LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF U. S, Supt. of Documents. Class LIBRARY 'OF CONGRESS, division of bibliography, LIST OF BOOKS (WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS) RELATING- TO THE THEORY OF COLONIZATION, GOVERNMENT OF DEPENDENCIES, PROTECTORATES, AND RELATED TOPICS. A. P. O. G-RIFFIN, CHIEF, piyisiON OF HIBLIOGUAIMI v. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1900. I {' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. LIST OF BOOKS (WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS) RELATING TO THE THEORY OF COLONIZATION, GOVERNMENT OF DEPENDENCIES, PROTECTORATES, AND RELATED TOPICS. A. F. C. GRIFFIN CHIEF, DIVISION" OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1900. CONTENTS. Paga 1. Theory of colonization, etc. (Books) 1 la. Theory of colonization. (Articles in periodicals, 1898-1900) 6 2. Climate and colonization 8 3. Expansion of the United States. (Selected list of books treating of ter- ritorial acquisitions, etc. ) 11 3a. Expansion of the United States, 1898-1900. (History, discussion of principles, etc. ) 13 3//. Expansion of the United States, 1898-1900. (Articles in periodicals). 17 4. British colonies, collectively. ( Books) 23 4d. British colonies. (Articles in periodicals, 1898-1900) 32 5. British European colonies 41 6. British Asiatic colonies ., 42 7. British African colonies 49 8. British Australasia 57 9. British North American colonies 64 10. British colonies in Central and South America 68 11. British West Indies, etc 70 12. French colonies 74 12<7. French colonies. ( Articles in periodicals, 1897-1900) 78 1 3. French African colonies 84 14. French Asiatic colonies, French Oceania, French American colonies .. 86 15. German colonies 88 16. German colonies. ( Articles in periodicals) 91 1 7. Dutch colonies _ _ 92 18. Italian colonies 97 19. Spanish colonies 100 20. Spanish colonies: Cuba. (Selected list of books treating of Spanish administration ) 102 21. Spanish colonies: Philippines. (Selected list of books treating of Span- ish administration ) 103 22. Spanish colonies. (Articles in periodicals, 1898-99) 107 23. Portuguese colonies 109 24. Anglo-Saxon interests, etc 112 24a. A nglo-Saxon interests. (Articles in periodicals) 113 25. The Far Fast. (" Commercial relations, etc.") 115 26. The Far East. (Articles in periodicals, 1897-1900) 119 165234 INTRODUCTION. This list was sent to the Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge, chairman of the Senate Committee of the Philippines, in response to a request received from him for a report on the resources of the Library upon the sub- ject of colonization. The Senate, by resolutions May o and 8. 1900, respectively, author- ized the printing- of 500 copies each for the Senate and the Library of Congress. The scope of the list is indicated by the table of contents. The theory of colonization and the government of dependencies form the basis of the compilation. To this has been added significant literature upon the corollaries of colonization, viz. expansion, imperialism, Anglo-Saxon interests, the Far Eastern question. Works upon the political history and geography of the dependen- cies of the European nations have been made a special feature of the compilation. For a preliminary study of the subject of colonics. "Payne's history of European colonies" affords a convenient manual. Egerton's ""Short history of British colonial policy" traces the history of the growth of the British colonial empire from the beginnings of coloniza- tion down to 1885. Ireland's "Tropical colonization" is a study of the government of tropical colonies, the material requirements for their successful devel- opment, with a discussion of the value of these dependencies to the sovereign state. The work is the result of long study of the subject and is provided with a useful bibliography. Seeley's " Expansion of England" is a scientific study of the problem of English history as illustrated in the growth of the empire in the eighteenth century. Woodward's "A short history of the expansion of the British Empire, 1500-1870" is a more detailed narration of the acquisition and settlement of the British colonies. Professor Seeley in his " Growth of the British policy" studies the history of the transformation of England from an insular nation into a "great power." Cotton and Payne's "Colonies and dependencies" in the "English citizen series" is a compact account of the administration of the Eng- lish colonies. Lucas's "Historical geography of the British colonies" is a most valuable guide upon the political, social, and geographical features of the various British dependencies. It is of the first importance a- a VI genera] treatise upon the colonies collectively, constituting a most reliable introduction to a study of colonial history. Leroy-Beaulieu's "De la colonisation chez les peuples modernes" is an elaborate survey of colonies and eolonial systems of the world by a political economist of high repute. Merivale's "Lectures" is a study of the economic features of eolo- nization and colonies. Sir G. C. Lewis's ""Essay on the government of dependencies" is a discussion of the historical and political principles of colonization. Heeren's "Political system of Europe and its colonies" is one of the earlier scientific studies of colonization, with copious bibliographical references. The chapter on colonies in Adam Smith's "Wealth of nations" is a scientific study of the economic value of dependencies. The handbooks or annuals of various colonial governments are use- ful works of reference for statistical information. The ""Diplomatic and consular reports" issued at intervals by the foreign office of Great Britain embody information upon the history. the administration, and the commercial interests of British and foreign colonies. The "Consular reports" of this country also contain similar material. The current statistics of the colonies are set forth in "Statistical abstracts for the several colonial and other possessions of the United Kingdom," published by the British Government. These "Abstracts" are incorporated in the Parliamentary sessional papers. The "Board of Trade Journal" published by the Government Board of Trade, London; and the "Imperial Institute Journal" are current sources of information upon the trade, resources, and administration of the English colonies. The "Proceedings of the Royal Colonial Institute" is a repository of many valuable papers upon the colonial interests of Great Britain. The "Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly" deals with the literature as well as the politics of the colonies. The periodicals, "Questions Diplomatiques et Coloniales," the "Revue Maritime et Coloniale," and the "Bulletin de la Societe des Etudes Coloniales." are mainly devoted to French colonial interests. The following German periodicals deal with colonial subjects, par- ticularly with German colonies: " DeutschesKolonialblatt." " Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Organ der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft." " Deut- sche* Kolonial-Kalender," " Jahresbericht der Deutschen Kolonial- gesellschaft," and the "Koloniales Jahrbuch." A. P. C. Griffin, ( 'hief, Division of Bibliography. Herbert Putnam, Librarian of ( 'oncm .s*. TBL1CATI0NS RELATING TO THE THEORY OF COLONIZATION AM) RELATED TOPICS. COLONIES. THEORY OF COLONIZATION, GOVERNMENT OF DEPENDENCIES, PROTECTORATES, ETC. BOOKS. Austin, O. P. Colonial systems of the world. The colonies, protectorates, depend- encies, and spheres of influence of all nations exercising authority outside their immediate territory, showingform of government, area, population, revenue, etc. (In United states. Bureau of Statistics. Monthly summary of commerce and finance. December, 1898, pp. 1463-1 198. Washington, 1899. 1 Bacon, Sir Francis. An essay on plantations. (In Select tracts relating to colonies, pp. 1-4, London, [1733].) Also in the various editions of his works. Barre de Saint-Venant, Adhemar Jean Claude. Des colonies modernes sous la zone torride, et particulierement de celle de Saint-Domingue. Paris: Brochut, 1802. xvi, 512 pp. 8°. Billiard, A. Politique et organisation coloniales. (Principes generaux. i Paris: Giard et Briere, 1898. 300 pp. 8°. Bonnassieux, Tierre. Les grandes compagnies de commerce. Etude pour servir a l'histoire de la colonisation. Paris: Plon, 1892. 562, (2) pp. j>. 8°. Finch, John. The natural boundaries of empires, and a new view of colonization. London: Longman, Brovm [c/r.], is.',.',, mix, 279 pp. 10°. Gairal, Francois, he protectorat international. Paris: Pedone-Lauriel. [1S9G.~\ 313 /]>. S°. Heeren, A. H. L. A manual of the history of the political system of Europe and its colonics, from its formation at the close of the fifteenth century to its reestahlishment upon the fall of Napoleon. Translated from the fifth German edition. Oxford: />..!. Talboys, 1884. $ vols. 8°. came. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1857. xxxii, 540 pp. 8°. Hinds, Samuel. Essay on colonization. {In Wakefield. E. G.: A viewof the art of colonization, pp. 107-119. London, L849. | This essay was first printed in Whately's "Thoughts on secondary punishments," London, L832. Howison, John. European colonies in various parts of the world, viewed in their social, moral, and physical condition. London: Richard Bentley, is.;;. _> vols. 8°. Institut Colonial International. Comptes rendus de la session tenue a La Haye, sept. 1895. Paris: Colin, 1895. (.'), (£7 pp. 8°. Bibliotheque coloniale internationale. l°ser. Lamain-d'ceuvreaux colonies. 3 vols. 2 e ser. Les fonctionnaires coloniaux. 2 vols. 3° ser. Le regime foncier aux colonies. 4 vols. 4'' ser. Le regime des protectorate. 4 vols. Bruxelles: 1895-1899. 13 vols. 8°. Ireland, Alleyne. Tropical colonization: an introduction to the study of the subject. London: Macmillan, 1899. xii, 282pp. 8°. Bibliography, pp. 227-259. Jeze, Gaston. Etude theorique et pratique sur ['occupation comme moded'acquerir les territoires en droit international. Paris: Giard et Briere, 1896. Hi, 393 pp. 8°. Kidd, Benjamin. The control of the tropics. London: Macmillan, 1898. vi, {1), 101, (1) pp. 8°. Lanessan, J. M. A. de. Principes de colonisation. Paris: Aha,,. 1897. iv,283pp. 8°. (Bibliotheque scientifique internationale.) Lehmann, K. Kolonialgesellschaftsrecht in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Berlin: K. Hoffmann, 1S96. 35 pp. 8°. Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre Paul. Be la colonisation chez les peuples moderates. Paris: GuiUaumin et cie., 1874. uii, (1), 616 pp. 8°. Same. 4e edition, revisee, corrigee, et augmentee. Paris: Libraire GuiUaumin et cie., 1898. (2), xix, (1), 868pp. 8°. Contents: De la colonisation anterieure au XIX« siecle: De la colonisation espagnole, portugaise, hollandaise, anglaise, francaise, danoise et suecloise. Resume de la colo- nisation anterieure an XIV' siecle. De la colonisation an XIX' siecle: Les colonies ^'exploration on de plantations; Colonies francaises, espagnoles, hollandaises; Les anciennes iles danoises et su6doises; La colonisation allemande; La colonisation italienne; l'n mode special decolonisation anonyme; L'Etat independant du Congo; Conditions generales de la colonisation dans l'Afrique tropicale et equatoriale; L'Algerie et la colonisation francaise an XIX" siecle; La Tunisie; Les colonies de la France; De la colonisation anglaise an XIX'' siecle; De la colonisation rnsse; De Pinfluence des colonies sur les metropoles; Del' emigration humaine; De l'emigration des capitaux; De commerce colonial et de son utilite pour la nietropole; Del'entre- tien des colonies. Lewis, Sir George Cornewall. Essay <>n the government of dependencies. London: John Murray, is',i. .,-;;, 882, I /) pp. 8°. Same. Oxford: Clarendon press, 1891. 392 pp. 8°. Lord, Walter Frewen. The lost empires of the modern world. Essays in imperial history. London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1897. (4) , 362 pp. 12°. Lowell, A. Lawrence. Colonial civil service. Selection and training of colonial officials in Holland, England, and France. New York: MacmUlan company, 1900. viv, 846 pp. 8°. Macdonnell, Alexander. Colonial commerce; comprising an inquiry into the prin- ciples upon which discriminating duties should be levied on sugar, the growth respectively of the West India British possessions, of the East Indies, and of foreign countries. London: John Murray, 1828. xix, (1), 802pp. 8°. Malouet, V. P. Collection de memoires et correspondances officielles sur radminis- tration des colonies, et notamment sur la Guiane francaise et hollandaise. Paris: Baudouinan. an. x [1799']. 5 vols. 8°. Martel, Henri. Etude pratique sur les colonies anciennes et modernes et sur leurs grandes compagnies commerciales. Gand: Trnprimerit V. van Dooselaere, 1898. 395 pp. 8°. Merivale, Herman. Lectures on colonization and colonies. Delivered before the University of Oxford in 1839, 1840, and 1841. London: Longmans, Ofme'[etc.'], 1841, 1842. ? vols, in 1. 8°. contents: I. Historical account of the progress of the colonies of modern Europe: Colonics of Spain in continental America up to the period of their independence: Spanish col- onies in the West Indies: Portuguese, Dutch, and French colonies: Brief historical sketch of British colonization; British colonies in the West Indies: North American colonies down to the period of their independence; Account of the present British colonies in North America, Smith Africa, and Australia: Economical effects of colo- nization on the parent state; Progress of wealth and society in colonies. II. (continued). Employment of convict labor: methods of obtaining labor in the colonies without slaves or convicts: Disposal of land in new colonies; Sketch of the history of South Australia. Milburn, William. Oriental commerce; or, the East India trader's complete guide; containing a geographical and nautical description of the maritime parts of India, China, Japan, and neighboring countries, including the eastern islands . . . London: Printed for Kingsbury, Parbury, and Allen, 1825. {6), 586 pp. Folded n>s. 8°. Sooloo islands, pp. 423-426; Philippine islands, pp. 126-430. Money, James William B. Java, or how to manage a colony. Showing a practical solution of the questions now affecting British India. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1861. 2 vols. 12°. Niox, Gustave. L'expansion europeenne. Empire britannique. Asie-Afrique- Oceanie. 3e edition. A vec cartes et croquis. Appendice mis au courant jusqu'il la fin de L'annee 1897. Paris: Delagrave, [1897 '.] 472,59pp. Foldedmaps. 8°. (< Uographie,vol. 8.) Norman, II. The peoples and politics in the far East. Travels and studies in the British, French, Spanish, and Portuguese colonies, Siberia, China, Japan, Corea, Siam, and Malaya. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1895. an < pp. 8 . ilonies. With ma Lps. xi, {1), m pp. 16°. {Hislor ical Payne, Edward John. History of European < London; MacmiUan & company, 1889. course for schools.) Pearson, Charles II. National life ami character: aforecast. London: MacmiUan and co. 1894- vi, 381 pp. l.'°. Penn, William. The benefit of plantations, or colonics. {In Select tracts relating to colonies, pp. 26-30. London, [1733?].) Pillet, A. Des droits de la puissance protectrice sin- I' administration interieure de I'ctat protege. (In Revue Internationale du droit public, vol.2, pp. 583-608.) Questions coloniales et diplomatiques. Paris, 1899-1900. 8°. Note.— Periodical now regularly received at the Library. Ricaud, J. A. L' expansion coloniale. Paris: V. Havard, 1891. xiv, 318 pp. 8°. Rogers, James E. Thorold. The colonial question. {In Cobden Club essays,2d series, 1871-72, pp. 403-459. London,1872.) Roscher, Wilhelm. Kolonien, kolonial Politik und Auswanderung. 3te verbes- serte, vermehrte und zum Theil ganz neu bearbeitete Auflage von Roscher's Kolonien. Leipzig: C. F. Winter, 1885. (2) , vi, 470 pp. 8°. Sacerdoti, V. Studi sulla colonizzazione. Bologna, 1890. 248 pp. 8°. Select tracts relating to colonies, consisting of — I. An essay on plantations. By Sir Francis Bacon. II. Some passages taken out of the history of Florence, etc. III. A treatise. By John De Witt. IV. The benefit of plantations or colonies. By William Penn. V. A discourse concerning plantations. By Sir. Josiah Child. London: Printed for J. Roberts. {1783?~\ (8), 40 pp. 12°. Smith, Adam. Of colonies: of the motives for establishing new. colonies; causes of the prosperity of new colonies; of the advantages which Europe has derived from the discovery of America. . . . (Inhis An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. Reprinted from the 6th edition, with an introduction by E. B. Bax. v. 2, pp.62-156. London, 1896.) Note. — Also to be found in other editions of Smith's works. — The colonial policy of Europe. i In Rand. B.: Selections illustrating economic history of the seven years' war. 2d edition, pp. 1-30. Cambridge, 1892.) Societe d 1 etudes coloniales, Bruxelles. Bulletin, 3e-5e annee. 1S96-98. Bruxelles, 1S96-98. 3 vols, in 2. S° . Note. -This periodical is currently received at the Library. Thierry, ('. de. Imperialism. With an introduction by W. E. Henley. London: Duckworth & company, 1898. xv, 110 pp. 8°. Van Octroy, F. ('(inventions Internationales (Mfinisaant les limites actuelles dea possessions, protectorate el spheres d'influence eri Afrique. Bruxelles: Schepens, 1898. 518 pp. 8°. Wakefield, Edward Gibbon. A view of the art of colonization, with present refer- ence to tlic British empire; in letters between a statesman and a colonist. London: John IT. Parker, 1849. xxiv, 513 pp. 8°. Note.— Inserted in the body of the work are Dr. Hind's " Essay on colonization;" Charles Butler's "Mr. Mothercountry of the colonial office;" and in the appendix "S] ch of Charles Bull er in the House of Commons, April 6, 1843, on systematic colonization." Wallis, J.P. Early colonial constitutions. (In Royal historical society. Transactions, new series, volume 10, pp. 59-83. Lon- don, 1896.) Worsfold, W. B. South Africa; a study in colonial administration and develop- ment. London: Methuen & company, 1895. xii, 266 pp. 12°. Same. 2d edition, revised. London: Methuen & company, 1897 xii, 308 pp. M. 12°. Zimmermann, Alfred. Die europaischen Kolonien. Berlin, 1896-1899. 3 vols. Mop*. 8°. I. Die Kolonialpolitik Portugals und ihre Entwickelung von denAnfang Gegenwart. II, III. Die Kolonialpolitik Grossbritanniens. THEORY OF COLONIZATION, GOVERNMENT OF DEPENDENCIES, PROTECTORATES, ETC. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS, 1898-1900. 1898. Does trade follow the flay? Lord Fairer. Contemporary Review, vol. 74 {December, 1S98), 810. 1899. Colonial systems of the world. 0. P. Austin. National Geographic Magazine, vol. 10 [January, 1899), 21. 1899. The spirit of conquest. J. Novicow. Appleton's Popular Science Monthly, ml. 54 [February, 1899), 518. 1899. Does trade follow the flag? Lord Masham. Contemporary Review, vol. 75 [February, 1899), 218. 1899. The commercial future: I. International struggle for life. Brooks Adams. II. The commercial sovereignty of the seas. B. Taylor. Fortnightly Review, ml. 65 [February, 1899), :: ',, ^84. 1899. Imperialism. .1. L. Walton. Contemporary Review, vol. 75 [March, 1899), 305. 1899. The evolution of colonies: Social evolution. J.Collier. Popular Science Monthly, vol. 54 {March, 1899), 577. 1899. The colonies of the world and how they are governed. 0. P. Aue Forum, vol. 97 (May, 1899), SOS. 1899. The seamy side of imperialism. Robert Wallace. Contemporary Review, vol. 75 (June, 1899), 782. 1899. The flag and trade; a summary review of the trade of the chie empires. A. W. Flux. Royal Statistical Society Journal, vol. 62 (September, 1899), 489. 1899. The imperial function of trade. II. Birchenough. Nineteenth Century, vol. 46 (September, 1899), 352. 1899. The value of the imperial idea. Spectator, vol. 83 (October 7, 1899), 485. 1899. The cooperation of colonial governments. J. Macdomell. Journal of the Society of Comp. Legislation, new series, vol. 3 (December 1900. Radicalism and the imperial spirit. A. R. Carman. Contemporary Review, vol. 71 (January, 1900)-, 18. 1900. Does colonization pay? O.P.Austin. Forum, vol. 28 (January, 1900), 621. •lonial 1899), 41. CLIMATE AND COLONIZATION. BOOKS. Annesley, James. Researches into the causes, nature, and treatment of the more prevalent diseases of India and of warm climates generally. Second edition. London: Longman, Brown, Green& Longmans, 184-1. xii,606pp. Portrait. 8°. Sketches of the most prevalent diseases of India. Second edition, with cor- rections and large additions. Illustrated by tables and plates. London: S. Highly, 1831. xxiv, 501, (;?) pp. 8°. Burg, C. L. van der. To what extent are tropical altitudes adapted for settlement by Europeans? ( In International congressof hygieneand demography. Transactions, seventh session, v. 10, pp. 170-178. London. 1892.) Burnett, Sir William, and Alexander Bryson. Report on the climate and principal diseases of the African station. London: Clowes & sons, 1847. xv, {1), 266 pp. 8°. Burot, F., and M. A. Legrand. Lea trou pes coloniales. Statistique de la mortality. Paris: J. B. Bailliere, 1897. 140 pp. 8°. Maladies du soldat aux pays chauds. Paris: ./. I!. Bailliere, 1897. 184 pp. 8°. Hygiene du soldat sous les tropiques. Paris: J. 11 Bailliere, 1898. 218 pp. 8°. The hygiene of the soldier in the trollies. Translated by G. W. Read. Kansas City, Mo. \_1899.~] 8°. (International military series. 7.) Cantlie, James. The possibility of Europeans and their families becoming natural- ized in the tropics. (hi Journal of tropical medicine, November, December, 1898; January, February, 1899.) Climate and colonization. (Tii Quarterly Review, vol. 190, July, 1899, pp. 268-288.) Cohn, Emanuel. Zur Geschichte der deutschen Tropenhygiene. (In Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, neue Folge, vol. 13, February 8, 1900, pp. 53-58.) Dumont, Enrique. Ensayo de una historia mgdico-quirurgica de la , isla de Puerto Rico. T. 1, 2, entregal-4. Habana: Imp. "La AntUla" de A". Cacho-Negrete, 1875-1876. j vols. 8°. Volume 'J lacks all after p. 100. Felkin, Robert W. Tropical highlands; their suitability for European settlement. {In International congressof hygiene and demography. Transactions, seventh ses- sion, vol. 10. 155-164. London, 1892. i 8 Giles, G. M. Growth and developmenl of Anglo-Indian children. [In [nternationa] congressof hygiene and demography. Transactions, seventh ses- sion, vol. 10, pp. 184-185. London, 1892. | Hillary, William. A treatise on such diseases as are the most freqnenl in or arc peculiar to the West India islands or the torrid zone. With notes by Ben- jamin Rush. Philadelphia: Jane Aitken, 1811. 166 pp. 8°. Horner, < iustavus B. B. Medical and topographical observations upon the Mediter- ranean, and uMini Portugal, Spain, and other countries. With engrav- ings. Philadelphia: Haswell, Barrington A- Haswell, 1839. 212, (I) pp. 8°. Horton, .lames Africanus 15. Physical and medical climate and meteorology of the west coast of Africa; with valuable hints to Europeans for the preserva- tion of health in the tropics. London: John < 'hurchill A- sons, 1847. xix, (1), 321 pp. ,9°. Johnson, James. The influence of tropical climates on European constitutions. Fifth edition, greatly enlarged. London: S. Highley, 1836. viii, 678pp. 8°. Manson, Patrick. Tropical diseases. A manual of the diseases of warm climates. With 88 illustrations and 1' colored plates. London: Cassett & Company, 1898.. xvi, 607 pp. 12°. A school of tropical medicine. (In Journal of the Royal Colonial Institute, vol. 31, April, 1900, pp. 309-357. 1 Markham, Clements R. On the suitability of mountainous regions and of islands in the tropics for European settlement. [In International congress of hygiene and demography. Transactions, seventh ses- sion, vol. 10, pp. 178-183. London, 1S92.) Martin, James Ranald. The influence of tropical climates on European constitu- tions. A new edition. London: John Churchill, 1856. xv, (1), 599pp. S°. Moore, Sir William. The suitability of tropical highlands for European settlement. (In International congress of hygiene and demography. Transactions, seventh ses- sion, vol. 10, pp. 16-5-170. London, 1892.) Orgeas, J. La pathologie des races humaines et le probleme de la colonisation. Paris: Doin, 1886. 8°. Rho, Filippo. Malattie predominant nei paesi caldi e temperati. (Igiene e accli- matazione nei paesi caldi. ) Torino, Rosenberg e Settier, 1897. 779 pp. Plates. S°. Rochard, Jules. Questions d'hygiene sociale (l'acclimatement dans les colonies francaises). Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1891. vi, 337 pp. 16°. Sambon, L. W. Acclimatization of Europeans in tropical lands. I In Geographical journal, vol. 12, pp. 589-606. London, 1898.) Stokvis, B.J. On the comparative pathology of human races, with reference to the vital resistance of Europeans in tropical climates. [In The Practitioner: vol. 46 (March, 1891), 223 240; (April, 1891) , 301-320; (May,1891), S. London, 1891.) 10 Towne, Richard. A treatise of the diseases most frequent in the West Indies, and herein nunc particularly of those which occur in Barbadoes. London: Printed for John Clarke, mdccxxm. {10), 192 pp. 8°. Townsend, 1*. S. Memoir on the topography, weather, and diseases of the Bahama Islands. New York: ./. Seymmtr, 1826. 80 pp. 8°. Treille, Georges. Principes d'hygiene coloniale. Paris: Carre et Naud, 1899. I 2), iv, 272pp. 8°. Williamson, John. Medical and miscellaneous observations relative to the West India Islands. Edinburgh: Printed by Alexander Smettie, 1817. ?vols. 8°. EXPANSION OF THE UNITED STATES. SELECTED LIST OF BOOKS TREATING OF TERRITORIAL ACQUISITIONS PRIOR TO THE ANNEXATION OF HAWAII AND OF THE ISLANDS ACQUIRED FROM SPAIN IN 1898. Baldwin, Simeon E. The historic policy of the United stales as to annexation. i In American Historical Association. Annual reporl for 1893, pp.369 390. Bicknell, Edward. The territorial acquisitions of the United States. Boston: Small, 1899. xi, (1) , 110 pp. 10°. Contents: The Northwestern territory, I7s7: Louisiana, L802; Florida, 1819; Oregon, 1846; Texas, 1845; The Mexican cessions, 1848, 1853; Alaska. 1867; Hawaii. 1898; The recent acquisitions in the West Indies and the Bast. Blanchard, R. The discovery and conquests of the Northwest. Chicago: Gushing, Thomas & Company, 1880. f f84, (.'), 30, iv />/>. Plates (wood-cuts). S°. Burgess, John W. The middle period, 1817-1858. Willi maps. New York: Charles Scribner' s Sows, 1897. xvi,544pp- Maps. l.'°. (Ameri- can History series. ) Carpenter, E.J. America in Hawaii. A history of United States influence in the Hawaiian islands. Boston, Small, Maynard & Company, 1899. xi, (/), 275pp. Portraits. 12°. Cooley, Thomas M. The acquisition of Louisiana. Indianapolis: The Bowen-Merrill Company, 1887. 93 pp. 8°. (Indiana His- torical society: Publications, No. 3.) "Considers the constitutional questions involved in territorial acquisitions." Donaldson, Thomas. The public domain. Its history, with statistics, with refer- ences to the national domain, colonization, acquirement of territory, the survey, administration, and several methods of sale and disposition of the public domain of the United States, witli sketch of legislative historj of the land system of the colonies, and also thai of several foreign govern- ments. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1881. vi,544pp- Folded-maps. 8°. ( U. S. JjBth ( 'ongress, 3d session. Exi cutive Document 47, pt. J. ) Farrand, Max. The legislation of Congress for the government of the organized territories of the United States. 1789-1895. Wm. A. Baker, printer, Newark, X< w Jersey, 1896. (4), 101 pp. 8°. Freeman, Edward Augustus. Greater Greece and Greater Britain, and George Washington the expander of England. Two lectures, with an appendix. London: MaaniUan & Company, 1880. (4), 143pp. 12°. Gannett, Henry. Boundaries of the United States and of the several states and territories, with a historical sketch of the territorial changes. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1885. 135pp. S° . t U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin, no. IS. ) 11 12 Griffis, William Elliot. The romance of Ajnerican colonization: How the founda- tion stones of our history were laid. Boston and Chicago: W. A.Wilde & Company, [1898]. 295 pp. Plates (pho- togravures). Small 4°. Hermann, Binger. The Louisiana purchase, and our title west of the Rocky Moun- tains, with a review of annexation by the United States. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1898. 81 pp. Portrait. Maps. /,°. Hinsdale, B. A. The old Northwest, with a view of the thirteen colonies as con- stituted by the royal charters. New York: Tovmsend MacCoun, 1888. vi, (2), 440pp. Maps. 8°. Jollivet, Adolphe. Documents americains. Troisieme serie. Les Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Annexion du Texas. L'Oregon. Paris: de V imprimerie de Bruneau, Avril 1845. 74 pp. 8°. McConachie, Lauros />■ Portraits. 8°. (Progress. Issued monthly by the University Association in the interests of university and world's congn ss < xtension. vol. 5, no. 2.) Contents: The national awakening; occupancy of the vacant continent; homogeneity, federation ami character building; isolation vs. intercourse; protection of the weak: aggression and co-operation; the lessons of history and polities; the expansion of Europe; spheres of influence and the open door; world politics; growth of American trade. Bibliography: Arguments for expansion, by Samuel Fallows; The present crisis, by Edwin D. Mead. Roosevelt, Theodore. The winning of the West. With maps. New Vork and London: G. I'. Putnam' s Sons. 1889-1896. contexts: Volume 1. From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1769-1776. Volume 2. From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1777-1783. Volume 3. The founding of the trans-Alleghany commonwealths, lTst-1790. Volume 1. Louisiana and the Northwest, 1791-1807. Winsor, J. The westward movement. The colonies and t lie republic west of the Alleghanies, 1763-1798. With full cartographical illustrations from con- temporary SOI lives. BostonandNew York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1897. viii, 595 pp. Portraits. 8°. Winsor, J., and Edward Channing. Territorial acquisitions and divisions. 1783- 1850. ( In Winsor, J.: Narrative and critical history of America, vol.7, pp. 528-662. Boston, 1888.) EXPANSION OF THE UNITED STATES, 1898-1900. HISTORY, DISCUSSION OF PRINCIPLES, ETC. BOOKS. Adams, Charles Francis. "Imperialism" and "The tracks of our forefathers." A paper read before the Lexington, Mass., Historical society, December 20, 1898. BnsUm: Dana Estes & Company, 1899. 37pp. 8°. Allen, William Y. Necessary and natural territorial expansion. i in Bryan, \V. J., and ethers: Republic or empire, pp. 287-304. Chicago, 1899.) American academy of political and social science. The foreign policy of the United States, political and commercial; addresses and discussions at the annual meeting, April 7-8, 1899. Philadelphia: American academy of •political and social science, 1899. (4), 216 pp. 8°. CONTENTS. The governmei t of dependencies, by Theodore S. Woolsey. Constitutional aspeel of the government of dependencies, by E. W. Huffcut. The government of dependencies, by A. Lawrence Lowell. The government of tropical colonies, byW. Alleyne Ireland; discussion by Dr.Talcott Williams, Prof, I.. S. Rowe. Militarism and democracy, by Carl Schurz. The commercial relations of the United States with the tar East, by Worthington Chauncey Ford. The commercial relations of the United States with the far East, by Robert T. Hill; discussion by John Ford, Dr. W.P.Wilson. Prof . E. R. Johnson. The political relations of the United States with the far Fast, by John Bassetl Moore. China's relations with the West, by H. E. Wu Ting Fang. The political relations of the United States with the European powers in the far East, by Lindley Miller Keasbey. The real menace of Russian aggression, by Frederick Wells Williams. Anti-imperialistic league. Address adopted by the Anti-imperialistic league. (In Bryan, W. J., and others: Republic or empire, pp. 695-710. Chicago, 1899. ) Bacon, Augustus < >. Independence for the Philippines. (In Bryan, W. J., and others: Republicor empire, pp. 523-548. Chicago, 1899.) Bancroft, Hubert Howe. The new Pacific. New York: The Bancroft Company, 1900. iv, (2), 738 pp. Map. 8°. "Imperialism; the policy of expansion," pp.144-184. " Hawaii, the pearl of the Pacific," pp. 548 565. " Philippine archipelago and Asiatic isles." pp.566-580. Blackman, William Fremont. The making of Hawaii; a study in evolution. New York: MacmUlan Company, 1899. oni, 266 pp. 8°. Boutwell, George S. The crisis of the republic. Boston: Dana Estes & Company, 1900. (4), 215pp. 8°. 14 Bryan, William Jennings, and others. Republic or empire? The Philippine question. Chicago: The Independence Company, 1899. 762 pp. Portrait. 8°. Consists of speeches, etc., in opposition to expansion by W. J. Bryan, Andrew Carnegie, J.B. Weaver, B.R. Tillman, George C. Vest, George F. Hoar, S.M.White, Samuel Gompers, Charles Francis Adams, Arthur P. Gorman, Henry M.Teller, George F. Edmunds, Marion Butler, A.E.Stevenson, David Starr .Ionian, W.V. Allen. Charles A. Towne, CarlSchurz, J.W.Daniel, Henry Van Dyke. H.D.Money, W.E.Mason, H.R.Chilton, A.O.Bai , George W. Turner, J.McLaurin, A.S.Clay, E. W. Johnson, J. G. Carlisle, J. L. Spalding, G. C. Lorimer, J.L.Barton, H.C. Potter, George I'. Fisher, T.J.Conaty, Daniel Merriman; also the following documents: McEnery and Bacon resolutions; The gospel of force, poem, by Bertrand Shadwell. Appendix: Protocol of agreement: Treaty of peace; Letter of Admiral Dewey; Agui- naldo's proclamation— dictatorial; Aguinaldo's establishment of revolutionary government: Message of president of Philippine revolution; State correspondence; Agninaldo to President: Aguinaldo to Mr. Williams. Bryan, William S., ed. Our islands and their people as seen with camera and pen- cil; introduced by J. Wheeler, with special descriptive matter and narra- tives by J. de Olivares . . . Photographs by B. Townsend. St. Louis, New York: N. I>. Thompson, moo. .. J pts., illustrated. Plates. Folio. Carlisle, John Griffin. Our future policy. [In Bryan. W. J., and others: Republic or empire, pp. 649-673. Chicago, 1899. i Carpenter, E. J. America in Hawaii. A history of the United States influence in the Hawaiian islands. Boston: Small, Maynard&Co., 1899. xi, (1), 275pp. Portrait. 12°. Chetwood, John. Manila, or Monroe doctrine ? New York: Robert Lewis Wood Company, [1898.] 52pp. 16°. Chilton, Horace. Annexation dangerous to labor. In Bryan, W. . I. and others: Republic or empire, pp. 501-622. Chicago, 1899 Clay, Alexander S. Excessive taxation destructive to patriotism. [In Bryan, w. J. and others: Republic or empire, pp. 595-61 1. Chicago, 1899. i Copeland", Thomas Campbell. American colonial handbook. A ready reference book of lads and figures, historical, geographical, and commercial, aboul Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Hawaii, and Guam. Funk & Wagnalls Company, New York and London: 189$. 180, (J) /<;*. Maps. KJ°. Daniel, John W. The effect of annexation of the Philippines on American labor. [In Bryan, W. J., and others: Republic or empire, pp.367-425. Chicago, 1899. ) Draper, A. S. The rescue of Cuba: an episode in the growth of free government. London: Gay and Bird, 1899. 8°. Duffield, J. Davis. Address at the foreign policy conference, August, 1898. Philadelphia, 1898. (4) pp. 8°. Fernald, James ( '. The imperial republic. With live maps. Fun k & Wagnalls Company, New York and London: 1898. 192pp. 12°. Contents; The ghost of imperialism; Our traditional policy; " Entangling alliances; " The United states as a sea-power: Trade follows the flag; The highway to the orient: The empire of the Pacific; The debt of humanity: Colonial policies con- trasted; A true colonial policy; Possibilities of our new possessions. Fisher, Horace N. Principles of colonial government adapted to the present needs of Cuba and Porto Rico and the Philippines. Boston: I.. C. Page& Company, 1899. 56 pp. 8°. 15 Gardiner, Charles A. Our rigid to acquire and hold foreign territory. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York: 1899. [4), 56 pp. 12°. (Questions of the day, no. 93.) Giddings, Franklin Henry. Democracy and empire. With studies of their psy- chological, economic, and moral foundations. New York: Macmillan Company, 1900. x, 363 pp. 8°. Pp. 267-290 contain argument for Anglo-Saxon alliance; with discussion of commer- cial advantages of the East. "The consent of the governed," pp.257-266. " imperialism," ]>i>.'Jti7-290. Griffis, William Elliot. America in the East. A glance at our history, prospects, problems, and duties in the Pacific ocean. New York: A. S. Barnes & Company, 1899. x, ( 2), 244 pp. Plates (photo- gravures). 12°. The romance of conquest. The story of American expansion through arms and diplomacy. Boston: W. A. Wilde Company, [1899]. 312pp. Plates. 8°. Hoar, George Frisbie. "Before everything — liberty." Our duty to the Philippines. A letter reprinted from the Springfield Republican, January 11, 1900. Published by the New England AntiAmperialist league, 1900. 15 pp. 1J°. No constitutional power to conquer foreign nations and hold their people in subjection against their will. Speech in the Senate, January 9, 1899. Washington, 1899. 28 pp. 8°. A question of conscience. Letter to the editor of the Boston Herald, Jan- uary 2, 1MI HI. [Washington 1900.1 11 PP- 8 °- No title-page. Caption title. Same as " Before everything— liberty." our duty to the Philippines. Letter, March 29, 1899. [To citizens of Massachusetts on the Philippine policy.] [Boston] Published by tin Antirdmperialist league. 1899. 14 pp. Our duty to the Philippines. Fromth Independent, New York, November 9, 1899. [New York, 1899.] 8 pp. Si, i, ill 4°. Johnson, Henry U. Imperial splendor and imperial mistakes. In Bryan, W. J., and others: Republic or empire, pp. 649-673. Chicago, 1899.) Jordan, David Stan-. Imperial democracy. A study of the relation of government by the people, equality before the law, and other tenets of democracy, to the demands of a vigorous foreign policy and other demands of imperial dominion. New York: H. Appleton & Company, 1899. ix, (1), 293pp. 8°. Levere, William ( !. Imperial America. The policy of national expansion. Chicago: Forbes & Company, 1898. 128 pp. 12°. Lindsay, William. Lower to acquire foreign territory. In American Har Association reports, vol. 22, pp. 327-357. Philadelphia, 1899. ) Lomax, Tennent. An imperial colonial policy; opposition to it the supreme duty of patriotism. Oration at the University of Alabama, June 20, 1898. .V. /'.. [1898?] 21pp. 8°. g McLaurin, John L. Our new colonial policy. {In Bryan, W. J., and others: Republic or empire, pp.577-594. Chicago, 1899.) 16 Mahan, A. T. Lessons of the war with Spain, and other articles. Boston: Utile, Brown & Co., 1899. xvi, (g), 320 pp. Map. 12°. March, Alden. The history and conquest of the Philippines and our other island possessions. Embracing our war with the Filipinos in 1899 ... an authentic history of the Spanish war . . . the history of Cuba, Porto Rico, the Ladrone, and the Hawaiian islands from their discovery to the present time. Embellished with over one hundred full page half-tone and other engravings. John C. Winston, Philadelphia, [1899']. 498pp. 4°. Mason, William E. Universal liberty. i In Bryan, W. J., and others: Republic or empire, pp. 473-498. f'hicago, 1899.) Money, Hernando IK Let ns not with our own hands stain the immaculate shield of American arms. i /;/ Bryan, W.J.,and others: Empire or republic, pp. 449-470. Chicago, 1899. | Morris, Charles. Our island empire. A handbook of Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippine islands. ./. /.'. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1899. xii, (7), 488 pp. Map. 8°. Peffer, William A. Americanism and the Philippines. ( ram & ( 'ompany, Topeka, 1900. 150 pp. 8°. Pepper, Charles M. To-morrow in Cuba. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, 1899. (8), 362 pp. Foldedmap. Powers, II. II. The war as a suggestion of manifest destiny. Philadelphia: American Academy of political and social science, 1898. 20 pp. {Publications of the Society, no. 235.) 8°. " Professor Powers shows the development of the policy of imperialism from the time of Jefferson, and the inevitableness of the war. He then sets forth the results which must follow from our appearance as a world power, and why the final struggle for world domination must lie between the Anglo-Saxon and the Slav races. He also endeavors to forecast the result of this struggle." Randolph, Carman F. Notes on the law of territorial expansion. [New York: Privately printed. 1900.] 54 pp. 8°. Rayner, Isador. Speeches and addresses. Baltimore: John Murphy & Company, 1899. {6), 318 pp. 12°. Imperialism, pp. 280-291. Schurz, Carl. American imperialism. {In Bryan, W. .1., and others: Republic or empire, pp.329-363. Chicago, 1899.) Spalding, Bishop J. L. Love of country. (In Bryan, W. J., and others: Republic or empire. ]>]>. 675-693. Chicago, 1899.) Swift, Morrison I. Imperialism and liberty. Los Angeles: The Rowbroke press, 1899. ix, (l), 491 pp. 8°. "Opposed to expansion." Tompkins, D. A. American commerce, its expansion. A collection of addresses and pamphlets relating to the extension of foreign markets for American manufacturers. ( 'harlotte, N. C: Published by the author, 1900. 154pp. 12°. Townsend, Luther Tracy. "Manifest destiny" from a religious point of view. An address delivered before the Boston music hall patriotic association, November 6, 1898. Baltimore: Baltimore Methodist, [1S98~\. 61pp. 16°. 17 Stat tepublic orei apire, pp il d< smocracy." Dutcl Turner, George W. Our sh I/// Bryan, W. J., ai Valentine, John .1. " [mperia] democracy." Dutch colonizers in .Malaysia. Annexation of the Philippines. San Francisco, 1899. 53 pp. 8°. Van Dyke, Henry. The American birthrighl and the Philippine pottage. I In Bryan, \V. J., and others: Republic or empire, pp. 129-446. Chicago, 1899.) Visger, .lean A. Owen. The story of Hawaii. London and New York: Harper & Brothers, 1898. vii, (5), 219pp. Plate. 8°. Vivian, Thomas J., and Unci 1'. Smith. Everything about our new possessions. Being a handy book on Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippines. New York: A'. /•'. Fenno & Company, 1899. IS. J />/>. 16°. Waldstein, Charles. The expansion of Western ideals and the world's peace. John Lane, New Yorkand London, 1899. 194pp. 16°. Whitney, Caspar. Hawaiian America. Something of its history, resources, and prospects. Profusely illustrated. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, 1899. xii, (2), 357 pp. Plates (photogravures). S°. EXPANSION OF THE UNITED STATES, 1898-1900. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 1898. The war as a suggestion of manifest destiny. H. II. Powers. Annuls of the Amer. Acad, of Pol. and Social Science, vol. 1.' (Sept., 1898), pp. 173-192. 1898. International isolation of the United States. Richard Olney. Atlantic, vol. 81 (May, 1898), p. 577. 1898. The United States and the control of the tropics, benjamin Kidd. Atlantic, vol. 82 (Dec., 1898), p. 721. 1898. Our government of newly acquired territory. C. E. Boyd. Atlantic, vol. 82 (Dec, 189$), p. 73S. 1898. Thoughts on American imperialism. ('. Schurz. Century, vol. 56 (Sept., 1898), p. 7S1. 1898. The territory with which we are threatened. W. Reid. Century, vol. 56 (Sept., 1898), p. 788. 1898. American expansion and the inheritance of the race. W. L. Clowes. Fortnight/;/ Rev., vol. 64 (Dec, 1S98), p. 884- 1898. Isolation or imperialism? J.R.Procter. Forum, vol. 26 (Sept., 1898), p. 14- 1898. The dangers of imperialism. W. [McDonald. Forum, vol. 26 (Oct., 1898), p. 177. 1898. Annexation and universal suffrage. J. P>. McMaster. Forum, vol. 26 (Dec, 1898), p. 393. 1898. Eastward expansion of the United States. A. R. Colquhoun. Harper's Mag., vol. 07 (Nov., 1898) , p. 932. 4997 2 18 1898. American policy of territorial expansion. II. C. Lodge. Independent, vol. 50 (Jan. 13, 1898), p. 41. 1898. Dangers of colonial expansion. . 656. 1898. The problem of the Philippines. C. W. Dilke. No. Amer. Rev., rnl. 167 (Sept., 1898), p. 257. 1898. The economic basis of imperialism. C. A. Conant. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 107 (Sept, 1898), />. 326. 1898. Difficnlti&s in assimilating Hawaii. L. A. Beardslee. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 167 (Oct., 1898), p. 473. 1898. Pending problems. H.Taylor. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 167 (Nov., 1898) , p. 609. 1898. Colonial government: What is our capacity for it? Outlook, vol. 60 (Nov. 20, 1S98), p. 753. 1898. The Anglo-Saxon in the tropics. W. E. Griffis. Outlook, vol. 60 (Dec. 10, 1898), p. 902. 1898. Imperialism. F. H. Giddings. Pol. Sri. Quar., vol. 13 (Dec, 1898), p. 585. 1898. The evolution of colonies. .T.Collier. Pop. Sci. Mo., vol. 53 (July-Sept., 1898). 1898. L'equilibre intercontinental. Les Etats-Unis el l'Espagne. Les puissances coloniales. L. Drapeyron. Rev. Giographique, vol. 43 (1898), pp. 7-12. 1898. Recent development of policy in the United States. J. Chamberlain. Scribner's Mag., vol. 24 (Dec, 1898), p. 674- 1898. The American colonies. Spectator ( Nov. ■',. 1898), p. 640. Forecast of the difficulties of governing Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines. 1898. The principle of intervention. L. T. Hengstler. Univ. Chronicle, vol. 1 (Dec, 1898), p. 521. 1898. Aspects of empire and colonization, past and present. R. D. Melville. Western Rev., vol. 150 (Oct., 1898), p. 363; Eclectic, new series, vol. us (Dec, 1898), p. 721. 1899. Our Federal Constitution and the government of tropical territories. II. P. Judson. Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 19 (Jan., 1899), p. 67, 19 1899. The drift towards colonial and protectorate governments. I>. Dorchester. Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 69 I Feb., 1899), p. 199. 1899. The problem of territorial expansion. J. < i. Schurman. Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol 20 | Nov., 1899), p. 567. 1899. Americanizing Spanish colonies. A.J. Miller. Anglo-Amer. Mag., vol. 1 (Mar., 1899), p. 156. 1899. American policy in the Far East. J. M. King, jr. Anglo-Amer. Mag., vol. l (May, 1899), p. 432. 1899. Annex the Philippines. E. A. Balch. Anglo-Amer. Mag., vol. I (May, 1899), p. 47.'. 1899. Constitutional aspects of the government of dependencies. E. W. Huffcut. Annals of Amer. Acad. (May, 1899),suppl, p. 19. 1899. The government of dependencies. A. L. Lowell. Annals of Amer. Acad. (May, 1899), suppl, p. 46. 1899. The government of tropical colonies. \Y. A. Ireland. Annals of Amer. Acad. (May, 1899), suppl, p. 60. 1899. The government of dependencies. T. S. Woolsey. Annals of Amer. Acad. (May, 1899), suppl., p. .3. 1899. Militarism and democracy. C. Schurz. Annals of Amer. Acad. (May, 1899), suppl, p. 77. 1899. A review of our foreign policy in the Far East. J. B. Moore. Annals of Amer. Anal. (May, 1899), suppl, p. 163. 1899. Our new colonial policy. Arena, vol. 21 (Jan., 1899), p. 84. 1899. The colonial expansion of the United States. A. L. Lowell. Atlantic (Feb., 1899). 1899. Expansion of the American people. E. E. Sparks. Chautauguan, vol. 30 (Oct.-Dec., 1899): 49, 157, 264. 1899. American policy of expansion. Champ Clark. Conserv. Rev., vol. 1 (Feb., 1899), p. 78. 1899. The treaty with Spain in its relation to territorial acquisition. A. 1.. Knott. Conserv. Rev.', ml. l | Feb., 1899), p. 147. 1899. A question of national honor. W. H. Fleming. Conserv. Rev., vol 1 (May, 1899), j>. 199. In favor hi recognition of Filipino republic. 1899. North and South in national expansion. J. C. Ballagh. Conserv. Rev., vol. l (May, 1899), p. 291. 1899. Imperialism in the United States. Goldwin Smith. Contemp. Rev., vol. 75 (May, 1899), p. 620. - 1899. The future relations of Great Britain and the United States. C. W. Dilke. Forum, vol. 26 i./m,., 1S99), p. 521. 1899. The war and the extension of civilization. D.J.Hill. Forum, vol. 26 (Feb., 1899), p. 650. 1899. Why the treaty should he ratified. ('. Denby. Forum, vol. 26 (Feb., 1899), p. 641. 20 1899. The conditions of g 1 colonial government. E.L,Godkin. Forum, vol.27 [Apr., 1899), p. 190. 1899. A side-issue of expansion. Julian Hawthorne. Forum, vol. 27 {June, 1899), p. 441- 1899. The struggle for commercial empire. C. A.Conant. Forum, vol. 2"i {.him, 1899) , p. 4 '7. 1899. A paradise regained: Cuba. G.Reno. Forum, vol. 27 {Aug., 1899), p. 669. 1899. How shall Puerto Rico be governed? II. K.Carroll. Forum, vol. 28 {Nov., 1899), p. 257. 1899. Brother Jonathan's colonies. A. B. Hart. Harper's Mag., vol. 98 {Jan., 1899), p. 319. 1899. America in the Pacific and Far East. John Barrett. Harper's Mag., vol. 99 {Nov., 1899), p. 917. 1899. Europe and American imperialism. T.Stanton. Independent, vol. 51 {Feb. 9, 1899), 389. 1899. The Catholic church and expansion. H. A. Stimson. Independent, vol. 51 {Feb. 9, 1899), 396. 1899. Destiny's little bill. Nation, vol. 68 {Mar. 9, 1899), 176. 1899. Shadows of English imperialism. Nation, vol. 68 {Mar. 9, 1899), 176. 1899. An academic discussion of expansion: Nation, vol. 68 {Apr. 20, 1899), 292. 1899. The original territory of the United States. I>. J. Hill. Nat. Geog. Mag., vol. 10 (Mar. 1899), 73. 1899. The month in America: colonial policy, etc. A.M. Low. National Rev., vol.32 {Jan., 1899), 680. 1899. Americanism versus imperialism. A. Carnegie. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 168 {Jan., 1899), 1; {Mar., 1899), 362. 1899. [mperial responsibilities a national gain. G. S.Clarke. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 1GS {Feb., 1899), 129. 1899. Americanism versus imperialism. A. Carnegie. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 168 | Mar., 1899), 362. 1899. National bigness or greatness — which? H. C. Potter. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 168 (Apr., 1899), 433. 1899. What Spain can teach America. X. Estevanez. No. Amer. Rev., 16S {May, 1899), 563. 1899. The paramount power of the Pacific. J. Barrett. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 169 (Aug., 1S99), 165. 1899. A trained colonial service. E. G. Bourne. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 169 ( Oct., 1899), 528. 1899. Has Congress abdicated? J.Pulitzer. No. Amer. lire., vol. 169 (Dec., 1899), 885. 1899. Congress, the President, and the Philippines. Perry Belmont. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 169 {Dec, 1899), S94. 21 1899. The Pacific ocean and our future there. W. E. Griffis. Outlook, vol. 61 (Jan. 14, 1899), 110. 1899. The dread of expansion. A historical review. J. B. McMaster. Outlook, vol. 61 (Jan. 21, 1899), 161. 1899. Tin- territorial system for our new possessions. II. K. Carroll. Outlook, ml. 63 (Dec. 23, 1899), 966. 1899. America to-day; the republic and the^rnpire. W. Archer. Pall Mall Mag., vol. 19 (Sept., 1899), 95. 1899. How may the United States govern its extra-continental territory? J. W. Burgess. Polit. Sci. Quar., vol. 14 (Mar., 1899), 1. 1899. The control of dependencies through protectorates. E. Freund. Polit. Sri. Quar., vol. 14 (Mar. 14, 1899), in. 1899. Colonial expansion and free trade. J. Schoenhoff. Pop. Sci. Mo., vol. 55 (May, 1899), 62. 1899. Expansion ami protection. II. II. Towers. Quart. Jour, of Economics, vol. 1.: (July, 1899), 361. 1899. L'imperialisme americain. Rousiers. Remu de Paris (Mar. 15, 1899). 1899. The future of the United States (as to expansion). Spectator, vol. 8 2 I Mar. is, 1899), 372. 1999. President McKinley and the Philippines. Spectator, vol. 83 (Sept. ,.', 1899), 306. 1899. ( rovernment of alien races by the United States. Vale Rev., vol 7 (Feb., 1899), 357. 1900. Does colonization pay? 0. P. Austin. Forum, vol. 28 (Jan., 1900), 621. 1900. The white settler in Hawaii. E. S. Coodhue. Angh-Amer. Mag. (Jan., 1900), 3. 1900. Why we do not want the Philippines. Mrs. Jefferson Davis. Arena, ml. 23 (Jan., 1900), 1. 1900. ( >ur duty in the Philippines. .1. Schurman. Gunton's Mag., vol. is (Jan., Won), 1,5. 1900. Hawaii and Porto Pic, as colonies. G. L. Bollen. Gunton's Ma;/., ml. IS (Jan., 1900), 26. 1900. Preliminary report of the special committee on colonial finance. American Economic Association, Publications, .:,/ series, vol. 1 (Feb., 1900), £83. 1900. A Filipino appeal to the people of the United States. A. Morini. No. Ann,-. Rev., vol. 170 (Jan., 1000), 54. 1900. The expansion of the American people. E. E. Sparks. Chautauquan, ml. Jo (Jan., 1900), 383; ( Feb., 1900), 489. 1900. Corollaries of expansion. I. The Nicaragua canal. Literar;/ Digest, vol.20 (Feb. 10, 1900), 177. 1900. The religious problem of the Philippines. Literary Digest, vol. 20 (!■. 10, loon), 188. 22 1900. The Philippines and the Transvaal. G. Gunton. Lectun Bulletin, vol.3 {Feb. 17, 1900), 445. 1900. Civic rule for the Philippines. Literary Digest, vol. 20 {Feb. 17, 1900), 203. 1900. Expansion; a political and moral opportunity. II. K.Carroll. Methodist Rev., vol 82 {Jan.-Feb., 1900), 9. 1900. Our rule in the Philippines. T. M. Anderson. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 170 {Feb., 1900), 272. 1900. American misgovernment of Cuba. J. E. Runcie. No. Ann,-. Rev., vol. 170 {Feb., 1900), /.v;. 1900. Imperial republicanism historically considered. From a Canadian view point. II. Bonis. Arena, vol. 23 {March, 1900), 321. 1900. The Roman empire and the United States (colonies). E. McK. Whiting. Arena, vol. 23 {Mar., 1900), 331. 1900. Hole-and-corner imperialism. Nation, vol. 70 {Mar. 22, 1900), 210. 1900. Expansion but not imperialism. Outlook, vol. 64 (Mar. 24, 1900), 662. 1900. The imperialist dilemma in America. W. Clarke. Tfu Speaker, new series, vol. 1 {Mar. 31, 1900), 700. 1900. Constitution and the Territories. H. P. Judson. Amer. Her. of Reviews, vol. 21 {Apr., 1900), 451. 1900. Conquest and the Constitution. II. I). Money. Arena, vol. 23 {Apr., 1900), 337. 1900. American development through assimilation. J. M. Scanlan. Arena, vol. 23 {Apr., 1900), 342. 1900. Colonial civil service. E.Foster. Atlantic Monthly, vol. 85 {Mai/, 1900), 710. 1900. Nations and the decalogue. H. D. Sedgwick, jr. Atlantic Monthly, vol. 85 {Ma;/, 1900). 577. 1900. Gains and losses in the Pacific. J. G. Leigh. Fortnight! ij Rev. {Jan., 1900), 45. 1900. The control of the tropics. D. S. Jordan. Gunton's Mag., vol. IS (Mag, 1900), 385. 1900. Expansion the doom of protection. G. Gunton. Gunton's Mag., vol. 18 {Mag, 1900), 411. BRITISH COLONIES: COLLECTIVELY. BOOKS. Acton, R. Our colonial empire. London: Cassell, 1881. 192 pp. 8°. Adderly, Sir Charles Bowyer. Review of "The colonial policy of Lord John Russell's administration," by Karl Grey, 185:5; and of subsequent colonia] history. London: Stanford, 1.869. viii,423pp. 8°. Avalle, Ernest. Notice sur Irs colonics anglaises, geographie, histoire, population, gouvernement, justice, etc. Paris: Berger-Levraultet Cie., 1883. 696 pp. 8°. (Reproduction d'articles publiesdans la "Revue Maritime et Coloniale.") Balfour, Betty, Lady. The history of Lord Lytton's Indian administration, 1876 to 1880; compiled from letters and official papers. London: Longmans, Green -and Co., 1899. viii, 551 pp. Portrait. 8°. Bannister, Saxe. British colonization and coloured tribes. London: William Ball, 1838. xii, 323 pp. 16°. Beer, George Louis. The commercial policy of England toward the American colonies. (In Columbia College. Studies in history, economics, and public law, vol. 3, pp. 299- 405. New York, 1893.) Bell, Sydney Smith. Colonial administration of Great Britain. London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans and Roberts, is. r ><.). xi, 470pp. 8°. Berard, V. L'Angleterre et l'imperialisme. Paris: Colin et Cie, 1900. 381pp. 12°. Besant, Sir Walter. The rise of the empire. London: Horn,;- Marshall and Sou, [ISfts]. xiv, [2), 125 pp. 16°. (Story of the empire series.) Blosseville, Benigne Ernest Poret, Vicomtede. Histoire de la colonisation pehale et des etablissements de l'Angleterre en Australie. EweUx: Tmprimerie de Auguste Hirissey, 1859. xxxii, viii, (2), 569 pp. 8°. Bowen, Sir George Ferguson. The federation of the British empire. i /// Royal Colonia] Institute. Proc, vol. 17, pp. 283-315. London, 1886.) Thirty years of colonial government. A selection from the despatches and letters of Sir G. F. Bowen, governor successively of Queensland, New Zea- land, Victoria, Mauritius, and Hongkong. Edited by Stanley Lane-Poole. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1889. 2 vols. 8°. Buller, Charles. Mr. Mothercountry, of the colonial office. {In Wakefield, E.G.: A view of the art of colonization, pp.279-296. London, 1849.) Burrows, Montagu. The history of the foreign policy of Great Britain. William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London, 1895. xiv, 372 pp. 8°. 23 24 Caldecott, Alfred. English colonization and empire. Loudon: John Murray, 1SU7. riii,,.'8.. J />/>. Maj>* in the text. 16°. (Univer- sity extension manuals, i Canning, Albert Stratford George. British rule and modern polities. A historical study. London: Smith, Elder and Company, 1899. xvi,342pp. 8°. Carton de Wiart, Edmond. Les grandes compagnies eoloniales anglaises du xi.v siecle. Avee une preface de Eugene Etienne. Paris: Perrin et die., 1899. xix, ('1),280 pp. 1..'°. Contents: La " British North Borneo company;" La " Royal Niger company;" L' "-Impe- rial British East Africa company;" La "British South Africa chartered company;" Considerations generates sur les nouvelles "chartered" anglaises. Bibliographic, p. 271. Cawston, G., and A. II. Keane. The early chartered companies (A. D. 1296-1858). London: Arnold, 1896. 342 pp. 8°. Chalmers ( R. ) A history of currency in the British colonies. I jim Ion: Printed . . . by Eyre and Spoil isiroodr, [189J]. viii,495 pp. 8°. Chevilliard, <;. Les colonies anglaises. Paris: A. Challamel, 1899. 415 pp. S°. Clarke, Sir G. S., and J. R. Thursfield. The navyand the nation; or, Naval war- fare and imperial defence. London: Murray, 1897. 352 pp. S°. Clayden, A. British colonisation. London, 1891. 40 pp. 8°. Colonic, John Charles Ready. The defence of Great and greater Britain. Sketches of its naval, military, and political aspects; annotated with extracts from the discussions they have called forth in the press of greater Britain. With a map. Londo,,: Edward Stanford, 1880. riii, 264 pp. 8°. Cooper, Augustus. The colonies of the United Kingdom. A descriptive and statis- tical work of reference. Brighton: "Brighton Gazette" Printing Company, 1888. 182pp. 8°. Cotton, J. S., and E. J. Payne. Colonies and dependencies. Loudon: Macmillan and Co., 1888. vi, (2), 164pp. 12°. ( The English citizen. ) Creasy, Sir Edward S. The imperial and colonial constitutions of the Britannic empire, including Indian institutions. ■ London: Longmans, Green and Company. 1872. xv, (.>'), 403 pp. Folded map. 8°. Cunningham, ( i. 0. A scheme for imperial federation; a senate for the empire. Loudon: Longmans, 1895. 116pp. 8°. Cunningham, William. Growth of English industry and commerce during the early and middle ages. 3d edition. Cambridge: University Press. 1896. 730pp. 8°. Growth of English industry and commerce in modern times. Cambridge: University Press. 1890-1892. 2 vols. 8°. Dawson, G.M.,and A. Sutherland. Geography of the British colonies. 1892. 330pp. 8°. (Macmillan's Geographical series.) 25 Denison, Sir William. Varieties of vice-regal life. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1870. 2 vols. Folded maps. 8°. Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth. The British empire. London: Chatto and Windus, 1899. 160 pp. S°. - Greater Britain. A record of travel in English-speaking countries during 1866-1867. Two volumes in one, with maps and illustrations. Philadelphia: J. I!. Lippincott and Company, 1869. 8°. Problems of Greater Britain. 2d edition. London: Macmillan, 1890. 2 vols. 8°. Same. 4th edition, revised. London and New Fork: Macmillan, 1890. oni, 737 pp. Maps. S°. Contents: North America; Newfoundland; The Dominion of Canada; The United States, Canada, and the West Indies; Australasia; Victoria; New South Wales; Queensland; Australia and New Zealand; Tile Cape; South Africa: India; Crown colonies of the present and of the future.— Colonial problems: Colonial democracy; Labour, provident societies, and the poor; Protection of native industries; Educa- tion; Religion; Liquor laws.— Future relations between the mother country and the remainder of the empire.— Imperial defence. Dilke, Sir C. W..and U.S. Wilkinson. Imperial defence London, 1892. 234 pp. *°- Douglas, James. Canadian independence; annexation and British Imperial feder- ation. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1894. vi, (2), 114 pp. 8°. (Questions of the day. \ Doyle, J. A. The English in America. The Puritan colonies. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1887. 2 vols. Folded maps. S°. English colonies in America. Virginia, Maryland, ami the Carolinas. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1882. xvi, 420 pp. Folded maps. 8°. Egerton, Hugh Edward. A short history of British colonial policy. London: Methuen and Company, 1897. .<■'■, (1). 503pp. 8°. Pp.481-4S'J contain a bibliography. "This book deals with British colonial policy historically, from the beginnings of English colonisation down to the present day. The subject has been treated by itself, and it has thus been possible within a reasonable compass to deal with a mass of authority which must otherwise be sought in the State papers. The volume is divided into live parts: (1) The period of beginnings, 1497-1650. (2) Trade ascend- ency, 1051-1830. (3) The granting of responsible government, 1831-1860. (4) Laissez alter, 1861-1885. (5) Greater Britain. "The whole story of the growth and administration of our colonial empire is compre- hensive and well arranged, and is set forth with marked ability."— Daily Mail. "It is a good book distinguished by accuracy in detail, clear arrangemenl of facts, and a broad grasp of principles." -Manchester Guardian. "Able, impartial, clear .... A most valuable volume."— Athenaeum. Emancipation in disguise, or the true crisis of the colonies. To which arc added considerations upon measures proposed for their temporary relief and observations upon colonial monopoly, showing the different effects of its enforcement and relaxation, exposing the advantages derived by America from Louisiana . . . London: Printed for J. Ridgeway. 1807, (/),/>, 220 pp. S°. Franklyn, II. Mortimer. The unit of imperial federation. A solution of the problem. London: Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey, "///>. 8°. 20 Froude, James Anthony. Oceana; or England and her colonies. New York.- C. Scribner' s sons, 1886. ix, (2 (, 396 pp. Plates. S°. Fuchs, Carl J. Die Bandelspolitik Englands und Beiner Kolonien in den let/ten .lalir/.ehntcn. (Die Handelspolitik der wichtigeren Kulturstaaten in den letzten Jahrzehnten, volume 4. ) r^ Leipzig: Verein fur Sozialpolitik, 1893. x, 358 pp. 8°. Geffcken, Friedrich Heinrich. The British Empire. With essays on Prince Albert, Lord Palmerston, Lord Beaconsfield, Mr. Gladstone, and reform of the House of Lords. Translated from the German, by S. J. Macmullan. London: Sampson Low [etc.'], 1889. ix, (5)', 312 pp. Portrait. 8°. Geroldt, Fritz. Nine colonies. London: Chapman, 1881. 144pp. S°. Gibbins, II. de B. British commerce and colonies. London: Methuen, 1893. 136pp. 8°. (Methuen' s commercial series.) Greswell, William Henry Parr. British colonies and their industries. London, 1893. 132 pp. 8°. Outlines of British colonization. London: Per cival and Company, 1893. xvi, 368 pp. l.'°. Contents: The West Indies; Newfoundland; The Dominion of Canada; The West African settlements; The South African colonies; The Australian colonies; New Zealand; The islands of the Pacific; The Fiji group; Ceylon and the Maldive archi- pelago; Mauritius; Hongkong; The Straits Settlements; British North Borneo; Labuan. Grey, Henry George, 3d Earl. The colonial policy of Lord John Russell's admin- istration. In two volumes. London: Richard Bentley, 1853. 8°. - Commercial policy of the British colonies and the McKinley tariff. London, 1892. 79 pp. 8°. ■ Hubert Hervey, student and imperialist; London: Arnold, 1899. 160 pp. 8°. Hall, Hubert. The imperial policy of Elizabeth, from the State papers, foreign and domestic. (In Royal Historical Society. Transactions. New series, \r< >1. 3, pp. 120J-241. London, 1888.) Hart, Arthur Wellington. " Our Colonies." London: Richardson. Liverpool: Joshua Walmsley. 1849. '/'//>/>■ 8°. Heising, Albert, England und die anglosachsische Staaten-Bildung in Amerika, Westindien u. Australien vom Ursprung bis auf die Gegenwart. Berlin: A. Sacco, [1854]. 252pp. 12°. Hodgetts, J. Frederick. Greater England. Being a brief historical sketch of the various possessions of Her Majesty, the Empress Queen, in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and Oceania. London: Hatchards, 1887. xvi, 330 pp. S°. Contents: Preface. Little Britain: Account of the opinion formed of the aborigines by the English on their taking possession of Britain; Hatred of tyranny, and especially of .Rome; Assumption of Romance manners and language by the Normans, and consequent hatred between the English and them; Continual struggle between the descendants of the old Scandinavian English and those of Rome. North America: Discovery of America by the Scandinavians in the 10th ami 1 lib centuries; English discoveries in 1497, Spanish discoveries in I492,in the West Indies; Columbus inde- pendent of the Norsemen; Continued struggle between ourselvesand Romance races in America, resulting in European war and English victory. The Caribbean Sea: Continued battle of the races; Fights in the Caribbean Sea; Sir Henry Morgan's 27 Hodg-etts, J. Frederick — Coritinued. victoryat Panama; His true value in English history. Oceania: Historical sketches of our settlements in the islands of Australia, New Zealand, and I inn in,; Accounts of the aborigines, of our own intercourse with them, and of their subsequent decay. Africa: The Cape Colony and causes of discomfort there; suggestions i 'or removing the trouble; the Dutch and English never friends, [ndia: Portuguese, Dutch, and French preceding us; The war of face continued and resultingin English victory; Troubles in [ndia, their cause; Clive, Warren Hastings; The mutiny and i he Empire. Ceylon: Battle of the races continued: The Dutch our enemies as well as the Portu- guese and French; Final occupation of the island by the English; Descendants of the Portuguese black, a circumstance militating against Darwin's theory; The cause considered; Buddhism, devil worship, and Christianity; Ferguson's work quoted; Possible future value of Ceylon to the English race. Hiibner, .1. A., Baron von. Through the British Empire. In two volumes, with a map. London: John Murray, 1886. S°. Hughes, \Y., and Williams, J. F. Geography of t lie British colonies. London, 1892. 232 pp. S° . {Philips (unt/niplnco/ Manuals.) Hurlburt, J. Beaufort. Britain and her colonies. London: Edward Stanford, 1865. xv, 271pp. S°. Contents: Government of the first English colonies; American confederations from 1643-1790; Colonial governments, ancient and modern; Introduction of parliamen- tary or responsible governments; Confederation of British North America; Policy of the mother country; Commercial policy; Cost, defence, and advantages of colonies; Opinions, imperial and colonial; Evidence given before the select committi f the House of < 'ommons on colonial military expenditure in 18611 Future of the colonies. Huskisson, William. Substance of two speeches delivered in the House of Com- mons on the 21st and 25th of March, L825, respecting the colonial policy and foreign commerce of the country. Baltimore: Published by F. Lucas, jr., 1826. 88pp. 8°. Johnson, Theodore, imperial Britain. A comprehensive description of the geogra- phy, history, commerce, trade, government, and religion of the British Empire. London: The Imperial Press, 1898. xvi, 295 pp. Illustrations (woodcuts). Map*. 8°. {The Imperial Library.) Latham, R. G. The ethnology of the British colonies and dependencies. London: John Van Voorst, 1851. vi, 264pp. 16°. Lazarides, I>. <;. History of the commerce, industry, and colonies of England. London: Clayton and Co., 1882. 150pp. S°. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. The Empire: its value and its growth. An inaugural address, Nov. 20, 1893. London: Longmans, 1893. 48pp. S°. Ledsham, J. B. Geography of the British isles and colonies. Manchester: J. B. Ledsham, 1877. 16°. Lord, Walton Frewen. The lost possessions of England. Essays in imperial history. London: Richard Bentley and Son, 1896. vii, (3), 326 pp. 12°. Contents: Retrospect; Dunkirk; Tangier; Minorca; Cuba: Manila: Corsica; Buenos Ayres, and Montevideo; Java; The Ionian Islands; Forecast. Lucas, Charles Prestwood. Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies. Oxford: Clarendon Press,'1887. xii, 142pp. Mops. 12°. A historical geography of the British colonies. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1888-1897. 4 vols in 5. Maps. 12°. CONTENTS. 1. The European dependencies of Great Britain: Heligoland; Gibraltar; Malta; Cyprus. The minor Asiatic dependencies: Aden and I'erim; Socotra; Ceylon and 28 Lucas, Charles Preatwood — Continued. the .Maldives. The British dependencies in the Malay seas: The Straits Settlements; iviak: Selangor; Sungei; Ujong; Labuan; North Borneo; Hongkong. Dependen- cies in the Indian ocean. Mauritus and its dependencies; The Cocoa Islands. 2. Wesl [ndies: The Bermudas; European colonization in the West Indies; The Baha- ma-: Jamaica and its dependencies; The Leeward Islands; Barbados; The Wind- ward Islands; Trinidad and Tobago; British Guiana; British Honduras; The Falk- land Islands and South I reorgia. ;i. The British colonies and dependencies in Africa: Early exploration of Africa down to the opening of the route round the Cape of Good Hope. The West African dependencies: The west coast; Early European trade and settlement on the west coast of Africa; The African companies and the slave trade; English, French, and Dutch on the west coast, 1660-1821: The rise of the British west coast settlement; The last twenty years in West Africa; The Gambia; sierra Leone; The Gold coast; Lagos; The Niger protectorates; The islands in the South Atlantic: Ascension; St. Helena: Tristan da Cunha, and Gough Island. 4. part 1. South and Fast Africa. Historical: The Cape, 1487-1652; The founding of the Dutch settlement at the Cape; The Cape Colony in the eighteenth century; The missionary movement and British immigration; The Kaffir wars; The beginnings of Natal and the Boer republics; The growth of the Cape Colony and Natal; The last twenty years in South Africa. 4, part 2. Geographical: The Cape Colony; Natal; Zululand; Basutoland; The Beehu- analand protectorate: Matabeleland and Mashonaland; British Central Africa; British Fast Africa. Index. Lcyde, L. W. Commercial geography of the British Empire. London: Methuen, 1894- 156 pp. 8°. (Methuen 's Commercial Series.) Macdonald, A. Our sceptred isle and its empire. London: Low, 1SS3. 196 pp. 8°. Macknight, Thomas. Thirty years of foreign policy. A history of t lie secretary- ships of the Earl of Aberdeen and Viscount Palmerston. London: Longman, Brown, >/<■., is:,.',, xi, (i), 440pp. 8°. Martin, Robert Montgomery. The political, commercial, and financial condition of the Anglo-Eastern Empire in 1832. An analysis of its home and for- eign governments, and a practical examination of the doctrines of free trade and colonization, with reference to the renewal or modification of the East India Company's charter. London: Parbury, Allen and Co., is.;/, xi, (i), 403pp. S°. Colonial policy of the British Empire. Tart I. — Government. London, is.;;. \ ?), 87 pp. 8°. Statistics of the colonies of the British Empire in the West Indies, South America, North America, Asia, Austral-Asia, Africa, and Europe; com- prising the area, agriculture, commerce, manufactures, shipping, custom duties, population, education, religion, crime, government, finances, laws, military defence, cultivated and waste lands, emigration, rates of wages, prices of provisions, hanks, coins, staple products, stock, movable and immovable property, public companies, etc., of each colony, with the charters and the engraved seals. From the official records of the colonial office. Lo,»h,n: Wm. H. Allen and Co., 1839. 602,304pp. Folded map. S°. History of the colonies of the British Empire in the West Indies. South America, North America, Asia, Austral-Asia, Africa, and Europe; com- prising the area, agriculture, commerce, etc.. of each colony, with the charters and the engraved seals. London: 11"///. //. Alien and Co., 1843. v, {3), 602, 304 /'/>■ # folded sheets, folded map. 8°. 2<> Martineau, John. The life and corresj lence of Sir Bartle Frere. In two vol- umes. 2d edition. London: John Murray, 1895. Folded maps, portraits. 8°. (Colonial administration in India and South Africa.) Mills, Arthur. Colonial constitutions; an outline of the constitutional history and existing government of the British dependencies, with schedules of the orders in council, statutes, and parliamentary documents relating to each dependency. London: John Murray, 1856. xxi, (i), 399pp. 8°. Contents: [ntroduction; An outline of the constitutional history and existing govern- ment of the British dependencies; Historical sketch of the home administration of the British dependencies; Laws and government of the British dependencies as affected by the mode of their original acquisition, either 1 1 1 by the occupation of vacant ter- ritory, or (2) by cession or conquest from other powers; The existing constitutions of the British dependencies: (it Those nut possessing representative government, (2) these possessing representative government; Powers of colonial governors; Powers of the executive councils; Powersof the legislative councils; Powersof the representa- tive assemblies; Prerogatives reserved to the Crown in the administration of the British dependencies: (1) In respect to the confirmation or disallowance of colonial acts or ordinances, (2) in respect of territorial revenues, and royalties on minerals, (3) in respect of appellate jurisdiction, i I) in respect of the foreign relations of the depend- encies; European dependencies: Ionian Islands, Malta, Gibraltar, Heligoland^ Isle Of Man and Channel Islands; Asiatic dependencies: British India, Ceylon, Hong- kong, and Labuan; African dependencies: 1 1 1 Southern— Cape of Good Hope; British Kaffraria; Natal; (2) Western— Sierra Leone, Gambia, Gold Coast settlements; (8) Mauritius; i I) St. Helena: Ascension: American dependencies: (1) Northern— Canada; Nova Scotia; New Brunswick; Newfoundland; Prince Edwards Island; Hudson's Bay territories; Yancouvers Island; Bermudas; (2) Central— Honduras; Jamaica; Bahamas; Windward Islands; Leeward Islands; St. Lucia; Trinidad; (3) Southern- British Guiana; Falkland Islands; Pitcairn; Australian dependencies: (1) Australia, comprising New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia; (2) Tasmania and Norfolk Islands; (3) New Zealand; Chatham Islands; Auckland Islands; Historical sketch of the system of transportation of criminals to the British dependencies, with orders in council; Acts of Parliament, and Parliamentary docu- ments relating thereto; Statistical table: Dates of acquisition and population of the dependencies, also, imports and exports; Revenue and expenditure for 1854; Rules and regulations for Her Majesty's colonial service (cap. 1, 2, and 3); Local govern- ment of India, and relations of the Imperial Government with the native States; Statistical table: Dependencies of the European powers, with t hi' area of each; Laws relating to Christianity in the British dependencies; Index. Colonial constitutions; an outline of the existing forms of Government in the British dependencies. London: E. Stanford, 1891. 55 pp. 8°. Milne, James. The romance of a proconsul; being the personal life and memoirs of the lit. lion. George Grey. London: Chatto and Windus, 1899. Portrait, ix, 214pp. Or. 8°. Moffatt, Win. Geography of British colonies. London: Moffatt and Paige, 1880. 77 pp. 8°. Molteno, Percy Alport. A federal South Africa. A comparison of the critical period of American history with the present position of the colonies and states of South Africa, and a consideration of the advantages to follow. With maps. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1896. xxii, 260 />//. 1,.'°. Napier, Charles James. The colonies; treating of their value generally, of the Ionian islands in particular; the importance of the latter in war and com- merce . . . Strictures on the administration of Sir Frederick Adam. London: Thomas and William Boone, 1833. xv, (3), 608 pp. Plates,map. 8°. 30 Navez, J.. Lea causes e1 Lea conaequencea de la grandeur coloniale de l'Angleterre. Bruxelles, 1890. 56 pp. 8°. Parkin, George I!. Imperial federation. The problem of national unity. London: Macmillan, 1892. xii, 314 l'l>- j>. 16°. Stokes. Anthony. A view of the constitution of the British colonies in North America and the West Indies at the time the civil war broke out on the continent of America; in which notice is taken of such alterations as have happened since that time . . . with a variety of colony precedents. London: Printed for the author, 1788. {2),xvi,555, (I) pp. S°. Story, Alfred Thomas. The building of the British Empire; the story of England's growth from Elizabeth to Victoria. New York and London: 0. I'. Putnam's Sons, 1898. .' vols. Plates. 8°. Tarring, Charles James. Chapters on the law relating to the colonies; to which are appended topical indexes of cases decided in the privy council on appeal from the colonies, Channel Islam la, and the Isle of Man, and of cases relating to the colonies decided in tin' English courts otherwise than on appeal from the colonies. 2d ed., enlarged. London: Stevens and Haynes, 1898. xxiii, (1), 478pp. 8°. 32 Temple, A. The making of the Empire. London: A. Melrose, 1895. 288 pp. 8°. Todd, Alpheus. Parliamentary government in the British colonies. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1880. xii, 607 pp. 8°. - Parliamentary government in the British colonies. 2d ed., edited by his son. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1894. xx, 929 pp. S°. Wilkinson, Spenser. The nation's awakening. Essays towards a British policy. Westminister: A. Constable and Co., 1897. xxviii, 202 pp. 8°. Contents: Our past apathy; The aims of the great powers; the defence of British inter- ests; The organization of government for the defence of British interests; The idea of the nation; The foundations of British power; The meaning of empire. Wood, .1. Dennistoun. System of land transfer adopted by the colonies. {In Royal Colonial Institute. Proceedings, vol. 17, pp.343-367. London, 1886.) Woodcock, Henry lies. The laws and constitution of the British colonies in the West Indies having legislative assemblies. 2d ed. London: R.and W. Swale, 1838. xii, 304pp. S°. Woodward, W. II. A short history of the expansion of the British Empire, 1500- L870. Cambridge (Eng.): University Press, 1899. x, 326 pp. Maps. 12°. Young, Frederick. Imperial federation of Great Britain and her colonies. London: S. W. Silver and Co., 1876. xxix, 184pp. 8vo. Emigration to the colonies. {In Royal Colonial Institute Proceedings, vol. 17, pp. 368-389. London, 1886.) Editor. Imperial federation of Great Britain and her colonies. London: S. W. Silver and Co., 1876. xx, 184pp. 8°. {la Letters edited by Frederick Young.) Zimmermann, Alfred. Die kolonialpolitik Grossbritanniens. 2 Theile. Berlin, 1898-1899. Maps. 8°. i /,/ his Die europaischen Kolonien, •_', 3. i " Verzeichniss der wichtigsten quellen und bearbeitungen," i, 476-479; ii, 400-407. Contents: i. Von den anfangen bis aim abfall der Vereinigten Staaten. 1898. ii. Vom abfall der Vereinigten Staaten bis zur Gegenwart. LS99. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS, 1898-1900. 1897-98. Makers of the Dominion of Canada. By J. G. Bourinot. Canadian Mag., vol. 10 {Nov., 1897), 8, to vol. 11 | Oct., 1S98), 567. 1898. Politisch-geographische Riickblicke: Das englische Weltreich. F. Ratzel. Geographische Zeitung, vol. 4 [1898), 211. A critical study of the relations between the British colonies and the mother country. 1898. The British Empire: its resources and its future. J. Lowles. Society of Arts Journal, vol. 46 (1898), 497. 1898. The Anglo-French dispute in West Africa. F. de Pressense\ Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol 17 (Jan., 1898), SO. 1898. European powers in West Africa. Independent, vol. 50 (Jim. 13, 1S9S), 51 [map] 1898. Colonial champions in the mother country. Quarterly Rev., vol. 1S7 {Jan., 1898), 158. 33 1898. Britain's exploitation of the Nile valley. F. C. Penfield. Forum, vol. 24 (Feb., '1898), 698. 1898. Undercurrents in Indian political life. F. II. Skrine. Harper's Monthly, vol.96 (Feb., 1898), '+52. 1898. An open West Africa. (England and France in West Africa.) Outlook (Eng.), vol. 1 (Feb. 19, 1898), 80. 1898. England and France in West Africa. Outlook (Eng.), vol. 1 (Feb. 86, 1898) , 103. 1898. Dominion parliament. Public Opinion, vol. 24 (Feb. 10, 1898), 171. 1898. The dispute in West Africa. (England and France in West Africa. Spectator, vol. 80 (Feb. 26, 1898), 292. 1898. French at Lake Chad. Chambers' Journal, vol. 75 (Mar., 1898), 221. 1898. England and Egypt. A. S. White. Forum, vol. 25 (Mar., 1898), 59. 1898. Face to face in West Africa. F. A. Maxse. National Rev., vol. 31 (Mar., 1898), 29. 1898. England at war. T. E. Kebbel. Nineteenth Century, vol. 43 (Mar., 1S9S),337. 1898. West Indian depression. Outlook (Eng.), vol. 1 (Mar. 19, 1898), 199; (Mar. 26, 1898), 232. 1898. The West African crisis. Saturday Rev., vol. 85 (Mar. 19, 1898), 381. 1898. Is England growing weak? ( England at war. ) Comment. Spectator, vol. 80 (Mar. 12, 1898), 368. 1898. Clerical work in the colonies. Spectator, vol. 80 (Mar. 19, 1898), 401. 1898. Prosperity of Egypt since the occupation. Spectator, vol. 80 (Mar. 26, 1898), 432. 1898. England and France in West Africa. W. T. Stead. Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 17 (Apr., 1898), 463. [Map.} 1898. Life and death in the Niger delta. Blackwood's Mag., vol. 163 (Apr., 1898), 451. England and France in West Africa. J. Westlake. Contemp. Rev., vol. 73 (Apr., 1898), 582. England and France in West Africa. T. G. Bowles. Forum, vol. 25 (Apr., 1898), 144. France and England in West Africa. F. de I'ressense. Living Age, vol. 217 (Apr. 30, 1898), 283. Ruin of India by British rule. S. H. Kellogg. Missionary Rev., vol. 21 (Apr., 1898), 275. Imperial defense and colonial responsibility. National Rev., vol. 31 (Apr., 1898), 312. 4997 3 34 1898. West Indian depression. M. M. Beeton. Outlook {Eng.), vol. 1 {Apr. 2, 1898), 267. 1898. New development theory in the West Indies. Outlook {Eng.), vol. 1 {Apr. 16, 1898), 346. 1898. French case in West Africa. Spectator, vol. 80 {Apr. 2, 1898), 470. 1898. England, the Sudan, and France. H. Norman. Independent, vol. 50 {May 5, 1898), 575. 1898. Life and death in the Niger delta. Living Age, vol. 217 {May 21, 1898), 525. 1898. Bond of empire. J. E. G. de Montmorency. Westminster Rev., vol. 149 {May, 1898), 552. 1898. England and France in West Africa. F. de Pressense. Eclectic Mag., vol. 130 {June, 1898), 721. 1898. England and France in West Africa. Public Opinion, vol. 24 {June 2, 1898), 683. [Map.] 1898. England and France in West Africa; settlement. Spectator, vol. 80 {June 18, 1S9S), 849. 1898. The Anglo-French boundaries in West Africa. E. G. Ravenstein. Geog. Jour., vol. 12 {July, 1898), 73. [Map.] 1898. British influence in the Western Soudan. R, P. Lobb. Imperial and Asiatic Quar., 3d series, vol. 6 {July, 1898), 322. 1898. Imperial parliament supreme in India. J. Jardine. Imperial and Asiatic Quar., 3d series, vol. 6 {July, 1898), 1. 1898. What Britain has done for Egypt, R. Richardson. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 167 {July, 1898), 12. 1898. Australian federation; some constitutional comparisons. J. W. Russell. No. Amer. Rev. vol. 167 {July, 1898), 27. 1898. Imperial concentration. Spectator, vol. 81 {July 30, 1898), 137. 1898. Map of Anglo-French boundary dispute in West Africa. Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 18 {Aug., 1898), 140. 1898. The prospects of Australian federation. J. Vogel. Contemp. Rev., vol. 94 {Aug., 1898), 275. 1898. Dissatisfaction with British rule in India. R. A. Hume. Missionary Rev., vol. 21 {Aug., 1898), 580. 1898. Anglo-German agreement. Public Opinion, vol. 25 {Sept. 15, 1898), 330. 1898. Makers of the Dominion of Canada. J. G. Bourinot. Canadian Mag., vol. 11, {Oct., 1898), 505. 1898. How Canada is governed. J. G. Bourinot. Canadian Mag., vol. 11 {Oct., 1898), 508. 1898. English colonization in the Western world. E. Parsons. Chautauquan, vol. 28 {Oct., 1898), 29. 1898. European powers in West Africa. Edinburgh Rev., vol. 188 { Oct., 1898), 465. [Map. ] 35 1898. Thedoom ofthe West Indies. Living Age, vol. 219 {Oct. I, 1898), [0. 1898. Arc tlu> West [ndies disloyal? Outiook\ Eng.),vol. .' ( Oct. .'.'. 1898), 861. 1898. Secrets of British success. Spectator, vol. 81 {Oct., t898), 438. 1898. English colonization in the Old World. E. Parsons. ( 'hautauquan, vol. 28 ( Nov., 1898), 148. 1898. British method of colonization. The Fashoda question. L. Decle. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 70 ( Nov., 1898), 665. [Ma/>.] 1898. Cape politics and colonial policy. II. L. W. Lawson. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 70 (Nov., 1S98), 750. 1898. Shall the Indian government, ruin India'.' T. Lloyd. National Rev.', vol. 32 i Nov., 1S98), 326. 1898. Sir George Grey; a South African tribute-. John Robinson. Nineteenth Century, vol. 44 {Nov., 1898), 754. 1898. Egypt and the African deal. Outlook {Eng.), vol. .' {Nov. 12, 1898), 453. 1898. West Indian sugar. II. Cox. Economic Jour., vol. 7 {Dec, 1898), 599. 1898. Some economic aspects of the imperial idea. E. R. Faraday. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 70 {Dec, 1898), 961. 1898. Fashoda and Lord Salisbury's vindication. Diplomaticus. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 70 [Dec, 1898), 1002. 1898. The West Indies; West-Indian fruit and British markets. F.S.Robinson. Harper's Weekly, vol. 42 (Dec 24, 1S98), 1275. 1898. Economic outlook of the British West Indies. National Rev., vol. 32 (Dec, 1898), 602. 1898. The future of Egypt. 1. Our hampered trusteeship. E. Dicey. 2. The Niger and the Nile. H. Birchenough. 3. Egypt and Tunis; a study in international law. Nineteenth Century, vol. 44 (Dec, 1898), 881. 1898. England's absorption of Egypt. F. C. Penfield. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 165 (Dec, 1898), 682. 1898. The seamy side of empire. Goldwin Smith. Self Culture, vol. 8 (Dec, 1898), 385. 1899. The relative growth of the component parts of the British Empire. Sir Ft. Giffen. Roy. Colonial Institute. Proc.j vol. 30 {1899), 237. 1899. The growth of Greater Britain. A review and a forecast. (With map.) George Philip. Proc Lit. and Philosoph. Soc, Liverpool, vol. 53 (1899), 153-159. " The map shows by appropriate colors the gradual growth of the British Empire and its territorial extent at different periods." 1899. The administrative history of the British dependencies in the further East. II. M. Stephens. Amer, Hist. Rev., vol. 4 (Jan., 1899), 246. 36 1899. British system of colonial government. A. White. Harper's Mag., vol. 100 {Jan., 1899), 293-304. 1899. India's attitude to English rule. J. E.Abbott. Independent, vol. 52 {Jan. 11,1899), 125-127. 1899. Establishment of Sikh military colonies. United Service Mag., vol. 139 {Jan., 1899), 4->-- 1899. After the Atliara and Omdurman. W. Gatacre. Contemp. Rev., vol. 75 {Feb., 1899), W9. 1899. Few facts about the colonies of the great powers. A. Ireland. McClure, vol. 14 (Feb., 1899), 334-338. 1899. The rule of the Chartered Company. II. C. Thomson. National Rev., vol. 32 {Feb., 1899), 895. 1899. Civilisation and morals. (African administration.) Saturday Her., vol. 87 (Feb. IS, 1899). 1899. West African administration. M. H. Kingsley. Saturday Rev., vol. 87 [Feb. 25, 1899), 240. 1899. The growth of the empire. Spectator, vol. 82 (Feb. 18, 1899), 227. 1899. Les protectorats de lTnde britannique. Chailley-Bert. Annales des Sciences Politirjues (Mar., 1899). 1899. British experience in the government of colonies. J. Bryce. Centura, vol. 57 (Mar., 1899), 718-728. 1899. Native rule in British West Africa. Macmillan, vol. 79 (Mar., 1899), 379. 1899. Shadows of English imperialism. Nation, vol. 68 [Mar. 9, 1S99), 176. 1899. British rule in India. J. B. Jones. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 168 (Mar., 1899), 336. 1899. England's commercial policy towards her colonies since the Treaty of Paris. J. Davidson. Folit. Sci. Quar., vol. 14 (Mar., 1899); 39 (June, 1899), 211. 1899. The English in Egypt; how and why they are there. Self Culture, vol. 9 (Mar., 1899), 34- 1899. Growth of the British colonial conception. W. A. Ireland. Atlantic, vol. 83 (Apr., 1899), 488-498. 1899. System of British colonial government. E. L. Godkin. Forum, vol. 27 (Apr., 1899\ 196-203. 1899. British imperialism. J. McCarthy. Independent, vol. 51 (Apr. 6, 1899), 940-941. 1899. Australian federation. Lord Brassey. Snub, nth Century, vol. 45 (Apr., 1899), 548. 1899. British rule in India. J. P. Jones. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 168 (Apr., 1899), 463. 1899. British imperialism and the reform of the civil service. G. E. Howard. Folit. Sci. Quar., vol. 14 (Apr., 1899), 240, 37 1899. The federation of Australia. Saturday Rev., vol. 81 I Apr. 29, 1899), 516 1899. Australasian extensions of democracy. Atlantic, vol. 88 [May, 1899), 577. 1899. How England governs her colonies. T. Brassey. Independent, vol. 51 (May 11, 1899), 1373. 1899. Les budgets, les finances des colonies en France et en Angleterre. Questions Diplomatique* et Colon tides, rol. ■>' i Mmj 1. 1899), 1. 1899. England's decadence in the West Indies. Brooks Adams. Forum, vol. 27 (June, 1899), 4'M- 1899. The merit system in the British colonies. W. MacDonald. Nation, vol. OS {Jane 1, 1899), 414- 1899. British imperialism and the reform of the civil service. . 1900), 609. BRITISH EUROPEAN COLONIES. GIBRALTAR. Drinkwater, John. The late siege of Gibraltar. 2d edition. London, 1795: T. Spilslmry, printer, 1786. xxiv,356 pp. Plates. Charts. 4°- Field, H. M. Gibraltar. New York: C. Scribner' 1 s Sons, 1888. 139 pp. Illustrated. Ma/,. 8°. Gilbard, G. J. Popular history of Gibraltar. Gibraltar, 1881. Sayer, Frederick. The history of Gibraltar, and of its political relation to events in Europe. 2d edition. London: Chapman and Hall, 1SG5. x, viii, 520 pp. 8°. MALTA. Ballou, M. M. The story of Malta. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin A- Company, 1893. ix, (1), 318 pp. 12°. Caruana, A. A. Report on the Phoenician and Roman antiquities in the group of the islands of Malta. Malta: Government printing office, 1882. viii, 168 pp. Plates. Facsimiles. Davy, John. Notes and observations on the Ionian islands and Malta. In two volumes. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1842. Plates. 8°. Eton, W. Authentic materials for a history of the people of Malta. London, 1807. 4 vols. S°- Page, G. A. Guide to the laws and regulations of Malta. Malta, 1892. 139 pp. 8°. Porter, Major W. A history of the Knights of Malta, or the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. London: Longman, Brown, Green, etc., 1858. 2 vols. Plates. Map. 8°. Seddall, H. Malta, past and present. London: Chapman & Hall, 1870. xi, 355 pp. Map. 8°. Tallack, William. Malta under the Phenicians, knights, and English. London: A. W. Bennett, 1861. 322 pp. 12°. 41 BRITISH ASIATIC COLONIES. Torrens, William M. Empire in Asia; how we came by it. A book of confessions. London: Trubner & Co., 1872. id, 426 pp. 8°. ADEN, PERIM, ETC. Hunter, F. 3b An account of the British settlement of Aden in Arabia. London, 1877. 8°. Pearce, F. B. Bambles in lion land: three months in Somaliland. London: Chapman and HaU, 1898. 272 pp. Photographs. Map. 8°. Swayne, H. G. C. Seventeen trips through Somaliland, 1885 to 1893. London: R. Ward, 1895. 386 pp. 8°. BORNEO. Boyle, Frederick. Adventures among the Dyaks of Borneo. London: Ilurd and Blackett, 1865. xii,324pp. Plate (woodcut). 8°. Hatton, Frank. North Borneo explorations and adventures on the equator. With biographical sketch and notes by Joseph Hatton, and preface by Sir Walter Medhurst. Illustrated. New York: Scribner & Welford, 1886. xiv, (2), 342 pp. 8°. Pryer, Mrs. W. B. A decade in Borneo. London: Hutchinson, 1894. 200 pp. 8°. Roth, H. L. The natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo. London: Truelove & II., 1896. 2 vols. 8°. St. John, Sir Spenser. Rajah Brooke. The Englishman as ruler of an eastern state. London: Lon-gmans, Green & Co., 1899. xxiii, (i), 302 pp. Portrait. 8°. (Builders of Greater Britain. ) "Woodford, C. M. A naturalist among the head hunters. (Borneo.) London: Philip, 1890. xii,249pp. S°. CEYLON. Baker, Sir S. W. Eight years wandering in Ceylon. London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1855. .rii, (2), 423 pp. Colored plates. 8°. Bertolacci, Anthony. A view of the agricultural, commercial, and financial inter- ests of Ceylon. With an appendix containing some of the principal laws and usages of the Candians; port and customs-house regulations; tables of exports and imports; public revenue and expenditure, etc. London: Printed for Black, Parbury and Allen, 1817. (16), 577 pp. Folded map. 8°. 42 43 Cave, TT. W. The ruined cities of Ceylon, [llustrated. London: Low, 1897. 126 pp. 4°. Cumming-, Constance Frederica Gordon. Two happy years iii Ceylon, [llustrated by the author. In two volumes. William Blackwood and sons, Edinburgh and London. 1892. 8°. Hatton, J. " The New Ceylon," beinga sketch of British North Borneo, or Sabah. With new ami original maps corrected to date. London: Chapman and Hall, 1881. xi, (1), 209 [>i>. Plate {woodcut). l.'°. Schmidt, E. Ceylon. Berlin: Schall & Grund, 1897. Illus. M. 8°. (Veroffentlichungen a. Vereins fur Bucherfroimde.) Tennent, Sir J. E. Ceylon: An account of the island, physical, historical, and topographical. Loudon: Lonymau*, I860. ; vols. S°. CYPRUS. Cesnola, Gen. L. P. Cyprus: Its ancient cities, tombs, and temples. A narrative of researches and excavations during ten years residence in that island. New York, Harper, 1878. xix, (1), 456 pp. Illustrations in the text. Plate. 8°. Dixon, William Hepworth. British Cyprus. London: Chapman and Hall, 1879. x, (1), 368 pp. Colored plate : 8°. Lang, R. Hamilton. Cyprus: its history, present resources and future propects. With two illustrations and four maps. London: Mdcmillian and Co., 1878. x, (2), 370pp. S°. Loher, Franz von. Cyprus: historical and descriptive from the earliest times to the present day. Adapted from the German, with additional matter by A. Batson Joyner. New York: R. Worthington, 1875. xvi, {2), 324 pp. 8°. Mallock, W. H. In an enchanted isle; or, A winter's retreat in Cyprus. 3d edition. London: R. Bentley, 1892. viii, 407 pp. Plate. 12°. Mariti, Giovanni. Voyages dans Pisle de Chypre, la Syrie et la Palestine; avec l'historie generate du Levant. Traduits de l'ltalien. Paris: Belin, 1791. 2 vols. 12°. Travels through Cyprus, Syria, and Palestine; with a general history of the Levant. Translated from the Italian. London: G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1791-92. 3 vols. 8°. Robinson, P. Cyprus: Its physical, commercial, economical, and social aspects. London: Clowes, 1878. 8°. HONGKONG. Dennys, Nicholas B., editor. The treaty ports of China and Japan. A complete guide to the open ports of those countries. With 29 maps and plans. London: TruJmer, 1867. viii, (2), 668, (2), xxoipp. 8°. Eitel, E. J. Europe in China. London: Luzac, 1895. 8°. 44 Leg-g-e, W. A handbook to Hongkong, being a popular guide to the various places of interest in the colony for the use of tourists. Hongkong: Kelley & Walsh, 1893. 77 pp. 8°. INDIA. Adye, Sir J. Indian frontier policy; historical sketch. London: Smith & Elder, 1897. 70 pp. 8°. Bacon, R. H. Benin, the city of blood. London: E. Arnold, 1897. 152pp. 8°. Ballantine, Henry. On India's frontier; or, Nepal, the Gurkhas' mysterious land. New York: .1 . S. Tail and Sons, [1895]. (4), 19! pp. 12°. Blackwood, Sir F. T. H. T., Earl of Dufferin. Speeches delivered in India, 1884- 1888. London: Murray, 1890. 8°. Boisragon, A. The Benin massacre. London: Methuen, 1897. 198pp. 8°. Bolts, William. Considerations on India affairs, particularly respecting the pres- ent state of Bengal and its dependencies, with a map of those countries, chiefly from actual surveys. London: printed for J. Almon, 1762. xxxi, (1), 165 pp. Folded map. 4°. Brahmins and pariahs. An appeal by the indigo manufacturers, parliament, and people, for protection against the lieutenant-governor of Bengal: setting forth the proceedings by which this high officer has interfered with the free course of justice, has destroyed capital and trade of British settlers in India .... London: Jo mis Ridgway, 1861. ..'10 pp. S°. Chailley-Bert, J. La colonisation de l'Indo-Chine. L'experience anglaise. Paris: Colin, 1892. xvi, 398 pp. 16°. Chesney, Sir George. Indian polity. A view of the systems of administration in India. 3d edition. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1894- -''■<', 409pp. Folded map. 8°. Clarke, Hyde. Colonization, defence, and railways in our Indian empire. London: John Weale, 1857. viii, 244 pp. Folded map. 8°. Coke, Roger. Reflections upon the East-Indy and Royal African companies, with animadversions concerning the naturalization of foreigners. London: Printed in the year 1695. {2), 25 pp. 12°. Colonial and Indian exhibition, 1886. Her Majesty's colonies. A series of original papers issued under the authority of the Royal commission. Compiled and edited by A. J. R, Trendall. With introduction by J. R. Seeley. 2d edition. London: W. Clowes, 1886. xxx, 508pp. Folded maps. 8°. Cotton, Sir Arthur Thomas. Public works in India; their importance, with sug- gestions for their extension and improvement. London: William H. Allen & Co., 1854. {4), 295 pp. 12°. Dubois, J. A. Hindu manners, customs, and ceremonies. Translated from the author's later French MS. and edited with notes, corrections, and biogra- phy by Henry K. Beauchamp, with a prefatory note by the Right Hon. F. Max Muller and a portrait. 2d edition. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1899. xxxvi, 730 /<)>. 8°. 45 Duff, James Grant A history of the Mahrattas. In three volumes. Loudon: Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1826. 8°. Durand, A. The making of a frontier. Five years' experiences and adventures in Gilgit, Hunza, Nagor, Chitral, and the eastern Hindu-Kush. London: John Murray, 1899. xi>i,298pp. Portrait. Map. Illustrations. 8°. Elphinstone, Sir Mountstuart. The history of India. London; John Murray, 1841- ■■' vols. 8°. Engelhardt, Ed. Les protectorates de l'lnde britannique. {In Revue de Droit Internationale, vol. 29, pp. 4(11-47:1. 1897. ) Evans, De Lacy. On the practicability of an invasion of British India, and on the commercial and financial prospects and resources of the empire. London: Printed for J. M. Richardson, 1829. Iviii, 147 pp. Folded map. 8°. Gough, Sir C, and A. D. Innes. The Sikhs and the Sikh wars. Rise, conquest, annexation of Punjab state. London: Innes, 1897. 320 pp. 8°. Greville, . British India analyzed. The provincial and revenue establish- ments of Tippoo Sultaun and of Mahomedan and British conquerors in Hindostan, stated and considered. London: Printed for R. Faulder, 1795. In 3 parts. 8°. Griffin, Sir L. II. The Rajahs of the Punjab; being the history of the principal states in the Punjab. 2d edition. London: Trubner, 187 S. 2 vols. S°. Hart, Mrs. E. Picturesque Burma, past and present. Lmdon: Bent, 1895. 370 pp. 8°. Hough, William. India as it ought to be under the new charter act. Improve- ments suggested. Londrni: Published for the author by Messrs. II". Thacker & Co., 1853. vii, WO pp. 8°. Hunter, Sir W. W. Annals of rural Bengal. 7th edition. London: Smith, Elder A Co., 1897. 492pp. 8°. A history of British India. Volume 1, to the overthrow of the English in the Spice archipelago. Longmans, Green & Co., London, Neio York, 1899. (4), 475 pp. Folded map. 8°. The Indian empire; its history, people, and products. London: ]¥. H. Allen, 1893. 852 pp. 8°. Life of the Earl of Mayo, fourth viceroy of India. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1875-1876. 2 vols. 8°. Hutchinson, II. D. The campaign in Tirah, 1897-98. London: Macmittan, 1898. 200 pp. 8°. Ilbert, Sir Courtenay. The government of India. Being a digest of the statute law relating thereto. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1898. xi, 607 pp. 8°. India. Department of Finance and Commerce. Prices and wages in India. Calcutta: Printed by the superintendent of government printing, India, 1886. iv, 48, {19) pp. 8°. 46 Kaye, Sir John William. The administration of the East India Company; ahistory of Indian progress. London: Richard Bentley, 1853. x, 712pp. 8°. editor. Selection? from papers of Lord Metcalfe, late governor-general of India, governor of Jamaica, and governor-general of Canada. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1855. xiv, (2) , 476 pp. 8°. ■ Law, Thomas. A sketch of some late arrangements, and a view of the rising resources in Bengal. London: Printed for John StockdaU, MDCCXCIL {6), xxxvi, 283 pp. 8°. Lawrence, Sir Henry Montgomery. Essays, military and political, written in India. London: Wm. II. Allen A- Co., 1859. i.>; (2), 483pp. 8°. Contents: Military defence of our Indian empire; The kingdom of Oude; Mahratta history and empire: Lord Hardinge's Indian administration: The Indian army; Army reform. Lyall, Sir Alfred. The rise of the British dominion in India. London: John Murray, 1893. xv, {!), 288 pp. Foldedmap. in . (Univer- sity i''i< nsion manuals.) Malcolm, Sir John. The government of India. London: John Murray, 1833. [6), 258pp. 8°. Malleson, (i. B. History of the Indian mutiny, 1857-18~>s. 2d edition. London: II". IT. Allen, 1878-1880. 3 vols. 8°. Mills, Arthur. India in 1858; a summary of the existing administration, political, fiscal, and judicial, of British India, together with the laws and public documents relating thereto, from the earliest to the present time. With a revenue map. London: John Murray, 18-58. xvii, 303 pp. 8°. Montagne, C. Histoire de la Compagnie des Indes. Paris, 1899. 8°. Montalembert, Charles Forbes de Tryon, Comte de. Un debat sur l'Inde an parle- ment anglais. London: W. Jeffs, 1858. {2), 117 pp. 8°. Morison, Theodore. Imperial rule in India, being an examination of the principles proper to the government of dependencies. London: Constable, 1899. 152 pp. 8°. Napier, Sir Charles James. Defects, civil and military, of the Indian government. Ed. by Sir W. F. P. Napier. Second edition. Lrmdon: Charles Westerton, 1853. xii, 437 pp. 8°. Phayre, Sir Arthur P. History of Burma, including Burma proper, Pegu, Taungu, Tenasserim, and Arakan, from the earliest time to the end of the first war with British India. London: Trubner & Co., 1883. x, (2), 311 pp. Folded maps. 8°. Powell, B. H. Baden. Land revenue and tenure in British India. Oxford: Clarendon press, 1893. 8°. The land systems of British India. Oxford: Clarendon press, 1892. 3 vols. 8°. Rickards, Robert. India; or facts submitted to illustrate the character and condi- tion of the native inhabitants, with suggestions for reforming the present system of government. In two volumes. London: Published by Smith, Elder A- Co., 1829. 8°. 47 Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, Lord. Forty-one years in [ndia, Er subaltern to com- mander-in-chief. With portraits and maps. In two volumes. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1898. s°. Royle, John Forbes. Essay on the productive resources of India. London: Wm. H. Allen, 1840. x, ',■'i>. Foldedmap. 8°. Strachey, John, and Richard Stracbey. The finances and public works of India from 1869 to 1881. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1882. xx, 467, (1), pp. Temple, Sir Richard. Men and events of my time in India. London: John Murray, 1882. xvii, (1), 526pp. S°. Thomason, James. Selections from the records of the government, Northwest provinces. In two volumes. Vol. 1. Calcutta: Printed by J. Thomas, 1856. viii, 516 pp. 4°. Thorburn, S. S. Banmi; or, our Afghan frontier. London: Trubner & Co., 1876. x, (2), 480pp. Map. 8°. Thornton, Edward. India; its state and prospects. London: Parbury, AUen <_(• Co., 1835. xx, 354pp. 8°. Thornton, T. II. General Sir Richard Meade and the feudatory states of central and southern India: a record of 43 years as soldier, political officer, and administrator. London: Longmans, 1898. 418 pp. I II us. Portrait. Map. 8°. True declaration of the news that came out of the East Indies with the pinnace called the Hare, which arrived in Texel in June, 1624, concerning a con- spiracy discovered in the island of Amboyna, and the punishment following thereupon in March, 1624, comprehended in a letter missing, and sent from a friend in the Low Countries to the friend of note in England. Printed anno., 1624- {2), 20 pp. Sq. 16°. Bound with "Answer to the Hollandese declaration." Tupper, Charles Lewis. Our Indian protectorate. An introduction to the study of the relations between the British government and its Indian feudatories. London: Longmans, 1893. xvi, 426 pp. L. 8°. Tucker, Henry St. George. Memorials of Indian government; being a selection from the papers of Henry St. < reorge Tucker. London: Richard Bentley, 1853. xii, 507 pp. 8°. 48 Valbezan, E. de. Les Anglais et I'Inde. Avec notes, pieces justificatives et tableaux statistiques. Paris: Levy frbres, 1857. {2), 442 pp. 8°. Warburton, Sir Robert. Eighteen years in the Khyber, 1879-1898. London: Murray, 1900. (18), 351 pp. Ittus. Portrait. Folded map. 8°. "Sir Robert Warburton represents a class of Indian administrators now almost extinct. He was one of the last survivors of the school associated with the ven- erated nanus of Nicholson, the Lawrences, and all that group of worthies who laid deep and strong the foundations of our rule over the warlike races whom each successive wave of conquest brought within our influence— men who ruled by force of character, sympathy, courage, and all the personal qualities which in settled times and places are replaced by code and section and the rules of a dozen depart- ments." Wheeler, J. T. The history of India from the earliest ages. London: Trubner & Co., 1869-1881. 4 vols. 8°. Williams, Sir Monier-Monier. Modern India and the Indians. London: Trubner & Co., 1878. (4), 244 pp. S°. Brahminisin and Hindooism. Religious thought and life in India. 2d edition. London: Murray, 1887. 8°. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. Bishop, Isabella L. Bird. The golden Chersonese and the way thither. With map and illustrations. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1883. xiv, (2), 483 pp. 8°. Boulger, D. C. Life of Sir Stamford Raffles. London: Marshall and Son, 1897. 4-0 pp. 8°. Clifford, H. In court and kampong: tales and sketches of native life in the Malay peninsula. London: G. Richards, 1897. 268 pp. 8°. Dennys, N. B. A descriptive dictionary of British Malaya. London: China T., 1894- 8°. Innes, Mrs. The Chersonese with the gilding off. London: Bentley, 1885. 2 vols. 8°. Rathbone, Ambrose B. Camping and tramping in Malaya. Fifteen years' pioneer- ing in the native states of the Malay peninsula. London: Svoan Sonnenschein & Co., 1898. x, (2), 339 pp. Plates. Folded map. 8°. Swettenham, F. A. Malay sketches. London: Lane, 1895. 8°. Wallace, A. R. The Malay archipelago; land of the orang-utan. New edition. London: Macmillan, 1898. 515 pp. Plate. Folded maps. 8°. BRITISH AFRICAN COLONIES. BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA. British Africa. With 4 maps. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubnertk Co., 1899. xiii, (1) 418pp. 8°. {British Empire series. 2.) Contents: Cape of Good Hope, by Sir D.Tennant; Rhodesia, by C. W. Boyd; Rhodesia, by H.M.Hole; Rhodesia, byW. E. L.; Beehuanaland, by Sir S. G. A. Shlppard; Tin- Transvaal, by W.Y. Campbell; Natal, by F.R.Statham; The Highlands of Natal, by E.McMaster; Zululand, by Miss Colenso; Briton, Boer and Black in South Africa, by J. A. Liebmann; Native races of South Africa and their polity; Natives under British rule in Africa, by R. H.Fox Bourn. ■; The gold era in South Africa, byW.B. Worsfold; British Central Africa, by A. Werner; Protectorate of Zanzibar, by W. K. Firminger; East Africa protectorate, by H. S. Newman; Uganda, by Sir H. Colville; What England has done for Egypt, by A. Nichols; District of the Niger, by P. A. Bennett; Our West African Colonies, by Sir W. H. Quayle-Jones; Life in West Africa, by M. Kingsley; Mauritius, by Conde-Williams; Appendix. Brown, William Harvey. On the South African frontier. The adventures and observations of an American in Mashonaland and Matabeleland. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1899. xxii, (2), 430 pp. Illustrations and folded maps. 8°. Bryce, James. Impressions of South Africa. New York: Century Co., 1897. xvi, (2), 499 pp. 8 folded maps. 8°. Same. 3d edition with a new prefatory chapter dealing with the events which have induced the present crisis. London: MacmiUan, 1899. Ixiii, 499 pp. 8°. Cloete, Henry. The story of the great Boer trek, and the origin of the South African republics. London: Murray, 1899. xvi, 196 pp. 8°. Greswell, William Henry Parr. Geography of Africa south of the Zambesi. With notes on the industries, wealth, and social progress of the states and peoples. With three maps. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892. xii, 400 pp. 12°. Native states and protectorates, pp. 285-307. Hertslet, Sir Edward. The map of Africa by treaty. 2d and revised edition. Iiondon: Harrison and Sons, 1896. 3 vols. 8°. Johnston, Sir Harry H. A history of the colonization of Africa by alien races. With eight maps by the author and J. G. Bartholomew. Cambridge: University Press, 1S99. xii, (2), 319 pp. 8°. Keltie, John Scott. The partition of Africa. With 24 maps. 2d edition. London: Edward Stanford, 1895. xv, (1), 564 pp. 8°. Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. Europe in Africa in the nineteenth century. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Company, 1895. 451pp. Portraits. 8°. Mackenzie, John. Central Africa; extension of British influence in transcolonial territories. (In Manchester Geographical Society. Journal, vol. 4, pp. 201-231. Manchester, 1888.) Austral Africa; losing it, or ruling it, being incidents and experiences in Beehuanaland, Cape Colony, and England. London: S. Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, 1887. ■' vols. Plates, port., Ulus. 8°. 4997 4 49 50 Nicholson, G. Fifty yearn in South Africa; recollections and reflections of a veteran pioneer. London: W. W. Greener, 1898. 310 pp. 8°. Sanderson, E. Africa in the nineteenth century. London: Seeley, 1898. 346 pp. 8°. Stanley, Henry M., and others. Africa; its partition and its future. With an introduction by Harry Thurston Peck. With colored map. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1S9S. .rrii, (3), 263 pp. 12°. Contents: Introduction, by H. T. Peck. Africa in the twentieth century, by H. M. Stan- ley. The partition of Africa, by J. Scott Keltic. The British empire in Africa . 1 <\ \V. T. Stead. The German empire in Africa, by F. Bley. The French empire in Africa, by Panl Guieysse. The independent Kongo State, by Charles Lemair. England, the Sudan, and France, by Henry Norman. The future of Nigeria, by Sir George Taubman-Goldie. The kingdom of Uganda, by F. D. Lugard. Abyssinia and its people, by T. C. S. Speedy. The republic of Liberia— its future, by J. C. Hartzell. The commerce, railways, and telegraphs of Africa, by Stanley Edward Heawood. The maps of Africa, by H. K. Carroll. Statham, F. R. Blacks, Boers, and British. London: Macmillan, 1881. viii, 271pp. 8°. South Africa as it is. London: Unwin, 1897. 8°. Theal, George McCall. Compendium of the history and geography of South Africa. 3d edition, revised and enlarged. London: Edward Stanford, 1S78. viii, {2), 208pp. 8°. History of the emigrant Boers of South Africa . . . 2d edition. London, 1888. 8°. History of South Africa, 1486-1691. London, 1888. 8°. — ! History of South Africa, 1691-1795. London, 1S88. 8°. History of South Africa, 1795-1834. London, 1891. 8°. — History of South Africa. The republics and native territories, 1 N,">4-1872. London, 1889. 448 pp. 8°. History of South Africa under the administration of the Dutch India Com- pany . . . London, 1897. 2 vols. S°. South Africa . . . New York: Putnam's Sons, 1894. Must. Map. 12°. (Story of the Nations series. ) South Africa: The Cape Colony, Natal, Orange Free State, South African Republic, Rhodesia, and all other territories south of the Zambesi. 4th edition. London: T. Fisher Unwin. 462 pp. 8°. (Story of the Nations series.) Trollope, Anthony. South Africa. In two volumes. London: Chapman and Hall, 1878. 2 vols. 8°. Contents: 1. South Africa; Cape Colony; Natal. 2. The Transvaal; Griqualand West; The Orange Free State; Native territories. 51 Van Octroy, F. Conventions intemationales definissanl les iim.ites actuelles des possessions, protectorats el spheres d' influence en Afrique. Bruxelles: Schepens, t898. 518 pp. S°. Voigt, J. C. Fifty years of the history of the republic in South Africa ( 17'.i5-1845). London: T. /•'. Unwin, 1899. .' vols. Mops. 8°. Wilkinson, Sir Spencer. British policy in South Africa. London: Lou; 1899. viii. 114 pp. 12°. Wilmot, Alexander. The story of the expansion of southern Africa. 2d edition, with supplementary chapter, index, special map, and new appendix. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1895. xxvii, (l), 277 pp. 8°. Worsfold, William Basil. South Africa. A study in colonial administration and development. Loudon: Methuen, 1897. 266pp. 12°. Contents: Early history; The Kafir wars; Sir Bartle Frere and federation; The Boers; Natal and the Kafir problem; The Beehuanaland settlement; Agricultural and pastoral resources; The diamond mines; Gold mining. South Africa. A study in colonial administration and development. 2d edition, revised. London: Methuen & Co., 1897. mi, 808pp. Folded map. 8°. Younghusband, Francis E. South Africa of to-day. With illustrations. London: Macmillan & Co., 1898. mi, (1), 177 pp. Plates. S°. BASUTOLAND. Barkly, Mrs: Among Boers and Basutos. The Roxburgh Press, Westminster, [1896]. 257pp. 12°. Widdicombe, J. Fourteen years in Basutoland. London, \_1891~\. 306 pp. Illustrations. 12°. CAPE COLONY. Campbell, C. T. British South Africa. A history of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope, from its conquest, 1795, to the settlement of Albany by the British emigration of 1819 (A. D. 1795-1825). London: Haddon, 1897. 230 pp. 8°. Wallace, R. Farming industries of Cape Colony. London: P. S. King />. 8°. Ellis, A. B. The Ewe-speaking peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa: *heir religion, manners, customs, laws, languages, etc. London: Chapman and Hall, 1890. viii, 331 pp. Foldedmap. 8°. Ellis, A. B. The Yoruba-speaking peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa. London: Chapman, 1894. 402 pp. 8°. Freeman, R. A. Travels and life in Ashanti and Jaman. With 100 illustrations by the author. London: Constable, 1898. 580 pp. Maps. S°. Griffith, R. Sierra Leone, past, present, and future. /// Royal Colonial Institute. Proceedings, vol. 13. pp. 56-98. London, 1882.) Ingham, E. G. Sierra Leone after a hundred years. London: Seeley, 1894. 308 pp. 8°. Jobson, R. The golden trade; or, A discovery of the River Gambra and the golden trade of the Ethiopians. London: X. Okes, 1623. (2), 166pp. Sm. 4°. Kemp, D. Nine years at the Gold Coast. London: MacmUlan, 1898. 294 pp. 8°. Kingsley, Mary II. Travels in West Africa, Congo Francois, Corisco, Cameroons. London: MacmWan, 1897. xvi, 743pp. Plates. 8°. The story of West Africa. London: II. Marshall, 1899. 170 pp. 8°. West African studies. With illustrations and map. London: MacmMan & Co., 1899. xxiv, 639pp. 8°. " Miss Kingsley's indictment of the Crown colony system, and the sketch which she suhmits of an alternative plan for the government of the colonies, at present administered as Crown colonies, constitute a brilliant contribution to the discussion as to the best method of governing tropical colonies."— Saturday Review. 54 Macdonald, ( I. The Gold Coast, past and present, London: Longmans, 1898. 864 pp. Illustrated. 80. Mockler-Ferryman, A. F. The imperial library. Imperial Africa, the rise, prog- ress, and future <>f the British possessions in Africa. Vol. 1. British West Africa. London: The Imperial Pre**, 1898. xd, 512 pp. Maps and illustrations. 8°. Poole, Thomas Eyre. Life, scenery, and customs in Sierra Leone and the Gambia. London. 1850. 2 vols. 12°. Powell, R. S. S. Baden-. The downfall of Prempeh; adayof life with the native levy in Ashanti. London: Methuen, 1896. 200pp. Illustration*. 8°. Sibthorpe, A. B.C. The history of Sierra Leone. 2d edition. Elliot Stock: London, [1881.] 86 pp. 12°. Wadstrom, ('. B. An essay on colonization, particularly applied to the western coast of Africa, with some free thoughts on cultivation and commerce; also, brief description of the colonies already formed, or attempted in Africa, including those of Sierra Leona and Bulama. In two parts. Illus- trated with a nautical map (from lat. 5° 30 / to lat. 14° N. ) and other plates. London: Printed for the author by Barton and Harvey, 1794. (8), Ir, 196, (2), 363, {27) pp. Folded map*. 4° ■ BRITISH EAST AFRICA. Fitz-Gerald, W. W.A. Travels in the coast lands of British East Africa, and the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba; agricultural resources; general character- istics. London: Chapman, 1898. Illustrations. Map*. 8°. Junker, W. Travels in Africa, 1882-86. Translated by A. II. Keane. London: Chapman, 1892. 586 pp. - pp. Plate. 12°. Forrest, John. Explorations in Australia: I. Explorations in search of Dr. Lei- chardt and party. II. From Perth t< > Adelaide, around the great Australian bight. III. From Champion Bay across the desert to the telegraph and to Adelaide. With an appendix on the condition of western Australia. Illustrated by G. F. Angas. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Low and Searle, 1875. mi,351pp. Portraits, plates, folded mops. s°. Galloway, W. J. Advanced Australia; or, The eve of federation. London: Methuen, 1899. .Km pp. 8°. Gisborne, W. The colony of New Zealand; its history, etc., to 1890. London: Petherick, 1891. S°. - New Zealand rulers and statesmen, 1840-97. Revised and enlarged edition. London: Low, 1897. S°. Griffin, G. W. New South Wales; her commerce and resources. Sydney: Charles Potter, 1888. (8), 293 pp. L. 8°. Harcus, W. South Australia: its history, resources, and productions. Illustrated from photographs taken in the colony. With maps. London: S. Lov), Marston, Searle A' Rivington, 1876. xv, (1), 432 pp. Folded maps. 8°. Harper, A. P. Pioneer work in the Alps of New Zealand. A record of the first exploration of chief glaciers and ranges of southern Alps. London: Unwin, 1897. 352 pp. Maps. Illustrations. S°. Hart, F. Western Australia in 1893. Loudon: Stanford, 1894. 8°. 59 Hay, W. I>. Brighter Britain; or, Settler and Maori in northern New Zealand. London: Bentley, 1882. .' rah. s°. Hocken, T. M. Contributions to the early historyof New Zealand. (Settlement of Otago.) London: Low, 1898. S58 pp. Portraits and illustrations. 8°. Hodder, E. The history of South Australia. London: Lou; 1893. 2 vols. 8°. editor. The founding of South Australia, as recorded in the journals .if Mr. Robert < rouger. London: Sampson Low Marston and Company, 1898. oi, (2), 239pp. Por- trait. 12°. Hutchinson, Frank. New South Wales; the mother colony of the Australias. Sydney: Charles Potter, 1896. xi, 369 pp. Plates. Folded maps. 8°. Contents: Introduction, by the editor (Frank Hutchinson); Physical geography and climate, by H. C, Russell; The constitution and laws, by Pitt Corbett; The laws relat- ing to Crown lands, by H. A.G. Curry; Commercial relations, by R.L.Nash; Import trade, by W.G. Rendall; Wool industry, by Henry W.Wright; Pastures, grasses, and forage plants, by Fred Turner; Live stork, by Alexander Bruce; Agriculture, by J. I.. Thompson; Fruit culture, by Albert H. Benson; Viticulture, by P. F. Adams; Sugar growing and its manufacture, by W.S.Campbell; Horticulture, by W.S.Camp- bell; Silk culture, by W. S. Campbell; Tobacco culture, by Samuel Lamb; Timbersof the colony, by J. H. Maiden; Vegetable products, by J. H. Maiden; The dairying industry, by A. A. Dunnicliff; Meat export trade, by Cuthbert Fetherstonhaugh; Fish hul ust ry.l >y .I.Douglas Ogilby: Mining industry, by W.H.J. Slee; Collieries, by John Mackenzie; Water conservation, irrigation, and drainage, by H.G. McKinney; The rise and progress of artesian boring, by ,1. W. Boultbee; Sydney and principal towns, by Frank J. Donohue; Railways and tramways, by R. L. Nash; Postal and telegraphic service, by S. II. Lambton; Public works, including roads and bridges, by J. W. Holliman; our social conditions, by Frank J. Donohue; Literature and art, by Frank Hutchinson; Religious institutions, by Frank J. Donohue; Education, by U. X. Morris; The manufacturing interest, by Frank J. Donohue; Federation, by Edward Dow ling. Appendices: Historical data, by F. M. Bladen; From Europe toSydney,and howtolive thereby W.G- Kendall. Jenks, E. A historyof the Australasian colonies from their foundation to the year 1893. Stereotyped edition. Cambridge: University Press, 1897. 368pp. 8°. {Cambridge historical series.) Labilliere, F. P. de. Early history of the colony of Victoria, from its discovery to its establishment as a self-governing province of the British Empire. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searh & Bivington, 1878. .' vols. 12°. Lang, }>. 12°. (Story of Empire series. ) Smyth, R. Brough. The Aborigines of Victoria; with notes relating to the habits of the natives of other parts of Australia and Tasmania. John Ferres, London, 1878. 2 vols. 4°. Spencer, B., and F. J. Gillen. The native tribes of Central Australia. London: MacmUlan, 1899. 692 pp. 8°. Swainson, William. New Zealand. The substance of lectures on the colonization of New Zealand, delivered at Lancaster, Plymouth, Bristol, Hereford, Kirkby, Lonsdale, Richmond, and the Charter house, London. With notes. London: Smith, Elder A Co., 1856. 64 pp. 12°. Torrens, Robert, Colonization of South Australia. London: Longman, Rees,etc, 1835. xv, (1), 303, (1), x.tii pp. 8°. Wakefield, Edward. New Zealand after fifty years. New York: Cassell & Company, 1889. vi, (4), £36 pp. Plates (photogravures). 8°. Walker, H. de R. Australasian democracy. London: Unwin, 1897. 346 pp. 8°. Weedon, T. Queensland, past and present. An epitome of its resources and development. Brisbane, 1896. 240 pp. 8°- Westgarth, Wm. The Colony of Victoria: its history, commerce, and gold- mining; its social and political institutions down to the end of 1863. With remarks . . . upon the other Australian colonies. (With a map.) London: Low, 1864. xx, 503 pp. 8°. White, John. Ancient history of the Maori; his mythology and tradition . . . London: Low, 1889. 4 vols. 8°. Te Rou; or, The Maori at home. A tale exhibiting the social life, manners, habits, and customs of the Maori race in New Zealand prior to the intro- duction of civilization among them. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Low and Searle, 1874- t'u, 343 pp. 12°. 62 Wilson, Mrs. R. In the land of the Tui: my journal in New Zealand. London: Low, 1894, 80 pp. Illustrated. 8°. Woods, J. D. The province of South Australia; with a sketch of the northern territory. Adelaide, 1894. 8°. BRITISH PACIFIC ISLANDS. Bevan, Th. F. Toil, travel, and discovery in British New Guinea. London: Paul, 1*90. 8°. Burney, Capt. James. A chronological history of the discoveries in the South Seas, or Pacific Ocean. London, 1803-1817 5 vols. 4°. Chalmers, J. Pioneer life and work in New Guinea, 1S77— '. >4. London: Religious Tract Society, 1895. Tllus. 8°. Cooper, II. S. Coral lands. In two vohwnes. With illustrations. London: Bentley, 1SS0. Photographs. 8°. Fiji, Samoa, and Solomon islam Is. Coote, W. Western Pacific: the group of islands north and east of Australia. London: Low, 1S83. 12°. Cumming, C. F. Gordon. At home in Fiji. Second edition, complete in 1 volume, with map and illustrations. A'-"' )'0 illustrations and map. London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1898. vi, {2), 294pp. 8°. Romilly, Hugh Hastings. The Western Pacific and New Guinea: Notes on the natives, Christian and cannibal, with someaccount of the old labour trade. With a map. Second edition. London: John Murray, 1887. vi, {2), 284pp. 12°. From my veranda in New Guinea: Sketches and traditions; with an intro- duction by Andrew Lang. London: Nvtt, 1889. Map. 8°. Seemann, Berthold. Viti: an account of a government mission to the Vitian or Fijian islands in the year 1860-61. With illustrations and a map. Cambridge: Macmillan A Co., 1862. xv, {5), 447 pp. S°. Thoburn, J. 31. India and Malaysia. Cincinnati: Cranston and Curts. New York: Hunt and Eaton. 1892. 562 pp. Plates {photogravures). 8°. Thomson, Basil. The diversions of a prime minister. With a map, numerous illustrations by J. W. Cawston and others, and reproductions of rare plates of early voyages of xviith and xviiith centuries. William Blackwood and Sons, 1894, Ediidmrgh and London, xiii, (3), 407 pp. 8°. On the island of Tonga. Wallace, A. R. Australasia. Maps and illustrations. London: E. Stanford, 1893-94- 2 vols. 8°. Contents: 1. Australia and New Zealand. 2. Malaysia and the Pacific archipelagoes. Edited and greatly extended by F. H. H. Guillemard. Wawn, William T. The South Sea islanders and the Queensland labour trade. A record of voyages and experiences in the Western Pacific, from 1875-6- 1891. With numerous illustrations. London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1893. xvi, (1), 440 pp. Plates. Mops. 8°. Webster, II. Cayley. Through New Guinea and the cannibal countries. With illustrations and map. London: T. Fisher Umrin, 1898. xm, (1), 387 pp. S°. Woodford, C. M. A naturalist among the head hunters (Solomon Islands). London: Philip, 1890. 8°. BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN COLONIES. CANADA, ETC. Anderson, David. Canada; or, A view of the importance of the British American colonies; showing their extensive and improvable resources . . . together with the great sacrifices which have been made by our late com- mercial regulations of the commerce and carrying trade of Great Britain to the United States. London: Printed for J. M. Richardson, 1814- xxxi, (1), 353 pp. Folded map. 8°. Bourinot, John George. Federal government in Canada. Baltimore, 1889. 173pp. 8°. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. 7th series, nos. 10-12. ) Local government in Canada. An historical study. Baltimore, 1887. 72 pp. 8°. (Johns Hopkins University stadia in historical and political science. 5th series, nos. 5, 6. ) Bryce, George. A short history of Canadian people. London: Sampson Low . . . 1887. vii, (1) , 528 pp. Folded map. 12°. The Canadian crisis, and Lord Durham's mission to the North American colonies. With remarks, the result of personal observation in the colonies and the United States, on the remedial measures to be adopted in the North American provinces. London: J. Rodwell, 1838. 56 pp. 8°. Cavendish, Sir Henry. Government of Canada. Debates of the House of Com- mons in the year 1774 on the bill for making more effectual provision for the government of the Province of Quebec; drawn up from the notes of Sir Henry Cavendish. Now first published by J. Wright. With a map of Canada, copied from the second edition of Mitchell's map of North America. London: Ridgway, 1839. xii, 303 pp. 8°. Douglas, Sir Howard. Considerations on the value and importance of the British North American provinces, and the circumstances on which depend their further prosperity and colonial connection with Great Britain. London: John Murray, 1831. 36 pp. 8°. Glenelg, Charles Grant, Baron. Despatches to Sir F. B. Head, Bart., during his administration of the government of Upper Canada. Abstracted from the papers laid before Parliament. London: James Ridgway and Sons, 1839. (4), 193 pp. 8°. Gourlay, Robert, General introduction to statistical account of Upper Canada, compiled with a view to a grand system of emigration, in connection with a reform of the poor laws. London: Simpkin and Marshall, 1822. xii, 504, 47 pp. Folded map. 8°. Statistical account of Upper Canada, compiled with a view to a grand system of emigration. In two volumes. London: Simpkin and Marshall, 1822. Engraved title-pages. 8°. 64 65 Haliburton, R. G. Intercolonial trade our n Breisgau: Herder, 1888. ix, (3), 223, {2) pp. 8°. Hogan, J. Sheridan. An essay: To which was awarded the first prize by the Paris exhibition committee of Canada. Montreal: B. Dawson. London: Sampson Low, Son and Co., 1855. 86 pp. Folded map. 8°. Hopkins, J. C. Canada: an encyclopaedia of the country. The Canadian dominion considered in its historic relations, its natural resources, its material prog- ress, and its national development. Toronto: The Linscott 'publishing company, 1898-99. 5 vols. Plates. 4° ■ Houston, "William. Documents illustrative of the Canadian constitution. Edited with notes and appendixes. Toronto: Carswell and Co., 1891. xxii, 338 pp. 8°. Kingsford, W. The history of Canada. 1608-1841. Toronto: Roicsell and Hutchison. London: Trubner and Co., 1887-98. 10 vols. Maps. 8°. Lee, Charles. The importance of Canada considered in two letters to a noble lord. London: Printed for R. & J. Dodsley, MDCCLXL (2), 38 pp. 8°. Lefroy, A. H. F. The law of legislative power in Canada. Toronto: The Toronto law book and publishing company, 1897-98. (12), Ixx, 823 pp. 8°. Mac Beth, R. G. The making of the Canadian West, being the reminiscences of an eyewitness. With portraits and illustrations. Toronto: William Briggs, 1898. 230 pp. 8°. Macmullen, John. History of Canada from its first discovery to the present time. Brookville, C. W.: J. M'MuUan, 1855. (2), 506 pp. 8°. Maseres, Francis. The Canadian freeholder: in two dialogues between an English- man and a Frenchman settled in Canada. In two volumes. London: B. White, 1777. 8°. Meredith, Sir William.. A letter to the Earl of Chatham on the Quebec bill. The third edition, corrected. London: Printed for T. Cadell, MDCCLXXLL (2), 36 pp. 12°. Same. 5th edition. Same imprint. Metcalfe. Charles, Lord. The life and correspondence of Charles, Lord Metcalfe, Governor of Jamaica and Governor-General of Canada. From unpub- lished letters and journals. By John William Kaye. London: R. Bentley, 1854. 2 vols. 8°. Morris, Alexander. Prize essay. Canada and her resources; an essay, to which, upon a reference from the Paris exhibition committee of Canada, was awarded by his excellency Sir Edmund Walker Head the second prize. Second edition. Montreal: B. Dawson. London: Sampson Low, Son and Co., 1855. 119pp. S°. 4997 5 66 Munro, J. E. C. The constitution of Canada. Cambridge (Eng.): Unirerxify I'nss, 1889. 8°. Parkin, G. R. The great dominion. Studies of Canada; with maps. London and New York: Macmillan and Co. , 1895. viii, 251 pp. 3 folded maps. 12°. Pearson, Charles. Ireland and Canada. The substance of five speeches explaining the plan of the colonial association for the profitable employment of capital in planting British colonies in Her Majesty's North American provinces by means of a systematic emigration from the United Kingdom of persons of all classes and conditions. London: Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor, 1839. w, 52 pp. 8°. Pope, J. Memoirs of the Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, first prime minister of Canada. London: Arnold, 1894- 2 vols. 8°. Roberts, Charles D. G. A history of Canada. Boston: Lamson, Wolfe and Co., 1897. xi, (1), 493 pp. 8°. Smith, Goldwin. Canada and the Canadian question; with map. London and New York: Macmillan, 1891. x, 32u pp. 12°. Synge, Millington Henry. Canada in 1848. Being an examination of the exist- ing resources of British North America. With considerations for their future and more perfect development, as a practical remedy by means of colonization for the prevailing distress in the united empire, and for the defence of the colony. London: Published by Effingham Wilson, [1848]. 32,viipp. 8°. Van Sommer, J. Canada and the empire. Toronto: The author, 1898. 125 pp. 8°. Wheeler, G. J. Confederation law of Canada. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1S96. 8°. "Wilson, F. A., and Alfred B. Richards. Britain redeemed and Canada preserved. In two parts. London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1850. xxx, (2), 556 pp. Plates. Folded map. 8°. NEWFOUNDLAND. Harvey, M. Newfoundland in 1897. London: Low, 1897. 218pp. Illustrated. Maps. 8°. Hatton, J., and M. Harvey. Newfoundland: the oldest British colony; its history, its present condition, and its prospects in the future. Illustrated. London: Chapman and Hall, 1883. xxiv, 489 pp. 8°. Prowse, D. W. A history of Newfoundland, from the English, colonial, and foreign records. With numerous illustrations and maps. 2d edition, revised and corrected. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1896. x, 634 pp. 8°. NOVA SCOTIA. Bourinot, John G. Builders of Nova Scotia; with an appendix containing copies of rare documents relating to the early days of the province. Toronto: Copp-Clark Co., 1900. 8°. 67 Haliburton, Thomas C. An historical and statistical account of Nova Scotia. In two volumes. Illustrated 1 >y a map of the province and several engravings. Halifax: Joseph Howe, 1829. 8°. Murdoch, Beamish. A history of Nova Scotia; or Acadie. Halifax, X. S.: James Barnes, 1867. S vols. 8°. BRITISH NORTHWEST, COLUMBIA, ETC. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of British Columbia, 1792-1887. San Francisco, 1890. xxxi, (1), 792 pp. Folded map. 8°. " Authorities quoted," pp. xxiii-xxxi. Begg, Alexander. History of British Columbia from its earliest discovery. Toronto: W. Briggs, 1894- xvii, (1), 7-567 pp. Folded map. Portrait. 8°. — ■ History of the Northwest. Toronto: Hunter, Rose and Co., 1894-95. 3 vols. Portraits. 8°. Bryce, G. Manitoba: its infancy, growth, and present condition. London: S. Low, 1882. riii, 367 pp. Folded maps. Portrait. 8°. Forbes, Charles. Vancouver Island : its resources and capabilities, as a colony. Published by the colonial government, 1862. (4), 63, (1), 18, (1) pp. 8°. HUDSON'S BAY. Bryce, G. The remarkable history of the Hudson's Bay Company, including that of the French Traders of north-western Canada, and of the North- West, X Y and Astor Fur Companies. London: S. Low, Warston& Co., 1900. 32 fidl page illustrations and maps. 8°. Martin, Archer. The Hudson's Bay Company's land tenures, and the occupation of Assiniboia by Lord Selkirk's settlers. London: W. Clowes, 1888. xvi, 238 pp. 8°. Newton, W. Twenty years on the Saskatchewan. London: Stock, 1897. 190 pp. 8°. Willson, Beckles. The Great Company, 1667-1871. Being a history of the Honor- able Company of Merchant-Adventurers trading into Hudson's Bay. Compiled from the company's archives, from diplomatic documents and state papers of France and England, from the narratives of factors and traders, and from many accounts and memoirs. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1900. 2 vols. Portraits. Maps. 8°. BRITISH COLONIES IN CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. BRITISH HONDURAS. Bristowe, L. W., and P. B. Wright. Handbook of British Honduras. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. Fowler, H. A narrative of a journey across the unexplored portion of British Honduras, with a short sketch of the history and resources of the colony. Belize, 1879. 8°. Gibbs, A.K. British Honduras: An historical and descriptive account of the col- ony from its settlement, 1670. London: S. Low {etc.), 1883. viii, 198 pp. 12°. Morris, D. The colony of British Honduras. London: E. Stanford, 1883. xiii, 152 pp. 16°. BRITISH GUIANA. Bevan, Theodore. Toil, travel, and discovery in British New Guiana. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1S98. viii, 317 pp. Folded map. 8°. " From the Protectorate to the Sovereignty. 1884-1888." Bronkhurst, H. V. P. The colony of British Guiana and its labouring population. London: T. Woolmer, 1883. xii, 479 pp. Woodcut. 12°. Crookall, L. British Guiana; or, Work and wanderings among the Creoles and Coolies, the Africans and Indians of the wild country. Illustrated. London: Unwin, 1898. xii, 247 pp. 12°. Dalton, H. G. The history of British Guiana. London: Longmans, 1855. 2 vols. Plates. Map. 8°. Kirke, H. Twenty-five years in British Guiana. With map and illustrations. London: S. Low (etc.), 1898. x, (2)," '364 pp. Portrait. 8°. Rodway, James. Handbook of British Guiana. Prepared under the direction of the Columbian exposition literary committee of the Royal Agriculture Society. Georgetown, British Guiana: Publ. by the committee, 1893. Plates. Folded map. 8°. History of British Guiana. Georgetown, British Guiana: J. Thomson, 1891-94- 3 vols. 8°. In the Guiana forest. Illustrated. 2d edition. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1895. xxiii, (1), 242pp. 12°. Rodway, J., and J. H. Stark. Stark's Guide book and history of British Guiana; containing a description of everything relating to this colony that would be of interest to tourists and residents respecting its history, inhabitants, climate. . . . Boston: J. H. Stark, \_1898]. 120pp. Plus. Map. 8°. 68 69 Schomburg-k, Sir R. H. A description of British Guiana, geographical and statistical. London: Simpkins, Marshall & Co., 1840. (4), 155 pp. Map. 8° Reisen in British-Guiana in den Jahren 1840-44. Mit Abbildungen und einer Karte. Leipzig: J. J. Weber, 1847-48. 3 vols. 8°. Thurn, E. F. Among the Indians of Guiana: being sketches chiefly anthropologic from the interior of British Guiana. With 33 illustrations and map. London: Kegan Paid (etc.), 1883. .vvi, 445 pp. 8°. FALKLAND ISLANDS. Falkner, Thomas. Description of Patagonia, and the adjoining parts of South America, and some particulars relating to Falkland's islands. Hereford, 1774- 144 pp. Plates. Map. Folio. Grimblot, P. Politique coloniale de l'Angleterre. Les iles Falkland. (In Revue des Deux Mondes, new series, vol. 3, pp. 781-815, 1843.) Murdoch, W. G. B. From Edinburgh to the Antarctic (1892-93). London: Longmans, 1894- 8°. Pernety, Dom Antoine Joseph. The history of a voyage to the Malouine (or Falk- land) islands, made in 1763 and 1764. Illustrated with copperplates. The 2d edition. London: Printed for William Goldsmith, MDCC. Ixxiii, (4), xvii, (1), 294 pp. Folded maps. 4°. Rutledge, R. M. The Falkland islands. (In Scottish Geographical Magazine, vol. 12, pp. 241-252. Edinburgh, 1896). Snow, W. Parker. A two years' cruise off Tierra del Fuego, the Falkland islands, Patagonia .... with charts and illustrations. In two volumes. London: Longman, Brown, (etc.), 1857. 12°. Stirling, W. H. Brief account of the Falkland islands. Buenos Ayres, 1891. 27 pp. 8°. BRITISH WEST INDIES, ETC. BERMUDA. Lefroy, Sir J. H. Memorials of the discovery and early settlement of the Bermudas or Somers islands 1511-1685. Compiled from the colonial records and other original sources. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1877-79. 2 vols. Plates. Maps. L. 8°. Ogilvy, J. An account of Bermuda, past and present. Hamilton, Bermuda: S. Nelmes, 1883. 64 pp. 8°. Stark, J. H. Stark's illustrated Bermuda guide: containing a description of the Bermuda islands, including their history, inhabitants, climate, agricul- ture, geology, government, and resources. Boston: J. H. Stark, 1897. viii, 154 pp. 12°. (Library of Congress has edition of 1884.) Illustrated Bermuda guide. Boston, 1887. Whittingham, F. Bermuda: a colony, a fortress, and a prison; or, Eighteen months in the Somers' islands. London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans and Roberts, 1857. x, (2), 287 pp. Colored plates. Folded map. Illustrations. 8°. BRITISH WEST INDIES, COLLECTIVELY. Bayley, F. W. N. Four years' residence in the West Indies, during the years 1826, 1827, 1828, and 1829. Third edition, enlarged, with engravings. To which is added a faithful narrative, derived from official documents and private letters, of the dreadful hurricanes in Barhados, St. Vincent, and St. Lucia in August, 1831, and an appendix containing the geography, geology, and chronology of the British colonies in the West Indies. London: William Kidd, 1833. xiii, (3), 742 pp. Plates (lithographs). Dautoree, Paul. Colonists and manufacturers in the West Indies. Translated from the French. London: James Bain, 1844. 103 pp. 8°. Edwards, B. The history, civil and commercial, of the British West Indies. 5th edition. London: Printed by T. Muller, 1819. 5 vols. 8°. Note. Other editions in Library of Congress. Eves, C. W. The West Indies. 4th edition. London: Sampson, Low, Marston & Company, 1897. xxxi, (1), 359 pp. Plates. Folded maps. 12°. Froude, James Anthony. The English in the West Indies; or, The bow of Ulysses. New York: Charles Scribner' s Sons, 1888. x, (2), 373 pp. Illustrations, engraved on wood. 8°. 70 71 Jay, E. A. Hastings. A glimpse of the tropics; or, Four months' cruising in the West Indies. London: Low & Company, 1900. 384 pp. Map and illustrations. 8°. "A diary of atrip in a Royal mail steamer, with some historical notes as to t he islands visited. The term 'roaring' forties applied to north latitudes appears to be new." King-sley, Charles. At last. A Christmas in the West Indies. London: Macmillan, 1S74- xii, 401 pp. Plates (woodcuts). S°. Labat, J. B. Nouveau voyage aux ties de PAmerique, contenant l'histoire . . . . le gouvernement des habitans anciens et modernes. Paris: Chez Theodore Le Gras, 1742. 8 vols. Plates. Maps. 16°. Rodway, J. The West Indies and the Spanish Main. London: T. Fisher Unicin. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1896. xxiv, 871 pp. Plates (woodcuts). 12°. Southey, T. Chronological history of the West Indies. London: Printed for Longman, Rees, etc., 1827. 3 vols. 8°. ANTIGUA. Flannigan, Mrs. Antigua and the Antiguans; a full account of the colony and its inhabitants from the time of the Caribs to the present day. London: Saunders & Otley, 1844- 2 vols. 8°. Luffman, J. A brief account of the island of Antigua, together with the customs and manners of its inhabitants. In letters to a friend, written in the years 1786, 1787, 1788. Second edition. London: Printed for John Luffman, [1789?]. (4), 180 pp. Folded map. 16°. Oliver, V. L. The island of Antigua. History. London: Mitchell & H., 1894-1899. 3 vols. L. 8°. BAHAMAS. Ives, Charles. The Isles of Summer; or, Nassau and the Bahamas. Illustrated edition. New Haven, Conn.: The author. 356 pp. Plates. 12°. Powles, L. D. The land of the Pink Pearl; or, Recollections of life in the Bahamas. London: Sampson Low, and Company, 1888. xi, 321 pp. 8°. Stark, J. H. History and guide to the Bahama Islands. Boston: Photo-Electro Co., 1892. Illustrated. Maps. 12°. BARBADOS. Lig-on, R. A true and exact history of the island of Barbados. Illustrated with a mapp [sic] of the island. London: Printed for H. Moseley,' 1657. (10), 122, (2) pp. Map. Plans. F°. Same. London, 1677. Poyer, J. History of Barbadoes from the first discovery of the island in the year 1605 till the accession of Lord Seaforth, 1801. London: Printed for J. Mawman, 1808. xxix, (7), 668 pp. 4°. 72 Schomburgk, Sir R. II. History of Barbadoes, comprising a geographical and sta- tistical description of the island, a sketch of the historical events since the settlement, and an account of its geology and natural productions. London: Longmans, 1848. xx, 722 pp. Plates. 8°. Stark, J. H. History and guide to Barbadoes and the Caribbee Islands. Boston, 1898. 12°. DOMINICA. Atwood, Thomas. The history of the island of Dominica, containing a description of its situation, extent, climate . . . with an account of its civil govern- ment ... its conquest by the French, and restoration to the British dominions. London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1791. riii, 285 pp. 8°. GRENADA. Drayton, E. The Grenada Handbook. London, 1898. 8°. "Wells, S. Historical and descriptive sketch of the island of Grenada. Kingston, Jamaica, 1890. S°. JAMAICA. Bridges, George Wilson. The annals of Jamaica. London: J. Murray, 1828. 2 volumes. 8°. Gardner, W. J. A history of Jamaica from its discovery to the present time, includ- ing an account of its trade and agriculture; sketches of the manners, habits, and customs of all classes of its inhabitants. London, 1873. 8°. The Handbook of Jamaica for 1899. Published by authority. Comprising his- torical , statistical, and general information concerning the island. London: E. Stanford, 1898. 8°. Long, E. The history of Jamaica; or, General survey of the ancient and modern state of that island, with reflections on its situation, settlements, inhabi- tants, climate, products, commerce, laws, and government. London: printed for T. Lowndes. 1774- 3 volumes. Plates. Map. 4°. Millner, Thomas Hughes. The present and future state of Jamaica considered. London: H. Hooper, 1839. 96 pp. 8°. Phillippo, James M. Jamaica; its past and present state. London: John Snow, 1843. xri, 487 pp. Plates (woodcuts). 12°. Same. Philadelphia: James M. Campbell & Company, 1843. 176 pp. 8°. Stark, J. H. Jamaica guide, containing a description of everything relating to Jamaica . . . including its history, inhabitants, government, resources, and places of interest to travellers. Boston and London: Low and Company, [1898.] viii, 208 pp. 12°. 1899. Jamaica, with remarks on some of the other West Indian islands. (With maps and illustrations. ) Alfred G. Nash. Scottish Geographical Magazine, vol. 15 [Dec, 1899), pp. 617-626. 73 ST. KITTS. Jeaffreson, J. C. A young squire of the seventeenth century. From the papers of Christopher Jefferson, 1676-1686. London: Hurst, 1S77. ? vols. 8°. Note.— Relates to si. Kitts. ST. LUCIA. Breen, H. H. St. Lucia: historical, statistical, and descriptive. London: Longman, 1x44. xvii, 423 pp. Map. 8°. ST. VINCENT. Shephard, C. An historical account of the island of St. Vincent. London: Ridgway, 1831. S°. TOBAGO. Hay, L. G. Handbook of the colony of Tobago, etc. Scarborough, Tobago: Government printing office, 1884- iv, 66, xx pp. 8°. Woodcock, Henry lies. History of the island of Tobago. Ayr, 1867. 8°. TRINIDAD. Stark, J. H. A guide book and history of Trinidad, including Tobago, Granada, and St. Vincent. Boston: J. H. Stark, 1897. x, 170 pp. Illustrated. Maps. 12°. Verteuil, L. A. A. de. Trinidad: its geography, natural resources, administration, present condition, and prospects. 2d edition. Cassell & Company, 1884, London, xi, (1), 484 pp. Folded map. 8°. Have also edition of 1858. FRENCH COLONIES. BOOKS Blondel, Henri. Le regime du travail et la colonisation libre dans nos colonies et pays de protectorat. Paris: Berger-Levraultet Ok. 1896. (2), 159 pp. S°. (Organisation des col- onies francaises. ) Bordier, A. La colonisation scientifique et les colonies francaises. Paris: Reinwald and Co., 1884. 506 pp. 8°. "Gives suggestive information as to climate, race, and other factors in colonisa- tion."— Lucas. Bossiere (R. E. ). Notice sur les ties Kerguelen (possession francaise). Paris: Challamel, 1893. 8°. Boutmy (Emile). Le recrutement des administrateurs coloniaux. Paris: (Mm, 1895. 127 pp. 12°. Burot (F. ), et A. Legrand. Les troupes coloniales. Tome I. Statistique de la mor- talite. Tome II. Maladies du soldat aux pays chauds. Tome III. Hygiene du soldati sous les tropiques. Paris: J. B. Bailliere, 1897-98. 3 vols. 8°. Canu, A. H. La petaudiere coloniale. Paris: Chamuel, 1895. 316 pp. 12°. Castonnet de Fosses, H. La perte d'une colonie. La revolution de Saint - Domingue. Paris: Faivre, 1893. vi, 380 pp. 16°. Cerisier, Charles. Impressions coloniales. (1869-1892.) Etude comparative de colonisation. Paris: Berger-Levrault et Cie, 1893. 8°. Chailley-Bert, Joseph. Ou en est la politique coloniale de la France. L'age de 1' agriculture. Paris: Colin, 1896. (2), 68 pp. 16°. (Questions du temps present.) La Tunisie et la colonisation francaise. Paris: Chailley, 1896. 8°. Chesse, J. Veritas coloniales. Le desordre, les abus, le danger. Paris: Chamuel, 1895. (2), 154, (1) PP- 12°. Cor, Henri. Questions coloniales. De la transportation consideree comme moyen de repression et comme force colonisatrice. Paris: Giard et Brier e, 1895. 180 pp. 8°. Delauney du Dezen, — . Manuel du futur colon en Alg£rie. Paris: Challamel, 1895. viii, 200 pp. 18°. Denancy, Edgard. De la colonisation dans ses rapports avec la production et la consommation. Epernay: Dubreuil, 1894. 131 pp. 16°. 74 75 Deschamps, Leon. Histoire de la question coloniale en France. Paris: /•-'. Plon, Nourrit et Oie, 1891. zvi, {05 pp. 8°. Contents; Premiere epoque: Des debuts dn seizieme siecleau ministere de Richelieu— Les decouvertes. Deuxieme epoque: Du ministere de Richelieu a lannduregnede Louis XIV— La plus grand expansion; Les compagnies. 1° partie: Richelieu et la RC'gence; 2« partie: Colbert et Louis XIV.— Livre 3. Troisieme i>poque: De la paix 8°. Norman, C. B. Colonial France. London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1886. xii, 331 pp. Folded map. 8°. Contents: Historical summary and financial administration; French settlements in Africa; Islands in the Indian Ocean; Reunion; Nossi-Be; Sainte Marie de Mada- gascar; Mayotte; East Indies; Islands in the Pacific; Tahiti; The Marquesas; New Caledonia; Cochin-China; Annam; Tonkin; Martinique; Guadaloupe and its dependencies; French Guiana; the islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon; Mada- gascar; Obock; Tunis; Colonial defense. Notices sur les colonies francaises, accompagnees d'un atlas de 14 cartes. His- toire, geographie, meteorologie, population, gouvernement, administration, culte, assistance publique, instruction publique, justice, forces militaires et maritimes, finances, agriculture, industrie, commerce, navigation, service postal. Paris: Challamel aine, 1866. {4), 767, {1) pp. 8°. Contents: Notice preliminaire; Colonies d'Afrique: La Reunion; Mayotte; Nossi-Be; Sainte-Marie de Madagascar; Senegal et dependances; Etablissements de la Cote-d'or (Grand-Bassam, Assinia et Dabon) ; Gabon. Colonies d'Amerique: lies Saint-Pierre et Miquelon; Martinique; Guadeloupe et dependances; Guyane. Colonies d'Asie: Etablissements dans l'lnde; Cochinchine. Colonics de l'Oceanie: lies de la Societe; lies Basses; archipcl Tubua'i et Marquises; Nouvelle-Caledonie. Organisation et fonctionnement de l'^cole coloniale. Paris: Challamel, 1897. 8°. (Publication du Minisiere des colonies.) Orleans, Henri, Prince d'. Politique exterieure et coloniale de la France. Paris, 1900. 8°. Petit, Edouard. Organisation des colonies francaises et des pays de protectorat, Preface de M. R. de Moiiy. Tome I. Organisation politique, adminis- tratif et financiere. Garde et defense des colonies. Paris: Berger-Levrault et Cie.,1894- xiv, 705 pp. L.S°. Organisation des colonies francaises et des pays de protectorat. Tome II. Services penitentiaires. Domanialite. Travaux publics, etc. Paris: Berger-Levrault et Cie. L. 8°. Poire, Eugene. L'emigration francaise aux colonies. Paris: Plon, 1897. 380, (1) pp. 12°. Pourvourville, A. de. Etudes coloniales. Dans les seize chaus (1888-1889). Paris: Chamuel, 1895. 188 pp. 16°. 78 Rambaud, Alfred. La France coloniale. Histoire, geographic, commerce. Ouvrage public* sous la direction de M. Alfred Rambaud. Avec 13 cartes en trois couleurs. 7'' edition. Paris: Colin, 1895. vi, 790, (/> pp. 8°. Contents: Preface. Introduction historique, Alfred Rambaud; L'Algerie, Pierre Foucin; La Tunisie, Jacques Tissot; Le Senegal el le Soudan franca is. L. Acliinard et A. Rambaud; La Guinee francaise el dependanees A. Br6tigmere, Midard-Beraud. A. Rambaud: L'Ouesl Africain-Gabon, Congo francais, Lac Tschad, Dutreuil de Rhins; La Reunion, Jacob de Cordemoy; Madagascar, Gabriel Marcel; La Mer Rouge, Obock ct Cheikh-Sai'd, P.Soleillet; L'Inde francaise, Henri Delonce; L'lndo- Chine francaise, A. Bouinais, a. Paulus; La Nouvelle-Caledonie et dependences, Ch. Lemire; Les lies Tahiti, A. Goupil; Autres archipels ocganiens, Ch. Lemire: Terre-Neuve, IlesSt. Pierre et Miquelon (Terre-Neuve, etc.), parlecapitaine Nicolas; La Guadeloupe et dependanees, M. Isaac; La Martinique, M. Hurard; La Guyane, Jules Leveille; Les lies Kerguelen et autres possessions antarctiques, Gabriel Marcel; Les colonies peiiitentiaires et la transportation, Jules Leveill6; Conclusion, Alf. Rambaud; Appendice, A. Rambaud et Schirmer. Rougier, J. C. P. Precis de legislation et d'economie coloniale. Paris: Larose, 1894- 540 pp. 8°. Sarzeau, J. Les Francais aux colonies. (Senegal et Soudan francais, Dahomey, Madagascar, Tunisie.) Paris: Btoud et Barral, 1897. 400 pp. Portraits. 8°. " Forme la ll e sexie de la collection I Oampagnes contemporaries de 1'armee francaise).' Saussure, Leopold de. Psychologie de la colonisation francaise dans ses rapports avec les societes indigenes. Paris: F. Alcan, 1899. (2), 311, (l),pp. 16°. "Verschuur, G. Aux colonies d'Asie et dans 1' Ocean Indien. Paris, 1900. 8°. Verdier, A. Trente-cinq annees de lutte aux colonies (cote occidentale d'Afrique). Paris: Chailley, 1896. 8°. Vignon, Louis. L' expansion de la France. Paris: GuiUaumin et Cie., 1891. x, 379, (2), pp. 12°. Villedary, — . Guide sanitaire des troupes et du colon aux colonies. Paris: Societi d'editions seienMfiques, 1893. 8°. Fait partie de la Petite encyclopedic medicale. Wahl, Maurice. La France aux colonies. Paris: Librairies-iiiipriiiieries rfiniirx, 1890. S°. " Fait partie de la Bibliotheque d'histoire illustre'e.' ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 1897. Les colonies grecques de la France. Jean Carriere. Ecru,' i iict/rhipi'diijiic, vol. 7, pp. 645-650. 1897. Colonies franchises et colonies anglaises. Marquis de Nadaillac. Correspondant, vol. 69, j>j>. 827, pp. 867-894- 1897. De la colonisation francaise. Reponse a M. Stanley. Prince Henri d' Orleans. Questions diplomaliques et coloniales, vol. 1, pp. 513-516. 1897. La colonisation francaise et la colonisation russe. J. Chaffanjou. Peine generate Internationale, xcieutifique, littiraire et ariistique, vol. 2, pp. 203-208. 79 1897. De la colonisation de France an commencement du xvi" sicele. Acte d' habitation de la terre annie {1898), 129-136. Note.— An account of the progress and present state of the French colony of Lower Cochin-China. 1898. Lettres d'mi depute au ministre des colonies. Le Myre de Vilers. Questions diplomat! (pies et coloniales, 2 e annee (1898), 393-407. 1 898. Parallele entre la colonisation moderne et la colonisation sous l'ancien regime demontree par l'exemple des colonisations franchises et anglaises au Ca- nada. Dr. G.-K. Anton et Alexandre Halot. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, 2 e annee (1898), 355-365, 432-438. 487-495. 1898. Politique douaniere et coloniale. H. Hauser. Questions diplomatiques et coloniale*, 2 r annee (1898), 72-78. 1898. Sommes-nous colonisateurs et pouvons-nous le devenir? Andre Mevil. La quinzaine (1898), 508-521. 1898. Contre la traite des noirs dans les colonies francaises. Appel a la France. H. O'Mahony. Revue des revues, (1898), 349-357. 1898. Colonisation penale. Paul Mimande. Revue du palais, 2° annee, (1898), 623-660. 1898. Le protectorat de la France en Annani et au Tonkin et son evolution. Ch. de Pince. Revue politique et parlementaire, (1898), 632-650. 1898. Revue des questions coloniales. H. Pensa et Rouire. Revue politique et parlementaire, (1898), 147-158, 171-177, 622-627, 650-655, 659-670, 691-697. 1898. Transportation et colonisation penale a la Nouvelle-Caledonie. L. Beauchet. Revue politique et parlementaire, (1898), 53-88, 303-338, 566-585. 1898. Les premiers colons de souche europeenne dans l'Afrique du Nord. Dr. Bertholon. Revue tunisienne, (1898), 47-70, 147-167, 355-371, 423-443. 1898. La colonisation de Madagascar. Charles Giraudeau. Revue bleue, 4 e serie (Jan., 1898), 30-32. 1898. The Anglo-French imbroglio. Nation, vol. 66 (Feb. 24, 1898), 144. 1898. Un .projet de colonisation russe dans la Mediterranee au xvm e siecle. L. Brunet. Revue de geographic, 21 r annee (Feb., 1898), 94-100. 1898. French on the Niger; the "open door" in West Africa. F. A. Edwards. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 69 (Apr., 1898), 576. 1898. French empire in Africa. P. Guieyesse. Independent, vol. 50 (May 5, 1898) , 572. 1898. Future of Nigeria. G. Taubman-Goldie. Independent, vol. 50 (May 5, 1898), 576. 4997 6 82 1898. Comment on colonise. R. Bailly. La marine franchise, vol. 11 {June, 1898), 289-311. 1898. Le fonetionnaire colonial. Gaston Donnet. Revue bleue, 4" sirie, vol. 9-10 (June, 1898), 121-726. 1898. Les non elassees et Immigration des femmes anx colonies. Le comte d'Haussonville. Revue des deux mondes (June, 1898), 779-809. 1898. Gentil's mission to the Tchad. [Illustrated.] Scientific American Supplement, vol. 46 (Sept. 3, 1898), 18967. 1898. L'exageration coloniale. Gaston Donnet. Revue bleue, 4 e serie (Sept., 1898). 1898. Nos colonies. Nouvelle revue (Oct., 1898), 416-439. 1898. La legislation et l'6conomie coloniales dans les facultes de droit de France. Revue internalionale de V enseignment (Nov., 1898), 427-445. 1898. Les nouvelles donnees du probleme colonial. G. Noves. La marine francaise, 11" annee (Dec, 1898), 617-628. 1898. Expeditions coloniales. Nouvelle revue (Dec, 1898), 459-478. 1898. The French colonial craze. Gaston Donnet. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 64 (Dec, 1898), 864. 1899. L'expansion francaise dans l'Oubangin et le Bahr-el-Ghazal; le haut Nil. G. Regelsperger. Revue encyclopklique, vol. 9 (Mar. 4, 1899), 161. 1899. La colonisation agricole europeenne en Tunisie. E. Payen. Bulletin du V Afrique francaise, Mar., 1899. 1899. L'expansion de la France dans le sud algerien. G. Mercier. Bulletin du comite de V Afrique francaise, Mar., 1899. 1899. La colonisation libre en Nouvelle-Cal£donie. E. Payen. Annates des sciences politiques, Mar., 1899. 1899. A French colonial experiment in the Far East, H. E.Bourne. Yale Rev., vol, 8 (May, 1899), 8. 1899. La colonisation africaine et les chemins de fer trans-saharians. A. Dupon- chel. Revue scientifique, Aug. 5, 1899. 1899. Expansion coloniale des frontieres nationales. Lord Farrer. Deutsche Revue, June, 1899. 1899. La colonisation du Congo francais. P. Borderie. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 6 (1899), pp. 449-458. 1899. Histoire de la decouverte de la formation des Etats du Soudan occidental, d'apres Const, Meyer. Annates geographiques, vol. 8 (1899), pp. 176-179. 1899. La colonisation d' Afrique. Revue scientifique, Aug. 5, 1899. 83 1900. La colonisation du Chine. Paul Borderie. Questions diplomatigties et coloniales, 4" armie, Jan. 1, 1900, 1. 1900. La conquete de Madagascar. L. Sevin-Desplaces. Revue bleue, 4 e serie, vol. 13 (Feb., 1900), 236. 1900. Organisation generale des colonies franeaises. A. Duchere. Revue encyclopedique, vol. 10 (Mar. 24, 1900), 227; (May 12, 1900), 366. 1900. Tndo-Chine franchise, 1891-99. C. Mourey. Revue encyclopedique, vol. 10 (Mar. 24, 1900), 221. 1900., L'autonomie de nos vieilles colonies et l'experience anglaise. Ursleur. Annales des sciences poliiiques, Mar. , 1900. 1900. Les concessions coloniales. G. Rouvier. Revue encyclopedique, vol. 10 (Mar. 10, 1900), 184. 1900. Formation du domaine colonial francais. II. Froidevaux. Revue encyclopedique, vol. 10 (Mar. 10, 1900), 181. FRENCH AFRICAN COLONIES. Bordier, A. La colonisation scientifique et les colonies franeaises. Paris: Reinwald & Co., 1884. 506pp. 8°. " Gives suggestive information as to climate, race, and other factors in colonization."— Lucas. Bossiere, Rene E. Notice sur les iles Kerguelen, possession francaise. Paris: A. Challamel, 1893. 31pp. Plates. Folded map. 8°. Broadley, A. M. The last Punic War; Tunis, past and present. With a narrative of the French conquest <>f the Regency. In two volumes, with illustrations. W. Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh and London, 1882. 8°. Burdeau, A. L. L' Algerie en 1S91. Rapport et diseours a la Charnhre des deputes. Paris: Harhelte et Cie., 1892. iv, 406 pp. 16°. Card, E. Rouard de. Les traites de protectorat conclus par la France en Afrique, 1870-1895. Paris: A Dwrand et Pedone-Lauriel, 1897. (2), 237, {2), pp. 8°. (Biblio- theque Internationale et diplomatique.) Castellani, C. Vers le Nil francais avec la mission Marchand. 150 illustrations, d'apres les photographies et les dessins de l'explorateur. Paris: Flammarion, 1898. 445 pp. 8°. Dawson, E. W. Madagascar; its capabilities and resources. London: Philip, 1895. 8°. Dybowski, J. La route du Tchad. Du Loango au Chari. Avec 136 dessins de Mme. Paule Crampel. Paris: F. Didot, 1893. 387 pp. 8°. Ellis, W. History of Madagascar. Comprising also the progress of the Christian mission, etc. London, 1838. 2 vols. Plates (lithographs). Folded map. 8°. Espagna, P. d'. Jours de Guinee. Paris: Perrin, 1898. 12°. Estampes, L. d'. La France au pays noir. Paris: Blond et Barral, 1898. 8°. Faucon, N. La Tunisie avant et depuis l'occupation francaise. Histoire et colon- isation. Paris: Challamel, 1893. 2 vols. 8°. Gaffarel, P. L' Algerie: histoire, conquete, colonisation. Ouvrage illustre de 4 chromo-lithographies, de 3 cartes en couleur et de plus de 200 gravures sur bois. Paris: F. Didot et Cie., 1883. 4°. Graham, A., and H. S. Ashbee. Tunisia. With glossary, map, and bibliography. London: Dulau, 1887. L. 8°. 84 85 Hanotaux, G. L'affaire de Madagascar. Paris: C. Uvy, 1896. xxiv, 308,- (2) pp. 12°. Keller, C. Natur und Volksleben der Insel Reunion. Basel; Sehwabe, 1888. SI pp. 8°. " Offentliche Vortriige geh. in der Schweiz. F. 11." Lanessan, J. M. A. de. La Tunisie. Paris: F. Ahan, 1887. (2), 268pp. Map. 8°. La Vaissiere, P. Vingt ans ;\ Madagascar. Paris: Lecoffre, 1885. vii, (i), 863 pp. Folded map. 8°. Leroy, L. Les Francais a Madagascar, avec carte et cartouches; etude de geogra- phic physique, economique, historique et coloniale. Paris: Delagrave, 1884- 286 pp. Folded map. 12°. Leroy -Beaulieu, P. L'Algerie et la Tunisie. Paris: GuiUaumin, 1887. viii, 472 pp. 8°. Lefevre, E. Un voyage au Laos. Paris: Plon, Nourrit et Cie., 1898. 307 pp., avec 32 gravures et carte. 12°. McLeod, J. L. Madagascar and its people. London, 1865. Map. 8°. Maude, F. C. Five years in Madagascar, with notes on the military situation. London: Chapman, 1895. 8°. Morell, J. R. Algeria. The topography and history, political, social, and natural, of French Africa. London, 1854- 8°. Monnier, M. France noir: Cote d'lvoire et Soudan. Accompagne de 40 gravures. Paris: Plon, 1894. xii, 298, (1) pp. Map. 8°. Nugent, E. E. G. A land of mosques and marabouts (Algiers). London: Chapman, 1894- Lllustrations. 8°. Oliver, S. P. The true story of the French dispute in Madagascar. London: Unwin, 1885. 8°. Oliver, W. D. Crags and craters. Rambles in the island of Reunion. London: Longmans, 1896. 226 pp. 8°. Olivier, L. , edileur. La Tunisie. Avec 182 gravures. Paris: Delagrave, 1898. 8°. Pavy, A. Histoire de la Tunisie. Avec 2 cartes photographiques. Tours: Cottier, 1894- vi, {2), 386, (1) pp. 4° ■ Routier, G. Les droits de la France sur Madagascar. Paris: Le Soudier, 1895. (6), 371 pp. 12°. Toutee, George Joseph. Dahome, Niger, Touareg (Remits de voyage). Pmis: Colin, 1898. xx.viii, 370 pp. Folded map. 12°. Vig-ne d'Octon, P. Terre de mort: Soudan et Dahomey. Paris: Lemerre, 1892. Hi, (1), 285, {4) pp. 12°. Villot, . Mceurs, coutumes et institutions des indigenes d'Alg^rie. Constantine Arnolet, 1871. 12°. FRENCH ASIATIC COLONIES, FRENCH OCEANIA, AND FRENCH WEST INDIES. FRENCH ASIATIC COLONIES. Billet, A. Deux ans dans le haut Tonkin (region de Cao-Bang). Paris: Challamel, 1898. iv, 326, xliv pp. Maps and plates. 8°. Avec 16 planches. Note.—" This work was originally published in the Bulletin scientifique de la France et de la Belgique. It gives a detailed account of the Cao-Bang district in all respects, and supplementary chapters on the fauna and flora of Upper Tonkin. It represents two years of very arduous scientific work, concisely told." Courtois, E. Etudes, observations, impressions et souvenirs. Le Tonkin francais contemporain. Paris: Charles- Lavauzelle, 1891. xii, 399 pp. Map. 8°. Dupuis, J. Le Tong-kin et 1' intervention francaise. Par Lv Challamel, 1898. mi, 350 pp. 12°. Enjoy, Paul d\ La colonisation de la Cochinchine (manuel du colon). Paris: Societe d f editions scientifiques, 1898. 394 PP- 12°. Note.— "A general account of Cochin China, dealing mainly with the economic and social conditions, the regulations affecting the acquisition of land, and advice to intending immigrants. A scheme for a railway from Saigon to Tongkingisdescribed." Faure, A. Les Francais en Cochinchine au 18 e siecle. Mgr. Pigneau de Behaine, eveque d'Adran. Park: Challamel, 1891. {2), 254 pp. Portrait. 8°. Jammes, H. L. Au pays Annamite (Notes ethnographiques). Park: Challamel, 1898. (2), 280 pp. 16°. Lanessan, J. M. A. de. L'Indo-Chine francaise. Etude politique, 6conomique et administrative sur la Cochinchine, le Cambodge, l'Annam et le Tonkin. Paris: Alcan, 1888. vii, (1) , 760 pp. 5 maps. 8°. Leclere, A. Cambodge, contes et legendes. Paris: Bouillon, 1895. {4), xxii, 308 pp. 8°. Mouhot, A. H. Travels in the central parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos during 1358-60. (Memoir of H. Mouhot by J. J. Belinfante, edited by C. Mouhot.) With illustrations. London: John Murray, 1864. % vols. 8°. Norman, C. B. Tonkin; or, France in the Far East. London: Chapman, 1884. Maps. 8°. Orleans, Henri Ph., prince d\ Autour du Tonkin. Paris: C. Levy, 1896. 535 pp. 12°. Silvestre, Pierre Jules. L' empire d'Annam et le peuple annamite. Apercu sur la g£ographie, les productions, l'industrie, les mceurs et les coutumes de l'Annam. Publie sous les auspices de 1' administration des colonies. Annote et mis a jour par J. Silvestre, avec une carte de l'Annam hors texte. Paris: Alcan, 1889. 380 pp. 12°. 87 FRENCH OCEANIA. Clavel, C. Les Marquisiens. Avec figures dans le texte. Park: 0. Dom, 1885. 182 pp. 8°. " Etudes physiologiques, anthropologiques ct ethnographiqucs." Eyriaud des Vergnes, P. E. L'archipel des lies Marquises. Paris: Berger-Levrauliet Cie., 1877. 98pp. 8°. Haurigot, G. Les etablissements francais dans l'lnde et en Oceanie. Paris: Lecene, Oudin et Cie., 1891. 240pp. 8°. Le Chartier, H. Tahiti et les colonies francaises de la Polynesie. Paris: Jouvet, 1887. 8°. Ltegrand, M. A. Au pays des Canaques. La Nouvelle-Caledonie et ses habitants en 1890. Paris: Baudoin, 1893. 212 pp. 8°. Marin, A. Au loin. Souvenirs de l'Amerique du Sud et des lies Marquises. Dessins d' Alexandre de Bar, G. de Mare et Rene Beau. Paris et Lyon: Delhomme et Briguet, 1891. 384 pp. 8°. Salinis, A. de. Marins et missionaires: conquete de la Nouvelle-Caledonie, 1843-53. Paris: Dumoulin et Cie., 1892. 346pp. Avec gravures. 8°. FRENCH AMERICAN COLONIES. Aube, T. La Martinique. Son present et son avenir. Paris: Berger-Leverault et Cie., 1882. 120pp. 8°. Ballet, J. La Gaudeloupe. Renseignements sur l'histoire, la flore, la faune, la g£ologie, etc. T. l er . Basse- Terre, 1894. 8°. Coudreau, H. A. Chez nos Indiens. Quatre annees dans la Guyane francaise. (1887-1891.) Paris: Hachette, 1893. (4), Hi, (1), 614pp. Illustrations. Folded map. 8°. Garaud, L. Trois ans a la Martinique. Etudes de mceurs, a paysages et croquis, profils et portraits. Paris: Picard et Kaan, 1892. 287 pp. 8° Hearn, Lafcadio. Two years in the French West Indies. New York: Harper & Bros., 1890. 431pp. Plates {woodcuts). 12°. Lacour, A. Histoire de la Guadeloupe. 1635-1830. ■Terre (Guadeloupe): Imprimerie du gouvernement, 1855-60. 4 vols. 8°. GERMAN COLONIES. Blum, H. Neu-Guinea unci der Bismarckarchipelago, eine wirthschaftliche Studie Berlin, 1899. Plates. Portraits. Maps. 8°. Brose, M. Repertorium der deutschen kolonialen Litteratur (1884-1890). Berlin: Winckelrnann, 1891. liii, 113 pp. 8°. Biilow, F. J. von. Deutsch-Stid west- Africa: drei Jahre im Lande Hendrik Wit- boois. Schilderungen von Land und Leuten. 2. Aufl. Berlin: Midler, 1896. ix, 365 pp. Illustrated. Map. 8°. Demay, Charles. Histoire de la colonisation allemande. Paris: Bayle, 1SS9. 16°. Deutschland und seine Kolonien im Jahre 1896. Amtlicher Bericht iiber die erste deutsche Kolonial-Ausstellung. Mit 1 Kupferdr., 185 Illustr. im Text, darunter 7 Vollbildern, 6 Karten, 40 Tafeln u. Plan. Berlin: Jhimer, 1897. viii, 368 pp. -4°. Dilthey, K. Der wirthschaftliche Werth von Deutsch-Ost-Afrika. Dusseldorf: Bagel, 1S89. 47 pp. Map. 8°. Fabri, F. Bedarf Deutschland der Kolonien? Eine politisch-okonomische Betrach- tung. Gotha: Perthes, 1879. viii, 112 pp. 8°. Fiinf Jahre deutscher Kolonialpolitik. Gotha: Perthes, 1889. xv, 153 pp. 8°. Fitzner, Rudolf. Deutsches Kolonial-Handbuch. Nach amtlich. Quellen bear- beitet. Berlin: H. Paetel, 1896. vii, 442 pp. 8°. Foerster, B. Deutsch-Ost-Afrika. Geographie und Geschichte d. Colonic Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1890. xii, 204 pp. Map. 8°. Frangois, C. von. Nama und Damara. Deutsch-Siidwest-Afrika. Magdeburg: G. Baensch, 1895. iv, 334, xxviii pp. Plates. Maps. S°. Deutsch-Siidwest-Afrika. Geschichte der Kolonisation bis zum Ausbruch des Krieges nut Witbooi. April, 1893. Berlin: D. Reimer, 1899. xi, 223 pp. Plates. 8°. Franzel, C. Deutschlands Kolonien. Kurze Beschreibung von Land und Leuten unserer aussereurop. Besitzungen. Mit vielen Ablnldungen u. 1 Uber- sichtskarte der deutschen Kolonien. Hannover: E. Meyer, 1889. 102 pp. 8°. Franzius, G. Kiautschau. Deutschlands Erwerbung in Ostasien. 3. Aufl. Berlin: Schall u. Grand, 1898. 142 pp. Plates. Portraits. Map. 8°. Gurich, G. Deutsch-Siidwest-Afrika. Reisebilder und Skizzen aus dem Jahren 1888 und 1889. Hamburg: Friedrichsen, 1891. vi, 216 pp. Plates. Map. 8°. 88 89 Hagen, B. Filter den Papuaa; Beobachtungea und Ktudien fiber Land und Leute, Tier- und Pflanzenwelt in Kaiser Wilhelmsland. Wiesbaden, C. W. Kreidel, 1900. 337 pp. 46 Musi. 4°. Hager, Carl. Kaiser-Wilhelms-LandundderBismarck-Arehipel. Mit Abbildungen nnd 2 Karten. Leipzig, Gressner u. Schwamm. Hi, 144 pp. 8°. Die Marshall-Inseln in Erd- und Volkerkunde, Handel und Mission. Mit einein Anhang: Die Gilbert-Inseln. Leipzig: Baldamus, 18S9. v, 157 pp. Map. 8°. Hassert, Dr. Kurt, Deutschlands Kolonien. Erwerbungs- und Entwickelungs- gesehiehte, Landes und Volkskunde und wirthschaftliche Bedeutung unserer Sehutzgebiete. Leipzig: Seek & Co., 1898. viii, 332 pp. 8 Tafeln, 31 TextabbUdungen und 5 Karttn. 8°. Hesse-Wartegg, E. von. Schantung und Deutsch-China, von Kiautschau ins HI. Land v. China und vom Jangteekiang nach Pekin im Jahre 1898. Mit 145 in den Text gedr. u. 27 Taf. Abbildgn., (5 Beilagen, und 3 Karten. Leipzig: J. J. Weber, 1898. vii, 294 pp. 8°. Hessler, Carl. Deutsch-Kiautschou. Kurze Landeskunde, der deutschen Kolo- nien. 3. verb. Aufl. Mit Kolonialkarten. Leipzig: Friedrich, 1898. 51 pp. ' 8°. Die deutschen Kolonien. Beschreibung von Land und Leuten unserer auswartigen Besitzungen. " Leipzig: O. Lang, 1900. 8°. Hirth, Friedrich. Die Bucht von Kiau-tschau und ihr Hinterland. (Vortrag gehalten am 6. Dezember, 1897, in der Abtheilung Miinchen der Deutschen Kolonial-gesellschaft. ) Miinchen: Knorr u. Hirth. 22 pp. Map. 8°. (Miinchener Neuesten Nach- richten. ) HOhnel, L. von. Discovery of Lakes Rudolf and Stefanie. Translated by N. Bell. London: Longmans, 1894. % vols. Illus. 8°. Jung, Karl Emil. Deutsche Kolonien m. besond. Beriicksichtigung der neuesten Erwerbungen in Westafrika und Australien. 2 verin. Ausg. Prag: Tempsky, 1885. xlviii, 302 pp. 8°. Koschitzky, Max von. Deutsche Kolonialgeschichte. Mit in den Text gedr. Karten. Leipzig: Baldamus, 1888. 2 vols. 8°. Lawson-Kingon, W. The Germans in Damaraland. Capetown: Toumshend, 1889. 31 pp. 8°., Felix von. Beitriige zur Volkerkunde der deutschen Sehutzgebiete. Erweiterte Sonderausgabe aus dem "Amtlichen Bericht iiber die erste deutsche Kolonial-Ausstellung" in Treptow, 1896. Berlin: D. Reimer, 1897. 88 pp. Plates. 4°. "A fine contribution to ethnography, comprising very numerous portraits of natives of the various German possessions in Africa, illustrations of their utensilj and weapons, and descriptive letterpress accompanied by statistical tables. The col- lections here described were exhibited at the German Colonial Exhibition held at Treptow in 1896." 90 Mitteilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten (nacb amtlichen Quellen). Bd. I-II. Berlin, 1889-98. 8°. (Von Bd. 4 (1891) ab: " Wissenschaf tliche Beihefte zum amtlichen deutschen Kolo- nialblatt") Morgen, C. Durch Kamerun von Slid nach Nord. Reisen und Forschungen im Hinterlande 1889 bis 1891. Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1893. x, 390 pp. Platen. Map. 8°. Peters, Karl. Das deutsch-ostafrikanische Schutzgebiet. Im amtlich. Auftrage. Mit 23 Vollbildern und 21 Textabbildungen sowie 2 Karten. M'unchen: R. Oldenbourg, 1895. xi, 467 pp. 8°. Reichard, P. Deutsch-Ostafrika. Das Land und seine Bewohner, seine polit. u. wirthschaftliche Entwickelung. Leipzig: Spamer, 1892. 524 PP- 8°. Richthofen, F. von. Deutschland in Ostasien. Karte der Prov. Shantung m. der Kiau-Tschou-Bucht .... Berlin: Reimer, 1898. Schintz, H. Deutsch-Siidwest-Afrika. Forschungsreisen durch die deutschen Schutzgebiete Gross-Nama- u. Hereroland, nach Kunene, deni Ngami-See u. der Kalayari. 1884-1887. Mit 1 Karte, 18 Vollbildern u. vielen Text- Illustr. in Holzschn. Munchen: Oldenburg, 1891. xvi, 568 pp. 8°. Schmidt, Rochus. Deutschlands Kolonien, ihre Gestaltung, Entwickelung und Hilfsquellen. Berlin: Verein der BiicJierfreunde, 1895-96. 2 vols. Plates. Maps. 8°. Stegemann, R. Deutschlands koloniale Politik. Berlin: Pultkamer u. Muhlbrecht, 1884. 128 pp. L. 8°. Volz, B. Unsere Kolonien. Land und Leute geschildert. Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1891. x, 369 pp. Lllustrated. Maps. 8°. Wagner, J. Deutsch-Ostafrika. Geschichte der Gesellschaft firr deutsche Koloni- sation, der Deutsch-ostafrikan Plantagengesellschaft. 2. verm. Aufl. Berlin: Miischer u. Rostell, 1888. Hi, 124 PP- 8°. Wappaus, J. C, editor. Deutsche Auswanderung und Colonisation. Herausge- geben, bevorwortet und mit einigen Zusiitzen begleitet. Leipzig: J. C.Hinrichs, 1846. vii, (1), 152 pp. 8°. Contents: Deutsche Auswanderung und Colonisation. Uber die Vortheile, welche das siidliche Chile fur deutsche Auswanderer darbietet. Die Colonie Tovar in Venezuela. Warburg, O. Die Kautschuk pflanzen und ihre Kultur. Berlin: Kolonial-tcirtschaftHches Komitee, 1900. 154 PP- 9 illustrations. L.8°. Wickenburg, Eduard. Wanderungen in Ost-Afrika. Wien: Gerold& Cie., 1899. xx, 440 pp. Portrait. Maps and illustrations. 8°. " Count Wickenburg in 1897-98 made a sporting tour in Somaliland, going inland from Zeila and from Berbera, and finally from a point on the Mombasa railway he fol- lowed up the Tsavo River to *he northern slopes of Kilimanjaro." Zintgraff, E. Nord-Kamerun. Schilderung der im Auftrage des Auswiirtigen Amtes zur Erschliessung des nordlichen Hinterlandes v. Kamerun wah- rend der Jahre 1886-1892 unternommenen Reisen. Mit 16 Illustr. u. 1 Karte. Berlin: Paetel, 1895. vii, 467 pp. 8°. 91 PERIODICALS AND ANNUALS. Deutsches Kolonialblatt. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Organ der Deutschen Kolonialtfesellschaft. Berlin. (Fortnightly. ) Deutscher Kolonial-Kalender fur das Jahr 1900. Nach amtl. Quellen bearb. und herausg. von G. Meinecke. Berlin: Deutscher Kolonial-Verlag, 1900. 8°. Jahresbericht der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft, 1900. Berlin, WOO. Koloniales Jahrbuch. Berlin. 1898. German Empire in Africa. F. Bley. Independent, ml. 50 (Meet/ 5, 1898), 571. 1898. German experiment in colonization. R. C. Witt. Blackwood's Mag., vol. 163 (June, 1898), 788. 1899. Les colonies commercials des Allemands. Revue des deux mondes, vol. 151 (Feb. 1, 1899), 696. 1899. Les iles Carolines a l'Allemagne. Questions diplornatiques et coloniales, vol. 3 (July, 1899), 299. 1899. Die Besitzergreifung des Hinterlandes von Kamerun. (With map.) Sieg- fried Passarge. Deutsche Kolonicdzeitung, vol. 16 (1899), 69-7 2. 1899. Po'litische und sociale Verhaltnisse bei den Graslandstammen Nordkame- runs. (With illustrations. ) Hauptmann Hutter. Globus, vol. 76 (1899), 284-289,303-309. 1900. Le mouvement colonial en Allemagne. Pierre Decharme. Questions diplornatiques et coloniales, 4" annee, no., 71 (Feb. 1, 1900), 129. 1900. Germany's first colony in China. P. Bigelow. Harper's May., vol. 100 (Mar., 1900), —. DUTCH COLONIES. An answere to the Hollanders declaration, concerning the occurrents of the East-India. The first part. Written hy certain marriners, lately returned from thence into England. Printed 1622. U, {16) pp. sq. 16°. Anton, G. K. Neuere Agrarpolitik der Hollander auf Java. (In Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirtsehaft, vol. 23, pp. 1337- 1361. 1899.) Arntzenius, (I. Cultuur en volk. Beschouwingen over de gouvemements-koJ&e- cultuur op Java. 's Huge: Gebr. BelinfaiUe, 1891. 8°. Barfus, E. von. Kriegsfahrten eines alten Soldaten im fernen Osten. Nach den Aufzeiclmungen eines ehemaligen Otfiziers der niederlandisch-ostindischen Armee erzahlt. Stvttgart: Deutsche Yerlags-Anstalt, 1893. v, 289 pp. 8°. Boys, H. S. Some notes on Java and its administration by the Dutch. Allahabad: Pioneer Press, 1892. 8°. "A writer on the culture system in the 'Yale Review,' February, 1900, says this work ' is an independent study and is of value, but neglects the work of Dutch historians and critics.' " Chailley-Bert, J. Java et ses habitants. Paris, 1900. 8°. Crawfurd, John. History of the Indian archipelago. In three volumes. Edinburgh: A. Constable and Company, 1820. Plates {lithographs), Folded map. 8°. D' Almeida, William Barrington. Life in Java; with sketches of the Javanese. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1864. 2 vols. 2 colored plates. 8°. Deventer, J. S. van. Bijdragen tot de kennis van het landelijk stelzel op Java. Zalt-Bommel, 1865-66. 3 vols. 8°. Deventer, M. L. van. Het nederlandsch gezag over Java en onderkoorigheden sedertl811. Verzameling van onuitgegeven stukken uit de koloniale en andere archieven. Eerste deel. 1811-1820. 's Graverihage: Mariinus Nijhoff, 1891. 8°. De Witt, John. A treatise proving that it would be very advantageous for the rulers and people of Holland, and for traffick and commerce, as well as navigation, to erect Dutch colonies in foreign countries. (In Select tracts relating to colonies, pp. 18-25. London [1733?].) Geslin, J. Conquetes et decouvertes de la Kepublique des Pays-Bas. D'apres des documents hollandais de Pepoque. Paris: Dreyfous, 1883. 2 vols. 12°. Contents: 1. Dans l'archipel Indien. 2. En Asie, en Airique, en Amerique. 92 93 Grashuis, <;. J. I>c Regeerings-Reglementen van Nederlandsch-Indie, benevrns het charter van Nederburgh, bewerkt van G. J. Grashuis. Leiden: A. !!'. Sijthoff. 8°. ' Guillemard, F. H. The cruise of the Marchesa to Kamsehatka and New Guinea, with notices of Formosa, Linkin, and various islands of the Malay archipelago. London: John Murray, 1889. viii, {£), 455 pp. Willi maps and illustrations. 8°. The "Celebes," pp. 288 333. Hall, R, The history of the barbarous cruelties and massacres committed by the Dutch in the East-Indies ... to which is added the proceedings of the Council of Amboyna, which the Dutch sent to the English East-India Company in defence of the proceedings against the English there. Printed and x<>ld It/ the booksellers of London and Westminster, MDCCXII. iv, 236 pp. 12°. Have, J. J. van. Oost en West. Land en volk onzer kolonien. 's Gravenhage: I. Ijkema, 1892. 317 pp. Plates. Map. 8°. Hickson, Sydney J. A naturalist in North Celebes. A narrative of travels in Minahassa, the Sangir and Talaut islands, with notices of the fauna, flora, and ethnology of the districts visited. London: John Murray, 1889. xv, (1), 392 pp. With maps and illustrations. S°. Hogendorf, C. S. W. de. Coup d'oeil sur Pile de Java et les autres possessions neerlandaises dans l'archipel des Indes. Bruxelles: C. J. de Mat, 1830. xii, 422 {3) pp. Folded map. 8°. Hooykaas, J. C. Repertorium op de koloniale litteratuur of systematische inhouds- opgaaf van hetgeen voorkomt over de kolonien in mengelwerken en tijdschriften, van 1595-1865 uitgegeven. Amsterdam: W. N. du Rieu, 1874-80. 4 vols, in 2. 8°. Continued as: Repertorium op de litteratuur betreffende de nederlandsche kolonien, 1866-1893, door A. Hartmann. 's Gravenhage: M. Nijhoff, 1895. xviii, 454, (1) pp. 8°. Houven van Oordt, A. J. van der. Het Regeerings-reglement van Suriname. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 1895. S°. Janssen, C. W. Holliindische Kolonialpolitik in Ostindien. Hamburg: J. F. Richfer, 1884. 39 pp. 8°. (Deutsche Zeit- und Slreitfragen, Heft 200.) Jonge, J. K. J. de. De opkomst van het nederlandsch gezag in Oost-Indie. Ver- zameling van onuitgegeven stukken uit het oud-kolonial archief. 's Gravenhage: M. Nijhoff, 1862-75. 10 vols. 8°. Contents: 1-3. 1595-1610; 4. De opkomst van het nederlandsch gezag over Java; 9. Register op Deel I-VII, bewerkt door J. Mainsma. Kappler, A. Holliindisch Guiana. Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen wiihrend eines 43jahrigen Aufenthaltes in der Kolonie Surinam. Mit einer Karte und einem Holzschnitt. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1881. ix, 495 pp. 8°. Surinam, sein Land, seine Natur, Bevolkerung und seine Kulturverhaltnisse mit Bezug auf Kolonisation. Mit Holzschnitt und einer Karte. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1887. in, 384 pp. 8°. 94 Keyser, Arthur. From jungle to Java; the trivial impressions of a short excursion to Netherlands India. London: Roxburqhe Press, 1899. 8°. Notk.— "This i.s the account of a trip taken by a Straits Settlements officer who, hav- ing lived some years in the jungle of the Malay peninsula, was recommended to go for a change to Java. The result is that he gives us an interesting sketch of the civil and military life of the Dutch, their treatment of the natives, and their troubles and vicissitudes in the war with the Lomboks, besides his own impressions of the Javanese, and the mode of living and traveling in that country." Kollewijn, A. M. Summarized account of the Dutch Indian possessions. Trans- lated from the Dutch hy E. H. Parker. {In China Review, vol. 20, pp. 42-19, 137-156. Hongkong, 1892-93.) Leclercq, Jules. Un sejour dans Pile de Java. Le pays, les habitants, le systeme colonial. Ouvrage enrichi d'une carte et de 20 gravures. Paris: Hon, 189S. (*), it, 294, {1) pp. 16°. Louter, J. de. Handleiding tot de kennis van bet staats- en administratif-recht van Nederlandsch-Indie. 4e uitgave. 's Gravenhage, 1895. xii, 656 pp. 8°. Marsden, W. The history of Sumatra, with a description of the productions, and a relation of the ancient political state of that island. 3d edition. London: Printed for f he author, 1811. .riii,479, (8) pp. Maps and plates. 4°. Mayer, L. Th. Een blik in het Javaansch volksleven. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1896. 568pp. Plates. 8°. Meinsma, J. J. Geschiedenis van de Nederlandsche Oost-Indische bezittingen. 's Hage: J. Ijkeman. 1872-75. 2 parts in 3 vols. 8°. Money, James William B. Java; or, How to manage a colony. Showing a practical solution of the questions now affecting British India. London: Hurst and Blacked, 1861. 2 vols. 12°. See note under Thurlow for a criticism of this work, dive Day, in his article on the the "culture system," in the " Yale Review" for January, 1900, says: " The book, which is an unlimited eulogy of the Dutch system, was published when the supporters of the system were rapidly losing ground, and they used it for a party document. In this way it gained such importance as to call forth ?n authoritative refutation of its errors in a ministerial communication to the Second Chamber. Investigation showed that in some tables quoted by Money not a single figure agreed with the official records. The colonial department searched in vain for the source of his statistics. (T. J. Hovell Thurlow, Report on Java and dependencies, in Rep. of H. M. Sec. of Embassy, 1868, V, VI, pp. 337, 392. London, 1869. ) Compare the criticism of the book in Wordenbock van Nederlandsch Indie (3 vols., Amsterdam, 1869), where it is called a 'touched-up picture.' The writer says that Money got his favorable impressions of Java at races and stag hunts, and would have judged differently if he had stayed longer and seen more. It is impossible to accept any statement whatever <>n Money's authority." Thurlow. however, recognizes the value of Money's work in the following terms: "The figures of Mr. Money are indeed proved to be untrustworthy; but his historical parallels, his chapters on the culture system in its palmy days, his study of the native races— in a word, all the valuable, practical, and original portions of his book— remain unchallenged, and, consequently, acquire additional importance, while some errors of account and technical misstatements alone are brought to light." Nassau, H. J. Nederlandsch-Indie en andere kolonien. 4e druk. Groningen: J. B. Wolters, 1891. 8°. Nijhoff, Martinus. Catalogue de livres sur les possessions neerlandaises aux Indes orientales et occidentales ... en vente aux prix marques. La Haye: M. Nijhoff, 1893. 279pp. 8°. 95 Palgrave, William G. Dutch Guiana. London: Macmittan and Company, IS76. vi (2), 264 p/>. Plan mid folded maps. 8°. Piccardt, R. A. S. Geschiedenis van het cultuurstelsel in Nederlandsch-Iridie. Amsterdam, 1873. 8°. Pierson, A. G. Koloniale politik. Amsterdam: P. N. v. Kampen, 1877. 8°. "Of the Dutch works on the culture system used by the present writer, Pierson's is the most concise; it is a very fair and able criticism."— C. Day, in Yale Review. Raffles, Thomas Stanford. The history of Java. London : Printed for Black, Parbury and Allen, 1817. ' vols. Maps and plates. 4°- Rietstap, J. B. Beknopt aardrijkskundig woordenboek van Nederland en zijne kolonien. Groningen: J. B. Wolters. S°. Roy, J. J. E. Quinze ans de sejour a Java et dans les principales iles de l'archipel de la Sonde et des possessions neerlandaises des Indes Orientales. Tours: A. Mameet Cie., 1861. {2), 347pp. Plates. L. 8°. Saalfeld, Friedrich. Geschichte des hollandischen Kolonialwesens in Ostindien. Gottingen: Heinrich Dietrich, 1813. 2 vols. 12°. St. John, Horace. The Indian archipelago; its present state. London: Longman, Brown, etc., 1853. 2 vols. 8°. Schere, G. A. Hoe moet Atjeh gepacificeerd worden? 's Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1891. 8°. Schoch, C. F. De heerendiensten op Java en Madura volgens het regeeringsregle- ment van 1854. Amsterdam: Hokkrt & Co., 1891. 8°. Scidmore, Lliza Ruhamah. Java; the garden of the East, New York: The Century Company, 1897. xiv, (2), 339 pp. Illustrated. 12°. Search for the Dutch honesty; or, the old use and custom of that nation to those friends and allies ever since they have been a common-wealth; faithfully taken from their own histories and authentick records. Printed in the year 1712. (2) , iv (2), 32 pp. 12°. Bound with Hull, R.: The history, etc. Soest, G. H. van. Geschiedenis van het knltuurstelsel. Rotterdam, 1861-71. 3 vols. 8°. Temminck, C. J. Coup-d'ceil general sur les possessions neerlandaises dans PInde archipelagique. Leide: A. Arnz & Co., 1846-49. 3 vols. 8°. Thurlow, T. J. Howell. Report on Java and its dependencies. July 1, 1868. (In Great Britain. Reports of Her Majesty's secretaries of legation, February 1, 1869, pp. 337-437. London, 1869.) Note.— An additional reason rendering a new report on this subject desirable is the recent submission to the States' General of some papers, prepared with great care by the Dutch colonial office, correcting inaccuracies in Mr. Money's well-known work, entitled "Java; or, How to manage a colony." The Dutch are far from underrating the value of this book, which maintains, in their estimation, the high place it took immediately on its publication in 1861, but the rigorous official scrutiny to which the facts, and especially the figures, it contains, have been subjected, exhibited errors which have been deemed of sufficient magni- tude to require authoritative contradiction in the shape of a ministerial communi- 96 cation to the Second Chamber. The more important of these errors will be shown at a later period of this report in a series of tables contrasting the figures of Mr. Money with those on record in the colonial department. In England it will probably be held that the results of this comparison tend rather to enhance than to depreciate the value of " Money's Java " as a sufficiently faithful guide to the Dutch East Indian possessions. The figures of Mr. Money are indeed proved to be untrustworthy; but his historical parallels, his chapters on the culture system in its palmy days, his study of the native races— in a word, all the valuable, practical, and original portions of his book remain unchallenged, and, consequently, acquire additional importance, while some errors of account and technical misstatements alone are brought to light." Valentine, John J. "Imperial democracy." Dutch colonizers in Malaysia. San Francisco, 1899. 53 pp. 8°. Wallace, Alfred Russel. The Malay archipelago. London: Macmillan, 1898. xvii. (3), 515pp. Plates (woodcuts). Map. 8°. Java, pp. 72-93. Wessells, L. De opheffing van het monopolie en de vervanging van de gedwongen koffiecultuur op Java door en staatscultuur in orijen arbeid. \s Gravenhage: M. Nijhoff, 1890. 8°. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 1896. Involution de la politique coloniale de la Hollande au xix e siecle. Ch. Delannoy. Bulletin de la Societe d' etudes, 3 e annee, pp. 5-31. 1897-8. Lea Hollandais a Java. J. Chailley-Bert, Cosmopolis, vol. 8 [Nov., Dec, 1897), 438, 766; vol. 10 (May, 1898), 412; vol. 11 (July, Aug., 1898), 104, 426. 1898. La colonisation hollandaise aux Indes Orientales. J. Plas. Bulletin, de la Societe d' etudes coloniales, 5 e annee, pp. 25-69. 1898. Une mission a Java. Les methodes de colonisation. J. Chailley-Bert. Reforme Sociale, vol. 35-36 (1898), pp. 149-181. 1899. Java as an example. How the Dutch manage tropical islands. S.Baxter. Amer. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 19 (Feb., 1899): 179. 1899. Les colonies hollandaises. A. Mellion. Revue encyclopcdique, vol. 9 (June 24, 1899), 492; (July 1, 1899), 508. 1900. Experience of the Dutch with tropical labor. C. Day. Yale Review, vol. 8 (Feb., 1900), 420; vol. 9 (May, 1900): 58. ITALIAN COLONIES. Bompiani, S. Italian explorers in Africa. London: Religious Tract Society, 1891. 80 pp. Illustrated. 8°. Brunialti, A. L' Italia e la questione coloniale; studii e proposte. Milano: A. Brigola, 1885. xvi, 348pp. 16°. Canuti, G. L' Italia in Africa e le guerre con 1' Abissinia. Finn:,: A. Saliani, 1898. xvi, 208pp. 16°. Fochifi, E. V. Colonie e colonizzazione. Milano: Tip. V. />'. Bellini, 1890. viii, 198pp. 1. Le colonizzazione e l'ordinamento militare nell' Eritrea. Roma, 1891. 46 pp. 8°. Martini, F. Nell' Africa italiana; impressioni e ricordi. Milano: Treves, 1891. {4), 291 pp. Plates. 16°. Mocchi, L. La Somali italiana (Benadir) e il suo avvenire; conferenza L9 luglio, 1896. Napoli: Tip. di Michele d' Auria, 1896. 41 pp. 8°. Paulitschke, Philipp. Ethnographie Nardost Afrikas. Die materielle Ciiltur der Danakil, Galla und Somal. Berlin: J>. Reimer, 1893. xvi, 338 pp. Maps and plates. 8°. "A profound study of the peoples inhabiting Somali-land and the surrounding region, with reference to their ethnography, customs and general mode of life. A large map and a series of excellent photographs accompany the work." Pellenc, A. J. J. A. Les Italiens en Afrique, 1880-96. Paris: Baudouin. 1897. Plates. Maps. 8°. 4997 7 97 98 Sacerdoti, V. Saggi di studi sulla colonizzazione. Bologna: Tip. Legale, 1890. 246 pn. 8°. Contents: Cenni storici preliminari. RafTronti e critica; Colonie inglesi: Colonie francesi; Colonie spagnuole; Colonie olandesi; Colonic tedesche; Colonie italiane; studi razionale. Schweinfurth, recente viajryio nell' Eritrea italiano. Milano: P. B. Bellini, 1894- 35pp. Plates. S°. Smith, A. Donaldson. Through unknown African countries. The first expedition from Somaliland to Lake Lamu. London: E. Arnold, 1897. xvi, '+72 pp. Maps. Plates. Portrait. 8°. Zona, T. Avvenire coloniale d' Italia; nozioni utili all' emigrante. Palermo: Tip. del Giornak di Sicilia, 1886. 61pp. 8°. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1893. Notes sur l'Ery three. L. Haneuse. Societe royali beige de geographie, Bulletin, vol. 17 (1893), 42-74' "Record of a visit to Massowah and Asmara last winter." 1893. Itinerarii da Asmara verso stul del cap. G. Bettini. Societa geografica italiana, Bollettino, vol. 6 {1893), 109-121. " Tables of time occupied between -.uccessive points on a series of journeys southward from Asmara." 1894. Herr G. Schweinfurth: Oeber seine letzte Reise mit Dr. Max Schoeller in der italienischen Erythraea. Verhandlungen der Geselhchaft fur Erdhmde, Berlin,vol. 21 (1894), 379 00. 1894. Escursione dall' Asmara a Mai Daro attraverso al Deca-Tesfa. Nota del capitano F. Ciccodicolla. (Map and illustrations. I Societd Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, vol. 1 (1894), 774-788. 1894. Iii' escursione nel Co-Hain, estratto dagli appunti * 1 i viaggio del cap. Nic- colu Gentile. [With map i »f r< mte. ] Societd geografica italiana, Bollettino, vol. 7 (1894), 162-174- 1894. Meine und Graf Richard Coudenhove's Reise nach Somali-Lande. Ernst, Graf Hoyos, jun. MMieilungen d. geographischen Geselhchaft, Wien, vol. 37 (1894), 337-383. 1895. L' avvenire della colonia Eritria. L. Franchetti. Congresso geografico italiano, Atti, 1895, vol. 23-44- 1895. Les colonies itahennes. E. Brion. Bevui maritime et coloniale, vol. 127 (1895), 225. ■ "A general account of the Italian sphere of influence in East Africa." 1896. Reise des Fiirsten Demeter Ghika Comanesti tm Somalilande, 1895-96. (With map. ) Philipp Paulitschke. Petermann's Mxttheilungen, vol. 42 (1896), 245-252. 1896. Les explorations italiennes dans le pays des Somalia. Frederick Bonola, (With map.) Sociiti kMdiviale de g&ographie, Bulletin, 4' sir., i 1896), 589-602. 1897. Die alten und neuen Greuzen Erythraa's. C. v. Bruchhausen. With map. Globus, vol. 72 [1897), 362. 99 1897. Dr. A. Donaldson Smith's Expedition .lurch das Somali- und (Jala-Land zum Rudolf-See in den Jahren L894 und L895. Nebsl Bemerkungen zur Karte von Dr. B. Eiassenstein. (With map.) Petermann's Mittheilungen, vol. 43 {1897), 7-15. 1897. Voyages en Abyssinie, L889-1895. i With illustrations. I Victor Buchs. Sociiti neucJidteloisi de geographie, Bulletin, vol. 9 [1897), 32-56. "Massawa is described in some detail, and journeys into the neighboring parts of Eritrea at les- length." 1897. Les explorations italiennes dans la peninsule des Somalis. (With maps.) Noel. Questions diplomaiiques et coloniales, vol. i (1897), 413-419. 1898. Some account of Somaliland; with notes on journeys through the Gada^ bursi and western Ogaden countries, 1896-1897. Alfred E. Pease. Scottish Geographical Magazine, vol. 14 (1898), 57-73. 1898. Voyage au Chou; exploration au Sound et chez les Danakils. Vieomte E. de Poncius. SocUtS dt geographu d< Paris, Bulletin, vol. 19 (1898), 432. 1899. L'expansion coloniale italienne dans l'Amerique Latine. Enrico Barone. Nuova antologia, Sept. 16, 1899. 1899. L'emigration italienne et la colonisation. A. Ebray. Questions diplomatiques. et coloniales, vol. 7 (1899), 201. 1899. Colonizzazione e conquista. Giuseppe Ricchieri. Rivista geografica italiana, vol. 6 (1899), 257-270, 345-356. SPANISH COLONIES. Antuvez y Acevedo, R. Memoriae historicas sobre la legislaci6n y gobierno del comercio de los Espanoles con sus coloniaa en las Indias occidentales. Madrid: De Sancha, 1797. {4), "''■ 380 I ?), cv pp. 8°. Blanco Herrero, Miguel. Politica de Espana. 2" edici6n. Madrid: Imprenta de Francisco G. Perez, 1890. 674pp. 8°. Blumentritt, F. The separatist tendency in the Spanish colonies. (In U. S. Bureau of Education. Annual report, 1897-98, pp. 925-936. Washington. 1899. Translated from " Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographie und Wissenschaft," L898.) Bonnycastle, R. II. Spanish America; or, A descriptive, historical, and geographi- cal account of the dominions of Spain in the western hemisphere, conti- nental and insular. Philadelphia: Printed and published by Abraham Small, 1819. 482 pp. Folded maps. 8°. Campbell, John. A concise history of the Spanish America; containing a succinct relation of the discovery and settlement of its several colonies; a circum- stantial detail of their respective situation, extent, commodities, trade, etc., and a full and clear account of the commerce with Old Spain by the galleons llota, etc. Collected chiefly from Spanish writers. London: Print) dfor John Stagg ami Daniel Browne, MDCCXLI. vii (4), 330 pp. 8°. Chapter IX, pp. 154-175, " Of the islands of Cuba, Hispaniola, and Porto-Rico." Cappa, R. Estudios criticos acerca de la dominaci6n espafiola en America. Madrid: Imprenta de Luis Aguado, 1889-97. 26 vols. S°. Castillo, Rafael del. Gran diccionario, geografico, estadistico e historico de Espana v sus provincias de Cuba, Puerto Rico, Filipinas y posesiones de Africa. Ilabiendo servido de base para su confecci6n el censo de L887, las esta- di'sticas mas recientes y gran Qiimero de datos particulares compfobados con la mayor escrupulosidad. A.companan al diccionario el mapa general de Espana, el de carreteras y ferrocarriles, el postal telegrafico, el de Cuba y Puerto Rico y el de Filipinas. Barcelona: Tmprentade Henrich y Compania, ism. •>' vols. Foldedmaps. F° Coleccion de documentos ineditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquista y colonization de las posesiones espafiolas en America y Oceania. T. 1-42. Madrid, 1864-84- 4? vols. S°. Continued as: — Coleccion de documentos ineditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquista y organization de las antiguas posesiones espafiolas de ultramar. 2 a serie, publicada por la Real Academia de la histofia. T. 1-11. Madrid: Rivadeneyra, 1885-98. 11 wis. 8°. Contents: 1. Cuba. 2-4. Las islas Filipinas. 5. Ensayo historico sobre la legislaci6n de l"- Estados espanoles de ultramar; documentos legislativos. 6. Cuba. 7-8. Tic los pleitos de Colon. 9-10. Documentos legislativos. 11. Relaciones de Yucatan. 100 101 Coleccidn legislativa de Espana. Decretos del rey, etc. Madrid: Tmpr. del ministeris cU gratia y juslitia, 1810-98. 146 vols. L. 8°. Fabie, A. M. Ensayo hist6rico sobre la legislaci6r de loa Estados espafioles de ultramar. Madrid; Rimdeneyra, t897. 886 pp. 4°. Gelpi y Ferro, Main: J. Rutten, 1850. 2 vols. 8°. Band 1. " Spanische Kolonisation und Herrschaft von der Entdeckung bis 1809. Labra, Rafael M. de. La autonomia colonial en Espana. Madrid: Tmprenta de los Sucesores de Cnesta. 1892. Hi, 314, (l) pp. 16°. Contents: Pr61ogo; La cuestion del dia; Los partidos de las Antillas; Los autonomistas en las Antillas y en la Peninsula; Los progresos de Ins partidos autonomistas de Cuba y Puerto Rico. La cuestion colonial. Madrid: Tipografia de Oregorio Estrada, 1869. 118pp. l. J °. Polftica y sistemas coloniales. Conferencias dados en el Ateneo de Madrid. Madrid: Yahirrd,, 1874. viii, 93 pp. 8°. Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre Paul. De la colonisation cluz les peuples modernes, 4 e edition, revue, corrigee etaugmentee. Paris: Guillaumin, 1898. xix, (1), 865pp. 8°. "La colonisation espagnole," pp. 1-40; 251-273. Moses, Bernard. The establishment of Spanish rule in America, an introduction to the history and politics of Spanish America. G. P. na in s Sons, New York and London, 1898. x, (2), 328pp. 1?°. Perojo, Jose del. Ensayos de politico colonial. Madrid: Imprenta de Miguel Ginesta, 1885. xvi, 384 pp. J" - " Discusses the Cuban question; the general principles of Spanish colonization in com- parison with those of Holland and England." Spain. Estadistica general del comercio exterior de Espana, con sus provincias de ultramar y potencias extranjeras en 1889. Formada por la direcci6n general de contribuciones indirectas. Madrid: Tmprenta de la " Fdbrica national del timbre," 1890. 4°. 102 Veitia Linage, Jose de. The rule establish' d in Spain fur the trade in the West Indies. Translated from the Spanish by Captain John Stevens. London: Printed by Samuel Crouch, [17 15f]. {26), 367, (9) pp. 13°. Watson, K. . Jahrhunderts. Berlin: E. S. Mitller und Sohn, 1896. xvi, 515 pp. Folded map. 8°. "Includes a historical survey of Spanish government of the Philippine CUBA. SELECTED LIST OF BOOKS TREATING OF SPANISH ADMINISTRATION. Abbad y Lasiera, Ifiigo. Historia geografica, civil y poh'tica de la isla de S. Juan Bautista de Puerto Rico. Dala a luz Antonio Valladares de Sotomayor. Madrid: MDCCLXXXVIIL (8), 403 pp. 8m. 4°. Castillo, Rafael del. Gran diccionario, geografico, estadfstico r historico, de Espana y sua provincias de Cuba, Puerto Rico, Filipinas y posesiones de Africa. Habiendo servido de base para su confection el censo de 1887, las estadfs- ticas mas recientes y gran numero de datos particulares comprobados eon la mayor escrupulosidad. Acompanan aJ diccionario el mapa general de Espafia, el de carreteras y ferrocarriles. el postal telegrafico, el de Cuba y Puerto Rico y el de Filipinas. Barcelona: Imprenta de Henrichy Compania, 1891. 3 vols. Foldedmaps. F°. Coleccion de reales drdenes, decretos y disposiciones. Habana, 1898. 3 vols. 8°. Concha, Jose" de la. Marquis de la Habana. Memorias sol .re el estado politico, gobierno y administration de la isla de Cuba. Por el Teniente General Don Jose de la Concha. Madrid, 1853. ix (1), 362, 41 I - I pp. Folded map. s°. Cuyas, Arturo, and others. The new constitutional laws for Cuba. Text of the recent measures for the self-government of the island, with comments thereon. Also a brief review of the evolution of Spanish colonization. and a statistical comparison of the progress of Cuba under Spanish rule with that of independent Spanish-American countries. New York, 1897. ins pp. 8°. "Consists of three articles by Arturo Cuyas, Antonia Cuyas. L. V. Abad de Las Casas, presenting the text of the reform law of 1S95, with expository comments, constitut- ing a justification of the Spanish policy." Delorrne del Salto, R. Cuba y la reforma colonial en Espana. Madrid: Imprenta de Diego Pacheco Latorre. 61pp. 4°. Diaz Caneja, Ignacio. La cuestion ultramarina; bosquejo critico e historico, politico y gubernativo, administrative y econ6mico. Put rto Rico: Imprenta del "Boletin mercantil," 1885. ix, 337 pp. 8°. Hazard, Samuel. Cuba with pen and pencil. Hartford. Conn.: Hartford Publishing Co., 1871. 584pp. Woodcuts. 8°. 103 Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander, Freiherr von. Ensayo politico sobrc la isla ile Cuba-, por el Bar6n A. de Humboldt, con an mapa; obra traducida al castellano por I». Jose Lopez de Bustamente. Nueva edicidn. Paris: 1840. xxzii, 361, (5) pp. 8°. Essai politique sur I'ile de Cuba. Avec une carte el un supplemenl qui renferme dea considerations sur la population, la richesse territoriale e1 le commerce de I'archipel des Antilles el de Colombie. Paris: J. Smith, is.*,;. ■ vols. 8°. Imberno, Jose. Gufa geografica y administrativa de la isla de Cuba. Habana, 1891. 8°. [Madan, Crist6bal.] Llamamiento de la isla deCuba ;i la naci6n espanola, dirigido al excmo. e illmo. Senor Don Baldomaro Espartero, duquede la Victoria, presidente del consejo de ministros, por un hacendado, en diciembre de 1854. New York: Tmprenta de E. Hallet, [1856~\. (8), 234, vipp. 8°. "Examines into the workings of the Spanish colonial system from a Crban stand- point." Morales, Francisco Garcia. Guia de gobierno y policia de la isla de Cuba. 2 :i edi- tion. Habana, 1899. 8°. Pepper, Charles M. To-morrow in Cuba. New YnrL- and London: Harper A- Brothers, 1899. (8), 362 pp. Fa/dra 1 map. S°. Contains much information of value cm Spanish administrative methods. Pezuela, Jacob dela. Diccionario geogr&fico, estadistico, historico de la isla. 8°. Historia de la isla de Cuba. Madrid: Carlos Bailly-Bailliere, 1868. 2 vols. 8°. Sagra, Ramon de la. Historia economico-polftica y estadi'stica de la isla Ale Cuba6 sea de sua progresos en la poblacion, la agricultura, el comercio y las rentas. Habana, 1831. (4), xiii {5), .386, {1) pp. 4° ■ Sedano y Agrarnonte, Jose. El lil>r<> del ciudadano espanol; derechos politicos y administrative is. 2 ;i edicion. Habana, 1889. S°. PHILIPPINES. SELECTED LIST OF BOOKS TREATING OF SPANISH ADMINISTRATION. Aguilar, F. M. Colonization de Filipinas. Estudios practicos acerca de la coloni- zation, con elementos peninsulares, de nuestras posesiones oceanicas. Resena geogr.-gei »16gic< »-mineral6gica. Madrid: Tip. de A. Alonso, 1893. xii, 417 pp. Map. 4°. Alcazar, J. de. Historia de los dominios espanoles en Oceania (Filipinas). Madrid: La Fuente, 1898. vi, 190 pp. 28 plates. Map. 8°. Asensio, Vicente Llorens. Historia general de las Filipinas. Madrid: Murillo, 1898-99. 8°. Blumentritt, F. Die comandancia poli'tico-militar Eseolante des Insel Negros (Philippinen). In Petermann's Mittheilungen, ml. 31, 121-122. Gotha, 1845. 104 Blumentritt, F. Organisation communaledes Philippines places sous la domination espagnole. Traduit de l'allemand, par A. Hugot. i fn Societe acadbnique indo-chinoise. Bulletin, 2 serie, Tome 1, pp. 145-153. Paris, 1882.) Borrero, Francisco. Cuestiones filipinas, memoria. Madrid: M. Minuesa de los Rios, 1896. 57 pp. 8°. Buzeta, Manuel, and Felipe Brave. Diccionario geografico, estadistico, historico de las islas filipinas. Madrid, 1850-51. 2 vols. Folded plans. Folded sJieets. Portraits. L. 8°. Cabezas de Herrera, J. Apuntes historicos sobre la organization polftico-admi- nistrativa de Filipinas. {In Boletin de la Real Sociedad econ6mica filipina, afro .'. pp. 52-56, 70-73, 86-90. Manila, 1883.) Comenge, Rafael. Cuestiones filipinas. l a parte: Los Chinos. Madrid: Ubr. de F,'.. 1894. 470 pp. 8°. Comyn, Tomas de. State of the Philippine islands; being an historical, statistical, and descriptive account of that interesting portion of the Indian archi- pelago. Translated from the Spanish, with notes and a preliminary dis- course by William "Walton. London: Printed for T. & J. Allman, 1821. El Fro de Filipinas d, Juan Atayde, 1892. (8), xvi, 1009 pp. 4°. Foreman, J. The Philippine islands. A political, geographical, social, and com- mercial history of the Philippine archipelago and its political dependencies, embracing the whole period of Spanish rule. 2d edition, revised and enlarged. London: S. Loir, Marston & Company, 1899. xvi, 653 pp. 19 plates. I J or- trait. Maps. 8°. Fulgosio, Fernando. Cronica de las islas filipinas. Madrid: Rubio, Grilo y Vittwri, 1871. 133, (3) pp. Woodcuts in the text. Portraits. Maps. F°. ( Or 6nica general de EspafLa, T. 12.) Grau y Figueoras, Casimiro de. Memoria sobre la poblacion y riqueza de las islas filipinas y reformas economico-administrativas que el gobierno espanol debe plantear para la prosperidad de aquellas posesiones y del estado Barcelona: Imprenta de Ramiroz, 1855. 32 pp. 4°- Instituto geografico y estadistica de Espana, Madrid. Reseiia geografica v estadfstica de Espana. Madrid: Imprenta de la Direcci&n general del Instituto geogrdfico y estadistico, 1888. .r.rir, 1116, (1) pp. Folded map. F° . Pp. 1069-1088, contain "Breve resefia del archipielago filipino y de bis islas Marianas. ( larolinas y Palaas." Jordana y Morera, Ramon. Bosquejo geografico e historico natural del archipie- lago filipino. Publicado de real orden en vista del favorable informe de la Real Academia de ciencias exactas, ffsicas y naturales. Madrid: Imprenta de Moreno y Tojas, 1885. xiv, ( .') . 461 pp. Colored plates. 105 Lala, Ramon Reyes. The Philippine islands. New York: Continental Publishing Company, 1899. ■:',-' pp. Illustrated. Photogravures in the text. Map. Portraits. L. 8°. Contents: Early history of the islands; The British occupation; The Spanish colonial government; The church in the colony; The various of the Philippines; The Mohammedans of Sulu; Manila; [loild, capital of the province of Panay; Cebu, a Mecca for many Filipinos; General topography of the island-; Natural beauty of the archipelago; A village feast: History of commerce in the Philippines; Agricul- ture; The sugar and rice crops; The hemp plant and its uses; Culture and use of tobacco; Cultivation of coffee; Betelnut, grain, and frail growing; Useful woods ami plants; Mineral wealth of the islands; Animal life in the colony; Struggle of the Filipinos for liberty; Dewey at Manila: The American occupation. Mallat, J. Les Philippines;; histoire, geographie, mceurs, agriculture, industrie et commerce des colonies espagnoles dans l'Oceanie. Paris: A. Bertrand, 1846. 2 vols. Folded sheets. 8°. Atlas, 5 colored plates, 4 plans, map. Malo de Lruque, Eduardo. Historia polftica de los estableeimientos ultramarinos de las naciones Euro peas. Madrid: Por Antonio de Sancha, aflo de MDCCLXXXIV-MDCCXC. ■', mis. Folded maps. 8°. i This is merely a translation of Raynal. | Vol. 5 is mainly devoted to the Spanish conquest and occupation of the Philippines. Chapter III: Idea general de la Espafla hasta el tiempo de sus establecimientos en el archipielago indico. Chapter IV: Descripcion de los archipielagos asiaticos del dominio espafiol. Chapter VII: Conquista de las Filipinas. Chapter VIII: Causas de la deeadencia de las Filipinas. Chapter IX: Sitio, asalto y saqueo de Manila por los Ingleses en 17(32. Chapter X: Defensa de las islas despues de perdida su capital: sucesos sus acaecidos hasta su restitucion. Chapter XI: Estado de las Filipinas desde el afio de 1764 hasta el de 1785. Chapter XII: Erecci6n de la Real compania de Filipinas; sus operaciones y su estado hasta 1790. Martinez de Zuniga, Joaquin. Estadismode las islas filipinas, 6 mis viajes pur este pafs. Pnblica esta obra por primera vez extensamente anotada W. E. Retana. Madrid: En hi imprentq de la viuda de Minuesa de los Rios, 1893. .' vols. 8°. Volume 2. Apendice A. consists of notes and illustrative documentsto the text by the editor, W. E. Retana; Apendice B (pp. *93-*352) consists of a bibliography; Apen- dice C. " Lugares geografieos." Milan y Villanueva, C. El gran problema de las reformas en Filipinas. Manila: La font, 1898. 12 pp. 8°. Montero y Vidal, Jose. Historia general de Filipinas desde el descubrimiento de dichas islas hasta nuestros dfas. Madrid: Tello, 1887-1895. 3 vols. 8°. Contents: I. 1519-1759. II. 1759-1837. III. 1837-1873. Morga, Antonio de. The Philippine islands, Moluccas, Siam, Cambodia, Japan, and China, at the close of the Kith century. Translated from the Spanish, with notes and a preface, and a letter from Luis de Torres describing his voyage through the Torres straits, by Henry J. Stanly. London: Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1868. {6), ii, (2), xxiv, ( ?), 431pp. Portraits ami folded plates. 8°. "Capture of Manila by the English in 1762; Chinese insurrection in Manila; Admin- istration of justice; Taxation; Produce; Trade; Agriculture and manufactures, etc.; Letter of Luis Vaez de Torres, relating to his voyage through the Torres straits, dated Manila, July 12, 1608; Table of parochial clergy. 1867." [The statistical data in the appendix arc derived from consular reportsand Mallat's " Philippines," etc.) Navarro, Ed. Filipinas; estudios de algunos asuntos de actualidad. Madrid: Imprenta Mimosa de los Rios, 1897. xi, 285pp. 4°. 106 Paterno, P. A. El regimen municipal en lasislaa Filipinas. Real decretode 19 de Mayo, 1893. Madrid, Estab. tipog. de los mcesores de Cuestra, 1893. (8), 280pp. 12°. Retana, W. E. Folletos filipinas (politico^): 1. Frailes y elerigos. 2 !l edicion, corregida y aumentada. Madrid, 1891. 142 pp. 12°. 2. Apuntea para la historia. Madrid, 1890. 96 pp. 12°. 3. Sinapismos. Primera serie. Madrid, 1890. 96 pp. 8°. 4. Reformas y otros excesos. Madrid, 1890. 967 pp. 8°. Rodriguez Berriz, Miguel. Diccionario de la administraci6n de Filipinas por D. Miguel Rodriguez Berriz, jefe letrado de la adininistraci6n central de rentas, propiedades yaduanas. Primera edicion. With apendice, 2 vols. 1888. Manila: Impreso por Perez, 1887-88. 15 vols. 8°. Continued as:— Anuario, 1888-90. Manila: Impreso de Perez. .' vols. 4°- "Continua publicandose esta obra, que ha venido a depreciar la de Rodriguez San Pedro, en lo que a las Filipinas se reflere. Tipograficamente considerada es una ignoniinia." Salcedo, Juan. Proyectos de dominaeion y colonizacion, ano de 1891. Gerona, 1894. 188 pp: Stable*. Map. 8°. "The author was governor of Mindanao in 1888. Treats of the military and colonial politics of Spain as relate to the Philippines." Sastrdn, Manuel. Colonizacion de Filipinas, inmigracion peninsular. Malabon: Tip. del Asilo de Huerfanos, 1897. 115 pp. 4°. "The little volume before us is an exposition of the conditions that would confront the settlers of Spanish blood (peninsulares) in their new home. It deals primarily with the problem of agricultural colonization, but also discusses the situation pre- sented by the islands with respect to the importation of laborers and handicrafts- men of all kinds. The author has filled the position of civfl governor in several provinces of the archipelago, has sat in the Spanish Cortes, and is a doctor of medi- cine. He writes from the standpoint of the Castilian who would shed the last drop of his blood for the maintenance of the integrity of the Spanish realm."— The Nation, Aug. 14, 1899. Filipinas. Pequenos estudios. Batangas y su provincia. Malabong, 1895. [6), 373 pp. Map. 8°. " Don Manuel Sastrdn, Gouverneur der im sudliehen Teile Luzons gelegenen Provinz Batangas, giebt im vorliegenden Buche eine Beschreibung der genannten Land- schaft, wobei die Topographie und die politische Verwaltung den grossten Kaum einnehmen und auch sehr brauchbares Material dem Geographen und Statistiker liefern. Die Karte, im Masstabe 1:400,000, ist sehr gut ausgestattet. Mochten nur die anderen Provinzgouverneure der Philippinen dem verdienstvollem Beispiele Sastr6ns folgen. Die Monographien von Nueva Eeija (von Rajal) und von Zam- bales I Canamaque), sowie die vorliegende von Batangas sind sehr wertvolle Bereicherungen der topographisehen Litteratur der Philippinen." — Blumentritt. Scheidnagel, M. Las colonias espanolas de Asia. Islas Filipinas. Madrid: Murillo, 1880. 208 pp. Map. 4°. Colonizacion espanola. Estudios acerca de la misma en nuestras posesiones de Oceania. Con un pr61ogo de Emilio Bonelli. Madrid: JAbreria de Fernando /v. 1893. xviii, (2), 117 (2) pp. 12°. " ( in the problem of colonial management of the Philippines." 107 Spain. Archipelago filipino. Regimen polftico-administrativo para el porvenir. Mud rlil; < 'amacho, 1898. 88 pp. 4°. Estadfstica general del comercio exterior de las islas Filipinas en 1894. Publicada por La Entendencia general de hacienda. Manila, 1896. 458 pp. F°. Taviel de Andrade, E. Historia de la exposici6n de las islas Filipinas en Madrid el ano de 1887, con una explicaci6n de su posici6n geogrdfica, de como las hemos adquirido yun compendiode la historia de las Marianas, Carolinas, Filipinas y Palaos. Madrid, G6mezy Periz. xv, 120, 256 pp. 8°. Torrubia, Joseph. Dissertation historico-pohtica, yen mucha parte geografica, de las islas filipinas, extension del Mahometismo en ellas, grandes estragos, que ban hecho los Mindanaos, Joloes, Camerones, y Confederados de esta secta en nuestros pueblos cristianos, etc. P6nese una razon compendiosa de los fondos, y destinos del (Iran Monte Piedad de la casa de lamiseri- cordia de la ciudad de Manila. Madrid: En la imprenta de Agustin de Gordejuela y Su rra, ano de 1753. (48), 115 pp. 32°. "Appended isa catechism in theTagalog language." (19) pp. [Colophon:] En Manila: en la imprenta de la Compafiia de lesus, por D. Nicolas de la Cruz Baga y ano de 1765. CAROLINE ISLANDS. Bartoli, Manuel Escude. Las Carolinas. Descripcion geografica y estadfstica del archipielago carolino, con datos recopilados y ampliados. Barcelona, 1885. 111pp. 12°. Bastian, A. Die micronesischen Colonien aus ethnologischen < lesichtspunkten. Berlin, 1899. vii, 370 pp. 8°. Cabeza, Pereiro A. Estudios sobre Carolinas. La isla de Ponape. Geograffa, etnografia, historia. Manila, 1895. Plates. Maps. 8°. Christian, F. W. The Caroline islands. Travel in the sea of the Little Lands. London: Methuen, 1899. xiv, 412 pp. Plates. Maps. Plans. 8°. Miguel, G. de. Estudio sobre las islas Carolinas. Comprende la historia y geogra- fia de los 36 grupos que forman el archipielago Carolino, seguido de la descripcion de todas las islas del oeeano Pacffico, situadas entre el ecua- dor y el paralelo 10° N. Madrid: Imprenta de Jose" Perales y Martinez, 1887. xiv, 207 pp. 8°. Atlas, F°. Taviel de Andrade, Enrique. Historia del conflicto de las Carolinas. Priieba del derecho de soberanfa que sobre ellas posee Espana y demostracion de la trascendencia que tiene la mediation del papa. Madrid: Manuel Tello, 1886. xxix, (3), 426 pp. 8°. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS, 1898-99. 1898. Spain and the Caroline Islands. E. E. Strong. .1//;. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 17 (June, 1898), 706-709. Illustrated. Map. Li ring Age, vol. 217 (June 11, 1898) , 759-761. 1898. Spanish traits and the New World. S. Baxter. Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 18 (Aug., 1898), 196-198. 108 1898. Spain and her American colonies. T. S. Woolsey. Century, vol. 56 {Sept., 1898), 715-719. 1898. Zusammenbruch^der spanischen Kolonialmacht. C. Peters. Deutsches Wochenblatt, No. 29, 1898. 1898. Zur Geschichte des Separatismus der spanischen Kolonien. F. Blnmentritt. Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographie (July, 1898), 104-127. (Translation in U. S. Bureau of Education, Annual Report, 1897-98, pp. 925-936. Washington, 1899.) 1898. Ausgang des spanischen Kolonialreichs. A. Zimmermann. Geogj-apJdsche Zeitschrift (1898), 425-431. 1898. Possible salvation of Spain. Nation, vol. 67 (July 28, 1898), 67. 1898. Spaniards in Cuba. A.G.Perez. Nineteenth Century, vol. 44 (Aug., 1898) 196-207; Eclectic Mag., vol. 131 (Sept., 1898) , 395-402. 1898. La Spagna e la Filipina. Nuova Antologia, vol.77, p. 538. 1898. La Guinea espanola y \n< problemas africanos. Segun D. Rafael Maria de Labra. Soc. geogrdfica ceania. Lisboa: Tmprensa national, 1867. (4),xxi, (3), 460, (1) pp. ftfoldedmaps. x°. Danvers, Frederick Charles. The Portuguese in India. London: W. II. Allen and Company, 1894. ■■' vols. 8 . D'Orsey, A. J. D. Portuguese discoveries, dependencies, and missions in Asia and Africa. London: II". //. Aden. xvi. 434 pp. ' ; maps. 12°. Gonies da Costa, — . Gaza, L897-98. Lisboa: M. Gomes. [1899.] 176 pp. Maps and illustrations. 8°. ••The southern portion of Portuguese East Africa is treated under the heads of physi- cal geography, general aspect, races, customs, history, fauna, flora, agriculture, climate and health, commerce, justice, routes, public works, and military and political organization." 109 110 Gremiaux, Ch. Les possessions portugaises dans l'extreme orient. Paris: Challamel'aini, 1888. 40pp. S°. Jessett, Montague George. The key to South Africa: Delagoa Bay. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1899. xviii, 178 pp. With maps and illustrations. 9° Kerhallet, Charles Marie Philippes de. Les iles e la colonisation chez les peuples modernes.4' edition. Paris: Guillaumin, 1898. xix, (1), 865 pp. 8°. "La colonisation portugaise," pp. 41-59. Lopes de liima, J. J. de. Ensaios sobre a statistica das possessoes portuguezas na Africa occidental e oriental, na Asia occidental, na China, e na Oceania. T. 1-4, 5, pt. 1. Lisboa: Impn nsa nacional, 1844-186.'. 5 vols. Folded maps. s°. Contents: l. Ilhas de Cabo Verde e suas dependencias. 2. Unas de S. Thome e Prin- cipe e suas dependencias. 3. Angola, Benguella, e suas dependencias. 4. Mocain- bique e suas dependencias. 5, part 1. Goa, Damao, c suas dependencias. Monteiro, Rose. Delagoa Bay; its natives and natural history. London: Philip, 1891. Illustrations. 8°. Oliveira Martins, J. P. Brasil e as colonias portuguezas. Lisboa, 1880. 8°. Os Portuguezes em Africa, Asia, America, e Oceanica. Lisboa, 1848-50. 8 vols, in 4. Portraits. 8°. CONTENTS. I and II. Indice chronologico dos navegaeoes, viagens, . . . dos Portuguezas nos paises ultramarinos. III-VII. Resumo historico das decobertas e conquistas dos Portuguezas n' Africa, Asia, America, e Oceania, accompanhadade nocoes sobre os usos, religiao, dos povoa indigenas, e de diversos apontamentos historicos do Yde. de Santarem, etc. VIII. Diccionario geographico das provincias e possessoes portuguezas no Ultramar . . . por J. M. de Souza Monteiro. Pery, Gerardo A. Geographia e estadistica geral de Portugal e colonias. Com um atlas. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional, i875. xei, 403, (2) pp. Folded maps. 8°. Pinheiro Chagas, M. As colonias portuguezas no seculo xix. Lisboa, 1890. 228 pp. S°. Ill Serpa Pinto, A. de. Como eu atravessei Africa: do Atlanticoao mar Indico, viagem de Benguella :i Contra-Costa, a t raves regioes desconhecidas; determina- coes geographicas e estudoa ethnographicos. Contendo 15 mappas e fac- similes, i> 1 .">.'{ gravuras tVitas dos desenhos do autor. Londres: S. Low, 1881. .' vols. 8°. How I crossed Africa; from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, through unknown countries, discovery of the Great Zambesi affluents, etc. Trans- lated by Alfred Elwes. Philadelphia: J. 11. TAppincoit & Company, 1881. .' vols. Maps and illustra- tions. 8°. Comment j'ai traverse l'Afrique depuis l'Atlantique jusqu'a I'oc^an Indien, de Benguela a Durban a travers des regions inconnues. Ouvrage traduit, d'apres 1'eMition anglaise collationnee sur le texte portugais, par J. Belin de Launay, contenant 15 cartes et facsimile et 160 gravures. Paris: Hachette & Cie., 1882. ,.' vols. T. l,xxxi, 456pp.; I. 2, 472pp. 8°. Strandes, Justus. Die Portugiesenzeit von Deutsch- und Englisch-Ostafrika. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen), 1899. x-ii, 848pp. Maps and illus- trations. 8°. "On the period of Portuguese predominance in East Africa, with special reference to Kilwa and Mombasa." Ternant, Victor. Les colonies portugaises. Illustre* par Henry de Ternant. Paris: Alcan Levy, d la SociMi d'itudes coloniales et maritimes, 22 novembre 1890. 67 pp. 8°. Theal, George McCall. The Portuguese in South Africa. London: Unwin, 1896. xvi,324pp. Map. 8°. Vasconcellos, E. J.deC. As colonias portuguezas. Geographia physica, polftica e economica. Lisboa: Companhia hacional editoria. 1896. 444pp- < s '°. "A handbook of the Portuguese colonies in the Cape Verde, East and West Africa, India, Macao, and Timor, forming a detailed description of all the colonial pos- sessions of Portugal, very clearly arranged, and the descriptions fortified with official statistics." Les colonies portugaises. (In Revue encyclopedique, vol. 8, pp. 471-4S0. Paris, 1898. ) Vogel, Ch. Le Portugal et ses colonies; tableau politique et commercial de la mo- narchic portugaise dans son etat actuel; avec des annexes et des notes supplementaires. Paris: GuiMauminet Cie., i860, xv, 644 pp. 8°. Watson, P. G. Spanish and Portuguese in South America during the colonial period. London: Trubner, 1884. 2 vols. 8°. Worsfold, W. B. Portuguese Nyassaland: An account of the discovery, native popu- lation, agriculture, and mineral resources, and present administration of the territory of the Nyassa Company. With a review of the Portuguese rule on the east coast of Africa. London: Lou; 1899. vi, 296 />/>. Illustrations. ^F'lJ>s. 8°. Zimmermann, Alfred. Die Kolonialpolitik Portugais und ihre Entwickelung von den Anfangen bis zur Gegemvart. Mit einer Karte in Steindruck: Ueber- sicht des portugiesischen und spanischen Kolonial-Besitzes gegen Mitte des 16ten Jahrhunderts. Berlin: Ernst Siegfried Mittler und Sohn, 1896. xvi, 515 pp. 8°. (Die eu- rojxiischi-n Koionien, B. 1.) 1900. Koloniales aus Portugal. C. Singelmann. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, vol. 17 (Mar. 22, 1900), 138. ANGLO-SAXON INTERESTS, ETC. Callahan, James Morton. The neutrality of the American lakes and Anglo- American relations. Baltimore, Jan.- Apr., 1898. 199 pp. S°. (Join/ Hopkins University studies in historical and political science, nos. 1-4.) Demolins, Edmond. Anglo-Saxon superiority; to what it is due. Translated by L. B. Lavigne. London: The Leadenhall P)-ess, 1898. xl, 427 pp. 8vo. Freeman, E. A. The English people in its three homes. (In lti.< Lectures to American audiences, pp. 7-201. Philadelphia (1882).) Greater Greece and Greater Britain, and George Washington, the expander of England. Two lectures, with an appendix. London: Macmillan, 1886. 143 pp. 12°. Gardiner, Charles A. The proposed Anglo-American alliance; an address delivered before the American Social Science Association, August 31, 1898. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. (2), 30pp. 12°. (Ques- tions of the day, no. 9.'. ) Gorren, Aline. Anglo-Saxons and others. New York: < 'harles Scribner's Sons, 1900. (4), 158pp. S°. Contents: Certain sociologists and the Anglo-Saxons; The new empire; The gospel of action; Anglo-Saxon humanitarianism; The religious-commercial instinct; The higher civilization; Relative ethics. Eo:::ier, James K. A short history of Anglo-Saxon freedom. The polity of the English-speaking race outlined in its inception, development, diffusion, and present condition. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1890. xx, 420 pp. 12°. Eo-orre, Ch. D'ou vient la decadence gconomique de la France? Paris: Plon, 1899. 460 pp. 8°. Contains an appendix entitled "Quelques mots sur une theorie expliquant la superiority des Anglo-Saxons." Powers, II. II. Tin- war as a suggestion of manifest destiny. Philadelphia: American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1898. 20pp. S°. ( Publications of the society, no. 235. I " Professor Powers shows the development of the policy of imperialism from the time of Jefferson and the inevitableness of the war. He then sets forth the results which must follow from our appearance as a world power, and why the final struggle for world domination musl !"■ between the Anglo-Saxon and Slav races. He also endeavors to forecast the result of this struggle." Scholes, Theophilus E. S. The British Empire and alliances; or, Britain's duty to her colonies and subject races. London: Elliot Slock, 1899. viii, 415 pp. 8°. Contents: Preface; Anglo-Saxon alliances; The British Empire— its colonies; The British Empire— its dependencies; The wars that built the British Empire: The growth of British industries; The growth of British commerce; The character ami growth of the Russian Empire; The origin of Chinese trade; Recent official Chinese correspondence; China a road to India; New international and commercial condi- tions; The white races and thedark races; The West Indies anil the sugar question; A divided empire: The evils of "color prejudice;" Our future policy. 112 113 A short examination Smith, Edward. England and America after independem of their international intercourse, L783-1872. Westminster: Archibald Constable, 1900. iv, ( .'), 891 pp. 8°. Waldstein, Charles. The expansion of western ideals and the world's peace. New York and London: ./. Lane, 1899. 194pp. 12°. Pp. 113-194: The English-speaking brotherhood; a lecture delivered . . . on July 7 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. An Anglo-Saxon alliance. J. R. Dougal the Inked States. ) Contemp. Rev., vol. 48 (Nov., 1885), 693. Eclectic Mag., vol. 106 (Feb., 1886), 190. Living Age, ml. 167 (Dee. 19, 1885), 759. Success of Anglo-Saxon race. Edinb. Rev., ml. 130 (Jan., 1898), 130. Living Age, vol. .'17 \ May 7, 1898), -352. Are the Americans Anglo-Saxons? Spectator, vol. SO (Apr. 30, 1898), <;14. Living Age, vol. 217 (June 4, 1898), 681. Public Opinion, ml. 24 (May 26, 1898), 662. Wanted, an imperial minimum. Westminster Rev., Rol. 14!' (May, 189S) , 477. Living Age, vol. 217 (June 25, 1898), 871. Which shall dominate, Saxon or Slav? D. .Mills No. A in,,: Rev., vol. 166 (June, 1898), 729. American greetings and tributes to Britain. A,„. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 18 (July, 1898), 71. Anglo-Saxon against the world. H. W. Wilson. Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 18 (July, 1898), 84. (Argues for an alliance with Is there an Anglo-American understanding? Fortnightly Rev., ml. 70 (July, 1898), 163. Living Age, ml. 218 (Any., 1898), 425. Anglo-American future. F. Greenwood. Si, 1, 1,, nil, Century, ml. 44 (July, 1898), 1. Eclectic Mag., ml. 131 (Sept., 1898), 289. Living Age, ml. 218 (Aug. 27, 1898), 563. United States and the concert of Europe. J. C. Ridpath. Arena, vol. 20 (Any., 1898), 145. Proposed federation of the Anglo-Saxons. B. O. Flower. Arena,vol. 20 (Aug., 1898), 2*3. Anglo-Saxon alliance. Canadian Mag., rol. 11 (Any., 1898), 363. English-speaking brotherhood. C. Waldstein. No. A'mer. Rev., vol. 167 (Aug., 1898), 228. Anglo-Saxon German alliance. M. von Brandt. Living Age, vol. 218 (Sept. 24, 1898), 859. Anglo-American alliance versus a European combination. R. Temple. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 167 (Sept., 1898), 306. ■±997 8 114 1898. Possibilities of Anglo-American alliance. .S7rC. W. Dilke. Pall Mall Mag., vol. 16 (Sept., 1898), 37. 1898. Anglo-American friendship. C.Schurz. . 1 Uantic, vol. 8 ( Oct. , 1898 ) . 488. 1898. Anglo-American alliance and the Irish- Americans. G. McDermot. t 'atholie World, vol. 68 ( Oct., 1898), 75. 1898. The coming fusion of East and West. E. F. Fenollosa. ffarpi r's Mag., vol. 98 ( Dec, 1S98), 115. 1898. Five hundred years of the Anglo-Saxon. G. B. Waldron. Met 'lure's Mag., vol. 12 (Dec, 1898), 1S5. 1898. Recent developments of policy in the United States and their relation to an Anglo-American alliance. J. Chamberlain. Scribner, vol. 24 ( Dec, 1898), 674- 1898. Great fact of 1898 l Anglo-Saxon rapprochement). Spectator, vol. 81 i Dec.31, 1898), 972. 1899. L. Europe nouvelle. P.Fauchille. Revm di droit Internationale publique, no. 1. On the Anglo-Saxon menace. 1899. The future relations of Great Britain and the United States. Sir G. W. Dilke. Forum, vol. 26 (Jan., 1899), 521. 1899. The union of the flags (Anglo-American). P. Young. United Si rvia Mag., vol. 139 {.I'm.. 1899), 393. 1899. An Anglo-American alliance. Charles Beresford. Independent, vol.51 i Feb. 23, 1899), 527. 1899. America's debt to England. A.M. Low. Anglo-Ann r. Mag., vol. 1 ( Mar., 1899), 148. 1899. Stevenson, Kipling 1 , and Anglo-Saxon imperialism. E.H.Mullin. Bool Buyer, vol. 18 ( Mar., 1899), 85. 1899. England and the United States and a defensive alliance. Self Culture, vol. 9 (Mar., 1899), 8. 1899. Toward universal peace. Advocates Anglo-American alliance. Westminster Rev. (Apr., 1899). 1899. Anglo-Saxon imperialism. Impressions and opinions. Anglo-Saxon Rev., vol. 1 (June, 1899), 243. 1899. Anglo-Saxon genius. H. D. Oakeley. Westminster Rev., vol. 152 (July, 1899), 73. 1899. Anglo-Saxon superiority. M. E. Springer. The Globe,vol.9 (Sept., 1899), 360. 1899. Anglo-Saxon responsibilities. PI. M. Stanley. Outlook, vol. 62 (Sept. 30, 1899), 249. 1899. Russia, England, and the United States. A. M. Low. Forum, vol. 28 ( Oct., 1899). I? .'. 1900. Shall Slav, Teuton, or Anglo-Saxon prevail? R. W. Grant. Anglo-Amer. Mag., vol.3 (Jan., 1900), 35. 1900. America's attitude toward England. R. A. Alger. No. Amer. I!> v., vol. 170 ( Mar., 1900), 332. 1900. America and the war (Transvaal). S.Brooks. No. Ami r. Rev., vol 170 | Mar., 1900), 337. THE FAR EAST. "COMMERCIAL RELATIONS" "OPEN DOOR "—"SPHERES OF INFLUENCE." Beresford, Lord Charles. The break-up of China. With an account of its present commerce, currency, waterways, armies, railways, politics, and future prospects. With portraits and maps. New York and London: Harper and Brother*, 1899. xxii, 491 pp. Folded maps. 8°. Bishop, Isabella L. Bird. The Yangtse valley and beyond. An account of journeys in China, chiefly in the province of Sze-Chwan and among the Man-tze of the Somo territory. With map and 116 illustrations. New )'<>rk: G. P. Putnam' s Sons, 1900. 8°. Reviewed in "Spectator," January, 1900, under the title "Spheres of influence in China." Bookwalter, John W. Siberia and Central Asia. Springfield, Ohio, 1900. xxxi, 548pp. Illustrations. 8°. " With regard to Russian expansion, like Mr. Cobbold, Mr. Bookwalter dwells on the fact that She makes her way hy subtlety rather than by force; and on the whole, after reading the book, we are confirmed in the impression that all immediate pros- pects are in favor of peace." Boulger, Demetrius C. Central Asian questions. Essays on Afghanistan, China, and Central Asia. With portrait and maps. London: '/'. Fisher Unwin,1885. xvi, 457 pp. 8°. The history of China. New and revised edition, with portraits and maps. London: II". Thacker and Company, 1898. .'ml*. s°. Bray, Fd. de. La Chine et ses besoins an point de vue de Putilisation des Beiges, de leur capitaux et de leur Industrie. Louvain: PoUeunis et Centerick, 1898. xvi, 60 pp. Map. 8°. Note.— The map shows a scheme for a railway system for China. Brenier, Henri. La mission LyOnnaise d'exploration commerciale en Chine. 1895-1897. Lyons, 1898. xxxvi, 386-470 pp. 8°. " Of all the commercial missions to which the immediate prospect of the development of the resources of China by modern methods has recently given rise, the most fully equipped and that with the most extensive and elaborate programme is that organ- ized by the chamber of commerce of Lyons, and the report published by the director of this mission, Mr. Henri Brenier, is of corresponding interest and value." Carli, Mario. II Ce-Kiang; studio geografico-economico. Roma, 1899. xx, 278pp. 8°. "It opens with an introduction (pp. 1-71) giving an account of Chinese relations with the Western world, and latterly Japan, from the time of the first Portuguese expedi- tion in 1516." The Chronicle and directory for China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China . . . for 1898. Hongkong: Printed at the "Daily Press" Office, 189S. 8°. 115 116 Coates, ■ . China and the open dour. Bristol: Taylor and Hawkins, 1899. 8°. Cobbold, Ralph P. Innermost Asia: travel and sport in the Pamirs, with map and illustrations. London: Heinemann, 1900. xvii, 354 PP- Portrait. 8°. P. 346 contains a Bibliography of innermost Asia. "In Mr. Cobbold's opinion, the destiny of Afghanistan is to be absorbed, and to be divided between the rival empires, though if the reigning Ameer is succeeded by a son of his own mould, the inevitable crisis will be deferred. To sum up his politi- cal survey, what chiefly struck him in his travels in innermost Asia was 'thebar- barous insistence of the Russian Government system, the brilliant success which invariably attends Russian aims, aud the puerile weakness of the British Govern- ment in the protecting of the country's interests.' " Colquhoun, Archibald R. China in transformation. With frontispiece, maps, and diagrams. New York ami London: Harper and Brothers, 1898. ix, (1), 382 pp. Folded maps. Plate. 8°. Curtis, William Eleroy. The Yankees of the East. Sketches of modern Japan. New Yorl-: Stone and Kimball] 1896. 2 vols. Plates {photogravures). 12°. Curzon, George N. Russia in Central Asia in 1889 and the Anglo-Russian question. With appendices, maps, illustrations, and an index. London: Longmans, Green and Company, ISS'J. xxiv, 477 pp. 8°. Problems of the Far East. Japan — Korea — China. New and revised edition. New York, London, and Bombay: Longmans, Green and Company, 1896. xxiv, 444)il). Plates. Portrait. Folded map. 8°. Diosy, Arthur. The new r Far East. With 12 illustrations from special designs by Kubota Beisen of Tokio. London: Capell and Company, 1899. xvi,374pp- 8°. "This is a brilliantly written history of new Japan, containing much instructive information on the affairs of the Far East." Enjoy, Paul D'. La colonisation de la Cochin-Chine. (Manuel du colon. ) Paris: SociM d' iditions scientifiques, 1898. 394 pp. 12°. "A general account of Cochin China, dealing mainly with the economic and social conditions, the regulations affecting the acquisition of land, and advice to intending immigrants. A scheme for a railway from Saigon to Tongking is described." Fauvel, A. A. Les chemins de fer chinois. Travail d' organisation. (In Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, 3 e annee, pp. 459, 468. De,c. 15, 1899.) Fraser, Mary Crawford. Letters from Japan. A record of modern life in the island empire. New Yuri: ami London: Tin Macmillan Company, 1M9. 2 vols. Illustra- tions. s°. Giddings, Franklin Henry. Democracy and empire. With studies of their psychi >- logical, economic, and moral foundations. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1900. x, 363 pp. 8°. Pages 267-290 argue for Anglo-Saxon alliance; also contain a discussion of the com- mercial advantages of the East. Glass, J. G. H. Report on the concessions of the Pekin Syndicate, Limited, in the provinces of Shansi and Honan, China, with estimates of cost of railways and other works necessary for their development. Pekin, 1899. 174 pp- Map. 4° ■ "A comprehensive report on the resources of the territories for the commercial exploitation of which the Pekin Syndicate has obtained a concession from the Chinese Government." 117 Gorst, Harold E. China. On the economic resources of China, and the present political and commercial conditions of the country. ("The Imperial [nterest Library," edited l>y Hamish Hendry.) London: Sands and Company, 1899. xx, 300pp. Map and illustrations. l:°. ■■Mr. Gorst has produced a very readable honk, and has certainly succeeded in show- ing up very clearly seme of the chief points in the political problems which present themselves to us. now that up-to-date events have altered the bearings of the general outlook in the Far East." Hesse-Wartegg, E. v. China und Japan; Erlebnisse, Studien, Beobachtungen auf einer Reise um die Welt. Mil 44 Vollbildern, 132 im Text gedruckten Abbildungen. Leipzig: J. J. Weber, 1897. vii, 508pp. Map. 8°. Schantung und Deutsch-China. Von Kiautschau ins Hinterland Land von China und vom Jangtsekiang nach Pekin im Jahre 1898. INIit 145 in den Text gedruckten und 27 Taf el- Abbildungen, ,6 Beilagen und ."> Karten. Leipzig: J. J. Weber, 1898. vii, 264 pp. 8°. Siam, das Reich des weiszen Elefantes. Leipsig, 1899. 252 pp, 18 Tafeln und 120 Abbild. 1 Karte. 8°. Holland, Thomas Erskine. The European concert in the Eastern question. A col- lection of treaties and other public acts. Edited with introductions and notes. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1885. xii, 366 pp. 8°. Johnston, James. China and its future, in the light of the antecedents of the empire, its people, and their institutions. London: E. Stock, 1899. ix, 180pp. Illustrations. 8°. Krausse, Alexis. China in decay. A handbook to the Far Eastern question. With 6 maps and 21 illustrations. London: Chapman and Hall, 1898. ix, (1), 400pp. 8°. Russia in Asia. A record and a study, 1558-1899. With 12 maps. London: G. Richards. 428pp. 8°. Legge, W. A handbook to Hong Kong; being a popular guide t< i the vari< »us places of interest in the colony for the use of tourists. Hong Kong: Kelly & Walsh, 1893. 8°. Xieroy-Beaulieu, P. La renovation de l'Asie (Siberie, Chine, Japon). Paris: Armand Colin & Cie. 1900. 482pp. IS . Little, A. J. Through the Yang-tse gorges; trade and travel in western China. 3d revised edition. London: Lou; 1898. 340 pp. Plates. Map. 8°. Little, (Alice E. X. Bewicke). Intimate China. The Chinese as I have seen them. With 120 illustrations. Hutchinson and Company, 1889. xv, {!), 615pp. L. 8°. Marcillac, Jean de; London. La Chine qui s'ouvre. Paris: Perrin et de., 1900. xi, 306 pp. 8°. Contents: La guerre sino-japonaise et la penetration etrangere en Chine de 1894 a 1897. L'affaire de Kiao-Tcheou et le protectorat religieux en Chine. La France et la ques- tion d' Extreme-Orient en 1900. Appendices: 1. Les chemins de fer en Chine. 2. La question de la concession francaise a Chang-hai". 3. L'extension de Hong-Kong. Cartes et plans. 118 Morris, J. Advance Japan; a nation thoroughly in earnest. London: W. II. Allen and Company, 1895. xix, {1), 448 pp- Plates (wood- cuts). 8°. What will Japan do? A forecast. Loudon: Lawrence and Bullen, 1898. 198 i>i>. 8°. Norman, Henry. The peoples and politics of the Far East; travels and studies in the British, French, Spanish, and Portuguese colonies, Siberia, China, Japan, Korea, Siam, and Malaya. With 60 illustrations and 4 maps. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1895. xvi, 608pp. S°. Perowne, J. T. Woolrych. Russian hosts and English guests in Central Asia, London: The Scientific Press, 1898. 6. xvi, 188pp. Map and illustrations. 8°. Note.— The author in his preface states that he has in this book " purposely avoided any attempt to make a volume that should bring up to date our knowledge of the geographical, commercial, or political aspect of the countries" he visited. The journey is described as one of great comfort and enjoyment, and the illustrations are characteristic and numerous. The route followed was that of the Trans- Caucasus and Trans-Caspian railways from Batum to Samarcand, with trips thence to Ferghana and to Tashkent. The spelling of the place-names and translitera- tions from Russian do not follow a uniform system. Pickering, W. A. Pioneering in Formosa. Recollections of adventures among Mandarins, wreckers, and head-hunting savages. With an appendix on British policy and interests in China and the Far East. With 25 illustra- tions from photographs and sketches by the author. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1898. xvi, 283 pp. Plates. S°. Ransome, Stafford. Japan in transition; a comparative study of the progress, policy, and methods of the Japanese since their war with China. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1809. (.'), xv, (1), 96.1 pp. Plates. Maps. Portrait. S°. Reinsch, Paul S. World politics at the end of the nineteenth century as influenced by the oriental situation. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1900. xviii, 366 pp. 8°. Contents: National imperialism: The- opening of China; The consequences of the open- ing of China in world politic-: German imperial politics: Some considerations on the position of the United States as a factor in oriental politics. Skrine, Francis Henry, and Edward Denison Ross. The heart of Asia. A history of Russian Turkestan and the central Asian Khanates. With 29 illustra- tions from sketches by Verestschagin, numerous photographs, and maps. London: Mil Int en and Company, 1899. xi, (1), 444 pp. 8°. Vladimir. Russia on the Pacific and the Siberian railway. With maps ami illus- trations. London: Sampson Loir, ,/,-., 1899. xii, 373 pp. 8°. Wellby, M. S. Through unknown Tibet. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1898. xiv, 44" pp. Portraits, maps, ami illustra- tions. 8°. " This handsome volume gives a plain, straightforward narrative of the journey of Captain Wellby and Lieutenant Malcolm across Tibet and Northern China, an account of the, geographical results of which was communicated to the Society, and will appear in the 'Journal.' This volume is well illustrated and has a scries of maps of the route on the large scale of 16 miles to an inch." Younghusband, Francis. Among the Celestials. A narrative of travels in Man- churia, across the Gobi desert, through the Himalayas to India. Abridged from "The heart of a continent." London: John Murray, 1898. viii, J62 pp. Illustrations. Maps. 8°. ir9 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 1897. Convoitises japonaises et colonies europeennes. Paul Therion. Correspondent (1897), 256-282. 1897. Hainan. La colonisation chinoise; I'ile au point de vue econoinique et diplomatique. (With map.) Claudius Madrolle. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 1 (1897), 516-522. "Notes on a visit to Hai-nan in L896, with a linguistic map of the island." 1897. Les grandes voies commerciales de I'Asie centrale. Ch. E. Bonin. Sociite di giographie commerciale, Paris, Bulletin, vol. 19 (1897), 801-806. ■Mm routes in Tibet and Mongolia." 1897. Le deVeloppement Economique du Japon depuis la guerre contre la Chine. J. Franconie. (Extrait des Annales de I'Ecole libre des sciences poli- tiques.) Sociiti de giographie commerciale, Havre, Bulletin, ml. 14 (1897), 109-117, 131-138, 214-223. 1898. Die gegenwartige Lage in China. Begleitworte zu einer Kartenskizze von Dr. Tiessen. (With map.) Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, vol. 15 (1898), 268-272. ••The map shows railways completed, in construction, and projected, and also the 'spheres of interest ' of the various European power-." 1898. Kiautschou. Kolonial-Jahrbuch, <;,/. n (1898), 33-90, 148-155. "A history of the acquisition of Kiauchou, and an estimate of its value to Germany." 1898. The Yangtse basin and the British sphere. Archibald Little. Society of Arts Join:, ml. 47 (1S98), 77-84. 1898. Die Aufstande in China. Oesterrekhische Monats. fur den Orient, ml. 4 (1898), 99-104, 113-119. 1898. Questions ehinoises: Kouang-Tcheou, Sancian, Hai-Xan. (With maps.) Claudius Madrolle. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, col. 4 (1898), 6-12. 1898. Les chemins de fer en Chine, dernieres concessions. (With map.) A. Fauvel. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. i (1898), 413-419, 457-563. 1898. Le premier partage de la Chine. (With' sketch-map.) A. Montell. Revue francaise, vol. 23 (1898), 221-225, 277-283. " on the spheres of European influence in China." 1898. La province du Chantoung. (With map.) A. A. Fauvel. Revue frangaise, ml. 23 (1898), 263-276. 1898. The Chinese question; how it may affect our imperial interests. (With mail.) Archibald Colquhoun. Royal United Service Journal, ml. 42 (1898), 406-437. 1898. La part de la France en Chine. Sociiti ' giographie de Marseille, Bulletin, ml. ..' : \ 1898), l'.'.>. 1898. Les voyages et les resultats de la mission lyonnaise d' exploration commer cial en Chine. (With map. ) Henri Brenier. Sociiti dt giographie commerciale de Paris, vol. 20 (1898), 10-27. 120 1898. La situation commerciale 'Irs principales puissances en Chine, mission lyon- naise. Henri Brenier. Sociktkdi giographiedi Lyon, Bulletin, vol. 14 (1898), 693-709. 1898. Fes positions navales de la mer Jaune, Tai-Lien-Wan et Port-Arthur, Wel- Hai'-Wei'. ( With maps and illustrations.) Villetard de Laguerie. Tour du monde, vol. 4 {1898), 113-116, 129-182. 1898. L' Extreme-Orient. (With map.) M. Elisee Reclus. Sociiti royale de giographie, d' Anvers Bulletin, vol. ?2 (1898), 143-155. "On the political geography of the East and its possible changes." 1898. The Keng-hung contention; Upper Mekong trade. E. II. Parker. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, vol. ■', (Jan.. 1898), 39. 1898. Crisis in the Far East. Spectator, vol. 80 (Jan. 22, 1898), 104. 1898. British commercial relations with China, 1834-1896. Board of Tradt Jour., vol. U I Feb., 1898), 143. 1898. Treaty ports of China. B;ur'! "j Tradt Jour., vol. .", I Feb., 1898), 227. 1898. Trade and shipping of the Yangtze-kiang. Board of Trade Jour., vol. .", (Feb., IMS), 174- 1898. ( )ur trade with western China. John Foster Fraser. Contemp. Rev., vol. 73 ( Feb., 1898), 235-240. 1898. Crisis in the Far East. National Rev., vol. 30 I Feb., 1898), 817. 1898. Crisis in China. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 17 I Feb., 1898), 144- 1898. Crisis in China. Blackwood's Mag., ml. 163 \ Feb., 1898), 295. (Map.) 1898. Crisis in China. Missionary Jar., vol. 21 ( Feb., 1898), 137. 1898. Problem in the Far Fast. Contemp. Jar., ml. 73 ( Feb., 1S9S), 193. 1898. "<>f extreme gravity." (The open door in China. ) Outlook ( Eng. ). vol. 1 ( Feb. 12, 1898), 48. 1898. The development of Persian trade. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 24 (Ma,:, 1398), 373. 1898. The "but" in the Far Fast. (The open door in China.) Outlook (Era/.), vol. 1 (Mar. 5, 1898), 144- 1898. Recent move of Germany in the Fast. F. Charmes. Living Age, vol. 216 (Mar. 12, 1898), 70.5. 1898. Problem in the Far East. F. T. Jane. Contemp. Rev., vol. 73 (Mar., 1S9S), 387. 1898. The policy of playing dog in the manger. (Russia and England in China.) Spectator, vol. 80 (Mar. 12, 1898), 364. 1898. Anglo-Russian dual in the Far East. Public Opinion, vol. .", (Mar. 17, 1898), 332. 121 1898. England in China. (England's future policy in China.) Outlook {Eng.), vol. 1 {Mar. 26, 1898), 981. 1898. Chinese imbroglio. Blackwood's Mag., vol. 168 (Apr.. 1898), 552. 1898. The economic condition of Hong Kong. Boardof Trad, Jour., vol. U {Apr., 1898), 897. 1898. Trade and trade routes in Siam. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 24 (Apr., 1898), 402. 1898. The Far Eastern question. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, vol. 5 {Apr., 1898), 275. 1898. China in commotion. A. Mitchie. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, vol. 5 {Apr., 1898), 801. 1898. "Japan — A forecast." J.Morris. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, vol. ■', (Apr., 1898), 309. 1898. Mongolia, with an introduction on "The partition of China." W. E. Cowan. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, vol. ■', (Apr., 1S98), 387-400. "The account of Mongolia is stated to be translated from Lieut. Z. Matusovski's Rus- sian 'Sketch of the Chinese Empire.'" 1898. France and England in the Far East. F. 1>. Pressense. Nineteenth Century, vol. 43 {Apr., 1898), 531. 1898. England and Russia in China. Spectator, vol. 80 {Apr. 30, 1898), 612. 1898. The failure of our foreign policy. (China.) Contemp. Rev., vol. 73 (Apr., 189S), 457. 1898. What will Mr. Balfour say? ("Open-door question.") Outlook (Eng.), vol. 1 {Apr. 2. 18.98), 27 J. 1898. Crisis in China. Eclectic Mag., vol. 130 {Apr., 1898), 524- 1898. Breakdown of our Chinese policy. Diplomaticus. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 69 {May, 1898), 844- 1898. Russia and England in China. Saturday Rev., vol. 85 {May 7, 1898), 610. 1898. Independence and integrity of China. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 17 {May, 1898), 530. 1898. British interests in the Far East. Blackwood's Mag., vol. 163 {May, 1898), 718. 1898. The trade and shipping of the Yangtse-kiang in 1S97. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 24 {Mai/, 1898), 525. 1898. British interests as stated by Mr. Balfour. National Rev., vol. 31 ( May, 1898), 340. 1898. Our "expert" statesmen. (England and Russia in China.) Contemp. Rev., vol.73 {May, 1898), 628. 1898. The commercial importance of the Yang-tze. Board of Trade Jour., vol. :4 {June, 1898), 651. 122 1898. ( >ur policy in the Far East. W. Des Voeux. ( bntemp. Iter., vol. 73 {June, 1898), 795. 1898. Russia ami Mr. Chamberlain's long spoon (China). \V. T. Stead. Contemp. Rev., vol. 73 {June, 1898), 761. 1898. Splendid isolation, or what? (China and Japan.) H.M.Stanley. Nineteenth. Century, vol.43 {June, 1898), 869. IMleWs Living Age, vol. 218 [July 9, 1898), 67. Eclectic May., vol. 131 (Any., 1898), 234- 1898. Problem in the Far East. Eclectic Mag., vol. 130 [June, 1898), 744. 1898. Mr. Chamberlain's syllogism. (Russia in China.) Spt ctator, vol. 80 {June 18, 1898), 848. 1898. American competition with British trade in Japan. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 25 (July, 1898), 43. 1898. The commercial importance of the Si-Kiang (West River). With map. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 25 ( July. 1898), 31. 1898. New Chinese treaty ports. Board of Trade June., vol.25 (July, 1898), 40. 1898. The railway connection of India and China. A. R. Colquhoun. Imp. and Asiatic Quae. Rer., 3d series, vol. 6 (July, 1S9S), 35. 1898. The Yang-tsze valley and British commerce. A. Barton. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev.,3d series, vol. 6 | July, 1898), 62. 1898. New China. Tau Sien Ko. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, ml. a | July, i.s'.''.s'), 69. 1898. England's foreign policy in China. Edinburgh Rev., vol. 188 (July, 1898), 25^. 1898. The Crown colonies in Asia in 1898. G. D. Badenoch. lieip. and Asiatic Qaar. Rev., 3*1 series, ml. 6 (July, 1898), 91. 1898. England's future policy in China. A. Michie. National Rev., vol. 31 (July, 1898), 6.54. 1898. England and Russia. (China.) Independent, vol.50 (Any. 11, 1898), 427. 1898. AYei-Hai-Wei, our latest leasehold possession. (Being recollections of Wei- Hai-Wei, with suggestions for a definite policy in the Far East.) R. S. Yorke. Fortnightly Rer., ml. 70 (July, 1898), 36. 1898. Lord Salisbury and China. Saturday Her., ml. 86 (July 16, 1898), 70. 1898. French aspirations in the Upper Yangtse. Spectator, ml. 81 (Any. 13, 1898), .'in. 1898. England and Russia. Outlook, vol. 59 (Aug. 13, 1898), 901. 1898. England's future empire in the Far East. Contemp. Jar., ml. 74 {Aug., 1898), 153. 1898. The cotton industry of the Far East. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 25 (Sept., 1898), 290. 123 1898. The trade of British, French, and German possessions in WestAfrica. With map. Board of Trade Jour., vol 25 (Sept., 1898), 264. 1898. England and Russia. C.F.Hamilton. Canadian Mag., vol. 11 {Sept., 1S9S), 444- 1898. The Yangtse Valley and its trade. Archibald Little. Contemp. Rev., vol. 74 (Sept., 1898), 363-374. 1898. British record in China. A. Krausse. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 70 (Sept., 1S98), 347. 1898. Great Britain and Russia in China. Harper's Weekly, vol. 4J (Sept. 17, 1898), 906. 1898. England and Russia in China. National Rev., vol. 32 (Sept., 1898), 12. 1898. The trade of East Africa. With map. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 25 (Oct., 1898), 390. 1898. England's destiny in China. F. E. Younghusband. Contemp. Pur., vol. 74 (Oct., 1898), 457. 1898. British record in China. A. Krausse. EdecticMag., vol. 181 (Oct., 1898), 486. 1898. England and Russia in the Far Fast. G. Drage. Forum, vol. 26 (Oct., 1898), 129. 1898. China, England, and Russia. Imp. and Axi: it'ir Quar. Rev., 3d serieSj vol. 6 (Oct., 1898), 300. 1898. Coming struggle in the Pacific. B. Taylor. Nineteenth Century, vol. 44 (Oct., 1898), 6.56. 1898. United States policy in China. M. B. Bunnell. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 167 (Oct., 1898), 393. 1898. The United States and the Far Fast. M. W. Hazeltine, Mark B. Bunnell. No. Amer. Err., vol. 167 {Oct., 1898), 885. 1898. Customs tariff of Japan. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 25 (Nov., 1898), 546. 1898. The trade and shipping of North Africa. With map. Board of Trade Jour., wl. 25 (Nov., 1898), 517. 1898. Trade regulations of the Yang-Tsze Kiang. Boon! of Trade Jour., vol. 25 | Nov., 1898), 534. 1898. Customs tariff of Japan. Boardof Trade Jour., vol. 25 (Nov., 1898), suppt. 1898. The resources and means of communication of China, (i. (i. Chisholm. Geogr. Jmr., vol. U (Nov., 1898), 500-519. 1898. Crisis in the Far East. A. R. Colquhoun. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 161 (Nov., 1898), 513. 1898. Coming struggle in the Pacific. B. Taylor. Eclectic Mag., vol 131 (Nov., 1898), 662. 1898. England's destiny in China. F. F. Younghusband. Eclectic Mag., vol. 131 (Nov., 1898), 70S. 124 1898. British trade and the integrity of China. Holt S. Ilallett. Fortnightly Rev. n. s., vol. 63 {1898), 664-679. 1898. Eastward expansion of the United States. A. R. Colquhoun. Harper's Monthly, vol. 97 {Nov., 189S), 932. 1898. Trade and shipping of South Africa. With map. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 25 {Dec, 189S), 645. 1898. Trade and shipping of Portuguese West Africa, French Congo State, and the Congo Free State. With map. 1895-96. Board of Trade Join., vol. ..'■', ( Dec, 1898), 639. 1898. Coming fusion of East and West. E. F. Fenollosa. Harper's Monthly, vol. 98 {Dec, 1898), 115. 1898. Shall the open door be closed? G. Reid. National Rev., vol. 32 {Dec, 1898), 491. 1898. An experiment in commercial expansion. (The Congo State.) Royal Statistical Society Jour., vol. 61 {Dec, 1898), 640. 1899. The commercial development of Japan. O. P. Austin. National Geogr. Mag., vol. 10 {1899), 329-337. 1899. Les telegraphes et les postes en Chine. With map. A. A. Fauvel. Questions Diplomatiques et Coloniales, rot. 6 {1899), 88-87. 1899. La Chine economique, d'apres les travaux de la mission lyonnaise, 1895- 1897. With map. M. L. Ravenean. Annates de geographic, vol. 8 {1899), 62-73. "A summary of the great report of the commercial mission of the Lyons chamber of commerce." 1899. Eine Rekognoszierungsreise in der Provinz Schan-Tung. With map. A. Gaedertz. Petermann's MittheU., rot. 4~> (1899), 49-56, 82-91, 106-113. 1899. The prospect in Chinese trade and the present opportunity. G. F. Scott Elliot. Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 1899, p. 20. 1899. Les chemins de fer en Chine. With map. M. Jean de Marcillac. Questions Diplomatiques et Coloniales, vol. 7 {1S99), 265-274, 321-332. 1899. Les chemins de fer en Chine. (With map.) J. Servigny. Revue Francaise, rot. 24 {1899), 157-164. 1899. Notice geographique, ethnographique et commerciale snr le haut Fleuve Rouge (de Yuan-kiang a Man-hao). (With map. ) Societe de Ghgraphique Commerciale, Paris. Bulletin, vol 21 {1S99), 80-97. 1899. La province du Tche-Kiang (Chine). A. A. Fauvel. Questions Diplomatiques et Coloniales, rot. 8 {1899), 22-28. 1899. The administrative history of the British dependencies in the farther East. H. M. Stephens. Amer. Historical Rev., vol. 4 (Jan., 1899), 246. 1899. Anglo-America and China. G.Sharp. Anglo-American Mag., rot. 1 {Jan., 1899), 90. 1899. American interests in the Far East. J. Foord. Anglo-American Mag., col. 1 (Jan., 1899), 1. 125 1899. Russia and England in China. P. S. Reinsch. The Arena, vol. 21 {Jan., 1899), 75. 1899. China; spheres of interesl and the open door. R..S. Gundry. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 66 (Jan., 1899), 87-52. 1899. Future relations of Great Britain and the United States. ('. W. Dilke. Forum, vol. 26 (Jan., 1899), 515. 1899. The partition of China. A. Little. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, vol. 7 (Jan., 1899), 58. 1899. A colonial empire on economic and just principles. II. R. Fox Bourne. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, vol. 7 (Jan., 1S99), 94. 1899. The open door in China. Independent, rnl. 52 (Jan. 11, 1899), 187. 1899. Secretary Hay's open door victory. Public Opinion, vol. 28 (Jan. 11, 1899), 37. 1899. America in the Far East. W.E. Griffis. Outlook, vol. 61 (Jan. 14, 1899), 110. 1899. Mr. Morley on jingoism. Spectator, vol. 82 (Jan. 21, 1899), 77. 1899. The commercial future. The new struggle for life among the nation!: Brooks Adams. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 05 (Feb., 1S99), 274- •1899. The awakening of China. J. Smith. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 168 (Feb., 1899), 229. 1899. Lord Beresford's open door mission to the United States. Public Opinion, rnl. ..'6 (Feb. 23, Mar. 2, 1899). 233, 263. 1899. Perfects of England's war; a retrospect from the twentieth century. J Foreman. Westminster Rev., vol. 1.51 (Feb., 1899), 146. 1899. The trade and trade routes in Siam. ( With map. ) Board of Trade Jour., vol. 26 (Mar., 1899), 267. 1899. The trade of Thibet. (With map.) Board of Trade Jour., vol. 26 (Mar., 1899), 284. 1899. China to be partitioned'.' Independent, vol. 51 (Mar. 16, 1899), 775. 1899. Crisis in China. Independent, rnl. 51 (Mar. 16, 23, 1899), 721, 798. [Map.] 1899. Breaking up of China. Nation, rnl. 68 (Mar. 30, 1899). 226. 1899. The dissolution of the Chinese em] lire. I>. C. Boulger. Xo. Amer. Ret:, vol. 168 (Mar., 1899), 258. 1899. Lord Charles Beresford on America and the Far Fast. C. II. Sliinn. Outlook, rnl. 61 ( Mar., 1899), 530. 1899. Ttaly, Russia, and England in China. Outlook, rnl. 61 i Mar. 18, 1899), 618. 1899. Far Eastern press on the Beresford policy. Public Opinion, vol. 26 (Mar. 9, 1899), 299. 126 1899. Italy's demand upon China. Public Opinion, vol. 26 I Mar. 80, 1899), 394: 1899. Russia versus England? Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 19 [Apr., 1899), 401. 1399. Japanese view of China's predicament. Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 19 (Apr., 1899), 481. 1899. A year's diplomacy in Peking. Blackwood's Mag., vol. 165 {Apr., 1899), 773; Living Age, vol. ..'.'1 I J/"//. 1899), 371. 1899. New routes for Persian trade. (With map.) Board of Trade Jour., vol. 26 (Apr., 1899), 397. 1899. British North Borneo. John Jardine. Contemp. Rev., vol. 75 {Apr., 1899), 578. 1899. Lord Salisbury's new Chinese policy. Diplomaticus. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 71 [Apr., 1899), 539. 1899. American opportunities in China. ■ 1899. England's commercial policy towards her colonies. Polit. Sri Quar., vol. 1 ', {June, 1S99),211. 1899. The expansion of Russia. Saturday lor., ml. 87 {June 17, 1S99), 755. 1899. American trade interests in China. Protectionist, vol. 11 (Jinn; 1899), 71. 1899. The imperialism of British trade. " Ritortus." Contemp. Rev., ml. 76 {July, 1889), 132. 1899. China; spheres of interest and the open door. R. S. Gundry. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 66 {July, 1S99), 37. 1899. America in China. Harper's Weekly, ml. .;.; {July 29, 1899), 736. 1899. Intercourse in the past between China and foreign countries. T. L. Bullock. Imp. anil Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, vol. 8 (Jul;/, 1899). 9.'. 1899. Khokand and China. E. II. Parker. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, vol. 8 {July, 1899), 114. 1899. Shall the United States unite with England or Russia? Independent, ml. 51 {July 18, 1899), 1895. 1899. England's policy in China. V. Holmstrem. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 169 {.Tali/, 1899), 17. 1899. Interview with the foreign adviser to the Emperor of China. Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 20 {Aug., 1899), 204- 1899. The break-up of China, and our interest in it. Atlantic Monthly, vol. 84 {Aug., 1899), 276. 1899. Regulations for navigation on Chinese inland waters. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 27 {Aug., 1S99), 172. 1899. United States; the paramount power of the Pacific. J.Barrett. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 169 {Aug., 1899), 165. 128 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. Trade relations with our islands. Protectionist, vol. 11 {Aug., 1899), 215. American policy on the Chinese question. Protectionist, vol. 11 {Aug., 1899), .'■;',. The awakening of an island empire. (Japan.) R. W. Grant. Anglo-American Mag., vol 2 {Sept., 1899), 269. The opening of new ports in Japan. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 27 {Sept., 1899), 292. Immigration regulations for the islands of Cuba and the Philippines. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 27 (Sept., 1899), 305. White man's burden in China. Senex. ( nut, mp. Rev., vol. 76 | Sept., 1899), 318; Li ngAge, ml. 223 {Mar., 1899), .'74. America, England, and Germany as allies for the open door. J. Barrett. Engineering Mag., vol. 17 {Sept., 1899), 89,3. Yangtze region. E. S. Gundry. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 72 {Sept., 1899), 448. Ex oriente lux; a reply. A. Little. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 169 (Sept., 1899), 329. Territorial government and differential duties. A. Clarke. Protectionist, vol. 11 (Sept., 1899), 288. China's appeal to Japan. Public Opinion, ml. 27 (Sept. 14, 1899), 331. How to save China. Public Opinion, en/. 27 {Sept. 28, 1899), 402. Imperial Chinese railways. Engineering, vol. 68 (Oct. 20, 1899), 500. Commercial Japan. 0. P. Austin. Forum, vol. 28 (Oct., 1899), 146. The coming struggle for Persia. R. P. Lord. Imp. and Asiatic Quae. Rev., 3d series, vol. 8 {Oct., 1899), 284. America and England in the East. Sir C. W. Dilke. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 169 (Oct., 1899), 558. Chinese railroad and mining concessions. C. Denby, jr. Forum, vol. 28 {Nov., 1899), 334. Will Chinese development benefit the Western world? J. P. Young. Forum, vol. 28 {Nov., 1899), 348. Saxon or Slav? (With map.) J. R. Procter. Harper's WeeeMy, vol. 43 {Nov. 25, 1899), 1179. Our duties in China. Independent, vol. 51 (Nov. 16, 1899), 3103. From London to Karachi in a week. (With map.) Francis H. Skrine. Scottish Geogr. Mag., vol. 15 (Nov., 1899), 462-470. " Suggestion for a mail route by India by uniting the Russian railway at Kushk with the Indian system at Chaman by the new line of 438 miles." Trade of the new "open ports" of Formosa. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 27 {Dec, 1899), 540. 129 1899. The coming storm in the Far East. (China.) "Ignotus." National Rev., vol. 34 {Dec., 1899), 494- 1899. Russia and Japan; a coming struggle. A. "White. Harper's Weekly, vol. 43 {Dec. 23, 1899), 1291. 1900. Our interests in China. J. Barrett. .1/,,. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 21 {Jan., 1900), 42. 1900. Gains and losses in the Pacific. J. G. Leigh. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 73 (Jan., 1900), 45. 1900. Commercial possibilities of China. G. S. Fearon. Forum, vol 28 [Jan., 1900), 592. 1900. Foreign trade of the United States. W. P. Sterns. Jour. ofPolit. Economy, vol. 8 (Jan., 1900). 1900. Philippine islands and their environment. J. Barrett. National Geogr. Mag., vol. 11 (Jan., 1900), 1. 1900. The open door in China. Outlook, vol. 64 {Jan. 13, 1900), 19. 1900. Philippines; the Oriental problem. X. P. Chipman. Overland Monthly, vol. 35 (Jan., 1900), 22. 1900. British interests in China. Quar. Rev:, vol. 191 (Jan., 1900), 1. 1900. The British sphere in China. Saturday Rev., vol. 89 {Jan. 6, 1900), 16. 1900. Reform in China. G. Reid. Forum, vol. 29 (Feb., 1900), 724. 1900. Japan's entry into the world's politics. G. Droppers. International Monthly, vol. 1 (Feb., 1900), 162. 1900. The expansion policy and the protectionists. Literary Digest, vol. 20 (Feb. 3, 1900), 139. 1900. The "Palace revolution" in China. Literary Digest, vol. 20 (Feb. 17, 1900), 223. 1900. China and the Philippines. P. Cones. Open Court, vol. 14 (Feb., 1900). 1900. Lettre d' Extreme-Orient; le Japon, l'Angleterreet laRussie. JeandeCuers de Cogolin. (host 'mux Diplomatiques et Coloniales, 4' an nee, no. 71 (Feb. 1, 1900), 139. 1900. Eastern commerce; what is it worth? E.Atkinson. No. Amer. Her., vol. 170 (Feb., 1900), 295. 1900. Our interests in China. Protectionist, vol. 11 (Feb., 1900), 595. 1900. Chine entr'ouverte; sa perfectibility. P. Barre. Revue de Geography | Few., 1900). 1900. Les droits de la France au Siam. P. Ibos. • Revue de Geographic I Few., 1900). 4997 9 130 1900. < rrowth of our foreign policy. R. Olney. Atlantic, vol. 85 {Mm-., 1900), 289. Note.— Discusses "Open door" advantages, etc. 1900. The warfare of railways in Asia. A.H.Ford. Century, vol. 59 (Mar., 1900), 794. 1900. Western benefits through China's development. Ho Yow. Forum, vol. 29 {Mm:, 1900), 79. 1900. Russia's sphere of influence; or, A thousand years of Manchuria. E. H. Parker. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev. 3d aeries, vol. 9 {Apr., 1900), 287. 1900. The warlike policy of the Empress dowager of China. W.N. Brewster. Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 21 {Apr., 1900), 462. 1900. Trade corporations in China. M. M. Courant. Appleton's Pop. Sci. Monthly, vol. 56 {Apr., 1900), 722. 1900. The Eastern question. E. Maxey. Arena, vol. 23 {Apr., 1900), 358. 1900. A successful colonial experiment. (Hongkong.) Poultney Bigelow. Harper's Mag., vol. 100 {Apr., 1900), 712. 1900. Secretary Hay and the "open door" in China. Literary Digest, vol. 20 (Apr. 7, 1900), 415. 1900. A Japanese view of Japan in transition. A. Kinnosuke. Critic, vol. 36 ( .1/"//, 1900). 1900. The United States and the future of China. W. W. Rockhill. Forum, vol. 29 {May, 1900), 324- 1900. Problem of Asia. A. T. Mahan. Harper'* Mag., vol. 101 {May, 1900). 1900. The British sphere in Asia. C. E. D. Black. Nineteenth Century, rot. 47 (May, 1900), 767. 1900. Japan and Russia in the Far East. J. Murdock. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 170 {May, 1900), 609. 1900. Powers and the partition of China. G. Reid. No. Amer. Rev., ml. 170 (May, 1900), 634. 1900. The impending partition of China. W. W. Rockhill. Collier's Week!;/, vol. 25 {June 16, 1900), 3. 1900. Russia's opening for Anglo-Saxon enterprise in Asia. A. R. Ford. Engineering May., vol. 19 (June, 1900), 354. 1900. The attitude of the United States toward the Chinese. Ho Yow. Forum, vol. ."■' (June, 1900), 385. 1900. In the Far East. Literary Digest, vol. 20 {June 9, 1900), 705. 1900. Antagonism of England and Russia. D. C. Boulger. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 170 {June, 1900), 884. 1900. The Chinese situation. Outlook, vol. 65 {June, 1900), 338. 131 1900. The ferment in China. Tin Nation, vol. 70 (June 21, 1900), 47". 1900. America's part in the far-Eastern crisis. IMerary Digest, vol. 20 (June 23, 1900), 743. 1900. The Chinese disturbances and the powers. Literary Digest, vol. JO (June 23, 1900), 764. 1900. Is Russia to control all of Asia? A.H.Ford. Cosmospolitan,vol>29 (July, 1900). 253. 1900. Railway development in China. W. B. Parsons McClure's Mag., vol. 15 (July, 1900), 238. "*<* FROM Wmr-,, U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES II I III CD3 c 13biaD4