I ANGELA itait. Nobody was there. 8 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . of them beautiful. Having staid longer than was intended, thought it was too late to visit the Earl of Bute's, so rode over to Hamel Hemstead. Called on Meade, brother-in-law of M'Carthy. Returned by Berkhamstead, and reached home at 4. 10. Called by appointment on Lord Bridgwater. Left for his perusal, letter of J. Bentham. M'Carthy called at 1 1 . Rode with him and Bartlett. Called on , amiable, frank old man, very deaf; uncle of Mrs. Gordon, also of Whitbread. Polite and hospitable overtures. Tea with the Bartletts. Came home at 9. Retire to write and pack up. Wrote Lord Bridgwater, returning the book and paper, and asking for Bentham's letter. 12. Rose at 5. Got in stage at 6, intending to take post-chaise from Hamel Hemstead to St. Albans to visit Lord Grimstone ; but no chaise was to be had, so came into town, where arrived at 10 o'clock. To Faleur ; not content with his work. Impertinence of his goldsmith, whom I ordered out of the room for obtruding his opinions. F. is to mend his work, and I am to call to-morrow thence to S. Swartwout. It was fortunate that I came to town, for yesterday he received orders to go on to Liverpool forthwith. Received letter from D. M. Randolph ; very melan- choly. Speaks of the death of a most valued friend in America, which must be particularly afflicting to me. Who can he mean ? I have heard of no death of the least consequence to anybody. To Beck, tailor, about culots l \ badly made. Bentham has writ- I For culottes. Breeches. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . ten that he will be in town on Friday. Mrs. S. says I may lodge . Received a very civil letter from Sir Andrew Grant, enclosing the letter of his correspondent near Carlisle, about Mrs. Miller's legacy, which turns out to be just nothing. Also a very pretty letter from Miss C. Mallet, as well in her own as on Madame Prevost's behalf, inviting me to Weybridge. At 4, walked to Ridgeway's ; Madame had procured the books for which I had left a memorandum. 14. Called at Queen's Square Place; Mrs. Stoker has received a letter from Bentham delaying his return until Monday i6th, unless I shall be in town and wish him to come sooner. It is now 12, and, having suffered my fire to go out two hours ago, I am going to bed 1 . 15. Rose at 8. After saying at 12 last night that I was going to bed, I made a good fire, got wine, water, and sugar, and sat up till ^ p. 2. I went on Thursday to Robert Shedden, Gower street, on the business of the lovely Anabella, now, I hope, Mrs. A. B. R. Mr. Shedden was not at home, so I left a note, written at his house, of which, see the copy made from memory 2 . London, November 13, 1808. Sir Mark A. Gerrard and Captain Percival of the Marines came to breakfast. The former was fellow-passenger with me From tbii time until November ijth, there are no entries in the Journal. 10 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . from Halifax. The latter was introduced to me by him yesterday. We took dinner together at Story's Gate Coffee-house. After breakfast Sir Mark walked with me to Miss Beetham's to pay for a picture pro- file en noir 1 . Miss B. not at home. Paid her sister, Mrs. , 21 shillings. Belle femme et d 'esprit 1 . Called on Dumont at 5, and went together to dine at Achaud's. T ' : Sir Samuel Romilly et ux., formerly Miss , of K., where now lives her brother, belle et Men elevee*\ the young Baron D' Albert and his sister, wards of Constant. Sir Sam- uel has an amiable and intelligent countenance. Came off at 10 o'clock. 14. Don Castella called on me at 10. He had yesterday seen 89*. Three letters on X s affairs. Went to Falieri's ; got home, sans accident 6 . William Graves called at 5. The Hopewell does not sail till the 1 6th. No vessel yet provided to take the mail to New York. 15. Wrote Sir Mark to call on me. Note from Captain Percival that Lady Hamilton was not in town. G. called with Captain Stewart, an amiable young Scotchman. Sir Mark has discovered les personages' ' y and will present A. B. 8 on Friday. Passed the day in writing to the United States ; at home, except calling on Reeves at 4 about passports. Did not see him. 1 Profile in black, i. e., a silhouette. 2 A fine-looking, intellectual woman. 3 Fine looking and well-bred. 4 Some individual who is referred to by number rather than by name. Burr left with his daughter a long list of names to which numbers were attached. He was obliged to be very guarded in his communications. 5 Used several times in the Journal. X signifies Burr's secret projects with regard to Mexico. 6 Without accident. 7 The persons. 8 Aaron Burr. II Private Journal of Aaron Burr. K. abroad. Evening with Bentham ; conversed of tattooing, and how to be made useful ; of infanticide ; of crimes against Nature, &c., &c. 1 6. Castella called at n and sat an hour. Called at 4 on Dawe, painter ; pas talents 1 . At 5 home, safe. Dinner with B. and K. Tea ditto. Passed evening with . 17. Did nothing till 2, then called on Reeves about passports. He had done nothing, would do nothing, and was just going out of town for four days ! Me voila prisonier d'etaf! At J. Wedgwood's, 328 Oxford elle ne veut plus me parler 1 . Strolled and pens ant a C T. et tous mes petit s plans'-. Called on Ma- dame Beetham ; debars*. Sat half an hour av la mere 6 , who did not know me, but received me with politeness. On Madame Langworthy, la mere de la belle Catherine 7 . 1 8. Castella called before I was up. Breakfasted with me, and gave me many interesting details respect- ing South America and of persons there. Called on General Picton, Dr. Blackburn, and on Mr. Duval ; waited till he came in to dinner, and dined with him. To Madame H. Surry, who confessed that there was no such person as the Hon. Madame Bruce, but that the whole was a fable imposed on her by Madame G. } sister of Madame C., and so on me. Madame G. lives in handsome style, handsome carriages, and many I For // n'a fas de talents. He has no talents. z Here 1 am a state prisoner. } She won't speak to me any more. 4 Thinking of Theodosia and all my little plans. 5 Out. 6 For avec la mire. With the mother. 7 The mother of the beautiful Catherine. 12 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . servants ! Called on Madame W., found there a card from General Picton and a note from Mr. Duval, with whom I am to dine on Sunday. Tea with Bentham, Wrote to Hosack in reply to his of the lyth, and a long letter to Mrs. Prevost. Confab an hour with K. Read Thierry 1 an hour with B. 20. To Madame W.; abroad. To Madame H. Surrey, to see further about the Hon. Madame Bruce. To the Salopian Coffee-house, to meet Sir Mark by appointment. He came not, but met there Captain Percival. Chez nous 1 - to dress. To Duval's to dine at 5. A family party. Only the two sons, who are amiable and pleasant. The counsellor, Lewis, very intelligent. I had lent for a few days the picture of Theodosia, which was hung up there, and em- ployed more of my thoughts than the dinner and com- pany. We drank her health, &c. It is very remark- able that one of the sons looks like Phil, and the other speaks like him. You will be struck with it at your first interview. Read an hour more of Thierry, and laughed a great deal. Made out a law opinion re- quested by Hosack, which took me two hours, being obliged to hunt up the treaty of 1794', and certain laws of the State of New York. General Picton called on me yesterday at the hour I was cbez lui. 21. At War Office to confer with General Hope about license, &c. Note : I had met General Hope I There were several French authors of this name. z At our house, at home. J This was probably the treaty with regard to Indian lands in Western New York, signed at Canandaigua, N.Y., by representatives of the United States and the principal chiefs of the Seneca Nation of Indians. Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . at dinner at Mr. Cooke's. He declared himself to have been an intimate friend of the late Colonel Wil- liamson 1 ; to have heard him speak much and affec- tionately of me ; to have greatly desired my acquaint- ance. Gave me his address, &c. To Madame Onslow's, about two and a half miles, New road. A u retour pres 5*, called again at the War Office to see General H., having been told by the porter that he would certainly be in at that hour. His carriage wait- ing at the door. Denied ! Dinner chez nous with B. seu/\ Koe came in and we read Thierry. B. always goes to bed at n, at which hour, of course, I come down to my room. Wrote to you, and for you, and about you, till i. 22. Sir Mark came in at 12 to apologize for his default on Sunday. Walked with him to be intro- duced to Signora - ; truly a very lovely woman ; native of Corsica ; widow of a British officer ; peut-etre 32 ; parl. Italian, French, and English ; une physiono- mie tres interressanfe 4 ; nous y rencontrames four autres dames etrangeres*. Walked with the General to Tottenham Court Road, having twice egared 6 on the way. We parted. To Madame Onslow's je la trouvee superbement mise et av. beaucoup de gout. Jou- ames Echecje gagnai. Elle mejoua quelques airs assez j aliment sur la Harpe 1 . Left at % p. 4. En ret. s Pu'lterfey" 1 " Williamson ' who managed the lands in Western New York owned by Sir William ^ On my return at nearly 5. J Alone. t Wr hapS , ?K * St ! eakS '!; alian ' Frcnch ' and En B lish > a ver y interesting face. 5 We met there four other strange ladies 7 MoundVe^dr^lT 11 ' M"" h e rem k akeS t" English verb from a French P erfcct participle. -^SffSS^S*: 1 *" 11 * 1111 '- We P' a X-l chess. I won. S L played 8 On returning. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . stopped moment chez Ridgeway. She dare not under- take the of Jovellianoz. Chez nous at 5^. Din. seul av. B. K. ent. a 6, read Thierry a little 1 . Part at ii. Wrote till 2 to United States. 23. Castella came in at 10 and took breakfast. Stayed two hours. Had received a very interesting letter from his friend C. in Spain. Had seen M. de G. He is to call again on Friday. Many things proposed for consideration. Baron N. left word that he had called at the particular request of the sister of Sir W. Pulteney. This another inquiry about Ameri- can laws. Left card at Baron Norton's. To Falieri's. After essaying an hour, he determined to abandon this, his second work, and try again. Note : I have already paid him 30 ! ! Returning, at Madame Duval's, to thank her for the pretty manner in which the picture was sent home. She said rolling injured it, and she had procured a very handsome portfolio, made just to receive it ; an attention which very much pleased me. To Achaud's ; saw Madame only ; gave instructions about the letters they are to write to Portsmouth, Falmouth, and Liverpool, to secure the reception of T 1 . To Reeves's, who prayed me to dine; engaged to return after dinner. Dinner chez nous B. seul. Koe enters at 6. At 7 went to Reeves's. Gave him up his license. Claimed the privilege of a British subject as a birthright, which I had a right to resume, and gave him notice that I should go where I pleased. This violent measure, however, grew out of his sug- 1 Dinner alone with B., K. entering at 6, read Thierry a little. 2 Theodosia, his daughter. He hoped she would join him in Europe. Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . gestions. He promised to report the case to Lord Hawkesbury, who would probably refer it to the Attorney-General. R. is to communicate to me the result. Returned to tea. Read Thierry an hour with B. and K. Part at n. Wrote till 3. On returning home, called at Turnevelli's, the statuary, and engaged to give him a sitting to-morrow at 1 1 . 24. Rose at 9. Wrote to Sir Mark not to call till i. Went to Turnevelli's. He would have a mask. I consented, because Bentham, et al l . had. A very unpleasant ceremony. To Sir Mark's ; he was sitting down to breakfast. Walked together. Called at Herries and Farquar's, St. James's street, agents of the late Colonel Charles Williamson, to see for letters from T . None ! none ! ! Returning with G., cbez moi* found a note from Baron Norton, requesting an interview. No doubt some law business. Wrote him to call at 12 to morrow. Sir Mark had engaged me to call on Signora B. Just as we were going out, casting my eyes in the mirror I observed a great pur- ple mark on my nose. Went up and washed it and rubbed it all to no purpose. It was indelible. That cursed mask business has occasioned it. I believe the fellow used quicklime instead of plaister 3 of Paris, for I felt a very unpleasant degree of heat during the operation. I sent Sir Mark off, resolved to see no Signora till the proboscis be in order. Wrote Ons. 4 , with whom I had engaged to pass the evening, apolo- I Latin for et alii. And others. T. At home. ) So in the MS. 4 Madame Onslow. 16 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . gizing. Sent Tom with the packet for T., to be put into the mail for Falmouth. Also a letter for E. in French. Dinner chez nous with B. seut, Koe being gone to Hamstead. I have been applying a dozen different applications to the nose, which have only inflamed it. How many curses have I heaped on that Italian ! Read to B. review of Leckie's work, which took till 9. K. came in, and we finished Thierry. I shall go early to bed (say 12), in hopes to sleep off my nasology. 25. Did not get to bed till i . Rose at 9. Nose the same. At n, went to Turnevelli's to sit. Re- lieved myself by cursing him for the nose disaster. He bore it like one conscious, and endeavored to con- sole me by stating that the same thing happened to Lord Melville and to several others, and that the appearance passed off in a few days. Took a hack, not liking to walk and exhibit my nose. Stayed two hours with Turnevelli. He will make a most hideous, frightful thing, but much like the original. After leaving Tur., being unfit for any reasonable thing, rode to Madame O.'s to apprise her that if she were dis- engaged I would call after dinner and play chess. It was agreed. Rode to F's to give him a written mem. pointing out the defects and containing precise direc- tions. Paid off" the coach, 3 shillings, and walked to O.'s. On the way eat cakes and custard, i shilling, by way of dinner. Got to O.'s at y z p. 5. Staid till ^ p. 9. Play two games each won alternately and paid. Chez nous a dix*. B. was writing. Chez moi, where i At home at 10. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . I do nothing but muse for two hours. Coucbe* at i . 26. Rose at ^ p. 9. Went to Turnevelli's at I 1 ; nose a little improved. Sat one hour. The thing grows more hideous at every touch. Called at the house which C. gave me as his residence. The lady said he did not lodge there, she not being able to accommodate his family that is, his niece " Old enough to be my grand-father ! " He/as ! quand reviendrai 1 - ? Roved about two or three hours hunting a chess table, or stand with chess board inlaid ; did not find one to please me. Home at ^ p. 3 to dress for dinner, being engaged to General Picton at the Tower Coffee-house. Went there, the nose not- withstanding, at y?. p. 5. T: Captain Charles Smith ; Baron Montalbert, who had served in St. Domingo, and said De Pestre was one of his officers, i. e., under his command. Spoke of De Pestre handsomely, but not in the warm terms which his virtues, his courage, and his talents merit. Also Dr. , an Irish gentleman who was in the medical department of Trinidad with Picton, and his particular friend, a frank, intelligent man. General Picton was governor of Trinidad, and had here a very unpleasant lawsuit, on a charge of applying torture to a mulatto girl to extort a confession of a theft to which there was a reason to believe she was a party. The ministry did not support him. Friday (25th) again. I come back to Friday to say that Baron Norton, agreeably to my appointment, i Go to bui. One of the French words often employed in the Journal. L Alas ! when shall I return. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . called promptly at 12. His errand was to inquire about the estate of the late Lady Buth 1 , the daughter of Sir W. Pulteney, and particularly as to the laws of descent in New York. He is a judicial baron of Scotland, whither he is going in a few days. Gave me his address, and offered me all sorts of civilities. Madame Norton, his wife, is a niece of the late Sir W. P. Perhaps a sister. No, it is a niece, and sister of the late Lady Buth. Saturday (26th) again. Our dinner was a very good one, of three courses and four kinds of wine. Being in very bad order for society, I left them before coffee and got home at ^ p. 10. Just spoke to B. and came to my room. After ruminating and doing nothing for two hours, to bed about i. In the course of the day called on Madame W. and found her in tears, with a gentleman by her side, consoling her in his manner, and from which I supposed some- thing very melancholy had happened. He went off, and on inquiring the cause, which was too long to be written I found it so ridiculous that I scolded and laughed at her until she also laughed. 27. Sent Tom to Walbrooke to Madame W., which is his daily tour. At 12 called at Reeves's. He showed me a letter from Colonel Jenkinson about my pretensions as a British subject. Dampier has given opinion that I may resume at pleasure, the Lord Chancellor, Eldon, that I cannot, and am forever an alien. The Attorney-General is doubt- I For Lady Bath, for whom the village of Bath in New York state was named. 19 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . ing. Lord Hawkesbury thinks the claim monstrous. I begin to think the policy of this brusque move- ment very doubtful. I am out of all patience at being detained in town, and am in danger of weary- ing out my great and good friend Bentham. From Reeves's walked on to visit the Donna ; but, recollecting my nose, walked home. Tom had brought a letter from Graves, who is a most indefatigable and good creature. At 2 went over Westminster Bridge, and through Southwark to the London Bridge. Then round by the Tower, which I had never before seen. It is surrounded by a ditch, through which the Thames water flows ; but it would not resist an enemy provided with heavy cannon for twenty-four hours. It may do very well to keep the lions and state prisoners. Called on Crockatt, 22 Throgmorton street ; not at home. Gamp was tired and stopped a quarter of an hour to eat a jelly and cake, 8 pence. Came back by Blackfriars' and Westminster Bridges, and got home safe at % p. 4, having walked, as your map will show you, at least eight miles. Dinner below. B. and K. went up, and, against my advice, began the reading of the Preface and Eloge 1 of Thierry. B. got asleep, and I, approaching to it, came down to bring up my journal for the last three days, lest my little Min. z scold. 28. Rose at ^ p. 9. Nose a little improved. Sent Tom to Graves for the laws of New York, and to Miller, bootmaker. It is now five weeks since I I Eulogy. i Does he mean Minerva > 20 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . put into Miller's hands some of Bellamy's leather for a pair of boots. One pair which I could not get on, were sent and were returned. Since that I have had daily promises, but no boots. The shoes, which cost 17 shillings, I could not wear, and have given them away. Thus it is with every mechanic I have employed in London except my tailor, Beck, who lies a little, but far less than any other. Waited till i for Tom's return, and then went to Turnevelli's. Sat one hour. Worse and worse ! This was meant to please you ; but if I had suspected that I had become so infernally ugly, I would sooner have . Roved about for two hours, ruminating on this sort of non-existence and on you. E. A., too, often accom- panies me. Got home safe at y 2 p. 4. Mr. Elkton Hammond, merchant, to dine with us. A very intel- ligent young man ; admiring the works of B. Has two sisters ; one studies legislation, the other chym- istry 1 . The chymist said to be pretty. I am to dine there with B. on Thursday, when you shall hear more of them. This is the first time of Bentham's dining out. Mr. Slade sent me this morning a dozen Boston newspapers down to i4th October. What a nation of scoundrels you are, if one is to believe the gazettes ! 29. Couche at 3. Rose at 9. I don't recollect to have told you that on my return from Weybridge, I had determined to set off immediately for Scotland. Six weeks have elapsed, and I am apparently (what I So in the MS. An old form of spelling. 21 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . hellish scrawls 1 ; I must try to do better, or this precious mem. will be lost to you and to the world), apparently no nearer departure than on the day of my return. Castella called with his friend P. at u. P. is a pleasant, amiable young man. Each a niece ! Pauv. dta* P. has offered me some interesting maps and papers. Had determined to go to-day to Wey- bridge ; but having neglected to secure a passage, the stage was full, &c. Went out at i to hunt a chess- is * table ; bought one, which, after buying, I found was not the thing. Gave it up on paying 2 shillings. Home at 2. A letter from Graves by Tom. Amer- ican news to November 8th, by a schooner which ran out of New York, the embargo notwithstanding. You go on exactly as I expected, and as I declared four months ago. At 3 to Donna. A very interest- ing woman ; a tall, graceful figure, and the eyes and hair of Italian beauty. No rouge, but interesting physiognomy. If I were to stay in town should pass many hours with Donna. To Falieri's at 5. Thence to Madame O.'s, having taken, by way of dinner, a jelly and biscuit on the way, 7 pence. Played two games of chess, and won both. Prompt payment alarm all ends well. Got home at ^ p. 8. Read with Bentham an hour in Semple's "Trav- els in Spain." 30. It is in the evening only that I write to you in this manner. After writing what you see of yes- terday, Koe came into my room about 12, and 1 The description is perfect ! Editor. 2 For fauvri diabli. Poor devil. 22 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . challenged me at chess. We played till 4 this morn- ing. I had ordered Anna to wake me at 7. She called at the hour. I answered and slept on till 10. Went out at 12. To Vickery, the celebrated perru- kier\ Covent Garden, to get a peruke for my country tour. Dressing my head in any fashion takes some time, and cannot be done on a journey ; so I have taken again to the wig. Called at Madame W.'s on my return. She says several have called without leaving their names, perhaps some one with letters from you ! The sight of your handwriting would make a jubilee in my heart. Found there a letter from Madame Prevost, and a very pretty one from Madame Godwin. Came home, answered Mrs. G.'s. Wrote also to Guillemard, from whom a second note came to-day. Found waiting for me in my room Captain C. Smith, whose civilities are unremitted, and of the most friendly kind. Went out again at 3. To a dozen cabinet-makers for a chess table. In vain ; there is no such thing. Got her, however, a Dupre seal, 7 shillings 6 pence. To Falieri's. He has tried again, and I think has now succeeded. He had adopted an improvement on my suggestion, which he now values very much ; but I had great trouble to make him do so. To Madame O.'s at */ p. 5, having on the way taken a custard, a tart, and a cake for dinner, i and 2 pence. Pence are of some value here, but guineas of none. Took tea and played chess with O. and settled the winnings. Each score a I For ferruquiir. Peruke-maker. 23 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. game. Got home at 9. Found that D. M. 1 had called. What can have brought him ? I am, how- ever, most heartily glad he has come. I was just going to write him to come. He has been for some time at Bath. Read with B. and K. an hour in Semple. Wrote Madame Prevost and am now going to bed, ^2 P- i- The nose improves apace; hope it will be exhibitable to-morrow, and be fit for inspection of the legislatrix and the chymistress. Bon soir 2 "! London, December i, 1808. Up at 7. Break- fast at 8. Some hopes of reform. Wrote several notes. At n came in D. M. R. Poetry! A little cracked, I fear. Perhaps the champignons he ate at Cheltenham of which // manquoit de mourir* no doubt a little cracked. Soir 4 at 2 to Turnevelli's ; abroad. Glad of it, for I would give 5 guineas that the thing were demolished ! To twenty cabinet-makers for chess table. None. To for seal for O. To Madame W . Chez moi at 3. B., K., and self began our march at 4. The distance 3 miles. Arrive at 5. T: Elton H.; two souers y assez bien. Mais ne disent mot. Le jeune frere bon franc physion. Un , pas bomme. Un tres jeun horn. Clark probablement un clerk. Din. simpl. assez bon. A 8 sor. pour rendezvous de Madame G. La vu seule. Un develupment tres franc. Elle a un excellent esprit. Ses projects sur U. S. Promts de don. un rendez. chez moi a mon retour a Weybridge. Retour a H. a 9. 1 D. M. Randolph. 2 Good evening. J He almost died. 4 Kvening, or afternoon. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Music par Gam. La, la. Chez nous at n 1 . Chess with K. till 2. 2. Rose at 9. Breakfast at 10. D. M. R. at 1 1. Not quite so mad as yesterday, yet a little out. Con- sents to lay by the poem for some months. A very civil note from Guillemard, to which replied. Wrote several other notes. Sent trunks to get better locks. So much plague as I had to get trunks, and the locks are naught. Sor* at ^ p. 2. To Turnevelli's, who had been to hunt me. Sat only twenty minutes. He is determined to go through with it ; tries to encourage me ; finds it wonderfully like Voltaire ; but all won't do. It is a horrid piece of deformity. To Falieri ; not ready. To Miss Mallet. The most rational being I have seen. Staid a whole hour, and greatly pleased with her. Good breeding and social talents in a degree very rare. Why don't I go there oftener ? Because I do nothing that I wish or intend. At */ p. 5 to Colonel Charles Smith, 14 Beaumont street. T: Colonel Kearney ; Von Sent, a respectable, quiet subject, living thirty miles from London ; Dr. Flana- gan, who was in Trinidad with Picton, whom he represents to be a man of rigid integrity and great disinterestedness. Took no fees or perquisites while governor. Such a man will not suit, and hence out of favour. Dr. F. is a sprightly, sensible, frank, well- 1 Two sisters, pretty good. But they don't say a word. The young brother a good, open countenance. A , not a man. A very young man Clark, probably a clerk. Dinner simple, pretty good. At 8 go out to Madame G. s rendezvous. Saw her alone. A very frank explanation. She has an excellent mind. Her schemes as to U. S. Her promise to give a ren- dezvous at my house on my return to Weybridge. Return to H. at 9. Music by Gamp. La, la. At home at II. [In this case La, la, might be French, La, la. There now !] 2 For tors. I go out. Used all through the Journal. Private Journal of Aaron Burr. informed man. Tendered many civilities. An abomi- nable tale was told of the P. of W of the annuity of ^200 to , the famous groom and jockey ; General , who has gone to command at Lisbon. His eulogy Shaving the Seapoys when secretary in Ireland. General Picton has two brothers in Wales. One a private gentleman, the other a clergyman. Three brothers, Pictons. Chez nous at y z p. 10. Passed one-half hour with B. and K. Pre- pare for journey. Couche at ^ p. 2. 3. Had very carefully put Mr. Achaud's letter, my handkerchiefs, and other small articles in the pockets of the coat I intended to wear. Anna had put my room in order before I got down. After being two hours on the way, missed my handkerchiefs, and, upon quiet examination, discovered that I had taken the wrong coat. What a curse to have two coats at a time ! But the letter ; the letter of Madame A. to Madame P. ! Met at Brentford the coach going to town. Engaged the driver for half a crown to go to o c? O Bentham's for the letter. Wrote K. to give him it. Breakfast at Brentford, i shilling 6 pence. A sensible elderly lady in the coach, going to Madame Merry's, Chelsea. This cannot be our Madame Merry. Ar- rived at Wey bridge at ^ p. i, having been five and a quarter hours on the road. Distance twenty-one miles. This is the usual rate of stage-coaching in this country, except the mail. At Madame Prevost's, her son, Lieutenant-Colonel William Prevost, and wife ; an Irish lady, Miss Hamilton. Her father now at , 26 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . in Somerset, one brother, merchant in Liverpool, one, very young, merchant at Quebec, making a fortune out of the embargo. She offered a letter for you to her brother in Liverpool, in case you should land there. Dinner at 5 enfamille 1 . Cards au soir* perd.* 3 shilling 6 pence. In the forenoon walked with Madame Prevost. Met several Gunns, but not Eliza. After returning, called at Gunn's. He abroad. Madame and the five daughters cbez e!!e 4 . All very accomplished. All talents. The mother and Eliza superior. Came home (to the tavern) at y z p. 10. I refused a bed at Madame's, being more at my ease to smoke my segar and tell little T. what I have been about. But I don't tell y z nor ^. These are only notes to write from. Afraid to write out. 4. Rose at 8. Breakfast at Madame P.'s. Walked through Oatland's Park to Walton, to see Mr. O'Callahan. Stopped at the outer Park gate, and got a passage after much difficulty. Mr. and M'lle O'C. abroad. M'lle cbez elle et comme me faroit un peu s. 5 Urged to dine. Mr. Gunn came in ; going out, met Mr. O'C., who, with Gunn, walked with me over the commons, not choosing to try the Park on my return. Pointed out to me on an eminence, about one mile distant, a place formerly the residence of Edward III., and afterward of Cardinal Wolsey, now the property of a broker, who has taken down the ancient struc- I In or with the family ; informally, as one of them. 1 In the evening. 3 For ftrdis, or perdu. Lost. 4 At her house. 5 At her house, and as it seems to me, a little s Private Journal of Aaron Burr . tures, and put up a modern house in very bad taste. Near Weybridge met Madame Gunn and five daughters, with whom walked in the Park, and went to see the congaroos 1 and other beasts. Called on Mr. Bissett, once a very respectable clergyman at New York, now corrector of the press to a printing- office in Weybridge. He went home with me and staid till 5. Din. chez 1 Madame Prevost. T: Colonel P. et ux.; Captain et ux. Came home at 9. Mr. Gunn sent me a letter for his steward in Ireland. Madame Colonel P. gave letter to her brother at Liverpool, to whom she also wrote about T. The lost letter from Madame Achaud to Madame P. came by this day's mail, but charged with 8 pence postage. 5. Got in stage at ^ p. 7. Breakfast at Brent- ford. Arrived at ^ p. 1 1. Thus you see the rate of traveling. Stage fare going and coming, 14 shillings. To the coachman 2 shillings ; bill at Weybridge 1 1 shillings 6 pence ; maid 2 shillings 6 pence ; two breakfasts 3 shillings ; an extra 2 shillings and 6 pence to the driver, who took my letter to Bentham. Total, 35 shillings and 6 pence, though I lived at Madame P.'s. Took coach at Charing Cross, and went to Madame W.'s. My little villain, Tom, had been without orders and taken up my letters. Home at i. Found letter from Guillemard, transmitting the laws of N. Y., and an invitation to dine to-morrow, which was obliged to refuse. Sors at 2. To the Tower I So in the MS. 1 For diner (hex.. Dinner at the house of. 28 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . Coffee-house, Bond street, to see Dr. Flanagan. Denied that he lived there, though he gave it to me as his address. To Miss Mallet, with Madame Prevost's letter ; abroad. To Major-General Picton's, Ed- wards street ; abroad. To Falieri's, where staid an hour. Still not done. Returning, called at Madame Achaud's; nobody at home. Quod mirum* ! Byway of dinner, three oysters, jelly, and cake, 10 pence. Called at Godwin's at y% p. 5, knowing that he dines at 4. Found them at tea, and joined the three daughters and little son. Agreed with Madame for rendezvous to-morrow at 1 1 at Mr. Lamb's 1 rooms. He is a writer, and lives with a maiden sister, also literaire*, in a fourth story. Forgot on my way from Achaud's, called on D. M. R., and walked half an hour with him. Mad again on poetry and politics. Chez nous ^ p. 8. Read an hour in the " Edinburgh Review " of the " Life of Washington." Descend at YZ p. 10. Spent two hours in hunting for some bank bills, my whole stock, and finally gave them up as lost. Found them when and where least expected. Couch 4 ' at i . 6. Rose at */ p- 9. Sor. at ^ before 1 1 to meet Madame G. Met at the door of the place. Walked about the Temple, which comprises a large, irregular square ; several small courts and alleys ; many handsome buildings ; two gardens on the banks of the Thames, very pretty. Madame had found a 1 Latin. How remarkable ! 2 Charles Lamb. } Literary. 4 For couche. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . more convenient place at the house of Mr. Norris, treasurer of something. A handsome parlour. Passed an hour and a half talking over the affairs of G., &c. Walked with her to Holborn, and then went to Turnevelli's, where sat an hour. Home at 4. Caught in the rain, having yesterday left my umbrella at Brentford no doubt lost. Dinner, B. and K. Read out the review of the " Life of Washington " by Marshall and Ramsay. The review is full as stupid, and as illy 1 written, as either of the books. Came down to bring up your journal since Saturday, the yth, lest such important incidents should not be recorded. I know you will rave like a little Juno if you are not told what I do, and where I go every day. I could write six or eight very amusing pages of the incidents of the last three days, but they must be said and not written. Sir M. G. called on me just as I got home to-day, and gave me his address at his new lodgings. Omitted : Yesterday called at O.'s ; she was engaged. Have not seen Donna, but hear that she is very ill. (My journal is four days in arrear. Half will be for- gotten. This is Saturday evening. I will try to recollect.) 7. Rose at ten. Such is the mode in London. Sor. at i. Going up Haymarket, met Madame O., and walked with her half an hour. Went to the stage-house in Piccadilly to inquire for my umbrella, but with little hope. It was there, brought by the coachman ; i shilling 6 pence. How very honest I So in the MS. 30 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . people are here, and yet I am cheated most impu- dently every hour ! Met Sir Mark, and walked an hour with him. To Madame Duval. To Falieri's. To Turnevelli's ; not at home ; shall never be done with that fellow, and yet he tries his best ; but the strange irregularities and deformities of the face defy all art. To O.'s for ten minutes, to say I would come to-morrow. To Sir M. Gerrard's to dine at . Plagued to find the house. Like a true Irishman, he had mistaken his address. The same happened with Dr. Flanagan on Monday. Monsieur , the host of Sir Mark, has seen better days. He is now one of the pensioners of this government. Safemme, a pretty, amiable Angloise l y who speaks French per- fectly. Captain came in. Left Sir G. at 8, and went by way of Gray's Inn Lane to Godwin's, where stayed till ^ p. 10, and then at a very rapid rate home 26 minutes by the watch, being about three miles. Two shillings to beggar girls pure benevolence. Just said bon soir to B., and came to my room. Chess with K. till i. Sat up two hours after, packing up. Shall I ever get out of town to make this long-projected tour? Yes, on Saturday evening, pos. 2 8. Rose at 10. Wrote to Reeves; to General Hope; to Crockatt; to Dr. Flanagan. Sor. at i. Left Reeves's letter at his house, he not being at home. Left Dr. F.'s at the Tower Coffee-house. But before going out, Graves came in to tell me that the mail for i His wife, a pretty, amiable English lady. L For positively or possibly. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . the packet would close at 5 P. M. this day ; yet instead of sitting down to write to you, you see what I did. From the Tower Coffee-house to Madame Duval's. Called at Beetham's and got my picture of Catherine L. To Reeves's ; he was reading my letter, and begged me to dine, being then ^ p. 4. I told him my distress about the packet. He sent a messen- ger to inquire. The mail would close at 5, but sailing orders would not go till to-morrow's mail, and he is to get your letter along with those of government. So staid to dine. Left them at 7, under pretence of my great impatience to write, and went off three miles to O.'s, where I staid till 10. Two games of chess, and was beaten both games, though I tried my best. Got home at % after n. Note: O. has found me out. Just spoke to B. and immediately came down to write. Couche at 3. 9. Rose at 8 ; breakfast at 9. Castella came and took breakfast with me. Sent him off, being busy, and engaged to walk with him at 8. To Put- ney 5 miles to see Judge et ux. Had omitted to send yesterday to Mrs. W. Tom brought me the note of General Hope. Enclosed your letter and E. A.'s to Reeves tried to write M. L. D. for G . Sor. at 2. To Turnevelli's. To Horse Guards to meet General Hope by appointment. Had an hour's confab and received an explanation. To testify his intimacy with Colonel Williamson, he showed me the very chiffre 1 which I had given Williamson. Many I Cipher, figure. 32 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . courtesies and two letters for Scotland. Chez nous ^ p. 4. Dinner Bentham and Koe. Post prandium 1 , went to see Godwin. Staid till 9. Took tea. The children all very glad to see Gamp. Home at 10. Talked an hour with B. and K. To bed at 12. 10. Rose at 8. Breakfast at 9. Just as I had done, Castella came in. Gave him breakfast, and at y 2 p. 10 began our march. Walked to Putney in i h. 10 m. Saw Madame Th. only. He sick and child at school. Came off in wherry at 12, and got to Weybridge in 50 minutes ; 2 shillings 6 pence. The distance by water at least six miles. But Gamp has walked a great deal and is tired now 2 o'clock. He will finish in the morning. When shall I begin my journey ? Alas ! alas ! Saturday, roth, continued. On the way to Put- ney, we pass through the small towns of Chelsea, Battersea, and Fulham. At the last, cross a bridge over the Thames. The return by water is very beau- tiful. To Turnevelli's at 2. I wish I had never begun with him. To Falieri's. He has succeeded very well, except the colour. Home at 5. Din. B. seuL K dines abroad. The whole evening with K., seul. At 1 1 came down to my room. Read news- paper one hour. The poor Dons come out as I told you. Whether the British will get safe off is now the question. Just discovered that the under sheet of the last page is bottom upwards, which would have puzzled your luminous head for an hour if I I Latin. After breakfast. 33 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . had not told you. Journalized for an hour and went to bed at 2. n, Sunday. Slept like a log till 10, and then was called. The atmosphere is certainly narcotic. You see all along how enormously I have slept. Wrote Meeker to call. He came at 12. Captain Percival also an hour. Went to see the Donna; she had gone to mass. Called at Bridgwater's and Grimstone's, Grosvenor square. Neither of them in town, but Grimstone expected. Nevertheless I will go to St. Albans to-morrow to see him. His daugh- ters, two, are very sensible, amiable women. Went by Oxford street to Holborn, and took coach to Smithfield to see for a passage to St. Albans. Engaged a seat, and also a bed at the Angel Inn; to go at 4 to-morrow morning. Paid i shilling earnest. To Godwin's, where discharged coach; 2 shillings. Half an hour with M. J. G.; then walked home by way of Covent Garden to avoid the Strand, which is forever so crowded and so dirty that there's no getting on with comfort. Home at 5. Dinner B. and K. Immediately after dinner to work packing up. Wrote long letter to M. L. D. about Madame G.'s business. At y 2 p. 10 all ready. Took leave of B., and sent for hack to transport me and my trunk, being, as you will see by your map, three good miles. No coach was to be had. Went myself no coach; so here is Gamp, at 2 in the morning, at Queen's Square Place, writing nonsense to T. B. A. 1 , having let all his fire I His daughter. 34 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . go out and the last candle just gone. Played chess an hour with K. I have ordered Ann to wake me at 7. For what ? When shall I get off? 12. Ann did call me at 7, but I slept, neverthe- less, a PAnglois*, till ^ p. 9. Sent off Tom with notes written last night, but dated this morning, to M. J. G. and Mr. Graves, enclosing to him my letter to Davis. Tom is to bring word of the hour of the stage going to Gaddesden, being determined to go somewhere to-day. Tom did not return till i, and brought word that the stage would go at ^ p. i ; so got coach and went off at a great rate. The stage had been gone 10 m. before I got there, ^uoifaire 1 ? Resolved not to go back to Q. S. P J . I thought I would go and hunt for some coach going any hour to-day or night ; but having no place to put my trunk, was obliged to keep the coach. After running about for two hours and spending 9 shillings in coach hire, I discovered, what at any stage-house they might have told me, that no coach would go to Gaddesden till i P. M. to-morrow. Persisting in not going to Q. S. P., I e'en sat down with my trunk at the stage tavern in Oxford street, corner of Swallow. After depositing my trunk and ordering a fire in my room, sallied forth once more to Faleur's then to see Graves, 10 Walgrove. Took coffee with Graves, a very respectable and intelligent young man, and extremely obliging. He makes inquiries, and does I For 3 r anglaise. After the English manner. z What was to be done ! } Queen's Square Place, where Bentham resided. 35 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . me many kind offices, which save me a deal of trouble. He is, I believe, a broker. The mother was there ; a very comely, decent Quakeress. The mother of eight or ten grown children. It is wonderful how the women wear in this country. In all my stage ram- bling to-day, I could not discover how to get to York. Graves has undertaken for me. Thursday is the day fixed for my grand tour to Scotland, Ireland, Wales, &c. On my way home took musk of a very indiffer- ent quality, 10 shillings i pence. Got home to the tavern at 8, and ordered coffee again, having only dined on a jelly, cake and tart, 10 pence. Great debate whether I would have it in my room or must descend to the coffee room. Note : I am in the third story, what is here called second floor. Finally the lady relaxed, and I had my coffee chez moi. Tobacco interdicted ; but I ventured to smoke my pipe up chimney, with a window open. No segar to be had. Tobacco very bad, 3*^ p. an ounce. Something more than a dollar a pound. The Virginians would, at this time, be glad to get 10 cents per pound for tobacco of much better quality. A bed with very dirty sheets, to which I objected ; but the maid assured me, upon her honour, that they were very clean, and that she put them on herself. So I am bound to think them clean ; but shall, nevertheless, not undress. It is quite impracticable to get a good fire in any tavern. At 10 took bread and cheese and cider, by way of supper. Wrote all this, and after writing two letters to my Gaddesden friends, having a 36 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . presentiment that I shall not get there, shall coucher 1 . Since beginning the preceding page, the servants have been three different times in my room to inquire whether they should put out my candles. To the first message I replied very distinctly that I always put out my own candles, and desired that I might not be again interrupted. This did not defend me against the two subsequent intrusions. The object of this affected civility is to save one inch of tallow. This very rigid calculation is universal. 13. Rose at 9. At the tavern. No soap. Asked for a piece to wash hands. The maid said soap was so dear that she could not give it without leave, but she would go and ask her mistress, which I forbid, but gave her 2 shillings to go and buy me a piece. She " would tell the footman " every one in their department ! A cake of soap was brought for 15 pence, which will probably last me three months, which is at the rate of i penny ^ a week, and at this rate, if there should be twelve lodgers in the house, the value of the soap used by the whole would be i shilling 3 pence per week and about 3 guineas per annum ! Had my breakfast in my room and at 1 1 sor. To Vickery's to get the wig made more scratch- like and less dressy. To cabinet-maker's about that same chess-board. Returned to the tavern at i, and found stage at the door. One shilling to the waiter, and bid him bring down my trunk and put it in the stage. He brought it down, but at the door handed I Shall go to bed. Here coucher is an infinitive. 37 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . it to the porter, who handed it to the coachman, this being the porter's department. Two pence to the porter. At Hemel Hempstead (look at your map) found a beer club of about a dozen, smoking and drinking ale. Joined them. Took my pipe and called for my pint of beer. They bring a pipe, with a small bowl with tobacco. The tobacco is never put on the table. The maid fills it and hands it to you ; for each pipeful a ^ penny ; pint of beer 3 pence. Arrived at Little Gaddesden y z p. 8. A note to Bartlett, inquiring, &c., and that I should call in half an hour. He being abroad, it was opened by Madame Bartlett, who immediately sent a servant to conduct me. But to be in order with my precise friend, Major G., I went first to his house ; there found a party of ten gentlemen over their wine, of which it appeared they had then drank quan. suf. 1 Bartlett and M'Car- thy were there ; also Halsey, M. P., lately married (two years ago) to a wealthy and pretty heiress, whose name he assumed ; Dr. and his son (a lieu- tenant of navy) ; Mr. , a handsome young man. After twenty minutes went to Bartlett's, where found Madame B., Madame Span, Mrs. and Miss . Took tea and passed the evening. At 10, Bartlett, M'Carthy, &c. came in. Urged to take bed both here and at Major G.'s ; but intending to set off at y 2 p. 6 in the morning, preferred the tavern, where, after great efforts, I got a very small fire. Asked for more coal. The mistress brought up in her hand two I Latin for quantum lufftil. As much as suffices. 38 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . pieces, each about the size of a biscuit. Got a bottle of very good cider, and sat down to write. Note to Major Gamble ; to McCarthy ; to Dr. Bartlett desir- ing him to apologize for me to Lord Bridgwater. To bed at ^ p. 2. 14. Rose at 6. Set off at 7. I sleep very soundly in these stage coaches. By sleeping, however, forgot to ask for my umbrella, which I had left at Stanmore. Took breakfast at Edgware, i shilling 3 pence. Coffee, bread, and butter. If you have an egg or any other article, it is charged in addition. Arrived at 12 at the Bell and Crown, Holborn, where left my trunk till I should see about getting off to- morrow. Went on to the Berwick wharf in Burr street. The packet course ; passage 2 guineas for half a birth 1 : , 3 guineas for a whole one. You are found in provisions. Stage-coaches go every morning at 7 for York, &c. Doubting which mode to adopt, walked back to the Bell and Crown. Paid 2 pence for leav- ing my trunk. Took hack and drove to Queen's Square Place at 4. Received in the most affectionate manner. How inexhaustible is the goodness of Ben- tham ! Hurried to dress, being engaged to dine with Judge Thorpe at Putney. Walked there and arrived just before 6, being five miles. They had despaired of me, and just sat down to dinner. The family and Castella. Affection of the children. Very pleasant. At y 2 p. 8 returned by the Richmond coach, which goes every hour from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Thorpe I So in the MS. 39 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. and Castella along. Set down in Pecad. and got to Q. S. P. at y z p. 9. An hour with Bentham to give an account of myself. THE ADVENTURES OF GIL BLAS MOHEAGUNGK DE MANHATTAN. London, December 21, 1808. In a garret at the Black Lion, Water Lane, London. Having made half a dinner at Queen's Square Place, drove off furi- ously to the White Horse, Piccadilly, to be in time for the Oxford stage. Having waited half an hour and the coach not come, the weather cool, went in to warm. Having warmed half an hour, and wondering at the delay, went out to see. The coach had been gone twenty minutes. My honest coachman, as well to be sheltered from the storm as for repose, had got inside and was sound asleep. Drove to Gloucester Coffee- house to take the mail. Was advised to go to the D Golden something, Charing Cross. Thither went. The mail was full, inside and out. Thence to the Saracen's Head. Thence to Fister Lane. Coach full. To the Black Lion, Water Lane, Fleet full, inside and out. To the Old Crown, Holborn no coach hence till Friday. To the Bolt Inn, where found a seat in a coach to go at 7 to-morrow, but no bed to be had. Went to the nearest inn, being the same Black ' D Lion, where I am occupant of a garret room, up four flights of stairs, and a very dirty bed. In the public room, however, I have been amused for an hour with a very handsome young Dane. Don't smile. It is a 40 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . male ! A merchant. I would have slept on the porch or walked the street all night sooner than have returned to Q. S. P. Coach hire 9 shillings. Oxford, December 22. Was called at 6, to be ready for the coach at 7. Gave my baggage to a por- ter, but, being stopped a minute to make change, he got out of my sight. I missed the way, and when I got to the Bolt Inn the coach had gone. My passage having been paid in the evening, there was no induce- ment to wait for me. Pursued and had the good for- tune to overtake the coach. Found in it one man. Having preserved perfect silence for a few minutes by way of experiment, I remarked that the day was very mild, which he flatly denied, and in a tone and man- ner as if he would have bit me. I laughed out heartily, and very kindly inquired into his morning's adventures. He was old, gouty and very fat. No hack to be had at that early hour, or, what is more probable, choosing to save the shilling he had walked from his house to the inn. Had fallen twice ; got wet and bruised, and was very sure that he should be laid up with the gout for six months. I sympathized with his misfortunes. Wondered at the complacency with which he bore them, and joined him in cursing the weather, the streets, and the hackney coachmen. He became complacent and talkative. Such is John Bull. We took in another fat man, a woman still fatter, and a boy. Afterwards, a very pretty, graceful, arch-look- ing girl, about 18, going on a visit to her aunt, Lady W. But M'lle was reserved and distant. At the Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr. first change of horses she agreed to take breakfast, which we did, tete-a-tete 1 . I was charmed to find her all animation, gayety, ease, badinage. By the aid of drink to the coachman, our companions were kept three-quarters of an hour cooling in the coach. They had breakfasted. When we joined them the reserve of my little siren returned. After various fruitless essays, and at first without suspecting the cause, find- ing it impossible to provoke anything beyond a cold monosyllable, I composed myself to sleep, and slept soundly about eight hours, between London and this place, where we arrived at 8 this evening. (There must be something narcotic in the air of this island. I have slept more during my six months' residence in Great Britain than in any preceding three years of my life since the age of 14.) Took leave of my little Spartan. Mem : To write an essay, historical and critical, on the education and treatment of women in England. Its influence on morals and happiness. Thinking it too late to call on the provost (your in- structions are not lost on me), I wrote him a " polite " note, enclosing the letter, and proposing to see him in the morning, to which a polite answer was received. 23. I was received with the distinction due to such a letter. His manner is mild, cheerful and courteous. He engaged me to dine, and sent for a young " fellow," who went with me through all the great buildings, and showed me all the strange things. Many of those for which I inquired he had never I For tete-A-tete. Together. 42 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . before heard of. Everything here is for ostentation, and nothing for use. A manuscript of Home's " Mirror " was shown me, but evidently modern. A handwriting much like our Mr. Koe's. The librarian acknowledged that it was but a copy, and professed no knowledge of the original. The bust of Aristotle has a forehead very like yours. We were more than three hours traversing the various buildings. I was much gratified. My poor conductor nearly frozen. Two plump, hale " fellows " joined us at dinner. Study and abstinence had not yet impaired their rosy com- plexions. All is canonicals. The dinner was excel- lent and well served. The details of the conversation shall amuse you at another time ; but they cannot be written. A few hints may serve as memoranda. " I would rather our friend Bentham should write on leg- islation than on morals ! " Holy Father, if ever one of thy creatures was endued with benevolence without alloy . All this was admitted, and the expres- sion was qualified and qualified, till finally it settled on the single point of divorce, and Hume was quoted. By mutual consent divine authority was laid aside, and I made a speech, which was very silly, for I ought to have turned it off with levity. The innate sense of religion. " The most barbarous nations have some religion. Has it not a great influence on the morals of your Indians ? " We then got on American politics, statistics, geography, laws, &c., &c., on all which a most profound and learned ignorance was displayed. The evening wound up pleasantly, and we parted with 43 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . many expressions of courtesy. He appears to be of cheerful temper and amiable disposition. Yet, though he speaks of Bentham with reverence, and, probably, prays for him, I presume he thinks that he will be eternally damned, and I have no doubt he expects to be lolling in Abraham's bosom with great compla- cency, hearing Bentham sing out for a drop of water. Such is the mild genius of our holy religion. Brummigem, December 24, (though, indeed, I have heard it several times called Birmingham.} Left Oxford at 7 this morning. We were four inside. The only article of any interest was a pretty little comely brunette, who had been through Blenheim Castle, and all the other places of note within twenty miles. Could describe all the pictures and statues ; had read all the fashionable novels and poetry, and seemed to know everybody and everything. I was never more at a loss in what rank of beings to class o her ; but was very much amused. At twenty miles we put her down at a very respectable farmhouse. I handed her in ; was introduced to her aunt : " My dear aunt, this gentleman has been extremely polite to me on the road." I received from aunt and niece a very warm invitation to call on my return, which I very faithfully promised to do, " whensoever," &c. " If," &c., &c. At Stratford, where lie the bones of Shakespeare, the barmaid gave me a very detailed account of the jubilee in honour of his memory. At about twenty miles farther was pointed out a very handsome establishment of Sir Smith, dit frere 44 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . de Madame 1 Fitzherbert. For the last forty or fifty miles we had on board a strange, vulgar-looking fellow, who had been all over the world; spoke Latin, French, and Spanish; and in the course of three hours told me more than a hundred lies ; probably some itinerant Irish schoolmaster. The market place and the prin- cipal street, adjacent to which I am set down, is full of people. Tents, booths, lamps, candles, fiddlers, pipers, horns. Seeing nothing to amuse me within, I shall sally forth to see what's going forward without. But, first, I have taken passage for Liverpool, to set off at y% p. ii, being advised that there is no other way to get on. Against my will, therefore, I go to Liverpool. We shall, from appearances, make a lively party. At this hour to-morrow I may have something more amusing to say. Now I go. 12 o'clock. Still at Birmingham. Full of con- trition and remorse. Lost my passage. Lost or spent 28 shillings and a pair of gloves. Every bed in the house engaged. No hope of getting on but by the mail at 7 to-morrow morning. The office shut, and no passage to be taken to-night. What business had I to go sauntering about the streets of a strange place, alone and unarmed, on a Christmas eve ? Truly, I want a guardian more than at 15. It was K.'s fault that I left my dirk, and I could choke him for it. I have often heard that great sinners have relieved their consciences by full confession. Let us try. I sallied forth. There were hundreds of pretty I Said to be the brother of Madame F. 45 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. dressed folks of all sexes and ages, in little groups and very gay. I joined one party, and then another, and another. At length I got so well suited with a couple that we agreed to walk and see the town. I have always had a passion for certain branches of natural history. These, I thought, afforded me an opportunity of ac- quiring information ; and even now, amid all my regrets, I must acknowledge that it was a most instructive and, abating one rencounter, which had very nearly ended in a riot, a most amusing lesson. Hence it would seem that all this penitence is for the money and not for the folly, on which a very good theological dis- course might be written. The subject shall be recom- O J mended to our friend the provost. Indeed, I was very much amused. I heard many amusing anecdotes of the grandees of the town, and some strange and pretty things. At this moment it comes into my head how to redeem this 28 shillings. It shall be done and then peace of conscience will be restored. I will take passage outside. Half price only. I am resolved, and you shall see how I execute. Edinburgh, January i, 1809. Got my best par- lour in order, expecting Lord Justice Clerk 1 . At 12 I Charles Hope, Lord Granton (1763-1851), was educated at Edinburgh, admitted an advo- cate in 1784, and in 1801 was appointed Lord Advocate. In 1804 he was appointed an ordinary Lord of Session and Lord Justice Clerk in the place of Sir David Rae, and assuming the title of Lord Granton, took his seat on the bench on December 6, 1804. On November 12, l8n,he succeeded Robert Blair of Avontoun as Lord President of the Court of Sessions. In December, l8}6, he became Lord Justice General. In 1793 Hope married his cousin, Lady Charlotte Hope, second daughter of John, second Earl of Hopetoun, by his third wife, Lady Elizabeth Leslie. Burr's letter of introduction to Lord Justice Clerk was written by A. Cochrane Johnstone, of London, who said : " Permit me to introduce to your Lordship the bearer of this, the celebrated Colonel Burr, with whom our worthy friend, Charles Williamson, was very intimate. His talents, abilities, and amiable qualities will, I am confident, ensure him a place in your esteem. He proposes making a stay of only a few days in Scotland, during which time I have to request that you will render him any attention in your power. He is anxious to have an opportunity of making the acquaintance of the most learned of our profession, and to whom can I apply so well as to you to bring this about >. " Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . Arbuthnot came in, and afterward Colonel Smith. At 2 went out. Met in the street and was introduced to Alexander M'Kenzie 1 , author of " Man of Feeling," being on the way to his house. Called on Jeffrey 2 and handed him a letter. Called on Walter Scott ; on Lord Provost (Mayor). While Arbuthnot and Smith were sitting with me this morning, Lord Justice Clerk called, and was refused by the stupidity of a servant. Wrote Lord Justice Clerk, apologizing, accepting his invitation and enclosing Colonel J.'s letter. At 5 went to dine with Mr. Jardine, an advo- cate. Delayed a whole hour, not being able to find the house. The coachman more ignorant than myself. Met there Erskine, brother of the Lord Chancellor and of the Earl of Buchan, and heir apparent to the title ; Colonel Alexander Munro ; Madame Munro ; the Colonel has been fifteen years in India, and very lately returned ; the Rev. Mr. Morehead ; Mr. Forbes, son of Sir Forbes ; Madame Bruce, femme de Bruce, son of the traveler. He was confined with the rheumatism, and did not appear. Henry M'Kenzie, advocate, son of the author of the " Man of Feeling." 2. Note from Lord Justice Clerk. Message that the Lord Provost would call. Waited at home 1 But it was Henry M' Kenzie, not Alexander, who wrote the novel of this name. He was also the author of" The Man of the World" (177?)," Julia de Roubigne' " (1777), etc. Under date of February 12, 1809, Burr wrote to his daughter : " Among the literary men of England 1 have met M'Kenzie, author of the ' Man of Feeling,' and Scott, author of the * Minstrel.' I met both frequently, and from both received civilities and hospitality. M'Kenzie has twelve children six daughters, all very interesting and handsome. He is remarkably sprightly in com- pany, amiable, witty might pass for 42, though certainly much older. Scott, with less softness than M'Kenzie, has still more animation; talks much, and very agreeably." At this time M'Kenzie was 64 and Scott 38. 2 Lord Francis Jeffrey (1773-1850), founder, and for twenty-six years editor of The Edin- burgh Review. 47 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . till 2, he not coming, sorti 1 . Called on Bishop Cameron ; thence to Arbuthnot's. Snowstorm ; re- turned home. Robert Dundas, during my absence, left a card. While dressing, Mr. and Mrs. Erskine called denied. Madame left an invitation for the evening of the 6th. While dressing, also, Mr. Jeffrey and brother, nephew of Jeffrey of Boston. The brother had known A. B. 2 in Philadelphia ; also, Sir H. Camp- bell, for twenty-five years Lord President of the Court of Sessions ; also, Lord Frederic Campbell, uncle of Duke of Argyle, Lord Register. 4. Lev. at y z p. 8. Mr. Gordon, by appoint- ment, called ; sat half an hour, and tendered all sort of civilities. Sor. at 12. To Mrs. Lockhart, 3 Heriot Row. She was a Crawford, born in Holland of Scotch parents ; Madame Court- Lockhart ; has now charge of M'lle D. V.; not at home. To Mr. Jardine's, where saw Mr. and Mrs. ; urge me to pass a day at , the residence of the late traveler Bruce, and now of his son and heir. To Mr. Arbuthnot's, 47 Queen Street. Madame and M'lle. Home at 2. Mr. Hume came in and claimed acquaintance, having dined at my house with Madame and his two nieces, Houstons, about 1803 ; is passing some weeks in town at Mr. Walker's, who has made a fortune in the East Indies. Sor. at */ 2 p. 2. To Walker's, 21 Queen's Place, to see Mr. and Madame Hume. T: also Mr. and Madame Walker and three daughters. Invited to dine, which accepted, hoping to hear fine music. I Forji suit jorti, or je tortis. I went out. 1 Meaning himself. Private *J ourn a I of Aaron Burr . The daughters very fine ; the two elder, jolie, belle la jeune, genie 1 . To D. Williamson's 1 , from whom had just received a very friendly note. He showed me many letters addressed to Charles Williamson. Saw there little Charles Alexander. Took coach to come home for dispatch ; 2 shillings. Dress and out at 5 ; coach i shilling 6 pence. While I was out the Mr. M'Kenzies, father and son, called and left cards. Found, also, an invitation from George Dundas and wife, for Wednesday, to which wrote yes. At dinner at Walker's. The family, Mr. and Mrs. Hume, Mr. Ogilvie, who had made a fortune in the East Indies, and wife, very sprightly ; Sir William Fettus, Madame Wauchope, sister of Sir Baird ; her daughter, a most lovely and fascinating girl. In face and person something like Miss M'Kevers (Van Ness) 3 , but all animation, sensibility, and intelligence ; a son of Ma- dame Wauchope, a very handsome and intelligent lad, 1 8, in the navy; a son of Mr. Ogilvie, 22, also sup- posed navy ; les trois M'lles Walker 4 played and sang Scotch songs for me. Took one rubber at whist ; won i shilling. Off at 10. Trop bu* y drank lemonade and smoked black tobacco till i. Amused by the singing of a jovial party in an adjoining room. 5. Rose at 8. Took chaise and drove out to Lord Justice Clerk's to breakfast. He had break- fasted, but got [breakfast] for me. A pair of Shetland 1 The two older ones pretty, beautiful the young one a genius. 2 David Williamson, Lord Balgray, was a brother of the late Colonel Charles Williamson. 3 Mrs. William P. Van Ness, whose husband, an eminent New York lawyer, was Burr's second in the duel with Hamilton. 4 The three Misses Walker. 5 Having drunk too much. 49 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . Island knit gloves. Lady Charlotte Hope. Very interesting confab. Lord Hope walked two miles with me. Got home at y z p. 3. Found card from Colonel Smith, and notice to dine at 4. Note from Mrs. Gor- don with the letters of " Amicus " in answer to Lord Selkirk. Din. chez moi. At 8 to Mrs. Erskine. Duchess Gordon, Lord Tweedale, Miss Dallas, Mrs. Munro, from Jamaica by way of New York, Lady , who introduced me to her husband, Mrs. , who came with a gentleman in black scratch, Mrs. Erskine, Lady Jane, Miss Dalzelle and brother with crutch. 6. Rose at 8. Sor. at n to M'Kenzie's, No. 6 Heriot Row ; out. To Walker's. Mr. W. and Mr. Hume were just going out to see me. Mrs. W. prayed us to dine. To Jeffrey's ; the two brothers. Chez moi, where found Mr. Hope's card. He had called to remind me of Saturday evening ; music. To Mrs. Erskine's ; not at home. Chez moi. Mr. Jar- dine called while I was dressing. To Colonel Smith's to dine at y 2 p. 4. Fourth story. Colonel S. and his sister, Mrs. Dundas ; Captain Duncan, an old sea captain who has been much in North America ; Mr. M'Cormick, cousin of David, lived ante-war in Vir- ginia ; was at New York during the war ; Dr. ; Captain McDowell, four years in the army ; very impressive young man ; married to , a corre- spondent of Madame Sp. 7. Rose at ii. Sor. at i. To D. Williamson's who had received a letter from Lord Hopetoun, 5 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . inviting me to visit Hopetoun House, with any friends I pleased. To dine. Walked with D. W. to the , where are warm baths. To Jardine's ; all out. Chez moi. Found note from Mrs. Gordon inviting me at request of Mrs. Johnstone to pass some days at her place near Sterling. To dinner at Jeffrey's. T: Scott, minstrel; Johnstone; two Jeff- reys, &c. At 9 took chair and went to J. Hope's, 54 Prince street. T: The three Misses Hope, daughters of Hope ; Miss H., sister of ditto ; M'lle Houston, bien jolie l \ two Misses Walker, sisters of Mrs. Hope ; Miss , anglois 1 ; Mrs. Clarke, elderly; Mr. and Madame (or Miss) Duff. The second Miss Hope plays superieuremenP on piano. Jane Walker sang in a style quite new to me and very delightful, several Scotch songs. Chez moi at 12. 8. Rose at u. Sor. at i. Chez James H.; pas 4 . Chez Arbuthnot ; sor. av. s to Magdalene Asylum ; pas admis b . To Colonel Smith's. T: Cap- tain Duncan who engaged me to dine on Saturday. Chez moi at 3. Found cards of Hume and Walker. At 4^ to dine. T: M'Kenzie, Clerk, Vic. Ker 7 , b. a"esprit*, Mr. Arbuthnot, and sa mere. Ancien. con- naissance de Madame Bartlett 9 who was Mrs. Munro. Left at about 10. Received a letter. 9. Vigils till 6. Rose at n. Mr. Clune, the 1 Very pretty. 2 For anglaiit. English. 3 In a superior manner. 4 For fas chex lui. Not at home. 5 For son avtc. Go with him. 6 Not admitted. 7 Vicompte Ker. Viscount Ker. 8 For bcaucouf d^esfrit. Lots of wit, or intelligence. 9 For ancienne connaissance de. Old acquaintance of Madame Bartlett. 5 1 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Sheriff, called before I was up. Left card and invited to sup the loth. Before I had breakfast, Colonel Smith and Captain M'Dowell, whose wife is niece of Bartlett, sat y z hour, and engaged me to dine Friday. Breakfast at i. Sor. to Jeffrey's. Left with him Bay- ard's speech and " Agrestis 1 ". Interrupted by a lady To D. Williamson's ; not at home ; left note for him about dining at Lord Justice Clerk's, and the medi- tated visit to Hopetoun House. Met him as I went out. Sat y<2. hour. Chez moi to dress at ^ p. 3. While dressing, Hume called, and left card and mem. reminding of engagement to dine Saturday. At 4 took post-chaise and went to Lord J. Clerk's. T: Mrs. Hope, wife of General Hope, now in Spain, belle^ interest., chev. jaune 1 ", Wedderburne ; Lord Ch. Baron Dundas, nephew and son-in-law of Lord Mel- ville ; Lord J. Clerk toujour pott; his arrangements for Hopetoun House. Return at y% p. 9. Paid post- chaise and coachman 16 shillings 6 pence. Wrote note to Arbuthnot asking interview this night (about Walsh) ; to Mr. Clerk, accepting his invitation ; to Williamson about the visit to Hopetoun House. Rene, en ret. 4 Mary McKay at Madame's. Dr. Hume, son-in-law of Captain Duncan, called and left card and invited to dine on Saturday. 10. Couche y 2 p. 2. Rose at n. Raining. Still warm. Sor. at i. Mr. Williamson cbez Madame 1 A pamphlet detailing General Wilkinson's intrigues at New Orleans. Alston, Burr's son- in-law, was suspected of the authorship. Blennerhasset said that that was " preposterous ", but that Alston s wife, Theodosia Burr Alston, might have written it. 2 For belle, inliressantc, cheveux jaunes. Fine-looking, interesting, yellow hair. For loujouri foil. Always polite. 4 For Rentontrai en retournant. On returning met. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Major Robertson. Belle faille 1 . I'res poliment recu* To Duchess of Gordon at Dornbeck's hotel. Elle seu/\ The medal, &c. Half an hour. To the Bridewell. Panopticon. Vid. notes inde*. Chez moi. Din. seule en chamb*. Rienfa.jusq. a 6 9 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . parted com. fau. 1 Called on M'lle Williamson, who was at dinner. At 5 went to dine at J. Gordon's of Craig. T: Mr. and Madame Gordon ; Dr. , horn, disp*; Mr. Gordon of Kirkb't ; Mrs. Hill, born in Halifax, and M'lle Hill. Madame H. is one of the committee of the House of Industry ; M'lle much interested. After dinner talked very freely of judiciary, of jury, of lunatics and paupers. No one knew any- thing of J. B. except Madame G., to whom I had talked before. Mr. Gordon, son of Sir Alexander, walked home with me. Found invitation from the Lord Advocate and cards of Sir A. H. M'Kenzie and Mr. Vic. Clerk. 30. Had been intemperate. By way of cure drank excessively of cr. tar. punch ; kept going till 5 ; very little sleep ; rose at 9. Bad order ; very bad, but sore throat gone. Sent John M'D. about stockings ; wrote to Mr. Young with his books ; to Lord Advo- cate in answer to his invitation ; to David Williamson about arrangements for departure. Received a very friendly note from Lord Justice Clerk, enclosing letter for General A. Hope. At ^ p. 10 Judge Hume called to notify the appointment made by Mr. Jackson to go with me to Read's, the architect, at 12. Mr. Gordon of Kirk, called. Received note from Madame Gordon of Craig that Captain would be at her house at i to meet me. Sor. at 12. To Jackson's; with him and Hume to Read's, where was greatly amused with his plans for improvement of the city. 1 For comme il faut. As was fitting, i. e., as men should part. 2 Probably for homme diiputeur. A disputatious man. 70 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . He gave me his plans of lunatic asylum and the address, bound. To Mr. Gordon's, where met Cap- tain ; sat y z hour. To the Lord Advocate's ; all out. To Ferguson's ; all out. To Mr. Young's ; sat y 2 hour with Madame and M'lle, the two Hun- ters (John Hunter consul in Spain), Jane and Mar- garet ; bien jol*, n and 12. To Mr. Walker's; AT lie la cadet te ; sat ^ hour ; met Home at the door. Home at 3. To Baron Norton's, Abbey Hill, one mile. T: The family, except two children ; Mr. and M'lle H., whom I met on my return ; also Mr. Gor- don of Kirk., who walked with me to Holyrood House; saw only the gallery of pictures. Home at ^ p. 4. Took bowl soup. Sor. at ^ p. 5 to E. G., whom saw and * * * * 2 ; I hour. Ten shillings 6 pence. P. 3 handkerchief and gloves. To D. Williamson's. He gave me two letters which I wrote last summer to Charles ; a third, more material, had not been found. Note : He has many of the letters of John and S. Swartwout. Talked an hour on X affairs during which I twice got asleep, and came off. Home at 9. Omitted : Yesterday as I was going out to dine, a servant of the Duchess of Gordon gave me a verbal message, with compliments, asking me to sup with her that evening ! Did not go nor send any answer. Called this morning and saw her. Some civil re- proaches. Invited to the like this evening. Just before I went to Williamson's, her servant called to say that, being suddenly much indisposed, she could I For bien Julie. Very pretty, z An undecipherable word. J Probably for presented. P rzv at e Journal of Aaron Burr . not see company this evening. Doubtless the decease of her nephew, Colonel Maxwell, who died of a wound received at Corunna. 31. Went to bed at 12, being excessively tired and sleepy. Nevertheless, could not sleep. Took ten dr. of laud. Still no sleep ; took sixteen more, and about 4 got dozing and lay till 10. Rose very stupid. Arbuthnot called and sat half an hour. Sor. at 12 to Manners & Miller's bookstore, to meet James Gordon of K., as per appointment, to go to court. Gordon had waited y% hour and had gone. Mr. Miller's politeness. Went with me to court. Lord Justice Clerk sends a clerk to provide me a proper seat, &c. F. Jeffrey speaking. Stayed one hour. " My lud and my luds." In very bad order. Home at 2, intending to go and discharge all my visits ; but too stupid with the laudanum. At 3 to the Duchess of Gordon's. [Conversation]: Duke of York and the attack on him. Very angry about the report of the death of Colonel Maxwell. Of the Duke of York's mistresses. Of Moss ; of the Shaws, father and son. To Miller & Manner's store ; bought two maps. Returning, M'Kenzie overtook me ; invited to his house to-morrow evening. Home at 4. Ordered a bowl of soup, but when it came could not touch it. Went to bed and slept two hours. Some- thing refreshed. Mr. Walker called while I was asleep to ask me to go to the concert with his family this evening. Instead of soup, took tea. D. William- son called and gave me two letters, one for General 72 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Hope and one for Dr. Braid. Sat an hour. Of Braid ; of Moira ; of Cochrane Johnstone ; of Picton ; D. of Y. A note and a long letter from Madame Gordon. Note from James Gordon of K., which answered. February i, 1809. Wrote to J. B. an hour. Coucbe at 2. Lev. 1 at 10. Slept a little and still in bad order. Note from Madame G. with plans, &c., which I had left at her house ; answered her note. Wrote to Lord Advocate for franks, &c. To Meeker ; to Koe ; further to J. B. Mr. Gordon of K. came in and sat y z hour. Received answer from Lord Advo- cate with the franks and notice that he was ready for M'lle H. Note from David Williamson with two great letters. Wrote him to remind him of Sir J. Sinclair and Lord Moira. Wrote Colonel Smith, ask- ing his commands, &c. Sent my letters to the post- office, having enclosed to J. B., T.'s letter of Decem- ber 5th and Clara's*. Received note from Baron Norton requesting me to dine with him to-day en.fam. 1 ^ which answered by his servant, negative. Sor. ^ p. 2. To Duchess of Gordon's ; sat ^ hour ; of politics ; D. of Y. ; revolution ; asked to see her in London. To Lord Advocate's ; met and went together to M'lle Hamilton's. T: Miss Hamilton; pas mat 4 ; Mr. Edgeworth, brother of Miss E., the author, and two ladies. Sat y z hour. Many civilities from the Lord Advocate. To A. Young's. Madame and M'lle. I For live in expression jt me live. I get up. Burr often uses this word for I get up, as he does mr. for I go out, and couche for I go to bed. a Madame d'Auvergne, better known as Leonora Sansay, author of the " Horrors of St. Domingo," etc. J For en famille. 4 Not bad. 73 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Madame is a native of the island of Guernsey, a d' esprit. M'lle ires interessante and plein d'esp. 1 To Walker's ; regret of Emily that Gamp failed at the concert ; most affectionate adieu. To Mr. R. Dun- bar's ; after waiting ten minutes in carriage at the door for answer, left card of conge? To Mrs. Erskine's. To Hope's. To Vic. Clerk's. Hope chased and overtook me to bring me back to dine with him, which declined. To Governor Houston's ; out. To M'lle Williamson's ; out. Home. Ordered beef- steak and sor. at *^ p. 5 to Arbuthnot's. Saw Mr. and Madame, and her mere and four children. " I ken'd ye." He offers to take my bill for ^50. Home at y% p. 6. Dined and dressed for the evening at M'Kenzie's. Note received from Lord Justice Clerk's inviting me to sup there, which answered, declining. At ^ before 8 sor. to M'Kenzie's. T: Mr. and Madame M'Kenzie; his elder and second sons; Madame and M'lle M'K. ; Miss Hope; M'K. jol? Lord Webb Seymour came in. A del esprit and connaisences 4 . Tea and supper. Con- versation general ; wit and anecdote ; of Judge Cullen, a mimic ; of banks ; paupers ; of J. B. (ignor- ant) ; of juries, codes of laws. Tea and supper ; oysters, &c. The two older women were engaged to a ball, but Hope sat till n and M'lle M'K. till 12. Home at y 2 p. 12. Found note from Colonel Smith I Has intelligence. Mademoiselle very interesting and abounding in intellect or wit ( pltint d'eifrit). T. For congi. Leave-taking. } Foijolie. 4 For a dt Visfrit et det connaiuancei. Has intellect (wit) and attainments. 74 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . inclosing letter from Sir J. Sinclair. Drank hot whisky toddy to balance the oysters. 2. Sleepless night. Rose at 10. Judge Hume called. Colonel Smith. Wrote to Captain M' Dow- ell. Sor. 12. To Arbuthnot's about money; out. To Holyrood Palace; see Mary's rooms. To Arbuth- not's again ; he took my bill on Graves for ^50. Home at ^ p. i. Went to take passage in mail. It is full ; so kept till to-morrow ; very lucky, for it was impossible to clear out reputably. Took passage in Union coach for to-morrow, 5 A. M., 7 guineas. Tavern bill ^20. The burnt carpet. Sor. at 3. Dr. Home's. T: Madame and Miss Brown ; Captain Duncan and Mrs. . To Jeffrey's ; sat ^ hour. Home at ^ p. 4. Wrote long letter to Madame Gordon ; to J. B. Sorting papers, 3 hours. Note to General A. Hope. At 2 began to pack up. Three guineas to servants. In the evening a note to Arbuth- not, and his reply. Mr. and Mrs. M'Dowell's note enclosing letter for Span, which I did not answer ! London, February 7, 1 809. Arrived at 1 1 this evening at the Saracen's Head, Snowhill. The usual time of arrival is i P. M., but the coachman and the guard both got a little boozy, and each had a girl. Stopped every few minutes to drink. The coachman extremely insolent. With great difficulty got a very dirty bed, in a room with another, and, after an hour's perseverance, got a little fire and a glass of hot lemonade. Went below in the public room to smoke a pipe. No segars. Two very intelligent young men 75 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . there. One a foreigner, looking very like Gallatin 1 . They both made approaches for acquaintance, which, pour des raisons*, I received distantly. 8. Breakfasted in coffee-room. To hotel, Con- vent Garden, to see Randolph 5 and Meeker. Both gone. Took their address from the barkeeper. To the Horse Guards, where saw General A. Hope; bien recu. To Queen's Square Place. T: J. B. and J. H. K., and a young deputy secretary ; bien recu. Stayed to dinner. Out at 10; raining, took K.'s umbrella, having lost my own. Koe overtook me, having run all that way in the rain ; sent by Bentham to bring me back to sleep, he not suspecting that I was going off. Apologized. At Bentham's found Theodosia's letter of the jd of January, and one of September. 9. Breakfasted at 1 1 at Saracen's Head. Do- mestic demanded my name. To Graves's ; he had been a fortnight out of town. Returned home ; paid my bill, 10 shillings and 6 pence. Domestic, 4 shil- lings and 6 pence. Took my baggage and went to call on W. P. M.; out. Left for his perusal the letter I had written to Graves. To Horse Guards to deliver General Hope another letter, which I had overlooked. He being engaged, left the letter. To Q. S. P. 4 at 3. Note from General Hope, proposing an interview to- i Albert Gallatin, who was Secretary of the Treasury of the United States from 1801 to 1813. 1 For reasons. g D. M. Randolph, who was an associate of Burr's on the latter's first visit to London. Writing to Mrs. M. J. Goodwin, and referring to Randolph, Burr said : " If it should happen that you should meet, be not discouraged by the unpromising appearance of a tall, meagre, pale, white-headed man. There is truth, and honour, and goodness within." 4 Queen's Square Place, where Bentham resided. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . morrow. W. P. Meeker came in at 7. The bill from Edinburgh paid. 10. Castella came in, and we walked out together. It was with regret that I left Bentham, having intended to join in his morning walk ; K. not having returned from Hempstead, where he went yesterday to dine at General Bentham's with Miranda, who had known the General in Russia. To D. M. R.'s ; he has aban- doned poetry and taken to the manufacture of shoes, which I think will turn out something. To Mrs. Duval's, who gave me the new address of Lewis. Madame Duval knew Miss Emily Devisme, daughter of Gerrard; says she is 25, and has 200 pounds per annum. To Lewis Duval's, to whom told the story of White, bookseller. He advised me to employ an attorney 1 , and sent for Humphrey, to whom I gave the papers. Resolved to change my residence. Bentham's house is too full with this new secretary ; but for a more cogent reason, arising out of the difficulty with White respecting the books sent to Alston. The benevolent heart of J. B. shall never be saddened by the spectacle of Gamp's arrest ! So I have said that I should dine abroad to-day. At 2 to Horse Guards. Interview and free conversation with General Hope. He says Lord M. will write to me, inviting an inter- view at his first moment of leisure. To Q. S. P. at 3. I Burr was afraid of being arrested for debt. It was an old transaction. In a letter to Alston, he wrote : " White, the bookseller, has made a peremptory demand against me of the amount of his account against us both. It is impossible that I should enter into a lawsuit on this trifling affair, and, trifling as it is, by no means convenient to pay it out of my slender resources. The sum is 117 pounds, and he demands four years' interest, but would probably take up with the principal. I wrote to E. W. Laight in September, requesting him to send his papers, showing how the seizure of the books was made by the government. I have no doubt it was the fault of White." 77 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. Remain an hour. Out to look for obscure lodgings. Got suited at a huckster's (Dunn), 35 James street. Roved about for two hours without any object. At 7 to D. M. R.'s ; he gave me a letter which he got from General Lyman, United States consul general. It is from E. Bollman, dated August, and brought by Prime, an Englishmnn. Took coffee with D. M. Randolph. Mr. Skipworth, late United States consul to Paris, came in ; cold and formal. Sat ^ hour and came home, Q. S. P., at */ p. 8, sans accident. Three hours spent with K. in deciphering. Couche at 2. Note : Humphrey did not send any letter to D. M. R. for me as was directed and promised. ii. Lev. 9 pa tran 1 . Castella came in at 10. Sor. at 1 1 to Duval's, whence wrote a note to Hum- phrey asking what he had to communicate. Re- ceived reply, requesting an interview. To his house, Harper street. He had written to Tal. 2 , who agreed to suspend prosecution till Tal. should have seen the papers ; but Tal. says it is probable he will do some- thing on Monday, being the last return day this term. He will see T. to-day. To Vickery's about peruke. To Gilbert's about shoes. Mem : On the way to Duval's bought a settee, 12 shillings, pourquo?? for the chess player, to whom I am in debt. Called on to apologize and atone for the failure on Wednesday evening ; out. To Q. S. P. at y z p. 4. Dine seul av. J. B. [Conversation] of Mendoza ; Colquhoun ; Chancellor Erskine ; superstitions ; thirteen at table. I Probably for fat tranquille. Not calm, not easy in mind. ^ The attorney for White. } Why > 78 Private journal of Aaron Burr . Sor. at 7 P. M. to 35 James street to engage the rooms, order fires for to-morrow evening ; gave 7 shillings to buy coals, &c. On my return to Q. S. P. told J. B. what I had been doing and of my resolution to go ; said nothing of Tal. After a free, candid, and friendly explanation, he consented to my departure, my address to be still at Q. S. P. From 9 to i with K., decipher- ing ; got through both letters. Began letter to D. M'K., but determined to wait to learn whether he be not in town, and if not, doubting whether I would not go to Hastings to see him ; 65 miles. 12. Lev. at 10. Sor. at */ p. n. To D. M. R. ; had just gone out to call on me ; got lost an hour. To Vickery's, where got peruke. To Duval's ; out and all locked up. To W. R. M. ; out ; wrote in his room a note requesting to appoint a place and time of interview and to enquire about Grandpre mentioned in previous letter as having come out in November with letter for me from Min. and E. A. To Mr. Duval's, 44 Great Russell street, where wrote note to Lewis D. desiring him to get M'K.'s address from Mr. England, his attorney. To Castella's, Fitzroy square ; saw him and his two nieces. He walked with me to Charles Smith's, 14 Beaumont Place. Charged Castella to inquire for Grandpre. Smith out ; left his brother's letter and card. To Cochrane Johnstone's, 13 Alsop's buildings, New Road ; out. Returning, took coach and drove to Surrey street, Mrs. Hick's. Gamp tired. Message from Galley. Marriage of Miss Chase. Home at ^ p. 4 in coach ; 4 shillings 6 pence. Din- 79 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . ner with J. B. and K. At 6 began to pack up for removal. To Anna ; 7 shillings. Porter to take my things to Charing Cross ; there took coach. To D. M. R. ; out. To 35 James street. Porter, 3 shil- lings ; coach, 3 shillings. Madame , d'ou diab. vient elk 1 ? Sent by the Devil to scd. 2 Gamp. Set to unpacking and stowing away, which with smoking and idling and thinking about writing, kept me up till 2. How many beautiful letters I should write were it not for the mechanical labour of writing, which I hate ! 13. Couche 2. Lev. 7. A strange figure in the drama. Madame P. Breakfast at 9. Till 2 bring- ing up Journal for T. K. came in ; apologized for the mistake and was going off, not suspecting it to be ab. a cause de Peru} Brought me one pound coffee, and 3 % pounds tea. A letter from L. Duval saying that he had sent to Mr. England for M'K.'s address and it was denied. Kept K. waiting while I wrote note to England, to Humphrey, and to Duval, the two former enclosed in the latter. Cochrane John- stone going to Vera Cruz. The Berlin decree with- drawn ! Dub. 4 Assorting, filing, burning papers all day. Read again J. B.'s " Emancipation." Couche 12. Mem. : K. also wrote to General Hope inquiring about the sailing of the packet. 14. Slept one sound nap from 12 to 9 ! What has happened to make me such a sluggard ? It must be the air of this country. They all sleep. My 1 For d\u (Liable vient-elle ? Where in the devil does she come from i 2 For seduce. J About a cause de Perou, i. e., about a matter of great importance (f). 4 Probably for dubito, Latin for I doubt; or else for dubious. 80 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . habits are as temperate as you have heretofore known and yet I absolutely require seven hours sleep. Whence this strange revolution ? Madame Prevost is extremely attentive Un air d" elegance et d'abbate- ment 1 . Peutetre 28*. While I was at breakfast, J. B. and K. came in ; a quiet laugh ; brought me letter from Meeker proposing an interview and advising that he will leave town this evening for eight days. Cannot find Grandpre. Note from General Hope about packets. Message from Castella that Grandpre is here but his address denied at the Alien Office. Message from Colonel A. C. J. requesting an inter- view at 12 this day at Q. S. P. Sor. at 12. To Q. S. P.; waited till y 2 p. i. A. C. J. came not. To D. M. R.'s; out; left there my great coat, being too warm. To Green street cabinet-maker for chess-table. To L. Duval's, 4 New Square, Lincoln Inn ; there received answer from Mr. England giving address of M'K. Binfield, Berks; his father lying dead there. Answer from Humphrey ; he had had no further communication with T. or W., and asks my " deter- mination." Wrote him reminding him of the deter- mination already made known to him. To Meeker's, 14 King street, Holborn ; gone. To D. M. R.'s, whom found waiting for me ; sent out for mutton and potatoes, and staid till 7. Returning home, corsettiere. Bru. cbe. noi. bo. su. 3 ; 7 shillings. Drink, i shilling 6 pence. Fruit and chestnuts for Madame 1 An air of elegance and dejection. 2 For feut-etre 28. Perhaps 28. 3 For corsftiire. Brunette. Cheveux noiri. Bon sujet. Corset-maker. Brunette; black hair; good subject. 81 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . P., 2 shillings. Carpet for the foot-board of O.'s chess-table, 2 shillings. To Q. S. P. at y 2 p. 8. Sat y z hour; refused tea. Home at 9. Madame P. not yet come in. Mais bientot venoit 1 . Foreseeing that we might go the round of sentiment, though I think we shall go rapidly through it, thought it necessary to coo dow. Ce pung. I corsettiere 21 . An hour with Madame P. La 2 lecon car. et souprs*. Des pr ogres; c^a je finira en deux jours 4 . Two hours arranging papers, noting down and arranging names. Took tea seul at 10. Coucbe at y z p. 10, having lost 2^ hours with P. Des progr. rapides*. 1 6. Rose at 9, having slept sound just 6*^2 hours. P. rougisse. Proteste. Jamais revenir, &c. Au milieu de tou. Ca pleurs. Jo. melange**. 17. Couche 3. Lev. 10. J. H. K. came in just after I got up and brought note from Lord M. inviting an interview at 1 1 to-morrow morning. Sor. 1 1 to Gilbert's, shoemaker, Bond street. To cabinet- maker's, Green street, Leicester square, about chess- table. Bought chess-men and boards, 15 shillings. 1 8. Rose y 2 p. 9. Pastro.bi. Hate m'habiller. Conge peruke" 1 '. Sor. % before p. n. To 6 Arlington street. Lord M. not up. Desired to call at 12. 1 But she came soon. 2 This is a great riddle. Possibly meant for : Thought it necessary to kotow (formerly spelled tootoo and various other ways); cefendant la corsetiere. It would then mean : Thought it necessary to bow, i. e., say good-by, in the meantime, to the corset-maker. (The word kotow, introduced into English from China, was used in England even before Burr's visit there.) 3 For la deuxiime le^on [des] caresses et [des] soufirs. The second lesson consists of car- esses and sighs. 4 Progress. I'll finish that in two days. (Finirai.) 5 For Des frogris rafides. Rapid progress. 6 Madame P. blushes (rougit.) Vows she'll never come back, &c. In the midst of all that [tout cela] tears. Pretty mess ! 7 Not very well. Hasten to dress myself. (Je me hate de m'habiller.) Take leave of my wig. 82 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . Walked home in the rain. At 12 took coach, 2 shil- lings 6 pence ; found him ; received in the most kind and frank manner. After sitting ^ hour, he was called down, a gentleman desiring to say one word to him. It was to inquire if C. B. 1 were not there, which being answered in the affirmative, he apologized and went of!! Not known to Lord M. Sat an hour. Of his advising the ministry of being taken into the administration ; of the war in Spain. To cabinet- maker's, Green street. To Mr. Duval's ; out. To Mr. Achaud's. M'lle A. began to ask of M'lle Duval. Tres hont rec. far 1 - Madame A. and M'lle. Stopped to take jelly and cake. Faib. et fat} Voila Madame P. 4 To 14 Harper street, Mr. Humphreys; he has seen T. and arranged a suspension of hostili- ties for eight days. Fatig*. Took coach to Horse Guards ; General Hope out ; got the daily table of packets, &c. The packet Express, with my interest- ing letters of October and December, still in port at Falmouth. What fatality ! Home at 5. Coach-hire, 3 shillings. Mem.: Rene. Madame Harris; pri. ad. b Dinner, ham and potatoes. At 7 sor. to Gilbert's, shoe-maker. Rene. pet. ; 3 shillings 6 pence. Mai. 1 To Q. S. P. at 8. Recontra J. B. Son avis*, &c. Home y z p. 9. Mai fete 9 . Cre. tar. punch, which I Meaning himself Colonel Burr. 1 For tres honnetement re^u far. Very genteelly received by. J For faible tt fatigue. Weak and tired. 4 There is Madame P. 5 For fatigue. Tired. 6 For Rtncontrai Madame Harris; [je la] friai \deme dinner JOB] adresse. Met Madame Harris and asked her for her address. 7 For Rcncontrai [une] petite [demoiselle orfemme.] 5 shillings 6 pence. Mai. Fell in with a little woman. 3 shillings 6 pence. Bad ! 8 Met J. B. His opinion, &c. (rencontrai.) 9 For mal a la tite. Headache. 83 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . kept me up till 5. Madame P. sat with me till 3 and nursed me with great tenderness. 19. K. called at 10. I was still abed. Rose at YZ p. ii. K. called again at i. Says the orders in council are to be repealed. Hard cred 1 . Took a note from me to A. G. Milne enquiring about vessels for New York and Spain. Pas blen. Faib' i . P. sat by me on the canape ou je reposoiP the whole day and evening. At 7 P. M. made me coffee and causait de ses af. 4 Did nothing all day; at 10 to Q. S. P. to get change of linen. J. B. gone out to dine ; K. gone to Hempstead. 23. Madame P. rose at 6, made my fire and called me ; then made my breakfast ; boiled and brought up the kettle ; washed and put strings to my night-cap ; hemmed my handkerchief. At y z p. 7 left my quarters with a shirt in post-chaise. To Gil- bert's, who had found my shoe, but had done nothing for me. To the W. Horse Cellar, Piccadilly. Sat waiting in the coach from y z p. 8 till 9. An elderly, plain man and a very pretty girl of 1 5, sad, silent, and apparently enfantic*. At B , twenty-eight miles from London, being the nearest point to Binfield, the elderly man and I got out. An elegant equipage and two servants in livery were waiting for him. He begged me so kindly to take a seat with him that I did so. Arrived at his gate, he got out and ordered the 1 Probably for hardly credible. 2 Not well, weak. } On the couche (canape) where I lay (refusals). 4 For causait de ses affaires. Chatted about her affairs. 5 Evidently a manufactured word from the French word enfant, child. Hence for infantile. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . coachman to take me to the tavern at which I had said I should stop, which I declined. He asked me to his house ; declined also ; walked not 300 yards to the inn. A better bed than at any inn in Edinburgh. Wrote to D. M'K. asking him to call on me at the inn. Received answer from Madame De Powe that D. M'K. was gone to Bath, and that the family could not receive me. So wrote note of thanks to Claude Russell, Esq., paid my bill, 5 shillings 3 pence ; dom., i shilling 9 pence, and walked off. At ^ p. 5, sunset. Missed the road, and walked 4 miles to get to Bridewell. Continued on, rather dark and a little rain ; arrived at the Sunny Hill Tavern and Spring, dit medical 1 , at % before 8, having walked 8 miles. Well received for the second time in England. The more surprising as I was afoot, but this is off the general road ! Tea, sangree 2 , pipe and tobacco ; jollity. 27. Couche i. Rose at % p. 7, intending to have breakfast with Colonel A. C. J. Thinking I was too late for that, took breakfast chez moi and sor. at 10 to his house. Found him alone, but in 20 minutes we were interrupted and he proposed to call on me at Q. S. P. at 4, to which I agreed. 28. Concbe 2. Rose 9. Sor. at n to see the Hon. Madame Bruce by appointment. Called at Q. S. P. on the way. K. had forgot to send my note to Graves. To Surrey street, where saw Madame, the best looking woman of 63 I ever saw ; she avowed 61 ; i Said to be medicinal. Z For sangaree. A drink of red wine and water. Private ^Journal of Aaron Burr . y z hour. Took coach at Charing Cross and drove on to Walbrooke; Graves not at home. Left the note for him. Discharged coachman; 2 shillings 6 pence. To Dr. Lettsome's. Owing to stupid directions, walked a mile out of the way. But wrote him note about Gardiner for Mexico. To 90 Gray's Inn Lane ; paid Bellamy 30 shillings 6 pence. Through Convent Garden to Q. S. P. K. out. Home at 4. K. called. Wrote Bartlett, enclosing Mrs. S.'s letter. Went to Q. S. P. at 6 to get it franked, but Mr. H. had not come, so the letter will lie over a day. Dined at home at 4 ; ham, potatoes, and eggs, cheese and butter ; vin et delicacies 1 . Lounged and smoked an hour and then finished my letter to T. Made my coffee at 9. Rencont. av. Mr. Dunn qui a ete 3 jou. id incog. Pourquo'i i ? A subject of the mysterious regions. Madame P. came up at n and sat till i, when separated. Directed a letter to Lord Justice Clerk. March i, 1809. Couche at 3. Rose ^ p. 8. Sor. at 12. To Q. S. P. My letter to Bartlett did not go till to-day. Saw K. only. To Gilbert, shoe- maker ; effect of offer of */ crown. To D. M. R. ; out. To corner Swallow and Oxford to enquire for stage to Little Gaddesden. To D. M. R., where dined ; 2 shillings 6 pence each. Bought razor strop which I did not want, 2 shillings 6 pence ; i pound honey, 2 shillings 6 pence. To Q. S. P. ; saw K. ; no letter from Lettsome or Graves! Home at 7. I Wine and delicacies. ^ For Rencontre avec Mr. Dunn qui a ete trois jours id incognito. Pourqcui? Rencounter with Mr. Dunn, who has been here 3 days incog. Why >. 86 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Madame P. out. Wrote to Lord Justice Clerk. Madame P. came in at 12. Mauv. bum., supposing I had seen en Rue sans parl. Entete. Pas in hum 1 . 4. Couche at 2. Rose at 8. Bruille bier au soir av. Madame P. z Madame had been out and met some one who talked of Gamp ! That she should have met any one who spoke of Gamp was a little surprising and not pleasant. Inde* many conjectures, under what name. Of R. was impossible ; of B. not probable, yet possible ! The first suggestion was that he must instantly remove. Went to bed thinking much and concluding nothing. Madame would not explain. Parted boudeuse*. Madame made the fire and got breakfast as usual. Regard triste, sombre. Pas maligned A sort of explanation ensued. Madame said that one of her acquaintances had met us walking the evening of the second, and knowing !ui 6 , had fol- lowed and on meeting lui on Friday had made the remarks by description and not by name. Consoled but not satisfied, parted amis 1 . Packed up some, and transported to Q. S. P. other of my things. Mem. : Wrote last evening to Mr. Gordon of Craig. To Q. S. P. % before i. To Gilbert's bootmaker's; boots not done ! To corner of Swallow and Oxford streets ; stage not arrived. Bought paper of Wedgewood, 4 shillings ; two pamphlets, 2 shillings ; coach hire 3 I A strange mixture of English and bad French. For Mauvaite humeur. Supposing I had seen (her) en rue sans purler. Entete. Pas in humcur : In bad humor, supposing I had seen her in the street without speaking to her. Obstinate. Not in [good] humor. z Had a fuss last evening with Madame P. (Brauilli.) 3 Latin. Hence. 4 Sulky. 5 Her look sad, melancholy. Not malicious. 6 Him. 7 Friends. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . shillings 6 pence. Set out at y z p. i. A decent young man and the French paper-maker. The jeu. bom. 1 complimented me on my speaking English so well that he did not know I was a foreigner till he heard me speak French ! Arrived at Little Gaddes- den at 7. Bartlett's servant waiting to receive me. Engaged bed at tavern and went up to B.'s. T: The family and M'lle Baillie. Grand, blanche, chev. not. bel. tranq 2 '. Bien rec. 3 After tea called on Major Gamble, who offered me a room, but Madame Bart- lett had provided a room, fire, &c.; would take no refusal. So went for my trunk and took my quarters at B.'s. (Mem.: Passing through Nettleden this evening, saw McCarthy and family.) Couche 12. Little Gaddesden, March 5, 1809. Lev. at 8. Breakfast at 10. Sor. at n to Lord Bridgwater's ; Madame dressing ; Lord B. engaged. To Major Gamble's. Dinner at 5. Major G.; M'Carthy ; M'lle Bingham, daughter of Rev. Dr. Bingham, has three brothers, one major in army, another lieutenant in navy, and the third studying theology. M. a bon. tai/le, bon. phys., gai., fran., ma. quelq. malad au fig. 4 The Major B. and the youngest brother came in at 10, having dined with the second brother. Music. Span touche qu.lq. airs ecossais sur la harpe superieure- menfi. Lord Crew of Cheshire; created baron under 1 For jtune homme. Young man. 2 For grandt, blanche, cheveux noirs, belle, tranquille. Tall, white, black hair, good-look- ing, calm. 3 For bien re^u. 4 For M'lle a bonne faille, ban ftysiqut ; gat, franche, mail quelque maladc a la figure. M'lle has a good figure, good physique; is gay and frank, but rather sickly in the face. 5 Span plays a few (quelques) Scotch airs on the harp in a superior manner. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . the Fox administration, has an only child, Will Crew. Dit aimab. Am. de Spa. 1 6. Couche at i. Lev. at ^4 p- 9- Family at breakfast before I got down. Walked with Mr. Bartlett through the park to Nettleden. Met M'Car- thy, who engaged to dine with us. Wrote to W. Graves to hunt for Bartlett's letter and forward all letters to me at this place. Dinner at ^ p. 5. The family and M'Carthy. Mus. et dans, le soir*. Story of Princess Amelia and an Irish gent., her partner at cards. " Five love." " So we are, my dear." La belle sauvage*\ Ludgate Hill ; a savage and a church bell. While walking in the park, Bridgwater, at a distance on a horse, saw and galloped up to us. 7. Couche at 2. Lev. at 9. Promen. av. 4 Span, Bart, and Baillie. J. B.'s amusing letter. Dined at Nettleden with M'Carthy. Walked there with Bart- lett. Met Bridgwater, who talked of a dinner. In the evening came Span, Madame Bridgwater and Baillie. Music, dancing, &c. Note : In letter of J. B. came one from Hosack (supposed William E.), saying that Mr. Edwards (you [know] what Edwards) had written to me and wished to see me. 8. Couche at i. Lev. at 9. Walk in the Park with the whole family to see the building. Met , who is on a visit to Mr. Heaton. (Note : Mr. H. is uncle of Whitbread and of his sister, Mrs. Gordon dit d' esprit*.} Walked two hours. Return- I For Dit aimable. Ami de Span. Said to be amiable; a friend of Span. Z For [La] musique et [la] danse le stir. Music and dancing in the evening. 3 The fair barbarian. 4 Promenade avec, etc. Took a walk with, etc. 5 Said to be intellectual. 8 9 Private journal of Aaron Burr . ing, Betty Bustle, 5. Dinner en fam. Music, &c. Wrote J. B. that I would be in town on Friday ; a line to K. desiring him to tell Madame P. Wrote Graves also to stop my letters. 9. Couche 2. Lev. at 9. Dinner en fam. au soir 1 as usual. In the morning walked seul to Net- tleden to take leave of M'Carthy. Two families. Called on Major Gamble. Betty Bustle charmante enf. 2 London, March 19, 1809. Arrived in Madame A.'s chariot with M'lle E. M. at ^ p. 4. Very ill with a headache. I could not sit up in the carriage. Kind solicitude des dames*. Got to my den at 5. Madame P. and Mr. Hosack abroad ; no fire ; lay on sofa till 8. From anxiety about some letters expected, made great effort and went to Q. S. P. T: A letter from D. M'K., barely civil and a flat refusal; note from Mr. Forbes ; ditto from Guillemard, containing a most curious sort of apology, q. v. 4 Returned chez moiy and again took to sofa. Drank cr. tar. punch. No effect. Mr. H. came in at 10, and amused me with the news of the day and his little incidents. Says Captain S. of the Herkimer is a great friend of Gamp and offers his service. Also Captain , of the Jupiter, who lately sailed. Madame P. came in at y z p. 10 ; did not see ; at 12, went to her cham- ber ; in violent hysterics. Would not see Gamp. Went to bed at 12. Slept, or rather dozed till y z p. i With the family in the evening. I Charmante enfant. Charming child. } Of the ladies. 4 For Latin quod -vide. Which see. Burr kept letters received and copies of those sent. 90 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . 9. No better. Drank cr. tar. punch ; no effect ; could not borrow or hire a machine a lave? in all the town. At 2 P. M., however, was relieved and took a slight breakfast, the first morsel since Friday dinner. Dressed and went to Q. S. P. to meet Captain Skin- ner ; waited till ^ p. 4 ; came not. Wrote note to M'lle C. M. Home at 5. H. came in ; he had not found Captain Skinner ; made another appointment to meet him at D. M. R.'s rooms at 1 1 to-morrow. Took a very little boiled rice for dinner; coffee with Madame P. Read over my letters of November and December to T. and by examining the sailing of the packets am in hopes that she got my duplicate by the Princess Amelia, which is said to have sailed Decem- ber 8th and arrived January 2yth ; quite renovated by this discovery. 25. Couche 2. Rose 9. Sent H. to Somerset House to hunt for letters by the Princess Amelia, of whose arrival heard last night. Sor. at 1 1 to Q. S. P. No letters yet come. Note from D. M. R. At y 2 p. 1 1 Hosack returned sans 1 letters. Went with him in hack to Somerset House, where Captain Skinner ; not ready ; agreed to wait till 2. To William Graves's, whence sent express to Q. S. P. for my letters. He returned just as we were seated in the post-chaise, with a letter from T. Paid hack, 5 shillings 6 pence ; express, 3 shillings 6 pence ; 9 shillings. At % p. 2 drove off with Captain Skinner and Mr. Brigham, a handsome young Englishman who is going out to the I For machine a lavement. Enema-syringe, z Without. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . United States. Arrived at Gravesend ^ p. 6. At White Hart. Mr. Lane of Boston, a young man educated at Montreal, and who has been in East Indies on miscellaneous affairs, joined our mess. He is going in the Herkimer. Dinner and tea. Captain Steel of New York, now a merchant, and Captain Thomas, who lately sailed in his employ and was seized and condemned at Copenhagen. Steel had a copy of the United States non-intercourse and non- embargo bill. Called at Steel's quarters in the evening and there saw W. P. Meeker and Mr. Boggs of New Jersey, brother of the lawyer. Mr. Mullett of Lon- don, merchant, arrived about n, having come on business to Captain Skinner. Wrote to T. and A. B. A. 30. Couche i. Lev. 6. Sor. at ^ p. 8. To toyman, 209 Piccadilly, about chess-men. To Gil- bert, shoemaker ; boots not done ; promised every day for five weeks. To D. M. R.'s, where left note and also one for Meeker. To J. L. Mallett's, to get him to speak to Sir F. Romilly about alien or not. To Faleur's. Returned to D. M. R.'s at y z p. 1 1 to meet Hosack by appointment. He came not, but W. P. M. came; y 2 hour about finances. He sais 1 there is advertised at the Exchange a vessel to take passengers for Holland, and the Atlantis will sail for New York on Monday. While at D. M. R.'s, Mr. Crew, Quaker, American merchant, came ; doubtless he is acquainted with Sansom. Left D. M. R.'s at 2. Stopped at a small shop of old books and bought 4 I So in the MS. 9 2 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . shillings 6 pence ; a comb, 6 shillings ; two oranges, 6 pence. To Wedgewood's, to give order about October tablet and paper of a size to suit the tablet. To Bradbury's; paid for nose specs., 10 shillings 6 pence. Over to Tottenham Court road, intending to see Madame O., but changed my mind. Roving back without noticing what course, found myself again at D. M. R.'s, so stepped in to order a joint dinner ; mutton chops and potatoes. 4. 35 James street. The evening passed with Madame P., who assured me that she has ascertained that Mr. Dunn's negotiation had no reference to me. Couche at 2. Lev. at 8. Having a confused presenti- ment that something was wrong, packed up my papers and clothes with intent to go out and seek other lodg- ings. At i o'clock came in, without knocking, four coarse-looking men, who said they had a state warrant for seizing me and my papers ; but refused to show the warrant. I was peremptory, and the warrant was pro- duced, signed Liverpool 1 ; but I was not permitted to read the whole. They took possession of my trunks, searched every part of the room for papers, threw all the loose articles into a sack, called a coach, and away we went to the Alien Office. Before going I wrote a note to Reeves, q. v., and on our arrival sent it in. Waited one hour in the coach, very cold, but I refused to go in. Wrote in pencil to Reeves another note. He came out. We had a little conversation. He could not then explain, but said I must have patience. I Lord Liverpool, British minister. Burr was under grave suspicion, and the ministry were determined that he should leave the country. 93 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . After half an hour more orders came that I must go with one of the messengers (Hughes) to his house. On this order I first went into the office to see Brooks, the under secretary, whom I knew. You may recol- lect the transaction in July, which must have fixed me in his memory. He did not know me except that I was Mr. K. None of them knew me, though every devil of them knew me as well as I know you. Seeing the measure was resolved on, and having inquired of the sort of restraint to which I was doomed, I wrote a note to Koe, which Brooks took to show to Lord Liverpool for his approbation to forward it. Arrived at my prison, 31 Stafford Place, at 4. The wife, a very pretty young Welsh girl with a young child. Both very civil. Here we are, husband, wife and child. After dinner looked out for amusement. His books were all German except " The Secret," a play, and Tacitus's " Life of Agricola," translated by Aiken, both of which I read; but happening to discover that Hughes played chess, we took to that, and, having played till the poor fellow is almost crazed, I wrote this, and am now going to bed in a small room on the same floor, where is a neat, comfortable bed. 5. Slept very sound till 8, and was then wak- ened by Hughes, as I had ordered. Breakfast at 9. The only thing that disturbed me was some apprehen- sion about my papers. They have got everything. No plots or treasons, to be sure, but, what is worse, all my ridiculous Journal, and all my letters and copies. Wrote Reeves, q. v. Hughes sent the letter. No 94 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . person is permitted to see me. There being no other books in any language intelligible to me, went to chess, our only resource. Played till 5, dinner-time. A very good dinner, and then Hughes, his wife, and I make a party of whist. I took the dead hand, the child fortunately asleep. This child annoys us a great deal, having the hooping 1 cough. At y z p. 1 1 Hughes and I engaged in another game of chess, which lasted till i. I give him a castle to make us equal. The following are the notes referred to in my Journal of yesterday: My person, under the name of Kirby, papers, and effects are seized by warrant from Lord Liverpool. I wait in a coach at the door. Explain who Mr. K. is, and step to the door to save me the vexation of going in. A. BURR. 3 P. M. I sent in a note to you ; has it been received ? I am still waiting in the carriage at your door. A. BURR. 6. Cards last evening till 12. Chess till i. Couche y<2, p. i. Rose ]/% p. 8. Reeves, q. v. Just as the letter was going a message came requiring our attendance at the Alien Office at 10; so we did not send the letter. Went at the hour in a hack. T: Brooks and Beckett; both very civil. Apology and message from Lord Liverpool. Discharged, and papers and effects restored. The papers had not been opened. Beckett and Brooks went with a message from me to Lord Liverpool. In the interim came in Reeves. His advice about alienism. Brooks returned. ^50 ! Heligoland ! He ordered Hughes to take my baggage where I might direct, which was i So in the MS. 95 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . to Q. S. P. At 3 called at 3 5 James street. Madame P. out. To 1 6 Palace street; gloomy faces. W. A. Hosack, his papers and effects seized on Tuesday night. Zeal and firmness of Madame P. Fearing that Gamp's interference might do harm, wrote to Captain Newton, q. v. To Q. S. P., where dined. Received a letter from Captain Edwards, advising that he would be here on Friday noon. Note from A. O., postponing the proposed interview till Saturday. Wrote Graves. Note to Mr. Achaud that I would call at 9 to see him and take leave. Received note and book from William Godwin. At 8 walked to William Godwin's. T: The family and Madame Cooper, mother of the actor. At 9 to Achaud's. Morose. Saw him and Madame. At 10, 35 James street ; Madame P. de ret. Eien aim. 1 The story of the last two days and her dreams. 7. Couche i. Rose 9. To J. Reeves's of whom learned the place of W. A. Hosack's confine- ment. Went there, but could not get admittance (10 Charles street). To Alien Office to ask of Brooks permission to see him. Refused. Wrote him a note, which Brooks promised to send. Passed the door several times, and at length Hosack raised the window, and I spoke to him. To Q. S. P., where dressed. To Reeves at 2, by appointment, to meet Brooks, who came. Confab one hour. Departure postponed till this day week. Appointed another meeting at 2 P. M., Lund'?-. To Grace Church street to take passage I Madame P. back {de retour). Very amiable. 2. Monday. 9 6 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . to Camberville. Coach being full took seat on the top; 8 shillings. Arrived at Camberville at 5. Dr. Lettsome and family in town, where the dinner is to which I am invited. Set out to walk back, but over- taken by stage and got in ; i shilling 3 pence. Arrived at Dr. Lettsome's at 6. They had but that moment sat down to dinner. Colonel Elliott ; Smith, avoc. 1 , solicitor to Board of Ordnance ; Norris, sur- geon ; Cooke, physician ; Temple, physician. Very gay and social. Dinner and wines excellent. Norris engages me to dine on Monday. To William God- win's at y z p. 9. At 35 James street, [Burr's residence] ^ p. ii. Y: Madame P.; bruill? "There is another source of danger." " I know it." Sed faisait. 1 h. Bruit. J'obstinoiP. [Pas coucht. Bkt. at 6. Sor. y.] 4 (Mem.: Get from Lettsome letter in favor W. A. Hosack.) The following is a copy of the memorandum left with Reeves to be shown to Lord Liverpool : Whether I may take one or two companions. There are now here a number of young Americans who would be glad to accom- pany me. An assurance that there will be no restraint on my movements from Heligoland. I would willingly stay there till it might be proper to go to the United States, if this government would give me proper patronage and introduction. Something to show that I have not imposed on the government by assuming the name of G. H. Edwards. Having in my late letters engaged to my friends in America to wait here till June, I ought to have something to testify why I now leave the country. 1 For avocat. Advocate. 2 For iro<7/, quarrel, or brouilli, at variance with. J For Sed [je la] faisais. [cela dura] deux heures [Du] bruit. J \e m] 'otstinais. But I did it. It took two hours. Racket. I insisted. 4 That which is put in brackets in the text was written and crossed out by Burr. It reads : Didn't go to bed. Breakfast at 6. Go out at 7. 97 Private journal of Aaron Burr. 8. Pas couche 1 . Breakfast at ^ p. 5. Sor. at 7. To Q. S. P. To Reeves's at 8 to aid Hosack ; Reeves not up. To Gilbert's, shoemaker. To 209 Piccadilly; small chessmen and table, 13 shillings 6 pence. To Reeves's ^ p. 9 ; not up. Waited till he got up and gave him Dr. L.'s letter, first taking a copy. Left with J. R. also a mem. q. v., about my own concerns. He promised to attend to both. Walked past W. A. H.'s prison for y z hour but could not get sight of him ; called and left message with his keeper. To D. M. R. Slept 2 hours on his sofa. To Wedge- wood's ; paid 25 shillings for sundries. To Flax- man's. The Italian wife ! To Achaud's to inform them of the postponement of my journey. (Mem.: At 3 got mutton chop and potatoes at D. M. R.'s.) Mem.: On leaving 35 James street bid dom. to get something for my dinner at 6, and to buy coal, &c. At 6 at Madame Onslow's. T: Tea and two games chess, &c. Par. a io 2 . At 1 1 chez D. M. R.; alone. Couche on his sofa. 9. Couche at i. Lev. at 8. After breakfast went to Q. S. P. 10. Dined with Norris, surgeon Old Jewry. The guests were all athlete and the same as at Lettsome's on Friday, with the addition of Dr. Vaux and Dr. Babington ; a very social day. Dr. Bab. and Dr. Temple particularly civil to me. At 9 went up to take tea with the ladies, but the stile 4 seemed to be 1 For Je ne me suis fas couche. I did not retire. 2 For Partis a io. I departed at io. 3 Latin. Athletes. 4 So in the MS. 9 8 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . for each sex to keep separate. Two of the ladies had intelligent and social faces, but I was obliged to con- form. Staid till 10. Told Norris of my ostracism. Returning, stopped at Godwin's. 13. Still at D. M. R.'s. Lay down at 2. Slept not a wink. At ^ p. 5 got up and dressed ; no fire till 7. 14. Couche at 12. Lev. at ^ p. 6. Breakfast at 8. At 9 came in a note from Reeves (which had been sent last evening to Q. S. P.) requesting my attendance at his home at 10 to meet Brooks and settle the treaty 1 . To Mallett's at 9 in consequence of his message of last evening. He was not up, but came down presently. His zeal and interest ; he had been both to Reeves and Beckett to remonstrate, &c. Took coach to D. M. R. to meet Hosack, but he had not come. T: Brooks; offers ^100, which refused. " Lord Liverpool expects that you will leave town this day and the kingdom to-morrow." Refused to go till arrival of the Pacific. Sent message to Lord Liver- pool. Further meeting agreed on at 3 this day. 24. Couche at 12. Rose at 6. William Graves, who effected settlement with White. William P. M.; Achaud ; Dumont ; Lieutenant-Colonel Mosheim. Went to Godwin's. To Baron Bunkman, the Swedish minister, where dined. T: Captain Nordenskold of the Swedish navy ; Mr. and le secretaire*. Off at y 2 p. 8. At 9 to W. Godwin's. Returned at 10. D. M. Randolph. (Mem.: Hosack all day sick abed.) I His agreement with the British government whereby he was to leave the country, l The secretary. (Secretaire.) 99 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . At 1 1 went in earnest to work writing letters ; wrote all night. 25. At 6 waked Hosack and set him to work. To Achaud's both Monday and Tuesday about change of money. Interview with Beckett on Monday. Tues- day evening to Reeves for passports. To Q. S. P. at 9. There found the passport from Reeves. One hour with J. B. Home. T. T. E. and Hosack assisting in pack- ing. Everything to do at the last moment. Left my quarters at */ p. I to take stage at Grace Church street. Stopped at W. G.'s to get the Coestus 1 , which was beau- tifully executed. Family up to conge ; affectionate conge de tous*. Arrive at stage-house just in time. Hosack with me. He returns, not being ready. Six inside. Arrive at Harwich at 2 P. M. ; seventy-two miles. At 4 had passed through the forms at the Alien Office and custom-house. Wrote Hosack, Bunkman, Lettsome, and Eliza P. On board at 8, and made sail immediately. His Britannic Majesty's packet, the Diana, Captain , a sloop of sixty tons. Fourteen passengers, of whom two dames and one little girl. Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Daily, going to join their husbands in Sweden. Great confusion settling berths, &c. Fair wind, yet at 10 cast anchor! At n turned in, being the first moment I had lain down since rising at 6 yesterday morning. 27. On board the Diana in Harwich Bay. Under weigh at 8. The wind fair, but light. Dull sailor. I The Journal contains several references to the Coestus. The reference is obscure and uncertain. i An affectionate farewell from all. IOO Private Journal of Aaron Burr . 28. Wind N. E. and rose to a gale. Beating all Friday and Saturday. On Friday no one at dinner but captain, mate, and myself. Friday evening (2 8th) I was taken seasick. Kept bed all Saturday and Sun- day, eating nothing. 30. Wind N., light and veering. Heavy rolling sea. Caught two fine codfish. At 4 P. M., wind came round to S. W. Ran all night before the wind, about 6 knots. May i, 1809. Rose at 4. Well and hungry. Shaved, changed, &c., and got breakfast at 6. At noon supposed we had made 250 miles from Harwich; about half our passage. Wind fair all day ; average about five knots. At night, though clear and a steady light breeze from S. W. took in all sail except main- sail, a r Angloise 1 . 2. Wind all night good, and still on. Two sprightly, sensible women on board, Mrs. Daily and Mrs. Barnes, going to join their husbands, who are in Sweden. Mrs. B. has a very fine little girl about 4 years. I took possession of the long boat. Made a sort of lounging place, where, with an umbrella, I read much at my ease ; taking no notice of any one, not even les dames. My territories were invaded yes- terday by Madame D. Reads remarkably well, and is indefatigable. Read to me all M'lle Wollstone- craft's " Tour through Sweden," and the greater part of Sheridan's "Revolution of 1772." Madame B. has been some years in Russia. Shipwrecked on the I For a fanglaise. After the English fashion. 101 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Russian coast lately on her way to England. Passed through a variety of adventures. Played much at chess with Captain Nordenskold, of the Swedish navy, who is rather my superior at chess. Wind still good. At 5 we saw the church and lighthouse of Gotten- burg 1 , on the shore. Entered the harbour at 12. Anchored at the lower town. Sent up our passports by the captain. At 2 came on board the two hus- bands of the ladies. Both prepossessing appearance and manners. Permission came by a custom-house officer to land ; our baggage to be taken to the cus- tom-house. Went in custom-house boat with several of the passengers, being nearly two miles to the city. Enter the canal of the main street. Our baggage all passed without any troublesome search. Trunks merely opened for form. My sack, the article about which I was most apprehensive of trouble, on account of the books it contained, passed without opening. But my large trunk, containing all my clothes, is missing. I sent by the captain M'Donnaugh's letter to Malm etji/s*, with a note requesting them to pro- vide me a lodging. While at the custom-house, a brother-in-law of Malm came from him to show me my lodgings. Smith, the British consul, hearing that I had a letter for him from Colonel Mosheim, came also to tender his services. Mr. Oppenheim, of Memel, merchant, fellow passenger, very civil. Offered me a room at his quarters, which, fool-like, I did not accept. Alas ! my trunk, my trunk ! My For Gothenburg. In Swedish, Gotcborg, Goth-city. And son. IO2 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . lodgings very commodious. Three large rooms well furnished, but not a creature in the house speaks one word of any language of which I have the slightest knowledge. Made my landlord understand that I wished to go to the theatre. He went with me. Paid for two seats in the pit, the boxes being all full. All pantomime to me. Much amused with two young girls in boys' clothes, tight pantaloons and short waistcoats, one of whom played admirably. The ballet and pantomime amusing enough by force of novelty. Two good dancers. One of each sex. Malm's young man, seeing me in the pit, got me a place in the box. Out at 10. Got home, but could not make my host understand that I wanted a dish of tea. After labouring in vain for a quarter of an hour, was obliged to take him out to the house of a French- man, who spoke Swedish, and who explained for us. Tea was got very cheerfully. A long pipe and tobacco. My bed had a single light coverlet, not heavier than a sheet. No other covering. But, being quilted down, found it very warm. Mem. : While at the custom-house, Captain Nordenskold brought and introduced to me his brother, a lieutenant of artillery, and desired him to devote himself to me. The Lieu- tenant speaks a few words of French, but no English. 4. The tea kept me awake till 4, and I had ordered the host to wake me at 7, which he did most punctually, and I got up. Dressed as well as could be without my trunk, and breakfasted. Not in good order. Lieutenant N. came in to tender himself. 103 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. We walked to Malm's ; to Consul Smith's ; to book- seller's ; to the custom-house. No news from the trunk. At 2 the Lieutenant took me to a coffee- house to dine. A public table. A bill of fare pro- duced, and each guest orders what he likes, which is brought him on a plate, with bread and napkin. We drank porter. Paid and Lieutenant remercied 1 . Met here the captain and mate of the Diana. Both swear the trunk is not on board ! The mate agreed to meet me at 7 at Todd's, at the landing. Walked there with the Lieutenant, one and a half miles. The mate not there. Took punch and pipe, and walked on a mile and a half further. Met the captain on return. Still insists that the trunk was put into the custom- house boat. The steward says the same. Engaged Smith and Malm to aid in search. Home at 9. Tea. Coucbe 10. 5. Yesterday the Lieutenant took my passport to show to the Commandant, Col. , and to the police. It was returned, the production being endorsed by both. At the instance of the Lieutenant, also, I went yesterday with him to pay my respects to the Commandant. A very awkward visit. He did not ask me to sit down. A stout, square man of 55, speaking tolerable French. As the packet will sail to-morrow for Harwich, and the mail closes this even- ing at 5, wrote a postscript to my letters to T. B. A. and a letter to W. Graves about my trunk, enclosing to him the two letters for T. B. A. and a letter to I A French verb, remercier, to thank, anglicized by Burr. Thanked. IO4 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Bellington, the agent of aliens at Harwich a civil- looking animal also about the trunk. Not only all my clothes, but my four letter-books, gone, gone ! Went to Smith and Malm to urge them to search ; but it is probable that my trunk never left Harwich. At 5 went to Smith's to give my letters, and lo, his young Swede had found my trunk on board the Diana ! Huzza ! Went to the same cdffee-house to dine. Salmon, potatoes, wine and water, cheese and butter, y 2 rix dollar 1 . Went with my Lieutenant to hunt a carriage (a sort of cabriole), of which, it is said, one must be bought. To bookseller's ; bought a map, 2 rix dollars. Mr. Hedboom and the Russian mineralogist called, and proposed to journey to Stockholm. Hedboom has a carriage which will hold three. As he is a Swede, and speaks tolerable English, this is a most acceptable overture. Neither Malm nor Smith has called on me, or offered any hospitality ! ! 6. At Gotheborg yet, which we write Gothen- burg. Breakfast at 8. Sor. to Malm's, where learn that an English packet from Harwich arrived last evening. Walked to the landing, i miles, with Hed- boom. On board the packet found Hosack. Took my trunk from on board the Diana, and came up in a boat, rowed by two boys, with Hosack. Paid % rix dollar. My trunk passed and taken home. Noth- 105 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . ing demanded at the custom-house. I was permitted to give a few copper pieces to the under officers. The principal expressed great indignation at learning that I had, on the former occasion, paid a guinea to a person whom I supposed to be the custom-house officer, but who, it is found, is a broker. On my return home, sent for that broker and got back my guinea, paying him 2 rix dollars for his trouble, viz., coming on board the packet, getting a boat for us, and attending us to the custom-house. Showed Hosack to the quarters of Hedboom, where he got a room, and is to go with us to-morrow. We are to set off at 7 to- morrow morning. 11. Stockholm at 10. Were detained at the gate about an hour by the custom-house officers, but they were not unreasonable or troublesome. The trunks not unpacked. All the taverns and hotels full. Through the good offices of our good-natured fellow- traveler, Mr. Hedboom, we got beds at the house of an obscure mechanic in an alley near the Exchange. The approach to Stockholm was nothing striking ; nothing to indicate an approach to the capital. No view of the town, but it was dusk. 12. Rose at 6. At 10 to Professor Gahn's, who was out. Saw his wife, who speaks French. Left with her the letter from the consul, H. Gahn. Re- turning, called on the Count or Baron Munck, Gover- nor of the Palace, and having apartments therein. Was in his court dress, with the Spanish cloak. A handsome man, and has the air of a man of the 1 06 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . world. Left the letter of Colonel Mosheim. At i called on Baron Armfelt with the letter of Baron Bunkman. The Baron a good, firm, soldierly appear- ance ; might pass for 50, but must be older. Took dinner at an ordinary. Fish, potatoes, pudding, bread, butter, cheese, and brandy and wine, 3 shillings ster- ling. In the evening Hedboom came in, and asked us to dine to-morrow. Professor Gahn called on me in the forenoon, and engaged me to dine on Sunday. The hour, in both cases, y 2 p. 2. 13. Coucbe at i. Rose at 6. To a bookseller's ; bought map of Stockholm. At 1 1 called on with the letter of Achaud. Mr. C., a good, respectable- looking merchant. Appeared much indisposed. His head bound up. On Mr. Wennerquiest, with the letter of Colonel Mosheim. A house very hand- somely furnished. Many fine paintings. Is a wealthy broker. Proposed to walk with me to several places. At 12 we went to the , where is the Society of Nobles. He inscribed my name, which gives me the freedom of the house. Very magnificent apartments. A hotel ; a public table, where, at a moderate price, the members, or one introduced, may dine ; see all the newspapers, &c. Thence to the gardens, where walked an hour. Pas beaucoup de monde 1 . It is yet cold. At y z p. 2 to Hedboom's to dine. T: His wife and her sister, M'lle Poussett ; two very pretty women, but, malbeureusement 1 , speaking nothing but Swedish ; Mr. Heuland ; two clerks of Mr. H., and I Not many people, z Unfortunately. 107 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . Hosack. Before dinner, brandy, bread and cheese, salt herring, cut into small pieces and handed round. Fish, then soup, then bouilli and roti 1 ; good claret, of which the ladies partook. TrinquF. All rose at once from table. Bows and salutations. Coffee served immediately. Then open rooms, third story. At 7 came off with Heuland and Hosack. Chez nous. The adventure. Frederica. The bath in the fore- noon. Couche 12. 14. Wennerquiest said I must positively change my lodgings ; that they are not reputable. Went to look at chambers. Ten rix dollars asked for such as could be had for a guinea in London. To the post- office, which is open on Sunday. Letters are called for, and not sent out. At *^ p. 2 to Gahn's to dine. Wife, daughter, and niece, two brothers ; the member from Fahlun 3 and the Colonel ; a cousin, Diedron, very handsome young man ; Mr. Foster, the British charge d'affaires. At 7 to the ball with Colonel Gahn. Country dances ; how managed ; va/se 4 ; cotillions. Met Armfelt ; his apologies. Captain Baker or Becker of the British navy. Couche 12. 15. Rose at 8. Un peu stupide 5 with Gahn's good wine. Breakfast at 9. At 1 1 sor. to Gahn's ; saw the family. He also came in. To Colonel Gahn's. Walked with him and Hosack to the Observatory. The views, the pictures. Dinner at the French Hotel with Colonel Gahn, Hosack being 1 Boiled meat and roast meat. (Roti.J 2 Glasses were touched in drinking. (Trinqui.) j Now Falun. 4 Waltz. 5 Rather stupid. 108 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . engaged to dine at the Merchants Society with Hed- boom. After dinner walked to see the College. The gardens and park extensive, and the trees fine. Met the Countess C. and her niece. Took tea with her. Madame often folk 1 . T'ous deux* speak in French and M'lle some English. The Baron W. Music. Politesse de Madame*. 1 6. Having very mal apropos 4 taken a little physic last evening, it kept me up till 5 ; took cold, lay till 9, and rose quite ill. While I was in bed Baron Munck's servant called and left the Baron's card (peuf etre a visit a la Suedoise*}, and inquired whether I was engaged for Friday. An hour after he returned with an invitation from the Baron and Bar- oness to dine on Friday, which accepted. At 10 Baron Armfelt's servant called to ascertain where I lodged. No message. Colonel Gahn came in at 1 1 ; sat half an hour. Sor. at 12. To Wennerquiest's, whom I met at his door. Strolled about for an hour. Then to Colonel Gahn's, and took him to introduce me to Catteau 6 , whom we found at home. A sprightly, well-bred man, apparently not more than 48. His congregation being principally dispersed, he proposes to return to Paris. Is now engaged in writing a View Physique et Commercial 1 of the Baltic, which will, I Frolicsome. a For toutes Us deux. Both of them. 3 Madame's politeness. 4 Inappropriately. , J Possibly (feut-etre) a visit after the Swedish fashion. (./? la luidoiie.) 6 Jean Pierre Guillaume Catteau-Calleville (1759-1819) was a historian and geographer of some repute whose life was spent partly in Stockholm and partly in Paris. For some years he was minister of the French Reformed Church of Stockholm. He also became a member of the Royal Academy and of the Academy of Sciences of that city. His written works referred mainly to Scandinavian countries. 7 A physical and commercial view. IO9 Private journal of Aaron Burr . undoubtedly, be very interesting. He will not pub- lish it until he reaches Paris. He had not a copy of his View of Sweden, nor have I been able to find one. An imperfect English translation I brought with me. Took a bowl of soup at home. At 6, went with Hosack to introduce him to Professor Gahn's family, and to take tea. T: The family (except the Doctor), two elderly ladies ; a daughter of Gahn of Falun. Left Hosack there and came off at 8. Supped on bread, butter, and cheese, with porter, hot water, and sugar. M'lle Gahn was engaged in making shoes a la 1 Melville. Eva Munck, granddaughter of Dr. Gahn. Beautiful child of 5. Writes a handsome hand. Couche at n, intending to rise at 5. 17. Rose at 9. A charming spring day. At 1 1 came in Wennerquiest, with Slade and Hartshorne. The latter left New York on March 24th. They had just arrived from London, by the route of Harwich and Gothenburg. To Colonel Gahn's, who was in his nightgown, and writing. Took his servant to pilot me to the Marechal du Royaume^y Count Klingstrop (or near that), and Count Brae, governor of Gothenburg. By mistake the rascal took me to a Count , where I left a card, supposing it to be the marechaL Left cards, also, with the real marechal up two flights of stairs. Spent half an hour hunting lodgings. Home at i. Heuland came in, and we had three games of chess. At ^ p. 2, to the Society of Nobles, to dine ; an elegant, magnificent hotel, where none but I After the manner of. ^ Field-Marshal of the Kingdom (marechal). I IO Private Journal of Aaron Burr . the society, and those introduced by a member, are admitted. You meet persons of the first distinction ; the first officers of state, foreign ministers, &c. A variety of dishes, and dessert ; and coffee served after dinner. A billiard room, card tables, a news-room, all the domestic and foreign gazettes, new publications, &c., a library beautifully situated. Four of us had two bottles of French wine, and our bill was 2 rix dollars each. Home at 5. Heuland came in and we had three games of chess. At y 2 p. 6 to the quarters of Slade and Hartshorne. To the theatre. A com- edy and farce in Swedish. Silence ; order ; not one laugh, except Hosack's. Less buffoonery than in England or the United States. The acting natural and sprightly. Curtain continues up till the end of the play, and again from beginning to the end of the farce. No change of siene 1 . The same through the whole performance. The orchestra good, and one of the women a very fine voice. Not a light except on the stage ; but between the pieces a large lustre 1 , with about twenty Argand lamps, let down from the ceil- ing, so that we could then see each other. No noise, even between the pieces, except cheerful talk, in the tone of common conversation. The dresses very good. No handsome or elegant women, but it is said that there is one who did not appear. A box ticket is a rix dollar ; but the highest places (they were all taken) a dollar banco 1 . At home a little past 10. Still daylight. 1 So in the MS. 2 A fine chandelier. 3 A dollar in undepreciated bank currency. See Glossary. I II Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Read an hour in Acerbi 1 . Smoked and journalized. Couche at i. 1 8. Mr. Gahn, nephew of the Professor, and a member of the Diet, called before I was up. Just looked into my room and went off. He called again at ii. Sent by Professor Gahn to show us lodgings. Hosack went out with him and got suited. Two rooms at 7 rix dollars (one guinea) per week, firewood (which is nothing at this season) included. Colonel Gahn having informed me that I was this day to be presented to the Regent, dressed for the purpose, and sat in state waiting for him till 2. Sent Hosack to see what was the matter. The Colonel had gone out early and left no message. hiod mirum*! Went with Hosack to see our new quarters, which are commodi- ous and decent. H. went to dine at the hotel. I took three eggs at home. At 4 Heuland called by appointment to go to see the manufacture de fayance*, about i y z miles. The principal was out and we saw nothing. Being near to the Comtesse C., went on to see her. They were dressing to go out. Returned alone. On the way the Comtesse overtook me, and stopped the carriage to parley. Reminded me of the ball to-morrow. M'lle la niece bien belle et bien mise. 4 Home at 6, a little weary. These stones fatigue. Point de trotoir 5 and all the pavements pebbles. Before the arrival of Heuland this afternoon came in to see 1 Giuseppe Acerbi (1775-1846), an Italian traveler and naturalist, author of " Travels Through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland" (1802.) 2 Latin. How strange ! } Forfajenct or faience. The faience manufactory. 4 The niece very good-looking and well dressed. 5 For point de trottoirt. No sidewalks at all. 112 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Hosack, by appointment, Potter, an old negroe 1 , who has married in this place a young lady of decent fam- ily. Appears a shrewd old dog. About 60. As ugly as possible. Gentlemen and ladies talk and walk with him in the street. On coming in he laid aside his Spanish cloak, which is the fashionable costume, took a chair, and sat near an hour. Heuland called at 7, and we chessed till j^ p. 9. Sent for Hedboom to aid us to settle with our landlord. He would have 12 rix dollars per week for rooms not worth 4, and which he offered for 6. Compounded for 10. Our week's living in this den is 3 guineas, though we had to go abroad for our dinners. 19. We were up at i last night gathering and packing for removal this morning. Rose at 6 and to work at packing. Sent for Mr. Gahn, the apotbek*, the son of the member from Falun, to interpret and assist in settling. At 9 he came. Our host, deter- mined to make the most of us, charged 12 rix dollars per week for the two rooms which he would gladly have let for 5 ; 12 sch 3 . per day for the servants' attendance. We finally settled at 21 rix dollars, 10.24 each. We had breakfast and tea with them. Paid i rix dollar to the boy. Our new quarters, two hand- somely furnished and pleasant rooms, with the use of a third in common with one other person, at 7 rix dollars per week. The rooms are worth double those we left, yet the price is double what it would be if the I So in the MS. a This word means in Swedish apothecary's shop, not the apothecary himself, which should be afotekarc. 3 Evidently Burr's abbreviation for the Swedish shilling, a copper coin now worth about a cent in American money. "3 Private J ourn a I of Aaron Burr . Diet 1 were off. No person in our new quarters speaks a word of French or English ; hence much vexation. Unpacked and settled ourselves. At y z p. 2 to dine with Baron Munck. T: The Baron et ux. and a little niece (12), Professor Arnt, and Dr. Domcier, the Ger- man physician to the Duke of Sussex, who is here a missionary for benevolent purposes from the Philan- thropic Society, invited, but did not come. The sideboard and brandy before dinner. At dinner, eggs, and slices of salt salmon ; roast beef; fish, then soup, veal, and spinach ; wild fowl. At table about two hours, then all rose together. Our bows, &c. Ad- journed to the saloon. T: coffee. At ^ p. 5 came off with Professor Arnt. On our way he took me to the German doctor's (Sussex) to introduce me ; out ; left card. Arnt came home with me and sat a while. At 6 Mr. Gahn (tiev*) came to take us to the ball. Hosack, not being able to make his toilet, was left. On our way met Mr. of the City College, who went with us. Took boat (to save about five hundred going by the bridge); all these boats rowed by women. Paid $4 sch. At the ball about sixty ladies, (not so splendid as that at the Exchange) ; Countess of and her niece ; Baron Wrangle ; Baron Armfelt, who introduced me to his daughter, the Baroness of , a very fine woman ; a physi- ognomy of great intelligence ; tres belle. La Baroness de B. cru la plus belle. Pas -par moi? M'lle Sergei fl. 1 The national parliament, then in session. 2 For neveu. Nephew. J Believed to be the most beautiful. Not by me. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . nat. du statuaire 1 . Left the ball at 10 ; mal. a. t. ay ant tro. bit,? Hosack came in at 9 ; left him there. Home at ^ p. 10. Rbea? Coucbe at u on the can- opie 4 ; can't endure the down bed. 20. Rose at 5. Gueri de mal a T. mats pas bien. s A servant recommended by Gahn as speaking English. He asked a dollar banco per day. Sent off. I could not understand a sentence he said in any language. Mr. Bergstrom of the City College came in. Walked with him ^ hour. Went to Professor Arnt's, whom saw. He proposes to walk with me on Sunday to see some objects of curiosity. A note from Professor (Dr.) Gahn asking H. and me to dine on Monday ; agreed. Home at i. H. out. Slept on the can. 4 two hours. Read one hour in Acerbi. Tea at 6 pour dine 6 . Great vexation to make myself understood par Madame ou la jolie jungfru 1 . Professor Arnt came in from Baron Munck to ask me to dine at Haga (sa campagne*} on Monday, but was engaged to Gahn. Amus. av.jungf. deux heur. 'Tres b? H. came in at n, having dined at the country house of Wennerquiest, where met Slade. Invitation to me was sent but not received in season. Captain , adjutant, called in the fore- noon and amused me with details of the disposition of the Swedish forces and those of Russia which are on the frontier. Great vexation about the key. A trav- I Miss Sergei, natural daughter [flit naturelle] of the statuary. Z For mal a la tete, ajant trof bu. Headache from having drunk too much. 3 Probably meant for Latin of rhubarb. See Glossary. 4 For canafi. Sofa. 5 Cured of headache, but not well. 6 Pour dine or diner. For dinner. 7 By madame or the pretty maid. From now on Burr talks much of the jungfrus. 8 His country-house. 9 For m'amusai avec la jungfru deux heures. Trts bien. Had fun with the jungfru (maid) for two hours. Fine ! "5 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . erse Yantichambre. U. muse venoit. Ne saur. renvoir 1 . 21. Couche at 12. Rose at 5. Breakfast at 7. Mr. , a military officer and very gentlemanlike ; speaks French and English ; has been at Paris, &c., came in at 1 1 . We walked together to hear Catteau preach. The service was nearly concluded before we got there. The congregation consisted of nine women and thirteen men. Walked with to the King's Garden (or Vauxhall); full of monde*. Home at i. Catteau came in and sat half an hour. Pleasant, cheer- ful, and instructive. Tea at 6 pour dine. H. went out at i and returned at 10. Passed the evening seul reading Acerbi. 22. Couche at 12. Rose y z p. 6. Breakfast at 8. Always sweet rye bread and very bad butter, of which the pound will last us a month. Have eaten nothing, nothing but this bread, since Friday. At 1 1 called on Hartshorne and Slade ; then home. Dr. Domcier, physician to Duke of Sussex and physician to his B. M. 2 for Hanover, called during my absence. This is the missionary of the Philosophic Society of London. Heuland, and soon after, Charles Forsfell, lieutenant topographe^^ called ; though we were dressing, both sat, and we continued our toilet. Agreed to meet the Lieutenant at 6 in the King's Garden. At 24 p. 2 to Dr. Gahn's to dine. We were late. Dinner was on the table. T: J. G. Gahn ; Madame , I Probably for a travers rantichambre. U muse Venait. Ne saurais [la] renvojer. Across the hall, maid muse came. I couldn't send her back. (The word muse is used throughout the Journal by Burr in describing his amorous adventures. The literal meaning in French is " the beginning of rutting time." He evidently uses a very unusual word for the purpose of veiling his meaning.) z People. 3 Britannic Majesty >. 4 Topographer. 116 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . jol. 1 blonde^ married fifteen days ago ; sa soeur M'lle aussi belle et inter ess ante ; chev. brun enfonce ; louche la harpe superieurement* ; their brother, a very handsome and genteel young man. At 6, to the Gar- den to meet the Lieutenant. He was not there. Madame - and M'lle Gahn de Falun came in with the son and daughter of Dr. Gahn ; walked with them y z hour and met the Lieutenant. Went with him to the puppet show ; very well for such a throng, but very silly for Gamp. Auprl a tres jo. U. Un arran. ft. mats manq ; ne scais par quoi\ Home at 9. Tea. Mem.: Wrote to Mr. Achaud and sent the letter to Hedboom to be forwarded. On coming to Dr. Gahn's to-day, the little Eva, who speaks not one word of French or English, ran and seized me around the neck in the most affectionate manner. She talks to me a great deal, and imagines that I understand every word. She is one of the most beautiful and interesting children I ever saw. The dinner was sump- tuous, and would, in any part of the world, have been thought tres bien. The forms, as before, except that soup followed immediately the salt herring. Three of the ladies very sprightly and animated in conversation. An officer of the rank of - remarked to me that I spoke French much better than English, and inquired which of the European languages the native language of the Americans most resembled ! 1 For jolie blonde. 2 Her sister, M'lle , also fine looking and interesting; dark ibrown hair ( fond) ; plays the harp in a superior manner. J For Aufres une tres jolie U. [ jungfru ?] . Un arrangement fait, mail man qua ; ne lais fourquoi. With a very pretty maid; an arrangement made., but failed ; I know not why. 117 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . 23. Couche at 12, but insomnie 1 ; got asleep at 5 and slept till past 9. When I rose, H. had just got up. Professor Arnt being expected at 10, we had enough to do to get dressed and breakfast. He came in just after 10. Our miserable breakfast just ready. Went with him at 1 1 to the Palace to see the pictures, the statues, and library. Passed there an hour. Home at i. Slade and Hartshorne came in and sat a few minutes. Seven American vessels taken by the Danes. At two went to Hedboom's ; out. Thence to the Bad Husef; ordered water to be heated and walked out. Bought small piece of soap ; i rix dollar ; they have none but soft soap at the bath. With some diffi- culty got it ready by 4. Two C7V to assist, rub, &c. Paid 3 rix dollars ; 2 fP. Home at */ p. 5. Bought bread, 3 sch. ; cheese, 14 sch. Tea pour dine. Sor. at 8. To Dr. Gahn's. T: The family and Don Morinos, the Spanish Junta minister. Supped there, and home at 10. Mem.: Baron Munck invites us for Wednesday to Haga. Message by Professer Arnt. Agreed to go. 24. Couche at 12. Rose at 6. The supper at Dr. G.'s disagreed with me. Not well sleep. Break- fast at 8. At 9 sor. to Hedboom's. Left him with 10 guineas to be changed into Swedish paper. Pours' i un U. ba. eng. 9 c. soi s . Chez moi at 10. Gahn came in 1 Wakefulness. 2 For badhuset. Swedish. The bath-house. } For jungfrus? 4 A riddle. 5 This is a fair sample of the sort of riddles frequently introduced by Burr in the Journal. They are generally in French, in part, at least, and consist largely of abbreviations. This prob- ably stands for Poursuivis une jungfru (or fille) badine (or kanale). Engagement four gee soir. Pursued a sportive (or common-place) lass. Made an engagement with her for 9 o'clock to-night. Ba. may stand for bane, inferior, vile. 118 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . and staid an hour. Went with him to Heuland's to introduce him, they being both mineralogists. Found Heuland jy 1 and left them together. Sort ant* met M'lle Posse belle souer* de Hedboom. Entered and talked a few moments by signs. Qjtell. esjo 4 . Chez moi at 12. At i barouche fiakre* to take us to Haga. Mr. Potter noir de Boston m'd id un blanche d J un fami/le 6 . Very civil and useful. To Vieux 1 Haga. T: The Baron, ux. et niece ; le General Baron C. de Morner, ch. d 'un reg. de Hussards*. Dined in the room in which the revolution of 1772 was projected and matured by Gustavus III. The pavilion ; three cabinets and six stoves ; six canop. 9 de crimson velvet. Le General si bieu bu. quil se coucbe ivr. sur can. en bot. l At dinner Gamp gave " Les Prisoniers Royaux,"" which was received by Baron Munck with inexpressible sensibility, tears, &c. Apres din. un promenade. 11 " Called back to meet the Countess of and , the former being her we saw at Desbero's ; belle femme ; all speak French fluently. The Prince and his elder sister walk with the two ladies of the Queen's suite to New Haga. Beautiful promenade along the lake. The temple ; the pavilion ; echo. Went through the lower story of 1 There. 2 For en sortant. On going forth. 3 For telle-soeur. Sister-in-law. 4 For Qu'elle est jolie ! How pretty she is ! 5 Note the spelling and also the queer tautology ! One might as well say in English, coach-coupe ! 6 Mr. Potter, a negro from Boston, married here a well-to-do white woman. (Une blanche de famille.) 7 Old. He speaks of both a New Haga and a Vieux Haga. 8 General Baron C. de Morner, chief of a regiment of Hussars. (Chef.) 9 For canapes. Couches. 10 For le General eit si bien buveur qu'il se louche ivre sur le canape en bottes. The General so much of a drinker that he goes to bed drunk on the sofa with his boots on. 11 "The Royal Prisoners." This probably referred to Ferdinand VII., Baron Munck's father, then recently detained by Napoleon in France. 12 A promenade after dinner. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . the Palace. Four beautiful rooms. Picture of Gus- tavus III. To the new Palace. Magnificent plan. The model. The place for the guard. Singular effect produced by copper pavilions and tents painted a la Chinois 1 . Back to Old Haga at 9. Supper. The Baron walks with us to town. T arr? at y 2 p. 10; very light ; daylight. Locked out and great plague ; a la fin* y got in but spoiled lock. Paid for hack 2^ rix dollars, the distance being about two and a half English miles. The Hermaph. stat. 4 at Baron Munck's. Professor Arnt restoit a Vieux Haga 5 . I'ro. bu et fro. mang. Fum. till i 6 . Mem. : On returning home found Baron Armfelt's card. The Prince is a fine boy of 9 ; eyes and forehead very good ; the lower part not corresponding. The Princess, 7, not handsome. Neither of them looking very healthy. They were in a little barouche, drawn by four little horses. Near the Palace saw the youngest Princess, about i year old; pretty. The second daughter, about 5, is a cripple. 25. Lev. at 6. Chauffe 1 . Sor. at 8 av. dejeun. cherch. bague. Pas trouv*. Ret. p 9 . Heuland came in ; took breakfast with us and we played two games chess; won both. La. be. Mar. Sentm. su. le bag. Paid 7 1 For a la chinoise. After the Chinese fashion. 2 For/ arrivons. We arrive there. 3 Finally. 4 The statue of Hermaproditus, the fabled son of Hermes and Aphrodite, combining both sexes in one body, and regarded as the emblem of indissoluble marriage. There are numerous statues of this mythological personage, .. in Florence, Rome, Naples, and Paris. 5 Professor Arnt remained at Old Haga. 6 For [7'ai/aij] trap bu et trof mangi. Fumai till I. I had eaten and drunk too much. Smoked till I. 7 Probably for Je me suit chauffc. I warmed myself. 8 Went out at 8 before breakfast looking for ring. Didn't find it. (Son a-vant dejeuner cherchant [unt] bague. [ Je ne la] trouve fas.) 9 For retournai a q. Returned at 9. 10 La belle Marie ; les sentiment! sur la bague. Pretty Marie; her feelings about the ring. I 2O Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . rix dollars for one that pleased. Potter came in at 8 and staid till i. A good fellow. After he and Hosack went out settled for le bag ; tres cont. tou. dtf. He returned at */% p. 2. Got from Hedboom 78.10 rix dollars for 10 guineas, that is, 7.40 each. Paid Hosack 16.36, balance of his account for sundries. Hosack sort 'd* and I got bottle of beer, of which with bread and butter and three eggs made a good dinner. At 6 to Dr. Gahn's, where met the family ; la belle ; Madame Wedenberg and her beauti- ful daughter. Pretty manner of saluting. The young ladies went to walk au jardin du roi? Came home at 9. 26. Couche at % p. n. Rose at 6. Mr. Gahn the younger of Falun came to breakfast with us. Heuland also came in. At 9 to Baron Armfelt's. Re$u tres grac. 4 Proposes to arrange for my present- ation to the Regent. Will make a visit for me to Prime Minister by sending his servant with my card ! Home at 10. Sor. at n to the Palace to see Baron Munck ; out, at Haga. In Palace yard met la U noted le 22d, 2d pag. Don. addr. s Chez nous at 12. Settled for our rooms, 7 rix dollars 32 sch.; % equals 3.40. To the lodgings of Slade & company, where met Slade. To dine at the Nobles Society. This place is well described by Acerbi. Mr. Andre there and civil. Hartshorne and Slade. Hosack came in 1 Settled for the ring. Very much pleased. The rest is a riddle. Possibly for toute douce. Very sweet, gentle. 2 Here Burr again turns a French verb into an English verb. This means Hosack went out. J To or in the King's garden. 4 For Ret(U tres gracieusement. Very graciously received. 5 For met la jungfru noted le aid, id page. Me donna son adretse. Met the maid noted on the izd, 2d page. She gave me her address. 121 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . whilst here. Dinner : Ice cream, bottle of wine for three ; bill i rix dollar 24 sch. each. To Mr. Heu- land's. He came home with me and we played chess an hour. Took boat to go to the theatre at Uregong. Towed by two old women about i y z miles. Paid 1 2 shillings rix. All the watermen are women. What a little barn ! Thirty-two persons in the boxes. Amused with the pantomime and ballet. The site of the theatre romantic and beautiful. Returned at y% p. 9 ; broad daylight. To read or what you please. Re- turned across the island. The King's ferries ; pay nothing; gave 2 sch. at each. 2 U's. 15. Render. ; i banco 1 . Potter went as our pilot. Hosack returned at 10. Com. pr. j jou. pas. silen. com. ang. et uncommun 2 . Women are fishermen as well as watermen. Two in a small boat, each a line attached to a small stick in each hand ; these they keep moving gently up and down. 27. Couche at ^ p. n. Rose at 6. Hosack tre grav.* Dejeu. 8*. Heuland came in ; chess for two hours. Walked an hour before breakfast ; to the markets, &c. At 1 1 called on Baron Munck ; made arrangements to meet him on Tuesday to see the Museum and the Palace. Gahn nev. 5 came in. We walked to see the attelier de 6 Sergei. The Pshyche 7 1 For two jungfrut, IJ, rcndex-vous ; I [dollar] banco. 2 Another riddle. May it not stand for : Comfagnon four trois jouri f asset silencieux tomme un Anglais et uncommunicative. For the past three days my chum has been silent as an English- man and uncommunicative. 3 For Hosack iris grave. Hosack very solemn. 4 For dejeuner a 8. Breakfast at 8. 5 For neveu. Nephew. 6 The studio (atelier) of Sergei. Jean Tobie Sergei was a very celebrated Swedish sculptor. He lived in Stockholm until his death in 1814. 7 So in the MS. The Psyche and Cupid was one of Sergei's best known works. 122 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . and Cupid ; the minister ; Muse of history ; the Mars carrying off Venus, wounded and fainting ; the boy picking a thorn out of his foot, and the statue of Gustavus III. are works of great merit. Some of his copies, too, are fine, but the preceding are said to be original. In the bust of Gustavus III. a great like- ness to Baron Munck. The Queen who was Princess of Baden, said to be handsome, but in the bust very defective in the nose and mouth. Sergei hypocond. 1 and confined to his room, seeing no company. Home at 2. Found waiting, Bergstrom. He offers to give me a lesson in Swedish every day, to which I agree. A raw egg, bread and butter and water pour boisson, pour dine 1 ". At 6 to Dr. Gahn's ; out, all out. Roved about y z hour. Home and took tea. At 8 to Dr. Gahn's again ; all out. Hosack quite ill with a pain in the ear. In the morning called on Slade and Hartshorne. While I was out, Arvfedson called and left card. This morning an invitation from Wenner- quiest to dine on Tuesday, which accepted. Home at 9. Mem. : Returning from Sergei's parted with Gahn on the bridge. Sedu. par a laid vir. Ent'd. X'd 2. Mauv. i R. D. 3 28. Couched. 12. Rose at y z p. 6. Hosack says he has slept none ; but the swelling in his ear has discharged and he is better. Our valet did not come till y 2 p. 8. Got our breakfast at 8. No butter, and being Sunday, none to be had. At 10 came in Dr. I For hypochondriac, z And water for a beverage for dinner. 3 Probably seduit far une laide virago. Entered, etc. Mauvaii. Led astray by an ugly virago. Entered. ed twice. Bad. I rix dollar. 123 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Gahn, sent for medically ; thinks the cure is already performed. Sat an hour. Says the President Enger- strom, Minister of Foreign Affairs, expects me to-day. Gave me his address ; so dressed ; took Potter and sallied forth ; arrived at the Palace we found that the President did not live there, though he had hired the house and was expected there in a few days. He lives now on the Stade Holmen 1 ; thought this very odd ; did not go to see him lest the whole affair should be a mistake as well as what regarded the residence. Home at 12. Wrote to Dr. G. the failure. Read an hour. At y 2 p. 2 walked, alone, on the Soder Malm, the island south of this. (Note : I live on the Stade Holmen, 119^ Lilla Nygatan 1 .) Sought the high ground, but could get no distant view, not above two or three miles. This part of the city very clean and neat ; most of the houses are white. Roved about for two hours without seeing or meeting anything remarkable or amusing. Chez nous at y z p. 4. At 7 sor. again seul. Across the Palace bridge, across the Kung's Holmen 5 , to the Transberg's Bron ; being from my lodgings about three miles. In the midst of rocky eminences, most beautiful verdure and bloom. Many pretty farms and country seats. This is the road to Drottningholm where I was to have passed the the day ; but the distance, being about eight English miles, I thought too great to walk and return. The wind strong ahead prevented a water passage and 5 rix dollars was asked for a horse and chair, which I did 1 For Stadsholmen. Swedish. City island. 2 Swedish. Little New street. } For Kungsholmen. King's island. I2 4 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . not choose to give. Nothing but a tres bel. bra. 1 at a window, both going and returning. Home at ^ p. 8. Not a soul has been near our quarters since Dr. G. this morning. At 2 before going out took bread, one raw egg, and water. At 6, tea, bread, butter, and three eggs boiled. 29. Coucbe at 12. Lev. at 6. Before I was out of bed a servant of Armfelt came in with a note from him informing me that there would be a levee at the Regent's at 9 when I would be presented. Dressed and went to General A.'s a little before 9, but it seems that I must have a sword, chapeau bra?, and buckles ; so put off the presentation till Thursday. At n to manufacturer of hosiery. To d' Aries', French emig. libraire*, to see about lodgings. He offers rooms which we shall take principally for the convenience of his library, of which he offers the use, and for that of being in a family whose language we can understand. Agreed to call at 4. Dinner cbez mot. Skropel et eau.* At 4 to d' Aries's ; raining hard ; agreed to send final answer by H. this evening. On the way to D.'s Vis. inv. pr. fois U. pa. bi. jo. ma. bi. fa. Bo. suj. I r. d} Chez moi. at 6. Coffee, and three eggs for supper. Mar. ne. vin. pa. 6 Hosack dines at the Society of the Nobles. Note from Baron Munck that at 1 2 to-mor- 1 For tris beau bras. Very pretty arm ; or possibly the last word is bru. for brunette, in which case it should read une trts belle brunette. 2 Chapeau. Hat. The reference of bra. is doubtful. It might mean brave, spruce or smart, or brodi, embroidered. 3 French emigrant [emigre], bookseller. 4 Probably for skorfa et eau. Biscuit and water. The Swedish food sktrfa was much like the German xwieback or the English rusk, a light, sweetened bread or biscuit, browned. J Another mystery. May be : Visitai invite fluiieuri fois une jungfru fas bien jolie mail bienfaite. Bon sujet. I rix dollar. I visited after repeated invitations a maid not very hand- some, but well put together. A good subject. I rix dollar. 6 For Marie ne vint fas. Marie didn t come. I2 5 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . row he would show the Palace. Dr. Gahn called this morning, professing to see H. Bergstrom this P. M. 30. Couche at i. Having drank strong coffee, kept awake till 4. Rose at y% p. 7. At 10 walked an hour. At 12 to the Palace. Baron Munck went through the whole with me. The magnificence, extent, and elegance of the apartments. Manner of seizing the King y explained. At 2 chez nous. Slade and Hartshorne came in just before 3 to walk with me to dinner. Dinner chez Wennerquiest. Y: Hartshorne, Slade, Hosack, , a sensible Swede speaking English; , a German speaking French and English, and a brother of Wennerquiest's. Dinner passed gaily; served aF Anglois 1 . All drank much and some too much. Stole off at 6. Home. Gahn neveu came in ; we walked to d' Aries's. All out to Drottningholm, leaving a note for me saying that they expected me and P aim able sec. z to dine there at 2. To the King's garden. Fin de J . To Dr. Gahn's. Y: The family ; the president of the committee for preparing the plan of a constitution. Colonel G. came in, but scarcely spoke to me. For the first two days he devoted himself to me with great assiduity, and since that time tout d'un coup 4 perfectly cold. Came off at 8. Home. Mem. : This morning called on Mrs. Daily with whom I was fellow passanger from Harwich. Saw her and Mr. D. Engaged me to dine on Thursday next. Mem. : Baron Munck gave me 1 Notice his incorrect way of writing the expression a ranglaise. 2 For I'almable secretaire. The amiable secretary. J Wine of , or rather wine. 4 All of a sudden. 126 Private y ourn a I of Aaron Burr . the names of five gentlemen (holding office about the person of the Regent) whom I ought to visit previous to being presented. Offered to make the visits for me if I would give him five cards, which I did. The visits will be made by sending those cards by a servant. Baron M. also offered to introduce me to-morrow morning at 9, to which agreed. 31. Coucbe y^ p. ii. Rose at 6. Unpeu lourd. 1"rop bii bier 1 . At 10 sor. to buy chapeau, &c. Was asked 25 rix dollars for a very indifferent castor hat and 1 5 rix dollars for one much worse ; the best of them not worth ^ guinea. For a pair of common plated buckles, 3 rix dollars, not worth 2 shillings 6 pence. These are rather too heavy taxes to pay for the honor of visiting the Regent. Baron Armfelt's servant was here at 7 this morning with a message from the Baron that he would meet me at the Palace at y 2 p. 9 to-morrow morning to introduce me. Note from Baron Munck inviting us to dine at Haga on Friday. Replied ou'f". Tried to borrow hat, but in vain, ^uoifaire? Am committed to the two barons and to the five gentlemen in waiting. Stockholm, June i, 1809. The Journal has been neglected since Wednesday last, and now, on Tuesday evening, at 10 at night, writing by daylight, I sit down to recollect the trifling incidents of the last six days. Trifling, indeed ! but if the operations of my head and heart could be delineated, each day would fill a volume. Coucbe at 12. Rose at 6. Full of i Rather heavy (thick-headed). Drank too much yesterday (Trap hu.~). a Yes. 127 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . business for the levee, and am at length accoutred with the three deficient articles of buckles, sword, and hat. The buckles were bought for i rix dollar, being worth about 9 pence. Sword borrowed from Dr. Gahn, and hat, which was the greatest trouble, borrowed by H. from a good-natured French marcband*. Baron M. sent his servant last evening to say that I must be at his chambers in the Palace at ^ before 9. Went punctually and found him ready. The levee com- menced exactly at 9. We were on the spot at the moment. You would have laughed to see Gamp with his sword and immense three-cornered hat. We waited one hour exactly before the Regent made his appearance. He is 61 years of age, but appears much older, and an air use 2 ; something like Mr. Samuel Hatchin's, only not so tall by about three inches, and has a flat nose. Mr. H., too, has rather the advant- age in point of dignity and grace. His Royal High- ness exchanged a few words with me in French. He was in the room about twenty minutes. Spoke to about fifteen or twenty persons. A few kissed his hand. There were present sixty-three persons. I counted them. Vice-Admiral Stedingk was particu- larly attentive to me. Got home at n, excessively fatigued. Lay an hour on the sofa reading Catteau. Made agreement to-day with Mons. d' Aries for one room on a first floor (which is what we call second story), and the occasional use of a parlour to receive visitors, and two rooms for Hosack in the fifth story at 7 rix dollars per week. Took tea at 6 pour din. I Merchant. a Worn out (usi). T 9 8 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . i. Couche at 12. Rose at 6. Set to work to packing, &c., as we are to move this morning. Made several attempts to wake H., but in vain. At 8 he got up and said he would pack his things in 5 minutes and would then help me. By n I had done and went out, leaving him at work. Went to d' Aries's, where H. came with the things at i. On my way to D.'s called on U. and agreed to call again at 10 to-night. At 2 walked to Haga, about two and a half miles, to dine with Baron Munck. T: His beaufrer 1 , a hand- some young man who lives in Westmania 1 ; his name is , being the brother of Madame Munck; Dr. Domcier ; Mr. Laing or some such name, a Russian merchant ; Professor Arnt ; Baron Armfelt ; Munck's wife and niece, and Hosack. The dinner good and cheerful. After dinner we walked two hours and returned to tea. Armfelt, Domcier, and Laing had gone. After tea walked with Baron M. and the rest two hours again. Then came in to supper. The supper is a very substantial meal ; fish, roast, fncasses 1 ^ &c. Two cards were received by the Muncks whilst I was there announcing the death, one of a husband, the other of a father, both concluding with this cau- tion, " Condolences are not received." Came off at YZ p. 10 with Professor Arnt and Hosack. Home at y z p. ii. Sor. at 12 to U. Fredrick 4 , suiv arrgt.* ; heard several voices ; frappf and off. Professor Arnt's 1 For beau-frtre. Brother-in-law. 2 For Westmannia or Westmanland, an old province of Sweden. 3 Forfricatties. Fricassees. 4 Elsewhere Burr refers to this personage as Frederica. 5 For suivant V 'arrangtment. According to arrangement. 6 Knock. 129 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . opinion that all women ought to be shut up as in Persia. 3. Couche at 12. Rose at 7. T'ro. bu. Pas bien 1 . Sor. before breakfast to U. Fredrick ; i rix dollar. Tro. us?. Breakfast at 9. Read a romance, " Les Amour de Daphnis et Cloe*" traduit du Grec de Longus par Arryot 4 . This romance is supposed to have been written after that of Heliodorus ("Theagenes and Chariclea"). Dined on sugar, water, and bread. A promenade seul to Kongl. Djur Garden 5 , about two miles. Returned sans aventure b . Tea at 9. 4. Couche at ii. Rose at */% p. 5. Dejeun. 7 at 7. Read variously and desultorily. Eau sue. et pain pr. din? At 6 set out for Lisbon Hill, where we are invited by Wennerquiest to a musical party. Very much amused on the way to see the mode of passing Sunday. Vast numbers of both sexes engaged in various sports. Fiddles and other musical instruments. Dancing parties in many houses. Always a comedie 9 on Sunday. Went half a mile beyond the house of W. before I could ascertain where it was. At length found it. He was in town. One Swedish servant only at home. No preparation for any party. Returned home at 9 and took coffee, wondering at this disap- pointment. Note: In the forenoon called on Madame Daily. 1 Had drunk too much and did not feel well. 2 Too much used up. 3 So in the MS. 4 " The Amours of Daphnis and Chloe," translated from the Greek of Longus by Arryot. 5 See Glossary. 6 Without adventure. 7 For dejeuner. Breakfast. 8 For Eau sucr'ee et fain four diner. Sugar-water and bread by way of dinner. 9 For com'edie. Comedy. IJO Private Journal of Aaron Burr . 5. The coffee kept me awake all night. At 3 or a little before, walked out to see the sun rise at 3. A beautiful horizon from the Observatory hill. Got my breakfast at 6. During the night formed a plan for return to the United States. Full of it all day. New Jersey was to be my location. This forenoon saw Hosack for the first time since living at this house. He had been charged by Wennerquiest to tell me that the party intended for Sunday was postponed, but omitted to do it. Breakfast as usual, with the addition of a salt herring. Din. eau et pain. 1 Sor. at 3. Une blan. jeun. jo. embon. 1 ', i rix dollar. Read desultorily and sans objet que distraire? Hartshorne came in P. M. and a game of chess. 6. Couche at n. Lev. at 6. At 7 came in Mari de Lil. Ny. gat. 4 about some demands of the lady. A very seasonable visit ; i rix dollar. The demands left unsettled; will call on Thursday. The proclamation of the new King ; great show ; heralds ; trumpets ; music; military, &c. Mot 5 in the midst enticed off by a lit. brun. 6 '; 2 rix dollars. This day we receive news of the new arrangement between the United States and Great Britain ; the proclamation of the President opening intercourse with Great Britain. 7. Note from Laing, the Russian merchant, to remind me of the dinner to-day at Albino Cravi Tiske or royaume des ecrivisses. 1 Walked, being about 1 Bread and water for dinner. 2 Foran blanche jeunejolie [femme]. Embtnfoint. A pale, pretty, young woman. Plump. 3 And without other object than amusement. 4 Swedish for Little New Street. (Lilla Njgatan.) 5 I. 6 A little brunette f 7 Kingdom of the crabs. Burr's words Cravi Tiske may represent the Swedish word Krabh- tasia, Crabs. The restaurant may have received that nickname from the fact that a specialty was made of crawfish. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . two miles ; a most beautiful and picturesque prome- nade. T : About twenty, /. e., ten of each sex. A very expensive and splendid dinner. Baron Stedingk, late minister to Russia, fern, and two children. 7Y 10 and 13 and leur gouvernante 1 ; the elder fille 1 intelligent and well educated. La gouvernante M'lle jol. et interesting. Madame , two daughters and a son ; the daughters both handsome ; belle embonp*. Mr. Phillipson et ux.; a very amiable woman, 30 ; the secretary of Stedingk, a well-informed young man ; Dr. Domcier ; his singular position that in England there were 3,000 to a square mile ; Mr. Foster, the British charge d'affaires. 1"ro. bu and stole off alone at 9. Note : The wife of the vice-admiral, Stedingk, has several sisters of much renown. 8. Couche at 12. Lev. at 6 un peu lourd*. Mari came in at 7 to settle accounts ; 2 rix dollars. Sor. at 1 1 with Dr. Gahn, who called to invite me to go and see the show. All the troops, as well militia as regulars, under arms, to be sworn to the new King and constitution. Sworn by regiments and by word of command. Immense concourse of people of all sexes and ages. The King rode about on horseback, saluting and saluted. At 2 chez mot. Eau et pain. Finished reading Eustace's " Letter to Cleomenes," 430 octavo pages. A strange medley of things per- sonal, of Grecian and Roman history and maxims, of anecdotes, &c., but not badly put together, and amus- 1 Jungfrus. 2 Their governess. 3 Daughter, girl. 4 Fine looking, plump. 5 Rather dull. 132 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . ing. Written in 1730. Says he is the nearest male relation of the late Mr. Addison. At 6 to tea at Gahn's by invitation. T Colonel Gahn to attend me to the levee, which is announced for this evening at 7. Put on my sword and tripod, and went. A very splendid display of beauty. There were many hundreds. Those who pretended to be able to form a judgment said 1,600. The King looked much better than when I last saw him ; went very well through the forms. The Queen still better. The Princess Louisa appeared to labour, and to be fatigued with it. Met there all my acquaintances of both sexes. Came off at 9 and supped at Gahn's. Hosack there. The family and M'lle . La belle boit. qui touche si bien la barpe. Et sa soeur ainee 1 . Gahn the nephew left town for Falun this day to my great regret for he was my most useful and willing guide. He called to take leave. Home at y z p. 10. 9. Couche at y z p. 12. Lev. at 6. How very regular we are grown ! Breakfast at 9. Read the life of Captain John Smith, who went with the first colony to Virginia and afterward to New England. It is extracted from Belknap into an English compilation entitled " Polyanthea, or Collection of Interesting Fragments." Sor. at */ 2 p. i. Un strolle*. Met Wennerquiest, who asked me to a musical party on Sunday at Djurgarden. Home at ^ p. 2. Eau et pain. Sor. at 5. Rencont. U. que vis bier. Mar. 1 The pretty lame girl (beiteuse) who plays the harp so well, and her elder sister (soeur atnie). 2 Notice the puerile mixture of French and misspelled English. 133 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . Carol, blo.jeu. 1^2 r. d. Rendev. pr. Lund. 3P.M. 1 D'Aries brought in to see me the Baron , who is a member of the Diet and a lodger in this house ; a frank, sensible man, speaking French fluently. He is on a committee to reform judicial proceedings. Not heard of our J. B. 2 Supped with Mons. d'A. Took neither tea nor coffee this P. M. 10. Couche at y z p. 12. Slept till waked by my noir 1 at y z p. 7. I am better without the afternoon tea and coffee and resolve to discontinue it. Raining hard, which prevents my intended walk to Drottning- holm, about eight miles. Read two or three hours this morning in a French work printed in 1804, entitled, " De la Philosophic de la Nature ou 'fraite de Morale pour le Genre Humain fire de la Philosophic et fonde sur la Nature" "/me edit. 4 The style very fine. Great advocate for natural law, as the foundation of all law and morals. "Cette loi naturelle gravee sur le coeur." 5 A great deal of pretty and ingenious nonsense of the like kind. Pretending to quote and confute all writers, ancient and modern, who hold a contrary doc- trine ; but not naming Bentham, though published at Paris. The book is anonymous, but said to be the 6 . Dinner by invitation with d' Aries. Lui, Madame^ et Madame veuve du consul Portugais 1 For Rencontrai lajungfru que vis hier. Marie Caroline ; blonde, jeune. 1% ri\ dollars. Rendex-vous four Lundi, } P. M. Met the maid whom I saw yesterday. By name Marie Caro- line; blonde, young. i% rix-dollars. Appointment for } P.M. Monday. 2 Jeremy Bentham. 3 Negro. 4 " Of the Philosophy of Nature ; or Treatise on Ethics for the Human Race, drawn from Philosophy, and Founded on Nature." Seventh edition. 5 This natural law graven on the heart. 6 Sentence unfinished. 134 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . mats nee italienne. 1 This morning while I was shaving, came into my room a tall, graceful, pretty woman, plainly but neatly dressed. Asked if I could speak Swedish. No. German. No. Italian. No. I then asked her if she could speak English. No. French? No. So that it seemed that communication by words was out of question. I made her, however, understand that I was going to the country, and would be glad to see her again on Tuesday morning at the same hour, viz., 7 o'clock. Who she is, or what the pretence of the visit, I can form no conjecture. ii. Mr. d' Aries waked me at 5. At y z p. 7 went with him and his son in their one-horse phaeton, to Drottningholm. A very beautiful ride ; cross four large bridges. Madame D. went last evening with Mr. de Castre. At 1 1 went to witness the service at a country church, about i^ miles from the Palace. A neat, pretty, ancient building ; low, arched ; several pictures ; a narrow alley through the middle, and seats (pews) on each side. The women on the left and men on the right ; about an equal number on each side ; perhaps 150 of each sex. The organ playing when I came in, and they were singing a psalm to the tune we call Old Hundred. Sacrament day. All partook, going up about twenty at a time, men and women promiscuously. The priest and his clerk, or cure*, administered. They all returned very much affected ; the women in tears, and many sobbing ; the psalm 1 Himself, his wife and Madame , widow of the Portuguese consul, but Italian born (") 2 Burr almost always uses the grave accent for the acute, when it occurs to him to use any accent at all. 135 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . going on all the while. I stood in the isle 1 , no one taking the least notice of me. The musa z , the princi- pal head-dress of the women. Two very beautiful young women, who were near me, in black, the head a la mode 1 . Returned to d' Aries, and we went through the garden to see the Palace, he having engaged one of the keepers as ciceroni. Just as we entered the Palace met Countess Bunge and Comtesse Lbwenhaupt, Baron Wrangle, Captain Dirden, et al'i. s Went all together into the first sal/e 6 . While I was examining a statue, the ladies and their party, with our guide, went out, but whither we could not dis- cover ; and after half an hour of fruitless search and inquiry we returned to the gardens, and to that part called Canton ; thence home to dinner at 2. Mr. D. exceedingly mortified and vexed that our chaperon had thus left us in the lurch. He expected several persons to dine, but no one of them came. After dinner walked to see Madame de Castre and her daughter. Both of very pleasant manner. The mother very ladylike ; ne Polonaise 7 . Le Mart 8 formerly in the orchestra of Gustavus III. Both now enjoying pen- sions. M'lle tout plein de talents'*. Paints in oil in a manner to have attracted notice and admiration at the exhibition. Pince la harpe superieurement. Danse (comme on dii] comme une ange. Vif. enjouee. 18 ; jol. 1 So in the MS. 2 For Moisa. Swedish for bonnet, hood. 3 In fashion. 4 Guide. 5 For Latin et alii. And others. 6 Hall, room. 7 For nee, Sec. Polish born. 8 The husband. 9 For toute fleine, etc. Very talented. 36 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. taille 1 . At 4 Madame de Castre came to take tea with us ; but Madame d' Aries rather presumptuously told her we were engaged. She went off and we walked out to take tea with Madame - ; Madame and all the family abroad. Went then to Dr. - , medecin du R.oi*^ Gustavus IV.; out also ; but an elderly lady permitted us to see his pictures. Chez nous at 6. Brought Madame de Castre to sup with us. Before supper went to the tower ; in ruins ; extensive and picturesque views. After supper saw Madame and M'lle to cbez eux\ There are still a few Russian prisoners here ; a small hospital. The situation of the Palace and disposition of the grounds very beautiful. Profusion of statues, principally bronze and tout nud.* Everything in decay. Two ladies on horseback. One riding at' Angloise, the other en cavalier*, with scarlet waist-jacket and white overalls, a la Turc ou Perse 6 ; very wide ; a round hat with feathers. She had a very fine form, and made an elegant appearance. 12. Couche at 12. Lev. at 6. Mr. and Mrs. d'A. breakfasted and with their son August set off at 8 for Stockholm. I breakfasted after they were gone and at *4 p. 9 set off on foot. A very charming promenade, about 6 miles. Rene, sur chem. Paysan. Prom, ensem. au boi. un heure. ^ r. d. 7 Arrive at home at 12; undressed, lay down, and slept three 1 Plays the harp in a superior manner. Dances (as they say) like an angel. Animated, sprightly (fit;*, enjouee) ; 18; pretty figure. 2 Physician of the King. j For chex tiles. To their home. 4 Probably for tout a fait nuts. Wholly nude. 5 Trooper fashion, astride. 6 After the Turkish or Persian fashion (a la turque, etc.). 7 For Rtncontrai sur le chetnin une pajsanne. Promenade cnttmble. Au bois une heure. % rix dollar. Met on the way a country lass. Took a walk together for an hour in the wood ; % rix dollar. 137 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. hours. At 5 to Slade's and Hartshorne's. T: Hosack and Heuland ; chess with Hartshorne ; three games ; won two. Tea at 8 pour sou. et din. 1 Note from Hedboom to dine on Wednesday, to which agreed. 13. Couche at y 2 p. 12. Lev. at 7. Had scarcely got out of bed when la Hanoverienne' 1 men- tioned on Saturday came in. Being unable to com- municate anything by the ear, we tried, successfully, all the other senses. Passed an hour. After breakfast, ma bel Mar* came in to try to settle that affair of the broken glass. Je voud. mieux that her vis. had been defd. till torn, mats el. est si jo lie ; i r. d. 4 At i to Dr. Gahn's ; all in the country. At 2 came in Caro- lin. Cest tropl Mais 5 / 4 r. d. 5 Couche at 3 and slept two hours. Dinner eau et pain. Tea and four eggs for supper. Couche at ^ p. 12. Mais ne saurais dormir 6 . Just got asleep at y% p. 4 when Hosack came and waked me to get his key. I had taken it to ensure a sight of him. Got asleep at 5 and slept till 9. Waked by Captain H , who came to ask me to go on Saturday next to take tea with Madame , who had known Bollman 7 and wished much to hear of him. I was half asleep and forgot to enquire who the lady is and where the acquaintance had been made. Before I was dressed came in Berg- strom ; agreed to go with him to-morrow to take tea I For four soufer et diner. For supper and dinner. Z For la Hanovriennc. The Hanoverian woman. 3 For ma belle Marie. 4 I should prefer (je voudrais mieux) that her visit had been deferred till to-morrow. But she is so pretty ; I rix dollar. 5 It's too much ! But B / 4 rix dollars. 6 But cannot sleep. 7 Dr. Erich Bollman, a German, who had distinguished himself by a gallant attempt to rescue Lafayette from his prison at Olmiitz, and who was one of Burr's most trusted confederates in the Mexican affair. 138 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . with Gahn a la campagne 1 . At i called on Madame de Castre and daughter, who came yesterday to town. Madame seule ; j trappar up*. A bust of M'lle by Bustrom, extremely well executed. Madame took me to see Bustrom (and his attelier\ who lives under the same roof one story higher, that is, in what we should call the fifth story. The apartments of Madame in the fourth are very handsome. Bustrom was out and his rooms locked. M'lle came ; a landscape painted by her, very pretty and showing much talent. The coronation is postponed till the first week in July, that it may be the more brilliant. Mr. de Castre had this morning an interview with the King, who sent for him to solicit him to take part in an opera to be given on the occasion. Note : The opera-house has been shut since the majority of Gustavus IV., and Mr. de Castre has been sixteen years out of practice. Nean- moins, pour fair e plaisir a sa M. 1 he will attempt. It is not impossible nor altogether improbable, that we may have a Russian audience; for news was yesterday received that the Russian forces on this side of the Gulf of Both- nia had advanced very rapidly. Yet all here is placid, though they are not more than ten or twelve days' march from Stockholm, and neither fortifications nor efficient army in the way. Called on Madame Daily, who is still in town. She is frightened to death about the Russians. The Russian soldiers! It is the uni- versal opinion that, if they come, there will be general 1 In the country or at the country house. 2 Swedish. Three flights up. (3 traffor uff. ) g Nevertheless, to please his Majesty (ct Sa Majesti). Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . plundering and ravishing. At 2 dressed for dinner and went to Hedboom's. All locked fast ; not even a servant. Tried every door, and made a great deal of noise to no effect. Strange ! At length discovered from a family on the next floor that Mr. H. and family lived at some distance, where it is expected that I am to dine. About two miles off. Went to hire a boat. Asked i rix dollar, which I refused to give. Came home at 4, and took bread and milk at 6. At y% p. 7 went to the concert, a la Bourse 1 , where I had engaged to meet Madame de Castre et M'lle. The concert began at 6, and was more than half done when I came in. There was, I believe, more than one thousand persons, among them the Queen and the Princess Sophia. Heard three pieces, in one of which " God Save the King " was introduced. The last piece was accompanied by the voice of Mr. de Castre, who has sung here for thirty years. His voice is yet well preserved and really fine. I have great sensibility to music, but no science. Every part was executed extremely to my satisfaction ; but what most interested me was the perfect attention, and the uncommon degree of feeling exhibited by the audience. I have nowhere witnessed the like. Every countenance was affected by those emotions to which the music was adapted. In England you see no expression painted on the visage at a concert. All is sombre and grim. They cry bravo I bravissimo ! z with the same countenance that they " God damn " their servants and their gov- I At the Exchange, z Superlative of bravo. 140 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . ernment. Acerbi is wrong in asserting that les Suedoises 1 have no sensibility to music. The crowd was so great that I could not get sight of the de Castres ; but passing their quarters just as they drove up to the door, went in and sat a few moments. Was introduced to Mr. de Castre, whom I had not before seen, nor did I suspect, till then informed, that it was he who sang, not having seen him while singing. They engaged me to tea on Friday to meet Baron , Grand Seigneur et fort ricbe, demeurant en Scanie*. Home at 10. Read an hour in Captain Barrie Saint Venan's book "Des Colonies Modernes sous la Zone Tor- ride,particulierement St. Domingo*" Imp. Paris : 1802. Mange un morceau de soupe chez Madame D. 4 15. Couche 2^. Slept sound till 9. La Han- overrienne attandoit *; i ^ rix dollars. At 1 1 called on Baron Munck. Spent an hour in trying to find Catteau without success. Ordered a bath at 3. II y a rien qui me etab. apres trop de muse comme le bain chaud 6 . Called at Hartshorne's ; found him and Hosack at chess ; Heuland and Slade spectators. Brought Hosack home to settle for our two weeks' rent with d' Aries ; paid 14 rix dollars. Hosack gave notice that he should leave his quarters to-morrow etant mecontent de son demeure coeleste. 1 He is in the fifth story. An bain a trots b. Tout pret. Reste dedans I For let Suedoises. The Swedish women. a Great lord, very rich and residing in Skane (an old province of Sweden at its southern extremity). 3 " Modern Colonies in the Torrid Zone, especially St. Domingo." Printed, etc. (imprlmi). 4 Ate a bite of supper at Madame D.'s. (Atangeai.) 5 For attendait. Was waiting. 6 There is nothing that restores me after too much muse as does the hot bath. (// rCy a rien qui ;/;' etat>lit,etc.) 7 For etant mecontent de sa demeure celeste. Being dissatisfied with his celestial abode. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . un heure. Tres refraichi. Le dem. qui me servait atten- dait que, &c. Mais non. Pai. pr. bain I rix ; a dem. YZ rix. Chez moi at 5. En chem. suiv. la plus belle animal que j'ai vu en Suede. Ignore son nom. Mais nous saur 1 . Bergstrom had promised to walk with me to Gahn's country house, but came not ; went seul at 6, the distance two and a half English miles ; walked it in 24 hour. A very Romanesque and retired position. Lake Shreame, locks, hills, meadows, magnificent forest ; on the opposite side of the lake, pretty, neat country houses. Y: The family and four or five others whose names I did not learn. Prie a soupe mais ne veu. pas*. After tea, walked home. Stopped y% h. on the way to listen to the band of music. Home at y^ p. 9. Undressed, being tout mouille* with the exer- cise. Morceau de soupe av. 4 Mr. and Madame d'A. 1 6. Couche at 12. Slept sound till 8. It must be the milk or omitting tea which produces this extra- ordinary sleep. Rained hard, which prevented me from going out. Read in Barre de Venant's book. Cleared up at i . Walked an hour sans accident ; got very warm ; changed. Milk and bread for dinner. This diet agrees with me exceedingly. Chessed. At 6 to Hartshorne's ; all out. " Parlez vous franc oise?" "Pas un mot" in very perfect French. " Adieu , I For Au tain a trois heures. Taut fret. Reste dedans une heure. Tres rafraichi. La demoiselle qui me servait attendait que, etc. Mais non. Paid four bain I rix dollar; a demoi- selle "^ rix dollar. Chex, moi at 5. En chemin suivis le plus bel animal [feminin] que fai vu en Suede. Ignore son nom, mais nous saurons. To the bath at J o'clock. All ready. Remain in it one hour. Very much refreshed. The girl who waited on me expected that, etc. But no! Paid for the bath I rix dollar; % rix dollar to the girl. At home at 6. On the way^ I followed the finest she animal that I have seen in Sweden. Don't know her name, but we'll find it out. z Invited to supper but don't want to [go] . ( Ne vcux fas.) 1 Quite wet. (Mouille). 4 Bit of supper with. I 4 2 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . M'lte." 1 At 7 to tea chez de Castre. T: The Baron Krame, arr. de Scanie 1 , de bon sens et bonte ; Chev. Fauvelet emig. fr. 60 ; Mr. Passi, 1 9, nev. de Desguil- lon, tres fort snr le piano ; Mr. , sectr. du roy Gus. IV.; M'e et M'lle d'C.; Mr. et M'e d'Ar. Mils., chanty dans, cartes, excellent soupe*. Home at % p. 12. Mr. de Castre is deemed the first singer in Sweden. M'lle pince le harpe superieurment. Elle dansait le schawl ; tres jolie ballet 4 , which she executed better than I have ever seen. The evening very pleasant. La comtesse. Couche at **/% p. i. 17. Couche at y 2 p. i. Lev. at y 2 p. 4. Tro. souped Walked out an hour and on my return got breakfast about 6. Had two hours in the library in " Les Monuments Antiques Expliques par la Mythologie" par Alexandre Lenoir. En forme de Dictionaire avec gravures en forme de dictionaire 6 . Vol. i. Paris: 1806. A voluminous work. At 10 Professor Arnt came in and sat an hour. Much distressed at the prospect of affairs in his country (Germany). Agrees that the nobility is rotten and worthless ; would have no hered- itary nobles. Slept two hours ; walked one ; took my milk and bread at 3. Read a ridiculous roman fr. " Gaudriole" conte par 1 M. D. Paris: 1806. 168 1 "Do you speak French?" "Not a word," in very perfect French. (But Burr's French is far from perfect. Should be " Parlex-voui fran^aisl" etc.) "Adieu, Mad- emoiselle." 2 For arrivi de Scanie. Arrived from Skane. 3 Having good sense and kindness ; Chevalier Fauvelet, French emigrant, aged 60 ; Mr. Passi, 19, nephew of Desguillon ; very expert on the piano ; Mr. , secretary of King Gustavus IV.; Madame and Mademoiselle d'C.; Mr. and Madame d'Ar. Music, singing, dancing, cards, excellent supper. 4 She danced the shawl dance ; very pretty ballet. 5 Too much supper. (Trop de loufer, or f ai trof s/tufi.) 6 " The Ancient Monuments Explained by Mythology," by Alexander Lenoir. In dic- tionary form with engravings. (Burr's repetition is probably unintentional.) 7 A ridiculous French romance," Gaudriole," related by (conti or conti). Private Journal of Aaron Burr . pages. Laughed half a dozen times at the most puerile and unmeaning nonsense. Called on Madame de Castre ; met her going out and walked with her a few minutes. She goes this afternoon to Drottning- holm, where I am to see her on Monday P. M. Captain Weidenhjolm called at 6 to escort me to the Helvigs. Raining hard ; we took coach. Met there Baron Helvig, Madame and two souers 1 ; Comtesse Posse and Comtesse Hamilton, both very handsome ; two gentlemen whose names I did not recollect. Foster came in after tea. Came off at 9 sans adieu*. It was expected that I should stay to supper, but I had resolved not on that sort of invitation. M' e H. est liter air e, gai^ aimable, peut. 3252 enf.; le garcon, who is the younger, perfectly beautiful ; sa souer la plus grande, has a very interesting physiog. Toutes deux paint in a very superior style in oil 3 . 1 8. Couche at 12. Lev. at 8. Slept the whole time sound. Raining. Read till 12. Dressed and walked to Professor Gahn's country house, about two and a half miles. Found there a large circle. Baron (General) Cronstedt (brother of him of Calberg) et ux.; she had just performed a journey by land with her three children from Tornea through Finland to and thence across the gulph 4 to Stockholm ; a cheerful, pleasing woman ; la belle Comtesse Lowenhaupt, to whom je feroit !'am. s ; M'lle Hoschell, la charmante 1 For soeurs. Sisters. Burr generally misspells this word. 2 Without saying good-by. j Madame H. is literary, mirthful, amiable, perhaps 32; two children ; the boy, etc.; his sister, the taller, has, etc. Both of them paint, etc. 4 So in the MS. Old-style spelling. 5 The pretty Countess L. to whom I [fain] would make love [jeferais volontiers 1'amour]. 144 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . boiteuse 1 , who plays on harp tre. superieurment ; Colonel Gahn, we barely saluted and did not speak afterward, est drole 1 ; M'e , fern, du juge et souer cadette de Hoschell ; bien belle et interessante ; douce^ plein &c?^ took tea and two eggs. Read Kant and " Troubadours" At 12 Hosack came in. We played chess till y z p. i. The tea, the tea! 24. This is St. John's day, the greatest holiday in the year ; formerly celebrated with great military and royal pomp, i. ., before Gustavus IV., who abhorred anything gay. It is celebrated throughout the country as May-day and called . At 10 last evening the cannon were fired, and, at intervals, all night. At midnight, singing and prayers in all the churches. The tea which I had so foolishly taken kept me awake, and, being utterly indisposed for sleep, walked out at */% p. 2 to see the sun rise, but the sky was clouded. At 3 the streets were full of young people ; people, indeed, of all ages and sexes, bearing green boughs, flowers, little Maypoles very prettily ornamented. They had all some good-natured wit at me. I retorted, neither comprehending a word, and we all laughed. Home at 4. Read the last two vol- umes of Emilie de Varmont through in the course of the night and morning. Prettily written. At 8 Hosack came in and soon after I went to bed and slept till near n, and before I was dressed Hosack came in with , a very amiable and well-informed young Swiss, to make me visit. Sat one-half hour. 1 For Skcppsbolmen. 2 For Fredrikshof. } Need of something refreshing because of, etc. 150 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . At 12 took breakfast. From i to 2, walked to see what was doing. Little parties of both sexes every- where. Singing, fiddling, dancing, Maypoles. The day became fine. At 2 walked with Hosack to Haga to dine with Munck. Invited to go with him to his campagne, about sixty miles. En famille, Professor Arnt, and ourselves. Dinner always good. Greatly pleased with my frankness in telling him that a bottle of vin 1 was bad. Refused to sup. Came off at y z p. 8. Walked with Hosack to see some C/V; out. Home at 10. Chess till 12. H. to bed. I had again taken both coffee and tea and could not sleep. 25. Read "Troubadours" till 4. Couche and slept sound till waked by la vieux Anna, who came into my room apparently full of anxiety and astonished to find me in bed. She offers me tea, coffee, eggs, and every other thing she could make me comprehend ; all which I refused. Got up and dressed and at 3 took breakfast. Raining all the morning. They say it is always so, both at the summer and winter solstice. At 6 went out with Hosack to call on the young Swiss mentioned Saturday. Sat */ hour, and went on to Wennerquiest's, about two miles. Hosack, though engaged there also, refused to go, so I went alone. Found there eight gentlemen, mostly musicians, and a pleasant concert. Supper. Very cheerful. He had got Davis's " Travels," in which, it seems, you and I are mentioned. 26. Couche at 2. Lev. at */% p. 5. I don't know 1 Wine. 2 Jungfrui. Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . why, but had slept enough. Dressed. Read a mili- tary treatise. At 8, just as I had got breakfast, la bel 1 . Mar. came in and staid an hour ; 2 rix dollars. Colonel le Chev. , emig. fr*. who had served in America with d'Estaing and Bouille and asked an introduction. Passed an hour. He was aide-de-camp de Gustavus IV. Was imprisoned by him two days before his being deposed for having hinted to him that a revolu- tion was meditated to dethrone him. At y 2 p. 2 took pbillibonka? with d' Aries pour din. At 3 lay down and slept two hours. At 6 walked out to Haga and supped with the Munck's. Home at ^ p. n. 27. My bed being out of order (epinasses^) I slept on sopha 5 in d'A.'s parlour. Couche at y% p. 12. Lev. at */2 p. 8. La Han ' " Principles." 7 The fifth mode of spelling the word. 8 Helvig's servant, (domestiqut). 9 Volunt. for volontiers, willingly. Very willingly, for Mademoiselle Miriam interests me greatly. Also her sister, Madame H. 1 66 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . du roy 1 (Vauxhall). Returned to soupe. Tres bi servi. Comble honef e. T: Colonel ; Mr. ; Me. , qui poursuit Gam*. Home at ^ p. n. 12. Couche at i. Having taken half a dish of tea, slept not a wink till past 5. Lev. 9. Young Gahn was to have called at 10, but came not at all. Sor. at 1 1 . To Jacobi's ; got back the ring ; nothing can be done with it here. To Ulrick's, bookseller ; bought Ben- tham's " Principes" 4^2 rix dollars banco. He took in exchange for 2*/ rix dollars a silly book, " Sur /' Imagination*" which I foolishly bought on my arrival. Home. At 6 went out with Auguste. To Mesarie, manufacture de toys. Nothing done. To Wenner- quiest's ; out. To Breda's, where passed an hour looking at your picture. I was exceedingly struck and alarmed to see it pale and faded. Why was not this perceivable before ? Perhaps it may arise from being placed among his portraits, which are very high col- oured. Yet the impression that it is faded is fixed on my mind, and has almost made me superstitious. Home. Fillibonk at 5. At 6 to Helvig's ; sat an hour ; gave to her servant a note to Breda requesting him to bring the picture for her inspection. Passed ^ hour in the cabinet of the General H. qui est militaire scientifique*. Two telescopes for measuring distances where an object of known dimensions (a man for instance) is visible. A beautiful invention. Also a watch for measuring distances by sound ; the watch gives the ^ 1 In the Royal Garden. 2 Returned to supper; very well served. Overwhelmed with courtesy (combli d'honni- teti). There were there Colonel ; Mr. ; Madame , who is pursuing Gamp. 3 " On the Imagination." 4 Who is a scientific military man. I6 7 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . sixtieth part of a second ; every artillery officer is obliged to have one. At y% p. 7 to Poppius's. There was company ; was much urged to stay to sup, but refused, though M'lle Hoschell and Madame Yjarta were there and Madame P. is very handsome and ami- able. You have before known that I admire M'lle H. But my object was to talk law with Mr. P. and he was at the card table. Home **/% p. 9. Read "La Destruction de la Ligue ou la Reduction de Paris" piece national en 4 acts ; a Amsterdam, 1782'. This is in form a dramatic piece, but has not any dramatic merit or character. The author, however, has talents, obser- vation, and foresight. It may be read with pleasure and approbation. The preface is 45 pages ; the play, 210 octavo. The author advertises that he should shortly publish two other pieces of the same kind "La Mort de Louis XL, Roy de France" and " Pbillippe //., Roy d'Espagne"\ 13. (Friday). I must be wrong about the day of the month, but that of the week is right. Coucbe at y z p. n. Waked and got up */ p. 4, having slept enough ; but Som} begged me so much to pass a few minutes more with him that I consented ; lay down and slept profoundly four hours. Note : It was rain- ing very hard. Tojours abattu* after so much sleeping. Sor. at 10. To the mint by appointment with the director, Mr. Hjelm, who very civilly took me through and showed me everything. Nothing very 1 " The Destruction of the League, or the Reduction of Paris," a national (patriotic) piece in four acts; at Amsterdam, 1782. 2 " The Death of Louis XI., King of France," and " Philip II., King of Spain." } For Somnus. Latin for Sleep or the god of sleep. 4 Always depressed. 168 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . curious, unless the free manner In which common labourers and workmen handle gold and silver in great quantities, and yet no fraud has been known. To- morrow I am to have coronation medals. To Ulrick's to get the books I bought yesterday, he not having sent them home. Paid 24 sch. for the Laws of Sweden, one small octavo. Home at 12. Then to see Hosack at the mineral springs called , about two and a half miles. Still raining. Home at 2. Hosack came with me to do some commissions for me, principally the 6 ducats, but Hedboom could not be found. Fillibonk at 4. You can't imagine what an epicure I am with my filbonk 1 . At 5 Hosack returned and we played chess two hours. Read " Kouloup ou les Chinois" opera comique en prose. J actes. Par Guilbert Pixerecourt. La musique par N. Dalayrae, memb. de la Legion d' Honneur et de Facad. roy. de Stockholm. Imp. et representee a Paris, 1807*. The plot is Shakespeare's beggar made king, but with different draping calculated for stage effect. Sent by Hosack my note to Bergstrbm. It must be the i5th. By looking back you will see where the error began. Couche at 12. Rose at 7. At 8 to Bergstrom's to get Catteau's book on Den- mark ; to engage him (Bergstrom) to visit the hospitals with me. He promises again. Thence home. Hosack came in at 9 to breakfast, as engaged ; no other way to make him punctual. After breakfast he and I 1 This, the sixth mode of spelling the word. Note that he spells it in two different ways in two successive sentences. 2 " Kouloup or the Chinese "; a comic opera in prose, in three acts, by G. P. The music by N. D., member of the Legion of Honor and of the Royal Academy of Stockholm. Printed and staged (should be imfrimi et refriienti) at Paris in 1807. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . played chess and then Hosack went to hunt Hedboom about the ducats ; not found. At 4 Bergstrom came in with Catteau's book. Went to several booksellers this morning, but bought nothing. At 6 to Helvig's. T: A Colonel , speaking English ; that same Madame , whom I met there on Wednesday, and the beautiful Comtesse Posse. Foster came in. All off before 9. I the last and sans soupe. Home, eau et br'6\ Read for several days past " Les Oeuvres Post hum. de Marmontel ;" 4 vol. duod. sur Metapbysique, Grammaire, Logique, Mora/ 2 . His style is always beautiful and the subjects are treated in a manner new and interesting, except the last (moral], in which I find nothing remarkable either of idea or manner. The d' Aries go this P. M. to Drottningholm. Note : The Helvigs engage to meet me at dinner to-morrow at the mineral springs au Pare*. 1 6. Couche at 12. Lev. at 8. Bad again. Sor. at ii (though raining) to the Park, three miles ; arrived at 12. Passed an hour with Hosack. The Helvigs did not come. At i set off to walk home ; not sorry they did not come pour des raisons 4 of state. Home at 2. Bro et mjolk* for dinner. Read last evening : " Les Confidences " 6 , en deux actes, Paris, i 803. A very pretty little bagatelle. This morning "Un Tour dejeune Home" . Paris: 1802; i act (La, /a. Has the merit of being very short) par F. P. A. Leger et R. i Bread and water. L " The Posthumous Works of Marmontel "; in 4 volumes duodecimo, on metaphysics, gram- mar, logic, ethics (should be la morale). i In the park. 4 For state reasons. 5 Bread and milk. Note how he varies this pair of words. 6 " The Confidences." 170 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Chazet 1 . At 6 walked out to Gahn's ; all out except M 'He la gouvernante 1 and my beautiful little Eva, with whom played two hours. Passing and repassing Cal- berg saw no one at the window and did not enquire. Home at 9. Read Catteau's " Danemk 1 " Just now, 12 o'clock, comes in d' Aries and family. La belle has been forbidden to speak to Mons. 4 Gamp. Supper, two eggs. The butter is so bad that je ni en passe*. Tobacco out ; had to buy this holy P. M. 17. Couche at i. Rose at 7. Wrote last even- ing to Baron Engerstrbm enclosing the letter of H. Gahn. At 12 took the letter to Dr. Gahn, who sent it with my card by his servant. A note of Madame Helvig sent yesterday forenoon has by stupidity of servant come to hand at i P. M. this day. The seasonable receipt would have prevented my walk to the bath. Wrote an answer to Madame. Among the wise things, I congratulated her on the appearance of fine settled weather, and since 7 P. M. till 7 A. M. Tuesday morning (the hours at which I write), it has been raining torrents. To the post-office ; found there a letter, but from Gothenburg saying that no letters had come there for me ! On this point I despair, but let us [not] begin a new day with despair. Mem.: On my way home from the post-office an accident qui me cout.; i r. d. Mau. if. 1 8. Yesterday I found * * * * 7 tea that appeared 1 "A Young Man's Tour." Paris : 1802 ; I act (so, so; etc.) by and . 2 The governess. j For " Dantmart." " Denmark." 4 For Monsieur. J I do without it. 6 For qui me couta I rix dollar. Mauvais. rf. Which cost me I rix dollar. Bad. 15. 7 Undecipherable. 171 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . to be good. Bought % pound, and treated myself to a dish by way of supper. Took two cups moderately strong. Finding that I should not sleep, I did not go to bed. Passed the night in reading French plays and arranging my notes on Swedish jurisprudence. I can't bear even the smell of tea, though nothing more grate- ful. But the bare scent would, I believe, keep me awake. Despairing of letters, I will wait no longer, but be off. You would never guess whither, nor why ! In December, however, I shall be on your continent. P. M. No sort of disposition to sleep. At 4 fillibonka. At 6 to Poppius's to talk law ; out. To Helvig's ; the ladies had not left town. T: Silver- sparri, who sang ; deemed the finest voice in Stockholm. Home at 8 and set to reading plays. This morning called at Breda's to see your picture. It has been varn- ished and is perfectly restored. It is very much (and very justly) admired. How much I wish I could get a copy made by Breda ! Raining hard all day and even- ing. Read till 12. The plays are: "Le Judgement de Midas "', three acts, prose, par M. d'Hele, Paris : 1778; a very trifling little thing; the music and scenery may make anything charming. "Misanthrope Repentir" 1 traduit de r allemand de Kotzebu par Bursay; Paris an: VIII. 3 I like this better than the English translation under the name of the " Stranger." " Cam- ille ou le Souterrain" 4 , three acts, Paris: 1791 ; par Marsollier. A jealous husband without any reasonable 1 " The Judgment of Midas." 2 Should be " Milanthrofit it Repentir" " Misanthropy and Repentance.' } Translated from the German of Kotzebue by Bursay ; Paris: Year VIII. 4 " Camille, or the Vault." 172 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. cause confines Camille, a very lovely and virtuous woman, a whole year in a deep vault, lying on the ground, subsisting on a scanty portion of coarse bread and water. He is suspected of having killed her, and being seized by order of the King, the story comes out. Camille is too happy that her honour is justified and she restored to her dear husband. They embrace and all is made up ; not even an apology on his part. Is it possible that a Parisian audience in '91 could relish such a tale ! In the first scene there is some- thing like wit and humour ; afterwards a series of im- possibilities and absurdities. " Le Jeune Sage et le Vieux Fou" 1 ; one act, par Hoffman ; Paris: 1793; well enough for a bagatelle. "Raoul Sire de Crequi "*; three acts, par M. Monvel ; Paris : 1789 ; well enough calculated for stage effect. "Felix ou I* Enfant Trouve" 1 ; anon.; Paris: 1778; impossibilities and absurdities in quantity ; without wit or humour. " Jeu de la Fortune ou les Marionettes " 4 ; five acts, par L. B. Picard ; Paris : 1 806 ; full of rapid reverses of fortune ; love and friendship follow wealth and abandon poverty ; men, women, servants, all rascals, time-serving, cring- ing sycophants ; the only exception is a little paysanne* who adheres to her lover through all changes, though he had abandoned her when he became suddenly rich; the design of the play is well illustrated, but gives a most disgusting, probably true, picture of the times. I " The Wise Youth and the Old Fool." a The actual title is " Raoul de Crequi.'" J " Felix, or the Foundling." 4 " The Game of Fortune, or the Puppet-show." 5 Peasant girl. 173 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . 19. Instead of going to bed at 10 or 11 as I ought, to make up the arrears of sleep, read till 12 and then lay till i sleepless. Slept one profound nap till 10. Yesterday invitation from Wennerquiest to pass this evening ; conviens 1 . Sor. 1 1 to Hedboom's about the ducats and the list of stages ; out ; left a note. Paid YZ nx dollar for quire com. paper ; 40 sch. for tobacco ; 4^ rix dollars for P.'s silk stockings. Mjolk kokas till middag*. Received this P. M. very civil note from Grefve ? Engerstrom inviting to an interview at i P. M. to-morrow. Walked to Wennerquiest's at 8. T: Hosack; Colloni or Collins; magnificent, fine voice ; several other musicians and musical men ; Hendrick, a German, settled some time in Liverpool, whom I met at Daily's ; Ludert, a very handsome and interesting young Russian ; had been only two years in England, but speaks English so as to be mistaken for a native. Supper good. Came off" with the young Russian at 1 1. 20. Hosack called by appointment at 7 ; the first instance of punctuality. Set him to copying the constitution, of which I have borrowed a French translation. At i to Engerstrom's ; recu tres honl*. un bel homme de 55. Madame, polonaise, who is now in Poland, whence le Compte returned on the late revolu- tion ; has a son, 1 8, militaire 5 , now here ; two daughters with their mother. Dinner at the Society of Nobles ; 1 For [jt] (onvicns. I agree. 2 For mjolkkaka till middag. Milk-cakes at noon. Probably a sort of milk-roll. } Swedish for Count. 4 For re^u tres honnitement. Very courteously received. ; A fine looking man of 55. His wife a Polish lady who is now in Poland, whence the Count returned, etc. Has a son who is a soldier. 174 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . an excellent dinner. A bottle of wine for Hosack and self; paid for both, 2 rix dollars, 12 sch. T: An Eveque* of prepossessing phiz. ; played billiards well. Home at 4. At 6 to Calberg. T: Madame and three strangers. L. was out on the lake, in sight, fishing party. Staid an hour and walked to Dr. Gahn's. T: The family only. Refused supper at both places. Home at y z p. 9. At Gahn's a kind of strawberry I had not before seen ; large, conical, dull red, green, and yellow ; dull colours ; in flavor like our garden strawberry. This morning called on Mr. Brooks. T: Klinkerstrom. Part. cbe. lui r . Madame invites me to sup to-morrow evening. 21. Read last evening three more French plays. The best is one which the author announces on his title page had been hissed. The others very silly, unmeaning trash, neither wit nor incident to amuse or interest. Will read no more of them. Coucbe at i. Waked, and by my watch it was */ p- 7> but it had run down, and lo, it was 10 ! Slept profoundly all that time and, contrary to custom, not the worse for it. Note from Madame B. postponing her party till to- morrow evening, which don't suit me at all, having promised myself to sup with the Helvigs at Drottning- holm. >uoi faire? To Hedboom's about the ducats and list of roads ; out, and nothing done. How that good-natured fellow plagues me ! Home at i. Two more English mails arrived and nothing for us ! " Hist. Naturelle des Femmes " 3 , par J. L. Moreau (de i For eviqut. Bishop. a For Partit cbex lui. He went home. } "Natural History of the Women.'* '75 Private y o urn a I of Aaron Burr . la Sarthe) 1 , avec II planches*. Three volumes octavo ; Paris : 1803, curiux*. "Histoire de I'Eglise du Japon" par le R. P. Crasset, de la Compagnie de Jesus ; two volumes quarto, av. planches 4 ; Paris: 1715. The miracles, as the compiler, a learned Jesuit, says, are as well attested as any of those in the New Testament. The Emperor of Japan did very right to hang them all, according to their own report. They were bold, daring rascalls 5 , and performed wonders, if not miracles. " Essai sur la Megalantbropogenesie" par Robert le jeune des basses Alpes. Duod. Paris: 1801. Dedie a rinstitut National de France* 3 , showing how talents of every sort may be perpetuated by being transmitted from generation to generation ; curious and learned. " La Guerre d 'Espagne de Bavarie et de Flandre, ou Memoirs du Marquis D." Avec plans des bat's, &c. Imp. a Cologne, 1707. Duod. 654 pa. 7 A medley of love, politics, and war, tolerably well written and worth perusal, i. e., the historical and military part. Called this afternoon on General Helvig ; out. To Jacobi's. T: Professor Phillipson and Luders, the young Rus- sian. They invited me to walk in Kong. 8 Garden, which declined. Philibonka pr. aftonmilstid**. No supper. I Of La Sarthe, a department of France. 2, With eleven plates. 3 For curieux. Curious. 4 " History of the Church of Japan," by R. P. Crasset of the Society of Jesus; two volumes, quarto, with plates. 5 So in the MS. 6 " Essay on the Art of Procreating at Will Men of Lofty Stature and Men of Genius " by Robert the young [or younger] of Les Basses Alpes [a department of France], dedicated to the National Institute of France. 7 " The Spanish, Bavarian, and Flemish Wars, or Memoirs of Marquis D." With Plans of the Battles [des tataillei]. Printed [Imfrimi] at Cologne, 1707, duodecimo, 654 pages. 8 For Kungstradgird. Another royal park open to the public. It is Stockholm's great promenade. 9 Filbunte four aftonmaltid. Filbunke for supper. I 7 6 Private journal of Aaron Burr . 22. Coucbe i. Lev. 7. Called on Bergstrom before breakfast and left with him a card to be ten- dered to his uncle the advocate, which he promised. Home. Hosack came in at 9 and took breakfast with me. Set him to copy the constitution. To Hed- boom's ; found him and got the list of roads but not the ducats. Dinner, mjolk kb'ka 1 . At ^ p. 7 to Brooks's ; there were about two dozen of each sex. La Comtesse Gyllanstolp nee z De Geer de Finspang ; son mart colonel in the army au Nord* and now there ; le Comte Jacob de la Gardie, a sensible, well-bred, sprightly man. There were some at cards, some walk- ing and chatting when I came in; all appeared content. Madame B. does very well the honours of her house. I came in very late ; 6 is the customary hour. Supper at ii ; very handsome; came off at 12. It was my projet 4 to have walked after supper to Drottningholm (about eight English miles) and I had ordered matters for my reception at 2 in the morning, the hour I expected to arrive ; but this afternoon came the valet de Helvig to say that her carriage would call for me at 1 1 to-morrow. I have, therefore, given up, but with regret, my promenade a pied^ the nights are so lovely. Snuff " Heavens, Madame, how horrible for a beautiful woman !" " Yes, sir," says she, " and that / should offer it !" Aurore 6 " If I do not mis- 1 See Glossary. 2 Born, i. e. her maiden name. 3 Her husband a colonel in the army in the North. 4 For frojet. Scheme. J My walk ; literally, my promenade on foot, for the French word promenade may also refer to a drive or horseback ride. 6 Aurore de Gyllanstolphe. 177 Private jf o urn a I of Aaron Burr . take you, that project is only postponed and not abandoned." 23. A supper disqualifies me from going to bed, so sat up till 2. Before 4 woke and feeling no incli- nation to sleep more, got up. Breakfast at 6. At ^4 p. 7 to Breda's, where we talked a great deal of T. " Good God," says he, " pardon the freedom ; but can any man on earth be worthy of that woman and know how to estimate her ! Such a union of delicacy, dignity, sweetness, and genius I never saw. Is she happy?" He almost shed tears. Thence to Madame Brooks's ; not visible. To Comte Gyllanstolphe ; out. To Count de la Gardie, who received me very cour- teously. Not being very certain that I understood the Swedish servant of Madame d'Helvig, went to the town house, where saw the servant, who repeated that he would call at n. At 1 1 he did call; took me to , where, to my astonishment, saw Madame / 'amie d' Helvig 1 , seule. " Do you live here, Madame ?" " No ; but my husband does." We went, all three, and arrived at i. Most friendly reception. No com- pany but the family and us. *Tant mienx*. After dinner I walked to my lodgings at d' Aries's, about one mile English. The family of d'H. agreed to meet me at 6 au Jardin du Roi. Madame is at my lodgings, and she insists that I lodge elsewhere. Gam. thou. dang 1 . So a room was provided for me in the neighbourhood. Called on Madame d'Castre and 1 The lady friend of Helvig. 2 So much the better. 3 Probably for Gamp thought dangerous. I 7 8 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . then went to d'Helvig's. Walked two hours. Re- turned to soupe. Off at 10. Bien content 1 with my quarters. The old man cleaned his pipe and lent it to me. Note : I had not smoked since 9 this morning. 24. Couche y z p. ii. Lev. 7. Like a log one nap. At 10 to de Castre's. Only M'lle at home. Pursued Madame de Castre to the mineral bath, but missed the way and wandered for two hours in the labyrinth. No Ariadne* to help me. To the warm bath, a large establishment, to engage bath at i. To d'H.; Madame and M'lle sitting on the grass; ma belle Mary Ann (only think, your favorite name) becoming daily more interesting. Staid an hour. Refused strawberries and cream. To the bath at i, but failed from misunderstanding with the young lady, and would not wait. Home for an hour, and then to d'C.'s to dine. Dined in the arbour in the garden. T: Madame and M'lle de C., and Madame , un franc aise qui ne manque pas cT esprit 1 . Walked to see the hay harvest and the Castor and Pollux. At 6 to Helvig's. The General had gone early this morning to town. Strawberries and milk. Having mentioned my determination to walk this evening to town they proposed to accompany me to the bridge, but I was obliged to go first to my quarters. We roved through the Gardens and they walked near my resi- dence till I went to change my dress ; joined them again and we parted near the bridge. We had ob- 1 Well satisfied. 2 In Greek mythology Ariadne was the daughter of Minos, King of Crete. She gave Theseus the clue by means of which he found his way out of the labyrinth. 3 A French woman who does not lack wit, intellect. ( Une Fran^aise, etc.) Private Journal of Aaron Burr . served from the house a view of the end of the 2d Pont' 1 and the road ascending the hill towards town ; there I paused to contemplate the house of my friends. I could just discern them on the green before the door ; a white handkerchief waved and the signal returned, and again and again repeated. I walked on, slow promenade. Presently overtaken by a paysanne with whom I walked and was amused for near three miles; $4 rix dollar. Got home a little past n, not the least fatigued ; could have walked back again with- out reposing. Warm watttf 1 to wash my feet and mjolk koku* for supper. A most dreadful misfortune and here irreparable ! I have mourned over it an hour and more and cannot even now write the details. It happened just as I had finished the preceding and was preparing in good glee for bed. The beautiful little watch of Lepine both glasses broken ! ! ! 25. Couche i. Lev. at 8. At 10 to Jacobi's. T : Luders and another. Asked Jacobi to call on me at 4, which he promised. To the Comtesse Aurore de Gyllanstolphe ; out. You will think this a hard name for a beautiful woman. Nee Geer de Finspang, where is a sister said to be more beautiful than herself. Thither I was invited. Thither la Comtesse goes on Thursday; about 150 English miles. Home. At i, though called a warm day, walked to the mineral springs au Pare to see Hosack. He complained of being weak and unwell. Laughed at him and made For [It] second font. The second bridge. For Swedish vattcn. Water. See Glossary. I 80 Private J ourn a I of Aaron Burr . him walk with me home, two and a half miles. Filli- bonk for dinner. Read two hours in Bentham. To General d'Helvig's at 7 ; out. Home by way of Kong. Garden, where a band of music and much monde 1 . Jacobi came at 5. The watch can neither be sold nor repaired here. Guineas are 8*4 rix dollars Rexelt cash, which is about 22 per cent, above par. Hosack changed his last eight to-day. No letters, nor have I written one since being in Stockholm save the single short one to Achaud on business. I have fifty projects of journeys, all embryos and will be all abor- tions. No letter. Changed I guinea to-day ; 8 ^ rix dollars. Paid H. 2 rix dollars 21 sch. in full. The residue shall last me a week. To-day a Russian messenger arrived. The preliminaries, before Russia will even treat, are : i . that the Prince of , the Emperor's brother-in-law, be declared successor to the throne; 2. the cession of Finland; 3. that the ports be shut against Great Britain. I have never spoken to you of politics, because I have personally no hand in them, which will be reason enough for you, and for twenty other good reasons. We have every few days news of the advance of the Russian army towards us ; then contradicted. Victories and defeats equally false. Bonaparte one day vanquished, the next victor ; some- times wounded or killed. Here are French parties and English parties. The former predominate, but nothing of our violence. Calm ; tranquil. The troops in town (here) are all embarking on some expedition ; supposed (indeed known) to aid the army I People. 181 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr. of Vride on the Gulf of Bothnia. There was a mutiny. Officers knocked down, &c. 26. Couche i. Slept till 9. At 12 to Breda's to see the picture. He has placed it among all the Goth and Vandal beauties and they are really beauti- ful, but all in the shade by your presence. This and Davis 1 has given you great renomme 2 here. Au chateau to see Baron Engerstrom. He was engaged but gave me rendezvous at 7 this evening. To Hedboom's ; out. Returning, seeing Brooks and fille 1 at their window, went in for y z hour. Called on la Comtesse ; out. Breda engaged me this morning to dine enfam^.^ to which agreed cheerfully. Went at ^ p. 2. T : The family, /. e., two sons, one in the naval service, the other painter, both fine young men, the latter un fort esprit'' ; daughter of 15 plays remarkably well and has a most charming voice. Off at 5. Dined and went for an hour to Mr. Brooks's. Y : The Baron ; invited to walk ; ne sauroit 6 . To Enger- strom's at 7. He never keeps me waiting a minute. Sat half an hour. Mentioned my design of visiting Germany, &c., and he begged that, when my route should be settled, I would inform him, that he might give me letters. To Helvig's at 8, where sat an hour 1 On page 151 will be found another reference to Davis and his " Travels." Possibly Mat- thew L. Davis is meant. He was one of Burr's most intimate friends, wrote the Memoirs, edited the Journal (see Introduction), and wrote constantly for the newspapers. For a time he contributed from Washington to the New York Courier and Enquirer under the pen name of "A Spy in Washington." He also wrote for the London Times, signing his letters " The Gen- evese Traveler." It may be that it was to Davis's letters to the London Times that Burr refers. 2 For rencmmee. Renown. 3 Daughter. 4 For enfamille. 5 A strong mind. 6 For ne saurais. I can't. 182 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . tete-a-tete 1 in his library. Amused by his military science, and interested by his warmth and frankness. He is a German by birth. Gave me samples of pow- der which, he says, has more than double the usual force, /'. and now bon soir. There is a bal to-night at the park, but I went not, for two reasons (which you may divine), though much urged. 27, Couche i. Rose 7. Before breakfast to 1 For tete-a-tete. Literally head to bead, i. e., in close conversation. 2 For fafier-macbi. 3 For honnett. Civil, polite. 4 Sveni/i is Swedish for Swedish. Svenska lagen. The Swedish law. 183 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Bergstrom's, whom I found. His uncle is a celebrated advocate, whose acquaintance I wish to aid my legal researches. To Breda's ; out. M'lle sang and played for me. Home to breakfast. Replied very honetely* to the Baron d'Albedyhll's note. To a watchmaker who says he can replace the glasses and that the watch has sustained no other injury. I danced for joy at this news. To Hedboom's, whom I found ; got my 6 ducats which are now worth 4 dollars Rixelt each. He offered me many civilities. To Breda's again, whom saw only to ask a question. Home to study law. No, I came by Ulrick's, the bookseller, to get a book written by le Baron d'Albedyhll, which got. Read a book before you see the author. Sat half an hour with M'lle Ulrick. She is beautiful, very beau- tiful ; about 1 5, nearly your size and form. Speaks German and French fluently. Her elder sister keeps a bookstore at Nykooping or Noskyping, I forget which. Z)/'/ 2 , that she is also beautiful, knows all languages, ancient and modern, &c., &c. Single; boit'e*. Home at Y 2 p. 2. Read the Baron's book. Only about fifty pages, extremely well written in French. The rest of the volume is made up of documents and public letters. The subject is a history of the armed neutrality, the whole merit of which has been given to Catherine of Russia. No such thing ! It originated in a treaty made between Denmark and Sweden in 1756; renewed between them in 1779. Catherine, 1 A hybrid adverb made from the adjective mentioned in note 3, preceding page. 2 Said. i For botteuie. Lame. l8 4 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . during all that year, and till July, 1780, refused to come into it, fearing the effect on the belligerent powers. At length, in that month, by the influence of Count Panin, her minister, she acceded. At 5 to Judge Poppius's, whom, fortunately, I found smok- ing in his office. He would transfer me over to his beautiful wife till he made his toilette* ; but I sat down and took a pipe, and had an hour's very satisfactory conversation with him. Went in to tea, but took none. T : Madame Djyrta and M'lle , her sister. At 8 to Helvig's to see for Louisa ; out ; not even a servant. Home, and sat to read law. Filli- bonka at 4. No supper. I do not report to you my Swedish law ; that has a separate department, and many curious things will be found in it. Met Mrs. Daily in the street this morning. 28. Couche YZ p. 12. Rose 6. Breakfast at 7. At 8 to the watchmaker's. He has put in both glasses and mended the hinge of the case, which was not broken by accident but actually worn out. Everything wears out ; you will wear out. No, alas ! you perish joyless in those infernal swamps. I wear out slowly. Really slowly, as you see. But, for all this watchwork, you will be surprised to hear that I paid only i rix dollar rixelt, nominally 3 shillings sterling, but in fact only 2 shillings and 6 pence. To Baron d'Albedyhll's just before 9 ; out ; in fact, he was not dressed. To Helvig's, just to inquire for Louisa ; she has not come. The impudent huzzy sent me a message of compli- 185 Private yournal of Aaron Burr . ments. Engaged to pass the day with the family at Drottningholm on Sunday. Propose to walk up Sun- day night. Home and went to work at Swedish law. Ludert, the handsome young Russian, came in at 1 1 and sat an hour. Of Romanzow ; Gate ; disposition of Russian army toward the French ; meeting of two regiments and twenty-six officers condemned to be shot ; two actually shot ; of Russian finances ; copper, paper money, depreciation of. Fillibonka at 3. At 5 called on Madame Daily ; out. Walked over to Cal- berg ; met la bel. Comtesse Lowenhaupt at the door ; walked with her toward the park ; three ladies fol- lowed ; asked la Comtesse in English who they were; one of them addressed me in very good English and introduced the others. Cakes, tea, &c., a very pleasant drink made of small beer, wine, lemons, sugar. Much monde came in. General Cronstedt, ux. et trois enf. 1 ; Baron or Count , who is appointed minister to France ; Stul, a young officer, his secretary ; la belle Comtesse Bonj,^// the most beautiful woman in Stock- holm, and many others. The two belles sang and played, both very fine voices ; c est trap* Astonishing that two belles should be such devoted friends ; very honorable to both and very amiable. Stole off at 8 ; and have spent two hours in getting the powder out of my hair. Company to supper with d'Aries ; invited but decline. My eyes have suffered by much read- ing ; must relax to-night. 29. Couche ii. Slept sound till 8! At 10 1 For uxor et trois enfantt. Wife and three children. 2 Literally, that is too much ! Perhaps it might be translated : That caps the climax ! That beats me ! 1 86 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . called on Ludert. He showed me a collection of Russian songs, indegines 1 , and promises to procure me a copy. Home. At 1 1 sor. with Mr. Gransbom chez orfevrier i . Changed 5 ducats for 4 rix dollars 8 sch. rexelt cash, which is about 30 per cent, above their cost in London. Mr. G. has agreed to go with me to Gripsholm. We pursued our walk to find a passage by water ; found three sloops going this evening, and resolved to go in one of them. To the bank to get some silver. To Hedboom's for letter which he offered for his friend at Gripsholm ; out ; left note. Wrote Munck and Gahn for the letters which they offered me for the same place. Sent Gosse (poike*) with the letters. Hosack came in at 1 2 looking better than what I have seen him. Fillifyonka at 2. Busy, busy, busy, preparing for the jaunt. Drottningholm, Sunday, July 30, 1809. Yester- day noon I told you that I was just setting off for Gripsholm where the deposed King, his Queen, and family are now confined. At 6 P. M. (yesterday) went again to the sloop to see the hour of departure ; it was deferred till Monday P. M. Hosack walked with me. Resolved to improve the interval by a visit to this delightful sejour 4 , now rendered still more inter- esting by the presence of the d'Helvigs. Set off at 9, a most serene and mild moonlight evening. Passing the last bridge, which I was very intently measuring by steps, heedless of a party just passing me, when a 1 For indigines. Native. 2 For orfivre. Goldsmith. } For fojke. Swedish for boy. 4 For lijtur. Abode. I8 7 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . man put his hand on my shoulder and stopped me. It was General d'Helvig, the three souers 1 , Louisa hav- ing arrived from Upsala, M'lle la Baronne Silver- sparri, and M'lle F. I was not the least fatigued ; walked with the Helvigs in the park and gardens till 12. Went to my lodgings ; all asleep and fast locked; tried at d' Aries's ; ditto ; knocked hard at each ; no movement ; resolving not to lay 1 in the street, fenfon- cai le porte* of my lodgings. The old man et ux. came down in some trepidation, got light, and my bed was ready. Not a mouthful of bread or milk or anything eatable or drinkable to be had save pure water. Hav- ing dined on fillib.* and walked at least ten miles, a supper would have been welcome. Couche at i. Attacked by epinaises*. Fought hard till 4, slaying thousands, but the number of the enemy increasing, resolved on a retreat. The sun had risen ; began by taking the sheets, coverlid, and pillows out doors, beating and shaking them well ; then stripped and changed my clothes, and laid me on the floor. Got a sound nap of five hours. Rose at 10. Found note from d' Aries, inviting me to dine, which declined, proposing to dine at d'Helvig's. Sor. 12 to d'H.; all out and could not understand where they had gone, the domestics being all Swedes. Eat cherries and strawberries in the garden till could swallow no more. Read a pretty little French comedie, " Un Heure 1 Burr's spelling for soeurs. Sisters. 2 So in the MS. 3 For fenfon^ai la forte, I broke in the door. 4 His favorite filbunte. j For funaises. Bedbugs. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . d' absence 1 " The statues in the garden all crowned with wreaths and garlands ; must be some jour de fete 1 . Staid till y z p. i. No signs of return, ghioi faire? Ou din}? To the bath ; took warm bath, y$ rix dollar ; cheap enough and everything in excellent order. At 5 to d' Aries's. T a grn. bowl fillibonca*. Chez moi to put up my things, which d'A. takes to town in his cabriole. At 7 to d'Helvig's. Found the whole family returned and reposing, having been on a party to the Hat mountain, where King , being dethroned and pursued, lost his hat ; afterwards recovering his throne. The family presently appeared. Tea. Gar- den. Yesterday was the anniversary, the sixth, of the marriage of Mr. d'H. We played ball. Louisa much more expert than Gamp. Colonel , came in and off before supper. I staid to supper, to which did justice. At ^ p. 10 came off to walk home, and now at i you see me in my room adjoining the library at d' Aries' in Stockholm. Stockholm, July 31, 1809. Couche */ 2 p. i but could not sleep till 4. Lev. 9. Having my keys always in my pocket I go out and come in at any hour without disturbing the servants ; have my maches 5 and candle, &c. At 1 1 to Jacobi's ; out. To Ludert's ; out. To the docks to see about our sloop for Gripsholm ; gone, all gone ! Home at i. Changed a guinea for 8 rix dollars, 24 sch. Note from Dr. Gahn enclosing letter to his sister 1 "An Hour's Absence." 2 Feast-day. J For Quoi faire ? Ou (feut-on) diner > What's to be done ! Where may a fellow dine f 4 Had there a large (grand) bowl of filbunle. His spelling is the seventh variation. 5 So in the MS. 189 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . at Gripsholm. Note from Munck saying that his friend has left Gripsholm and come to reside in Stockholm and he knew no other person at Grips- holm. No letter from Hedboom. Thinking it very proper to have a letter from some man in office, wrote to Baron Engerstrom, who had offered me letters to every part of the kingdom, that I should set off for Gripsholm on Thursday. Took the note self; saw his secretary ; the Baron then very busy, appointed to see me Wednesday 5 P. M. Home. Mjolk coka 1 at 4. Went along the docks with Gransbom, but could i O ' find no vessel to Gripsholm. Home at 4. Finished reading the mem. of Baron Albedyhll, /'. e., the first volume, the only one I can get. He writes well ; sometimes diffuse ancf declamatory ; much political information concerning the periods he was employed ; says he now lives on a pension of 200 rix dollars, reduced by to 150. How in the devil can a man live on that ? Living with the utmost economy I have spent more the three months I am in Sweden, but here is a French Cheva/. 2 who lives on $48 per annum, and is always gay. I must take some lessons from him. Took about a gill more than was usual of mjolk for dinner par la toute misplais /, pronounced plote. A very thin old Swedish coin. One Swedish dic- tionary says: " Imaginary money nearly of 20 pence English," whatever that may mean. 240 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . and D. something cooler. There is something in the atmosphere which I have not yet discovered, and probably never shall. Goteborg (which is the Swedish spelling), Octo- ber 10, 1809. Couche at y 2 p. 10. Rose at 6. At 10 called on Madame Daily. She anticipated the object of my visit (so far, I mean, as regards business), by offering her services to take anything, parcels or letters, for me to England. This is just what I wished, finding that I must still disencumber myself of papers and small articles. On her fidelity and punctuality I can rely. Sat an hour. Home and went to overhauling papers and baggage to see what I could spare. A very embarrassing business. I can never decide what to leave and what to take. If you were here ah, why are you not ? you would settle all this in a single minute, and all would be right. But I take up a paper and hold it, turning and twist- ing it, for 10 minutes, and am still undecided. Already I have had occasion to regret the want of a paper which is among those sent off by Barry. This makes me still more cautious and indecisive. If there were an opportunity direct to the United States, I should be at no loss. But there is no such thing, nor can I find any mode of communication to you but through England ; a mode to which, you know, I have very serious objections. At i P. M. walked to the harbour to hunt up the Americans who are here. Saw none of them, but got the names of six captains, not one of my acquaintance. Left my address for them at the 241 Private J o urn a I of Aaron Burr . tavern which is their rendezvous, and at the same place consoled myself with bread and cheese, and Swedish ale, 16 sch. which counts for afton 1 . Home at */2 ? 2. and went to work again at my papers, but made no progress. Liming came in at 5, having been running about, as usual, for me. He walked to see Lehman, a Bremener, who is to be my comp. de voy- age*. It won't do. He has a lady in charge, and will travel in a way which will not suit me. He goes at 4 to-morrow morning. Will forward a letter for me to Hauterive. In our walk we met a man of Liining's acquaintance whose name is Bollman ; a circumstance I did not learn till we got home. Will see him again to inquire. L. and I agreed to treat ourselves to a supper of oysters and Rhenish wine. Sent out for both. Two bottles of wine cost 3 dollars. About a peck of oysters, 3 dollars ; rather an extravagant meal. After all was served, L., who had taken all the trouble, and affected to be very keen, acknowledged that he was unwell ; could neither eat nor drink, and must go to bed, which he did at 7. So you see all his zeal for the supper was to gratify me. I made him drink a bottle of warm sangaree, made of our wine. Made my supper. The oysters are very small, generally of a greenish colour, and always a strong coppery taste ; just like the English. I tried them roasted and raw, but could only get down nine. Of the wine I drank two-thirds of a bottle. Wrote I For aftonmaltid. Supper. Z For comfagnon de voyage. Traveling companion. 242 Private ^Journal of Aaron Burr . my letter to Hauterive, enclosing a copy of that which I wrote him from Stockholm, and at ^ p. 10 took it to Lehman's, but all were abed. Knocked ; no answer, and so came off. Must be up at 4 to secure the conveyance of it. ii. Couche at 12. Rose at 4. Made my own fire. Waked up the boy (a beautiful lad of 13, son of the landlady) and sent him with the letter. He found all asleep and no signs of traveling. At 5 he went again ; still asleep. At 7 found a servant, who said that his master never got up till 9. At 9 sent him, and the letter was delivered. Walked with Liming, who is quite well this morning, to Todd's (the tavern at the harbour) to see the Americans ; not one there. Walked on to the lower harbour, about three miles, and home. Called on Lehman on return- ing ; he does not go till to-morrow. Met in the street Mr. Gibson, who introduced himself to me and said he had no letters. Home at 12. Dr. Schulzen had called in my absence. At i went again to Todd's; not one of the captains to be seen. Again took bro and oust 1 with the addition of smoeur* and ale; 24sch. Home at y^ p. 2. A letter, a letter, a letter ! At a moment when I had given up all expectation and even all hope ! At 5 P. M. this same Tuesday, October nth, came in a tall, meagre, well-dressed man and asked if I were A. B. " Yes." He handed me a letter superscribed in your handwriting. It is your letter of ist and 2d August. I could have kissed the I For Swedish ost. Cheese, z For Swedish smor. Butter. 243 Private J o urn a I of Aaron Burr . fellow ! After reading it a few times, I went to return the visit of Dr. Schulzen, whom found at home. A modest man, of good sense, and a countenance of goodness. Home at 6. Tea. Liining not come in, and now, at 10 o'clock, I have done nothing but write this. Your letter has discomposed my projects a little ; but I shall persist in them, as you shall see 1 . Helsingborg, October 21, 1809. Supped again last night with the beautiful family of Barque c. d. Pres. des tribunaux soes. en Pomerania i . Drank fro. de vin, seeing that I had dined with the Governor ; was, in consequence, obliged to sit up till 3, smoking, and reading, and writing. Having resolved to be up early and off at 9, slept sound till y 2 p. 10 ! Pas fro. bien*. At y 2 p. 1 1 called on Colonel , the Command- ant, who comports with the utmost politeness. Will order a boat at any hour. Desired it might be at 2 ; but the passports of Hendrick not having arrived, shall be obliged to go stark alone. At y 2 p. 1 2 got my breakfast, and went to packing up. In the midst of it, came in a very gentlemanly-looking man, who introduced himself to me as the Prussian consul at Elsinore. Gave me much useful information. Had a special favor to ask, to which agreed. Had just done packing, when came in the visiting officer, whose 1 Under date of Gothenburg, October iz, 1809, Burr wrote to Henry Gahn, Swedish con- sul, New York, as follows : " It would require volumes to give you an account of the persons and things which 1 have seen and thought worthy of notice. An imperfect sketch is preserved in a Journal which I have kept for the amusement of my daughter; and which, if it should ever reach America, shall be offered to your perusal. ***** I am indebted to you for the amusement and instruction which I have found in this country; which, but for you, I should not have visited. I leave it with regret, bearing the most pleasing recollections of its hospitali- ties and with indelible sentiments of admiration and respect." 2 Formerly President of the Swedish tribunals in Pomerania. (Soes. probably for suidoii.) J [Feeling] none too well. 2 44 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . duty it is to inspect baggage, &c. Was sent by the Governor, that I might not have the trouble of send- ing my trunks to the custom-house, or opening them on the wharf. The examination consisted in opening my trunks, and without moving an article, he standing six yards off, and then he received from me ^ dollar; very pleasant. How fortunate is my long sleeping. The Commandant came in at y z p. 2. " Good news for you. The passport of Hendrick is arrived, and he shall receive mine in fifteen minutes." A few minutes after he brought it, and waited to eschort 1 me to the landing, and see me safe aboard. Heighho ! for another, and, nominally, a hostile kingdom. Driz- zling, fog, and brisk gale. Elsinore, October 21, 1809. We crossed in an hour in a small open boat, though the wind was strong ahead; the distance 1,331 toises*. Before leav- ing the Danish shore the sky cleared, and the sun shone brilliant; weather mild. At about 100 yards from the Danish shore were met by the Danish flag of truce, another boat like ours ; for the Swedish boat is not allowed to approach nearer the shore. Each boat has a white flag to manifest the pacific intent. In the Danish boat we and our baggage embarked, and were presently ashore. Another boat took our passports to the Danish Commandant at the castle. The castle which has for levied tribute on all Europe. We landed, leaving our baggage, and went under guard to the custom-house, where an officer examined I So throughout the MS. i A toiie is a French measure of slightly more than six feet. 2 45 Private yournal of Aaron Burr . our passports, endorsed them, and transmitted us, under guard, to the castle, about half a mile, where we were exhibited to the Commandant, an elderly man of grave but courteous deportment. He asked in French, if I were Colonel Burr. I replied that I had no claim to a military title, but was commonly so called. Ask me to sit ; inquired when I proposed to go to Copenhagen. " To-morrow." Said my pass- ports should be transmitted to me that evening. Went then to our proposed lodgings, Madame Jeuel's. At the door saw carts loaded with furniture and much bustle. The good lady had sold out, and was in the act of moving. In this dilemma a sprightly young man interposed ; supposed we were Americans addressed to his house ; offered to provide us lodg- ings, and in ten minutes we were splendidly lodged cbez Oder, a confectioner. Our new friend then went with us to see after our baggage. Found it at the custom-house. Our trunks were barely opened and shut. He paid the necessary (customary) douceurs*. Our baggage being lodged, he ordered tea, at which we had the pleasure of his company. Inquired what hour we should sup, and ordered supper. Told us the wines were excellent, and ordered claret and port. It being a mild, brilliant, moonlight evening, he pro- posed to walk to the King's Garden and park adjoining the town, and thither we went. The Palace small, but neat and good taste. About twenty or thirty statues in a circular area in front, prettily I Literally sweetnesses or softnesses; hence the wherewithal to soften the custom-house officers. 246 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . disposed. The hill and terrace in the rear, something higher than the top of the Palace, extends a consider- able length, perhaps half a mile, and affords a magnificent and varied view of the town, the castle, the ocean, the Baltic, the Swedish coast, and the town of Helsingborg. Paused at the tomb of Hamlet. It is on this terrace ; a square pillar, about four feet high, and without inscription ; the only monument. I would willingly have passed an hour alone on this terrace. Returned by another gate. The town very quiet. Our supper served at 9. Eels and mutton, both excellent, and the wines did justice to his recom- mendation, as he did to them. At */ p. 10 he left us, first inquiring at what hour in the morning he should call to go and show us the church, which I had expressed a curiosity to see. I appointed ^ p. 8. My companion, Hendrick, went to bed, and I sat till past 12, smoking the segars which our young friend had given me. 22. Coucbe at 12. Rose at 7. The coverture* of my bed last night was a down (duvet) bed, very light, but so intolerably hot that I was obliged to dis- miss it and get a blanket. Our friend came punctually at the appointed time. We were at breakfast, and he joined us, not having breakfasted. Went to see the church. The interior is Gothic excessively sur- charged with ornament of all colours. The pictures in a very coarse style. Yet there is a solemnity in those lofty arches which renders it the best style of I For couvertur 247 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . architecture for temples. The sexton could tell nothing of the history of the church. Saw no date older than 300 years. Went up into the cupola. The fog prevented seeing anything, and we had the pleasure of coming down again a dark, steep stairway, and sometimes a ladder. Thence went to see the Commandant, in which I had several views, one of which was to get rid of the vexatious ceremony of presentation at the police on my arrival at Copen- hagen. Was, of course, stopped by a centinel 1 at the outer gate. Sent by a soldier my card, together with a message that I was waiting admission to see him. Was admitted and courteously received. Asked indirectly, and with apologies, to see the apartments in the castle. He informed me that the whole was now a barracks, and the chapel a magazine ; that all the furniture and pictures were removed to Copen- hagen. He walked with me through two or three rooms, but with evident reluctance ; so, pretending that my curiosity was quite satisfied, and having obtained the promise of a letter, which, being shown to the police at Copenhagen, would exonerate me from personal attendance, I took leave. One circum- stance, however, did not quite please me. When I was yesterday at the custom-house to exhibit my baggage, the officer asked if I had any sealed letters. I told him I had one of introduction from Baron Engerstrom to M. Didelot, the French minister at Copenhagen. He made no further inquiry, nor did he ask to see this letter ; but, having accidentally I So in the MS. 2 4 8 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . shown it to the Commandant, he said he was bound, by his orders, to retain it, and to transmit it to the King ; but assured me that it would be forthwith delivered, unopened, to its address. I had scarcely got home when a Sergeant brought me the promised letter from the Commandant, an open letter to be shown to the police. We had engaged a carriage ; a long wicker wagon, with seats on springs, for 5 dollars. The distance is about twenty-six English miles. These 5 dollars are equal to about i */ of your money. It was near 12 before we were ready to set off, and our young friend thought we had better eat a beefsteak, to prevent delay on the road, and he ordered it. With the steak (which was very good), potatoes, and porter, we made a hearty meal, and he had the goodness to join us. Our bill at this house was 22 dollars and 3 marks. At 1 2 we set off. The road is broad, straight, elevated, turnpiked, and requires toll ; very small, however, about 8 j/z. 1 for the whole distance. The fog and mist prevented the enjoyment of distant views. There is generally cultivation on each side. Some heaths. Rather deficient in wood. Generally thin soil, of sandy loam. Everywhere piles of turf dug up for fuel. The fences generally of sod, with a small ditch on one or both sides. In some places a substan- tial bank, like those on your rice-plantations. No rocks or ridges ; few stones. Few houses worthy of notice. Gentle swells and hills ; none lofty. Fre- quently in view of the ocean on the left, and several I Stivers. The stiver was worth perhaps z cents. 249 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . small lakes. At half way, a small town of about sixty houses in one street ; generally of one story and very low, called Amsterdam. Passed two manufactories, one of cotton spinning, weaving, and printing. A palace of the King a little this side of Amsterdam. It was dark before reaching this city. At the first gate our passports were examined. At the next the cus- tom-house officer visited our baggage. It was done with courtesy, and did not detain us two minutes. Arrived at Rau's Hotel, in the Grand Square, at 7. The approach to the city is very pretty ; for notwith- standing the fog, the moon (nearly full) gave light enough to show us something. About a mile before reaching the walls of the town, on an extensive plain, you are presented with three avenues through rows of trees. The middle one was our road. Copenhagen, October 23, 1809. No theatre was opened last evening, nor was there any public amuse- ment. After strolling an hour, during which mus. mauu.\ i d. 1 came home; took tea as my supper; en- gaged a servant at 3 marks a day ; not, however, to attend me exclusively. LI. de ch. gro. pas mauv. mus. encore 1 . My room, a very large and elegant one on the first floor, looks into the square, and it is again my good fortune to have a military parade and band of music under my window in the morning. After breakfast sent cards to Olsen, formerly minister pleni- potentiary from this government to the United States, I For muse mauvaise; I dollar. Bad iusr; I dollar. i For F tile de chambre ; grosse, fas mauvaise. Muse encore. The chambermaid, fat, not bad ; muse again. 250 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . and to Nailsen, formerly judge in Santa Cruz, who passed some time in New York on his way home. Both were abroad. Olsen at some distance at a coun- try seat. Sent also Baron d'Albedyhll's letter to M. de Coningk, conseiller d'etat*, with card. Hearing that G. Jay, American consul for Rotterdam, lodged in this house, sent my name by a servant. Walked about town an hour or two. It is regularly laid out on a plain. The harbour artificial. Very few vessels. Houses almost universally of brick, but generally made white or stone-coloured. Had a bowl of soup, with a bottle of Rhenish wine, in my room for dinner. In the afternoon took a servant to pilot me to the Observatory. The height is said to be 160 feet, placed nearly in the center of the town, and affords a most perfect bird's-eye view of the whole, with a pros- pect of the ocean ; a fine landscape in the interior ; the Palace of Fredericksberg, finely placed on an eminence. The Swedish coast. The ascent to the top is singular ; not by steps, but an inclined spiral plane, paved with brick. It is said that a former King drove up with a coach and four, which is very practicable till you come within about ten feet of the summit, where you have steps, but how he got back is not said, for it is utterly impossible to turn. Paid i mark, and one more to my conductor. Home and alone the evening. La flick* later. 24. Rose at 7. The Prussian consul, Mr. Tutine, called to see me, with Hendrick to introduce 1 State Councilor. 2 For la flicka. French and Swedish. The lass. Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . him, and presently Mr. John de Coningk (son of the gentleman to whom I had a letter) on the part of his father who is invalid (a paralytic stroke) and to ask me to dine on Wednesday. Ought to have written a great deal this evening, as Hendrick goes to-morrow and another safe occasion may not soon offer ; but it is now 12 and have not written a line. Yes, I wrote a copy of my letter to Hauterive for the mail to-mor- row, and nothing more. 25. Rose at 7. At 10 to de Coningk's ; saw only the son. It is an immense house and everything in a style of great elegance. Thence to return the visit of the Prussian consul, about one mile, being just without the walls on the road to Elsinore ; not at home, but his wife, whom I met in the court, on see- ing my card introduced me to her sister and daughter and proposed a walk in the garden. It is prettily laid out, and contains many acres. An avenue extending in a straight line to the sea about ^ mile. Madame a very pleasing, well-behaved woman. Home at 12. Walked over the ruins, of which a part is the magnifi- cent church of , the most splendid in the city, and containing many monuments of kings and great men. The walls and the roof are standing. To a bookseller's, where, on entering, I was called by my name. In a town of this size, about 80,000 inhabi- tants, a stranger is immediately known. Home. Wrote a short letter to Liming ; a very short and unsatisfactory one, not having procured for him the mercantile information which I had promised ; but, 252 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . indeed, I have tried. At 2 Hendrick actually set off, having been on the point of starting since 8 this morning. Sold a dubloon for 48 rix dollars. The money here, as in Sweden, is paper, but still more depreciated than there. A guinea is worth 16 dollars. Prices have not advanced quite in the same propor- tion ; so that, to one having gold or credit in Ham- burg, living is very cheap, as you shall see. Dined in my room and alone yesterday and to-day and had a bottle of wine each day. You see I am making up arrears. After dinner, walked in the King's Garden. It is a garden and park, a beautiful promenade, but did not go over it; having renc. jo., genf., home ens em. 1 ; 4 rix dollars. In the evening the maid at the usual hour brought tea but in a very unusual style. A splendid tea service of silver and two cups. I asked why she brought two cups (I being alone). She said with perfect simplicity and without any smile or queer looks that she supposed Madame would have staid to tea. In the evening walked out, intending to go to the park again, but the gate was locked, though only 8 o'clock. In walking, however, a renc. ; i r. d. ; -passab? How unnecessary and how silly ! 26. Sat up till i last evening, being a little out of humor with one Gamp ; made some pious resolu- tions. Rose at 7. At 10 to leave a card for the French minister, Mon. Didelot ; in the country, not having yet returned to town. Perhaps I have not I For having rencontre [une file] jolie, gentille, home ensemble. Having come across a genteel, pretty girl, went home together. Z For a rencontre; 2 rix dollars; fassable. A rencounter; 2 rix dollars; tolerable or middling. 2 53 Private journal of Aaron Burr . told you that the Commandant at Elsinore retained Engerstrom's letter to Didelot. He said he was expressly bound by his orders to do so. I learned yesterday that the letter had been delivered. All letters coming in or going out must be examined by the police. I went there (to the police-office) yesterday with my letter for Hauterive, which was examined and sealed with their seal, which is a warrant to the post- master to receive and forward it. My letter being in English, and written stylographically, was not very legible, as you know. Yesterday, too, I went with Hendrick to the museum, of which more another time. Paid for the party 3 dollars. Remember, when dollars are mentioned in Denmark, it means the paper dollar, as before explained. At 3 went to de Coningk's to dine. Found there the son heretofore mentioned ; a very sensible and well-bred man, speak- ing perfectly well French and English ; his wife ditto ; her sister ; two daughters of Professor Puerari, Genevois 1 , a man of very prepossessing manners and appearance. The dinner good and abundant. No troublesome stiffness or forms. All rose at once. After coffee and tea, home at 7. Had scarcely got home before Hosack and Robinson came in. I was, indeed, very glad to see them. You may recollect that we parted on the 2d of October. They brought me a letter from Liming ; a most affectionate letter, but something more ; enclosing a draught on his cor- respondent at Hamburg for 1,000 marks ! Did you I For Ginevois. Genevese. 254 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . ever hear of anything to equal this except in novels ? I am quite embarrassed what to do 1 . In the evening, to my great surprise, and uninvited, tapped gently at my door Tempe. You know I never disappoint peo- ple if I can help it and so T. was not dismissed ; 4 rix dollars. With great trepidation I opened the picture on Sunday morning. It has suffered no injury. It hangs in my room ; but I am quite out of humour that my visitors have expressed only commonplace admir- ation. La jeune M'lle de Coningk has expressed a desire to see it, and thither you go to-morrow. 27. Couche at i. Rose at 7. You must know, Madame, that the King and Queen are expected to arrive at Fredericksberg to-morrow, and to make formal entre 1 in town on Saturday. There are to be great doings. M. de Coningk called this morning to propose to take me to Mr. de Hellfried's this even- ing, who would invite me to take my stand at his house on Saturday, as being a most eligible spot for seeing the procession ; agreed. Mr. de H. is com- mander of the Order of Danborg, and one of his daughters married Schlegel 5 , author of a " Treatise on Neutral Rights," which I read some three or four years ago with great pleasure and approbation. Walked about town this forenoon. It is very hand- 1 Liining's letter, under date of October 21, 1809, was as follows : " I take the liberty to send you the enclosed letter, at the producing of which Mr. H. Bauer will pay you 1,000 marks, Hamburg currency, which you will please reimburse when you arrive in England or America. I cannot tell you how much I am thankful to Providence for having given me the pleasure to get acquainted with a man whom I admired long ago. I esteemed you before; now I love you.' 2 For entree. Entry. J Friedrich Schlegel (1772-1829). The title of the work was "Sur la Visite des Vaiaeaux Neutres Sous Convti, ou Examen Impartial du Jugement Prononce far le Tribunal de r Amiraut'e Angloise 1799," etc. " On the Visit of Neutral Ships under Convoy, or an Impar- tial Examination of the Decision Pronounced by the Court of the English Admiralty." Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . some, but of this more anon. Din. seul and a bottle wine. Have tried in vain to hire a valet de place 1 , my Mons. Thomas being of no use to me ; gets drunk before dinner. At 7 Mr. de C. called, and we went to Mr. de Hellfried's. There was Schlegel. Madame Clements, also daughter of de C., came in and I did not at first recognize her, nor did I afterward atone for it. She staid but a few minutes. A bonnet and a change of dress prevented, and disguised her. At dinner, yesterday, was much pleased with her. Will atone the first opportunity. Staid about an hour. A very pleasant family. Schlegel just such a man as I wished and expected to find ; apparently about 44. Sat an hour and home. Mr. Hellfried lent me a book, of which he is the author, " A Survey of the British Attack on Denmark in 1807." I read about one hundred pages. It is written with a genuine patriotic enthusiasm. Omitted : Went this afternoon to see the King's library ; 300,000 volumes ! Deemed the third in Europe. There are reading rooms and fires. Catteau says this library was burned in 1794. Not a book ! The librarian extremely civil ; no pay. 28. Couche at i. Rose at 7. Called on J. de C. at 10. Was received by Madame with very engaging frankness and ease. Passed an hour with the family. Got some books, and he sent his servant for others for me from the King's library. Young brother of Mr. J. de C. went to show me Puerari's ; out; left card. Had scarcely got home, when Puerari I A guide for tourists. 256 ?^*SZ~i> - -i-*~J S*<^~r+l Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . called on me. We walked to see the library of Class- enborg, about which I have a pretty story to tell you. This library is confined to natural history and botany, and is magnificent in those departments. It is in care of Professor Ramus, to whom I was there introduced. He tendered himself to go with me on Sunday to the Palace of Rosen, and to show me the collections of coins and medals, which is said to be splendid. I shall make some addition to Gampy's stock here. You can't think what trouble the little varlet has brought me into. Having on my arrival inquired where some coins and medals could be had, it was immediately noised about that I was a medal and coin hunter, and scientific, of course, in numismatique 1 . Puerari introduced me as such to Ramus, for which I could have boxed him. Dined to-day, for the first time, at the table d'hote*, and am so well pleased with the company that shall dine there henceforth when not engaged abroad. At 6 walked out to see the illuminations and fireworks at the palace of Freder- icksberg, about i^ miles, on occasion of the arrival of the King and Queen. You must know that the Queen has been passing some months (ever since the death of the late King) with her father in Holstein, and has never yet been seen here as Queen, which is the cause of all this stir. And so it happened that we all, about 30,000 of us, came back as we went ; the King and Queen had not arrived ; there was neither illumination nor fireworks ; we were all quite I The science of coins and medals. z For table d'hote. Literally, host's or guest's table. A complete meal regularly served in a public dining room. 257 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . sad. The report is that the King cannot get across the Belt a cause du l British fleet. Called on Schlegel this morning ; out. 29. Got another servant (Myer) at i dollar per day ; but wholly to myself. This partnership in servants won't do at all. Myer is a dignified German of 72 ; was in the United States war, and has been twenty-five years in England. His last service was with the Russian minister. Sent Myer with a note to G. H. Olsen, brother of the late minister, to inquire of the latter ; received a very civil note in reply saying that B. Olsen was in the country, but wife and daugh- ters in town and would be happy to see me. Went off forthwith to see them. Madame is perfectly well preserved ; a sensible, lady-like woman. The daugh- ters very well. Mr. G. H. O. tendered all sorts of civilities. 30. Catteau says that it rains usually every day of October in Zealand. Since I landed in Elsinore, I forgot when, but you may see by looking back, it has been every day fine till Friday last, excepting only the day I came from Elsinore to this place. But since Thursday we have not seen sun or moon. A constant fog, and, generally, mist so heavy as to wet you. Called on d'C.'s ; the King and Queen have arrived on the Island of Zealand. Will be this night at Fredericksberg, and to-morrow make their entre in town. G. H. Olsen called this morning; and at 12 Professor Ramus, by appointment, to visit the collec- i Because of the. 2 5 8 Private journal of Aaron Burr . tion of coins and medals at Rosenberg. This palace built by Charles IV. or V., I forget which, and is at one end of the gardens, which are open for the public as a promenade. The palace and garckn are in the same enclosure. A wood extending the length of the garden, and about one hundred yards wide. The col- lection is immense. Ramus says forty thousand, being in value and number next to those of Paris and Vienna. The coins of all times and all nations ; Europe, Asia, America, and from the early days of Athens. Several of Alexander and Philip. Most of them are described in a work printed at the expense of the government, three immense volumes in folio, and sold for the inconsiderable price of . The Flora Danica 1 is published and sold in like manner. Being with the Professor, paid nothing. Hosack and Robinson accompanied me. Din. a table d'hote 1 ". Evening to Fredericksberg, a very muddy walk of more than two English miles. The park and gardens must be some hundreds of acres. Water, bridges, fountains ; the effect (of the illumination) in some places pretty, but nowhere answering my expectations. Almost total want of music. The crowd such that one was in a constant struggle. The sentinels on each side prevented any one from going out of the walks. Got home at 10 and consoled myself with Tem. J 31. It ought to be the 3Oth. When the blun- der began, you must find out. At 1 1 to Olsen's. 1 The Danish Flora. 2 For diner a [la] table d'hote. J For Tempe, a girl previously referred to. 259 Private ^Journal of Aaron Burr . Met Blicker Olsen, who looks as well as when in the United States, though complaining of very bad health. Received me civilly and kindly. Has no establish- ment in town, and a very plain one in the country. Their house and furniture were burned during the English siege. Madame stayed in the house till it was in flames. Fifty-two balls and shells had come into it while she remained there. Hundreds of fam- ilies have been ruined by that infernal siege. Dined at J. de Coningk's ; about fifteen at table. Nothing very remarkable. The widow Clements has announced her intended marriage with Mr. , a gentleman about ten years her junior. She is still handsome and desirable, though a grandmother. Rochild 1 , November 8, 1809. The ancient, not, however, the most ancient, residence of the Kings of Denmark. Though I left Madame Tutine's et le belle Prussienne 1 at 8 last evening much against my will and theirs, and without any known or assignable rea- son, I did nothing all the evening ; was somehow out of order and as I thought unfit for society ; some peo- ple thought otherwise. Got tea a ma f aeon*. Wrote postscript to my letter to Liming. At 9 came in the dom. of Madame de Wederkop to apologize for the disappointment of last evening and begging to see me in the morning. The apology was something singu- lar. At 12 went to work on the Coest. 4 and wrought 1 For Roskilde. Burr pays no attention whatever to the correct spelling of geographical names. Roskilde was an ancient ecclesiastical center. It had at one time a population of 100,000 and was the capital of Denmark till 1445. 2 Le for la. And the handsome Prussian lady. 3 For a mafa^on. In my style. 4 See Glossary. 26O Private Journal of Aaron Burr . very hard till y z p. 2. Couche at 3. Lev. at 7 quite well but more and more out of humor with my brusque manner of quitting la Prus. 1 At 9 sor. to Madame Wederkop ; gave her in charge my letter to Liining and received from her two for Sleswick*. To A. B. Rothe, with whom y 2 hour about committees, coun- cils, &c. A very prompt, intelligent, communicative man about 46. He is to address to me at Hamburg his reply to my queries. To Olsen's ; Blecker O. had left town ; H. G. O. exceedingly civil ; mortified that I will leave town ; offers to devote himself; assures me of all sorts of respectful attentions. Why, then, do I not stay ? Because I had resolved to go, had announced it, &c., though I do admit that I have had much to encounter to get out. From Olsen's to J. de Coningk's, where */ hour and thence home. Found H. and R. ready and waiting. I had ordered horses at n. At n I got home and the horses were at the door ; not a thing packed up, bills to settle, servants to pay, quelle embarras 1 ! We went to work all hands and at i were ready and embarked. The mode of traveling is in a long wagon, the body wick- erwork ; no springs ; but the seats with cushions and backs, hung on leather. The road is paved with peb- bles, like the streets in our towns. Note : At the moment of packing up Mr. Hellfried came in to make a visit ; rather late. The promise of three marks above the customary fee to the driver brought us on 1 For la Prussienne. 2 For Schleswig. J For quel embarras ! What perplexity ! 26l Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . very briskly. With four fine, large black horses, we performed this stage in three hours ; the distance four Danish miles, about twenty-one English. After rising and descending the hill on which is the palace of Fred- ericksberg, the whole is almost a plain. Many village churches ; all low, and with a square tower at one end, interspersed with those little hills which are called bar- rows places of interment at a period beyond tradition or record. At one time I counted thirteen in view. These, and those I have seen in Sweden, resemble those which we have seen on the Ohio, the Missis- sippi, and the Missouri. We dined at Taastrup 1 (half way). Goose, excellent ; corned pork (ditto), with bread, butter and very fine cheese. Our drink was a kind of light ale. This repast for us three, including drink for our coachman, cost 3 dollars i mark, about i dollar United States money. Very soon after leav- ing Taastrup 1 we had in view the turrets of the ancient Cathedral of Rochild 2 . We are lodged in a neat, comfortable inn. A widow lady, two smiling maids, so like Sweden that we cannot believe they are Danes. On my arrival called on Professor Gamberg, and showed him Olsen's note. He returned with me to the inn. He has apprised the wackmeister* or the sexton to be ready to show us the Cathedral at 8 in the morning. This is the object of my staying here to-night ; I must see the tomb and bust of Marguerite, 1 For Hojetaastrup. 2 For Rb'skildc. There are many interesting tombs at Rbskilde, including those of several Kings and Queens of Denmark. The Cathedral, built in the middle of the thirteenth century in the Transition style, is with three exceptions the 6nest medieval church in Scandinavia. It is z8o feet long ; the tower is 246 feet high. 3 For Danish vagtmester. Doorkeeper, porter. 262 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . called the Semiramis 1 of the North, and of , but you shall know. That you may judge of the expense of traveling we paid for our wagon and four horses 7^ dollars, and i dollar to the coachman ; in the whole about 12 shillings sterling. Having dined plentifully, we took tea for supper in the evening ; a bottle of very fine claret, and for my part, with hot water and sugar. The picture has come on my lap. I could not bear to see you bouncing about at the bottom of the wagon, but I shall not open it again till Hamburg. My companions are asleep and now, at 1 1, having had my bed warmed, much the mode here, I am also going to make up the arrears of the last two nights, having ordered breakfast at 7 and the pretty maid to wake me at 6. Let me see, how are you now employed? Probably at breakfast, with Gampy asking you an hundred of questions about God knows ! Golding 2 , Jutland, Sunday, November 10 or n, 1809. We crossed the Little Belt' at 8 this evening. Hosack was so beat out that he would go no further, finding there a tolerable tavern. R. and I came on two and a half Danish miles, or ten English, to this place, where we arrived at midnight. Slept till 8. Hosack came in about 10. At n went to deliver Lieutenant 's letter to Mr. ; was received by a very pretty girl plainly dressed but of I The legendary wife of Minus, the founder of Nineveh. She reigned after his death and conquered all Asia except India; built the city of Babylon, with its hanging gardens, etc. She was said to be endowed with surpassing beauty and wisdom. The Greeks ascribed to this superlative Queen everything marvelous in the Orient. z For Kolding. 3 Strait between Funen and Jutland. 263 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. very fine form, which proved to be the daughter. The father a good, kind old man. M'lle sang and played in a very superior style. She has given concerts at Kyholm. The chateau burnt in the time of Berna- dotte, Prince de Pontecorvo. Got off at i. At 5 to Hadersleb. 1 , the first town in Sleswig 2 , famed for beau- tiful women. The tavern a very elegant one ; fine paintings, &c. The daughter a very accomplished girl, speaking French perfectly well. Were much dis- posed to stay the night here, but at this rate we shall never get on. Flensburg, November 13, 1 809. Arrived at 5 A. M., having been four and a half hours on the route from ; very dark. The country appeared to us to be a plain ; little cultivated or inhabited and destitute of wood. Passed three small villages ; this town the largest since leaving Copenhagen. Plays every night ; pleasantly situated on the water. Rose at 9. Embarras 1 about money. Changed two gui- neas at 5 dollars courant*. Sleswig 1 , Monday evening, (I believe), November 13, 1809. Rose this morning at */ p. 8, having gone twelve miles yesterday, as you already know, and four and a half miles this day, as I now tell you. The story is thus. Our danske* paper money was exhausted and, indeed, often was worthless ; our bills on Hum- bro 6 could not be sold ; fortunately I had reserved a 1 For Hadersleben. 2 For Schleswig. 3 Embarrassment. 4 Current money. 5 Danish. 6 For Hamburg. 264 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . few guineas, or we must have been on chanty. These enquiries and the exchange of guineas which was finally done at 4 rix dollars, (a great loss), took up till 1 1 . We then set off; for the first time a sort of cover on one seat of our wagon. Rose a long hill ; when on the height could see no water about the town of Flensburg, as I told you. It must have been some cloud or an optical deception which led me to the error. We then rode among little sandhills ; a plain on the right ; some towns at a distance. Passed some fine barrows in perfect preservation ; only one church. Two very small villages. The whole way sandy and heavy road ; were five and one-half hours coming the four and one-half miles, equal to about twenty English. Arrived at ^ p. 4 and ordered horses to go to Redensborg 1 . After this was done we learn that Redensborg is a fortified town, the gates of which are shut at 7 P. M. We therefore countermanded our horses and ordered them at 6. Got an excellent din- ner at 7. Soup, fish, ducks, fowls, with cakes and apples for dessert ; had two bottles wine, of which I drank my one-third. Changed three guineas at 4 rix dollars 24 sch. The tavern is in all respects excellent, the house, the beds, the maids. Gliickstadt, November 18, 1809. Forever in some trouble about the day of the month, but am never more than one or two days out. Our amiable friend le Commandant Donsur took us this morning to see le baut Chancellier de Holstein 2 , le Ear on de I For Rendsburg. z The High Chancellor of Holstein. 265 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . quelque chose 1 which shall be found out and told anon. It seems he had already announced us, for his Excel- lency knew all about us. Received us very courteously and understanding that we are to leave town to-mor- row, asked us to dine to-day en famille ; agreed. Went at y 2 p. 2. T: Madame ; M , the third Judge, and , a literary man of modest, intelligent appearance whose name I regret to have lost. The Chancellier appears about 47 ; small, maigre*, but sprightly, courteous, and sensible ; some- thing like Madison 3 in appearance. A la Soedoise, we all stood and said our grace ; and after dinner all rose at once, and after returning thanks, bowed, &c., adjourned to the drawing-room. The dinner was of several courses. Each dish served in succession, first being carved by Madame, and then handed round by the servant. At each two plates a bottle of wine (claret), tumblers and glasses ; each drank as he pleased. Some choice wines were sent round, a glass to each. Madame has four lovely children, the three youngest particularly ; the two eldest, girls. Home at 7. Snow and hail. The house at which I lodge is the rendezvous of the Club. The noblesse'" of the town meet every Saturday evening for conversation, cards, and supper. (The ladies' club assemble at the same house every Tuesday evening.) I went in a few minutes, but I declined to join at cards, as well from an aversion to lose as because I must pack up, and so 1 The Baron of something. 2 Thin, spare. 3 James Madison, at this time President of the United States. 4 The nobility. 266 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . adieu, Madame, till that labour be gone through. Minuit 1 . Done, even the picture ; all, all packed, ready for starting at sunrise. I bid you bon soir a dozen times before I shut you up in that dark case. I can never do it without regret. It seems as if I were burying you alive. 19. (Supposed.) After parting with you last evening H. came in ; he had been at the Cbancelliers table and unfortunate ; was willing to go at 8 but had rather not; wished first to see Captain Davis encore 1 , hoping something of fin}; also to see Mrs. of New York, who passed through this place yester- day and proposed to return cet. apremi. Son defunt ami de Gam 4 . Assented, therefore, to postpone till 5 P. M.; it being near full moon, thought we could go very well the four Danish miles, equal to about seven- teen English, to Elmsholm 5 , being the first station. Staid at home all day doing nothing. Mrs. did not come nor has yet come (n o'clock). Captain D. came about 5. In the meantime I had ordered horses ; by 7 no horses had come ; sent to the Magis- trate (something like our Mayor) whose duty it is to compel the postmaster to give horses. Returned for answer that he would do it forthwith ; but as the gates of the town were shut at 7 it would be impossible to go out till the morning. Submitted to the message and have again ordered horses for 8 in the morning. I Midnight, z Again. 3 Probably for finance, or finances. 4 This afternoon (cut afres-midi). Her deceased [husband] a friend of Gamp. (Defunt.) 5 For Elmshorn. 267 Private yournal of Aaron Burr . Captain D. sat two hours smdparlPd 1 much. Played chess with Hosack till just now and so bon soir. Altona, (what a pretty name), November 20, 1809. We did actually move at 9 this morning. The mode of traveling since we crossed the sund? is in an immense long wagon, exactly like the great Pennsyl- vania wagons only not covered and that the body is wicker-work. There are three and sometimes four seats, all open ; no springs except that the seats are hung on leathern straps. If you wish a cover you ask for a calash, which is exactly like a chaise-top which falls back. This occupies and forms a seat. As it snowed a little and threatened more, we took a calash. At Kreme 3 , one Danish mile, we saw again the beau- tiful little demoiselle* of the house. She was very glad to see us, knowing how much we admired her, and was all activity and attention. It was 2 o'clock when we arrived at Elmsholm 5 . There is no getting these people on more than three English miles an hour, though I had promised him a dollar, if he would drive it in four hours. While we were here waiting for horses, came in our French friend whom we left at Korsbr and with him a young Holsteiner going to Altona. At Pinnesborg 6 , 6 o'clock. Here Hosack and I parted. He went with the Frenchman to Hamburg. I came hither with the Holsteiner. He recommends to me to lodge at Madame Neyl's, veuve. We could get no calash at Pinnesborg. There was rain, I A hybrid verb from French purler^ to talk. a Strait, sound. A Swedish word. 3 For Krempe ( 4 Damsel. J For Elmshorn. 6 For Pinneberg. 268 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . hail, and wind, and we were in an open wagon. You will shiver to think how I suffered. You may spare yourself the trouble. I did not suffer at all. We were before the wind. My great paraplui 1 defended me from the rain, and my feet and legs were covered with straw. We were stopped at the gate to exhibit our passports and have our trunks "visited" (exam- ined). A very courteous old man performed this duty ; and to save us trouble came out in the rain to inspect our baggage. The picture, about which I was most concerned, was not opened. The trunks opened and very slightly examined ; but in the operation some things were a little displaced (you know how my trunks are always packed), for which I gronded 1 the old gentleman. He apologized as if he had really erred ; but, in fact, I did very ill, for he might have unpacked everything, which would have delayed us two hours. I was very sorry afterward that I did not treat him more kindly ; and why I did not, seeing it was my nature and my habit, I have not now time to tell you, Madame. My landlady has a son, 10, and two daughters, 23 and 12. L'ainee*, a pretty, lively, sensible girl, speaking French fluently, and English a little. They have seen better days. Not a servant in the house. Everything is done by these children, which is embarrassing, for one does not know how to treat them. My room is plainly furnished, but neat and comfortable. Arrived here at y z p. 8, the distance I For farafluie. Umbrella. a Another hybrid verb from French grander^ to scold. 3 For rainic. The elder daughter. 269 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . from Gliickstadt being about thirty-five English miles. 21. Hosack, as you may recollect, was charged with a certain inquiry of some interest to me, and his report was expected at an early hour this morning ; but nothing was heard from him till a line received by the post at 6 this evening. Matters are just as I expected ! Sent the letter of Lieutenant Donner to his brother, C. H. Donner, early this morning, with a message that I would call at 1 1 . At 1 1 T did call. He received me with bonhommie* and politeness. Staid y^ hour, and home. Changed my quarters, at the request of M'lle, to a larger room. Mist with a little rain and snow all day. Paid for hack to Donner's and to Frank's tavern (to leave my address there), 40 sch., about 3 shillings sterling. All day impatiently expecting Hosack. Walked out several times ; saw nothing remarkable. At 5 walked over to Hamburg. The gates are about ^ mile apart. The walk is adorned with fine rows of trees ; a plain. Certainly a beautiful promenade. After 5 you pay 4 sch. for passing the Hamburg gate. Did not dare to walk very far for fear of egareing z . Rene} again, again ! Forgot that I should want money to get back. Stopped at the gate and obliged to pawn my pencil. Home to get money, which borrowed of Madame. Back to redeem my pencil, and then walked again about Hamburg. Having redeemed pencil now paid I For bonhomie. Good nature. z Hybrid present participle from French egarer (Segarer), to go astray. 3 For rencontre again and again. It probably means that he met a number of pretty lasses. 27O Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Madame. Home at 9, and now was stopped at the Altona gate, an exigence for which I had made no provision. Obliged again to pawn pencil. Took tea. On my first return home, found the letter of Hosack before mentioned. I forgot to say that couched at 12 hi. au. sot. 1 and this morning at 6 lighted my candle and fire with my own flint. You see I go always provided. At 6 this evening the sky cleared and the moon shone out beautifully. I walked at least half a dozen times from one to t'other gate. 22. Couche 2& i. Rose at 9. This unconscion- able sleeping I leave you to account for. La belle* comes in and makes my fire before sunrise. Tried in vain to get a dom?; paying coach-hire is notjolie 4 and besides I prefer to walk about. Snowing and raining again this morning and all day till evening. At 3 went over to Hamburg and found my way to Romische kuijser* where Hosack lodges ; he was out. Left the notes which I had written, q. v. y to him and Robinson. On my return called to see mes am. d'hier. Jeu. est jo. bru? Home at 8. C/. 7 took tea with me and at 10 a lesson in English. Omitted : At 1 1 took coach and went to Donner's ; he had just left home to visit me, so hastened back to meet him but failed. Saw two dames at his house, who received me very handsomely; but I, like a fool, refused to sit, in the hope of finding 1 For couchai (je me couchai) a 12 [heures] hier au sair. Retired last evening at 12. 2 For la belle [flit] . J For domestique. Domestic. 4 Pretty, nice. 5 Probably for Gasthaus xum Rimischen Kaiser. The name of a lodging-house. " The Roman Emperor." 6 For mes amies d'hier. [La] jeune est [une] jolie brunette. To see my lady friends of yesterday. The young one is a pretty brunette. 7 For la mademoiselle or la jungfru. 271 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . mons. 1 at my house. Wrote him a note about a bill of 300 dollars which I enclosed to him to get payment, being sans sous. 2 23. Couche at i. Lev. at 8. I did rise at ^ p. 5 and spent */ hour in vain attempts to light can- dle, so went to bed again. Having requested both to call at y 2 p. 9, which in this latitude is very early ; neither came. At 1 1 sor. to Hamburg to the Romiscbe Kuyser 1 ; Hosack out. To Kuijser Hoff" 1 to find Netzel ; he did not lodge there nor could I find where. Attempted to come home another way and got com- pletely lost ; asked at least twenty persons, not one of whom could understand me. At length found one who spoke French and he took great pains to put me in the right way. Nevertheless, got lost again, but seeing a gate through the ramparts and a mile beyond a church, concluded it must be another way to Altona; on I went merrily ; after going round the town, found it to be only a village of about TOO houses but could get no point of view where I could judge of the course, and beside, the weather too sombre to see one mile. On return to that gate through which I had come, met a woman who spoke a few words of French. She told me that Altona was far off, away f other side of Ham- burg. Very consoling. Getting into the city again, weary and hungry, stopped at a pastry shop ; there found a pretty black-eyed girl, speaking French fluently. She had no doubt but in five minutes she 1 For Monsieur [Donner]. Mr. Donner. 2 For sans [un or /] sou. Without a cent. 3 See note on preceding page. 4 For Kaiierhof. Another lodging-house. 272 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. could find me a hack or a pilot. While she was look- ing out at the door for this purpose, I amused myself, greatly to my satisfaction, with her cakes and pastry, and some hot punch. She found a lad to convoy me. Paid for my repast 18 sch., and 5 sch. to the boy, whom I dismissed at the gate, recognizing it to be that at which I had come. Being refreshed by my repast and by the discovery of my way home, roved about within limits of which I was sure. At stationer's bought quire paper for 1 8 sch. of which this is part. Passing through the gate met a very ta. emb. bi. tour. bio. sui. Mar. M ; i % r. d. Pesan. rob. veu. (fun of. Peut 26. Tres cont. 1 Home at 5. Robinson had been here and left me a note. The young rascal staid an hour, courting my . Not a word of Hosack. ^uod mir. 1 Took no further dinner. Mr. Donner's servant with a verbal message to know whether I was engaged for dinner on Monday (certainly not), and to say that he would call at 7 this evening if cbez mot. Yes. He did call. Sat an hour and amused me much. A very curious anecdote of Constantine at Erfurt. Something of the King of Saxony. Opinion about the late Swedish revolution ; about the French. Now I must tell you a great secret. Ma J has a lover whom she has promised to marry. Herself told me the day after my arrival, and yesterday evening presented him to me. It is really a young man of I An excellent specimen of the Burr enigma. Probably for tall, embonpoint, bien tournee, blonde. [Je la] suivii. Mariie. Muse; 1% fix dollars. Pesante, robuste. Veuve (Tun officier. Peut-etre 26. Tris content. Tall, plump, well-turned blonde. I followed. Married. Muse; i% rix dollars. Heavy, robust. Widow of an officer. Perhaps 26. Well satisfied. 4 For quod mirum. How strange ! j For ma [belle J.]. The girl to whom he gave English lessons. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . prepossessing appearance, about 22 ; (she is 25). He is a merchant of genteel manners, and speaking French. I have pronounced in his favour, which I suspect he has heard, for this evening he has been extremely attentive to me. Would himself bring anything I asked for. Both together, they brought the tea, and I invited them to take a dish with me. It is luxury to see people happy. He goes home at 10, and then " came to take an English lesson. A very apt scholar. Plein d' es-prif. Eon soir. 24. Couche at i. Lev. at 8. Took hack at 10 to go to Hamburg. To Robinson at the Keyser hoff 1 . I find that, among the great number of Amer- icans here and there, all are hostile to A. B. all. What a lot of rascals they must be to make war on one whom they do not know ; on one who never did harm or wished harm to a human being. Yet they, perhaps, ought not to be blamed, for they are influenced by what they hear. I learn further that A. B. is announced in the Paris papers in a manner no way auspicious. Further, my small stock of money was in a bill drawn on a house in Hamburg. This bill was remitted to Mr. F., who, being absent, his friend and agent got the bill and the money, and " as he does not know but the money may belong to Mr. F.," refuses to pay it without his orders ! A very pretty mess this for one day. Went to Netzel's. You may recollect that I desired Hauterive to trans- i Janina. Z For fleine d* esprit. Full of intelligence. 3 Note Burr's attempts to spell these German names. (Kaistrhof.) 274 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . mit his answers to this gentleman. He had no letter for me. Resolved then to go direct to the French Minister to see if he had any orders to give or refuse me passports. Sent in my name, but did not get out of my carriage. After some minutes the servant returned, saying his Excellency was then very much engaged, but would be glad to see me at 3 o'clock. Went to Hosack's quarters, Romiscbe Keyser 1 , to lounge till 3, then again to the Minister's. Another apology that he was still much engaged, but begged that I would call to-morrow at 12. Went to Hosack's to dine with him, dismissed my carriage and after dinner walked home. Forgot to say that I went to see Liining's friend, Brauer, who received me very kindly, and asked me to a supper and party on Monday, which declined, being engaged to dine that day with Donner. Did not present Liining's bill on Brauer, being still doubtful about that. Learned also to-day that the threaten everything, and are taking measures against the peace and dignity of our sovereign self. Intended to have written many letters to-night to the United States. Davis sails to-morrow, and such another opportunity may never offer. But in this state of things, what can I write? To be silent as to my intended movements would be strange, and to tell the true state of things afflicting to my friends. So I will leave you all to your own conjectures. My bel. Jan. 1 came up and took tea with me and had then I See Note 5, page 471. a Probably for my (ma) belle Janina. This is the Swedish and Danish form of Joan, Jeanne, Jennie, etc. 275 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . an hour of English lesson. She makes great progress and amuses me. 25. Couche at i. Rose at 8. Slept very sound ; ate a great breakfast which little J. got me ; very good. Found myself, however, in bad humor. To aid this, waited a full hour for my razors which had given the barber to sharpen, the carriage all the while at the door. At length set off to go to Hamburg and there shave, but met the rascal on the stairs, so came back and shaved. First to Hosack's, where found a letter from Liming telling me of the prosperous state of his business. One from Graves, full of goodness. One from S. Sw. 1 , containing a long bill of untoward circumstances regarding himself. The letter, however, does great honour to his head and heart. L.'s letter determined me to make use of his draft, especially as there was no prospect of getting my own money, and I am penniless. Hosack had just got up, and, of course, had not made further inquiries on this or the other more interesting matter. At 12 to the Minis- ter's ; was at once received. He is the transcript of our J. B. z only fifteen years older ; but marked with the same characters. His reception was courteous, but with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. At once offered me a passport to any frontier town, but has no authority to do more. Passports to go to Paris must come from Paris, and to that end I must write, &c. He advises that I direct the reply to be transmitted to Mayence, where it will be before I get I Samuel Swartwout. z Perhaps J. B. Prcvost. 276 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . there. At parting he apologized for the delays of yesterday, and asked me to dine at his country-house three miles from Altona, to-morrow ; agreed 1 . Home in my carriage and paid 6 marks (2 dollars courant]. Dined in my room, J. attending me. Sent word to Mon. z Donner that, if he would be at home, I would call to pass the evening. He is engaged out. After dinner, walked to Hamburg to see what news Hosack had got for me. He was abroad dining, but left a note and a sack of money, the proceeds of the bill, 200 dollars. In the morning I had called again on Brauer, presented the bill of Liining, and got the 1,000 marks, so I am at this moment rich. Left the sacks at Hosack's and walked home, i. e. y strolled about Hamburg for two hours, doing twenty foolish things, and spending 2 dollars, but no mus? Took care, however, this time to reserve enough to get through the gates. Compag. de voyage whom I saw home and was introduced to son mar* ! Home at 9. Took tea. I This Minister was Louis Antoine Favelet de Bourrienne, (1769-1854). He had been private secretary of Napoleon I., was now Minister Plenipotentiary in Hamburg, and later served as Minister of State under Louis XVIII. He wrote the " Memoirs of Napoleon " and therein gave the following exceedingly interesting account of this visit of Burr's and his application for a passport : " At the height of his glory and power, Bonaparte was so suspicious that the veriest trifle sufficed to alarm him. I recollect that about the time the complaints were made respecting the Minerva [newspaper], Colonel Burr, formerly Vice-President of the United States, who had recently arrived at Altona, was pointed out to me as a dangerous man, and I received orders to watch him very closely, and to arrest him on the slightest ground of suspicion if he should come to Hamburg. Colonel Burr was one of those in favor of whom I ventured to disobey the orders I received from the restless police of Paris. As soon as the Minister of Police heard of his arrival at Altona, he directed me to adopt towards him those violent measures which are equivalent to persecution. In answer to these instructions, I stated that Colonel Burr con- ducted himself at Altona with much prudence and propriety ; that he kept but little company, and he was scarcely spoken of. Far from regarding him as a man who required watching, having learned that he wished to go to Paris, I caused a passport to be procured for him, which he was to receive at Frankfort ; and I never heard that this dangerous citizen had compromised the safety of the state in any way." z For Monsieur. J .For muse. 4 Traveling female partner (ctmpagne de voyage) whom I saw home and was introduced to her husband (ion mart). Comfag. may stand for comfagnon and son may be an error for sa. In ;' at case Burr must have gone home with a man whom he met and have been introduced to his wife (sa mariit). 277 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . Lounged till 2 ; and now, while the watchmen are shaking their rattles, I bid you bon soir. Mist and fog, with some rain and snow all day. 26. Rose at 9. Though the day has not been cold, and I doubt whether there was frost last night, yet I feltfrileuse 1 , and, for the first time, put on my flannel waistcoat. You recollect that I traveled from Stockholm to Gothenburg, day and night (all night), finding half an inch thickness of ice in the morning, obstinately refusing to put on this waistcoat. Now I am condemned to it for the winter. Sent word to Donner that I would call on him at n. He was going out, and would call on me. He called about 1 1 . Sat near an hour, amusing me very much. At 5 to Mons. , le Ministre de France. Y : General ; Mons. Thierry, and three others. Madame et cinq dem s dont V ainee se dit i. 3 Referring doubtless to the Berlin Decree of 1806, in which Napoleon proclaimed that the harbours of neutrals were closed against British ships under penalty of war with France, and the confiscation of ships and goods. 293 Private journal of Aaron Burr . to the dentist's. He was abed. I had him called up in great haste, and what might not have been expected, he met me with great good humour. He advised strongly against drawing the tooth. Could give me an application which, if I would confine myself for the day, would take out the pain and inflammation, and then he would plombe 1 it. How easily one receives advice when it concurs with one's wishes ! Like a fool, I listened, and came off with his application, which is flowers of 2 and rye meal ; a dry cushion applied hot and frequently heated. J. made the cushions very quick and very nice, and has been all day heating and applying them. It has soulageed 1 a little, but still the jaw is not in a condition to travel with or to be plombeed. I am very much inclined, not quite resolved, to have the tooth drawn to-morrow. Sent F. to Donner with a note about money matters, and then to town ; must bid you good-night. Good-morning! this ist of January, 1810. It has been snowing all day and is now raining very hard. Having a bed with couverture and a chauf lit*, promise myself a few hours' comfort. (Note : the infernal douaniers and commissaires de police / J I wish Mercier 6 were police officer over the whole world. For your amusement T enclose a copy of the paper I have signed. It will puzzle their Highnesses.) Gotha, January i, 1810, 7 A. M. Was really up at 6 and have breakfasted. Not the better for the 1 Who was Charles Loss ? Further on, under date of February 4, 1810, Burr mentions him again. 2 Inn. 3 For misintclliginces. Misunderstandings. 4 With quilt and bed-warmer (chauffe-lit). 5 The infernal custom-house officers and police commissaries. 6 It will be remembered that Mercier was the highest police official of Brunswick, Germany. 343 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . wine. Raining very hard. How sorry I feel for the lower orders of people when it rains on a holiday ! They have so few enjoyments, in Europe especially, nowhere so few as in England. It is now said that the diligence will not go till 9. At Eisenach saw the first sleighs I have seen since leaving America. They were pretty little things ; fine horses ornamented with cords and tassels and bells ; gentlemen and ladies. Saw a great number of pretty faces the hour I was there among the servants and bourgeoise 1 disfigured by a strange head-dress and all false hips, even girls of 5 years old. At the tavern I caught one to examine those hips ; she screamed as if I was going to eat her, to the great amusement of twenty spectators. The fountains at Eisenach and Gotha ; all the bells ringing since 7 o'clock. (Forgot Kreutzberg, a little town in a plain (a hollow) in the midst of the mountains, where are extensive salt-works ; a pretty scene as you descend the mountains ; it is three miles west (the other side) of Eisenach.) 9 A. M. The Frankfort stage (in which I am to go to Weimar) not yet arrived. Determined to wait for it. Will go out in all the rain to see if there be anything to amuse you. There are plenty, I know, but not visible at this hour ; besides I dare not be long absent. Just as I had finished the last sheet a message from a lady now somewhere in this great house that she was going alone in a carriage to Weimar, and a proposition that I should take a seat with her, to go immediately. Voluntiers 1 ^ I For bourgeois!!. Middle-class women. ^ For volontitrs. Willingly. 344 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Madame! I understood this to be an overture of economy and not of gallantry. She may be deformed and 90 for aught I have learnt. From Weimar you shall know the result, Weimar, Weimar, for which I have gone seventy miles out of my way, have expended so much time and money ! and all this for thee, lovely d'Im. 1 I shall at least have the satisfac- tion of having performed my engagement ; perhaps the only reward, but how little did I know how much I should regret the time. Something I told you a few days past has inspired this impatience ; a little, leetle ray of light. Adieu ; 6 miles to Weimar, we shall arrive about midnight. 4 P. M. toujours* Gotha. The Frankfort stage not arrived ! The postmeister* now says that it is probable the rain and melting of the snow may have so swelled the rivers as to render them impassable (Dumfries) 4 and that of course there can be no conjec- ture about the arrival. Very pleasant, Madame, to be a whole day in a place where there is no being (* * * *) 5 who can understand a sentence I say nor be understood by me. This is not the worst. I would amuse myself very well, could go (have gone] to church or to see some of the fine things, or, as at Gliickstadt, could make acquaintances, but my great apprehension of losing the damned diligence keeps me 1 For d'Imhoff. In Davis's abridged reprint the last words of this sentence are " and all this for the lovely D'Or." This means nothing. The reference is doubtless to Lady Imhoff, whose acquaintance Burr made in Sweden. She is mentioned under date of September 9, 1809, as Fruken Imhoff. As the reader proceeds it will become plain that Burr has come to Weimar to meet a certain aristocratic lady of whom Lady Imhoff had spoken. 2 Gotha still. j Postmaster. 4 Dumfries is a city of Scotland in a county of the same name. Does Burr mention it here because he had a similar experience there with impassable rivers ? 5 An undecipherable word. 345 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. from being abroad more than ^ hour at a time. Nevertheless I have been all day roving ; have made some acquaintances, some discoveries about those false hips, which, to be sure, cost me i*/ dollars. Several little adventures ; know the town. Every lady you look at sitting in her window nods to you. I drew strange conclusions at first ; but how dangerous are rash inferences ! Have seen only one beautiful woman. Lo, the diligence arrives, I saw it from my window ! " But what has become of the lady ? " Too long a story to tell and worth nothing when told. Have been over to see the diligence. It goes at 7. The price to Weimar is 2 ecus 1 , about $1.75 of your money. There are two passengers, of whom one speaks French. A very forbidding phiz, but not worse than my own. The weather mild. Weimar, a la fin 1 , Weimar, Tuesday evening, January 2, 1810. At 6 last evening at Gotha went to the stage-house. These post-houses are not always taverns, but there is always a room with fire for the passengers. Here sat with my two companions till 8. I was amused by the bourgeoises who were continually coming in to visit one belonging to the house. A vigorous, active, athletic race ; reminded one of those German women spoken of by Tacitus and Caesar. Their laugh might have been heard a mile. At 8 we embarked and moved. (But Gamp is tired and must go to bed. He will try to devote a few moments to you to-morrow.) I An ecu is commonly called a crown. ^ Finally. 346 Private journal of Aaron Burr . 3. Couche ii. Rose 7. Had a fine sleep. Have breakfasted and am refreshed. Now to go back to the waggoning 1 at Gotha. Going in and out of these towns you pay a toll for passing the gate, i ^ gro. It was warm. The wagon well cushioned and our very slow motion relieved us from the jolting, though we were without springs. At the end of a mile the postillion stopt 1 at a tavern to take snaps 1 and I went in, as I always do, to see &c. The hostess is the picture of Megara 3 . She asked me if I would have brandy. No. Beer ? No. She then turned to her husband and the postillion, the only auditors, and abused me with a profusion of curses. A fellow who would come in and warm himself by her fire and drink nothing ! The postillion informed her that I was a Frenchman who understood not a word of Ger- man and I affected to understand nothing. At going out I very civilly bid her good-night. She threw back her head with the most malignant expression and demanded i groschen for having warmed myself by her fire, which I paid her and again bid her good-night. The wagon being closed, I saw nothing. Arrived at Erfurth 4 at 2 in the morning. Took a servant to show me the houses where the Emperors Napoleon and Alexander lodged while forming the treaty in 1806. Got coffee after an hour's delay and without undressing lay down to sleep till called to continue our journey. Was waked by the servant at ^ p. 6 to know if I 1 So in the MS. 2 For schnaffs. } For Meg.era, one of the avenging goddesses, the Erinyes or Furies. 4 For Erfurt. 347 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . would have breakfast ; again at 7 to know if I would have my boots cleaned ; these inquiries being answered in the negative, and with great good humor, I rose and after two hours delay we moved about 9. An open country with gentle swells and extensive plains of rich soil and highly cultivated. No enclosures ; the cattle are not suffered to go at large. Destitute of wood. Two English miles before reaching Weimar you are on an elevated plain terminated by hills more distant. An extensive horison 1 on every side. You do not suspect a valley till, within */ mile of Weimar, you discover the town in a vale 100 feet below you. I was not deceived in the phiz of my compagnon. He was morose to rudeness, a merchant from the neighborhood of Frankfort, and being bound to Leipzig, left us at Erfurth. The other, who came with me hither, a most amiable youth, a sub. in the chasseurs* of Saxe\ devoted himself to me with constant assiduity. At 2 arrive and put up at the Elephant, not a creature in the house speaking a word of French. Was shown into a very, very small triangular room, coarsely furnished and no bell. " Have you no larger room ? " " No." So I found this very good. Let me see, I don't recol- lect where I breakfasted. In fact, I think I had not breakfasted at all. Ordered tea. Opened my trunks, sent out the following letters with my address : 4 At 4 came in the Baron de Schrade 5 , who intro- duced himself to me as the brother of la Baronne 1 So in the MS. 2 The chasseurs were originally infantry or cavalry soldiers in the French army trained for rapid maneuvers. In Germany they are called Jdger, and are practically sharpshooters. } French for Saxony. 4 Here there is a break in the MS. 5 His true name was Von Schardt. 348 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . de Stein 1 ; presently a message from la Baronne de Stein, asking me to call and take tea. Message from M. de Bartuck 1 , apologizing that he could not call till morning. From la Princesse Caroline, requesting to see me in the morning at 1 1. Then in came my land- lord, expressed his dissatisfaction with my room and asked if 1 would not prefer a larger. " Most cer- tainly." In five minutes myself and baggage were transferred to a large, handsome, well-furnished room, with every convenience. (On fait peu de cas des voy- ageurs en diligence* ; .) At 6 to la Bar. de Stein. T : Sa fille, grande, belle, bien fait, chev. no., blonde 4 ; Madame la Bar. d'Egglestein ; la Bar. de Knebel, dame d'bon. 5 de la Princesse Caroline ; all in calico and en famille. Tea made at the table of which and biscuit (rusk) I partook. Sat about an hour, then home and engaged in fifty nameless occupations the remainder or the evening. The Elephant is on one of the principal squares. Looking out of my window just at dawn this morning saw great numbers of people, principally women, erecting tents and slight sheds all round the square. It must be a great market day or a fair. After breakfast went out for an hour to see the show and the people. It is a kind of fair. Made one pleasant acquaintance. At 10 came in Mons. Bertuch, a frank, sprightly, sensible man, of much learning and 1 Frau von Stein was one of the best known ladies at the Weimar court. She is especially noted in German literature because of her close intimacy with the poet Goethe and her remark- able influence upon his poetic development. 2 Friedrich Justin Bertuch (1747-1822) was a book and art dealer in Weimar. He was also an author of some note and a councilor in the government of the Duke of Saxe-Weimar. J Stage-coach passengers are slighted. 4 Her daughter, tall, beautiful, well formed (bien faite) ; black hair (cheveux noirj), blonde. 5 For dame d' 1 honneur. Maid of honor. Frau von Knebel was the wife of Karl Ludwig von Knebel ( 1744-1834), who was a close friend of the poets Goethe and Herder, and himself an author. 349 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . in liasori 1 with all the literati' 2 ' of Germany. Appears about 55 but says he is 67 ; has promised to announce me to Wieland 5 and Goethe 4 and gave me some renseignments as to my duty toward the court. At 10 to la Princesse Caroline, a very lovely, interesting woman. T : M'lle la Baronne de Knebel, Madame la Baronne de Stein. They inquired with great interest about the Imhoffs ; about America. At 12 to Ber- tuch's to get further instructions. To le Baron de Schrade, where y z hour. Y Madame la Baronne. To Baron , marecbal de la cour s ; he was indis- posed and invisible. Y Madame sa femme whom I met the first evening. Chez Madame de Stein and her belle soeur 6 . Madame d'Egglestein told me that M'lle Gore would be glad to see me. (An English lady of fortune, resident here for many years ; sister of Lady Cooper, now in Italy.) Went there and sent in my address ; denied ! To Madame de Stein's ; out, which was true, for I met her on my way home. Just after I got home came in an elderly man superbly dressed, with sword and chap, bra? I sup- posed he must be a Baron at least. He very formally delivered me a message from S. A. le Due Regnant*, 1 For liaison. Intimacy. 2 Latin. Men ofletters. 3 Christoph Martin Wieland (1733-1813) was one of the best known of German authors. In 1772 he was called from his chair of philosophy and literature, at the University of Erfurt, to become tutor of the young Duke, the Crown Prince, at Weimar. There he remained until his death, some forty years afterward. 4 Goethe (1749-1832), the greatest of German poets and the author of " Faust," settled at Weimar in 177; on the invitation of the Duke of Saxe-Weimar, Charles Augustus. Here he was the great center of attraction, not only as a poet, but also as a scientific investigator and a very high official in the ducal government. The friendship between him and the Duke was one of the most notable in history. 5 Marshal of the court. 6 For bellc-soeur. Sister-in-law. 7 See Glossary. 8 For Son jilteise le Due Regnant. His Highness the reigning Duke. 35 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . requesting me to dine with him the same day at y 2 p. 2. There was no refusing, so made my toilette, got a sedan chair (much used here) and went au Palais. But just before going, the valet who attends me repeated to me an hundred times, with great impatience and emphasis, something which I could not comprehend, nor could any way conceive to be of the least import- ance ; but there happening to be below a gentleman who spoke French, with his aid I discovered that the valet wished to inform me that before going to court it was indispensable that I should send cards to two of the great officers of court, in which, the gentleman said, the valet was right. Gave him two cards and he went off very happy. Arrived au Palais was shown into a drawing room where was nobody. Presently came in maids of honor, two very pretty girls and au fait 1 to their duty. They led me into an adjoining room where was presented to S. A. la Duchesse Regnanfe 2 ; to S. A. la Duchesse , sister of Emperor Alexander ; au Prince H er edit air e^, a very amiable, well-bred young man of about 25, and finally came in le Due Regnant*. The gentlemen led each a lady to dinner. I was placed on the right hand of le pri. hered.*, vis-a-vis la Comtesse de Peyster, dame d'bon. au Princess Marie (de Russie 5 ), a very interest- 1 Acquainted with. 2 Her Highness the reigning Duchess. 3 For au Prince Hireditaire. To the Crown Prince. 4 Karl August, Duke, and from 1815, Grand Duke, of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, was no ordi- nary ruler. His reign was the most brilliant epoch in the history of Saxe-Weimar. He was a gifted and intelligent patron of literature and art, and is especially notable as having been the patron and friend of Goethe. During his reign Weimar became a modern Athens. He was also the first of the German rulers to grant a liberal constitution. 5 For dame d' 1 honneur a la Princesse Marie de Russie. Maid of honor to the Princess Marie of Russia. 35 1 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . ing face et les plus belles mains 1 . Marie is very hand- some and does credit to her rank and birth. But I must stop with details and only make short notes to talk from. La Baronne Knebel, dame d'hon. a Princesse Caroline asked me to tea to-morrow (invitation of the Princesse). Baron d'Humbold 1 ; la Princesse Caroline. Home at ^ p. 5 and at 6 to the theatre. No grille or jalousie before les loges* of the royal family. Much amused at theatre. Young Bertuch explained to me. Home at 9. Left to my valet to get mus. 4 , which he did of his own taste. Pas mauv. s But white and white. It is so fade. 6 Tea, which was unnecessary. The battle of Jena terminated in this place ; in the town, gardens, houses, parks ; disorders and incidents of ditto. Major riding through town without his head. 4. Couche y z p. 12. Lev. 7. Note from Ber- tuch that he would call at 10 to take me to Weiland's 7 and Goethe's. At 10 pere et Ji/s 8 called. Went first to Wieland's, 77. To Goethe's, 5 8 9 . Y Humboldt. Les medailles 10 . To la Baronne de Stein's ; tete-a-tete y^ hour. Promenade through the park ; crossing the little Ulm ; the summer house ; the fountains ; caves ; ruins ; walks and views. Din. cbez moi. Fin Johan- 1 And the most beautiful bands. 2 Probably Wilhelm von Humboldt. Both he and his great brother Alexander bore the title of baron. 3 No railing or screen in front of the boxes, etc. 4 For muse. j For fas mauvaise. Not bad. 6 It is so insipid. 7 For Wieland. 8 Father and son. Probably Goethe and his son. 9 Goethe was actually over 60. Wieland was 76. 10 The medals or medallions. 35 2 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . nisberg 1 . At 6 to la Baronne Kneble chez la Prin. 1 Caroline's. T : La Baronne de Stein ; la Prin se ; a gentleman, and another dame. Tea and cheerful con- fab. M'lle Gore, who began an apology. " Mad., tout belle femme a le drolt de faire la coquette"*. On Ht 4 . Tea, bishop, cakes. At y z p. 7 Bertuch sent his coach for me to take me to . T a circle of about fifteen, very gay. Saw but one ; de Reizenstein, souer de la Comtesse de Peystre. "Ofatupui" 5 . Rendezvous for to-morrow. Helas b Mary Ann! This day would make about 200 pages if written out. T. 7 would have been cont* Home at 10. 5. Coucbe i. Lev. 8. At 10 by appointment to Bertuch's. T: Le pere, le fits et fern.; Mons. de Miiller, conseiller prive de la Regence et env. ext. de Weimar a Paris 9 . To Madame Wollzogen, souer de la veuve de Schiller 10 . T ent. Madame de Goethe", c. d. housekeeper. Un fils // I2 . Encore chez Bertuch. Alors av. un carte d'Amerique chez la belle de Reizen- stein 15 . T : Mere et Com'se 14 de Peystre sa souer. M'lle has lost no ground to-day. We ran over United 1 For Johannisberger wine. 2 For la Princesse. J Mad. probably for Mademoiselle. " Mademoiselle, every (toute) beautiful woman has the right to coque 4 Laughte 5 Latin. 6 For hila 7 Theodos . Literally, one laughs, was stricken dumb. Alas ! a, Burr's daughter. 8 For contente. Pleased. 9 For Conseiller Prive de la Regence et Envtyi Extraordinaire de Weimar a Paris. Privy Councilor of the Regency and Envoy Extraordinary of Weimar at Paris. The word rigence, regency, must refer here simply to the ducal government, and not to the regency of the Duchess Amalia, which had lasted from 1759 to 1775. Friedrich von Miiller was born in 1779 and died in 1849. He was a close friend of Goethe. 10 Sister of Schiller's widow. 11 Madame Goethe entered (/ tntra). This was Christine Vulpius, whose acquaintance Goethe made in 1788 and who lived with him as his mistress until their public marriage in 1806, on the day of the battle of Jena. 12 [They have] a son of 17. IJ To Bertuch's again. Then with a (une) map of America to the beautiful de Reizenstein 14 For Comtesse. 353 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . States. Her remarks charmed and astonished me. Din. chez moi. Soup. At 4 to Madame de Wollzo- gen by her own appointment ; denied, but why, could not comprehend. Her dom. told me in German a very long story and with great animation and zeal of which I understood not a sentence. Home. Note to Bertuch's that I would call to see him if at home and disengaged ; desol? to be engaged. Then sat to reading the details of the battle de Jena, &c., when Mr. de Miiller, whom of all men in this place I wished most to see, came in. 6. I had a baking this morning and lay in a torpid state till 8. Before 10 came in Bertuch fils 2 - (a young man of talents and learning). Went together to the at teller de sculpture'* de Mr. , a young man of extraordinary talents. Thence to Madame la Marechale d'Eglefsstein 4 by invitation delivered by Mr. Miiller last evening. T : la Baronne Reizenstein (la conqu. est finie* and Gamp is ready for any romance); Mr. Miiller, and about half a dozen of each sex and of the most distinguished. Le poete 6 Falk would have amused me much had it not been for Reizenstein. Staid till near i. Chocolate, biscuit, and cakes are the repast on these morning parties. Madame la Marechale made an apology on part of la Duchesse ; she supposed I had bid conge 1 to the Court and there- I Very sorry (desalt). z Bertuch junior. J Sculptor's studio. (Atelier.) 4 For Madame la Marechale d'Egglestein, the wife of the Marshal (of the Court). 5 For la canquete ett jinie. The conquest is complete, i. ., she has entirely won me over. I am her slave. 6 Falk, the poet (foite). This was Johannes Daniel Falk, a German philanthropist and writer, the founder of the Falk Institute for abandoned and neglected children at Weimar. 7 Taken my leave of (conge), 354 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . fore had not invited me. To Madame la Baronne de Stein, where */ hour ; a very sensible, well-bred woman. She told me what I did not know nor sus- pect, that la Princesse Caroline would be glad to see me any morning. Home at 2. Found note from Madame de Wollzogen inviting me to tea this even- ing, to which replied desole 1 that I was engaged with Bertuch. At 5 to Bertuch's. He is full of all sorts of information and seems to take pleasure in commu- nicating. Revenue of Weimar about 800,000 ecus*. Territory 40 square miles German ; about 700 English miles. Five branches of Ernest 3 . Weimar, Gotha, Eisenac. At 6 Bertuch fits went with me to the play. The Duke y in plain dress and in his little open side box without an attendant. Duke pays about 3,000 ecus per annum to support the theatre. A serious comedy, of which I will send you a copy, was per- formed perfectly to my satisfaction. Near me in the ; Professor Weisser ; M'lles Goldacker, deux souers. 7. Lev. 7. At 10 to Bertuch's to have 100 renseignments*. To M'lle la Baronne Knebel ; out. La Baronne de Stein ; out. M'lle Reizenstein ; out. Chez Goethe, where found them all. Also les deux souers Goldacker, la Com. de Peystre, and a belle assem- blage*; a musical party a midi 6 . (But going in the I See note I, preceding page. a An ecu or crown was worth about 88 cents in United States money of the time. 3 In 1485 the grandsons of Frederick the Valiant, Ernst and Albert, divided the inherited countries of Saxony, so that Ernst received Thuringia, and Albert, Meissen, and two lines were thus formed, which still flourish, the Ernestine and the Albertine, of which the former reigns in the Saxon duchies, the latter in the kingdom of Saxony. 4 To have or get a hundred pieces of information. 5 For un bel assemblage. A fine assemblage. 6 At noon (a. midi). 355 Private y o urn a I of Aaron Burr . street met Madame de Schopenhauer 1 who asked me to meet a small party at her house at 6.) De Reizen- stein said she would be at Schopenhauer's, so resolved to go ; walked with her and sisters. Early in the morning one of the huissiers 3 " called with invitation from the Duke to dinner at y z p. 2. Yesterday did a betise*. Saw in the street a girl of 3 years old making a stand and refusing to move. Two ladies trying to prevail on her to go, but no. Went to see the child ; very lovely. One of the ladies la Com. de Peystre, whom I recognized. Spoke formally ; the other I did not recognize nor notice. It was la Grand Duchesse ! Relating the story to Madame de Stein, told her I had met the little Princess with la Com. de Peystre and a jolie fille de cbambre 4 ; all which was repeated to the Grand Duchesse. Had to settle this when we met at dinner. About thirty at table ; le grand salon 5 . Mes- sage just before coming off that la Grand Duchesse asked me to pass the evening. Tea and cards. Voila plein d'aff's 6 , for there is a ball to-night to which I am resolved to go. At 5 came home for dinner. Off directly to Bertuch's and thence to Schopenhauer's ; there were two brothers and a sister from Jena, a most charming family. Was obliged to leave it at ^ p. 6 to attend la Grand Duchesse. De Reizenstein had not come in but understood I should meet her at I Madame Johanna Henriette Schopenhauer, the mother of Arthur Schopenhauer, the cele- brated German philosopher, the chief expounder of pessimism. She was herself a writer of novels, books of travel, etc. 2, Ushers, door-keepers. } Stupidity, torn-foolery (betise). 4 A pretty chamber-maid. 5 The large drawing room. 6 For [me] voila flein d'affaires. I'm full of business. 356 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . court, but she was not there ! La Grand Duchesse engaged me at her table at whist. T Mr. de Stein de Lensihoten, Hollandais 1 . La Princesse speaks English extremely well ; French like a Parisian. Fine hands and arms. Elbow perfect. Very intelligent questions. Lost 28 gro. At y z p. 9 au bal* T: Le Doctor Holberg ; les deux souers ; M'lle John (fig. Espan.*} ; Madame Goethe, about thirty or forty dames and a most beautiful assemblage ; contre dame* ; valse ; grandpere*; soupe. Mr. Wolff I 'acteur et fern. 6 Staid till i. Bertuch fils toujours 1 et le Doctor Holberg et Miiller. The Americans known here are Smith and Poinsett, both of South Carolina ; the latter particu- larly intimate with Dr. , the physician of Clarke, now minister of war. Erfurt, January 8-9, 1810. Felicitate me, my dear T., on my escape from the most critical danger of my life ! I have been, as you know, in a pretty many dilemmas and jeopardies, but in no one that called for so much effort and determination as this, and even now, at the distance of fifteen English miles, I do not feel myself quite safe. Yet having ordered post-horses for 6 in the morning, not choosing to hazard the lapse of two or three hours to wait for the diligence (for possibly I may be pursued), my escape may, I think, be considered as accomplished. How I A Hollander. ^ To the ball. J For une figure eifagnolc. A Spanish face. 4 For contredanse. Quadrille. 5 Grandfather. What the reference is is not plain. 6 Mr. Wolff, the actor, and his wife. 7 This word has here the meaning of still, i. ., Bertuch junior was still with him. 357 Private y o urn a I of Aaron Burr . shall I apologize to la Baronne de S. to whom I was engaged for to-morrow (Tuesday) evening, when she promised that I should see all that is beautiful and brilliant in Weimar and its vicinage ? How to the good and amiable Wieland whom I had promised to meet this evening? How to Dr. H. whose friendship has been so disinterested and may be so important ? At this [hour] probably enough, he is writing letters for me. But I have escaped, that is my consolation ! I do verily believe that de Reizenstein is a sorceress ! Indeed, I have no doubt of it and if I were President of the secret tribunal she should be burnt alive to-morrow. Another interview and I might have been lost, my hopes and projects blasted and aban- doned. The horror of this last of catastrophes struck me so forcibly and the danger was so imminent that at 8 o'clock I ordered post-horses, gave a crown extra to the postillion to drive like the devil, and lo ! here I am in a warm room near a neat good bed, safely locked within the walls of Erfurt, rejoicing and repin- ing. If you had been near me I should have had none of this trouble. The history of the day must be deferred till my head is more, posed 1 . Gotha. As I was writing the concluding line of the preceding page last evening (about i o'clock) an ill-looking fellow opened my door without knocking, and muttering in German something which I did not comprehend, bid me put out my candle. Being in no very placid humor at the moment, as you see, I cursed him and sent him to hell in French and Staid, sedate. See Glossary. 358 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . English. He advanced and was going to seize the candle. My umbrella, which had a dirk in the handle, being near me, I seized it, drew the dirk, and drove him out of the room. Some minutes after I heard the steps of a number of men and looking out at my windows saw it was a corporal's guard. It then occurred to me that this Erfurt, being a garrison town with a French governor (de Vismes), there might probably enough be an order for extinguishing lights at a certain hour, and I had no doubt but the gentle- men I had just seen in the street were coming to invite me to take a walk with them. So I bundled up my papers and put them in my pocket to be ready for a lodging in the guard house. It was only the relief of the centinels 1 going round and who the impertinent extinguisher was I have not learnt. At ^ p. 7 I was off without breakfast. Ascended a very long hill ; a small fort on the left ; stopped by the guard as usual at the gate to give your name, &c. After rising the hill, a plain the whole way, about fifteen English miles; an open plain ; not a fence, not a grove, not a house save two small toll-houses ; many villages on the right ; you pass through only one, about two English miles before reaching Gotha, a parcel of poor-looking houses ; a row of immense trees are each side the road the whole way. Very cold. Arrived at Gotha at 1 1 . After getting breakfast and dressing, sent Mons. B.'s letter to Mr. Reichart* with my card ; also cards to I So in the MS. a Heinrich August Ottokar Reichard (1751-1818), whose entire life was lived in and about Gotha. He was an author of considerable repute, a statesman, being war councilor at the time of Burr's visit, and was for many years director of the court theatre at Gotha. 359 Private y o urn a I of Aaron Burr . , and walked out. Charl. 1 came running full speed and in spite of all I could do, joined me and walked with me. Le Baron de Strick arrived at 2. At 5 din. che-z mot. Reichart, conseiller de guerre et auteur de* came in and sat a few minutes, and whilst I was dressing Mons. le Baron de Salish, merechal de la Cour*, on the part of the Duchesse to ask me to pass the evening. Sup. au Palais 4 . T a small select party. Cards (boston) with la Duchesse and won a 1 / 5 ecu which I have wrapped in paper and marked for you. About 9 the Duke 5 came in; a very handsome, tall, graceful blond, bein blond 6 . Engaged me in con- versation so that I could not again join the card table. At supper was on the left and the Duke on the right of the Duchesse. Very cheerful. M'lle La Baronne de Dalwigk, dame d'bon., a del' esprit 1 . Much of United States. Was greatly astonished by some of the remarks of the Duke, manifesting sensibility and sen- timent. Of cannibals. He has flashes and detached, solitary ideas which are extraordinary and admirable. He detests the English, though nearly allied to the British family. Of Napoleon. Showed a ring with his hair. Of presentiments; omens; superstitions; of his brother Frederick, now in Italy ; singular disease, roideur*; showed me the boudoir beautifully fitted up; 1 Probably for Charlotte. 2 War councillor and author of . Burr may have meant to refer to Reichard's " The- ater-kalendtr" in twenty-five volumes, or to his guide books for travelers, especially those appearing in French, e. ., "Passagier auf der Reise in DeutsMand" " The Traveler Journey- ing in Germany." } Court Marshal ; in German Hofmarschall. 4 At the Palace. j Ernst I., who began to reign as Duke of Saxe-Coburg in 1806. Gotha was his capital. 6 Blond, very (bien) blond. 7 M'lle de Dalwigk, lady of honour (dame d'honneur), has intellect (a de Vesfrit). 8 For raideur. Stiffness, rigidity. 360 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . the designs given by himself. But the most interest- ing subject to me was the little Princesse Louisa in her tenth year; his only child; born of a former marriage; a fine, healthy, frank, animated child, very handsome. I did very humbly express my admiration for her. At coming away the Duke asked me to dinner to- morrow. Home at ^ p. ii and somehow quite fatigued, of which not sensible till I got home. Bon soir. Mem.: Paid 18 groschen for the hire of a hat and sword. ii. It must have been very late when I went to bed for I rose with reluctance at */ p. 7. Wrote note to Reichart requesting his company to see the Cabinet des Medailles 1 , said to be the third in Europe. At 9 a hussier* of the Duke to ask me to dine to-day at 2. He came back after five minutes to say that the dinner was to be in the Duke's apartments. Galled on Reichard at 10 and went to the Cabinet des Med.y which is in a wing of the Palace. It is, indeed, very rich. The list and description is in sixteen volumes folio ; that sounds very large, but I am pretty sure that I had the XVI th in my hand. A great many of Alexander ; of the Roman coins a complete series from the first Consul to the last Emperor. Passed three hours in the cabinet and library. Home at i and au Palais at 2. The salon a manger is magnifique*. Placed as before. About thirty at table ; only one lady besides the family. I Cabinet of Medals (des Midaillet). z For huissier. Usher. 3 The dining saloon is magnificent. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Much talk about X and of la Princesse for Queen. How he does hate the English ! Of Coxe who mar- ried M'lle de Schale. " Men are fit to educate nothing but horses and dogs." After dinner la petite Princesse came in ; her destiny announced. She very frequently declared that she loves Charles ; was sent to show me the pictures of the late Duchesse and of the present Duke and other matters. About two hours at table. Adjourned to the and after coffee continued y 2 hour. Conversation. The Duke and Duchesse retired and then the rest. The same usage prevails at Weimar. The only lady beside the family was M'lle Vidonie de Dieskau, who is with her uncle, Baron Hardenberg, from Altenberg 1 . Agreed to be of the party but embarassed at learning that no maids beyond 1 8 would be permitted. M'lle V. de D. 40; fat; willing; cheerful but not gay; disp., la la\ 12. Rose at 7. At 9 ran in to see Reichard, who is next door. Veuf. Auteur de l > etc. At 10 le Baron de Tummel called with his carriage to take me to the Observatoire*. The old building being in decay a new one has been constructed under his direc- tion. The local is magnifique 3 ; 300 feet above the city ; distance about one English mile. Extremely well supplied with instruments. But the most inter- esting object to me was Bernard de Lindenau 6 , the I For Altenburg. A considerable city of the duchy Saxe-Altenburg. i Probably for disposee, la la ! Disposed, ready. Now then ! 3 A widower, author of, etc. 4 The Observatory. This was at Seeberg, near Gotha. 5 The premises are magnificent. 6 Bernhard August von Lindenau (1780-1854) was both a very prominent Saxon statesman and a well-known astronomer. From 1804 until 1817 he was director of the Observatory men- tioned above. 362 Private ^Journal of Aaron Burr . Professor, the occupant ; already, at the age of 25, has celebrity as an astronomer and mathematician throughout Europe. His appearance is in the highest degree prepossessing. Sensibility, modesty, intelli- gence, finely blended. His story is quite a romance ; was gay, extravagant, dissolute ; got in love and was beloved ; his mistress died ; he shut himself up, went nowhere, saw no one ; devoted himself to science ; was known to le Baron Tummel, who procured for him the place he occupies. He presented me a copy of the book he has lately published, " Tables Barome- triques" 1 . [Read] the introduction with great pleasure. You will see that he is not merely mathematician, but a man of thought and sentiment. The son of the Baron, a fine lad of about 17, was with us. Home at i. Yesterday sent my card to M. de Kunkel, con- seiller interne de S. A. R. FElectrice de Hesse, nee Princesse de Dannemarc*. Received message that her Highness would be glad to see me after dinner this day. At 2 au Chateau to dine. A party of more than thirty. One stranger, a Prussian general. Le Com. de P. 3 begged me to cede to him ma plac 4 next la Duchesse, as he was a stranger just arrived. The table is always cheerful. Le Due extremely gay. Having said that I had your picture, after dinner he insisted that I should send for it, which was done by one of the buissiers. You were exhibited and suffi- i " Barometric Tables." z Interior Councilor ('. ., Secretary of the Interior) of her Royal Highness (Son Alteue Rojale) the Electress of Hesse who was born Princess of Denmark (Dantmark). } Probably for Le Commandant de P. 4 For ma place. My seat. 363 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr. ciently admired. S. A. 1 was quite gallant to you. La Prin, regie 1 asked me to her concert this evening at 7. Home at 5 and went out with Reichard to see Gallati 3 , professor of history and author of a history of Germany which is esteemed the best of its kind, being, as he said, a mere summary in ten volumes quarto. It has gone through six editions and has been translated into French and Russian. He pre- sented me a small statistical book, having heard that I was making inquiries on such subjects. Home at 6 and learned that a servant of S. A. R. I'EIectrice has been to say that she was expecting me ! Now, to say the truth, I had totally forgotten S. A. and her con- decension in giving me audience. Off I went, how- ever; was received by M. de K. and announced; then passing through several rooms was presented. After saluting, she sat on a sofa and begged me to be seated on a sofa chair by her side, which I obeyed. M. de K. and M'lle de , dame d'hon., stood. She is mother of la D. reg'te 4 , aunt of Gustavus IV. and the King of Den. 5 Much conversation about Sweden, especially as I had seen Gustavus IV. and his family. After y z hour came in S. A. la Duchesse reg. 4 and a few minutes after, I retired. S. A. R. thanked me and said many civil things. Her Palaces, &c. are now occupied by King Jerome. Her husband in I For Son Altesse. His or her Highness. z For la Princesse Rcgnante. The reigning Princess. 3 Johann Georg August Galletti (1750-1828) was the author of numerous historical works on Germany, France, and the world in general, none of which has stood the test of time unless it be his " History and Description of the Dukedom Gotha " in four volumes, published about 1781. A few years after Burr's visit he was appointed ducal historiographer and geographer, as well as court councilor. 4 For la Duchesse Rignante. The reigning Duchess. J Denmark. 364 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . Bohemia with his mistress. Home and then to the concert. Besides the ducal family, there were eight ladies and about twenty gentlemen; about thirty mus- ical performers; many of them have salaries from the Due. 1 Madame played the violin and her daughter the piano extremely well. After the concert an elegant supper. I was seated between S. A. and M'lle de Dalwigk. With the latter much conversa- tion about her lover, who has behaved like a true Englishman. She is a very charming woman ; will tell you the story at large. La petite 1 Louisa was at the concert. I demanded a souvenir, to which she agreed and would think what it should be. Proposed a garter. A deal of laughter, &c. Home at J4 p. 10, having been asked to dinner to-morrow in case I should stay. (It must have been Wednesday evening that I called with Mr. de Reichard on le Baron de Falkenberg ; the most extraordinary [man] of 83 that I ever beheld. He is Prime Minister and attends to all the duties of the office ; works generally till 12 and i o'clock; reads without spectacles, is cheerful, animated ; fine teeth and features well pre- served ; his voice as firm as at 40. Madame a very charming, lady-like woman about 55 ; she presented me /' "Almanac de Gotha" 1 in a very beautiful form, as you shall see.) Gotha, Friday, January 13, 1810. (That's 1 The Duke. 2 The little. 3 For I' "Almanack de Gotha." An annual register containing lists of government officials, genealogies of German princely families, necrology, diplomatic intelligence, statistics, etc. From 1764 to 1804 it was published in the German language. Since that time it has been pub- lished in both French and German. 365 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . impossible, for Monday was New Year's. You must look back and see where the error commenced.) Gotha, Friday, January 12, 1810. You will sus- pect that I have taken winter quarters at Gotha. Not quite so, nor is the delay mere nonchalance 1 , but I have no time to reason or explain or comment or apologize; mere notes of facts is all that I can attempt. We will dilate and fill up the canvas with the interesting details (it is only minute details that interest), viv. voc. z Rose at 7. At 9 to Reichart's. At 10 came in Mr. de Kunkel to thank me in the name of S. A. R. and in his own and to make compliments, &c. I gave him yesterday a small Swedish coin having a good likeness of Gustavus IV. which he gave to S. A. R. and whereon they had the politeness to set great value. It is one of Gampy's collection, but I've got the like or would not have given it to any Prince or Princess in Europe. At 12 to M. de Tummel ; out ; left card. The brother Tummel is author of many pretty and very gallant things. The bussier came in to know whether I would stay to dinner; yes. At 2 went to dinner au Palais. La Duchesse indis- posed and did not appear ; had my place. Dalwigk proposed to me to pass a few minutes in her room after dinner ; did so ; showed me the picture of her lover, which I very honestly (not very kind, however), told her I did not like at all. Gave me address of him and her. Home at 5. At 6 to the comedy as agreed with M'lle D. The dramatis person^ you 1 Heedlessness. 2 For viva tioce. By the living voice, orally. 3 The cast of characters. 3 66 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . will see in the bill attached to this. The parts were well cast and played to perfection. I laughed a great deal, as did M'lle D. Everything expressed in the bill was really performed and perfectly well performed. Just at this moment, 10 o'clock, comes in a huissier with compliments of la petite Louisa and a bouquet of her own drawing as " souvenir." The bouquet is really wonderfully executed for her years. The bor- der in handsome taste. You shall see and judge, but on examining I find no name or inscription to verify this important transaction. 12 o'clock. Have been two hours about mus. 1 affair which failed. Saw Miss W., a most lovely klin. demir., Carol. Charl. Wilhelm?-; say 1 6. Have done nothing toward packing. But the most interesting part of the evening has not been told. At the comedy met le min} le Baron de Tum- mel. He insisted that I should take a seat in his coach with his brother the author and visit le Prem. Min. 4 le Baron de Falkenberg. Agreed, though I had put off my court paraphernalia and was in my traveling costume, having bonafide* resolved to leave Gotha to-morrow. Met le Baron de F. in full dress and in the salon 6 lo, the Duke himself and Madame de F ! We five were all. Sat round the tea table and took tea. The Duke perfectly amiable ; renewed the subject of your picture ; found a great deal of I For muse. z For a most lovely Heine demiref, Caroline Charlotte Wilhelmina. A most lovely little demirep, etc. Note the mixture ot French, German and English. J For le Ministre. The Minister. 4 For le Premier Ministre. The Prime Minister. 5 Latin. In good faith. 6 The drawing-room. Private "Journal of Aaron Burr. fault with the painter. (He has taste and skill in all the fine arts.) In the original, said he, there must be dignity, majesty, genius, gentleness, sensibility all discernible in the picture, but imperfectly expressed ; would have had a copy if there had been time; prom- ised to send him one. He wished very much that a friend of his in Paris, S. A. S.* la Duchesse de C., etc. should know me; asked if I would take a letter; most certainly. Le Ministre Baron de F., hearing that / was a coin and medal hunter^ (see again, you little villain, oh, I could choke you !) offered me sev- eral of the coins of Gotha, which are not now seen in circulation. These I peremptorily and constantly refused, though I did really wish to add them to my collection. Sat about two hours and home just before 10. The Duke took a most affectionate leave of me. 13. Couche i. Rose 7. I shall really go this morning; have been very hard at work packing. Your picture took me ^2 hour at least, you huzzy, you! Last night after writing you, passed an hour with the Baron Strick. It would seem that every incident of my life is known throughout Germany. Duels, treasons, speeches, gallantries. Le Baron Str., a young, handsome man, formerly minister plenipoten- tiary from Holland to and now chamberlain I The reader will note the variation. This is not S. A. R. There is a difference. The following explanation is taken substantially from Larousse's great French work. When about the time of Louis XI. the Kings of France had adopted the title of Majesti, that of Altesse, Highness, was given at first to their brothers and their children only. In Germany the sovereign princes, secular as well as ecclesiastical, also took the title of Altesse at the epoch at which that of Majeite came into vogue for kings. The princes invested with the electorate were called Altesses fclectorales, Electoral Highnesses. To-day, save a few exceptions, the title of Altesse Royale or Imperials belongs to all the princes issuing directly from a king or an emperor and that of Altesse Ser'enissime, Most Serene Highness, to their collaterals. 3 68 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . du roi de Prusse 1 , accables* me with all sorts of atten- tion. Introductions to his friends at Eisenach, Paris, Holland. Indeed, more in this way than I can tell. He has nous et connaissances 3 , speaks French, German, and English ; knows everybody and is everywhere well received. Showed him Bollman's 4 letter to Jef- ferson ; B.'s conge au Sen. 5 he had seen before. Wrote early this morning to la belle Baronne de Dalwigk requesting that she would prevail on ma Princesse 6 to add a name and date to the bouquet, q. v. Just now a very kind note from S. A. S. le Due. with a letter addressed a S. \_A. 6 1 .] 7 la Duchesse de C., q. v. Too full of business to write you any more. Eisenach, January 13, 1810. You see, Madame, that in spite of all your predictions to the contrary I did leave Gotha to-day ! For once you were out. It was at y z p. i that I got into a chaise with horses post extra ; was here at 5. An exceptionally cold day, snowing a little, very little, all day. It does not know how to snow fast in this country. We can snow more in four hours than they in four days. All yesterday from 2 in the morning it snowed what they call hard and there is not yet four inches. At leaving Gotha after passing the gate and bridge, (thanks Mons. le Ministre de Tummel, these walls are now prostrating and rilling up the ditch), you rise a hill, a gentle 1 Of the King of Prussia. 2 A hybrid verb anglicized from the French verb accablcr, to overwhelm. } He has brains and understanding. Nous probably stands for the Greek VOVff, mind. 4 Eric Bollman. See Note 5, page 517. 5 For Conge au Sinat. Aaron Burr's farewell to the senate of the United States upon the expiration of his term as Vice-President, a wonderfully eloquent production. It is said that nearly every senator was in tears when Burr concluded. 6 My Princess. 7 For a Son Altesse Serinissime. Her Most Serene Highness. 369 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . declivity. It may be called an inclined plain for i*/ English miles. We were forty minutes getting to the summit and then we were not at the summit, for after descending a very little, we rose again still higher. The distance to this place is about fifteen English miles. The first ten or eleven you pass through three villages. The last two or three miles (English) are almost a continual village and the country extremely romantic and picturesque. The preceding part is quite an open country ; not a tree, fence, or house except in the villages ; gentle, bold, swells ; all the way under cultivation, but let me go back for a moment to Gotha. Gotha ! I bear thee in kind remembrance. The bouquet was sent back with the addition of a name and date by the fair hand of Louisa, accompanied by a very pretty note in English from la Baronne de Dal- wigk. Answered the note of S. A. S. le Due. Received a letter from de Reichart to his son-in-law le Baron de Goekhausen at the Place 1 . More letters from le Baron de Strick. Put up a La Demi Lane*. Ordered dinner ; fish and potatoes, and sent letters with my cards to Madame la Baronne de Bechtolsheim nee Baronne de Koller 3 ; to M. de Streiber, conseiller de legation de S. A. S. Mons'r le Due Reg 't 4 de Saxe-Weimar-Eisenac ; to M. le Baron de Goekhausen b. fits de Reichert 5 ; to M. de 1 square. 2 For b la Demi-Iunc. At the Half-moon. 3 Julie Freifrau (Baroness) von Bechtolsheim (1751-1847), whose maiden name was Keller. Her husband was Vice-Chancellor at Eisenach. She was well known in Germany as a poetess under the name of Psyche, and was a great friend of the poet Wieland. 4 His Most Serene Highness, the reigning Duke (Le Due Regnant). There may be a ques- tion as to whether the abbreviation Manser stands for Monsieur or Monseigneur. The latter title, meaning My Lord, was often applied to the princes of a sovereign family. 5 Reichard's son-in-law (beau-fils). 37 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . Massovius. The three gentlemen above named called within an hour and proposed various things for my amusement. Agreed to meet the club to-night and to visit to-morrow. M. de Streiber has passed six years in Great Britain and speaks perfectly good English. Passed an hour with the club ; about twenty gentlemen. The Prussian General whom I met at Gotha ; quite another animal here. T also le Baron de Bechtolsheim, son of la Earonne above mentioned. It is most unfortunate that the mother is absent on a visit to some friends near Erfurt ; very unfortunate. She is one of the most distinguished personages in Germany for learning, wit, talents, grace, &c. la de 1'Enclos 1 of the age ! Stole off from the club at 9 ; walked the streets y 2 hour ; no accident 4 . A beautiful little town ; all white ; walled and fortified. What nonsense ! This has been much the coldest day this year, and really cold ; would be called cold at Albany, but perfectly calm. 14. Rose 7. Could not keep myself warm in bed, having ordered a mattress, thin and hard, and two thin quilts (called couvertures] ; added my great coat. At 10 to the post-house to see about diligence; none goes to Frankfort before Tuesday P. M. and then not direct, but some miles about, and is between three and four days, going day and night, from this to Frank- fort, which by the direct route is twenty-one miles I Anne, called Ninon, de L'Enclos (1616-1706) was a noted French woman of pleasure who, though leading a free life, was never a public courtesan. She retained her beauty and charms to a very old age. I n her salon she received the highest society, which has been compared for its tone with the Hotel de Rambouillet. Some of the most noted men of the day were among her lovers. If we are to believe Voltaire, Richelieu was the first of these. a Here and elsewhere Burr uses the word accident to mean that he sought an amorous adventure. 37 1 Private y o urn a I of Aaron Burr. German. What's to be done ? Thence to le Baron de Goeckhausen beau-fils de Reichart, a sensible young man ; staid but a few minutes. Thence to Massovius's and he and I went together, as invited, to breakfast a la fourchette with Streiber. Met there Mr. M'Intosh, a Scotsman, who had been many years in North America and in Asia and Africa ; had an immense fortune which he lost by the French Revolution ; a very intelligent, amusing man. After breakfast Mons. Streiber took me in his sleigh to Wilhelmsthal, chateau de plaisance 1 de Due de Weimar (we are here again in his dominions). T: Mr. Roese and M'lle , amie de sa femme 2 ' ; Madame . They all spoke French very well. The road is exceedingly romantic. For i y^ English miles in a very narrow valley, the locks and mountains hanging over us ; then about one mile English rising the mountain. Descending about the same, the chateau, &c., in a valley of half a mile diameter below. Fires had been ordered and we had coffee and cakes. M'lle de is cheerful and pretty. Home at */ p. 4. The cold most intense. I was almost perished and had to bake an hour before I got thawed. Mr. Roese, seeing that I admired a picture of the Duke of Weimar which we saw au Chateau 1 ^ procured and presented me one. At 7 to Mr. de Streiber's ; a small club ; five of each sex. T: Madame Roese, who is very handsome; she and M'lle are both from Gotha. Cards ; whist ; won a 1 Literally castle (chateau) of pleasure of the Duke (du Due) ; hence his villa. 2 Friend of his wife. 3 At the castle. Private Journal of Aaron Burr. thaler 1 . Supper with variety of wines. Home at 4 n. I much wished for your sake to have visited Fancien. chateau de Wartzbourg 2 , which is on the summit of the mountain overhanging this town. You can imagine nothing more romantic than the site. It has been famous in story more than 800 years. It is a fine ruin but part habitable and inhabited. The singer', the battles, the enchantments, the imprisonments, &c., render it very famous. Luther, too, was there and had some squabbles with the Devil ; threw his ink- stand at his Majesty's head and the marks of the ink still visible. But the snow and ice have rendered the mountain impracticable and the castle absolutely inac- cessible. Mr. M'Intosh came in this morning and sat an hour. I admire his constancy and his loyalty. He is prisoner on parole as being a British subject ; has corresponded with Washington ; one of the letters now in the museum at Weimar. Met many very pretty faces in the streets. The lamps here are sus- pended on wire attached to the houses on each side. The same in several other towns and in the Pall Maille 4 , Altona. Eisenach has 9,000 inhabitants 5 . 15. Couche i. Rose 7. Still colder than yes- terday but perfectly calm. Called on Mr. Roese ; saw his beautiful wife and herjolie amie 6 . Madame has lately lost two children ; has left a very fine boy about 3 or 1 A German silver coin worth j marks or between 70 and 75 cents of United States money. 2 The ancient castle of Wartburg. It was founded in 1067 by Ludwig the Leaper, Land- grave of Thuringia, and was for several centuries the residence of his successors. Many histori- cal remembrances attach to this spot. Here took place, for instance, the famous contest between the Minnesingers about 1106. Luther was kept concealed in the castle from May 4, IJ2I, to March 3, 1522, during which time he finished his translation of the Bible into German. 3 Probably for singers. See the foregoing note. 4 It will be remembered that Palmaille is the most fashionable street of Altona. 5 To-day it has 24,000 inhabitants. 6 Pretty friend. 373 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . 4 years old. Thence to General L. This is the General whom I met chez le due a 1 Gotha. He is now in the service of the King of Naples. Yesterday he sent me card of invitation for this evening, which accepted. Thence to one of the manufactories, &c. Mr. de Streiber. Home to thaw and then walked about the town and environs for near an hour ; inscrip- tion on an old building, " Hie sunt puhis, umbra, nibil 1 ." Got home frozen stiff, though I had on my great coat and calashes. Baked an hour and then din- ner seul. Mon hote* is native of Hanover and speaks French freely and is very communicative. He sus- pects that I am an Englishman and has intimated how much, &c., &c. This duchy separating from Weimar paid a contribution of 1 50,000 ecus en argent*; more than 200,000 troops have passed through ; always maintained by the inhabitants ; free quarters, which must have been more than double the contribution. Recollect that the Duke of Weimar was in arms against the Emperor at this time. At 4 came Mr. de Streiber to inform me of the best means of getting to Frankfort. The best will be the expense of about 25 dollars. The worst, *'. e., diligence which goes a circuitous route and is three days and three nights on the way always going, would be about 12. Truly, as the weather is and is like to be, I should not like to hazard my precious carcass in a wagon without springs and badly covered, three days and nights. At y 2 p. 6 to 1 At the Duke's at Gotha. 2 Latin. " Here are dust, shade, nothing." J For mon hote. My host. 4 150,000 crowns (ecus) in money or silver. 374 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . General Letocq's ; a very elegant party ; the rooms in very beautiful style. It is the house, the rooms, the furniture, and the taste of Madame la Baronne de Beckholsteim 1 . Her son was of the party, a very accomplished young man with a lovely wife to whom he was married a few months ago. T also la Gotha- rienne 1 . Cards, chess, supper. I played two games chess with the General and won both. It was a very cheerful party. Mon. , a young man of for- tune, of talents and learning, would bring me home in his carriage. Chez moi at y 2 p. n. Not so cold. Mon. , who keeps regular meteorological notes, told me this evening that the thermometer (ReamurV) was at 7 o'clock this morning at 205^ below o and at 8, I9X> and that for ten years the cold has not been so intense by many degrees. Hiinnefeld, January 16, 1810, 12 at night. Rose at 7. Went early to the post-office to see about diligence. It is expected at 2, but after much deliberation resolved to take post-horses to Fulda, whence a very convenient diligence goes on Thursday to Frankfort. Called on Streiber at his manufactory and sent card of conge to Gen- eral Letocq. At 2 set out. About two English miles winding round the mountains along narrow valleys. Ascend mountain and descending the same, pass a small town. At two miles German from Eisenac to Berka, where changed horses and car. Two miles to Vach 4 , where change again. Three miles more to this place, MMMM I For Bechtolshcim. 1. The lady from Gotha. J In the Reaumur thermometer the freezing-point is marked zero, and the space between this and the boiling-point is divided into 80 degrees. Hence ioj^ Rdaumur is about 14 below zero, Fahrenheit; 19% Reaumur being about iz below zero Fahrenheit. 4 For Vacha. 375 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . frozen to an icicle and so resolve to thaw and bake till 7. Hannau, January 17, 1810. Laid on a sofa last night without undressing. Rose at 7. Got breakfast and at 8 continued my route ; bitter, bitter cold. Arrived at Fulda at 10 ; formerly the sovereignty of the Bishop of Fulda; beautifully situate in an extensive val- ley on the small river Fulda. Though a small town of about 10,000 inhabitants, it exhibits much magnificence. You see twelve or fifteen steeples or towers as you approach ; in every direction chateaus, rows of trees. There are many things here worthy of notice, but the distressing intelligence that no diligence goes hence till Sunday left me the sad alternative of either waiting here four days or continuing in the same expensive way. Resolved on the latter and ordered horses immediately. While they were getting, walked about the town. This being a Catholic bishop everything is stamped with that character ; crosses, &c., on the houses ; the mile-posts a crucifix ten or fifteen feet high with a wooden Christ as large as life ; some lines carved on stone. The Bishop still resides here with a provision of 40,000 florins from the great Emperor. The Bishop was dethroned some years ago by the Prince of Orange. "Sic vos non Vobis"*. I Burr refers here to a celebrated tradition, which is worth taking entire from Brewer's " The Reader's Handbook." The tale is that Vergil wrote an epigram on Augustus Caesar, which so much pleased the Emperor that he desired to know who was the author. As Vergil did not claim the lines, one Bathyllus declared they were his. This displeased Vergil, and he wrote these four words, Sic vos non vobii (so you not to you) four times at the commencement of four lines, and Bathyllus was requested to finish them. This he could not do, but Vergil completed the lines thus : Sic vos non vobis nidijieatis avei; Sic vos nun vobis villera fertii oves; Sic -vat non vobis mellificatis apes; Sic vos non vobis fertis aratra haves. Not for yourselves your nests ye song-birds build; Not for yourselves ye sheep your fleeces bear; Not for yourselves your hives ye bees have filled ; Not for yourselves ye oxen draw the share. Private y ourn a I of Aaron Burr . Arrived here at 1 1 and after giving my name and other particulars am allowed to go to bed and write this while I am thawing. You will see from your map that Hannau is on the Main about two or three miles English before arriving here. Looked out and found we were on a perfect plain. Till then or there- abouts it was continual mountain and hill ; but the road excellent and at every ^ mile German a town or village, but I ought not to omit that at , but Gamp is stiff and tired. Will do something at Frank- fort ; about vineyards and the beautiful title de mr. de poste 1 . Frankfort, January 18, 1810. Arrived at 10 this morning. A continued plain ; a ridge about one English mile off on the right (scarcely visible by reason of the fog and mist which is eternal). Have not seen a clear American sky since left the United States ; (something like it in Sweden). Approaching the ridge as you approach the town, it is seen covered with vineyards and beautiful little houses. I took quarters as advised by Reichard, a rEmpereur Romain (Romische keyser^^ and as usual, was shown into the third story ; the room, however, is decent and com- fortable ; those on the first floor (second story) are all occupied. Sent letters to Mons. de Bethmann, consul de Russie 1 and ; to Messrs, freres Bestina, n'egt et banquiers*; to Messrs. Bansa et fils, banquiers. I For fill e du maitre de foste. Daughter of the postmaster. 4 For dem. et I fils. L'ainee* speaking fluently English. A very elegant supper and very cheerful. At 1 1 au bal masque 6 given at the theatre. Holbein's " Danse" 7 . Staid with Sarasin till 4 this morning (Thursday). Mayence, January 25, 1810. Lev. 9. Headache. Took no breakfast, but paid for one. Message from Elsinger that Madame Van claimed me as relation, she being the granddaughter of Daniel Burr of Harwich. Called on Elsinger to apologize for not seeing ma chere cousine* till my return. Home. Invi- tation from Bethmann to dine, which could not. Embarras 9 of packing up. A bill of 47 florins and 17 kreu. 10 to my valet de place! At 12 took diligence; being the last, went outside and was nearly frozen. At the y 2 way house a civil young man gave me his place inside. A soldier's widow who had served fifteen campaigns and still handsome. Went over the 1 For T sa fille divorcee; belle,- embonpoint; yeux noirs. Her divorced daughter ; 6ne looking, plump, black eyes. 2 At the house of his kinswoman, Madame . J An assemblage (aisemblie) of 6fty. 4 An interesting family from Vienna. 5 For trait demoiselles et un fils. fainie (the eldest daughter) speaking, etc. 6 For au bal masque. To the masquerade. 7 Among the works of Hans Holbein the Younger is a series of designs, fifty-three in num- ber, for wood engraving, representing the Dance of Death (la danse des marts) an allegorical representation of the power of death over all classes and conditions of men. 8 For ma chere cousine. My dear feminine cousin. 9 The trouble. 10 For Kreuzer. One hundredth of a florin ; in Germany one thirtieth of a mark. Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr. Rhine on traineau 1 drawn by two men with m. 2 Took qu'rs at the 3 Couronnes*. Card to General Meynier and to le Prefet 4 le Baron Jean Bon St. Andre. To Kayser, to whom had a letter from my very kind friend Sarasin. Mr. Kayser called immediately and invited me to go to the theater with him ; agreed. He called at 6 with his carriage ; met there his wife, a very beautiful woman who is a grandmother; her daughter ; a French gentleman and wife. The com- edy "Les Deux lonnees" or " Les Journees"*, and the afterpiece, ; both in French, amused me very much; laughed a great deal. Home at 10. A rendz. with ma com. de Vay^ but failed. 26. At 10 went by appointment to see General Mayence, un brave franc soldat 1 ; unfortunately just now gouteux*. Thence to the Prefet le celebre Jean Bon St. Andre 9 , now Baron, &c. His appearance justifies the character we had had of him. Met acci- dentally a young man of very intelligent countenance; exchanged looks and made acquaintance, but not a word said. The Prefet cannot give me a passport for Paris ; must write and get one from the Minister of Police at Paris. About an hour afterwards received a I For traineau. Sledge. i It is not plain what the letter m stands for. 3 Took quarters at the Three Crowns (aux Truis Couronnes). 4 The Prefect. 5 This reference is obscure. Does Burr mean ''Les Deux Tonnies^ " The Two Women of Yonne " (a department of France) .' Possibly it should be '^ Les Deux Dionees." In this case it might mean Venus the goddess of pleasure and Diana the chaste, for the name Dionee is applied to both of these divinities. Hence the title might refer to two women possessing these opposite characters. The title ''Les Journees'" means "The Days." 6 Probably for a rendex-vous with ma Comtesse de Vay . A rendezvous with my Countess de Vay . 7 Burr may mean here either a brave, sincere soldier, or a brave French soldier. In the latter case franc would stand forfran^ais and should follow the noun. 8 For goutteux. Gouty. 9 For le celebre Jean Bon Saint Andre. The celebrated, etc. 39 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . note from the young man requesting permission to call and introduce himself. It seems that in order to discover my lodgings he had gone to the guard who watch the gate and enquired of the officer. He dined with me at the hotel lest I might want inter- preter or countenance. Presently my indefatigable friend brought a girl ; one made for the purpose, speaking French and German ; a fine animated, intel- ligent countenance ; pretty and well made. All was instantly arranged. Never take the advice of one who is agitated or alarmed. To the Prefers for my passport ; bureau 1 shut. To the Secretary ; he had not the passport. I might call at the bureau in the morning, but told me that I should not have to come to Mayence unless I meant to stay there till the answer should be received from Paris and that I must remain in Mayence under surveillance de la police 1 . - Now, this will not be very convenient for I am engaged to-mor- row evening at Goutard's (not Sunday as supposed), and to dine on Sunday at Mons. de B's. To a coffee- house; took coffee and played chess, while the young man was preparing for me. Evening at d'P.'s. T: Two ladies and three gents. Chess. Was beaten by the lady. Herr Von Borg, de Soede*. But had scarcely left the door of my friend when I was stopped by two soldiers. After some parley, understood from them that it was not permitted to walk the streets at that hour without a lamp and that I must go with i Office. a Supervision of the police. 3 Mr. Von Borg, of Sweden (la Suede). 391 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . them to the guard-house. There are various ways of getting along in this world. After some explanations, they agreed to eschort 1 me to my lodgings. Home at y 2 p. 1 1 and am now going to coucbe. That matter of the passport sticks in my throat. There is no possibility of going one mile without a passport. 27. Rose 8. Waited till 10 very impatiently for P., who had promised to call on me very early. Then sent to him to know whether he would be at home if I should call. Yes. Called and passed ^ hour. Thence to Prefers. Received in the most polite and amiable manner ; compliments passed and returned. I might stay at Mayence or go to Frank- fort, or wherever I pleased, save the interior of France. Returned my passport. Handed him the other which I had addressed to him, requesting that he would apply for me to the Minister of Police at Paris. All right. Thence to Mr. Kayser's ; saw him and his bel. fern. 2 " To a libraire 1 , where bought Gray's poems for la jol. Viennienne* (whose name I will try to get for you). To P.'s. ; fern., deux char, garcs.* Auberge 6 ; paid bill, 7 fl. 16 gro. and 6 liv. 7 to mon valet de place. The moment you arrive at any town if to stay six hours you are saddled with a valet de place, whose pay per day is from 3 liv. to a dollar. Wrote note of conge to P. Crossed the Rhine en pet. I So in the MS. Z For belle femme. } Bookseller. 4 FoTlajoliefitnnienne. The pretty lady from Vienna. 5 Wife and two charming boys. (Charmanti gardens.) 6 Inn. 7 For livres. The livre was ao sous or a franc. 392 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr. traineau 1 and got to the diligence office just at 12, the hour of setting off. Got No. 9, being the last place and again outside. Met again la guerre' 1 '. Exceed- ingly cold and suffered much. Arrived at Frankfort at 5. Went first to Sarasin's to hear the news and inquire for private lodgings, as I must necessarily be here at least a week. As I got to the Rom. kayser* eight or ten carriages drew up. It was the c. d.* 1 King of Sweden, Gustavus IV., with his family and attend- ants. My room on first floor was taken, of which I was very glad, for I got one as good on second floor for YZ the price. Dressed and at ^ p. 7 to A. Gou- tard's. It was a mistake ; that little huzzy the Veri V led me to the error. The ball to-night is at another Goutard's with whom have no acquaintance. Very glad of it, for I was but half thawed and had much to do, *. " (.791). Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . recognize him. Turned his profile; still meconnoisable 1 . Gave me his name, and we embraced. Sat an hour. Have not been out since 5, and have made but one meal. Tea, bread, and butter. 21. Still hard winter. With my great chimney and small room ventilated at a thousand crevices, and wood at 25 sous for five small sticks, I suffer and freeze. Lay abed till near 10 this morning to keep myself warm. Sent my valet to hunt Barnett, late United States consul. He is out of town and Adet 2 , whose address he brought me. At i called on Scherer and Fringestin, with the letter of Sarasin. Saw Scherer, who invited me, in the name of his wife, to a party this evening, which declined. His estab- lishment is vast and splendid. To Schoel's to get Volney's new book. Home by way of P. R. ? Took a room on the first floor ; wooden floor, something better furnished than the other, but I fear no warmer, at 50 livres per month, with liberty to quit sooner on paying a little more. Being out of humor with my the* at 30 sous, and very bad, bought for 6 livres. Had the satisfaction to make my own slop in my own way. I have by this means learned the prices follow- ing : Butter, 36 sous per lb.; coffee, 1 10 sous per lb.; bread is reasonable ; for 4 sous I got my day's allow- ance and more. 22. Last evening, after writing the preceding 1 For meconnaissable. Not easy to be known again. 2 Pierre Auguste Adet (1763-1852), was appointed minister from France to the United States in 1795. Two years later he broke off his diplomatic relations and before returning to France issued an address to the American people intended to make them dissatisfied with their govern- ment and its policy. 3 For Palais Royal. 4 Tea. Private Journal of Aaron Burr . page, read three hours in Bentham's notes on Judi- ciary. It answered the purpose of talking with him, and I caught a ray of illumination from his genius. This ray regards my own immediate concerns. At 10 went to hunt Adet, whom I found. He recognized me immediately. Made an appointment to meet him au Corps Legislatif 1 at 2. Hence to Volney's ; out. To Bovet and Bourdillion. Saw Bovet, who told me that young Bourdillion of Frankfort had announced me several days ago. Thence home, and at 2 au Corps Legislatif. The building is so immense and so intricate that I was a long time finding the right way. Mons. Adet met me, and we walked through the building and talked for y 2 hour. Home at 4. After dinner walked two hours in and about Palais Royal, where the eye and the ear may be always amused, and the other senses, if you please. Wrote a note to Due de Cadore. While I was dining a gentleman came in with a written message from the Rev. Mr. I. Burr, Chanoine du Chapitre Collegia! de Rbeinfeld en Suisse 1 , inquiring if I were not son of Zacche Burr, mer. 3 d'Ostende, and hoping that we were very nearly related. I regretted that I could not claim the honor of any very near relationship, but shall write a line to my coz. 23. There is no end to this winter. By way of variety, there is now a sort of sleet. Yesterday we had a little snow. Don't know at what hour I go to 1 At the Legislative Assembly. This body originated in 1791 and existed under one form or another for many years. 2 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter of Rheinfelden in Switzerland. } For merchant f 417 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . bed or get up, for your watch is in the hands of Lepine himself, who told me when it was sold, to whom, and for how much. He promised that it shall be put in complete order. At 12 to-day came in the celebrated Captain Haley. The first American I have seen. Told me that Vanderlyn 1 is in Paris, and hunting for me. I thought him in Rome. How glad ! Major or Colonel Hunt and Barnett are on a tour to sell lands. At i, the weather notwithstanding, to Mons. , the celebrated geographer. Was received. Showed the maps I wished to examine. Offered to lend me any and to give me several. Passed an hour with him much to my satisfaction. A sensible, cheer- ful man of about 45 ; I believe a German, but speaks French and English. Home at 4. Before going out this morning, sent my note to the Duke de Cadore. Have no answer yet. This evening a card from Mr. and Madame Scherer, to pass the evening on Thurs- day. I This was John Vanderlyn, a celebrated painter. He was born at Kingston, N. Y., Octo- ber 15, 1776. At an early age he attracted the attention of Burr, who invited him to New York and received him in his own house. Vanderlyn studied painting with Stuart, and in 1796 went to Europe through the assistance of Burr, where he remained five years. He came back to the United States in 1801, but returned to Europe in 1803, remaining until 1815. He made many admirable copies from the old masters; painted the picture of Marius Seated Amid the Ruins of Carthage, which gained the Louvre gold medal in 1808 ; the Murder of Jane McCrea by the Indians, and other original works, which gave him a high reputation. Returning to the United States, he painted the portraits of Calhoun, Clinton, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, and other distinguished men. In 1832 he was commissioned to paint a full-length portrait of Wash- ington for the hall of the House of Representatives, and in 1839 was commissioned to paint the Landing of Columbus for the Rotunda of the Capitol. The later years of Vanderlyn's life were spent in poverty. He died at Kingston, N. Y., September 23, 1852. The following is the letter of introduction which Burr wrote for Vanderlyn to Thomas Morris (son of Robert Morris, the financier of the Revolution), residing at the frontier settle- ment of Canandaigua, N. Y. It is dated New York, September 18, 1801 : " Mr. Vanderlyn, the young painter from Eusopus, who went about six years ago to Paris, has recently returned, having improved his talents in a manner that does very great honour to himself, his friends, and his country; proposing to return to France in the spring, he wishes to take with him some American views, and for this purpose he is now on his way through your country to Niagara. I beg your advice and protection. He is a perfect stranger to the roads, the country, and the customs of the people, and, in short, knows nothing but what immediately concerns painting. From some samples which he has left here, he is pronounced to be the best painter that now is or ever has been in America. Your affectionate friend, A. BURR." 4l8 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . 24. Did not go out of my room yesterday after dinner. Voila huit jours in Paris 1 without having been to a theatre or place of amusement, though I am in the very center of theatres, bah masque et non masque 1 , and shows of all sorts. I had set my heart on one object, and that one sufficed for occupation and amuse- ment, but two days having now elapsed since my note to the Due and no reply, I may conclude that my hopes of business are at an end. Though couche at i, did not rise till near 10. At i to Captain Haley's, whence sent a note to Vanderlyn, requiring him to present himself. Roved two hours. Home at 4. Potage au ris -pour din., 8 sous. Sor. 6. Bo't bru. and cas., 20 sous. Rencon. 2, i bonne; encore, jd; i^fra.l Voila de I 'econ* Home at 9. Bo't b'd, 8 sous 4 . At 12 Major Thomas came in to take leave. He goes to Portugal. 25. Couche i. Rose 9. Perhaps this great tor- por may arise from having left off my evening tea, which was a very great luxury, but certain objections which you can divine. Waited till y z p. 1 1 in hopes of seeing Vanderlyn, but he came not. Is it possible that he, too, can have turned rascal? Sor. 12 to Comte de Volney. T: Le Chev. 5 de . Sat */ 2 hour. Gave him several commissions, which he undertook cheerfully. The sessions of the senat 6 are always 1 For Voila huit jours que je suis in Paris, etc. Here I have been eight days in Paris. 2 For bah masques et nan masques. Masquerade balls and balls without masquerade. J For Potage au rix, four diner, 8 sous. Son a six heures. Bought Brod and Kase, 2O sous. Deux rencontres, dont Vune fut bonne; encore une rencontre, la troisiime; 13 francs. Voila de riconomic ! Rice soup for dinner, 8 sous. Go out at 6. Bought bread and cheese. Two rencounters, one good ; another, the third, 13 francs! That's economy for you ! 4 Bought bread, 8 sous. $ For le Chevalier de . 6 The senate. 419 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . secret ; no one admitted. The treaty with Sweden proclaimed in all form yesterday. Forgot to tell you that I met one of the processions yesterday on the Pont Neuf 1 . The carnival must have commenced, for I meet in the streets persons in the most fantas- tique* attire. Some covered from head to foot with slips of various colored paper, imitating plumes ; others a I'barlequin*, &c. The weather has become mild. Two days of strong south wind, with mist. Dinner y z p. mjol. and bru.* 1 but first au bain*, 30 sous. On return from bain found card of V. D. L. 6 Went at 6 to find him, a full league. The address must be wrong, for at 71 Vaugirard he was not known. Called on Captain Haley on return. He tells me that S. Broome is here, and desirous of seeing me ! Home at 8. Did not go out again. Resol. 7 to make further attempt to get hearing. 26. Couche i. Rose 7. At 9 to Captain Haley's to get him to show me Vanderlyn's quarters. He had given me the wrong number, 71 instead ot 72. They were y z mile distant. Found Vanderlyn. He is the same as ci-dev? Took breakfast with him. An hour looking at his pictures. Marius on the Ruins of Carthage obtained the gold medal in 1808. I see nothing in that line to exceed it. Other admir- able things, both original and copied. Then walked 1 One of the great bridges over the Seine ; literally, new bridge. 2 Fantastic. J For a rharlcquin. In the manner of a harlequin. 4 Probably for % pint mjili and trod. Milk and bread. 5 To the bath. 6 For Vanderlyn. It is in this way that Burr usually abbreviates the name. 7 For resolve. 8 For ci-devant. Heretofore. 420 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. to his shoemaker's. Thence to St. Mar. Gate 1 , where Madame Senat lately lodged, that is to say, six years ago. No person at the house had any recollection of her, so that matter must be given up. Thence to the Louvre 1 . The statues and pictures ; the Venus de Medici, Apollo de Belvidere, Laocoon', &c. The gallery containing the paintings is 1,400 French feet long, about 1,550 English, besides a very large hall. Home at 4. Pot. au ris. 4 At 6 to the little Vaud- ville 5 Theatre, where were performed "Le Mar. de " 6 , "Le ", et le fandango' ', each about an hour long. Home y 2 p. 10. The theatre is small and very plain. No scenery but a change of rooms. Paterre*, orchestra, and five rows of boxes. For the first and second row of boxes and orchestra you pay un ecu de 6 francs 9 . All the parts extremely well acted. 27. Vanderlyn came in about 9 and took break- fast with me, and went with me to Fonzi, the dentiste 10 . 28. Fruitless tour to find Fonzi. Visit from Comte de Volney. Visit to Adet. To Fonzi. A 1 Saint Martin's Gate, one of the well-known gates of old Paris. It was a triumphal arch erected in 1674 in honour of Louis XIV. 2 The Louvre is one of the most extensive and historically interesting buildings in the world. It was a castle for the kings of France from or before the thirteenth century, and the chief royal palace until Louis XIV. built Versailles. It has been changed and enlarged in the course of the centuries. A great deal of the interior has been occupied since 1795 by the famous museum. j The Venus of Medici, now in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, and the Apollo Belvidere and the Laocoon, now in the Vatican at Rome, were among the many celebrated works of art which fell into Napoleon's hands about 1796 and were transferred to the Louvre, where they remained till 1815. 4 For Potage au rix.. Rice soup or porridge. 5 Meaning probably le Theatre du Vaudeville, the Vaudeville Theatre near the Louvre. 6 Probably for " Le Marquis de ," or " Le Mariage de ." 7 The fandango is a Spanish dance in triple time, usually accompanied by castanets. 8 For parterre. Pit. 9 Literally a crown of 6 francs. 10 Dentist. 4 2I Private y o urn a I of Aaron Burr . note from min. rel. ext. 1 appointing M. Roux 2 to treat with me. To Piquet's, where bought map of the United States and of Mexico for 9 francs. Paris, March i, 1810. To the chaponier's*, the greatest rascal in Paris. Paid 15 francs for using a hat and sword one hour, and 27 livres for a round hat hors du mode* 1 . But, thank God, I am quit of him. To Comte de Volney at 1 1 ; out. To Hauterive's ; out. To Vanderlyn, with whom left the picture to be put into the hands of an engraver. Home at i, and at 2 to Roux, with whom an hour. A sensible, ami- able young man. Home at ^ p. 3. At 4 came Vanderlyn ; at 7 Mr. B. At 8 to Scherer's. Was the first arrived. They were coming till past 10. Danced till 2. Le gr. Suisse*. Lebeaujils^deCon- inck. Mr. La Cas 7 et sa jo. fern, espag* General Waltershoff. Bar. , min. de Soed? General Valleme. Madame , che. am. de Mirabeau 10 . 1 For Ministre des Relations Extirieurei. Minister of Exterior (. ., Foreign) Relations. 2 Louis Roux (1759-1817). At the beginning of the Revolution a priest. He was a deputy to the Convention and voted for the death of Louis XVI. He was one of the committee which prepared the constitution of 179}. Afterward was a member of the Committee of Public Safety, then a member of the council of 500. After 1797 he became archivist to the ministry of police under Fouch^. He went over to the ministry of commerce during the consulate and empire and sat in the chamber of representatives during the Hundred Days. In 1816 he was compelled to leave France as a regicide. 3 For chafelier. Hatter. 4 for hors de mode. Out of style. 5 For Le grand suisse. The tall Swiss guard. This word has a history. Mercenaries from Switzerland were used as a species of bodyguard by foreign sovereigns of France and Naples and also by other monarchs. The proper noun became a common noun, synonymous with bodyguard. The guards at the Vatican are still so called. 6 For beau-jils. Son-in-law. 7 Meaning Las Cases, mentioned further on. 8 Mr. L. and his pretty Spanish wife (sa jolie femme esfagnole). 9 For Ministre de la Suede. Swedish Minister. 10 For chire amie de Mirabeau. Dear friend of Mirabeau. There were several Mirabeaus, but the reference is probably to the celebrated Gabriel Honor^ Riquetti, Comte de Mirabeau, (1749-1791), the greatest orator of the French Revolution. The lady hinted at by Burr but not named may have been Madame de Nehra, whom Mirabeau met during his flight into Holland and whom he later sent to Paris to make his peace with the authorities. For years she exercised a wholesome influence on the headstrong, passionate Mirabeau. 422 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . La Russet La Portug*. Tea, cakes, ices, lemonade, sangaree, finally soups ; all served round. Home at 3. Carriage hire, going and coming, 4 francs 10 sous. 2. Couche 3. Rose 7. At 9 to Hauterive's. The porter said his master was abroad, which was a lie, and that Madame was too indisposed to see any one, which was another. That he was charged by Monsieur to say to me, in case I should call, that, if I had anything to communicate or require, it ought to be by letter, as his engagements, &c., did not allow him the time to see me ! There's for you ! To Mr. Roux's house at 10, to make supplementary commun- ication ; passed^ hour. Home at n. Coach-hire, 4 francs. At i to Baron d' Alberg, Minister of Bade' ; out ; left letter and card. To Scherer's to get sundry addresses, and to get him to find Louisa Marlow. To hunt General Waltershoff, but could not find the house. To Comte de Volney's ; out. Home at 3. Coach hire, 3 franc losous. " Un bon. consommation " 4 which was scarcely mangable* for din., 8 sous. At 4 to de Zauche's, the geographer. Bought two maps for 4 francs. To Vanderlyn's ; out. A little stupid or so. At 9 came in Mr. Bro. Ate bread and smoked and sat till y 2 p. n. 3. Couche i. Rose 7. Again to Scherer's to get the address of Waltershoff, but did not get it. I The Russian lady. z For La. Portugaise. The Portuguese lady. 3 French name of Baden, Germany. 4 For une bonne consommation. Literally, a good consumption. As here used the word con- itmmation is somewhat vulgar. The phrase represents the English phrase, " good feed." 5 For mangeable. Eatable. Din. for diner. 423 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . To Volney's ; out. To Mons. la Case 1 , whom saw ; very civil ; has been in the United States. Is int. 1 with Carmg. J un horn. qu. veu.fai. cbem. 4 P. M. Note from Baron d'Alberg to dine with him on Monday. Au Theatre Fran9ois 5 , where saw the new tragedy of " Brunebart" and after, the " Ear- bier de Seville ou Figaro 6 " par Beaumarchais. I thought M'lle better in tragedy than Madame 7 , who is the Siddons of Paris. Sat next an English lady. The Emperor came in during the fourth act, and was vis-a-vis de moi* Had a good view of him. There was clapping in the pit when he entered and when he went out. He made a slight bow on going out. Paris, March 10, 1810. Just one week since I have written you a line, for which I have no apology to offer. The Emperor attends service (mass) every Sunday at his chapel. He also attends frequently reviews in the Tuileries 9 . To assist 10 at either requires 1 Comte Emmanuel Augustin Dieudonn^ de Las Cases (1766-1842) was a French historian of considerable repute. In 1808 Napoleon made him a baron and gave him a position in the council of state. He is best known to the world as the companion of the fallen Emperor at St. Helena, to whom Napoleon dictated a part of his memoirs, which he afterwards published. As a young man Las Cases had been several times in the United States. 2 Probably for intimate. 3 The name carmagnole was originally applied to a wild dance and song popularized by the French revolutionists of 1789. It also came to be applied to the extreme revolutionists. Burr may mean that the man named was intimate with the most rabid revolutionists. 4 For un tiomme qui veut faire son chemin. A man who means to make his way ; an ambitious man. Perhaps there is in these words a squint at Burr's own plots, for he was con- stantly on the outlook for persons whom he might use in realizing his dream of Mexico. 5 For Theatre Fran<;ais. 6 Beaumarchais wrote two very famous comedies, the most famous of their class since those of Moliere. Their titles were, " Li Barbier de Seville " (1775) and " Le Mariage de Figaro " (1781). Figaro is the principal character in both plays. 7 Burr does not give the name. Perhaps Duchesnois. 8 For vis-a-vis de moi. Opposite me. 9 The Tuileries, properly speaking, no longer exists, having been demolished by the Com- munists in 1871. It was an old palace, built originally in the sixteenth century. Before the Revolution it had been used at times as a temporary residence of the kings, but after that epoch it became the permanent abode of the French rulers. 10 This verb is at best a Gallicism. An authority says : " Assist for ' be present ' still has foreign air about it." Lord Macaulay and Dr. Newman used the word. 424 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . a ticket, and I have not yet had influence enough to procure one for either. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday I was very busy preparing a letter intended to be presented to the Emperor. When it was nearly done, something occurred, which altered my mind. On Monday dined with the Baron d'Alberg. There was a Count Louis (senateur*, I think), General Val- lance, two ladies, and five other gentlemen. Gamp was of so small account that neither chair nor plate was provided for him, and he stood a minute after all were seated. Mons. le Baron d'Alberg is a man of about 32, Madame about the same. He has been created a Duke by the Emperor. While I was pre- paring my letter I had occasion for some maps, which, on my first visit to Valkenaer, he had offered to lend me, but which I then declined. On Wednesday went to him to ask the loan. He denied having made such offer, and treated me rudely. Monday had a note from Madame L., requesting an interview. After leaving d'Alberg's, called on Madame. A sensible, well-bred woman. Has a daughter about 16. The husband of Madame has been in America six years, having, as I take it, abandoned wife and daughter. Adet has not returned my visit. On Monday evening with Vanderlyn at the opera. The scenery, and bal- lets, and decorations are charming, and that is all. On Tuesday a minuit au grand bal masque* at the Theatre Imperial. There were very few characteristic dresses, and about one thousand people. It appeared to me 1 Senator. 2 At midnight to the grand masquerade. 425 Private y o urn a I of Aaron Burr. that at least 900 ennuied 1 themselves. I was without mask. Took seat in the boxes, promenaded a little the room, and came off at 2 o'clock. A gentleman remarked that the English had no word to express ennui 1 : , which he thought the more remarkable as they were so subject to that evil. No, replied / Or does the title of king refer to King Jerome ! } For La Monnaie or V Hotel de la Monnaie or V Hotel del Monnaies. The Mint. This was an old institution. The present great building was constructed from 1771 to 1775. 4 For a la kibliothique. To the library. It was probably La Biblioihique Ste-Genevieve, one of the very old libraries of Paris. 5 For a la Monnaie des M'edailles. At the medal mint. Long after the founding of the mint mentioned in Note z, Louis XV. caused to be constructed a separate mint for medals, medal- lions, etc. This was discontinued as a separate establishment in 1832. 43 2 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. To Roux at 5. He has nothing to communicate ! This morning I've called on le Comte de Slubrendorf, who always amuses and interests me. About a fortnight ago that called on Madame Robertson. Refused to go to Paschaud's this evening. The only one (save one) since the I2th of March. Called on Madame Loigerot. Home at 9. Raw, chilly weather, and I keep no fire. 19. Rose 7. Raining and chilly weather. This climate is worse than ours. At 1 1 to S. P. B. to talk of various projects. At i to Madame Paschaud's. Y Pelough et ux. Home at 3. Dressed, and at 5 walked to Mr. Stone's to dine. Y: Miss Williams 1 tres celeb? ; le Harpe* et ux.; Madame Gretanius, of South Carolina ; Madame a Swede and now veuve and her beautiful daughter dit* 13 but might pass for 15; Mr. Smith, emig. d'ecosse c. d. assoc. de Muir* ; le Cheval. Boufflers 6 et ux.; two others. Easy and elegant hospitality. Staid till */& p. 10. This day paid my monthly bills to landlord and porter ; 1 Helen Maria Williams. 2 For tres celebre. Very celebrated. In Davis's alleged reprint of the Journal the abbrevi- ation celeb, is printed Coeleb ! j Frederic Cesar de La Harpe (1754-1838) was born in Switzerland. As a young man he met at Rome Catherine II. of Russia, who invited him to St. Petersburg to take charge of the education of the two young Grand Dukes, Alexander and Constantin. He accepted the post and was given the rank of colonel in the Russian army. When the French Revolution broke out, La Harpe wrote revolutionary letters to Switzerland, which made him an exile. He took refuge in France. Soon the Swiss Revolution broke out and La Harpe went thither with the French troops. He became a member of the directory of the new republic. He attempted a couf d'etat after the French fashion, but failed. In 1810 he went to France again, but was coldly received by Napoleon. He lived in retreat in the vicinity of Paris until about 1815. In that year he again saw his former pupil, then Alexander, Emperor of Russia, by whom he was made a general in the Russian army. La Harpe was present at the congress of Vienna, and it is said that it was due to his influence over Alexander that Switzerland, La Harpe's native land, fared better than other countries at the hands of the congress. He passed his last days at Lausanne, Switzerland. 4 Said to be. 5 For emigre d' Econe, ci-devant assacie de Muir. Scotch emigrant, formerly Muir's associate. 6 Catherine Stanislas, Marquis de Boufflers (1738-1815 )called Abbe and afterwards Cheva- lier de Boufflers. He was a French litterateur, soldier, and courtier, and for three years was Governor of Senegal. His best-known literary work was " Voyage en Suisse," (" Journey in Switzerland "). He was a disciple and friend of Voltaire. 433 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . together 80 francs. Non. Foici 1 : Doprez, 58.11; porter, 16.1 and etrennes L > 12 ; equal 86 francs 13 sous. Story of Le Roy Mard de Modes et FEmp} Yester- day, i8th, rose 9. To Fonzi's at 10 and till n. To the imprim. de fayance de Stone et Co. 4 with , the young German introduced to me by Madame c. d. s Langworthy. Mr. Stone asked me to dine to- morrow, 1 9th. At y z p. 2 to Paschaud. Thence to le Muse des Antiq? The tombs and monuments for 1,400 years; Gabrielle 7 of Henry IV.; Marie de Medici. To Paschaud's till 4. Thence to Vander- lyn's, but he had company and did not stay to dine. On way home bought bru? and called at Rochetti's. Home y 2 p. 5. Tea for din. At 8 to Paschaud's and till */ p. 10. Mus. 10 francs. Mauv. g Much sH * :]: :;:u. 17. Rose 7. To Paschaud's at 1 1 ; asked to dine, but was engaged with young German, Gerhard Oncken. At 5 went with him to the hotel de ". Bu. tro. Home at 8 in bad order. Coucbe 1 1 and laid till 9. 1 No, this is the way it is: Doprez (probably the host's name), 58 francs II sous, etc. 2 For des etrennes. Literally, New Year's gifts; here probably meant for ordinary presents or tips. 3 Le Roy, may be the merchant's name, or else it may stand for le Roi, the King. Then Le Roy marchand de Modes et 1' Emfereur. Le Roy (or the King), fashion merchant and the Emperor. 4 For rimfrimerie de Faience de Stone et Comfagnie. The faience printing establishment of Stone & Co. 5 For ci-devant. Here the equivalent of nee. 6 For Le Mus'ee des Antiquit'es. The Museum of Antiquities. 7 Gabrielle d'Estrees (1571-1599) was a mistress of Henry IV. of France and was famous for her beauty and notorious for her scandalous life and luxury. She acquired the titles Marquise de Monceaux and Duchesse de Beaufort. 8 Is it not strange that Burr so persists in using this misspelled Swedish word for bread ? 9 For muse 10 francs. Mauvaisc. Muse, 10 francs. Bad. 10 An undecipherable word. It looks like potis'c or fatii'c. 11 Possibly tor L' Hotel des Monnaies. The mint, which he attempted to enter a few days before, but was too late. 12 For J'a-vais trof bu. Had drunk too much. 434 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . 20. Couche 12. Lev. 7. Read an hour in Weiss. Sor. 1 1 to the umbrella-mender ; nothing done. To bottier to leave pair of boots to racom. 1 To Paschaud's. T till y 2 p. 2. To Loigerot's, where found invitation from to concert to- morrow evening. Think I shall not go. To Fonzi's ; to Madame P.'s at 4 and went with her to her sister's to dine enfam? After dinner walked with her along Boulevard to Port St. Denis 3 , and returned chez elle 4 at 10. Home very las*. Made tea to refraich 6 , and now, at y z p. n, bon soir. 21. Rose 6. At 9 to Fonzi's and till n. Thence to Loigerot's. M. had told that Gamp had related various things of her mar., 7 though Gamp never saw, never heard, nor spoke of him. T received invitation of Mr. to concert this evening, which declined. To Due d'Alberg's. Always re- ceives me with civility, and gives me the best advice in his power. To Madame Gretanius's. Saw her and her beautiful daughter. To M'lle H. M. Williams ; out. To the magaz? of Mr. Stone to see him ; out ; not there. Very las.* Home to rest an hour. At y% p. 3 to Madame P.'s, where was engaged to dine at 5. Mr. La Salle; Mr. and Mrs. Pelough. Staid till 8. Came home expecting Bro., but he came not. I For To the bottier to leave a pair of boots to raccommoder. To the bootmaker's to leave a pair of boots to mend. 1 For in famille. 3 TheSt. Denis gate was, like that of St. Martin, erected in the seventeenth century in honour of the triumphs of Louis XIV. 4 To her house. $ Tired. 6 For four me rafraicbir. To refresh myself. 7 For atari. Husband. 8 For rnagasin. Shop. 435 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Took tea, contrary to custom and to reason. Had this day card from Captain Lawson, note from Vanderlyn, and a very civil invitation from H. M. Williams to dine on Tuesday, to which agreed. 22. Rose 7, having been kept awake almost all night by the tea. At 8 to Vanderlyn's to breakfast. Off at 10. Your picture goes on slowly. At 12 to see Lawson. T ^ hour. To Fonzi's to get my hat, but had not left it there. To Due d'Alberg's to see for my hat ; not there ; so must be finally lost, /'. e., exchanged for a very bad one. To le Comte de Furstenstein's. He nor his Ki. 1 not returned to town, nor expected these ten days. To Dr. Swediaur's ; out. To Madame P.'s ; out. Home at 3. At 4 came in Vanderlyn. Din. bro. mjolk. Sor. 5 to change money. Get 20 francs 14 sous for Fred, d'or 1 and 26.10 for English guinea. To the Theatre Francois to hear Talma 3 . Obliged to wait forty minutes in the crowd, nearly squeezed to death. Heard the tragedy of " Manlius. " Did not wait to see the after-piece. For the characters, see the gazette ci joint 4 . M'lle is very unjustly condemned. She had more of truth, of nature and feeling, but less of vehement action, which is the taste of the day. 23. Rose 7. At 9 came in Lawson and sat an hour. He will take charge of all I can send you. Eight louis in dictionaries ! I think you will be I Probably for King. a For Friedrich d\r. A former gold coin of Prussia, worth about $4. 3 Francois Joseph Talma (1763-1826) was the greatest tragedian of his time. He was a favorite with Napoleon and accompanied him to Erfurt in 1808 and to Dresden in 1813. 4 For ci-joint. Literally, here joined ; hence, herewith. 43 6 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . rasas sied\ yet I am greatly tempted to add Moreri and Bayle, twelve volumes folio, for 4 louis ! At 1 1 to the Prefecture de Police 1 ', to demand passport for Com- piegne. What business have I at Compiegne ? Why, hussy, there is the Emperor, and the King of West- phalia, &c. But they had nothing to do with it, and said I must send a petition to the Due. of J . To Paschaud's % hour. To Loigerot's, and walked an hour with Madame and M'lle in the Thuleries 4 , where left them. To a bookseller's, Rue des Noegres 5 , and bought the "Codes Napoleon" 6 , five volumes, and a book for Gampy, in all 13 francs. Home. Bro. and mjolk for din. To Paschaud's at 7. Mr. Chabaud came in. Told my troubles about the Compiegne expedition, and he very kindly gave his advice and offered his aid, he being personally acquainted with the Due of . Home at 10. Br. came in and sat an hour. Sleepy. Bon soir. Had to-day invitation from Madame Robinson 7 to dine on Thursday, which accepted. 24. Slept till y 2 p. 7. At 10 to Paschaud's, with whose aid wrote my petition (a letter) in French to Due d'Otrante, and an English letter to Chabaud, I Another hybrid perfect participle made from the French verb rassasicr, to satiate. Hence, I think you will be satiated, z To the office of the police prefect. 3 Otrante ! 4 So in the MS. For Tuileries. 5 This word is doubtful, being very obscure in the MS. Could it stand for Rue des Nigrei, Street of the Negroes? apu of Napoleon's career. What is known as the " Code Napoleon" which was made up of these four parts, at once took rank as one of the foremost legal productions of history. Napoleon declared that it would outlive his victories. 7 For Robertson. 437 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . q. v. Took them myself to Chabaud's, who, being out, left them. Lounged two hours at P.'s, and then we walked by thuleries 1 and boulevards to Madame Pelough's. Invitation to the marriage of Madame Pelough's daughter, on Thursday, to dine, &c. Mal- heureusemenf, am engaged to Madame Robertson, but will go and see the ceremonies. To Fonzi's y 2 . Home at 4, and at 5 to M'lle H. M. W.'s to dine. T le Baron de Humboldt 3 ; Mons. Haase, employee a la bib. imp. aux manuscripts*; a French gentleman not named. Others came in after dinner. A very pleas- ant day. Mr. St. and M'lle Williams engaged me to go to their country seat at Montmorency on Sunday. Home at y z p. 10, and now at y z p. 12 am about to couche. 25. Rose y z p. 7. Breakfast and lounged an hour. To Paschaud's at u and till i. Thence home and to Bib. Imper. 5 to see Haase, who promised to aid me about medals. What running I have had about that little rascal's 6 medals. Haase conducted me through the departments of gravures 7 and of manu- scripts. Showed me the most ancient Greek and Latin, which are of the fourth century. The original love- letters of Henry IV. to various of his mistresses. Patents, &c., by Charlemagne, &c. No medals can 1 For Tuileries. 2 Unfortunately. 3 Friedrich Heinrich Alexander, Baron Von Humboldt (1769-1859), the distinguished German scientist, one of the greatest of the world's great scholars. At this time he had returned from his remarkable journey through the Spanish colonies of Central and South America, and was engaged in writing and publishing a wonderful series of books, twenty-nine in all, which made his fame secure. In 1817 he removed to Berlin. 4 Probably for employe a la Bibliotheque Jmferiale aux Manuscrits. Employed in the Imperial Library for Manuscripts. J See Note 4. 6 Meaning his grandson. 7 Engravings. 438 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . be had there but antiques, and those in soufre 1 ; too fragile and too dull of appearance to suit Gampy. I got, however, an address to one from whom, it is said, something in his way may be had. But my reputation is gone. Everywhere announced as a numismatician. I shift it all on you. It is you, and not me, who are scientific in medals. Home for ^ hour, and to the bath, 36 sous. Ero. mjolk for din. To Vanderlyn's to tak. sh. to lav. 1 ; thence to Pelough's to meet Paschaud. They were all so busy preparing and signing contracts, &c., for the marriage, which is to take place to-morrow, that I stole off, for which I shall have a quarrel with P'd 3 . Home at 8. Went out and bought 1 5 francs of writing paper. Hungry and took four eggs raw. Cocoa with water made supper. 26. Lev. 7, but very sleepy and heated, as if I had drank two bottles vin, though I had drank nothing but water. It must have been the four yolks of eggs. At 10 came in Mr. , the commit* of Madame Paschaud, to see about packing up your books. I was astonished to see the mass when put together. At least four cubic feet. But alas ! the greater part worthless stuff, which has been imposed on me in different places. We resolved, at length, to transport the whole to Paschaud's, and there have the inventory and the packing. At 1 1 to Paschaud's ; there learned that \ i^for //-, to wash. The sentence may then mean: To Vanderlyn's to take shirt to be washed. 3 For Madame Paschaud. 4 Clerk. 439 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . Mr. le Chev. 1 Chabaud had not made my application for Compiegne, learning the arrival of His Majesty of Westphalia. Posted off to see the Comte de Fursten- stein ; out. To the King of Westphalia; out. But there was the Count de F., who gave me rendezvous for 9 to-morrow morning. The King leaves town this day ! Back to Paschaud's, and thence with the Chev. and Madame P., in his voiture aux noces 2 , i. e., to the house of Madame Pelough, mere de M'lle Thelusson, la fiancees'*. To the Mayor's office, where the civil marriage was performed. Very simple. Thence to the pastor of the Protestant church, Mr. , a man of very prepossessing appearance and manners. The ceremy re/ig. 4 was performed in a most impressive manner. M'lle is Protestant. Thence left the parties and went home. Was asked to the wed- ding dinner, but engaged to Madame Robertson. To Mrs. Robertson's at ^ p- 5 1": M'e Tone, widow of the Irish general, an interesting woman ; Mr. , senateur* and sa niece; le Baron de , and Mr. Vanderlyn. The family of Evans detained by an accident to the father ; a fall and broken knee ! A very pleasant party, Madame Robertson engaged to dine on Monday. Off at y z p. 9 and to Pelough's, where found the whole party, about twenty-five, still at the dinner table. Very gay. Songs, music, and afterward dancing. Off at ^ p. 12 ; and now, at i, I For Monsieur le Chevalier. T. In his carriage (vulture) to the wedding (aux noces). Possibly meant for in his wedding carriage. J For la f anc'ee. The affianced lady. 4 For la cirimonie religieuse. The religious ceremony. 5 For sinateur. Senator. 440 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . you ought to be much obliged to me for writing, seeing I must be up at 6. 27. Rose at ^ p. 6, quite refreshed. At 9 to le Comte de Furstenstein. He was with the King, and not visible. Asked at the King's for the chamber- lain du jour. 1 ; not yet visible. Home, about 1^2 miles. On the way, left note for Loigerot and called at Menutzi's ; not visible, and could make no rendezvous to-day. At 10 to P.'s, and thence to Comte de F. He was still with S. MS Went there. A crowd of grandees ; was nevertheless received by le Comte de F., who told me that he had delivered my letter to the E. and K. 5 That all hands were going to Anvers 4 , and no reply could be expected till their return, 15 May. Voila^ twenty days more of spider life. Thence to Paschaud's for y 2 hour and thence to Loigerot's. A tale of distress. Home at i. At 2 to Pelough's to see the new pair. All very well. Asked to dine, but am engaged to Swediaur. On way home recon. Mus. 6 1 2 francs but good. Watc. perd. 7 ; not discovered till got home. Back again in the utmost distress. It was restored sans fa$on et sans reward 8 . Descbamsje te s$ai gre g . To Paschaud's at 4. T Picard et ux., the new pair. On to Swediaur; y Lelande. Off at ^ p. 8 and to the Theatre des I For cbamtellan du jour. Day chamberlain. a For sa Majesti. His Majesty. } Emperor and King. See note l, page 432. 4 The French name of Antwerp, Belgium. 5 Behold ! 6 For rencontre. Muse. Rencounter. Muse. 7 For watch perdu. Watch lost. 8 Without ceremony and without reward. 9 For Deschamps, je te saisgri. Deschamps, I am pleased with thee. 44 i Private J o urn a I of Aaron Burr. Varietes 1 to meet the family Peloughs, &c.; but the theatre being full, no place ; came home. Visit to- day from that amiable man le Chev. Chabaud L'atour 2 . M. Arnold, le commis\ carried all my (your) books to Paschaud's. Shall move to-morrow. 2. Din, cbez Swediaur. Broke elec. apparat. Chez Paschaud at 9 pour un moment 4 . Home to pack up. 28. Ran about on brief errands several hours. Din. bro. mfl 5 . At 7 to Pelough's. T Paschaud. Reproaches for non din? Home. Took voit 7 and transported y my baggage and took my quarters. 29. I'res conf. 8 with my new quarters. Din. cbez nous. T uncle of Adelle 9 . The snuff-box which plays a tune of fifteen minutes ; soft, sweet music. Promene la soiree 10 . 30. Din. chez M'lle Williams. Paris, May i, 1810. Din. cbez M'lle Williams. 2. Chez M'e Robinson. 3. Chez nous. Bury, Val." de Montmorency 11 , May 4,1810. I For le Theatre des Varietes. To-day this theatre is called simply Les Varietes. The Varieties; as the name implies, a vaudeville theatre. i For It Chevalier Chabaud-Latour. The reference is to Antoine Georges Francois, Baron de Chabaud-Latour (1769-1832), a French politician and statesman. 3 The clerk 4 For a moment. 5 For diner, brad et mjoli. 6 For non diner, which is bad French for de n' avoir fas dine. Not having dined. 7 For -vniture. Carriage. 8 For tres content. Much pleased. 9 For Adele. 10 For Je me fromene la soiree (p\ pendant la soiree or le soir). Go walking in the evening. 11 For vallie. Valley. 12 Montmorency is a town in the department of Seine-et-Oise, about nine miles north of Paris. On account of its magnificent site and its forest, it has long been one of the favorite prom- enades of Parisians. Its celebrity has come largely from the fact that Jean Jacques Rousseau, the French philosopher and writer, lived near there for a few years. The Countess d 'Epinay, a great friend of Rousseau, had there offered him a cottage in order to hinder, if possible, his return to Geneva. This place is well known under the name of the Hermitage. 442 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. Arrived at 3 en voit av l M'lle W. and Mr. and Madame La Harpe. Din. 5 Ap. din. prom, seul le village de jusu a leforet 2 . Couche u. 5. Rose 6. Prom, seul le village de jusqu* a 8 h. At 1 1 prom, av Mr. S. far le village de 4 to the side of the mountain, where met M'lle S. and Mr. and Madame La Harpe. Ascend the mountain and walk till 3. M'lle W. much fatigued. Mr. Froissart arrives this P. M. and dines. 6. Rain in the morning. Cold northerly wind three days past. Mr. et Madame La Harpe part} to Paris. This is the neighborhood in which Rousseau lived and died 5 . The trees where was given le baiser fatal 1 ; the house of Eloise ; the walks they frequented. Every spot hereabout is consecrated by his memory. I For en voiture avcc. In a carriage with. Z For afris dine je me fromenai seul au village de jusqu 1 a la foret. After dinner I walked alone to the village of as far as the forest. 3 For Je me fromenai seul au village de jusqu a huit ficure}. Walked alone to the village of until 8 o'clock. 4 For At II je me fromenai avec Monsieur S. par le village de. At II walked with Mr. S. through the village of. 5 For Mr. and Madame La Harpe fartirent, etc. Mr. and Mrs. La Harpe left for Paris. 6 This statement is hardly true. Rousseau lived and wrote for some time at Montmorency, a place about nine miles north from Paris, but he died at Ermenonville, a town further north of the capital. 7 Literally, the fatal kiss. The allusion is to the novel entitled " La Nouvelle Heloise " (" The New Heloise," for it will be remembered that the celebrated Peter Abelard, 1079-1142, had had his beloved Heloise who fell and rose again), which Rousseau wrote during his retirement at the Hermitage. This novel is written in the form of letters and describes the amours of a man of low position called Saint Preux and a girl of rank named Julie. This romance is one of the significant works in the history of French literature by reason of the immense vogue which it had and the remarkable influence which it exerted on feminine Europe in the eighteenth century. The first part of the romance may be said to center about what Burr calls the fatal kiss. Saint Preux and Julie meet one night under the trees, not of the valley of Montmorency as Burr inti- mates, but rather on the shores of Lake Geneva in Switzerland, and Julie loses her virtue. But she regains it as had Abelard's beloved Heloise ; hence the significance of Rousseau's title, " The New Heloise." Burr's reference to the trees and walks of Montmorency and " the house of Eloise " have, however, a meaning. While writing his romance Rousseau had become greatly enamored of Madame d'Epinay's sister-in-law, Madame d'Houdetot, a matron of thirty years, not at all pretty. But Rousseau, who was applying his sensitive mind to the analysis of love, fell deeply in love with the first object he encountered, namely Madame d'Houdetot. He says of her: " I saw my Julie in Madame d'Houdetot, and soon I saw no longer anything but Madame d'Houdetot, but clothed with all the perfections with which I had just endowed the idol of my heart." Rousseau speaks in his " Confessions " of a meeting one night with Madame d'Houdetot out under the magnificent trees of Montmorency, in which there was given what he calls " ee baiser funeste" that fatal kiss. 443 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Montmorency or rather Bury in the valle de Montmorency, May 7, 1810. Rose at 6. Cold, chilly, raining. At 9 set off for town. Mons. Frois- sart en voit. 1 with M'lle W. I, from choice, having something to say to Mr. S., in chaise with him. Arrived y z p. 10. After embrass. of man aim. amie M'e Pelough 2 , off to Paschaud's. The diablesse 1 has gone to the country, too ! Pure vengeance. Four times have I walked there (*/ league) to-day and at 9 this evening she had not arrived. In the A. M. went to make peace with Mrs. Robertson. She is too good to harbor malice and received me very kindly. Staid two hours, reading over papers of business and talk- ing of matrimony, on which head we have grave quarrels, for I am dead against it. " What !" says she, with temper and astonishment, "would you advise me to," &c. " Madame^ soyezindep."* &c. Took soup there, and parted friends. On my return, called on Captain Lawson. He was all in the bustle of packing up and going off in ^ hour. At 8, however, this evening, he called to say that he should not go till 6 in the morning of to-morrow, and I am now actuellement* writing to my Juno and Minerva. Excusez, Madame^. Called also on Swediaur. Paris, June 8, 1810. Rose 6. At 10 to Roi WestT pursuant to appointment of Comte Fursten- I For en voiture. In the carriage. I For After rcmbrasstmcnt of man aimit amit, Madame Pelough. (Should be man amie bien aimee.) After the embrace of my beloved friend, Madame Pelough. 3 The she-devil. 4 For " Madame, mjex indifendante." " Madame, be independent." 5 At this very time. 6 Excuse [me] , Madame. 7 For Roi de Westfhalic. King of Westphalia, Jerome Bonaparte. 444 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . stein. Waited an hour; not received. To Chabaud's, whom saw ^ hour. To Madame Robertson's, one hour. To Due d'Alberg's ; out. Home. At 4 to Madame Paschaud's ; met Josephine with a note to me. Y dined. To the opera at 7. En entrant le paterre Monsr on vous demanded Was placed well. " Les Pretendus" 1 and " Persee et Andromede " J . The scenery in the latter a perfect enchantment. 9. Rose 7. To Comte de Slubrendorf's at n. To ma pet. monstre 4 to buy les pretendus* for you. To the Lyon. An American had called but would not leave his name. To Madame Paschaud's ; out. To Madame Loigerot's ^ hour. To Paschaud's again ; she came in ; */ 2 hour. To Vanderlyn's. Y: Madame de Castro and Madame Vele or Vellia ; cbarmante*. Dined with Vanderlyn. Sor. at y z p. 6 to the Hotel du Ville 6 to see the preparations 7 ; 18 francs for a place in the window for to-morrow! Caused*, &c. To the Ambigu Theatre*. The " Mus- ico-Manie 10 " et " Les Highlanders" On entering, a gentleman bowed, called my name, and said he had seen me in Philadelphia in '96. Between the pieces went to I For en entrant dans le parterre on me dit, " Monsieur, on -utus demanded On entering the pit some one said to me," Sir, some one is asking for you." Z For " Les Pritendus." " The Engaged Couple." 3 " Perseus (Persee) and Andromeda." 4 For ma petite monstre. My little feminine monster. 5 Charming (woman). 6 For 1'Hotel de Ville. The City Hall. This building has played a great part in the dif- ferent French revolutions, being the ordinary rallying-point of the democratic party as opposed to the royal palaces, the Louvre and the Tuileries. The present edifice was rebuilt after 1871, having been burned by the Communists in that year. 7 The preparations making for the parade on the morrow. 8 Probably means chatted, etc. This hybrid verb, which we have met before, is made from the French verb causer, to chat. 9 Probably for L'Ambigu-Comique. Literally, the Ambiguous-Comic. This was an old theatre founded in 1767, where one may still hear dramas, melodramas, and patriotic pieces. 10 La Musicomanie means the passion for music. 445 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr. the Jardin Turc 1 . T Ardefredi, now Madame Robin. Home at */ p. 10. 1 8. Couche 12. Rose 7. To Fonzi's at 9. Home at 10. Engaged to dine with F. At 1 1 came in Borgo with the note and the outline of projet*, trans- lated to my satisfaction. He took them home to copy and was to send them to me at 3, which he did not. At i to Paschaud's ; y two hours. Took cir- cuit home by Pont Neuf or Neuve 5 . At 4 to Borgo's away in la Rue de Champs Elisees 4 ; out. To Fonzi's at 5. T: A young handsome Neapolitan Baron and Vanderlyn ; also a Spaniard. Much amused with the Baron. To Madame P.'s ; out. Again at ^ p. 10 and staid an hour /. a tet 5 . 19. Rose 6. At 9 to Dr. Swediaur's, calling on Madame P. on the way, but not see her. Went with the Dr. in his cabriole to pass the day with Mr. La Harpe. T: Madame Bergere or some such name and her two daughters ; M'lle , artiste 6 and M'lle , botanist e 1 ; Mr. , brother of Madame La Harpe. Walked through his park and gardens. Eat fruit. Strolled an hour alone in the village. Walked an hour with L. H. Din. 4. At y 2 p. 7 to the village of Schioux to see the dancing, &c., with 1 The Turkish Garden. Probably a restaurant for theater-goers. 2 Project, plan. } The former is correct. It means new bridge. This is one of the great bridges over the Seine. 4 For Rue des Champs-Elysees. Literally, the street of the Elysian Fields. It is ordi- narily called simply Champs-Elysees. This magnificent street, with a sort of park on both sides, is now probably the finest street of Paris, extending more than a mile from the Place de la Concorde, formerly Place de la Revolution, to Napoleon's Arch of Triumph at the Star (/'*.!/,). 5 For tete-a-tete. Literally, head to head. 6 Artist. 7 Botanist. 446 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . which was much amused. Home at ]/ 2 p. 9, calling on Madame P. on the way, who was out, to which cir- cumstance you may ascribe these two pages. Nothing from Borgo. Paris, July 2 or 3, 1810. To Fonzi' s at 9 ; y two hours. He gave me ticket for the Athenee\ this being the anniversary. Came home to dress and found note from Madame Paschaud with another ticket and inviting me to accompany her. So ran to Fonzi and apologized. Thence away to Madame Paschaud. She thought it too late and the weather too hot. We pouted and pouted. Riz et lait for din*. 6 or 7. A very busy day. At 10 called on Borgo ; out. An hour with Fonzi ; % with Madame P. To Vanderlyn's ; took him out to courir*. To the Hotel des Invalids 4 to pay my respects to the Due de Montobello who lies there in state. Lamps innumerable ; hung with black ; inscriptions, devices. But what I was most desirous of seeing was the pro- cess of getting a soul out of purgatory. There was only one priest at work. Thence to the panorama of le bat. de Wagram*. Very beautiful, but not equal to that of Gibraltar which I saw in London. Thence to the Abbaye St. Martin to see the depot des arts et I for Athene e. Athenzum. The society of Paris known under the name of Afu< took that of Lrcie in 1794, and finally that of Athen'ee des Arts (Athenaeum of the Arts) in 1803. a Rice and milk for dinner. Literally to run ; here to gad abroad, to ramble. 4 For L'Hotel des Invalides. Literally house of the invalids. This is a military hospital or soldiers' home which was founded by Louis XIV. There is a well known war museum in con- nection with it. Here in the Church of St. Louis, beneath the conspicuous gilded dome, he to- ny ashes repo loved so much." 5 For la bataille de Wag ram. The battle of Wagram, a battle won by the French under Napoleon over the Austrians in July, 1809. 447 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . metiers 1 . Thence home for y z hour to smoke segar and repose. Then to , a sort of gourman restaurateur^^ where dined ; 4 francs 10 sous each. There we parted for an hour, Vanderlyn to see Flor- entine and I to M'lle Prevost. Found Vanderlyn at Fonzi's and thence we went to Tivoli'. Les danses ; les puppet ; les ombres Cbinois ; les tight rope sauts ; les grimaces; les feu ). 5 Latin. Exceedingly lamentable gap. (The reader will notice that the Journal skips from the loth to the igth.) 449 Private journal of Aaron Burr . he would give me rendezvous to peruse with me a memoir e l which I had been writing. He asked me to breakfast on Wednesday for the purpose. On Wednesday went, and we passed several hours to- gether. He made some civil remarks, and proposed that I should write to the Minister to ask audience, which I declined. 21. Called on Duke d'Alberg at 10, and was received as usual. He apologized for my several disappointments. Had heard nothing of my note to Maret 2 . Looked at my memorial, &c. Went off to Argaud to get it copied. To Madame P. 22. All day at work with Argaud, getting my thing nicely copied. Called on Madame P. On Roux ; out. On Madame Robinson 3 ; out. Vander- lyn gone to the country. Dined chez nous for the first time in a month ; for, perceiving that Madame meant to make no charge, I would not be a charge. 23. Up at 5. At 8 to Argaud's. The thing was done. Sent messenger with a note to the Due to advise him, and that I would call at 10. At 10 called. We went over the thing. He approved. Wrote note to Maret and I took the packet and left it. Voilafini,* S. MS will probably read it this day. To Madame Paschaud's, where met , an Italian musician ; M'e , and , a young Genevois 6 . Much talk. The former is to ciserone 1 me 1 For mimoire. Memorial. 2 Hugo Bernard Maret, Due de Bassano (1763-1839), was a French statesman and diplomat. 3 Robertson ; 4 For Le voila fini. There, it is finished. 5 For Sa Majeste. His Majesty. 6 For Genevois. 7 For cicerone. To guide. The word has been introduced into English. 45 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . to see strange things. Evening walked with Madame P. to Luxembourg 1 ; thence to Vanderlyn's, who had not returned. Tuesday, 25th it must be. Rose 6. M'lle Catherine came in and took breakfast with me. (No, that was yesterday.) Sor. at 10 (but just before Van- derlyn came in) to Terrien La Riviere's, where y 2 hour. To Mr. N.'s y% hour. Home, and at 4 to Vanderlyn's to dinner. Home. To Fonzi's. Home. Paid commiss e 1 for three trips, 2 francs 5 sous. 25. (I have looked at the almanac; it is 25 July.) Couche 12. Rose 7. Settled with Jeanette for i mo. and paid her 1 8 francs. Omitted : On my return home on Saturday last about 2 P. M. found note from saying that une personne* to whom I was unknown wished much to see me, and gave me rendezvous au Tbuleries 4 on Monday. Doubting a little, hating mystery, and desiring to know at least the sex of the personne, wrote to have further renseign- ments s , which got, and on Monday went to the place and actually met une tres aimable personne. Au soir la meme made me visit cbez moi 6 and on Tuesday returned it cbez elle 1 . 25 continued. At n came in Vanderlyn. Went came in i7Q? iuc i^nti-iv/inM. * <*K*-^> *M*~.. *.. -,// -- . when Napoleon went to live in the Tuileries, in February, 1800. Afterwards it was occupied by the Senate, by the Chamber of Peers and again by the Senate, under the second Empire. Since then it has been used by the Prefecture of the Seine, and again by the Senate. Z For commissionnaire. Porter. 4 fo"auxTuileries. At the Tuileries. Burr has a hard time with this word. < For renseipntments. Information. 6 Met a very amiable person. In the evening the same made me a visit at my home, etc. 7 At her home. 45 1 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr. together to Fonzi's. Thence to Abel, m d de Bas 1 , where we parted. Came home and thence to the read- ing room where I am abonried* for 6 francs per month. To Vanderlyn's to dine. Strolled with him through the Luxembourg 3 . Parted. To Madame Paschaud's. Home at 8. Did nothing till n. Spent 5 livres 4 in nothings. If it had been nothings for you or Gam 5 , it would have been something. 26. The saint, my neighbor, waked me punc- tually at 6, as I had requested. To the bath, which, at the cheapest rate, costs 40 sous. Having some very long courses** in view, took cabriolet. To M. le Montey, near the invalids 7 . There wrote note to the Mm. de la pol. general*, asking audience. M. le Montey took charge of the note. To the Min. d'Ex- ferieur 9 to see Roux ; not there. To M. Roux's ; out. To Pelasges prison 10 where saw J. Swan ; Mr. Lane, of New York, and Mr. Browne, of . Lane has been there three years. My cabriolet man set me down at the Pont Neuf. Paid him 5 livres for three hours he had been in my employ, and he was 1 For marchand de has. Stocking merchant. 2 A hybrid verb from the French verb abonner, to subscribe. Here it means, where I have a subscriber's ticket. 3 The Luxembourg Garden. 4 A livre is equivalent to a franc. 5 For Gampy. 6 Jaunts. 7 For Les Invalides, the soldiers' home heretofore described. 8 For Ministre de la police generate. Minister of the general police. 9 Probably for Ministere de V Kxt'erieur. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France had until 1790 the title la Ministere des Affaires Etrangires, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In that year a change was made to the more convenient title, la Ministere des Relations Exterieures, the Ministry of External Relations. In 1794 this latter title was abolished, but in 1814 the department got back its ancient name which it had held down to 1790. 10 This was the prison known as Sainte-Pe"lagie. It was founded about 1665 as a convent. In 1791 it was converted into a prison for both sexes. From 1797 to 1834 it was more especially devoted to prisoners for debt, and, under the first Napoleon, to political prisoners. Here Bonaparte incarcerated such persons as displeased him, as not being in sympathy with his projects. It is said that at one period the Emperor threw into this prison, within the space of a few days, 500 persons whom he regarded as dangerous. 452 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. content. To Madame Paschaud's. To Fonzi's, where met Vanderlyn. I shall never get done with Fonzi. The morning was warm and it is now raining. Din. chez moi. Bro. mjlk\ Mem.: To tell you of the Pantheon 2 ; Notre Dame ; 1'Abbaye St. Martin, where is the depot des Arts et des Inventions Mechan. 1 -, Tivoli Jardin 4 ; 1' Hermitage 5 ; College de 6 . 27. Rose 7. Am trying to get rid of the use of sugar and coffee gradually. Sor. y 2 p. 9 to Roux, whom found ; but no news. Cold civility. To Due d'Alberg. He has left town for three weeks. Forgot : On Thursday called on M'r Le Montey, the Prefet, to ask him to introduce me to the new Minister of Police 7 . He had offered to introduce to the former (Fauchet) 8 , but got it through another channel. He declined, but offered to present a note if I would write one, asking audience, which is the mode 9 . Wrote note and left it with Le Montey to present. Shall never I For trod och mjolk. Bread and milk. 2, The Pantheon ( Le Pantheon) is another building with a varied history. It was constructed between 1764 and 1790 as a church and dedicated to Ste. Genevieve, patron saint of Paris. In 1791 the Constituent Assembly converted it into a temple called Pantheon, which was destined for the burial of great men, as is indicated by the inscription upon its facade: " Aux grands hommcs la fatrie reconnaissante," " The grateful fatherland to the great men." It was given back to worship in 1806, transformed anew into a temple at the revolution of 1830, and again into a church in 1851, and since 1885 has been devoted to its early purpose of containing the tombs of great men. Victor Hugo's remains lie here. J For Depot des Arts et des Inventions Mechanijues. Depository or Museum of Arts and Mechanical Inventions. This was mentioned a few pages back as the Conservatory of Arts and Trades. 4 See page 448, note 3. 5 For I" Ermitage. In English it is known as the Hermitage. It was the name of Rousseau's cottage near Montmorency. See page 442, note iz. 6 Probably the reference is to the institution now known as le College de France. This was founded about 1530 by Francis I. and soon became known as le College des Trots Langues, College of the Three Languages (Greek, Latin, Hebrew). Under Louis XIII. and for some years thereafter it had the name of le College Royal. In the time of the Revolution its name was changed to le College National, which Napoleon again altered (in the year XIII., about 1806) to le College Imperial. This was its name at the time of Burr's visit. Later, under the Restoration, it was changed back to le College Rojal, and finally to le College de France, which name it bears to-day. 7 Anne Jean Marie Rene Savary, Due de Rovigo. See note further on. 8 Joseph Fouche, Due d'Otrante. 9 Fashion. 453 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr. hear more of it. From d'Alberg's to Fonzi's. Thence home to repose, smoke segar. At i sor. to the reading-room. To Madame Pas. Met her going out. Gave me letter from Chabaud, in reply to one I wrote him a week ago. He has gone home ; (Nis- mes). Ten days ago wrote also to Liming. To Dr. Swediaur's, who asked me to dine, but was engaged with Vanderlyn. To Mrs. Robertson's, who also asked me to dine. To Naner ; out. Left note which I had written in case of not rinding him. To Vander- lyn's to dine. After dinner together to Rue Hyacinthe 1 to see M'lle ; out. To St. Martin's to get my razor. To le coiffeur' V. To Fonzi's ; out. Home with Vanderlyn. Made ourselves a dish of coffee and at 10 he went off. Now, Madame, shall tell you a secret. Despairing of any success in my project, a few days ago asked passport to go to the United States, which was refused. Asked one to go to Rouen, to see M'e Langworthy, which was granted, to " circuler pour un an /"* which was more than I asked or wanted. Was told that I could not have a passport to go out of the empire. Me voila prisonier d'etat et presque sans sous! 4 My different walks to-day amount to fourteen miles, and all for nothing. This evening received a note from Swan, enclosing will for my advice. 28. This being the saint's day (one of them, for there is a saint for every name) of my friend Madame I Hyacinth street. z A coiffeur is a hairdresser. 3 To circulate for a year. 4 For Me voila frisonnier d'etat et presque sans un sou. Here I am a state's prisoner and almost without a cent. 454 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. Paschaud, went to dine with her. There were both families. The young Genevois, the mus. 1 Mr. , and two vacant places ; guests bidden, but came not. We arranged a party for Versailles, which, however, I thought mere talk. Home at 9. At ^ p. 10 a spe- cial messenger from Vanderlyn proposing to visit St. Germain's mardi le 9*, to which agreed. 29. Rose 6. Another proposition to go to Versailles. Went to P.'s ; made a bad apology. Abandoned her party and went with Vanderlyn to St. Germain's 3 . Visited the Marli works 4 . Walked also to a village, formerly a strong town as defence against the Normans, one league below St. Germain's. The rain detained us all night. 30. We staid to dine, and then took pot de chambre* back. This vile name is given to a one-horse chair, with two rows of seats, holding four or six pas- sengers inside and one or two outside. We were nine in that in which I returned. You pay about 40 sous for that distance (six leagues), but there is no fixed price for anything in Paris. You are not always safe in offering half the asked price. Those on board paid different prices, from 20 up to 50 sous. The forest and the terras 6 are the objects of curiosity at St. Ger- i For musician. ^ Tuesday the gth. 3 Saint-Germain-en-Laye is meant. This a town about seven miles north of Versailles and ten miles west-northwest of Paris. There was there a magnificent chateau founded by Charles V . 4 About five miles north of Versailles is a hamlet called Marly-La-Machine. Here was estab- lished in 1676 the celebrated hydraulic machine known as the Marly machine which, for many years, furnished Versailles with water. Rennequin Sualem, a simple mechanic, was the origina- tor of it. His primitive apparatus was defective and was replaced by a more pretentious one in 1804. This, which was built by the engineer Brunet, was also defective. In 1859 Dufrayer constructed there a masterpiece of hydraulic pumping which is still in use. 5 Chamber-pot. 6 For La Terrasse. The Terrace. This is a celebrated promenade more than a mile and a half in length on the edge of the magnificent forest of 8,000 acres and high above the Seine. It commands a superb view of the sinuous banks of the river and of the animated plain which its waters bathe. 455 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . main's. On alighting at the Thullieres 1 , posted over to ma belle ami*, about one mile. Gods, how cold, chilling ! Not having said that I would be out all night, there was much inquiry and alarm. Finally it was discovered that I had been assassinated, and the maid had got all the particulars. La Sainte* was at work to get my soul out of purgatory, which she feared would be a long and hard job. But what devil can have got into Madame P.'s head ? Called at Fonzi's on my way from P.'s. His warmth and kindness recovered me a little from the shock of P.'s froideur*. 31. Insomnia, but got up at */% p. 6. Did noth- ing till 10, and then, did nothing till 12. To Stone's ; out, and said to be at the manufactory ; went thither and out again. Home. Then to Deschams 5 ; fortun- ately out. To Prevost, more luck ; out and all locked up. Ran great risks on my way home, but got home safe. Bought ^ doz. wine, a little white Burgundy which pleases me much ; 1 5 sous the bottle. Bought casa 6 , 20 sous. Home at 3. Two eggs for din. I have been trying, for some time past, to get rid, grad- ually r , of the enormous quantity of sugar which I use (5 francs per pound !) ; finding I made no progress, have given it up altogether, and this morning took tea, sans sucre 7 . Doing unpleasant things gradually is very great folly ; a protracted torment. j Burr has tried hard this time to improve the spelling of this name, with what success the reader can judge. Z For ma belle amie. My beautiful lady friend. 3 The woman saint. This name Burr gives to one of the maids on account of her seeming piety. 4 Coldness. 5 For Deschamps, the name of one of Burr's many female acquaintances. 6 For German Ktise, cheese i 7 Without sugar. 456 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Paris, August 2, 1810. At n a cruising; Virg. and I'allemag. 1 ; out. Tant mieux*. To Fonzi's. To the changeurs* ; changed 3 guineas; they give 26:10, but cheat you out ot 5 or 6 sous in the weight. To Deschamp's ; 8 livres. Staid an hour. To Swe- diaur's, where met Madame P., being the first time I have seen her since my miraculous reception on Mon- day. We were very civil but no more. She went off with her friend and I to Crede's. Thence to Vander- lyn's to dine. He was with his model, who is spoiled for that business, being enseignte*. After dinner to Quai Pelletier 5 to get razors set ; paid 3 livres for strop and parts. Thence to Rue Dare au marois 6 to find Howseal, a German interpreter, whom found and left for translation my letter to Cousin Jean Gotleib 7 . Then home, tired. Note : Left with Crede to put in post-office my letters to Menard, to Liming, to Menzzer, and a note to Swan. From 2 to 10. On Friday the 3d wrote Mr. E. Gris. 8 About same time to Liming, duplicate enclosed to Menzzer ; wrote also to our cousin John Gotlieb, and to Mr. (I'll think of his name presently), of Hamburg. On Saturday, 4th, passed the day at the Pelasgie 9 prison, aiding Mr. Swan to make his 1 Probably for Virginie and r Allemagne or V Allcmande. Virginia and Germany, or the German girl, two more of his chance acquaintances. 2 So much the better. 3 To the money-changer's. 4 For enceinte. Pregnant. ? This quay has now been absorbed by the Quai de Gevres. _ 6 Le Marais has long been the name of one of the quarters of Eastern Pans. It was built in the reizn of Louis XIII. The numerous kitchen-gardens (maraichtrs) there in those days gave it the name which it still bears. Marais means marsh, or kitchen-garden ground. Au marats means in the Marais quarter. 7 For Gottlieb. 8 For Mr. Edward Griswold. 9 The prison called Saint-Pelagie. See page 451, note 10. 457 Private journal of Aaron Burr. will. On Sunday to Versailles, with Fonzi, Vander- lyn, and Hernandez. Called five leagues. Hired a coach for 14 livres to take us there and back. This and dinner made our expenses 6 francs 10 sous each. T Madame Fonzi. The gardens at Versailles are in a style of magnificence surpassing anything I have seen. Returned the same evening. Went, forgot what evening, to see Mr. Pierre's Theatre Mechanique et Picturesque 1 and was much amused. He exhibits, like a scene in a theatre, a town, castle, or remarkable place, painted in the manner of panorama ; but you see carriages of all sorts, horses, men, women, children, dogs, cattle, all in motion like real life. Boats rowing and sailing. Sportsmen shoot ducks, and their dogs jump out of the boat, swim to the killed duck, and bring him on board. How Gampy would laugh and stare ! Another evening to the cosmorama, which is pictures (seen through camera obscura) of various antiquities. Balbec, the Coliseum of Rome, and one other, were pretty well executed. The rest execrable. On Monday, the 6th, called on Mr. Stone at his manufactory. He asked me to dine that day, which declined ; for Wednesday, to which, after some remon- strance, agreed. T: Miss Williams and le bon Mar- ron z , pres't du consistoire 3 , who was extremely civil. He engaged me to go with him the next day to hear the tryal 4 of , which excites much interest. Cards; lost 30 sous. Home at n. Found note I Mechanical and Picturesque Theatre. i The good Marron. 3 President of the Protestant clergy of Paris. (President.} 4 So in the MS. 45 8 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . from Vanderlyn, who had been waiting for me an hour and gone off. On Thursday, the 9th August, with M. Marron to the court. Heard two lawyers. Was well pleased, much gratified, but cannot detail. Breakfast this morning, 9th, at 7. To Vanderlyn's. Thence to Crede's ; thence to Marron's, a tour of about two leagues. At the court met General Walter- shoff. Note this day from Mrs. Robertson to dine, which declined. Another note in the evening to dine on Saturday or Monday. Engaged for Monday. Dined Thursday chez moi ; Friday with Vanderlyn ; Saturday 1 1, cbez moi. But the most important event of this month is the Hegira 1 of Madame Paschaud, who has actually gone to join her husband at Geneva. We had been boudeing 1 , as you know, ever since my return from St. Germain. On Tuesday last, the yth, received message to dine with her that day, as she should leave town next morning. Dined there, but was grave, silent, appetiteless, and without affectation. Some engagement, forget what, called me away early ; but at 10 returned. She was out. Went at 6 next morning. She had gone to the bath. Followed y and waited till she came out. Walked a few minutes in the garden, and had explanations, which were on both sides declared satisfactory, and we kissed and made friends ; but we are not such friends as we were two months ago. Went with her to the diligence 1 This unusual English word may need an explanation. The Hegira, or Hejira, is the era which forms the starting point of the Mohammedan calendar, July 15, 622, commemorative of the flight of Mohammed from Mecca to Medina. Burr uses it as synonymous with flight. 2 A hybrid present participle from the French verb bouder,to sulk. 459 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . office and saw her off. Adieu, ma belle amie. Vraiment, son absence ', mattriste 1 . Friday morning, loth August, called on M. Marron to get the address of Valkenaer ; out. To Baron d'Alberg's ; not returned. It was yesterday, Friday, I dined with Vanderlyn. He came home with me and sat till 10. ii. Rose 6. At 10 to Marron's to get the ad- dress of Valkenaer to whom had letter from Strick, but supposed him (V.) to be at Amsterdam. V. is a brave, franc, intelligent batave*. Sat an hour, and we were apparently equally amused. To Stone's manu- factory to get Humboldt's work, of which he promised me the loan ; out. Vanderlyn breakfasted with me this morning. (On Thursday Ternen came in and sat y 2 hour.) From Valkenaer's to Mons. Le Mon- tey's to see what been done about my note to the Duke, Minister of Police. It had been delivered, but no answer. Thence on my way to Madame Robert- son's a renc} Went into a traiteur's 4 ; breakfast, though 2 P. M. Mttse, &c.; 10 francs ! ! (How many good resolutions have been made since 3 to-day.) To Madame Robertson's ; out. To Mr. Roux. He advises me to write to the Due de Cadore about the refusal of the passport, which I shall do. Home at 3. Having bought coffee by the way, took coffee for din. Find coffee good after muse. At 6 to Crede's ; out. Wrote him note on my return home. Home at 7. 1 Good-by, my handsome friend. Truly, her absence makes me sad. 2 A worthy, frank, intelligent Batavian, <". e., citizen of the Batavian Republic. See page 462, note j. J For rencontre. 4 Eating-house keeper's. 460 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Tea and bro., w tt-soc & mjlk 1 . Letter from Swan enclosing his will for further amendments. Mem. of Notre Dame, Pantheon, the horse and gig in the China shop. Bon soir a minerve 2 . Dampier's " Voy- age " or " Travels " ; pray read it. I like much his manner. 12. At 9 to Fonzi's where dined and staid till 8. Then away to Crede's ; no one at home, but met young Crede in the street coming home. At Fonzi's was a gar con 1 who imitated dogs, cats, &c., and played very prettily on a little flute flageolet about six inches long. He says the beautiful women of France are on the Rhone from Lyons down, particularly at Avignon, Valence, and Vien, and the Cote Roti 4 , famous also for the wine bearing that name. Home at 9. Tro. man. Rbe. rad s ; and coffee, wtt soc. 6 13. Rose 7 in bad order. At n to Abel's ; 12 to Fonzi's ; he not being ready, to , with whom left my mem. for perusal. Anecdotes of L. and N. To j pet. Aug. 1 to see Madame Pel. and to settle accounts ; could not settle, but paid 30 francs for one month's room rent. To Fonzi's again and there till 4 ; not yet done. Thence home and dressed for din- ner. To Madame Robertson's. T Sidney and Madame Menetza 8 . Md. Lewins est'd bon et d* esprit 9 . I For brod. sockervatten, och mjolt. Bread, sugar-water, and milk, z Good evening to Minerva. He means his daughter Theodosia. 4 For atTR3de T tiw name of a well-known vineyard on the banks of the Rhone, producing a wine^of t^e same name. ^^ ( ^ mange. Radix Rhei. Had eaten too much. Took rhubarb. 6 For sockervatten. Swedish for sugar-water. 7 For 3 Rue Petit-Augustin. Number 3 Little Augustine street. 8 For Menutzi. . ... 9 Probably for esteemed Aon et d'esfrit. Esteemed good and intelligent. 461 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Home at 10. Note : It is an hour's walk from my quarters to Madame Robertson's, being about one league. 15. To Valkenaer's to breakfast. T a very interesting Hollandois l just arrived from Amsterdam. His name did not learn. Also a sensible brave horn*, also Holland's 1 , formerly minister of the Bat'e rep. 3 to . The latter came to meet me and to talk, but was obliged to disappoint them, having made an engagement. The breakfast was Holland, that is, American, tea, bread, butter, slices of ham. Off at 1 1 and to St. Pelasgie 4 . T an hour in correcting Swan's will. To Vanderlyn's ; out. To to meet Mr. Lane, who has got out of prison, and expressed a great desire to see me. He did not come. At 4 to Fonzi's. Took a stroll through the Thuleries 5 to see what was doing, this being the Emperor's^'o^r defete 6 or saint's day. The morning was ushered in by can- non. Many people in the gardens ; few fashionables. Home at 6. Two eggs and bro. for din. At 7 came in Vanderlyn, and we went again to the Thull's 5 to see the illuminations. Rather faint. The musicians in the orchestra played several pieces. The Emperor appeared, as was said, in the balcony, but that not being lighted, we could not distinguish him ; but there were vive r empereurs 1 . Home at n. Called this morning on d'Alberg ; not yet returned. I For Hollandais. Hollander, i For brave homme. Worthy fellow. } The Batavian Republic. This was the name which the Netherlands assumed when a republic from 1795 to 1806. 4 The Sainte-Pelagie prison, heretofore mentioned. J For Tuileries. 6 Literally feast-day. 7 Vive 1' Empertur means Long live the Emperor. 462 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . 1 6. At ii to the Louvre to meet Vanderlyn and to gaze. At ^ p. 12 to le bureau du secretariat de la -police general* to meet there Mons. Le Montey, who was to introduce me to Mr. Saugnier, le secretaire*. Met him, and was introduced, and urged my demand for passport to go to the United States. He advised me to write to the Minister, and offered to hand him the letter, which I will do, but have little hopes. This morning received a letter from Mr. G. 3 in reply to one I wrote about ten days ago about money, which I had good reason to believe he would lend me, and which I begin to want. He cannot ! This, Madame, is rather grave. Winter approaches, no prospect of leave to quit the empire, and still less of any means of living in it. So must economize most rigidly my few remaining louis. Met Mr. Lane at Paschaud's to-day. Thence to Fonzi's. Home at 3. Eggs and bro. At 8 came in Vanderlyn and sat an hour. Am reading Robin's " Travels in Florida, Louisiana, and the Mississippi." We have had about a fortnight of raw, chilling, uncomfortable weather ; raining almost daily. I should be glad of a good fire, but see none. 17. Called again at d'Alberg's ; not returned. To Fonzi's. To Terrien de Riviere; out. To Crede's ; out. To Vanderlyn's to dine. T model, with whom ^ hour. After dinner, home. Finished reading Robin's "Travels," being three volumes octavo. I The office of the secretaryship (secretariat) of the general police, a For le secretaire. The secretary. } Mr. Edward Griswold. 463 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . 1 8. Dine at Fonzi's, being the fete de Mad'e 1 . T: Dr. Swediaur, Vanderlyn, Hernandez, Mr. , musicien*; Madame Montalambert, veuve du General*; Madame , souer de Madame Castro ; Madame and M'lle Fabre. Ayez un peu de menagement pour les beautes passees. Ah, Madame D. encore enseingte ? Je vous croyois accouchie il y a long ferns. Mais ecst bien sur que je ne puis pas enseingte plus que p mois*? Then a critical discussion on the possible time of gestation and how the date might be ascertained. Home at 10. 19. To Fonzi's at 12 and till 2. Home till 4 doing nothing. Then to Crede's ; out, but his son at home. To Vanderlyn's ; out. Home at */ p. 6, having walked about two and a half leagues. La S'te* brought me a bouillon**, before I went out ; very accept- able. On my return at 7 tea, bro., egg for dinner and supper. La J'te 1 sat an hour telling her misfortunes. La viell 'de* prays for me, so that my soul is in a good way. She is devote 9 , goes daily to mass, and fills up the interval with cards. Vanderlyn had called twice 1 Mad'e for Madame. Madame's birthday (literally, feast). 2 Musician. 3 Widow of the General (general). Marc Rene, Marquis de Montalembert (1714-1800), was a celebrated French general and engineer. He was an acknowledged authority on fortifications, being a voluminous writer along this line. His chief work was u Perpendicular Fortifications," in eleven volumes, published from 1776 on, and re-edited in 1793 under the title, " The Defen- sive Art Superior to the Offensive." The great Carnot thought so well of Montalembert that he called him into his council. In 1770 he married a talented, beautiful lady of the name of Jose- phine de Comarieu, whose drawing-room became one of the most popular of all Paris. In ijgi he took her to London, where he left her and, returning to Paris, obtained a divorce and married the sister of Codet de Vaux, the celebrated chemist. After the death of Montalembert his for- mer wife returned to Paris, where she lived until i8jz. She was a novelist of some repute. 4 For " Aje'X. un feu de management four les beautes fasseii." "Ah, Madame D., vous etes encore enceinte? Je vous eroyais accouch'ee il j a longtemfs" " Mais est-ce bien sur que je ne suit fas enceinte plus que neuf mois ?" " Have a little consideration for past beauties." "Ah, Madame D., you are still pregnant? I thought you had been confined long ago." " But is it quite certain that I am not pregnant more than nine months ?" 5 For La Sainte. The Saint. The name given by Burr to the maid who was so pious. 6 Broth. 7 For La Jeannette. Jeannette. This was the name of the maid whom Burr called the saint. 8 For La vieillarde. The old woman. (The feminine form of the noun vieillard is exceed- ingly rare.) 9 For devote. Devout. 464 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . during my absence to-day. Forgot to say that I had yesterday a letter from Liming pere\ very amiable, and to-day another from our cousin, John Gotleib Burr, giving the history of his family, which will give me some trouble to translate, and then to reply in German. You did not know before I told you, and I have not told you yet, huzzy, that you are a Dutchman ! But alas ! in my affairs no advance ; no passport ; no money. " Erotika Biblion"* par Mirabeau; duod., one volume, Paris : 1801. A very whimsical book, which I borrowed of Madame F., and read last week. Settle with Jeannet; 8 francs 10 sous. 20. Called on Due d' Alberg ; he returned yesterday but had walked out. To Fonzi's, where from i to 4. Home and thence to Vanderlyn's to dine. After dinner home at 8. Coffee, w't. socer mjlk 3 . 21. At y 2 p. 9 to Due d'Alberg's, where y z hour. Thence on to Roux's; out. To Madame Robertson's, where an hour ; fruit, wine, sug. water 4 . Engaged me to dine to-morrow. To Fonzi's at 2. Home to change and dress and thence to meet Van- derlyn and two M'lls. Viol, pas y an hour 5 . Cooked three eggs which with bro for din. On way from Madame R.'s called at the bureaux 6 , where found Roux. No answer from Minister about passport. Evening, a bottle beer, 7 sous. La Jeanette an beur 1 ; muse, &c., 2 A Greek title meaning " Erotic Book " or " Book of Sensual Passions." It was a collec- tion of examples of deviations from true love among different nations. Mirabeau wrote it when, as a young man, he was imprisoned in a dungeon of the Vincennes prison, about 1780. 3 For lockervatten och mjoli. Sugar-water and milk. 5 Possibly for Violette pas y ; an hour. Violette not there ; staid an hour. But probably for Violette. Tj fassai une heure. Violette. Passed an hour there. 6 Offices. 7 For heure. Hour. 465 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . pour r amour de dieu 1 . But after dinner walked to Crede's, which is a league ; not come to town. So home. A very mild, serene, clear day, the only one this month. 22. Got la Jeanette to buy my coal and milk ; got of both just double the quantity for the same price ; of coal, indeed, nearly three-fold. At 9 to Staley's to get newspapers ; got three of July, but nothing of interest. Thence to Vanderlyn's ; out. Met his bonne' 2 ' in the street. Home. Letter of business for la Jeanette. At 3 to Fonzi's. At ^ p. 5 to Madame Robertson's to dine. T: Sidney, Madame Menutzi, Madame Lewins. Le soir*, as always, came in Adam- son. Staid till y z p. 9 ; home at y z p. 10. Rene. 4 but got safe home ; only 7 sous pour bout, de bierre*. Read an hour in the " Journal del Adjutant-General Ramel Fun des Deport es a la Guina avec Pichegru et 14. others." Un volume octavo, Londres 6 . 23. To Fonzi's at 9, mats rien fait. 1 With Madame Pelough to Paschaud's to get letter. It is from Menard only to say that he had no letters for me. Changed 5 guineas at 26 francs 8 sous. To I Muse, etc., for the love of God. 3. Nursery-maid. 3 In the evening. 4 For rencontre. Rencounter. 5 For seft sous four une bouteille de biere. Seven sous for a bottle of beer. 6 For" Journal de T Adjutant-General Ramel, /'un des Defortis a la Guiane avee Pichegru et I4autres" etc. "Journal of Adjutant-General Ramel, one of those Deported to Guiana with Pichegru and Fourteen Others." One volume octavo, London. Charles Pichegru (1761-1804) was a distinguished French general. In 1795 he conquered Holland and organized the Bata- vian Republic. Then he resumed command of the Army of the Rhine, of which he had been made chief in 179?, but entering into negotiations with the Bourbons and falling under suspicion on account of his activity and the reverses sustained by his army, he was deprived of his com- mand in 1796. During the following year he was a member of the Council of Five Hundred, and was chosen its president ; but his plottings with the Royalist party and the emigres were discovered. He was therefore arrested, September 4, 1797, and transported to Cayenne, from which he escaped the following year to England. Later he was found in Paris, arrested, im- prisoned, and in 1804 he was found strangled in his cell. 7 But nothing done. 4 66 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . Viol.V, where an hour ; gr., bk. y roug. cbev. z To Fonzi's ; one piece is now, I think, complete 3 . Dined by invitation with Madame Pelough. After dinner came in Vanderlyn. After smoking segar, walked with him to Crede's to make money. Merite*. 24. Wrote this morning to Duke Bassano, again demanding passport. Sor. at 2. To Roux to press the same demand on Duke de Cadore. R. is always civil. He had "received no answer" from the Duke (this is the diplomatic style of negation); but promised to state my further reasons and demand. Thence to Saugnier's, le sec. de la -police gen/e s ; out ; left, enclosed to him, my letter, which is in English, to Bassano. To Vanderlyn's to dine ; leaving an hour and ^ before dinner. Read out the first part of Burke's " Sublime and Beautiful." After dinner called on Crede ; not in town. To the Luxembourg garden where I had rendezvous with Vanderlyn, but he came not ; so home. At Vanderlyn's had the misfortune to break a spring of my rat. b 25. Rose this morning at 6 and with very pious resolutions to write a number of letters, &c. You shall see how faithfully executed. At 7 to Fonzi's about that spring. Home to breakfast. At 1 1 recol- lected a rendezvous foolishly made to Viol. You know how religious I am in the performance of all sorts of engagements, so went. Found M'lle in a I Probably for Violette. ^ Forgrande, blonde, let cheveux rouges. Tall, blonde, red hair. 3 Probably a reference to false-teeth. 1 For // a du m'erite. It (i. ., the scheme) has merit. 5 For It Secretaire de la Police Generate. Secretary of the General Police. 6 For r atelier. Set of false teeth. They were made with springs in olden times. 467 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr. state of expectation and disposed to be amiable. T an hour ; 6 francs ; never better pleased with red, which is my abhorrence in theory. Thence home. Changed 6 guineas at 26 franc 10 sous. To make a cud. 1 to Fonzi. Gave him 6 napoleons. Took a breakfast there of meat, bread, wine at I o'clock. On my way home the devil put in my way Flora, whom I had often before met and promised to call on ; went to sa cham. Jol. bon. vol.; y 2 h*; / francs. Home at 3 and at 4 made myself coffee. At 6 came in Van- derlyn. Walked with him to show him Flora as he was in want of muse ; J francs ; y 2 b} Home at 9 and rather disposed to go early to bed, having been kept awake till 2 this morning by the songs, &c. (a party below) and being obliged to be up at 6 to- morrow, and the labor of the day requires repose. So God bless and reform thee ! 26. Went to bed last night full of penitence and contrition and promising you any number of times that I would never do so again. Full of apprehen- sion, too, of some physical consequences. Rose at 6 and to my great surprise in perfectly good order. It manifests, at least, the good state of my health. Got breakfast at 7, and went at 8 to the rendezvous agreed on with Hernandez and Vanderlyn, about *^ league. They had just gone off to St. Germain 4 , whither I was to have gone with them if they would have staid till 1 Possibly for cadeau. Present. 2 For went to sa cbambrt, Elle est jolie, bonne, voluftueuse ; j deux beures. She is pretty good, voluptuous; staid there two hours. 3 There two hours. 4 Meaning St. Germain-en-Laye, a tranquil town outside of Paris. See page 455, note j. 4 68 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. 12. Nevertheless, was glad they were gone, for the jaunt would have cost me 8 livres. Home, and after changing and refreshing for an hour, for it is very warm, to Due d'Alberg's. Very lucky I went, for he had been seeking me, and had lost my address. Offered to take me to the Due Rovigo 1 , to whom I have been trying these eight weeks to get access. The Due wrote a letter demanding audience for us, which letter I took and left at Rovigo's. I suspect that His Majesty begins to think of me and my projects. From d'Alberg's to Madame Robertson's, where an hour. Took a second breakfast of ham, fruit, wine. Thence to Saugnier's. He refused to see me, but sent word by the servant that he had no answer to my letter. Home at 2. The Due d'Alberg having requested another copy of my memoir, went out at 5 to get Argaud to make me another copy. He had moved to Rue Fer de Moulin, Faubourg Mareil 4 , about four or five miles off. So came home, but after taking my bro. and mjlk*, to Argaud's ; gave him my brouillard* with some additional notes, which I have I Anne Jean Marie Rene Savary, Due de Rovigo (1774-1835), was a French general and politician who attached himself unreservedly to the fortunes of Napoleon. He fought in many battles. From the battle of Marengo on, he was Napoleon's aide-de-camp and confidential man. In 1800 he was named Colonel and Commandant of the Select Gendarmerie, which was com- missioned to watch over the safety of the First Consul. In 1803 he became Brigadier-General and two years later rose to be Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour. In 1808, after serving as ambassador at St. Petersburg, the title of Duke of Rovigo was given to him by the Emperor. In 1810 he was called to succeed Fouche as Minister of Police. Of his nomination to that office he himself wrote : " I inspired fear in everybody. From the moment of my nomination people packed up. There was talk of nothing but exiles and imprisonments and things still worse. In fine, I believe that news of the plague having arrived on some point of the coast could not have occasioned greater fright than did that of my nomination to the Ministry of Police." On Napo- leon's return from Elba, the Duke was made a peer and put at the head of all the gendarmerie of the Empire. He wanted to accompany Napoleon to St. Helena, but was not allowed to go. Seldom has a crowned head had a slave more willing than de Rovigo. z Iron-mill street. (Rue Moulin-a-fer) in the Marais suburb. How the name Marais came to be given has already been explained. See page 457, note 6. J For trod and mjoll. It is remarkable how Burr sticks to these Swedish words. 4 Rough draft. 469 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr. made to-day, and he promised to bring me a copy on Tuesday morning. Came home through the Jardin des Plantes 1 and the Boulevard, so that I have walked nearly twenty miles to-day, and am not the least fatigued. I grudged Gamp a coach on account of yesterday's extravagance. Jeanette brought me wine, bread, and melon to refresh and heated water for drink. Now I have to write a long letter of business for Jeanette. 30. Rose at 6 and at 7 to Fonzi's, where an hour. Home. Breakfast. Had lent my memorial to M. Pelough, and he had gone out. Dressed for the intended visit to Rovigo. There being a defect in the work of Fonzi 2 , and being without my memorial, resolved to postpone the visit till to-morrow. Din. bro. mjolk. On my way home called at the Lyon and then on Scherer, who had a letter for me. It is from Bollman. The only one from America since October last. 31. Rose at 6. To Fonzi's at 10 and till 12. Then dressed, and to the Due Rovigo's, armed with his note to d'Alberg. The huissier* told me that there were a great number of persons waiting audience ; that it would be very late before I could be received, and recommended me to come to-morrow at i. Din. bro. mik. 1 Le Jardin des Plantes or Museum d'Histoire Naturelle was founded in 1635 by Guy de Labrosse, a celebrated botanist, and was, as its name implies, intended for plants. It was entrusted to Buffon about a century later, who completely transformed it and organized natural history collections. Bernardin de St. Pierre transferred to it in 1793 the animals of the royal menageries of Versailles and other animals. In modern times it has become a very celebrated museum of natural history. 2 Fonzi was Burr's dentist. 3 Usher. 470 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Paris, Sept. i, 1810. Rose at 5, having slept enough, though it was 12 when I couched 1 . At i to Duke Rovigo's. I was the first, and placed in the antechamber. The huissier told me that the audience would not begin till 2. " Why, then, sir, did you bid me come at i ?" " That you might be ready at 2." There came in to the number of forty-seven ; a major- ity women. Two English women sat next to me. At Y Z p. 2 the doors were thrown open, and a buissier cried out, "Mesdames et messieurs , entrez"*. I was quite surprised, expecting we were to be called in one by one, as I had seen practiced by Fauchet 3 and Champigny. We all went in. The Due, in full dress, was at the farther end of the room, and we stood, forming a sort of horseshoe, of which the two ends approached him. He began on his right, and so on, hearing and answer- ing, generally, in about one minute. Some of the women kept him three or four minutes, and some talk- ing on after he had given his answer, till he turned his back and addressed the next. His first question was, " Qui etes vous?"* One very ill-looking fellow he asked, " Etes vous k Colonel Burr?" 5 By which I learned that he had that person in his mind. I shifted my place so as to be last ; but some three or four others, with the like design, got after me. At length my turn came. I announced myself, and told him I had been refused a passport, at which I was the more I A hybrid verb from the French ^yerb couchcr, to go to bed or put to bed. a " Ladies and gentlemen, enter." 3 For Fouche. 4 For "^i etes-vous?" " Who are you >. 5 " Are you Colonel Burr >. " 47 i Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . surprised, as he probably knew the nature of the busi- ness which had brought me to France. " J 'en ai entendu paler mais je ne connois pas les detailes" " Je serais charme, Monsieur, d'un occasion de vous les fair e connoitre. J' ai n ai pas eu le bonheur d 'avoir ete ecoute par un soldat et un autre nest pas capable de juger de mon affaire. Le genie militaire de votre Excellence scaur ait apprecier mes veus et je serais desole de quitte la f ranee sans avoir ete entendu et compris." 1 Then he asked me to walk aside that he might hear it. I told him I had it in writing. " Ah, donnez le moi. Je le lirai avec empressement" i So I drew it from my side pocket and gave it to him, and was going to renew the question of passport. " Ah, nous confer ons de ca aprez j 'aurai lu votre memoir e. Je vous ecrirai pour vous donner rendez- vous particulier en peu de jours;' 1 and turned off to another. So that after all my pains to get an audience, it has amounted to just nothing. It was unlucky, however, that, through ignorance, I should have stumbled on his public day. On any other he gives private audiences to all who are permitted to come in. I like much his appearance and manner. A handsome man, about 42, very prompt and decided, but suffi- ciently courteous ; the appearance of intelligence and good breeding ; all which is better than I had been taught to expect. Got off at 4. To Paschaud's, I "I have heard it mentioned (parler), but I do not know (connais) the details." " I should be charmed, sir, to have an opportunity to make you acquainted with them. I have not had the good fortune to have been heard by a soldier and no other is capable of judging of my affair. The military genius of your Excellency can (saurait) appreciate my desires (voeus) and I should be very sorry (desole) to leave (quitter) France without having been heard and understood." l " Ah, give it to me. ( Donnex-Ie-moi.) I shall read it with eagerness." J " Ah, we shall consult together about that after (cenfereroni de cela afres) I shall have read your memorial (memoire) I shall write (ecrirai) you in order to give you a private interview in a few days." 472 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . where had agreed to meet Vanderlyn at 3. He had been and gone, leaving a note for me to dine with him. Home ; changed my dress, and to Fonzi's ; thence to Vanderlyn's, distant one league, where had a model, not exquisite. After dinner we walked by pon nuf to Pal. Roy. 1 ; parted and I came home, having agreed that he should call on me at 1 1 to-morrow, to arrange about going together to St. Germain's, where is a. fete andfoire*. Crede came to town Thursday ; called on me twice, but missing me, left a note saying that he would be at home all the evening. Called and saw him in the evening. Walked together to the Luxem- bourg gardens, where I staid till he went to make a neg'n j for me. He was successful, and returned. After walking an hour, home at 10. His zeal is great and unabated. 2. Rose at 6. At 9 to d'Alberg's ; gone to the bath. To Valkenaer's, where took a second breakfast and staid an hour. Home at u. Came in Vander- lyn. Walked together by the Thulleries 4 to Port Royal 5 to get a passage for me to St. Germain, Vander- lyn having resolved not to go. Found a carriage with four ; I made the fifth. He wanted but one of his complement. After sitting in the carriage thirty-five minutes, two of the passengers got out of patience, sacred and diabled b , and went to seek some other pas- I For Pont Neuf to Palais Royal. l Festival and fair. 3 Possibly for negotiation ; but financial or amorous f ' P 6 These two hybrid verbs ar^made by Burr, the one from the French verb sacrer, to curse, and the other from the French noun diablt, devil. Hence, they cursed and swore. 473 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . sage. Then came up three who wished to go to Versailles. The coachman asked if any of us within would go to Versailles ; two said no, the third yes. So we two Noes were turned out, and he changed his des- tination to Versailles. After waiting y% hour longer, without being able to get a passage, gave up the jaunt and came home. Just now, 3 P. M., la Jeanette brought me a bowl of soup. Every day some such attention and good office ; and now, at 5, I am going to stroll an hour and fear greatly some accident. I ask your prayers for my safety. Evening. Felicitate me on my safe return. I did, indeed, spend 6 livres, viz., 5 livres 10 sous for a pound of sugar, and 10 sous for fruit. Note: This is the only sugar bought in a month, and it will last me a month, for I use none at breakfast. Have been reading " Tableau de V Amour Conjugal 1 -" par Vernette, two volumes, Paris: 1810. Seeing it announced in several ajficbes 2 , I wondered what could be said on such a subject to fill two vol- umes. Looking at the table of contents, found the heads of chapters inviting, and bought it. A most stupid book. I met in every chapter disappointment and nothing else. 3. Rose at 6. At 9 to Fonzi's, who was abed. To d'Alberg's, who had walked out. On my return bought Eoccace nouvelles librement tr adults par* Mira- beau (who makes everything amusing), eight volumes 1 " Picture of Conjugal Love." 2 Placards. 3 Boccacio's novels freely translated (traduites) by Mirabeau. This was the famous " Deca- merone." Mirabeau'e translation was made during the time of his imprisonment and was pub- lished in 1802. The "Decamcrtnc" consisted of one hundred stories published by Boccacio in 1353, ranging from the pathetic to the licentious. 474 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . duod. Also, Boccace's something, French and Italian 1 , one volume; Rochefoucauld's "Maxims" 1 , one volume ; for the whole paid 12 livres. Then to Fonzi's again. To d'Alberg's ; always frank and kind. He engaged me to meet him to-night at ^ p. 8 at Due Rovigo's, than which, you know, nothing could be more agreeable to me. Thence to Madame Robertson's, where an hour, and took soup. She urged me to dine, which I declined on account of my evening engagement. Went with her in her carriage to see the M'lles Evans ; and thence I called on Swe- diaur, where ^ hour, and then home. Took two eggs for din. To Beret's, coiffeur*, to engage him to call this evening ; but saw only his wife, qui est fort gentill* Home. Made my toilette without Beret. Vanderlyn came in and we walked by way of Pal. Roy. 5 (a route he always prefers a cause desfilles 6 }, A thunder- shower, that is, much lightning, a little thunder, and about ten drops of rain. At the Due's was a great assemblage ; perhaps one hundred gentlemen, and twenty or thirty ladies. Met there the Due d'Alberg, who presented me in form to Due Rovigo. Staid an hour to see the show, with which I was amused, because it furnished something to amuse you. The Due told me he had read my memo.\ and said some I Boccacio wrote many works and it is impossible to conjecture to which reference is here z dC The French title of this work is " Rifltxion, ,u Sentence et Maxim*, Morale, du Due d, la chefoucauld." It was written during the age of Richelieu and had a wide and salutary Rochefo influence. 3 Hair-dresser. 4 Who is very pretty. (Gentille.) 5 For Palais Royal. 6 Because of the girls. 7 For memoire. Memorial. 475 Private J o urn a I of Aaron Burr . civil things. Off at ^ p. 9 and home. Bon soir, chere TV Mem : Took coffee before going out this evening, contrary to all habit, and much afraid of insom., to guard against which have drank a y 2 bottle of wine. 4. The coffee did keep me awake till about 3 ; nevertheless rose at 6. Sor. 9 to Terrien de Riviere's villa, Rue du Temple, about i ^ miles ; out. Then by the quais* to Baron d'Alberg's, Rue Concorde, about two miles. Tan hour. Then to Fonzi's where engaged myself to dine. Home at 2. Read about sixty pages in the " Fiametta " de Boccace\ which found dull, the French being antique and difficult to under- stand. Finding myself drowsy, took a nap in my chair of an hour. To Fonzi's at */ p. 5 to dine. T the famous young , whose father I met there some time ago. Came in after dinner Mons. Isidore and wife and three enf. 4 He had been a year in England as emigre 5 . A very pleasant, well-informed man. Urged me much to come and pass a day with him at Passy, where he resides. This is the first Frenchman who has offered me the slightest hospitality since the 7 mo. I have been in France. Home at 9. Seul y 2 hour with Mr. and Madame Pelough. Coucbe at 12. 5. Lay till 9 to sleep off a headache. In bad order. Took a bowl of tea, but ate not. At i to I For Bon ioir, cbere Theodosia. Good evening, dear Theodosia. i Quays, wharfs. 3 Boccacio's "i 1 Amorosa Fiammetta" an allegory as tedious as it is long, of the amours of Boccacio and Princess Marie. 4 For infants. Children. 5 Emigrant. 476 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . Rovigo's ; gone to St. Cloud's 1 . To Dr. Swediaur's y?, hour ; then walked along the quais an hour, look- ing at the books which are there exposed 2 . They are second-hand books and odd volumes, but so amaz- ingly cheap that it is tempting to buy, but bought none. Saw an edition of Boccace for 6, io 3 , which is 2 livres less than I paid for mine, and which I thought so very cheap ; i livre a volume, there being eight volumes, what cheaper could be desired ? To Fonzi's; engaged. Home and at 4 made breakfast, the head- ache having passed off. Did not go out again. At 8 came in Vanderlyn and sat two hours. To-morrow shall go again to Rovigo's, when it is hoped I may have something to tell you. 6. Coucbe 12. Rose 6. One sound nap. Sor. at 9 to a bookstore in St. Honore 4 , where bought for you and Gamp to the amount of 16, io 5 -just 3 dollars. I mean to buy you about fifty plays of those written since '88. You will see from them much of the change of manners. On my way home changed three guineas. Then to Fonzi's ; engaged. Home and dressed for the Due Rovigo's ; went there at i. Was told by the buissier that he was in council of state, which might last till 4, but advised me to come at 3. Paschaud's bookstore being just by, went there to pass the two hours. At 3 returned to the Due's and, after staying I St. Cloud is a small town on the Seine about six miles southwest of Paris. Napoleon was very fond of this retreat, probably because th v e e r r e n ^ t effected the ""' d "" f November IO ' I7 "'Man Ch travelers' in" Paris^re greatly ^""P^d'as Burr was by the remarkable bargains in old books which are to be had at numerous book-stalls along the Seine. 3 Meaning 6 livres or francs and io sous. 4 Meaning Rue St. Honore. 5 Meaning 16 livres io sous. 477 Private ^Journal of Aaron Burr . an hour in the antechamber, was told that the council might still sit a great while, and that I had better come to-morrow at i . So off to Fonzi's; still engaged. Home. Coffe. 1 and bro. for din. At 7 to Fonzi's, a visit. He is not only a dentiste^ but a man of educa- tion, of talents, and considerable acquirements ; franc et enjoue 1 . I met there, also, a very amiable Spaniard, c. d. prete*\ has passed many years at Constantinople, attached, I believe, to the Spanish embassy. He has great love for personal independence and ease, that he has refused a brilliant place at court, and prefers to learn Fonzi's art. Vanderlyn was there also. Staid till 9, then home, and have read an essay on lotteries, par Bardini. A title full of pretension, but the pam- phlet has very little either of fact or reasoning. Read also one of your plays, " La Famille Americaine"* par le Citoyen Bouilly 5 . Very pretty. Yesterday, no, it was Tuesday, the weather changed, and it is now so cold that I should be glad of a fire ; but to that there are great objections ; for what would become of the fifty plays, and of something, I won't tell what, which I meditate to buy for Gampillo 6 , that will make his little heart kick ? 7. Coucbe y% p. 12. Rose y z p. 6. How divinely I sleep. "Divinely?" Do the gods sleep? 7 1 Probably meant for cafe. Coffee. 2 Candid and merry. 3 For ci-devant fretre. Formerly priest. 4 " The American Family." 5 By Citizen Bouilly. The appellations citizen (citojen) for men and citizeness (citoyenne) for women were universally employed under the Republic for Monsieur and Madame. Under the Consulate these titles disappeared from public acts and official language. 6 Little Gamp or Gampy, Burr's favorite nickname for his grandson. 7 The reader will note Burr's play on the word " divinely,' which is derived from the Latin divinus, belonging to a god. 478 Private journal of Aaron Burr . At 9 to Valkenaer's, where an hour, and took a second breakfast, tea, bro.^ but., and smo. beef shard 1 . To d'Alberg's an hour. Home and dressed for Due de Rovigo's, where at J/ p. 12. The huissier told me that S. E* did not receive to-day. " N'eanmoms faites passer mon nom"* Several others also came in. Was seated with my back to the door of entrance. But the story is too long to write. I will tell it you. The conclusion is, that after waiting three hours, I got sight of his Excellency by force, and demanded my pass- port. " f en at farlai a S. M. avant hier et il a con- senfi, mats il faut que fen -parle au Min. de Rel. Ext'r et je vous enformerai" 4 and turned his back and made his escape. The assurance that H. M. has consented is something, though I am very sorry to say, not much. Words cost nothing here, and there is often an immensity of time and space between the promise of a courtier and the performance. At 4 to Fonzi's and thence to Vanderlyn's, where dined at */ p. 6. We walked together as far as le passage faydeatf and thence I came home. Found a note from Madame R'n, requesting me to dine to-morrow, as being "-prob- ably the last timer Replied yes. On my way from the Minister's, went round by Rue Cadran to Stone's manufactory, and he not being there, to Rue Bondi ; 1 For tea, brod, butter, and smoked beef cut in thin slices. (Shard for shared.) 2 For Son Excellence. His Excellency. elg c" There hin S Paris a short street named Rue Feydeau leading from Rue Richelieu to Rue Montmartre. Burr may mean this; or there may have been an arcade (fassage) of t name. 479 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . out. Left a note which I had written in case of not finding him. The note was rather dry, and may prob- ably terminate our acquaintance. 8. Couche 12. Rose 6. At 9 to Fonzi's. At 10 to Due d'Alberg's, to whom related my interview of yesterday. He advises me to go to his evening party on Monday, and there again press the subject, and he will meet me there. Back to Fonzi's and there till 2. Then at 4 to Fonzi's again and at y% p. 4 walked off to Madame Robertson's to dine. T: Evans r ainee 1 and Madame Menutzi. Staid till 9 and then home. Wrote a note to Crede, who, I fear, is not pleased that I did not pass Sunday last with him as I had engaged. See the " Journal de I' Empire " 2 of this day. The contrast between France and England. Wrote note to Crede which sent by the messagerie* to beg him to advise me of his advent. 9. At 8 came in Mr. Howseal, whom I detained at breakfast, and had a great breakfast below ; coffee, sugar, bro.y butter, eggs, fruit. He staid nearly two hours, and amused me with his adventures. He has only thirteen children, but expects five or six more. At 10 to Fonzi's, where found Vanderlyn, but F. was engaged. Home and read in " Les abus Dans les Cere- monies et Dans les Moeurs" devellopes par Mr. L., auteur du " Compere Mattbieu"* Octavo ; 175 pages. 1 For Tainie. The elder Miss Evans. 2 The " Journal of the Empire." 3 Coach or coach-office. 4 " Abuses in Ceremonies (Ceremonies') and Customs," Developed or Expanded (d'evclofpis) by Mr. L., author of "i Comfere Matthicu " (Godfather Matthew). This was a satirical romance published in 1765 by Abbe Henri Joseph Dulaurens. At its appearance it enjoyed such success that it was attributed to Voltaire. 4 80 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. Imp. a Blois. 2 me an. de la Rep. /r. 1 There is wit in the preface and dedication and some learning in the body of the work, but the subject has lost its interest except as mere matter of curiosity. At 2 to Fonzi's again and there two hours, and got fitted so as to be at ease. For two days past have had much plague and pain with my jaws. Dined with the family to-day, and have not stirred out. Vanderlyn came in at 8 and sat an hour. Had a note from Mrs. Robertson this evening, asking me to draw a power atty. and to dine with her to-morrow ; replied, assenting to both. No reply from Stone. What the devil did he mean by offering me, near six weeks ago, the loan of Hum- boldt's works, and neither to send it nor answer my notes ? This is English. 10. At i o to d'Alberg's. He had heard noth- ing concerning me, but persisted that I should go this evening to Due Rovigo's. Home, and drew and copied a power atty. for Mrs. Robertson. Then at 2 to Fonzi's. Then au Musee* to meet Vanderlyn and to examine the pictures exposed for public inspection. Every two years there is an exhibition and competition for prizes. Every ten years a great exhibition and great prizes. This is both the biennial and decennial exhibition. As I buy the list and explanation of all such things, will give you my remarks when we shall read that over together. At 4, home to dress for dinner and for the evening. As I was obliged to wear 1 For Imfrimi a Blois dans la deuxieme annie de la Rifublique Fran^aise. Printed at Blois in the second year of the French Republic. (The French Republic was founded Sept. 22, 1792. Then began the year I., called by the French Van I. Hence the year II. was at some time in the years 1795-1794.) 2 To the Museum. Private "Journal of Aaron Burr. chapeau bras 1 for the evening, and could not come home from Mrs. Robertson's, was necessitated to take a hack, 32 sous. At dinner, Nancy Evans, Madame, and myself. Mrs. Robertson will certainly marry that young Adamson very soon. Neither she nor Mr. Evans can get passport. You see I am not the single victim. Left Madame Robertson's at y 2 p. 7, and to Due Rovigo. There was an immense crowd ; perhaps one hundred carriages at the door. Was presented to la Duchesse Rovigo, who is a belle Creole 1 '. Met there Due d'Alberg et ux. and was again much amused with the spectacle. The gentlemen all stand. Now and then one advances and says some common- place to one of the ladies. Then retires to the male side. They seem to ennui* themselves quite as much as in England or America on like occasions. I was almost the only person who was laced and galloned 4 . Home at */ p. 9. Observe how very reasonable and sage I have been for ten days. I never spend a livre that I do not calculate what pretty thing it might have bought for you and Gampillo ; hence my economy. ii. Rose at 5. Scarcely light enough to see. There must be something in the air or stars, for the family, who are never stirring till 9, were up at 7. Took my breakfast at 7. At ^ p. 9 to Valkenaer, where took a second breakfast. Last evening I had a note from him, saying that he had something to tell 1 See Glossary. 2 A beautiful Creole. (Creole.) } See Glossary. 4 A hybrid perfect participle from the French verb galonner, to adorn with gold or silver lace. 482 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . me. It was about the Spanish Cap. 1 , but how to get at him I have not yet discovered. To Fonzi's an hour. To Abel's, where paid my account, 59 livres, and exchanged three pr. de has de cot. for tant de filozel and ordered a pattern for culottes en soye noir tricote en maille fixe* a piece of extravagance which you will find venial. Din. with Swan at the Pelasgie', where met my friend McRae, whom I did not recollect, he is so pale and thin. (He married two years ago a young wife.) Not a cent for muse since last Saturday week 4 . Staid but a few minutes. He had heard nothing from V . Engaged to call on him again this week to hear something " important " he had to communicate. 12. Rose 6. At 8 a special messenger from Crede, begging me to call immediately, that he had something very important to communicate. What the devil can it be ? Good or bad ? Or, perhaps, something which I shall consider of no importance at all ? Posted off about a league, and found him wait- ing. The arrival of G. 5 is what he had to tell me, and perhaps it may be important. We shall know to- morrow. Thence about a league more to d' Alberg's ; out. To Fonzi's an hour, and did nothing. Then home to receive Howseal, who was to call with some of his children. He came at 4, and brought M'lle, who is very pretty and gentiP, and three boys, Edward, I Is this for Captain ? . . L For three faires de has d, coton for tant de filoselle, etc. Three pairs of cotton stockings for as many of floss silk, and ordered a pattern for breeches of black silk (sole noire) kiM(trtcotee) in fixed stitch. 3 The Sainte-Pelagie prison. 4 This sentence is crossed out by Burr in the MS. 5 For Mr. Griswold. 6 For gentille. Pretty, genteel. 483 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . , and . We had a little repast of peaches, grapes, bread, butter, cheese, and wine, which cost about 3 livres, and nosegay for M'lle. Staid till 5. Before their arrival, I being hungry, took my fillibonka 1 and ate again with them. Madame P. asked me to dine, as she does almost every day, but I had dined. 13. Rose 6. At 9 to Mr. G.'s ; not up. To Baron d'Alberg's ; not up. Now it seems the air and stars have taken a drowsy turn. Waited at d'Alberg's till he got up, and passed ^ hour. He says that the Due Rovigo told him that Mons. le C. B. 2 might have his passport whenever he would call for it. This was great news ; very great, if true in the event. To Mr. G.'s, who received me very courteously. Began with my business the most awkward of all sorts of busi- ness, F argent! 1 Spoke of his losses, &c., which I knew to be very true. He has been infamously swin- dled by men who hold unmerited estimation in the world. Agreed to take breakfast with him to-morrow at 10, which I shall not forget. To Fonzi's, who was very much occupied. To Saugnier's, sec. de la police generate*, to demand my passeport. He would not see me. These fellows are often more difficult than their masters. Sent in a note to him, and received verbally in reply that he had no instructions from the Duke about my pasport 5 , but would see him on the subject to-day. Thence to the prefecture**, where the passe- i Davis substitutes the word share, z Colonel Burr. J Money. 4 For Secretaire de la Police Generate. Secretary of the General Police. 5 So in the MS. Burr may mean it for the French form, passeport, which he sometimes uses. 6 For prefecture. The office of the prefet or prefect. 484 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . ports are finally had and paid for. The chef du bureau* made me the same reply as Saugnier. Thence on to Pelasgie 1 , where dined with Swan. The important con- cern is about merino sheep. No doubt there is a great deal of money to be made by it, but it it out of my line. Home at 7. To Pelasgie* from my quarters is more than three miles. Vanderlyn came in and sat two hours. Had coffee blanc 1 . I am making an experiment of coffee not burnt, having somewhere read that the burning made the oil acid, which was the cause of the nervous effect. I have drank two large cups. You will know to-morrow how I sleep. Vanderlyn found it detestable, and I confess it was somewhat mawkish. 14. Couche 12. Rose 6, having slept perfectly well, the white coffee notwithstanding. Have taken a large dose this evening, and something stronger than that of yesterday. Found it more intolerable to the taste. Wrote a letter to Duke Rovigo, q. v. y to remind him that he had assured me of his Majesty's assent to my passport ; that I had applied, and the answers I had received. Sent it by a commissionaire ; 1 5 sous. To Mr. G.'s 4 , where took a second break- fast. He let me have 2,000 francs, about 333 dollars, for which I gave a receipt, containing a request for you to pay it, in case I should not pay it within a year. This will enable me to get to America if I should ever get passeport. Passed two hours with G. You know I The Chief of the Bureau or Department Chief. 2, For Sainte-Pelagie. 3 For cafe blanc. Literally, white coffee. 4 Griswold. 485 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . that I have always thought he had one of the most acute, logical heads of our country. To Fonzi's where till 4, doing very little, for we were constantly inter- rupted. Home for an hour and then to Vanderlyn's, where dined. Walked with him to Fonzi's where y z hour. On coming home, met on the Boulevard what he thought a model. He went to take information, and I sagely home, where, having taken my coffee blanc, I have now at y z p. n the honor to bid you good-night. 15. Couche 12. Rose 6. The white coffee maintains its reputation, and I became more reconciled to its flavor. In a little while I shall like it. The dis- advantage is, that it takes double the quantity. Don't imagine that I use it perfectly raw. Not so, Madame. The roasting took me two hours, so afraid was I that it would be spoiled. I succeeded to dry it in an iron machine made for the purpose of " burning coffee," till the whole was nearly a cream color, more nearly approaching very pale cinnamon, or something between both. At 10 to d'Alberg's. He advises that I go again to the Duke's this day, being his day of public audience. Went on to Madame Robinson's 1 , where an hour. Wine and water, bread, butter, and ham. Gamp was hungry. She urged me so much to come back and dine, that I consented. Thence to Saugnier's, secretary of the police. He would not see me, but sent me word by the huissier that he had no instruc- tions about my passeport. Then to Fonzi's an hour, I For Robertson. 486 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . but did nothing. Home, and dressed for the audience of the Minister, and went. Had a few words with him. He said that H. M. 1 had not yet given his signature, but that he would procure it in the course of the next week. Perhaps so. Home ; changed my dress, and to Fonzi's another hour and did nothing. Then to Madame R.'s, where dined. T: Sidney and Madame Menutzi, la mere Evans 1 and James, and Mr. Adam- son came in to tea. Off at 8, and directly home with- out accident, though I had some narrow escapes. While I was in Saugnier's antichambre* there passed a marchand de nouveates et varieties 4 , with whom I had, some weeks ago, been bargaining for an old painting which I had thought of buying. He saluted me very respectfully by the title of baron ; said he had my works which he had read with great pleasure, &c. ; to all which I bowed. Who the devil can he take me for ? Have been taking my caf. blanc^ and reading two hours in some books I have been buying for you, of which shall say more anon. 1 6. Rose 7. Very chilly. A fire would be comfortable. At 10 to Valkenaer's, where took a second breakfast and staid two hours. He is amusing and instructive. To Mr. G.'s ; out. To Fonzi's, and there till */ 2 p. 3. We finished the work 6 , and I believe it is at length perfect. Home. Bro. and cas. I His Majesty. z Mother Evans or Mrs. Evans. 4 For trS^5 d, nwauti, et variiti,. Merchant of novelties and miscellanies. 5 For cafi blanc. 6 Set of false-teeth, probably. 487 Private y o urn a I of Aaron Burr . for din. 1 A packet from Mrs. Robinson and request to dinner on Tuesday ; agreed. Wrote note to Crede, and went out to leave it in case he should be out. To Crede's ; you know, I don't believe you know, though I have told you three times, hussy ; why, then, again, it is a league. Home at ^ p. 6. At 7 came in Vanderlyn and sat an hour. Have taken caf. blanc but san. socer 1 '. 17. Slept sound till 7. What can have produced this lethargy ? Not the white coffee, surely. At ^ p. 9 to d'Alberg's ; told him of my interview of Saturday. Says there must be something more than ordinary. Thence to Roux's ; out, as was said. To the marchand des varietes to look again at that picture, and finally bought it, thinking it would please you ; 48 francs ! What extravagance ! But that is by no means the worst article of this day's work. Thence to Michaux's, the botanist, who was many years in the United States, and has written a valuable little book of his travels. He is now publishing his account of our trees, which will be extremely interesting. It demon- strates that we (not the whole continent but the United States alone) have three times the number of useful trees that Europe can boast; but I will bring so much of his work as is published. I called on him yester- day, but he was out, and out again to-day. Thence to Vanderlyn's, which is near (that is, about a mile), and at i back again to Michaux's, whom I found. My I Bro. for Swedish brad, bread; cas. for German Kaie, cheese, and din. for French diner. Including English, four languages are drawn upon to form this little sentence of five words ! a San. is for French sans, without. Soar may be for Swedish soc&er or French sucre, sugar. 4 88 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . business was to ascertain the identity of a plant and a tree, both vaunted here in medicine, and Mr. M. gave me the most perfect satisfaction. Thence home, but alas ! on my way a p. of dem. 1 , and so 8 francs. How many curses have I heaped on poor Gam., and yet he is rather to be pitied ; only see how for the last fifteen days he has been so good and considering his habits, and considering, &c., &c. And so we will try to for- get it till next time. Got home at J^ p. 2. Smoked my segar. Ate bread and cheese and drank vin and water. Then dressed for dinner. At y 2 p. 4 to Dr. Swediaur's, calling on the Lyon on the way to see my taylor 1 , a great rascal, but if I change I shall get a greater. The porter at the Lyon told me that a gentleman had called there to see me, and she had given him my address. " And, pray, where did you direct him ?" "Why, to No. 9 Rue du Croissant 3 ." Now, as I am at No. 7, she might as well have sent him to the Boulevard Parnasse 4 , and so I have not seen the gentleman. It was, as agreed, a tete-a-tete with Swediaur. The story of William Vance, charged with forgery, to whom Armstrong gave a passport under a feigned name to favor his escape. Of Upson, whom he wished to charge with despatches for Eng- land, but required a receipt for a sum of money not paid. Of ; I don't know, but a great many others. Home at % p. 7- Drank too much wine. Have taken my caf. blanc still stronger. Found, on , This may stand for a pair of dtmiltillti, girls, or dcmire f >, women of questionable charac- ter. 2 So in the MS. 3 Street of the Crescent. 4 For Boulevard du Montparnasse. 489 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . my arrival here, a letter from Scherer and Fringestin, enclosing one from Gahn, open. An apology from S. and F., which was unnecessary, for it is known that all foreign letters go to the police for examination. If you should have written me by the same occasion, the letter has not been delivered. Perhaps you had a few words of cipher ; if so, I shall never see it. But, ah, perhaps that gentleman whom I have not seen had letters for me ! Curse the porteress. Some weeks ago, the 24 sous and 12 sous pieces were, by an im- perial decree, put down to 20 and 10 sous. I paid my quota of the tax, having just then received about twenty of those pieces. There was a publication by authority on the occasion. Then, after an interval of about fifteen or twenty days, the louis, the old crowns and half crowns were reduced. To this, also, I con- tributed, having had the same luck as before. On Friday or Saturday last, the 6-liard 1 pieces (i*/ sous) were put at i sou, or reduced to nothing, as they ought to have been, I don't know which ; of them I had for the first time about forty in my possession ; but as this bore hard on the very poor, the 6-liards were, by a proclamation in the evening, restored to their nominal value, which is a pity. The sooner the old money is out of the way the better, for it makes a deal of intricacy and confusion in dealings, whereas the new is all in decimals like ours ; is also well struck, and very handsome, so that I should very cheerfully pay my quota. I The Hard was a small coin worth a quarter of a sou. The 6-liard piece was, therefore, worth, as stated, i^ sous. 49 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . 1 8. Couche i. Rose 7 something the worse for the dinner of yesterday. At 10 came in Mr. G. and sat till 12. He has a most profound, analytic head. At i to Fonzi's. Thence to Bourgoin, thejoualtier 1 , to order a pair of springs. To the taylor's 2 at the Lyon. Home. Dressed for dinner and off to Mad- ame Robertson's. Was, by appointment, to be there at Y* p. 4 to talk of business. T to dine, M'lle J. Evans and Madame Menutzi, and, after dinner, Mr. Adamson. Staid till 9. Home just before 10. Not permitted to walk through the Thulleries' at that hour. 19. At 10 to Valkenaer's, where took a second breakfast. To Roux's, from whom got the usual answer. To Saugnier's to inquire for a small parcel of books which I supposed I had left there, but found it afterward at Paschaud's. Home. Fillibonke, and at 4 set out on a very long walk to Howseal's, Rue Dore. He had removed to Isle St. Louis 4 , about as much farther. Went on, and there found him and his eight enf. s Home at 7. Tired, and must go to sleep, but will have a supper first. Eggs and white coffee. 20. To Mr. G.'s, where an hour. To Fonzi's, where met Vanderlyn, who told me that Peale will leave town to-morrow for F Orient 6 to sail thence for Philadelphia. Home to write, but could send you I foijtaillier. Jeweler, a So in the MS. 1 This^lanTls one of two islands in the Seine situated in the very heart of Paris ; the other, connected with this by a bridge, is 1'Isle de la Cite, Isle of the City. It is upon this that the celebrated cathedral of Notre Dame is situated. 5 For enfants. Children. 6 A seaport of France. 49 * Private J o urn a I of Aaron Burr . nothing, not knowing any single person in Philadel- phia to whom I could intrust a parcel to you. Yes, J. Barclay now occurs to me, but it is too late, for my letters are gone. One to you, to Bollman, and to Gahn. Vanderlyn called at 8 this evening and we went together to hand the letters. Thence home safe. 21. After writing you last evening, I made draught of a letter for Mrs. Robertson to her lawyer, and did not go to bed till i. Rose 7 and at 9 to Fonzi's, where two hours. Thence home. At 2 set out to go to St. Pelasgie 1 , but found it too late, and so stopped at Vanderlyn's, where, as was agreed last evening, we took an early dinner that we might go to the opera to see the " Eayarderes " z . It was said that the Emperor would be there. On the way from Van- derlyn's called on Crede, whom found, and agreed to breakfast with him to-morrow. Thence to the opera. The decorations and the ballet are magnificent. The * * * * ennuyes 1 everybody, yet in every theatre they have a parcel of rascals hired to applaud everything, from twenty to fifty of them, who are placed in the middle of the paterre*, and are a great nuisance. Home at y z p. 10, and found a note from Madame Robertson, and another from Swan. Just 12. Must coucbe ; have answered both notes. Have not taken my caf. blanc this evening, having no coal; 1 Burr has mentioned the Sainte-Plagie prison several times, but never before with the word St. prefixed. 2 For Bajadires. A name for dancing girls in the East Indies. j The* * * * annoys everybody. Burr's verb is a hybrid from the French verb cnnujer, to annoy, bore. The undecipherable word probably means claque, meaning paid clappers at the theatres. 4 For parterre. 492 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . so consoled myself with milk punch. My uncle Stephen lived on milk punch, and at the age of 86 mounted by the stirrup a very gay young horse, and galloped off with me twelve miles without stopping, and was, I thought, less fatigued than I. On my way from Vanderlyn's called on Crede and agreed to break- fast with him to-morrow morning. 22. Rose 6. The caf. blanc maintains its repu- tation. Was at Crede's just before 9, and there took breakfast. We went together to St. Pelagic 1 , where he left me, and I passed an hour with Swan, talking principally of sheep. On coming home, found the card of Captain Skiddy, with message that he would call again between 3 and 4. Doubtless some Ameri- can captain with a letter from you. Intended to have gone to the Due de Rovigo's, but was tired, and it is a most unpleasant ceremony, and I shall get only the usual answer. At 4 comes in Captain Skiddy. He is from New York ; in the employ of Jamel, and his business is to present for payment an order which I drew on Mr. Alston 4 about fourteen months ago, in Sweden, in favor of Captain Barry, for 80 pounds sterling. Captain Barry sends me word that he had written frequently to Mr. Alston, who has never answered him ! Very pleasant ! To Madame Rob- ertson's to dine at % p- 5- ?' J ane E - and Madame Men. 3 After dinner Madame reproached me in terms which did not please me with machinations against her I Burr has finally almost attained to the correct spelling of this name. It should be Saint, Pelagie, or Ste-P&agie. z Burr's son-in-law. j For Madame Menutzi. 493 Private journal of Aaron Burr. intended match, which is not true. Her expressions were so unkind that I left the room without replying and came off and think I shall not go there again. Home at 8 and did not go out again. 23. Rose 6. At y 2 p. 8, as was agreed, Crede came in to take me to breakfast with his friend Man- cel. A very pleasant young man, who has a very handsome establishment for a gar^on 1 of 25. He meditates to remove to United States, and his younger brother is now there exploring. We had tea, cutlets, and dessert of fruit. Staid till i. A very important discovery has been made here, viz., to make vinegar, of excellent quality, from the sap of any trees. The process gives you all the moisture in vinegar, and all the wood in carbon. I shall get the details if I can find money to pay for it, that is to say, about 100 dol- lars. Walked with Crede to buy a sample of this vinegar; but the store was shut, being Sunday. We went then to see Mons. Cagniard 1 , and his new inven- tion of raising water and performing any mechanical operation. His apparatus is a screw of Archimedes turned the reverse, air, water, and quicksilver. Cag- niard was abroad ; but we saw a model, and worked it, and got the report of a committee of the Institute 3 on the subject. If the thing performs what is said, I will apply it to give water to Charleston. Walked with Crede about half way down St. Denis and then came I Bachelor. z Cagniard de La Tour (1777-1859) was a celebrated French physicist and engineer who performed many notable experiments in physics and became an inventor of considerable repute. 3 Meaning the Institute of France. This great institution is divided into five academies, one of which, the Academy of Sciences, interests itself in all things relating to the mathematical and physical sciences. 494 Private Journal of Aaron Burr. home. Bro. and mjlk. At 4 to Fonzi's ; he was out, but met Vanderlyn to whom gave a commission. Home at */ p. 6. Caf. blanc bien fort. 1 Vanderlyn came in at 8 and sat an hour. A note from Madame R. Very amiable ; must make up. So wrote a very amiable answer, q. v. Poor good soul, she is griev- ously tormented by her lovers and will probably finish by marrying one of them. A note also from Swan. Still sheep! 24. Very early sent off my note to Madame Robertson by the commissionaire 1 , which costs 1 5 sous. At 10 went out to call on Skiddy; met him in the street with Howseal. To Due d'Alberg's ; y an hour; took breakfast a lafourchette\ &c. Madame is hand- some and lovely. They go to Rovigo's to-night, and will ask about my passport. I declined going. On to Madame R.'s. She always keeps me about ^ hour while she makes her toilette. She appeared abbattu*. We did not talk of our quarrel. Coming from Madame's called on Baron Claybrooke, who has returned to town after three months' absence. Home leisurely. Found that Crede had just called. We had agreed that he should call between 2 and 3, and I was home five minutes before 3. He left word he would call again ; and, as I wished much to see him, I staid at home till ^ p. 5 ; but he came not. So wrote him a note, and went and left it at his lodgings, about one league. Home at ft p. 7. At 4 bro. and cos. and I Caf. for cafe. Very strong white coffee. 4 For commissionnaire. Porter. 3 A meat breakfast. 4 For abattut. Depressed. 495 Private "Journal of Aaron Burr . this evening white coffee. Answered Swan's note this P. M. Rumors of changes intended by the Emperor in Spain, in Poland, and in Naples. They are but rumors. Read a memoire 1 on the state of Europe be- fore the discovery of America. 22. To Due d'Alberg's at 10. T breakfast and prateings z with la Due se? He promises to talk with Rovigo of my affairs on Monday evening. To Madame Robertson's ; still dismal. She will finish by marrying Adamson against her own will and judgment. No, all this was on Monday the 24th. I have already written you Saturday but can't find it. But in writing Saturday I forgot to mention (being engaged by the brouille* with Madame R.) the incident of la boifse*. 1 do not find that Montaigne a raison 6 on that subject. 23. Went with Crede to breakfast with his friend Mancel. This I have also written you. 24. See above. We may as well do the thing in gross for I am now writing Thursday evening, 2yth September, 1810. This morning on my return from Madame R.'s called on the Baron de Claybrooke. (This I have also written, but can't find.) Home at 2 to wait for Crede, who had promised to call between 2 and 3. He had called just before 2 and gone. He will as well have called 7 at 8 as at any other hour. He left word he would call again. Waited till 5. He 1 For mimoire. Memorial. 2 So in the MS. J For la Duchesse. 4 Quarrel, disagreement. 5 For la boiteuse. The lame girl. 6 Is right. Does he refer to the great French essayist Montaigne (1552-1591)? 7 So in the MS. 496 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . came not and to his lodgings, which you know, is a league ; nobody at home. Left under the door a note which I had written. 25. At 10 called on Mr. G., where a few min- utes. We searched the code and talked of Bentham, and of vinegar, &c. Thence to d'Alberg's to hear his report. The Minister of Police said that he had made a report to the Emperor of my demand of passport, and had received no answer. Did not know when one might be given ; so that I am just where I was four months ago, only with less money, and the fine season gone. Home. At i sor. and met young Crede. His father left town yesterday, and uncertain when he will be back. Dined at home with the family. To-day a mauv. recant. 1 ; not good ; 6 francs ; bah ! 26. To Valkenaer's, where breakfast a second time, for my first breakfast is generally made at 7. Valkenaer always amuses me. To Mancel's, where YZ hour. He engages me to dine on Friday. The first invitation of any sort from a Frenchman since being in France, now near eight months. On my return home last evening found a note from Vander- lyn, saying that Mr. Warden, by whom I proposed to write to America, would leave town to-morrow morn- ing. Wrote to you, to Gahn, and to Bollman, and to Greenwood the dentiste and at 7 this morning sent a special messenger with the letters to Vanderlyn. At 5 to Vanderlyn's to dine. After dinner we walked by the way of the Thuilleries 1 to Fonzi's, where an hour I For une mauvaise rencontre. A bad rencounter. 4 So in the MS. Burr has great difficulty with this word. 497 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . and thence home, where we took caf. blanc. Took bath before dinner ; 40 sous. 27. Now I have got up with you and will try to keep even 1 . Yesterday called on Sisto, the Spanish mail de languas 2 , to engage him to give me a few les- sons in his language. This morning at 9 he came an4 staid an hour. I would do nothing but read aloud after him, to catch the pronunciation, and translate. Have laid out a louis in grammars, dictionaries, and some other books, for which expense I console myself that they will be useful to you and Gampillo. Wrote you another letter, and one to Hosack, with a parcel for each of you, and went to Vanderlyn's with them. He went to Warden's, who, learning that the letters and parcels were from me, would not take them. Home and dined on fillebonka. After dinner to hunt two or three pamphlets. Home at 6. Caf. blanc. A long visit from Jul. 3 to talk about her business, and to get me to write some more letters. Poor soul, she repeats over her instructions 200 times, for fear I should forget them. Have read this evening Molle- ral's pamphlet on the wood vinegar ; a very important discovery; and Parmentier's on the management of wine ; very stupid and unsatisfactory. To-day bought YZ pound of sir of de raisins 4 , for experiment. It is something like very dirty molasses diluted exceedingly with dirty water. The taste corresponds to the appearance. I can make no sort of use of it. Cost 1 Referring to his Journal, which he had neglected. 2 For French maitrt des langues, or Spanish maestro des lenguai. Language master. 3 For Julie, a woman previously mentioned. 4 Grape sugar. 49 8 Private Journal of Aaron Burr . 12 sous, and 5 sous for the bottle. Grapes are now from 3 to 8 sous a pound, and I eat about two pounds a day. 28. At 10 to Mr. G.'s 1 , where ^ hour talking of vinegar and other projects. Thence to Valkenaer's to get a pamphlet which I had borrowed from d' Alberg, and lent him. He had lent it to a friend^ so I think it is in a fair way to be lost. Thence home to get another pamphlet about vinegar, which I had prom- ised to G. Called again at G.'s, and thence to d'Alberg's, where ^2 hour. Thence to Sisto's to say that I could not take a lesson till Monday. Home and at 3 to Rue St. Denis to buy a toy for Annabella. Got in trouble by the way and spent 6 francs. Home to dress for dinner. Vanderlyn came in and we walked together to Fonzi's and to Marcel's where met Crede and a young Frenchman, Bourdelet, a handsome, intelligent man of about 36. We were five at table. A plain, good dinner, intended to suit my taste. A pleasant, chearful* party. Off at ^ p. 8. Mancel and Bourdelet walked with us, and we took ice creams on the Boulevard. Then parted. Crede and I walked together ^ hour, and agreed to meet at 10 to-morrow morning. On my arrival home, found a note from Swan, containing at last some news from V., but not perfectly satisfactory; also a verbal message from Mrs. Robertson, left by her coachman, begging me to call on her to-morrow morning, and by no means to fail. What the devil can be now in the wind ? It is quite 1 Griswold's. 2 So in the MS. 499 Private 'Journal of Aaron Burr . malapropos 1 , for I am engaged to go with G. to-morrow morning in the country. 29. At 10 to G.'s, where met Crede. Found G. ready for the country jaunt, but asked an hour's delay, that I might go and see what was Madame R.'s distress. Took cabriole' 2 ' (the first time in a month) and drove to Madame R.'s. Found her unusually well, and expecting that I would dine with her, which was the only message by her servant. The rest was the invention of our deaf Jeanette ; so drove back again to G.'s. Having last evening written to Swan that I would call upon him this evening, wrote from G.'s that I must postpone my visit to him till to-mor- row morning. Went with G. in cabriole to see a place he had thought of buying. Passed two or three hours there, and got in town at ^ 5. Took dinner with him at the , a famous restaurateur s on the Boulevard. At 7 we parted. I to F. where met the beautiful Madame C. and her beautiful daughter about 4 years old. " Ma petite, montrez fa piece de mar- riage"*; and she showed it. There were three ladies and four gent. Engaged to pass some hours with F. to-morrow to finish our business. Just as T got home came in young Crede, to say that his father had engaged Mancel to take me out to pass the day at his house at St. Germain's 4 , and to set off at 8. I had 1 For mat a frofas. Ill-timed. 2 A one-horse vehicle. Cabriolet was a lighter vehicle of the same kind. From this word comes our word cab. Cabs, or cabriolets, as they were first called, were not known to the English till 1820. 3 For " montrt ta piece de mariage." A piece de mariage, literally marriage-piece, was ordi- narily a medal of gold or silver given by the husband to the wife during the marriage ceremony. Here it may be called the engagement present. In spite of her slight age the child may have been already affianced. 4 Burr uses these names of places as if they were the names of persons. He should say, of course, at St. Germain. 5OO Private Journal of Aaron Burr . much desired this party, and Crede had made it to gratify me ; but how unfortunate ! What is to be done with my engagements with F. and S ? 30. In my great embarras 1 I resolved to disap- point Crede, though sorely against my will. At 9 called on Mancel to tell him so. He had already gone. Hence to Fonzi's, on whose account I gave up the other engagement. Found him engaged, and the bijoutier* not come. Home to get my permission for the Pelasgie 3 . Thence to the bijoutier s to engage him to go to F.'s ; then to St. Pelasgie, where passed a few minutes with Swan ; thence to Vanderlyn's to meet me at dinner at F.'s; then to F.'s. For these courses took cabriole^ which cost me 3 francs. Note, Madame, it is the first time in a month that I have paid carriage-hire. F. and I did very little ; but we dined and smoked segars. Hernandez and Vanderlyn, and the bijoutier were our party. Vanderlyn came home with me at 8 and we took caf. blanc together. Found on my return home another letter from Gahn, dated 3