LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO f9 I LPHABETICAL 1ST OF THE Works of Fiction, IN THE Brooklyn Mercantile library. 18 6 9. 5j^ ot -Ntw York It Mercantile Library of the City of Brooklyn. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE OF "WORKS OF FICTION m ENGLISH PEOSE. ..\ PART FIRST-ARRANGED BY AUTHORS. N. B. It is intended to issue, as speedily as possible, lists similar to this of other portions of the Library. In order to facilitate the procuring of books, subscribers ai-e requested to enter on their orders, taken from such lists, the author's name, the first part of the title, and the shelf number. SHELF NO. Ahboit {B. V. and L.) Matthew Caraby. By Benauly 231.41 Abbott {Jacob). [Franconia Storks.'] lOv. ..101.10 Malleville, Wallace, Mary Erskine, ]SIary Bell, Beechnut, Rodolphus, Ellen Linn, Stuj'vesant, Caroline, Agnes. \^Marco Paul's Voyages and Travels.'] 6 v. Adventures in Boston 111.15 Adventures in the forests of Maine 111.13 Adventures in New York 111.11 Adventures in Vermont 111.14 Erie canal 111.12 Springfield armory Ill . 16 \_lioUo's Tour in Europe] 10 t. Vol. 1. RoUo on the Atlantic 111.19 2. in Paris 111.20 3. in Switzerland , 111.21 4. in London 111.22 5. on the Rhine 111.23 6. in Scotland 111.24 T. in Geneva 111.25 8. in Holland 111.26 9. in Naples 111.27 10. in Rome 111.28 A' Beckett {G. A.) Comic history of England. 2 V 111.38 Comic history of Rome 111.40 About [Edmond F. V.) Germaine 112.01 King of tlie mountains 112.02 Man with the broken ear 112 .03 Nose of a notary- 112.04 Adams (C.) Edgar Clifton 112.08 Matilda Lonsdale 112.09 Adams {F. C.) Life and adventures of Maj. Roger Sherman Potter \^fjseudon.] 112.11 Adams {XeUemiah). The sable cloud ; a southern tale 112.13 SHELF NO. Adams{ Wm. T.) [" Oliver Optic."] All aboard; a sequel to the " Boat Club." 112.14 Boat Club ; or, the Bunkers of Rippleton .112.15 Brave old salt ; or, life on the quarter deck. 112.16 Breaking away; or, the fortunes of a stu- dent 112. 1*7 Dikes and ditches ; or, young America in Holland and Belgium ."" 112. 18 Fighting Joe ; or, the fortimes of a staff officer 112.19 Freaks of fortune ; or, half roimd the world 112.30 Haste and waste ; or, the young pilot of Lake Champlain 112 . 20 Hope and have ; or, Fanny Grant among the Indians 112.21 In school and out 1 12 . 22 Little by little ; or, the cruise of the Fly- away 112.23 Make or break ; or, the rich man' s daughter. 113.11 Now or never ; or, the adventures of Bob- by Bright 112.24 Outward bound ; or, yoimg America afloat. 11 2. 25 Shamrock and thistle ; or, young America in Ireland and Scotland 113 . 02 Poor and proud ; or, the fortunes of Katy Redburn 112.26 Red cross ; or, young America in England and Wales. A story of travel and adventure.112 . 27 Rich and humble ; or, the mission of Bertha Grant 112.28 Sailor boy; or. Jack Somers in the navy. 112. 29 Seek and find ; or, the adventures of a smart boy 113.01 Soldier boy ; or, Tom Somers in the army. 113.03 Starry flag; or, the young fisherman of Cape Ann 113.04 Try again ; or, the trials and triumphs of Harry West 113 . 05 1 Fiction. ADA BAL [BrooUyn Adams {Wni. T.) Watch and wait; or, the voung fugitive 113.06 — ^The way of the world 113.07 Work and win; or, Noddy Newman on a cruise 113.08 Yankee middy ; or, the adventures of a naval officer 113.09 Young America abroad 113.12 Young lieutenant ; or, the adventures of an army officer , 113.10 AftiiH {Effic). [^psmidon.'] Eventide 114.01 Jtg {K C.) The young middy; or, the perilous adventures of a boy -officer 123.02 Ar7iold { \V. D.) Oukfield, or, fellowship in the East 123.06 Arthur {T. S.) Hand, but not the heart 123 . 08 Home scenes 123 . 12 2 Arthur {T. S.) Lessons in life 123 . 13 Light on shadowed paths 123 .09 ISIarried life 123. 14 Ott-hand sketches 123 . 15 Our neighbors in the corner house 123.11 Out in the world 1 23 . 10 Seed time and harvest 123 . 16 Stories for parents 123 . 17 Stories for young housekeepers 123 . 18 Tried and tempted 123 . 19 Two wives 123 . 20 Ways of Providence 123.21 Woman's trials 123.22 Words for the wise 123.23 Athern {Anna). Here and hereafter 124.02 Atterly {Joseph). Voyage to the moon 124.05 Auerbach {Berthold). The barefooted maiden. 124.06 Christian Gellert, and other sketches. .. .124.07 Little barefoot. [Same as Barefooted mai- den.] 124.08 On the heights 124.09-12 Professor's lady 124.14 Aunt Haitie. [pseudon.'] Brookside series: V. 1. Hole in the pocket 125.01 2. Stopping the leak 125 . 02 3. Lost but found ; oi-, the Jewash home. 125 . 03 4. Fashion and folly 125.04 A^isten {Jane). Emma 125 . 13 Mansfield park 125 . 14 Northanger abbey ; a novel 125.15 The same. [ With Pride and prejudice.] . 125 . 16 Pride and prejudice . . .125. 16 Sense and sensibility, 125.17 Austin {3frs, J. G.) Dora Darling 125 . 19 Outpost 125.20 Avert/ {S. P.) Harp of a thousand strings; or, laughter for a life time 125.26 Mrs. Partington's carpet bag of fun 125.27 Azcqlio {M. d'). The challenge of Barletta. ... 172 . 10 Baicer {Mrs. H. N. W.) [Mrs. M. Leslie.] Howard and his teacher 131 .03 Live and learn 131.09 Play and study 131.04 Motherless children 131 .05 Trying to be useful 131.06 Up the ladder; or, striving and thriving. 13 1.07 Baker {S. W.) Cast up by the sea 131 . 12 Baldwin {F.) Two brides; or, the French cha- teau and the English home 131.13 Baldwin {J. G.) Flush times of Alabama. . . 131.15 Ballantyne (R. M.) Coral island. A tale of the Pacific Ocean 131.17 Dog Crusoe. A tale of the western prai- ries 131.18 Fighting the flames. A tale of the fire brigade 131.19 Freaks on the Fells ; or, three months' rus- tication 131.20 Gascoyne, the sandal-wood trader 131,21 Gorilla hunters 131 . 22 Hudson's bay ; or, life in the wilds 131 . 23 Lifeboat ; a tale of our coast heroes 131 . 24 Red Eric ; or, the whaler's last cruise, . . .131 . 25 Silver Like ; or, lost in the snow 121 .28 Snowflakcs and sunbeams ; or, the young fur traders 131 . 26 Ungava 131 .27 Balzac {Honor e de). The alchemist; or the house of Claea 132 . 01 The greatness and decline of Ce.sar Birot- teau 132.02 Eugenie Grandet; or, the miser's daughter. 132. 03 Merc. LH.'\ BAL B UL Fiction, Balznr (Honore de). Petty annoyances of mar- ried life ". 132.04 Banvard (Joseph). Priscilla ; or, trials for the truth 132.07 Barhauld {Mrs A. L.) Stories, fables, and moral pieces, in prose and verse 132 . 08 Barham (B. H. D.) Ingoldsby legends 132 . 10 My cousin Jficholas 132 . 12 Barnes {J.) Green mountain traveler's enter- tainment 132.17 The old inn 132.18 Barnes ( C. M. S.) Maiden aimt. [anon.] 132 . 20 Use of sunshine. [«woti.] 132 .21 Bartol (M.) Honor May. [aiion.] 213.65 Barton (K) lo. A tale of the olden fane .... 133 . 03 Beach (Charles). Lost Lenore; or, the adven- tures of a rolling stone 133 . 04 Beale (Aniia). Simplicitj' and fascination. . . .133.05 Beck-ford ( W.) Vathek. An Arabian tale 1 33 . 07 Bede (C.) See Brad/ey (E. ) Beecher (Henry Ward). Norwood ; or, village life in Xew England 133.08 Beecher (Mrs. H. W.) From dawTi to daylight; or, the simple story of a western home. [anon.'] 133.10 Bell (Cafh. D.) Kenneth and Hugh; or, self- mastery 133 . 15 Margaret Cecil 133.21 Bennett (Miss Martha H. B.) Leisure moments.133 . 18 Pastimes with my little Mends 133.16 Bergerac (S. C. de). Comical history of the em- pires of the moon and sun 133 . 19 Bird (B. M.) IS'ick of the woods 134.02 Blessinr/ton (Marcfjierite Power, countess). Coun- try quarters. 2 v .- 134.05-06 Clouded happiness 134 . 07 Gossip's week. 2v 134.08-09 Marmaduke Herbert. 2 v 1 34 . 10 Memoirs of a femme de chambre 134 . 12 Meredith 134.13 Strathern. 2 v 134.14-15 Works 134.16 Contents: Confessions of an elderly gentleman. Confessions of an elderly lady. Repealers. Two friends. Victims of society. Boccaccio ( G.) Decameron 135 . 01 Borrow ( George). Lavengro : the scholar, the gypsy, the priest 135.03 Romany Rye. A sequel to Lavengro .... 135 . 07 Bowman (Anne). Bear-hunters of the Rocky mountains 135.09 Esperanza 135 . 10 Kangaroo hunters 135.11 Brachvoyel (A. E.) Beaumarchais. An his- torical novel ..,=..135.15 Brackenridge (H. H.) Modeon chivalry 135 . 13 Braddon (M. E.) Aurora Floyd 135 . 19 Birds of prey 135 . 20 Charlotte's inheritance 135 . 21 Dead-sea fruit 135.33 Diavola ; or, nobody^'s daughter 135 .22 Doctor's wife 135.23 Eleanor's victory 135 . 24 John Marchmont's legacy 135 . 25 Lad}' Audley's secret 135 . 26 Lady Lisle 135 . 27 Lady's mile 135.28 Only a clod 135.29 Oscar Bertrand 135 . 34 Braddon (M. E.) Outcasts 135.35 Rupert Goodwin 135.30 Sir Jasper's tenant 135.31 Three times dead ; or, the secret of the heath 135 . 32 Bradford ( Annie C.) Nellie Bracken. A tale of forty years ago 141 . 10 Bradford (Sarah H.) Linton family 141 .09 Bradley (Edvard). ["Cuthbert Bede."] Ad- ventures of Mr. Verdant Green 141 . 13 Xearer and dearer. A novelette 141 . 12 Bradi) (James T.) Christmas dream 141 . 15 Brih'at (A. de). Jean Belin 141 . 10 Bremer (Frederika). A diary. The II. family. Axel and Anna, etc 141.18 The Easter-offering 141.17 Father and daughter 141 . 19 Four sisters 141.20 The Home, and strife and peace 141 . 21 The Neighbors, and other tales 141 . 22 The President's daughters; including Nina 141.23 The same. Part 2. Nina 141.24 Brewster (Anne M. H.) Compensation; or, al- ways a future 142 . 01 St. Martin's summer 142 . 02 Bright (Miss ). Margaret : a story of life in a prairie home. By Lyndon. [j)S€udon.].H2.G4: Bristed ( C. A.) The upper ten thousand 142 . 05 Brock (Mrs. Carey). Home memories 142.07 Bronte (Anne). ["Acton Bell."] Agnes Grey. 142. 14 Tenant of Wildfell hall 142. 13 Bronte (Charlotte). ["Currer Bell."] Jane Eyre 142 . 09 The professor 142.10 Shirley 142.11 Villette 142 . 12 Bronte (Emily). ["Ellis Bell."] Wuthering heights 142.1.5-16 Brooke (Henry). The fool of quality. 2 v. ... 142 . IS Brooks (Shirley). Aspen court » . . .142.20 ■■ Gordian k-not 142.23 Silver cord 142 . 21 Sooner or later 142.22 Brougham (John). A basket of chips 143.01 Bunsby papers 143 . 02 Brown (Charles B.) Arthur Mervyn. Memoirs of the }-ear 1793. 2 v 143.05-6 Clara Howard ; or, the enthusiasm of love. 143. 07 Edgar Huntley ; or, memoirs of a sleep- walker 143.08 Jane Talbot 143 .09 Ormond ; or, the secret witness 143 . 10 Wieland ; or, the transformation 143 . 1 1 Brown (C. F.) Artemus Ward. His book. . . 143. 13 Artemus Ward in London, and other pa- pers 143. 14 Artemus Ward. His travels 143 . 15 Bromi (John, M. D.) Marjorie Fleming. A sketch 143.18 Brown (Tom). Beauties in prose and verse ... 143 . 20 Brownson (0. A.) Charles Elwood; or, the in- fidel converted 143 . 24 Bruce (Mrs. E. M.) A thousand a year 143 . 25 Brnnton (Mary B.) Self-control 143 . 27 Bui finch (T.)^ Age of fable; or, beauties of mythology 143.29 Legends of Charlemagne 143 . 30 Bulwer \E. G. E. L. Bulwer Lytton]. Alice ; or, the mysteries 144.01 Calderon, the courtier. ( iri//t Leila) 142.15 Caxtons 144.02 3 Fiction. B U L C LA [BrooMyn Bulufeury {J. F.) Naughty boys; or, the sufferings of Mr. Deltiel 1 52 . 18 Chanter ( Charlotte). Over the cliffs 152.20 Charles {Mrs. Elizabeth). Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family. [anon.'\ 1'53 . 10 Cripple of Antioch , and other scenes from Christian life in early times 153 .04 Diary of Brother Bartholomew, a monk of the abbey of Marienthal, in the Odenwald, in the twelfth century 153.07 Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan 153.08 The Draytons and the Davenants. A story of the civil wars 153 . 05 Early dawn ; or, sketches of Christian life in England in the olden time 153.06 The martyrs of Spain, and the liberators of Holland 153.16 Mary, the handmaid of the Lord 153.09 On both sides of the sea. A story of the commonwealth and the restoration 153 , 11 The song without words 153.15 Tales and sketches of Cliristian life 153.12 Contents : Brother Bartholomew. Maria and Cleon. Sketches of the Reform. In Italy. Sketches of the United brethren. Two vocations ; or, the sisters of mercy at home 153.13 Winifred Bertram, and the world she lived in 153.14 Charlesworth {Maria L.) Ministering children . 153 . 19 The ministry of life 1 53 . 20 Chateaubriand {F. R. de). The martyrs 153 . 22 Chesebro' {Caroline). Children of light 153 . 27 Dream-land by daylight 153 . 28 Isa. A pilgrimage 153 . 29 Peter Carradine ; or, the Martindale pas- toral 154.01 Philly and Kit 154.02 Victoria ; or, the world overcome 154.03 Child {3frs. L. M.) Philothea. A Grecian ro- mance 1 54 . 06 The rebels ; or, Boston before the revolu- tion 154.08 Romance of a republic 154.07 Church {Florence Marry cd, Mrs. Ross-). The confessions of Gerald Estcourt 154.13 For ever and ever 154.14 Love's conflict 154.15 Temper 154.18 Too good for him 154 . 19 Woman against woman 154.20 Clare {Ada). [pseudon.'\ Only a woman's heart 155 . 03 Clark {L. Gaylord). Knick-knacks from an editor's table 155 .06 Clarke { Charles). Beauclercs : father and son . 1 55 . 07 Clarke {E. G. H.) Lovers and thinkers. By Hewes Gordon. [pseudon.~\ 155.08 Clarke (Mrs. M. C.) Girlhood of Shakspeare's heroines. 2 v 155. 10-1 1 The iron cousin 155. 12 Merc. Lib.'] CLE. D AR Fiction. Clemens {Jeremiah). Bernard Lyle. An his- torical romance 155 . 1*7 Mustang Gray. A romance 155 . 18 Rivals. A tale 155.24 Clemens {S. S.) The celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras county, and other sketches. By Mark Twain, {jysevdon.'] 155.19 Clive {C.) Paul Ferroll. [anon.'] 155 . 22 Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife. \anon.].\ba . 23 Clyde [Alton). Tried and true 155 . 28 Cobb {Sophia D.) Hillsboro' farms 155.31 Cockton {Henry). Love match 161 .01 Percy Effingham 161.02 The sisters ; or the fatal marriages 161 . 03 Stanley Thorn 161.06 The steward; a romance of real life . . . .161 .04 Sylvester Sound 161 .05 Valentine Vox 161.01 Coffin {Charles Carlefon). Winning his way. .161 .09 Coffin {E. B.) Cakes and ale at Woodbine. By Bari-y Gray, [jpseudon.] 161.11 Matrimonial infelicities 161.12 My married life at Hillside 161.13 Out of town ; a rural episode 161 . 14 Coggeshall { W. T.) Everglade heroes 161.18 — ^ Stories of frontier adventure in the south and west 161.19 Cole {Miss Miriam). Frank Warrington 161.21 Louie's last term at St. Mary's 161.22 Roundhearts and other stories 161.23 Rutledge 161.24 St. Philips 161.25 Sutherlands 161 . 26 Collins {A. M.) Mrs. Ben Darby 162 . 01 Collins ( Wilkie). After dark 162.02 Antonina ; or the faU of Rome 162 . 03 Armadale 162.04 Basil 162.05 Dead secret 162.06 Hide and seek 162.07 Moonstone 162.13 No name. 2 v 162.08-9 The same 162.10 Queen of hearts 162.11 Woman in white 162.12 Coningsby { Christopher). Sheltern 163 . 02 Conybeare { W. J.) Perversion .163 .05 Cook {Duft07i). The prodigal son 163 . 07 Cooke {J. E.) EUie ; or the human comedy.. .163.09 Fairfax ; or the master of Greenway Court; a chronicle of the valley of the She- nandoah 163 . 10 Henry St. John, gentleman 163 .11 Last of the foresters 163 . 12 Mohun ; or the last days of Lee and his paladins 163 .-17 Surry of Eagles nest 163.13 A^'irginia Comedians, 2 v 163 . 14 Youth of Jefiferson 163.16 Coojyer (./. F.) Afloat and ashore 163 . 19 Bravo 163.20 Chainbearer ; or, Little page MSS 163 . 21 Crater ; or, Vulcan's peak 163.22 Deerslayer ; or, first war path 163 . 23 ■ Headsman ; or, the Abbaye des Vignerons.163 . 24 Heidenmauer 163.25 Homeward bound 163.26 Home as fovmd 168 . 27 Jack Tier; or, the Florida reef 163 . 28 Last of the Mohicans 164 . 01 Lionel Lincoln ; or, the leaguer of Boston. 164 . 02 Mercedes of Castile 164.03 Cooper {J. F.) Miles Wallingford; sequel to Afloat and ashore ._. 164.04 Monikins 164.05 Ned Myers ; or, life before the mast 164.06 Oak openings ; or, the bee hunter 164 . 07 Pathfinder 164 . 08 Pilot; a tale of the sea 164.09 Pioneers 164.10 Prairie 164.11 Precaution 164 .12 Red rover 164.13 Red skins; the conclusion of the Little- page MSS 164 . 14 Satanstoe ; or, the Littlepage MSS 164. 15 Sea lions; or, the lost sealers 164 . 16 Spy 164.17 Stoi'ies of the sea 164 . 18 Stories of the woods 164.19 Two admirals 164.20 Water witch 164. 21 Ways of the hour 164.22 Wept of Wish-ton-Wish 164 . 23 Wing and wing 164.24 Wyandotte 164.25 Cooper {T.) "Wise saws and modern instances.165.01 Coppard (S. S.) Katharine Douglas; or, prin- ciple developed 165.05 Corbin {3frs. Caroline Fairfield). Rebecca; or, a woman's secret 165.06 Cornwallis {K.) Pilgrims of fashion 165.09 Cornyn {J. K.) Dick Wilson, the rumseller's victim 165 . 08 Cottin iS, K.) Elizabeth; or, the exiles of Si- beria 165.11 The same 244.73 Coulton {3Iiss). Hay-time to Hojiping. [anon] . 165 . 13 Coventry {F.) History of Pompej^ the little. . . 165 . 14 Cozzcns {Frederick S.) The saj-ings of Dr. Bushwacker and other learned men 165 . 15 Sparrowgrass papers . . 163.16 Craik { Georgiana M.) Faith Unwin's ordeal. . 165 . 19 Leslie TyrreU 165.20 Mildred 165.21 Crane {Annie Moncure). Emily Chester. [anoH.]. 165. 22 Opportunity. [a/?o».] 165.23 Croly { George). Marston ; or, the memoirs of of a statesman 165 . 26 Salathiel, the immortal 165 . 27 Tales of the great St. Bernard. 3 v 165 . 28 Crosland {Mrs. N.) Hildred, the daughter ... 163 . 32 English tales and sketches 165 . 33 Lydia ; or, a woman's book 165 . 34 Crowe {C.) Linny Lockwood 171.01 Groxall {Samuel). Select collection of novels and histories. 6 v 171.02 Cruikshank {George). Three courses and a dessert 171 .08 Cummins {Maria S.) El Fureidis 171 . 10 Haunted hearts 171 .11 The lamplighter 171.12 Mabel Vaughan 171.13 Curling {H.) Shakspere: the poet, the lover, and the man 171.16 Curtis {Georqe IF.) Potipher papers 171.20 Prue and 1 171 . 21 Trumps : 171.22 Bolton { \Vm.) Tiger prince 171 .26 War tiger 171.27 White elephant; or, the hunters of Ava. . 171 .21 Daniels {Mrs. Mackenzie). Elsie's married life.171 .31 Marrying for money 171 . 32 B'Arblay {Frances Burney). Evelina 171 . 34 5 Fiction. DAS^ D UM [BrooTclyn Dasent{G. W.) Story of Gisli, the outlaw... .171.38 Popular talcs from the Norse 171 . 39 Davix(V. E. R.) A christmas story 171 .42 Davis {J.) First settlers of Virgiuia. A his- torical novel 171.41 Davis (Mrs. R. H.) Dallas Galbraith 172.02 Marijaret llowth 172.01 ■\Vaitinsx for the venlict 172.06 Dai) {Thomas). Ilistory of Santlford and Mer- ton 172.00 De Foe {Daniel). Novels and miscellaneous works. 20 V 5032.01 Contmts : Captain Singleton, v. 3. Colonel Jack, v. 5. Life and adventures of Mrs. Christian Davis, v. 8. Life of Mr. Duncan Campbell, v. 19. Memoirs of a cavalier [Col. Andrew New^iort], V. 6. Memoirs of Capt. George Carleton, v. 8. Moll Flanders, v. 4. New voyage round the world, v. 7. Plague in London, v. 9. Robinson Crusoe, v. 1, 2. Roxana; or, the foi-tunate mistress, v. 11. Robinson Crusoe 172 . 1 1 De {J. W.) Seacliffe; or, the mystery of the Westervelts 172.12 Miss RaA'cnel's conversion from secession to loyalty 172 . 13 De la Rama { ). Beatrice Boville and other stories 172.15 Cecil Castlemaine'sgage, Lady Marabout's troubles, and other stories 172.16 Chandos 172.17 Held in bondage. A tale of the day 172 .18 Idalia 172.19 Randolph Gordon, and other stories 172.20 Strathmore; or, WTOUght by his own hand 172.21 Tricotrin ; or, the story of a waif and stray 172.23 Under two flags ." 172.22 Denison {Mrs. M. A., wife of C. W.) Gracie Amber 173 . 04 OldHepsy 173.06 The lover 3 trials 173 .05 Dc Quincey {Thomas). The avenger, and other papers 172.27 Klosterheim ; or, the Masque 172 . 28 Spanish nmi, and household wreck 2522.16 De Vigny {Alfred). Cing Mars: an historical romance 172.30 Dcrbi/ {George H.) Phcenixiana; or, sketches and burlesques 173 .08 The Squibob papers 173.09 Derrick {Francis). Mildred's wedding: a family history 173 . 12 De Witt {Madame). A French country family .173.11 Dickens {Charles). Barnaby Rudge 173 . 14 The same. 2v 173.15 Bleak house 173 . 19 The same. 2 v 173.17 Child pictm-es from Dickens 173.20 Christmas books 173.21 Christmas Carol, as condensed by him- self for his readinn;s 174.24 Christmas stories 173 . 22 David Copperfield. 2 v 173.25 The same 173.24 Dr. Marigold's prescriptions : new Christ- mas story 174.31 Dombey and son. 2 v 173.27 6 Dick-ens {Charles). The same 173.29 — Great expectations 173. 30 — Hard times. [In New stories.] 174.04 — The same 173.16 — Lamplighter's story, and other nouvei- lettes 173 . 36 — Little Dorrit. 2 v * 173.31 — Martin Chuzzlewit. 2 v 173 . 33 — The same 173.35 — ^lessage from the sea ; and the uncom- mercial traveler 174 . — jNIrs. Lirriper's legacy 174. — Mrs. Lirriper's lodgings 174 . — New stories ; iucludiug Hard times 174. Nicholas Nickleby 174. The same 174 . Cld curiositj" shop. 2 v 1 74 . The same 174 . No thoroughfare 173 . Oliver Twist 174. The same 174 . Our mutual friend. 2 v 174. The same 174 . Picnic papers. 3 v. in 1 174 . The same 174. Pickwick papers 174 . The same. 2 v 174 . Sketches by Boz. 2 v 174. Somebody's luggage . . .f 174. Tale of two cities 174 . Tom Tiddler's ground 174 . Dickinson {Anna E.) What answjr? 174. Dinr/ehtedt {Franz). The Amazon 174. Disraeli {Benjamin). Alroy 175 . Coningsby. 175. Contarini Fleming 175 . Sybil 175 . Tancred. 2v 175. Works of fiction 175 . Contents : Vivian Grey ; Young duke ; Con- tarini Fleming ; Wondrous tale of Alroy ; Rise of Iskander; Henrietta Temple; Yenetia. Dodye {Mary AlAgail). Red-letter days in Applethorpe 175. Dodye {M. E.) A few fi-iends, and how they amused themselves 175. Hans Brinker 175. Dorr {Mrs. J. C. R.) Lanmere 175 . Doiiylas (R.) Adventures of a medical stu- dent 175. Douglass {Amanda M.) Claudia 175 . In trust; or, Dr. Bertram's household. . .175 Stephen Dane 175 Drury {Anna H.) Deep waters 175 . Light and shade ; or, the young artist. . . 175 , Misrepresentation 175 , Duduvant{Madame A. L. A. D.) [George Sand.] Consuclo 175 . Coimtess of Rudolstadt 175, Fanchon, the cricket 175, First and true love 175 , Indiana 175, Jacques 175, Mile. Merquem 175 Duyanne {A. J. H.) The fighting Quaker 175 The tenant house ; or, embers from pov- erty's hearthstone 175.36 Dumas {Alexandre). Amaury 175.37 Andree de Taverney 175 .38 Ascanio; or, the sculptor's apprentices. .175.39 Castle of Soudet 175.40 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 09 37 12 14 15 17 18 19 21 22 26 28 29 30 38 37 01 02 03 05 06 09 Merc. Lib.] D UM- FO U Fiction. Dumas {Alexandre). Chevalier d'Harmental ; or, love and conspiracy 1*75 .41 Conscript ; a tale of war 175.42 Count of Monte Christo 175.43 [ Countess of Charny ; or, the fall of the French monarchy ; being the continuation of the "Memoii-s of a physician," "Queen's | necklace," and " Six years later " 175 .45 i Diana of Meridor ; or, the lady of Mon- | soreau 175.46 [ EdmondDantes; sequelto Monte Christo. 175.44 Foresters 181 . 01 1 Forty-five guardsmen 181 . 02 Horrors of Paris ; or, the flower of the ! Faubourg 181 . 17 Iron hand ; or, the knight of Maiileon. . . 181 .03 Iron masque ; or, Raoul de Bragelonne. . 181 .04 Isabel of Bavaria ; or, the chronicles of France for the reign of Charles VI 181 .05 Louisa la Valliere ; conclusion to Iron mask 181.06 Marguerite de Valois 181 .07 Memoirs of a physician 181 . 08 Mohicans of Paris 181 .09 Queen's necklace ; sequel to memoirs of a physician 181.10 Six years later ; or, the taking of the Bas- tile 181.11 Three musketeers 181.12 Twenty years after 181.15 Twin lieutenants ; or, soldier's bride. . . . 181 . 16 Vicomte de Bragelonne. 2 v 181 . 18-19 Dumont {Mrs. J. L.) Life sketches 181.21 Dunlap { W.) Memoirs of a water drinker .... 181 . 20 Dupuy {A. E.) The conspirator 181 .22 The country neighborhood 181 . 23 The planter's daughter. [a?iOH.] 241 . 35 Etkn (-£".) The semi-attached couple. [«?to?t.]. 181 .24 The semi-detached house. [a«on.] 181 . 25 F'jan (Fierce). Lady Maud 181 . 27 Pilgrims of the Thame? 181 . 27 Edgev:orih {Maria. ) Frank 182.01 Harry and Lucy. 2 v 182.03 Moral tales. 2v 182.05 Parent's assistant 182.07 Popular tales. 2 v 182.08 Rosamond, and other tales 182 . 10 Tales and novels. 20v. inlO. V. 1. 10. Castle Rackrent; essays on Irish buUs,d:c 182.11 Moral tales 182 . 12 Moral tales 182.13 MancEUvring; Almeria ; Vivian ... .182.14 Absentee ; Madame de Fleury ; Emilie de Coulanges ; Modern Griselda ...182.15 Belinda 182 . 16 Leonora , letters on female education. 182. 17 Patronage ; comic dramas 182 . 18 Harrington ; thoughts on bores ; Or- moud'. 182. 19 Helen 182.20 Edwards {Mrs. A. B.) Archie Lovell 182 . 21 Barbara's history 182.22 Half a million of money 182 . 23 The same. 2 v 182.24-5 Hand and glove 182.26 The same 182.27 Ladder of life; a heart history 182.28 :Mis3 Carew 182 . 29 My brother's \N-ife 182.30 Steven Lawrence, yeoman 182.31 Edwards {M. B.) Dr. Jacob 182.40 Eilvart {Mrs.) The curate's discipline 183 . 03 Eliot {George). See Evans {M. A.) Ellis (Mrs. S. S.) The brewer's family .-183 .05 Look to the end ; or, the Bennets abroad 183.06-7 Hearts and homes 183 . 08 Pictures of private life. 3 v 183 .09-1 1 Elton {Sir H. H. ) Below the surface 1 83 . 14 Emhm-y {E. C.) The blind girl; with other tales 183 . 17 Glimpses of home life 183.18 Pictures of early life 183 . 19 Erckmaiin-Chatrian (MM.) Madame Therese ; or, the volunteers of '92 183.22 Story of a conscript : a story of 1813 .... 183 . 23 Ecans {Augusta J.) Beulah 183 . 27 Inez : a tale of the Alamo 183 . 28 Macaria 183.29 St. Elmo 183.30 Evans {Mary A.) [Mrs. G. H. Lewis.] Adam Bede. By George Eliot [jjseudon.'] 184.01 Felix Holt, the radical 184.02 Mill on the floss 184 . 03 Romola 184 . (i4 Silas Marner 184.05 Scenes of clerical life 184 . 06 Ewald{H. F.) The story of Waldemar Krone's youth 184.11 Eyster {Nellie). On the wing; sumiy hour series 184.14 Farnham {E. W.) Eliza Woodson; or, the early days of one of the world's workers. . .191.03 The 'ideal attained ; being the story of two steadfast souls 191 .04 My early days 191.05 Farquharson (Martha). CaseUa; or, the chil- dren of the valley 191.06 Elsie Dinsmore 191.08 Holidays at Roselands ; a sequel to Elsie Dinsmore 191.07 The Shannons ; or, from darkness to light 191 .09 Farrar {Frederick W.) Eric; or, little by little. 191. 11 Julian Home ; a tale of coUege life 191.12 Fay{T. S.) Norman Leslie 191.14 Ftuelon {F. de S. de La M.) Telemachus 191 . 17 Fcrriar (Miss Mary). Destiny ; or the chief's daughter. 3 v 191.19 Marriage. 2 v 191 . 22 The inheritance. 3 v 191 . 24 Fcuillet {Octave). Camors; or, life imder the empire 191.27 Romance of a poor young man 191 . 28 Field {Mrs. Anna A.) Asphodel, [anon ] ... 192 . 03 Field {Margaret). Bertha Percy; or, I'csper- ance 192.04 Fieldim, {Henry). Amelia 192 .07 Jonathan" Wild 192.08 Joseph Andrews 192 . 08 Tom Jones 192 .09 Fletcher {Miriam). The Methodist. 2 v ... 1 92 . 1 9-20 Fonblaitque {Albany, Jun.) A tangled skein . . 192 . 21 Forester (Francis). See Lanceieood {L.) Foscolo { Ugo). Letters of Ortis 192 . 24 Fouque { F. H. K. de La Motte). Four Seasons ..192.25 Contents : Aslauga's knight. Sintram. Two captains. Undine. Minstrel love : a romance 192 . 26 Romantic fiction 192 . 27 Thiodolph, the Icelander 192 . 28 Fiction. F U- G UE [BrooTclyn FoHque{F. II. K. de La Motlc). Uudinc ami Sin- tram 192.29 Wtlil love, and other tales 192 . 30 Freelance (Radical, Exq.) \^psc>(don.'\ The phi- losophers of Foufouville 193 .05 Frei/iaff (Gustave). Debit and credit 193.02 Fuller [J. G.) The Brownings ; a tale of the great rebellion 193 . 06 Fidlerton (Ladi/ Georgiana). Ellen Middleton . 193 . 08 Grantleymanor. 2 v 193 . 09 Ladv biVd 193.11 Stormy life 193.12 Too strange not to be true 193.13 FuUom (S. W. ) Daughter of night 193 . 17 Ftirxcss ( 11''. //.) Julius, and other tales, from the German 193.19 Gaffc (Mi's. Frances Dana). Elsie Magoon ; or, the old still-house in the hollow 193 . 20 Gait (J.) Annals of the parish, and the Ayr- shire legatees 193.21 Entail (The) 193.22 Laurie Todd 193.23 Pen Owen 193 . 24 Trovost (The), and other tales 193.25 Sir Andrew Wylie 193 . 26 Gardctte (Charles D.) Johnnie Dodge ; or, the freaks and fortunes of an idle bo3' 194.01 Gaskell (Mrs. E. C.) Cousin Thillis 194 . 02 Cranford 194 .03 Dark night's work 194.04 Lizzie Leigh, and other tales 194.05 Mary Barton 194.06 Moreland cottage 194.07 My Lady Ludlow : a novel 194 . 08 North and south 194.09 Right at last, and other tales 194. 10 Ruth. 2v 194.11 Sylvia's lovers 194. 13 Wives and daughters 194. 14 Gautier ( T.) Romance of the mummy 194. 17 Gaylord (Glance), [pscudon.'] Rainford series : Boys at Dr. Murray's 194.18 Gilbert's last summer at Rainford 194. 19 Gilbert Starr and his lessons 194 . 20 Jack Arcombe: the story of a waif 194.21 Will Rood's friendship 194.22 Miss Patience Hathaway, her friends and her enemies 194 . 23 Gersf acker (Friedrich). Frank Wildman's ad- ventures 194 . 25 How a bride was won ; or, a chase across the Pampas 194 . 24 The little whaler ; or, the adventures of C. Holberg 194.26 Wild sports in the far west 194 . 27 Gilbert ( William). De profundus 194 . 28 The magic mirror ; a round of tales for young and old 194.29 Gilmore (J. Ji.) Among the guerillas. By Edmund Kirke. [pseudon.'\ 195.03 Among the pines ; or, south in secession time 195.04 Down in Tennessee 195.05 My southern friends 195 .06 On the border 195.07 Patriot boys and prison pictures 195 .08 Girardin (Mine. E. de). Stories of an old maid . 195 . 1 1 Glei(j(G. R.) Country curate 195.12 Glen (Knellcr). Isabel Carrolton 195 . 13 Glenn (Jessie). Cousin Paul 105 .23 Glover (Mrs. — ). Helen Courteney's promise . 195 . 24 Godwin ( W.) Adventures of Caleb Williams. 195 . 14 Godwin ( William). Fleetwood ; or, the new man of feeling 195.16 Godwin ( William, Jr.) Transfusion 195. 17 Goethe (J. ir. von). Novels and tales 195 . 18 Contents : Elective affinities. German emigrants. Good woman. Werther. Willielm Meister's apprenticeship. Tr, by R. D. Boylan 195 . 21 The same. Tr. by T. Carlyle. 2 v 195 . 19 Goldsmith (Oliver). The Vicar of Wakefield. .211 .01 Goodwin (Mrs. C. C.) Dr. Howell's family. . .211 . 12 Madge ; or, night and morning 211 .09 Goodwin ( Edward). Lily White : a romance . . 2 1 1 . 08 Gordon (Georgina). Sketches of foreign nov- elists 211.10 Gordon (Lady D.) Stella and Vanessa ; a ro- mance 211.11 Gordon (Hewes). See Clarke (E. G. H.) Gore (Mrs. C.) Banker's wife; or, court and city 211 . 14 Birthright 211 . 15 Castles in the air 211.16 Dean's daughter. 2 v 211.18 Life's lessons. 2 v 211.20 Mammon. 2 v 211.22 The same 211.24 Peers and parvenus 211.25 Progress and prejudice 211.26 The same. 2 v 211.27 Queen of Denmark 211 . 29 Self 211.30 Soldier of Lyons : a tale of the Tuileries. .211.31 Stoi-y of a royal favorite 211.32 Gould (Edward 8.) John Doe and Richard Roe 211 . 33 Goulding (F. R.) Robert and Hai-old; or, the young marooners 211 . 34 Grant (Capt. James). Adventures of an aide- de-camp f 211 . 35 Frank Hilton; or, the queen's own 211.36 Harry Ogilvie; or, the black dragoons. .211 .37 Romance of war 211.38 Scottish cavalier 211 . 39 Gratlan (T. C.) Heiress of Bruges. 3v 211.41 Gray (J.) Tactics; or, Cupid in shoulder- straps : a West Point love story 211 .44 Greenough ( ). Apelles and his contempo- raries [ano«.] 211.48 Ernest Carroll ; or, artist life in Italy . . .211 .49 Greene (Mrs. R. J.) Cushions and corners ; or, holidays at Old Orchard 211.51 Greenwood (James). The adventures of Reuben Davidger 211.53 True history of a little ragamuffin 211 .54 Grey (Mrs.) The bosom friend 211.57 Cousin Harry 211 .58 Flirt 211 .59 (i ambler's wife 211.60 Little beauty 211 .61 Marriage a lottery 21 1 . 62 Young husband 21 1 . 64 Young prima donna 211.63 Griffin (Gerald). Works. Coidenis : V. 1. The collegians 211.73 2-4. Tales of the Munster festivals 211 .74 5. Tales of the jury-room 211.77 6. The duke of Monmouth 211.78 7. Christian phj-siologist : a night at sea 211.79 Guerazzi (F. D.) Beatrice Cenci. 2v 211.67 Merc. Z/5.] G UE- HO Fiction auerazzi (F. D.) The same 211.69 Isabella Orsini 211.66 Chmdlctte (71 S) Chinese tales. [Noyelist's Mag. T. 5] 233 . 56 Tartarian tales. [Novelist's Mag. v. 1 9. ] . 233 . TO Gxdzot {Madame E. C. P. de ^f^ Popular tales 211. TO Young student 211. Tl ' Guernsey {Lucy Ellen), Milly ; or, the hidden j cross 212.00 j Gnnn {T. B.) New York boarding-houses .... 212 . 04 Gwynne {Talbot). Life and death of Silas Barnstarke 212. Ol' Nannette and herlorers 212.02 School for fathers : an old English story. .212.03 Hacklander {M.) Clara; or slave-life in ' Europe 212.07 Hale {Edward E.) K, yes, and perhaps; four possibilities, to?*.] 214.43 Scouring of the White Horse 214.44 ToraBrown at Oxford. 2 v 214.45 Higo { Victor). Hans of Iceland 214 . 50 • Jargal 214.49 Himchback of Notre Dame 214.51 Les Miserables. Part 1. Fantine 214.52 2. Cosette 214.53 3. Marius 214.54 4. St. Denis, and Idyl of the Rue Plu- met 214.55 5. Jean Valjea'n 214.56 The same. 5 pts. in 1 v 214.57 The Toilers of the Sea 214.58 Hungcrford {James). The old plantation 215 . 01 Hunt {J. H. Leigh). Stories from the Italian poets: a summary, in prose, of the poems of Dante, Pulci, Boiardo, Ariosto, and Tasso. 215 . 02 Hunt { Thornton). The foster brother 215 . 05 Huntington {J. V.) The forest 215 .08 Lady Alice ; or, the new Una. [a?io?i] . . 215 . 09 Rosemary ; or, life and death 215.10 Hnrtaelo {L.) 'Palmerin of England. 4 v. . . .221.80 Jngelow {Jean). Poor Mat; or, the clouded in- tellect 215.13 A sister's bye-hours 215 . 14 Stories told to a child 215. 15 Studies for stories 215. 16 Ingrahnm {Rev. J. //.) The pillar of fire; or, Israel in bondage 215.19 The prince of the of David 215.20 ■ The sunny south 215.21 10 Ingraham {Rev. J H ) The throne of David . . 21 5 . 22 Irving {J. T.) The attorney 215 . 25 Irving { Washington). Tales of the Alhambra. 215 . 26 Bracebridge hall 215 .27 Chronicle of the conquest of Granada. . .215.32 History of New York. By Dietrich Knick- erbocker 215.28 Sketch book 215.29 Spanish papers and other miscellanies. 2 v.21 5 . 33 Tales of a traveler .215.30 Wolfert's roost 215 . 31 Jeimes {Mrs. Edwin). Wanderings of a beauty . 215 . 90 James { G. P. R.) Agincourt 215 . 35 Agnes Sorel 215.36 Aims and obstacles 215 . 37 Ancient regirue 215.38 Arabella Stuart 215 . 39 Arrah Neil ; or, times of old 215 .40 Attila 215.41 Beauchamp ; or, the eri'or 215 .42 Castle of Ehrenstein 215 .43 Cavalier 215.44 Charles Tyrrell; or, the bitter blood 215.45 Convict 215.46 Corse de Leon; or, the brigand 215.47 Count de Castlenew 215.48 Darnley 215.49 De L'Orme 215.50 Desultory man 215.51 False heir 215.52 Forest days 215.53 Forgery 215.48 Gentleman of the old school 215 . 55 Gipsy 215.56 Heidelberg 215 . 57 Henry of Guise 215.58 Henry Masterton 215 .59 Huguenot 215.60 Jacquerie (r/if) 215.61 John Marston Hall 215.62 King's highway 215 . 63 Lord Montagu's page 215 . 64 Man at arras; or, Henrj^ de Geron 215.65 Man in black 215.66 Mary of Burgundy 215 . 67 Morley Ernstein 215.68 One in a thousand 215.69 Pequinillo. {B'd with Agincourt) 215.35 Philip Augustus 215.70 Richelieu 215.71 Robber 215.72 Rose D'Albret; or, troublous times 215.73 Russell ; a tale of the reign of Charles II. 2 V 215.74-5 Sir Theodore Broughton ; or. Laurel water. 2 V 215.76 Smuggler 215.78 Step-mother. 2 v 215.79-80 String of pearls 215.81 Ticonderoga. {Bound with Forest Days) . 2 1 5 . 82 Whim (^Ij and its consequences 215.83 Jameson {Mrs. A.) Studies, stories, etc 221.01 Jeaffreson {J. C.) Isabel, the young wife and the old love 221.04 Live it down 221.05 Not dead yet 221 .06 Olive Blake's good work 221 .07 Jeffrey {R. V.) Woodburn 221 .09 Jenkin [ Mrs. C.) Madame de Beaupre 221 .08 Skirmishing, [rmon] 221 .11 — ■ — " Who breaks pays." [rmoM] 221 .12 Merc. Lib.'] JER- LEF Fiction. Jerrold (D.) Cakes and ale 221 . 18 i Caudle lectures : story of a feather, sick giant, and the doctor dwarf 221 . 14 ■ Man made money : chronicles of Clover- nook 221.15 ■ Men of character 221 . 16 Punch's letters to his son; Punch's com- plete letter-writer; sketches 221.17 St. Giles and St. James 221 . 18 Jerrold ( W. B.) Disgrace to the family 221 . 33 Jewsbury (Miss. G. E.) Constance Herbert. . .221.19 Half sisters 221.20 Zoe, the history of two lives 221 .21 Johnson {S.) History of Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia 221 . 22 Johnstone {C.) Chrysal; or, the adventures of a guinea. 4 v 221.24 Johnstone {Mrs.). Clan-Albyn : a national tale . 221 . 28 Jones (J. B.) Border war; a tale of disunion. 221 .29 Freaks of fortune 221 . 31 The Winkles 221.30 Jones (J. B. ) The Quaker ; or, the British in Philadelphia 221 . 32 Judd {Rev. S.) Margaret; a tale of the real and the ideal. 2 v 221.34 Philo ; an evangeliad 221 . 36 Richard Eduey and the governor's family. 221 . 37 Judson {Mrs. E. O.) Alderbrook. 2 v 221 . 38 Karr {A.) The Alain family 221 .41 Kavanaffh (J.) Adele 221 .45 Beatrice 221.46 Daisy Burns 221.47 Dora ■ 221.48 Grace Lee 221.49 Madeline 221.50 Nathalie 221.51 Queen Mab 221.52 Rachel Grey 221.53 Seven years, and other tales 221 . 54 Sybil's second love 221 . 55 Keil { G.) New fairy stories 185 . 34 Kennedy {J. P.) Horseshoe Robinson 221 . 59 Quodlibet, annals, etc 221 . 60 Rob of the bowl. By Solomon Second- thoughts. \^pseudon.'] 221 61 Swallow barn ; or, the old dominion 221 . 62 Kimball {R. B.) Henry Power's banker ; how he achieved a fortune and married 221 .68 Prince of Kashna ; a West Indian story. . 221 . 63 Romance of student life abroad 221 . 64 Saint Leger ; or, the threads of life 221 .65 Undercurrents of Wall street 221 .66 Was he successful? 221.67 Kingsley {€'.) Alton Locke; tailor and poet. . .221.69 Hereward ; the last of the English 221 . 70 Hypatia 221.71 Two years ago 221 72 Water babies 221.73 Westward ho ; voj'ages of Sii- Amyas Leigh 221.74 Yeast; a problem 221 .75 Kingsley {H.) Austin Elliot 222 .01 Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn 222.02 The Hillj^ars and the Burtons 222.03 Leighton court ; a country house stoi'y. . . 222 . 04 Ravenshoe 222.05 Silcote of Silcotes 222.06 Kingston { W. H. G.) Adventures of Dick Onslow among the red skins 222.09 Annual for boys 222 . 10 Antony Way mouth ; or, the gentleman's adventures 222 . 11 Kingston ( W. H. G.) Cruise of the frolic; a sea story 222.12 Ernest Bracebridge ; or, school days. . . .222. 13 Peter the whaler 222 . 14 Rob Nixon ; the old white trapper 222 . 15 Round the world 222.16 Salt water ; or, the sea life and adventures of Neil D'Arcy, the midship-man 222.17 Knorring (Baroness). The peasant and his landlord 222.20 Knowles (J. S. ) Fortescue 222.21 Laboulaye (E. R. L.) Fairytales of all nations. 18 5. 24 Paris in America 222 . 25 Lafitte (J. P.) The red doctor 222 . 26 Laing ( C. H. B.) The old farm house 222 . 27 Lajetchnikoff (—). The heretic 222 . 28 Lamartine (A. P. de). Fior d'Aliza 222 .24 Genevieve 222.29 Memoirs of my youth. [ With Genevieve .] Raphael 222.30 The stone mason 222.31 Lamb (0. and M.) Tales from Shakespeare. 2 V. in 1 ?22 . 32 Lancewood (Lawrence), [pseud, for Francis For- ester.] Cousin Clara 222.36 Louis Sinclair ; or, the silver prize medals 222 . 33 Nellie Warren ; or, the lost watch 222 . 34 Sidney De Grey; or, the rival school boys. 222. 35 Lander (Meta). Esperance 222 . 39 Marion Graham ; or, " higher than hap- piness." , 222.41 Landon {L. E.) Complete works. 2 v. in 1 Contents : Romance and reality. Francesco Carrara. Traits and trials of early life. Ethel Churchill Romance and reality 222.38 Lane { Wickliffe). My good-for-nothing brother.222 . 43 Lanier (Sidney). Tiger lilies 222.44 Lavenu (L. S.) Erlesmere ; or, contrasts of character 222.45 Lasselle (Mrs. JV. P.) Belle of Washington. . .222.46 Lawrence (G. A.) Barren honor 222.47 Brakspeare ; or, the fortunes of a free lance 222.48 Maurice Dering; or, the quadrilateral. . .222.49 Sans Merci; or, kestrels and falcons 222.50 Sword and gown 222 . 51 Lee (D. K) Master-builder 222 . 54 Merrimack ; or, life at the loom 222.55 Lee (Mrs. E. B.) Parthenia 222 . 56 Lee (Harriet). Canterbury tales. 2 v 222.57 Lee (Sophia). Canterbury tales 222 . 59 Lee (Holme). [pseudo7i.'\ Against wind and tide. 222. 60 Annis Warleigh's fortunes .222.61 Gilbert Massenger *. . . . 222 . 62 Hawksview: a family history 222.63 Kathie Brande 222.64 Maude Talbot. 3 v 222.65 Mr. Wynj^ard's ward 222 . 68 Sylvan Holt's daughter 222.69 Thorney Hall; a story of an old family. 222. 70 Lee (Margaret). Dr. Wihner'slove; or, a ques- tion of conscience 222.73 Le Fanu (J. 8.) All in the dark 223 . 01 Guy Deverell 223.02 House by the churchyard 223 . 03 Lost name 223.04 Tenants of Malory 223.05 LTncle Silas; a tale of Bartram Haugh. ..223.07 Wylder's hand 223.06 n Fiction. LEI- MAy {BrooTclyn Leigh {Marlon). My own sloiy 223 . 10 Ldand {Anna). Home 223. 11 Lemon {M.) Ley ton Hall, a tale of love and jealousy 223.12 Lennard {D. B.) Tales from Moliere's plays. .223 . 13 Lennox {Mary). Ante Belliim — Soutberu life as it was 223 . 14 Lennox {C.) Female Quixote; or, adventures of Arabella. 2 v. [awni.} 223 . 15 Leonard {Agnes). Vauquisbed 223 . 17 Le Sage {A. R.) Bachelor of Salamanca. 2 v. . 223 . 18 The same. 2 v 223 . 19 Gil Bias 223 . 20 The same. 3 v 223 . 21 The same. 2 v 223.24 Leslie {Miss E.) Pencil sketches 223 . 26 Lester {V. E.) Stanhope Burleigli ; or the Jesuits in our own homes 323 . 27 Lever {Charles). Arthur O'Leary. [a;iOH.]. .223.28 Barrington 223 . 29 Charles O'Malley, the Irish dragoon 223.30 Con Crcgan, the Irish Gil Bias 223.33 Confession of Harry Lorrequer. 2 v. . . .223.33 Daltons ; or, three roads in life 223 . 36 Davenport Dunn 223 . 39 Day's ride, a life's romance 223 .40 Diary and notes of Horace Templeton. ..223.41 Dodd i^imily abroad 223 .42 The same. 3 v 223.43 Fortimes of Gleucore. 2 v 223 .46 Gerald Fitzgerald, the chevalier 223.47 Jack Hintou, the guardsman 223.48 Knight of Gwynne. 3 v 223 .49 Luttrell of Arran 223.52 Martins of Cro' Martin. 3 v 223 . 53 The same. 3v 223.54 Maurice Tierney, the soldier of fortune. .223.56 O'Donohue 223.57 One of them 223 . 58 Roland Cashel 223.59 Sir Brook Fosbrooke 223 . 60 Sii- Jasper Carew 223 . 61 Tom Burke of " Ours" 223.62 Lewes { George H.) Ranthorpe 223 . 67 Three sisters and three fortunes 223.68 Leivald ( Fanny). Lake-house 223 . 69 Lewis {M. G. ) Tales of wonder 223.70 Linton {L.) \^pseudoti .'\ Chestnut wood. 2 v. 223. 75 Lizzie Lorton of Greyrigg 224.01 Sowing the wind 224.02 Lippincott {Mrs. S. J. C.) Forest tragedy and other tales 224.04 Greenwood leaves 224 . 06 Stories of many lands 224.07 Llewellyn {E. L.) The desei-ted miU ; or, the reward of industry 224.12 Title hunting 224 . 13 Locke {D.B.) [" Petroleum V. J^asby."] Ekkoes from Kentucky 224. 15 S\vingin roimd the circle 224 . 16 Lockhart {J. G.) Adam Blair and Matthew Wald 224.19 Valerius 224 . 20 Logan {Olive). Chateau Frissac; or, home scenes in France 224 . 2 1 Lerngftllow {H. W.) Hj'perion ; a romance. ..224.24 "The same. [Prose works, v. 2.] 5052.12 Kavanagh 224.23 The same. [Prose works, v. 2.] 5052.12 Longstrcet {A. B.) Georgia scenes 224.22 Loud (./.) Gabriel Vane ; his fortune and his friends 224 . 26 12 Lover {Samuel). Barncj- O'Rierdon 224 . 28 Handy Andy 224.29 Legends and stories of Ireland 224.30 Rory O'More 224.32 Treasure trove 224.33 Lowell {li. T. S.) The new priest in Concep- tion bay 224.35 Ludlow {F. H.) The Hasheesh eater 224 .40 Little brother, and other genre-pictures. .224.41 Luke {Mrs. S.) The female Jesuit 224.44 Lytton {Sir E. G. E. Bxlwer). See Bulwcr. Lytton {R. B.) The ring of Amasis 145.07 Mabcrly {Mrs. K. C.) Lady and the priest. . . 224 .50 Leontine ; or, the court of Louis 15th. . .224.51 jMc Carthy {Justin). The Waterdale neighbors, 224 . 52 McConncU {J. L.) Grahame; or, youth and manhood 224 . 54 The Glens 224. 53 Talbot and Vernon 224.55 MacDonald { Geo.) Alec Forbes of Howglen . . . 224 . 56 Annals of a quiet neighborhood 224.58 Seaboard parish 224.66 Guild court 224.57 Phautastes: a faerie romance 224.59 Macfarlanc {Ch ) Tlie camp of refuge. 2 v. in 1 . 224 . 61 A legend of Reading abbey 224.62 The Dutch in the Medway 224.62 Romance of history. Italj'. 3 v. 224 . 63 Macgregor {A. L.) John Ward's governess. . . .224.60 Mackenzie {H.) Miscellaneous works 5053.07 Contents : Man of feeling ; Man of the world ; Julia de Roubigne. Macintosh {Iliss M. J.) Aunt Kitty's tales 224 . 66 Chai'ms and counter-charms 224.67 Conquest and self-conqiiest 224 .68 Cousins 224.69 Evenings at Donaldson manor 224.70 Lofty and lowly. 2 v 224.71 Mela Gray ; or, wbat makes home happy, 224.73 Praise and principle 224 . 74 Two lives; or, to seem and to be 224.75 Two pictures 224.76 Violet 224.77 Woman an enigma 224 . 78 Year with Maggie and Emma 224.79 M'Keever {Harriet B.) Sunshine ; or, Kate Vinton 225.01 Woodcliff 225.02 Mackenzie {R. S.) Bits of blarney 225 . 04 Tressilian and his friends 225 .05 Macleod {Donald). Pyimshurst; his wander- ings, etc 225.06 Macnish {R.) Tales 225.09 Alaitland {James A.) The old pati'oon ; or, the great Van Brock property 225 . 14 Sartaroe, a tale of Norwaj' 225 . 15 Mannering {May). Billy Grimes' favorite, or Jolmny Greenleaf's talent 225.19 Climbing the rope 225 . 20 Manning {Miss Av7ic). Cherry and Violet: a tale of the great plague. [aniin.'\ 225.23 Colloquies of Edward Osborne. [a«on.] . . 225 . 24 Household of Sir Thomas More. [a«o«.] . 225 . 30 Jacques Bonueval ; or, the days of the Drngonnades. [awoi.] 225 . 26 Ladies of Beaver Hollow. [a«OM.] 225.27 Maiden and married life of Mary Powell, afterwards Mistress Milton. [a«07i.]. . .225.28 Old Chelsea bun-house. [(i«o?i.] 225.29 Passages in the life of the faire gospeller, Mistress Anne Askew 225 . 25 Manzoni {A.) The Betrothal. 2 v 225 33 Merc. Lib.'] MAE- -MOl Fiction. 3Iarch ( Walter). Shoepac recollections : a wayside glimpse of American life 225 .35 Marl'itt ( E.) The old mam'selle's secret 225.39 Gold Elsie 225.40 Marmontel (./. F.) Belisarius 225 .43 Marryat {Capt. F.) Childrenof the new forest, 225.46 Jacob Faithful 225 . 48 Japhet in search of a father 225.49 King's own 225.50 The little savage 225.51 Masterman Ready ; or, the wreck of the Pacific 225.52 Midshipman Easy 225.53 The Mission ; or, scenes in Africa 225 . 54 Naval officer 225.47 Newton Foster 225 . 54 Pacha of many tales 225 . 56 Percival Keene 225 . 5*7 Peter Simple 225.58 Phantom yhip 225 . 59 Pirate and the three cutters 225 .66 Poacher 225 . 67 Poor Jack 225.59 Privateer' s-man one hundred years ago, 225.60 Ratlin the reefer 225.61 Settlers in Canada 225 . 62 Snarleyyow ; or, the dog fiend 225.63 Travels and adventures of Monsieur Violet,225 . 64 Valerie, an autobiography 225.65 Marsh {Mrs. A. C.) Adelaide Lindsay 231 .03 Aubrey. 2 v 231.04 Castle Avon. 2v 231.07 Emilia Wyudham. 2 v 231 .10 Heiress of Haughton 231 .11 Mordaunt hall ; or, a September night. . . 231 . 12 Norman's bridge; or, the modern Midas. 231 . 13 Ravenscliffe. 2 v 231 . 14 Novels. 2 V 231.01 V. 1. Triumph of time; Mount Sorel; Father Darcy; Norman's bridge; Emilia Wyndham V. 2. Lettice Arnold ; Mordaunt hall ; the WUmingtons ; Time, the avenger ; Ravenscliffe ; Castle Avon. Marsh (Mrs. G. P.) The hallig : a tale 231 . 13 MartcUhe {Jean). The Hugnenot galley-slave, being the autobiography of a French pro- testant 231 . 19 Martineau {Harriet). Crofton boys 231 . 20 Deerbrook 231 .21 Feats on the Fiord 231.22 The hour and the man. 3 v 231 . 24 Illustrations of political economy. 9 v.. 231. 27 V. 1. Life in the wilds; The hill and the valley ; Brooke and Brooke farm. 2. Demerara ; Ella of Garveloch ; Weal and woe in Garveloch 3. A Manchester strike; Cousin Mar- shall ; Ireland 4. Homes abroad ; For each and for all; French wines and politics... 5. The charmed sea; Berkelej% the banker 6. Messrs. Vanderput and Snoek; The loom and the lugger 7. Sowers and reapers ; Cinnamon and pearls 8. Briery creek ; Three ages 9. The Farrers of Budge-Row; The moral of many fables Martineau {Harriet). Peasant and prince 231 . 23 Settlers at home 231.37 Maxwell { W. H.) Bivouac 231 .43 Captain Blake 231 .44 Hector O'Halloran 231.45 Stories of Waterloo 231.46 May {E. J. ) Bertram Noel, a story for youth .231.48 Dashwood Priory 231.49 Saxelford 231 . 50 Mayheio {A.) Paved with gold: an unfashion- able novel 231.53 Mayhew {H. and A.) The good genius 231 .51 The Magic of kindness 231 .52 Whom to marry 231 .54 Mayo { W. 8. M.I).) The Berber 231 . 56 Kaloolah ; or, the adventures of Jonathan Romer of Nantucket 231 . 57 Romance dust from the historic placer 231 . 58 Meinhold { Wm.) Sidonia the sorceress 231 . 59 Mels {A.) Baron Leo Von Oberg, a story of love unspoken 231.76 Melville { Lt. J. Whyte). Cerise : a tale of the last century .• 231 . 60 Holmby House: a tale 231.61 Tilbury Nogo ; or, passages in the life of an unusccessful man 231 . 62 The white rose 231 . 63 Melville {Hernum). Israel Potter: his fifty years of exile 231 .66 The confidence man 231.65 Mardi, and a voj^age thither. 2 v 231 .67 Moby Dick; or, the whale 231 .69 «- Oraoo : adventures in the South Seas. .. .231 .70 Piazza tales 231 . 71 Pierre ; or, the ambiguities 231 . 72 Redburn : his first voyage 231 .73 Typee ; a peep at Polynesian life 231 . 74 AVhite-Jacket; or, the world in a man-of- war 231 . 75 Mercier de Lacoinbe (//.) Memoirs of the year 2500 231.77 Meredith {George). Evan Harrington; or, he would be a gentleman 231.78 3Ierimee {P.) Colomba. Translated from the French 231.81 Meteyard {Eliza). Mainstone's housekeeper. ..231.82 Miller {Hugh). Tales and sketches 231 .86 3Iiller{S.F.) Wilkins Wylder ; or, the suc- cessful man 231.87 Milmem {E. H.) Arthur Conway; or, scenes in the tropics 231 . 88 Mitchell {Donald G.) Doctor Johns ; being a naiyative of certain events in the life of an orthodox minister of Connecticut. 2 v 232.01 Dream life 232.03 Fudge doings. 2v 232.04 Lorgnette 232.05 Reveries of a bachelor 232 . 06 Seven stories, with basement and attic... 232. 07 Mtchell {Rev. Walter). Bryan Maurice, or the seeker 232. 10 Mitford {Miss M. H.) Atherton, and other tales 232.11 Belford Regis ; or, sketches of a country town 232.12 Our Village. 2 v 232.13 Stories of American life ; by American writers. 3 v 232.15 3Iodet {Helen). Light 232.19 Mo fat {Mrs. A. fen (Ashford). [p.ifudoril. Georgy Sandon ; or, a lost love 234.40 Owen {F.) Aden Power; or, the cost of a scheme 234 . 44 Palfrey {Miss Sai-ah). Herman; or, yoimg knighthood. ByE.Foxton. 2v 234.45 Pair/rave {Sir Francis). The merchant and the friar 234.47 Palme)- {Lyndi). Archie's shadow 234 . 50 Drifting and steering 234 .48 One day's weaving 234 .49 Pardoe {Miss J.) Adopted heir 234 .51 Confessions of a pretty woman 234. 52 The Earl's secret: a love story 234.53 Jealous wife ' 234 . 54 Life struggle 234. 55 Reginald Lyle 234.56 Romance of the harem 234.57 Pardon {G. F.) Tales from the operas 234 . 60 Parker {Mrs. Rosa Abbott). Alexis the runa- way; or, afloat in the world 235.01 Jack of all trades 235.02 Tommy Hickup ; or, a pair of black eyes . 235 . 03 Parton {Mrs. J.) Fern leaves. 2 v 235 . 07 Rose Clark. .*. 235 .09 Ruth Hall. 235.10 Paulding {J. K.) Book of St. ]S'icholas 235 . 13 Book of vagaries 235 . 15 The Bulls and the Jonathans 235 . 16 Dutchman's fireside 235.14 Koningsmarke : a story of the new world. 2 V 235.17 Puritan and his daughter 235 . 19 Tales of a good woman 235 . 20 Westward ho ! 235.21 Paxton {P.)\^pseudon.'] See Hainmett {S. A.) Payson { G.) Totemwell 235 . 23 Peacock {.J. L.) Creole orphans 235 . 24 Peacock { Thomas). Gryll Grange 235 . 25 Peacock {G.) Headlong haD, and nightmare abbey 235.26 Peck (Miss). Mary Brandegee ; an autobiog- raphy 235 . 28 Renshawe 235.29 Perce {E.) The last of his name 241 . 02 Phelps {Mrs. E. L.) Sunny side ; or, the country minister's wife. Phelps {E. Stuart). The gates ajar 241 .03 Gypsey Breynton 241 . 04 Gjqjsey's cousin Joy 241 .05 Gj'psey's year at the golden crescent. . . . 241 .06 Gypsey's sewing and reaping 241 .07 Phelps {Mrs. L.) Ida Korman 241 . 10 Phillips {George S.) ["January Searle."] The Gypsies of the Danes' Dike 241 .13 Phillips {William B.) The diamond cross: a tale of American society 241 . 14 Pickering {Miss Ellen). The grumbler 241 . 16 Pike {Mrs.) ["Mary Langdon."] Agnes 241 .19 Ida May 241 . 20 Pilpay or Bidpai. Kalila and Dimna ; or, the fables of Bidpai 185.01 Planche {Miss Matilda). Cloud with the silver lining 241 . 24 Coming home 241.25 Dream chintz 241 .27 Dream influence 241 . 28 A merrv Christmas 241 .29 Old JoUiffe. [With Sequel.] 2 v 241 . 30 Only 241 .31 Planche {Miss Matilda). Star in the desert 241 .32 Trap to catch a sunbeam 241 . 33 Pleasants {Julia). Callamura 241 .34 Plumptre {Anne and Arabella). Tales of wonder, of humor, and of sentiment; original and translated. 3 v 241 . 36-8 Poe {Edgar Allen). Prose tales. 2 v 241 .40 The same. [Works, v. 1-2.] 5063 .05 Ponsonby {Lady E.) Mary Lyndsay 241 .46 Pomeroy {Mark 31.) Nonsense. Illustrated by J. H. Howard 241 .43 Poole {John). Christmas festivities; tales, sketches, and characters ; beauties of modern drama 241 .47 Little Peddlington and the Peddlington- ians. 2 V 241.48-9 Porter {Jane). The pastor's fireside 241 .5-3 Scottish Chiefs. 2 v 241.54-5 Sir Edward Seaward's narrative of bis shipwreck 3075 . 26 Thaddeus of Warsaw 241 . 56 Presburtf {B. F.) The Mustee; or, love and liberty . ._ 241 . 59 Presence {Madame de). Rosa ; or, the Parisian girl 241 . 62 Preston {Latira). Aldeane 241 . 60 In bonds 241.61 PHme { W. C.) Later years. \caion.'\ 241 . 65 Old house by the river 241 . 66 Pulszky { Theresa). Tales and traditions of Hmi- gary 241 . 69 Putnam {Mrs. Mary Lov ell). Fifteen days: an extract ft-om Edwin Colvil's journal. [«?iOH.] . 241 . 70 Record of an obscure man. [a;(o?i.] 241 . 71 Quevedo y Villegas {F. G. de.) Works 3 v... 241. 78 1. The author's life; the visions. 2. Curious histor j^ of the night adventurer ; Paul, the Spanish sharper. 3. Fortune in her wits; proclamation by old father Time, treatise of all things, letters, etc 172 . 28 Quincy (E.) Wensley : a story without a moral. 241 . 75 Rabelais {F.) Works. 2 v 242 .01-2 Radcliffe {Mrs. A n ne) The ItaUan 3 v 242 . 03 Mysteries of Udolpho 242 .06 Romance of the forest 242.07 Rau {Heribert). Mozart: a biographical ro- mance 242.09 Reade ( Charles). Christie Johnstone 242 . 13 Cloister and the hearth ; or, maid, wife, and widow 242 . 14 Clouds and sunshine 242. 15 Foul play 242. 25 Good fiii'ht, and other tales 242. 16 Griftith'^Gaunt ; or, jealousy 242.17 It is never too late to mend. 2 v 242 . 18 Love me little, love me long 242 .20 Peg Wofiington 242 . 22 Very hard cash 242 . 23 White lies 242 . 24 Register {Seeley). \pseudon]. See Victor {M. V.F). Reeve {Miss Clara). The old Enghsh baron, a Gothic story 242.36 Reid{Capt. Mayne). Afloat in tlie forest ; or, a vovao-e among the tree-tops 242 . 38 ^Boy Inmtet-s 242.39 B oy si a ve s 242.40 The boy tar; or, a voyage in the dark.. .242.41 Bruin, the grand bear "hunt • .242.42 Bush boys 242.47 15 Fiction. RE I- S AI [BrooHyn Reid (Capt. Mayne). Child v.'ife, a talc of tlie two worlds 242 . 3.3 CM climbers, a sequel to plant hunters. .242.44 Desert home 242.45 Forest exiles 242.46 The Giraffe hunters 242.47 The headless horseman, a strange tale of Texas 242.49 Hunter's feast 242.50 The Maroon 242.51 The ocean waifs 242. 52 - — Osceola 242 . 53 Plant hunters. . . .': 242 . 54 Quadroon 242 . 55 Ran away to sea 242.56 Rifle Raiir^ers 242.57 Seal}? hunters 242 . 58 Tig-or hunter 242 . 59 Wild life; or, adventures ou the frontier. 242. 63 War trail 242 . 60 White chief 242.61 White gauntlet 242. 68 Wild huntress; or, love in the wilderness.242.62 The wood rangers 242 . 64 Young voj-ageurs 242 . 66 Young yagers 242 . 67 Relhtab {Louis). The romance of war; or, Napoleon's campaign in Russia 243.01 Rioter {Fritz). In the year '13 : a tale of Meck- lenburg life 243 . 02 Reynnkh {J.) Peter Gott; or, the Cape Ann fisherman 243 . 04 Rice {Rose/In). Mabel; or, heart histories. . . .243.05 Richards { C. F.) John Guilderstring's siu 243 . 07 Richardson {Samuel). Novels. 3 v Vol. 1. Pamela 243. OS 2. Clarissa Harlowe 243 . 09 3. Sir Charles Grandison 243 . 10 Richtcr {Jean Paul Friedrich). Hesperus; or, forty five dogpost-days : a biography. 2 v. . 243 .12 Flower, fruit and thorn pieces. 2 v 243.26 Titan : a romance. 2 v 243 . 14 Walt and Vult ; or, the twins. 2 v. in 1 . 243 . 16 Riddell {Mrs. J. H.) Far above rubies 243 . 17 George Geith of Fen Court. By F. G. Trafford. Ypsewlon.'] ' . . .243 .18 Maxwell Drewitt 243.19 Phemie Keller 243.20 Race for weahh 243 . 21 Rich husband 243 . 22 Riley (//. //.) Puddleford and its people 243.30 Ring {Max). John Milton and his times: from the German. 243.31 Ritchie {Anita Cora Mowatt). The clergy- man's wife, and other sketches : a collection of sea portraits and paintings 243 . 33 Fairy fingers 243.34 Mim'ic life 243.35 The mute singer 243 . 36 Twin roses 243.37 Ritson {J.) Fairy tales 185 . 35 Robinson {Mrs. E.) The exiles 243 .41 Heloise ; or, the unrevealed secret 243 .42 Life's discipline : a tale of Hungarj' 243.43 Woodhill; or, the ways of Providence. .243.44 Robinson {F. W.) Mr. Stewart's intentions. . .243.46 No man's friend 243 . 47 Poor humanity 243 . 48 Whitefriars; or, the days of Charles H. .243.50 Whitehall ; or, the days of Charles I .... 243 . 51 A woman's ransom 243 . 49 16 \Roby{J.) Popular traditions of England. 1st series, Lancashire. 3 v 243 . 55 [ Roche {R. M.) The children of the abbey. . .243.58 \Roc{A. S.) How could he help it? or, the heart triumphant 244 .01 James Montjoy; or, I've been thinking. .244.02 Like and unlike 244.03 Long look ahead 244 . 04 Star and the cloud 244.05 To Love, and to be Loved, and time and tide 244.06 True to the Last ; or, alone on a wide, wide sea 244 . 07 Woman our angel 244 . 08 Looking Around 244 . 09 Roscoe {Thomas). The German novelists: tales translated with biographical notices. 4 V 244.16 Vol. I. Eeynard the Fox ; Howleglas ; Dr. Faustus. II. Poj^ular traditions, collected by Otman, Gottschalck, Eberhardt, Biisching, MM. Grimm, Lothar, Fouqu6. III. Musseus : Schiller. IV. Lewis Tieck ; Langbien ; Engel. The Italian novelists: translated with notes critical and biographical. 4 v 244 . 20 Vol. I. Preface ; Novelle antiche ; Boccac- cio ; Sacchette ; Giovanni Fioren- tino; Massuccio. IT. Arienti ; Luigi da Porto ; Illicini ; Sozzini ; N. Machiavelli ; A. Fir- enzuola; Fortini; Sermini ; Bre- vio ; Parabosco ; Lodi ; Cinthio ; Grazzini. III. Lando ; Straparola ; Bandello ; Sansovino ; Doni ; Erizzo ; Gra- nucci ; Ceno ; Malespini ; Sal- viicci ; anonymous authors. IV. Bisaccioni ; Colombo ; Bargagli ; Bottari; Capacelli; Soave; Al- tanesi; Magalotti; Lodoli; Manni; Padovani ; Sanvitalo ; Gozzi ; Bramieri ; Gironi. Rounscau {Jean Jacques). Eloisa. 4 v 244.31 ETnilius and Sophia ; or, a new system of education. 4 v 244 . 35 Rowcroft {Charles). Tales of the colonies. ... 244 . 4 1 Riiffini {C) Dear experience ; or, Paragreens on a visit to Paris 244 . 43 Dr. Antonio 244 .44 Lavinia 244.45 Lorenzo Benoni ; or, passages in the life of an Italian. \^anon~\ 244.46 Vincenzo; or, sunken rocks 244.48 Raskin {John). King of the Golden river ; or, the black brothers 244. 50 Russell {Martha). Leaves from the tree Ig- drasyl 244 . 52 Saint Georges {H. de). Count Monte Leone: a legend of the Carbonari 244.53 Saintine {X. B.) Chrisna, the Queen of the Danube 244.54 Picciola ; or, captivity captive 244.55 The same : a new edition revised by the author 244. 55. a St. Clar {Robert), The Metropolites ; or, know thy neighbor 244 . 56 St. John (Bayle). Francis Croft. 3 v 244 . 67-9 Merc. Lib.'] SAI- SIG Fiction. St. John {Baylc). Legends of the Christian east.2'70.44 St. John {Percy B. ) The sea of ice 244 . 71 St. Pierre {J. H. B. de). Paul and Virginia. .244.73 Indian cottage 244.75 Saint Real ( C. V. de). Don Carlos : an histor- ical novel. [Croxall's collection of novels, V. 3] 171 .04 Sola ( George A.) Dutch pictures 244 . 58 Quite alone. 244 . 59 Seven sons of mammon. 244.60 Strange adventures of Capt. Dangerous . 244 . 6 1 Sargent {Epes). Peculiar. A tale of the great transition 244.65 Sartoris {Mrs. A. K.) Medusa 244 . 74 Week in a French country house 244 . 76 Saunders {J.) Abel Drake's wife 245 .02 Bound to the wheel 245.03 Martin Pole 245 .04 Shadow in the house 245 . 05 Sauzade {J. S.) Garret Van Horn ; or, the beggar on horseback 245 . 07 Savage {M. W.) Bachelor of the Albany 245 .08 Falcon family ; or, young Ireland 245 . 09 My uncle, the curate 245.10 Reuben Medlicott; or, the coming man. .245.11 Scarron {P.) Whole comical works 245 . 18 Schefer {Leopold). Artist's married life ; be- ing that of Albert Diirer 245 . 12 Schoolcraft (H. R.) The myth of Hiawatha, and other oral legends of the Indians 3816.06 Scott {0. L.) Trevelyan 245.19 Scott {J. F.) Brudder Bones' book of stump speeches 245 . 18 Scott {Lady J.) Pride of life 245. 14 Scott ( M.) Cruise of the Midge 245 . 16 Tom Cringle's log 245 . 17 Scott {Sir Walter). Abbot 245 . 22 Anne of Geierstein 245 . 23 Antiquary 245.26 Betrothed 245 . 29 Black dwarf 245 . 31 Bride of Lammermoor 245 . 33 Castle Dangerous 245 . 36 Chronicles of the Canongate 245 . 37 Count Robert of Paris .245.39 Fair maid of Perth ; or, St. Valentine's day 245.78 Fortunes of Nigel 245.40 Guy Mannering 245.43 Heart of Mid-Lothian 245.46 Highland widow 245 . 29 Ivanhoe 245 . 49 Keuilworth 245 . 52 Legend of Montrose 245 . 31 Monastery 245 . 57 Old Mortality 245 . 58 Peveril of the Peak 245.60 Pirate 245.63 Quentin Durward 245 . 66 Red Gauntlet 245 . 69 Rob Roy 245.72 St. Ronan's well 245.75 St. Valentine's day 245 . 78 Talisman 245.87 Waverley 245.81 Woodstock 245.84 Scudder {H. H.) Dream children 251 .03 Sealsfield ( C.) See Seefeld ( C.) Sedgwick {Miss C. M.) Clarence ; or, a tale of our own time 251.20 Linwoods; or, "sixty years since" in America. 2 v 251.10 Sedgwick {Miss C. M.) Live and let live; or, domestic service illustrated 251 . 12 Love token for children 251 .13 Married and single 251.14 Means and ends ; or, self-training 251 . 16 New-England tale, and' miscellanies 251 . 17 Poor ricih man, and rich poor man 251 . 18 Stories for young persons 251 . 19 Tales and sketches 251.21 Sedgtvick (ALs. T.) Walter Thornley; or, a peep at the past 251 . 22 Sedley {Henry). Marian Rooke ; or, the quest for fortune 251.23 Seefeld {€.) The Cabin book; or, national characteristics 251.05 The Cabin book ; or, life in Texas 251 .06 Life in the new world 251 . 07 Rambleton : a romance of fashionable life in New York 251.09 Severn {Emma). Anne Hathaway ; or, Shake- peare in love 251 . 26 Sewell {E. M.) Amy Herbert 251.29 Cleve Hall 251 .30 The earl's daughter 251 .31 The experience of life 251.32 Gertrude 251 .33 Glimpse of the world 251 .34 Ivors. 2 v 251 . 35 Katherine Ashton. 2 v 251 . 37 Laneton parsonage. 8 v 251 .39 Margaret Percival. 2 v 251.42 Ursula. 2 V 251 .44 Walter Lorimer 251 .46 Shaw {H. IF.) Josh Billings— his sayings. \j>seudo'n.'\ 251 .47 Shelley {Mrs. M. W.) Falkner 251 . 49 Frankenstein; or, the modern Prometheus.251 .50 Lodore 251 . 51 Shelton {F. W.) Rector of St. Bardolph's 251 . 55 Salander and the dragon 251.56 Up the river 251 . 57 Sheppard {Mrs. Edtoin). 'Judge not;' or, Hester Powers' girlhood 251 . 58 Sheppard {E. S.) Almost a heroine 251 . 59 Charles Auchester : a memorial 251 . 60 Counterpai'ts ; or, the cross of love 251 . 61 Rumor 25 1 . 62 Sherwood {Mrs. M. 31.) Roxobel. 3 v 251 . 68 Works. 16 V 252.01 V. 1 and 15. History of Henry Milner. 2. Fairchild family; Orphans of Nor- mandy ; The latter days. 3. Minor tales and sketches. 4. Indian pilgrims, &c. 5. Infant's progress,