complete word. 1 10. When a part only of an outline is used to represent the whole word, or when a short outline is confined to some other position than that of the vowel in the word, it is called a word-sign. in. The word-signs must be thoroughly learned and repeatedly reviewed. 112. The student will notice in the following list of word- signs, and in all lists given hereafter, that the character used represents a prominent sound in the word and is suggestive of the whole word. They are not arbitrary signs. \ 1 / ^^^^~ V ( be, r it, do, which, come, give-n, C v for, think, will, o are, .. O your \ , he, \ that, we, I, how, you, is, his, as, has, of, to, on, should, the, a, an, and, 113. Be careful always to keep the word-signs in the po- sitions in which they are here given. 114. The word-signs on and should are made from bot- tom up. 38 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 115. Two or more words may be written without lifting the pen, providing the joinings are good and there is no natural pause between them. Words thus united are called Phrases. . . ojf-.thej..>.to...the 1 ...v i iOrjDU. ..r* yo :rC.if .- jPUw^Tjou.- wjllJ.Qf : i L__./Cp.f r jour,. . L_.\.it-.wili-Jb.e , . _ _ . 116. In phrasing, a short tick made in the direction of ch or upward r may be used to represent the, and in the direction of / or k to represent a, an, or and. 117. In learning the word-signs and phrases, a good plan is to write the words and phrases in a column at the left margin of a sheet of practice paper, and then fill out each line by writing the words over and over, being very care- ful each time to write them correctly, and to think of the word or phrase represented. 118. The sentences given in connection with each list of word-signs should first be read over two or three times, after which they should be copied slowly and accurately. Next, make a longhand copy of the page, from which write in shorthand and compare with the book. Read your own notes. Write, compare, and read repeatedly until you make no mistakes in writing, and can read your notes as readily as a printed page. 1 19. Always carry in your pocket a list of words to study at leisure moments. The period is represented by a cross on the line and the question mark by the same character above the line, as shown at the end of sentences on page 39. Write Exercise Xo. n, page in. EXERCISE ON WORD-SIGNS. ' A r ^ 39 \ JL 1. c .(..X., \ i \ ^7 -X. \ .X. 40 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Word-Signs and Phrases. i / s ix \ I /_ N I X.-. of, to, or, but, on, should, all, two, already, owe, ought, who, oh, Whom, _.V> V X. X X. common, -__- __ liave, them, was, wish, shall, advantage, ? come, give, together, L \ 7 / L J . I 9--.0- \ sJ: 12.. 13 . 11. I ( < 42 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Word-Signs and Phrases. we, were, what, w.ould, ye, yet, beyond, you with, year-s, s ' ^ ^-^ s^/ i any, "when, thing, long, him, usual-ly, __/v__ .__>> we-were, what-would, would-you, is-the, you-are, are-you, baveryou, for-the, in-which, be-willing, as-well-as, for-them, 123. It will be observed that the words given in the first half of the first line in this group of word-signs, begin with w and they are, therefore, very properly represented by the tv semicircle. It will also be seen that the words in the last half of the same line contain j/ as a prominent sound and are represented by the y semicircle. These semicircles should be made very small; if made too large, they will clash with the half-lengths given later. 124. After this list of word-signs has been learned the two previous lists should be reviewed and each word prac- ticed many hundred times. A great deal of trouble will be prevented by thoroughly learning the word-signs as they are given, and by repeatedly reviewing them. Apply the directions given in paragraphs 117 and 118 to this lesson. Write Exercise No. 13, page 112. Straight Double Consonants. 125. We have in our English language many sounds of / and r immediately after, and closely uniting with, other consonants. These combined sounds may be heard at the beginning of such words as play, pray, black, brick, day, craw, tree, try, etc. (Continued on page 44] EXERCISE ON WORD-SIGNS. 43 , k. L _(. V / \ k.. 44 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 126. The eight straight consonants p, b, t, d, ch,j, k,g t are changed to double consonants in the following simple way : \ r r r f pi, bl, tl, dl, chl, jl, kl, gl, pp., br, tr, dr, chr, jr, kr, gr, 127. The stroke and the hook must not be construed as representing each a separate consonant, but each sign is an indivisible compound, representing the double conso- nants pi, pr, etc. 128. In naming the characters of the double consonant series, it is best to call them by single syllables. Thus, I is tr, as heard in utter, not t-r ; \ pr, as heard in upper, not p-r; \ pi, as heard in apple, not pi. This remark ap- plies to all the characters of the pi -^nA pr series. 129. The double consonant sounds are not to be used when a distinct accented vowel comes between two letters, as in the words tear and tool, but should be employed when the I or r follows immediately after the other consonant, as in tree, try, play, etc., and also when the vowel sound is ob- scure and unaccented, as in lines 6 to 14. 130. The double consonants are vocalized the same as the single consonants ; that is, any vowel placed at the left of uprights or above horizontals is read before the double consonant, and any vowel placed at the right of up- rights or below horizontals is read after the double conso- nant. 131. When the / and r hooks appear in the middle of outlines it is sometimes impossible to form them perfectly, and, in such cases, they may be made by retracing the pre- vious stroke. See lines 10 and 11. 132. Be careful not to make the hooks too large, and do not make them look like circles. Try to make your double consonants just like those in the exercises. Practice the exercise on the next page in the usual manner. Write Exercise No. 14, page 114. STRAIGHT DOUBLE CONSONANTS, 45 T i. 1. V V \ I I -1. P- I- 46 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Curved Double Consonants. 133. It is not possible to form double consonants with all the curved strokes, because all the hooks attached to curves must be on the inside of the curve. Neither is it necessary, because some consonants are never immediately followed by / or r, 134. The curved double consonants are as follows: ^_fl, ^_vl, (till, C till, c^shl, ^J zhl, ^ fr, ^\ vr, ) thr, ) tfir, J) shr, J) zhr, x rnr, ^ ^ nr, 135. It will be seen in the above list of double conso- nants thatyf, vl, thl, and ////are formed just as the straight double consonants are formed; namely, by placing the hook at the beginning on the right-hand side, and that these characters are inverted to represent fr, vr, thr, and thr. This is, in reality, precisely what is done with the straight consonants, for if pi were made of wire and then c'X r\ turned over, it would give pr ; thus, pi \ \ pr ; fl \^ } fr. 136. It will also be seen that shr and zhr are formed by a hook on the left-hand side in the regular way, and that they are inverted endwise instead of sidewise to produce the double consonants ,r///and zhl. 1 37. Shr and zhr must always be made from the top down. 138. Shi and zhl are always made from bottom up, and must never stand alone. 139. Mr and nr must be shaded to distinguish them from IV-DI and w-n. 140. Do not allow the hooks on the curved strokes to bend in toward the stroke too much, because in such case they are likely to be mistaken for the circle s. 141. The double curved consonants are read and vocal- ized the same as the double straight consonants, and their names are similar, being fl, as heard in muffle ; fr, as heard in offer, etc. Pursue the usual method of practice. Write Exercise No. 15, page 114. CURVED DOUBLE CONSONANTS. 47 \ v .u .. X' .A. 13. 48 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. The Triple Consonants. 142. When s comes before the double consonants, a series of triple consonants is formed, as heard in the words spray, stray, splash, etc. 143. When s comes before a straight double consonant of the pr series, the triple consonant is expressed by put- ting the circle in place of the hook, thus : \ 1 1 / _ _ spr, sbr, sir, sdr, schr, sjr, skr, sgr, T 44. A vowel placed at the right of a triple consonant is read after the triple consonant, Example, I stray. 145. Any vowel placed at the left of a triple consonant is read between the s and the stroke, in accordance with VQ the rules already given for circle s. Example, I cider. 146. When j- comes before straight double consonants of the //series, the triple consonant is expressed by placing the circle within the hook, thus : <\ P P /* f *- *_ spl, sbl, stl, sdl, schl, sjl, ski, sgl, 147. When the s comes before any curved double conso- nant it is written inside the hook. Always start a circle within a hook in the direction in which the stroke to which they are attached commences. 148. When triple consonants (whether straight or curved) occur after other strokes, the circle must, if possible, show within the hook. See line 7. 149. If it is impossible to write the circle within the hook, then the circle must lie flattened as in line 9. ( Continue*! on page 50. ) TRIPLE CONSONANTS, 49 ,... .:f 1 1. .1 * k. L L \, 12 13 f> ^-^ ^ry $o PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 150. When skr, sgr, sfr, or svr follow T'or D, and when spr follows y, the circle should be placed on the s side of the first stroke and the r side of the second stroke, as follows: I b See line 10, page 49. 151. The circle sez may also be written on the left side at the beginning of straight strokes to represent sez before a double consonant, as in | sister. After studying and practicing this lesson in the usual manner, write Exercise No. 16, page 115. The N Hook. 152. A small hook may be written at the end of any stroke consonant to represent the sound of n. 153. This hook is placed on the left-hand side of down straight strokes, the right-hand side of up straight strokes, the under side of horizontal straight strokes, and inside of all curves. 154. The n hook, like the circle s, is always read lact when it ends an outline. A vowel may, and in fact almost always does, come between the stroke and the n. 155. The n hook may be used in the middle of an outline, as in lines 12 and 13. 156. When a word ends with a vowel preceded by , it is necessary to use the stroke for n. See line 14. 157. The n hook, like all the appendages (circles, hooks, loops, etc.), is not only valuable because it increases speed in writing, but because it adds to the legibility of the notes. Thus, a hook n at the end of an outline indicates that the word ends with the sound of , and a stroke n at the end of an outline usually indicates a final vowel. Study and practice this lesson as usual alter which, write Exercise No. 17, page 1 1 6. WORDS CONTAININGTHEN HOOK. JL..L L ..V. X .1 L ..:! . P .... / 52 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. The F or V Hook. 158. The/ or v hook may be attached at the end ct anf straight stroke, but cannot be attached to curves. 159. The hook for /or v is written on the same side as circle s; namely, the right side of down strokes, left side of up strokes, upper side of horizontal strokes. 160. The hook f or v is read just like circle s and hook n ; that is, always last when it ends an outline. 161. When a word ends with a vowel immediately pre- ceded by/ or v. the stroke must be used for/ or v. There- fore, hook /or v at the end of an outline indicates that the word ends with the sound of/ or v, but stroke/ or v at the end of an outline indicates that the word ends with a vowel. Example, /* roof ; /\^ review. 162. The hook/ or v may be frequently used in the mid- dle of an outline. See line 5. S Added to the Final Hooks. 163. The circle s may be written within the / or v hook, and is then read after every thing, as circle s, at the end of an outline, is always read last. 164. The circles s and sez and the loops st and sir may be written in place of the n hook on straight strokes to add that which is expressed by the circle or loop to that which is expressed by the hook ; thus: d tns, d tnsez, 6 tnst, tnstr, 165. Circle s may be written within an n hook on curves, but when sez, st, or str follows n after curves, the stroke n must be used. Example, ^-^_9 fences. 166. The n hook followed by circle s may sometimes be used in the middle of a word, but the circle must always show distinctly within the hook. See line 12. Write Exercise No. 18, page 117. WORDS CONTAINING THE F OR V HOOK. S3 - I 7 L I \ I / A Vs A Q r .._:'_ &<_._____.. 6T ..L. 54 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Double Consonant Word-Signs. principal -ly A. member number-ed truth principle P ractl remember-ed 1 ..!_ _a.._. f f-- doctor dear du [; ng tell until care call difficult-y Mr. more remark -able L- ^ ^- c - "full-y from every ^ 1 1 jv 2 2.... three there ./ sur.e-ly pleasure tluMF OtllCr The following phrases are written in accordance with paragraph 116. The same will be found in print at the be- ginning of Exercise 19, page 117. 2,_.^j^A..4.4_..X.._/___.^...!l.i,..jc.. ill \ T "^ L ^ 3 v^...^...:^...^...!. i s=_ -D Q- /o y^ _p 4 _-^D Q^ ^O .> .> 167. Do not make the ticks too long; they should not exceed one-quarter the length of a stroke consonant. 168. Always use the tick which forms the better angle with the stroke to which it is attached. When good angles do not result by the use of the ticks, the dots must be used for a, an, and, and /// vo / 70 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Half-Length Word-Signs. \ \J ~\ \ ^ particular-ly part r profit spirit prophet .A. y build billed board behind told toward child gentlei nen "TX gentleman quite could accord -ing-ly^ ura ^ e cared called good .A. .. ( . ...(.. after - ^ afford that without short future assured .-1.. JL. ,?_... _._^__. .__^_._ astonish-ed establish-ed imme- somewhat nature under astonishment establishment diate-ly hundred In writing half-lengths, word-signs or otherwise, be care ful not to make the characters too large. It is better to make such characters a little less than half the usual length than to make them too long. The student will find that as he writes more rapidly the tendency will be to make all the characters larger than he did at the beginning, when his writing was necessarily very slow. This tendency should be overcome, as a very large hand is not usually capable of so great speed in the end and does not look so well as a small, neat hand. Also avoid leaving too much space be- tween the words. There should not be more than one- quarter of an inch between the characters and they may be written as close as one-eighth of an inch with excel- lent results. Train the hand not only to move quickly while executing the characters, but to move rapidly from one character to another. It is only by giving attention to all the little things that real proficiency will be attained. Write Exercise No. 26, page 125. HALF-LENGTH WORD-SIGNS, 9__C -V- v - 72 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Prefixes. 215. Con- or com- is indicated by a dot placed immediately before the beginning of an outline. See line i. 216. -Con-, -com-, or -cog-, in the middle of a word, is ex- pressed by disjoining that part of the outline which follows con. com, or cog from the part which precedes it. Place the disjoined parts close to each other, the latter a little below as well as a little to the right of the former. See line 2. 217. Contra-, contri-, contro-, or counter- is represented by a short oblique tick disjoined, as in line 3. [See line 4. 218. Circum- or self- is represented by disjoined circle s. 219. In-, en-, or un- is expressed by a backward curl be- fore any evolute circle, as in line 5. 220. Magna- or magni- is expressed by writing m over the beginning of the rest of the outline. See line 6. Affixes. 221. -Ing, as an affix, should generally be expressed by the stroke ng, but, when an inconvenient outline would result from the use of the stroke, a small dot may be used. See line 7. 222. -Ings is expressed by a disjoined circle s placed near the end of an outline. See line 7. 223. -Ing the is expressed by disjoining the tick the and writing it in place of the dot ing, as at the end of line 8. 224. -Ble or -bly is expressed by b. See line 8. 225. -Fill or -fore is expressed byy*". See line 9. 226. -Ever is indicated by stroke v. See line 10. 227. -Ship is represented by s/'i. See line n. 228. -Self is represented by circle j and -selves by sez. See line 12. 229. -Ality, -ility, or -arity at the end of words is indi- cated by disjoining the stroke which immediately precedes -ality, -ilitv, or -arity from the rest of the outline. See line 13. Write Exercise No. 27, page 126. EXERCISE ON PREFIXES, L 73 r EXERCISEON AFFIXES, / ,^:_..r_. ..i. .id . .< ,/ 74 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Word-Signs. ._>_,._.! \ ,_,._..$_ opportunity dollar i I , ' , , ' , / deliver-ed had much large larger delivery <- advertise-ment bill >, correct-ed character ,,ui;-> balance public^ i publish -ed publication ever however never nevertheless notwithstanding aware million matter important- ce improve-ment now first ..L _/_ . / .j. impossible -ility this .Jo ,, \ , \ , fVinoo thank though assure thousand All the word-signs necessary for a speed of 140 or 150 words per minute on average matter have now been given, and the student is urged to make a careful and thorough review of the same. As already suggested, it is a good plan to always have a complete list of the word-signs at hand to study and practice at leisure moments. They can- not be learned too well. Students sometimes get the idea that the frequently occurring words are not very impor- tant, and that they can be distinguished by the context even if written incorrectly. This is a decided error. Both -speed in writing and accuracy in reading depend to a great extent upon a perfect knowledge of the word-signs. Write Exercise No. 28, page 127. EXERCISE ON WORD-SIGNS. 1 <- M 10 -s- c _ V N V _iJ_ J J _i _j_ y y ,_L y ,/ L o V G ( A e) J aJ J j J r r r r -\ 7 ^^e- -Ker C 8o PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. The Word-signs. PHONOGRAPHICALLY ARRANGED. \ opportunity \ be < billed, bufld \ up \ object-ed ^ able-to \ hope, happy V to-be \ \ \ o behind *\ appear \ subject-ed it ("I rincip le x \ member --L- itself __<\ practice \ \ remember-ed 1 truth \ opinion Y number-ed r . i tell, till 5 upon s. ___(!_. until _ _ _ bill 1 \ happen v- balance L whatever $ s particular-ly \) been 1 part i toward ^ V before r told <\ spirit \J objection i dollar ..^L. profit, prophet \J subjection i do \ by A board .__!_. had Where no dotted ne appears, words are in second pc >sition. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 81 H- advertise-ment : common -> begun, began 1 doctor dear kingdom come 3 govern ment good _ 1 -1- during because ^ for f deal deliver^ ent-ly differ-ence ed care . call, equal-ly difficult- y ..Sr_. fill full-y from f I c_ ..... each > can ^ phonogiapty / which much child quite could accord-ing-ly r feature after future ~ / r c r / advantage c- cared ^ afford ";" large danger accurate called ^ ecer have c_ Vw larger general-ly give-n together .. .. however several y y gentlemen ago t- value . _. gentleman __^ be^in > over 82 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. ^ every, very ) was ^ -p-L n r - c - valued J wish .^1!. impossible-)ty 1 c~^ million ( think J shall, shalt ^ Mr. / o -{- thank _J sure-ly able ,_/__ thousand assure " aWy f\ {-^ more J three -2 short 6^ somewhat them J assured , I ^ immediate-ly \- - though ^/ usual-ly I M Lord ^ U. S. / ^v - when -->- other / are ^^ near, nor ,/ I ^-^ information ( without ---J/-- aware under, hundred .) astonishf'' N N^ men ^~^ him, am _ j ^ nature 1 establish^. ,.. irrmortnnt-re ^^ PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. thing S two, too ^ long language already owe, oh, O j public "( publish-ed publication 1 r c your yourself he > ought who-m I, eye, high "V \ X ty proper ly t probable-y ( probability above ^ V / he the a, an c how we, with were ~7 ^_^ acknowledge knowledge correct-ed * c and ah of to or but } what would ye, year-s yet beyond you v 1 /\ XX character unusual-ly represent representative representation never 3 \ \ u i x- on should is, his as, has j * nevertheless notwithstanding s \ all xr firs / rathei 84 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Formation of Outlines. 230. Since many of the consonant sounds are repre- sented in more than one way, it follows that a given word may be written with several different outlines, each of which will express the consonant sounds of the word ; for instance, the consonant sounds in store are s-t-r, which combination may be written in shorthand in at least eleven different ways, as follows : 231. To a successful stenographer, however, a consonant outline is something more than the representation of the consonant sounds of a word. \ It is the representation of the consonant sounds of a word in stick a manner as to in- dicate to the greatest extent possible both WHAT and WHERE the vowel is^k It is right here that many fail. They can- not read thefr notes because there is no clue to the vowel element. To them, any one of the eleven outlines given above conveys the same meaning as any other, when to the well-trained stenographer each has its peculiar mean- ing. 232. We have said that the consonant outline of a word should indicate what and where the vowel is. a. The posi- tion of the outline indicates WHAT the vowel is. b. The man- ner of writing the consonants indicates WHERE the vowel is. Thus the vowel element, though invisible, is a very im- portant factor in reading shorthand, and the extent to which the student takes advantage of this, will determine, to a great extent, the legibility of his notes. 233. It is already understood that writing an outline in the first position indicates that the vowel (or if more than one, the accented vowel) in that word is one of the six first- PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 85 place vowels ; namely, e, a, I, 5, I, oi. In the same man- ner, writing an outline in the second position indicates that the vowel is either a, o, e, or u, and in the third posi- tion that the vowel is either a, oo, a, dt>, ow or u. 234. The criticism may be made that position only tells that the vowel is one of several. As a matter of fact, it tells so definitely, that the practiced writer only finds it necessary to insert an average of one vowel in about one hundred words. First, because most outlines, when in a certain position, represent but one word. Second, when a given outline in a certain position represents more than one word, as for tick or talk, the context in a sentence will almost always lead to the proper word. In the com- paratively few cases where this would not be sufficient, the vowel should be written. 235. It is also true, that, to a far greater extent than would at first appear, the manner of writing the consonants may be made to indicate wJierc the vowel is. A very simple il- lustration of this is found in the words ..A oar, and x/1. row. The full significance of the rules for upward and downward r, and / (paragraphs 59 and 60) will now be ap- preciated. These rules, as well as those for the use of cir- cles s and sez ; loops st and sir ; semicircles wandj// hooks /, r, n, /or v, w, shun, and ther ; the halving principle; and the doubling principle, should now be thoroughly reviewed. 236. It will be found excellent practice to select words from any of the engraved pages, and mentally give the reason for each consonant being written as it is. To illus- trate, we will take some of the outlines given at the end of paragraph 230, and placing each to a proper word, give the reasons for thus writing it. G^ 237. _ 1 store : st loop to indicate that there is no vowel before the s nor between the s and the t ; downward r to in- dicate that r ends the word. 86 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 238. ?. story : s/ loop to indicate that there is no vowel before s nor between the s and // upward r to indicate that there is a final vowel. 239. _1 stray : circle s to indicate that there is no vowel before the s ; double consonant tr to indicate that there is no vowel between the t and the r. 240. A. astray : stroke s to indicate that there is a vowel before s ; double consonant tr to indicate that there is no vowel between the / and the r. austere : stroke s to indicate that there is a vowel before the s; t expressed by the halving principle to indicate that there is but one vowel between the / and the r ; dou>n- ivard r to indicate that there is no vowel after the r. y 242. history : h may be omitted in words of frequent occurrence; stroke s to indicate that there is a vowel be- fore the s ; t expressed by the halving principle to indicate that there is but one vowel between the / and the r; up- ward r to indicate that there is a vowel after the r. 243. I... estuary : stroke s to indicate that there is a vowel before s , stroke / to indicate that there are two vowels be- tween the / and the r ; upward r to indicate that there is a vowel after the r. P 244. -[ -- satire : circle s to indicate that there is no vowel before the s ; stroke / to indicate that there is a vowel be- tween the j and // stroke r to indicate that there is a vowel between the / and the r ; r made downward \.Q indicate that r ends the word. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 87 P 9 245. Ux- satirize : circle s to indicate that there is no vowel before the s; stroke / to indicate that there is a vowel between the s and the // stroke r in indicate that there is a vowel between the / and the r ; r made upward to indicate that there is a vowel after the r; circle s to in- dicate that there is no vowel after the .y. 246. ./ oyster ; stroke s to indicate that there is a vowel before the s ; ter expressed by the doubling principle to in- dicate that there is no vowel after ter. 247. If this idea were fully and universally carried out, we should hear much less of the stenographer who "can- not read his notes." In reality, no such person exists, for the person who cannot read his notes is not a stenographer. 248. One of the beauties of the present system of short- hand is that it is not necessary to learn and arbitrarily re- member the outline for each word. On the other hand, it should be the aim of the beginner to so thoroughly master the principles that the correct outline for a word can be quickly formed by the application of these principles, even though the word may never have been seen or heard before. 249. Illustrations of the proper application of principles are, however, an aid to the student. These have already been given in abundance; but we present upon the three following engraved pages the outlines for many frequently occurring words, the same appearing also in ordinary type on the alternate printed pages. These pages should be studied in the following manner: 1. Read from the engraved page, referring to the printed page only when necessary. 2. Copy the engraved page, recalling the word expressed by each outline. 3. Give the reason for the use of each stroke, circle, hook, etc., in each word. 4. Write from the printed page and compare your notes with the engraved page, making necessary corrections. 5. Write each outline many times for the purpose of de- veloping the ability to execute rapidly. For this purpose, one outline can be written hundreds of times, making it each time accurately, but gradually increasing in speed. 88 OUTLINES. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 89 Key to Outlines on page 88. 1. Ability, absolute, acceptance, accessible, accountant, acquaintance, advocate, affairs, affidavit, agent, agreement. 2. Alike, allowance, ambition, annual, answer, anticipate, apologize, apparatus, apparently, around, arrange. 3. Arrival, ascertain, assign, assistance, assume, attach, attention, attractive, augments, authority, authorize, auto- matic. 4. Await, barrel, bearer, benefit, between, broker, cancel or counsel, canvass, capacity, carrying. 5. Catalogue, census, certify, cheaper, chenille, civilized, classical, classification, closely, commence. 6. Community, compare, compensation, competition, complaint, computation, concession, conservative, con- signment, construction, contrary. 7. Conversant, conversation, country, county, coupons, criminal, current, cushion, custom, customary. 8. Customer, debtors, decide, decline, defective, defense, ^demand, depositor, derived, derricks, description. 9. Destination, dimension, discretion, discussion, dis- Ss yjDatch, dissolution, dividends, division, duly, earliest. ^-- 10. Economy, editor, election, element, eminence, en- closed, endeavor, energy, enforce. 11. Engraved, equip, erection, error, escape, esteem, es- teemed, evening, exact, excellent. 12. Excelsior, exception, excessive, exchange, exertions, explain, extent or extend, fault, federal, file. 13. Filter, fixed, flavor, fortunate, foundry, friction, gen- erous, grocery, habits, hardly, heavy. 14. Honest, honesty, illumination, imitation, imperative, implicit, inclined, increase, indispensable, individual. 90 OUTLINES. -V PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 91 Key to Outlines on page 90. 1. Industry, injustice, institution, integrity, intention, intimation, invent, invoice, jealousy, laborer. 2. Legislation, legislator, likewise, limit, locality, mack- erel, maintain, manual. 3. Margin, maximum, method, minimum, miscellaneous, moment, month. 4. Mystery, namely, nothing, notice, notify, obedience, objectionable, obligations, observation, occupation, officer. 5. Ordinary, ostensible, patent, payable, penalty, period, permission, perusal, photograph, plaintiff, porter. 6. Portion, positive, precaution, precedent or president, profession, propose, prospect, purpose, pursue, quota- tions, receipt. 7. Recent, reciprocate, rectify, reduction, refuse, regard, regret, rejoice, remain, reminder. 8. Remit, remittance, repair, reside, resident, resort, re- source, response, restrain, retail, retain. 9. Retard, retired, return, revised, risen, roof, safely, salary, sample, scientific, settlement. 10. Situation, specify, specimen, splendid, statement, station, supply, survey, tendency, thorough, traffic. 11. Treatment, treaty, trunk, unavoidable, undoubtedly, various, veneration, vicinity, violation, welfare. 12. Yesterday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January, February. 13. March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. 14. One, two, three, six, ten. first, second, third, sixth, tenth, hundred, thousand, million. 92 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Contracted Outlines. 250. Consonant sounds that are obscure, as k in anxious, need not be represented. Words containing several conso- nant sounds will generally be suggestive even if a some- what prominent sound is omitted. See lines i to 3, page 93. 251. Words having but one consonant sound, but having two or more vowel sounds, should generally have one of {he vowels written. See line 4, page 93. 252. A word-sign may be used as part of a longer word, joining to the word-sign whatever is necessary to complete the word. In such case, the word-sign must retain its po- sition. If two word-signs are thus united, the first is gen- erally put in position. See lines 5 to 7, page 93. 253. While many outlines especially long ones will be sufficiently suggestive without the aid of position, there are some words that are distinguished only by position. See line 8, page 93. 254. Such positive and negative words as are given in the gth and loth lines should be carefully distinguished. 255. Words containing the same consonant sounds but of different or opposite meanings should be distinguished by a systematic difference in the outline, if possible. See line ii, page 93. If this is not possible, a vowel may be inserted (line 12) or an arbitrary difference of outline may be made. See line 13, page 93. 256. It is sometimes desirable in writing derivatives to keep the outline for the primitive in the position it would occupy if alone, and to it add whatever is necessary to complete the word. need, &_ needless; ^*_end, .^ endless. 6 257. T\vo or more prominent consonants in a word of frequent occurrence may sometimes be used as a contrac- tion for that word. See line 14, page 93. CONTRACTED OUTLINES. 93 j^m...^....!^. X . 94 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Key to Contracted Outlines on page 93. 1. Anxious, sanction, distinction, function, suggestion, frequent, eloquent, tempt. 2. Postpone, postoffice, postage, testimony, mistake, transaction, transpose, transact. 3. Within, withdraw, withhold, hesitation, assignment, trustworthy, intelligent, intelligence. 4. Idea, obey, Iowa, arrow, Ohio, oil, era, payee, iota. 5. Undertake, understand, almost, almighty, to-morrow, to-day, forward, afterward. 6. Altogether, therefore, thereby, somehow, anything, become, everything, something. 7. Although, onward, underneath, anywhere, anybody, natural, misunderstood, overcome. 8. Imminent, eminent, prominent, permanent, except, ac- cept, position, possession. 9. Necessary, unnecessary, navigable, unnavigable, modest, immodest, necessarily, unnecessarily. 10. Moral, immoral, material, immaterial, moderate, im- moderate, mature, immature. 11. Legal, illegal, logical, illogical, resistible, irresistible, resolute, irresolute. 12. Meet, omit, motion, emotion, migrate, immigrate, keep or copy, occupy. 13. God, guide, protection, production, writer, reader, support, separate. 14. Regular-ity, irregular-ity, peculiar-ity, capable, familiar, New York, develop, perform. Phrasing. 258. Phrasing is the act of writing two or more words with a single outline. 259. While there is a diversity of opinion among sten- ographers regarding the extent to which phrasing should be employed, there is no doubt that, within certain limits, it is very desirable. It is desirable because it facilitates writing without retarding the reading; indeed, notes prop- erly phrased are more legible than when each word is writ- ten separately. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 95 \ 260. In forming phrases the following rules should be observed : l fT Phrase only such words as have a grammatical con- nection. La. Phrase only when the outlines can be easily united in writing. 3. Do not form phrases of inconvenient length, or that extend too far above or below the line of writing. 261. There are two distinct methods of phrasing. The first and simpler is to unite the regular outlines of the words composing the phrase; as r /\' ~ yoit-tuill-be-likely. The second method is to consider the phrase as a single word and by the use of the various principles express its consonant sounds in the easiest way ; as _ in-re- gard. 262. When the regular outlines are joined, the first word of a phrase is usually put in position and the following words must accommodate themselves to the position of the first. See lines 1-6, page 96. It is, however, that word which, out of position, would be illegible, which must be given its position. See line 7, page 96. 263. When must is other than the last word of a phrase it may be written with m and circle s instead of m and st loop. See line 8, page 96. 264. The ticks the, a, an, and and are not considered as having positions of their own, but, always accommodate themselves to the position of the word or words with which they arejoined. See line 9, page 96. 265. When a word which ends with a circle is followed by one which begins with a circle, the two circles may be united into one large circle. See line 10, page 96. 266. Phrases of great value in certain lines of work may be formed by intersecting prominent characters in the phrase. Stroke s thus intersected may be used to repre- sent society ; sJi, association; k, company ; d, department; t, committee ; j, agent. See lines 12 to 14, page 96. 9 6 PHRASES. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 97 Key to Phrases on page 96. 1. You may, you can, you must, you will, you will be, you will have, you will think, you will do, you will remember. 2. We have, we have known, we think, we think that, we think so, we think you will, we shall, we shall be, we shall have, we shall not be, we shall not have, we shall never. 3. Of your, to your, of which, to which, of which you are, to which you are, in which you may, in which case, in such cases, of them. 4. All the, all the way, on the way, in the way, by the way, that which you may, for that, for them, for your, for which, for such. 5. With which you may, with which you are, you are, are you, you are right, you are wrong, are you ready, are you sure. 6. Do you mean, did you mention, you should be, you should endeavor, with it, it was, which was, can be, can have. 7. In each, in which, in much, of these, of this, of those, we think you, we thank you, those who are, in this place. 8. You must be, you must do, you must have, you must not, you must not think, we think you must be, you must always be. 9. A first, a general, and there, and do you, and this, and will, send a, take a, when a, when a man. 10. This is, it is said, in this city, as soon as, as has, is his, as has been, in this section, there is something. 11. In regard, in reply, in response, in relation, at first, at once, at any rate, at last, at sometime. 12. Temperance Society, Literary Society, Bible Society, Missionary Society, Singing Society, Improvement Associ- ation, Savings Association, Medical Association. 13. Railroad Co., American Express Co., Trust Co., Investment Co., Oil Co., Shorthand Department, War Department, Postoffice Department. 14. Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Traveling Agent, Special Agent, Book Agent, Insurance Agent, Freight Agent. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Phrasing Continued. 267. When J is the first word of ? phrase it may be written with either the first or last stroke of the usual character. The first stroke must always be written down- ward and the last upward. Select that stroke which forms the better angle with the following word. See lines 1-5. 268. We or with may be expressed by the initial tu hook. See lines 6 and 7. page 99. 269. You, in phrasing, may be inverted in order to se- cure good joinings. See line 8, page 99. 270. There, their, other, or they-are may be expressed by doubling a preceding curve. See lines 9 and 10, page 99. 271. There or their may be expressed by adding the ther hook to a preceding straight stroke. See line 11, page 99. 272. Own or than may be expressed by adding the n hook to a preceding word. See line 12, page 99. 273. All or will may be expressed by adding the / hook to a preceding word. See line 13, page 99. 274. Are may be expressed by adding the r hook to a preceding word. See line 14, page 99. Key to Phrases on page 99. 1. I am, I am glad, I am very, I am very glad, I am sure, I am very sure, I am sorry, I am inclined. 2. I have, I have known, I have seen, I have said, I have done, I think, I think so, I think you will, I think you may, I find. 3. I fear, I fear you will be, I shall, I shall be, I shall have, I shall never, I wish, I wish to, I wish to be, I wish you. 4. I will, I will have, I will think, 1 will do, I can, I can- not, I can be, I can never. 5. I do, I had, I had been, I had many, I mean, I must, I must be sure, I need not, I never. 6. We will, we will think, we will be, we will try, we are, we are aware, we are inclined, we are sorry, we are certain. 7. We may or with him, we may mention, we must, we must also, we must always, we must be, with me or with my, we mean. 8. Should you, should you know, send you, when you can, forward you, I send vou, I need you, I inclose you. LAWYER PHRASES.BALLAS, r 99 yy N 3. 1-4- \ \ A 13_ f ioo PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Key to Phrases on page 99. 9. If there or if their or if they are, for there or for their or for they are, have there or have their, think there or think their or think they are, wish there or wish their, will there or will their, are there or are their, in there or in their, value their, over there or over their. 10. Some other, no other, or know their, from there or from their, when there or when their, whenever there or whenever their, wherever there or wherever their, I think there or 1 think their or I think they are, so there or so they are. 11. Be there, by their, had there or had their, you will be there, finish their, furnish their, I am sure there is, in their places, was there or was their. 12. Your own, our own, their own, have their own, more than, sooner than, better than, rather than, greater than, further than. 13. At all, at all events, by all, by all means, in all, in all cases, in all such cases, for all, it will, which will, they will. 14. They are, they are said, they are certain, they are among, they are sometimes, which are, which are likely, which are necessary, which are dear, such are. Phrasing Continued. 275. Not may be expressed by the n hook and the halving principle. See line i, page 101. 276. //maybe expressed, after word- signs or outlines that end with a final straight stroke, by halving that stroke. See line i, page 101. 277. Us may be expressed by circle s joined to a preced- ing word. See line 2, page lor. 278. In may be expressed by the backward n curl. Line 3. 279. Have or of may be expressed by adding the v hook to a preceding straight consonant. See line 4, page 101. 280. He may be expressed in phrasing by the tick h. See line 5, page 101. 281. May-be may be expressed by thickened m. See line 6. 282. Con or com may be expressed in a phrase, as in a word, by disjoining. See line 7, page 101. 283. Of-the may be expressed by proximity. See line 8. 284. From-to may be expressed by proximity. See line 9. 285. A, and, the, of, to, or, may sometimes be omitted in phrasing. See lines 10 and 11. PHRASES. 101 .2__-b-_-b _ I D -Vx> -^ > -^-^0.-. < ^..j^^^^^l.^l^ ___^_ '-^-^-r i <- jt-A^-i-^J-id. _^w_^i_r:.v. u T ..11...1J. ,o ^_ ^X .r-^' w 11... U.-L.-Ar,..^ \ , io2 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Key to Phrases on page 101. 1. Do not, will not, are not, may not, was not, we are not, for it, from it, at it, which it, take it, fetch it, make it. 2. Tell us, tells us, take us, for us, leave us, loves us, send us, let us, let us know, let us try, of us, with us. 3. In some, in some cases, in some things, in some other way, in spirit, in secret, in season, in as many as possible, in consideration. 4. Which have, such have, such have not known, which have been, which have not been, which have done, said to have, is said to have, out of, each of, much of, such of, such of them. 5. He may, he can, he can be, he is, he is not, he is in, he has, he has not, he has been, he would, he would be, he was, he was ready. 6. May be, he may be, you may be, it may be, which may be, you may be sure, you may be right, there may be some. 7. In this connection, in comparison, in competition, must confess, I will comply, I will not complain. 8. Wealth of the nation, remarks of the speaker, state- ment of the case, settlement of the account, laws of the country, center of the earth. 9. From hour to hour, from place to place, from ) r ear to year, from street to street, from day to day, from man to man, from time to time. 10. Again and again, over and over, more or less, two or three, east and west, mean to have, mean to be, for the first time. 11. Secretary of War, for a long time, in reply to your letter, in time of war, letter of credit, bill of lading. 12. At owner's risk, at sender's risk, my dear sir, my dear madam, my dear friend. 13. It will not, it will not be, which will not be. is it, h-as it, as it has been, my text, of course, first-class, as fast as, as far as. 14. We have received your letter, in order that, able to make, to be able to, we are in receipt of your letter, at hand, have been, I have been, very truly yours. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 103 Conclusion. All the principles of shorthand have been introduced and yet the student is, by no means, an accomplished ste- nographer. But, if they have been thoroughly learned, the foundation has been laid for the utmost skill as a shorthand reporter. Too much emphasis cannot be put upon the im- portance of knowing the principles perfectly. Young stenographers are apt, in their desire to gain speed, to en- deavor to write fast before they are able to write well. This is not only dangerous because it is likely to develop illegibility, but it is not the shortest road to rapidity. As " speed is the result of familiarity with shorthand," the person who desires to become a rapid writer arid a ready reader will not lay aside the manual when the principles have been gone over once or twice, but will review it again and again until it is thoroughly digested and assimilated. When the student has secured this familiarity with the system of writing, and has practiced faithfully all the out- lines, phrases, and exercises given in this book, he should have some one dictate to him as much as possible. The dictation should be easy at first and should never be given faster than it can be taken with absolute accuracy. Grad- ually the speed may be increased and more difficult matter selected until the writer is able to report verbatim anything that may be uttered. This is not to be accomplished ex- cept as the result of much hard work. While a lew months of hard work will qualify one to accept a position as an amanuensis, yet no ambitious, energetic person will be will- ing to stop here. I would especially urge upon those who do accept positions where a speed of 100 or 125 words per minute is all that is required, that they continue regular, systematic study and practice, and thus obtain a reserve force, a surplus power. It may be needed at any time. As Garfield said, " If you are not too large for the place you occupy, you are too small for it." PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Writing Exercises. [To be written in connection with each lesson as directed.] EXERCISE I. CONSONANT OUTLINES. Par, 12 to 33. Write the consonant outlines of the following words: Time, dime, check, catch, peck, keep, beak, cab, meek, deep, came, sheep, shave, beam, cheap, peach, fame, name, main, bail, pail, knave, knife, mail, balm, palm, calm, pity, match, pulley, book, funny, money, knock, heavy, lady, five, king, among, move, pony, hatch, mummy, honey, hung, lily, damage, engage, cash, coach, namely, nothing, deputy, apology, badge, know, yellow. (In the following outlines use upward r). Rich, rage, rag, rock, review, rub, ripe, rash, right, wright, notary, wreck, zero, sherry, rosy, notoriety, purity, verify, park, tarry, marry, interior, inferior, terror, bearer. EXERCISE II. WORDS CONTAINING FIRST-POSITION VOWELS. Par. 34 to 44, Each, eat, me, my, if, in, boy, joy, time, dim, dime, talk, pea, bee, see, saw, ship, nip, nib, thy, chalk, mill, mile, pill, pile, boil, ice, ivy, meek, knock, niche, nigh, type, fog, top, knife, deny, filly, folly, pity, body, inch, oil, toil, cheek, dyke, noisy, oily, key, lee, eel, keel, tall, tile, doll, dock, lock, heath, she, gnaw, leave, beam, daub, pshaw, PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 105 icy, eyes, pike, timely, ninny, lime, meek, teeth, peak, teach, balk, deal, jaw, tea, fee, thaw, thee, law, awl, talk, paw, chick, fib, chop, ditch, ill, tithe, ease, eke, leech, beak, beach, toy, pipe, jolly, bonny, poppy, cheap. EXERCISE III. WORDS CONTAINING SECOND-POSITION VOWELS. Par. 45 to 49. Ate, make, owed, know, up, duck, puffy, peck, bell, funny, fame, jug, neck, thumb, ape, fay, show, hate, head, leg, beck, maim, foam, loam, fellow, meadow, mull, pug, lug, ache, cake, Cato, money, honey, penny, mush, shame, both, poach, lucky, mellow, bub, jug, yea, knave, age, go, jay, oath, ace, bake, loathe, lame, poke, gnome, dumb, numb, chum, cape, nape, mope, halo, dummy, egg, faith, shave, dame, poke, name, deck, edge, oath, oak, decay, know, delay, vacate, also, shake, tongue, buggy, fetch, death, both. EXERCISE IV. WORDS CONTAINING THIRD-POSITION VOWELS. Par. 50 to 54. Ooze, ha, calm, balm, move, moody, downy, hatch, nap, hat, couch, boom, hash, duty, cube, endue, mouth, sham, push, book, coo, pussy, catch, add, pouch, vowel, undo, bouquet, lounge, tooth, pulley, cook, Fannie, gouge, towel, bough, vow, pew, few, cow, cuckoo, shook, map, nook, look, shaggy, rag, rap, bush, Hannah, mutiny, tank, family, palliate, out, cab, ensue, lack, lag, couch, shabby, cubic, mule, booth, use, ashy, duty, dupe, bank, downy, canny, chew, sue. 106 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. REVIEW EXERCISE No. i. SIMPLE WORDS, CONTAINING FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD PO- SITION VOWELS. PAGES 1-20. Write the words in shorthand, being careful to place them in proper position : Each, eat, ate, make, ooze, time, dime, check, me, ode, calm, balm, know, my, hatch, peck, keep, beak, cab, meek, if, in, up, palm, move, boy, moody, duck, downy, puffy, v -^" joy, dim, talk, bell, nap, deep, came, sheep, shave, beam, cheap, teach, fame, name, see, saw, funny, jug, hat, couch, boom, ship, nip, neck, thumb, duty, cube, thy, mill, show, mouth, sham, hate, head, mile, tile, leg, push, book, boil, ice, ivy, comb, pussy, meek, catch, loam, knock, add, meadow, niche, nigh, pouch, pug, undo, type, fog, knave, knife, mail, pity, lady, ^ heavy, money, pulley, match, five, king, among, pony, mummy, honey, nothing, namely, coach, cash, engage, damage, lily, hung, badge, top, deny, body, tooth, lounge, cook, ache, cake, shame, gouge, inch, oil, toil, both, bathe, faith, bough, vow, cheek, dike, pew, few, key, eel, shook, map, nook, zeal, zodiac, Zion, lucky, like, mellow, lock, heath, jug, gnaw, she, yea, go, beam, pshaw, shaggy, tank, dumb, loathe, oath, numb, chum, eyes, timely, booth, awl, law, thaw, out, couch, shabby, fib, chop, edge, tithe, cubic, decay, fetch, vouch, tongue, use, chew, death, apology, effect, fact, monopoly, indemnity, unanimity, indemnify, package, baggage, cabbage, luggage, tobacco, Dakota, Toledo, Topeka', Chicago, Alabama, Kennebec, Albany. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 107 EXERCISE V. UPWARD AND DOWNWARD r AND /. Par. 56 to 61. Rake, rogue, rob, row, rock, rim, ark, tire, fire, fiery, re- view, rhyme, pour, purr, poor, four, farm, form, rear, rack, arch, ear, army, room, earth, sherry, interior, inferior, arena, carry, jury, hour, hero, roar, fair, morrow, merino, dairy, orb, aright, urge, tear, tarry, lime, boil, foil, foul, fuel, coil, vile, vowel, dale, dell, jolly, jelly, bellow, loaf, love, lady, allow, guile, alive, lion, rally, rail, relay, roil, roily, fell, fol- low, hourly, mail, valley, alarm, lower, liar, fowl, pail, leaf, rely, toiler, loyalty, shower, arch, folly, rear, arrear, early, door. EXERCISE VI. WORDS CONTAINING s, z AND sez. Par. 62 to 73. Sit, sat, some, save, sing, stay, piece, does, goes, joys, race, guess, ties, chase, snows, signs, sour, seems, yes, ways, scheme, less, soaks, slope, smoke, sick, sledge, he- roes, debase, advice, reasons, basin, beseech, dozen, hues, skip, muscles, dusty, incites, absolve, dissolve, locks, gos- sip, tools, dispatch, box, stacks, despoil, fastens, cellars, passive, ashes,, dusk, besom, passes, pieces, bosses, boxes, abscess, abscesses, kisses, hisses, phases, successes, exces- ses, dispossesses, necessary, surfaces, chastises, noises, receipt, slope, surveys, notice, baser, spike, sly, tease, daze, toss, sail, sale, slay, recess, rose, roses, pass, loose, moss, knows, expose, phase, face, faces, phases. io8 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. EXERCISE VII. WORDS CONTAINING st, zd AND sir. Par. 74 to 82. Past, pastor, passed, pastors, baste, boasts, toasts, toast, toaster, toasters, beast, cast, casts, castor, castors, jest, jester, jests, jesters, guessed, mist, mister, muster, nest, haste, hissed, fosters, taste, gust, luster, gazed, vaster, rust, roasts, guest, tastes, duster, dusters, system, stole, faster, refused, best, just, justify, steal, store, tests, testify, star, storm, styles, invest, invests, destiny, artist, artists, utmost, surmised, deepest, register, rejoiced, stillest, fair- est, digest, debased, revised, nests, mast, master, musters, atheist, atheistic, tease, dazed, amazed, forced, forest, forests, luster, still, stale, steamer, arrest, taskmaster, bolster, earnest, disposed, utmost, surmised, Rochester. EXERCISE VIII. WHEN TO USE CIRCLES AND LOOPS. Par. 83 to 86. Use, us, ask, moss, mossy, fuss, fussy, rose, rosy, same, maze, mazy, loose, lasso, case, sake, sauce, saucy, asp, pass, chaos, bias, zeal, sail, assail, espy, easy, isthmus, asthma, science, pious, gauzy, bestow, 'gusset, posy, essay, zinc, easel, sciatica, spy, espy, scion, scope, escape, oozing, zero, best, ecstasy, deposed, deposit, exposed, busy, resist, agency, jealous, jealousy, ensue, noise, noisy, resume, em- phasis, emphasize, emphasized, sighs, eyes, dies, dizzy, days, daisy, decide, reside, escape, ease, easy, sleep, asleep. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. log REVIEW EXERCISE NO. 2. WORDS CONTAINING UPWARD AND DOWNWARD r AND /, CIRCLES AND LOOPS. PAGES 21-31. Write in shorthand without referring to the previous les- sons : Past, sit, rake, rogue, view, rhyme, sat, race, guess, pastor, maze, arch, ear, ways, scheme, jester, jests, chaos, bias, -* carry, jury, debase, haste, science, pious, orb, aright, skip, muscles, roasts, guest, easel, sciatica, vile, vowel, sip, tools, best, ecstasy, refused, storm, styles, agency, jealous, allow, guile, passive, ashes, abscess, emphasis, utmost, emphasized, surmised, digest, excesses, dispossesses, follow, hourly, rely, toiler, receipt, slope, days, daisy, toss, moss, nose, door, luster, still, earnest, disposed, rob, pour, army, room, earth, hour, hero, urge, tear, dale, alive, nail, valley, loyalty, shower, some, save, ties, chase, lest, advice, reasons, dusty, incites, dispatch, box, dust, necessary, surveys, notice, sale, recess, expose, phvse, taste, duster, just, .justify, invests, deepest, register, lose, zeal, sail, assail, bestow, espy, spy, deposit, jealousy, decide, reside, escape, passage, rim, ark, tire, farm, morrow, lime, boil, foil, jolly, jelly, bellow, alarm, lower, relay, piece, does, signs, sour, smoke, beseech, absolve, passes, pieces, surface, rose, rosy, casks, mist, gazed, system, steel, store, tests, destiny, rejoiced, amazed, forced, arrest, saucy, essay, escape, exposed, busy, noise, noisy, asleep, zero, bolster, successes, gossip, yes, early, arrear, arena, review, aurora, zinc, rust, rusty, russet, roses, chastises, baser, dissolve, dairy, rally, Cincinnati, Mis- sissippi, Syracuse, Jackson, Johnson, Smith, Mason, Paris, Minnesota. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. EXERCISE IX. WORDS CONTAINING w Par. 87 to 100. Weep, wet, watch, weave, wash, wig, weak, wave, walk, web, wink, won, well, wag, yam, yoke, young, yawn, wine, windy, wheel, whale, where, warm, weal, while, wan, ween, Wednesday, window, Wheeling, once, whence, Yankee, swore, swell, wail, swale, wealthy, welfare, warehouse, sweep, wedge, wane, swap, swab, worm, work, wear, swarthy,, whereat, worst, wing, whim, woke, awoke, away, await, witness, weed, sweet, Swede, watch, wade, wed, young, wealth, welcome, wane, win, wool, worthy, worth, wolf, weary, wall, swear, swan, swine, wit, swim. EXERCISE X. HEAVY m AND TICK h. Par. 101 to 107. Lamp, camp, dump, lump, pump, jump, pomp, stamp, stump, champ, imp, romp, mumps, swamp, ambush, bam- boo, ambitious, stumble, impeach, impedes, scamp, empire, ambiguity, sympathy, home, hack, ham, her, why, hub, heap, hammock, hassock, harrow, harm, whoa, hearth, hid, hark, hop, height, hoar, hollow, whole, whistle, whig, hug, havoc, hardy, whack, whisky, hoarse, hackney, hasten, horizon, holiday, hair, hotne.'y, holier, haughty, helm, hem, homely, holy, heal, whistler, Nahum, unholy, unhook, un- wholesome, embalm, embank, embargo, embark, embassy, embellish, embezzle, embody, hemp, hump. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. in EXERCISE XI. WORD-SIGNS AND PHRASES. Par. 1 08 to 119. Be, it, do, which, come, give, for, think, will, are, your, he, that, we, I, how, you, is, as, of, to, on, should, the, a, and, of-the, to-the, to-you, you-should, you-may, if-you, you-will, of-it, of-your, it-will-be, you-will-be, you-will- think, you -may-go. You-should study your lessons well. Do-you think he will go ? Mary will come home for-the holidays. Will you give that book to Harry, and that pencil to Nellie ? Which is your desk? You-may lay the book on the box in-the window. It is as I said; he has no right to leave the work for me. Take the best of-your fur and make a muff for- the lady, EXERCISE XII. WORD-SIGNS AND PHRASES Par. 1 20 to 122. I -^ Of, to, or, but, on, should, all, two, to, already, owe, oh, ought, who, whom, have, them, was, wish, shall, advantage, common, come, give, given, together, it-is, to-be, to-do, of- which, you-are, do-you, wish-to, we-are. we-will. We-are happy to show you our stock of shoes. Pay your money and take your choice. Two of us will stay at home; all-the rest ought to go to Albany. Come to-the city and we-will see that you have-the advantages you wish. lie was at home last week. The ring was given to him, and also the watch. We wish to read the manual to- gether. We have but to say so and he will go or stay. U2 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. They have no reason to say that he is common. Who are you that you should be so haughty? You have given to me money that you owe to some one else. We-will walk two miles as you already have. You too shall have-the advan. tages that they have. He devises many schemes and boasts of his success. Are you disposed to give us the necessary tools for-the work which you wish us to-do? They will visit the museum together. EXERCISE XIII. WORD-SIGNS AND PHRASES. Par. 123 and 124. We, with, were, what, would, ye, year, yet, beyond, you, any, when, thing, long, him, usual, usually, we-were, what- would, would-you, is-the, you-are, are-you, have-you, for- the, in-which, be-willing, as-well-as, for-them. We-were with you last year, yet you-will give us no help. What-would they do if we-were to leave them ? Take- the next seat beyond you. Would they be-willing to leave the store for-a week or two ? \Vhen he goes home take his books and lock them up in your room. Mary and her cousin will visit the fair together. All is as-well-as we wish. The ink was given you ; the book you must pay for. He weighed well what he said; he will satisfy you. Next year we hope to go west; what-would you give to go with us? He was anxious to live at home that being best for his health. They were all too willing to receive money, and all too unwilling to pay it. Two and two are four, and two less two is zero. They ought to-do well; they have had many advantages. His talk was harsh and rude. It-is warm by the register. Will you take a sail in my yacht? PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 113 REVIEW EXERCISE NO. 3. w HOOK AND SEMICIRCLE, THE 3' SEMICIRCLE, HEAVY m, TICK h, WORD-SIGNS. PAGES 32-41. Write in shorthand without referring to the previous les- sons : Wet, weave, weak, lamp, camp, dump, swim, wall, t weary, walk, wave, stamp, jump, hemp, embody, embezzle, web, r wine, wink, well, young, yoke, yam, wealth, worth, worthy, wholesome, embalm, embank, embark, welcome, wool, ambush, bamboo, windy, where, while, wade, watch, sweet, weed, wit- ness, weight, await, ambitious, stumble, impeach, whistler, homely, Wednesday, window, once, yankee, ambiguity, sym- , path}-, home, hack, ham, her, why, holiday, haughty, swell, ' welfare, warehouse, hammock, hassock, harm, sweep, wedge, . wane, work, wear, hark, height, hollow, whole, worst, whim, woke, awoke, away, Watson, Wilson, Winnipeg, Harrison, of, - ought, common, be, will, is, and, you, think, for, how, a, the, I, given, we, should, on, that, come, which, he, to, your, do, it, are, as, his, has, have, them, or, was, wish, but, advantage, ,. shall, all, already, together, whom, too, we-will, we-are, of-the, if-you, you-will, to-the, to-you, of-it, you-should, of-your, you-may, wish-to, do-you, you-are, of-which, to-do, to-be, it-is, owe, how, it-will-be. Honesty is the best policy. The love ' of money has caused the ruin of many. If you wish to suc- ceed in your study you must be in earnest in your work. If you visit Chicago you should stop at Toledo. Write to your cousin and ask if she will come here this week for the purpose of which we spoke on Monday. If the boy comes the young lady will give him the key. It will be an advantage to you to be here in time to recite your lesson. Do you wish to speak to her ? ii4 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. EXERCISE XIV. STRAIGHT DOUBLE CONSONANTS. Par. 125 to 132. Play, ply, pray, prow, plow, tray, grew, grow, gray, glow, clay, clue, drew, glue, cloy, acre, upper, utter, keeper, pauper, broom, brake, trice, drip, drop, trip, climb, cries, praise, blame, creep, clap, gleam, eagle, brook, couple, tidal, bridle, double, grapple, tiger, single, grew, glue, plump, crape, glass, crimp, crawl, clock, brake, bloom, group, try, blow, eager, able, paddle, block, cloy, prig, peer, bulk, opal, dire, places, grudge, pleas, dressed, tear, cloth, bear, bray, beagle, inveigle, creak, bleak, brackish, black, gall, gloss, bowls, bluster, climb, purple, pulp, plea, plum, press, breeze, cress, grace, gross, pressed, dressed, praised, crouch, crab, plume, pluck, plague, blubber, lubber, labor, grazed, plaster, blister, truck, drink, claw, brow, probe, title, bible, chill, tackle, pickle, truce. EXERCISE XV. CURVED DOUBLE CONSONANTS. Par. 133 to 141. Flee, free, fray, frame, fi} r , flow, fry, freak, flog, muffle, ruffle, raffle, manner, tanner, thrum, throb, thrash, flue, offer, travel, bevel, level, measure, treasure, throng, revel, shuffle, baffle, Ethel, Bethel, laver, special, especial, novel, hovel, shovel, tenor, banner, miner, plumber, drummer, flap, flabby, friar, froze, cavil, fissure, official, leisure, lasher, youthful, shrill, initial, throng, tinner, thinner, azure, throve, thresher, rumor, fleecy, Friday, shaver, flail, frail, fresh, flavor, flesh, thrumming, thrall, frugal, froth, frosty, fry, fluid, flunjj, flowery, shriek, shrimp, shrug, shrub, shrink, PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. us flag, flake, flame, flask, flax, floor, fluffy, flung, flurry, freckle, froth, awful, offer, evil, oval, ether, author, either, freshly, official, bushel. EXERCISE XVI. TRIPLE CONSONANTS. PAR. 142 TO 151. Strip, strap, strike, straw, strew, stray, splay, display, stroke, struck, idle, saddle, settle, subtle, scrape, scribe, displease, describe, disagree, sister, stream, pray, spray, screw, sprinkle, sicker, prescribe, prisoner, exclaim, exclu- sive, prosper, gospel, plausible, explicit, extreme, explore, cider, sober, sable, sidle, sickle, string, disclose, physical, satchel, scrawl, scrawny, descry, discourage, scribe, scratch, extremely, expressly, extra, dishonor, civility, struggle, spray, spruce, stretch, stretcher, struggle, scraper, scribble, splasher, suffer, civil, cipher, gastric, pastry, bicycle, dis- claim, descry, discourage, discourse, discursive, disgrace. REVIEW EXERCISE XO. 4. DOUBLE AND TRIPLE CONSONANTS. PAGES 42-49. Write in shorthand, without referring to the previous les- sons : Play, pray, flow, fro, side, cider, sad, sadder, sad- dle, sick, sickly, ply, pry, grow, glow, flee, free, flame, frame, muffle, title, tackle, pickle, bushel, official, author, oval, offer, freckle, struggle, upper, utter, keeper, couple, ruffle, manner, tanner, flag, flake, floor, flurry, flowery, shriek, shrub, plaster, blister, probe, broom, break, drop, plague, labor, press, breeze, brook, eagle, gross, travel, measure, display, displease, sister, (OVER) n6 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. discourage, disgrace, civil, bicycle, disclaim, throw, civility, gospel, exclaim, exclusive, extremely, expressly, physical, plausible, explicit, stretcher, title, subscribe, describe, disclose, scribe, scribble, cycle, extra, dishonor, plumber, label, Friday, special, prosper, pastry, cipher, suffer, deceiver, commerce, taper, able, signer, supreme, enclosure, plainer, explosive, stream, sprinkle, fluffy, initial, young, vapor, brace, supper, freely, crime, disagreeable, ample, disable, supercede, essential, yet, any, him, visible, sober, cable, cheaper, were, usual, supremacy, stifle, freeze, descry, spray, spruce, flog, com- mercial, bottle, former, extremity, explosive, major, close, cloister, shrug, battle, shrimp, clay, gale, gray, pale, pressure, level, with, was, labor, suppress, civilize, grace, favor, disable, frozen, fable, splice, praise, supple, distress, dinner, miner, sooner, cloy, Oliver, Frazier, Harrisburg, Liverpool, Troy, Buffalo. Blame no one for the official error. The disagreeable task will discourage the boy. The package came by express to my address. He will give them fair measure. EXERCISE XVII. THE n HOOK. PAR. 152 TO 157. Pain, pen, pin, pun, bun, boon, spoon, spawn, Spain, ten, den, din, down, thrown, frown, drown, moan, tone, cone, loan, men, skein, throne, alone, bean, dean, hewn, broken, token, blacken, sudden, stone, brandy, ran, run, roan, brine, spine, plenty, clean, hone, penny, pony, rain, rainy, piano, prune, plain, refrain, bone, bony, join, pine, coin, crown, Jane, cleanly, screening, joining, moaning, fan, van, fancy, vanish, banish, punish, plan, shrine, occu- pancy, replenish, clemency, vagrancy, tune, bane, deign. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 117 dawn, prone, drawn, drown, keen, crane, spleen, sprain, strain, chin, chain, gin, green, grain, grown, feign, flown, frown, even, oven, thin, then, shown, lean, lawn, mine, known, clannish. EXERCISE XVIII. THE/ OR v HOOK AND s ADDED TO FINAL HOOKS. Par. 158 to 1 66. Pave, drove, crave, ruff, cuff, drive, prove, Jove, cough, rebuff, proving, bluff, dive, dove, divinity, heave, believe, cove, cave, grave, grove, chief, chaff, rough, hive, strive, gruff, cleave, cliff, tiff, stuff, puffs, paves, craves, drives, duns, tuns, tins, dens, pains, gains, cleans, cleaves, groans, stones, strives, drones, drowns, crowns, feigns, shines, mines, moans, shuns, glance, glances, pounce, pounces, danced, pounced, punster, fence, fences, evinces, hive, hove, serve, deserve, bereave, reserve, coffee, taffy, huffy, defy, survey, gravy, Java, proves, braves, cloves, paves, strives, calves, proofs, define, devoid, divide, devote, gra- phic, pins, spans, tones, strains, trains, drains, sprains, joins, fans, frowns, veins, lines, means, vines, lancer, can- cer, fencing, ransom, lonesome, princes, prances, bounces, chances, EXERCISE XIX. WORD-SIGNS AND PHRASES. Par, 167 and 168. Key to Phrases on page 54. i. That-the, for-the, in-the, have-the, think-the, of-the, to-the, on-the, should-the, all-the, by-the, if-the. n8 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 2. Are-the, from-the, was-the, during-the, until-the, till- the, which-the, ought-the, owe-the, or-the, but-the, value- the. 3. And-for-a, and-for-the, and-have-a, and-have-the, and- that-a, and-when-a, or-a, but-a, on-a, should-a, of-a. 4. And-is, and-as, is-a, as-a, is-the. as-the, and-is-the, and- as-the, and-is-a, and-as-a. Principal, principally, principle, practice, member, re- member, remembered, number, numbered, truth, doctor, dear, during, tell, till, until, care, call, difficult, difficulty, Mr., remark, remarkable, more, near, nor, full, fully, from, every, very, value, three, there, their, other, sure, surely, pleasure. The principal thing to remember in this work is that we must practice each lesson faithfully. To tell-the truth Dr. Smith will call there no more until he is sure that-the diffi- culty has been taken away. We shall have-the pleasure of listening to remarks from Mr. Brown. There were three pails full of milk very near the other door. Value your time; it-is money. Their names are dear to-the people. Take care to call things by their right names. It will surely give me pleasure to call there with you. Tell him to go home till noon. There-are many other plans for study during- the week. We fully perceive the difficulty, but-the truth is until you care more for work than for pleasure there surely will-be few chances for us to help you. Every chair in-the room, and there-are many, is of small value, but of dear cost. Very many people preach principles; very few practice. Dear Dr. Green took care of Mr. Mason during his illness. Until you care to call things by their right names you-will-have difficulty with everything you try to explain. We usually have no difficulty in obtaining the names of-a number of-the principal members of-the House. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 119 REVIEW EXERCISE NO. 5. THE n HOOK, THE f OR v HOOK, CIRCLES ADDED TO HOOKS, WORD-SIGNS. PAGES 50-57. Write in shorthand without referring to the previous les- sons : Pain, pave, feign, stain, strain, strive, strains, strives, thrown, frown, broken, plenty, brandy, believe, divide, chances, lonesome, pen, penny, cough, coffee, bereave, brave, bluff, cleave, drives, graphic, divinity, remain, sermon, replen- ish, blacken, taken, engrave, prefix, blown, green, refrain, refine, refiner, refinery, ravine, preference, serve, survey, rain, rainy, deaf, defy, chief, achieve, morning, earn, arena, occupancy, drowns, danced, alone, tune, feigns, rough, shown, define, crave, oven, proof, chances, sudden, tuns, splasher, plenty, cliff, lawn, lawns, strives, explain, expense, many, declines, defeat, disclose, nine, financial, soften, deserves, cloves, refrain, token. known, exclusive, spoon, run, runs, vain, chains, thin, visible, again, glances, refer, cyclone, down, fleecy, reprove, doves, residence, retains, plan, disagree, spray, money, man, iron, gone, grief, grieves, assign, restrains, roofs, coupons, shuns, fans, fencing, vanish, chaff, gruff, ransom, skein, evinces, explore, fences, settle, leisure, commercial, blacken, even, moan, many, grain, grains, possible, cypress, legal, farmer, thrice, screening, join, finish, suppress, seven, feasible, refer- ences, response, extra, staff, approves, rains, observes, Brown, Boston, Dayton, Henry, David, Arkansas, Kansas, Maine, Michigan. The iron wheel of the machine is broken. To define a dream we say it is an idle fancy that passes through the brain in sleep. She will devote an hour each day to the study of music and will divide the remaining time into periods of two hours each for the study of other branches. I2 o PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. EXERCISE XX. THE LARGE wa HOOK. Par. 169 to 175. Twain, tweak, twig, twin, twist, dwell, dwarf, queen, queer, quest, quick, quiver, quiz, square, squall, squaw, squeak, squeeze, squeal, quail, quince, quack, bequest, in- quest, quibble, twill, twitch, twinkle, quarrel, quota, quoth, quiet, equip, equity, iniquity, anguish. Ml Nl, Rl, AND Lr. Par. 176 to 179. Learn, peril, panel, ferule, collar, colorj final, gallery, family, channel, carol, pommel, tunnel, animal, mackerel, melancholy, relapse, relative, lurch, neuralgia, scholar, rural, spiral, barrel, ferrule, camel, enamel, funnel, scholars, barrels. EXERCISE XXI. THE LARGE FINAL HOOKS AND S-shun CURL. Par. 1 80 to 1 88. Mission, motion, nation, profession, caution, auction, action, session, oration, provision, addition, edition, duration, location, locomotion, notion, daughter, brother, cater, bother, gather, writer, station, rations, passion, pa- tience, creation, twitter, trotter, blotter, stutter, scatter, cheater, pleader, platter, chatter, clatter, glitter, director, educator, secretion, decision, position, disposition, physi- cian, dispossession, operation, operators, sensation, sensa- tional, transition, transitional, involution, evolution, execu- tion, exaction, exertion, exposition, expression, magician, mutation, narration, proposition, commission, adoption, op- PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 121 tion, cushion, implication, reaction, application, nation, mention, animation, invasion, revision, elevation, pollution, dictionary, educational, actions, occupations, fashions, vi- sions, sections, position, opposition, supposition, precision, accession, civilization, accusation, dispensation, ocean, shun, shuns, oceans. EXERCISE XXII. THE HALVING PRINCIPLE. Par. 189 to 195. Bake, baked, tap, tapped, dip, dipped, rub, rubbed, brag, bragged, lame, lamed, pay, paid, east, not, mite, let, lave, laved, bought, taught, save, saved, glad, mad, bad, crude, nailed, mailed, sent, send, blood, proud, cloud, papered, better, brief, briefest, laid, old, debt, made, street, sprite, measured, bathed, met, made, claimed, get, crept, played, prayed, doubled, troubled, flight, fright, spread, displayed, brood, bred, bled, trade, grade, supply, supplied, pinched, banished, touched, tacked, tracked, vouched, slipped, nipped, pegged, paged, plugged, pledged, drugged, begged, apt, wept, walked, oft, aft, east, etched, ached, art, eased, oozed, cheat, chat, cat, cut, feat, fit, fat. nut, night, note, mite, meet, vied, void, vowed, viewed, end, need, nod, needle, sound, sand, sinned, signed, hired, heard, hard, hemmed, meddle, muddle, middle, elocutionist, bravest, roughest, vainest, finest, oftenest, peopled, labored, baffled. EXERCISE XXIII. THE HALVING PRINCIPLE (Continued). l\u\ 196 to 204. Bent, bend, pent, penned, dived, paved, caution, cau- tioned, stationed, fined, mined, drift, moaned, frowned, ap- i 22 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. proved, drafts, craved, glitter, glittered, round, around, grieved, plant, rent, words, earned, prints, splints, bends, tents, joints, mound, mountain, throned, shrined, remained, act, acted, ended, protected, treated, dreaded, freighted, heaved, hotel, wilds, fiat, poet, looked, sentiment, some- times, fact, evoked, pity, estimate, root, tarried, defendant, superintendent, vacate, windy, hired, mitigate, tidy, mud, muddy, heaved, laid, red, ready, did, dado, create, windy, locked, beautify, effected, pawned, spend, sprained, trained, twined, gained, drained, friend, cleaned, paved, grieved, grooved, achieved, motioned, fashioned, pits, pets, cheats, chats, fits, skates, sheets, fleets, shouts, fights, thoughts, streets, grades, deeds, coined, scant, scanned, grand, ground, tended, sounded, petted, lighted, alphabet, credit, freedom, raft, rained, raved, roved, served, surround, fared, named, fired, feared. EXERCISE XXIV. THE DOUBLING PRINCIPLE AND SPECIAL VOCALIZATION. Par. 205 to 214. Feather, mother, .thither, father, smother, smoother, neither, another, weather, shatter, flutter, Easter, flatter, oyster, letter, loiter, smatter, slaughter, meter, center, winter, niter, water, motor, alter, laughter, tender, tinder, order, fodder, shudder, surrender, gender, tinker, anchor, franker, clinker, hanker, rancor, finger, hunger, younger, temper, scamper, hamper, damper, distemper, amber, tim- ber, limber, lumber, December, feathers, fingers, tempers, tampers, northern, alternation. Believe, charm, scarlet, marble, skill, dark, regard, gold, skull, Turkey, journal, scourge, court, curve, secure, PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 123 REVIEW EXERCISE NO. 6. LARGE INITIAL AND FINAL HOOKS, S-SnuN CURL, THE HALV- ING PRTYCIPLE, THE DOUBLING PRINCIPLE. PAGES 57-67. Write in shorthand Without referring to the previous les- sons : Twig, queer, quick, squeak, squeal, learn, panel, chan- nel, family, mission, nation, session, location, bother, writer, rubbed, paid, bought, bend, paved, cautioned, mother, father, brother, neither, dwell, quest, collar, tunnel, provision, passion, chatter, sent, send, bread, trade, measured, drift, drafts, letter, winter, smother, loiter, final, gallery, queen, patience, scatter, edition, position, decision, made, debt, papered, round, around, joints, center, shudder, earned, words, square, quack, barrels, animal, quiet, flight, fright, brood, pledged, east, cushion, application, achieved, acted, protected, dreaded, estimate, laughter, tender, believe, turkey, sometimes, surrender, served, alphabet, equip, bequest, relative, disposition, physician, sensation, journal, cheats, defendant, heard, dictionary, inquest, scholar, educator, involution, execution, exposition, finest, streets, tended, rained, temper, hamper, lumber, revision, occupations, quoth, iniquity, enamel, ferrule, exertion, expres- sion, adoption, vacate, proposition, bravest, elocutionist, De- cember, younger, finger, middle, supposition, educational, mel- ancholy, anguish, visions, friend, spend, cleaned, alteration, needle, accession, surround, freedom, credit, walked, feathers, motioned, merit, sentiment, peopled, dispensation, sensational, spiral, accusation, pinched, roughest, sprained, timber, September, Easter, thoughts, mitigate, funnel, magician, platter, twitter, sound, fined, mountain, bound, northern, civilization. 124 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. EXERCISE XXV. WORD-SIGNS AND PHRASES Page 68. Opinion, upon, been, general, generally, before, whatever, different, difference, can, begin, begun, began, govern, governed, government, influence, information, United States, object, objected, objection, subject, subjected, sub- jection, several, knowledge, acknowledge, represent, repre- sentative, representation, should-be, that-they, has-been, it-has-been, which-has-been. His information upon-the subject was wide ; his influence with-the government, great. The subject under discussion was-the effect upon-the United States government, of taxa- tion without representation. Before you begin to object to this method of work show that your general knowledge, at least, is good. Whatever difference of opinion they held upon other subjects, the representatives all agreed upon this. You generally begin several pieces of work before finishing any. There is much difference in meaning between subject and object as-well-as between subjection and objection. A large representation came before the House and offered several objections to-the bill. His general knowledge, and his information upon all matters pertain- ing to-the United States government were acknowledged. They represent several different societies by their dress. Whatever the)' began they finished. His opinion upon all subjects was prized because of his extended knowledge. PRACTICAL. SHORTHAND. 125 EXERCISE XXVI. HALF-LENGTH WORD-SIGNS. Page 70. Particular, particularly, part, profit, prophet, spirit, build, billed, board, behind, told, toward, child, gentlemen, gentle- man, quite, could, accord, according, accordingly, accurate, cared, called, good, after, future, afford, that, without, short, assured, astonish, astonished, astonishment, estab- lish, established, establishment, immediate, immediately, somewhat, nature, under, hundred. After doing quite accurate work they could not afford to make-a hundred errors. The child was told particularly that it was done for his future good. The establishment of-a Board of Directors assured much profit to-the gentle- men of-the association. The time was somewhat short, and they accordingly called on-the Board to build the house immediately. They could not afford to-be behind- the spirit of-the times. A particular part of-the profit went to build the church. He told-the gentleman his account was quite accurate. He cared not to-be called good, and was quite astonished that he should-be. After much discussion they decided to establish a firm in-the near future. Not without astonishment, he assured me that he was in no immediate need. There are a hundred things in nature that interest and astonish us. The estab- lishment was somewhat short of money, after-a good finan- cial year. That part of-the profit you can afford to-do without, in-the future. 126 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. EXERCISE XXVII. PREFIXES AND AFFIXES Par. 215/0 229. Condense, contain, condition, considerable, command, commence, unconfined, accompany, recommend, recognize, decompose, accommodation, contravene.countermand, con- traband, conquest, consent, concern, conditions, self-re- spect, self-same, self-made, self-possessed, enslave, inspira- tion, instruct, instruction, instrument, insult, insulation, magnify, magnitude, magnificence, circumscribe, circum- flex, circumvent, circumspect, doing, engraving, meaning, drifting, craving, trying, contractor, buying, stability, friendship, hardship, township, legibility, doings, tidings, forever, whenever, myself, yourself, themselves, successful, painful, sleeping, profitable, peculiarity, unseemly, incon- venient, counterfeit, instrumentality, ourselves, herself, gazing, compensation, admissible, compact, compare, com- pass, compassion, complement, complete, complex, com- pose, compromise, concave, conceal, conceit, conceive, concession, conclusion, recommence, recompense, incom- plete, reconcile, reconstruct, recognition, controversy, counteraction, countermarch, countersign, self-acting, self- assertion, self-command, self-defense, abusing, accusing, etchings, buildings, himself, thyself, punctuality, stability prosperity. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 127 EXERCISE XXVIII. WORD-SIGNS. Page 74, Opportunity, dollar, had, advertise, advertisement, much, large, larger, bill, balance, deliver, delivered, delivery, correct, corrected, character, aware, public, publish, pub- lished, publication, ever, however, never, nevertheless, notwithstanding, assure, million, matter, now, first, impor- tant, importance, improve, improvement, impossible, im- possibility, this, those, thank, thousand, though. They had-a good opportunity to advertise in-a much larger paper. The corrected account showed a balance of one dollar in our favor. He delivered a speech on public characters. It-is next to impossible to attend to matters of great importance now; nevertheless there-will-be an effort to-do so. I assure you that neither a thousand nor a million dollars could ever tempt him to-do wrong. That- it-will-be impossible to-do this is certain notwithstanding the fact of-its great importance. He did not thank the gentleman though he had-a good opportunity. Those are matters of importance; never neglect them. The first bill of goods delivered, though large, was correct. The char- acter of-the publication is now much improved. Are-you aware that in-such-a case as you-mention there-will-be-a larger bill than we wish-to pay. This opportunity to ad- vertise may never occur again. The first address was on-the importance of-a good character. His manners were much improved by his opportunities. 128 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Material for Practice. As has been already said, to become proficient in writing shorthand requires an immense amount of practice. The material on the following- pages is given for this purpose; not as being sufficient but to show the kind of matter that should be selected, and to start the student in the right way. The words have been counted and the figures after each letter or article, indicate the number of words therein. They are also divided into groups of twenty-five words by the accent mark. Woroa connected by the hyphen are to be phrased when written in shorthand. Difficult outlines or phrases are explained in the foot-notes, either by refer- ence to some preceding paragraph or by indicating, by the use of type, what shorthand characters should be used. In this latter method, all stroke consonants are represented by capitals and the circles, loops, hooks, and other appendages, by small letters. When a stroke is to be written upward, a large italic is used. The position of the outline is denoted by the figures i, 2, 3. The same matter will also be found in shorthand, beginning on page 148. These exercises should first be written slowly, care being taken to use the proper characters and to execute them perfectly. Then write the same matter over hundreds of times, each time writing correctly and a little faster than before. Read your notes after each writing and observe and correct any inaccuracies. The following marks may be used in punctuating: xor/period. { or interrogation, ^exclamation. - /v> "~- <"-/- dash. v asterisk. T- paragraph. -t * parenthesis. = hyphen, * capital, ^i? laughter. 7 cheers. I ? PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 129 Business Letters. ADVERTISING. DEAR-SIR: Having applied at-the New-York office of-your agents for-the advertisement (of the) 1 interest on-the bonds (of the) Chesapeake 2 &' Ohio R. R. Co. 3 , payable on-the 2nd prox., and-having-been referred to-you, I would-respect- fully request a-copy for-the columns of-this' paper. "The Sun" is universally 4 admitted to-be-the-most trustworthy-and instructive chronicle of-all 5 matters relat- ing to-the money market, and-most incorporated' compan- ies use-its columns to announce meetings, elections, and- dividend and-interest notices. Mailed herewith is-a copy of "The Sun " for-your con- venient scrutiny/ Trusting to-receive-a favorable reply, I-am, Very-respectfully-yours, (in). BANKING. DEAR-SIR: Your-favor s (of che) iSth inst. is received with inquiry for-the standing, etc., of John Jones, of-this-city. 7 Mr. Jones does'-not keep his personal account with-this- bank, and I-am-not sufficiently informed in-regard to his matters to-make-a statement about them.' Personally he- is-in 8 good standing here, and-all-the business we-have-done with-him has-been attended to promptly and to-our entire' satisfaction. Yours-respectfully, (78). 1. Of -the indicated by prox- 5. Of -all, VI 1 . imity. See 283. 6. Your-favor, Y--Vr. 2. Chesapeake, CH'-sP-K. 7. Of-this-city. See 265, 3. R. R. Co. See 266. 8. Hc-is-in, hsN 1 . 4. Universally, N-Vrs' 2 -Z. i3 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. BOOK PUBLISHING. DEAR-SIR: We-have-your-favor (of the) 27th ultimo, and-enclose circulars of-some of-our best selling atlases. We should like to arrange' with you to handle our publications exclu- sively and-permanently in-your county the coming season. Our New Indexed Atlas (of the) World 9 is-a first-class' publication and-is meeting with-a large sale in-all 10 parts (of the) country. The retail prices are at-least 11 25 per cent, lower-than 12 those' asked for-works of corresponding value on-the market. Our General Atlas (of the) World has-been made to answer-the demand for-a low-priced,' household work. Anyone can sell our Pocket Atlas and- some agents, working on-the larger atlases, carry it as-a side issue for quick sale' where nothing-else 13 can-be-sold. Already 500,000 copies have-been sold and-we-think-it-will last for-several years. We can' give-you exclusive control of-a reasonable amount of territory on any (of the) above publications, excepting-the 14 Pocket Atlas. Of-this-book we-do'-not keep any record, but let anyone who applies sell it. We can supply you any or all of-the above publications at 33^ per cent.' discount from retail prices, and-if-you wish-to examine samples before ordering stock, shall-be-pleased to forward same at net price. We supply'-the agent with everything necessary for learning-the business and start- ing-the canvass. Everything seems to point to-a lively business for-the coming season/ Our salesmen in-all parts (of the) country are sending in very encouraging reports and-all seem to-be- 9. World, w^-Zd. 13. Nothing-else, N-TH*-NG- 10. In-all. See 273. Ls. 11. At-least, Tlst 1 . 14. Excepting-the. 866223. 12. Lower-than, Z' 2 -Rn. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 131 pleased with-the prospects. Recently one' of-our sales- men reported selling twenty-one copies of-our New In- dexed Atlas (of the) World in-six-days. We-hope-you-will conclude to "hitch' horses" with-us. 15 Very-truly, (305). BOOTS AND SHOES. DEAR-SIR: We-are-in-receipt (of the) goods which-you return and- credit them on-your-account, with-the-exception of l /$ doz. Waukenphasts' and 1-6 doz. French Kid, which were dam- aged so they could- not-be returned to-our stock. We-are compelled to-sell odd lots like' these at $4.00 per doz., when- we can find-a customer, and-we could-not allow-you more- than 16 that amount. You-can, no'-doubt, sell them out with less loss than we could, and-we-have-no-objection to- your making-a reduced price, provided you do-not' adver- tise them or sell them in-such (a) way as-to cause others to think-you-are cutting prices on-our regular 17 goods. We-would' gladly allow-you more if we could get more for-them, but we cannot and-prefef not to-receive-them even at-this price. We' hold the Y^ doz. subject to-your order, and-you-will-please inform us at-once 18 Avhat disposi- tion to-make of same. By doing so' you-will greatly oblige, Yours-truly, (iSi). ELECTRICAL APPARATUS. DEAR-SIR : Replying to-your enclosed request dated the nth and asking for quotations on three " communicators," we-think- 15. \\~ith-its. See 277. 17. Regular, R--G. 1 6. More-titan. 806272. 18. At-oncc. See p. 96. line 11. i3 2 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. there-is 19 some error in writing'-the name (of the) article, and would suggest that-your people probably require com- mutators, 20 as there-is-no part of-an electrical 21 plant called- a' communicator. , If-it is 22 commutators that are required, kindly obtain for-us the size (of the) dynamo upon-which they-are-to-be used, and'-we-shall-be-pleased to quote you prices on re- ceipt-(of) your reply. Yours-very-truly, (91). FURNITURE. GENTLEMEN: We send-you to day, by-mail, photograph of Chamber Suit which contains ten pieces; namely, Bedstead, Dresser, Wash-stand, Table, Four Chairs, Rocker, and Towel'-Rack. These we-have finished in imitation mahogany and antique ash; price we make to-you $22.50. We consider this an excellent' good value, and-have-made-the margin close in hopes that-you-will-be-able-to give-us-an order. We-have four in antique' ash and-two in imitation mahogany, with more coming. When you-are through with-the photograph, kindly re- turn to-us, and oblige, Yours-truly, (99). GRAIN. DEAR-SIR: Replying to-your esteemed-favor (of the) 2ist inst., will- say that-we quote you on-the basis of to-day's market the following' prices, which-are'-' 3 subject to change as-the market advances or declines. 19. We-think-there-zs. See 270. 21. Electrical, L 2 -K-Tr-Kl. 20. Commutators, com dot- 22. If-tt-is, Fts 1 . Ttrs 2 . 23. Which-are, CHf 2 . PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 133 No. 2 corn, 64% cts. ; high mixed corn, 66 cts. ; No. 2 white' oats, 44 cts. These prices are for delivery to Boston points, South Framingham included. We send-you-by to-day's mail samples of-our coarse and' fine feed meal and cracked corn, which we-will-sell you at $1.35 per hundred, sacks included. Enclosed you-will-find samples' of yellow granulated meal and white bolted meal. We-will-sell the former at $1.45 in sacks delivered in New- York, via' West Shore Road; sacks 6 cts. extra. The white bolted meal will cost you $1.35 for-same delivery. Please let-us-know' by return mail if-you-can use any of- the goods specified above. If so, by sending us your order, you-will greatly oblige, Yours'-very-truly, (177). HARDWARE. DEAR-SIR :- We-have-yours of yesterday and-have received-a cable- gram' 24 from our London friends accepting your offer for sheets. We-have-no intention' whatever of sending-you anything except-the exact make and exact quality (of the) one ton of sheets which-you-received last month by S. S/ Noordland ; and-we guarantee to supply, in-every-way and respect, the same quality and-make. If-that one ton proved satisfactory, as you say' it did, there-will-be no question about-the suitability (of the) steel. Should-it not turn-'' out exactly as per sample ship- ment, we-are' ready to assume all-the consequences. We- think-that you-will-find this guarantee perfectly sufficient. We-must, of-course, also have-some assurance from'-you that-you-will work-the steel the same-as-you did before, so-as-to produce similar results. Awaiting-the favor of-your reply', we remain, Yours-truly, (154). K-Bl--Gr-M. 25. Turn, T--R\\. 134 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. HEATING. DEAR-SIR: For-the consideration (of the) sum of one hundred eighty- six dollars and seventy-five cents ($186.75), we-will furnish, deliver, and set up complete in'-your house in Sayville, L. I., one No. 44 Richardson's Cyclone, portable, gastight, re- vertible flue furnace. We-will furnish and set six new register boxes' as indicated on diagram. We-will provide and put up all hot air pipes in-the cellar, chimneys, etc., neces- sary to connect-the furnace with'-the registers in-a safe and- proper manner. Also provide and put up for-the furnace a heavy galvanized iron, smoke pipe, with patent draft' regulator. We-are to-do all mason's and tinman's work, setting up the furnace and-fixtures as specified complete and ready for use, and-will' give-you a strictly first-class job in-every-respect. We-will guarantee-the furnace to-be of sufficient capacity to warm the rooms to-a' temperature of 70 degrees in-the coldest weather. Upon acceptance (of the) above proposition, we-will-be- pleased to submit to-you a plan for' heating the house, showing-the manner of putting in-the pipes, etc. It-is de- sirable to-have-an understanding how the work is-to-be'- done, before-the work is commenced. Very-respectfully submitted, (209) INSURANCE. DEAR-SIR: You have doubtlecs seen newspaper account (of the) burning (of the) American Excelsior Mills, Rochester, N.- Y., yesterday morning, on-which-the UNION' had-a policy of $4, coo under No. 47,861. Referring to daily report, you-will observe the rate was reduced to 2' per cent. The reason for-this large reduction in rate was that-the plant had-been thoroughly equipped with automatic sprinklers, and-in-the judgment (of the) PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 135 Factory-Committee (of the) State of New-York, Board of Underwriters, the additional protection warranted this re- duction. As you-are-aware, we-have-never' suffered-a serious attack of-this sprinkler craze, having held to-the conservative view that until-their utility had-been. thor- oughly established, it-was-the' part of wisdom to give our companies the benefit of any doubt we-might entertain on-the subject. For-this reason we declined to increase' our line, contenting ourselves with-the line already written. While at-this writing I-have-no particulars as-to-the origin (of the) fire, the' total destruction of-some 65 per cent, (of the) entire plant is evidence to-the fact that-the sprinklers were of no practical value. I-enclose' herewith diagram (of the) works. Fire orig- inated in-the machine building, No. 6, which, together with Nos. 9, 12, and 15, was totally destroyed, unless' it-be-a small salvage on No. 12. Respectfully, (234). REGARDING INVESTMENT. DEAR-SIR: Please find herewith enclosed note for $600 and-de'ed of- trust on eighty acres of land in Stafford County, Kansas, a'-very choice loan which I-have selected for-you. Please also find enclosed draft on New-York for $17.15, the same being' interest on-the Robbins loan to Sept. i, 1892, from which date your new loan bears interest. I-have examined quite-a number of loans and-have at-last' 6 selected this as-a particularly good one, with-which I-am-sure you-will- be-pleased. If-you have any' more money that-you care to invest, I- think I-can get-you other loans at-(the) same-rate, seven per cent, for five years.' Respectfully, (126). 26. At-last, Tlst s . 136 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. LEATHER. Dear-Sir: We-have-your-favor (of the) 27th and-now enclose in- voice of-our shipment of No. 537 in-the lightest substance that'-we make, as you ordered. We have-no hesitation in saying, that for durability and permanency of color and gloss, this leather cannot-be excelled.' We should-be happy to-have-your orders on any (of the) grades. We put them up at 28, 26, 24, and 22 cents, also' in large skins at 22, 20, 18, and 15 cents. We also send-you to-day the two dozens of extra choice stock ordered. Believe you'- will-find them to meet your wants. Regarding the No. 585 stock cracking, would-say-that while you-may find an occasional skin do'-so, it-is-not-the character (of the) stock. You-will-find this in Patna skins once in-a while and-it-cannot-be detected' from-the appearance (of the) skins. We-are selling this stock largely and-have-no-other complaint; we, therefore, think that-you-may-be a'-little unduly alarmed. Of-course, we- do-not wish-to urge anything on-you, that might be at-all a-disappointment, but-you know Patna' stock is treacher- ous at best. Still, we-thmk-you-will-find the leather gives good service. Shall-be-glad to-have-your orders, either on' these or on other goods in-our line. Yours-respectfully, (235). LEGAL. GENTLEMEN : Regarding-the matter of-your claim against Smith & Brown, we-would-say that-this claim was put in suit and-is still undecided'. We-have sued E. Smith and N. Brown, alleging that-they-were doing business together as part- ners. Mr. Brown is-a man of-large wealth' and-is able to pay all -the accounts against himself and Smith but he de- nies that-he-was-a partner in the concern. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. X 37 There were' quite-a number of suits commenced against these parties in-(the)-same-way, and-at-the spring term of- our court it-was agreed, among'-the various attorneys, to- refer-the case to-a referee and-have one-case, at-least, tried before him to settle-the point as-to' whether Brown was-a partner or not. The case has-not-been heard yet, so-the matter is still undecided and-will-probably be for'-some- time, as-it 97 will undoubtedly go to-the Supreme Court (of the) State. If we can prove that Brown was-a partner, there-will'-be no difficulty about collecting-the full amount of your claim, but-as Smith is worth nothing, if-we cannot prove that, the claim will'-be worthless. We-will advise you as-soon-as a-decision in-the-matter is reached. Yours-truly, (218). LEGISLATIVE. DEAR-SIR: Your-favor of-recent-date has-been received-and would have-been answered sooner, but for my absence in-New- York until-the' recent session (of the) Legislature. The Legislative Record is published this session, but so far-as I know, the State printers printed copies sufficient for'-the Legislature only, but do-not-know-that they-have any arrangement to-send single copies, by-mail, to-others. I-will look into-the' matter, however, and-if-it-is-possible, will-have it sent to-you. At Washington, the Congres- sional Record is sent to any-one who subscribes' for-it. Last year, I-remember, I-had-it sent-to me here in Albany, during-the session. It-is-not true, as reported, that' I-intend introducing-a bill to annex the town of Westchester to-the city of New- York. At-least I would-not feel free to'-do-so, unless 138 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. backed up by-a petition signed by-a considerable ma- jority (of the) tax-payers of-your town. With-such action back of-me', I would, of-course, be-able-to consider-the matter m-a favorable light. I-have-heard, in-New-York, however, that such-a bill' will-probably be introduced by-a city member. I-intend to keep track of-it and-will send copies to-you and-to-the newspapers' of-your town, as- soon-as the bill is printed. I-have-not-yet received-your circular regarding-the State R. R. Commissioners. I-am-very' much in earnest in my effort to promote any reasonable bill which-will give-the Commissioners more power than they now possess. At- present, they'-are little more-than clerks to-do-the bidding of-their superiors. Very-truly, (289). LUMBER. DEAR-SIR: Replying to-your-favor (of the) roth inst., we regret to learn that, through-the disinclination (of the) Erie railroad to accommodate us', you were unable to carry out the ar- rangement made by Mr. Johnson, with regard to-the un- loading and-disposition (of the) portion (of the) Dock'- Department 28 order referred to. If-the Dock-Department will-not accept the four sticks 12x12, have-the stevedore 29 put-the timber into-the' water at 57th St., together with any-other portion (of the) cargo for-that Department that may-be rejected; and-let the sticks so rejected' be firmly rafted and secured at-the-foot of 57th St. in-such-(a)-manner that-they will-not-get away, until further disposition (of the) same can-be-made. Have- the kindness to give-this-matter your personal-and careful 28. See 266. 29. Stevedore, sTv'-D-R. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 139 attention, and arrange with-the stevedore for-the cost' of- this-work, making as-good-a bargain as you-can with-him and-we will see that-the-amount is paid. The Department will', undoubtedly, take-the balance of- their portion (of the) cargo as-fast-as you-can discharge it. Yours-truly, (194). RAILROAD. DEAR-SIR: Rate of $45.00 on-the horses from Syracuse, N.-Y., to Springfield, Mass., via our-route, would-not-be profitable. If we'-had plenty of rolling stock so-that our stock cars would, at any-time of-the year, be liable to-be idle, we could better' take-up the question with-the C. Vt. R.-R. You-should-not load hay on-the depot platform. It-is directly contrary to-the rules', and-the Company would-be liable for-all 30 damage done in-case-of fire. We-will later take-up the question of cattle suit. Very'-truly, (101). REAL ESTATE. DEAR-SIR: On-the 3oth day of September, 1889, the Kinderhook & Hudson Railway-Company paid-you $175 for right of'-way over-your premises and-took-a warranty deed for-(the)- same, free-and clear from all incumbrances, but-the records show that-there-is'-a mortgage made by-yourself to Mat- thew Foster for $2,500, dated May ist, 1884, and recorded May 8th, 1884', in Book of Mortgages No. 60, page 590. Is-this mortgage paid? If so, will-you please send me the satisfaction, so-that' I-can-have-it recorded? If-not, will-you see Mr. Foster and-have-a release of-these premi- ses from-the operation of-this mortgage' executed ? An-immediate reply will oblige, Yours-truly, (133). 30. For-all, FK 140 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Testimony. SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK. EDWARD W. SMITH PETER JOHNSON. J James M. Fisher, being duly sworn, testifies on behalf (of the) plaintiff, as-follows': Direct examination by Mr. Wheeler: Q. 31 What-is your name? A. James M. Fisher. Q. How-old are-you? A. I-am 23 years-(of')-age. Q. Where-do-you-reside ? A. I-reside in-the city of Bal- timore, Md. Q. What-is your business? A. I-am an auctioneer' by occupation. Q. Do-you-know-the parties to-this-action, plaintiff and defendant ? A. I-am-acquainted with Mr. Edward W. Smith. I-am'-not personally acquainted with Mr. Peter Johnson. Q. Are-you acquainted with Richard F. Mason ? A. I-am. 31. Questions and answers the extreme left edge of the should" be indicated in the paper, and all answers about transcript by" Q." and "A." one inch from the left edge. It is not, however, necessary If the questions and answers to write these letters in the are very short, they may be original notes, but all ques- put on the same line, leaving tions ma)' be commenced at considerable space between. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 141 Q. When-did-you become acquainted with'-him and- where ? A. I-became acquainted with-him in April, 1891, in-the city of Baltimore, Md. Q. Did-you enter into-the' employ of, or-make any busi- ness arrangement or connection with-said-Mason ? A. Yes, -sir. ~~t!X~ State when, where, and what brought it about? I A. I'-went into his employ sometime in April, 1889, in-tnecity of Baltimore. I-entered into his employ at-the instigation of-my'-father. My-father became acquainted with Mr.- Mason at-the office (of the) City Detectives 3 ' 2 in-the City Hall. Mr.-Mason asked Mr. Fred Wilson', also a-detective at that-time, if-he-could find-a good-man for-his-business, and-my-father told-him (Mason) that-his son' was out-of business and-was seeking employment. Q. State what-was-the-nature (of the) business of-said- Mason ? A. He-was in-the' tea-and coffee business. Q. In what-capacity were-you employed ? A. I-was em- ployed as-a salesman. Q. State where-you-entered upon-your' employment? A. I-entered on my employment in-the city of Baltimore. Q. How long did-you continue with-him ? A. I contin- ued with-him' about three years. Q. Did-your employment involve your traveling from- place-to-place 33 with-said-Mason? A. It did involve my traveling from-place'-to-place. Q. State in regular order the-places you went to, and-the periods of-time spent in-the various places, so far-as'-you- can remember-them. ''A. I spent ten weeks in Baltimore; from-there I-went with-him to Philadelphia and-staved about three-months'; from-there I-went with-him to Har- risburgh, Pa., and-stayed there one week ; from-there I- went with-him to Washington, D. C., and'-stayed there 32. Detectives, Dt' J -Kt-Vs. 33. From-place-to-place. See 284. 142 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. about ten weeks ; from-there I-went with-him to Detroit. Mich., and-stayed there about one month; from-there I- went to' Chicago with-him and-stayed there about one month ; from-there I-went with-him to Troy, N.-Y., and- stayed there two-months; from'-there I-went with-him to Cohoes, N.-Y., and-stayed there two weeks; from-there I- went with-him 'to Providence, R. I., and'-stayed there about six weeks; from-there I-went with-him to Albany, N.-Y., and-stayed there about nine weeks. y. What-was-the' character (of the) business and-tho nature of-your-employment at each-of these-places ? A. We-were selling tea-and coffee at $1.00 a' can arid-purchas- ers found presents in-every can. I-was employed as sales- man at each-of these-places. Q. How did-you-come to-go'-to Albany? A. I-went- there by-order of Mr. Mason. Q. Who were-your fellow employees at-the Albany store ? A. W. H. Henry', Stewart Williams, Edward Law- rence, Matthew Frazier, and F. D. Porter. Q. What-was-the position of-each-one relative to-the business there? A. They'-were all salesmen like myself, with-the exception of F. D. Porter, who-was cashier. Q. State-whether-you ever heard Mason assert or de- clare' anything about-the ownership (of the) Albany store ? Mr! Scott I object to-that question. The Court The objection is overruled. Mr. Scott I-take'-an exception. The Witness He-told-me in Philadelphia for-(the)-first- time, 34 that-he-was-the proprietor (of the) Importers' Tea Company, then doing' business in Albany. Q. Was-there any-one present at-this-time except Mason and-yourself ? A. No, -sir. He-told-me this when-we'-were alone. 34. For-the-first-time. See p. 101, line 10. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 143 Q. Do-you-know J. W. Smith? A. I-do. Q. What relationship does he-bear to-the plaintiff in- this-action? A'. He-is-the son of Edward W. Smith. Q. Were-you present when-the seizure was-made by-the sheriff of Albany County? A. I'- was. Q. State who were present at-the-time of-such seizure. A. W. H. Henry, Stewart Williams, Edward Lawrence, Matthew Frazier, and F. D.' Porter. Q. What-took-place and what-was-said relative thereto^ A. I saw Richard F. Mason take-some-money out-of his pocket and'-hand it to Edward Smith, who placed it in-the cash-box and-afterwards took-it out and paid it to-the sheriff. This-was' after-the sheriff had notified R. F. Ma- son and Edward Smith that-he had levied on-their goods. After-the sheriff went out, Mason said'-that-that would-be- the last attachment and-said "that's-the-way I-do business, boys," addressing this to-the clerks. Q. Were-you-present' when-the sheriff was paid-the money, for-the taking of-which this-action is brought? A. 1-was. Q. Prior to-the payment of'-said-money to-the sheriff, did-you-know anything about-the levy about to-be-made? A. I-did. Q. From whom did-you learn' about-it ? A. Richard F. Mason told me that-he-expected an-attachment to-be-laid on-the goods that morning, but-there-would-be' no trouble, as he-would soon settle it and-they would-go right ahead. O. As-near-as you-can remember, what-day' did-you en- ter-the store at Albany? A. I-went to-the store at Albany about-the ist of October, 1891. O. What-day' did you-leave ? A. About-the last of No- vember, 1891. O. What-was-the-name or style under-which-tbe busi- ness was carried on' at Albany? A. The Importers' Tea Company. (1,057.) 144 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. Eulogy on Washington. SPEECH IN-HONOR OF-HIS CENTENNIAL BIRTH-DAY, DE- LIVERED BY DANIEL WEBSTER, AT-A PUBLIC DINNER IN-THE CITY OF WASHINGTON, FEBRUARY 22', 1832. I-rise, gentlemen, to-propose to-you the name of-that great-man, in commemoration of whose birth, and-in-honor of whose' character-and services, we-have here assembled. I-am-sure that I express a-sentiment common to-every- one present, when I-say-that there'-is-something-more- than ordinarily solemn and-affecting in-this-occasion. We-are met to testify our-regard for-him whose name is intimately blended' with-whatever belongs most essentially to-the prosperity, the liberty, the free institutions, and-the renown of-our country. That name was of power to' rally a-nation in-the hour of thick-thronging public disasters and calamities; that name shone, amid-the storm of-war, a-beacon light, to' cheer-and guide-the country's friends; it flamed, too, like-a meteor, to-repel her foes. That name, in-the days of peace, was-a' load-stone, attracting to itself a whole people's confidence, a whole people's love, and-the whole world's respect. That name, descending with-all- time 35 , spreading over'-the whole earth, and-uttered in-all- the languages belonging to-the tribes and races of-men, will forever be pronounced with affectionate gratitude by'- every-one in whose breast there-shall arise an aspiration for human rights and human liberty. We perform this grateful duty, gentlemen, at-the expira- tion' of-a hundred years from his birth, near-the place, so 35. With-all-time, THl'-T-M. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 145 cherished 36 and beloved by him, where his dust now re- poses, and-in-the capital' which bears his-own immortal name. All experience evinces that human sentiments are strongly influenced by associations. The recurrence of anniversaries, or-of longer periods' of-time, naturally freshens the recollection, and-deepens the impression, of events with-which-they-are historically connected. Re- nowned places, also, have-a power to' awaken feeling, which all acknowledge. No American can pass by-the fields of Bunker Hill, Monmouth, or Camden, as if-they- were ordinary spots on'-the earth's surface. Whoever visits them, feels the sentiment of-love of country kind- ling 37 anew, as if-the spirit that belonged to-the transac- tions which'-have rendered these-places distinguished, still hovered round, with power to-move-and excite all who in future time may approach them. But neither of'-these sources of emotion equals the power with-which great moral examples affect-the mind. When sublime virtues cease to-be abstractions, when-they become' embodied 38 in human character, and exemplified in human conduct, we should-be false to-our-own nature, if-we-did-not indulge in-the spontaneous' 139 effusions of-our gratitude and our admiration. A-true lover (of the) virtue of patriotism delights to contemplate its purest 40 models ; and-that love of country may-be well suspected which af- fects to soar so high into-the regions of sentiment as-to-be lost and absorbed in-the abstract' feeling, and becomes too elevated or too refined to-glow with fervor in-the commen- dation (of the) love of individual benefactors 41 . All-this is unnatural.' (525.) 36. Cherished, CH--/?-SHt. 40. Piirest, P^A'st. Written 37. Kindling, K'-Nd-L-NG. with upward r to distin- 38. Embodied, Mb'-Dd. guish it horn poorest. 39. Spontaneous, sPnt'-Ns. 41. benefactors, Bn 2 -F-Ktrs. 146 PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. SELF-RELIANCE. BY R. W. EMERSON. I read the-other-day 43 some verses written by-an eminent painter which were original and-not conventional. Always the soul hears an-admonition in'-such lines, let the subject be what-it-may. The sentiment they instill is-of more- value than any-thought they-may contain. To-believe' your-own thought, to-believe that what-is true for-you in- your private heart is true for-all-men that-is genius. Speak your' latent conviction, and-it shall-be-the universal sense; for always the inmost becomes the outmost and our first thought is rendered back to-us' by-the trumpets (of the) Last Judgment. Familiar as-the voice (of the) mind is to each, the highest merit we ascribe to Moses, Plato', and Milton is-that-they set at naught books and- traditions, and spoke not what men, but what they-thought. A-man should learn to' detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more-than the lustre (of the) firmament of bards and sages'. Yet he dismisses without notice his thought, because it-is-his. In- every work of genius we recognize our-own rejected thoughts ; they come back' to-us with-a certain alienated 44 majesty. Great-works of art have-no-more affecting les- son for-us than this. They teach us to abide' by-our spon- taneous impression with good-humored inflexibility then most when-the whole cry of voices is on-the-other-side. Else to-morrow a stranger will'-say with masterly good- sense precisely what we-have thought and-felt all-the time, and-we-shall-be forced to-take with shame our'-own opinion from another. There-is-a time in-every-man's education when-he arrives 43. Thc-other-day, THthr-D. 44. Alienated, L'-N-Td. PRACTICAL SHORTHAND. 147 at-the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is' suicide ; that-he-must take himself for better for worse as-his portion ; that-though-the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to-him but-through his toil bestowed on-that plot of ground which-is given to- him to till. The power' which resides in him is new in nature, and-none but he knows what-that-is which he-can- do, nor does he know until' he-has tried. Not for-nothing one face, one character, one fact, makes much impression on him, and another none. It-is-not without pre-es- tablished' 45 harmony, this sculpture 4 ' 1 in-the memory. The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that-it might tes- tify of-that particular ray. Bravely let' him speak-the ut- most syllable of-his confession. We but half express our- selves, and are ashamed of-that divine idea which each of- us represents.' It-may-be safely trusted as proportionate and-of good issues, so it-be faithfully imparted, but God will-not-have his work made manifest' by cowards. It needs-a divine man to exhibit anything divine. A-man is relieved and gay when-he has put his heart into his' work and-done his best; but what he-has said or done otherwise shall give him no peace. It-is-a deliverance 47 which does- not' deliver. In-the attempt his genius deserts him ; no muse befriends ; no invention, no hope. Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to-that iron string. Accept'-the place the divine providence lias-found for-you, the society of-your contemporaries, the connection of events. Great-men have-always done-so, and' confided themselves childlike to-the genius of their-age, betraying their perception that-the Eternal was stirring at-their heart, working through-their hands, predominating' 45 in-all-their being. (603.) 45. Pre-established, Pr 1 clis- 47. Deliverance, Dins-. joined St' J . 48. Predominating, Prd'-Mn 46. Sculpture, sKl-Ptr 2 . T-XD. DU5INESS LETTERS Advertising ID* ^r...l...% /Mo. 2- Banking ...?...<^... c ..'r^7/..X. L...\ - L ^---^-L- r ^\ ,^-rrr-b ^-x- L x 'V^ Publishing r /Wo 149 c.. I ..5. 1 .TV 7 3--. / _.~V....\ 150 . ..r / K~ /Na^-ElecincaJ ^- S...^... ....t 11 ..^ ^L '...- . _/\ , ..>r^ 2 T _^ / r..:..SC^.>.7...\.., /|~/1- <_> x . . , . /"_ . _ . . 1 _ . 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L...f.x .^.X--.'.-^->- -s - ] s, s ..:...i.. i6S Abbreviations i 1 4 advance ^-i confidential-ly Y 5 domestic j, advanced congregate-d ^-__^^ eccentric-ity { advances conspicuous-ly S~ al f electric 1 *. ity A advantageous-ly f dangerous al ' 1 emphatic iy S. aggregate-d 1 ^ f~ enthusiasm-tic 1 1 decapitate-d \ ^/ d r - ^ ^-^iibsi" antagonize d.klicd't ..,1 entire ism \ D d r t ly X approximate iy delinquent V*.- cy <(^ especial-ly ~\_ lire 1 architect \- N democrat-ic i. s essential-ly 1 -J aristocrat-ic d designate cr^^ tion n executor N^- auspicious-ly .-h determine t executrix ^ 1 P Iy ~-^--j bank K determination l^~v extemporaneous "^T~^^~ bankrupt 1 f y 1 dignity P extinct ^ _^ " "V^A" "" bankruptcy fied r d dilapidate _^=3 ily extraordinary ) tion \ d V baptize ^P diplomat-ic ^t > ist N^-~\ 1 -y V- benevolent ence Jo disadvantage . 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