09RP ■ ">'-i'S t^^ b ' ■V- vlJl W w'-' .' H^^ Y;^r ff:X, I iV ■ ■ .'A :- . ^■7 J" 'M THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES •I '■ 1.. .'■>. ' ' / ■, V, ■ 'S<-'' [■■ >■■ •« :• ,1 ,•*;■'""' . *•- • .|!.' , . <>^'1-!i'v ll=P\ (a) so that the intensity of pressure on the plane ABba is the same as that of the pressure on every other plane at P. The reason, then, why the bodily force does not interfere with the fundamental result (u) is that the pressures on the faces of the prism are finite quantities multiplied by infinitesimal areas, while the bodily force is a finite quantity multiplied by an infinitesimal volume, and, when diminishing the size of the prism indefinitely, its volume vanishes in comparison with the areas of its faces. The j)roposition of this Article is a particular case of a general result in the theory of the Stress and Strain of any material body whatever. (See Statics, vol. ii. p. 396.) This theorem is so imj)ortant that we reproduce it here. At any point, P, (l^'ig. 4), inside any body which is subject to the action of external forces, and which, there- & 8 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinctics. fore is strained throughout its substance, let two very small element-planes, s, /, of equal area, be placed in any two positions, how^ever different ; let Pn, Pu be their normals drawn at P. On the upper surface of s, as seen in the fio-ure. let the resultant stress exerted bv the substance in its neighbourhood be represented in magnitude and line of action by Pf; and similarly let the stress on '',{,'"' *' be represented by Pf. From ./' let fall fi' perpendicular to Pn', and from/" let fall./"/ perpendicular to Pn. Then Pr is the compo- nent of the stress on s along the normal to /, and Pr is the component of the stress on / along the normal to .v ; and the important general theorem to which we refer is that — whatever he the nature of the body, whether solid., perfect Jltdd, or impeifect "fluids Pr = Pr', (2) if, as supposed, the area of the element-plane s = that of /. If these areas are unequal, the projections of the stress Pf Pf intensities, and -^> along the normals Pii and Pn s s are equal, i. e., p^ _ p/ We may designate this remarkable theorem as the Theorem of the projections of stress-intensities, and the following simple proof of it may be given. At the point P in the substance (Fig. 5) let xx'h'h be any element-plane whose boundary is a rectangle of area s ; let hU c c be another element-plane inclined at the angle B to the former, its boundary being also rectangular, and such that c'cxx' is a plane perpendicular to the plane xx'h' h. The figure therefore is that of a small rectangular prism, which we may imagine to be closed by the terminal General Properties of a Perfect Fluid. t.nan<4"n];ir f:iccs hxc and h'x'c. Consider llic st'iiavate equiliLiium of the substance enclosed within this prism. Since the areas of all the faces are very small, the stress is uniformly distributed on each of them, and the resultant stress on any face acts, there- fore, at its centre of area ('centre of g'ravity'). Now we aim at showino^ that the theorem of projection holds for the two faces xx h'h and hh' c c. Let n be the centre of area of the face xx' c c, and express the fact that the sum of the moments of all the forces acting" on the prism about the line mn, parallel to xx\ is zero. To this sum of moments nothing* will be contributed by the stress on the face xx c' c, since this force acts at n. Resolve the stress on each face into three components parallel to Tx, Py, and F z. No force parallel to Px will give any moment, and it is easy to see that the sum of moments contributed by the two faces hxc and h' x' c will be an infinitesimal of the fourth order, the linear dimen- sions of the prism being- infinitesimals of the first order. For, draw Ty and Fz parallel to xc, and xh^ and let Fx = a, Py = /3j Fz — y ; also let the components, in these directions, of the intensify of stress on the plane zFy be P, Q5 -^\ each of these being a function of the co- ordinates of the point P, the co-ordinate axes being' sup- posed to be taken at some fixed origin parallel to P«, P^, IPz. The two latter components for the face hxc are Q + a —r— and it + a - , - ; ax ax and those for Ij'x'c' are (IR. (e-a^)a„d-(A'-a^; lo Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokiiictics. These are stross-ifi/cmsifies, and therefore each of them must be multiplied bv the area, idy, of the faces on which they act. Taking- moments about mn, the first two give and last two g-ive a moment of opposite sign in which, moreover, a is chang-cd to — a ; hence the whole sum of moments for these terminal faces is a/3y . ^ttR dQ. , x This, we shall see, is infinitesimal compared with the moments of the stresses on the faces hh'xx and hh'c'c, which act, respectively, at the middle points of Pz and z}/. For clearness the mid-section, zP>/, of the prism is repre- sented in Fig-. 5 with the arrows representing the forces on the faces above named, the components parallel to Px, perpendicular to the plane of the figure, not being* repre- sented. If i\^ and T are the components of stress intensity on hij'x'x, the forces rN and rT are, respectively, N .s and T.s, whose sum of moments round the point n in the previous sense is ^ --{yN+m^) (5) If Y, Z are the components of stress-intensity on the face // l/cc, the forces represented by ^ 1' and 2:)Z in the figure are / . 5 sec and Z .s sec 0, whose sum of moments about u is -.yJsec^ (6) Now since s is ay, we see that the moment (4) is of the fuurth order of small quantities, while (5) and (6) are each of the third, and therefore (as in p. 7) the first would disappear ultimately in any equation involving all three. Again, it matters not whether the substance of the prism is acted upon by external force or not ; for this force General Properties of a Perfect Fluid. ii would be proportional to the volume \afty, and its moment about VI u would involve the product of this volume and another infinitesimal of the first order; hence the moment of the external Ibrce would be of the fourth order, and it is, therefore, to be ne.^lected in comparison with (5) and (6). The equation of moments, then, is simply yYsQcO = yiy+l3T, .-. Y= NcosO + TainO, .... (7) which asserts the truth of the theorem, because the rif,-ht- hand side of (7) is the projection of the stress-intensity on the plane xjc b'b along- the normal to the plane hh' c c, and the left the projection of the stress-intensity on iVc'c along- the normal to the first plane. To see how simply this shows that the stress-intensities on all element-planes at a point P in a perfect fluid are equal, let us recur to our former definition of such a body (p. 3). Assume, then, the strained body to be such that the stress Pf (Fig-. 4) acts in the normal nT andP/' acts in the normal n'F. If (^ is the ang-le between the normals, P;- = P/. cos(/ , and Pr - Pf . cos^ ; therefore (3) gives Pf Pf / ' that is, p = p, where jj and // are the intensities of pressure on the two element-planes. Hence the result that if a hody is such that the dresses on all element-planes at a jmnt are normal to these planes, the intensity of the stress is the same for all. This principle is sometimes loosely spoken of as the principle of the ' equality of fluid pressure round a point.' The equality is thus shown to be a mathematical deduction from the normality. Of course at any other point, Q, in the fluid the pressure- 12 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. intensity may be very different from what it is at P, this (liHerence always depending on forces which act hodllij on the fluid mass ; forces which act only at the surface of the fluid would not, as will be seen, produce different pressure- intensities at different points. Hence, then, at each point, P, in a perfect fluid acted upon by any forces there is a certain pressure-intensity, 7?, which has reference simply to the point itself and not to any direcilon at the point ; in other words, if (a?, y, z) are the co-ordinates of P, p = , with respect to X, y, z. Such a result, for example, as dp = ydx — xdy could not hold for a perfect fluid. 5. External Bodily Forces and Surface Forces. A mass of fluid on the surface of the Earth or any planet is acted upon by the attractive force of the planet in such a way that each particle of the fluid experiences this external force, which is called the weig-ht of the particle. Some iluids are of a mag-netic nature, i. e. each particle of them feels the attractive or repulsive force of the pole of a General Properties of a Perfect Fluid. 13 mao-nct. Forces which, proccedini'- in iliis \vii\' from ex- ternal bodies, are felt by the separate particles of the fluid are called bod 1/1/ forces. If we ima<>-ine the Huid taken out into interstellar space, at a practically infinite distance from every star and mag-net, its molecules would have no weig-ht and would experience no force of any kind from external bodies ; and if we imag-ine further that we accom- pany the fluid to such a reg-ion, supplied with nothing- but a vessel fitted with pistons, we should be unable to in- fluence the internal portions of the fluid in any other way than by producing- pressure on various portions of its bounding" surface. External forces thus produced merely at places on the bounding- surface are called su) face forces. 6. Principle of Pascal. Jf a perfect fluid is acted upon ly no other than surface forces, the inte7isity of pressure is constant all over the surface and at all points in the interior of the mass. Let a perfect fluid be contained within the contour ABC D (Fig-. 6), and suppose pressure to be applied over its surface so that the intensity of this pressure at A is ]> pounds' weight per square inch. At A take a very small area, s square inches, represented by A A\ and on this little area erect a rig-ht cylinder, A P, of any leng-th. Now consider the separate equilibrium of the fluid contained within this cylinder. This fluid is held in equilibrium by the force j*; . s pounds' weight acting* on A A', a pressure on the base at P, and a series of pressures all over its curved surface. Resolving forces in the direction AP, we have j),s = the pressure on the base at P, since the pressures on the curved surface are all at right angles to AP. But the 14 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrohinetics. area of the base is also .« square inches, therefore if ;/= in- tensity of pressure at P, p .s ^= p'.s . . . . ( I ) . • . p = [/. Ao^in. the pressure intensity at every point on the sur- face is also p. For, let the base at P be turned round throuo-h any angle, and on its new position construct a right cylinder cutting the surface obliquely at P. Let 9 be the angle between the normal to the surface at P and the axis, F JS, of the cylinder; let j/ be the intensity of pressure exerted by the envelope at P on the fluid, and consider the separate equilibrium of the fluid in the cylinder P B. The area of the normal cross-section of the cylinder being ft, the area cut off from the surface at P is .v sec 6, and the total pressure on this is j/. -s- sec 0. Now resolving along the axis PB for the equilibrium of the enclosed fluid, we have p ..s = p . s sec 6 . cos 6, ••• /=1^- This may also be seen by constructing on the area s at J a tube, AA' BB', of any form whatever and of uniform normal cross section. The fluid inside this tube is kept in equilibrium by the terminal pressures on A A' and B B^ together with the pressures of the surrounding fluid which are all normal to the sides of the tube. Hence (except that the terminal forces at A and P are pressures and not fensious) this fluid is in the same condition as a flexible string stretched over a smooth surface and acted upon by two terminal forces only, in addition to the continuously distributed normal pressure of the smooth surface ; and it is obvious, by considering the equilibrium of each ele- mentary length of the tube, that the forces per unit area at ^ and P are equal. General Properties of a Perfect Fluid. 15 In the same way the intensity of pressure at any point, Q, in the mass can bo proved to lie ;; ; for Q and F can be connected by a slender riyht cylinder havin*^' equal and ])arallel plane bases at Q and P. This method of proof shows that if the stress on every element-plane in the substance were not normal, its in- tensity would not be tlie same at all points. For, if the stresses on the different elements of the curved surlace of the cylinder APA' were ol)lique, they Avould furnish a component parallel to AP, and the equality (1) would cease. Hence in a viscous fluid, i. e. one in which there is friction between neig-hbouring' molecules, the pressure- intensity is not necessarily the same at all points. If the area A A' is an aperture, fitted accurately by a piston, in a vessel ABC I) containing" the fluid, the pressure at A may be produced by loading* this piston. Suppose the area of the base A A' of the piston to be 2 square inches, and the total load on the piston to be 40 pounds' weight ; then even/ element of the surface of the containing- vessel will experience pressure at the rate of 20 pounds' Aveight per square inch, every element-plane in the interior will also experience this intensity, and the pressure will be uniform all over every plane area imagined in the fluid, however great its area may be. Here, however, a caution may be given. If ABC I) is a vessel filled with water, and if a piston at A produces an intensity of pressure of 20 pounds' weight per square inch, we shall not find the intensity at such a point as C to be 20, but something" notably greater if C is at a lower level than A ; and at a point of the surface hig'her than A the intensity would be found to be less than 20 pounds' weight per square inch. But the reason of this is suffi- ciently indicated in our formal enunciation of Pascal's Principle — viz., that on the surface of the Earth water is i6 Hydrostatics mid Elementary Hydrokinetics. acted upon by a bodily force (gravitation). If, however, we could take the vessel of water into interstellar space and apply pressure at A by a piston, we should actually find the same intensity at all points of the containing- vessel. We may, indeed, regard the Pascal Princi])le as ahoayts holding in a perfect fluid — even when the fluid is acted upon by gravity or other bodily force — but the evidence of the Principle will be masked by a second cause of pressure, viz. bodily force. If, however, the bodily force were re- moved, the undiminished intensity of surface pressure pro- duced at any point would at once evidence itself. If the fluid were hydrogen, or any light gas, the Pascal Principle would, even on the surface of a planet, be almost accurately verified within such a moderate volume as a few cubic feet of the gas, because the bodily force (weight of an element volume of the gas) is too small to generate any appreciable pressure. In accordance with the Principle of Pascal, loe may ahoays regard a perfect jluid, even when acted upon by gravitation, as a machine for transmitting to all points, in icndiminihhed amount, any intensity of pressure produced at any point of its siirface. This invariable transmission of surface pressure will proceed, pari ptassn, with increase or diminution of pressure produced by gravitation; but the two causes of pressure can be kept mentally quite distinct. Thus, for example, at a depth of lOo feet in a fresh water lake, the intensity of pressure due to the weight of the water is about 43^ pounds' weight per square inchj as will be seen later on. But at the top of the lake there is a pressure intensity of about 15 pounds' weight per square inch produced by the weight of the atmosphere, and the water acts as a machine for transmitting this latter unaltered to every point below, so that the actual pressure intensity at a point 100 feet down is 58^ pounds' weight per square inch. General Properties of a Perjcct Fluid. 17 7. The Hydraulic Press. A machine the action of which ilhistrates the Princii)le of Pascal is the Hydraulic Press, repreKented in Fig-. 7. It consists of a stout cylinder, A, in which a cast iron piston, or ram, P, works up and down. Tliis piston has a strong- iron platform fixed on the top ; on this platform is placed a substance which is to be subjected to great Fig. 7. pressure between the platform and a strong- plate, B, fixed to four strong- vertical pillars. The pressure is applied at the bottom of the piston P by a column of water which is forced into the cylinder A throug-h a tube, t, which communicates with a reservoir of water, B. The water is driven out of i? by a force-pump whose piston, /;, has a much smaller diameter than that of the piston B\ c 1 8 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydvokinetics. the piston ;j is worked up and down by means of a lever i/, and the cylinder in which p works terminates inside the vessel ^ in a rose, r, the perforations in which admit water while preventing the entrance of foreig-n matter. It is easy to see what an enormous multiplication of force can be produced by this machine. If F is the force applied by the hand to the lever L, n the multiplying ratio of the lever, and s the area of the cross-section of the piston p, the intensity of pressure produced on the water in the nP . . vessel B is — ; so that if S is the area of the cross-section s of the piston P, the total force exerted on the end of this piston bv the water in A is n£ .- • s Thus, if /S = I00 5 and the ratio, n, of the long to the short arm of the lever i/ is 5, the upward force exerted on the piston P is 500 F, so that if a man exerts a force of 100 pounds' weight on the lever, a resistance of nearly 50000 pounds' weight can be overcome by the piston. In order to prevent the intensity of pressure in the vessel B from becoming too great, a safety-valve closed by a lever loaded with a given weight, JF, is employed. The Hj^draulic Press remained for a long time com- paratively useless, because the great pressure to which the water was subject drove the liquid out of the cylinder A between the surface of the piston P and the inner surface of the c^dinder. This defect was remedied in a very simple and ingenious manner by Bramah, an English engineer, in the year 1 796. In the neck of the cylinder A is cut a circular groove all round, and into this groove is fitted a leather collar the cross-section of which is repre- sented at c in the form (f^. This collar is saturated with oil, in order that it may be water-tight, and it will be seen General Properties of a Perfect Fluid. 19 that it presses with its left-hand and upper portion ag-ainst the cylinder A, while its rig-ht-hand portion is ag-ainst the piston P. When, by pressure, the water is forced up between the surface of the piston and the surfiice of the cylinder, this water enters the lower or hollow portion of the inverted U-shaped collar and firmly presses the leather against both the piston P and the surface of the g-roove, thus preventing any escape of water from the cylinder. In consequence of this great improvement in the machine, it is very commonly called BramaJts Press. In order to prevent the return of the water from the cylinder A on the upward stroke of the piston ;;, there is a valve, represented at I in Fig-. 7, and shown more clearly at Fig. 8. i in Fig-. 8, which is a simple sketch of the essentials of the force-pump. When the piston p rises, a valve, e, in the pipe dipping- into the reservoir B, opens upwards and allows the water to fill the cylinder J and to flow through to the valve i. When /; descends, the water closes the valve e and is forced to open the valve i which is pressed c 2 20 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokineties. down by a spiral si)rino^. When the piston p moves u]) wards, the water which has passed the valve i into the cylinder xL cannot return into the cylinder / because it obviously assists the spring- in closing- the valve i. The safety-valve is represented at v in Fig-. 8. The piston p works in a stuffing-box in the upper part of the cylinder /, this stuffing--box playing- the same part as the leather collar round the ram — i. e., preventing- leakag-e. The piston must not fit the lower part of the cylinder / tightly, because when p in its downward motion passes o, the cylinder *vould be burst if the water above the closed valve e could not escape round the piston and out throug-h the valve i. Another machine depending- essentially on the same principles and illustrating- the Principle of Pascal is the Ihjdrodaiic Bellows, which is formed by two circular boards connected, in bellows fashion, by water-tig-ht leather, the boards being the ends of a cylinder the curved surface of which is formed by the leather. One of these boards being- placed on the g-round, the other lies loosely on top of it. A narrow tube communicates with the interior of this cylinder. If this tube is a long- one and held vertically, when water is poured into it at its upper end, the upper board of the bellows, and any load that may be placed on it, will be raised by the pressure of the water, the intensity of which pressure depends (as will be subsequently ex- plained) on the height to which the narrow tube is filled. 8. Liquids and Gases. An absolutely incompressible perfect fluid is called a liquid; but the term liquid is also applied to fluids which can be compressed, but which re- quire very great intensity of superficial pressure to produce even a small compression. The cubical cowj)ressihility of any substance (see Statics, vol. ii., Art. 387) is thus measured : take any volume, v, of General Properties of a Perfect Fluid. 21 the substance (for simplicity a spherical, cubical, or cylin- drical, volume) and let its surface be all over subject to pressure of uniform intensity, hp ; measure the decrement, — hv, of volume produced ; theu the fractional compression is ; and if we divide the intensity of pressure which produces this by the fractional compression we obtain the measure, viz., hp dp r- ^ OV — V -—, (a) 8v' dv ^ ' V of the modulus of cubical compressibility of the substance, this modulus being- evidently a force per unit area. Thus, if the volume and its decrement are measured in cubic centimetres, while the intensity of the pressure is measured in dynes per square centimetre, we obtain the modulus of compressibility in absolute C. G. S. units. If k is this modulus, we have -4, = ' W If k is a constant, we have the case of a homogeneous solid or a liquid — extremely large values of k characterising a body of the latter kind. If k varies sensibly with the intensity of pressure, p., in any way, we have bodies of various physical natures, according to the mode of dependence of k on p. If, for instance, k is equal to p, the body is a perfect gas. Putting k = p \u (/3) and integrating, we have pv = constant, the well-known equation expressing the law of Boyle and Mariotte for a perfect gas whose temperature remains unaltered while its volume and intensity of pressure vary. Hence for a gas compressed at constant temperature t/ie 22 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. modulus of cuhical conqnessihility is eqical to its intensity of 2)ressure. This modulus is sometimes called the ' resilience of volume ' ot" the strained substance. It may be expressed in terms of the density instead of the volume ; for if p is the density of the substance inside the volume v, since the mass remains unaltered, we have vp = v^^Pq = constant, where Vq and p^ are the volume and density of the element considered before strain. Hence (/3) becomes dp p~ = k. dp (y) Employing the units of the C. G. S. system (forces in dynes, &c.) the following- is a table of resiliences of volume for various liquids * : Temp. Cent. Coefficient of Resilience of Vol. Distilled Water .... Sea Water Alcohol Ether >) Bisulphide of Carbon . . Mercury 15 17-5 15 14 14 15 2-22 X 10^'' 2-33 X io^° I-2I X IO^° I-II X 10'" •93 X 10'" •792 X 10^'' i-6o X io^° 54.20 X io^° 9. Specific Weight. By the term specific loeight of any homogeneous substance we shall understand its weight per unit volume. If w is the weight of any homogeneous substance per unit volume, a volume V will have a weight given by the equation w = r. w. * Taken from Everett's Uiiits and Physical Constants. General Properties of a Perfect Fluid. 23 It will be useful to remember that I cubic foot of water has a mass of about 6%\ lbs. I „ „ „ » jj » ,; 1000 ounces. I „ inch of mercury „ „ -491 lbs. These numbers are, of course, only approximate, because the mass of a cubic foot of any substance depends on the temperatm*e at which it is. A gramme is defined to be the mass, or quantity of matter, in i cubic centimetre of water when the water is at its temperature of maximum density ; this temperature is very nearly 4° C. A term in frequent use is the specific gravity of a sub- stance, which oug-ht, apparently, to sig-nify the same thing as its specific weight; but it does not. The specific gravity of any homogeneous solid or liquid means, in its ordinary employment, the ratio of the weight of any volume of the substance to the weight of an equal volume of distilled water at the temperature 0° C. Thus, for example, in the following table of specific gravities : srold gUlLi . . . • • ^y:J silver . . . • . IO-5 copper . . . . 8-6 platinum . . . . 22-0 sea- water . . . 1-026 alcohol . . . . -791 mercury . • • ^3-596 the number opposite the name of any substance does not tell us the weight of a cubic foot, or of any other volume, of the substance ; it merely tells, with regard to platinum, for example, that a cubic foot of it, or a volume V of it, is 22 times as heavy as a cubic foot, or a volume V, of dis- tilled water. A table of specific gravities is a table of relative weights of equal volumes. In the C. G. S. system, 24 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. since the unit of wcig-lit is that of i cubic centimetre of water, and since water is the substance with which in a table of specific gravities all solids and liquids are compared, the number (specific gravity) opposite any substance ex- presses the actual mass, in grammes, of i cubic cm. of the substance. If s is the specific gravity of any substance and to the actual weio'ht of a unit volume of the standard substance (water), the weight of a volume V of the substance is given bv the ec| nation -^ W= Vsw. The term density is also used to denote the mass, per unit volume, of a substance. Thus if mass is measured in grammes and volume in cubic centimetres, the density of silver is 10-5 grammes per cubic centimetre ; the density of mercury is 13-596 grammes per cubic cm. If mass is measured in pounds and volume in cubic inches, the density of silver is '3797 lbs. per cubic inch and that of mercury •491 lbs. per cubic inch. These latter numbers are, of course, proportional to the former. The term (Jensiti) has no reference to gra\'itation. If silver and mercury are taken from the Earth to a position in interstellar space in which there is felt no appreciable attraction from any Sun or Planet, it is still true that silver has a mass of 10-5 and mercury a mass of 13-596 grammes per cubic cm. Neither would,- in this position, have any specific tveifjht, since there is no external force of attraction acting on them ; but the moment they are taken to the sui'face of any Sun or Planet, each acquires weight, and the ratio of the Aveights of equal volumes of them is the ratio, 10-5 : I3'596, of their densities. If, for example, they were carried to the surface of the Planet Jupiter, the weight of a cubic cm. of each would be nearly 2\ times as great as it is on the surface of the Earth ; but a table of relative General Properties of a Perfect Fluid. 25 weii^hts of substances on Jupiter would be exactly the same as a ta])le of relative weig-hts on the Earth. If any given volumes of a num])er of homog-eneous sub- stances are mixed tog-ether in such a way as to make a homog-eneous mixture whose volume is the S7(ni of the volumes of the separate substances, the specific weig^ht of the mixture is easily found. For, let v^ and w^ be the volume and specific weight of the first substance ; v^ and Wg those of the second ; and so on. Then if w is the required specific weight of the mixture, since the weight of the mixture is equal to the sum of the separate weights, - (i'l + v., -\-v..+ ...)io = v\w^ + v^w^ + fgWg + . . . ; to = l,v Such a mixture is called a mechanical mixture — as, for instance, a mixture of sand and clay. But when a chemical combination takes place between any of the substances, the volume of the mixture is not equal to the sum of the volumes mixed — as when sulphuric acid is mixed with water. If for any chemical mixture V (which must be specially measured) is the volume of the mixture, it is evi- dent that we have, as above, w = V Example. A cask A is filled to the volume v with a liquid of specific weight w ; another cask, B, is filled, also to the volume v, with another liquid of specific weight s ; - is taken out of A and — also out of B, the first being put into B and the second into A , and the contents of each cask are shaken up so that the liquid 26 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinctics. iu each becomes homogeueous. The same process is repeated again aud again : find — (a) the specific weight of the liquid in each cask after m such operations ; (6) the volume of the original liquid in each cask. Ans. \i w — s is denoted by d, and if w^, s^ are the specific weights of the liquids in A and B, respectively, after m opera- tions, and the volume of the original liquid in either cask is l-(-Dl V 2 [N.B. The liquids are assumed not to enter into chemical combination.] CHAPTER II. B(n) CENTRE OF PARALLEL FORCES (ELEMENTARY CASEs). 10. Points and Associated Magnitudes. Let A and J^, Fig. 9, bo any two jjoints, ri' any plane whatever, A3I and SN the perpendiculars from A and JJ on the plane, and G a point on the line AB dividing- it in the ratio of any two magni- tudes, m and n, of the same kind, so that -p7^, = - ; then the per- pendicular, GQ, from G on the plane is given by the equation m.AM + 7i.BN I . Gq= m + n For, draw Ast parallel to 3IN, meeting GQins. GQ = Gs + sQ = Gs + AM. Then _, Gs n But -j^, = ; Bt m + n Gs = n m + u {BN-AM). Substituting this for Gs in the value of GQ, we have (a). The figure represents m and n as associated with A and B, respectively, and G divides AB so that the segments next A and B are inversely as the magnitudes associated with these points. If one of the magnitudes, m. and «, associated with either point is negative, the dividing point G is to be taken on AB produced or on BA produced, according as n or m is numerkaUy the greater (irrespective of sign). Thus if the 28 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. mag-nitude associated with B is — w, the distance of the point G from the plane PP is m.AM — n.BN (/3) m—n The result (a) is well known in the composition of two parallel forces of like sense acting at A and P, while (/3) api^lies to the case in which the parallel forces are of unlike sense. If parallel forces w^hose magnitudes are vi and n act in the same sense and in anjj common direction at A and B, equation (a) gives the distance of their ' centre ' from any plane ; while (^) gives the distance of the centre of parallel forces of unlike sense. The results (a) and (/3) have not, however, been restricted to the case in which m. and n axe forces. These quantities may be, as said before, any two magnitudes of the same kind — e. g., two masses, two areas, two volumes, &c. The case in which one — say n — is negative may also be repre- sented by supposing in and — n to be a positive and a negative charge of electricity. When m and n are quantities of matter, the point G is called their centre of mass (see Statics, vol. i., Art. 90). When m and n are positive, the magnitude rii-\-n is associated with G ; and if the magnitude associated with B is —n, the magnitude m — n is associated with G. As ^ Let there be any number of '-f ^ As given points, A^, A^, A^,... ^^^ ^n ^123 ^"'^' (Fio". 10) with which are asso- A' -' . . (m'^) ciated any given magnitudes Fig- 10- %, Wo, m.y.. respectively, and take the centre, ^^g' ^^ ^^^ magnitudes m^, w/^, then take the centre, g-^o?,^ of the magnitude m^ + m^ at ^1^ and the magnitude m.^ at ^3, then the centre of m^ + m^-\- m^ at ^j23 Centre of Parallel Forces {Elementary Cases). 29 and W4 at A^, and so on. In this way we arrive at a final point, 6', wliieli is the centre of the whole system of magni- tudes. It is required to express the distance of this point from any plane in terms of the "•iven mag-nitudes and the distances of their associated points from the i)lane. This is easily done by (a). For, if the distances of A■^^, Ao, Ar^,... from any plane are, respectively, z^, z^, z^,... and Cjo is the distance of ^12 fio"fi the plane, we have by (a), W, Z-i + Wo Z., ^12 = ; — ^-~"' • Also if 2'i23 is the distance of ^123 from the plane, _ (n?^ + m.^z^.^ + m^z.^ _ m-i z-^ + m2Z2 + W3 2-3 Hence, by repeated applications of the simj^le result (a), if z is the distance of G from the plane, m-i z^ + m^z^ + m^z^ + m^z^+ ... z = • • • (y) Imz =Y^ (^^ The plane of reference, PP, may be such that some of the points are at one side of it and some at the other side. In this case some of the ^'s are positive and some negative, the side of the plane which we take as positive being a matter of choice. If the points A^, A.^,... are not all in one plane, to de- termine the position of G, we shall require to find its distances from some l/iree planes of reference. If the points ^1, A.^,... all lie in one plane, it will be sufficient to find the distances of G from any two lines in this plane. In this case PP (Fig. 9) may be supposed to be a mere line in the plane of the given points, although, strictly speaking, 30 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. it represents, in this case, a plane perpendicular to the plane of the points. If the points A^^ A^,..,^ lie on a right line, G lies on this line, and its position will be known if its distance from any other line is known. When w/j, ^2 5 ^%v are masses, G is their centre of mass, and equation (y) expresses the Theorem of Mass Moments^ the product mz^ of any mass, w;, and the distance, ■?, of its centre of mass from a plane being called the moment of the mass with respect to the plane. Cor. The sum of the moments of any masses with respect to any plane passing through their centre of mass is zero. Even when m-^^,m^, m^,... are not masses, but any magni- tudes of the same kind (forces, areas, &c.) we shall refer to (y) as the Theorem of Mass Moments. When Wj, m^, 7/i.^,... are the magnitudes of a system of parallel forces acting at A^, A^, A^,... in any common direction, the point G is called the centre of the si/stem of jiarallel forces. It is evident that the distances z^,z^.,... need not be per- pendiculars ; they may be oblique distances — all, of coui'se, measured in the same direction. The work of practical calculation is often facilitated by forming tables of masses, distances, and products, in columns, as in the following example. Examples. 1. At the vertices, A, B, C (Fifj. 1 1) of a triangle and at the middle points, a, b, c, of the opposite sides act parallel forces whose magnitudes and senses are represented in the figure; find the position of the centime of the system. p. The position of the centre will be known if its distances from any two sides, AB and AC, are known. Centre of Parallel Forces {Elementary Cases). 31 To find its distance from AB, let the length of the perpen- dicular fi'oni C on AB he p; and form a tal)le of forces and distances of their jwints of ajjplication from AB as in the ibl- lowing scheme, taking as positive those forces which act in the sense of that at A : — Forces. Distances from A li. Products. Distances from AC. Products. 10 -16 8 - 6 — 12 14 P \r -8^> 8;; -2P 1 -3 5 — I2q iq — 2 -zp -Sq The sum of tlie first column answers to 2 m, the denominator of (S), p. 29, while the sum of the third column answers to 21 mz, the numerator, so that the perpendicular distance of the centre from -45 is -3P or — 2 h- Drawing, then, a line parallel to AB at a distance f p (above C), we know that G lies somewhere on this line. Denoting the perpendicular from B on A G by q, forming a table (column 4) of distances from AG, and a column (number 5) of corresponding products, and dividing the sum of these products by the sum of the forces, we have the distance of G from A G equal to -8<7 "" 4 q. or ■2q Hence G lies on a line to the right of B distant 4 q from AC. The i)oiut of intersection of this with the previous line is G. 2. From a solid homogeneous triangular prism is removed a portion by a plane parallel to the base cutting off - of the axis measured from the vertex ; find the distance of the centre of 32 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. mass of the remaining frustum from the base. Let ABC be the middle section of the prism perpendicular to its vertex, edge, and let PQ rejiresent the cutting jjlane. Now the volume of the whole prism is to the volume of the removed prism as the area ACB is to the area PCQ ; and since the areas of any similar plane figures are proportional to the squares of corresponding lines in them {Euclid, Book VI. prop. 20), area PCQ = -^ (area ACB). Hence if V is the volume of the whole prism, the volume of the small prism = —^ , and that of the frustum = ( 1 ^^ V. ^ IV- ^ w/ Now let 7i be the length of the j^erpendicular from C on xiB, and equate the mass-moment of the whole prism with respect to the base AB i^ the sum of the mass-moments of the frustum and the small prism. Since the centre of mass of a prism is distant by \ of the height from the base, the distance of the centre of mass of PCQ from AB is i — [- ( i \\ or h. If, then, x is the distance of the centre of mass of the frustum 3 ^ n J rr 3 n {n—i){n+2) .-. x=i- 7 -—./i. 3. From a solid homogeneous cone is removed a portion hy a plane parallel to the base cutting off — of the axis measured from the vertex ; find the distance of the centre of mass of the remaining frustum from the base. (The volumes of similar cones are proportional to the cubes of corresponding linear dimensions. Hence if V is the vol. of the whole cone, the vol. of the small cone = -^ V.) Ans. The distance = ^ '-\~^ ,— . h. 4n{n +n+i) Caitrc oj Parallel Forces [Elenienlary Cases). 33 4. From the middle point of one side of a triangle is drawn a porpondicular to the hase; find the distance, from the base, of the centre of area of tlie quadrilateral thus formed. Ans. If h is the height of the triangle, ^j ^• 5. Find the position of the centre of area of a trapezium. Ans. It is on the line joining the middle points of the two parallel sides, and if the lengths of these sides are a and h, and /( the perpendicular distance between them, its distance from the side a is 26 + a , 6. Prove that the distance of the centre of area of a triangle from any plane is one-third of the algebraic sum of the distances of its vertices from the plane. (The centre of area of any triangle is the same as the centre of mass of three equal pai'ticles placed at its vertices.) 7. Prove that the distance of the centre of area of a plane quadrilateral from any plane is where ^z is the sum of the distances of its vertices, and ^ the distance of the point of intersection of its diagonals, from the plane. 11. Continuously Distributed Forces. We shall now find the centre of a system of parallel forces distributed continuously over a plane area, in a few simple cases which do not require the application of the Integral Calculus. (i) If normal pressure acts all over any plane area in such a way that its intensity is the same at all points, the resultant pressure acts at the centre of area (' centre of ccravity,' so called) of the figure. For, if at any two points, A, B, in the given figure we take any two elements of area, the pressures on them are directly proportional to the areas themselves, and the resultant of these forces acts at a point in the line AB dividing it into segments inversely as the forces, i. e., inversely as the areas ; hence D / / / / / / ^L „ 34 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinctics. it acts at the centre of area of the two elements of area. The process, therefore, of finding- the point of application of the resultant of the whole system of pressures acting- on the indefinitely g-reat number of elements of area into which the g-iven fig-ure can be broken up is precisely the same as that of finding- the centre of area of the fig-ure. A (2) If parallel forces act at \ all points of a rig-ht line, \^ AB^ Fig-. 12, in such a way \ that the force at any point p _\f P is directly proportional Q \ to the distance, VA, of P \ from one extremity, A^ of the \ line, the resultant force acts at the point on AB which is ^'^- "• I of the length AB from A. For, imagine AB to be broken up into an indefinitely great number of small equal parts, PQ ; describe any isosceles triangle, MAN, having AB for height, and from all the points, P, Q, ... of division of AB draw parallels to the base MN, thus dividing the area MAN into an in- definitely great number of narrow strips. The area of any strip, QF, is simply proportional to the distance, PA, of the strip from A. Hence the areas of the strips are exactly proportional to the giv'^en system of parallel forces ; but the centre of area of the strips, or centre of area of the whole triangle, is | AB from A. This point is, then, the centre of the given system of forces, (3) If parallel forces act at all points of a right line, AB, Fig. 12, in such a way that the force at any point P is proportional to the scpare of the distance, BA, of P from one extremity. A, of the line, the resultant force acts at a point on AB which is |- of the length AB from A. For, imagine AB to be broken up, as before, into equal Centre of Parallel Forces {Elementary Cases). 35 elements, such as PQ ; describe any solid cono havinq- AB for its axis, and let this cone be represented by j\rAN. From all the points of division of AB draw planes parallel to the base iO^of the cone, thus dividing- the cone into an indefinitely g-reat number of thin circular plates. The volume of the plate at P is itPF- x PQ, and since the thicknesses of the plates are all equal to PQ, the volume of the plate is proportional to PF^, i. e., to PA^. Hence the volumes of the plates vary exactly as the forces of the given system, and therefore the centre of volume of the plates is identical with the centre of the force system ; but the former (centre of volume of the cone) is f A.B from A ; therefore, &c. (4) If parallel forces act at all points of a rig-ht line AB, in such a way that the force at any point P is propor- tional to the product of the distances PA, PB of P from the extremities of the line, the resultant force acts at the middle point of AB. For, taking- a point, P', w^hose distance from B is equal to that of P from A, the forces at P and P' are evidently equal ; their resultant therefore acts at the middle of AB. Hence the system of forces from A to this middle point is the same as the system from B to this point ; the re- sultant, therefore, of the whole system acts at the middle point of AB. (5) If each infini- tesimal element of any plane area is acted upon by normal pressure pro- portional conjointly to the magnitude of the area and ^^--~.-____- — ^ to the distance of the t'ig- ^3- element from a given plane, the wagnitude of the resultant pressure will be proportional to the product of the whole D 2 36 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. plane area and the distance of its centre of area from the wiven plane. For, let yOx, Fi"-. 13, represent the g-iven plane, and ABCD the g-iven plane area. Take any point, P, in this area, and round P describe a very small closed curve whose area is s. Let Pi\^, the perpendicular from P on the plane yOx, he denoted by z\ then, by hypothesis, the amount of force,/, on the element at P is g-iven by the equation where yt is a given constant. If /, /',.,. are any other elements of area whose distances from the g-iven plane are /, /',.., the resultant pressure, being- equal to the sum o^f,f',f'\ ... of the individual pressures on the elements, is equal to , , , , „ „ v But if ^ = the area of the whole plane fig-ure, and z is the distance, G^Q, of the centre of area, G, from yOx, we have ._ , , „ „ Az = SZ + s z + s z" + . . . . Hence if P is the resultant pressure, P = k.A.z (a) The student must be careful to observe that the resultant pressure does not act at G, but evidently at some such point as /, whose distance from the plane yO:c is g-reater than the distance of G from the plane. In this case, then, the mean intensity of pressure on the area is that which exists at G. CHAPTEE III. LIQUID PEESSURE ON PLANE SURFACES. Elementari/ Cases. 12. Intensity of Pressure produced by Gravity. Let ACB, Fig. 14, be a vessel of any shape containing water or other homogeneous liquid. Then at each point, P, of the liquid the action of gravity pro- duces a certain intensity of pressui'e, the magnitude of which we proceed to find. At P draw an in- definitely small horizontal element of area — s square inches, suppose — and on the contour of this area describe a ver- tical cylinder, PN. Consider now the separate equilibrium (Art. 3) of the liquid in this cylinder. If PN is z inches in length, the volume of the cylinder = z .8 cubic inches, and if the specific w^eight of the liquid is iv pounds' weight per cubic inch, the weight of the cylinder = wzs. This cylinder is acted upon by a vertically upward pressure on the base 5 at P and a system of horizontal pressures round its curved surface, in addition to its weight — omitting, for the present, the surface pressure at N produced by the atmosphere or any other cause. 38 Hydrostatics mid Elementary Hydrokinctics. If p pounds' weight per square inch is the intensity of pressure at P, the upward pressure on the base * is j*; . s. Resolving- forces vertically, we have, then, p . s =^ wz . s \ . • . p — wz^ (a) which gives the required intensity of pressure. If the surface intensity of pressure is p^ pounds' weight per square inch, this will be added to the value (a), by Pascal's princii)le ; hence the complete value of 7; is given by the equation p^wz^lh \P) Observe that we have not assumed the bounding surface AB to be horizontal. Without any reference to the shape of the surface AB^ we can see that the intensity of pressure is the same at all points P, Q, ... which lie in the same horizontal plane. For, draw PQ ; at P and Q place two indefinitely small equal elements of area, s, perpendicularly to PQ ; form a cylinder having PQ for axis and these little areas for bases, and consider the separate equilibrium of the liquid enclosed in this cylinder. The forces keeping it in equili- brium are its weight, a system of pressures all round its curved surface, and the pressures on its bases at P and Q. Resolving forces along PQ for equilibrium, neither the weight nor the system of pressures on the curved surface will enter the equation ; therefore the pressure on the base 5 at P = the pressure on the (equal) base « at Q ; that is, the intensity at P = the intensity at Q. From this it follows that the bounding surface AB on which at all points there is either no pressui'e, or pressure of constant intensity, must he a horizontal plane. Liquid Presstirc on Plane Surfaces. 39 For, take any two points, P, Q, in a horizontal plane, and let their vertical distances below ylB be z and /. Then by (/3), we have ivz' + Pf^ = jvz + p^; » » z — z^ that is, all points in the same horizontal plane are at the same depth below the surface AB — which proves AB to be a horizontal plane. It is usual to speak of the surface, AB, of contact of the liquid wdth the atmosphere as ihe free surface of the liquid. It is simply a surface at each point of which the intensity of pressure is constant, the constant being the atmospheric intensity. The result at which we have arrived may be also stated thus — all points in a heavy homogeneous liquid at which the intensiiy of pressure is the same lie in a horizontal p)lane ; and from this it follows that if a mass of water partly enclosed by subten-anean rocks, &c., has access to the atmosphere by any number of channels, the level of the water will be the same in all these aj_|_j/; _H AJi-d. 4JLi/ Fig. 15- channels. It is to be carefully observed that z in (a) and (/S) is the depth of the point P (Fig. 15) below the free surface — not the distance, PD, of the point P from the roof of the cavity in which the water is partly confined. We may here, if we please, consider the separate equili- brium of a small vertical cylinder of the liquid terminating- at i>, and we shall have simply the result (/3) in which, 40 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. however, p^ would now mean the vertical downward com- ponent of the pressure intensity of the roof of the cavity at D on the water. But the result (3) holds for the intensity of pressure at P if PII is put for r, where // is the foot of the perpendicular from P on the plane of the free surfaces ab, cd, ef of the water ; for, nowhere in the liquid will the state of affairs be altered if we imagine the roof of the cavity to be removed, and the space bl)c to be filled with water up to the level he. In this way we shall have a vertical cylinder, PH, unobstructed by the roof, and term- inating on the free surface. It is usual to illustrate the fact that all parts of the free surface of a liquid lie in a horizontal plane by taking a vessel, ABC, of any shape and fitting into it tubes or funnels of various forms, and then pouring water in through any one of these tubes, the visible result being that the water stands at the same level in all the tubes. This is, indeed, nothing more than the principle of separate equilibrium (see end of Art. 3) ; for, these variously shaped funnels may be supposed to have been surfaces traced out in imagination in a large vessel of water whose free surface was af\ these imagined surfaces being then replaced by material tubes, and the outside liquid removed. The level of the liquid in each tube would still be af. 13. Superposed Liquids. If in a vessel, AOB, Fig. 16, several liquids be placed as layers, one on top of another, there being no chemical combination between them, the common surface of each pair of liquids is a horizontal plane. Let the specific Liquid Pressure on Plane Surfaces. 41 weights of the liquids be w^, Wg, W3, ... . The free sui-face, AB, has been ah-eady proved to be a horizontal jilane (Art. T 2) ; and the same process will prove CD, the surlace of separation of n\ and w^, to be a horizontal plane. For, in the licpiid ic, take any two points, Q, Q' (as in Fi^-. 14, p. 37), in the same horizontal plane. Then by taking a slender horizontal cylinder having QQ' for axis, we prove that the intensity of pressure at Q = that at Q'. Now taking a vertical cylinder Qtnn, at Q, considering its separate ecpulibrium, we find that if p is the intensity of pressure at Q, and Qm = x, nm = y, Similarly if Q' m n' is the vertical line at Q\ and m =. X , m n ■= ij , p = w^x' + w^/. Hence w^{x-x) = w\{/-i/) (1) But Q)i = Q!n\ i.e., x^-y = x'+y\ .'. x-x' ^y -y ; so that unless x — x'—o and y —y = o, equation (1) will give Wj = ?<'2, which is not the case, by hypothesis. Hence we must have Qm = Q^n/, and mn = m'n', and since this holds for all points Q, Q' in the same horizontal plane, all points, tn, m,.,. in the surface CD are at the same height above the same horizontal plane ; therefore CD is a horizontal plane. Similarly, by taking two points in the same horizontal plane in the liquid W3, we prove that EF is a horizontal plane. If // J and Ji.^ are the thicknesses of the layers %\ and w.^ , and if 11 is a point in iv.^ at a depth z below the surface, EF, of w^, the intensity of pressure, p, at R is given by the equation 77, /^\ 42 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. to which, if atmospheric (or other) pressure acts on the uppermost surface AB, must be added /;q, the intensity of this surface pressure, so that 2^ = p^ + w^ h^ + 10. Ji.^ + ti'^z (3) Similarly for any number whatev^er of superposed layers. Each layer of liquid, in fact, acts as an atmosphere, producing- an intensity of pressure on the next layer below it equal to t^'h, (4) where w is the specific weight of the layer and h its thickness. If the ^'s are measured in centimetres and the ?^'s in grammes' weight per cubic centimetre, the above equations express^ in grammes' weight per square cm. The method of regarding any layer of liquid, even token v/ there is only one liquid in question, as an atmosphere pro- ducing an intensity of pressure given by (4) 07i the layer on 2ohick it rests, this intensity being then transmitted tin- altered to all points below (by Pascal's principle) is one which we shall frequently employ in the sequel. From the general principle [Statics, vol. i., Art. 121) that, for stable equilibrium, any system of material particles acted upon by gravity only must arrange themselves into such a configuration that their centre of gravity occupies the lowest position that it can possibly occupy, it follows that in a system of superposed liquids of different densities they must arrange themselves so that the density of each liquid is greater than that of any one above it. Again, if ABC, Fig. 17, represents a vertical section of a vessel of any shape into which are poured two different liquids, AB and BC, which do not mix, the system will settle down into a position in which the centre of gravity of the whole mass occupies the lowest position that it can Liquid Pressure on Plane Surfaces. 43 occupy, and the vertical heijni-hts, h, It, of the free surfaces, A and 6', above the common surface, B, of the liquids will be inversely propor- , tional to the specific \ \ f ^^^—^^ weio-hts of the li- ^ ^^ j k /~y ^ quids. ^^ I '■^^^ To see the latter, ^^s^ ^S^^^^^^ we may take any ^^5^;^^:.;=:-=-^'^ point (most con- -^'o- '7- veniently a point in the common surface B) and equate the intensity of pressure produced there by everything at one side of the point to the intensity of pressure pro- duced by everything at the opposite. Thus, let w and to' be the specific weights of the liquids AB and BC, respectively ; select a point, P, in the common surface B. Then if h is the difference of level between P and A, the intensity of pressure produced at P by the liquid AB and the over- lying atmosphere at A is wh +Pq. Also, // being the difference of level of P and C, the intensity of pressure at P produced by the right-hand liquid and the atmosphere above C is There is only one intensity of pressure at P ; hence these must be equal ; 7/7/ ^ . • . %o .11 — 70. h , (5) which shows that the heights of the free surfaces above the common surface, B, of the liquids are inversely as their specific weights. Thus, if AB is mercury and BC water, the surface C will be 13-596 times as high above B as the surface A is. As an example, let two liquids, AB, BC, Fig. 18, be poured into a narrow circular tube held fixed in a vertical 44 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. plane, the leng-ths of the arcs occupied by the liquids being assigned ; it is required to find their positions of equi- librium. The figure of equilibrium will be defined by the angle, Q, which the radius. OB^ to the common surface of the liquids makes with the verti- cal, 01). Let the angles, AOB, BOC, sub- tended by the liquid threads at the centre of the circle be a, a ; let their specific weights be w, w\ re- spectively ; and let r be the radius of the circle. Equate the intensity of pressure produced at B by the one liquid to that produced by the other. The difference of level between B and ^ is r [cos ^ — cos (^ + a)}, and this multiplied by w is the pressure intensity at B due to the first liquid. The difference of level of B and C is r {cos Q — cos {a — &). Hence w {cos^ — cos((? + a)} =?/ {cos 6) — COS (a'— 6)}, . (6) a w sm" tan Q = ^ • w sin- - 2 w' sin a + to sin a (7) The equation (6) is easily seen to express the fact that the centre of gra\aty of the system of two liquid threads has, in the position of equilibrium, the greatest vertical depth below that any geometrical displacement of the two liquid threads could give it. For, the centre of graxdty of the thread AB lies on the radius bisecting AB and is at . a sm - a distance ir from [^Statics, Art. i66); its ver- Liquid Pressure on Plane Surfaces. 45 . a sm- iical depth below is therefore 2r cos ( — \- O), and ^ o ^2 ^ the weig-ht of the liquid AB is proportional to raw. Hence if is the depth of the centre of gravity, G, of the two liquids, we have, by mass-moments, (a?(/' + aw'^ - = 110 sin - cos ( — h Q\-\-iw' sin — cos ( 6^ . . (8) If we make Q such that 5 is a maximum, by equating to zero the differential coefficient of the right side of (8), we have the result (6). Of course it follows from the elements of Statics that G is in the vertical radius 01). (The reactions of the tube all pass through 0, &c.) 14. Pressure on a Plane Area. Let A BCD, Fig. 13, p. '^^^ represent a plane area occupying any assigned position in a heavy homogeneous liquid whose free surface is xOi/. Then if w (pounds' weight per cubic inch, suppose) is the specific weight of the liquid, and z (inches) is the depth, FN, of any point below xO?/, the intensity of pres- sure at P, due solely to the weight of the liquid, is tvz. Hence (case 5, p. '^$) the resultant pressure on one side of the area is , _ / x A . z . w, (a) where A (square inches) is the magnitude of the area, and z is the depth, GQ, (inches), of its centre of area below the free surface. If on the free surface, xOy, there is intensity of pressure (atmospheiic or other) of p^^ (pounds' weight per square inch), this pressure will produce its resultant, Aj)q, at G, and the total pressure on one side of the area is A{zw-{p^) (^) 46 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. As before pointed out (p. 36) the pressure (a) due to the liquid does not act at G, but at some point lower down. If a plane area, S, Fig*. 16, p. 40, occupies an assigned position in a liquid on the surface of which are superposed g-iven columns of other liquids, the resultant pressui-e on the area is easily found. For, if z is the depth of the centre, 6", of area heloio the surface EF, of the liquid w^, the pressure of this liquid is Azw^, where A is the magni- tude of the area. Also the column AB produces a resultant pressure equal to Ak-j^ Wj , where h■^^ is the thickness of the column ; the second column produces Ak^^ w^ ; so that the total pressure on S is A {Ji^ v\ + h.^ w.., + z ?/".) ; (y) and similarly for any number of liquids, the resultant pressure will be A {7i^ w^ + //^ u-2 + /'3 w^+ ...+z w^), ...(b) where z is the depth of G helow the surface of the liquid, w^, in which the area lies. Examples. 1. If a plane area, occupying any position in a liquid, is lowered into the liquid by a motion of translation unaccom- panied by rotation, show that the point of application of the resultant pressure on one side of the area rises towards the centre of area, G, the more the area is lowered. (See Fig. 20.) Draw the horizontal plane CD, touching the boundary of the area at its highest point, and consider the pressures due separately to the layer between CD and the free surface, AB, and to the mass of liquid below CD. Since there is no change in the position of the area relative to the liquid below CD, this latter pressure will always act with constant magni- tude and point of application, /^ ; but the pressure of the super- incumbent layer, always acting at G, increases in magnitude with X, the distance between AB and CD. Hence of the two parallel forces — at /^ and G — the first remains constant, while the second continually increases ; their resultant, therefore, gets nearer and nearer to G as CD is lowered. Liquid Pressure on Plane Surfaces. 47 2. A triangular area of 100 square feet has its vertices at depths of 5, 10, and 18 feet below the surface of water; find the resultant pressure on the area, the atmospheric intensity being 15 pounds' weight per square inch. Ans. 127-12 tons' weight. 3. Find the depth of a point in water at which the intensity of the water pressure is equal to that due to the atmosphere. Ans. About 34^ feet. 4. A rectangular vessel i foot high, one of whose faces is 6 inches broad, is filled to a height of 4 inches with mercury, the remainder being filled with water ; find the total pressure against this face, the atmospheric intensity being 15 pounds' weight per square inch. Ans. About 11172 pounds' weight. 5. Into a vessel containing mercury is poured water to a height of 8 inches above the mercury. If a rectangular area 6 inches in height is immersed vertically so that part lies in the mercury and part in the water, find the length of the area im- mersed in the mercury when the fluid pressure on this portion is equal to that on the portion in the water. Ans. Nearly 1-39 inches. 6. Into a vessel containing a liquid of specific gravity p is poured water to a height a. If a rectangular area of heiglit h is immersed vertically, part in the water and part in the lower liquid, find the length of the area in this liquid when the fluid pressures on the two portions are equal. V {2 a — hf + h{2 a—h) {j+p) — {2a — h) A ns. • 7. A beaker containing liquid is placed in one pan of a balance, and is counterpoised by a mass jdaced in the other jjan. If a solid body sus^jended by a string held in the hand is then immersed in the liquid, what will be the effect on the balance 1 If the string sustaining the solid is attached to the arm from which the pan containing the beaker is suspended, and the system counterpoised by a mass in tlie other pan, will the state of the balance be the same whether the body is immersed in the beaker or not ? 48 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. BC, are at ^'^^^'^ T", ^Thr^^ BC inclined at the an.^le a point B downward ^""f^'^^l^'^'^Xiy^^^ of specific wei,d.t w to the horizon ; mto i5 ^M^o^^^d a iiq l ^^,^^^ ^ j. j the leu-th of the column being , luto^o i wl — w I tan a^ of specific weight w is -;;7(74:iiir^ ' the position of equilibrium. . the angles . Tf 4-l.P m^ecific weights are w,, ^2- ''.''s' •■• » i^is. If the specmc w ^ ^ | o^ liquid a^,a^,a„..., ?o the free extremity of the liquid ..„ tan , \ Po« f fj + a ^ + (^^'4 - ^'^s) cos{a^ + a^+a^ - (^,,_^,)sina, + K ^3; V. ^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ .^ 10. A rectangular area, L'^^^'\^,^^^^^^i,^, one side, L3f, in the free surface of water ; show how to divide the area, by horizontal lines into n strips on each ot which the water pressure shall be the same. Let LM^ci, LR = h w = specific weight ot liquid, and measure the Fig. 19- depths, x^,x^,x^, . . • of the ,. • • 1 ^ 1 rm 1 m ..• each from the successive lines of division, Z,m„ l,m,, l,m„ surface. i ^ ^\ . The- tl,e pressure on the rectangle Z», = - (p-ssure on LS) . Lvi., = - ( n •' n „ ); Liquid Pressure on Plane Surfaces. 49 and so on. Thus, instead of calculating the pressures on the separate strips, Lii\, L^m.,, L^vi^, ... and equating them to - n of the pressure on LS, we take successive rectangles each having one side L3I in the free surfoce. Tliis is simpler. h Now the pi'essure on LS is ah . — .w; the pressure on Lm^ is aajj . — .to; pressure on Lm^ is ax^ . — . w ; hence 03,^ = - /r, . • . X, = h — J ^ n ' ' ' \/ n X.?' = -h"^, . • . x, = h/\ / -i x,? = -h^, . • . X- =i h A. / -' n 'V ** 11. A triangular ai-ea, ABC, has its vertex A in the surface of water, its plane vertical, and its base BC horizontal ; divide the area by horizontal lines into n strips on which the water pressures shall be equal. Ans. The depths of the successive lines of division are h(^, h(^, h(^f,...h(^,.... ^01'' ^n^ ^H'' ^H'' 12. A trapezium whose i^lane is vertical has one of the parallel sides in the free surface of a liquid ; divide the area by a horizontal line into two parts on which the liquid pressures are equal. Let a, h be the parallel sides, the former lying in the surface ; let h ■= height of trapezium ; let c = h — a, and x = deptli of the required line ; then x is given by the equation 2c{2x^ — h'^) + ■^ah[2X- — h-) — o (i) The root of this equation which is relevant lies between — and — , which, respectively, correspond to the cases of 2' 23 examples 7 and 8. o Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinctics. By putting - ■=k and 7 = 2/> ^^^^ depriving (i) of its a , ,05 c second term, we have 4^^ — 3^-^2; + P— 3^;— 2 = o. .... (2) where 2 = y + | ^•. Now (2) can always be solved by either of the well known results, 4 cos^0— 3 COS0 — cos 3 = o, .... (3) or 4 cosh"' ^ — 3 cosh — cosh 3 ^ = o (4) Thus, putting z in (2) equal to ^ cos 0, we have, to deter- mine0, 2 + 3 ^-F , cos 3^ = -^^ (5) But if the numerator of (5) is greater than the denominator, we must put z = P cosh Q, and Q is to be found from the equa- cosh 3^ = -^^^^;^ (6) In either case 3 is known from a table of circular or hyper- bolic cosines, and thence z, &c. If the horizontal line is to be drawn so that the pressure on the upper trapezium = — of the pressure on the whole area, the equation for x is 27100? ■\- -^naJi-ji^ ■=■ (3a-l- 2c) A', which can be solved in exactly the same way. When b ^ o, or the area is a triangle with its base in the surface and vertex down, the values of z in (2) are o, + — ^ j 2 the first of which alone is relevant to the problem, since the latter two give, respectively, a value of a; which is > h, and a negative value of X — both of which are physically impossible. 13. A cube is filled with a liquid, and held with a diagonal vertical ; find the pressures on one of tlie lower and one of the upper faces. 2 I Ans. — = W and -— : 17^, where W = the weight of the , , V3 V 3 liquid in the cube. Liquid Pressure on Plane Surfaces. 51 14. A circular area is immersed in a liomogeueous liquid, a tangent to the circle lying in the free surface, A being tlie highest point of the circle : draw a chord, BC, of the circle perpendicular to tlie diameter through .1 so that the pressure on the trianfjle ABC shall be a maximum. A ns. The distance of BG from J, is |^ of the diameter. 15. A triangular area, ABC, occupies any position in a liquid; find a point, 0, in its area such that the liquid pressures on the parts BOC, COA, and AOB shall be proportional to three given numbers. Let a, ^, y be the depths of A, B, C below the fi'ee surface ; let the ratios of the pressures on the above areas, respectively, to the pressure on the whole triangle ABC be p^, p.,, p^; let z be the depth of 0, and put ic for z+a + jB + y; then x is deter- mined from the cubic _ei_ + _e?_ + _A_ = '' . . . (i) 03— a x — i3 x—y a + ^^i + y Assuming a>^>y, the value of x in this equation which is >a is the only one relevant, because the values which are between a and /3 and between ^ and y give negative values of z. The position of is completely defined by its areal co- ordinates, i.e.. by the ratios of the areas BOC, COA, AOB to the area ABC. If these ratios are I, m, n, respectively, the equations ai-e , , ^ ^ , ^ ^ l{z + ^ + y) = p,{a^^^y). .... (2) and two similar, where z is la-\-in^-\-ny. When z is known from (i), I is found from (2) ; &c. 16. A triangle has its base. BC, in the free surface of a liquid, and its vertex. A, down; find a jjoint, 0, in its area such that the pressures on BOC, COA, AOB shall be proportional to three given numbers. Ans. If the pressures on these areas are to the pressure on ABC in the ratios Pi'. p^'- Ps> ^^^ ^ *=^ the depth of A, the point is the intersection of a horizontal line at a depth h \/^, with a line drawn from A to a point, P, in BC such that V. 2 52 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. 15. Centre of Pressure. Hitherto we have been occu- pied with the calculation of the magnitude of the resultant pressure on one side of a plane area. We have now to consider the point of the area at which this resultant pressure acts. Except in the case in which the plane of the area is horizontal, this point — which is called the centre of j^i'eS'Wre — is alwa3^s lower in the area than G, the cen- troid, or ' centre of gravity,' of the area. The position of the centre of pressure on a given area varies with the position (depth, orientation, &c.) of the area in the fluid ; and before determining its position in a few simple and frequently occurring cases, we shall lay down a general principle, founded on the remark near the end of Art. 13, which is often of great assistance in calculation. When a plane area — or, indeed, any surface whatever — occupies any position in a liquid, we may draw any hori- zontal plane whatever in the liquid and consider the column of liquid above this plane as playing the part of an atmo- sphere — i. e., as producing at all points below the plane a constant intensity of pressure, which is transmitted in virtue of Pascal's Principle. The most convenient hori- zontal plane for this purpose is one through the highest point of the given area. y. Thus, for example, if nrm, ^V— = -7 ^ Fig. 20, is any plane area d^Lzz :z^^:z:zp^=~=^^--^y ^ whosc plauc is vertical in a \-— ^ ^y ^-^ ^y liquid, and we wish to find the VzS^:==:^z^ magnitude and point of action ^ ^^zs ^ of the resultant i)ressure on Fig. 20. one side of this area, we may draw a horizontal plane, CD, touching the contour of the area at its highest point, n, and then consider separately the pressures due to the layer of licpiid between AB and CD and to the body of liquid below CD. Liquid Pressure on Plane Surfaces. 53 With reg-ard to the layer ACDB, if x is its thickness, we know that it produces at all points on CD and at all points below (Art. 13) an intensity of pressure equal to w . x\ and since this pressure is uniformly distributed over the area 7ir7n, its resultant is (case i, Art. 11). Awx acting at G^, (5) where G is the centre of area of urm and A the magnitude of the area. Hence, if we knew the magnitude and point, 1q, of application of the pressure of the liquid below CD, we should have the magnitude and point, /, of apjilication of the pressure of the whole liquid below AB on the area by a simple composition of two parallel forces acting at G and Iq. This we shall presently illustrate by a few simple examples. Thus we obtain the fol- a § b lowing construction for the /| centre of pressure, /,on a plane / ■ area (Fig. 21) occupying any position in a liquid : through the highest point, n, on the contour of the figure, draw -pj^ 21 a horizontal plane, CI), the free surface of the liquid being AB ; from the centroid, 6", (or ' centre of gravity ') of the figure draw a vertical line meeting these planes in P and Q ', suppose Iq to be the (known) position of the centre of pressure if the surface of the liquid w^ere CD ; draw QIq , and from P draw PI parallel to QIq, meeting GIq in /. This point / is the required centre of pressure on the area. We shall presently proceed to illustrate this method by some simple examples. 54 Hydrostatics and Elcmcntmy Hydrokinetics. Special Cases of Centre of Pressure. (i) To find the position of the centre of pressure on a plane parallelogram, whose plane is vertical, with one side in the free surface. Let ABCD, Fig. 32, be the parallelogram. Let the area be divided into an indefinitely great number of in- definitely narrow strips, of which mnsr is the type, and let E and F be the middle points of the sides AB and CD. Then the middle point of every strip lies on the line JEF. Also if w is the depth of the strip ms below AB, Fig. 22. and w the specific weight of the liquid, the intensity of pressure is the same at all points in the strip and (Art. 12) equal to wx, and the resultant pressure on the strip acts at its middle point, i. e., at the intersection,/, of ?//s with FF. Hence the resultant pressure on the whole parallelogram acts at some point on FF. Also, since the areas of the strips are all equal, the series of joressures on them are simply proportional to their distances from AF ; therefore (case 2, p. 34) the point of application of the resultant pressure is | of FF from F. Denote this point by T. Then FT = iFF (a) If // is the height of the parallelogram, and p the perpendicular distance of the centre of pressure, T, from the surface ^ _ 2 7, /^/x If the plane of the parallelogram is not vertical, the same point, T, will still be the centre of pressure. For, if the area is inclined to the vertical at any angle, 6, and x is the perpendicular distance of/" from AF, we have X =fF . cos 6 ; Liquid Pressure on Plane Surfaces. 55 and as 6 is the same for all the strips, the pressures on them will still be proportional to their distances /!£", &c. (2) To Jiud the position of the centre of pressure on a plane triangle having one side in the free surface, and vertex doivn. Let ABD be the triang-le. Divide the area, as before, into an indofinitel}^ q-reat number of strips, of which ts is the type. Let x be the perpendicular distance of this strip from the base AB. Now compare this with another strip, t' s\ whose perpendicular distance from I) is also x. Let h be the heig-ht of the triangle, a — AB, k = the indefinitely ft PC small breadth of each strip. Then tn = —, — . a ; so that (Art. 14) the pressure on this strip is — a; (/; — «;) ?^ (i) But this is also the pressure on the second strip, t' s' . For, fn' = J a, and the depth of ('-';/ h h — x ; therefore (1) is the pressure on this strip. Since each strip is pressed at its middle point, and since all the middle points lie on EB, the resultant acts at some point on EB. Also we have just seen that the pressures along- EB are equal at two points such that the distance of one from E = the distance of the other from D. Hence (case 4, p. '^^) the resultant pressure acts at the middle point, M, of EB ; that is, EM=\EB (/3) If ji; is the perpendicular distance of M from the surface I>=\1> O') Also, whatever be the angle of inclination of the plane of the triangle to the vertical, the same point, J/, is the centre of pressure. 56 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. (3) To find the position of the centre of pressure on a plane triangle leaving a vertex in the free surface and its hase horizontal. Let ACB be the triangle. Then a combination of the two results just proved will enable us to find Q, the centre of pressure. For, complete the parallelogram ABDC. Then the pressure on the parallelogram is the resultant of the pressures on the two triangles. But since all the narrow horizontal strips into which the given triangle ACD can be divided have their middle points (centres of pressure for each of them) ranged along AF, the resultant pressure on the triangle acts somewhere on AF. Join the point, M, of application of one of the two parallel forces to the point, T, of application of the resultant, and produce MT to meet AF in Q. Then Q is the point of application of the pressure on ACD. OF FT Now |l7=f^— '' ••• QF=IE3I, • ■• AQ=IAF (y) If h is the height of the triangle, and p the perpendicular distance of Q from the//'^e surface, p = T^^\ • {y) and, as before, the point, Q, of application of the resultant pressure is the same wdiatever be the inclination of the plane of the triangle to the vertical. The result might have been deduced directly from case 3, p. 34. For, if the area be divided into strips, we have CG mt = - fl, where a = CD, and x is the perpendicular from A on mt. Hence the pressure on the strip mt is j wa^, so that the pressures along AF are j^roportional to tbe squares Liquid Pressure on Plane Surfaces. 57 of the distances of their points of application from A. The resultant, therefore, acts at a point f of the way down along- AF. These three simple cases, combined with the principle (see p. 42) of regarding- any column of liquid as an atmo- sphere, producing its resultant pressure at the centre of area, will suffice for calculations concerning the centres of pres- sure of many plane polygonal and other ligm-es occupying any positions in a liquid. Thus, let the area be nrm, Fig. 20, p. 52 ; and suppose that, if all the liquid above the horizontal plane CB is removed, we know the depth, p^ , of the centre of pressure, /(,, of the remaining liquid below CD. Then, if Zq is the depth of G below CD, A = magnitude of the area, w = specific weight of the liquid, the pressure, ij, at /q is AzqW. Let X = the thickness of the column AD. Then the pressure due to this column = A xw, and it acts at G. The resultant pressure (at 1) is of course the sum of these forces ; and if p is the depth of 1 below AB, we have, by the theorem of moments, p = (p^+x)^^ +«;, (8) Zq + X the point /dividing ]^,G so that ■^ = - (0 IG z, • ' ^^ (4) To fncl the jiosition of the centre of pressure on a plane triangle occupying any position in a liquid. Let ABC, Fig. 23, be the triangle ; let A be its area, and a, /3, y the depths of its vertices below the free surface of the liquid. We shall calculate the distance of 7, the centre of pressure, 58 Hydrostatics mid Elementary Hydrokinetics. Fig. 23. from a side BC of the triang-le. Let 7; be the perpendicular from A on BC If through C we draw a horizontal plane, the column of liquid above this plane pro- duces a pressure equal to Ayw 2A1 the centre of area of the triang-le ABC, i.e., at the point whose distance from BC is ^p. Hence represent this force and the distance of its point of application from BC. Consider now the effect of the liquid below this hori- zontal plane through C. From B draw the horizontal plane cutting the area ABC in the line B7i, and consider separ- ately the pressure of this liquid on the aveas BnC and BnA. [a) If, for convenience, we let x and y be the perpen- diculars from A and B on the horizontal plane through C, the area BnC =■ A—, and the perpendicular from 11 on BC Uu is /? — . Kow the pressure of the liquid below C on BnC acts at a point three-fourths of the way down Cm, where m is the middle point of Bn, and the distance of this point from BC is \p'—' Hence the j)ressure on BnC and the distance of its point of application from BC are re- presented by (h^'~''W-;) X 8 X' [h] Consider now the pressure on BnA due to the liquid below C. Treat the column above Bn as an atmo- Liquid Pressure on Plane Surfaces. 59 sphere. It produces pressure at the centre of ai'ea o{ BnA ; and we easily find that this force and the distance of its point of application from BC are represented hj There is, finally, the pressure on BnA due to the liquid below Bn. This acts at the middle point of Am ; so that for this force we have The sum of these four forces is, of course, ^- A{a + l3 + y)7v; and if the perpendicular from / on BC is denoted by p, we have, by moments (Art. 10) with reference to BC, ^{a + i3 + y}p = TV;'(2a + /3 + y), since x = a — y, ?/ = j3 — y. Hence , 2a + ft + y ^ '^ a + li + y with similar values of <] and 7; the distances of / from AC and AB. Now this shows that / is the centre of gravity of three particles whose masses are proportional to 2a + 13 + y, a+2f3 + y, a + ,3 + 2y, placed at A, B, C, respectively. Or, at A we can imag-ine 6o Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. two particles (a, s) ; at B two particles (/?, s) ; at C two particles (y, «), where 5 = a + /3 + y. Hence the following simple construction for /: — Find the centre of gravity, G\ of three particles whose masses are proportional to a, (3, y, placed at A, B, C respec- tively ; join G' to G, the centre of area of the triangle ABC, and on GG' take ^-,7- i f-,p' It is also easily seen that / is the centre of gravity of three particles whose masses are proportional to a, /3, y, placed at the middle points of the bisectors of the sides BC, CA, AB, drawn from the opposite vertices. And it is evident that we have also the following con- struction for I : at the middle points of the sides of the triangle imagine particles whose masses are proportional to the depths of these points ; then their centre of gravity is the centre of pressure of the triangle. The preceding method of finding / has been given for the purpose of illustrating the principle (Art. 15) that any column of liquid above an area may be treated like an atmosphere. For the following much more elegant investigation the author is indebted to Mr. W. S. M^'Cay, F. T. C. D. Take any point, 0, in the area ABC ; let the perpendi- cular from on the surface of the liquid be C the perpen- diculars from on the sides BC, CA, AB being x, y, z \ also denote the areas of the triangles BOC, CO A, AOB by Aj, A^,, A3, respectively. Then evidently the line CO, if produced, divides the side AB into segments proportional to A^ and A 2 inversely, while BO divides AC inversely as Aj to A3 ; hence is the centre of mean position of the points A, B, C for the system of multij^les Aj, A^, A3. If, then, A is the area ABC, \ve have A . C= Aj . a + A^ . /3-|~A3 . y ; . . . (1) Liquid Pressure on Plane Surfaces. 6i or, if ;;, q, r avo the ijcrjocndicalars from A, B, C on the oi)posite sides, a 3 y Now the intensity of pressure at \% C. . w, so that this can be considered as a superposition of intensities a fi y - ivx, — wy, - wz, i. e., of the intensities of pressure which would be produced if the sides BC, CA, and AB were placed in the surfaces of liquids whose specific wcig-hts are - w, - w, and - w, re- spectively. Now the first of these liquids would produce a resultant pressure equal to pa . , * A X — X — tv, I.e., ^Aaio, 3 P acting at the middle point of the bisector of BC drawn from A (p. 5S)- Similarly for the other two liquids ; so that the actual pressure on the triang-le ABC is the result- ant. of forces x Aa.-, ^ A/3.., J Ay.., acting- at the middle points of the bisectors ; and its point of application is, of course, the same as the centre of g-ravity of particles whose masses are proportional to a, (3, y placed at these middle points ; and this is the second of the con- structions which we have given above for the point /. For simplicity and elegance this proof of our construction leaves nothing to be desired. 62 Hydrostatics and Elancntary Hydrokinetics. Examples. 1. A trianrjular area whose height is 12 feet has its base hoiizoiital and vertex uppermost in water ; find the depth to which its vertex must be sunk so that the difference of level between the centre of area and the centre of pressure shall be 8 inches. Ans. Four feet. 2. Find the depth of the centre of pressure on a trapezium having one of the parallel sides in the surface of the liquid. Ans. If the side a is in the surface and h below, h being the height of the trapezium, the depth of the centre of pressure 2 2 6 + (t' and it lies, of course, on the line joining the middle points of a, and h. 3. In the last example find the position of the centre of pressure by geometrical construction. (Break up the area into a parallelogram and a triangle, or two triangles.) 4. The plane of a trapezium being vertical, and its parallel sides horizontal, to what depth must the upper side be suidv in a liquid so that the centre of pressure shall be at the middle point of the area ? Ans. The parallel sides being a and 6, of which the upper, a, must be the greater, the required depth = r /i, where h = height of the trapezium. ^~ 5. Show how to find, by geometrical construction, the position of the centre of pressure on a plane quadrilateral occupying any position. 6. Find the depth of the centre of pressure of a plane quadri- lateral in terms of the depths of its vertices and the depth of the point of intersection of the diagonals. Ans. If a, /3, y, 5, ^ are the dej)th of the vertices and inter- Liquid Pressure on Plane Surfaces. 63 section of diatronals, and if .s = a + /^ + y + S, and ^a^ denotes (J? + '^' + y- + 6", the depth is 4 «-C 7. A rectangular area of height h is immersed vertically in a liquid with one side in the surface; show how to draw a hoii- zontal line across the area so that the centres of pressure of the parts of the area ahove and below this line of division shall be equally distant from it. Ans. The line of division must be drawn at a depth 2 8. Supposing a rectangular vessel whose base is horizontal to be divided into two water-tight compartments by means of a rigid diaphragm moveable round a horizontal axis lying in the base of the vessel ; if water is poured into the compartments to different heights, find the horizontal force which, apj^lied to the middle point of the upper edge of the diaphragm, will keep this dia- phragm vertical, and iind the pressure on the axis. Ans. Let a be the length of the axis, c the height of the vessel, A and K the heights of the water in the compartments {h>h') ; then the required force is — (]i^—h'^) i«,and the pressure on the axis is ^ a {Tr — h'') w — —- {¥ — h'^) w. 16. Lines of Resistance. Supposins: Fig-. 24 to re- present a vertical transverse section, A J^CD, of an embank- ment which is pressed by water on the side AB (assumed vertical), if we take any horizontal section, liQ, of the embankment and consider the equilibrium of the portion, RQAD, above this section, we see that it is acted upon by its weig-ht and also by the water pressure which is a horizontal force acting at a point two-thirds of the way down AQ. Taking- the resultant of these two forces, its line of action,7jA^, intersects the section llQina point A'^, the 64 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. calculation of the position of which is of great importance in the construction of reservoirs. As the section UQ, varies in position, the point X describes a curv^e which is called a line of resistance. For the simple case in which the embankment is formed of homoo-eneous material and the transverse vertical section is a trapezium, we proceed to g-ive a simple rule for tracing .f>' /! / / ^'o I / ' '/! / //! / ! /n/ r "~--.D' ■■-- — > '"-^^ "'---- ^-^ ' ' / 1 " — ~--, ^->. fh-/ g/ " — --*_ '^'^^ ~~'~-~ "'*■.» r?L- J :::r?^ *' / '// / / /// ' / '' // r/ /'X Q / // / // / r" / J cL 1^ B Fig. 24. the positions of the point X for any number of horizontal sections. To calculate the forces acting on the portion EQAB, produce Jil) and QA to meet in 0, and consider its weight as the weight, W, of JIQO acting through the centre of gravity, G, of this triangle accompanied by an upward vertical force, //'^q, the weight of DAO acting at //, the centre of gravity of the triangle DAO. Consider also the pressure against J Q as the pressure, P, of water against OQ, the level of the water reaching to Liquid Pressure on Plane Surfaces. 6^ — this force actinq- two-thirds of the way down OQ, and therefore throug-h G — aeeomimniod by the reversed pressure, 7^^, of the water ag'ainst OA, this force acting- tliroiio-h f) ; and also the reversed water pressure ag-ainst A(l due to a constant head OA, this force acting- towards the rig-ht of the figure throug-h m, the middle point oiAq. Let OQ = 9/, 0A= y„, 7v = specific weig-ht of the w^ater, 7v'z= specific weig-ht of embankment, m = tan BOA, I = leng-th (perpendicular to the plane of the paper) of the embankment. Then 2 • /r= \mlwy, P =1 l?af, JF^ = hmlioy^^, P^= I hoy, If R is the resultant of W and P, R^ the resultant of W^^ and i^, we have — I 2 I '•'Jo acting ', acting at ■ at R \^W^ + m^ to"', G, ^0 Vw- '■ + 711^ w'2 a. and R is parallel to R^ , each making with the horizon an r angle whose tangent is — tan 1)0 A. To construct this di- rection, taking DA to represent w, produce BA to B' so that AB' represents w' ; draw OB' ; then R is perpendicular to 0B\ and is therefore of constant direction for all sections RQ. The resultant of the two unlike parallel forces R ai G and Pq at ff is part of the force acting on the portion RQAB. Suppose this resultant to act at the point i on the line gG (which, of course, passes through and through the middle points, i, 71, of AB and BC). F 66 Hydrostatics and Elcuicntary Hydrokinctics. Then tg~^ y^ ~^G0^ ' '"• Wo ~ Gg X GO' ' gO being produced to 0' so that^O = OC/. Hence tG.GO'=gO', (a) and this shows that t can be found by drawing- a line J-y" parallel to 0)/. at a distance equal to g 0, erecting a per- pendicular at G to On meeting j^' in/", and then drawing ft perpendicular to fO\ Hence Ii — L\ acts in the line tr which is perpendicular to OlJ\ With this force must finally be coupled the horizontal force Iw . OA . AQ acting at m in the sense mil. Denote this force by H. Now B-H^: 11= OH : AO ; for = I hv sec /3 . (y- — ^o")' where ^ = L A OD', = Iw . AQ. Om sec ,3 = lw.AQ.OIL Hence in the triangle AH the sides AO and OH are perpendicular and proportional to the forces H and B — R^; therefoi'e the resultant, I] of these forces is perpendicular and proportional to the side AH; and therefore if we produce the lines ;/ and Ht/i to meet in j), the line of action of -t] the resultant force to which the portion IxQAl) of the embankment is sul)ject, is the perpendicular from ]) on AH. Moreover F = Iw .AQ . AH, and therefore this force is equivalent to the weight of a column of v-ater having AQ for a horizontal base and having a height AH. As the section RQ varies, the locus of X — i. e. the line of Ljqui'd Pressure on Plane Surfaces. 67 resistance — is a liy])erljola, as is easily proved thus. Take the horizontal line thron Ok^ measure off a length kk' along Ox towards the left-hand, and along Or measure off a length 1 Alf \ the diagonal (throuy-h O) of the rectangle determined by these lengths is parallel to the tangent at /. A point on the other asymptote can now be easily found ; for, let the tangent at i cut the asymptote TE in c ; then Liquid Pressure on Plane Surfaces. 71 take, iiloni;- this tang-ent, ic = ic, and we have the point c on the second asymptote. The direction of this asymptote is that of the line '^tx—{{m — n)t — mn — n--\-i]^ = o,. . . (4) as is obvious from the terms of the second degree in (y). Hence wlien the constants arc numerically assig-ned, the direction of this asymptote is easily constructed, and there- fore (since it passes through e') the asymptote itself can be drawn. The circles above described may be utilised for drawing this asymptote. For, if a perpendicular to OA at A meets Or in I, we see that (4) is equivalent to X Jo + ^ ^^' — '''^ ~ ^"^ y~ 3 • ^•^' so that if we measure the length i (^o + ^ rk'—rk — rl) from along Or and the length yi>' along xO produced through 0, and draw the diagonal, through 0, of the rectangle determined by these lines, the required asymptote is per- pendicular to this diagonal. The construction of the curve then proceeds exactly as in the first case. The resultant force to which any portion, RQAD, of the embankment, cut off by a horizontal plane KQ is subject is found by exactly the same construction as before — viz. bisect AQ in m; draw 7/iJI horizontal, to meet OJD' in If; then the resultant force is perpendicular to AH nnd is equal to the weight of a column of water having- AH for height and for base the vertical projection o? AQ. If we adopt the method of fictitiously completing the embankment and raising the level of the water to 0, as in the first case, we shall have the forces Ji and ^q acting at points G' and / which both lie on a fixed line passing through ; /is obtained by taking the intersection of the 72 Hydrostatics and Elcmcntmy Hydrokindics. vertical throug-h g with a perpendicular to OA through a point two-thirds of OA from 0. The resultant, R — Rq, of R and -^0 ^^^'^ ^^ ^ point, t\ on the line Og'G' which is found exactly as t was before found. The forces R and R^ are each perpendicular to OJj' ; and, omitting* / for simplicity, R =z \ v:ip- sec /3, Rq = \ loy^ sec /3, where /3 = //• Oh'. Hence the first method of finding the line of resistance, by tracing out the locus of X (Fig". 24), applies here also. Let us now consider the case in which a section of the embankment consists of two trapeziums, ABCl) and BEFC, Fig. 27, the level of the water being I) A. ^Ye may suppose IE to represent any horizontal section across the second trapezium, the distance between EF and BC being y ; and we shall calculate the resultant force, F.,, acting on BEFC by first supposing CB to be the level of the water, and then taking account of the weight of ABCB and the effect of the column of water between A and B. If CB is the water level and everything above is neg- lected, the line of resistance through BEFC is a hyperbola starting from the middle point of BC, and the point h in which the resultant force, /a' on BEFC cuts EF is easily found. This force f^ is found in line of action as before explained — that is, by producing EB and FC to meet in (/, taking BC: BC = w : w, and drawing a horizontal line, nH\ through the middle point, n, of BE to meet CfC in ^'' ^^^^ f, = y-u • BH' (5) Now the efiect of the portion ABCB and the water column between A and B is twofold : firstly, the water column produces on BE a pressure, 7;, acting normally at n, •i^^ p^n-h^.BE, (6) or =wy . BI, (7) where 7i^ is the height of the upper trapezium and / is the Liquid Pressure on Plane Surfaces. 73 \H ,--"/o Fig. 27. 74 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. point in which EB cuts AI) ; secondl}', the upper structure and \vatt'r cohimn will produce a force, 7'"^ , acting- at the point a in BC, this point being- that in which BC is inter- sected by the hyperbola before described. If m is the middle point of AB, and if, as before, AB : AD' = w : to' , and the horizontal line mil cuts OB' in //, we have F^ = wh^.AE. (8) Hence we have only to find the resultant of the forces f/)-J^T (13) (see Sfaf/c-t, \o\. I, Art. 23). The line /-'?' is, of course, perpendicular to rs, so that the point T may be found by drawing- this perpendicular. Observe that //j +y is the depth of the line EF below the surface, DA, of the water, so that we have the same rule for the resultant force on the section JJLFC as that for the force on the upper section — viz. it is the weight of a water column having for base the vertical projection of IF and height FT. If below FF there is another section of the embankment in the form of a trapezium, the force F.> and the depth of F below AB play the same part in the calculation of the resultant force on this lower section as that which was played by F^ and the depth of F in the calculation just given ; so that this process can be employed for the com- plete construction of the line of resistance through any em- bankment the section of which can be broken up into suc- cessive trapeziums. In Masonry Dams for reservoirs the vertical section of the upper portion, ABCD, Fig. 24, has often the simple form of a rectang-le. If in this case the level of the water reaches to AD, the top of the dam, the line of resistance is a parabola whose equation referred to the vertical line in as axis of y and the horizontal ID as axis of x is y"^ =. 6 AD' . X, so that in is the tangent at the vertex, and the directrix is a vertical line to the right of ^ at a distance from i equal to 5 AD\ The line D'H (Fig-. 24) being the vertical through 76 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. B\ the resultant force on any section 7?Q is perpendicular and proportional to AH, where // is the point (as in the fig-ure) in which the horizontal line inR through m meets the vertical line throug-h iJ' \ the resultant force = w.AQ.AIL If the level of the water does not reach to the top of the dam. let the top line of the dam be A^ I)^ ; then the force on any section ^Q is found by tracing- the parabola and combining- the force v) . AQ . AH perpendicular to AH with the weight of the portion ADH^A^. The result is this: from Aq draw ^,^ -^ parallel to QJj' and meeting AU in Z; then the resultant force is perpendicular to ZH and is equal to tv.AQ.ZH. (For simplicity I has been omitted in the calculations from p. 72. This omission amounts to considering the forces B, i?(,, p, &c. as those exerted per unit length of the embankment.) CHAPTER IV. GENERAL EQUATIONS OF PRESSURE. {This Chapter rnajj he omitted orifrd reading.) 17, Equation of Equilibrium of a Eluid under Gravity. If in the case of a fluid acted upon solely by i^-ravity we imagine the density not to he the same at all points, the expression (a), p. 38, for the intensity of pressm-e will no longer hold. For in Fig. 14, p. '^'], the weight of the cylindrical column PiV^ will not be wzs, since to varies from point to point of its depth. But if w is the specific weight at any depth z, the weight of this cylinder is sfwdz, the limits of z being o and NP ; and, as before, this weight must be equal to the upward pressure on the base at P, viz. /; . s. Hence p = f%vdz dp Fig. 28. dz = w. (0 If, for example, the density varies directly as the depth, we have lo — kz, and (i) gives ^ _ 1 1,2. Equation (i) could have been obtained by considering the equilibrium of a veiy small rectangular parallolopiped, 78 Hydrostatics ami Eltincntary Hydrokinctics. PQ, Fig. 28, described with vertical and horizontal sides at P. For, if -f = area of each horizontal face, and if Q is a point vertically below P so that PQ = (h, the weight of the element is 7v . sfh, where w is the weight per unit volume of the fluid at P. Also the downward j^ressure on the horizontal face at P is p . s, where /; is the pressure intensity at P ; and since the pressure intensity at Q is /; + -y- (h, the upward pressure on the horizontal face at Q is fp + ~j- dz\ -w Considering the separate equilibrium of this elementary parallelopiped, and resolving forces ver- tically, we have (p + j- /("j , and therefore i. e. the gas would escape into the surrounding air if an aperture were opened in the pipe at P. At the gas does not rush out of the pipe, although a communication is established with the air ; the gas at would diffuse into the air, but we may suppose that the pipe at contains a piston which restrains the gas and on the top of which the atmosphere presses. The higher the point P in the pipe, the greater the ratio of;? to j^Jj , and therefore the more rapid the escape of the gas when a communication is opened. Hence the gas General Equations of Pressure. 8i lii^hts at the top of a house are, if the taps are ojiened to the same extent, bri^-hter than those at the Itottom ol' the house ; and, in consequence of this, it is commonly said that ' the pressure of the gas at the top of the house is greater than that at the bottom ' — a thing which couUl not possibly be true, since gravitation must diminish the jjressure as the height increases. It is not the pressure of the gas that is greater at the top but the velocity of its escape. When a balloon ascends, the neck is^ for safety, left open to the air, so that the intensity of pressure of the gas at the neck is that of the atmos]ihere at this point ; the gas does not rush out at the neck ; but if a valve is opened at the top of the balloon, the gas will escape for the reason already given — viz. that the intensity of pressure of the enclosed gas at this point is greater than that of the adjacent air. If the gas in the pipes were heavier than air, p would be < Pi, and the reverse of the above would be true. When density is measm*ed in pounds per cubic foot, intensity of pressure in pounds' weight per square foot, and T is 460 + 1, the absolute temperature on the Fahren- heit scale, rp P = 53-30222 - p, (9) and at a height of z feet in the column of gas we have (7), in which k has the value given in (9). Since T will usually be a large number, if z does not z _ o* exceed one or two hundred feet, we may take e * = i _ -, fC and we have , x •^(^-*) / \ 53"3°222x7' ^ ' for the excess of gas pressure in the pipes over that of the G 82 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. outside air at a height of z feet ; and in this equation the pressures mav be estimated in any units whatever. 18. General Equations of Equilibrium. If the forces acting- on the Ihiid are any assigned s^^stem, let the force per unit mass at P have for components parallel to any three rectangular axes the values X, Y, Z, so that on an element of mass din these forces will be Xdm, &c. At F draw a small rectangular parallelopiped, with edges Pa, Plj, Pc, or c/x, dy, dz, parallel to the co-ordinate axes. Then, if p is the density of the fluid at P, the mass con- tained in this parallelopiped is pdxdr/dz. Consider the separate equilibrium of "Z-d/n this fluid. If;; is the pressure intensity at P, the pressure on the face IPc is •^dm p . dijdz, and since the pressure intensity k sz T ^, on the opposite face is ;? + -r- . dx, the ■p. pressm'e on the face is {p + Yx ^^^) '''^'^^' For the equilibrium of the element, equate to zero the component of force acting on it parallel to the axis of x, and we have Xdm-\-p . dydz— (p+-j- dx^ dydz = o, Similarly dp rr'"^' ''^ I--. (3) by resolving forces parallel to the other axes. Each of these equations is a particular expression of the general result that at every point in t/te fluid the line-rate of General Equations of Pressure. 83 Fig. 30. variation of the intensiii/ of pressure in aui/ direction is equaf to the component in this direction of the external force per unit volume of the fluid — a result which is easily seen thus. Let PQ, Fig". 30, be an element, ds, of leno^th of any curve through P ; round this as an axis describe a cylinder of small uniform cross-section, a ; con- sider the sejiarate equilibrium of the fluid contained within this cylindrical element of volume. If F is the external force per unit mass exerted on the fluid in the neig-hbourhood of P, the force on the enclosed fluid is F. pads ; if p is the pressure intensity at^J and^' r which is p + J- ds^, the pressure intensity at Q, the forces on the ends of the cylinder at P and Q are pa and^/rr. In addition to these there are side pressures which are all at rig-ht angles to the axis PQ. Resolving forces along PQ, we have pa —p'a + F. pads . COS = O, where 6 is the angle between i^ and PQ; and this is the same as «?« . , -i- = pF con 9 (4) as The equations (i), (2), (3) lead to a certain condition which the components X, Y, Z, of external force intensity at each point must satisfy in order that the equilibrium of the fluid may be possible. For, we have G 2 (5) 84 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. Multiplyino- both sides of the first by Z, of the second by X, of the third by 1\ and adding", we have ^^.dY flZ. ,..(1Z dX. „.dX dJ\ ,,, which is the necessary condition of equilibrium. This condition may be thus expressed : for the equilibrium of any f.uid under external hodily force it is necessary that at all points the resultant force and its curl should be at right angles. (This term ctirl is due to Clerk Maxwell.) Re- garded analytically, (6) expresses the fact that the expression Xdx + Ydy + Zdz, if not already a perfect differential, must be capable of being* rendered so by means of a factor, the factor being-, as we see, the density of the fluid at each point at which the expression Xdx-\- ... is taken. Since at each point 7; is some function of «?, y, z, we have ^ dp J dp -. dp Hence from (i), (2), (3), dp = p [Xdx + Ydy + Zdz\ .... (a) from which p is known by integ-ration. So far, w^e have assumed only that the body is a perfect fluid, so that our equations all hold for compressible fluids as well as for liquids. If the fluid is a gas, p = hp, and (a) becomes ^ = \{Xdx^Ydy^Zdz). ... (7) Now in all cases in which equilibrium is possible the expression p{Xdx-\-Ydy-\-Zdz) must be a perfect difTerential — since it = dp (see p. 12); and (6) expresses the condition that this should be the General Equations of Pressure. 85 case; but in many eases Xdx+ Yd// + Zdz is a perfect difterential, i. e. tlie external forces have a Potential. Assuming- that the forces have a potential, /', (n) becomes dp = pdF. (,S) If the fluid is a homog-eneous liquid, (i), (2), (3), give vv^ = pv2r, (9) , d^ r/2 r/2 where V'^ = -j-., + -7^, + -nr aur d//" dz" In all cases in which the external forces have a potential, their level surfaces, or equij)otential surfaces [Statics, vol. ii, Ai-t. 327) are also surfaces of equal pressure of the fluid ; for (8) shows that in passing from a point P to another close point such that df= o, we have dp = o. If the density of the fluid is variable, it will be constant all over a level surface of the external forces ; for, since in (8) the left side is a perfect differential of a function of X, y, z, the right side must be so, and this requires that p is some function of / , i. e. p=f{n M so that at all points for which V is constant p is also constant. For a slightly compressible fluid, whose resilience of volume is k (Art. 8), equation (8) becomes ic'^f,=dr, (1.) and for a gas, since 7; = Ap, where A is a constant, x'^=dF. (12) P If the temperature of the gas varies, p = c p (\ + a t), where c is a constant, I is the temperature at any point in (14) 86 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. the g-as, and a is a constant. (This will be explained more fully in a subsequent chapter.) Hence, in general, dp Xdx + Ydy + Zdz , , ;; c{i +at) ^ ^' and if the applied forces have a potential, V, dp _ dV p " c[i+aty so that, since the left-hand side is a perfect differential and the rig-ht side must also be one, it is necessary that t should be some function of V; in other words, t is constant along each equipotential surface of the external forces. Hence for a gas subject to any conservative system of forces (i. e. forces having a potential) each level surface of the forces is at once a surface of constant pressure intensity and a surface of constant temperature. 19. Non-conservative Forces. If Xdx + Ydy + Zdz is not a perfect differential, and if at any point, P, in the fluid we describe the surface of constant pressure, whose equation is p = const., (i) this surface will not coincide w4th the surface drawn through P along which the density is constant, i. e. the surface whose equation is p =■ const (2) These tw^o surfaces will intersect in some curve, which is called the curve of constant pressure and constant density at the point P. We propose to find the direction of this curve at P. Let I, m, n be the direction-cosines of the tangent to the curve at P ; then if ds is the indefinitely small element of its length between P and a neighbouring point Q ; and if ;j =/" (.r, y, z) at P, the value oi p at Q is f{x-\- Ids, y + mds, z -}- nds), General Equations of Pressure. 87 / t/p dp dp X LC. y; + (/ -; + w/^ + 11 ) ds. ^ ax d/j dz^ Hence, since there is no change in the vahie of 7?, , dp dp dp , . I -f +m-j-+ 71^ =0, . . . . (3) ax dy dz or, by the general equations of equilibrium, lX+mY+7iZ — o, (4) so that PQ is at right angles to the direction of the resultant force at P. Similarly, since there is no change in p from i'* to Q, we have 4 j ,/ and therefore from (4) and (5) we have I : m -.n ■= 1 Z -j- : Zi X ~r- : X —. J-p.(o) dz dy doa dz dy dx Now, denoting by A, /x, v the components of the curl of the force, i. e. f]% ^jy dy dz _ dX dZ ^-~dz~Tx\ (") _dY (IX dx dy equations (5) of Art. 1 8 are 4;-4>^^=°' • • • • (^) 88 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinctics. These last show that (6) become I : ?// : n = \ : fx : V, (lo) and the differential equations of the curve are dx dy (Iz , , -r = — =— ' (^0 A [X V from which, by integration, the equations of these curves are found. Hence the direction of any such curve at any point coincides with the direction of the curl of the external force. If the fluid is a gas whose temperature varies from point to point, we have p = cp[i +ai), where t is the temperature at P, and c and a are constants. Now the previous result is absolutely general, whatever be the connection between p and p ; and Up and p are both constant along* any curve, t must also be constant along- the curve. When in any case the components of the external force per unit mass are assigned — of course satisfying the neces- sary condition (6), Art. i8 — there will be several laws of density which permit the fluid to be in equilibrium. In fact, p may be any of the integrating factors of the ex- pression Xdx + Ydy + Zdz. We shall illustrate this in some of the following examples. Examples. 1. If a mass of fluid is acted upon by attractive forces directed towards any number of fixed centres, find the equations of the surfaces of equal pressure. Let the fixed centres be A^, yl.,, ... ; let the distances of any point, P, in the fluid from them be r^, rj, ... ; let the forces per unit mass at unit distances from them be /^t, , \i^^ Then {Statics, Vol. II, Art. 332) the forces have a potential, V, given by the equation ,, ,, 7=^+'^ + ..., General Equations of Pressure. 89 and, the eqiiipotential surfaces Ijcing also surfaces of equal pressure, the o(|iiation of iuij' surface of constant pressure is In the case in which there are only two centres, if one of the forces is repulsive, one of the series of surfaces is a sphere, viz. that for which C = o, since if -— ^ = o, each ])oint, P, on '1 '2 the surface is such that the ratio PA^ : PA^ is constant, and the locus is well known to be a sphere having for diameter the line joining the points which divide the line A^A^ internally and externally in the ratio //j : /x.^. 2. If a fluid is acted upon by force whose components, per unit mass, are at any point proportional to 2/- + v/c + z^, z'^ + zx-\- x^, x^ + xy^ y^, determine a law of variation of the density of the fluid, the cor- resf)onding surfaces of constant pressure, &c. If / denotes a constant force intensity and c a constant length, the components of force per unit mass will be of the forms -^ (2/^ + 2/0 +s^), &c. c c" Hence dp f = p{y' + y^ + ^^)dx + p{^ + zx + x'^)dy + p{x''" + xy + y^)dz. . . (i) It is to be observed at the outset that the force and its curl are at right angles, so that equilibrium is possible, by (6), Art. 18. The prol)lem is to determine p, as an integrating factor, so that the right-hand side of (i) shall be a perfect differential. The analytical mode of ^''I'ocedure is to consider z at first as constant, and to find an integral of the equation (y- + yz + s^)dx+ {z^ + ^-v + x") c/y = o. This is at once found to be 2 , _^2X + Z , 2 , 27/ + Z — tan ^ — - H — tan = C, >/3 zVs ^^3 ~ V3 90 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics, or {z being merely a constant) ^ — 2xy — zx — zy Now take the function U, where u^ , °'+^+' , (.) z^ — 2 xy — zx— zy and diflferentiate both sides with respect to x, y, and z, consider- ing all of them variable. Then, using D for the denominator of the right-hand side of (2), dU-jy^[ iy'^ + yz + z^) dx + ^z' + zx + x") dy + \{^ + y--^-2XZ—2yz)dz].. . (3) Using (1) to simplify this, we have '=P{j'^-f-\{^^+y^-Ydz^ • . . (4) y^,dp-U^dz,hy{2) (5) dL »2 -2 + '^^=7r7]2TH'^i'' (^) Hence dU 2c^ IT' '^ filFu and since the right side must now be a perfect differential, we must have pD^U'^ a constant or any function of^. Since by (2) DU ^x-\-y + z, we have, then, p{x-\-y + zf = Tc, (7) where k is a constant. Hence the density at any point varies inversely as the square of the distance of the point from the plane x + y-\-z^ o. From (6) we have, then, ^^ooy + yz + zx c' ' x + y-\-z ' which shows that the surfaces of constant pressure are hyper- boloids. The direction-cosines of the line of constant density and con- stant pressure are proportional to the components of the curl of General Equations of Pressure. 91 the force, and are, therefore, proportional to y — z, z — x, oc — y ; and the differential equations of these lines are dx dy dz - -^ - (9) y — z z — x x — y To integrate tliese, put each fraction equal to 6, where is unknown, Tlien dx = 6{y-z), (10) dy = 6{z-x), (11) dz = e{x-y), ....... (12) and from these, by addition, dx + dy + dz^ o, whose integral is x + y + z = a, (13) where a is any constant. Hence the curves in question are plane curves lying in jihuies obtained by varying a in (13). Also multij^lying (10), (11), (12) by x, y, z and adding, xdx + ydy + zdz =: o, whose integral is x' + f + z' = b', (14) where b is any constant. Hence the curves lie on spheres obtained by varying b; and as they are plane curves, they are circles. Of course they lie on the surfaces of constant pressure. But, as previously pointed out, this is only one special law of density which we have investigated. Many other laws may be found thus. From (5) we have dU+U'dz=j^,dp (15) Now if is any integrating factor of the left-hand side, — 2 == constant will exjiress a possible value of p. But any pD iunction of the form h^^^'-ij) 92 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. will render the left-hand side a perfect differential ; hence where ^ is any function, will express a jiossible value of p. In particular, choosing (p (v) = —;;- , we have v k {xy + yz + zxj 2 ' (17) which gives another simple law of density. The surfaces of constant pressure remain the same as before ; for, when (15) is multiplied across by jjr^

( ^^lr-z'-{x-af-y). Vh^—sr — {x—a)- 5. The components of force Leing proportional to cy—hz, az—cx, hx—ay, show that the surfaces of constant pressure are planes passing ni* 01 2^ through the line '- = ^ = - , and the curves of constant pressure ° a G and constant density are right lines parallel to this. 6. In a spherical mass of homogeneous liquid, self-attracting according to the law of nature, find the pressure int ensity at any point. Ans. If y is the constant of gravitation, at any point, P, distant r from the centre, V = zny p{a} — ^r-), where a is the radius of the sphere (see Statics, Vol. IT, p. 299, 4th ed.). jy= 2T:yp'{ii'-lr'). [The homogeneity of this is thus verified : if m denotes mass, m^ / denotes force, and I denotes length, we know that y .-- — f; also p = ^ ; hence }> is of the nature r^ , as it ought to be. Since the pressure intensity in a homogeneous sphere is thus proportional to the square of the density, we see the nature of the assumption made by Laplace {Statics, vol. i, Art. 174) in the case of the Earth— that in passing from stratum to stratum the change in the pressure intensity is proportional to the change in the square of the density.] 20. Equations of Equilibrium in Polar and Cylin- drical Co-ordinates. Let 1\ Fi','-. 31, be any point in a fluid, at wiiich the components of force acting- on the fluid, per unit mass, are J, Y, Z parallel to the rectangular axes, 94 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokmetics. Fig. 31- Ox, Oy, Oz ; and let the position of P be defined by the usual polar co-ordinates, viz. the radius vector OP(=r), the colatitude, PO- {= 6), and the lono-itude, xO/i (= ^), this last being- the ang-le between the plane xz and the plane containing" P and the axis of z. The arcs in the figure are those determined on a sphere whose centre is and radius OP by the axes and the line OP. Sometimes it is convenient to consider the resultant force per unit mass at P as resolved into three rectangular components corresponding to radius vector, latitude, and longitude, i. e. components along OP, along the line at P perpendicular to OP in the plane POz, and along the tangent at P to the parallel of latitude. Producing the great circle zPn to T so that nT= zP = 6, the second of these directions is parallel to OT ; and since the third is at right angles to the plane POz at P, if we produce the arc xi/ to Q so that //Q = xn = (p, the line OQ is parallel to the tangent at P to the parallel of latitude. Let R be the component of the force-intensity (i. e. force per unit mass) at P in the direction OP ; let be its component in the second and 4> its component in the third of these directions. Now, the axis of x being in any direction, we have proved the equation dp dx = p^, so that if ds is the element of length of a curve drawn in any direction at P, and S the force-intensity along the General Equations of Pressure. 95 tano-ent to this curve at P in the sense in which (h is measured, it follows that djj Takinj^ (Is alono- OP, we have ds = dr ; takin<:»" ds along- the meridian cP at P, we have ds = rdO ; and takin* ds alono- the parallel of latitude at P in the sense OQ, we have ds = r sin 6 d(f), since the radius of the parallel of latitude is r sin 0. Hence the equations of cciuilibrium are , = p.P, dp dr dp dd dp d4> = pr.Q, = prsinO . *. (I) Equations of eqidlibr'mm in Cylindrical Co-ordinates. By the cylindrical co-ordinates of P are meant the distance, z, of P from the plane xy, the perpendicular distance, C of P from the axis of z, and the longitude, denote the components of force-intensity at P parallel to Oz, perpendicular to Oz, and along the tangent to the parallel of latitude, dp dz = '^' ^P - r 7 dC-'^^' -^ = p ;• sm d (2) (^. 96 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. Examples. 1. If a homogeneous liquid i.s acted upon by gravitj', and each particle is, in addition, acted upon by a force emanating from a vertical axis proportional to the distance of the particle ii'om that axis, find the intensity of pressure at any point. Adopting the C. G. S. system, measuring forces in dynes and masses in grammes, Z = —g (the axis of Z being drawn C vertically upwards), Z^= f .- , where / is a constant force in dynes and a a constant length in centimetres, and f^ = o. Hence dj) dp C „ at all points, and the origin is taken at the intersection of the axis of z with this surface, we have P=P^-pil^+TZ-0^ (6) which shows that all tlie surfaces of constant pressure are para- boloids of revolution round the axis of z, their parameters being 2. If the fluid is compressible and follows the law that p is proportional to ]) at each point ; then, supposing that if at each point the intensity of pressure were ^q, the density would be p^, we have p =: p^ . — , and (4) becomes Po General Equations of Pressure. 97 the integral of which is p=Ce''^^ ' '" ^ (8) where C is a constant. If the origin is taken as before, C is the constant intensity of pressure on the free surface, and the surfaces of constant pressure are still paraboloids of revolution. 3. If a mass of homogeneous liquid surrounds a sphere of uniform density, and is subject to the attraction of this sphere as well as to a force emanating from a fixed axis through the centre of the sphere and proportional to the distance, as above, we may employ either the general equations of Art. 18 or cy- lindrical co-ordinates, or we may take as co-ordinates r and C, simply. Thus, if the attraction of the sphere (not represented in the figure) per unit mass at P is represented hj k -^, where c is a constant length in centimetres and k a constant force in dynes, we have and since dp = ~ dr + ~dC, we have dr dQ c2 r dp=-pk^dr + pf^dC, (10) .-. p= pk^+flC' + C, (11) where C is a constant. If Oz cuts the free surface where r=R, and if 2>o is the pressure intensity on the free surface, C = p^-pk-' 4. Suppose a homogeneous sphere at rest surrounded by an atmosphere whose particles attract each other and are attracted by the sphere according to the law of nature; it is required to find an equation for the intensity of pressure at any point of the atmosphere. The surfaces of constant density in the atmosphere will be spheres concentric with the nucleus. Let F be a point in the H 98 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. atmosphere distant r from the centre, 0, and II = mass of nucleus. Then, if y is the constant of gravitation, with the units of the C. G. S. system the attraction at F per unit mass is - — due to the nucleus, and in addition to this there is the attraction of that portion of the atmosphere contained within the spliere of radius OP : the portion outside this sphere, since its layers of constant density are spherical shells with centre 0, exerts no attraction at P {Statics, vol. II, Art. 319). To find the attraction due to the portion of the atmosphere within the sphere of radius OP, describe a sphere of radius x, less than OP ; let p' be the density (grammes per cubic cm.) on its surface, and describe another sphere of radius x + dx; then the mass of the shell contained between these spheres is X dx ^Tip'x^dx, and its attraction per unit mass at P is Anyp' — — [Statics, ibid.). *" Hence the equation for p si P is, since the resultant force is directed from P to 0, _ldp^yM^^r (,) p dr r^ 'y la where a is the radius of the nucleus. To form a differential equation for p, multiply both sides by r^, and then differentiate both sides with respect to r. Now observe that p' is some function of x, and that we are differ- entiating the integral at the right-hand side with regard to its upper limit, so that the result of this differentiation will be the function under the integral sign with the upper limit, r, substi- tuted for X (see Williamson's Integral Calculus, Art. 114, or Greenhill's Dif. aiid Int. Cal, Art. 207). Hence , , , d /r' dps „ , . * (7 *) = -"'"''"•• <'* rp in which p = kpy where k= 2926-9 — , as will be seen in a subsequent Chapter; therefore ±(r^dp. 4jry ,_ . The integral of this equation can be presented in a series. If General Equations of Pressure. 99 J TTV -^^ is tlenoted by [i, a particular value of p is given by the ^ 2 equation 7) =. — - . Now assume P = ^i, (4) where (f) is an unknown quantity, and change the independent variable from r to - • Denoting - by x, and putting log (p ^ yp, equation {3) be- comes ** • ^'S^ + ^(^'-^) = ° ^5) Let - be denoted by c, and expand -^ in powers of x—c according to the formula where \//n, f^) , ... are the values of yl/ and its differential coefficients at the surface of the solid nucleus, i. e. where x = c. In calculating the successive differential coefficients VdxVo' \dx'K' '" by successive differentiations of (5) in terms of the unknown and arbitrary constants yj/^ and (-r--) , it will be found con- venient to take e^' = vl and ( -^) = - i5, so that A and B are the two arbitrary constants which belong to the integral of (5)- It will be seen that all the coefficients in (6) at the right-hand side vanish for the particular values A = i, B = o, and the in- 2 tegral then obtained is \// = o, i.e. ^ = i, or p = — j« fJ.T H Z loo Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. 21. Centre of Pressure. Hitherto in finding' the position of the centre of pressure on a plane area we have confined our attention to areas of simple forms, such as triang-les, quadiilaterals, &c. We shall now consider a plane area of any form occupying* an assig-ned position in water, or other liquid, subject to the action of gravity only. Let the area be mm, Fig. 20, p. 52. If we draw at a depth z below the surface AB of the liquid a horizontal line, and another line parallel to this at the infinitesimal distance dz below it, denoting the length of the line intercepted by the area rn m by y, the pressure on the strip contained by these close lines is wzydz, where w = specific weight of the liquid ; and this pressure acts at the middle jooint of the strip, therefore its moment about AB is wz^t/dz. Now the whole pressure on the area mm is Aziv, where A is the magnitude of the area and z the depth of G, its centre of area ; hence if ^ is the depth of the centre of pressure, p=^' « in which y is a known function of z when the form and position of the area are assigned. The position of the centre of pressure may be otherwise expressed thus. At any point in the surface of the liquid draw two rectangular axes, Ox, Oy, and draw the axis of Oz vertically downwards ; break up the area mm into infinitesimal elements ; let x, y, z be the co-ordinates of any point, P, in the area at which the element of area is dS. Then the pressure on this element is wzdS. Hence the co-ordinates of the centre of pressure, /, are fxzdS fyzdS fz'^dS fzdS ' 'jVd'S' /zdS' If at all points on the contour, mm, of the area we draw vertical lines terminated by the surface of the liquid, the General Equations of Pressure. lOI centre of gravity of the cylinder of fluid enclosed by these lines and the area mm lies on the vertical throug-h /, midway between /and the surface. For, \i dcr is the i)ro- jection of d S on the free surface of the liquid, the elementary cylinder stiinding- on dS has for volume zda, and the co- ordinates of its centre of gravity are x, i/, - ; hence the co-ordinates of the centre of gravity of the whole cylinder are fxzda fyzda ^fz^da JzdcT f^d'T ' fzdcr and if 6 is the angle between the plane of the area r n m and the horizon, it is evident that da =z cos 6 . dS, so that in the numerator and denominator of each of these last expressions we may replace da hy dS, and the result is then obvious. The position of the centre of pressure on a plane area can be very easily expressed with reference to the principal axes of the area at its centre of gra- b n ^^ a vity, G. Thus, let CBE (Fic^. 32) be the plane area, its plane being' in- clined to the ver- tical at any angle, d ', let G A and GB be its principal axes at G, intersecting the surface of the liquid in A and £; let GN(= A) be the perpendicular from ^'(in the plane of the area) on the line AB, and let GjV make the angle a with GA. The equation of AB with reference to GA and GB as axes of X and y, respectively, is X cos o +y sin a —h = o ; Fig. 32. I02 Hydrostatics and Eleinentary Hydrokindks. and if P is any point in the area at which the element of area d& is taken, the perpendicular Pm from P on AB is ^— a; cos a — j/sino, if x,y are the co-ordinates of P with reference to GA and GB. Hence the perpendicular, Bt^ from P on the surface of the liquid is {Ji — X cos a —y sin a) cos ^, and the pressure on cl8 is w{li — XQ,0'aa—y^va.a)Q.Q)%Q.dS, ... (a) where w is the weig-ht of the liquid per unit volume. Now take the sum of the moments of the elementary pressures of which (a) is the type about GA and equate it to the moment of the resultant pressure, A x GT . w, where A is the area and GT the perpendicular from G on the surface. If (^, rj) are the co-ordinates of /, the centre of pressure, we have icAh cos 6,7]= to cos 6f[h—x cos a —y sin a)ydS . (2) = — iv cos 6 sin a/y~dS, the other integrals vanishing" since the principal axes at the centre of area are those of co-ordinates. 'Now yy^dS is the moment of inertia of the area about GA, which we shall denote by A . ^^^, k^ being- the radius of g-yration of the area about GA. Hence, finally, »? ^-ycosa; (3} and in the same way, equating the moment of the whole pressure about GB to the sum of the moments of the elementary pressures of the type (a), we have k^ ^ = - X sin « (4) Thus the co-ordinates are independent of the inclination of the given plane area to the vertical, as we have previously General Equations of Pressure. 103 pointed out, so that if the area were turned round the line AB in which its plane intersects the surface of the liquid throug-h any ang-le, the centre of i)ressure, /, would continue to be absolutely the same point in the area. The expressions (3), (4) lead at once to an obvious geo- metrical interpretation, viz. — construct the ellipse whose equation with reference to GA and GB is -^> + ^ = I ; take the pole, Q, of the line AB with reference to this ellipse ; the co-ordinates of Q are ( — f, — >?), so that if the line QG is produced throug-h G to / so that GI = QG, we arrive at /, the centre of pressure. These expressions (3), (4) give tis at once some simple results concerning the motion of the centre of pressure produced by various displacements of the given area. Thus, if the area is rotated in its own plane about G, while G is fixed, the only variable in the values of ^, ^ is a ; and if this is eliminated from (3), (4), we have l.t-l_ (r) which is the locus described in the area by the centre of pressure — viz. an ellipse. To find the locus described in this case by the centre of pressure with reference to fixed space, refer its position to the line GN and the horizontal line through G in the area as axes of x' and 7/\ respectively. If {x', ij) are the co-ordinates of / with reference to these axes, we have ^ =■ x' cos a — y sin a, ■q ■= x' sin a -^-y' cos a. Substituting- the above values of ^, 77, and eliminating a, we have k,^ + k.K^ ,2 A^-^\^ /^ I04 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinctics. which shows that / describes a cii-cle in fixed space, the centre of the circle being- on the vertical through G. Ao-ain. if the area is lowered into the liquid without rotation, h is the only variable in (3) and (4), by eliminating which we have „ /. 2 ^ = iL,tana, (7) which shows that / describes a right line in the area ; and it describes also a A ^ ^ -^ right line in space, ^ ^ I ^ ^^'^ ^ for (7) gives a linear relation be- tween x' , y\ and constants. Let us next sup- pose the plane of the area to have any position what- ever, which we shall define in the usual way by the Precession and Nutation angles ^, 0, \//. Take the vertical Gz as axis of /, and any two rectangular horizontal lines, Gx' , G/, as axes of x' and /. Let Gx, Gy be the principal axes at G in the plane of the given area, while Gz is the axis perpendicular to this plane. Then, since the direction-cosines of Gz' with reference to the axes of a?, y, z are — sin -^ sin Q, cos y\t sin 0, cos Q, the length of the perpendicular from any point {x, y, 0) in the given area on the free surface AB is // + a; sin \// sin 6 —y cos \// sin Q. This multiplied by lo ds gives the pressure on the element General Equations of Pressure. 1 05 of area, and the total moment of pressure aljout Gx is — Ak^^w cos y\f sin 6. Hence, as before, ^= ^- siny/^sin^, (8) k ^ ri= ^ cos \// sin (9) A Suppose the area to be rotated, like a rigid body, round any line, GL, fixed in space, the direction-cosines of this line being- /, m, n with reference to the space axes Gx\ Gy\ Gz'. Then the angles between GL and the principal axes Gx, Gi/, Gz are all constant, and if we denote their cosines by A, IX, V, respectively, we find, by eliminating 6 and \// from (8) and (9) by means of the constants A, fx, v, the equation P ri^ I /AA ur] nJ' I ,^^ which gives the curve described in the area by the centre of pressure This agrees with (5) for the case in which the plane of the area is always kept vertical ; for in this case 6 = - , xj/ =—a, V = 1, n = o, k = IX = o. If the line GL is any one in the plane of the area v = o, and the locus described by / in the area is a right line, ^y 4. i—i J — = o II k.]" ^ k^' ^ h ^ ' Examples. 1. Find the position of the centre of water pressure on a circular urea whose plane is vertical and whuse centre is at a given depth. Take as the principal axes of reference at G the vertical and io6 Hydrostatics and Elcmenta)y Hydrokinetks. horizontal diameters, and let li be the depth of G. Then in (3) and (4) we have a = o and h^ ■= h^ z=\ r^, where r is the radius of the circle. Hence ^ r* 4/t o 7— so that 7 is on the vertical diameter at a depth h ■\ — - from the free surface. ^ If the area is just immersed, h = r, and the depth of / is 4 ' • In the case of an elliptic area whose centre is at a depth h, and whose major axis makes an angle a with the vertical .a' 6« . t = r cos a, 71 = r- sm a, 4/1 4 /i where a and b are the semi-axes. 2. Find the pressure on a plane vertical area whose position is given in a slightly compressible liquid. Supposing, definitely, the units of the C. G. S. system adopted, we have for the intensity of pressure at any point P, dp , . where z is the depth of P in centimetres below the free surface. , , „ . . dp k dp 7.1 -T Also from (y), p. 22, ~ =z - —- where k is the resilience of volume. ^^ ^ ^^ These give by integration where p^ is the density at the surface of the liquid. Now since k is very great, we may neglect 7^ , and we have which indicates a uniform density superposed on a density vary- ing directly as the depth. General Equations of Pressure. 107 Substituting this in (i), we have i' = mG~ + 7^0 (3) Let A be the magnitude of the given area, and z the depth of its centre of area. If dS is the clcmetit of area at P, the whole pressure is fpdS; and \i fz^dS, which is the moment of inertia of the area about the line AB (Fig. 32) in which its plane intersects the surface, is denoted by A A^, while fzdS = Az, the resultant pressure is in dynes. Dividing this expression by g, we have the pressure in grammes' weight. 3. Find the position of the centre of pressure on any vertical area which is symmetrical with respect to its principal axes at its centre of area, when immersed in a slightly compressible fluid. AVith the notation of p. 103, and denoting the radius of gyra- tion of the area about the line AB (Fig. 32) by A, we have 4. Assuming the resilience of volume of sea water to be, in C. G. S. units, 2-33 X 10'" (see p. 22), and that i mile= 160933 centimetres, find the fractional increase in density at a depth of I mile in the ocean. Ans. From the equations ^P 10 Pj-= 2-33 X 10'" ^P o £ = »**""■ we have ,0 c?p o j 2-33 X io'° -^ = 981 rfs, P-Po 981 Po^ 2-33 X io'"-98i/),; io8 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinctics. where p^ is the density at the surface. Taking p^ = 1-026, we find at the depth of a mile '-^=-^^^ nearly. Po M2-8 5. Assuming the resilience of volume of sea water to be con- stant at all dej^ths, find what the depth of the ocean should be at a point where the deubity of the water is double the surface density. Ans. Nearly 71-92 miles. 6. Represent graphically the densities of sea water at points on a vertical liue drawn downwards from the surface. Let be the point on the surface, OA the vertical line drawn downwards to the point, A, at which the density would be doubled ; produce OA to C so that OA=i AC; draw a hori- zontal line, CE, through C. Then if the densities at various points on OC are represented by ordiuates drawn at these points perpendicularly to OC, their extremities trace out a hyperbola whose centre is C and asymptotes CO and CH. 7. If the density of a fluid varies as any given function of the depth, find the depth of the centre of pressure on a plane vertical area. Ans. If p = f\z), the depth of / is f^flj^g ' 8. A rectangular area, ABCD, has one side AB in the surface of water and its plane vertical. If it is rotated about a hori- zontal axis at A, find the curve described in the area by the centre of pressure so long as the whole area continues immersed. Ans. If AB = 2(1, AD = 26, the centre of pressure traces out a right line in the area. This line is thus constructed : let G be the centre of area of the rectangle, m and n the middle points of DC and CB respectively; take a point p on Gm such that Gp = ^ Gm, and a point q on Gn such that Gq = ^ Gn ; then the liue joining ^; to q is that described in the area by the centre of pressure. 9. A plane area of any form occupies a vertical position in water. If it is rotated in its plane about any point in the area, find the curve traced out in the urea by the centre of pressure. General Equations of Pressure. 109 Ans. Let be the point about whicli the area turns, G the centre of area, a, j-i the co-ordinates of with respect to tlie principal axes at G, h = tlio perpendicular from on the sur- face ot the lifjuid, the radii of gyration being as in p. 103 ; then the equation of the locus referred to the principal axes at G is (a k,' w + l3k,'^j + k,' k,y = Ir (AV x' + V f), which will be a hyperbola, an ellipse, or a parabola according as GO >h, GO < h, or GO = h. If is in the surface of the liquid, so long as none of the area is raised out of the liquid by rotation about 0, the locus is a right line. Thus if a plane polygon of any shape has a corner in the surface of the \u[uid round wliicli the polygon is turned, the centre of pressure describes a right line so long as the whole area remains immersed. 10. Find the position of the centre of pressure of a semicir- cular area whose diameter is in the surfiice of water. Ans. If r is the radius of the circle, the centre of pressure is at a distance ^ r from the horizontal diameter. (The centre of gravity of a semicircle is — from the centre.) o 11. If the diameter is horizontal and at a depth h, find the depth of the centre of pressure. Ans. ^-^- below the horizontal diameter. 4 4r + STTh 12. Find the position of the centre of pressure on a semicir- cular area whose bounding diameter is vertical with one ex- tremity in the surface of water. . 4r Ans. Its distance from the vertical diameter is — , and its depth is ^ r. (The point is on the vertical through the centre of gravity, G, of the area, since this is one of the principal axes at 6-'.) 13. Find the position of the centre of pressure on a semicir- cular area completely immersed in water, the bounding diameter beini- inclined at an an^le a to the horizon and having one extremity in the surface of the water. no Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. Ans. The distances of the centre of pressure from the bounding diameter and the diameter pei-peudicular to it are, respectively, r q TT cos a + 1 6 sin a , r q tt sin a - • and - . '- -. — • 4 4 cos a + 3 TT sin a 4 4 cos a + 3 tt sin a 14. An elliptic area is immersed vertically in water; if it is displaced by rolling along the surface of the water, find the locus described in the area by the centre of pressure. Ans. A similar, similarly placed, and concentric ellipse whose axes are each \ of the corresponding axes of the given ellipse. CHAPTER V. PRESSURE ON CURVED SURFACES. 22. Principle of Buoyancy. If any curved closed surface, M (Fig*. 2, p. 5), be traced out in imag-ination in a heavy fluid the pressures exerted on all the elements of this surface by the surrounding* fluid have a sing-le resultant, which is equal and opj)Osite to the weight of the fluid enclosed by M. This is evident^ because the fluid inside 31 is in equili- brium under its own weight and the pressure exerted on its surface by the surrounding- fluid ; hence this pressure reduces to a vertical upward force equal to the weight of the fluid inside M and acting through the centre of gra\dty of this fluid. This is obviously true whatever be the nature of the fluid — liquid or gaseous, homogeneous or heterogeneous. If the curved surface M is not one merely traced out in imagination in the fluid, but the surface of a solid body displacing fluid, the result is the same — the remltant pressure of a heavy finid on ihe surface of any solid hody M is a vertical ujnvard force equal to the weight of the fluid ivhich could statically replace M, and this force acts through the centre of gravity of this replacing fluid. 112 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. Fig. 34- Let Pig. 34 represent the solid body, which we may imag-ine to be a mass of iron, the suiTounding" fluid being water, aii-, or any fluid acted upon by gravity. The body is represented as held in its position by cords attached to fixed points, C,D, ..., and the arrows represent pressures exerted on its surface by the fluid at various points. Now it is quite clear that if the iron body were replaced by one having exactly the same surface and occupjdng exactly the same position, the pres- sure on each element of its surface would be identically the same as before, of whatever sub- stance the new body maybe. If the new body were of wood, or instead of being solid were a thin hollow shell, it might be necessary to keep it in the position re- presented by means which prevent its rising up out of the fluid ; but we are not at all concerned with the forces which keep the body M in equilibrium ; our object is merely to ascertain the resultant, if any, of the jitiid jiressures exerted in the given position on its surface. In general, a number of forces acting in various lines which do not lie in one plane have no single resultant : their simplest reduction is to two forces whose lines of action do not meet [Statics, vol. ii., chap. xiii.). But it is remarkable that the pressures exerted on the various elements of any closed surface by a heav)^ fluid Jiave a single resultant ; and the truth of this we see by imagining the place occupied by M to be occupied by a portion of the fluid itself, placed in the vacancy without disturbing any of the surrounding fluid. Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 113 With rco;-ard to tliis ro])l:icini^ fluid, observe two tliinf^s : firstly, it is in iMjuiiibrimu ; secondly, it is kept so by its own wei<^^'^' and pdS' at P and P' neutralize each other in the direction of the axis of X ; and in the same way the pressures at the ends of all other cylinders parallel to the axis of x neutralize each other in this direction, so that there is no force parallel to this axis; and, similarly, no force in any direction. Thus the area of the projection of any closed surfiice on any plane must be considered as zero. In symbols, fjdydz taken over any closed surface is zero. In fact, in several investigations of mathematical physics, each element, dS, of a surface may usefully be represented by a vector, i. e. a directed magnitude, by drawing at the mean point, P, of the element d^ a normal to the surface from the surface into the surrounding space — always from the same side, or aspect, of the surface into this surrounding space — taking a length on this normal proportional to the area of the correspond- ing element, dS, and marking the end of this normal length by an arrow head. The orthogonal projection, or component, of this marked line along any line, L, will then represent tlie pro- jection of d8 on any plane perpendicular to L. Some of these marked lines, or vectors, will have comi^onents along L in one sense and others will have components in the opposite sense ; and thus we understand more clearly the mathematical result that the sum of the projections of the same aspects of the ele- ments, dS, ... of any closed surface on any plane is zero. In the same way there is no resultant moment of the pres- sures round any line. For, if ffj, o-j, o-, are the jn'ojections of dS at P on the planes y«, zx, xy, respectively, the components Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 115 of the force pdS parallt'l to the axes of x, _?/, z are 7>o"i, 7>o"2, l^^^'i and the moment of this force about the axis of x is i'(yo-3-co-2) (a) Now if tlie pcrppiidiculiir from P on tlic 2)lam' yz is prochiced through tliis phme to meet the suriace again in P'", the element of area, dS"\ cut off at P'" hy the slender cylinder descriljed on the contour of dS at P parallel to the axis of z, will have for projection on the plane »•;/ tlu; value — o-g, and the co-ordinate ij being the same for P'" as for P, the moment round the axis of X' of the pressure at P"' will supply the term —ycr^, which destroys the first part of («). The second part is similarly destroyed by the pressure at P'\ the point in which the parallel from P to the axis of y meets the surlace again. Hence there is no moment of the pressure about any line. Analytically this result is expressed thus : ff {y dx dy — zdz dx) = o for any closed sui-face. The result of this Corollary may also be thus stated: given any closed curve, plane or tortuous, in space ; if a surface of any size and shape be described having* this curve for a bounding' edge, and if pressure of uniform intensity be distributed over one side of this surface, the resultant of this ])ressure is the same whatever the size and shape of the surface. Hence if the curve is plane, the resultant pressure on any surface having it for a bounding edg-e is the same as the resultant pressure on the plane area of the curve. Cor. 2. The principle of Archimedes. The particular case in which the solid body M which displaces lluid is in equiUbrium soleh/ under the action of its oirn iceifjht and the fluid pressure over its surface furnishes the Principle of Archimedes, The resultant of the system of fluid i)ressures must then be exactly equal and opposite to the weight of the dis- placing- body. I 2 ii6 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. Fig. 35. Thus, let Fi"-. "^^y represent a heavy body whose centre of gravity is G^ floating- in equilibrium in a heavy fluid. The surface over which the fluid pressure is ex- erted is ABB which is not a closed surface ; but, as there is no pressure due to the fluid exerted over the free surface, BM, of the fluid, w^e can suppose the immersed surface ABB to be closed by the section of the body made by the horizontal plane AB. Hence the resultant of the pressures is the weight of the fluid that would fill the space ABB ; and if H is the centre of gravity of this fluid, the resultant pressure acts up through II, so that G and // must be in the same vertical line. Hence there are two distinct conditions of equi- librium of a body floating freely in a heavy fluid, viz. 1°. ike weight of the body must he equal to the weight of the fluid which it displaces; and 2°. the centre of gravity of the hody and the centre of gravity of the jiuid that icould statically fll its place {centre of hiioyancy) must he in the same vertical line. We have hitherto supposed that the only fluid displaced by the body is that reiDresented in the vessel below the surface BM ; but if above this there is air, whose weight is considered, there is also displaced a volume of air repre- sented by ACB, and the resultant effect of the air is to pro- duce an upward vertical force, even though (as in the figure) the air pressm-e exerted by the air actually in contact with the displacing body should be a doiomoard force ; for, we must remember that the surface LM of the lower fluid is all subject to air pressure which is (by Pascal's Principle) Pressure oil Curved Surfaces 117 transmitted undiminished all throu<4'li Uiis fluid, so that the lower part, ADB, of the surface of the body is really acted upon all over by air pressure of constant intensity. Now by Cor, i, the resultant of this system of air pressures on the curved surface ADB, is the same as if the pressure was applied over the lower side of the plane area AB in which the surface Ij]\[ cuts the body. The resultant air pressure is, therefore, an upward force equal to the weig"ht of the air that would statically 1111 the S])ace ACB, and it acts throug-h the centre of g-ravity of this air. The case of a balloon floating in the air is also an instance of the principle of Archimedes ; the force of buoyancy is the weig-ht of the air that could statically replace all the solid por- tions of the balloon and the g-as which it contains. It must not be supposed that, since the balloon is a comparatively small body, the intensity of the air pressure is constant all over its surface — a not unnatural error ; for, if this air pressure were of constant intensity all over the surface, its resultant would be absolutely zero, as we have already seen, and there would be no force of buoyancy. If the medium surround- ing- a body is ever so slig-htly acted upon by gravitation, its intensity of pressure cannot be constant, and hence the densities of the air at the top and at the bottom of the balloon are not the same. 23. Introduction of Fictitious Forces. In the case in which a body is partiall\' immersed in a fluid, or a part of the body is in one fluid and the remainder in another, it is often very convenient to introduce fictitious forces of buoy- ancy in one part of the calculation and to take them away in another. Thus, suppose Fig-. ^^ to represent a body of which the portion ABB is immersed in water while the portion ACB is in vacuo. Then the actual force of buoyancy is due to the volume ABB of water ; but we can complete the volume ii8 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. of the dis])laced water by supposing- the portion ACB to be also surrounded by water, and then supposing- that there is a dotvmoard force, in addition, due to the action of this por- tion ACB of water taken negatively. Thus the actual force of buoyancy — viz. an upward force at //equal to the weight of the volume ABB of water — can be replaced by an ^qncard force equal to the weight of the whole volume ADBC of water acting at the centre of gravity of the homogeneously filled volume ADBC (not G, the c. g. of the body, unless the body is itself a homogeneous solid), together with a down- ward force equal to the weight of the volume ACB of water acting at the centre of gravity of the homogeneously filled volume ACB. In the same way, if the portion ACB is in a liquid of specific weight 2i\, and ABB in one of specific weight Wg* we may regard the force of buovancy as consisting of an upward force equal to the weight of the whole volume ABBC of the liquid iv^ together with a downward force equal to the weight of a fictitious liquid of specific weight w., — 2i\ acting at the centre of gravity of the homogene- ously filled volume ACB. 24. Resultant Pressure on an unclosed curved surface. Suppose BCBA, Fig-. 36, to repre- = sent any unclosed surface in a heavy iluid, and suppose its bounding edge to be a plane curve so that the sur- face can be closed by a plane base, represented by AB. It is required to find the resultant of the fiuid Fig. 36. pressures exerted on one side of the unclosed surface. Closing the surface by means of the plane base AB, the resultant of the pressures all over the outside of the com- pletely closed surface is the vertical ujiward force, L repre- Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 119 sented by tlie line JIL drawn ihrong-h the centre of <2^ravity, //, of the fluid which would fill the volume. But if P is the resultant fluid pressure on the plane base AB, actin^i;- at the centre of pressure, /, the force L is the resultant of P and the resultant pressure over the unclosed part. This latter force, Q, is therefore found by producin<»- the lines of action of L and P to meet — at 0, suppose, — and drawin^i: On and Om to represent L and P, respectively ; then the required force Q is represented by the line OQ which is equal and parallel to 7nn. If the fluid is a homogeneous liquid of specific weig-ht w, if A is the area of the plane base AB, z the depth of the centre of area of AB below the free surface, and V is the volume of the closed surface, P = Azw, and L = J'lo. Hence if 6 is the inclination of the plane base AB to the horizon, ^ ^ ^^ VV-'^2rAzco^e + A^z'' ; horizontal component o^ Q = Aztv sin 6, vertical component of Q = (Az cos 6— F)iv. Examples. 1. Suppose a right cone whose axis is vertical and vertex downwards^ to be filled with a liquid ; find the resultant pressure on one-half of the curved surface determined by any plane containing the axis. Let ACB, Fig. 37, 1)6 the vertical plane of section, and ACDB the half of tlic curved gurfiice on which wc desire to find the resultant \n\m<\ pressure. Consider the separate equilibrium of the fluid contained between tliis curved surface and the triangle ACB. It is kept at rest by its weiglit, the Fig. 37. pressure of the remaining fluid on the area ACB acting at /, the centre of pressure on this triangle, )-p 120 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinctics. and by the pressure of tlie cun-ed surface ACDB. The weight acts tiirough G, the centre of gravity of the semi-cone ; and if on the diameter, OD, which is perpendicular to AB, we take the AT point n such that On ^ — , where r is the radius of the base, this point n is the centre of area of the semicircle ADB, so that G lies on nC and Gn = iCn {Statics, Vol. I, Art. 163). The point / is half way down OC (Ait. 15). If F is the pressure on the triangle A CB, h =■ height of cone, P = ^ rh-w ; and W = ^ Trr-Jiw, where W = weight of liquid. The lines of action of P and W meet in a point c, whose position is thus completely known ; and by drawing cP and c TF to represent P and W on any scale, the diagonal through c of the rectangle thus determined will represent Q, the resultant pressure of the curved sui-face on the fluid in the semi-cone. The line cQ is drawn to represent this pressure, and this force reversed is the pressure of the fluid on the surface. 2. If the cone is closed by a base, and the axis is held hori- zontal, find the resultant pressure on the lower half of the curved surface. Aois. If X and Y are the horizontal and vertical com- ponents of the resultant pressure, X = (- + -)r'w, r = (i+ ).v. and the line of action of the pressure jiasses thi'ough a j)oint whose distances from the base and the axis of the cone ai'e h 77-1-8 T r 377+16 — • and - • 4 77-1-6 4 377 + 4 (see example 10, p. 109). 3. If a hollow cylinder is filled with liquid and held with its axis vertical, determine the magnitude and line of action of the resultant pressure on one half of the curved surface cut ofi" by a vertical plane through the axis. Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 121 Ans. It is a horizontal force equal to r^hw acting in a line - from tlie base. 3 4. If the cylinder is closed at both ends and held with its axis horizontal, find the resultant pressure on the lower lialf of the curved surl'ace. Ans. A vertical force = [2 Jt -\T"h IV. I 5. In example 2 find the magnitude and line of action of the resultant pressure on the upper half of the curved surface. Ans. If A" and Y are the hoi'izontal and vertical com- ponents of the pressure, Y ■=\\ — -~\ r^hw, and the line of action of the resultant passes through a point whose distances from the base and the axis of the cone are h 8 — ■7T - r 16 — 377 - • and - • • 4 6-77 4 37^-4 6 A spherical shell is fdled with liquid ; find the magnitude and line of action of the resultant pressure on the curved surface of either hemisphere cut off by any vertical central plane. Ans. The line of action passes through the centre of the sphere; the horizontal component is irr^iv, and the vertical ^ 77 r^ w. 7. A spherical shell is filled with liquid ; find the magnitude and line of action of the resultant pressure on each of the hemi- spheres into which the sphere is divided by any diametral plane. Ana. If d is the inclination of the plane section to the hori- zon, the pressure on one hemisphere is the resultant of two forces Tir^io and f^Tir^io, respectively perpendicular to the ])lane section and vertical, the lines of action of these forces including an angle 0, while tlie pressure on the other curved surface is the resultant of the same forces including an angle Ti — 0; and both pass through the centre. 122 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. 8. If a hole is made in tlie top of the shell and fitted with a funnel, find the height to which the funnel must be filled with the liquid in order that the resultant pressure on one of the hemispheres shall be a horizontal force, Ans. The height = r (§ sec a— i). 25. General Principle of Buoyancy. In Art. 22 we have enunciated the principle of buo^'ancy in the case in which the buoyant medium is acted upon by the attraction of the earth — that is, the principle has been applied in the case of a heavy fluid of uniform or variable density, com- pressible or incompressible. It is evident that the same principle holds in general for any medium the particles of which are acted upon by any system of external forces, electric, magnetic, or other. Thus, in Fig. 38, let AB be a closed surface traced out in imagination in a medium of any kind the particles of which are acted upon by any sys- tem of forces, and let the resultant of these forces on the particles contained within the surface AB — if they have a single resultant at all — be a force repre- sented by OF. Then, con- sidering the separate equilibrium of the portion of the medium within AB^ we see that this portion is kept in equilibrium by the force OF and by the pressures (repre- sented as normal, though not necessarily so) exerted by the suiTounding pai-t of the medium on the various elements of the surface AB. It follows that these pressures have a single resultant, 0F\ exactly equal and opposite to OF. Hence if AB were the surface of a foreign body the par- ticles of which are subject to the same external forces as those acting on the medium, though the resultant, B, of Fig. 38. Fig. 39- Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 123 these on the body AB may now be different both in mag-- nitude and in direction I'rom OF, the resultant of the pres- sures exerted on this body by the surrounding- medium will still be OF'; and in order that this body should be in equi- librium without the aid of further forces (tensions of cords, &c.) it must take such a position in the medium that R is exactly equal and opposite to OF' — a condition which it may or may not be possible to fulfil. Again, in Fig. 39, let M be any foreign body immersed in a medium — air, suppose, — and let its molecules be subject to the attractive and repulsive forces of two magnetic poles, N and S ; suppose the resultant action of these poles on the body to reduce to two equal and opposite forces, P, P, form- ing" a couple ; and, to eliminate the effect of gravitation, suppose the body supported by a cord attached to its centre of gravity, G. Then the body is also acted upon by the pressures of the surrounding medium on its various elements of surface. What is the resultant action of these pressures ? To answer this question, we must imagine the place of the body occupied statically by a portion of the medium itself. If the magnetic forces do not produce any effect on the particles of the medium, the pressures on the elements of surface of the replacing medium are simply equivalent to a vertical upward force acting through the centre of gravity of this portion of the medium and equal to its weight — which would usually be a very small force ; but if the medium is affected by magnetic forces, and if the resultant action of these forces consists of a couple, Q, Q, the result- ant action of the surrounding medium must consist — in addition to the previously mentioned small gravitation force of buoyancy — of a couple equal and opposite to the couple Q, Q. Hence, neglecting gravitation forces, if the foreign body is in equilibrium, it must place iti«elf in such a position that the magnetic couple, P. P, produced on it ; 124 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. too:cther with the mao-netic couple of buoyancy, ~ Q, — Q, are in sfaUe equilibrium with the couple produced by the torsion of the suspending- cord. If the moment of the couple P, P, is g-reater than that of the couple Q, Q of buoyancy, the position of stable equi- librium of the body M will be different from that assumed on the contraiy supposition. Thus, if 3f is a bar of iron, the couple P, P is g-reater than the couple Q, Q, and the bar will set axially, i. e. in the line NS joining the two mag-netic poles ; but if 31 is a bar of bismuth, Q, Q is greater than P, P, and the bar will set equatorially, i. e. at rig-ht angles (or inclined) to the line NS. Such is, in a general way, the explanation of the beha- viour of diamagnetic bodies in a magnetic field, or of mag- netic bodies placed in media more strongly acted upon by mao-netic forces than are the bodies themselves. Examples. 1. A solid homogeneous right cone floats in a given homo- geneous liquid ; find the position of equilibrium, firstly, when the vertex is down and base up ; and, secondly, wlien the base is down and the vertex up. Let to', V, h be the specific weight, volume, and lieight of the cone ; let iv be the si^ecific weight of the liquid, and x the length of the axis immersed when the vertex is down. Then since the volumes of similar solids are proportional to the cubes of their corresponding linear dimensions, the volume of the displaced liquid = '77 V. Hence, equating the force of buoyancy to the weight of the cone, '"' Vw = Vw', x"" lo- in the second case, if x is the length of the axis above the Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 12 = liquid, the volume of the displaced liquid = (i — j^i) ^) and we have w' \it 7 f *'^ V X = k\i ) ^ to / 10 2. A solid homogeneous isosceles triangular prism floats in a given homogeneous liquid ; find the position of equilibrium in each of tlie two ]n-evious cases. If X is the deptli of its edge below the surface, h the height of the isosceles triangle which is the section of the prism by a plane pcr2)endicular to the edge, and A the area of tliis section, since tiie areas of similar figures are as the squares of their corresponding linear dimensions, j^ A is, the area of the face of the immersed jirism in the first case, and if Z = length of edge, the volume of the prism is lA, so that the volume of the X" immersed prism is j^ V- Hence X ^, V^o = Vw^, .-, X = hi — ) In the second case, .-. x = h(i ) w\i 3. A uniform rod, AB, of small normal section and weight W has a mass of metal of small volume and wcio'ht - W attached to one ex- ° n tremity, B ; find the condition that the rod shall float at all inclinations in a given homogeneous liquid. Let AB = 2 a, let vi be the middle point of AB, Fig. 40, G the centre uf gravity of the rod and the metal, z«' the specific weight of the rod, w that of the liquid, and s the area of the normal section of the rod. Fig. 40. [26 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. n Then TF= 2asio', and BG = — — a. Also G must be the w+ I centre of buoj-ancy if the rod floats in the oblique position repre- sented, and the length, BC, of the displaced column of liquid =: a, so that if the weight of this column = ( i H — ) H', n+i ' ° ^ n^ both conditions of equilibrium will be satisfied, whatever be the inclination of the rod. Equating the weight of the body to the force of buoyancy, / i\ , 2?^ ( I + ) zasw = ■ asiv; \ «/ n+i {n -\- if w' =^ V? w, which is the relation required between the specific weights. 4. A solid homogeneous cylinder floats, with its axis vertical, partly in a homogeneous liquid of specific weight z^j and partly in one of specific weight w.,, the former resting on the latter ; find the position of equililirium. Let h be the height of the cylinder, A the area of its base, w its specific weight, and c the thickness of the upper liquid column. Then if we assume the top, A, of the cylinder to project a distance x above the upjier surface of the upper liquid, as in Fig. 41, and equate the weight of the cylinder to the sum of the forces of buoyancy due to the displacements of the liquids, we liiive hw = cw^ + {h — c — x)io.2, (i) ,. ^,,.= A(,_-)_,(x-^). ... (2) Figs. 41, 42. If c(i ^) > hfi ), we must write , ^ w./ ^ wj --H-:::")-"(-5)l'.-: and it would a})pear that the position of equilibrium is one in (3) Presstire 07i Curved Surfaces. 127 whicli, as in Fig. 42, A is below tlie upper surface of the upper liquid by the distance o(,--i)-;,(,_»), (,) ^ V\'' ^ 111,/ ^ ' in virtue of the usual interpretation of a negative co-ordinate in algebra. To take a numerical case, suppose c ■= \h, and tv : tf J : ^2 = 5 : 2 : 6 ; then x = —l-h, and it would appear that A is i/t below the upper surface of the upper fluid. Now if we had originally assumed A to be, as in Fig. 42, at an unknown distance, x, below the surface, our equation would have been 7 ., /„ \ , /? , \ /.v hw= {c — x)w^ + {h — c + cc)ic.,, .... (5) :. X = c—li — ^ > • • (6) which disagrees with (4), and which in the particulai- numerical case gives x = ^h, instead of a- = i/t, which we had been led to expect by interpretation of the negative value (3). Why the disagreement 1 Because the continuity of the values of variables in algebra and algebraic geometry finds no corre- sponding characteristic in the hydrostatical conditions. In fact, the supposition that the negative value (3) harmonises with the physical assumjitions leading to the first solution is untrue; for, in this solution we assume that, whatever be the unknown posi- tion of equilibrium of the body, the whole column of the upper liquid is operative in producing its force of huoijancy, as is evident from the first term, cw, , at the right-hand side of (i); whereas the sujjjiosition that A is below the upper surface of this liquid is an explicit assumption that the whole column of the liquid may not be so operative. Hence we ought not to expect the two solutions to agree. In the case, therefore, in which the value of x in (2) is nega- tive, the correct result is (6) and not (3). 5. A heavy uniform bar, AB, of small cross-section is freely moveable round a horizontal axis fixed at one extremitv. A. at a given heiglit above the surface of a homogeneous lii|uid in wliich the rod partly rests ; find the position of equilibrium and the pressure on the axis. 128 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. Let AB = 2a; let h be the height of A above the liquid ; let s = area of cross-sectiou of the rod ; let w^ aud lu be the specitic weights of the rod and the liquid ; and let 6 = the angle between AB and the vertical. Then if BC is the part immersed, the centre of buoyancy, H, is the middle point of i^6'. If Tr= weight of rod, W =: 2asw\ also BC = 2a— h sec 6, .'. the force, L, of buoyancy = {2a— h sec0) sw. The rod is in equilibrium under the action of L, W, and the pressure at A, which last must be vertical aud = W—L. Taking moments about A for equilibrium, W.AG smd = L. AH sind, (i) and if we reject the factor sin 6, i. e. omit the consideration that sin 5 = o gives one position of equilibrium (the vertical one), we Fig- 43. have 4a''iv' = {^a^—h? sec^ 6) iv, cos h 2 a ^iv — iu ^ (2) (3) The oblique jiosition re- quires w to be greater than w' aud also V} > — 5 — 7-2 . w ; dfO^ — W- so that, for examj^le, if the bar were of metal and the liquid water, the only posi- tion of equilibrium would be the vertical one. Fig. 44. 6. A uniform square board, ABCD, is moveal)le in a ver- tical i^lane about a smooth horizontal axis fixed at the corner ^ , at a given height above the surface of a liquid; find an equation for its position of Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 129 equililiriiim, assuming the ligure ol' the iiiiinorscd portion to Ik: a tiapi'zivim. Lt't lie {lie inclination of AJ> to the vertical, ^15= 2a, height ol' A above li(|ui(l = 2//, lu' =1 specific weiglit ol" hoai'd, w = specific weight of liquid ; let PQ be tlie line of lloatation, and draw Qli jjarallel to BC. Then we must equate the moment of the weight of the board about A to the moment of the i'oi-ce of buoyancy about A. But we may consider the force of buoyancy as consisting of two forces, viz. that due to the weight of the portion QJiCB acting upwaids through ni, the centre of gravity of this parallelogram, and that due to the weight of the triangular portion PQli acting upwards through n, the centre of gravity of this triangle. Now the area of QRCB := 4a (a — A sec ^), and the distance of «( from the vertical through A = half difference of distances of G and Q = a (cos (^ — sin d) — h tan 6. Also the area PQR= 2 a- tan ^, and distance of n from vertical through A = I (dist. of P + dist. of i^-dist. of Q), by ex. 6, p. 33, and therefore dist. of « = f {a (cos0 + sec0) — 3/i tan d\. Also distance of G from vertical through A is a (cos (^ — sin (J). Hence the equation of moments about A is 4a{a — h sec 6) {a(coa^ — sin ^) — A tan^} w + ^ a^ tan 6 {a (cos + sec 0) — '^h tan 6] w = ^a^ w' (cos 6 — sin 6), or (3 cos^0— 2 sin^ cos^ (J + sin 6) a'— 3«A + 37t2 sin ^ = 3 a- — cos^ 6 (cos — sin 0). w 7. Solve the previous problem on the assumption that the unimmorsed portion is triangular. Let r, Q be now the points in which AD and AB, respectively, cut the surface of the liquid. Then wo may consider the force of buoyancy, i- «• the weight 4a' [w — w'), i.e. when the oblique position does not exist. Examining the oblique position (when it exists), we have — — — sli^ 10 sin'^ 6 see'' 6, do which value is necessarily negative ; therefore the oljlique position, when it exists, is stable. [34 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokiuctics. Examples. 1. Find whether the equillhrium of the hody in example 6, p. 128, is stahle or unstable in the positions determined. Calculate the sum, M, of the moments of the forces about A, in a clockwise sense, in any position, 6 ; and supposing 6 to be increased by hO, let hM be the change in the value of i/. Since the sense of M is opposed to that in which 6 increases, if hM and hd have the same sign, the restoring moment will be in- creased by the displacement, and the equilibrium will be stable. In other words, the equilibrium will be stable if -y— is positive in the position of equilibrium. Now we find, as in the example quoted, if I is the thickness of the board, M= — (cos - sin 6) [3 a? (w—iv^) — 4h^w{cos 6 + sin 6") cosec^ 2 9]. We may, for simplicity, omit I, or consider it to be the unit of length, since its actual value is immaterial to the discussion. It will be more simple to take (f), the inclination of AC to the vertical as the variable ; then M = sin^ [■^a^{w—to') — 4 ^f 2!^" w cos^ sec^ 2 <^] ; . (i) and in any equilibrium position the equilibrium will be stable dM . or unstable according as -j-r is negative or positive. Examining the symmetrical position, (^ =r o, we have dM 4^2 \^a^{w — wf) — \ \/2A'i<;], d^ 3 which shows that in all cases in which uf > vj the equilibrium is stable ; and, in fact, the equilibrium is stable if w' 4 -J 2 W — > I — ■ -3, w 3 a , w' . and unstable if — is less than this. w Pressure on Curved Surfaees. 135 Whon the s}niimetiical position, (/> = o, is stable, the inclined position does not exist, as is seen thus : let w' 4 V2 /t ' — «= I s(i-^'"). w 3 a where k is any number. If A; is positive, the syninietrical position is stable, and if/: is negative, this position is unstable. Then (i) becomes jJ/= ^- /i,^w sin (|)[i — X; — cos(/) sec- 2 0], . . . (2) and the inclined iK)sition is given by the equation COS(/) cos'' 29 Now this equation cannot be satisfied l)y any admissible value of ^ if k is positive, because the least value of the left-hand side is I, which it has when c/j = o. Hence, unless k is negative, (3) cannot l)e satisfied by any admissible value of — cos a). As regards stability or instability, a position of equilibrium is one of stability if the amount of work done by the forces in reaching it from a given position is a maximum ; for, in that case, any other forces ai>plicd to disturb the system would have to do positive work. Hence any position of 140 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrohinctics. equililninm uill Le stable or nnstahlo according- as it makes d-r . .,. -T-Tz neg-ative or positive. do- '^ ^ Assuming that the oblique position given by (3) exists, we have for it (1-V -—-r = — sich- sec ' Q sin" Q, (16^ which is essentially negative ; therefore the oblique position is stable. For the vertical position = - {^a^ (w — iv') — Ii 17 1 1 which is positive when the oblique position exists, and in this case the vertical position is therefore one of in- staltility. When the oblique position does not exist, the above expression on the right is negative, and the vertical position is (as is evident a priori) stable. The value of F could also be calculated from the moment, 3f, of the acting forces about A ; for the work done by a couple of moment M for a small displacement of the body to which it is aj)plied is M . b9 ; hence bF= Il.bd = ^ sin d [ao" {10 - w) - /2 m sec^ 0) .U, which is identical with (a). As another example of the application of the principle of virtual work, consider the case of two thin uniform rods, AB, BC (Fig. 45), each of specific weight ?//, freely jointed together at the common extremity B, and resting partly immersed in a homogeneous liquid of specific weight v), the rod AB being freely moveable round a horizontal axis fixed at A at a given dej^th, 2J1, below the surface of the liquid. It is required to determine the position and nature of the equilibrium. Pressure on Curved Surfaees. '4' Lot AB — ia, BC = 20, s = area of normal section ol" each rod, 6 = inclination of AB and = inclination of BC to the vertical. Let G, G' be the centres of j^-ravity of the rods, and II, IV their centres of buoyancy, II beinp: the middle point of the immersed portion Am, and //' the middle point of Cn. The i)ositions of equilibrium can be easily found l»y elementary principles. Thus, considering- the sei)arate Fig. 45- equilil)rium of the rod BC, we see that the reaction of AB on BC is a vertical upward force at B equal to W' — L'\ and since the moments of W and L' about B are equal and opposite, we have at once = ikh, suppose. (0 Thus, L' is known : and then taking- moments about ./ for the separate equilibrium of xiB, we have Ar,rrr.^ka{{a^oJj)[i-ic)-2h\-, . . (2) and these two equations determine the position of the system. To obtain the equation of virtual work, imagine to 142 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokmetics. increase by 8^ and ^ by 8(/), and calculate the vertical descents of the points //, G, G\ IV , the points // and H' being" supposed not to shift their positions in the rods. If the vertical descents of these points are, respectively, 8^ ^•^j 8/, 8^', the virtual work, 8 F, done by all the forces is given by the equation hr=-UC^-Whz+W'hz-L'hC, . . . (3) and this virtual work must be put equal to zero for the position of equilibrium. Now AH = h sec Q, and if AB turns round A through 8^, the vertical descent of H is AH .bO . sin6, so that b( z= /i tan . hd. To get the vertical descent of H\ ob- serve that if -S did not move, the vertical descent of //' due to an increase of (f) would be —£H'.h({).siii^', but B descends throug-h a distance 2a sin ^ . 8^ ; hence bC= 2asine.h6-BH'sm(f)bci). But BH^= h-\-{a cos Q — h) sec ; and we have 8C = // tan^. hQ\ hz = a sin ^.8^, 8 / = ia sin Q .hO — h sin ^ . 8 (/>, ci' — ia sin Q .'hQ—\b-\-{a cos Q — li) sec(/)} sin <^ .h<\>. Also W= 2asw\ W=2hsiv\ L = 2/iswsec9, X'= 2SW [b — (a cos 6 — //) sec (j)] . Substituting- these values in (3), and collecting the co- efficients of the independent variations bd and 8^, we have bV = 2s {{a'^ + 2ali) w' —2ahio—hhv sec? Q -\-2a\a cos 6 — /i)iv sec <})] sin 6 . bd + 2s {P{tv — w') — [a cos 6 — Ay w sec^ } sin . 8 . (4) Now since the position of equilibrium is obtained by putting bF = o, we must have the coefficients of 8 ^ and b(f) each equal to zero; and thus we obtain both 6 and (p. Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 143 Equal in "f to zero the coefficient of 6 0, we ol)tain at once the result (1). It is manifest that the expression (4) for 8 ^ is a perfect diirerential, since dV -— : = 2 .* ( {(r -\- 1 ah) to' — lahw — ]fi tv sec'"^ Q 4- la (a cos 6 — //) w sec ?v\ For the stahiUty of equilibrium, V must be a maximum, and for a maximum or minimum (see Williamson's Differ- ential Calculus, Chap. X.) (PV (T-r .(PF.^ dx- fly^ ^dxdy' dHJ 2 ( , fB o drU iBa-x dxdy x~ ^ y'^^ and since in the oblique position (distinct from (/> = o) this value of vanishes, and -y-g is essentially positive, the condition is simply that -— - must be positive ; i. e. fl — a? must be +, [i'^) and this is necessarily the case. d'^U . d^r . Since -7-7, is +, —rr, is — , and the value of F which we dx'^ dx- Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 145 are discussinf^ is therefore (Williamson, above) a maximuin and not a niiniimim. Hence from (12), ■ica- > A + 2a{I^w)K Reptorinq- the values of A and i?, this g-ives as the condi- tion for stability ,/ a^ + 4ab — < Ji- - . w (a + 2 hf 29. Positions of equilibrium of a freely floating body. A given body, provided that its weight is less than that of an equal volume of water, may be placed in several positions of e(iuili])rium in the water. We shall lay down a few definitions of terms in common use with veg-ard to freely floating- bodies. The section of floatation of a floating body (Fig-. 47) is the section of the body made by the surface, LM, of the liquid. In Fig*. 35 the section of floatation is represented by the horizontal line AB. The area of floatation is the area of the section of floata- tion. The (Jisplacement is the volume of the displaced liijuid, which is the volume included between the section of floata- tion and the surface of the immersed portion of the bodv. In Fig. '^j the disjilacement is the volume represented in projection by the curve ABB. In all possible positions of equilibrium of a given body floating freely in a g-iven liquid the displacement is constant. For, if //' is the weight of the body, / the displacement, and 70 the specific weig-ht of the li(iuid (i. e. the weig-ht jier unit volume), the first condition of Cor. 2, Art 22, gives r70= IF, .: rJL, w which shows that the displacement is constant. L 146 Hydrostatics and Elcinoitary Hydrokinetics. Hence, without any reference to the second necessary condition of Cor 2, Art. 22, all possible positions of equili- brium are exhausted by describing' planes so as to cut off a IF volume — from the body. All planes which cut off this volume are (without reference to the second condition) possible planes of floatation ; that is, if we mark the ex- terior surface of the body along the curve in which it is cut by any such plane, and we then place the body in the liquid so that this curve lies wholly in the free surface, LM, of the liquid, we shall obtain a position in which the body will float when left to itself, provided the second condition of Cor. 2, Art. 22, is fu If lied in this position. Of course, as a rule, this condition ^^^ll not be fulfilled, so that of the (infinite) number of possible positions, as above defined, only a small number will satisfy both of the conditions that must hold. All the planes which cut off the constant volume W — from the body envelop a surface called the surface of floatation, while the corresponding centres of buoyancy trace out a surface called the surface of huoyancy. Now it is evident that, in order that a plane cutting W off the volume — should determine an actual area of floata- tion, the right line joining G, the centre of gravity of the body, to the corresponding centre, iZ, of buoyancy must be at right angles to this cutting plane, because in a position of equilibrium of the body the line GH is vertical, while W the section of floatation Twhich cuts off the volume — ) is V w ^ horizontal. We shall now show that in every j^osition of equilibrium the line GH is normal to the surface of buoyancy at li. Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 147 Let AH (yiix. 46) be a plane cntting" oiF a volume ylUB from a homog-eneous body ; let 7/ be the centre of gravity of this volume ; let A'B^ be another plane difFerinf'' slig-htly in j)Osition from AB and cnttinq* off an equal volume, A'JJB'; and let ir be the centre of gravity of this new volume. Then the line nil' is ultimately parallel to the plane AB. For, regard the volume ADB as consistins: of the portion A'DB and the thin wedge ACA'; and also re- gard the volume A'BB' as con- sisting of the portion A'BB and the thin wedge BCB\ Let n be the centre of g-ravity of the portion A'BB which is common to both volumes, g the centre of gravity of the first wedg-e and fj that of the second. Then to find K we join (j io n and. divide gn at II, Fig. 46. so that similarly Hence ^, = Hn gll _ volume of yi'i) J? Rn volume of wedge ' g'H' _ volume of A'BB H'n volume of wedge ^rn— 3 and therefore the line IIII' is parallel H n ^ to gg', and therefore when the wedges ai'e both made inde- finitely thin, the line gg' then lying in the plane AB, the line Illi', w hich then becomes a tangent at IT to the locus of II, is parallel to the plane AB. Since this is true what- ever be the oneniation of the new cutting plane A' K , the assemblage of lines IIIV which touch the surface of buoy- ancy at II form the tangent plane to this surface at //, which plane is therefore parallel to the cutting plane AB. L 2 148 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. It now follows that all positions in tchich a given bodi/ can float freely in a Jwrnogeneous liquid are ohtained by drawing normals, GH^, GH^, GH^, ... from the centre of gravity, G, of the body to the surface of buoyancy, and placing the body so that any one of these normals is vertical. For, the line Gil must be vertical — that is, it must be perpendicular to the plane of floatation ; and as the tang-ent plane at II to the surface of buoyancy has been proved to be i^arallel to the plane of floatation, the line GH must be the normal to the surface of buoyancy at H. When the contour of the floating body is a surface of continuous curvature, the surface of buoyancy is, of course, a surface of continuous curvature ; but when the contour of the body is not of continuous curvatm'c (as in the case of a ship with a closed deck when all geometrically possible dis- placements — involving" the submersion of the deck, the keel being above the surface of the water — are considered) the surface of buoyancy will be a broken or discontinuous sur- face. As an example of a surface of buoj^ ancy of discontinuous curvature, take the case in which the body is a triangular jirism, the vertical section of which through its centre of gravity is a triangle ABC (Fig. 47), and consider all pos- sible displacements of the body in the plane of this triangle. If, for definiteness, we assume the specific weight, iv, of the fluid to be to the specific weight, v/, of the body as 16 to 9. the volume submerged will be -^^ of the volume of the body. We are therefore to draw all possible lines, such as 1/31, across the face of the triangle ABC cutting ofi* areas, LBCM, equal to jV of the area ABC. The immersed area wull sometimes be triangular, and sometimes (as in the figure) quadrilateral. To trace out the locus of the centre of buoyancy when the vertex A alone is above the liquid, the line LM is to be di-awn so as to cut ofl" Pressure on Curved Surfaces. ^49 the trian ovular area LAM = ^^^ ABC \ hence if /i3/ = y, AL = z, AC = h, AB = c, we have Let the first position of the cutting- line pass through 7i, and lot the line revolve clockwise so that it assumes the position LM in the figure ; then it will reach another posi- tion in which it passes through C. When the line passes through B, we have z = e, .'. y = xV b = AQ, suppose ; the Fig- 47- cutting- line is then BQ, and the immersed area is the tri- angle QCB, whose centre of gravity is the point q. In the second extreme position ?/ = 0, .-. c = ^V c = AR, suppose; the cutting line is RC, and the immersed area is the triangle RCB, whose centre of gravity is Ij^. The centres of gravity of all the intervening quadrilateral areas will lie on a cui-ve, e^Mb^, between the points (?, and b^. This curve is easily proved to be a portion of a hyper- bola having asvmptotes parallel to AB and AC. For, A31 and AL being- !/ and z, the co-ordinates of the centre of gravity of the triangle LA3I with reference to AC and AB 150 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. are (3 ^, 3-), ^vhile those of ABC are (P, \c) ; and if (r?, C) are the co-ordinates of H, the centre of gravity of the quadrilateral LBCM, the Theorem of Blass Moments (Art. 10) gives ^^+.^^1^0^^ (2) 9C+i^=-^^, (3) which by ( i ) give 7 (M^_9,)(M._9C) = ^5., ... (4) showing that the locus of -ff is a hyperbola whose centre is at the point (|f- h, \^ c). Let the cutting line still revolve clockwise from the posi- tion RC, so that R moves towards A ; then the immersed area will be a triangle whose vertex B is submerged, and the locus of the centre of gravity of this triangle will be a portion, h^ b^, of another hyperbola whose centre is B and asymptotes BA and BC, the point d^ being- the centre of gravity of the triangle ABP cut off when the revolving line is in the position AP, the point JP being such that BP = ^ BC. Thus there is an abrupt transition from one curve to another at the point b-^. As the cutting line still revolves clockwase from the posi- tion AP, the locus of i/ will be a portion, b^a^, of a hyper- bola whose asymptotes are parallel to CA and CB, the immersed area being a quadrilateral until the line reaches the position Q'B, such that CQ' = yV^- After this the immersed area will be a triangle with the vertex A im- mersed, the locus of // being a portion, a^ a^, of a hyperbola whose centre is A and asymptotes AB, AC, and the im- mersed area will continue triangular until the line reaches the position CR' such that ylR' = yg- c ; and so on. Hence the vertical section of the surface of buoyancy consists of portions of six different hyperbolas whose points Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 151 of intersection are ('^Jj^Jj^^d-i, ••• • The number of normals that can ])e drawn from G, the centre of g-ravity of the l)rism, to this broken locus of If will determine the number of positions of equilibrium of the prism. Examples. 1. A rectangular block of specific wiiirlit i«' floats in a liquid of specific weight iv with one lace vertical ; fiud the curve of buoyancy and the popitions of equilibrium, the same face being always kept vertical. Ans. Let the sides of the vertical face be 26. 2 c, and sup- pose that in the initial position the side 2c is vertical; then, so long as the upper edge 2 h is out of the liquid and the immersed portion a quadrilateral, the curve of buoyancy is a parabola, concave upwards, whose equation with reference to the hori- zontal and vertical hues through the initial centre of buoyancy as axes of x and 3/ is The initial position is one of equilibrium (which may or may not be stable), and other positions are obtained by drawing nor- mals from the middle of the face to this parabola, provided that these normals fall within the relevant portion of the parabola. Now the relevant portion terminates at the point whose co-or- dinates are (- j — • -), this point being the centre of buoyancy when the immersed area begins to be triangular. In order that it should be possible to draw a normal within the limits the y of the point at which it is normal must be < — • - , and hence - > 6 — (i )• To this portion of a parabola succeeds a portion of a hyper- bola which is the curve of buoyancy so long as the immersed area is triangular; this, in turn, is succeeded by another portion of a parabola ; and so on. 2. Find the surface of buoyancy in the case of a right circular cone immersed in a homogeneous liquid with its vertex down- wards. 152 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. Ans. So loug as uo part of the base of the cone is sub- merged, the surface of buoyancy is a hyperboloid of revolution. Let a be the semi-vertical angle of the cone, i> the perpendi- cular from the vertex, V, on any plane cutting the cone, and co the angle which ^ makes with the axis of the cone. Then the plane through p and the axis will cut the cone in two lines, VA, VB, which intersect the given cutting plane in the points A, B, which are tlie extremities of the major axis of the ellipse. If VA = i\, VB = r.,, we have VA= ^ -, VB = co3(co + a) cos(co — a) p sin 2 a . . hence AB = —\ v-5 — ; and the semi-mmor axis cos^a — sm-co = (F^l.F5)*sina = p sma (cos^ a — sin^ 00)^ If V is the volume of the displaced liquid, F= - x area of the ellipse cut off. ^ „ TT «' sin a sin 2 a ^.i • -^ r n j.i j. i.i. Hence F= — ; ^ . From this it follows that the 6 (cos^ a — sin^co)- product VA . VB is constant, and since the co-ordinates of the centre, C, of the ellipse are the halves of the sums of those of A and B, if we I'otate the cutting plane so as to confine the motions of 2^ to one plane, the locus of C is a hyperbola having tlie generators VA, VB for asymptotes. Hence for all possible positions of the plane, the locus of C is a hyperboloid generated by the revolution of this cui've al)out the axis of the cone. But if H is the centre of buoyancy in any position, H lies on the line VC, and VII = |FC; hence the locus of // is a similar hyperboloid. If I, m, n are the direction cosines of /> v;ith reference to any two rectangular axes of x and y through the vertex and the axis of the cone, we have l'^ + m^ = sin^ co ; and if x, y, z are the co- ordinates of C, VA = rj, VB = r^, we have I sin a X— KTy — r^) — -. 1 ^ ' 2 sm fo , in sin a •^ ^ * -'2 sin (o Pressure on Curved Surfaces. T53 2 = (^1 + r,) cos a Also, since ;; = ^-(008^0 — sin'^co)^, where k is a given con- stant, it follows that the locus of G is sos'^a sin" a = k\ Fig. 48. 30. Geometrical Theorem. In connexion with the question of the stability of floating- bodies the followin*,^ theorem is important. A volume AKB, Y\g. 48, being- cut off" from a solid body by a plane section ALBL' , any other plane, A'LIYL\ making- a small angle with the first plane and cutting off" an equal volume, A'KB', must pass through the centroid (or ' centre of g-ravity '), C, of the area ALBL'. For, at any point, P, in the plane section ALBL' describe a small element of area, (IS ; let the perpendicular, Pn, from P on the line, LL\ of intersection of the two planes be denoted by x ; let 8 ^ be the angle betwx-en the two planes ; and round the contour of dS draw perpen- diculars to the plane of (IS, these forming a prism which intersects the plane A'LB'L' in a small area at Q. Then Z Q?iP=hO, QP = xb6, and the volume of the small prism is very nearly xdS.hO. Ilonce the new volume A'KB' = vol. AKB + b6/x(lS, the prisms in the wedge L'LBB' being- taken positively, while those in the wedge L'LA'A are taken negatively. If the two volumes cut off are the same, we must have fx(lS=0, (a) the integration including all the elements of area of the 154 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. plane section ALBL' . Now, by the theorem of mass- moments the rig-ht-hand side of (a) is Ax, where A is the area of the plane section, and x the distance of its centroid from the line LL' ; hence x — o, i. e. the centroid of the area must lie on LL'. A visible representation of this fact is obtained by holding- in the hand a tumbler partly filled with water and imparting- to it small and rapid oscillations which cause the surface of the water to oscillate from right to left ; the planes of the successive surfaces of the water can then be seen to pass always through the centre of the horizontal section. Fig. 49. 31. Small Displacements. Metacentre. Suppose a body, ACB, Fig, 49, floating in equilibrium in a homo- g-eneous liquid to receive any small displacement; it is re- quired to find whether the equilibrium is stable or unstable. Pressure 07i Curved Surfaces. 155 Every displacement can be regarded as consisting of two kinds of displacement — viz. a vertical displacement of translation, upwards or downwards, w^hich diminishes or increases the volume of the displaced liquid, and a rotatory or side displacement which leaves the volume of the dis- placed liHG (9) Displacements of constant volume may take place round any diameter of the section, AxBx', of floatation proAaded that the diameter passes throug-h the centroid of this section (Art. 30) ; and since for all such displacements both A and V are constant, equation (8) shows that the metacentre will be highest when the displacement takes place round that diameter about which the moment of inertia of the section of floatation is g-reatest, and lowest if it takes place round the diameter about which the moment of inertia is least. These two diameters are the principal axes of the section of Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 159 noatation at its centroid. If /^ and /•, are the o-reatcst and least radii of yy ration of the section of floatation al)ont its principal axes, and j\f._,, Jlf^, the corresponding- nietacentres for displacements round them, IIM, = ^^-^, HM, = ^ (10) The equilibrium will, then, be least stable when the dis- placement takes place round the diameter of least moment of inertia, which in the case of a ship is the line from stem to stern. Since Fw = JF, (8) can be written HM=-^ ^''^ 32. Experimental determination of Metacentre. The heig-ht of the metacentre above the centre of g-ravity of a ship can be found experimentally by means of a plumb-line and a moveable mass on the deck. Suppose one end of a long string fastened to the top of one of the masts and let a heavy particle hang from the other end of the string-. Now if a considerable mass, P, be shifted from one side of the deck to the other, the ship will be tilted through a small angle which can be measured by means of the pen- dulum if the bob of the pendulum moves in front of a vertical sheet of paper on which the amount of displacement of the bob can be marked. If I is the length of the string and s the distance traversed on the paper by the bob while the mass P is shifted across the deck, - is the circular measure of the whole angle of deflection of the ship. Let G be the centre of gravity of the ship, //'the weight of the ship and moveable mass together, 2 b the breadtii of the deck, a the perpendicular from G on the plane of the i6o Hydrostatics and Elementary llydrokinetics. deck, and lQ the whole angle, - , of deflection. Then, on account of the symmetry of the ship, we can in Fig. 49 take the line IIG as passing through 0. Let the mass P be at B, and take moments of the forces acting about G ; then W.GM.e =r F{lj + a6), The value of a is usually much smaller than - , so that, "with sufl^icient accuracy, we have where = — Thus, in a ship of 10,000 tons the breadth of whose deck is 40 feet, if a mass of 50 tons moved from one side to the other causes the bob of a plumb-line 20 feet long to move over 10 inches, the metacentric height is about 4^ feet. The metacentric heights of large war vessels vary from about 2 1 feet to 6 feet. Examples or the Metacentre. 1. A uniform rectangular block, of specific weight w', floats, with one of its edges vertical, iu a liquid, of siieciiic weight w; find the relation between its linear dimensions so that the equi- librium shall be stable. Let 2 a, 2b be the lengths of the horizontal edges, and 2 c the length of the vertical edge, and let b < a. Then the equilibrium is most unsafe Avhen a displacement is made round the longest diameter of the section of floatation. If x is the length of the vertical edge immersed, v/ X = 2C — } w Pressure on Curved Surfaces. i6i and til ere fore „_, / ii/\ HG = c ( I ) • Also k'^ = 3^^ round the axis of most dangerous displacement, W and V = , where W = Sabcio' = weight of body. Hence 10 IIM=-? — -,' ocw so that for stauility ,; — > > c ( i ) , that is 6C1« V 77) / 6 - > c /6f!^(,--'). 2. If the floating body is a solid cylinder, floating with its axis vertical, find the condition for stability. Ans. If r is the radius of the base and h the height, h \/ w ^ w ^ 3. If the floating body is a solid cone, floating with its axis vertical and vertex downwards, find the condition for stability. Ans. If r is the radius of the base and h the height, r I (^ Y — 4. If the floating body is a solid isosceles prism whose base is uppermost, find the condition for stability. A71S. If 2b is the length of the shorter side of the base and h the height of the prism. b I / -w s, I I. 5. If the cone in example 3 floats with its vertex uppermost, find the condition for stability. Ans. l> . /(— ^— ,y I. M i62 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. We have assumed that //', Fig*. 49, lies in the plane of displacement, and we can easily see that this will not be the case unless the axis, x'x^ of displacement is a principal axis of the section, AxBx\ of floatation. For, if we seek the co-ordinates of 11' (which is the centre of volume of the new volume A'CB') we may regard, as before, the volume A'CB' as 'resolved' into the orig-inal volume ^C-5, the positive wedge B'xBx', and the negative wedg-e A'xx'A. Hence if X is the distance of the point P from the line OB and ^the distance of //' from the vertical plane containing OB, we have r.^=dfx7/dS, since the volume of the prism PQ is 6ji/(J S, and its volume- moment about OB is QxydS, the integration extending all over the area AxBx' . This shows that ^ = o only when Ox and OB are prin- cipal axes at 0. In the case of a square or circular section of floatation, every axis through is a principal axis, and hence //' always lies in the plane of displacement. In general, therefore, a small angular displacement round a diametfr of the section of floatation produces a moment of the forces not only round this axis but also round the perpendicular axis in the plane of floatation, the eflPect of which would be to produce small oscillations of the body about this axis. The question of stability, however, is not afTected by this consideration, since any small angular displacement, Q. round an axis xx could be resolved into two sejmrate small angular displacements Q cos a and Q sin a round the two pmicipal axes at 0, where a is the angle made by afx with one of these principal axes ; and if the equilibrium were stable for small displacements round the most dangerous of the principal axes, it would be so for the Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 163 «»-iveT) displncoment round x'x. On the other hand, if tlic oquililn-inm is unstable round one of the principal axes, it will be unstable round all axes in the section at 0, unless these axes are inclined at indefinitely small anq-les to the other principal axis — supposing- the equilibrium to be stable for dis2)lacemcnts round this axis. 33. Siirfaees of Revolution. When the fig-ure of the Hoating- body is that of a surface of revolution, take the origin, 0, of co-ordinates at its lowest point, the axis ol" X being- vertically upwards and that of// horizontal. ThcTi \{ [x, 1/) are the co-ordinates which determine the surface ol' floatation in the erect position, and [x', y) those belonging- to any other parallel section, we have ^^°^^ HM^-^ (.) Aj/'clx Also, by mass-moments, OH X 77 f'' f-dx = 77 f'x'f^dx'- Jo Jo 0M= ^-^^ (2) Jo Thus, to determine the figure of the fioatingf body when HM is of constant length whatever be the depth of im- mersion, let 7/J/ = VI in (i). -Ij*=m ij'-dx'. HI 2 164 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinctics. Differentiate both sides wdth respect to x ; then (see ^Yilliamson's Integral Calculus, Chap. VI) 3 ^^/ .•. y^ = 2mx, which shows that the g-enerating* curve is a parabola ; hence when a paraboloid of revolution floats in a liquid the heig"ht of the metacentre above the centre of buoyancy is constant for all depths of immersion. Example. Find the nature of the generating curve so that for the surface of revolution and for all depths of immersion the height of the metacentre above the lowest point shall be any assigned function of the co-ordinates of the section of floatation. Let OM = {x, y) in (2) ; then, writing (^y instead of (^(x, y) for shortness, ^^y'+r x'y''dx'=^r y'-'dx' (i) Differentiating with respect to x, and putting ^ for -^ » pf+xf = y'4> + (^^+/^)fJ/'dx.. . . (2) Dividing out and again differentiating. This is the differential equation of the required generating cui've. If, for instance, the metacentre is at a constant height, a, above the lowest point, we know that the curve is a circle, and this appears at once from (2), since (/) = a, .■ . l^y + X z= a, .-. ydy + {x — a)dx = o, .-. {x — aY + y'^ = a\ Pressure on Cttrved Surfaces. 16^ 34. Metacentric Evolute. Suppose a body of f^ivoii mass to float in a li(pii(l ; then if we consider all })ossibl(' displacements — and not merely small displacements — in which the volume of the displaced liquid is constant, the lines of action of the forces of buoyancy ^vill envelope a certain surface fixed in the body. This surface is called the ■metaceninc evolute for the g-iven dis])laccd volume. As a particular case, consider the displacements of a square board, ABCl), Fig-. 50, floating- in a liquid of double its own specific weig-ht. The dis- a, iB placement is al- ways half the volume of the board ; and when the board floats with AB hori- zontal, the centre of buoyancy is //, the metacentre be- ing- M, such that 7/iI7 =■ ^a, where 2a = AB. In this position the equi- librium is unstable. The curve of buoyancy for positions intermediate to those in which the surfaces of floatation are DB and CA is the portion /'/// of a parabola whose parameter is f «. The lines of action of the forces of buoy- ancy are always normals to this parabola, and their envelope is the evolute, Q^IQ', of the parabola. The positions in which JJB and CA are in the surface of the fluid are ])0si- tions of stable equilibrium, the metacentric heig-hts GQ and GQ' being each — a. Fig. 50. i66 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. In g-eneral, for the displacements of any body in one plane — the volume of the displaced liquid being- constant — the mttacentric evolute is the evolute of the cui've of buoy- ancy in the plane. 35. Stability in two Fluids. Let LAOB, Fig. 51, re- present a body floating- partly in a homog-eneous fluid of specific weig-ht lo' and partly in one of specific weig-ht ic, the latter being- the lower, and suppose the position of equilibrium to be found. We may evidently imag-ine the volume, BAB, of the upper fluid completed by adding- the portion AOB, and all the forces in play will be those due to an immersion of the whole volume in a fluid of specific weight iv' and an immersion of the portion A OB in one of specific weight tv — tv\ Let G be the centre of gravity of the body; G' its centre of volume, i. e. the centre of gravity of the whole volume supposed to be homogeneously filled ; 1£ the centre of volume of the portion in the lower fluid before displace- ment ; 31 the metacentre corresponding to this lower fluid (of specific weight w — w') \ V the volume of the lower and / ' that of the upper fluid displaced. The position of Ji is given by the equation H31 = —pr • For simplicity we have assumed G, G' and 11 in the original position to lie on the same vertical line ; but the method of investigating any case in wliich they are not thus simply situated will be readily understood from the simple case supposed. The points 6", 6', M, H may in any individual ease have Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 167 relative positions dili'crent I'roiu those re])resented in the fig-ure. We may evidently suppose the displacement to be made round some diameter of the section AB throuf^^h its centroid, in which case the wedg-e forces of buoyancy at the section are equivalent to a couple, whose moment in the present instance is Ak- [iv — w'). The equilibrium will be stable if the sum of the moments of the forces acting- on the body in its position of displace- ment round an axis perpendicular to the plane of displace- ment, drawn through G or throug-h any other convenient point, is in a sense opposed to that of the displacement. Now, \{ W = weight of body, the forces in action are W acting- down through G, together with V [iv — w') acting- uj) through M, and (^' +?')?/ up throug-h G'. The sum of their moments about // in the sense opposed to the angular displacement is Q { r{w - ?/) . IIM + ( r+ V) xc'. JIG' - W. 11 G) , ;ind if the expression in brackets is positive, the equilibrium is stable. It is sometimes more convenient to take the restoring- moment about the lowest point, 0, of the axis of the body. In the above expression we may put // = Viv+ V 7o'\ and it is evident that if the centre of gravity, G, of the body coincides with its centre of volume, G\ the condition becomes simply IIM>IIG — as is evident a priori. EXAMFLK. A circular cone the length of whose axis is 20 inches is formed ui' two substances whose speciHc gravities are 3 and 8, the denser forming a cone whose axis is 12 inches long and the other forming the frustum which completes tlie whole cone ; it is immersed, vertex downwards, in a liijuid whose specific gravity is 14, on top of which rests a liquid whose specific 1 68 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinctics. gravity is i, the whole cone being immersed; show that for stable equilibrium the radius of the base must be greater than 11-639 inches. 36. Floating Vessel containing Liquid. Suppose a vessel, represented in I'ig-. 52, to contain a given volume of liquid of specific weig-ht to and to float in a liquid of specific weight w. If the vessel receives a small angular displacement, there will be a force of buoyancy due to the external fluid acting upwards through its metacentre M ; the line of action of the weight of the contained fluid acts through its new centre of gravity and it in- ^g- 52- tersects the line GM in vi, the metacentre of this contained fluid. This force acts downwards, and W, the weight of the vessel acting through its centre of gravity, G, also acts downwards. The weight of the internal fluid may assist either in pro- moting stability or in promoting instability according to the position of m. If, as in the figure, m is below G', this force promotes stability. If V = volume of displaced external fluid, / '= volume of internal fluid, the restoring moment is „, -rr ^,i,r >-,-, y^^T\ e{toV. GM^wT'. GM). Examples. 1. Find the least height to which a uniform heavy cylindri- cal vessel of negligible thickness can be filled with water so that when it is placed with its axis vertical in water the equilibiium may be stable. Ans. Let h be the distance of the centre of gravity of the Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 169 vessel from the base, W the weifrlit of the vessel, ami A ilie area of the base; thtn the least height to wliich it can be tilled is 2 A IV 2. If the cylinder contains a liquid of specific weight v/ and floats in a liquid of specific weiglit w, with its axis vertical, find the condition of .stability. A'/is. Let 11/ = n . iv, W=Aciv, and x = the height to wliich the cylinder is filled ; then, for stability, the expression 2 71 (w— i)x'' + 4ncx+ 2c' — (n— i)r" — 4c/t must be positive. 3. If a uniform hollow cone of negligible tliickness contains a liquid of specific weight iv' and floats in a liquid of specific weight IV with its axis vertical and vertex downwards, find the condition of stability. Anft. If X is the length of the axis occupied by the internal fluid, 1/ the length occupied by the external fluid, h the whole length of the axis, I the distance of the centre of gravity of the cone from the vertex, r = radius of base, w''= mo, ir= weight and V = volume of cone, and if IF := ?/i . Vw, we have y^ — nx^ = mli^, and for stability the expression 3(1 + ;^) (y* - nx') - 4 m h' I must be po.sltive. 4. A thin vessel in the form of a surface of revolution contains a given quantity of homogeneous liquid and rests with its vertrx at the highest point of a rough curved surface, find the condi- tion of stability for small lateral displacements. Ans. Let TFbe the weight of the vessel (without the liquid), /i the distance of its centre of gravity irom the vertex, Ttlie volume of the liquid, w its specific weight, z the distance of its centre of gravity from the vertex, A the area of the free surface of the liquid, k the radius of gyration of this area about its dia- meter of displacement, p and // the radii of curvature of tin- lyo Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. vessel and the fixed surface in the phuie of displacement; then tlie restoring moment is propoi'tional to {Jw^ Tr)/5-(i + 4) {Vwz^Ali-w^ TIVi), and if this expression is positive, the equilibrium is stable. The restoring moment is equal to this exjjression multiplied by fa where Q is the small angular displacement of the vessel. (See Statics, vol. ii., Art. 279, 4th ed.) 5. In the last examj)le find the position of the metacentre. Ans. If H is the centre of gravity of the contained fluid, V Vw^ p + p'y 6. If the vessel is a paraboloid of revolution resting on a hori- zontal plane, the weight of the liquid being P and the latus rectum of the parabola 4 a, the condition for stability is W(2a-h) >|P( ) • 37. Stability in Heterogeneous Fluid. We shall now suppose that a body floats in a fluid of variable density which is subject to the action of gravity. The level sur- faces of the external force being- horizontal planes, these planes will also be surfaces of constant density. Hence if iv is the specific v^^eight of the fluid at any point whose depth below the free surface, LiY, Fig-. ^^, of the fluid is C, we have ^/^x /,-> Suppose the dotted curve to represent the original ])Osition of the floating body, and that the full curve ACB represents its position when it has received a slight angular displacement, 0, round any assigned horizontal line Ox — which we suppose to be perpendicular to the plane of the paper. Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 171 Take the vertical plane tluoun-h llic oiij^inal line joiiiiiif^ (1 and H, the centres of gravity of the body and ol" buoy- ancy, \\hich is perpen- dicular to Oa? as plane of yz, the point, 0, in which this ])lane cuts Ox beinii" taken as origin, the vertical Oz as axis of z, and the horizontaliine, Oi/,\)qv- ])endicular to Ojc as axis of }/. Thus the displacements of all points of the body take place in })lanes parallel to the plane o'( i/z. The section of floata- tion of the body in the displaced position is represented by A' B'. Suppose AB to be the section of the body made by the j.lane LN in the original position ; and in this position let I) be the distance between the line 67/ and the axis 0:. Let // be the height of above LN. The equation of the plane A' B' is z — /i — o. and this was the equation of AB in the original position ; but by rotation in the sense indicated in the figure the equation of AB in its displaced position becomes z-Qij-h = o, and therefore the old andnewpositions of the plane ^ii^ — and of every plane horizontal section of the body — intersect on the axis 0:. Suppose B' to be any point in the body whose original position was B (the latter point being sup] osed to be marked in fixed space and not in the body) ; and let .?',//, .- be the co-ordinates of B with reference to the fixed axes at 0, rig. 53- 172 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. Then the co-ordinates of P' are {x,i/ — 6z, z + 6f/), so that the density of the iluid which Mould exist at P' if the body were removed would be, by (i), f{z + e^-J<),ovf{C-^6^),oxw + 6/~, . . (2) since the depth of F' below the surfoce LN is Z + O1/ — J1. Hence when the element of volume clxch/dz at P is carried to P', it will experience a force of buoyancy (^w + 6i/'j^)dxi]i/(lz; (3) and since the points P are all those included within the original volume, BCA, immersed, the corresponding forces of buoyancy will omit the wedge B' rB and include the wedge ArA' — the latter not, in reality, contributing any force of buoyancy at all in the displaced position, while the former does. We must therefore specially include the wedge B^rB and exclude ArA'. Let ?/„ be the specific weight of the fluid at the surface LN \ let (IS be the area of any element of the surface AB (such as that represented at P in P'ig. 49) ; then if i/q is the distance of this element from the line through r parallel to Ox, the volume of the small cylinder standing on (IS, as in Fig. 49, is Oj/^dS. Also let x^ be the x co-ordinate of the element dS, and let c be the original depth of 6' below the horizontal plane x Oy. Then we have, in their new positions, the co-ordinates of P x, y — Qz^ z->r 6y, „ G o, /j-Oc, c + e/j, ,,'^S x^,yQ-0//, // + 0y^^. Now we shall calculate the sum, L, of the moments of the forces of buoyancy round the horizontal axis through (J ])arallel to Ox in the sense ojjposite to that of the displace- Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 173 ment, i.e. oounterclockwise as we view the fif^ure. If ;i force havin*:;- components X,Y,Z acts at the point (.r,//, r), its moments round axes throng-h the point (a,/:{,y) parallel to the axes are if(^ — ^)— 7(~ — y), and two similar ex- pressions [Statics, vol. ii., Art. 202). In the present case only the ^;-component of force exists, and this at P' is the expression (3) with a nei^i-ative sigri, while at the new position of the surface element dS it is -dw^yJS. (4) Hence we have L = [ff{w^e/-^^)[y-b-6[z-c)] dxtlydz + d^^'oj^oij/o-^)^^^- • (5) Now observe that we neg'lect 9 ^ ; also if W is the weight of the volume ACB of fluid originally displaced, fffioydxdydz = W . h, since the y of H was originally b. Hence the term inde- pendent of 6 in (5) disappears, as it must, of course ; and we have L = dfff{y^-hyf2'^xdydz-6J[[iv{z-c)dxdydz + eioJ{y,'-by,)dS. . (6) ^oA^o^-^o) Obsei-ve also that tv is a function of c alone, so that the first triple integral can be written in the form \/Ar-W^'^^]j/^'^ .... (7) and if A denotes the area of any section for which : is constant (i. e. any section of the body parallel to AB), k the radius of gyration of this section round the line in its /[ 174 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokmetks. plane parallel to Ox, at the point where Oz cuts the section, and 1/ the distance of the ' centre of o^ravity ' of the area from this same line, the double integral in the brackets in (7)i^ A{k'^-l]j), (H) so that the first integral in (6) is 6JA{Jc^-llj)'^dz (9) The second integral in (6) is -OWJIG, and the last is 6iP(^Ao{h^-f^^o\ where X-q is the radius of g-yration of the section, AB, of floatation (whose area is A^) round the line through ;• parallel to Ox, and ^o i^ ^^^ distance of the ' centre of gravity ' of the section from this line. Hence (6) becomes 1= rA(P-i^)'^fjz+woMh'-^^o)-'ff'''^^G' • M For stability this must be a positive moment ; and in the particular case in which w is constant and the displace- ment is made round a diameter of the section ylB, it is obvious that we get the same condition as in Art. 31. But the forces of buoyancy will also, in general, produce a moment round the horizontal axis througli G parallel to Oy, i.e. a moment tending to turn the body across the plane of displacement. If 31 is this moment, w^e have M = fff{ to -^^/jz) xdx(l7/(h + 6 w'o ^A'oj'o dS. . ( 1 1 ) Let P denote the product of inertia, ffxi/flxd)/, of any section round axes in its plane parallel to Ox and Oi/ at the point where the section is cut by Oz ; then Pressure on Citrved Surfaces. 175 This moinont will not exist if P is zero for all seetions, or if the iluid is honiog'cneous and P is zero lor the surface of iloatation. Let us now calculate the tvork done in the disjilacement of the body round Ox. The work which would be done on a material system by force the components of whose intensity at [x,i/,z) are A', Y,Z{ov any small displacement whose typical components are 8 x, 6y, 8 ^^ is f{Xbx+Ybi/ + Zbz)dm; . . . . (13) and if the displacement is produced by small rotations, 8^, , 8(^25^^35 i"oi^^^d tli6 axes of co-ordinates, we have hx = yhd^ —xhd^, with similar values of hi/ and hz. Hence, if 7/, M, N are the typical moments of the force intensity about the axes, the work is Lh6^ + Mhe^ + Nhe. (14) In the present case the only rotation is that about Ox. .-. bdo = bd.^ = o. Consider the moment L as that of the forces of buoyancy in the displaced position ACP, and calculate the element of work done by these forces in any further small displacement by which the angle Q is increased bv dQ. Then the infinitesimal element of work done in this further displacement is Lde (1.3) But (taking- the forces of buoyancy alone), L = -ffJ{n' + d/lf^){i/-ez)dxdj/dz-9?v,ft^,^dS. (16) = -Wb-e\fAk^'^^dz-W{c + nG)-\-w,A^kA .(17) = — 7/7/— iT^, suppose ; l'"^) and the integral of this expression I'lom — o to = 176 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. expresses the work done by the forces of buoyancy in the displacement from the initial position of the body (re- presented by the dotted contour) to that represented by ACB. Hence the work is -WhQ-\K&^ (19) The work done by the weig-ht of the body is simply /A'8 5, in which hz must be accurate as far as 6^; i.e. hz =■ hQ — \ c6^. Hence the work done by all the forces is -- \/A/k''^dz-Jr.IlG + iv,AjA, . . (20) and this, with reversed sign, is the work which must be done against the forces to produce the displacement. Examples. 1. If a solid homogeneous cone float, vertex down, in a fluid in which the density is directly proportional to the depth, find the condition of stability. Ans. If, as at p. 131, h' is the length of the axis immersed and h is the height of the cone, the equilibrium will be stable if cos^ a < — ^ , where a is the semivertical angle of the cone. 5/i 2. Determine the condition of stability of a solid homogeneous cylinder under the same circumstances. Ans. If r is the radius, h the height of the cylinder, and lif the length of the axis immersed (see p. 131), the condition of stability is r-" > h\h-%h'). 3. If a spherical balloon of weight B is held at a given height by a rope made fast to the ground, find the work done in dis- placing it about the ground end of the rojje through a small angle. Ans. If h is the height of the centre of the balloon and W the weight of the displaced air, the work is ie''{W-B)h, where Tl" has the value given in example 3, p. 131. Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 177 38. Green's Equation. Let ABC, Fig-. 54, Ix- anv closed surfiice ; let U and V be any functions of x, 1/, z, the co-ordinates of any point P at which an element of volume il il is taken ; and let V^ stand for the operation then if we take the integ-ral fUVTdQ. throug-hout the volume enclosed by ABC, the result can be txpressed in terms of another volume-integral taken through the same sjoace and of a surface-integral taken over the bounding- surface ABC. Thus, let Q be any point on the surface, at which an element of area dS is taken and let dn, be an element of the normal at Q drawn outwards into the surrounding space (in the sense of the arrow). Then we have (see Statics, vol. ii, chap, xvii, Section iv.) Juv'-F.dil= fu'^.dS r.dUdF dUdV dVdV. ,^ In exactly the same way, if is any other function of X, 1/, z, we have ^,.d dV d dV d dr. , ^dx dx di/ ^ d)j dz ^ dz^ r _ r JV dV dUdV dU dV. f Cj.^ y ,^ r ,dU dV dV dV dU dV. , , , The first of these is known as Green's equation ; the second is a modification made by Sir W. Thomson. By assig-ning- to U various values (such as a constant value, the value V, &c.) we obtain (as shown in Stalicx N 178 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinctics. above) various remarkable theorems with physical appli- cations. A most remarkable consequence of (2) is this. If and V are any two functions satisfying the equation ^^ d)— — d>— — d) — - ( ) dx dx dy dy dz dz • ' \^ I at all points within a closed surface, ABC, and if the value of V is assigned at every point, Q, on the surface itself, its value at each internal point, P, is determinate. For, if possible, let there be two different functions, viz., r =f{x, y, z), r =f{x, y, z) ; each satisfying (3) and such that F= V at each point, Q, on the surface, while V is, of course, not equal to V at each internal point P. Denote J — V^hy ^; then ^ satisfies (3). Now employ (2) for the volume and surface of ABC, and. moreover, choose for U the value f. Then r^fd d$ d ^d$ d ^r/A .^ J ^dx ^ dx dy ^ dy dz dz^ But each term under the integral on the left-hand side vanishes, and the surface-value of ^ which enters into each term of the first integral on the right also A^anishes ; there- fore the second integral on the right vanishes ; but since each term of this integral is a square, we must have each term equal to zero, i. e., Tx^""^ dy^""^ Tz^""^ must hold for all points inside ABC ; and this requires that Prcssitir oil Curved Surfaces. 179 ^ is constant for all iiilirnal jxtinis, and .*. zero, since it is zero at the surface ])oints. Ilt'ncc there cannot be two functions, /', / ', satisfvin<^ (3), ai,''rot'ini,'' at each surface ])oint, while dilfcrinf^ at internal iioiuts. If, therefore, any one function,./'(j', 1/, :), of the co-ordinates is known to satisfv (3) and to have at each l)oint on the surfjice an assij^ned ])articular value, it is the only one applicable to the points enclosed by the surface. The a])i>lication of this result to the case of lluid pressure is obvious. If at each point of any lluid-mass the external forces satisfy the equation dX fir (IZ -7- + -1- + 7- = o, 5) ) — the value of 7; at P is given by the equation ^'-, = ^h (7) where /' is the i)otential function of tlu- external forces, involving: the co-ordinates of I*. This is the result referred to in p. 113. N 2 i8o Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinctics. Example. If in the midst of a mass of fluid which is not self-attract- ing there is a solid body which attracts its own particles and those of the fluid according to the law of inverse square of dis- tance, and if the surface, A, of this body is one of constant po- tential, prove tliat the intensity of jjressure, j), of the fluid at any point, P, is less than the intensity of pressure, p,,, at any point on A by an amount given by the equation ^' = ^'--;^-/^^'<'"' where y is the constant of gravitation {Statics, vol. ii., Art. 315), M is the mass of the solid body, p is the density of the fluid at any point at which the attraction per unit mass due to the body is H, dQ, is an element of volume, and the integration extends over the space included between the surface A and the equi- potential surface, S, described through F. In Green's equation (i) for U choose p—;;^^ and let V be the jjotential at any point due to the solid body. Then we have in which the surface-integral on the right is taken over the sur- face A and over the surface S, and tlie element of normal (hi is drawn into the space outside the volume enclosed by A and S; this space is therefore the interior of the solid body and the ex- terior of S, so that dn in the integration over A is measured towards the interior of M. Now w^e know that [Statics, vol. ii., Art. 329) V'V =: 4777//, where p^ is the density of the attracting matter (to which V is due) at the point to which V applies ; and as there is none of this attracting matter at any of the points w'ithin the volume (that included between A and S) included in the integration, V'- V = o. Again, at every point on the surface of A we have 2)—P(, = o, therefore the part of the surface-integral on the right which relates to the surface A is zero. Further at every point on aSp is constant; hence the surface-integral is simply (l>-po)J ] ^^-- Pressure on Curved Surfaces. i8i and is confined to tlie suri'iico *S'. Moreover, at every point in the fluid -— ■ = pX, &c., and X = - ; licnce (i) liceomes o = (r-2\)fffy^ds-J,j]r-dn (2) Now {Statics, ibid. ) j,,dS=-47ryJ/, (3) so that tlie required result follows at once from (2) and (3). /: 39. Line-Integrals and Surface-Integrals. Tf any directed nni^'nitude, or vector, has for components w, v, w alony- three fixed rectang-nlar axes, the mag-nitudc which has for components A, //, v along- these axes, where (I) ....*.. (2) (3) dw dy dv du div dz dx ~ ^ dv du doe ''} - '■■ lias been called the ' curl ' of the given vector hy Clerk Maxwell. (In the theory of Stress and Strain, and in the motion of a fkiid, it is convenient to define the curl as having the hakes of the above components.) Any vector and its curl possess the following fundamental relation : He line-integral of the tangeiitial component of am/ rector along any closed curve is equal to the surface-integral of the normal component of its curl taken over any curved sxirface having the given curve for a bounding edge. (See Statics, vol. ii, Art. 316, a.) If /, 7n, n are the direction-cosines of the nornnil at any point of such a surface, and dS the area of a superlicial i82 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. element at that point, while ih denotes an element of length of the bounding- edge of the surface, the theorem is expressed by the equation J{lk + m„ + n v) dS ^j{u '!^ + v'^^+w '£) ds. . (4) Now we are often given the components of curl, A, //, r, and from these we require to determine the vector from which they arise. In view of such a problem, the following fact is useful. If we can find, by any means, some par- ticular values, Mq, Vq , w^, of the components of the required vector which will satisfy the equations (i), (2), (3), the general values of u, v, to are simply , ^^0 ft) v = r,+'^, (6) d(f) („\ dz where ^ is any function whatever of x, y, z. This is evident, because if we substitute n^ , r^, , w^ for «, v, w in (i), (2), (3), we have, by subtraction, d{w-w^) ^ d{v-L\^ dy dz and two analogous equations ; and these signify that the expression {ji — 2(q) dx + {v — r^) dy + {to — w'q) dz is a perfect differential of some function of x, y, z. If this function is denoted by , we have the results (5), (6), (7). Of course it is a necessity from (i), (2), (3) that any pos- sible components of curl of a vector should satisfy the identity dk ^d\x dv _ /gx dx dy dz ~~ ' Pressure on Curved Surfaces. 183 Thus, it is not i)Ossiljle to (k'tci'inine a vector the eoin- ponents of whose curl are a\ y, z ; ])iit it is possible to determine one whose components oi" curl iiic x, //, —2.-. The values v^^ = ^i/z, v^ =— \ ~x, ? nearly, where v^ is its volume at zero and v its volume at f, if we make t = — 37699 we shall arrive at the absolute zero of temperature. The truth is that the measure of absolute temperature rests on quite another basis, that it is intimately connected with the coefficient of expansion of a perfect gas, and that 273 + i^ is proi^erly to be regarded as measuring- the absolute temperature of a body whose temperature indicated by a Centigrade thermometer is t. This will be shown later on. Adopting- absolute temperature, then, equation (2) gives V V Of coTirse in the expression of the law of Dalton and Gay-Lussac it is not necessary to sig-nalise the particular temperature corresponding to the freezing of 7oafer as pos- sessing- any special reference to the expansion of gases. The law may be stated thus : all gases expamt, per degree, Ij/j the same fraction of their volumes at any common tempera- ture. This is obvious because their volumes at anij tem- perature, r, will all be the same multiple of their volumes at 0°, and a constant fraction of the latter will give a constant fraction of the former. In symbols, for any gas let u be the volume at t, r that at t^ Vq that at zero, and a the coefficient of expan- sion with reference to the volume at zero ; then V = l■^^{l+at)^, u = v^,{l+aT); Gasfs. 193 I 4- « / 1 -f nr -f rt (/ — t) anil therefore v= u = // I + ciT 1 4- Q T = 11 {i+i3{/-r)l, where /3 = > so that /3 is obviously the rate of expan- I +ar sion of the g-as reckoned us a fraction of the vohiiiic // ; and if a is the same for all <2^ases, so is /3. It is remarkahle that a is the same for all g-ascs when far removed from their condonsinij;' points, i. e., from the liquid states, and that it is indejiendent of the intensity of pressure under whicli the expansion takes place. Clerk Maxwell {Tlieort/ of Ileaf) points out that if i fie lav nf Ballon anil Coif-Lusftac i.t Irnr for ani/ one intcnaiti/ of })rex!--? _(.^' 11 = V ^^^ — 7 , ^73 + f l.>v equation (2) of last Art. Now keep the temperature constantly equal to f and alter p to p' ; then ft becomes r', whore P by Boyle's law. Hence we have Gases. 1 95 ,273 + ''' ;> r = r 273 + /! ;> / > (0 / / or ^J7- - ^T' \^) where 7' and T' are the absolute temperatures of the i,-as. Hence, wliatever changes of pressure and tenii)crature may be made in a given mass of yas, we have the result -^/- = constant (/3) between its vohime, pressure intensity, and absohite tem- j)erii1ure. This most important result is the ^rees below the zero of the Falircnheit scale. The experiments of Joule and Thomson indicate —460-66 as the position of the absolute zero; but for all practical purposes we can take —460. If a yiven mass of g^as has a volume n at 32° F, and its temperature is mised to /, wc have, if the intensity of pressure is unaltered, r = W ( I + ~- ) ' ^ 492 ^ O 2 196 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. Hence v = u — \ and if v' is its volume at /!', we have V v' 460 + f 460+ f If the intensity of pressure, estimated in any way, alters from /; to y/, '^ = ''^ (a) 460+?! 460 + r ^ ^ It thus appears that if the temperature of the gas were reduced to — 46o°r, its volume would vanish, supposing- that it obeys the laws of a gas during the whole process. If we denote by T the absolute temperature, 460 4- f, of the gas, we have the general equation of transformation of a o-iven mass Y~~7^~ constant (^) 44. Law of Avogadro. One of the fundamental laws of gases is known as the Law of Avogadro. It is the following : equal volumes of all stibstances token hi the state of j^eifect gas, and at the satne temperature and intensity of pressure, contain the same number of m.olecules. This law enables us to find the relative molecular weights of all substances by converting these substances into vapours, and then measuring the weights of known volumes of the vapours at known temperatures and intensities of pressure. Thus, it is found that a cubic foot of oxygen weighs 16 times as much as a cubic foot of hydrogen under like conditions of temperature and pressure ; hence we conclude that the mass of each molecule of oxygen is 16 times that of a molecule of hydrogen. 45. Air Thermometer. A long capillary glass tube, AC, terminating in a bulb, B, is filled with air, and a short thread, w, of mcrcurv is inserted into it, the end of the tube G uses. 197 (beyond C) iR'iiiy- 0)1011. In order to (ill the biillj and jior- tion of the tul)e 1 o t he left of in with air deprived of moisture, the tube and Imll) are lirsl lilled witli mereurv which is boiled in the l)un). The open end is then inserted into a cork fittin<4- into the niek ol' a tube, 1), lilled with chloride Fig. 58. of calcium, which has the property of absorbing* aqueous vapour from air, a fine platinum wire havino- been inserted into the stem CA throug-h the tube I). If the instrument is supported in a position slightly inclined to the horizon on two stands and the })latinum wire is agitated, air enters through the chloride of calcium, and gradually dis2)laces the mercury from the bulb and stem, the process being* stopped \vhen only a very short thread of mercury is left. The air in the instrument may now be considered to be dry. Detach the stem from the drying* tube 1>, and place it in a vertical position with the bulb J^ in a vessel filled with melting- ice. Suppose the barometer to stand at 760 mm., thus indicating the standard atmos])heric pressure. Then when the air has assumed the temperature of the melting ice, mark o on the stem AC at the under limit of the mercury index >ii. If then the instrument is ])liiced vertical with the bulb H surrounded by the steam of boilingf water — close to the surl'ace of the water, but not in it — the index ;// will move up towards C, and at its lower limit let lOO be marked on the stem. Thus the two standard Centig*rade temperatures are marked on the steu), and the intervening sjjace is to be divided into 1 coequal pai'ts if the stem has previously been 198 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. ascertained to be of imiform bore. The graduations may be carried then below zero and beyond too°. If the tube of the air thermometer is made cylindrical all through — so that the bulb -5 is simply a uniform continuation of the stem — and we continue the graduations to 273 parts below the zero, we shall here reach the bottom, B, of the tube. Hence the definition of the absolute temjjeratMre of a body, which we are so far justified in giving, is simply, in the words of Clerk Maxwell, its temperature reckoned from tha tjottom of the tube of the air thermometer. The upper end of the stem of an air thermometer neces- sarily remains open to the atmosphere, otherwise the index, m, would not move or would scarcely move at all : if the end were closed and the air uniformly heated, m would not move. Hence the air thermometer cannot be used to indicate temperature except in conjunction with the barometer. If the latter stands at p instead of j';^ , the standard height (which we have above supposed to be 760 mm.) and the temperature indicated by the index m is t, the real reading is not t but that at which the index would stand if the intensity of pressure were altered to 7^^. To find the point at which the index would stand in this case, let s be the area of the cross-section of the tube, c the length of the tube between two successive degrees, and B the volume of the bulb and tube up to the zero mark. Then when the index m stands at the mark t\ the volume of the gas is B-\-cst'. But since at the absolute zero the volume of the gas would vanish, B = 273 c* ; hence V = (273 + 0'^*'^ and this is at the intensity of pressure p, its true tempera- ture being t. If p were altered to p^ without any change in the true temperature, the index would stand at t and the volume would be (273 + ;^)^*, Now since these volumes 199 Gases. are inversely as the intensities of pressure, we have 273 + ^ = (273 + T' Po which . 2: {,IS x PP'), since p has the same vnlue at all points of ABC. But 1{(lSxPF) is the sum of all such small cylinders as that above described, i. e., it is the volume of the whole space between ABC and A'B'C. If, then, v cubic feet is the volume of ylBC, and v + dv the volume of A'B'C, tho I" ^'d- 59- 200 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. volume included is tlv, and the work, dW, of expansion from ABC to A'B'C is given by dW=p(h (i) Hence the work done by the pressure of the gas on its envelope in expanding from an initial volume v^ to any final volume, v-^ , is given by the equation JFz : / pdv (2) If p is measured in dynes per square centimetre, and v in cubic centimetres, the work will be in ergs. The amount of work may be represented in a diagram by describing the curve (such as PQ in Fig. 55) whose abscissae represent the volumes of the gas and whose ordi- nates represent the corresponding intensities of pressure. In the particular case of isothermal expansion, j^v =2^^^'^Q, so that „ J ' vo V = /'o^'olog,-S (3) ^0 from which it appears that the "work done by the pressure of the gas in expanding isothermally from one given volume to another is independent of the temperature. The work done by the pressure of an expanding gas on its envelope may or may not be equal to the work done against any external pressm^e which acts on the surface of the envelope. Thus, if the gas is contained in a hori- zontal cylinder and kept in by means of a piston on which the atniOHphere presses, when the piston is released the work done by the pressure of the gas on the piston is equal to the work done against the atmospheric pressure plus the gain of kinetic energy of the piston. Gases. 20 1 Examples. 1. A circular cone, hollow but of great weight, is lowered into the sea by a roi)e attached to its vertex ; find tlie volume of the compressed air in the cone when the vertex is at a given depth below the suriuce. Let Fig. 60 I'epresent a section of the cone ; let c be the depth of the vertex below the surface, LN, of the water, h = height of cone, V= its volume, t = the tempera- ture of the air at the surface, t' = temperature of the water, and there- fore of the air in the cone ; let F be the surface of the water within the cone, and let k be the height of a column of sea-water in a water barometer. If these quantities are in English measure, we may regard the lengths as measured in feet, and the temperature as Fahrenheit ; then k will be about 33 feet. Now if X is the depth of F below A, the volume of the air in the cone is V -^ • The intensity of pressure of this air measured by a column of water is k + c + x. Hence the following diagrams represent the history of this mass of air as regards volume, temperature, and intensity of pressure : Fig. 60. in which 7' and T' are absolute temperatures. From Art. 42 or Art. 43 we have, then, Vk_ Vx'{k + c + x) 202 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. r :. a;* + (X- + c) x^ -Icl^ ^ = O- from which x can be found. A vessel used in this manner is called a diving bell. The above is a conical diving bell. 2. If in the above position of the cone it is desired to free the interior of water completcl^y bj- pumping the air above the surface iuto the cone, find the volume ot tliis surface air that will be required. Let U be the volume required, and h the height of the cone ; then suppose the cone to be wholly filled with air of the temperature t' of the surrounding water, and write down the histoi-y of this air, thus : {V+U)k _ r(k + c + h) T ~~ r ' (It is not improbable that the student will fall into the error of supposing that U can be calculated as the volume of the surface air which is required to occupy the lower portion of the cone in Fig. 60, i.e., the portion occu2:)ied by water.) Of course the result is the same whether the vessel is conical or of any other figure. 3. If a conical diving bell of height h feet contains a mercurial barometer the column of which stands at p^, inches when the bell is above the surface of the water, and at a height p when below, infer the deptli of the top of the bell below the surface. 4. Deduce the depth for a cylindrical or prismatic bell. Gases. 203 5. Fintl the tension of the suspending chain in a diving hell which occupies any position in water. Ans. The woight of the bell and its appurtenances di- minished by the weight of the water which is displaced from all causes. (The water is displaced by the chain, the thickness of the bell, and the air within the bell ; tlie weight of this water is tlie force of buoyancy. In strictness, the weight of the contained air should be added to that of the bell.) 6. If at the bottom of a river 40 feet deep, when the tem- perature is 40" F, a bubble of air has the volume — ^ of a cubic inch, what will be its volume on reaching the surface where the temperature is 50'" F, and the height of a water barometer is 34 feet ? Ans, 1. cubic inches. 10" 7. If an open vessel (such as a tumbler) made of a substance whose specific gravity is greater than that of water is forced, mouth downwards, into water, show that its equilibrium becomes unstable after a certain depth has been reached. (If the volume of the solid substance of the vessel is v, and in any position of the vessel if X is the volume of its compressed air, the downward force, P, required to hold it in equilibrium is given by the equation P= Xw — v(w' — w), where to = specific weight of water, w= specific weight of substance of vessel. Hence when X is so far diminished by forcing the vessel down that Xiv = vl^io —w), the pressure P vanishes, and after this an upward pull would be required.) 8. If V is small (i. e., if the thickness of the vessel is small), and if V is the volume of the interior of the vessel, prove that when the position of instability is reached, the depth of the top of the vessel below the surface of the water is approximately (v[w —w) 3 where k is the height of a water barometer at the surface. 204 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. 9. If V cubic inches of the external air at the absolute tem- perature T are inserted into the Torricellian vacuum of a unifunn cylindrical barometer tube, calcuhitc the depression produced in the column of mercury if the absolute temperature changes to T' . Ans. Let li inches be the height of the barometer at first, a = length of Torricellian vacuum, s squai'e inches = area of cross-section of tube, x = length of tube finally occupied by the air ; then ^" ,^\ x(x-a) = - .— . 10. A diving-bell of any shape occupies a given position below the surface of water ; the bell has a platform inside ; if a large block of wood falls from the platform into the water, prove that the water will rise inside the bell, but that the bell now contains less water than before. Let the depth of the top be c, let h be the height of a water barometer at the surface, put h =■ c-{- h, let B = volume of the block of wood, w' its specific weight, iv = specific weight of water, V= whole volume of the interior of the bell, let x be the depth of the water in the bell below the to]) of the bell, and let A' be the volume of the interior of the bell above this surface. Then (X-B) (x + k) = Vh (i) When the wood falls the volume of it which remains above the surface is B ( i — ) • Let x' be the new depth of the water surface in the bell below the top of the bell, and A'' the volume of the interior of the bell above this new surface. Then [^'-J'^(^-'^)}i-' + ^)=^'^- (-^) Now since X obviously increases with x, we must have x'^=53'3-T, (6) in which 7v is the mass of the gas in pounds ; and if we write this in the form jw = RwT, (7) R stands for ^^ • s 50. Barometric Formula. We are now in a position to deduce a formula for the height of a mountain, by neg- lecting the variation of gravity between the base and the summit, and by assuming the temperature of the air to be constant within theselimits. The latter assumptionwould often be far from the truth ; but we shall presently see how it can be corrected. Let A, Fig. 61, be a point at the base of the mountain where the height of the barometer is jo^ inches ; let P be a p Fig. 61, 2IO Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. point at a heig-lit z feet above A, and at P let the height of the barometer be p inches ; let Q he a point very near P, the difference of level between P and Q being dz feet; and let t° F be the temperature of the air at P. Imagine a horizontal area of i square foot at P ; then the atmospheric pressm'e on this area is the weight of the column of air standing on it and terminated by the limit of the atmosphere. Hence the difference of the pressures on this area at P and Q is the weight of the vertical column of air between P and Q standing on i square foot^ i. e., the weight of dz cubic feet. But '\i p — dp is the height of the barometric column at Q, the difference of the pressui'es on i square foot at P and at Q is the weight of a column of mercury standing on I square foot having the height of —dp inches. Now the mass of i cubic foot of mercury = 848 1 pounds at the temperature of melting ice ; but if the temperature of the mercury is t° F, this requires correction. The coefficient of absolute expansion of mercury per degree Fahrenheit is very nearly -^^t \ hence, if w is the weight of a cubic foot at 32°, the weight of a cubic foot at t° is , or %o{\ ^ ) J nearly; so that the weiijht of 9915 the column of mercury corresponding to the barometric fall between P and Q is _84875. _1^2),, 12 ^ 9915^ If, then, p is the height of the barometric column at the temperature f F, the corrected /i eight is ^ V 9915 >> To save a multiplicity of symbols, we shall suppose that Gases. 21 1 the hci<>ht.s of the mercury at the stations A, 2\ Q,... are thus corrected ; in other words, we shall suppose in the subsequent work that p, p^^, dp, &c. are coned ed heig/iix. With this understanding-, if we equate the weig-ht of the column of air obtained by writing- dz for v in (2) of last Article to the weig-ht of the column of fall of the barometer l)etwccn P and Q, we have ^ ^ 460+ / 12 ^ ^ ^ (If p is not a corrected height, the temperature coefficient which mulliplics /; in (a) must be considered as part of the variable dp in the right-hand side of this equation, so that it does not disappear by division, unless the temperature is constant all the way up the mountain.) Hence ^^^ = -53-3022(460 + /).^', .... (2) which is the differential relation between z and p, from which the relation between them can be obtained only by taking the temperature t constant in the term 460 + /. If we do this, and integrate from A to P, we have r r^ dp / ^/^- = -53-3022 (460 + /) / --, '■■ ^ = 53-3022 (460 + /) log/X ... (3) Now logg n = log'io u ; hence (3) becomes ^(feet)= i22.73(46o + ^;)log,o^°, . . (4) which is sometimes put into the form z= {60383+ 122-73 (''-32)} log.o^. • (5) The constant value of / in tliis expression is usually taken to be the arithmetic mean, — — , between the air P 2 212 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. temperatares t^ at A and t at P. In the case of a very high mountain, several observations might be made at different levels, taking the temperature constant in each successive stage and equal to half the sum of the tempera- tures of the air at the beginning and end of the stage, and then adding the calculated heights of the successive stages together. The residt (5) can also be deduced from the general equation of equilibrium, (2) or (3) of Art. 17. If 7^ is the intensity of pressure of the air at P iu pounds' weight per square foot, and p is the mass of the air in pounds per cubic foot, observing that z is measured ujawards and the force p pounds' weight doicmcards, l = - (^) and by (5) of last Art., i5 = 53-3C222r.p, (7) .-. f/2 =—53-30222 J— > .... (8) which is (3) above. If the mountain is so high that there is a sensible varia- tion of gravity between the base and the summit, and iijj is still measured with reference to the weight of a pound on the earth's surface at the sea level, the force acting on 2 p pounds mass at the height 2 is p ( A pounds' weight at the sea level, where r is the radius of the earth ; so that (6) is to be replaced by *- - '^ (9) —P\ dz (^ + 2) while (7) still holds. Hence dp <^2;=— 53.30222^— 5 • • • • (10) {r+zf^ ^JJ jj Gases. 2 1 3 Assumino: the station J to be at the height r^ above the sea level, and that the intensity of pressure at A is />, pounds' weight per square foot. The integral of (ii) is In this equation jj and j)^ are measured in pounds weight per square foot ; but they must be inferred from the reading:s of the barometer at the two stations : and if the heights of the barometer at the stations are ^ and ^1 and the weights of a unit volume of mercury at these stations are ir and fr^ , respectively, we have /' = }r/t and /;, = ic, L, therefore^ = -1 . ^ = J-f -) ; hence (12) becomes ' ^ - ijh, - ^y --3 ^{io?/^+ ^>og,,;-±i-|, (.3) in which the barometric heights may, of course, be measured in inches, millimetres, or any other units of length. Observe that - and — are verv small fractions whose r r squares may be neglected, so that M z — z^ is denoted by ^. since logj^ (1 + -) is approximately equal to -4343 - ; we have A = 122.73 r(i+'^0|l«?rx.4+-86S6^|. . (14) Let A = 122-73 ^logio - and B = 12273 x -8686 J; then, pxitting . = A + -j, we have 2T4 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetks. If the variation of gravity were neglected, we should have A = ^, as in (4), and this value may be put for A in the terms of (13) which involve r, so that finally A = ^(i+ -)^ . . . (16) an equation which gives the difference of level between the top and base of the mountain when the height of the base above the sea level is known. It is understood, as before explained, that in this expres- sion 2h ^^^ P ^^6 the corrected heights of the barometer at the two stations. 51. Metric Formulae. By the same method — viz., the equating of the weight of the vertical column of air between P and Q, Fig. 61, standing on a horizontal square decimetre to the weight of the column of fall of mercury standing on the same area — w'e obtain the height of a mountain in metric measures. Thus, neglecting the variation of gravity, since a litre is a cubic decimetre, if z is the height of P above A in decimetres and the corrected barometic height at P is p millimetres, the weight of the fall of mercury is — 1 35*96 ^^P grammes' weight ; hence from (a) of Art. 47, - 1 35-96 r/;. = .4645^^^, (0 ••• ^ = 673-962(273 + 0^0^10^' r being in decimetres. If z is taken in metres, this becomes f ^ z = 18399.2(1 + -^ ^^^-10 y • • (2) If the variation of gravity is taken into account, let ;j be measured in grammes' weight per square centimetre, &c., Gases. 2 1 5 as in (3) of Art. 48 ; then the equations are dp r^ dz '(r^zf P = 2926-9 Tp, ' ) = r^-z' 673-962 7'lo^,o > /inn T>n p^ _h^ .r + z in which a^ain we can put — = -f ( ) , and deduce a result similar to (14). Examples. 1. If a cubic inch of water is converted into steam at 2i2"F, find the volume of the steam. Arts. 1696 cubic inches. Hence it is approximately true that I cubic inch of water yields i cubic foot of steam. 2. Oalcidate the mass of air in a room whose dimensions are 18, 18, and 10 feet, the temperature being 60^ F and the barometer standing at 30 inches. Ans. 248 pounds. 3. If I pound of water is converted into steam at 2i2°F under the intensity of pressure of 15 pounds' weight per square inch, prove that it will yield 26-66 cubic foet. 4. If any volume of water is converted into steam at the temperature f F under the intensity of pressure p pounds' weight per square inch, prove that the ratio of the volume of the steam to that of the water from which it has been formed is about 460 + < ^' p [This is called the relative volume of steam at the given tem- perature and pressure.] 5. At the foot of a mountain the temperature of the air is 66°F, and the height of the barometer 29-35 inches ; at the top the teniiwrature is 50'' F, and the barometric lieight 24-81; find the height of the mountain, assuming the coefficient of expansion of mercury to be xo^oo P^r degree Fah. Ans. About 4590 feet. 2i6 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. 52. Nature of Gas Pressure. According- to the Kinetic Theory of Gases, when a g-as is contained in a vessel, the pressure exerted by the gas on each element of area of the vessel is due to the incessant impacts of the molecules of the gas on the element of area. These molecules are, of course, extremely small : at each instant a certain number of them will be in actual contact ; but there will be a certain average distance between them, and it is assumed that this distance is vastly greater than the diameter, or greatest linear dimension, of a molecule. Thus we are to imagine the space inside the vessel as being comparatively void of gaseous matter. Nevertheless, this space is what we mean by the volume of the gas, which, therefore, is something very different from the sum of the volumes of its material particles ; i. e., from the aggregate number of the cubic centimetres occupied by its material : the volume of the gas is the volume of the space within which the excursions of all its molecules are confined. Again, when the gas has settled do^^^l to constant conditions of temperature and pressure, it is clear that, in every respect, the state of affairs is the same at any one instant as at any other. Not only so, but if we imagine any area — say one square centimetre — placed at any point, P, inside the vessel and occupying any position (orientation) at this point, the number of molecules passing throug-h this area in any time — say one second — whether from right to left or left to right, is always the same. It is easy to calculate the intensity of pressure produced at each point of a vessel containing a system of molecules moving in this manner ; but we shall confine our attention here to the consideration of a very simple case from which the state of affairs in the general case may be inferred. The discussion of the general case will be found in Watson's Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. The development Gases. 217 of the subject is, in the first instance, mainly the work of Clerk Maxwell. Imag'ine a cylinder whose base is AB, Y\^. 62, to contain a larg-e number of molecules, the mass of each being- /x g-rammes, all moving in lines parallel to the axis of the cylinder, each p ?' with a velocity of v centimetres per second. Then if we measure a length ^ ^ ^ AA' equal io v ./\t and draw a plane Fi„. 62. A'B' parallel to AB, all the molecules within the space ABB' A' which are moving* in the sense A' A will in the time A t strike the base AB, and each will be reflected with a velocity which is assumed to be equal to V, i.e., the coefficient of restitution for each particle and the base AB is assumed to be unity. Let the area of the base AB be S square centimetres. Now if there are n molecules in each cubic centimetre, there are SnvAt within the space ABB'A', and since there are as many moving" in the sense AA' as in the sense A' A, the number striking- the base AB in the time AHs \ SnvAt. Hence the momentum incident on AB is \SnfMV^At; and since the same quantity of momentum is g-enerated in the opposite sense by impact on the base, the total chang-e of momentum g-enerated by impact on the base in the time ^^^^ Snixv-'At. But if P dynes is the mean value of the pressure exerted by the base on the column of molecules, P A ^ is the impulse of this force in the time At, and this is equal to the chang-e of momentum in the same time. Hence P = Sntiv^ (i) Of course n is enormously great and /x indefinitely small ; 2i8 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrohinetics. each is unknown, but n\i'\% the mass, in grammes, of one cubic centimetre of the g-as. Denote this by p, and let p P . . denote -^ , the intensity of the pressure ; then P = pv' (2) This expi-esses p in dynes per square centimetre. If we divide it by 981, or rather by ff, the acceleration of a freely falling- body in centimetres per second per second, we have p = '-^, (3) which gives the intensity of pressure in grammes' weight per square cm. If V is in feet per second, p in pounds per cubic foot, and ff in feet per second per second, (3) gives the intensity of pressure in pounds' v; eight per square foot. This formula w^ould apply to the case of a waterfall which strikes the ground, the water not being' reflected by impact, as the student will easily see on re-examining the details. If // is the height of the waterfall, the velocity of the molecules striking the plane is given by the equation t;2 z= 2^//, so that p = 2pti, (4) which equation gives p in gravitation measure — either grammes' weight per sq. cm., or pounds' weight per square foot ; for the latter units p is about 62\ pounds per cubic foot. Hence (4) shows that the intensity of pressure on the plane is twice as great as that produced by a statical column of water of the same height. Eut the case of a waterfall is in other respects different from that of a gas ; for, in the latter case the molecules in any column are not all moving in the same direction, so that the value of 7; in (2) or (3) must be greatly superior lo that of the intensity of pressure actually produced by Gases. 2T9 a g-as contained in the cylinder. We must remember that V in these equations is the mean value of the velocity in a fixed direction ; and that, if v^, v.,, v^ are the com- ponents of velocity of a molecule in three fixed rectano-ular directions, and v is the resultant velocity of the molecules, This shows that when we consider an indefinitely great number of molecules, if v'^ is the mean value of the squares of their resultant velocities, ^=3^-.^ (5) where vj^ is the mean value of the square of velocity in a fixed direction. Now v^ in (5) must take the place of f- in (2) or (3). Hence, then, for a s^^stem of molecules, moving- in all directions inside a vessel, P= \pv'^ (6) P = \~^ (7) according as p is measured in absolute units (dynes or poundals) or in gravitation units (grammes' weight or pounds' weight). This elementary method of treating- the question is not satisfactor}\ The following is more thorough and scientific. Imagine the molecules of a gas contained within any vessel divided at any instant into groups, the velocities of all those in the same group being- nearl}^ the same in magnitude and nearl}^ the same in direction. No one of these groups is localised in a definite portion of the volume of the vessel — the grouping- is not with reference to ^y/ac*? but with reference to the clinracteri-sfics of vehcUy, so that each group occupies the whole space within the vessel. Now we can g-raphically represent the velocities in any 220 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. group thus. Take any fixed orig-in, 0, and draw a line OP to represent in mag-nitude and direction any velocity q ; let Ox, Oi/, Oz be any three rectangular axes at 0, and let the direction of OP be expressed by means of the usual ang-les of colatitude and long-itude (see Statics, vol. i., Art. 176), i. e., let 6 be the angle zOF and let ^ be the ang-le between the plane zOP and the plane oi xz; describe a sphere with centre and radius OF ; let the axis Oz meet this sphere in ^ ; on the surface of this sphere take a point Q near P, its colatitude ZOQ being- 6 + d6, and its long-itude , (9) where f(r/) is some unknown function of q. It is not impossible that the following" objection will be raised by the reader to the assumption that the number of molecules in the group is f(q) .d£l: this expression vanishes if d£l is zero, i. e., if we consider the number of molecules moving- with exactly the same velocity, represented as above by the radius vector OP, whereas every molecule in the vessel might be moving with one and the same velocity — as in the case of the elementary example first treated, viz., that in which a stream of particles moved along the axis of a cylinder. To this the reply is as follows : the fundamental assump- tion of the Kinetic Theory is that all possible sjieeds, from o to oc, m all jwssible directions characterise the state of affairs within the vessel, and therefore that the concep- tion of the existence of only one speed among the molecules is wholly inadmissible. Hence, there being an enormously great number of molecules, the number of those moving with the same speed — whether in the same direction or not is immaterial — is relatively zero. The number of the group (9) contained within a unit volume of the space within the vessel is obtained by dividing the expression (9) by the number of units of volume in the vessel. We may, then, assume that (9) expresses the number of the group per unit volume. To calculate the intensity of pressure at any point, M, in the gas, take a small plane area, dS, at the point perpen- dicular to the direction of the axis Oz; on dS describe a cylinder the length of whose axis is q cos 6 . dl^ where q expresses the velocity characterising any group, and dt 222 Hydrostatics and Elcnicntarv Hydrokindics. is an infinitesimal element of time. Then all the molecules within this small cylinder, whose volume is g co?, 6 dSdt, will impinge on the plane dS within the time dt. Now it matters not whether dS is a small material plane from each face of which the imping-ing- molecules are reflected, theii' normal velocities being- all restored to them in the reverse sense, or an imagined plane area throug-h which two streams of molecules pass in opposite senses ; for in either case the quantity of momentum which in the time dt travels from the plane in the same sense is the same. The number of molecules of the (^, Q, 0) g-roup contained within this cyKnder is f[q).q-sv[iddqd6d(pxqco&6dSdt^ . . (lo) half of them moving- towards the plane and half from it. Let M be the mass of each molecule ; then, since the velocity of each of these perpendicular to the plane is g cos 6, the quantity of momentum passing- from the plane in one sense within the time dt is fxf (g) .q* sin 6 cos- 6 dqd 6 dqj . dSdt. . . (ii) If p is the mean value of the force exerted, per unit area, on the plane, the impulse of the force exerted by the plane is pdSdt, and this must be equated to the integ-ral of (ii) for all possible velocity g-roups. All such groups are included by taking- the variables between the limits in- dicated thus : Hence /(^)-?^/?/ sinOcos-ede d(j) 00 TT 3 6 ) 4> Gases. 223 To see how this is connected with the mean square of velocity of the molecules, let u be the number of molecules per unit volume ; then from (9) = 4^rf{q)-q''(Jq ('3) To g-et the mean square of velocity, v~, multiply (9) by q^, integrate and equate the result to n v^ ; then '^=4^rf{q).q'dq (14) Jj = I U IX . V^ = ip'^\ (15) as before obtained. (Of course _p is here expressed in absolute units ; in gravitation units p = t — > ^s belore explained.) To get the mean velocity, v (which, of course, is not equal to the square root of t;^) multiply (9) by q, integrate, and equate the result to n v ; then n '0 Hence '^4-f'^f{q)-f^k (16) Thus we see that the result (15) is true whatever maybe the form of the function f{q). In the Kinetic Theory of Gases this function must have a pai'ticular form in order that the incessant collisions between the molecules may render the state of aflairs statistical/ 1/ the same at all times. It does not belong to our present purpose to find the form of this function ; its determination involves only the most 224 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. elementary principles of the collision of elastic spheres, and it will be found in detail in Watson's Kinetic Theory of Gases. The statistical permanence of the state of the molecules requires that f{q) = Ae~~\ (17) where // is a constant, and c is also a constant of the nature of velocity. Thus n = 4TTAj e ''\q~dq, .... (i8) 71 V nv 2 Jr — — e "''.q'^dq, .... (19) TOO -t. = 4ttA j e "^.q^dq (20) Now it is known (see Williamson's Integral Calculus ^ Art. 116, or Price's Injin. Cat., vol. ii., chap, iv) that L 00 1 —hx" ■■ •■ / \ e-"'^- dx = \ (^^ (21) '0 ^ l^ Hence differentiating both sides with respect to k f e-^^\x^dx = ^(^y. . . . (22) and again differentiating this with respect to k, e-^-^a;Va;=|(J)^ . . . (23) £ f Also it is obvious that / e-^'^'.xdx^ — =, and bv dif- Ja lk ^ ferentiating this with respect to k, r" I / e-*'^^ x^dx = —p. • . . . . (24) Jo 2F ^ ' Gases. 225 From these results we have n = At!^ c^, (25) ^=|c2, (26} v= ~^c (27) From the last two we have ^ = ^W (28) which shows the relation between the mean square of the velocities and the square of the mean velocity, the former being" the g-reater. In terms of the latter, the intensity of pressure is given by the equation P = ^P(^')^ ori? = ^ ^ (v)2, .... (29) according as p is taken in absolute or in gravitation measure. Example. It is found that the mass of i ctibic foot of hydrogen at o'^C when its intensity of pressure is 2116-4 pounds' Aveight per square foot is -005592 pounds, the value of g being 32-2 feet per second per second ; find the mean velocity of the hydrogen molecules. From the second value of p in (29) we have IT -005592 .•. V = 5570-8 feet per second, nearly. The vahie of \/v-, which is that velocity whose square is equal to the mean square uf the velocities, and wliich is called the relocity of memi square, is found from (15) to be 6046-5 feet per second, nearly. 226 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. The kinetic energy of the molecules in a unit volume is obtained by multiplying- (9) by — ^ • If E denotes this kinetic energy (in gravitation measure) we thus find Thus we have (30) P = %E, (31) expressing the intensity of pressure in terms of the kinetic energy per unit volume. 53. Mixture of Gases. When two or more different gases are present in the same space^ eack of them prochices exactly the same intensity of j)ressure as if none of the others were presetd. This fact is a result of the kinetic theory — ' when several different sets of spheres are present together in the region under consideration, the distribution of the centres and of the velocities of the spheres of each set is independent of the coexistence of the remaining sets.' (Watson's Kinetic Theory of Gases, Prop. VI.) The a priori possibility of such a result is manifest if we remember that the void spaces in a vessel which contains even several gases ai'e very much greater than the occupied spaces. The result may be proved thus : suppose two masses of gas whose volumes, intensities of pressure, and absolute temperatures are represented in the following figures, Gases. 227 to be mixed and contained within a q-iven volume F; and when the mixture becomes homog-eneous, let its intensity of pressure become i"* and its absolute temperature T. Then if we take the first g-as and alter its intensity of pressure to jOg and its absolute temperature to T^, its volume will become „ f and in this state if it is added to the second gas, the volume of the mixture will be at {p.,, 1\). Denote this volume by U. Then if (£/, P2, ^2) is altered to (T, P, T), VP Up, T ~ T. o " T ~ T^ '^ T^ ^^ Now if the first gas filled the volume V alone, at the absolute temperature T, its intensity of pressure would be and if the second occupied F alone, its intensity of pressure would be V T and the sum of these is which is precisely the value of P given by (i). If several gases of given volumes, iutensities of pressure, absolute temperatures, and specific gravities, are mixed together 228 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. in a vessel of given volume at a given absolute temperatnre, jxnd the intensity of iiressure and specific gravity of the mixtitre. Let the specific gravities of the gases be Sy, s^, s^, ... , the specific gravity of the mixture S, its absokite tempera- ture T, and its v^olume V; then by the laws of Boyle and Dalton, we have VV _VyPy v^jh, v^p^ . /^x ■f" n^ T" 7; T ••• 5 • • \~'} T ~ Ty ^ 1\ ' 2\ 3 and since the weight of the mixture is equal to the sum of the weights of the constituents, FTS _ v^ py s^ v^p, s^ v^sS^ ,. m m "I m "f" rp + 1,3/ 54. Vapours. Many liquids, such as water, mercury, ether, the various alcohols, and acetones, gradually pass into a gaseous condition — i. e., continuously give off vapours — at ordinary temperatures. Some of these liquids are much more volatile than others. For example, a small quantity of alcohol if left in an unclosed vessel will dis- appear in a short time, whereas the same mass of water would, under like circumstances, take a very long time to pass away as a gas. These vapours are essentially the same as the bodies which we have defined as gases. In fact, all gases can be regarded as the vapours of liquids, although the liquids from which some of them come can be obtained or produced only with extreme difliculty. Thus, it is now known that even hydrogen and oxygen are the vapours of two liquids ; and it was known a long time ago that nearly all the gases with which we are familiar could be converted into liquids, and even solids. Every vapour — whether it be the gas which we call Gases. 229 hj'drogen or the vapour of alcoliol or of any ordinary" liquid — obeys the typical law of a g-as (tliat of Boyle and Mariotte), provided that the vapour, as regards temperature or intensity of pressure, is not near its liquid state ; and, of course, none of these bodies obey this law when they are near this state. The first fundamental characteristic of a vaj)our which we shall sig-nalise is this : at a given temperature, there is a limit to the intensity of pressure which a given vajwiir can exert, or which can ly any means he exerted tijion that vapour. For example, if we take the vapour of water at the temperature of ioo°C, or 2I2°F, we cannot produce on it a greater intensity of pressure than about that of 15 pounds' wcig-ht per square inch. If we attempt to exceed this limit, some of the vapour will at once become water. Again, if we take the vapour of water at the tem^ierature of 107° F, it cannot sustain a greater intensity of pressure than that of about 1 pound weight per square inch. The result is different for different liquids. Thus, if we take the vapour of mercury at the temperature of 100° C, the greatest intensity of pressure that can be exerted u})nn it is that of about -^g of a pound weight per square inch. On the other hand, the vapour of bisulphide of carbon at the temperature of 100° C can sustain an intensity of pressure of about 65-7 pounds' weight per square inch ; and the vapours of alcohol and ether, at this temperature, can exert intensities of about 33^ and 97 1 pounds' weight per square inch, respectively. To verify experimentally the above characteristic of a vapour, take a long glass tube (baronietric tube), ABC^ Fig. 60^. dipping into a vessel, LE, of mercury ; let A be the point to which the mercury in the tube reaches, the Torricellian vacuum being the portion of the tube above A. 230 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. D Then AC is the height of the mercurial barometer and marks the intensity of atmospheric pressure. Suppose now that a drop of ether is inserted into the tube through the open end below the mercury in the vessel. The ether will rise up through the mercury in the tube and reach the Torricellian vacuum, where it will be at once converted into vapour whose pressure will depress the surface of the column of mercurv in the tube. Let another drop of ether be simi- larly inserted ; then a further depression of the mercury column takes place. Add, again, another drop of ether, and so on, until the mercury column refuses to be further depressed. It is an experimental fact that such a limit to depression is reached ; and if we continue to insert drops of ether into the tube, they are not converted into vapour on reaching the top, but remain in the liquid state on the top, B, of the column of mercury. It is supposed that the point B marks the depression of the mercury when the mercury refuses to be further depressed, and when the ether ceases to be further converted into vapour. Now it is found experimentally that the position of this limiting point B depends simply on the temperature of the surrounding air, i. e., on the temperature of the ether vapour at the top of the tube. For example, if the tem- perature of the ether is — 20° C, the depression AB = 68 millimetres, Fig. 63. 60° „ „ = 183 „ = 1728 Gases. 231 Supposing- now that for any given temperature, f, the point Ji is the lowest to which the mercury is depressed, the tube AJiC being held fixed, let us consider what happens — I**, if the tube is forced down farther into the vessel DE, 2°. if the tube is raised. In the first case we find that the effect is to liquefy some of the ether in JJ^ and to keep the height, BC, of J^ above the level of the mercury BE constant. In the second case, if there was any of the liquid ether resting on the mercury at B, some of this would be vapourised, and we should still observe that the height BC is constant. Now if the heights AC and BC are estimated in milli- metres, the intensity of pressure of the vapour is measured by AC — BC millimetres of mercury. Thus, if the temperature of the vapour is 60° C, the distance AB being 1728 millimetres, the point B will be 968 millimetres below C, assuming the height, AC, of a barometric column to be 760 mm. A vapour which, at a given temperature, t, cannot submit to increase of pressure (becoming in part liquid if an attempt to increase the pressure is made) is called a, saturated ■vapour at the temperature t. Its intensity of pressure can, of course, be diminished, and then it ceases to be a saturated vapour. Thus we may define the saturation intensity of pressure of any vapour at the temperature t as the greatest intensity of pressure that the vapour at this temperature can bear toithout liquefying. As has been said, the vapours of different liquids, all at the same temperature, have very different intensities of pressure con*esponding to their saturation states. There is 232 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. no known mathematical formula which g-ives the value of the intensity of pressure, p, corresponding- to the state of saturation of a given vapour at a g-iven temperature, t. In the case of aqueous vapour, i. e., the vapour of water, it is most important to have a knowledge of the maximum intensities of pressure corresponding to a long range of temperatures. M. Regnault by a simple method of experi- ment w^as enabled to observe these saturation pressures for temperatures ranging from below zero to above ioo°C; and from the table which he compiled an empirical formula connecting p and t may be constructed. One such formula will be given presently. It will be useful to regard the matter from a different point of view, and, as it were_, to deduce the liquid from the vapour instead of the vapour from the liquid. Thus, suppose that we propose this problem : given ether vapour at — 20°C, at o°C, at 60° C, and at 100° C, successively, how shall W' e convert it into liquid ether ? The answer would be : produce on it an intensity of pressure of about i^, 3 J, 34, and 97 1 pounds' weight per square inch, respectively. It looks as if in the case of an}- gas whatever at auij assigned temperature the answer would be the same kind — i. e., simply produce a certain intensity of pressure ; but w^e shall subsequently see that in the case, for example, of hydrogen at any ordinary temperature this process would not suffice. 55. Mixture of Gas and Vapour. Tf a given space is saturated wii/i the vapour of any tiquid, at a given temperature, the intensity of piressure of the vapour is the same whether this space is a vacuum or contains any gas. This follows from the result which has been already given for the mixture of any gases in a given space, viz.j that each gas behaves as a vacuum to all the others ; Gases. 233 K and it may be experimentally verified by the following method. A glass tube IID, Fig. 64, is attached to another, LB, both being vertical, the system being jirovided with a stopcock s. The tube LB is fitted with another stopcock b, and ter- minates at A where the funnel, F, or a glass globe^ G, fitted with a stopcock, c, can be screwed on. At first the two tubes are filled with mercmy, the tube LB being filled up to h and the stopcock s closed. The globe G contains dry air, or any other gas. Let the globe be screwed on at A and the stopcocks c, h, s opened, and let a little mercury flow into a vessel V so that dry air fills the top of the tube LB. Close s, and pour merciuy into the tube LIB until the level of the mercury is the same in both tubes. The tube LIB being ojien to the atmosphere, when the level is the same, the air at the top of LB is at the atmospheric pressure. Let the common level of the mercury at this stage be BB. Now remove the globe from A, and screw on the funnel, F. This funnel is fitted with a stopcock, a, \\hich is not perforated but has a small cavity at the side, as seen in the figure. Let some of the liquid whose vapour we are con- sidering be poured into i^ and let a be turned so that liquid falls down to h ; and let h be turned so that the li({uid falls into the air space h B and becomes vapourised, a\ hen its pressure, added to that of the air, depresses the level of Fig. 64. 234 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. the mercury below B. Repeat this operation until the level of the mercury ceases to sink ; and let the final level be L ; then the space hL vs, saturated with the vapour. Now pour mercury into the tube DH until its level in the other tube is restored from L to B. This will liquefy some of the vapour, but will leave its intensity of pressure unaltered. Suppose that the level of the mercury in BH is now at H. Then if li is the height of the baro- meter during the experiment, the intensity of pressure of the mixed gases in ^^ is represented by /^ + HB ; but as the air in IB has been restored to its original volume, its intensity of pressure is the same as it was at first, i.e., it is represented by a column of mercury of height h ; hence the intensity of pressure of the vapour is represented by HB. But if we now take a barometer tube, such as that repre- sented in Fig. 6'^^^ and insert a few drops of the liquid in question into the Torricellian vacuum until the space becomes saturated, we shall find that the depression of the mercury column is equal to BB^ which shows that the intensity of pressure of the saturated vapour of the given liquid at the given temperature is uninfluenced by the presence of air with the vapom-. Hence in a given volume which is saturated with any vapour there is the same mass of vapour whether the given space is a vacuum or contains any gas or gases. 56. Moist Air. It follows from Art. ^o, that when the atmosi)liore contains aqueous vapour the intensity of pres- sure which is observed by a barometer is the sum of the intensities due to the air itself and to the vapour which it contains. If, then, h (inches or millimetres) is the height of the barometer, and if the intensity of pressure of the vapour Gases. 235 present in the air is measured by / (inches or millimetres) of the liquid which the barometer contains, the intensity of pressure of the air itself is measured by The weig-ht of a given volume of moist air is affected by this consideration. Thus, assuming" the specific gravity of aqueous vapour to be -622, or f nearly, the weight of the air in a volume of V litres, with the notation of Art. 47, is '4646 m * vf and that of the vapour in this volume is '4645 :^ x | ; so that the weight of the whole is .4645^^^' (.) Similarly, formula (2) of Art. 49 will be replaced by r= 1.326946^^%=^^ (2) ^ ^ 460 + ?! ^ ' The accurate measurement of the intensity of pressure of the aqueous vapour present in the air at any temperature is a matter of difficulty ; but we shall presently see how it can be approximately effected by means of a hygro- meter. 57. Vapour of Water. A knowledge of the maximum intensity of pressure of the vapour of water for any given temperature is important ; and, as said before, this know- ledge must be derived from experiment. Water may be made to boil at any temperature whatever by producing a suitable intensity of pressure on its surface. If any given intensity of pressure is by any means ]>roduced on the surface of a liquid, and heat is continuously applied to the liquid, the liquid will loil when the intensity 236 Hydrostatics mid Elementary Hydrokinctics. of pressure of its vapour becomes equal to the intensity of pre-^snre on the surface of the liquid. The given intensity of pressure on the surface is then the maximum intensity of pressure of the vapour at the temperature of the liquid. This principle is the basis of the experiments of Reg-nault for the determination of the maximum intensities of pres- sure of water vapour at various temperatures. His method was to make water boil under a continuous series of surface pressures and to read the corresponding" temperatures of boiling. The figure of the apparatus used will be found in treatises on Experimeotal Ph3^sics (see, for example, Ganot's Fhi/sics, Art. 3.51). Experiments with the same object had a short time previously been carried out by Dulong and Arago, at the request of the French Academy, and the results were exjn-essed by an empirical formula kno^oi as the French Commissioners" Fornmla. If t is the centigrade temperature at which water is made to boil by adjusting the intensity of pressure on its sui-faee, this intensity is exjiressed by the equation t-100.^ n in which n denotes the number of atmospheres, of 760 mm., under which the water boils ; that is, the intensity of pressure on the surface (and therefore of the va])0ur) is represented by a column of mercury 760 ?^ millimetres high. When compared with the tabulated results of M. Regnault, this formula is fairly accurate for pressures ranging from i atmosphere to 24 atmospheres ; but for very low pressures the error in the formula is great. The following table gives a few temperatures below Gases. 237 100° C at winch water is caused to Loil, tog-ether M-ith tlie corresi)oncling' intensities of pressure on its surface (or of its vapour), measured in mm. of mercury, as calculated from the formula and as observed by Reg-nault : / imn. calculated mm. observed 0" 1-42 4-60 20° IO-88 17-39 60° 140-90 148-79 70° 227-14 233-09 80° 351-21 354-64 90° 524-39 525-45 Thus the disag-reement at low temperatures is very marked. From (i) we can deduce a formula in Eng-lish measures. Let intensity of pressure be measured in pounds' weight per square inch, and temperature on the Fahrenheit scale. Putting- -|(?! — 32) for f in (i), the number of standard atmospheres becomes (1 + ^-Jl^^\' or 1- 39-^43 +^ '. V 251-643^ ' V 251-643 ^ ' and taking- a column of mercury 760 mm. high as equi- valent to 14-697 pounds' weight per square inch, the intensity of pressure of the vapour in pounds' weight per square inch is the product of this expression and 14-697 ; that is (— ) ; or, as it is usuallv taken ^ 147-oci / ' ' -^ i^ ^ 147 ^ (2) 238 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. If intensity of pressure is measured in pounds' weig-ht per square inch, while temperature is measured on the Centigrade scale, the formula gives ^ = (1^'/ (3) The height of a mountain may be deduced from the temperatures at which water boils at the base and at the summit, on the usual assumption of a constant mean temperature of the air, without the aid of a barometer ; for, from the observed temperatures of boiling-, we can deduce the corresponding atmospheric pressures by formula (i) or (2), and make use of these pressures in the barometric formulas of Arts. 50 and 51. Examples. 1. If at the base and the summit of a mountain water boils at 212° and 190^, Fahrenheit, respectively, and the mean tempera- ture of the air is 40°, find the height of the mountain. Ans. About 12 172 feet. 2. At the base of a mountain 28000 feet high the atmo- spheric intensity of pressure is 14 pounds' weight per square inch ; assuming the temperature of the air to be uniformly 32*^ F, find the temperatui'e at which water boils at the summit. Ans. About i6i°F. 58. Principles of Thermodynamics. It is now an accepted principle that a quantity of heat is the same thing as a quantity of kinetic energy — that, in fact, heat is the kinetic energy of molecular motions in a body. Now as kinetic energy is the equiv^alent of work, and can be measured in ergs, foot-pounds' weight, metre-kilogrammes' weight, and many other analogous forms, it follows that a quantity of heat can be expressed as so many ergs, or so many foot-pounds' weight, &c. For a long time this was not the mode adopted for Gases. 239 expressing a quantity of heat, because until the experiments of Joule were made, it was not recognised that heat and ivork are equivalent things. To take an example, when by burning coal under a vessel containing i pound of water the temjjerature of this water was raised 1° F (supposing none of the imjjarted heat to be radiated from the water) it was said that a quantity of heat called one thermal unit was imparted to the water. This mode of speaking is still adopted : it merely amounts to a definition, and indicates one particular way of measuring quantities of heat. But at the present time we should also describe the result thus — a quantity of kinetic energy equivalent to about 772 foot-pounds weight has been imparted to the pound of water. The measurement of quantities of heat in thermal units and in foot-pounds' weight may be compared with the measurement of areas in acres and in square yards. The British thermal unit is defined as the quantity of heat {or molecular kinetic energy^ which must be itnparted to one pound of water at its temperature of maximum density [about 39° F) to raise this temperature i°F. The Metric thermal unit is defined as the quantity of heat (or molecular kinetic energy) tvhich mzist be impiarted to one kilogramme of loater at its temperature of maximum density [about 4°C) to raise its temperature 1° C. It is not quite true that the quantity of heat necessary to raise by one degree the temperature of a given quantity of water is the same at all temperatures. Thus, it is found that the heat necessary to raise the temperature of one pound of water from 32° F to 212'', instead of being 180 times that required to raise it from 32° to ^'^°, is 180-9 times as great. The quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature by one degree increases very slightly as the temperature of the water increases ; and this fact may be otherwise expressed thus : the specific heat of 240 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinctics. water increases slig-htly as the temperature of the water increases. The Metric thermal unit is very frequently called a calorie^ and the quantity of kinetic energ-y in it is about 425 metre-kilogrammes' weig-ht (usually called kilogramme- metrei). In the C. G. S. system, the thermal unit is tlie quant.ity of heat (or molecular kinetic energ-y) ^c^/^'c/^ miist he imparted to one gratmne of water at its temperature of maximum density to raise its temperature 1° C, and it amounts to about 42 X 10*' erg-s. In any of these systems the number of work-units which is equivalent to the thermal units is called the dynamical equivalent of heat, and it is usually denoted by / (with reference to the name of Joule). Thus, in the British system / = 772, in the Metric gravitation system /= 425, and in the C. G. S. system / = 42 x lo*", all these numbers being only approximate. Let us now consider what happens when a quantity of heat is communicated to any body. The result can be comprised under two heads — i". Kinetic energy is imparted to the molecules of the body (i. e., the body is heated) and at the same time work is done against the attractive forces of these molecules (i. e., a certain amount of internal static energy is generated in the body) ; 2**. The body at its bounding surface does work against external pressures. Thus the first heading comprises both heat in the body and internal loork. The sum of these two is called the energy of the body, and is denoted by the s3'mbol U. Suppose now that a small quantity of heat, dQ, which we shall estimate in dynamical units, is communicated to a body, and that the effect of this is to generate a small Gases. 241 quantity, (III, of cnci'o;'}' in the l)ody, and to make the body ])erform a small quantity, dlF, of external work. Then we iiave the equation dQ = dU+dTr. (i) As it is not our object to consider the principles of thermodynamics in their application to every kind of body, we shall suppose the body in question to be a g-as or a vapour. Then there are three thing-s which determine the state of such a body — viz., its temjperatnre, T, its vohime, v, and its intensify of pressure, p. These three are not inde- pendent ; for, in the case of a given mass of gas, we have vp the equation -^ = a constant, or as in Art. 48, vp^wR.T; (2) so that the state of the body at any instant may be con- sidered as depending on any Uoo of the quantities, v, p, T. Now the internal energy, U, of the body is alwaj^s the same in the same state of the body. Hence we can consider either U=f, {v,p) or U =f, (v, T), or U=f, (;;, T), . (3) where. /i, 7^0, y;5 are symbols of functionality. Now, confining our attention to gases, the following is a fundamental result : tke energy, U, of a given mass of gas is a funcfion of its temperature, T, alote, i. e., it does not depend on either V or p. This result was verified by the following experiment of Joule. A and B (Fig. 6^) are two copper vessels which com- municate with each other by a tube in which is a stopcock. c. These vessels are placed inside a vessel, CJ), which is in 11 242 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. Fig. 6= the form of two nearly closed cylinders communicating by means of a narrow passage between two walls. The reserv'oir A is filled with air, or any gas, at a high intensity of pressure (22 atmospheres in Joule's experi- ment), while ^ has been exhausted of air. \Vater is poured into the vessel CD, and since A and B have nearly the capacity of the cylinders in which they are placed, the quantity of this water is small, and thus any alteration of its tem- perature would be the more easily observed. Now let the stopcock c be suddenly opened. The gas rushes out of A, increasing its volume and diminishing its intensity of pressure ; and when the whole mass of this gas is considered, we see that it has altered its state without doing any external work. At the same time no heat has been communicated to it. If the water is kept stirred the result of the experiment will be that the water neither rises nor falls in temperature. Actually, it was found that if the water was at rest, the temperature of that surrounding A was lowered and the temperature of that surrounding B was raised ; but, on the whole, these local alterations of temperature balanced each other, and the body (i. e., the mass of gas) underwent change without development of heat. Now, applying to this case equation (1), we see that dQ = o and dJr= o, therefore dll ■= o \ and since both V and p have altered, but not T, we see that U cannot be a function of v or 7;. Hence for a gas u=An ...... (4) i. e. the energy of the gas is a function of its temperature alone. Gases. 243 This amounts to the statement that the molecular forces in a gam are zero ; for, if they existed, and were attractive^ they would jjcrform negative work \\hen the volume ex- ])anded ; and if they were rej^iihice, they would perform positive work in the same case. Subsequent experiments by Joule and Thomson revealed, however, small changes of temperature, showing- that the internal forces are not wholly evanescent ; but these chans^es became smaller, for any gas, as its temperature was hig-her; and the changes of temperature which, under the above circumstances, take place are smaller the more nearly the gas approaches to the condition of a perfect gas. Thus, for air and for hydrogen they are much smaller than for carbonic acid gas. Such a result would naturally be expected ; and hence Ave are to regard the result (4) as holding accurately in the case of a ])erfect gas only ; for other gases the result is approximately true. Supposing, then, that we are dealing with a perfect gas only, equation (i) can be written (iq = ^,dT^dW. (5) When the gas does external work by overcoming resist- ance applied over its bounding surface, the intensity of this resistance being equal to the intensity of pressure, p, the element, dll\ of work done during a small increment, dv, of volume of the gas, is given by the equation (Art. 46) d}F=pdv (6) Hence (5) becomes dQ = '^,dT+jxlv (7) If w is the mass of the quantity of gas with which we are dealing, we have equation (2), v/hich enables R 2 244 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. us to express dv in (7) in terms of r/Z^and dp, thus = '"JldT-'-dv, (8) p p hence (7) becomes dq = (~-Vtvn)dT-vdp (9) It will be observed that we have been all through measuring- heat in work-units. We now lav down two definitions : [a) The specific heat of any gas at constant volume is the limiting value of the ratio of an infinitesimal quantity of heat to the infinitesimal rise of temperature produced, when this heat is imparted to a unit of mass which is not allowed to expand. [h) The specific heat of any gas at constant pressure is the limiting value of the ratio of an infinitesimal quantity of heat to the infinitesimal rise of tem2)erature produced, when this heat is imparted to a unit of mass which is allowed to expand under constant pressure. Thus (a) is the value of — j^j-. when v is constant, and if ^ '' w dl this is denoted by c, (7) shows that 1 dU '=wdT ^^°) Also (b) is the value of — jjp, when p is constant, and if ^ -' w dl this is denoted by C, (9) shows that C=--j^,-\-R (11) w dl ^ ' Gases. 245 It is evident u priori that C > c, because when the gas is allowed to expand, it uses some of the imparted heat to do work aii^ainst external resistance, so that all of the heat does not go towai'ds raising- the temperature, whereas, wlun no expansion is allowed, all this heat is used in raisinii^ the temperature. Now one of the fundamental laws of a perfect gas is that for any given gas each of these specijic heafs is a constant at all temperatures. Of course, since C^c + T?, (12) if either of them is constant, the other must be constant. This law was proved experimentally by M. Regnault. Since the specific heats are constant, we may say (as is usually done) that the specific heat of a g-as at constant volume is the quantity of heat necessary to raise its tem- l)erature one deg-ree when the heat is imparted to the unit of mass at constant volume ; or the quantity of heat necessary to raise its temperature by any number of degrees, if we divide by the number of degrees. We have supposed that Q is measured in work-units : if Q is measured in thermal units (whether English or -Metric), and / is the corresponding work-unit value of the thermal unit, the fundamental equation (i) becomes Jciq^dU+dW- (13) also, c being measured with reference to thermal units. f = — ;„, , when V is constant ; so that 10 (IT ■■■ J{C-c) = R (15) Thus, Regnault found that for dry air C = -2375, and if 246 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. we use Eng-lish measures, U = S^-^ (Art. 49), •/= 772 ; Q hence c = -1685, which gives — = 1-409. From (10) we have the vahie of the internal energy of a given mass, w, of a perfect gas at the absolute tempera- ture T, viz., , , U = civT (16) in units of work if c is expressed with reference to these units; or jj^ j^ioT (17) if c is expressed with reference to thermal units. It appears, therefore, that when a gas is expanded isothermally by the continuous application of heat, all the heat supplied is utilised in doing work against external resistance. 59. Adiabatic Expansion. Garnet's Cycle. If a mass of gas is contained within a cylinder closed by a moveable piston, the cylinder and the piston being both impermeable to heat, so that no heat can be communicated to the gas from without and no heat can escape from the gas itself, while the gas may drive out the piston before it or may be compressed by means of the piston, the transfor- mation is called adiabatic. If the gas is compressed by means of the piston, heat is generated in the gas ; but no heat is gained or lost by conduclion or radiation in an adiabatic transformation. We propose to find the relation existing between the volume and the temperature, and the volume and intensity of pressure, of the gas during this transformation. These are found by using (7) and (9) of last Article and putting r/Q = o. Hence cwdT+pdv = o, (i) CwdT—vdj) = o, (2) in which the specific heats c, C are in work-units. Gases. 247 From these we derive the equation Cpdv + cvdp = o, ..... (3) which gives by integration jiv" = constant (4) It has been found that — = 1.408, nearly, for air. De- noting^ by fi the value of this ratio for any g-as, if (/?(,, "^'o) are the intensity of pressure and volume when the adiabatic transformation beg-ins, the equation of the curve which is analog-ous to the hyi)erbola in Fig-. ^^, and which exhibits the relation between p and v in the adiabatic transfor- mation,is pv^'=PoV,^ (5) which, combined with the fundamental equation gives the relation between p and T and between v and T. It has been already pointed out (Art. 40) that the curves of isothermal transformation are rectang-ular hy- perbolas. Fig-. 66 exhibits two isothermals and two adiabatics. Thus, suj^pose the two rectangular lines Ov and Op to be taken as axes of volume and pressure, respectively ; let the gas be contained in a cylinder the base alone of which is a conductor of heat — and we shall assume this base to be a peifect conductor, i. e., we can imagine it to be made of very thin cop])er ; let the initial state of the gas be represented by the point A in the figure, i. e., its intensity of pressure, p^, is represented by the ordinate Aa, and its volume by the abscissa Oa, while its ahsolute temperature in this state is T^. 248 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. Kow let the base of the cylinder be placed on a perfectly nonconducting- stand, and let work be done on the gas by forcing down the piston. The result will be a rise of temperature of the gas and, of course, an increase in its intensity of pressui-e, the relation between its volume and Fig. 66. intensity of pressure being represented by the abscissae and ordinates of the adiabatic curve AB^ whose equation is (5). Let this adiabatic transformation be stopped when the absolute temperature becomes T^ and the state of the gas is represented by the point B. Then the work Gases. 24Q (lone on the gas is represented by the area Aa IB, whose vahie is /-,.i - / i^^^^' (7) i\ being the final vohime Ob. Substituting for ;j its value in terms of v from (5), we find this area to be or (8) Now since for the given mass of gas, w, we have (2) of Art. 58, this expression is — m-n) (.) P'rom (i) it appears that the work done on a gas when compressed adiabaticallv is also ^^(n-n), (10) where 1\ and T^ are the initial and final absolute tem- peratures, and, as before stated, c is in work-units. The co-ordinates, v^ , p^ , of the point B are easily found to be 1 ^i=^o(^p (n) n 7* n-1 Jh=Po{7JT) ...... (12) When the gas has reached the higher temperature, 2\, let the base of the cylinder be removed from the noncon- ducting stand and placed in contact with a large reservoir of heat of the temperature 7\. The external pressure on the piston being removed, the 250 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. piston will be driven outwards by the pressure of the g-as, and this entails a fall of the temperature of the g-as ; but instantly heat Hows into it from the reservoir, keejjing' the temperature constantly equal to 7\ as the gas continues to expand. The curve of expansion is a rectangular hyperbola, BC^ whose equation is />v = j5j Vj or = -Kw2\, (13) and if the transformation is stopped at the point C, the work done hy the gas on the piston is represented by the area BCcb, whose expression is / ;;^/r, where v.^ is the J t'l volume Oc. This work is -n m ^ '^'9 / \ R^^i^og-' (14) '1 Having reached the point C in this isothermal transfor- mation, let the cylinder be removed from the reservoir and again placed with its base on the nonconducting stand. The pressure of the gas will continue to drive out the piston ; but now the gas does this work at the expense of its own heat, and therefore its temperature falls, the lelation between pressure and volume being given by the adiabatic curve CD. When the absolute temperature has fallen to the original value, T^^, let this transformation cease (the point 1) is supposed to represent the state of the gas when the temperature Tq is reached), and let the cylinder be placed \Yii\i its base in contact with a large reservoir of heat whose absolute temperature is Tq. Now let the piston be forcibly driven in, and therefore the gas compressed by work done on it, until the original volume, t'o , or Oa, is again reached ; then the final curve DA is a hyperbola corresponding to the temperature T^^, and since there is work being continuously done on the gas during this isothermal compression, its temperature makes a con- Gases. 251 tinnous effort to rise ; but, on account of the perfect conductivity of the base, the moment such a rise takes place, heat flows from the gas into the reservoir, and by this continuous flow of heat the temperature of the g-as is steadily kept at 2\. In the adiabatic expansion CD, the g-as has done work of the amount Po Vo »q Vr, if the co-ordinates of C and D are [v.^^p.^) and {v.,p^) respectively. But since C belongs to the hyperbola corresponding to 7',, and i> belongs to the hyperbola corresponding to 2\, we have v.ji, = llwl\ and v^p^ = llwl\ ; hence the work CBdc is jp ^,(T,-U (>6) which has been proved to be also the work represented by BAab, so that the work done 07i the gas in the adiabatic compression AB and bi/ it in the adiabatic expansion CI) cancel each other. The work done on the gas in the isothermal compression I) A is represented by the area Del a A, and is equal to /^^'olog-e'-'OrT^^^^Z'.log '-?. Now we can show that (17) for p^v\ = BpjT^, A- «— 1 7- n— 1 '2 — '3 t: 252 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. r-2 = V, (^) which, by (i i); g-ives the result (17)- Hence the total work done 6^ the gas in the whole series of transformations, which is represented by the area ABCLA, is Rw{T,-T,)\og.' (18) A series of transformations of a gas whereby, starting- from a given state as regards volume, temperature, and intensity of pressure, submitting to changes of these by absorbing heat, doing work against external resistance, and having work done upon it by external agents, the gas is finally brought back exactly to its original state, is called a c^cle of operations. When, as in the case just discussed, the chano-es consist of two isothermal and two adiabatic transformations, the operation is called a Carnot cyclt^ because such a simple cycle was first discussed by Carnot in the investigation of some of the fundamental principles of Thermodynamics. Such a cycle it would be impossible to realise in practice, because perfect conductors and perfect nonconductors of heat do not exist, although isothermal and adiabatic trans- formations of a gas can be approximated to. For examj^le, there is a common experiment which consists in igniting a piece of tinder, or cotton moistened with ether or bisulphide of carbon, at the bottom of a glass tube filled with air and tightly fitted with a piston, by very suddenly forcing the piston down the tube. In this case the transformation of the imprisoned air can be assumed to be adiabatic, because, during the time of the experiment, no heat can enter or leave the tube. This instrument is sometimes called 2, pneamatic syringe. Gases. 253 The order in which the clians;'es in a Carnot cycle are made can be varied. Thus, we may start tlie operations from the point 7i and work round throu<5'h C, I), and A to B ag-ain. If we call the reservoir at the hij^her absolute temperature, 2\, the boiler^ and the reservoir at the lower temperature, T^, the condenser, the two main features of the cycle are the abstraction of a certain amount of heat, represented by the area BCch, in work-units, from the boiler, and the transference to the condenser of another amount of heat, represented by the area DdaA, the amounts of heat generated within the working- g-as itself in the abiabatic transformations neutralising each other. Carnot, under the influence of the erroneous notion prevailing in his time, supposed that, since the working substance returns to exactly its original state in all respects, the quantity of heat which it receives from the boiler must be equal to that which it gives out to the condenser, because heat is an indestructible substance. But the fiict remains that, although the gas has returned to its original state, a certain quantity of work, represented by the area BCBAB, has been done by the engine — if we use the term engine to denote the gas, cylinder, and piston. How, then, did Carnot explain the doing of this work, since (according to his view) the engine gave out, as heat, to the condenser all the heat that it received from the boiler ? Simply by saying that the letting down of the heat from the higher temperature, or heat level, T^ , to the lower level, ?') , constituted the doing of this work — just as the fall of a stone from a higher to a lower gravitation level constitutes the doing of work. The view that heat is a substance (which used to be called caloric) is now abandoned, since the experiments of Joule and others ja-ove that it is kinetic energy. Of the quantity of heat which a Carnot engine receives 254 Hydrostatics and Etcmcntary Hydrokinctics. from the boiler, how much is converted into work done by the engine ? If H.-^ is the heat received from the boiler, and //q the heat which the engine transfers to the con- denser, the amount //, — //(, is converted into work. Now . ^i~-^^0 - i_ ?o (19) The ratio of the quantity of heat converted into work to the quantity received from the boiler is called the efficiency of the engine, and we see that, unless T^^ o, i. e.,the tem- perature of the condenser is absolute zero, the efficiency is always < i. Thus, if the boiler is at the temperature of M'ater boiling at the ordinary pressure, and the condenser at that of melting ice, T^= o^'jo^, T(^= 273, and the efficiency is only 1 — fyf, that is about -268. This is only a small amovmt, and yet such an imaginary engine (using a perfect gas as the working substance) has a much greater efficiency than any actual engine. The cycle of operations with a Carnot engine is 7'eversible, i. e., if we start from the point A in Fig. 66, we can work from A to D, then to C, then to B, and finally back to A. In this way we should have to do work on the gas, this w^ork being represented by the area ABCBA, and the result of this would be the transference of a certain amount of \\Q2d,from the condenser to the holler. In the common steam-engine the various operations in a Carnot cycle with a perfect gas are roughly approximated to in the following way : I. The isothermal exjiansion BC corres^Jonds to the evaporation of the water in the boiler. Gases. 255 2. The adiiiLatic expansion CB corresponds to the expansion of the steam in the cylinder. 3. The isothermal compression DA corresponds to con- densation in the condenser. 4. The adiabatic compression AB corresponds to the forcing- of the water into the boiler. (See Cotterill's T/ie Steam Engi7ie considered as a Ileal Engine, Chap. V.) Examples. 1. The air column in a pneumatic syringe 10 inches long is suddenly comj)ressed into a length of i inch ; its original temperatui-e was 1 5° C ; find its final temperature. Ans. 463'^-8. 2. Air is contained in a vertical cylinder, closed at the lower end and open at the top, the area of whose cross-section is 2 square inches ; the air is compressed, so tliat it occupies a length of 4 inches of the cylinder, by means of a piston whose mass is i jiound, the intensity of ])repsure of the air being 150 pounds' weight per s(|uai'e inch; the intensity of atmo- spheric pressure is 15 jiounds' weight per square inch. If the piston is suddenly released, find its velocity when it is I foot from the bottom of the cylinder, assuming the tempera- ture of the air to be kept constant. Ans. 75-55 feet per second. 3. In the above find the position of the piston when its velocity is a maximum. Ans. 38-7 inches from the lower end. 4. Find how high the piston ascends before coming to rest for an instant. Ans. About 142^ inches from the end. 5. If the area of the cross-section of the cylinder is A square inches, the mass of the piston w pounds, the original intensity of pressure of the compressed air F pounds' weight per square 256 Hydrostatics and Elcmcntmy Hydrokindics. inch, that of the atmosjihere f^, and the piston is originally c inches from the bottom, find its velocity when it is x inches from the bottom, taking (7^32 feet per second per eecond. 16 ( a; ) Ans. 7;-= — \APc\oq.„ {Apf,-\-w){x—c)\ •> 3w; ( *- c ' ^ \ where v is feet per second. 6. If in example 2 the air in the cylinder expands without receiving or losing heat by conduction or radiation, find the velocity of the piston when it is i foot from the bottom. Ans. 65-9 feet per second. 7. If in example 5 the air expands adiabatically, find the velocity of the piston. where n = 1-408. 8. If a pound of air does 390-6 foot-pounds' weight of work without receiving heat or lo&iug it by conduction or radiation, find its fall in temperature. Ans. 3°F. 9. If a pound of air at 60° F and intensity of pressure 15 pounds' weight per square inch is compressed without gain or loss of heat by conduction or radiation until its temperature is 200^^ F, find its new pressure intensity. Ans. About 34-1 pounds' weight per square inch. 1 0. The temperature of a given mass of air is observed to fall from 540" to 290° F when expanding to double its volume without gain or loss of heat by conduction or radiation ; and at the same time the external work done is observed to be 32600 foot-pounds' weight per pound of air ; find the specific heat of air at constant pressure. Ans. We have from the data c= 130-4 work-units [see (10), Art. 59], and 2^~"= 3, where n = - \ .-. = 184-5 c woi'k-units. Gases. 257 11. Air contained in a cylinder at the atmospliei'ic ]n-essuro is adia])atically compressed to an intensity of pressure of m atmospheres, and is then allowed to cool at constant volume to the temperature of the snrroundini^ air ; if it is then allowed to ex])and adiahatically until it reaches its oricinal intensitv of pressure, find the efficiency of this method of storing work, the work done on the air by the atmospheric pressure in the compression and against it in the expansion being deducted. 1 1 A T^jxL ■ Wi"- 1 -»i(m»'-— i) Ans. Jilticiency= ^ — -^ , where n = 1-408. m- 1 —n (m" — i ) 60. Absolute Temperature. It has been already pointed out (Art. 41) that the notion of an absolute zero at a point 273 Centigrade deg-rees below the temperature of melting ice is not properly founded on the formula vp = Hw (273 + i) which has been deduced for gases from experiments at ordinary temperatures, and from which it would follow that if t =—273, the volume of the gas would be zero. The position of the absolute zero — conceived to be such that at this temperature there would be no molecular motion in any body — is deduced from the principles of Thermo- dynamics as applied to the action of reversible engines (such as Carnot's) when we imagine the working substances in these engines to be any substances whatever that can undergo such a complete cycle of changes as that of Carnofc. Thus, we can imagine the cylinder to contain, as a working substance, a quantity of water and its vapour, by the expansion of which work is done on the piston. It is not the aim of this work to discuss the details of Thermodynamics, which the student will find in treatises on this subject, such as Cotterill's Sleani Engine, Clerk Maxwell's Heat, The Mechanical Theory of Heat by Clausius, Tait's Heat, Parker's Thermodynamics, and many other 258 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokindics. works ; and therefore we shall assume the following- pro- position, which is fundamental in the sul)jcct, and the proof of which will be found in any of these works : — if a reversible engine tvorks between any tico fixed tem- peratnres^ its working subHance undergoing a complete cycle of operations indicated by two isothermals and two adiatjatics, and if it receives a fixed quantity of heat from a reservoir at the higher temperature, it will convert the same fraction of this heat into external work, whatever he the nature of its working substat/ce. Of course the isothermals and adiabatics of the substance may be any curves whatever, and not the simple curves whose equations are pv = const., and pv^^ = const., which belong- to a perfect g-as. It may occur to the student as an objection that, inasmuch as we are now seeking* for a means of measuring- temperature, it is not permissible to speak of the working- substance in Carnot's cylinder as receiving- heat from a reservoir at the hig-her temperature and transferring some of it to the reservoir at the lower temperature. There is, however, nothing- illog-ical in this, because, althoug-h we may not be able to measure temperature numerically, we are able to say when two bodies are at the same tem- perature. A mercurial or any other thermometer will tell us when two bodies are at the satne temperature. We can say, for example, when the upper reservoir, or boiler, is at the temperature of water boiling- at the normal pressure, and when the lower, or condenser, is at the temperature of melting ice. Suppose, then, for definiteness, that the boiler is at the temperature of water boiling under the normal pressure, and that the condenser is at that of melting ice ; and with any given substance in Carnot^s cylinder let a quantity, //, of heat be taken isothermally from the boiler in a transfer- Gases. 259 malion such as that represented by the enrve BC in Fig-. 66, and let the quantity 11^ be transferred to the con- denser in the transformation corresponding- to DA. Then our assinnption is that, whatever be the substance in the cylinder, the ratio -ry is constant. When we speak of two reservoirs of heat each at a certain temperature, we mean two bodies so larg-e in comparison witli the dimensions of the Carnot cylinder that when the working- substance in this cylinder takes heat from them or gives heat to them, their temperatures do not fall or rise. Let us imag-ine the cylinder to be small enoug-h, and we can drop the term reservoirs and simply speak of two lodics, in connection with which the cylinder is supposed to work in a Carnot cycle. Denote the two bodies by B^^ and B^ , and imag-ine any number of Carnot cylinders C, C", C", ... containing- diflerent working- sub- stances. Suppose, then, each of these cylinders successively to be put in connection with the body Bq, and each of them to be worked until it takes a quantity of heat, Hq , from it, this quantity being- the same for all the cylinders ; let each • cylinder be worked in a Carnot cycle in which the second body (that to which heat is transferred) is B^. Then all the cylinders transfer the same quantity of heat, 7/, , to this body, and this quantity de])ends simply on the temperature of the body B^. Hence B^ can be taken as a measure of the temperature of the body. On the same scale, of course, H^ would be the measure of the temperature of the body Bq. We may, if we please, imag-ine Bq to be a body absolutely deprived of molecular motion, i. e., a body at the absolute zero of temperature. If Bq is not such a body, S 2, 26o Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. let its temperature above the absolute zero be ^^ , and let that of By be T^ ; then, on the scale adopted now, we have H T This definition g-ives only \h^Q ratio of the absolute temperatures of the two bodies, and makes it independent of the working- substance in the Carnot cylinder, so that we may select the most convenient substance that we can find. Now, supposing- B-^ to be water boiling at the normal atmospheric pressure, and B^ to be melting- ice, and taking- air as the most convenient substance, Thomson and Joule (Tait's Heat, chap, xxi) found that «F = i-365> (2) -"0 T ••• yr= 1-365 (3) The magnitude of each degree is still undefined. Let the magnitude be such that there are 1 00 deg-rees between these two temperatures ; then T^-^Tq-^- 100, and (3) g-ives ^0= 7757 = 274, very nearly (4) Thus if the interval between the temperatures of melting ice and water boiling- under the normal atmospheric pressure is divided into 100 equal parts, the freezing point is 274 of these degrees above the absolute zero of temperature. Hence the absolute zero coincides practically with that suggested by the air thermometer. 61. Total Heat of Steam. If a kilogramme of water is taken at the temperature 0° C and heated until it is completely converted into saturated vapour at the tern- Gases. 261 peratnrc f C, tlicre will be two stag-es to note in the process : 1. The water has its temperature raised from o" to the boiling- point, showing" a continuous rise of a thermo- meter placed in it. 2. At the boiling" point the water is converted into saturated vapour, heat being" continuously absorbed, but no rise of the thermometer being observed until all the water is converted. M. Regnault found the total quantity of heat thus absorbed by I kilogramme of Avater, measured in metric thermal units, to be 606-5 + -305?! (0 Of course the quantity of heat necessary to convert w kilogrammes is w times this. Now the number of thermal units absorbed in heating the kilog-ramme of water from 0° to f is t ; and as the quantity (i) exceeds t, it follows that the excess has been absorbed in overcoming" external pressure and the molecular forces of the water, converting it into steam, w^hich shows no rise of temperature above / although heat is being" applied. This heat, which is not indicated by the thermometer and whose function is to perform internal and external work, is called the latent heat of the saturated steam. If we de- note it by i/, and denote the total heat used by //, per kilogramme of water, we have 77= 6o6-5 + -305/^, (2) L = 6o6-s--6i)5t (3) If instead of a kilogramme of water at 0° we start with a kilog'ramme of ice at zero, and apply heat, we find that, though heat is being" continuously absorbed by the body, a thermometer indicates no rise of temperature until the whole of the ice is melted. Hence during- this process the 262 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. absorbed heat is being' used to perform the work of dis- integrating- the ice, and this heat is called the latent heat of water, or the latent heat of fusion of ice. Its amount per kilogramme is very nearly 80 thermal units. If after the water has been completely converted into steam of maximum intensity of pressure (saturated steam) at the given temperature, t, heat is still applied, and the gas expands at constant pressure, its temperature will, of course, rise ; and the further amount of heat absorbed when the temperature reaches B° is -4805 (^ — 1\ the number •4805 being the specific heat of aqueous vapour under constant pressui'e. The expression analogous to (2) in English measures is deduced thus: the equation (2) can be expressed in the form total heat for any mass . , - — ^ — ,- i — -^ — ^^ = 6o6-5 + -^o5/5 heat requu-ed to raise it i C = 606.5 + .305 x|(/!'-32), where t' is the Fahrenheit temperature corresponding to f C. total heat for any mass heat required to raise it |°F 606.5 + . 305 X !(/{'- 32), total heat for any mass ^ ^ , » , , /.' ^\ ••• iT-^ -"XI • V .°p = ^°^'-5 X -5- + 'Z'^S (^ -32). heat required to raise it i l If mass is measured in pounds, the left-hand side is the heat per pound, in the new units ; and we have //= 108 1-94 + .305 i^, (4) in which we have removed the accent from t' . This is the number of thermal units required to raise the water from the temperature of melting ice, i. e., from 32" F to t, and completely evaporating it at t. In this process «! — 32 thermal units have been consumed in raising the tempera- Gases. 263 lure of the water to tlie evaporating* point, and hence //—(/ — 32) thermal units have been absorbed in doing- the work of conversion ; so that if L is the latent heat of the steam, -r ^ L= II 13-94 -.695/! (5) Thus, in evaporating i pound of water at the ordinar\- boiling temperature, 2 1 2° F, 966-6 thermal units are absorbed while the water is being- changed into steam. The dyna- mical equivalent of this is about 746215 foot-pounds' weight. But this heat is employed in doing two things — [a) disintegrating the water, i. e., converting it into vapour, or doing internal work ; {b) overcoming the resistance of the atmospheric pres- sure, i. e., doing external work. It is easy to calculate each of these quantities in general. Let 1 pound of water be converted into steam at the temperature f F. Then, when the conversion into steam begins, the temperature and the intensity of pressure of the steam remain constant until the conversion is complete. Let the intensity of pressure be measured in pounds' weight per square foot and the volume of the steam in cubic feet ; then from (4), Art. 49, we have _ I vpx '622 ~ 53-30222 ' T ' .-. pv = 85-6gT. (6) Now since for a small expansion of a gas the element of work which it does against the external pressure is pdv, and since here p remains constant, the work done from volume v^J to volume v is But ?'y is the volume occupied by the water, and v the volume of the steam when evaporation is complete, and 264 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. moreover v is vastly greater than r„, so that Vq may be ne^-lected. Hence jw is the work done by the steam. If this external work is denoted by /F, we have, then, ^= 85-69 ^- (7) The number of thermal units in this is obtained by dividing by 772 ; so that if 11^ is the heat absorbed in this external work, ir^= .iiir=5i.o6 + -iii(^. . . . () in contact with a hot body : the volumes of both being the same, v, or occupying the same length, h feet, of the cylinder ; calculate the distances through which they must, respectively, drive the piston along the cylinder in order that each sul)stance may take in the same quantity of heat, II thermal units, from the hot body. Ans. If X is the distance for the steam and x' for the perfect gas, - 85-69 (460 J- <) H X = h • ;: J pv 1113-94 — -695 < 772 7/ x'=h{e "' -I); Gases. 265 t' or, takin^f the licat absorbed and tlie laioiit lieat in work-units, and denoting by H',. the external work done in the process of evaporating the unit mass of water at t, H We II , ,7. X = h — • '- : x'= h (e — 1). pv L ' 62. Hygrometry. Various methods have been adopted for determining' the pressure intensity (and hence the quantity) of aqueous vapour present in the air. The hvs'i'ometers of Daniell and a b Reg-nault aim at lowering- the tem- perature of the air so much that the vapour in it just saturates it, and therefore just l)eg'ins to de})osit as dew on the siirface of the h^'g-rometer. If at this instant the temperature of the hygrometer is read, the pressure intensity of saturated aqueous vapour corresponding- to this temperature is assnwed to tje the pressure intensity of the aqueous vapour present in the air. I'he point of temperature at which the vapour is just thrown down on a surface as dew is called the dew point. Another method is that of the wet aiul dry bulb thermo- meters, Fig. 67. ^ is a thermometer, fixed on a vertical stand, and indicating" the temperature of the air; 11 is a thermometer, fixed on the same stand, whose bulb is covered with g-auze which is kept moist by a bunch of threads which dip into a small vessel of v/ater. If the air is still, we may assume that the air surrounding- the bulb of B is always saturated ; but the temperature, t' , indicated by B does not directly tell us the dew point or the pressure of vapour present in the air remote from the bulb of B. Fig. 67. 266 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. Let t be the temperature of the air remote from this hulb, as indicated hj A ; f the intensity of pressure of the vapour present ; ;; the total intensity of pressure indicated by a barometer (/. 7;— /'is that of the air alone); /" the maximum intensity of pressure of aqueous vapour corre- sponding- to the temperature t'. Consider a volume V of the air remote from the bulb of B to come to this bulb, and to fall in temperature from t to t'. Now in falling- it will g-ive out a certain quantity of heat which will be sufficient to evaporate a certain mass of the water at the wet bulb. But V contains both air and vapour, and this heat will be contributed by each of them. Without assuming- specially either English or metric measures, let to and w' be the weights of the air and the vapour in V ; then w = k ^'^/^ w' = k-4ir^ • • • • (0 .-. W =2V— _> (2) where s = •622 = sp. g-r. of vapour. When F reaches the bulb and falls in temperature, it will be saturated by vapour, and fall to volume v ; then if w" is the weig-ht of the vapour which it contains, w = k^-^-^; w —k-^ (3) :. w"- w j—-, ; (4) hence the weight of the vapour which has been formed at the bulb is , ^, ,. Gases. 267 Now if 7/ is the latent licat of a unit weig-ht of aqueous vapour at f, in thermal units (the unit wei(«-0 («) in which p is usually employed instead of ^ —f\ so that f^f-'^xt-n (9) from which / is found when f is read from a table of pressures of saturated vapour. With English measures, we may take L' equal to 1080, and with metric units equal to 600. Various objections have been urged to the assumptions involved in this (which Clerk ]\Tax\vell calls the convection theory of the wet and dry bulb thermometers) ; thus, it 268 Hydrostatics mid Elementary Hydrohinetics. may happen that when the air T comes to the wet bulb it jn-oes away from it without being" saturated ; and, indeed, this must happen if the air is in motion. It is usual to assume a formula of the form (9), thus f=f-k.p{t-t'\ (10) where h is a constant which must be experimentally deter- mined in each locality. 63. Liquefaction of Gases. All g-ases can be liquefied by compression provided that the temperature is below a certain limit, which limit is different for different gases. Suppose that in a cylinder we have a volume of water vapour (steam) at the temperature 21 2°, and at an intensity of pressure of 10 pounds' weight per square inch. If now we g-radually increase the pressure (keeping the temperature constant) and draw an indicator diagram, such as that in Fig'. ^^, representing- the volumes assumed during- the compression and corresponding- to the various increasing- pressures, when p reaches the value of about 15 pounds' weig'ht per square inch, the steam begins to liquefy ; and as we continue to diminish the volume, p remains at this value until the whole of the g-as is liquefied ; so that at the point where j»v = 15 the curve of pressures and volumes becomes a rig-ht line parallel to Ov. Hence the isothermal of steam for 2i2°F consists of a portion of an approxi- mately hyperbolic curve and a right line parallel to the axis of volumes. If instead of taking the water vapour at 212°, we take it at 107° and an initial intensity of pres- sure of, say, •! pound weight per square inch, and trace the isothermal as we gradually increase the pressure, we shall obtain a similar result : the curve will at first be hyper- bolic, and when p reaches the value of about i pound weight per square inch, the vapour will beg-in to liquefy, 7? remaining- constantly equal to i, until the whole becomes Gases. 269 liquid ; so that at the point at which p = 1 the curve will ehan(>-e to a ny h — x. Hence (h — x) \a {c — x) + lA \ = ach, .". ax"' — (ac -j- ah + 1 A ) x + lhA ■= o, which determines x. When the water is flowing out of the spout, there will be a tension in the piston I'od on an upward stroke, which is found thus. Let z be tlie vertical height of the piston above the level A, and let z' be the height of the column of water (which we may suj)pose to reach to any point, D, of the barrel) above the piston. The valve at B being open, there is a contin- uous water communication l)ct\veen A and the bottom of the piston, flence if w is tlie weight of a unit volume of water, the intensity of the upward pressure exerted by the water on the bottom of the piston is w {h — z) ; and the intensity of down- Hydraulic and Pneumatic Machines. 275 ward propRuro exerted on the top of the piston is w{li-\-z'^\ therefore the total downward pressure on the piston is w{z-\-z)A . This is eqiial to 1\ the tension of the rod, if we neglect any acceleration of the piston. Hence, approximately, T=w.A .Bii, which shows that the tension of the rod is the weight of a vertical column of water having the piston for base, and for height the difference of level of the water in the barrel and that in the well. On the downward sti'oke there is a pressure in the rod, which is approximately equal to the weight of the column of water above the piston. When the water is flowing out, the force required at // fc to work the piston on the upward sti'oke is T x ~jj 3 where T has the above value. It is obviovis that, for the working of the pump, the length AB of the suction-pipe above the well must be less than the height of a water barometer, i.e., about 34 feet ; and, owing to imperfect fittings. AB must be considerably less than this — say about 25 feet. In the middle ages a curious modification of the common pump, called the helJoivs fump, was employed in Europe. Instead of a piston worked by a lever, f J/, (Fig. 69) a large bellows was attached firmly to the top of the barrel, and the nozzle of the bellows was the spout through which the water was forced. The top of the baricl fitted into the interior of the bellows through a hole in the lower boai'd of the bellows ; there was no valve in the top board, but there was one ojDening outwards fixed in the nozzle. The action was, of course, the same as that in our modern pump. T/ie Forcing Pump. This is an instrument for raising water to a great height. It differs from the previous pump in having a completely solid piston. To the barrel of the pump is attached the pipe through which the water is to be raised. This delivery pipe is pro- vided wdth a valve at D, Fig. 70, opening ui)wards, and this pipe is represented as being provided with a spout and T 2 276 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. stop-cock by means of which the machine can be made to act as a Common pump. The action is the same as in the previous case. On the downward stroke of the piston, the valve at B closes and that at 1) opens, and through this latter the water is forced out of the ban-el into the delivery pipe, BV. There is then a pressure in the piston rod, ;•, equal to the weig-ht of a column of water having the piston for base, and for height the difference of level between the piston and the water, V, in the delivery tube. '-. On the upward stroke there is a tension in the rod, whose value is the same as in the previous pump. The Fire Engine. This is simply a double forcing pump. The figure (Fig. 71) represents the two barrels, P and Q, as immersed in a tank, BE1\ full of water ; and from this tank the pumps, which are both worked by the lever AB., force the water through a hose connected with the chamber C at h. The water is forced through this hose to the place where the fire is to be extinguished. The action of the valves is obvious in the figure. Such would be the arrange- ment in a small fire engine, the tank BBI being filled by buckets of water brought by hand. When large fires have to be dealt with, a supply thus r-'--^\ Fig. 70. Hydraulic and Pneumatic Machines. 277 derived would be of no use, and the water which is pumped throug-h the hose must be derived from a well or other reservoir by means of a suction pipe. The fiji^ure represents at c the place where such a pipe can be attached to the engine. The chamber C is partly filled with water and partly with air, and is called an air cJiamher. Such a chamber may be, and often is, fitted to forcing- and other pum})s, the object being- to render the stream of water from the delivery pipe at h continuous instead of intermittent ; and this result is evidently secured by means of the compressed air at the top of the chamber ; for, since this air was originall}' at the atmospheric pressui-e (when it filled the whole of the chamber) its intensity of pressure after the chamber is partly filled with water is g-reater than this value. This increased pressure is therefore continuously exerted on the top of the water in the chamber and helps to drive the stream through the hose. Tfic lli/dmulic Screw. This is one of the most ancient machines for raising water, and is still employed in some 278 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. countries. It is often called the 8crew of Archimedes, be- cause its invention is supposed to be due to the philosopher of Syracuse. There is, however, reason to think that it was first employed in Egypt, As represented in Fig. 73, it consists of a pipe wound spirally on an axis which is fixed in a position inclined to the vertical, its extremities fitting into two solid supports, Fig. 72. //, B, the axis (and, with it, the screw) being able to revolve freely. Both ends of the spiral pipe are open, and the lower is immersed in the water which is to be raised to the level U. The revolution of the screw can be effected in various ways : in the figure it is re])resented as produced by the revolution of a shaft C fitted with a toothed wheel which gears with another fitted to the top of the axis of the screw. Hydraulic and Pncnniatic Machines. '2-jc) When the screw ia made to revolve so thut the lower end comes towards us in the figure, water entering- at this end continually drops to the lowest point of each j)art of the spiral, and is thus carried continuously up to the top where it is discharg-ed. There is a certain condition tliat must be satisfied by the inclination of the axis of the screw to the vertical and the "an<'le of the spiral in order that the machine may be able to raise the water. The condition is this : the inclination of the axis of tJw- screw to the horizon must be less than the inclination of the tan ' i (-) . m,z I 2/ = rsm--.j 28o Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. If ds is an element of length of the helix at P, we have ds = sec a . dz, and dx . . inz \ -— =: — Sin a sin — ? ds r dx . mz — - = sin a cos — ? ds r dz -— = cos a, (3) and the direction-cosines of the tangent to the helix at Pare the expressions (3). Supposing this tangent to be at right angles tothe vertical (i), we have ^^ sin i sin a sin \- cost cos a = o, r :. sm — = — cot^cota (,4) r which shows that cot i cot a must he < i, i. e., cot i < tan a, or -—i < a, that is, the inclination of the axis, BA,oi the screw to 2 the horizon must be less than the inclination of the helix to BA. Tlie point P (which is now the lowest point in one turn of the pipe) does not lie in the vertical plane through PA, as might at first be supposed ; for (2) gives y •= — r cot i cot a (5) for this point. To find the force necessary to turn the screw when a particle of weight W is to be raised, let us consider the screw to be either in equilibrium or in uniform motion. The forces acting upon it are W, the reactions at the supports P, A, its own weight, and the force applied to turn it. Of these the reactions at P and A and the weight of the screw intersect PA. We have, then, the result that the moment of IF about PA is ec^ual to the niomciit of the api)lied turning force. (Hence an obvious reason why the e(iuilibriuni ))Ositioii, P, of the ascending particle cannot be in the vertical plane through BA.) Hydraulic and Pneumatic Machines. 281 Now tlie moment rouiul tlie axis of c; of a force whoso com- ponents are A", Y, ^actinjj; at the point x, y, z h x Y—yX; iin, = Ap, (2) Similarly {A + B}p.^ = Ap,, (3) Fig- 74- 286 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydro kinetics. Hence, by multiplication, ••• P^=P^ij^^' ^"^ which gives the final intensity of pressure. If /?^, is the weig-ht of the air finally left, and W^ the original weight, we have from (a) of Art. 47, and a similar relation between the final density, /)„, and the original p^. I'or the very high exhaustions required in the globes of incandescent electric lamps, and in the interior of vacuum tubes, an air pump of this kind would be quite insufficient, because, after the exhaustion has reached a certain limit, the pressure of the gas is insufficient to raise the valve a. Condensing Air Pumji. When it is desired to fill a vessel, A, Fig. 75, with air or any other gas at a given intensity of pressure, a condensing pump is emiiloyed. This machine consists of a cylinder or barrel, fitted with a solid piston, and having a valve, c, opening downwards. At the side of the barrel there is attached a pipe having a valve, a, opening inwards. When any other gas than air is to be forced into A, the vessel supplying this gas is attached to the pipe at a. The valve at a opens while the piston is raised, and the barrel is filled with the gas. When the piston is lowered, a closes, c is forced open, and if the stop- cock, 5, fitted to the vessel A is properly turned, the gas enters A. On the uj)ward stroke of the piston, c closes, a opens, and the process is repeated. Let A and B denote the volumes of the chamber A and the barrel, and consider the gas which fills A after n strokes Hydraulic and Pneumatic Machines. 287 of the piston. Let p be its intensity of pressure, and let />„ be the intensity of i)ressure of the gas which fills the barrel : if // is being- filled with atmospheric air, 7;,, is the atmosi)heric intensity. Then the ""as whose volume and intensity of pressure are [A, p) was once represented by {A + uB,/)^;), supposing" that A contained the gtis originally. Then A._p = (A + ?iB)pf„ The Geissler Pumj). When very high exhaus- tions are required, air pumps with valves and pistons are I'eplaced by pumps in which a column of mercury i)lays the part of a piston, kind is that represented in Fig. 76. To a certain extent, all air pumps are identical in principle. In each of them a given mass of gas occupying a volume V is made to occupy a larger volume, V+ U, and then the portion occupying U is mechanically expelled. If this process could be repeated indefinitely, an exhaustion of any degree desired could be obtained ; but we have seen that the raising of valves in the common air pumps puts a limit to the process. Fig. 75. Of the latter 288 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. The mercury pumps of Geissler and Sprengel are free from this drawback. AB is a g-lass tube of greater leno-th than the height of the mercury barometer, having- part of the Torricellian Fig. 76. vacuum enlarged into a chamber, A, of large capacity. Above A is inserted a two-way stop-cock, «, which in the position represented establishes a communication Hydraulic and Pneumatic Machines. 289 between the chamber A and a side tube, f, fitted to the tu])e BAd. This tube /has a stop-cock, c, wliich in the position represented closes/; but if c is turned throug-h a rig-ht angle it will establish a communication between yand the external atmosphere at v. If a is turned through a right angle from its present position, it will close the communication of A with f, and open one between A and a vessel /to which the portion d is joined as repre- sented. The vessel J contains some sulphuric acid the object of which is to remove aqueous vapour from air which may pass over it ; and, by means of a stop-cock, t, J com- municates with a very stout indiarubber tube, 7//;. which is connected with the vessel G which is to be exhausted. To the vessel / is connected a truncated manometer, that is, a bent g-lass tube, mr, containing* mercury which when the air in / is at atmospheric pressure quite fills the leg- m. If the air in J is completely removed, the columns of mercury in the leg's m and r will assume exactly the same level. To the end B of the tube BA is attached a stout flexible tube T, which is also fixed to a large reservoir, C, of mercury. Suppose now that c is tunied so as to establish communi- cation between f and the atmosphere at v, and that a is in the position represented (i. e., closing* communication of A with d) ; and let C be raised until the surface of the mercury in BA reaches the stop-cock a, thus expelling- all the air from A through fv. Then turn a and t so as to admit air from G through J and d, and low^er C to its original position. The air of G now occupies the volume G-\-A together with the volumes of the communicating- tubes. Turn t so as to break communication with the rarefied air in C, and then turn a so as to establish communication between A and the atmosphere at v. Again^ raise C until u 290 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. the mercuiy in BA drives out the g-as from A into the atmosphere ; and repeat the process of estahlishing* com- munication with G, &c. In this way, by repeated operations, the air in G is exhausted almost completely. By this pump the air left in G can be reduced to an intensity of i^ressure represented by only -^^ of a millimetre of mercury. The Sprengel Pump. Fig-. 77 represents this pump, in which, as in the Geissler, the vessel, G, to be exhausted is made part of the Torricellian vacuum of a barometer tube, H. A funnel, F, prolonged into a narrow tube fitted with a stop-cock, f, is supported in a vertical position (support not represented in figure) and dips into a wide tube, B, also supported. B is connected by indiarubber tubing with a narrow vertical tube, C, above which is a large chamber, A, open at the top, and fitted with a stopper, *, the tube 1) being, like C, connected with the chamber. I) is connected by indiarubber tubing with the vertical tube 7, which communicates freely with the very narrow tube //, the top of which is connected with the vessel G, and the bottom of which, curved up a little, dips into a vessel V full of mercury. There is an overflow from Fto a trough T, as represented ; and there is a clamp, c, by means of which communication between B and I can be established or broken. The vessel G is provided with a stop-cock, g. The order of operations is as follows. The tubes being all completely occupied by air, fix the clamp {r\ (5) then since f{r) rapidly diminishes with an increase of r, {r)dr, (00 /"X> -r^d(f>{r)= z^(p{z) + 2 r(\>{r)dr, therefore (6) becomes I I r** t:w{-^ + ^)zdmj r4>{r)dr. ... (7) Again, let r(})(r)dr = -dx}j{r), (8) where yjr (r) is ob^^ously positive ; therefore, since \f/ ( x) is evidently zero, (7) becomes '^'^{jf -^R')^'^^^)'^^ • • • • (9) Now put dm at Q, equal to wadz, and (9) becomes 'nw^(T{^ + ^).zylr{z)dz,. . . . (lo) and the integral of this from r = o to ^ = PP', or = oc , is the total action of the meniscus on the canal PR. (00 z \lf (z) dz, this action IS and hence equating cto- to the sum of (11) and the force Kt, we have ZT = K+TTw''H(^+ ^), . . . .(12) which is the form obtained by Laplace for the molecular Molecular Forces and Capillarity. 309 pressure intensity at all points in thoIi(|ui(l below P". (See the Mt'caniqne Celeste, Supplement to book X.) We have supposed the surface of the liquid at J' Uv be concave towards the liquid. If it is convex, •CO- = A-_..= //(i- + ^^) (,3) Hence we have the following- obvious consequences. 1. If a licjuid is acted upon by molecular forces only (no external forces) the quantity tt + tt must be constant at all points of its bounding- surface ; for, otherwise we should obtain conflicting values for the intensity of mole- cular pressure at one and the same point in the body of the liquid. 2. The molecular pressure at a point strictly oti its bounding surface is zero ; for on the portion of liquid contained within the canal FP' and included between F and a point infinitely close to F the resultant force exerted by the fluid is infinitely small (since the mass contained is infinitely small). 3. The value of the intensity of molecular pressure at a point within the body of a liquid is not a constant related solely to its substance ; it depends on the cur- vature of its bounding- surface. If this surface is plane, the intensity is A'. 4. If (owing, as we shall see, to the action of external forces) it happens that some parts of the bounding sm'face are plane, others are curved and have their concave sides turned towards the liquid, and others again have their convex sides t^nvards the licjuid. the intensity of molecular pressure just below the second kind of ])oints is i/reafer and below the third less than it is at the plane portions. . i 3IO Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrok luetics. M Fig. 83. (We shall presently see how this is verified in the rise or fall of liquid in capillary tubes when gravity is the ex- ternal force.) The constant K can be easily expressed in terms of the function \^ thus : let CD, Fig. 83, represent the plane surface of a liquid, the c Q A p ^iq'^i^ lyi^g" ^elpw CD; at any point A on the surface take an infinitely small element of area, o-, and describe on it a normal cylinder or canal, AMB, extending- into the liquid indefinitely ; then Ka is equal to the whole force produced on the liquid within this canal by the whole body of liquid below CD. Take any point Q on CD ; let AQ = x, and take the circular strip ZTixdx round A ; along this strip describe normal canals (represented by QP) extending indefinitely into the liquid ; take any point, P, in one of these canals ; let PQ = ^ ; take any point, 31, in the canal at A, and let A3I = z. Then if * = area of normal section of the canal QP, the element of mass at P is swdy, and its action on a mass m at Jf is m8wdi/f[r), where r = MP ; the component of this along MR is mswdyfir) y-z or ms wf{r) dr ; therefore taking the points P at a constant distance y from CD all round the strip airxdx, we see that their action on 7« is 7 ^/ \ 7 2'nwmxdx .J \r) dr. Integrating this from r = MQ to r = 00, we have (putting 3IQ = rj) 2-nivmxdx . 0(^i). Now we must integrate with respect to x from o to qc , Molecular Forces and Capillarity. 311 and observe that xdx = rj dr-y, so tliat the limits of i\ are MA (or z) and 00 . Thus wc get z i.e., 2TTwm\l/ (z), which is therefore the action of the whole mass of liquid on the particle at M. Also m ■=■ wcrdz ; therefore the action on the canal AR is (00 This constant A' is called by Lord Raylcigh the intrinsic pressure of the liquid, Philosophical Magazine., October, 1890. 70. Pressure on Immersed Area. Suppose a vessel to contain a heavy homogeneous liquid of specific weight w, and let P be a point in the liquid at a depth z below the plane portion of the free surface. Then, as has been shown in the earlier portion of this work, the intensity of pressure at P due to gravitation is icz ; and, as has just been proved, the intensity of pressure at P due to molecular forces is A, the intrinsic pressure. Hence the total inten- sity of pressure is ^^^ _^ j^ Now it is known that A' is enormousl}'^ great : Young estimated its value for water at 230CO atmospheres, while Lord Rayleigh {Phil. Mag., Dec, 1890) mentions, with ap])roval, a hypothesis of Dupre which leads to the value i^ooo atmos2)heres for water. The hyi)otlu'sis is that the value of A is deducible from the dynamical equivalent 312 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. of the latent heat of water ; that evaporation may he reg-arded as a jDroeess in which the cohesive forces of the liquid are overcome. Now the heat rendered latent in the evaporation of one gramme of water = 600 g-ramme-degrees (about), or 600 x4a X lO*' ergs, and i atmosphere = 10'' dynes per square centimetre ; hence K = 25000 atmo- spheres (about). If this is so, the question must naturally present itself to the student : what becomes of our ordinary expressions for the liquid pressure exerted on one side of an immersed plane area? Instead of being merely Azw^ must it not be very vastly greater — in fact A [ziv-^-K)? And moreover it should always act practically at the centre of gravity of the area. We shall see, however, by considering closely the nature of molecular forces, that this large pressm*e does not influence in any way the value of the pressure exerted by a liquid on the surface of an immersed body. Let us revert to Fig. 82 and consider the result arrived at in Art. 69. This result may be stated thus : at all points on the surface which terminates a liquid — whether this be a free surface or a surface of contact with any foreign body — there is a resultant force intensity due to molecular actions ; this diminishes rapidly as we travel inwards along the normal to the surface, and vanishes after a certain depth has been reached. If we consider a slender normal canal of any length, FJ^ (Fig. 82) at the boundary of a liquid, this canal will experience/row? the surrounding liquid itself Sk resultant force acting inwards along its axis PR ; this force is due to molecular actions and the imperfect surrounding of points near the liquid boundary (as explained in Art. 69), and its effects are felt along only a very small length PP' (or e) of 'the canal. If the boundary of the liquid at P is plane, and M Molecular Forces and Capillarity. 313 the canal has a cross-section a, this resultant inward mole- cular force on the canal is Kcr. Now let Fig-. 84 represent a vertical plane, AB, immersed in a liquid having- a jjortion, at least, of its surface, LM, horizontal, and let us con- sider the pressure exerted y_ per unit area on this plane AB at P at the left-hand side. At P take an infini- tesimal element of area, (t, and on it describe a hori- zontal canal of any length Pi„ g, PQ, closed by a vertical area at Q,. Consider the equilibrium of the liquid in this canal. Now since AB is a foreign body, there is a termination to the liquid along^ the surface AB, and hence there will be resultant molecular force exerted by the liquid at points on and very near AB. 'Hence if along the canal PQ we take the length PP' = e, the liquid in PQ experiences a result- ant molecular force from the sun-ounding liquid, of magni- tude A . (T, this force acting from P towards Q and being confined to the length PP\ In addition, the solid plane AB exerts a certain attraction, a . {r) = L, (6) L being- a constant throughout the whole of the fluid contained in the vessel and bounded — not by the surface AP£ but — by the parallel surface A'B' (see Fig-. 82) which is at the constant distance e below APB, and also bv a surface inside the fluid parallel to that of the vessel at a distance e from the surface of the vessel ; for each element m within this space is completely surrounded by a 3t8 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. liquid sphere of radius e, while the liquid elements between the surfaces AB and A'B\ and between the vessel and the second surface named are not completely surrounded. Or. if we please, we may imag-ine the summation L to extend up to the bounding surface AB and to that of the vessel, and subtract a summation relating* to a fictitious layer. A'^B" , above AB of constant thickness e, included between AB and A'B^' (^ig"- ^7)5 ^^d ^ fictitious layer outside the surface of contact with the vessel, also of thickness e. Hence if M is the whole mass of the liquid, the summa- tion can be expressed in the form M.L — crmm'^{r), (7) in which o- denotes a summation confined within the super- ficial layer, which is everywhere of the constant thickness e, and which embraces the free surface and the surface of contact of the liquid with the vessel. As regards the summation 2 »«/xv|^ (r). it is obviously confined between two surfaces each of which is parallel to the surface, ACB, one inside the liquid and the other inside the solid envelope, the distance between these surfaces being 2 e'. Hence equation (5) becomes h{fVdm-^n- mm'

; . . (13) and (9) becomes + - I [%X — k — kcosd)(loy, (14) since 8X2 is obviously the integral of all such elements as II'B'B, i. e., f(U. Now observe, however, that (14) is the equation of Virtual Work irrespective of the condition that the volume of the fluid remains the same after displacement as before. The excess of the new volume over the old is obviously the sum of such prismatic elements of volume as that contained between the areas PQFJ and P'Q'rj' (Fig. 88) whose expression is bndS, added to the sum all round the curve ARLIBNA of such wedge elements as lihBB'V. The area of this wedge is \ hn^ . cos Q dio, if hn^ denotes li, the normal distance between the new and the old surface of the fluid at any contour point, 7; and hence the sum of the wedges will add nothing to the contour integral /[iX — k — k cos 6) do) in (14), since each element of this sum is an infinitesimal compared with dot. Molecular Forces and Capillarity. 323 Ilcncc, the whole vohime of fluid being- constant, fhn,lS=o (15) We know from the )irinci))k^s of the Lagrano'ian method [Sfnf'icft^ vol. ii., chap, xv.) that the condition of unchanf^-ed volume combined with the princiido of Virtual AVork is expresised by multipl\ ing- the left-hand side of (15) by an arbitrary constant, //, and adding- it to the left-hand side of (14). Hence, then, the complete equation is + - {2\ — & — k COSd)(l(i} = O. (16) We may finally simjilify the term 8./ Ffhn. It means simply the variation of the potential of the external forces due to changed configuration of the liquid ; and this varia- tion is due merely to the two wedges BTLHrB'N'SB and AlU/J'SNA, being- positive for one and negative for the other. The type of the variation is the variation for the element of mass contained in the small prism PP', Fig. 86, that is whnclS ; so that if V is the potential of the external forces (per unit mass) at any point P on the surface of the liquid, the work of these forces for any small change of configuration is .r/FbudS, (17) and therefore (16) finally becomes + - / (2 A - i-— k cos 0) (lo) = 0. (18) The first integral is one extended over the surface of the Y 2 324 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinctics. liquid, and the second is one relating only to its contour, i.e., its bounding curve ALIBSNA. Now, owing to the perfectly arbitrary displacement of every point on the surface, each element of the first integral must vanish, and hence at every point of the surface we have ''^*''--Si,*i) = ° <'9) which is the equation of the surface. Every element, also, of the contour integral must vanish, and hence at all points of contact of the surface of the liquid with the vessel 2k — /a , . cos e = —7 — 5 (20) which shows that i/ie liquid surface is inclined at the same angle to the surface of the vessel all round. The angle 6 is called the angle of contact of the liquid and the solid, which we shall definitely suppose to be the angle contained between the normal to the liquid surface drawn into the substance of the liquid and the normal to the solid drawn into the substance of the solid. If A > k, the angle of contact is imaginary^ and equih- brium of the liquid in the vessel is impossible. If the convex side of the surface is turned towards the liquid, we shall have Fj'= (. - ^;) pj, ^'"■=-(i. + yT>'*' Molecular Forces and Capillarity. 325 and (19) is replaced by If the density of the liquid is not constant (owinjo^ to the variable molecular pressure) in the layers near the surface, it will be the same at all jioints on a surface j^arallel to AB (Fig-. 82) at a distance „, the virtual work of this pressure must be l)rouo-ht into equation (9) or (16). This virtual work is obviously —f p^hndS, so that the equation (19) of the fn-o surf:K'(- becomes «,r-^„+/,_|(^^ + ^_) = o. . . . (22) From (20) we see that the anf^-le of contact of a liquid with a solid will be < " if A > ^, i.e., the surface of the li([iiid will be convex towards the li(piid at the place of contact. If the law of attraction between the liquid elements themselves is the same as that of attraction 326 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. between a liquid element and an element of the solid in contact with it, (/) and v// in (5) differ only by constant multipliers ; and we can state the last result thus : if the attraction of the solid on the fluid is greater than half the attraction of the fluid on itself, the surface of the fluid will at the curve of contact be convex towards the fluid ; and if A < -, will be > -, i. e., the surface of the fluid will be 2 2 concave towards the fluid. We shall subsequently see that in the case in which a capillary tube dips into a liquid which is under the action of gravity, the liquid must rise in the tube in the first case, and fall in the second. These results were first enunciated by Clairaut. The experimental determination of the ang-le of contact of a liquid and a solid has been made by means of the measurement of a large drop, OCyl), Fig-. 89, of the liquid placed on a hori- zontal plane, AB^ made of the solid. If the drop is a very large one, it is virtually a plane surface at its highest point 0. Suppose the figure to represent a vertical section. Then at any point P the two principal sections are the meridian curve PO and the section made by a plane per- pendicular to the plane of the paper through the normal to the curve at P. The curvature of this section may be neglected in the case of a large drop ; and if p is the radius of curvature of the meridian at P, we have from (12) of Art. 69 the intensity of molecular pressure at P equal to T K + —, where T is a constant. At the intensity of P molecular pressure is A', and if the depth, Fm, of P below Fig. 89. Molecular Forces and Capillarity. 327 the tan hence (li) becomes p (18 (Is ^ ^' %cydy = T sin 6(16, .'. ivf = 2T(i~cosd) (24) Let the angle of contact at Q be i, let Oy =. a \ then xca^ = 2T{\-\-Q,osi) (25) Let CB be the equatorial section of the drop ; then at C we have ^ = -, and if the depth, h, of C below is measured, we have wf? = 2T. (26) This last g-ives T, which is called (see Art. 76) the surface tension of the liquid in contact with air ; and then (25) g-ives ^2 cos/ = ^^.,-i, (27) which determines the angle of contact. The above arrangement is suitable in the case of a drop of mercury. To find the angle of contact between water and any solid body, a somewhat similar method has been emi)loy(Hl. Imagine Fig. 89 to be inverted, and suppose AB to be the horizontal surface of a mass of water (which then occupies the lower part of the figure). Along tiiis surface fix a plane 328 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. of the given substance, and under this plane insert a large bubble of air, QCOD, the lowest point of the bubble being- 0. Then, exactly as before, by measuring the thickness, O1/, of the bubble, and the depth of C below AB, we obtain the angle of contact at Q between the water surface and that of the solid (the w^ater sui-face being bounded by air). If a = O1/, and b = the vertical height of C above 0, we have, as before i wb'' = T, I wa- = T{i + cos i), i being the angle of contact CQA. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to find a definite value of the angle of contact between a given liquid and a given solid, because any contamination or alteration of either surface during the experiment will affect the result. Thus, the angle of contact between water and glass is often said to be zero, w^iile some experimenters quote it at 26°. Again, it is known that in the case of mercury and glass the angle varies with the time during which they are in contact : at the beginning of an experiment the'angle was found to be 143° and some hours afterwards 129°. 73. Analytical investigation of general case. The expression (13) of Art. 73 can be analytically deduced from the general theory of the displacements of points on any unclosed surface. Thus if, as in Statics, vol. ii., Art. 291, we denote the components of displacement of any point {x, y, z) by «, v, iv, and if at any point, P, Fig. 86, on the surface we put —-= p^ ~ = q, e = \/i+p''^ + q'\ we know that the change, bdS, of the infinitesimal area dS at P is given by the equation Molecular Forces and Capillarity. 329 Also {Statics, Art. 283) dw (111 (Iv , , (ho (hi civ , . Hence s c /T^ Si . ON f^fi / 9\ flv ,dv (hi. Now, by the method of integration by parts, we have the double integral equal to / ~ {(^ +C2~)i((li/—pqnclx + {\ +p'^)v(1x—pqr(ly +p7V(fy + qwdx} d I + q^ d pq / d l ■\-p^ d pq -//I" ^dx € dy ^ > V/^ e dx t ^ in which, of course, the single integral is one carried along the liounding curve, ALJJjV (¥iiels=g€=SH L Fig. 90. above L, we must have k where z is the height of the plane portion, AB, BE, Gil, of the liquid above L. A simple experiment with water serves to illustrate the result that if in a continuous body of this liquid there is a part of the surface plane and another convex towards the liquid, this latter must be at a higher level than the former. Molecular Forces and Capillarity. 333 \ f\i> ft- Fig. 91. Let a hirf^v t^lass vessel be eonnoctod with a ca])il]arv tube. /, ri -, the 2 free surface within the tube is concave towards the liquid, and therefore the intensity of molecular pressure is greater 336 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. than at the plane surface BI,. Hence the liquid must be depressed in the tube, as represented in BC, and the amount of depression is calculated as above. 76. Surface Tension of a Liquid. The amount of rise or fall of a liquid, under the action of g-ravity, in a capillary tube is usually calculated by means of the introduction of the notion of surface tension. The free surface of the liquid is considered to be in a state of tension resembling that of a stretched surface of indiarubber — with, however, this important difference, that, whereas the tension of the indiarubber surface increases if the surface is further in- creased, the tension of the liquid surface remains absolutely constant whether the surface expands or contracts. Let ABCB, Fig-. 92, represent a part of the boundino- surface of a liquid ; let any line QPR be traced on it ; and along- this line draw small leng-ths Qq, Pj), Br into the liquid and normal to the surface. Consider now the action exerted over the area j-jo.^ Q2. Br])q(^B by the liquid at the rig-ht side on that at "»' the left. One part of this action will consist of molecular attraction, towards the right ; and if the depth of the line qpr below (^BR is nearly equal to e (Art. 68) or greater than e, another part of the action will consist of pressure, towards the left, in the lower parts of the area QqrB. If qpr instead of being at an infinitely small depth is at any finite depth, the molecular attraction exerted across any of the lower portions of the area QqrR is exactly balanced by the molecular pressure on such portions. But if qpr is at a depth vcri/ much less than e, the molecular pressure (towards the left) on any part of the area QqrR is negligible, Molecular Forces and Capillarity. 337 nnd wo may consider the portion of litiuid at the rilacement of P are -(u+pic) = O, Tp Tj/ T'f But if the tangent line to S in the plane of the figure makes the angle Q with the axis of a?, we have I . p = sin Q and - = cos Q ; similarly for the tangent lines to S and A ; so that these become ^^.^ Q^r^m O'+T' sin 6"= o, 2' cos 6 + r cos 6' + T" cos 6"= o, which plainly assert that three forces, T, T', T\ supposed acting along the tangents in the senses represented have no residtant ; in other words, if a plane triangle is formed by three lines proportional to the surface tensions, the directions of the distinct surfaces of the two liquids and that of their common surface of contact are parallel to the sides of this triangle. Molecular Forces and Capillarity. 349 Honce equilibrium of t.lie dro]) is inipossiljlo unless each surface tension is less iJian the sum of the other two. 79. Liquid under no external forces. \\ hen a mass of li([ui(l is in equilihiium under its own molecular forces only, its surface can assume several forms. In this case (19) of Art. 72 gives as the equation of the surface ' (.) I I where a is a constant length We shall confine our attention to surfaces which are of revolution, and we shall suppose the axis of revolution to he taken as axis of x. Now if at any point, P, of the revolving curve (Fig. 98) or meridian, PLE, which by revolu- H- '^ tion round the axis AB generates the surface, p is the radius of curvature and n is the length, Pn, of the normal terminated by the axis of revolution, the i)rincipal radii of curvature of the surface generated are p and ;/, so that (i) becomes Fig. 98. I I _ I p n a' (2) Now let the tangent at P make the angle with the axis of x, and let ds be an element of arc measured (h along the curve from P towards I) ; then p = — , and 11 =. y sec ; hence (2) becomes de cos Q da y a (3) 350 Hydrostatics and Elemcntayy Hydrokindics. (le . fie or, since ^- = sm ^^ , as dij i.^^(^cos«) = l, (4) ••• ycos^ = -^ + /^, (5) where li is a constant. We may observe that if the constant — is zero, (j) g-ives as the property of the surface of the fluid that at every point the two principal radii are equal and opposite ; the two principal sections have their concavities turned in opposite directions. If the surface is one of revolution, this property at once identifies it with the surface generated by the revolution of a catenar}^ round its directrix, and the surface is called a catenoid. Before proceeding- to integrate (5), we can show that all the curves satisfying- it are g-enerated by causing' conic sections to roll, without sliding-, along* the axis AB : the curves satisfying- (5) are the loci traced out by the foci of these rolling- conies. For, if Pti = n, (5) gives / (1 - -1) = /, (6) Now if /» is the perpendicular from the focus of an ellipse on the tangent at any point, and ;• the distance of this point from the focus, we have a and h being the semiaxes. Comparing (7) with (6), we see that P in Fig. 98 is the focus of an ellipse touching AB at n, the semiaxes being a and -Jiah, and this ellipse Molecular Forces and Capillarity. 351 is (licrcrorc iiivan;il)lo wliatovcr l)e the jtosition of P on the mcndiiin. 'Jlio locus of P when the rolling- eonic is an ellipse is called the umhdoid, and is the locus PUE actuallv represented in the fi<2fure. If the rollinq- eonie is a parabola, the locus of the focus is a catenary, which ^ives by revolution the catenoid. If the rolling- conic is a hyperbola, the locus is a curve having a series of loops, and the surface which it g-enerates is called a nodouL cly Since tan 6 = -~ i we have from (5) fix = ± —= ■' ^.(lij . . •. . . (8) , f + 2a 7i = H — ■ .ay . . (Q ) f + 2afi ^ , . = ± , ~ .dy, (10) by putting- q- + /3^ = 40'^ — 4a//, and a^fl- = 4a^h~ ; so that a and /3 are the greatest and least values of the ordinate. Equation (10) is best integrated by expressing y, and therefore x, in terms of a variable angle ; thus, let y^ = a^ cos^ (p + ft' sin^ (j), ( 1 1 ) .-. y ■= a \/ 1 — /t^ sin^ = \^ \—k^ sin'^c/), ^o; = |a A (c/,) ± ^1^^ j ./0 {i^) When (() = o, y = a, and when (p = - , y=^ ; so that if 352 Hydrosfafics and Elcincntary Hydrokinetics. 2^ and E are the points of maximum and minimum ordinate, all points between them on the curve are g-iven by values of d) between o and — • In the common notation of elliptic integrals therefore we have the abscissa and ordinate of every point on the curve expressed in terms of the variable by the equations _ ,^(^^^^ ^^^^^ (.^'^ y =aA(0) (l6) In the unduloid the tangent can never be parallel to the axis of y, i. e., -y- can never be zero, so that in (lo) the sign + in the numerator belong-s to this curve, and therefore in {^i^ the signs + belong-, respectively, to the unduloid and the nodoid. In the unduloid ^-- = o when tan (^ = f— ) , or ^= Va/^, (hj-' ^^^ and this gives the point of inflexion on the curve. If s is the length of the arc between B and any point P, we have .■? = (a + /3) 0. When a = (3, the surface generated becomes a cylinder. When a is very slightly greater than ^3, the generating curve becomes, approximately, a airve qf/tmes. The case of a liquid unacted upon by any external forces was realised by M. Plateau by inserting a drop of olive oil in a mixture of water and alcohol arranged so as to have the same specific gravity as the oil. By seizing this drop between two wires in the shapes of any closed curves, or by allowing it to form round a solid of any shape held in Molecular Forces and Capillarity. 353 the watev-ak'oliol mixture, we can (il)tain a lar<>-e number of liquid surfaces each satisfying- the common equation (i) of such surfaces. We shall subsequently see that the same surfaces can be ])roduced by means of soap-bubbles instead of large masses of liquids. A full account of all such experiments will be found in Plateau's celebrated work, Slatiqne Exj^erimenfale et Theorique lies LiquiJt's souni'us aiix aevlcn Forces Moleculaires. 80. Liquid under action of Gravity. Taking- now the case in which the only external force is g-ravity, the equation of its surface is of the form 1 \ _z — h \'^R.r"~^' ^'' where // and a are constant lengths, and z is the height of any point on the surface above a fixed horizontal plane : T . also a-— — > where T\.% the surface tension. w We shall begin by investigating the form of the surface of a liquid in contact with a broad vertical plane, or wall. Let this plane be supposed normal to the plane of the paper, and let Fig. 93 represent the section of the plane and the liquid surface made by the plane of the jiaper (supposed also vertical), this section being far removed from the edges of the immersed vertical plane BAG. Of the two principal radii of curvature of the liquid surface at any point P one will be inllnite, since one principal section at Pis the right line through V perpendicular to the jilane of the jiaper, and the other will be /o, the radius of curvature of the curve AFC. Taking- the axis of a; horizontal and the axis ofy vertical, we replace *' in (i) by y, and the equation becomes I y — J> p a- A a (2) 354 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. which shows that the curve AVC belongs to the class of elastic curves, i. e., those formed by a thin elastic rod which when free from strain was straig-ht, but under the action of terminal pressures is bent. (See Statics, vol. ii., Art. 306.) Since at a considerable distance from the wall the surface is plane and p = oc, we see that if we measure 1/ from the level the plane portion, the equation is py = a- (3) Let Ox be the plane level, which is now taken as axis of a?. Putting p = -J- ^ which in the figure is — the tangent of (( tJu the inclination of the tangent at P to the axis of x, we have dp P (i +p^f and a first integral of (3) gives — 2 ir/2 VI +/> a where C is a constant. Since p = o when ^ = o, C = —2, and then we have ^;jz^ .di,=±,i. (5) Putting j^ = 2 a sin = o, X = oc. dy .-. y = as/l = OA. If i is the angle of contact, — = -cote at A, and we have from (4) ^ j /—/ ■ — ^ , , ^^^ OA = a V2{i— Sim) (9) Tt — (i-sine), .... (10) If llie ang-le of contact is zero, we have — = cc at A ax ' V iv which determines the heig-ht to which the liquid rises against the plate ; and, if i is known, by measuring this height the surface tension Tcan be found. The equation (3) can be immediately deduced by elemen- tary principles from the notion of surface tension. For, let Q be a point on the curve indefinitely near 7^ ; draw the ordinates Pw, Q/i, and consider the equililirinm of the prism of liquid PmnQ, of unit breadth perpendicular to the plane of the pai:)er. AVe ma}^ consider this prism as kept in e(juililtrium by the surface tensions, each equal to T, at P and Q, and its weigiit, the atmospheric ]>ressure cancelling at the top and bottom. Now the vertical ujiward comi)onent of 7' at P is T'sin 6, and the vertical component at Q is r sin + (h . '^ (7' sin 6) ; hence A a 2 356 Hydrostatics mid Elementary Hydrokinetics. — Tds . -J (sin 0) = wydx, JQ dx ds ^ ds T .-. - = wy, ds fi or since p = 5-;, and cos = -7- • This equation is the dd ds T same as i'l), since — = a^. The integration of (3) may be effected in another way which gives the intrinsic equation of the curve. It can be written ^iq ^ -ds-a^ ^''^ dn" a'ds oP- ^ ' ,. (f) = c-^,cose (13) ^ds ^ a^ T do 2 Now = — - = o when ^ = o, therefore C = -„ > and P ds cr we have dd 2 . 6 , , — =- - sm -, (14) ds a 2 .'. log", tan- = f- C, ®* 4 a where C is a constant. Now at A we have 6 = - — i, therefore s ^6 ~ n . /~ i tan — 4 = e "tanQ--) . . . (15) is the intrinsic equation of the curve. Molecular Forces and Capillarity. 357 Pass now to the case in which two larg-e parallel vertical })latcs, BO, B'O' (Fiii:. 93)) firc immersed, very close toq-ether in a liquid. Let BVB' be the curve in which the liquid surface between them is intersected by the plane of the tigure, V being- the lowest point, or vertex, of the curve. One of the principal radii of curvature at every point, /;, of this surface is still oc, and the other is p, the radius of curvature of the curve BVB' at the point. Hence, measuring the height of /; above the plane surface Ox, we have still. py = a' ; and if 6 is the inclination of the tangent at jt? to the horizon and s = Vjp, ds . ^ dy therefore d'^d _ sin d 1^~ ~^' dd ^2 /- .'. ^- = — VC—Qosd, . . . (16) as a ^ ^ where C is a constant. Hence i/ = a\^2 VC—cosd; . . . . (17) and if // is the height of F above 00', h =aV2 VC-i (i«) An approximate value of h has been already found (p. 341). If the abscissa of/? with reference to 7'as origin is X, we have -^ = cos 6 ; therefore ds , a cos 6 do , «ar = — p. — — (19) >/2 VC-cose 358 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. Substituting for C in terras of // from ( 1 8), we have ?/ = 2af-^, +sin2-)" (20) fh = -'—r, ^-r (21) The value of a; can be expressed in terms of the ordinary elliptic integrals by putting d = it -2(f). If then we put 2 X;-= — ^ — 77,, so that ^ is < I, we have "-Tr-^^^-^(*)"*i' • •(-' where, as usual, A (^) = \/i—P sin'^ (p. The limits of being o and i, where i is the angle of contact, those of are — and - + - ' The figure supposes the angle of 2 42 contact to be acute, as when water rises between two glass plates ; if it is obtuse, as when mercury is depressed between tw^o glass plates, the discussion proceeds in the same manner. Two plates close together in a liquid move towards each other, as if by attraction, whether the liquid rises or is depressed between them — as was first explained by Laplace. In all such cases of approach between bodies floating on a liquid the result is due to an excess of pressure on their backs, or remote faces, over the pressure on their adjacent faces. Thus, on the plate OB above JB the intensity of pressure is the same on both sides, being that of the atmosphere ; aUo below the intensities are the same, and Molecular Forces and Capillarity. 359 again at both !^icles of OA ; Init between A and B the intensity of pressure on the left side is that of tlie at ino- sphere while on the ri log« [c + Ve-'-x') + C, (32) where C is a constant to be determined. Now this equation would make C = ^ when x = c, which would, of course, be absurd. Hence we must have Again, y = when x = o, .-. /j—c + C= o at V, and (32) becomes f=^-^ + ^log. ,, • . • ■ -(34) SO that from (26) + 7^^ 6'^ , (7+ VC^ — X y = c- Vc''-x'+ ^log, ~ > . . (35) which is the approximate equation of the curve when c is known. Now we know that at the points £, B\ of contact fly with the tube -f- = cot i, and therefore if r is the radius of ax the tube. cot i = — ^ ] I ^ s-^ ^\ . .(36) which determines c ; and d is then known from [ss). As a first approximation, (36) gives c = r sec i from which, more accurately, . ( r^ ^in.^ i(i—sini)) , . ( 3«^ cos*? i ^-^'^ Molecular Forces and Capillarity. 363 Finally, take the cabc in which liiiuid is contained between two vertical plates which make with each other a very small ang-le. Let the i)lates he Ay Ox, A'ljO.i: (Fig-. 100), intersecting- in the vertical line Oy, and making- with each other the very small angle e, or xOx . Let the eur.ves in which the liquid surface intersects the plates be yPQx, i/P'Q'x\ It is required to find the nature of these curves. Take any two indefinitely near points, P, Q, on one curve ; let the corresponding points on the other be P', Q\ the lines PP', QQ' being normal to the plates and in the liquid surface ; draw the ordinatesPw, Q«,&c.,and consider the separate equilibrium of the small prism PQ(m. If Pm = y, Oni = X, the weight of this prism is ewxj/dx, where w« = (Ix, and it is balanced by surface tension round the contour PQQ'P. Let T be the surface tension, and 6 the inclination of the tang-ent to the curve PQ at P to Ox. Then the amount of tension on PP' is T. ex, and its vertical component is eTxsinO; therefore the vertical component of the tension on QQ' is Fig. 100. cTxsinO+e I t! (x sin 6) dx (1x. Also the tension on PQ acts in the tang-ent plane to the liquid surface and at right angles to the line PQ. Now if I is the angle of contact (i. e., the ang-le between this tangent plane and the plate i/Ox), we easily find that the direction- cosines of the tang-ent ])lane are projiortional to sin(^, cos 0, cot /, while those of the line PQ are cos 0, 364 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. — sin 0, o. Hence the direction-cosines of the line of action of the tension on PQ are sin Q cos z, cos Q cos e, sin i ; and if PQ := ds, the vertical component of the tension is Tfis . cos cos i, or Tcos i . dx ; while the tension on P^Q' gives the same amount. Hence for the equilibrium of the prism we have m ■ m^H^ sin 6) , y. which shows that the second term on the right-hand side is of the order e-. Neglecting it in comparison with the first, we have for the approximate equation of the curve iTcQ'&i 2 a- cos i , . T where, as previously, a^ = - • The curve is, then, approximately a rectangular hyperbola — a result which is commonly assumed in virtue of the fact that the elevation of a liquid between two parallel close plates varies inversely as the distance between them. 81. Liquid Films. The forms which can be assumed by the surface of a Liquid which is under the influence of none but molecular forces can be produced by means of thin films of liquid, such as soap-bubbles. Imagine a thin film of liquid in contact with au- at both sides of its surface, the intensity of pressure of the air being, in general, different on these sides. Let ABC I), Fig. 10 1, be a portion of such a film ; let P be any point on its surface ; let PQ, PS be elements of the arcs of the two principal sections of the surface at P \ at Q and S draw the two principal sections QR and SR. Thus we determine a small area PQRS on the surface. Molecular Forces and Capillarity. 365 Let the normals to the surface at P and H intersect Then PC'i =/i\, in ^2 5 ^^^ those at P and Q in C^ P(72 = i?2> where 7?^, P, are the principal radii of curvature of the surface at P. Let PQ = ds^ , PS = cls^, p = intensity of air pressure on the lower or concave side of the surface at P, and jj(j = intensity of air pressure on the convex side. Then (p —Po) ds^ ds^ is the result- ant air pressure on the area PQRS in the sense C^P -, and for the equilibrium of the element this must be equal to the component of force in the sense PC. g-iven by the surface tension exerted on the contour of the element, assuming- that the film is so thin that the action of g-ravity is negligible. Xow if T is the tension per unit length along PS, the whole tension on PS (which acts at its middle point perpendicularly to PS) is T .ds^, and the component of this along the normal Fig. lor. to the surfiace is Tds2 . sin \ovTds., 2l{, The ten- sion on QR gives a component of the same magnitude; T hence the sum of these is jr- ds^ds.,; similarly the sum of the normal components of the tensions acting on the sides PQ and SB is -^ ds^^ ds.^ ; so that the normal compo- nent of the tension acting on the whole contour PQllS is ^R^ ^ R, ~) ds.d.^,. (i) 366 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetks. If the thickness of the film exceeds 2 e, where e is the radius of molecular activity, there will be surface tension exerted both at the upper and at the under side of the surface, this action being confined (as explained in Art. 76) to a layer of thickness e at each of these sides ; so that we must replace T 'wx (1) by iT, and the equation of equilibrium is Hence, since p and 7;^ are the same at all points of the film, the equation of its surface is ^ + ^^ = const (3) and the forms of these films are the same as those of the surface of a liquid which is not acted upon by any external force, i. e., the shapes of thin films are the same as those of drops of oil in the water-alcohol mixture of Plateau (see p. '>,S'^\ The equation (2) can be otherwise deduced without considering the separate equilibrium of an element of the film. For, the intensity of pressure at any point inside the film (beyond the depth e) due to the convex side \s, pr,-\-K-\-T {^TT- + 7^) ; and the intensity of pressure at -til ii-i the same point due to the inner, or concave, side is ''+^'-^0i + 7z)' Equating these, we have (3). For a spherical bubble B^ = Tl.^ = r, 4T={p-p,)r, (4) Molecular Forces and CapillarHy. 367 whicli shows that for all sizes of the bubbles the product {p—p^r remains constant. One possible shape of the bubble is that of a cylinder closed by two spherical ends. If r is the radius of the cylinder, / that of each end, we have aT CHAPTER IX. STEADY MOTION UNDER THE ACTION OF GEAVITY. 82. Steady Motion. When a fluid is in motion and we confine our attention to any point, P, in the space through which the fluid moves, it will be readily under- stood that the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the molecule which is passing through P at any instant may not be the same as the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the molecule which is passing through P at any other instant. If these should be the same at all instants, and if a like state of affairs prevails at all other points, the motion is said to be stead?/. It is obvious, for example, that if a vessel is filled from a large reservoir of water, so that it is kept constantly full, while the liquid is allowed to flow out from an aperture made anywhere in the vessel, the motion at any fixed point in the vessel will be the same at all times. 83. Methods of Euler and Lagrange. It is at once obvious that the problem of the motion of a fluid acted upon by given forces may be attacked by two different methods. For, firstly, we may make it our aim to discover ^ the condition of things — i. e., the magnitude and direction of the resultant velocity, and the pressure intensity — at each point, P, in sjmce at any instant of time and at all times, and to do tlie same for all other points in the Steady Motion under the Action of Gravity. 369 space throuo-h whicli the fluid moves, and thus, as it were, to obtain a map of the wliole re^-ion — or a series of maps, if the motion is not steady — exhibiting- the circumstances at each point as regards velocity and pressure. Or, secondly, we may make it our aim to trace the path, and other circumstances, of each individual molectde through- out its whole motion. The second olijcct is much more difficult of attainment than the first, and, moreover, is not gcnorally so desirable. The first method is sometimes called the stafidical, or the method of Euler ; the second the historical^ or the method of Lagrange. 84. Flow through a tube ; work of gravity. Suppose a column of water to occupy at any instant a length AB of a straight vertical tube of uniform cross-section, and let the end B of the tube be Ab open. If in a small element, A i^ of time a mass, A ?/;, of water flows out, what is the work done by gravity on the water during this interval ? Divide the tube by a series of very close horizontal planes, P, Q, H,... into sections such that the mass included between each adjacent pair is Awz. If A « is the distance between the middle points of suc- cessive layers, PQ, QP, &c., while A?« flows out the middle point of each layer will fall through the height A.-?, and the work done by the weight of this layer will be A //^ . A 5 or ^ A m . A .?, according as we use gravitation or absolute measure of B b Fig. 102. 370 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrohinctics. force. (If mass is measured in pounds and leng-th in feet, the first expression g-ives the work in foot-pounds' weight, the second in foot-poundals.) If we use the first, the work is 2) Aw . A5, which can be written in either of the forms Aw(A.94-A/+A/'+...), ( A w^ + A m + A hi" + . . . ) A ,f , in which, of course, the successive distances A*, A/, !S.s" ,... are all equal, and the successive weig-hts Aw, A?;/, Aw'',... are also all equal. Hence the work is A w X AB, or M X A .f where 31 is the weig-ht of the whole column. The first expression shows that f//e toork done is the same as if the mass Aw which jimvs out at B fell through the height AB of the column. Precisely the same result holds if the shape of the tube is that represented in the rig-ht-hand fig-ure. Let it be divided by close horizontal planes in the same manner as before. If now A^; is the vertical distance between the middle point of the layer, PQ, and the middle point of the next layer, QB, the work done in the descent of the first layer into the position of the second is Aw.Ar', so that the work done by g-ravity on the whole tube of liquid while the quantity A m flows out at I) is A w X 2^ in gravitation units, where z is the difference of level of the ends C and IJ. This is again the same as the work of carrying Aw from C to i^. r? N H D j 1 jc WM. WM Wmi ''^^^3^ l^^fe.-! ^— ^iV3^^ rig."T03. Steady Motion binder the Action of Gravity. 371 85. Stream Lines. Tlic actual path of a particle of a movinL'- iluid is called a stream line. If at anv point, //, Fig-. 103, we describe a very small closed curve and at each point on the contour of this curve we draw the stream line, such as AP, and produce it in- definitely, we obtain a stream tube. When the fluid is a liquid, the mass contained be- tween the normal sections of a tube at any two points, A, P, must always be the same ; and therefore the same mass of fluid crosses every normal section of the tube per unit of time. Hence if v is the resultant velocity of the liquid at P and (T the area of the cross-section of the tube, the product va- is constant all along* the tube. 86. Theorem of Daniel Bernoulli. Consider at any instant the liquid contained in the stream tube between the normal sections at A and P, and suppose this liquid to occupy the volume A'P' at the end of an infinitesimal element of time; let t'o,7^, o-^ be the velocity, pressure intensity, and cross-section of the tube at A ; let v, p, o- be the same things at P ; let z^ and z be the depths of A and P below any fixed horizontal plane ; let A.?o be the distance between the cross-sections at // and A', A* being that between those at P and P' ; and let w — vveight per unit volume of the liquid. Now ap})ly the equation of work and kinetic energ-y to the mass of liquid between A and P in the tube. The gain of kinetic energy in the small motion considered is kinetic energy of ^'P'— kinetic energy of AP, B b 2 372 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. in which, as the motion is steady, the kinetic enerc^y of the portion A'F is common to the two terms, and there- fore disappears. Hence the g-ain of kinetic energ-y is thatof PP'- that of ^^', .2 • 2 or ^m ^ ~^" , (i) where Aw? = weight of PP'= weight oi AA' . The external forces doing- work on the cohimn of liquid considered are g-ravity, the pressure at A, the pressure at P. The work of g-ravity is /^m,{z-z^, (2) by Art. 84. The pressure at A '\% f^n^^ and its work — p^a^. l\s^\ the pressure at T \s> pa, and its work = — ]_)(r . As. Hence the work of the pressure is Am . , ^ - — '{P~Poh (3) since a . As = a^. AS(,, i.e., the volume PP'= the volume w Equating (1) to the sum of (2) and (3), we have 1 z= 1 z^, . . . . (4) ig w lg 10 in other words, since A and P are any two points along- the stream line, ^ + ^-.'=C (J) lg w Steady Motion niidcr the Action of Gravity. 373 at every point of the stream line, C being- a constant ibr tlie stream line chosen ; but this constant may have tlillorent values as we pass from one stream line to another. This result is the theorem of D. Bernoulli. If at P we draw a vertical line, PQ, of such leng-th that 2) — w .FQ, the height PQ is called the pressure head at V. If also Qlt is drawn vertically of such leng'th that QR is called the velocili/ head at P. Let AB be the pressure head and BN the velocity head at A. Then (4) ^ives PE = AN + z-z^ where AL = r — r^ and is the perpendicular from A on the horizontal plane throug-h P. Since PL is horizontal, it follows that RN is horizontal. Hence the theorem of Bernoulli may be expressed in these words : if at each jjoiut along a stream line there be drawn a vertical line ivhose length =. the pressure head -^ the telocity head at the point, the extremities of all these vertical lines lie in the same horizontal plane. If the liquid has a horizontal surface, CB, at rest at all points of which the intensity of pressure is constant (e. g., that of the atmosphere), the extremities of these lines drawn at all points of the liquid, and not merely along the same stream line, will all lie jn the same horizontal plane. If Cll is the pressure head on the surface CB (about 34 feet if CB supports the atmospheric pressure), the extremities 7^,... of the vertical lines drawn at all points P,... lie in the horizontal plane through IL. 374 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. For a liquid in equilibrium, Q coincides with it, since QK = o, and it has already been shown that the extremities of all vertical lines representing* pressure heads lie in the same horizontal plane. The theorem of Bernoulli is the generalization of this result for a liquid in steady motion. An approximate method of indicating the value of;?, the pressure intensity at any point P in a moving liquid consists in inserting a vertical glass tube, open at both ends, into the liquid, one extremity of the tube being placed at P. The liquid will rise to a certain height in this tube and remain at rest. Thus, if the tube is so long that the upper end is above the free surface CD, the liquid would rise in it to the height PQ, the remainder of the tube being- occupied by air. Such a tube is called a pressure (jauge ; but it is evident that it does not strictly measure the pressure, since the glass must, to some extent, alter the motion of the liquid. 87. Flow through a small orifice. Let Fig. 104 re- present a vessel containing a liquid whose level is LM which flows out through a small aperture made any- where in the side of the vessel, and let the thickness of the side be so small that the liquid touches the inner edge, AB, of the orifice and thence passes out without touching the outer edge or any intervening part of the - aperture. The curved lines in the figure represent the stream lines, or paths of particles, the forms and positions of which cannot, however, be determined mathematically. Fig. 104. Steady Motion under the Action of Gravity. 375 We are obliged to have l•eeoul•i^e to experiment for certain facts concerning' the issuing" jet. Firstl\% it is found that after leaving the orifice AB, this jet contracts to a minimum cross-section, CI)^ beyond whicli, of course, the jet widens out again. This minimum cross-section is called the vena coiUracfa. The ratio of the area of the vena contracta to that of the orifice ^i^is called the coejlicieut of contraction. For a circular orifice whose diameter is AB^ if CD is the diameter of the vena contracta, it has been found experimentally that -AB=''^^ so that if S is the area of the orifice and a that of the vena contracta, It has also been found that the distance, 70, between the orifice and the vein is somewhere between -39 x AB and •5 X AB, where, as before, AB is the diameter of the orifice ; the uncertainty arising from the fact that in the neighbour- hood of the minimum section the diameter of the jet varies very little. All the streams which pass through the vena contracta cut its plane perpendicularly. By consideration of the general equations of motion, it will follow from this fiict that the intensity of pressure is the same at all i)oints in the vena contracta. At all points on the outer surface, ACB, BBi\ of the jet the pressure intensity is, of course, the same as that of the atmosphere, if the jet flows into the atmosphere ; also the velocities at all points of the vein are equal ; but in the interior of the jet this pressure intensity does not exist, except at points in the plane of the vena contracta. 376 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. Of course at the orifice AB the directions of motion are not all perpendicular to the cross-section of the jet, neither are the velocities all the same at points in this section. 88. Theorem of Torricelli. In the case of a jet escaping- into the air, the velocities of particles in the vena contracta are expressed by a very simple formula. lu (4) of Art. 86, let jy and z refer to a point. 0, in the vena contracta while /;q, Zi^ refer to the point, iV, of the stream line throug-h which is on the free surface of the liquid. Then /j ■= p^, as we have said above, and as the velocities at the surface LNM are all veiy small, we may consider r^ = o. = 2^/, (a) Hence where Ji, or z — z^^, is the vertical depth of the vena con- tracta below the free surface LNM. Hence when the particles reach the vena contracta, they have the same velocity as if they fell directly from the free surface. This is known as Torricelli's Theorem. Obviously it holds with considerable exactness in the case of a small orifice only. Examples. 1. The Si/2)hon. We now take a few common practical illus- trations of the application of equation (4), Art. 86, which applies to the motiou e reservoir with a very small aperture made in the side would ])roduce the result ; but such a reservoir is not always at hand. The result can also be produced by means of a broad flask fitted with a stop-cock near the bottom. Fig. 107 represents the flask. The stop-cock (not represented) is fitted at C, and the aperture is supposed to be very small compared with the cross- section of the flask. The flask is first quite filled with water, the stop-cock being closed. In the top of the flask there is a neck fitted with a cork, and into this is inserted a tube, HD, oj^en at both ends, the tube also being quite filled with water. Now let the stop-cock be opened, and water will flow out, because the atmosphere presses at // and at the outside of C, and between C and H there is a column of water. The water that first flows out comes from the tube IIJ) alone, the flask re- maining filled to its upper surface ; and, moreover, the velocity of efflux will be variable as the level sinks in JID. But when the tube is emptied of water, some air will be forced through D by superior atmospheric pressure, and it will rise to the upper part of the flask, and will begin to force down the water of the flask. This being the case, the intensity of pressure at I) in the water is p^, the atmospheric intensity, and we may assume that Py is also the intensity all over the horizontal plane, LM, through I), because the motion of particles in this plane is very slow. The air at the top aided by the water above LJf will keep the pressure intensity approximately equal to ^'o ^^ points in LM other than D. Now let c = CM =■ vertical distance of orifice below D, the lower extremity of the tube ; let v^, p^^ in (4) of Art. 86 refer to D, while v is the velocity at C. Then, since jp^ is also the pressure intensity at C, 380 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. 2g w w which shows that the velocity is constant whatever the position of the upper surface, A B, of the water in the flask. Tlie tube mu&t, of course, have such a position that D is above the aperture. If the Avater, instead of escaping into the atmosphere, escapes into a medium (gaseous or liquid) in which the pressure intensity at C is p, we shall have V w ^ This vessel is known as Mariotte's Bottle. 89. Discharge from a small orifice. If a liquid devoid of friction esea])es from a small orifice in a vessel in which the free surface is maintained at a constant level, the velocity in the vena contracta is given by the equation (Art. 88) , ^ ^ v= -J^gh (1) In the case of water, however, it is found that the velocity is not quite equal to this amount, but is very nearly a constant fraction, ju, of the value g-iven by (i ). The fraction \x is nearly equal to unity (about -97). We may therefore put . V = \i wig1i (2) Again, if *S' is the area of the aperture, and c denotes the coefficient of contraction (Art. 87), the area of the cross- section of the vena contracta is c/S ; so that the volume of water issuing from the vessel per unit of time is cixSV2gh (3) If the unit of leng-th is a foot and the unit of time D ^ m ^-A~ « o ^ Steady Motion wider the Action of Gravity. 381 u second, this will be the discharg-e in cuhic feet per second, and multiplying" it by v, the mass of the liquid per unit volume (in this case 62^ pounds), we obtain the mass dis- charged per unit of time. Practically the product cii may be taken as -62. 90. Flow through a large orifice. The determination of the discharge through a large orifice cannot be satis- factorily accomplished by theory. Suppose, for example, that the orifice is a rectangle, ABCl), vn\h ^c ^ vertical and horizontal sides, and [ that i/iI/(Fig. lOcS) represents the j level of the free surface in the vessel, the flow being- supposed to take place through the orifice towards us as we look at the figure. Y\g. 108. Divide the area of the aperture into an indefinitely gi-eat number of narrow horizontal strips, of which that between the horizontal lines m and n is the type. Let the depths below LM of the lines AD and BC be h^ and h.,, respectively, those of the lines m and n being z and z + dz. Let AD === h ; then, supposing that the aperture between, m and n alone existed, the volume of the discharge would be given by (3) of last Article, in which S = hdz. Denoting the product c[i\,y ^^ ^^^ K^ '^^ ^^^ '^•'^^^ ^i^~ charged per unit time through the strip, we have dQ = kbio J 2CJZ .dz (i) Now the assumption that /• is constant for all the strips enables us to find Q, the total discharge ; but clearly this assumption cannot be strictly correct, for each strip does not discharge as if it alone existed as an aperture. 382 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokmetics. Assuming' h to be constant, we integrate (i) from i- = /5j^ to ^ = //gj ^^^ obtain q = lHio ^/Tg{1i}--h-^) (2) To calculate the energy per second which flows through the orifice, if v is the velocit of the portion d Q, its kinetic energy is — . dO.. i. e. zd Q. Energy per unit time is called Power. Hence if dV is the power of this flow, dF =. khw Vig . z^ dz, .'. F = \khw */ig{1i.^ — 1i^). ... (3) If in this expression length is measured in feet, time in seconds, and w in pounds, since the unit of power called a Horse-Power is 550 foot-pounds' weight per second, we get the Horse-Power of the discharg-e equal to the right- hand side of (3) divided by 550. If ABC is small compared with the depth //j, and if h is the depth of the centre of area of the orifice, we can easil}^ find from (3) that Q = kw8 V2gh, (a) where S = the area of the orifice. For if AB = 2a, we have /i.^ = /^ (i + j^, //^ = /i(^i — ^), and expanding in powers of -^ 3 we see that the term y^ disappears, and (a) is true if we neglect the small fraction yr • As another example of the same kind, suppose the orifice to be circular (Fig. 108). Steady Motion under the Action of Gravity. 383 Let h be the depth of 0, the centre of the orifice, below the level, LM, of the water in the vessel or reservoir, let r be the radius of the circle, and break up the area by a series of indefinitely close horizontal lines. If F is any point on the circumference of the circle, OA the vertical diameter, and Z FOA = 0, the area of the strip at F is 2 r- sin- 6 (/ ; therefore the discharge, dQ, through this strip is g-iven by the equation (IQ = 2kr^w \/2ff{/i-r cos e).&m^ Ode. . . (4) Supposing r to be small compared with //, it will be sufficient to expand the radical in powers of j as far as the second. Then dQ = 2h-^io V2gh (i — A cos6~~^ cos^ ^) sin^OdO. (5) Integrating from ^ = o to (9 = tt, we have ,.2 Q z= -nkr-w 'J2fjh (i ^) (6) 91. Fluid revolving about vertical axis. If a vessel, represented in a vertical section by ACB, Fig. 109, and containing a fluid, is set rotating round a vertical axis, Cr, after a short time the fluid, owing to friction between its par- ticles and against the surface of the vessel, will rotate like a rigid body with the angular velocity w ; each particle, P, will describe a horizontal circle with this angular velocity, so that if FN is the perpendicular from F on the axis of rotation, the resultant acceleration of the particle is directed along FN from F towards N^ and is to'-. NF in magnitude. Denote NF by r, and consider an indeli- 384 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinctics. nitely small jiarticle of mass dm at P ; then the resultant mass-acceleration of this particle is orr.chn, (i) and this vector is directed from P towards K. [The reversed mass-acceleration, — (jo'^rdm, is called the z force of inertia of the particle, or its ^ I g/ resistance to acceleration. It is most jo_.^^^ important to understand that this force =^^^^ of inertia is not a force acting on the H^^f particle, but one exerted tjj/ it on the Nr^^f surrounding- medium, or, g-enerally, on i^^^T the agent or agents accelerating its c motion. Thus, then, if o is the vector Fig. loq representing the resultant acceleration of a particle, dm, a force completely represented by — a . dm in absolute units, or — . d/n in gravitation units, is the resultant force exerted bj/ the particle ou the agents acting upon it. Now the fundamental principle of all Dynamics is this : for eacA particle of any material system (whether rigid body, natural solid, liquid, or gas) the resultant mass-acceleration is in magnitude and direction the exact resultant of all the forces acting upon the particle. These forces will, in general, consist partly of pressures from the surrounding particles, partly of attractions from these particles, and partly of attractions from bodies outside the system. If we consider the equivalence of the resultant mass-acceleration, adm, to these forces under three separate heads, we deduce Steady Motion under the Action of Gravity. 385 three great i)rinciples of Dynamics. Thus, if we consider that ad m has — 1. The same virtual work for any imag-ined displace- ment of the particle, 2. The same moment about any axis, 3. The same component along- any line, as the whole sj^stem of forces acting' on the particle, and that this is true for (?t;(?ry particle of the system, we have at once the principles of — 1 . Kinetic Energ-y and Work, 2. Time-rate of change of Moment of Momentum, 3. Motion of Centre of Mass, for every material system. If the forces acting are measured in gravitation units, their complete equivalent is a 9 Suppose that at any point, P, Fig. 110, we take as the element dm a very short and thin cylinder, abed, of the fluid having its axis along the tangent at P to any curve AB. Let the length Ic = ds ; let (T be the area of the cross-section, ab, of the cylinder ; let F be the external force per unit mass exerted on the fluid at P, and there- fore Fdm the force on the cylinder, not in- cluding the pressure exerted on its surface by the surrounding fluid ; let a be the resultant Fig. no. acceleration of the particle ; and let j^ ^^ the intensity of pressure on the face ah, and therefore dp p + -T- (I'S that on cd. ds Then dm = toads, if w is the mass of the fluid \)cx unit c c 386 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinctics. volume at P ; and if we resolve forces in the direction of the tangent at P to the curve, we see that wa-ds . - has 9 the same component along this tangent, in the sense PB, as clt} F. wa-ds and — j-ds.a, the length of the arc s being measured from A. Hence if a, is the component of a along the tangent at P and S is the component of F, we have ?; = 5-if' (2) g to lis ' This equation connects the acceleration in any direction with the force intensity and the rate of change of pressure intensity in that direction. Now suppose the external force to be gravity. Taking the right line i\T (Fig. 109) as the direction of *, (2) becomes ,„2„ ,/„ 10.— = -!^', (3) g dr ^^' and again, taking the vertical downward direction at P as that of s, (2) becomes dp where z is the depth of P below any fixed horizontal plane. Now ji is a function of r and z only, so that , dp - dp , dp — ~- dr •\- -J- dz = w{~dr+dz) (5) || \ 2g J Steady Motion under the Action of Gravity. 387 where C is a constant, which may be determined from a knowlcd,in;-e of 7; at some one point. If /v^, is the value of 7; at 0, the point in which the free surftice cuts the axis of rotation, and if is taken as orig-in, since r = z = o ut 0, we have C = p^ ; hence 2 *> p=p, + tv[— + z) (6) At all points on the free surface ;; = p^, therefore the equation of this surface is 17+^ = ° (7) showing' that the z of every point on it is neg-ative, i.e., all these points are higher than 0. This equation denotes a parabola whose latus rectum is -\ > and the free surface is CO therefore a paraboloid g-enerated by the revolution of this surface round Oz. If the vertical upward line Oz is taken as axis of x, and a tangent at as axis of ^, the equation of the para- bola is, in its usual form, f=^-^ («) If the fluid contained in the vessel is a g-as, equations (2), (3), (4) still hold, and, in addition, p = ho (Art. 48) ; hence (5) becomes J) k^g .'. p = Je ^ , (10) where A is a constant to be determined either from a c c 3 388 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. knowledge of p at some point or from the given mass of the fluid. Equation (10) shows that for a gas the free surface and the surfaces of constant pressure intensity are still paraboloids. In the same way, if the vessel contains two fluids that do not mix, their surface of separation is a paraboloid of revolution. For if ii\ w are their specific w^eights, we have (if they are liquids) 2 .2 p = rv ( \- z) + C for one, \ 2ff ^ 2 2 y =w' (^^ + A + C for the other, ^ y 2ff ^ and since at all points on the surface of separation p = p', we have the equation of a paraboloid of revolution, as before. The equation of the free surface can also be deduced from the principle of Virtual Work thus. When the position of relative equilibrium has been assumed, imagine the bounding surface A OB to be very slightly displaced and to become A'C/B' . Then the variation contemplated in the equation of Virtual Work may be confined to the surface particles occupying- the volume between the surfaces AOB and A'O'B'. As in Fig-. 86, p. 316, a part of this volume will be positive and a part negative. The princijde of Virtual Work applied to any system /)f particles in motion is simply that the sum of the virtual works of the mass- accelerations of the particles is equal to the sum of the virtual works of the forces (in absolute measure) external and internal acting on the system. Now the resultant acceleration of a particle dm at a distance r from the axis of revolution is co-y, towards the axis, and the resultant Sfradv Motion under flic Acfiou of Cravify. 389 ntiass-acceleration of this particle is ay^rflm, whose virtual work is —uP-rdmhr. The external force actinj^ on the particle is its weight, y^/w/, whose virtual work is ghz.dw, if z is measured downwards from a fixed plane. Hence — oi^/r ^ r . dm = g fh z . dm, + <)z] ondci= o, /(' where, as in Art. 72, 5« is the arbitrary normal displace- ment of the element dS of the surface AOB. Hence as hn is arbitrary at all points, we have (ti^rbr ^ ■ + bz = 0, 9 the integral of which gives the equation (6) of the free surface before obtained. Examples. 1. A cylinder contains a given quantity of water. If it is rotated round its axis (held vertical), find the angular velocity at which tlie water begins to overflow. Let AOB represent the surface of the rotating liquid, the, points A and B being at the top of the cylinder ; let r and /t be the radius and height of the cylinder, and c the heiglit to which the cylinder, when at rest, is filled. Then since B is on the parabola, if f is the depth of below ^^' 2(1 ^ But the volume of the water remains unchanged, and it is the volume of the cylinder minus the volume of the pai'aboloid AOB. This latter is ^ . f I Hence CO" rVt_l,f = r^c, (2) CO ... ^='-^^SE^ (3) 390 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. The above is on the supposition that the water begins to over- flow before the vertex, 0, of the parabola reaches the base, C, of the cylinder. In this case, with any angular velocity, to, if PQ is the level to which the water rises, and LM is the level at which the water stands when at rest, it is easily proved that depth of below LM = height of PQ above LM. . (4) Take now the case in which c is so small in comparison with h that reaches C (or the base begins to get dry) before the water begins to overflow. The angular velocity at which reaches C is — . Let co = (i + w) ; then if 0' (below r T C) is the vertex of the parabola, we have CO' =2n{i-\-n)c, (5) the height of PQ (the water level) above the base is 2c{i-\-n); and if the free surface cuts the base in R, we have (6) which is the radius of the dry circle on the base. The water will begin to overflow when the height of PQ above the base is A; i.e., ,- 0, = '*^/? (7) which is quite different in foi m from (3) ; so that if c is in- finitely small, i. e., if there is only an infinitely thin layer of water put originally into the cylinder, it will not begin to over- flow until 0) is infinitely great ; and in tliis case GR = r, as it should be. 2. A heavy cylinder floats with its axis vertical in a liquid contained in a vessel which rotates uniformly round a vertical axis ; find the length of the portion of the cylinder immersed. Let PQ, Fig. Ill, be the level of the liquid round the cylinder, and PEDQ the immersed portion, the free surface being APOQB, and the vertex of the parabola. Now, by the same reasoning as that in Art. 22, it is obvious that the resultant action of the liquid on the cylinder is the same as that which the liquid would exert on the liquid which would fill the volume POQDEP ; hence the weight, W, of the Steady Motion under the Action of Gravity. 391 cylinder must be equal to the weight of this volume of the liquid. Let r be the radius of the cy- linder and Om the jjcrpendicular from on FQ ; then Om = > 2g and the volume of the displaced liquid = TTr''.PE-Yo\.POQ ^irr'^PE- hence U w = specific weight of liquid, PE = W + w fl^ Tir^w 4g Figr. III. 3. A vessel of given form containing water is set rotating round a vertical axis, the vessel and the liquid being in relative equilibrium ; find the greatest angular velocity of the vessel which will allow all the water to escape through a small orifice at the lowest point of the vessel. Let the vessel be ACB, Fig. 109, C being its lowest point; assume the free surface to pass through C, the latus rectum of 20 the parabola being -— ; then, taking C as origin, the tangent at O) C as axis of y and the vertical upward line as axis of x, express 20. the condition that the parabola y'^ = —~ x mtersects the curve ACB in no other point than C Thus, if the vessel is a sphere (with another small hole at the top) of radius a, the parabola will be completely outside the sphere if co^ = -• a 4. A cylinder whose axis is vertical is filled with a given mass of gas and set rotating round its axis ; if the gas is assumed to move in relative equilibrium with the cylinder, find the intensity of pressui'e at any point. 392 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokindics. We have, measuring z from the top of the cylinder dp ■=■ wd( \- z), . 1 /, of the external force and the force of inertia. (By the external force at P is meant, as before explained, the resultant of all forces, excluding- pressures, which act on the particle.) The following is also an important result : if in the fluid we describe a surface of constant pressure intensity, p^ , and also a very close surface of constant pressure intensity, /?2 (Pi and p,^ differing' by an infinitesimal amount), the normal distance between these close surfaces at any point P is inversely proportional to the magnitude of the force at P. For in Fig. 112, (a) or (tj), take on the line P

minus the projection of PA, which is obviously P4>, which we have denoted simply by 4>. In Fig. (^) the projection of PA along P<1> in the sense PQ is negative, so that the right-hand side of (3) is the arithmetic sum of the projections of PA and PF, which is, again, , Hence A«=L.^, (4) and since at all points on the surface of constant pressure through P w^e have p = p^ , and at all points on that through Q, p = ^2^ ^'^ see that An, or PQ, the normal distance between the two surfaces at any point, varies inversely as . The case of a fluid at rest is, of course, a particular instance. In this case 4> is simply the resultant external force per unit mass, and the normal distance between any two close surfaces of constant pressure varies inversely as this force. 93. Definition of a Wave. Any disturbance w^hich is communicated from point to point of a body whereby each particle is displaced from its position of rest and the relative distances and directions of the particles are altered is called a wave. As a rule, in such disturbances the displacement of each particle from its position of rest in the body is small — or, at any rate, small comi^ared with PFave Mo/iofi itiuicr Gravity (Simple Cases). 397 otlier nia<^nitudes which arc involved in the parliculur case concerned. Moreover, the motions of tlie individual j)articles may be very complicated, or may be simple oscillatory motions in small circles or other closed curves. Thus, when in a long tube filled with air the air at one end is disturbed by a sudden impulse along- the tube, the whole air column will be set in motion of a to-and-fro kind, and the disturbance will reach the far end of the tube, while no particle ever departs far from its position of rest. So likewise in the case of an iron bar which is sti'uck at one end ; and so, again, in the well-known case of a long stretched string one end of which is fixed while the other end is agitated by the hand ; or both ends may be fixed while the string is rubbed by a bow at any intermediate point. In all these cases the disturbance which travels by communication from particle to particle throughout the medium is called a wave. 04. Trochoids. If a circle rolls without sliding along a right line, any point ' carried ' by the cii'cle traces out a curve called a trochoid. If the carried point is one on the circumference of the rolling circle, the trochoid becomes the common cycloid ; if the carried point lies outside the circumference, the trochoid is a looped curve ; and if it lies inside the circumference, the locus is devoid of loops. Thus, in Fig. 113, let the fixed line on which the circle rolls be LM ; let E be the rolling circle having its centre at and touching the line at B ; let A be the carried point at a distance OA, or r, from 0, while OB = K. Then as the circle rolls along LM, its centre describes the line Ox, parallel to LM. Let C be the position of at any instant ; then if Q is the angle rolled through, we have OC = BI = RO, where / is the point of contact of the rolling circle with LM. Now to find the position, P, 398 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. occupied by the point A, we may measure off the arc Bi equal to BI \ then BOi is the angle, Q, throug-h which the circle — and every rig-ht line carried by the circle — has revolved, the sense of the rotation being denoted by the Fig. 113- arrow a. Hence the line OA has revolved through this angle, and therefore if w^e draw CB parallel to Oi and equal to r, we obtain the position B to which A has come. The trochoid traced out by A is the wavy curve ABQ^, symmetrical at both sides of the line OA \ and obviously the trochoids described by all other points on the circle of radius OA will be merely the same curve in different positions. This curve will have a series of crests^ such as that at A^ and a series of hollows or troughs, such as that at Q, — at which point the moving point A reaches a maximum distance, B + r, from LM. We may put the case in another way. Instead of imagining a single circle, B, to roll into successive positions and to carry a point A with it, let us imagine at one and the same instant a series of circles, B, B, . . . each of radius B touching LM, and a series of points A, P, ... taken on circles of radius r with centres 0, C, ... so that the angular deflection of the lines OA, CB, ... from the vertical are pro- Wave Motion under Gravity {Simple Cases). 399 portional to the distances of the centres from ; then the points A, P, ... all lie on a trochoid. If now these i)oints A, P, ... are all revolving- with the same ang-ular velocity, CO, they will all at each instant lie on a trochoid, which will be merely the trochoid APQ in the fig^ure dis})laced in a direction parallel to LJU. The trochoid will appear to travel towards the right or towards the left of the figure, so that there will no longer be a crest above 0, until all the moving- points A, P,... have completed revolutions in their circles, and then a complete wave length (distance between two consecutive crests or two consecutive troughs) of the curve will have travelled past 0, and past every other fixed point. The radius r is called the tracing arm of the trochoid. Theorem I. If the radius of the rolling circle is taken equal to '—j,, where w is the angular velocity of the points ^, P, ... in their circles, the trochoid is a curve of constant intensity of pressure of a liquid whose surface particles when at rest under gravity are A, P, ..., and when set in motion revolve in the smaller circles with constant angular velocity (0, all these circles lying- in the same vertical plane. (We assume for the present that such a motion of the liquid particles is a possible one.) For, assuming that the typical particle P moves with constant velocity in the circle round C, its resultant acceler- ation is (li^r and is directed in PC; also the dii-ection of y is 76', therefore the direction of is IP, because the re- versed acceleration is cd". CP, and gravity is co^. /C, and the direction of their resultant is IP, which is the normal to the surface of constant pressure. But since / is the in- stantaneous centre of the rolling- circle, IP is the normal to the trochoid ; therefore, &c. The trochoid APQ being- that occupied at any instant by 400 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. the siu'face particles of the liquid, the constant intensity of pressure along- it is^>„, the atmospheric intensity. If BM and BO are taken as axes of x and y, respectively, the co-ordinates of P are y = R — r cos6. Tlieorem II. As we descend vertically into the fluid, the curves of constant pressure are also trochoids. To get the indefinitely near curve, qNm, of constant pressm'e p, we produce the normal IP throug-h P and on it take a length given by (4) of Art. 92. Let, then, PN = ^^^, Fig. 114. Now 4> = 0,2. 7P, thereiore wc^^IP (0 h 1 L wf- " ^ \. i! — fc kr^. r 1 — _-V __ — We shall now show that the locus of iV is a trochoid. Let P' be a point on the radius CP^ let PP' = — dr, and consider the trochoid which is traced out by P' as the circle of radius CI, or R, rolls along L3I. Let this trochoid receive a motion of translation P^F verti- cally downwards. It will then, in this new position, be the trochoid generated by the rolling of a circle of radius R along a horizontal line at a depth equal to PT below B3I, and if GC'=Fr, the centre of the cii-cle which generates this trochoid is C. We shall now show that the lengths PP' and PTcan be determined so that the trochoid last mentioned shall pass through all the points N. Let Z CIP = cjj, and ^ICP = 6, as in Fig. 114. Then Fig. 114. JVaz'C Motion under Gravity {Simple Cases). 401 if PiV = sum of projections of PP' and PT along- IN, the trochoid will pass throug-h N. Assume, then, PN= ~ dr . cos (^ + <|)) + P' V. cos (/>. Putting P'V=clr], and observnng that cos . IP. and IP . PN has been proved constant, so that we have and V . PN is proportional to the quantity which flows across PN iper unit time ; this is, therefore, the same at all points of the channel ; and hence the motion is possible. Observe that the motion here shown to be possible does not require the displacements of the particles from their original positions to be small : the circles, each of radius r, Wave Motion midcr Gravity (Siuiple Cases). 403 (lescn])ed l)y thorn may be of any ma<,''nitnclo, with tlic sole condition thut the depth of the litiuid must be very )-(//+C, . (18) where ^ stands for nt — mx, and C is a constant. Wave Motion under Gravity {Sinip/e Cases). 413 Since /=>/ + i], if we use the hyperbolic notation c'"y + e-""" =. 2 cosh w/y ; e"*" — e" "•" = 2 sinh wy, (19) we have — n = 2 (i^ sin (|) — i^' cos (/j) f cosh mv+ff sinh »zv) to ^ m ' -gy^C. (20) Hence the value of j'j at the surface will be independent — cosh w?^ — fl' sinh ?;i/i = o, . . . . (21) m since 1/ = h for surface points. If V is the velocity of propagation of the wave K=^vT, (22) so that (21) becomes 27r "^ A -^ The velocity with which the wave is propagated will there- fore depend on the depth of the liquid and on the length of the wave. Lo7ig waves in shallow water. If the depth of the liquid is small compared with the length of the wave, e '^ +e ^ =2, neglecting -j, and e ^ —e -^=471-; and in this case ^ ^ y^^ (24) which gives the well-known result that in shallow water, all waves (provided their lengths are very much greater than the depth of the water) are propagated with the same velocity, which is that acquired by a body falling freely through a height equal to half the depth of the water. In this case it also appears from (14) and (15) that the maximum horizontal displacements of all particles are much greater than the maximum vertical displacements. In 414 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. "•eneval, these equations show that the orbit described by a disturbed particle about its position of rest is an ellipse ^"' + ^W = 4(i' + i''), • (25) eosh^^O sinh^(^0 whose horizontal axis in the case of long- waves in shallow water is much greater than the vertical axis. The value of ^ in this case (i. e., when - is small) shows also that, to the second order of small quantities, it is true that all particles which were orig-inally in the same vertical plane perpendicular to the direction of propag-ation of the wave, will at all times be in a common vertical plane parallel to the original one : the vertical motions of these points are, of course, different ; so that we can suppose the motion to be produced by parallel vertical planes of particles oscillating" backwards and forwards horizontally, while the particles in these planes have small up and down motions in the planes. The problem of such waves is, indeed, often solved by starting with this assumption, and the equation (4) is then used in an integrated form as follows : let the vertical section Tp of the liquid at rest have abscissa x ; and assume the particles in this section to occupy the plane P7/ at any time when the liquid is in motion, the distance between the planes P/j and V p being- f. Let Q^ be a vertical section parallel to Pp, at distance A a; from Pp, and let the particles in this plane occupy the plane Q'/ when the liquid is in motion ; then, since ^ z=.f{x), the displacement of Cl'q from its orig-inal position is f{x + A a,-), i.e., ^ + 7- ^^ ; and the abscissae of P// and QY ^'eing X \ $ and x + A,c + $+ — Ax, the distance be- IVnvc Motion under Gravity {Simple Cases). 415 tween these planes is f i + , ) A.x'. We liave now to cx- ^ ax ' press the foct that the vohime of li(ini(l contained between the planes Fji and (^q is equal to that contained between rp' and QV- Let the elevation o{ P' above All be e ; then Vp =h + f, and if the sides of the channel containing- the li(|uid are vertical and parallel, i.e., if the channel is a rectangular canal, its cross-section perpendicular to AB is of constant area, so that we have simply /iAa; = (// + e) (i + '--) Aa?, . . . (26) it kAj .-. //^+e = o (27) ax Now this equation is the equivalent of (4), because if we integrate (4) with respect to y from the bottom to the top. i.e., from p to P, we have (since ^ does not sensibly in- volve j^) ^ rn^^^ + f^'^d =0 dx Jq J{) dji or h - + e = o. ax Observe that this equation holds in all cases in which the vertical motions are small compared with the hori- zontal, and not merely in the case in which the motion is oscillatory, so that we are now dealing with the general equations (i), (2) of Art, 95 instead of the special equations (2), (3) of Art. 96, which are limited to oscillatory motion. Again, (2) of Art. 95 shows that if ^, is very small, the value of p at any point in the disturbed liquid is y,^ + 1^ iji + e ~y') where p^ is the value of p on the free 4i6 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. surface ; hence from (i) of Art. 95, dfi ^ dx =^''0 (^«) Now if V = -Jgh, the integral of this equation is well knovv^n to be ^= ^{x-~vt) + ^{x-\-vt\ .... (29) where ^ and -^ are any symbols of functionality whatever. If and t/^ are circular functions (sines or cosines) the disturbance is periodic, or oscillatory, because the values of ^ are reproduced after a constant interval, and then the case becomes that which we have just discussed — viz., oscillaiory motion in which the vertical displacement is very small with respect to the horizontal. In the general case now supposed — viz., motion in which the vertical displacement is very small with respect to the horizontal, while the motion is not necessarily of the oscil- latory or periodic kind, the function ^{x — vt) denotes a disturbance travelling' in the positive sense of x, while y}/{x + vt) denotes one travelling in the oj)posite sense ; and the velocity of each is v. TFaves in very deep water. Applying now the results obtained for periodic or oscillatory waves to the case in which the depth, //, of the liquid is vastly greater than A, the wave-length — as in the case of waves in the ocean — we 2jrA 7 2 77 A have e ^ negligible, so that tanh — — = i, and (23) gives .= ./^, (30) SO that the velocity depends on the wave-length. Also the ellipses described by the particles become circles. IVave Motion under Gravity {Simple Cases). 417 Channel of any uniform cross-section. In obtaining- e(ina- tion (26) we have assumed the cross-section of the channel to be rectang-ular. But if the cross-section has any form, the corresponding- equation is easily obtained. Let A be the area of the cross-section ; then, still expressing- the fact that the volume between the planes F'p\ Q'q is equal to that between Pp, Qq, if e is the elevation of P' above the surface AB and /j is the breadth of the channel at the level AP, the area of the cross-section P"/ is A + be, and we have AAx={A + de)(^i+'^^jAx, . . . (31) which shows that in the previous results for a rectang-ular A channel we have merely to replace /i hy j> since the dynamical equations, (i), (2) of Art. 95, still hold. Hence, in particular, the velocity of the disturbance is (-^)' for lonff waves. Channel with sloping sides. The determination of the displacements of water contained in a channel of any cross- section— even when this cross-section is the same at all points along- the channel — has not yet been effected. Moreover, the problem has not been solved even in the simple case in which the cross-section is a triangle whose two sides are equally inclined to the horizon, except when the inclination is 45° or 30°. The solution for the former case was obtained by Kelland on the assumption that the motion of the water is irrolational, i. e., that the com- ponents of displacement are the differential coefTicients of a function of x, y, z. Thus, let the cross-Bection be an isosceles triangle whose inclined sides are AB and AC, its base BC being horizontal; let the horizontal line E e 4i8 Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. through A be taken as axis of a?, the vertical upward line throug-h A as axis of z, and the axis of ^ parallel to the breadth of the channel. Let the small components of displacement of the particle which at rest occupied the point {x, y, z) be ^, 77, C Then the equations of motion are en w dx \ \ ff_dp zo dy dt'^ -^ wdz' With these must be combined the equation dC {?>3) d^ d^ _„ _ dx dy dz ' (34) which implies the ineompressibility of the liquid. Now whatever values we determine for ^, 77, C, must satisfy the boundary condition, viz., that the displacement of every particle which, when at rest, lay on the side AB must be along AB^ and the displacement of every particle which lay on AC must be along AC\ i.e., the values of f, 77, C, must be such that («) when y — zz=o we have rj — ^ = o, and when y ■\-z ■=. o we have 77 + ^ = o. Suppose f, 77, ^ to be the differential coefficients with respect to x^ y, z, respectively, of some function ^, and assume (P =f(y,z). cos (fd-mx) (^s) Then (34) gives cPf . dY dy ^z + dz^ '' (36) Wave Motion under Gravity {Simple Cases). 419 To satisfy this assume /(,y, z) = ./ (6-^" + e-^^) [e^- + e-'% . . . (37) where A is a constant. Then C^6) o-ives F~ + P = w\ (38) which will be satisfied by assuming k = m cos a, I =■ m sin a. Calculating- f] and ^from (37) with these values of k and /, we find that the conditions (a) will be satisfied if a = - • Hence the required function (^ whose differential coefficients give the displacements is given by m;i mil mz mz KY FiiowrE, Amen Corner, K.C. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, ETC. Carte's Life of James JDuke of Ormond. 6 vols. Svo. il. js, Casaubon (Isaac). 1559-1614. By Mark Pattison. 8vo'. i6s. 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