The New Chief of i olice ^ s ~-w A Dramatic Exposure of Modern Hypocrisy BY I 1 1 I I !< WALTER MONTAGUE Copyright October 30. 1913. Class D. No. 34781 This playlet was first introduced at the Hippodrome Theater, Los Angeles, Cl., the week of May 4th, 1914, and created a sensation. It is a virile gripping story of social conditions as they exist today. Published exclusively by The Monith Publishing Company, 341 South Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles, Cal. c s^* t 1 ^ To tke Public The Publishers feel that no apology is needed in presenting this playlet to the public. We hold no brief for either side of the question, but merely* place it before you, as a point of View to accept or condemn as you choose. In order to meet the demand of thousands of people who had no opportunity to see the playlet, we ha^e secured the publishing rights from the Author, Walter Montague, and offer it to you word for word as it was played under his direction. THE PUBLISHERS. Respectfully Dedicated To the host of good fellow's, of both sexes, who, while believing in majority rule, feel that the minority have certain definite rights, and who regret the lack of inteligence in these pseudo reformers w"ho will not admit a middle ground but must rule or ruin. WALTER MONTAGUE. NOTE. TKis playlet is fully protected by* copyright. The undersigned vJill pay* a re-oJard of $25.00 for information that tCill lead to the arrest and con- viction of any* person gi-Oing an unauthorized public performance of The NevJ Chief of Police. WALTER MONTAGUE, 209 Pantages Theater Building, San Francisco, Cal. SKLfl URfi The New Chief of Police A Story Taken From Life BY . '* WALTER MONTAGUE S.CE.NE An office of a chief of police. A desk C. with a swivel chair. There is an entrance R. and L. U. The room to be fitted up as an office. There is a chair down R. CAST Chief Saunders ,...jNewly Appointed Dora. La Fere ^ ........A Society Bud Joe Masters.....,, A Sailor Mrs. De Witt Beecher. President Women's Federated Clubs CHIEF (Discovered sitting at his desk C. He is in full uni- form. The telephone bell rings at 1 ' rise. He answers it.) Hello. (Pause.} Who? Mrs. De Witt Beecher president of the Women's Federated Clubs. 'All right send her up.' (He hooks up the phone and retakes it off hook.) THE NEW CH1KP OF Hello, Sergeant. This is the Ciii ''. Get that sailor out. of the Bullpen, and have him sent up when I ring for him. (Hangs up phone.) MRS. BEKCHKK (Enters R. U. E. A 1,< '