9Q4yn 5 779 UC-NRLF III III |iliiliilili|ililll|llii|ii|ii Mill illll III III B 2 VSfl :35c' •X) CO o i'Q GIFT OF ^^ ^r- « J 1:1: OWr ifs of fh^i Author /"N 7 mi ,;:■ [Reprinted from The American Mataematical Monthly, Vol. XXXV,' Apri!,M9l? |'\ J *? ' NOTE ON SOME APPLICATIONS OF A GEOMETRICAL TRANS- FORMATION TO CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF SPHERES.^ By dr. henry W. STAGER, Fresno, California. Ill a paper in Volume VI of the Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, Professor Allardice considers the transformation in piano: Let I be a fixed straight line, C any plane curve, t a tangent to C meeting / in X and making an angle 6 with /; then C, the transformed curve of C, is the envelope of a straight line t' through X making an angle with I, where 6 and are connected by the relation tan |0 = k tan ^6. The length of the tangent from any point in I to C remains unaltered by the trans- formation. A similar method is applicable in space and the following paper gives some of the results in its applications to certain systems of spheres. The method of transformation is as follows: Let a be a fixed plane, S any surface, and ^ a plane tangent to S intersecting a in the line i and making with a an angle 6. If (3' be a plane through i making with a an angle 0, determined by the relation (1) tan ^(f) = k tan hd, then the envelope of j8' will be defined as the transformed surface of S, or, more simply, the "transform of S." ^.. From the given relation, tan ^0 — k tan |0, and the identity, _ 2 tan (/)/2 we find that 2k tan d (2) tan (j) ± (1 - F) Vl + tan2 d + 1 + F ' It is evident from the nature of this relation that for every value of k there are two values of tan 0, according as we consider the angle afi as d or (6 -{- ir). For simplicity, we will use Cartesian coordinates to find the equation of the I transform of a given sphere from its equation, and we will take the .r^-plane as the plane of transformation, a. Let 6 be the angle formed by the .r?/-plane and the plane ux + vy + ivz — 1 = 0, and be the angle formed by the a-z/-plane and the plane ux + vy + 2^12 — 1 = 0. (Since the intercepts of both planes on the .T-axis and on the y-ax\s are equal, respectively l/u and l/v, they intersect the .T2/-plane in the same line, as required by the transformation.) ' Presented to the San Francisco Section of the American Mathematical Society, April 12, 1913. ' 1*55 •' APPUCATIONS OF A GEOMETRICAL TRANSFORMATION. From the formula for the angle between two planes, _ (J?(7^ - B'Cf + { CA' - CAY + {AB' - A'Bf tan- - ^^j, _^ ^^, _^ ^^,^2 we have *?/ ■ I ■ ill" 97 I I -i*** tan- = ^ — and tan^ (b = , — . Substituting these values in equation (2) and solving for w, we obtain (1 + /r)wi ± (1 - F) a/m2 _^ ^^+^2 (3) ^. = 2^ , or, ,^^ , 2(1 + A;4)Wi2 + (1 - F)2(W2 + ^2) _i. 2^,(1 _ Jt4) Vw2 + ^2 _|. ^^2 (4) ^2 = _^^ , Now, let the center of the sphere lie in the 2-axis and its equation will be (5) x^+y''+z'' + 2nz+ d= 0. Expressing the condition that the plane ux -\- vy -\- wz — 1 = he tangent to this sphere, we have (6) (d - 71^1^ + (d - n^y + dw'^ + 2nw +1 = 0, which is the tangential equation of the sphere. Substituting the values of w and w- found in (3) and (4) and then simplifying and factoring the result, we have the equation of the transform of the given sphere [{(F + lyd - 2n^{¥ + 1) + 2n{h^ - 1) -in^ - d]{iv' + v") + Ulc^w^- + 4F + 4/j{n(P + 1) + (F- - 1) 4n^ - d]wA X [{(/r + l)-(i (7) , - 2n\k' + 1) - 2/t(/.-' - 1) V/i2 - d^iv" + r) + Ukhci'^ + 4^^ + 4/j{n(F + 1) _ (/,2 _ 1) V^i^ _ d]ic?[ = 0. This equation breaks up into two equations which are the tangential equations of two spheres, and may be written in the form (8) yli(w2 ^ ^2) ^ Q^^,2 _^ 2NiWi + D = 0; (9) ^2(^2 + v"") + Cwi" + 2A^2Wi + D= 0. The Cartesian equations of these forms are (10) {CD - Ni')x^ + (CD - iVi2)7/2 + AiDz"" + .4iC + 2yli.Yi2 = 0; (11) {CD - N2V + {CD - N.})y'' + AnDz- + J-.C + 2/I2.V02 = 0, where, from the actual values of the coefficients involved. TO CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF SPHERES. 156 (CD - Ni") = AiD, and {CD - Ni") = A^D. Simplifying and substituting, we have finally (12) 4F(.t2 + 2/2 + S-) + ik{n(F" + 1) + (/v- - 1) Vw^ - d}z + 4" = tan ^ d' tan ^ 6", where 0', cf)", 6', 6" are the angles formed by the given planes and the plane determined by the lines of intersection of the two pairs of opposite planes. 1 The twelve centers of similitude of four spheres lie in sets of six in a plane: the six direct centers lie in a plane; the three direct centers of any three spheres lie in a plane with the three inverse centers not paired with them; and any two direct centers, using each sphere only once, lie in a plane with the four inverse centers not paired with them. Thus there are eight planes of similitude, one containing all the direct centers; four containing three direct and three inverse centers; and three containing two direct and four inverse centers. 159 APPLICATIONS OF A GEOMETRICAL TRANSFORMATION. Transform the sphere into a point with the external diagonal plane as the plane of transformation, and let the angles of the transformed planes with this plane of transformation be and 6, corresponding respectively to the angles 4)' , (f)" and 6', 6". We then have the following relations: tan I = A- tan \ <^'; tan \ d = k tan h 6'; tan I (0 + tt) = /.• tan | (j>"; tan ^ (d + t) = k tan | d". Eliminating cj), 6, h frdin these equations, we have the given condition. 2. If five spheres have a common plane of similitude they may be transformed into five points by the same transformation. Therefore the distances between the points of contact of the common tangent planes of each pair of spheres satisfy the relation connecting the ten straight lines joining five points in space. Let di, do, dz, • • ■ f/io be the distances. Then the relation is given by the determinant^ rfr d-z' ^3^ d:~ di' d/ d,' d^' d,' d,' de dS is a sphere tangent to four given spheres, which are tangent to one another, the five spheres have common planes of similitude. Transforming the four spheres into points, the points will coincide, since each sphere touches one of the others. But the four points must lie on S', the trans- 161 APPLICATIONS OF A GEOMETKICAL TRANSFORMATION. form of S, and therefore S' must also reduce to a point simultaneously with the other four; hence the result. 8. The locus of the centers of all spheres which touch a given sphere and have a common plane of similitude with it is an ellipsoid of revolution. Let r be the radius and d be the distance from the common plane of similitude of the center of the given sphere, and let p and 8 be the radius and distance respectively of the variable sphere. Transform the spheres into points for the same value of k and we have 7 (J d' = ^ (k + lA) -lik- l/k) • 6' = 2 (/. + 1/^) - 2 ^^' ~ ^'^'^' But, since all the spheres are tangent to the given sphere, the points into which they transform are coincident, and therefore, d' = 5'. Hence {k - HMr +p) = (^d+b- Y^^^ {k + m, or, (r + p)/(5 + c) = e, where e and c are constants. Therefore, the locus of the centers of the spheres is the locus of a point, the ratio of whose distances from the center of the given sphere to its distance from a plane parallel to and at the distance c from the common plane of similitude is constant; i. e., an ellipsoid of revolution. Caylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. MI. IMI. 21, 19« ^U US^Od lii UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY