lAiNn-awV' '-^CAUvaaniv^* "^c/Aavaaiii'^^ 5 5.' — w', ^=o = o y<. '^CAavaaii-i^^ '^''o iit: .mrri r % 'iWJI I • J J' ■ -i'lJt \MMI Jl^^ ,^\\f•u^'lv[Rs//, ( Q U. • i y ^W[UNIV[RVA '> >: ) r:^lOSANCfl% ^^^l■llBRARY■Q^ ^ i; A.Of-CAllFt *'^ .w ^OAHvaani^'^ ^CAavaaiii^"^ .^\\E•UN1V[R5•/A / o ^■ M^ ^lOS^ANCflfj"^ '^/Xa3AINn-3\\V^ ^lOS-ANCElfj^, Oc ~ . 'Sri NV-SOl'^''- "^aaAiNdjwv^ ^«^lllBRARY(9;r^ ve; ^•ofCAiimff^ =3 S %i :o -r c^« ^ i^ r.h'ARYQc^ '-ii;ij:'V'iur idjAi:{;i J\\V ■9/, ^^^lllBRARY(9/^ (-r^ — I J * I i-n ;i!yj-jU' '"JUillVJJ^J 1 i § ^ ■'iUJ«-i,U:' -Y,, IX.. f^; '# "^jum-soi^^ '^/iiiJAlNliiUV' ■ iIFO% ^4r .^WEUNIVERS//, ^ P''& C i>- = < -\nsA.Nr,Eifrx. i\IN(l-3WV ^^OFCAllFi ^ ^OAavijaii# ..^ OFCAllFORv '4r iS ^XJ130NVS01^ ^^MFl'N'IVERy/^ '^Aa3AIN,T3WV -< ^Nioswr.Fifj-^ o -< =o S ^^' %. '%0JI]V3JO'^ =i s — >&Aava8n^\'^^ ^<: SYLLABUS OK THREE LECTURES ON THE SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE, AND ITS PLACE IN GENERAL EDUCATION. BY F. MAX MULLER. OXFORD: Printed p.v Alden and Co., 35, Corn-Market Street. 1889. stack RnwK 5 \55 SYLLABUS OF THREE LECTURES ON THE SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE AND ITS PLACE IN GENERAL EDUCATION. By F. Max Muller. First Lecture. Familiarity breeds contempt. No one asks what language is. We learnt it from our parents, they from theirs. Parrots also speak. Yes, but not Parrotese. Retrogression ad infinitum is wrong. There must have been a beginning of language. Traces of human workmanship in language. Language distinguishes man from beast. Animals communicate, but have no language of their own. Man cannot be descended from a speechless animal. Objections raised by Mr. Romanes in his last book, ' Mental Evolution in Man,' answered by himself Necessity of the study of language. Apparent complexity of language. Real simplicityof language. Principlesof the Science of language to be illustrated from English. English possesses 250,000 words. Character of illiterate languages The ///MV speech, the colloquial, \.\\q dialt'ctic, and slaiii^: Public English, colloquial English, literary English, dialectic English, technical English, slang Englisli. .'\n imperial historian in China must be able to read and write 9,000 words. Shakespeare uses 15,000 words, of which about 500 are antiquated. Educated people use about 4,000 words. The Bible contains 6,000 words. Of the 13.500 primary words in English only about 4,00.- 21178B7 are Teutonic, 5,000 taken froni French, 3,700 direct from Latin, 400 from Greek, 250 from Celtic, the rest from various sources. , Examination of anti- quated words — aiired, anrediiess — uvenant — bangster and bangstrie — battery. Words, the meaning of which has become antiquated and deteriorated — knave., villain, idiot, pagan, heathen, hoiden, simplicity, nice. Slang words— 7(' let slide, you bet, to enjoy poor health {hale, healing, whole, kaXik; Sk. kalya«a), to get. \'ulgar slang — il volgare — Academic slang, to get ploiigiied, gulplied, &c. Technical scientific terms — iillaged, fair maids, dowel. The 7,000 truly English words — whence do they come ? Common elements in to bear, burden, bier, birth, barroio — barrozc, a mound, A.S. beai-h — hirt/i, bairn — barley, (Germ. Getreide) barn, i.e., bere-czrn. Common element BR — The root BAR— Latin PER, Greek iEP, Celtic BER, Slavonic BER, Zend B.AR, Sanskrit BH.\R. How roots are discovered. Second Lecture. Pa//iiii, about 4th century li.c, discovered 1,706 roots in Sanskrit. Their number reduced to 587. Number of roots in English, about 460. A small number of imitative and interjectional words, cuckflo, moo, ball, to dick, to Itiss ; ah, oh,fii, pooJi, pah. — Demonstrative elements, supplying prefixes, affixes, suffixes, case-terminations, personal and tense terminations. Derivation, to bear, bear-able, bir-th, bur-den ; Sk. bi-bhar-ini. Composition, huzzy = houseivife, nwrld = A.S. zoeor-uld, god-less, god-ly. What are roots ? Aryan roots, definite in sound, general in meaning. They all express acts. They are all The proper meaning of percept and concept. How the first concept arose. The clamor concomitaiis. Recapitulation. Roots are the barriers between man and beast. Our true position in the world with regard to animals. Our true position in the world with regard to men. (See Table,' page 6.) Language thicker than blood. National feeling resting on language. — Change in our views of ancient history — Scientific results — Practical results — Horatio Hale on the political value of the study of Sanskrit. South-Eastem Division North-Westem Di\ ision < S 6 ^5 < s: s < ■< o c o < w i •-" = C „ i; C ■ _- -5 ;^ S S ■£ i.-a -s- c^3 8 I ;i4 o — . — c I ^ n h " I = ^ -i ■= -S 3 E O £ - l::^!^ ■= :^ ^s ^ 2 I I .IS -^ sis \ V ._- < ^ < ■- « - g^ = -=- c- £ I- J =: .y 6 - £ « II :! 5553 5 = J3 I g I i silliii M-y ' ' •■••••-•••• . — . ■^. .. rA ' "M *^.i " " '^ " ' * ■ * -I ' * ■ _ ^ ^d _i. ■ ■ ■ ' "I ■ ■ ■ •H . ..'c.^g-pcg =- I -f I .s?.| :5 « ■ ■ ■ ■ I- • ■ • ■ - £ .J ^Jg g-^ g c t77 ^ ° r Third Lecture. Does relationship of language prove relationship of those who speak it ? Warn- ing against mixing up the results of philology and ethnology, written in 1854. No classification of races has proved tenable. Virey admitted two races, Cuvier three, I,inn;v;us live, Liliimcnbach five, lUiffon six, Prichard and Peschel seven, Agassiz eight, Pickering eleven, Friedrich Miiller twelve, Bory de St. Vincent fifteen, Morton twenty-two, Crawford sixty, Burke sixty-three. Oscar Peschel, Major Powell, Horatio Hale, on the impossibility of classifying human races. — Classification of huinan races by means of language — -Language more essential than skull, hair, or skin. — Mixture of language necessitates mixture of blood. Mixed languages can always be classi- fied by their grammar, mixed blood cannot be analysed. .Vryas are speakers of Aryan languages, whatever their physical character may be. The same blood may run in the veins of the English soldier and the Sepoy. Result of one single mixed marriage — 2,149,196,448 individuals in 600 years — Indo-European language=Indo- European race. Practical results of that lesson — in Ireland, France, Russia — Higher brotherhood. The original home of the.Vryas — Geological evidence- — Plateau of Pamir — sources of Yaxartes, Oxus, and Indus — Immigration of Aryas into India before 1,000 A.D. — into Persia — Contact of Aryas with Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Phrenicia — War of Persia against Greece — Aryas in Greece, Italy, Gaul, Germany. — Sweden the home of the Aryas ? — Number of Aryas in Europe and Asia — Jordanes misunderstood — The Aryan separation took place before the beginning of history in Europe — The angle of separation lies in Kohistan, near the high plateau of Pamir — .-Vryan civilisation as reconstructed from common Aryan words. — It fits the locality of Kohistan, as described by Ujfalvy — Words for winter, snow, ice— Snow, Zend siiizh, Teut. snaivs., Latin ;;/.v ; Winter, Sk. hc/iian, Greek, x^'V"'' X^'V"^''' Latin Jiiems, Slav, ziiita ; Ice, Zend isi, Teut. is. Names of trees, Sk. bhi/rga, birch ; Sk. dm, tree, Gr. cftvc, tree and oak, Celt, daur, oak, Lat. denm, fir ; Lat. quercus, oak, Lombard yivr/zc?, h..'S>.furli, fir. No names for lion, tiger, camel : why ? The home of the Aryas ' somewhere in Asia,' that is, the highest plateau of Asia — Van den Gheyn's final summing up of the controversy. Can Aryan be used as a name of the blue-eyed race, reserving Arya as the name of the people speaking Aryan languages ? The Science of Language as an essential subject of education — Its difficulties exaggerated — Knowledge of Sanskrit not necessary — Division of labour — Grimm for German, Miklosich for Slavonic, Zeuss for Celtic, Curtius for Greek, Corssen for Latin. The revolt of Manchester. Subsidence of the panic — The vowel system, more primitive in Sanskrit than in Greek and German. Four fundamental Aryan vowels, a (invariable), i, u, and the variable vowel e, 6 (a). The root DIH, DUH, and o De H — Vowel-change determined by accent in Vedic Sanskrit. Work to be done. Books to be consulted : — Lectures on the Science of Language, by F. Max Miiller. 2 vols, crown 8vo, 16^. Longmans, Green, and Co. Biographies of Words, and the LLome of the Aryas, by F. Max Miiller. Crown 8vo, -js. Gd. Longmans, Green, and Co. The Science of Thoir^ht, by F. Max Miiller. 8vo, 21s. Longmans, Green, and Co. ALDEN A CO.. d3. COHN-MARKET STREETt OXFORD. Oxfoi-il Siiiiiincr Affi'/iiii;, 1889. — Pii/i/is/uTs' Annoidiconails. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. THE CKOWTIT OF ENGUSn INDUSTllY AND COMMEItCK. By W. Cunmkgiiam, D.l). Willi Mn])s iiiul Ciuirtfl. C'rowii Kvo. 12r. LITEIMHY IIELATIONS OK KNGLAKD WITH GKHMANY in Uie Sixteenth Century, Stuilios in ilic. liv C. 11. IlEurdiiD, MA. Crown 8vo. 9.1. LITEKATUKU OF THE FRENCH KENA ISSANCB. An Introductory Essay. By A. A. '1ii,i,f;v, M.A. Crown 8vo. Cs. SHAKESrEAllE TO POPE. 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