University of California Berkeley u [PRICE 1 CENT. POSTAGE 1 CENT. 1 NO. 1--A VISION WHICH MOSES CHASE SAW IN 1849. In the year 1849, I, Moses Chase, had a vision. I saw that I was stand ing upon a moderately elevated ridge of land, and I was facing the east; and saw the Moon it was about two hours high, and about the last quarter. It shone with great splendor, so much so, that I gaged upon it with admi ration, and while I was looking at it I saw it separate and there were two half Moons a few yards apart ; then I wondered with great admiration, and while I was wondering what it meant, suddenly both half Moons became two flaming swords, the hilts were up and the long red and wide blades were pointing down towards the earth; and then I wondered with still greater admiration what could all these things mean ; and while I was look ing at it, I heard a sound like a tornado coming from the north towards tho south ; and as it drew near it roared louder and louder ; and as it came along it struck a CapitoL or Government house and took the entire roof off the north side, and it went down against the tornado and struck the grouud and bounded up, and then the awful tornado took it and dashed it all to shivers;' and it went past me, and was carried up into thick blackness and darkness, never more to be seen again. As the tornado passed on by me it barely grazed my feet and ancles, but did not throw me down. No. 2. THE WORD OF THE LORD. The word of the Lord that came unto the Patriarch Moses, an Israelite of the tribe of Joseph, and of the lineage of his son Ephraim, on the fourteenth day of the second month, called February, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty*eight, at the time when James Buchanan was President of the United States of North America. Behold ! ye people of this generation ! Thus saith the Lord, the almighty God of Israel The Famine, the Pes tilence, and the Sword are close upon thee. No. 3. A VISION. A. * vision which the Patriarch, MOSES CHASE, saw and htard concerning the Qi.government of the United States of North America, and the several States individually, on the third day of the twelfth month, called December, in the yeaf^Qjie, Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-eight. * * The vision of tk$ Almighty came upon me ; and while T was awake, with my eyes shut, I saw, evidently in vision, (a) a very large and exceedingly lofty tree, which exalted itself (6) above all the (c) trees of the forest; and the roots were many, and some of them were very large and strong, and the appearance of the tree was like unto H.^) Columbia poplar ; and near unto it were standing a number of (e) smaller 1 trees of different sizes, and there was one of them (/) had a large and heavy top, which leaned towards the South ; and another of them was (g) an exceedingly, ill-favoured tree, which exalted itself (h) above the large and exceeding lofty tree. And I was commanded to go up into the large and lofty- tree* and s^eak unto it, and unto the other trees, and, where you eannijjgo, there shall you send, and say unto them, "You have exalted your^Iyes above measure, therefore come down, in meekness and humility, before the Lord, and repenXof all your sins and transgressions, and be baptized /or the remission of your siii^. by men who are called of God, and are ordiined unto that authority, and have hands laid on you for the gift of the Holy Ghost, by men who are called of God, and arc ordained unto that authority, and receive the ful ness of my gospel which I have sent unto you : and keep all my command ments, and ye shall be numbered with my covenant people, which are of the house of Israel." And if ye do these things, ye shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire ; but, if yo do not these things, ye shall be brought down, for ye shall sever the union, and set up two governments upon the land, and ye shall take the sward, and shall kill one another. Behold! ye ambassadors of foreign nations! Cursed shall be the na tion that shall interfere with either of the governments that shall be set up upon this land, to help or assist one of them to overthrow and destroy tho other; for they shall bo drawn into the vortex, nation after nation, and kingdom after kingdom; ami they shall wade through blood and carnage, with the curse of the Almighty God upon them ; and they shall reel to and fro like drunken men, and they shall stagger and fall, and shall never rise again . And from the time of the vision unto the consummation and the end thereof, when that which is determined shall be poured upon the desolator, there shall be three score years ; and seven years, according to the years of an hireling. And between these two terminating points shall be the (?') end. (a) The United States Government. (6) In pride and grandeur.' Nations of the earth. (c) (d) Located at the District of Columbia *\\ r t (/) Pennsylvania. ) South Carolina. ffl By rebellion. (i) Full end of all nations. ) State governments, here theie is no vision the people perish PBOV. xxix; 18. [First edition of this issued February, l*.')9. Second edition, April,, This third edition, February 14, 1661.] No. 4. A DREAM. lMtiMre.Dtc.-2X.rn*. 'Last night, I, Moses Chase, had a dream concerning a great convention at Boston, to discuss the matter of severing the Union ; and oae of the del- gate's name was Robertson, (or something like it;) and there were great words spoken; an I South Carolina rebelled and decided the question against -the north, and cut off all intercourse with it. ^*^l N. B.- -The consumption that is determined upon the whole earth will commence at the rebellion o/ South Carolina, which "the Lrd says will eventually. terminate in the death and misery of many souls." No. 5. A DREAM. Baltimore, April, 1860. [, Moses Cha>e, had a dream concerning the Presidential election which will take place this year; and this is the dream: The Black Republicans (as they are called) will get the day and will keep it a thousand years. N. B. It is nothing but a dream, and whether it is prophetic or not, I do not know. The Lord says that the prophet that hath a dream let him tell a dream, (JER. xxiii; 28.) and he that hath my word let him speak my word faithfully. What is tfj^chaif to the wheat? saith the Lord. A VISION. Baltimore, Dec. 6, I860. Last night, I, Moses Chasfe, saw in a vision, a great number of living creatures, (see ACTS x; 11, 12,) many of them were such as [ never *aw before they were a representation of aji the gentile* governments-of men upon the face of the earth and they were collected together in a great mass, and there appeared to bo great commotion and confusion among them. L did not know the object of all tnis until I heard it announ-ced that they had come to the conclusion to destroy one another. When they commenced I saw that the uppermost one (a) was exalted above all the others, and that it was white, and had more light than all of them ; and presently i saw that the upper one had lost a part of itd white substance, and then 1 saw the great mass moving through and through and against each other; and some of the small (6) creatures were about my feet, and I commenced stamping upon them with my right foot, and when I. thought I had Crushed them 1 commenced wiping my foot by drawing the bottom of my shoe upon the ground; and when I thought that I had wiped off all the crushed matter, 1 gave one heavy stamp with my foot, and saw a very ill-favored creature run from my foot into the great mass. It was either a Lizard or an 'Alligator.- It had the appearance and quick motion of a Lizard, but like an Alligator.. It was a devourer of much flesh, and it ran into the bottom of the mass. About midway, and near the bottom of this great mass of living crea tures, I saw one entirely different from all the others ; its body was small, :and of a dark color, and it had very large and long horns, and carried them aiearly perpendicular, and wide apart. It Was very busy in the mass, and I struck at it and it immediately went into the mays and disappeared from any .sight. (a) Unitel States Government. | (b] State Governments. No. 7.-A DREAM. Baltimore, Feb. 4, 1861; Last night, between the hours of twelve and one o'clock, I, Moses Chase; 'dreamed that L was on the top of a steep hill, and 1 attempted to descend by a very narrow footpath on the eastern side of the hill, to a deep valley or gulf below ; and as I descended cautiously until I was near the bottom of the hill, where the path was wet and slippery, my feet slipped and I lan ded in the valley below, .standing erect on my feet. I then heard -two wagoners conversing together ; one of them was from the west, with a wagon load of wheat, and the other from the with an empty wagon, wanting to purchase a load of wheat ; and he proposed to the other to let him liav:ti the wheat, but he objected, and said you had better come over with us, and trade with them who cultivate the wheat. I then heard one say to the other that they had come to the conclusion that, the whole electoral college shall assemble at Boston on the (jth day of April, ,tq come to a conclusion about the affairs of the Union. j n*f> ... No. 8. A DREAM. . Baltimore, Feb. 9, 1861, ' Last night, I, Moses Chase, had a dream concerning the discovery of two planets; and the astronomers set me as watchman, to watch the diurnal revolution of a very small planet in the north-east, in order that they might calculate the length of its years ; and as I was watching, I saw it had per formed one of its diurnal revolutions, but it .was so. indistinct that I could not tell the exact time. It was not only a very small planet, but it was not / round, and it was very dim it had no pure light about it. The color- of it was about the color of a red brick, or little more of a blood red. And while I was watching for another revolution, and thought it was about time for it to make its appearance, I saw something like it, but it was more dim and the time more uncertain than it was before ; and while I was looking with great anxiety, I saw the other new planet in the south-west, and it was a large planet, but it had no light, it being darker than the moon when it is in a total eclipse. I saw that it was inhabited by venomous creatures. and they had horns about as larg-e and as long as an elephant's tusk, No. 9._A VISION, Baltimore, Feb. H, 1861. Between twelve and one o'clock this morning, I, the Patriarch, Me Chase, awoke from a sound sleep, and instantly I was wide awake, with eyes open; and the Lord made himself known to me in a vision (NUMBERS^ xii; 6,) and spoke many words to me concerning aa electoral college ; and I heard Great Britain spoken of in connection with a part of it. I will here* prelate one particular item that I heard very plain and distinct.. "When it ^shall be manifest to the electoral college that the United States cannot re tain the Southern States, then shall the United States cede to tke Southern States the Forts and all other property belonging to the Uaited Stete.3,. within the jurisdiction, of the said Southern States. No. 10, A VISION. Baltimore, Feb. II, 1861. Last night I requested the Lord to open the way for me to have his word! printed which he had given to me by visions and dreams, and after I had a vision this morning between twelve and one o'clock. I slept, and after wards I had another vision. I found myself standing by and conversing* with one of the principal men connected with the Baltimore American, concerning the publishing of the word of the Lord, which he (the Lord/ gave to me, and he said he would do it. I then said unto him febat if he- would do it witjj a pure heart, faithfully as unto the Lord, that the Lord" would shower down a multiplicity of blessings upon him, such as he never experienced before ; (Then there oame down a shower of rain such as I never saw before ; it was a plentiful shower of large drops, but ifc did not wet us ; it came from a pure white light above ; there were no clouds to be seen, and the beauty and grandeur of the vegetation and all things around us were glorious, and it was far beyond any thing that the pefc or tongue can describe in our language ;) but if he, in common with other editors and publishers of both political and religious papers, and Governors of States and Territories, and Ambassadors of foreign nations reject it and lay it not before the people, (especially the word of the lord that oame to me on the 14th day of the second month, 1858, and the vision on the 3d day of the twelfth month, called December, 1858,) that they shall be cursed with a multiplicity of curses such as they never experienced before ; and these cur ses I seal upon them in the name and by authority of Jesus the Great King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Amen. Baltimore, Feb. 14, 1861. MOSES CHASE.