I I ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE LECTURES ON ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING DELIVERED AT THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA, SEPTEMBER 20 TO 28, 1916 UNDER THE JOINT AUSPICES OF THE UNIVERSITY AND THE ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING SOCIETY McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, INC. 239 WEST 39TH STREET. NEW YORK LONDON: HILL PUBLISHING CO., Lnx 6 & 8 BOUVERIE ST., E. C. 1917 VI PREFACE volume, were delivered at the University of Pennsylvania between the dates September 20 and September 28 inclusive, by men peculiarly qualified by training and experience to present the most advanced treatment of illumination problems. It is worthy of record here that there were 180 subscriptions to the entire course and that in addition 59 tickets to individual lectures were sold. Supplementing the lectures an exhibit was arranged which exemplified modern methods of illumination and illustrated modern lighting appliances. An inspection tour was also organized in connection with the lectures, including visits to places of interest to lighting men, in Pittsburgh, Washington, Philadelphia, Atlantic City, New York, Boston, Schenectady, Buffalo, Cleveland and Chicago. EDWARD P. HYDE. THE INCEPTION OF THE 1916 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING COURSE In considering special activities when undertaking the Presidency of the Illuminating Engineering Society in the summer of 1915, I conceived the idea of a course of lectures on illuminating engineering which would be supplementary to the course held at The Johns Hopkins University in 1910, and which would emphasize the practical rather than the theoretical aspect of the subject. Later it developed that members of the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania had discussed a like project. Happily these two ideas, of independent origin, were brought together before the Council of the Illuminating Engineering Society, and the lecture course was duly consummated. The result has been very gratifying to the Illuminating Engineering Society. The value of the course was demonstrated at the time of its presentation. This book is expected to extend that value materially. CHARLES P. STEINMETZ. OPENING EXERCISES The lecture course followed immediately upon the adjournment of the 1916 Annual Convention of the Illuminating Engineering Society, which was held in Philadelphia. On the evening preceding the first lecture, and following the closing session of the Convention, a meeting was held in the auditorium of the Museum of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, to which meeting the public was invited. The following interesting program was carried out: Address CHARLES P. STEINMETZ, President Illuminating Engineering Society. Address EDGAR F. SMITH, Provost University of Pennsylvania. Address EDWARD P. HYDE, Chairman 1910 and 1916 I.E.S. Committees on Lectures. Popular Lecture Subject, "Controlled Light" WM. A. DURGIN, Director Illuminating Engineering Society. A large and enthusiastic audience greeted the distinguished speakers. Representations from the faculty and undergraduate body of the University, from the membership of the Illuminating Engineering Society, and from the local lighting organizations, combined to make the occasion auspicious. Expression of Appreciation Tendered by the Illuminating Engineering Society to the University of Pennsylvania The very able and cordial cooperation of the faculty and staff of the University of Pennsylvania which contributed largely to the success of the Illuminating Engineering Lecture Course prompted the Council of the Illuminating Engineering Society to forward to Provost Smith of the University an engrossed "appreciation" couched in the following terms: The Council of the Illuminating Engineering Society expresses vii Vlll OPENING EXERCISES its appreciation of the courteous cooperation of the Provost and Faculty of the University of Pennsylvania in the joint organization and conduct of the Illuminating Engineering Lecture Course, September 2ist to 28th, 1916. (Signed) G. H. STICKNEY, (Signed) WM J. SERRILL, General Secretary. President. December 14, 1916. CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE v COMMITTEE ON LECTURES x ? Illumination Units and Calculations i By A. S. MCALLISTER. The Principles of Interior Illumination, Parts I and II 37 Committee: J. R. CRAVATH, WARD HARRISON, R. ff. PIERCE. The Principles of Exterior Illumination 77 By Louis BELL. Modern Photometry go. By CLAYTON H. SHARP. Recent Developments in Electric Lighting Appliances 131 By G. H. STICKXEY. Recent Developments in Gas Lighting Appliances 165 By ROBERT ff. PIERCE. Modern Lighting Accessories 183 By W. F. LITTLE. Light Projection: Its Applications 213 By E. J. EDWARDS and H. H. MAGDSICK. The Architectural and Decorative Aspects of Lighting 253 By GUY LOWELL. Color in Lighting 267 By M. LUCKIESH. Church Lighting Requirements 1 297 By E. G. PERROT. , The Lighting of Schools, Libraries and Auditoriums 307 By F. A. VAUGHN. The Lighting of Factories, Mills and Workshops 337 By C. E. CLEWELL. The Lighting of Offices, Stores and Shop Windows 363 By NORMAN MACBETH. The Lighting of the Home 395 By H. W. JORDAN. The Lighting- of Streets (Part I) 415 By PRESTON S. MILLAR. Street Lighting (Part II) 461 By C. F. LACOMBE. Railway Car Lighting 493 By GEORGE H. HULSE. The Lighting of Yards, Docks and Other Outside Works 513 By J. L. MINICK. Sign Lighting 535 By L. G. SHEPARD. ix 2 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE curves and can be converted into " light curves" only after making proper modifications in accordance with certain well-defined solid geometrical relations. It seems appropriate to give emphasis to this statement by defining the solid geometrical relations referred to, which are equally as simple as plane geometrical or trigonomet- rical relations. SOLID GEOMETRICAL RELATIONS Of the several space geometrical relations with which an illuminat- ing engineer should be familiar, by far the most important, and happily the simplest, is that existing between the external area or zonal area of a sphere and its diameter or zonal width. This rela- tion is one of direct proportion. That is to say, the external area Fig. I. Spherical geometrical relations. of a zone of any chosen sphere varies directly with the width of the zone, and the total external area is that of a zone having a width equal to the diameter of the sphere. In almost all cases of application to illumination problems, one is interested in the relative values rather than the actual values of the various zonal areas and the above mentioned proportion is all that he needs to take into consideration. However, one can de- termine the actual as well as the relative values with extreme sim- plicity by means of certain plane geometrical or trigonometrical relations applied to the sphere. In Fig. i, which represents a sphere cut along a vertical plane through the center O, the zone of infinitesimal vertical width* ED, along the diameter, has an external area represented by the sloping MCALLISTER: ILLUMINATION UNITS 3 width at C multiplied by the circumference of the zonal circle passing horizontally through C. Now the circumference of the horizontal circle through C bears to that of the horizontal circle through B (that is, the " great circle" of the sphere), the relation of cos < to i. Likewise the sloping width of the zone at C bears to the vertical width ED the inverse ratio, i to cos <. Since these two ratios, one the inverse of the other, are to- be multiplied together in determining the zonal area, it is obvious that the external area of the zone having a width ED along the diameter is equal to the product of this width by the circumference of the "great circle." Similarly the total external area of the sphere is found by multiplying the sphere diameter (= total width of all zones) by the circumference of the great circle; or is equal to dXird = 7rd z = 4irr 2 where d is the diameter and r the radius of the sphere. Familiarity with the above fundamental spherical (space) geomet- rical relations is absolutely essential to a proper understanding of the significance of the curves showing the space distribution of the candle-power of light sources; to the derivation or interpretation of diagrams showing^ the light from sources whose candle-power curves are known, and to the solution of problems relating to plane surface or extended surface sources. It is noteworthy in this connection that the modern tendency is away from point sources, and point-source candle-power methods of calculation, towards extended source and lumen-output calculat- ing methods, so that the importance of becoming familiar with space geometrical relations is ever on the increase. UNIT SOLID ANGLE THE STERADIAN Although the illuminating engineer is seldom called upon to make use of solid angular dimensions expressed in terms of any unit of solid angular measurement, because almost all of the calculations in which he is interested can be based on ratios rather than, actual values of solid angles, yet it may at times be found convenient to refer to some solid angular measurement in terms of a unit of measurement. Two distinct units have been employed for this purpose, one represented by the whole sphere and the other by a value i -5- 4?r as large. For the former no special name has been standardized, while to the latter the name "steradian" is applied. 4 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE v. From its definition it will be seen that any zone on a sphere having a diametrical width such that W = d -r- 471-, where d is the diame- ter of the sphere, will subtend a solid angle of one steradian, and that 4?r = 12.57 -f steradians equal one sphere in solid angular measurement. Since the external surface of a sphere of unit radius is equal to 47r units of area, it follows that a steradian is an angle having such a value as to subtend unit area on the surface of a sphere of unit radius, or an area equal numerically to the radius squared on a sphere of any dimension whatsoever expressed in any unit of length or area. It is sometimes stated that the solid angle subtended by a chosen area when viewed from a chosen position can be calculated in steradians by dividing the numerical value of the area by the square of the distance between the point selected and the area. This statement is correct only when applied to an area every infinitesimal element of which occupies the same distance from the point of observation; that is, when the area lies on the circumference of a sphere having its center at the point chosen. RELATION BETWEEN LIGHT AND CANDLE-POWER DISTRIBUTION In order to present most clearly the exact significance of the candle-power curve, explain most readily the diagram for showing the distribution and summation of the light flux (lumens) from the source, and to give proper emphasis to the necessary distinction between candle-power distribution and light distribution use will be made of the curve of candle-power of a source giving light in only one hemisphere. In order definitely to fix ideas it will be assumed that the maxi- mum candle-power of the source is 100 and that the candle-power decreases uniformly according to a cosine function of the angle of vision to zero at 90 degrees from the position of maximum candle- power^ The curve showing the distribution of candle-power of such a source (which could be for example, an infinitesimal plane radiating in accordance with the " cosine law" of space distribution of candle-power) is represented in Fig. 2. Assume now that the source is placed at the center of a hollow sphere of unit radius the interior surface of which is illuminated by the source, as indicated in Fig. 2. The illumination on each ele- mentary area of the surrounding sphere will at each point be numeric- MCALLISTER: ILLUMINATION UNITS 5 ally equal to the candle-power of the source when observed from that point expressed in foot-candles if the radius of the sphere is one foot; in meter-candles if the radius is one meter, etc. Hence to determine the lumens incident upon any chosen section of the surrounding sphere it is necessary merely to multiply the area of that section by the mean candle-power of the source effective over that section. It is convenient not only for present purposes but also for purposes of subsequent comparisons, to express the area of sections of the surrounding sphere in terms of the zones cut off by various angles below (and above) the horizontal. Surface Source of Light Figs. 2 and 3. Space distribution of candle-power and light flux from infinitesimal surface source. It should here be observed that, for sake of convenience in deriva- tion and explanation, the angles indicated herein are measured (in both the plus and the minus direction) from the horizontal plane, whereas in actual curves of candle-power distribution the angles of elevation are "counted positively from the nadir as zero to the zenith as 180 degrees." That is to say, whereas in the curves herein shown the vertical angles are measured through zero from minus 90 degrees to plus 90 degrees, it is the more usual plan to make all measurements in the positive direction from zero plotted at the bottom of the curve to 180 degrees at the top. The zonal areas measured from the horizontal plane are as follows : ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE Zonal angle from horizontal Zonal width sine of angle Zonal area 2v zonal width Max. C. P. of zone 0-15 0.259 1.6 3 25-9 0-30 0.500 3-14 50.0 o-45 0.7070 4-44 70.7 0-60 0.866 5-44 86.6 o-75 0.969 6.06 96.6 0-90 i .000 6.28 IOO.O Candle-Power Lumens Zone Area Max. Min. Mean Area X CP 0-30 30-60 60-90 3-14 2.30 0.84 50.0 86.6 IOO.O 00.0 50.0 86.6 25.0 68.3 93-3 78.5 I57-I 78.4 Total 6 28 Total.. . . 314.0 3 4 The vertical widths of the separate zones are represented by the vertical line at the extreme right in Fig. 3. Along this line have been erected certain perpendiculars for representing the candle- power values over each part of the zone width. The product of the candle-power at each point by the zone area at that point which bears the constant relation of 2ir -r- i to the vertical width of each zone, gives the lumens over that zone to a certain scale. Obviously the area of the triangular figure at the right in Fig. 3 represents (to a scale involving the candle-power scale, the distance scale and the constant 2ir) the total lumens radiated by the source. From this figure, known as the Rousseau diagram, the lumens effective over any chosen zone can be computed at once from the intercepted area on the diagram. This is not an approximate, but an absolutely exact method of calculation. Any errors involved in using the method can be attributed to inaccuracies in measuring or plotting the candle-power or in determining the areas from the diagram; that is, to inexactness in carrying out the method rather than to the method itself. By using the Rousseau diagram merely as an aid in visualizing the problem and resorting to plane or spherical geometrical or trigonometrical calculations for actual determinations, one can often eliminate all inaccuracies other than those inherent in the photometric testing of the lighting source. MCALLISTER: ILLUMINATION UNITS 7 If the candle-power had been uniform throughout the lower hemi- sphere at a value equal to the actual maximum of 100 the total number of lumens would have been 628, or just twice the actual value. Similarly, if the uniform candle-power of 100 has been active throughout both the upper and the lower hemisphere, the lumens output from the source would have totalled 1256, or four times the actual value determined above by slide-rule computation. The mathematically exact result would be, Area X c.p. = 4^ X 100 = 1256.64 +. The exact ratio between the total lumens produced by the light- ing source having the candle-power distribution indicated in Fig. 2, and the lumens that would be produced by a source giving uniform candle-power in all directions equal to the maximum in Fig. 2, is i -T- 4. Obviously this ratio, which is called the "spherical reduction factor," in any practical case depends upon the shape of the candle-power distribution curve, becoming indefinitely small in the case of a concentrated beam and reaching a maximum of i.o in the case of a source of uniform candle-power such as a spherical surface source. It may be well at this point to call attention to the fact that the "mean spherical candle-power" of a surface source of any shape whatsoever is equal to one-fourth of the product of the effective radiating area by the maximum candle-power of an (infinitesimal) unit area of the source, provided only that each infinitesimal area radiates in space according to the cosine law of space-distribution and all infinitesimal areas have the same maximum value of candle- power. The total effective candle-power in any chosen direction observed at any chosen position from such a source is equal to the product of the candle-power per unit area by the "projected area" of the source as viewed from the direction (and exact position) chosen. These facts will be discussed in greater detail later in connection with the subjects of "brightness" "output" and "appearance." On account of the fact that such curves as those shown in Fig. 2 are often loosely referred to as "light-distribution" curves, rather than "candle-power-distribution" curves, certain misconceptions have been produced in the minds of persons not familiar with the exact physical significance of the geometrical representation of the photometric relations. In order to lay proper emphasis on the distinction that must be 8 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE made between " light distribution" and " candle-power distribution," a comparison will be made with the actual distribution of light in each vertical zone (as accurately shown by the Rousseau diagram of Fig. 3) and the distribution of light which would exist if the curve of Fig. 2 were in reality a "light distribution" rather than a "candle- power distribution" curve. This curve is reproduced in Fig. 4, where it is treated as representing "light distribution," and on the basis of this interpretation the Rousseau diagram of Fig. 5, has been constructed by the methods already explained. A comparison of the incorrect diagram of Fig. 5, with the correct diagram of Fig. 3 will serve to show the inaccuracy in treating a "candle-power distribution" curve as a "light distribution" curve. Figs. 4 and 5. Space distribution of light from an assumed source and corresponding flux summation diagram. CANDLE POWER DISTRIBUTION FROM CYLINDRICAL AND SPHERICAL SURFACE SOURCES In Fig. 6, the smaller double circles show the space distribution of candle power around an infinitesimal cylindrical surface source having a vertical axis. In Fig. 7, the elliptical area is the Rousseau diagram showing the light flux produced over various zones of the sphere surrounding the light source, as explained above. In Fig. 6, the large central circle shows the candle-power distribu- tion around a spherical surface source; the corresponding Rousseau diagram is represented by the rectangular area in Fig. 7. The separate curves of Fig. 6 have been so drawn that the rectangular area of Fig. 7 is equal to the elliptical area of the same figure. That MCALLISTER: ILLUMINATION UNITS 9 is, the light output from the cylindrical surface has been made equal to the light output from the spherical surface source. It will be recalled, from well-known trigonometrical and geomet- rical relations, that the area of an ellipse is equal to Tr/4 times the product of the major and minor axes, whereas that of a rectangle is equal to the product of the major and minor sides. It follows therefore that the minor side of the rectangle in Fig. 7 is equal to -90 Figs. 6 and 7. Space distribution of candle-power from infinitesimal cylindrical and spher- ical sources and corresponding flux summation diagrams. 7T/4 times the minor axis of the ellipse, and hence the maximum (uniform) candle-power of the spherical surface source is equal to ir/4 times the maximum (horizontal) candle-power of the cylindrical surface source in Fig. 6. That is to say, the "spherical reduction factor" of a cylindrical surface source is equal to 7r/4 = 0.7854. This is the value usually assigned to a so-called "line-source," which has no existence in reality, its nearest approach in practice 10 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE being the cylindrical surface of a lamp filament having an inappreciable diameter. SPACE REPRESENTATION OF CANDLE-POWER DISTRIBUTION By means of models representing solids of revolution of the candle-power curves about the axis of reference one can obtain a better idea of the real significance of the space distribution of the candle-power than can be obtained from the flat candle-power curve which must in any event be interpreted as showing merely a cross- sectional view of such a space-model. In interpreting a candle- power distribution model care must be exercised in giving signifi- cance to the quantities represented. Special emphasis must be placed on the fact that neither the volumetric content of the model nor the superficial area has any immediate relation to the flux of light from the source giving the candle-power indicated by the model. A striking illustration of this fact is afforded by a com- parison of the centrally located candle-power circle in Fig. 6 with the completely displaced candle-power circle in Fig. 2. As already shown by means of the Rousseau diagrams of Fig. 7 and Fig. 3, the flux produced by the source giving the circular candle- power curve of Fig. 6 is exactly equal to that produced by the source giving the circular candle-power curve of Fig. 2, and hence the solid of revolution of Fig. 6 represents exactly the same amount of flux as does the solid of revolution of Fig. 2. The diameter of the circle in Fig. 2 is exactly twice as great as that in Fig. 6; the superficial area of the solid of revolution of Fig. 2 is four times that of Fig. 6, and its volumetric content is eight times as large. A certain percentage of the volumetric content or superficial area of any chosen solid of revolution represents the same percentage of the total flux of light from the source only in the limiting cases of uniform candle-power in all directions as shown by the centrally located circle of Fig. 6 or of a section of the sphere cut vertically throughout the whole depth. From the two illustrations chosen above, it will be observed that even when the scale of candle-power is defined, the total flux repre- sented by a given solid of revolution is known only when the exact location of the light source within the sphere is known. With the source at the center, the sphere represents the maximum of light flux; when the source is at the surface (as in Fig. 2) the light flux MCALLISTER: ILLUMINATION UNITS n has only one-half of the maximum value, all other quantities, dimensions and scales remaining the same. SPHERICAL SURFACE: THE SO-CALLED "POINT "-SOURCE For many purposes it has been found convenient to refer to a source of light as though it were a " point" (that is, without dimen- sions) and by certain mathematical transformations certain equa- tions applicable exclusively to surface sources have been treated as though they related to true point-sources. When dealing with illumination effects at a distance, no measurable errors are involved in such assumptions and transformations, but when one attempts to define the "brightness" or appearance of the source to the eye on the basis of an assumed point-source, the assumptions are found to be at conflict with the most significant physical fact, which is that the brightness is a function of the area, whereas 'points (even an in- finite number of them) are devoid of dimensions or area. By treating the so-called "point-source," not as a true point but as an infinitesimal surface having all of the physical characteristics of a surface source the mathematical difficulties can be overcome, but by far the simplest and most satisfactory method is to treat the source initially, finally and all the time, as a surface source having true surface source characteristics. Consider, therefore, a spherical surface source of unit radius (i cm.) emitting 100 candle-power uniformly in all directions. The total output from the source will be 4?r X 100 = 1257 lumens. The superficial area of the source is 4irr 2 = 12.57 sq. cm., and hence the output is equal to 100 lumens per square centimeter. At any appreciable distance from the source the "projected area" of the source viewed from this distance is equal to irr 2 = 3.14 sq. cm. and hence the "apparent candle-power per unit of projected area" is 100 -5- 3.14 = 31.9 a value which in the past has been called "brightness," but no name has been adopted for designating the unit. For the unit quantity "apparent output" from the source expressed in "apparent lumens per sq. cm." the term "lam- bert" has been adopted. This term is applicable equally to the "brightness" (or appearance to the eye) of any surface whether radiating, transmitting, or reflecting, and whether or not it acts as a perfectly diffusing surface, but the unit is defined by, and receives its magnitude from, the appearance to the eye of "a perfectly diffusing surface radiating or reflecting one lumen per sq. cm." 12 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE As is well known, according to the so-called " inverse square law" the illumination (or luminous flux density) on a plane at any chosen distance from a " point-source " varies inversely with the distance from the source. If it were possible to obtain a true point-source, it would be possible to produce infinite illumination by bringing the plane within an infinitesimal distance from the source. With a spherical surface source the "inverse square" law holds true provided only that the distance from the source is measured from the center thereof. In this case the minimum distance from the source is equal to the radius of the sphere. With a spherical sur- face source i cm. in radius producing 100 c.p. uniformly in all direc- tions the maximum illumination (at minimum distance) is equal to 100 -f- r 2 = 100 lumens per sq. cm. This means that the maximum possible illumination in lumens per sq. cm. is equal to the "bright- ness" of the source expressed in "lamberts." This relation holds true for surface sources of all kinds and shape, being absolutely fundamental. Any assumption that would lead to results contrary thereto can be said not to be in accord with the physical fact. In order always to have before one a correct mental picture of the true physical conditions of lighting sources, it is best always to assume that the so-called "point- source" is in reality a spherical surface source (having finite dimensions), and to base all calculations on the surface source rather than point-source conception. That is to say, it is not necessary to employ the "point-source conception" in order to take advantage of the "inverse square law" and similar relations developed and employed on the basis of the assumed "point-source," because the same relations are applicable even more accurately and completely to the spherical surface source. Moreover, there are certain relations between the output density of the surface sources and the illumination (flux density) produced on surfaces illuminated thereby, which can be utilized immediately when all calculations are based on the surface source conception but which must be ignored in effect when the point-source concep- tion is used. This fact is becoming of increasing importance as the indirect or semi-indirect system of lighting is being substituted for the direct. FLUX-SUMMATION ON MEAN SPHERICAL CANDLE-POWER DIAGRAM Reference has already been made to the Rousseau diagram for representing by means of an area the total flux produced by a light MCALLISTER: ILLUMINATION UNITS 13 source of which the candle-power distribution curve is known. As a matter of actual practice in illumination calculations use may be said always to be made for the purpose indicated of either the Rousseau diagram or some one of several modifications thereof that have been developed for eliminating the necessity of a planimeter for determining the area or its equivalent. Figs. 8 and 9 have been drawn to show one of the methods em- ployed for representing the equivalent of an area by means of a straight line. The irregular curve XbeY of Fig. 8 is a candle-power Figs. 8 and 9. Linear and area representations of zonal flux. distribution curve of which Fig. 9 is the corresponding Rousseau, or flux-summation, diagram. Consider the small area ABCTPS of Fig. 9. If such a section be so selected that its mean width is equal to PB then the small area ABCTPS is equal to the product of AC (the height) by PB (the width). The problem is to select some one line which, by geometrical construction, is pro- portional to the product of AC and PB. In Fig. 8 such a line is shown by A'C', which by construction, bears to AC (of Fig. 9) the direct ratio of Ob to OP (of Fig.8). That is to say, it is propor- tional directly to the area ABCTPS, the proportionality constant 14 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE being dependent upon the linear candle-power scale and the diameter of V' the circle of reference, or rather the enclosing sphere. The summation of all the various part-areas of Fig. 9 as indicated by A'C, E'F', etc., of Fig. 8, would produce a single linear dimen- sion directly proportional to the total area of Fig. 9; that is, directly proportional to the total flux from the source of which the irregular curve of Fig. 8 shows the space distribution of the candle-power. One can easily define the proportionality constant by applying the method here outlined to the determination of the total flux from the candle-power curve of a " spherical surface" source producing equal candle-power in all directions. It will be seen at once that the total of the vertical lengths (corresponding to A'C and E'F', etc.) would then equal twice the length chosen to represent the uniform candle-power of the " spherical surface" source; now the total flux is equal to 4?r 7 whereas the summatio length is 2 7 and hence the proportionality constant is 2ir. That is to say, independent in every respect of the irregularities of the candle-power curve, the linear summation method outlined above gives at once a value equal (if sufficiently small sections are selected for summation) to twice the mean spherical candle-power of the source, measured on the candle-power scale, and this value multiplied by 2ir equals (with the same degree of accuracy) the total flux from the source expressed in lumens. It will be noted that, contrary to the relations involved in the Rousseau diagram, the diameter of the circle (or sphere) of reference cancels out from the proportionality constant in the linear summa- tion of Fig. 8, whereas it appears as a direct factor in the area summation of Fig. 9. LINEAR SUMMATION BY GRAPHICAL CONSTRUCTION In Fig. 1 1 is reproduced the candle-power curve of an infinitesimal cylindrical surface source of which the Rousseau flux diagram (elliptical) is shown in Fig. 12, identical except as to dimensions with the elliptical diagram in Fig. 7. In Fig. 10 is shown a graphical method for adding together the vertical linear equivalents of the separate 30 degree areas in the Rousseau diagram of Fig. 12, the equivalents in each case being determined by the geometrical method already outlined in connection with Fig. 8. It will be noted that the 3o-degree, 6o-degree and 90-degree angle lines have been so transposed, while retaining their equivalent lengths, that the corre- MCALLISTER: ILLUMINATION UNITS spending vertical distances are directly added one to the other to produce at once the total length of QQ', which (according to the proportionality constant derived above) is equivalent to twice the mean spherical candle-power represented by the candle-power distribution curve of Fig. n or the Rousseau diagram of Fig. 12. The linear summation diagram briefly outlined in connection with Fig. 10 was developed by Dr. A. E. Kennelly, past president of the Illuminating Engineering Society, and is known as the Kennelly Diagram. Q + 90' + 60' -I- SO' -30 Figs. 10, ii, and 12. Kennelly linear summation diagram; candle-power curve of cylindrical surface source; Rousseau area summation diagram. ABSORPTION-OF-LIGHT METHOD OF CALCULATION One of the most convenient and an absolutely reliable method of calculation in illumination problems is that based on the law of conservation. According to this law the total flux (lumens) of light absorbed by the illuminated surfaces within any chosen en- closure of any size, shape or character is exactly equal to the total amount of flux (lumens) produced by the sources of the lumination. This law is fundamental and calculations based upon it give ab- solutely accurate results when the assumptions as to absorption, etc., are correct. That is to say, by adding together the value of the lumens separately absorbed by the various surfaces illuminated one obtains at once an exact measure of the lumens produced by the sources of light. In order to determine the absorbed flux, it is necessary to know only the value of the incident flux and the absorption coefficient; i6 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE the product of these two represents accurately the lumens absorbed. Any error found in applying this method is to be attributed to the inability to determine either the value of the incident flux, or the absorption coefficient, or both, but not to the method itself. For example, assume a room 25 ft. wide, 80 ft. long, 10 ft. high having a white ceiling with an absorption coefficient of 0.20; light walls with an absorption of 0.50; and a dark floor with an absorption of 0.90, to be so lighted that the incident illumination on the ceiling is i foot-candle, that on the walls 2-foot candles and on the floor 3 foot-candles. The following summation shows the amount of lumens absorbed: Area Incident Absorption Sq. ft. Ft. C. Flux Coef. Flux Ceiling 2OOO 2IOO 2000 I 2 3 2000 4200 6000 o. 20 0.50 0.90 400 2IOO 5400 Walls Floor Total lumens absorbed = 7900. Total mean spherical candle-power equals 7900 -7-4^ = 630. This method is not approximate ; it is absolutely exact. However, it should not be assumed that results in practice can be obtained with such ready facility as here indicated, because the absorption coefficients of ceiling, wall and floor materials are not known to a high degree of accuracy; various surfaces in addition to those here considered intercept and absorb much of the light, and the light is not uniformly distributed over the various surfaces. In regard to the last mentioned limitation it is worthy of note that the mere lack of uniformity in the distribution of light flux does not affect the accuracy of the absorption method provided only that the true mean effective values of the incident illumination and of the absorption coefficient are assumed in each case. The actual distribution of the incident flux can be approximated by means of some of the point-by-point methods of calculations, while the absorption coefficient must be based on the results of tests relating to the materials composing the absorbing surfaces. Values for such coefficients will be given in connection with other lectures dealing with the practical application of the methods of calculation herein described. MCALLISTER: ILLUMINATION UNITS IXTER-REFLECTIONS BETWEEN WALLS, CEILING AND FLOOR Some idea concerning the bearing of reflection upon illumination can be gained readily from a brief study of the values derived from the above absorption problem. The total incident flux on the ceiling, walls and floor equal 2000 + 4200 -f- 6000 = 12,200 lumens, whereas the lighting units are re- quired to produce only 7900 lumens. The " mean effective absorp- tion coefficient" of the room as a whole is, therefore, 7900 -f- 12,200 = 0.65. Of the total of 12,200 lumens incident upon the surfaces only 7900 come directly from the lamps, 12,200 7900 = 4300 lumens being attributable to inter-reflection between the surfaces. Since only 2000 lumens are directed toward the ceiling (where 400 are absorbed and 1600 are reflected), whereas 6000 are directed toward the floor, it is apparent at once that the room selected is lighted by lamps which produced considerably more light in the lower than in the upper hemisphere; that is to say use is not made of the indirect system of lighting. For sake of comparison, consider now the same room with the same absorption coefficients with the same total amount of incident flux upon the floor and walls but with such an amount directed toward the ceiling that the reflection therefrom equals the amount absorbed by the floor. In other words assume that, in effect, use is made of the " totally indirect" system so far as the ceiling and floor are concerned. The light flux reflected from the ceiling (with its 0.20 absorption = 0.80 reflection) must equal the 5400 lumens absorbed by the floor. Hence, 5400 + 0.80 = 6750 equals the flux incident upon the ceiling. The tabulation will then be as follows: Area Incident Absorption Sq. ft. Flux Ft. C. Coef. Flux Ceiling 2OOO 2IOO 2000 6750 4200 6000 3-37 2.OO 3.00 o. 20 0.50 0.90 1350 2100 5400 Walls Floor Total lumens absorbed = 8850. Total mean spherical candle-power 8850 -5- 4*- = 705. The total incident flux is equal to 6750 + 4200 + 6000 = 16,950 lumens, as compared with the former 12,200 lumens. Thus with 1 8 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE an increase of 1 1 .9 per cent, in the candle-power of the lighting units, there is an increase of 16,950 12,200 = 4750 or 39 per cent, in the total incident flux in the room, with an increase of 1350 400 = 950 or 237 per cent, in the ceiling illumination. In referring above to the change in the system of lighting equip- ment use was made of the term "totally indirect," in order to con- centrate ideas on the immediate problem at hand rather than to describe the system actually required to produce the results indi- cated. With only 6750 lumens incident upon the ceiling which absorbs 1350 lumens, and a total of 4200 lumens incident upon the walls which absorb 2100 lumens, it is evident that the lighting units must supply considerable flux directly to the walls, and hence a " totally indirect" system of lighting would not produce the results required. As already stated, in actual practice conditions are not so readily denned as assumed above, and the absorption method cannot be applied practically with the degree of simplicity that might be in- ferred from the above examples, but it can be looked upon as a most reliable check upon the more complicated methods of calculation and as an invaluable aid in solving problems connected with the illuminating of reflecting surfaces, investigating quantitatively the effect of inter-reflection between surfaces, and ascertaining the limits in the distribution of light flux between illuminated surfaces. UTILIZATION FACTOR In actual practical problems in illumination design it has been found quite convenient to make use of the direct relations between the so-called "total lumens utilized" and the lumens produced by the lighting sources, because the former can be considered to be the known quantity and the latter the unknown quantity in one phase of the practical illumination problem. The "lumens utilized" are assumed to be equal to the mean illumination (in, say, foot-candles) over the reference plane (say 30 in. above the floor) multiplied by the area of the floor (in square feet). The ratio between this quantity of lumens to the lumens produced by the source is called the "utilization factor," or "coefficient of utilization." Referring to the two examples given above it will be seen that (if the illumination on the reference plane be assumed to be equal to that at the floor level) the utilization factor in the so-called " direct lighting" problem would be 6000 -f- 7900 = 0.76, whereas in the "indirect" problem it would be 6000 -f- 8850 = 0.68. MCALLISTER: ILLUMINATION UNITS 19 A study of the above problems in the light of the above definition will show that the "utilization factor" depends on not only the system of lighting and the absorption by the ceiling and walls but also on the absorption by the floor. The fact of the matter is that with highly reflecting floor, walls and ceiling the "utilization factor" would have a value greater than unity. This condition would seldom be reached in practice but would be closely approached in the case of a dining-room decorated in light colors, with a wide expanse of table linen and light floor covering. The value of the utilization factor depends upon the character of the lighting units, relative dimensions of the room, color and material of the ceiling, walls and floor. Utilization factors, as determined by actual tests under service conditions, will be discussed fully in other lectures, and need not be dwelt upon herein. ILLUMINATION BY DAYLIGHT Mention has already been made of the simple solution of problems that would otherwise prove quite complex by means of certain solid angular relations. This statement applies with particular force to problems relating to the illumination from either artificial or natural sky-light through either ceiling or side-wall windows. In view of the fact that as a lighting source the sky is located at an indefinite, if not infinite, distance from the objects illuminated, it is obvious at once that resort cannot be had to the method of calculation based upon the so-called "inverse-square law." For purposes of calculation the sky can best be considered as an extended surface source of undefined shape at an indefinite distance from and completely surrounding the observer, being visible (except for local obstructions) throughout the upper hemisphere above the horizontal plane occupied by the observer. The first and most important step is to establish the relation between the illumination produced at any chosen point by such a source and the solid angle subtended by the source when viewed from that point; or rather first to show that the solid angular relations are in strict agreement with the ''inverse-square law" and that by basing the calculations exclusively on the former the latter may be eliminated. Referring to Fig. 13, consider the perfectly general case of a small section (dA) of a surface lighting source of any shape or inclination (a) situated at any distance (R) from any chosen point (P). Let c be the normal emitting density (here used as "apparent candle- 2O ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE power per unit area") of this source. The illumination produced at point P, from the inverse square and cosine laws, is, = c (dA) cos a Consider now the illumination that would be produced at the same point P, by a surface source (da) at the circumference of the imaginary enclosing sphere subtending the same solid angle as Surface of any shape in any position Fig. 13. Photometric relations based on equality of solid angles. (dA) and having an equal normal emitting density c. The illumina- tion at the central point, P, would be From simple geometrical relations, the correctness of which will be appreciated at once from a glance at Fig. 13, it is seen that the areas (da) and (dA) bear to each other such a ratio that (da) = ~(dA) cos a (3) Combining equations (3) and (2) and comparing the result with equation (i), there is obtained c(dA) cos a (4) MCALLISTER: ILLUMINATION UNITS 21 Equation (4) shows that when dealing with surface lighting sources (such as the sky, artificial windows, or indirect lighting systems) the illumination at any chosen point is fully defined when the emit- ting density of the source and the solid angle subtended by th/e source as viewed from the point chosen are known. Upon this relation can be based some extremely simple graphical solutions of problems relating to illumination by daylight or by surface lighting sources in general. From the relations derived above it will be seen that in calculating the illumination produced by a surface source it is unnecessary to know either the candle-power of the source or the distance of the source from the point of observation, provided only that the solid angle subtended by the source and the emitting density (expressed preferably in lumens per unit area) are known. It is obvious there- fore that, so far as calculations are concerned, any surface source of indefinite shape, size or location (such as the exposed sky surface) can be treated as equivalent to a definitely located source of definite shape and size provided only that such values are assigned to the dimensions and position of the substituted surface source that the solid angles are the same as before and the assumed emitting density of the substituted source is identical with that of the original. Hence in day-lighting problems it may be assumed that a plane sur- face source of sky- value emitting density having the exact dimensions of the exposed area of either a ceiling or a side- wall window can safely be substituted for the sky. From all points within a room receiving an unobstructed view of the sky through a window, the window itself can be treated as the surface lighting source having an emitting density in lumens per unit area exactly equal to that of the sky. At point where the sky is partly hid from view through the window, the solid angle is corre- spondingly reduced for the full sky density, and a lower density must be assigned to the remaining portion of the original solid angle in accordance with the relative reflection coefficients of the ob- structing areas on the side exposed to view through the window. CIRCULAR SKY-WINDOW SOURCES The above described method of substituting a surface source of known dimensions and location for some other source of more com- plex dimensions and uncertain location is invaluable in determining the illumination produced by the light received through ceiling 22 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE windows from either natural or artificial sources. For this purpose, it is most convenient to substitute for any square, rectangular or irregularly shaped window source a circular or elliptical source of equal emitting density, equivalent in area and in practical solid angular relations. In Fig. 14, let ACB represent an edgewise view of a flat circular source, assumed to be in the ceiling of a room, having any chosen value of uniform emitting density and any desired radius. If through the edges A and B there be passed an imaginary sphere of any chosen size whatsoever such as ADB with its center at 5R- 10 11 12 13 14 16 Pig. 14. Equilux spheres with illuminating values in per cent, for spheres passing through points i, 2, 3, 4, etc., length units below source. some point on a vertical line passing through the center c, the inner surface of this imaginary sphere below the lighting source will receive an illumination which will be uniform in intensity normal to the surface of the sphere throughout the whole interior of the imaginary sphere. The statement just made is not based on the equality of the solid angles subtended by the source when viewed from various points along the interior of the imaginary sphere; in fact, the solid angle is not constant but varies directly with the cosine of the plane angular deviation of the point of observation from the position directly below the center of the source. However, the above statement MCALLISTER: ILLUMINATION UNITS 23 applies not to the illumination density on a plane normal to the line of observation of the source from the point chosen but to the density normal to the imaginary sphere at this point. The ratio between these two densities varies inversely with the cosine of the angular deviation just mentioned, so that the final product is con- stant, and hence the density normal to the imaginary sphere is constant. Evidently the exact value of the density (in lumens per unit area) of the normal illumination against the inner surface of the sphere will bear to the emitting density (in lumens per unit area) of the circular surface source the inverse ratio of the interior area of the exposed zone of the sphere to the area of the lighting source, since the lumens produced must equal those utilized. From solid geo- metrical relations it will be seen that this ratio equals the square of the radius AC to the diagonal AD. When the radius of the circular source is taken as the unit of length for the measurement of all dis- tances, and the unit of illumination density (lumens per unit area) is taken as the emitting density of the source, then the percentage value of the illumination density on the interior of the sphere is equal to 100 divided by the square of the diagonal AD. For convenience any sphere passing through the edges A and B, as just indicated, can be referred to as an "equilux" sphere (the "lux" being one of the several units of illumination). Equilux spheres of the proper sizes being employed, one is enabled "to explore the whole region" illuminated by the source, and to ascertain immedi- ately for any desired point within the space explored the exact value of that component of the light flux which is normal to the particular equilux sphere passing through that point. In Fig. 14 are indicated numerous equilux spheres and the points of intersection of these spheres with horizontal planes (floors) at light distances of 3.5 units and 7 units of length (radii) below the source, and with vertical planes (walls) 3 and 5 length units distant from the center of the source. Points of intersection of the two assumed horizontal planes with the equilux spheres evidently lie on circles having as the common center the point on the floor immediately below the center of the circular ceiling lighting source. It is an interesting fact that at any point on the floor the compo- nent of the flux normal to the floor is equal to the component normal to the equilux sphere at that point, so that the values of equilux density are simultaneously the values of light flux density normal 24 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE to the horizontal plane (floor). Expressed in other words, the illu- mination along the floor at any point is known at once when one has determined the value of light flux density on the equilux sphere passing through that point. Hence, the whole problem of floor illumination density and distribution determination is completely solved when the equilux spheres and intersecting lines have been constructed. One could not well wish for a simpler solution. In Fig. 15 are shown results obtained directly from Fig. 14. It will be noted that with a ceiling height equal to 3.5 times the radius of the lighting source the light flux density at a point on the floor immediately below the center of the source reaches a value of about 012345678 Distance from Point below Center of Source Fig. 15. Graphs of illuminations on floors with two different ceiling heights. 7.55 per cent, of the emitting density of the source, while the density along the floor decreases rapidly with increase in the distance from the point of maximum density. With a ceiling twice as high as formerly the maximum light flux density is reduced to 2 per cent., but the rate of decrease with increase of distance from the point below the center of the source is much less; in fact, at distance greater than 5 units of length (radii) the light from the high source is greater than that from the low source. This fact will be appreciated when it is recalled that the "solid angle" subtended by the source when viewed from the floor at a great distance from the center is larger with the high ceiling than with the low ceiling. Even in the case of ceiling sources it is at times desirable to calcu- MCALLISTER: ILLUMINATION UNITS 25 late the illumination on the side-walls, and it is well to have avail- able some method for this purpose. When it is remembered that any method developed for use with ceiling window sources can be supplied at once to side window sources, it will be appreciated that the method of calculating the wall illumination with ceiling window sources becomes that of calculating the floor illumination with side window sources, and the desirability of having a simple method will be apparent. Such a method, for convenience described in con- nection with ceiling sources, is as follows: At any point on any vertical plane as far below the ceiling source as this plane is distant from the center of the source in the normal (nearest) direction, the illumination normal to the vertical plane at that point is equal to that normal to the horizontal plane at this point. At any other point the normal illumination on the vertical plane bears to the normal illumination on the horizontal plane at this point, the ratio of the distance of the vertical to the distance of the horizontal plane from the center of the source, each distance being measured in a direction normal (shortest) to the plane considered. When solving problems relating to plane circular lighting sources by means of the equilux spheres one can easily determine the illumination normal to any horizontal plane and can then calculate the illumi- nation on any vertical plane by direct proportion. By obvious modifications the above described methods for deter- mining the floor and wall illumination produced by circular ceiling sources, can be applied to similar problems relating to ceiling and side-wall sources of any shape or size, and to problems of all kinds relating to daylight illumination. BRIGHTNESS UNIT THE LAMBERT Although it is not unusual to refer to an isolated lighting unit of the "point" type (that is, of the type treated as equivalent to a " point source " as distinguished from a " surface source "), as possess- ing a certain candle-power, yet it is recognized that the lighting characteristics of the source are not fully defined until the whole space distribution of the candle-power is so specified that the "mean spherical candle-power" or the output in lumens can be determined. Illumination calculations have been greatly simplified by the introduction of the "lumen" as a unit in which to express not only the output from the source but also the absorption by the surfaces illuminated, the total lumens produced by the source being in every case equal to the total lumens absorbed by the surfaces. 26 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE Moreover, certain seemingly complicated problems relating to sur- face sources, inter-reflecting walls, ceilings, etc., permit of the simp- lest possible solution when use is made of the lumen rather than the candle-power conception in expressing the output, the output den- sity and the "appearance" of the source to the eye when viewed from various directions. The ratios involved in the substitution are fundamental and do not depend upon the character of the source, being the same for " non-mat" as for "mat" surfaces. With a perfectly diffusing "mat" surface source, multiplying the constant value of "lumens per square foot" of the source by the total area of the source in square feet gives the exact value of the output in lumens independent in every respect of the shape or size of the source. When use is made of the "apparent candle-power per square inch" in this connection multiplying this value by the whole area of the source in square inches does not give the "mean spherical candle-power of the source; it gives a value differing therefrom in the ratio of i to 4 under all conditions. In the single case of a perfectly diffusing spherical source of which the projected area equals one-fourth the total area the total mean spherical candle- power is equal to the product of the "apparent candle-power per square inch" by the projected area in square inches. It is evident, therefore, that so far as concerns the output of "mat" surfaces, the expression lumens per unit area has a definite significance and cannot be misinterpreted, while the term "ap- parent candle-power per unit area" may or may not be correctly interpreted. It is frequently assumed, tacitly, that a surface source is made up of an infinite number of "point sources." If such were the case, plain surface sources would emit in all directions rather than in one hemisphere, and the "cosine law" of emission would be invalid. The fact is that a surface source is made up of an infinite number of infinitesimal plane surface elements, each of which radiates in a single hemisphere and does not act like a point source. When the "cosine law" is applicable the "mean spherical candle-power" of each element of the source is equal to one-fourth of the maximum apparent candle-power of the element, or is equivalent to one- fourth of the total area of the element multiplied by the "apparent candle-power" per unit projected area viewed from any direction within the radiating hemisphere. Hence the universal i to 4 ratio noted above for "mat" surfaces. MCALLISTER: ILLUMINATION UNITS 27 In view of the fact that as a rnatter of actual practice almost all surface sources are either of the "mat" type or are treated as though they obeyed the "cosine law of emission," it would seem that the very great simplification in calculation brought about by substitut- ing the lumen conception for the candle-power conception would fully justify the substitution even if the results obtained were some- what inaccurate in the case of "non-mat" surfaces. The fact is, however, that the ratio involved in the substitution is absolutely fundamental and does not depend upon the character of the emitting surface. As has already been shown the ratio of the "output in lumens per square foot" to the "apparent candle-power per square foot" of all "mat" surface sources is the constant IT -r- i. It is equally true that the "apparent foot-candles" of a source of any character whatsoever viewed from any chosen direction bears to the "ap- parent candle-power per foot" of the same source viewed from the same direction the identical ratio IT -4- i the "TT ratio" not being dependent in any respect upon the "cosine law of emission." The fact of the matter is that the TT ratio is based on solid geomet- rical relations, and is independent of the space distribution of the candle-power in any direction except that toward the point under consideration. That is to say, there is a definite numerical ratio between the apparent foot-candle density of a source and its apparent candle- power per square foot, which ratio is the same under all conceivable conditions of space distribution of the candle-power. It can, therefore, be stated that any illumination photometer of the "pyrometer" type calibrated to. read in "apparent emitted foot-candles" or "lamberts" will when pointed toward a bright surface give an exact measure of the "apparent candle-power per square inch" of the source provided only that the "apparent foot-candle" value is divided by 144^ or TT as the case may be a constant in no way dependent upon the "cosine law." Hence in order to determine the "apparent candle-power per square inch" of a surface source in a chosen direction, it is unneces- sary to measure the apparent candle-power in this direction of a limited isolated section of known projected area; the identical result can be obtained much more conveniently by observing the "apparent foot-candle density" apparent lumens per square foot) or "lamberts (lumens per sq. cm.) of the source when viewed from the chosen direction and dividing this value by the constant 144^ or TT. 28 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE It is to be noted that, independent in every respect of the name given to the quantity dealt with, the measurable value of the "apparent foot-candle" density of a surface source differs from the measurable" apparent candle-power per square inch" of the same source viewed in the same direction in a definite numerical ratio, without regard to the character of the surface. The ''apparent candle-power per square inch" is known as " brightness" and the "apparent foot-candle density" observed from the same direction is also "brightness." The unit of "brightness," the "lambert" is equal to neither the "apparent foot-candle" nor the "apparent candle-power per square inch." It is identical with the "apparent lumen per square centi- meter," being 929 times as bright as the "apparent lumen per square foot" or its equivalent the "apparent foot-candle." Hence a per- fectly diffusing surface emitting or reflecting one lumen per square foot (one apparent foot-candle) will have a brightness of 1.076 millilamberts. The mean effective value of the output density of a surface source (and all practical sources are surfaces) can best be found by dividing the total output in lumens by the total area of the source expressed in some convenient unit. This numerical value is absolutely identical with the mean effective value of the appearance of the source in apparent lumens per square foot ("apparent foot-candles") or apparent lumens per sq. cm. ("lamberts"), the latter being the standardized unit for expressing the "appearance" or "brightness" of a surface source. Only in the case of a perfectly "mat" source is either the "out- put density" or the "appearance" uniform in all directions, but no error is involved in the solution of problems dealing with non-uni- form sources when mean effective values are substituted for the variable space values, provided only that the solution is recognized as being expressed in mean effective values. For example, one can determine quickly by the use of mean effect- ive values the average illumination produced over, say, the whole floor area of a room, but when he wishes to know the space variations in the illumination throughout a room he must resort to some more laborious point-by-point method. In most problems of today, with lighting units giving widely distributed flux the prime essential feature is no longer the proper space distribution of the illumina- tion, but rather the production of adequate average illumination without excessive brightness in the field of view. MCALLISTER: ILLUMINATION UNITS 29 PRESENT DAY CALCULATING METHODS The adoption of the method of expressing the "brightness" or "appearance" of a lighting source in terms of physical reality based on the "surface-source" conception, rather than using the mathe- matically derived expression of brightness in terms of tacitly as- sumed point-sources with surface-source characteristics, represents a step in the progress of illumination calculations from the methods of the mathematical-physicist to those of the engineer similar in results accomplished to the adoption of the now universally em- ployed magnetic flux and flux-density conceptions for the earlier isolated magnetic pole conception in the evolution of electrical calculations from those of the physicist to those of the engineer. Similarly the practical abandonment of the laborious point-by- point methods of illumination determination in favor of the much more rapid output-utilization methods based on the law of conserva- tion, converts the calculations of the lighting expert from those of the physicist to those of the engineer. Just as the mathematical physicist will continue to deal with fictitious isolated magnetic poles and by careful transformation of his equations will derive results in exact accord with physical facts, so will he continue t'o employ point-source conception and the point-by-point methods of calcula- tions and his results will be true to nature, but the practical illuminat- ing engineer will train his mind to think in terms of surface sources rather than point-sources, and will base the few equations needed by him in his everyday work on the law of conservation either directly or indirectly recognized. The results obtained by him with the minimum of exertion will be absolutely identical with the results derived much more laboriously by the physicist employing the time- honored methods with which he is familiar. ILLUMINATION UNITS AND NOMENCLATURE In order to render most serviceable for reference the book in which these lectures are reprinted there is here presented the latest (1916) list of units, definitions and abbreviations of the Committee on Nomenclature and Standards of the Illuminating Engineering Society. DEFINITIONS 1. Luminous Flux is radiant power evaluated according to its visibility; i.e., its capacity to produce the sensation of light. 30 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE 2. The visibility, K x of radiation, of a particular wave-length, is the ratio of the luminous flux to the radiant power producing it. 3. The mean value of the visibility, K m , over any range of wave-lengths, or for the whole visible spectrum of any source, is the ratio of the total luminous flux (in lumens) to the total radiant power (in ergs per second, but more commonly in watts). 4. The luminous intensity, I, of a point source of light is the solid angular density of the luminous flux emitted by the source in the direction con- sidered; or it is the flux per unit solid angle from that source. Defining equation: or, if the intensity is uniform, [-% O) where co is the solid angle. 5. Strictly speaking no point source exists, but any source of dimensions which are negligibly small by comparison with the distance at which it is observed may be treated as a point source. 6. Illumination, on a surface, is the luminous flux-density on that sur- face, or the flux per unit of intercepting area. Defining equation: or, when uniform, where 5 is the area of the intercepting surface. 7. Candle the unit of luminous intensity maintained by the national laboratories of France, Great Britain, and the United States. 1 8. Candlepower luminous intensity expressed in candles. 9. Lumen the unit of luminous flux, equal to the flux emitted in a unit solid angle (steradian) by a point source of one candle-power. 2 10. Lux a unit of illumination equal to one lumen per square meter. The cgs. unit of illumination is one lumen per square centimeter. For this unit Blondel has proposed the name "Phot." One millilumen per square centimeter (milliphot) is a practical derivative of the cgs. system. One foot-candle is one lumen per square foot and is equal to 1.0764 milliphots. The milliphot is recommended for scientific records. 11. Exposure the product of an illumination by the time. Blondel has proposed the name "phot-second" for the unit of exposure in the cgs. system. The microphot second (o.oooooi phot-second) is a convenient unit for photographic plate exposure. 1 This unit, which is used also by many other countries, is frequently referred to as the international candle. 1 A uniform source of one candle emits 4 if lumens. MCALLISTER: ILLUMINATION UNITS 31 12. Specific luminous radiation, E 1 the luminous flux-density emitted by a surface, or the flux emitted per unit of emissive area. It is expressed in lumens per square centimeter. Denning equation: For surfaces obeying Lambert's cosine law of emission, E' = T&O. 13. Brightness, b,ot an element of a luminous surface from a given posi- tion, may be expressed in terms of the luminous intensity per unit area of the surface projected on a plane perpendicular to the line of sight, and including only a surface of dimensions negligibly small in comparison with the distance at which it is observed. It is measured in candles per square centimeter of the projected area. Defining equation: A dl ~ dS cos 0' (where 6 is the angle between the normal to the surface and the line of sight). 14. Normal brightness, b Q , of an element of a surface (sometimes called specific luminous intensity) is the brightness taken in a direction normal to the surface. 1 Defining equation: ;, dl bo = dS' or, when uniform, b = S' 16. Brightness may also be expressed in terms of the specific luminous radiation of an ideal surface of perfect diffusing qualities, i.e., one obeying Lambert's cosine law. 16. Lambert the cgs. unit of brightness, the brightness of a perfectly diffusing surface radiating or reflecting one lumen per square centimeter. This is equivalent to the brightness of a perfectly diffusing surface having a coefficient of reflection equal to unity and an illumination of one phot. For most purposes, the millilambert (o.ooi lambert) is the preferable practical unit. A perfectly diffusing surface emitting one lumen per square foot will have a brightness of 1.076 millilamberts. Brightness expressed in candles per square centimeter may be reduced to lamberts by multiplying by IT = 3.14. Brightness expressed in candles per square inch may be reduced to foot- candle brightness by multipyling by the factor 144^ = 452. 1 In practice, the brightness & of a luminous surface or element thereof is observed and not the normal brightness 60. For surfaces for which the cosine law of emission holds, the quantities b and &o are equal. 32 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE Brightness-expressed in candles per square inch may be reduced to lam- berts by multiplying by Tr/6.45 = 0.4868. In practice, no surface obeys exactly Lambert's cosine law of emission; hence the brightness of a surface in lamberts is, in general, not numerically equal to its specific luminous radiation in lumens per square centimeter. Defining equations: / - dF L ~dS or, when uniform, 17. Coefficient of reflection the ratio of the total luminous flux reflected by a surface to the total luminous flux incident upon it. It is a simple numeric. The reflection from a surface may be regular, diffuse or mixed. In perfect regular reflection, all of the flux is reflected from the surface at an angle of reflection equal to the angle of incidence. In perfect diffuse reflection the flux is reflected from the surface in all directions in accordance with Lambert's cosine law. In most practical case^ there is a superposition of regular and diffuse reflection. 18. Coefficient of regular reflection is the ratio of the luminous flux reflected regularly to the total incident flux. 19. Coefficient of diffuse reflection is the ratio of the luminous flux reflected diffusely to the total incident flux. Defining equation: Let m be the coefficient of reflection (regular or diffuse). Then, for any given portion of the surface, E' 20. Lamp a generic term for an artificial source of light. 21. Primary luminous standard a recognized standard luminous source reproducible from specifications. 22. Representative luminous standard a standard of luminous inten- sity adopted as the authoritative custodian of the accepted value of the unit. 23. Reference standard a standard calibrated in terms of the unit from either a primary or representative standard and used for the cali- bration of working standards. 24. Working standard any standardized luminous source for daily use in photometry. 25. Comparison lamp a lamp of constant but not necessarily known candlepower against which a working standard and test lamp are succes- sively compared in a photometer. 26. Test lamp, in a photometer a lamp to be tested. MCALLISTER: ILLUMINATION UNITS 33 27. Performance curve a curve representing the behavior of a lamp in any particular (candlepower, consumption, etc.) at different periods dur- ing its life. 28. Characteristic curve a curve expressing a relation between two variable properties of a luminous source, as candlepower and volts, candle- power and rate of fuel consumption, etc. 29. Horizontal distribution curve a polar curve representing the luminous intensity of a lamp, or lighting unit, in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the unit, and with the unit at the origin. 30. Vertical distribution curve a polar curve representing the lumin- ous intensity of a lamp, or lighting unit, in a plane passing through the axis of the unit and with the unit at the origin. Unless otherwise specified, a vertical distribution curve is assumed to be an average vertical distri- bution curve, such as may in many cases be obtained by rotating the unit about its axis, and measuring the average intensities at the different eleva- tions. It is recommended that in vertical distribution curves, angles of elevation shall be counted positively from the nadir as zero, to the zenith as 1 80. In the case of incandescent lamps, it is assumed that the vertical distribution curve is taken with the tip downward. 31. Mean horizontal candlepower of a lamp the average candlepower in the horizontal plane passing through the luminous center of the lamp. It is here assumed that the lamp (or other light source) is mounted in the usual manner, or, as in the case of an incandescent lamp, with its axis of symmetry vertical. 32. Mean spherical candlepower of a lamp the average candle-power of a lamp in all directions in space. It is equal to the total luminous flux of the lamp in lumens divided by 4?r. 33. Mean hemispherical candlepower of a lamp (upper or lower) the average candlepower of a lamp in the hemisphere considered. It is equal to the total luminous flux emitted by the lamp in that hemisphere divided by 27r. 34. Mean zonal candlepower of a lamp the average candlepower of a lamp over the given zone. It is equal to the total luminous flux emitted by the lamp in that zone divided by the solid angle of the zone. 35. Spherical reduction factor of a lamp the ratio of the mean spherical to the mean horizontal candlepower of the lamp. 1 36. Photometric tests in which the results are stated in candlepower should be made at such a distance from the source of light that the latter may be regarded as practically a point. Where tests are made in the measurement of lamps with reflectors, or other accessories at distances such that the inverse-square law does not apply, the results should always be given as "apparent candlepower" at the distance employed, which distance should always be specifically stated. 1 In the case of a uniform point-source, this factor would be unity, and for a straight cylindrical filament obeying the cosine law it would be ir/4. 3 34 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE The output of all illuminants should be expressed in lumens. 37. Illuminants should be rated upon a lumen basis instead of a candle- power basis. 38. The specific output of electric lamps should be stated in terms of lumens per watt and the specific output of illuminants depending upon combustion should be stated in lumens per British thermal unit per hour. The use of the term "efficiency" in this connection should be discouraged. When auxiliary devices are necessarily employed in circuit with a lamp, the input should be taken to include both that in the lamp and that in the auxiliary devices. For example, the watts lost in the ballast resistance of an arc lamp are properly chargeable to the lamp. 39. The specific consumption of an electric lamp is its watt consump- tion per lumen. "Watts per candle" is a term used commercially in con- nection with electric incandescent lamps, and denotes watts per mean horizontal candle. 40. Life tests Electric incandescent lamps of a given type may be assumed to operate under comparable conditions only when their lumens per watt consumed are the same. Life test results, in order to be com- pared must 'be either conducted under, or reduced to, comparable condi- tions of operation. 41. In comparing different luminous sources, not only should their candlepower be compared, but also their relative form, brightness, distri- bution of illumination and character of light. 42. Lamp Accessories. A reflector is an appliance the chief use of which is to redirect the luminous flux of a lamp in a desired direction or directions. 43. A shade is an appliance the chief use of which is to diminish or to interrupt the flux of a lamp in certain directions where such flux is not desirable. The function of a shade is commonly combined with that of a reflector. 44. A globe is an enclosing appliance of clear or diffusing material the chief use of which is either to protect the lamp or to diffuse its light. 45. Photometric Units and Abbreviations. Abbreviation Photometric Name of Symbols and defin- for name quantity unit ing equations of unit 1. Luminous flux Lumen F.^ i d d^f 2. Luminous intensity Candle I = ^, T -^ cp. , lunation ^ E - f - J cos ph. f, [ Phot-second 4. Exposure i Micro phot- Ei phs. /xphs. second MCALLISTER: ILLUMINATION UNITS 35 Photometric Name ok Symbols and defin- for name quantity unit ing equations of unit 5. Brightness Apparent candle per sq.cm. , _ dl Apparent -candle dS cos 6 per sq. in. _ rfF Lambert dS 'XT i L i_ f Candles per sq.cm. , dl 6. Normal brightness { _ 4 . b = - _ [ Candles per sq. in. dS 7. Specific luminous j Lumens per sq.cm. _ , radiation [Lumens per sq. in. ' pr 8. Coefficient of reflection m = E 9. Mean spherical candlepower scp. 10. Mean lower hemispherical candlepower Icp. 11. Mean upper hemispherical candlepower ucp. 12. Mean zonal candlepower zcp. 13. Mean horizontal candlepower mhch. 14. 1 lumen is emitted by 0.07958 spherical candlepower. 15. i spherical candlepower emits 12.57 lumens. ' 1 6. i lux = i lumen incident per square meter = o.oooi phot = o.i milliphot. 17. i phot = i lumen incident per square centimeter = 10,000 lux = 1,000 milliphots = 1,000,000 microphots. 1 8. i milliphot = o.ooi phot = 0.929 foot-candle. 19. i foot-candle = i lumen incident per square foot = 1.076 milliphots = 10.76 lux. 20. i lambert = i lumen emitted per square centimeter of a perfectly diffusing surface. 21. i millilambert = o.ooi lambert. 22. i lumen, emitted, per square foot 1 = 1.076 millilamberts. 23. i millilambert = 0.929 lumen, emitted, per square foot. 1 24. i lambert = 0.3183 candle per square centimeter = 2.054 candles per square inch. 25. i candle per square centimeter = 3.1416 lamberts. 26. i candle per square inch = 0.4868 lambert = 486.8 millilamberts. 46. Symbols. In view of the fact that the symbols heretofore pro- posed by this committee conflict in some cases with symbols adopted for electric units by the International Electrotechnical Commission, it is proposed that where the possibility of any confusion exists in the use of electrical and photometrical symbols, an alternative system of symbols for photometrical quantities should be employed. These should be derived exclusively from the Greek alphabet, for instance: Luminous intensity ....................................... T Luminous flux ........................................... V Illumination ....................... '. ..................... 1 Perfect diffusion assumed. PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION BY A COMMITTEE J. R. CRAVATH, CHAIRMAN WARD HARRISON ROBERT ff. PIERCE PART I. ELEMENTS OF DESIGN As the subject of illumination units and calculations is treated in a separate lecture only those parts of this subject of immediate practical application to design will be taken up here, and no attempt will be made to explain the derivation of units, or the terms or diagrams here mentioned in connection with calculations. CALCULATIONS Measurement and Expression of Light Output from Sources. One of the first things necessary in illumination calculations for interiors is a knowledge of the light output or luminous performance of various sources of light available for lighting the interior in question. In connection with the light output of a source it is important that we should know: (a) how the light is distributed from the source, that is, the candle-power distribution or intensity in various directions; (b) the flux of light in lumens or mean spherical candle-power; and (c) the brightness per unit area of the source of light. Candle-power Distribution. The polar coordinate curve, Fig. i, is the common means of expressing the intensity of candle-power of light in various directions from a source. Such a curve (in which the candle-power is shown by the distance of the curve from the reference point or light source) gives at a glance a good idea of the characteristics of light distribution from the source, provided the distribution of light is symmetrical around a vertical axis. If it is not symmetrical, of course, several curves plotted from candle-power readings in different planes are necessary. The practising engineer should be an industrious student and collector of curves of this kind. 37 30 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE Light Flux. The total output or flux of light in lumens (which is 12.57 times the mean spherical candle-power) is sometimes graphically expressed by a Rousseau diagram but more frequently by numerals showing the lumens emitted in different zones together with the total lumens. The mathematical derivation of light flux from the polar co- ordinate curve is out of the scope of this lecture except that one short-cut method of great practical convenience for quickly determin- ing the light flux in any zone or zones from a common polar co- Fig, i. Polar coordinate candle-power curve. ordinate curve should be mentioned. The method is based on the principle that on a polar coordinate curve the light flux in various zones is proportional to the length of a perpendicular line drawn from the candle-power curve at the middle of the zone to the ver- tical axis. If we take the sum of the perpendicular distances for lo-deg. zones (such as AB plus CD plus EF etc., in Fig. i) from the curve to the vertical as measured from the center of each lo-deg. zone (measuring these distances by the same scale as the candle-power scale of the curve) and add 10 per cent, to this sum, the result will be the total lumens in the zones under considera- PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 39 tion. The quick way to get this sum is by the use of a strip of paper and a sharp pencil. Starting at a marked zero point measure the perpendicular distance from the curve to the vertical ic-deg. zone at the 5-deg. point (AB Fig. i) marking it on the strip. Then with the last mark as a starting place measure the distance for the second zone, CD from the vertical to the curve at the 1 5-deg. point, and so on adding each perpendicular distance for every 10 degrees to the one before, over the whole 180 degrees. Then by using the candle-power scale of the curve to measure the total length of the slip of paper so measured off and adding 10 per cent., the numerical value of the lumens emitted in any zone or for the entire sphere o to 180 degrees is quickly ascertained. Obviously the same method applies to any one or more of the lo-deg. zones into which the sphere is divided by this method, so that the lumens can be thus determined for any one or more lo-deg. zones. The brightness over the area of the source of light (or of the source of light with its enclosing equipment such as a globe or reflector) is of much importance in connection with the hygiene of the eye in designing interior illumination. Such brightness has been ex- pressed in many units, such as candles per square centimeter, candles per square inch, candles per square foot, etc., but practice is rapidly settling to the new unit approved by our Society, namely, the "lam- bert" and its loooth part, the millilambert. The latter is about equal to the brightness of white blotting paper when illuminated with 1.25 foot-candles. Table i shows the relation of various brightness units. TABLE I. CONVERSION TABLE FOR VARIOUS BRIGHTNESS VALUES Values in units in this column X conversion factor value in units at top of column 1. .** V h 1$ at u O Candles per sq. meter Candles per sq. foot Lamberts (apJ parent lum. per sq. cm.) Ft.-candles(apJ parent lumend per sq. foot) Millilamberts Candles per sq. cm. I 6.451 10,000 929 . 03 3 . 14 2918 3141.6 Candles per sq. inch 155 I 1550 144 .4867* 45* 486.7 Candles per sq. meter Candles per sq. foot Lamberts (apparent lumens per sq. cm.) .0001 .00108 318 . 00064- 51 .0069 2.O54 10.70 3180 .0929 I 295 .8 .000314 .00330- 12 I .2918 3 14 929.03 31416 3 3912 1000 Foot-candles (apparent lumens per sq. foot) 000343 .00214 3.40 ..318 .00108 1 .076 Millilamberts . 0003 I 8 .002054 3. 180 2958 .001 .929 I ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE Luminous Output of Bare Light Sources. Although in good practice in the lighting of interiors, the lamps are seldom used bare without reflectors, shades or globes of any kind, it is nevertheless of funda- mental importance to the engineer to know the luminous output of the various sources of light without auxiliary equipment. Then he can proceed with his calculations by allowing the proper percentage of loss for whatever equipment is used around the lamps. The luminous output of different kinds of lamps per unit of input has been rapidly changing during the past few years owing to im- provements in the art and will probably continue to change so that any data given here must be taken with the idea that they must be revised from various reliable sources at frequent intervals. Table II shows the lumens and the lumens per watt for a number TABLE II. LUMENS OUTPUT OF AMERICAN TUNGSTEN INCANDESCENT LAMPS JULY i, 1916 Watts Watts per spherical c.p. Lumens per watt Total lumens IO 15 20 105-125 VOLT MAZDA B LAMPS 1.67 1.47 1.41 7-50 8-55 8.90 75 128 I 7 8 25 40 50 i-35 " 1.32 i-3i 9-30 9-50 9.60 234 380 480 60 1.28 9.80 590 IOO 75 IOO I . 22 10.3 1,030 105-125 VOLT MAZDA C LAMPS 1.09 i .00 n-5 12.6 86 5 1,260 20O 0.90 14.0 2,8oo 300 4OO 500 0.82 0.82 0.78 15-3 15-3 16.1 4,600 6,150 8,050 750 I,OOO 0.74 o. 70 17.0 18.0 I2,8oo 18,000 NOTE. 220 Volt lamps are about 10 per cent, less efficient. PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 41 of the commonest sizes and types of tungsten filament incandescent lamps, new, as made and used in the United States, August, 1916, when operated at a voltage giving an average rated life of 1000 hours. From this it is seen that the lumens per watt range from 7.5 for the lo-watt size to 18 for the loco-watt size. Gas mantle burners, new, and properly adjusted range in specific output from 200 to 325 lumens per cubic foot of gas per hour in sizes giving 400 to 3000 lumens. These figures vary with the compo- sition of the gas and many other factors. The amount of light obtained from the old-fashioned open flame burner gas jet depends upon the richness of the gas in certain hydro- carbons which produce a yellow flame in the open jet. This quality is commonly known as the candle-power of the gas and was at one time the common standard by which gas was rated. With the gas mantle, however, the candle-power according to the old standards has nothing to do with the light output of the burner which in this case depends on the composition of the gas. The efficiencies of lamps burning acetylene, Blau gas, alcohol, kerosene and gasoline vary considerably, depending upon the design of the burner, the purity of the illuminant and the conditions of supply. The following figures have been actually obtained under favorable conditions, but do not necessarily represent the maximum obtainable. On the other hand, the average results in the case of kerosene and gasoline are probably much below the stated values. Lumen, hours, per cu. ft. Acetylene (open flame) Acetylene (mantle) 500 QOO Blau gas (mantle) 4OO Kerosene (round wick open flame) . . Per gallon 0,OOO Kerosene (mantle) 24,000 Kerosene (mantle-pressure tvpe) 8o,OOO Gasoline (mantle-low pressure). 8o,OOO Alcohol (mantle) l6,OOO Kerosene lamps in particular suffer a considerable decrease in efficiency during burning. The older carbon filament incandescent lamp gave a specific output of from 2.5 to 4 lumens per watt. 44 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE Prismatic reflectors offer a control of light which approaches that of the mirror. Considerable light passes through the reflector at the tops and bottoms of the prisms. For indirect lighting and semi-indirect with dense reflectors it can be shown theoretically that the best reflector for the purpose would distribute light evenly over the whole ceiling area served from one fixture. That is, in a small room, with one central fixture, the whole ceiling would be evenly illuminated; or in a large room with a fixture in the center of each bay each reflector would evenly illuminate that bay. By confining a considerable portion of the light flux to the center of the ceiling with a fixture hung in the middle of the room, more of the light flux will reach the working plane after one reflection from the ceiling than if the distribution over the ceiling were more uniform. The more even the distribution the greater the amount of light lost by absorption at the walls. However, from the standpoint of the desk worker there is some advantage in having the ceiling evenly illuminated as there is some tendency to specular reflection from the brightest portions of the ceiling causing a slight veiling glare. This glare is not so pronounced if the ceiling is evenly illuminated. An indirect reflector giving uniform ceiling distribution must be of the deep bowl type, but this type has a very sharp " cut-off " or transition from high to low illumination at the edge of the reflector. This causes a shadow on the ceiling which is objectionable and calls for some modification of uniform ceiling distribution. Two principal ways of overcoming this have been worked out in practice which work well with non-concentrated light sources. One is to use a shape similar to the deep bowl distributing type for the lower part of the reflector and a flaring bell-shaped one for the upper part. The other plan is to use a large reflector of the shallow bowl-shape. The former plan is used mainly with mirrored reflectors where it is desir- able on account of first cost, to keep down the size while the other plan is used with white enamel reflectors and for semi-direct lighting with large glass bowls. While it may be immaterial for the engineer who plans the lighting installation how the result of eliminating dark shadows from the ceiling is accomplished it must nevertheless always be kept in mind that good design calls for the elimination of these shadows to a large extent by tapering off the brightness from the center to the edges of the illuminated area covered by each reflector. For semi-indirect lighting a plain bowl somewhat shallower than PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 45 a hemisphere is likely to give the best results in efficiency. Orna- mental designs in which the maximum diameter of the bowl is greater than the diameter at the top cause considerable loss of light because of the light which is intercepted by the part of the bowl projecting inward. Therefore when such designs are used this extra loss should be recognized in the calculations and a decision reached whether the ornamental effect attained is sufficient to justify the loss. While the placing of lamps and shaping of semi-indirect bowls is not as important as in the case of indirect reflectors of the opaque type, it is not by any means a matter of indifference. The lamps should be placed in a position not to cause undue shadows on ceilings or walls or too uneven illumination on the bowls as viewed from below. Angle reflectors may be obtained giving a number of different types of distribution for special purposes such as show window light- ing, bulletin board lighting and other cases where more light is wanted on one side of the plane through the lamp axis than on the other. They cannot be classified into general types as there is such a variety. Makers data should be thoroughly studied as to the forms available. Shifting the position of a lamp in a reflector by the use of different forms of shade holders may materially change the light distribution. In the selection of reflectors for any purpose it is always well to remember the fundamental principle that control of the light flux is the end to be desired if the flux is not to be wasted by escaping to places where it is not needed or positively undesirable. The larger the percentage of the total flux of light from the lamp which the reflector intercepts and reflects in desired directions the higher the efficiency; unless, however, the natural undirected flux from the lamp approximates the distribution desired. With reflectors which must confine the light flux of the lamp within rather restricted areas as in show windows and for localized lighting of work benches and the like it is important to use reflectors large enough to intercept a considerable portion of the light flux. There is apt to be a tend- ency to cut down reflector sizes to save first cost but such reduction usually means a permanent impairment of efficiency. This is also true in the lighting of a large high room of the armory or coliseum type where the lamps must be placed high and all light eminating from reflectors at angles only a little below the horizontal is likely to undergo serious loss by striking dark roof and walls. Sky Brightness Characteristics useful for design of natural illumina- 44 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE Prismatic reflectors offer a control of light which approaches that of the mirror. Considerable light passes through the reflector at the tops and bottoms of the prisms. For indirect lighting and semi-indirect with dense reflectors it can be shown theoretically that the best reflector for the purpose would distribute light evenly over the whole ceiling area served from one fixture. That is, in a small room, with one central fixture, the whole ceiling would be evenly illuminated; or in a large room with a fixture in the center of each bay each reflector would evenly illuminate that bay. By confining a considerable portion of the light flux to the center of the ceiling with a fixture hung in the middle of the room, more of the light flux will reach the working plane after one reflection from the ceiling than if the distribution over the ceiling were more uniform. The more even the distribution the greater the amount of light lost by absorption at the walls. However, from the standpoint of the desk worker there is some advantage in having the ceiling evenly illuminated as there is some tendency to specular reflection from the brightest portions of the ceiling causing a slight veiling glare. This glare is not so pronounced if the ceiling is evenly illuminated. An indirect reflector giving uniform ceiling distribution must be of the deep bowl type, but this type has a very sharp " cut-off " or transition from high to low illumination at the edge of the reflector. This causes a shadow on the ceiling which is objectionable and calls for some modification of uniform ceiling distribution. Two principal ways of overcoming this have been worked out in practice which work well with non-concentrated light sources. One is to use a shape similar to the deep bowl distributing type for the lower part of the reflector and a flaring bell-shaped one for the upper part. The other plan is to use a large reflector of the shallow bowl-shape. The former plan is used mainly with mirrored reflectors where it is desir- able on account of first cost, to keep down the size while the other plan is used with white enamel reflectors and for semi-direct lighting with large glass bowls. While it may be immaterial for the engineer who plans the lighting installation how the result of eliminating dark shadows from the ceiling is accomplished it must nevertheless always be kept in mind that good design calls for the elimination of these shadows to a large extent by tapering off the brightness from the center to the edges of the illuminated area covered by each reflector. For semi-indirect lighting a plain bowl somewhat shallower than PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 45 a hemisphere is likely to give the best results in efficiency. Orna- mental designs in which the maximum diameter of the bowl is greater than the diameter at the top cause considerable loss of light because of the light which is intercepted by the part of the bowl projecting inward. Therefore when such designs are used this extra loss should be recognized in the calculations and a decision reached whether the ornamental effect attained is sufficient to justify the loss. While the placing of lamps and shaping of semi-indirect bowls is not as important as in the case of indirect reflectors of the opaque type, it is not by any means a matter of indifference. The lamps should be placed in a position not to cause undue shadows on ceilings or walls or too uneven illumination on the bowls as viewed from below. Angle reflectors may be obtained giving a number of different types of distribution for special purposes such as show window light- ing, bulletin board lighting and other cases where more light is wanted on one side of the plane through the lamp axis than on the other. They cannot be classified into general types as there is such a variety. Makers data should be thoroughly studied as to the forms available. Shifting the position of a lamp in a reflector by the use of different forms of shade holders may materially change the light distribution. In the selection of reflectors for any purpose it is always well to remember the fundamental principle that control of the light flux is the end to be desired if the flux is not to be wasted by escaping to places where it is not needed or positively undesirable. The larger the percentage of the total flux of light from the lamp which the reflector intercepts and reflects in desired directions the higher the efficiency; unless, however, the natural undirected flux from the lamp approximates the distribution desired. With reflectors which must confine the light flux of the lamp within rather restricted areas as in show windows and for localized lighting of work benches and the like it is important to use reflectors large enough to intercept a considerable portion of the light flux. There is apt to be a tend- ency to cut down reflector sizes to save first cost but such reduction usually means a permanent impairment of efficiency. This is also true in the lighting of a large high room of the armory or coliseum type where the lamps must be placed high and all light eminating from reflectors at angles only a little below the horizontal is likely to undergo serious loss by striking dark roof and walls. Sky Brightness Characteristics useful for design of natural illumina- 46 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE tion are given in Table III. It will be seen that there is an enormous variation in the brightness of the sky during what are ordinarily TABLE III. SKY BRIGHTNESS Sky, with light clouds Sky, clouds predominating, generally cumulus . . Sky, blue predominating, clouds cirrus Sky, cloudless, either clear blue or hazy Sky, cloudy, storm near or present Walls, typical rooms, ordinary range diffused daylight through window Brightness in millilamberts 2,OOO 1,900 1,500 I,OOO 700 to 70 50 to considered daylight hours. Calculations of daylight illumination of interiors should therefore be made on the basis of maximum and minimum values. The sky is the principal source of daylight illumination of in- teriors, as the illumination obtained directly from the sun may be considered as purely incidental and frequently avoided by the use of shades. In connection with daylight we have first to consider the amount of sky exposure through side or ceiling windows; the amount of illumination (excluding reflection from walls and other buildings on any point) varying directly according to the area of the exposure as projected from the point in question. Part of the window area may be obstructed by buildings and in certain cases the reflection of light from these buildings (or in other words their brightness) must also be taken into account as well as that of the sky. Illumination from Direct Sunlight in the open has been found to reach approximately 9000 foot-candles, in Virginia, during the summer months as measured on a horizontal plane. Extensive measurements made there by Prof. Herbert H. Kimball, of the U. S. Weather Bureau, show that the total illumination from sun and sky during the middle of the day consists of about 20 per cent, skylight and 80 per cent, direct sunlight. Sunlight shining into interiors therefore may have about 80 per cent, of its outdoor value. With clear glass windows the only sky brightness which is useful for illumination of the room is that directly visible from the interior of the room. If the window is obstructed by buildings the sky brightness is not available. Where a window is exposed to sky PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 47 area either above or at one side, and the illumination from such area does not reach back into the 'room far enough, prisms and diffusing glasses of various kinds are applicable. The action of the prism glass window is to bend the light rays so that they strike back further into the room than if a clear glass window were used. Rough and ribbed glasses accomplish the same end with less precision and effectiveness. They diffuse the light rays passing through, and a certain portion of such rays are directed back into the room. For some locations louvers or shutters consisting of partially or wholly opaque strips which can be tilted at any angle make it possible to regulate the relative amount of sun and skylight or cut out direct sunlight without too serious a reduction in the skylight. The com- mon method of controlling sunlight is by translucent shades but this method for some interiors (such as art galleries) does not offer very accurate control. The Brightness or Intrinsic Brilliancy of Various Artificial Light Sources and also the brightness of some sources equipped with dif- fusing glassware for the protection of the eyes is shown in Table IV. TABLE IV. BRIGHTNESS or ARTIFICIAL LIGHT SOURCES Brightness in milHlamberts Crater, carbon arc 40,800,000 Flaming arc, clear globe . . . . . . . 2,435,000 Magnetite arc, clear globe 1,945,000 Gas-filled tungsten electric light filament 1,400,000 Incandescent electric tungsten, 1.25 watts per candle 516,000 Quartz tube, mercury vapor arc , 486,700-292,000 Incandescent electric carbon filament, 3.1 watts per candle 236,000 Acetylene flame (i foot burner) 25,800 Welsbach mantle 15,080 Cooper Hewitt glass tube mercury vapor lamp. . 6,800 Kerosene flame 1,946-4,380 25 watt frosted tungsten lamp, side 2,920 Candle flame 1,460-1,945 Gas flame (fish tail) 1,314 10" opal ball, over 100 watt tungsten lamp 306 Ceilings over indirect lighting fixtures (usual range, brightest part as viewed by occupants of room) 73~4 Glass bowls used for semi-direct lighting 1,000-35 4 8 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE Depreciation due to dirt on glass and reflecting surfaces and to inherent characteristics of the lamp's used must be recognized in design. Both the total lumens and the lumens per watt of tungsten fila- ment electric lamps drop with use, partly by the blackening inside the bulb and partly by disintegration and increase in resistance of the filament. Such lamps operated at the specific outputs shown in Table II, fall off in lumens output about 15 per cent, in 1000 hours service. With electric arc lamps and gas mantle burners so much 12 16 20 24 Elapsed Time in Weeks Fig. 2. Depreciation caused by dirt. 32 36 40 depends upon the adjustment and other variable factors that no depreciation figure inherent in the lamp can be given, but unless maintenance is especially good more must be allowed than for the internal depreciation of the tungsten filament electric lamp. The accumulation of dirt on the surrounding glassware and on the globe or reflector is an important cause of loss of light and should also always be reckoned with in preliminary calculations. It is necessary to assume some probable maximum depreciation figure from this cause and in making such an assumption of course the sur- rounding conditions and the probable frequency of cleaning must be considered. In Table V is given a compilation of results of various tests made in different places by different observers on the effect of the accumulation of dirt, and Fig. 2 shows the depreciation over an extended period for a given set of reflectors. The effect of accumulation of dirt on side and ceiling windows is probably about the same as on lamps. Utilization of the Generated Light Flux. There are various methods of calculating the resultant illumination at the desired point with a PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 49 TABLE V. Loss OF LIGHT BY ACCUMULATION OF DIRT Authority and reference Conditions and surroundings Lamps, globes and reflectors 3-ga |6S ill "1 G (x > 8 | * 0. Durgin & Jackson, Down town Chicago Semi-direct, dense 3wk. 76 35 o Trans. I. E.S., 1915. office building dust- bowls and tungsten p. 707. iest rooms. 1 lamps. Aldrich & Malia, Office building in Chi- Prismatic reflectors, 12 wk. 25 8.5 Trans. I.E. S.. 1914. cago Stock yards. satin finish and tungs- p. 112. ten lamps. Direct. Do. Do. Mirror reflectors and 9 wk. 25 II .0 tungsten lamps. In- direct. Do. Do. Opal bowl reflectors 2wk. 5 IO.O and tungsten lamps. Semi-indirect. C. E. Clewell, Fac- Suburban factory Prismatic, satin finish 14 wk. 42 13 5 tory Lighting, p. 46. office. reflectors and tungs- ten lamp. Direct. Do. Do. Prismatic clear reflec- 17 wk. 17 45 tors and tungsten lamps. Do. Suburban factory. Do. 9 wk. 28 14.0 Do. Do. Do. ii wk. 29 II. 5 Do. Do. Do. 13 wk. 40 13-4 Edwards & Harrison, Office corridor Subur- Enclosing prismatic. 8 wk. II 6.2 Trans. I. E. S., 1914. ban district, Cleve- p. 176. land. NOTE. Since depreciation is more rapid at first, as shown by the curves the decline per month here given would not apply to longer periods. NOTE. For extensive additional tests see' paper by A. L. Eustice, Trans. I. E. S., 1909, p. 849- given generated light flux. Before making such calculations it is of course important to reach an intelligent decision as to the points where the desired illumination is needed and whether it is best to consider the illumination measured in a horizontal plane, or vertical plane, or a plane in some other angle, suited to the particular re- quirements in question. Common practice in calculating and measuring the illumination in most interiors is to ascertain the illumination in a horizontal plane from 2.5 to 3.5 ft. above the floor, or about the height of desks, counters and benches. For the 4 50 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE majority of interiors this consideration of the horizontal plane serves the purpose sufficiently except for special localized lighting around machinery. If the illumination in the horizontal plane, commonly known as the "working plane" is to be taken as the criterion, it is possible to measure the average illumination in this plane over an entire room by measuring the illumination with a portable photom- eter at the center of a number of equal-sized rectangles into which the room may be divided. Dividing this average light flux by the light flux generated by the lamp gives what is known as the per- centage efficiency of utilization, or utilization factor. Of course any other plane might be used for figuring efficiency of utilization pro- vided the position of the plane were the position where the light was wanted. For example in an Art Gallery the efficiency of utilization might well be figured from the light flux incident upon wall spaces devoted to pictures and in a show window it would be figured from the flux through a curved surface corresponding to the line of trim of the window. The point-by-point method of calculation (that is, if dealing in English units, dividing the candle-power by the square of the dis- tance in feet to the point in question and multiplying this by the cosine of the angle of the incident ray to the surface in question to get the foot-candles incident illumination) is now chiefly used only for calculating the illumination at a few points from a single or small number of light sources. It is too time-consuming and laborious a method for the calculation of the illumination of large interiors with many light sources. It has the further limitation that it takes no account of reflection from ceiling, walls and floors and considers only the illumination direct from the lamp and its accessories. The point-by-point method may be of considerable use in forecast- ing the differences in daylight illumination and at different points of interiors where the sky exposure and reflection coefficient of the buildings visible from any point in question are definitely known. The foot-candles illumination at various points as one proceeds back into a room from a window with unobstructed sky exposure may for the rough purpose of practical calculations be taken as inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the window to the given point. In applying this rule the fact should be kept in mind that frequently the window is far from an unobstructed sky exposure and that the sky exposure changes as seen from various points further back into the room. The effective exposure is the projected area of the sky seen by one looking at the window from the given point. PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 51 A practical short-cut in the use of the point-by-point method in calculating horizontal illumination which obviates the necessity of a table of cosines and makes possible calculations with only the aid of a polar candle-power curve of the light sources, is the following, which is a graphic method of applying the cosine factor. In the usual rule for getting horizontal illumination the illumination is equal to the candle-power at the given angle divided by the square of the dis- tance multiplied by the cosine of the angle between the ray in question and the vertical. Now if we draw a perpendicular from the photometric curve at the angle in question to the vertical and take as the candle-power the candle-power scale reading at the point where this perpendicular intersects the vertical, we apply the cosine factor at the outset and by simply dividing this candle-power at the intersection with the horizontal, by the square of the distance the illumination is determined. In calculations of illumination by the zone flux method all of the lumens emitted in a certain zone, say from o to 60 degrees or from o to 70 degrees, are figured as falling upon the working plane in the general lighting of an interior. This method, of course, takes no account of the uniformity of illumination and where approximate uniformity is desired must be used only with lamps and reflectors giving a type of distribution which will be sufficiently uniform. The zone flux method is chiefly applicable to illumination calculations with opaque reflectors where ah 1 of the flux is emitted in downward directions and little reliance is placed upon walls and ceilings to bring up the general illumination. Some industrial plants and foundries present such conditions. In the application of this method care must be taken not to select such a large zone as a basis that too much of the light strikes walls or other obstructions. At the same time in large interiors it is not necessary to confine the zone to simply those which would cover the floor near by. In show-window lighting if the reflector selected is such as to confine its flux to the plane it is desired to illuminate the method may sometimes be used for approximation. Empirical methods of calculation based on actual experience and tests of existing installations form by far the most important basis for most calculations. With the other methods certain assumptions are necessary which may or may not be correct. With the empirical method based on experience, the only sources of error are those due to erroneously assuming conditions in the case to be calculated to be similar to those in the tested cases. Tables VI and VII and Figs. 3 to 9 inclusive give utilization factors or ratio of generated lumens to ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE TABLE VI. UTILIZATION FACTORS Ceiling, reflection coefficient Light 70 per cent. Medium 50 per cent. Walls, reflection coefficient Light 50 per cent. Medium 35 per cent. Dark 20 per cent. Medium 35 per cent. Dark 20 per cent. Lighting Equipment: Direct, Prismatic 6"? 6l ^o <8 <6 W J 40 37 oV 36 o" 36 o u 35 Direct, Light Opal cj7 C-2 CQ 48 46 o / 33 oo 28 o w 27 <^W 26 *T W 24 Direct, Dense Opal 61 58 57 56 53 40 35 34 34 32 Direct, Steel Bowl, Enamel or Alu- minum. 57 55 54 54 53 39 36 35 35 34 Direct, Steel Dome, Enamel 70 67 65 67 65 46 42 39 42 39 Totally indirect, Mirrored 4.O ^8 36 27 26 T.V-; 24 o" 21 o" 20 z / IS H Semi-indirect, Light Opal 47 45 43 39 35 30 25 24 22 20 Semi-indirect, Dense Opal. . . . 42 4-1 4b 31 20 T"O 27 T- A 25 T- W 22 O A 18 O^ 17 Totally enclosing 4 6 42 40 38 35 Light Opal 25 19 18 18 15 The values in this table have reference to square rooms equipped with a sufficient number of lighting units and so placed as to produce reasonably uniform illumination. In each case the upper figure applies to an extended area, namely, one in which the horizontal dimension is at least five times the distance from floor to ceiling. The lower figure applies to a con- fined area, one in which the floor dimension is but five-fourths of the ceiling height. The utilization factor for a rectangular room is approximately the average of the factors for two square rooms of the large and small floor dimension respectively. lumens incident upon the working plane for a number of typical con- ditions. A study of these tables shows the marked influence of size of room and ceiling and wall colors on efficiency. The figures on utilization factors Figs. 3 to 9 will hold for all rooms of the same relative proportions, as to shape, without regard to sizes. PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 53 HYGIENE The hygienic aspect of illumination is chiefly that of the effect on the eyes. It is also known that sunlight and other kinds of light having ultra-violet rays have a germicidal effect useful in kill- ing disease organisims. There is also a psychological effect of light. TABLE VII. UTILIZATION FACTORS OBTAINED BY LANSINGH & ROLPH Page 586. Transactions I. E. S., 1908. Room 11.5 by 10.1 ft. high. All lamps at ceiling. Reflectors (where used) were of clear prismatic type. Ceiling Walls Floor Per cent, utilization i Bare lamp Dark Dark Dark 16 4 i Lamp in reflector Dark Dark Dark Ti 6 i Bare lamp Light Dark Dark 20 4 i Lamp in reflector i Bare lamp Light Light Dark Light Dark Dark 42.0 a.8 6 i Lamp in reflector i Bare lamp Light Light Light Light Dark Light 55-0 60 o i Lamp in reflector 3 Bare lamps Light Dark Light Dark Light Dark 79-o 14. O 3 Lamps in reflector 3 Bare lamps Dark Light Dark Dark Dark Dark 26.0 26 o 3 Lamps in reflector 3 Bare lamps Light Light Dark Light Dark Park 34-o 4.6 o 3 Lamps in reflector Light Light Dark ^o.o 3 Bare lamps . . Light Light Light e6 O 3 Lamps in reflector Light Light Light 66 o The germicidal effect of sunlight has led to legislation requiring sunlight in living and sleeping rooms in some cities. It is evident, however, that an intelligent application of this to design requires considerable definite knowledge as to the amount of sunlight in a room which will cause appreciable germicidal effect and on this scientific evidence is still lacking. As to the psychological effects there is a still greater need of defi- nite knowledge. Points which may be considered psychological by some are taken up later under the head of aesthetic effects. The eye is concerned chiefly with two things (a) sufficient bright- ness of visualized objects, resulting from sufficient illumination and (b) with the distribution of brightness within the entire field of vision. Ordinary requirements for efficient vision are: i. Sufficient quantity of steady diffusely reflected light from the object viewed. 54 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE 2. Minimum flux of light emitted in the direction of the eye by specular or spread reflection from the objects viewed. Per cent Utilization oS88SS2 . T j& 1 Walls I i 1 "36 J" 1 Roor Rati Walls Med ieflection Coefficients Ceiling Varied Walls Black 4.3* Medium 42.5? " White 81.0* Flooj Wood I4.0SJ Q A j Spacing of Units = 1.59 ite - 81* 1 rt K-13'6-->j Slack- 4.3*' Height above Plane urn -42.5* Walls Wt . D +* ~ I ire 1 t I)i rect X^ >* V /" B a. 9 TStt *& ? L^i ifc^ ^ > V> ']>? ^ %2 Medium 42.5* .. White 81.0* loor Wood 14.0* B Spacing of Units = 1.04 81* n a Height above Plane -42.5* Walls White - ?lack-4.3* 40 I- 20 10 rcct --*-* ^ j^_ a 1) irec a- T*i cct - <*> ^ ^ "*^7 P " ^. 9 */ ^i H - ^ V ^ * ; .0. >r. ftffns .0. r. ^L D.a t . i .0. r. 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 00 80 100 20 40 Reflection Coefficient ol Ceiling Fig. 4. Utilization factors. 3. Absence of violent brightness contrasts within the field of vision. 4. Freedom from sharp shadows. PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 55 Glare Defined. The 1915 Committee on Glare of the Illuminating Engineering Society in its report on Interior Illumination, page 36, 1. E. S. Transactions, 1916, tentatively offered the following defi- i I ------ 3 B H ti D ? h6'9*^ B H tr D Reflection Coefficients Ceiling Varied Walls Black 4.3* Medium 42.5* ,, White 81.0* Floor Wood 14.0* Boom O Ratio Walls Black -4.3* Height above Plane Walls Mediom- 42.5* Walls White -81* 20 40 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 Reflection. Coefficient ol Ceiling Fig- 5- Utilization factors. -1 ------ - - _L2'2" Beflection Coefficients f Ceiling Varied Walls Black 4.3* T~ I *'&-" " B H White 81.0* Floor Wood 14.0* T i Ratio s i> acin K of Tnits < 27 > Height above Plane Walls Black-4.3* Walls Medium -42.5* Walls White-81* 100 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 SO 100 Reflection Coefficient of Ceiling Fig. 6. Utilization factors. nitions which express more definitely than heretofore attempted what constitutes glare. Three alternative definitions were offered as follows: ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE A A ? 36' f Reflection Coefficients Ceiling Varied Walls Black 4.3* M Medium 42.5* ' White 81.0* Floor Wood 14.0* 20 40 60 SO 100 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 Reflection Coefficient of Ceiling Fig. 7. Utilization factors. Roorn-A-lsYx ISY* u' 1 Unit Eoom-D- 13 6 x 27 x 6 18 Units Reflection Coefficients Walls Varied Ceiling Black -4.3* " Dark Gray -33* Light Gray-64* Reflection Coefficients " White -81* Floor Wood Walls Varied Ceiling Black -4.3% " Dark Gray-33jt Light Gray-64t White -81% Floor Wood -14% 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 Reflection Coefficient of Walla Fig. 8. Utilization factors. 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 Reflection Coefficient of Walls Fig. 9. Utilization factors. PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 57 Glare. i. Brightness within the field of view of such excessive character as to cause discomfort, annoyance, or interference with vision. 2. Excess brightness of or flux of light from the whole or any por- tion of the field of view, resulting in reduced vision, fatigue or dis- comfort of the eye. 3. Light shining into the eye in such a way, or of sufficient quantity, as to cause discomfort, annoyance or interference with vision. Contrast glare is a kind of glare commonly experienced in de- fective lighting of interiors. That is, the contrast between the brightness of the sources of light and other objects in the visual field is so great as to cause discomfort, annoyance or interference with vision. As far as we know there is no measurable interference with vision when the glaring bright source of light is removed 25 to 30 degrees away from the center of vision. It may, however, cause discomfort, annoyance and eye fatigue if it is anywhere within the visual field. Therefore while a design which removed the lamp more than 25 degrees from the ordinary range of the center of vision might be satisfactory as far as measurable interference or reduced ability to see is concerned, it might not be satisfactory to work or live under continuously because of the fatigue and annoyance resulting. A review of all of the available data and observations of cases where eye fatigue and annoyance have been complained of together with numerous eye fatigue tests by the Ferree method indicates that to avoid glare effects visible light sources should not be more than 200 times as bright as their background and preferably not over 100 times, in ordinary artificial lighting of interiors where the average illumination of the working plane is from 3 to 6 foot candles. As most of the tests on this point have been made at about this mag- nitude of brightness it is not entirely certain what ratio should be adopted for other magnitudes, but from tests made by Nutting (I. E. S. Transactions, 1916 Convention) on the lower limits of annoying glare (which limits of brightness are of course much higher than for fatiguing glare) as well as from certain well known common experience there is reason to believe that for higher illu- minations than 6 foot candles this limit of contrast should be less than loo to i while for lower limits it may be more than 100 to i. Brightness for bowls and globes for locations where they are con- tinuously within the field of vision, with from 3 to 6 foot candles on the working plane should be kept approximately below 300 millilamberts in rooms with light-colored (50 per cent, reflection coefficient) walls to 58 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE safely conform to the 100 to i contrast limit. The brightness should be diminished as the reflection coefficient of the walls is decreased. Outdoors where brightness magnitudes are much higher it is worth while noting that contrasts do not often exceed twenty to one; while at night, outdoors, much greater contrasts are well known to be tolerable. Brightness glare is glare due to an excessive general brightness of the field of view. It is seldom experienced in interior illumination except possibly from the reflection of sunlight from a sheet of white paper. Temporary glare resulting from flicker is a condition caused by the lack of brightness accommodation of the retina of the eye to such sudden changes in brightness. Specular reflection or -veiling glare from glossy paper, polished metal work and the like are very common conditions with all sys- tems of lighting and are likely to be especially pronounced with arti- ficial illumination, from relatively small sources. The polished surface reflects a glaring image of the source of light. The actual brightness of the glare on the paper as far as it can be measured is not likely to be over 1.5 times that of the background but this seems to be enough to make trouble in this location though it would hardly be noticed elsewhere. Frequently the ink or pencil marks on paper have more specular reflection than the paper and in the glare posi- tions these marks may be equally as bright as the paper, and hence invisible or nearly so. Shadows may cause interference or trouble with work if the illumi- nation in the shadow is insufficient or if the contrast between the parts in shadow and those out of the shadow makes the shadowed places appear dark by contrast. Shadows caused by bright light sources with direct lighting have sharp edges and may cause annoy- ance while an equal shadow with a large source of light or indirect lighting where the transition from the middle of the shadow to the edge is gradual may not be perceptible e'xcept to the expert. Shadows are to be most carefully considered in large office and factory spaces lighted by general lighting, where the location of the work with reference to the light cannot be adjusted or charged and the illumination must be sufficiently good at any point in any posi- tion to permit of efficient work. The ratio of illumination in the shadow to illumination just out- side of the shadow with large sources or indirect light may be as high as one to two without causing annoyance provided the illu- PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 59 mination in the shadow is sufficient for the purpose in hand. Be- cause of the nature of these shadows with indirect lighting the or- dinary person is apt to think there are no shadows and to attempt the closest work in the shadows of his head and body, not realizing that the illumination is better away from this shadow. With the sharper shadows common to direct lighting systems this would not be the case. However, owing to the sharpness of these latter shadows the same shadow ratio might sometimes cause some annoyance. In a large room with a number of lighting units the actual magni- tude of the shadow, that is the ratio of illumination in the shadow to that out of it, is likely to be about the same with an indirect sys- tem as with a direct, provided the spacing of the outlets is the same in both cases. The direct lighting shadows have sharp edges, how- ever, which makes them easily apparent where the others are not. Quantity of Illumination. It is customary to discuss problems concerning the quantity of illumination required for different pur- poses in terms of the illumination incident upon the work. This in- cident illumination, however, is the cause which produces the desired effect, namely, brightness of the object viewed, and it is this effect that is the real end desired. Table VIII calculated by Dr. P. G. Nutt- ing from work by Konig and himself shows the sensibility of the eye TABLE VIII. EYE SENSIBILITY AT DIFFERENT MAGNITUDES OF SURROUNDING BRIGHTNESS P. G. Nutting Average brightness magnitudes, milli- lamberts Perceptible percent- age difference in brightness Exterior, daylight Interiors, daylight IOOO.O IO.O 0.0176 0.030 Interiors, night .....' o.i O. 123 at different typical brightness magnitudes. As a matter of fact of course the brightness magnitudes of interiors both at night and day vary considerably from the average brightness value given. From this table it will be seen that increasing the illumination one hundred fold from a rather poor lighted interior at night to an interior by daylight makes the eye able to perceive a percentage difference in brightness about one-third of that it is able to perceive in the former case. This gain is apparently rather small but if the eye is working near the limit it may be important. 60 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE The eye sees by virtue of differences of brightness and color. The question of a sufficient quantity of illumination for a given kind of work is not altogether that of delivering a certain number of foot- candles on a certain plane where the work is being done. The ques- tion is fundamentally one of producing a sufficient contrast of bright- ness for the eye to perceive readily objects with a given brightness of surroundings. In the case of reading printed or written letters on paper we have a considerable contrast between the paper and ink or pencil which makes them easy to distinguish with any kind of illumination which does not produce specular reflection or glare from the paper or ink, provided the illumination is of sufficient quantity. In the case of sewing on either dark or light goods there is very little contrast between the thread and the goods so that the problem of producing sufficient shadows and specular reflection to enable the thread and the texture to be seen easily is important. For this purpose localized lighting coming mainly from one direction is necessary. Many tables have been published of the intensity of illumination required for various purposes but all should be used with allowance for the fact that color and direction must be considered as must also the general brightness of the surroundings. The latter is~ especially true when there is a large window exposure but the particular spot to be illuminated does not get the benefit of the window illumination. The indications of scientific research so far are that the eye works best when the object upon which vision is centered is of about the same general magnitude of brightness as the surroundings. This is what one might expect from the conditions under which the eye has been evolved. Table IX shows the approximate foot-candles illumination consid- ered about right by a number of authorities for various classes of interior lighting. The question of proper quantity of illumination for reading has been investigated much more thoroughly than that for other pur- poses. Tests show considerable difference between individuals although the same individuals show consistent repetition of the quantities considered sufficient. If the direction and diffusion of light is such as to cause veiling glare from the paper or ink more illumina- tion is required although it cannot be said that with veiling glare present it is ever possible to produce as satisfactory and comfort- able illumination, no matter what the intensity, as can be obtained with veiling glare practically absent. PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 6 1 TABLE IX. ILLUMINATION FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES Foot-candles Reading: U. S. Government Postal Car minimum require- ments. Clerical and office work Drafting Drafting, tracing on blue prints or faint pencil drawings. Factory work, coarse .'. Factory work, fine Corridors Stores, ordinary practice Stores, first floors, large cities Audience rooms Show windows 2 . 8 Note a. 3-7 5-10 10-20 Note 6. 1.25-2.5 Note c 3.5 -10 Note c. 0.25-1 3-7 5-10 Note d. i-3 5-40 Note d. NOTES. (a) Some individuals are satisfied with half this while others, especially the aged and those not properly fitted with glasses and those whose eyes are sub-normal for any reason may be satisfied only with values considerably higher than this; perhaps 5 to 10 foot-candles. When such individuals are to be satisfied this fact must be remembered in the design. (6) Illumination from below is preferable, using a translucent table. {c) Depends also on color. (d) Depends on surrounding competition. As a result of extensive tests of postal clerks and others on the light required for reading under postal car lighting conditions the United States Government now specifies a minimum illumination of 2.8 foot-candles at points where reading of letter addresses is to be done by postal clerks. There is no conclusive evidence at the present that there is any marked hygienic advantage in color of one artificial illuminant over another. This statement refers to purely physiological results rather than to aesthetic effects. An exception to this which should be noted, however, is that there is good evidence that the chromatic abberation of the eye causes a certain lack of clearness with most natural and artificial illuminants so that for seeing fine details a light which is nearly monochromatic like the mercury-vapor light is preferable. ESTHETIC EFFECTS It is not the function of this portion of the lecture to give a dis- sertation on art but rather to call attention to methods by which certain desirable effects can be produced and undesirable ones avoided. 62 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE The function of illumination is to provide light and shade, as it is artistically called, on various objects. From the standpoint of appearance much depends on how the light and shade are regulated or in more scientific language upon the direction and diffusion of the light. By diffused light is here meant light coming from many di- rections or from large surfaces like the sky or illuminated ceilings. Much of the pleasing or displeasing effect of a design of interior illumi- nation depends upon the proper use or misuse of shadows, and tastes differ decidedly as to what light and shade effects are most pleasing. Heavy shadows are produced by light coming mainly from one direction with very little general diffused light. While for some par- ticular purposes extreme contrasts are considered desirable by some persons, others think them to be unpleasant. It is possible to eliminate shadows so completely by having light coming from many directions that there remains only the difference in the coefficient of reflection of different parts of the illuminated object to enable the eye to distinguish it. If the object is a piece of white statuary or moulding of uniform color and reflecting power, perfectly uniform or diffuse illumination will obliterate all details. Direct lighting systems with small sources produce sharp shadows like those produced by sunlight. With indirect lighting systems and semi-direct systems with very dense glassware the shadows are very similar to those obtained from skylight. They differ from window daylight in direction when the ceiling is the main reflecting surface, but if the wall is the main surface window direction and diffusion is imitated. Sky- and window-light shadows are gradual transitions from light to dark. Exposed light sources have been used for many years for decora- tive effect and will doubtless continue to be used. It is for the illumi- nating engineer to recognize this fact and to guide the use into the proper hygienic channels. With the tiny sources of light available up to the introduction of electricity and gas mantle burners the bad effects of glare with decorative lighting of this kind were not much felt. With the brighter and more powerful light sources now common, adequate shading precautions must be taken. The bare light source of to-day is not only hygienically bad but it is so crude as to be unartistic. There are so many opportunities to produce pleasing effects with diffused light by the use of colored glass, cloth, or paper shades, leaving the main light for useful purposes to be obtained in other ways that there is no longer much excuse for the type of fixture which in spite of its great expense offers nothing better for light PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 63 diffusion than a lot of loosely hung prisms interspersed with bare lamps. In the use of lamps for decorative effects the same rule as to low brightness values should be adhered to as is laid down under the head of hygiene. The lamp shade or globe which must be faced continu- ally should be not more than 200 times as bright as its background, and no light source of this kind should be bright enough to be annoy- ing or noticeably glaring. Although white daylight cannot be said to have an unpleasant effect on countenances it is notable that among lamps, those which give light yellowish in color rather than those offering considerable green and blue are the most pleasant. Red and yellow light bring out the agreeable color of the face while the absence of those colors and prominence of blue and green give the countenance a ghastly hue. There is some difference of opinion as to how far red and yellow and amber colors should be sought in light, especially in residence light- ing. Some even go so far as to color the tungsten lamp purposely to get nearer the yellow color of the old carbon lamp. However, this result can also be obtained by the use of ceiling and wall colors and proper glassware. If indirect or semi-indirect lighting is used, the color of the ceiling has much to do with the resultant illumination in the room. The ceiling can be so tinted as to make the room illumi- nation as yellow as desired. The small amount of illumination which should be allowed to come directly through the bowl of a semi- indirect fixture should not have much effect in the general total. A very yellow light like that of the old carbon incandescent and open gas flame or more modern illuminants with yellow globes brings out certain yellowish hues in decorations and paintings so as to give a richer effect than would be obtained with white light. At the same time it must be remembered that these are deficient in green and blue and the green and blue in paintings and decorations suffer accord- ingly. Either the decorations should be suited to the color of light or the color of the light to the decorations. As to which course should be pursued depends entirely on the particular conditions of the case. At the present time almost any color desired in artificial lighting can be obtained with a sufficient expenditure of money. Where it is desirable to bring out all of the colors as in daylight several methods are open. The Moore carbon dioxide tube lamp and the intensified carbon arc lamp uncorrected give practically white light. The gas filled tungsten lamp and the gas mantle burner with a special mantle 64 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE can be used with a glass having the proper selective absorption to filter out the excess of certain colors and give a white light. The same process can be used with other yellow illuminants. Since this process involves throwing away the excess yellow over and above that needed to maintain a proper balance for white light it is, of course, somewhat wasteful. In considering the question whether art may clash with hygiene and utility, it may be appropriate to ask whether anything can be considered artistic which is unhygienic and ill-suited to the use for which it is intended. Nevertheless it may.be proper to mention some points where so-called art and comfort and the health of the user may clash. When an architect designs an interior so that noth- ing but exposed glaring lamps on brackets will satisfy his idea of the artistic one is tempted to ask where the art conies in as far as the user of the room is concerned. When an audience room or council chamber is finished in dark colors with elaborate chandeliers of a design which permit of nothing but a great quantity of glare one is again tempted to make the same inquiry. Cases can be cited with- out number where the ideas of some person as to what is artistic are given precedence over health and comfort. There are no reasons why these three elements cannot be combined. PART II. THE PROCESS OF DESIGN The process of illumination design usually consists of the following steps: 1. Selection of the general scheme of lighting, and the type of lighting units. 2. Calculations of the quantity of light flux required. 3. Final selection of the location and size of the lighting units. In making each of these steps we must fall back upon the basic information given in Part I. The selection of the general type of light source must, of course, depend on the kind of lamps available. This depends on local conditions and need not be discussed here. Then the hygienic and artistic requirements and limitations should be considered. Both the electric incandescent lamp and the gas mantle burner are adapted to the illumination of almost any kind of interior from the roughest to the most refined. For the illumination of offices and industrial plants there also comes up for consideration the mercury- vapor lamp. For some of, the roughest industrial plants such as foundries and steel mills the flame arc lamp can also be considered, PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 65 although in offices and stores the fumes emitted are not allowable. The color of the light from the mercury-vapor lamp, of course, is an objection from the artistic standpoint although hygienically no case has been found against it. For work on fine black and white detail the better visual acuity it gives tends to offset the psychological effect of its color. In choosing between the tungsten electric and gas mantle burner lamps the following points must be considered for each case: '(a) The cost per 1000 lumen hours for electricity versus gas at the current prices. In making such comparison allowance should be made for the probable depreciation of the lamp below the labora- tory performance figures given in Part I. In the case of elec- tricity there is a blackening and increase in resistance in the lamp internally and the accumulation of dirt externally to cause depre- ciation, and in the case of gas in practice the burner adjustment is seldom as good as that obtained in the laboratory and there is the possibility of worn and defective mantles. These depreciation figures can easily lower the electric lamp output by from 20 to 50 per cent, below laboratory figures and the gas lamp output to by from 30 to 60 per cent, below the laboratory figures. Of course, the engineer should take into account the maintenance conditions that are likely to exist in the completed installation. The better the mainte- nance the lower the necessary percentage allowance for depreciation. (b) The relative convenience of control under the two methods. If the gas installation is to be arranged for a control practically equivalent to that of electric, the comparative total cost of the two systems should be considered. (c) Additional blackening of ceilings and walls with gas as com- pared to electricity should be weighed against the cost of elec- tricity along with the cost of gas. (d) The probable relative steadiness of the two illuminants under the particular local conditions under consideration. The voltage of the electric system may be very unsteady and the pressure of the gas very steady or the reverse. (e) The cost of glassware and lamp renewals for electric lamps and the cost of glassware and mantle renewals or maintenance service for gas lamps should be figured. No illuminant should be chosen which does not permit the use of the proper globe, shade or reflector equipment to conform to the hygienic requirements spoken of later. Glare Elimination. The necessity of the elimination of glare de- 66 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE pends largely on the .purpose to which the room is to be put. In a living room or a general office or an audience room where persons sit for long periods in one position it is of first importance to avoid glare in the eyes of the occupant. On the other hand if the eye is not to be exposed to the glare for long periods, some temporary glare is permissible in many cases to keep down the cost of con- struction and operation. Glare may be kept from the eyes of the occupants of a room by limiting the brightness contrast ratios to which the eye is subjected. In the case of artificial light this is done by inserting opaque re- flectors or a diffusing medium between the lamp and the possible positions from which it can be seen. Practically all sources of artificial light now in common use are too bright for continuous exposure to the eye with the background illuminated no better than is common practice to-day. In eliminating glare by the insertion of diffusing glass or other material between the light source and the eye three general methods have been used. An opaque reflector or one of dense trarislucent glass, cloth or paper can be placed over the lamp far enough to pro- tect the eyes of occupants of the room and yet allow direct light from the lamp and reflector to fall on objects under and near the lamp. Another method is to reverse this process, putting opaque or dense translucent reflectors under the lamp to reflect the light to a light colored ceiling or wall and so obtain a diffused light from the ceiling or wall. As the light is spread out on the ceiling its brightness is comparatively low and the brightness contrast ratios are cut down to bring them within the limit of tolerance of the eye. A third method is to put around the lamp an enclosing globe that will diffuse the light going in all directions. While this is a very common method it is an incomplete solution of the problem of the most modern illumi- nants because a diffusing globe which will cut the brightness down to a proper figure is either so large as to be prohibitively expensive or so dense as to cause a prohibitive loss of light. The second method, that of using indirect lighting, or semi-direct lighting with bowls of very low brightness, is the only reasonably economical and practical method which conforms fully to the hy- gienic requirements in most cases where low brightness of the units is required. Even if the ceiling is dark in color it may be more feas- ible to light the room indirectly from a dark-colored ceiling than to put in enough outlets to supply general illumination from the en- closing globes. PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 67 A method which partially eliminates glare, adopted in many cases in which indirect lighting would be considered too expensive on account of the poor reflecting qualities of the ceiling, involves the use over the lamps of reflectors deep enough to hide most of the source of light, the lamp being placed as high as possible to get it out of the ordinary range of vision. This method is extensively employed both with translucent reflectors of various types of opal and with opaque reflectors of white enamel steel, aluminum-finished metal and mir- rored glass. This method is necessarily an incomplete solution of the problem of eliminating glare because it is possible to see the lamp filaments, mantles or frosted tips of the lamp and the interior sur- faces of the reflectors, any of which is bright enough to cause contrast glare. It is however much more efficient and less glaring than the use of bare lamps or flat reflectors. In the lighting of industrial plants where the ceilings are consider- ably broken up and not very white, and in large rooms of the coli- seum or armory type with high roof and open roof trusses, the operating expense of indirect lighting would be usually considered prohibitive, and the method of using bowl reflectors of various depths with lamps placed high is the most common in the best practice to-day. Opinion differs somewhat as to whether the bowl reflectors used in this way should be opaque or translucent like opal. Opaque re- flectors have been extensively used partly because of the greater strength of the opaque metal reflector and partly because it was felt that light striking such dark colored ceilings would be so largely wasted that a reflector directing all of the light flux below the hori- zontal might better be used. The latter is a mistaken view. A dense opal reflector directs as much light flux below the horizontal as a good white enameled reflector, so that the light passing through the opal reflector to light the ceiling and upper walls represents clear gain. Illuminating the ceiling and upper walls reduces the contrast glare, makes the room more cheerful, and adds to the diffused light. In an armory or a coliseum type of building there is another method of partially reducing the contrast glare effect which combines some of the elements of the methods previously mentioned. This is to use reflectors of an extra deep bowl type confining most of the light flux within about 40 degrees of the vertical. This of course reduced the number of' light sources which are within the field of vision at one time and those sources which can be seen are near the edge of the visual field. With such deep reflectors a mirrored sur- 68 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE face is more necessary to the exact control of light and high efficiency than where the reflectors are shallower. The reflector should not be too concentrating or the illumination on vertical surfaces will be poor. Along with this plan of using deep reflectors in buildings of this type it is frequently considered desirable to provide for some illumi- nation of the roof and upper walls to reduce the contrast glare effect between the illuminated interior at the lower part of the re- flector and the roof background. This can be done by providing indirect lighting for the roof from separate lamps and reflectors but is most easily accomplished by simply allowing enough light to es- cape out of the top of the deep reflector to illuminate the roof. The avoidance of glare with natural lighting from side and ceiling windows is partly a matter of the proper selection of window glass, louvres and shades but it is also very much dependent upon the general arrangement and color scheme of the room. Diffusing glass of various kinds such as ribbed, prism, frosted, corrugated and roughed glass have been used to some extent to in- crease the illumination in a room (as already explained in Part I) and may do this very effectively if they are kept clean. In the application of such glass care should be taken not to place diffusing glass below the eye level. In an ordinary type of window where the sill is much below the eye level the lower sash should not be provided with diffusing glass. The effect of diffusing glass is to receive light from the sky and transmit it by diffusion into the room. The result is a great increase in brightness of the lower window, to such an extent that the brightness is much greater than that to which the eye is accustomed in such a location. While the eye is accustomed to the brightness of the sky and clouds above a hori- zontal plane it is not accustomed to such a high order of brightness below the horizontal plane. Although it is occasionally subjected to it when outdoors with sunlight on snow or on white macadam roads or desert sand all of these conditions cause eye discomfort. It is quite possible for the architect to render glare unavoidable either by night or by day and so defeat all later attempts at good lighting. Conditions are more easily controlled as regards artificial illumination, however, than as regards natural illumination. In the case of artificial illumination, interiors with a very dark finish with corners where there is a small amount of illumination introduce large contrasts which are uncomfortable, if lighted by ordinary methods with exposed lamp or lamps with enclosed globes. Such PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 69 interiors can be lighted by the expenditure of sufficient luminous energy upon dark ceilings and walls to bring up the general illumina- tion to a satisfactory point. This method, however, is not in ac- cordance with the general scheme of design of such interiors. The only method of treatment of such interiors which is satisfactory and is in accordance with the general architectural scheme is the use of localized light from thoroughly shaded sources and this usually means that there must be a large number of sources. In the case of daylight illumination from windows, one of the prin- cipal things to be avoided is an architectural arrangement which makes it necessary for persons to be seated facing windows with a bright sky visible through the window in contrast to a dark space around the window. Facing the window may not be objectionable when seated very near to the window so that the sky occupies a considerable portion of the field of vision but as one recedes into the room the sky occupies a smaller portion of the visual field and in painful contrast with it are the walls of the room which are very much less bright. In office work the direction of diffusion of light has much to do with the amount of glare from papers on desk tops. Daylight com- ing from windows at one side of the desk gives the best working conditions, partly because of the large diffusing surface (the sky) from which the light comes and partly because of the fact that it comes from one side so that all of the veiling glare on the paper is in a direction where it is not often observed by the worker. The most effective method of eh'minating veiling glare in office work with either daylight or artificial lighting is the use of nothing but matte or soft finish paper. Of course this is not feasible in most cases at the present time. Under present conditions such glare can be eliminated only by so placing the source of light that the angle from the source to the paper can never equal the angle from the paper to the eye. Under these conditions the only veiling glare present is that due to a reflection from the paper of the moderate illumina- tion from the walls and ceilings. Such a position is usually only feasible with a drop cord or wall bracket lamp placed at one side and slightly back of the worker. With any kind of local desk lamp near the work it is difficult to avoid glare from the paper altogether as there are so many positions from which the light can be received. Furthermore with either a desk lamp or a wall bracket lamp properly placed for one worker, direct glare from the lamp, or glare by re- flection from the paper, is almost sure to be experienced by other 70 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE workers in the room. With indirect lighting for general office work a slight amount of veiling glare consisting of reflection of the ceiling from the paper is received in many working positions but this is not so serious as the glare with the other arrangements described. Complaint is sometimes made that daylight and artificial light do not mix well in color or direction and that there is a period at dusk when there is likely to be trouble with an artificial lighting arrange- ment that is satisfactory after dark. This trouble is usually due simply to insufficient artificial light for the best work, but is some- times further aggravated by the presence of sky areas visible to the worker but shaded from the work. In the latter case the eye is adapted to the sky brightness rather than the desk top brightness. As already seen most of the available modern light sources are very bright. In order to conform to the hygienic requirements, if the reflectors or shades used are not opaque, they must at least be dense. Semi-direct lighting usually requires a bowl which is rather thick, not only to withstand the mechanical strain but to give a sufficient thickness of glass to cut down the brightness. Various glass mixtures have been compounded for such bowls. Some of the blown glass bowls for this purpose consist of two or three layers, forming what is technically known as a cased glass. Specific limita- tions for bowl brightness have already been noted. From the efficiency standpoint the prime requisite for a semi- direct lighting bowl is a pure white highly polished interior surface which will give a high percentage of reflection from its surface and a sufficiently dense glass medium so that the light that is not re- flected shall be considerably reduced in brightness. In the manufacture of heavy diffusing glasses of this kind there is much opportunity for development of pleasing artistic effect by the use of tints and coloring. To most people yellowish tints are more pleasing than those of blue or green. The eyebrows of the average person shade the eyes from rays falling as near perpendicular as 25 degrees from the vertical or less, but for rays emanating from light sources above this angle artificial shading must be provided if the lamp is overhead. If the edge of the lamp shade is below or near the level of the eye any kind of shade which will intercept all rays above the horizontal will protect the eye. With daylight illumination it is common for window curtains and draperies to cut off about 50 per cent, of the total light and for the roller shade to be left where it will cut off from 30 per cent, to 40 per cent, of the remainder. Large effective window areas in pro- PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 71 portion to the size of the room are conducive to the most hygienic daylight conditions. Dark curtains or draperies around the edges of a window tend to increase the contrast glare effect. The bright- ness of the sky seen through the central part of the window is not changed by such draperies and the total illumination in the room is materially changed so that the contrast between the sky and the interior surface of the room is increased. Practices of this kind should be discouraged for hygienic reasons. For similar reasons large window spaces are desirable. Legislation for schoolroom construc- tion frequently names a window area of from % to % of the floor area. In selecting a window shade it is well to consider the purpose for which the shade is most likely to be used. A dark dense shade is frequently objectionable for shutting out sunlight in an office build- ing, factory or schoolroom because it shuts out altogether too much light. If a very dark shade is used to shut out sunlight, a small area of brightly illuminated space is left near the window while the rest of the room is in strong contrast to this bright space and the effect is to introduce contrast glare and make the illumination of the room seem insufficient. Moreover, such a preponderance of brightness below the eye level is unnatural, as before explained, and will of itself cause discomfort if sufficiently pronounced. If on the other hand, use is made of light colored window shades which allow considerable diffused light to pass through, the illumination sent back into the room is not so seriously interfered with when they are pulled down and the contrasts of brightness within the room are not so great and the whole effect is more comfortable and hygienic. Having selected a general type of lighting source to be employed and the lamp equipment to be installed the next step is the selection of the exact size and location of the lighting units. Two general characters of problems are presented in practice. One of these is where the general illumination is desired within minimum and maxi- mum limits and the other is where the principal consideration is a local illumination of a certain intensity without much regard to the quantity of illumination elsewhere in the room. In problems of the latter class where the illumination at some particular point is the main thing desired, the point-by point method of calculation has its advantages. If it be assumed that a certain number of foot-candles illumination is required at a certain point this illumination multiplied by the square of the distance in feet will give the candle-power which must be emitted from the unit in that 72 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE direction. The general type of unit and its shading equipment hav- ing been already selected it then becomes a matter of determining what size of lamp will most nearly give the candle-power required at that particular angle. This is done from photometric curves of the lamp equipment. If curves are not available for all sizes of lamps that can usually be calculated with sufficient approximation from curves made with one size of lamp. Most of the problems however are those requiring a certain aver- age general illumination. The selection of such an average however always implies that the minimum in the working area shall not fall too far below the average. In modern practice it is comparatively easy to keep this minimum within 25 per cent, of the average with proper design. Having assumed the average illumination required and assuming also that the spacing to be selected will be such as to give a reasonable degree of uniformity the next step is the calculation of the total light flux required to be generated by the lamp. Using the empirical method. This is obtained by the simple formula Where i equals foot-candles average illumination upon the working plane. a equals area of the working plane in square feet. e equals the efficiency or utilization factor or percentage of lumens generated which become effective upon the working plane with the lamp equipment and room conditions under consideration. L equals the total lumens to be generated by the lamp. In the foregoing formula, ia, of course, equals the total lumens ef- fective upon the working plane. In applying the foregoing formula of course the important thing is to select the proper value for e, the efficiency or utilization factor. This can best be done by consulting the various tables and curves of utilization factors, Tables VI and VII and Figs. 3 to 9 or any other good authority and selecting conditions which most nearly corre- spond with those in the room under calculation. In applying these factors they should be reduced by the amount corresponding to the depreciation due to dirt and age of lamp. Such depreciation figures for various conditions have already been noted. If the value of e is not obtainable from experience and use is to be made of opaque direct reflectors, e can be determined for most large interiors from the distribution curve of the lamp and reflector PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 73 by dividing the total lumens emitted by the lamp by the lumens emitted in the zone from o to 70 degrees. For smaller rooms a smaller zone should be used. Having determined the total lumens required to be generated by the lamp by the foregoing formula there remains the determination and decision as to how this total flux is to be divided, or in other words the sizes of the lamps and their locations. In most cases there are certain natural divisions of the rooms by ceiling panels or other architectural features so that it is necessary in the interest of good appearance to make the lighting outlets symmetrical with reference to these panels. The ideal condition to be sought after is to divide the ceiling into a number of squares with an outlet at the center of each square. Frequently it is not possible to do this, but it is well to maintain the divisions as nearly squares as possible. In other words if an oblong division is necessary long and narrow rectangles should be avoided. Height. To secure proper uniformity either with indirect light or with direct lighting reflectors giving the most extensive type of distribution the height of the sources of light should not be less than half their distance apart, taking the height of the sources of light as the height of the ceiling in the case of indirect lighting and as that of the lamp in the case of direct light. Spacing at shorter intervals than the maximum permissible is desirable both in the case of direct and in- direct lighting in order to secure greater uniformity, freedom from annoying shadows, and a reduction in the amount of specular reflection or veiling glare from papers and polished metals. Shorter spacing is imperative if concentrating direct reflectors are used. When the spacing has been determined in a way which will fit in symmetrically with the architecture and at the same time an- swer the uniformity requirements, the number of outlets is ascer- tained and this number, divided into the total lumens to be generated by the lamp, gives the lumens per lamp. From the proper up-to- date manufacturer 's information the lamp size most nearly answer- ing the requirements must be selected. Indirect fixtures should be hung a sufficient distance from the celling to avoid a very spotted lighting effect. The nearer to the ceiling they hang the greater the concentration of light under the fixture. EXAMPLES OF THE PROCESS OF DESIGN The following typical examples on the process of design are given to illustrate the principles that have been laid down. 74 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE Example i. A large room area 100 by 100 feet with 14.5 foot ceil- ing used for general office purposes and clerical work, having light colored walls and ceilings. The entire area is covered by desks and filing cases. Since practically the entire room has to be illuminated sufficiently for working purposes, localized lighting is not to be considered except possibly for a few billing machines having lamps on portions of the machine that might be in shadow. In order to avoid glare the system must be indirect or nearly so, so that the semi- indirect with very dense bowls will be selected, as the office is of a prominent concern where the decorative effect of the illuminated bowls is desirable. As it is necessary to seek first the highest effi- ciency of the employees (as saving in the consumption of energy for lighting would be a very small percentage of the amount spent for pay-roll) the lighting intensity should be such as to be beyond criticism or question as to sufficiency. An average illumination of 6 foot-candles will, therefore, be selected with the understanding that the minimum is not to fall below 4.5. From the utilization factor table we see that a large interior of this kind has a utilization factor of about 48 per cent, before allow- ing for depreciation and dirt. We will allow 15 per cent, deprecia- tion by dirt on electric lamps and reflectors, and assume that the system of cleaning and maintenance will be such that this will be a maximum figure. We will also allow 10 per cent, depreciation for falling off in luminous output of the lamp. This gives a total figure of 25 per cent, to be allowed for dirt and depreciation in service, so that our 48 per cent, utilization factor is reduced to 36 per cent. The room having a floor area of 10,000 square feet, multiplying this by 6 foot-candles average illumination gives 60,000 lumens re- quired on the working plane. 60,000 lumens divided by 36 per cent, gives 166,600 lumens to be generated at the lamps. Taking up the spacing of the lamps we find the room divided into bays 20 X 20 feet and as those bays are not too large to give good uni- formity with an outlet in the middle of each bay with this ceiling height we will put an outlet in the middle of each bay. With this division 25 outlets will be required. The total 166,600 lumens at the lamps divided among 25 outlets equals 6660 lumens per lamp. The nearest sizes to this in electric lamps are the 400- watt 6150 lumen lamp and the 5oo-watt 8050 lumen lamp. In gas lamps an inherent depreciation figure of 20 per cent, more than the electric had probably better be assumed. An output of 325 lumens per PRINCIPLES OF INTERIOR ILLUMINATION 75 cubic foot per hour less 20 per cent, equals 260 lumens. Twelve inverted mantles taking 2.5 cu. ft. of gas each per hour would then give 7800 lumens. The size of lamps having been determined, the bowl can be selected for the semi-direct lighting fixture of a glass having a density prefer- ably such that the bowl brightness will not be over 300 millilamberts, as that will not be over 100 times as bright as of the 3 millilamberts on the wall illuminated to about 6 foot-candles. The brightness of a wall in millilamberts equals the incident foot-candles times 1.07 times the coefficient of reflection of the wall. Example 2. A small office room 10 feet wide and 10.5 ft. high by 20 feet deep with light ceilings and walls, typical of thousand of rooms in large office buildings. The character of the occupancy cannot be predicted but the usual arrangement is desks near the window facing each side-wall. These desks maybe either flat or roll top. Another possible arrangement is to place the desks so that the back of the worker is to the window. There would also probably be a typewriter desk farther back in the room, usually along one of the walls. The building is to be provided with electricity only for lighting. The two plans for artificial lighting for such an office which must naturally receive consideration are the following: A, General lighting, supplemented by local desk lighting. B, General lighting for all purposes without localized lamps. The economy of modern lamps has done away with much of the necessity of using localized lighting for the sake of economy as formerly. For most office work localized lighting is not as satisfactory as general lighting, because of the veiling glare from papers, etc. However, if general lighting is depended upon alone use must be made of a system which will not cause annoyance from shadows. If this is in a typical modern office building it is desirable to have as few outlets as possible on partitions as the occupancy and loca- tion of partitions may change. If general lighting is to be ac- complished from ceiling fixtures centrally located a system indirect or nearly so will provide for most contingencies in variation of desk location, etc., and if the desks are located facing each wall the shadows of heads will cause the least annoyance. On account of the importance of reducing the shadows to their lowest terms an in- direct system will be selected, rather than semi-direct. The office can conveniently be assumed as divided into squares each 10 by 10 feet and an outlet located in the center of each square. This arrange- ment provides for ample illumination of the rear of the room 76 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE farthest from the windows. On account of the possibility of shadows and veiling glare being more annoying with only two sources of light and with the possibilities of workers being seated with their backs to the illuminated ceiling so as to cause maximum shadows, more light should be provided at the lamp per square foot of floor area than in the case of the general office in Example i. How- ever, if there were only one desk in the room and that located directly under a lighting unit the reverse would be true and less light would have to be provided, because the maximum light would be received directly under the outlet. In this case, therefore, we will allow for an average illumination of 7 foot-candles which may fall to 4 or 5 foot candles along the walls in shadows. Seven foot-candles times 200 square feet equals 1400 total lumens to be generated and delivered upon the working plane. The efficiency of utilization in such a room will probably be around 29 per cent., which, when reduced by 25 per cent, for dirt and lamp depreciation as in Example i, would mean a factor of 22.5 per cent. The 1400 lumens needed divided by the 22.7 per cent, equals 6600 lumens to be generated at two outlets or 3300 lumens per outlet. The nearest single lamp to this in output is the 28oo-lumen, 200- watt lamp. Since we have been rather liberal in our allowances as to the foot-candles required at the start the use of this lamp would be permissible. If a room of this type were a little wider it would be best to have two rows of fixtures in spite of the spacing rule given because of the desirability of minimizing the shadows at the desks near the walls. Example 3. If the general office of Example i were an industrial plant having the same dimensions but with a darker, more broken up ceiling the method of treatment would be the same except that deep bowl opal reflectors or opaque shallow or deep bowl reflectors might be used. The utilization factor would be changed and per- haps more allowance should be made for dirt. Working Out Cost Comparisons. In making comparison of oper- ating and maintainance cost for different illuminants or systems of lighting the following items should enter for any given period. (a) Cost of energy or fuel (electricity, gas, oil, etc.). (b) Renewals of lamps, lamp parts or burners (mantles, lamps, trimmings, etc.). (c) Cost of cleaning lamps and accessories. (d) Cost of cleaning or redecorating walls and ceilings. (e) Interest and depreciation on cost of system in building. PRINCIPLES OF EXTERIOR ILLUMINATION DR. LOUIS BELL Exterior illumination is, speaking broadly, the generalized case of application of artificial light. In interior lighting, that applied, for example, within the limitations of a room, the light flux is con- fined within the bounding surfaces where it is subject to reflection and absorption, the amount of which has to be taken into rigorous account in reckoning the final result in lumens available for service. There are no such restrictions necessary in exterior lighting since its problems have to be dealt with chiefly in terms of the radient un- limited by artificial boundaries. In general the case is that of a luminous source required to produce a certain flux density on a single arbitrary plane which may be horizontal, as in the case of street lighting, or vertical, as when one illuminates the facade of a building. In rare instances one deals with both a horizontal and one or more vertical planes simultaneously, as when light is directed into a street or public square of limited extent, but there is always one general direction and more commonly several in which no limiting surfaces are interposed and the solid angles pertaining to which must be regarded as representing regions of complete absorption. The use of reflectors with exterior illuminants is merely an effort to limit this absorption angle by the partial interposition of a reflect- ing surface effective roughly in proportion to the solid angle which it subtends from the source. On this point of view it is immediately evident why in employing such reflectors their equivalent solid angle is a matter of great importance, so that it frequently happens that the last few inches of radius on a reflector determine whether it is to be good or bad in redirecting the light. Further, whether one or more bounding surfaces must be taken into account in planning for exterior illumination, the effect on the conditions of illumination is altogether different from that found in interior lighting. Here the surfaces are frequently fairly light so that they present low coefficients of absorption. One surface, the ceiling, is almost always light and one, the floor, is generally dark, but no darker, however, than the ground which serves as the working plane in exterior lighting. In this latter case, one works under serious disadvantages in the appli- 77 78 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE cation of the light, since the surface to be illuminated is usually rather dark with high absorption. The remainder of the surfaces toward which light flux is directed are practically also of high absorp- tion, save in exceptional cases, so that one cannot depend in exterior lighting upon that measure of assistance often equivalent to an in- crease of from 50 to 100 per cent, in the effective flux. One is generally dealing out of doors with directed light flux from the radient somewhat modified by the shades or reflectors that may be applied thereto, and as a rule only one or a few such radients have to be considered. Hence the numerical computations in the case of exterior lighting are fairly simple, and the working out of exterior problems is rendered fairly easy by the fact that the intensity of illumination demanded is generally less than with interior lighting and the conditions with respect to uniformity are also considerably less severe. Within doors the illumination demanded is determined by the things which have to be done by its aid and some of these are tasks which require close vision on unfavorable details, so that com- mon intensities of illumination run all the way from 10 to 50 lux (i to 5 foot-candles), and in rare instances much higher. In exterior lighting, save for deliberately scenic purposes, 10 lux is rarely ex- ceeded and the usual standard intensities run from about 0.5 to perhaps 5 lux (0.05 to 0.5 foot-candle). Broadly, in exterior lighting the conditions of distribution are less favorable than in interior lighting, but the requirements of intensity and uniformity are much less severe. The amount of illumination required in exterior work depends on its use, but this is never such as to call for illumination good enough to facilitate the observation of fine detail. At most one may have to read a program or an address card. Ordinarily it is sufficient to distinguish people and vehicles easily, to note obstructions on the roadway or sidewalk, to recognize persons and things at a moderate distance, and perform other simple tasks requiring no close discrimi- nation. One recognizes objects on road or sidewalk chiefly by their shadows. If their color tone be nearly that of the road surface they are almost invisible, except when so illuminated as to show a shadow. One also sees at night the contrast of light and dark masses, like the silhouette of a cart against an illuminated roadway, or of a white-clad person against a hedge or fence. The eye, therefore, is not called upon to do any fine work and hence does not require a degree of illumination sufficient greatly to develop its full discrimina- tory powers. BELL: PRINCIPLES OF EXTERIOR ILLUMINATION 79 Only in such exterior work as has to do with the deliberate illumi- nation of particular objects, as in some spectacular lighting, is it necessary to push the intensity near to the point common in interior lighting. This is fortunate since with immense spaces to light and unfavorable conditions as regards reflecting surfaces exterior lighting is only economically possible in virtue of the modest necessities of the case. Luckily the human eye works about equally well for the purpose of seeing over a very wide range of illumination. From the full sun shine of noon to twilight, the illumination may vary in the ratio of 1000 : i and yet the eye can do most of its work comfortably at either extreme. It is not the absolute amount of light which counts, but the relative amount as between two things to be dis- criminated. Speaking in general terms one can distinguish as varying in shade two adjacent surfaces, the illumination of which varies by a little less than i per cent., whether the actual intensity of the lighting be of the order of magnitude of 10 or 1000 lux. A con- trast of 10 per cent, is conspicuous even when the illumination falls much below 10 lux. The power of the eye to discriminate both shades and small details even in black and white falls off rapidly under ordinary visual conditions, so that at a few tenths lux (or hundredths of a foot-candle) even a contrast of 25 or 30 per cent, between surface and surface may not be easily visible unless the surfaces are on a very large scale, and one fails to read even very coarse type. In such lighting obstacles are difficult to see, persons difficult to recognize and, while one can still see to move about, the conditions are bad if any traffic is to be considered. Such is the situation even in pretty good moonlight which may run to say from o.i to 0.25 lux (o.oi to 0.025 foot-candle). One of the many valuable properties of the eye is that it possesses, however, an extraordinary power of adaptation, that is, of getting used to great variation in the intensity of the lighting and still being able to see fairly well. It may be light-adapted, as when the pupil shrinks to its minimum diameter, and the eye adjusts itself to a very bright light, or it may be dark-adapted, when the pupil opens very wide and the retina itself becomes adjusted to condi- tions of very low illumination. This latter process is largely a physiological one which requires some little time to accomplish, but it is tremendously efficient. After ten or fifteen minutes in complete darkness, for instance, the eye is many hundred times more sensitive to faint illumination than in its light-adapted condi- tion, and as a matter of fact with this long dark adaptation the same 80 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE keenness of discrimination which ordinarily exists at 10 to 50 lux may be found even at a hundredth of this amount. This is par- ticularly true as regards vision of surfaces differing slightly in illu- mination, less true for the observation of detail like printing. It is for this reason that one can see much better by moonlight, to which one gradually gets adapted in the absence of other illumina- tion than is possible with artificial lighting where one continually comes under the more intense illumination near lamps. The power of adaptation of the eye, therefore, rises to considerable practical importance in external lighting. If dark adaptation is not spoiled by glaring sources of light one can see astonishingly well at low illumination. Hence under lighting conditions where one has to work with a meager amount of light, a source which would be entirely unobjectionable in the case of the brilliant illumination found, for instance, in a public square, becomes unpleasantly glaring and unfits the eye for good vision. This is what happens when one drives an automobile under a low hung and brilliant street lamp. The vision must again adjust itself to the less brilliantly illuminated regions, only to get another rebuff from the next lamp. This would look as though uniformity in lighting roads and other large areas might be very important. Its value is lessened by the fact already referred to, that is, that we see objects, generally, in a moderate illumination, chiefly through their shadows. A perfectly uniform low illumination, could it be attained conveniently, would be good from the standpoint of adaptation and bad from lack of contrast due to shadows. The contrast directly under a strong light source may be actually much less than in a faint light directed cross- wise so that the visible contrast is not between the object itself and its surroundings, but between its shadow or shadowed parts and the surroundings. These facts were very beautifully brought out in experiments tried a couple of years ago for the National Electric Light Association. For most purposes of exterior lighting the best results are obtained by lamps rather well shaded, so as to reduce the intrinsic brilliancy of fairly good power, and so located as to produce only a moderate amount of uniformity in the resulting illumination. In situations where the intensity for one reason or another must be considerably increased, the value of directed light as against flat uniformity is very considerable. The front of a building, for example, can be flattened distressingly by too uniform lighting or brought out with brilliant effect by a little judicious cross-illumination, a condition BELL: PRINCIPLES OF EXTERIOR ILLUMINATION 81 precisely analogous to that found in the interior lighting, for instance, of a church, in which the high altar requires oblique illumination to bring out its relief. The same practical application of contrast appears in that class of exterior illumination which has to do with decorative and spectacular illumination of places or things. Now and then most remarkable effects can be produced by close attention to regulating the quantity, quality and direction of the light applied. This is on a large scale exactly what is done in the setting of theatrical scenes where effects of spaciousness or of dis- tance are produced upon the very limited area of a stage. 1 Brilliant and uniform illumination tends to give an effect of nearness and lack of relief. Faint and carefully directed lighting on the contrary may be made to produce an effect of vague distance. When many light sources are in view a decreasing spacing gives a spurious effect of distance, uniform or increasing spacing from the foreground back, the reverse effect. Lamps of decreasing brilliancy along the line of view likewise produce an impression of far perspective, while increasing brilliancy gives an illusion of nearness. The cases where these principles need to be applied are not common enough to justify going into the matter to any great extent, but most astonishing results can be reached in the way of forced perspective wherever scenic effect is desirable. The problems encountered in exterior lighting are of a very diverse character involving many different sets of conditions, each of which must be met in a systematic and definite way. One can divide the total roughly so that each group possesses somewhat similar char- acteristics, for instance, perhaps the simplest case of exterior light- ing is that of a public square which presents a somewhat close analog to certain types of interior lighting. Here, as a rule, from the nature of the surroundings and the density of the traffic, the illumination has to be considerably higher than usual, rising even to 10 or 20 lux (one or several foot-candles) and averaging there- fore almost as high as certain interiors. A square roughly approxi- mates a large and not very high interior having a very dark ceiling and side walls of rough texture and very varied reflecting power. For all practical purposes the sky above is almost completely absorb- ing, while the entering streets take the place of a few great windows, from which practically no light is reflected, but which may receive a little from the outside, that is, from down the street. If such a square is illuminated from sources provided with over head reflectors having angles wide enough to intercept rays which pass above the 82 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE house tops, the full downward flux from all the lamps may be considered as concentrated on the walls and floor. Absence of ceiling reflection somewhat diminishes the amount of aid given to the general illumination by secondary reflections. If then, we know the efficiency of the reflector system which keeps the light from going skyward and therefore the total downward flux of the lamps, the illumination on the working plane can be reckoned practically as in a case of interior lighting. In the latter case suitable reflecting systems will turn quite half the total light flux from the sources upon the working plane, from which, knowing the area, the average illumination can be found at once by a process which will be out- lined later. The uniformity of the lighting will be determined by the number and place of individual radiants and the light curve derived from each. A pure flux method leads to the general average illumination, a point-by-point method to the maximum and minimum. Second on the list comes street lighting, so important that it will be dealt with in this course by special lectures. Here the interior analog would be a very long hall with a black ceiling and it is usually necessary to determine the illumination by consider- ing the effect of individual radiants, since they are seldom close enough together to require the addition of the luminous effects from more than a very few lamps. As a rule the average lighting of a street, except in the case of one carrying very heavy traffic, does not require the intensity desirable in public squares. Indeed the neces- sary illumination in certain classes of streets may fall to a point where the lamps are little more than markers of the way. Only in densely built regions can any gain be counted upon from reflec- tion from sides of buildings which, however, it is sometimes desirable to light rather brightly for the general effect. As the lamps are usually placed considerably lower than the buildings the solid or spherical angle subtended by the reflector, if there is one, may be considerably less than in the case of large open spaces. Next in order comes the lighting of building exteriors which in the case of public squares and of streets is incidental rather than primary. The lighting of the facade of a building for utilitarian or decorative purposes or the lighting of a public monument is a case of direct illumination, in which the light from one or more reflecting systems is concentrated on a definite area, be it large or small, to produce specific results over that surface. In the same category falls the lighting of spaces like railroad yards, docks and BELL: PRINCIPLES OF EXTERIOR ILLUMINATION 83 work of construction. Such lighting may have to rise to a bril- liancy as great as or greater than, that desirable in public squares, or may fall to the average of rather mediocre street lighting accord- ing to the purpose intended, but in all cases it is directed for special rather than general results. It requires ordinarily lighting units equipped with reflectors of comparatively large spherical angle, so as to direct a large percentage of the luminous flux, and if the properties of the reflectors are approximately known the results can be calculated, as will be presently shown, very easily, by a simple flux method. Finally, one has to meet the special conditions imposed by parks and other very large open spaces. These are peculiar in that no help can be received from any lateral surfaces and in that conserva- tion of resources demands generally so small an amount of illumina- tion that the preservation of suitable dark adaptation in the eye becomes of paramount importance. Only now and then is high intensity desirable and that only locally, where the lighting may assume something of a decorative aspect. To take up in more detail the illumination necessary in these dif- ferent cases the highest limit is touched by the lighting of public squares. In such areas, which are generally centers of streets carry- ing dense traffic, the average illumination on the reference plane, three or four feet above the ground, should be as shown by ex- perience, one or several lux (a few tenths of a foot-candle). In some cases it has been pushed even to 10 lux over a considerable area. The exact density required is evidently determined by the nature of the situation, but any average less than one lux (o.i foot-candle) must be regarded as undesirably low. In practice the average should generally run to at least double this amount in order to pre- serve a suitable minimum while using only a moderate number of lighting units. Certainly anything less than 0.5 lux must be re- garded as unsatisfactory as a minimum figure and it is not easy to secure in a large area this minimum without having an average exceeding i lux, and a considerable area of maxima of at least double this amount. One needs to see well in a public square where many people congregate and many vehicles pass, and the amount of illumination must therefore be pushed to a high limit with some special effort at uniformity in order to prevent the appearance of dark areas in the general effect. Likewise in such situations the buildings deserve more than the usual illumination since they are commonly of importance and of decorative value when properly lighted. 84 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE As in every case of exterior illumination the actual amount of light to be furnished in a public square depends on the nature of the situation. The figure just given ought to be regarded as an irreducible minimum for areas in which there is any considerable amount of traffic even of pedestrians. Where vehicles are frequent and the space generally more crowded it is necessary to increase the illumination considerably, rising as high perhaps as 5 lux or more under extreme conditions. Large open areas through which a continuous stream of street 'cars, automobiles, and pedestrians are pouring, particularly in the evening hours, can hardly be too strongly illuminated for safety and convenience. The method selected to provide the illumination depends intrin- sically on the particular area to be dealt with. As a general rule the lamps, whatever their size, should be carried relatively high in order to secure a fairly even light distribution without going to an abnormal number of supporting structures. It is a good rule to keep a public square as free of lamp posts and other obstructions as possible, which indicates the wisdom of avoiding a multiplicity of small lamps and of utilizing a few tall standards which may be given a high decorative importance and lead to a simpler and more effective installation. In a few instances where the open area is large and the traffic is chiefly around its margin, lamps carried on the curbs as in ordinary street lighting prove to be the best sources of distribu- tion. In a case of this kind the light should be where the traffic is, and consequently the lighting of the center of the area can be reduced in intensity while that on its bounding streets should be correspond- ingly increased. For simplicity of installation and efficiency of light production large units are desirable in this as in every case of a requirement for brilliant illumination. Arc lamps of 1000 or 2000 candle-power or incandescent lamps of nearly or quite equiva- lent candle-power lend themselves readily to this particular use. They should always, of course, be enclosed in diffusing globes, and it should be remembered that the gas-filled incandescent lamp is almost as glaring as an unshielded arc. If in such a square there are any important monuments, as sometimes happens, the illumination should be directed high enough to include them. There is no need here to deal with the details of calculating the illumination, since this subject has been admirably handled in a previous lecture. Broadly the problem can be attacked along two related lines. First, the area and the desired illumination gives at once the effective lumens required to obtain the average result. It will BELL: PRINCIPLES OF EXTERIOR ILLUMINATION 85 generally be found that the figure thus given is a minimum since the ordinary criterion of proper illumination considers not alone the average but also the minimum so that the required light flux must be distributed so as fully to meet the minimum requirement, when incidentally it will carry a somewhat high maximum. The simplest way of solving the problem is to determine from the gen- eral light flux required the type of unit which will be desirable to use, that is, one not so large as to involve great difficulty in proper placement or so small as to require undue multiplication of supports. From the polar candle-power curve of such a unit the equilucial lines corresponding to the minimum permissible illumination can be plotted for various heights of placement and then these areas arranged so as to overlap enough to insure keeping comfortably above the minimum at all points. With ordinary light-sources and reflecting equipment one will rarely select a height of placement less than 30 ft. in open squares, although this figure may be somewhat reduced in cases where the margin of the area is the chief region of traffic. As a rule the more powerful the unit the higher it may be advantageously placed. As to whether single or multiple units should be used on a single standard, the decision is chiefly a matter of taste. With the large incandescent lamps in particular the efficiency varies very little with output so that one may freely use standards carrying two or more lamps at comparatively slight loss of efficiency. Clusters are generally not to be recommended since the several globes with their supports are in each other's way; moreover, the low lying clusters, which have been frequently used in the past, are seldom either effi- cient or artistic. In so-called ornamental lighting both arc and incandescent lamps are generally mounted much too low for efficient light distribution, a few distinguished exceptions like the recent exposition lighting at San Francisco to the contrary. The rule of artistry in the lighting of public places is to keep the lamp carriers in scale with the general architectural environment and to place lamps of sufficient candle-power to give the necessary result in illumination approximately as here indicated. There is a particular need of studying such problems in lighting since they cannot well be solved by the ordinary apparatus of street lighting, placed, as it is, usually along the curbs near to the fagades of buildings, and de- signed to be at its best in illuminating a rather narrow street. The public square is a place by itself as regards the requirements for illumination. 86 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE In street lighting proper the chief area of illumination is that of the street surface itself where the vehicular traffic is located. Secondarily, sidewalks and crosswalks must be adequately lighted, and finally, where the building line is near the street, the fronts of buildings themselves cannot be left out of consideration; first because they need to be lighted for the general effect; and second, because they may, if light in color, add something to the general effectiveness of the street illumination. The commonest mistake made in street lighting is to follow a uniform method and type of illuminant irrespective of the individual needs of the street. A very common method of lighting in the earlier days consisted in placing at each street intersection, irrespective of the length of the block or the character of the street, an arc lamp, usually of insufficient candle-power. This gave a fine uniformity of lighting units, but extremely bad illumination except in parts of the city where the intersections were very close together. The almost inevitable result later has been the thrusting of incandescent or gas lamps into the intermediate spaces, finally producing a mixture of kinds and sizes of lamps both bad in appearance and unsatisfactory for the purpose intended. If a street is to carry dense traffic for a considerable period each night, that street requires thoroughly good illumination, as good even as the better class of public squares. If the traffic is not heavy and pedestrians are occasional, vehicles are chiefly to be considered, the same degree of lighting is totally unnecessary as well as waste- ful. An active business street for this reason, even if not of the first class, demands brighter illumination than an ordinary residence street, and this in turn better illumination than a suburban road. Speaking generally the minimum requirement for street lighting is that demanded for proper policing, the maximum, that required for active business accompanied by dense traffic after darkness falls. The attempt to illuminate all streets in approximately the same way and to about the same amount means that if the important streets are really well lighted a great deal of waste will occur in the unim- portant ones, or if the illumination be standardized for the latter the former will suffer greatly. One of the most difficult tasks in arranging the proper illumination of a city is to bring the public to the appreciation of the fact that light is for general civic service and not for the uniform distribution of lighting expense through every mile of street or every ward and precinct. In his own practice the speaker customarily divides streets into BELL: PRINCIPLES OF EXTERIOR ILLUMINATION 87 first, second and third class, with respect not to the popular idea of their merits or the cost of the buildings upon them, but strictly on the basis of the needs disclosed by their use during the hours of darkness. For the purpose of lighting, a first-class street may be a boulevard leading through the center of the city and containing many of the important business houses, or a street running along the water front, congested with vehicles and streams of humans, or even a side street through which from one necessity or another a great volume of traffic passes. A second-class street may be a side or subsidiary street of business houses, a residence street of fine mansions, a back street of swarming tenements or a long road running out of the city but constituting a main avenue of automobile traffic. The third-class streets will form the residuum after the first two classes are well marked out, the ordinary rank and file of city and suburban streets not much frequented, and never at all congested. Most first-class streets are thoroughly obvious except for those which form short cuts or for some particular reason are crowded after nightfall. These, however, are easily discovered by a very brief investigation of traffic. The second-class streets require more skill in selection. Some of them suggest themselves at once, but a con- ference with the chief of police will usually open up the situation in a very interesting manner, and it is just at this point that the greatest difficulty in satisfying the public occurs. It is not polite to tell the alderman of the Nth ward that a couple of shabby streets in his district needed to be extremely well lighted on account of the semi-criminal character of his constituents, while the quiet residence street on which he lives may be relegated to the third-class. Person- ally I have tried to make a practice of extending good second-class lighting to all regions of churches and schools and other districts where for one reason or another the streets might be much used at night. Some singular anomalies may be found in making classifica- tions. For example, an active business street down town, which at first thought would be put in the first class, may turn out to be very little used after dusk and so be relegated to the second. The proper classification is a matter of tact and local study. It is sometimes wise to add a fourth group of streets and roads to those already mentioned, in which the street lamps are hardly more than markers of the way. Almost every town has running out of it long roads not heavily populated, but which still are main lines of traffic to neighboring districts. To light these even as a third- 88 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE class street should be lighted is uneconomical, but a very modest equipment indeed may work great improvement in the traffic conditions. It is extraordinary how much even small lamps widely spaced will do to assist traffic on a dark night. To use the lamps as markers rather than for illumination then becomes practically a rather important measure of public convenience, although from the standpoint of light flux the provision may seem almost a practical joke. Some engineers attempt even a somewhat further subdivi- sion, having in mind a gradation between the second and third class, but it is not generally necessary, since there is trouble enough in establishing a sound basis of classification in even three groups. As respects the actual amount of illumination required for street work the figures given depend on the agreement as to the way in which this illumination shall be measured. Abroad it has been the custom to reckon the illumination as the total received upon and resolved upon a horizontal reference plane usually taken as a meter above the ground. This means that the light received from each source must be resolved according to the cosine law on the plane and the total received from all the sources added. In American practice it has been the custom to reckon the illumination as that received from one direction only upon a plane normal to the ray. On account of the obliquity of the illumination the former method generally gives a lower numerical value for the illumination, a fact which must be borne in mind in interpreting foreign specifications. For the special case in which only two lamps are considered, spaced at four times their height, the numerical results will coincide by the two methods and such relations of spacing to height is not uncommon especially abroad. For street lighting proper, the writer prefers the usual American method on the ground that the most trying tests of street lighting in practice, such as reading an address, or recognizing a person, do not depend upon supposing either page or person to be extended flat upon the ground, but do depend on the light that fairly strikes them from the lamp. Either method of reckoning is perfectly safe pro- vided it is consistently used. Based on the usual American reckoning the illumination in first class streets should run nearly or quite as high as in public squares, that is, should amount to a minimum of at least 0.5 lux (0.05 foot- candle) and preferably double this amount, with an average two or three times as great. The chief streets of well-lighted foreign cities before the war averaged fully up to this standard. Indeed I BELL: PRINCIPLES OF EXTERIOR ILLUMINATION 89 have often taken as a rough test of the proper illumination the ability to read a Baedecker when walking or riding along the street, that excellent volume being utilized merely as one generally at hand. First-class streets differ among themselves to a considerable extent, but if the minimum is kept up to i lux the maximum will usually run high enough to give an average of from 2 to 4 lux with a maximum anywhere from 5 to 20. In street lighting the difference between the minimum and maxi- mum illumination is generally conspicuously great. Any ratio less than i : 10 requires very special efforts to secure uniformity and streets which are practically very well lighted indeed may show ratios of i : 25 or even i : 50. In such instances the darkest spots will usually be very small in area and due to special circumstances and the average will be high. Streets here designated as second- class ordinarily require about half the intensity ascribed to first- class streets, that is, an average of 0.5 to i.o lux. Third-class streets, again, may have advantageously about half the intensity of the typical second-class streets, with the proviso that anything as low as 0.25 lux as an average would unquestionably bring a mini- mum so low as to be almost negligible midway between lamps. Finally where street lamps are used merely to mark the way the illumination will be so small except near the lamps as to be hardly worth considering, the function of the lamps being to define rather than to illuminate the road. A committee appointed a few years ago in London to make recommendations as to street illumination drew up the following recommendations: Classification of streets Minimum horizontal illu- mination in foot-candles Class A O.OI 0.025 O.O4 O.o6 0.10 Class B. .... Class C Class D. . Class E. which correspond pretty closely to that here suggested. The class E streets of this table correspond to the first-class streets just described, classes C and D include the second-class streets, and classes A and B the third-class. Bearing in mind the difference in the conventional measurement the results are of practically the same order of magnitude. 90 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE Variations in intensity such as here required depend on two things, the height and the spacing of the illuminants and, other things being equal, the diversity ratio between maximum and minimum depends on the relation of the height to the spacing. Powerful light sources need to be placed high in order to avoid both too great difference between maxima and minima and too great obliquity of the more distant rays. Small lamps may be placed correspondingly lower and also require closer spacing to meet the minimum requirements. With big units approximating 1000 candle-power the height, of placement should be not less than 25 ft. to obtain the most useful distribution of light, while the smaller units either electric or gas are usually most effective when placed from 15 to 20 ft. high with the spacings ordinarily employed. Occasionally, in using particularly well-screened large units closely placed in order to obtain a very powerful illumination, the figures here given may be somewhat reduced, the point being to adjust the spacing with reference to the direction of maximum intensity, so that this may fall nearly at the midway point between lamps. Extreme uniformity of illumination is in general not worth the effort in street lighting, the main point being that for streets carry- ing any material amount of traffic the minimum illumination must be high enough to give reasonably good results. This matter will be taken up in the lecture dealing with the technique of street light- ing, so that I need not further mention it here except to say that there is definite evidence of too great uniformity tending to prevent the quick vision of obstacles, and also tending to lessen the attentiveness, for instance, of the driver of a motor car. This point was admirably brought out in the psychological work done under the direction of Prof. Munsterberg for the N.E.L.A. street lighting tests. As to the conditions of placement of street lamps the main practi- cal factor is the nature of the street. A narrow street, particularly if well built up, may be admirably lighted in the usual manner by placing the lamp posts upon the curb. A street much shaded by trees loses too much from shadows with this positioning and use must be made of long brackets, mast arms, or cross suspensions, in this country usually the mast arms. Very broad streets sometimes can be advantageously lighted by means of a row of posts down the center perhaps on isles of safety, in extreme cases in conjunction with curb lighting as well. A word here with reference to glare from street lamps, which sometimes becomes very unpleasant, especially with high efficiency BELL: PRINCIPLES OF EXTERIOR ILLUMINATION 91 illuminants. Lamps mounted high are in general much less trouble- some than those placed low, and even when powerful light sources so placed fall well within the field of vision at the midway point between them, the gross intensity of the light reaching the eye is so considerably reduced as not to be serious. One does not par- ticularly mind the glare from even a very powerful arc at 200 or 300 ft. distance, while it may be most offensive when nearer. In fact it is not always easy to tell at long range whether a high power lamp has or has not a diffusing globe, but in either case the light does not produce serious glare. Even the smaller lamps now used for street lighting, especially the almost universal high-efficiency incandescent lamps, which are often placed low, may produce very offensive glare and seriously hinder the utilization of the illumination derived from them. Certainly in the larger types of these lamps the use of frosted bulbs or thin diffusing globes is highly desirable and proves of practical benefit. Passing now from street lighting, of which the details will be fully set forth in a separate lecture, we come to a rather special case of illumination, namely, the lighting of public monuments and the facades of buildings. I will not here enter at length into the technique of this matter since it will form part of the subject matter of another lecture of this course, but will merely point out some of the general requirements and the means for meeting them. Where the facade of a building is to be illuminated the method employed has to depend on the character of the building and its distance from available situa- tions for lamps. Sometimes suitable ornamental lamp posts with powerful illuminants may be placed on the curb of a wide sidewalk, fairly high, in such position as to give an admirable effect in lighting the front of a building. In cases where this is not feasible and yet for one reason or another good illumination of the facade is desired the modern projector using high-intensity incandescent lamps meets the requirements with admirable effect. The difficulty here is the proper placement for the lamps, which can seldom be found on the building itself and more generally has to be sought on opposite or near-by roofs. The same conditions hold for the task occasionally required, of lighting public monuments. Many of these had better be left under the concealing wing of night, but occasionally a fine example appears which fully deserves all the attention that can be bestowed upon it. This again is a case for flood lighting which can rarely be carried out from the base of the monument or the immediate vicinity. It Q2 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE usually required a suitable placement of the lamps at a distance several times the height of the monument. As reflectors for in- candescent lamps can now be obtained which give a fairly concen- trated beam, a suitable point of attack can always be found, even if it has to be a couple of hundred feet away. It is, in fact, rather easier to get a projector with a fairly narrow beam than it is to obtain one with a beam of moderately great angle, well distributed and concentrated, but progress is now being made to assure good results in almost any condition that can be found. I will not here go at length into the topic of flood lighting, but will content myself with pointing out that with such reasonably exact knowledge of the reflecting system as should be at hand in any well designed commercial lamp it is a perfectly simple matter to calculate the wattage required to produce any given amount of illumination which circumstances demand. In doing this I shall merely amplify the out- line of the theory which I gave in the Baltimore Lectures of six years ago, apply- ing the added data which are now available. Consider a source, x, placed in the focus of an approximately parabolic reflector. All the light within the spherical Z passes out in a scattered secondary beam. The primary beam delivered by the mirror takes Fig. i. Beam candle-power. r J J the light from an Z 471- (< + 8) and is diminished by the absorption and scattering at the mirror surface. Let the beam fall normally upon a surface producing a circle of illumination of radius r. Then Trr r 2 Or, if the circle is projected into an ellipse, E = j-t as average. Here rj is the specific efficiency of the source in Us reflecting system and w is watts used, 17 = apt. Where a is the specific output of the source in spherical candles per watt, p is the coefficient of reflection of the surface, K is percentage of total sphere effective = 471- (0 + 0). BELL: PRINCIPLES OF EXTERIOR ILLUMINATION 93 Now obviously the larger the parabola and the shorter the focal length the smaller is < but care must be taken that in case of small focal length 8 does not unduly increase, due to lamp socket or sup- port. As a practical matter K ranges from 0.5 or less in shallow parabolas to 0.8 or even 0.9 in deep ones of focus say of only one- tenth the diameter of the opening. p ranges from perhaps 0.6 with cheap metal reflectors to 0.8 or 0.85 in high grade silvered glass mirrors. <7 ranges from i to nearly 1.5 in various lamps. A lamp is at its best when its main axis of filament is in the axis of the mirror. Its distribution is then a tore (Fig. 2) a doughnut with a very small hole, and the main body of light is well reflected. Reflectors with depolished surface or fronted with a depolished screen scatter the light from each element of surface and increase the scattered secondary beam at the expense of the primary closely directed beam. They thus may throw light over an angle of 90 or so and cannot give high concentration, although showing very low intrinsic brilliancy and having a distinctly useful place in illumina- tion, for instance of a tennis court. In practical flood lighting the value of rj is likely / \( j to run from 0.5 to 0.75, more nearly the former figure ^^^-^ when dealing with reflectors and lamps in their average Fi &- 2. Light condition. In lamps of the (arc) carefully designed search light type 77 may rise to or somewhat above unity on account of the large proportion of light delivered from the advantageously placed crater to the mirror and the small proportion of light ob- structed by the source. Assuming rj = 0.5 for an ordinary flood light one reaches the follow- ing very simple formulae for the relation between illumination, energy and circle of illumination. 2W r* = ^ (3) Dividing lumens by area gives illumination in lux, if area is in square meters or in foot-candles if in square feet. Hence the follow- ing examples. Required; illumination on a circle of 10 in. radius from a 1000 watt lamp and reflector. 94 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE 2 X 1000 h, = - - = 20 lux 100 Required, watts to give 50 lux on a circle of 5 meters radius Required, circle which 4000 watts will light to 20 lux. 8000 r 2 = - - = 400 20 r = 20 n. It will be observed that the distance does not enter these reckonings, for the simple reason that so long as all the flux of the primary beam falls on the required surface distance does not count save as it may involve atmospheric absorption which is of small moment at flood- lighting distances. Only when the spread of the beam gets it off the object does distance become important in reckoning the illumination. At very short range the secondary beam proceeding directly from the source may not be negligible, and this follows the ordinary inverse square law. Sufficient has been said already to outline the general method of reckoning exterior illumination. The fundamental principle is to reckon average illumination from the flux theory according to methods which have been already laid down in a previous lecture, and then to make sure of a sufficient amount of uniformity and a sufficiently large minimum by computing the illumination directly from the candle-power curve of the illuminants concerned at any point. In open squares several sources, in small squares all the sources have to be considered. In street work one need very rarely add the illumination from more than two sources on one side of the point of reckoning, the symmetrical sources on the other side being obvious in their effect. The computations involve no special diffi- culties- and are fully taken care of by the general theory once the candle-power distribution curve of the source is known. With reasonable care in the placement of lamps a very good estimate of exterior lighting including street lighting can be made from light flux alone, the ordinary practice of placing and spacing the lamps being sufficient to secure the necessary light distribution. It should be mentioned in this connection that the N.E.L.A. Committee, which investigated the details of street lighting, found that for practical purposes the useful illumination was pretty nearly BELL: PRINCIPLES OF EXTERIOR ILLUMINATION 95 proportional to the light flux as might have been anticipated. In most instances it is the lower hemispherical flux which is concerned. In narrow streets well built up where the limiting walls have a per- ceptible effect on the distribution of the light one might include the total flux which for lamps with reflectors is roughly proportional to the lower hemispherical flux in any case. Street illuminants there- fore can rather fairly be rated in terms of the total lumens which they give, subject to the requirement that reasonable intelligence must be used in locating the sources. In exterior illumination even more than in interior it is the adapta- tion of means to ends which makes the difference between good and bad results. One cannot safely travel on a hard and fast theory in such matters. He cannot, for example, say, I will take the abed lamp of (n) candle-power as my standard and I will adapt all things to it. If he does so the result is quite certain to be mediocre in quality. It is practically necessary in meeting the great range in intensities required in exterior lighting to depend upon not one kind or size of unit but at least several sizes and perhaps several kinds. At the present moment for light sources materially below some- where about 1000 candle-power the large high efficiency incandescent lamps have the call. In larger outputs than this the big luminous and flame arc lamps still hold their own well. A few smaller arc lamp units are used for strictly ornamental lighting, but the carbon arc lamps of every kind and even the smaller flame and luminous arc lamps are rapidly passing to the scrap heap. How far the ten- dency just indicated can go on, and whether the arc lamp is to have a permanent place in exterior lighting is somewhat open to doubt. My own opinion is that, particularly on account of the conspicuous difference in color, the best of the flaming and luminous arc lamps have at least a considerable period of usefulness still before them, but in the smaller sizes the hand-writing is certainly upon the wall. Ordinary public lighting is generally found as a matter of practice to include the use of at least three sizes of units, two of which will generally be incandescent electric lamps or the equivalent gas mantles. For the lighting of public squares and first-class streets the big units, whether arc or incandescent, .are altogether desirable. For second-class streets one may either retain the same size and type of unit expanding the spacing a bit, or may pass to a smaller unit. The latter is the more common practice, although some transitional streets may be very well treated in the former fashion. The smaller 96 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE units may pass into some of the lighting of third-class streets, the distances of spacing being stretched a bit in response to the smaller necessities. It is quite usual, however, to employ a still smaller unit for much of the third-class lighting as well as for all the cases requiring lamps merely as markers. More than three sizes of lamp are very rarely indicated, and extremely good work can be done with two, although the gain in simplicity so attainable does not amount to much. In shades and glassware one commonly finds that each type of unit has its own requirement. All powerful radiants like arc lamps and very large incandescent lamps should be provided with diffus- ing globes. These can now be obtained giving good diffusion with- out much loss of light. Lighting units of more moderate output, say from 100 to 300 candle-power, in many cases require screening to obtain the best results, particularly toward the upper limit of size just mentioned. An incandescent lamp of a couple of hundred candle-power, unshielded, is rather an offense to the eyes, and diffusing glassware or frosted bulbs very much improve the actual lighting effect, although they sometimes create an entirely false impression of insufficient light. Most people still judge a street lamp by its intrinsic brilliancy rather than its actual power, and this psychological fact must be kept in mind. Lamps of smaller output than 100 candle-power seldom need screening, for while they may be unpleasantly bright when viewed from very nearby, in the position, actually occupied by them they may be comparatively inoffensive. COLOR IN LIGHTING In the lighting of buildings and monuments and flood lighting problems generally, and to a less extent in some types of street lighting, the matter of color may rise to considerable importance. Save in rare instances color in illumination can only be obtained at a considerable and sometimes almost prohibitive cost of energy. One can get very efficiently a bright yellow from the flame arcs, a color perfectly good for utilitarian purposes, but not lending itself to any decorative effects. It is possible to produce flaming elec- trodes giving striking colors at some loss of efficiency, but yet at an efficiency probably exceeding anything that can be obtained by screens or colored globes. At the Boston Electrical Show of 1912 red and green flame arcs, owing their color only to the impregnation of the electrodes, were used with rather beautiful effect, but such BELL: PRINCIPLES OF EXTERIOR ILLUMINATION 97 electrodes cannot be obtained commercially, and the illuminating engineer has to fallback practically upon screens for obtaining colored effects. Color in lighting may be utilized to intensify the hue of objects already colored or to impart color to things not already possessing it. Light as nearly white as possible brings out the natural color values in a fairly uniform way. A single color gains in brilliancy from flood- ing with the same color, while illumination with the wrong color may utterly spoil the effect. These things are, of course, perfectly familiar in interior lighting. The decorative value of color has been comparatively little appreciated or utilized in exterior illumination. The most striking instance of its employment on a large scale was at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition of last year, at San Francisco, in which for both day and night effects color played a predominant part. In regular flood lighting work a monument or even a sign may be so tinted as to gain from the application of a particular color in its illumination. But instances where this can be advantageously applied are rather rare. Perhaps of more general importance is the possibility of producing highly decorative results in the illumination of facades of buildings by giving them color values which relieve the monotony of the effect otherwise attainable. Comparatively little has been done in this line, although the writer tried it out experimentally on the facade of the Massachusetts State House and of the building of the Edison Illuminating Company last year far enough to learn something of its possibilities. The chief difficulty in such work, which can be carried out with very beautiful effects, is to obtain the necessary illumination without too great cost in energy. Screens of the colored film used in theatrical work can readily be arranged in con- junction with lamps for flood lighting. In the case of the experi- ments just referred to the screens were fitted into frames in racks just in front of the lamps. In theatrical working the areas to be covered are small and the available intensities are so great that a considerable range of color can be successfully employed. This range is much limited in the larger problems of exterior lighting unless at great cost of energy. Light yellow screens fail to produce any striking effect. Even amber tints, although losing considerable light, do not seem to produce a good hue on the surface illuminated. Light reds work better and light rose pinks also are very successful. Greens and blues are not very striking unless deep in color and consequently wasting much light. g8 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE In general terms the loss of light in colored screens of hue deep enough to produce any material effect is from 50 to 80 per cent, so that one has to allow from 3 to 4 or 5 times the intensities which would ordinarily be utilized for flood lighting. It is not necessary to fit all the reflectors with screens in doing such work. A ground illumination can be produced in the oridinary way and then tints laid on by banks of special reflectors directed either so as to overlay the whole or any part of it with warm color. Considerable experimenting is needed to produce screens which will give the maximum of tinting effect with minimum loss of light and which will retain their color without fading. Of course, the films used for theatrical purposes will not withstand moisture so that when used out of doors they must either be screened in with glass or with- drawn in rainy weather. The colored applications are interesting, and probably will be made an important adjunct in flood lighting, but the whole matter is still in the experimental stage. MODERN PHOTOMETRY BY CLAYTON H. SHARP The present lecture is to be looked upon as in a measure a con- tinuation of the lectures on the measurement of light given in the 1910 I. E. S. course at Johns-Hopkins University. It is intended to supplement those lectures not only by introducing an account of the developments in photometry since 1910, but also by treating of certain matters which were either insufficiently treated or were omitted entirely from the 1910 lectures. It should be understood, however, that it is the intention of the lecturer not to attempt a complete review of photometric advance during recent years, but rather to confine himself to the practical features which properly belong in this essentially practical course. The practice of to-day in the measurement of light involves innova- tions and improvements which the change of conditions since 1910 has brought forward. Since 1910 the introduction of the gas-filled tungsten filament incandescent lamp with its whiter light has made the photometric difficulties due to color differences a more important factor in the art and has been a direct incentive toward the prose- cution of the investigation of the problem of heterochromatic photometry and of the introduction of means to solve it, while the increasing demand for accuracy in photometric measurements, and particularly the growth of the idea of the measurement of luminous output of all lamps in terms of their total luminous flux rather than in terms of their candle-power, has given a great incentive to the use of the integrating sphere. During the six-year interval new and improved types of apparatus have been constructed and put into use. PHYSICAL PHOTOMETER The physical photometer, an apparatus which will measure the light from any illuminant and give the result in terms identical with those which would be obtained by the use of a photometer by a person of normal color vision, has been realized. This physical photometer has been constructed and practically used by Ives 1 who uses a sensitive thermopile as a means for measuring the radiant energy. He has two methods for selecting the radiation from the 99 100 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE lamp in accordance with the luminosity curve of the average human eye. The first of these methods involves passing the light through a spectroscope equipped with a shield or screen which is cut out in the form of the luminosity curve. The spectrum, which is thereby reduced to a luminosity curve spectrum, is reunited, and the total energy passing through the screen, which is then propor- tional to the light of the lamp, is thrown on the thermopile. The second method, which for experimental purposes is undoubtedly simpler, involves passing the light through a glass cell having a thickness of one centimeter containing the following solution: Cupric chloride 60 . o grams Potassium ammonium sulphate 14. 5 grams Potassium chromate 1.9 grams Nitric acid, gravity 1.05 . 18.0 c.c. Water added to make one liter. Between the solution and the lamp is interposed another water cell to prevent overheating of the solution. The transmission of this solution is according to Ives identical with the luminosity curve of the average eye. FLICKER PHOTOMETER Ives 1 has recommended a system of heterochromatic photometry involving the use of a standardized form of flicker photometer and the investigation of the color vision of the observers using it. The flicker photometer as recommended by him has a field two degrees in diameter with a surrounding field of large dimensions illuminated to approximately the same degree. As the standard illumination for the flicker field he recommends 25 meter-candles. A simple attachment to be used on an ordinary Lummer-Brodhun photometer to convert it to a flicker photometer corresponding to these specifications has been described by Kingsbury 2 and is ex- pected shortly to be commercially available. Ives has shown both theoretically and experimentally that the settings of observers using a flicker photometer are affected by peculiarities of their color vision. He has, therefore, proposed a criterion for normality of color vision of observers using the flicker photometer. This consists in measuring the light of a 4-wpc. carbon lamp through a one centimeter layer of each of two different solutions. The, first consists of 72 grams of potassium bichromate in water to make one liter. The trans- 1 Ives, I. E. S. Transactions, 1915, page 315. A bibliography of the subject is there given. 2 Kingsbury, Journal of Franklin Institute, August, ipiS- SHARP: MODERN PHOTOMETRY 101 mitted light with this solution is yellowish. The other solution consists of 53 grams of cupric sulphate in water to make one liter. This gives a bluish color. The solutions are to be used at 2OC. Ives has shown that a person with perfectly normal color vision will find with a flicker photometer the same value for a 4-wpc. lamp with either solution. His proposal then is to make color measurements using the flicker photometer and a group of observers so selected that on the average their value for the transmission of the yellow solu- tion is the same as that of the blue solution, such a group having according to his measurements normal color vision. This proposal has been thoroughly investigated by Crittenden and Richtmyer 3 who by studying the peculiarities of a large number of observers using a Lummer-Brodhun photometer have shown that identical photometric results are obtained by a selected small number of observers having on the average normal color vision as determined by Ives' criterion and using a flicker photometer. CROVA'S METHOD Ives 4 has shown that an incandescent gas mantle can be compared without error with a 4-wpc. carbon lamp using an ordinary photo- meter and interposing between the eye and the photometer a 25 mm. layer of the first of the following solutions. To effect a com- parison between a 4-wpc. carbon lamp and other incandescent electric illuminants the second of the following solutions is used: For mantle burners For incandescent electric lamps Cupric chloride Potassium bichromate 90 grams ?o grams 86 grams 60 grams Nitric acid (1.05 gravity) Water added to make one liter. 40 c.c. 40 c.c. When using the first solution with a mantle burner against a 4.85-w.p.scp. carbon standard, the standard has a value which is one divided by 1.065 times its true value. No correction is neces- sary in using the second solution. The use of this solution has the great advantage of eliminating not only the color difference between the lights as seen in the photometer field, but also the effects of pecu- 1 Crittenden and Richtmyer, I. E. S. Transactions, vol. n, page 331, 1916. 4 Ives, Physical Review, page 716, 1915. Ives and Kingsbury, I. E. S. Transactions, vol. 10, page 716, 1915. IO2 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE liarities of color vision on the part of the observer. It suffers from the disadvantage, which under many conditions is a very serious one, of cutting down the brightness of the photometer field to about one-tenth the value which it otherwise would have. This necessi- tates either a rearrangement of the photometric apparatus so that the photometric field shall be much brighter than otherwise is necessary, a procedure which is attended with certain practical difficulties, or requiring the observer to work with a faint field and consequently to keep his eyes shielded from extraneous light so that their photometric sensibility may be sufficiently great. LIGHT FILTERS The difficulties of heterochromatic photometry may be effec- tually overcome by interposing between the photometer and one of the light sources a colored screen which will cause the illumination on both sides of the photometer disc to have the same color. The use of this expedient presupposes, however, that the amount of light absorbed by such a filter when used with the light in question is known. The determination of the transmission factors of light filters involves all the difficulties of heterochromatic photometry, but relegates them to the domain of the standardizing laboratory, where they can be overcome by the experimental means at hand. The use of light filters, since it reduces the practice of the compari- son of lights of different color to the same degree of simplicity as the comparison of lights of the same color, and by means at once convenient and free from liability to error, is becoming very extended and may be rightly described as the most commonly accepted method in practical photometry. These light filters may be of translucent solids or may be in the form of solutions. Ives and Kingsbury 5 ' 6 have investigated yellow and blue solutions for use in this way and have given equations whereby their transmission may be computed. Such solutions may, with suitable precautions be used as reference standards. Mees 7 has produced a line of care- fully constructed light filters using colored gelatins, these filters covering the entire range of the ordinary lights to be measured. It is found practicable to get colored glasses serving as light filters for nearly all purposes. For instance a blue glass may be obtained which when interposed between a 4-wpc. standard and a pho- * Ives and Kingsbury, I. E. S. Transactions, Vol. 9, page 795, 1914. Ives and Kingsbury, I. E. S. Transactions, Vol. 10, page 253, 1915. 7 Mees, I. E. S. Transactions, Vol. 9, page 990, 1914. SHARP: MODERN PHOTOMETRY 103 tometer will give a color match with a i-wpc. tungsten lamp, or a pinkish glass may be found which when interposed between a i- wpc. tungsten lamp will give a color match with a 4-wpc. carbon standard. Glasses also may be obtained to give a color match of gas-filled tungsten lamps with vacuum tungsten lamps, etc. As has been said the calibration of these glasses rests with a standardizing laboratory and involves all the difficulties of hetero- chromatic photometry. Through an extensive set of measure- ments of certain light filters made by a number of laboratories under the lead of the Bureau of Standards, 8 certain light filters in the pos- session of the Bureau of Standards have come to have an unusually accurate calibration. It is possible for other laboratories to have standards calibrated by comparison directly with those at the Bureau of Standards or indirectly through other laboratories deriving their standards from the Bureau. Through this procedure light filters of carefully known value may readily be obtained by any photo- metrist, and by the use of these filters the difficulties of hetero- chromatic photometry can in nearly all cases be overcome and the same degree of concordance attained in the photometry of different colored lights which is expected in the photometry of lights of the same color. EXTRAPOLATION OF LAMP VALUES Middlekauff and Skogland 9 have shown that a curve or equation giving the relation between the voltage and current or candle- power of tungsten lamps can be established which holds within close limits for tungsten filament lamps of all ordinary sizes and styles of construction; so that knowing the candle-power of any normal tungsten lamp by calibration at a voltage at which its color matches the color of the standard, its candle-power at some other voltage at which it gives a color corresponding to the lamp under test may be accurately computed. This method, which has the endorsement of the U. S. Bureau of Standards, should be of great practical utility. STANDARD LAMPS Since 1910 the drawn wire tungsten lamp has supplanted the pressed filament lamp, and lamps of drawn wire are now used for purposes of photometric standards. In the smaller sizes of lamps Middlekauff and Skogland, I. E. S. Transactions, Vol. 9, page 734; also Bulletin of Bureau of Standards, Vol. 3, p. 287. Middlekauff and Skogland, I. E. S. Transactions, Vol. 11, page 164; also Bulletin of Bureau of Standards, Vol. n, p. 483. 104 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE small variations in candle-power are likely to be discovered due to the variations in contact between the filament and the wire supports. It is therefore necessary that, for the smaller sizes at least, lamps should be of special construction, avoiding this variation in contact with its consequent variable loss of heat to the anchor wires. Either the anchor wires are pinched tightly over the filament or the filament is drawn so tightly over the wires that no variability can ensue. The constancy of the candle-power of the drawn wire lamps, together with their mechanical strength, etc., is such as to fit them eminently well for service as standards. They may be standardized not only at a voltage approximating their operating voltage, but also at lower voltages; for instance at such a voltage that they give a color match with a 4-wpc. carbon standard. It is a question whether all things considered, the tungsten standards are not more reliable than the old carbon standards, but the time has not yet come when this question can be finally answered. It is to be noted, how- ever, that inasmuch as the incandescent lamps most used to-day are of the tungsten class, the use of tungsten standards enables photo- metric measurements to be made without the difficulties of hetero- chromatic photometry. A photometric laboratory may carry side by side a series of 4-wpc. carbon standards and a series of ap- proximately i.2-wpc. tungsten standards, each set of standards to be used with its corresponding class of lamps. The introduction of the gas-filled lamp, however, has given rise to a situation where heterochromatic photometry is difficult to avoid. The filaments of these lamps are made up in the form of fine spirals. The candle- power of a spiral wound filament can vary not only because of alteration in its physical state or in the conditions surrounding it in the bulb (convection currents, etc.) but also on account of any change in the spacing of the spires of the helices in which the filament is formed. If on account of sagging at the high temperature at which the filaments are operated, the little spirals open up somewhat at any point, the candle-power will be found to be reduced at this point, since there the convection currents carry off more heat. Moreover, the question of the conduction of the heat from the filament by the anchor wires is one which may intervene to cause variable candle-power. Hence it is that it is a more difficult thing to get from gas-filled lamps the entire constancy of candle-power at given voltage or current which is demanded of a real standard. Lamps of this type are sometimes calibrated as " check lamps," intended to be used as standards in the industrial photometry of gas-filled lamps, but SHARP: MODERN PHOTOMETRY , 105 not dignified with the name of standards. It is to be hoped that methods of construction will be found whereby entire constancy may be insured in the candle-power of gas-filled lamps specially designed for use as standards. Until this is done the real standards against which gas-filled lamps have to be compared are vacuum tungsten lamps and this comparison involves color differences which, however, can be removed by the use of suitable light filters. lo-C.P. HARCOURT LAMP This important primary standard has been subjected to thorough investigation at the Bureau of Standards and there has been found a well-defined difference between the pentane lamps of English and American manufacture. Moreover, the newer American lamps are differentiated from the older ones by certain operating requirements. For instance, the time required for the lamp to reach its full candle- power is less than 15 minutes in the case of the English lamp, whereas 20 minutes must be allowed with the newer American lamps and 30 minutes with the older ones. The Bureau authorities have found that the control of the density of the pentane is of considerable importance and that to empty the saturater once a month, as should be done according to the instructions of the London Gas Referees, is quite insufficient when the lamp is used as much as three times a day, since the density of the residual pentane would be considerably greater and its candle-power greater. At the Bureau of Standards the density of the pentane used is always kept below 0.635. The saturater should be from one- third to two- thirds full of pentane at starting, and the height of liquid as seen against the window of the saturater should never be less than ^ inch. It is recommended that in the photometer room a hood or chimney should be arranged in the ceiling above the lamp in such a way as to carry the products of combustion directly out of the room. The correc- tion for water vapor is made in accordance with the following: / = 7 8 [/ + (8 - /)o.oos6 7 ]. Where 7g represents the candle-power of the lamp with normal water vapor content, namely, 8 liters of water per cubic meter of dry air, and / represents the actual humidity. In order to determine the value / a hygrometer of the wet and dry bulb type is used. The most precise instrument is the Assmann psychrometer which con- sists of two finely divided mercury thermometers, mounted side by side on a stand and with a tube surrounding the bulb of each. 106 , ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE At the top is a small spring-driven suction pump which draws a rapid current of air over both bulbs. One bulb is surrounded by a cloth which is wet with water, while the other is dry. From the difference between the readings of the two, by reference to hygro- metric tables, such as for instance the tables issued by the United States Weather Bureau, the pressure of the water vapor is determined. A simpler apparatus than the Assmann psychrometer is the sling psychrometer, used extensively by the Weather Bureau. This is a relatively inexpensive apparatus consisting of two thermometers mounted on a handle so that they can be swung rapidly in a circle. One of them being wet and the other dry, a difference is obtained which corresponds to the humidity of the atmosphere. Knowing e, the partial pressure of the water vapor, and the barometric height, b, in millimeters, the water vapor in liters per cubic meter of dry air is found from the equation > I =T ~ X 1000 b e The effect of variation in atmospheric pressure on the candle-power of flame standards has been investigated by Butterfield, Haldane and Trotter in London and also by Ott 10 in Zurich. Ott confirmed the old formula of Liebenthal, as follows: / = 1.049 ~~ -55^ H~ 0.06011(6 760) Butterfield, Haldane and Trotter found a relation which is depicted in curves of Fig. i. A late investigation by the U. S. Bureau of Standards 11 yielded the curves of Fig. 2. The variation of standard flames with barometric pressure is of vital importance when dealing with these standards in places located at considerable altitudes above sea level, and affects us particularly in this country where there are a number of important cities at relatively high altitudes. PORTABLE ELECTRIC STANDARD A portable electric standard lamp outfit which has been used to a limited extent in gas. photometry is illustrated in Fig. 3. The lamp used has a single loop tungsten filament and is of such a rating that when burned so as to give two candle-power, it has a color which 10 Ott, Journal of Gas Lighting, Nov. 16, 1915. 11 Transactions I. E. S., Vol. X, page 843, 1915. SHARP: MODERN PHOTOMETRY 107 ,110 iioo J 40 100 Fig. i. 50 60 70 80 90 Barometric Pressure Cm. of Mercury Variations of flame candle-power with atmospheric pressure. (Butterfield, Haldane and Trotter.) 40 110 50 60 70 80 90 100 Barometric Pressure: - Cm of Mercury Fig. 2. Variations of flame candle-power with atmospheric pressure, (i) Hefner lamp; (2) Pentane lamp; (3) No. 7 Bray slit union gas burner. (Bureau of Standards.) io8 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE Fig. 7. Diagram of bridge of portable standard. matches that of gas burned in an open burner. It then consumes approximately one ampere with four volts potential difference be- tween its terminals. The current for the lamp is furnished by a portable six-volt storage battery such as is used frequently for gas- engine ignition purposes and of 40 ampere-hour rating. The bat- tery, therefore, when fully charged is capable of supplying current to the lamp for a considerable time. On the controller box are mounted suitable rheostats and also a Wheatstone bridge and galvanometer for setting the lamp to its standard candle-power. As is well known, the tungsten filament has a large positive temperature-resistance co- efficient. If the lamp, therefore, is made one arm of a Wheatstone bridge, the other arms being con- stituted of zero temperature coeffi- cient wire, as shown in Fig. 7, the resistances may be so adjusted that the bridge is in balance when the lamp is operating at its normal candle-power. As soon as the current through the lamp varies, its resistance also varies and the bridge falls out of balance. The balance of the bridge is indicated by a pivoted galvanometer which is shown in the figure, or it may be determined by means of a tele- phone and an interrupter which gives a slight click in the telephone if the bridge is out of balance. This method of adjusting the stand- ard lamp is a very sensitive one, particularly when a galvanometer is used; far more sensitive than a direct reading ammeter or volt- meter, even of the laboratory standard type. In order to permit adjustment, there is a portion of the bridge in the form of a slide wire, the galvanometer circuit making contact with this slide wire at any position desired. The position may be recorded from a divided scale with which the slide wire is equipped. The apparatus was given the form here described in order that an unskilled man unfamiliar with electrical apparatus should be able to operate the standard. He has merely to close the switch and adjust the rheostat until the galvanometer comes to zero. It should be noted, however, that in a general case a test of candle- power of gas will agree with a test made against a lo-c.p. pentane lamp only when the conditions of atmospheric humidity are standard for the lamp, that is, eight liters of water per cubic meter of dry air. Fig. 3. Portable electric standard. Fig. 4. One-meter sphere for industrial photometry of incandescent lamps. (Facing page 107.) Fig. s. Industrial sphere photometer, showing arrangement of sphere doors and photom- eter scale. FIG. 6. Sharp- Millar calibrator in position on photometer. SHARP: MODERN PHOTOMETRY 109 If the hygrometric condition is different from this a different result will be obtained. It is, therefore, necessary in using the electric standard to observe with, for example, a sling psychrometer the hygrometric condition, and to apply a correction to the invariable electric standard to make it agree with what the pentane standard would show under similar conditions. The operation involved in this correction can be reduced to great simplicity. 12 Total Flux Standards. Standards of flux or of mean spherical candle-power have to be derived from ordinary standards of candle- power. In the primary standardization of lamps in lumens, there- fore, it is necessary to adopt some method whereby the total lumi- nous flux can be computed from a series of candle-power measure- ments in a sufficient number of directions. In the practice of the Electrical Testing Laboratories in making lumen standards, the lamp is first standardized carefully as an ordinary standard for mean horizontal candle-power. Then its candle-power distribution curve is determined by measurements at various angles in the verti- cal plane and the lamp's spherical reduction factor, or the relation between its spherical candle-power and its horizontal candle-power is computed. The known horizontal candle-power multiplied by the spherical reduction factor gives then the spherical candle-power. The latter multiplied by 4?r gives the total lumens. Having estab- lished standards by this procedure, copies sufficiently accurate for industrial purposes can be made by the more direct method of the integrating sphere. BAR PHOTOMETER The bar photometer, the classic apparatus of the photometrist, is being used mgre and more according -to methods which were but little recognized a few years ago. The standard method in the use of the bar photometer was for many years to fix the light sources at the ends of the bar and to move the photometer between them until the point of balance was obtained. It is becoming 'now more com- mon practice to allow the photometer head to remain stationary and at a fixed distance from the light source to be photometered; that is, the test lamp, while the photometric balance is effected by moving the comparison lamp. This method of using the bar is an almost necessary one in the photometry of large sources of light, particu- larly of lamps with reflectors having concentrating properties, in the photometry of projectors, etc., where it is important to measure the 12 Sharp and Schaaf. American Gas Light Journal, Vol. VIII, p. 325, 1913. IIO ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE apparent candle-power of a source at a fixed distance. It has been found feasible and desirable from the point of view of convenience, to diminish the length of the bar and this has been made by the use of small low voltage tungsten filament lamps for comparison lamps. A low voltage tungsten lamp has a filament so small that it can be considered as a point source of light when very much closer to the photometer disc than is possible with the ordinary lamp. On this account the comparison lamp can be brought up much closer to the disc and the whole bar very greatly shortened without any practical decrease in accuracy of the apparatus. In doing this the bar photo- meter approaches the construction which is well known in the case of portable photometers intended primarily for the measurement of illumination; in fact it is found that in a great deal of practical work a portable photometer may be substituted for much more elaborate and cumbersome photometer bars. In precision work it is desirable that the brightness of the disc shall have a known and constant value. In order to attain this condition the comparison lamp is fastened to the carriage on which the photometer head is mounted and the distance of the two from the test lamp is varied in order to get the photometric balance. In this case again the use of the small tungsten lamp as a comparison lamp enables a simplification to be made in that the lamp can be mounted on a short arm which is rigidly attached to the photometer carriage, thereby avoiding the necessity of an additional carriage. INTEGRATING SPHERE The use of the integrating sphere is extending very rapidly. The Committee on Nomenclature and Standards of the Illuminating Engineering Society has made recommendations as follows: Illuminants should be rated upon a lumen basis instead of a candle- power basis. The specific output of electric lamps should be stated in terms of lumens per watt and the specific output of illuminants depending upon combustion should be stated in lumens per British thermal unit per hour. When auxiliary devices are necessarily employed in circuit with a lamp, the input should be taken to include both that in the lamp and that in the auxiliary devices. For example, the watts lost in the ballast resistance of an arc lamp are properly chargeable to the lamp. The specific consumption of an electric lamp is its watt consumption per lumen. "Watts per candle" is a term used commercially in connection with electric incandescent lamps, and denotes watts per mean horizontal candle. SHARP: MODERN PHOTOMETRY in These recommendations have been adopted by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and by the National Electric Light Association. The measurement of the horizontal candle-power of gas-filled lamps has, for reasons which are discussed later, been found unsatisfactory. All of these facts tend to bring the integrating sphere into a position of greater importance in practical photometry. Little has been added to the theory of the integrating sphere or to the principles of its practice since Ulbricht's treatment of the same, but there has been a considerable development of the sphere in the way of making it a more practical apparatus for routine photometric work. Inasmuch as the theory of the sphere was merely hinted at in the 1910 lectures, it may be well here to say more about it. It has been shown that a diffusing glass window on the surface of the sphere is illuminated by each element of surface of the sphere to a degree dependent only on the brightness of that element and independent of its position. This presupposes that the direct light of the lamp in the sphere is not allowed to shine on the window. No other form of enclosure, such as a box, conforms to this theoretical law and hence all other forms are imperfect integrators as com- pared with the sphere. To prevent the direct light of the lamp from falling on to the window a white diffusing screen is interposed. The presence of the screen is a disturbing factor in the sphere for two reasons. First, the light from the lamp falling directly on the screen must be re- flected from the latter before it can reach the sphere and hence this part of the flux is diminished by the absorption of the screen before it comes to the sphere surface from which it is reflected to the window. Second, a portion of the sphere surface is hidden from the window by the screen, and the light falling on this portion must be reflected before it reaches a part of the sphere which is reflecting directly on the window. Hence this portion of the total flux suffers a diminution due to the absorption of the sphere coating. As a partial compensation for these two losses we have the light from the sphere reflected by the side of the screen turned toward the window. It is not difl&cult to calculate the flux falling directly on the screen and the flux on the hidden part of the sphere. The position of the lamp and of the screen should be such as to make the sum of these two elements of flux a minimum. As a practical matter the amount of this re-reflected flux depends on the distribution of flux from the lamp and hence the position of the screen most favorable for one 112 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE lamp would not be best for another. In the case of incandescent lamps in general the best position of the window is at the top of the sphere with the lamp vertical on the vertical diameter, for in this position the lamp base which casts a shadow anyhow, casts it on the screen and so the flux on the screen is less than it would be in any other position. This arrangement is inconvenient and should be resorted to only when the highest precision is desired. In any case the screen error can be made a very small one by using a sphere of adequate size. Increase in the size of the sphere reduces the error in two ways; first, by reducing the relative area of the screen as compared with that of the sphere, and second by per- mitting the screen to be placed further from the lamp whereby the flux on it is decreased. If the lamp is not too near to the wall of the sphere and to the screen and the sphere is of sufficient size, no danger of an excessive screen error is to be apprehended. In any case the use of the substitution method when lamps of more or less similar candle-power distribution characteristics are being photometered, ensures the partial or complete elimination of the error. When bulky lamps, such as arc lamps, or lamps with shades or reflectors, are to be photometered, the sphere must be standardized or its constant determined with the test lamp in place in the sphere. This requires that the test lamp and the standard lamp have separate locations in the sphere. The standard lamp should be left in place in the sphere while the test lamp is being measured. There must be a screen between the standard lamp and the window and another between the test lamp and the window. There should also be a screen protecting the test lamp and its parts from the direct light of the standard lamp. A scheme of the arrangement is shown in Fig. 8. The reason for the latter screen is as follows: The test lamp emits a certain flux of light. The parts of the lamp, which are foreign bodies or obstacles in the sphere, interrupt and absorb a certain fraction of this flux, which, therefore, never escapes from the confines Fig. 8. Integrating sphere with large lamp and screen. SHARP: MODERN PHOTOMETRY 113 of the lamp as useful light, and should not be measured. The lamp parts, however, interrupt a portion of the reflected flux in the sphere which otherwise would increase the brightness of the window and thus needs to be accounted for. If the direct light of the standard lamp is screened off, the parts or appurtenances of the test lamp will absorb approximately the same fraction of the re- flected light of the standard lamp as that of the test lamp, and no great error is incurred. To determine the effect of the added screen between the standard lamp and the test lamp, a photometer setting is made with the sphere containing only the standard lamp with, and again without, the screen; in other words the total flux of the lamp with the screen is measured against itself without the screen as standard. The improvements in the integrating sphere have been in the direc- tion of providing for easy and quick introduction and removal of lamps and in the adaptation of the sphere to the photometering of gas lamps. Speaking of the latter point first, it has been found that with a sphere of ample size, from 2.0, to 2.5 meters in diame- ter, provided with suitable ventilating openings at the top and bottom, gas lamps, even of very large size, can be photometered without difficulty. The ventilating openings need to be made so as to rob the sphere of as little of its white interior surface as possible, and at the same time to prevent the escape of light from the interior and the ingress of light from the exterior. This is quite simply done by covering the opening with a circular disc set down a short distance from the surface, so as to leave a sufficient passage for the air, while cutting off the light. To facilitate the handling of incandescent lamps, a number of plans have been employed. One quick handling device for the sphere intended for the photometering incandescent lamps was treated of in the 1910 lectures. A device has been used at the U. S. Bureau of Standards and at the Physical Laboratory of the National Lamp Works of the General Electric Company, whereby the act of opening the door of the sphere swings an arm carrying a lamp socket out to the opening so that lamps are readily changed. When the door is closed this arm swings back again and places the lamp at the center of the sphere. A complete sphere photometer has been designed and constructed at the Electrical Testing Laboratories which seems to meet the requirements of routine photometry of incandescent lamps of all sizes. Inasmuch as no other device of this kind seems to have been described in the literature, a fairly complete description may be 8 114 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE given here (Figs. 4 and 5) . The sphere is of one meter diameter and has been variously constructed of sheet metal, of cast aluminum and cast iron. The cast aluminum is the most desirable material, but the price of it at the present time is almost prohibitive. The cast sphere is mounted on three legs of two-inch iron pipe with floor flanges, and all of the auxiliary parts are screwed or bolted to the sphere itself which, therefore, forms the carcass or frame of the in- strument. Referring to Fig. 5 an opening about 40 by 58 centi- meters is cut out of the sphere and two doors, either of which will fit this opening, are mounted on a vertical shaft. To each of these doors is fastened a bracket carrying a lamp socket. Thus when the opening of the sphere is filled by one of the doors, the lamp socket attached to it is in the sphere carrying the lamp to be photometered, while the other lamp socket is 'outside the sphere ready to have its lamp inserted. When the photometering of the lamp in the sphere is completed, the vertical shaft is rotated a half turn, whereby the already photometered lamp is withdrawn from the sphere and the one to be photometered is put inside. By means of a special switch attached to the vertical shaft the lamp inside the sphere is automatically connected to the source of current. Thus while the lamp in the sphere is being photometered, the lamp which has been photometered can be removed and a fresh one substituted for it. Very heavy filament lamps require the current to be flowing through them for a little time until they reach their ultimate temperature, and consequently their ultimate candle-power. For instance, gas- filled lamps of 20 amperes rating should be photometered after they have been heating for at least one minute. With the sphere here described an auxiliary preheating circuit can be attached so that the lamp which is outside the sphere is being heated during part of the time when the lamp inside the sphere is being photometered. The photometric arrangements are made part of the sphere itself. The photometer bar which is supported by a cast-iron bracket per- mits the travel of the comparison lamp over a distance of 46.3 centimeters. The comparison lamp is a low voltage tungsten lamp so selected that it will have the requisite candle-power when it is operating at an efficiency which will cause it to match in color the regular vacuum tungsten filament lamps. There are four scales to the photometer, giving the three following ranges: 30 to 240 lumens, 200 to 1600 lumens and 1200 to 9600 lumens. These scales are directly above each other and are made by contact printing on a photographic plate. The scales are translucent and are read by the SHARP: MODERN PHOTOMETRY 115 photometer operator who changes the lamp and who sees the shadow of a stretched wire on the scale thrown by the test lamp itself. The photometer operator who makes the settings is ignorant of the scale readings and is thereby protected from any possible bias. Only one scale is visible at a time, the rest being covered by a movable shutter. In order to enable the sphere to be used without change of calibration of the standard lamp, the following arrangement is employed. Over the diffusing window of the sphere, which has a diameter of 8 centimeters, is placed a hemisphere of the same diameter. > This hemisphere contains in turn a small diffusing window which consti- , tutes one side of the photometer disc. In a narrow slot between the hemisphere and the diffusing window of the large sphere is placed a slide with four openings. The largest of the openings has the same diameter as the hemisphere. The next opening has such a diameter that when it is introduced, the brightness of the window of the small hemisphere is cut down to such a degree that the pho- tometer is direct reading on the second of its scales rather than on its first. Inasmuch as the first scale reads from 30 lumens to 240 lumens and the second scale from 200 lumens to 1600 lumens, the amount of brightness reduction on interposing the second opening is in the ratio of 20 to 3. The first scale enables vacuum tungsten lamps of the smaller sizes (7^ to 25 watt) to be photometered. For larger lamps it is necessary to go to the second scale which covers the range approximately of 25 watts to 200 watts. Hence by the use of these two ranges all of the ordinary sizes of vacuum tungsten lamps are covered. The other two apertures are intended for the photometry of gas-filled lamps where the whiter color of the lamp introduces an additional photometric difficulty. To reduce this color to the color of the comparison lamp, filters of pinkish glass are placed in aper- tures 3 and 4. These apertures again are so dimensioned that the photometer is direct reading without readjustment of the comparison lamp. The scale used with aperture 3 is identical with the scale used with aperture 2. The scale used with aperture 4 has a range of 1 200 lumens to 9600 lumens and covers therefore gas-filled lamps up to 500 watts. For still larger lamps an additional diaphragm is placed in aperture 4 and the range thereby extended to take in 1000- watt gas-filled lamps. Hence with one and the same setting of the comparison lamps any ordinary incandescent lamp may be read directly. The slide containing the apertures 1,2,3 an d 4 is mechanic- ally connected to the shutter over the scales, so that when the n6 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE slide is moved, the shutter is also moved to expose the proper scale. Photometric measurements are made by the aid of a Lummer- Brodhun prism. The comparison lamp is held at its standard value by means of a Wheatstone bridge arrangement. Such is described above under the Portable Electric Standard. With this apparatus it is found that incandescent lamps can be photometered more rapidly than on a photometer bar with a rotator. APPLICATION TO THE PHOTOMETERING OF STREET LAMPS The sphere has also been used in practice in the determination of the candle-power of street lamps. The photometering of lamps in the street by ordinary methods is admittedly unsatisfactory. How- ever, by the use of the arrangement which is referred to in the first lecture on Street Lighting, where a i meter sphere is mounted on a truck and brought directly underneath the lamp which is then lowered into the sphere, this class of measurement is made practically as accurate as an indoor measurement. INSTRUMENTS FOR MEASUREMENT OF ILLUMINATION In addition to the instruments described in the 1910 lectures certain new ones have entered the field and will here be described. Fig. 9. Sectional view of Macbeth illuminator. Macbeth Illuminometer . This is a small, light weight instrument differing only in details of construction but not in principle from other well-known instruments. As shown in Fig. 9 the photometric device is a Lummer-Brodhun cube which is looked at through a lens. A lamp is carried on a rod projecting from the end of the tube and can be moved back and forth by means of a rack and pinion. The SHARP: MODERN PHOTOMETRY 117 scale is drawn on the exposed portion of this rod. The light from the lamp falls on a small translucent screen which is seen on one side of the field. The other side of the field is a reflecting test- plate located at the point where the illumination is to be measured. The calibration of the scale is in accordance with the inverse square law, the theoretical law of the instrument. A small housing about the lamp provides for the exclusion of stray light from the sides of the tube. The lamp is held at standard condition by means of an ammeter which is contained in a separate box which also carries the necessary rheostats. With this instrument is provided a so-called reference standard which is shown in cross-section in Fig. 10. This reference standard is arranged to be placed on the reflecting test- plate, and the tube surrounding the sighting aperture is inserted at D so that this test-plate may be viewed under the light of the small standardized lamp contained in the reference standard. When a given cur- rent is passed through the standard lamp, known illumina- tion is produced on the test- plate, and against this known illumination the photometer can be standardized. It is to be noted, however, that any error of the ammeter is involved in the use of the reference standard and hence the necessity for maintaining the ammeter in correct calibration. The range of the Macbeth illuminometer is normally from i to 25 foot-candles. It is increased by the insertion of neutral glass screens on either one side or the other of the Lummer-Brodhun cube. The total range of the instrument with the two screens ordinarily provided with it is said to be from about 0.02 to 1200 foot-candles. Sharp-Millar Photometer Small Model. In this smaller model of the photometer described in the 1910 lectures (see Fig. n), the size has been reduced to approximately 12}^ inches in length and 2*/ Fig. 10. Section view of Macbeth reference standard. n8 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE by 2^ inches in cross-section. The box is of metal rather than of wood and the scale which is used has also been reduced to one-half. Like the previous instrument, this is adapted to the measurement of illumination, candle-power and surface brightness. Instead of using an ammeter or a voltmeter for holding the comparison lamp at its proper candle-power, a Wheatstone bridge arrangement such as is described above under the portable electric standard is used. Instead of a galvanometer with -the bridge, a telephone receiver is used as a detecting instrument. If the bridge is out of balance, making and breaking the circuit through the telephone gives a series of audible clicks. When the current is reduced to zero, as is Fig. ii. Sharp- Millar photometer, small model. indicated by a state of silence in the telephone, the proper current is flowing through the comparison lamp. The telephone method, while not so sensitive as the galvanometer method, yet is sufficiently sensitive so that a careful observer can set the current to its correct value within closer limits than is possible with a small portable ammeter or voltmeter. The use of the bridge and telephone en- hances the portability of the instrument very greatly inasmuch as no other auxiliary apparatus is required than two dry cells or a small storage cell for the purpose of furnishing, the current. The instrument is provided with the usual absorbing screens for extend- ing its range and can easily be held in the hand when used. Either an attached transmitting test-plate or a detached reflecting test- plate may be used. Calibrator. For use with the above instrument and also with the ordinary model of the Sharp-Millar photometer, a calibrator has been devised whereby the accuracy of the calibration of the instru- ment may be checked at one point. This consists of a short tube (Fig. 6) to be set on the test-plate of the photometer. This tube carries near its upper end a seasoned incandescent lamp which is put in a bridge connection similar to that described above. The bridge is non-adjustable. In connection with the tube is also a rheostat so that the current through the lamp may be varied until the bridge is SHARP: MODERN PHOTOMETRY 119 in balance. When the bridge is balanced the lamp throws a known illumination on the test-plate and the photometer may be adjusted to give the corresponding reading on its scale. Inasmuch as the scale is known to be correct throughout its length, a check at one point insures its accuracy at all points. Compensated Test-plates. All illumination photometers measure illumination on the assumption that the light reflected or trans- Fig. 12. Principle of compensated test-plate. Fig. 13. Compensated test-plate on a photometer. mitted from the test-plate follows Lambert's cosine law. As a matter of fact no substance yet found will diffuse light in exact accordance with this law. The light received at high angles pro- duces a brightness of the test-plate which is too small as compared with the similar flux of light incident at small angles. The failure of the test-plate to conform to this law is therefore reflected in an error of the photometer which differs according to the conditions 120 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE under which the photometer is used. In an attempt to obviate this error, a so-called compensated test-plate as illustrated in Fig. 1 2 has been produced. 13 In this figure the light incident upon the upper surface of the test-plate P is reinforced by light admitted through a translucent glass ring A , so that at all angles the brightness of the under surface of P due to the combined action of the light trans- Fig. 14. Principle of compensated reflecting test-plate. mitted from above and the light incident upon it from beneath, corresponds to the theoretical amount. It will be noted that the amount of compensation increases with the angle of incidence and hence can be made practically complete for all angles up to the very -40 10' 20 40 50 60 70 v Angle of Incidence 90 100 l Fig. 15. Errors of various test-plates viewed normally. A, Depolished transmitting plate; B, polished transmitting plate; C, depolished glass reflecting plate; D, compensated transmitting plate; E, compensated transmitting plate. high ones. The intrusion of light to the ring A when the rays are parallel to P is prevented by the screen S. The test-plate is attached to a photometer as shown in Fig. 13. The same principle is shown applied to a reflecting test-plate in Fig. 14. In this case the reflect- ing test-plate consists of a sheet of depolished white glass. This is set a small distance from another diffusing white surface C. Com- pensating light falling upon the plate C is reflected on the lower sur- 13 Sharp and Little, I. E. S. Trans., Vol. 10, p. 727, 191$- SHARP: MODERN PHOTOMETRY 121 face of P, transmitted to the upper surface of P, and reinforces the light reflected from P to exactly the right amount to insure compen- sation for the deficiencies of P at high angles. The behavior of various test plates is summed up in the curves of Fig. 15. It is evident that where high precision is required in illumination pho- tometry, and where test-plate errors cannot be computed and allowed for, the use of some form of corrective test-plate is of vital importance. Static Illumination Tester.^ This instrument provides a means for the ready measurement of illumination to a relatively low degree of r Fig. 1 6. Principle of simplified illumination tester. precision by an instrument of extreme simplicity in construction and use. The principle which it involves may be described as fol- lows: The field of uniformly graded brightness produced by the comparison lamp, instead of being formed in the air where it is invisible, is formed on a sheet of diffusing material, which thereby is given a continuously graded brightness. The light which is to be measured falls on a diffusing sheet in juxtaposition to this field, so that the point can be readily seen where the brightness of the one field equals that of the other. The graded field being cali- brated, the brightness of the unknown field is determined by finding with the eye the point where the brightness of the unknown field equals the brightness of the known graded field. The illumination tester embodying this principle is shown in Fig. 1 6. This figure shows a rectangular box B approximately 2.5X2.5 cm. in cross-section by 20 cm. long, containing at one end a small tungsten filament lamp L behind an opal glass screen. The top of the box over the rest of its length is made up of a sheet of i Sharp, Electrical World, September 16, 1916. 122 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE clear glass to which is pasted an arrangement of papers P which constitutes what may be described as a continuous photometer disc of the Leeson type, extending from one end of the glass to the other. The interior of the box is painted white, except for the far distant end which is black. The photometric element P consists of a sheet of fairly heavy paper with a slit cut out of it having saw tooth edges. Over the entire arrangement is then pasted a sheet of thinner translucent paper having a mat surface. When the lamp is lighted, the end of the slit nearest the opal glass is seen to be very bright, and this brightness fades away gradually toward the other end of the slit. When an exterior illumination falls on this photo- metric device, the outer portions are illuminated almost wholly by this exterior illumination, while the slit is illuminated chiefly by the light from the inside of the box. At the point where the bright- ness of the exterior portion is the same as the brightness of the slit, the saw teeth fade away and are hard to distinguish. This point which can be recognized without difficulty provided the papers are properly selected for the purpose, indicates the photometric value on the scale. The completed apparatus in its experimental form is shown in Fig. 17. In this figure the photometric box is seen mounted on a larger box which contains a single dry cell serving as the source of current. The box also carries a small precision voltmeter and a rheostat. The photometric box is so arranged that it can be re- moved from the rest of the apparatus, the flexible cord conductor with which it is connected being stowed away in the larger box when the two are used as a unit. Photometric readings are taken in a direction at right angles to the axis of the box. The exact angle to the vertical at which these readings are made seems to be of rela- tively little importance in the general case. By slight structural modifications the instrument can be adapted to the measurement of the brightness of surfaces as well as the illumination incident upon them. Mr. R. ff. Pierce 15 has also produced an instrument of this same eneral class. ILLUMINATION MEASUREMENTS Practice in illumination measurements is so varied according to conditions governing any particular test, that to go into anything approaching a complete discussion would be beyond the scope of American Gas Light Journal, page 67, August 14, 1916. SHARP: MODERN PHOTOMETRY 123 this lecture. Certain . general precautions, however, need to be taken in practically every case. Among the most important ones are the following: To be sure that the comparison lamp in the photometer is giving its correct candle-power. This involves a comparatively recent standardization of the same taken in connection with its electrical measuring instrument, and an assurance that the electrical measur- ing instrument is sufficiently reliable and accurate for its purpose. To use the photometer in such a way that there is no undue loss of light on the test-plate due to the presence of the operator or other person. To select the test stations properly according to the design of the test. To see that the test-plate is level and in the proper position. To see that the scale readings are properly recorded and any con- dition such as the introduction of a neutral glass screen is noted. The subject of precautions to be taken in illumination measure- ments has been quite fully treated by Little 16 in an Illuminating Engineering Society paper. MEASUREMENT OF BRIGHTNESS For many purposes it is desirable to know the brightness values of objects or of walls and ceiling in a room or of a shade or reflector of a lamp. The standard forms of portable photometers designed to measure illumination enable these measurements to be made simply by removing the test-plate, it there be one, and sighting the photometer directly on the object in question. Photometric balance is then secured between the object and the diffusing plate in the photometer. The reading of the scale needs to be multiplied by a constant to give the brightness value either in candle-power per square inch or in rnillilamberts. 17 The determination of this constant is a matter for the standardizing laboratory and is not particularly easy, inasmuch as it involves illuminating to a known degree a surface of known area which is then photometered as a source of light. It should be noted that the brightness constant of a photometer is a function only of the test-plate which is used with it, and that with changes in the calibration of a photometer this con- stant is unaffected, provided the test-plate is unchanged. The relation between the brightness constant expressed in apparent 'Little, Transactions I. E. S., Vol. 10. page 766, 1915. 17 The millilambert is a unit of brightness, and is equal to the brightness of a perfectly reflecting and perfectly diffusing surface on which one millilumen per square cenfimeter falls. 124 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE lumens emitted per square foot, and the illumination which is the lumens incident per square foot, is evidently the transmitting or reflecting power of the test-plate according as the test-plate is of the transmitting or reflecting type. In practice in the standard- izing laboratory it is convenient to have carefully preserved a stand- ard test-plate of known brightness constant which can serve as a reference plate for the calibration of other plates. DAYLIGHT MEASUREMENTS For measuring daylight the use of a light filter to secure an ap- proximate color match is indispensable. Inasmuch as the quality of daylight varies greatly, dependent upon the character of the sky, no one filter will enable a match to be made, but a single filter may in practice be used because the outstanding differences are not so excessive as to prevent fairly good measurements being made. On account of the very high values of illumination usually given by daylight, it is more convenient to put the filter on the daylight side rather than on the side of the comparison lamp. In the practice of the Electrical Testing Laboratories a sheet of suitably colored gelatin is sometimes utilized such as is employed in spot-lighting in theatrical work. Daylight foot-candle values alone are fre- quently, perhaps usually, of subsidiary importance because illumination values vary so much from time to time with the outdoor or sky conditions. Rather the photometrist must give a value at the place which is studied, coupled up in some was with a value representing outdoor conditions. The condition most commonly chosen is the brightness of some portion or of all of the visible sky, or the illumination produced by some portion of all of the visible sky. For this purpose various types of apparatus have been produced by which the brightness of the sky can be com- pared with the brightness of a test-plate in a room, for instance. As illustrative of this class of problems, the methods employed by the Electrical Testing Laboratories in studying the obstruction of day- light to buildings caused by alterations in a structure in the street will be instructive. In this work one photometer with a vertical test-plate was placed close to the window-line of the building. Along- side of it was another photometer having a fan-shaped arrangement placed over the test-plate whereby the test-plate received only the light from the unobstructed portion of the sky. (See Fig. 18.) Readings were made simultaneously with these photometers and thereby a relation was obtained between the illumination produced Fig. 17. Simplified illumination tester. Fig. 1 8. Simultaneous measurements with two photometers in determining daylight conditions. (Facing page 124.) SHARP: MODERN PHOTOMETRY 125 by the.sky independently of all structures, and the light entering the building. After alterations were completed, measurements of the same kind were repeated and the change in the ratio was taken to indicate the degree of light obstruction caused by the alterations. It was found that even with these precautions it was necessary to work only with an overcast sky of practically uniform brightness. Otherwise the relations did not hold. As an aid to carrying out measurements of this kind the instrument shown in Fig. 21 was Fig. 21. Instrument for daylight comparisons. devised and constructed. In this instrument a direct comparison is obtained between the light falling on the vertical test-plate on one side and the test-plate turned toward the sky with a sky limiting device on the other. PHOTOMETRY OF GAS-FILLED LAMPS It was found at the Electrical Testing Laboratories that gas-filled lamps when rotated for the purpose of determining their mean horizontal candle-power, changed both in current consumption and in candle-power, and that this change varied with the speed of rota- tion. With high speed of rotation, centrifugal force causes the cooler portions of the gas in the interior of the bulb to be thrown off to the periphery of the bulb, leaving the filament surrounded by hotter gases than if it were stationary. Hence the temperature of the filament with the same watts input increases, and with it the candle-power and efficiency of the lamp. 17 This effect was discovered about the same time also by Middlekauff and Skogland 18 who found further that with very low speeds of rotation the candle-power of these lamps decreased, while it increased with higher speeds, so that for every lamp a speed can be found at which the candle-power and 11 Sharp Photometry of gas-filled incandescent lamps, Trans. I. E. S., Vol. 9, page 1021, 1914- 11 Photometry of the gas-filled lamp, Bulletin of Bureau of Standards, Vol. 12, page 589. 126 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE watts are the same as when stationary. The determination of the horizontal candle-power of gas-filled lamps is at the present time a matter of little importance, but it can best be accomplished by rotating the lamp quite slowly at or near this critical speed and plac- ing behind it two mirrors 120 degrees apart so that the photometer disc is illuminated not only by the lamp itself but by its two re- flected images resulting from beams equally directed about the periphery of the lamp. The two mirrors are employed to obviate the violent flicker on the photometer disc which would otherwise occur. PHOTOMETRY OF LAMPS WITH SHADES AND REFLECTORS The measurement of distribution of light about illumination ac- cessories is carried on by methods which are well known and which were described in the Johns-Hopkins lectures. A new apparatus for the purpose designed by Little is shown in Fig. 19. In this apparatus there are only two mirrors and the record of the photom- eter settings is made on a paper fastened to a flat board in front of which the photometer carriage moves. The position of the board is changed for each change in the angle of the movable mirror. This apparatus is equally well adapted to the photometry of gas mantle burners and of incandescent electric lamps. The determination of the diffusing power and of the absorption losses in lighting glassware is receiving more of the attention which it deserves. No standard method for the measurement of diffusion has yet been decided on, but a very good idea of the diffusing powers of glassware may be obtained by taking two measurements of the brightness of the glassware with its normal lamp inside of it; one with the photometer looking directly at the lamp and the other looking at a position on the globe. about 45 degrees distant from the first position. It is desirable that methods of measuring diffu- sion should be further investigated and finally standardized. The determination of absorption of globes or reflectors may be made through a comparison of the total flux of the light from a lamp without the globe and with it. The total flux may be found from distribution values worked up by means of the Rousseau or the Kennelly diagram, or by direct computation. More con- venient, however, is the use of the integrating sphere. A good arrangement of the standard lamp and of the accessory in the sphere for determining the loss of light in the accessory is shown in Fig. 22. It will be noted that the standard lamp is placed with its SHARP: MODERN PHOTOMETRY 127 socket turned toward the globe and that the base of the globe is turned toward the standard lamp so that the sphere losses are mini- mized. The procedure then is as follows: With the globe removed from the sphere, the sphere is standardized or the photometer is adjusted to give a reading corresponding to the total flux of light from the standard lamp. Then the standard lamp is extinguished and the globe lamp is lighted. Reading the photometer then shows this total flux of light. It then is put out and the globe is placed over it, the standard lamp is again lighted, and a reading is taken. This reading should be equal to the first one, except- ing for the reflected flux in the sphere which is intercepted by the globe. Finally the stand- ard lamp is extinguished and the globe lamp is lighted. This reading gives by compar- ison with the previous one the total flux of light issuing from the globe. This total flux of light compared with the total flux of light of the lamp without the globe, reading No. 2, shows the absorption by the globe. It is very necessary to notice all the precautions which must be taken in this class of work as experimenters have been led into error by neglect of some of them. 22. Arrangment for measuring globe absorption in integrating sphere. REFLECTION AND TRANSMISSION MEASUREMENTS Measurement of the transmission of light through a transparent medium such as a sheet of glass is most simply made by means of a bar photometer or portable photometer, measuring the candle-power of a lamp first without and then with the glass interposed in the beam. Similarly the reflecting power of a mirror can most readily be measured. When it comes to the measurement of diffusing media, either transmitting or reflecting, the measurement is more difficult. Inasmuch as diffusing media not only diminish the light but also change it from unidirectional into multidirectional light, some in- tegrating device is in this case required. In this class of measure- ments the integrating sphere may very suitably be used. 128 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE In Fig. 20 is shown a view of a 1 2-inch sphere set up to measure the transmission of a diffusing glass. There is an opening of definite diameter in the top of the sphere, limited by a circular metal dia- phragm, and the light from the lamp outside the sphere shines through this into the interior. Photometric measurement gives the value of this luminous flux. Then the diffusing glass is placed directly beneath the limiting diaphragm and another measurement is made which gives the amount of flux traversing the glass. In the case of diffuse reflectors the procedure is somewhat different. Fig. 23 shows the arrangement. The diffuse reflector which, as will be Fig. 23. Measurement of coefficient of Fig. 24. Nutting's apparatus for measuring diffuse reflection, using an integrating coefficients of reflection, sphere. seen, is placed at the center of the sphere with its reflecting side turned at an angle of 45 degrees to the light and away from the photometer. Thus no screen is needed in the sphere. The amount of flux admitted by the diaphragm being known, and the amount reflected from the diffusing surface being measured, the reflection coefficient at this angle of incidence can be computed. One method by which the amount of light admitted to the sphere can be checked up under similar conditions to those of the measurement of the reflected flux, is to place a mirror of known coefficient of reflection in the position occupied by the diffuse reflector. The amount of flux then measured divided by the known coefficient of reflection of the mirror, gives the amount of flux incident upon the diffuse reflector. SHARP: MODERN PHOTOMETRY 129 A singularly ingenious and elegant piece of apparatus for the measurement of coefficients of diffuse reflection has been devised by Nutting. 20 Thisinstrument is shown in plan in Fig. 24. The ring in the figure is covered on the upper surface by a dense milk glass. On the under surface it is covered by the diffuse reflector which is to be tested. A special photometric device is supplied whereby the brightness of the under surface of the milk glass may be compared with the brightness of the diffuse reflector. If a diffuse reflector had 100 per cent, reflecting power, its brightness would be the same as that of the milk glass. Any deficiency is due to its absorption. The photometer, which is a Martens-Konig polariza- tion apparatus, gives a comparison, between the two directly, and hence shows the reflecting power of the unknown surface. Direct and reverse readings must be taken in order to eliminate polarization errors. MEASUREMENTS OF PROJECTION APPARATUS The elementary theory of a projector having a convex lens or a parabolic mirror and a nearly point source shows that when the source is placed at the principal focus of the mirror, the light rays leave the surface of the mirror with an angle of divergence which is equal to the angle subtended at that particular point of the mirror by the source of light. Therefore the illumination obtained from an* apparatus of this kind diminishes with the distance, and if the distance is great enough, the exponent of the distance with which it diminishes is two. In other words, the illumination from the entire apparatus follows the inverse square law. With a small projecting apparatus accurately focused for "parallel" beam, it is not neces- sary to take any very great distance away in order to have the in- verse square law apply. A goodly distance is, however, in all cases advisable, and in some cases imperative. For example, in the case of head-lamps which are focused so as to throw an imperfect image of the source of light a distance of 200 or 300 feet ahead, it is evident that the inverse square law could not be assumed without taking a distance considerably greater than 200 or 300 feet. Sometimes the focusing distance is shorter than this. In any case, in the photo- metric investigation of an apparatus which is to be used approxi- mately at a certain distance, it is advisable to focus it for that dis- tance and to make the measurement at that distance. These measurements can then be expressed as apparent candle-power of the 20 Nutting, Trans. I. E. S., Vol. 8, page 412, 1912. 9 130 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE apparatus at that distance, and in so doing the inverse square law is not assumed. It is evident that measurements of this character must perforce be made at night and that the portable photome- ter is practically the only apparatus that can be used for the pur- pose. It is advantageous to set the projector on a stand which can be rotated about a vertical axis and which has a divided scale whereby the angle at which the measurement is taken may be read off. By taking a series of measurements covering a few degrees on either side of the axis of the beam, data may be gathered whereby a candle- power distribution curve may be plotted. In view of the narrow- ness of such a beam a plot in polar coordinates is as a general thing of little use. It is good practice" to plot these measurements in rec- tangular coordinates, putting angles in the axis of X and apparent candle-power in the axis of F. If this distribution curve is carried far enough, it may be integrated according to the Rousseau method and the total flux of light emitted by the apparatus thereby de- termined. This, compared with the total flux of the lamp alone, gives the loss of light in the apparatus. A plot so made enables the exact position of the maximum candle-power, which should be the beam candle-power, to be determined. In the case of lamps for flood lighting the efficiency of the apparatus is of great importance and hence a minimum loss of light in it should be striven for, more perhaps than is the case with projectors. The value of the lost light may in this case most readily be determined by the use of the integrating sphere. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRIC LAMPS BY G. H. STICKNEY INTRODUCTION Lectures by Drs. Steinmetz, 1 Hyde 2 and Whitney, 3 in the 1910 Course, treated of the physical and chemical principles of light production, and described the electric illuminants from the scientific standpoint. On this foundation it is the purpose of this lecture to trace the more important of the recent developments and describe briefly the principal lamps now in common use. From the great mass of available data, an attempt is made to present such information as will be of most practical value in select- ing and applying electric lamps. Since arc lamps are usually furnished as complete units they are so treated. Incandescent lamps, however, are equipped with a great variety of reflectors and other accessories, which are furnished separately. It has, therefore, been found most expedient to pro- vide a separate lecture on such accessories 4 and give but slight refer- ence to them in this lecture. LAMP DEVELOPMENT The basis of all artificial lighting is the means for converting electrical or other energy into light. Advances in the lighting art have followed in the wake of the improved, practical light source, and it is here that the greatest possibility for future advance lies. The most efficient illuminants are still very far below the ideals of efficiency, while many of them offer much opportunity for improve- ments, as regards reliability, convenience and maintenance. Few, if any of the recent improvements in light producers have come by chance. They have rather been the result of arduous and expensive research by trained physicists, chemists and engineers in well organized laboratories. Even when an improved principle of light production has been discovered, practical devices have had to be designed, machinery for manufacturing economically and in quantity developed, sizes and other characteristics determined upon, in order that the improvement could be utilized to advantage. 132 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE While all these items cannot be perfected in advance of the prac- tical application of the appliance, it is remarkable how few changes are necessary. It is a tribute to Thomas A. Edison that so many of his standards still hold. PROGRESS SINCE 1910 In general, the progress since 1910 may be summed up in (a) improved efficiency, (b) reliability and safety, (c) economy of main- tenance, (d) adaptability, (e) simplicity and convenience. Accompanying these improvements there has been a corre- sponding increase in intrinsic brilliancy of light sources, which, while advantageous for certain applications, has in general been undesir- able. Fortunately, however, diffusing devices can be readily ap- plied, giving an over-all result much in favor of the improved illuminants. TENDENCY AS TO TYPES Among the incandescent units the tungsten filament or "Mazda" lamp has assumed predominence. The tantalum and Nernst lamps have practically disappeared from manufacture, while the use of metallized-carbon filament or "Gem" and carbon lamps has decreased very rapidly in the last four years. The actual percentages reported by the National Electric Light Association 5 show that approximately 80 per cent, of all incandes- cent lamps sold during 1915 in this country were of the tungsten filament type. Incandescent lamps, as a whole, have increased in importance, encroaching on fields of lighting formerly assigned to other illuminants. While many enclosed carbon arc lamps are still in use, especially in street lighting, their manufacture has dwindled to a very small number, giving way to more efficient illuminants. The flaming arc has been changed from an open to an enclosed lamp, and has been applied to street, industrial and photographic lighting whereas formerly its principal application was spectacular lighting. The "luminous," "magnetite" or "metallic flame" arc lamp has become one of the leading street illuminants, especially since the ornamental types became available, while the multiple lamp used in industrial lighting is not now exploited. CLASSIFICATION Steinmetz 1 classified electric illuminants as (a) solid conductor, (b) gaseous conductor, (c) arc conductor, and (d) vacuum arc. For STICKNEY: DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRIC LAMPS 133 the present lecture, a similar classification, with the more common names, is used, namely, (a) incandescent lamp (Mazda, etc.), (b) Moore lamp and X-Ray tube, (c) arc lamp (luminous and flame), (d) mercury vapor lamp (Cooper Hewitt). INCANDESCENT LAMPS Of the incandescent lamps, the only types meriting our considera- tion are the tungsten-filament lamps, designated by the principal American manufacturers as " Mazda." The principal distinct developments since 1910 are (a) drawn tungsten filaments, (b) coiled filaments, (c) concentrated filaments, (d) chemical "getters," (e) gas-filled construction. In addition to these, however, there have been innumerable minor improvements, which have resulted in large aggregate gains in efficiency and have tended toward uniformity, increased strength 8 and reduced cost. 9 For example, it is very largely due to the minor improvements that the 60- watt lamp of to-day costs one-third less than in 1910 and gives 20 per cent, more light. Drawn Wire Filaments. Drawn wire filaments superseded the former pressed filaments in about 1911. The ductile form of tung- sten 6 was finally produced in the Research Laboratory at Schenec- tady, 7 after extended experiments and many discouraging failures. It revolutionized lamp manufacture, simplifying the processes very considerably and reducing the cost. Further, it became pos- sible to draw filaments exactly to size, which in turn, increased the practical efficiency by eliminating weak points, and also made it possible for the first time in lamp manufacture to produce all lamps of a lot for the predetermined voltage. The economic influence of this last factor is being felt to-day in the demand for standardization of circuit voltages. With the development of the drawn wire processes, the lamps be- came much more rugged, so that to-day they are widely used in steam and trolley cars, automobiles, on moving machinery and in other relatively rough service. The drawn wire could also be made more slender, so that the 10- watt and even the 7.5-watt, no-volt lamps became practicable. Coiled Filaments. Another result of the use of ductile tungsten was the possibility of winding the wire around a mandrel, thereby producing the helically coiled filament (See Fig, i). The first application of this was in the so-called " focus" type 134 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE lamp, in which the filament was concentrated into a small space, more or less approximating the point source. The automobile and locomotive headlight lamps and a much more effective stereopticon lamp became practicable. 10 The advantage of the concentrated light source in connection with lenses and reflectors is illustrated in Table I, which shows the maxi- mum beam candle-power obtained with a i6-in. parabolic reflector (G. E. Floodlighting projector Form L-i) with lamps of approxi- mately 100 watts, but with widely varying filament dimensions. In these tests the lamps were focused so as to give maximum beam candle-power and operated at 100 mean spherical candle-power. TABLE I. BEAM CANDLE-POWERS Light source Mazda lamp used dimensions Beam m.m. candle- Volt Watt Bulb Type Dia. Length 6 108 G- 3 o C headlight 2.0 6-5 462,000 32 100 0-30 C headlight 5-0 5-o 223,000 no IOO G-2 5 C stereopticon 6-5 6-5 142,000 no 100 0-30 B stereopticon 8.0 8.0 32,600 no IOO PS-25 C regular 25 o.S 12,700 no IOO G-35 B regular 30 68 3,800 The most important effect of the coiled filament, however, is in connection with the gas-filled construction. Chemical "Getters" This refers to the introduction of various chemicals, sometimes called "getters," within the lamp. Some of these chemicals act while the lamp is being exhausted, while others continue to act throughout the life of the lamp. Some of the impor- tant effects of these chemicals are: 1. Regeneration, that is, redepositing evaporated material on the filament. 2. Combination with material depositing upon the bulb to form more trans- parent compounds. These combined actions permit increased efficiency, reduce bulb blackening, 11 and help maintain the candle-power of the lamp throughout its rated burning life. GAS-FILLED LAMPS With the elimination of several weak points, it had been possible to raise filament temperatures of vacuum lamps, and hence efficien- STICKNEY: DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRIC LAMPS 135 cies, to a point corresponding to about one watt per candle-power, beyond which filament evaporation seemed to preclude much further advance. The announcement in 1913, of lamps consuming approximately one-half watt per candle-power was, therefore, rather astounding to the lighting world. This came as the result of a remarkable re- search 12 in the same laboratory that produced ductile tungsten. The new principle which involved the gas-filled construction, de- pended upon the fact that when operated under a moderate gas pres- sure, the tungsten filament could be maintained at a higher tempera- ture without excessive evaporation. The introduction of gas within the bulb, however, incurred a new loss; namely, convection, that is, heat carried off by gas currents. Such losses are relatively less on filaments of large diameter, so that high current lamps are more efficient than low. By using the heli- cally coiled filament, as already referred to, and thereby simulating large diameter, it was possible to apply the principle to practical lamps (see Fig. i). Later, by selection of gas of low heat conduc- tion, it became practicable to extend it to lower currents; for ex- ample, zoo-watt and 75-watt i lo-volt multiple lamps. The gas-filled construction is most advantageous with high current series lamps and high wattage multiple lamps. On the lower wattage multiple lamps, it as yet gives lower efficiency than the vacuum type of con- struction, and hence is not employed. In the larger sizes, however, the gas-filled lamps, which are designated by the leading American manufacturers as "Mazda C," are extensively used, their high candle-power and efficiency being responsible for extending the application into fields not formerly occupied by incandescent lamps. Owing to the higher filament temperature the light is perceptibly whiter 13 and more actinic, than that of the vacuum type " Mazda B " lamps. Lamps having ratings of up to and including 1000 watts (18,000 lumens) are in regular production. Larger lamps have been made and could readily be provided if there was sufficient commercial demand. Since all the series lamps in common use are of relatively high cur- rent, the gas filled lamps are especially advantageous, and have superseded the vacuum lamps all along the line. A still further gain is secured for the higher power series lamps by providing 15- and 20-amp. lamps, to be operated irom the usual alternating current series circuits; namely, 6.6 and 7.5 amp., by means of individual auto-transformers or series transformers. 136 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE The concentrated arrangement of filament permits of a more effective control of the candle-power distribution with refracting globes and small diameter reflectors. Candle-power Distribution. Formerly all clear incandescent lamps had practically the same distribution of candle-power, so that the mean horizontal candle-power bore a practically fixed relation to the mean spherical candle-power, and to the total light output. With the recent development, several forms of filaments, having vari- ous candle-power distributions (see Fig. 2) are used in the different lamps. Therefore, the mean horizontal candle-power is no longer a representative measure of light output. Position of Operation. As in the past, the smaller lamps can be operated in any position. It has been found advantageous, however, to construct some of the larger lamps (for example, multiple lamps of 200 or more watts) without bottom anchors on the filaments. Such lamps may not operate satisfactorily in other than an approxi- mately pendant position. It is seldom desirable to operate these larger lamps in horizontal, tip-up, or inclined positions, but where such is the case, special lamps can be obtained, if the position of operation is specified. Some of the high-power focus type lamps, on the other hand, should not be operated within 45 of the pendent position. Such lamps are usually operated tip up or horizontally. In order to economize space in housings, these lamps are made short so that if used pendant it is not practicable to protect the stems from heated gases rising from the filament. Accessories for focus type lamps should therefore be planned for proper lamp position according to information given by the lamp manufacturers. Circuits. It is highly desirable to operate incandescent lamps at rated voltage or current. While low voltage does no harm, beyond lowering the light output and efficiency, and also changing the color of the light, continued low voltage is often a source of complaint from light users. Over-voltage shortens the life of the lamps and if excessive may destroy the filament. While lamps have sufficient leeway to permit operation at a reason- able over-voltage and so operated are usually more economical, the practice of running lamps at labeled voltage is generally preferred and is recommended by the manufacturers. Incandescent lamps operate interchangeably and equally well on alternating-current and direct-current circuits. The only ex- Fig. i. Helically coiled filament of tungsten wire. (Magnified to show turns.) Illus- tration also shows concentrated arrangement of filament for a focus type lamp. Note the cooling effect of supporting anchors on the heated filament. Candlepower Distribution in Vertical Plane, Multiple Mazda Lamps, with Different Forms of Filaments Clear Bulbs, no Reflectors, 1000 Lumens. S.R.F. = Spherical Reduction Factor = ii.Horiz.C.P. Fig. 2. Curves of candle-power distribution in vertical plane, multiple Mazda lamps, with different forms of filament. (Facing page 136.) < STICKNEY: DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRIC LAMPS 137 captions to this are the non-vacuum series lamps which can be operated to best advantage on alternating-current circuits. Although the lamps give satisfactory life on series direct current, on the failure of the lamp, there is sometimes maintained a lower voltage arc, which may burn the socket contacts before the protec- tive film acts. On account of the low heat capacity of slender filaments, no volts of 25 watts or less (220 volt lamps of 60 watts or less) show percep- tible flicker on 25-cycle circuits, 15 which may be objectionable. Lamps made for higher amperage avoid this effect. In general no- volt lamps are a little more efficient and of lower cost than 220- 105-125 Volts (Lamps 1 4 Scale) Fig. 4. Regular (Mazda B) vacuum lamps for no-volt circuits. volt lamps. While the 2 20- volt lamps are made for the same oper- ating life, no-volt circuits should usually be preferred. Styles and Types. Where possible lamps as listed by the manu- facturer should be used. Special lamps should be avoided. Higher costs, slower deliveries and poorer quality -may be expected on special lamps. The present lists include lamps to cover practically all needs. Data on some of the principal types of Mazda lamps are given in Table II. These data are subject to some change as improvements become available. The variety of incandescent lamps is so great that it is imprac- ticable to give full lists. It is worth while to call attention to some of the more special types which come into common use, but are not so well known as the regular types. 138 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE TABLE II. ENGINEERING DATA ON MAZDA LAMPS, JULY, 1916 .3 1 Input Watts per spherical c.p. 1 sis f i 9 a 3 3 'o h Reduction facJ tor Bulb ill III Base Standard package quantity Position of burning g **j bo y C C s-= & IK E- .j S'^ 105-125 VOLT "B" STRAIGHT SIDE BULBS (Fig. 4) IO .67 7-SO 75 0.78 S-I7 2H 4% Med. screw IOO Any IS 47 8.55 128 0.78 S-i 7 2J, Med. screw IOO Any 20 25 41 35 8.90 9-30 178 234 0.78 0.78 S-I7 S-IQ 8 4 5 /i Med. screw Med. screw IOO IOO Any Any 40 32 9-50 380 0.78 S-I9 2% In Med. screw IOO Any SO 31 9.60 480 0.78 8-19 2% sK Med. screw IOO Any 60 .28 9.80 590 0.78 S-2I 2% Med. screw IOO Any IOO .22 10.3 1030 0.78 S-30 77/6 Med. sc. sk. 24 Any 105-125 VOLT "C" PEAR-SHAPE BULBS (Fig. 3) 75 1 .09 ii. 5 865 PS-22 2% 6H Med. screw 50 Any 49 IOO 1. 00 12.6 1260 PS-2S 3H 7H Med. screw 24 Any 5M6 200 0.90 14.0 2800 PS-30 3 3 A m Med. sc. sk. 24 Tip down 6 300 0.82 15.3 4600 PS-35 4% 9H Mog. screw 24 Tip down 7 400 0.82 15.3 6150 PS-40 5 10 Mog. screw 12 Tip down 7 500 0.78 16.! 8050 PS-40 5 10 Mog. screw 12 Tip down 7 750 IOOO 0.74 0.70 17.0 18.0 12800 18000 .... PS-52 PS-52 6H 6^ I3H 13K Mog. screw Mog. screw 8 8 Tip down Tip down >H >H 220-250 VOLT "B STRAIGHT SIDE BULBS 25 .65 7.60 191 0.79 S-I9 2^ 5 Med. screw IOO Any 40 .42 8.85 354 0.79 S-I9 2% $N Med. screw IOO Any 60 -39 9 05 540 0.79 S-2I 2% w Med. screw IOO Any IOO .2? 9-90 990 0.79 S-30 3* 7% Med. sc. sk. 24 Any 150 .27 9-90 1480 0.79 S-35 4% m Med. sc. sk. 24 Any 250 .20 10. S 2620 0.79 8-40 5 10 Med. sc. sk. 12 Any 220-250 VOLT "C" PEAR-SHAPE BULBS 200 I .00 12.6 2520 PS-30 3% 8% Med. sc. sk. 24 Tip down 6 300 o .92 13.7 4100 PS-35 4% 9 ; H Mog. screw 24 Tip down 7 400 0.90 14.0 5600 PS-40 5 10 Mog. screw 12 Tip down 7 500 0.85 14.8 7400 PS-40 5 10 Mog. screw 12 Tip down 7 750 0.82 15.3 11500 PS-52 6^ 139* Mog. screw 8 Tip down rii IOOO 0.78 16.1 16100 PS-52 6}^ 13% Mog. screw 8 Tip down SH 105-125 VOLT "B" ROUND BULBS (Fig. 5) 15 .53 8.20 123 0.80 G-i8^ aMe 3% Med. screw IOO Any 15 43 8.80 132 0.80 G-25 3tf 4 S A Med. screw 50 Any 25 .41 8.90 222 0.80 G-i8^ 2 Me 3H Med. screw IOO Any 25 31 9.60 240 0.80 G-25 3Vi 4% Med. screw 50 Any 40 30 9.65 386 0.80 G-25 3tf 4% Med. screw 50 Any 60 .20 10. s 630 0.80 G-30 3% SW Med. screw 24 Any IOO 14 II. I IOO 0.80 G-35 m 7N Med. sc. sk. 24 Any 220-250 VOLT "B" ROUND BULBS 25 40 1.50 1.41 8.40 8.90 2IO 356 O.80 0.80 G-25 G-25 3H 3tt 4H 4X Med. screw Med. screw 50 50 Any Any 105-125 VOLT "B" TUBULAR BULBS (Fig. 5) 25 1. 35 9-30 232 0.78 T-io iH &t Med. screw IOO Any 25 1.44 8.75 218 T-8 i 12 Med. screw 50 Any 40 1.39 9-OS 362 T-8 i 12 Med. screw 50 Any STICKNEY: DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRIC LAMPS 139 TABLE II. ENGINEERING DATA ON MAZDA LAMPS, JULY, 1916. (Continued) SIGN, STEREOPTICON AND FLOODLIGHTING LAMPS Watts per spherical c.p. Lumens per watt Total lumens Reduction fac- tor Bulb Max. over- all length (inches) Base Standard package quantity Position of burning Light center length (inches) | >, H ll VOLT "B" SIGN STRAIGHT SIDE BULBS 5 1. 52 1.46 8.25 8.60 20.6 43-0 0.79 0.79 8-14 8-14 $; 4 4 Med. screw 1 100 Med. screw]) 100 Any Any 50-65 VOLT "B" SIGN STRAIGHT SIDE BULBS 5 1-73 7.25 |36.2 o.?8| 8-14 *H 4 Med. screw IOO Any 105-125 VOLT "B" SIGN STRAIGHT SIDE BULBS 10 1.92 1.73 6.55 7-25 49.0 72.5 0.78 0.78 S-I 4 8-14 m 4 4 Med. screw Med. screw IOO IOO Any Any 105-125 VOLT "C" STEREOPTICON ROUND BULBS IOO 250 500 1. 00 0.80 0.67 12.6 15-7 18.8 1260 3950 9400 . . . . G-2S G-30 0-40 3% 5 7H Med. screw Med. screw Mog. screw 50 24 12 * * 4M 105-125 VOLT FLOOD LIGHTING "C" 200 400 0.95 0.85 13.2 14.8 2640 5920 .... G-3O G-40 3% 5 Stt Med. screw Mog. screw 24 12 3H Can be operated in any position except within 45 degrees of vertical, base up. MAZDA STREET LIGHTING LAMPS Nominal rated c.p. Total lumens Average volts Average watts Input watts per spherical c.p. Output lumens per watt Bulb Max. over- all length (inches) Base Standard package quantity Position of burning Light center length (inches) 1 1 B! si 5.5-AMP. "C" STREET SERIES STRAIGHT SIDE AND PEAR-SHAPE BULBS (Fig. 7) 60 80 600 800 8.5 10.8 46.8 59-5 0.98 0.93 12.8 13.5 38 $; 7V4 Mog screw Mog. screw 50 50 Any Any SH sH IOO 1000 13.0 71-5 0.90 14.0 S 24^ 3 Vifl 7^4 Mog. screw 50 Any s** 250 2500 29.7 163.0 0.82 IS. 3 PS-35 4H 934 Mog. screw 24 Tip down 7 400 4000 47-4 260.0 0.82 15-3 PS-40 5 !IO Mog. screw 12 Tip down 7 6.6-AMP. "C" STREET SERIES STRAIGHT SIDE AND PEAR-SHAPE BULBS (Fig. 7) 60 80 IOO 250 400 000 600 800 1000 2500 4000 6000 7.1 9-1 10.9 23-5 37.1 55-7 46.8 60.0 72.0 155.0 244.0 368.0 0.99 0-94 0.90 0.78 0.77 0.77 12.7 13-4 14-0 16.1 16.3 16.3 S-24h S-2 4 h S-2 4 h PS-35 PS-40 PS-40 3H 3Me 3Hfl 4H 5 5 7H 7W 7H 9% 10 IO Mog. screw Mog. screw Mog. screw Mog. screw Mog. screw Mog. screw 50 50 50 24 12 12 Any Any Any Tip down Tip down Tip down 5H 5H sH 7 7 7 7.5-AMP. "C" STREET SERIES STRAIGHT SIDE AND PEAR-SHAPE BULBS (Fig. 7) 60 80 IOO 250 400 000 600 800 1000 2500 4000 6000 6-4 8.0 9-6 19.6 30.5 45-8 48.0 60.0 72.0 147-0 228.0 344-0 I .00 0.94 0.90 0.74 0.72 0.72 12.6 13-4 14.0 17.0 17-5 17.5 S-24H PS?3S PS-40 PS-40 i 4V 5 5 10 IO Mog. screw Mog. screw Mog. screw Mog. screw Mog. screw Mog. screw 50 50 50 24 12 12 Any Any Any Tip down Tip down Tip down lit 7 7 7 15-AMP. "C" STREET SERIES PEAR-SHAPE BULBS (Fig. 7) 400 1 4000 j 14.4! 216 | o.68| 18.5] PS-40 | 5 |i2H | Mog. screw! 12 I Tip down | 20-AMP. "C" STREET SERIES PEAR-SHAPE BULBS (Fig. 7) 600 1000 6000! 15 .5 10000 25.9 310 520 0.65 0.65 19.3 19 3 PS-40 PS-40 5 5 I2# 12^ Mog. screw Mog. screw 12 12 Tip down Tip down 9V* 9H 140 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE TABLE II. ENGINEERING DATA ON MAZDA LAMPS, JULY, 1916. (Continued) MAZDA TRAIN LIGHTING LAMPS Input (Output al lumens d o Is Bulb % s-s sf 3 - Base Standard package quantity Position of burning fc y 1!I >J~ I's w'C -S o . S ** Type Diam. (Inches) _** e o> rt (*** 25-34 VOLT AND 50-65 VOLT -"B" TRAIN LIGHTING ROUND BULBS IO 44 8.75 8? 0.81 G-i8^ 2M 3* Med. screw 100 Any is .38 9.10 137 0.81 G-i8^ 2Me 3* Med. screw IOO Any 20 .36 9-25 185 0.81 G-i8^ 2Me 3% Med. screw 100 Any 25 36 9-25 232 0.81 G-i8^ 2Mfl 3% Med. screw IOO Any 40 .22 10.3 412 0.82 G-30 M 6V4 Med. sc. sk. 24 Any *75 .16 10.8 810 0.82 G-30 3% 6H Med. sc. sk. 24 Any 25-34 VOLT AND 50-65 VOLT TRAIN LIGHTING STRAIGHT SIDE BULBS 1 10 50 8.40 84!0.78 S-I 7 2H 4*6 Med. screw IOO Any 15 44 8. 75 131 0.78 S-I7 2H 4H Med. screw IOO Any 20 41 8. 9 I78J0.78 S-I7 2^ \% Med. screw IOO Any 25 41 8.90 222 0.78 8-19 2H sH Med. screw IOO Any 40 .28 9.80 392 0.78 S-I9 2% 5M Med. screw IOO Any AND 6 VOLT "C" LOCOMOTIVE HEADLIGHT ROUND BULBS 36 0.85 14.8 *530 G-i&M 2Me 3% Med. screw IOO Any 23f 6 72 0.80 iS-7 *H30 G-25 3H fo Med. screw So Any 234 108 0.75 16.8 *i8io G-30 3% 5 7 /i Mog. screw 24 Any zVi 30-34 VOLT "C" LOCOMOTIVE HEADLIGHT ROUND BULBS IOO I .00 12.6 1260 G-25 3W 4% Med. screw SO Any 2% ISO 0.90 14.0 2100 G-25 JM 4$* Med. screw 50 Any 2% 250 0.80 15.7 3920 G-30 3K SX Med. screw 24 t 3W * 6 volt lamp only; 5^ volt lamp, 6^ per cent, less.' 1 t Can be operated in any position except within 45 degrees of vertical, base up. t 30-34 and 60-65 volts. MAZDA STREET RAILWAY LAMPS Input Output Bulb d *-je g "rt Watts pei spherica c.p. I JM ll Reductio factor Type Diam. (Inches SSj ^g ~ S*~ Base Standard package quantity Position o burning III 105, 110, 115, 120, 125 AND 130 VOLT "B" STREET RAILWAY STRAIGHT SIDE BULBS t23 t36 t56' t94 1.42 1.40 1.31 1.24 8.85 9.00 9.60 10. I *2l8 *354 *S70 *IOOO 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 S-I9 S-I9 S-2I 8-24^ 2% 2% 2ft sH 5/4 Med. screw Med. screw Med. screw Med. sc. sk. IOO IOO IOO 50 Any Any Any Any * 115 volt lamps only, other lamps in proportion to their volts. t Nominal watts. STICKNEY: DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRIC LAMPS 141 (Lamps U Scale) G-25 T-10 15, 25 and 40 25 Watts Watts 105-125 Volts 105-125 Volts T-8 25 and 40 Watts 105-125 Volts Fig. 5. Round bulb and tubular (Mazda B) vacuum lamps for no- volt circuits. (Lamps l /4 Scale) LJr G-25 100 Watt 105-125 Volts Stereopticon G-30 250 Watt Stereopticon & 200 Watt Flood Lighting 105-125 Volts G-40 500 Watts Stereopticon & 400 Watt Flood Lighting 105-125 Volts Fig. 6. Floodlighting and Stereopticon (Mazda C) gas-filled lamps for no-volt circuits* 142 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE STICKNEY: DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRIC LAMPS 143 Focus Type Lamps. These lamps are especially designed for use with lenses and parabolic reflectors. They are used with stereopticons, small moving-picture machines, signals, and for spotlighting, floodlighting, headlighting, etc. 10 The essential fea- ture of the lamps is the concentration of the filament to approxi- mate the "point source." Miniature Lamps. This term is applied to a wide variety of small lamps used for many special purposes. Such lamps are usu- (All Lamps V 2 Scale) B-9H D-10 T-8 G-W 2 S-12 l / 2 Candelabra Candelabra Candelabra Candelabra Decorative Style B Style D Style E Style G Style F Fig. 8. Candelabra (Mazda B) vacuum lamps for multiple circuits. ally for low voltage and provided with small bases, such as the can- delabra or bayonet types. Among these lamps are those for auto- mobile and electric vehicle service. The no-volt candelabra lamps shown in Fig. 8 are becoming popular for decorative purposes, as, for example, electric candles. Frosted lamps are generally preferred. The Christmas tree lamps, which were designed originally to eliminate the fire risk in Christmas tree lighting, are now being em- ployed extensively for producing special decorative effects, where the lamps are used as ornaments rather than to produce any consider- able illumination. Many special forms of bulbs, such as fruits, flowers, etc., are made. These lamps, which usually operate eight in series on 100 volts, are now made with tungsten rather than carbon filaments. Important among the battery types of miniature lamps are those for small " flashlights "; while among the recent developments are the miner's lamps, specified by the U. S. Bureau of Mines. Colored Lamps. For color matching, photography, theatrical and 144 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE decorative purposes, various colored lamps are obtainable. The color is introduced either by means of a dip or by the use of colored glass bulbs. The former is less expensive, but the latter is more permanent. Some of the lamps are special and not usually obtain- able on short notice. Bowl-frosted or all-frosted lamps are more commonly used in the small sizes. All-frosted lamps are not recom- mended in the high wattage lamps. Complete Equipment. The incandescent lamp is not generally to be regarded as a complete lighting unit. For most purposes it is desirable to provide suitable reflectors, shades or globes, for direct- ing and diffusing the light in accordance with particular require- STICKNEY: DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRIC LAMPS 145 ments. The most effective illumination is secured when the proper accessory is selected. Previous to the advent of the high-power lamps, little attention was necessary, from the lamp standpoint, in the design of the fixture, beyond assuring general suitability. Now, however, owing to the large amount of light and heat emitted in a small space, certain pre- cautions are necessary to insure proper performance of lamps. 14 This problem is similar to that encountered with other high-power illuminants. While the majority of fixtures take care of these re- quirements, there are some fixtures in which suitable provision has not been made. High-candle-power filaments are too brilliant to be viewed with comfort, and fixtures should have provision for shielding the eyes and diffusing the light, olepending upon the application of the equip- ment. Ventilation must be provided to carry off the heat and avoid ex- cessive temperature at the top of the lamp. Suitable sockets and leading-in wires should be provided. For high wattage lamps, used out of doors, it is highly important that the fixtures be weatherproof so as to exclude moisture; otherwise during rain and snow storms, water will enter. A drop of water falling on the heated glass, near the top of the lamp, is liable to produce a crack, which will result in failure of the lamp. Fig. 9 shows the candle-power performance of the 5oo-watt gas- filled lamp with a few of the most commonly used equipments. For larger or smaller lamps the candle-power can be approximated by proportioning the values to the respective total lumens of the lamps. MOORE COLOR-MATCHING LAMP The principle of producing light by electrical discharge, through a gas of very low pressure, enclosed in a glass tube, was applied by D. McFarlan Moore. Both long and short tube lamps were devel- oped. The color of the light from such a lamp depends upon the gas used. For example, nitrogen produces a pinkish light, carbon dioxide a white light, neon 17 a reddish light. The short carbon dioxide tube is the only type in active commer- cial manufacture in this country at the present time. While this lamp is not widely used it is notable because of the superiority of its light where very accurate color matching is required, as, for ex- ample, in dying silk, wool, etc. An entirely new form, 16 eliminating 146 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE the gas valves and other complicating features, has been developed. This lamp, which is shown in Fig. 10, consumes about 250 watts and operates on alternating-current circuits. While the overall efficiency is relatively low, the light is distributed according to the require- Fig. 10. Moore color matching lamp. ments of the accurate color matchers, and intensities up to about 200 foot-candles can be secured over a small area. X-RAY TUBES Illuminants of this class do not generally interest illuminating engineers directly, though they play an important part in surgery and various physical and chemical researches, in which the peculiar quality of these radiations reveal what cannot otherwise be observed. The recent development by Dr. Coolidge, which has been char- acterized as the most important advance since the original discovery, has been summed up as follows: 18 "Briefly, the device consists of a tube exhausted of all gases to the ex- treme possible limit, in which is supported the cathode, so arranged that it may be heated electrically; an electrically conducting cylinder or ring connected to the heated cathode, and so located with reference to it as to focus the cathode rays on the target; and the anti-cathode, or target. The advantages of the tube are complete and immediate control, of the inten- sity and the penetrating power of the Rontgen rays, continuous operation without change in the intensity or character of the rays; absence of fluores- cence of the glass; and the realization of homogeneous primary Rontgen rays of any desired penetrating power." ARC LAMPS The common forms of arc lamp include the open and enclosed carbon electrode lamp, the open and enclosed flaming carbon elec- trode lamp and the luminous, magnetite or metallic arc lamps. The large variety of arc lamps now in active use is indicated by STICKNEY: DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRIC LAMPS 147 Fig. ii, which shows the types of electrodes regularly furnished by the National Carbon Company. The engineering data of the prin- cipal forms of arc lamps ior general lighting service are given in Table III. Open and Enclosed Carbon Arc Lamps. For general lighting pur- poses these lamps are generally considered to be superseded, although there are a considerable number still in use, especially for street lighting. The open arc is the standard illuminant for high power projection lighting, 10 as, for example, with large stereopticons, moving picture machines, and for search lighting and spotlighting. On direct cur- rent the brilliant homogeneous crater of the positive is the most effective approximation of the "point source." A heavily impreg- nated flame carbon electrode is used in the most powerful search- lighting equipments. Recent developments have done much to increase the effective- ness of the open arc, especially for searchlight work, by surrounding the crater with a cooling atmosphere. 19 Introduction of chemicals has steadied the arc and the use of small diameter copper or duplex coated negative electrodes has served to reduce electrode shadows. Flaming Arc Lamps. The flaming arc lamp has the lowest specific consumption of all the common illuminants. It differs from the ordinary carbon arc in that the addition of certain metallic salts changes the process of light production, the light emanating from the arc steam rather than from the craters. The composition of the electrodes determines the color of the light and to a considerable extent the efficiency. Both yellow and white light electrodes are in common use. Red, blue and green electrodes are used for special medical purposes. Both the open and enclosed (white) flame arcs are used extensively in photo-engraving and other photographic purposes, including moving picture studios, as well as for fading tests of dyes and paints. Some commercial forms for photo-engraving and similar purposes are illustrated in Fig. 12. The inclined electrode type of lamp, formerly used for spectacular lighting, has in general given way to the enclosed lamp, while the field has extended to street and industrial lighting. White electrodes, are usually employed on street and photographic lighting, and yellow electrodes for industrial lighting. 25 While enclosed flame arc lamps had been produced in 1910, they 148 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE did not come into common use in this country until 191 1. 20 The early lamps gave an unsteady light, and the solid residue from the electrodes formed an absorbing coating on the enclosing globe. Many improvements have been made in the past few years. Im- proved condensing chambers have minimized the accumulation on the globes. 21 Probably the greatest recent improvement has been A = Clear Inner, Alba Outer Globe > White Flame = Clear Inner, Clear Outer Globe ) Carbons - Clear Inner, Alba Outer Globe ) Yellow Flame = Clear Inner, Clear Outer Globe ) Carbons Fig. 13. Direct current multiple 6.5 ampere no volt, enclosed flame arc lamps. (Data furnished by Ilium. Eng. Laboratory, G. E. Co., Schenectady, N. Y.) with regard to the composition of electrodes, 23 tending to steady the arc and increase the efficiency. The effectiveness of the photo- graphic arcs has been especially increased. An ornamental type of enclosed flame lamp for street lighting has been developed and is exploited by a leading manufacturer. 24 The principal types of enclosed flame arc lamps now on the market for general illumination, are listed below. Their photometric curves are shown in the Figs. 13 to 17 as indicated: Luminous, Magnetite, or Metallic Flame Arc Lamp. While no radical changes have been made in these lamps since 1910, the effi- ciency, steadiness and light control have been much improved. 27 An ornamental form has been developed which is receiving quite ex- II 5 jj *o g Is f Fig. 12. Typical open and enclosed flame arc lamps floor types, for photo-engraving and other photographic purposes. STICKNEY: DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRIC LAMPS 149 A- Clear Inner, Alba Outer Globe \ White Flame - Clear Inner, Clear Outer Globe f Carbons C- Clear Inner, Alba Outer Globe ) Yellow Flame Clear Inner, Clear Outer Globe ) Carbons 14. Alternating current multiple 7.5 ampere, no volt enclosed flame arc lamp. (Internal auto-transformer gives 10.5 amperes at arc). (Data furnished by Ilium. Eng. Laboratory, G. E. Co., Schenectady, N. Y.) A - Clear Inner. Alba Outer Globe I = Clear Inner. Clear Outer Globe ) C- Clear Inner, Alba Outer Globe \ = Clear Inner, Clear Outer Globe f White Flame Carbons Yellow Flame Carbons Pig. 15. Alternating current series 6.6 (or 7.5) ampere enclosed flame arc lamp. (Internal auto-transformer gives 10 amperes at arc.) (Data furnished by Ilium. Eng. Laboratory, G. E. Co., Schenectady, N. Y.) ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE 10 Amp. A. C. Series Enclosed Flame Carbon Arc Lamp with Clear Inner, Clear Outer Globe and White Flame Carbons Fig. 1 6. Alternating current series enclosed flame arc lamp (9.5 amperes at arc). (Data furnished by Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co.) 10 Amp., A. C. Series Enclosed Flame Arc Lamp with. Clear Inner Alba Outer Globe and White Tlame Carbons Fig. 17. Alternating current series ornamental^enclosed flame arc lamp. (Data furnished by Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co.) STICKNEY: DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRIC LAMPS tensive use. 26 Changes in the composition and form of electrodes have been responsible for the increased efficiency and steadiness. This type of lamp can be operated only on direct-current circuits. The copper or positive electrode consumes slowly by erosion; the negative or magnetite electrode furnishes the arc stream material. Pendent Type Ornamental Type I 4 Amp. D. C. Series Luminous Arc Lamp / with High Efficiency Electrode A Ornamental Type Equipped with Light Alba Globe B Pendent Type Equipped with Carrara Globe and Internal Concentric Reflector C Pendent Type Equipped with Clear Globe and Internal Concentric Reflector D - Pendent Type Equipped with Clear Globe and Prismatic Glass Reflector Fig. 1 8. Candle-power distribution obtained with different equipments, 4 ampere luminous arc lamp. (Data furnished by Ilium. Eng. Laboratory, G. E. Co., Schenectady, N. Y.) In the lamp as made by the General Electric Company, a large massive positive electrode (which is not replaced at each trimming) is above the arc. On 4 amperes its operating life is from 6000 to 8000 hours; and on 6.6 amperes from 2000 to 4000 hours. The magnetite electrodes are made in two types, designated as " long-life" and "high-efficiency." The operating life of the former 152 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE is nearly double that of the latter, both varying inversely with the amperage. The high-efficiency type is usually used on 4-ampere lamps, giving about 175 hours; while the long-life type is used on the 6.6 ampere lamp, giving 100 hours or over. The lamp made by the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company employs what is known as the "down-draft" principle: 29 A small inexpensive positive electrode is located below the arc and is renewed at each trimming. While lamps for multiple operation have been made and used for 4 Amp. D. C. Series Metallic Flame Arc Lamp with. Clear Globe Fig. 19. Four ampere metallic flame arc lamp. (Data furnished by Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.) industrial lighting, the large amount of ballast resistance necessary to insure steady operation, makes them relatively inefficient and they are no longer exploited. The series lamp, on the other hand, is quite economical, having a low maintenance cost. The light approxi- mates daylight in color and the operation is quite reliable. The series direct current is usually secured from combination constant- current transformers and mercury arc rectifiers, which in turn are supplied with power from alternating-current multiple circuits. One of the most interesting developments in connection with the STICKNEY: DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRIC LAMPS 153 magnetite lamp is the variety of reflectors and of diffusing and re- fracting globes by which the light distribution is modified to meet the various requirements of street lighting. A " 4 Amp., Long Life Electrode B - 4 Amp., Higrh Efficiency Electrode C 6 Amp., Long Life Electrode D 5 Amp., High Efficiency Electrode E 6.6 Amp., Long Life Electrode Fig. 20. Luminous arc lamp, clear globe, concentric reflector. (Data furnished by Ilium. Eng. Laboratory, G. E. Co., Schenectady, N. Y.) A = 4 Amp., Long Life Electrode 5-4 Amp., High Efficiency Electrode C 5 Amp., Long Life Electrode D 5 Amp., High Efficiency Electrode JE7 6.6 Amp., Long Life Electrode Fig. 21. Luminous arc lamp, clear globe, refractor. (Data furnished by Ilium. Eng. Laboratory, G. E. Co., Schenectady, N. Y.) The photometric characteristics of the 4-amp. luminous lamps, with the principal types of equipments are shown in Fig. 18. Those 154 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE -luiauueaui iau jsd d'o -ituat jad suaumq suaumj ro n to O O M t^. OO 00 M t- O> 00 fO ** ^t ter globe, stree ter globe, stree lea lea ner, ner, Light opalesc reet reflec Light opal reflector Light opal reflector WW II M' II 'S 'o'ca'o'eS'o rt"o OOOOOOOOO 1 1 1 1 i I i *S G fc OvO t* t- OM NNNMNNOOOOOOOO OOOOOOt^f^l^t^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0000 ^^^^ ) ^^ < * ! * c ** ' O \O O I VI IO IO IT) If) \ft IO 1/5 IO O VO IO VO IO VO "t * - diff diff Light density alba globe Light alba globe Light alba globe Medium density sing globe Medium density sing globe . .d OOOOp QQQQ . dddd6 w >O >OO -O O - P 10 oo t* o r- t^N Tj-M to o * o o to O !> N t~ to ^- rt to ro rf O O O IOO O O t/i \o M O to %O to O f rf l/j rf O OS O N 10 WOO t- 00 t-t- SO O O rf O rf M W MOM O CO to IO ooooooo OOOOOOOO O N OtlOrf f-O COrf t^ w CO w rf ro rf o w O 00 10 w* O* w" OOOOOOOOOOOO codfjroioiotoio rf rf rf rf rf rf rf rf lOIOtOIOIOIOIOlO OOOO rf rf rf rf OOOOOOOO tOIOIOIOlOlOIOtO o o o o o d d d lOtOIOIOtOIOIOtO Illlllll "o 'rt "o "3 75 "3 "o d .S.S.S.S.S.S.S.2 'i'i'i'i'i'i'i's OOOOOOOO 4)O ** dqqqdddd aaacxaaaa 66666666 lOlOIOlOlOlOIOlO OOOO t^r^t^t^ adX; juapuaj sauag ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE A-* 4 Amp., Long Life Electrode B 4 Amp., High Efficiency Electrode C 5 Amp., Long Life Electrode D 5 Amp., High Efficiency Electrode ( Calculated ) E =- 6.6 Amp., Long Life Electrode Fig. 22. Luminous arc lamp, opal globe. (Data furnished by Ilium. Eng. Laboratory, G. E. Co., Schenectady, N. Y.) A =4 Amp., Light Density Alba Globe and Long Life Electrode .B = 4 Amp., Light Alba Globe and High Efficiency Electrode C 5 Amp., Light Alba Globe and Long Life Electrode D 5 Amp., Medium Density Diffusing Globe and High Efficiency Electrode E - 6.6 Amp., Medium Density Diffusing Globe and Long Life Electrode Fig. 23. Ornamental luminous arc lamp, opal globe. (Data furnished by Ilium. Eng. Laboratory, G. E. Co., Schenectady, N. Y.) STICKNEY: DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRIC LAMPS 157 of the 5 and 6.6-amp. lamps correspond approximately in form. The actual candle-power performance of the various standard-equipments is shown in Figs. 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23. These give average initial values taken from several tests on separate lamps and electrodes. For general data see Table III. The ornamental type of lamp represents one of the important developments, which is receiving wide use in "white way" lighting. 28 It is an inverted lamp only in the sense that the regulating mechan- ism is located below the arc, so as to be concealed in the pole. Sev- eral special types of globes have been furnished to conform with par- ticular artistic requirements. Such equipments have different candle-power characteristics due to variations in shape, light ab- sorption and diffusion. MERCURY VAPOR LAMPS Two principal types of mercury vapor lamps are made in this country; namely, low (vapor) pressure glass tube lamps and high pressure, quartz tube lamps. Glass Tube Lamps. There has been relatively little change in this type of lamp since 1910. Some improvements have been intro- duced in the alternating-current lamp, making it a little more efficient and reliable in operation. A fluorescent reflector 30 has been developed with a view to color cor- rection, supplying some of the missing red rays. While considerable color modification is obtained by this means, it is at some sacrifice in efficiency, and the fluorescent reflector is not used to any consider- able extent. In order to provide a more convenient arrangement for photo- graphic lighting, where a large flood of light is necessary, as in a mov- ing picture studio, special supporting frames have been devised for banking tubes from high power units. These are arranged to pro- ject the light in one general direction (Fig. 26). The usual line of lamps for industrial lighting, 31 is illustrated in Fig. 24, which gives candle-power distribution curves. The curves show the initial candle-power. Fig. 25 shows the variety of standard tubes. The operating life of tubes is stated by the manufacturer as 4000 hours. Published data indicates that the candle-power falls to 80 per cent, of the initial in about 2000 hours. General data are given in Table IV. 158 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE TABLE IV. CANDLE-POWER CHARACTERISTICS OF COOPER HEWITT MERCURY VAPOR LAMPS Lamps for Alternating-current Circuits Rating of lamp in aver- age watts Voltage Type Length of tube in inches Mean lower hemi- spherical c.p. Watts per mean lower hemi- spherical c.p. Total lumens Lumens per watt 2IO 380 IQ2 385 385 22O 385 726 100-125 100-125 E F 35 50 400 800 0-53 0.48 3,179 6,283 I5-I4 16.53 For Direct-current Circuits Series on 100-125 100-125 100-125 100-125 100-125 H HH K L P 21 21 45 35 50 300 600 700 4OO 800 0.64 0.64 0-55 0-55 0.48 2,388 4,712 5,529 3,142 6,283 12.43 12.23 I4-36 14.28 16.31 Quartz Lamps for Direct-current Circuits 200-240 Z 4 2400 3 18,839 25.96 Data furnished by Cooper Hewitt Electric Co. Quartz Tube Mercury Arc. The high pressure mercury arc was developed in Europe. Its commercial exploitation in this country, dates from about 1913. 32 The tube is much shorter than that of the low pressure arc and the current density greater. The high tem- perature of operation necessitates the use of quartz glass as a tube material. Most of its characteristics are similar to those of the low pressure arc, but the appearance of the unit is more like that of a flame arc lamp. In starting, an electro-magnet mechanism tilts the tube to draw the arc. In starting with the lamp cold, about five minutes is required to attain the operating condition. During this period the current and watts are above normal and the candle-power below normal. Practically all the lamps in use are operated on 2 20- volt direct current circuits. Lamps for other wattages and alternating current have been made. The light is essentially similar in color to that of the low pressure mercury arc. Use is made of an outer globe of glass which cuts off D. C. 55 Volt 3.5 Amp. Two in Series on 100-125 Volt Circuit A. C. 100-125 Volt 4.1 Amp. 2 & 3 Curve A Represents the Candle-Power Distribution in a Plane Perpendicular to the Axis of the Tube Curve B Represents the Candle-Power Distribution in a Plane Parallel to the Axis of the Tube Curve C Represents the Mean of Curves A & B Fig. 24. Glass tube mercury vapor lamps Cooper Hewitt. (Data furnished by Cooper Hewitt Co.) (Facing page 158.) Fig. 25. Standard tubes now manufactured by Cooper Hewitt El. Co. Fig. 26. Cooper Hewitt mercury vapor lamps banked for moving-picture photography. STICKNEY: DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRIC LAMPS the ultra-violet light and tends to diffuse the light. A metal reflector confines practically all the light to the lower hemisphere. The unit is essentially one of high power, so that in industrial plants it is usually installed where it can be hung 20 ft. or more from the floor. This lamp is illustrated in Fig. 27, which also shows candle-power distribution, while the general data are given in Table IV. Hemispherical Candle- Power Distribution with Reflector and Clear Glass Globe Hemispherical Candle- Power Distribution with Reflector and Diffusing Globe Curve A Represents the Candle -Power Distribution in a Plane Perpendicular to the Axis of the Burner Curve B Represents the Candle - Power Distribution in a Plane Parallel to the Axis of the Burner Curve C Represents the Mean of Curves A & B Fig. 27. Quartz tube mercury vapor lamp Cooper Hewitt. (Data furnished by Cooper Hewitt Co.) The light from both forms of mercury arc lamp is steady and fairly diffuse. Its most prominent characteristic is its blue-green color, there being no red rays. This precludes its use for decorative light- ing, except for special effects. The appearance of faces under the light is not at all pleasing. On the other hand, the light is highly actinic and of such character as to reveal detail to advantage, where visual acuity is an important factor. The light from the quartz tube lamp (without glass globe) is destructive to certain forms of germ life, and hence, valuable for sterilization. Both the low-pressure and the high-pressure lamps are used exten- l6o ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE sively for photographic lighting, for which the actinicity of the light renders them quite effective. These lamps also find considerable application in industrial lighting. 31 CARE OF LAMPS The performance of any lamp depends upon its receiving a reason- able amount of care. While some types of lamps require more at- tention than others, no lamp will give its best service if entirely neglected. The glassware, whether of lamps or windows, will, if allowed to become coated with dirt or dust, absorb an excessive amount of light. The same is true, though usually in a lesser degree, of reflect- ing surfaces. It is economical to keep globes and reflectors clean, especially those which are so turned as to facilitate the accumulation of dust. Moreover, the good appearance, both lighted and un- lighted, often depends very much on cleanliness. Beside the depreciation due to external accumulation, all illumi- nants are subject to what is sometimes designated as inherent de- preciation; that is, decrease in light due to accumulation or changes inherent in the light source itself. For example, incandescent lamps are subject during their operating life to a gradual decrease in can- dle-power, due to bulb blackening and the filament shrinking. At the end of the rated life, this depreciation amounts to from 10 to 20 per cent. With nearly all other illuminants the losses are fully as great or greater. With arc lamps losses are principally due to the accumulation of electrode material on the globes. With some arc lamps, the washing of the globe at the time of trimming returns the lamp to initial efficiency, while with others the material fuses into the globes so that it cannot be readily removed. In the case of the incandescent lamp and mercury-vapor lamp, the lamp should be replaced when the loss exceeds certain economic limits, 20 per cent, loss having been generally assumed as the " smashing point" for the incandescent lamp. For arc lamps, the cleaning of the globes at each trimming and the replacing of the globes when badly pitted are the recommended practices. Unfortunately for best economy the above-mentioned losses accumulate so slowly that their magnitude is not generally recog- nized, and many lamps are operated at unnecessarily low economies. In a large installation, it is profitable to provide for regular periodic inspection, cleaning and replacement. In trimming arc lamps it is important to use electrodes of the cor- STICKNEY: DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRIC LAMPS 161 rect length and proper diameter, and to make sure that they are in alignment, making good electrical contact with holders. Mechanisms should be kept clean and in adjustment. Care should be taken on installing to insure that the adjustment is proper for the line current and frequency. Certain forms of arc lamps have suffered more in popularity from careless maintenance than through inherent inferiority. Incandescent lamps should be specified to correspond to the actual socket voltage (series lamps to amperage). All lamps operate best on steady voltage. Excessive change in voltage means unsteadiness of light, and in some cases objectionable jumping and flickering. SELECTION OF LAMPS For most classes of lighting, practice has indicated some one type of lamp which is better suited than others, so that there is not so keen a competition between types as formerly. The problem now is more the selection of lamps of proper power. This subject is so broad and involves spacing and height, as well as candle-power distribution characteristics to such an extent as to render a full discussion at this point impracticable. It does seem desirable, however, to warn against giving too much weight to abstract com- parisons of candle-power or lumen output, or efficiency, or even of operating cost, especially where the differentials are relatively small. Reliable and accurate comparisons can only be made by taking into account many factors with reference to the conditions to be met in installation. It often happens that the higher efficiency of a high power lamp is counteracted by waste of light, or objectionable shadows, accompanying wide spacing. Again, an efficient lamp may have a high investment or maintenance cost. Cost comparisons are of value and should be made where large numbers of lamps are involved. Such an estimate should include the following items: 1 . Cost of energy. 2. Material of maintenance. 3. Labor of maintenance. 4. Depreciation (which will refund the investment when the lamps are worn out or become obsolete, but not include material of maintenance). 5. Interest on investment (including installation cost). 6. Any other overhead charges, such as insurance. On the other hand, there are important factors which do not lend themselves to expression in figures. 1 62 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE The following are some of the desirable qualities which should be considered in lamp selection: 33 (a) Intensity or light flux suited for condition, allowance being made for depreciation. (6) Diffusion of a degree depending upon requirements. (c) Distribution characteristic such as to insure economical utilization. (d) Color to meet the demands of utility and pleasing appearance. (e) Steadiness slight animation not being necessarily objectionable; per- ceptible flicker almost invariably objectionable. (/) Reliability insuring continuity of illumination, also safety. (g) Economy as previously noted, should be judged by concrete rather than abstract estimate of costs. (A) Artistic features involves the appearance of lamp fixtures, lighted and unlighted, as well as the lighting effect itself. Deserves more attention in ordinary installations than it usually receives. (j) Adaptability this is important in large installations where it is desirable to meet a variety of conditions with a minimum number of types and renewal parts to be kept in stock. (K) Construction quality. Practically all the established illuminants are well made. For severe service, special constructions are sometimes necessary. (/) Convenience ease of handling by unskilled persons. (m) Congruity. This applies to the general suitability of the illuminant to its surroundings. While no accurate method of applying these considerations is here suggested, a common-sense consideration of these points will facilitate forming a true evaluation of a lighting unit for particular service. CONCLUSION Much of the foregoing is necessarily suggestive, but definite in- formation is given where practicable. It must be remembered that, with the rapid advance in the art of lamp manufacture, the performance of illuminants is likely to be bettered in the near future. In conclusion, the writer desires to express appreciation for the data and information furnished by lamp and electrode manufacturers. References . 1 C. P. STEINMETZ. "Electric Illuminants." Lectures on Illuminating Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 1910, page 109. 2 E. P. HYDE. "The Physical Characteristics of Light Sources." Lectures on Illuminating Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 1910, page 25. 3 W. R. WHITNEY. "The Chemistry of Luminous Sources." Lectures on Illuminating Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 1910, page 93. 4 W. F. LITTLE . "Lighting Accessories" (See lecture in this series). 6 F. W. SMITH, Chairman, Lamp Committee N. E. L. A. "Report of Lamp Committee." Proceedings of National Elec. Light Assn., 1916. STICKNEY: DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRIC LAMPS 163 6 C. G. FINK. "Ductile Tungsten and Molybdenum." Trans. American Electro- Chemical Society, Vol. XVII (1910), page 229. General Electric Review, Vol. XII (1910) page 323. 7 W. D. COOLIDGE. "Wrought Tungsten." Trans. American Inst. of Electrical Engineers. Vol. XXIX (1910), page 961. 8 J. W. HOWELL "The Manufacture of Drawn Wire Tungsten Lamps." G. E. Review, Vol. XVII (1914), page 276. 'WARD HARRISON and E. J. EDWARDS. "Recent Improvements in Incan- descent Lamp Manufacture." Trans. 111. Eng. Society. Vol. VIII (1913), page 533- 10 E. J. EDWARDS and H. H. MAGDSICK. "Light Projection" (See lecture in this series). 11 IRVING LANGMUIR. "The Blackening of Tungsten Lamps and Methods of Preventing It." Trans. American Inst. of Electrical Engrs., Vol. XXXII (1913), page 1913. 12 IRVING LANGMUIR and J. A. ORANGE. "Nitrogen Filled Lamps." Trans. Amer. Inst. of Elect. Engrs., Vol. XXXII (1913), page 1935. 13 G. M. J. MACKAY. "The Characteristics of Gas-filled Lamps." Trans. 111. Eng. Society, Vol. IX (1914), page 775. 14 F. W. SMITH (Chairman, Lamp Committee N. E. L. A.). "Report of Lamp Committee." Proceedings National Elec. Light Assn., 1915. G. F. MORRISON. Review of Lamp Committee Report. G. E. Review, Vol. XVIII (1915), page 925. 16 D. B. RUSHMORE. "Frequency." Trans. American Inst. of Electrical Engrs., Vol. XXXI (1912), pages 970 and 978. 16 D. MCFARLAN MOORE. "Gaseous Conductor Lamps for Color Matching." Trans. 111. Eng. Society, Vol. XI (1916), page 162. 17 GEORGES CLAUDE. "Neon Tube Lighting." Trans. 111. Eng. Society, Vol. VIII (1913), page 371. 18 W. D. COOLIDGE. "A Powerful Rontgen Ray Tube with Pure Electron Discharge." Physical Review, Dec., 1913. G. E. Review, Vol. XVII (1914), page 104. 19 C. S. MCDOWELL. "Illumination in the Navy." Trans. 111. Eng. Society, Vol. XI (1916), page 574. 20 S. H. BLAKE. "Flame Arc Lamps." G. E. Review, Vol. XIV (1911), page 595- 21 G. N. CHAMBERLIN." Enclosed Flame Arc Lamp." G. E. Review, Vol. XV (1912), page 706. 22 R. B. CHILLAS. "The Development of the Flame Carbon." Trans. 111. Eng. Society, Vol. IX (1914), page 710. " V. A. CLARK. " Present Status of Arc Lamp Carbons." Electrical Review and Western Electrician, Vol. LXVII (1915), page 406. 24 C. E. STEPHENS. "Modern Arc Lamps." Electrical Review and Western Electrician, Vol. LXVII (1915), page 409. 25 A. T. BALDWIN. "The Flaming Arc in the Iron and Steel Industry." Proceedings Assn. Iron & Steel Elect. Engrs. (1914), page 491. 26 C. A. B. HELVORSON, JR. "New Types of Ornamental Luminous Arc Lamps." G. E. Review, Vol. XV (1912), page 710. 164 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE 27 C. A. B. HALVORSON, JR. "Improvements in the Magnetite Lamp." G. E. Review, Vol. XVII (1914), page 283. 28 C. A. B. HALVORSON, S. C. ROGERS and R. B. HUSSEY. "Arc Lamps for Street Lighting." Trans. 111. Eng. Society, Vol. XI (1916), page 251. 29 F. CONRAD and W. A. D ARRAH. " The History of the Arc Lamp." Electric Journal, 1916, pages 103 and 140. 30 H. E. IVES. "Study of the Light from the Mercury Arc." Electrical World, Vol. LX (1912), page 304. 31 W. A. D. EVANS. "Industrial Lighting with Mercury Vapor Lamps." Trans. 111. Eng. Society, Vol. X (1915), page 883. 32 W. A. D. EVANS. "The Mercury Vapor Quartz Lamp." Trans. 111. Eng. Society, Vol. IX (1914), page i. 33 P. S. MILLAR. "The Status of the Lighting Art." Trans. 111. Eng. Society, Vol. VIII (1913), page 652 (See "Categories of Illumination," page 654). RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN GAS LIGHTING BY ROBERT FFRENCH PIERCE For the purpose of this lecture the term "recent developments," will be applied to changes and improvements in gas lighting appli- ances effected and reduced to commercial practice since 1910, progress prior to that year having been set forth in the lectures at Johns Hopkins University. The economic position of the gas industry has tended to restrict development to the refinement and elaboration of existing types rather than to encourage increasing diversity in the application of gas to lighting. Gas was the first central station illuminant and until 1880 the only one. At the present time, in the older communities of the East there are from four to seven times as many gas meters as elec- tric meters in use, while even in the newer communities of the West, where cheap hydro-electric power and dear coal place the gas industry under a severe handicap, the number of gas meters usually exceeds that of electric meters in use. Following the line of least resistance the gas industry has directed such of its energies as have been devoted to lighting toward those improvements which would best protect its existing lighting business, while the commercial exigencies of electrical development have favored the creation of new uses and excursions into new fields. During the past five years the principal developments in gas lighting have had for their objects increased economy in light pro- duction through more efficient utilization of the gas and decreased maintenance expense, and the elimination of inconvenience in the use and maintenance of gas lighting units, with the purpose of fore- stalling, overcoming or reducing the users' inclination toward providing facilities for the use of competing illuminants. The gas lamp is composed of two essential parts the burner and the mantle, the former usually being fitted with a glass chimney to secure satisfactory and efficient operation. Possibilities of increased economy of light production lie in ob- taining higher temperatures through improved burner design; in 165 1 66 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE securing a larger proportion of luminous radiation through the selec- tion of mantle materials having a more favorable selective radia- tion characteristics; in prolonging the useful life of the mantle by the utilization of less fragile base fabrics; and in eliminating such accessories as chimneys the maintenance of which is an item of expense. Opportunities for securing added convenience in the use of gas lamps lie in such of the above developments as reduce the number of parts requiring attention and the frequency with which essential parts need replacement, and in the provision of simple, inexpensive and reliable means of ignition and distance control. THE MANTLE The physical character of the mantle is determined by the two essential substances which enter into its manufacture, (i) the organic fabric which is impregnated with solutions of salts of the (2) rare earths (ceria and thoria) that form the ultimate mantle structure, the organic matter being burned out in the process of manufacture. The character of the fabric used determines the mechanical strength of the mantle, its shrinkage under the continued heat of the flame, and to a small extent the luminosity of the mantle. The rare earths employed determine the radiant efficiency of the mantle, and the color of the light emitted. No significant change in the proportions of ceria and thoria em- ployed has taken place in the past twenty years, and although a theoretical consideration of the physics of rare earths radiation indicates the possibility of greatly increased efficiency through the employment of hitherto unused elements, no promising experimental results have as yet been recorded. The utilization of " artificial silk" as a base fabric was noted by Whittaker in his Johns Hopkins lecture, but this material, had not at that time been brought to such a commercial stage as would war- rant specific quantitative statements as to its performance, and the employment of this substance may for the purposes of this lecture be regarded as a subsequent development. Mantles made upon this base have been used in large quantities during the past three years and exhibit a great superiority over previous types in tensile strength, flexibility, permanence of form and maintenance of luminosity. The artificial silk mantle of the upright type after several hundred hours service will support a suspended weight of s PIERCE: DEVELOPMENTS IN GAS LIGHTING i6 7 one ounce, may with care and skill be folded and crumpled upon itself and restored to its original form without apparent damage and will maintain its initial candle-power practically unimpaired for an indefinite period 5000 hours actual service producing a deprecia- tion of less than 10 per cent. These facts while exemplifying no practical condition, are highly significant as indicating most desir- able and important physical properties. It should be understood, of course, that the rather theatrical demonstrations of desirable physical qualities referred to are not to be attempted by the user unless he wishes to purchase a new mantle. New Old \ 2345678 % Ceria Fig. 6. Influence of ceria content on candle-power of mantle. 10 The desirable qualities of artificial silk are due to the fact that the fibers are solid and continuous, instead of cellular and comparatively short. Figs. 3, 4 and 5 showing magnified sections of different mantle fabrics illustrate the steel-cable-like structure of the artificial silk mantles compared to that of mantles based upon vegetable fibers more resembling a hempen rope. The cellular structure is largely responsible for the shrinkage during burning which characterizes cotton mantles. Due to causes not altogether apparent the luminosity of a mantle is considerably influenced by proportioning of the rare earth contents with relation to the physical structure of the mantle fabric, and re- finements in manufacturing processes have resulted not only in 1 68 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE increasing efficiencies with the same fabrics, but in altering the re- lation between ceria content and luminosity. Fig. 6 shows two curves of mantles, made upon the same fabric, the one designated "old" being that reproduced by Whittaker in the Johns Hopkins lectures. Since the yellowness of the light emitted varies with the ceria content, it is apparent that the later mantles appreciably widen the range of color-values which may be economically obtained in the gas mantle. Other interesting developments involving departures from previous methods of mantle construction have occurred, but, since they are more directly related to modifications in the burner, they will be introduced later. BURNERS Since the efficiency of an incandescent gas lamp is directly related to the flame temperature, and the latter depends largely upon the proportion of primary air entrained, it is desirable that the latter be as large as practicable. But since the speed of flame propaga- tion is also increased with the proportion of primary air, the latter is practically limited by the velocity of the outflowing mixture at the nozzle, because the speed of flame propagation and velocity of outflow must be equal in order to avoid " flashing back" of the flame on the one hand, or, "blowing off" on the other the latter difficulty, however, never being experienced at ordinary pressures. The highest velocity of outflow is secured by means of proper design of the bunsen tube and freedom from bends or obstructions in the burner. Such a burner, however, fails to secure thorough mixture of the gas and air with the result that the more highly aerated "streaks" permit the flashing back of the flame even though the average speed of flame propagation is far below that in the more highly aerated portions. Since thorough mixture of the gas with the entrained air involves some loss in the velocity of outflow, burner design is resolved into the elimination of all obstructing and retarding influences except those required for mixing the gas and air in the most efficient manner. The sole source of energy for the entrainment of air, mixing it with the gas and the propulsion of the mixture into the flame is the kinetic energy of the gas issuing from the orifice under a pressure of (ordinarily) less than 2 ounces per square inch, and it is the conserva- tion of this small amount of energy that presents the greatest problem to the designer of incandescent gas lamps. PIERCE: DEVELOPMENTS IN GAS LIGHTING 169 Within the last three years a greater appreciation of the im- portance of this feature has led to the development of a type of burner having not only improved efficiency, but simpler construc- tion and fewer parts than have characterized previous types. These results are direct consequences of greater air entrainment, more thorough mixing of the gas and air, and higher nozzle velocities. In the previous types larger proportions of secondary air were required. To bring this secondary air into the flame with sufficient speed to localize the combustion area most effectively in the mantle surface and secure satisfactory efficiencies, various devices were employed notably air-hole cylinders and " stacks" to produce strong upward drafts. These accessories complicated design, in- creased maintenance expense and often interfered with adaptation of the lamps in fixture design. In the recent lamps it has been found practical to eliminate chimneys, lamp housings, stacks, etc., with no loss of efficiency. The elimination of the chimney Or cylinder removes one of the most troublesome sources of candle- power depreciation in gas lamps. Reduction of illumination of from 10 to 20 per cent, in 1000 hours' active service commonly results from the dust deposits on chimneys. Relieved from the necessity of accommodating these accessories, the designer has employed greater freedom in the development of a range of sizes, and in their application and these lamps are now made in sizes from one to six mantles and in upright, inverted and hori- zontal forms. The mantle generally used with these burners is ij in. in diameter by ij^ in. long, mounted on the common open top ring. It has been found however that with this type of burner closed top mantles 5^ X i.in., consuming about i cu. ft. of gas per hour may be used, there being no necessity for leaving a space at the top of the mantle for the egress of combustion products in excess of those which pass through the mantle mesh. This permits the use of the so-called rag or soft mantle a mantle from which the organic fabric has not been burned out, this operation, which is usually performed in the factory, being done by the purchaser. In order for the mantle to fill out properly an appreciable pressure inside the mantle is necessary. This is obtained by the use of com- pressed ah- at the factory, but on the customers' premises only the ordinary pressure within the mantle is available, and in order for this to be effective, the top of the mantle must be closed, forcing all the products through the meshes of the fabric. With the existing pressures on the customers premises, it is not practicable to 170 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE burn off and properly harden a mantle larger than % X i in. on the customers' burners. The rag mantle has many advantages. It is as soft and pliable as any other knitted fabric. It cannot be injured by handling and may be packed in a small space and transported with impunity. The lamp shown in Figs. 7 and 8 is equipped with three of these small size rag mantles and is particularly adapted to fixtures with upright outlets, as for example, those ordinarily fitted with open flame tips. The inverted lamp (that is, that in which the bunsen type projects downward from the gas orifice) requires a housing of some sort to which the shade may be attached and in which means for conducting the combustion products away from the air ports may be provided. Fig. 7. New upright burner with Fig. 8. Installation of lamp shown in inverted mantles. (Cut about one- Fig. 7. third actual size.) Until recently, the discoloration of the lamp housing and support- ing fixture arm or pendant by heat and combustion products was a serious drawback in the use of inverted gas lamps, particularly in residences and in mercantile establishments of the better class. In the latest designs this trouble has been eliminated by providing an air space between on the inner and the outer shell, and a deflector which ejects the combustion products with sufficient velocity to carry them several inches out from the top of the lamp. Figs, ga and gb show distributions of temperatures about two lamps of this type, the center of the uprising column of products being shown by the heavy line connecting the points of maximum temperature at each level. Protracted tests indicate that the elimination of fixture discoloration by this method is complete. An interesting development in the design of inverted burners is PIERCE: DEVELOPMENTS IN GAS LIGHTING 171 TEST 3761 Welsbach Testing Laboratories 3-3-'/6 J.RA. Fig. pa. Distribution of temperature about side-vent lamp consuming 2% cubic feet of gas per hour. 172 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE s* 9? iy 101 H / 9f 91 Iff IO& Iff ip 94 yf iff /$< 'F 1> f 'V 'V V if t 7 - Ijt l# 1.2 If /^7 /^ / IfT it/ iy> ip Hf. 9/ 93T 99 lOf. Iff llf 112 If2 137 / 6 If 132 122 IIZ Kjf, 92 94 9f Iff llf l*f fy I* 14.2 I4/. I4J V n 94 97 *>/ Hf 12.2 lia Ifl /f9 M Iff I3.S IV l'.3 \ | 9 9 i 9 f "If "i ^ 'V f f 'i 4 'i 8 t 9 y 7 'V "* yf 92 9f I0f 114 Ifr /J3 l{0 Ifl /f* I{J 1$ 12.3 113 I ! v "t IfO K.I I&. '"^^ 09 9J 9.4 I0f llf 130 I? Of 90 94 ICf iy /J3 I4J> !<#} IQ3 l& l$6 Iff, l\0 IQ4 9f 09 0.9 93 104 ,10 & /J3 174 ,9J !$(. llf >? 90 \ | 144 Ifl Xgl 212 179 #: Of Of 93 IOZ %3 1$. 144 109212 Zfi Ifi If} 9f 90 Of_ O9 Of 9.3 If I /f* ;f> 14.7 I9f 310 242 If I IJ4 94 O.9 Off Bf Of 9f iqp ty If 3 I4S Iff 324 X3 lf/> l& 9J 09 Of 9f 99 0? If 3 149 2O4 231 ib3 193 US S.9 Of Of 09 09 93 99 /ft ISO iSf IJ1 if? J<6 IOt Iff Of O9 <" 5^8 97 Of Of Of ^ ROOM 1 TEMPERATURE I 72* F TEST 2341 ing aboratorifs Fig. 96. Distribution of temperature about side-vent lamp consuming 9}-^ cubic feet of gas per hour. PIERCE: DEVELOPMENTS IN GAS LIGHTING 173 shown in Fig. 10. In this design both the air intakes and the vents are concealed from ordinary view, and the parts are so arranged as to permit the design of a burner exterior of unobtrusive form and attractive lines. This design has been applied to sizes ranging from 85 to 250 candle-power, arid thus accomplishes a standardization of appearance approaching that obtained by means of the standardized socket construction in incandescent electric lamps. The gas cock is operated by a single pull chain, and the complete unit possesses many features which appeal to the fixture designer as well as to the customer who wishes to avoid the use of lamps which too strongly announce by their appearance the nature of the illuminant supplied to them. These lamps together with the small upright lamp shown in Fig. 7 comprise the leading products of the most important American manufacturers of gas lamps, and it is interesting to note that in both types the tendency has been to eliminate features which emphasize to the eye the burner itself. IGNITION During the past five years several means of ignition have been attempted, the most general being electrical in the form of either a jump spark or an electrically heated platinum wire. The accessory apparatus required dry batteries, accumulators, etc., and the comparatively high cost of the ignition devices, have limited the application of even the most satisfactory of electrical systems to special conditions in which ignition of this character is particularly desirable. For several years the jump-spark system of ignition has been utilized for gas ignition. This system usually consists of a dry battery, induction coil and spark gaps, one for each lamp, ar- ranged in series. The drawbacks to this system have been the difficulty of securing proper insulation for the secondary or high- tension circuit, the high first cost of the installation, and the neces- sity for providing a separate system for distant control when the latter is required which is usually the case. A recent development, originating in and at present confined to Germany, but of sufficient interest to warrant description here, involves the use of a special form of switch which, when operated, sets in motion a vibrating contractor in the primary circuit, the vibrations persisting for a period sufficient to permit the gas, which is turned in by a magnet valve in the same circuit, to reach the lamp before the high-tension spark induced by the making and breaking of the primary circuit, 174 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE dies out. The induction coil is placed in a canopy above the lamp which also contains the magnet valve. In this system the high- tension circuit is confined to the lamp fixture. This device is absolutely positive and reliable in action, its only drawback being the high cost, a separate induction coil and magnet valve being required for each fixture (see Figs, n and 12). Many attempts have been made to utilize the catalytic action of platinum for gas ignition. In the finely divided form known as platinum black this element possesses the property of condensing oxygen upon its surface and initiating combination with hydrogen in the presence of the latter. The self-lighting mantles which sporadically appear upon the market rely upon a "pill" of platinum black upon the mantle surface to secure ignition. The catalytic action is, however, so rapidly decreased by the agglomeration of the particles of heat and other unavoidable influences, and the conse- quent reduction of catalyzing surface presented, that this expedient has never come into extended commercial application. It has been found, however, that platinum wire heated to about 5ooC. is capable of initiating the combination of hydrogen and oxygen and this fact has been utilized in the "hot-wire" ignition system (Fig. 13), in which electric current from a small dry battery or accumulator provides the heating energy. When this system was first applied a dry battery was placed in the shell, a switch being actuated by the operation of turning the gas cock. As long as the battery voltage is regulated within narrow limits the results are very satisfactory. A device of similar principle in which the heated platinum filament is used to ignite a pilot flame which in turn ignites the gas at the lamp burner, has been on the market for sometime but apparently without radically affecting the current practice in gas ignition, which is by means of a continuously burning pilot flame. The pilot-flame method is too commonly used and known to re- quire explanation. The greatest drawbacks of the earlier and in fact all but the most recent types were the cost of the gas consumed, which, though negligible in a frequently used installation, is com- paratively great in the case of lamps in active service for only a few hours per week; and the liability to outage from draughts, de- posits of pipe-scale, tar, etc. In well-operated gas works the gas is freed from the tar at the works. Where practice is poor in this particular a small filter-box is placed in the gas supply to the pilot. The asbestos packing in this filter-box which retains dust, scale, tar, etc., and can easily be removed and renewed when fouled. Fig. 10. Recent types of inverted lamps. To Switch-On .ds*. To Switch-Off Magnet Valve Canopy From Induction Coil To Spark-Plug Fig. II. Installation of magnet-valve and induction coil for distant control and jump- spark ignition. (Facing page 174.) \ Primary .Secondary / i On Magnet / Off Magnet .Ground N "Armature [JF^ Gas Cock Ground 'Lamp Around /Spark Gap Fig. 12. Wiring connections for electro-magnetic distance control and ignition of gas lamps. Fig. 13. Self-contained fixture operating by "hot-wire" ignition. PIERCE: DEVELOPMENTS IN GAS LIGHTING Pilot flames may be protected against draughts to some extent by a shield (Fig. 14) but this expedient is not sufficiently effective to render the ordinary pilot an altogether reliable means of ignition. During the past four or five years the pilot flame has been utilized to some extent as a low-intensity illumi- nant. When a small Bunsen flame is directed against the outside of a gas mantle the mantle area affected becomes to all intents and purposes a small incandescent mantle. A pilot flame of the Bunsen type consuming Lg cu. ft. per hour will if directed against a mantle, pro- duce about % horizontal candle-power, as against J candle-power for a luminous or open flame consuming gas at an equal rate. This is sufficient to enable the occupant of a room to see his way about, to find keys or pull-chains controlling the lamps, and measurably to Fig- 14- Pro- discourage those adventurers into high finance who operate at night and specialize in second-story operations. A lamp equipped with such a pilot becomes a " high-low" unit operating at "low" continuously. Such a unit has a considerable field of application but the con- sumption of 90 cu. ft. of gas per month per lamp costing 9 cents per lamp per month with gas at $1.00 per 1000 cu. ft. constitutes in many cases an obstacle to the general use of this system. In 1916 a radical development appeared in the form of a pilot (Fig. 15) consuming but J^ 6 cu. ft. per hour and of a very simple and inexpensive construc- tion. This pilot consists of a tip surrounded by a small bundle of mantle fabric saturated with salts of rare earths which have been found effective in re- taining the flame. This device possesses the remark- able property of being unaffected by breezes of 12 miles per hour, sufficient to blow a mantle of ordi- Fig. 15. Section nary size from its supporting ring. A unit contain- wit^Tame-retaS in g tnis device, combines an unfailing means of igni- ing fabric of rare tion and a continuous small intensity of illumination, 24 hours per day, at a cost of only 4.5 cents per month per lamp with gas at $1.00 per 1000 cu. ft. or 45 cents per month for 10 lamps about the number usually required in a y-room dwelling. A tabulation of pilot consumptions follows: i 7 6 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE Lamp Normal pilot cons, per hour (cu. ft.) Approx. length of flame (inches) Pilot cons, per year (cu. ft.) Normal lamp cons, per hour, (cu. ft.) Lamp cons, per year 4 hrs. daily (cu. ft.) Pilot cons, per cent, of total cons. I Burner inv. indoor Bunsen pilot O I2O y. t en i Burner upr. indoor luminous VA A fie 6 780 3 Burner inv. indoor arc, semi- *A 8 i 5 Burner inv. outdoor arc, semi- Bunsen pilot o 213 y~ l86e o 6 8 i Burner inv. indoor luminous pilot o 152 H 1331 s I AC 5 037 20 9 "Glower" pilot o 04 547 5 3 o 10* Depending on the size of lamp. It may be frankly stated that prior to the development of this device the use of gas lighting imposed a certain unavoidable sacrifice of convenience due mainly to the faultiness of existing ignition sys- tems, which may now be regarded as eliminated. DISTANT CONTROL The difficulty of controlling gas lamps from a distant point lies mainly in the necessity for controlling the flow of gas at a point near the lamp. If considerable pipe capacity is placed between the gas cock and the lamp the admission of the air in the pipe with the gas entering when the cock is turned on, may be sufficient to cause the flame to "flash back" to the orifice, and in any case the nearer the cock to the lamp the less violent the ignition of the gas. Distant control therefore necessitates means of operating a gas cock at or very near to the lamp. Usually a very small amount of energy must suffice for the actuating of the gas cock. Unfortunately, the most satisfactory type of cock is the "plug" type in which a tapered plug containing a gas-way is ground into a tapered seat, in which it turns. On account of the large bearing surfaces the friction is con- siderable, and though it may be much reduced by proper lubrica- tion, the grease used is soluble in some of the gas constituents (notably benzol), which liquefy at the temperatures occasionally met in practice and dissolve the lubricant, thereby making a con- siderable increase in the energy required to actuate the cock. Another form of valve consists of an annular knife edge making contact with a flat seat. Such a valve is easily actuated and requires PIERCE: DEVELOPMENTS IN GAS LIGHTING 177 no lubricant, but may be kept from operating by small particles of scale falling between the knife edge and its seat, thereby preventing the closing of the valve and resulting in leakage. The probability of failure through this cause may be greatly reduced by proper design, and many very satisfactory valves have been constructed upon this principle. Gas valves for remote or distant control may be actuated by air pressure, by gas pressure or by electricity. One of the 'simplest examples of the application of the former method is the pneumatic cock, consisting of a cylindrical plug with gas- way which moving axially in a cylindrical seat controls the flow of gas to the lamp. A small hand pump having a bore of about % in. and a stroke of from i to 3 in. furnishes the impulse, transmitted through a small tube of Jf 2 m - inside diameter, which moves the cock, a single im- pulse of compression or rarefaction sufficing to open and close the gas way respectively. This device is simple, inexpensive and when carefully designed, constructed and installed, reliable. Unfor- tunately most of the commercial types which have been offered, lacked the first two qualifications, and were so designed as to render the accomplishment of the third difficult. Another form of gas-pressure-actuated valve consists of an inverted bell over mercury, the bell serving as the valve proper and the mercury as the "seat." The bell is weighted so as to be lifted and sustained clear of the mercury by the gas-pressure re- quired to operate the lamp, sinking and cutting off the gas supply when the pressure is reduced below a predetermined point. The controlling valve is fitted with a by-pass which admits enough gas to supply the pilot flame at the lower pressure when the main gas supply is turned off. Valves of this type must be located at a sufficient distance from the lamp to avoid evaporation of the mercury by heat. A simple and reliable automatic shut-off for extinguishing the lamp-flame at a predetermined time consists of a clock incorporated into the gas-cock arm, the latter being in a horizontal position for turning the gas on. At the predetermined time the clock disen- gages the chain which maintains the arm horizontal, the weight of the clock and arm then closing the cock. In another type of gas-pressure-actuated valve the valve proper is a flexible metal diaphragm seating against an annular knife- edge. The space opposite the seat is connected with the main gas 178 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE supply pipe by a small controlling pipe. At any convenient point in the small controlling pipe a three-way cock is installed, which in one position, connects the main gas supply with the diaphragm cham- ber opposite the valve-seat, and in another connects the diaphragm chamber with the outer air. In the first position the pressures on either side of the diaphragm are equalized and the valve is closed. In the second position the pressure in the chamber opposite the seat is reduced to that of the atmosphere and the gas pressure on the seat side of the diaphragm opens the valve. ELECTROMAGNETIC VALVES Two forms of electrically operated valves are in commercial use in this country. In one the armatures of two electromagnets actuate a tapered plug gas cock of the ordinary type, one turning the gas on and the other off. On account of the energy required to operate a cock of this type, it is desirable that the magnet be of efficient design in order satisfactorily to utilize the limited amount of energy available from small dry batteries. Most of the com- mercial types fail to realize the possibilities of this system in this direction and these valves are principally used in interior installa- tions. They are comparatively expensive and do not enjoy exten- sive commercial use. Four ordinary dry batteries are required for one valve. In a recent valve of the electromagnet type use is made of a polar- ized core in a solenoid controlled by a reversing switch. The valve itself consists of a diaphragm seating upon an annular knife edge. The normal position of the diaphragm is in the open position, seating being accomplished by the weight of the solenoid core, assisted by a spring; current in one direction lifts the solenoid core and the diaphragm, the residual magnetism retaining the core in its upper position after the current is turned off. Current in the opposite direction overcomes the influence of the residual magnetism and permits the core to fall, closing the diaphragm against the seat. One dry cell is sufficient to operate this valve and extremely satis- factory operation has followed its commercial application. It is somewhat more expensive than the previously described type of electromagnet valve, and is limited in commercial application to the larger units with which the cost of the valve is a relatively unim- portant feature. A recently developed magnet valve is shown in Figs. i6a and i6b. PIERCE: DEVELOPMENTS IN GAS LIGHTING 179 The valve proper consists of a disc secured to the solenoid plunger by means of a ball and socket joint, ensuring accurate seating against the annular knife edge seat. A small spring secured in the plunger and bearing against the bore of the magnet spool prevents the un- Fig. i6a. Electro-magnetic gas valve, off. seating of the valve from shock or vibration. This device is always installed with the annular knife-edge in a vertical plane so as to eliminate fouling from particles of pipe scale, and the seat is further protected by a small drip in the upper part of the valve. Fig. i6&. Electro-magnetic gas valve, on. GENERAL DESIGN OF LAMP AND FIXTURES Store Lighting. The development of means for securing highly efficient incandescence of the gas mantle without chimneys, cylinders or stacks has made possible a freedom and variety in design unattain- able with the older types. As long as each mantle required enclosure l8o ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE in a chimney or cylinder, or each small group of mantles in a globe, the output of individual lighting units was limited to about 300 c.p. and the design of attractive fixtures was difficult on ac- count of the obtrusion of awkward mechanical features and the limitations imposed thereby. Figs. 17 and 18 show the burner arrangement and general appearance of new types of fixtures exem- plifying the importance of recent developments in modifying and improving semi-indirect fixture design. Figs. 19 and 20 show other semi-indirect feature designs recently produced by leading Ameri- can manufacturers. Fig. 22 shows the plan of a 20oo-c.p. semi-indirect fixture the largest modern low-pressure unit thus far constructed a type of Fig. 17. Arrangement of horizontal burners in semi-indirect fixtures. design altogether impossible with the older lamps. Several of these units are in commercial service and have given excellent satisfaction. The fixtures as installed are shown in Fig. 21. RESIDENCE-LIGHTING FIXTURES It is generally recognized that the upright mounting of lighting units is preferable for the illumination of the more conventional interiors. The inherited sense of appropriateness by the satisfaction of which aesthetic requirements are governed, is based upon the almost universal use of the flame as a light source in the past. The tendency toward the inversion of the lighting unit notable of recent years had its impulse in consideration of economy, which have in a large measure been counterbalanced by improved efficiency in the use of illuminants, reduced cost of energy, and by the increasing Fig. 1 8. Recent type of semi-indirect gas fixture. Fig. 19. Recent type of semi-indirect gas fixtures. (Facing page 180.) Fig. 20. A novel design in semi-indirect fixture. Fig. 21. 2000-c.p. fixtures installed. (The small fixtures belong to the previous installation.) 3 * fe Fig. 24. Incandescent gas-lamps arranged for lighting a photographic studio. Each lamp consumes 4^ cubic feet of gas per hour, and is fitted with a special mantle giving increased radiation at the shorter wave-lengths. PIERCE: DEVELOPMENTS IN GAS LIGHTING 181 appreciation of the semi-indirect system of illumination. In the older upright gas lamps use was made of a mantle suspended from the top and open at the bottom. The mantle, freely swinging from its support suffered mechanically from the repeated striking of the lower portion against the burner head and the life was much shorter than that of the. inverted mantle. Furthermore, the chimney re- quired was an item of expense, and a source of annoyance by reason of the cleaning required. The development of the inverted mantle upright burner before mentioned (Fig. 7) has made possible the satis- Fig. 22. Arrangement of six s-mantle burners with total candle-power of 2000 in 42-inch bowl. factory and convenient use of gas in fixtures of the type shown in Figs. 230 and 236. The foregoing have been cited merely to emphasize the important influence upon fixture design of the mechanical simplification of the lamp. Though there is nothing unusual about any of these designs they really exemplify considerable progress for they represent the removal of great handicaps. SPECIAL APPLICATIONS Although the economic position of gas and the traditional con- servatism of the industry have directed the principal developments 13 1 82 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE along the line of enhancing the value of gas lighting in existing uses and to existing customers, some interesting excursions into new fields have been conducted. A great deal of shop-window lighting has been creditably done. In one city where some efforts has been directed toward developing this use, many of the leading exclusive stores in this city use the incandescent gas lamp for show-window illumination. The greatest obstacle to the use of gas for show-window lighting has been the expense of and the space occupied by the installation, the mainte- nance of clean glassware and the liability to pilot outage, since in most cases a distributed system requiring a large number of units is preferred. PHOTOGRAPHY Through the development of a mantle of low ceria content having a large energy radiation in the violet end of the spectrum, very creditable studio-lighting has been accomplished. Fig. 24 shows a studio lighting fixture consuming about 100 cu. ft. per hour by which portraits may be taken with shutter-drop (J^ second) exposures on Orthonon plates. Although no effort has been made to exploit this system a considerable commercial demand has spontaneously arisen. The foregoing are indicative of the fact that gas lighting in its most recent development is susceptible of a much more extended and diversified use than it has enjoyed in the past, and waits only upon the expenditure of energy on commercial activity in the less fre- quently exploited fields. MODERN LIGHTING ACCESSORIES BY W. F. LITTLE The term "accessories" is here used not in its general sense, but rather according to the definition of the Committee on Nomen- clature and Standards as employed to designate reflectors, shades, globes and other devices for modifying and controlling the light produced by lamps. The usual functions of such devices are to re- direct the light; to diffuse the light; to interrupt the light in certain directions; to modify the hue of the light, or to protect the light source. Accessories in this sense are the tools with which the illumi- nating engineer works. Since 1910 development in accessories has followed principally the lines of reduced brightness and improved appearance. The in- creased brightness of light sources has led to the development of accessories which partially or entirely conceal the source. These form in themselves a secondary light source and are capable of decora- tive treatment to a degree not offered by earlier forms of accessories. Prior to 1910 control of light flux was considered to mean very largely the re-direction of the light as desired. The progress of the past six years lies in the broader definition of control which now is con- sidered to include not only control of the direction of light but also control of brightness and control of color. This extension of the functions of lighting accessories has not involved the abandonment of the most effective and flexible means of controlling direction of light, such as prismatic glass and mirror glass, but has brought about a more subtle and pleasing use of these means in combination with other means for softening and tinting the light. The development of more efficient illuminants in this interim has brought not only the necessity for concealment of sources by light- ing accessories, but also the opportunity to apply more effectively the less expensive illumination which they make possible. Acces- sories development is thus definitely involved with the improvement in light sources, without which such development would probably have been neither essential nor possible. The increased brightness of the lamps, particularly in the smaller 183 184 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE sizes, makes some protecting substance advisable. Central station interests, as well as lamp manufacturers, are experimenting with certain bulb coatings which diffuse, and others which both diffuse and tint the light. A demand is beginning to manifest itself for a glass bulb to accomplish this same purpose. Lamp accessories as above described may be made of a variety of materials and of innumerable shapes, and may still fulfil the require- ments of the foregoing. The material from which accessories are made may be classified in general as: Metal, enameled metal, glass, fabric, stone and pottery; and the shapes as: Flat, cone, bowl and miscellaneous. From the standpoint of tabulation it is rather unfortunate that so many of the accessories fall in the miscellaneous class. MATERIALS The material should be selected with the proper weighting of the several optical properties of lighting accessories, namely reflection, transmission, and diffusion. Metal. Metal accessories applied as reflecting media have many advantages, such as durability and rigidity. However, few metal surfaces retain their high reflecting power unless the reflecting surface is protected. A few surfaces, such as polished or matte satin finish aluminum, have been used with some success. Alumi- num bronze lacquer on metal is largely used, and has been found very satisfactory, particularly when properly protected from dust and moisture by a transparent coating. Aluminum finished reflectors without a protective surface have been known to depreciate 15 to 20 per cent, within a very short time, and once the surface lustre is gone the reflection coefficient is permanently impaired. The metal reflector with a porcelain or glass enameled surface has more than held its own during recent years for purely utilitarian purposes. The metal gives durability and rigidity and the enamel gives per- manency of surface. The enamel surface is made so tough that it will withstand much abuse without cracking. Metal reflectors coated with paint, or baked enamel surfaces, make a reasonably satisfactory substitute, where they are not subjected to too much moisture or great changes in temperature. However, the reflecting power deteriorates rapidly and the surface becomes yellow with age. Glass. The best all round material for lighting accessories is glass, which although brittle is beyond question the most permanent LITTLE: MODERN LIGHTING ACCESSORIES 185 available for this purpose. On account of its reflection, transmission and diffusion it is far in the lead. Clear glass, with mirror backing, furnishes a combination of excellent qualities, such as permanency and efficiency. Fabrics. Silks, satins, chintz, etc., are much used for decorative effects where efficiency and permanency are not of importance or where they can be protected against depreciation. Stone. Marble, alabaster and several other minerals have been used to some extent where richness and distinction are sought. Pottery. Pottery is used where decorative effects and not efficiency are desired. Mirror reflectors are sometimes used in such accessories, thus greatly increasing their efficiency. USES The uses to which lighting accessories are put may be divided into four main classes: (i) utilitarian, (2) utilitarian and semi-decorative, (3) semi-utilitarian and decorative and (4) purely decorative. Utilitarian. The utilitarian accessory may be designated as one whose main functions are efficiency, light control, and in some cases color value, without serious regard to the appearance of the unit. Usually the accessory is a reflector, and in a few cases a shade or globe. Under this classification will be found a wide variation of materials and types such as: Enamel, aluminum, aluminum bronze, white glass, mirror glass and clear glass. Among the most practical is the white enameled steel reflector. Its permanency and durability of surface and practical indestructibility, coupled with its high coefficient of reflection and diffusion, have caused it to be very widely used. Aluminum and aluminum bronze reflectors fulfill most of the functions of the enameled reflector, with slightly better light control, though the permanency of surface even when protected is not so good. White diffusing glass, where protected from breakage, is efficient and durable. Mirror and prismatic reflectors, by reason of their flexibility of light control have a field of usefulness. Clear blue glass units for color matching also fall in this class. Utilitarian and Semi-Decorative. The utilitarian and semi-decora- tive lighting accessories must be reasonably efficient, accurate in light control, and present an appearance which is unobjectionable. Of this class the majority of accessories are reflectors, a few are bowls, and a few globes, and as a rule these are made of white, clear and mir- rored glass. For this purpose the white diffusing glass is perhaps 1 86 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE most, used, though prismatic and mirrored glass are also employed and in some cases the "crystal roughed inside" globe is still retained. Decorative and Semi- Utilitarian. In the decorative and semi-utili- tarian class the principal functions necessary are, a thoroughly satis- factory appearance and a reasonable degree of efficiency and effec- tiveness. The effectiveness must not only be measured by the ratio of output to input, but also in terms of light control and satis- faction. Light control in this connection is not necessarily light re- direction, but is the securing of the proper balance or weighting of reflection, transmission, and diffusion. This class embraces the reflector, the transparent, translucent and opaque bowl, and the transparent and translucent globe. It is therefore essential that a wide range in these qualities be available. The materials from which these are usually made are: white, clear and mirrored glass, tinted or colored glass and fabrics. In this class may be placed the white diffusing glass where transmission and diffusion are important; the prismatic and mirrored glass where control and efficiency are im- portant; tinted or colored glass, and fabrics where colored light and decorations are required. Decorative. The decorative accessory may be of such varied con- struction, design or material that it may include anything from the bare light source to the most inefficient and highly absorbing media. It includes the reflector, the shade, the bowl, the globe and other forms which cannot be classified. In many cases the decorative feature is all-important and the illuminating value is a secondary consideration. The materials from which these accessories are made are: white, tinted or colored glass, iridescent and art glass, fabrics, stone and pottery. The white glass, tinted with a superficial coating of enamel, paint, or iridescent glass, is much used. This superficial coating may be etched away, making innumerable possi- bilities for ornamentation; or the white glass may be employed in its usual form with the walls of the accessory varied in thickness, in order to bring out the decoration in relief. The use of colored glass, iridescent glass, art glass, fabrics and pottery is extensive in this type of accessory, and glass has supplanted to a considerable extent the metal work formerly utilized. STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS The glass used for lighting accessories may be divided into four structural types: Clear glass, opal glass, cased glass and suspension glass. The clear or crystal glass is used in the manufacture of prism, LITTLE: MODERN LIGHTING ACCESSORIES 187 " ground" and "daylight" accessories; the white, "opal" type of glass for accessories in which the complete mix is homogeneous; the cased glass, in which is a combination of the crystal or colored glass and refined opal, and "diffusing" glass which may be described as crystal glass with small reflecting particles held in suspension (ala- baster type). With these four types of glassware the manufacturers make prac- tically all of the more popular grades of accessories. To be sure each manufacturer has his own way of treating his product, and his own slight variation of the mix and firing in order to give some character- istic finish. "The crystal glass is the ordinary clear glass when applied to illuminat- ing glassware. This must not be confused with other crystal glass which is used for cut glass, tableware, etc. The former is a common flint glass with no particular brilliancy, and is of a more or less inferior quality in so far as the glass itself is concerned. In the latter case, the glass is a highly refined decolored prismatic glass, having unusual brilliancy. As the commoner type of crystal glass meets all the requirements for illuminating purposes, it is generally adopted for this class of work." 1 The opal type of glass is the basis of a large portion of all diffusing glass, and is made in a number of degrees of refinement, from the cheapest muddy white glass, as used in the earliest type of flat- shades, to the refined opal used for casing purposes. Very different and varied effects can be secured by surface treatment, and by vary- ing the thickness of different portions of the glass. The thin por- tions show in many cases a fiery red; the thicker ones a pure white transmission. This characteristic is frequently taken advantage of in working the design in the glassware. On the other hand opal glass may be so made that it gives almost a pure white light transmission. With the refinement comes a more nearly perfect diffusion, and the glass usually becomes more dense. With the increased density the flashing or cased process is usually employed. The casing may be either on the inside, outside, or on both sides of the crystal glass, and the layer of casing may be as thin or thick as desired, thus giving a large range in transmission and diffusion. The surface treatment may be an acid etch (wax or satin finish), a sand blast, or a superficial tinting applied with an air brush or other means, and fired in, making a fairly permanent surface. The tint- ing may be shaded off by spraying the surface at an angle so that shades and shadows are produced. The glass may also be covered i Contributed by Mr. A. Douglas Nash. 1 88 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE with an enamelled tinted surface which is frequently etched away in patterns. Other methods of treating the surface, such as chipped glass, make very effective finishes. The chipping process is accom- plished by covering the surface of the roughed glass with a specially prepared mucilage or glue, and then placing the glass in a furnace and allowing the paste to shrink away, pulling small particles of the glass with it. The opal glass is suitable for all classes of manufac- ture, while the cased glass is made only by the blown process. Tinted glass may be made having the same structure and char- acteristics as the white opal, the tinting being in the glass and making a homogeneous mass. This glass is of course selective in reflection and transmission, and therefore not highly efficient. However, it has possibilities as a practical lighting glassware, where color effects are desirable. The alabaster type (sometimes called phosphate or alumina glass), or crystal glass holding small reflecting particles in suspension, forms the basis of many diffusing accessories. This glass may be made in varying degrees of density, from almost transparent to almost opaque. It may be either blown or pressed. The formulas and methods of. working this glass are varied so that each manufacturer may secure his characteristic types. Glass is produced with particles so fine that the mass appears homogeneous, or the particles may be sufficiently large to be readily seen. The texture may present a pure white appearance, or a watery appearance. It may be left as it is taken from the iron mold, or it may be finished with a high gloss or fire polish. When blown this glass is usually thin, highly translucent, and in many cases poor in diffusing qualities. When pressed it is usually more dense, and better in diffusing qualities. A tinted glass of this same character has been produced, but up to the present time there has been but little on the market. Some effort has been made to secure perfect diffusion from clear crystal glass. This, of course, would show a very high transmission value with very little absorption. However, it will probably have the disadvantage of appearing as bright as the light source in numer- ous small spots. This same phenomenon manifests itself to a con- siderable extent in prismatic glass, particularly where the prisms are not sharply cut. MANUFACTURE Metal. The processes of manufacture of metal accessories need but little explanation. However, they may be classified as follows : LITTLE: MODERN LIGHTING ACCESSORIES 189 Process. Spinning and pressing. Finishing. Polishing, etching, spraying, and enameling. The metal reflectors are either spun on a form or pressed in a die. The finishes consist of polishing the metal, scratch brushing or acid etching the aluminum surfaces, or spraying aluminum bronze on the surface and enameling with porcelain or paint. A consider- able increase in the life of the aluminum surface is secured by the use of a transparent coating which prevents the removal of the alum- inum when cleaning and there are no roughened surfaces to accu- mulate dust. The porcelain enamel is applied as a liquid, and fired in the furnace, each reflecting surface receiving at least five coats, each coat individually fired. Glass. The glass accessories are manufactured from the different types of glass already described, by the following processes: blown, pressed, pressed-blown, cased, bent and offhand. Blown Process. The blown process consists of blowing a bubble of the glass in an iron or paste mould. The paste mould process is used whenever the accessory may be rotated in the mould; namely when smooth and without design. This mould is made of iron lined with paste. The rotating not only eliminates the seam in the glass but produces a highly polished surface. Where a pattern or design is traced on the accessory, an iron mould without a paste lining is used. In this case a seam corresponding to the parting of the mould will usually be found on the glass, and where a high polish is desired the accessory must be fire polished. The fire polishing is accom- plished by re-heating the glass almost to the point of fusion and cool- ing it slowly. The pressed process consists of placing the glass in the mould and pressing it by means of various shapes and types of plungers. The blown process is one of expansion or stretching, while the pressed process is one of compression. The blown accessory has its two sur- faces, inside and out, parallel, and the glass is of approximately the same thickness throughout, while the inside surface of a pressed accessory does not necessarily conform to the outside surface, thus giving a wall of varied thickness. Casing or flashing of glass consists of superimposing upon a core two or more layers of glass of different kind or structure. The cas- ing is done while the glass is on the blow tube. The very nature of this glass means that each layer has its own coefficient of expansion, which may differ from the adjacent layers. Therefore, the annealing process is more difficult, and after installa- 1 90 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE tion the ordinary cased glass may not be subjected to changes in temperature as great as in a glass of a homogeneous structure. How- ever, if it is possible to secure the cases of glass having the same expansion characteristics the finished product compares favorably with that from a homogeneous mix, even though subjected to exces- sive temperature changes. Many accessories are made of flat glass bent to the desired shape. The bending process is accomplished by making metal moulds lined with paste or chalk, laying the glass over the mould, and placing it in an oven which brings the glass slowly to the proper temperature so that it falls of its own weight, taking the shape of the mould. This does not change the texture or structure of the glass. The bent glass form may be cut and leaded to make a unit, or it may be left as taken from the mould. Another operation which has proven very satisfactory and a great time-saver in the manufacture of globes is the pressed-blown process. A mould is made cone-shaped with a rounded tip, the top having the proper dimension for the opening in the globe. A blank is formed in this mould and while soft and plastic, placed in a second mould and the cone-shaped form is blown by compressed air to the desired shape. This process insures a greater uniformity in the accessory and retains the characteristics of blown glass. "In the off-hand, or hand-made process, the glass is gathered in much the same way as in the two previous methods. 1 So called moulds are some- times used to produce characteristic designs or marks on the glass itself. However, in this case, the piece of glass is dipped into these moulds before blowing, so that the raised portions chill more rapidly and retain this design during the process of making. In the case of opalescent glass, this treatment is of manifest advantage, as it results in the chilling of the raised portions. When the mass is re-heated, the chilled portions become more opaque than the core, and when completely blown, the design in the mould is shown on the piece by reason of this added opacity. This method of dipping is also used in the case of mould blown glassware, and has a tendency when blown into a paste-mould, of throwing the design or corrugations to the inside, giving a very effective lens-like appearance to the design. Hand-made glass lends itself to much more effective manipu- lation than any other process. Venetian glass has always been made in this way. Opportunities are offered for applying either to the core or semi-finished product designs in various colored glasses. When applied to the core, they produce designs which enlarge with the blowing of the piece, and the ultimate effect is a flat design in color. When applied to 1 Contributed by Mr. A. Douglas Nash. LITTLE: MODERN LIGHTING ACCESSORIES 191 the semi-finished product the design is in relief, this latter method is elaborated upon by certain manufacturers by the use of pincers or some other suitable tool to form the applied glass into various shapes, producing very elaborate results. The well-known Salviati glass is the best example of a production of this character. In the production of Favrile glass, both methods are used. Owing to the fact that the coloring of glass has a tendency to somewhat change its chemical characteristics, these processes require unusual care in annealing, and in the production of some effects, the loss on this account is very great. The annealing of glass is very important, each piece requiring a sufficient period of time to cool. The larger and thicker the piece the slower the cooling process. The annealing of large pieces is most important as they are usually thick and heavy and breakage after installation may be serious, not only as to cost but also from a stand- point of safety. "This argument leads to the matter of annealing as applied to all classes of glassware used for lighting purposes. 1 The modern use of large units has led many manufacturers to adopt special means of annealing. In normal glassware, the annealing process should take not less than twenty-four hours, during which time the article should be very gradually reduced from its working temperature to atmospheric temperature, but additional time should be given to this when the weight or size of the article varies as in the case of pressed glass. The imperfectly annealed article may break from no apparent cause. OPTICAL PROPERTIES Reflection. The coefficient of reflection as defined by the Committee on Nomenclature and Standards of the Illuminating Engineering Society is: "the ratio of total luminous flux reflected by a surface to the total lumin- ous flux incident upon it. ... The reflection from a surface may be regular, diffuse or mixed. In perfect regular reflection all of the flux is reflected from the surface at an angle of reflection equal to the angle of incidence. In perfect diffuse reflection the flux is reflected from the sur- face in all directions in accordance with Lambert's cosine law. In most practical cases there is a superposition of regular and diffuse reflection. "Coefficient of regular reflection is the ratio of the luminous flux reflected regularly to the total incident flux. " Coefficient of diffuse reflection is the ratio of the luminous flux re- flected diffusely to the total incident flux." Polished metal, mirror, clear and prismatic glass in fact any highly polished surface follow the law of regular reflection and the coefficient varies with the perfection of the surface and angle of incidence. 1 Contributed by Mr. A. Douglas Nash. I Q2 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE Enamel and white glass with polished surface follow both laws of reflection, while matte surfaces such as aluminum bronze, depolished or rough glass, normally tend to follow the law of diffuse reflection. No surface will produce perfect diffusion for the reason that all surfaces reflect regularly to some extent. The quantity of diffuse reflection will vary to some extent according to the perfection of the surface. Transmission. The light transmission through glass will depend upon its density, its surface and index of refraction. Referring to the Fresnal formula 1 for light transmission through glass, it is seen that through the ordinary sheet of glass whose index of refraction is 1.5, there can be only 92 per cent, of light transmission, neglecting absorption. This is for the reason that approximately 4 per cent, of the incident flux is reflected from each surface. Some recent experiments in the oxidation of glass surfaces show an apparent re- duction in the index of refraction of the outer surface which has reduced this reflection from 8 per cent, to approximately 3 per cent. This apparent change in refractive index when applied to a lens does not in any way change its focal length. Light may be transmitted through glass in several different ways, as 1. Transmission without redirection. 2. Transmission with redirection without diffusion. 3. Transmission with redirection and diffusion. Transmission without redirection is the transmission of light through clear glass having both sides parallel. Transmission with redirection without diffusion is the phenomenon secured with the use of totally reflecting prisms and mirror. Transmission with redirection and diffusion is that which is secured when light is passed through roughed or ground crystal glass or through white diffusing glass. The degree of redirection and dif- fusion in white glass is dependent upon the quality of the glass and character of the surface. The absorption of light in glass is a difficult property to measure. It has been stated that the absorption of light in clear optical glass is approximately 3 per cent, per inch. Light absorption in glass is the difference between total flux of light on the glass and reflected light plus transmitted light. Table I-IV shows the per cent, of light reflected, transmitted and absorbed for various flat and nearly flat samples of clear 1 Fresnal formula, "Light Transmission through Telescopes" F. Kollmorgan, paper read before the New York Section of the Illuminating Engineering Society, Jan. 13, 1916. LITTLE: MODERN LIGHTING ACCESSORIES 193 and diffusing glass and the per cent, reflected for opaque surfaces. These values are indicative only of the range in reflection and trans- mission for the several classes of surfaces and materials, for the reason that the perfection of the surfaces and the thickness of the glass may not, and in some cases do not, represent average condi- tions. Further, the values of absorption represent the per cent, absorbed of the total flux falling upon the glass, and not the per cent, absorption of the light which enters the glass; for instance, the Cal- cite sample reflects 80 per cent., therefore 20 per cent, enters the glass and 7 per cent, is transmitted, or 65 per cent, of the light entering the glass is absorbed. TABLE I. PER CENT. REFLECTED, OPAQUE MATERIAL; LIGHT INCIDENT AT 20 Per cent, reflection New Aluminum Bronze (unprotected) CA Corrugated Mirror . So Polished Brass 60 Polished nickel plate 64 Polished silver plate QO Polished Aluminum 67 Baked White Enamel (Paint) 72 High Gloss Porcelain Enamel 78 Mat Surface Porcelain Enamel, Sample No. i 70 Mat Surface Porcelain Enamel, Sample No. 2 76 Regular Surface Porcelain Enamel, Sample No i 77 Regular Surface Porcelain Enamel, Sample No. 2 75 * Silvered Mirror 83 * Uranium Glass Silvered Mirror 70 Mirrors supplied by C. A. Matisse. TABLE II. PER CENT. REFLECTED, TRANSMITTED, AND ABSORBED, CRYSTAL GLASS; LIGHT INCIDENT AT 20 Thickness (mm.) Per cent, reflected Per cent, trans- mitted Per cent, absorbed 4 M "Pebbled" smooth side rough side " Roughed" smooth side rough side 18 13 25 17 81 69 I 6 3* 7 "Cathedral" Glass smooth side., rough side "Clear" 25 20 II 74 88 i i 13 194 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE TABLE III. PER CENT. REFLECTED, TRANSMITTED AND ABSORBED; LIGHT INCIDENT AT 20 Thick- ness (mm.) Sample Dense Medium Light Per cent, ref. Per cent. trans. 1j) ;r cent, ref. ,r cent, rans. tH 03 ;r cent, ref. ;r cent, rans. c PH PH * PH PH PH 2 2 2 2 2 4 4' 3 3 4 4 4 3 2 4 3 9 4 2 2 7 6 6 6 3 Opal glass Blanco R.O.*. 25 39 39 49 48 49 48 50 43 54 50 66 69 56 5 8 5 9 4 2 7 Blanco* Acmelite* Monex No. i . j .. 46 44 46 Monex No. 2 Sudan: * Polished side 59 57 59 56 29 29 12 12 Depolished side. . Magnolia R. O.:* Polished side Depolished side Radiant* Calcite No. i: Polished side Iridescent side Calcite No. 2: Polished side Iridescent side 80 78 79 76 7 12 13 19 74 70 12 14 Milk glass: Polished side. . . . Roughed side . . Veluria* Equalite: Polished side 66 64 26 26 36 36 8 10 48 Semi-polished side Cased glass Polycase * Camia*. Acme Cased* Sheet Glass Celestialite (Three Layers) Suspension glass Parian Treated (R.I.) * 54 26 20 Parian Pressed* Carrara* 33 4 6 9 30 29 37 Blown Alba No i 2 48 48 45 43 43 48 46 4 8 Blown Alba No. 2 Pressed Alba No. i Pressed Alba No. 2 AlbaR. O. No. i: Smooth side, 56 42 Rough side. . Alba R. 0. No. 2: Smooth side Rough side Druid* * Samples slightly curved. Values therefore questionable. LITTLE: MODERN LIGHTING ACCESSORIES ic TABLE IV. PER CENT. REFLECTED, TRANSMITTED AND ABSORBED IRIDES- CENT ART GLASS; LIGHT INCIDENT AT 20 ^7 |i| Sample Per cent, reflected Percent, transmitted Per cent, absorbed Gold.. . 13 43 50 29 4 21 10 2 66 6l 94 Silver on Opal Gold on Opal Pink on Opal Deep Blue PER CENT. REFLECTED, TRANSMITTED AND ABSORBED, ROUGH ART GLASS; LIGHT INCIDENT AT 20 M Art Fire Opal: polished side smooth side 17 29 15 14 68 57 ANALYSIS OF LIGHT LOSSES IN ENCLOSING FIXTURES The light lost in the several parts of a fixture is shown in the following tabula- tion. The tests have been made on two street lighting fixtures. (a) Loss of light in housing 16 per cent. Loss of light in glassware 16 per cent. Loss of light in complete fixture 36 per cent. (b) Loss of light in housing 18 per cent. Loss of light in glassware 15 per cent. Loss of light in complete fixture 37 per cent. It will be noted that the sum of the losses in the glassware and housing is less than the loss in the complete unit. This is occasioned by the fact that the globe reflects additional light into the housing, thus increasing the loss in the housing. SKYLIGHT GLASS 1 The glass in plate form used in ceiling windows or the so-called "skylights" backed by lamps is receiving more attention than here- tofore. Crystal glass with various diffusing surfaces is available in sufficient characteristic forms to enable the engineer to secure al- most any light distribution required, from the slightly diffusing to the widely distributing. Also the surface may be covered with prisms to bend and redirect the rays of light. 1 1. E. S. Transactions, Vol. 9, page ion, "Lighting of Rooms through Translucent Glass Ceilings." by Evan J. Edwards. 196 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE REFLECTOR DESIGN With the more concentrated light sources as found in the gas- filled tungsten or "Mazda C" lamps conies more accurate light control from reflectors. Also the problem of reflector design is simplified. Remembering that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence wherever the surface follows the law of regu- lar reflection, it is obvious that the widely distributing light dis- tribution may be secured in either of two ways, viz: The rays may cross, or diverge. If they are to cross, a deep reflector must be used and a large percentage of the light impinges upon the reflecting surfaces. Conversely if the rays diverge little light falls upon the reflecting surface. Thus less control is secured. Obviously, therefore, the crossed rays allow a more accurate light control and at the same time tend toward a better concealment of the bright source. The concentrating reflector must produce more or less parallel rays, and therefore, must approach the parabolic in shape. The majority of types of light distribution range between these two. Therefore, the surfaces need but slight modification to secure the required results. As a rule when properly designed the deeper the reflector the better the control and greater the light loss. To produce a predetermined light distribution with a diffusely reflecting surface is more difficult and sometimes impossible. How- ever, the same principle is followed. No symmetrical reflector, or one whose surface is a surface of revolution, will increase to any marked degree the light in a hori- zontal direction about a lamp. The so-called deflector was designed with this idea in view, with a surface parabolic in shape and the source in the focus. But in order that a fair percentage of the light should fall upon it its diameter would have to be so great as to make it impracticable. An unnecessary loss is experienced in many accessories by trapping the light. This is very likely to be serious with the ventilated units for Mazda C lamps. The top of the accessory is usually closer to the filament than any other portion and subtends a larger solid angle of light, and therefore should be most active and valuable in light reflection. If this surface is not of the proper contour to throw the light out, the light loss in the unit may be excessive. LITTLE: MODERN LIGHTING ACCESSORIES 197 PHOTOMETRIC PROPERTIES Metal Accessories. The metal accessories have kept pace with the change in lamp design and construction. With practically each change in filament dimension, shape or location it has been necessary to re-design the reflector. With the advent of the Mazda C lamp many changes were necessary. Aluminum Finished Reflector. The aluminum finished reflectors are essentially indoor accessories of the utilitarian type. They are made in deep and shallow cones and bowls, angle, trough or show- Fig, i. Aluminum finished reflectors. case reflectors, and produce a complete range in distribution char- acteristics from the widely distributing to the moderately concentrat- ing. They are designed for practically all types of electric lamps from the lo-watt Mazda B to the large sizes of Mazda C. In Fig. i are shown characteristic candle-power distribution curves for bowl type accessories; the light loss to be expected in this type of reflector varies from 20 to 40 per cent. Porcelain Enameled Steel. The enameled steel accessory is some- what similar to the aluminum finished with a slightly increased re- flector coefficient. It has a wider application, as it may be used in or out of doors. It is made in all of the conventional reflector I g8 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE shapes, and in addition, is designed for numerous asymmetric distributions, where large flat vertical surfaces are to be evenly illuminated. The light control is not as accurate as with the alumi- num surface due to the diffusing qualities of the enamel. Many of the reflectors, particularly of the deep bowl type, which are used with the large sizes of Mazda C lamps are constructed with ventilating hoods, and as they are frequently used with enclosing glassware the ventilation feature is doubly important. However, this ventilating feature is regarded by the manufacturer as becom- ing less important as the lamps are now constructed. Where re- Fig. 2. Porcelain enamel reflectors. quired, enameled accessories without ventilators may be used with enclosing gas or vapor-proof glass envelopes. Some of the types of deep bowls have been constructed with fluted surfaces for the purpose of eliminating bright streaks. These flut- ings or corrugations also add to the rigidity of the reflector. Charac- teristic candle-power distribution curves for these reflectors are shown in Fig. 2. The loss of light for enameled accessory will vary from 15 to 35 per cent. Painted Enameled Reflectors. The painted enameled reflectors are made in shapes similar to the more common types of porcelain enameled reflectors. However, their chief quality is cheapness. The connecting link between the metal and glass accessories is the Figs. 3 and 4. Connecting link between metal and glass accessories. Fig. 5. Prismatic semi-indirect unit. (Facing page 198.) Fig. 6. Typical modern fixtures Fig. 7. Fixture to which may be attached a choice from a number of interchangeable bowls. LITTLE: MODERN LIGHTING ACCESSORIES 199 metal hood and enclosing or semi-enclosing glassware (Figs. 3 and 4). Many decorative and semi-decorative units have been designed embodying a hood or holder to which is attached the socket and glassware. GLASS ACCESSORIES The glass accessories lend themselves to practically all lighting purposes and are made up in innumerable designs. Unfortunately, however, with few exceptions the accessory is made to meet the ideas or tastes of the designer with little or no consideration for the light distribution. Among the exceptions, may be cited most prismatic and mirrored reflectors. Clear Glass. Clear glass is used in the manufacture of a number of types of accessories, namely: Clear; ground or etched; cut; pris- matic, and mirrored. Clear accessories are usually globes, the principal function of which is the protection of the light source. Ground or etched accessories in some cases lend themselves to decoration, but it is regrettable that they must be classed as lighting accessories, as their diffusion is poor and light-redirecting qualities practically nil. The only excuse for the existence of the cut accessory is to serve as a medium of decoration, though in a few units it produces some sparkle and life. Its redirecting qualities are, usually of little importance. The so-called "daylight" unit is properly an accessory, which, when used with an artificial illuminant, will produce a light equiva- lent in color to daylight (north sky or sunlight). This corrective process usually consists in the use of the subtractive method of color correction or the reduction of all of the light in proportion to the ratio of the blue in the artificial light to the blue in daylight. The blue in most artificial illuminants is approximately 10 per cent, of north sky or 20 per cent, of sunlight. Therefore, the maximum theoretical efficiency obtainable is 10 per cent, for north sky, and 20 per cent, for sunlight. However, where a whiter light is required than that produced by the bare lamp, it has been found satisfactory to employ an accessory which absorbs not over 50 per cent. This unit, of course, must not be regarded as a color-matching unit. A slight reduction in the red component frequently produces a very noticeable change in the apparent color of fabrics, particularly where the blues predominate. 200 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE Glass manufacturers have taken advantage of this fact and have made accessories with a thin casing of blue glass, usually on the inside, thus not changing the appearance of the unit during the day- light hours, -but at night producing a somewhat whiter light than would otherwise be secured. One claim for these modified units is that the light apparently mixes to better advantage with daylight or twilight than the light from the unmodified unit. When a unit producing true daylight is to be installed where it can be contrasted with the unmodified artificial light, it appears very blue and observers do not believe it to produce light of real daylight quality. From tests made at the Electrical Testing Laboratories there is an indication that transparent colored glass and gelatine increases in absorption toward the blue end of the spectrum. The following table shows the transmission values for red, green and blue light through corresponding colors in glass and gelatine. Color of substance Color of light Per cent, transmitted Jena glass Wratten filter Red . Red. 92 55 30 90 36 23 Green Green Blue Blue Both the glass and the gelatine filters were supposedly designed for monochromatic light transmission, and the difference in trans- mission values between the two substances is probably accounted for in that the color in one case is purer than in the other ; therefore, more nearly monochromatic. This absorption of light militates further against the efficient production of an accurate daylight unit by the subtractive method. Prismatic Accessories. Unlike the majority of accessories, the prismatic units are usually designed according to carefully worked out prototype curves. Light control is accomplished by the use of totally reflecting prisms which follow the general contour of the glass. Furthermore, prisms may be refracting as well as reflecting. In some units results have been secured by the use of both kinds of prisms. If the contour of the glass and shape of the prisms are properly formed, almost any light distribution may be secured. LITTLE: MODERN LIGHTING ACCESSORIES 201 Corrugations have been placed in glass for the purpose of diffusing light. These corrugations have been frequently called diffusing prisms. Prismatic accessories are made in numerous designs, each having its characteristic distribution and function to fulfill. The conven- tional forms of prismatic reflectors are well known; therefore, only the newer types are here discussed. Totally enclosing prismatic units are made to control the light quite as accurately as the pris- matic reflector with but slightly increased loss. In this way the light source can be entirely enclosed and still secure the desired light distribution. Combinations of prismatic glass with white diffusing glass make possible light control and elimination of glare such as would be impossible with either one alone (Fig. 5) . A so-called semi- direct unit has recently been developed consisting of a prismatic reflector designed after a prototype curve using a clear glass or "velvet" finish glass envelope conforming closely to the contour of the reflector. Between these two is placed any fabric or paper to correspond with the surrounding decorations. With this unit it is possible to secure almost any desired ratio between the direct and indirect components of light unit brightness and at the same time secure decoration and color effects from the transmitted light. Asymmetric prismatic reflectors have a large field of usefulness. The refractor unit is notable in that it will to a marked degree re- direct a large portion of the light at or near the horizontal. This accessory has also been made in the form of a band refractor which intercepts only the light above the horizontal, and this light may be redirected wherever required, adding considerably to the light in the lower hemisphere. The band carrying the refracting prisms is sur- rounded by a second band carrying corrugations or ribbings which diffuse the light in a plane normal to the surface, this producing a nearly uniform brightness over the entire band rather than a bright spot at its center. An enclosing prismatic accessory is made with a standard reflector for the upper portion and refracting prisms for the lower portion. The refracting prisms break up and redirect the light falling upon them, thus helping to eliminate excessive glare. The same general function is performed by the reflector-refractor, which with its combination of reflecting and refracting prisms breaks up and redirects the light as desired. A range in candle-power distribution curves which may be secured from prismatic accessories is shown in Fig. 8. To the left is an 202 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE Fig. 8. Prismatic reflectors. Fig. 9. Prismatic accessories. LITTLE: MODERN LIGHTING ACCESSORIES 203 asymmetric reflector, the center a concentrating type, the right a distributing type. The losses to be expected in these reflectors range -from 12 to 14 per cent. In Fig. 9 to the right will be found a reflector-refractor showing a loss of light of about 20 per cent, thus showing large redirection from an enclosing medium with a relatively small loss. To the left will be found the candle-power distribution characteristic of a semi- indirect prismatic unit (see Fig. 5). Mirrored Accessories. The mirrored reflector, as in the case of the prismatic, is usually designed to produce a predetermined light Fig. 10. Mirrored reflectors. distribution. Its efficiency is high and light control excellent. The problem, however, is to retain a permanent reflecting surface. This is a comparatively simple matter where not subjected to excessive heat or moisture. Deterioration from the former cause has proven a very formidable obstacle since the widespread use of the Mazda C lamp. The mirror reflector must consistently follow the changes in lamp construction, filament location and design, for the reason that it functions by the principle of regular reflection. Therefore its efficiency is closely related to its contour and location of light center. With the introduction of the concentrated filament it was 204 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE found that the corrugations in the reflectors made for the Mazda B lamps were not sufficiently fine or numerous to prevent bright streaks. This led to the development of a new series of reflectors with very fine waves or corrugations. The flat corrugated mirror strips in trough reflectors are still much used. With this type of reflector extremely accurate light control in a plane normal to the axis of the reflector can be secured, as the strips can be made as wide or as narrow as desired and each installation may have a particular reflector designed for it. In Fig. 10 is shown characteristic distributions of mirrored acces- sories. The light loss in these units is from 15 to 20 per cent. Diffusing Glassware. Diffusing glassware as used in lighting ac- cessories furnishes a wide range in reflection, transmission and diffu- sion, and this range may be varied to a considerable extent in any one type of glassware by changing its density, its thickness, its sur- face and its contour. Added flexibility is frequently secured by coating the glass with a white enamel. The enameled surface has a high reflecting power and low transmission. Opal glass is used in the manufacture of reflectors, bowls and globes. By the proper selection of thickness and densities varied effects may be secured. The dense opal accessory when properly shaped may produce an excellent reflector so far as light control is concerned. When used in bowls it can be thin with high transmission or dense with little transmission. The diffusing qualities are very good, particularly in all cases when the surfaces are roughed. Per cent, reflected Per cent. transmitted Dense (4 samples) 80 to 76 7 to 12 Medium (2 samples) 74 to 70 12 Light (9 samples) CO to 4^ 2O to 40 The characteristic candle-power distributions to be expected from bowl reflectors of the opal type are shown in Fig. n. To the left is the pressed reflector; to the right is the blown. The light loss in these reflectors ranges from 12 to 20 per cent. Accessories made of cased glass are usually of the totally enclosing type as its principal purpose is high transmission coupled with good diffusion. Some so-called reflectors are made of cased glass but they LITTLE: MODERN LIGHTING ACCESSORIES 205 should rightly be classed among the shades. Occasionally the cas- ings are made sufficiently thick to reduce the transmission to a com- paratively low figure. Bowls have been made of cased glass but the units are usually un- satisfactory, resulting in a very high brightness and small reflection. Fig. ii. Opal reflectors. Per cent, reflected Per cent, transmitted Dense (i sample, 3-layer glass) T4 26 Medium (2 samples) 36 Light (2 samples) 48 43 to 50 Fig. 12 shows a characteristic candle-power distribution for a cased glass bowl reflector. It will be noticed that the transmission is high and reflection low, the loss in this type being approximately 8 per cent. The active interest in diffusing glassware found its beginning in the suspension type. Other diffusing accessories were made in opal, cased and roughed crystal glass, but not until the development of 2O6 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE the alabaster type did the use of diffusing glassware receive its full impetus. The flexibility of this glassware makes it particularly valuable. Fig. 12. Cased glass reflector. Fig. 13. Suspension glass accessories. LITTLE: MODERN LIGHTING ACCESSORIES 207 Per cent, reflected Per cent, transmitted Dense (2 samples) .. <;6 32 to 4.2 Medium (5 samples). 4.8 to 4.1 46 to 48 Light (5 samples) 37 to 29 69 to 50 In Fig. 12 will be seen candle-power distributions for suspension glass accessories. To the left are two types of distribution curves both showing considerable transmission and comparatively little re- flection. The loss in these accessories varies from 8 to 12 per cent. To the right is a suspension glass dish. The loss in this accessory is ii per cent. Suspension glass lends itself readily to either blown or pressed accessories made in either iron or paste molds. As its -density varies from the almost transparent to the almost opaque, so also do its diffusive qualities. In the dense glassware fairly accurate light control may be secured. Therefore, it is used to good advantage in reflectors and bowls and the less dense glass is used in globes. FIXTURES The problem of good fixture design is complex and few designers approach it from the same standpoint. The introduction of bowls of diffusing glassware has to a very considerable extent curtailed the demand for the conventional (old-fashioned) fixture. This curtail- ment has been obviously caused by the entrance into the field of the glass manufacturer. In many cases the glass superseded the metal work in fixture. Had the fixture houses been as active in pushing the glass bowl type of unit as they were in pushing older, more con- ventional types, it probably would not have been necessary for the glass manufacturer to enter the field, and the types of fixtures might have followed a different style of design. The fixture business may be divided into two principal classifica- tions, the stock fixture and the special fixture. The stock fixture follows to some extent a definite period design. The special fixture is supposedly made to harmonize with a particular environment. As examples of the type of recent stock fixtures might be cited the can- delabra wall bracket, usually using frosted round bulb electric lamps; the center candelabra chandelier, similarly equipped; the chandelier in the ring or bracket form using the same round bulb frosted lamps; 208 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE the dome in art glass or silk; the table lamp with glass or silk shades, Fig. 6. Possibly the only characteristic shape on the table lamp shade of silk is that of the frustum of a cone with the top diameter only slightly less than the bottom. The officers of a much imitated fixture house which boasts of the pick of the trade and carries no stock fixtures assert that there has been no advance or characteristic change in fixture design for the past twenty years other than a tendency toward a larger number of lamps of lower intensity. They state that the crystal fixture is more popular than ever. The side-wall bracket is coming into great favor, in the majority of cases using the bare frosted lamp, and in some cases a silk shade or eye shield. In almost no case is glassware of any description used. They do state, however, that the table lamp is used to supplement the wall brackets and chandeliers. Further, appar- ently no effort is made to redirect or control in any way the light from the small round bulb frosted lamps. The light distribution characteristics of these fixtures is of no consequence whatever to these fixture designers. Even in the case of enclosing glassware the tendency is toward cluster rather than single unit lamps. When the diffusing bowl type of unit is employed it is frequently supplemented by candle brackets. One of the representative manufacturers stated that the resultant illumination produced was almost never considered as part of his work, or part of the artistic and aesthetic feature of the installation as a whole. This state of affairs should be looked upon with con- siderable alarm by the illuminating engineers, particularly at this time when light source brightnesses are so decidedly on the increase. An exception to this practice was found in one of the largest and best fixture houses in New York where the quality of light, light dis- tribution and light control are the first conditions, and the design is worked around these. This house would not consent to showing designs or photographs of any fixtures, as such, without knowing where and under what conditions the fixtures were to be used. Here at least good taste and quality of light are paramount, and the purpose of the fixture in many cases is disguised in the design. This does not mean, however, that unnatural and disconcerting conditions are tolerated. A very popular and satisfactory diffusing bowl unit is found in the alabaster accessory. The stone as it is taken from the Italian quarry is quite translucent and in some places almost transparent, thus producing a beautiful effect of fire and life without excessive bright- LITTLE: MODERN LIGHTING ACCESSORIES 209 ness. Unfortunately it must be used with discretion as it cracks readily and will blacken if not properly protected from the lamp. Here again little attention is given to shapes or designs which might produce an advantageous light distribution but as they are usually employed to produce a generally diffused illumination and supple- mented with localized lighting, their distribution characteristics are of little importance. Beautiful designs have been worked out on these bowls, in some cases the depressions are colored with a sepia stain giving them a rich day as well as night value. The density of the stone is quite sufficient to keep the surface brightness down to a satisfactory value. The total disregard of quality, fitness and distribution of light is not so prevalent among the glass- and reflector-manufacturers who also make fixtures. In many cases they are attempting to secure the desired weighting of transmission and reflection, and the tend- ency is toward a consideration for quality by tinting the glass. On the other hand, glass manufacturers are prone to consider their one or two types of glassware the panacea for all lighting ills, whereas a slight modification in the mix or density of the ware would make success of failure. Such a step in this direction has been taken by a fixture producer, in the design of a single stem from which are mounted either gas or electric lamps and to which may be readily attached any one of a number of bowls having different shapes, densities and colors, Fig. 7. An improvement in the resultant illumination from semi-direct fixture is being accomplished by placing a thin diffusing glass plate over the bowl. This eliminates chain shadows and simplifies the cleaning problems. Indirect fixtures are now made utilizing the accurately designed mirror reflector inside a diffusing glass bowl, and by means of an auxiliary lamp or a diffusing cup in the bottom of a mirror reflector the bowl is illuminated to the desired brightness. This arrangement to a very marked degree, eliminates the argument against indirect fixtures, namely, that the fixture appears dark against the illuminated ceiling. Table lamps are also designed with some conception of the result- ing light distribution. The lamps, using silk shades as above de- scribed, are frequently equipped with real reflectors which control the light produced. This shape will allow of a considerable upward component for a semi-indirect unit or may be equipped with a reflector throwing a large portion of the light downward. Fre- 14 2IO ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE quently the silk alone is used as a reflecting surface. Much flexi- bility can be secured as the silk may be left highly transluent or diffusing and additional layers may be added to secure the desired transmission and different colors for different effects. In an effort to make semi-indirect units more universal and allow them to be used even where highly reflecting ceilings are not avail- able or in those locations where the ceilings are too high above the logical locations of the unit the fixture manufacturer has designed a small portion of ceiling to go with the bowl. The fixture therefore consists of a diffusing bowl and a reflecting surface a short distance above. This method serves to enlarge slightly the light giving area, and thus to decrease correspondingly the fixture brightness. The upper reflecting surface has been changed in size, location and shape by the several manufacturers, but always serves the same purpose. A survey of the field indicates that excellent accessories of a wide variety are available. As a rule, however, these follow conventional lines according to well recognized concepts of design and use. Only to a slight extent are designers undertaking to provide accessories which represent adaptation of simple means of directing, diffusing and tinting the light along unconventional lines. References E. B. ROWE. "Some tendencies in the design of illuminating glassware." Electrical Engineering, Sepember, 1914. JAMES R. CRAVATH. "Glass globes for street lamps." Municipal Journal, August 27, 1914. RENE CHASSERIAUD. "The art of logical lighting (French)." Societe Beiges des Electriciens (Brussells), May, 1914. GUIDO PERI. "Present status and tendencies in electric illumination (Italian)." L'Industria (Milan), November i, 1914. H. B. WHEELER. "Lighting of show windows." Illuminating Engineering Society Transactions, September, 1913. W. W. COBLENTZ. "The diffuse reflecting power of various substances." Bulletin of Bureau of Standards, April i, 1913. H. J. TAITE and T. W. ROLPH "Notes on metal reflector design." General Electric Review, May, 1914. A. L. POWELL. "An investigation of reflectors for tungsten lamps." General Electric Review, November, 1912. M. LUCKIESH." Investigation of diffusing glassware." Electrical World, November 16, 1912. W. W. COBLENTZ. "Diffuse reflecting power of various substances." Journal Franklin Institute, November, 1912. L. BLOCK. "Reflectors and accessories for lighting inner rooms with metal LITTLE: MODERN LIGHTING ACCESSORIES 211 filament lamps (German)." Elektrotechnik Und Maschinenbau, October 13, 1912. DR. L. BLOCK. "Reflectors for metal-filament lamps." London Elec- trician, March 21, 1913. A. L. POWELL and G. H. STICKNEY. " Data concerning incandescent reflectors." Electrical World, September 6, 1913. VAN RENSSELAER LANSINGH. "Characteristics of enclosing glassware." Illuminating Engineering Society Transactions, September, 1913. W. T. MACCALL. "Half frosted lamps in reflectors." London Electrician, October 3, 1913. A. L. POWELL. "Reflectors for tungsten lamps in industrial and office lighting." Electrical Engineering, October, 1913. DR. L. BLOCH. "Choice of reflectors for street lighting." London Elec- trician, May 31, 1912. L. BLOCH. "Choice of reflectors and proper heights for metal filament street lamps." Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau, December 3, 1911. R. HORATIO WRIGHT. "The mazda lamps with a few common types of reflectors." Sibley Journal of Engineering, November, 1910. C. TOONE. "Globes, shades and reflectors." London Electrical Review, June 16, 1911. P. G. NUTTING, L. A. JONES and F. A. ELLIOTT. "Tests of some possible reflecting power standards." Illuminating Engineering Society Transactions, Volume 9, No. 7, 1914. LEONARD MURPHY and H. L. MORGAN. "Distribution and efficiency tests on lamp shades and reflectors." London Electrical Review, July 7, 1911. GEO. H. MCCORMACK, ALBERT JACKSON MARSHALL, L. W. YOUNG; Intro- ductory remarks by BASSETT JONES, JR. "Symposium on illuminating glass- ware." Illuminating Engineering Society Transactions, September, 1911. THOMAS W. ROLPH. "Reflectors for incandescent lamps." Electric Journal, May, 1910. J. R. CRAVATH. "Show window illumination." Central Stations, May 1910. C. E. FERREE and G. RAND. "Some experiments on the eye with inverted ieflectors of different densities." Illuminating Engineering Society Transac- trons, December 20, 1915. FRANK A. BENFORD. "The parabolic mirror." Illuminating Engineering Society Transactions, December 20, 1915. HAYDEN T. HARRISON. "Efficiency of projectors and reflectors." Ab- stract of a paper read before the Liverpool Engineering Society. LIGHT PROJECTION: ITS APPLICATIONS BY E. J. EDWARDS AND H. H. MAGDSICK Light projection, as the term is commonly employed, covers the redirection of light flux from artificial sources by means of suitable optical systems so that it may be utilized within solid angles which are small as compared with those encountered in equipment for gen- eral illumination purposes. It was in connection with such applica- tions in a few restricted fields that some of the more important prin- ciples of optics and illuminating engineering were long since devel- oped and applied. During the past few years these applications have multiplied rapidly, occupying the attention of many illuminat- ing engineers and giving rise to numerous papers in the Transactions of the Illuminating Engineering Society and articles in the technical press dealing with the principles of optics, searchlighting for military and navigation purposes, flood-light projectors for displaying sur- faces at a distance, headlighting for vehicles, orientation lighting for the navigator, light signals, and apparatus for the projection of enlargements of transparencies. Two general classes of apparatus are used to direct the flux from a source into the desired small angle: Opaque reflector systems con- trolling the light by the principle of specular reflection, and lens systems depending upon the refractive properties of glass. Fre- quently the two forms of control are combined in the same device. In Fig. i, A, is illustrated the action of a simple convex lens. A light ray emerging from the focus, F, is refracted in passing through the lens so as to be projected parallel with the axis, while from a larger source as shown at the focus, a cone of light is projected with an angle of divergence, 26, depending upon the size of the source, the focal length of the lens and the angle, a, at which it is emitted. The greatest angle of divergence is that of the cone issuing at the axis of the lens. These statements apply to lenses intercepting the flux in a relatively small solid angle. As the diameter of a lens in- creases relative to the focal length, the thickness, and hence the absorption, increase rapidly and the control of the emerging rays is limited by the increasing spherical and chromatic aberration. To 213 214 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE reduce these elements of inefficiency, Fresnel nearly one hundred years ago built a lens of concentric rings, Fig. i, B; in effect a large convex lens with sections of the glass removed. He also added con- centric prism rings to direct additional light into the beam by total reflection. Later these prisms were given a curved surface and re- Axis B Fig. i. Light projection with lenses. fraction was combined with reflection to produce the desired results. It will be noted that the sections give rise to a series of dark rings when viewed within the beam, since the light striking the risers is deflected at a large angle from the axis. In Fresnel lenses of reason- Axis Axis Fig. 2. Light projection with opaque reflectors. ably effective angle, the solid angle subtended by the lens at the focus, the contour of the surface may be so corrected as to secure very ac- curate control of light. They are frequently referred to as stepped or as corrugated lenses. Rays emerging from a source at the center of a sphere are reflected from the polished surface as shown in Fig. 2, A. Used in this manner EDWARDS AND MAGDSICK: LIGHT PROJECTION 215 as an accessory with a lens on the other side of the source, the mirror increases the amount of light intercepted by the lens, providing the source is at least partially transparent. With the source placed on the axis of a spherical mirror at half the radius, rays are returned with only a small divergence from the parallel when the effective angle is not large. Mangin devised a spherical mirror of silvered glass with the radius of the inner surface less than that of the outer, Fig.. 2, B. The varying degree of refraction introduced by this con- cavo-convex lens is utilized to keep the divergence of the beam within narrow limits for effective angles up to as much as 120. The greatest efficiency and accuracy in concentrating light with an opaque reflector is secured with a parabolic contour, since all rays from the focus are reflected parallel with the axis no matter o Axis B Fig. 3. Light projection with opaque reflectors. how large the effective angle is made. The divergence from a source as in Fig. 3, A, is greatest at the axis and decreases with increasing angles. Only within the angle of the cone showing the smallest divergence, that is the cone emanating from the edge of the mirror, does the beam contain light from all parts of the surface, and hence only in this region does the measured candle-power obey the inverse- square law. Beyond this limiting cone, light is received from a de- creasing zone of the reflector until at the edge of the cone only the point at the axis is effective. Fig. 3, J5, shows one combination of reflecting surfaces and lens among several that may be employed to meet various requirements. In all of the projection devices described above a part of the beam receives light from the entire surface. In some cases this is at the axis only; in others, over a wider angle. The brightness of the sur- 2l6 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE face is in every case the brightness of the source at the respective angle multiplied by the coefficient of reflection or transmission of the system. The intensity of the beam within this range is, there- fore, the product of the brightness and the projected area of the sur- face; variations in the focal length and the effective angle do not change the result. The multiplying factor of the system is then approximately the ratio of the squares of the diameter of the mirror and the diameter of the source. Table I, giving the brightness of the various sources used in projection apparatus, indicates their relative value so far as the production of the maximum beam in- tensities is concerned. In most applications a beam can advantageously be utilized with a divergence so great that the total amount of flux in the beam is of equal or greater importance than the central density. The effective angle of the system, the size of the source and the focal length are important factors in determining the width of the beam, the total flux and its distribution. Table II gives the solid angles subtended at the focus by parabolic reflectors and lenses of various proportions. The latter are most often applied where accuracy of control is re- quired; the former where it is desired to intercept the flux in a rela- tively large solid angle. The average opaque projector system directs from 30 to 60 per cent, of the available light into the beam ; with lens systems, typical effective angles are so small that only 5 to 10 per cent, is transmitted. The cost of the respective types of apparatus for different sizes is, of course, often the determining factor in their adoption; in general the cost of lenses increases the more rapidly with larger size. TABLE I. INTRINSIC BRILLIANCY OF COMMON PROJECTION SOURCES Source Candle-power per sq. inch Flame Arc for search lighting 250 000350 ooo Carbon Arc " " " 80,000 90,000 Magnetite Arc 4 ooo~- 6 ooo Mazda C Projection Type o ooo~ 1 8 ooo Mazda C Regular. 3 coo Mazda B Concentrated Mazda B Regular . . 1,200 7 ^O Kerosene Mantle.. 2OO~'5OO Acetylene. 60 Gas Mantle 7O CO Kerosene Flame S TO EDWARDS AND MAGDSICK: LIGHT PROJECTION 217 TABLE II. PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL SOLID ANGLE SUBTENDED BY PARABOLIC REFLECTORS AND CONDENSING LENSES Parabolic reflectors Condensing lenses Ratio of diameter of opening to focal length (R) Percentage of total solid angle Ratio of diameter to focal length (R) Percentage of total solid angle 2 2O. O 0-3 0.6 3 36.0 0.4 I.O 4 50.0 0-5 1.5 5 61 .0 0.6 2 . I 6 69.2 0.7 2.8 7 75-4 0.8 3-6 8 80.0 0.9 4-4 9 83-5 .0 S-3 10 86.2 .1 6.2 .2 7-i Percentage of Total Solid Angle 3 8.1 cos - + i 4 9.1 2 V inn 5 IO.O Ps loo 2 2.0 14.6 J?2 ./Y 2 -5 10. I ~ # 2 +i6 X I0 Percentage of Total Solid Angle /i - cos 6 \ = (-S ~ / />S 1IS7Af/C. ys yes MO ys ~ys /S VS YS ys I 1 2." 1 1 1 1 lAFTEff- 1 BEFORE. '/sAfrEff- % BEFORE SVNie.r- SUNHI3E. / A F TEK- 1 BEFORE St/t/ST - / BEfO/tf. '/ x AFrK-fc. BEFORE '/lAfrEff-ftsefofiE. '/LA f re ft -/. seroKE WST HOT BLIND TERSQNS INSTKEtTS WALKS HONE NONE. NONE. SSOME. NONE. S/ONE. NONE- NONE-. KENTUCKY 1914 Z SOO FEET / / ZU#SEr- IBEfOKE, MONE. LOU/SI AW A 1915* MA/ WE. 1915 z NOT STATED YS 1 '/lAFrf* - % BEfORE- WOHE. NIA-RYt-AND 19/6 a ZOO FEET *ES 1 '/zAfrEX- 'A.BEFORE. rtAX/m/fl C.f>. OF L/GHT= 3O C.7? MASSACHUSETTS 1916 2 SOO FEET /ES / /AFTER- / BEFORE 4T3OFr.*'OGl.AmHI6HET1THAN3J[ABOVEC,TH>W/L MICH t& AM 19/6 / SOO FEET YES 1 IAFTEX- /BEFORE. *tUfr//OTBi//VDDRlVEl? OF APPfOAtMl 'N6 VHlCLt MINNESOTA 19/S 2 SOO FEET yss /Arrert -/ BEFORE. .NONE. H/SS/SS/-PT>I 1916 SOO FEET ys 2 '/m-ArreR-/!, BEFORE. NON ', MISOUTi/ 2, 00 FEET ys 2" '/^.AFTeJt-^BEFOffE f/O/VE. MOrtTAKA 1913 2 ZOO FEET VS 2 / AFTR- IBEFORC. NONE. /VEBKASKA I9IS / XASOMABL DISTANCE. Y5 / /AFTfK- /BEFORE NONE. MEVATJA. 19/6 ??ASOf/AMLS. 3>tSTAfiK.. y5 / / AFTEX - J BCFOfte. NONE. HEW HAHPSH/RE- 1916 2 soo FEET YS RAFTER - fi BEFORE D/H WHttf AVPKOAGHIM& AUTOS OR STTfecrCAK *fW J-XSEY 1916 2 2SO FEET ys / RAFTER- fa BEFORE /TO JLAJt H/Mf.R7HAN P/IKALifL4^frAVtfCTnn VEWflEKlCO Tf?R 1913 a f*OT STATED y5 /AFTEK- /BEFORE NONE. /Vw yort/f /9I6 2 SOO FEET /s 2" '/I AFTER ~'/i BEFOUL NONE. A/0. CAROLINA 19/3 2 MOT STATED VS / RAFTER -'/^BEFORE NONE. WO. DAKOTA 19 IS 2 NOT STATED /V<3 / A/07- STATED HONE. OH/0 I9IS 2 200 FEET Y5 / %.AF7CR -frXEfORE. NONE. OKLAHOMA I91& OKE6QN I9IS Z SOO FEET YS / /AF-Tfff -/BEFORE NON EL "PENNSY*. VAN! A 1913 2 ZOO FEET /i/O / tAFrE.lt - /BEFORE "RHODE ISLAND 1916 2 SOO FEET YES tft NOT STATES NONE. SO. CA7JOLI/VA SO. T3AKOTA 1913 2 NOT -STATED YS / faAFTER-fe BEFORE. NON EL. TfSt/S. 19/6* TfX/14 NOLfttt UTAH 19/S 2 TtEASOt/ABLB. TllSTAftCl YS 2. 1 AFTER - / 8EFORE- NONE. VEKMOHT 19/6 2 ZOO FEET YES 1 % A FTER- %XCFOHl. NONE VIK&INIA, 1916 / /OO FEET YES 1 1 AFTER - IgEfORE NONE. WASHlM&TON 19/S Z. 200 FEET YES 1 HOVRi OF &ARKNC3S NONE. WEST VI-RG-INIA 19/S 2 REASONABLE DISTANCE. YES Z' 1 AFTER- /SEfORE. NON E, WS CO MS IN 1915 / 1ASO/*A8LY BK/&HT YS 1 / Z AFTEf?-%8FORE. NOt/E- WV0/y//V6- 1913 / YES 1 / AFTER- /BEFORE^ NONE- # REGISTRATION AND OPERAT/ON J.AW& ONLY LAW ASS IS MSB TO APPLY TO BOTH AUTOS ANTj MOTOKC.VCLE& If the background is entirely dark, as often occurs in country driving, there seems to be interference with vision even with the lowest intensity dimmed light sources. In reducing the intensity, EDWARDS AND MAGDSICK: LIGHT PROJECTION TABLE IllB 223 LOCOMOTIVE HLADLlCrHTlN$ Re.Cr(jLf\ T IONf> STATE \\ H qDLIG-HTIH(r LAyy ring, of U*NIN+ in Tcxns if Hjuns Ifre* SUfSSET AND BCfOXf SUHKISE-. Mi fort VIOLATION UASKA TRR/rD7*Y OL * ARHANSAS 1913* /SOO C.7>. CALIFORNIA, f9l3^ Suff,e.lf.HT TO VIS.T,t,VISHDAKH O&TC.LT S'2t of COLORADO /9/4^ /SOOCP MtASuKED WITHOUT AID Of FIEfiECTOX CON/HECTIC UT VOLAV/ DELEWATffL M3 4AW VIST OF COLUMBIA. FLORIDA /9/3* /SO C..7*. &EOKQ-/A MUST COMSUHE. 300 WATTS ATAKC.-S3 fffL. TDAHO 1913 ** tvr c* T H temerov TO ***** END/AN A /SOO C..T 3 . 7TOWA 1913^ iy'/Vfr PKONt 0." rfTAC.f AT BISTAKCf- f/OO fCET H A MSA 3 OBSftrSIZf OF HAN AT DH.TA.VCf. BOO FT KE./VTUCKY e LOU/3IA/VA HA//VE. MA -RYL A NX> MASSACHUSETTS MlCHt&AN I9IA- fffwDen VISIBLE careers 3SO FT AHEAD NOT STATES YS ^100 MIWESOTA 1913 Y3 *S&Z */oo ff/SS/SS/ff/ N riusTcoJvsune 300 WATTS AT AHC ,- /e'ffffi. MIS cunt 19/4* MO/VTAKA 1914* /SOO C-P rtASVf?D WITHOUT AID OF H FLC.TC>9 /VE377ASKA 19/4* AT6,'oo e rr T By '?>'/^2S'^ i o'c M /y f>f''*AL *'isfof* "*" ME VA DA /9/4^ /Soo c-T ffASf/rt> WITHOUT AID offffnEcTox HEW HAflPSH/RE. HEW TEKSE.Y rvf-WfiEnico reffK /VW YORK 8 ASO. CAROLINA /S00Cr/1ASl/eD WITHOUT A/D Of XfiC.roX /va DAKOTA /9/4 /zoo cp neAsuxED WITHOUT AID ofJtft.CTorr &UNSCT - SUNK IS t. YS * 100 OHIO OKLAHOMA 19/6 ^^J~ too -*iooo OKE60N PEMNSYL VAN/A 19/4* \ ewer- a ,* f *A~ AT P r A,m mrtir RHODE ISLAND SO CA-HOLI/VA * 101 oa ET *a. "o^^AM^T^'rAvyj^} FT* SO. X3AKOTA 1911 tSOO CP MEASURED WITHOUT AIP OF RfFLcCTOH ffOT STATED ys */00- */006 TEWf/ESEE. TfXA-S 1907 YS r/00- /OOO UTA H VEKMOHT V/J^&I ' N 1 A '%7 YS IzfJtoo WASHIfS&TOM west vmcriftiA 190^ Yt/SCOHSlM 1913^ SUFflClCNT CP WtTH XEFLee.T O * To alJCA OBJCtr 3IZ.E Of MAf AT Dt3T-Afft. BOO FT A T MI&HTT/PIE. Y-S */00 - J-QO \VYOM /A/6- VOLAH * REG iAW //O REPLY TO INQUIRIES RECEIVED ^ DATA XIYCOM'PLE.TE- TULT i,ian the glare vanishes completely only when the candle-power reaches zero. When the background is not dark, there can, of course, be considerable intensity without marked interference. 22 4 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE There are many devices on the market which reduce the glare by cutting down the intensity of the beam. They are diffusing doors of various forms and degree. As a rule, they slightly reduce inter- ference at the maximum glare angle by diminishing beam candle- power to a small fraction of the previous value, and increase hundreds of times the solid angle in which glare is experienced. A well-focused, accurately made parabolic headlighting unit may produce blinding glare in the angle of the beam, but it has the one inherent virtue that except for the filament itself, its field of action is limited within a small angle. The approaching driver may face the beam at a considerable distance, but it likely to escape it when within, say, Conditic 100* on of To ally Blinding Gla 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 80,000 60,000 Beam Candle-Power 70,000 80.000 90,000 100,000 Fig. 7. Nature of relation between beam candle-power and visibility of objects viewed against beam where the background is totally dark. ioo ft. of the approaching car. There is no escape from the diffusing equipment. One is like the small-pox, serious when en- countered but not difficult to avoid; the other like the measles, not so serious, but unavoidable, it seems. If one of these diseases could be eliminated, many would vote that the measles should go. Fig. 8 illustrates light distribution from three typical classes of equipment; an unmodified parabola with covers of clear glass, partially frosted "lens" and all-frosted diffusing glass. If the one object in regulation were to eliminate glare, the answer would be simple : Eliminate the concentrating headlights. Limits to the glare effect mainly protect the approaching driver; the problem EDWARDS AND MAGDSICK: LIGHT PROJECTION 22; must be considered from the point of view of the driver behind the headlights as well. There are also pedestrians and the occupants of unlighted vehicles, whose safety depends upon the ability of the auto- mobile driver to see them in sufficient time to avoid running them down. A just regulation should do more than place upper limits of permissible intensity; there should be lower limits in so far as road illumination is concerned. If the beams from automobile lamps are to be at all times capable of good road illumination and at the same 56.000 20" 16 8 4 4 8 C Angle from Axis 12 16 20 Fig. 8. Beam candle-power of parabolic automobile projector with 6-8 volt, 3.0 ampere Mazda C lamp. time incapable of causing glare under average conditions, there seems to be but one solution, and that is to greatly reduce or entirely eliminate the light from the angles above, say, 4 ft. from the ground, and retain the light at the lower angles. Many devices have been designed for reducing or eliminating the upward light, redirecting the intercepted light in downward di- rections. The simplest method of eliminating strong upward light with accurately made headlamps is to tilt them downward by an angle equal to half the angle of spread of beam; many headlamps, is 226 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE however, are not made sufficiently accurate to have any well-defined beam. Another method commonly used is to set the light source back of the focal point of the reflector and to cover the upper half of the door with an obscuring material. Obviously, this method is inefficient. The Patent Office records show a wide variety of devices for diverting the light from directions above the horizontal. One is a cup-shaped spherical reflector placed over the lamp bulb to return the upward light back along its initial path. When placed over the bulb, it is assumed that the filament is placed back of the focus. These devices are frequently seen placed on the lower side of the bulb, thus utilizing the upper instead of the lower half of the parabolic reflector, and when so used the filament must be forward of the focus in order to be effective. It not infrequently happens that the filament is in focus as adjusted by the owner, in which case the device has no effect except to reduce the efficiency of the lamp. In another class of devices use is made of compound curvatures in the reflector. There is the offset parabola where the upper half has a focal point back of that of the lower half, so that the filament may be placed back of the focus of the lower half at the same time that it is placed forward of the focus of the upper half. A tilted upper half, where the upper surface has been revolved downward about the focus as a center, is another device described. Still another is a combination consisting of a parabolic lower part and an ellipsoidal upper part. This device if perfectly made would give no light above the horizontal, not even the direct light from the filament. Proper adjustment requires that the filament be placed a little more than half its axial length back of the focus of the parabolic part. The ellipsoid is arranged to have one of its foci at the proper position of the filament and the other, through which the intercepted rays are directed, at a point on the axis of the lamp within the plane of the front glass. There are also a number of prismatic glass covers that reduce the upward light, bending the reflected rays downward and to the side of the road. These devices seem to be limited in the de- gree to which they can cut down upward intensities, because in being designed to take care of the light coming from the reflector, they are sure to throw some of the direct light from the filament upward in narrow high-intensity beams, although this may be obviated by screening the tip of the bulb. Figs. 9, 10 and n are photographs by C. A. B. Halvorson, Jr., of a screen illuminated at a distance of 10 ft. by three types of equipment, star frosted, pris- matic and paraboloid-ellipsoid. Fig. 9. Screen il- luminated at 10 ft. by parabolic reflector with star frosted "lens." Fig. 10. Screen il- luminated at 10 ft. by parabolic reflector with prismatic cover. Fig. ii. Screen il- luminated at 10 ft. by paraboloid - ellipsoidal reflector with clear glass cover. (Facing page 226.) EDWARDS AND MAGDSICK: LIGHT PROJECTION 227 No one of the so-called non-glare devices that are now in general use can be said to be a complete solution of the problem. Each may have its favorable point or points, just as the unmodified parabolic lamp has its advantage. An equipment which gives no light above the horizontal, may give good road surface illumination at the same time that it is incapable of glare on a dark road, but it can blind the approaching driver coming up into view on a convexity in the road, and has the further disadvantage that it ordinarily must show up vehicles and other objects by their lower extremities only and may miss entirely the near objects when approaching the foot of a hill. A lamp with no light above the horizontal is sure, on account of the varying curvatures in road profile, to have a widely varying range of throw. From the driver's standpoint it has great advan- tage in a fog since there is none of the usual luminous haze between the driver's eyes and the road. The details of the various devices which have appeared are interesting but they are not as important at the present time as the study of the underlying principles. If the best solution to the problem were a matter of general agreement, a device which would accomplish the result would probably soon appear. As a matter of fact, some of those already on the market give results which the inventors believe to be the best solution. Some of the states have evidently assumed that it is necessary only to place upper limits of intensity above 3 or 4 ft. from a level road; presumably it is considered unnecessary to place lower limits of intensity for lower angles. Assuming that the best answer to the glare problem is the elimination of light above the horizontal, it should be possible to draught a regulation which would be definite and in terms capable of measurement. It would be necessary to use only one technical term. Such a law might specify that the head lighting beam shall not have an intensity at any angle above the horizontal exceeding a certain amount, say, 20 candle-power, and that it shall have not less than an average of, say, 10,000 candle-power measured at equal vertical angular increments from the axis down to the road, at a distance of 100 ft. If desirable, lower limits of intensity at the lower angles to the side might be specified in order to insure that the driver can at all times see the curb or other sidewise limits to the road. The point to be emphasized is that once general agreement is obtained as to the best solution of the problem, the necessary regu- lations can be stated in simple terms involving only luminous in- tensity measurements in addition to simple measurements of length. 228 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE It may safely be said that the present tendency is toward cutting down or entirely eliminating the upward light, but it appears that this method in itself can never be entirely satisfactory to the motor- ist. Much of the pleasure and sense of security in night driving come from bringing into view the overhanging foliage and other high objects along the road, as is done with the usual parabolic units of high power. Evidently there is no harm done as long as there are no eyes ahead to be blinded. This feature may have prompted the recommendation of the glare committee of the Illuminating Engineering Society to the effect that unmodified parabolic equipments could be used if they were always ex- tinguished when meeting another driver. This plan seems to have disadvantages, for on a dark road the sudden change is likely to interfere with the vision of both drivers due to the length of time required for adaptation, and, to an extent, greater than would be obtained with the glare of the undimmed lamps. Perhaps the best solution is a regulation such as outlined above, but taken to apply only when meeting other vehicles on unlighted roads. Such a regulation would require on every automobile used at night an equipment giving no upward light, but would allow of any kind of additional equipment that might be desired. It would seem that an equipment consisting of one or two high-powered parabolic units with two lower-powered non-glare (no upward light) lamps would be satisfactory. The glareless lamps would be used for all night driving, both city and country, and the additional equipment of parabolic lamps could be employed at times when no harm would result to others. Modification of the color quality of the light emitted from a head- lamp is sometimes secured by means of yellow glass in the reflector or cover. Two advantages are sought by the suppression of the shorter wave lengths; increased acuity and decreased scattering of light. The former is seldom realized since the better acuity usually fails to compensate for the lower intensity. The latter effect is more often of importance since the rays scattered by a haze or fog produce a luminous veil that may seriously interfere with vision; an appreciable reduction of this veiling is obtained with the yellow glasses. The same purpose is served by the use of ordinary head- lamps and a yellow disc on the wind-shield or yellow glasses worn by the driver. A further step in this direction has been attempted by making the reflector of glass with fluorescent properties and thus converting the shorter wave lengths instead of absorbing them. EDWARDS AND MAGDSICK: LIGHT PROJECTION 229 The plan possesses little utility, however, since the transformed light is not projected into the beam by the reflector but issues as from a diffusely emitting medium. EQUIPMENTS FOR RAILWAY HEADLIGHTING On street cars for ordinary city service, the head lamps need serve only as markers. For suburban and interurban runs with the higher speeds and dark roads, a higher intensity is required both 16,000 14,000 12,000 * 10,000 | 8,000 6 | 6.000 4,000 2,000 110- Volt, 94-Watt ' Mazda B / \ / \ 110-Volt. 72-Watt MazdaB / \ / / ^ ^s 7 / / 3 \ z / \ \ // / N \\ / 7 [ / / X \1 / z ^ ff ^.n"" >. "^ s\ \ / c '/ /" V \ t i 110- Volt, 23-Watt Mazda B 1 J 110, Volt, 46-Watt Mazda B 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 Angle from Axia Fig. 12. Beam candle-power of typical electric street railway head-lamp. Parabolic re- flector of 1 54 in. focus and %>% in. diameter. as a warning at greater distances of the approach of a car, and to illuminate objects on the track at a sufficient distance to allow the car to be stopped before reaching them. Fig. 12 gives photometric data for several lamps for headlighting typical of those used in this service. The advantage of the more concentrated low- voltage source in increasing the beam candle-power is apparent, but this greater 230 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE concentration is not always required. Since high-voltage direct current is available, the magnetite arc has been found to be particu- larly useful in this field when a high intensity beam is wanted. The large amount of steadying resistance stabilizes the arc, and when the equipment includes a lens cover, good control is secured, with the results shown in Fig. 13. 400,000 4-Ampere High -Efficiency Electrode 4 3 2 Angle from Axis Fig- 13- Beam candle-power of luminous arc interurban head-lamp with 12 in. semaphore lens. The proper headlighting equipment for steam and electric loco- motives has been exhaustively studied by railway associations, individual roads and utility commissions. The headlamp in this case may be made to serve as a marker for the head end of a train and as a warning of the approach of a train, for the illumination of way- side objects, for displaying numbers in the case and to enable the engineman to see objects on the track at a distance so great that he may stop the train before reaching them. All of these requirements EDWARDS AND. MAGDSICK : LIGHT PROJECTION 231 isooo 40 800 IZOO 1600 7009 DISTANCE IN FEET DISTANCE IN FEET Fig. 14. Locomotive beam intensities required to render dummies visible. SECONDS 5 10 IS tO 60 40 Z 20 CURVE I \ 400 800 IZOO DISTANCE IN FEET SECONDS 1500 2000 60 40 ^Q J 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^S "V X, x Cl JRVE \ \ \ \ 400 800 1200 1600 1000 DISTANCE IN FEET Fig. 15. Deceleration curves for heavy express train with older and modern braking systems. 232 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE can probably be met with the best apparatus available at present, providing the brakes are applied immediately whenever any indica- tion of an object on the track is seen. However, its use may lead to some difficulty in temporarily blinding a person passing through the beam and thus introducing an element of confusion at multiple track crossings, and in interfering with the visibility and correct reading 15000 200 400 600 600 1000 DISTANCE IN FEET Fig. 16. Visibility of signals and objects with various beam intensities. of color and position of semaphore and hand signals, classification lights, etc. From Minick's admirable summary 3 and presentation of the findings of the Headlight Committee of the Railway Master Mechan- ics Association and other investigators, covering the several classes of oil, acetylene, incandescent electric and arc lamps, are taken Figs. 14 to 17. Fig. 14 shows the beam intensity required to see J. L. Minick, "The Locomotive Headlight;" Trans. I. E. S., Vol. 9, page 909. EDWARDS AND MAGDSICK: LIGHT PROJECTION 233 at different distances dummies of the size of a man dressed in light, medium and dark clothing. The curves at the left refer to the tests on the oil, acetylene and incandescent electric lamps; those on the right to the arc tests. There is a marked advantage in favor of the more yellow light sources due, no doubt, in part to the lack of steadiness in an arc and to the fact that there is a considerable pro- portion of blue rays for which the eye does not focus accurately; thus the visibility of a distant object is reduced with a given inten- sity of illumination. Fig. 15 shows deceleration curves for a heavy express train running at 60 miles per hour with both the older and more modern braking systems. It is evident that to stop the train 3000 PWREES Fig. 17. Candle-power specifications for locomotive head lamps recommended by Com- mittee of Railway Master Mechanics Assn. before reaching a detected object requires the use of exceedingly high beam candle-powers. From Fig. 16, recording the test data indicating the range within which the various signals may be identified without danger of error for different beam intensities, it would appear that only relatively low values of beam candle- power would meet the requirements from this standpoint with the prevailing signal sources. It is possible that the substitution of sources of higher intensity or greater concentration in the signals would make the use of high candle-power lamps satisfactory in every respect. The conclusion of the Master Mechanics Com- mittee was that the intensity of locomotive headlights should fall 234 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE within the limits given in Fig. 17. These limits cover the range in which fall the oil and acetylene lamps with which most loco- motives are still operated. It would appear that the estimation of the relative importance of the several factors involved must determine the choice of headlighting characteristics. For multiple tracks and winding roads this will lead to different conclusions than for single-track roads without block signals. The Interstate Commerce Commission, which re- cently undertook the supervision of these devices used in interstate 1,200.000 10 8 6 4 2 ' 2 4 Angle from Axis Fig. 1 8. Distribution of light from incandescent headlight. Parabolic reflector of 2% -in. focal length and 20 in. diameter. traffic, ruled that after October i, 1916, all new locomotives for road service and those given a general overhauling must be so equipped that a person of normal vision at the engine may be able to see a dark object of the size of a man at a distance of 1000 feet or more, under normal weather conditions. Furthermore, all locomotives must be so equipped before January i, 1920. This is, of course, very different from the recommendations of the report above cited. As a result of the new ruling it would seem that electric units will be utilized in order to obtain the necessary intensity, and that since Fig. 19. Locomotive type incandescent head lamp. Fig. 20. Hand-controlled commercial searchlighting equipments. (Facing page 234.) Fig. 2 i . Fig. 22. Fig. 23. EDWARDS AND MAGDSICK: LIGHT PROJECTION 235 arc lamps have been found to possess less suitable characteristics and to be not so well adapted to the desirable electric systems in this service, incandescent lamps will be favored. The demand for mir- rored glass reflectors may be expected to increase since the silvered metal parabolas which have been employed most in the past can- not so easily be maintained in the condition required. It appears that the rulings of the commission can be met by the 36, 72 and io8-watt 6- volt gas-filled tungsten-filament lamps and the 150 and 25o-watt 32-volt lamps. The io8-watt, 6-volt and 2 50- watt 32-volt provide a good factor of safety and will prob- ably be most often employed. Fig. 19 illustrates one of the larger incandescent headlighting reflectors. In Fig. 18 are given the pho- tometric results with three different lamps in this reflector. The folly of the headlighting legislation of a number of states (see Table III) requiring the use of a source of 1500 unreflected candle-power is apparent, since equal beam intensities may be secured with con- siderably reduced wattages. Requirements as to diameter, visual tests, etc., all are unnecessarily indefinite and lead to needless con- fusion. The entrance of the Interstate Commerce Commission into the field promises to relieve the chaotic condition resulting from the legislation of the individual states, but it would seem entirely feasible that its requirements be stated in the form of a specifica- tion of the beam characteristics and the method of measurement. SEARCHLIGHTING EQUIPMENTS Searchlighting equipments were developed principally for the mili- tary service. They have been employed by the army and navy for more than 50 years as one of the most effective means of defense against night attack, for locating enemy vessels and fortifications as well as for signaling purposes. About 30 years ago the first accurately ground parabolic mirrors became available and these with the direct-current carbon arc have been the standard equipment. No radical improvements in either the light source or optical system were made until recently, when the increasing range of torpedoes made these developments particularly desirable. Fig. 20 shows a number of small hand-controlled searchlighting equipments such as are employed also in commercial work and in navigation. It will be seen that the electrodes are in a horizontal position, with the positive tip at the focus of the mirror inasmuch as most of the light is radiated from this surface. Fig. 21 is a mili- 2 3 6 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE tary equipment provided with automatic control and feeding mechanism. In addition to the clear glass front cover, there is an iris shutter for the purpose of quickly shutting off the beam or making it available at full candle-power; a considerable delay in securing full intensity would be involved if the arc were extinguished. In field operation the equipments are mounted on trucks with ele- vating platforms as shown in Fig. 22 and provided with reels of cable for connection with the energy supply. For rapid signaling Vene- tian blinds or louvers are used in front of the cover glass, Fig. 23. Some data for typical equipments are given in Table IV: TABLE IV. TYPICAL CARBON-ARC SEARCHLIGHTING PROJECTORS Nominal diameter of mirror in inches Amperes Actual diame- ter of mirror in inches Focal length in inches Reflector 9 IO Mangin Mirror 13 20 Mangin Mirror 18 35 19^6 7% Mangin Mirror 24 50 25 H IO Parabolic Mirror 30 80 31 Me H Parabolic Mirror 36 no 37 14% Parabolic Mirror 60 175 Parabolic Mirror The 36-in. size has been standard in the navy, while the 6o-in. size is used very generally in land fortifications. The beam intensity of such units is of the order of 60,000,000 and 200,000,000 candle- power, respectively. It will be noted that the focal length is in each case about 40 per cent, of the diameter, corresponding to an effective angle of 120 to 130. Within this angle is included a large percentage of the light emitted by the arc; to increase the angle for a given diameter would be to decrease the beam intensity on account of the greater divergence resulting from the increased angle sub- tended by the source. Since it is especially necessary to maintain the arc steady and at the focus of the reflector, very careful attention must be given to the electrical characteristics, the feeding mechanism, the uniformity of the electrodes f to secure constant rate of consumption, and a proper selection of sizes of electrodes. High current density and small crater result in high intrinsic brilliancy and beam intensity. The efficiency is increased as the diameter of the negative electrode is decreased and the arc lengthened, with the accompanying reduc- EDWARDS AND MAGDSICK: LIGHT PROJECTION 237 tion in the angle of shadow. The small negative is also advantage- ous in steadying the arc; but if the current density is carried too high, the electrode spindles, that is, oxidizes near the tip and thus further reduces the diameter. Chillas has reported the results of an investigation 4 which showed that by reducing the positive electrode size to the point where the arc crater covers practically the entire tip and using a small negative provided with a copper coating to increase the conductivity and pre- vent spindling, equilibrium conditions are attained more rapidly after starting, the arc is more steady, there is a higher average bright- ness of the positive, a smaller dispersion of the beam and hence a considerable increase in its intensity. These advantages are secured at a sacrifice of electrode life and with the necessity for some adjust- ment of the arc from time to time. The size of electrodes recom- mended is about ij^ in. positive and % in. negative in the 36-in. reflector, and for the 6o-in., i%-in. positive and ^-in. negative. Heretofore a 2-in. positive has ordinarily been employed in the 6o-in. lamp. The recent developments in the application of flame electrodes at high current densities have produced a notable advance in the performance of searchlighting equipments. The electrode diame- ters are only about % in. for the positive and %g m - f r the nega- tive. The arc is somewhat longer than with pure carbons and the negative electrode is inclined at an angle of about 20 below the axis. At the high currents employed, the luminous flame is confined in the deep crater of the positive, where the gases are superheated to an exceedingly high temperature, producing a brightness of about 350,000 candles per sq. in. The positive electrode is continually rotated and thus the crater kept symmetrical; the negative may also, with advantage, be rotated. At the high temperature involved, some provision must be made against spindling and for cooling the electrodes. In one form of lamp this is done by bathing the tips with burning alcohol vapor, which, with the radiating discs on the holder, acts as a cooling agent and prevents oxidation of the carbon shell. In another form, the holders are also provided with radiating discs which are cooled by a blast of air; the positive electrode is fed through a quartz tube to prevent spindling. The Navy Department tests 5 have shown that in addition to its * R. B. Chillas, Jr., "Operating Characteristics of Searchlight Carbons;" Journal of the United States Artillery, page 191, March-April, 1916. * Lieut. C. A. McDowell, "Searchlights;" Proc. A. I. E. E., Vol. 24. page 207. 238 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE higher efficiency of light production, the flame arc directs a greater percentage of the flux into the effective angle of the mirror. The small source results in a narrow angle of divergence only i to 2, as compared with 2^ to 3 for the beam from standard carbon arcs. In general, it is reported that these factors combine to produce with the flame arc units beam intensities about five times as great as those from standard carbon lamps. The formula Ji = YI(I P) ZL K, giving the intensity reaching the observer from the object illuminated is frequently referred to as indicating that the range 6 of a beam is proportional to the fourth root of the intensity. On the other hand, it is contended by some that since the brightness of an object remains the same at all dis- tances, that is, the luminous density on the retina is constant, visi- bility is dependent only upon the illumination of the object and that the range, therefore; varies with the square root of the beam intensity rather than the fourth root. For an object subtending a large angle this would doubtless be true, but it is still a moot question whether for small angles visibility is determined by the total flux or by "the flux density. The factor of acuity doubtless is of the greatest im- portance. The dimensions of the object; the color, form and nature of its surface; the degree of contrast with surroundings; the influence of telescope, glasses or spectacles and the physiological peculiarities of the observer's eye all enter into the range at which a beam is effective. These factors have been analyzed by Blondel 7 who states that the range increases even less rapidly than the fourth root of the intensity. To multiply the range five fold under atmospheric conditions giving 70 per cent, transmission per kilometer, he estimates that the intens- ity would have to be increased 42,000 fold for typical military work. The impression prevails that blue light is particularly desirable in the rays of a searchlighting beam since the surfaces observed are often bluish gray and because of the Purkinje effect. Whenever a preponderance of blue rays is reflected an advantage probably ex- ists, but in the usual case it would seem to be detrimental since the eye will not focus for the blue rays when the longer wave lengths predominate, and vision is, therefore, impaired. The present European war has brought about a number of inno- 6 In this formula Ji = intensity directed toward eye of observer; J = intensity of search- light beam; L = distances of illuminated object, observer assumed near searchlight; P = absorption of atmosphere; K = coefficient of reflection of object. 7 Prof. A. Blondel, "A Method for Determining the Range of Searchlights;" The Illuminating Engineer (London), Vol. 8, page 85, 153. Fig. 24. Fig. 25. Fig. 26. Fig. 27. Figs. 24, 25, 26, 27. Commercial flood-lighting projectors. (Facing page 238.) Fig. 28. Representative flood-lighting installation. EDWARDS AND MAGDSICK: LIGHT PROJECTION 239 vations in searchlighting equipments, such as the use of a Fresnel lens above the arc with units directed upward in anti-aircraft work, thus replacing a mirror below the arc, which would be subject to cracking by the molten carbon. For short ranges incandescent electric lamps with their steadier light, greater portability and ease of control, have been employed to advantage. Oxy-acetylene equip- ment has found similar application. FLOOD LIGHTING Flood lighting of the exteriors of structures with sources concealed at a distance is more a problem of aesthetics than of optics. Although arc projectors had been employed for temporary lighting spectacles of this nature, the general application was not found feasible until the concentrated tungsten-filament lamps of high efficiency were developed. With these units of relatively small size, the necessary flexibility in installation and control of intensity and direction were attained, so that artistic results might be secured. Flood lighting supplements the older forms of display illumination; it lends itself particularly to the fields of sculpture, monumental public buildings and commercial structures. It finds application also in the illumination of large outdoor spaces devoted to pageants or to sports, in the yards of industrial plants and railroads. Desirable distributions of light for the majority of installations range from an angle of divergence of 6 to one of 30. This is determined by the area of the surface, its distance from the units and the angle at which the beam is incident. A small amount of scat- tered light is usually not detrimental. The problem of reflector design is, therefore, one of securing high over-all efficiency and adjustment of beam spread rather than of narrow divergence and accurate control. Short focal lengths are, then, desirable so as to secure a large effective angle with a reasonable diameter and cost of reflector. It would seem that the tendency has been too general to secure spreading of the beam by placing the source out of focus in a parabolic reflector, which results in marked lack of uniformity in the spot. Except for the narrow beam units, the rational method is to proceed with the design of the reflector from the desired distribution curve and the limiting dimensions, just as with any other specular surface equipment. In this manner units are secured which not only produce a given spread with reasonable uniformity but, 240 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE by careful design, also permit a considerable adjustment of beam divergence. Typical commercial flood-lighting projectors are shown in Figs. 24-27. All of these have reflectors of mirrored glass protected in various ways to withstand high temperatures and atmospheric conditions to which they may be subjected. A reflecting surface of this class is the only one to be recommended in the great majority of installations. The projectors of Figs. 24 and 25 are designed for use with 250- watt flood-lighting lamps. In both cases the contour of the reflector departs somewhat from a parabola to give greater uniformity of beam with varying divergence as the position of the lamp is adjusted. The back part of the reflectors is spherical to accommodate the lamp bulb and direct the light back through the source, making possible a unit of short focal length and considerable depth, hence of high efficiency. The one unit is enclosed in a ventilated weatherproof housing with heat-resisting glass cover. The other has a similar cover but is tightly enclosed without a housing about the reflector; the copper backing provides the necessary strength and the dull black enameling facilitates radiation sufficiently to render ventila- tion unnecessary. Both units combine compactness and low cost. Fig. 26 shows a unit usually employed with the 5oo-watt lamp. It is of parabolic contour, relatively more shallow but giving a more concentrated beam. For extreme concentration a reflector of this type is to be recommended with a 2 50- watt lamp. The pro- jector of Fig. 27, designed for iise with looo-watt lamps, is a para- bolic reflector that is shallow and hence inefficient in utilizing the flux; it is a desirable unit for few applications. In Fig. 28 is given the distribution of candle-power from a typical 2 50- watt projector with the lamp in two positions. With the proper equipment it is usually possible to deliver from 30 to 50 per cent, of the total flux from the lamp on the surface of the structure to be illuminated. An experience of several years in flood lighting has demonstrated that a unit of the general type of Fig. 24 or 25 can most often be used advantageously and efficiently. The higher efficiency of the larger sizes of lamps favor their use, but the better control of direction and intensity with the smaller units frequently out-weighs this. It is desirable always to have every part of the surface receive light from several projectors in order to eliminate the striations (images of the filament) and to provide against ap- parent lack of intensity at any point when individual lamps burn out. EDWARDS AND MAGDSICK: LIGHT PROJECTION 241 The intensity need by no means be made equal for all parts of a structure; rather, the brightness should be so distributed as to display the structure as nearly as possible as the architect or sculptor intended. Frequently certain features can be emphasized with advantage over the results secured with daylight. In general, desirable average intensities are dictated by the reflecting character- istics of the building in both amount and direction, the bright- ness of surroundings, the average distance from which it is to be viewed and maximum radius of visibility desired, as well as nature of the structure itself. There is seldom danger of overlight- ing if the installation is properly made. 50,000 25 20 20 25 15 10 s 5" 5 U 10 Angle from Axis Fig. 29. Beam candle-power of typical complete flood-lighting unit with 250- watt Mazda C flood-lighting lamp in two positions. The latitude in direction of light and intensities employed may be indicated by reference to a few representative installations. Fig. 28 is a structure of simple Doric form in light Bedford stone and granite. Considerable choice is here offered both in the size of units and their location. The projectors are placed on the roof of a four-story building diagonally across the street and the electrical power provided is slightly more than % watt per square foot of building surface. The granite building of Fig. 30 with its massive Corinthian columns and decorations in relief, required particular attention from the standpoint of direction. The light sources are placed 16 242 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE across the street and slightly higher than the bank building. About i watt per square foot is provided, and 2 50- watt units are employed in order to secure the necessary control of distribution to em- phasize the architectural features. The monument shown in Fig. 31 is 284 ft. high and stands in an open circle. To light the narrow shaft most efficiently requires the use of parabolic reflectors giving a concentrated distribution of light. The projectors are placed in four groups on the surrounding build- ings at a distance of 230 ft., and a total of 25 kw. is employed. The Wool worth Tower, Fig. 32, receives its illumination from 550 projectors of the 2 50- watt size. The average power consumption increases from 0.75 watt per sq. ft. at the lower section to four times this value at the top. The use of small units with considerable lati- tude of adjustment was here required because of the necessity for mounting the equipment on the Tower itself and the desirability of preserving the vertical lines which form the main architectural feature. The glazed terra cotta surface of this Tower 8 complicated the design of the system. LIGHTHOUSES Lighthouses differ from the projector applications discussed above in that they exist for orientation purposes rather than for the illumi- nation of other objects. Questions of visibility here pertain to a point source, that is, one subtending an angle of less than 30 seconds, the limit for the resolving power of the eye. Metallic reflectors were at one time employed in this service but are now found in only a few installations on lightships. Lens sys- tems form the standard equipment, and their application in this field is notable for the large effective angles and hence the high efficiencies obtained. The careful correction of these lenses has led to a degree of control surprising in view of the extended sources of relatively low intrinsic brilliancy employed. Reliability, simplicity and low cost of operation, rather than extreme intensities, are the primary requisites in the majority of lighthouses. From the optical standpoint, electric arc or concentrated incandescent lamps are most nearly ideal, but since central electric service is seldom available, their application requires an installation of high initial and operating cost with skilled attendance. For these reasons, oil lamps, of both the wick and in- candescent mantle type, are still generally employed. The former is the most reliable of all sources; the latter excels it in brightness and Electrical World, Vol. 68, page 412. Fig. 30. Representative flood-lighting installation. (Facing Pag* 242.) Pig. 31. Representative flood-lighting installation. EDWARDS AND MAGDSICK: LIGHT PROJECTION 243 has the lowest operating cost of any lamp used in the service. Elec- tric lamps are installed in some of the more important lighthouses where high intensity is necessary. They are also found on all the larger light vessels. The lens systems are divided into orders according to their focal lengths, ranging from 150 mm. for the 6th order to 920 mm. for the ist and 1330 mm. for the hyper-radial. For fixed beams, giving a band of light continuous in a horizontal plane, the lenses are cylin- drical in form about a vertical axis, Fig. 33. The light issues as a belt of narrow vertical divergence; this angle and the intensity of the beam vary directly with the focal length for a given light source. The central part of a typical lens covers an angle at the source of nearly 60 and contributes about 60 per cent, of the light. This portion of the lens is dioptric, redirecting the light by refraction only. The upper and lower parts of the lens system are catadioptric, acting by both refraction and total reflection. The lower prisms cover about 20 and furnish 10 per cent, of the beam; the upper, nearly 50 and 30 per cent, of the light. Frequently a dioptric belt of about 80 effective angle is employed alone. If lenses developed about a horizontal axis are used, both vertical and horizontal concentration is secured and a very intense narrow cone of light results, varying for a given source roughly as the square of the focal length of the lens. Such a hemispherical lens, Fig. 34, with a spherical mirror on the opposite side of the source gives a powerful beam in one fixed direction, as for range lighting along a channel. Two such hemispheres, known as the bi- valve lens, give high intensity beams at 180 and are utilized rotating about the source to produce the highest powered flashing effects. Another lens giving four flashes per revolution is shown in Fig. 35. By vary- ing the design, any desired sequence of flashing with controlled period of flash and interval may be secured. Variations from a fixed beam are introduced in part to differen- tiate lighthouses from each other and from shore stations. Where low intensity suffices, this is often accomplished by an occulting device which covers the source at characteristic intervals, or by rotating the lens after screening sections of it. If spherical mirrors are used as screens, the beam intensity is thereby also increased. The other important reason for the use of the flashing lens is the enormous increase in beam intensity realized; this is practically in- versely proportional to the ratio of period of flash to interval between flashes. 244 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE The lenses shown in the illustration represent a recent develop- ment in that they are ground by machinery; hence all sections are interchangeable among different units of the same type. This is not the case with the hand-made imported lenses previously used; yet the new lenses, designed by Hower, are exceedingly accurate, with a divergence, it is reported, of less than one degree in some sizes, and with little scattered light. Patterson and Budding 9 found that the visibility of a point source is proportional to the candle-power and inversely to the square of the distance; that visibility is independent of brightness for sources sub- tending an arc of less than two minutes. Their investigation showed values for the range of lights of different colors only slightly less than the following reported by the German lighthouse Board of Ham- burg as the results of their tests in 1894: R = i.53\/I For white light in clear weather, where R represents the range in miles and 7 the candle-power. R = i.09\/i For white light in rainy weather. R = 1.63^/1 For green light in clear weather. It will be seen that for ordinary atmospheric conditions relatively low intensities would suffice to be visible at the geographic limit. Many of the larger incandescent mantle oil lanterns give intensities of the order of several hundred thousand candle-power. Electric units give beams that are measured in millions; the largest is the Navesink equipment at the entrance to New York Harbor reported variously as from 25,000,000 to 60,000,000 candle-power. In many installations the duration of the flash is o.i second or even less. This is probably shorter than the time required at low illuminations to produce the same sensation as a steady beam of the same inten- sity. The results produced by different durations of flash and inter- vening periods are only partially known; nevertheless the work of Blondel and Rey leads them to conclude that for maximum utiliza- tion of a source at range limits short flashes are required. There is a marked tendency toward using numbers of buoys in- stead of erecting a few lighthouses of high intensity. With Pintsch gas or acetylene these buoys frequently operate for periods as high as nine months or a year without attention. They can be operated with interrupted beams by means of mechanism actuated by the gas pressure, which turns the main burner off and on. With the large buoys it is also found economical to utilize valves which are kept closed during the day by the daylight radiation. Proc. Phys. Soc. London, 24, page 379, IQI3- Fig. 32. Representative flood-lighting installation. (Facing page 244.) Fig. 33. Fourth order six-panel fixed lens. Fig. 34. Fourth order range lens. Fig. 35. Fourth order four-panel flashing lens. Fig. 36. Signalling projector for aircraft EDWARDS AND MAGDSICK: LIGHT PROJECTION 245 LIGHT SIGNALS ' Other applications of light signals are principally in the railway and military fields. Table V, taken from a paper by Gage, 10 shows the usual sizes and types of semaphore lenses with the axial candle- power values and beam spread for both the long-time and one-day kerosene burners, which flames give about one and two candle-power, respectively. The optical lens is of the usual Fresnel type with the edge of the prismatic rings toward the flame; the inverted has these pointing outward and requires a cover glass. The inverted lens has the advantage that none of the light is deflected by the risers of the prisms. The values in the table are for clear lenses. In most signals colored glasses 11 are employed. With the same sources, the TABLE V. DATA FOR OPTICAL LENSES With long-time Burner With one-day burner Diam., Focus, Spread, ft. per 100 Spread, ft. per 100 inches inches r^ /^1 C* A\ A S power, Of 50 per cent, intensity, D Extreme, E power, Of 50 per cent, intensity, G Extreme H 4 H 37-5 14.0 16.6 30.6 24-3 26.7 4 3/-6 40.5 12.2 14.4 32.8 21 .0 23-3 4H 2^ 39-6 15.2 17-4 32.3 25 5 28.1 4* sM 42.0 12-5 14-7 33 5 21.5 23-7 4% 3 44-5 12.9 15 3 36.3 22.3 24-7 4H 3H 48.0 II. 9 14.1 38.5 20. 6 22.7 5 3> 57-0 II. 7 13-8 46-5 2O. 2 22.3 sK 3H 69.0 11.75 14.0 56.2 20.4 22.6 6 3*i 82.0 10.6 12.6 67.1 18.4 20.3 6}i 3?i 90.5 10.5 12.4 74-2 18.1 20.0 8^ 4 130.0 8.4 ii .7 106.5 14-6 20.2 SK 5 142 .0 7-4 8.7 116.0 12.7 14-0 I DATA FOR INVERTED LENSES 4 3H 35-4 14-5 17-5 29.0 24.0 31 o 4K 2>i 42.0 17.0 21 .1 34.2 28.0 38.3 4H 3 51.8 16.1 19.8 42.3 26.4 35-7 S 3^ 62.5 14.2 17.75 51 o 23.4 32.1 5^ 2K 59 17-0 19 3 48.0 28.0 53-0 5^ 3^ 66.8 13-8 16.75 55 3 22.7 30.3 6 6 3?4 89.8 12.7 16.5 73-2 20.8 29.6 7^ 3 94 5 13-5 23-7 77-1 22.3 42.8 8^ 3H I2O.O ii. 8 19-8 97-8 19-5 35-7 10 H. P. Gage, "Types of Signal Lenses," TRANS, I. E. S.. Vol. 9. page 486. 11 For a resum6 of the subject of color and vision, see "Color and It Applications" by M. Luckiesh. 246 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE effective range in miles for commercial colored lenses is reported by the Railway Signal Association (1908) as: Red 3 to 3. 5 Yellow i to i . 5 Green 2 . 5 to 3 . o The range for a clear lens is estimated at from 8 to 1 2 miles. The visibility is decreased when the field surrounding the lens is slightly illuminated, as in a slight haze or when other sources are near by. Small electric lamps are rapidly coming into use in semaphore signals and, with the stronger intensities produced by these more concentrated sources, they are found to be more satisfactory by day than are the arms. In one type of equipment use is made of rows of lenses in the three arm positions. On the C. M. & St. P. R. R., three signals, red, green and white, are aligned vertically. Behind each lens are two lamps, one operating at low efficiency, to prevent failure of the signal. The normal daylight range is 3000 feet, and under the worst conditions when opposed to direct sun- light the range is not less than 2000 feet. It is reported that they are seen more easily than semaphore arms under all circumstances and that they show two or three times as far as the latter in a snowstorm. Military searchlighting projectors have been used to transmit sig- nals at night more than 50 miles by training the beam on a cloud. They are also used in the navy directly for day signaling over con- siderable distances, and have the advantage that the narrow beam precludes observation by other vessels even though only a few degrees removed. The type of shutter equipment used is illustrated in Fig. 23. Several small incandescent lamps mounted in the ring focus of a cylindrical Fresnel lens are used with a Morse key for night signal- ling in the navy at moderate distances, superseding the Ardois and other devices. In the European war, extensive use is made among the land forces of i.2-c.p. metal-filament lamps equipped with para- bolic reflectors. 12 Morse signals are reported to have been read at ii miles at the rate of 17 words per minute with this apparatus. Fig. 36 illustrates a 150- watt signalling projector employed on British aircraft. The properties of the spherical and parabolic mirrors as well as the dioptric lens are utilized. PROJECTION OF TRANSPARENCIES One of the most familiar applications of lens systems in lighting equipment is for the projection of lantern slides and motion picture 15 Illuminating Engineer, London, Vol. 8, page 62. EDWARDS AND MAGDSICK : LIGHT PROJECTION 247 films. The scope of this lecture permits reference only to the fundamental optical systems and the light sources for the most com- mon classes of equipment. Numerous treatises of a more detailed nature are available; some of the more recent ones are mentioned in the appended bibliography. The elements of the optical system for lantern-slide projection are shown in Fig. 3 jA . The condenser intercepting the flux from the lamp becomes a secondary source having a brightness differing from the intrinsic brilliancy of the light source by only the percentage of losses in the glass, and directs a converging beam through the slide into the objective lens. The focal length of the latter is determined by the distance to the screen and the size of the picture desired Light Source Condensing Lens Slide Holder Screen Mirror Screen Fig. 37. A, Simple optical system for the projection of lantern slides. B, Simple optical system for the projection of motion pictures. Focusing for the different distances is accomplished by adjusting the position of the objective with reference to the slide. If the objective were limited to a very small aperture, the source of light would have to be highly concentrated in order that the rays might be accurately controlled and concentrated at this point. In practice, these may be made of considerable size; hence it is possible to secure the re- quired illumination from a somewhat extended source. Cost con- siderations determine the best combination of source brightness and objective diameter. To secure uniform results over the entire pic- ture, it is necessary that from any point in it a view through the objective and slide holder disclose condenser surface covering the entire area. In order to keep the condenser diameter within reason- 248 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE able limits, it is important to place the slide holder close to it. Mounting the light source near the condenser results in the utiliza- tion of the flux in a relatively large solid angle, and, therefore, makes for efficiency. The usual opening in the slide holder is 3 X 3/4 in. To illuminate all parts and avoid spherical and chromatic aberration requires a beam of a diameter even greater than the diagonal of the opening; thus a considerable percentage of the light is lost. In motion picture work, Fig. 37 B, the intensity requirements are far more severe and the brightness of the light source is corre- spondingly important. The aperture of the plate through which the film is fed has an area of 0.680 X 0.906 in. It is, therefore, placed well forward of the condenser in the narrower part of the beam. Additional losses are encountered through the necessity for a shutter, usually a sectored disc, to cut off the light during the period of film shifting, which occurs, with the usual pictures, 16 times every second. Since this frequency would be apparent as a distinct flicker, a two-wing or three- wing shutter is provided so that the light may be shut off 32 or 48 times per second. Kerosene and acetylene flames, incandescent mantles and Nernst glowers and oxy-hydrogen lime light sources, have all been em- ployed in the projection of lantern slides. To-day electric arc and incandescent lamps are used almost exclusively. The positive crater of the direct-current arc is particularly de- sirable as a source of light because of its high intrinsic brilliancy. It is not practicable to utilize the maximum brightness since the electrodes must be so arranged that the positive tip is at an angle with the condenser or that the negative shades a part of it. In order to keep the arc steady, it is desirable to have a small negative electrode, and this is secured with the necessary current-carrying capacity by coating the carbon with metal. For lantern slide pro- jection, 13 currents of from 4 to 25 amperes are found ample, with electrodes ranging from 6 to 13 mm. in diameter. For the ordi- nary motion picture films, currents of from 40 to no amperes are employed with positive electrodes ranging from 13 to 25 mm. in diameter and negative electrodes of from 8 to 22 mm., depending upon the current and the composition. Alternating-current lamps of low amperage are operated with a long arc. Since the arc is continuously reversing, there is no sharply defined crater of high brilliancy on either electrode. Such lamps are distinctly inferior in efficiency to the direct-current arcs, although l * R. B. Chillas, Jr., "Projection Engineering;" Trans. I. E. S., Vol. u, page 1097. EDWARDS AND MAGDSICK : LIGHT PROJECTION 249 ample for most lantern slide work. For motion picture projection, the alternating-current electrodes are operated close together to secure better craters. The electrodes are inclined to each other so as to expose as much as possible of one of the tips to the condenser. However, the brightness of the source is still lower than with direct- current, and considerable shading results due to the interference of the other electrode. Shutters employed with alternating-current equipment are of the two- wing type; the three-wing shutter with a frequency of 48 per second gives rise to stroboscopic effects with 6o-cycle current. Incandescent lamps of special concentrated-filament construc- tion are used for the projection of lantern slides under all condi- tions, and take care of the requirements amply. Recently the gas- filled tungsten-filament lamps have also been successfully applied Condenser Objective Light Source Per Cent -100 20.2 14.0 Lumens-23,600 4770 3300 Fig. 38. Typical efficiency chart for motion picture projection with mazda lamp; machine operating without film. to motion picture projection. It will be seen from Table I that the brilliancy of such sources is still below that of the carbon arc; nevertheless, their application is feasible because of other advan- tages gained. Among these is a somewhat more efficient utiliza- tion of the flux due to the fact that the source can be placed closer to the condensing lens. When used with objectives of the larger apertures the incandescent filament is found to be sufficiently con- centrated, and the intensification of flicker and irregularities pro- duced by such lenses with arc sources is obviated. The steadiness of the light and the elimination of operating difficulties are quite as important as the reduction in operating cost realized. In Fig. 38 are shown the utilization and losses of the flux in such apparatus. Although the losses in the system may appear high, it should be noted that the results for each part of the apparatus are superior to those secured with most equipment in use to-day. The illumina- 250 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE tion intensity on a picture area of 150 square feet is seen to be in excess of 5 foot-candles. The question of the most desirable intensity for motion picture projection is one on which a difference of opinion still exists. The Committee on Glare of the Illuminating Engineering Society 14 has recommended a brightness for the picture corresponding to a screen illumination of 2.5 foot-candles with no film in the machine, with a factor of 5 either way. A brightness which is too high causes not only fatigue to the eye, but also makes the flicker, wandering of the arc, etc., more pronounced. It appears that the present high- current arc installations are operating in the upper range of desirable intensities. BIBLIOGRAPHY GENERAL PRINCIPLES or LIGHT PROJECTION BENFORD, F. A., JR. "The Parabolic Mirror;" Trans. I. E. S., Vol. 10, p. 905. GAGE, S. H. and H. P. "Optic Projection," Comstock. NATIONAL LAMP WORKS or G. E. Co. " Mazda Lamps for Projection Purposes;" Eng. Dept. Bulletin No. 23. ORANGE, J. A. "Photometric Methods in Connection with Magic Lantern and Moving Picture Outfits, and a Simple Method of Studying the Intrinsic Brilliancy of Projection Sources;" G. E. Review, Vol. 19, p. 404. PORTER, L. C. "Photometric Measurements of Projectors;" Lighting Jour- nal, Vol. 4, p. 7. "New Developments in the Projection of Light;" Trans. I. E. S., Vol. 10, p. 38. AUTOMOBILE HEADLIGHTING CLARK, EMERSON L. "Automobile Lighting from the Lighting Viewpoint;" Bull. Soc. Auto. Engs., April, 1916, p. 45. Discussion. "Headlight Glare;" Bull. Soc. Auto. Engs., Feb., 1916, p. 296. Symposium. "Glare-Preventing Devices for Headlights;" Trans. Soc. Auto. Engs., Vol. 9, Part II, p. 284. RAILWAY HEADLIGHTING American Ry. Master Mechanics Ass'n. "Report of Headlight Committee," 1914. Ass'n. of Ry. Elec. Engineers. "Report of Committee on Locomotive Headlights;" Ry. Elec. Eng., Vol. 5, p. 199. . BABCOCK, A. H. "Southern Pacific Six- Volt Electric Headlight Equip- ment;" Ry. Elec. Eng., Vol. 7, p. 233. 14 Committee on Glare, "Diffusing Media; Projection and Focusing Screens, "Trans. I. E. S., Vol. ii, page 92. EDWARDS AND MACDSICK: LIGHT PROJECTION 251 BAILEY, P. S. "Incandescent Headlights for Street Railway and Locomo- tive Service;" G. E. Review, Vol. 19, p. 638. HARDING, C. F., AND TOPPING, A. N. "Headlight Tests;" Trans. A. I. E. E. Vol. 29, p. 1053. MINICK, J. L. "The Locomotive Headlight;" Trans. I. E. S., Vol. 9, p. 909. PORTER, L. C. "Meeting the Federal Headlight Requirements;" Ry. Elec. Eng., Vol. 7, p. 468. Ry. Elec. Engineer, Vol. 3. "Electric Headlights Wisconsin Railroad Commission Tests." SCRUGHAN, J. G. "Electric Headlight Tests;" Ry. Elec. Eng., Vol. 5, P- 349- Symposium (Succ, CHAS. R., DENNINGTON, A. R., PORTER, L. C.). "Theory, Design and Operation of Head-Lamps;" Elec. World, Vol. 62, p. 741. SEARCHLIGHTING BLONDEL, A. "A Method for Determining the Range of Searchlights;" Illuminating Eng. (London), Vol. 8, pp. 85, 153. CHILLAS, R. B., JR. " Searchlight Carbons;" Journal of U. S. Artillery, March-April, 1916, p. 191. Electrical World. Vol. 64, p. 181; "Search Lamp with Vapor-cooled Elec- trodes" (Beck). Vol. 68, p. 611; "High-Intensity Searchlight for Governmental Purposes" (Sperry). MCDOWELL, LIEUT, C. S. "Searchlights;" Proc. A. I. E. E., Vol. 34, p. 195. "Illumination in the Navy;" Trans. I. E. S., Vol. n, p. 573. NERZ, F. "Searchlights; Their Theory, Construction and Applications;" Van Nostrand. Symposium (LEDGER, P. G., AYRTON, MRS. HERTHA, TROTTER, A. P., etc.) "Searchlights; Their Scientific Development and Practical Applications;" Illuminating Eng. (London), Vol. 8, pp. 53-84. WEDDING, W. "A New Searchlight" (Beck); Electrotechnische Zeit- schrift, 1914, p. 901. FLOOD LIGHTING BAYLEY, G. L. "Illumination of Panama-Pacific Exposition;" Elec. World, Vol. 65, p. 391. Elec. Review and Western Electrician, Vol. 67, p. 1104; "Indianapolis Bank Adopts Flood Lighting." Vol. 67, p. 724, "Flood Lighting of Building Fronts from Ornamental Cluster Posts." Electrical World, Vol. 67, p. 1173; "Flood Lighting a Flag;" Vol. 67, p. 1462; "Adding Hours to Summer Days for Outdoor Recreations." Vol. 68, p. 453; "Niagara Falls Flood-Lighted." HARRISON, WARD and EDWARDS, EVAN J. "Recent Improvements in In- candescent Lamp Manufacture;" Trans. I. E. S., Vol. 8, p. 533. Lighting Journal, Volume 4, p. 18; "Projectors for Flood Lighting." MACGREGOR, R. A. "Lighting the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument;" Ltg. Journal, Vol. 4, p. 175. MAGDSICK, H. H." Flood Lighting the World's Tallest Building;" Elec. World, Vol. 68, p. 412. 252 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE PORTER, L. C. "Pageant Lighting;" Ltg. Journal, Vol. 3, p. 169. RYAN, W. D'A. " Spectacular Illumination;" G. E. Review, Vol. 17, p. 329. "Illumination of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition;" G. E. Review, Vol. 18, p. 579. SUMMERS, J. A. "Flood Lighting the State House at Boston;" Ltg. Journal, Vol. 4, p. 2. UHL, A. W. "Flood Lighting of a Great Outdoor Pageant;" Ltg. Journal, Vol. 4, p. 172. LIGHTHOUSES Encyclopaedia Brittanica, nth Edition. HASKELL, RAYMOND. "Lighthouse Illumination;" Trans. I. E. S., Vol. 10, p. 209. MACBETH, GEO. A. "Lighthouse Lenses;" Proc. Engs. Soc. Western Penn., Vol. 30, p. 231. LIGHT SIGNALS CHURCHILL, WM. "Red as a Danger Indication;" Trans. I. E. S., Vol. 9, P- 37i. GAGE, H. P. "Types of Signal Lenses;" Trans. I. E. S., Vol. 9, p. 486. LUCKIESH, M. "Color and Its Applications," Van Nostrand. MCDOWELL, LIEUT. C. S. "Illumination in the Navy;" Trans. I. E. S., Vol. ii, p. 573- SAUNDERS, J. E. "Recent Developments in Light Signals for Control of High-Speed Traffic;" Elec. Journal, Vol. 13, p. 443- STEVENS, THOS. S. "Illumination of Signals;" Trans. I. E. S., Vol. 9, p. 387. PROJECTION OF TRANSPARENCIES CHILLAS, R. B., JR. "Projection Engineering;" Trans. I. E. S., Vol. n, p. 1097. GAGE, S. H. and H. P. "Optic Projection." ORANGE, J. A. "Optic Projection as a Problem in Illumination;" Trans. I. E. S., Vol. 11, p. 768. TAYLOR, J. B. "The Projection Lantern;" Trans. I. E. S., Vol. n, p. 414. THE ARCHITECTURAL AND DECORATIVE ASPECTS OF LIGHTING BY GUY LOWELL There is surely no scientific profession, there is no branch of the engineering fraternity for which a thorough artistic training is more desirable than the profession of illuminating engineering. We can see, however, by looking over the list of lectures in the usual engi- neering courses that the technical knowledge which one should have is so great there are so many scientific subjects to be discussed that there can be but little time left in the curriculum for the study of the fine arts. Yet after all the aims of the illuminating engineer and of the artist are similar it is to reach the mind through the eyes. The point of view of the engineer is, however, largely objec- tive. He often seems to think that his mission is ended when he has made it possible to convey to the mind the facts as they are. The artist idealizes and wishes to state the facts as they might or should be, or as we say, colloquially, he wants to show them in the best possible light. These two methods of seeing the subjective method and the objective method, are often not very different, and I want to spend my time this morning considering the common aims of the illuminating engineer and the artist, and show how close to- gether the paths of the two really lie. We have been taught that were it not for the reflected light that comes from all the different objects on this earth of ours, our world would appear to be in darkness, because we could not see the objects around us. There might be sources of light, like the fire, the incan- descent filament, or the electric arc which would be visible in them- selves, but the light that comes from the heavens or from some man- made source must be reflected from an object in greater or less in- tensity for us to be able to see it. Furthermore, we all know that the effect that an object makes on the retina and thereby on the mind is dependent on the way the light is reflected from an object, and partly therefore on the way the light falls on that object. Since it is this pattern made by rays of varying intensity and of varying color on the retina, calling up various reminiscences to our mind, that enables us to see to understand what lies before us, it 253 254 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE follows that the type of lighting that sets in motion the most power- ful train of associative ideas is the one that may have the greatest emotional effect; but the intensity of the emotional effect is not measured by the intensity of the light even though the intensity of that light may affect the clearness with which we judge of the phys- ical aspect of the object on which it falls. We are not always neces- sarily interested, however, in the physical aspect in the intricate details of the object at which we are looking. We are often more interested in the memories it calls up. Let me illustrate what I mean by an example. When I realized some weeks ago that I was going to talk to the members of this society on the aesthetic principles instead of the scientific principles involved in some of the every-day problems of lighting, it occurred to me to get a variety of opinions on the mental reaction produced by such a simple source of light as one bright star in the midnight sky. So I asked three people among my neigh- bors one a distinguished astronomer, the next a young girl just back from college, and the third an immigrant woman whose husband worked as gardener on the place what their thoughts would be were they to wake up in the middle of a wintry night, and as they came back to consciousness were to see through the window a bright star. The astronomer said he would begin to wonder which star it was among all the myriads in the heavens; the young girl with a mind full of classical poetry said she would think of the mytholog- ical stories connected with the stars; the working woman said, " Sure if it was a single star on a wintry night I would think of the Star of Bethlehem." But when I said to each one of my three friends, " Supposing you were told that it was not a star after all but a distant electric light, what would you do? " They all three made a similar answer, " We'd turn over and go to sleep." Now the interest in these answers lies here. No one of the three was interested in the one little bright spot in the sky as a source of light; so long as it was a star, it called up a whole series of associative thoughts. Whether it calls up with its suggestion of infinite distances and infinite time a whole theory of cosmic philosophy; or whether it suggests to the pagan mind the mythological intrigues of a Jupiter, a Mars and a Venus; or whether the star recalls one of the most touching stories of our Christian faith the story of the Star of Bethlehem seen by the watching shepherds from the hillside nearly LOWELL: ASPECTS OF LIGHTING 255 two thousand years ago, certain it is that most of us when we see the brilliant star set in its wonderful background of midnight blue, project into our thoughts the reminiscence of some earlier associated idea, and thereby enjoy intellectual pleasures that we could not get from the mere contrast alone of a brilliant light against a dark back- ground. That one little spark of light in the sky is able to suggest a whole train of speculative thought, and serves as a strong stimulus to the imagination; in other words, fulfills the functions of a work of art, for in stimulating the imagination it has called up thoughts of beauty. What I want to consider more particularly to-day is the artistic function of lighting and show how the lighting scheme of the scene at which we are looking may quite independently of its efficiency, technical excellence or physiological advantages, control the emo- tional reaction which it produces influences the aesthetic result produced. Now instead of a single star, the scene at which we are perhaps looking may be the harmonious grouping of the many differ- ent objects in a natural landscape or inside a room, all reflecting different kinds of light in different ways and combining to make up the picture that is conveyed to the mind by the eye. I have already said that the strength of the intellectual reaction made by the pic- ture we see is in no sense dependent on the intensity of the lighting, nor necessarily on the clearness of vision with which we see the ob- jects in our scene. Let me show you again that the artistic effect is quite as much due to the train of associative ideas it calls up as to the clearness with which we see that scene. For this purpose I am going to ust as an illustration an outdoor scene, since we can select some beautiful view and nature will kindly shift the light for us, so that in our out- door laboratory we may judge of the changing thoughts produced by the same or similar scenes but under different conditions of light- ing. In order to show the difference between a scene clearly defined because of its uniform lighting, and a similar scene where only the important elements are brought out by the artist, I would ask you to compare a photograph of some familiar object with a painting by an artist of that same object. Photography is of use because it provides an illustration of the way we really see things in that it gives a record full of detail of what we see. The image permanently produced on the photographic plates after chemical development is monochromatic it is true and cannot by black and white present all the different colors nor are the light 256 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE values in the photograph always relatively right, but the direct photograph being what one might call a mechanical record of the scene before us provides us with an interesting way of comparing actuality with the way an artist would treat a similar scene, for the artist first looks, then apprehends, and then selects from all that he sees only that which he desires to record. The painter with his easel set up about to paint a landscape or a portrait waits till the lighting on his subject is just right, of the proper concentration or diffusion, from the right direction, of the right color, and is, therefore, dependent on the vagaries of nature. And to him the proper lighting of his subject is of tremendous artistic importance. Artificial light in the hands of the illuminating engineer can be con- trolled and arranged as the artist wishes, and the architect in the planning of his lighting scheme considers the same rules of compo- sition, studies the same effects of contrasts, produces by the position of his sources of light the same harmonies of line that the painter patiently waits often day after day for nature to produce. Right here we must emphasize once more the fact that uniform visibility and great distinctness of vision are not necessarily desir- able; it is wrong to assume that because, for instance, much time, thought and money have been spent on some decorative detail, or even on some art object among a collector's treasures, that it must be clearly brought out in the picture as a whole that what is costly and of value should, to use a naval expression, have high visibility. The artist does not want you to see everything with equal dis- tinctness. In his composition as in a symphonic poem some of the most beautiful passages, though full of suggestion, are low in tone, thus bring out in greater contrast the general theme throwing a high light on some other beautiful part. The musical composer only puts into his composition what he believes to be of importance to the creating of a proper impression of the whole; the artist or the worker in black or white leaves out what he does not want. The artist who arranges the light sources, who provides the illumination of a building must do the same, and the elimination, in the picture that presents itself to the eye, of the undesired elements by one method or another, should be an important part of his artistic result. The illumination of work shops, clerical offices, manufacturing plants, mercantile buildings as well as schools and buildings more directly under governmental control has been carefully studied, and we have been told at this convention here of the increased efficiency, the better health and the greater freedom from accidents that have LOWELL: ASPECTS OF LIGHTING 257 been brought about by a proper and efficient system of lighting and by the proper treatment of the wall surfaces and ceilings, so that they will not absorb an undue amount of light. That is a practical problem that you gentlemen are well qualified to solve; but the architect is at times, when he is not building loft buildings, offices, hospitals or industrial plants, but is designing buildings that are to serve for rest and for recreation rather than for work and efficiency, called upon to forget cost of operation and to neglect efficiency in order to produce a greater emotional effect. I am making a plea for the architect. You as engineers have not done your complete duty when you have thrown enough light by some economical system that does not require the paying of too large tribute to the electric light company, to enable one to see clearly all part of some new building. You may feel that I am talking too much about beauty, and too little about lumens and amperes, but after all I am only telling you how the trained artist with his surety of taste resulting from his long study of composition must always study to make lighting right, aesthetically, for that enables him to show the form and the color of what he represents in the most artistically effective way That from an architect's, as well as the artist's point of view is the artistic function of artificial lighting. The architect, however, is constantly trying to apply his artistic ideals to the practical solution of his problem. He recognizes at times that the utilitarian must prevail, but he also believes that there are times when the aesthetic appearance is of paramount importance and his resulting lighting scheme may be neither economical nor physiologically correct. We are often told that whatever is scientifically right must be good artistically, and that whatever in our universe is functionally correct and calculated to its needs with nicety is beautiful for that reason. I do not entirely believe that myself, but I am going to concede to a gathering of the scientific-minded like this that the scientific solution is undoubtedly the best for most problems; but qualify it by saying that the scientific mind often finds it hard to grasp what the artistic problem really is, for science is dealing with facts, is interpreting them and converting them to use, but is not interested in the emotional effect, for that is dependent on the different reaction on different individuals. For the understanding of many of these problems where the artistic and the scientific seem to come in conflict real powers of imagination seem necessary. What is imagination? Imagination might be 17 258 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE defined as the power to realize that there are variations from the rule and that such variations require a special treatment. If you agree with that definition of imagination consider the artistic treatment of the lighting problem as a possible variation from the rule and allow your imagination full play. So the lighting scheme laid out by an architect in connection with a building may be for one or two purposes: (a) Primarily for use and not for decoration. (b) To produce a decorative effect without special care being taken to have it economical and efficient from the engineering standpoint. In a practical system of architectural lighting the usual object is to reproduce in so far as economical utilitarian consideration will allow a properly diffused light resembling daylight if possible, and in sufficient quantity to enable one to do one's work or see about the lighted rooms or spaces with absolute ease. The best way to ob- tain such scientifically worked out lighting so that it shall be efficient and economical is really a practical question and not an aesthetic one. In what I consider an artistic scheme the sources of light 'screened or unscreened are grouped in such a way as to produce not diffusion but contrasts. The spots of strong reflected light and the spots of deep shadow are composed much as artists would compose light and dark spots in a drawing or painting. I have an admirable illustra- tion in mind of two art museums with these two absolutely different types of artificial lighting. They are the Art Museum in Boston and the private collection of Mrs. Gardner near it. At the Museum we tried to arrange the light so that it will as nearly as possible reproduce in direction and color the daylight those are the condi- tions that exist during the greater part of the time that the Museum is open and there every object can be clearly seen and studied. Mrs. Gardner lights her rooms with a few candles placed around so that some one particularly interesting object can be seen, standing out as it were from the surrounding shadow. No indirect lighting system in her house could begin to have the same charm. Even in an art museum the chosen method of lighting might depend on whether it is for use or for artistic effect. In my garage, in my kitchen, and in my work room, I try to diffuse the electric light as much as possible by reflecting surfaces. In my own dining room and parlor, however, though I have electric light brackets on the walls, they are never turned on, and the room is either lit entirely by candles, or by candles and portable lamps. Let me illustrate these two different ways of looking at the same LOWELL: ASPECTS OF LIGHTING 259 thing that is, the objective and the subjective. Consider, first of all, a photograph of a bridge; every detail is clearly brought out in the picture, the arches of the cement bridge, the trolley poles, the roadway, the ugly buildings, all jumbled together. No artist com- posed the picture it is just a record of homely facts. Now let us see a bridge through the eye of an artist. Perhaps it is a little un- fair to contrast with the photograph of a modern cement bridge, say, one of Whistler's lithographs, but this shows in a simple drawing the beauty the artist saw in what is really a very ugly bridge. He tried to express only as much of the bridge as seemed to him in his mood at the time as necessary to call up a certain impression. In other words he threw the light on only the essentials and left the unessentials undefined. To some this drawing calls up a long train of associative ideas, to others it represents little more than a beauti- ful pattern in black and white. I would have you consider the Presentation in the Temple, by Rembrandt. Here we have the strong lighting of the important figures, the background subdued, and only half felt to be there, like the subdued accompaniment to the principal melody in music. We might almost think that Rembrandt had invented the modern theatrical spot light in his desire to accent strongly the personages in his picture, and this characteristic of strongly marked high light is produced in all his paintings, because he knew that skilfully disposed lights, despite the strong contrasts, produce an agreeable pattern of lights and shadows. There is a simple way to study composition, by taking the paintings of the acknowledged masters, and when we are sure that we like a certain work try to analyze its composition, judge the com- posing of light and try to express in ideas, in words, wherein its ex- cellence lies. Nature, too, has a lot to teach us. We suddenly come on an opening in the woods, and the scene before us seems to make a satisfying and inspiring picture. To what is the charm due? Is it the color of the young green leaves with the sun shining through them; is it the sweep of the tree trunks and the branches into a smooth and flowing pattern; is it the distant vista of lake or moun- tain? It may be one or all of these, but there is always the light which above all is just right. Were it to come from a different direction, the leaves would be in shadow, the dark lines of the branches would make a different pattern, the high lights would be differently placed. But to have just the right picture you must see your scene as the artist would with its chosen lighting. 260 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE Now let us consider scenes by other painters. Gainsborough, full of vigor with strongly marked lines in the composition; Turner with a satisfying and harmonious sweep of line from one side of the canvas to the other; Rembrandt with his high lights like the strong blare of the trumpet in an orchestral piece. You see efficiency and intensity of lighting are left far behind in our minds when it comes to tracing harmonious patterns and pro- ducing wonderful blendings of color and light and shade. Think of the advantage you have as artists if you will so consider yourselves. You hold in your hand brushes dipped in light; you have a pallette set with all the colors that we find in nature. You can make your high lights shimmer at will. You can throw the confused detail into the mysterious and shadowy background. Equipped with a sound technical knowledge, the effects you can produce are only limited by your artistic training. But the road to art is long. A short lecture like this can only show that there is such a road; it cannot for a moment do more than that. For the power to understand the artistic impulse, the power to create what is artistically good, must come as the result of years of thought and study. We have given a hasty glance without attempting to classify them at the lighting schemes of nature in outdoor landscapes. The most direct copy of those effects of lighting we find on the stage of the modern theatre. There the aim is to produce illusions, to produce the illusion of reality, not necessarily as we have ourselves experienced it, but as we can conceive that it might exist, and there are no limits to-day to what one can do. For that reason the conventions for lighting of the stage of the last generation are disappearing. The strange effect produced by footlighting, with the resulting prominent chins and receding foreheads, is giving way to a flood of colored light pro- ducing the effect of a shadowless stage where the whole company is suffused in light. We are now looking at a pattern of color and even the advent of solid properties on the stage has failed to give us quite the real sense of solidity that comes with the feeling of mod- elling one gets from natural unilateral lighting. The thoughtful stage manager tells us that we have not solved his problem because he has to work with color and has to give up attempts at modelling. But since he states that the problem needs solving, you gentlemen must help him. I have purposely made this comparison of unilateral lighting out- LOWELL: ASPECTS OF LIGHTING 261 doors, and diffused lighting on the stage because the stage manager with all possible kinds of lighting at hand has to resort to the subter- fuge of painted shadows in order to make objects on his stage appear real, to appear solid. He paints a shadow under the cornice of a building, he shades one side of a real round column with paint, he even darkens the eye sockets and wrinkles of the actors. Though he is working in a space suffused with light he must paint in shadows to make his picture real and solid. And painting will not take the place of real high lights and real shadows as nature produces them. It is exactly the same thing in lighting our buildings, we must make them seem real, and what is more, make them seem solid. We thus see in our examples chosen from natural landscapes and from the work of the landscape painters that the emotional reaction of the scene before us when we are in the open looking at a natural landscape that the mood produced in us by the artist's painting is largely affected by the way the lighting is done. We also see how the theatrical manager, with the wonderful power of creating im- pressions, of inducing sensations, which is given him, is again abso- lutely dependent on the varying effects of lighting for painting his stage lights and his shadows. But the final effect produced on the individual is dependent on the taste of the individual. And the individual's taste is the result of experience, of education, of varying reminiscences, and it therefore is impossible to dogmatize and say that such and such a way is the best way to light a given subject. Some one asked me which I preferred for the exterior of a monu- mental building a row of incandescent lamps or flood lighting. How can I say? I do know that the answer depends on what the architect is trying to emphasize and on what he is trying to hide. Consider flood lighting for a moment. It is rarely so done as to do justice to the architecture. It was all right at the San Francisco fair. It was wonderful in fact because like on the stage spoken of a few minutes ago it served to bring out color and not form. But as used on the occasional building it is hardly so successful, for instance, the Boston State House last fall, or the new Technology buildings last spring. In the case of the last two buildings the architect had worked out all his contrasts of opening with wall space, all his con- trasts of supporting column with its lintel, to be seen by daylight, and by daylight the light comes from above. How can one expect flood lighting to do anything bat invert the architectural effect if it is thrown up from a lower building onto a higher one? And how can you expect the interior of a building to be artistically satisfactory 262 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRACTICE if the light that comes from the windows by